Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 5: The Brezhnev Years 1964-1981 9781487599539

This set of four volumes is an indispensable reference work for the study of modern Russia in general and Soviet Communi

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Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Volume 5: The Brezhnev Years 1964-1981

Table of contents :
General Editor's Preface
Editor's Preface
5.1 On Eliminating Unjustified Restrictions on the Private Plots of Kolkhozniks, Workers, and Employees* 27 October 1964
Plenum of the Central Committee 24 -26 March 1965
XXIII Party Congress 29 March-8 April 1966
5.12 On the Work of the Central Committee of the Estonian Communist Party with Leading Cadres* 30 January 1967
Plenum of the Central Committee 9-10 April 1968
5.28 On the Work Experience of the Party Committee of the Shchekino Chemical Combine with Respect to Mobilizing its Collective of Working People to Expand the Volume of Production by Increasing Labour Productivity 6 October 1969
5.33 On Measures for Further Improving the Work of Raion and City Soviets of Working People's Deputies* 12 March 1971
5.39 On Literary and Art Criticism 21 January 1972
5.45 On Conducting Report-and-Election Meetings and Party Conferences* 3 October 1973
5.46 On the Work of the Moscow Higher Technical College, Named for N.E. Bauman, and the Saratov State University, Named for N.G. Chernyshevsky, in Raising the Ideological-Theoretical Level of Social Science Teaching 5 June 1974
5.47 On the Results of the Exchange of Party Documents* 31 January 1975
XXV Party Congress 24 February-3 March 1976
5.57 On Enhancing the Role of Oral Political Agitation in Fulfilling the Decisions of the XXV CPSU Congress 1 February 1977
Plenum of the Central Committee 27 November 1978
5.63 On Further Improving Ideological and Political-Upbringing Work 26 April 1979
XXVI Party Congress 23 February-3 March 1981

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The Brezhnev Years 1964-1981 The four volumes in this series are edited as an integral set. Each contains a subject index in which Russian abbreviations and acronymic names are translated. Tables summarizing the personnel of the main party executive bodies since 1917 are also provided. At the same time each of the volumes is built around a coherent period in the development of Russian Communism, and each reflects the special features of its time. Volume 5 covers Brezhnevs consolidation of power; the limits set on his rule are traced through leadership changes, institutional reforms, and policy development. The major industrial and agricultural reforms introduced under Brezhnev are documented, as are the struggle to implement the reforms, the resistance of managerial elites and workers, and Brezhnevs attempt to modernize the Soviet economy and improve levels of efficiency and productivity. Internal party changes reflecting the stable oligarchy that emerged after Khrushchev's removal are included, as well as Brezhnev's commitment to security of tenure for cadres and the changing nature and role of the purge. Party efforts to upgrade recruitment procedures, to change the qualitative composition of the party, to improve the procedures for ensuring routinization and responsiveness in the conduct of party business, and to upgrade the party education system are also documented. Evidence is provided of the party's struggle with corruption in the Georgian Republic and the regimes inability to cope effectively with the widespread growth of social problems. The volume conveys the flavour of oligarchic and bureaucratic politics that emerged with Brezhnev's style of leadership. DONALD v. SCHWARTZ is a member of the Department of Political Economy at the University of Toronto.

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Resolutions and Decisions of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Volume 5 The Brezhnev Years 1964-1981 Editor: Donal d V. Schwartz

University of Toronto Press Toronto Buffal o Londo n

© Universit y of Toronto Pres s 1982 Toronto Buffal o Londo n ISBN 0-8020-5552-4

Canadian Cataloguin g i n Publication Dat a Kommunisticheskaia partii a Sovetskogo Soiuza . Resolutions an d decisions o f the Communis t Part y of the Sovie t Union Contents: v . 5. The Brezhne v years , 1964-198 1 / editor: Donal d V . Schwartz. ISBN 0-8020-5552-4 (v . 5) 1. Kommunisticheskaia partii a Sovetskogo Soiuza . 2. Soviet Unio n - Politic s and government - 20t h century. I. Schwartz, Donald V . (Donal d Victor) , 1941II. Title. JN6598.K7K75 324.247'07 5 C75-04673

General Editor's Preface It ha s prove n difficul t t o synchroniz e thi s documentary serie s wit h Sovie t political history . Whe n th e wor k was planned, Khrushche v ha d onl y lately retired, an d the editor s believe d tha t i t would be possible to prepare a four volume series, the last volume of which would cover the entire period since the deat h o f Stalin. Grey Hodnett , th e edito r o f volume 4 , in fact collecte d materials and drafted a volume tha t include d Soviet Communist Part y decisions through the 1960s . Bu t we were excessively optimistic about the temp o of our wor k and increasingl y awar e tha t the Brezhne v administratio n was assuming a n histori c identity of its own. Thus w e decided t o terminate volume 4 with th e fal l o f Khrushchev an d t o ad d a fifth volume to cove r th e Brezhnev years . Donald V . Schwartz of the Universit y of Toronto assume d responsibility for this project, taking over the material that Grey Hodnett ha d prepared, t o be reworked for inclusion in a new context. At this point, in the earl y 1970s, i t did not seem plausible that Leonid Brezhnev woul d carr y o n a s part y leader int o the nex t decade . A s Donal d Schwartz approache d th e completio n o f hi s wor k i n th e latte r hal f o f th e 1970s, th e health of the General Secretar y was reported to be in decline, and it seemed that we could bring out a volume on the Brezhnev era shortly after its close . Bu t th e politica l and physica l resiliency o f th e Sovie t leade r ha s confounded thi s plan. The XXV I Party Congress cam e an d went i n Febru ary/March 198 1 wit h no hin t that Brezhne v wa s contemplating retiremen t for reason s of age or il l health. We now face d a dilemma. Donal d Schwartz had a finishe d volum e i n manuscrip t tha t woul d serve well the interes t o f many student s o f Sovie t affairs . Wa s it better t o withhol d publicatio n until the en d o f th e Brezhne v administration , whic h surel y coul d no t b e post poned indefinitely , or to publis h i t knowing that i t would lack an unknown number o f month s o r year s o f coverag e o f thi s administration ? W e con cluded, with some reluctance, tha t it would be better to sacrifice this elemen t of completeness i n favour o f the interest s of the potentia l user s of the work. Given Brezhnev' s remarkabl e durability , i t could b e year s before th e er a ends, just as it could happen with perverse suddenness a few weeks after the work was handed t o the printer . The Sovie t editor s o f the roughl y corresponding series , Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza v rezoliutsiiakh i resheniiakh s"ezdov, konfer-

vi G E N E R A


entsii i plenumov TsK (Communis t Part y of the Sovie t Unio n in Resolution s and Decision s o f Congresses , Conferences , an d Plenum s o f th e Centra l Committee) hav e no t ha d to deal with our proble m i n the sam e form. The eighth edition of this work, which began publication in 1970, has been gradually extende d a s the year s and document s accumulate . Volumes XI-XII , published in 1978 , hav e covere d th e Brezhne v era through 1977 , and one may assume tha t additiona l volume s wil l appea r ever y fe w years . Thi s serie s remains on e o f the basi c reference work s in th e Sovie t Union , on e o f th e fundamental record s o f the system , an d a foundation of political orthodoxy. Along with the collected writings of Lenin (whic h obviously do not deal with events afte r 1923) , the Sovie t series appears to be the most frequentl y cited authority i n Sovie t writin g on twentieth-centur y histor y an d politics . Th e Institute of Marxism-Leninism n o doubt had thi s in mind when the y published i n 197 3 a volume of 271 pages, entitled Spravochnyi to m k vos'momu izdaniiu KPSS v rezoliutsiiakh i resheniiakh s"ezdov, konferentsii i plenumov TsK (Index Volume to the Eighth Edition of CPSU in Resolutions and Decisions of Congresses, Conferences , an d Plenums of the Central Committee) . Robert H . McNeal

Editor's Preface The fift h volum e i n th e serie s Resolutions an d Decisions o f th e Communist Party o f the Soviet Union was compiled and written after the publicatio n of the first four volumes . Th e earl y volumes wer e edited by a collective of scholars who worked out the principles of selection and analysis together. These principles are identified in the General Editor' s introduction to volume 1. I hav e tried t o follow th e establishe d editoria l and selection principle s as closely as possible. I have operate d unde r th e assumptio n identifie d in volume 1 that the decisions of the CPS U are considered to be formal and binding expressions of the whol e party, that the y ar e operatin g commands, an d tha t the y draw their authority from the party bodies that issued them. Decisions tha t refer to the activities of specific party organizations are assumed to imply universalistic messages fo r all party organizations charged with similar responsibilities. I have excluded decisions issued by any authority other than the party , as well as decisions issued jointly by the party and another organization. Despite th e importance o f foreig n polic y a s a spher e o f party decision making , I hav e continued th e principl e establishe d i n th e earlie r volume s an d exclude d material relating to foreign affairs. A n additiona l constraint, imposed b y the party, ha s bee n a lack of published decision s i n area s considere d crucia l to understanding th e Brezhne v regim e by many Western observer s (e.g . th e Soviet military build-up and the treatmen t of dissidents). Despite attempt s to provid e continuity with the principle s of the previous fou r volume s i n th e series , circumstance s hav e dictate d tha t som e discontinuities also emerge , althoug h these appea r to be minor. The translator o f the fift h volume , M s Barbara Richmond, worked independently of the previous translators. However, Barbara and I have tried to provide translations that adhere closely to the style of the party resolutions so as to convey the flavou r o f the document s i n a manner simila r to th e earlie r volumes . Included in this volume are the brief resolutions approving Brezhnev's Central Committee Repor t t o th e XX V and XXVI Party congresses. Althoug h these resolutions contain nothing of substance, the y are important indicators of Brezhnev' s increase d authorit y an d the y hav e prove d t o b e usefu l fo r providing some analysi s of the conten t o f Brezhnev's reports, whic h served as surrogates for party decisions. Finally , the previou s volumes in the serie s had th e advantag e of focusing o n completed period s of history. The editor s

viii EDITOR'


could vie w th e part y decision s fro m th e perspectiv e o f observer s o f inte grated and unifie d stage s in the developmen t of the party . The edito r of the fifth volume has not bee n blesse d wit h such a luxury. The presen t volum e has been i n process since the mid-1970s and therefore judgment in selecting documents and providing commentary has had to be tempered by the realization that each decision chosen fo r inclusion may not be the last word of the party unde r Brezhnev' s leadership . Nevertheless , a t th e tim e whe n th e manuscript wen t t o pres s (mid-1981) , certai n trend s seeme d evident . Th e major decision s givin g direction to party organization and policy were made in the first decade of Brezhnev's tenure. Since the mid-1970s, there has been nothing of substance i n the party' s treatment of its internal organization, its relations with other institutions, and its domestic policy initiatives that would appear t o alte r dramatically the cours e of events givin g the Brezhne v years their distinct character. Continuit y and incremental changes have dominated party policy since th e establishmen t o f the basi c directions at the XXII I and XXIV Part y congresses. A t present , i t appears that any significant shifts i n party policy will have to await a new leadership and, perhaps, a new generation of leaders. Russian term s ar e translate d i f a generall y accepte d Englis h for m exists, bu t ar e transliterate d otherwise . I n th e latte r cas e th e ter m (e.g . oblast) i s treated a s a n anglicize d expression, withou t har d an d sof t sign s (except i n titles) , t o simplif y th e appearanc e o f the text . Th e inde x o f th e volume provides parenthetical translations of transliterated terms . Document number s (e.g . 5.44 ) ar e supplied by the edito r o f the vol ume; th e prefi x '5. ' indicate s th e volum e numbe r i n th e presen t series . Throughout th e boo k suc h a decimal number implie s reference to a document number . Square bracket s [ ] enclose materia l adde d b y the edito r o f this volume, whil e parentheses appearin g in documents ar e in the origina l Russian text. Ellipses (...) indicat e omissions of part of the original document by the editor, unless otherwise specified. To assist the reader in identifying change s in the part y Rules, brackete d notes ar e inserted wit h each article, indicating whether it is a new or revised articl e with respect to the existin g version of the Rules. At th e en d o f eac h documen t o r grou p of document s adopte d a t a congress o r Centra l Committe e plenum , sourc e attribution s ar e provided . On the lef t th e earlies t publishe d source tha t was accessible t o the editor is cited. On the righ t the locatio n o f the material in the standard Sovie t reference wor k i s cited : Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza v rezoliutsiiakh i resheniiakh s"ezdov, konferentsii i plenumov Ts K (Communis t Party of the Sovie t Union in Resolutions and Decisions o f Congresses, Con ferences, an d Plenum s o f th e Centra l Committee) , 8t h edition , Moscow , 1970-1972, 1978 (hereafter abbreviated KPSS v rezoliutsiiakh). Not all docu-



ments publishe d in the presen t wor k appear in KPSS v rezoliutsiiakh, so citations of this source do not appea r in every case. Translations are based upon the versio n o f the decisio n o r resolution publishe d in KPSS v rezoliutsiiakh. Where thi s i s no t available , the versio n i n th e plac e of firs t publicatio n is used. The en d o f each set of documents emerging from a congress or Central Committee plenu m is indicated by the following symbol: © The edito r o f the presen t volum e wishe s to express hi s thanks to th e Canada Council and the Centre for Russian and East European Studies (University of Toronto) fo r their support during the researc h an d writin g stages . This boo k ha s been publishe d with the hel p of a grant from th e Socia l Science Federation of Canada, usin g funds provided b y the Socia l Sciences and Humanities Researc h Counci l of Canada, an d a grant from th e Publications Fund o f the Universit y of Toronto Press .

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Contents General Editor' s Prefac e v Editor's Preface vi


Introduction 3

1964 5.1 O n Eliminating Unjustified Restriction s on the Privat e Plots of Kolkhozniks, Workers, and Employee s 3 Plenum of the Central Committee (November) 4 5.2 O n the Unificatio n of Industrial and Agricultura l Oblast and Krai Party Organizations 4

1965 Plenum of the Central Committee (March) 4

9 0 1


5.3 O n Urgent Measures for the Continued Developmen t o f Agriculture in th e USS R 4


5.4 O n Serious Errors Committed b y the Kharko v Oblast Party Organization with Respect t o the Admissio n o f Young Communists int o the Part y and their Education 4


Plenum of the Central Committee (September ) 4 5.5 O n Improving Industrial Management, Improving Planning , and Reinforcing Economic Incentive s i n Industrial Production 5

9 1



Plenum of the Central Committee (December) 5


5.6 O n the Reorganizatio n of the Organ s of Party-State Control 5

1966 XXIII Party Congress (March-April) 5



5.7 O n the Repor t of the Centra l Committee 6


5.8 O n Partial Changes in the Rule s of the CPS U 7


Plenum of the Central Committee (May) 7


5.9 O n Extensive Development o f Land Reclamation t o Obtain High and Stable Yields of Grain and Other Far m Crops 7


5.10 O n the Wor k of the Part y Committee of the Orekho v Cotton Combine Named for K.I. Nikolaeva 7


5.11 O n Organizing Continuous Courses fo r Retraining Party Leaders an d Soviet Cadres 8


1967 5.12 O n the Work of the Centra l Committee o f the Estonia n Communist Part y with Leading Cadres 8


5.13 O n the Work of the 'Mikhailov ' Sovkho z Party Committee in the Panin Raion of Voronezh Oblast 8


5.14 O n the Wor k of the Oms k Oblast Party Committee o f the CPS U 9


5.15 O n Party Commissions o f Oblast and Kra i Party Committee s and Central Committee s o f Union Republic Communist Partie s 9


5.16 O n Measures fo r Further Developin g th e Socia l Sciences an d Enhancing their Rol e in Communist Construction 9


5.17 O n the Wor k of the Part y Organizations of Perm Oblast with Respect t o Guidance o f the Trad e Union s 10




Plenum of the Central Committee (September) 10


5.18 O n Measures fo r Further Raising the Well-Bein g of the Soviet People 11


5.19 O n Measures to Improve the Training and Retraining of the Staffs o f the Soviet s of Working People's Deputies 11


1968 Plenum of the Central Committee (April) 11


5.20 O n Pressing Problems of the Internationa l Situation and th e Struggle of the CPS U for the Solidarit y of the Worl d Communist Movement 11


5.21 O n the Wor k of the Krasnoiars k Krai Party Organization with Respect t o Guidance of the Komsomo l 11


5.22 O n the Tasks, Structure, and Staf f o f the Institut e of MarxismLeninism of the CPS U Central Committee 12


5.23 O n the Wor k of the Volgogra d Oblast Committee in th e Selection, Assignment , and Training of Management Cadres in Industry 12


5.24 O n the Work of the Dobrink a Raion Party Committee of Lipetsk Oblast 12


5.25 O n the Wor k of the Rosto v Oblast Party Committee i n Carrying Out the Decision s o f the Septembe r (1965 ) Plenu m of the CPS U Central Committee o n the Introductio n of New Management Methods 13


Plenum of the Central Committee (October) 13


5.26 O n Progress in Implementing the Decision s of the XXIII Congress an d Plenums of the CPS U Central Committee o n Questions o f Agriculture 13


5.27 O n the Wor k of the Centra l Committee o f the Communis t Party of Tadzhikistan in Implementing the Decision s o f the XXIII CPS U Congress 14




1969 5.28 O n the Wor k Experience o f the Part y Committee o f the Shchekino Chemica l Combin e wit h Respect t o Mobilizing its Collective o f Working People to Expand the Volum e of Production by Increasing Labou r Productivity 14


5.29 O n the Practic e of Conducting Party Meetings in the laroslav l City Party Organization 14


1970 5.30 O n the Wor k of the Part y Committee o f the USS R Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry 15


Plenum of the Central Committee (July) 15


5.31 Th e Immediat e Task s of the Part y in the Are a of Agriculture 15


5.32 O n the Wor k of the Part y Committee o f the Institut e o f Physics Named fo r P.N. Lebedev o f the USS R Academy of Sciences 16


1971 5.33 O n Measures fo r Further Improvin g the Wor k of Raion and City Soviets of Working People's Deputies 16


XXIV Party Congress (March-April ) 17


5.34 O n the Repor t of the Centra l Committee 17


5.35 O n Partial Changes i n the Rule s of the CPS U 18


5.36 O n Measures t o Improve the Syste m of Courses for Training and Retrainin g Leading Party and Soviet Cadres 19


5.37 O n Further Improvin g the Organizatio n of Socialist Competition 19 2 5.38 O n Improving the Economi c Educatio n o f the Working People 19


1972 5.39 O n Literary and Art Criticism 19




5.40 O n Preparations for the Fiftiet h Anniversar y of the Formatio n of the Unio n of Soviet Socialist Republics 20


5.41 O n the Organizationa l an d Political Work of the Tbilisi City Committee of the Communis t Part y of Georgia in Fulfilling th e Decisions o f the XXI V CPSU Congress 20


5.42 On Measures for Intensifying the Struggl e against Drunkenness and Alcoholis m 21


Plenum of the Central Committee (May) 21 5.43 O n the Exchang e of Party Documents 21

3 4

5.44 O n Measures fo r Improving the Trainin g of Party and Soviet Cadres in the Highe r Party School of the CPS U Central Committee 21 6

1973 5.45 O n Conducting Report-and-Election Meeting s and Party Conferences 21


1974 5.46 O n the Wor k of the Mosco w Higher Technical College , Name d for N.E . Bauman, and the Sarato v State University, Named for N.G. Chernyshevsky , in Raising the Ideological-Theoretical Level of Social Science Teaching 22


1975 5.47 O n the Result s of the Exchang e of Party Documents 22


5.48 O n the Stat e of Criticism and Self-Criticism in the Party Organization of Tambov Oblast 22


5.49 O n the Wor k Experience o f the Part y Organizations and Collectives o f Advanced Industria l Enterprises i n L'vov Oblas t in Developing and Implementing a Comprehensive Syste m to Control th e Quality of Output 23


5.50 O n Party Guidance ove r the Organ s of People's Control i n the Latvian SS R 23




1976 XXV Part y Congress (February-March ) 23


5.51 O n the Repor t of Comrade L.I . Brezhnev: Repor t of the CPS U Central Committe e an d the Party' s Immediat e Task s in the Sphere o f Domestic an d Foreig n Polic y 23


5.52 O n the Furthe r Developmen t o f Specialization and Concen tration of Agricultural Production on the Basi s of Inter-farm Co-operation an d Agro-Industrial Integration 23


5.53 O n the Task s of Party Studies in Light of the Decision s o f th e XXV CPS U Congress 24


5.54 O n Progress by the Georgian Part y Organization in Implementing the Decision s of the CPS U Central Committe e Regardin g th e Organizational and Politica l Work of the Tbilis i City Party Committee 25


5.55 O n Further Improvin g the Syste m fo r Raising the Ideological Theoretical Leve l and Professiona l Qualification s of Leading Party and Soviet Cadres 25


5.56 O n Work with Creative Youn g People 25


1977 5.57 O n Enhancing the Rol e of Oral Political Agitation i n Fulfillin g the Decision s o f the XX V CPS U Congress 25


5.58 O n Some Question s Regardin g the Organizationa l Structure and Forms of Work of Party Organizations i n the Condition s o f Production Association s i n Industry 26


Plenum o f the Central Committee (May ) 26


5.59 O n the Draf t Constitutio n o f the Unio n of Soviet Socialis t Republics 26


5.60 O n the Stat e Hym n of the Sovie t Union 27


Plenum o f the Central Committee (October ) 27




5.61 O n the Draf t Constitutio n (Basi c Law) of the Unio n o f Soviet Socialist Republics and th e Result s of its Nation-wide Discussion 27 1

1978 Plenum of the Central Committee (November) 27 5.62 O n the Draf t Stat e Plan of Economic and Socia l Developmen t for th e USS R and th e Draf t USS R State Budget for 197 9 27

2 4

1979 5.63 O n Further Improvin g Ideological and Political-Upbringing Work 27 6 5.64 O n Improving Work to Safeguard Law and Order and Inten sifying th e Struggl e against Law Violations 27

1981 XXVI Party Congress (February-March ) 28



5.65 O n Comrade L.I . Brezhnev's Report : the Repor t of the CPS U Central Committee t o the XXV I Congress of the Communis t Party of the Sovie t Union and the Party' s Immediat e Task s in the Spher e of Domestic an d Foreign Polic y 28


5.66 O n Preparin g a New Draft of the CPS U Programme 28


5.67 O n Letters and Statements fro m the Working People and Appealsfrom Communist s Addresse d t o the XXV I CPSU Congress 28


Appendix 29


Index 29


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The Brezhnev Year s 1964-1981

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Introduction After Khrushche v was ousted fro m hi s office s i n October 196 4 a number of Soviet leaders shared power . Brezhnev, as First Secretary, undoubtedly held the ke y position an d there i s no evidence tha t his occupation of the pos t was contested. However , hi s manoeuvrability and powe r were explicitly circumscribed b y the arrangement s tha t ha d bee n agree d upo n by the ne w leadership. Kosygin was placed in the positio n of head o f the government whe n he was name d Chairma n o f th e USS R Counci l o f Ministers . Apparently , there was an implici t agreement tha t th e tw o position s o f hea d o f th e part y an d head o f th e governmen t shoul d no t b e combine d i n th e hand s o f a single individual a s unde r Khrushchev. ' I n addition , ther e i s good evidenc e tha t Brezhnev's powe r withi n th e part y wa s limited . N.V . Podgorn y emerge d clearly as second i n command i n the Secretariat , with a strong influence over internal part y organizational matters . A.N . Shelepi n ha d bee n promote d t o full membershi p i n th e Presidiu m a s par t o f th e Octobe r 196 4 accor d an d appeared t o b e i n a positio n t o enhanc e hi s powe r because o f hi s ag e (46 ) and hi s holding of a post i n the part y Secretariat as well as the chairmanship of the Party-Stat e Control Committee . M.A . Suslov was the perso n wit h th e greatest seniorit y i n th e leadershi p an d th e recognize d leadin g ideologist . While non e o f thes e individual s posed a direc t challeng e t o Brezhnev' s 1 Severa l Wester n observer s mak e referenc e t o a Central Committe e decision t o enforc e the separation of the office s o f First Secretar y and Chairma n of the Counci l of Ministers. See T.H . Rigby , 'Th e Sovie t Leadership : Toward s a Self-Stabilizin g Oligarchy? ' Soviet Studies xxii, 2 (October 1970) : 175; D.P. Hammer, 'Brezhnev and the Communist Party,' Soviet Union II, Part 1 (1975): 6. The origina l source of the informatio n i s P.A. Rodionov, Kollektivnost'- vysshy printsip parliinogo rukovodstva (Mosco w 1967) . In the origina l edition Rodionov notes that the October 196 4 Central Committee Plenum 'recognized as inexpedient i n th e futur e th e combinin g i n on e perso n o f th e responsibilitie s o f th e Centra l Committee First Secretar y an d th e Chairma n of the USS R Council of Ministers' (p . 219). In the second edition of the book, published in 1974, Rodionov omits this specific passage and talk s onl y i n general term s (p . 225). Grey Hodnet t report s through anothe r source that th e decisio n t o kee p the tw o positions in separate hands took th e for m o f a closed circular letter issued b y the Central Committee. See his 'Succession Contingencies in the Soviet Union,' Problems of Communism xxiv , 2 (March-Apri l 1975) : 5.



position, th e diffusio n o f powe r amon g a numbe r o f leader s afte r Octobe r 1964 indicate s clearl y tha t Brezhne v bega n hi s tenur e wit h sever e limita tions o n hi s ow n power . Ther e i s strong evidenc e suggestin g tha t th e ne w leadership too k a numbe r o f deliberate step s t o ensur e th e emergenc e o f a stable oligarch y in whic h Brezhnev , b y common consent , hel d th e leadin g position.2 There wer e severa l over t indicator s after th e beginnin g o f 196 5 tha t Brezhnev wa s moving t o enhanc e hi s power. 3 In policy , Brezhnev wa s th e leading figur e a t th e Marc h 196 5 an d Ma y 196 6 Centra l Committe e ple nums, whic h gav e approva l t o hi s persona l initiativ e for th e basi c line s o f agricultural development. I n the are a o f personnel, change s wer e made dur ing 196 5 i n th e Secretariat , wit h severa l o f Brezhnev' s forme r associate s gaining positions . The ke y change i n the Secretaria t was the replacemen t o f Podgorny wit h Brezhnev supporter A.P . Kirilenko , wh o was put in charge of cadres. I n Decembe r 196 5 Podgorn y was removed fro m th e Secretaria t an d given a largely ceremonial position as Chairman o f the Presidiu m o f the USS R Supreme Soviet , whil e Shelepi n wa s deprive d o f hi s chairmanshi p o f th e potentially powerfu l Party-Stat e Contro l Committe e whe n i t was dissolved . In 196 7 Shelepi n was completely remove d as a possibl e riva l when he was forced t o resig n fro m the Secretaria t in conjunction with his appointment a s Chairman o f the Trad e Unions ' Council . Durin g the 1970 s Brezhne v gradu ally consolidated his position as potential rivals or opponents on policy issues were removed fro m th e Politburo. 4 At the same time , Brezhne v wa s able t o advance into the Politbur o a number of individuals whose presenc e strength 2 Fo

r a persuasive argument detailing the mechanism s employed to stabilize the oligarchy , see Rigby, 'The Sovie t Leadership,' 167-91. 3 Fo r varyin g interpretation s o f the distributio n o f power immediatel y after Octobe r 1964 and Brezhnev' s consolidation o f his position se e Y . Bilinsky, 'Th e Communis t Part y of the Sovie t Union,' in J.W. Strong, ed., Th e Soviet Union Under Brezhnev and Kosygin (New York 1971) , chapter 3 ; A . Brow n an d M . Kaser , eds, Th e Soviet Union Since Khrushchev, 2nd editio n (Londo n 1978) , chapters 10 , 12 ; Hodnett , 'Successio n Contingencies...' 1-21; J.F . Hough , 'Th e Ma n an d th e System, ' Problems o f Communism xxv , 2 (March-April 1976) : 1-17; T . Rakowska-Harmstone, 'To ward a Theory of Soviet Leadership Maintenance, ' in P . Cocks , R. Daniels , an d N . Heer , eds, Th e Dynamics o f Soviet Politics (Cambridg e 1976): 51-76 ; Rigby , 'Th e Sovie t Leadership' ; M. Rush , 'Afte r Khrushchev: Problems of Succession in th e Sovie t Union, ' Studies in Comparative Communism II, 3 and 4 (July/Octobe r 1969) : 79-94; M . Tatu, Power in the Kremlin (Ne w York 1970), part v. 4 G.I . Voronov an d P.E . Shelest i n Apri l 1973 ; Shelepin i n Apri l 1975 ; D.S. Poliansky i n early 1976 ; Podgorny in Ma y 1977 ; K.T. Mazurov i n Novembe r 1978 ; and Kosygi n i n October 1980.


ened hi s position. 5 When Kosygi n resigne d a s Chairma n o f th e Counci l of Ministers i n Octobe r 1980 , h e wa s replaced b y a long-time Brezhne v asso ciate, N.A. Tikhonov, wh o had becom e a full membe r o f the Politbur o only one year earlier . Mos t o f the ne w recruits int o the Politbur o wer e men who had ha d previou s caree r association s wit h Brezhne v tha t wer e sufficientl y strong t o identif y the m a s hi s supporters , o r wh o ha d bee n publicl y asso ciated with policy issues tha t reinforced Brezhnev's position within the Politburo. Equall y important in understanding the securit y of Brezhnev's tenur e was that, at the time o f their promotion t o the Politburo , none of these me n had th e combinatio n o f personal characteristics , training , career experienc e and institutiona l power base, an d age that woul d make them competitors or logical heirs apparent to Brezhnev's leadership. 6 There were als o a number o f symbolic indicators of a gradual but no t uncontrolled enhancemen t o f Brezhnev' s powe r an d statu s afte r Octobe r 1964. I n lat e 196 4 h e wa s appointed Chairma n o f the Constitutiona l Com mission, whic h ha d bee n establishe d b y Khrushchev. H e als o too k ove r a s Chairman of the RSFS R Bureau of the Centra l Committe e unti l its dissolution in Apri l 1966 . In Octobe r 196 5 Brezhnev gaine d a seat o n th e Presidiu m of the USS R Supreme Soviet . The XXII I Congress, hel d in April 1966 , served a s a symbol of the consolidatio n of Brezhnev's position . His central role in the congress proceeding s wa s reinforced by moderate prais e directed hi s way in some o f th e speeche s an d b y hi s designatio n a s Genera l Secretar y o f th e Central Committee . Durin g th e nex t decade , th e outwar d trapping s o f Brezhnev's power changed only marginally. It was only in the mid-1970s that Brezhnev's persona l caree r agai n generate d a momentu m tha t raise d hi s status significantly . Part y decisions suggeste d thi s shif t wit h more frequen t reference t o Brezhne v an d his statements a s the sourc e o f directives. At th e XXV Congres s Brezhnev wa s the focu s of an outburs t o f praise fo r his per sonal an d leadershi p qualitie s tha t wa s unrivaled i n th e post-Stali n period . His Central Committe e Repor t took on the status of a party decision throug h the techniqu e o f giving it perfunctory congress approva l rather tha n th e pat tern tha t ha d bee n establishe d a t previou s congresse s o f issuing a separat e detailed resolutio n o n th e report . Thi s patter n wa s repeated a t th e XXV I Congress i n 1981 . In May 1976 Brezhnev was created a Marshal of the Sovie t Union. I n 197 7 Brezhnev succeede d i n bringin g to fruitio n th e ne w Con 5 V.V . Shcherbitsky, F.D . Kulakov , D.A . Kunayev , an d V.V . Grishin in April 1971 ; A.A. Grechko, A.A . Gromyko an d lu.V . Andropo v i n Apri l 1973 ; G.V . Romano v an d D.F . Ustinov i n Februar y 1976 ; K.U . Chernenk o i n Novembe r 1977 ; N.A . Tikhono v i n November 1979 ; M.S. Gorbachev in October 1980 . 6 Fo r a detailed analysis of leadership qualifications o f Brezhnev' s recruits into the Polit buro see Hodnett, 'Successio n Contingencies ...'



stitution o f the USS R and, i n conjunction with this, h e wa s named t o succee d Podgorny as Head o f State. I n terms o f the longevit y of Brezhnev's reig n as the leadin g party figure, his ability to manipulate personnel appointment s at the highes t level , an d th e symbol s o f power surrounding him , ther e ca n be little doubt tha t the pas t years have bee n th e 'Brezhne v Years.' Despite th e rea l and symbolic indicators of Brezhnev's accumulatio n of power, there wer e always clear indications of limits on him and resistance t o his leadership developin g beyond certai n undefine d bounds . Th e majo r eco nomic thrust , th e Ne w Economi c Reform , wa s essentially Kosygin' s pro gramme an d wa s originally approve d i n Septembe r 1965 , sometim e before Brezhnev achieve d hi s platea u o f powe r a t th e XXII I Congress . Brezhne v was not associated wit h any radical domestic polic y initiatives outside of agriculture. Even hi s new Constitution appeare d to be a compromise document . Turnover amon g th e to p leadershi p wa s extremel y slo w an d stabl e an d recruitment conservative , a s reflected in the steadil y increasing average ag e of the Politbur o an d Central Committee membership. 7 Brezhnev's politica l career afte r 196 4 was remarkable fo r it s failure t o follow a pattern of consolidation o r decline, expecte d o n the basis of previous Soviet successio n patterns . Brezhne v neve r achieve d th e degree o f persona l power accumulate d b y hi s predecessors . Whethe r b y conscious desig n o f a moderate leade r wh o was satisfied with playing the rol e of power broker and chose a limited bu t stabl e leadershi p rol e o r by the consciou s desig n o f his Politburo colleague s whos e suppor t cam e onl y o n condition o f prior limita tions and restraints, Brezhne v never achieve d th e concentratio n o f power in his ow n perso n tha t s o many i n the Wes t predicte d wa s the inevitabl e out come o f a Soviet succession struggle. 8 Yet, his tenure, th e secon d longest i n Soviet history , certainl y belied th e labe l of caretake r o r interi m leade r an d exhibited a degre e o f securit y that Stali n achieve d onl y throug h excessiv e coercion an d Khrushche v neve r attained . Brezhne v becam e th e dominan t figure o f post-Khrushche v politic s an d gav e th e part y an d th e countr y a leadership style that ha s left it s imprint in most areas of domestic policy . 7 Fo

r pattern s of leadershi p turnover at th e Politbur o and Centra l Committe e level s see R.E. Blackwell , 'Cadre s Polic y in th e Brezhne v Era, ' Problems o f Communism xxvm , 2 (March-April 1979) : 29-42; R.V . Daniels, 'Offic e Holdin g and Elit e Status: The Central Committee of the CPSU, ' in Cocks, Daniels , and Heer , eds, Th e Dynamics of Soviet Politics, 77-95; R.H . Donaldson , 'Th e 197 1 Sovie t Centra l Committee: A n Assessmen t o f th e New Elite, ' World Politics xxiv , 3 (April 1972) : 382^109; Rigby, 'The Soviet Leadership'; R. Taagepera and R.D . Chapman, 'A Note on the Ageing of the Politburo,' Soviet Studies xxix, 2 (Apri l 1977) : 296-305 . 8 Houg h develop s th e argumen t tha t Brezhnev willingly accepted th e limits placed on him and consciously chos e t o delegate much authority to subordinates. Se e Hough, 'The Man and the System,' 5-6.


Khrushchev's styl e of rule had been t o introduce a number o f organizational changes an d experiments tha t challenged the corporat e integrity of the party and th e securit y o f its personnel. Unde r Brezhne v ther e wa s an immediat e move t o restor e th e party' s authorit y and power. 9 Within on e mont h afte r the remova l o f Khrushchev th e ne w leadershi p ha d reache d agreemen t o n basic reform o f the party' s structure. The essence of this reform (5.2 ) was to revoke Khrushchev' s bifurcatio n o f the part y organization that had split th e local part y organs int o separat e bureau s fo r industr y and agricultur e (4.3 7 and 4.39) . The part y organization was restored t o its traditional basis on th e territorial-production principle. The refor m had the practica l consequence o f reuniting oblast an d kra i party organizations that had bee n divide d into agricultural an d industria l sections. Th e majo r impac t occurre d i n th e country side wher e th e rura l raio n committee s regained thei r previou s positio n o f authority by absorbing the kolkhoz-sovkho z production administration party committees int o rura l raion committee s an d throug h abolitio n of the zona l industrial-production part y committees . Th e loca l part y organ s wer e re established a t th e raio n an d oblas t leve l a s th e unifyin g an d co-ordinatin g bodies over th e entir e rang e o f industrial, agricultural, and publi c organizations at the distric t level (5.24) . The ai m of the refor m wa s to restore th e part y to its previous level of internal efficienc y an d externa l influenc e b y disengagin g i t fro m detaile d interference i n routin e economi c decisio n makin g an d re-emphasizin g it s co-ordinative an d supervisory functions. The stage was set for further marginal adaptations t o improve performance without numerous an d radical reorganizations. Th e change s i n party organization over th e nex t year s followed an incrementa l lin e aimed a t introducing and maintainin g stability and rou tine i n th e party' s structur e an d procedure s an d upgradin g it s statu s a s a corporate entity. This line can be seen i n changes an d new interpretations in party norm s and rule s i n the area s of membership an d recruitment , cadres , party discipline, and th e conduc t o f party business . Recruitment an d membershi p polic y wer e directe d a t restorin g th e authority associate d wit h the party' s rol e a s th e leadin g elemen t i n Sovie t society. The ton e fo r this trend was set b y the Jul y 1965 Central Committe e resolution o n th e wor k o f th e Kharko v oblas t part y organizatio n (5.4) . Recruitment accordin g t o quantitativ e indicator s was judged detrimenta l t o the party' s statu s an d functioning . Th e Kharko v resolutio n calle d fo r a n 9 Fo

r detaile d analysis of the post-Khrushche v part y refor m and it s intended impact , see W.J. Conyngham , Industrial Management i n the Soviet Union (Stanfor d 1973), chapter 10; D.P. Hammer , 'Brezhne v an d th e Communis t Party, ' 1-21 ; J.F . Hough , 'Reform s i n Administration and Government, ' i n A. Dalli n and T.B . Larson, eds , Soviet Politics since Khrushchev (Englewoo d Cliff s 1968) , chapter 2.



upgrading o f the qualit y o f candidates recruited into the party , stric t adherence t o the part y Rule s in the selectio n process , adherence t o the principle of individual selection, greate r attention to the socia l and occupational composition of new party membership, an d increased concern for the ideological consciousness o f candidate s enterin g th e part y and th e continue d political education of party members. The basic principles stated in the Kharkov resolution were reaffirmed an d given concrete expression at the XXIII Congress. Changes wer e incorporated into th e part y Rules t o tighte n u p recruitment procedures b y limiting recruitmen t of young people unde r th e ag e of 2 3 to admission only through the Komsomo l and by requiring those recommend ing applicants to th e part y t o hav e party standing of not les s tha n five years (5.8). Under Brezhnev, the part y sought a way out of its traditional dilemma of choosing between being an elit e organizatio n an d a proletarian party, in part, by recruiting better educated and upwardly mobile workers.10 There was to be working-class predominance but recruitment also had to take into consideration th e choosin g o f peopl e fo r thei r potentia l leadershi p qualitie s regardless o f their class background . The party' s growt h rat e slowe d down considerably afte r 1965 , thus contributin g to th e leadership' s basi c objective o f ensurin g it s elit e status . However , th e lowe r growt h rate i n part y membership ha d a number o f effects tha t were inconsistent wit h secondary goals associated wit h the ide a of the part y as a representative institution. As the number of people entering the party declined, several intermediate goals were retarded such as the desir e t o shift balance s more in favour o f younger members, workers, national minorities, the better educated, and women. Policy on part y cadres aimed at providing greater stability and security for personnel . A numbe r o f specific measure s wer e taken i n this direction. Khrushchev's rigi d conditions fo r turnover o f cadres (4.38 ) wer e abolished at the XXII I Congress. More flexible provision s were substituted, providing that the genera l principles of systematic renewal and continuity of leadership both be observed. The part y underwent an internal devolution of authority, suggesting a greater confidence in local leaders. Fo r example , amendment s to the part y Rules gave larger primary party organizations the rights of raion party committees an d gave the primar y party organizations at large shops in enterprises th e righ t to for m part y committees whil e allowing primary party organizations to be set up in the shops of these enterprises. The RSFS R Bureau of the Centra l Committee wa s abolished (5.8) . 10 Se

e Rigby, 'Soviet Communist Party Membership Under Brezhnev,' Soviet Studies xxvm , 3 (Jul y 1976): 317-37; idem, 'Addendum,' Soviet Studies xxvm , 4 (Octobe r 1976) : 615; and A.L. Unger's response to Rigby 'Soviet Communist Part y Membership Under Brezhnev: A Comment,' Soviet Studies xxix , 2 (April 1977) : 306-16.


In genera l i t was recognized tha t competen t personne l require d ongo ing suppor t i n th e for m o f forma l trainin g an d retrainin g courses , stabl e patterns o f promotio n throug h th e ranks , an d stabilit y o f tenur e withou t unwarranted and frequent transfers if they were expected to work at a higher level of efficiency. Ther e was also recognition of the need for a better balance in cadres policy , combining the promotio n of promising young functionaries with regard for experienced veteran cadres and achieving a more satisfactory blend betwee n th e qualitie s of specialist an d generalis e Recognitio n o f th e need t o achiev e thes e balance s resulte d i n a shif t i n cadre s policy , wit h greater emphasi s bein g placed on qualitie s such a s those exhibited by good organizers an d administrators , innovators , an d peopl e wit h a long-rang e perspective - a t th e expens e o f the traditiona l qualities o f political loyalty, knowledge o f marxism-leninism, or specialized technical knowledge . While the part y did not officiall y acknowledg e a tension among these sets of characteristics, it s pronouncement s suggeste d a shif t awa y fro m politica l an d spe cialist approache s an d toward s administrative approaches t o part y business . Courses fo r leading party and sovie t cadres re-focuse d thei r curricula so that they include d a n increasin g componen t o f modern economi c managemen t techniques, socia l psychology , the lates t achievement s i n science , technol ogy, an d culture , an d th e developmen t o f leadershi p qualities . Thi s wa s achieved a t th e expens e o f more traditiona l ideologically oriented subjects , which had constituted th e bul k of the curricula in party schools. Th e balanc e was shifted in favour of training oriented towards business an d managemen t skills (5.11 , 5.36 , 5.44 , 5.55) . In retur n fo r ensuring stability and upgrading the statu s o f party officials, th e leadershi p repeatedly indicated expectation s for improve d performanc e b y th e apparat , symbolize d b y th e sloga n o f 'exactingness' i n the behaviou r o f officials . The part y took a measured, administrativ e approach to the question of party discipline. Additional pressure wa s placed on party members to exhibit exemplary behaviou r b y addin g a phas e t o th e introductor y sectio n o f th e Rules at the XXII I Congress tha t 'th e party set itself free o f individuals who violate the CPS U Programme, th e Rules , an d who by their behaviour compromise the loft y titl e of Communist' (5.8) . Penaltie s fo r violation of party discipline were made mor e severe by the abolitio n of the penalt y of transfer of a party member t o th e statu s of candidate. Organizational changes wer e mad e in th e for m o f the activatio n o f party commissions o f local part y organs t o ensure compliance with party Rules (5.15) . The major decision of the Brezhnev leadership regarding party discipline involved th e conductin g o f an exchang e o f party documents, announce d a t the XXIV Congress. The Central Committee Repor t noted with approval the increased activit y o f th e Part y Contro l Committe e an d th e commissions attached t o loca l party organs i n strengthenin g part y discipline. In thi s con -

10 R E S O L U T I O N


nection, an exchange o f party documents wa s placed on the agenda. Such an exchange is normally associated wit h a purge of the party , a process tha t has wide-ranging ramification s an d symbolis m associate d wit h th e purge s o f Stalin (3.19) . However, i n this case, th e leadership took pains to ensure th e orderliness an d regularit y of procedures. Brezhne v noted tha t th e exchang e of part y documents wa s to b e th e firs t i n 1 7 years and tha t i t was to occur after th e expir y of th e perio d o f validit y o f part y membership cards. " N o ominous politica l developments were associated wit h the decision. The symbol o f Leni n wa s evoke d t o giv e reassurance s o f a n administrativ e rather than a political meaning to the decision. Th e officia l ai m of the exchange was to rid the part y of inactive and passive members wh o had failed to engage in the duties of party membership and to intensify discipline among party members so that the part y organization could be strengthened . The imag e of the exchang e o f documents a s an administrativ e procedure rathe r tha n a politica l measure wa s borne ou t i n th e two-yea r delay before th e star t o f the exchange , explaine d by the length y preparatory work required. The Central Committee document s pertainin g to the details of the exchange affirme d it s limited scope an d administrativ e nature. Th e initiall y stated aim s wer e reiterated . Directive s wer e provide d t o ensur e tha t th e exchange of cards was carried out according to a strictly individual procedure directly i n th e raio n and cit y part y committee s an d i n politica l department s where party members wer e permanently registered. The exchange was not to be aimed indiscriminatel y at large groups and each individual' s status was to be reviewe d b y part y official s responsibl e fo r knowin g th e recor d o f tha t person (5.43) . The post-exchang e document s confirme d th e origina l intent of the procedure. A Central Committee resolutio n summarized th e results of the exchange o f documents i n terms o f its contribution to the organizational efficiency o f the part y and an improvement in the abilit y of the part y to carry out its mobilization and supervisory work in the economy (5.47) . Finally, in his majo r address t o th e XX V Congress, Brezhne v close d th e boo k o n th e exchange o f party documents b y stressing it s contribution t o th e organiza tional developmen t o f th e part y (i.e . part y discipline ) an d th e increase d activeness o f party members. H e mad e specia l not e tha t 'i t was not a purge of th e party ' an d tha t thos e wh o di d no t receiv e ne w part y card s (abou t 347,000) wer e expelled du e t o the fac t tha t the y were inhibiting the party' s basic organizationa l (rathe r tha n political ) goals b y committin g deviation s from th e norm s o f party life, violatin g discipline, and losing touch wit h th e party organizations. 12 11 L

. Gruliow, ed., Current Soviet Policies v i (1973) , 36 .

12 Ibid., vn (1976) , 23. Rigby makes the poin t that , if the attrition rate of the lat e 1960 s were projected fo r th e tw o years o f the purge , nearl y half o f the tota l part y members expelled during th e purg e woul d hav e bee n droppe d fro m th e part y ranks i n any case. Thus, th e



Brezhnev trie d to set the ton e fo r internal party business i n his reports to the part y congresses by citing changes and patterns at the all-union level as examples fo r loca l and primar y party organizations. A t th e XXII I Congres s he stresse d th e importanc e o f efficiency, responsiveness , an d th e principles of collective leadership when proposing amendments t o the party Rules.13 At the XXIV, XXV, and XXVI congresses, Brezhnev cited the procedures of the central party organs as examples to be followed of the frequency and regularity o f meetings fo r executive an d policy-makin g bodies in the party , and h e even provide d a rough division of responsibility among them. 14 At the XXVI Congress Brezhne v announce d th e establishmen t o f a new Letters Depart ment o f the Centra l Committee apparatu s and the congress approve d a resolution noting that th e congress Secretaria t ha d examined letters , statements , and appeal s fro m th e publi c and party members an d instructing the Centra l Committee t o follo w throug h on this work (5.67) . These general indicator s of a businesslike approac h to part y affair s foun d concrete expressio n i n th e emergence o f a numbe r o f organizationa l principles stressing and/o r rede fining the element s o f democratic centralis m a s i t applied to interna l part y business procedure s at the loca l and primar y levels and relations among th e three part y levels. Th e centre , unde r Brezhnev , pushe d i n th e directio n of increased intra-part y responsivenes s throug h improve d communications , greater complianc e with regim e norm s b y loca l party organizations , an d a campaign to improve various aspects o f internal party business. The issu e o f responsivenes s throug h improve d vertica l communica tions wa s taken u p at the nationa l level where th e part y leadership incorporated int o th e part y Rule s a provisio n fo r th e convenin g o f genera l part y conferences (moribun d sinc e 1941 ) durin g the perio d betwee n congresse s for discussio n o f party issues o n a basis broader tha n a Central Committe e plenum bu t les s authoritativ e tha n a congres s (5.8) . Thi s amendmen t reflected a n attemp t t o balanc e conflictin g demands. O n the on e hand , th e Central Committe e apparatu s and th e member s o f the Centra l Committe e probably felt strongl y about upgradin g the statu s o f Central Committee ple nums, whic h had become almos t publi c forums under Khrushche v through expanded attendanc e an d publicatio n of stenographic reports . O n th e othe r hand, ther e wer e legitimat e pressures fro m regiona l part y secretaries, gov ernment officials , an d specialists who were not Central Committe e member s to have a national forum available to voice their opinions on relevant issues . The Centra l Committe e resolutio n o n th e Tbilis i City party organization (5.41 ) deal t wit h the issu e o f responsivenes s i n terms o f the centre' s exchange of party documents resulted in a loss of membership probably not i n excess of 1.5 per cent. See Rigby, 'Soviet Communist Party Membership Under Brezhnev,' 322. 13 Current Soviet Policies v (1973) , 28

14 Ibid.,

v i (1973) , 35; v n (1976) , 24 ; Current Digest of the Soviet Press xxxm , no. 9 , 11 .

12 R E S O L U T I O N


expectations regarding the limit s to b e impose d o n loca l and primar y party organizations in complying with the newly provided rules of the game. While the documen t wa s directed t o th e Georgia n part y organization, it also ha d more wide-rangin g significance, suggesting to al l party organizations that if they di d no t tak e action t o se t limit s on irregula r procedures an d t o imple ment th e centre' s norm s an d rule s o f organizational behaviour, th e centr e would tak e stron g an d forcefu l actio n t o hav e th e loca l leadership replace d and to impose its own ideas of what was acceptable on the loca l party organization. The issu e o f responsiveness i n the part y was elaborated extensivel y for the local party organs in terms of adherence t o certain norms and rules in the conduct o f interna l busines s an d relation s wit h primary party organizations and stat e and public agencies. Responsivenes s wa s associated wit h introducing business procedures that would improve th e vertical flo w of communication i n bot h directions , increas e th e accountabilit y of leadin g part y bodie s and officials throug h adherence t o the principle s of collective leadership, an d increase participatio n of rank-and-file party members i n discussing, elaborating, and carrying out party decisions. Thes e principles were detailed i n thre e specific decision s dealin g wit h th e practic e o f conductin g part y meeting s (5.29), report-and-election meetings an d conferences (5.45) , an d the us e of criticism and self-criticis m in the part y (5.48). The etho s of the campaig n to improve interna l part y busines s procedure s wa s capture d i n a numbe r o f themes applied to desired behaviou r of local and primary party organizations and official s i n decision making : boesposobnost (fightin g efficiency), delovi tost (businesslik e approach) , an d nauchny i podkho d (scientifi c approach). The essenc e o f th e entir e campaig n wa s summed u p b y Brezhne v a t th e XXV Congres s i n reference t o the Tambo v resolutio n o n criticism and selfcriticism. He placed stress on the nee d fo r objective appraisal of all activity of organizations an d officials , comprehensiv e analysi s o f short-coming s wit h the ai m o f eliminatin g them , intoleranc e o f a libera l attitud e t o short comings, a combination o f trust in and respect fo r personnel, hig h exactingness fo r assigne d tasks , an d finally , sincerit y an d a readines s t o tak e u p mistakes and short-comings immediately. 15 The overal l ai m of the campaign was to institutionaliz e business procedure s an d harness the m t o improving party performanc e whil e minimizin g thei r potentia l disabus e fo r persona l gain or vindictiveness . There appeare d t o b e limit s o n wha t th e centra l leadershi p coul d achieve throug h margina l organizational reform an d revisio n o f party principles. The exhortator y natur e of the document s an d the repetitio n o f their messages i n various decisions, a t endless party meetings, an d through party 15 Current

Soviet Policies v u (1976) , 2 5



journals sugges t tha t ther e wa s stron g resistanc e an d apath y toward s th e changes tha t th e Brezhne v leadershi p trie d to effect . Th e toughenin g of the line wit h th e exchang e o f part y documents an d th e Tbilis i decision , which was accompanie d b y majo r personne l changes , confirme d tha t th e centra l leadership could no t expect radica l changes i n attitudes and behaviour; it was forced t o emplo y mor e traditiona l complianc e mechanism s such a s direc t central interventio n i n loca l affairs, th e impositio n o f strict party discipline, and, i n extreme cases, the applicatio n of criminal sanctions . I N D U S T R I A L POLIC Y A N D P A R T Y G U I D A N C E O F T H E E C O N O M Y

The party's economic policie s and its role in the economic secto r wer e deter mined largel y by the ne w prioritie s the Brezhne v regim e se t and b y certain structural characteristic s o f th e Sovie t economy. 16 Th e majo r structura l characteristics confrontin g th e Brezhne v regim e include d th e institutiona l inheritance o f Khrushchev' s reformis m an d th e mor e seriou s long-ru n effects o f an economy geare d toward s quantitative growth confronted wit h a levelling of f of the growt h rate, decreasin g labou r reserves, increasin g costs of resourc e extraction , highl y rigi d an d well-entrenche d institution s an d approaches fo r economi c plannin g and administratio n tha t ha d bee n appro priate t o extensiv e economi c development , an d ever-increasin g demand s from long-neglecte d areas such a s the consumer an d agricultural sectors. Th e major prioritie s of the leadership , whic h placed additiona l stress on the eco nomic mechanism , include d a desir e t o maintai n industria l growt h rate s while divertin g investment s t o th e consume r an d agricultura l sectors an d transformation o f the econom y t o place more emphasi s o n efficienc y i n production an d o n qualit y of outpu t b y taking advantage o f scientific, technological, and organizational innovation. To cope with the pressure s exerte d by the economy's structural requirements an d the regime's increased demands , the new leadership embarke d o n an economic polic y that involved, a t first, a return t o the pre-khrushchevia n institutiona l structure alon g with a new set of decision rule s an d incentive s fo r planners an d administrators . Whe n thi s failed t o produce th e desire d results , th e leadershi p turne d t o the techniqu e of grafting o n additional reforms aimed at improving managerial capabilities, increasing labou r productivity, searching ou t additional production reserves , and reorganizin g th e intermediat e levels o f the administrativ e structur e t o 16 Fo

r a n overvie w o f the economi c priorities of the Brezhne v regim e an d the obstacle s t o achieving economi c goals , se e Conyngham , Industrial Management i n the Soviet Union, chapter 10 ; G. Grossman, 'An Economy a t Middle Age, ' Problems of Communism xxv , 2 (March-April 1976) : 18-33 ; A . Katz , Th e Politics of Economic Reform i n the Soviet Union (New Yor k 1972) , chapter s 7-10 ; A. Nove, 'Economic Policy and Economic Trends,' in A. Dallin and T.B . Larson, eds, Soviet Politics since Khrushchev, chapte r 4 .



improve th e relationshi p betwee n researc h an d productio n an d t o tak e advantage o f certai n economie s o f large r scal e economi c unit s withou t reverting to rigi d centralization. In Septembe r 196 5 th e Centra l Committe e me t i n plenary session for the thir d time sinc e Khrushchev' s removal . A t thi s session a major se t of decisions (5.5 ) wa s take n regardin g reorganization o f th e Sovie t plannin g and industria l complex . Th e economi c reform , associate d primaril y with Kosygin wh o delivere d th e majo r repor t t o th e plenum, 17 too k ai m a t Khrushchev's syste m o f regiona l economi c council s (4.16 ) a s a majo r impediment t o the modernizatio n of the Sovie t economy. T o overcome th e difficulties an d restraints imposed by the system of territorial administration, the plenu m ordere d it s abolitio n an d a retur n t o th e branc h principl e of industrial administration. However, there was not to be a complete return to the pre-1957 relationships. Several changes were proposed. Excessiv e central regulation o f industria l enterprise s wa s t o b e eliminate d b y reducin g th e number of plan indices imposed o n enterprises from above . There was to be increased emphasi s o n economi c lever s suc h a s profit , price , bonus , an d credit. Planning was to show more adaptiveness and flexibility in response t o changing needs . Ne w technique s wer e t o b e develope d an d applie d t o encourage enterprise s t o wor k ou t highe r targe t plans . Th e essenc e o f th e reform wa s t o combin e centralize d branc h an d nationa l plannin g wit h a greater degree o f deconcentrated administration. There was an explici t connection betwee n th e change s i n part y struc ture implemente d a t th e Novembe r 196 4 Centra l Committe e Plenu m an d the propose d reform s i n economi c plannin g an d management . Unde r th e new condition s o f increase d enterpris e autonomy , th e loca l an d primar y party organs' leading role was redefined to place greater emphasis on making 'political' decision s an d exercisin g supervisio n ove r th e stat e economi c organization through contro l of cadres. Part y decisions issue d afte r th e Sep tember 196 5 Central Committe e Plenu m spelled ou t i n detail the natur e of party co-ordinatin g an d personne l dutie s i n th e productio n unit , wit h con tinuous injunctions that part y committee s achiev e thes e goals through spe cial part y techniques shor t o f direct manageria l functions and tha t the y no t take over th e function s of economic manager s no r supplan t soviet an d eco nomic bodie s o r assum e pett y tutelage ove r the m (5.10 , 5.12, 5.23) . Party organizations were instructed t o recruit and then exhibit more confidence in managerial cadre s wh o coul d cop e wit h the ne w administrative , technical , and organizationa l issues raised b y the deconcentratio n o f authority granted in th e 196 5 Statut e o n th e Socialis t Stat e Productio n Enterprise. 18 A clea r image wa s presente d o f th e part y organizatio n a s a co-ordinativ e agency , 17 Current 18 Ibid.,

Digest of th e Soviet Press xvn , no. 38 , 3-1 5 xvn , no. 42 , 3-1 0



consolidating the activitie s of all the component s o f the productio n unit into a synchronized effort aime d at achieving the successful transformation to the new system of economic management . There was apparently strong resistanc e t o the change s in party activity decreed a t th e centre . Whil e some wor k in implementin g th e reform s was being conducted, i t became eviden t b y 196 8 that the part y had been unabl e to ensur e tha t th e advantage s of the ne w system o f management wer e full y utilized. The ke y problem seem s to hav e been attaining a degree o f stability in progress. There were isolated cases of success, but , on the whole, industry had no t bee n abl e to achiev e stabl e hig h rate s o f development an d had no t systematically bee n abl e t o fulfi l plan s for introducin g new technology , fo r mechanization an d automatio n o f production processes, an d fo r raising the quality and technica l level of goods produce d (5.23 , 5.25). The exhortations to improv e part y supervision o f production i n th e contex t o f the ne w eco nomic refor m continue d throug h mos t o f 1969 . A t th e sam e time , th e entire reform came under sharp scrutiny from th e party leadership and ther e was doubt regardin g its continuation. Evidence pointe d t o strong resistanc e to the application of the reform's ke y principles by major participants - part y officials, enterpris e managers, ministr y officials, an d planners. Nevertheless , in Octobe r 196 9 a decisio n wa s mad e t o continu e attempt s t o improv e selected aspect s o f the system and extend thei r application. The case chose n to publiciz e this decision was the Shchekin o Chemical Combine, whic h had successfully develope d an d introduce d a system o f personnel reclassificatio n and dismissal leading to significant increase s i n labour productivity (5.28). The Shchekin o decisio n announcin g the party' s intention t o continu e at leas t som e ke y aspect s o f th e ne w economi c refor m wa s onl y a partial and temporary victory for the proponents of reform. Brezhnev's majo r repor t to the Decembe r 196 9 Central Committee Plenu m contained several indicators of substantial change away from th e direction of the reform. 19 According to Brezhnev , ther e wer e 'insufficiencies , difficulties , an d gaps ' i n th e eco nomy tha t wer e no t pett y littl e thing s t o b e ignore d an d glosse d over b y emphasizing general statistica l indicators and results , especiall y in the area s of labour productivity and the effectivenes s of social production. In addition, 'unpleasant bu t non e th e les s ver y important ' factor s were impedin g eco nomic progress , especiall y personne l problem s a t th e middle-managemen t level. Lack of a feeling of responsibility, violations of discipline, and a lack of conscientiousness ha d become regular patterns and were being transformed into widespread practice. Brezhnev's positio n was that the key to developing a successful economic polic y lay in understanding tha t the Soviet Union had achieved a ne w stag e o f intensiv e developmen t requirin g ne w technique s 19 Excerpt s from Brezhnev' s speech are contained in L.I. Brezhnev, Ob osnovnykh voprosakh ekonomicheskoipolitiki KPSS na sovremennom etape \ (Moscow 1975) , 414-29.

16 R E S O L U T I O N


and decisions that could deal with qualitative factors in economic growth and increases in the effectivenes s of the economy . What was required was a new strategy that accounted for full an d rationa l utilization of existing production capacities, the introduction of the achievements of modern science and technology, and a parsimonious attitude to all resources. Brezhnev' s solution lay in th e directio n o f intensificatio n o f labour , part y an d stat e discipline , and more centralize d direction o f resources. A t thi s point , th e 196 5 economi c reforms cam e unde r direc t attack since Brezhne v wa s identifying th e prob lems the y wer e t o overcom e whil e advocating a change i n approach , with greater emphasis on centralized administrative control and the use of organization an d discipline . However, Brezhne v went ou t o f hi s wa y to presen t himself as a moderate. H e explicitly rejected the solution of 'some comrades who wish to return to former times and especially to techniques o f administrative fiat.' Brezhnev claime d to be representing an intermediate position in advocating continue d trus t i n cadre s bu t a mor e intensiv e applicatio n of mechanisms fo r monitoring behaviour. The firs t visibl e evidence o f a change i n polic y reflectin g Brezhnev' s position was the announcemen t i n February 1970 of a widening of the scope of those hel d responsibl e for economi c failure s t o includ e higher state an d party bodies. Usin g problems encountered b y the meat and dairy industry as an example , economic difficultie s wer e explained by a series of administrative failure s o f th e ministry' s part y committe e t o fulfi l it s supervisory and co-ordinative dutie s an d t o repor t th e deterioratin g stat e o f affair s t o th e appropriate Centra l Committe e department s (5.30) . T o correc t thi s situation, a change was made i n th e part y Rules at th e XXI V Congress i n Apri l 1971, granting party organizations of ministries, state committees, and other central and local soviet and economic institutions and departments the righ t to exercise supervision over the work of the apparatus in implementing party and government directive s and in the observance.o f Soviet laws (5.35). At th e XXI V Congress th e relativ e importance of the 196 5 economic reforms decrease d whe n a n additiona l facto r wa s officiall y identifie d an d recognized a s critica l t o th e regime' s economi c goals . Th e importanc e o f scientific an d technological progress was given formal recognition and i t was rated a s a decisiv e conditio n i n raisin g th e effectivenes s o f socia l pro duction.20 Tw o administrativ e reform s wer e introduce d t o cop e wit h th e demands of the scientific-technologica l revolution. First, the congress called for th e creatio n o f a n intermediat e leve l o f administratio n i n th e for m of science-production association s a s th e basi c unit o f production, an d provisions were made in the part y Rules for the creatio n o f primary party organizations in production associations. Second , th e party Rules were amended t o give primary party organizations in research, design , educational , and othe r 20 Current

Soviet Policies v i (1973) , 23-6



institutes no t performing direct production functions the righ t of supervision over th e administratio n of the institutes . The mai n purpose of these change s was t o allo w th e regim e t o cop e mor e effectivel y wit h a proble m tha t ha d become increasingly severe and damaging to Soviet economic development : the issue s o f establishin g researc h prioritie s in th e natura l and applie d sciences an d transferrin g advance s i n scienc e an d technolog y int o direc t pro duction improvements . Thes e issues becam e critical with the appearanc e of declining growt h rate s an d th e commitmen t o f the regim e t o a n increase in the productio n of consumer good s withou t a decline in the rate of increase in capital goods. Th e change s propose d a t the XXI V Congress wer e directed at overcoming th e science-technology-productio n nexu s an d improvin g effi ciency throug h structura l refor m aimed a t reducing superfluous administrative subdivision s an d increasin g th e party' s co-ordinativ e an d supervisor y powers. Thi s wa s t o b e reinforce d wit h th e wide r applicatio n o f moder n organizational techniques , compute r technology , automate d managemen t systems, and scientifi c methods of administration and planning . However, a brief examination o f the party-state relationship proposed i n the tw o amend ments t o th e part y Rule s indicate s tha t ther e wer e seriou s structura l and behavioural constraints limitin g their impact. The mai n purpos e o f establishin g association s wa s t o creat e a ne w middle leve l o f managemen t betwee n th e ministr y and th e enterpris e tha t could co-ordinate concentration and specialization of production by reallocating production tasks at the enterprise level, improving supplier-customer ties among membe r enterprises , an d improvin g co-ordination betwee n researc h and productio n s o tha t technologica l advance s coul d b e introduce d mor e quickly int o production. 21 Centra l plannin g was to b e improve d sinc e ther e were fewe r units t o pla n for and administratio n was to b e streamlined sinc e the associatio n wa s to be made directly subordinate t o the ministry . A problem aros e in redefinin g th e co-ordinatin g function s o f party organizations at the productio n associatio n level . Obviously , th e mos t desirabl e situatio n would hav e bee n t o establis h a unified party organization in the associatio n since th e part y would then b e in an opportune positio n to co-ordinate all the activities of the expanded production unit. However, thi s optimal variant was difficult t o introduc e becaus e o f man y competin g criteria . Th e part y wa s forced t o choos e sub-optima l form s o f organizatio n throug h affiliatio n i n which severa l o f the constituen t enterprise s of an associatio n retaine d thei r 21 Fo

r a detailed description and analysi s o f the economi c functions o f production associations, se e J . Cooper , 'Research , Developmen t and Innovatio n in the Sovie t Union,' in Z.M. FallenbuchI, ed., Economic Development in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe \ (New York 1975) , chapter 5; A.C. Gorlin , 'The Soviet Economic Associations, ' Soviet Studies xxvi, 1 (Januar y 1974) : 3-27; L . Smolinski , 'Toward s a Socialis t Corporation : Soviet Industrial Reorganizatio n of 1973, ' Survey 20 , 1 (Winter 1974): 24-35.



own primary party organization, often subordinate to a raion or city committee outsid e th e jurisdictio n o f the chie f enterpris e o f the association . Thi s resulted in situations where it was not clear to which raion or city committe e many primar y party organizations were subordinate d an d situation s wher e no party organization could take responsibility for the work of the associatio n as a whole. Attempts hav e bee n made t o overcome co-ordinatio n problem s by settin g u p controversia l 'council s of secretaries o f party organizations i n production associations ' (5.58) . The council s of secretaries wer e mandate d to harmonize an d co-ordinate the activities of the constituent part y organizations on question s o f party guidance over production , work with cadres, an d the organizatio n of socialist competition . The y wer e t o hav e th e powe r t o convene meeting s o f the party-economic aktiv of the association an d to issue recommendations t o th e constituen t part y organization s o n issue s withi n their competence. However , the y wer e limite d i n the scop e of their power s since they could not make recommendations t o the constituent part y organizations on issues fallin g within the competence o f the territorial party organs. Thus, ther e emerge d a sharp discrepancy between wha t was expected o f the secretaries' councils as co-ordinating mechanisms an d their actual powers. 22 The secon d proposa l of the XXI V Congress aime d a t rationalizing the science-technology-production lin k involve d a chang e i n th e part y Rule s granting th e righ t to supervis e th e activit y o f the administratio n t o primary party organizations of all design organizations and bureaus, scientific-research institutes, educationa l institutions , cultural-enlightenment , medical , an d other institution s an d organization s whose administrativ e function s did no t extend beyon d thei r collectives. Thi s affecte d approximatel y 45 per cen t o f all primar y party organizations. The chang e wa s intended, i n larg e part , t o overcome the ga p between individua l research interest s an d stat e interest s and to narrow the gap between researc h and production. Party committees in institutes wer e give n a n expande d rol e i n directly supervising a number o f areas o f management activit y (5.32, 5.34, 5.35) . However, th e expansio n o f party right s i n institute s als o create d th e basi s fo r a numbe r o f conflict s within the institutes that set limits on the impact of intensified party supervision. Th e longstanding , informal , an d potentia l conflic t between part y and administration wa s transferred t o a level o f formal relations wher e subordi nates i n the stat e administrative hierarchy were often expected t o pass judgment o n their administrativ e superiors throug h th e paralle l hierarchy of the party. Bot h part y an d institut e official s ha d thei r ow n idea s a s t o th e wa y supervision wa s to b e implemente d an d it s intende d effects . Charge s wer e 22 Fo

r detaile d evidence o f the problem s encountere d b y local party organs, primar y party organizations, an d th e council s of party secretaries sinc e 1973 , se e T. Dunmore , 'Loca l Party Organs in Industrial Administration: The Case of the Ob"edinenie Reform,' Soviet Studies xxiv , 2 (Apri l 1980) : 195-217.



laid tha t th e temporar y and permanent part y commissions se t u p under primary part y organizations t o conduc t supervisio n tende d t o encroac h upon , usurp, or undermine th e rightfu l authorit y of the institute administration. In addition, i t was charged tha t part y commissions concentrate d thei r criticism on individual s rather tha n o n polic y matters and that they stirred up conflic t and internecin e struggl e in thei r institutes . Often , eve n whe n th e resul t of their wor k wa s salutary, i t wa s allege d tha t th e commission s operate d im properly i n th e investigations , failin g t o consul t wit h managemen t o r th e party aktiv and bureau, working in secret, and issuing peremptory orders and administrative fiats. There wa s a great dea l o f inconsistency i n interpreting and applying the ne w right of supervision. Som e primar y party organizations took it to mean a licence to examine arbitrarily any and all aspects of management's work. Others wer e more circumspect , activating their powers only in sectors or situations where difficulties were bein g encountered or work was lagging. The excesse s and inequities in party work and the stron g instinctive reaction b y managemen t agains t an y criticism , gav e rise t o resistanc e fro m the administration . Some administrator s attempted t o direct the work of the supervisory commissions , thu s provokin g the charg e tha t man y commis sions wer e simpl y tool s o f th e administration . Other s simpl y denied part y commissions th e informatio n needed t o carr y out thei r functions , faile d t o co-operate i n thei r investigations , bypasse d them , o r ignore d thei r recom mendations. Time an d again , the loca l part y organs ha d t o b e calle d i n t o resolv e conflict betwee n th e primar y party organization and the institut e administration arisin g ou t o f the attemp t b y the part y to exercis e it s expanded super visory powers. In part, the long-term resolution of the conflic t came through limitation o f th e part y commissions ' supervisor y functions . Th e commis sions wer e instructe d t o adher e t o a numbe r o f principle s circumscribing their work , includin g clearer definitio n of the scop e o f their activity , close r consultation wit h management an d party bureaus, and more scrupulous concern fo r following appropriat e procedures.23 Finally, the campaign or mobilization aspects of the post-1969 approach to economic administration were brought out in Central Committee demand s for furthe r intensification of ideological work and fo r improved organization of socialis t competitio n (5.37) . Th e thrus t o f ideologica l wor k wa s t o b e towards improvin g th e wor k attitude s an d behaviou r o f the workers . This production orientatio n wa s reinforced b y enrollin g larg e number s o f engi neering an d technica l personne l an d lowe r leve l managemen t personne l i n the campaig n wit h the aim of using their authorit y and expertise t o dissemi 23 Account s of the party-administratio n conflict an d attempt s to resolve it are found i n Current Digest of th e Soviet Press xxm , no. 20 , 6-8; no . 34 , 1-4; xxiv, no. 2 , 15 ; no. 6, 1-5, 27 ; no. 8 , 18-19; no. 9, 12-14 ; no. 13 , 19-20; no. 21 , 13, 22.



nate prope r attitude s an d relevan t knowledg e tha t woul d lead t o increase d labour productivity . Socialist competition wa s to tak e o n ne w importance , directions and forms determined by the scientific-technologica l revolution. It was no t t o b e a campaig n based simpl y on traditiona l Soviet approache s o f exhortation and 'Bolshevi k will' and measured i n terms o f gross output indicators. Th e progra m wa s t o b e base d o n a belie f tha t mor e specialize d knowledge, including economics, a t all levels o f the industria l system would produce mor e rationa l an d committe d response s b y the participant s in th e production process. An d its success wa s to be determined b y additional criteria such a s efficiency an d qualit y (5.38 , 5.49) . The limite d impac t o f th e Brezhnev-Kosygi n reform s o n th e Sovie t economy is evident i n the slowdow n in economic growth experienced b y the Soviet Union in the lat e 1970s and early 1980s . The frustratio n and ange r of the leadership , an d Brezhne v in particular, is evident i n Brezhnev's report s to the annual Central Committee plenum s on the state plan and budget afte r 1978. The resistanc e o f planning officials, ministeria l executives, an d man agers t o the leadership' s attempt s t o mov e th e econom y i n the directio n of greater efficiency an d productivit y through administrative reform resulted i n a return t o mor e conservativ e an d traditional approaches t o economic prob lems suc h a s increase d discipline , more intensiv e monitorin g o f economi c activity, improved ideological work, and stricter enforcement o f legal norms (5.62, 5.63, 5.64). A G R I C U L T U R A L POLIC Y

The Brezhne v regime was faced with a situation in agriculture that paralleled industry: certai n long-ru n structural deficiencies ha d bee n compounde d b y the ofte n economicall y irrationa l and errati c policies of Khrushchev. 24 Two basic long-run factor s affectin g Sovie t agricultur e have bee n organizational and technical . The syste m o f collective and stat e farms in the Sovie t Unio n has produced a number o f organizational constraints o n agricultural productivity, includin g resistance o n th e par t o f the peasants , managemen t prob lems, an d th e applicatio n of central directive s without due concer n fo r local conditions. I n addition, th e Sovie t countryside has traditionally been starve d of investments, bot h i n terms o f capital and i n terms o f the skil l level o f th e agricultural labou r force . Compoundin g thes e long-ru n factor s i n th e pre vious decade ha d been Khrushchev' s attemp t to solve the Soviet agricultural crisis b y employin g constan t campaigns , shiftin g th e focu s o f agricultural priorities, an d frequentl y reorganizing th e administrativ e superstructur e a s substitutes fo r increased investment , th e us e o f advanced agricultura l tech nology, an d a pricin g polic y tha t woul d provid e incentive s t o agricultural 24 Fo

r a n overvie w of the short-ru n and long-ru n obstacles facin g th e Brezhne v regim e in agriculture, see Nove, 'Economi c Policy and Economic Trends.'



managers an d far m workers . Th e Brezhne v leadership, wit h th e persona l imprimatur of the Genera l Secretary , used two early plenums of the Central Committee (Marc h 196 5 and Ma y 1966 ) t o announc e th e detail s of a 'new deal' for agriculture, raising its importance in the scheme o f Soviet economic development an d promisin g organizationa l stability , improve d term s o f trade, scientificall y base d policies , and capita l investment s a s solution s t o agricultural problems. 25 The Marc h 196 5 Plenum deal t primaril y wit h the organizationa l issue (5.3). Its focus wa s based o n th e assumptio n that failures in the agricultural sector - laggin g rates of growth, slowly rising yields, insignificant increases in production o f dairy product s - ha d bee n cause d b y a number o f organizational deviations. Th e decisio n of the plenum did not spel l out in detail how the organizationa l obstacles t o agricultura l efficiency an d productivit y were to be overcome. However, it did signal the regime's sensitivity to the aliena tion tha t ha d bee n create d i n th e countrysid e by Khrushchev's roughsho d approach t o agriculture . The documen t appeare d almos t a s a n apolog y to agricultural interests fo r what Khrushchev had don e to them an d a promise for a n agricultura l policy that wa s mor e sensitiv e t o objectiv e agricultura l needs and was based on a more realistic assessment o f agricultural problems and their solutions . Despite th e leadership' s genera l sensitivity to th e impac t of organization o n agricultura l productivity , there was little evidence i n it s actions that showed any real understanding that organizational forms suitable for agriculture may reflect certain distinctive characteristics of rural ways of life. Marginal changes were made in agricultural organization such as easing restrictions on household plot s and extending credit to individual peasants fo r purchase of livestoc k (5.1) , th e introductio n o f a ne w Mode l Kolkho z Charte r i n 196926 and proposal s fo r a nationwid e structure o f kolkhoz unions. 27 However, th e regim e wa s insensitive to th e ide a that it might be the basi c forms of agricultural organization in the Sovie t Union that were the source of unre25 Brezhnev' s persona l commitmen t t o th e chang e i n agricultural policy i s reflected i n hi s speeches a t th e tw o Centra l Committe e plenums . See Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xvn, no . 12 , 3-11 , 36 ; xviu , no . 23 , 3-8 . Fo r detaile d descriptio n an d analyse s o f th e significance o f the reforms , see R.A. Clarke, 'Sovie t Agricultural Reforms sinc e Khrush chev,' Soviet Studies xx, 2 (October 1968) : 159-67 ; J.F. Karcz , 'The New Soviet Agricultural Programme, ' Soviet Studies xvn , 2 (Octobe r 1965) : 129-61 ; R.D. Laird , 'Prospects for Sovie t Agriculture, ' Problems o f Communism xx, 5 (September-October 1971): 31-40: Nove, 'Economic Policy and Economic Trends.' 26 Th e tex t o f the Charte r i s translated i n Current Digest of th e Soviet Press xxi , no. 17 , 3-8 . 27 Fo

r a discussion o f the propose d nation-wid e structure of kolkhoz unions and the Mode l Kolkhoz Charter, se e R.F . Miller , The Futur e o f the Sovie t Kolkhoz,' Problems of Communism xxv , 2 (March-Apri l 1976) : 34-50.



sponsive an d noncompliant behaviou r i n the agricultural sector. A continue d commitment wa s made t o th e fundamenta l organizationa l forms , stat e and collective farms, and to the idea that only incremental adjustment s neede d to be made t o achiev e hig h levels of efficiency. I n addition, a basic assumptio n underlying th e regime' s approac h wa s tha t th e directio n o f incrementa l changes i n agricultura l organizatio n coul d bes t b e determine d accordin g t o organizational principles and experience i n the industria l sector . The regime' s rigi d positio n o f imposing industria l form s o f organization o n agriculture was demonstrated in three organizationa l reforms o f th e Brezhnev years . In 196 7 there was an attempt t o bring the sovkhoze s close r to industria l form s o f managemen t b y transferrin g the m t o profit-and-los s accounting (khozraschet ) (5.13) . The aim was to improve efficienc y b y tying bonuses and investmen t fund s to profits. I n 196 7 there was also a n attemp t to encourag e subsidiar y enterprise s associate d wit h collectiv e an d stat e farms. Small-scal e processin g o f agricultural produce, th e productio n o f local building materials an d consumer goods , and the development o f production links with industrial enterprises wer e encouraged i n order t o make fuller us e of seasona l surpluse s o f labou r an d material s o n farms. 28 Finally , afte r lengthy discussio n o n th e relativ e merit s o f delegatin g meaningfu l opera tional autonom y t o loca l agricultura l subunit s i n th e for m o f th e zven o (link), Brezhnev wa s able to impose hi s own position, whic h favoured larger scale middle-leve l units . A series of successful experiment s ha d been carried out, directe d a t bot h horizonta l an d vertica l integratio n i n th e agricultura l sector. A t the XXV Congress, Brezhnev announced tha t the policy would be pursued mor e systematically and vigorously. 29 Three months later a detaile d Central Committe e resolution wa s published outlinin g th e rationale , forms , and procedure s fo r introducin g specializatio n an d concentratio n o f agricultural productio n o n th e basi s o f inter-farm co-operatio n an d agro-industria l integration (5.52) . Wha t emerge d a s the majo r featur e in the party' s organi zational component o f its agricultural policy in the mid-1970s was an attempt to transform agricultura l organization accordin g to the latest mode l o f industrial organization - the production association - with all of the alleged advan tages o f centralize d plannin g an d direction , middle-leve l co-ordination , allocation an d poolin g o f regional resources , loca l responsiveness to specific conditions i n carrying out basic directives, an d closer ties with industrial suppliers and consumers. 28 A

discussion o f the economi c dimensions of vertical integration of agriculture and indus try i n rura l area s i s contained i n A . Kahan , 'Th e Problem s o f the "Agrarian-Industria l Complexes" i n the Sovie t Union' , in Z.M. Fallenbuchl, ed., Economic Development... u, chapter 8. 29 Current Soviet Policies v n (1976) : 19-20. For the politica l background to the decision, se e Miller, 'The Future of the Soviet Kolkhoz. '



Major change s i n agricultural policy that promised to have a significant long-run impac t cam e i n th e area s o f investment, science , an d technolog y (5.9, 5.26 , 5.31) . I n Ma y 1966 , th e Centra l Committe e plenu m announce d radical change s i n th e party' s agricultura l policies i n thes e area s aime d a t filling the gap s lef t b y attacks on th e previou s regime's approach . Criticisms and solution s wer e specifi c an d actio n wa s require d b y responsibl e stat e officials. T o heighte n th e impor t o f th e decisions , Brezhnev' s nam e wa s directly associate d wit h the proposals . Agricultura l policy was obviously an issue o f first-rat e politica l importanc e a s well as economic significance . The existing lag s i n agricultura l productivity and efficienc y wer e blame d o n a whole serie s o f technica l problems . Th e plenu m approve d the adoptio n of several majo r programmes aime d directly at dealing with these technical constraints: extensiv e developmen t an d improvemen t o f lan d reclamatio n an d preservation through irrigation, drainage , water resource development, liming, an d anti-erosio n projects ; expande d suppl y of mechanization , electri c power, chemical fertilizers , equipment, buildin g and othe r materials ; mor e extensive research , decisio n makin g based o n the results of the research, an d rapid implementatio n o f scientific advances; and , improve d materia l incentive systems fo r employees i n the priority-designate d areas. The party' s programmati c statements regardin g investmen t prioritie s within agricultur e and betwee n agricultur e and othe r sector s o f the Sovie t economy tha t hav e traditionall y been favoure d i n resourc e allocatio n decisions ha d thei r impac t o n th e nationa l budget . Th e Brezhne v year s sa w a massive redirectio n o f resource s int o agricultur e an d relate d industries . Overall investmen t i n agricultur e an d direc t productiv e investmen t i n agriculture gre w significantl y afte r 1964 . Prioritie s were se t t o ensur e tha t agricultural developmen t wa s channelle d i n a capital-intensiv e direction, especially wit h th e undertakin g o f majo r land-reclamatio n schemes , th e mechanization o f agriculture , an d th e wid e us e o f minera l fertilizers . The terms of trade betwee n th e countrysid e and the cit y were adjusted in favour of th e rura l secto r throug h direc t subsidie s fro m th e stat e budge t an d adjustments i n purchas e price s o f agricultural produce an d above-pla n pre mium rates . A number o f measures wer e take n t o improv e th e purchasing power o f agricultura l workers an d upgrad e thei r socia l service s an d livin g conditions.30 Evidence o f th e constraint s tha t th e regim e ha s impose d o n it s own agricultural policy and its frustration in dealing with the issue emerged a t th e 30 Fo

r a detaile d analysi s of th e change s i n investmen t patterns , pricing , an d manpowe r policies that resulted from th e party's shift in agricultural policy and an assessment o f their impact, see K . Bush, 'Soviet Agriculture : Te n Years Under Ne w Management,' i n Z.M. Fallenbuchl, ed. ( Economic Development... n , chapter 7; R.A. Clarke, 'Soviet Agricultural Reforms since Khrushchev. '

24 R E S O L U T I O N


July 197 8 Central Committe e Plenum. 31 Over a decade ha d passed sinc e th e introduction an d approva l of the Brezhne v cours e i n agriculture , sufficien t time to assess the impac t of higher levels of investment an d changes i n pricing, planning , incentives, an d th e organizatio n of agricultura l production. Nevertheless, afte r reviewin g the successes of the past, Brezhnev was forced to conclude that 'not everything in this sector is what it should be.' Brezhnev then launche d int o a blistering attack on th e administratio n o f all segments of his agricultural policy. The industria l sector ha d faile d t o produce agricultural machiner y and herbicides , t o develo p processin g facilitie s u p t o capa city, an d t o expan d capacities . There wer e shortfalls in quality, design, an d production o f agricultura l machinery . Agricultura l equipmen t ha d bee n underutilized an d abused . Chemica l fertilizer s had bee n use d improperly . Reclaimed lan d had been cultivate d improperly. There had been man y mis takes resultin g in shortfall s in animal husbandry. Th e majo r reorganizatio n of 197 6 aimed a t specialization and concentratio n o f agricultural productio n through the development o f inter-farm co-operation an d agro-industrial integration ha d no t resulte d i n an y significan t breakthrough s becaus e o f resis tance b y plannin g agencies, ministries , an d middle-leve l management . A host o f constructio n difficulties , short-comings , an d bottleneck s ha d sig nificantly lowere d th e efficienc y o f th e rura l sector. Th e botto m lin e wa s summarized b y Brezhne v i n th e followin g understatement : 'Eac h yea r w e allocate mor e an d mor e capita l investments an d materia l resource s t o th e development o f agriculture . But i t mus t b e sai d tha t i n som e place s thes e investments d o no t provid e th e prope r retur n i n th e for m o f output.. . [T]he retur n fro m agricultur e i s stil l insufficien t whe n compare d wit h investment.' On balance, th e Brezhne v leadershi p recognize d tw o major source s o f the disma l performance of Soviet agriculture: capital investments an d organization. However , fo r politica l an d ideologica l reasons , i t wa s abl e t o dea l effectively wit h only par t of th e problem . The regim e pursue d a consisten t policy of large investments i n agriculture and related sector s of the econom y aimed a t a stable an d sustaine d rat e o f agricultural growth tha t would mak e the Sovie t Unio n self-sufficien t a t an acceptable level of consumption an d it showed itsel f willin g t o subsidiz e th e agricultura l sector heavil y (includin g large grain imports at times of shortfalls). However, th e pay-offs , i n terms of high and stable outpu t levels, wer e not commensurate wit h the investment . In larg e part , th e failur e o f returns o n investmen t t o reac h expecte d level s can be attributed to the failur e o f the part y to cope mor e imaginatively with organizational problems endemi c t o the Sovie t economy i n general and agriculture in particular. 31 Current

Digest of th e Soviet Press, xxx, no . 27 , 1-1 3



The party' s polic y o n stat e an d publi c organizations unde r Brezhne v wa s conservative fo r th e mos t part , lackin g i n imaginatio n an d innovation . A pragmatic approach, largel y devoid o f Utopian dimensions , wa s taken t o th e structure an d function s o f thes e politica l organizations, whil e there wa s a subtle redefinitio n o f th e relationshi p betwee n thei r responsibilitie s an d rights. A limited attempt wa s made t o enhance thei r authority by improving their internal organization , by more clearl y defining their jurisdictions, and , in certai n cases , b y expandin g thei r power s an d right s t o satisf y certai n requirements o f their constituencies . However , i t must b e remembered tha t all o f these changes too k plac e within the contex t o f the principle s of democratic centralism an d part y 'rukovodstvo. ' Under Brezhne v ther e wa s a continuatio n o f th e polic y initiate d b y Khrushchev (se e 4.14 ) o f improving the practica l work of the Soviet s while marginally increasin g thei r powe r an d independence . Th e Soviets ' primary function wa s still defined i n terms o f mobilization and supervisio n ove r th e implementation o f party and stat e decisions . I n addition , however , increas ing emphasi s wa s place d o n thei r dutie s t o solv e problem s o f local signifi cance within their territorial jurisdiction and to co-ordinate and supervise th e activities of local branch units of ministries u p to th e limit s of their compe tence. Th e Soviet s were depicte d a s an importan t mechanis m fo r ensurin g that housing , social , an d cultura l facilitie s promised throug h th e pla n wer e delivered an d that distribution and maintenance o f these facilities were managed efficiently (5.33) . The part y declared tha t the Soviet s must be strengthened institutionall y and give n mor e power , authority , an d independenc e from outsid e interferenc e i n carryin g out thei r tasks . Loca l Soviets ' right s were t o b e extende d t o giv e them a more activ e rol e i n co-ordinatin g an d directing the activities of the enterprises an d services of direct concern t o the locality. Lines o f responsibility between differen t level s o f Soviets were to be clarified. Th e Soviet s were urge d t o strengthe n thei r administrativ e apparatus. The career s o f selected deputie s an d staff s o f Soviets were to b e professionalized throug h th e introductio n and extension o f training and retraining programmes tha t gav e mor e emphasi s t o learnin g manageria l skill s (5.11 , 5.19, 5.38 , 5.44) . Party guidance o f the Soviet s was to be improved b y eliminating petty tutelage and the usurpatio n of soviet function s by the party . An element o f budgetar y independenc e wa s introduced, wit h loca l soviet bud gets t o com e partiall y from th e profit s o f locall y situated enterprises . Th e responsibility of the Soviet s was to be ensured by combining responsivenes s of deputies t o thei r constituent s wit h hierarchical control ove r loca l Soviets by th e suprem e Soviet s an d council s o f minister s o f th e unio n republics . Despite th e call s for upgrading the status and enhancing th e impac t of soviet work, however, sever e limits on thei r activitie s remained. Ther e were con -

26 R E S O L U T I O N


tinuing complaints that the Soviets failed t o make full us e of their rights, that they wer e limite d i n thei r majo r effort s b y branc h ministrie s tha t wer e unwilling t o co-operat e wit h loca l officials , tha t highe r standin g Soviet s refused t o grant them their new independence, tha t party organizations were constantly interferin g i n thei r work , an d tha t th e Soviet s were unabl e t o attract qualified personnel . In hi s Centra l Committe e Repor t t o th e XX V Congress , Brezhne v made a number o f significant departure s fro m th e previou s for m and sub stance o f his remarks on the state . A t the two previous congresses his report on the stat e wa s short an d dealt mainl y with the routin e issues of upgrading the statu s o f the Soviets , expanding socialist democracy, an d improving the administrative apparatus . A t th e XX V Congress, Brezhne v use d hi s repor t on the stat e to convey a political message suggestin g a tightening up or conservative law-and-orde r lin e i n severa l directions. 32 There was reference t o 'the question o f improving our legislation and strengthening socialist law and order.' Lega l norms and regulations were to pla y a greater role in regulating new area s o f concer n such a s environmental protection . I n addition , the y were to be utilized more in regulating economic activit y by ensuring compliance with the task s o f improving quality of output, economizing, an d counteracting devian t behaviou r such a s deception o f the state , report padding , the thef t of socialist property, and manifestations of parochialism. Brezhne v called fo r th e issuanc e o f a code o f law s o f the Sovie t stat e t o increas e th e stability of the structur e of law and order. The administrativ e bodies respon sible for the law - th e militia, the procurator's office, th e courts and the judicial agencie s - wer e als o t o improve thei r activity . Finally, special mentio n was mad e o f th e stat e securit y agencie s an d thei r wor k i n protectin g th e Soviet stat e fro m foreig n subversion. A t the sam e time, however , th e stat e security agencies were reminded tha t the sourc e o f their strength came fro m the fact tha t their work was conducted unde r the party's 'guidance and unremitting control , accordin g to the interest s o f the peopl e an d th e state , with the suppor t of the broa d masses of working people and on the basi s of strict observance o f constitutional norms and socialist legality.' Brezhnev's recom mendations t o th e XX V Congres s wer e followe d i n 197 9 b y a Centra l Committee decisio n detailin g the responsibilitie s of party, state, and public organizations in the struggl e against law violations (5.64) . At a late r poin t i n hi s repor t t o th e XX V Congress, an d possibl y in response t o Wester n criticis m o f th e lac k o f huma n an d civi l rights i n th e Soviet Union, Brezhnev noted that , while there was concern for the rights of citizens in the Sovie t Union , 'w e at the same time pa y due attentio n t o th e problems o f strengthening socia l discipline and to the observanc e b y all citizens o f their obligation s to societ y ... We might recal l Lenin's words to th e 32 Current

Soviet Policies v n (1976) : 29-30



effect tha t in our society everything that serves the interests of the construc tion o f communis m i s moral. Similarly , w e ca n sa y that fo r us , tha t which serves the interests o f the people, the interests o f communist construction , is democratic.'33 Brezhnev' s positio n o f mora l an d lega l relativis m an d hi s definition o f civil rights in terms of state interests and compliance with social obligations indicated that the hard line on organized and public dissent would continue. On the issu e of dissent, th e Brezhne v regime was confronted with a major paradox that was never resolved . The tria l of Siniavsky and Daniel in 1965 set the basis for the regime's conservativ e interpretation of the limits of dissent an d thi s wa s supported b y a broa d spectru m o f policies: repressio n through th e lega l system, harassment , th e us e of psychiatric hospitals, internal and external exile. Despite thes e measures, th e regime was continuously confronted wit h a wid e rang e o f articulat e and semi-organize d oppositio n from a number of sources, includin g neo-marxists, liberal socialists, national minorities, Russian nationalists, and religious groups. These forces were able to expres s thei r view s throug h a wid e range o f media , whic h included th e publication o f illega l undergroun d journal s an d manuscript s (samizdat) , petitions, influenc e ove r th e editorshi p o f certai n journals, an d th e us e o f the foreig n medi a an d foreig n publishers . Ne w individual s and grouping s emerged t o tak e th e plac e o f th e olde r generatio n o f dissident s an d i n response t o new issues. I n at least two cases (Jews and Germans) th e regim e made major and unprecedented concession s o n the right to emigrate . The consistently conservative thrust of Brezhnev's positio n was emphasized a t th e XXV I Congress i n hi s remarks on ar t an d literature , wher e h e served notic e tha t th e party' s intoleranc e o f th e expressio n o f dissen t through creative works would continue. H e warned that even talente d individuals' wor k could be harmed by lack of principles, philosophical unscrupulousness, an d a departur e fro m a clear-cu t clas s assessmen t o f individual historical events and figures . The part y could no t b e indifferen t t o the ideo logical orientatio n o f art. Consequently , part y organizations in th e creativ e professions wer e require d t o tak e actio n whe n work s appeare d tha t dis credited Sovie t realit y an d t o correct thos e wh o move awa y fro m th e main stream. I n discussin g th e activit y o f th e stat e securit y organs , Brezhne v expressed the gratitud e of the part y and the people for their decisive wor k in cutting short th e activity of persons engagin g in anti-state, hostile actions and of those wh o encroach o n the right s of the Soviet people and the interests of Soviet society. 34 Under Brezhne v the basic function of the trade unions continued to be defined a s the mobilizatio n of the wor k force to fulfi l th e task s o f economi c and cultural construction (5.17) . However, a balanced approach was taken to 33 Ibid. , 30 34 Current Digest of th e Soviet Press, xxxm, no. 9 , 8



the elaboratio n of the techniques considered suitabl e for the trad e unions in their work . Heavy emphasi s wa s still placed o n th e traditiona l approach t o mobilization wor k through union s a s 'schools of administration, schools o f management, an d school s o f communism.' Th e union s wer e depicted i n a parental relationshi p with the worker , urging him to maximize his contribution to the genera l good by ideological work and through the organization of socialist competition an d socialis t obligations. The wor k force was seen as a malleable resourc e tha t mus t b e shape d b y the trad e union s t o fit the ne w requirements placed on society by economic reforms and the scientific-technological revolution . However , implici t i n th e party' s approac h t o trad e union work was the idea that a productive worker in modern society requires more tha n exhortatio n an d identificatio n with the genera l good t o produc e efficiently. Consequently , th e mobilizatio n function s o f th e trad e union s were balance d b y an extensio n o f thei r function s in the area s o f protecting labour rights, ensuring the observanc e o f labour legislation, improving work conditions and enforcing safety provisions , and fulfilling plan s for the output of consume r good s suc h a s housing, schools , healt h facilitie s and services , trade and public catering enterprises, an d social insurance. It was also recognized tha t th e effectivenes s o f th e trad e union s depende d o n th e leve l of education of their members. Ther e was a call for improved educational facilities for workers and trade union cadres . The party' s position o n the Komsomo l was traditional in its proposals for substanc e an d styl e of work (5.21) . Three primary functions were identified for Komsomol organizations. Labour mobilization was to be intensified and improve d throug h variou s technique s suc h a s direc t organizatio n o f young people for specific tasks or projects, the organizatio n of socialist competitions, socializatio n int o prope r attitude s toward s work and labou r discipline, encouragemen t o f education an d post-graduatio n upgradin g of skills. Political socializatio n wa s t o continu e o n a n intensiv e leve l throug h th e Komsomol's ideologica l an d politica l enlightmen t wor k an d throug h it s influence i n educational institutions . Cadre wor k was to be improved, espe cially with a view to utilizin g the Komsomo l a s a major bas e o f recruitment for the party. In all this, the party's direct role in Komsomol organizatio n and activity wa s to b e enhanced . Part y organizations were held directl y respon sible fo r th e ideologica l trainin g o f youn g people , consolidatin g th e part y nucleus i n Komsomo l organizations , an d raisin g th e responsibilit y o f al l party member s fo r th e stat e o f affair s i n th e Komsomol . Part y committee s and part y organizations wer e castigate d fo r no t goin g deepl y int o th e sub stance o f the activity of Komsomol organization s and failing to offer concret e daily assistance to them. At the December 1965 Central Committee Plenu m the party abolished one o f Khrushchev's populis t reform s - the Party-Stat e Contro l Commit tee - whic h had been created at the November 196 2 Plenum (4.39) . A sepa-



rate state network of People's Control organs was set up (5.6) . The move can be explained i n both politica l an d administrativ e terms. Politicall y i t serve d as a pretex t fo r removin g Shelepi n fro m hi s positio n a s head o f th e Party State Control Committee. 35 However, the reorganizatio n was also consistent with the leadership's genera l approach to party-state relations, which emphasized a clearer distinctio n between part y and stat e structure s an d functions and a downplayin g of th e populis t aspects o f Khrushchev' s administrative reforms. A decad e afte r it s effectiv e withdrawa l from meaningful work th e regime began to revitalize the People's Control network as an administrative watchdog agenc y (5.50) . Th e lon g dela y i n reactivatio n and th e ne w principles of its organization and operation served t o indicate that there would be significant difference s fro m it s predecessor . It s interna l organizatio n and activities were to b e upgrade d an d routinize d in the fashio n of other public agencies an d it s activitie s wer e t o reinforc e th e campaig n fo r economi c efficiency an d productivity. IDEOLOGY, P R O P A G A N D A , A N D AGITATIO N

At first glance, th e numbe r o f documents issue d unde r Brezhnev' s leader ship containin g ideologica l pronouncement s woul d see m t o contradic t th e argument tha t th e Brezhne v year s wer e characterize d b y pragmatis m an d instrumentalism. Th e regim e availe d itsel f o f man y occasion s t o mak e lengthy statement s throug h part y resolution s o n question s pertainin g t o ideology. Officia l part y pronouncement s wer e issued celebratin g the fiftiet h and sixtieth anniversaries of the Great October Revolution, the one hundred and fiftiet h Anniversar y o f the birt h of Marx, th e on e hundredt h an d on e hundred and tenth anniversaries o f the birt h of Lenin, th e one hundred and fiftieth anniversar y o f Engels ' birth , th e seventiet h anniversar y of the 2n d Congress of the RSDL P and the 1905-190 7 Revolution, and more. Almost any of these occasions could have been use d t o introduce significant new departures relatin g to the ideology . However, th e Brezhne v regime was not note d for it s substantive ideological developments . The majo r theoretica l advanc e introduce d b y Brezhne v wa s the ide a that th e Sovie t Unio n ha d no w reached a stage of 'developed socialis t society.' This is a remarkably ambiguous concept tha t came into use only gradually and has never been properly canonized through detailed exposition of its characteristics an d plac e in th e stage s o f development toward s communis m in a forma l party document. Th e concep t wa s first introduced i n a policy making Pravda articl e on 27 December 1966. Brezhnev then made increasing reference to it in speeches, Soviet theoreticians elaborated on its meaning and significance, an d it was discussed at length in the party' s theoretical journal , 35 Fo

r th e politica l backgroun d to th e refor m see Bilinsky , 'Th e Communis t Part y of th e Soviet Union,' 31-4; Hough, 'Reforms in Government an d Administration,' 27-8 .



Kommunist. However, i t was ignored in the Central Committee These s celebrating the fiftiet h anniversar y of the Revolutio n in 196 7 and received som e limited elaboratio n in the part y document s onl y in early 1972 , o n th e occa sion o f th e fiftiet h anniversar y of th e formatio n o f th e USS R (5.40) . I n th e latter document, th e concept was briefly identified in relationship to the stat e to includ e a numbe r o f feature s reflectin g the curren t leve l o f Sovie t eco nomic, class, political , ideological and nationality developments. Developed socialism received ful l forma l recognitio n as a stage in socialist developmen t in the ne w Constitution adopte d i n 1977. What emerge d fro m th e ne w self-characterizatio n of socialism i n th e Soviet Unio n was an imag e of a society tha t ha d achieve d a relatively high level of industrial development and now required more intensive and sophisticated approache s t o th e economic , social , and politica l problems of a complex society. In the economic sphere thi s was associated wit h the need to pay greater attention to factors such as the scientific-technological revolution and managerial practices. In the spher e of social relations it meant suc h things as more realistic assessment o f the timetabl e for the eliminatio n of difference s associated wit h the transformatio n to a communis t society , a need t o dea l more intensivel y with th e socia l effect s o f industrialization and moderniza tion, an d continue d emphasi s o n th e nee d fo r nationa l integration . On th e political level , th e concep t o f develope d socialis m wa s associate d wit h a policy o f re-emphasizing the rol e of the stat e i n planning and administerin g the constructio n o f th e material-technica l bas e o f communism alon g with Khrushchev's stres s o n the growth of public self-government throug h socia l organizations. In brief, Brezhnev's depictio n of the curren t stag e of socialist development i n the Sovie t Unio n provided the ideologica l legitimization for a relatively conservative se t of policies aimed at maintaining and strengthen ing th e economic , social , an d politica l achievement s of the earlie r transfor mationist period in Soviet development.36 In addition, the incorporation int o the ideolog y o f the stag e o f developed socialis m contribute d t o Brezhnev' s status. I t allowe d him t o tak e his place as a leading ideologist wh o brough t forth th e concep t o f a new stage in the developmen t o f socialism, whic h was broader tha n Khrushchev' s all-people' s state an d calle d fo r a redirection o f the policies implicit in Khrushchev's formul a (without rejecting the formula itself) i n favour of more intensifie d state activity and increasing popular participation through stat e organ s (th e Soviets , which were renamed Soviet s of People's Deputies i n the new Constitution). The absence of radical developments i n the ideology did not mean tha t the part y renounced it s interest i n ideologica l matters . Th e part y attempte d two paralle l and reinforcin g approaches to the issu e o f ideological work . On 36 A.B

. Evans, Jr , 'Develope d Socialis m in Sovie t Ideology, ' Soviet Studies xxix , 3 (Jul y 1977): 409-28.



one level , th e part y wa s involved i n th e settin g o f task s an d direction s o f work for certain groups which make a direct contribution to the substanc e of the ideolog y b y elaboratin g o n existin g principle s an d relatin g the m t o current societa l task s (e.g . th e socia l sciences ) o r ar e involve d i n thei r dissemination (e.g . literar y and ar t criticism ) (5.16 , 5.39) . Th e party' s general directives identifie d short-comings , requirements , an d immediat e task s i n these fields. Party bodies, state agencies an d public organizations responsibl e for th e formulatio n o f detail s an d th e administratio n o f polic y wer e the n charged wit h implementation . Loca l an d primar y party organizations were initially confine d t o th e limite d tasks o f general guidanc e an d supervision , cadres work, and providing assistance, withou t too much attention to details of substance . Th e assumptio n underlyin g this approac h wa s that self-disci pline by the administrative and creative elites involved would be sufficient t o produce th e require d results , whil e giving reign to some degree o f creativity to improve th e qualit y of the product . On a secon d level , th e part y a t times exercise d it s right to determin e that ideologica l wor k b e intensifie d an d tha t part y organization s becom e more directl y involved an d active in performing ideological work. There was no linear pattern t o intensified party activity in ideological work. However, a number o f such wave s can be identified , often in response t o specific sets of circumstances. Fo r example, the Apri l 1968 Central Committee Plenu m signaled a n intensification of the party's concern fo r ideological work, obviously in respons e t o th e emergin g situatio n i n Czechoslovaki a (5.20) . Afte r th e December 196 9 Centra l Committe e Plenu m ther e wa s to b e a perceptible increase i n th e party' s ideologica l wor k associate d wit h the re-emphasi s o n labour disciplin e (5.37) . Th e party' s ideologica l machine wa s also exhorte d to energize itself in conjunction with the multitude of anniversaries that were celebrated durin g Brezhnev' s tenure , especiall y th e fiftiet h anniversar y o f the Revolutio n an d th e formatio n o f th e Sovie t state . Finally , a proliferation o f resolution s occurre d i n respons e t o Brezhnev' s Centra l Committe e Report to the XX V Congress wher e he called for a comprehensive approac h to ideologica l wor k 'tha t ensure s th e clos e unit y o f ideological-political, labour, an d mora l upbringin g ...'37 In less tha n a year, several Centra l Com mittee resolutions ha d been issue d detailing tasks and activities and indicating a reformulation of the priorities of party organizations with more emphasis and resources to be placed on ideological work. Most ideologica l wor k unde r Brezhne v wa s production oriented , tha t is, concerne d wit h th e mobilizatio n o f th e labou r forc e t o achiev e certai n economic goal s suc h a s increased labou r productivity , improved efficiency , lower labou r turnover , improve d qualit y o f output , etc . T o achiev e thes e goals there wa s an attempt t o chang e th e syste m o f ideological work in sev 37 Current

Soviet Policies v n (1976) : 27

32 R E S O L U T I O N


eral directions : greate r emphasi s o n communicatin g mor e specialize d an d economic knowledge ; mor e carefu l differentiation of audiences accordin g t o their skill s and needs ; intensificatio n of part y control over th e ideologica l work o f the mas s media; improvemen t i n the teachin g of the socia l sciences to specialists while they were still completing their highe r education ; greate r specialization and differentiatio n amon g th e function s performed b y various categories o f ideological workers; improve d trainin g for ideological worker s (5.38, 5.46 , 5.53 , 5.57 , 5.63) . However , give n th e conten t an d natur e o f ideological wor k i n th e Sovie t Union , i t i s doubtfu l tha t thes e margina l changes contribute d i n an y significant way to improvin g the overal l efficac y of either agitation or propaganda. CONCLUSION

The relativ e longevit y an d stabilit y o f th e Brezhne v regim e ha s demon strated tha t a collectiv e leadership , o r oligarchy , in th e Sovie t Unio n ca n maintain itsel f an d operat e effectivel y a s a unifie d entity over a n extende d period of time. Muc h o f its success ca n be attributed to the adoptio n by the leadership of a strategy of incrementalism, which has operate d a t two levels. On th e leve l o f leadershi p politics , Brezhnev an d hi s Politbur o colleague s observed th e basi c rul e o f avoiding , a t leas t i n public , fundamental issue s that might reflect or cause disagreements abou t principle. The leaders tread a cautious path : ther e wa s a deart h o f ideologica l formulation s tha t migh t imply shar p an d irreconcilabl e policy differences within the oligarchy . Furthermore, Brezhne v apparently played a role that provided the regime with a mechanism fo r mediating disputes; a t the same time he delegated significant amounts of power to those individual members o f the group with specialized competence. A strateg y o f marginal incrementalism wa s also pursue d i n the policy realm. Th e Brezhne v leadershi p too k a numbe r o f measured step s o n th e issues of party organization, economic development , stat e and public organizations, and ideology that emerged a s an integrated, if limited, programme of modernization b y striking a balance between continuit y and innovation. Th e adoption o f th e concep t o f develope d socialis t societ y provide d a basi c ideological self-imag e o f th e regim e an d it s societ y i n term s o f margina l incrementalism - a n approach to change tha t starts wit h given successes and problems and formulates further policy on the basi s of alternatives, potentia l effects, an d results that differ onl y marginally from the existing situation. It is an approac h tha t stresse s a n imag e o f polic y making a s 'proble m solving, ' moving awa y from existin g problem s rathe r tha n strikin g radica l ne w strat egies t o achiev e ideologica l goals . Th e initia l part y an d stat e reform s i n 1964-1965 were legitimize d i n term s o f a rejectio n o f Khrushchev' s alleg edly radica l reorganization s (i.e . his failur e to adher e to the principle s of marginal incrementalism ) an d i n term s o f a retur n t o previou s forms , bu t



with som e change s i n th e rule s an d procedure s aime d a t institutionalizing relationships an d makin g the syste m mor e efficient . A t the sam e time, th e party leadership sanctione d th e introductio n of the concept o f the scientific technological revolutio n a s a symbol o f modernization, t o giv e some direction t o change. Yet , while modernization wa s a commonly accepted goal , its vagueness opene d u p th e possibilit y of differin g interpretation s regardin g techniques, criteria , indicators, and rates o f modernization. The part y documents confir m that the Brezhne v leadershi p pursue d a policy of adaptation combinin g security for certain basic, core principle s and values while effecting limite d change i n form, style, substance, and schedul ing aimed a t making the component s o f the syste m mor e responsiv e t o th e requirements o f a rapidly changin g environment an d simultaneously secur ing fo r th e regim e a n acceptabl e degre e o f part y contro l ove r th e directio n and rat e o f change. Refor m unde r Brezhne v was determined, first , b y th e successes, commitments , an d value s o f the past . Th e Brezhne v leadershi p worked within a number o f self-imposed constraint s an d limitations that provided a n elemen t o f continuity with previou s Sovie t regime s an d th e pre revolutionary bolshevi k heritage . Th e limitin g parameters wer e determine d primarily b y th e acceptanc e an d incorporatio n int o polic y o f certai n com monly agree d upo n principle s which included th e leadin g rol e o f the party , the efficac y o f central planning , an d th e territorial-branc h productio n prin ciple, th e ideologica l orthodox y an d practica l advantage s o f collectiv e an d state forms of economic activity , the basic mobilization functions of the stat e and publi c organizations, an d certai n basi c socia l welfar e goal s associate d with the ultimat e attainment o f communism. Within th e long-ru n an d relativel y immutable parameter s ther e als o developed a sense of agreement tha t th e curren t phas e o f developed social ism required it s own special forms and style in political, economic, an d social life. Thi s flexibilit y resulte d i n th e incorporatio n o f a numbe r o f principles into policies on the party , industry, agriculture, and society aimed at bringing the majo r institutions and relationships of Soviet society out of their transformationist stag e an d int o a phas e consisten t wit h th e imperative s o f a n advanced industria l nation. Fo r th e party , this mean t change s lik e a greater emphasis on qualit y i n recruitment, increase d stabilit y and securit y fo r personnel, a selectiv e attemp t t o expe l inactiv e and passiv e members , an d an intensive campaig n t o increas e responsivenes s withi n th e part y apparatu s through th e introductio n o f technique s t o institutionalize , routinize, an d expedite party business procedures . I n the sphere o f industrial management , there was an initia l attempt t o deconcentrate decision-makin g power , giving it t o enterpris e manager s an d providin g the m wit h a ne w se t o f decisio n rules. Whe n resistanc e t o thes e change s prove d to o strong , ther e wa s a return to more traditional techniques o f evoking compliance by widening the scope o f those responsible fo r enterprise performance, reorganizin g industry

34 R E S O L U T I O N


according t o large r integrated associations , intensifyin g th e party' s co-ordinating and supervisor y role, an d reactivating the mobilizatio n and disciplinary technique s availabl e to ensur e compliance . However , thi s conservativ e swing wa s moderate d b y continuou s recognitio n o f man y o f th e factor s underlying th e origina l economic refor m i n 1965-th e nee d fo r improve d quality, efficiency , an d productivity . Agricultural investment polic y showe d the greatest degre e of innovation. Brezhnev's basi c commitment t o a shift i n the balanc e of investment i n favour o f agriculture was pursued consistently, although the impac t was limited by a relatively conservative attitude towards organizational chang e i n th e rura l sector . Stat e an d publi c organizations exhibited the leas t innovative change. However , even i n this sector, there is some evidenc e o f an attempt t o make these institutions (especially the Sovi ets an d trad e unions ) mor e responsiv e t o th e need s o f thei r client s b y expanding thei r power s and operational independence in limited areas . In th e broa d are a o f decisio n making , which cut s acros s th e line s of policy an d th e branche s o f th e econom y an d state , a consisten t patter n emerges regardin g styl e an d procedure s tha t distinguishe d th e Brezhne v regime. Th e criteri a for sound decisio n making shifted awa y fro m th e traditional emphasi s o n ideolog y an d politica l experience . Unde r Brezhnev , officials i n party , state, an d publi c organization s wer e exhorte d t o tak e a 'scientific' approac h to decisio n making . This approach involved a series of clearly defined stages and prescribed rules for decision making: the gathering of a wid e variet y o f evidenc e fro m administrators , specialists , an d other s affected b y th e decision ; collegia l discussio n o f th e evidenc e tha t ma y involve debat e an d disagreement , a s wel l a s continua l criticis m and self criticism afte r th e decisio n ha s bee n implemented ; th e arrivin g at decision s that ar e realisti c i n term s o f thei r assessmen t o f th e resource s available , limitations, and the goals; a gradual approach to decisions tha t often involves controlled experimentatio n befor e th e fina l decisio n i s reached ; an d a n accounting o f the needs and capabilitie s of the unit s which are to carr y out the decisio n an d thos e whic h ar e affecte d b y th e decision . I n brief , wha t emerged wa s an imag e o f decisio n makin g as a systemi c proces s i n which feedback an d responsivenes s playe d key roles, epitomized b y the concep t of 'the scientific management o f society.' Politics i n th e Sovie t Unio n unde r Brezhne v ma y be characterized a s an ongoin g debat e an d struggl e ove r a serie s o f comple x balance s t o b e struck between continuit y and innovation and over the degre e an d direction of reform. Positions taken in the debate an d the course of debate and reform were no t alway s consistent an d linear . It was not alway s possible t o identif y individual leader s o n a reformist-conservativ e spectru m acros s issu e area s and over time. Fo r example, the dominan t personality, Brezhnev, identified strongly and personall y with major reforms (agriculture) , with conservative positions (mora l versu s materia l incentive s o r disciplin e versu s economi c



levers), an d a s a forc e o f moderatio n betwee n th e tw o extreme s (a t th e December 196 9 Central Committee Plenum) . In addition, the balances were neither stati c no r linea r i n thei r developmen t an d th e shiftin g balances i n various polic y sphere s di d no t alway s paralle l o r reinforc e eac h other . Fo r example, th e 196 5 industrial reform ha d los t it s momentum b y 1969, bu t it was never completel y rejected. Th e turn to intensive ideologica l methods did not gain its full momentu m unti l the mid-1970s and even then it was tailored to meet th e need s o f a modern industria l society. The moderat e an d incremental nature of political change unde r Brezhnev is evident fro m th e result s expressed i n the resolution s and decisions o f the CPS U sinc e 1964 . A compact wa s reached wit h regard t o th e basi c shape and directio n o f polic y and , fo r the mos t part , change too k plac e within th e context o f these fundamental decisions. However , wha t is less eviden t an d even obscure d b y th e decision s i s the proces s b y which the decision s wer e reached. W e can onl y deduce fro m th e moderate , middle-of-the-roa d positions tha t wer e finall y accepte d tha t politic s unde r Brezhne v mus t hav e involved a great deal of bargaining, trade-offs, shifting coalitions, and weighing o f divers e evidence . Fro m Brezhnev' s caree r sinc e 196 4 and fro m th e image o f hi s leadershi p tha t emerge d a t th e XX V Congress , i t furthe r appears that Brezhnev, himself, must have deliberately and willingly devote d much o f hi s energie s t o actin g a s a broke r an d attemptin g t o achiev e an d maintain a consensus o n major issue s o f domestic policy in the Politburo and Central Committee . D.V.S.

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39 P R I V A T



On Eliminatin g Unjustifie d Restriction s on the Privat e Plots of Kolkhozniks,

Workers, an d Employees* 2

7 October 1964

This decision, th e firs t publishe d b y the ne w regime , indicate d it s strong and immediate concern fo r the agricultura l sector. It signalled a change i n attitud e toward th e privat e secto r i n agriculture whic h wa s to becom e par t o f a much broader se t of policies dealin g wit h organizatio n an d capital investments in th e collective an d stat e sectors . Th e decisio n wa s accompanie d an d followe d b y legislation restorin g far m plot s t o their forme r size , reinstating norm s for privately owne d livestoc k tha t ha d bee n reduce d unde r Khrushchev , facilitating livestock acquisitio n an d feedin g i n the privat e sector , and improvin g th e col lective farm-marke t syste m that serves as the primar y outlet for privately pro duced foodstuffs i n the Sovie t Union .

1 Unio n republic party central committees an d councils of ministers are ordered t o consider and solve the problem of removing the restrictions introduced i n recent year s on th e productio n of agricultural output through personal subsidiar y farming b y kolkhozniks, workers, and employees (i n rural, urban, an d suburba n zones) , proceedin g i n this matte r fro m th e norm s for keeping livestock an d th e dimension s fo r private plots in effect prio r to th e introduction of the indicate d restrictions by the unio n republics. In resolvin g thes e questions , ther e mus t b e n o relaxatio n i n th e struggle against social parasitism. 2 Th e USS R Ministry of Finance and th e USS R Gosbank ar e to submit proposals within a month's tim e to the USS R Council of Ministers on procedure s for grantin g credit to kolkhozniks , workers, an d employee s fo r the acquisi tion by them o f cows and heifers. Resheniia partii i pravitel'stva po khoziaistvennym voprosam v, 517


Excerpt: document not publishe d i n full .


Plenum o f the Central Committe e 1


6 November 196 4

The Novembe r 196 4 Plenu m o f the Centra l Committe e wa s the first held by the ne w leadership. The extent tha t party organization was a cause of Khrushchev's remova l wa s indicate d b y th e quic k agreemen t o f th e oligarch y t o rescind Khrushchev' s bifurcatio n o f th e part y apparatu s of November 1962 . N.V. Podgorn y gav e the majo r report o n part y reorganization to the plenum , suggesting tha t h e wa s charged wit h party organizational matters withi n th e Secretariat. A Pravda editorial , which followed the Centra l Committee resolutio n o n 18 November (Current Digest of the Soviet Press xvi, no. 45, 3-4,16) identified the official reason s fo r the retur n t o a territorial-production basis for party organization and outlined th e majo r lines of party activity. Khrushchev wa s implicitly attacked through the rejection of 'endless reorganizations' tha t were detrimental t o th e caus e an d th e suggestio n tha t th e prope r leninis t approac h wa s a genuinely creative search for new and better organizational forms that reflected political an d economi c necessit y an d practica l expediency. 'Failure s and mis takes ar e inevitabl e whe n a scientifi c approach i s replace d b y subjectivism , harebrained scheming , arbitrar y and hast y decisions.' The editoria l suggeste d that the main reason fo r reverting to the territorial-branch production principle was to allow more effective part y performance of certain duties associated with regional development an d co-ordination. Severa l duties i n particular were singled out : unifie d supervisio n o f the developmen t o f a territory, province , o r district; deploymen t an d utilizatio n of cadres mor e rationally ; integrate d co ordination o f industria l and agricultura l life. Th e bifurcatio n of part y organs had inhibited the efficient achievemen t o f these tasks because i t had resulted in an undesirabl e delimitatio n o f th e sphere s o f activit y of industria l and rura l party organizations . Thi s ha d le d t o confusio n i n th e functions , rights , an d obligations o f the party , soviet, an d economi c agencie s an d ha d force d part y committees t o replace economic agencies . As a result, administrative costs had increased an d th e distric t link had been seriousl y weakened. Cadre s wor k had deteriorated. Th e abilit y of industrial centres to provide aid to the countrysid e had been reduced . I n some cases, th e influenc e of party bodies o n productio n activity in the construction sector ha d been weakened . Future party guidance of the economy wa s to be ensured by the party directing it s attention toward s technology and advance d experience , th e solution of practical tasks , utilizatio n o f interna l reserves , increasin g productio n output , raising quality, and lowerin g costs. Thi s activity was to be accompanied b y the elimination o f ostentatiou s ballyho o and boasting , pape r shufflin g an d larg e numbers o f meetings, pett y tutelage ove r economi c bodie s an d incompeten t interference i n thei r activities , an d administratio n b y fia t an d command . I n other words, the party was to shift it s techniques o f leadership away from direct

N O V E M B E R 196 4 P L E N UM 4


interference i n th e economi c proces s an d towards more prope r party method s such as recruitment and socializatio n of cadres, supervisio n and verificatio n of decision implementation , mass mobilization , and ideologica l work. While th e redefinition o f party functions containe d in the Centra l Committee resolutio n and Pravda editoria l may hav e made sense in term s o f a theoretically rational division of functions an d styl e of work between the part y and state apparatus, it still did no t resolv e the traditiona l blurring of lines between part y and stat e in practice. A s i s evidenced i n many o f the document s tha t follow, th e ol d problems of party-state relations an d administrativ e efficiency continue d t o plague the Sovie t politica l system . At the plenu m P.O. Shelest and A.N . Shelepin were elected ful l member s of the Presidiu m and P.N . Demiche v was elected a candidate member. F.R . Kozlov was released fro m membershi p in the Secretariat and Presidium for reasons of health, and V.I . Poliakov was released a s a secretary. Khrushchev's son-in law, A.I . Adzhubei , wa s expelle d fro m th e Centra l Committe e fo r 'mistake s committed i n work. 1

5.2 On the Unificatio n of Industria l and Agricultural Oblas t an d Krai Part y Organizations 1

6 November 196 4

1T o intensif y th e leadin g rol e o f th e part y an d it s loca l organ s i n communist constructio n an d to solve mor e successfull y the tasks of the economic an d cultura l developmen t o f eac h oblast , krai , an d republic , it i s considered necessar y tha t part y organizations and thei r leading organs again be structure d accordin g t o th e territorial-productio n principle, this bein g a constituent par t of the CPS U Rules adopted a t the XXI I Party Congress. 2I n oblast s an d krai s where part y organizations hav e bee n divide d int o industrial and agricultural branches, unifie d oblast or krai party organizations are t o b e reconstituted , unitin g all communists o f th e oblas t an d kra i wh o work in both industria l and agricultura l production. In eac h kra i or oblas t part y organizatio n ther e i s to b e a single kra i o r oblast party committee . 3I t is recognized that i t is necessary t o reorganiz e the part y committee s of kolkhoz-sovkhoz productio n administration s into raion party committee s responsible fo r th e leadershi p o f all party organizations, includin g those i n industrial enterprises an d construction project s located on the territory of the given raion. The industrial-productio n (zonal ) part y committee s tha t hav e bee n created o n th e territor y o f agricultura l raion s an d i n oblas t an d republi c centres ar e abolished.



4I n al l the krai s and oblasts where unified kra i and oblast party committees ar e bein g reconstitute d part y conference s ar e t o b e hel d i n Decembe r 1964, t o elect the appropriat e party organs . 5 Th e procedure s worked ou t an d propose d b y the Centra l Committe e Presidium fo r unifyin g kra i an d oblas t industria l an d agricultura l part y organizations ar e approved . Th e Centra l Committe e Presidiu m i s charge d with examinin g and decidin g all organizational questions connected with th e establishment of unified part y organizations and their leading organs in krais and oblasts, and also with the reconstitutio n of unified sovie t organs. Pravda, 1 7 November 196 4 KPSS

Plenum o f the Central Committee 2

v rezoliutsiiakh vm , 495-6

4 -26 Marc h 196 5

The Brezhne v regime made a major commitment t o agricultural development that was closely associated wit h Brezhne v personally . Its approach t o the agricultural issue was on two levels: organization and investment. Th e March 196 5 Central Committe e Plenu m deal t primaril y with the organizationa l aspects o f agricultural reform . I n hi s repor t t o th e meetin g (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xvii, no. 12 , 2-11), Brezhnev delivere d a scathing indictment o f Khrush chev's agricultural policies, suggestin g that whil e the lin e adopted a t the Sep tember 195 3 Centra l Committe e Plenu m (4.2 ) had provide d a correct cours e in th e spher e o f agriculture , the implementatio n o f that lin e sinc e 195 9 ha d created seriou s shortfall s in agricultural growth rates and level s o f production. He cite d fou r cause s t o explai n the failures : 'subjectivism' a t the polic y level, which resulted in mistakes in planning, pricing, financing, credit, and organization; insufficien t an d inefficien t investment ; failur e t o raise farming standards or increas e lan d fertility ; an d short-coming s i n th e wor k o f party, soviet, and land agencies . To rectify th e economy's abysmal performance in agriculture, Brezhnev proposed basi c reform of policy and administration in the system o f state procurements and purchase s b y introducing long-run stabilit y of prices an d plan s an d by establishin g pricin g policies that encourage d th e creatio n o f approximately equal economic condition s for all agricultural units. The materia l and technica l base o f agriculture was to be expande d an d improve d throug h increase d out put, standardization , a ris e i n th e quality , reliability , and durabilit y of far m equipment, improved repai r facilities, th e availabilit y of skilled specialists, etc . Scientific researc h wa s to b e mad e mor e effectiv e by freeing i t from arbitrary administrative authority , increasin g fundin g and incentives , an d encouragin g practical application of research results . Organization and administration of the

M A R C H 196 5 P L E N UM 4


collective and state-farm system was to be improved by promoting the development an d prosperit y of bot h form s o f organization, eliminating management problems, improvin g financial and credit conditions, and the incentiv e system. Finally, party work in the countrysid e was to be made mor e effective . Many o f th e problem s identifie d by Brezhne v wer e deal t wit h i n th e mid 1960s throug h stat e plans , legislation , and directives . Th e Ministr y of Agriculture (unde r th e reappointe d V.V . Matskevich ) wa s returne d t o a central position in the plannin g of agricultural production. Farm manager s were promised greate r autonom y fro m centra l authoritie s i n decidin g exactl y wha t t o produce an d ho w t o produc e it . All-encompassin g campaign s tha t faile d t o account fo r local conditions wer e eliminated. Peasant an d far m income s wer e raised an d th e rewar d system wa s changed b y abolishing the trudode n (work day unit) . Th e agricultura l pricing syste m wa s restructure d t o accoun t fo r regional difference s and encourag e overfulfilmen t of plans. In general , price s of agricultural production were raised and price s of key agricultural inputs were decreased. At th e plenum , K.T . Mazuro v wa s raised from candidate t o ful l membe r o f the Presidiu m an d D.F . Ustino v wa s electe d a s a candidat e membe r o f th e Presidium and secretary o f the Centra l Committee . L.F . Ilyiche v was removed from th e Secretariat . 5.3

On Urgen t Measure s for the Continue d Developmen t of Agricultur e i n th e USS R 2

6 March 196 5

... The continue d developmen t o f the country' s econom y an d a ris e i n th e people's livin g standar d deman d tha t particula r car e b e taken t o ensure th e continued advance of agricultural production . The part y ha s devoted steady attention to agriculture, an d this is what made possibl e a significan t expansio n o f th e sow n are a an d a n increas e i n agricultural production . However, th e rat e of growth o f agriculture ha s been laggin g i n recent years. Th e plan s fo r it s developmen t wer e no t fulfilled . Cro p yield s hav e been rising slowly . Durin g this time the productio n of meat, milk, an d other products also increased insignificantly. Al l this has created certain difficultie s for th e country' s economic development. The fundamenta l reason s fo r th e la g in agricultur e wer e violation s o f the economi c law s o f th e developmen t o f socialis t productio n an d o f th e principles o f th e persona l materia l interes t o f kolkhoznik s an d sovkho z workers in the advanc e of communal farming , th e failur e t o strike a correct balance between publi c an d privat e interests. Another significan t facto r wa s subjective leadership , whic h le d t o error s i n planning , financing , an d th e supplying o f credit to agriculture, as well as in pricing policy . Ther e has been



little capita l investmen t i n industria l and cultural-dail y living construction ; the materia l and technical base o f agriculture was poorly consolidated. Grea t harm wa s done t o kolkho z and sovkhoz production by unfounded reorgani zations of leading organs, whic h engendered a n atmospher e o f irresponsibility and nervousnes s i n work. There wer e serious short-comings in the organization of procurement s and state purchase s of agricultural products. The existing practice in procurements an d stat e purchase s o f agricultural and livestoc k products fails t o create th e condition s necessar y fo r th e developmen t o f kolkhoz an d sovkho z production. The neede d measure s hav e no t bee n adopte d fo r an advanc e i n farming techniques, fo r increasing soil fertility, for the prope r use o f irrigated and reclaimed lands . Crop s ar e sow n a t th e wron g time s o n man y farms . Th e rules of crop and livestock management ar e not always observed. Numerou s stereotyped instruction s o n agricultura l science, th e maintenanc e an d feed ing o f livestock , th e arrangemen t o f cro p areas , an d othe r matter s wer e handed down fro m abov e t o the kolkhozes an d sovkhozes withou t considering loca l conditions. Thi s hampere d th e initiativ e of leading personnel an d specialists, as well as of all rural toilers, and prevented them from doing their jobs normally. Other reason s fo r th e backwardnes s o f agricultur e have bee n inade quate wor k wit h kolkho z an d sovkho z cadres , a n incorrec t attitud e toward specialists an d a disregar d fo r thei r knowledg e an d experience , poo r us e o f the achievements o f science an d advanced practice. The Centra l Committee plenu m considers tha t the majo r tas k of party, soviet, and economic organ s is to rectify, in a short time, the errors that have been mad e i n agricultural leadership. Th e advanc e o f kolkhoz and sovkho z production is a vitally important task of communist construction . The effort s of the whol e part y and of the whol e Soviet people must b e directed toward s its solution. The CPS U Central Committee plenu m resolves : 1 Th e measure s fo r the furthe r development o f agriculture, worked ou t by the Centra l Committe e Presidiu m and set forth in the report of Comrad e L.I. Brezhnev , ar e approved . Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e Presidiu m an d the USS R Council of Ministers are directed t o take appropriate decisions . 2 Th e Centra l Committe e plenu m consider s tha t th e successfu l imple mentation of the measures mappe d ou t by the part y for further consolidating the economy o f the kolkhoze s and sovkhozes and for increasing the persona l material interes t o f the rura l toilers in the result s o f their labou r demands a radical improvement i n the wor k of all party, soviet, economic , Komsomol , and trade unio n organizations . Th e principa l and determining facto r i n their activity i s daily concern fo r people , fo r the developmen t o f the econom y o f kolkhozes an d sovkhozes , fo r increasin g agricultura l production, reducin g costs, and ensurin g the profitabilit y o f all branches o f production.



It is necessary t o reject decisively practices based o n administration by injunction o r by the mer e issuance of orders and commands, o n substitution for leader s an d specialist s i n kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes ; manifestation s o f showiness and ballyhoo are to be eradicated. Efforts must be made to achieve active participation by the broad masses in the implementatio n o f economic an d political tasks, t o ensure th e correct selection, assignment , an d trainin g o f cadres , an d systemati c supervisio n over the fulfilmen t o f party decisions. Disciplin e must b e strengthened i n all links of the part y and stat e apparatus , in all sectors of social production; th e responsibility of each worker for his assigned task must b e heightened . Particular attention should be devoted to reinforcing and increasing the role o f th e primar y party organization s of kolkhozes an d sovkhozes . Raio n party committee s shoul d rel y on them i n their dail y work and help them to adjust thei r organizational , political , an d educationa l activitie s wit h th e masses. 3 Th e Centra l Committe e plenu m attribute s special significanc e to th e development o f agricultura l science. I t i s th e dut y o f scientifi c worker s t o expand theoretica l research , improv e its scientifi c leve l an d it s productiveness, an d giv e al l possibl e assistanc e t o kolkhoze s an d sovkhoze s i n th e broad applicatio n of scientifi c achievements an d advance d practic e fo r th e benefit o f the furthe r development o f all branches o f kolkhoz and sovkho z production. 4 Party , soviet, an d agricultural organs must strive for a decisive strengthening of the democrati c bases of the kolkho z system, fo r strict observance of the principle s o f arte l administratio n an d fo r extensiv e participatio n b y kolkhozniks i n solvin g th e fundamenta l problem s o f kolkho z production. Measures ar e t o b e take n fo r the furthe r consolidatio n an d safeguardin g of public socialist property, for ensurin g orderliness i n th e us e o f land and fo r ending incidents of land wastefulness. It i s considere d necessar y t o star t elaboratin g ne w Mode l Rule s fo r the agricultura l artel an d t o prepar e fo r th e Thir d Ail-Unio n Congress o f Kolkhozniks... Pravda, 2 7 March 196 5 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh vm , 502-5

5.4 On Seriou s Error s Committed by the Kharko v Oblast Party Organizatio n with Respect t o the Admissio n of Young Communist s int o the Part y and their Education 2

0 July 196 5

This resolution serve d a s an ope n indicato r of the struggl e fo r political powe r that occurred after Khrushchev' s removal from office . Th e choice of the Khar-



kov oblast party committee as the example of incorrect recruitment procedures and th e namin g of the part y secretary, G.I. Vashchenko, i n the publi c version of the document can be explained in terms of a direct attack on N.V. Podgorny. In the earl y 1950 s Podgorny had been th e first secretary of the Kharkov oblast party committee. H e had maintaine d his contacts wit h Kharkov through 1963 as the secon d an d the n firs t secretar y o f the Ukrainia n party organization. In the CPS U Secretaria t sinc e 196 3 Podgorny ha d bee n Brezhnev' s deput y fo r party organizationa l questions. I n addition , a clos e Podgorn y associate , V.N. Titov (wh o ha d succeede d Podgorn y to the positio n of first secretary i n Kharkov), ha d bee n sinc e 196 1 hea d o f the Part y Organs Departmen t o f the CPS U Central Committe e an d the n th e Centra l Committe e secretar y i n charg e o f organizational wor k (i.e . cadres). Vashchenko had serve d a s second secretar y under Tito v i n Kharkov . Thus, a n attac k on part y recruitment polic y using Kharkov a s the exemplar y cas e was an attack o n Podgorn y an d hi s proteges. Vashchenko wa s allowe d t o retai n hi s positio n afte r admittin g his mistakes . However, Titov was shortly removed fro m his position in the Secretariat and in December i t wa s announce d tha t Podgorn y ha d bee n electe d t o th e largely ceremonial positio n o f Chairman o f the Presidiu m o f the Suprem e Soviet . At the XXII I Congress, hel d i n Apri l 1966 , Podgorny's absenc e fro m th e lis t of Central Committe e secretarie s confirme d hi s remova l fro m hi s powe r bas e (although he retained his Politburo seat unti l May 1977) . Having hear d th e repor t b y Comrad e G.I . Vashchenko , secretar y o f th e Kharkov oblast committee o f the Ukrainia n Communist party, the CPS U Cen tral Committe e note s tha t seriou s short-coming s and errors ar e tolerated in the wor k of the oblas t part y organization s in part y admissions. Despit e th e provisions of the CPS U Rules and Programm e calling for higher standard s o f admission int o th e party , many primar y party organizations , raion an d cit y party committee s ar e concerne d primaril y wit h quantitativ e growth of th e party ranks , frequently acceptin g persons for admission into the CPS U without carefully checkin g int o thei r political , business, an d mora l qualities , forgetting tha t wha t is important for th e part y i s not th e admissio n o f new members pe r s e bu t filling its rank s with genuine fighter s fo r th e caus e o f communism. 'I t is better,' as V.I. Lenin pointed out, 'for ten working people not to call themselves part y members (rea l working people do not chase afte r titles!), tha n fo r on e chatterbo x t o hav e th e righ t an d opportunit y to b e a party member.' In thei r driv e fo r quantit y man y cit y an d raio n part y committee s directly orient party organizations toward increasing the rate of admission t o the party , ofte n evaluat e th e stat e o f thei r organizationa l an d political educational wor k primarily b y the numbe r o f persons admitted t o th e CPSU , criticize part y organization s no t fo r short-coming s an d omission s i n part y



organizational and mas s politica l wor k but fo r growing too slowl y o r for taking in fewer new members tha n durin g the correspondin g perio d of the pre vious year . The pressur e o f cit y an d raio n committees , an d i n som e case s even o f the oblas t committee , o n th e part y organizations, instigatin g the m directly o r indirectl y to force the rat e of admission int o the party , leads to a situation where , i n man y part y organizations , practicall y everyon e wh o applies is admitted. Violations o f the Rule s for admission int o the part y are tolerate d an d applications ar e examine d onl y formall y an d i n haste . CPS U member s fre quently write recommendations fo r people whom they hardly know, giving a non-objective description of their political, business, an d moral qualities, and yet ar e no t hel d responsibl e fo r this . Th e opinion s o f part y groups are no t always taken int o consideration i n decidin g on admissio n t o th e party . A s a rule, the primar y party organizations, raion and city party committees do not discuss matter s connecte d wit h errors o f admissio n int o th e CPSU , d o no t evaluate them fro m th e poin t of view of principle. As a result of these inex acting demands an d inadequat e verification, people mak e their way into the party wh o ar e unworth y of the loft y titl e of communist. Evidenc e o f this is the increasin g number s o f candidates i n th e oblas t part y organizations who have bee n expelle d fo r variou s misdemeanour s an d violation s o f th e CPS U rules. In thei r guidanc e of party admissions som e cit y an d raio n part y com mittees d o not alway s take into account concrete productio n conditions and features, issuin g stereotype d directives o n the compositio n of the ne w party membership t o al l party organizations. This lead s t o suc h abnorma l situa tions as , fo r example , th e presenc e o f to o fe w scholars , engineers , an d technicians amon g th e newl y admitted part y members o f certain scientifi c institutions, an d o f to o fe w workers among ne w part y members i n certai n large production collectives . The CPS U Central Committee note s that, in accepting a large number of new member s an d candidate s int o th e rank s of the party , the part y organizations, raio n an d cit y committee s d o no t manifes t sufficien t concer n fo r their education and ideologica l tempering, for increasing their vanguard role in production, fo r their activity in the struggl e to implement part y decisions, or for the persona l responsibilit y of each communis t fo r the situatio n in th e sector wher e h e i s working . Man y candidate s an d youn g part y member s know littl e abou t th e fundamenta l principle s and norm s o f part y life , th e statutory obligations of a communist, understan d inadequatel y the domesti c and foreig n polic y o f th e CPSU . Som e youn g communist s hav e n o part y assignments, ar e passive , an d ar e losin g thei r connectio n wit h th e part y organizations an d even relinquis h their membership i n the party. The educatio n o f party members an d candidates is seriously harmed i n many part y organizations b y violations o f interna l part y democracy, b y th e



disparagement o f the rol e o f part y meeting s a s schools fo r training , by th e inadequate development o f criticism and self-criticism, and b y a liberal attitude toward malicious violations of party and state discipline. The CPS U Centra l Committe e consider s tha t th e Kharko v oblast party committee is giving inadequate guidance to the wor k of city and raio n party committees i n the admissio n o f young communists int o the part y and their education an d has not taken the required timely measures to rectify th e seri ous short-comings an d errors that it has tolerated . The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e attention of the Kharko v oblast party committee mus t be directed to th e seriou s short-coming s i n th e wor k of th e oblas t part y organization noted i n thi s resolution . Th e oblast , city , an d raio n part y committees ar e required t o take measures ensurin g undeviatin g observance o f the require ments o f th e CPS U Rule s o n th e admissio n o f young communist s into th e party and their education. 2 Th e enthusias m o f many party organizations for quantitative growth in the party's ranks to the detriment of the quality of the newly admitted mem bers i s judged t o be harmfu l an d incompatible with leninist principles . The numerical growth of party organizations is not an end i n itself but mus t proceed on the basi s of day-to-day organizational and political-educational work among th e broa d masses of the toilers, promoting the consolidation o f party organizations and strengthening their influence on the solution o f economic and political tasks. In selectin g peopl e fo r th e part y it mus t b e born e i n min d tha t th e admission o f even a few persons unworth y of the loft y titl e of communist is harmful t o the party, chokes it s ranks, lowers its authority, and weakens the fighting efficienc y o f party organizations. 3I n working to increase th e rank s of the CPSU , th e oblas t part y committee and the city and raion committees ar e ordered t o be guided strictly by the requirements o f the Rule s and to ensure the individual selection o f the mos t advanced an d consciou s workers , kolkhozniks , an d representative s o f th e intelligentsia, particularly those occupied in decisive sectors of industrial and agricultural production , scienc e an d culture , an d participatin g actively i n communist construction . 4 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e direct s th e particula r attentio n o f th e oblast, cit y an d raio n part y committees, an d al l party organizations o f th e oblast t o th e nee d fo r strengthenin g th e ideologica l educatio n an d part y tempering of young communists. I t is necessary t o strive so that eac h young communist persistentl y master s marxist-leninis t theory, activel y participates in party and public life, serves as an example for the observance o f the moral code o f a builde r o f communism . Part y organization s mus t inculcat e i n young communists a feeling of high part y responsibility, irreconcilability to short-comings, activel y help them develop within themselves the qualities of



true fighter s fo r the caus e o f the party . They mus t decisivel y do awa y wit h the presen t lenienc e an d liberalis m i n th e attitud e o f members an d candi dates of th e CPS U whose activitie s are incompatibl e wit h membership in th e party. The oblast , cit y an d raio n part y committee s an d th e primar y part y organizations must strengthen thei r leadership of Komsomol organizations, give them more active help in their work of communist education of young people, raise their responsibility for recommending the most worthy Komsomol members to the ranks of the party . 5I t i s recommende d tha t th e oblast , city , an d raio n part y committee s discuss the conditio n of work in admitting young communists into the part y and educating them at plenums of party committees and meetings of primary party organizations.. . Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 5 KPSS

(1965): 23- 5

Plenum of the Central Committee 27-2

v rezoliutsiiakh vm , 511-14

9 September 196 5

Economic refor m of the typ e approved by the Septembe r 196 5 Central Com mittee Plenu m wa s preceded b y lengthy discussion and severa l experiments . As early as 195 0 th e economist , Evse i Liberman , ha d mad e rathe r tentative and cautious proposals to induce enterprises to strive for higher plans by introducing long-term norms of profitability as the basis for incentive payments and the draftin g b y enterprise s o f thei r ow n technical , production, an d financia l plans on the basis of assigned output and assortment targets . In the mid-1950s Liberman added t o his reputation as an advocate of reform by writing a serie s of articles focusing on more effective us e of khozraschet or economic accountability a s a techniqu e fo r assessin g enterpris e performance . However, thes e proposals wer e relativel y conservative becaus e the y provide d fo r highl y differentiated norm s o f profitabilit y b y branch an d industr y and becaus e o f th e way profitability was defined in relation to cost. The discussio n was renewed in 1962 whe n Liberma n presente d hi s ol d idea s o n establishin g profitabilit y norms an d th e preparatio n o f plans by enterprises themselves . Thi s tim e h e provided a mor e comple x an d controversia l definitio n of profitabilit y a s th e relationship of profit t o capital and b y laying greater stress o n the norms being applied no t t o individual producin g units but to entire industrial branches an d groups o f enterprises i n approximately the same natura l and technica l conditions so that comparisons of efficiency coul d be made within groups. The early



1960s also witnessed a number of limited experiments to test the feasibility and impact of new types of performance indicators and bonu s systems . After th e change in leadership in October 1964 , the move towar d economic reform continue d wit h additiona l suppor t fro m th e centre . Ther e wa s a n expansion o f the experiment s tha t had begu n under Khrushchev . On e of the new leaders, Kosygin , became a spokesman fo r the reform . Kosygin indicated in various public pronouncements tha t he was favourably disposed to the idea s of reformin g performance indicators an d expandin g direct contacts betwee n enterprises and that these changes should tak e place not only in the consume r goods sector. These were principles of administration that should be applied in other branche s as well. The importanc e o f the presen t decisio n as a landmark in Soviet administrative polic y was indicated by the expansio n o f the Centra l Committe e meetin g to includ e as participants oblast party committee first secretaries, chairme n of the councils of ministers o f the unio n republics, second secretarie s o f the cen tral committees o f the unio n republi c parties, chairmen o f the USS R state com mittees, official s fro m th e Secretaria t an d th e USS R Counci l of Ministers, an d editors-in-chief o f the centra l newspapers. Kosygi n delivered th e mai n repor t on th e refor m (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xvn , no. 30 , 3-15). The firs t part of his report dealt with a number of factors that were placing limits on th e Soviet economy' s abilit y t o maintai n high an d stabl e growth rates. Pressure s faced b y the econom y include d the increase d scale and complexity of the eco nomy, a n increase d nee d t o introduc e scientifi c and technologica l advance s into production, an d a need t o divert an ever-increasing share of investment s into consumption . Thes e pressure s wer e compounde d b y a number o f structural inefficiencies. Finally , administrative problems such as increasing administrative costs , restriction s on the right s and responsibilitie s of enterprises , formalism o f economi c accountability , and poo r us e o f economi c incentive s were imposing further limitations on economic growth and efficiency . Kosygin offered tw o specific kinds of solutions t o overcome th e problem s of economic growt h and administration in the Sovie t Union. The first part of the reform require d certai n change s i n planning and administrativ e processes. At the nationa l level, ther e ha d t o be improvement s i n planning and reform s in the pricin g system. A t the enterprise level, Kosygi n advocated severa l change s on th e inpu t side : differentia l charge s o n capital , greater scop e fo r enterpris e management t o manipulat e labou r resources , an d a n incentiv e syste m tie d more closel y t o productivity . On th e outpu t side , Kosygi n propose d th e replacement o f the multitud e of performance indicators with two basic success indicators: profitability define d as the ratio of profits to fixed and working capital, an d sales. Enterprise management wa s to be made mor e responsible fo r its actions through more extensive and systematic use of economic accountability, but wa s to be given more scop e in deciding certain productio n questions. The second typ e o f refor m propose d i n Kosygin' s repor t deal t wit h a number o f



governmental an d administrativ e reorganization s tha t woul d provid e th e organizational context of the reform. The mos t important of these was a rejection o f Khrushchev' s sovnarkhoze s (4.16 ) an d a retur n t o th e industrial branch principl e o f governmen t organization . A t th e sam e tim e Kosygi n advocated retentio n o f th e territoria l networ k o f material-technica l suppl y under a union republi c state committee . A t the intermediat e leve l of the sys tem Kosygi n made mentio n o f the need t o develop productio n associations o n a khozrasche t basi s a s wel l a s placin g many glavk i o n th e sam e typ e of eco nomic accountability . The ministrie s wer e t o refocu s thei r effort s o n broa d policy issues , especiall y technological policy . In thei r relation s with the enter prises under their jurisdiction they were to make wider use of economic lever s and b e more carefu l abou t dennin g the ministry' s duties a s well as exercising its rights vis-a-vis the enterprise . The thrus t o f Kosygin' s proposal s wa s t o maintai n central prerogative s i n planning and improv e the plannin g process whil e at the same time decentral izing an d simplifyin g th e administrativ e componen t b y strengthenin g an d increasing th e responsibilit y o f intermediat e structure s suc h a s productio n associations an d providin g an improve d incentiv e syste m an d performanc e indicators at the enterpris e level . However, a s was to be demonstrated i n th e implementation o f the reform , suc h distinction s o n pape r are complicate d i n reality b y conflictin g politica l interests . Kosygi n expresse d a compromis e between th e centralizer s wh o were t o gai n b y having th e centra l ministeria l structure reinstate d an d th e reformer s wh o saw the critica l component o f the reform to be the new rights gained by enterprise managers. In the implementa tion stage , stron g oppositio n t o th e decentralizin g tendencie s o f th e refor m continued t o operat e an d thi s require d constan t modificatio n of the progra m (see 5.23 , 5.25 , 5.28). This course o f events put extreme pressur e on the local and primary party organizations, whic h were charged with the special responsibility of supervising the implementatio n o f the reform . At th e plenu m tw o personnel change s wer e announced. F.D . Kulako v was appointed to the Secretaria t and V.N. Titov was relieved of his membership i n the Secretariat i n connection wit h his transfer to party work in Kazakhstan. 5.5 On Improvin g Industria l Management , Improving Planning , an d Reinforcing Economic Incentives in Industria l Productio n 2

9 September 196 5

... The importan t task s tha t confron t th e Sovie t econom y i n th e spher e of raising th e leve l an d rate s of industrial development , acceleratin g technical progress i n al l branche s o f th e economy , an d furthe r raisin g th e people' s well-being, require the mobilizatio n of all potentialities for the ful l utilization



of existin g industria l reserves an d fo r th e growt h of national income. Th e most importan t o f thes e includ e a n increas e i n productio n efficiency , th e growth o f labou r productivity , an increas e i n th e retur n o n capita l invest ments and basic production funds, implementation of the strictest economy, the eliminatio n of waste and non-productive expenditures, an d the compre hensive developmen t o f the workin g people's creativ e initiative s in solving these tasks. Great significanc e is attached to improving the planned direction of the economy an d raisin g th e scientifi c leve l o f state planning . Economic plan s must tak e account o f the prospect s fo r scientific and technological progress, provide for rapid introduction and mastery of the lates t achievements o f science an d technology , and mus t b e based o n real and objective calculations. In the drawing up of plans it is necessary to observe the extremely important principles: strict regard for the economi c laws of socialism, assurance o f balance in the development of the economy, and obtaining maximum industrial production with minimum expenditures . The Centra l Committe e plenu m note s tha t th e existin g managemen t structure an d method s o f planning and economi c incentive s i n industry do not correspon d t o present-da y conditions an d th e leve l o f development o f productive forces. A seriou s short-comin g i n th e leadershi p o f industry is th e fac t tha t administrative methods hav e prevaile d to the detrimen t o f economic meth ods. T o a large extent economi c accountabilit y at enterprises bear s a forma l stamp; enterprises' right s in economic activities are limited. The wor k of enterprises i s regulated by a large number of plan indices, which limi t th e independenc e an d initiativ e o f enterpris e collective s an d reduce their responsibility for improving the organization of production. The system o f materia l encouragemen t fo r industria l workers gives the m littl e incentive t o improv e th e overal l result s o f th e wor k o f enterprises , t o improve productio n profitability , an d t o improv e th e qualit y of industrial output. The managemen t o f industr y accordin g t o th e territoria l principle, while having somewhat broadened th e possibilitie s for inter-branch specialization an d co-operatio n i n industria l productio n withi n th e confine s o f economic regions , a t th e sam e tim e impede d th e developmen t o f branc h specialization an d o f rational production ties betwee n enterprise s locate d in different economi c regions , mad e scienc e remot e fro m production , and led to splintered an d multilevelled direction of the industria l branches an d t o a loss of operativeness i n work. In order t o achieve a further developmen t o f industry and an increas e in th e effectivenes s of socia l production , a n acceleratio n o f technica l pro gress, an increase in the national income growth rates, an d to assure o n that basis a further upswing in the well-bein g of the Sovie t people, i t is necessary

S E P T E M B E R 196 5 P L E N UM 5


to improve planning methods, t o strengthen economi c stimulation of industrial production , and to increas e the materia l interest of workers in improving results of the enterprises ' work. The Centra l Committee plenu m considers it necessary to organize the management o f industry according to branches o f industry. It i s considered expedien t t o eliminat e excessive regulatio n of enterprises' activities , to reduc e th e numbe r o f plan indices approved for enterprises from above , t o provide them wit h the necessary means for developing and improvin g production, an d t o improv e th e utilizatio n of suc h highl y important economic levers as profit, price , bonus and credit. Economic an d plannin g agencies ar e required to show great flexibilit y and operativenes s i n the plannin g and managemen t o f production, ability to take accoun t promptl y of the changin g economi c situation , to manoeuvr e resources, t o tie production to the growing needs and demand of the population, to strengthen economi c accountability, to introduce scientific and technical achievement s quickly , an d t o fin d bette r way s o f solvin g economi c tasks in the concret e condition s of the enterprise . The entir e system fo r planning and directing production and fo r material encouragement mus t b e directed toward securing high rates of development fo r socia l productio n an d towar d raisin g it s effectiveness . A mos t important conditio n fo r achievin g th e indicate d aims i s the creatio n o f an incentive on the part of enterprise collectives to work out higher plan targets, improve th e utilizatio n of productio n funds, th e labou r force, and material and financia l resources , perfec t technolog y and th e organizatio n of labour, and raise the profitabilit y o f production. In broadenin g th e economi c independenc e o f enterprises , th e part y and Sovie t governmen t wil l continu e t o conduc t a unifie d polic y in th e sphere o f planning the mai n trends i n the developmen t o f production, technical progress, capita l investments, prices, wages and finance. The grea t significanc e of th e propose d measure s fo r improvin g th e organization of management an d strengthening economi c methods of directing industry resides in the fac t tha t they combine unifie d state planning with full economi c accountabilit y by the enterprises , centralize d branc h manage ment with extensive republi c and local economic initiative, and the principle of one-man managemen t wit h an increase d rol e fo r production collectives. At th e sam e time , furthe r expansio n o f democrati c principle s of manage ment is assured an d the economi c precondition s are created for broader participation b y th e masse s i n th e managemen t o f productio n an d fo r thei r influencing th e result s o f th e enterprises ' economi c work . This syste m o f economic managemen t mor e full y correspond s t o present-day requirement s and will make it possible to utilize better the advantages of the socialist system. The plenu m approve s th e measure s worked ou t b y the Centra l Com mittee Presidiu m an d se t fort h i n th e repor t b y Comrade A.N . Kosygin , a



member o f th e Centra l Committe e Presidiu m an d Chairma n o f th e USS R Council of Ministers, for improving the managemen t o f industry, perfecting planning an d strengthenin g economic stimulatio n o f industrial production , and assign s t o th e Centra l Committe e Presidiu m an d th e USS R Counci l o f Ministers the tas k of taking decisions o n thes e question s an d o f presenting for consideratio n b y the USS R Suprem e Sovie t their proposals o n th e organ s to be charged wit h the managemen t o f industry. The plenum charges the Central Committee Presidium , th e Council of Ministers, the centra l committee s o f the unio n republics , and th e kra i an d oblast part y committees quickl y to resolve all organizational issues associate d with th e formatio n o f unio n republi c an d all-unio n ministries , a s wel l a s organs o f economic leadershi p a t th e localities , so tha t th e norma l wor k of industry can be ensured, question s of the utilizatio n and placement of cadres from th e abolishe d economi c organization s can b e decide d correctly , an d enterprises ca n b e strengthene d wit h highl y qualifie d cadres . Th e newl y created ministrie s and department s ar e t o b e staffe d wit h highl y qualifie d specialists an d goo d organizer s wh o ar e capabl e o f conductin g busines s according to state requirements. The mai n tas k o f th e ministries , collective s o f industrial enterprises , scientific researc h organizations , desig n an d projec t organization s i s con sidered t o b e ensuranc e o f hig h rate s o f developmen t an d a ris e i n th e effectiveness o f industrial production, all-round growth of labour productivity, an d optima l utilization of existing productio n funds . To achieve this , it is necessary t o ensur e i n practice the wid e economic applicatio n of the new est achievements o f domestic an d foreign science and technology, scientific organization of labour, improvement i n the qualit y of production, strength ening o f stat e an d productio n discipline, and a rise i n th e responsibilit y of each worker for the task assigned to him. The Centra l Committe e plenu m emphasize s tha t th e ministrie s bea r responsibility befor e th e party , state, an d Sovie t peopl e fo r th e successfu l development o f industry, its high technical level, fo r providing all branches of the econom y wit h technically improved an d highly productive machines , equipment, an d instruments , an d wit h high-quality raw materials an d sup plies, an d fo r fulle r satisfactio n o f th e need s o f th e populatio n fo r high quality consumer goods . The transitio n t o the branc h principle for the direction o f industry and the strengthenin g o f economi c lever s i n th e developmen t o f productio n raises even higher the rol e of party organizations of republics, krais , oblasts , cities, raions , enterprises , ministries , an d department s i n th e struggl e t o assure hig h rate s o f economic developmen t an d increase s their responsibi lity fo r th e wor k o f enterprise s an d economi c organ s i n th e fulfilmen t o f economic plan s an d state targets . Part y committee s mus t - withou t taking over th e functions of economic manager s - concentrat e thei r primar y atten-

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tion on organizational work, on the selection , assignment , an d education of cadres, o n supervisin g the implementatio n o f party and governmen t direc tives, an d o n strengthenin g th e communis t educatio n o f th e workin g people. Party organization s must constantl y stud y th e activit y of enterprise s and help economic manager s t o expose an d eliminate short-comings, direc t the effort s o f th e workin g people towar d seeking ou t an d puttin g to us e all production reserves , an d wag e a resolute struggl e against instance s o f both departmentalist an d localist tendencies . Party committees mus t achieve a profound and intelligent understanding of the economic s o f production, organize a resolute struggle for thrift an d the economizing of monetary funds and material and labour resources, mus t make this a matter o f concern fo r all the people , mus t ar m cadre s wit h economic knowledge and teach the m t o make proper use of economic lever s t o improve industrial production. Party, trad e union , an d Komsomo l organization s mus t strengthe n their wor k of raising the communis t consciousnes s o f the workin g people , develop their creative activity, fight persistently to increase labou r productivity, to strengthen labou r and production discipline , and show mor e concer n for improvin g workers' an d employees' condition s of work and everyday life . It i s necessar y t o improv e th e organizatio n o f socialist competitio n amon g the workin g people s o tha t everythin g progressiv e tha t come s t o ligh t in production receive s mas s disseminatio n an d application . Maximu m us e must b e made o f the possibilitie s offered b y the ne w system o f management for a further upswing in production and for material encouragement o f enterprises and industrial workers who are doing good work. Economic incentive s for improving the productivity of social labour are a powerfu l mean s fo r movin g a socialist econom y towar d communism. A t the sam e time th e part y wil l continu e i n the futur e unswervingl y to pursu e the cours e o f raisin g the communis t consciousnes s o f th e workin g peopl e and o f inculcatin g a communis t attitud e towar d labour . Onl y if each toile r displays consciousness , initiative , and creativit y in his approac h t o hi s job , only i f eac h perso n take s a carefu l an d proprietar y attitud e towar d publi c property is it possible to struggle for the buildin g of a communist society . It is the duty of party organizations to develop mora l incentive s towar d labour in every wa y and t o create al l the condition s for a flourishing o f truly communist creativity on the par t of the masses. The plenu m oblige s part y organizations t o explain widely the essenc e of the decisions o f the current plenum to industrial workers and all toilers, to focus al l the energ y of party, soviet, an d economic cadre s o n the fulfilmen t of the measure s worke d out by the party and the state. I n working out thes e measures, ou r party proceeded fro m the basi c interests o f the workin g class, all toilers o f our country; it comprehensively considere d th e suggestions an d



wishes o f mal e an d femal e workers , engineer s an d technicians , scholars , party, soviet, trade union, and Komsomol organizations.... Pravda, 1 October 196 5 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh vm , 516-22

© Plenum of the Central Committee 6

December 1965

The Decembe r 196 5 Centra l Committe e Plenu m deal t wit h tw o matters . Reports o n th e economi c pla n and budge t for 196 6 were give n b y the Chair man of Gosplan, N.K. Baibakov, an d the Minister o f Finance, V.F. Garbuzov . Brezhnev presente d a concludin g speech o n th e economi c pla n i n which h e focused o n development s i n th e consume r sector , capita l construction, an d agriculture. In his speech Brezhne v made i t clear that success in achieving the plan indicator s woul d be determine d b y increase s i n labou r productivit y and improved managemen t practice s i n conjunctio n with th e ne w economi c re form. H e als o stresse d th e importanc e th e part y placed o n a n improvemen t in the quality of production, especially in the consumer sector , an d on the nee d for thrif t an d econom y i n production . Brezhne v emphasize d tw o aspect s o f management in particular. First, he called for greater trust in managerial cadres and greater use of their experience. B y this reference, he apparently meant that there was to be less interference in operational enterprise management b y central ministries. The secon d aspec t o f managerial practices discussed b y Brezhnev wa s the siz e of the administrativ e apparatus. He noted tha t when a small task arises there are requests t o create a department or administration and then a mai n administratio n with additional staff an d infrastructure . This tendenc y for an y kin d o f wor k to requir e additional administrativ e staf f an d overhea d was to stop. The second majo r issue discussed a t the December 196 5 Central Committe e Plenum deal t wit h one of the control organizations set up to counter administrative abuses suc h a s those identified by Brezhnev. A decision wa s approved to reorganize the Party-Stat e Control Committee int o two separate hierarchies under the part y and the state. This decisio n reverse d Khrushchev' s merge r of the Stat e Contro l Committe e an d th e Part y Contro l Committe e whic h ha d been propose d a t the Novembe r 196 2 Central Committe e Plenu m (4.40 ) and brought into effect b y a regulation of 18 January 1963. Under Khrushchev, th e Committee o f Party-State Control had combined th e state control functions of supervising an d verifyin g th e performanc e o f administrative officials i n thei r capacity a s state employee s an d th e part y control functions of supervising th e administration of party discipline against party members who violated the party Rules. There had bee n historica l precedents fo r both th e combine d an d sepa -

D E C E M B E R 196 5 P L E N UM 5


rate forms of control organization. Party and stat e contro l ha d bee n combine d with th e merge r i n 192 3 a t th e Twelft h Part y Congress o f the People' s Com missariat o f Workers ' an d Peasants ' Inspectio n (Rabkrin ) an d th e Centra l Control Commissio n (2.35) . Separat e hierarchie s fo r part y and stat e contro l were re-establishe d a t the XVI I Party Congress i n February 1934 , whe n Stalin abolished th e joint Rabkrin-cc c an d create d tw o independent organizations : the stat e Commissio n o f Sovie t Contro l an d th e part y Commission o f Party Control (3.21) . The refor m o f the contro l organ s can be interpreted in political, ideological, and administrative terms . Th e breaku p of the potentiall y powerful Committee of Party-State Contro l undermined on e o f the power bases o f Shelepin and was followed b y his removal a s head o f the committe e an d a s Deputy Chairman of the Counci l o f Ministers. Thus, a relatively young member o f the leadership , who ha d show n significan t foreign polic y initiatives in th e previou s thirtee n months sinc e hi s promotion to the part y Presidium, was deprived of his control over th e singl e institutio n that spanne d part y and governmen t bureaucracie s and possesse d grea t potentia l powe r throug h it s investigative functions. Th e political aspec t wa s no t referre d t o directl y by Brezhne v i n hi s repor t o n th e organs o f party-stat e contro l (Current Digest of th e Soviet Press xvn , no . 48 , 3-0. Brezhnev publicl y legitimized the reorganizatio n in ideological and administrative terms. Ideologically, the reform was explained as a further development and expansio n o f Soviet democracy, b y transferring a properly 'public' duty to a people' s organization , whic h coul d enlis t th e voluntar y participation of th e broad masses . Wha t Brezhne v apparentl y had i n min d wa s the placemen t o f public inspection throug h th e people' s contro l organ s int o it s proper perspec tive as one of several administrativ e devices availabl e to the part y and the stat e for carryin g out th e broa d function s o f supervisio n an d verification . People's control wa s see n a s a potentiall y useful, bu t limited , devic e i n pushin g eco nomic refor m an d i n combattin g bureaucratism , re d tape , mismanagement , and deceptio n throug h guide d populistic-participator y forms o f activity. This was not mean t t o sugges t tha t i t would emerg e a s a substitut e fo r the party' s control responsibilities , eithe r externa l ove r th e econom y o r interna l over th e discipline of its members. At the plenum , V.V . Shcherbitsky was elected a s a candidate member o f the Presidium an d I.V . Kapitono v was elected t o the Secretariat .

5.6 On th e Reorganizatio n of th e Organs o f Party-State Control 6

December 196 5

The CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m note s tha t th e organ s o f party-stat e control hav e achieve d substantia l result s i n verifyin g th e implementatio n o f

58 R E S O L U T I O N


party an d governmen t decisions , i n th e struggl e t o advanc e th e socialis t economy, t o reinforc e stat e discipline , an d t o involv e th e broa d masse s of communists and non-party people in the wor k of supervision. To involv e th e toiler s widel y i n verificatio n an d supervisio n an d t o heighten their role in the functionin g o f control organs the Centra l Committee plenu m resolves: th e organ s o f party-state contro l ar e t o b e reorganize d into organ s o f people' s control , an d thes e ar e t o b e on e o f the operationa l instruments of the part y an d government for the even broader involvement of the popula r masses in the administratio n o f state affairs, fo r ensuring sys tematic verificatio n o f th e implementatio n o f part y an d governmen t direc tives b y soviet , economic , an d othe r organizations , fo r consolidatin g stat e discipline and socialis t legality . In accordanc e wit h thi s resolutio n th e USS R Counci l o f Minister s i s t o ratify th e statute on the organs of people's control. Pravda, 1 December 196 5 KPSS

XXIII Party Congress 2

v rezoliuisiiakh vm , 559-60

9 March-8 April 1966

In th e month s immediatel y following Khrushchev' s remova l there were indi cations that the ne w leadership was committed to pursue a course of destalinization. B y the sprin g of 1965 , however, ther e wer e increasin g signs tha t th e political atmospher e was being influenced more strongl y by conservative ele ments advocatin g a rehabilitation o f Stalin. This tendency intensifie d through the remainde r of 196 5 and int o 1966 , thus providin g the expectatio n that th e XXIII Congres s woul d b e th e scen e o f a forma l announcemen t o f a mor e conservative politica l line. The proceeding s o f th e XXII I Congress indicate d tha t th e leadershi p was still sharpl y spli t over th e Stali n question an d tha t n o factio n o r coalition was able to generate enough support to impose its views. Brezhnev, who had publicly indicate d som e suppor t fo r th e rehabilitatio n of Stali n i n earlie r state ments, opene d hi s remark s i n th e Centra l Committee Repor t (Current Soviet Policies v (1973) , 4-31 ) b y referring to th e fac t tha t the succes s of the Sovie t people in building communism i n the recent pas t could be attributed to adherence t o th e lin e se t down b y the X X and XXI I congresses which, o f course, were know n as bellweathers of destalinization. Only one othe r speake r a t th e congress mad e referenc e t o th e crucia l Stali n issue . N.G . Yegorichev , Firs t Secretary o f the Mosco w cit y committee , denounce d recen t attempt s t o look for element s o f alleged Stalinism in the country' s political life fo r use i n fright ening the intelligentsia . He the n wen t on t o say that such a n approach would



not wor k and tha t the personalit y cult and violation s of leninist norms of party life an d o f socialist legality ha d bee n decisivel y discarded b y the part y s o that there woul d never b e a return to this kind of past. Yegorichev then added , as a balance i n hi s position , tha t thi s di d no t mea n a tota l rejectio n o f th e past . There wer e temporary difficulties an d individual failures that do not eclipse the achievements o f th e past . Th e weaknes s o f Brezhnev' s statemen t an d th e fence sittin g of Yegoriche v o n th e critica l issu e o f Stali n suggeste d tha t th e leadership was deadlocke d a t thi s point . This conclusio n i s reinforce d by th e failure o f several leader s t o address th e congres s (Suslov , Shelepin , Poliansky, Voronov, Mazurov ) an d b y the absenc e o f further discussio n of the matte r by any other speaker . The leadershi p deadloc k tha t necessitate d compromis e ove r th e politica l issue o f destalinizatio n also affecte d th e party' s economic policy . On e woul d normally expect th e firs t congres s o f a new regim e to act as a platform for th e announcement o f ne w directions . However , th e resolutio n o n th e Centra l Committee Repor t wa s devoi d o f innovativ e approaches an d policies . It wa s largely a reaffirmatio n o f past economi c successe s and a promis e fo r mor e o f the same. Economic problem s were attributed to poor administration, planning and leadership , an d th e tens e internationa l situation . To overcom e som e of these obstacle s t o economi c efficienc y th e congres s approve d th e approac h adopted b y the Septembe r 196 5 Central Committe e Plenum , and a new Five Year Pla n i n whic h hig h an d stabl e growt h rate s wer e t o b e achieve d b y improved efficiency , increase d labou r productivity , and wide r use o f scientifi c and technologica l achievement s i n production , a s wel l a s increase d capita l investments. A n improve d standard o f living and a convergence o f the rate s of growth o f the capita l and consume r good s sector s wer e to result mainl y from increased labour contributions to economic production. The politica l component o f the Centra l Committe e Repor t and the change s in th e part y Rule s reflecte d a concer n fo r th e developmen t o f mor e clearly defined procedure s governin g inner-party life an d improve d complianc e with the procedures . I n thi s regard , severa l principle s were single d ou t fo r special mention: collectiv e leadership , criticis m an d self-criticism , business efficienc y in runnin g th e affair s o f th e party , and recruitmen t procedures . Th e party' s societal function s wer e als o t o b e regulate d b y adherenc e t o mor e clearl y defined principle s setting rights and duties and establishing areas of jurisdiction and responsibility . The majo r part y priority wa s to b e implementatio n o f th e economic reforms . Thi s wa s a wid e mandate , bu t i t wa s circumscribe d b y injunctions tha t part y organization s avoi d supplantin g sovie t an d economi c organs an d assumin g pett y tutelag e ove r them . Part y organization s wer e exhorted t o us e complianc e mechanism s appropriat e t o th e party : selection , promotion an d trainin g of responsible officials ; directio n of the organizatio n of supervision an d verificatio n of decisions ; ideologica l wor k wit h th e masse s (agitation) an d leading cadres (propaganda) .



The congres s was attended b y 4620 voting delegates and 32 3 delegates who did not have voting rights. Kosygin delivered the report on the Five-Year Plan. There were several important personnel changes associated with the congress. A.I. Mikoya n and N.M. Shvernik were not re-elected to the Politburo and L.N. Efremov wa s dropped from candidat e membership. Pelshe was elected as a full membe r of the Politbur o and Chairman of the Part y Control Committee. D.A. Kunaye v an d P.M . Masherov wer e electe d candidat e member s o f th e Politburo. A.P. Kirilenko was elected as a secretary of the Centra l Committee. The Centra l Committe e electe d a t th e congres s consisted o f 19 5 full an d 7 9 candidate members.


On th e Repor t of the Centra l Committee 8

April 196 6

Having hear d an d discusse d th e repor t b y Comrad e L.I . Brezhnev , Firs t Secretary of the Centra l Committe e o f the CPSU , o n th e wor k of the Centra l Committee, th e XXII I Congress o f the CPS U resolves : the political line and practical activity of the Central Committee is fully and completely approved; the proposals and conclusions contained in the Report of the Central Committee are approved. During th e perio d unde r review , the party' s activity was based o n th e line se t fort h a t th e X X an d XXI I congresses, and wa s directed a t carrying out th e Programm e o f the CPSU , a t creating the materia l and technical base of communism, a t further improving socialist socia l relations , an d a t the com munist education o f the toilers . During thi s perio d majo r successe s wer e achieve d i n economi c an d cultural development an d in enhancing the material well-being of the people . The politica l foundations o f Soviet society wer e consolidated: th e allianc e of the working class and the kolkho z peasantry, the friendship of the people s of the multinationa l Sovie t Union , th e solidarit y of all the toilers aroun d th e CPSU. Th e CPS U rank s hav e bee n broadened , an d it s politica l and organiza tional rol e i n Sovie t societ y ha s bee n increased . Th e leninis t principle s of internal party life have becom e firmly entrenched i n the party. Guided b y th e teachin g o f Lenin , th e part y ha s improve d th e form s and method s of administering th e economy , castin g aside al l that coul d no t withstand th e tes t o f practice and wa s becoming a hindrance t o our forward movement. O f fundamental significanc e for the activit y of the part y an d fo r our society' s continue d movemen t alon g th e roa d t o communis m wa s the October (1964 ) Plenu m o f the Centra l Committee o f the CPS U ...



1 Th e Congres s note s with satisfaction that, in the period under review, the workin g class, th e kolkho z peasantry, an d th e intelligentsia , in solving the historica l tasks set out i n the CPS U Programme, achieve d substantial successes in economic and cultural development and in elevating the living standard o f th e Sovie t people . A s a resul t o f th e fulfilmen t o f the Seven-Yea r Plan, a n important step has been take n on the pat h to creating the material and technical base of communism. A substantial increase in the volum e of industrial production has bee n achieved. Th e majo r branche s o f th e econom y hav e bee n technicall y re equipped. Power engineering, the chemical, oil, and gas industries, machine and instrument buildin g have all been ensured rapid development. The production o f foodstuffs , o f manufactured consumer goods , an d o f articles for cultural an d everyda y us e ha s increase d considerably . The broa d develop ment o f the productiv e activity of the toilers , the introductio n of new machines an d instruments , ne w technique s o f mechanization , an d automatio n into al l branches o f industrial production hav e mad e possibl e a substantial rise i n labou r productivity. The achievement s o f science an d industr y have facilitated th e equipmen t of the Sovie t Armed Forces with the most moder n military technology so that the Sovie t Arm y may be supplied with the mos t modern an d powerful weaponry. The Sovie t shar e i n world industria l productio n ha s increased . Th e Soviet Unio n ha s strengthene d it s positions and gaine d new victories i n its economic competitio n wit h th e principa l capitalist countries. The pas t years have confirmed that in our country expanded reproduction at high and stable rates is an economic law of socialism. The materia l standard of living of the toiler s has improved. Important measures hav e bee n take n t o standardiz e an d elevat e rate s o f pa y i n al l branches o f the economy . Taxe s have been abolished o r reduced fo r a substantial par t o f the toilers ; benefit s have bee n extende d an d pension s hav e been raise d for a number of categories of the population; pensions have bee n instituted fo r kolkhozniks . Th e seven-hou r workin g day ha s bee n intro duced, an d a six-hour day for certai n categories o f toilers. In the las t seven years almost a s much housing has been buil t as during the whol e existenc e of Soviet power up to 1958 . Major successe s have been achieved i n cultural affairs, education , and health protection . Durin g th e las t seve n year s the numbe r o f persons with higher and secondar y educatio n has increased almos t one-and-a-hal f times , the number o f scientific workers - mor e tha n two times. The party' s measures , especiall y after th e Octobe r (1964 ) an d sub sequent plenum s o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee , ar e promotin g the rapi d economic and cultural advance of all the union republics, an expansion of their



economic inter-relation s an d mutua l assistance , an d th e furthe r strength ening of the friendshi p o f the people s of the USSR . All this once again graphically demonstrates t o the whole world that only socialism afford s th e people s reliable paths to their comprehensive development . The Congres s note s that , alon g wit h th e grea t successe s i n socialis t economic development , th e Seven-Year Plan was not fulfilled wit h respect to some indices . Th e target s fo r th e productio n o f certai n type s o f chemica l products, machinery, and fuel were underfulfilled. Agricultura l production is lagging, and this has had a negative impact on the growth rates of light industry and the food industry, has prevented th e planned measures for raising the living standard o f the peopl e from bein g carried out i n full . In recent year s there ha s been a slight slackening in the growt h rate of production and o f labour productivity. The effectivenes s of the us e o f production fund s an d capital investment s has declined. In many branches new enterprises hav e not bee n brough t int o operation on schedule, an d many of those whic h were completed hav e not reached thei r projected output levels. As a result , th e growt h rate o f the nationa l incom e ha s been les s tha n tha t projected by the Seven-Yea r Plan. The reason s fo r these negative facts were short-comings in administration o f the economy , underestimatio n o f economi c method s o f leadershi p and of economic accountability , incomplete use of material and moral incentives, certai n miscalculations i n planning , and a subjective approach t o th e solution o f many economic problems . Th e poo r harvest s i n 196 3 and 196 5 had a negative impact on the development o f the economy. I t should als o be noted tha t as a consequence o f the aggravation of the international situation, there aros e th e nee d t o divert additional funds to strengthening th e defenc e of the country . 2 Th e Congress full y approve s the decisions of the March and Septembe r (1965) plenum s o f the CPS U Central Committe e whic h laid bare the reason s for th e short-coming s i n economi c developmen t an d worke d ou t a ne w approach t o leadership o f the economy . Th e ne w system o f economic man agement create s mor e favourabl e condition s for rationa l utilizatio n of the country's giganti c productive forces, for a rapid growth in the publi c welfare, for a full revelatio n o f the advantage s o f the socialis t system . The Congres s place s party, soviet, an d economi c organization s unde r the obligatio n t o implemen t consistentl y th e principle s of economic polic y worked ou t b y th e part y tha t cal l fo r a combinatio n o f centralize d branc h administration with an expansion of the rights of union republics, an enhance ment o f the rol e o f economic method s i n economic management , a radical improvement i n planning, an expansion o f the economi c independenc e an d initiative of enterprise collectives, an d an increase in their material interest in the result s o f their activity . The implementatio n o f the ne w system o f plan-



ning and economic incentive s is one of the most important tasks of the forth coming years. Under the new conditions it is also necessary to devote increased attention to moral incentives in production, to strengthening labour discipline, to inculcating the attitud e that labour is a patriotic duty and that each worker is personally responsibl e fo r the situatio n i n hi s enterprise, constructio n proj ect, o r institution; maximu m us e mus t b e made o f the broa d opportunities afforded fo r this purpose by the ne w system o f economic incentives for production. The Congres s require s th e industria l ministrie s to ensur e mor e rapid application in production of the achievements o f science an d technology, th e strengthening of ties between productio n enterprises and scientific-research and desig n organizations , and th e comprehensiv e developmen t o f specialization an d co-operatio n i n production . Part y an d sovie t organization s an d economic organ s mus t struggl e resolutel y t o strengthe n stat e discipline , to eradicat e bureaucrati c leadershi p methods , a narrowl y departmenta l approach to affairs, an d localism . 3A n important stage in the struggle of the party and the Soviet people to create the materia l and technical base o f communism an d to strengthen further th e economi c an d defensive might of the countr y is the Five-Yea r Plan for developin g the USS R economy from 196 6 to 1970 . The Congres s view s as the chief economic task of the Five-Yea r Plan a further significan t growt h of industry an d hig h an d stabl e rate s o f agricultura l development - through comprehensive us e o f th e achievement s o f scienc e an d technology , th e industrial development o f all social production, the heightenin g of its effec tiveness an d of labour productivity - and on this basis the achievement o f a further substantia l advance in the material and cultural living standard of the people. In th e ne w five-yea r perio d i t i s necessar y t o mak e bette r us e o f all existing opportunitie s fo r ensurin g highe r rate s o f growth of the country' s economy. Th e productiv e forces created b y the heroi c labou r o f the Sovie t people mak e it possible, togethe r wit h the continue d developmen t o f heavy industry, t o develo p mor e rapidl y thos e branche s o f social productio n tha t directly satisfy th e materia l and cultural demands o f the toilers . The Congres s recognize s th e necessit y o f ensurin g durin g th e ne w Five-Year Plan : an increas e ove r th e previou s five years in the rat e o f growth of social production, nationa l income , an d th e rea l income s o f the urba n an d rural population; a convergence o f the rate s of growth of the productio n of the means of production and the productio n of consumer goods ; the continue d rapi d developmen t o f industry , wit h electrica l powe r



engineering, metallurgy , machine building, the chemical industry, and electronics growing at a more rapid rate; -a substantial increase in agricultural production; an acceleratio n i n scientifi c and technica l progres s an d a n increas e i n the effectivenes s of social production; the continue d technica l re-equipment o f transportation an d communication; an increas e i n capital investments i n the econom y b y about 1. 5 times over the precedin g five years, with state capital investments i n agriculture to double; a n enhancemen t o f th e effectivenes s of capita l investments an d a substantial improvemen t i n th e basi c proportion s i n the econom y throug h more correc t us e o f the materia l and financial means allocate d to economi c development; a substantial development o f construction, a growth in the capacities of the constructio n industry , a shortenin g o f th e tim e require d t o complet e construction jobs and put installations into operation, a n improvement i n the quality o f construction and assembl y work , and a reduction in constructio n costs; an improved distributio n of production forces, th e integrate d develop ment an d economi c specializatio n of the economie s of union republic s and economic regions ; th e accelerate d economi c developmen t o f th e easter n regions of the country; the furthe r strengthenin g o f economic tie s wit h the fraterna l socialis t countries an d the developin g states; the developmen t o f mutually advantageous trade with capitalist countries. 4 Th e Congres s attribute s fundamenta l significanc e to developin g agri culture on the basi s of the syste m o f economic measure s worke d out by the March (1965 ) Plenu m o f the CPS U Central Committee. Th e principa l way to increase agricultura l production i s through th e stead y intensification of agriculture on a firm basis of the mechanization, electrification , and chemicalization o f production , an d als o throug h th e extensiv e developmen t o f lan d reclamation i n areas wit h unfavourable natural conditions . An increase i n the output of grain remains an extremely important task of agriculture. The decisiv e condition for accelerating the growth rate of agriculture in general and the outpu t of grain in particular is to raise the yiel d of each hectar e of land in every possible way. To achieve this, large-scale measures mus t b e carried out , bot h i n the countr y as a whole, an d on eac h kol khoz and sovkhoz, to increase soi l fertility and farming standards. On the basi s o f an increas e i n the outpu t of cultivated crops and a rise in th e productivit y of natural grazin g lands, i t i s necessary t o ensur e significant progress o f communal animal husbandry . In th e vie w of the Congres s a further consolidatio n an d developmen t of both the kolkho z and the sovkhoz forms of organizing the publi c sector of



agriculture are neede d i f the plan s elaborated fo r th e growt h o f agricultural production ar e t o b e fulfilled . Th e significanc e of the sovkhozes , a s mode l forms o f th e socialis t rura l economy , mus t b e enhanced . Th e CPS U Centra l Committee i s instructe d t o examin e th e questio n o f formin g kolkhoz co-operative organ s i n raions, oblasts , krais, republics, and in the centre . 5 Th e Congress consider s i t necessary t o ensure, durin g the forthcoming five-year period, the further advance o f the materia l well-being of the peopl e by raisin g th e pa y of workers and employees , an d th e income s o f kolkhoz members fro m th e publi c sector, b y establishin g a guarantee d wag e on all kolkhozes, b y increasin g cas h payment s an d benefit s fro m socia l funds, by further improvin g th e pension s o f workers , employees , an d kolkhozniks , and b y significantly improvin g the communal , dail y living, and cultura l ser vices available to the populatio n both i n the cit y and in the village. With th e increase d productio n o f consumer good s an d th e accumulation o f commodity and financial resources, measure s wil l have to be adopted to lower state retai l prices on certain foodstuffs an d manufactured consume r goods, and above al l on product s fo r children. The Congres s set s a s on e o f th e mos t importan t task s th e furthe r expansion o f housin g constructio n an d constructio n fo r th e cultura l an d everyday needs of the population in the cit y and the countryside . In orde r t o creat e bette r condition s fo r th e wor k an d leisur e o f th e toilers, a workin g week wit h tw o day s of f (whil e maintaining the existin g number o f workin g hour s i n th e week ) i s t o b e introduce d graduall y for workers and employees, a s enterprises becom e ready to operate o n the new schedule. 6A n extremel y importan t task o f party and economi c organizations , of all worker s i n industry , transport , agriculture , an d constructio n consist s o f ensuring tha t ther e ar e hig h rate s o f growt h o f labou r productivit y on th e basis o f the technica l re-equippin g of all branches o f the economy , wid e use of th e experienc e o f th e leadin g productio n worker s an d innovators , an d fuller us e o f existing reserves. The scientifi c organizatio n of production an d the application of the modern achievement s o f science and technology in the economy mus t creat e increasingl y favourable conditions fo r the hig h labour productivity o f al l workers . I t i s necessar y fo r economi c organ s an d part y organizations in enterprises persistentl y to follow a course of all-round mechanization o f productio n processes , stead y reductio n o f the shar e o f manual labour, mor e rationa l us e o f manpower , wide r applicatio n o f the scientifi c organization of labour. The Congress considers that party, soviet, economic , trad e union , and Komsomol organ s mus t focu s their attentio n o n increasing the effectivenes s of production , especiall y o n improvin g utilizatio n of productio n fund s an d bringing newly completed enterprise s an d shops u p to full productio n capacity more rapidly.

66 R E S O L U T I O N


The Congres s set s as one o f the mos t urgen t task s a radical improvement i n th e qualit y of output and a lengthening of the servic e lif e o f machines, ensurin g their mor e reliabl e operation, since ou r industr y has already achieved a technological maturity which permits it to ensure th e production of machines , instruments , apparatuses , an d othe r article s tha t completel y meet th e growin g requirement s o f th e econom y an d th e worl d market i n their technical and economic indices . 7 Th e Congres s emphasize s that, unde r condition s whe n ou r country is building communism o n a broad front , th e comprehensiv e educatio n of the new man an d th e continue d developmen t o f popular education an d culture acquire ever-increasing significance. It i s necessary t o expan d substantiall y the materia l base o f culture, t o ensure a n improvement i n all forms of cultural activity, to improve the con tent of the work of clubs, house s of culture, and libraries. Measure s are to be taken t o expand further the network of stadiums, sport s facilities, and othe r installations, especiall y in kolkhoze s and sovkhozes . Thi s must b e a matter for th e entir e party and al l its organizations, Soviets, trade unions, th e Kom somol, an d all working people's collectives in the cit y and in the countryside. In this five-year period the transition to universal secondar y educatio n of young people wil l basically be completed. Th e qualit y and content of general, labour, and polytechnical instruction must meet contemporar y require ments. School s are assigned th e duty of inculcating in children the principles of communist moralit y and o f improving the aestheti c an d physica l training of the growin g generation. The leve l of pedagogical science mus t be raised. It is necessar y t o strengthe n th e materia l bas e o f schools , suppl y them wit h modern equipment , an d striv e fo r th e rationa l an d ful l utilizatio n o f th e resources allocate d for public education. An increase i n the genera l culture and technical literacy of the toilers is indissolubly connected wit h the continued development o f higher and secondary specialized schools. A t the present stage , their primary task is to elevat e the qualit y o f specialis t training . Sovie t specialist s mus t b e arme d wit h marxist-leninist theor y an d have mastere d knowledg e at the leve l of the latest achievements o f science an d technology, must possess the necessary eco nomic training, and must be able to provide skilful solution s for problems of scientific an d technica l progress , o f the scientifi c organization of labour, and of the administratio n o f production. There must be fuller us e of the press, radio , television, an d the cinem a for th e formatio n o f a marxist-leninis t world view and fo r th e politica l and cultural development o f all Soviet people. Further improvemen t i n the work of central an d loca l newspapers an d magazine s mus t b e achieve d an d publishing in the countr y is to be improved. 8 Th e Congres s attribute s grea t significanc e t o th e developmen t o f Soviet science , whic h i s increasingly becoming a direct productiv e forc e of



society. The activit y of our scientist s must b e directed a t continuing to find solutions t o pressin g scientifi c problem s o f the presen t day , at accelerating scientific and technical progress in every way, at the mos t rapid application of the result s o f scientifi c research i n th e economy , a t ensurin g high rate s o f growth of labour productivity. The majo r task o f Soviet scholar s in the socia l sciences i s to wor k out problems o f economics, philosoph y and sociology , history, and la w in clos e relationship with the practic e of communist construction ... in 1 Th e Communis t Part y of the Sovie t Unio n cam e t o th e XXII I Congress unite d an d full y arme d wit h its rich experienc e i n leading communist construction, in guiding the domesti c an d foreign polic y of the country . The Communist Part y o f the Sovie t Unio n i s the leadin g an d directin g forc e of Soviet society. Armed with marxist-leninist teaching, it confidently leads th e Soviet peopl e along the roa d of communist construction , successfull y fulfils its role of organizer and politica l leader of the whol e Soviet people. The CPS U is linked by tight bonds o f international solidarity with the fraterna l marxistleninist parties and revolutionary democratic forces. The XXII I Congress note s wit h satisfaction that, expressin g the will of the party , th e Centra l Committe e ha s resolutel y followe d a lin e o f strict observance of leninist norm s o f party life and principle s of collective leadership. In thi s connection th e Octobe r an d November (1964 ) plenum s o f the Central Committe e wer e significan t concernin g matter s o f principle . Th e party correcte d th e mistake s associate d wit h a subjectiv e approac h t o th e solution o f important economi c an d politica l problems and those arisin g out of pointless reorganizations of the party , soviet, and economic apparatus. 2 Th e Congres s approve s the measure s develope d b y the Centra l Committee fo r furthe r improvin g th e organizationa l activit y o f th e party , fo r expanding ideologica l wor k among communist s an d toilers , fo r developing internal part y democracy , an d view s thei r consisten t implementatio n a s essential. Criticis m an d self-criticis m mus t als o b e furthe r intensified. The development of internal party democracy presuppose s a simultaneous com prehensive strengthenin g o f party discipline, a heightening o f the responsi bility of communists fo r the stat e o f affairs i n their own organizations and i n the part y as a whole. The Congres s consider s tha t th e scientifi c approach , th e collectiv e spirit, and efficiency i n the leadership of communist construction , an d in the conduct o f the domesti c an d foreig n polic y o f the Sovie t state , whic h have become firmly established i n th e workin g style of the Centra l Committee , should continu e t o remain the basi s of all its activity. 3 Th e Congres s notes tha t th e growin g authority of the CPS U intensifie s the desire of Soviet people to link their lives with the party both ideologically



and organizationall y an d t o enter it s ranks. At the sam e tim e th e Congres s views a s incorrec t th e trend , note d i n certai n part y organizations , towar d violating th e principle s o f individua l selectio n an d lowerin g th e require ments fo r entr y int o th e CPSU . Th e Congres s place s al l part y organizations under th e obligatio n t o b e mor e attentiv e t o matter s o f part y admission . Leading an d consciou s workers , kolkhozniks , and member s o f the intelli gentsia, activ e participant s in communis t constructio n shoul d b e admitte d into th e rank s o f th e CPS U i n stric t complianc e wit h the Part y Rules . An d workers must continu e to occupy the leadin g position in the socia l composition of the party . Concern fo r th e purit y o f th e party' s ranks , concer n tha t eac h com munist bear wit h dignit y the nam e o f member o f Lenin's part y and warrant it, i s a law of part y life , o f all party organizations . I n th e futur e a s well, th e party wil l continu e t o fre e itsel f o f al l unworth y members , o f thos e wh o violate the CPS U Programme an d Rules , who by their behaviour compromis e the name o f communist. 4 Th e Congres s consider s tha t th e struggl e for the successfu l fulfilmen t of the ne w Five-Yea r Pla n for development o f the econom y mus t b e at th e centre o f attentio n o f al l part y organizations . Party organizations ar e called upon t o ensur e consisten t implementatio n o f the principle s of socialist eco nomic management, th e new principles of planning and economic incentive s in production, worked out b y the Marc h and Septembe r plenum s of the CPS U Central Committee . A t th e sam e time , part y organization s mus t us e th e organizational an d educationa l method s whic h are properl y theirs an d no t supplant soviet an d economic organ s or assume pett y tutelage over them . The Congres s note s with satisfaction that the villag e raion party committees, havin g been restore d a s fully competen t politica l organs, have again taken a firm position as militant and authoritativ e transmitters o f CPSU policy in the countryside. Enhancement o f th e fightin g efficienc y o f al l primar y party organizations i s o f particula r significance. Party committees mus t rel y firml y upo n them, hel p them i n settling intra-party matters an d in expanding their mas s political activity among th e toilers . 5 Th e Congres s stresse s tha t the mountin g scal e an d complexit y of the tasks of communist constructio n plac e increasingly stiff requirements o n th e selection, promotion , an d training of cadres. Personne l promote d t o leadin g positions mus t b e devote d t o th e idea s o f communism , mus t kno w thei r business well , and must be in continuous contact with the masses, capable of organizing them fo r performing the tasks before them. Youn g and energeti c personnel mus t b e promoted mor e boldly , and their energy must be properly combined wit h th e experienc e o f olde r cadres . Th e transitio n t o th e ne w system o f socialist economi c managemen t oblige s leadin g cadre s t o maste r methods of economic leadership .



6 Th e Congress attributes great significance to the correct organization of supervision and verification of the implementatio n of party and governmen t decisions. Part y organization s ar e calle d upo n t o direc t th e activit y o f th e organs o f people's contro l an d to exten d to them all possible assistance in their work. There must b e an enhancement o f the rol e of the Party Control Committee o f the CPS U Central Committee, an d o f the part y commissions of local party organs, in increasing the responsibilit y of communists fo r implementing the party's policy. 7 Th e Congres s stresse s th e importanc e o f furthe r strengthenin g th e Soviet stat e an d o f developing socialis t democracy in ever y way. Particular importance i s attache d t o enhancin g th e rol e o f th e Soviet s o f Working People's Deputies, so that the y may make the fulles t us e of their power s in carrying ou t task s o f economi c an d cultura l construction an d i n verifyin g implementation, an d ma y displa y mor e initiativ e i n resolvin g planning , financial, and lan d problems, and in guiding local industrial enterprises, an d everyday socia l an d cultura l service s fo r th e population . Th e Soviet s ar e called upon to heighten the responsibilit y of executive organs, deputies, and officials befor e th e people , ar e t o live n u p th e wor k of their sessions , an d submit to them a broader range of matters for their consideration . The Congres s consider s tha t th e rol e o f the trad e union s in resolving tasks of economic development mus t be enhanced and that their more active participation in working out state plans and in administering production must be ensured. Th e dut y of the trad e unions is to develop socialist competition even more broadly, t o improve educational wor k among the toilers, and to be mor e concerne d wit h organizing the wor k and th e livin g condition s o f workers and employees . The Congres s direct s party organizations to devote particula r attention to the communis t education of Komsomol members an d of all Soviet youth. The educatio n o f Komsomo l member s an d o f youth i n the revolutionary , labour, and militant traditions of the Soviet people and the Communist Party is on e o f th e mos t importan t tasks . I t i s necessar y t o continu e t o imbu e young men an d women with high ideological conviction and devotion to the cause o f the party , love for the socialis t homeland, readines s t o defend it, a feeling o f fraterna l friendshi p for th e toiler s o f th e socialis t countries , an d international solidarit y with all the exploite d and oppressed . The partici pation o f th e Komsomo l i n economi c an d cultura l construction , an d th e political lif e o f th e countr y need s t o b e intensified . Th e part y nucleus i n Komsomol organization s needs t o b e fortifie d an d communist s o f Komsomol age - fo r whom this mus t b e considered a very important party assignment - mus t be used mor e extensively for work in them. 8 Th e CPS U proceed s fro m th e ide a tha t further successe s of communist construction depend i n many respects upon the scope and level of the party's ideological an d politicia l wor k amon g th e toilers . Th e effectivenes s of th e



party's ideologica l influenc e is indissolubly connected with all of its activity as th e guidin g force o f Sovie t society . Th e educatio n o f the toiler s i n th e spirit o f high politica l consciousness an d o f a communist attitud e to labour must stand at the centre of ideological work. The paramount task of ideological work is to mobilize the efforts of the working class, the peasantry, and the intelligentsia fo r activ e struggl e fo r fulfilmen t o f th e Five-Yea r Pla n fo r development o f the economy , fo r the buildin g of communist societ y in ou r country. The solidarit y of the people s o f the Sovie t Unio n in a single fraterna l family is a great achievement o f the Communist Party and Soviet power. The Congress direct s al l part y committees t o continu e undeviatingl y to imple ment a leninist nationality policy, to educate all Soviet people in the spirit of Soviet patriotis m an d respec t fo r the bes t progressiv e nationa l tradition s of the people s of the USSR , in the spiri t o f friendship with the people s of all the fraternal socialis t countries , wit h the toiler s of the whole world, to conduct a persistent struggl e agains t an y manifestation s o f nationalis m an d chau vinism. 9 Th e Congres s consider s tha t an urgen t task of party organizations is a serious improvemen t i n th e marxist-leninis t educatio n o f part y members, their ideologica l tempering , especiall y o f youn g part y members. Hig h de mands mus t b e mad e o n th e ideologica l an d politica l trainin g o f leading cadres. Th e whole system of party education mus t be raised up to the level of the task s of the presen t stag e of the buildin g of communism. Th e Congres s directs the party's ideological organs and the appropriate state institution s to effect a decisive improvemen t i n the business o f teaching marxism-leninis m in institution s o f highe r learnin g an d othe r educationa l institutions , t o increase th e ideologica l and theoretical leve l of instruction o f university students, strivin g t o ensur e a clos e connectio n betwee n thi s instructio n an d contemporary problem s o f social development, th e mos t recen t advance s of science an d technology . The foundatio n of all the party' s ideologica l work is propaganda of the ideas o f marxism-leninism . Th e creativ e developmen t o f marxist-leninis t theory o n th e basi s o f the experienc e o f communist constructio n an d th e development o f the worl d revolutionary movement, th e struggl e against all manifestations o f bourgeois ideology are of the greates t significanc e for all of the party's activity. 10 Th e Congres s attributes grea t significance to developing the literatur e and art of socialist realism. From creative workers the party expects new and significant work s which will conquer b y the profundit y an d honesty of their reflection o f life, b y the powe r of their ideologica l inspiration, b y their hig h artistic skill , an d whic h wil l activel y help i n th e formatio n o f th e spiritua l make-up of the builde r of communism, wil l inculcate high moral qualities in Soviet peopl e as well as devotion t o communis t ideals , a sense of good citizenship, Sovie t patriotism , and socialist internationalism .



The rol e o f th e creativ e union s i n consolidatin g th e relationshi p between ar t and the lif e of the people, in heightening the social responsibility of Sovie t artist s fo r thei r creativit y before society , i n educatin g them i n a spirit of faithfulness t o the leninis t principles of party spirit and feeling for the people must b e enhanced . 11 Th e Congres s direct s part y organizations to effec t a serious improve ment in their mass politica l work. The party's policy must be elucidated thoroughly an d intelligibly , without avoiding acut e problems ; i t i s necessary t o be tactfu l towar d the demand s an d spiritua l needs of the popula r masses, to take int o consideratio n th e risin g cultura l and educationa l leve l o f Soviet people. All political agitation must be based on informatio n widely and sys tematically supplie d t o th e populatio n o n th e political , economic, an d cultural life of the country and the international situation. It is necessary to ensure regular reports before the working people by party, state, economic and public figure s o n question s o f the domesti c an d foreig n policy o f the state , th e work o f organ s o f party , governmen t an d publi c organizations, an d als o reports b y leaders of local Soviets, organs of popular education, public health, trade, an d enterprises o f communal econom y an d everyday services . A consisten t struggl e must b e wage d against politica l apathy, against remnants of private-property mentality and petty-bourgeois attitudes, against manifestations o f a nihilis t attitud e towar d th e ideal s an d achievement s o f socialism. The Congres s direct s th e attentio n o f part y organizations t o th e fac t that the part y is conducting its ideological work in conditions of a sharp class struggle betwee n tw o opposin g socio-politica l system s i n th e worl d arena . The interest s o f socialis m an d communis m deman d a heightenin g o f th e revolutionary vigilance of communists an d o f all Soviet people, an unmask ing of the ideologica l diversions of imperialism against the Soviet Union and the other socialis t countrie s ... 5.8 On Partial Changes i n th e Rule s of the CPS U [Revises Rule s adopted 1961 ; see 4.34] 8

April 196 6

The XXIII Congress o f the Communist Part y of the Soviet Union resolves t o introduce the followin g change s in the CPS U Rules : 1 [Revise s 4.34 , art. 4] I n order t o improve furthe r th e qualitativ e composition o f those admitte d t o the CPS U and to raise the responsibilit y of party organizations fo r th e admissio n int o the part y of new members , i t is estab lished that : a youn g people , u p t o th e ag e o f 2 3 inclusive , ente r th e part y only through the Komsomol . Member s o f the Komsomo l enterin g the CPS U mus t submit th e recommendatio n o f a district committe e o r a city committee of



the Komsomo l whic h i s equivalen t t o th e recommendatio n o f on e part y member; b thos e recommendin g applicants to the part y mus t hav e party standing of not les s than five years; c a decision of the primary party organization on admission to the party is regarded adopted if not les s than two-thirds of the part y members attending the meetin g have voted fo r it. 2 Proceedin g from th e tasks of further strengthenin g party discipline and raising the responsibilit y of communists fo r the fulfilmen t o f the dutie s prescribed by the Rules : a [Revise s 4.34, preamble] a provision is added to the introductor y section o f the Rule s that th e part y se t itself free o f individuals who violate the CPSU Programme , th e Rules , an d wh o b y thei r behaviou r compromis e th e lofty titl e of Communist ; b [Revise s 4.34 , art . 10 ] i t i s establishe d tha t a decisio n o f a primary party organizatio n on th e expulsio n o f a communis t fro m th e part y take s effect afte r ratificatio n b y its district or city party committee . c [Revise s 4.34 , art . 9 ] th e transfe r of a part y membe r t o th e statu s of candidate as a party penalty is abolished. 3I n vie w o f the proposal s o f many part y organs an d communists , an d taking int o accoun t th e fac t tha t durin g party election s th e compositio n o f party commitees is regularly renewed with due regard for concrete local conditions and the businesslik e and political qualities of personnel, an d that the regulations o n thes e question s di d no t justif y themselve s i n practice , i t i s regarded a s inexpedien t t o retai n furthe r i n th e CPS U Rule s th e provision s that determin e th e norm s o f renewa l and turnove r o f th e compositio n of party organs and secretaries o f party organizations. In this connection article 25 is deleted fro m th e Rules . An additio n is made t o articl e 24 that during elections o f all party organs from th e primar y organizations to the CPS U Cen tral Committee, th e principl e of the systemati c renewal of their composition and continuity of leadership is to be observed . 4 [Ne w art . 58 ] Th e sectio n o f th e Rule s concernin g primar y party organizations i s supplemente d wit h a ne w paragrap h stipulating that part y committees o f primar y part y organization s numberin g mor e tha n 100 0 communists may , wit h th e permissio n o f th e centra l committe e o f th e communist part y o f a union republic , be grante d th e right s of a raion party committee o n question s concernin g admissio n t o th e CPSU , registratio n o f party member s an d candidates , an d scrutin y of the persona l affair s o f communists. Withi n these organizations, i f necessary, part y committees ma y be formed i n shops , whil e th e part y organizations o f productio n section s ar e granted the right s of a primar y part y organization . The part y committees that are granted th e right s of a raion part y committee ar e elected for a ter m of two years.

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5 Articl e 5 7 o f th e Rule s i s supplemente d wit h a provisio n tha t i n sovkhozes part y committee s ma y b e establishe d i f ther e ar e 5 0 commu nists. 6 [Revise s 4.34 , art . 55 ] Takin g into consideratio n organizations ' suggestions tha t th e CPS U Rules should determin e i n a more differentiate d wa y the schedul e for the convocation of meetings in primary party organizations, depending o n th e condition s o f their work , structure, an d size , i t is estab lished tha t i n primar y part y organizations which have u p t o 30 0 member s and where there are shop organizations, a general party meeting is to be held at least onc e every two months . 7 [Revise s 4.34 , art . 44 ] I t i s stipulate d in th e Rule s tha t communis t party congresses i n all union republics are to be held at least once every four years. 8 [Ne w article 40] Provision s ar e mad e i n th e Rule s that in the perio d between party congresses the Central Committee may, when necessary, con voke an all-union party conference to discuss urgent questions of party policy while th e centra l committee s o f communist partie s of the unio n republics may convoke republic party conferences . The procedur e fo r conductin g an all-unio n party conference is determined b y th e CPS U Centra l Committee , whil e that o f republic party conferences, b y th e centra l committee s o f th e communis t partie s o f th e unio n republics. 9 [Revise s 4.34 , art. 39] Provision s ar e made i n the Rule s that the CPS U Central Committe e elect : a Politbur o [thi s term wa s used fro m 191 9 until Stalin replace d it with Presidiu m i n 1952 ] fo r guiding the wor k of the party between plenum s o f the Centra l Committee ; a Secretariat for guidin g current work , mainly in th e fiel d o f personnel selectio n an d organizin g verification of implementation. The Central Committee elects a General Secretary of the CPS U Centra l Committee . The claus e stipulating that the Central Committee create a CPSU Central Committee Burea u for the RSFSR , i n article 39 of the Rules , is to be omitted . 10 Th e referenc e t o economi c council s in articl e 59 of the rule s is to b e omitted. Pravda, 9 April 1966 KPSS

Plenum of the Central Committee 25-2

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 16-37

7 May 1966

The Ma y 196 6 Central Committe e Plenum deal t wit h the technica l aspects of Brezhnev's agricultura l programme . Report s wer e delivere d b y th e USS R



Minister o f Lan d Reclamatio n an d Wate r Resources , E.E . Alekseevsky , an d the Genera l Secretar y of the party , Brezhnev. Alekseevsky' s repor t (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xvm , no. 22 , 5-11) consiste d o f a series of proposal s that had been made th e previou s year and had been elaborate d in conjunction with the Ministr y of Agriculture, the State Planning Committee, an d the union republics. Additiona l expert s wer e brough t int o th e plannin g an d decisio n making through conferences set up under th e auspices of the Central Committee apparatus. From Alekseevsky' s repor t it appears that there were real differ ences among the participant s that led to substantial revisions in the proposals . The final report calle d for a whole series o f measures t o improve land fertility , undertake major land reclamation projects, employ extensive irrigation schemes in ari d regions, direc t major capital investments int o water resource construc tion, improv e th e technology , capacity , an d desig n o f wate r resourc e con struction, an d rais e th e effectivenes s o f capita l investment s i n reclamatio n construction. As Brezhne v pointe d ou t i n hi s repor t t o th e plenu m (Current Digest of the Soviet Press xvm, no . 23, 3-8), the proposed agricultura l programme indicate d a significan t turn i n attitud e toward s agriculture , although h e perhap s over stated hi s case by suggesting that 'we have all grounds for comparing it [the set of proposal s fo r increasin g and stabilizin g agricultural yields] with any earlie r important task, however great in scope, that our party has had to resolve in the sphere of agriculture.' Was Brezhnev comparing the new policy with the collectivization campaign fro m 1928-1933 ? In any case, he certainly was at pains to emphasize th e chang e i n direction for agricultural policy. He was also insisten t on implici t comparison wit h Khrushchev's economicall y irrational agricultural campaigns, emphasizin g tha t th e ne w campaign wa s to b e a long-rang e pro gramme supporte d b y heav y capita l investment s an d reflectin g rea l Sovie t potentials. Having establishe d th e scop e o f chang e i n agricultura l policy, Brezhne v also dealt wit h the financial and resourc e implications . He recognized tha t th e policy coul d achiev e succes s onl y if it was accompanie d b y a shift i n th e bal ance o f capita l investment i n favou r of agricultur e and it s subsidiar y indus tries. Th e dilemm a wa s posed i n star k term s by Brezhnev , althoug h h e was not willin g to admi t publicl y the difficultie s involved:.. . 'we had t o work very seriously with the planning agencies s o that, without slowing down the rates of development o f the branche s o f heavy industry , and als o takin g into account the necessit y fo r sharpl y advancing ligh t industr y an d th e foo d industry , we might a t th e sam e tim e fin d fund s an d materia l resource s fo r agricultur e in hitherto unprecedente d amounts. ' Th e declinin g growt h rate s o f th e Sovie t economy i n the pas t decade sugges t tha t it was totally unrealistic or disingenuous o f Brezhnev to sugges t tha t th e regim e coul d attain all three sets of goals simultaneously.

MAY 196 6 P L E N UM 7

5.9 On the Extensiv e Development of Land Reclamation to Obtain High and Stable Yields o f Grain and Other Far m Crops 2


7 May 196 6

Highly develope d agricultur e i s a n indispensibl e conditio n fo r a furthe r upsurge o f the entir e socialis t economy an d a steady ris e in the livin g stan dard o f th e Sovie t people . That i s why the XXII I Congress of the party , in determining the specifi c direction s of communist constructio n a t the presen t stage, has attributed paramount significance to the acceleration of the rates of agricultural development an d the stead y intensification of agriculture on th e basis o f th e syste m o f economi c an d organizationa l measure s tha t wer e elaborated b y the Marc h and Septembe r (1965 ) plenum s of the CPS U Central Committee. Raising th e yiel d of every hectare o f land in ever y possible wa y is th e basis fo r accelerate d agricultura l development i n general an d grai n production in particular. The plenu m consider s tha t th e achieve d leve l o f th e country' s eco nomic developmen t make s i t possibl e fo r thes e purpose s t o implemen t a complex of large-scale measures , both o n a country-wide scale an d on every kolkhoz an d sovkhoz , fo r improvin g soil fertility an d agricultura l standards and for extensive lan d reclamation .. . The CPS U Central Committee Plenu m resolves : 1T o approve measures for the extensiv e development of land reclama tion to obtain high and stable yields of grain and other far m crop s elaborate d by the CPS U Central Committee Politbur o and envisaging the following : - expansio n i n the nex t ten-yea r perio d of the area of irrigated land by 7-8 millio n hectares and of drained land by 15-16 millio n hectares, the total area o f reclaime d lan d i n th e countr y t o reac h 37-3 9 millio n hectare s i n 1975; improvements i n the stat e o f land reclamation of all land in regions of operating irrigation and drainage systems so that every hectare of these lands produces th e maximu m yiel d o f agricultura l products o f hig h qualit y and with good economi c indices ; considerable increas e i n the rate s o f progress o f water resources work in th e nort h Caucasus , souther n area s o f the Ukraine , Moldavia, Kazakh stan, i n the lowe r reaches o f the Am u Dary a and in the Fa r East; advance ment i n th e buildin g of irrigation systems i n th e Volg a Region; creatio n i n these zones o f large-scale production of grain, rice in particular, as well as of other agricultural products; - furthe r development o f land irrigation in the areas of Central Asi a and the Trans-Caucasus ;



the conductin g o f limin g of al l plough-land , meadows, an d pasture s that have acid soil in the non-chernoze m belt ; - th e conducting o f work during 1966-1970 to improve radically meadows and pasture-land ove r a n area of 9 million hectares an d supply pastures with water over an area of 50 million hectares; the implementatio n of a system of measures t o combat water and wind erosion o f soil , wher e necessar y th e plantin g o f shelter-belt s an d ravin e afforestation, a s well as the regrassin g of eroded slopes , th e buildin g of antierosion structures an d the afforestation of sands ... The CPS U Centra l Committe e Politbur o an d th e USS R Counci l o f Ministers are instructed to take the appropriate decisions. The party , trade union , and Komsomo l organizations , soviet, agricultural, an d wate r resourc e bodies , leader s o f ministrie s an d departments , industrial enterprises , construction organizations, kolkhozes, an d sovkhozes are require d t o tak e the necessar y measure s fo r unconditiona l fulfilment o f these decisions. 2 Th e fulfilmen t o f the programme mapped out b y the part y with respect to raisin g th e fertilit y o f soils , extensiv e lan d reclamation , planne d an d steady implementation of comprehensive mechanization , and electrification and chemicalizatio n of agricultural production will mak e i t possible t o rais e the productivit y of all branches of agriculture and improve the materia l wellbeing of the Sovie t people. The task of party, soviet, agricultural, and water resource agencies is to organize and lead the struggle of the entire people to raise farming standards and the productivit y of cultivated land, to put the land in exemplary order in all kolkhoze s and sovkhozes , achiev e hig h an d stabl e yield s on ever y hec tare. Assistanc e mus t b e offered t o kolkhoze s and sovkhoze s i n elaborating plans for specific measure s t o raise the fertilit y o f soil and make effective us e of every hectare o f cultivated land. The plenu m considers i t necessary t o establis h strict order whe n allocating parcel s o f lan d fo r industrial , construction, an d othe r needs . Whe n constructing various projects , i t is necessary t o us e first of all the wors t land or land that is unsuitable for agricultural purposes. It i s to b e recognize d a s necessary tha t law s be adopted o n the funda mental principle s of lan d an d wate r utilization , o n th e protectio n o f cultivated land , and on raising responsibility for its utilization. 3 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m emphasize s that , i n implement ing the outline d programme for the extensive developmen t o f land-reclamation work , fulle r us e mus t b e mad e o f th e economi c measure s tha t wer e worked out b y the Marc h and Septembe r [1965 ] plenums o f the part y Central Committee . Questions o f material incentives fo r workers engaged i n operating irrigation an d drainag e system s an d i n cultivatin g high an d stabl e yield s o n

MAY 196 6 P L E N UM 7


reclaimed land are gaining particular significance. The party , soviet, agricul tural, an d wate r resourc e bodies , an d kolkhoze s and sovkhoze s mus t work out and implement measure s t o improve the organization , the fixing of output norm s an d remuneratio n fo r labou r o f workers engaged i n farmin g o n reclaimed land. 4 Alon g with the further strengthening of the material and technical base of agriculture in al l the regions o f the country , specifi c measure s ar e t o b e carried out t o equi p specialized organizations, kolkhozes, an d sovkhozes i n the non-chernoze m bel t an d i n zones o f irrigation farming wit h reclamation and excavation machiner y an d to supply them wit h the necessary quantitie s of mineral fertilizers , chemicals fo r plant protection, equipment , an d building and othe r materials. The implementatio n o f the broa d programm e to reclaim land requires the supplyin g o f agriculture wit h powerfu l tractors and a complex o f highly productive excavation and construction machinery. The CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m call s upon worker s in industry, leaders of the industria l ministries and departments to do everything to fulfi l and overfulfil plan s concerning the provision of kolkhozes and sovkhozes, a s well as water resource organizations , with the necessary high-quality machinery an d equipment , fertilizer s and toxi c chemicals , variou s material s an d other good s fo r production purposes . The plenu m recommend s tha t th e centra l committee s o f th e unio n republic communist parties , th e krai , oblast , city , an d raio n part y committees, an d primar y party organization s take th e necessar y measure s fo r th e unconditional completio n o f order s fo r the countrysid e b y industrial enterprises and building organizations. 5I n connectio n wit h the wid e developmen t o f land-reclamation work , the CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m draw s th e attentio n o f th e USS R Gos plan, th e USS R Ministr y of Agriculture , the USS R Ministr y of Lan d Reclamation an d Wate r Resources , th e USS R Academ y o f Sciences , th e Ail-Unio n Academy of Agricultural Sciences name d fo r V.I. Lenin and the appropriate scientific research , design , an d constructio n institute s t o th e necessit y o f making timely and correct decisions o n questions suc h as: the establishmen t o f priorities i n carryin g out land-reclamatio n mea sures, as well as the mos t effectiv e us e o f capital investments for these purposes; - th e implementatio n o f land-reclamation constructio n o n a scientific, technological, an d industria l basis, i n a single complex along with economi c land-reclamation measures , no t allowin g delay between completio n o f con struction project s and their agricultural utilization. 6I n carryin g ou t th e programm e o f land-reclamatio n measure s t o in crease the productio n o f grain and othe r agricultura l products, a n importan t role belong s t o science . Scientist s ar e calle d upo n t o expan d considerabl y



theoretical an d applie d research i n the are a o f land reclamation, to improv e their effectiveness, t o provide industry with substantiated recommendation s for carryin g out land-reclamatio n wor k in various zones o f the country, an d for introducin g intensive farming on irrigated and drained land. Scientists are called upo n t o ensure th e developmen t o f high-yielding varieties of agricultural crops an d o f those wit h high-standing powe r for reclaimed land . Engi neers an d designers mus t intensify wor k to create new highly productive and economical machiner y for excavation and 'and reclamation . The USS R Ministr y of Agricultur e th e USS R Ministr y o f Lan d Recla mation an d Wate r Resources , th e USS R Gosplan , th e USS R Academ y o f Sciences, an d th e Academ y o f Agricultural Sciences name d fo r V.I. Lenin together wit h the unio n republi c councils of ministers ar e instructed to work out economicall y substantiated proposal s i n the year s 1966-68 on the direc tions fo r the furthe r developmen t o f agriculture in th e natura l zones of th e country for the nex t 10-1 5 years and present the proposals for consideratio n to the CPS U Central Committee an d th e USS R Council of Ministers by 1 January 1969.. . Pravda, 1 8 May 196 6 KPSS

5.10 On th e Wor k o f the Part y Committee of th e Orekho v Cotto n Combin e

Named for K.I. Nikolaeva* 2

v rezoliutsiiakh ix , 106-1 1

8 November 1966

The followin g decisio n contains th e first elaboration of the party' s new role at the enterpris e leve l under th e condition s o f the economi c refor m approved at the September 196 5 Central Committee Plenum . Heavy emphasis i s placed on a wide range of techniques ope n t o the part y i n educating labour and manage ment int o th e attitude s and behaviou r pattern s considere d appropriat e in th e new conditions . Stres s i s placed on educationa l programmes, personne l man agement, an d supervisio n ove r th e activitie s o f othe r publi c organization s working withi n the combine . However , mentio n i s also mad e o f th e party' s joint responsibilit y wit h managemen t fo r technical , economic , an d outpu t aspects o f the combine's activity . No clear distinction is drawn in these matters between th e responsibilit y of management an d th e party . In fact , th e wording of th e documen t suggest s join t collectiv e responsibilit y by managemen t an d the part y committee . *

Excerpt: document not publishe d in full .



... As of the present January , the combine was the first in the cotton industry to be transferred to the ne w system o f planning and economic stimulatio n of production ... The part y committe e systematicall y consider s question s connecte d with improving the activity and enhancing the organizing role of primary and shop part y organizations and party groups. During the current year the party committee ha s discussed th e wor k of party organizations with respect t o th e introduction o f profit-and-loss accountin g a t the bleac h an d dy e works, th e profitability o f outpu t a t th e threa d spinnin g mill , th e utilizatio n of fixe d productive capital at weaving mill No. 1 , the economi c educatio n o f cadres, and th e organizationa l role of party groups in implementing th e decision s of the Septembe r Plenu m o f the CPS U Centra l Committee . Monthl y seminar s are conducte d wit h the secretarie s o f primary and sho p part y organizations on exchangin g experienc e an d o n th e form s and method s o f organizational and mas s politica l work ; quarterl y seminar s o r instructiona l meeting s ar e held wit h party groups; a t these seminars an d meetings, specia l attentio n i s paid t o th e abilit y to work with people. Supervision over an d verification of the implementation o f adopted decisions ha s been improved ; a wide circle of communists is attracted to thi s work . The fulfilmen t of previously adopte d decisions an d suggestion s o f a critical nature are reported t o communist s a t monthly party meetings. The improvemen t i n th e qualitativ e compositio n o f part y organizations' secretarie s - mor e tha n tw o thirds o f them alread y have a higher or secondary educatio n - greatl y contributes to enhancing th e role of the party organizations a t the factorie s and shops . Part y groups, whic h are headed b y the bes t communist s an d are organize d at every very important production section, exer t decisiv e influenc e over th e fulfilmen t o f productio n assign ments, over th e observanc e o f the CPS U Rule s b y party members, an d ove r the condition of labour discipline in collectives. Communists tak e the lead in all undertaking s ... The leadin g rol e o f communists , o f whic h 8 0 pe r cen t work directly in the shops and production sections, contribute s t o raising the authority of the part y organization, it s ranks being systematically reinforced with the bes t productio n workers, those who work in leading professions . The part y organizations of the factories widely involve permanent pro duction meetings, voluntar y bureaus for economic analysis , for fixing technical standards, an d fo r labou r organization , as well as groups o f the people' s control and Komsomol Projecto r posts in improving the state o f affairs at the enterprise. Th e well-organize d economi c educatio n o f cadre s als o contri butes t o thi s goal. For th e part y aktiv, engineering and technical personnel , and deputy foremen, two-yea r economic schools , i n which over 250 0 people are studying, hav e bee n established . Economi c conferences , seminars , an d consultations ar e conducted fo r them. T o improve their political knowledge, over 900 0 peopl e ar e studyin g in circle s and school s wher e a great dea l of



attention is devoted t o questions o f economics and explaining the essence of the economi c reform . Every factory sets up display stands, Ou r Advances for 1966, and, i n the basic shops, 'economi c corners' ar e organized that repor t on th e result s o f profit-and-loss accountin g activities of the shifts , brigades , and of the entire shop. The part y organizatio n conducts significan t wor k with respect t o th e political educatio n o f th e toilers : i n th e shops , place s o f residence, an d a t workers' and youth hostels, lecture s are systematically delivered and discussions o n th e mos t importan t issue s o f ou r country' s domesti c an d inter national positio n ar e held . Ove r 250 0 youn g workers study i n school s fo r young workers , technical schools , an d highe r educational institutions . Th e combine's Palac e o f Cultur e operate s a permanentl y functionin g lectur e agency dealin g with today's urgen t problems , a university of technical progress an d advance d labou r methods , an d organize s themati c evening s t o educate young workers in revolutionary and labour traditions. At th e sam e time , ther e ar e substantial short-coming s i n the wor k of the party committee o f the Orekhov cotton combine . The part y committe e an d economi c managemen t o f the combin e ar e not ye t sufficientl y usin g th e ne w condition s o f plannin g an d economi c incentives t o pul l up laggin g production sections, an d t o brin g new equipment into production as rapidly as possible ... The part y committee i s not sufficientl y directin g the attention of communists an d o f the engineerin g an d technica l personne l o f the combin e t o renewing th e assortment , improvin g the quality , and puttin g new kind s of fabric decoratio n int o production . Technologica l discipline is often violate d in decoration production , som e produce d fabric s hav e dingy colours, a high shrinkage, and are easily creased. I n the outpu t of low-grade products losse s for th e curren t year are 365 thousand rubles . The part y committe e an d th e Komsomo l committe e hav e no t suc ceeded i n involving all Komsomol member s i n active work with respect t o educating young people. Ther e hav e been man y incidents when labou r discipline has been violated by young workers and Komsomol members ; man y of them do not hold their position s in production, an d are slow in mastering their profession.. . The party and trade union committees are not making proper demand s on th e economi c leadershi p o f th e combin e an d factorie s t o improv e th e production and daily living conditions of the textile workers. The trade union committees ar e not sufficiently supervisin g the observanc e o f labour legislation at the factories.. . The Orekhov-Zue v cit y committee o f the part y is not providin g suffi cient assistance t o the combine's part y committee i n organizing work to utilize the availabl e internal production reserves and improve the education of young workers; it is doing a weak job o f raising the responsibility of leader s



of soviet an d economi c organization s of the cit y for improving cultural an d everyday service s an d loca l public utilitie s fo r thos e wh o wor k at th e com bine ... The CPS U Central Committe e resolves : 1 .. . The part y committee o f the combin e is ordered: constantly t o improv e methods o f guiding the primar y and sho p party organizations an d part y groups , rais e their responsibilit y and organizational role fo r th e educatio n o f th e workin g people an d fo r th e stat e o f affair s i n production. Effort s ar e t o b e mad e s o tha t ever y communis t throug h hi s attitude to labour, his behaviour at work and i n daily life, wil l have an active influence o n raisin g the communis t consciousnes s o f the member s o f th e collective; to direc t the attentio n o f the trad e unio n committee s o f the factorie s and combin e towar d th e continue d improvemen t o f th e organizatio n o f socialist competition , wor k conditions, an d th e dail y lif e an d leisur e conditions o f workers; intensification of supervision in resolving questions o f setting labour an d wage norms; th e stric t observance o f labour legislation, and the rule s an d standard s o f production sanitatio n an d safet y measures . Th e initiative of trade union committees i s to be raised in organizing public catering services, trade , and domestic services, an d supervising the improvement of living condition s an d providin g working people with institutions for children; -t o offer assistanc e t o the combine's Komsomo l organizatio n in intensifying educationa l work wit h youn g workers and teen-agers , providin g the m with condition s t o maste r thei r profession s a s soo n a s possible , an d rais e their general educational level... to rais e the activenes s o f people's contro l groups i n revealing and utilizing productio n reserves , quickl y resolving questions raise d b y them, an d organizing the exchang e o f work experience among groups ... 3 Th e economi c leadershi p an d th e part y committe e o f th e combin e must mak e fulle r us e o f the advantage s o f the ne w system o f planning and economic incentive s in production for the further improvement o f technicaleconomic result s of economic activit y and for creating and introducing a new assortment o f fabrics tha t mee t th e growin g demands of the Sovie t people . The responsibilit y of engineering an d technica l personnel i s to be raise d for extremely rapi d masterin g o f th e productio n potentia l o f newl y installe d equipment, for the mechanizatio n o f labour-intensive processe s in basic and auxiliary production , fo r the introductio n o f the achievement s o f new tech nology an d th e scientifi c organizatio n o f labour , progressiv e technologica l processes, and for more rational utilization of raw materials and supplies ... 5 Th e Mosco w oblas t part y committee an d the Orekhov-Zue v city party committee ar e to provide assistance t o the part y organization of the Orekhov cotton combin e t o improve mass political and educational work in the collec-



live and intensif y supervisio n over the creatio n of the necessar y production and living conditions, and over the cours e of construction and commissioning o f residential buildings and children' s institutions for people working at the combine... Partiinaia zhizn', no . 2 3 KPSS

(1966): 17-2 1

5.11 On Organizing Continuou s Courses for

Retraining Party Leaders and Soviet Cadres* 2

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 150-6

7 December 196 6

The part y ha s always been concerne d wit h the politica l socialization and training of its cadres. Since the early 1920s, networks of communist universities and higher school s hav e bee n se t up to improve the politica l education an d qualifications of party, state, an d other cadres. In 1946, the system wa s reorganized, with th e ai m o f greate r centralization , standardization, an d specializatio n of functions among the institutes (3.38). Research , th e interpretation of the ideology, and it s application to current developments hav e bee n conducte d mainl y by th e Academ y o f Socia l Sciences an d th e Institut e o f Marxism-Leninism . The rol e o f the Highe r Party School an d it s subordinate networ k of institutes and courses ha s been primaril y pedagogical. Its students hav e include d a wide range of middle and lower level members o f the politica l elite as well as 'opinion leaders' i n the media . As par t o f it s campaig n o f 'trus t i n cadres ' an d i n respons e t o th e risin g educational level of cadres, th e Brezhnev regime directed significant resources into expanded trainin g and retrainin g programmes t o equip party, state, trad e union, and Komsomol official s with skills that would make them more efficient organizers and administrators . This necessitate d a numbe r o f changes i n th e Higher Part y Schoo l networ k (se e 5.11 , 5.19 , 5.36 , 5.44 , 5.55) . The networ k was expanded t o includ e increased facilitie s for non-party cadres an d a broad system of short retraining courses for party veterans who required upgrading of their qualification s to meet th e changin g demands o f party work. The syste m also experience d a degree o f operational decentralization , wit h many course s being conducted directl y at enterprises, kolkhozes , sovkhozes , an d scientificresearch institutes . Ther e wa s a seriou s effor t t o upgrad e th e qualit y of th e programmes unde r Brezhnev . Th e traditionall y ideologically oriented subject s continued t o be taught. However, a n increasing component o f the curriculum focused o n management-oriente d subjects , partl y by redefining older subject s *

Excerpt: document not publishe d in full .



such a s scientifi c communis m an d part y construction , but als o b y including new subjects such as applied sociology, economics, planning , and th e practical implications o f economic reforms . The course s increasingl y stressed practica l training and th e development of the psychological and sociological dimensions of administration. In addition, attempts t o upgrad e the course s wer e made by improving the qualification s of the permanen t staff, drawin g on resources outside o f th e network , and differentiatin g programme s accordin g to th e profil e and career patterns of the student body . Along with the attempt to upgrade the quality of the programmes , ther e wa s an attemp t to raise their status by associating stud y i n th e networ k wit h academi c achievemen t an d professiona l qualifications. I n 1972 , provision s were made fo r the graduate s of the Highe r Party Schoo l t o receiv e a certificat e attestin g tha t the y me t th e minimu m qualifications fo r a candidate' s degree . I n 1976 , a structura l reorganization occurred i n whic h th e permanentl y operatin g courses o f th e Highe r Part y School wer e transforme d int o a n Institut e for Raisin g the Qualification s o f Leading Party and Sovie t Cadres.

In accordance wit h the decisions o f the XXII I Party Congress an d in order to improve the qualification s and the ideological-theoretica l trainin g of leading personnel, th e CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s resolve d tha t continuou s one month course s b e organized , startin g i n February 1967 , fo r retraining leading party and soviet cadres . For secretarie s an d departmen t head s o f oblast an d kra i committees , and o f th e centra l committee s o f th e unio n republi c parties , fo r th e firs t secretaries o f part y committees o f larg e cities , editor s o f oblast , krai , an d republic newspapers , th e course s ar e organize d o n th e basi s o f the Highe r Party School o f the Centra l Committee . Inter-oblast, republic , an d inter-republi c courses ar e t o b e se t u p fo r secretaries o f cit y an d raio n part y committees , chairme n o f cit y (o r raion ) executive committees , an d fo r editor s o f cit y an d raio n newspaper s on th e basis o f th e loca l highe r part y schools , divisions , an d study-consultatio n points of the Highe r Party Correspondence Schoo l o f the CPS U Central Com mittee i n Moscow , Leningrad , Kiev , Minsk , Tashkent , Alma-Ata , Baku , Volgograd, Gorky , Irkutsk , Kuibyshev , Novosibirsk , Rostov , Sverdlovsk , and Khabarovsk . The CPS U Central Committe e ha s approved the mode l curricul a for th e courses an d the thematic material for lectures an d seminars. Th e course curriculum include s curren t problem s i n th e histor y and polic y of the CPSU , i n marxist-leninist philosoph y and scientific communism, i n political economy, and i n the internationa l communis t workers ' an d national liberation move ment. The curriculu m devote s considerable spac e to question s o f party and soviet construction an d practical guidance of the economy , science , an d cul-

84 R E S O L U T I O N


ture. I t is proposed t o organize the teachin g o f party and soviet constructio n on various levels, dependin g upon the composition of the participants. Leading personne l i n th e CPS U Centra l Committee , th e ministrie s an d depart ments, th e centra l committees o f the unio n republi c parties, th e oblas t an d krai committees , scholar s an d teacher s i n higher part y schools , an d institutions of higher education will be invited to lecture at the courses. The Centra l Committe e ha s directe d th e centra l committee s o f th e communist partie s o f th e Ukraine , Belorussia , Kazakhstan , Uzbekistan , Azerbaidzhan, th e Moscow city party committee, th e Leningrad, Volgograd , Gorky, Irkutsk , Kuibyshev , Novosibirsk , Rostov , an d Sverdlovs k oblas t party committees , th e Khabarovs k kra i part y committee, th e rector' s offic e of the Highe r Party School o f the CPS U Central Committee, an d the director s of higher party schools t o make the necessary materia l and academic preparations for the courses and to select qualified lecturers and teachers. The Part y Organizational Affair s Sectio n o f the CPS U Central Commit tee wil l mak e th e selectio n o f participants for these courses jointly with th e oblast and krai committees an d the central committees o f the union republic parties. While studying, participants will continue t o draw salaries from thei r usual places of work; out-of-towners will receive stipends . The Departmen t fo r Scienc e an d Educationa l Institution s o f the CPS U Central Committe e wil l hav e responsibilit y for th e scientifi c and methodo logical guidance of the courses . Partiinaia zhizri, no. 2 (1967): 23

5.12 On th e Wor k o f the Centra l Committe e of th e

Estonian Communis t Part y with Leading Cadres* 3

0 January 196 7

The Septembe r 196 5 economi c refor m place d additiona l pressure s o n part y organizations t o ensure that manageria l personne l and specialists were appropriately traine d an d placed . Th e followin g decisio n o n th e Estonia n part y organization's work wit h leadin g cadre s identifies i n some detail th e expanded responsibilities that wer e assigned to party organization s in the personnel field.

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s that , i n fulfillin g th e decision s o f th e party, th e centra l committe e o f th e Estonia n Communis t Part y ha s bee n * Excerpt

: document not publishe d i n full .



more attentiv e to cadre work and in recent year s has taken a series o f measures t o strengthe n part y an d sovie t organs , an d als o certai n sector s o f th e economy, through th e appointmen t of qualified an d knowledgeabl e personnel. The quality of leading cadres has improved; among them ther e are more industrial an d agricultura l specialists experience d i n workin g with people . More tha n hal f o f the part y and sovie t personne l hav e part y political edu cation. I n th e republi c th e numbe r o f economi c an d cultura l specialists increases fro m yea r to year, and they are now almost three time s as numerous a s i n bourgeoi s Estonia . Especiall y since th e XXII I CPSU Congress , th e party organizations have improved their work in the ideological tempering of cadres and raising their professional skills and economic knowledg e ... At th e sam e time , th e wor k o f the centra l committee o f the Estonia n Communist Part y with leadin g cadres doe s no t ye t full y mee t th e require ments of the XXII I CPS U Congress and th e growin g task s of economic and cultural construction. Questions of the selection , promotion , and training of cadres are still not fundamental to the activit y of many party committees . Party an d stat e organ s ar e no t alway s exactin g i n thei r selectio n o f cadres, ar e hasty and undiscriminating . Personnel wit h little training and no initiative, wh o ar e poo r organizers , ar e frequentl y advanced t o responsibl e sectors, th e consequenc e bein g a considerable turnover o f cadres. Fe w who have passed throug h the schoo l of party and soviet activit y at the loca l level are promoted to positions in the central organs. There is insufficient concer n for th e promotio n o f women t o leading positions. There ar e serious short-comings i n the selection o f Komsomol cadres . Incompetents an d eve n person s wh o just happe n t o b e availabl e are frequently appointe d t o Komsomo l work . Man y part y organization s fai l t o devote th e requisite attention to consolidating the party nucleus in the Komsomol, an d the numbe r o f party members amon g the secretarie s o f primary Komsomol organization s i s stil l insignificant . Some Komsomo l organiza tions are functioning on a low level. Now tha t a new syste m o f planning and economi c incentive s i s being introduced, and the right s and economic autonom y of enterprises are being expanded, th e leve l o f qualification s of th e leadin g economi c cadres , th e level of their engineering, technical , and economic training, takes on special importance. However , at the present time many of the leaders of enterprises in the republic, many shop managers and their deputies, leader s of construction organizations , foreme n i n industr y and constructio n ar e onl y practical workers, th e overwhelmin g majorit y o f whom ar e no t studyin g anywhere. The economic service s ar e understaffed. Party an d stat e organization s devote insufficien t attentio n t o th e cor rect assignment an d utilization of economic an d cultural specialists. There ar e seriou s omission s i n ideological and educationa l work with cadres. Som e leading personnel are not raising their ideological and theoreti -



cal knowledge , ar e no t engage d i n politica l wor k among th e toilers . Som e party committee s ar e doing a poor job o f instilling in cadres a lofty sens e of responsibility for their assigne d work , are no t a s exacting as they should be . Labour discipline is weak in some enterprise s an d at some construction sites . Some leader s have a callous attitude to people and violate labour legislation. The central committee o f the Estonia n Communist Part y is neglecting to insti l i n leadin g cadre s a sufficientl y implacabl e attitude towar d variou s unhealthy manifestations in ideological matters. Th e rol e of creative unions in th e ideologica l trainin g of the artisti c intelligentsia is hardly being intensified. The short-comings i n cadre work impair the leve l of party leadership of economic an d cultura l construction, preven t th e fulles t us e bein g mad e o f reserves i n the republic' s economy and of its opportunities for further deve lopment, have a negative impact on efforts t o improve cultura l an d everyda y services fo r th e toilers . Althoug h industr y o n th e whol e i s comin g alon g steadily, wor k i s poorly organized i n man y enterprises, productiv e capacity and equipmen t ar e underutilized , an d ther e i s great waste . The increas e i n industrial production above th e contro l figures for the Seven-Yea r Pla n was obtained primaril y by drawing additional labou r int o production . Althoug h many worker s ar e engage d i n manua l wor k in enterprises, sufficien t atten tion is not devote d t o the mechanizatio n and automation o f production processes. The productivit y of the large - and medium-size refrigerato r trawlers of the Estonia n Fishin g Administratio n is lower than fo r ships o f the sam e size of other administrations fishing in the same regions. Ever y year the plan for th e developmen t o f basic funds i s unfulfilled. Th e constructio n pla n was not fulfille d las t year as well, and th e numbe r o f uncompleted constructio n jobs increased. Ther e are many unutilized reserves in agriculture. The short-comings i n the selection an d training of leading cadres in the Estonian Republi c ar e t o b e explaine d largel y b y th e failur e o f the centra l committee o f the Estonia n Communis t Part y and o f its bureau t o b e suffi ciently exactin g i n requirin g strict observanc e o f leninist principle s in cadre work by party, soviet, and economic organs , and by their failure to study and analyse thes e matter s i n depth . Som e part y committee s ar e insufficientl y concerned wit h developing criticism and self-criticism, tolerate serious short comings i n style and method s o f work, and devot e insufficien t attentio n t o supervising th e implementatio n o f party and governmen t directive s an d of their own decisions . The CPS U Central Committe e resolves : 1 Th e Estonia n Communis t Part y i s oblige d t o eliminat e th e short comings note d i n thi s decisio n an d t o develo p an d implemen t practica l measures fo r a radica l improvemen t i n wor k wit h leadin g cadres . A s wa s demanded b y the XXII I CPS U Congress, th e selectio n an d trainin g o f cadre s should b e treated a s a matter affectin g th e whol e party and the whol e state .



Cadre work, the supervisio n and verification o f the implementatio n of party and government decisions , mus t be fundamental to the activity of party committees in guiding economic an d cultural construction ... 2 Th e centra l committee and the cit y and raion committees o f the Com munist Part y of Estonia mus t b e strictl y guided by leninist principles in th e selection o f cadres, mus t stud y comprehensively an d i n dept h th e profes sional an d politica l qualities of personne l a s manifeste d i n thei r practica l activity. Comrade s wh o hav e passe d throug h th e schoo l o f practical activity at th e loca l level mus t b e mor e activel y promoted t o leadin g work, at th e same tim e ensurin g a correc t balanc e betwee n experience d leader s an d young, energetic personnel . And , while being more exacting, it is necessary at th e sam e tim e t o displa y more trus t i n cadre s an d perfec t the styl e and methods o f operation of party, soviet, an d publi c organizations. Party, soviet , an d economic organ s mus t devote serious attention t o creating a n effectiv e cadr e reserve . Promisin g personnel , whos e qualities indicate the possibility of subsequent promotio n to high positions, should be selected a s deputy leaders. Th e responsibilit y of primary party organizations for cadr e selectio n an d assignmen t i s to b e increased , an d thei r opinio n on appointments is to be considered. Women are to be promoted more boldly to leading positions . 3 The CPS U Centra l Committe e emphasize s tha t implementatio n of the new syste m o f planning and economi c productio n incentives demand s tha t constant attentio n b e given to appointing capable and qualified personne l t o industrial enterprises, constructio n sites, kolkhozes, and sovkhozes. I n view of the fac t tha t a large number o f the leadin g positions in many very important production sectors are filled by persons wit h practical training only, who do no t posses s th e requisit e engineering , technical , an d economi c back ground, it is suggested tha t party, soviet, an d economic organs organize systematic stud y t o improv e th e busines s skill s o f cadres . Fo r thi s purpos e broader use is to be made of correspondence an d evening schools as well as a system o f course s an d seminar s organize d accordin g t o th e principl e of differentiation, dependin g upon the specific nature of the activity of the leading personnel. Concer n for making more correc t use of economic specialists in accordance wit h their knowledge and experience i s to be intensified . The effort s o f leaders and specialist s in enterprises, constructio n sites, kolkhozes, and sovkhozes ar e to be directed at improving the organization of labour an d increasin g productio n efficiency . Measure s ar e t o b e take n t o enhance the role of shop managers a s leaders, makin g them fully responsibl e for th e organizational , technical, and economic wor k of their collectives and granting them mor e autonomy in their work. The responsibility of foremen, work superintendents, brigad e leaders, an d farm manager s of kolkhozes and sovkhozes for the training and education of workers and kolkhoz members is to be heightened. The y mus t striv e to become th e organizer s of profit-and -



loss accountin g in thei r sector s an d mus t struggl e actively t o disclos e an d exploit th e existin g potential s fo r increase d labou r productivit y at ever y workplace... 4 Th e central committee of the Estonian Communist Part y and the party committees mus t devot e mor e attentio n t o th e selectio n an d trainin g of soviet an d trad e unio n cadres . The y mus t heighte n th e responsibilit y of soviet organs for improving trade and the medical, communal, cultural, and everyday service s o f th e population , fo r ensurin g exemplar y publi c order. They must be steadily concerned wit h the assignment o f personnel with initiative to enterprises and to public service organizations. They must enhance the role and significance of trade unions in strengthening labou r disciplin e an d i n th e wid e involvemen t o f th e toiler s i n th e administration o f production . They mus t suppor t th e just demand s o f th e trade union s upo n economi c leader s fo r stric t observanc e o f labour legislation and for improved labour protection and safety measures . 5 Th e CPS U Centra l Committee direct s th e attentio n of the centra l com mittee of the Estonian Communist Party to the existence of serious mistakes in selecting Komsomol cadres and directs it to take concrete steps to improve the activity of Komsomol organizations. The city and raion party committees and th e primar y part y organization s must improv e their work with Komso mol cadre s an d sho w constan t concer n fo r th e nee d to reinforc e the part y nucleus i n th e Komsomol . The y mus t offe r dail y assistanc e t o Komsomo l organizations in helping them involv e young people actively in socio-political an d productio n life , i n trainin g them i n revolutionary , militant , an d labour traditions , i n th e spiri t o f proletaria n internationalism , communis t moral principle , an d a high sense o f responsibility for the wor k with which they are entrusted... 7I t is suggested tha t the centra l committee of the Estonia n Communis t Party conduc t persisten t an d skilfu l propagand a of th e idea s o f proletarian internationalism an d friendshi p o f th e people s o f th e Sovie t Union , th e advantages o f the socialis t system, and the grea t social achievements o f the Soviet people, and tha t it unmask th e bourgeoi s way of life. I t must involve scientific cadres more actively in elaborating the concrete problems of friendship among peoples and internationalism. It must struggle resolutely against any attempt s t o reviv e th e remnant s o f nationalis t prejudices in th e con sciousness o f the toilers. It mus t effec t a radica l improvement i n ideological-educationa l work with the creative intelligentsia, seek to increase the activity of writers, artists, composers, an d theatre an d cinema personnel i n producing works on a high ideological and artistic level, especially those dealing with the present day. In the creativ e unions it is necessary t o establish a n atmosphere of intolerance toward pseudo-innovationism, towar d deviations from th e principl e of party spirit an d socialis t realis m i n literatur e an d art . Part y organization s mus t



attract al l strata o f the intelligentsi a to activ e educationa l wor k amon g th e toilers, and especially young people. Partiinaia zhizn', no. 6 KPSS

(1967): 8-12

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 215-21

5.13 On th e Wor k o f the 'Mikhailov ' Sovkho z Party Committee in th e Pani n Raio n of Voronezh Oblast 1

8 February 196 7

The followin g document provide s detaile d instruction s o n th e area s i n which sovkhoz part y organization s shoul d b e activel y involved . Tw o aspects o f th e party's rol e ar e worth noting . First , the part y committee is given responsibilit y for an d th e righ t to intervene i n a wide range of daily operational an d economic activities o f the sovkho z management . This document does little to settle th e long-standing debat e ove r th e differenc e betwee n part y guidanc e (ruko vodstvo) an d stat e managemen t (upravlenie) . Second , th e duties assigned to the part y and the terminology use d to describe party and management responsibilities ar e strikingly similar to parallel developments in the industria l sector . There appears t o be a self-conscious attemp t t o treat th e state farm as an inte gral par t o f the industria l sector rathe r tha n a s an agricultura l producin g uni t with specia l need s reflecting rura l conditions .

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s that , i n it s practica l activity, th e part y committee o f the 'Mikhailov ' sovkhoz (Comrad e Makarov , secretar y o f the party committee) i s concentrating its attention o n political and organizational work wit h peopl e an d mobilizin g the collectiv e for successfu l fulfilmen t o f the decisions of the XXIII Party Congress, th e decisions of the March (1965 ) and Ma y (1966 ) plenum s o f the CPS U Centra l Committee. Th e part y organization i s persistentl y developin g initiativ e i n it s work , supportin g creativ e activity o f worker s an d employee s i n th e struggl e fo r th e successfu l ful filment of the Five-Year Plan, for a growth in production and in the econom y of the farm , and i s showing constant interes t i n improvin g the cultura l and daily living conditions o f the sovkho z worker s ... The part y committee conduct s systemati c wor k to enhance th e role of shop part y organizations i n solvin g economi c an d politica l tasks, an d take s concern fo r the correc t placemen t o f party forces. Three-fourths o f the com munists wor k directl y o n livestoc k section s o f th e farm , i n brigade s an d workshops, settin g example s o f a communis t attitud e t o one' s job. Eigh t shop part y organizations an d seven party groups have bee n se t up; the mos t



experienced an d prepared communists hav e been elected secretarie s o f these party organization s an d part y groups an d trainin g ha s bee n organize d fo r them. Thi s give s the part y organization the opportunit y to ensure it s influ ence i n all production sectors . At part y meetings , th e mos t importan t problem s o f organizational , party, an d ideologica l work are discussed , a s well as the observanc e o f th e CPSU Rule s b y communists , introductio n o f scientifi c achievement s an d advanced experienc e int o production, economy and thrift , improve d quality of products, an d better us e of material and moral incentives. The party aktiv, specialists, and the sovkho z leadership are extensively involved in preparing meetings. Thi s enable s th e part y committee an d shop party organizations to deal more thoroughly with the essenc e o f the problem s discussed, an d cultivates the communists' feelin g of great responsibility for the stat e of affairs in their collective . A t ever y part y meetin g th e communist s ar e informe d o f progress in the implementatio n o f decisions. After th e XXII I CPS U Congress , th e part y organizatio n activate d it s work i n the ideologica l and political education of the workin g people. In th e sovkhoz, lecture s and reports are delivered regularly, discussions an d political informatio n meeting s ar e hel d righ t i n brigade s an d othe r productio n sections, dealin g wit h th e mos t importan t issue s o f domesti c an d inter national life . Leadin g personnel, specialists , an d advanced productio n workers tak e a n activ e par t i n mas s politica l work. A grea t dea l o f attentio n i s focused o n th e problem s o f improving marxist-leninist educatio n fo r com munists, Komsomo l members , an d those wh o are not part y members. Th e sovkhoz ha s organized a n extensive socialist competition amon g it s departments, livestoc k sections, brigades , and links. The fulfilment o f personal and collective obligation s is checked systematically , the result s are widely publicized, th e bes t peopl e ar e enrolle d i n the boo k o f honour an d ar e awarded diplomas, valuable presents, an d passes t o vacation and health resort s .. . The sovkho z part y organization devote s a great dea l o f attentio n t o improving economi c work . I n th e sovkhoz , specializatio n o f department s and livestoc k sections i s being implemented, a s well as internal far m profit and-loss accounting. The result s o f the profit-and-los s subdivision s ar e dis cussed monthl y a t permanentl y operatin g productio n meetings . Mora l an d material incentives ar e widely used, remuneratio n fo r work is carried out in accordance with work results, th e quantity and quality of products ... The part y committe e an d managemen t o f the sovkho z ar e enhancin g the rol e an d responsibilit y of specialists a s organizer s an d technologist s o f production. The y hav e starte d t o stud y mor e thoroughl y th e farm' s eco nomy, a s wel l a s t o elaborat e an d appl y concret e measure s t o ste p u p th e production o f agricultur e an d livestoc k products , t o us e mor e rationall y every hectare o f land, as well as material, financial, and labour resources .. .



While notin g th e positiv e wor k o f th e part y committe e an d o f th e entire sovkhoz collective, at the sam e time the CPS U Central Committee con siders i t necessary t o direc t the attentio n of the part y organization to shortcomings and gaps in its work. The part y committe e i s stil l insufficientl y directin g th e collective' s efforts a t making fuller us e of the available internal reserves and potentials of the farm , a t lowerin g the cos t o f production an d eliminatin g unproductive expenses. Th e sovkhoz leadership and party committee d o not always evaluate wor k results critically , an d tolerat e incident s of thriftlessness and backwardness of certain production sectors. The sovkho z yiel d capacit y varies considerably . Behin d th e averag e farm indice s are hidden sectors tha t are not fulfillin g thei r plans ... The managemen t o f th e sovkho z an d th e part y committe e ar e no t devoting enoug h attentio n t o raisin g th e productivit y o f animal husbandr y and t o th e mechanizatio n o f labour-intensiv e processe s i n livestoc k sec tions ... The part y committee i s no t ye t givin g enoug h assistanc e t o primary party organization s t o perfec t interna l part y work; it i s doing a poo r job o f generalizing th e experienc e o f practica l activity o f party groups and indivi dual party organizations; it is not carrying out the necessary supervisio n over the timel y fulfilment o f party assignments by communists. The part y committe e an d th e primar y party organizations are giving altogether inadequate attention to the activity of the Komsomol organization and t o enhancin g th e party' s influenc e in the Komsomol . Th e Komsomo l organization ha s a small membership; it s work is conducted o n a low level. Work i n mas s disseminatio n o f culture , physica l culture, and educatio n i s poorly set up for young people. The part y committee an d workers' commit tee are not showin g the necessar y concer n fo r raising the standard of labour, for th e organization of public services and amenities in population centres, o r for th e developmen t o f rationalization work. Incidents o f a careless attitud e to material values, violation of labour and production discipline have not yet been overcom e i n the collective. The CPS U Central Committe e resolves : 1 Th e part y committee o f the 'Mikhailov ' sovkho z is ordered t o concentrate its attention o n the furthe r practica l implementation of the decisions of the XXII I CPS U Congress, the Marc h (1965 ) an d May (1966) plenum s of the CPSU Centra l Committee . Th e short-coming s note d i n it s wor k ar e t o b e eliminated, form s and methods of its activity are to be improved constantly, the organizationa l role of primary party organizations and party groups is to be enhanced . Ever y member o f the part y is to b e educate d i n th e spiri t of great responsibilit y for th e successfu l solutio n o f economi c an d politica l tasks, fo r the stat e o f affair s bot h i n his ow n party organizations and i n th e



party as a whole. Efforts are to be made to ensure tha t every communist is a militant implemento r o f part y an d governmen t decisions , no t onl y a goo d production worker , bu t als o a n activ e publi c figure , wh o i s intoleran t o f short-comings i n work and represents a n example of high-principled nature, and strict observance o f party and state discipline. 2 Th e chief task of the sovkho z part y organization is considered t o be the mobilization o f all workers to continu e i n every way to increas e th e farm' s yield capacity for each hectare o f land and productivity of animal husbandry, to increase th e productio n of grain and other agricultura l products, t o mak e effective us e o f capital investments, an d t o strengthe n th e econom y o f the farm. Th e part y organization must profoundl y analyse economi c indice s in every branch , criticall y apprais e achievements , expos e short-coming s wit h great exactingness , thoroughl y stud y the farm' s reserve s an d developmen t perspective an d carr y out concret e practica l measures s o tha t th e sovkho z becomes a model socialis t far m .. . 3 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e emphasize s that , unde r today' s condi tions o f the struggl e to increase th e effectivenes s of agricultural production , problems o f economi c wor k acquir e particula r significance. The economi c leadership and party organization of the sovkho z are ordered to improve th e organization and technology of production and to carry out a strict regime of economy. Concret e measure s ar e t o b e develope d an d implemente d t o mechanize labou r in animal husbandry, to lower the cost o f production, and to raise the profitabilit y o f sovkhoz production . Initiative and innovation are to b e developed i n the wor k of specialists, collective s o f every department , brigade, an d lin k t o improv e economi c indices . Sovkho z cadre s ar e t o b e taught ho w t o utiliz e correctly economi c lever s fo r developin g th e publi c economy, ho w to manag e i t skilfully, an d how to understan d al l production details with profound knowledge. 4 Th e part y committe e i s ordere d t o tak e measure s t o improv e mas s political work, regularly to inform the sovkho z workers on the political, economic, an d cultura l lif e o f ou r countr y an d o n th e internationa l situation . The wid e participation of the sovkho z leadershi p an d specialist s i n political work i s to b e ensured, a s well as that o f the entir e rura l intelligentsia, an d advanced worker s and production innovators . A t the presen t time , al l mass political work must be directed a t the successful fulfilment o f socialist obligations undertaken i n honour o f the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Great Octobe r Socialist Revolution, an d for the further raising of the communist conscious ness o f th e workin g people. I t i s necessar y t o enhanc e th e significanc e of workers' meeting s i n th e communis t educatio n o f sovkho z workers , t o intensify th e rol e o f the publi c in the struggl e with those who violate labour discipline and public order. In party studies, prim e attention i s to be concen trated on raising the quality and ideological content o f the studies conducted ,



and o n inculcatin g in communists a n organic need for independent an d creative study of marxist-leninist theory and th e polic y o f the CPSU . 5 Th e party committee i s required to take measures t o improve the activity of the Komsomo l organizatio n ... More attention is to be given to the activity of the trade union organization, particularl y in the developmen t o f socialist competition and the move ment fo r communist labour , to ensur e th e wid e participation of workers in considering plans , profit-and-los s assignments , an d th e result s o f thei r fulfilment. Assistanc e i s to be provided to the workers' committee in improving public supervision over the correct use of output norms, measure s for material stimulation , an d th e observanc e o f labour legislation . The attentio n of the trad e unio n organizatio n an d sovkho z managemen t i s to b e directe d a t intensifying concer n fo r fulle r satisfactio n of th e workers ' an d employees ' cultural and everyday needs. There is to be steady improvement o f the work of cafeterias, clubs , and medical and children' s institutions . 6 Th e Pani n raio n party committee an d the Voronez h oblas t party committee ar e ordere d t o provid e assistanc e t o th e part y committe e o f th e 'Mikhailov' sovkho z i n eliminating existing short-comings and fulfillin g th e present decision . Partiinaia zhizn', no. 7 KPSS

(1967): 3-6

5.14 On the Wor k o f the Oms k Oblas t Party Committee of th e CPSU * 1

v rezoliutsiiakh ix , 226-3 2

1 May 196 7

The loca l part y organ s wer e give n overal l responsibilit y fo r ensurin g th e implementation of the economic reforms adopted at the September 1965 Central Committee Plenum. This document starts by listing a wide range of shortcomings in the wor k o f local part y organ s that were charged with supervisin g the smoot h an d rapi d transfe r t o the ne w principles of planning and manage ment i n industry , construction , an d agriculture . Administrativ e resistanc e at the loca l leve l i s blame d o n th e failur e o f th e loca l part y organization s t o enforce party discipline among members, to conduct work with cadres, to conduct th e appropriat e supervisio n an d verification , criticis m and self-criticism , ideological work , an d t o enhanc e th e rol e an d responsibilit y o f th e Soviets , trade unions, and Komsomol organization. The bulk of the document included in thi s sectio n focuse s o n th e directive s provided t o loca l part y organization s #

Excerpt: document not publishe d i n full .



with th e ai m o f improving their effectiveness i n ensuring the implementatio n of the economic reform b y the industria l ministries. The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s tha t afte r th e Octobe r (1964 ) Centra l Committee Plenu m and XXII I CPS U Congress , th e Oms k oblas t part y com mittee improve d it s guidanc e ove r th e oblast' s political , economic, an d cultural life . I n th e activit y o f th e oblas t committe e an d man y raio n part y committees, ther e ha s bee n mor e businesslik e efficiency , whil e interna l party democracy, leninist norms of party life, an d collective leadership have advanced further . Element s o f bureaucrati c administration ar e bein g don e away wit h i n practica l actions an d cadre s no w hav e mor e confidenc e an d independence i n deciding practica l tasks. The lif e of primary party organizations ha s becom e mor e meaningfu l and versatile . Due t o th e admissio n of advanced workers, kolkhozniks, and intelligentsia, the primary party organizations have grow n in number and have strengthened themselve s organizationally; th e responsibilit y o f communist s fo r th e fulfilmen t o f statutor y duties has increased. Many party organizations have begun a more profound study o f economics ; thei r rol e an d influenc e in collective s ha s bee n en hanced. Th e oblas t committee , raio n committees, an d primary party organizations have intensified their attention towards the ideologica l preparation of communists and the educatio n of the working people ... The improvemen t i n organizational and educationa l work contributes to enhancing the politica l an d labour activity of the workin g people; i t has a positive effect o n the development o f the economy an d culture of the oblast , and on the fulfilmen t o f the Five-Year-Pla n targets ... At th e sam e time , th e CPS U Centra l Committee note s that the activit y of the Omsk oblast party committee does not totally meet the tasks set by the XXIII CPS U Congress an d th e Marc h an d September plenum s o f the Centra l Committee. Th e oblas t part y committe e doe s no t alway s critically analys e achieved results . I n appraisin g the stat e o f affairs i n industry , construction , and agriculture , average indice s are ofte n accepte d tha t cover u p significan t short-comings and gap s in th e wor k of individual enterprises, constructio n sites, kolkhoze s and sovkhozes ... The oblas t part y committe e an d oblas t executiv e committe e d o no t show persistence i n carrying out more correct and rational placement o f productive forces . Industr y is mainly concentrated i n th e cit y of Omsk, whic h leads to an unwarrante d shift o f the populatio n from th e oblas t districts and to constant difficultie s i n hiring workers ... Some raio n part y committees (th e Tiukalin , Tevriz, an d Poltav ) ar e taking o n function s that ar e no t properl y theirs. O n man y occasion s the y substitute for soviet an d economic bodie s in solving current problems and at the same time are not providing sufficient assistanc e t o primary party organi-



zations i n improvin g internal part y and mas s politica l work , i n enhancing their influence on production ... The CPS U Centra l Committe e view s the short-coming s i n th e wor k of the Omsk oblas t part y committee t o be, to a considerable degree , the result of lack of attention o f the oblast committee bureau and secretaries to organizational wor k in th e localities , an d o f poor stud y an d generalizatio n of th e work experience of raion party committees an d primary party organizations. The CPS U Central Committee resolves:.. . 2 Th e CPS U Central Committee consider s that the oblas t committee an d the Omsk city and raion party committees and party organizations at industrial and transpor t enterprise s mus t focu s their attentio n o n th e mobilizatio n of workers, engineers , technicians , and employee s to achieve high production effectiveness an d a growth in labour productivity on the basis of putting into practice the achievement s of science, engineering , progressiv e technology, and the extensive application of comprehensive mechanizatio n and automation. At every enterprise, i t is necessary to ensure the fulles t us e of production funds, the quickest achievement o f designed capacities, high quality and technological leve l o f products , th e unconditiona l fulfilment o f state plans and assignments with the least expenditures of materials and manpower. The party organizations must mak e effort s towar d raising the standards of enterprises, towar d the systemati c improvemen t o f labour organization, internal plant planning , an d th e wid e application of profit-and-loss principle s in th e work of shops, shop subdivisions, installations, and brigades. One o f th e mos t importan t task s o f party , soviet, economic , an d all public organizations is to prepare for the transfer of enterprise collectives to a five-day work week. 3 Th e oblas t party committee, th e oblast executive committee, and agricultural organ s o f the oblas t ar e ordered , o n th e basi s of measures worked out b y the Marc h and Ma y plenums o f the CPS U Central Committee , t o en sure high rates o f growth of all branches o f agricultural production, to concentrate the effort s o f the kolkhozniks , sovkhoz workers , and specialists on gathering stabl e harvest s o f grain and othe r crop cultures. Effort s ar e to b e made to introduce and master the correct crop rotation at every kolkhoz and sovkhoz... Party, soviet , an d agricultura l organs mus t develo p independenc e i n every possibl e way , suppor t initiativ e an d rais e th e responsibilit y o f th e leaders an d specialist s o f kolkhoze s an d sovkhoze s fo r the job assigne d t o them. Consisten t effort s ar e to be made t o improve economic wor k in agriculture; specializatio n o f productio n i s t o b e carrie d ou t consistently ; th e principles o f profit-and-los s accountin g an d progressiv e form s o f labou r organization and remuneration ar e to be supplied more extensively; production funds are to be used more effectively; th e profitability of production is to be raised o n all kolkhozes an d sovkhozes .



4 Th e oblas t part y committee , oblas t executiv e committee , th e Oms k city an d raion party committees ar e to make a more profoun d study of construction problem s an d accomplis h a more effectiv e an d rationa l utilization of capital investments. Highe r demand s ar e t o b e mad e o n leader s o f construction site s and part y organizations for scheduled completio n o f projects under construction, improving the qualit y and lowering the costs of building and installatio n works , and strengthenin g the basi s of the constructio n industry ... Daily concern is to be shown for the improvement of work conditions and cultural and everyday services fo r construction workers. 5 Th e CPS U Central Committee emphasize s that the further developmen t of th e econom y an d cultur e o f th e oblas t i s ver y muc h dependen t o n strengthening organizationa l and political work. The oblas t party committee must constantl y make effort s t o improv e the styl e and method s o f work of party committees, take note of short-comings promptly and take measures to do away with them. Internal party democracy and leninist principles of collective leadershi p ar e t o b e observe d strictl y and develope d consistently . Th e activity of party committee member s i s to be stepped up, an d they are to be involved widel y in working out part y decisions and puttin g them int o practice. It i s necessar y t o enhanc e th e organizationa l rol e o f primar y part y organizations in solving economic tasks and educating the working people. It should b e take n int o consideratio n tha t th e realizatio n o f ne w economi c management method s introduces substantial changes in the work of primary party organization s and requires them t o study economics mor e thoroughly in orde r t o mobiliz e collective s fo r th e utilizatio n of interna l productio n reserves. Particula r attentio n i s t o b e pai d t o consolidatin g th e activit y of shop party organizations and party groups that are called upon to exert dail y influence o n the stat e of affairs directl y in shops, brigades, departments, an d livestock sections. Stric t observance o f the requirement s o f the CPS U Rules is to be ensured i n every primary party organization, the rol e and significance of party meetings i s to be enhanced, communists ' proposal s are t o be con sidered carefully, an d conditions are to be created fo r extensive criticism and self-criticism. Wor k with respect t o the admissio n o f new members int o th e party is to b e improved, with the intentio n o f further strengthenin g primary party organizations with advanced an d conscientious workers , kolkhozniks, and representatives o f the intelligentsia . Systematic study by secretaries of primary shop party organizations and party groups is to be organized. They ar e to be informed regularly regarding the resolution s o f the CPS U Central Committee an d government an d regard ing th e decision s o f part y committees . Th e significanc e of the staf f o f th e oblast, city, and raio n part y committees is to b e enhance d i n studyin g and generalizing th e practic e o f part y work , instructin g part y personne l an d improving inner-party information.



6 Th e oblas t committe e an d th e Oms k cit y and raio n party committee s are ordered t o improve the selection an d training of cadres, t o show constant concern fo r reinforcin g all sectors of party, soviet, and economi c wor k with energetic peopl e who are competent i n their fields and enjo y authorit y with communists an d those who are not part y members. Th e unwarrante d shift ing of personnel i s not t o be tolerated. Cadres are to be educated i n a spirit of high mora l fibre , an d principle d Bolshevik nature, a critical attitude to th e results o f one's ow n work , efficiency , an d a thoughtful attitude to people . Cadres ar e to be assisted i n mastering marxist-leninis t theor y and acquiring experience i n organizationa l and politica l work. The leader s o f enterprises, construction sites , kolkhozes , an d sovkhoze s ar e constantl y t o improv e their knowledg e of the econom y an d their areas o f specialization. Measure s are t o b e take n t o reduce labou r turnover , an d to secure an d make correc t use o f specialist s i n production . Attentio n i s t o b e pai d t o strengthenin g leading cadre s an d specialist s a t enterprise s o f light , foodstuffs , an d loca l industries. The organizatio n o f supervisio n an d verificatio n over th e imple mentation o f directives o f the party , government, an d local leadership i s to be improved. Assistanc e i s to be provided t o the organs of people's control. 7 Th e oblas t committee, th e Oms k city and raion party committees, an d party organization s are ordere d t o improv e the organizatio n of propaganda and mas s politica l work, to mak e mor e activ e use o f all means of ideological influenc e fo r th e formatio n o f th e toilers ' communis t outloo k an d morals, fo r th e cultivatio n o f a conscientiou s attitud e t o one' s job an d t o socialist property , exemplar y discipline , an d hig h responsibilit y fo r en trusted work. The organized completion of studies in the system of party education is to b e ensured an d thorough preparation for the comin g school yea r is to be carried out . Effort s ar e t o b e mad e t o ensur e tha t communist s constantl y raise thei r theoretica l leve l an d ideologicall y tempe r thei r characte r an d mature as party political fighters. Work is to be intensified with propagandists and the y ar e t o b e assiste d i n masterin g th e theor y an d methodolog y o f propaganda. Political agitation is to be improve d i n every possible wa y on the basi s of widel y and systematicall y organized informatio n of th e population . Agitators, lecturers , an d politinformator s ar e t o b e recruite d fro m th e best trained leaders an d specialists, wh o are capable of profoundly and intelligibly explaining questions dealin g with the political , economic, an d cultural life of the countr y and the internationa l situation . The level of party guidance is to be raised wit h respec t t o newspapers, radio and television, an d cultural and educational establishments ; th e effectivenes s of newspaper report s i s to b e increased an d those who do not reac t t o signals and critical reports in newspapers are to be held strictl y responsible.



8 Th e CPS U oblas t committe e an d part y committee s ar e ordere d t o improve in every possible way their guidance over the Soviets, trade unions, and Komsomo l organizations , to develop their initiativ e and independenc e in solving assigned tasks ... Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 0 KPSS (1967): 3-9

5.15 On Party Commissions o f Oblast and Kra i Party Committees and Central Committees of Union Republi c Communist Parties 3

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 270-9

0 June 196 7

1I n accordance with the resolutio n of the XXII I Party Congress, unio n republic party central committees an d kra i an d oblast party committees ar e ordered t o activat e th e wor k o f party commission s o f local party organ s i n increasing communists ' responsibilit y for implementin g part y policy; they are also to enlist the part y commissions i n checking on the implementatio n of the CPS U Rule s by part y member s and candidat e members , and thei r observance o f party and state discipline. Party commissions ar e charged with: studyin g and making a preliminary review of appeals from communist s in orde r to prepare subsequent discussion s o f them a t the bureau s of oblast and krai party committees an d of union republic party central committees ; checking, together wit h the appropriat e departments of party committees, letter s an d declaration s concernin g violation s by party members an d candidate member s o f th e CPS U Programm e an d Rules , o f part y and stat e discipline, and also of party morality; - implementin g supervision, together with the departments of organizational and party work, over the observance of the CPS U Rules during hearings on the persona l affairs o f communists in raion and city party committees and providing them with the necessary assistance i n this work. 2I t i s considered essentia l tha t th e part y commissions b e pu t togethe r from experience d cadres . Unio n republic party central committees an d kra i and oblast part y committees ar e to consider the question of the possibility of increasing - at the expense o f existing staffs - the number of party commis sion officials wh o are released fro m othe r duties . 3 Unio n republic party central committees and krai and oblast party committees ar e authorized to establish - within the limits of existing staffs - the position of full-time part y commission chairman in city and raion party committees of major part y organizations. Spravochnik partiinogo rabotnika v m (1968) , 297-8


5.16 On Measures fo r Further Developin g the Social Science s an d Enhancing their Role in Communis t Construction 1


4 August 1967

One of the themes symboli c of the Brezhnev regime's approac h to administration was that things must b e done 'scientifically. ' A developed socialis t society was to b e characterized b y 'scientific managemen t o f social processes' and by 'scientific decisio n making. ' This approac h meant a n importan t re-evaluation of the status, scope, and functions of the social sciences. A 'scientific' approach to management and to decision making was interpreted t o mean tha t decision s were to incorporat e information gathered, processed , an d analysed utilizin g a variety o f social scienc e techniques . Thes e technique s include d th e develop ment o f middle-range theories tha t are much mor e explici t and concrete tha n the generalization s normally associated wit h dialectical and historical materialism. They involved the use of various means for generating social science data, including sampling , interviews , an d questionnaires . Ther e wa s als o mor e extensive us e o f computers fo r processing th e data . Al l of this did not necessarily mea n a growin g autonom y fo r th e socia l science s a s a n independen t academic discipline , althoug h pressure s certainl y mounted i n thi s direction . The main impact of the party's policy in the social sciences wa s to create a pool of expert s and to trai n decision maker s in the use of various type s of social science technique s an d informatio n in order t o improve the basi s for decision making. As is indicated in the accompanying document, th e party still reserve d to itself the right to define areas o f research an d considered th e strengthenin g of part y guidance over researc h institute s to be an integra l component i n th e development o f social science . ... Measures conducte d b y the part y t o overcom e th e consequence s o f the cult of the personality , subjectivism, and voluntarism have had a favourable effect o n th e developmen t o f the socia l sciences . Th e Octobe r (1964 ) Ple num o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e an d th e XXII I CPS U Congres s hav e shown the tremendous significanc e of theory in building communism a t the present stag e an d hav e emphasize d th e necessit y o f scientifi c leadershi p of social development . In recent years , more favourabl e conditions have been create d for the development o f the socia l sciences . Th e stat e an d perspective s o f researc h work in the field of philosophical, economic, historical , and other socia l sciences have been discussed i n party organizations and collectives of scientists. Substantial change s hav e bee n introduce d i n plan s o f scientifi c research . New programmes have been worked out i n social sciences for higher educational institution s an d th e preparatio n of standard textbook s i s under way. Measures have been take n to improve the system o f political education .



At th e sam e time , th e CPS U Centra l Committe e consider s tha t th e enhanced task s of communist constructio n an d the ideologica l struggle taking place in the contemporary world require further development o f theoretical conceptions, a more profoun d analysis of social development, an d a new rise in the leve l of marxist-leninist education of cadres ... The CPS U Central Committee resolve s .. . 3 Th e presen t stag e o f social development an d th e progres s of scientific knowledge require that scientific research work in the social sciences b e concentrated primaril y in the followin g directions : in the field of philosophical sciences - furthe r elaboratio n of materialist dialectics, the theor y of cognition and logic, methodological problems of the social, natural, and technical sciences; stud y of the dialectics of socialist society an d th e contradiction s o f contemporar y capitalism , th e correlatio n o f objective an d subjectiv e factor s o f social development ; the developmen t of historical materialis m a s a general sociologica l theory , th e developmen t o f empirical socia l research ; elaboratio n o f problem s pertainin g to th e socia l structure of society, th e improvemen t o f socialist socia l relation s an d thei r transformation int o communis t relations ; the drawin g up of a methodolog y for scientificall y predicting the development o f social processes; researc h into the law s of social consciousness; theoretica l elaboration of problems pertaining t o th e individua l an d th e collective , societ y an d th e state , socialis t humanism, ethics and aesthetics; researc h into problems of the organization, logic, and psychology of scientific creativity; in the field of economic sciences - comprehensiv e disclosur e o f the laws and categories of the political economy o f socialism and of the mechanism o f their operation ; researc h int o economi c problem s o f creating the materia l and technical base o f communism an d forming communist productio n relations; elaboratio n o f scientifi c recommendation s fo r carryin g ou t th e ne w principles of economic polic y a t th e presen t stage , fo r raising the effective ness of social production , an d fo r rationa l distribution o f productive force s and rationa l use o f the country' s labou r resources; stud y of economic pro blems o f technica l progress ; elaboratio n o f th e theor y an d method s o f optimum plannin g an d functionin g of th e socialis t economy ; problem s o f money-commodity relationships under socialism; the wide utilization of computer technology i n planning and management; developmen t o f research i n the economic s o f variou s branche s o f the economy ; economi c researc h i n the fiel d o f demography; research o n th e form s and method s o f economi c co-operation amon g socialis t countries , way s o f strengthenin g th e worl d system o f socialism ; th e discover y o f new phenomen a i n th e econom y o f present-day capitalism; study of the socio-economic contradiction s of imperialism, and o f new forms of the imperialis t struggle for the redivisio n of th e world, etc.; stud y of the economic, social , and political problems of developing countries that have become fre e o f colonial dependence;



in the field of scientific communism - elaboratio n of the leninist theory of the socialist revolution a s applied to the present epoch; disclosure of the laws of developmen t o f th e worl d revolutionar y process , analysi s o f th e clas s struggle o f the internationa l proletariat , problems of the nationa l liberation movement, an d th e struggl e agains t imperialism; elaboratio n o f theoretical problems pertainin g to the internationa l communist movemen t in the present era ; stud y of the problem s o f war and peace ; thoroug h disclosure of the antagonistic contradiction s betwee n socialis m an d capitalism ; comprehen sive study of socio-political problems of the development o f socialism and its transformation int o communism ; revelatio n o f th e socia l result s o f th e scientific-technological revolution ; stud y o f the mean s an d form s by which the condition s o f labour, daily life, an d th e cultura l development o f the cit y and villag e can b e draw n closer togethe r an d menta l an d physica l work in production activit y can b e organicall y merged; workin g out o f problem s o f the developmen t o f national relations; the elaboratio n o f methods of scientific management o f social processes; the analysis of the content and forms of work i n communis t education , th e way s of overcoming private-ownership, religious, an d othe r survival s i n th e consciousnes s an d dail y lif e o f th e toilers; researc h o n the processes an d problems of perfecting the state syste m and socialist democracy, cultivating patriotism and internationalism; study of the experience o f socialist construction i n other countries ; in the field of the history of the CPSU and other historical sciences - generalization o f th e experienc e o f th e CPS U i n th e struggl e fo r th e victor y of th e socialist revolutio n an d th e establishmen t o f th e dictatorshi p o f th e prole tariat and i n the struggl e for carrying out the leninist plan for building socialism; stud y o f the law s of party development an d th e growt h of the party' s leading role in communist construction , th e activit y of the CPS U i n elaborating revolutionar y theor y an d th e strateg y an d tactic s o f the workin g class; study o f th e theor y an d practic e o f part y construction , o f th e form s an d methods o f work i n part y organizations; elucidatio n o f th e struggl e o f th e CPSU fo r th e ideologica l an d organizationa l unit y o f it s rank s agains t anti leninist groups and tendencies, fo r the unit y of the internationa l communis t movement; disclosure of the decisive role of the masses of people in history, the struggl e o f the toiler s agains t socia l an d nationa l oppression , th e grea t liberating missio n o f th e workin g class ; depictio n o f th e herois m o f th e Soviet peopl e i n defending the gain s of the Grea t Octobe r Revolutio n in the struggle for socialist industrializatio n of the country , collectivization of agriculture and the cultura l revolution, an d in the rout of fascism in the years of the Grea t Patrioti c War ; generalizatio n o f th e experienc e o f strengthenin g the allianc e betwee n th e workin g clas s an d peasantry , friendshi p amon g peoples, th e creatio n an d developmen t o f th e multinationa l Sovie t state ; study of the foreig n policy of the USS R and international relations, th e history of the internationa l workin g and communist movement ;



in the field of legal sciences - researc h on urgent problems of state construction an d th e developmen t o f socialis t democracy; th e workin g out o f problems of the organizatio n and activity of the Soviet s of Working People's Deputies, of the scientific fundamentals of state administration, legal regulation o f economic lif e an d socia l relations; elaboration o f measure s for pre venting an d eliminatin g crim e an d othe r violation s of law , strengthenin g legality, law, and order in the country ; preparation of scientifically grounde d recommendations fo r improving Soviet legislation; study of the experienc e of state and lega l construction i n foreign socialis t countries; researc h o n th e state syste m o f developing countries; unmaskin g the reactionar y essence of the contemporar y imperialis t state an d law ; stud y o f problem s o f inter national law. The requirements of science and practice raise the necessity of organizing comprehensiv e researc h i n al l significant line s o f development o f th e social sciences . Prim e attentio n i n scientifi c researc h i s t o b e give n t o marxist-leninist methodolog y an d to the principle s of a class-party and con crete-historical approach to social phenomena. One o f th e mos t importan t tasks o f th e socia l science s i s t o wag e a systematic offensiv e struggl e against anti-communism , subjec t contempo rary bourgeois philosophy, sociology, historiography, law, and economic the ories o f th e apologist s o f capitalis m to profoun d criticism ; th e falsifier s o f marxist-leninist idea s ar e t o b e exposed , a s wel l a s thos e wh o falsif y th e history of the developmen t o f society and the communist and working-class movement; manifestation s of 'right' and 'left' revisionism , nationa l narrowmindedness bot h in theory and in politics are to be repulsed decisively. A mor e vivi d expositio n i s t o b e give n o f th e genera l internationa l significance o f marxism-leninism . Th e superiorit y o f communis t ideolog y over bourgeois ideology and the all-conquering force of the ideas of scientific communism ar e to be demonstrated b y specific facts of world history and the experience of the socialist countries. In th e wor k of scientifi c researc h institution s on socia l sciences , i t is necessary t o mak e wide r practice of comradely discussions on controversia l or insufficiently clea r questions. 4 Th e CPS U Central Committee ha s instructed the USS R Gosplan, th e USS R Council of Ministers' Stat e Committee o n Science and Technology, th e USS R Academy of Sciences and the USS R Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education t o prepare and submit for the consideratio n o f the CPS U Cen tral Committe e befor e 1 Januar y 196 8 proposal s fo r fundamen tal improvemen t i n th e organization , planning , an d financin g o f scientific research work in the area of the socia l sciences, with the followin g aims : a t o determin e th e rea l perspective s fo r fundamenta l an d applie d re search o n basic scientific questions, t o direct major attention t o the compre -



hensive elaboratio n o f urgen t problem s o f socia l developmen t an d th e scientific-technological revolution ; to enhance th e role of scientific-research institutes in the social sciences in preparing scientifically based recommenda tions that are needed for working out the polic y of the Communist Party and the Sovie t state an d for scientific bases of party propaganda; b t o rais e th e qualit y an d effectivenes s o f research , t o rewar d bol d scientific search, the conductin g of fruitful discussion s an d conversations on urgent scientific questions; to conduct regularly summarizing conferences on various socia l sciences wit h the ai m o f determining th e result s of scientifi c research and working out scientific-theoretical recommendations; t o improve the condition s fo r acquaintin g a wide public with th e result s o f exploratory research an d t o ensur e it s promp t publicatio n and creativ e discussio n i n scientific collectives ; t o striv e for the correc t combinatio n o f collective and individual forms o f work , an d o f experience d cadre s an d youn g scientifi c successors; c t o pu t i n goo d orde r th e existin g network and structur e o f scientific research institute s wit h the ai m o f clarifyin g thei r specialization , an d over coming unwarranted parallelism, dispersion of forces and material resources; to brin g th e syste m o f humanities institute s int o accor d wit h the require ments for developing science a t the present stage and with the tasks of communist construction ; t o conside r th e delineatio n o f ne w branche s o f th e social sciences, the necessity of comprehensive elaboratio n of problems aris ing a t the junctures o f various social sciences, as well as at the junctures of the socia l an d natura l sciences ; t o tak e measure s t o improv e th e wor k of scientific institutes conducting applied social research an d to ensure co-ordination of their activity; to provide for the possibility of creating in the appropriate scientific-researc h institute s an d majo r institute s o f highe r learnin g specialized group s fo r operationa l elaboratio n o f theoretica l problem s tha t have great politica l and economic significance; d i n carryin g out co-ordinatio n o f theoretica l researc h i n th e spher e of the socia l sciences , th e USS R Academ y o f Science s i s t o giv e precisio n t o current and long-run plans of scientific research wor k and is to strengthen its supervision over their implementation ; e th e USS R Gosplan , th e USS R Counci l of Ministers' Stat e Committee o n Science and Technology, and the USS R Academy of Sciences are to strengthen the materia l base o f social science institute s and are to create th e condition s necessary fo r their fruitfu l scientific-researc h work. 5 Th e Institut e o f Marxism-Leninism of the CPS U Centra l Committee, as the centr e fo r stud y o f th e ideologica l heritage o f Marx-Engels-Lenin , i s entrusted wit h co-ordination of all scientific research work in the are a of the science o f party history. The institute' s chief attention is to be concentrate d in th e followin g directions : elaboration of urgent problem s of the histor y of



the CPS U an d part y construction , scientifi c communism , histor y o f th e Comintern an d th e internationa l communis t movement ; organizatio n o f scientific information in these directions . In th e nex t thre e month s th e leadershi p o f the Institut e of MarxismLeninism is ordered to prepar e and submi t to the CPS U Centra l Committe e proposals fo r appropriat e change s i n plan s o f work, structure, an d staff s o f the institute and its branches . 6 Measure s ar e to be taken for further improving the theoretical preparation o f leading cadres and the party' s ideologica l personnel i n the Academ y of Social Sciences an d th e Highe r Party School o f the CPS U Central Commit tee, an d in local party schools. 7 Th e USS R Academ y o f Sciences , th e Institut e of Marxism-Leninism , the Academ y of Social Sciences , th e Highe r Part y School, an d the Institut e of Social Science s of the CPS U Central Committee are to ensure comprehensive study of the developmen t o f marxist thought abroad ; constant contact s are to be maintained with scientific institutions of the socialis t countries an d fraternal communis t parties ; scientifi c research wor k i s to b e co-ordinate d with them i n th e are a o f the socia l science s an d i n workin g out form s an d methods o f offensiv e propagand a agains t anti-communis t ideology ; join t scientific conference s ar e t o b e hel d systematicall y on th e mos t significan t problems o f marxist-leninist theory , socialis t an d communis t construction , the world revolutionary movement an d pressing question s o f history. 8 Wit h a view to radically improving the syste m o f scientific information and t o furthe r expandin g th e documentar y bas e o f the socia l sciences, i t is considered necessar y that : a th e USS R Council of Ministers' Stat e Committee o n Scienc e an d Tech nology, the Presidiu m of the USS R Academy of Sciences, an d the Ministr y of Higher an d Secondar y Specialize d Educatio n ar e t o adop t measure s t o increase the volum e and ensur e the systemati c receptio n of informatio n materials, an d to shorten th e tim e for processing an d improve the qualit y of information; the y ar e t o mak e informatio n the propert y o f a wide circle of scientific personnel an d teachers; the y are to prepare proposals on the organization of an Institute of Scientific Informatio n in the Socia l Sciences ; b th e Institut e o f Marxism-Leninism o f the CPS U Central Committee an d the Mai n Archive s Administratio n o f the USS R Counci l o f Ministers ar e t o adopt measures t o replenish and improve us e of archive collections; ther e is to b e wide r publication of documentary material s on th e histor y of the CPS U and Sovie t society , includin g documents o f th e Communis t Part y an d th e Soviet governmen t o n industrializatio n o f th e country , collectivizatio n o f agriculture, cultura l construction, th e workin g out an d implementatio n o f the first five-year plans for the development o f the economy of the USSR ; they are to ensure th e provision of state and party archives with modern technica l means o f photo - an d microfilm-copying , wit h instrument s fo r read -



ing microfilm s and wit h other mean s fo r reprintin g and reproducin g documentary materials in quantity. c Th e Centra l Statistica l Administration of th e USS R Counci l o f Minis ters, together wit h the USS R Gosplan an d th e USS R Academy of Sciences, i s to work out a scientifically base d syste m o f statistical data that are necessary for economic, sociological , demographic , an d othe r scientifi c research; ther e i s to be more statistical research based on sampling and applying the most mod ern method s o f selecting statistical materials; publicatio n of statistical data is to be expanded an d specialized. 9 Th e centra l committees o f the unio n republi c communist parties , th e krai, oblast , city , an d raio n part y committees , th e USS R Ministr y of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, other ministries and departments tha t are involve d i n preparing specialists, part y organizations at teaching institutions, the rectors' offices o f higher educational institutions, and the directors of technical school s ar e ordered t o achieve a significant improvement in th e teaching o f the socia l science s an d strengthenin g th e communis t educatio n of young students... 10 Th e centra l committee s of the unio n republi c communist parties , th e krai, oblast , city , and raio n part y committees, th e USS R Ministr y of Highe r and Secondar y Specialize d Education, an d th e Presidiu m o f th e USS R Academy of Sciences ar e to do away with short-comings in the planning of training and in the distribution of scientific cadres, are to ensure a n improvement in th e qualitativ e composition o f scientific personnel an d teacher s o f social sciences, and a further rise in their ideological-theoretica l level.. . 14 Th e centra l committees o f the unio n republi c communist parties , and the krai , oblast, city , and raio n party committees ar e to improv e their guidance ove r part y organization s o f scientific-researc h institutes an d teachin g institutions, are to provide them wit h constant help in selecting, placing, and training cadres. Part y organizations must devote mor e attention to the training of young scientific personne l an d teachers in the socia l sciences .. . Pravda, 22 August 196 7 KPSS

5.17 On the Wor k o f the Part y Organizations of Per m Oblas t with Respect to Guidance over the Trad e Unions* 1

v rezolutsiiakh ix , 342-57

8 September 196 7

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s that , i n carryin g out th e decision s o f the XXII I CPS U Congress , the part y organization s of Per m oblas t hav e * Excerpt

: document no t publishe d in full .



improved thei r guidance over th e trad e union s an d activated their wor k i n accomplishing practica l tasks o f economic an d cultura l construction. Many party committee s hav e starte d t o b e mor e concerne d wit h th e selection , training, and education of trade union cadres; the committees are raising the responsibility of communists electe d t o trade union organs and are supporting th e initiativ e an d goo d undertaking s o f trad e unio n organization s an d their demands directed at improving the conditions of labour and daily life of workers and employees. Th e work of trade union organizations has taken on a more versatil e and mass nature . Their role has risen in mobilizing production collective s t o fulfi l stat e plan s and socialist obligations and in resolving problems pertaining to socia l and daily living conditions and the communis t education of the toiler s ... At th e sam e tim e the CPS U Central Committee note s that th e leve l of guidance tha t th e Per m oblas t part y organization s exercis e ove r th e trad e unions does not totall y meet th e requirement s of the XXII I CPSU Congress . The oblast , th e Komi-Per m okrug , many cit y an d raio n part y committee s still fai l t o delv e into the substanc e o f the trad e union organizations and d o not mak e ful l us e o f the potential s of the trad e unions as the mos t massiv e social organizatio n in mobilizin g the toiler s t o fulfi l th e task s o f economi c and cultural construction... The short-coming s i n th e Per m oblas t part y organization's guidance over trade unions are largely explained by the fac t tha t the oblast committee of th e CPS U fail s t o giv e the necessar y attentio n t o thi s important secto r o f work, an d doe s no t mak e prope r demand s o n th e okrug , city , an d raio n committees o f th e CPS U fo r th e stat e o f affair s i n trad e unio n organization s and fo r raising their role in th e entir e production , social, and politica l lif e of the oblast. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e Per m oblas t committee , th e Komi-Per m okru g committee, an d the cit y an d raion committees o f the part y are ordered t o do away with the short-comings noted in this decision, to raise the level of party guidance over the trad e unions , t o provide dail y assistanc e t o them, to mak e fulle r us e of the force s an d potential s o f the trad e union s a s school s o f administration , schools o f management, an d school s o f communism. Th e furthe r intensification of the work of trade union organizations is to be secured in mobilizing the toiler s for fulfilment o f the decision s o f the XXII I CPSU Congress an d th e Five-Year Plan for the developmen t o f the econom y and fo r a worthy commemoration o f the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. 2 Th e oblast party organizations must constantly take concern in enhancing the rol e o f the trad e union s i n developin g the toilers ' creative activity, involving them i n production management, an d improving the guidanc e of trade unio n organization s over socialis t competitio n an d the movemen t fo r

T R A D E U N I O N S 10


communist labour . I t i s necessar y t o direc t th e effort s o f th e competitio n participants t o fulfillin g stat e plan s an d socialis t obligation s at ever y enter prise, constructio n site , kolkhoz , an d sovkhoz , t o raisin g labour productivity, widel y introducing advance d experience , makin g fuller us e o f available reserves, improvin g the qualit y o f products, an d t o making economical us e of raw materials, supplies , an d energ y resources. Th e activit y o f the toilers ' creative association s i s t o b e steppe d up , a mor e massiv e involvemen t o f workers and employees i s to be achieved i n the rank s of voters and rationalizers; the collaboratio n o f personnel workin g in science and industry is to be developed an d strengthened i n every possible way. It i s necessary t o ensure th e active participation of trade unio n organizations i n carryin g ou t th e economi c reform , transferrin g collective s o f toilers t o a five-day work week , an d t o assis t the m i n correctl y organizing work unde r th e ne w conditions . Th e trad e unio n organization s nee d t o occupy themselve s mor e wit h questions o f raising the economi c effective ness o f production , th e scientifi c organization o f labour, a s well as making fullest us e o f production capacitie s and rationally spending enterprise funds ; they nee d t o intensif y contro l over th e correc t applicatio n of the system s o f labour remuneratio n an d awardin g bonuses t o workers , specialists , an d employees; wide r use i s to b e made o f moral incentives. A struggle to rais e production standard s i s to b e conducted; th e experienc e o f the bes t collec tives i n thi s area i s to b e disseminated mor e energetically ; efforts ar e t o b e made to establish mode l orde r a t every enterprise . 3 Th e oblas t part y organizations mus t activel y support th e trad e union s in makin g use o f the right s granted t o the m o f state supervisio n and publi c control ove r th e observanc e o f labou r legislation , rule s an d standard s o f labour protection , an d safet y measures. On e o f the mos t importan t tasks of trade union committee s an d economic leader s i s to conduct healt h improvement an d preventiv e measure s protectin g people fro m occupational injuries and diseases , t o introduce moder n industria l safety techniques ; t o carry out the mechanizatio n o f heavy manual labour; t o create norma l sanitar y conditions in production; to expand dail y services and improve their operation. The trade unio n organizations nee d t o make more persistent effort s t o fulfil plan s fo r th e constructio n an d commissionin g o f residentia l houses , schools, children' s an d medica l establishments , trad e an d publi c catering enterprises, t o maintain exemplary order in dormitories and to do away with short-comings i n medica l services . Contro l i s t o b e intensifie d over th e organization of trade and public catering, with particular attention being paid to expanding the assortmen t an d raising the qualit y of prepared food , and to the organizatio n o f publi c catering fo r evenin g an d nigh t shifts . A sharpe r reaction i s to b e give n t o incident s o f a n inattentiv e attitud e o f individual economic leader s toward s satisfyin g th e toilers ' cultura l an d dail y living needs; incidents o f violation of the establishe d orde r o f distributing housing



are no t t o b e tolerated ; correc t us e i s to b e mad e o f state socia l insuranc e funds, passe s to health resorts, holida y homes, an d dispensaries . 4 Th e oblast , okrug , city, and raio n committees o f the CPS U and primary party organization s mus t enhanc e th e rol e o f the trad e unions i n educatin g the toiler s and particularly young workers in a spirit of high ideological principles, socialist discipline and organization , and observance o f the principles and standard s o f communist morale . Effort s ar e t o b e mad e t o hav e ever y worker an d employe e rais e hi s productio n qualification and genera l educa tional level , trea t equipmen t an d instrument s carefully , an d no t tolerat e short-comings i n any area of production or dail y life. Toiler s are to b e edu cated i n th e revolutionar y and labou r traditions of the workin g class and of their collective. In connectio n wit h th e transfe r o f enterprise collective s t o a five-day work week with two free days , significant intensificatio n of educational work among the toiler s at their places of residence i s to be ensured, an d the activity o f houses of culture, clubs, recreation an d readin g rooms, libraries , an d sport installation s is to be improved. Their materia l base i s to be reinforced and expande d continually , a networ k of recreatio n centres , dispensaries , tourist and sport camps is to be developed, wit h fuller us e being made of this potential by enterprises, constructio n sites, kolkhozes , and sovkhozes . 5 Th e oblast , okrug , city, and raion party committees, th e primar y party organizations, an d part y group s of the oblas t trad e unio n counci l and trad e union committee s mus t mak e effort s t o improve the organizationa l activit y of trad e unio n organs , t o perfec t the form s an d method s o f their work , t o develop trade union democracy, and to pay particular attention t o activating the wor k of primary trade union organizations ; the y ar e not to act as substitutes fo r thos e organization s o r permi t pett y tutelage; suggestion s o f trad e union committee s an d organization s are to be considered attentively ; trad e unions ar e t o b e consulte d i n solvin g problem s pertainin g t o production , labour, and the dail y life o f workers and employees . It is necessary t o enhance i n every possible way the role of workers and production meeting s a s a very significant mean s of raising the politica l and production activit y of th e toilers, an d involvin g them widel y in economi c management an d improvin g control ove r production . Th e mos t importan t problems o f the lif e an d activit y of enterprise collective s ar e to be discusse d at workers' an d productio n meetings. Contro l an d organizational activity in carrying ou t th e decision s o f workers ' an d productio n meeting s i s t o b e intensified. Trad e unio n organization s and economi c leader s must improv e the practic e of concluding collective agreements, o f mutual obligations of the administration an d collective ; timel y report s o n thes e activitie s ar e t o b e made t o th e toilers . A t ever y enterprise , constructio n site , kolkhoz , an d sovkhoz, conditions ar e to be created t o develop criticism and self-criticism, and strictl y hold thos e peopl e responsibl e wh o do no t respon d t o the criticism or reject it.

SEPTEMBER 196 7 P L E N U M 10


6 Th e CPS U Central Committee draw s the attentio n o f the oblast , okrug, city, an d raio n party committees t o th e necessit y of radically improving the selection an d trainin g o f trad e unio n cadres . Th e part y committee s mus t recommend fo r election t o trade union organ s th e best-prepared, authorita tive organizer s who sho w initiativ e and wh o have th e abilit y t o work with people. Practica l assistance i s to b e rendere d t o trad e union cadres i n their ideological tempering , thei r masterin g o f the technolog y and economic s of production, thei r acquirin g th e skill s o f organizationa l activity; th e trad e union aktiv is to be informed on a regular basis of the decisions of the party and government an d o f local party and soviet organs . The part y organization s need t o strengthen th e part y nucleus in trade union committees , improv e th e practica l activity of party groups in electe d trade unio n organs , an d raise the responsibilit y of communists fo r the stat e of affair s i n trad e unio n organizations . To justify th e confidenc e placed i n them an d t o ensur e th e successfu l accomplishmen t o f task s tha t fac e th e trade unions at the presen t stag e of communist construction must be a matter of party honour. Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 9 KPSS (1967): 21- 5

Plenum of the Central Committee 2

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 374-80

6 September 1967

The Brezhnev regime made a basic commitment t o raising the living standards of the Sovie t population . This commitment wa s a repeated them e o f congress reports an d resolutions . A t the Septembe r 196 7 Centra l Committe e Plenum , Brezhnev mad e a numbe r o f wide-ranging promises fo r improve d consume r welfare measure s in conjunction with the annual draft pla n and budget, notin g that th e growt h rat e for consumer good s wa s expected t o outstrip th e growt h rate for other sector s of the economy. The Ninth Five-Year Plan, introduced a t the XXI V Congress i n Marc h 1971 , wa s th e firs t i n Sovie t histor y i n which planned growth i n the Grou p B sector (ligh t and consumer goods an d agriculture) wa s to be greater tha n i n the Grou p A sector (heav y industry). There were severa l reason s fo r th e shif t i n regim e attitud e an d policy . Th e advances i n social polic y unde r Khrushche v ha d begu n t o creat e a climate of consumerism i n whic h legitimat e expectation s fo r improve d materia l well being by the population kept increasing. In addition, the shift to material incen tives associated wit h the 196 5 economic reform s implicitl y required mor e an d better consume r good s an d service s a s the rewar d fo r increase d productivity and efficiency . A s basi c need s wer e increasingl y satisfied , consume r taste s



became more refined. Inventories of lower quality goods began to grow, as well as th e saving s o f th e Sovie t consumer . Ther e wer e als o externa l factor s at work. Increased contac t with the West made certain strata of the Soviet population acutel y aware o f difference s in livin g standards . Knowledg e of Wester n levels of consumption becam e mor e widespread. The Soviet desire to establish a mode l o f development fo r Thir d Worl d countries ma y also hav e ha d som e effect o n the leadership's decisio n to improve the domestic consumptio n level. Under Brezhnev, a series o f social policies was introduced that had the effec t of increasin g disposabl e incom e availabl e for th e purchas e o f privatel y consumed goods . Minimu m wage s an d th e genera l leve l o f wage s increased . Improved old-ag e and disability benefits were instituted. The cash income an d social welfar e benefit s o f collective farmers increased substantially . While no t keeping up wit h increases i n th e pe r capita disposable incom e (a s reflected in growing savings and a flourishing 'second economy'), the regime made a number o f efforts t o increase investment s s o tha t th e volum e o f consumer good s expanded and the produc t mix and qualit y improved in a number of key areas such as foods, personal goods and services, an d consumer durables (especially private automobiles, housing, an d appliances). In addition, th e economic and administrative reforms introduce d at the Septembe r 196 5 Central Committe e Plenum were first applied in the light industry sector with the aim of improving efficiency, quality , and responsiveness . Despite the major investments an d administrative reforms in the consume r goods sector, a number o f serious problem s wer e not solved b y the Brezhnev regime. Large imports of grain were still required to satisfy consume r demand . The service and maintenance sectors lagge d far behind th e production sectors. The wholesal e distributio n and retai l outle t network s continue d t o operat e inefficiently. Consumer s wer e still often faced with shortages while warehouses held overstock s o f goods. Qualit y and produc t mi x stil l faile d t o mee t accept able standards . Man y o f thes e problem s reflecte d long-standin g structura l deficiencies i n the ligh t industry sector suc h a s the lac k of capital investment , lagging technology , lowe r wages , an d th e traditiona l low status accorde d th e production an d distributio n o f consume r goods . Man y of th e administrativ e and economi c reform s wer e undermine d b y resistance an d obstructio n (se e 5.28). Larg e quantitie s of consumer good s continue d t o b e manufacture d as sidelines o f heavy industrial enterprises. Ther e was no market mechanism (o r substitute) tha t allowed for the adjustment of production to shifting consume r tastes. Thus , whil e Brezhnev's policie s dealt with some of the gross distortion s in th e consume r good s sector , the y wer e no t sufficientl y radica l t o effec t changes tha t coul d brin g abou t a qualitativ e shif t i n th e traditiona l relatio n between th e heavy industrial and consumer good s sector s an d within the con sumer good s secto r itself . A.N. Shelepin, a conservative o n domestic economi c policy , was relieved of his position in the Central Committee Secretaria t a t the plenum .


5.18 On Measures for Further Raising the Weil-Being of the Sovie t People 2


6 September 1967

Having heard th e repor t of the Genera l Secretar y of the CPS U Central Committee, Comrad e L.I . Brezhnev , on measure s fo r furthe r raisin g the well being o f th e Sovie t peopl e i n conjunctio n with th e decision s o f the XXIII Party Congress, The CPSU Central Committee Plenum resolves: To approve wholly and completely the measures for further raisin g the well-being o f the Sovie t peopl e worked out b y th e CPS U Central Committee Politburo. Pravda, 27 September 196 7 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 382

5.19 On Measure s t o Improv e the Trainin g and Retraining of the Staff s o f the Soviet s of Working People' s Deputies * 6

October 196 7

The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s considere d th e questio n o f measure s t o improve the trainin g and retrainin g of the staff s o f the Soviet s of Working People's Deputies. The CPS U Central Committee ha s earmarked a number of measures aime d a t improvin g the studie s o f soviet cadres . Th e resolutio n adopted b y the CPS U Central Committee call s for a significant increas e in th e 1968-69 school year in the numbe r of soviet personnel accepted for study at the Highe r Part y Schoo l o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee , a s wel l a s a t th e inter-oblast and republic higher party schools . Union republic party central committees and krai and oblast party committees are ordere d t o improv e their selectio n o f soviet staf f personne l fo r study at higher party schools. Leading personnel of the supreme soviet presidiums and councils of ministers of union and autonomous republic s and of krai an d oblas t sovie t executiv e committees , an d th e chairme n of cit y an d raion executive committee s ar e to be sent to the Highe r Party School of the CPSU Centra l Committee ; senio r staf f o n th e apparatu s of oblas t an d kra i executive committee s an d chairmen , deput y chairmen , secretaries , an d department head s at city (an d raion) executive committees ar e to be sent to the inter-oblast and republic higher party schools. The CPS U Centra l Committee ha s recognized th e need , in the stud y of soviet stat e constructio n an d la w at higher part y schools , t o focus attention on a profoun d mastery o f th e these s o f marxism-leninism concernin g th e * Excerpt

: document not publishe d in full .



role of the socialis t state in the building of communism and the significance of th e Soviet s o f Workin g People's Deputie s i n th e lif e o f society . Mor e attention is to b e devoted t o problem s of the scientifi c management o f society and to questions of improving the work style and methods o f the organ s of sovie t power . A comprehensive stud y is to b e organize d of th e Soviets ' work experienc e i n solvin g urgent tasks of economic and cultural construction and of the education of the broad masses of the workin g people. It is anticipated that leading personnel fro m supreme soviet presidiums and council s of ministers o f union and autonomou s republic s and fro m th e executive committees o f krai and oblast Soviets of Working People's Deputies wil l b e enliste d i n lecturin g an d conductin g seminar s a t highe r part y schools. Union republic party central committees and krai and oblast party committees are ordered to make bette r use of soviet and party schools for training an d retrainin g the staff s o f th e Soviet s o f Working People's Deputies . Acceptance for stud y a t soviet-part y schools i s to b e grante d to CPS U mem bers from amon g the official s o f city and raion soviet executive committees , the chairmen , deput y chairmen , an d secretarie s o f villag e and settlemen t soviet executiv e committees , a s wel l a s deputie s an d thos e person s fro m among th e akti v o f th e loca l Soviet s o f Workin g People's Deputie s wh o presumably wil l b e advanced , subsequently , t o wor k i n th e Soviets . Th e Higher Party School of the CPS U Central Committee ha s been commissione d to develo p fo r th e sovie t an d part y school s ne w stud y programmes o n th e fundamentals o f soviet state construction an d law. The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s instructe d th e USS R Ministr y o f Higher and Secondary Specialized Education to open a faculty o f soviet construction at the Ail-Unio n Correspondence Institut e of Law; the course i s to be base d o n a five-year study programme . Plans cal l fo r setting a t 60 0 th e number of persons t o be accepted in the facult y i n the first year. In selecting students fo r admission t o thi s faculty , preferenc e i s to b e give n to person s making application for stud y at th e recommendatio n o f executive commit tees o f krai , oblast , okrug , city , an d raio n Soviet s o f Workin g People' s Deputies. The Pres s Committe e o f th e USS R Council o f Minister s i s ordered t o increase the output of textbooks and study aids, reference works, books, and brochures dealin g wit h question s o f sovie t construction , i n orde r t o giv e assistance t o soviet cadres in their study and practical work. Union republi c part y centra l committee s an d krai , oblast , city , an d raion part y committees ar e ordered t o devote greater attention t o the busi ness o f training and retraining the staff s o f the Soviet s o f Working People's Deputies and to raising their ideological and theoretical level and their business qualifications. Broader use is to be made of seminars and conferences t o exchange work experience. Theoretical and practical questions of soviet con-

A P R I L 196 8 P L E N UM 11


struction ar e t o b e elucidated mor e profoundl y i n th e press, a s i s positiv e work experience o f the Soviets in the sphere of the economy an d culture and in improving the forms and methods o f organizational and mass work. Pravda, 31 October 1967

Plenum of the Central Committee 9-1

0 April 1968

The Apri l 196 8 Centra l Committe e Plenu m wa s convened primaril y t o dis cuss foreign policy. Fro m th e publishe d resolution there wa s obviously growing Politburo concern fo r developments i n Eastern Europ e (Czechoslovakia) , the Fa r Eas t (Vietnam) , an d th e Middl e Eas t (th e Arab-Israel i conflict) . These sources o f tension wer e all the mor e disturbing to the Kremli n leadership becaus e the y imposed sever e limit s on it s pursui t of a polic y o f detent e with th e Unite d States . Perhap s th e mos t crucia l development s a t thi s tim e were th e event s i n Czechoslovakia. The Sovie t Union had convene d a number o f conference s o f Eas t Europea n state s t o discus s th e Eas t Europea n situation an d appl y pressur e o n th e Dubce k regim e t o contro l an d limi t its internal reforms . Th e plenu m resolutio n containe d severa l ominou s refer ences suggesting that Soviet policy towards Czechoslovakia would take a hard line: a reaffirmatio n o f th e CPSU' s readines s 't o d o everythin g necessary fo r the stead y political , economic , an d defensiv e consolidatio n o f th e socialis t commonwealth'; a warning of the danger s o f West Germa n revanchis m an d militarism, whic h increases 'th e importanc e o f joint actio n b y th e CPS U an d the fraterna l countrie s to increase the solidarit y of the socialis t countries ... for the struggl e agains t Wes t Germa n imperialism' ; an d th e emphasi s give n t o the 'acut e intensificatio n o f th e ideologica l struggle between capitalis m and socialism.' The tens e internationa l situation had it s impact on Sovie t domesti c policy . During earl y 196 8 th e trial s of tw o Sovie t dissident s (Ginzbur g and Galan skov) wer e held. These two writers were charged with establishing links with a Russian emigr e organization , harbouring songs of an anti-Sovie t nature, an d receiving anti-Soviet pamphlets from abroad . The resolution of the Apri l 196 8 Central Committee Plenu m provided the general context for a continuation of this hard line towards dissident intellectuals in the Soviet Union and linked this policy with international events. At th e plenu m th e appointmen t o f K.F . Katushe v t o th e Secretaria t was announced.


5.20 On the Pressin g Problem s of the Internationa l Situation and the Struggl e of the CPS U fo r the Solidarit y of th e World Communist Movement 1


0 April 196 8

... The plenu m note s tha t th e presen t stag e o f historica l developmen t i s characterized b y an acut e intensification of the ideologica l struggle betwee n capitalism an d socialism . A n entire , immens e apparatu s of anti-communis t propaganda is presently aimed a t weakening the unit y of the socialis t coun tries an d o f the internationa l communis t movement , alienatin g the leadin g forces o f the da y from on e another, an d attempting to subvert socialis t society from within . Beset b y serious upheaval s and sufferin g majo r setback s i n domestic an d foreign policy, imperialism, and American imperialism in particular, in additio n to its adventures in the militar y and politica l sphere, is directing ever-greater effort s t o a subversive political and ideological struggle against th e socialis t countries , agains t th e communis t movemen t an d th e entire democratic movement . In thes e conditions , a n implacabl e struggle agains t hostil e ideology , resolute exposure o f imperialist intrigues, education of CPSU members an d all working people , an d intensificatio n o f al l th e party' s ideologica l activity assume particula r importance and become one of the most important responsibilities of all party organizations. It i s their duty to wage an offensive battl e against bourgeois ideology and actively to resist attempt s to drag views alien to th e socialis t ideology of Soviet societ y into individual works of literature and ar t an d int o othe r works . Party organization s mus t direc t al l available means o f ideological education toward strengthening communist convictio n and the sens e of Soviet patriotism an d proletarian internationalis m i n every communist an d i n ever y Sovie t person , towar d strengthenin g ideologica l steadfastness an d the abilit y to resist all forms of bourgeois influence. The carrying out of measures i n connection wit h the 150t h anniversary of K . Marx' s birt h and preparation s fo r th e centennia l o f the birt h o f V.I. Lenin should serv e as a powerful stimulu s for an upswing in ideological work and for widespread propaganda of the grea t ideas o f marxism-leninism . The ideologica l activit y o f part y organization s i s t o b e linke d mor e closely with the tasks of increasing the labour and social activism of all working peopl e an d wit h the practica l contribution o f each Sovie t person t o th e fulfilment o f production assignments an d to the successful completion of the Five-Year Plan. The primar y task o f the part y and o f the entir e Sovie t peopl e i s th e further strengthenin g o f the political , economic, an d defenc e powe r of th e Motherland, an d th e comprehensiv e developmen t o f our society , whic h is opening th e roa d t o th e victor y of communism unde r th e leadershi p o f its leninist party.



The Centra l Committe e plenu m consider s tha t th e present-da y international situation urgently requires active and united action on the par t of all the force s of socialism, democracy, an d national liberation. For its part, th e CPSU will continue a s before to conduc t a policy of resolutely rebuffing impe rialism and averting world war, a policy of strengthening th e commonwealt h of the socialis t countrie s an d o f strengthening th e solidarit y of the commu nist movement an d of all anti-imperialist forces. Pravda, 1 1 Apri l 196 8 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 42\-4

5.21 On th e Wor k of the Krasnoiars k Krai Part y Organization with Respec t t o Guidance ove r the Komsomol* 8

May 196 8

... the CPS U Central Committee consider s tha t there are serious short-coming s and gaps in the work of the krai , oblast, okrug , city, and raion party committees and primary party organizations with respect t o their guidance ove r th e Komsomol. I n many party organizations, instructions o f the XXII I CPSU Congress are poorly carried out i n the are a of improving the ideological training of young people, consolidating the party nucleus in Komsomol organizations and raisin g the responsibilit y of all communists fo r the stat e o f affairs i n th e Komsomol. Som e party committees an d primary party organizations do not go deeply into the substanc e o f the activit y of Komsomol organizations, fai l to provid e concret e dail y assistance t o them , an d o n man y occasion s con struct thei r wor k with young people withou t differentiation, without giving consideration t o the interest s an d demands o f various age and social catego ries of young men an d women. Th e form s and methods of training often fai l to meet the advanced genera l educational, political, and cultural standards of today's young people. The proper combination o f their ideological and political training with satisfying thei r natura l urge towards leisure and entertain ment ha s not been accomplished .. . The kra i committe e o f th e CPS U fail s t o displa y prope r exactingnes s towards part y committee s an d primar y part y organization s fo r improving their guidanc e over th e Komsomol ; i t ha s faile d t o rais e sufficientl y th e responsibility of local Soviets, economic bodies , trad e unions, an d other public organizations fo r trainin g young people an d improvin g their labou r an d daily life conditions . The CPS U Central Committe e resolves : 1 .. . The implementatio n o f the instruction s o f the XXII I CPS U Congres s regarding the improvemen t o f the risin g generation's communist trainin g is * Excerpt

: document no t publishe d in full .

116 R E S O L U T I O N


to be ensured. It is important that th e entir e kra i party organization, all the communists, an d abov e al l the leadin g cadres, wor k on a dail y basis with young people and provide assistance t o Komsomol organizations . The chie f task of the kra i party and Komsomol organization s in working with young people mus t b e to form th e youn g people's marxist-leninis t outlook, their class-consciousness, hig h ideological convictions, and intolerance o f bourgeois ideology as well as to educate them i n the spiri t of devotion t o th e caus e o f th e communis t party , proletaria n internationalism , friendship amon g peoples , an d preparednes s t o defen d th e gain s o f th e October Revolution.. . 2 Part y organization s mus t constantl y improve the form s an d method s of thei r guidanc e ove r th e Komsomo l s o tha t the y mee t mor e full y th e advanced genera l educational , political , and cultura l level o f young people and tak e int o consideratio n th e specifi c characte r o f wor k wit h differen t groups of young people - workers, kolkhozniks, the intelligentsia, and university an d schoo l students . Measure s ar e t o be take n t o rais e the militant spirit o f Komsomo l organizations , encourag e thei r usefu l undertakings , develop initiativ e and independen t action , an d consolidat e disciplin e and organization in Komsomol ranks. The authority and influence of Komsomo l organizations are to be raised with the broa d masses of young people, mor e concern i n the growt h of the Komsomo l rank s is to be displayed, and espe cially growt h due t o young workers, kolkhozniks, and specialists. Attentio n is t o b e pai d t o improvin g primar y part y organizatio n guidanc e ove r th e Komsomol, th e responsibilit y o f part y bureau s an d part y group s i s t o b e raised fo r trainin g young people, an d wor k is to b e conducted o n a regular basis i n selecting the mos t activ e and best trained Komsomo l member s fo r the party. 3 Th e eliminatio n o f seriou s short-coming s i n selectin g an d trainin g Komsomol cadres is considered t o be one of the urgent tasks of the CPS U krai committee an d part y organizations. It i s necessary t o consolidat e th e part y nucleus i n Komsomol organizations, rais e the responsibilit y of communist s who have been electe d t o Komsomol committees , an d consider th e work of communists i n the Komsomo l a s an extremely important part y assignment . High turnover of cadres in the Komsomo l i s not to be allowed. The theoreti cal trainin g an d marxist-leninis t temperin g o f Komsomo l personne l an d activists is to be improved i n every possible way; they are t o be trained i n a spirit o f principles, modesty , an d efficiency . Leadin g party personnel mus t regularly infor m the Komsomo l akti v of th e mos t importan t issue s o f th e domestic an d foreig n policies o f th e CPS U an d th e Sovie t government , an d transmit t o the m thei r experienc e o f organizational and politica l work with the masses. Profound knowledge of the stat e of affairs i n Komsomol organizations, comradel y tactfulness, attention, an d high exactingness mus t be an indispensible condition of party guidance over the Komsomol .



4 Th e part y committees mus t raise the level of work in the area of Komsomol politica l enlightenment. Studie s i n groups and seminar s mus t satisf y and develo p th e interes t o f youn g me n an d wome n i n th e revolutionary theory o f marxism-leninism an d i n th e problem s of social and politica l life . The mos t experienced , prepared , an d authoritativ e communists ar e t o b e directed into work as propagandists in the Komsomol politica l education network. Current, comprehensiv e informatio n on th e political , economic, an d cultural lif e o f the kra i and th e countr y and th e internationa l situation must become th e mos t importan t means o f ideological work with young people. It is necessary t o tr y to ge t leading party, soviet, an d economi c personnel , a s well as scholars, teachers , an d cultural figures to make regular public appearances before young people. The entire ideological and educational work with young peopl e must b e connecte d wit h th e practic e o f communist construction. It must b e conducted intelligentl y and convincingly and tak e into consideration th e interest s an d demand s o f various age and socia l categories of young men an d women. 5I n work with respect t o th e labou r education of the young generation, the CPS U krai committee an d th e part y organizations must proceed fro m th e idea that Komsomol members an d young people are called upon to continue to mak e a grea t contributio n t o th e carryin g out o f part y and governmen t decisions regardin g accelerated rate s o f the developmen t o f the productive forces o f the krai , and, togethe r wit h the communists , com e fort h a s pioneers of socialist competition and the movement fo r communist labour , and exhibit initiativ e and persistenc e i n th e struggl e t o accomplis h the task s of the Five-Year Plan by 7 November 1970 . The creativ e energy of Komsomol member s an d young people working at industrial and transportation enterprises, construction sites, scientific research institutions , an d draftin g an d designin g organization s i s t o b e directed a t bette r utilizin g production reserves , acceleratin g technologica l progress, raisin g labour productivity and the quality of manufactured production. The rol e of the kolkho z and sovkhoz Komsomol organization s is to be enhanced i n solvin g th e task s o f th e furthe r expansio n o f agricultur e and livestock breeding based o n the implementatio n o f an extensive programme of land reclamation, chemicalization , and comprehensiv e mechanizatio n of agricultural production . Komsomo l committee s ar e t o b e involve d mor e actively i n improvin g the organizatio n of labou r i n industry , construction, and agriculture , introducing the achievement s o f science, technology , an d advanced experienc e int o production, developing rationalization and invention, an d raising the professiona l training of young men an d women. Atten tion i s to b e paid to teaching youn g women who are kolkhoz members and sovkhoz workers, and especially those who graduated from secondary schools, the profession s o f agricultural mechanization experts . Participatio n of Komsomol committee s i s to b e provide d fo r in reviewing the result s o f socialist



competition, awarding bonuses to workers and kolkhozniks, working out the conditions and checkin g the fulfilmen t o f collective agreements, hirin g and firing youn g people, an d assigning places in hostels, kindergartens , an d day nurseries. 6 Th e CPS U kra i committee , party , trad e union , Komsomo l organiza tions, an d economic leaders must display constant concer n for consolidating cadres o f young workers, kolkhozniks , and specialists , an d fo r educating in them prid e in thei r profession , respec t fo r tradition s of the collective , an d love for their native krai. Particular attention i s to b e pai d to strengthenin g labour discipline among Komsomol member s an d young people, cultivating in the m feeling s o f intoleranc e t o an y displa y o f laxit y an d o f a careles s attitude t o labour . Meeting s betwee n youn g peopl e an d labou r veterans , advanced worker s and productio n innovators ar e t o b e hel d regularly . The honest labou r of young men an d wome n i s to be encouraged i n every pos sible way; those who have favourably proved themselves ar e to be promoted more boldly . Economic leader s ar e t o b e mad e strictl y responsible fo r no t taking all possible measures t o create normal conditions o f labour, daily life , and leisure for workers and specialist s ... 7I n th e cours e o f buildin g th e materia l an d technica l bas e o f com munism, a ris e i n th e scientifi c an d technica l educatio n o f youn g peopl e becomes a n issu e o f ever-greater importance and responsibility . The party, trade union , and Komsomo l organization s must persistentl y involve young workers, kolkhozniks , an d employee s i n evenin g an d correspondenc e schools, technica l and higher educational institutions, develop thei r interes t in acquirin g knowledge and i n scientifi c an d technica l creativity. Efforts ar e to be made to create the necessary condition s for young people's studie s and to take measures t o strengthen th e educational-material base of evening and correspondence educationa l institutions. The work of scientific and technical societies an d scientifi c circle s i n educationa l institutions , enterprises , con struction sites , kolkhozes , an d sovkhoze s i s to b e develope d mor e exten sively. Party organization s and Komsomo l committee s mus t organiz e a truly massive movement o f young people for mastering the achievements o f modern science an d technology. 8 Part y committees mus t enhance the role and responsibility of party and Komsomol organization s and th e staf f o f professors an d teacher s a t educa tional institution s t o improv e furthe r th e teachin g an d trainin g o f youn g people. The level of teaching i n socio-political and economic discipline s is to be raised, efforts ar e to be made so that the lectures, seminars, an d lessons in these subjects provide answers to issues of the day and actively repulse bourgeois ideology. A struggle is to be conducted agains t attitudes o f parasitism, lack of discipline, and a careless attitud e to studies tha t have been displayed by some young people. Effort s ar e to be made so that graduates of higher and secondary specialize d educationa l institutions are specialist s who are highly



cultured and have a well-rounded education. Attention is to be paid to cultivating th e preparednes s o f every student an d pupi l t o labou r honestl y an d conscientiously upon graduating in accordance with his acquired profession. Party and Komsomol organizations are to give more attention to the staffing of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. Sending young people to higher educational institutions and technical schools with stipends fro m enterprises, kolkhozes , and sovkhozes is to be practised more extensively. More concer n i s to be displayed in improving the wor k of the school , Komsomol, and Pioneer organizatons, and raising their authority and spreading their influenc e to all school children . The effort s o f the Komsomo l an d Pioneer organization s are to be directed at cultivating the students' ideological convictions, thei r lov e for knowledg e and labour , an d high standards of behaviour. The selection o f leading Pioneer cadre s is to be improved, extracurricular educationa l work with students i s to be conducted mor e actively, and th e activit y of children's non-schoo l institution s is to be improved constantly. 9I n connectio n wit h th e transfe r to a five-day work week, party , trade union, an d Komsomo l organization s need t o displa y particular concern fo r intelligent use of the toilers' free time . They must improve the organization of leisure and make it more usefu l fo r the health, cultural development, an d training of young people. I t is necessary t o involve young men an d women more activel y in circles , clubs , an d spor t section s accordin g t o thei r inter ests an d t o develo p tourism , rais e th e ideologica l an d artisti c leve l o f amateur activities , and persistentl y to consolidate ne w traditions and rituals in everyda y life. Cultura l establishments an d spor t organization s ar e t o b e reinforced wit h qualifie d cadre s wh o car e fo r thei r work . Wor k mus t b e conducted more extensively among young people at their place of residence. This calls for selecting capable organizers from th e ranks of communists and active Komsomol members. Th e initiative of young men and women is to be encouraged an d directe d toward s building and equippin g the simples t spor t installations in courtyard areas and hostels, equippin g recreation an d reading rooms, and establishing libraries. 10 Th e krai , oblast, okrug , and raio n committees o f the part y must rais e the responsibilit y of the executiv e committee s o f Soviets o f Working Peo ple's Deputies, trad e unions , an d othe r publi c organizations for their work with respect t o the communis t trainin g of the risin g generation. I t is necessary constantl y t o co-ordinat e thei r activit y and t o striv e t o establis h clos e working contacts and connections wit h Komsomol committees . Part y organizations mus t extensivel y involve Komsomol member s i n the wor k of local Soviets and i n the managemen t o f kolkhozes, trad e unions , an d sport, cultural, and enlightenment organizations... Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 0 KPSS (1968): 3-7

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 425-33


5.22 On the Tasks , Structure , and Staff o f the Institut e of Marxism-Leninsim of the CPS U Central Committee* 1


5 June 196 8

... Resolutions of congresses, conferences , and plenums of the Central Committee have been prepared and published, as have the records of proceedings and stenographi c reports o f the CPS U congresses. Scientific researc h i s being conducted o n elaboratin g the ideologica l legacy o f the classic s o f marxismleninism, th e histor y o f the Communis t Party , and th e histor y of the Civil and Grea t Patrioti c Wars o f th e Sovie t Union . Substantia l work has bee n conducted by the branches of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism; the fourt h edition o f Th e Complete Works o f V.I. Lenin and selecte d works by K. Marx and F . Engel s have been translate d into the language s of the people s of the USSR; essay s on the histor y o f the communis t parties of the unio n republics have been published as well as on the history of the Moscow, Leningrad, and other part y organizations of the country . Over 500 collections of documents and researc h monograph s on topica l questions o f the polic y an d histor y of the CPS U have been issued. In the decisio n of the Centra l Committee of the party, it is noted that , at th e presen t stag e o f communist construction , th e Institut e o f MarxismLeninism, whil e continuin g t o collec t an d publis h works b y K . Marx , F . Engels, and V.I. Lenin, and documents on the history of the CPSU , must also direct it s effort s a t the creativ e elaboratio n o f topical problems o f marxistleninist theory , th e histor y o f th e CPS U an d part y construction , scientifi c communism, an d th e histor y o f th e internationa l communist movement . Together wit h other scientifi c institutions, th e Institut e mus t creat e funda mental generalizin g works that shoul d contain ne w scientificall y grounde d conclusions and recommendations and be of profound theoretical and practical significance. The CPS U Central Committee has determined the major directions in the work o f the Institut e of Marxism-Leninism: publication , scientific research and propaganda of the ideological legacy of Marx-Engels-Lenin, the elaboration o f topica l problem s o f th e histor y o f th e CPSU , part y construction , scientific communism , th e histor y o f th e internationa l communis t move ment, an d the exposur e of anti-communist ideology ... The Centra l Committe e o f th e part y ha s entruste d th e Institut e of Marxism-Leninis m with : th e scientific-methodologica l guidanc e o f it s branches - th e institute s o f party history of the centra l committee s o f the communist parties of the union republics, the Moscow oblast committee and Moscow city committee and the Leningra d oblast committee of the CPSU , th e * Excerpt

: document not publishe d in full .



Museum o f K. Marx and F . Engels , the Centra l Museum o f V.I. Lenin and its branches; co-ordinatio n o f all scientific research wor k in the are a o f th e science o f party history; supervision over th e publicatio n of scientific paper s and work s o f literatur e an d ar t o n th e lif e an d activit y o f th e classic s o f marxism-leninism; providin g scientific an d methodological assistance t o old bolsheviks i n preparin g an d publishin g thei r memoirs , whil e involvin g them i n the discussio n an d stud y of questions relatin g to th e histor y of the party. In accordanc e wit h th e task s whic h hav e bee n entruste d t o the Insti tute, the Central Committee o f the party has approved the new structure and staff of the Institut e of Marxism-Leninism and has ordered its board of directors to secure th e staffin g o f the Institut e with qualified scientifi c cadres who are capable of creatively solving the grea t and complicated tasks pertaining to the scientifi c elaboratio n o f topical problem s o f the theor y an d practic e of marxism-leninism. Taking int o consideratio n th e necessit y o f enhancing th e rol e o f th e branches o f the Institut e o f Marxism-Leninism , th e Centra l Committe e o f the party has commissioned th e central committees o f the communist parties of the unio n republics , th e Mosco w oblas t committe e an d the Mosco w cit y party committee , an d th e Leningra d oblas t part y committe e t o wor k ou t measures to improve the work of the institutes of party history - the branches of the Institut e o f Marxism-Leninism . It has been recommended tha t the editoria l staff o f the journal Voprosy istorii KPSS concentrat e it s attention on providin g thorough coverag e of the ideological legac y of Marx-Engels-Lenin, topica l problems o f the histor y of the CPSU , part y construction, th e activit y of the CPS U with respect to the guidance of communist construction , the histor y of the international communis t movement, an d on publishing materials to aid people studying the history of the CPSU , a s well as material on source study and historiography and material opposing anti-communism an d falsifier s o f the histor y of the CPSU . A department dealin g with party construction i s to be set up in the journal. The Institut e o f Marxism-Leninis m an d it s branche s ar e ordere d t o structure thei r wor k in close contact with the Academ y of Social Sciences of the CPS U Central Committe e an d th e Highe r Party School of the CPS U Central Committee and to involve scholar s o f these institutions in conducting com prehensive scientifi c research. By th e decisio n o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee , th e Institut e o f Marxism-Leninism i s ordered t o conduc t al l its scientific research wor k on the basi s o f strict observance o f marxist-leninist methodology, th e principle of part y spirit , a concret e historica l approac h t o socia l phenomena , wid e utilization o f th e documentar y bas e o f th e part y an d stat e archives , a decisive struggl e wit h manifestation s o f subjectivism , an d intoleranc e o f



bourgeois an d reformis t ideology , right-win g opportunism , an d 'leftist ' adventurism. Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 6 (1968): 20-1

5.23 On the Wor k o f the Volgogra d Oblas t Committe e in th e Selection , Assignment , an d Training of

Management Cadres in Industry * 1

1 September 196 8

The implementation of the economic reforms approved by the September 1965 Central Committe e Plenu m an d affirme d a t th e XXII I Congress met stron g resistance from administrativ e officials and workers. There were initial improvements i n outpu t indicators . However , thes e improvement s wer e achieve d primarily b y utilizing readily accessible productio n reserves. Enterpris e man agement wa s still resistant t o fundamental changes i n attitudes and behaviou r that would ensure continuous and stabl e hig h levels of efficiency i n enterpris e operations. The economic reform required that management tak e the initiative in makin g rationa l decision s relatin g t o technology , labour , an d interna l accounting practices. The evidence presente d i n this document an d the resolu tion on the Rostov Oblas t party committee (5.25 ) suggests tha t the declaratio n of intent an d revise d incentiv e system containe d i n the decision s o f the Sep tember 196 5 Centra l Committe e Plenu m wer e no t sufficien t t o achiev e th e radical changes required at the enterprise level. However, the decisions of 1968 indicated that there was still hope that the local and primary party organizations could b e mobilize d t o stimulat e an d direc t th e transformatio n o f attitudes , behaviour, and skil l levels of management an d workers, as well as supervising the introductio n o f ne w technolog y an d organizatio n require d t o mak e th e economic reform s more effective.

The CPS U Central Committee notes tha t the Volgogra d oblast party committee, i n executing the decision s of the XXII I CPSU Congress, i s doing considerable work to improve the selection, assignment , and training of managerial cadres in industry. With the economic reform in progress, party committee s have begu n t o devot e mor e attentio n t o question s o f reinforcin g various production sector s wit h capabl e organizers and competen t specialists , par ticularly at enterprises of the chemical and petro-chemical industries that are * Excerpt

: documen t no t publishe d i n full .

M A N A G E M E N T C A D R E S 12


being buil t i n th e oblas t fo r th e firs t time . Extensiv e measure s ar e bein g carried ou t t o rais e th e ideologica l and theoretica l leve l an d th e busines s qualifications o f cadres . Seminars , courses , an d school s hav e bee n se t u p under the oblast , city, and raion party committees and at factories and plants, where enterprise management, specialists , and workers in the mass occupations study questions o f economics and scientific organization of labour, and exchange wor k experience. At th e presen t time , man y enterprise s i n th e oblas t hav e qualified , politically matur e cadre s capabl e of solvin g complex an d responsibl e task s concerning the continue d developmen t o f production. All this has a positive influence on the wor k results of industry. In the past two-and-one-half years of th e Five-Yea r Plan , tota l volum e o f outpu t has grow n 2 8 pe r cen t an d profit ha s grown by more tha n 5 0 per cent . Nevertheless the CPS U Central Committe e considers that th e leve l o f the Volgogra d oblas t part y committee' s wor k wit h manageria l cadre s a t industrial enterprises still does no t mee t th e requirement s of the XXII I CPSU Congress. Certai n city and raion party committees an d party organizations at enterprises, i n solvin g questions o f the selectio n an d assignmen t o f cadres, fail to take adequate account of the knowledg e and abilities of personnel an d frequently permi t important production sectors t o be headed b y people who lack the requisit e technical education and economic knowledge . The middle level is undervalued in work with management cadres . Many shop heads and their deputies lack specialized education, while foremen and senior foremen lack occupational training. The oblast , city , and raio n part y committees ar e no t conductin g systematic work with cadres at the man y enterprises of the food, light, and local industries, an d a t industrial construction materials enterprises. Som e o f the directors and chief engineers at these enterprises do not have a higher education. Man y peopl e withou t specialized education ar e holdin g jobs a s engineers an d technicians. At th e sam e time , th e enterprise s o f these branche s utilize only a third of the specialist s in the oblas t with the requisit e credentials, while the rest are working in other branche s o f the economy . The CPS U Centra l Committe e call s th e particula r attentio n o f part y organizations in the oblas t to the feeble job being done i n creating a reserve of managemen t cadres . Th e part y committee s ar e no t makin g a profound study o f specialist s i n thei r practica l wor k an d ar e no t organizin g planned study for them s o they can master advanced managemen t methods . Traine d personnel wit h specialized education and extensive practical experience, an d who hav e show n themselve s t o b e capabl e organizers, ar e no t bein g ade quately use d a s a reserve fo r filling positions o f greater responsibility . The absence o f a reliable and constant reserv e and-a s a consequence thereof the promotio n o f insufficientl y qualifie d personne l t o th e managemen t o f enterprises i s one o f the reason s for the hig h rate of turnover amon g cadres .



The past two years have seen the replacement of one-fourth of the enterpris e directors an d chie f engineers amon g thos e who fal l withi n the oblas t part y committee nomenklatura. In thei r wor k wit h cadres, th e part y committee s ar e not showin g adequate concern fo r the requirement s o f the economic refor m and are doing a poor job of focusing the attention of managerial personnel a t industrial enterprises o n th e nee d fo r mastering scientifi c methods o f production manage ment an d the correc t practica l application of the law s of socialist production . Not enoug h i s being demanded o f managers wh o have no t broke n wit h the old methods o f leadership, wh o strive to fulfil th e plan at any price, and who do no t conduc t th e necessar y wor k of improving the organizatio n of labour and mobilizing collectives for the solutio n of questions that are important for the developmen t o f production . Despit e th e hig h proportio n o f engineer s and technicians in the oblast's industry , many of them are not being enliste d in solvin g th e task s o f technica l progress . Part y organizations currentl y are not requiring that managerial staff put in order the business o f correct utilization of specialists . Certain part y committee s ar e no t devotin g constan t attentio n t o th e marxist-leninist training of cadres and are doing a poor job of seeing to it that each manager raise s hi s ideological and general educational level , personally participates in the educatio n o f the wor k force, shows concern fo r the satis faction o f workers' an d employees ' housing , cultural , and everyda y needs, and is tactful an d attentive toward their inquiries and proposals . The CPS U Central Committee note s tha t short-comings i n the selection , assignment, an d training of cadres i n the oblas t ar e als o a result o f the fac t that certai n branc h ministrie s hav e ye t to draw the appropriat e conclusion s from th e CPS U Centra l Committe e Resolution , 'O n th e Wor k o f th e USS R Ministry of Power Engineering and Electrification With Managerial Cadres,' and hav e no t take n th e necessar y step s t o assur e a fundamental improve ment i n this work. Serious omissions in work with cadres and an insufficiently demandin g attitude towar d the m o n th e par t o f part y organ s an d ministrie s ar e on e reason why there ha s been a n increase from th e 196 5 level in the number of enterprises i n Volgogra d oblast tha t ar e no t fulfillin g thei r plan s fo r overal l output, labour productivity, reduction of the unit cost of production, and are not showin g a profit . A t a number o f enterprises, production capacitie s ar e being mastere d slowl y and n o resolut e struggl e i s being waged t o raise th e technical leve l and qualit y of output an d to strengthen socialist labou r discipline; large, unproductive losses ar e being countenanced . The CPS U Central Committe e resolves : 1 Th e Volgogra d oblast CPS U committee, cit y and raion party commitees , and primary party organizations are ordered t o raise the level of their organizational an d politica l wor k i n th e selection , assignment , an d trainin g o f



managerial cadres at industrial enterprises i n the oblast. They are to do away with the short-coming s i n work with cadres noted i n this resolution. In thei r practica l work, th e oblast' s part y committees mus t procee d from th e fac t tha t increased demand s ar e made on managerial cadres in conditions o f the widesprea d implementation of the economi c refor m an d th e broadening o f enterprises' right s and independence. Manager s must hav e a profound knowledg e o f technology , economics , an d th e principle s of th e scientific organizatio n of labour; they must b e capable of profound analysis of th e result s o f economi c activit y an d o f correc t practica l application of moral and material incentives; the y must establis h the continual application to production of the latest achievements o f science and technology and work out new management practices in their area of responsibility. The oblas t part y organization must also have at the centre o f its attention question s regardin g the rationa l utilizatio n of th e labou r o f engineer s and technicians and questions regarding the direction of their creative energies towar d th e achievemen t o f technica l progress ; th e procuremen t o f internal productio n reserves an d puttin g them t o use , an d th e creatio n for specialists o f the condition s necessary fo r fruitfu l wor k by introducing automation and organizational technology in the managemen t o f enterprises . The fulfilmen t o f the stat e plan by each enterprise i s to be assured o n the basi s o f a fundamenta l improvemen t i n wor k with managerial cadres , through raising the technical and organizational level of existing production. There i s to be an intensification of the organizationa l work of mobilizing the collectives of industrial enterprises fo r successfu l fulfilment o f socialist obligations to mee t Five-Yea r Pla n target s ahea d o f schedule i n honour o f th e centennial of V.I. Lenin's birth. 2 Th e oblas t part y committee, cit y and raion party committees, an d primary part y organization s a t industria l enterprise s ar e t o organiz e planne d work with cadre reserves, t o be bolder about promoting to managerial positions bot h specialist s an d worker s wit h organizationa l talent-those wh o have th e necessar y theoretica l trainin g and hav e bee n throug h extensiv e practical schoolin g i n productio n work-an d t o arrang e tha t thos e whos e training is of a practical sort can get specialized education and improve their business qualifications. The positiv e experience gained in working with cadres a t the factories of the Sebriako v Cement Plant , the 'Re d October' Metallurgical Plant, and other leading enterprises i n the oblast is to be disseminated widely. 3 Th e oblas t part y committee an d th e appropriat e branch ministries are ordered t o tak e measures t o reinforce enterprises wit h qualified managerial cadres, especiall y in light, food, and local industries and in the constructio n materials industry. Attention i s t o b e directe d towar d holdin g industria l cadres i n thei r jobs, particularl y middle-level managers : th e head s o f shops , installations ,



and sector s an d their deputies , an d also foreme n an d brigad e leaders. Th e necessary condition s ar e t o b e create d fo r a further ris e in their theoretica l and practica l knowledge an d greate r concer n i s to b e show n fo r improving their housing , cultura l and everyda y conditions. Th e politica l and busines s qualities of specialists are to be a subject of constant study ; their assignment to sectors where the y show their individual qualities to best advantage is to be facilitated. 4 Th e oblast, city, and raion party committees, guide d by the decisions of the Apri l an d Jul y (1968 ) plenum s o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee , ar e ordered t o raise the level of ideological work with managerial cadres in industrial enterprises. Effort s ar e t o be made t o improve the effectivenes s of the organizational and political work that is conducted, ensuring the indissoluble connection o f propaganda and agitation with concrete task s facing industrial enterprise collectives . Managerial , engineering, an d technical personne l ar e to be trained in a spirit of high ideological convictions and principles, and an attitude of intolerance to bourgeois ideology. Managers are to become mor e involved in propagandizing the ideas of marxism-leninism, in explaining the policy o f the part y and government , thi s work with the masse s being considered the bes t school for training managers themselves. I t is necessary tha t every manager i n each area of production be an educator , develo p the cre ative initiative of the working people, and actively encourage their participation in production management . 5 Th e oblast, city, and raion party committees ar e ordered to raise exactingness toward managerial cadres in industrial enterprises, t o instil in them a feeling o f grea t responsibilit y fo r solvin g productio n questions , t o display concern tha t al l managers persistently apply economic method s o f management i n practice . Thei r activit y i s t o b e directe d a t developin g socialis t competition an d creatin g an atmosphere o f comradely mutual assistance i n collectives, an d an attentive attitude to proposals by personnel. Labour legislation an d collectiv e agreement s mus t b e strictl y observe d b y enterpris e managers. Incidents of violation of state discipline are not to be allowed. The party committee s ar e t o intensif y thei r contro l ove r th e fulfilmen t o f th e decisions of the part y and government an d their own decisions ... Partiinaia zhizn', no . 1 9 KPSS

(1968): 3-5

v rezoliutsiiakh ix , 468-73


On the Wor k o f the Dobrink a Raion Party Committee of Lipetsk Oblast 1

7 September 196 8

The CPS U Central Committee note s that the Dobrinka raion party committee, in implementin g th e decision s o f th e XXII I CPS U Congress , i s conductin g



significant work in mobilizing the communist s and all the toiler s of the raion to carry out part y polic y in the countrysid e and is directing the effort s o f the raion part y organizatio n at solvin g majo r problem s o f agricultura l development and further improvin g the well-being and culture of rural toilers. The raio n committee i s taking measures t o increase th e activenes s of primary part y organizations at kolkhoze s and sovkhozes . Part y committee s have been set up at the majority of farms; the number of shop party organizations and party groups has increased, and the deployment of party forces has improved: at present about 90 per cent of communists engaged in agriculture are workin g directly i n field-cro p cultivatio n and animal husbandry . Th e raion part y organization has starte d t o devot e mor e attentio n t o work with leading kolkho z and sovkho z cadres, t o enhancin g the rol e of specialists a s technologists an d organizer s of agricultura l production. O f the 2 4 kolkhoz chairmen an d sovkhoz directors, 22 are agricultural specialists. On the initiative o f th e raio n committee , a pla n t o rais e th e qualification s o f brigade leaders, head s o f livestock section s o f the farms , and department manager s has been worke d out and is being put into practice. Over 300 kolkhoz members and sovkho z worker s are studyin g at correspondenc e and permanen t agricultural educationa l institutions . Mas s politica l wor k o f part y organizations i s being directed a t raisin g the labou r activity of kolkhoz member s and sovkho z workers , developin g socialis t competition , an d popularizing advanced experience . The CPS U raio n committe e an d th e agricultura l production adminis tration hav e begu n t o dea l mor e concretel y wit h problem s pertainin g t o improving economi c wor k i n kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes . Specializatio n of agricultural production is being carried out i n the raion, si x large specialized farms hav e bee n create d wher e livestoc k complexe s hav e bee n buil t with total mechanization of labour-intensive processes .. . At the sam e time , th e CPS U Central Committee consider s tha t the kolkhozes an d sovkhoze s o f the Dobrink a raion, whic h have a t their disposal fertile lands and enjoy favourable climatic conditions, hav e large reserves for further developmen t o f farmin g an d anima l husbandr y an d fo r raising th e effectiveness o f agricultural production. The raion party committee has failed to give a sufficiently critica l evaluation o f the stat e of affairs i n the raio n and to mak e a profound analysis of the situatio n a t every farm, every sector of production, an d tolerate s th e laggin g behind o f some kolkhoze s an d sov khozes. The necessary measures hav e not been taken in the raion to make the most rationa l and effectiv e us e of every hectare o f land. On many farms the standards o f farming are still low and the yield of agricultural crops grows too slowly ... The leader s o f som e farm s tak e a one-side d approac h t o solvin g land reclamation task s posed b y the Ma y Plenum of the Centra l Committe e and the y fai l t o tak e into consideratio n tha t th e broa d programm e of land reclamation mean s no t onl y irrigation and drainage but a whole complex of



measures t o raise soil fertility. I n several kolkhoze s and sovkhozes the pro ductivity o f livestoc k an d fow l i s low , breeding work is inadequate , an d a stable fodder base for animal husbandry has not bee n created . There are major short-coming s in utilizing agricultural technology ... The raion party committee an d the agricultural production administration hav e no t achieve d effectiv e utilizatio n o f productio n funds , capita l investments, an d labou r resource s o n ever y kolkho z and sovkhoz. Conse quently, the economi c indices of the wor k of several farms are still unsatisfactory, thei r profitabilit y ha s increase d no t throug h lowerin g the cos t o f production, but mainl y as a result of the ris e in state purchas e prices . Some kolkhozes have cut the amount s deducted fo r indivisible funds an d allocate insignificant capita l fo r purchasin g agricultural machinery an d equipment , for see d farming, improving livestock breeds, and other measure s tha t provide fo r improvemen t o f th e economy , growt h in th e labou r productivity, and a rise in the profit s o f farms. There are incidents of the violation of collective farm democracy in the raion, the role of general meetings of kolkhozniks is minimized, members of artels do not always take part in solving important problems such as planning agricultural production , formin g variou s funds , distributin g income, an d admitting new members t o the kolkhoz. The note d short-coming s i n agricultura l development ar e explaine d primarily by the fac t tha t the raion party committee ha s still not totall y reorganized its work in light of the requirements o f the XXII I CPSU Congress an d has faile d t o denounc e completel y certai n obsolet e managemen t methods . The raio n committe e i s no t sufficientl y raisin g the responsibilit y of sovie t and economi c organizations , o f the leader s o f kolkhozes, sovkhoze s enter prises, an d institutions o f the raio n for entrusted affairs ; i t has not ensure d that al l leading cadres strictl y observe part y and stat e discipline . Instead o f raising th e responsibilit y o f personnel wh o shoul d immediatel y answer fo r sectors entrusted t o them, the raion committee ofte n tries to solve problems on its own, with its own personnel. Thi s distracts part y personnel fro m thei r organizational and political work with people, fro m th e problems of practical assistance t o party organizations, and from thei r supervision over the implementation o f adopte d decisions . Th e part y organization s o f a numbe r o f kolkhozes and sovkhoze s fai l t o exercis e dee p influenc e over th e develop ment of agricultural production and do a poor job o f exercising their right to control the activity of the administration . In ideologica l an d politica l work , loca l condition s an d th e growin g demands of various categories of toilers are insufficiently take n into account. Party organization s fai l t o attribut e prope r significanc e t o instillin g i n th e population, an d particularl y in youn g people, a feelin g of dee p respec t fo r agricultural labour and prid e for the professio n of agriculturist. In the raion there has been no persistent struggl e for high standards o f peasant dail y life,

D O B R I N K A R A I O N 12


no struggle against drunkenness, hooliganism , an d religious survivals. Mass political work in remote settlement s i s not satisfactoril y organized , man y of the settlements d o not have clubs and libraries, and films are seldom shown. The rural intelligentsia - teachers, doctors , an d agricultural specialists - tak e an insignificant part in the ideologica l and political education of the toilers. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e Dobrink a CPS U raio n committe e i s ordere d t o d o awa y wit h th e short-comings note d i n the presen t decision , t o improve guidance over th e economic an d cultura l life o f the raion , an d constantl y to perfec t organizational, ideological, and educational work with the masses . It is considered tha t the basi c task of the raio n party organization is the mobilization o f th e toiler s fo r successfu l fulfilmen t o f the decision s o f th e XXIII Part y Congress, a s well a s the decision s o f th e Marc h an d Ma y plenums of the CPS U Central Committee and to ensure higher an d more stable rates o f agricultural production growth in all kolkhozes and sovkhozes . Th e socialist competitio n o f agricultural workers for a worthy celebration o f th e 100th anniversar y of Lenin's birt h is to be headed by the raio n party organization. The successful fulfilment o f obligations that have been undertaken by the raio n kolkhozes and sovkhozes i s to be ensured wit h respect t o increasing the productio n and th e amoun t o f field and anima l husbandry products sold to the state during the res t of the five-year-plan period. 2 Takin g into consideration th e fac t that consistent intensificatio n of agriculture is the mai n way to increasing its production at the present stage , th e raion part y committee mus t concentrat e th e effort s o f the part y organizations, sovie t an d agricultura l bodies , leader s o f kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes , specialists an d al l working people i n agricultur e on implementatio n o f th e extensive programm e fo r raisin g the standard s o f farming an d anima l hus bandry o n th e basi s o f land reclamation , chemicalization , and comprehen sive mechanization t o achieve a further upsurg e in agricultural production, a growth i n labour productivity , and lowe r production costs . Particula r attention i s t o b e pai d t o increasin g grai n production by making rational us e o f agricultural lan d an d raisin g the yiel d from ever y hectar e o f lan d i n ever y possible way . Measure s ar e t o b e take n t o strengthe n th e fodde r base , improve livestock breeds, an d raise livestock productivity. Highly productive use of agricultural equipment and its correct storage is to be ensured . Constant concer n i s to be taken i n putting the newest achievements o f agricultural scienc e an d advance d practic e into production . On th e basi s of the experienc e of the bes t farms, specialization o f production and scientific organization of labour are to be implemented persistently , and various forms of moral and material incentives for kolkhoz members an d sovkhoz workers are t o b e applie d skilfully . Profit-and-los s managemen t i s t o b e practise d more extensively in farms, brigades, departments, an d livestock sections and the profitabilit y of all branches o f agriculture is to be raised. In evaluating the



activity of kolkhozes and sovkhozes, i t is necessary to start first of all with th e effectiveness o f every hectare of farm lan d and ever y ruble of capital investment, a s well as with the effectivenes s of machinery and fertilizers. 3 Th e CPS U Centra l Committee emphasize s tha t now, when the part y is accomplishing a most significan t socia l tas k of overcoming th e considerabl e differences betwee n th e cit y an d village , the raio n party organization s must devote a great dea l o f their activit y t o question s o f improving the materia l and cultural conditions of the live s of the rural population, to radically reconstructing the village , its character, and dail y life . I t is necessary to carry out housing, cultural, and road construction by making more correct use of state capital investments, a s well as the capita l of kolkhozes and sovkhozes. Meas ures ar e t o b e take n t o strengthe n th e productio n bas e o f constructio n organizations and expand the productio n of local building materials. 4 Th e raio n part y committe e mus t constantl y perfec t th e form s an d methods o f it s activit y an d ensur e th e furthe r developmen t o f inner-party democracy an d th e principl e of collective leadership. Th e rol e o f plenum s and the burea u of the raio n committee i s to be enhanced, an d efforts ar e to be made to achieve active participation of all members o f the raio n committee in working out and implementing adopted decisions. Th e raion committee i s to pa y attention t o th e nee d fo r a more demandin g an d responsibl e approach to evaluating the results of its work and for extensive developmen t of criticism and self-criticis m in the wor k of the part y organization. In unitin g and directin g the activit y o f raion organizations, th e raio n committee mus t no t exer t tutelag e ove r o r usur p th e function s o f thes e organizations, bu t mus t develop their initiativ e and tr y to get them t o bear full responsibilit y for the sectors of work entrusted to them. The organization of supervision and verification over the implementation of party and government directive s mus t constantl y be improved; leadin g cadres themselve s secretaries, burea u members , an d head s o f th e raio n part y committe e departments - are obliged to take care of this business. 5 Th e CPS U raio n committe e mus t sho w daily concern i n th e selection , placement and training of cadres. Efforts mus t be made to ensure that politically mature, ideologically stable, qualified, and authoritative personnel hea d all sectors o f party, soviet, economic , cultural , and social activity. Trust an d respect for cadres must be combined wit h high exactingness towar d them. The bes t prepare d workers , kolkhozniks , and specialists , particularly from amon g young people who have proved themselves i n practice, are to be promoted mor e activel y to leadin g work. Women ar e to be promoted mor e boldly t o party , soviet, an d economi c wor k in health , enlightenment , an d cultural institutions; concern is to be taken for their political and professional growth. Attention is to be devoted t o improving the qualitative composition of department managers , brigad e leaders, an d heads of livestock sections o f kolkhozes and sovkhozes; measure s are to be taken to strengthen cadre s and



raise their business skills . The preparatio n of tractor, combine, and machine operators a t livestock farm sections , builders , electricians , and personnel i n other profession s i s to b e organize d better . Thi s wor k mus t b e set u p with consideration o f both curren t an d long-run needs. In masterin g the profession of farm machin e operators, mor e women are to be involved by creating the necessary productio n and cultural-everyday conditions for them. 6 On e of the mos t significant duties of the raion committee i s considered to be the furthe r improvemen t o f the activity of primary party organizations, the enhancement o f their role in carrying out party policy in the countryside, and th e intensificatio n of organizational and politica l work directly with kolkhozniks, sovkhoz workers, and the rural intelligentsia. More assistance is to be given to shop party organizations and party groups that are called upon to exert thei r influence on the stat e o f affairs directl y in brigades, departments , and livestoc k sections . Th e practic e o f conducting part y meeting s i s to b e perfected a s a ver y significan t mean s o f increasin g th e efficienc y o f part y organizations. The activity of communists, thei r responsibility for the state of affairs i n their organizations and collectives is to be raised, and effort s ar e to be made t o ensure tha t every one of them is , in fact, a n advanced perso n in production, social, and daily life, and serves as an example for his associates . A decisive en d i s to b e pu t t o existin g incident s of lenience an d liberalism with respect t o members and candidate members of the party who violate the requirements o f the CPS U Programme and Rules . 7 Th e part y raio n committee an d primar y part y organizations are to pay more attentio n to question s of ideological work. They mus t rais e exactingness towar d communist s i n masterin g marxist-leninis t theory ; leadin g cadres, the rural intelligentsia, and all party members ar e to be more actively involved in the ideologica l and political education of the populatio n ... The raio n committe e o f the part y i s ordered t o improv e its guidance over th e Soviets , trade unions , an d Komsomo l organizations , and to intensify exactingnes s toward communists working in them .. . Pravda, 1 4 September 196 8 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh ix , 474-81

5.25 On the Wor k of the Rosto v Oblast Party Committee in Carryin g Out the Decisions of the Septembe r (1965) Plenum o f the CPS U Centra l Committee o n the Introduction of New Management Method s 8

October 196 8

In carrying out th e decision s o f the Septembe r (1965 ) Plenu m and those of the XXII I Party Congress, th e Rosto v oblas t part y committee, th e cit y and raion part y committees , an d primar y party organization s ar e doin g a con -



siderable amoun t o f wor k i n introducin g th e ne w syste m o f plannin g and economic incentives , in raising production efficiency an d i n improving economic management... At the sam e time, the CPS U Central Committee notes that the leve l of organizational work and moral training in many party organizations still does not satisf y present-da y requirements and that the advantages of the new system o f managemen t ar e no t bein g full y utilized . During the initia l stag e of work under th e ne w system, th e improvement i n economic indices at many plants and factories has been achieve d to a considerable degree throug h utilization o f the mos t readil y accessible reserves . A t th e sam e time , a feeble job i s being done o f adopting measures t o assure stable, high rates of development fo r production - measure s involvin g the technica l re-equippin g of enterprises an d th e introductio n o f advanced method s o f labour organiza tion. Th e oblast' s industr y is no t systematicall y fulfilling it s plan s fo r th e introduction o f new technolog y an d fo r the mechanizatio n an d automatio n of production processes; it is doing a slow job of raising the qualit y and technical level of goods being produced. Many part y organizations are doin g a poor job o f supervising th e uti lization o f economic incentiv e funds and ar e no t doin g a n adequat e jo b o f increasing th e rol e o f trade union organizations in the matter . A t a number of enterprises ver y littl e money i s being allocated from incentiv e fund s for current bonuse s t o workers ; peopl e responsibl e fo r th e incursio n o f losses are no t bein g mad e to fee l th e weigh t of the ruble , an d insufficien t importance is being attache d to the prope r combinin g o f moral and material work incentives. The fun d fo r the developmen t o f production is not being utilized fully an d is sometimes bein g spent for purposes other than thos e for which it is intended. There are fundamental short-comings in economic work at enterprises ; plans do not alway s take ful l accoun t of existing reserves an d a t the majorit y of enterprise s economi c accountabilit y is bein g applie d onl y t o th e mai n shops. O f the 11 7 plants and factories that operated unde r the new system in 1967, 4 8 allowe d the growt h rat e o f labou r productivit y to la g behind th e growth rate in average wages. Party and trade union organizations are still doing an inadequate job of enlisting workers ' activ e participatio n i n th e managemen t o f production . Little is being done to enlist worker s and engineering an d technical person nel in the discussion o f current and long-range plans and in the working out of measures t o improve the organizatio n of production, the setting of labour norms, an d th e system s o f material incentives . Thes e question s ar e rarely put forwar d fo r discussio n a t meeting s o f workers and a t productio n meet ings. Sometimes n o action is taken on critical remarks an d proposals. The oblas t part y committee, the cit y and raion part y committees, an d the primar y party organizations are not availin g themselves of all opportuni-



ties for improving th e training o f workers in the spiri t of strict observance of socialist labou r discipline. The frequenc y of unjustified absences , theft , and other violation s of law is being reduced slowly . Labour turnover is high, and significant unproductiv e expenditures an d losses of work time are still being tolerated. I n 1967 , fou r pe r cen t o f the enterprise s workin g under th e ne w system faile d to fulfil thei r plans for total output sales; every tenth enterpris e failed t o fulfil it s plan for profits and ever y fourth enterprise, fo r overall level of profitability . A numbe r o f enterprises di d no t mee t thei r obligation s for payments into the state budget . The oblast party committee an d the city and raion party committees ar e devoting littl e attentio n t o enterprise s tha t stil l have no t mad e th e switch over t o the new methods of planning and economic incentive s and are doing an insufficien t jo b o f overseeing thei r preparation s for work under th e ne w system. The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s tha t th e Ministr y of Tractor an d Agricultural Machin e Constructio n and the RSFS R Ministrie s of Food, Meat, and Mil k Industry are doin g a poor job o f giving guidance t o enterprises i n improving their activity under th e ne w circumstances. Th e ministrie s fail t o extend t o enterprise s th e require d assistanc e i n perfectin g economic wor k and th e organizatio n of production, allo w violations of the right s granted t o enterprises, an d often change approved plan indicators. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e Rosto v oblas t part y committee , th e cit y and raio n party commit tees and primary party organizations are ordered t o ensure consisten t intro duction o f th e ne w syste m o f plannin g and economi c incentive s o n th e basis of accumulated experience and of continued improvement in organizational and mass political work. It is a most importan t tas k of the oblas t party organization actively to enlist the broad masses of the working people in this work, t o develo p initiativ e in ever y way, and t o mobilize their energie s fo r uncovering and utilizing existing reserves to the fullest extent , fo r achieving higher rate s fo r th e growt h o f productio n an d o f labou r productivity , for improving th e qualit y of output , an d fo r improvin g economies i n raw an d other materials . It is necessary t o see to it that each and every worker makes a definite contribution of his own to improving the enterprise's overal l work indices. The oblast party committee an d the city and raion party committees are to concentrate th e attentio n o f primary party organizations and of economic management o n speedin g u p th e introductio n o f ne w technology , o n th e scientific organizatio n of labour and management, o n improving the utilization o f productio n funds , an d o n achievin g desig n capacit y as quickl y a s possible, keepin g i n min d tha t al l thes e ar e basi c factor s fo r permanentl y increasing productio n efficienc y an d fo r continue d growt h i n th e materia l well-being of the workin g people. T o these ends, fuller us e is to be made of



the funds for the development o f production that have been created at enterprises, and of credits from th e Stat e Bank. 2 Reinforcin g the rol e of economic method s i n the managemen t o f production requires tha t party organizations improve the selection, assignment , and trainin g of cadres. Placin g trust i n cadres an d extendin g thei r indepen dence in work must be combined with the setting of high standards for them and with increasing the responsibility of managerial, engineering, and technical personnel fo r work assigned. Th e oblast party committee an d the city and raion party committees mus t organize the work of moral training and schooling for managerial cadres in such a way that they not onl y have a good command o f advanced machiner y and technology , but ar e also able to organize production i n an economically competent fashion , and possess the qualitie s of politica l leadership necessar y fo r makin g al l worker s consciou s o f th e organic ti e betwee n th e persona l interest s o f th e enterprise' s individua l workers and its collective, o n the on e hand , an d the interest s o f society as a whole, on the other hand . 3 Part y and trade union organizations and economic managers are ordered to mak e effort s t o improv e th e effectivenes s of material incentives, an d t o assure th e workin g out an d applicatio n of plant incentive systems tha t pro vide maximum incentives fo r workers, engineering and technical personnel , and employee s t o achiev e th e highes t possibl e productivity , systems tha t promote th e developmen t o f initiative and a creative approach to work and that ca n als o b e understoo d b y al l workers. Wide r us e mus t b e mad e o f bonuses fo r increasin g labou r productivity , for hig h qualit y o f output , fo r economizing ra w an d othe r materials, an d fo r applyin g to productio n th e achievements o f scienc e an d technology ; th e rol e o f regular ongoin g payment o f bonuse s t o worker s ou t o f th e materia l incentive s fund s i s to b e strengthened. Equalizatio n o f bonus payment s an d th e paymen t o f exces s bonuses ar e not to be permitted. A worker's earning s shoul d correspon d t o the results of his labour and his personal contribution to the overall results of the collective's activity . The growing role of material incentives i n the deve lopment o f productio n mus t b e skilfull y combine d wit h moral incentives . Party organizations are ordered t o step up their work of instilling in people a sense of proprietorship in production, a profound understanding o f collective interests, an d a communist attitud e toward labour and socialist property. 4 Th e oblas t part y committee an d cit y and raion party committees mus t make it a matter of daily concern t o increase i n every way the fighting capacities of party organizations and the vanguard role and authority of every communist i n production . I n th e ne w conditions , primar y party organization s must analyse knowledgeably the state of the economy, se e the developmen t of the enterpris e i n terms o f the lon g range, seek ou t the paths for the mos t correct utilizatio n o f economi c lever s i n orde r t o increas e productio n effi ciency, improv e th e conduc t o f organizationa l wor k an d mora l trainin g directly i n shops , sectors , brigades , an d workplaces . Enlarging enterprises '

OCTOBER 196 8 P L E N U M 13


rights an d grantin g the m greate r independenc e mus t b e combine d wit h increased supervisio n over th e administration' s economic performanc e and with a n increas e i n th e rol e and responsibilit y of party organization s and of each individual communist for the stat e of production. 5 Th e oblas t part y organization is to assur e furthe r developmen t o f th e socialist principle s o f enterpris e management , principle s that cal l fo r th e broad participatio n b y toiler s i n th e managemen t o f productio n an d fo r strengthening th e principl e of one-ma n management . I t i s t o activat e th e work of the trade union organizations in introducing the ne w system of planning an d economi c incentives , i n improvin g the organizatio n of labour and wages, an d i n improvin g workers' an d employees ' condition s of work and everyday life . Thes e questions must b e discussed systematicall y at workers' meetings, a t meetings of the aktiv , and at standing production conferences; conditions must be assured for creative discussion of these questions; there must b e timely reaction to critical remarks and proposal s from th e workin g people an d th e latte r mus t b e regularl y informe d o f th e measure s bein g adopted. It is necessary to appl y socialist competition still more extensively and to secur e th e activ e participation of al l workers, engineerin g an d technica l personnel, an d employee s i n carryin g ou t th e pledge s mad e b y enterprise collectives fo r fulfillin g th e Five-Yea r Pla n ahead o f schedule i n honou r of the centennial of V.I. Lenin's birth . 6 Ministrie s an d department s ar e t o improv e thei r guidanc e o f enter prises, improv e th e qualit y of planning, ensure stabl e annua l plans and th e timely elaboratio n o f long-ru n plans , observ e strictl y th e right s o f enter prises, an d extend assistanc e t o enterprises i n the introductio n of economic accountability, i n th e technologica l improvemen t o f production , an d i n strengthening the economi c and technical services of qualified cadre s ... Partiinaia zhizn', no. 2 1 KPSS

(1968): 24-6

Plenum of the Central Committee 30-3

v rezoliutsiiakh ix , 495-500

1 October 196 8

By late 196 8 the leadershi p had ha d an opportunit y to assess the impac t of its agricultural policy enunciate d at the Marc h 196 5 and Ma y 1966 Central Committee plenums . Th e propose d change s ha d bee n implemente d bu t ha d no t been entirely efficacious. Stron g resistance to expected behaviour patterns still existed an d wa s causin g a sever e dra g o n th e efficienc y an d growt h o f th e agricultural sector . I n hi s length y report t o th e plenu m (Current Digest o f the



Soviet Press xx , no . 44, 3-8 an d no. 45, 9-13), Brezhnev indicated a great deal of dissatisfaction with the changes occurring in the areas of chemicalization, land reclamation, mechanization , rural construction, anima l husbandry, investmen t in material-technica l supply, procurements, an d incom e distribution . Failures in al l thes e area s ha d resulte d i n shortfall s i n gros s output , a s wel l a s lo w growth rates i n agricultural production and labour productivity. On the whole, these short-coming s wer e attributed b y Brezhnev t o failures in administratio n by stat e agencie s an d weaknes s i n supervisio n b y part y organizations . Th e ministries responsibl e fo r implementin g th e majo r lan d reclamatio n pro grammes and supplying agriculture inputs had not performed according to plan indicators. Th e middle-leve l managemen t responsibl e fo r agricultura l operations had no t full y utilize d the resource s availabl e and had not responded cre atively to problems encountered i n their jurisdictions. Brezhnev's report and the subsequent resolution give us insight into a number o f general limitation s that prevented th e regim e fro m achievin g its major policy goal s i n th e agricultura l sector. Thes e limitation s included ideologica l limits tha t preven t solution s dealin g wit h an d goin g beyon d th e collectiv e forms of agriculture dominant in the Soviet Union; bureaucratic limits involving resistanc e t o chang e b y large , slow-movin g hierarchie s tha t ca n distor t decisions through inaction ; a planning process that simpl y does not hav e th e capability of full y integratin g all information and producin g an acceptable plan within th e parameter s an d tim e limit s se t dow n b y the politica l leadership ; political limits that dictate that established institution s such as the party not be ignored in any solution even thoug h thei r role may not b e clearly defined and may even b e counter-productive; and, non-compliance a t the base of the hier archy in the for m o f resistance b y individuals and production unit s to attempt s to chang e an d direc t thei r behaviou r pattern s throug h economi c lever s an d administrative controls.


On Progress in Implementin g the Decision s of the XXIII Congres s and CPSU Centra l Committe e Plenums on Questions of Agriculture 3

1 October 196 8

... In accordanc e wit h th e decision s o f th e XXII I Congres s an d th e Marc h (1965) an d Ma y (1966 ) plenum s of the CPS U Central Committee, significan t measures are bein g carrie d ou t fo r further improvin g th e country' s agriculture. It s materia l an d technica l bas e ha s bee n strengthened . Industr y ha s begun to produce more for the needs of the kolkhozes and sovkhozes in the way of tractors, automobiles, agricultural machinery, and mineral fertilizers . Work o n lan d reclamatio n ha s bee n pu t o n a broad footing . O f great signi ficance was the transfe r t o the ne w policy of procuring agricultural products

OCTOBER 196 8 P L E N UM 13


based o n establishing firm plans and the materia l incentives for selling grain over and above the plan. In the countryside a number of social and economic measures have been carried out, monthly guaranteed pay for labour has been introduced i n kolkhozes , pensio n provision s fo r kolkhoznik s an d sovkho z workers have been improve d ... Along wit h the accomplishment s i n developing agriculture, there ar e short-comings an d unresolve d problems . Th e volum e o f productio n o f a number of products and the growth of labour productivity in agriculture have not yet reached the leve l envisaged in the Directive s of the XXII I CPSU Congress fo r th e Five-Yea r Plan . I n som e oblasts , krais, an d republic s agricultural production growth rates ar e low , in a number o f farms work is poorly conducted i n raising the yield s of grain and othe r crops, as well as increasing the productivit y of animal husbandry. Ther e still are cases where low quality seeds ar e use d i n sowing . A great dea l o f produce is lost du e t o th e poo r weed, insect, and disease control of plants and animals. Proper concern is not shown in accumulating and applying local fertilizers in the fields . Machinery is no t use d wit h th e prope r effectiveness . Pla n target s i n th e are a o f lan d reclamation ar e no t bein g fulfilled . O n man y kolkhoze s an d sovkhoze s advanced methods of farm managemen t an d the bes t form s and methods o f labour organizatio n an d productio n are introduce d a t too slo w a pace; eco nomic work is still poorly organized. The prime cost s o f products are still high, particularl y in animal hus bandry; a campaign fo r econom y an d thrif t ha s no t bee n develope d t o th e extent necessary . Despit e growin g receipts, i n a number o f kolkhoze s no t enough fund s ar e allocated for the expansio n o f social production; there are unnecessary expenditure s fo r th e maintenanc e o f th e administrativ e an d managerial apparatus and for other purposes . The USS R Ministr y o f Agriculture , th e All-Unio n Far m Machin e Agency (Soiuzsel'khoztekhnika) , th e USS R Ministr y for Lan d Reclamatio n and Water Resources , an d thei r bodie s i n the localitie s still exhibi t quit e a few short-comings i n their work. They fail to show due persistence i n making the fulles t us e o f reserves an d potential s fo r kolkho z and sovkho z produc tion. They do not alway s reach a timely resolution of many important problems concerning the developmen t o f farming an d animal husbandry. Considerable improvemen t i s necessary i n organizing the procuremen t and storag e o f agricultural products, an d particularl y that o f vegetables an d fruits. There ar e essential short-coming s i n planning capital investments an d material an d technica l resource s fo r agriculture , as well as in the fulfilmen t by som e industria l ministries o f the target s establishe d b y the XXII I Con gress an d Centra l Committe e plenum s with respect t o provisioning agriculture. Sluggishnes s i s permitte d i n creatin g ne w type s o f machiner y an d i n creating effectiv e fertilizer s and chemica l agent s fo r plan t protection . Th e



mastering of production of new agricultural machinery is delayed. The problem o f supplyin g spar e part s ha s no t bee n resolve d satisfactorily . Ther e exists a lag in the developmen t o f industry for the processin g o f agricultural raw materials. The Centra l Committe e plenu m notes tha t th e sourc e o f insufficien t growth rate s o f agricultura l production lie s i n the stil l slo w introduction of chemical processes, lan d reclamation and comprehensive mechanization , as well a s th e poo r introductio n o f th e lates t achievement s o f scienc e an d advanced experienc e int o agriculture. The CPS U Central Committee plenu m resolves : 1 Th e furthe r stead y implementatio n o f th e part y polic y and practica l measures fo r developin g agriculture , whic h hav e bee n elaborate d b y th e XXIII Congress an d th e Marc h and May plenums o f the CPS U Central Com mittee, i s considere d t o b e a mos t significan t tas k o f part y organizations , soviet, and economic bodies . The plenum orders th e central committees o f the union republic communist parties , th e krai , oblast , okrug , an d raio n part y committees, th e soviet organs , th e USS R Ministry of Agriculture , the USS R Ministry for Lan d Reclamation an d Water Resources , th e All-Unio n Far m Machin e Agency , and their bodies i n the localities, the part y organizations, an d the leader s of kolkhozes an d sovkhoze s t o tak e measures t o do away with existing short comings in developing agriculture and to make better us e of all kolkhoz and sovkhoz production reserves to ensure th e fulfilmen t o f the Five-Year-Plan targets. 2 Th e proposal s on th e basi c directions an d measures fo r further deve loping th e agricultur e o f the USSR , whic h have bee n elaborate d b y the CPS U Central Committee Politburo and stated in the report of Comrade L.I . Brezhnev, ar e approved and recognized a s being timely and meeting th e require ments of communist construction . The Central Committee plenu m considers a s a most important political task for the part y and state as a whole the acceleratio n of the rates of agricultural development s o that the presen t leve l of agricultural production in the country i s surpasse d a s soo n a s possible . A s before , attentio n mus t b e focused o n considerably increasing the production of grain and other agricultural crops on the basi s of a sharp increase i n yield capacity and comprehensive developmen t o f anima l husbandry . I t i s necessar y t o sho w constan t concern fo r improving the qualit y of products. It is possible t o achieve a high level o f agricultural production only by placing kolkhoz and sovkhoz production, as well as branches whic h serve it , on a more powerful materia l and technical base. It is necessary to continue to equip agriculture with modern machinery, satisf y it s requirements fo r min eral fertilizer s an d othe r chemica l agents , an d conduc t land-reclamatio n work on a large scale.



The re-equipmen t o f agriculture on a new technical base mus t constitute a mos t importan t directio n i n elaboratin g plans fo r th e forthcomin g Five-Year Plan . Economi c plan s ar e t o provid e fo r the fund s an d materia l and technica l resource s necessar y fo r th e fulle r satisfactio n of the growing needs of agriculture. 3 Considerin g the great significance of using chemistry in raising productivity of agricultural production, it is necessary in the comin g years to accelerate substantially growt h rate s fo r th e productio n o f minera l fertilizers, effective chemica l agent s for plant protection, and products of microbiological synthesis... 4 Th e USS R Ministr y for Lan d Reclamatio n an d Wate r Resources , th e USSR Ministr y of Agriculture , the All-Unio n Far m Machin e Agency , party , soviet, agricultural , and wate r resource s agencie s ar e ordere d t o tak e al l necessary measures for carrying out the programme of reclamation work that was approved by the CPS U Centra l Committee Ma y Plenum ... The Centra l Committee plenu m supports th e initiativ e of Komsomol organizations tha t hav e assume d patronag e over th e constructio n o f mos t significant wate r resource units, and calls upon the Komsomol , ou r glorious young people, t o take a still more active part in carrying out th e broa d programme of land reclamation. The further accelerated development o f the country's economy requires rational utilization of land, water, and energy resources .. . 5 Fo r th e purpose s o f satisfyin g th e requirement s o f agricultur e fo r machinery used i n comprehensive mechanization , i t is considered necessar y to ensur e th e furthe r developmen t o f production capacities of tractor, agricultural, an d land-reclamatio n machin e buildin g by widel y reconstructin g existing plants and buildin g new plants, as well as by improving equipment, technological processes , an d th e organizatio n of productio n an d labou r i n these branches o f machine building. Measures are to be taken to improve designing, reduce the time necessary for creating and mastering the productio n of new, improved agricultural machinery. Greate r responsibilit y i s t o b e demande d o f th e ministries , departments and industrial enterprises, th e USS R Gosplan, and the USS R Gossnab for the fulfilment o f assignments for supplying agriculture with machines and spare parts, and for improving their quality, reliability, and durability. 6 Th e Centra l Committe e plenu m attaches great significance to improving construction in the countryside. It is necessary to strengthen construction and design organizations, raise the level of industrialization of rural construction, develop the productio n of local construction material s on a wide scale, substantially expand construction o f production facilities i n the countryside , as well as housin g an d cultural-everyda y facilities. Mor e attentio n i s to b e devoted to providing kolkhozes and sovkhozes with services and amenities , and water and gas supplies, and to road construction .



7 Takin g into consideration the grea t importance to the econom y of the quickest developmen t o f anima l husbandry, o f raisin g th e productivit y of livestock and poultry, reducing the production costs of meat, milk, and other products, th e USS R Ministr y of Agricultur e is instructed, wit h the participation o f local agencies, scholars , an d specialists in animal husbandry to work out an d brin g to th e CPS U Centra l Committe e suggestions directe d a t significantly improving this branch of agriculture. 8 Th e Centra l Committee plenu m considers it necessary to retain in the forthcoming five-year period the principle of fixed plans for the procuremen t of agricultural products. The fixe d pla n for grain procurement for the year s 1971-75 is to be established a t approximately the sam e volum e as has been determined fo r th e presen t five-yea r period ; som e adjustment s ar e t o b e made when necessary for republics, krais, and oblasts ... 9 Fo r the purposes of increasing the production an d encouraging th e sale of agricultura l products b y kolkhoze s an d sovkhoze s ove r an d abov e th e fixed plan, it is recognized as necessary t o extend th e existin g procedure for stimulating grain purchases ove r an d abov e the pla n to some othe r agricultural products. The Centra l Committe e Politbur o and th e USS R Counci l o f Ministers are to work out specific measures o n this question. It i s considere d expedien t t o us e par t o f the fund s receive d b y sov khozes in the for m o f increments t o the basi c price for production over and above th e plan, to award bonuses t o sovkhoz workers, specialists, an d far m managers. 10 Party , soviet, an d agricultura l bodies ar e to pa y particular attention to improving economi c wor k in kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes , furthe r perfectin g the organizatio n and remuneratio n o f labour, reducing costs o f agricultural production, raisin g the profitabilit y o f all branches o f kolkhoz and sovkho z production and ensuring the all-roun d growth of labour productivity in agriculture. 11 Th e plenu m instruct s th e Centra l Committe e Politbur o and th e USS R Council o f Minister s t o carr y ou t th e necessar y measure s t o d o awa y wit h short-comings an d improve the organizatio n of procurement o f agricultural products, develo p industr y tha t processe s agricultura l raw materials , an d develop the refrigeration and warehouse industry to ensure the timely acceptance, processing , an d storag e o f products and the fulle r satisfactio n of th e working people's needs for products in all the country's zones . 12 Th e Central Committee plenu m attaches particula r significance to raising th e effectivenes s of scientific research a s an indispensibl e condition fo r accelerating the rates of agricultural development... 13 Party , soviet, and agricultural bodies are ordered to pay more attentio n to training agricultural specialists in higher and secondary educational institutions, t o improvin g th e qualification s of leadin g cadre s o f kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes, particularl y brigade leaders , head s o f livestoc k sections , an d

T A D Z H I K I S T A N C O M M U N I T Y P A R T Y 14


department managers , a s well as to retainin g specialist s i n the countryside , and creatin g the necessar y productio n an d dail y living conditions fo r them . There is to be improvement i n the training and retraining of cadres in popular professions , especiall y machine operators . Advance d peopl e i n kolkhoz and sovkho z productio n ar e t o b e promote d t o leadin g positions i n ever y possible way.. . Pravda, 1 November 196 8 KPSS 5.27 On th e Wor k o f the Centra l Committee of th e Communist Part y of Tadzhikistan in Implementin g the Decisions of the XXIII CPSU Congress* 1

v rezoliutsiiakh IX , 501-9

7 December 196 8

The excerpt s fro m th e followin g documen t indicat e th e centra l authorities ' continued concer n fo r the effec t o f the national traditions of the Central Asian republics o n Moscow' s attempt s t o moderniz e attitude s an d behaviour . Th e decision reflects particular concern fo r improving work with leadership cadres, and extending ideological work to counter the retention of certain popular and religious custom s amon g th e masse s an d t o socializ e loca l population s into attitudes that are consistent wit h a modern work ethic and with participation in the officiall y sponsore d organization s and activities of the regime.

... In the activity of the central committee o f the Communist Part y of Tadzhikistan, th e Gorno-Badakhshan oblas t committee , an d man y cit y an d raio n committees, question s o f th e selection , placement , an d trainin g of leading cadres hav e no t ye t been given thei r prope r place . On many occasions, per sons lackin g the necessar y politica l and busines s qualitie s are promote d t o important sectors . Supervision ove r th e wor k of cadres i s poorly carried ou t and this results i n some leaders o f enterprises, institutions , and department s losing thei r feelin g of responsibility for entruste d work , violating party an d state discipline , an d failin g t o wag e a decisive struggl e agains t squanderin g and embezzlement o f socialist property . In some individua l cases, they tak e to the wa y of fraud an d ofte n distort dat a i n reports t o cove r u p their short comings an d creat e a n outwar d sho w o f a satisfactory state of affairs. Part y committees often fail t o give a principled evaluation o f such phenomena an d fail t o spea k openl y wit h responsibl e personne l abou t thei r short-coming s and errors i n a party-like manner . * Excerpt

: document no t publishe d in full .



The part y organizations of th e republi c have no t provide d sufficien t guidance i n thei r ideologica l and educationa l work fo r th e formatio n o f a marxist-leninist outlook in all toilers or for raising their production and public activity . Atheisti c propaganda has slackene d recentl y an d th e activit y of the clergy and religious sects has revived. A persistent struggl e with survivals of the pas t i n people' s consciousness , i n the wa y of life, an d i n famil y rela tions is not bein g conducted. Thi s particularl y applies to creating condition s for mor e activ e participatio n of wome n i n publi c and cultura l life. Pheno mena ar e stil l preserve d tha t ar e intolerabl e i n a socialis t society , suc h a s giving minor s i n marriage , force d marriage , an d th e paymen t o f bride money. Th e proportio n o f women amon g communist s i s decreasing; thei r number has also decreased i n the staf f of raion and city party committees an d secretaries o f primary party organizations; few women are promoted t o leading positions. The activit y of many cultura l institution s does not meet con temporary requirements . T o thi s da y a considerable portio n o f kishlaks do not hav e clubs , libraries , o r facilitie s t o sho w films. The specia l features of the republic, demands o f various strata and groups of the population, and the need fo r more activel y instilling traditions common t o al l Soviet peoples i n the daily life of the Tadzhik people are not properly reflected in mass political work. The CPS U Central Committe e resolve s .. . 7 .. . Taking into account th e grea t politica l and economi c significanc e of building up qualified worker cadres from th e native population in basic occupations, th e centra l committe e o f the Communis t Part y and th e counci l of ministers o f the Tadzhi k SS R are ordered t o develop an d carr y out measure to improve utilization of labour resources an d to involve the local population more extensivel y i n wor k in industry , construction, an d othe r branche s o f the economy... 8 .. . Propaganda o f the idea s o f proletarian internationalism an d friend ship betwee n people s i s to occup y the centr e o f attention o f party, soviet, trade union , an d Komsomol organizations , as is the consolidatio n o f frater nal ties betwee n th e toiler s of Tadzhikistan and all the people s of the Sovie t Union. As it has been pointe d ou t in the Programm e o f the CPSU , the furthe r strengthening of co-operation mus t continue to be promoted through voluntary study of the Russia n languag e along with the nativ e tongue, th e forme r having become i n fact the commo n languag e for communication betwee n all the people s o f th e USSR . Whil e developing th e bes t national traditions , i t is necessary t o contribut e mor e activel y to th e consolidatio n o f internationa l traditions an d thos e which are common t o all Soviet people s buildin g communism. Party committees, an d state and public organizations mus t lea d a persistent struggl e agains t obsolet e customs an d tradition s an d they mus t no t tolerate a spirit of conciliation an d lac k of principle toward survivals o f th e



religious o r ba i [ric h Centra l Asia n lan d owner ] feuda l past , an y manifes tation o f th e seclusio n o f wome n o r incident s o f infringemen t o f thei r rights. Wome n ar e t o b e involve d mor e extensivel y i n publi c an d politica l life, an d favourabl e condition s ar e t o b e create d fo r thei r dail y life , work , and studies... Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 KPSS

(1969): 3-8

v rezoliutsiiakh ix , 512-20


On the Wor k Experienc e of the Part y Committee of th e Shchekino Chemical Combin e with Respec t to Mobilizing its Collectiv e of Working Peopl e to Expand th e Volum e of Productio n b y Increasing Labou r Productivity 6

October 196 9

The Shchekin o Chemica l Combin e i s a petro-chemica l complex consisting of approximately 21 industrial enterprises an d 1 7 construction enterprises locate d in th e cit y o f Shchekino i n Tula oblast. A key unit in the chemica l industry, it had exhibite d a number o f difficulties characteristi c of Soviet industr y in general during the middl e 1960s , especiall y failure t o achieve pla n targets du e t o underemployment, inabilit y t o recrui t qualifie d skille d workers , hig h labou r turnover, an d problem s wit h it s materia l incentiv e system . A decisio n wa s made t o conduc t a majo r experimen t a t th e Shchekin o Chemica l Combin e beginning i n late 1967. The basic aim of the experiment wa s to increase labou r productivity by giving the combine managemen t th e righ t to conduct an internal reorganizatio n o f th e combine . Amon g th e technique s availabl e t o th e management wer e th e devisin g an d introducin g o f progressive wor k norms , the combinin g o f jobs, the widenin g of servicing zones, the mechanizatio n of labour-intensive work, and the reorganizatio n of the internal managerial structure o f the combine . Th e ke y to the success of the experiment , an d the mos t contentious aspec t o f it , wa s th e righ t grante d t o managemen t t o dismis s inefficient o r unnecessar y worker s whil e retainin g th e basi c wag e fun d fo r redistribution t o retaine d staf f i n th e for m o f incentives fo r improvin g qualifications, expandin g duties , an d increasin g labou r productivity . Thus, th e experiment ha d wide-rangin g implications fo r a numbe r o f crucia l issues i n Soviet industry , includin g th e autonom y o f enterpris e management , differ ential pay rates, lay-offs , an d unemployment. I n many respects, th e Shchekin o experiment embodie d th e essence of the administrative decentralization com ponent o f th e economi c reform s introduce d a t th e Septembe r 196 5 Centra l Committee Plenum . The apparen t victor y achieve d b y th e proponent s o f th e ne w economi c reform throug h Centra l Committe e approva l an d wid e disseminatio n o f th e



Shchekino experience wa s short-lived. A t the Decembe r 196 9 Central Com mittee Plenum , Brezhne v was to mak e a speec h highl y critical o f economi c administration and callin g for a much mor e conservative approach to improving labour productivity through greater emphasi s o n tigh t discipline and con trol. Th e prio r approva l of th e Shchekin o experimen t ma y hav e acte d a s a brake t o slo w th e spee d o f th e shif t i n th e balance . However , i t coul d no t indefinitely dela y such a change in direction. By the lat e 1970s it appeared that the Shchekino experiment had lost its momentum. Part of the failur e of the Shchekin o experiment can be explained in terms of institutional dynamics in the Soviet economy. During the first, successful stage (until around 1970 ) th e experimen t wa s relatively self-contained. I t involved internal reorganizatio n of the combine , mainl y by shifting, reclassifying , an d dismissing personnel. However , th e secon d stag e o f the experimen t involved modernization o f th e plan t i n orde r t o achiev e highe r level s o f productivity. During thi s stage , th e combin e ha d t o exten d it s external contact s an d rel y increasingly upo n othe r economi c unit s over whic h it had n o contro l and o n whom i t depende d fo r success . Thes e outsid e agencie s faile d t o mee t thei r obligations which, in turn, prevented the Shchekin o combine from fulfillin g it s plan indices. Fo r example, th e Ministr y of Chemical Industrie s allegedl y took two year s t o confir m constructio n plans , mad e unreasonabl e demand s fo r reductions in managerial personnel, an d continuously revised Shchekin o pro duction plans. Design plans, construction and installation work, modernization processes, an d equipmen t deliverie s wer e al l delayed an d ofte n incomplete , thus interruptin g current productio n and preventin g the achievemen t o f new levels of efficiency. The authoritie s responsibl e for wage and nor m setting did not compl y with the requirement s of Shchekino, ofte n improperly establishing normatives fo r personne l an d labou r outla y and changin g the condition s fo r the us e o f wage savings. Finally, the loca l party organs apparently lowered th e priority o f th e experimen t o n thei r ow n agend a an d thu s cease d t o ac t as a strong advocate for its interests. A s the experiment spread to other enterprises by th e earl y 1970s , evidenc e als o aros e o f resistance o n th e enterpris e level . Some enterprise s oversimplifie d the method , using it as a means of removing from th e organizationa l table underemployed workers , bu t failin g t o tak e the supplementary crucia l steps o f technical an d economi c reorganizatio n o f th e plant. Old attitudes o f directors held when it came to disclosing reserves. They were stil l afraid (an d justifiably so ) o f sudden pla n changes. Som e enterpris e managers and ministry officials abuse d the refor m by manipulating norms and wage funds so as to short-change th e workers. There seem to be two possible explanations for the eclipse of the Shchekin o experiment, on e systemi c an d on e political . To wha t exten t wa s the failur e attributable simply to bureaucrati c inertia an d resistanc e t o experimentation? And, t o what extent wa s it attributable to a conscious se t of political decisions by thos e wh o oppose d it s fundamenta l principles ? Th e trut h probabl y lie s somewhere betwee n th e two extremes, wit h the political opposition effectivel y

S H C H E K I N O C H E M I C A L C O M B I N E 14


using th e conservativ e characteristic s of th e administrativ e system t o le t th e experiment di e a slo w an d quie t death , whic h wa s possibl e i n th e 1970 s because of the declining influence of the majo r patro n of the experiment, A.M. Kosygin.

The CPS U Central Committe e note s tha t the part y organization of the Shche kino Chemical Combine is conducting significant organizational and politica l work in mobilizing its collective of working people to increase the volume of production while reducing the number of personnel by improving the organization of production, labour , and the wag e system. The mai n direction s i n wor k conducted b y the collectiv e of the com bine to increase labou r productivity are to wor k ou t an d introduce progressive wor k norms , t o combin e professions , t o wide n servicin g zones , t o mechanize labour-intensiv e work, to simplify an d improve the managemen t structure o f th e enterpris e an d it s productio n units , an d t o centraliz e and specialize factor y services . A t th e combine , a system o f material incentives has been created, an d basic wage rates and fixed salary rates have been raised by using what is economized fro m wage s due t o reduction in personnel . The party , trade union , an d Komsomo l organization s are conducting extensive educationa l an d explanator y work among th e workin g people i n the collective, thus ensuring that the workers, engineering-technical personnel, and offic e employee s hav e a profound understanding of the objectives , meaning, an d significanc e of the task s that have been se t and ensuring that they actively participate in working out and implementing measures t o accelerate the growth rates of labour productivity. Questions relate d to improving the effectivenes s o f productio n ar e submitte d fo r discussio n a t workers ' meetings an d production conferences and at economic conferences . On th e part y committee's initiative, commissions hav e been se t up at the enterprise, i n shop sections, and in production units to promote technical progress; innovators ' councils and bureaus for economic analysi s and nor m setting have been organized; a university for technical and economic knowledge has been created ; publi c reviews of production reserves ar e conducted . All thi s permit s th e wid e enlistment o f the workin g people i n introducing progressive method s for labour organization and eliminating existing short comings. Propagand a o f technical an d economi c knowledg e has improved . Professional trainin g and studies i n the are a of economics hav e been organized fo r personne l a t th e combine . Mor e tha n 100 0 toiler s hav e mastere d second trade s an d closel y relate d profession s an d ove r 400 0 worker s hav e improved thei r qualifications. The part y and trade union organizations hav e established stric t contro l ove r th e job placemen t o f released workers , engi neering-technical personnel , an d offic e employee s wh o ar e traine d i n ne w specialties an d assigne d t o wor k a t othe r sho p section s a t th e combin e o r newly created productio n units .



The tangible , purposeful activit y of the part y organization and collec tive of the combin e have produced results. In two years, labour productivity increased b y 87 per cent and the volum e of production output rose by more than 8 0 per cent, while at the same time the numbe r of workers dropped by 870. The wor k conducted a t the Shchekin o Chemica l Combin e i s of great significance t o the economy . Extensiv e utilizatio n of the part y committee' s work experience opens great opportunities for making use of existing reserves to increase productio n output and increase labou r productivity. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e positive work experience of the party committee o f the Shchekino Chemical Combine in mobilizing its collective of working people to increas e labour productivity and expand the volume of production is approved. The part y committe e an d economi c leadershi p o f th e combin e ar e instructed to ensure a further increas e i n the effectivenes s o f production by paying particular attention to mechanization and automation, modernizatio n of equipment, and improvement of technological processes. 2 I t i s recommended tha t th e centra l committees o f the unio n republic communist parties , th e kra i and oblas t part y committees, an d th e soviet , trade union , an d Komsomo l organization s extensivel y develo p organiza tional and mas s politica l work in mobilizing collectives of working people to make us e o f existin g reserve s fo r th e growt h o f labou r productivit y and increasing production output with fewer workers. It i s considered expedien t t o hol d a semina r fo r part y and economi c leaders to study the work experience of the party committee and collective of the Shchekino Chemical Combine . 3 Usin g the experience o f the collective of working people at the Shche kino Chemical Combine an d othe r experiences , USS R ministries an d departments are instructed t o organize the elaboratio n of measures t o raise labour productivity an d increas e productio n outpu t by improving the structur e of production management , improvin g labour organization and nor m setting , raising the qualifications of workers, and through the technical re-equipment of enterprises . 4 Th e editoria l staff o f the newspapers , Pravda, Sovetskaia Rossiia, Trud, Sotsialisticheskaia industriia, an d Ekonomicheskaia gazeta, an d o f the maga zine, Partiinaia zhizn', an d th e Committe e fo r Radi o and Televisio n Broad casting of the USS R Council of Ministers are instructed to illuminate the posi tive work experience o f party organizations and collectives o f enterprises i n increasing th e outpu t o f industria l productio n throug h a growth i n labou r productivity an d a n increas e i n th e effectiv e utilizatio n of industrial equipment. Pravda, 9 October 196 9 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh x , 89-9 1


5.29 On the Practic e of Conducting Party Meetings in th e laroslavl Cit y Part y Organization 3


November 1969

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s tha t th e laroslav l cit y an d raio n part y committees an d primar y party organizations, guided by the decision s o f the XXIII CPS U Congress , hav e don e definit e wor k in raisin g the rol e o f party meetings a s organs o f collective leadership and a school o f political training for communists . Th e mos t significan t question s pertainin g to th e lif e an d activity of party organizations are considered an d solved at the meetings. Th e results o f plenums o f the CPS U Centra l Committee an d question s pertaining to the domestic and foreign polic y of the party, economic and cultural development, an d ideological work are discussed with great interest. At the meetings, communist s defin e th e concret e task s o f part y organization s wit h respect to improving their guidance over economic work, implementing economic reform , acceleratin g rate s o f technica l progress , an d introducin g scientific organizatio n o f labou r an d communis t educatio n o f th e working people. Recently , meeting s hav e bee n takin g place everywhere unde r th e badge of mobilizing communists an d collective s of toilers to fulfi l plan s and obligations for a worthy celebration of the 100t h anniversary of V.I. Lenin's birth. Within the cit y party organization a good practice has been established whereby th e cit y an d raio n part y committee s an d th e committee s an d bureaus o f primar y part y organization s regularl y infor m communist s o f their wor k at meetings. Report s b y party member s an d candidate member s on thei r fulfilmen t o f th e requirement s o f th e CPS U Programm e an d Rule s are hear d regularly . All thi s raise s th e activit y an d responsibilit y of com munists an d ha s a positiv e effec t o n th e activit y o f primar y party organizations. The communist s an d part y organizations of laroslav l hav e bee n th e initiators o f man y valuabl e patrioti c undertakings , th e disseminatio n o f which ha s helpe d t o achiev e definit e successe s in th e wor k o f industry and construction. At the same time, the CPS U Central Committee consider s that there are major short-coming s in the practic e of preparing and conducting party meetings in th e laroslav l cit y party organization . The perio d betwee n convene d meetings that is specified by the CPS U Rules is often violated . In many cases, meetings ar e held nominally and fail to exert the proper influence on the lif e and affair s o f party organizations. Many meetings ar e held with only a small number o f communist s present , wit h a n averag e o f 7 5 pe r cen t o f part y members and candidate members attending them. Some communists do not have th e opportunit y to atten d meeting s becaus e almos t n o meeting s ar e held for different shift s at enterprises wit h several shifts .



At part y meeting s insignifican t an d monotonou s question s ar e ofte n discussed which, for the most part, touch on current production work. At the same time , man y important and pressin g problems of how t o advance production, rais e its economic effectiveness, and improv e organizational work are seldom discussed and not thoroughly enough. Few ideological and theoretical question s ar e pu t forwar d fo r consideration a t meetings. Part y meetings fail to promote sufficiently th e leading role of communists o r to mobilize them fo r th e struggl e against violations of stat e an d labou r discipline an d public order, an d agains t drunkenness, embezzlemen t o f socialist property, squandering, and other anti-socia l phenomena. The growin g political maturity, general educational level, cultural and technical level, and needs of party members and candidate members ar e not sufficiently take n into consideration when party meetings are conducted. On some occasions , meeting s ar e poorl y prepare d and conducte d i n a slapdash manner. Fe w rank-and-fil e communist s ar e involve d i n direct participation in determinin g agenda, preparin g meetings an d workin g out decisions . N o concern is shown in ensuring that more non-party workers and employees are present and take an active part in the discussion at open party meetings. As a result, ther e i s n o utilizatio n o f th e fin e potentia l for giving the non-party aktiv acces s t o th e wor k of party organizations, for drawing the toiler s into participation i n th e administratio n of productio n and publi c affairs, an d fo r further consolidatin g ties with the masses . The effectivenes s of part y meeting s i s considerabl y reduced becaus e the way questions are formulated is often neither businesslike nor principled and becaus e a wide exchange o f opinion fails t o develop. In many organizations, a narrow circle of people speak at meetings, while a poor job i s done of drawing int o active discussion part y member s wh o are workers. For exam ple, a t th e laroslav l Clothin g Associatio n 2 5 genera l part y meetings hav e been held over the past three years and, of the 255 party members, 21 5 have not spoken even once. There are many incidents when the order of conducting meeting s i s regulate d excessively. Instea d o f taking comradel y counse l with communists at meetings, som e leaders look upon meetings a s a convenient place for criticism from abov e and for issuing current instructions. Short-comings in the activity of enterprises and institutions and in their organizational and political work, and incidents of a careless attitude to business ar e no t alway s subjected t o principle d part y criticis m i n report s an d speeches. A t man y meetings thi s is discussed i n a general featureless form, and omissions i n the work and errors of leaders are often presented as shortcomings of the part y organization and the collective as a whole. Proper exactingness i s not alway s demanded o f communists fo r the stric t observance o f party discipline and the mora l code o f a builder of communism. The developmen t o f criticism and self-criticism is held back by the fac t that part y committee s an d leadin g personnel ofte n d o no t sufficientl y con -



sider th e opinio n o f communist s and , a t times , ar e inattentiv e t o thei r remarks an d proposals . Individual leaders reac t oversensitivel y t o criticism and lac k th e tact and party courtesy to hear out thei r comrades. Thes e intolerable phenomena d o not alway s receive a principled evaluation on the part of party organizations and committees . A serious short-coming is the fac t that decisions of an unspecific, decla rative nature ar e ofte n adopte d a t meetings. Wor k with respect t o fulfillin g adopted decisions is conducted unsatisfactorily , an d the prope r exactingness in implementing decisions is lacking. Thus, over the cours e o f a number of years, decisions were taken at the part y meetings of the combine , 'Kransnyi Perekop,' o n overcoming th e technica l lag in production and improving the work and daily living conditions of workers. However, neither the leadership of th e enterpris e no r th e part y committee , a s shoul d be , organize d their fulfilment, an d th e situatio n remain s withou t substantia l changes . Short comings i n economi c an d politica l work ar e eliminate d slowl y because o f poor organization and verification of the realizatio n of adopted decisions . I n industry, construction , an d transportation , internal production reserves ar e far fro m bein g used t o the full , larg e working-time losses and unproductive expenses are allowed, and a number of enterprises systematicall y fail to fulfi l state plans . The numbe r o f violations of social order i n the cit y is not being cut down. The laroslav l city and raion party committees ar e doing an inadequate job o f studyin g and generalizin g the practic e of part y meeting s an d fai l t o provide sufficient assistanc e to primary party organizations in preparing and conducting party meetings. Sometime s part y committees orde r party organizations to discuss the sam e questions repeatedl y without adequate ground s and failin g t o tak e int o accoun t th e specifi c natur e an d condition s of th e activity of each party organization. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 The laroslavl city and raion party committees and primary party organizations are ordered t o do away with the noted short-comings and ensure the further enhancemen t o f the role of party meetings in carrying out the practical tasks of communist construction . Party meeting s are calle d upon t o facilitat e i n ever y possibl e wa y the political an d labou r activit y of part y members, candidat e member s o f th e party, and all working people. They must be an effective mean s of mobilizing communists and non-party people for the implementation of the decisions of the XXII I CPS U Congres s an d part y directives , an d fo r th e struggl e to rais e social production , strengthe n socialis t labou r discipline , improve th e ideo logical training of the masses , and provid e the populatio n with cultural and everyday services. It is necessary t o enhance th e significance of party meetings, th e highest orga n o f th e primar y party organization, an d d o everythin g possible t o



ensure tha t the y exer t a decisive influenc e on th e furthe r developmen t o f inner-party democrac y an d o n th e consolidatio n o f the leninis t principl e of collectivity in work. 2 Th e part y committees an d primar y party organizations are t o pay special attention t o the conten t o f party meetings an d rais e their effectiveness . Questions o f vital interest t o th e entir e collectiv e and of paramount importance fo r it s activit y should b e brough t u p fo r consideratio n a t meetings . Efforts ar e t o b e mad e t o ensur e tha t meeting s becom e rea l school s o f upbringing fo r communists, activel y promote thei r political tempering, and raise their persona l responsibilit y for the state of affairs i n their organization and in the party as a whole. Every meeting must be an important event in the life o f th e part y organization an d favourabl y affec t th e improvemen t o f all work. It is necessary to prepare meeting s thoroughly an d take care that the y are conducte d i n a n organize d manne r an d i n an atmospher e o f a free an d businesslike exchange of opinions, hig h principles, and mutual exactingness. Rank-and-file communists , especiall y thos e wh o ar e workers , ar e t o b e enlisted mor e extensivel y i n preparin g an d discussin g questions , an d al l necessary conditions are to be created s o that they speak more often at meetings and frankly shar e their thoughts . 3 Th e cit y and raion party committees an d the bureau s of primary party organizations must ensur e extensive developmen t o f criticism and self-criticism at party meetings, rais e its effectiveness, an d not avoid consideration of sensitive questions . Criticis m must b e used t o eliminate and prevent error s and short-coming s i n wor k and t o trai n cadres i n the spiri t of strict obser vance o f part y an d stat e disciplin e an d great responsibility fo r matter s entrusted t o them . In all party organizations it is necessary t o create an atmosphere wher e communists boldl y expos e short-coming s an d ar e certai n tha t principle d criticism and businesslike proposals will be accepted wit h good will and supported; incident s o f a disrespectfu l attitud e t o speeche s b y participant s a t party meeting s mus t b e resolutel y eradicated . Anyon e wh o violate s inner party democrac y o r wh o suppresse s criticis m must b e hel d strictl y responsible in accordance with the CPS U Rules. The party committees an d bureaus of primary party organizations must regularly se e t o i t that critica l remark s an d proposal s ar e carried int o effec t and the y must mak e timel y reports t o communists o n this work. Remarks made to local party, soviet, economic , an d other organ s must be generalized and brough t t o thei r attention . Th e leader s o f these organs mus t carefull y consider al l critical remarks and infor m the primar y organizations o f meas ures undertaken wit h respect to them . 4I n orde r t o rais e th e effectivenes s of party meetings, i t is necessary t o strive for a situation in which concrete and well-grounded decisions are made



on question s tha t have bee n discussed . The organizatio n and verification of the implementatio n o f adopte d decision s ar e t o b e improve d radicall y an d those who ar e t o blam e fo r failur e t o fulfi l decision s ar e t o b e hel d strictly accountable. Ever y communis t mus t tak e a n activ e par t i n thi s wor k and show initiative and persistanc e i n fulfilling collectivel y elaborated measures . At part y meetings, th e part y committees an d bureaus mus t regularl y report on progres s in implementin g previousl y adopted decision s and proposals of communists. 5 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s instructe d th e laroslav l oblast, city, and raio n part y committees to analys e systematicall y and to generaliz e the practice of preparing and conducting party meetings, t o expose and eliminate existing short-coming s promptly , and to raise exactingness towards primary organizations fo r the stat e o f party discipline. The part y secretaries, burea u members, and responsible officials of the oblast , city, an d raion part y com mittees ar e t o provid e mor e assistanc e i n conductin g part y meeting s an d carrying out the decisions adopte d b y them; they are to deliver reports more often a t meetings an d participate personally in the wor k of party meetings. It should constantl y b e borne i n mind tha t all-roun d improvement i n the practic e of conducting party meetings is of great fundamental significance for th e furthe r enhancement o f the leve l of all party work and the consolida tion o f leninist norm s o f part y life . I n thi s lie s on e o f th e mos t importan t conditions fo r the successfu l fulfilment o f the instruction s of the XXII I CPSU Congress o n raisin g the fighting efficiency o f primary party organizations. 6 Th e editoria l staf f o f th e newspapers , Pravda, Sovetskaia Rossiia, Sotsialisticheskaia industriia, Sel'skaia zhizn', an d o f th e journal , Partiinaia zhizn', a s wel l a s the editoria l staf f o f the republican , krai, oblast, city , and raion newspaper s ar e ordered t o publish systematically materials relating to party meeting s an d improv e thei r coverag e o f th e positiv e experienc e o f party organizations i n this matter... Pravda, 1 2 November 196 9 KPSS

5.30 On the Wor k o f the Part y Committee of th e USSR Ministr y of Meat and Dairy Industry 3

v rezoliutsiiakh x , 101- 6

February 1970

The Decembe r 196 9 Central Committe e Plenum was a critical juncture in the Brezhnev regime' s economi c policy . Unfortunately , th e decision s o f th e ple num hav e never been published in the for m o f official resolutions, except for a brief, forma l approva l o f Brezhnev's report and th e activitie s of the Poliburo . However, we do have available excerpts from Brezhnev' s report to the plenum



as wel l a s a numbe r o f follow-u p resolution s spellin g ou t detail s o f th e ple num's deliberations and decisions. The present resolutio n is the first such published resolutio n dealin g wit h economi c inefficiencie s b y pinpointin g abuses and recommending correctiv e action. According t o Brezhnev , th e major , objectiv e circumstance confrontin g th e economy wa s the fac t tha t th e econom y ha d reache d a new an d highe r leve l of development tha t prevente d th e workin g out o f decisions i n the ol d man ner an d require d ne w methods an d ne w solutions. Whil e th e ne w economi c reform ha d produce d overal l goo d results , i t ha d stil l no t bee n abl e t o cop e with th e questio n o f economic efficienc y i n al l its dimensions. I n particula r it had no t give n th e regim e th e leverag e t o dea l wit h th e problem s o f ful l an d rational utilizatio n o f existin g production potentials , th e science-technology production link , an d th e lac k o f a parsimoniou s attitud e toward s resources . Brezhnev propose d t o dea l wit h thes e objectiv e limitation s to economi c effi ciency throug h a polic y o f speedin g u p th e introductio n o f th e advance s o f scientific an d technologica l progress i n productio n an d throug h a n improve ment i n the organizatio n and managemen t o f the economy . H e calle d fo r the improvement o f planne d managemen t (especiall y a t th e ministeria l level) , improvements i n Gospla n an d th e entir e plannin g apparatus, an d th e deve lopment of a science o f management (base d on computer technology as well as marxism-leninism). Brezhnev also identified severa l subjective factors inhibiting the achievemen t o f economic goals, referring specifically t o short-coming s in the work of individuals that must b e criticized and eliminated . These short comings involve d th e absenc e o f a feelin g o f responsibilit y and incident s o f violations o f stat e discipline , th e essenc e o f which involve d manager s tryin g to carr y ou t busines s clearl y beyond thei r mean s an d undertakin g construc tion project s in the loca l interest and fo r which materials an d labour resource s had no t bee n assigned . Ther e als o ha d bee n misinterpretation s o f centra l directives regardin g constructio n priorities . Th e rea l problem , accordin g t o Brezhnev, la y i n th e evidenc e tha t thes e incident s o f non-complianc e wit h rules an d norm s b y administrators were becoming regula r patterns and widespread practices . Brezhnev too k th e positio n o f a moderate i n offering a solution t o the pro blems. H e identifie d 'som e comrades ' wh o advocate d a retur n t o purel y administrative methods of enforcing labour, party, and state discipline. Brezhnev rejecte d thi s proposa l as a return t o the ol d ways that woul d be counter productive and even dangerous . Hi s proposal was to pursue a policy of trust in cadres, creatin g a stron g sens e o f responsibilit y amon g manager s an d a n atmosphere o f creativ e initiativ e an d trus t amon g workers . Th e solutio n involved adherenc e t o th e alread y elaborate d principle s defining th e party' s style and metho d o f work. Cadres were t o be hel d responsibl e throug h tech niques such a s criticism and self-criticism, the work of the people's control and the organs of party control, and by evaluating achievements an d short-coming s more objectively .



The present resolution is a detailed reflection of Brezhnev's position, dealing with administrativ e incompetence an d abus e a t th e centre , bot h i n th e party and ministeria l apparatus. It calls for improved supervisio n o f the ministr y by the part y committee , improvement s i n th e part y committee' s ow n internal activities, improvement s i n th e ministry' s internal organization an d it s relations with it s operating units and wit h other ministries . Finally, all of this is to be ensure d b y improving the line s of communication between th e ministry' s party committee and the Central Committee apparatus . The thrust of the resolution's concern lies in the direction of identifying and denning areas of competence an d jurisdictio n i n bot h th e part y an d ministeria l organizations , an d ensuring that clea r lines o f responsibility and communicatio n are establishe d within and between th e tw o administrative hierarchies.

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s tha t th e part y committe e o f th e USS R Ministry of Meat an d Dair y Industry, guided b y the decision s o f the XXII I Party Congress, has conducted definit e work on training staff employees an d mobilizing communist s an d th e entir e collectiv e t o accomplish th e task s of further developin g the meat and dairy industry. However, th e leve l o f organizational-part y and ideological-politica l work within the apparatu s lags considerably behind th e requirements place d on ministr y party organizations unde r presen t conditions . The part y organization lack s clearnes s o f purpos e an d fightin g efficienc y i n it s activity ; a n atmosphere o f high mutual exactingness an d intolerance of short-comings in work has not been created i n the collective . The part y committee an d party organizations of the administrations do not exer t th e necessar y influenc e t o improv e th e wor k o f th e ministry' s apparatus, t o strengthe n discipline , an d t o rais e th e responsibilit y o f it s employees fo r implementin g th e directive s o f th e part y an d government ; they d o no t respon d sharpl y to seriou s short-coming s i n thei r guidanc e of industry and fai l t o give the short-coming s a principled party evaluation. The ministry' s apparatu s doe s a poo r job o f ensuring th e solutio n o f basic problem s o f developmen t confrontin g the mea t an d dairy industry; it fails t o sho w dail y concern i n raisin g the economi c effectivenes s o f production, acceleratin g scientifi c and technologica l progress , an d extremel y rapi d mastering an d full utilizatio n of production capacities . In the past four years , the profitabl e recovery o f outlay has declined b y more than seve n per cent. The numbe r o f enterprise s failin g t o fulfi l productio n plan s ha s increased . The growt h i n wages has exceeded the growth in labour productivity. Plans for introducin g new techniques an d progressive technology , comprehensiv e mechanization an d automatio n o f productio n processe s ar e no t bein g fulfilled o n a n annua l basis . Man y enterprise s ar e equippe d wit h outdate d machinery an d equipment. A t the sam e time , there ar e more tha n 10 0 million rubles of unassigned ne w equipment .



As a result o f miscalculation s an d seriou s insufficiencie s i n planning, there is a lack of proper relationships with agricultural agencies, an d existing potentials fo r raisin g output an d improvin g the qualit y an d assortmen t o f meat an d mil k product s ar e no t bein g full y utilized . The centra l apparatus and ministeria l agencie s i n th e localitie s hav e faile d t o exer t a n activ e influence o n the fulfilmen t an d overfulfilmen t o f plans for state purchases of livestock products . Developmen t o f a network of enterprises i s not alway s carried out with consideration fo r the necessit y o f liquidating the imbalance s that hav e forme d i n a numbe r o f districts o f the countr y between th e ra w material base an d the capacities of the processin g industry. In the ministry collective, work on mastering scientific methods fo r the management o f industry has not been develope d t o account for the changing character o f relationships wit h enterprises unde r th e condition s o f the eco nomic reform . I n man y administration s an d departments , formalisti c an d bureaucratic methods o f leadership are tolerated . Instea d o f making a tho rough analysi s o f the stat e o f affairs i n their branc h of the econom y o r con ducting activ e organizationa l work , man y experience d specialist s dissipat e their energies o n preparing general directives and instructions and all sorts of certificates, or on collectin g a variety of information that is often unneces sary. This year alone more tha n forty thousan d differen t directiv e letters an d telegrams emanated fro m th e ministry. Ministry officials often fail to visit the localities and fail to make an adequate study and generalize advanced experience; they also have failed to render necessar y assistanc e t o the ministries of union republic s and enterprise s i n developin g production . Ministry official s and head s o f administration s an d department s tak e busines s trips , fo r th e most part , to participate in various types of meetings and conferences, an d to present challeng e banner s t o enterprises fo r the result s of socialist competi tion ... The weak tie with subordinate organizations, party, and soviet organ s results in the fac t that many questions o n industrial work in the ministry are considered withou t thorough knowledg e of the actua l state o f affairs . The part y committee tolerate s a situation whereb y the ministr y does not take necessary measures t o improve and reduce th e costs of the administrative apparatus and to eliminate parallelism and duplication in the activit y of its different units . The function s of the administration s and divisions and the dutie s o f personne l hav e no t bee n clearl y determined , givin g rise t o undefined responsibilit y and irresponsibility, hindering the operationa l solution of questions a s a result of unnecessary agreements . Ther e is no guarantee that party and government instruction s will be carried out with respect t o cutbacks i n administrative and manageria l personne l an d i n the ministeria l system as a whole. In the past two years, personnel has increased b y 13.6 per cent, whil e expenditures o n maintenance hav e increased b y 20.6 per cent . Supervision and organization of the implementation of decisions of the board of the ministry, as well as orders an d regulations, have been poorl y set



up i n th e ministry' s administrativ e machinery . Tim e limit s fo r completin g state assignment s ar e ofte n violated . Som e o f the leadin g communist s ar e really not engage d i n checking on work done. Proper attentio n i s not pai d to work with letters and applications that have been receive d fro m th e localities. A formalisti c approach i s ofte n take n t o considerin g proposal s an d com plaints o f the toiler s an d establishe d tim e limit s for thei r consideratio n ar e broken. Incident s o f bureaucrati c dela y an d a bureaucrati c attitud e t o th e requests of toilers are not strictl y condemned by the part y organization. The part y committee an d part y organization o f the administratio n fai l to exert a n activ e influence on wor k with cadres in the apparatus ; full us e is not mad e of all possibilities for their creative growth and raising their profes sional qualifications . A significan t portio n o f personne l pa y no attentio n t o technical literatur e fo r years o n en d an d d o not follo w th e achievement s o f national and foreign scienc e and technology. Many administrativ e position s remain vacan t fo r a lon g time . Systemati c wor k i s not bein g conducte d t o create a reserve of cadres. There are serious short-comings i n the training of personnel. Th e part y committee ofte n displays liberalism and unscrupulous ness an d fail s t o provid e a n incisiv e politica l evaluation o f incidents wher e some communists los e thei r feelin g of responsibility fo r entrusted matters , and of violations of state disciplin e and incorrect behaviour . There ar e substantia l short-coming s i n th e wa y inner-party wor k ha s been se t up. Party meetings ar e sometimes hel d nominally and are of little use in raising the activity of all communists i n accomplishing the tasks confronting the ministry. Criticism and self-criticism are developed poorly , often exhibiting a genera l featureles s nature , an d therefor e appearin g ineffective . Man y decisions o f the part y committe e an d part y meetings d o no t pos e concret e tasks or define the persona l responsibilit y of communists fo r their fulfilment . The part y committee i s not activel y involving trad e unio n an d Komsomo l organizations i n work to improve the activity of the administrative apparatu s of the ministry ; it has also faile d t o provide daily guidance over them. The party organizations of the administrations an d the party committe e are no t sufficientl y engage d i n th e ideologica l trainin g of communist s an d administrative personnel , i n mouldin g thei r profoun d communis t convic tion. With these ends in view, forms of party study such as problem seminar s and theoretica l conference s ar e poorl y utilized . Mas s politica l work i n th e collective come s essentiall y t o th e sam e thin g a s conductin g ceremonia l rallies an d meeting s i n conjunctio n wit h revolutionary holidays , individual reports, and lectures . Ministry official s infor m th e part y aktiv and communists irregularl y of the wor k of the ministry , th e stat e o f affairs i n the branc h o f the economy , and progres s i n th e fulfilmen t o f plan s an d assignments ; the y als o d o no t depend sufficientl y o n th e part y organizatio n t o improv e th e wor k o f th e administrative apparatus .



The CPS U Centra l Committe e consider s i t inadmissabl e tha t th e part y committee fails t o infor m th e Centra l Committe e promptl y of th e short comings i n th e wor k o f th e ministry , a s wel l as it s individua l employees, irrespective of the pos t held, a s is required by the CPS U Rules . The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e part y committee o f the USS R Ministry of Meat and Dair y Industry is ordered t o conduct a radical reorganization of the entir e work of the part y organization wit h du e regar d fo r th e requirement s pu t forwar d b y th e December (1969 ) Plenu m o f the CPS U Centra l Committee. Th e part y committee and party organizations of the administrations are called upon to exert an active influence on the activity of the administrative apparatus, to educat e employees i n th e spiri t of great responsibilit y for entruste d affairs , an d t o strengthen part y and state discipline in every possible way. The attentio n o f communists an d all ministry personnel must b e centred o n th e consisten t implementatio n o f measures t o rais e th e economi c effectiveness o f production, to speed u p rates of technological progress , an d to make the fulles t us e of material and labour resources, and , o n this basis, to increas e th e productio n of high-quality meat an d dairy products that wil l provide for the growing needs of the population. 2 Th e part y organizatio n of the ministr y must make persistent effort s t o improve th e styl e and method s o f the wor k of administrations an d depart ments, to introduce rational organization of labour, scientific processing and analysis o f information, and th e workin g out o f well-grounded solutions t o ensure tha t th e administrativ e apparatu s provide s fo r effective an d flexibl e guidance over it s branch of the economy . I n all its activity, the part y organization must proceed fro m th e fac t that improvement of administration under today's conditions is an important reserve for the growth of social production and i s of great political significance. It i s necessary t o ensur e tha t ever y employe e systematicall y acquaint himself wit h the newest scientifi c recommendation s pertainin g to question s of administration and appl y them skilfull y i n practice. With this end in view, all available potentials are to be utilized widely; scientific conferences dealing with problem s o f administratio n ar e t o b e conducted ; th e organizatio n of labour in the administrativ e apparatus is to be reviewed. The part y committe e an d part y organization s o f th e administration s must not tolerat e any display of lack of organization, must decisively fight for efficient an d co-ordinated wor k of all units of the administrative apparatus; it is necessary t o se e t o i t tha t ther e i s exemplary order i n the apparatu s and that personne l a t enterprise s an d institution s an d toiler s wh o tur n t o th e ministry ar e receive d attentivel y an d ar e provide d wit h prompt , well grounded answer s t o their requests, applications, complaints, and proposals . 3 Wor k is to be improved wit h respect t o the selection , placement , an d training of cadres i n the ministry . Experienced, prepare d specialists who are



competent i n production affair s ar e to be promoted t o th e apparatus . A system t o rais e th e professiona l qualification s of personne l an d expan d thei r knowledge in the are a of economics an d th e technolog y of production is to be developed an d implemented; advance d experience is to be studied. The part y committee and party organizations of the administrations are to make efforts t o achieve a decisive improvement in all subdivisions of the apparatus for organizing supervision over the fulfilmen t o f party and government directives ; th e persona l responsibilit y of ever y leader fo r th e stat e of verification o f wor k i s t o b e raised . Th e communist s o f th e ministr y are called upo n t o intensif y th e struggl e fo r th e absolut e observanc e o f stat e interests, a strict regime o f economy, th e preservatio n o f socialist property, and against thriftlessness, squandering, narrow departmentalism, and localist tendencies. I t is necessary to strengthen th e ties of the ministry's administrative apparatu s with collective s o f enterprise s an d organizations , with loca l party, soviet , an d economi c organs , an d wit h othe r centra l institutions and departments. 4 Th e part y committee i s ordered t o improve its guidance over the party organizations of the administrations and to provide more practical assistance for the m i n thei r dail y work . Pressin g question s pertainin g to productio n work and inner-party life, th e training of cadres, and strengthening discipline are to be submitted fo r discussion t o communists; effectiv e measure s are to be taken to do away with concrete instance s of bureaucracy, punctiliousness, and a formalistic approach to business. I t is necessary t o listen keenly to th e opinions and proposals of communists, t o react to critical remarks in a partylike manner , an d t o adop t a n irreconcilabl e attitude to feeling s of complacency and placidity. It is recommended tha t the party committee make wider use of forms of raising responsibility and strengthening discipline such as discussing at party meetings an d meetings o f the part y committee communications and reports of communists o n thei r fulfilmen t o f officia l dutie s and th e requirement s of the CPS U Rules . Th e part y organization may hear from an y employee of th e ministry on questions associate d wit h the wor k of the administrative apparatus. The rol e an d responsibilit y o f trad e unio n an d Komsomo l organiza tions for the state of affairs i n the collective is to be enhanced an d the work of groups and posts of people's control is to be activated. 5 Th e part y committee is ordered t o take measures to improve ideological-upbringing work in the collective , t o subject it to the interest s o f raising the politica l consciousness and responsibilit y of ministry employees, an d t o solving concret e question s o f production. I t shoul d b e kep t i n min d tha t a scientific approac h t o matter s an d th e successfu l accomplishmen t o f eco nomic an d politica l task s ar e inconceivabl e withou t constantl y masterin g marxist-leninist theor y an d th e histori c experience o f the CPS U an d without



understanding the law s o f communist construction . I t is recommended tha t the part y committe e organiz e thoroug h stud y fo r th e personne l o f th e administrative apparatu s o f th e These s o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee , 'I n Commemoration o f th e 100t h Anniversar y o f th e Birt h o f Vladimi r Ilyic h Lenin.' 6 Th e centra l committee s o f th e unio n republic s an d th e Mosco w CPS U city committe e are ordered t o pay more attention t o the part y organization s of th e ministrie s an d department s an d t o improv e th e generalizatio n an d dissemination of their positive work experience. Study by the akti v of ministry part y organization s i s t o b e organize d an d th e akti v i s t o b e informe d systematically o f the mos t significant part y and government documents per taining t o question s o f economic an d cultura l constructio n an d th e wor k of the state administrative apparatus. The adopted decision is to be discussed widely in party organizations of ministries, departments, and soviet institutions ... Partiinaia zhizn', no. 4 KPSS (1970): 3-6

Plenum of the Central Committee 2-

v rezoliutsiiakh X , 191- 7

3 Jul y 197 0

The ton e o f the Jul y 197 0 Central Committee's resolutio n was decidedly more positive and optimistic than that of the previous Central Committee resolution on agricultur e (October 1968) . Perhap s thi s is explained by the differen t pur pose of the two resolutions rather than any real change in the circumstances of agricultural production . The 196 8 resolutio n wa s directed a t pas t activit y that had produce d impasse s i n agricultural production. Its purpose was to focus on problems and their solutions. The 197 0 resolution, in contrast, se t the tone for future planne d development . B y its natur e it was less concerne d wit h curren t problems than with setting the goals and tempo of future activity in the coming Five-Year Plan. The continuatio n of the approac h to agricultura l development approve d i n March 196 5 and May 1966, despite the setbacks encountered b y Soviet agriculture an d th e heav y capita l cost s associate d wit h th e policy , indicate d th e strength o f Brezhne v i n determinin g agricultura l policy. Ther e wa s to b e n o abandonment o f the polic y principles established i n Brezhnev's earlie r report s and speeches , whic h emphasize d tha t agricultura l productivity and growt h depended largel y on heavy infusions of capital for major land reclamation projects, fixed and operating capital, the developmen t an d production o f chemical

J U L Y 197 0 P L E N U M 15


fertilizers, an d subsidiar y industrie s both supplying and processin g agricultural production. This was all to take place in the context of an organizational frame work tha t provide d fo r realisti c plannin g o f productio n an d procurements, expanded research , and improve d micro-management . I n th e forthcomin g five-year period ther e wa s to b e continued emphasis on substantia l financial incentives fo r pla n overfulfilment , expansio n o f inter-kolkho z constructio n organizations, and extension of livestock farming o n a n industria l basis. The 3 July plenu m wa s followed 1 0 days late r by a Central Committe e plenum announcin g the date of the next congress (March 1971 ) and the congress agenda (th e major report s and rapporteurs) .

5.31 The Immediat e Tasks o f the Party in th e Are a of Agriculture 3

July 197 0

... The CPS U Central Committe e Plenu m resolves : 1 Th e conclusion s an d proposal s se t ou t i n th e repor t b y Comrade L.I . Brezhnev, Genera l Secretar y o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee , 'Th e Imme diate Tasks o f the Part y in the Are a of Agriculture' are approved . A mor e rapi d development o f agricultur e based o n strengthenin g it s material an d technica l bas e i n ever y possibl e wa y is on e o f th e majo r an d high-priority task s fo r th e immediat e future . I t i s necessary t o mak e bette r use o f land an d machinery , t o rais e the effectivenes s o f social production in kolkhozes an d sovkhozes , an d t o mak e effort s t o accomplis h a significan t increase i n labour productivity and a reduction i n prime costs of agricultural products. 2I n th e are a o f working the land , th e CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m considers the organizatio n o f a nation-wide struggl e t o raise th e yield s of all agricultural crops and to ensure a steady increas e i n the productio n of grain, cotton, suga r beets, sunflowers, vegetables, potatoes , an d other product s to be a mos t importan t task . I n th e nex t five-year-pla n perio d a substantia l increase i n the yiel d of grain crops in every kolkhoz and sovkhoz is necessary so that ther e i s an increase over th e countr y as a whole by no less than fou r centners per hectare . I t is also importan t t o increas e th e yiel d of industrial, feed, an d other crops . Wit h this end i n view, a system o f effective measure s to raise the standards o f farming - t o raise soil fertility, t o introduce highes t yield varieties, t o master cro p rotation, an d to eliminate harvest losse s - i s to be developed an d carried out b y the kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes. The key problem stil l remains t o increase grai n production. In the nex t five-year-plan period, average annual gross yields are to total 195 million tons. A stable, invariabl e plan for grain purchases is to be established for the years 1971-197 5 at 60 million tons pe r year.



The principl e of encouraging grain purchases ove r an d abov e the plan that has been adopted at the March Plenum of the Central Committee is to be kept in force, and kolkhozes and sovkhozes ar e to be paid an extra 50 per cent over the basic purchase price for selling grain to the state in excess of the plan. Party, soviet, and agricultural bodies are to take all measures t o ensure that ever y kolkho z and sovkho z tha t i s engaged i n th e productio n o f com modity grain , ever y oblast , krai , an d republi c not onl y fulfils a stable plan , but als o is able to sell the stat e a minimum o f 35 per cent o f grain over an d above the pla n in the nex t five-year-plan period. State purchases o f seed cotton, suga r beet, sunflower, flax fibre , vege tables, potatoes , fruits , berries , grapes , tea , an d othe r agricultura l products are to be increased considerabl y in the years 1971-1975. 3 Th e Centra l Committe e plenu m attribute s particula r significance t o further increasin g the productio n of livestock products ... 4 Th e plenu m attache s grea t significanc e to correctl y establishing plan s of grai n purchase s an d othe r agricultura l products fo r kolkhoze s an d sov khozes fo r al l years of the nex t five-year-pla n period . Stabl e purchase plan s must b e thoroughly substantiated, th e potential s and natural and economi c conditions of every far m an d it s specialization are to b e given more consid eration, a s well as the deliver y of new machinery and minera l fertilizers and the expansio n of the area o f reclaimed land. The plenu m call s th e attentio n o f agricultural , procurement, soviet , and part y bodies, th e part y organizations , an d leader s o f the kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes t o existing incidents of localistic tendencies and lac k of discipline in fulfillin g stat e plan s for procurin g agricultural products an d require s tha t they decisively put a n end t o such phenomena . A stable pla n for purchasing grain as well as other product s is obligatory for all kolkhozes and sovkhozes . The pla n must no t b e altered and it must b e fulfilled. Th e fulfilmen t o f state plans fo r th e procuremen t o f al l agricultura l and livestoc k product s an d active participation in above-plan sales of output are the foremost duty of the kolkhozes and sovkhozes . 5 Th e decisio n o f the CPS U Central Committee Politburo is approved with respect t o allocatin g the followin g i n the ne w five-year-plan period fo r agricultural needs: 77. 6 billion rubles of state capita l investments i n the are a of production an d housin g construction, th e constructio n o f public amenities, and fo r purchase s o f machinery, includin g 45.9 billio n rubles fo r construc tion and installation work. In th e proces s o f implementin g annua l plans , th e USS R Counci l o f Ministers and the unio n republi c councils of ministers ar e instructed t o procure and allot additional means to develop agriculture . 6B y the en d of the next five-year-plan period, th e production of mineral fertilizers is to be brought t o no less than 9 0 million tons; the productio n of chemical agent s fo r plant protectio n i s to b e brough t t o 45 0 thousand tons .

J U L Y 197 0 P L E N UM 16


The construction of new factories and the expansion of operating enterprises of th e chemica l an d microbiologica l industries ar e provided . Deliverie s o f mineral fertilizers t o agriculture in 197 5 are to be brought up to a minimum of 72 million tons and food phosphates to 3 million tons. The qualit y of mineral fertilizers i s to be improved; deliveries of composite, highly concentrated soli d fertilizers ar e to be increased; th e output of special freight cars , conveyanc e vans, and packagin g for mineral fertilizers is to b e increase d drastically ; the constructio n o f bases for storing fertilizers i s to be expanded. Measures are to be taken to make better use of mineral and organic fertilizers in kolkhozes and sovkhozes an d to raise the effectiveness of their utilization. 7 Th e Centra l Committe e plenu m emphasize s th e grea t significanc e of developing land reclamation for the econom y .. . 8 Th e Centra l Committe e plenu m consider s i t necessar y t o ensur e th e further developmen t o f tractor, agricultural, and land-reclamatio n machin e building withi n the nex t fe w years an d t o creat e i n thes e branche s o f th e economy additiona l productio n capacitie s i n orde r t o increas e significantl y the outpu t of tractors, agricultural and land-reclamation machines, mean s of transport, and spar e parts i n the ne w five-year-plan period. Al l branches of industry mus t tak e a n activ e par t in accomplishin g the task s o f technically re-equipping kolkhoz and sovkho z productio n an d increasin g the outpu t of machinery for agriculture... The USS R Gosplan an d industria l ministries, directors an d part y organizations o f factorie s are instructe d t o mak e us e o f all availabl e capacities at their enterprise s t o increas e output , throug h co-operation , o f agricultural machines, aggregates , units, and spare parts. Ministries an d departments , scientific-researc h institute s an d desig n offices ar e to take measures t o produce improved agricultural machinery that is necessary t o carry out comprehensive mechanization . The quality, reliability, an d durabilit y of th e machine s an d mechanism s ar e t o b e improve d significantly. 9 .. . Special attention i s to be pai d to the mechanizatio n o f labour-intensive jobs i n th e are a of animal husbandry; agriculture is to be supplie d with the necessary machiner y and mechanisms for this purpose. Measures ar e to be taken to make highly productive use of tractors and agricultural machinery , t o reinforc e the repai r bas e o f the kolkhozes , sov khozes, an d All-Union Farm Machine Agency organizations, as well as automobile service stations . Because o f th e great significanc e that i s attache d t o stabl e machin e operator cadre s in th e kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes, the USS R Council of Ministers is instructed to work out radical measures to hold these cadres in agriculture b y creating highly productive labou r condition s fo r them, intensifyin g their material and mora l incentives, a s well as improving their daily life.



10 I n th e forthcomin g five-year-pla n period , measure s ar e t o b e carried out t o expan d considerabl y the capacitie s of industry that processe s agricultural products and ra w materials ... 11 Takin g into consideration the fac t that within the next few years a large programme o f constructio n wor k i s t o b e carrie d ou t i n th e countryside , measures ar e t o b e take n t o strengthe n th e productio n bas e o f th e USS R Ministry of Agriculture so that, b y the end of the next five-year-plan period, the enterprise s an d organization s of the ministr y will have completed building and installatio n works in the countrysid e valued at not les s than 5. 5 billion rubles per year. Other ministrie s are t o b e enliste d i n sovkhoz an d kolkho z construction, th e specifi c scop e o f their wor k bein g determined b y subcontracting. Inter-kolkhoz constructio n organization s ar e t o b e strengthene d i n ever y possible way , and the y ar e t o b e supplied with machinery, equipment, an d necessary materials . Measure s ar e t o b e carrie d ou t fo r a radical improve ment o f the designin g of agricultural installations an d to rais e the qualit y of the designs . Capacitie s for producing building materials are to be built up in order to provide the ever-growing volume o f rural construction . 12 Th e Centra l Committe e plenu m attache s grea t significanc e t o th e further developmen t o f scientifi c researc h i n th e are a o f agriculture , an d expanding an d strengthenin g th e tie s betwee n scienc e an d kolkho z an d sovkhoz production... 13 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m call s th e attentio n o f part y organizations an d al l party an d stat e cadre s t o th e nee d t o improv e disci pline, rais e persona l responsibilit y for entruste d matters , an d ensur e stric t observance an d execution o f Soviet laws. For the toiler s o f the countryside , the observance o f the Law on Land and the new Kolkhoz Rules are of special significance. The plenu m require s tha t th e USS R Ministr y o f Agriculture , the USS R Ministry o f Land Reclamatio n an d Wate r Resources , th e All-Unio n Far m Machine Agency , th e USS R Ministr y of Procurements, and thei r loca l agen cies, part y and sovie t bodies , an d al l personnel carr y on a decisive struggl e against negligenc e an d squanderin g i n th e us e o f land , stat e an d kolkho z capital, and any displays of localistic or parasitic tendencies. It is necessary t o introduce steadily profit-and-loss acounting and to intensify supervision over the financial and business activity of kolkhozes and sovkhozes. A n important role in this matter must be played by the trade union and Komsomol organi zations, th e villag e Soviets , kolkho z councils , an d committee s o f people' s control. 14 Th e Centra l Committee plenu m emphasize s that the solution of major tasks in the are a of agriculture requires great efforts o n the par t of the party and all party organizations, improvemen t i n their level o f organizational and political activity, and extensiv e developmen t o f the socialis t competitio n o f the toilers o f the city and countryside .



The attention of rural party organizations must be centred on question s pertaining t o raisin g th e standard s o f farmin g an d anima l husbandr y i n kolkhozes an d sovkhozes , introducin g th e achievement s o f scienc e an d advanced practice, making effective use of capital investments, land , machinery, fertilizer s and other material , and financial resources, raisin g labour productivity and, on this basis, providing for a growth in production and the sale of all agricultural products to the state, and the further improvement of life in the countryside. The part y organizations of industrial enterprises an d construction site s are called upon to keep the timely fulfilment o f agricultural tasks under thei r steady supervision , to seek out additional reserves and sources for increasing deliveries o f machinery , equipment , fertilizers , construction , an d othe r materials to the countryside, and to promote actively the introduction of the latest machinery int o agricultural productio n .. . Pravda, 4 Jul y 197 0 KPSS

5.32 On the Wor k o f the Part y Committee of th e Institute of Physics Named for P.N. Lebede v

of the USS R Academ y of Sciences* 2

v rezoliutsiiakh X , 280-8

5 September 197 0

The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s discusse d th e repor t o n th e wor k o f th e party committee o f the Institut e o f Physics name d fo r P.N. Lebede v o f the USSR Academy of Sciences (FIAN) . The ensuin g decision notes that the party organization o f th e institute , guide d b y th e decision s o f th e XXII I Part y Congress an d th e plenum s o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee , i s conductin g significant organizationa l and politica l work with respect t o trainin g scien tific, engineering , an d technica l personne l an d i s directing thei r effort s t o work ou t fundamenta l scientifi c problems o f grea t importanc e t o techno logical progres s i n th e econom y an d strengthenin g th e defenc e capacit y of the country... The part y organization i s waging a persistent struggl e t o enhance th e leading rol e o f communist s i n scientifi c and publi c life ; i t i s conductin g significant work with respect t o the political education of the entire collective of the institute . Th e majorit y o f scientific workers are studying in the party education network . Methodologica l seminars , genera l institut e theoretica l conferences, an d symposia on philosophical problems of the natural science s in whic h prominent scientist s pla y a leading role ar e takin g on great significance in marxist-leninist education . *

Excerpt: document not publishe d i n full .



At the same tim e the CPS U Central Committee ha s noted tha t there are substantial short-comings i n the work of the party committee wit h respect t o training th e scientifi c and engineerin g intelligentsia . A genuinel y creativ e atmosphere i s not created in all laboratories. Quite a number o f scientists ar e working on insignifican t themes with no long-rang e perspective. Som e sci entists lac k a sufficiently develope d feelin g of responsibility for the result s of scientific labour . Prope r attentio n i s not pai d t o th e rationa l deployment o f scientific cadres . The part y committee does not sufficiently analys e the state of ideological and political work in the collectiv e of the institut e and takes little concern in improving it. In a number o f scientific subdivisions the politica l education network is organized without differentiated consideratio n fo r the theoretica l training o f th e staff . I n th e institut e politica l information does no t alway s satisfy th e need s of the collectiv e i n its effectiveness and content . FIAN scholar s hav e no t establishe d regula r contacts wit h collectives o f workers; they are not sufficiently involve d in disseminating and popularizing scientific knowledge; little work is done in the way of advancing and publishing papers on philosophica l problems o f the natura l sciences; th e necessar y persistence i s no t displaye d i n th e struggl e agains t th e unscientifi c idealist concepts o f bourgeois scientists . Party meetings hav e not bee n full y utilize d in the party organization as the mos t importan t an d teste d for m o f trainin g communists. Ope n part y meetings ar e seldom held . Th e part y committee fail s to attribute the proper attention to consolidating the lower party organizations and party groups. The party committee doe s not provide sufficient directio n for the activity of the Komsomo l organization . Problems pertainin g to work with young people ar e rarel y included i n the discussio n a t party meetings an d meeting s of th e part y committe e an d part y bureaus o f th e laboratorie s an d depart ments. Scientist s of the olde r generation an d the leaders of departments an d laboratories are not sufficientl y draw n into work with young people. The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s ordere d th e part y committee o f th e Institute o f Physic s o f th e USS R Academ y o f Science s t o d o awa y with th e noted short-comings . Th e wor k of the party organization is to be directed a t further raisin g the responsibilit y of communists an d all staff members o f the institute for high scientific standards o f the researc h tha t i s being conducte d and fo r accelerate d scientifi c and technologica l progress . Th e effort s o f th e institute's collectiv e ar e to be focused on advancing fundamental research i n the mos t significan t areas o f physics. FIAN , a s the leadin g physic s institute , must take concern fo r the advancemen t o f new emerging area s of physics in the country . Effort s ar e t o b e mad e t o achiev e greate r effectivenes s o f scientific research , mak e us e o f obtained result s i n practice , an d constantl y improve th e form s o f administering th e activit y of the collective . Socialis t competition fo r a worth y welcom e o f th e XXI V CPS U Congres s i s t o b e developed widely.



The furthe r improvemen t o f ideologica l and educationa l wor k in th e collective i s considered on e o f the majo r tasks of the part y organization. The scientific an d engineerin g intelligentsi a are t o develo p a need t o stud y th e theory o f marxism-leninis m an d appl y i t creativel y i n thei r scientifi c an d public work. A marxist-leninist understanding of political, social, economic , and philosophica l problem s o f the presen t tim e an d law s of scientific development ar e t o b e propagandize d systematicall y amon g scientists , an d a n intolerant attitud e t o th e ideologica l concepts o f anti-communism an d revisionism i s to be taught. The CPS U Central Committe e ha s ordere d th e part y committee t o take measures t o improv e it s work with respect t o the selection , placement , an d training of scientific cadres b y ensuring a correct combination of scientists of the olde r generatio n wit h youn g peopl e o f science . Mor e youn g talente d scientists are to be promoted to leading scientifi c work by providing th e con ditions fo r thei r creativ e growt h an d drawin g the m int o activ e scientific, organizational, an d publi c work. The formation of an atmosphere o f creative inquiry, goo d organization , an d mutua l exactingnes s an d responsibilit y in the collectiv e ar e to be promote d mor e persistently. I n th e proces s o f their work, scientists ar e to be trained in the bes t traditions of the institut e and of Soviet science . The part y committee i s ordere d t o improv e it s guidanc e ove r part y organizations o f laboratories an d departments, t o strengthen part y organizations, an d t o conduc t systemati c wor k o n th e admissio n t o th e part y of authoritative scientist s an d youn g specialists from th e rank s o f the Komso mol wh o hav e prove d themselve s i n thei r scientifi c work an d publi c life . Efforts ar e t o b e mad e t o ensur e th e leadin g rol e o f communists i n scienc e and their active participation in educational work. Reports by communists o n their fulfilmen t o f statutory duties an d part y assignments ar e to be practised more extensively . It is recommended tha t the party committee intensif y it s guidance ove r the institute' s Komsomo l organization , mak e a more profoun d study of the needs and mood o f young people, an d support their useful initiative in every possible way . The bes t feature s characteristi c of the Sovie t intelligentsi a are to be instilled in every young scientist: ideologica l conviction, Sovie t patriotism, diligence , an d hig h mora l qualities . Th e rol e an d responsibilit y o f leaders o f department s an d laboratorie s an d prominen t scientist s fo r th e ideological an d politica l training of young people i s to be enhanced. Young , pioneering communist s ar e t o b e draw n int o th e wor k o f th e Komsomo l organization to a greater extent.. . The Centra l Committe e ha s expresse d confidenc e tha t communist s and al l non-part y scientist s i n on e o f th e larges t institute s o f the USS R Aca demy of Sciences wil l continue i n the future to work persistently on the most significant problem s i n the are a o f physics, contribut e t o scientific and tech nological progres s an d t o th e developmen t o f the productiv e force s o f ou r



socialist Motherland , and d o everythin g possible t o ensur e tha t th e Sovie t school of physicists occupies a consistent leadin g position in world physics. Partiinaia zhizn', no . 2 1 (1970): 8-10


On Measure s for Furthe r Improvin g the Wor k of Raion an d City Soviet s of Working People' s Deputies * 1

2 March 1971

The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s considere d th e questio n o f measures fo r further improvin g the wor k of raio n an d cit y Soviet s o f Working People's Deputies. The decisio n adopte d b y th e CPS U Centra l Committe e point s ou t that th e presen t perio d o f communist constructio n places ne w an d highe r demands o n th e activit y o f raio n an d cit y Soviet s o f Workin g People's Deputies, whic h are th e ke y lin k i n th e stat e bodie s tha t ensur e practical implementation of party and state policy in the localities. By carryin g out the instruction s of the CPS U Programm e and the deci sions o f th e XXII I Part y Congress , raio n an d cit y Soviet s hav e appreci ably steppe d u p thei r activity , improve d thei r wor k with th e masses , an d increased attentio n t o question s connecte d wit h th e communis t trainin g of the toilers . Th e responsibilit y of Soviets for the developmen t o f social production, guidance of the local economy, and fulfilment o f plans for social and cultural constructio n ha s increased . Soviet s hav e begu n t o devot e mor e attention to questions of the improvement of domestic services fo r the population and provision of public services and amenities in cities and rural areas. In th e activit y o f raio n an d cit y Soviets , democrati c principle s have received furthe r development . Session s o f Soviets have becom e mor e sig nificant an d the mos t essentia l question s pertaining to the lif e o f raions and cities ar e solve d a t th e sessions . Tie s hav e bee n consolidate d betwee n th e deputies and the voters . Greater regularit y has been achieve d i n the report ing of executive committees , thei r departments an d administration s to th e Soviets and the population. At th e sam e time , th e CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s note d tha t raio n and city Soviets still do not make full us e of their rights and opportunities for improving service to th e populatio n and for comprehensive developmen t o f the economie s o f raions and cities; they have failed t o show due persistenc e in solving problems of economic construction connected wit h implementing the economi c reform . Th e Soviet s d o no t ye t sufficientl y co-ordinat e th e * Excerpt

: document not publishe d in full .



work o f enterprise s an d organization s tha t ar e subordinat e t o differen t branches o f state administratio n in the are a of housing and communal construction, the construction of social, cultural, and everyday facilities, an d th e production of consumer goods . A considerabl e proportio n of enterprise s i n loca l industry, domesti c services, municipa l services, trade , an d other enterprise s an d organizations within th e territor y o f raion s an d citie s primaril y serv e th e populatio n of these areas . However , man y o f thes e enterprise s an d organization s ar e directly subordinated to krai and oblast bodies and to republic ministries and departments. Thi s lower s the responsibilit y of raion an d cit y Soviets for th e state o f affair s withi n thei r territory , ties dow n thei r initiativ e i n solvin g problems of local economic development and improving the provision of the population with services . Raion Soviets in many rural raions are doing a poor job of directing th e work of kolkhozes and sovkhozes at making fuller us e of reserves to increase the productio n and amoun t o f field cultivation and anima l husbandry pro ducts sold to the state, lowering unit costs, and raising labour productivity. In a numbe r o f locations , Soviet s do no t sho w th e necessar y initiativ e an d persistence i n furthe r improvin g the dail y lif e o f agricultura l workers an d retaining cadre s o f machin e operator s an d specialist s i n rura l areas . Pro per supervisio n over th e financia l an d economi c wor k o f kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes i s not ensured , an d th e struggl e against manifestations of lack of discipline and mismanagemen t i s conducted poorly . The transformatio n of production administration s into agricultura l administration s subordinate t o the executive committees o f raions and the adoption of new kolkhoz regulations create every condition for a decisive improvement in the work of raion Soviets in guiding agriculture and eliminating existing short-comings. The constan t growt h o f th e cit y populatio n presents ever-highe r de mands o n the wor k of city Soviets in developing housing and the municipal economy. Nevertheless, man y city Soviets are not directly involved with the maintenance, repair , an d organizatio n of mos t o f th e stat e housin g spac e available, approximately two-thirds of which belongs to enterprises, institu tions, and organizations. Housing constructio n plans , an d particularl y plan s for socia l and cultural facilities , whic h ar e carrie d ou t b y ministrie s an d departments , ar e frequently underfulfilled , whil e city an d raio n Soviet s and thei r executiv e committees tolerat e such a state of affairs an d fail to put an end to manifestations o f departmenta l narrow-mindednes s i n thi s matter . Th e practic e of pooling b y Soviet s o f th e resource s o f industria l enterprises, kolkhozes , sovkhozes, an d other organizations allocated for housing, social and cultural, and municipa l construction ha s faile d t o tak e sufficien t root . A t th e sam e time there are incidents where soviet executive committees hav e made decisions that oblige enterprises, economi c organizations , and kolkhozes to bear



large non-repayable expenses fo r local needs, thus evading the legislation in force. Under the conditions of the rapid development o f large cities, the work of raio n Soviet s o f Working People's Deputie s withi n the citie s i s of grea t significance. However , i n man y citie s th e right s o f raion Soviet s are unjus tifiably curtailed , ther e i s no clea r dividing line betwee n th e competenc e o f raion an d cit y Soviets . Raion Soviet s i n citie s stil l fai l t o exer t substantia l influence o n th e solutio n o f problems relatin g t o th e organizatio n of daily services, trade , an d publi c catering an d d o not tak e par t sufficiently i n considering questions of importance to the entir e city. There ar e seriou s omission s i n th e organizationa l work o f raion an d city Soviets . Ther e ar e quit e a fe w incident s whe n question s include d fo r consideration b y Soviets have bee n discusse d superficially , without seriou s criticism o f short-comings. I n th e practic e of raion an d cit y Soviets one stil l comes acros s elements o f formalism; the work of a soviet frequently is evaluated b y th e numbe r o f variou s type s o f measures , meetings , an d confer ences, rathe r tha n b y results achieve d i n the economic , social , and cultural fields. Many Soviets exercise insufficien t supervisio n over the observanc e of legislation, ar e no t conductin g a prope r struggl e wit h violation s o f stat e discipline, an d ar e doin g a poor job o f raising the responsibilit y of official s for th e dutie s entruste d t o them . Necessar y measure s ar e no t take n t o improve the wor k of the apparatu s of executive committee s o f Soviets, their departments an d administrations ; th e principle s of scientific organizatio n of administrative work are introduced slowly. The CPS U Centra l Committe e decisio n note s tha t th e overcomin g o f deficiencies in the wor k of raion and city Soviets and a further improvemen t in the styl e and method s of their work are connected wit h the necessit y to improve part y guidance ove r sovie t bodies . I n the practic e of raion and cit y party committees , ther e ar e stil l man y case s o f petty tutelag e ove r Soviet s and of the usurpatio n o f their functions , and party decisions ar e often mad e on issues tha t ar e totally within the jurisdiction of Soviets. Some part y committees giv e instruction s t o economi c managers , disregardin g Soviet s an d those sovie t bodie s t o which economic manager s ar e subordinate . Such a practic e does no t mee t th e principle s of part y guidance ove r Soviets and ties down the initiative of soviet personnel. Individua l party committees devot e littl e attentio n t o th e question s o f selecting , placing , an d training of soviet cadres , an d the y poorl y supervise th e activit y of commu nists i n sovie t bodies . I n som e raio n an d cit y Soviets , th e leve l o f work of party groups is still too low. The CPS U Central Committee ha s ordered th e central committees o f the union republics, and the krai, oblast, okrug, raion, and city party committee s to take the necessar y measure s fo r further improving the work and enhanc -



ing the role of raion and city Soviets of Working People's Deputies which, as the plenipotentiar y bodies o f stat e power , ar e calle d upo n t o solv e withi n their territory all problems of local significance, as well as to co-ordinate and supervise withi n their limit s of competence th e wor k o f all enterprises and organizations, irrespective of their departmental subordination. The decisio n o f th e Centra l Committee order s raio n an d cit y Soviets to ensur e th e elaboratio n an d carryin g out o f a comple x o f specifi c meas ures i n ever y raio n an d cit y directed a t improvin g the wor k of local industry, enterprise s providin g th e population' s everyda y services , schools , hospitals, children' s institutions , clubs, cinemas , stores , cafeterias, housing and municipal, repair and construction, and other enterprises, and organizations of raion and city subordination. It i s recognize d a s necessar y tha t th e enterprises , institutions , an d organizations tha t chiefly serve the population of a given raion or city are also to be transferred to raion and cit y subordination. Raion and cit y Soviets must devot e mor e attention to questions o f the comprehensive developmen t o f raion and city economies, t o the correct specialization an d sitin g of industrial and agricultura l enterprises, a s well a s t o making maximum use of local resources for the expansion of production and raising it s effectiveness, t o stepping up their work with respec t to providing assistance t o enterprises an d economic organization s in carrying out the principles o f th e economi c reform , an d t o intensifyin g supervisio n over thei r observance o f the requirement s o f legislation. With a view to involving enterprises and organizations more actively in the developmen t o f raio n an d cit y economie s an d t o raisin g th e materia l interest of local Soviets in the result s of the wor k of enterprises an d organizations situate d withi n their territory , it is recognize d a s necessary t o ensur e that part of the profit s of enterprises and economic organizations of republic, krai, an d oblas t subordinatio n b e transferre d to th e budget s o f raions an d cities. Th e USS R Counci l of Ministers and th e council s of ministers of union republics wil l determin e th e amount s an d procedur e fo r transferrin g th e above-mentioned deduction s t o the budget s of raions and cities and also will take other necessary measures t o reinforce the financial base of raion and city budgets, expan d th e source s o f financing, and increas e th e mean s tha t ar e left a t the disposa l of raion an d city Soviets o f Working People's Deputies . The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s pointe d ou t tha t on e o f th e mos t important task s o f raio n Soviet s o f Workin g People's Deputie s i s th e ful filment o f th e broa d programm e outline d b y th e part y for th e accelerate d development o f agriculture on th e basi s o f an all-roun d consolidation o f its material an d technica l base , fo r an improvemen t i n th e protectio n an d utilization o f land , utilizatio n o f machinery , fertilizer s an d fodder , fo r a n enhancement o f th e effectivenes s o f socia l productio n i n kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes, fo r provisio n o f a considerabl e increas e i n labou r productivity



and a reduction i n the uni t costs o f agricultural products, an d fo r introduction o f the achievement s o f science an d advance d experienc e int o produc tion. Raion Soviets and their executive committees must tak e an active part in working out plan s for the developmen t o f agricultural production, ensur e supervision ove r th e wor k of kolkhozes, sovkhozes , an d othe r agricultural enterprises with respect to their meeting plan targets and overfulfilling the m in th e are a o f sellin g grain , meat , milk , an d othe r agricultura l products, observing the requirements of legislation, carrying out the rules of kolkhozes and the principle s of inner-kolkhoz democracy. The raion Soviets must wage a decisiv e struggl e against mismanagemen t an d squanderin g i n th e utiliza tion of land, state and kolkhoz resources, an d manifestations of localistic and parasitic tendencies . It i s recommended tha t raion an d cit y Soviets step u p thei r activity in co-ordinating the work of all enterprises, institutions, and organizations situated withi n their territor y that ar e responsibl e fo r housin g an d municipal construction, th e constructio n o f social, cultural and everyday facilities, the production o f consumer good s an d local building materials; the y are als o to step u p thei r activit y i n elaboratin g and carryin g out othe r measure s con nected with providing services for the populatio n in the raion and city as well as fo r poolin g th e resource s o f enterprises, institutions , an d organization s allocated for these purposes. I n this, th e decisio n o f the Central Committe e emphasizes that the creation of good conditions for the labour, daily life, and leisure o f th e Sovie t peopl e i s a n importan t socia l tas k o f th e Soviets , th e fulfilment o f which shall promot e th e furthe r increase o f social labour productivity, the retention o f cadres in production, and a steady improvement in the communist trainin g of toilers. With a vie w to improvin g the operatio n an d preservatio n o f housing space, provision is made for a further transfer to local Soviets of the state housing space available that belongs to enterprises, organizations, and institutions in citie s and settlements , as well as facilities o f the municipa l economy tha t serve th e populatio n of these cities and settlements.* The appropriat e stat e bodies ar e entrusted wit h working out conditions and establishing deadline s for th e gradua l transfe r o f departmental housin g spac e an d facilitie s o f th e municipal economy to local Soviets, while at the same time consolidating the material, repair , an d constructio n bas e o f the executiv e committee s o f th e Soviets. Great significanc e is attribute d t o intensifyin g stat e supervisio n b y Soviets over th e fulfilmen t o f plans fo r housing an d municipa l constructio n and th e constructio n o f social , cultural , an d everyda y facilities , which i s carried ou t b y ministrie s an d departments , a s wel l a s supervision ove r th e * Th

e documen t i n KPSS v rezoliutsiiakh end s a t thi s point . The extende d versio n o f th e document appears in Pravda.



quality and balance d nature of construction, over th e observanc e o f general city plan s for building up othe r populatio n centres. Attentio n is directed t o the fac t tha t wide r practice shoul d b e mad e o f the fulfilmen t b y executiv e committees o f th e raio n an d cit y Soviet s o f responsibilitie s as initiator s of orders regarding these types of construction; supervisio n is to be improved on the par t of Soviets over the state of affairs and correct operation of departmental housing spac e and municipal economy facilities . It is recommended that the councils of ministers of the union republics take measure s t o improv e th e wor k o f raio n Soviet s in cities , gran t the m broader independenc e i n solvin g th e basi c problem s o f servin g th e raio n population, organizing everyday services, trad e and public catering, cultural and enlightenment work , and ensure thei r active participation in considering and solving questions o f importance to cities as a whole. As th e part y Centra l Committe e ha s noted , raio n and cit y Soviet s of Working People' s Deputie s should provid e fo r th e furthe r comprehensiv e improvement o f thei r educationa l wor k amon g th e population , keepin g in mind tha t th e raisin g of cultural standards o f the people , thei r educationa l level, an d th e moldin g o f the Ne w Man - th e activ e builde r o f commu nism - i s one of the most significan t task s of the Soviet state. A grea t deal o f attention i s to b e devoted t o improvin g the organiza tion of the wor k of raion and cit y Soviets on the basi s of strict observance of the principle s of socialist democracy, constant expansio n o f the participation of the masse s in the activit y of the Soviets , and raising the leve l of guidance over voluntar y bodies. I t is pointed ou t tha t th e significanc e of the session s of Soviets is to be enhanced furthe r to ensure tha t every deputy in fact take s an active part in solving pressing problems, an d also exposes short-coming s boldly an d i n a principle d manner, develop s criticism , and introduce s sug gestions o n way s t o improv e th e wor k o f th e sovie t an d it s subordinat e bodies. One o f the importan t tasks o f Soviets is to ensur e th e furthe r intensi fication of publicity i n their work ; efforts ar e t o b e made to ensure that th e voters an d populatio n of every raion and city are constantly informed of the state o f al l th e practica l work o f th e sovie t an d tak e a n activ e par t i n th e measures i t conducts. Wit h this end in view, it is necessary t o ensure regular presentations b y leadin g personne l o f executiv e committees , thei r depart ments and administrations, by the chairmen an d members o f standing com mittees, an d b y all deputies befor e th e population , in th e press , over radi o and television. There must be wider dissemination o f the practic e of submitting the mos t importan t problem s o f the lif e o f raions an d citie s for discus sion b y working people at enterprises, institutions, an d organization s as well as a t citizens ' place s o f residence . Th e Soviet s mus t attentivel y stud y th e demands of the population , listen to the suggestion s of working people, and take appropriate measures to implement them .



The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s pointe d ou t tha t i t i s necessar y steadily t o develo p th e activit y an d rais e th e responsibilit y of deputies wh o are th e plenipotentiar y representatives o f the toiler s i n th e bodie s o f state power. Deputies must mak e effort s t o achiev e th e fulfilmen t o f instructions from electors , infor m them of the stat e of affairs i n their electoral district, of the difficultie s tha t arise in economic and cultural construction and how they are overcome. Al l state bodies and officials mus t take an attentive attitude to the proposals of deputies and provide assistance to deputies in every possible way in fulfilling thei r duties. It is necessary to raise the responsibility of raion and city Soviets for the strictest observance and implementation of Soviet laws, bearing in mind that the consolidatio n of socialist legality is an integral part of the developmen t of Soviet democracy , o f the perfectio n of the wor k of state bodies , an d o f th e protection o f the right s an d interest s of citizens. Th e Soviets , thei r executive committees , standin g commissions , an d deputies , mus t b e intoleran t toward an y violatio n o f legislation , figh t agains t bureaucrati c manifesta tions, an d striv e fo r th e correc t an d promp t resolutio n o f proposals, applications, an d complaint s o f toilers , an d ensur e a n improvemen t i n lega l propaganda. In th e decisio n o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e i t i s state d tha t th e presidiums o f th e suprem e Soviet s and th e council s o f minister s o f th e union republic s are called upon to improv e their guidance over the wor k of local Soviet s and thei r executive an d administrativ e bodies. Th e presidium s of the suprem e Soviet s of union republic s must conduc t systemati c work to enhance the rol e of Soviets in solving questions of state, economic , and cultural construction, mak e a more profound and comprehensive stud y of positive experience , generaliz e an d disseminat e it , tak e concer n fo r improving the organizationa l mass work of local Soviets, supervise their observance o f the requirement s o f legislation and democrati c principle s in thei r organization an d activity . Th e council s o f minister s o f th e unio n republic s mus t devote mor e attention to the wor k of executive committees o f local Soviets, their department s an d administration s i n concret e sector s o f economic , social, an d cultura l construction, perfec t the styl e and method s o f wor k of executive an d administrativ e bodies, offe r dail y assistanc e t o the m i n fulfilling economi c plans , devot e mor e attentio n t o question s o f scientifi c organization of administrative labour, and ensure consolidatio n of the mate rial and financial base of executive committee s o f local Soviets. The decisio n o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e oblige s raio n an d cit y party committees t o show daily concern fo r enhancing the role and authority of Soviets, to suppor t an d develo p thei r independence an d initiativ e so that Soviets bear ful l responsibilit y for th e solutio n o f question s tha t fal l within their competence . I t is necessary t o reinforc e Soviets with worthy, qualifie d cadres, t o train communists an d all personnel o f soviet bodie s in the spirit of



great responsibility for affair s entruste d t o them, t o strive for their absolute observance o f part y an d stat e discipline , and t o ensur e all-roun d intensification o f th e influenc e o f part y group s i n Soviets . Raio n an d cit y part y committees mus t decisivel y pu t a n en d t o incident s o f a libera l attitud e toward those communists - economic leader s - who disregard the decisions of Soviets and evade fulfilmen t o f their assignments . The CPS U Central Committee ha s emphasize d that , in being guided by leninist principles , part y organization s mus t alway s bea r i n min d tha t th e population ofte n judge s the entir e polic y of the Sovie t stat e and its demo cratic nature by the level of the work of the Soviets and that everything that is connected wit h th e Soviet s and Sovie t powe r has been an d wil l remai n th e cause of the entire party. Proposals hav e bee n approve d o n adoptin g appropriate all-union and republican legislativ e acts that determin e th e right s and duties of raion and city Soviet s o f Workin g People' s Deputies , an d raio n Soviet s withi n th e cities, as well as proposals for consolidating the materia l and financial base of the executive committees o f these Soviets. Pravda, 1 4 March 197 1 KPSS

XXIV Party Congress 3

v rezoliutsiiakh X , 331-6

0 March-9 April 1971

The XXIV CPSU Congres s me t a year later than planne d - a fact whic h contravened th e part y Rules , mean t tha t th e congres s woul d not coincid e wit h th e centenary o f Lenin' s birth , an d mean t tha t i t ha d t o b e postpone d afte r Brezhnev ha d announce d publicl y tha t i t woul d b e hel d i n 1970 . Thes e cir cumstances sugges t tha t ther e wer e man y unresolve d issue s amon g th e leadership. Th e length y an d unexplaine d dela y i n convenin g th e congres s indicated tha t th e chang e i n course i n industria l management polic y debate d and announce d a t th e December 196 9 Centra l Committe e Plenu m ha d no t yet bee n resolved . Th e leadershi p wa s still split on th e shif t tha t wa s to occu r in th e directio n of discipline, direction, control , an d centralizatio n as oppose d to a continuatio n o f th e cours e establishe d i n 196 5 stressin g decentralize d administration. The decision s o f the congress reflecte d th e continuing impasse and resulte d in onl y incrementa l change s i n the party' s approac h t o economic administra tion. There were some indications of a tightening of party supervision, suc h as the announcemen t o f the exchang e o f party documents, th e extensio n o f the rights of control to primary party organizations i n a wide range of research and



service institutions , an d th e extensio n o f thi s sam e righ t o f control t o party organizations i n ministries, state committees , an d othe r governmen t depart ments. However , thi s obviou s strengthenin g o f th e party' s direc t rol e i n administration an d managemen t wa s counterbalanced b y the announcemen t to mov e ahea d mor e rapidl y with th e formatio n o f production associations . These form s o f industria l organization ar e intermediat e co-ordinativ e struc tures tha t often span th e jurisdiction of a number o f local party organizations. Consequently, th e part y had to sacrifice some o f its direct political supervision and it s ow n co-ordinativ e power s fo r th e sak e o f th e economi c efficiencie s attributed t o integrate d administrativ e organizatio n o n a leve l betwee n th e ministry and the enterprise . The balance of power within the Politburo was another issu e that caused th e delay of the XXI V Congress. Th e congres s wa s used t o announce th e expansion o f th e Politbur o b y includin g fou r ne w ful l members , raisin g it s tota l membership t o an unusually large fifteen. The background of the new recruits indicated som e advantag e fo r Brezhnev . Thre e o f th e fou r ne w member s (Kulakov, Kunayev, and Shcherbitsky ) were know n to be close supporters of Brezhnev. In addition, their positions reinforced the relative weight of the party apparatus i n the Politburo . A second indicato r of the instabilit y of the leader ship's relations was the unusual discrepancy between the initial announcemen t of the Politbur o membership o n radio , which provided an ordere d rankin g of the Politbur o members, an d th e follow-u p i n th e pres s th e nex t day , which provided onl y an alphabetica l ranking. The radi o announcement involve d a n ordered rankin g of th e member s a s follows : Brezhnev , Podgorny , Kosygin , Suslov, Kirilenko , Pelshe , Mazurov , Poliansky , Shelest , Voronov , Shelepin , Grishin, Kunayev , Shcherbitsky, and Kulakov. This ranking suggested a number o f interestin g points . Brezhne v wa s ranke d first . However , Kosygi n was dropped t o th e thir d positio n behin d Podgorny . Shelepi n wa s dropped t o las t place among the ol d Politburo members, maintaining a position onl y ahead of the fou r ne w members. On e ne w member, Kulakov , was elected t o his position withou t previous candidate membershi p i n the Politburo . No ne w candidate members wer e elected t o replace the three who had been promoted t o ful l membership. The XXI V Congress was attended b y 4740 votin g delegate s and 22 3 non voting delegate s wh o hear d majo r report s fro m Brezhne v (Centra l Commit tee) an d Kosygin (Five-Year Plan). The congress electe d a Central Committe e of 241 full an d 15 5 candidate members .


On the Repor t o f the Centra l Committee 9

April 197 1

Having heard and discussed the Report by Comrade L.I. Brezhnev, General Secretary o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee, on th e wor k o f the CPS U Central



Committee, th e XXI V Congres s o f th e Communis t Part y o f th e Sovie t Union resolves :

the political line and practical activity of the CPSU Central Committee are fully and completely approved; the proposals and conclusions contained in the Report of the CPSU Central Committee are approved.

The Congres s propose s tha t al l part y organization s be guide d b y th e provisions of the repor t in their practica l activity. The XXI V Congres s note s wit h satisfactio n that, a s a resul t o f th e steady and persisten t struggl e for fulfilment o f the CPS U Programme and th e tasks set b y the XXII I Congress, grea t successes hav e been achieve d i n th e building of communism. A n important accomplishment o f the perio d under review is that the furthe r development o f the econom y an d the strengthen ing of the defence capacity of the country have been combined with a considerable growt h i n th e well-bein g of the workin g people i n th e cit y an d th e countryside. Socialist social relations and Sovie t democracy have develope d successfully. Th e mora l an d politica l unity of the workers , kolkhozniks, and intelligentsia, an d th e fraterna l friendship between th e people s o f the USS R have becom e eve n stronger . The perio d under revie w was marked by a further enhancemen t o f the leading role of the Communis t Part y in the lif e o f Soviet society. The Soviet people wholeheartedl y an d unanimousl y suppor t th e party' s domesti c an d foreign policies.. .

ii 1I n th e perio d unde r review , th e part y firmly implemented th e XXIII Congress Directive s fo r the developmen t o f the country' s economy . Muc h work ha s been done b y the Centra l Committe e t o improve guidance of the economy. Th e Congress take s great satisfaction in noting that, thanks to the selfless labour of the working class, kolkho z peasantry, intelligentsia, and all working people, a new significant step has been taken in creating the material and technical base of communism, raisin g the well-being of the people, and increasing the country's power. The basi c target s o f th e Five-Yea r Pla n fo r th e developmen t o f th e economy i n the years 1966-1970 have been successfully achieved. The scope of th e econom y ha s grow n significantl y an d it s qualitativ e indice s hav e improved. A significantly accelerated growt h of the national income and productivity of social labou r have bee n reached, the volum e of industrial production ha s increase d one-and-a-half-fold , an d th e rate s o f growt h i n th e production o f the mean s of production and o f consumer good s hav e drawn closer together , whil e sectors determining scientifi c and technological progress in the econom y hav e developed a t priority rates. Significant successe s in the advancemen t of agriculture are an important resul t of the activit y of the part y and the people . A substantial increase



has been achieve d i n the productio n of grain, cotton, meat , milk , and othe r crop and livestoc k products. The econom y o f the kolkhoze s and sovkhoze s has been strengthened , significan t measure s hav e bee n carried out to supply agricultural productio n wit h material and technica l facilitie s an d t o provid e economic incentives . In the eight h five-year-plan period a broad programme for capital construction wa s carried out . The country' s economi c potentia l has risen signi ficantly; the basi c productive assets of the econom y hav e been modernized . All mode s o f transport an d communicatio n hav e received furthe r develop ment. Progress ha s bee n mad e i n th e [territorial ] distribution of productive forces; al l of the unio n republic s have experience d successfu l developmen t of their economies . Favourable condition s hav e bee n create d for the furthe r expansio n of the entire economy o f the country. The pas t five-yea r perio d ha s bee n o f importanc e i n accomplishin g social tasks. Plan targets for the growth of the real incomes o f the population, the wage s of workers and offic e employees , an d remuneratio n fo r kolkhozniks' labou r have been overfulfilled . Socia l consumption fund s hav e grown. Great successe s hav e bee n achieve d i n the developmen t o f popular educa tion, culture , and healt h services . Th e turnove r o f stat e an d co-operativ e trade has increased considerably . The majorit y of workers and office employees have no w switched over t o a five-day work wee k with two days off; the minimum vacation time has been lengthened . Housin g conditions and communal and everyday services for Soviet people have been improved . The Congress notes that there have been short-comings alon g with the major successe s in the developmen t o f the USS R economy. Pla n targets hav e not bee n full y reache d i n the are a of commissioning ne w production capacities, time period s ar e still too long in building new production facilitie s and putting the m int o operation . Th e planne d productio n leve l ha s no t bee n reached for several important categories of industrial and agricultural production, and not all enterprises have utilized existing opportunities to accelerat e technical progress , boos t labou r productivity , improve th e qualit y o f pro ducts, and reduce costs o f production. Party, soviet, economic , trad e union, and Komsomol bodies must tak e all the necessary measures to do away with the above-mentioned deficiencie s and direc t th e toilers ' effort s a t achievin g a further quick increase i n socia l production, an d a t successfully fulfillin g th e XXI V CPSU Congress Directive s for th e Nint h Five-Year Plan and annual economic plans . 2 Th e Congres s full y approve s th e task s se t ou t i n th e Repor t fo r th e economic developmen t o f th e countr y i n th e forthcomin g perio d an d i t instructs the party's Central Committee, al l party organizations, an d all communists to strive persistently for their fulfilment .



The ninth five-year-plan period must become an important stage in the struggle o f th e part y an d th e peopl e for the furthe r advancemen t o f Soviet society o n th e pat h t o communism , i n buildin g its materia l and technical basis, an d i n strengthenin g o f th e country' s economic an d defenc e power. The chie f tas k o f the five-yea r perio d is to provid e a significan t ris e i n th e material and cultura l level of the lif e of the peopl e on the basi s of high rates of development o f socialis t production, a rise i n it s effectiveness , scientifi c and technological progress, an d accelerated growth in labour productivity. The Congres s full y approve s the projecte d broad programme of social measures fo r th e nint h five-year-pla n perio d aime d a t growt h in th e well being of all strata of the population , the growin g together of the livin g standards o f th e urba n an d rura l population , the creatio n o f mor e favourable conditions fo r labour and leisure , fo r th e all-roun d development o f the talents and creative activity of the Sovie t people, and for the upbringing of the rising generation. For these purposes , the Congres s view s as necessary in the ninth fiveyear-plan period: -t o raise the real incomes o f the population, mainly by effecting a further increas e in the paymen t for labour - th e wages and salaries of workers and offic e employees , an d th e income s o f kolkhozniks from th e communal sector. T o increase minimum wage rates an d the basi c wage and salar y rates of middle-bracket earners; t o raise zonal allowances in eastern an d norther n regions of the country; -t o provide for further growth of social consumption funds, channelling the money in these funds int o further improvemen t of the material situation of larg e familie s an d low-incom e families, familie s o f wome n workin g i n production; improvement of public health services, development o f the system o f education an d th e upbringin g of the risin g generation; increase s i n pensions as well as student stipends ; to increas e significantl y th e productio n o f manufacture d goods an d foodstuffs fo r th e population , to improv e thei r quality, widen their assort ment, and develop the service industries; to expand housing construction and the construction of community, cultural, and everyday facilities, especially in eastern regions; to create the necessary condition s fo r th e labour , leisure , an d physica l education o f workin g people. To improve the sanitary condition of cities and workers' settlements ; to intensify th e protectio n of nature, to use natural resources rationally . The Congres s emphasizes that the continue d steady increase of material production, its effectiveness, and th e productivit y of social labour are an indispensable conditio n fo r carryin g out th e planne d measure s t o enhanc e the well-being of the Sovie t people. The Communis t Party' s cours e t o rais e the well-bein g of the peopl e will not onl y determine th e mai n task of the Nint h Five-Year Plan, but wil l



also determin e th e genera l orientation of the long-ter m economic develop ment of the country. The increased economic potential and the requirement s for th e developmen t o f the econom y mak e possibl e an d necessar y a mor e thorough tur n i n th e econom y towar d solving the divers e task s connecte d with promotin g the people' s well-being . The Congres s consider s tha t ou r cadres - economic , soviet , trad e union , and party - bot h i n the centre and the localities, must displa y the greatest degre e o f exactingness an d responsi bility in all matters concerning the livin g conditions of the Sovie t people. 3I n the nint h five-year-plan period, the Congres s view s it necessary to ensure hig h rates o f growth and proportiona l development i n all sectors o f the economy , t o increase considerabl y the national income - the source of growth of social production and of enhancing the well-being of the people to improve the distribution of productive forces, to develop the econom y of all union republics, and to exploit more rapidly the ric h natural resources of the country's eastern regions . The fundamenta l tas k facin g industr y i s t o wide n an d improv e th e industrial base of the socialis t economy, to satisfy mor e fully th e vita l needs of the Sovie t people. In this connection, it is necessary to provide for changes in the structur e of industrial production, to ensur e highe r rates o f development of the productio n of consumer good s and of those sectors that facilitate the acceleratio n of technological progress. In th e future , hig h rate s ar e to be developed i n heavy industr y - the basis of extended reproduction, technica l rearmament o f the economy , an d the defenc e capacit y of the Sovie t state . Heav y industr y must significantl y increase th e outpu t of the mean s o f production to develop agriculture, light industry, and the food and service industries, as well as to increase systematically the productio n of cultural, everyday, and household goods . The Congres s attache s paramoun t importanc e t o capita l constructio n and to raisin g the effectivenes s of capita l investments . In plannin g capital construction, it is necessary to secure a concentration of capital investments, to reduc e th e numbe r o f projects unde r constructio n a t the sam e time , t o co-ordinate construction programmes with available resources an d possibilities. I t is necessary t o shorten constructio n schedules decisively, to concen trate th e basi c forces and mean s o n completin g projects already started, t o give more attention to reconstruction of enterprises and to modernization of production. A s previously , the industria l basis of construction als o i s to b e developed. The furthe r enhancemen t o f th e economi c effectivenes s of th e eco nomy mus t b e aide d b y improving the syste m o f foreign economic, scien tific, an d technica l ties . Th e Congres s attache s grea t significanc e to thei r development. The Congres s direct s th e attentio n o f party , soviet , an d economi c bodies t o th e fac t that , unde r th e condition s of a large-scale econom y an d



complicated ties in the economy , th e significanc e of sectors tha t service th e production process, especially transport and communications, increases . Th e work o f these branche s needs to be improved so that they more full y satisf y the growing needs of the country; it is also necessary to improve material and technical supplies. 4 On e o f th e mos t importan t task s i n th e ne w five-year-pla n perio d i s considered t o b e t o increase significantly th e productio n of agricultural products, t o ensure fulle r satisfactio n of the population's growing requirements for foodstuffs , an d industry' s requirements fo r raw materials. The Congres s approves th e broa d integrate d programm e worked out b y th e CPS U Centra l Committee fo r agricultura l development , fo r it s comprehensiv e intensi fication, and for strengthening its material and technical base. Particular attentio n mus t b e pai d t o boosting grai n production and t o the furthe r advancemen t of livestock farming. It is necessary to provide fo r a general increas e i n crop yields throughout the country , to strengthen th e feed bas e fo r animal husbandry and ste p u p it s productivity on th e basi s of accelerated mechanizatio n o f agricultura l production , expande d chemi calization an d lan d reclamation , a s wel l as improve d exploitatio n o f land, machinery, an d o f all the materia l an d labou r resources o n kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes. In agricultural production, specialization is to be deepened, productio n is to be concentrated t o a greater extent, th e syste m of production and technical servic e o f kolkhoze s an d sovkhoze s i s t o b e improved , an d inter kolkhoz an d state-kolkho z production associations ar e to be developed. Al l rural construction is to be improved decisively. The Congres s considers that the upsurg e of agriculture is a nationwide issue an d call s upo n party , soviet, trad e union , an d Komsomo l organiza tions, o n toiler s i n kolkhoze s an d sovkhoze s an d i n industr y to carr y out steadily the party' s projected programme of rapid agricultural development. 5 Th e Congres s attaches particular significance to increasing the production o f foodstuff s an d manufacture d goods, expandin g publi c utilities and everyday service s t o ensur e satisfyin g th e growin g purchasing power of th e population, an d consider s i t necessary t o allo t larger capital investments fo r these purposes. I n accomplishin g this task , stat e retai l prices for consume r goods mus t remai n stable and the price s of some good s must b e reduced as more of them are produced and the necessary resource s accumulate . The organizatio n of trade an d publi c catering in cities and rura l area s must b e improved , custome r deman d i s t o b e studie d constantly , mor e operational efficienc y i s t o b e displaye d in utilizin g commodit y stocks , th e production bas e o f trade is to b e strengthened, up-to-dat e servic e method s are t o b e utilized , an d consume r servic e standard s ar e t o b e raised . I n accomplishing thes e tasks , i t i s importan t t o mak e us e o f locall y available resources.



6 Fo r th e successfu l implementatio n o f th e projecte d economi c an d social tasks, th e Congres s consider s i t necessary to raise the effectivenes s of social production in every way and to make efforts t o accelerate labou r productivity rates in all branches o f the economy . The task is to improve the structure of the economy, increas e production outpu t per unit of fixed capital, increase the retur n on invested funds , reduce materia l and labou r outlays, and improv e th e qualit y of products in every possibl e way . It i s necessar y t o carr y on a decisiv e struggl e against mismanagement, squandering , and extravagance, to improve labour organization, t o take measures t o improve qualifications and retain cadres, and to utilize every minute of working time productively. The decisiv e condition in raising the effectivenes s of social production is to accelerat e scientifi c and technologica l progress. Fundamental scientifi c research mus t b e expanded, fulle r us e is to be made o f the achievement s of science and technology, the re-equipping of all branches of the economy is to be carried out steadil y and accordin g to plan on the basi s of modern, highly productive machinery , th e tim e perio d fo r developin g an d deployin g new machinery an d progressiv e technolog y i s t o b e reduce d i n ever y possibl e way, an d advance d domesti c an d foreig n experienc e i s to b e applie d more actively. In accomplishin g these tasks, great responsibility rests with USS R Gos plan, th e USS R Counci l o f Ministers ' Stat e Committe e fo r Scienc e an d Technology, th e ministries , th e USS R Academ y o f Sciences , an d wit h al l scientific-research an d design institutions . The Congres s consider s tha t question s regardin g th e acceleratio n of scientific an d technologica l progres s mus t constantl y b e i n th e focu s o f attention o f the centra l committees o f the communis t partie s of the unio n republics, th e krai , oblast , city , and raio n part y committees, party , soviet, economic, trad e union, and Komsomol organizations , collectives and enterprises, kolkhozes and sovkhozes. 7 Th e Congres s recognize s tha t i t i s necessar y t o continu e th e cours e designed to improve the administration of the economy and to improve planning. It is necessary to improve the scientific grounding and balance of plans, to combin e optima l branch an d territoria l planning, t o ensur e comprehen sive planning and the resolution of major economi c problems. The responsi bility o f cadre s fo r th e fulfilmen t o f stat e plan s an d assignment s i s t o b e enhanced. Material an d mora l incentive s ar e t o b e utilize d to a great exten t t o advance production , accelerat e scientifi c and technologica l progress , rais e labour productivity , and improv e th e qualit y of products; economi c lever s are to be used mor e efficientl y t o achieve fuller mobilizatio n of reserves and for th e economi c developmen t o f expedient direc t contacts betwee n enter prises. The transfe r to the ne w system o f planning and economic incentives



for enterprise s i s t o b e complete d i n al l branche s o f materia l production, research an d desig n organizations , an d servic e sectors , an d ther e i s to b e steady work on the furthe r development and extension o f this system. In this connection, profoun d tasks face economi c science . It i s also necessar y t o continu e t o concentrat e productio n by creating production an d science-productio n association s an d combine s tha t mus t become th e basi c profit-and-loss unit s in socia l production in the lon g run. The structur e o f the administrative-manageria l apparatus is to be improved and superfluou s subdivisions i n i t ar e t o b e reduced ; organizationa l techniques and computer technology, automated systems, an d scientific methods of administration and plannin g are t o be applied more widely . At th e presen t stag e of communist construction , wit h its high rates of scientific an d technologica l progress, th e Congres s consider s educatio n i n economics t o b e o f paramoun t significanc e fo r al l cadre s an d th e broa d masses of the workin g people. The scop e and nature of the economi c tasks posed b y the part y dictate the necessit y o f seriousl y raisin g the leve l o f al l economic work . The eve r broader involvemen t o f the workin g people in the managemen t o f production remains a central task ... HI 1 Th e Congres s note s tha t importan t social changes ar e taking place in the proces s o f buildin g communism unde r th e condition s create d b y th e development o f the scientific-technological revolution and profound shifts in the economic s an d natur e o f labour. Th e leve l o f professional training and skill o f workers and peasant s ar e increasing , as well a s their levels of education and culture; work and dail y living conditions in the cit y and countryside are gradually drawing together; th e intelligentsia, and especially the scientific and technological intelligentsia, is increasing in number. The unity of Soviet society i s becoming stronger o n th e basi s of the socialis t interests an d com munist ideals of the workin g class. The Congres s views an extremel y important task o f the party' s social policy to be the steady translation into reality of the leadin g role of the working class, the strengthening o f the union between the working class and peasantry, and the consolidation o f the workers, kolkhozniks, intelligentsia, and all Soviet peopl e in their joint labour. 2 Th e Congres s note s tha t th e recen t pas t i s marked b y all-round pro gress an d a further drawin g together o f all nationalities and nationa l groups in ou r country . Th e outstandin g achievement s o f th e people s o f th e USS R are the resul t of their unite d labour and of the consistent implementation o f the nationalit y polic y o f the CPSU . I n th e proces s of socialist construction , a new histori c communit y o f peopl e ha s take n shape-tha t o f th e Sovie t people.



Proceeding fro m th e commo n interest s o f the Sovie t state , an d als o considering the condition s of development i n each constituent republic , it is necessary in the future t o follow without deviation the leninist course for the strengthening o f the Unio n of Soviet Socialist Republics, consistently striving fo r th e furthe r blossomin g o f all the socialis t nation s an d thei r gradual drawing together . The Congres s attribute s great significanc e t o th e upbringin g of all the working peopl e i n th e spiri t o f Sovie t patriotism , prid e fo r thei r socialis t Motherland and for the great achievements o f the Soviet people, in the spirit of internationalism, intolerance towards manifestations of nationalism, chauvinism, and national groups. 3 Th e Congres s emphasize s tha t th e struggl e t o buil d communis m i s inseparable fro m th e all-roun d developmen t o f socialis t democracy , th e strengthening o f the Sovie t state , an d improvin g th e entir e system o f th e political organization of society. As a resul t o f measure s take n b y th e party , the Soviet s o f Working People's Deputie s hav e becom e mor e activ e an d diversified , thei r super vision ove r th e stat e o f affair s i n basi c sector s o f economi c an d cultura l construction ha s intensified . The Congres s consider s tha t th e Soviet s must exercise their functions more full y an d exert effective influenc e on the deve lopment o f the econom y an d cultur e an d o n th e enhancemen t o f the peo ple's welfare and that they must be more persisten t i n dealing with question s of the socia l and everyday services of the populatio n and the preservatio n of public order. The principle of accountability of executive organs to represen tative organ s is to b e pu t int o practice more consistently , th e authorit y and activity o f deputie s i s t o b e raised , a s is their responsibilit y to th e voters . With these ends i n view, the Congress considers i t expedient to define legislatively the status, authority, and rights of soviet deputies at all levels, as well as the obligation s of officials i n relation to deputies. An important task is to improve accuracy, co-ordination, and culture in the wor k o f th e stat e apparatu s and o f al l administrative organs . I n ever y institution an attitud e of consideration mus t b e developed t o the need s and concerns o f the workin g people an d ther e mus t b e goodwill and respect fo r man. I t i s necessar y t o continu e t o strengthe n socialis t legalit y an d t o improve the work of the militia, procurator's office, an d courts. Party organizations, trade unions, and the Komsomo l mus t striv e for the strictest obser vance of the la w by all citizens and officials , an d for a rise in the leve l of th e legal upbringing of the working people. The work of people's contro l must be improved, an d car e mus t b e take n tha t th e leninis t idea s o n constan t an d effective supervisio n b y the broa d masses are steadily put into practice. While notin g th e great significanc e o f th e trad e union s a s th e mos t massive organizatio n of the working people, the Congress view s it necessar y to continue t o improv e their wor k in the future . The part y will continue t o



see t o i t tha t th e trad e union s successfull y fulfil thei r rol e a s a schoo l o f communism. Th e trad e union s ar e calle d upo n t o intensif y thei r wor k in further developin g the country' s economy, stil l more activel y involve working peopl e i n productio n managemen t an d th e administratio n o f socia l affairs, improv e th e organizatio n of socialist competition , an d insti l a communist attitude to labour. One of the fundamenta l tasks of the trad e union s is concer n fo r th e legitimat e interest s o f th e worker s an d o f al l working people, concer n fo r improvin g thei r wor k an d everyda y livin g conditions, strengthening supervisio n ove r th e observanc e o f labou r legislation , th e rules an d standard s o f labour protection an d safet y measures , an d concer n over improved organization of the cultural and health recreation of the working people. Under presen t conditions , the rol e an d significance of the Komsomo l are growing ever greate r as the reserv e and closest assistant of the part y in the communis t upbringin g of th e risin g generatio n an d th e buildin g of a new society . The centra l task of the Komsomo l is to socializ e young people in th e spiri t of communist ideologica l conviction , Sovie t patriotism , inter nationalism, efficien t organization , an d discipline , t o conduc t activ e propaganda o f th e achievement s an d advantages o f th e socialis t syste m amon g young people, and to see that every young person becomes an active builder of the new society. The Komsomol must better utilize the opportunities provided to it for involving young men an d women in extensive participatio n in public lif e an d i n state , economic , an d cultura l construction . Th e part y nucleus in Komsomol organizations must continue to be strengthened i n the future. 4 Th e Congres s note s wit h satisfactio n tha t th e part y an d it s Centra l Committee ar e constantly maintainin g at the centr e o f their attention ques tions o f militar y constructio n an d strengthenin g th e powe r an d comba t efficiency o f the Sovie t Arme d Forces . The comprehensive enhancemen t o f the defenc e migh t of our Motherlan d an d education o f the Sovie t peopl e in the spiri t o f great vigilanc e an d constan t readines s t o defen d th e grea t achievements o f socialism mus t continue in the future to be one of the most important tasks of the party and the people . 5 Th e Congress notes that, during the period under review, party organizations have conducted constan t wor k in educating the Sovie t peopl e in the spirit of communist consciousness . The Congres s emphasize s tha t th e formatio n o f the workin g people' s marxist-leninist outloo k an d o f their hig h ideologica l and politica l qualities and norms o f communist moralit y will continue t o be the central task of the ideological work of party organizations. The mai n emphasi s i n the ideologica l work of the part y is propaganda of th e idea s o f marxis m an d leninis m an d a n uncompromisin g offensiv e struggle against bourgeois and revisionist ideology.



One o f th e mos t importan t component s o f ideologica l an d politica l work is the mouldin g of a communist attitud e to labour and public property, the developmen t o f th e creativ e activit y o f th e workin g people , an d th e strengthening o f conscious disciplin e and organization. An object of constant attentio n for the party, trade union, and Komso mol organization s must b e the developmen t o f socialist competition o f th e working peopl e as an effectiv e metho d for economi c constructio n and for strengthening socialis t relation s amon g people . While improving the form s of materia l incentives , i t i s necessary t o enhanc e th e significanc e of moral incentives i n every possible way, to surround exemplar y workers with honour and glory, and to disseminate thei r valuable experience. Labour productio n collective s pla y a n importan t rol e i n socia l an d political lif e an d i n th e communis t educatio n o f th e workin g people. Th e collective's concer n for each worker, its attention to his needs, mutual assistance and exactingness - thes e are all inherent features in our way of life that need t o b e strengthene d an d developed . Publi c opinio n i s t o b e directe d more resolutely to the struggle against violations of labour discipline, moneygrubbing, parasitism, embezzlement, bribery , and drunkenness. I t is necessary to continu e to struggl e agains t all survivals of the pas t in the people' s minds and deeds. This require s the constant attentio n of the part y and of all our society's politicall y conscious forces. 6 Th e Congres s view s as an important tas k the furthe r improvement of the entir e syste m o f education i n accordanc e wit h the requirement s o f th e development o f th e economy , science , an d culture , an d th e scientific technological revolution. In th e ne w five-year-pla n period , th e complet e transfe r o f youn g people to universal secondary education is to be ensured, measures ar e to be taken fo r a further expansio n o f the materia l basis of schools providin g general education , th e qualit y of teaching i s to b e raised , an d pupil s are t o b e prepared more activel y and purposefull y for socially useful labour . It i s necessary t o continu e to develop vocational-technica l education , and t o expan d i n ever y possibl e wa y th e networ k o f vocation-technica l schools tha t provide secondary education . In th e are a of higher and secondar y specialize d education , i t is neces sary to expan d th e trainin g of cadres i n new and promisin g fields of scienc e and technology , t o ar m bette r youn g specialist s wit h moder n knowledge , with the experience o f organizational, social, and political work, and with the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice. The entir e busines s o f the educatio n an d upbringin g of young peopl e must serv e th e purpos e o f mouldin g i n th e risin g generatio n communis t convictions an d morality , an d boundles s devotio n t o th e socialis t Mother land.



7 Th e Congress emphasize s tha t one of the main factors in the successful accomplishment o f the task s o f building communism i s the developmen t of Soviet science . Whil e extendin g scientifi c researc h o n a broa d front , i t i s necessary t o concentrate th e effort s o f scientists on solving the mos t impor tant problems , t o strengthen th e connectio n betwee n scienc e an d the prac tice o f communis t construction , an d t o accelerat e th e applicatio n o f it s achievements i n th e economy . I t is necessary t o enhanc e i n ever y possible way th e effectivenes s o f the wor k o f institutes, departments , an d laborato ries, t o striv e fo r a genuinel y creativ e situation , a n atmospher e o f fruitfu l discussion, an d mutua l exactingnes s o f scientist s i n ever y scientific collective. Interaction among scientists workin g in the fields of natural, technical, and social sciences mus t b e strengthened . 8 Th e Congres s notes th e growin g role o f literature and ar t i n th e cre ation of the spiritua l wealth of socialist society. The Sovie t peopl e ar e inter ested in the creatio n o f such work s in which reality is correctly reflected and communist idea s ar e affirme d wit h great artistic force. Party policy in ques tions o f literature and ar t proceed s from the leninis t principles of party spirit and kinshi p wit h th e people . Th e part y stands fo r a variet y and wealt h o f forms and styles elaborated o n the basi s of socialist realism. It greatly values the talen t o f the artist , the communis t ideologica l direction of his creativity, and intoleranc e t o anythin g that impede s ou r progress . I t i s necessary tha t our literar y and ar t criticis m activel y pursu e th e part y line, tak e a stron g principled stand, combinin g high standards with tact and regard for the crea tors of artistic values. The Congres s consider s tha t unions o f writers, cinematographers, artists, composers , theatrica l workers , an d architect s b e calle d upo n t o sho w daily attentio n t o th e creativ e problem s o f developing literatur e and art , t o raise the ideologica l and theoretical level and professional skill of their mem bers, to cultivate a strong sense of responsibility in literary and artistic people for thei r work before society, an d to strengthen i n all possible ways co-operation between creativ e workers and production collectives . 9 Th e Congres s emphasize s th e growin g significance of the party' s propaganda an d mas s agitatio n work . Th e tas k i s to d o awa y with all existin g short-comings i n this area , t o make propagand a of communist ideal s and of the specifi c task s o f ou r constructio n mor e activ e an d purposeful . In th e immediate future , one o f the centra l task s of party ideological work must b e to give the working people a profound explanation of the decisions and materials of the XXI V CPSU Congress. The Congres s attribute s grea t significanc e to furthe r improvemen t i n the wor k of the press , radio, an d television. Part y organizations must mak e skilful us e o f th e medi a o f mass informatio n an d propaganda , mus t sho w



concern for the effectivenes s and efficienc y o f their work and for raising the political maturity and skil l of journalist and propaganda cadres. IV

1I n summing up the pat h that has been covered an d denning the task s for th e future , th e Congres s take s satisfactio n in notin g that , unde r th e leadership o f th e Centra l Committee , th e part y firml y follow s a leninis t course an d honourabl y fulfils it s rol e a s th e politica l leader o f the working class, the working people, an d of the entire Soviet people. Practice has fully confirme d the correctness an d vital force of the posi tions o f th e XXII I Congres s o n th e mai n issue s o f part y construction . Through their consistent implementation, the party has further strengthene d its ranks , enhance d it s influenc e in al l sectors o f communis t construction , and consolidated its ties with the masses. Recent reports and elections in the party have shown wit h new force tha t the CPS U has come t o the XXI V Congress as a monolithic party, closely rallied around its Central Committee an d enriched with new experience in political and organizational work. The Congres s emphasize s tha t th e successfu l implementatio n o f th e political lin e and concret e programm e of work for the nex t five-year period will require the mobilization of all the strength of the party and the people. It is necessary to continue in the future to enhance the leading role of the party in every possible way and t o strive for the furthe r consolidatio n of the unity of views and action s of all communists and o f all Soviet people. 2 Th e perio d under revie w is characterized b y a further growt h in part y ranks and an improvement in its qualitative composition. Party organizations are consistently carrying out th e XXII I Congress' instructions providing for working clas s predominance i n the socia l structure o f the party . More tha n half o f the ne w member s admitte d int o th e part y are workers . W e shoul d continue t o b e guide d b y this situatio n in th e futur e a s well; it full y corre sponds t o th e natur e o f our part y an d t o th e plac e and rol e o f the working class in Soviet society. The improvemen t o f the qualitativ e composition o f the party' s ranks and th e educatio n o f communist s mus t remai n on e o f th e party' s mos t important tasks. It is necessary t o continue to reinforce the party's ranks with worthy representative s o f the workin g class, kolkho z peasantry, and intelligentsia on the basi s of strict individual selection. 3 Th e Congress notes that the Central Committee i s consistently pursuing a course fo r th e furthe r developmen t o f inner-party democracy, obser vance o f leninis t norms o f part y life, an d intensificatio n of th e activit y of communists. I n th e party , election and accountabilit y of leading organs and the principl e of collectiv e leadershi p ar e consistentl y bein g realized . Ques tions o f the party' s activit y are discusse d an d decided o n a wide democrati c basis. Part y committees hav e becom e mor e attentiv e t o critica l comment s



and suggestion s o f communists an d hav e intensifie d supervision over their implementation. The responsibility of communists ha s grown for the state of affairs i n their organizations and i n the part y as a whole. The Congres s emphasize s tha t steadfas t observanc e o f th e leninis t principle o f democrati c centralis m mus t i n th e futur e continu e t o b e th e immutable la w o f part y life , a s th e decisiv e conditio n o f it s strengt h an d ability to act. In ever y party organization , active participation of all communists must be ensured i n discussing, elaborating, and carrying out party decisions; principled criticism and self-criticism, that tested metho d o f removing short-comings an d improvin g work , mus t b e advanced . I t i s necessar y t o continue t o improv e inner-part y information , t o us e i t mor e full y a s a n important instrumen t o f leadership and a s a means o f upbringing and con trol. The strength of the CPS U lies in the high ideological conviction, activity , and dedicatio n o f it s members ; th e part y wil l no t tolerat e passivity , indif ference, an d political apathy. Every communist must be a conscious political fighter an d alway s and everywher e carr y th e loft y titl e o f membe r o f th e leninist part y with dignity. In developing the activenes s o f communists, it is necessary t o enhanc e thei r responsibilit y for th e fulfilmen t o f the requirements o f th e Programm e an d Rule s o f th e CPSU , hol d strictl y responsibl e those who discredit the loft y titl e of party member b y their deeds and violate party and stat e discipline. The Committe e o n Party Control of the CPS U Central Committee an d part y commissions o f local party organs are called upon to play a serious role here. Considering tha t th e ter m o f validit y o f part y membershi p card s ha s expired, th e Congres s commission s th e Centra l Committe e t o conduc t a n exchange o f party documents, subordinatin g this importan t organizationalpolitical measure t o th e task s o f further strengthenin g the part y and raising the activeness an d discipline of communists. 4 Th e Congres s consider s i t necessary t o improve party leadership over all sectors o f communist constructio n and to raise the leve l of organizational and political work among the masses. In accordanc e wit h th e establishe d practic e of planning the econom y for five-yea r periods , i t i s recognized a s expedient t o conven e regula r congresses of the CPS U an d congresse s of the unio n republic communist partie s once every five years. It is established tha t krai, oblast, okrug, city, and raion party conferences, an d report-and-election meetings an d conferences i n primary party organizations that have a party committee, ar e to be held twice in the five-year period between congresses . In the interest s o f further enhancing th e rol e of party organizations in the implementatio n o f party policy, the Congres s find s i t necessary t o grant the primar y party organizations at scientific-research institutes, educationa l institutions, and cultural and medical institutions the sam e righ t as those of



primary part y organization s i n productio n regardin g supervision over th e activity of the administration. In view of their specific character, party organizations of central and local soviet and economic institutions and department s must increase their supervision over the activity of the apparatus in fulfillin g party and government directives . 5 Th e Congres s note s that raising the leve l of leadership over all aspects of society' s lif e an d raisin g th e leve l o f organizationa l an d politica l work among th e masse s is inseparably linked with improvement i n the selection , placement, an d upbringin g of cadres . Th e part y attributes paramoun t sig nificance t o a situation where all sectors of party, state, economic, culturalupbringing and public work are headed b y politically mature, knowledgeable, capable organizers. The grea t and complex tasks that confront the part y and the countr y urgently require that leading cadres thoroughly master contem porary techniques o f administration, possess a feeling for the new , see longrange prospect s fo r development , ar e capabl e of findin g th e mos t effectiv e ways to solve problem s as they arise and applying the knowledge and experience o f others . Part y polic y o n cadre s mus t i n th e futur e continu e t o b e directed towards combining the promotion o f young promising functionaries with regar d fo r vetera n cadre s an d th e utmos t us e o f their experience an d knowledge. The Congres s considers that the trust and respect for personnel, which has bee n firml y establishe d i n recen t year s an d combine d wit h principled exactingness toward s them, must continue to permeate al l work with cadres. It is necessary t o increase th e responsibilit y of cadres fo r work assigned an d to tak e necessar y measure s agains t thos e wh o violat e discipline , dra w n o conclusions fro m criticism , o r behav e incorrectly . Every functionar y must remember tha t socialist discipline is uniform and obligatory for all. While positively evaluating the work that has been done in recent years in creatin g a system t o train and retrai n leadin g cadres, th e Congres s view s improvement o f thi s syste m a s necessary . T o kee p abreas t o f life , al l ou r cadres mus t constantl y study , rais e thei r ideologica l an d theoretica l level , and master the achievements o f science an d advanced practice. 6 Th e Congress notes that the period under review is characterized by an activation o f th e ideologica l an d theoretica l activit y o f th e part y an d a n improvement in marxist-leninist upbringing of communists . Profound generalization s of experience i n building socialism an d com munism an d o f th e experienc e o f th e worl d revolutionar y movement ar e presented i n the decision s o f Central Committe e plenum s an d part y documents i n commemoratio n o f th e 50t h anniversar y o f th e Grea t Octobe r Socialist Revolution , th e 100t h anniversar y o f V.I . Lenin' s birth , an d th e 150th anniversaries o f the birt h of Marx and Engels . The party' s theoretica l though t ha s bee n enriche d wit h ne w conclu sions an d propositions o n importan t issue s such a s way s o f creatin g th e material-technical basi s of communism, raisin g the effectivenes s of produc-



tion, form s of management o f the economy , an d agraria n policy. Together with th e fraterna l parties , fundamenta l problem s o f developin g th e worl d system o f socialis m wer e elaborate d an d ne w phenomen a i n th e develop ment o f contemporary capitalism have been studied. Much attentio n has bee n allotte d t o th e developmen t o f teaching on the party and on its leading role in the building of socialism and communism. The CPS U ha s wage d an offensiv e struggl e against anti-communis t ideolog y and various bourgeois and revisionist conceptions . The vigorou s theoretical activity of the part y has facilitated th e furthe r consolidation o f the ideologica l unity o f our societ y an d th e growt h of th e authority of marxism-leninism on the internationa l scene. The Congress considers tha t the creative development an d propaganda of marxist-leninist teaching, th e struggl e against attempts t o revise it, mus t in the future remain at the centre of attention of the party's ideological work. The party' s theoretica l force s mus t b e directe d t o furthe r elaboratio n o f pressing problems of contemporary social development and, first of all, problems of communist construction . The Congres s instructs party organizations to increase attention to the marxist-leninist educatio n o f communists, t o th e trainin g of cadres o n th e basis of profound mastery of marxism-leninism, and the views elaborated by the part y on th e fundamenta l problem s o f our time . I t is necessary to con tinue to improve the existin g system o f party study, to overcome decisively elements o f formalis m i n part y study, consistentl y strivin g to increas e it s influence on the growth of the political consciousness an d activeness of communists. Party organizations must show constant concern for propaganda cadres and create the bes t conditions for their effectiv e activit y ...

5.35 On Partia l Changes in the Rule s of the CPS U [Revises Rules adopted 1961 ; see 4.34] 9

April 197 1

The XXIV Congress of the Communis t Part y of the Sovie t Union resolves : 1 [Revise s 4.34 , art. 31, 44, 57] T o establish that: a regula r congresse s o f th e Communis t Part y of the Sovie t Unio n ar e convened b y the Centra l Committee a t least once every five years; b regula r congresses of the communis t partie s of the union republics are convened b y the centra l committees o f the communis t partie s at least onc e every five years; c regula r krai, oblast , okrug , city , an d raion part y conferences ar e con vened b y correspondin g part y committee s twic e i n th e five-yea r perio d between congresses of the CPSU , i.e . once every two-to-three years ; d report-and-electio n meetings (conferences ) i n primary party organiza-



tions tha t hav e part y committee s ar e conducte d onc e ever y two-to-thre e years in accordance wit h the schedule s for holding raion and city party conferences. Fo r al l other primary party organizations, as well as for shop party organizations, report-and-election meetings ar e conducted annually. 2 [Revise s 4.34 , art . 53 , 57 , 59 ] Fo r th e purpos e o f furthe r increasin g the responsibilit y and activenes s o f primar y party organizations i n implementing party policy and raising the level of their organizational and upbringing work in working people's collectives: a t o extend th e provisio n in the CPS U Rule s on the right to supervise th e activity of the administratio n to the primar y party organizations of all design organizations, desig n bureaus , scientific-researc h institutes , educationa l institutions, cultural-enlightenment , medical , an d othe r institution s an d organizations whos e administrativ e function s d o no t exten d beyon d thei r collectives. With regard to party organizations of ministries, state committees, an d other centra l and local soviet an d economic institution s and departments, i t is determined tha t the y exercise supervision over th e wor k of the apparatus in implementing part y and governmen t directive s and i n the observanc e o f Soviet laws. b t o establish that, whe n necessary an d with the permissio n of an oblast or kra i committe e o r th e centra l committe e o f th e communis t part y of a union republic, primary party organizations may be created in the framewor k of several enterprises that constitute an industrial association and are located, as a rule, on the territor y of one raio n or several raions of one city . c t o allo w oblas t an d kra i committee s an d th e centra l committee s o f union republics to form, in individual cases, within party organizations numbering over 50 0 communists, part y committees a t large shops, an d to grant the right s o f primary party organizations to productio n section s of the pri mary party organization... Pravda, 1 0 April 197 1 KPSS

5.36 On Measures t o Improve the Syste m of Courses fo r Training and Retraining Leading Party and Soviet Cadres * 1

v rezoliutsiiakh X , 342-64,


0 August 197 1

... In accordanc e wit h th e instruction s o f th e XXI V CPS U Congres s o n improving th e syste m o f course s fo r retrainin g leadin g part y an d sovie t * Excerpt

: document not publishe d in full.



cadres, th e CPS U Centra l Committee ha s resolve d t o bas e th e wor k of regularly operating courses fo r the stud y of current problems of marxist-leninist theory an d th e polic y o f the CPS U o n a close connection wit h the practic e of communist constructio n an d th e task s pose d b y the Congress . I t ha s bee n proposed that familiarization o f students wit h the fundamental s of scientific management o f the econom y an d the lates t achievement s i n science, tech nology, an d cultur e b e organized . Fo r thi s purpose , i t ha s bee n recom mended tha t studies be conducted directly at leading enterprises, kolkhozes , sovkhozes, scientific-researc h institutions, and organizations. The lengt h of the course s a t the Highe r Party School of the CPS U Cen tral Committee ha s been established at forty days; at other courses i t is to be up to one month. The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s approve d th e curriculu m o f th e courses and a model plan of lectures and seminars. The central committee s of the unio n republic communist partie s and the kra i and oblast part y committees ar e permitte d t o introduc e necessary change s i n the curriculu m in consideration o f the studen t constituency . The rector' s offic e o f the Higher Party Schoo l o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e i s instructed t o wor k out th e curriculum for courses b y 1 October. The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s recommende d tha t the centra l committees o f th e unio n republi c communist partie s an d th e kra i an d oblas t party committees determin e the organizations, institutions, enterprises, kol khozes, and sovkhozes wher e students are to study the advanced experience and practic e of party and soviet work. Measures are to be taken to improve the staf f o f lecturers an d semina r leader s b y using leading party and sovie t personnel, prominen t scientists , an d th e bes t qualifie d teacher s o f highe r educational institutions. The CPS U Central Committee ha s considered i t necessary that secretaries of the central committees o f the union republic communist parties and of the kra i and oblas t part y committees , leadin g personnel o f the council s of ministers o f the republic s and of the oblas t (o r krai) executiv e committees , and leader s o f central an d republica n institutions and organizations , ministries and their departments regularly address the courses on questions of the theory and practic e of party and sovie t constructio n and their experience i n guidance over the economy and culture. Co-ordination o f all the educationa l an d methodologica l wor k i n th e system o f courses fo r retraining part y an d sovie t cadre s i s entrusted t o th e Higher Party School o f the CPS U Centra l Committee. Fo r these purposes, a n educational an d methodologica l counci l is to b e created o n th e bas e o f th e Higher Party School o f the CPS U Central Committee fro m th e staf f o f course leaders, part y personnel , an d experience d teachers . Th e inter-oblas t an d republican higher party schools are responsible for the methodologica l guidance of local courses within their zones .



The CPS U Centra l Committe e ha s approve d th e schedul e fo r th e courses a t th e Highe r Part y Schoo l o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e fo r th e year 1971/72 . I t has been recommende d tha t the centra l committee s o f the union republi c communist partie s and the kra i and oblast party committee s work ou t plan s fo r retrainin g cadre s a t loca l courses ; th e structurin g o f courses i s to be carried out with consideration fo r the students' profile . Party and sovie t personne l mus t b e acquainte d wit h th e date s o f stud y o f th e courses an d the curricula and subject-matter of the seminars so that they can prepare for the studies i n good time and work out the appropriate reports and materials. It ha s bee n recognize d a s necessar y t o organiz e planne d wor k t o improve the qualification s of staff teachers in the courses. Th e rector's offic e of the Highe r Party School o f the CPS U Central Committee an d th e director s of higher party schools are to conduct regular seminars and consultations for teachers o n th e mos t significan t themes o f th e curriculum , especiall y o n questions o f the scientifi c management o f the economy an d party and soviet construction. It ha s bee n recommende d tha t th e centra l committee s o f the unio n republic communist partie s and th e kra i and oblas t part y committees mak e fuller us e fo r th e retrainin g course s o f th e educationa l bas e o f house s of political enlightenmen t an d thei r accumulate d experienc e o f scientific and methodological work. The CPS U Central Committee ha s entrusted th e Highe r Party School of the CPS U Central Committe e wit h responsibility for training, while responsibility for publication of educational an d methodological material s and visual aids for the course curriculum is assigned to the Press Committee o f the USS R Council of Ministers and Politizdat... Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 8 (1971): 9-14 5.37 On Further Improving the Organization of Socialis t Competitio n 3

1 August 197 1

... The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Furthe r developmen t o f the initiativ e an d creativ e activenes s o f th e masses and deployment o f nation-wide socialist competition for the successful implementatio n o f th e decision s o f th e XXI V CPS U Congres s an d ful filment o f economic plan s and assignment s ar e considered t o be extremel y important tasks for party, soviet, trad e union, and Komsomol organization s and economic leaders .



Under th e condition s o f the scientific-technologica l revolution, socialist competition i s called upon to pla y a qualitatively new role in the develop ment o f the econom y an d th e upbringin g of the workin g people. The mai n direction of socialist competition must be mobilization of the working people for th e utmos t increas e i n labour productivity and the effectivenes s of social production - a reduction in labour outlays, rational utilization and savings of resources, ra w materials, an d supplies , improvemen t i n th e qualit y o f products, bette r us e of production assets and capital investments. I t is necessary to support the initiative of collectives in every way in increasing the output of high-quality industrial and agricultural products and durable consumer good s in accordanc e wit h th e requirement s o f th e econom y an d th e growin g demand of the population. The CPS U Centra l Committe e emphasize s th e necessit y o f raising , i n every possibl e way , th e activenes s o f th e workin g peopl e i n acceleratin g scientific an d technologica l progress . Persisten t effort s nee d t o b e mad e t o establish a n atmospher e o f mass creativity and intoleranc e towar d technical and scientifi c conservatism an d stagnation . Competition mus t facilitat e a n improvement i n the scientifi c organization of labour as an indispensable condition for the creatio n o f a genuinely creative spirit of struggle for high work indicators. The effort s o f personne l i n industria l enterprises, transpor t an d con struction, scientifi c research , desig n an d draftin g organization s mus t b e directed a t reducing th e tim e necessar y fo r developing and introducin g new machinery and advanced technology , as well as at effective reconstructio n of operating enterprises , acceleratio n o f th e designin g an d commissionin g o f new production capacities , comprehensive rationalizatio n of production an d its integrated mechanizatio n an d automation , modernizatio n of equipment , improvement o f the organizatio n of labour, production , an d management , and the ensurin g of precise, well-ordere d and rhythmic work at enterprises. Agricultural worker s must persistentl y struggle for an increase i n production an d a reduction i n the uni t costs of output, an increas e i n the yield capacity o f agricultura l crops an d th e productivit y of animal husbandry , an improvement i n th e qualit y of products, a n increas e i n the productio n an d procurement o f fodder, a strengthening o f the material and technical base of kolkhozes an d sovkhozes , a n acceleratio n o f the rate s o f electrification and chemicalization o f productio n an d lan d reclamation , an d improve d us e o f machinery and labour resources. In th e are a o f services, socialis t competitio n mus t b e directe d a t th e transformation o f services into an industrial branch o f the economy , a t raising th e standard s o f service t o th e population , an d a t providin g the fulles t satisfaction o f the requirement s o f the Sovie t people . 2 Th e CPS U Central Committee orders party, soviet, trade union, Komso mol, an d economi c bodie s steadil y t o develo p democrati c principle s o f



socialist competitio n a s a creative affai r o f the workin g people themselves , decisively t o d o awa y wit h element s o f formalism and bureaucrati c distor tions i n th e practic e of organizin g an d guidin g competition, t o enhanc e i n every possible way the rol e of labour collectives in solving questions o f competition, steadily to carry into effect th e leninis t principles of its organization: publicity, comparability of results, an d the opportunit y of repeating practical experience. I n developin g competition , i t i s importan t t o appl y incentive s correctly and it is especially necessary t o pay more attentio n to moral incen tives that are increasingly becoming th e majo r force fo r our progres s in conditions of communist construction . It is necessary t o use socialist competition in full measur e fo r intensify ing the people's education in the spirit of a communist attitud e to labour and public property , for further developin g initiative , increasing th e productio n and socia l activenes s of workers, kolkhozniks , an d employees , fo r drawin g the workin g people int o productio n managemen t t o a greate r extent , fo r instilling high moral qualities, and for strengthening relations of co-operation and comradely mutual assistance, discipline , and good organization . Love fo r one's collective, a feeling of responsibility for the honou r of the trademar k o f one' s factor y an d o f one' s professiona l prid e ar e t o b e instilled in every working person .. . 3 .. . There is to be wider dissemination of the development o f individual and collective creative plans, competitio n by professions, th e movemen t fo r workers t o operat e severa l machine s siimultaneously , patronag e o f experi enced worker s and kolkhoznik s ove r youn g workers , skil l contests, public reviews of production reserves, and personal records of what one has econo mized. Contrac t principle s in socialis t competitio n ar e t o b e develope d i n every possible way ; competition i s to be expanded amon g workers , kolkhozniks, brigades , collective s o f simila r an d closel y relate d enterprise s con nected throug h co-operativ e deliveries , amon g construction , installation , and transpor t organizations , industria l association s an d firms , a s wel l a s among scientific research, drafting , and design organizations; a differentiated approach is to be taken towards organizing competition among variou s cate gories of working people. The practic e o f workin g ou t an d adoptin g socialis t pledge s i s t o b e improved. Socialis t pledge s o f collective s mus t b e forme d b y proceedin g from th e goal s an d task s tha t confron t enterprise s an d branche s durin g a given pla n perio d fo r productio n development , an d the y mus t includ e th e individual pledge s an d proposal s o f workers, kolkhozniks , engineerin g an d technical personne l an d employees , reflec t thei r initiativ e an d experience , and induc e th e workin g people to work creatively and make the bes t use of available reserve s an d opportunities . Ther e i s t o b e condemnatio n o f th e practice whereb y individua l leader s o f enterprises , ministries , an d depart ments concea l considerabl e reserve s an d potentials , fai l t o includ e the m in

S O C I A L I S T C O M P E T I T I O N 19


plans, an d subsequently take on higher pledges; this practice creates definite difficulties i n plannin g and i n materia l an d technica l supply , and lead s t o adverse consequences in the people's upbringing . When comparing competition result s o f variou s collectives , i t i s necessar y abov e al l to conside r th e intensity of the adopte d and fulfille d plans , as well as the leve l of production outlays. 4 Th e CPS U Central Committee draw s the attentio n of party, trade union and soviet bodies , ministrie s and departments t o the necessity o f enhancing the rol e an d responsibilit y o f economic leaders , engineerin g an d technica l personnel, an d agricultura l specialists for organizing socialist competition. Economic leader s mus t creat e th e necessar y organizational , technical, and economic conditions fo r highly productive labour , conditions tha t allow for ever y working person t o fulfi l hi s adopted pledge s an d to show hi s abilities to th e fullest . I t is important t o notice in time and support everythin g new that is engendered by the creative wor k of the masses, to take effectiv e measures fo r disseminatio n o f the achievement s o f the advance d an d bes t collectives, an d constantly to take concern in raising the leve l of professional training of workers, kolkhozniks, and employees . Engineers, technicians , an d economist s a t enterprises, an d specialists in kolkhozes and sovkhozes ar e called upon to take an active part in procuring an d usin g productio n reserves , providin g technical an d economi c sub stantiation o f pledge s take n b y participant s in competition , improvin g th e organization o f ever y workplace , facilitating developmen t o f th e technica l creativity o f worker s and kolkhoznik s in ever y possibl e way , as wel l as i n introducing thei r proposal s i n productio n an d fulfillin g socialis t pledges . They mus t direct their efforts a t the technical improvement o f production, at studying an d introducin g all that i s advanced i n the are a o f machinery an d technology, an d labou r an d productio n organizatio n in bot h domesti c an d foreign practice , as well as developing and carrying out measures fo r improving all economic indices of the work of industrial enterprises, kolkhozes , and sovkhozes. 5 Th e centra l committee s o f the unio n republi c communist parties , th e krai, oblast, city , an d raion party committees, an d the primar y party organizations are to ensure the communists' vanguar d role in socialist competition , to make fuller us e of the righ t to control th e activity of the administration in improving th e organizatio n o f competition , t o direc t i t a t developin g th e many form s of political work in the masses , an d to enhanc e th e rol e of the trade unions i n organizing and guiding socialist competition. The trad e union s ar e called upon to develop the creative activeness of the working people, t o improve and enrich the forms and methods of socialist competition , and to rais e its effectiveness . Question s concernin g the organization o f competition , th e movemen t fo r a communis t attitud e t o labour, th e disseminatio n o f advanced experience , scientific , technical, an d



economic knowledge , th e developmen t o f rationalizatio n and innovativ e activity amon g th e workin g people, and improvement i n the wor k of scientific an d technica l societies must b e at the centr e o f attention of every trade union organizatio n and mus t b e discusse d systematicall y at meeting s o f workers and kolkhozniks. A mos t importan t tas k o f th e Komsomol , togethe r wit h th e trad e unions, i s to draw the broa d masses of young people, especially Komsomol members, into the competition and the movement fo r a communist attitude to labour, to raise the creative activeness of young men and women, to instil in the m a lov e fo r labou r an d a zealou s attitud e t o publi c property , t o enhance th e role of young workers, kolkhozniks, and specialists in accelerating technologica l progres s an d introducin g the scientifi c organizatio n o f labour, t o develo p th e aspiration s o f youn g peopl e t o maste r economi c knowledge, improve professional skill, master moder n machines an d mech anisms, an d t o improv e th e patronag e o f Komsomo l organization s over shock construction sites, animal husbandry, enterprises of the light and foo d industry, trade, and the spher e of services ... Pravda, 5 September 197 1 KPSS

5.38 On Improvin g the Economi c Education of the Workin g Peopl e 3

v rezoliutsiiakh X , 488-97

1 August 1971

At th e presen t stag e o f communis t construction , wit h it s hig h rate s o f scientific an d technologica l progress and qualitativ e changes i n th e econo mics o f productio n and natur e o f labour , ther e i s a stead y growt h i n th e requirements made o n economic educatio n for cadres and the broa d masses of the workin g people . Trainin g in economics i s an important condition for raising th e scientifi c leve l o f management, raisin g the initiativ e and activeness of the workin g people in managing production, and implementing th e programme for the developmen t o f the econom y outline d by the XXI V CPSU Congress. Party, trad e union , an d stat e bodie s hav e devote d mor e attentio n t o economic educatio n i n recen t years . Man y leading personnel, specialist s in the economy, workers, kolkhozniks, and employees are mastering economi c knowledge in various systems to improve production qualifications; about 1 4 million people are studyin g in the part y education system, school s for communist labour , an d people' s universities . Th e admissio n o f student s i n economics specializatio n ha s mor e tha n double d i n highe r an d secondar y specialized educationa l institutions . Fulle r coverag e i s bein g give n t o th e



problems an d experienc e o f socialist managemen t b y the press , radio , and television. At the same time, th e scope and content of economic study do not yet meet the requirement s of the XXI V CPSU Congress. Some leadin g personne l i n ministrie s an d departments , enterprises , sovkhozes an d kolkhozes , an d especiall y th e head s o f shop s an d depart ments, foremen , brigad e and lin k leader s do not posses s sufficient skill s in economic analysis of managerial activity and they cannot always substantiate decisions that have been take n and evaluate work results from th e positions of the economi c effectivenes s of production. Higher schools stil l fail t o satisf y th e requirement s of the econom y for economists with a profound knowledge of production economics, a s well as of th e scientifi c organizatio n o f labou r an d management , an d wh o hav e mastered to perfection contemporary computer technology and methods and can apply them i n economic calculations. Many workers, employees and kolkhozniks are not involved in studies in economic s and are poorl y informe d of the stat e of affair s in the shop , enterprise, branc h o f economy, o r the econom y as a whole. Propaganda of the economi c theory an d polic y of the CPS U i s often divorce d from th e con crete tasks of production development, while on many occasions a one-sided interest i s take n i n th e organizationa l and technica l sid e o f th e activit y o f labour collectives without delving into the socia l and politica l experience of management. No t al l personnel hav e develope d a state approach to accomplishing productio n tasks or a feeling o f responsibility fo r th e fulfilmen t o f plans and pledges, as well as intolerance to mismanagement and violations of labour discipline... The underestimatio n of economic education adversely affects th e level of management and administration, as well as the effectiveness of social production and the state of the toilers' economic education. Attaching great significance to the economic education and training of cadres an d th e broa d toilin g masses i n th e developmen t o f thei r creativ e activeness to implement the decisions of the XXIV Party Congress, the CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e centra l committees o f the unio n republic communist parties , the krai and oblast party committees, the Ail-Union Central Trade Union Council, th e Centra l Committe e o f th e All-Unio n Leninis t Communis t Yout h League, th e ministrie s and their departments, part y organizations and leaders of enterprises, association s an d kolkhoze s are ordered t o take measures for th e radical improvement o f the economic education of cadres, engineers , technicians, an d specialist s i n al l branches o f the economy , an d th e broa d masses of the workers and kolkhozniks. Study o f th e party' s economi c polic y worked ou t a t th e XXI V Congress, of the laws governing the economic development of society, of leninist



principles and methods o f management, and of the economics and organization of production will lay the basi s for economic education. Economic education of the working people must be closely tied to the organization of all economic work at enterprises, in associations, in sovkhozes and kolkhozes and it must facilitate a rise in the level of management and the successful fulfilmen t o f th e target s of th e nint h five-year-pla n period . It is necessary t o subordinat e economi c studie s t o the developmen t o f the cre ative activeness of the working people in the struggle for a further increase in production efficiency an d t o instilling in every worker a communist attitude to labour and socialist property. It is necessary to ensure the combination of economics instruction with the application of acquired knowledge in practice and the extensiv e involvement of all working people in solving questions of the economi c lif e o f labou r collectives. I t i s necessar y t o vie w training in economics as a mandatory, importan t aspec t o f the qualification s o f every worker. 2 Party , trade union, Komsomol, state, and economic bodies are obliged to ensure a high level of content in the economic education of: - manageria l cadre s an d specialist s i n th e economy-i n th e are a of marxist-leninist economic theory and the economi c policy of the party , the contemporary science and practice of production management, an d improving the method s o f training and organizing people; workers, employees and kolkhozniks - on questions of the party's economic policy , the fundamental s of economic knowledg e and th e scientific organization of labour and production, and the practice of economic activity at enterprises and kolkhozes ... Pravda, 1 6 September 197 1 KPSS


On Literary and Art Criticism 2

v rezoliutsiiakh x , 498-50 5

1 January 1972

The publication of the Central Committtee's Resolution, 'On Literary and Art Criticism,' signaled the beginning of a campaign to tighten the limits of socialist realism. The immediat e purpose of the resolution was to mobilize literary criticism mor e effectivel y a s a mean s fo r shapin g an d directin g literar y activity . Articles and editorials followed, calling for greater party involvement in educating, selecting , and placin g cadres and heightenin g their ideological awareness, ensuring tha t critica l work s wer e aime d a t a mas s audience , an d publicizin g Russian literature abroad. A plenary session of the Boar d of the USS R Writers' Union, held in early 197 2 (Current Digest of th e Soviet Press xxiv, no. 4 , 3-6), provided the publi c forum fo r elaborating the directions of criticism and gener-



alizing the m fo r othe r creativ e media. Among the change s urge d fo r al l creative arts were: an end to the tendency toward 'deheroization,' especially in the areas of labour achievements and militar y feats; portrayal of the positiv e hero in a non-stereotyped fashion ; mor e attention to class content and to the social context o f writing , especially social processe s an d socia l relation s associated with th e scientific-technologica l revolution; les s 'poeticizing ' o f traditiona l qualities, fewe r religiou s images and mor e emphasis o n the formatio n o f new socialist qualities ; more emphasi s on revolutionary-democrati c traditions and socialist thought ; intensificatio n o f th e struggl e against alien ideologica l and aesthetic concepts. On e of the concrete results of the resolutio n was the publi cation, beginnin g in 1973 , o f two new journals devoted exclusivel y to literar y criticism, Literaturnoe obozrenie (Literary Review) and Vmireknig (In th e World of Books).

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s tha t part y committees, cultura l institutions, union s o f creativ e artist s an d pres s organ s ar e directin g their activ e efforts towar d fulfilling th e instruction s of the XXI V CPSU Congress o n raising the leve l of literary and art criticism. The task s of criticism are discusse d at congresses , plenums , an d meeting s o f th e artisti c intelligentsia . Mor e interesting article s ar e no w being printe d that ar e imbued wit h concern fo r the furthe r developmen t o f the ar t of socialist realism . However, criticis m stil l does not full y mee t th e requirement s tha t ar e determined b y th e growin g role o f artisti c culture i n communis t construc tion. Th e processe s o f the developmen t o f Soviet literatur e and art , an d of the mutual enrichment of the cultures of the socialist nations and their coming close r togethe r lac k profoun d analysis . Man y articles , surveys , an d reviews are superficial in character, ar e distinguished by a low philosophical and aestheti c level , an d ar e indicativ e of a n inabilit y to correlat e ar t wit h actual life . I n criticis m there i s still evidence o f a n attitud e o f conciliation towards ideological and artistic deficiencies, subjectivism , an d of partiality to friends an d associates. A t times , material s are published that give an incorrect pictur e of the histor y of Soviet and pre-revolutionary art and are biased in assessing certain artist s and works . Criticism is still not sufficientl y activ e and consistent i n consolidating th e revolutionary , humanist ideal s of the art of socialis t realis m an d unmaskin g th e reactionar y essenc e o f bourgeoi s 'mass culture ' an d decaden t tendencies , a s wel l a s i n th e struggl e wit h various non-marxis t view s about literature and ar t and revisionis t aestheti c concepts. Party committees, ministries , departments , an d unions o f creative artists have no t ye t ensured prope r supervision ove r wor k in th e are a o f criticism an d bibliography of their subordinat e pres s organs , publishin g houses, and appropriate editorial offices i n the television and radio network; poor use



is made of the mas s media for purposeful ideologica l and aesthetic education of th e toiler s an d fo r propagand a o f th e bes t accomplishment s o f multi national Soviet art. Editorial office s o f a numbe r o f newspaper s an d magazine s ar e no t always demandin g wit h respec t t o th e ideologica l an d theoretica l leve l o f critical articles. There are substantial short-comings i n the practice of reviewing. O n many occasions, publishe d reviews are one-sided i n nature, contai n groundless compliments , com e t o a cursory expositio n o f the conten t o f a work, an d fai l t o giv e an y ide a o f a work' s rea l significanc e and value . I n general, many books, performances , films, art exhibitions, musical compositions, and concert programmes are left beyon d the field of vision of criticism. Leading specialists i n the are a o f marxist-leninist aesthetics, th e theor y and history of art, an d masters o f Soviet culture are poorly recruited fo r work in the press ; editoria l office s hav e failed t o devote the prope r attentio n to the variety of genres and clarity of critical materials. The leadin g organ s o f the union s o f creative artist s seldo m organiz e collective discussion s o f urgent problem s o f artistic work; they ar e slo w in reorganizing the wor k of commissions an d council s in the are a of criticism. There i s no dail y concern show n fo r the ideologica l upbringing and profes sional trainin g o f critics , fo r creatin g a n atmospher e o f hig h exactingnes s among personne l i n literatur e an d art , an d i n formin g a correc t attitud e toward criticism. Short-comings i n literar y an d ar t criticis m ar e conditioned , t o a large extent, b y a shortage o f qualified cadres . A t the same time, necessar y condi tions hav e no t bee n create d i n universitie s an d highe r educationa l institu tions in the humanitie s for the specialization of undergraduate an d graduate students i n the field of criticism; thi s wor k has not bee n organize d satisfactorily in educational institution s specializing in literature and art. Serious short-coming s i n th e organizatio n o f scientific research wor k adversely affec t th e developmen t o f criticism, as do the departmenta l isola tion o f scientific and creativ e cadres an d th e lac k of proper co-ordination i n the wor k of scientific institutions. Considering the important role of literary and art criticism in the devel opment o f Soviet literature and art, the CPS U Central Committe e resolves : 1T o call the attentio n o f the central committees of union republic communist parties , kra i an d oblas t part y committees , ministrie s an d depart ments, unions of creative artists, leader s o f press organs, publishin g houses, television, an d radio to the necessity o f raising the ideological and theoretica l level of literary and art criticism, its activeness an d principled nature i n conducting the part y line in the area of creative work. It i s th e dut y of criticism t o giv e a profound analysi s o f phenomena , tendencies, an d pattern s o f th e contemporar y ar t process , t o promot e th e consolidation o f the leninis t principles of party-mindedness and kinship with



the peopl e i n every possibl e way , to struggl e fo r a high ideological and aes thetic level of Soviet art , and consistently t o oppose bourgeoi s ideology . Literary and art criticism is called upo n to facilitate th e expansion o f the artist's ideological view s and to perfec t his skills . In developin g the tradition s of marxist-leninist aesthetics , Sovie t literar y and ar t criticis m mus t combin e accuracy o f ideologica l evaluatio n an d profoundnes s o f socia l analysi s with aesthetic exactingnes s an d a careful attitude t o talent and to fruitfu l creativ e search... Pravda, 25 January 1972 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh xi , 29-33

5.40 On Preparation s for the Fiftiet h Anniversary of th e Formation of the Unio n o f Soviet Socialis t Republic s 2

1 February 197 2

The celebratio n o f th e fiftiet h anniversar y of th e USS R o n 3 0 Decembe r 197 2 was signaled earl y in the yea r by a lengthy Central Committee resolutio n out lining the national and international significance of the anniversary and calling on al l party , soviet , an d publi c organization s t o undertak e th e appropriat e political educatio n programs , socialis t competitions, an d othe r activities . This document i s the onl y one o f the Brezhne v perio d tha t deal s extensivel y wit h the them e o f the multinationa l composition o f the Sovie t Union and relate s it to th e concep t o f 'develope d socialism. ' Th e anniversar y wa s chose n a s a n occasion t o confir m publicl y an d officiall y th e historica l unity of the nationalities of the Sovie t Union on the basis of a voluntary and democratic association 'headed b y the workin g class under th e leadershi p o f the Communis t Party. ' The curren t stage of national development wa s placed in historical context by elaborating on the meaning of developed socialis m from th e perspective of the multinational Soviet state - nationa l integration of the economies o f the separate republics , eliminatio n o f nationa l an d clas s antagonisms , th e unifie d nature o f the federa l state system , widesprea d mobilizatio n of all nationalities for participatio n in socialis t construction, an d ideologica l unity. The exten t t o which th e regim e wa s ben t o n pursuin g a cours e o f nationa l unit y throug h industrialization an d Russificatio n i s evident i n th e explici t inclusion o f tw o indicators: th e remar k tha t practica l experience ha s convince d th e country' s peoples o f the material pay-offs connecte d wit h national unity; and, the volun tary choice of Russian a s the commo n workin g language of the country . ... In preparing fo r th e fiftieth anniversary o f th e formation o f th e USSR, th e Communist Party and the Soviet people recall with legitimate pride the path of



heroic victories and achievements that they have traversed. Th e Sovie t Union approaches this important jubilee with great achievements i n all areas of life. The fraterna l friendship of the workin g people of all nationalities plays an importan t role in these achievements. I t is the unit y of all the country' s forces an d resource s tha t mad e i t possibl e fo r th e Sovie t peopl e i n a very short historica l period to liquidat e the economi c an d cultural backwardness inherited from tsaris m and capitalism, to carry out the industrialization of the country, th e socialis t transformation o f agricultur e and a genuin e cultural revolution, t o buil d socialism an d transfor m the USS R int o a mighty, highly developed power , an d t o launc h th e constructio n o f a communist society . Due to the unit y of the state , our Sovie t Motherlan d was able to create its invincible defensive powe r that reliabl y ensures th e freedo m an d indepen dence o f its peoples and the conditions for their peaceful creative labour. Through many years of practical experience, all the peoples of the country have become convinced of the rich rewards that come from being united in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the vast opportunities that this affords for the future.

Concentration o f materia l means an d effort s an d th e selfles s mutua l assistance o f th e Sovie t people s hav e mad e i t possibl e t o creat e a highl y developed industr y and large-scal e mechanized agricultur e in all the repub lics. Compare d wit h 1922 , the yea r whe n the USS R was formed, ther e has been a more tha n on e hundred-fol d increase i n the nationa l income o f the country. Numerou s industria l an d cultura l centres an d well-equipped cities and village s have grow n up o n wha t had bee n feuda l and semi-feuda l outlying districts of tsarist Russia. Deep qualitativ e changes hav e taken plac e in the socio-politica l life of Soviet society : exploitatio n an d th e exploite r classes , unemploymen t an d illiteracy hav e all been liquidated ; the alliance between th e workers and th e peasants ha s becom e stronger . Socialis t nation s hav e bee n formed , th e social, ideological , an d politica l unity of the Sovie t peopl e ha s bee n estab lished. Nationa l cadres hav e been traine d and the people' s culture , socialist in conten t an d nationa l in form, i s flourishing. Works o f literature and art , and scientifi c works are created , an d newspaper s an d magazine s ar e pub lished on an unprecedented scal e in the languages of the people s of the USSR . The comprehensiv e developmen t o f the language s o f all the socialis t nations an d nationalitie s o f the Sovie t Unio n is an importan t result o f th e successful resolutio n o f th e nationalitie s proble m i n ou r country . I n th e Soviet period , ove r fort y people s previousl y without their ow n written language hav e acquire d a scientificall y developed writte n languag e an d no w have develope d literar y languages. All the nation s an d nationalitie s o f th e USSR have voluntarily chosen the Russian language as a common language for communication and collaboration between the nationalities. I t has become a powerful vehicl e fo r communication s betwee n an d cohesio n o f th e Sovie t



peoples, a mean s o f givin g access t o th e bes t achievement s o f Sovie t an d world culture. The equalizatio n an d enhancemen t o f the level s o f economic, social , political, and cultural development wer e an important factor i n the rapi d and all-round progres s o f all the republic s of the USSR . Wit h fraterna l unity , th e constructive energy , creativ e abilities, and talents of all the nationalitie s and peoples o f the Sovie t state have flourishe d to an exceptional degree . The RSFSR , th e Ukrainia n SSR , the Belorussia n SSR , the Uzbe k SSR , th e Kazakh SSR , the Georgia n SSR , the Azerbaidzha n SSR , the Lithuania n SSR , th e Moldavian SSR , the Latvia n SSR , the Kirgi z SSR , the Tadzhi k SSR , the Arme nian SSR , the Turkme n SSR , and th e Estonia n SS R are approachin g the fiftiet anniversary of their indestructible union in their prime. More than one hundred nation s and nationalities are working in our country shoulder t o shoulder, creatin g a communis t society . Ever y Sovie t person , regardles s o f hi s nationality, abov e al l take s prid e i n bein g a citize n o f th e grea t Unio n o f Soviet Socialis t Republics. The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s wit h satisfactio n tha t th e part y organizations o f al l th e unio n an d autonomou s republics , autonomou s oblasts, an d national okrugs play a vanguard role in accomplishing the leninist nationalit y policy, an d i n strengthenin g th e friendshi p o f peoples. The y always stand ou t a s the militan t detachments o f our party , carrying high th e banner of Sovie t patriotis m and socialis t internationalis m and marchin g at the head o f the toiling masses i n their struggle for the implementation o f the principles of scientific communism . The heroic efforts of the Soviet people have been duly crowned by the building in the USSR o f a developed socialist society i n which: a hig h leve l o f developmen t o f th e all-unio n econom y ha s bee n attained - a n interrelated economi c comple x that include s the economies of the republic s an d develop s i n accordanc e wit h a unifie d stat e pla n i n th e interests o f the countr y as a whole and each individua l republic; - clas s and national antagonism ha s been eliminated. Societ y as a whole and eac h natio n an d nationalit y have th e sam e typ e of social structure con sisting o f the workin g class, th e kolkho z peasantry , an d th e toilin g intelligentsia; the all-roun d development o f union statehoo d an d national statehoo d of the republics has been ensure d o n the basis of the principles of democratic centralism, socialis t federalism, an d Soviet socialis t democracy ; the necessar y condition s fo r th e activ e participatio n o f th e workin g people o f al l nationalitie s i n developin g science , technology , an d cultur e have bee n created . Th e flourishing , drawin g together, an d mutua l enrich ment o f the cultures of the socialist nationalitie s and nations hav e becom e a regular pattern in spiritual life; marxist-leninist ideology , socialist internationalism, an d friendshi p of



peoples hav e bee n established , th e proces s o f exchang e o f materia l an d spiritual value s an d cadres proceed s intensively , an d mutua l influenc e and internationalization o f the entir e teno r o f lif e o f the people s i n a variety of forms is intensifying. Today the working people in every republic constitute a multinational collective in which national features are organically connected with internationa l socialist features, a s well a s features and tradition s common to the entire Soviet Union. In the years of building socialism and communism in the USSR, a new historical community o f people has arisen - th e Soviet people. I t was formed on th e basis of social ownershi p of the mean s of production, o n th e unit y of eco nomic, social , political , and cultura l life, marxist-leninis t ideology, and th e interests an d communist ideal s of the workin g class. Soviet man has devel oped remarkabl e features : devotio n t o th e caus e o f communism, socialis t patriotism an d internationalism ; a hig h leve l o f labou r an d socio-politica l activity; intoleranc e o f exploitatio n an d oppression , nationalis t an d racia l prejudices; class solidarity with the workin g people of all countries. Genera tions o f genuine internationalists have grown - selfles s fighters for communism. I n the USS R the necessar y materia l and spiritual conditions hav e been created fo r further growth of the creative abilities of every Soviet person and for th e all-round development o f one's personality. The experience of building the Soviet multinational state has brilliantly confirmed the followin g conclusions o f marxism-leninism : that th e nationalit y question ca n be consistently resolved onl y on th e basis of the socialis t transformation of society; that, unlik e forma l bourgeoi s democracy , whic h proclaim s nationa l equality bu t neve r practice s it , socialis t democrac y guarantee s equa l right s and opportunities for nations and creates the conditions for solving nationality problem s wit h due regar d for the vita l interests o f the toiler s of various nationalities; that th e closes t unity , th e all-roun d flourishin g an d stead y drawin g together o f all nations and peoples of the lan d of the Soviet s are determine d by the nature of our system and are an objective pattern in the developmen t of socialism ; that a union of socialist republics is the most viable and perfect form of structure fo r a multinational stat e which harmoniously combine s th e inter ests of the entir e societ y with the interests o f each nation . Thus, marxist-leninist teaching on the nationality question has passed the test of practice and the leninist nationality policy has scored a complete victory. In markin g the gloriou s jubilee of the Sovie t Union , w e must follo w the leninist traditio n of our party - summin g up the results o f the past and turning above all to the tasks o f today and tomorrow . In th e condition s o f communis t construction , th e developmen t o f national relations proceed s alon g the line of the all-round consolidation an d



improvement o f the voluntar y union of socialist nationalities. The Report of the CPS U Central Committee t o the XXIV Congress note s that 'In past years, under th e guidanc e o f th e party , ne w step s hav e bee n mad e towar d th e all-round development o f each o f the fraterna l Sovie t republics, toward further gradual drawing together of the nations and nationalities of our country. This drawing together i s taking place in conditions of attentive consideration for specia l nationa l feature s an d fo r th e developmen t o f socialis t nationa l cultures. Constan t consideratio n fo r bot h th e commo n interest s o f ou r Union as a whole and the interests of each of its constituent republic s - thi s is the essenc e of the polic y of the part y in this question.' In the course of communist construction, the significance of the USSR as an historically completely proven state formof the jointstruggle of free peoples for the programme goals o f th e party an d for communist ideals i s growing. The con certed effort s o f the working people of all republics and economic regions, of personnel i n all branches o f the econom y an d culture, and of multinational labour collective s ar e especiall y necessary fo r th e succes s o f this struggle. The resolutio n o f gigantic problems such as the creation of the material and technical basi s o f communism an d communist productiv e forces, th e com prehensive intensificatio n of social production , th e organi c combination o f the achievement s o f th e contemporar y scientific-technologica l revolutio n with the advantage s o f the socialis t planne d economic system , ensuranc e of the furthe r enhancemen t o f the materia l and cultura l levels of the working people an d th e formatio n o f th e Ne w Man - th e resolutio n o f al l these requires th e concentratio n o f the entir e migh t o f th e multinationa l Soviet state, the potentialitie s of which are determined b y the wealt h and diversity of its resources, an d by the well-co-ordinate d actions and good organization of all the peopl e ... Pravda, 22 February 197 2 KPSS

5.41 On the Organizationa l an d Political Wor k of the Tbilis i Cit y Committee of the Communist Part y of Georgia in Fulfillin g the Decisions of the XXI V CPS U Congress * 2

v rezoliutsiiakh XI , 46-63

2 February 197 2

The apparentl y mil d criticism levele d a t th e wor k o f the loca l part y organ s in the Georgian Republic i n this document obscured the seriousness of the situation as it was perceived by Moscow. The directive resulted in widespread reper*

Excerpt: document not publishe d in full .



cussions throughou t th e entir e republi c an d also containe d implication s for local party organs in other republics. (For example , within six months, a Central Committe e Resolution , 'O n Marxist-Leninis t Study an d th e Economi c Education o f Leadin g Cadres i n th e Tashken t Cit y Part y Organization,' omi nously warne d tha t th e Tashken t cit y part y committe e ha d no t draw n th e necessary conclusion s fro m th e Tbilis i resolutio n an d wa s no t sufficientl y taking int o consideratio n th e specia l characteristic s and task s o f th e part y organization o f a republi c capital city . Se e Voprosy ideologicheskoi raboty, 2n d ed., Mosco w 1973 , 365-73. ) Th e Georgia n cas e i s certainly an extrem e on e because o f the traditiona l reputation of Georgians for their independence an d defiance o f centra l directives . However , th e presen t resolutio n resulte d i n unusually elaborat e publi c discussions , personne l changes , an d othe r visibl e activities i n response t o th e centre's deman d fo r compliance. It thus provides us with an excellent opportunity to examine some of the meanings implicit in general signal s found i n man y resolutions in this volume suc h a s injunctions 'to improv e organizationa l and politica l work, ' 't o eliminate short-comings,' 'to rais e th e leve l o f leadership, ' 't o improv e o r intensif y work, ' 't o tak e effective measures, ' 't o ensure undeviatin g observance,' 't o show dail y con cern,' 'to improve guidance,' 'to enhance the role,' etc . The resolutio n le d t o a series of party meeting s durin g the cours e o f which the loca l leadershi p reiterated an d detaile d th e charge s i n the resolutio n an d confirmed it s responsibility for the la x state of affairs i n Georgia. This exercise in 'criticis m an d self-criticism ' le d to admission s o f irregularities, crimes, an d deviations i n thre e broa d areas . The genera l charge o f plan underfulfillmen t and problem s in the economic sphere produced evidence of a lengthy series of economic crime s o n a massiv e republic-wid e scale. A numbe r o f outright criminal activitie s wer e revealed , includin g bribery , embezzlement , theft , speculation, appropriatin g state propert y and/or privat e use o f state property, unauthorized and illega l construction of houses an d dachas , manufacture and use o f narcotics , defraudin g of consumers, extortion , favouritism , parochialism, cronyism , careerism , nepotism , corruption , graft , an d forgery . In addi tion, a number of crimes relating to negligence or simulation in plan fulfilmen t were revealed, includin g systematic plan underfulfilment, poo r output quality, improper norm setting , supply breakdowns, unwarranted plan reduction, hid ing o f lo w growt h rates , voluntaris m an d subjectivis m i n personne l policy , mutual backscratching and toadyism. In the course of these revelations severa l important pattern s becam e evident . First , th e charge s wer e no t mad e i n th e usual genera l an d impersona l manner . Individual s wer e name d an d hel d responsible fo r their actions and thos e of their subordinates. Furthermore , a s the revelation s continue d ove r time , th e ide a emerge d tha t th e economi c crimes in Georgi a wer e not simpl y incidents o f individuals acting in isolation . They wer e bein g systematicall y perpetrate d b y group s o r network s an d th e scale of crime often reached hundreds of thousands and even millions of rubles.



At on e stag e i t was suggested a t a central committee plenu m o f the Georgia n Communist Part y that the republic was run by a number o f political bosses and political machines , wit h certain leader s dividin g the republi c into sphere s o f influence, assumin g patronag e ove r entir e districts, cities , and part y organizations, an d promotin g thei r protege s (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press XXV , no. 13 , 5). Finally, although th e crimes took place in the state sector, th e party was directl y implicated o n tw o levels. Man y o f those responsible fo r criminal activities wer e part y members, ofte n holdin g responsibl e part y posts i n addition to their state posts . In addition, the party as an organization was seen to be implicated i n criminal activity, at least a s a willing accomplice, throug h it s lax cadre policy (continuing to promote personnel wh o were known to be engage d in criminal activity), its failure t o supervis e an d inspect , it s acquiescence, an d through individua l part y official s wh o participate d willingl y i n th e crimina l activities. Thi s was not simpl y a n administrative-organizational issue ; it was a political issue . A secon d broa d are a tha t cam e unde r scrutin y as a result o f the resolutio n was a variet y of anti-social o r sociall y unacceptable form s o f behaviour. Thi s was a more fuzz y are a than the economic crimes because th e types of activities identified wer e no t alway s illegal. Sometimes the y encompassed persona l characteristics o r behaviou r tha t countere d th e regime' s officiall y designate d set s of norms an d standard s an d a t time s the y were activities which, while them selves no t illegal , were conducive t o the perpetration o f illegal acts. Again , the tone o f the discussio n an d th e multitud e o f cases suggeste d tha t thes e wer e widespread an d deepl y roote d phenomen a i n th e Georgia n Republic . The y included drunkenness , hooliganism , parasitism , observance o f religious cus toms an d rituals , wakes and weddings attended b y large crowds and becomin g drunken brawl s (often involving violence an d murder), unprincipled pragmatism, localism , buddyism , favouritism , egoism, individualism , religious prejudice, superstition , bloo d feuds , a cul t o f mone y an d o f th e 'golde n calf, ' money-grubbing, and a cult of gain. A major concern o f the discussion wa s the degree o f party acceptance o f these activities and the activ e pursuit of them by numbers o f responsible part y officials . The thir d major area o f concern i n the aftermath of the Central Committe e resolution wa s th e ideologica l sphere . Her e again , a wid e variet y o f charge s were laid, the most serious among them dealing with various manifestations of Georgian nationalis m an d traditions . A numbe r o f unreliable elements wer e attacked amon g the writers, historians, socia l scientists, an d officials wh o were accused o f deviations involvin g nationalist and chauvinis t tendencie s suc h a s propagating nationalism an d nationalisti c prejudices, downgradin g th e Sovie t Union (i.e . th e Russia n influence ) an d th e workin g clas s (i.e . th e party ) i n Georgian development , failin g t o devot e sufficien t attentio n t o th e 'inter nationalist upbringing ' o f the workin g class (especiall y youth an d th e intelli gentsia), replacin g feeling s o f Sovie t nationa l prid e b y nationa l concei t an d



excessive stres s o n th e uniquenes s o f Georgia' s developmenta l path , an d favouring the indigenous nationality in filling posts . A number of charges were laid against workers in the ideological field who had failed to eradicate survivals of th e pas t i n people' s mind s an d behaviour , failed t o combat a n infatuation with antiquit y and idealizatio n of antiquity , an d faile d t o dea l properl y with manifestations of petit-bourgeois ideology and morals and remnants of privateownership psychology. Several 'political' deviations were also identified, including trotskyism, right-wing opportunism, and revisionism, as well as the general absence o f a class approach in socio-political writing. The extensive exercis e in 'criticism and self-criticism' in which the Georgia n Communist Part y indulged was more than th e routine generalized and impersonal procedur e s o dominant i n part y organizations. It had widesprea d reper cussions i n personnel polic y throughout the part y and state organization s an d extended into the courts. The Georgian party organization experience d a series of sanction s rangin g fro m reprimand s t o demotion s an d dismissal s fo r th e responsible personne l and , i n many cases, the layin g of criminal charges. The seriousness o f the busines s wa s indicated by the remova l o f the republi c party first secretary, V.P . Mzhavanadze, and his replacement b y the former head of the Georgia n securit y police, E.A . Shevardnadze . Th e purg e the n range d all the way from th e republi c secretariat throug h the city and raion party organizations to the primary party organizations. The state administration also suffere d major shake-up s from th e Chairman of the Presidium of the Georgian Repub lic Suprem e Soviet , minister s and deput y minister s throug h head s of mai n administrations, an d dow n t o enterprise director s an d individual workers and employees wh o were exploiting the system . Whil e all sectors o f the econom y were affected, the trade network and the higher educationa l system wer e singled out fo r the extremitie s of the abuses takin g place in them .

Having heard the report of the first secretary of the Tbilisi city party committee, comrad e O.I. Lolashvili , the CPS U Central Committee notes that the cit y party organizatio n i s conducting significant wor k i n mobilizin g communists and al l th e toiler s t o pu t th e decision s o f th e xxi v CPS U Congres s int o practice... Nevertheless, th e CPS U Central Committee considers that th e leve l of organizational and political work of the Tbilisi city party committee and of its guidance over economi c and cultura l constructio n stil l does not full y mee t the requirements of the XXI V CPS U Congress and the tasks that the city party organization is called upon to accomplish. The cit y part y committee has failed t o consider sufficiently th e specifi c nature o f it s leadershi p o f th e capital' s part y organizatio n an d i t doe s no t always kee p i n it s fiel d o f visio n extremel y importan t sector s o f work tha t are significan t no t onl y for the city , bu t als o for the republi c as a whole. In political an d organizationa l work , prope r us e i s not mad e of all possibilities



available t o the part y organization of a republic centre - th e existence o f a numerous detachmen t o f the working class, scientific, technical, and creative intelligentsia, highl y qualified , experience d cadres , a develope d industria l base, an d a network of cultural institutions. In a number o f cases, th e cit y committee fail s t o notic e essentia l short-coming s i n its work behin d overall satisfactory indice s and fail s t o take the necessar y measure s t o do away with the short-comings ; littl e attention i s devoted t o organizing and verifying th e implementation o f party and government directive s ... The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e Tbilis i city party committee mus t d o away with the short-coming s noted i n the curren t resolution. Th e furthe r intensificatio n of the organizational and political work of the cit y party organization is to be ensured i n th e practical implementatio n o f th e decision s o f the XXI V CPSU Congress . Th e forms and methods of the activity of the city and raion party committees and of the primar y party organizations are to be perfected constantly. 2 Th e cit y an d raio n part y committees an d primar y party organizations must develo p the labou r and political activeness o f the masse s i n every possible way , improv e th e organizatio n an d rais e th e effectivenes s o f socialist competition fo r th e successfu l fulfilmen t o f th e target s o f th e Nint h Five Year Plan, state plans , and pledges accepted by the working people of Tbilisi for th e yea r 1972 . Th e responsibilit y of leadin g engineering an d technica l personnel fo r the fulfilment o f plan assignments accordin g to all indicators by every enterprise , shop , productio n section , an d brigad e is to be raised. I t is necessary t o wor k out an d steadil y t o pu t int o practic e at ever y enterpris e concrete measure s for raising the effectivenes s of production on the basi s of accelerating technologica l progress , raisin g labou r productivity , improving the qualit y o f manufacture d products , an d a mor e rationa l utilizatio n of available capacities, labour , and material resources. A decisive struggl e is to be wage d agains t departmenta l narrow-mindednes s an d manifestation s of localist tendencies . Part y supervisio n i n th e are a o f th e econom y i s to b e intensified an d a part y approac h i n solvin g economi c problem s i s t o b e ensured. 3A n urgen t tas k o f th e cit y part y organization is considered t o b e th e achievement o f a radica l improvemen t i n th e busines s o f capital construc tion. Necessary measure s are to be taken to eliminate the lag in the construction o f production capacities, residentia l houses , municipal enterprises, an d enterprises fo r trade, cultural, and everyday services. They are to ensure tha t construction unit s ar e commissione d o n time , tha t th e qualit y of construction is improved, and that construction material s are used economically ... 4 Th e CPS U Central Committee especiall y directs the attentio n of the city and raion part y committees, th e executiv e committee s o f the cit y and raion Soviets o f Working People's Deputies, an d of party and trade union organizations to carry out effective measure s to improve trade and public catering, municipal and everyday services, an d the population' s medica l service .



5 Th e cit y part y committee i s ordered t o raise the leve l of its leadership of party organizations at scientific-research and design institutes, educationa l and cultural-enlightenmen t institutions. Effort s ar e t o be mad e t o concen trate scientifi c researc h o n th e mos t importan t problem s o f scientifi c an d technological progres s and on developin g fundamental sciences; the effec tiveness o f the wor k conducted b y institutes , universit y departments, an d laboratories is to be raised; an atmosphere of creativity and mutual exactingness is to be formed in every scientific collective. Personnel i n science, literature, and the arts are to be trained in a spirit of great responsibility to society for thei r work; their ties with production collectives are to be strengthened . Educational an d upbringin g work is to b e improved i n higher, secon dary specialize d an d vocational-technica l institutions , an d genera l educa tional schools. A more extensive influ x o f young workers and peasants into higher educational institution s and technical school s is to be ensured; complete an d promp t fillin g o f place s i n vocational-technica l school s i s t o b e accomplished wit h eighth - and tenth-grad e graduate s o f secondary schools . More attentio n i s to b e pai d to question s o f the professional orientation of school children. 6 Th e cit y an d raio n part y committee s an d primar y party organizations must significantly improv e their ideological work, actively direct it at moulding th e toilers ' marxist-leninis t outlook and the hig h moral feature s necessary to a builder of communism; th e decision s o f the XXI V CPSU Congres s and the Novembe r (1971 ) Plenu m of the CPS U Central Committee ar e to be propagandized widely . The meanin g and grandeur of the task s of the Ninth Five-Year Pla n are t o b e explained to all the workin g people, a s well as the significance o f the fulfilmen t o f these task s fo r strengthening th e economi c and defenc e migh t of our Motherlan d an d fo r raising the livin g standard o f the population. The hear t of all mass political work must become th e proposition that, in the lon g run, the fulfilmen t o f the Five-Yea r Plan will depen d on th e activeness , creativ e attitud e t o work, and persisten t labou r of every worker. The economic educatio n of cadres and the broad toiling masses is to be improved. There is to be an elevation of the role of the press, radio, and television in solving the tasks of social and economic development an d communist training posed b y the Congress . Work is to be intensified in educating the toiler s in the spiri t of frater nal friendship between the peoples of the USSR , Soviet patriotism, and social ist internationalism. In the course of preparations for the 50th anniversary of the formatio n of the USSR , th e triump h of the leninis t nationality policy is to be reveale d i n detail , a s wel l a s th e historica l significanc e o f unitin g th e Soviet republics in a single multinational socialist state, the patterns of development o f the socialis t nations and their drawing together, an d the achieve ments o f the Sovie t people in communist construction . 7 Th e Tbilis i city committee, party , soviet, trad e union, an d Komsomo l organizations, organs of people's control , court, procurator' s office, an d th e



militia o f th e cit y ar e require d t o tak e effectiv e measure s t o intensif y th e struggle agains t embezzlemen t o f socialis t property , bribery , speculation, parasitism, an d misus e o f offic e i n trad e an d domesti c services . Constan t political wor k is to b e conducted t o overcom e survival s of private property and othe r negativ e phenomena ; al l mean s ar e t o b e use d t o cultivat e i n people an intolerant attitude to views and behaviour alien to our society. The role of labour collectives is to be elevated in the struggle with survivals of the past, and violations of law and order and the rules of socialist communal life . 8 Th e cit y an d raion party committees ar e to ensure undeviatin g observance of the leninist principles of selection, placement , and training of cadres in the cit y party organization and ar e constantly to see to it that all sectors of party, soviet , an d economi c wor k are heade d b y politically trained , compe tent, an d capabl e organizers. Effort s ar e t o b e mad e t o ensur e tha t ever y leader persistentl y master s contemporar y method s o f guidance , demon strates efficienc y an d businesslik e characte r i n work , and organicall y combines the qualitie s of an organizer and educator. It is necessary to develop in personnel a feeling for the ne w and th e abilit y to give a critical evaluation of what has been achieved. Exactingnes s an d personal responsibilit y of leading cadres of all ranks are to be enhanced fo r entrusted work , and personnel ar e to b e mad e strictl y responsibl e fo r violatin g party an d stat e disciplin e an d abusing their official position . 9 On e o f the mos t importan t task s of the cit y party organization is considered t o be the undeviatin g observance o f leninist norms o f party life, th e steady developmen t o f inner-party democracy, an d principle d criticism and self-criticism. I t is necessary to elevate th e rol e of raion party committees as organs o f political leadership. Constant attentio n i s to be given to question s of raising and improvin g the qualitativ e composition o f party ranks, to th e ideological and political education of communists, an d to raising their activeness an d responsibilit y for th e fulfilmen t o f th e requirement s o f th e CPS U Programme and Rules. The city and raion party committees are to show daily concern i n intensifyin g th e fightin g efficienc y o f primar y an d sho p part y organizations an d part y groups, an d strengthenin g thei r influenc e over al l spheres of the lif e and activity of labour collectives. Efforts ar e to be made t o ensure that primar y party organizations correctly and with utmost effective ness exercis e th e righ t granted t o the m b y the CPS U Rule s t o supervise th e activity of the administration and the work of the administrative apparatus of institutions an d department s i n thei r fulfilmen t o f part y an d governmen t directives. 10 Th e Tbilis i city and raio n part y committees mus t improv e their guidance over th e toilers' mas s organizations. Th e rol e of city and raion Soviets of Working People's Deputies i s to be enhanced, as is their influence on the further developmen t o f th e city' s economy , o n improvin g th e socia l an d cultural service s o f the population , and o n strengthenin g th e protectio n of public order. Th e authorit y and activeness o f deputies i s to be enhanced, a s



well a s thei r responsibilit y before th e voters . Trad e unio n wor k i s t o b e improved i n involvin g the toiler s more extensivel y in productio n manage ment, organizin g socialis t competition , exercisin g supervisio n ove r th e observance of labour legislation, and improving the wor k and daily life con ditions of workers and employees . The activit y of Komsomol organizations must be scrutinized thoroughly from da y to day, and they are to be helped in doing a bette r jo b o f accomplishin g the tas k o f providin g for communis t education of young men an d women, taking into account the specific nature of various groups of young people. The part y nucleus in the Komsomo l i s to be consolidated further; the work of party members and candidate member s in Komsomo l organization s is considered t o b e a n importan t part y assign ment. Pravda, 6 March 197 2 KPSS

5.42 On Measure s fo r Intensifying th e Struggl e against Drunkennes s an d Alcoholism * 1

v rezoliutsiiakh XI , 67-74

6 May 1972

This resolution signale d an intensification of the ongoing campaign agains t on e of the majo r social an d industria l problems i n the Sovie t Union . The thrus t of the curren t campaig n wa s to be in two directions: a propaganda driv e focusin g on th e har m tha t alcoholis m doe s t o people' s physica l an d emotiona l well being and a program of constructive alternative s to alcoholism as a social acti vity. Thes e programme s wer e par t o f a n overal l campaig n conducte d b y th e regime agains t alcoholis m tha t include d attempt s t o mobiliz e pee r an d public pressures against drunkenness, th e promulgatio n o f legislation t o deal with the problem, th e extensio n o f compulsory treatment , an d attempts to manipulat e prices an d accessibilit y t o alcohol. However , wit h traditional attitude s toward s the illega l production o f alcohol and its widespread consumption , compounde d by th e pressure s o f an urba n industria l environment wit h relative scarcitie s o f consumer good s an d services , i t i s unlikely tha t th e limite d approac h o f th e Brezhnev regim e wil l hav e a significan t impac t o n drinkin g pattern s i n th e Soviet Union .


2 Th e centra l committee s o f unio n republi c communis t parties , krai , oblast, cit y and raio n party committees, an d primary party organizations are * Excerpt : document no t publishe d in full . ** Par t of the documen t is omitted i n the original.

MAY 197 2 P L E N U M 21


ordered t o conduc t a decisive an d persisten t struggl e agains t drunkennes s and alcoholism , t o wor k ou t concret e measure s for th e extensiv e develop ment o f mas s political , cultural , an d educationa l wor k i n collective s an d among th e populatio n a t thei r place s o f residence , fo r intensifyin g anti alcohol propaganda , an d for raisin g the effectivenes s o f public and adminis trative pressure o n persons wh o abuse alcohol.. . Pravda, 1 3 June 1972 KPSS

Plenum of the Central Committee 1

v rezoliutsiiakh XI , 89-90

9 May 197 2

The issu e of an exchange of party documents was first made public by Brezhnev in his Central Committee Repor t to the XXI V Congress. A t that time he noted tha t th e las t exchang e o f part y documents ha d take n plac e seventee n years earlier and that the period of validity of the party cards issued in 1954 had expired. In his report Brezhnev stressed that an exchange of party document s had as its aim the strengthenin g of the part y through an increase in the activeness an d disciplin e o f part y members . Brezhnev' s recommendatio n an d it s goals wer e embodie d i n th e congres s resolutio n o n th e Centra l Committe e Report. There ar e a numbe r o f indicator s tha t th e leadershi p wa s spli t ove r th e significance that should be attached to the exchange of documents. It was a ful l year before the Central Committee met to act on the congress decision and to announce detail s o f th e exchange . Th e mai n repor t t o th e plenu m o n th e exchange o f part y document s wa s delivered by I.V. Kapitonov , a member o f the Secretariat . Accordin g to the communiqu e issued i n conjunction with th e plenum, n o Politbur o member spok e o n th e issue , althoug h thi s wa s late r contradicted by a reference in a Pravda editoria l to remarks attributed to Brezhnev at the plenum. Furthermore, the communique noted simply that 'the plenum adopte d an appropriate resolution on this issue,' avoiding the usual form indicating unanimity of Central Committee decisions. The decision, itself, indicated a furthe r year' s dela y i n th e actua l implementatio n o f th e exchange . These circumstances suggeste d a n inabilit y o f the leadershi p to come t o firm agreement over the purposes, scope and procedures of the exchange. An editoria l i n Pravda o n 2 4 June (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xxrv , no. 25 , 1-4), more than a month afte r th e Centra l Committee plenum, gives us some insigh t into the natur e of the difference s ove r th e exchang e of documents. Ther e appeare d t o b e thre e position s i n th e part y leadership . On e extreme saw the exchange as a purge in the traditional sense with strong political overtones, if not a complete return to the part y purges of the 1930 s aimed at



the removal of alien class elements. A t the other extreme were those who took the position that the exchange was to be conducted as a purely technical procedure, involving only the replacemen t o f old party cards with new ones. Apparently, a moderat e group , heade d b y Brezhnev , wa s abl e t o bridg e th e ga p between th e two extremes an d had won the day by the last week in June. Th e position o f this group was embodied i n a statement attribute d to Brezhnev at the plenu m that 'i t [th e exchange of party documents] mus t not be reduced t o a purely technical operation, whil e at the same time it should be borne in mind that this is not a party purge.' The succes s o f th e compromis e ca n b e attribute d t o it s definitio n o f th e 'political' dimension o f the exchange, whic h emphasized goal s that were probably acceptabl e t o a broa d spectru m withi n th e party . The exchang e wa s to incorporate a politica l component, bu t th e meanin g o f 'political' wa s sharply limited t o administrativ e and organizationa l activity . Th e politica l goa l o f the exchange of party documents wa s to be a strengthening of the party by intensifying th e participation , initiative , and disciplin e o f part y members an d thei r vanguard rol e i n buildin g communism. I t wa s to b e a revie w of the party' s forces and a strict, exacting check-up aimed at improving the party's efficienc y as an administrativ e an d supervisor y agency , especially in the economy , cul ture, and its own internal operation. The substanc e o f th e Ma y 197 2 Centra l Committe e resolutio n an d th e follow-up resolution s o f Februar y 197 3 an d Januar y 197 5 (5.47 ) tende d t o reflect an d reinforc e th e moderat e positio n o f Brezhnev. A s the exchang e o f party document s go t underwa y after 1 March 1973 , i t became clea r tha t th e purpose of the exercise was to enhance the party's ability to carry out its leadership tasks i n the economic , cultural , and political sectors, t o conduct ideological, educational , and organizationa l work among th e masses, and to improv e its ow n interna l organization . Th e procedure s fo r conductin g th e exchang e were clearly defined and, i f one i s to believ e the publishe d reports, rigorously adhered t o in order t o protect part y members agains t arbitrary and unfounde d expulsions an d t o provid e a n importan t organizationa l experience fo r thos e conducting the exchange . One personne l chang e wa s announced a t th e plenum , th e electio n o f th e Secretariat's B.N . Ponomarev a s a candidate member o f the Politburo .


On the Exchang e of Party Documents 1

9 May 197 2

In accordance wit h the decisio n o f the XXI V Party Congress, th e CPS U Cen tral Committee Plenu m resolve s that: 1I n th e year s 1973-74 , an exchang e o f party documents of CPS U mem bers is to be conducted. Al l necessary preparator y work is to be done befor e that time.

MAY 197 2 P L E N U M 21


The exchang e o f party documents i s to be carried out as an important organizational-political measure, subordinated to the tasks of further consolidating the part y and raisin g the activenes s an d disciplin e of communists. I t must facilitat e a n improvement in th e activit y of all party organizations and an intensification of their work in fulfilling th e tasks of economic and cultural construction posed by the XXIV CPSU Congress. The exchang e of party documents mus t b e used to the utmos t for the furthe r activizatio n of inner-party life, fo r improvin g methods of party leadership, an d fo r raising the leve l of ideological, educational, and organizational work among the masses . Party organization s must mak e effort s t o ensur e tha t al l communists strictly observ e th e requirement s of the Programm e an d Rule s of the CPSU , actually fulfi l thei r vanguar d rol e i n productio n an d i n socia l an d politica l life, tak e a conscientiou s attitud e t o part y assignments , constantl y maste r marxist-leninist theory, and serve as a model of observance of Soviet laws , the norms o f communist morality, and rules for socialist communal life . 2I t is established that all party membership cards and record cards of the 1954 form are subject t o exchange . A n exchang e of candidate membership cards is not t o b e carried out i n vie w of the fac t tha t candidate members of the party will receive the new party documents upon their admission as members to the CPSU . Fro m the moment party documents are to be exchanged, all those admitted as candidate members are to be given candidate membership cards of the ne w form. 3 Th e exchang e o f part y cards of CPS U member s i s to b e carrie d out ac cording to a strictly individual procedure, directl y in the raio n and cit y party committees an d in political departments where communists are permanently registered. Th e exchang e i s to b e conducted b y the secretarie s o f raion and city part y committee s an d b y head s an d deput y head s o f politica l depart ments; they are to bear personal responsibility before the CPS U Central Committee for the correc t issuance of party membership cards. Taking int o consideratio n th e larg e amoun t o f wor k t o b e done , permission wil l b e grante d t o enlis t bureau member s i n verifying entrie s in party documents; i n the larges t city and raion party organizations, members of the cit y and raion party committees may also be enlisted wit h the permission of the central committees o f the unio n republic communist parties. During the perio d when party membership cards are to be exchanged, the right to sign party documents of communists is to be granted, along with the firs t secretaries , t o othe r raio n and cit y part y committe e secretaries , as well. New party membership card s are to be presented t o communists b y the secretaries o f the raio n and oblas t committee s and, i n the larges t raion and city part y organizations, th e presentatio n o f part y membershi p card s ma y also be conducted b y members of the bureaus of raion and city committees . 4 Th e leadershi p o f th e exchang e o f part y document s i n th e oblasts , krais, an d republic s is to b e mad e th e responsibilit y of the oblas t an d kra i committees an d th e centra l committee s o f the unio n republi c communist



parties; i n th e part y organization s of th e Sovie t Arm y an d Navy , border guard troops and other party organizations, it is to be the responsibility of the political administration and the appropriate political departments . It i s viewed as necessary t o discus s the task s of party organizations in connection with the exchang e of party documents at plenums of the central committees o f th e unio n republi c communist parties , krai , oblast , okrug , city, and raion party committees, an d at meetings of communists i n primary party organizations. Pravda, 2 0 Ma y 197 2 KPSS

5.44 On Measure s for Improving the Trainin g of Party an d Soviet Cadres in th e Highe r Party School of the CPSU Centra l Committee* 1

v rezoliutsiiakh XI , 92- 3

September 197 2

... the Highe r Part y Schoo l o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e occupie s a n important plac e i n th e syste m o f training and retrainin g leading part y and soviet cadres. Many of its graduates have been promote d t o responsible sectors o f party , soviet, an d stat e wor k and ar e copin g successfull y wit h their assigned tasks. The Higher Party School provides scientific and methodologi cal assistance t o republi c and inter-oblas t highe r part y schools, soviet-party schools, an d permanen t courses . Scientifi c tie s betwee n th e Highe r Party School an d part y educationa l institution s i n othe r socialis t countrie s hav e been expanded* * ... Proceeding fro m th e instruction s o f th e XXI V CPS U Congres s o n th e need fo r a furthe r improvemen t i n th e trainin g of leading party and sovie t cadres, the CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e rector's office an d party committee o f the Highe r Party School of the CPS U Centra l Committe e ar e ordere d t o concentrat e th e effort s o f th e Higher Part y School on training leading party and soviet cadre s wh o master marxist-leninist theory, are able to appl y it creatively in their practical activity, an d hav e a goo d knowledg e o f contemporary problem s o f communis t construction. Effort s ar e to be made t o ensure tha t students steadil y maste r the leninis t art of leadership of the masses, cultivate in themselves a feeling for th e ne w and a n abilit y to connect th e solutio n of current problem s with long-range socia l development , an d conduc t a n uncompromisin g struggl e with bourgeois ideolog y and revisionism . * Excerpt : document not publishe d in full. ** Par t of the documen t is omitted in the original.



The educationa l process is to be based o n thorough stud y of marxismleninism, th e histori c experience o f th e CPSU , th e party' s curren t strategi c and tactica l positions , leninis t principle s an d method s o f part y an d stat e leadership, th e processe s o f the transformatio n o f socialis m int o commu nism, th e development of the scientific and technological revolution, and the utilization o f objectiv e economi c law s in plannin g and managin g th e eco nomy. A course is to be introduced into the school's curriculu m entitled 'The Fundamentals of Scientific Management o f the Socialist Economy' and more attention i s to b e devote d t o studyin g the theor y an d practic e o f party and soviet construction , th e scientifi c fundamentals of party propaganda , socia l psychology and pedagog y in party work, and question s o f cultural construction. It is considered necessar y t o rework the curriculum and direct its contents a t a broad rang e of problems o f contemporary socia l development, a t the creativ e stud y of the experienc e o f the CPS U in guiding communist con struction, an d a t formin g an d developin g qualitie s i n student s tha t ever y party and soviet worker should posses s .. . 3 Th e role and responsibility of departments for ensuring a high ideological an d theoretica l leve l i n th e trainin g and retrainin g o f part y and sovie t cadres is to be raised. To carr y ou t instructional , scientific , an d methodologica l work , th e school i s t o hav e th e followin g departments : histor y o f the CPSU , marxist leninist philosophy, politica l economy, scientific communism, party construction, soviet state construction and law, soviet economy and the fundamentals of scientifi c managemen t o f th e economy , th e internationa l communis t workers' an d nationa l liberatio n movement, journalism , Russia n languag e and literature, and foreign languages. It is planned that the department s wil l have instructional-methodologica l office s an d laboratorie s fo r generalizing party work experience and economic management* * ... 4 Th e rector' s offic e o f the Highe r Party School has been commissione d to implemen t measure s t o improv e practical training. Study is to be organ ized of the experienc e of the work of party organizations and soviet bodies by the students , a s well as their stud y of the applicatio n of modern method s o f managing the economy, an d the latest achievements i n science, technology , and culture ; provision s ar e t o b e mad e fo r studie s i n computer centres , a t leading enterprises , o n kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes, and, wher e necessary, in scientific-research institutes . 5 Th e ter m of study in the Higher Party School of the CPS U Central Com mittee remain s two years. Fo r the purpose s o f the students' more profound training in the variou s areas o f party and soviet work, options are to be pro** Par

t of the documen t is omitted i n the original.



vided durin g the las t six months, takin g into consideration th e subsequen t employment o f the school' s graduates. I t has been establishe d tha t student s complete a course projec t on the problem s of party guidance over economi c and cultural construction, organizationa l and ideological work, and that they pass stat e examination s i n th e histor y o f the CPSU , dialectica l and historical materialism, and political economy. Graduates o f the Highe r Part y School wil l be given a diploma indicating tha t the y hav e receive d highe r part y politica l education, a s wel l as a n appropriate certificate indicating that the y meet th e minimu m qualifications for a candidate's degree i n philosophy, economics an d history ... 7 Th e Highe r Part y Schoo l o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e i s commis sioned t o provide systematic assistanc e t o local party educational institutions in instructional, methodological, an d scientific work ... 10 Th e part y committe e o f the Highe r Part y Schoo l of the CPS U Centra l Committee mus t elevat e th e rol e o f party organizations an d part y groups in the lif e o f the schoo l an d raise the persona l responsibility of communists fo r the stat e o f their exactingnes s i n the selectio n o f candidates, for the stat e of teaching, scientific , an d upbringing work ... Kommunist, no. 1 6 (1972): KPSS 3-5

v rezoliutsiiakh XI , 160-3


On Conducting Report-and-Election Meeting s and Party Conferences* 3

October 197 3

This resolutio n signaled th e first time that report-and-election meeting s wer e to b e hel d i n primar y party organization s accordin g t o th e chang e i n Party Rules approve d b y th e XXI V Part y Congress . Fro m th e descriptio n o f th e focus o f the meeting s (productio n and labour mobilization) and the attendan t publicity t o b e give n t o th e proceedings , i t appear s that thei r purpos e wa s essentially t o generat e widesprea d enthusias m fo r th e regime' s immediat e goals rathe r tha n t o hol d part y official s responsibl e t o th e membershi p o r t o discuss problems in an open an d fran k manner .

In accor d wit h the CPS U statutes , report s an d election s have begu n i n party organizations. Th e present report-and-electio n campaig n is taking place in an atmosphere o f nation-wid e struggl e fo r th e implementatio n o f the histori c decisions o f the XXI V Congress o f the part y ... * Excerpt

: document not publishe d in full .



In the course of implementing the decisions of the Congress, th e leading role of the CPS U in communist construction has become ever greater. The party and al l party organizations have been enriched wit h new experience in guiding th e variou s side s o f economi c an d socia l life . Part y rank s hav e become stronger an d ther e ha s bee n a noticeabl e growt h i n th e creativ e activeness o f communists. T o a great extent , thi s is being facilitate d b y th e exchange o f party documents no w being conducted . The significanc e of the forthcoming report-and-election conferences in raion, city , okrug, oblast, an d kra i part y organizations is determined b y the fact that they will be held for the first time after th e XXI V Congress and are called upon t o exert a serious influence on th e entir e cours e of subsequen t work in accomplishing the tasks confronting the party. The CPS U Central committee resolves : 1 .. . ** Taking into consideration the proposals of the central committees of union republic communist partie s and of the krai and oblast party committees, regular report-and-election raion, city, and okrug party conferences are to take place in December 1973-Januar y 1974 , while oblast and krai conferences are to be held in January to early March 1974 . Before the beginnin g of the raio n and cit y conferences , report s an d election s ar e to b e complete i n primary party organizations. 2A t the report-and-electio n meetings an d conferences, it is necessary t o give a comprehensiv e analysi s and summin g u p o f th e result s o f wor k i n fulfilling th e decisions of the XXIV Congress and the subsequent resolution s of the CPS U Central Committee. The y are to be conducted under the badge of elevating th e rol e an d responsibilit y of party organizations for the practical implementation o f th e economi c an d socia l polic y o f the party , the furthe r development o f productiv e forces , scienc e an d culture , an d a ris e i n th e material well-being of the workin g people. The preparatio n and conduct of reports and elections mus t becom e an important stage i n the struggl e for the unconditiona l fulfilment o f state plans and pledge s undertaken fo r the thir d an d decisive year of the five-year-plan period in industry, agriculture, capital construction an d other branches , an d for th e fulfilmen t o f th e entir e Five-Yea r Pla n ahea d o f schedule . Th e energies of party organizations are to be directed at an even broader develop ment o f socialis t competitio n an d a t developin g and carryin g out counter plans of labour collectives for 1974 . The meeting s an d conferences are called upon actively to facilitate th e mobilization o f communist s an d al l toiler s fo r raisin g th e effectivenes s of social productio n in every possible way, accelerating scientific-technological progress, improving the quality of products, and perfecting methods of management an d administration. I t is necessary t o pay special attention to doing away wit h existing short-comings, makin g use o f unused reserve s at every ** Par

t of the documen t is omitted in the original.



enterprise, constructio n site , kolkhoz , an d sovkhoz . A t th e meeting s an d conferences, question s o f securing the preservatio n of socialist property and the observance o f state and labour discipline and Soviet legality must receive appropriate representation. 3 Th e centra l committees o f the unio n republi c communist partie s and the krai , oblast , okrug , city, an d raio n part y committee s ar e to ensur e tha t report-and-election part y meeting s an d conference s ar e conducte d i n a n atmosphere o f businesslike, principle d discussion o f the wor k of every party organization o n th e basi s o f widel y develope d criticis m an d self-criticism. Questions o f the practic e of party guidance over economic and cultural construction mus t b e considere d thoroughly , a s wel l a s th e intensificatio n of supervision and verification of the implementatio n o f party and governmen t directives, raising the responsibility of cadres for assigned tasks, and perfecting party political and organizational work. In the course of the report-and-election campaign, experience of work conducted in connection wit h the exchang e of party documents is to be generalized in order t o ensure tha t fulles t us e is made of this important organizational-political measur e fo r improvin g the activit y of party organizations, developing the initiativ e and activenes s o f communists, an d strengthenin g party discipline. 4A t the meeting s and conferences, i t is necessary to discuss thoroughly questions o f th e ideologica l and politica l work o f part y organizations , th e marxist-leninist education of communists, an d the training of the toilers in a spirit o f hig h consciousness , Sovie t patriotism , socialis t internationalism , implacability t o bourgeoi s ideology , an d stric t observanc e o f th e norm s o f communist morality. Concrete measures ar e to be determined for raising the level of ideological and political work with the masses in accordance with the requirements o f the presen t stag e of communist constructio n and the inter national activity of the part y and Soviet state ... 6 Th e centra l committees o f the unio n republic communist partie s and the kra i and oblast part y committees mus t exercis e constan t guidanc e over the preparatio n and conduct o f report-and-election part y meetings and con ferences. Stric t observanc e o f leninist norms o f party life i s to b e ensured . Efforts ar e to be made to accomplish further improvemen t i n the qualitative composition o f party organs by electing to them the best prepared, politically active, and authoritative communists ...** The CPS U Centra l committe e emphasize s tha t part y organ s mus t attentively tak e criticis m int o consideration , promptl y conside r th e pro posals an d remark s o f communists , an d tak e effectiv e measure s fo r thei r realization. **

Part of the document i s omitted in the original.



The cours e o f the report-and-electio n meeting s and conferences i s to be covered widel y in the centra l and local press, b y radio and television. Partiinaia zhizn', no. 2 0 KPSS (1973): 3-5

v rezoliutsiiakh XI , 332-5

5.46 On the Wor k o f the Mosco w Higher Technical College, Named for N.E. Bauman, and the Sarato v State University, Name d for N.G. Chernyshevsky, in Raisin g the Ideological-Theoretical Level of Social Scienc e Teachin g 5

June 1974

... There ar e substantia l short-coming s an d omission s i n th e wor k o f th e party committees , rectors ' offices , an d department s o f the Mosco w Highe r Technical Colleg e and Sarato v University in improving social science teaching. The necessar y attentio n i s not devote d t o th e qualit y o f lectures that determine the content and ideological-political orientation of the entire educational process . I n a number o f cases, teacher s fai l t o ensur e a profound, vivid, and intelligible presentation of the material when lecturing. Important questions of theory and practice, the history of the Communist Party and the socialist stat e ar e sometime s presente d superficially , withou t proper argumentation an d scientifi c generalizations . Criticis m o f moder n bourgeoi s theories, reformism , an d revisionis m is carried ou t wit h insufficient sharp ness and persuasio n an d does no t always take into consideration the specia l features of the presen t stag e of the ideologica l struggle. At seminars , man y teacher s fai l t o creat e a n atmospher e o f creative discussion o f topical questions o f marxist-leninist theory, thu s lowering the activeness o f students an d failing to facilitate their independent thinking . At times, student s d o not receive convincing answers to questions that concern them. Study of theoretical problems is poorly related to life, to the practice of communist construction , an d t o inculcatin g a clas s approac h i n evaluating events an d phenomen a o f contemporary social life . The seriou s short-coming s i n lecture s an d seminar s ar e abov e al l a result of the wea k teaching-methodology work of the department s which, as the basi c units , ar e calle d upo n t o ensur e th e unit y o f instructio n an d upbringing in al l forms of the educationa l process . Th e cinema , television , and othe r moder n technica l educationa l medi a an d visua l aid s ar e no t utilized in teaching the social sciences . Many graduate s d o no t receiv e sufficien t trainin g i n a numbe r o f present-day problem s i n th e philosophica l an d economi c science s tha t ar e



important fo r th e practica l activit y o f youn g specialists . A t th e Mosco w Higher Technical College ther e i s no fundamenta l study by students o f th e ways and method s o f organically combinin g the achievement s o f the scien tific-technological revolutio n wit h the advantage s o f the socialis t economi c system and the characte r and patterns of its development. Th e politica l economy departmen t i n som e natura l science facultie s o f Sarato v University fails t o focu s attention o n question s o f raising th e effectivenes s of socialist production. Questions concerning the formatio n of communist morality and ethics in youn g people an d problem s of labour training and intoleranc e t o every thing that opposes th e Sovie t way of life ar e no t properl y reflected in social science teaching . Ther e ar e stil l case s o f a careless attitud e to studie s an d violations of public order among the students . In th e departments , integrate d researc h ha s no t bee n organize d o n problems o f develope d socialis t society , o n question s concernin g socia l science methodolog y an d teachin g methods , an d als o o n th e form s an d methods o f ideological work. The rectors ' offices , part y committees, an d departmen t head s mak e serious mistake s i n thei r wor k wit h teachin g cadres . Whe n selectin g lec turers, the y d o no t properl y consider th e leninis t instruction that th e ideo logical-political orientatio n o f lecture s an d thei r conten t ar e determine d 'completely and exclusivel y by the staf f o f lecturers.' The correc t combina tion o f experienced an d youn g teachers i s not ensured. Competition s to fill vacant positions and certification of scientific and pedagogical cadres are carried out formally . In the department s of political economy and philosophy of Saratov University more tha n half of the teachers do not have a basic higher education in their given specialities. There are substantial short-coming s i n work on selecting students for graduate school . A t th e Mosco w Highe r Technica l College , mos t o f th e graduate students i n the socia l science departments fai l to cope with plans for scientific work and are poorly prepared for pedagogical activity. The part y committe e an d rector's offic e o f Saratov Universit y are no t sufficiently increasin g the responsibilit y of party organizations and social science department heads for the ideological-theoretical level of teaching in the socio-economic discipline s and fo r upgradin g the qualification s of teacher s and the y are not devotin g th e necessar y attentio n t o the housin g an d dail y living conditions o f students. Fo r a long time, th e academi c counci l of th e university faile d t o examin e an d analys e th e activit y o f th e socia l scienc e departments. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e party committees an d rectors' offices o f the Moscow Higher Technical College and Saratov State University are ordered t o do away with existing short-coming s i n thei r instructional-upbringin g an d scientifi c activity.



Further improvemen t i n th e syste m o f marxist-leninis t education an d th e formation o f th e communis t outloo k o f youn g specialists is to b e ensured . Social science teacher s ar e called upo n t o tie theory close r t o the practic e of communist constructio n an d to the presen t politica l and organizational work of th e party . Persistent effort s ar e to be made t o ensure tha t every graduate of a highe r schoo l creativel y master marxist-leninis t theory an d constantl y strive t o augment an d deepen hi s knowledge and apply i t in life, hav e communist convictions , posses s hig h mora l qualities , be a n arden t patrio t and internationalist, an d a consisten t fighte r agains t bourgeois ideolog y and fo r the implementatio n o f the polic y of the Communis t Party ... Pravda, 24 June 197 4 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh xi , 405-11

5.47 On the Result s o f the Exchang e of Party Documents* 3

1 January 1975

The CPS U Central Committe e take s into consideration report s by the centra l committees o f union republi c communist parties , th e kra i an d oblas t party committees an d politica l organ s t o th e effec t tha t al l part y organizations have complete d th e exchang e o f part y documents i n th e establishe d tim e period ...** The exchange of party documents ha s been carrie d out as an important organizational-political measure i n total accordance wit h the decisions of the XXIV Party Congress, the Ma y (1972) Plenum o f the CPS U Central Committee, an d the instructions of Comrade L.I . Brezhnev, General Secretar y of the CPSU Centra l Committee , o n question s o f party construction. The exchang e has shown the infinit e devotion of communists to the ideals of leninism, and the invincibl e unity and monolithic solidarity of the part y around its Central Committee. The chie f result of the exchang e of party documents consist s in the fac t that ou r part y has becom e enriche d wit h ne w experience o f organizational and political work, it has strengthened it s ranks and consolidated it s ties with the masses, and its role as the guiding and directing force of Soviet society in the struggle for communism ha s grown greater. The presentatio n o f party membership card s o f the ne w form, which are the sam e for party organizations of all republics and bear the image of the founder an d leade r o f the CPSU , Vladimi r Ilyich Lenin, an d hi s words : 'The party i s the mind , honour , an d conscienc e o f our epoch, ' evoke s i n communists a feeling of legitimate pride and grea t responsibility for their mem bership in the grea t leninist party of internationalists. * Excerpt : document not publishe d in full . ** Par t of the documen t is omitted in the original .



The exchang e o f party documents ha s been a genuine revie w of party forces an d a stric t verificatio n o f ho w ever y part y organizatio n an d ever y communist carrie s out i n practice the decision s o f the XXI V CPSU Congress . It has promoted greate r fighting efficiency o f party organizations and a significant growth i n th e labour , public , and politica l activeness o f communists . The mobilizin g force o f party organizations an d th e vanguar d role o f com munists ar e convincingly shown in the struggl e for the fulfilmen t an d over fulfilment o f the targets of the Ninth Five-Year Plan for further developmen t of industry, construction, transport , and communications, fo r an increase i n the productio n and procurement o f agricultural products, and for a rise in the level of the people' s well-being . Army communists serv e a s an exampl e in the fulfilmen t o f their military duty. In the course o f preparing and carrying out the exchange of party documents, positiv e processes tha t ar e takin g place in the lif e o f party organizations under th e influenc e of the decision s o f the XXI V CPSU Congress hav e received furthe r development . Th e principl e of democratic centralis m ha s been practise d mor e fully , inner-part y democracy ha s bee n expanded , th e role of party meetings and plenums of party committees ha s been enhanced , criticism an d self-criticis m have becom e mor e objective . The activenes s o f communists and their responsibility for the affairs of their party organizations and th e part y as a whole hav e grown . The attentio n o f party organization s towards questions o f the ideological training and marxist-leninist education of party members an d candidate members ha s shown a marked increase . Party organizations have significantl y intensified individua l work with party member s an d candidat e members . Interview s wit h communists , a s well as reports b y them a t sessions o f party bureaus, part y committees, an d party meetings o n thei r fulfilmen t o f statutory dutie s an d production work, study, an d participatio n in public life hav e bee n effective mean s i n this. Al l this enable s part y organization s to evaluat e mor e full y th e contributio n of each communist t o the common cause , t o distribute party assignments mor e correctly, and to strive for a higher level of party work. An importan t resul t o f the wor k connected wit h the preparatio n an d implementation o f the exchang e o f party documents ha s been an increase in the mutua l exactingness o f communists ...* * Along wit h raising exactingnes s toward s communists , part y organizations hav e intensifie d their regulatory influence on the growth of their ranks and are making efforts to ensure tha t the admission o f new reinforcements t o the party ensures a further growt h in the fighting efficiency o f party organizations. A line to ensure that the leading place in the social composition o f the party belongs t o the workin g class is being consistently implemented . Mor e concern i s show n i n selectin g a s party member s youn g workers, kolkhoz niks, and students, abov e all Komsomol members , as well as women. ** Par

t of the documen t i s omitted i n the original.



While noting the grea t principle d significance of the experienc e accumulated in the course of exchanging party documents fo r further consolidat ing and developing the party , at the sam e tim e the CPS U Central Committe e emphasizes tha t individua l party committee s hav e no t mad e ful l us e o f the possibilities created a s a result of the exchang e to step up inner-party life in every party organization ...** The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e centra l committee s o f the unio n republic communist parties , th e krai, oblast , okrug , city , an d raio n part y committees , th e Mai n Political Administration o f th e Sovie t Arm y an d Navy , an d politica l organ s ar e instructed to carry out a thorough and self-critical analysis and generalization of the result s of the exchang e o f party documents. Positiv e experienc e i s to be consolidated an d use d extensively , measures ar e to be taken t o do away with short-coming s and , o n thi s basis , th e furthe r improvemen t o f part y work is to be ensured . It is also necessary t o continue to consolidate part y organizations in the organizational an d ideological-politica l respects, constantl y t o elevat e th e title and significanc e o f member o f the CPSU , t o develop the activeness , an d raise th e disciplin e of communists i n ever y possibl e way . Efforts ar e t o b e made to affirm a genuinely party style of leadership and management and to intensify th e supervision and verification of the actual implementation of the directives of the part y and the decisions of party organizations. The development o f principle d criticism an d self-criticis m i s t o b e ensure d i n ever y organization as a tested metho d o f correcting short-comings an d raising the responsibility of all personnel for entrusted matters . Every party organization must focus its activity on questions pertaining to the mobilizatio n of communists an d all toilers to implement the decision s of th e XXI V CPS U Congres s an d th e task s pose d b y th e Decembe r (1974 ) Central Committe e Plenum , th e Appea l of th e CPS U Centra l Committe e t o the party and the Soviet people, and resolutions on developing socialist competition fo r th e successfu l fulfilment o f th e Stat e Pla n fo r Developin g th e Economy o f the USS R for the yea r 197 5 and th e task s of the Nint h Five-Year Plan a s a whole . The loft y dut y of communists i s to continu e t o b e i n th e vanguard o f socialist competition , th e movemen t fo r a communist attitud e to labour, and t o set an example of conscientiousness an d creative initiative in production and i n public and politica l life. Special attentio n i s t o b e pai d t o furthe r increasin g th e fightin g effi ciency of primary party organizations as the decisiv e condition for intensify ing part y influenc e over al l sector s o f economi c an d cultura l construction. The central committees o f the communis t parties , the krai , oblast, city, and raion party committees, an d political organs are called upon to ensure differ entiated guidanc e o f primary party organizations, taking into consideratio n ** Par

t of the documen t is omitted in the original.



the concret e condition s o f their activity. Attention is to be focused on ques tions of the placemen t of party members an d candidate members i n production and in the spher e of science an d culture. More concern mus t be shown for th e trainin g and instructio n of the secretarie s o f primary and shop part y organizations and part y group organizers and i n providing them wit h practical assistance i n their work. 2 Part y committees, politica l organs, and primary party organizations are instructed t o us e example s o f th e heroi c histor y o f the CPS U an d concret e facts o f it s everyda y multifaceted activity to insti l in ever y communis t th e lofty qualitie s o f a political fighte r o f the party . Fuller use i s to be made fo r these purpose s o f party meetings wher e question s ar e to b e discusse d tha t trouble party members an d candidate members, businesslik e principled proposals and usefu l initiative s are to be supported, and cases o f a disrespectful attitude t o th e opinion s o f communist s ar e t o b e eliminate d decisively . Forms o f individual work with party members an d candidate members that have prove d themselve s in the perio d of the exchang e o f party document s are to be perfected. Party organizations mus t sho w unabate d concer n fo r th e marxist leninist training of communists, effort s ar e to be made t o ensure tha t ever y member an d candidate member o f the party constantly raises his ideologicalpolitical level , an d th e necessar y assistanc e i s to b e offere d t o the m i n this matter. Th e stat e o f politica l trainin g i s t o b e evaluate d accordin g t o it s influence o n the wor k and behaviour of communists. In every party organization there must be an atmosphere of intolerance to any kind of negative phenomena . I t i s necessary t o continue t o raise th e demands mad e o n communist s fo r strict fulfilment o f the provision s of th e CPSU Programme and Rule s ...** 3 Part y committees an d political organs must continue to ensure the proper procedur e wit h respect t o th e persona l registratio n o f communists an d the handlin g o f party housekeeping, considerin g this as an important factor for improvin g organizatio n an d strengthenin g disciplin e in th e party . They have bee n instructe d t o striv e fo r strict observanc e o f the establishe d pro cedures fo r transferring communists from on e organization to another . Pravda, 1 February 1975 KPSS

5.48 On the Stat e o f Criticism and Self-Criticism i n th e Party Organization of Tambov Oblast 1

v rezoliutsiiakh xi , 514-7

2 February 197 5

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s that th e Tambo v oblas t part y organization, i n fulfilling th e decision s o f the XXI V CPSU Congress, has done certai n ** Par

t of the documen t i s omitted in the original.



work to improve guidance over economic an d cultural construction and the communist education of the working people. However, the results achieve d could hav e bee n significantl y bette r ha d th e CPS U oblast , city , an d raio n committees mad e fulle r us e o f th e party' s teste d metho d o f criticism and self-criticism i n doin g awa y wit h existin g short-coming s an d raisin g th e responsibility of cadres for their assigned tasks . Industry and agriculture in the oblast are developing much more slowly than projecte d by the Five-Yea r Plan. Every year the programm e for capital construction i s disrupte d an d poo r us e i s mad e o f reserve s t o rais e th e effectiveness o f production. There are still high losses associated wit h man agement, turnove r o f cadres , violation s o f labou r discipline , an d thef t o f socialist property . These an d othe r short-coming s ofte n d o no t receiv e a n objective evaluatio n and ar e no t subjecte d to principle d criticis m in part y bodies and primary party organizations. The CPS U oblas t committee fail s t o serv e a s an exampl e o f self-critica l analysis of its own work and state of affairs; i t does little to teach the city and raion part y committee s an d primar y party organizations t o d o so . Prope r exactingness i s no t require d o f cadre s wh o fai l t o ensur e th e fulfilmen t o f economic plan s and assignments . A liberal attitude is taken towards personnel who violate party and state discipline and misuse their office. Man y party committees, t o the detrimen t of vital organizational work, concentrate their main effort s o n preparin g and adoptin g a large number o f decisions an d o n conducting meetings an d conferences. I n their reports at plenums an d party meetings, th e positiv e sides o f their activit y are emphasized; a s a rule, criticism i s impersonal, i s reduced t o listin g unsatisfactory indices, an d fail s t o expose short-comings in the method s o f work of party, soviet and economi c bodies, an d specifi c persons . Thi s ha s a n effec t o n th e natur e o f speeche s which, in a number o f cases, fai l t o go beyond reports of the speaker' s own activity and reports of accomplishments. Criticism from belo w is developing poorly. In recent years, the plenums of the oblast committee and the Inzhavino, Umet, and Zherdevka raion committees hav e mad e essentiall y no criticis m of their bureaus , secretaries , o r departments, despit e short-coming s i n thei r work . The activenes s o f communists is often reduced due to the fac t tha t the party committees d o a poor job of informing communists of their work and permit excessive regimenta tion in conducting plenums and party meetings. Not enough attention is paid to developing criticism and self-criticism in labour collectives, at trade union, Komsomol, an d workers' meetings , an d at regular production meetings . Party organ s fai l t o respon d sharpl y enough t o case s o f a n incorrec t attitude t o criticism . Som e personne l agre e verball y with rebuke s bu t d o nothing t o rectif y th e short-comings . I n th e Tambo v an d Michurins k cit y and Kirsano v raio n part y organizations, ther e hav e bee n case s o f criticism being suppresse d an d persecutio n o f thos e wh o voic e criticism , ye t th e officials responsibl e for this were not promptl y made answerable for it.



In the oblast newspaper, Tatnbovskaiapravda, an d in the city and raion newspapers, critica l articles , correspondence , an d letter s o f th e workin g people o n question s o f production development, upbringin g work, and th e activity of the party organizations and leading cadres are rarely printed. Many publications lack concreteness and persuasive argumentation. Party committees do not tak e adequate concern for the effectiveness of press material and often fai l t o respond to critical materials printed in newspapers. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e CPS U oblast, city and raion committees an d primary party organizations are ordere d to do awa y wit h the note d short-coming s and to ensur e fulfilment o f th e instruction s o f the XXI V CPS U Congres s an d th e require ments of the CPS U Rule s on th e all-roun d development o f criticism and self criticism. The CPS U Centra l Committe e emphasize s that , unde r presen t condi tions, in connection with the growth in the scope and complexity of the tasks of communis t constructio n tha t ar e bein g solved, th e transfe r to intensiv e methods o f managemen t an d th e tur n towar d qualitativ e indicator s i n all spheres o f activity , criticism, an d self-criticis m take o n eve r greate r signi ficance a s a mean s fo r raisin g th e leve l o f organizational , ideological , an d educational work . A s comrad e L.I . Brezhne v point s out , a thoroug h an d self-critical analysi s of both our accomplishments an d our existing problems and short-coming s i s a necessary preconditio n for furthe r progress . Exten sive developmen t o f principle d criticism an d self-criticis m is a sig n o f th e political health of a party organization, its correct understanding of its duty to the party and the people. Criticism an d self-criticis m must encourag e th e mobilizatio n of communists and all working people in the oblast to carry out the decisions of the party congresses an d plenum s o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee, t o fulfi l an d overfulfil stat e plans , t o revea l an d utiliz e more full y reserve s fo r raisin g production effectiveness , to accelerate scientifi c and technological progress , and to develop the activeness of the masses in the competition for increasing the outpu t of higher qualit y products with smaller outlays . It is necessary t o analyse criticall y the stat e o f affair s a t ever y enterprise , constructio n site , kolkhoz, and sovkhoz tha t falls behin d an d to map out and implement concrete measure s tha t ensur e fulfilmen t o f plan s an d socialis t pledges . Th e introduction an d masterin g o f new capacities , particularl y in th e chemical , light, an d foo d industries, i s to b e accelerated. Hig h growth rates are t o be achieved in all branches of agriculture, backwardness is to be done away with in th e productio n an d procuremen t o f suga r beets , sunflowers , potatoes , vegetables, an d more persistent work is to be conducted t o intensify specialization o f farmin g and anima l husbandry . Seriou s short-coming s ar e t o b e eliminated in housing construction an d in providing the population with cultural and everyday services.



2 Th e Tambo v CPS U oblast , city , an d raio n committees ar e ordere d t o make fulle r us e o f th e metho d o f criticis m and self-criticis m in educating cadres, organicall y combine trus t an d respec t fo r peopl e wit h principled exactingness toward s them for their assigned tasks and for the observance of party and state discipline. There must be decisive opposition to the tendency of some leaders to cover up, by citing objective reasons, their failure to meet plan targets and their mistakes in organizational and educational work. High moral qualities, socialist initiative, intolerance of stagnation and inertia are to be instille d in al l personnel . On e mus t criticiz e no t onl y those wh o mak e mistakes, but also those who fail to use every opportunity to develop production and who show no initiative. It is important that the exampl e of a correct attitude to criticism come from leaders . Principl e in the posing of questions, the creatio n of the conditions for frank criticis m from below , and the effectivenes s o f measures taken in response to criticism all depend primarily on them . 3 Guide d b y leninist norms o f party life , th e CPS U oblast, city , and raio n committees mus t ensur e activ e participation by all communists i n discuss ing, workin g out, an d implementing party decisions . Part y member s ar e t o be better informed regarding the activit y of party committees. Constant care must b e take n tha t plenum s an d part y meetings procee d i n a businesslik e manner, in an atmosphere of high exactingness by communists to each other and to elected part y bodies, and that the most urgen t questions are included for discussion . Reports at the plenum s of the Tambov oblast committee and of many city an d raio n party committee s must b e more principled and self critical. With a view to raisin g the effectivenes s of criticism, party committee s have been ordere d t o establis h stric t supervision over th e promp t elimination of disclosed short-coming s and the cause s o f negative phenomena. It is necessary t o pu t a n en d t o incident s of suppressed criticis m and t o correct and, i f required, punis h - up to and including removal fro m thei r post s personnel wh o fai l t o respon d properl y to criticism , interpret just rebuke s leveled a t the m a s undermining their authority, place personal self-estee m above public interests, an d take vengeance o n comrades who criticize them. At th e sam e time, demagog y and slander mus t not b e allowed to substitute for criticism . As V.I. Lenin pointed out , i t is necessary t o ensur e tha t criti cism be 'comradely, direct, and free o f diplomacy and petty considerations.'* Its value is determined no t b y harshness of expression, bu t b y the veracity, conclusiveness, an d social significance of the question s it raises. 4 Th e CPS U oblast , cit y and raio n committees, an d primar y party organizations are ordered constantl y to improve their style and methods of activity and try to establish everywhere a truly party approach and party style in their * V.I

. Lenin, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 15 , p. 245.



guidance of economic and cultura l construction. They must subject to prin cipled criticis m everything that impedes this goal: bureaucratism, red tape , localist tendencies, an d habits involving outdated techniques and methods of work. Particula r attention i s to b e pai d t o ensurin g tha t verificatio n o f th e implementation of party and state directives and their own decisions is effec tive and systematic. Measures ar e to be taken for the furthe r developmen t of criticism and self-criticism in soviet, economic, trade union, and Komsomol organizations of the oblast . Ties with the masse s are to be consolidated systematically, the people's need s an d attitudes are to b e studied, an d an attentive attitude on the par t of all leaders with respect to the statements an d letters of the working people is to be ensured. 5 Th e part y committees ar e ordered constantl y to show concern fo r th e enhancement of the role of the press and other media of mass information in developing criticis m an d self-criticism . Whe n propagandizin g advance d experience, th e oblast , city , an d raio n newspaper s mus t expos e short comings in work more thoroughly, analyse the causes of short-comings, and make effort s t o ensur e tha t critica l materia l relate s t o issue s o f th e day , reflects a n understandin g of the issue s i n question, an d contains principled conclusions. Worker and rural correspondents are to be drawn more actively into discussing urgent problems of the lif e of the oblast in the press. Existing cases of formal answer s and the scornfu l attitud e of some personnel t o press warnings must receive a sharper response . Pravda, 28 February 197 5 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh XI , 531- 5

5.49 On the Wor k Experienc e of the Part y Organizations and Collectives of Advanced Industrial Enterprises in L'vov Oblas t in Developin g and Implementing a Comprehensive System t o Control Quality of Output* 8

August 1975

The them e o f qualit y contro l ha s grow n increasingl y relevan t t o th e party' s assessment o f the productio n process . In th e resolutio n o n the Centra l Com mittee Repor t adopte d b y th e XXI V Congress , qualit y was identifie d alon g with scientific-technological progres s an d labour productivit y a s essential components of economic development. A t th e XX V Congress, Brezhne v wa s to advance the theme that the Tenth Five-Year Plan be called 'the Five-Year Plan of efficiency an d quality. ' The presen t resolutio n signaled th e implementatio n *

Excerpt: document not publishe d in full.



of a nation-wid e campaign aimed at improving , stabilizing, and co-ordinating quality control in production. On the basis of a number of limited experiments at th e loca l level, a unified approac h to qualit y control was to be developed in each locality . The experience in setting standards, applying them, an d co-ordinating quality control at the loca l level was to be generalized by all-union state agencies, whic h wer e the n t o wor k ou t th e basi c principle s for a state-wide quality control system. The ultimate aim was to set up a network incorporating a numbe r o f standardize d criteri a and procedure s t o ensur e qualit y control through the regulatio n of the several stages of production at the plan t level by applying all-union norms tha t were supervised by each ministr y (branch) and by local party organs (territorial) .

... Advanced plant s i n th e cit y o f L'vo v hav e develope d an d ar e activel y implementing a comprehensiv e syste m o f quality control. Th e experienc e that ha s bee n accumulate d an d prove d it s value i n th e wor k o f the indus trial enterprise s o f Saratov , Moscow , Leningrad , Sverdlovsk , Gorky , laro slavl, an d Kremenchu k ha s bee n incorporate d int o thi s system . Furthe r creative developmen t o f thi s experienc e ha s mad e i t possibl e t o imple ment a unifie d approac h t o solvin g th e proble m o f raisin g qualit y o n a planned basi s an d t o combin e branc h an d territoria l techniques o f quality control... The L'vo v oblas t part y organization is conducting activ e work for th e extensive stud y an d disseminatio n o f the experienc e o f advanced associa tions an d enterprise s tha t hav e attaine d hig h indicator s of qualit y in thei r output. Unde r th e oblast , city , and raion party committees there ar e operating voluntar y commission s t o chec k th e qualit y o f outpu t an d technical economic councils , whic h work out concrete proposal s to eliminate existing short-comings o n th e basi s of analysis of the wor k of industrial enterprises . They provid e assistance t o the enterprise s i n disseminating advance d expe rience. The part y organizations o f the enterprise s ar e persistentl y engage d i n educating the workin g people in the spiri t of a communist attitud e to labour and raising their sense of responsibility for the qualit y of output. They regu larly organiz e technica l conferences , 'Qualit y Days, ' publi c reviews, con tests, an d mak e extensiv e us e o f th e factor y pres s an d radi o fo r thes e purposes... The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1T o approve the wor k experience o f the part y organizations and collectives of advanced industria l enterprises o f the L'vov oblast in developing and implementing a comprehensive syste m o f product quality control... 2T o recommend that the central committees o f the union republic communist parties , th e kra i and oblas t part y committees, th e Stat e Committe e



for Standard s o f th e USS R Counci l of Ministers , ministrie s and department s organize study of the work experience of the L'vov oblast party organizations and collective s o f advance d enterprise s i n plannin g an d ensurin g stead y growth in the qualit y of output on th e basi s of enterprise standard s an d that they take measures t o use this experience more extensivel y in industry. 3 Th e USS R State Committee fo r Standards, together with the Stat e Committee for Science an d Technolog y o f the USS R Council of Ministers and th e USSR Gosplan ar e instructed to generalize the accumulate d experience o f the application o f th e L'vov , Saratov , laroslavl , an d othe r system s o f product quality contro l and , o n this basis , the y are instructed t o work out th e basi c principles fo r a unifie d syste m o f stat e qualit y control.. . They ar e als o t o prepare proposal s fo r th e introductio n of standard technologica l processes , equipment, instruments, an d means of mechanization in the economy based on the complex of standards of a unified system for technological preparation of production... 4 .. . It i s recommende d tha t th e USS R ministrie s an d department s con sider this question a t meetings of the boards of ministries with the participation o f th e leader s o f enterprises , scientific-researc h institutes , draf t an d design organizations... Pravda, 1 5 August 197 5 KPSS

5.50 On Party Guidance over the Organ s of People's Contro l in th e Latvia n SSR* 1

v rezoliutsiiakh, XII, 35-9

2 August 1975

This resolution on the party' s guidance over the organ s of people's control in the Latvia n Republi c indicated an interest on the par t of the Brezhne v regime in redefinin g an d reinvigoratin g th e rol e of people's control agencies responsible fo r supervisio n ove r th e stat e administrativ e apparatus . Th e organ s of people's contro l wer e t o b e upgrade d fro m thei r eclipse d statu s sinc e th e December 196 5 Central Committee Plenum. However, they were not simply to regai n thei r statu s as a symbo l o f th e transitio n t o communis m through increased participation of the broa d working masses in the process of communist administration . Performanc e wa s to be evaluate d primarily by pragmatic, efficiency-oriented criteri a rathe r than populistic images. Greater stress was to be place d on the result s of supervisio n and verificatio n rathe r than on the educational benefit s accruin g t o participant s a t th e rank-and-fil e level . Th e organs of people's control were also to tighten up their own internal organiza*

Excerpt: document not publishe d in full .



tion, identif y priorities , focu s attention , and channe l effort s an d co-ordinat e them wit h simila r activities of the Komsomo l an d Soviets. In brief, the organs of people's contro l were to undergo a process of professionalization characterized b y improve d interna l operations , cleare r definitio n o f goal s an d juris diction, an d improve d co-ordinatio n of activitie s with othe r stat e an d publi c agencies. Al l of this was to b e done unde r the clos e guidance and supervision of the loca l party organs .

The CPS U Centra l Committe e note s that , owin g to increase d attentio n an d assistance o n th e par t of the centra l committe e o f the Latvia n Communis t Party an d o f th e republic' s part y organization s followin g th e XXI V Party Congress, th e organ s o f people' s contro l o f th e Latvia n SS R hav e becom stronger in their organization an d have considerably improve d thei r wor k in verifying th e implementatio n o f part y an d governmen t directive s an d i n strengthening stat e discipline . O f great significanc e in thi s matte r wer e th e decisions o f th e Decembe r (197 3 an d 1974 ) plenum s o f th e CPS U Centra l Committee an d th e instruction s o f Comrade L.I . Brezhnev o n intensifyin g supervision an d verificatio n of the implementatio n o f directives. The com mittees, groups , and posts o f people's contro l are actively assisting party and state bodie s in implementing th e economic and social policy of the part y and in accomplishing economi c tasks . In guidance ove r th e organ s of people's control , th e party committees attach importan t significanc e to th e selectio n an d trainin g of cadres. I n th e republic, 35 of the 4 1 chairmen o f committees o f people's contro l have bee n elected member s o f party bureaus o f city and raion party committees; almos t half o f the member s o f the committee s o f people's contro l ar e deputie s of Soviets; abou t 9 0 per cent o f group leaders ar e deputy secretaries o r bureau members o f primary party organizations. At the same time, th e CPS U Central Committe e consider s tha t the central committee o f the Latvia n Communist Party , the city and raion commit tees, and th e primar y party organizations are not ye t making full us e o f the potentials o f organs o f people's control to intensify verificatio n of work done in al l sector s o f economi c an d cultura l construction ; the y hav e no t mad e efforts t o ensure organic unity in verification, prevention, an d correction o f short-comings i n their activit y throughout the republic. Many party organizations fai l t o scrutinize thoroughly the wor k of th e organs o f people's contro l an d fai l t o tak e int o consideratio n thei r specifi c character; the y d o a n insufficien t jo b o f directing th e attentio n o f commit tees, groups, an d post s [o f people's control ] toward the struggl e to improve the qualitativ e indice s o f the wor k o f enterprise s an d organization s an d t o raise th e effectivenes s o f socia l production . I n th e republic , individua l branches o f th e econom y fluctuat e i n thei r work , som e enterprise s an d



organizations fail to cope with their targets in production volume and growth of labour productivity. In many kolkhozes and sovkhozes the yiel d capacity of fields and the productivity of livestock increase slowly and development of the fodde r bas e has bee n permitte d t o lag seriously. In the economy , non productive expenditure s ar e stil l high ; squanderin g an d embezzlement , deceit and distortion of data are permitted ... At the sam e tim e committee s and group s o f people' s contro l fai l t o sho w th e necessar y persistenc e an d principle i n overcomin g th e note d short-coming s an d d o no t provid e systematic supervisio n ove r th e stat e o f executiv e disciplin e i n ministries , departments, organizations , and institutions ; on man y occasions incident s of bureaucratism and red tape are accepted. The still-lo w effectiveness of supervision must be noted. I n a number of cases , th e verification s conducte d b y th e organ s of people's contro l ar e superficial an d lac k effectiveness . Th e activit y of man y committee s an d groups ofte n i s limited to a statement o f exposed short-coming s and negligence; the y often dispers e thei r forces, fail t o complete work that has been started, and get carried away with the quantitative aspect, forgetting that the effectiveness o f supervisio n i s determine d no t b y th e numbe r o f verifi cations an d adopte d decisions , bu t b y rea l result s an d improvemen t o f matters. The republic, city, and raion committees of people's control are not yet closely connecte d wit h thei r groups and posts and, fo r this reason, the y do not alway s possess comprehensive an d objective information on the state of affairs a t enterprises , institutions , an d organizations . Th e result s o f th e activity o f the group s and post s ar e a t time s weakened because condition s necessary in their work are not created; often their proposals and recommen dations fai l t o receive proper support from th e administration and economi c leaders, whil e party organizations accept such a state of affairs. Thi s leads to lower activity of some groups and posts and to a lack of interest on the part of many people's inspectors in the work assigned to them; a significant proportion of inspectors are formally listed on paper, but, in essence, do not work. Close ties between the organs of people's control and trade union and Komsomol organizations have not been truly established. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e centra l committee o f the Latvia n Communist Part y and th e cit y and raion party committees are ordered t o do away with the short-coming s noted i n the current resolution, to ensure a comprehensive improvemen t in guidance over organs of people's control , to scrutinize more thoroughly the essence of their activity, and to provide more assistance in their work. Exactingness toward s the organ s of people's control is to b e intensified for fulfil ment o f the task s confrontin g them. I n this, part y organizations must take fuller consideratio n of their character and specific nature as one of the important forms of socialist democracy; efforts are to be made to ensure that lenin-



1st principles of organizing mass, permanentl y operating, effective, an d open supervision is strictly implemented everywhere. A ver y importan t tas k o f people' s inspector s i s th e struggl e fo r th e fulfilment an d overfulfilmen t of assignment s o f th e fina l yea r o f th e five year-plan perio d an d o f the socialis t pledges accepted b y labour collectives, and fo r a worth y welcome fo r th e XX V CPS U Congress , thereb y creating a sound basi s for successful work in the tent h five-year-plan period. 2I t is necessary tha t the central committee o f the Communist Party, the council of ministers of the republic, the cit y and raion party committees, an d the primary party organizations continue to strengthen the organs of people's control organizationally, to perfec t the method s o f their practical activity, to generalize and disseminate thei r positive experience. Effort s ar e to be made to ensur e tha t ever y committe e o f people's contro l become s a truly exem plary, highly authoritative body. Particular attention is to be paid to guidance over group s and post s o f people's contro l that operat e directl y in th e ver y midst of the masses and constitute th e foundation of the people's control . Party and soviet bodies are to examine regularly the reports of committees and groups of the people' s contro l on the results of verifications, on the observance o f legalit y i n economi c activity , an d o n th e establishmen t o f departmental supervision . The leaders of ministries and departments, enter prises an d organization s mus t eliminat e th e short-coming s reveale d b y people's inspector s without delay. 3 Th e CPS U Centra l Committee demand s tha t part y and sovie t bodie s of the republic and economic leader s take a more attentive attitude to people' s inspectors. Constan t concer n i s t o b e take n t o ensur e tha t thos e wh o are elected a s people's inspector s are principled comrades, demandin g of themselves an d uncompromising, peopl e who, as Lenin expressed, 'shal l not say a word contrary to their consciences' whe n i t concerns th e defenc e of state and publi c interests. I t is necessary t o enhance thei r authority in every possible way, to encourag e the m fo r conscientiously fulfillin g thei r honourable public duty, to protect thei r honour an d persona l dignity. Officials wh o permit suppression o f criticism, covering up of short-comings, o r persecution of people's inspector s are to be held strictly accountable. The responsibilit y o f people's inspector s before the labou r collectives that elect the m i s to be raised. It is considered expedien t t o ensure tha t th e groups and post s o f people's contro l infor m collectives of working people at least once a year of their activity and their fulfilment o f the instructions given to them. 4 Th e committe e of people's control of the Latvian SSR is to take concret e measures designe d t o perfect the entir e practic e of supervision an d raise its effectiveness. Effort s o f th e people' s inspector s ar e t o b e concentrate d o n verification o f the mos t importan t an d pressin g questions ; the y ar e no t t o disperse their efforts ; the y are to ensure unit y of verification with organiza-



tion of the implementation of decisions. In the organs of people's control it is necessary that all materials be examined i n a detailed and qualifie d wa y and that substantiate d and concrete decision s and recommendations b e worked out. There must b e high principl e an d a businesslike nature at the bas e of the work of organs of people's control . By their entire activity, the organ s of people's contro l are calle d upon to maintai n a truly part y approach to mat ters, activel y t o shap e publi c opinio n agains t existin g short-comings, deci sively to struggle against inertia and stagnation, to oppose anything that goes against th e interest s o f the stat e an d th e peopl e and an y attempts t o ac t by evading th e law , no matte r wha t th e source . I n th e struggl e t o safeguar d socialist propert y against incidents of mismanagement an d squandering an d various types of violations, fuller us e i s to b e made o f the right s granted t o committees an d group s by the statut e o n th e organ s o f people's control i n the USSR . 5 Th e centra l committee o f the Latvia n Communist Party , th e cit y and raion party committees, an d the republic's committee of people's contro l are to devot e mor e attention t o publicit y of supervision as an important mean s of raising its effectiveness. For thes e purposes , mor e extensive us e i s to be made o f the mas s media , o f party, trade union , an d Komsomo l meetings , sessions of Soviets, branch conferences, an d meeting s of activists. The editoria l offices o f newspapers , radio , an d televisio n hav e bee n instructed to provide more profound and substantive coverage of the activity of organs o f people's control and to present a vivid picture of the activists of public supervision. 6 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e call s attentio n t o th e fac t tha t variou s departments of the republic conduct too many verifications and reviews of all types of enterprises, kolkhozes , an d institutions, distracting personnel fro m fulfilling thei r immediat e dutie s an d lowerin g their responsibilit y fo r work assigned to them . The centra l committe e o f th e Communis t Part y an d th e counci l o f ministers o f the Latvia n SSR are instructe d t o bring the necessar y orde r int this busines s an d t o eliminat e parallelis m an d duplicatio n i n conductin g verifications. Measure s ar e to be taken to consolidate tie s between the work of organ s o f people's control , standin g commissions o f Soviets o f Working People's Deputies , th e 'Komsomo l searchlight, ' commissions , an d trad e union organizations. 7 Th e USS R People's Contro l Committe e i s to devot e mor e attentio n t o the wor k of organs o f people's contro l in the localities , to improve directio n of their activity, to provide more practical assistance, an d to raise the active ness o f people's inspector s in fulfilling part y and government directives . Partiiinaia zhizn', no. 1 7 KPSS (1975): 5-7

v rezoliutsiiakh XII , 40-4


XXV Part y Congress 2


4 February-3 March 1976

The XX V Congress proceeding s brok e wit h th e patter n that ha d bee n estab lished unde r Brezhne v in two important ways. First, ther e wa s no length y and detailed resolutio n o n th e Centra l Committe e Report . Thi s chang e ha d th e effect o f raising the statu s o f Brezhnev' s repor t t o tha t approachin g a formal congress resolution . Second , th e XX V Congres s wa s noted fo r a n unprece dented outburs t o f praise for the Genera l Secretary . A t n o previou s congres s since Stalin's death ha d any Soviet leader bee n th e subject of such an outpouring of personal adulation. In his report to the congress (Current Soviet Policies vn (1976) , 4-31), Brezhnev presente d a sobe r analysi s of the achievement s o f the Nint h Five-Yea r Plan and the prospects for the next plan period, starting from th e position that, unless structura l limitation s on economi c growt h coul d b e overcome , th e Soviet econom y woul d suffer . Thi s le d Brezhne v to argu e tha t th e econom y must underg o significan t change s i n th e area s o f labou r productivity , effi ciency, quality, investment policy , and planning . Five set s o f policy areas were identified a s crucia l to determinin g th e succes s o f the party' s economi c pro gramme: an acceleration of scientific an d technologica l progress; continuatio n of Brezhnev' s agricultura l programme o f capita l investments , alon g wit h organizational refor m t o reduc e uni t cost s throug h concentratio n an d spe cialization o f productio n o n th e basi s o f inter-far m co-operation an d agro industrial integration; significant improvements i n consumer good s production and distribution , mainly through a change i n attitude of those responsibl e for light industry and better us e of the industry's existing reserves; greate r us e of foreign economi c relation s to advance th e Sovie t economy; and , a n improvement i n economic management . Several aspect s o f Brezhnev' s repor t o n th e part y are wort h noting. First , there wer e n o proposal s fo r substantia l chang e i n th e party' s structure s o r procedures. Th e keynot e wa s continuity with th e principle s established a t th e XX Congres s i n 195 6 an d reaffirme d wit h th e remova l o f Khrushche v i n October 1964 . Withi n thi s contex t o f institutiona l stability an d continuit y Brezhnev re-emphasized th e messages o f Central Committee decision s issue d since 1964 , includin g the nee d t o stres s qualit y i n recruitment , routin e an d publicity i n th e conduc t o f party business, an d responsivenes s o f leadership . Third, while taking note that there was no alarming situation in the part y with respect t o the fulfilmen t o f decisions or the stat e of criticism and self-criticism, Brezhnev went on to make the point that steadfast adherence t o a leninist style in work was essential fo r the successful activity of the party . He then suggeste d that this migh t include the possibilit y of improving the form s and methods of party work on a scientific basis:'... there i s nothing immutable about either the party itself or the natur e o f its activity.' However, no specific indications were provided by Brezhnev as to the genera l direction these changes migh t take or



the specifi c adaptations that party organizations might have to cope with in the immediate future . Brezhnev's remark s i n th e are a o f ideologica l wor k were suggestiv e o f a tighter policy, but again, specific recommendations wer e lacking. In contrast to the flexibility expected o f party form and activity , Brezhnev started wit h 'the immutability o f th e theoretica l proposition s an d principle s tha t expres s th e essence of marxism-leninism.' Research i n the socia l sciences wa s a necessar y contribution to the development o f socialist society, but Brezhnev warned that 'the creativ e compariso n o f views should b e based o n ou r commo n marxist leninist platform. It is important that the principle s of party spirit in science b e consistently observed... ' I n a n extremel y stron g statemen t o n th e subject , Brezhnev warne d tha t detent e ha d intensifie d th e ideologica l confrontation between th e imperialis t and socialist systems an d that in this struggle betwee n the tw o world view s 'there ca n b e n o plac e for neutralism an d compromise . Here we need a high level of political vigilance, vigorous, efficient, an d persuasive propaganda work, and a timely rebuff to hostile ideological sabotage.' This language is reminiscent o f the April 1968 Central Committee Plenum . According to Brezhnev , the situatio n called for a tightening of policy and controls i n a number o f areas affecting ideologica l work. Finally, Brezhnev' s positio n o n th e stat e wa s ambiguous , suggestin g a n attempt a t balancin g differin g views . There wer e severa l indicator s i n Brezhnev's repor t o f a 'la w and order ' approac h t o th e state : reinforcemen t o f th e role an d statu s o f the Soviets ; a call for th e issuanc e o f a code o f laws of th e Soviet stat e wit h th e expres s purpos e o f increasing th e stabilit y o f the entir e structure o f la w and order ; improvemen t i n th e activitie s and cadre s o f th e militia, procurators ' offices , courts , an d judicia l agencies s o tha t the y coul d protect Soviet legality, the interest s o f Soviet society and th e right s of citizens; conducting of all work of the state security agencies unde r the party's guidance and unremittin g control, wit h the suppor t of the broa d masses of the working people, and on the basis of strict observance o f constitutional norms and socialist legality; and, the preparatio n o f a new draft constitution . I n contrast t o th e 'law and order' theme were a number of indicators that an element o f arbitrariness wa s stil l t o persist : th e continuin g rol e o f ideologica l consideration s i n determining th e directio n o f literatur e an d art ; prais e fo r th e stat e securit y agencies an d th e notatio n tha t thei r activitie s wer e organize d i n accordanc e with requirements stemmin g fro m th e internationa l situation, whic h had pre viously bee n describe d i n term s o f a n ideologica l confrontatio n requirin g a high leve l o f politica l vigilance an d a rebuf f t o hostil e ideologica l sabotage ; and, Brezhnev' s commitmen t t o a positio n o f political relativism i n recalling 'Lenin's words to the effect tha t in our society everything that serves th e interests of the construction o f communism i s moral' and in drawing the conclusio n from thes e words that 'fo r u s that which serves the interests o f the people, th e interests of communist construction , i s democratic.'

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A total of 4998 delegates attende d th e congress. N o delegates with consultative rights were elected, a break with tradition dating back to before the revolution. Th e congres s followe d th e patter n o f th e tw o previou s congresse s i n receiving the Central Committee Repor t from Brezhne v and the Report on the Five-Year Pla n fro m Kosygin . The congres s electe d a Centra l Committe e o f 287 ful l an d 13 9 candidat e members . Severa l change s i n personne l wer e announced: D.S . Poliansky was dropped from th e Politburo; D.F. Ustino v and G.V. Romano v wer e promote d t o ful l membershi p i n th e Politburo ; G.A . Aliyev was promoted t o candidate member; K.U . Chernenko and M.V. Zimianin were promoted t o the Secretariat.

5.51 On th e Repor t o f Comrade L.I . Brezhnev : Repor t o f th e CPSU Centra l Committe e and the Party' s Immediat e Tasks in th e Spher e of Domestic an d Foreign Polic y 1

March 197 6

Having heard an d discusse d th e repor t o f the Genera l Secretary of the CPS U Central Committee, Comrade L.I. Brezhnev , the Repor t of the CPS U Central Committee and the Immediat e Tasks of the Part y in the Sphere of Domestic and Foreig n Policy , th e XX V Congres s o f th e Communis t Part y o f th e Soviet Union resolves: 1 Wholl y and completely to approve the politica l lin e and practical activity of the Centra l Committee of the party . 2T o approve the Repor t o f the CPS U Centra l Committee and t o recommend that all party organizations be guided in their work by the propositions and task s se t fort h b y Comrad e L.I . Brezhne v i n th e Repor t o f th e CPS U Central Committee. Pravda, 2 March 197 6 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh xn , 83


On the Furthe r Development of Specialization and Concentration o f Agricultura l Productio n on th e Basi s of Inter-farm Co-operatio n an d Agro-Industrial Integratio n 2

8 May 197 6

The early 1970's saw the introduction i n Soviet industr y of a nation-wide campaign to reorganize the industrial sector accordin g to a network of intermediate level structure s know n a s association s (obedineniia) . Th e principle s o f interenterprise co-ordination developed in this process soon came to be applied in a number o f experiments i n the agricultural sector as well. Inter-kolkhoz associa tions ha d bee n forme d a s early a s the lat e 1950' s o n a local level. However , their developmen t wa s sporadic an d uneven , a reflectio n o f the failur e to de-



velop a national policy on the issue and of the differential degree of commitment to them o n the part of regional political leaders. A t the XXV Party Congress i n 1976, Brezhne v raise d th e questio n of inter-farm associations t o a high-level policy matter b y remarking in his Central Committee Repor t tha t 'th e experience o f Moldavia , a numbe r o f Russia n Federatio n provinces , th e Ukraine , Belorussia, an d som e othe r republic s indicates tha t grea t possibilitie s for th e rapid growth of production volume, a sizable rise in labour productivity, and a reduction of unit costs ca n be found in the specializatio n and concentration of production on the basi s of inter-farm co-operatio n an d agro-industrial integration. Hence , thi s cours e mus t b e pursue d mor e vigorously ' (Current Soviet Policies vn (1976 ) 19-20) . Inter-farm association s wer e t o b e developed fo r ideologica l and economi c reasons. O n the ideological level, it was suggested tha t the formation of agricultural associations had emerged as a logical and necessary stage in the evolution of collective forms of property in the direction of the purer state form of ownership. Th e condition s fo r thi s stag e ha d mature d an d mus t b e exploite d t o achieve a new and highe r leve l of agricultural organization. The associations , which would bring state an d collective farms closer togethe r throug h co-opera tive endeavour s an d whic h woul d brin g th e cit y an d countrysid e togethe r through the industrializatio n of agricultura l activities , wer e see n as a prope r mechanism i n achievin g the ultimat e goal s o f ful l socialis t ownershi p o f th e agricultural means o f production through state ownershi p and the elimination of essential difference s between urba n and rura l ways of life. Th e mor e com pelling reaso n fo r th e introductio n of inter-far m association s i n agricultural organizations at this time lay in the regime's desire t o improve efficiency i n the agricultural sector. The majo r organizational and investmen t policie s that th e regime introduce d i n 196 5 an d 196 6 ha d stil l not accomplishe d thei r desire d effect b y raising agricultural efficiency an d productivit y to require d an d stabl e levels. The inter-farm associations represente d a n attempt to restructure management an d reorganiz e agriculture to take advantage of certain economies o f production: economies associate d wit h vertical integration of supplies for agricultural production, agricultural production itself, and the processing o f certain agricultural output s (e.g . reductio n o f storag e an d transportatio n losse s an d costs); mor e rationa l utilizatio n of th e rura l labou r forc e b y clos e sitin g of agricultural and processin g enterprises ; a more effectiv e balanc e between cen tralized an d decentralize d agricultura l decision makin g b y consolidating loca l decision-making units and giving them greater autonomy in some areas; and, a more rational approach to agricultural concentration an d specialization throug h the consolidation o f middle-level management i n fewer decision-making units, pooling financia l an d materia l resources , an d possibl y allowin g fo r som e limited working out o f intermediate price s o f agricultural products at the asso ciation level , whic h woul d giv e th e farm s som e flexibilit y i n adjustin g thei r output mix to maximize their incomes .

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1 Th e CPS U Centra l Committee , havin g discusse d th e proposal s sub mitted by Comrade L.I . Brezhnev , Genera l Secretary , on the further development o f specialization and concentration o f agricultural production on th e basis o f inter-far m co-operatio n an d agro-industria l integratio n an d o n improving th e form s o f agricultural management i n th e country , considers that implementation of these important measures approved by the XXV CPS U Congress ha s becom e a n urgent necessity an d wil l have grea t political, economic, and social significance. The Communist Party , our state, and the entire Soviet people are making great effort s t o ensur e reliabl e growt h i n agricultura l production. Th e March (1965 ) and following plenums o f the CPS U Central Committee worked out a broad , comprehensiv e programm e fo r a n upswin g in agricultur e that was developed b y the XXI V and XXV party congresses. The basic element s of thi s programm e are : creatio n o f stabl e economi c condition s ensurin g expanded reproductio n in kolkhozes and sovkhozes; consistent implementation of the cours e fo r intensification; introduction of contemporary achieve ments of scientific-technological progress; consolidatio n o f the materia l and technical base; comprehensive mechanizatio n and chemicalization of agriculture; extensiv e lan d reclamation ; observanc e o f th e leninis t principl e of material incentives ; a correct combination o f public, collective, an d private interests; a syste m o f socia l measure s aime d a t a considerabl e ris e i n th e standard of living of rural workers ... 3 Despit e th e positiv e results achieved i n agriculture in recent years , its level, economi c indices , an d productio n growth rates o f its most importan t products, th e CPS U Central Committe e note s tha t ou r growin g requirement s do no t correspon d t o existin g potentials . I f thi s branc h i s t o achiev e th e advanced goal s opene d b y moder n scienc e an d technology , th e task s o f intensifying agricultur e and improving its efficiency mus t be given top priority. On e of the mai n ways to resolve thi s task is to specialize and concentrat e agricultural productio n an d transfe r i t t o a moder n industria l base . Th e potentials found here ar e enormous .. . Now that our agricultur e has grown significantly stronger an d its material bas e i s becoming mor e solid , th e multibranc h character an d inadequat e concentration of production in kolkhozes and sovkhozes hinde r the development o f industrializatio n in agricultur e an d animal husbandry , lowe r th e efficiency o f expenditures and, i n essence, are becoming a drag on economi c progress and , hence , o n scientific-technologica l progress i n thi s area . Th e state i s allocating large capital investments fo r the productio n of new equipment and mineral fertilizers and construction o f land-reclamation systems, is supplying kolkhoze s an d sovkhoze s wit h tractors , combines , an d othe r machinery o n a n ever-greate r scale , ye t labour expenditure s ar e decreasin g slowly and the uni t costs o f the mos t importan t agricultural products remain essentially at the same level.



On multibranch farms, agricultural commodity output, and particularly in anima l husbandry , i s disperse d i n man y case s ove r smal l brigade s an d livestock sections, resultin g in a scattering of funds an d material resources, a hindering o f comprehensive mechanization an d the introduction o f new progressive technologies , an d a lowering of profitability. In a number o f oblasts, krais , and republics, attempts have been mad e to accomplish the tas k of raising the effectivenes s of agricultural production only by amalgamating existing brigades and livestoc k sections withou t conducting specialization with an accounting of natural and economic condition s and withou t radica l change s i n productio n organizatio n an d technology. However, suc h a n approach , lik e the consolidatio n o f kolkhoze s an d sov khozes conducte d i n the past , doe s no t overcom e th e majo r short-coming s inherent i n multibranch farming. Further developmen t o f productive forces objectively requires a new approach in principle to organizing agricultural production, its more thoroug h specialization, the combining of the effort s o f farms fo r the purpos e of making extensiv e us e o f the achievement s o f scientific-technologica l progress . Science and contemporary practice confirm that this is a reliable way to make rational use of land, labour, machinery, and other factor s that intensify and , on thi s basis , accelerat e th e growt h of output and improve the efficienc y o f agricultural production. The advantage s an d positive influence of inter-farm specialization and concentration on the economy is evident in the numerou s examples of the wor k of large livestock farms , complexes, an d othe r inter farm enterprise s i n th e Moldavia n SSR , the Belorussia n SSR , the Ukrainia n SSR, Krasnodars k Krai , th e Mar i ASSR , Voronez h an d Penz a oblasts , an d a number o f other oblast s an d republics. At present, ther e ar e approximately 6000 inter-farm specialized associations, organizations , and enterprises oper ating in the country . As experience shows, outlay s of labour on production per uni t of output ar e 2. 5 to 3 times lowe r and unit costs ar e 1. 5 to 2 time s lower tha n o n non-specialize d farms . A n ever-increasin g numbe r o f kol khozes an d sovkhoze s ar e entering int o inter-far m co-operation. This pro cess has active support among kolkhozniks and workers on sovkhozes . The CPS U Central Committee consider s tha t specialization and concen tration of agricultural production on the basi s of extensive co-operatio n an d its transfer to a modern industria l base i s the mai n direction fo r the furthe r development o f socialist agricultur e and a new stage i n the practica l implementation o f the idea s of the leninis t co-operative pla n under the condition s of developed socialism . Compared t o the perio d of collectivization when small individual peasant farms with their primitive means of production were unified in co-operatives, today's process o f agricultural concentration i s characterized abov e all by the combined effort s of kolkhozes and sovkhozes fo r the purpose of creat-

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ing larg e industrial-typ e enterprise s producin g fo r larg e market s b y mor e thorough specializatio n o f all farms, b y the emergenc e an d developmen t o f new forms of inter-branch ties , an d b y radical changes i n th e structur e an d nature o f production. Inter-far m co-operation expand s th e scop e an d possi bilities of kolkhoz and sovkhoz productio n and raises the level of its concentration withou t excessively enlargin g farms or forming unmanageable ones . All this facilitates the increase d productio n o f agricultural products an d th e accomplishment o f a major socia l task : t o rais e th e leve l of socialization of kolkhoz production, improve social relations, bring the two forms of socialist ownership close r together , an d gradually eliminate th e essentia l difference s between th e cit y an d th e countryside . Suc h a qualitatively new stage i n th e creative applicatio n o f leninis t teachin g o n co-operatio n i n th e practic e of communist constructio n i s a historical law, has matured objectively , and cannot be ignored or bypassed. As Comrade L.I. Brezhnev, Genera l Secretary of the CPS U Centra l Committee , emphasize d a t th e XX V Part y Congress, i t is necessary t o pursu e th e cours e o f specializatio n an d concentratio n mor e actively. Ou r organizationa l work , planning , an d utilizatio n o f economi c levers must facilitat e thi s progressive proces s in every possible way. The key to raisin g the effectivenes s o f agricultural production lies in more thoroug h specialization an d concentration... 4 Specializatio n and concentratio n o f agricultural production i s a manysided process . Th e countr y consists o f large specialized zone s fo r the com modity output of grain, cotton, suga r beet, vegetables, fruit s an d grapes, tea , citrus crops, fiber flax, milk, and wool. It is necessary t o continue t o intensify zonal specialization . Plannin g an d agricultura l agencies mus t improv e i t in every possible way, striving for the rationa l utilization of land and favourable natural, climatic, and economic condition s in every district of the country to obtain more agricultura l products an d reduce expenditures . In recent years , state specialize d enterprises producin g individual types of agricultura l product s hav e receive d considerabl e development . Poultr y farms, large complexes producin g pork, beef, an d milk, vegetable farms, and hot-house combines ar e bein g se t u p aroun d citie s an d industria l centres . They ar e developin g o n a n industria l basis , hav e hig h labou r productivity, and thei r contributio n wil l gro w steadily in providing the countr y with agricultural products . At th e sam e time , th e tas k o f supplyin g the countr y wit h necessar y products t o a fulle r exten t require s rationa l utilizatio n o f th e enormou s potentials o f al l kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes throug h all-roun d co-operation , specialization, and concentration o f their production. This process arise s and develops i n th e cours e o f economic co-operatio n betwee n kolkhozes , sov khozes, and other stat e enterprise s for the purpose of organizing the production of individual types of products on a modern technologica l basis with the



use o f industria l method s an d progressiv e technologies , thi s ofte n bein g beyond the powe r of and disadvantageous to an individual farm, even a large or economically strong one . More thorough specializatio n and concentration on th e basi s of interfarm co-operation creates for every kolkhoz and sovkhoz, large or small, and with different economi c levels, equal possibilities for a consistent transfe r to highly intensive specialized production, for a steady strengthening an d development o f socialize d farming , an d fo r ensurin g hig h rate s o f expande d reproduction. While notin g that i n many republics, krais , and oblast s onl y the firs t steps hav e bee n take n i n specializatio n and concentratio n o n th e basi s of inter-farm co-operation, that it is still in its initial stage, and that it is developing through adaptation to the existin g system o f planning, financing, material-technical supplies, and managemen t o f agricultural production, the CPS U considers i t necessary t o give this proces s - whic h t o a great exten t deter mines the future o f our agriculture - a planned character. Party, soviet , an d economi c bodie s ar e ordere d t o facilitat e i n ever y possible way the specializatio n and concentratio n o f agricultural production on the basi s of extensive co-operation and to create the necessary conditions for this . Fuller use is to be made of existing experience in agriculture, as well as in industry , relating to specialization , concentration, an d co-operation of enterprises and the organizatio n of production and science-production asso ciations. 5 Th e CPS U Centra l Committee draw s the attentio n of party, soviet, an d agricultural agencie s t o th e necessit y o f a differentiate d approac h t o an d stage-by-stage resolution o f all questions related to the practica l introduction of specialization and concentratio n o f production o n th e basi s o f inter-farm co-operation and agro-industrial integration. In th e firs t stage , o n th e basi s o f inter-farm co-operation, poolin g of finances, material-technica l resources , an d manpower , kolkhoze s and sov khozes posses s th e possibilit y of creatin g larg e specialize d inter-kolkhoz , inter-sovkhoz, kolkhoz-sovkhoz, sovkhoz-kolkhoz, and other state-kolkho z enterprises and associations of an industrial type for the productio n of meat, milk, eggs , wool , combined an d othe r kind s of fodder, for pedigreed stoc k breeding, see d growing , gardening, an d vegetabl e growing , for storin g and initial processin g o f agricultural products, fo r agro-chemical servicing, joint utilization o f machiner y an d transport , constructio n an d land-reclamatio n work, forestry, and production of building materials and other materials . By creatin g larg e specialize d enterprise s o n a n inter-far m basis, th e co-operative member s ar e able to concentrate their efforts o n developing the production o f grain , industria l crop s an d othe r branche s tha t wil l becom e more specialized on these farms.

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It is necessary fo r the stat e to provide all possible assistance by working out draf t project s and supplyin g machinery, equipment, an d othe r material resources t o kolkhozes and sovkhozes that enter co-operatives and are ready to allocate their funds for this purpose. Scientific-technological progres s an d th e organizatio n of large specialized enterprise s an d association s i n agricultur e ensure favourabl e preconditions fo r furthe r developmen t o f agro-industria l integration, a n organi c fusion o f agricultural production with industry, and the creation in the country o f a n extensiv e networ k o f agro-industrial enterprises an d association s that hav e a great future . Thi s proces s mus t b e accompanie d b y furthe r deepening o f th e divisio n o f labou r amon g farms , a stil l highe r leve l o f specialization and co-operation , and the establishmen t of direc t contact s between agricultur e and industry. As a result, conditions will b e created fo r bringing kolkhoz-co-operativ e propert y close r t o stat e propert y an d thei r merging into general public property in the future . The ripenin g of economic condition s and th e accumulatio n of experience i n inter-farm co-operatio n an d agro-industria l integration i n the inter ests of accelerated agricultura l development an d it s greater effectiveness do not tak e place simultaneously in different district s of the countr y and differ ent branche s o f production . I n a numbe r o f republics , krais , an d oblasts , parallel t o th e proces s o f specializatio n an d concentratio n o n th e basi s of inter-farm co-operation , agro-industria l integratio n i s alread y developin g successfully, eve n today ; there is effective operatio n of enterprises and asso ciations in whic h production, storage, an d industria l processing are organically combined , for example , in the cas e of fruits , grapes , vegetables , and some othe r type s o f agricultura l products. Stage s i n th e developmen t o f inter-farm co-operatio n an d agro-industria l integratio n i n differen t zone s may tak e plac e consecutively or simultaneously . The tim e perio d and rate s for carrying out this work must b e specified with consideration for local possibilities and features.. . 6 Th e CPS U Central Committee consider s i t necessary t o emphasize that , when conducting work in specializing and concentrating agricultural production o n th e basi s of inter-farm co-operation an d agro-industria l integration, the followin g principle s that have been tested in the practice of socialist construction in the countryside must b e strictly observed: th e voluntar y natur e o f joint co-operatio n betwee n kolkhozes , sov khozes and other enterprises ; a scientifi c approach t o th e selectio n o f organizationa l forms , direc tions, an d sequencin g i n conductin g specializatio n an d concentratio n o f farms, wit h consideration fo r their productio n structur e an d economy , th e peculiar features of the branches of production and accumulated experience ; preservation o f the economi c independenc e o f kolkhozes, sovkhozes,



and othe r enterprise s an d organization s entering int o inter-farm and agro industrial associations ; democratic centralism in organizing the management o f the production activity of associations ; - th e material interests of the farms, as well as kolkhozniks and workers on sovkhoze s and i n other enterprises , i n developing and raisin g the effec tiveness o f social production of the associatio n a s a whole and ever y enter prise individually; - th e accomplishment of the main objective of specialization and concentration - a considerable increase in the production of agricultural products and amounts sold to the state, improvement in the qualit y of agricultural products, a growth in labour productivity, and a reduction in expenditures . Inter-farm, agro-industria l specialized productio n associations (inter kolkhoz, inter-sovkhoz , kolkhoz-state, and state-kolkhoz ) ar e created with consideration for territorial and branch criteria. As a rule, production associations are organized within the boundarie s of an administrativ e distric t according to th e territorial-branc h criterion. I n this case, the farms create, in co-operative conditions, large specialized interfarm enterprises, determin e th e directions of specialization in the production of commodity outpu t fo r eac h kolkho z and sovkhoz , an d jointly carry ou t measures t o transfer all branches of agricultural production over to an industrial base within the framewor k o f the association . Production association s base d o n th e branc h criterio n ar e create d according to the volum e of production and location of farms specializing in a given type of production within the framework of a single or several administrative districts, or within an entire oblast , krai, or republic. Science-production association s ar e organize d according to thi s criterio n for selectio n an d seed growing , pedigree d stoc k breeding , developin g progressiv e industria l technologies fo r farmin g an d anima l husbandry , an d producin g individual types of specialized products and other products . A significant number of sovkhozes and kolkhozes, especially in Kazakhstan, Siberia , the norther n Caucasus, th e Urals , and the Volga Region hav e large areas o f arable land. In these places, reserve s fo r intra-farm specialization an d concentratio n ofte n ar e stil l not use d i n optima l amounts o n a n industrial basi s i n th e farm s themselves. But , even on suc h kolkhoze s an d sovkhozes i t i s necessary , alon g wit h th e intensificatio n of co-operation o f profit-and-loss intra-far m subdivisions an d th e consolidatio n o f production ties amon g them , t o mak e fulle r us e o f th e larg e possibilitie s opene d b y inter-farm specializatio n and concentration o f production. Co-operation i n th e spher e o f productio n services , a s wel l as i n th e non-productive sphere of creating joint health protection and cultural-everyday facilities must receive wide development .



7 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e commission s th e communis t part y central committees an d the councils of ministers of the union republics, the krai and oblas t part y committees , th e council s o f ministers o f the autonomou s republics, th e executiv e committee s o f krais and oblasts , th e USS R Gosplan , the USS R Ministry of Agriculture, kolkhoz councils, the USS R Ministry of Food Industry, th e USS R Ministr y of Meat an d Mil k Industry, the USS R Ministry of Light Industr y an d thei r loca l agencies , wit h the participatio n of scholars , leaders, an d specialist s i n agricultur e and th e processin g industr y and th e broad enlistment o f kolkhozniks and workers on sovkhozes an d other enter prises, to work out concrete, scientifically substantiated, long-rang e plans for carrying ou t specializatio n an d concentratio n o n th e basi s o f inter-far m co-operation an d agro-industrial integration, taking into account local conditions and potentials as well as existing practical experience. I n doing so, ther e is t o b e n o haste , skippin g o f stages, o r carryin g thing s to extremes . I t i s necessary t o conduct this business in a rational and economically knowledgeable manner, takin g into account al l aspects an d consequence s o f the work being done... ... It is especially necessary t o warn about the impermissibility of gigantomania, the constructio n of economicall y unfounde d super-larg e enter prises for production of meat, milk , and other product s ... The CPS U Centra l Committe e call s attention t o th e fac t tha t specializa tion an d concentratio n o n th e basi s o f inter-far m co-operatio n an d agro industrial integration , th e transformatio n o f agricultura l production t o a n industrial base i s not a one-time measur e bu t a lengthy process designe d fo r the long term and tied to specific economic conditions and the level of development o f productive forces. The pac e of conducting this work will depend , in significan t measure, o n ho w purposefully an d effectivel y kolkhozes , sov khozes, an d othe r enterprise s utiliz e their own funds, as well as state capital investments an d material-technica l resource s allocate d i n accordanc e wit h economic plans . Th e tas k consist s i n striving to achieve th e greates t result s from investe d funds , no t dissipatin g resources, directing them above al l to the reconstruction of livestock sections an d other operatin g units, and ensuring the rationa l combination o f new construction wit h the reconstructio n o f existing production facilities. The CPS U Central Committee warns party, soviet, and economic organizations against any 'decreeing' from abov e o f specialization and co-operation and th e impositio n o f form s o f productio n organizatio n an d managemen t that ar e not teste d by science an d practice. It is also necessar y t o curb resolutely all attempts to impede this process, t o mark time, an d to approach the business fro m a departmental or localistic perspective .. . Pravda, 2 June 197 6 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh XII , 274-8 8


5.53 On the Task s of Party Studies in Ligh t of the Decisions of the XX V CPSU Congress 1


2 June 197 6

... The CPS U Central Committee resolves: 1 Th e central committees o f the unio n republic communist parties , th e oblast, okrug , cit y an d raio n part y committees, an d primar y party organi zations, proceedin g fro m th e decision s o f th e XX V CPS U Congress , ar e to carr y ou t practica l measure s fo r furthe r developmen t o f th e marxist leninist educatio n o f communist s an d non-part y people, fo r enrichin g th e content o f study, and fo r raisin g its theoretical level . Particular attention is drawn: to thoroug h assimilatio n o f th e fundamenta l principles of marxism leninism as a unified internationa l teaching, th e historica l experience o f the CPSU, th e creativ e contributio n to theor y containe d i n th e decision s o f th e latest CPS U congresse s an d Centra l Committe e plenums , i n th e speeche s of Comrade L. I Brezhnev , Genera l Secretar y of the CPS U Central Committee , and othe r part y leaders, an d i n documents o f the internationa l communist movement; to study of the theor y and polic y of the part y in their organic unity, in close connectio n wit h th e practic e o f communis t construction , th e inter national activity of the CPSU , an d th e ideologica l struggle; to th e transformatio n of acquire d knowledg e into a person' s active , living position and a guide to action in solving urgent problems in the development of our society. Study of the repor t by Comrade L.I. Brezhnev, 'The Report of the CPS U Central Committe e an d the Immediat e Tasks o f the Part y in the Spher e of Domestic an d Foreign Policy,' 'Basic Directions for the Development o f the USSR Econom y fo r th e Year s 1976-1980, ' an d othe r material s of the XX V CPSU Congres s i s considere d t o b e th e mai n tas k o f part y stud y and mas s propaganda in the forthcoming period, this being viewed as a prerequisite for steadfast implementation of the Congress decisions . 2 Fo r the purposes of a thorough study of the materials of the XXV Party Congress, course s shal l b e introduce d i n 1976-197 8 dealing wit h pressin g questions o f the theor y and polic y of the CPS U that have been worked out b y the Congress. Appropriat e textbooks for the primary and intermediate level s in the syste m of party education are to be prepared ... 3 Th e CPS U Central Committee emphasizes that, with the curren t educational level of Soviet people and with the presence of the necessary literature and powerfu l informatio n media , politica l self-educatio n take s o n ever greater significance as the basi c method o f learning revolutionary theory. In the course of training, more extensive use is to be made of active forms and methods o f lessons such a s theoretical conferences, seminars , discussions ,



practical assignments , preparatio n o f essays , an d th e conductin g o f socio political analysis. It i s necessar y t o implemen t steadil y a differentiate d approac h to th e organization of marxist-leninist education ; th e principl e of voluntary choice in selecting th e subjec t and form s of study is to be observed strictly . At th e same time, supervisio n mus t b e intensified over the work of communists in enhancing their ideological and theoretical level; incidents of an abstract elucidative an d narrowl y utilitarian approach t o politica l and economi c studie s must b e eliminated . Effort s ar e t o b e mad e t o ensur e tha t al l communists, and abov e al l the leadership , systematicall y combine wor k o n raisin g their ideological-theoretical level with their active participation in the communis t education o f the workin g people. 4 Takin g int o consideratio n existin g positiv e experience , i t i s recom mended tha t part y committees develo p universitie s of marxism-leninism as one of the effectiv e form s of raising the ideological-theoretica l level of active communists an d non-part y people , leadin g personnel , ideologica l cadres , and fo r preparin g propagandists and politinformators . The centra l commit tees of the unio n republi c communist partie s and th e kra i an d oblas t party committees ar e permitted , wher e expedient , t o transfor m universitie s of marxism-leninism o f the cit y part y committees o f the republi c capitals, and krai an d oblas t centre s int o universitie s of marxism-leninism o f the centra l committees o f th e unio n republi c communist partie s (i n unio n republic s without oblasts) , krai , o r oblast part y committees; thes e universities ar e to be subordinate d t o house s o f political enlightenment. I n such cases , othe r universities located withi n the territor y of a republic, krai, or oblast are to be transformed int o universit y branche s workin g under th e guidanc e o f th e appropriate city or raion party committee . 5 Th e centra l committees o f the unio n republi c communist parties , th e krai an d oblas t part y committees, th e centra l committee s o f the All-Union Leninist Communis t Yout h Leagu e an d th e Ail-Unio n Central Counci l of Trade Unions , th e boar d o f director s o f th e All-Unio n Societ y 'Znanie, ' ministries an d department s ar e t o tak e concret e measure s fo r furthe r improvement in the theoretica l level and effectiveness of the following mas s forms fo r th e stud y o f marxism-leninism : Komsomo l politica l education , economic educatio n fo r the workin g people, school s fo r communist labour , and people's universities; it is to be ensured tha t their role is enhanced in the ideological, political, patriotic, international, labour, and moral upbringing of Soviet peopl e an d i n inculcatin g i n ever y toile r hig h responsibilit y fo r entrusted affair s an d for the qualit y of his work. 6 Part y committees ar e to increase attention t o work with propagandists, being guided strictl y in this matte r b y leninist instruction s o n a careful atti tude t o propagand a cadre s an d th e importanc e o f constantl y replenishin g their knowledg e and improving their skills.



Care is to be ensured in the selection of propagandists; their theoretical and methodologica l studies , thei r politica l awareness , an d th e exchang e of work experienc e ar e t o b e improved . Condition s ar e t o b e create d fo r th e creative work o f propagandists and they are to be involved in explaining and solving the problem s of the economi c and social development of collectives. The work of propagandists is to be considered a most important party assignment and their noble labour is to be encouraged. Measures are t o be taken to improve the activit y o f houses and office s of political enlightenmen t and to reinforc e the m with qualifie d cadre s ... Pravda, 1 2 June 197 6 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh XII , 289-93


On Progress by the Georgia n Part y Organization i n Implementing the Decision s of the CPSU Centra l Committee Regarding th e Organizationa l an d Political Work o f the Tbilis i Cit y Part y Committee 2

4 June 197 6

As wit h th e initia l resolutio n o n th e organizationa l and politica l work o f th e Tbilisi part y organizatio n (5.41) , th e languag e o f thi s follow-u p documen t tended t o obscure th e ful l impor t of its message. The previous three years had been a period of intense activit y i n Georgia aime d a t cleaning up som e of th e excesses of criminal activity in the republic . For example, the blan d referenc e to the improvement i n the admissions procedures an d composition of the student bod y i n highe r educationa l institution s referred, a t leas t i n part , to th e revelation tha t th e forme r recto r o f th e Tbilis i Medica l Institute , P . Gel bakhiani, ha d institute d a syste m whereb y 'his ' applicant s were guarantee d admission t o th e institut e befor e takin g entrance exams . Thi s ha d involve d large-scale bribe s o f hundreds o f thousands o f rubles for a whole network of examiners an d instructor s unde r Gelbakhiani . A s a resul t o f Gelbakhiani' s system, over 9 0 per cent of entering students came from middle-clas s families, largely highly placed officials wh o were able to offer th e necessar y bribes . Two component s o f the Georgia n campaig n that ar e onl y hinte d a t i n th e document ar e the extent of Moscow's direc t interference i n Georgian affair s in the previous three years and the continuing resistance exerted by local officials. The degree o f direct interference by the central authorities was brought out in a remark b y E.A . Shevardnadze , Firs t Secretar y o f th e Georgia n Communis t Party, at the 35th conference of the Tbilisi city party organization in early 1974. Discussing th e implementatio n o f the resolution , h e noted that 'w e thank the CPSU Central Committee , th e Politburo , an d Comrad e L.I . Brezhne v person ally for their genuine party and paternal concern fo r the development o f Geor -



gia's economy ' (Current Digest o f the Soviet Press xxvi , no. 8 , 1-4) . Reporting to th e congres s o f the Georgia n Communis t Part y in January 1976, Shevardnadze note d i n a similar vein that, since the adoption of the resolutio n on th e Tbilisi party organization, 'the Georgian Communis t Party , under the leadership of th e CPSU Central Committee, decisivel y strengthened part y an d stat e discipline ...' (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xxvm , no . 4 , 6-9 ; editor' s empha sis). Despite th e centre's direc t intervention in Georgian affairs , ther e was also evidence o f continuing resistance to the campaign. In late 1974 , Shevardnadze reported t o a plenu m o f th e centra l committee o f the Georgia n Communis t Party that 'th e situation remains alarming in many sectors o f our national economy; i n some places , th e heav y burde n o f the ol d mistakes stil l jeopardizes the fulfilmen t o f th e Nint h Five-Yea r Pla n assignments ... ' (Current Digest of the Soviet Press xxvi, no . 46 , 1-7 , 27) . In mid-1976, the Georgia n Ministe r of Internal Affairs , K . Ketiladze , reporte d tha t crime s committe d fo r persona l gain an d crime s o f offic e wer e stil l numerou s despit e attempt s t o implemen t the Centra l Committe e resolution . I n a particularl y frank revelatio n o f th e dynamics o f th e situation , h e note d tha t 'th e sharpers , money-grubber s an d bribe-takers are in no hurry to surrender thei r positions. Regrouping, carefully camouflaging themselves , resortin g t o mor e refine d method s an d movin g from th e branche s o f the economy in which they have traditionally operated to others, th e plunderers continue to conduct their dirty business' (Current Digest of th e Soviet Press xxvm , no . 19 , 12-13). The campaign produced a number of additional unintended reactions. Reports indicated that there were attempts by the guilty to cover up investigations. The situation produced a large number of anonymous letters , presumabl y written by those wh o hope d t o gai n through the denunciatio n of thei r superior s an d wh o trie d t o protec t themselve s b y denouncing hones t officials . Ther e wer e reporte d attempt s a t blackmai l and extortion. Finally , in the cours e o f the investigation s i t was revealed tha t th e police and the courts were subject to corruption so that legal and judicial sanctions were not systematically enforced. Apparently, the central leadership must have concurred wit h the critical assessment that the Georgian leadershi p gave of its own performance . A t the XX V CPS U Congress i n March 1976 , Shevard nadze wa s overlooked an d G.A . Aliyev , First Secretar y o f the Azerbaidzha n party organizatio n wa s awarded th e 'Caucasu s seat ' i n th e Politbur o (whic h had becom e vacan t with Mzhavanadze's remova l in 1972 ) with his promotion to candidate member .


3 Th e Centra l Committe e emphasize s tha t th e positiv e change s takin g place in the economi c an d cultura l life of the Georgia n SS R are the resul t of significant improvemen t i n th e styl e an d method s o f part y leadership , i n consolidating th e ideological-political and organizational unity of the republic



party organization, and in strengthening its ties with the masses. Th e central committee o f th e communis t part y o f th e republi c ha s wage d a decisiv e struggle for stric t observance o f the leninis t principle s of selecting, placing , and trainin g cadres. Man y sector s o f party , state, an d economi c lif e hav e been reinforce d wit h politicall y matur e an d morall y stable cadre s wh o ar e devoted t o the cause of the party. In solving cadre questions, th e principle of collegiality is being confirmed and, in doing so, part y organs are taking into consideration th e opinio n o f part y member s an d collective s o f workin g people. Thi s make s i t possible to avoi d errors tha t existe d unti l recently in evaluating personnel , promotin g the m o n th e basi s o f persona l loyalty , family, o r friendship ties . More concern is shown for the growth of the ideo logical-political and busines s leve l of leading cadres and more demands ar e placed on them for the result s o f their work in entrusted sector s an d in educating people. The significance of plenums of party committees an d party meetings as bodies o f collectiv e leadership , school s fo r trainin g cadres an d al l commu nists has grown. On the basi s of further development o f inner-party democracy, comradel y criticis m an d self-criticism , th e activity , discipline , an d responsibility o f communist s fo r th e stat e o f affair s a t enterprises , i n kol khozes, sovkhozes, organizations , and institutions is increasing. Party committee s ar e improvin g the organizatio n an d verificatio n of the fulfilmen t of party directives and thei r own decisions and are raising the level o f information available to communist s an d non-part y people i n eco nomic an d politica l questions, thu s facilitatin g th e furthe r development o f supervision over the creativity of leading bodies and cadres on the part of the broad masses. Part y committees regularl y inform party organizations and all communists o f their work. The centra l committe e o f the [Georgian ] Com munist Party reported at all oblast, city, and raion party conferences on progress i n implementin g decision s regardin g the Tbilis i cit y part y committee , while th e Tbilis i city committe e reporte d a t th e meeting s o f primary party organizations. Wor k ha s improve d i n considerin g an d implementin g pro posals and critical remarks coming from communists and letters and requests of the workin g people. The CPS U Centra l Committe e instruct s th e centra l committe e o f th e Georgian Communis t Part y to ensur e furthe r enhancemen t of the leve l of organizational-party work in light of the instruction s of the XX V CPS U Con gress. Part y committees mus t continu e t o sho w tireless concer n fo r raising the fighting efficiency o f primary party organizations and the unity and purity of their ranks and make efforts to ensure that every communist possesse s the qualities of a political fighter, worthily performs the vanguard role in production an d publi c life , an d set s a n exampl e i n hi s dail y life . Wor k i s t o b e continued o n improvin g the qualitativ e composition o f leading cadres; they are t o b e taugh t th e leninis t styl e o f wor k an d a n approac h t o solvin g all



questions fro m part y position s and genera l stat e interests ; the y are to fight against existin g manifestations o f bureaucracy , irresponsibility , lack o f discipline, and a contemptuous attitud e to the demands an d needs of the working people. Criticism and self-criticism are to be developed i n every possible way, effort s ar e t o b e mad e t o ensur e tha t a self-critica l analysis of bot h achievements an d existin g short-coming s ar e th e basi s o f th e activit y o f every party committee, ever y leading staff member, ever y communist. Stat e discipline i s to b e strengthened , cadre s ar e t o b e educate d i n th e spiri t o f absolute fulfilment o f economic plan s in all sectors, b y all collectives, and for all indicators. Work is to be improved with cadre reserves and their theoreti cal and professional training is to be improved. It is necessary t o improve the style and metho d o f party, soviet, an d economic work , approach its evaluation not by the number o f meetings conducted an d decisions adopted, bu t by real results , b y ho w hig h th e leve l o f organizationa l work is and ho w effi ciently supervisio n i s se t up . Th e effectivenes s o f part y guidanc e ove r th e Soviets, trade union, and Komsomol organizations is to be raised, the activeness an d responsibilit y o f communist s workin g i n thes e bodie s i s t o b e raised, socialis t democrac y i s t o b e develope d steadily , la w and orde r an d socialist legality are to be strengthened .. . 4 .. . The republi c party organization is conducting comprehensiv e work in moulding the communis t ideologica l conviction, high political consciousness, and social and labour activeness o f communists an d Komsomol mem bers, worker s an d collectiv e farmers , th e intelligentsi a and youn g people , and leading cadres i n creating a healthy moral-political atmosphere i n every labour collective and in the republi c as a whole. In accordance wit h the deci sion o f the CPS U Central Committe e o n th e Tbilis i city party committee, th e party, trad e union , an d Komsomo l organization s of Georgia ar e improving the educatio n o f people i n th e spiri t of communist morality , Soviet patriotism, friendship among the people s of the USSR , in the spirit of a conscientious attitude to labou r and to publi c property, socialis t disciplin e and responsi bility fo r th e commo n cause . A n uncompromisin g struggl e i s being waged against relapses int o philistine, petit-bourgeoi s psychology, nationalist mani festations tha t ar e stil l sometimes encountered , money-grubbing , outdate d harmful customs , manners , an d religious prejudices. Concrete measure s are being taken to intensify ideological-educationa l work wit h representative s o f all the nationalitie s inhabitin g Georgia an d t o enlist them i n active labour, social , an d politica l life. Mor e attentio n i s now paid to questions regardin g the developmen t o f the econom y and culture of the Abkha z an d Adzha r autonomou s republic s an d th e Sout h Ossetia n autonomous oblast . In th e matte r o f ideological-political and mora l education , th e rol e of the mas s informatio n media , creativ e unions , cultural , an d ar t institution s has increase d appreciably . Writers , artists , composers , an d theatr e an d



cinema personne l o f the Georgia n SS R are makin g a worthy contribution t the furthe r developmen t o f literatur e and ar t tha t ar e socialis t i n content , international i n spirit , an d nationa l i n form . I n recen t years , a numbe r o f talented works have been created i n which a profound analysis of contemporary social phenomena i s given from part y positions and the heroic spirit and enthusiasm o f labour achievement s an d th e activ e civi c position an d hig h moral qualities of working people are glorified. Specific steps have been taken in the direction of further improvin g the public educatio n system . Seriou s short-coming s takin g place in th e admis sion of students to higher educational institutions and vocational schools are being overcome. Ther e has been a noticeable improvemen t i n the composi tion o f the studen t body , in which the numbe r o f workers and kolkhozniks has almost double d an d th e proportio n of young men an d women enterin g studies from production and from the rank s o f the Sovie t Army has grown . More attentio n i s no w bein g paid to improvin g the qualit y of professional training and to the upbringin g of students an d pupils. Along with the labour semester, al l highe r educationa l institution s an d vocationa l school s hav e introduced practica l training in socio-politica l work i n th e cours e o f which future specialist s acquir e th e skill s o f ideological-upbringin g wor k wit h people. Party organizations are taking serious steps to strengthen socialis t legality. Th e broad masses of the working people are being enlisted i n the struggle against anti-socia l manifestation s and prejudice s of the pas t an d th e rol e of labour collectives is increasing. In the cities and raions, law and order centres and clubs for teenagers ar e being set up, the activit y of the comrades' courts and the people' s militia is improving, thus facilitating a decline in law violations. The CPS U Centra l Committee , however , consider s tha t thi s i s onl y a beginning i n th e bi g job tha t lie s ahea d i n conductin g the ideologica l an d political educatio n o f communist s an d al l workin g people . Th e growin g activeness o f the republi c party organization in conducting ideological work creates goo d opportunitie s for th e mor e successfu l accomplishmen t o f th e tasks pose d i n this area b y the XX V CPS U Congress. I n ensuring th e furthe r enhancement o f the leve l o f ideological-upbringing work, party committee s must wor k ou t long-rang e comprehensiv e plan s fo r ideological-political , labour, an d mora l educatio n an d mus t striv e t o ensur e mor e thoroug h co-ordination o f th e effort s o f all ideologica l institution s an d al l the force s and media of propaganda and agitation in accomplishing the socio-economi c tasks o f th e tent h five-year-pla n perio d an d i n formin g the Ne w Man . I n improving ideological work, it is necessary to eliminate more persistently th e elements o f formalism , isolatio n fro m life , an d othe r short-coming s tha t have bee n tolerate d i n thi s work . I t i s necessar y t o continu e a n activ e struggle agains t th e infiltratio n of bourgeois ideology , t o oppos e decisivel y



private propert y tendencie s an d remnant s o f the pas t i n th e consciousnes s and behaviour o f people ... Pravda, 2 7 June 197 6 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh xn , 299-306

5.55 On Furthe r Improving the Syste m fo r Raising th e Ideological-Theoretical Leve l and Professiona l Qualifications o f Leading Party and Soviet Cadre s 1

7 August 1976

... For th e purpos e o f furthe r improvin g th e syste m fo r raisin g th e ideo logical-theoretical leve l an d professional qualification s of leading party and soviet cadres , th e CPS U Central Committe e resolves : 1T o transform th e permanentl y operatin g course s at th e Highe r Party School o f th e CPS U Centra l Committe e int o th e Institut e fo r Raisin g th e Qualifications o f Leading Party and Soviet Cadres an d to organize studies in the Institute fo r leading personnel i n party and soviet organ s at the republic, krai, and oblast level . The Institut e mus t becom e th e leadin g educationa l an d scientific methodological centr e i n th e entir e syste m fo r raisin g the qualification s of cadres an d ensur e tha t it s work is on a high theoretical leve l in accordanc e with the instruction s of the XX V CPS U Congress . 2 Th e permanentl y operatin g courses fo r retraining cadres i n the Highe r Party School of the central committee o f the Ukrainian Communist Party , in the Leningrad, Alma-Alta, Baku, Gorky, Minsk, Novosibirsk, Rostov , Sara tov, Sverdlovsk , Tashkent , an d Khabarovsk highe r part y schools an d in th e Correspondence Highe r Part y School o f the CPS U Central Committee ar e t o be transformed int o permanentl y operatin g inter-oblast, republic, and interrepublic courses fo r raising the qualification s of party and soviet personnel . At these courses, studie s wil l be concentrated fo r leading personnel at the cit y and raion level, as well as officials o f the apparatus of party and soviet organs at the republic, krai, and oblast level. 3 Measure s ar e t o b e take n t o improv e th e wor k of republic, krai, and oblast course s fo r raisin g th e qualification s of part y an d sovie t personnel . Studies ar e t o b e organize d i n local courses for secretaries o f primary party organizations, official s a t the cit y and raion level, and chairmen of village and settlement Soviet s wh o ar e t o b e relieve d o f thei r responsibilitie s whe n attending these courses . 4 Th e basi s fo r th e wor k o f th e Institut e an d course s fo r raisin g th e qualifications of leading party and soviet cadre s i s to be the study of pressing problems o f marxist-leninist theor y and the practice of communist construc tion i n light of the task s put forwar d in the speech , 'Repor t of the CPS U Cen -



tral Committe e an d th e Immediat e Task s o f th e Part y i n th e Spher e o f Domestic an d Foreig n Policy, ' b y Comrade L.I . Brezhnev , Genera l Secre tary of the CPS U Central Committee, an d in his other reports and speeches . In th e courses , ke y problems o f the developmen t o f th e Sovie t eco nomy mus t b e covere d extensively , a s wel l a s problem s o f acceleratin g scientific-technological progres s an d improvin g th e effectivenes s o f socia l production and the qualit y of work, and problem s of the foreig n policy activity of the CPS U and moder n worl d development an d th e revolutionar y process. Mor e attention is to be paid to studying questions o f party construction, the organizationa l an d ideological-educationa l wor k o f th e party , leninis t norms o f party lif e an d principle s of party leadership , an d t o th e activit y of state and public organizations ... 5 .. . The duration of studies in the Institute for Raising the Qualifications of Leadin g Party and Sovie t Cadre s ha s been se t a t a period o f one t o one and-a-half months , a t inter-oblast , republic , an d inter-republi c courses i n higher party schools studie s are to take one month, an d at local courses the y are to last three-to-fou r weeks, dependin g on the natur e of the wor k of the students, thei r theoretical trainin g and experience .. . 8I t is established that leading party and sovie t personne l wil l raise thei r knowledge in the Institut e and courses onc e every period between CPS U congresses. Alon g with this, i t i s considered expedien t fo r the department s o f the CPS U Centra l Committe e t o conduc t seminar s onc e ever y two-to-thre e years for secretaries an d department chief s of the centra l committees o f the union republic communist parties, the krai and oblast party committees, and other part y personnel o n pressin g problem s o f the wor k of party organs and on generalizin g wor k experienc e o f part y organization s i n implementin g party decisions... 9 Fo r th e purpos e of improving the trainin g of primary party organization secretaries wh o are not relieved of their responsibilities when attending courses, th e central committees o f the union republic communist parties and the kra i and oblast part y committees ar e permitted to conduct seven-to-tenday seminars, whe n needed, based o n oblast, krai , and republic courses an d using funds allocated for this purpose from th e part y budget... Partiinaia zhizn', no. 1 8 KPSS

(1976): 12-15

5.56 On Wor k with Creativ e Youn g People 1

v rezoliutsiiakh XII , 337-4 1

2 October 197 6

... The growing role of literature and the arts in communist constructio n and the tasks posed b y the XX V CPS U Congress i n the spher e of ideological work



require the furthe r intensificatio n of attention t o th e professiona l and ideo logical training of creative young people by party, state, an d public organizations. There stil l exis t seriou s short-coming s i n wor k wit h youn g writers, cinematographers, artists , composers , an d actors . I n som e post-secondar y institutions an d colleges i n the art s not all the necessar y measure s ar e taken to improv e educational-upbringin g work, activel y to moul d th e students ' marxist-leninist outlook , an d t o promot e thoroug h master y o f professional skills an d assimilatio n o f th e experienc e o f Sovie t an d worl d culture . I n teaching specialize d subject s and th e socia l sciences, ther e i s not sufficien t enlistment o f highly qualifie d pedagogue s an d prominen t figures in scienc e and cultur e who ar e capabl e of teachin g professiona l skills in organic unity with hig h ideologica l an d mora l qualities , arousin g publi c activenes s i n young people, an d contributin g to th e formatio n of creative individualities. Party, Komsomol, and public organizations do not alway s properly take into consideration th e specific nature of educational and upbringing work in post secondary institution s an d college s i n th e arts . Th e materia l base o f som e educational institutions is in an unsatisfactory condition ... The creativ e union s an d cultura l agencies fai l t o sho w th e necessar y concern fo r improving the activit y of educational institutions in the art s and in th e professiona l growt h and employmen t o f their graduates , an d d o no t devote prope r attention t o young people who are not unio n members. Few young staf f member s i n the art s are nominated t o elected bodie s o f the cre ative unions or to the editorial boards of literary-feature publications, exhibition committees, o r arts' councils. Since th e greates t significanc e in cultura l construction i s attached t o work wit h th e youn g artisti c intelligentsia , th e CPS U Centra l Committe e resolves: 1I t i s recommended tha t th e centra l committee s o f the unio n republic communist parties , th e CPS U kra i an d oblas t committees , an d th e centra l committee o f the All-Unio n Leninist Communist Yout h League work out a system o f measures for th e furthe r improvemen t o f ideological and professional trainin g of creative youn g people, bein g guided by the proposal s pu t forward b y Comrad e L.I . Brezhnev , Genera l Secretar y of th e CPS U Centra l Committee, to the XXV Party Congress . All work with young artists must b e based o n a combination of a sympathetic and respectfu l attitud e t o them , alon g with exactingness an d principle. The problems and needs of young people must be studied and they are to b e assiste d i n revealin g thei r talents , whic h ar e t o b e directe d alon g a creatively promisin g course . Tie s betwee n th e youn g artisti c intelligentsia and life ar e to be strengthened an d diversified constantly; their public activeness is to b e developed ; youn g people ar e to b e entruste d wit h interestin g assignments; they are to be educated as staunch fighters for communist ideals.



It i s necessar y t o tak e concer n fo r th e selectio n an d ideologica l growt h o f cadres wh o teac h i n art s school s an d fo r improvin g thei r professiona l an d pedagogical qualifications . Guidance mus t b e intensifie d over th e activit y o f primar y part y an d Komsomol organization s i n creativ e unions , collectives , an d educationa l institutions; th e practic e of admitting the bes t representative s of the youn g intelligentsia to membership in the rank s of the CPS U is to be improved ... Literaturnaia gazeta, no. 42 , KPSS 20 October 197 6

v rezoliutsiiakh XII , 366-70


On Enhancing the Rol e of Oral Political Agitatio n i n

Fulfilling th e Decisions of the XXV CPSU Congres s 1

February 1977

Despite th e importanc e of agitation work as a technique involvin g large num bers o f party members t o disseminate part y messages and ideas t o the masse s and to mobilize people fo r the achievement o f production goals, this resolution stands a s the only published decision o f the Brezhnev years to deal directly and in detail with the organizatio n and structure of the agitatio n network. A partial explanation o f this lie s i n the conflic t that occurre d i n the lat e 1960 s over th e redefinition o f agitation work. The argumen t pu t forwar d in favour of chang e (whose chie f exponen t wa s V.I. Stepakov , hea d o f the Centra l Committee' s Department o f Agitation and Propaganda), was that the formal, repetitive, an d superficial activitie s of agitators were no longer necessary i n the Soviet Union , which had achieve d a level of industrialization characterized b y universal literacy, widesprea d specialize d knowledg e an d expertise , an d access by everyon e to the mas s media . Under these circumstances, i t was argued, agitatio n shoul d be replace d b y 'mass politica l propaganda,' whic h provide d greate r an d mor e sophisticated information . This transformation was to be achieved b y developing a ne w categor y o f agitatio n worke r i n th e perso n o f th e politinformator , usually a party or state official, manager , or specialist dealing in a single subject area an d communicatin g wit h a broa d rang e o f audience s (compare d t o th e agitator wh o i s a generalist draw n fro m worke r rank s an d wh o i s expected t o discuss an y matter , bu t primaril y with peopl e i n hi s ow n immediat e wor k collective or place of residence). Politinformators did in fact begi n to appear i n large numbers throughout th e Soviet Unio n i n earl y 1967 , indicatin g tha t th e agitatio n networ k migh t undergo radica l transformation . However , afte r a perio d o f uncertaint y an d confusion ove r th e statu s an d rol e o f the agitator , th e tw o roles wer e give n equal bu t differen t function s i n the agitatio n collective . Fro m th e wordin g of



the presen t document , i t seems that the issues were never decisivel y resolved at the tim e and tha t i t was only after th e XX V Congress, whe n Brezhnev had reached th e heigh t o f his powe r withi n th e party , that an acceptable compro mise was imposed on the party apparatus and given public approval. The status of agitation as a form o f party activity with th e masse s was confirmed and th e traditional broad definitio n an d functions were retained. However, the politinformator receive d pos t hoc party sanction, giving the positio n the securit y and status equivalen t to the long-standin g agitator , as an integra l component o f a broadened agitatio n network. Agitation collectives wer e to remain unde r th e jurisdiction of primary and shop party organizations where they could deal with a specific collective . The group s of politinformators were to b e subordinate to local part y committee s an d large r primary party organization s that coul d us e their more specialize d information throughout a larger enterprise, association, or territoria l unit. What emerge d unde r Brezhne v in th e are a o f ideological work was a more specialized and differentiate d structur e with three categorie s of ideological worker: agitator, politinformator, and propagandist.

... Party organizations, relyin g on the party' s traditions of oral political agitation, ar e finding new and more effectiv e forms and methods o f oral political agitation. Question-and-answer evenings , monthl y talks on the same dat e by leading personne l o f krais , oblasts , cities , an d raion s (commo n Politica l Days), on-sit e trip s b y information and propagand a group s an d brigade s of agitators, rallies, citizens' meetings , ora l magazines, festival s of labour glory, harvest celebrations , celebration s honourin g competitio n winners , initia tions of new workers and kolkhozniks, meetings wit h party, war, and labour veterans an d other mas s undertakings have become widespread . There ar e group s o f lecturer s workin g successfully i n affiliatio n wit h krai, oblast, city , and raion party committees. In many cases, they are led by party committee first secretaries. Groups o f politinformators have prove n t o be usefu l i n explainin g pressing question s o f socio-politica l life . Tutorshi p has become a n effective for m of professional training, and political and moral education o f young people. At the sam e time, the CPS U Centra l Committe e note s tha t part y committees d o not ye t make th e fulles t use of possibilities for oral political agitation i n explaining the domesti c an d foreign policy of the part y and the task s of labour collectives stemmin g from the decisions of the XX V CPSU Congress for th e furthe r developmen t o f th e creativ e initiativ e an d energ y o f th e masses and socialist competition . In the conten t an d organization o f mass agitation work, sufficient con sideration i s no t alway s given t o th e educationa l an d cultura l leve l o f th e people an d t o th e degre e t o whic h the y ar e informe d throug h th e press , television, an d radio . Discussions , politica l informatio n sessions , an d lee -



tures ar e ofte n limite d t o retellin g generally known truths , fai l t o answe r questions tha t are of interest t o the workin g people, avoid urgent problems of local life and moral upbringing, and fai l t o concentrate o n th e eliminatio n of existing short-comings. There have been incident s whe n party organizations, i n an effor t t o increase th e numbe r o f agitators and politinformators, entrust thi s work to poorl y trained comrades, regularl y fail t o instruct thei r agitation aktiv or to provide it with necessary guidelines, reference materials , and methodologica l recommendations, an d fai l t o assign concrete task s that are urgent for the given collective, city, or raion. At some enterprises, agitation collectives are generally lacking. Many party committees do not ensur e balanced work for the groups of lecturers an d d o no t sho w prope r exactingnes s towar d those communists , specialists i n the economy , an d leaders who try to withdraw from participation i n upbringin g work . Mass political agitatio n i s conducted irregularly a t the population' s residences, primaril y during election campaigns . Channel s for ora l agitation are poorly used to study public opinion, people's attitudes, and demands an d for providing an effective respons e t o their questions . To a certain extent, these short-comings are the result of relaxed attention in some part y organizations to oral agitation, a reflection of the incorrect opinion that its significance decreases wit h a diversified system of mass infor mation an d propagand a media. I t i s necessary t o improv e oral agitation in every possible way in the interest s o f further increasin g the effectivenes s of the politica l work of party organizations with the masses. The CPS U Central Committee resolves : 1 Th e central committees o f the union republic communist parties, krai, oblast, city and raio n party committees, an d primary party organizations are ordered to take measures to enhance the role of oral agitation in the ideological-political, labour , an d mora l upbringin g of Sovie t people , i n mobilizing them fo r successful implementation of the decision s o f the XX V CPS U Congress an d th e task s pose d b y Comrade L.I . Brezhne v i n th e Repor t o f the CPSU Centra l Committe e a t th e Congres s an d i n hi s speec h a t th e Octobe r (1976) Plenu m o f the CPS U Central Committee, an d for a worthy celebration of the 60t h anniversary of the Grea t Octobe r Socialist Revolution . The CPS U Centra l Committe e emphasize s tha t ora l agitation has bee n and remains an important sphere of party activity and one of the active forms of constan t contac t o f the part y with the masses , o f their solidarit y in thei r support of the part y and its leninist Centra l Committee, a n effectiv e instru ment of political leadership. Based on live communication with people, agitation make s i t possible, throug h concret e facts an d example s tha t ar e clear , close to , an d understoo d b y th e people , t o demonstrat e th e successe s i n communist construction, t o explain the polic y of the party and the decision s of party and state bodies, to influence purposefully th e development o f competition and the enhancement of the production and social activeness o f the working people, to study the sentiments of the masses and respond promptly



to them , t o conduc t a n ope n discussio n wit h audiences o n short-comings , difficulties, an d way s o f overcoming them , an d t o reach ever y person wit h the word of the party. The further development and improvement of political agitation is dictated by the tasks posed by the XXV CPSU Congress regarding a comprehensive approac h t o organizin g the entir e busines s o f communis t education. Political agitation must be considered a s one of the important means of educating the working people in the spirit of a marxist-leninist outlook, communist convictions, socialist patriotism, and internationalism. It is necessary to make efforts t o ensure that mass agitation measures provid e a timely and qualified explanatio n of current events an d an y questions tha t the working people ma y have; thes e measures shoul d genuinel y interest people , arous e their creativ e energy , direc t the m t o rais e labou r productivity , the effi ciency of production, an d the qualit y of work. By the wor d of the part y and by their labour and moral example, activist-agitators are called upon to culti vate i n peopl e a communis t attitud e t o labou r an d publi c propert y an d a feeling o f responsibility for entruste d affairs . A t th e sam e time , the y mus t create a n atmospher e o f intoleranc e toward s an y manifestatio n o f lac k of discipline, hooliganism , embezzlement o f publi c property , self-seeking , money-grubbing, foul language and other negative phenomena, an d provide sound argument s fo r unmaskin g th e slanderou s fabrication s of bourgeoi s propaganda. 2 Th e centra l committees o f the unio n republic communist parties , and the krai , oblast , city , and raio n party committees ar e to improv e the basi c units of oral political agitation. It i s recognize d a s necessar y t o mak e seriou s improvement s i n th e activity of agitation collectives created within primary and shop party organizations, t o ensure high quality i n their work, and not t o strive for quantitative indicators. Communists, abov e all, and the most authoritative non-party activists must be appointed as agitators. It is necessary to enlist more exten sively in agitation collectives skilled workers, brigade leaders, and other middle level leaders who can be entrusted wit h this important party assignment. The staff of politinformators is to be reinforced with experienced, theoretically trained activists who are able to comment i n a qualified manne r on questions regarding the political, economic, and cultural life of the country and the internationa l situation, explai n the principle s and norms o f communist morality, an d th e Sovie t wa y of life . Th e practic e of establishing group s of politinformators affiliate d wit h party committees, a s well as with bureaus of primary party organizations that have suitable cadres, ha s been approved. A leninist traditio n of constant an d obligator y participation by leading cadres i n the politica l education o f the workin g people, using diverse forms of work for this purpose, is to be developed i n every possible way. The activity o f group s o f lecturer s o f raion , city , oblast an d kra i party committees, and centra l committee s o f th e unio n republi c communist partie s i s t o b e



invigorated. Regular talks by leaders to the population on the work of ministries, departments, enterprises, organizations , and institutions that they head are to be ensured. Fuller us e i s to b e mad e o f the possibilitie s of personal contacts with people t o stud y an d moul d publi c opinion . Th e questions , proposals , an d critical remarks addressed t o agitators, politinformators, and speakers are to be systematically generalized and analysed; they should be answered operatively, and the working people should be informed of the practical measures taken on them. 3I n the organizatio n and content of oral agitation, party committees are to tak e int o accoun t th e specifi c natur e o f people' s labou r activity in different branche s o f th e econom y an d region s o f the country . Special attention i s drawn to the organizatio n of mass agitation work i n remote district s that hav e not bee n reached b y television, i n newly established collectives, in area s wher e femal e labou r predominates , i n th e spher e o f services , i n field-camps and specialize d livestock sections o f farms, in small collectives, and t o conductin g individua l work with people , i n particula r with young people. Balanced an d systemati c mass politica l wor k a t place s of residence of the population is to be strengthened above all among those strata that are not connected wit h labou r collective s an d amon g youn g peopl e residin g i n hostels. Fo r these purposes, bette r us e must be made of houses of culture, clubs, libraries, cinema houses, schools, red corners and auditoriums at institutions; th e network of summer agitation sites must be expanded. Agitation work mus t b e activel y combined wit h conducting mass cultura l undertakings. At voluntary councils in micro-raions, i t is expedient to create groups of consultant activists to explain questions tha t arise to the working people; pedagogues, lawyers , doctors, cultura l personnel, an d other specialists are to be enlisted widel y in this work. 4 Th e centra l cqmmittees o f the unio n republic communist parties and the krai, oblast, city, and raion party committees are instructed to take measures to improve operational instruction, the theoretica l and methodological training of agitators, politinformators, and speakers. Party committee s mus t regularl y wor k ou t mode l theme s fo r discussions, politica l information sessions, an d reports, co-ordinatin g the theme s with article s i n th e press , television , an d radi o programmes , an d lectur e propaganda. The y ar e t o sen d guideline s an d othe r materia l o n pressin g questions to party organizations to assist activists in political agitation. Party committees an d party bureaus are to provide concrete, businesslike instruction to agitators and politinformators and enlist qualified lecturers and leaders of party, soviet, an d economic bodies in this work. Support is to be given to the initiative of party organizations in creating reference-information centre s a t enterprise s an d constructio n sites , i n kolkhoze s an d sov khozes, organization s and institutions.



Agitators, politinformators , and speaker s ar e not t o be overburdene d with othe r socia l assignment s an d the y shoul d b e rewarded fo r their active work. More extensiv e us e i s to b e mad e o f the syste m o f marxist-leninist education fo r trainin g agitators and politinformators . Schools an d seminar s for politinformator s are considered a n integral part of party study. In school s for studie s i n the fundamental s of marxism-leninism wher e agitators study, questions relating to the theory and methods o f mass agitation work are to be included i n th e curriculum . Permanen t seminar s fo r leader s o f agitatio n collectives ar e t o b e organize d in cit y an d raio n part y committees an d i n large party committees . The stud y of problems of political agitation may be expanded i n syllabuses fo r courses i n part y construction i n higher party schools, universitie s of marxism-leninism, an d schools fo r the part y aktiv. 5 House s an d room s o f political enlightenment ar e responsibl e for th e organization o f methodological assistanc e t o agitators and politinformators , for th e preparatio n of reference-information materia l fo r them , fo r recom mendations regardin g the us e of technical medi a and visual aids in agitation work, and for generalizing experience. Methodologica l councils on question s of mass agitation work in houses and rooms of political enlightenment are to be created. 6 Th e magazin e Agitator, republic magazines o n question s o f politica l agitation, an d th e kra i an d oblas t magazine , Bloknoty agitatorov, ar e t o provide systemati c qualifie d assistanc e t o agitators , politinformators , an d speakers, takin g int o accoun t thei r specifi c characte r an d functions . These publications must regularl y publish model themes for oral presentations an d methodological elaborations fo r discussions arisin g from th e decisions of the XXV CPS U Congress o n pressing question s o f the domestic and foreign policy of the party , economic an d cultural construction, an d othe r instructiv e an d informational material , providing these materials with sound argumentation , interesting facts, figures, examples, comparisons ; ther e is to be a fuller elaboration of the positive experience o f mass agitation work. The editoria l office s o f central and loca l newspapers ar e t o giv e fulle r coverage t o questions o f mass agitatio n work and the practic e of party guidance over oral agitation. Politizdat is to ensure publicatio n of a textbook o n oral political agitation, a 'little library' for the agitator , and brochures generalizin g the experience and elucidating the methodology o f mass agitation work. In it s plan s for scientifi c research, th e Academ y o f Social Sciences o f the CPS U Centra l Committe e i s to includ e th e elaboratio n of theoretical an d methodological problem s of political agitation in contemporary conditions . Pravda, 25 February 197 7 KPSS

v rezoliutsiiakh xil , 447-53



5.58 On Some Questions Regardin g the Organizational Structure an d Forms of Wor k o f Party Organizations in th e Condition s of Production Associations i n Industr y 1 7 March 1977

Increasing number s o f productio n an d science-productio n association s ar e being set up in various branches of industry in accordance with the directions of the XXI V and XX V CPS U congresses. Over three thousan d such associa tions were in operation by the en d o f 1976 . The association s ar e producing more than one-third o f the tota l volume of manufactured products. In thi s connection , grea t significanc e i s attache d t o question s o f improving the work of party organizations at enterprises forming associations so that they can make fuller us e of their potentials as a qualitatively new form of managemen t an d administratio n for raising the effectivenes s of production o n th e basi s o f th e concentration , specialization , an d acceleratio n o f scientific-technological progress . With it s decision , 'O n th e Wor k o f th e Part y Organization s of th e Gorky Automobile Plant in the Conditions of a Production Association,' the CPSU Central Committee proposed that the centra l committees o f the unio n republic communist parties , an d the krai , oblast, city , and raion party committees show daily influence in improving party work in production associations an d tha t the y systematicall y study an d generaliz e th e experienc e o f organizing this work. At the same time, the CPS U Central Committee emphasized that questions relating to the structure of party organizations at associations must be solved in each specifi c case in accordance with the CPS U Rules, taking into consideration th e interest s o f the caus e and the concret e conditions of production. At present , thre e basi c variant s o f organizationa l structure o f part y organizations i n associations hav e emerged, depending on the scope , character an d specifi c feature s of each productio n association, it s location , an d the legal position of the enterprise s forming it. The first variant. In those cases when the enterprise s formin g a n association are located on the territory of one raion or several raions within a city, a unifie d part y organizatio n ca n b e forme d i n accordanc e wit h th e part y Rules and with the approval of the central committee of the [unio n republic] communist part y and the krai and oblast committee. Al l communists in such a party organization are registered in the raion (city ) party committee wher e the hea d enterpris e i s located ; th e part y organizations of production unit s become shop part y organizations . According to this principle, for example, party organization s hav e bee n establishe d i n th e Leningra d associations , Metallicheskii zavo d an d th e Leni n Optica l an d Mechanica l Plant , th e Moscow association, Moloko, and the Ordzhonikidzeugol association (cit y of Enakievo).



The second variant. When communist s workin g at the hea d enterpris e of a n associatio n an d it s branche s locate d o n th e territor y of on e raio n o r several raion s withi n a cit y for m a unifie d organization . A s fo r th e part y organizations of production units located i n other cities , oblasts, an d republics, they retai n their independenc e and , as in the past , ar e subordinated to the appropriat e raion and cit y part y committees accordin g to thei r location. In particular , such a structur e o f part y organization s ha s emerge d an d ha s completely proven itsel f in the Gork y Automobil e Plan t association. Here , the part y organizations o f fiv e enterprise s locate d i n th e cit y o f Gorky ar e united i n a singl e part y organization , an d fiv e othe r part y organization s located i n th e Gork y oblast , th e Mordovia n ASSR , Chernigo v oblas t i n th e Ukraine, and in the Tadzhi k SSR have remained independent, a s in the past. The third variant. In most cases , the enterprise s formin g an association are locate d i n differen t raions , oblasts , an d republics , an d th e creatio n o f unified part y organizations in these associations doe s not presen t itsel f as a possibility. Therefore, th e part y organizations of the constituen t enterprise s retain thei r independenc e an d ar e subordinate d t o th e loca l raio n and cit y party committees . All thre e variant s of organizational structure o f party organization s in production associations hav e demonstrated their viability. As experience has shown, th e creation of unified party organizations in associations wit h a common leadin g organ at the hea d make s it possible t o carry ou t part y guidanc e ove r economi c activit y mor e effectively , t o con centrate th e effort s o f communists an d al l personnel o n accomplishing th e general tasks of developing production and the scientific-technological revolution, and to achieve greate r effectiveness of socialist competition. Unifie d party organization s i n productio n association s permi t labou r collective s t o enhance thei r responsibilit y for the final results not onl y of their own work, but of the association as a whole. In these conditions, questions regarding the selection an d placement o f cadres and the reinforcement of lagging sectors of production with qualified personne l ar e solved bette r and the right to supervise the activity of the administration is exercised t o a fuller extent . In man y cases, enlarge d part y committees ar e forme d in association s where larg e part y organization s o f 100 0 an d mor e communist s ar e estab lished. This facilitates the consolidation o f ties between th e party committee and lowe r party units and the enhancemen t o f the rol e and authorit y of the party committe e a s a n orga n o f collective leadership . A t present , enlarge d party committee s hav e bee n electe d i n 18 2 party organization s a t associa tions. In th e productio n unit s o f associations wit h mor e tha n 50 0 commu nists, part y committees ca n als o b e establishe d i n accordance wit h th e CPS U Rules, thus allowing for a considerable improvemen t in the guidance of shop party organizations and a positive effect o n the leve l o f all party work.



In solving the questions of the creation of unified party organizations in associations, however , i t is necessary t o take into consideration certain circumstances, despit e all the positive moments. I n particular, it is necessary t o take into consideration the fact that, in these cases, an appreciable number of communists move from on e raion to another. In this connection, raion committees experienc e difficultie s i n solvin g questions relate d t o th e develop ment of the econom y of the raions, in conducting social-political campaigns, in involvin g enterpris e collective s i n patronag e wor k i n rura l areas , i n organizing public services, in preserving public order, etc. At the same time, as is known, the raio n is the basi c unit of administrative-territorial division. Consequently, raion party committees bear full responsibility for the accom plishment o f th e task s o f economic an d socio-cultura l constructio n within the territor y of their raions when establishing production associations. I t is understood tha t loca l part y organ s canno t hel p bu t conside r th e above mentioned circumstances. When solvin g the questio n o f the formatio n of party organizations at associations, attentio n must be paid to the fact that enterprises forming associations in large cities are often situated a significant distance from each other and fro m th e hea d enterprise . I t i s natura l tha t considerabl e distance s between enterprises create certain complications in the work of party organizations and inconveniences fo r communists. Therefore, a s a consequenc e o f al l thes e circumstances , th e part y organizations o f enterprises i n most association s ar e independent . I n these conditions, questions of the co-ordination of the work of party organizations in association s an d o f ensuring the necessar y harmonizatio n o f thei r plans and action s tak e o n great practica l significance . Meeting s o f th e party management aktiv of the association and mutual exchange of experience and information facilitat e thi s to a considerable extent. Council s of party organization secretaries have proved to be an effective for m of such co-ordination. They are successfully functioning i n a number of production associations i n Moscow an d th e Moscow , Leningrad , Gorky , an d Rosto v oblasts , i n th e Ukraine, Belorussia, and Moldavia. Proceeding fro m accumulate d experience, th e CPS U Centra l Commit tee, in its decision on the Gork y Automobil e Plant , permitte d the centra l committees o f the union republic communist parties and the krai and oblast party committees t o create such councils of party organization secretaries in production association s wher e severa l independen t primar y party organiza tions ar e operating . I n thi s connection , recommendation s hav e bee n pu t forth o n fundamental questions relatin g to the procedur e fo r formation and organization o f work and function s of councils of party organization secre taries o f production associations tha t have been formed in practice and full y proved themselves. Their essence consists in the following :



-a council of secretaries is created by a decision of the central committee of a union republic communist party , krai , or oblast part y committee a t th e location o f the hea d enterpris e o f an association . Th e counci l includes the secretaries o f the part y organizations of all the branc h enterprises. A s a rule, the secretary of the party committee or party bureau of the head enterprise is appointed chairman of the council ; - th e counci l o f secretaries i s convened periodicall y to harmonize and co-ordinate the action s of the part y organizations on questions of party guidance ove r production , wor k wit h cadres , an d th e organizatio n o f socialist competition; on th e basi s o f collectiv e discussion , th e counci l works out practical measures fo r organizationall y and politicall y ensurin g th e fulfilmen t o f th e production plan s o f th e associatio n an d th e plan s fo r introducin g ne w machinery an d technology , th e assimilatio n o f productio n capacities , th e improvement of efficiency an d qualit y of work, the mastering of new types of products, the economizing of fuel, ra w materials, and supplies, the strengthening o f labour discipline , th e selection , placemen t an d trainin g of cadres, improvement i n the busines s skills of personnel and the accomplishmen t of other genera l tasks ; the counci l of secretaries, together wit h the genera l management, th e trade union committee, an d Komsomol organization , considers and resolves questions o n th e organizatio n o f socialis t competition , provisio n o f moral and material incentives, an d the development an d practical implementation of plans for the economi c an d social development o f labour collectives; th e council of secretaries, togethe r wit h the general management , can convene meetings o f an association's party-managemen t aktiv for extensiv e discussion o f th e long-rang e developmen t o f production an d urgen t problems in the are a of economic activity ; th e party organization s of all subdivisions of an association ar e guided by th e collectivel y elaborated recommendation s o f the counci l and they are to make efforts t o put them int o practice consistently; i n this context, th e council of secretaries doe s not possess the right to provide recommendations t o part y organization s of an association o n ques tions withi n th e competenc e o f territoria l part y organ s (regulatio n o f th e growth o f part y ranks , examinatio n o f persona l cases , registratio n of com munists, paymen t of party dues, etc.). The centra l committee s o f the unio n republi c communist partie s and the krai , oblast , city , and raio n part y committee s ar e calle d upo n t o exer t daily influenc e ove r th e improvemen t o f part y work at productio n associa tions and to study systematically and generalize its experience. In this, part y committees must constantl y procee d fro m th e instruction s provide d i n th e CPSU Central Committee resolution, 'O n the Work of the Party Organizations



of the Gork y Automobil e Plant in th e Condition s of a Production Associa tion,' and take the practical implementation of these instructions under their unremitting supervision. Partiinaia zhizn', no. 8 KPSS (1977): 9-11

Plenum of the Central Committee 2

v rezoliutsiiakh xii , 462-7

4 May 197 7

Brezhnev's report to the May 1977 Central Committee Plenum (Current Digest of th e Soviet Press xxix, no. 23 , 6-10) se t out th e officia l reason s for the introduction of a new Constitution in the Soviet Union. Underlying the document is the marxis t idea that a Constitution, as part of the lega l superstructure, mus t be adapte d regularl y t o reflec t major , fundamenta l socio-economic change s that have occurred in the society. According to Brezhnev, the new soviet Con stitution reflecte d two domestic change s sinc e the promulgatio n of the 193 6 Constitution. First , th e Sovie t econom y ha d 'change d beyon d recognition, ' especially throug h the extensio n o f socialist ownership and th e impac t of th e current scientific-technological revolution . Second, Sovie t society had becom e more homogeneou s socially , politically, an d ideologically , with th e workin g class, peasantry, and intelligentsia all being shaped in their attitudes and behaviour by the socialist environment. This had resulted in the emergence o f a 'new historical community of people - th e Soviet people ...' Since the completion of the foundation s of socialism in 1936 , a new stage of socialism had emerged i n the Sovie t Union, combining the idea s of an 'all-people' s state' and a 'developed socialist society.' These socio-economic developments ha d to be reflected in a ne w Constitution . Behin d th e ideologica l rationalizatio n propose d b y Brezhnev la y a mor e comple x stor y of politica l differences over th e nee d t o introduce a new Constitution and the change s to be incorporated in it. Inability t o resolv e thi s conflic t wa s probably reflecte d in th e failur e t o recor d that the symbolicall y important Centra l Committe e resolutio n o n th e draf t wa s approved unanimously. The proposa l t o amend th e ol d Constitution o r adopt a new one originated with Khrushchev . I t wa s implici t i n th e ton e o f th e X X Congres s i n 1956 , especially in Khrushchev's denunciation of certain aspects of Stalinism, and in the call to strengthen socialist legality in the congress resolution on the Central Committee Repor t (4.5) . A t th e XX I Congres s i n 195 9 ther e wa s a cal l for amendments and additions to the Constitution to reflect the important changes that had occurred in the politica l and economic life of the Sovie t Union and in

MAY 197 7 P L E N U M 26


the international situation. At the XXII Congress i n 1961 Khrushchev noted in his Central Committe e Repor t tha t a new Constitution wa s being drafted. In April 196 2 the Suprem e Soviet approved Khrushchev's proposa l to draw up a new Constitution and it appointed a Constitutional Commission, wit h Khrushchev a s Chairman . Despit e al l of these indicators, n o draf t Constitutio n wa s produced under Khrushchev's direction , suggesting that there must have been, strong opposition in principle to the Firs t Secretary' s proposal . The questio n o f a new Constitution wa s kept alive with the appointment of Brezhnev as the new Chairman of the Constitutio n Commissio n i n Decembe r 1964. Brezhne v made i t a political issue in June 196 6 when h e announce d i n the contex t o f th e campaig n fo r electio n t o th e Suprem e Sovie t tha t a new Soviet Constitution embodying the achievement s o f Soviet development ove r the pas t half-century should be adopted by the 50th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolutio n i n Novembe r 1967 . Apparentl y Brezhnev's positio n was no t yet stron g enoug h t o activat e th e proposa l an d ther e wa s to o muc h dis agreement ove r th e required changes because the only other mentio n of constitutional matter s a t thi s time wa s Suslov's implici t approva l of the existing constitution's ability to provide Soviet citizens with rights and freedoms. Since none o f the documents celebratin g the 50t h anniversary made mention o f the proposed ne w Constitution , i t seems that Brezhne v was forced t o retrea t o n this issue . Th e ne w Constitutio n remaine d i n th e backgroun d a s a political issue fo r almos t a decade . Th e circumspec t approac h take n t o draftin g th e document afte r Brezhnev' s setbac k in 196 7 is characterized b y the remar k of the Genera l Secretary as late as the XX V Congress tha t work on the draf t was proceeding painstakingly and withou t any haste so that ever y proble m would be weighed with the greatest possibl e precision. In other words, there were still sharp differences ove r basic points. No deadline was set and no promises wer e made. Afte r length y delay under two leaders, th e draft Constitutio n presente d by th e Constitutio n Commissio n wa s finally approved b y th e Politbur o and made public at the May 1977 Central Committee Plenum . This announcemen t was associated wit h a major personnel chang e that enhanced Brezhnev's posi tion. N.V. Podgorn y was removed fro m hi s positio n as member o f the Polit buro at the Centra l Committee meeting . I n addition, the plenum was used t o announce the appointment of K.V. Rusakov to the Secretariat and the removal of K.F. Katushev from th e Secretariat .

5.59 On the Draf t Constitutio n of the Union of Soviet Socialis t Republic s 2

4 May 197 7

Having hear d and discusse d the repor t o f the Genera l Secretary o f the CPS U Central Committee , Chairma n o f the Constitutio n Commission , Comrad e



L.I. Brezhnev , 'O n th e Draf t Constitutio n o f the Unio n o f Soviet Socialis t Republics,' the CPS U Central Committee Plenu m resolves: 1T o approv e i n principl e the draf t Constitutio n o f the Unio n o f Soviet Socialist Republics presented b y the Constitutio n Commission . 2T o transmi t th e questio n o f th e draf t Constitutio n o f th e Unio n o f Soviet Socialis t Republics t o th e Presidiu m o f the USS R Suprem e Sovie t an d to recommen d t o th e Presidiu m o f the USS R suprem e Sovie t to brin g it to a nation-wide discussion .


On the Stat e Hymn of the Sovie t Union 2

4 May 197 7

To approve the tex t and musical revisio n of the Stat e hymn o f the Union of Soviet Socialis t Republic s an d t o transmi t i t t o th e Presidiu m o f th e USS R Supreme Soviet for ratification. Pravda, 25 May 197 7 KPSS

Plenum of the Central Committee 3

v rezoliutsiiakh, XII , 491-2

October 1977

The Ma y 1977 Central Committee Plenu m was followed b y a rapid successio of event s tha t enhance d Brezhnev' s politica l position alon g wit h tha t o f th e party. At th e Jun e session o f the USS R Supreme Sovie t it was announced tha t Podgorny had been replace d by Brezhnev as chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, that is, as Head of State. For the first time since October 1964 the leade r o f the part y als o occupie d on e o f th e tw o leading state positions . Brezhnev was now accorded the state status that would allow him to steer th e Constitution throug h it s formal , publi c adoption . Th e summe r o f 197 7 wi nessed a national discussion o f the draf t document , a n orchestrated procedur e aimed at generating widespread support and legitimacy through the technique of mas s participation . When th e Centra l Committe e reconvene d i n Octobe r 1977, the stag e was set for full approva l of the slightl y modified document an d the recommendatio n tha t Brezhnev , in his joint capacity as head o f the party, Chairman of the Constitution Commission, an d Head of state, usher the document through a special sitting of the Suprem e Soviet. The timin g of the Ma y and Octobe r Centra l Committe e decision s an d th e personal rol e o f Brezhnev i n the forma l proceedings lef t n o doub t abou t th e party's strengthened positio n in the 1970 s (i n contrast t o 1936 when the part y

OCTOBER 197 7 P L E N UM 27


issued n o decisio n o n th e Constitution) . Th e enhance d positio n o f the part y was reflected i n its changed Constitutiona l position. In the 193 6 Constitution, the party was mentioned twice , both i n broader contexts that assigned i t rights, along with othe r puli c organizations, t o exist an d t o nominate candidate s fo r election t o Soviets (article s 12 6 and 141) . The ne w Constitution elevate d th e Communist Part y t o a prominen t positio n i n a separat e articl e in chapte r I (article 6) . I t wa s no longe r just a n associatio n i n which the mos t activ e an d politically consciou s citizen s voluntaril y unite, th e vanguar d o f th e working people in their struggle to build communism, an d the leading core of all organizations of the workin g people. Th e ne w Constitution no w described th e part y as 'the leading and guiding force of Soviet society and th e nucleu s o f its political system.' Th e part y was granted th e Constitutiona l righ t to 'determin e th e general perspective o f society's developmen t an d the line of internal and external polic y o f th e USSR. ' Eve n this , however , appeare d t o b e somethin g of a compromise. Brezhne v indicate d in a speech t o the Supreme Soviet in October 1977 that the discussio n o f the draf t produce d mor e extreme suggestion s tha t state function s b e transferre d directl y to th e party , including the grantin g of legislative power t o th e Politbur o (Current Digest of th e Soviet Press xxix, no . 39, 5). A t the heigh t of his political power, Brezhnev was still taking the posi tion o f the moderat e broke r and emphasizin g that in working on the draft' we stood firmly on the ground of continuity.'' At the plenum it was announced tha t K.U. Chernenko and V.V. Kuznetsov had been elected candidat e members of the Politburo .

5.61 On the Draf t Constitutio n (Basi c Law) of th e Union o f Soviet Socialis t Republic s and the Result s of its Nation-wid e Discussion 3

October 1977

1T o approve completely and full y the repor t of the Genera l Secretar y of the CPS U Centra l Committee , th e Chairma n o f th e Presidiu m o f th e USS R Supreme Soviet , th e Chairma n o f the Constitutio n Commission , Comrad e L.I. Brezhnev , 'O n th e Draf t Constitutio n (Basi c Law ) o f th e Unio n o f Soviet Socialis t Republic s and the Result s o f its Nation-wide Discussion.' 2T o approv e i n principl e th e draf t Constitutio n (Basi c Law ) o f th e Union o f Sovie t Socialis t Republic s presente d b y th e Constitutio n Com mission, wit h additions , specifications , and amendment s introduce d int o it as a result o f the nation-wid e discussion. T o submit th e draf t Constitutio n for consideratio n b y a n extraordinar y sevent h sessio n o f th e Nint h USS R Supreme Soviet . To instruct th e Genera l Secretary of the CPS U Central Committee , th e Chairman o f th e USS R Suprem e Soviet , th e Chairma n o f th e Constitutio n



Commission, Comrade L.I. Brezhnev , to deliver a report on the draft Constitution and th e result s of its nation-wide discussion at the sessio n of the USS R Supreme Soviet. 3 Part y an d sovie t organs , ministrie s an d departments , trad e unions , Komsomol, an d othe r publi c organization s ar e t o conside r carefull y al l toilers' suggestion s an d comment s received durin g the nation-wid e discussion of the draf t USS R Constitution for improving work in concrete sectors of state, economic , an d cultura l constructio n an d to tak e the necessar y measures for their practical implementation. Pravda, 4 October 197 7 KPSS

Plenum of the Central Committee 2

v rezoliutsiiakh XII , 560-1

7 November 1978

Central Committee plenums for discussing the annual plans for economic and social development an d the annual budget were held on a regular basis unde r Brezhnev beginning in 1965. These meetings were convened i n the last quarter of the yea r preceding the yea r in which the pla n and budget were to be implemented. The agenda of the meetings followed a standard pattern. Reports were presented b y N.K. Baibakov, Chairman o f the USS R Gosplan , an d V.F . Gar buzov, th e USS R Ministe r o f Finance . Th e report s wer e followe d wit h pre sentations b y a number o f central and regiona l party official s an d centra l an d republican state officials . O n occasion, a representative of the Academ y of Sciences, a lower level administrator (e.g. a plant director), or a worker addresse d the plenum . Brezhne v invariabl y began o r conclude d th e discussio n o f th e reports with a major address tha t served a s a 'state of the union' message, se t the tone for the coming year, and became part of the public record. The resolutions tha t emanate d fro m th e session s varied in size and detai l fro m a singl e sentence expressin g approva l in principl e of the draf t pla n and budge t (nin e times) to a more detailed accounting of areas of concern an d responsibilities, a s well a s reference t o Brezhnev' s speec h a s a source o f direction fo r part y and state officials . The tone o f Brezhnev's speeche s differe d fro m plenu m t o plenum. On several occasions , Brezhne v projecte d a very positive and optimistic image, bot h in hi s revie w o f th e pas t year' s achievement s an d i n hi s projection s fo r th e coming year. At other meetings , h e presente d a balanced analysi s of achievements an d shortfalls. Brezhnev als o use d th e annua l Central Committe e ple num o n th e draf t pla n and budge t t o launch policy initiatives through critical

N O V E M B E R 197 8 P L E N UM 27


attacks o n majo r short-coming s i n th e econom y (fo r example, i n Decembe r 1969). The thre e Centra l Committe e plenum s dealin g with th e annua l pla n an d budget tha t preceded th e XXV I Congress giv e the impressio n o f a frustrated and eve n angr y General Secretar y trying to explain the shortfall s in his majo r domestic economic initiatives by pointing to poor administration and management o f reasonabl e policies . In Novembe r 197 8 Brezhne v dwel t on wastage and los s in metals an d fuels ; th e scatterin g of capital investments, uninstalle d equipment, an d unfinishe d projects i n construction; inefficienc y i n th e trans portation sector ; agricultura l losses du e t o mismanagement , irresponsibility, and negligence ; lag s i n th e machine-buildin g industry; and , failur e t o mee t planned investment s an d outpu t in the consume r good s secto r tha t hindere d the system o f material incentives. Blame for these problems was placed directly on the shoulders of the executives of the ministries and state committees and the manageria l staff responsible for policy development an d pla n implementation. The failures were explained in managerial and organizational terms - disregard of party and government decision s by managers and failure to work out and co-ordinat e decision s wit h th e pla n and resources . (Current Digest o f the Soviet Press, xxx, no . 48, 1-7) . In November 197 9 Brezhnev's messag e wa s directed towards the same sectors o f th e economy . Thi s tim e h e spelle d ou t i n mor e detai l som e o f th e irregularities creatin g bottlenecks i n eac h secto r (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xxxi , no . 48 , 1-8) . Agai n the finge r wa s pointe d a t managemen t fo r failures t o achiev e expecte d level s o f quality , efficiency , an d labou r produc tivity. However, on this occasion Brezhnev took the logic of his argument one step further, noting that i t was not hi s intentio n simpl y to poin t out existing difficulties onc e again . Changes wer e necessary t o improv e the leve l of management. Therefore , h e calle d for a toughenin g of polic y throug h a 'furthe r strengthening o f discipline. ' Thi s approac h involve d a numbe r o f specifi c changes. First , th e monitorin g functions of the Secretaria t were to be intensified so that it would hear more frequent reports from responsibl e state officials . It was expected that the council s of ministers, individua l ministries, an d part y organizations at all levels would duplicate this centralization and intensificatio n of supervision . Second , Brezhne v suggeste d tha t mismanagemen t ha d t o b e dealt with more quickly on the spot, throug h more thorough daily supervision of manageria l personne l and , i f necessary, mor e decisiv e actio n against irresponsible cadres . Third , Brezhne v calle d fo r mor e stringen t law s an d th e stricter enforcement of laws on the assumption that 'strict , unswerving obser vance o f the la w is a necessary preconditio n for th e successfu l functionin g of the entir e economi c mechanism. ' Fourth , Brezhne v note d th e intentio n t o introduce a new law strengthening the People' s Control agencies i n their economic activities.



In Octobe r 1980 , just month s befor e th e XXV I Party Congress, Brezhne v expanded the scope of his criticism by devoting most of his speech t o problem s in th e ligh t industr y sector : foo d supplies , consume r durables , housing , an d social welfar e program s (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press xxxn, no . 42 , 1-5 , 14). Twic e i n hi s speec h Brezhne v directl y linked succes s i n th e consume r goods secto r an d the civilia n economy i n general t o the co-operation of executives, designers , an d scientist s i n th e defenc e branches . Highe r level s o f production i n the consumer secto r depended o n continued productio n o f consumer good s b y heavy- and defence-industr y branche s an d o n th e sharin g of research an d design resources t o assist civi l machine buildin g to develop highefficiency an d high-quality machinery. As in his previous two speeches, Brezhnev came dow n hard on management. Thi s time , however, h e focused on two variations o f th e issue . H e advocate d wide r us e o f 'specific-purpos e pro grammes,' by which he meant th e development o f limited, goal-oriented planning that could easily be assessed in terms o f stages, responsibilities, costs , and achievements. Second , Brezhne v brough t u p the ol d issue o f the correct bal ance betwee n centralize d plannin g an d decentralize d administration . Afte r reiterating the nee d for centralized power s to co-ordinate inter-branc h activity and t o restrai n departmenta l an d parochia l pressures , Brezhne v wen t o n t o note th e nee d t o solv e dail y problem s a t th e loca l level , withou t dela y an d central consultation. H e noted tha t legislatio n was being prepared (t o be completed before the XXV I Congress) t o deal with the reorganizatio n of manage ment. The resolutio n reprinte d her e wa s the mos t complet e an d detaile d o f th e three Centra l Committe e resolution s o n th e pla n and budget , 1978-1980 . It included a preamble notin g recent successe s in socio-economic development , the usua l approval in principle of the pla n and budget , exhortatio n o f certain key ministrie s an d stat e agencie s t o improv e productio n an d efficiency , a confirmation o f the decision s o n agricultur e taken a t the Jul y (1978 ) Centra l Committee Plenum , a reiteration o f the importanc e o f socialist competition , and th e usua l directive fo r al l party organization s to improv e thei r organiza tional and mass-political work in the economi c sphere .

5.62 On the Draf t Stat e Plan of Economic and Social Development for the USSR an d the Draft USS R State Budget for 1979 2

7 November 1978

... The plenu m of the CPS U Central Committee resolves: 2T o approve completely and fully th e conclusion s and directives set out in the speec h by Comrade L.I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPS U Cen-



tral Committee, Chairma n o f the Presidiu m o f the USS R Supreme Soviet , a t the curren t plenu m an d t o mak e the m th e basi s of the activit y of all party, soviet, trad e unio n and Komsomol organizations , and economic organs . To focus energie s on ensurin g the fulfilmen t and overfulfilmen t of the eco nomic pla n fo r 1979 , th e fulles t utilizatio n of intensive factor s of economi c development, whic h will become anothe r importan t link in the realization of the decision s o f the XX V CPS U Congress , th e task s of the Tent h Five-Yea r Plan, i n th e implementatio n o f the programm e tha t ha s bee n lai d out fo r raising the well-bein g of the sovie t people . 3 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m emphasize s tha t th e furthe r intensification o f the struggl e for raisin g the effectivenes s o f social produc tion and the qualit y of work are extremely important tasks for ministries and departments, party , sovie t an d publi c organizations, an d labou r collectives. This struggle must be waged on a wide front - i n industry, agriculture, transportation, constructio n an d othe r branche s o f th e economy , i n al l links of production an d administration . Specia l attentio n mus t b e directe d toward s raising labou r productivity , introducin g th e achievements o f scienc e an d leading experience an d ne w technology into production, mobilizin g existing reserves an d capacitie s t o increas e outpu t an d rais e th e technica l leve l o f production under condition s o f minimum expenditures . It i s the dut y of party, soviet, an d economi c organization s to tak e all possible step s t o eliminate nonproductiv e waste and losses and to strive for the thrift y expenditur e o f metal, fuel , electricity , and al l material, financial , and labour resources. I t is important that a regime of economy, as one of the main principle s o f socialis t economi c management , b e carrie d ou t consis tently in each branch , i n each productio n collective , a t each workplace ... 6 Th e CPS U Centra l Committe e Plenu m consider s that , i n condition s of the stead y growt h in the scal e o f the econom y an d the ris e i n its qualitative level and the growing complexity of inter-branch and intra-branch ties, mor e importance be attached to the further improvemen t of methods o f economi c administration an d managemen t an d t o th e strengthenin g o f organization and co-ordinatio n i n wor k in al l sectors o f social production . Party, soviet , trade unio n an d Komsomo l organizations , an d economi c organ s ar e called upon t o ensure strict observance o f plan, production , and labour discipline . Rhythmic, precis e work , unconditiona l fulfilment o f the pla n for all indices and o f obligation s fo r th e deliver y o f outpu t t o customers , includin g for export, mus t becom e a n immutabl e la w for al l units o f the economy . I t i s necessary t o strengthen th e organizational and mobilization role of the plan, to carr y ou t systemati c supervisio n ove r fulfilmen t o f establishe d task s fo r each enterprise , constructio n site , kolkho z and state far m ... Pravda, 28 November 197 8


5.63 On Furthe r Improvin g Ideologica l and Political-Upbringing Wor k 2


6 April 197 9

Reports of Western observers visitin g the Soviet Union, Soviet dissidents, an d some recent Sovie t emigre s indicate tha t ther e ha s been a significant deterioration i n publi c morale an d i n mas s attitude s towards work , public property, and the belie f system on which the Soviet socio-political system has been built. A basi c caus e fo r thi s decline i n publi c morale an d behaviou r seem s t o b e a failure o f the econom y t o deliver good s an d service s t o th e consume r sector , which Soviet citizens have come t o expect as legitimate under Krushche v and then Brezhnev . Whil e people are living better tha n the y did a generation ago , improvements i n th e standar d o f living have not increase d accordin g to th e expectations se t ou t b y the leadershi p an d accordin g to th e expectation s tha t people hav e se t fo r themselves o n th e basi s o f a comparison wit h the West , with Easter n Europe , an d wit h thei r imag e o f a socialis t society . I n th e pas t decade continue d growt h in the standar d o f living has been adversely affected by disproportionate investments i n heavy industry and th e militar y sector, b y crop failures, by mismanagement, wastage , insensitivity to the consumer mar ket, an d weaknesse s i n the distributio n system. I n turn, these problems hav e produced a wide spectrum of behaviour patterns that reinforce the lo w output, poor quality , and inequitabl e distribution of consumer goods : lo w labour productivity, alcoholism , an d absenteeis m amon g workers ; corruption , fraud , embezzlement an d theft of state property. Reactions to this state of affairs hav e been manifeste d in a number of sub-cultural or counter-cultural patterns. Th e loss of belief that things will improve by working within the syste m ha s led to a wide-ranging and innovativ e search t o satisfy materia l needs through alterna tive source s suc h a s briber y an d th e blac k market . Th e los s o f belief i n th e fundamental principle s of th e syste m ha s produce d a searc h fo r alternativ e values through religious identification, nationalism (amon g bot h Russians and the minorit y nationalities), an d emigration . Fo r many , cynicis m and apathy, which involve both a passive rejection of the official norm s an d the conductin g of a double life, have emerged a s daily defence mechanisms fo r coping with the inconsistencies o f reality. The part y responded i n 197 9 with two forceful reso lutions aimed at coping with the deterioration in public morale and behaviour , one dealing with political socialization and the second with law enforcement. In May 1979, a party decision o n improving ideological work was made public. The criticis m of th e Sovie t political socialization programm e containe d i n this document provide d th e basi s for a proposed wid e range of activities aimed at upgrading the effectivenes s and responsibility of all organizations that carry out socialization functions in the Soviet Union. Local and primary party organizations, th e mass media , professiona l groups involved in the communication s



arts, th e trad e unions , th e Komsomo l an d other organization s in civilian and military life , a s well as ministries and stat e committee s responsibl e fo r educa tion, wer e calle d upo n t o expan d an d intensif y thei r ideologica l work . Each agency, organization and state body was instructed to devote greater resource s to its ideological work, improve techniques o f propaganda and agitation, relate ideological work more closel y to the socia l and economi c task s o f society, an d to work out th e details of a programme of ideological work that suited its functions an d the needs of its audiences. What is striking about th e curren t resolutio n i s that its authors are guilty of precisely th e sam e sin s tha t the y claim have penetrate d th e socializatio n network an d inhibite d it s effectiveness. Discussion focuse s o n symptom s rathe r than causes . Whil e identifyin g som e of the symptoms , th e part y fail s t o place any blam e o n structura l weaknesse s i n Sovie t societ y o r o n an y basi c party policy. Instead , attentio n i s focuse d o n spuriou s factor s suc h a s imperialist propaganda and an ineffective propagand a campaign to counter it, while simultaneously n o solution s ar e offere d tha t wil l substantiall y alte r th e message s communicated throug h the system o r the techniques for conveying those messages. The leadership's concer n fo r the problems promptin g the issuance of the present decisio n o n ideologica l work and it s frustration with the apparen t lack of impac t o f ideologica l wor k wer e reflecte d i n Brezhnev' s referenc e t o th e decision i n his report to the XXV I Party Congress. H e referred to it as a longterm documen t i n which 'w e are talking about a restructuring - yes , this was no slip of the tongue, indeed , a restructuring - of many sectors and spheres of ideological work.' A t least i n this area , i t appears that th e Genera l Secretary' s power to force change upo n th e part y seems very limited. ... In the pres s and in mass political work there is still insufficient elucidatio n of questions such as the acceleratio n of scientific-technological progress , the introduction o f th e achievement s o f scienc e an d technolog y into th e eco nomy, the raisin g of labour productivity and the effectivenes s and quality of work, and the mos t stringen t economizing of raw and othe r materials , fuel , power, and financia l resources . Mass information organs often lac k the abilit y t o present and to propagandize in a lively and intelligible manner the best achievements, th e leading experience of individual toilers and entire labour collectives. Moreover, they are no t abl e t o presen t the m s o tha t th e essenc e o f thi s experienc e i s revealed, s o that millions of people are interested b y the experience, and so as to help put it into widespread practice. One stil l encounters phenomen a tha t are incompatibl e with the task s that th e part y set s ou t fo r ideological-upbringin g work - a fea r o f openly bringing up for discussion urgen t question s o f our publi c life, a tendency to smooth ove r and sidestep unresolve d problem s and sharp questions, an d to



keep quiet about short-comings an d difficulties tha t exist in real life. Such an approach an d a n inclinatio n toward window-dressing do not hel p the caus e but onl y hamper the accomplishmen t o f our common tasks . Direc t damag e is inflicted o n th e mass' activeness wher e criticism and self-criticism are no t considered honourable , wher e there i s insufficient opennes s i n publi c matters. And , indeed , i t i s precisel y th e activenes s o f th e masse s tha t i s a n important source of the socialist system's strength . The struggl e with all mean s o f propagand a an d upbringin g must b e waged systematically , purposefully, and uncomprisingly - fro m discussion s in part y organizations and labou r collectives t o criticism in the press , radio , and television - fo r the eradication of abnormal remnants of the past hostile to socialism that still frequently exist in our life, such as money-grubbing and bribery, th e strivin g to gra b more fro m societ y without giving anything in return, mismanagemen t an d extravagence , drunkennes s and hooliganism , bureaucratism and a callous attitude to people, violations of labour discipline and public order. In the struggle with these phenomena, i t is necessary to use both verbal persuasion an d the stric t force o f the law. The effectivenes s o f upbringing work is significantly lowere d whe n a gap between the word and the deed arises , when the unity between organizational, economic , an d ideologica l work is not ensured. Whe n assessin g th e work of executives an d economic cadres, i t is necessary t o consider no t only indicators o f the fulfilmen t o f production plans , bu t als o th e leve l o f discipline, th e moral-politica l climate i n th e collective , labou r conditions , an d daily life . We mus t no t tolerat e th e fac t tha t upbringin g work ofte n i s wea k at places of residence, i n dormitories, i n small collectives, and in remote com munities. Ideological-upbringin g work wit h youn g peopl e a t factories , o n kolkhozes and stat e farms , in educational institutions , a t construction sites , and i n th e servic e secto r mus t becom e significantl y mor e lively , concrete , interesting, and persuasive . ... imperialist propaganda , wit h whic h th e propagand a o f th e Pekin g chauvinists and aggressors are now openly co-operating, is continuously conducting a fierce offensiv e agains t th e mind s o f the Sovie t people and, with the ai d o f th e mos t refine d method s an d moder n technologica l means , i s seeking t o poison thei r consciousness wit h slander agains t Soviet reality, to cast a slu r o n socialism , t o embellis h imperialis m wit h it s predator y an d inhuman policie s an d practices . Distorte d informatio n an d a tendentiou s treatment o f facts , silence , half-truths , an d th e simpl y impuden t lie-al l these are cast int o the fray . Therefore, on e o f the mos t importan t task s o f ideological upbringing and information work is to aid Soviet people to recognize the entire falsity of this slanderou s propaganda , t o reveal it s insidious method s i n a clear, con crete, an d persuasiv e form , to conve y to the peopl e o f the worl d th e trut h about the first country on earth wher e socialism ha s triumphed. In doing so,



it i s always necessary t o remember tha t a slackening of attention towar d the elucidation o f urgen t problems , insufficien t effectiveness , question s lef t without answers are advantageous onl y to our class enemy. A major short-coming that substantially lowers the effectiveness of the influence o f upbringing work on th e consciousnes s an d feeling s of people is the frequen t appearanc e o f formalism , a propensit y fo r word y chatter , al l kinds o f propagand a cliches , material s presente d i n a dull , 'bureaucratic ' style, a reiterative , mechanica l repetitio n o f genera l truth s instea d o f their creative comprehension, an d a search for lively and intelligible forms. Sometimes bombas t an d a superficial , pseudo-scientifi c language are substitute d for theoretica l generalizatio n and serious, thoughtful analysis that can enrich readers and listeners, whil e didacticism and lou d phrases are substituted for convincing argument and confidentiality of tone in a discussion wit h an audience. All this must be resolutely eliminated fro m practice . The CPS U considers th e communis t upbringin g of the working people as an importan t fron t i n th e struggl e fo r communism. Th e cours e o f the eco nomic, socio-political , an d cultura l developmen t o f th e country , th e ful l realization o f the potential s fo r develope d socialism , th e realizatio n of th e leninist foreig n polic y cours e o f the Sovie t Union , th e strengthenin g o f its international positions depend even more on the successes of ideological and political upbringing work. The CPS U Central Committee ha s instructe d th e centra l committees o f the unio n republi c communis t parties , krai , oblast , okrug , cit y an d raio n party committees , an d primar y part y organization s to develo p an d imple ment concret e measure s t o improv e ideologica l an d political-upbringing work, to raise its effectiveness and quality, to perfect forms and methods, to overcome curren t insufficiencies . Ideological wor k mus t b e raise d t o th e highest qualitative level, responding to the requirements of developed social ism and the ne w tasks of communist constructio n ... Pravda, 6 May 197 9


On Improvin g Work t o Safeguard Law an d Order and Intensifying the Struggl e against La w Violations 2

August 197 9

The party' s concer n fo r th e breakdow n i n publi c moral e an d behaviour , expressed i n th e previou s document , receive d additiona l attentio n i n 1979. Special concer n wa s expresse d fo r behaviou r pattern s tha t disrupte d work , lowered productivity, and diverted resources from planne d distribution. These activities included alcoholism, juvenile delinquency, abuse and misappropria tion o f state property, and blac k marketeering . While the previou s resolution



focused o n techniques for improving socialization as a means of avoiding counterproductive behaviour , th e curren t decisio n focuse d o n the critica l issues of how t o publiciz e sanctions a s a means of discouraging illegal acts an d ho w to deal wit h offenders. Th e solutio n offere d involve d a numbe r o f approaches . First, th e stat e agencies an d publi c organizations involve d i n the socializatio n process were to publicize the activities of law enforcement agencie s i n combatting criminal activity. Second, th e la w enforcement agencie s wer e to intensify their work in dealing with violators of public order. Third , party organization s were to intensify their work in supervising, staffing, an d co-ordinating the work of law enforcement agencies . Fourth , ther e wa s a call for public organizations like the trade union s an d Komsomo l t o reinforce thei r work in preventing law breaking. Finally , there wa s an indicatio n tha t ther e woul d b e a n attemp t t o increase th e participatio n of large number s o f people a t th e grass-root s leve l through the revitalization of a number of organizations that give the flavour of participatory democracy : th e voluntee r people' s detachment s (druzhiny) , workers' meetings , council s o f crim e prevention , villag e assemblies , com rades' court s (tovarishcheski e sudy) , publi c stations fo r safeguardin g orde r (obshchestvennye punkt y okhrany poriadka) an d the People's Control Com mittee.

... the task s of strengthening law and orde r ar e still not bein g resolved wit h sufficient effectiveness . Mean s of state and public influence and the upbringing of people are not bein g fully utilize d in the struggl e against law breaking. In thi s work , there i s a lack o f purposefulness, an integrate d approac h and unity o f action among party, state, economic , trad e union, Komsomo l an d other publi c organizations , an d th e wid e mas s o f toiler s ar e no t ofte n attracted to it. The CPS U Central Committee ha s outlined concrete measures directe d towards th e furthe r improvemen t o f th e preventio n o f la w breaking, th e strengthening of the struggl e against criminal and other anti-social manifestations, the unswervin g observance of Soviet laws by all citizens and responsible officials . Special attentio n i s directe d toward s the necessit y fo r perfectin g th e activity of the agencies of the procurator's office, interna l affairs, justice, an d the courts, whic h are called upon to watch over soviet legality, the interest s of society, th e right s of Soviet citizens. The la w enforcement agencie s mus t uncompromisingly and decisively wage a struggle against crime, develop and strengthen tie s between labou r collectives and the public. L.I. Brezhnev has pointed out that the party expects from these agencies 'still greater initiative, devotion to principle, irreconcilability in the struggle against people who violate the Soviet legal order.' The USS R Procurac y an d th e Ministr y o f Interna l Affair s hav e bee n instructed t o eliminat e existin g short-coming s i n th e wor k of subordinat e



agencies, t o rais e th e responsibilit y o f cadre s fo r thei r assigne d work , t o strengthen discipline, and to improve the professional training of personnel, to ensure th e strictes t observance o f socialist legality in their activity. Party committee s ar e calle d upo n t o intensif y supervisio n ove r th e work of law enforcement agencies , t o take measures t o reinforce them wit h trained cadres , t o rais e the rol e o f party organization s in the upbringin g of personnel i n a spiri t o f complete devotio n t o th e caus e of the Communis t Party, of irreproachable fulfilment i n the performanc e of their official duties , of critical evaluation of the result s o f their work , of high political vigilance. They are to show constant concern for the widening and strengthening of ties between law enforcement agencie s and the public and for creating an atmosphere of respect and support around them . Party committees and primary party organizations have been instructed to conside r systematicall y question s o f safeguardin g la w an d orde r an d combating la w breaking and , togethe r wit h la w enforcement agencies , t o draw u p and implemen t concret e measures fo r further improvin g this work and enhancing its effectiveness. In doing so, it is necessary t o take into consideration th e growin g intolerance o f Soviet people toward any type of antisocial behaviour . Ther e i s to b e persisten t strivin g to eliminat e crime , t o mobilize th e wid e masses o f toiler s fo r th e resolutio n o f thi s publi c task . There are t o b e assurance s tha t ever y leader , communist , an d Komsomo l member i s an exampl e o f moral purity , a strict observer o f Soviet laws, an active fighter for model socialist law and order . In the struggl e against law breaking, party committees must unite and co-ordinate the force s of party, state and public organizations, labou r collectives, ideologica l institutions, family , an d school . I t is recognized a s necessary that comprehensive measure s fo r crime prevention be contained in the long-run an d annua l wor k plan s o f party organization s for th e communis t upbringing of the toilers . It has been recommende d tha t the council s of ministers of the unio n and autonomou s republic s and the executiv e committee s o f the Soviet s of People's Deputie s enhanc e th e rol e and responsibility of soviet agencies for strengthening legalit y and la w and order, an d the activenes s i n this work of commissions o f Sovie t executiv e committees , deputies ' group s an d eac h deputy. These questions ar e to be discussed regularl y at soviet sessions and at meeting s o f executiv e committees . The y ar e t o hea r th e account s an d reports of leaders of law enforcement agencies, enterprises , institutions , and organizations o n wor k conducte d t o ensur e publi c order an d th e struggl e against law breaking. The followin g task s ar e se t ou t fo r party , soviet , la w enforcemen t agencies and public organizations: Improve the safeguarding of public order in cities and other populated areas. Strengthen the patro l and point-duty service of the police. Perfect the work of criminal search and investigation.



Enhance th e rol e of precinct police inspectors in safeguarding law and order, expand their ties with the population. Adjust the day-to-day co-operation between th e police and the volunteer people's detachments (druzhiny) . Wage a consistent and persistent struggle against drunkenness and alcoholism. Chec k progress of the fulfilmen t o f previously taken decisions on these questions an d discuss th e result s i n party, soviet, trade union , and Komso mol organizations. Implement more effective measures for the prevention of drunkenness, fo r intensifyin g publi c and lega l influences on drunkards , fo r strict observanc e o f establishe d rule s fo r trad e i n alcoholi c beverages, fo r expanding th e ne t o f addictio n treatmen t institutions , includin g those a t enterprises. Activat e anti-alcohol propaganda, make it more persuasive and effective. Perfect work to prevent law breaking among juveniles at educational institutions, labour collectives, an d a t places o f residence. Improv e individua l work with young people. Develo p tutorshi p and patronag e more widely . Supplementary measure s fo r improvin g upbringing work an d preventio n o f law breaking among juveniles are to be worked out by soviet, trade union, Komsomol an d sport s organizations , b y cultura l institutions , b y agencie s o f enlightenment an d professional-technical education, by creative unions, and by law enforcement agencies . Intensify th e struggle against encroachments on socialist property. Establis h strict orde r everywher e in the accountin g and storage of materials of value, decisively eradicate mismanagement , wastefulness , report padding and eye washing. Pay especial attention to intensifying the struggle against embezzlement i n agriculture, transport, and construction. Improv e the activity of the supervisory-auditing apparatus. Reinforce the polic e service fo r combatting embezzlement o f socialist property and speculation. Intensify the sharpnes s and devotio n t o principle of the Procuracy' s supervision ove r laws for safeguarding socialist property. Activate th e struggle against parasitism an d speculation. Ensur e promp t exposure o f persons wh o evade socially useful labour . See to it that they are employed an d attache d t o collectives . Appl y measures provide d b y the law for influencin g those who stubbornly refuse to work. The basic direction in the prevention of law breaking must become th e intensification of this work in labour collectives and at residences. Taking guidance from the CPSU Central Committee resolution, 'On Further Improvemen t of Ideological an d Political-Upbringin g Work' [5.63] , i t is necessary t o im prove significantly ideological-political, labour, and moral upbringing in each collective, amon g all groups of the population , and especially among young people, juveniles. A n atmospher e o f intolerance mus t b e create d towards plunderers of the people's property, malicious hooligans, an d bribe-takers. In strengthenin g la w and order , i t i s necessar y t o rais e th e rol e o f workers' meetings , council s o f crim e preventio n a t enterprises , villag e

L A W AN D O R D ER 28


assemblies, an d othe r form s of public influence. The stat e o f discipline and upbringing work is to be considered whe n summing up the results of socialist competition. Attention i s to b e directed t o th e persona l responsibility of leaders of enterprises, constructio n sites , institutions, secretaries o f party and Komso mol organizations, chairma n o f trad e unio n committees , head s o f shops , shifts, sectors , an d brigades for the stat e of discipline and law and order, and for promp t and sharp reaction to reports and signals about cases of anti-social behaviour o f individua l members o f collectives. Thos e who sho w indiffer ence and unconcern in this matter mus t be held strictly accountable. It is recognized that work in the legal upbringing of the workin g people is necessary . Fo r thes e purposes , cultural-enlightenmen t institution s mus t be utilize d more full y an d effectively . Th e effort s o f law enforcement agen cies, labou r collectives , an d th e publi c ar e t o b e directe d mor e activel y toward preventing various kinds of conflict tha t arise in family and everyday relations, while observing the necessary tac t and consideration. Th e task has been se t o f perfectin g the stud y o f th e base s o f Sovie t legalit y in schools , professional-technical institutes , an d othe r educationa l institutions , i n th e system of party study, economic education, and Komsomol politica l enlightenment. Speeche s o n legal themes during the conducting of unified political days ar e t o b e provided . Lega l upbringing work is to b e intensifie d amon g those wh o commit violation s of discipline and public order. Th e upbringing significance o f trials is to b e enhance d an d the y ar e t o b e conducte d o n a visiting basis at enterprises, constructio n sites, collective, and state farms. Party, soviet , la w enforcement agencies , an d publi c organizations ar e commissioned t o wor k ou t an d implemen t practica l measures fo r furthe r improvement o f th e activit y of the voluntar y people's detachments , com rades' courts, publi c stations for safeguarding order, an d other public volunteer agencies . The initiativ e of the workin g people in ensuring model orde r in populated areas an d at enterprises i s to be supported and developed. Th e positive experience o f public participation in the struggl e against law breaking is to b e generalized and disseminated . A careful an d sensitive treatmen t of suggestions an d critical remarks b y citizens is to be ensured an d they ar e to b e considered mor e full y i n working out an d implementin g measures t o strengthen th e struggl e against crime. Regula r presentations o n these ques tions ar e t o b e practise d b y responsible personne l o f party, soviet, an d law enforcement agencie s i n collectives and at places of residence, i n the press , on radio and television. It has been recommended that the Ail-Union Council of Trade Unions , the centra l committees , republic , krai , an d oblas t council s o f trade union s work ou t supplementar y measure s t o strengthe n th e rol e o f trad e unio n organizations in the preventio n of law violations. There i s to be more activ e use o f socialis t competitio n a s a n importan t mean s o f educatin g people ,



strengthening discipline, struggling against truancy, and for the carefu l utilization o f material s o f value. Measure s ar e t o b e take n t o improv e signifi cantly the organizatio n of leisure and the fre e tim e of the workin g people. The Central Committee o f the All-Unio n Komsomol and the Komso mol o f th e unio n republics , an d Komsomo l committee s ar e require d t o enhance the rol e of Komsomol organizations in the struggle against law violations, t o analys e th e cause s o f anti-socia l manifestation s amon g youn g people an d juveniles, t o tak e concrete measure s fo r overcoming them, t o ensure th e activ e participatio n of eac h membe r o f th e Komsomo l i n th e strengthening of law and order. It i s recommended tha t the USS R People' s Control Committee an d it s local agencies intensif y th e struggl e against violations of state discipline and laws for the safeguarding of socialist property and decisively stop incidents of deception of the state . They must striv e persistently to eliminate the cause s of embezzlement, bribery , mismanagement, an d various abuses. It ha s bee n recommende d tha t th e editor s o f newspapers and magazines, th e USS R Stat e Committe e fo r Radi o an d Television , th e USS R Stat e Cinematography Committee, th e USS R State Committee fo r Publishing, an d the Board of the All-Union Knowledge Society improve coverage of issues of the struggl e agains t la w violations, drunkenness , parasitism , an d money grubbing, an d concretel y and persuasivel y reveal th e anti-socia l essence of these phenomena. The y are to reveal systematically the positive side of participation i n th e preservatio n o f order i n work collectives an d the commu nity, th e selfles s labou r o f th e personne l o f la w enforcemen t agencie s i n protecting the interest s of the stat e an d th e right s of citizens from criminal encroachments. The USS R Procuracy , th e USS R Ministr y of Interna l Affairs , th e USS R Ministry o f Justice, an d th e USS R Suprem e Sovie t hav e bee n instructe d t o improve the co-ordinatio n o f their activities and those of their subordinat e agencies an d to ensure, on this basis, the comprehensiv e stud y of the practice of the struggl e against law breaking and the necessary uniformity i n the application of the norm s of Soviet legislation. Pravda, 1 1 September 1979

XXVI Party Congress 2

3 February-3 March 1981

The XXV I Part y Congress wa s convened ami d speculatio n among Western observers that it would have to face a number of major issues and that changes



in personne l an d polic y wer e required . Externa l pressure s arisin g from th e uncertainties o f Soviet polic y in Afghanista n and Polan d as well as challenges to Brezhnev' s polic y o f detente b y the newl y installed Reagan administration had threatene d t o undermin e some of the significan t advance s that had bee n achieved i n th e first decad e o f Brezhnev's leadership . Domestically , th e eco nomic growth rates of the lat e 1960 s and earl y 1970s ha d been offset, i n part, by seriou s problem s i n agricultur e and energ y in the previou s five years. The leadership of the party had aged, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers had died, and little had been don e t o recruit younger members o f the politica l elite and thu s facilitat e th e transfe r o f powe r fro m on e generatio n t o th e next . Despite thes e pressure s fo r change i n polic y and personnel , th e XXV I Congress was noted fo r its continuity with the past. Brezhnev's Central Committee Report to the Congress (Current Digest of the Soviet Press xxxn, no. 8 , 3-21 an d no. 9, 4-15) was a conservative account of past successes, current problems and future prospects. Emphasi s was placed on continuity with existing policies and approaches. Brezhne v continued hi s longstanding commitment t o the agricultura l sector b y recognizing that agriculture was th e ke y t o an y improvemen t i n livin g standards . H e als o admitte d th e seriousness o f the agricultura l situation, especially the supplyin g of foodstuffs . Brezhnev called for a 'radical solution' to the food supply problem through the development o f a special food programme. He then proceede d t o recommen d to th e congres s continuatio n o f the lin e approved a t th e Jul y (1978 ) Centra l Committee Plenum . Thi s boile d dow n to supportin g programmes alread y set in place, such as continued investments i n the rural sector, furthe r integration of agricultura l production with storag e an d processin g facilitie s an d th e trad e network, and a general call for an improvemen t i n efficiency, quality , and productivity. The onl y suggestions o f a somewhat radica l departure in agriculture were containe d i n Brezhnev' s recommendation s t o provid e supplementar y financial and mora l suppor t fo r th e privat e plots of collective an d stat e far m workers, especiall y to encourage their production of livestock and poultry, and to provide support t o industria l enterprises tha t ru n farm s whic h supply their workers with agricultural products. The details of this programme had already been announce d i n a joint Central Committee-Council of Ministers resolutio n published i n Selskaia zhizn' o n 1 8 Januar y 198 1 (Current Digest o f th e Soviet Press, xxxiii, no. 5 , 15-17). In his report o n economic policy , Brezhnev's accountin g of the successes of the pas t decade an d projections for the next five-year period were tempered by a recognitio n o f limits and obstacle s that ha d hindere d growt h an d adversel y affected th e Sovie t standard of living. Brezhnev's analysis of the economy was consistent wit h his criticism of the las t thre e Centra l Committe e plenum s on the annua l Stat e Pla n an d Budget . Difficulties , insufficiencies , and unsolve d problems wer e associated wit h ministries an d stat e enterprise s failin g t o fulfi l their plans, thus creating bottlenecks and disproportions in the economy. Party



organs and economic executives were also to blame for violations of discipline and mismanagement . Accordin g to Brezhnev , th e mai n facto r i n explaining the poor economic performanc e over the pas t few years related to the failure to overcome full y 'th e force s o f inertia, tradition, and habit s tha t too k shap e i n that perio d whe n th e quantitativ e sid e o f thing s rathe r tha n th e qualitativ e stood ou t first and foremost.' Brezhnev' s solution to the problems of economic management remaine d conservative : greate r discipline , exactingness , an d responsibility i n fulfillin g plans ; continued extension o f measures t o improv e co-ordination, such as inter-branch complexes an d associations; an d a general improvement i n the organization of management structure s at the associatio n and enterpris e level . I n hi s revie w o f th e heav y industria l sector, Brezhne v repeatedly emphasize d tha t th e succes s o f the econom y i n th e 1980 s would depend o n the abilit y to economize, t o produce efficiently, an d to utilize every single resource an d reserve . Improve d linkage s between science , technology , and production, a long-standing goal of the Brezhnev regime, depended o n the solutions t o traditiona l problems : th e failur e t o adher e t o priorities , heav y expenditures on the importatio n of foreign techniques and technology , lac k of innovation, low quality of production, an d lags in the scientific and design bas e in th e ligh t industry and agricultura l sectors o f the economy. A majo r shif t i n policy (whic h had alread y been underwa y for some time ) wa s reflected in th e General Secretary' s repeated references to the priorities that had to be assigned to energy development . Brezhnev extende d promise s t o improv e th e materia l well-bein g o f th e Soviet people . H e calle d fo r th e equalizatio n o f regiona l socia l differences , especially through th e developmen t o f housing, social-cultura l amenities, an d consumer good s i n th e norther n an d easter n region s wher e th e countr y required a n influ x o f huma n resource s bu t whic h ha d see n a patter n o f ne t emigration. Labou r condition s wer e t o b e improved , especiall y fo r working mothers. Whe n i t cam e t o incom e redistributio n throug h th e socia l welfar e system, however , Brezhne v was much more cautious . He suggested improve d conditions fo r pensioners - throug h employmen t opportunitie s i n the servic e sector. Brezhnev' s messag e wa s tha t incom e woul d b e base d o n continue d contribution to economic developmen t an d he reminded hi s audience tha t the main criterio n fo r distributio n under socialis m i s the quantit y and qualit y of work each individua l contributes. H e expressed seriou s concer n fo r the nega tive effect s o f any kin d of wag e levelling and fo r suc h phenomen a a s paying extra wage s fo r simply appearing at work , and no t fo r its real results, an d fo r the awardin g of unearned bonuses . H e went on to call for the use of all organizational, financial, and juridical methods to close off every opening for parasitism, bribery , unearne d income , an d encroachment s o n socialis t property . In the consumer good s sector, h e called for concrete step s to suppress manoeuvr ing with 'deficit' goods .



For th e most part , Brezhnev' s repor t o n th e part y contained nothin g new and littl e of substance. Th e import of his message wa s that positive trends that had been institute d were continuing and tha t the part y was also working hard to eradicat e persisten t problems . Hi s revie w o f th e activitie s of th e centra l organs of the part y (Politburo , Centra l Committee , an d Secretariat ) stresse d the regularit y and frequency of their meetings, th e organize d and businesslike manner of their proceedings, an d the collegial nature of decision making in the Politburo. Prais e wa s directe d t o loca l part y organ s fo r thei r contributio n t o economic development , whil e a general call was made to enhance thei r leadership functions . Primary party organizations were exhorted t o tak e a firm and principled stand in their supervision o f the activit y of administrators to ensur e that the part y line was enforced i n the areas o f personnel, pla n fulfilment, th e improvement o f work and living conditions, and inter-departmental co-ordination. Brezhne v onc e agai n urge d tha t part y executive s combin e a balanc e among technical-economic skills, political training, and human relations skills. The area of intra-party communications required improvement, especially vertical communications . Upward s communications ha d bee n enhance d t o th e point wher e a ne w Letter s Departmen t o f the Centra l Committe e apparatu s had bee n forme d to handle the approximately 1500 letters per day received by the Centra l Committee . However , Brezhne v cautione d tha t man y question s that should hav e been resolve d locall y were being shifted to the centre. He also expressed concer n fo r 'anonymou s slanders ' an d fo r th e muzzlin g of honest criticism, bot h o f whic h th e part y woul d no t tolerate . Finally , Brezhne v brought u p th e matte r o f th e Part y Programme (se e 4.33) , notin g tha t th e current Programm e correctl y reflected th e law s of social development. How ever, h e criticized Khrushchev's Programm e b y arguing that th e Programm e should establish only basic principles. It is impossible and inappropriate to foretell particular s in such a document. Furthermore , th e Programm e mus t iden tify importan t change s tha t hav e take n plac e i n th e pas t tw o decade s i n th e Soviet domestic economy and in the international arena. Consequently, Brezhnev calle d for the introductio n of necessary amendment s an d additions in th e current Programme through a redrafting by the Centra l Committee . While n o personne l change s i n th e part y Politbur o an d Secretaria t wer e announced a t th e XXV I Congress , a numbe r o f importan t change s ha d occurred since th e XX V Congress. A t the Politburo level, three full member s had die d (Grechko , Kosygin, an d Kulakov) , on e ha d retire d becaus e o f health (Mazurov) , an d on e ha d bee n dismisse d fro m hi s position s o f power unceremoniously (Podgorny) . The y wer e replace d b y thre e ne w member s who had gained candidate status in the Politburo only between 197 7 and 1979 : Chernenko, Tikhonov , an d Gorbachev . On e candidat e membe r ha d die d (Masherov) an d thre e ne w candidat e member s ha d bee n recruite d int o th e Politburo (Kuznetsov , Shevardnadze , andT.Ia . Kiselev). Personnel change s at



the leve l o f the Secretaria t afte r 197 6 involved th e droppin g of one membe r who died (Kulakov) , th e transfe r o f another membe r t o work i n the Council for Mutua l Economi c Assistanc e (Katushev) , an d th e droppin g o f Ustinov who wa s appointed Ministe r o f Defence. Rusako v an d Gorbache v wer e promoted t o the Secretariat. la.P. Riabov had been brough t into the Secretariat in October 1976 , bu t h e wa s removed fro m th e bod y in April 1979 when he w appointed First Deput y Chairman of the USS R Gosplan . The proceedings of the party congress followe d the pattern previously established unde r Brezhnev . Brezhne v delivere d th e Centra l Committe e Repor t and Tikhonov, who had replaced Kosygin as the Chairman of the USS R Council of Ministers in October 1980 , presented th e Guidelines for the 11t h Five-Year Plan. The congress, whic h was attended b y 4994 delegates, electe d a new Central Committee consistin g of 319 full member s an d 15 1 candidate members . 5.65 On Comrade L.I. Brezhnev's Report: th e Repor t of th e CPSU Central Committee to the XXV I Congress of the Communis t Party of the Sovie t Union and the Party's Immediat e Tasks in the Sphere of Domestic and Foreign Policy 2

6 February 1981

Having heard an d discusse d th e repor t of the Genera l Secretar y of the CPS U Central Committee, Comrad e L.I. Brezhnev - the Report of the CPSU Central Committee t o th e XXV I Congress o f the Communis t Part y of th e Sovie t Union and the Immediat e Tasks of the Part y in the Spher e of Domestic an d Foreign Policy , the XXV I Congress o f the Communis t Party of the Sovie t Union resolves: 1 Wholl y and completel y t o approv e th e leninis t cours e an d practical activity of the Central Committee of the party . 2T o approve the Repor t o f the CPS U Centra l Committee an d t o recom mend that all party organization s be guided in their work by the propositions and task s in the spher e o f domestic and foreign policy se t fort h i n Comrade L.I. Brezhnev's Report . 5.66 On Preparing a New Draf t o f the CPS U Programme 2

6 February 1981

Proceeding fro m th e fac t tha t twent y years ha s passe d sinc e th e CPS U Pro gramme wa s adopted an d tha t durin g this perio d extensiv e experienc e i n socialist and communist construction has been accumulated and new changes and processe s have take n plac e i n th e internationa l arena, th e XXV I CPS U Congress resolves:



To instruc t th e CPS U Centra l Committe e t o mak e th e necessar y addi tions t o an d changes i n the existin g Party Programme, whic h on th e whole correctly defines the law s governing world social development an d the goals and basi c task s o f the struggl e of the Part y and th e Sovie t peopl e for communism, an d t o prepar e a ne w draf t o f th e CPS U Programm e fo r th e nex t party Congress. In the process , the mos t importan t changes in the lif e of Soviet society and i n worl d social developmen t an d th e mai n task s of the constructio n of communism mus t be reflected in the Programme in a thorough and scientific way. 5.67 On Letters an d Statements from the Working Peopl e an d Appeals from Communist s Addressed to the XXV I CPS U Congres s 3

March 1981

1T o take into consideration th e fac t tha t the Secretaria t o f the Congres s has examine d a larg e par t o f th e letter s an d statement s fro m th e working people and the appeal s from Communist s addresse d to the XXV I CPSU Congress and has taken the necessary measures . 2T o instruc t th e CPS U Centra l Committe e t o complete th e examination of letters and statement s fro m th e workin g people an d appeal s from Com munists addresse d t o th e Congres s an d t o adop t appropriat e decisions o n them. Pravda, 27 February 1981 and 3 March 1981

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Appendix Members o f the Secretariat, 1952-1964 First Secretary , Octobe r 1964-Apri l 1966 : L.I . Brezhnev General Secretary, Apri l 1966-Present : L.I. Brezhnev Congress

XXIII 1966

XXIV 1971

XXV 1976

XXVI 1981

Brezhnev Suslov, M.A . Kozlov, F.R .

died 2 5 I 82 to 1 6 xi 64

Demichev, P.N . Ilyichev, L.F .

to 1 6 xn 7 4 to 2 6 HI 65

Ponomarev, B.N. Shelepin, A.N .

to 2 6 ix 67

Andropov, lu.V .

to 2 1 vi 67

Poliakov, V.I .

to 1 6 xi 64

Rudakov, A.D .

died 1 1 vii 6 6

Titov, V.N .

to 29 ix 65

Podgorny, N.V .

to x n 65

292 Congress


XXIV 1971

XXIII 1966

Ustinov, D.F .

from 2 6 in 6 5

Kulakov, F.D .

from 2 9 xi 65

Kapitonov, I.V .

from 6 xii 65

died 1 9 VH 7 8

from 8 iv 66

Solomentsev, M.S.

from 1 3 xn 66 to 2 3 xi 71

Dolgykh, V.I.

1976 to iv 76*

Kirilenko, A.P.

Katushev, K.F.

XXVI 1981


to 2 4 v 77

from 1 0 iv 6 8 from 1 8 xii 72

Zemianin, M.V.

from 5 HI 76

Chernenko, K.U.

from 5 HI 76

Riabov, la.P.

from 26x7 6 to 17 iv 79

Rusakov, K.V. Gorbachev, M.S.


from 2 4 v 77 from 2 7 xi 78

In Apri l 197 6 Ustinov wa s appointed Minister of Defence. N o officia l announcemen t o f his resignatio n fro m th e Secretaria t wa s made. H e wa s replaced i n th e Secretaria t b y Riabov in October 1976 .



Members of the Presidium-Politburo, 1964 Full Membe r Congress

Candidate Membe r XXIII 1966

XXVI 1981

XXV 1976

XXIV 1971

Brezhnev, L.I . Voronov, G.I .

to iv 73

Kirilenko, A.P . Kozlov, F.R .

to x i 64

Kosygin, A.N .

died xi i 80*

Mazurov, K.T .

to x i 78

Mikoyan, A.I.

to i v 66

Pelshe, A.Ia.

from i v 66

Podgorny, N.V.

to v77

Poliansky, D.S .

to i n 76

Suslov, M.A .

died 2 5 I 82

Shvernik, N.M.

to i v 66

Shelepin, A.N .

from x i 64

Shelest, P.E .

from x i 64

Grishin, V.V .

to iv 73 from i v 71

Demichev, P.N .

from x i 6 4

Efremov, L.N .

to i v 66


to i v 75

Kosygin's health forced hi s resignation as Chairman of the USS R Council o f Ministers in October 1980 . However, he apparently retaine d his seat on the Politburo unti l his death in December 1980 .

294 Congress


XXIII XXI 1966 197

Kunayev, D.A. Masherov, P.M.

V XX 1 197

V 6

XXVI 1981

from i v 71 from i v 66

Mzhavanadze, V.P.

died x 80 to xn 72

Rashidov, Sh.R. Ustinov, D.F.

from m 6 5

Shcherbitsky, V.V.

from xi i 65 fro

Kulakov, F.D .

m i v 71 from i v 7 1

Ponomarev, B.N.

died vi i 78

from v 72

Solomentsev, M.S. Andropov, lu.V.

from i n 7 6

from i x 71 from v i 67

from i v 73

Grechko, A.A .

from i v 73 die d iv 76

Gromyko, A.A.

from i v 73

Romanov, G.V.

from i v 73 fro m i n 7 6

Aliyev, G.A.

from i n 76

Kuznetsov, V.V.

from x 77

Chernenko, K.U.

from x 77 fro m x i 78

Tikhonov, N.A.

from i x 78 fro m x i 79

Shevardnadze, E.A.

from x i 78

Gorbachev, M.S. Kiselev, T.Ia.

from x i 79 fro

m x 80 from x 80

Index Academy o f Agricultura l Sci ences named fo r V.I. Lenin 77-8 Academy o f Sciences 77 , 102-5 , 180, 27 2 admission t o part y 7-8 , 45-9 , 59, 67-8, 71-2 , 186 , 224 Adzhubei, A.I . 41 Afghanistan 28 5 agitation 258-6 3 (see also ideo logical work) Agitator 263

agriculture 4-5 , 20-4, 42-5, 64-6, 73-8 , 135-41 , 158-63 , 175-6, 179 , 273, 285 party supervisio n 89-93 , 126-31 agro-industrial integratio n 22 , 24, 239-4 7 alcoholism 207 , 212-13 Alekseevsky, E.E . 7 4 Aliyev, G.A . 239 , 251 All-Union Centra l Counci l o f Trade Union s 4 , 197 , 249 , 283 (see also trad e unions ) All-Union Correspondence Insti tute o f La w 11 2 Ail-Union Knowledg e Societ y (Znanie) 249 , 284 All-Union Leninis t Communis t Youth Leagu e 197 , 249, 257 (see also Komsomol ) American imperialis m 11 4

Andropov, Iu.V. 5 Arab-Israeli conflic t 11 3 armed force s 61 , 183 , 216 art an d literatur e 27 , 31 , 70-1 , 88-9, 185 , 198-201, 238, 253-4, 256- 8 associations (obedineniia ) 16 18, 22 , 174 , 190, 239, 264-8, 286 Baibakov, N.K. 56, 272 Bilinsky, Y . 4 , 2 9 Blackwell, R.E. 6 Bloknoty agitatorov (Agitators' Notebooks) 26 3 Brezhnev, L.I . 3-6, 10-12 , 15 , 20, 23-7 , 29-32 , 34-5 , 42 , 44, 46, 56 , 58-60 , 74 , 82, 110-11 , 136, 152 , 158, 173-41, 213-14, 223, 226 , 228, 230, 233, 23741, 243 , 248, 250, 256-7, 259-60, 268 , 269-74, 276-7, 280, 285- 8 Brown, A . 4 Bush, K . 2 3 business procedures , part y 11 12, 33-4 , 237-8, 28 7 cadres, trainin g 8-9 , 68 , 111-13, 188 , 190-2, 216-18 , 248-50, 255- 6 Central Committe e plenum s September 195 3 42

296 November 196 2 28 October 196 4 1 , 60-1, 67 , 94 , 99 November 196 4 14, 40-2, 67 March 196 5 4, 21 , 42-5, 62, 64, 68 , 75-6, 89, 91, 94-5, 110, 129 , 135-6, 138 , 158 , 160, 24 1 September 196 5 14, 49-56, 59, 62 , 68, 75-6, 78-9, 94, 122, 131 , 143 December 196 5 28, 56-8 , 232 May 196 6 4, 21 , 23, 73-8, 89, 91 , 95 , 127 , 129 , 135-6, 138-9 , 158 September 196 7 109-11 April 196 8 31, 113-15 , 126, 238 July 196 8 12 6 October 196 8 135-41 December 196 9 15, 31 , 35 , 144, 151 , 156, 173 3 Jul y 197 0 158-63 13 July 197 0 159 November 197 1 210 May 197 2 213-16, 223 December 197 3 233 December 197 4 225, 233 October 197 6 260 May 197 7 268-70 October 197 7 270-2 July 197 8 24, 274 , 285 November 197 8 272-5 Chapman, R.D . 6 Chernenko, K.U . 5, 239, 271 , 287 Clarke, R.A. 21, 23 Cocks, P . 4 , 6 collective leadership 11 , 32, 59 , 130, 186 , 287 comrades' court s (tovarishche skie sudy) 280 , 283

INDEX conferences, part y 11 , 73, 187, 189 congress, part y XII (1923 ) 5 7 XVII (1934 ) 5 7 XX (1956 ) 58 , 60 , 237 , 268 XXI (1959 ) 26 8 XXII (1961 ) 58 , 60 , 26 9 XXIII (1966 ) 5-6 , 8-9 , 11 , 46, 58-73 , 75 , 83, 85-6 , 89-91, 94 , 98-9, 105-6 , 111, 115 , 122-3, 126, 128-9, 131 , 136-8, 141, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153,

163, 166 , 175, 186 XXIV (1971 ) 9 , 11 , 16-17 , 109, 164 , 173-90, 192, 197, 199 , 205, 208-10, 213-16, 218-19 , 223-5, 228, 230, 233, 241, 264 XXV (1976 ) 5 , 10-12 , 22 , 26, 31, 35 , 230 , 235, 237-41, 243, 248 , 251, 254-7, 25961, 263-4 , 269 , 275, 28 7 XXVI (1981 ) 5 , 11 , 27, 273-4, 277 , 284-9 Congress o f Kolkhoznik s 45 Constitution 5-6 , 238 , 268-72 Constitutional Commissio n 5 , 30, 26 9 control, part y an d stat e Central Contro l Commissio n 57 Commission o f Party Control 57 Commission o f Soviet Control 5 7 commissions o f party committees 98 , 187 Party Control Committe e 9 , 56, 69 , 18 7 Party-State Control Commit tee 4 , 28-9, 57-8


INDEX People's Commissariat o f Workers' an d Peasants ' Inspection (Rabkrin ) 5 7 People's Control Committe e 29, 58 , 232-6, 273 , 280 , 284 State Contro l Committe e 5 6 Conyngham, W.J . 7 , 1 3 Cooper, J . 1 7 Council o f Minister s (USSR ) 3 , 39, 50 , 54 , 76 , 78 , 140 , 161 , 169 Central Statistica l Administration 10 5 Farm Machin e Agenc y 137-9, 161- 2 Gosbank (Stat e Bank ) 3 9 Gosplan (Stat e Planning Committee) 74 , 77, 102-3 , 105, 139 , 152 , 161 , 180 , 232, 24 7 Gossnab (Stat e Suppl y Com mittee) 13 9 Main Archive s Administra tion 10 4 Ministry o f Agricultur e 74 , 77-8, 137-40 , 162 , 247 Ministry o f Chemical Indus tries 14 4 Ministry of Financ e 3 9 Ministry o f Food Industr y 247 Ministry o f Highe r an d Spe cialized Secondar y Educa tion 102 , 104-5 , 112 Ministry o f Interna l Affair s 280, 28 4 Ministry o f Justice 28 4 Ministry o f Land Reclamatio n and Wate r Resource s 77-8, 137-9 , 162 Ministry o f Ligh t Industr y 247

Ministry of Meat an d Dair y Industry 16 , 151-8, 247 Ministry of Procurement s 162 Press Committee 112 , 19 2 Procuracy 280 , 28 4 State Cinematograph y Com mittee 28 4 State Committe e fo r Publish ing 28 4 State Committe e fo r Radi o and Televisio n Broadcast ing 146 , 28 4 State Committee for Science and Technolog y 102-4 , 180, 23 2 State Committe e fo r Stan dards 23 2 councils of secretaries of party organizations i n productio n associations 8 , 22 , 266-7 courts 26 , 238 , 28 0 criticism an d self-criticis m (kritika i samokritika) 12 , 48 , 59 , 67, 86 , 93, 96 , 148-50 , 155 , 187, 211 , 220, 225-30 , 237 , 252-3 Czechoslovakia 31 , 11 3 Dallin, A . 7 , 1 3 Daniel, Iu . 2 7 Daniels, R . 4 , 6 decision makin g 33-5 , 149-5 2 Demichev, P.N . 4 destalinization 58- 9 developed socialis t societ y 29-30, 32 , 99, 201-5, 268 dissent 26- 7 Dobrinka Raio n 126-3 1 documents, exchang e o f party 9-10, 173 , 187 , 213-16 , 219 , 223-6 (see also purge ) Donaldson, R.H . 6

298 druzhiny (voluntar y people's detachments) 280 , 282-3 Dubcek, A . 11 3 Dunmore, T . 1 8 economic administration , party supervision o f 14-20 , 78-82 , 84-9, 93-8 , 122-6 , 131-5 , 141-4, 151-8 , 264- 8 education 66 , 184 , 196-8, 221- 3 Efremov, L.N . 60 Ekonomicheskaia gazeta (Economic Gazette) 14 6 elections, part y 7 2 Estonia 84- 9 Evans, A.B . 30 Fallenbuchl, Z.M. 17 , 22-3 Galanskov, Iu . 11 3 Garbuzov, V.F . 56 , 272 Gelbakhiani, P . 25 0 Georgia 205-12 , 250-5 Germans 2 7 Ginzburg, A . 11 3 Gorbachev, M.S. 5, 287- 8 Gorlin, A.C . 17 Grechko, A.A . 5, 287 Grishin, V.V . 5, 17 4 Gromyko, A.A . 9 Grossman, G . 1 3

INDEX Ilyichev, L.F . 4 3 industrial-production (zonal ) committees 4 1 industry 6 , 13-20 , 33-4 , 49-56 , 61-5, 143-6 , 175-81 , 237, 273, 285- 6 Institute of Physic s named for P.N. Lebede v 163- 6 inter-farm co-operatio n 22 , 24 , 239-47 Jews 2 7 Kahan, A . 2 2 Kapitonov, I.V . 57, 21 3 Karcz, J.F. 2 1 Kaser, M . 4 Katushev, K.F . 113 , 269, 288 Katz, A . 1 3 Kazakhstan 5 1 Ketiladze, K . 25 1 Kharkov Oblas t 7 , 45- 9 Khrushchev, N.S . 3, 6-8 , 11 , 13, 20-1, 25 , 29-30, 32 , 39 40, 42 , 45, 50-1 , 58 , 74, 109, 268-9, 276 Kirilenko, A.P . 4, 60 , 174 Kiselev, T.Ia. 287 Kolkhoz Rule s 16 2 kolkhoz-sovkhoz production administrations 7 , 41 kolkhoz union s 2 1

Hammer, D.P. 3 , 7 Heer, N . 4 , 6

Komsomol (Youn g Communis t League) 28 , 49, 55-6 , 65 , 69,

Hodnett, G. 3- 5

76, 80-1 , 85 , 88, 91, 93, 115 19, 131 , 139, 145-6, 164-5 , 183, 227 , 230, 233-4, 236, 249, 253 , 257-8, 267 , 272 , 275, 277 , 280, 282-4 Kosygin, A.N . 3-5, 14 , 50, 53, 60, 145 , 174, 239, 287-8 Kozlov, F.R. 4 1 Krasnoiarsk Kra i 115- 9

Hough, J.F . 4 , 6-7, 2 9 human an d civi l rights 26- 7 laroslavl 147-5 1 ideological work 29-32 , 69-71 , 88-90, 113-15 , 128-9 , 141-3 , 181-9, 221-3 , 238 , 248-50, 254-63, 276- 9


INDEX Kulakov, F.D . 5 , 51 , 174 , 287-8 Kunayev, D.A . 5 , 60, 17 4 Kuznetsov, V.V . 271 , 287

141-3, 181-2 , 201-5 , 207-8 , 210, 25 3 Nove, A . 13 , 20- 1

Laird, R.D . 2 1 Larson, D.B . 7 , 1 3 Latvia 232- 6 law an d orde r 26 , 238 , 279-8 4 Law o n Lan d 16 2 Lenin, V.I . 10 , 26, 46 , 60 , 114 , 125, 135 , 147 , 188 , 223 , 229 , 235, 23 8 Liberman, E . 4 9 literature (see art an d literature ) Literaturnoe obozrenie (Literary Review) 19 9

Omsk Oblas t 93- 8 Orekhov Cotto n Combin e 78-82

Lolashvili, O.I . 20 8 L'vov Oblas t 230- 2 Masherov, P.M . 60 , 287 Matskevich, V.V . 4 3 Mazurov, K.T . 4 , 43 , 59 , 174 , 287 meetings, part y 12 , 147-5 1 (see also report-and-electio n meet ings) Mikhailov Sovkho z 89-9 3 Mikoyan, A.I . 6 0 militia 26 , 23 8 Miller, R.F . 21- 2 Ministry o f Food Industr y (RSFSR) 13 3 Ministry o f Mea t Industr y (RSFSR) 13 3 Ministry o f Mil k Industr y (RSFSR) 13 3 Model Kolkho z Charter 2 1 Moscow Highe r Technica l Col lege name d fo r N.E. Bauma n 221-3 Moscow Oblas t 8 1 Mzhavanadze, V.P . 208 , 25 1 nationality polic y 61-2 , 70 , 88 ,

Partiinaia zhizn' (Party Life) 146 , 151 Pelshe, A.Ia . 60 , 17 4 Perm Oblas t 105- 9 personality cul t 5 9 Podgorny, N.V. 3-4, 6 , 40, 46, 174, 269-70 , 28 7 Poland 28 5 Poliakov, V.I . 4 1 Poliansky, D.S . 4 , 59 , 174 , 239 Politburo (Presidiu m unti l March 1966 ) 3-4 , 73 , 76, 140, 174 , 271 , 28 7 politinformator (politica l information worker ) 249 , 258-6 3 Politizdat (Politica l Publishers) 192, 26 3 Ponomarev, B.N . 21 4 Pravda 146 , 15 1 Presidium (USS R Suprem e Soviet) 4 , 27 0 primary part y organizations 72-3, 173-1 , 187-8 , 190 private plot s 21 , 28 5 procuracy 26 , 182 , 238 , 280 , 282 profit-and-loss accountin g (khoz raschet) agriculture 22 , 16 2 industry 49, 51-3 , 79-80 , 87-8, 90 , 95 Programme, part y 60 , 142 , 287-9 propaganda (see ideological work)

300 public stations fo r safeguarding order (obshchestvenny e punkty okhran y poriadka) 280, 28 3 purge 213- 4 (see also docu ments) quality control 230- 2 Rakowska-Harmstone, T . 4 report-and-election meetings , party 12 , 187, 189-90, 218-21 Riabov, Ia.P. 288 Rigby, T.H. 3-4, 8 , 10 Rodionov, P.A . 3 Romanov, G.V . 5, 239 Rostov Oblas t 122 , 131-5 rukovodstvo (leadership ) 2 5 Rules, part y 8 , 11 , 16 , 18 , 47-8, 59, 71-3 , 98 , 147 , 189-90, 218, 264-5 Rusakov, K.V . 269, 288 Rush, M . 4 Saratov Stat e Universit y name d for N.G . Chernyshevsky 221-3 science polic y 66-7 , 163-6 , 185 scientific-technological revolu tion 16 , 30, 33 , 181 , 184 Secretariat, Centra l Committe e 3-4, 73 , 273, 28 7 Academy o f Socia l Science s 82, 104 , 121, 263 Central Museu m o f V.I. Lenin 12 1 Department o f Agitation and Propaganda 25 8 Department fo r Scienc e an d Educational Institution s 8 4 First Secretar y 3 General Secretar y 5 , 73

INDEX Higher Part y Correspondenc e School 83 , 25 5 Higher Part y School 82-4 , 104, 111 , 121, 191-2, 216 18, 25 5 Institute for Raisin g th e Qualifications o f Leadin g Party and Sovie t Cadre s 83, 255-6 Institute o f Marxism-Leninis m 82, 103-4 , 120-2 Institute o f Scientifi c Informa tion i n th e Socia l Science s 104 Institute of Social Science s 104 Letters Departmen t 11 , 287 Main Politica l Administration of the Sovie t Arm y and Navy 22 5 Museum o f K . Marx and F . Engels 12 1 Organizational Affair s Sectio n 84 RSFSR Bur o 5 , 7 3 Sel'skaia zhizn ' (Agricultural Life) 15 1 Shchekino Chemica l Combin e 15, 143- 6 Shcherbitsky, V.V. 5, 57 , 17 4 Shelepin, A.N . 3-4, 29 , 41, 57, 59, 17 4 Shelest, P.I . 4, 41 , 110 , 174 Shevardnadze, E.A . 208, 250-1, 287 Shvernik, N.M . 60 Siniavsky, A . 2 7 Smolinski, L . 1 7 social science s 31 , 99-105 , 221-3, 238 social welfar e 61 , 107-8 , 109 11, 166-73 , 176-9 , 285- 6


INDEX socialist competitio n 20 , 28 , 55 , 69, 81 , 106-7 , 129 , 184,

192-6 socialist legalit y 59 , 172 , 182 , 281 Sotsialisticheskaia industriia (Socialist Industry) 146 ,

trade union s 27-8 , 55-6 , 65 , 69, 76, 80 , 88 , 93, 105-9 , 131-2 , 134-5, 142 , 145-6, 157, 182-4, 192-3 , 195-6 , 198,

209, 212 , 253 , 275, 283 Trud (Labour) 14 6 trudoden (work-da y unit) 4 3


Sovetskaia Rossiia (Soviet Russia) 146 , 151

Soviets of (Working ) People's Deputies 25-6 , 30 , 65 , 69, 111-13, 166-73 , 182 , 281

Unger, A.L . 8 United State s 11 3 USSR, fiftiet h anniversar y 30 ,

201-5 Ustinov, D.F . 5 , 43, 239 , 288

sovnarkhoz (regiona l economi c council) 14 , 5 1

Vashchenko, V.I . 46

Stalin I.V . 6, 10 , 57-9

Vietnam 11 3

State hym n 27 0

V mire knig (In the World of

state securit y agencie s 26-7 ,

Books) 19 9

238, 28 0 Statute o n th e Socialis t Stat e Production Enterpris e 1 4 Stepakov, V.I . 258

Volgograd Oblas t 122- 6

Strong, J . 4

Voprosy istorii KPSS (Questions

Suslov, M.A . 3, 59 , 174 , 269

Voprosy ideologicheskoi raboty (Questions of Ideological Work) 20 6 of the History of the CPSU)

121 Taagepera, R . 6

Voronov, G.I . 4 , 59 , 174

Tadzhikistan 141- 3 Tambov Oblas t 12 , 226-30

West Germa n revanchis m 11 3

Tambovskaia pravda 22 8

Writers' Unio n 19 8

Tashkent 20 6 Tatu, M . 4

Yegorichev, N.G . 58- 9

Tbilisi 11-12 , 205-12 , 250-5 Tikhonov, N.A. 5 , 287-8 Titov, V.N. 46, 5 1

Zimianin, M.V . 239

Resolutions an d Decisions o f the Communist Part y of the Soviet Unio n 1898-1981 General Editor: Rober t H. McNeal Volume i: The Russia n Social Democratic Labour Party iSpS-October 1917 Edited by Ralph Carter Elwood This volume treats the period before the October Revolution of 1917. It is the first collection of materials on the early evolution of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party that deals with the entire movement, so that the interaction of the various factions of the party may be a whole and not merely in a partisan Leninis t framework. This volume also breaks new ground i n publishing in English vital records of Communist activity during the Revolution of 1917.

Volume i: The Early Soviet Period 1917-1919 Edited by Richard Gregor Documents fro m the period of the October Revolution to the establishment of Stalin's regime emphasize the transformation of the party into a new kind of bureaucratized authority, controlling suc h areas as the press, trade unions, armed forces, and youth organization. Factionalism within the party and its suppression are a major theme. The volum e opens with the documents (previously unavailable in English) concerning Lenin's crisis of control within the Central Committee shortl y after the seizure of power, and it goes on to provide extensive material on both Lenin's and Stalin's suppression of critical groups within the party.

Volume 3: The Stali n Years 1919-195-3 Edited by Robert H . McNeal The third volume treats the Stalin era, the early phase of which witnessed a new degree of party interventio n in agriculture, industry, and cultural affairs. The am bivalent relation between the party and Stalin's great purge emerges in party de cisions of the later thirties, including an archival document never published in the Soviet Union and some little known material on the Central Committee plenum of February- March 1937 . The Zhdanov campaign in the arts following the World War i s also represented b y the party resolutions translated in this volume.

Volume 4: The Khrushche v Year s 1973 -1964 Edited by Grey Hodnett Volume 4 covers the rise and fall of Khrushchev. Once again factional activity sur faced in the party, as is manifest in the materials translated here . Khrushchev's diverse campaign s emerge not only in party congress documents, but also in a variety of major decisions that have not been translated into English previously and are too little known. The muted nature of the anti-Stalin campaign, as it appeare d in party resolutions, is particularly importan t to study in view of its contrast with the Khrushchev speeches whic h have been given much fuller dissemination.