Rules for psionic, divine, and primal heroes.Player’s Handbook® 3 expands the range of options available to D&D® pla
1,015 103 54MB
English Pages 225 Year 2010
Table of contents :
s Handbook 3......Page 1
The Psionic Power Source......Page 5
Githzerai......Page 9
Minotaur......Page 11
Shardmind......Page 13
Wilden......Page 15
Blooded Champion......Page 17
Nature's Avatar......Page 18
Rrathmal......Page 19
Shard Disciple......Page 20
Ardent......Page 23
Creating an Ardent......Page 24
Ardent Powers......Page 25
Argent Soul......Page 39
Psionic Binder......Page 40
Stygian Adept......Page 41
Talaric Strategist......Page 42
Battlemind......Page 43
Creating a Battlemind......Page 44
Battlemind Powers......Page 45
Eternal Blade......Page 59
Iron Guardian......Page 60
Steel Ego......Page 61
Zephyr Blade......Page 62
Monk......Page 63
Implements......Page 64
Full Discipline......Page 65
Ghostwalker......Page 77
Initiate of the Dragon......Page 78
Mountain Devotee......Page 79
Radiant Fist......Page 80
Psion......Page 81
Implements......Page 82
Psion Powers......Page 83
Cerulean Adept......Page 95
Dreamwalker......Page 96
Time Bender......Page 97
Uncarnate......Page 98
Runepriest......Page 99
Creating a Runepriest......Page 100
Rune Magic......Page 101
Hammer of Vengeance......Page 113
Light Bringer......Page 114
Master of the Forge......Page 115
Rune Shield......Page 116
Seeker......Page 117
Seeker Powers......Page 118
Crimson Hunter......Page 131
Death Arrow......Page 132
Seven Fates Archer......Page 133
Swift Strider......Page 134
Group Building......Page 135
How Does It Work?......Page 136
Assigning Ability Scores......Page 137
Psionic Augmentation
and Hybrid Characters......Page 138
Hybrid vs. Multiclass......Page 139
Hybrid Ardent......Page 140
Hybrid Avenger......Page 141
Hybrid Bard......Page 142
Hybrid Battlemind......Page 143
Hybrid Druid......Page 144
Hybrid Fighter......Page 145
Hybrid Monk......Page 146
Hybrid Paladin......Page 147
Hybrid Ranger......Page 148
Hybrid Rogue......Page 149
Hybrid Runepriest......Page 150
Hybrid Shaman......Page 151
Hybrid Sorcerer......Page 152
Hybrid Warden......Page 153
Hybrid Warlock......Page 154
Hybrid Warlord......Page 155
Hybrid Wizard......Page 156
Diamond Soul......Page 157
Godmind......Page 158
Invincible Mind......Page 159
Master ofthe Eternal Hunt......Page 160
Rune Maker......Page 161
War Master......Page 162
......Page 163
Acrobatics......Page 165
Athletics......Page 166
Bluff......Page 167
......Page 168
Endurance......Page 169
Heal......Page 170
Insight......Page 171
Nature......Page 173
Perception......Page 174
Religion......Page 175
......Page 176
Thievery......Page 177
Rune Feats......Page 178
Heroic Tier Feats......Page 179
Paragon Tier Feats......Page 185
Epic Tier Feats......Page 191
Multiclass Feats......Page 194
Superior Implements......Page 196
Armor......Page 198
Weapons......Page 201
Ki Focuses......Page 204
Orbs......Page 207
Staffs......Page 210
Consumables......Page 214
Entries in a Power......Page 215
Keywords......Page 216
GLOSSARY......Page 221
ROLEPLAYING GAME CORE RULES Mike Mearls • Bruce R. Cordell • Robert J. Schwalb
CR.t:D1TS Design Mike Mearls (lead), Bruce R. Cordell, RobertJ. Schwalb Additional Design Rob Heinsoo, James Wyatt Development Stephen Schubert (lead), Jeremy Crawford, Peter Schaefer, Rodney Thompson Additional Development Andy Collins, Stephen Radney-MacFarland Editing Jeremy Crawford (lead), Michele Carter, Cal Moore Additional Editing Torah Cottrill, Miranda Horner Managing Editing Kim Mohan Director of D&D R&D and Book Publishing Bill Siavicsek D&D Creative Manager Christopher Perkins D&D Design Manager James Wyatt D&D Development and Editing Manager Andy Collins D&D Senior Art Director Jon Schindehette
610-15124000-001 EN 98765431 1 First Printing:
March 1010 ISBN: 978-0-7869 -5390 -5
U,S" CANADA, ASIA, PACIFIC, & lATIN AMERICA Wizard s of the CoaS[ UC P,O, Box 707 Renton WA 98057-0707 +1-800-314-6496
Art Director Kate Irwin Cover Illustration Michael Komarek Graphic Designer leon Cortez, Keven Smith, Emi Tanji Interior Illustrations Ralph Beisner, Eric Belisle, Kerem 'Beyit, Wayne England,Jason A. Engle, Carl Frank, Randy Gallegos, Adam Gillespie, Ralph Horsley, Roberto Marchesi, Jake Masbruch, Jim Nelson, William O'Connor, Hector Ortiz, Shane Nitzsche, Wayne Reynolds, Chris Seaman, John Stanko, Matias Tapia, Beth Trott, Francis Tsai, Eva Widermann, Sam Wood, Ben Wootten, Kieran Vanner D&D Brand Team liz Schuh,Jesse Decker, Kierin Chase, laura Tommervik, Shelly Mazzanoble, Martin Durham Publishing Production Specialist Christopher Tardiff Prepress Manager Jefferson Dunlap Imaging Technician Travis Adams, Ashley Brock Production Manager Cynda Callaway Game rules based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS'" rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the later editions by David "Zebu Cook (2nd Edition);Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt (4th Edition).