Orestes A. Brownson : A Bibliography, 1826-1876 [1 ed.] 9780874629774, 9780874626346

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Orestes A. Brownson : A Bibliography, 1826-1876 [1 ed.]
 9780874629774, 9780874626346

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Compiled and Annotated by

Patrick W. Carey

Marquette Studies in Theology No. 10 Andrew Tallon, Series Editor

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Carey, Patrick W., 1940Orestes A. Brownson, a bibliography, 1826-1876 / compiled and annotated by Patrick W. Carey. p. cm. — (Marquette studies in theology ; #10) Includes index. ISBN 0-87462-634-X 1. Brownson, Orestes Augustus, 1803-1876—Bibliography. 2. Universalist churches—United StatesDoctrines—History—19th century— Bibliography. 3. Transcendentalism (New England)— Bibliography. 4. Catholic Church—United States—Doctrines— History—19th century—Bibliography. 5. United States—Church history—19th century—Bibliography. 6. United States—Intellectual life—19th century—Bibliography. I. Title. II. Series. Z8124.6.B76C37 1997 [BX4705.B85] 016.282'092—dc21 96-45810

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Acknowledgements ................................................................ 5

II. Introduction ........................................................................... 7 III. List of Journals ..................................................................... 21 IV. Abbreviations ....................................................................... 23 V. Bibliographical Entries ......................................................... 25 1826 ..................................................................................... 25 1827 ..................................................................................... 25 1828 ..................................................................................... 25 1829 ..................................................................................... 28 1830 ..................................................................................... 33 1831 ..................................................................................... 34 1832 ..................................................................................... 35 1833 ..................................................................................... 37 1834 ..................................................................................... 37 1835 ..................................................................................... 39 1836 ..................................................................................... 40 1837 ..................................................................................... 44 1838 ..................................................................................... 45 1839 ..................................................................................... 48 1840 ..................................................................................... 50 1841 ..................................................................................... 52 1842 ..................................................................................... 54 1843 ..................................................................................... 56 1844 ..................................................................................... 59 1845 ..................................................................................... 61 1846 ..................................................................................... 64 1847 ..................................................................................... 66 1848 ..................................................................................... 69



1849 ..................................................................................... 71 1850 ..................................................................................... 74 1851 ..................................................................................... 76 1852 ..................................................................................... 77 1853 ..................................................................................... 80 1854 ..................................................................................... 82 1855 ..................................................................................... 84 1856 ..................................................................................... 88 1857 ..................................................................................... 91 1858 ..................................................................................... 93 1859 ..................................................................................... 94 1860 ..................................................................................... 96 1861 ..................................................................................... 98 1862 ................................................................................... 100 1863 ................................................................................... 103 1864 ................................................................................... 105 1865 ................................................................................... 108 1866 ................................................................................... 109 1867 ................................................................................... 109 1868 ................................................................................... 120 1869 ................................................................................... 127 1870 ................................................................................... 136 1871 ................................................................................... 144 1872 ................................................................................... 153 1873 ................................................................................... 159 1874 ................................................................................... 162 1875 ................................................................................... 165 1876 ................................................................................... 168 VI Index .................................................................................. 169


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have incurred a number of debts during the last ten years while compiling this bibliography. Former graduate research assistants— Dr. David Schimpf, Dr. Arie Griffioen, James Keane, Anne Slakey, and Ian Levy—have helped to identify sources and have typed this bibliography. Ian Levy and Anne Slakey, moreover, have had a major hand in proofreading and putting the text into final form. The staffs at the Archives of the University of Notre Dame, Harvard University, the Library of Holy Cross College (Worcester, MA), the American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA) and especially Ms. Joan Sommers and the Reference and Interlibrary Loan staffs of Memorial Library at Marquette University have located and obtained rare journals, pamphlets and books, and have supplied numerous other resources for this project. I have also received a number of research grants from the Research division of Marquette’s Graduate School to complete this work, and for this I am deeply grateful to Father Thaddeus Burch, S.J., Dean of the Graduate School. Finally, I am indebted to Dr. Andrew Tallon, director of Marquette University Press, who has encouraged this project throughout and has offered to publish the bibliography and four volumes of a critical edition of Orestes A. Brownson’s early (1826-44) writings.

INTRODUCTION A complete bibliography of Orestes A. Brownson’s (1803-76) works is long overdue. Brownson’s writings are important and creative contributions to the history of American intellectual life, and are reflective of some major currents in American and European thought during the early and mid-nineteenth century. Yet, there is no comprehensive bibliography of his contributions. This bibliography provides the first useful guide to his numerous writings and to the many central intellectual issues that he addressed. Brownson was one of the more prolific, hard-hitting, uncompromising, volatile, polemical, creative, mutable, and many-sided American intellectuals. As an author of seven books and twenty-five pamphlets, as a writer of over 1500 essays in more than thirty journals, and as an editor of six popular as well as elite journals of opinion, he commented on various central issues in American religious, philosophical, political, and literary life. His writings, as Arthur Schlesinger Jr. noted some years ago, belong to all Americans,1 and are especially significant for the history of American intellectual life. Brownson was a prominent figure in nineteenth-century American life and has been so recognized at least since Schlesinger’s 1939 biography and Perry Miller’s works on Transcendentalism.2 Fifteen percent of the entries in Miller’s anthology on The Transcendentalists (1950) came from Brownson’s works—that is, more selections (16) from Brownson than any other person included in the text. Even in Miller’s American Transcendentalists: Their Prose and Poetry (1957) two of the thirty-six entries are from Brownson. Miller claimed that Brownson was “in many respects the most powerful of the Transcendentalists—at any rate, the hardest hitting.” From 1834 to 1844, Brownson was a “major spokesman” for the new school of Coleridge 1. Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., A Pilgrim’s Progress: Orestes A. Brownson (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1966), xi-xii. 2. Perry Miller, The Transcendentalists: An Anthology (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950) and American Transcendentalists: Their Prose and Poetry (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1957).



and Carlyle, the German literature, and especially of Victor Cousin’s eclecticism; however, his frequent intellectual and religious transformations, and particularly his conversion to Catholicism in 1844, made him, according to Miller, a persona non grata among subsequent nineteenth-century intellectuals who “shamefully neglected” his “immense contribution” to American thought.3 Although a number of exaggerated claims have been made about Brownson’s importance in American history (e.g., America’s Foremost Philosopher4), there is no doubt that he commanded a great deal of public attention in his day and has continued to interest twentiethcentury scholars in various fields of American studies (e.g., literature, history, philosophy, religious studies, and political science). Between 1960 and 1995 he was the subject of at least fifteen separate monographs, twenty-five dissertations, and numerous articles. He has also received some attention in the general surveys of American religious, philosophical, and political thought. Labels used to identify Brownson indicate something of his prestige within the United States: e.g., a religious “pilgrim,” an American “weathervane,” “an American Marxist before Marx,” “a Yankee warrior,” “a Jacksonian literary critic,” “a philosophical expounder on the Constitution,” “a reluctant democrat,” “a philosophical realist,” “a philosopher of freedom.” Although Brownson has been acknowledged as a creative thinker in American political and religious life, his role in American life has not been adequately examined because most scholars have had to rely upon Henry Brownson’s twenty-volume collection of his father’s works.5 This collection is inadequate for representing the ferment and development of Brownson’s early thought (1826 to 1844) and the scope of intellectual options in early nineteenth century America. Henry Brownson’s edition contains what he considered to be the principal writings from his father’s Catholic period (i.e., 1844 to 1876). He included only fifty-one of the more than 375 writings from the years 1826 to 1844. Of these fifty-one, nineteen were originally published in 1844 and none of the fifty-one were from the period 1826 3. Perry Miller, The Transcendentalists: An Anthology, 45. 4. Sidney A. Raemers, America’s Foremost Philosopher (Washington, DC: St. Anselm’s Priory, 1931). 5. Henry F. Brownson, ed., The Works of Orestes A. Brownson, 20 vols. (Detroit: Thorndike Nourse, 1882-1887).



to 1835. Henry Brownson selected these writings, too, primarily because of their Catholic leanings. Many scholars who have depended almost exclusively upon Henry Brownson’s collection have been unaware of the earliest developments in his thought. Few scholars have examined the numerous articles Brownson wrote as a young Universalist in the so-called “Burnt-Over District” of upstate New York from 1826 to 1829, nor his works as a member of the Workingmen’s Party during the years 1829 to 1830.6 These writings are particularly significant for the light they shed on the upstate New York anti-revivalist party and the development of what Nathan Hatch7 has called popular theology in the early American republic. A few scholars like Miller and William Hutchison have examined Brownson’s Unitarian and Transcendentalist works from 1833 to 1844,8 but no scholar has systematically examined the numerous articles Brownson wrote on politics, philosophy, religion and literature in a variety of Boston Unitarian and Transcendentalist journals during this period. And, Brownson’s voice was a major one, even though his position became increasingly antithetical to Unitarian and Transcendentalist positions during those years. Although Brownson separated himself from American Protestantism after 1844, he continued to express his views on major issues facing the nation between 1844 and 1876. Historians of American intellectual life, as Perry Miller claimed, have neglected Brownson’s thought during the period he was a Protestant, but they have almost totally ignored his contributions during the period he was a Catholic. Such lacuna in the historical record can no longer be justified, especially now that the American Catholic community represents such a large segment of the American population. The Catholic voice needs representation in the histories of intellectual life in this country. This bibliography will provide scholars with a guide to one major Catholic voice in the nineteenth century, even though that voice was not always representative not only of the American but also of the Ameri6. One exception here is William J. Gilmore’s “Orestes A. Brownson and New England Religious Culture, 1803-1827,” Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 1971. 7. Nathan O. Hatch, The Democratization of American Christianity (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989). 8. William Hutchison, The Transcendentalist Ministers: Church Reform in the New England Renaissance (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959), 154-169, passim.



can Catholic mainstream. But, few intellectuals are ever representative of dominant tendencies in a culture. Orestes A. Brownson was born to Sylvester and Relief Metcalf Brownson in Stockbridge, Vermont in 1803.9 His father was a Presbyterian who died when he was three years old. His mother, a Universalist, was unable to support the family after his father’s death so when Orestes was six years old she sent him to live with a CalvinistCongregationalist’s relative who raised him until he was fifteen years of age. At one point during his early teenage years he experienced a Methodist-Arminian revival and had what he consider a conversion experience, but he did not join a particular church at the time. In 1818 he rejoined his mother and siblings who all migrated, with many other Vermonters seeking a better living, to Balston Spa, New York, across the Western border of Vermont. In 1822, after hearing a Presbyterian revivalist in upstate New York, he became a Presbyterian; but, after nine months, he withdrew from that association and became a Universalist. These early years reflected the religious flexibility and plasticity of the society in which he lived. He apparently was educated in the common schools during these early years of his life, but he never received a college education. His unpublished diary for the years 1822 and 1823 (when he was nineteen and twenty years old), though, indicates that he read widely especially in religious literature and polemical tracts. In 1823, he left Balston Spa for Detroit to become a school teacher, but stayed there only for a year. He returned to New York in 1824, decided to become a Universalist minister, and went to Vermont in 1825 where he joined the Universalist Association and was ordained to the Universalist ministry. In 1826, at the age of twenty-three, he published in The Christian Repository (Vermont) his first work, a sermon he gave to a Vermont Universalist congregation. From 1826 to 1829, he served Universalist congregations in Ithaca, Geneva, and Auburn, New York, wrote in some upstate New York 9. There are a number of biographies of Brownson worth consulting in addition to Schlesinger’s: e.g. Thomas Ryan’s Orestes A. Brownson: a Definitive Biography (Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor, 1976); Theodore Maynard’s Orestes Brownson: Yankee, Radical, Catholic (New York: MacMillan Co., 1943); Americo D. Lapati’s Orestes A. Brownson (New York: Twayne, 1965); Henry F. Brownson’s Orestes A. Brownson’s Life 3 vols. (Detroit: H. F. Brownson, 1898-1900).



Universalist papers (i.e., the Utica Magazine and the Cayuga Patriot), and edited and wrote for the Universalist journal The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator. He married Sally Healy on June 19, 1827 at Elbridge, New York, where he had taught her after leaving Detroit. In 1829, he left the Universalist ministry because of conflicts with fellow-Universalists and because of a growing attachment to Frances Wright, the Free Enquirer, and the Workingmen’s Party of New York—an association some Universalists considered heretical. From November of 1829 to December of 1830, after leaving the Universalists, he edited the Genesee Republican and Herald of Reform,10 a political voice for the Workingmen’s Party in upstate New York, and wrote a few articles for Frances Wright’s Free Enquirer. During this period he considered himself a social reformer who had lost all hope in the power of contemporary denominational Christianity to provide a religious warrant for needed economic and social reforms. In late 1830, he moved from Auburn to Ithaca where he edited The Philanthropist, at the time the only upstate New York Unitarian journal of opinion. By February of 1831, he began to reassert a religious basis for any successful social reforms. The return to religious principles was accompanied by a return to the ministry. This time, he became a non-denominational pastor to a congregation in Ithaca, New York, where he served until mid 1832. In July of 1832, after reading some of William Ellery Channing’s essays on the religious sentiment, he became a Unitarian minister and accepted an invitation to Walpole, New Hampshire, where he served until 1834 when he moved to Canton, Massachusetts, to take up a new Unitarian pastorate. During these years at Walpole and Canton (1832 to 1836), he wrote for a number of Unitarian journals (i.e., The Christian Register, The Unitarian, The Christian Examiner, and The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer). Essays in these journals helped to develop his reputation as a creative thinker on the social implications and dimensions of Christianity. In July of 1836, George Ripley (1802-80), a fellow Unitarian, 10. Extant copies of this journal could not be located, but we know from Brownson’s autobiography and from references to the journal in some of his earlier writings that he did edit and write for this journal between 1829 and 1830. SeeWorks, 5:63.



invited him to take up a pastorate among the working classes of Boston. Brownson moved his family to Chelsea, outside of Boston, and from there he ministered to the city’s working people through the Society for Christian Union and Progress, which he founded. In 1836, moreover, he edited and wrote for the Boston Reformer—a journal published to voice the economic and social concerns of workingmen in Boston and to comment on American politics and literature. The same year he also became a charter member of the Transcendentalist Club and wrote his first major book (New Views of Christianity, Society, and the Church). From 1837 to 1841 he held an administrative position in the Hospital of Chelsea, but he also published a few articles in The Liberator (1838), an abolitionist journal, and founded, edited, and was the chief contributor to the Boston Quarterly Review (1838-42), a firstclass journal of systematic commentary on contemporary political, social, and religious ideas and events. Criticisms of some essays in the Boston Quarterly Review, particularly his essay on “The Laboring Classes” (July 1840), and his increasing political dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party caused him to sell his journal to John L. O’Sullivan in 1842 and to become a writer for O’Sullivan’s United States Magazine and Democratic Review. Brownson continued to contribute articles to O’Sullivan’s magazine until his views on democracy so clashed with O’Sullivan’s that the two parted company at the end of 1842. From 1842 to 1844, Brownson’s religious thought became more and more affiliated with the ecclesial and sacramental positions of the Catholic Church, as was evident particularly in articles he wrote in 1843 for The Christian World, a Unitarian journal, and for his own newly established (1844) Brownson’s Quarterly Review. In October of 1844, after taking instructions in Catholic doctrine from Boston’s Catholic bishop John Bernard Fitzpatrick (1812-46), Brownson became a Catholic and thereafter his Review became the major forum for expressing a Catholic perspective on American religion, politics, economics, philosophy, and literature. The Review was also a platform for intra-Catholic debates on religious and cultural issues. As a Catholic no less than as a Protestant Brownson changed his viewpoint periodically and developed it in response not only to changing political events and circumstances but also to Catholic as well as Protestant criticisms of his so-called ultraisms. Brownson’s ultra-



ultramontanism (especially his views of the pope’s temporal authority), his anti-Gallicanism, his rabid anti-Protestantism, and his views on exclusive salvation, Irish nationalism, American nativism, John Henry Newman’s developmentalism, liberal Catholicism, and ontologism, to mention a few issues, brought him into conflict with some fellow Catholics. His former Protestant friends, too, considered his newly developed Catholic positions an extreme reversal of his former teachings. Some Protestants as well as Catholics, moreover, disagreed with positions he eventually took on emancipation, reconstruction, strict constitutionalism, and popular or absolute democracy. His Review also became the mouthpiece for his own Catholic criticisms of major intellectual and religious movements in the American Protestant mainstream. Brownson scrutinized, for example, the theological views of the Transcendentalists Ralph Waldo Emerson and Theodore Parker, the Mercersburg theology of John Williamson Nevin, and the Princeton theology of Charles Hodge. At the end of the Civil War (1864) Brownson suspended his Review because of opposition to his religious and political views from some Catholics and because the number of his subscriptions declined. He continued, however, to write, publishing his major theologicalpolitical philosophy of American government in The American Republic (1865). He also wrote a number of articles for various newspapers and became a regular contributor to Ave Maria (1865-72), a University of Notre Dame journal of religious thought and Catholic piety; the Catholic World (1866-72), a monthly journal of opinion on contemporary religious and political life edited by the Paulist priest Isaac Hecker (1819-88); and the New York Tablet (1867-72), a Catholic newspaper of political and religious opinion published by James A. (d. 1869) and Mary Sadlier (1820-1903). Because of the Catholic World’s increasing editorial supervision and censorship of some of his articles and because of his dissatisfaction with the limited amount of space he had to develop his ideas in the New York Tablet, Brownson decided in 1872 to recommence his Review so that he could develop his ideas fully and without interference. The Review resumed in 1873, but Brownson’s declining health and physical exhaustion forced him to cease publication in 1875. In 1876 he moved to Detroit to live with his son Henry. His last article, “Philosophy of the Supernatural” (January 1876), was published in the American Catholic Quarterly Review, a journal that was explicitly



intended to fill the gap left by the cessation of Brownson’s Quarterly Review. On 17 April 1876, Brownson died in his son’s home. After publishing The American Republic, Brownson had aspirations of writing a major philosophy of religion, summarizing the views and ideas he had been developing throughout his life, but he never had the time, energy, or perhaps temperament to do so. He was also so dependent upon his essays and lectures as a means of financial support that he could not afford to abandon them to write his magnum opus. Nonetheless, many of his post-Civil War essays (especially his essays on the “Refutation of Atheism”) reveal something of his comprehensive philosophy of religion and provide an outline of what his magnum opus might have been. Throughout his life he was primarily an essayist who responded to the immediate issues of his day. For a variety of reasons, Brownson’s essays, particularly those written during his Catholic period, have drawn little attention. Unlike books, which can have a continuing influence upon an intellectual tradition, essays have a tendency to influence their times but are more fleeting than books, remaining buried, as they are, in journals which subsequent generations rarely read. Essays, even when they are significant or contain seminal insights, remain occasional pieces and lose their influence upon subsequent generations unless the writer belongs to the mainstream of a culture’s intellectual tradition. And, Brownson belonged to a minority tradition which had not the developed intellectual institutions and financial resources that help to sustain an intellectual tradition. As an essayist, Brownson was prolific. It could be said, as it has been said of some contemporaries, that he never had an unpublished thought. The vast number of his publications make it difficult for scholars to examine the development of his thought without some bibliographic guide that allows the researcher to follow that development in chronological order. His essays, too, are a mixed bag: some are brilliant and seminal, logically developed philosophical discourses; others are period pieces that have little to offer but insights into his own idiosyncratic perspectives or emotional state. Some, too, are repetitious of earlier positions, and others reveal changes in his thought and/or are contradictory to previous positions. Many, moreover, oscillate from topic to topic, following the digressions of his mind as he hurried to prepare his Review for publication deadlines.



Because of the above characteristics, Brownson’s essays on specific topics must be read chronologically to grasp the changes and developments that occur in his own thought as he responds to changing events, discovers new perspectives in what he is reading, and reacts to critics who have pointed out flaws or inconsistencies in his arguments. Brownson’s essays must also be read dialectically. He frequently complained that he was misunderstood because some readers did not grasp the dialectical nature of his positions. That is, he tended to argue one dimension of his view at a time. A single essay did not contain the whole of his thought, but only one side of it at a time. To understand him fully one had to read one essay on a particular topic, where he presented one side of his case, in tandem with another, where he argued the other side. The truth of his position emerged from the dialectical association of the differing essays. During the revolutions of 1848, for example, he argued in favor of political authority and social order because he believed the primary threat to society came from red republicanism in its many forms. After the reactions to the revolutions set in during the 1850s, he argued for political liberty and democracy because, as he read the signs of the times, the primary threat came from political absolutism. Reading these two sets of essays in conjunction, one could discover Brownson’s dialectical view of the relation of liberty and authority; reading them separately one could think him either a reactionary political conservative or a liberal democrat, neither of which he was. The developmental and dialectical nature of his thought was evident in his essays on theology, philosophy, and economics as well as in those on political philosophy. There is no doubt some truth in this explanation of how Brownson should be read, but that way of reading his essays will not always account for some of the extreme positions and exaggerated rhetoric in his decidedly one-dimensional approach to a single essay. He cannot always be freed from the charges of inconsistency, contradiction, exaggeration, and ultraism that characterize some of his essays. Brownson’s essays can be insightful, creative, and astute when he is articulating his own religious and political philosophy and when he is systematically criticizing the philosophical presuppositions of the writers he reviews. Although some of his criticisms of American and European philosophical and religious positions are insightful, even these criticisms are sometimes mixed with an unfair representation



of an author’s position because of Brownson’s tendency to reduce all positions to their presumed ultimate philosophical principles, which some authors never held. Some of his essays can also be pugnacious, polemical, spiteful, and angry diatribes against positions he finds repugnant. From the mid 1830s to the end of his life, there was a consistent development in his philosophy. Three thinkers had a profound and lasting influence upon that development: Victor Cousin (1792-1867), Pierre Leroux (1797-1871), and Vincenzo Gioberti (1801-52). These philosophers introduced him to the post-Kantian problem of reconciling subject and object, a problem that was central to his philosophical development. Throughout his career as a philosopher he focused upon the conditions and principles of human knowledge and upon ways of synthesizing the objective and subjective dimensions of all thought and life. His philosophy moved from Cousin’s eclecticism, to Leroux’s objective idealism to Gioberti’s ontologism in his attempts to uncover a Christian philosophy that would establish objective grounds for knowledge and a post-Kantian defense for Christian revelation. Throughout this period he was preoccupied with the questions proposed by Immanuel Kant’s search for the conditions for the possibility of knowledge and Christian revelation. For him, the questions of the day could not be satisfactorily answered by simply retrieving the scholastic tradition because the issues were new and the scholastic tradition was incapable of responding to them. He wanted to develop a nineteenth century Christian philosophy that would enable Catholic Christians to meet the challenges raised by Kant, the Transcendentalists, and the other new philosophies that had developed in the Western world since Descartes. After 1850, he saw his own modified traditionalism and ontologism as a legitimate philosophical foundation for addressing the problems of the age. Whatever the strengths or weaknesses of his positions and his style, Brownson is worth reading as an American intellectual who had an enormous influence on his times. Some of his religious and philosophical positions and criticisms of American society may still appeal to some contemporaries, while some of his attitudes and positions (e.g., his racism, male chauvinism, hyper anti-Protestantism) many will find offensive. For the historian, however, his works provide a gold mine for research into the life of early and mid-nineteenth century America. This bibliography provides a guide to those resources.



The Bibliography This bibliography is chronologically arranged, partially annotated, cross-referenced, and indexed. Although not fully exhaustive,11 the bibliography is more comprehensive than any bibliography previously produced. Past bibliographies of Brownson’s works (i.e., those in the collected Works,12 and in all the dissertations and biographies) do not contain a complete list of his works. This is the first compilation that contains a complete listing not only Brownson’s earliest works (from 1826 to 1836) but also his post Civil War writings (particularly articles he wrote for the New York Tablet between 1867 and 1872, articles that have never been identified before and have never been examined by scholars). The current bibliography contains a list of Brownson’s seven books, twenty-five pamphlets, and over 1500 articles that he published in over thirty extant journals.13 The list was established by examining references to Brownson’s writings in his autobiography, collected Works, unpublished letters and manuscripts,14 11. In the search for journals, which Brownson edited and/or in which he wrote, I could not locate the Genesee Republican and Herald of Reform, nor articles he wrote for the Utica Magazine. The only extant copies of the Boston Reformer, moreover, are those from July 26 to August 25, 1836 (available from the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA) and others that Brownson pasted in his diary (the diary is most readily available on microfilm roll 10 of the Orestes Brownson Papers in the Archives of the University of Notre Dame; see Thomas T. McAvoy and Lawrence J. Bradley, eds., A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Orestes Augustus Brownson Papers (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1966). The bibliographical entries for the Boston Reformer, which come from Brownson’s diary, do not always have exact reference to dates or page numbers. I also could not locate a number of Brownson’s numerous letters to editors that were published in newspapers and were vaguely referred to in biographies. The present bibliography, however, is as exhaustive as is possible at the present time. 12.Works 20:439-62 contains a useful alphabetized index of titles to writings in Brownson’s collected works. 13. See p. 21 for a chronologically arranged list of journals for which Brownson wrote and/or which he edited. 14. These unpublished writings are located at the Archives of the University of Notre Dame and, except for two boxes, are available on nineteen microfilm rolls. Microfilm Edition of the Orestes Brownson Papers, Thomas McAvoy, Project Director; Lawrence J. Bradley, Manuscripts Preparator (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1966). A Supplementary Roll One was added later.



biographies (especially his son Henry’s three-volume work), twentyfive dissertations, and the most important other secondary studies of Brownson’s life and thought. An initial reading of Brownson’s collected works and his other signed articles also revealed a number of references to his writings that were not either in his collected Works or in his own edited journals. The numerous articles listed in the bibliography came from a variety of religious journals and newspapers, and they vary in length , substance, and worth. The user of this bibliography can generally distinguish the substantial from the insubstantial articles by the following characteristics of the journals to which Brownson contributed. Brownson wrote a number of one-page letters to editors of various newspapers (e.g., Utica Magazine, Cayuga Patriot, Western Messenger, New York Times, Boston Pilot, Catholic Herald and Visitor, Pittsburgh Catholic, and New York Tribune) and a series of short one-page or even one paragraph columns for newspapers he either edited or to which he contributed (i.e., Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator, Free Enquirer, Philanthropist, Boston Reformer, and New York Tablet). In some of these journals ( e.g., Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator, Philanthropist, and New York Tablet), he periodically wrote more substantial articles, most of which were serialized over an extended period of time. Most of his substantial essays, however, are located in other journals listed in this bibliography (i.e., Christian Repository, Christian Register, Unitarian, Christian Examiner, Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer, Liberator, Boston Quarterly Review, Christian World, United States Magazine and Democratic Review, Brownson’s Quarterly Review, Ave Maria, Catholic World, and American Catholic Quarterly Review). Providing a list of articles Brownson wrote for journals proved to be a most difficult task. Research assistants identified Brownson’s writings in many of the extant journals by paging through them to uncover his signed articles. The method for identifying the writings Brownson published in the Boston Reformer, the Boston Quarterly Review, Brownson’s Quarterly Review ,15 the Catholic World 15. For this bibliography, I used the AMS reprint edition of the Boston Quarterly Review and Johnson reprint of Brownson’s Quarterly Review. The volumes for the two reprint editions are numbered consecutively. Thus, the first volume of the Boston Quarterly Review is numbered volume one, but the first volume of Brownson’s Quarterly Review in the Johnson reprint (called the “whole series”) is numbered volume six.



and the New York Tablet was more complicated because most of the time Brownson wrote anonymously in these journals. Articles were identified or eliminated as Brownson’s by external evidence (i.e., by examining Brownson’s unpublished correspondence with editors and others to discover references to his publications; by locating those works that were published in the collected Works; and by consulting Henry Brownson’s biography, which periodically identified the authors who had written specific articles for the Boston Quarterly Review, Brownson’s Quarterly Review, and the Catholic World) and by internal evidence (i.e., a close investigation of the style, content and internal references that clearly identify Brownson as the author). I have been studying Brownson’s works for well over fifteen years for my teaching and research and have developed the skills necessary to identify Brownson’s content and style in anonymous works. Brownson’s authorship can frequently be determined by his habits of writing, historical references to himself (which occurred repeatedly in his writings when he was responding to attacks or attacking others), the content of his own distinctive philosophical, theological, and political opinions, and the utter disdain he has for opposing positions. Although content and style are not always conclusive evidence of authorship, they are at times good indicators. Unless the internal evidence is clear that Brownson was the author of a particular article, however, I have chosen not to include that article in the bibliography. Unsigned articles—except those in the Boston Reformer, Boston Quarterly Review, Brownson’s Quarterly Review, Catholic World, and New York Tablet—which are more than likely Brownson’s, will be identified as such by an asterisk (*) in front of the bibliographic entry. The bibliography is arranged chronologically to provide scholars with a guide to Brownson’s intellectual developments and to ideological discussions at particular periods in American history. The bibliography is also partially annotated. The titles of a few articles clearly indicate their content and need not be annotated. It was necessary, however, to annotate other articles in order to make this bibliography a useful guide for scholars. Titles of many articles tell the reader nothing about the content and need a brief description to indicate the primary subject matter of the piece. Frequently Brownson used the titles of books or pamphlets he was supposedly reviewing as the



title of an article, but the title or the book being reviewed sometimes had nothing to do with the actual content of the article. Brownson periodically used the review format, but it was more often than not a pretext for developing one or another of his own ideas on a subject. At times it was difficult to summarize even partially the main content of a particular article because it contained diverse topics and digressions from what appeared to be the principal thesis of the piece. For the most part I tried to identify the primary subject of a journal article. For a number of reasons, this bibliography is cross-referenced. Many times Brownson wrote serial articles for journals. Cross-referencing these serial articles makes it easier to follow the development of Brownson’s thought on a particular topic. At times, too, Brownson republished some of his earlier articles; the later articles in the series are cross-referenced to the earlier ones. The bibliography, moreover, identifies which articles or selections have been reprinted in the collected Works and which ones are republished in various anthologies.16 The list of abbreviations at the beginning of the bibliography will help to identify these collections. The bibliography has an index of names, subjects, and some titles of the most important articles and books. Titles to important articles are surrounded by quotation marks; if the title refers to a book the entry is also in italics with the name of the author in parentheses at the end of the entry. The bibliography is intended to help scholars locate writers that Brownson reacted to or whose works he reviewed, and to identify subjects and topics that Brownson addressed. The index, too, is cross-referenced to corresponding topics. Annotating the bibliography made it possible to make the index a useful finding guide for scholars interested in researching particular subject matter and/or Brownson’s views of persons and issues.

16. Two anthologies of Brownson’s works—i.e., Henry F. Brownson’s Literary, Scientific and Political Views of Orestes A. Brownson (New York: Benziger Brothers, 1893) and D. J. Scannell O’Neill’s Watchwords from Dr. Brownson (Techny, Ill.: Society of the Divine Word, 1910)—were not cross referenced because the selections in each book were not substantial, many times only a paragraph or a sentence from one of Brownson’s writings.



LIST OF JOURNALS Chronologically Arranged The Christian Repository (Woodstock, Vermont, 1826). American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA). The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator (Auburn, NY, 18271829). Yale University Library (New Haven, CT). New Harmony Gazette (New Harmony, Indiana, 1828). Library of Congress (Washington, DC). Cayuga Patriot (Auburn, NY, 1829). Seymour Library and Cayuga County Historical Society (Auburn, NY). Republican and Herald of Reform (Leroy, NY, 1829-1830). Extant copies not located. Free Enquirer (New York, NY, 1829-1830). Library of Congress (Washington, DC). The Philanthropist (Ithaca, NY, 1831-32). Part of vol. 1, Cornell University Library (Ithaca, NY). All of vol. 2, University of Notre Dame Library (Notre Dame, IN). The Christian Register (Boston, MA, 1831-1834). Henry E. Huntington Library (San Marino, CA). The Unitarian (Boston, MA, 1834). Boston Public Library (Boston, MA). The Christian Examiner (Boston, MA, 1834-1836). California State Library (Sacramento, CA). The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer (Boston, MA, 1835). American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA). Boston Reformer (Boston, MA, 1836). American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA). The Western Messenger (Louisville, KY, 1837). American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA). The Liberator (Boston, MA, 1838). Boston Public Library (Boston, MA). Boston Quarterly Review (Boston, MA, 1838-1842). Reprint. New York: AMS Press, 1965. Daily National Investigator (Washington, DC, 1842). Georgetown University Library (Washington, DC).



Boston Daily Times (Boston, MA, 1842). American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA). New York Mirror (New York, NY, 1842). Boston Public Library (Boston, MA). The United States Magazine and Democratic Review (New York, NY, 1842-43). Stanford College Libraries (Stanford, CA). The Christian World (Boston, MA, 1843). American Antiquarian Society (Worcester, MA). Brownson’s Quarterly Review (Boston, MA, 1844-1855; New York, NY, 1856-1864; 1873-1875). Reprint. New York: Johnson Reprint Co., 1965. American Review (New York, NY, 1849). The New York Times (New York, NY, 1852-1875). The Courier (Boston, 1853). Boston Public Library. The Catholic Mirror (Baltimore, 1854). University of Notre Dame Library. Pittsburgh Catholic (Pittsburgh, 1854). University of Notre Dame Library. Catholic Telegraph and Advocate (Cincinnati, 1854). University of Notre Dame Library. Catholic Herald and Visitor (Philadelphia, 1862). University of Notre Dame Library. The New York Tribune (New York, NY, 1865-1875). Ave Maria (Notre Dame, IN, 1865-1872). The Catholic World (New York, NY, 1866-1872). The New York Tablet (New York, NY, 1867-1872). Holy Cross College (Worcester, MA). Boston Pilot (Boston, 1874). University of Notre Dame Library. The American Catholic Quarterly Review (Philadelphia, 1876).




Aaron I. Abell, ed. American Catholic Thought on Social Questions. Indianapolis and New York: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1968. BQR Boston Quarterly Review (1838-42). BrQR Brownson’s Quarterly Review (1844-64; 1873-75). Carey Patrick W. Carey, ed. Orestes A. Brownson: Selected Writings. New York: Paulist Press, 1991. CW The Catholic World (1865-73). Ellis John Tracy Ellis, ed. Documents of American Catholic History. Vol. 1: 1493-1865. Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, 1987. Essays Orestes A. Brownson, Essays and Reviews, Chiefly on Theology, Politics, and Socialism. New York: D. & J. Sadlier, 1852. Gaustad Edwin Gaustad, ed. A Documentary History of Religion in America to the Civil War. 2nd edition. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 1993. GAII The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator (1827-29) Gems David Battle, ed. Gems of Composition and Criticism Compiled from the Writings of the Late Dr. Orestes A. Brownson. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor, 1923. Handy Robert T. Handy, Lefferts A. Loetscher, H. Shelton Smith, eds. American Christianity. Vol. 2. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1963. Kirk Russell Kirk, ed. Orestes Brownson: Selected Essays Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1955. Miller Perry Miller, ed. The Transcendentalists: An Anthology Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1950. Miller2 Perry Miller, ed. The American Transcendentalists: Their Prose and Poetry. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1957. Modern Henry F. Brownson, ed. Essays on Modern Popular Literature by O. A. Brownson. Detroit: H. F. Brownson, 1888. RyanA Alvan S. Ryan, ed. The Brownson Reader. New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1955; reprint New York: Arno Press, 1978.


RyanT Works


Thomas R. Ryan, ed. Saint Worship. The Worship of Mary. Paterson, New Jersey: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1963. Henry F. Brownson, ed. The Works of Orestes A. Brownson. 20 Vols. Detroit: Thorndike Nourse, 1882-87.



BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ENTRIES: 1826-1876 1826 “The Influence of Religion on Prosperity.” Christian Repository 7 (August, 1826):49-58; GAII (September 19, 1829); Carey: 95101. Religion should influence a person in good times and in bad, bringing hope and softening the heart. 1827 “Circular Letter.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 5 (October 13, 1827):321-22. Brownson’s letter on occasion of annual convention of Universalists; “morality must be the test of a man’s character.” “A Fragment.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 5 (November 10, 1827):355-56. Religion is not blind devotion; what counts in religion is morality. “An Essay on the Progress of Truth.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 5-6 (November 17, 1827):361-62; (November 24, 1827):369-71; (December 8, 1827):385-87; (December 15, 1827):393-94; (January 19, 1828):24-26; (February 2, 1828):4647; (February 17, 1828):55-56; (March l, 1828):68-69; (March 15, 1828):87-90. On the freedom to pursue the truth; Jesus Christ as the source of the religion of reason; and the march of truth in the evolution of pure religion. “Reply to L. S. Everett.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 5 (November 24, 1827):373-74. Brownson’s answer to Joseph Rogers Underwood’s charges that his position on church organization and discipline was heretical. “Extract from a Sermon.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 5 (December 15, 1827):394-95. Acquisition of wisdom. 1828 “A Sermon.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (January 5, 1828):1-4. On the Book of Revelation (Rev. 5:18), prophecy, and the providence of God.



“Remarks on Universalism.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (January 5, 1828):6-7; Carey: 102-04. Universal salvation and the character of God. “Sabbath Schools—No. 1.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (January 5, 1828):8; (January 19, 1828):27-28. On the evils connected with these schools. “A Letter to the Rev. William Wisner.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (March 1, 1828):72-73. Against this Presbyterian’s assault upon those who oppose revivalist political ambitions. “A Sermon. On Zeal in Religion.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (March 29, 1828):97-101. Sermon on Rom. 10:2; in defense of rational, rather than emotional religion. “A Sermon. The Faith and Character of the True Christian [Acts 11.26].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (April 12, 1828):113-17; Carey: 104-14. Nothing in Christ’s preaching is contrary to natural religion. “The Essayest, No. 1.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (April 12, 1828):117-18; (May 10, 1828):151-52; (May 24, 1828):167-68; (June 7, 1828):181-82; (June 21, 1828):196-98; (July 5, 1828):213-15; (July 19, 1828):230-31; (August 2, 1828):249-50; (August 9, 1828):262-64; (August 30, 1828):27879; (September 13, 1828):295-96. The revealed not opposed to the natural; revelation of God as benevolent; faith as intellectual assent; Gospel enjoins charity; religious sentiments; philosophy can elevate human character; utility of religious faith; limits of the Bible. Untitled. The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (April 26, 1828):133-34. On the dangers of an intolerant religious mind. “Liberality.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (May 24, 1828):172. Religious feuds prevented by recognizing that faith depends upon assent to truth based on evidence. “A Sermon [Ezek. 13:22].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (June 7, 1828):177-81. Against religious self-pride and ecclesiolatry; religion is for human happiness. “The Clergy.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (June 7, 1828):187-88. Duty to enlighten the mind and improve character; deeds over creeds.



“Answer. To the Request of our Friend in Canada.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (June 21, 1828):202-04. Devil may exist but its existence is beyond proof or disproof. “Of the Cause of Evil.” The New Harmony Gazette 3 (August 13, 1828):330; GAII (October 19, 1828). Marxist-like view that religion is used for the usurpation and support of the status quo. “A Sermon. On the New Birth [Jn. 3:3].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (August 16, 1828):257-62. Common Christian understanding of spiritual regeneration is opposed; against revivals; regeneration equals moral goodness. “Free Inquiry.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (August 16, 1828):257-62. Quasi-Marxist protest against using religion to console the poor; future hope no remedy to present pain. “A Sermon. On the Salvation of All Men [Titus 2:11].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (August 30, 1828):273-78. Originally published in the Gospel Preacher (Providence, R. I.). God can and will bestow happiness on all who are capable of receiving it. “Intolerance.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (August 30, 1828):279. Against an orthodox Presbyterian who is reprimanded for attacking Universalist Church. “Universalism no test in a dying hour.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (August 30, 1828):283-84. On the relation between the experience of dying and the truth of doctrine. “Sabbath Schools.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (August 30, 1828):285-86. Against the erroneous instruction and sectarian clerical despotism in such schools. Schools used to favor Christian Party in politics. “A Sermon. On the Moral Condition of Mankind [Jer. 8:22].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (September 13, 1828):289-94. Chief cause of evil is ignorance. Religion’s chief aim is to improve human condition here, not hereafter. “Universalism— An Extract.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (September 13, 1828):299-300. March of mind theme. “Missionaries.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (September 13, 1828):300-01; (November 22, 1828):381-82. Against missionaries; Hindu religion may be as good as Christian. Untitled. The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (September 13, 1828):301-02. On Matt. 7:31-32. Blasphemy against Holy Spirit.



“Sectarianism.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (September 13, 1828):302. Against the Presbyterians and the Christian Party in politics. “Reply to ‘L. C.’” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (October 25,1828):342-43; (November 8, 1828):358-60. Suffering and misery proceed from “imperfect state of society.” Untitled Letter to the Editor. The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (November 8, 1828):360-61. On presenting Christianity in its purity. “A Sermon. On Endless Punishment [Ps. 9:17].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (November 22, 1828):369-74. Doctrine of endless punishment is unmerciful, unjust, useless, contrary to revealed will of God, and not taught in Scripture. “Questions in Regard to Universalism.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6(November 22, 1828):374-76. Response to objections raised against Universalist doctrine. “The Signs of the Times.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (December 6, 1828):393-94. Against orthodox clericalism in schools, missions, tracts, and papers. “Outrage.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 6 (December 6, 1828):394-95. Against Presbyterians who ousted a member for attending a Universalist meeting. 1829 “A Sermon. On future Judgement and Punishment.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (January 10, 1829):1-7. God’s nature is love; hence, no eternal punishment. “An Essay On Christianity.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (January 10, 1829):7 9; (January 24, 1829):20-23; (February 7, 1829):36-38; (February 21, 1829):54-56; (March 7, 1829):68-69; (March 21, 1829):85-87; (April 4, 1829):102-03; (April 18, 1829):117-19; (May 2, 1829):134-35. Christianity is reasonable; man is a progressive being; doctrine of the Trinity is unreasonable; testimony of the Bible is weakest kind of evidence; Bible must be interpreted according to reason; against verbal inspiration because of contradictions in Bible; only the doctrinal part of the Christian scriptures are inspired; miracles are only particular events and cannot prove general truths; the Bible must be studied as any other book; Old Testament does not support Trinity.



“To Our Readers.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (January 10, 1829):9-10. Brownson assumes editorship of Gospel Advocate. “Sellon’s Sermons.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (January 10, 1829):10-11. On the attempts to reconcile everlasting punishment with God’s benevolence. “A Sermon. Why Men Follow Vice [Prov. 3:17].’’ The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (January, 24, 1829):17-20. Habit is the demon; solution is education and greater knowledge. “‘A Strange Thing’...” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (January 24, 1829):23-25; (February 7, 1829):39-41; (March 7, 1829):69-70. Against a tract opposing Universalism; Scripture demonstrates universal salvation. “A Sermon. On Faith And Its Consequences [Mk. 16:16].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 7, 1829):3336. Against idea that one’s holiness depends on one’s faith and not works. “An Essay On Divine Goodness No. 1” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 7, 1829):38-39; (March 21, 1829):87-89; (April 18, 1829):119-20; (May 2, 1829):135-36; (September 19, 1829):294-95. On the character of God and the problem of theodicy. “Albany Christian Register.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 7, 1829):41-42. Response to those who charge that Universalism leads to antinomianism. “Sunday Affairs.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 7, 1829):42. Against using politics to advance religious views. “Clerical Influence.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 7, 1829):42. Government declaring fast day in New York State Legislature. “A Sermon. On the Word of God [Jer. 23:26].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 21, 1829):49-54. Against false prophets of the day. “Sunday Memorial.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 21, 1829):56-59. Against using government to enforce religious ideas. “New-York Gospel Herald.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (February 21, 1829):59-60. On competition from this new Universalist journal.



“Questions for the Rochester Observer.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (March 7, 1829):70-71. Against religious bigotry. “Free Enquirers.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (March 21, 1829):89-90. Approves of Frances Wright’s lectures on knowledge. “Baptism.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (March 21, 1829):90-91. Water baptism is not essential to Christian character and development. “Progress of Truth.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (March 21, 1829):95. Orthodoxy is dying and converts from orthodoxy to liberalism show the progress of truth. “A Sermon. On the Refuge of Lies [Is. 28:15].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (April 4, 1829):97-102. Knowledge can save us. “The Times.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (April 4, 1829):103-05; (May 2, 1829):136-38; (September 5, 1829):280-81. On the nature of American government. “Rev. Abner Kneeland.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (April 4, 1829):106-07. Against the Universalist condemnation of Kneeland. “Infidelity.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (April 18, 1829):121-23. Brownson defends himself against Universalists who charge that he denies existence of God and the truth of divine revelation. “Gospel Herald.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (April 18, 1829):123. Against Gospel Herald which charged Brownson with infidelity. “To James Luckey, Esq.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (April 18, 1829):127-128; (May 30, 1829):176-78; (June 13, 1829):186-88; (July 25, 1829):234-36. Theodicy; argument for Universalist solution based on the goodness of God; attacks on Calvinists. “A Question Proposed.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 2, 1829):138-39. Eternal punishment rejected on grounds that it is vindictive and unjust. “Church and State No.1.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 2, 1829):139-40; (July 25, 1829):240-41; (August 8, 1829):251-53; (August 22, 1829):265-68; (September 5,



1829):284-87; (September 19, 1829):298-99. Against Ezra Stiles Ely and those Presbyterians who are trying to “unite church and state.” “Vindication of Universalism.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 2, 1829):140-41. Believes in revelation: “I hold the bible infallible where light of nature fails.” “A Sermon [Ja. 3:17].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 16, 1829):147-50. Distinguishes wisdom from above and from below. “Excommunication.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 16, 1829):151. Against it. “Service to God—No. 1.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 30, 1829):167-69. On the meaning of true service. “Review of Amicus.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 30, 1829):169-72; (July 11, 1829):216-18; (August 22, 1829):265. On knowledge of God; against imputed righteousness. “Forgiveness of Sins.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 30, 1829):172. No use for divine punishment. “Horrid Impiety.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 30, 1829):172-73. Against Presbyterians. “Outrage.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (May 30, 1829):172-73. Presbyterian jailed for speaking out in church. “My Creed.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (June 27, 1829):199-201; Carey: 114-17. Assertion of the essential beliefs of true religion. Untitled. The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (June 27, 1829):201. Brownson charged with being unorthodox. “Ancient History of Universalism.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (June 27, 1829):201. On Hosea Ballou’s history of Universalism. “Fourth of July.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (July 11, 1829):218-19. On the patriotism of the celebration, but criticism of Presbyterians who turn the day into a religious celebration. “Evangelical Magazine.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (July 11, 1829):219-20. On the Utica New York Universalist paper and its differences with the Advocate. “A Sermon. On Trusting in Providence [Hab. 3:17-18].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (July 25, 1829):227-31. Trusting is not excuse for inactivity and passivity.



“Mr. Reese’s Letter.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (July 25, 1829):236-40. Against the charge that Brownson is an atheist; on primitive revelation. “Controversy.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (July 25, 1829):242. On the Reese controversy over atheism. “Let Us Be Vigilent [sic].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (August 8, 1829):250-51. Against the political activities of the orthodox and their voluntary societies. “Miss Frances Wright.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (August 8, 1829):253-54. Reasons for including Wright’s article in paper. “W. I. Reese.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (August 22, 1829):264-65. Brownson’s belief in the existence of God. “Existence of God.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (August 22, 1829):274. God, as represented by revelation, can be known only by revelation. “Equality, No.1.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (September 5, 1829):282-83. Critique of privileged classes; against capitalist system. “Let Us Awake.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (September 5, 1829):283-84. Introduction to article on church and state; danger from orthodox saints. “A Sermon. On the Influence of Religion on Prosperity [Ps. 1:3].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (September 19, 1829):291-94. Republication of 1826 article. “The Mission of Christ.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (September 19, 1829):295-97. Jesus as reformer of humankind. “Weakness.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (September 19,1829):299-300. Defense of Frances Wright; Christianity has nothing to fear from free inquiry. “Early Christians.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (September 19, 1829):300-01. On the intolerance of primitive Christians. “Christian Intelligencer.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (September 19, 1829):301. Hypocrisy of the editor. “A Sermon. Mankind Authours [sic] of Their Own Misery [Prov. 19:3].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (October 3, 1829):307-310. Human will is the source of suffering; misuses of the doctrine of divine providence.



“A Gospel Creed.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (October 3, 1829):310-11; Carey: 117-20. List of Brownson’s articles of belief. “Letter From the Editor.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (October 17, 1829):329-330. To Brother U. F. Doubleday; on the condition of Universalism in Connecticut. “Church and State.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (October 31, 1829):351. Warning against orthodox use of civil institutions. “Letter From the Editor, No. 2.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (October 31, 1829):344-45. On Brownson’s visit to Charlestown, MA, where orthodoxy is dying out. “A Sermon [Mt. 17:20].” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (November 14, 1829):355-58. Faith is interior confidence in one’s own powers, a just self-respect. “Union of Papers.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (November 14, 1829):362. Union of the Gospel Advocate and the Evangelical Magazine. Brownson will be leaving editorship. “Letter to the Editor.” Cayuga Patriot (November 18, 1829). Reprint “From the Cayuga Patriot.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (November 28, 1829):378-79. In defense of Frances Wright. “Universalist Hymn Book.” The Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator 7 (November 28, 1829):377. On church hymns. Brownson no longer a Universalist. “To the Universalists.” Free Enquirer 2 (November 28, 1829):38. Brownson ends fellowship as Universalist minister. “To Robert Dale Owen.” Free Enquirer 2 (December 12, 1829):5556. Brownson’s discharge from Gospel Advocate editorship was not just. Brownson’s advocacy of working men’s rights. “Letter to Mr. Doubleday.” Free Enquirer 2 (December 26, 1829):409. Doubleday criticized Brownson for not separating himself from Wright’s religious sentiments. “Letter to Mr. Doubleday.” Free Enquirer 2 (December 26, 1829):417. On troubles that caused Brownson to leave Gospel Advocate. 1830 “To the Editors of the Free Enquirer.” Free Enquirer 2 (January 2, 1830):95-96; Carey: 121-3. Brownson’s declaration of independence from sectarianism.



Untitled correspondence from Auburn, NY. Free Enquirer 2 (January 16, 1830):95-96. Brownson neither religionist nor anti-religionist. Untitled correspondence from Auburn, NY. Free Enquirer 2 (January 23, 1830):103. Brownson tired of religious controversies and “anxious for peace.” 1831 “Patrick O’Hara, Chapter VI.” The Philanthropist l (July 23, 1831):141-43; Carey: 59-63. Autobiographical account of the Calvinism Brownson received during his early years. “On Creeds.” The Christian Register 10 (July 30, 1831):121. Partial extract from The Philanthropist. Right of private judgment; no need for creeds. An Address on the Fifty-Fifth Anniversary of American Independence. Delivered at Ovid, Seneca County, NY, July 4, 1831. Ithaca: S. S. Chatterton, 1831. Liberty celebrated, yet tyrants of ignorance, superstition and bigotry still to be overcome. “Strike, but hear.” The Philanthropist 2 (November 5, 1831):1-3. Bigotry in religious world. “Unitarianism.” The Philanthropist 2 (November 5, 1831):3-5. Defense of Unitarian Christianity. “Church and State.” The Philanthropist 2 (November 5, 1831):5-8. One need not vent one’s spleen against the orthodox. “To Our Patrons.” The Philanthropist 2 (November 5, 1831):10-11. Only Unitarian paper in state. “Letter to Rev. Wm. Wisner.” The Philanthropist 2 (November 5, 1831):11-14; (November 19, 1831):20-24; (December 3, 1831): 37-42; (December 17, 1831):55-59; (January 31, 1832):109-11; (February 14, 1832):115-19; (February 28, 1832):141-44; (June 12, 1832):228-36. Essence of Christianity is moral freedom and enlargement of soul; only the doctrinal content of Scripture is inspired; God as eternal, intelligent, spiritual, and one; Jesus not consubstantial with Father; necessity of evidence for belief; morality all that is necessary for salvation; Jesus taught righteousness by precepts and example; against Charles Grandison Finney and other evangelists who are not following method of Jesus in teaching that God is father.



“Future State.” The Philanthropist 2 (November 19, 1831):17-19. Future state can be inferred from capacities of soul itself. “Religious Discussion.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 3, 1831):3335. Unitarianism is little known in this country. “Justification.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 3, 1831):35-37. Reprinted in The Christian Register 11 (January 7, 1832):2. Christ made no atonement; he was an example. “Division.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 3, 1831):44-45. Secession of Restorationists from the General Convention of Universalists. “Freedom of the Press.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 3, 1831):4546. Subscribers should not dictate the direction of a paper. “Sectarianism.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 17, 1831):49-51. On the human folly of sectarianism. “Essay on Reform.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 17, 1831):5155; (January 14, 1832):81-85; (February 14, 1832):113-15; (February 28, 1832):129-35; (March 13, 1832):145-50; (June 12, 1832):225-28; (June 26, 1832):241-46. We are responsible for evil and have means to eliminate it; religion is right exercise of our faculties; both piety and social duty produce human happiness; on Brownson’s conversion from skepticism to joyful belief in one God; proof of Christianity is the witness within us of the truth; God rules by reason not power; the worship that God requires is “the improvement and exaltation of ourselves.” “Protracted Meetings.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 17, 1831):6263; (March 13, 1832):154-55. Revivalists use artificial techniques; their long-term effects must be tested. “A Sermon on Self-Denial.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 31, 1831):65-75. On the true doctrine of self-denial that is necessary for social reforms. “Our Own Concerns.” The Philanthropist 2 (December 31, 1831):7879. Ultra-orthodox are increasing their threats against us. 1832 “Justification.” The Christian Register 11 (January 7, 1832):2. Reprinted from The Philanthropist, 2 (December 3, 1831):35-37. “A Sermon on Righteousness.” The Philanthropist 2 (January 14, 1832):85-94; Carey: 124-33. Brownson’s first sermon as independent minister, defending himself against charges by some that he



is a skeptic and by others that he has moved toward “exclusive orthodoxy.” “Dr. Cooper’s Case.” The Philanthropist 2 (January 14, 1832):95. Infidelity is the cause of Thomas Cooper’s removal from Presidency of South Carolina College. An Address, Prepared at the Request of Guy C. Clark, with the Intention of Having it Delivered to the Assembly on the Day of His Execution, February 3, 1832. Ithaca, NY, 1832. Protest against capital punishment and the social havoc it creates. “Random Thoughts.” The Philanthropist 2 (February 28, 1832):13538. Universalist and orthodox parties dangerous; against priestcraft. “Brief Expositor, No 1.” The Philanthropist 2 (March 13, 1832):15153; (June 12, 1832):236-39. On Mt. 25:46. People are justified by conscience. “The Workingmen.” The Philanthropist 2 (March 13, 1832):156. On the side of the workingman. “M. Girard’s Will.” The Philanthropist 2 (March 13, 1832):157. Protest against a society which allows one person to accumulate so much wealth (two million dollars). “Poverty.” The Philanthropist 2 (March 27, 1832):161-63. Against Christian Examiner’s view that society cannot cure poverty. “Unitarians not Deists.” The Philanthropist 2 (May 15, 1832):19395. Brownson accused of being a Deist; but Unitarians admit both internal and external revelation. “Orthodox Politeness.” The Philanthropist 2 (May 15, 1832):20205. Against the promotion of religious tracts in stagecoaches. “To our Patrons.” The Philanthropist 2 (May 15, 1832):206. Money matters. “Priest and Infidel.” The Philanthropist 2 (May 29, 1832):209-21. A religion of genuine love opposed to dogmatic Calvinism and skepticism. “Calvinism and Infidelity.” The Philanthropist 2 (May 29, 1832):22122. Calvinism and skepticism lead to infidelity. A religion of genuine love is only cure against dogmatic Calvinism and the skepticism of free inquiry. “The Moralist, No. 1.” The Philanthropist 2 (June 26, 1832):246-49. Humans have to cultivate moral nature. “A Word to Liberal Christians.” The Philanthropist 2 (June 26, 1832):256. Last issue of Philanthropist. We have attempted to de-



fend Christianity against infidels and orthodox, and lived in poverty doing so. “Treatment of Unbelievers.” The Christian Register 11-12 (December 8,1832):194; (February 2, 1833):18; (February 23, 1833):30. Charity to unbelievers. 1833 “Channing’s Discourses.” The Christian Register 12 (January 19, 1833):10. Brownson’s admiration for Channing’s views on the internal evidence of Christianity. An Address on Intemperance. Delivered in Walpole, NH, February 26, 1833. Keene, NH: J.& J. W. Prentiss, 1833. The causes of intemperance are idleness, debt and melancholy, with the effect being destruction of life. Reform efforts must focus on the force of public opinion and good example. On temperance societies. “Faith and Works.” The Christian Register 12 (May 11, 1833):73; (May 25, 1833):82; (June 1, 1833):85-86; (June 15, 1833):9394; (June 29, 1833):101-02; (August 3, 1833):121-24. On reconciling Paul’s view of the necessity of faith and James’s view of the necessity of works in the process of salvation. “Letters to an Unbeliever.” The Christian Register 12 (October 5, 1833):158; (October 19, 1833):165-66; (October 27, 1833):170; (November 9, 1833):177-78; (November 16, 1833):182; (November 23, 1833):186; (November 30, 1833):190; (December 7, 1833):194; (December 14, 1833):198. Brownson uses his own experience of skepticism to lead an unbeliever to embrace the truth of Christianity by emphasizing that freedom of inquiry and the acceptance of the spirit of Christianity are compatible. 1834 “Christianity and Reform.” The Unitarian 1 (January, 1834):30- 39; (February, 1834):51-58; Carey: 134-50. Reform party is rising; it embodies the spirit of the gospel. “The Deist’s Immortality, etc.” The Unitarian 1 (March, 1834):14647. Review of Lysander Spooner’s The Deist’s Immortality (1834). He got his ideas primarily from Christian writers even though he condemns the orthodox idea of heaven. “A Letter on the Coldness of New-England Preaching.” The Unitarian 1 (March, 1834):153-54. On New England way of life.



“The Workingmen’s Party.” The Unitarian 1 (April, 1834):170-77. Review of L. C. Bowles’ Workingman’s Library (1834). Rising position and consciousness of the laboring classes indicates reform and advance. “Social Evils and Their Remedy.” The Unitarian 1 (May, 1834):23844. Review of Charles B. Taylor’s Social Evils and Their Remedy (1834). The gospel is emphatically the working man’s religion and was given “to effect great moral and social reform.” “Motives to Beneficent Action.” The Christian Register 13 (May 13, 1834):70. Right and duty over vested selfish interests. “Memoir of Saint-Simon.” The Unitarian 1 (June, 1834):279-89, 350. On Claude Henri Saint Simon’s principle: to each according to his capacities, to each capacity according to its works. “Rev. Mr. Brownson’s Address.” The Christian Register 13 (June 28, 1834):101; (July 5, 1834):105; (July 19, 1834):114. Delivered to the Boston Young Men’s Bible Society, April 20, 1834. Christianity is “the great lever of reform”; take away religion and humans become selfish animals. “Salvation by Jesus.” The Unitarian 1 (July, 1834):10. Conversation between Jesus and believer. An Address, Delivered at Dedham, on the Fifty-Eighth Anniversary of American Independence, July 4, 1834. Dedham: H. Hamm, 1834; see The Christian Register 14 (August 23, 1834):6; (September 13, 1834):18 for excerpts. Belief in the power of progress; United States has a providential mission. “Letter to Rev. Mr. R.” The Christian Register 14 (August 30, 1834):10. Brownson defends himself against charges of the Christian Register that he is radical. He actually wants to elevate the poor, and not bring down the rich. “Spirituality of Religion “The Unitarian 1 (September, 1834):40513. Review of Ezra Shaw Goodwin’s Sermons (1834). God meets humans in the inner sanctuary of their hearts, not in outward forms of religion. “Benjamin Constant on Religion.” The Christian Examiner and General Review 17 (September, 1834):63-77. Carey: 150-62. Miller: 84-8. Humans are religious by nature; Christianity is religious sentiment itself.



1835 “Principles of Morality.” The Christian Examiner and General Review 17 (January, 1835):283-301. Review of W. J. Fox’s Sermons on the Principles of Morality (1833). Brownson against Fox’s utilitarianism. “Essays for Believers and Disbelievers.” The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer 1 (January 1, 1835):2-3; (January 15, 1835):17; (February 5, 1835):42-43; (March 5, 1835):73-74. Difference between believers and unbelievers. A Sermon, Delivered to the Young People of the First Congregational Society in Canton, on Sunday, May 24th, 1835. Dedham, MA: H. Mann, Printer, 1835. On Mt. 6:33. To desire and love what God desires is to come under the reign of God. “Accountability for Belief.” The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer 1 (February 26, 1835):66-67. While not accountable for belief, we are responsible for the honesty and diligence with which we seek truth. “G. E. E.’s Comments on O. A. B.” The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer 1 (April 2, 1835):107. On Brownson’s eclecticism: all humans have both truth and error. “Correspondence,” Boston Investigator 4 (April 17, 1835):157. Brownson informs the editor, Abner Kneeland, that he is preparing for publication a philosophical history of “modern infidelity.” “Trusting in God.” The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer 1 (April 23, 1835):130; (May 5, 1835):154-55. On the meaning and reasonableness of trust in Divine Providence. “Remarks on G. E. E.” The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer 1 (May 7,1835):146-47. Brownson, like Victor Cousin, defines religion as the “idea of the holy.” “‘He Wants Energy’.” The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer (May 28, 1835):169. On preaching oratory. “The Infidel.” The Boston Observer and Religious Intelligencer (June 25, 1835):201-02. Dialogue between father and son on the meaning of infidelity. “Progress of Society.” The Christian Examiner and General Review 18 (July, 1835):345-68; Miller: 92-4. Review of William Tait’s An Essay on the Moral Constitution and History of Man (1834). By Divine Providence individuals and societies progress from strength to perfection.



1836 New Views of Christianity, Society, and the Church. Boston: James Munroe & Co., 1836; Works 4:1-56; Ryan A: 321-30; Carey: 16392; Miller: 114-23. On the reconciliation of the spiritual and the temporal orders of existence in a new church. Religious sentiment is permanent; religious institutions are transitory. “Education of the People.” The Christian Examiner and General Review 20 (May, 1836):153-69. Education is the only efficient means of all social and individual progress. A Discourse on the Wants of the Times, Delivered in Lyceum Hall, Hanover Street, Boston, Sunday May 29, 1836. Boston, 1836; see also Harriet Martineau, Society in America (2 vols., 1837), 2: 40215; Society in America (3 vols., 1966), 3: 342-59. The New Church of the future should uphold free inquiry and social progress, the primary desires of the times. “Society for Christian Union and Progress.” Boston Reformer 3 (June 30, 1836); (July 7, 1836); (July 8, 1836). Goal of Society is to form a union for all denominations and encourage moral and religious progress on individual and social level. Untitled. Boston Reformer 3 (July 1, 1836). Religion as a lever of reform; advocacy for working man’s cause. “Discourses at the Temple.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 16, 1836). Brownson defends himself against charge of infidelity. “The Church and Reform.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 21, 1836). Church should unite with Reform Party and take the side of the people. “Manual Labour Schools.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 23, 1836):1; (August 11, 1836):1; (August 13, 1836):1; (August 16 1836). These schools intend to educate the body and mind, elevating labor to ranks of liberal profession. “Prospects of the Tribune.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 26, 1836):1. Comments on a new monthly periodical published in Washington DC, and Brownson’s remarks on literature’s function in American society. “Influence of Slavery on Labor.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 26, 1836):12. All slavery is wrong and must cease. Untitled reply to G. B. M. Boston Reformer 3 (July 26, 1836):2. On the evidence and nature of biblical revelation. “The Olive Branch.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 26, 1836):2. On the Protestant and the Episcopal Methodists.



“Responsibility of Society to its Members.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 28, 1836). In a virtuous society the rich must take responsibility for the poor. “Sunday Reading.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 30, 1836):1. Review of Jonathan Farr’s Forms of Meaning and Evening Prayer (1836) and Brownson’s reflections on prayer. “Signs of the Times.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 30, 1836):1. Review of John Codman’s Signs of the Times (1836). The excitement and reforming mood of the times which Codman finds threatening, Brownson finds promising for future progress. “Reform no. I & II.” Boston Reformer (July 30, 1836):2. Father and son dialogue on reform; mothers are paid poorly for their hard work. “The Utica Magazine and Advocate.” Boston Reformer 3 (July 30, 1836):2. Brownson opposes utilitarian view of religion because it begins with selfishness. “Inklings of Adventure.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 2, 1836). Review of N. P. Willis’s Inklings of Adventure (1836). “Slavery—Mobs, &c.” Boston Reformer (?) (August 4, 183?). Southern mobs in Boston protest emancipation of slaves in West Indies. “Formation of a New Republic in South America.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 2, 1836):1-2. Comments on the origins of South Peru. “The Monitor.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 4, 1836):1. Against the Monitor (Concord, NH) which has once again leveled the charge of radicalism. “The Monitor Again.” Boston Reformer (date unknown). Response to charges of radicalism. “Importance of Industry.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 4, 1836):1. On useful work for the young. “The Slave Cause.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 4, 1836):2. On the freedom of two Black women. “‘Stop My Paper.’” Boston Reformer 3 (August 4, 1836):2. On freedom of the press. “We Want Men To Carry Our Principles Into Effect.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 6, 1836):2. Real changes needed in people before policy changes in government. Untitled. Boston Reformer 3 (August 6, 1836):2. Boston Reformer charged with deserting the cause of working men. “Mr. Arnold’s Sixth Semi-Annual Report.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 9, 1836):1. On emphasizing causes over effects of poverty.



“Holiness, or the Legend of St. George.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 9, 1836):1. Favorable review of Elizabeth Peabody’s Holiness or the Legend of St. George (1836). “Mr. Hallet’s Oration.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 9, 1836):1. Against Benjamin Franklin Hallet’s July 4th Oration (1836) defining democracy as sovereignty of people and fitness to rule. Sovereignty resides in God. “Female Education.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 9, 1836):1-2. Such education should not differ from that of men. “Radicalism.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 9, 1836):2. Objects that the term, as a term of reproach, is applied to Brownson and the Boston Reformer. “The Workingmen.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 9, 1836):2. The Reformer does not labor for the Workingmen’s Party, but for workingmen. “Political Parties.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 11, 1836):2. Principles over parties. “Letters About the Hudson River.” Boston Reformer 8 (August 11, 1836):2. Review of Freeman Hunt’s Letters About the Hudson River (1836). This is not American literature. “Bancroft’s Orations.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 13, 1836):2. George Bancroft rightly vindicates democracy; democracy part of the outworking of Providence. “Fresh Water for the City.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 13, 1836):2. Against inequality of taxation. Untitled response to ’Young Friend’. Boston Reformer 3 (August 23, 1836):2. On Brownson’s opposition to monopolies. “Literary Notices.” Boston Reformer 3 (August 27, 1836). Favorable review of Edward Everett’s Orations and Speeches (1836). Everett is a liberal-minded friend of social and moral progress, but not a good politician. “Nature.” Boston Reformer 3 (September 6, 1836). Review of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature (1836). Brownson sees it as harbinger of a new literature, but protests against its pantheism. “The American Quarterly Review.” Boston Reformer 3 (September 8, 1836). On the September issue’s evaluations of François René Chateaubriand and William Wordsworth. “Religion.” Boston Reformer 3 (October 7, 1836). Review of state of religion in various countries.



“Editorial Address.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Boston Reformer continues to be political paper, but supports no party; social equality must correspond to political equality. “Natural and Revealed Religion.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). All knowledge of God is revealed. “Birth Day of America.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Against political factions during celebration of Fourth of July. “‘Our Country Right or Wrong.’” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). A principle that can never be defended. “Hours of Laaour [sic].” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Rights of individual workers to determine how many hours they will work. “The Fourth.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). On the Boston celebrations. “Aristocracy of Our Churches.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Bostonians do not perceive the aristocracy of their own churches. Untitled response to ‘A Subscriber.’ Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Religion grows out of idea of the infinite, morality out of the idea of duty. “Dr. Combe on Digestion and Dietetics.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Review of Andrew Combe’s Digestion and Dietetics (1836). On good health and good morals. “Literature.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Recommends the Tribune which proposes to develop a truly American literature. Untitled. Boston Reformer 3 (1836). On Frances Wright. “Mr. Abner Kneeland.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). On Kneeland’s review of Brownson’s Discourse on The Wants of the Times (1836). “Catholicism.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Mission of Catholic Church has ended; Christianity has outgrown its childhood. “Children’s Books.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Books for children generally grow out of false notions of education, religion and philosophy. “Agrarianism.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Equal distribution of wealth would be a curse, not a blessing. Untitled. Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Real obstacle to moral, social and religious regeneration is belief that gospel is impractible. “Loco Foco-ism in the Pulpit.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Boston Reformer does not recommend preaching politics from pulpit. “The Advertiser.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Boston Reformer sides with Martin Van Buren party at times, and at other times with the Whigs.



“Too Much Religion.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Jesus is true reformer and should be imitated. “A True Sentence.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). On putting the Church on the side of liberalism. “Bulwer’s Works.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Freedom in literature. “The Reformer.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Brownson not a radical. “The Christian Examiner.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). On three articles in the September issue on the institutions of Moses, Victor Cousin’s philosophy, and Orville (?) Dewey’s unsuccessful Dudleian lecture in favor of Christianity. “Address to the Democratic Voters of Massachusetts.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Favors Martin Van Buren as president. Against Van Buren Party, but more opposed to William Henry Harrison. “Bunker Hill Monument.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Monuments are against the republican spirit. “The Religious Sentiment.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). On Benjamin Constant. A translated excerpt on the religious sentiment from his Religion Considered in its Origin. “The Worship of God [written in 1832].” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Reflections on John 4:24. Worship in spirit because God is spirit. “Sermon at the Temple.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). On the necessity of preaching the truth (even those new truths that are not generally received) regardless of the consequences . “Philothea, a Romance.” Boston Reformer 3 (1836). Favorable review of Lydia Maria Child’s Philothea, A Romance (1836). “Cousin’s Philosophy.” The Christian Examiner and Gospel Review 21 (September, 1836):33-64. “Victor Cousin,” Miller: 107-14. Brownson’s first substantial philosophical article on Victor Cousin. Religion needs a new defense because it has lost its hold on the understanding. 1837 “Letter to James Freeman Clarke.” The Western Messenger 3 (April, 1837):602-04. People reject religion today because it is almost universally anti-liberal. “Jouffroy’s Contributions to Philosophy.” The Christian Examiner and Gospel Review 22 (May, 1837):181-217; see also BrQR (January, 1845). Review of Théodore Simon Jouffroy’s Cours de Droit Naturel (1834, 1835). On the psychological method in philosophy, Ger-



man and American transcendentalism, and on discovering the grounds of moral obligation in consciousness. Babylon is Falling. A Discourse Preached in the Masonic Temple, to the Society for Christian Union and Progress, on Sunday Morning, May 28, 1837. Boston: I. R. Butts, 1837. Reflections on Rev. 18:11. Babylon is the commercial system which promotes the spirit of gain. Revelation predicts the downfall of the spirit of gain. On the coming struggle or war between the party of privilege and advocates of social equality. An Address on Popular Education. Delivered in Winnisimmet Village, Sunday Evening, July 23, 1837. Boston: Press of J. Putnam, 1837. On education as the formation of character and the necessity of promoting it not only in schools but in all phases of human development within society, and not only for the elite but for all. 1838 “Rev. Mr. Brownson’s Speech.” The Liberator 8 (January 5, 1838):12. A speech commemorating the death of Elijah P. Lovejoy, delivered December 22, 1837 at a meeting of the Massachusetts AntiSlavery Society. Lovejoy was a martyr of free speech and liberty in opposition to slavery. “Introductory Remarks.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1838):18; Miller: 180-82. There is a power above humans that they cannot alter. Brownson’s sympathy with the progress of humanity. “Christ before Abraham.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1838):8-21. Christianity is not an original revelation with Jesus. Uniqueness of Christianity found not in doctrines, but in the life Jesus and apostles lived. “Whittier’s Poems.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1838):2133. Review of John G. Whittier’s Poems Written during the Progress of the Abolition Question (1837). An American poet’s mission is to realize the idea of universal freedom. “Democracy.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1838):33-74; Works 15:1-34; RyanA: 36-44. Comments on “Address of the Democratic State Convention of Massachusetts” (1837). Sovereignty belongs not to the people, but to justice. “Bacon’s Poems.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1838):74-83. Review of William Thompson Bacon’s Poems (1837) as “too uniformly personal.”



“Philosophy and Common Sense.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1838):83-106; Works 1:1-18; “Francis Bowen,” Miller: 83106. Review of The Christian Examiner’s (1837) article “Locke and Transcendentalists.” On two kinds of reason: reflective and spontaneous. “Emerson’s Phi Beta Kappa Oration.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1838):106-20. Review of Emerson’s An Oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge (1837). Emerson is an American scholar who embodies in language the spirit of his times. “The Character of Jesus and the Christian Movement.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (April, 1838):129-52. What was original in Jesus was his character of universal love for humanity, not his nature or doctrine. “Wars must Cease—Cousin’s Argument for Wars.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (April, 1838):152-61. Review of John Quincy Adams’s An Oration ... on ... the Declaration of Independence (1837). Because human race is progressive, wars will cease. “Grund’s Americans.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (April, 1838):16192. Review of Francis J. Grund’s The Americans (1837). Grund supports democracy against aristocracy. “Tendency of Modern Civilization.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (April, 1838):200-38. On the newly established “Boston Association of the Friends of the Rights of Man,” a working men’s society. Christianity’s great contribution to Western civilization is “its great doctrine of the universal brotherhood of humanity,” which this association hopes to advance. “Slavery—Abolitionism.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (April, 1838):238-60; Works 15:45-63. Review of William E. Channing’s Slavery (1836). Brownson against slavery, but does not side with abolitionists. “Letter to William Lloyd Garrison.” The Liberator 8 (May 11, 1838):73. Brownson’s defense of his anti-slavery position in response to Garrison’s reaction to Brownson’s “Slavery-Abolitionism” article of April, 1838. “To the Editor of The Liberator.” [May, 1838]. Not published in the Liberator, but in The American Catholic Historical Researches, 11 (April, 1894):50-52. Brownson’s defense of his fidelity to Christianity and his anti-slavery position.



“Palfrey on the Pentateuch.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (July, 1838):261-310. Review of John Gordon Palfrey’s Academical Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures and Antiquities (1838). Palfrey fails to articulate principles by which he decides which accounts are inspired and miraculous and which are not, and does not take the German historical criticism of Wilhelm De Welte into consideration. “Religion and Politics.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (July, 1838):31033. Review of Henry Whiting Warner’s An Inquiry into the Moral and Religious Character of the American Government (1838). Against the idea that America is a Christian Commonwealth. Freedom, not religion, is the dominant idea of our institutions. “Sub-Treasury Bill.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (July, 1838):333-60; Works 15:85-107. Review of various speeches by Daniel Webster and John Calhoun for and against the Sub-Treasury Bill. On the expediency of dispensing with banks in the management of the government’s fiscal concerns. “The American Democrat.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (July, 1838):36077. Review of James F. Cooper’s The American Democrat (1838). Brownson unable to sympathize with Cooper’s fear of the leveling tendency in American society. “Ultraism.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (July, 1838):377-84; Works 15:107-12. Review of The Mother in her Family (1838). On the vast extent of the reformist mentality in the United States. “Progress of Civilization.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (October, 1838):389-407. Irresistible tendency of the human race toward advancement. “Carlyle’s French Revolution.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (October, 1838):407-17; Works 19:40-47; RyanA: 152-57; Modern: 40-47. Review of Thomas Carlyle’s The French Revolution (1837). The Revolution manifested an “irrepressible instinct” to assert natural rights. “Alcott on Human Nature.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (October, 1838):417-32; “Alcott’s Conversations,” Miller: 188-9. Review of Amos Bronson Alcott’s Conversations with Children on the Gospels (1836). Alcott is a reformer who identifies human instincts too much with the divinity within. His system of education is flawed because of his view of human nature.



“Specimens of Foreign Literature.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (October, 1838):433-44; “Ripley’s Specimens,” Miller: 189-91. Review of George Ripley’s translation of Philosophical Miscellanies (1838). Study of the works of Cousin, Jouffroy and Constant. Literature of various nations will liberalize our minds. “Democracy of Christianity.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (October, 1838):444-73. Review of Joseph Tuckerman’s Principles and Results of Ministry in Boston (1838); Félécité de Lamennais’s Affaires de Rome (1837), and Paroles d’un Croyant (1834). On the social dimensions of Christianity. “Abolition Proceedings.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (October, 1838):473-500; Works 15:63-85. Review of S. B. Treadwell’s American Liberties and American Slavery (1838). Brownson separates himself from the abolitionists and their one-dimensional view of justice and reform. “Mr. Emerson’s Address.” Boston Quarterly Review 1 (October, 1838):500-14; Carey: 193-203; Miller: 198-200. Review of Divinity School Address (1838). Against the central doctrine that the soul has its own divine laws, and against Emerson’s ahistorical view of Christianity. 1839 “American Literature.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (January, 1839):126; Works 19:1-21. RyanA: 158-66; Gems: 5-22; “Emerson,” Miller: 431-4; Modern: 1-22. Review of Emerson’s Literary Ethics: An Oration delivered before the Literary Societies of Dartmouth College (1838). Against Emerson’s view that liberation is produced from the mere will of man. “The Eclectic Philosophy.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (January, 1839):27-53; see April, 1839; Works 2:533-52. Review of Victor Cousin’s Cours de Philosophie (1836). Cousin’s method is the experimental method and is thus distinguished from the transcendentalist method. “Norton on the Evidences of Christianity.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (January, 1839):86-113; “Norton’s Evidence,” Miller: 205-9. Review of Andrews Norton’s The Evidences of Genuineness of the Four Gospels (1837). On the miracles question and Brownson’s opposition to Norton for placing the truth of Christianity upon



mere external historical evidence. Such evidence does not give one sufficient grounds for justifying Christian truths. “Lieber’s Political Ethics.” Part I of II. Boston Quarterly Review 2 (January, 1839):113-93; see April, 1840. Review of Francis Lieber’s Manual of Political Ethics (1838). Against politics and morality as Lieber conceives them. “Prospects of the Democracy.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (January, 1839):123-36; Works 15:34-44. On the results of the recent elections; Brownson identifies the stationary and the movement parties in the country. “Wordsworth’s Poems.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (April, 1839):13768; “Wordsworth,” Miller: 43-6. Review of William Wordsworth’s The Poetical Works (1832). Poetic sentiment in its essence is not distinguishable from religious sentiment. “Eclecticism—Ontology.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (April, 1839):169-87; see January 1839. Review of Victor Cousin’s Cours de Philosophie (1836). Cousin recognizes the necessity of ontology and our knowledge of reality outside the self. “Foreign Standard Literature.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (April, 1839):187-205. Review of George Ripley’s Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature (1839) and Brownson’s analysis of Johann Goethe’s and Friedrich Schiller’s views. “Pretensions of Phrenology.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (April, 1839):205-29; Works 9:235-54. Against George Combe’s A System of Phrenology (1835); accepts facts of phrenology but does not want to make it a “complete system of mental philosophy.” “Our Indian Policy.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (April, 1839):22959. Against war on Indians but in favor of “civilizing” them. “Bulwer’s Novels.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (July, 1839):265-97. Brownson has more favorable opinion of Edward Lytton Bulwer’s work than Brownson’s contemporaries; morality in literature discussed. “The Currency.” Part I of II. Boston Quarterly Review 2 (July, 1839):298-326; see January, 1840. The value of the paper currency is subject to constant fluctuations. “The Kingdom of God.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (July, 1839):32650. Kingdom of God means that Jesus came to establish a dominion of truth and love.



“Unitarianism and Trinitarianism.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (July, 1839):378-85. Review of James Walker’s Unitarianism Vindicated (1839). We should go with the new liberal party emerging out of Unitarianism because Unitarianism as a denomination is dead. “Ancient Profaneness.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (July, 1839):38587. On Cassius Longinus’s Essay on the Sublime (English trans., 1834). “Education of the People.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (October, 1839):393-434. Review of Second Annual Report of the Board of Education (1839). Humans should be educated for their social, religious and political as well as their individual ends. “Democracy and Reform.” Boston Quarterly Review 2 (October, 1839):478-517. Review of Robert Townsend’s An Inquiry into the Cause of Social Evil (1839); Samuel Osgood’s An Oration delivered on the 4th of July (1839); Seth J. Thomas’s An Address, delivered before the Democratic Citizens of Plymouth County (1839); and John T. Tarbell’s An Oration, delivered before the Democratic Citizens of the North part of Middlesex County (1839). All reformers should sustain the Democratic Party and see democracy as the political application of Christianity. Seek reforms on religious grounds. Whigs are Christian rationalists. 1840 Charles Elwood: or, The Infidel Converted. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1840; Works 4:173-316. A semi-disguised autobiographical account of the movement from infidelity toward a belief in God and the supernatural origin of Christianity. “Introductory Statement.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (January, 1840):1-20. On the authority of the Bible, the witness within, and the commonly received tradition. An Oration, delivered before the United Brothers Society of Brown University, at Providence, RI, September 3, 1839. Cambridge: Metcalf, Torry and Ballou, 1839; “American Literature,” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (January, 1840):57-79; Works 19:22-39; Modern: 22-39. On the lack of a specific American literature and the cause of it. “The Currency.” Part II of II. Boston Quarterly Review 3 (January, 1840):80-116; see July, 1839. “The People’s Own Book.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (January, 1840):117-27. Review of Félécité de Lamennais’ The People’s Own



Book (1839). Christianity must be on the side of liberty and social justice, and must help restore people’s rights and correct social abuses. “Education.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (April, 1840):137-66. “Observations and Hints on Education,” Ryan A: 106-13. On the necessity of educating the people in order to sustain democracy. “Truth not Dangerous.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (April, 1840):16781. On the necessity of preaching the truth that one knows. “Lieber’s Political Ethics.” Part II of II. Boston Quarterly Review 3 (April, 1840):181-93. See January, 1839. “Chevalier’s Letters.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (April, 1840):20924. Review of Michael Chevalier’s Society, Manners, and Politics in the United States (1839), which has no clear conception of the nature of our institutions and is too influenced by St. Simonians. “The School Library.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (April, 1840):22537. Review of Massachusetts Board of Education’s The School Library (1840). Education depends on good libraries and Brownson opposes the Board’s role in the selection of books for libraries. “The Whig Answer.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (April, 1840):23858. Review of Answer of the Whig Members of the Legislature of Massachusetts (1840). Against the newly elected Democratic governor of Massachusetts; Whigs identified with property and Democrats with humanity; the future belongs to the Democrats. An Oration before the Democracy of Worcester and Vicinity, Delivered at Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1840. Boston: E. Littlefield, 1840. Worcester: M.D. Phillips, 1840. Brownson against banks and American Whigs, and in favor of Democrats who promote the aims of the American Revolution: political and social equality. “Two Articles from the Princeton Review, etc.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (July, 1840):265-323. Miller: 240-6. Review of reprints, Two Articles from the Princeton Review (1840). Brownson’s assessment of the intellectual battles between the Transcendentalists (German, French, as well as American) and the rationalists (like Andrews Norton). “The Laboring Classes.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (July, 1840):35895. See October, 1840. See also The Laboring Classes, an Article from the Boston Quarterly Review. Boston: B. H. Greene, 1840; RyanA: 45-57; Handy: 154-60; Miller: 436-46. Review of Thomas Carlyle’s Chartism (1840). A Marxist-like critique of Ameri-



can economic system and a call for major systematic changes in the economic, political, and religious orders. “Progress our Law.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (October, 1840):397409. Sermon preached to Society for Christian Union and Progress in 1838; progress is law of our consciousness. “A Discourse on Lying.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (October, 1840):411-20. A sermon delivered in 1837 and 1838, based on Revelation 21:8, on the lies of the banks who failed to honor their promises. “The Laboring Classes—Responsibility to Party, etc.” Boston Quarterly Review 3 (October, 1840):420-512. See July, 1840; Brownson’s Defense. Defense of the article on the laboring classes. From the Boston Quarterly Review. Boston: B.& H. Greene, 1840. Answering objections to “Laboring Classes” article of July, 1840. On Christianizing democracy and democratizing the church. 1841 “Conversations with a Radical.” Part I of II. Boston Quarterly Review 4 (January, 1841):1-41. See April, 1841. Conversations between a poor radical prophet and a wealthy conservative on society and reform. “Our Future Policy.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (January, 1841):68112; see also Our Future Policy. The Policy to be Pursued Hereafter by the Friends of the Constitution and Equal Rights. Boston: Greene, 1841; Works 15:113-49. Political policy after William Henry Harrison’s election; mission of nation to emancipate the proletariat. “Address to the Workingmen.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (January, 1841):112-27. Review of An Address of the Workingmen of Charlestown, Mass., to their Brethren throughout the Commonwealth and the Union (1840), an address published on eve of the 1840 election. On the Workingmen’s Party, Brownson’s sympathy for it, and a reprint of the Address (which Brownson wrote). “Conversations with a Radical.” Part II of II. Boston Quarterly Review 4 (April, 1841):137-83. See January, 1841. “Distribution and the Public Lands.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (April, 1841):230-56; see also Public Lands and Distribution Bill. Boston: B. Greene, 1841; Works 15:149-70. Review of series of federal reports and speeches in Congress from 1840-41 concerning the



distribution of public land to the states and the disposition of the proceeds from the sale of public lands. “To the Editors of The Lowell Offering.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (April, 1841):261-64. Sympathy with laboring classes, especially the “factory girls” of Lowell, MA. “Social Evils and their Remedy.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (July, 1841):265-91. Government needed to affect social reform; also needed are religion, morality and individual intelligence. “Emerson’s Essays.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (July, 1841):291-308. Review of Emerson’s Essays (1841). Emerson has moved away from a cold and dead Unitarianism toward spiritualism, but he ends in pantheism. “The Secret of the Lord.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (July, 1841):30820. Discourse on Ps. 25:14; fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. On the scriptural meaning of fear. “Truth is not a Lie.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (July, 1841):339-53. Review of William Wollaston’s Religion and Nature Delineated 5th ed. (1731). On Wollaston’s realism and on the symbolic nature of doctrine. “Executive Patronage.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (July, 1841):35370; Works 15:171-85. Review of President John Tyler’s Address to the People of the United States (1841) in favor of states’ rights. Oration of Orestes A. Brownson Delivered at Washington Hall, July 5th, 1841. [New York, 1841]. July 4th address; Brownson places U. S. Revolution in context of providential history and asserts that its purpose was to alleviate conditions of working classes and give them equality with mercantile and feudal lords. “The President’s Message.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (July, 1841):371-90; Works 15:186-201. Review of President John Tyler’s Message to the Two Houses of Congress (June 1, 1841); on fiscal policies and distribution of land. “Transient and Permanent in Christianity, etc.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (October, 1841):436-74. See also A Review of Mr. Parker’s Discourse on the Transient and Permanent in Christianity. Boston: Greene, 1841. A generally favorable review of Theodore Parker’s Discourse (1841). The permanent in Christianity resides in the Divine Mind, not in our conceptions or theologies. Brownson’s defense of Parker’s views of inspiration and authority of Scripture, and of the authority and character of Jesus. Parker criticized,



though, for his views of the person of Jesus. The young should not mistake innovation for progress. “Bancroft’s History.” Boston Quarterly Review 4 (October, 1841):51218. Review of George Bancroft’s History of the Colonization of the United States (1841). Against Bancroft’s idea of absolute democracy; we need a “limited democracy.” 1842 “Church of the Future.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (January, 1842):127; Works 4:57-78. Review of Brownson’s New Views (1836); the ideal of the new church will be the redemption and sanctification of the race, not just the individual. “Constitutional Government.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (January, 1842):27-59. See also Constitutional Government. Boston: Greene, 1842; Works 15:231-58. Government has its origins in what is good in human nature; its end is the common good. “Reform and Conservatism.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (January, 1842):60-84; Works 4:79-99. Review of James F. Clarke’s The WellInstructed Scribe (1841). Clarke espouses reformist doctrine Brownson held for a long time, that the true reformer holds onto the past while exerting himself to conquer the future. Brownson’s idea of progress as assimilation (à la Pierre Leroux), not self-development. “The Distribution Bill.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (January, 1842):84119; Works 15:202-31. Favorable review of John Calhoun’s Speech of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the Distribution Bill (1841) and Brownson’s understanding of constitutional democracy and the unconstitutionality of distributing the public lands. “Letter to the Editor.” Boston Daily Times 12 (March 30, 1842):2. Brownson’s reaction to Boston Daily Times’ views of his “Lecture on the Influence of Property and Civilization.” “Charles Elwood Reviewed.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (April, 1842):129-83; Works 4:316-61. Review of Brownson’s Charles Elwood (1840). “Modern French Literature.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (April, 1842):230-51; Works 19:48-65; Modern: 48-65. Review of George Sand’s Spiridion (1839); on women’s rights issues. “To Hon. Edmund Burke.” Daily National Investigator (May 30, 1842). Brownson defends himself against charge of being “agrarian” and “infidel.”



“Letter to the Editors.” Daily National Investigator (June 29, 1842). Brownson defends himself on his “horrible doctrines” concerning property. *“The Rhode Island Affair.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 10 (June, 1842):602-07. Description of the constitutional question regarding universal suffrage in Rhode Island.17 *“The Rhode Island Question.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 10 (July, 1842):70-83; see also The Rhode Island Question (New York: 1842). In favor of changing the Rhode Island Constitution to allow for universal suffrage. See Brownson’s Quarterly Review (October, 1844) for Brownson’s later view of the Rhode Island question. “Leroux on Humanity.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (July, 1842):257322; Works 4:100-39. Review of Pierre Leroux’s De L’Humanité (1840). Humans defined as progressive animals; hence, Leroux is against the individualism of Augustinian Christianity which does not allow for the improvement of the human race. “Zanoni.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (July, 1842):342-66. Review of Edward Lytton Bulwer’s Zanoni (1842). Brownson no longer likes Bulwer’s works; he criticizes Bulwer as excessively sentimental. “Introductory Address.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (July, 1842):36671. On Brownson’s return to preaching in April of 1842 (he ceased preaching in 1839 to assume a position in the government) and the new course his preaching will take. “Parker’s Discourse.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (October, 1842):385512. Review of Theodore Parker’s A Discourse on Matters Pertaining to Religion (1842). Brownson’s criticisms of Parker’s subjectivist views of religion are based upon Pierre Leroux’s philosophy of the synthesis of the subjective and the objective, the natural and the supernatural. “End of the Volume.” Boston Quarterly Review 5 (October, 1842):51316. On the reasons for cessation of Boston Quarterly Review and on Brownson’s arrangements with Democratic Review. 17. This article as well as the one immediately following may be from the pen of John O’Sullivan, editor of the Review. This was at least the view of George Dennison, The Dorr War. Republicanism on Trial, 1831-1861 (Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, 1976), 113-14. The National Union Catalogue, however, attributes “The Rhode Island Question” to Brownson. Both articles were written by the same author.



“Schmucker’s Psychology.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 11 (October, 1842):352-73; Works 1:19-57. Review of Samuel Schmucker’s Psychology (1842). Importance of tradition in one’s understanding of the grounds of knowledge. “Young America.” New York Mirror 20 (October 22, 1842):338. We are the people of the future; we must write our own literature. “Brook Farm.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 11 (November, 1842):481-96; Brook Farm [New York, 1842]. Brownson’s enthusiastic support for Brook Farm. On the age’s burning question of social equality and the various solutions to the problem. “Synthetic Philosophy.” Part I of III. United States Magazine and Democratic Review 11 (December, 1842):567-78; Works 1:58-129. See January and March, 1843. Under the influence of Pierre Leroux, Brownson describes his newly emerging view of philosophy as the science of life. All thought, as all life, is the result of the interaction or synthesis of the subject and object. The Mediatorial Life of Jesus. A Letter to Rev. William Ellery Channing, D. D. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1842; Works 4:140-72; RyanA: 260-72; Carey: 205-31. On Brownson’s application of Pierre Leroux’s philosophical principles to Christianity and theology, and his rejection of Channing’s views on the divinity of humanity. All life comes through communion, and divine life through communion with Christ. 1843 “Synthetic Philosophy.” Part II of III. United States Magazine and Democratic Review 12 (January, 1843):38-55. See December, 1842 and March, 1843. “The Mission of Jesus.” Part I of VII. The Christian World 1 (January 7, 1843):2. See January 14, January 21; “The Church and Its Mission,” February 4, February 11, February 25; “Discipline of the Church,” April 15, 1843. Brownson outlines his view of life by communion. The salvific life of Christ raised human life to communion with God, and this divine life is passed on to Christians through the church and its sacraments. “The Mission of Jesus.” Part II of VII. The Christian World 1 (January 14, 1843):1. See January 7, 1843.



“The Mission of Jesus.” Part III of VII. The Christian World 1 (January 21, 1843):2. See January 7, 1843. “What Shall I Do to Be Saved?” The Christian World 1 (January 28, 1843):2. Christians have access to salvific life through the medium of Christ’s body, the church. “The Church and Its Mission.” Part IV of VII. The Christian World 1 (February 4, 1843):1-2. See January 7, 1843. Carey: 99-107. “The Church and Its Mission.” Part V of VII. The Christian World 1 (February 11, 1843):2. See January 7, 1843. Carey: 107-13. “The Church and Its Mission.” Part VI of VII. The Christian World 1 (February 18, 1843):1-2. See January 7, 1843. Carey: 113-21. “Mediation of the Church.” The Christian World 1 (February 25, 1843):1-2. Gospel announces mediatorial grace; Jesus is the mediator and he must have a continuing means of mediation. “The Community System.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 12 (February, 1843):129-44. On the battles between individualism and community and Brownson’s philosophy of communion. “Democracy and Liberty.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 12 (April, 1843):374-87; Works 15:258-81; RyanA: 5867; Miller2: 340-47. Against notion that vox populi est vox Dei; Brownson’s changing religious views correspond to his changing perspectives on democracy and liberty. “Entering into Life.” The Christian World 1 (April 1, 1843):1. Brownson no longer holds transcendentalist and spiritualistic view of church; spirit of Christ found embodied only in the church. “The Sacrifice of Our Lord Mediatorial.” The Christian World 1 (April 8, 1843):1-2. Comments on the New York Churchman (March 11, 1843); sin deprives sinner of ability to repent; sacrifice of Christ is mediatorial. “Discipline of the Church.” Part VII of VII. The Christian World 1 (April 15, 1843):1-2. See January 7, 1843. Brownson’s views of the sacraments as means of salvation. Brownson struck by the similarity of his ideas and language to that of the Catholic Church. “Remarks on Universal History.” Part I of II. United States Magazine and Democratic Review 12 (May, 1843):457-74. See June, 1843; Remarks on Universal History [n. p., 1843]; “The Philosophy of History,” Works 4:361-92; “Philosophy of History,” RyanA: 188-



205. Humans made for progress; growth and development are from without rather than from within the self. “Popular Government.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 12 (May, 1843):529-37; Works 15:281-96. Article on the United States Magazine’s opposition to Brownson’s views of democracy. “Remarks on Universal History.” Part II of II. United States Magazine and Democratic Review 12 (June, 1843):569-86; see May, 1843; “The Philosophy of History,” Works 4:392-423. “The Present State of Society.” United States Magazine and Democratic Review 13 (July, 1843):17-38. See also The Present State of Society. New York, 1843; Works 4:423-60; Kirk: 11-69. On social justice and the injustices in United States. Against the divorce between politics, religion and morality. An Oration on the Scholar’s Mission. Boston: B. H. Greene, 1843; Burlington, Vt.: V. Harrington, 1843. “The Scholar’s Mission.” Works 19:65-87; RyanA: 114-25; Modern; 65-87. An address given to the Gamma Society of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., on July 26, 1843, and to the alumni and friends of the University of Vermont on August 1, 1843. A scholar as a providential person, must be religious, instructing and inspiring people to fulfill human progress and destiny. “Origin and Source of Government.” Part I of III. United States Magazine and Democratic Review 13 (August, 1843):129-47; see September and October, 1843; “Origin and Ground of Government,” Works 15:296-327. On Brownson’s philosophy of the constitution of the state. “Origin and Source of Government.” Part II of III. United States Magazine and Democratic Review 13 (September, 1843):241-62; see August and October, 1843; “Origin and Ground of Government,” Works 15:327-361. All power is of God; no government is legitimate if it does not subsist by divine right. “Origin and Source of Government.” Part III of III. United States Magazine and Democratic Review 13 (October, 1843):353-77; see August and September, 1843; “Origin and Ground of Government,” Works 15:361-404. Fulfilling human destiny demands freedom; government’s role is to guarantee freedom. United States government is a constitutional republic.



1844 Social Reform. An Address before Society of the Mystical Seven in the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. August 7, 1844. Boston: Waite, Pierce & Co., 1844. On poverty in society, the tendency to separate labor and capital, criticisms of various proposed solutions to complicated social problems, and the necessity of reviving faith in God and in the realities of the spiritual world as a remedy for social evils. “Introduction.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (January, 1844):1-28. Catholic Church is favorable to freedom and progress, but needs more reforming. “Berkeley and Idealism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (January, 1844):29-56. Review of Encyclopédie Nouvelle (1836), edited by P. Leroux and J. Reynaud. Brownson reviews Leroux’s article on Berkeley and idealism. “The Church Question.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (January, 1844):57-84; Works 4:461-83. Review of Tracts for the Times (1839). True church exists now only in fragments. “Demagoguism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (January, 1844):84104; Works 15:434-51. Necessary virtues absent from popular government; there must be loyalty to eternal justice. “Life and Speeches of John C. Calhoun.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (January, 1844):105-31; Works 15:451-72. Review of Life of John C. Calhoun (1843) and Speeches of John C. Calhoun, delivered in the Congress of the United States, from 1811 to the Present Time (1843). Calhoun is a true political leader; Van Buren only follows political tide. “History of Philosophy.” Part I of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (April, 1844):137-74; see April and July, 1844; “Kant’s Critic of Pure Reason,” Works 1:130-62; “Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason,” RyanA: 206-18. Review of Immanuel Kant’s Critik der Reinen Vernunft (1828). Brownson’s classification of four root systems of philosophy and his criticisms of Kant’s transcendentalist philosophy as the science of knowing, not a science of life or being. “No Church, No Reform.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (April, 1844):175-94; Works 4:496-512. Church must return to its unity and catholicity before authentic social reforms are possible; reform only possible with superhuman aid.



“Necessity of Liberal Education.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (April, 1844):194-208; Works 19:88-99; Modern: 88-99. Review of George Junkin’s The Bearings of College Education on the Welfare of the whole Community (1843). On educating the elite for the benefit of the entire community. “Origin and Constitution of Government.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (April, 1844):208-42; Works 15:405-33. Review of The Democratic Review (December, 1843). Response to attack upon Brownson’s view of government; Brownson not opposed to democracy, only certain theories of it. “Nature and Office of the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (April, 1844):243-56; Works 4:484-95. Most important question of the age is the necessity of the church. “Mr. Calhoun and the Baltimore Convention.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (April, 1844):257-69; Works 15:473-83. On party politics relative to Calhoun and Van Buren. “Kant’s Critic of Pure Reason.” Part II of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (July, 1844):281-309; see April and October, 1844; Works 1:162-86. Philosophy defined; necessity of revelation for Christian Idealism. “Church Unity and Social Amelioration.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (July, 1844):310-327; Works 4:512-26. Associations of reform should be under Church’s guidance. “Hildreth’s Theory of Morals.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (July, 1844):328-49; Works 14:236-54. Review of Richard Hildreth’s Theory of Morals (1844). Brownson disgusted with Hildreth’s claim that morals have no foundation outside the human constitution; divine will is law and foundation of obligation. “Bishop Hopkins on Novelties.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (July, 1844):349-67; Works 4:527-42. Review of John Henry Hopkin’s The Novelties Which Disturb our Peace (1844). Brownson disappointed with Hopkins for asserting the Protestant rather than the Catholic side of Episcopalianism. “Come-outerism: or the Radical Tendency of the Day.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (July, 1844):367-85; Works 4:542-58. On social justice; Brownson’s change from a revolutionary to a conservative reformer. “Sparks on Episcopacy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (July, 1844):386-96; Works 4:558-67. Review of Jared Sparks’s Letters



on the Ministry, Ritual, and Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church (1844). On Brownson’s difficulties in perceiving the unity and catholicity of the Protestant Episcopal Church. “The Presidential Nominations.—Texas.—Mr. Calhoun.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (July, 1844):396-407; Works 15:484-93. Comments on Baltimore Democratic Convention’s nomination of James K. Polk; Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen represent very worst of Whiggism. “Kant’s Critic of Pure Reason.” Part III of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (October, 1844):417-49; see April and October, 1844; Works 1:186-213. “Fourierism Repugnant to Christianity.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (October, 1844):450-87. Review of Charles Pellarin’s Charles Fourier, sa Vie et sa Theorie (1843); and the journal The Phalanx: Organ of the Doctrine of Association vol. 1, nos. 14 and 15. Fourierism denies necessity of Church and is, therefore, impotent to affect social reform. “The Anglican Church Schismatic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (October, 1844):487-514; Works 4:567-89. Response to article in the New York Churchman against Brownson’s article “Bishop Hopkins on Novelties,” July, 1844. “The Protective Policy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (October, 1844):514-32; Works 15:493-507. Against James K. Polk who favors “a tariff which discriminates in favor of home industry.” “The Suffrage Party in Rhode Island.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 6 (October, 1844):532-44; see “The Rhode Island Affair” and “The Rhode Island Question,” June and July, 1842; Works 15:508-18. Review of Might and Right (1844) by a Rhode Islander in favor of the extension of suffrage. 1845 “Literary Policy of the Church of Rome.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (January, 1845):1-29; Works 6:520-49. Review of Methodist Quarterly Review (July, 1844). Response to charges raised against Catholic hostility to the press, literature, science as well as revelation and religion. “The British Reformation.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (January, 1845):29-53; Works 6:568-92. Review of John H. Hopkins’s Sixteen Lectures on the Causes, Principles, and Results of the British Ref-



ormation (1844). Brownson’s view that the Reformers cannot be freed from the charge of schism. “Jouffroy’s Ethical System.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (January, 1845):53-76; see The Christian Examiner and Gospel Review (May, 1837); Works 14:266-89. Review of Théodore Simon Jouffroy’s Cours de Droit Naturel (1835). Brownson has changed his mind and now rejects Jouffrey’s principle doctrines and the eclectic school of thought. “Native Americanism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (January, 1845):76-98; Works 10:17-37; Essays: 420-44. Review of Fenelon’s (pseudonym) Catholicism compatible with Republican Government, and in full Accordance with Popular Institutions (1844). True Americanism means that “merit makes the man,” not native birth. “The Recent Election.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (January, 1845):130-34; Works 15:519-23. On Brownson’s support for James Polk, his hopes for the new administration, and his analysis of the Texas question. “The Church against No-Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (April, 1845):137-94; Works 5:337-89. Essays: 1-68. Review of “The Church,” The Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany, January, 1845. Must distinguish between objective revealed truths and subjective apprehension; need infallible authority independent of Bible to determine its genuine sense. “Salve for the Bite of the Black Serpent.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (April, 1845):194-222. Review of Dr. Evariste Gyphendole’s (pseudonym of Abbé Antoine Martinet) Onguent contre la Morsure de la Vipère Noire (1843) as an allegory on the Protestant disease and its cure. “Parkerism, or Infidelity.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (April, 1845):222-49. Review of Theodore Parker’s The Relation of Jesus to his Age and the Ages (1845) and The Excellence of Goodness (1845). Parker is not a Christian teacher, but an infidel. “Miss Fuller and the Reformers.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (April, 1845):249-57. Review of Margaret Fuller’s Women in the Nineteenth Century (1845). Book lacks thesis and suffers from the transcendentalist-reformist mentality relative to women’s rights. “Catholic Magazine and Ourselves.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (April, 1845):258-62. Review of article on Brownson’s Review in The United States Catholic Magazine and Monthly Review (March,



1845). Brownson’s denial that he is an eclectic and his autobiographical reflection on his conversion as a revolution in his mind. “Transcendentalism, or the latest Form of Infidelity.” Part I of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (July, 1845):273-32; see October, 1845, October, 1846; Works 6:1-50. “Transcendentalism,” RyanA: 219-31. Review of Theodore Parker’s A Discourse of Matters pertaining to Religion (1842). Parker’s system is pantheistic and subjectivist; Brownson denies Parker’s distinction between reason and understanding. “Protestant Love of Liberty.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (July, 1845):323-41. Review of Nathaniel Ward’s The Simple Cobbler of Aggawam in America (1645; reprint 1843) and Brownson’s denial that Protestantism supports civil and religious liberty (as Ward’s book demonstrates). “Hildreth’s Joint Letter.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (July, 1845):341-52; Works 14:255-66. Review of Richard Hildreth’s A Joint Letter to O. A. Brownson and the Editor of the North American Review (1845), and Brownson’s reactions to Hildreth’s criticisms and theory of morals. “The Episcopal Observer versus The Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review (April, 1845):352-79; Works 5:389-416; Essays: 69-100. Review of The Episcopal Observer, 1 (May, 1845). Brownson’s response to criticisms of his article “The Church against no Church” (April, 1845). “Modern Idolatry.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (July, 1845):38097; Works 19:100-18; Modern; 100-18. Review of Friedrich Schiller’s The Aesthetic Letters, Essays, and the Philosophical Letters of Schiller (1845). Brownson’s critique of the leading doctrine as “unwholesome,” putting humanity in place of God. “Ireland, O’Connell, &c.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (July, 1845):398-408; Works 15:573-84. On the repeal movement in Ireland and Brownson’s criticisms of Daniel O’Connell’s unprovoked attacks upon American slavery and his interference in American domestic policies. “Transcendentalism, or latest form of Infidelity.” Part II of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (October, 1845):409-42; see July, 1845 and October, 1846; Works 6:50-83. “Professor Park against Catholicity.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (October, 1845):442-514; Works 6:353-426. Review of and reply



to Edwards A. Park’s charges against Catholicism, which were delivered at Harvard’s Dudleian lecture and published in the Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review (August, 1845). On the standard and authority for judging the infallible Catholic Church. “Catholicity Necessary to Sustain Popular Liberty.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (October, 1845):514-30; Works 10:1-16; Essays: 36986; Gaustad: 442-45. Without Roman Catholic Church it is impossible to preserve democratic government. “Native American Civility, Religious Liberty, etc.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 7 (October, 1845):530-40. On the compatibility of Catholicism with American institutions and freedoms, and the native American’s practical violation of religious liberty. 1846 “Faith not possible without the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (January, 1846):1-40; Works 5:417-56. Review of The Episcopal Observer (August, 1845). Impossible to elicit act of faith and to be saved without the Roman Catholic Church. Continuation of arguments contained in “The Church against No-Church” (April, 1845). “National Greatness.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (January, 1845):40-61; Works 15:523-45. On the standard by which national greatness must be measured, the standard of a nation fulfilling “the true and proper end of man.” “Dangers of Jesuit Instruction.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (January, 1846):62-89; see also A Review of the Sermon by Dr. Potts, on the Dangers of Jesuit Instruction. St. Louis: Keith and Woods, 1846; review of William. S. Pott’s, Dangers of Jesuit Instruction (1845). On the necessity of parental religious education of children, Catholic rights and duties in this regard, and on the benefits of Jesuit education. “Methodist Quarterly Review.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (January, 1846):89-107; Works 6:550-67. Review of “Brownson’s Quarterly Review,” Methodist Quarterly Review (July, 1845); see “Literary Policy of the Church of Rome,” Brownson’s Quarterly Review (January, 1845). Brownson’s continuing comments on the charges against the Catholic Church. “The Roman Church and Modern Society.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (January, 1846):107-27. Review of Edgar Quinet’s The



Roman Church and Modern Society (1845). Brownson’s view of the continuity between Luther, Voltaire, modern reformers, and infidelity; and Catholicism’s opposition to modern infidel tendencies. “The Church a Historical Fact.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (April, 1846):153-71; Works 5:457-75. Review of Robert Manning’s The Shortest Way to end Disputes about Religion (1846). Brownson’s assertions that the simple historical existence of the Catholic Church is presumption in its favor. “Presbyterian Confession of Faith.” Part I of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (April, 1846):203-53; see October, 1846, April, October, 1846. Works 6:160-211. Review of The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (1838); Brownson challenges 1832 and 1833 Presbyterian confession of faith on its understanding of the authority, rule and interpretation of Scripture. “Schiller’s Aesthetic Theory.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (April, 1846):253-72; Works 19:118-29; Modern; 118-29. Response to John Weiss’s view that Schiller’s theory is not repugnant to Christianity; Brownson admits no Christianity independent of the church and criticizes Schiller’s view that human self-development proceeds from a primitive to an aesthetic state. “Liberalism and Catholicity.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (July, 1846):273-327; Works 5:476-527. Liberalism is no-churchism and between it and Catholicism there is no middle ground—in response to a liberal Protestant’s arguments against Brownson’s claim that the church has a role in eliciting an act of faith. “Newman’s Development of Christian Doctrine.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (July, 1846):342-68; Works 14:1-28; RyanA: 26072. Review of John Henry Newman’s An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (1845). Although Newman comes to Catholic conclusions in this work, his theory of development of Christian doctrine (not discipline or theology) is “essentially anti-Catholic and Protestant.” Newman does not distinguish clearly enough Christian doctrine (which for Brownson is the same as revelation) from Christian theology and discipline. “Protestantism ends in Transcendentalism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (July, 1846):369-99; Works 6:113-34; Essays: 209-33; Gaustad: 440-42. Review of Margaret, A Tale of the Real and Ideal, Blight and Bloom (1846). The fundamental principle of Protes-



tantism is private judgment. When logically followed out to its ultimate conclusion, this principle ends in Transcendentalism, which is the only logically consistent form of Protestantism. “Transcendentalism. Concluded.” Part III of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (October, 1846):409-39; see July and October, 1845; Works 6:83-113. “Presbyterian Confession of Faith.” Part II of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (October, 1846):439-72; see April, 1846, and April and October, 1847; Works 6:211-43. “War and Loyalty.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (October, 1846):493-518; Works 16:1-25; Essays: 321-49. Review of Fletcher Webster’s An Oration delivered before the Authorities of the City of Boston (1846). Brownson asserts resistance to laws of state must be founded upon infallible law above individual and state. “Bishop Fenwick.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (October, 1846):518-34; Works 14:470-85; Gems: 222-33. A character sketch of Boston’s Bishop Benedict Joseph Fenwick; Brownson’s autobiographical account of his contacts with him. “Thornberry Abbey.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 8 (October, 1846):534-44; Works 19:130; Modern; 130-142. A favorable review of Thornberry Abbey (1846); Brownson’s reflections on the creation of a national literature, and especially of a national Catholic literature. 1847 “The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant?” Part I of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (January, 1847):1-39; see April, July, 1847; January, 1848; The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant? Detroit: H. F. Brownson, 1888; Works 6:244-82. A fictitious dialogue between a convert to Catholicism and his Presbyterian brother on the grounds of Protestantism and responses to typical Protestant charges against Catholicism. “Newman’s Theory of Christian Doctrine.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (January, 1847):39-86; Works 14:28-74. Review of J. Spencer Northcote’s The Fourfold Difficulty of Anglicanism (1846). Against theories of development by assimilation or accretion because they are fatal to sufficiency of original revelation. “Madness of Antichristians.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (January, 1847):86-99; Works 14:414-28; Gems: 250-62. Review of Jules



Michelet’s The People (1846). Brownson’s assertion that the principal spirit of the day is the “supremacy of man”; the relation of love of God to love of neighbor. “Natural and Supernatural.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (January, 1847):100-16; Works 3:1-17. Conversation on the end and means of salvation, whether natural or supernatural. “Religious Novels.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (January, 1847):116-28; Works 19:143-54; Modern; 143-54. Review of Dunigan’s Home Library (1846). See “Thornberry Abbey” (October, 1846). Brownson’s criticism of Catholic literature as sentimental and/or didactic. “The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant?” Part II of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (April, 1847):137-63; see January, July, 1847; January, 1848; Works 6:282-308. “Protestant Dissensions.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (April, 1847):163-90. Review of Pharacellus Church’s Religious Dissensions: their Cause and Cure (1838); and Zebulon Crocker’s The Catastrophe of the Presbyterian Church in 1837 (1838). On Presbyterian lamentations over divisions in the church and on using the Bible alone as the means of procuring Christian unity. Brownson asserts that the Protestant principle of private interpretation vitiates any prospects for unity. “Presbyterian Confession of Faith.” Part III of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (April, 1847):190-215; see April, October, 1846; October, 1847. “Recent Publications.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (April, 1847):216-49; Works 19:155-89; Modern; 155-89. Review of The Chapel of the Forest, and Christmas Eve (n.d.); Lorenzo (1844); The Elder’s House, or the Three Converts (n.d.); and John D. Bryant’s Pauline Seward (1847). Brownson’s criticism of Catholic novels and his insistence upon exclusive salvation. “R. W. Emerson’s Poems.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (April, 1847):262-76; Works 19:189-202; Gems: 165-81; Modern; 189202. Review of Emerson’s Poems (1847). An excellent manifestation as poetry, but devoid of the truth, goodness, and beauty of revelation. “The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant?” Part III of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review (July, 1847):277-305; see January, April, 1847; January, 1848; Works 6:308-37.



“The Jesuits.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (July, 1847):305-34. Review of Michelet’s and Quinet’s The Jesuits (1845); Arsene Cahour’s Des Jesuites par un Jesuite (1844). Brownson’s defense of the Jesuits in opposition to Michelet’s and Quinet’s charges that they are anti-progressive in their views of human nature and religion. “Slavery and the Mexican War.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review (July, 1847):334-67; Works 16:25-59. Review of Speech of the Hon. R. B. Rhett, of South Carolina, on the Oregon Territory Bill, excluding Slavery from that Territory,—the Missouri Compromise being proposed and rejected (1847). Agrees with Robert Barnwell Rhett that sovereignty rests with states not Union. Brownson against further expansion of slavery, yet against immediate emancipation. Mexican war unjust. “American Literature.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (July, 1847):384-403; Works 19:203-20; Modern; 203-20. Review of editor Charles Hoffman’s The Literary World (1847). Brownson’s comments on the growth and goal of national literature, a literature that is above national interests as its end. “The Great Question.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (October, 1847):413-58; Works 5:527-72. Review of W. G . Penny’s The Exercise of Faith impossible except in the Catholic Church (1847). On conversion to Catholicism and the importance of stressing the absolute necessity of the church as the means of salvation. “Political Constitutions.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (October, 1847):458-85; Works 15:546-73; Essays: 293-321. Review of Joseph De Maistre’s Essay on the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions (1847). Brownson’s arguments on the limits and value of speculative and practical reason, his traditionalism, and the role of divine providence in the generation of unwritten constitutions (even republican constitutions). “The Dublin Review on Developments.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (October, 1847):485-526; Works 14:75-116. Review of “Doctrinal Developments,” The Dublin Review (July, 1847). Church does not develop doctrine, rather it renders infallible judgement on the deposit. “St. Stanislaus Kotska.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (October, 1847):526-38. Review of The Life of St. Stanislaus Kotska (1847)



and Brownson’s evaluation of Alban Butler’s Lives of the Saints (1756-59). “Presbyterian Confession of Faith.” Part IV of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 9 (October, 1847):539-54; see April, October, 1846; April, 1847. 1848 “Admonitions to Protestants.” Part I of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (January, 1848):1-20; see April, July, 1848; “A Letter to Protestants,” Works 5:241-270. On the failures of Protestantism, the obligation to worship God; the insufficiency of reason, nature, and revelation to reach human destiny. “Dr. Jarvis’s Reply to Milner.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (January, 1848):20-48; Works 7:117-44. Review of S. F. Jarvis’s A Reply to Dr. Milner’s “End of Religious Controversy” (1847). Brownson’s view of the necessity of an infallible church as the rule of faith. “Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (January, 1848):48-71; Works 19:221-44; Modern; 221-44. Review of John D. Bryant’s Pauline Seward (1847). Brownson’s comments that Catholic novels should reflect the spirit of the church, not of the age. “Labor and Association.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (January, 1848):71-101; Works 10:38-68; Essays: 444-79. Review of Matthew Briancourt’s Organization of Labor and Association (1847). A critical examination of the principles, ends, and means that the associationists advocate to improve society. “The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant? Concluded.” Part IV of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (January, 1848):101-16; see January, April, and July, 1847; Works 6:337-52. “Pius the Ninth, and the Political Regeneration of Italy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (January, 1848):117-34. On political conditions in Italy prior to Pius’ inauguration and on his subsequent liberal political reform measures in the papal states. “Admonitions to Protestants.” Part II of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (April, 1848):137-63; see January, July, 1848; Works 5:270-302. “Catholicity and Political Liberty.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (April, 1848):163-83. By its principles and institutions Catholicism has executed a powerful influence in favor of civil liberty.



“Thornwell’s Answer to Dr. Lynch.” Part I of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (April, 1848):198-222; see July, October, 1848; Works 6:427-52; Essays: 100-68. Review of James H. Thornwell’s The Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament (1845). Brownson’s reaffirmation of Patrick Lynch’s argument that the church’s infallibility is the guarantee that these books are inspired. “Ventura’s Funeral Oration.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (April, 1848):255-65; Works 10:69-79. Review of Gioacchino Ventura’s Oraison Funèbre d’O’Connell (1847). Criticism of Ventura’s argument in favor of an alliance of religion and liberty in European politics. “The Dublin Review and Ourselves.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (April, 1848):265-72; Works 14:116-26. Review of The Dublin Review (January, 1848). Brownson believes that revelation was given in its entirety to apostles and delivered completely to their successors. “Thornwell’s Answer to Dr. Lynch.” Part II of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (July, 1848):273-305; see April, October, 1848; Works 6:452-85. “Admonitions to Protestants.” Part III of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (July, 1848):305-27; see January, April, 1848; Works 5:302-30. “The Church, as it was, is, and ought to be.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (July, 1848):327-45; Works 7:179-96. Review of James F. Clarke’s The Church, as it was, as it is, as it ought to be (1848). Brownson’s reflections on the importance of the church as the indispensable means of Christianity. “Recent European Events.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (July, 1848):380-410; Works 16:102-32. On mob revolutions and the form of government best suited to France. “The Expulsion of the Jesuits.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (July, 1848):415-16. Report of liberals’ expulsion of Jesuits from Rome and the imprisonment of the Pope. “Thornwell against Infallibility.” Part III of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (October, 1848):417-52; see April, July, 1848; Works 6:485-519; Essays: 168-209. “Legitimacy and Revolutionism, Conservatism and Reform.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (October, 1848):453-82; Works 16:60-81; Essays: 386-420. Brownson defends himself against



charge that he is hostile to liberty; against current political atheism. “Grantley Manor, or Popular Literature.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (October, 1848):482-506; Works 19:244-68; Modern: 24468. Review of Georgiana Fullerton’s Grantley Manor (1848). Brownson’s emphasis on exclusive salvation and on the radical differences between Protestantism and Catholicism. “Doctrinal Developments.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (October, 1848):525-39; Works 14:126-41. Review of The Dublin Review (1848). John H. Newman capitulates to spirit of the times; Brownson asserts we cannot know what apostolic tradition is unless church informs us. “St. Dominic and the Albigenses.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 10 (October, 1848):539-62. Review of Henri-Dominique Lacordaire’s Vie de Saint Dominique (1841) and Brownson’s denial that St. Dominic participated in the Albigensian wars. 1849 “The Catholic Press.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (January, 1849):1-24; Works 19:269-93; Modern; 269-93. Review of United States Catholic Magazine and Monthly Review 7 (1848); and The Freeman’s Journal and Catholic Register 9 (1848). Tendency of the newspapers to pander to the popular interests, the necessity of using the press to communicate Catholic truths, and the weaknesses and new opportunities of Catholic journals. “Hawkstone, or Oxfordism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (January, 1849):24-58; Works 7:145-78. Review of William Sewell’s Hawkstone (1848). Catholic church and history. “Shandy M’Guire: or Irish Liberty.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (January, 1849):58-90; Works 16:144-77. Review of Paul Peppergrass’s Shandy M’Guire (1848). Brownson’s comments on Irish politics; he does not sympathize with desire for independent Ireland. “Authority and Liberty.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (April, 1849):137-62; Works 10:111-37; Essays: 262-92. Review of J. D. Nourse’s Remarks on the Past, and its Legacies to American Society (1847). On contemporary forms of Neo-platonism, the attempts to create a new rational and universal religion, and the denial of authority in the process; Brownson’s view of the dialectical union of authority and liberty.



“The Republic of the United States.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (April, 1849):176-95; Works 16:82-102. Review of Nahum Capen’s The Republic of the United States of America (1848). Against demagogue courtiers of democracy; reason and effort necessary to produce virtue in people. “Channing on the Church and Social Reform.” Part I of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (April, 1849):209-39; see October, 1849; Works 10:137-68. Review of William Henry Channing’s The Christian Church and Social Reform (1848). On the real, the ideal, and the actual, and the issue of reform and development. God alone can actualize the ideal. “The Saints and Servants of God.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (April, 1849):239-53. Review of F. W. Faber’s series The Saints and Servants of God (1848-49), including the lives of Ss. Philip Neri, Peter Claver, and Cardinal Odeschalchi. On the English Oratorians, study of the lives of the saints, and promotion of Catholic asceticism and holiness. “Waterworth’s Council of Trent.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (April, 1849):253-65. Review of James Waterworth’s The Canons and Decrees of the Sacred and Ecumenical Council of Trent (1848). On English Catholics and the necessity of promoting an uncompromising doctrine of the papacy. “The Vision of Sir Launfal.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (April, 1849):265-74; Works 19:308-17; Gems: 133-43; Modern: 309-17. Review of J. R. Lowell’s The Vision of Sir Launfal (1848). Brownson’s views on the nature and function of poetry. “Civil and Religious Toleration.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (July, 1849):277-309; Works 10:207-38. Review of Pierce C. Grace’s Outlines of History (1848). On the meaning and extent of religious liberty, religious toleration, and exclusive salvation. “The College of the Holy Cross.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (July, 1849):372-97. See also Remarks on the Petition for an Act Incorporating the College of the Holy Cross. Boston: B.H. Greene, 1849; Review of House Document, No. 130. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Education (April 13, 1849). Reasons for incorporating the College of the Holy Cross, even though it is exclusively Catholic. “H. M. S. Field’s Letter from Rome.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (July, 1849):309-30. Review of Henry M. Field’s The Good and



the Bad in the Roman Catholic Church (1849). On the Protestant Field’s respect for Catholic spirituality, but his unjustified calls for reforms in the Catholic Church. “The Church in the Dark Ages.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (July, 1849):330-57; Works 10:239-66. Review of Kenhelm Digby’s Mores Catholici (1841); S. R. Maitland’s The Dark Ages (1844); and The Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany (May, 1849). No need to rehabilitate the middle ages; that is a romantic Protestant notion born out of German Romanticism and the Oxford movement. “Catholic Secular Literature.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (July, 1849):358-72; Works 19:293-308; RyanA: 167-73; Modern: 293308. Review of Enna Duval’s Spirit Sculpture (1849). Brownson’s views that Catholic novels make a schism between the spiritual and the secular orders of life. “Presidential Veto.” American Review 20 (August, 1849):111-23; see Brownson’s Quarterly Review (April, 1850):243-65. “Protestantism in a Nutshell.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (October, 1849):413-38; Works 6:135-60; Essays: 234-62. Review of James Balmes’s El Protestantismo comparado con el Catolicismo (1849). On the variability and mutabality of error within Protestantism, and the moral disease of pride at the heart of the movement. “Channing on Christendom and Socialism.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (October, 1849):438-74; see April, 1849; Works 10:169-206. “Socialism and the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (October, 1849):91-127; Works 10:79-110; Essays: 479-521; Kirk: 71122. On Charles Fourier’s brand of socialism. A diatribe against socialism. Emphasis on the supernatural and surrender to God as conditions for the true good. “Naomi: or Boston Two Hundred Years ago.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (October, 1849):476-95. Review of Eliza Buckminster Lee’s Naomi (1848). Brownson’s sympathy for the old Puritans, and his criticisms of the unjustified attacks upon Puritans by the new liberal Christians. “Bushnellism: or Orthodoxy and Heresy Identical.” Part I of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (October, 1849):495-517; see January, April, and July, 1851; Works 7:1-22. Review of Horace



Bushnell’s God in Christ (1849); and Joseph H. Allen’s Ten Discourses on Orthodoxy (1849). The Fall and its effect; union of Christian with Christ is mystical not hypostatic. “The Licentiousness of the Press.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 11 (October, 1849):517-43; Works 16:133-44. The radical European press in times of revolutionary agitation needs to be restrained; against Catholic liberals. 1850 “An a priori Autobiography.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (January, 1850):1-38; Works 1:214-52. Review of W. B. Breene’s Remarks on the Science of History; followed by an a priori Autobiography (1849). Book dedicated to Pierre Leroux; Leroux’s influence on Brownson (learned ontologism from Leroux); on Leroux’s strengths and weaknesses. “Conversations of an Old Man and his Young Friends.” Part I of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (January, 1850):87-104; see April, July, and October, 1850; Works 10:267-84. Dialogue between authority and liberty. “Morell’s Philosophy of Religion.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (April, 1850):159-90; Works 3:18-50. Review of John Daniel Morell’s The Philosophy of Religion (1849). Morell asserts that since religion originates in and is determined by nature, it is subject to rational investigation; his thinking excludes the supernatural from his definition of religion. “Reply to the Mercersburg Review.” Part I of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (April, 1850):191-228; see July, 1850; Works 3:51-90. Review of The Mercersburg Review (January, 1849-50). John Williamson Nevin and his school are Eutychian and monothelite; Brownson rejects Nevin’s rule of faith. “Conversations of an Old Man and his Young Friends.” Part II of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (April, 1850):228-43; see January, July, and October, 1850; Works 10:285-300. “The Presidential Veto.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (April, 1850):243-65. Review of James A. Williams’ The Plan of the American Union, and the Structure of its Government (1848). The editor of the American Review article of the same title (see August, 1849) changed Brownson’s original article. He reprinted it here without



deletions or changes. Historical and philosophical reflections on presidential powers in a democratic constitutional government. “The Christian Examiner’s Defence.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (July, 1850):298-330; Works 7:197-229. Review of The Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany (March, 1850). On James Freeman Clarke’s reply to Brownson’s article “The Church against No-Church” (April, 1845); defends himself against charge of frequent intellectual changes. “Capes’s Four Years’ Experience.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (July, 1850):330-53; Works 20:1-23. Review of J. M. Capes’s Four Years’ Experience of the Catholic Religion (1849). Brownson’s discussion of the motives of credibility for Catholicism and of the influence of religion upon civilization. “The Mercersburg Theology.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (July, 1850):353-78; see April, 1850; Works 3:90-116. Review of The Mercersburg Review (May, 1850). “Conversations of an Old Man and his Young Friends.” Part III of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (July, 1850):379-93; see January, April, and October, 1850; Works 10:300-14. “Vincenzo Gioberti.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (October, 1850):409-48; Works 2:101-40. Submissiveness of laity; laity rather than clergy need reforming. “Dana’s Poems and Prose Writings.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (October, 1850):466-90; Works 19:317-342; Modern: 317-42. Review of Richard H. Dana’s Poems and Prose Writings (1850). Brownson’s understanding of the relation of art to truth, goodness, and beauty in the canons of literary and aesthetic criticism. “The Cuban Expedition.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (October, 1850):490-516; Opiniones de un Anglo-Americano acerca de la expedicion cubana, y les anexienistas. Traducido del Brownson’s Quarterly Review correspondiente al mes de Octubre del 1850, par E. J. G. Nueva Orleans: Impr. de la Patria, 1850; Works 16:272-98. Review of Richard B. Kimball’s Cuba and the Cubans (1850). On Narciso Lopez’s military attempt to create and support a revolution in Cuba; republicanism against barbarism. “Conversations of an Old Man and his Young Friends.” Part IV of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 12 (October, 1850):516-28; see January, April, and July, 1850; Works 10:315-27.



1851 “Bushnell on the Trinity.” Part II of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (January, 1851):1-29; see October, 1849; April, July, 1851; Works 7:22-49. “The Higher Law.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (January, 1851):80-97; Works 17:1-17; Essays: 349-67. Review of Moses Stuart’s Conscience and the Constitution (1850). Brownson accepts the higher law, but it must be sought in God through the Church; Church essential for constitution of society. “The Decline of Protestantism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (January, 1851):97-120; Works 7:567-79. Review of John Hughes’s The Decline of Protestantism and its Cause (1850); and Developments of Protestantism, and other Fragments, reprinted from the Dublin Review and the London Tablet (1849). Brownson’s assertion that Catholic attacks upon Protestantism in England and the United States signal a new and more aggressive Catholic posture. “Bushnell on the Incarnation.” Part III of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (April, 1851):137-64; see October, 1849; January, July, 1851; Works 7:49-75. “Webster’s Answer to Hulsemann.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (April, 1851):198-230; Works 16:178-209. Review of Correspondence of the Austrian Charge d’Affaires and Mr. Webster (1851). Brownson’s views on the “unjustified” Hungarian rebellion; United States had right to rebellion against a tyrant, not against monarchy per se. “Savonarola.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (April, 1851):230-66. Article contains a translation of a chapter of Alexis-François Rio’s De la Poésie Chrétienne, which is a Catholic defense of Savonarola as a faithful son of the Church and a promoter of Christian art against paganism; Brownson’s brief comments on Rio’s work and Christian art. “Cooper’s Ways of the Hour.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (July, 1851):273-97; Works 16:326-49. On the mixed and complex character of American government and institutions in reaction to James Fenimore Cooper’s Ways of the Hour (1850). “Nature and Faith.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (July, 1851):297318. Review of Richard Whately’s Essays (Third Series) on the Errors of Romanism having their Origin in Human Nature (1845). Criticisms of Whately’s theory that Roman errors and supersti-



tions originated in the corrupt tendencies of human nature. Nature is the foundation upon which revelation rests. “Bushnell on the Mystery of Redemption.” Part IV of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (July, 1851):318-61; see October, 1849; January, April, 1851; Works 7:75-116. “The French Republic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (July, 1851):362-82; Works 16:252-72. Review of Discours pronounce par M. de Montalembert (1851). On Charles R. F. de Montalembert’s advocacy of order and defense of religious liberty; relative merits of republicanism and monarchy. “The Fugitive Slave Law.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (July, 1851):383-411; Works 17:17-39. Review of Theodore Parker’s The Chief Sins of the People (1851). Slavery is an evil but abolition may be even greater evil if it threatens union; abolitionist principles opposed to freedom. “Newman on the True Basis of Theology.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (October, 1851):417-52; Works 3:117-50. Review of Francis William Newman’s The Soul, her Sorrows and her Aspirations (1850). Existence of God known through reason; nature and grace distinguishable but not separable. “Saint-Bonnet on Social Restoration.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (October, 1851):452-92; Works 14:197-235. Against self-development of any kind; there is development of Christian doctrine which occurs outside the self. Progress is in doing, not being. “The Edinburgh Review on Ultramontane Doubts.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 13 (October, 1851):527-556. Review of “Ultramontane Doubts,” The Edinburgh Review (April, 1851). Works 10:329-56. Brownson is “ultra-ultramontanist.” 1852 Essays and Reviews, Chiefly on Theology, Politics, and Socialism. New York: D.& J. Sadlier, 1852. Writings Brownson collected and edited to provide readers with an overview of his philosophy of Christianity since becoming a Catholic. “Preface,” to Essays and Reviews, Chiefly on Theology, Politics, and Socialism. April 7, 1852. A defense of five lectures Brownson gave in St. Louis on Catholicity and Civilization. “Christianity and Heathenism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (January, 1852):1-37; Works 10:357-94. On the separation of Chris-



tianity and religion from literature; the relation of the secular to the spiritual orders of human existence. “Willitoft, or Protestant Persecution.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (January, 1852):37-66; Works 10:395-411. Review of James McSherry’s Willitoft, or the Days of James the First (1851); novel of a conversion to Catholicism, and reflections on Anglicanism and the independence of the spiritual order. “Piratical Expeditions against Cuba.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (January, 1852):66-96; Works 16:298-326. Objections to privately organized military attempts to invade Cuba and incite rebellion. “Sick Calls.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (January, 1852):115-31; Works 10:585-95. Review of Edward Price’s Sick Calls (1851). Brownson’s comments on exclusive salvation and spiritual solace for the poor. “Anti-Kossuth Lecture by Orestes A. Brownson, of Boston, at Cincinnati.” New York Times (February 19, 1852): 2. Summary of Brownson’s lecture . “The Existence of God.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (April, 1852):141-64; Works 1:253-75. Review of Francis William Newman’s The Soul, her Sorrows and her Aspirations (1850). Traditionalism against ontologism; mind cannot originate the idea of God; it must be revealed to humans. “The Two Worlds, Catholic and Gentile.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (April, 1852):165-94. Review of Pope Pius IX’s Encyclical Letter (1850), Letters of the Count de Montalembert (1851), Acts of the Synod of Thurles (1851), Speech of ... Paul Cullam (1851), Speech of John Hughes (1851), Letters of ... Michael O’Connor (1852), and other works. Brownson defends himself against the charge that he is too harsh in treating Protestants as gentiles; on the fundamental distinctions between gentiles (naturalists) and Catholics (supernaturalists). “Austria and Hungary.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (April, 1852):195-227; Works 16:209-26. Review of Jacques Mislin’s Les Saints Lieux (1851). Opposition to Kossuth’s Hungarian revolution. “Paganism in Education.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (April, 1852):227-47; Works 10:551-63. Review of Jean Gaume’s Le Ver Rongeur des Societes Modernes (1851). Brownson’s criticisms of



Gaume’s thesis that eliminating Greek and Roman classic texts from education would free it from paganism. “Protestantism and Government.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (April, 1852):263-78; Works 10:411-26. Review and criticism of Hugh A. Garland’s A Course of Five Lectures . . . On Protestantism and Government (1852). Garland reacted to a series of talks Brownson gave in St. Louis on the Catholic and supernatural origin of all true civilization. Brownson maintains his argument here while he refutes Garland’s views on Catholic despotism. “Morris on the Incarnation.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (July, 1852):285-328; Works 14:141-82. Review of John Brande Morris’s Jesus the Son of Mary (1851). Brownson detests Puseyites; Morris wishes to bring Protestants into church by removing obstacles; Brownson wants to attack, putting Protestants on the defensive. “The Works of Daniel Webster.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (July, 1852):341-82; Works 19:343-81; Gems: 61-97; Modern: 343-81. Review of The Works of Daniel Webster (1851). Common law is anterior to Constitution and the ground of all our liberties. “Bancroft’s History of the United States.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (October, 1852):421-59; Works 19:382-418; Modern: 382-418. Review of George Bancroft’s History of the United States Vol. 4 (1852). Brownson’s understanding of history as an inductive, not a speculative, science; Bancroft is a democratic philosophical historian. “The Christian Register’s Objections.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (October, 1852):459-92; Works 7:230-58. Reactions to a Christian Register’s review of Brownson’s Essays and Reviews (1852) and comments on the limits and benefits of logic and reason in leading one to faith. “Politics and Political Parties.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (October, 1852):493-523; Works 16:350-79. On relation of states to federal government and the emergence of political parties in the United States. “Rights and Duties.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 14 (October, 1852):523-50; Works 14:290-316. Review of Juan Donoso-Cortes’s letter in La Civilita Cattolica (May 3, 1852). Humans are bound to obey God because rights belong only to God and duties only to humans.



1853 “The Worship of Mary.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (January, 1853):1-25; Works 8:59-85; RyanT: 93-122. Review of Alphonsus Liguori’s The Glories of Mary (1852); and J. B. Morris’s Jesus the Son of Mary (1851). Venerating Mary is worshipping God in his works. “The Two Orders, Spiritual and Temporal.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (January, 1853):26-62; Works 11:1-36. Review of Artaud de Montor’s Histoire des Souverains Pontifes Romains (1847). On political atheism, i.e., the separation of religion from politics. “Protestantism not a Religion.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (January, 1853):87-111; Works 10:426-49. Review of Jean Marie Vincent Audin’s The Life of Henry the Eighth (1852). Protestantism presented as the substitution of the temporal for the spiritual. “Catholics of England and Ireland.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (January, 1853):111-29; Works 16:390-408. Review of “Parliamentary Prospects,” The London Quarterly Review (October, 1852). On changes in British government since Protestant Reformation and the effects of these changes upon Catholics. “The Spiritual not for the Temporal.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (April, 1853):137-65; Works 11:36-62. Review of Alphonse Muzzarelli’s De Auctoritate Romani Pontificis in Conciliis Generalibus (1810); F. P. Kenrick’s The Primacy (3rd ed. 1848); Charles R. Montalembert’s Des Intérêts Catholiques an XIXe Siècle (1852); on the supremacy of the spiritual order over the temporal. “A Consistent Protestant.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (April, 1853):185-218; Works 7:259-84. Review of Theodore Parker’s Two Sermons preached before the Twenty-eighth Congregational Society in Boston (1853). Brownson’s argument that Parker is the consistent Protestant who supports a free religion, subject to no authority. “Ethics of Controversy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (April, 1853):262-78. Review of L’Ami de la Religion (February, 1853). Brownson favors L’Ami over Univers in controversy on the use of classics in Catholic schools, and is against the traditionalists (Bonnetty) in the controversy with Abbé Cognot of L’Ami because the traditionalists deny natural reason its rightful powers. On the ethics of internal Catholic debates. An Oration on Liberal Studies, delivered before the Philomathian Society, of Mount Saint Mary’s College, Md., June, 29, 1853. Baltimore:



Hedian & O’Brien, 1853; “Liberal Studies,” Works 19:431-46; Modern; 431-46. On the relationship of the liberal education of the elite for the “wants of a free state.” “The Spiritual Order Supreme.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (July, 1853):281-315; Works 11:62-94. Review of l’Abbé Jager’s Histoire de l’Eglise de France pendant la Revoltion (1852). On the French Revolution, Gallicanism, and the temporal order as oriented to the spiritual. “Philosophical Studies on Christianity.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (July, 1853):332-65; Works 3:151-79. Review of Aguste Nicholas’s Etudes philosophique sur Christianisme (1852), D. Juan Donoso Cortes’s Ensayo sobre el Catolicismo, el Liberalismo, y el Socialismo (1851), Louis Veuillot’s Les Libres Penseurs (1850). Brownson’s criticisms and comments on laymen applying religious principles to the social and political issues of the day, and his explanation of his own modified form of ontologism and traditionalism. “The Fathers of the Desert.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (July, 1853):379-97; Carey: 233-41. Review of Richard Challoner’s The Lives of the Fathers of the Eastern Deserts (1852). On monasticism and its value; superiority of supernatural. “J.P. Healy, Esquire.” The Courier, (Boston) October 17, 1853. Obituary. “The Eclipse of Faith.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (October, 1853):417-44; Works 7:284-303. Review of Henry Rogers’s The Eclipse of Faith (1853). An argument chiefly against modern spiritualism (such as transcendentalism) that denies all forms of external authority or mediation; Brownson’s reflections upon the Catholic and infidel tendencies within Protestantism. “Garneau’s History of Canada.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (October, 1853):444-65. Review of F. X. Garneau’s Histoire du Canada (1852) and Brownson’s summary of main historical events in that history. “‘Errors of the Church of Rome.’” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (October, 1853):465-97; Works 7:304-34. Review of George W. Burnap’s “The Errors and Superstitions of the Church of Rome,” published in the Christian Examiner (July, 1853). Brownson’s remarks on the charges of Catholicism’s ultra-conservativism, corporate spirit, and unfriendliness to the diffusion of the Bible.



“J. V. H. on Brownson’s Review.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (October, 1853):497-529; Works 14:317-47. Review of Jedediah V. Huntington’s “Brownson’s Review and the Idea of Right,” TruthTeller (July 16, 1853). Brownson’s denial that he is a psychologist or a pantheist; asserts that all rights belong to God and that obligations are grounded in the will of God. “Cardinal Wiseman’s Essays.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 15 (October, 1853):529-42; Works 10:450-62. Review of Nicholas Wiseman’s Essays on Various Subjects (1853). Favorable review; great task of the day is to show that temporal is dependent on the spiritual; the two are not united in form, but at their source. 1854 “Uncle Jack and his Nephew.” Part I of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (January, 1854):1-29; see January, April, and October, 1854; Uncle Jack and his nephew; or Conversations of an Old Fogy with a Young American. Detroit: H. F. Brownson, 1888; Works 11:165-92. An autobiographical dialogue between an ultramontane Catholic and a young Protestant sympathetic to Gallicanism on the issue of church-state relations; natural against vested rights. “Schools of Philosophy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (January, 1854):30-60; Works 1:276-305. The psychological school against the ontological (Brownson in favor of latter); doctrine of creation not integrated into Aristotle or his scholastic followers. “The Case of Martin Koszta.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (January, 1854):60-86; Works 16:226-51. Brownson’s defense of Austria’s imprisonment of Koszta; United States government’s case in support of Koszta “untenable.” “You go too Far.”’ Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (January, 1854):87106; Works 11:95-114. Review of Jean Gosselin’s The Power of the Pope during the Middle Ages (1853). Brownson defends his views on the temporal authority of the pope against those Catholics who claim his perspective is immoderate. “Uncle Jack and his Nephew.” Part II of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (April, 1854):137-66; see January, July, and August, 1854; Works 11:192-221. “Protestantism Developed.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (April, 1854):166-86. Review of J. H. McColloh’s Analytical Investigations concerning the Credibility of the Scriptures (1852). On whether



or not there was a divine foundation of the ministry for the word and for an authoritative church. McColloh denies such a foundation and thereby threatens the developments of churchly Protestantism. “Temporal Power of the Popes.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (April, 1854):187-218; Works 11:114-36. Review of The Metropolitan Magazine (February and March, 1854). Temporal authority of the pope defended as at least a logical deduction from Catholic dogma. “The Mercersburg Hypothesis.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (April, 1854):253-65; Works 14:183-97. Response to Mercersburg Review (January, 1854). On the principle of development; difficult to see how John W. Nevin and Philip Schaff can avoid becoming Catholics. “The Black Warrior Case.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (April, 1854):271-72. On the Spanish seizure of the American steamer Black Warrior at Havana. “Uncle Jack and his Nephew.” Part III of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (July, 1854):273-305; see January, July, and August, 1854; Works 11:221-51. “To The Editors of the Catholic Mirror.” Catholic Mirror (Baltimore) 5 (July 22, 1854):5. “Native Americanism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (July, 1854):328-54; “Native Americans,” Works 18:281-300. Review of Charles François Delery’s A Few Words on Native Americanism (1854). On the historical and cultural priority of native-born Americans and necessity of foreigners respecting and assimilating Anglo-American culture. “Schools and Education.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (July, 1854):354-76; Works 10:564-84. Review of Arsene Cahours’s Des Etudes Classiques et des Etudes Professionnelles (1852). Cahours opposes Gaume’s view on the use of classics in education; Brownson comments on the American Common School system. “The Turkish War.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (July, 1854):37695; Works 16:408-27. Brownson prefers Russia to the allied western powers (France and England) in the conflict. “To the Editor of the Pittsburgh Catholic.” Pittsburgh Catholic 11 (August 12, 1854):182. “To the Editors of the Catholic Telegraph.” Catholic Telegraph and Advocate (Cincinnati), August 22, 1854.



The Spirit-Rapper, an Autobiography. Boston: Little, Brown, & Co., 1854; Works 9:1-234. Brownson connects spirit-manifestation with modern philanthropy, visionary reforms, socialism, and revolutionism. All spirit manifestations are induced by Satan, but not without cooperation of free will. “Uncle Jack and his Nephew.” Part IV of IV. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (October, 1854):408-47; see January, April, and July, 1854; Works 11:251-87. “Know-Nothingism; or Satan warring against Christ.” Part I of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (October, 1854):447-87; see January, 1855; Works 18:300-38. On the necessity of separating the legitimate sentiment of American nationality and the anti-Catholic sentiment; defense of his article on “Native Americanism” (July, 1854), and insistence on the supra-nationalism of Catholicism. “Sumner on Fugitive Slaves.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (October, 1854):487-502; Works 17:39-53. Review of the Speeches of the Hon. Charles Sumner (1854). Brownson asserts equality of all races and unnaturalness of slavery but opposes abolitionist party. “Works of Fisher Ames.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (October, 1854):502-514; Works 16:379-90. Review of Works of Fisher Ames (1854), reflections on the “Old Federalists” (i.e., Ames) during George Washington’s administration, and the need for a contemporary Federalist corrective. “Church and State.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (October, 1854):514-24. Review of Joseph von Radowitz’s Neue Gespräche aus der Gegenwart uber Staat und Kirche (1851). On a Catholic statesman’s views of government and the relations of church and state in Germany that are similar to Brownson’s. “End of the Eleventh Volume.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 16 (October, 1854):536-40. On the history of the Review and the recent hostility towards it. 1855 “Gratry on the Knowledge of God.” Part I of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (January, 1855):1-21; see July, 1855; Works 1:324-43. On the means and conditions of the knowledge and love of God, and on the synthetic relation of love, knowing, revelation and reason, intuition and reflection, in coming to a knowledge of and union with God.



“Ritter’s History of Philosophy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (January, 1855):22-42. Review of Heinrich Ritter’s The History of Ancient Philosophy (1838). Brownson’s views of reason’s role in the discovery of truth and his evaluations of selected Ionian and Pythagorian philosophers. “Radowitz’s Fragments.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (January, 1855):43-61. Review of Joseph von Radowitz’s Gasammelte Schriften (1853). Brownson’s comments on and translations of a few excerpts of Radowitz’s political doctrines. “Luther and the Reformation.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (January, 1855):61-91; Works 10:463-91. Review of Jean Marie Vincent Audin’s History of the Life, the Writings, and the Doctrines of Luther (1854). Brownson’s views of the motives of the Reformation, and his assault on nationalism as a denial of the supremacy of the spiritual. “Russia and the Western Powers.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (January, 1855):91-114; Works 16:427-49. In defense of Brownson’s modified support for Russia against France and England. “The Know-Nothings.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (January, 1855):114-35; see October, 1854; Works 18:338-80. Review of Franklin Pierce’s Message of the President of the United States (1854). “Romanism in America.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (April, 1855):145-82; Works 7:508-43. Review of Rufus W. Clark’s Romanism in America (1855). Comments on common Protestant objections to Catholicism. “Liberalism and Socialism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (April, 1855):183-209; Works 10:526-50; Kirk: 123-60. Review of Don Juan Donoso Cortes’s Ensayo sobre el Catolicismo, el Liberalismo, y el Socialismo (1851), and Pierre Leroux’s De l’Humanité (1840). On true liberalism; nativism is a kind of civil despotism; the Maine liquor law is part of this despotism. “Questions of the Soul.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (April, 1855):209-27; Works 14:538-47. Review of Isaac T. Hecker’s Questions of the Soul (1855). A real American book that is designed to meet the ontological needs of the age. “What Human Reason can do.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (April, 1855):227-46; Works 1:306-23. Review of Etienne Chastel’s De la Valeur de la Raison Humaine (1854). On the necessity of supernatural revelation and therefore of traditionalism. Brownson grew



up among naturalists and needed to put reason within the context of supernatural revelation. “The Papal Conspiracy Exposed.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (April, 1855):246-70; Works 7:543-66. Review of Edward Beecher’s The Papal Conspiracy Exposed (1855). Brownson’s assertion of the mutual antagonism between Catholicism and Protestantism, denial of any Catholic conspiracy, and outline of nativist violence against Catholics. “Relations of the Pope to the Civil Power: Letter from O. A. Brownson.” New York Times (July 27,1855):5. “Gratry on the Knowledge of God.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (July, 1855):281-300; see January, 1855; Works 1:343-61. “Italy and the Christian Alliance.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (July, 1855):355-93. Review of Giovanni Perrone’s Il Protestantesimo e la Regola di Fede (1853) and Gabrielle Bibbia’s Dissertazione Storico—Teologica contro le Bibbliche Società de’ Protestanti (1852). Importance of the rule of faith; on decline of controversy among Catholics. “Rome after the Peace.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (July, 1855):300-22. A translation of a fragment of Charles R. F. de Montalembert’s “History of the Western Monks” from Revue des Deux Mondes (January 1, 1855) on corruptions after the peace of Constantine. Comments on Montalembert’s political principles of liberty in the midst of the current rush toward absolutism among some French Catholics. “Ferrier’s Institutes of Metaphysic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (July, 1855):32238. Review of James F. Ferrier’s Institutes of Metaphysics (1854). Analysis and criticism of Ferrier’s view of the conditions of all knowledge. “Wilberforce on Church Authority.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (July, 1855):33954. Review of Robert I. Wilberforce’s An Inquiry into the Principles of Church Authority (1855). Analysis of the organic nature of the church and its priority to the individual. Individuals live the divine life by communion with the body of Christ. “A Know-Nothing Legislature.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (July, 1855):393-411. Review of Charles Hale’s Our Houses are our Castles (1855) and Massachusetts Legislature reports on the Nunnery Inspection Committee. Analysis of the anti-Catholic proceedings



of the Legislature as illustrative of the anti-American nativist tendencies, not illustrative of the popular sentiment or the republican values of the states or the country. “The Temporal Power of the Pope.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (October, 1855):417-45; Works 11:137-64. Review of The Temporal Power of the Pope; containing the Speech of the Hon. Joseph R. Chandler (1855). On the independence, rights and prerogatives of the spiritual order in the face of the temporal; and the rights and prerogatives of the pope, as representative of the church and the spiritual order, over the temporal order. “Hume’s Philosophical Works.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (October, 1855):445-73; see “The Problem of Causality,” October, 1874; “The Problem of Causality,” Works 1:381-407. Review of David Hume’s The Philosophical Works (1854). On the value of Hume’s criticism of the limits of empiricism in understanding causality, and the post-Humean attempts to avoid skepticism, including Brownson’s attempt to show how intuition and reflection combine in arriving at the notion of causality. “The Know-Nothing Platform.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (October, 1855):473-98. On the split over slavery in the KnowNothing Party’s national convention in Philadelphia. “Ventura on Philosophy and Catholicity.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (October, 1855):499-524; “Philosophy and Catholicity,” Works 3:180-204. Review of Gioacchino Ventura’s La Raison Philosophique et la Raison Catholique (1851-53). Against the divorce of reason and faith. “Wordsworth’s Poetical Works.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (October, 1855):525-38; Works 19:418-30; Modern: 418-30. Review of William Wordsworth’s The Poetical Works (1854). Brownson’s views on the Giobertian philosophy of art as a standard for judging the beautiful in poetry. “The Irish in America.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 17 (October, 1855):538-47. Review of William Carleton’s The Poor Scholar (1854) and Mary Sadlier’s New Lights, or Life in Galway (1853). On Evangelical hatred of Catholicism and the necessity of defending the Irish because they are Catholic, not just because they are Irish. Against political demagoguery among the Irish. Respect for the virtues of the Irish people.



1856 “The Constitution of the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (January, 1856):1-25; see July, 1875; Works 8:527-51. Review of Robert I. Wilberforce’s An Inquiry into the Principles of Church Authority (1855). On the organic nature of the church, and on the papacy as essential to the very conception of the church in the visible order. “The ‘End of Controversy Controverted.’” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (January, 1856):26-62. Review of John H. Hopkins’s The “End of Controversy” Controverted (1855) and Francis Patrick Kenrick’s A Vindication of the Catholic Church (1855). Brownson’s refutation of Hopkins on the role of faith, translations of the Bible, and use of catechisms. “Catholicity and Literature.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (January, 1856):62-81; Works 19:447-64; Modern; 447-64. Review of William B. MacCabe’s Bertha (1856) and Florine, Princess of Burgundy (1855), as well as William Carleton’s Willy Reilly (1856). Brownson’s application of ‘gratia supponit naturam’ to analysis of literature. “Transcendental Road to Rome.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (January, 1856):81-102. Review of “Transcendental Road to Rome,” Christian Review (October, 1855) which was itself a review of Isaac Hecker’s Questions of the Soul. On the relation between reason and revelation, nature and grace, in Hecker’s works—against the criticism that Hecker is traditionalist and/or transcendentalist. “Great Britain and the United States.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (January, 1856):102-20; Works 16:471-88. England’s peace with United States is in her best interests. “Le Correspondant.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (January, 1856):121-34. Review of Le Correspondant (October, 1855), which is reorganized and promises to be a Catholic paper that avoids both a dangerous absolutism and a false liberalism. “‘The Church and the Republic.’” A Lecture delivered February 13, 1856 in New York Tabernacle. New York Times (February 15, 1856): 3. Church must be one of the constitutive elements of the Republic in order for it to preserve both freedom and authority. “Protestantism in the Sixteenth Century.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (April, 1856):137-73; Works 10:491-525. Review of l’Abbé Jean Charles Benjamin Poisson’s Essai sur les Causes du Succes du



Protestantisme au Seizieme Siecle (1839). On Poisson’s Gallican view of the success of the Reformation and Brownson’s defense of his ultramontane interpretation of history. “The Blakes and the Flanagans.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (April, 1856):195-212; Works 20:23-39. Review of Mary Sadlier’s The Blakes and the Flanagans (1855). Brownson’s reflection on the regrettable nationalism among the Irish, on Catholic schools, and on nurturing and preserving the faith of the young. “Montalembert on England.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (April, 1856):225-52; Works 16:489-513. Brownson’s agreements and disagreements with Montalembert on English constitutional government. “The Day-Star of Freedom.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (April, 1856):252-67; Works 12:103-16. Review of G. L. Davis’s The DayStar of Freedom, or the Early Growth of Toleration in the Province of Maryland (1855). Brownson’s view of the historical insignificance of colonial Maryland, and the difference between Maryland toleration and American religious liberty; Puritans, not Catholics, are the source of religious liberty in America. “The Church and the Republic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (July, 1856):273-307; Works 12:1-32. Church must be one of the constitutive elements of a republic; government’s duty to protect freedom of religion. “The Unholy Alliance.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (July, 1856):325-48; Works 16:450-71. Review of W. G. Dix’s The Unholy Alliance; an American View of the War in the East (1856). On peace treaty between Russia and allies; what is really needed for regeneration of East is reunion of Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. “Collard on Reason and Faith.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (July, 1856):348-74; Works 3:205-29. Review of Maurice Collard’s Raison et foi (1855). Brownson’s call for a new apologetic that pays attention to Protestant subjective feelings as well as to their logical objections against Catholicism. Catholics must address the unscholastic culture of modern non-Catholics. “Gratry’s Logic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (July, 1856):37594; Works 1:362-80. Review of Auguste Gratry’s Philosophie. Logique (1855). Brownson’s criticisms of Gratry’s attempts to make logic “a mere development of psychology.” Brownson bases his logic on ontology, reason, and the nature of things.



“Introduction.” James Balmes, Fundamental Philosophy. Trans. Henry F. Brownson. 2 vols. New York: D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 1856: viixvi; “Balmes’ Philosophy,” Works 2:462-67. Brownson’s introduction to his son Henry’s translation. Brownson recommended its translation primarily because of Balmes’s refutation of Bacon, Locke, Hume, Condillac, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Spinoza. “Mission of America.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (October, 1856):409-44; Works 11:551-84; Abell: 19-37. Review of Martin J. Spalding’s Miscellanea (1855). America is future of the world. Divine providence has given her a mission and task of working out in the world a higher order of civilization by means of Christianity. “The Church and Modern Civilization.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (October, 1856):462-85; Works 12:117-36. Review of Oeuvres completes de A. F. Ozanam (1855). Reflection on the church’s historical relations with Western culture; the ProtestantCatholic controversy now turns on church’s contributions to civilization, not on dogma and ritual. “E. H. Derby to his Son.” Part I of V. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (October, 1856):485-504; see January, April, July, and October, 1857; Works 7:335-52. Review of E. H. Derby, The Catholic. Letters addressed by a Jurist to a Young Kinsman proposing to join the Church of Rome (1856). Brownson’s use of patristic sources to argue against Derby’s detailed reasons for his son not joining the Catholic church. “The Presidential Election.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (October, 1856):504-13. Against Millard Fillmore and John C. Fremont because they are supported by the Know-Nothings. Favors James Buchanan the Democrat. On inappropriateness of slavery, Maine liquor law, and Catholicism as political issues. “The Church in the United States.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 18 (October, 1856):514-24; Works 20:40-50. Review of Henry De Courcy’s The Catholic Church in the United States (1856). De Courcy’s judgement on anything American is not to be trusted and his book on American Catholicism is little more than a series of newspaper articles without systematic organization, but intended to glorify France’s contribution to Catholicism in this country.



1857 “Brownson on the Church and the Republic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (January, 1857):1-29; Works 12:33-58. Review of “Brownson on the Church and the Republic,” Universalist Quarterly and General Review (October, 1856). Popular governments are impracticable without the church; church has moral authority and works upon the wills of the governed as well as those who govern. “E. H. Derby to his Son.” Part II of V. Brownson’.s Quarterly Review 19 (January, 1857):29-57; see October, 1856; April, July, and October, 1857; Works 7:352-78. “Maret on Reason and Revelation.” Part I of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (January, 1857):58-89; see “Necessity of Divine Revelation,” July, 1858; Works 1:438-67. “Dignity of Human Reason,” RyanA: 232-42. Tradition necessary to bring to reflective awareness what is ontologically present in intuition; history and tradition are proper media for detecting and establishing fact of supernatural providence. “Slavery and the Incoming Administration.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (January, 1857):89-114; Works 17:54-77. Slavery issue must be left to the states; Brownson supports “Union Principles” against Know-Nothingism and abolitionists. “Archbishop Hughes on the Catholic Press.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (January, 1857):114-41; Works 20:50-73; Gems: 23449. Review of John Hughes’s Reflections and Suggestions in Regard to what is called the Catholic Press in the United States (1856). On Hughes’s criticisms of national divisions in the Catholic press. Brownson’s denial that he supports an American Catholic party against a party of Catholic foreigners, and his defense of his own publications on Americanization and other American Catholic issues. “E. H. Derby to his Son.” Part III of V. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (April, 1857):145-84; see October, 1856; January, July, and October, 1857; Works 7:378-414. “Spiritual Despotism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (April, 1857):191-224; Works 7:479-507. Review of “Spiritual Despotism,” Methodist Quarterly Review (January, 1850). On Catholic violations of religious liberty and progress.



“Ailey Moore.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (April, 1857):224-48; Works 20:73-83. Review of Richard Baptist O’Brien’s novel Ailey Moore (1856). Comments on Irish relations with Anglo-Saxons. “The Slavery Question Once More.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (April, 1857):248-77; Works 17:77-94. On the Dred Scott case; Brownson regrets that the Catholic Chief Justice Roger Taney did not follow his religion in the decision. “E. H. Derby to his Son.” Part IV of V. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (July, 1857):281-327; see October, 1856; January, April, and October, 1857; Works 7:414-57. “Christianity and the Church Identical.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (July, 1857):327-48; Works 12:59-79. Review of “A Response to O. A. Brownson,” Universalist Quarterly and General Review (April, 1857). Brownson’s reactions to a Universalist criticism of his article “The Church and the Republic,” (July, 1856) and his re-assertion that the Catholic Church is identical with Christianity and necessary in society to prevent anarchy and/or tyranny. “Present Catholic Dangers.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (July, 1857):349-74; Works 12:136-60. Review of “Present Catholic Dangers,” Dublin Review (January, 1857). Reflections on the Dublin Review’s conflict with The Rambler, a conflict between the “convert party” and the native Catholic party; all the traditions of Catholics are not Catholic Tradition. “Religious Liberty in France.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (July, 1857):389-413; Works 16:514-35. Review of Charles de Montalembert’s “Des Appels comme d’Abus et des Articles Organiques du Concordat,” Le Correspondant (April, 1857). Catholic Church being allied with imperial governments; freedom of the church is condition of political freedom. The Convert; or, Leaves from my Experience. New York: Dunigan & Brother, 1857; Works 5:1-200; “The Convert,” RyanA: 286-303; Carey: 242-49; Miller: 45-47; Miller2: 40-47. Brownson’s public account of his intellectual journey to Catholicism. “E. H. Derby to his Son.” Part V of V. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (October, 1857):417-43; see October, 1856; January, April, and July, 1857; Works 7:457-79. “Aspirations of Nature.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (October, 1857):459-503; Works 14:548-77. Review of Isaac T. Hecker’s




Aspirations of Nature (1857). Hecker does not understand the Fall to be as devastating as it was; has too much confidence in reason at expense of revelation. “C. J. Cannon’s Works.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (October, 1857):503-27. Review of Charles James Cannon’s Dramas (1857), Poems Dramatic and Miscellaneous (1851), and Ravellings from the Web of Life (1855). Excerpts from these works and a brief delicate review of literature Brownson considered popular and lacking literary merit. “Le Vert’s Souvenirs of Travel.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (October, 1857):528-42. Review of Octavia Walton le Vert’s Souvenirs of Travel (1857) and comments on the “genuine outpourings” of an unsophisticated Southern lady. “British Preponderance.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 19 (October, 1857):542-55; Works 16:536-47. On Adam Smith and against British industrial and mercantile system. 1858 “Popular Objections to Catholicity—Lecture by Dr. Orestes A. Brownson.” New York Times (January 18, 1858): 5. Summary of a lecture given January 12 at the Academy of Music, New York City. “Conversations of Our Club.” Part I of VII. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (January, 1858):1-31; see April, July, and October, 1858; January, April, and July, 1859; Works 11:289-317. Dialogue on relation of religion to Catholicity, nationalism, liberty, politics and economics. “The Church an Organism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (January, 1858):103-27; Works 12:79-102. Review of “Christianity as an Organization,” Universalist Quarterly and General Review (October, 1857). Continuation of Brownson’s discussion with a Universalist on the church’s role in the Republic (see “Christianity and the Church Identical” July, 1857). Church’s claims rest not only on historical evidence, but on interior revelation. “Conversations of Our Club.” Part II of VII. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (April, 1858):171-209; see January, July, and October, 1858; January, April, and July, 1859; Works 11:317-53. “The Princeton Review and The Convert.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (April, 1858):244-87; Works 5:196-240. Review of “Brownson’s Exposition of Himself,” The Biblical Repertory and



Princeton Review (January, 1858). Brownson’s response to stricture upon his view of Presbyterianism in The Convert and his reason’s for abandoning Presbyterianism. “Revivals and Retreats.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (July, 1858):289-322; Carey: 249-67. Sensible devotions, through retreats and parish missions, help prepare people for a lively consciousness and experience of God and moral duty. “Conversations of Our Club.” Part III of VII. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (July, 1858):347-89; see January, April, and October, 1858; January, April, and July, 1859; Works 11:353-92. “Necessity of Divine Revelation.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (July, 1858):389-413; see January, 1857. “Maret on Reason and Revelation,” Works 1:467-89. “Clapp’s Autobiographical Sketches.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (July, 1858):413-24. Review of Theodore Clapp’s Autobiographical Sketches (1857). Reflections on Clapp’s liberal Christianity (Unitarianism and Universalism). “Conversations of Our Club.” Part IV of VII. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (October, 1858):425-66; see January, April, and July, 1858; January, April, and July, 1859; Works 11:393-431. “The English Schism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (October, 1858):491-513; Works, 12: 161-82. Review of C. J. M.’s Alice Sherwin (1858). An historical novel of the times of Sir Thomas More and the English Schism; reflections on the cause of the English Reformation. “An Exposition of the Apocalypse.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 20 (October, 1858):514-23. Review of An Exposition of the Apocalypse of St. John the Apostle (1858) by a Catholic priest who shares Brownson’s view of the age’s need. 1859 “Primitive Elements of Thought.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (January, 1859):58-90; Works 1:408-37. Review of Flavien Hugonin’s Etudes Philosophiques (1856-57). Main objective is to reassert the divine creative act, which is the basis upon which philosophy can be in accord with Christianity. That divine act exists among our primitive notions. “Conversation of Our Club.” Part V of VII. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (January, 1859):90-129; see January, April, July, and



October, 1858; April and July, 1859; Works 11:431-68. On theocracy. “The Trial and Conviction of Count de Montalembert.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (January, 1859):141-43. Protest against the French government’s imprisonment of Charles R. F. de Montalembert. “Conversations of Our Club.” Part VI of VII. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (April, 1859),145-90; see January, April, July, and October, 1858; January and July, 1859; Works 11:468-510. On the church and the revolution. “Politics at Home and Abroad.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (April, 1859):191-225; Works 16:548-80. Struggle for national identities in Europe; significance of Andrew Jackson and the American movement toward a popular democracy. “The Mortara Case; or, the Right of Parents to the Custody and Education of their Children.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (April, 1859):226-46. On religious liberty and parental rights. Support for the Roman government’s taking of a baptized child from its Jewish parents and providing for the child’s Christian education. “Pere Felix on Progress.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (April, 1859):262-80; Works 12:182-200. Review of Celestin Joseph Felix’s Le Progres par le Christianisme (1858). On the qualities of a good preacher and Felix’s inability to counter, at the affective level, those who hold the doctrine of progress. “Conversations of Our Club.” Part VII of VII. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (July, 1859):281-324; see January, April, July, and October, 1858; January and April, 1859; Works 11:510-51. On the church and revolution. “Public and Parochial Schools.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (July, 1859):324-42; Works 12:200-16; RyanA: 126-32. Review of John B. Purcell’s Pastoral Letter on the Decrees of the Second Provincial Council of Cincinnati (1859). Brownson’s support for good public schools as well as good Catholic schools that Americanize students. “Lamennais and Gregory XVI.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (July, 1859):372-95; Works 12:216-38. Review of Censure de Cinquantesix Propositions Extraites de divers Ecrits de M. de la Mennais, et de



ses Disciples (1835). Brownson holds Mirari vos infallible in condemning errors; Catholics may fail but church never does for it is more than simply an aggregate of believers. “Napoleonic Ideas.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (July, 1859):396410; Works 16:581-94. Review of Napoleon-Louis Bonaparte’s Des Idées Napoléaniennes (1839). Napoleon is a despot under guise of liberty; England only bulwark of liberty in Europe. “Romanic and Germanic Orders.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (October,1859):493-526; Works 12:238-69. Review of John M’Elheran’s The Condition of Women and Children among the Celtic, Gothic, and other Nations (1858). Brownson’s opposition to this book which argued that Catholicism was Celtic and Protestantism was Germanic. “The Roman Question.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 21 (October,1859):526-40; Works 18:418-30. Review of Edmond About’s The Roman Question (1859). On papal temporal authority over the papal states. 1860 “Christianity or Gentilism?” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (January, 1860):1-42; Works 12:270-305. Review of Pope or President? (1859). Brownson’s reaction to this nativist publication, his doctrine of the Incarnation, and his views on the mediation of grace through humanity. “Manahan’s Triumph of the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (January, 1860):51-74; Works 12:305-25. Review of Ambrose Manahan’s Triumph of the Church in the Early Ages (1859). Brownson’s comments on the relation between Catholicism and the moral development of civilization. “The Bible against Protestants.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (January, 1860):75-95; Works 7:580-97. Review of Bishop Lawrence Shiel’s The Bible against Protestantism and for Catholicity (1859). Catholic Church does not reveal new truths; Bible is word of God interpreted in light of Catholic tradition. “The True Cross.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (January, 1860):96118; Works 8:280-99. Review of C. Malan’s The True Cross (1858). On the supernatural; Catholic understanding of merit. “The Yankee in Ireland.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (January, 1860):118-30; Works 20:83-93. Review of Paul Peppergrass’s Mary



Lee (1860). Brownson’s view of the weakness of Irish writers and his controversy with Peppergrass on literary criticism. “Limits of Religious Thought.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (April, 1860),137-74; Works 3:230-56. Review of Henry L. Mansel’s The Limits of Religious Thought Examined (1859). Brownson’s criticisms of Mansel’s epistemology and his fideism (demolishing reason in order to prove the necessity of revelation). “Études de Théologie.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (April, 1860):174-207; Works 19:465-93; Modern; 465-93. Review of Charles Daniel’s and Jean Gagarin’s Études de Théologie, de Philosophie, et d’Histoire (1859-60). On the error of Ontologists— faith not dependent on philosophy; rather, philosophy useful in constructing science of theology and defending faith. “Ventura on Christian Politics.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (April, 1860):207-36; “Christian Politics,” Works 12:325-50. Review of Gioacchino Ventura de Raulica’s Le Pouvoir Politique Chrétien (1858). Brownson’s views of the separation of religion from politics and the revolutionary spirit of the day. “Burnett’s Path to the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (April, 1860):237-53; Works 20:93-107. Review of Peter H. Burnett’s The Path which led a Protestant Lawler to the Catholic Church (1860). On California governor’s reasons for becoming Catholic and effective means to overcome Protestant doubts and indifference. “American College at Rome.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (April, 1860):253-61. Review of Alla Santità di N. S. Pio IX, in Occasione della Visita da Lui fatta al Nuovo Collegio Americano (1860). On necessity of Roman education of American clergy to avoid excessive nationalism. “The Papal Power.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (July, 1860):273302; Works 12:351-75. Review of Jean Gosselin’s The Power of the Pope during the Middle Ages (1853). Brownson’s view that the pope held temporal powers jure divino as well as jure humano, and his assertion that politics cannot be wholly separated from religion. “Politics at Home.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (July, 1860):36091; Works 17:94-120. Brownson supports republican theory of government; he opposes slavery, but distinguishes between the political and the moral question. “Rationalism and Traditionalism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (October, 1860):409-45; Works 1:490-520. Review of Annales de



Philosophie Chrétienne (March, 1860). Against Augustin Bonnetty and traditionalists who reduce all science to faith; peripathetics and traditionalists share same mistake—no distinction between intuitive and reflective order. “Rights of the Temporal.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 22 (October, 1860):462-96; Works 12:376-405. Review of Thomas Hughes’s School Days at Rugby (1859). On the laity’s rights and role in the church, and the rights of lay society. Spiritual supremacy does not imply the absorption of the temporal. 1861 861 “Ward’s Philosophical Introduction.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (January, 1861):1-32; Works 14:348-79. Review of William G. Ward’s On Nature and Grace (1860). Brownson opposed to Aquinas’s systematic order; Ward’s problems stem from fact that he starts with Aquinas’s pars secunda; Ward does not consider the creative act and the Incarnation as the basis of all moral life. “Separation of Church and State.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (January, 1861):65-97; Works 12:406-38. Review of Celestin Joseph Felix’s Le Progres par le Christianisme (1858-60). Supremacy of the spiritual, yet the temporal has its freedom; the state is not absolutely autonomous, but it does have a relative autonomy in temporal order. “Harmony of Faith and Reason.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (January, 1861):117-31; Works 3:257-71. Review of A. C. Baine’s An Essay on the Harmonious Relations between Divine Faith and Natural Reason (1861). Method for demonstrating that natural reason is below faith but not contrary to it. “Christ the Spirit.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (April, 1861):13763; Works 3:272-97. Review of Etha Hitchcock’s Christ the Spirit (1861). Book attempts to get rid of historical Christ; Brownson believes uncultured Catholics should rely on faith not their simple reasoning. “Pope and Emperor.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (April, 1861):163-88; Works 12:439-63. Review of Jean-Mamert Cayla’s Pape et Empereur (1860). Brownson opposes the recommendation of this book which calls for separation of church in France from communion with Rome; Brownson argues that such a “political blunder” would unite church and state.



“The Monks of the West.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (April, 1861):238-64. Review of Charles R. F. de Montalembert’s Les Moines d’ Occident (1860). On the influence of the monks in founding modern civilization through the agency of monastic life and discipline, and on the American conditions that have led to Civil War, and the need for new monks in the West. “Gioberti’s Philosophy of Revelation.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (July, 1861):281-324; “Vincenzo Gioberti,” Works 2:140-82. Review of Gioberti’s Della Filosofia della Rivelazione (1856). Neither in philosophy nor in theology is Gioberti Brownson’s guide or master; against Gioberti’s works and political spirit. “Catholic Polemics.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (July, 1861):35578; Works 20:107-30; RyanA: 331-40. Review of Charles Frederic Hudson’s Christ our Life (1861). Brownson describes the new apologetic that is needed to meet the needs of intelligent Protestants. “The Great Rebellion.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (July, 1861):378-402; Works 17:121-43. Support for Union and Constitution; Southern Confederate States have no legitimate authority. “Sardinia and Rome.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (July, 1861):403-16; Works 18:431-44. Review of Charles R. F. de Montalembert’s Deuxieme Lettre a M. Ie Comte de Cavour (1861). Montalembert’s and Brownson’s views on temporal power of pope and necessity of making some adjustments to modern developments in Italy. “Various Objections and Criticisms Considered and Answered.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (October, 1861):417-62; Works 20:130-70. Brownson responds to criticisms of his article “Catholic Polemics” (July, 1861); he defends his Giobertian philosophy, his criticisms of scholasticism, and especially his views on hell and the meaning of the future condition of the reprobate. “The Philosophy of Religion.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (October, 1861):462-91; Works 2:182-210. On Vincenzo Gioberti’s philosophy of religion; five of Gioberti’s errors summarized. “Reading and Study of the Scriptures.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (October, 1861):492-509; Works 20:171-87. RyanA: 304-18. Review of Introduction Historique Critique aux Livres de Nouveau Testament (1861). Church has received the sense of Sacred Scriptures from Holy Spirit but church’s guidance does not destroy reason.



“Slavery and the War.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (October, 1861):510-46; Works 17:144-78; Brownson on the Rebellion. St. Louis: Gray, 1861. Review of Augustin Cochin’s L’Abolition de l’Esclavage (1861). Slavery is great moral and political wrong; providence may have brought on war as means of emancipation and the reinforcing of the Union. “The End of the Eighteenth Volume.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 23 (October, 1861):547-48. Brownson denies that he has become a Protestant, defends himself against Catholics who question his orthodoxy. 1862 The War For The Union. Speech by Dr. O. A. Brownson. How the War should be Prosecuted. The Duty of the Government, and the Duty of the Citizen. New York: George F. Nesbitt & Co., 1862. A speech on August 28, 1862 at Willard’s Hotel in Washington, DC. Advocates the elimination of slavery as a war measure to preserve the Union. “The Reunion of all Christians.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (January, 1862):1-34; Works 12:464-96. Review of Adrien Nampon’s Étude de la Doctrine Catholique (1852). Need for a new apologetic: life by communion, and the creative act as the dialectic principle of grace and nature. “Archbishop Hughes on Slavery.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (January, 1862):34-66; Works 17:179-210. Review of “Brownson’s Review,” Metropolitan Record (October 12, 1861). On Hughes’s protest against Brownson’s view that slavery was cause of Civil War; Hughes contends northern abolitionists brought on the war. “Catholic Schools and Education.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (January, 1862):66-85; Works 12:496-514; RyanA: 133-48. Reasons why many Catholics do not support Catholic schools. “The Punishment of the Reprobate.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (January, 1862):85-113; Works 20:187-215. Brownson’s response to criticism that his view on the future condition of the reprobate did not coincide with “the common and universalistic belief of the Catholic people.” “The Struggle of the Nation for Life.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (January, 1862):113-32; Works 17:211-27. Review of The First Annual Message of the President of the United States (December 3, 1861). Panegyric on behalf of heroic sacrifice and courage in the



Civil War; war between two ideas of government—states rights and federal union. “Our Nineteenth Volume.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (January, 1862):132-34. Brownson reports that the Review will become more general and “catholic,” appealing not only to Roman Catholics. “The Church not a Despotism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (April, 1862):137-72; Works 20:215-48. Church is governed by law; laity have the right to voice theological opinions without prior permission. “Essays on the Reformation.” Part I of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (April, 1862):172-94; see July and October, 1862; Works 12:514-36. The Trinitarian structure of Brownson’s thought and philosophy of history; on the social and political sources of the Reformation, and the fact that in its united forms the Reformation was Catholic in its motivation. “State Rebellion, State Suicide.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (April, 1862):194-220; Works 17:228-53. Sovereignty belongs to territory not people, hence injustice of Southern succession; no ground now for slavery to exist. “Emancipation and Colonization.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (April, 1862):220-40; Works 17:253-72. Review of Agénor de Gasparin’s The Uprising of a Great People (1862). On the meaning of Lincoln’s election; call for immediate emancipation of slaves. “Weninger’s Protestantism and Infidelity.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (April, 1862):240-63. Review of Francis X. Weninger’s Protestantism and Infidelity (1862). On Weninger’s desire to conduct missions among Protestants and Brownson’s emphasis upon the Catholic more than the Protestant causes of infidelity and divisions of Christianity. “Letter from Dr. Brownson.” Catholic Herald and Visitor (Philadelphia) (April 22, 1862):6. Defends his orthodoxy vis-à-vis his ideas on the temporal power of the pope. Rome has not condemned his position. “Essays on the Reformation.” Part II of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (July, 1862):273-303; see April and October, 1862; Works 12:536-66. Protestant movement was honest movement of reform. “Lacordaire and Catholic Progress.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (July, 1862):303-33; Works 20:249-78; RyanA: 341-48. Review of Charles R. F. de Montalembert’s Le Pere Lacordaire (1862).



Necessity of liberty outside and inside church; on the mission of intelligent laymen. “What the Rebellion Teaches.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (July, 1862):333-60; Works 17:273-92. Review of James Keogh’s Catholic Principles of Civil Government (1862). Governing power a trust; non est potestas nisi a Deo. “Meditations of St. Ignatius.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (July, 1862):360-73; Works 14:577-89. Review of Liborio Siniscalchi’s The Meditations of St. Ignatius, or the “Spiritual Exercises” expounded (1862). Brownson’s difficulties with methods of prayer and meditation, and his own views of the subjective assimilation of grace through meditation. “Confiscation and Emancipation.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (July, 1862):373-96; Works 17:293-316. On Charles Sumner’s views of the war powers of the federal government published in his Indemnity for the Past and Security for the Future (1862); Brownson favors voluntary emancipation of Negroes to territory where they will not have to face racial prejudice. “Literary Notices and Criticisms—What and Where is the Church?” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (July, 1862):397-400. Brownson defends his view of the infallibility of the church in explaining why he rejected for publication an article submitted to him by a “Brownsonian.” “Essays on the Reformation.” Part III of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (October, 1862):409-50; see April and July, 1862; Works 12:566-607. Reformation was “the continuance of the evolution of the idea;” Protestant doctrines and sects were only the temporary accidents of the Reform movement. “Slavery and the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (October, 1862):451-87; Works 17:317-52. Brownson accepts abolition because it is necessary to preserve union; he does not accept negroes as equal to whites. “The Seward Policy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (October, 1862):487-521; Works 17:353-85. On the Lincoln administration’s “faults and shortcomings,” particularly the compromising policy toward the Southern rebellion. “Froschammer on the Freedom of Science.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (October, 1862):521-33; Works 20:289-92. Review of Jakob Froschammer’s journal Athenäum (1862). On the German



Catholic philosopher’s views on intellectual freedom in the Catholic Church; science and philosophy must have freedom. “Catholicity, Liberalism, and Socialism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (October, 1862):533-44; Works 20:279-89. Review of Donoso Cortes’s Essay on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism (1862). On the shallow theology of the schools; Brownson not in Jesuit school of theology. He defines his own theology. “End of the Nineteenth Volume.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 24 (October, 1862):544-46. Brownson again defends himself against his Catholic critics. He also states that while the War continues, the Review will not continue anti-Protestant articles because both Catholics and Protestants must work together to reunite the nation. 1863 “Faith and Theology.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (January, 1863):1-29; Works 8:1-28. History, facts, and revelation; relation between authoritative faith and authoritative science. “Conscripts and Volunteers.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (January, 1863):55-77. On the expensive, inefficient, unequal and unjust system of volunteerism as a method of recruiting for national armies, and on the necessity of conscription. “Mrs. Sadlier’s Old and New.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (January, 1863):77-88. Review of Mary Sadlier’s Old and New (1862). Sadlier writes for moral and religious purposes and her works should be judged by moral and religious rather than artistic standards. On the American propensity to gain wealth and its evil consequences upon character. “The President’s Message.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (January, 1863):88-116; “The President’s Policy,” Works 17:386-412. Review of Annual Message of the President to both Houses of Congress (December 1, 1862). On Lincoln’s message to Congress, the locus of national sovereignty, and Brownson’s developing theory of government. “Faith and Reason—Revelation and Science.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (April, 1863):129-60; Works 3:565-95. Review of Richard Simpson’s Bishop Ullathorne and the Rambler (1862) and his Forms of Intuition. Papers from the Rambler (n.d.). Brownson and the synthetic method; chief problem is with the scientific rationalists.



“Sermons by the Paulists.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (April, 1863):160-75. Review of Sermons preached at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle (1862). On difference between Paulists and Brownson on origin of sin and pure nature. “Mr. Conway and the Union.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (April, 1863):175-204. Review of M. F. Conway’s The War a Reactionary Agent (1863). Brownson’s criticisms of Conway’s call for cessation of war and division of country into two nations, one slave and one free. On the administration’s war measures. “Reform and Reformers.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (April, 1863):227-43; Works 20:292-308. Review of Jakob Froschammer’s Einleitung in die Philosophie und Grundriss der Metaphysik; Zur Reform der Philosophie (1858) and his Menschenseele und Physiologie (1855). Need for freedom in Catholic science and reform in philosophy and theology. “Orthodoxy and Unitarianism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (July, 1863):256-89; “The Mysteries of Faith,” Works 8:28-58. Review of Rev. Anthony Kohlmann’s Unitarianism (1821); intelligible and supra-intelligible form one dialectical whole. “Walworth’s Gentle Skeptic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (July, 1863):312-41; “Science and the Sciences,” Works 9:254-68; “Science and the Sciences,” RyanA: 243-56. Review of Clarence Walworth’s The Gentile Skeptic (1863). Role of science in teleological order; possession of revelation does not preclude scientific investigation. “Stand by the Government “ Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (July, 1863):342-67. Review of John Baker’s The Rebellion (1863) and Gerrit Smith’s Stand by the Government (1863). Brownson’s support for Smith’s view that the Rebellion must be put down and the Union preserved with or without slavery, but slavery will be abolished. “Are Catholics Pro-slavery and Disloyal?” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (July, 1863):367-79. Review of Theodore Tilton’s The Negro (1863). Brownson is hostile to slavery but opposed to “negro equality.” American Catholics, especially in New York City, are generally pro-slavery, though that position is contrary to church teachings. “Catholics and the Anti-Draft Riots.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (October, 1863):385-420; Works 17:412-47. Blames clergy for



not educating rioters and for failing to resist Southern rebellion; most blame, however, belongs to pro-slavery Democrats in New York City. “New England Brahminism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (October, 1863):421-48. The history of Puritan theology out of which emerged the nineteenth century New England Brahminical class of writers whose cravings are ultimately for Catholicism. “Return of the Rebellious States.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 25 (October, 1863):481-511; Works 17:448-77. On the conditions of peace and on the reconstitution of the seceding states in the federal government.” “Note from O. A. Brownson.” New York Times (October 15, 1863): 4. 1864 *“Atheism.” The New American Cyclopedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge. ed. Charles Dana and George Ripley. 16 Vols. NY: D. Appleton, 1864. 1: 265-66. “Introduction to the National Series.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (January, 1864):1-12. Brownson announces that Review will no longer be a theological review, but only national and secular. “The Federal Constitution.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (January, 1864):12-44; Works 17:478-509. Brownson calls for constitutional means for re-admitting states that seceded from the Union; on Brownson’s theory of the origins of constitutions. “Vincenzo; or, Sunken Rocks.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (January, 1864):45-70. Review of John Ruffini’s Vincenzo; or, Sunken Rocks (1863). On religious and political affairs in Italy, and Ruffini’s anti-clericalism. “Popular Corruption and Venality.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (January, 1864):70-85. Review of Daniel Dougherty’s The Peril of the Republic the Fault of the People (1863). On the loss of virtue in the American public. “The President’s Message and Proclamation.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (January, 1864):85-112; Works 17:510-36. Review of Third Annual Message of President Lincoln to both Houses of Congress (December 9, 1863). On Lincoln’s “unconstitutional” plan for reorganizing the seceding states. “General Halleck’s Report.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (January, 1864):112-21. Review of The Official Report of the General-



in-chief to the Secretary of War (1863). On military matters in the Civil War and in defense of General Henry Wager Halleck’s decisions. “The Giobertian Philosophy.” Part I of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (April, 1864):129-66; see July, 1864; “Vincenzo Gioberti,” Works 2:211-70; Gems: 98-106. Review of Gioberti’s Teorica del Sovranaturale (1850). How Gioberti is separated from rationalists, spiritualists, and Jesuits; Gioberti’s intuition is not the intuition of theologians. “Stevens on Reconstruction.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (April, 1864):166-86. Review of Thaddeus Stevens’s Reconstruction (1864). The seceded States are no longer States in the Union and therefore have no constitutional rights. Against the blunders of the Lincoln administration, and especially the policies of William H. Seward, Secretary of State. “Abolition and Negro Equality.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (April, 1864):186-209; Works 17:537-60. Review of Speech of Wendell Phillips, Esq., at the Annual Meeting of the Anti-Slavery Society (1864). Blacks inferior, but against deportation since blacks died to save union. “The Next President.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (April, 1864):210-23. Review of Samuel Clarke Pomeroy’s The Next Presidential Election (1864). Lincoln is totally deficient in administrative talent and not the man to be re-elected if a War Democratic candidate is proposed for election. “Reade’s Very Hard Cash.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (April, 1864):223-37. Review of Charles Reade’s Very Hard Cash (1864). Brownson’s defense of his recent focus upon political philosophy. “Military Matters and Men.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (April, 1864):237-52. Review of Frank Moore’s Rebellion Record (1864). On General George McClellan’s candidacy for the presidency, which Brownson opposed, and criticisms of his military maneuvers. “Fremont and Cochrane—Speeches by Dr. O. A. Brownson.” New York Times (June 28, 1864):4-5. “Dr. Brownson’s Speech at the Fremont Meeting.” New York Times (June 29, 1864):4. “Civil and Religious Freedom.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (July, 1864):257-91; Works 20:308-42; RyanA: 349-56. Review of Charles R. F. de Montalembert’s “L’Église libre dans l’État libre,”



Le Correspondant (August and September, 1863). The clerical dream of the Middle Ages, which the Jesuits still maintain, must be abandoned in favor of Montalembert’s assertion of the freedom of the state in temporals and the freedom of the church realized in the freedom of the citizen. “Giobertian Philosophy.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (July, 1864):292-315; see April, 1864; “Vincenzo Gioberti,” Works 2:211-76. “Literature, Love, and Marriage.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (July, 1864):315-39; Works 19:493-516; Gems: 107-32; Modern: 493516. Review of Bayard Taylor’s Hannah Thurston (1864). On nature of American literature; lack of virility in American culture. “Lincoln or Fremont?” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (July, 1864):339-70. On the Baltimore Convention’s nomination of Lincoln for re-election and Brownson’s opposition to it and his support for the Cleveland Convention’s nomination of John C. Fremont. “General Fitz John Porter.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (July, 1864):371-77. On the removal of General Porter from the army and Brownson’s support for Porter’s loyalty and abilities. “Note from Dr. Orestes A. Brownson.” New York Times (July 2, 1864): 4. “Are the United States a Nation?” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (October, 1864):385-420; Works 17:560-94. Review of The Federalist (1864). Brownson wants to find middle ground between state sovereignty and consolidation of all authority in federal government. “Mr. Lincoln and Congress.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (October, 1864):420-50. Review of a series of documents on President Lincoln’s Proclamation of the Reconstruction Bill of Congress (1864). A severe criticism of Lincoln’s character and abilities, and a recounting of his administrative blunders and unconstitutional acts with respect to reconstruction of the governments of the Southern States. “Liberalism and Progress.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (October, 1864):450-70; Works 20:342-61; Kirk: 161-90. Review of General Croaker’s unpublished manuscript “Tendencies of Modern Society.” Brownson asserts need for social aristocracy as in South; defines his position between liberalism and obscurantism.



“Explanations to Catholics.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (October, 1864):470-89; Works 20:361-81. Brownson defends his Catholicism, especially against those Catholics who have attacked his article on “Civil and Religious Liberty” (July,1864), and some of the changes in his theological perspective over the last ten years. “Chicago, Baltimore, and Cleveland.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (October, 1864):490-506. Brownson favors John C. Fremont for President; under no circumstances would he support Lincoln. On the policies of the political parties and their candidates nominated at the Chicago, Baltimore and Cleveland conventions. “Seward’s Speech at Auburn.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 26 (October, 1864):506-12. Review of Speech of the Hon. Wm. H. Seward (1864). On successful military affairs, the constitutional abolition of slavery after the cessation of the war, and Lincoln’s re-election. “Lincoln or McClellan—Note from Dr. Orestes A. Brownson.” New York Times (October 28,1864):5. 1865 The American Republic: Its Constitution, Tendencies, and Destiny. New York: P. O’Shea, 1865; La republique americaine, par O. A. Brownson. trans. le Comte de Lubersac. Paris: Amyot, 1870; Works 18:1-222; RyanA: 68-102; Ellis: 383-85. Brownson’s religiousconstitutional theory of government; political authority is derived by the collective people or society from God through natural law. Catholicity and Naturalism. Boston: Patrick Donahoe, 1865. Works 8:339-59. Naturalism denies supernatural revelation; there is development, but it unfolds only what was “originally in germ.” “Saint Worship.” Ave Maria 1 (October 21, 1865):352-55; (November 4, 1865):389-91; (December 2, 1865):451-53; (December 30, 1865):513-14; 2 (February 3, 1866):70-71; (February 10, 1866): 82-83; (February 17, 1866):101-03; (February 24, 1866):116-117; (March 10, 1866):146-48; (March 24, 1866):182-84; (March 31, 1866):198-99; (April 7, 1866):214-15; (April 14, 1866):235-36; (May 12, 1866):294-95; “Miracles of the Saints” (May 26, 1866): 328-29; (June 2, 1866):341-42; “Worship of Relics, Crucifixes, etc.” (September 22, 1866):593-95; (October 6, 1866):627-29; “Saint Worship” (October 20, 1866):657-58; Works 8:117-85; RyanT: 3-90. Nature of prayer; cult of the saints in Catholic piety based on doctrines of creation and redemption.



1866 “Moral and Social Influence of Devotion to Mary.” Ave Maria 2 (June 16, 1866):377-80; (June 23, 1866):385-88; Works 8:86-104. Devotion to Mary promotes in the devotees the virtues (especially humility, maternity, and virginity or chastity) which they love, honor, and venerate in her, and has influenced Christian society as well as individuals. “Herbert Spencer’s Biology.” Catholic World 3 (June, 1866):425-27. Review of Spencer’s The Principles of Biology (1866), which is a manifestation of positivism and naturalism. “Use and Abuse of Reading.” Catholic World 3 (July, 1866): 463-73; Works 19:517-32; Modern: 517-32. On abuse of literature in depicting with delight the vices of nature; appeal to Catholic consciences to demand good books and journals. “Independence of the Church.” Catholic World 4 (October, 1866):5164; Works 13:86-107. On the Syllabus of Errors; Catholicity and what it is not. “Recent Events in Europe.” Catholic World 4 (November, 1866):21726; Works 18:466-81. On power plays in European politics. “Dr. O. A. Brownson on the Suffrage Question and Reconstruction. Letter to the Editor.” New York Times (November, 25, 1866):1. “Reason and Religion.” Ave Maria 2 (December 1, 1866):756-58; (December 15, 1866):788-90; 3 (January 5, 1867):4-6; (January 19, 1867):38-9; Works 8:324-39. On central Protestant principle of total depravity; Catholic Church on original sin. 1867 “Charity and Philanthropy.” Catholic World 4 (January, 1867):43446; Works 14:428-47. Sentimental culture has replaced moral; philanthropy separated from charity and love of God. “Hopeful Tendencies.” New York Tablet 10 (January 5, 1867):8. On religious movements toward Catholic unity, especially on the ritualistic movement in Anglican Church which is an “earnest desire for Catholic worship.” “The Future of Catholicity.” New York Tablet 10 (January 5, 1867):89. On the loss of state support for Catholicism in Europe and the future benefits of separation. On the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore, one sign of growth in a free state.



“The Eastern Question.” New York Tablet 10 (January 12, 1867):8. On the settlement of issues relating to the Christian population in Turkish empire and the roles of Western states in the settlement of the issues.” “The French Episcopate and the Roman Question.” New York Tablet 10 (January 12, 1867):9. On conversion of French bishops to ultramontanism because of the spoilation of the Estates of the Church. “Retraction.” New York Tablet 10 (January 12, 1867):9. On a Mr. Riedel’s reasons for retracting his conversion to Catholicism and his return to the Reformed tradition. “Impeachment of the President.” New York Tablet 10 (January 19, 1867):8. On insufficient grounds for impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. “Church Union.” New York Tablet 10 (January 19, 1867):9. On the newly established Evangelical journal Church Union (Brooklyn), its desire for reunion of the Churches, and Brownson’s doctrine of life by communion. “Theories of the Constitution.” New York Tablet 10 (January 26, 1867):8. On five interpretations of American Constitution in the midst of Reconstruction problems. “Church Union.” New York Tablet 10 (January 26,1867):9. Defense of Brownson’s views of ecclesiastical union based on Catholic principles. “Bigotry and Superstition.” New York Tablet 10 (January 26, 1867):9. A definition of the two terms. “A Very Inconsistent Observer.” New York Tablet 10 (January 26, 1867):8. On the New York Observer’s charges against the dogma of infallibility. “The Church and Monarchy.” Catholic World 4 (February, 1867):62739; Works 13:107-27. On Syllabus of Errors; American republic founded by providence not men. “The Altar and the Pulpit.” New York Tablet (February 2, 1867):9. The Liberal Christian places pulpit above the altar; altar belongs to a past age. “Baron Ricasoli and the Bishops.” New York Tablet 10 (February 2, 1867):8. Absolute supremacy of the state under the guise of separation of Church and state in Italy; difference from American understanding of separation.



“Mary Mother of God.” Ave Maria 3 (February 8, 1867):81-83. Chalcedonian formula explained; Protestant view of Incarnation is Nestorian. “Congress and the President.” New York Tablet 10 (February 9, 1867):8. Difference between president and congress on readmitting Southern states into Union. “Protection and Free Trade.” New York Tablet 10 (February 9, 1867):9. United States protective tariffs as unconstitutional. “The Protective Policy.” New York Tablet 10 (February 16, 1867):8. Protective policies protect only the rich business corporations and monopolies; Brownson neither free trader nor protectionist. “A Fair-Sided View of ‘Liberal Christianity.’” New York Tablet 10 (February 16, 1867):8-9. On the recent modifications in New England Unitarianism and the openness of “liberal searchers.” “Congress and Protestant Worship.” New York Tablet 10 (February 23, 1867):8. Congress’s concern with prohibition of Protestant worship in Rome. “Poland and Venice.” New York Tablet (February 23, 1867):8-9. On the fall from national status. “The Tariff and Internal Taxes.” New York Tablet 10 (February 23, 1867):9. Tariffs only enrich the few and make underconsumption the basic problem in political economy. “Proprieties and Improprieties of Indignation.” New York Tablet 10 (February 23, 1867):9. On prohibition of Protestant worship in Rome. “Sanctity Seeks Obscurity.” Ave Maria 3 (March 2, 1867):132-34; Carey: 267-71. On John 18:36. Sanctity frequently appears in the unpretentious. “Protestant Worship in Rome.” New York Tablet 10 (March 2, 1867):8. On religious liberty and protection of temporal sovereignty. “‘God Help the Pope.’” New York Tablet 10 (March 2, 1867):8-9. On the pope’s rights of temporal sovereignty and the imminence of his loss of power. “Protestant Alarm.” New York Tablet 10 (March 2, 1867):9. On the growth of Catholicism in the United States. “Reconstruction—Note from Rev. O. A. Brownson.” New York Times (March 7, 1867):2. “The Pope and Inductive Philosophy.” New York Tablet 10 (March 9, 1867):8. On the difference between an inductive method and an



inductive philosophy; pope has not condemned an inductive method but only hypotheses that go beyond observable facts. “The Pope and Civilization.” New York Tablet 10 (March 16, 1867):8. Against those who charge the pope with condemning social programs of modern civilization; he condemns the materialism of socalled social programs, not true social programs. “The Military Government Law.” New York Tablet 10 (March 16, 1867):9. On bill providing for better government of the unreconstructed Southern States. “Protestantism and Freedom of Worship.” New York Tablet 10 (March 23, 1867):8. On suppression of religious liberty in Protestant countries. “The New York ‘Observer’ and the Inquisition.” New York Tablet 10 (March 30, 1867):8. Rome’s prohibition of public worship for Protestants. “The New York ‘Herald’ and the Pope.” New York Tablet 10 (March 30, 1867):8. On James Gordon Bennett’s assertion that Catholics everywhere are willing to abolish the temporal authority of the pope. “Public Schools and the ‘Nation.’” New York Tablet 10 (March 30, 1867):8-9. Public schools as dangerous to Catholic faith and morals; Catholic schools support intelligence, religion and country. “The ‘Church Union.’” New York Tablet 10 (March 30, 1867):9. Evangelical understanding of union of churches is devoid of doctrinal content. “Union of Church and State.” Catholic World 5 (April, 1867):1-14; Works 13:127-45. Separation of church and state brought about by conscience. “Rev. Dr. Brann and St. Patrick’s Day in Elizabeth, N. J.” New York Tablet 10 (March 30, 1867):9. On Henry Brann’s support for Irish patriots. “Protestant Respect for the Rights of Catholics.” New York Tablet 10 (April 6, 1867):8. On the rights of poor Catholic parents to provide religious education for their children. “The ‘Christian Intelligencer’ Seeking Light.” New York Tablet 10 (April 6, 1867):9. On Rome’s right to protect a national religion; but state has no inherent rights over religion. “Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 10 (April 13, 1867):8. Papal infallibility not invoked in the Roman issue of religious liberty; pope not infallible as a temporal sovereign.



“The N. Y. Herald on Progress.” New York Tablet 10 (April 13, 1867):8-9. Against the English custom of distributing property as a means of progress and reform because it violates the natural right to property. “The N. Y. Observer—Under a Mistake.” New York Tablet 10 (April 20, 1867):8-9. On Rev. G. H. Doane’s pamphlet, Exclusion of Protestant Worship from the City of Rome (1867). Doane speaks of the rights of the Church in prohibiting worship; Brownson on the rights of Roman civil government. “The Liberal Christian.” New York Tablet 10 (April 20, 1867):9. Liberal Christian defined as one who accounts doctrine as nothing, but emphasizes common behavior and religious sentiment. “Catholicity and Presbyterianism.” New York Tablet 10 (April 27, 1867):8. Against the charge that Catholicism is a persecuting religion. Catholic Church is intolerant in theological order, but not in civil order. “Roman Intolerance.” New York Tablet 10 (April 27, 1867):8-9. Every state is sovereign under the law of God within its own dominions. State has no competence in spiritual matters—must protect liberty. “An Old Quarrel.” Catholic World 5 (May, 1867):145-59; Works 2:284306. On nominalist-realist debates. Brownson tries to show that Anselm and Aquinas were not opposed to one another on knowledge of God; both accept the a priori foundation for our knowledge of perfect being. “What is Protestantism?” New York Tablet 10 (May 4, 1867):8. Although Protestants hold many things in common with Catholic Church the distinctive essence of Protestantism is found in private interpretation. “Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 10 (May 4, 1867):8. Papal infallibility as a theological opinion, not an article of faith. “The Christian Intelligencer.” New York Tablet 10 (May 4, 1867):89. Religious liberty and prohibiting worship. “Affairs Abroad.” New York Tablet 10 (May 11, 1867):8. On changes in French foreign policy. “Affairs at Home.” New York Tablet 10 (May 11, 1867):8. On the Military Reconstruction Law and “negro suffrage.” “American Christian Review.” New York Tablet 10 (May 18, 1867):8. Religious liberty.



“Christian Unity.” New York Tablet 10 (May 18, 1867):8-9. Comments on Thomas S. Preston’s Lectures on Christian Unity (1867). Christian unity is part of spiritual constitution of the Church and not the result of human engineering. “Ritualism.” New York Tablet 10 (May 18, 1867):9. A providential sign of a Protestant movement toward Catholicism in the reassertion of mediated grace. “New York Observer on infallibility.” New York Tablet 10 (May 25, 1867):9. Prohibition of Protestant worship in Rome. “Victor Cousin and his Philosophy.” Catholic World 5 (June, 1867):332-47; Works 2:307-29. On occasion of Cousin’s death; for Cousin method over principle, reflection over intuition. “Release of Jeff. Davis.” New York Tablet 11 (June 1, 1867):8. On putting an end to punishing Southern leaders of “the rebellion.” “Private Judgment.” New York Tablet 11 (June 1, 1867):8. Catholic as well as Protestant senses of private interpretation and interior illumination. “Protestant Proselytism.” New York Tablet 11 (June 1, 1867):8-9. On Protestant attempts to separate Catholic children from the Catholic faith. “Affairs Abroad.” New York Tablet 11 (June 15, 1867):8. On Victor Emmanuel and the pope; the Eastern Question, France, Prussia and Mexico. “Social Despotism.” New York Tablet 11 (June 15,1867):9. On individual freedom and the proper subjects of governmental action— against puritanical legislation. “Extremes Meet.” New York Tablet 11 (June 15, 1867):9. On suffrage as a trust, not an inalienable right. “Universal Suffrage.” New York Tablet 11 (June 22, 1867):8. On relationship between suffrage and the power of governing. Against suffrage as a natural right. “The Church and the Bible.” New York Tablet 11 (June 29, 1867):5. On the Protestant and Catholic understanding of the relationship of faith and authority. “Catholic Congresses.” New York Tablet 11 (June 29, 1867):8-9. On Belgian and German Catholic Congresses since 1848. Call for similar congresses in the United States. “Guettée’s Papacy Schismatic.” Part I of II. Catholic World 5 (July, 1867):463-79; Works 8:474-500; see August, 1867. Review of Abbé



René François Wladimir Guettée’s The Papacy (1867). Brownson objects to the ex-Catholic’s attacks upon the papal claims to primacy and sovereignty, his conversion to Orthodoxy, and his view that the papacy was the cause of the East-West schism. “Female Suffrage.” New York Tablet 11 (July 6, 1867):8. Opposed on grounds that it is part of a movement to be freed from the restraints of all law. “Hungering After the Truth.” New York Tablet 11 (July 6, 1867):9. On Unitarian attempts to spread the truth by minimizing doctrine. “Church Union.” New York Tablet 11 (July 6, 1867):9. On separating the Tablet from the Evangelical movement toward Christian unity. “Something More about Female Suffrage.” New York Tablet 11 (July 13, 1867):8. On female suffrage which was opposed by the New York state constitutional convention. “Hopeful Symptoms.” New York Tablet 11 (July 20, 1867):8. Horace Greeley opposes female suffrage. Brownson’s opposition to Negro suffrage. “Homage to Catholicity.” New York Tablet 11 (July 20, 1867):8-9. On theological developments among Universalists and the Christian Intelligencer’s Catholic arguments against Universalists’ positions. “The Herald’s Roman Correspondent.” New York Tablet 11 (July 27, 1867):9. Announces a new council to be convoked to discuss whether pope personally infallible and to review the Council of Trent. “Mazzini the Prophet.” New York Tablet 11 (July 27, 1867):8. On Joseph Mazzini’s new religion of progress. Opposes Mazzini’s doctrine of progress by reasserting Brownson’s doctrine of life by communion. “The Methodist Speaks Truth.” New York Tablet 11 (July 27, 1867):9. Sects are impediments in the way of truth. “Guettée’s Papacy Schismatic.” Part II of II. Catholic World: 5 (August, 1867):576-93; see July, 1867; Works 8:474-500. “‘The Coming Crisis.’” New York Tablet 11 (August 3, 1867):8. On ritualism in the Protestant Episcopal Church and the tendency toward Catholic truth.



“The Age We Live In.” New York Tablet 11 (August 10, 1867):8. Against the materialism of the age. “An Important Need.” New York Tablet 11 (August 10, 1867):8. The Lutheran Observer calls for a “living ministry and a living church.” “Catholic and Protestant Controversy.” New York Tablet 11 (August 17, 1867):8. Differences between Catholics and Protestants is a difference between faith and opinion. “The Churchman.” New York Tablet 11 (August 24, 1867):8. On Anglican separation from the Catholic Church and the meaning of excommunication. “The Western Record.” New York Tablet 11 (August 24, 1867):9. On Catholic hostility to religious liberty. “Marriage and Divorce.” New York Tablet 11 (August 31, 1867):8. Protestant alarm at the increase and ease of divorce. “France and the Italian Revolution.” New York Tablet 11 (August 31, 1867):8. Protest French army in Rome. “The Encyclical of 1864.” New York Tablet 11 (August 31, 1867):9. An encyclical most needed by the circumstances of the age. “The Catholic World and the New Englander.” New York Tablet 11 (August 31, 1867):9. Against Congregationalist Leonard Bacon. “Garibaldi and Rome.” New York Tablet 11 (August 31, 1867):9. Garibaldi’s preparation to descend upon Rome. “Rome or Reason.” Catholic World 5 (September, 1867):721-37; Works 3:298-314. Review of Francis Parkman’s The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century (1867); Oliver Wendell Holmes’s, The Professor at the Breakfast Table (1866); and “Rationalism and Catholicism,” Cincinnati Inquirer (May 26, 1867). On essential Catholic synthesis; God’s light is in both the church’s authority and the self. “Devotion to Mary.” Ave Maria 3 (September 7, 1867):564-66. Premature to promote devotion to Mary among Protestants because they still hold Nestorian view of Incarnation. “The Adroit Use of Words.” New York Tablet 11 (September 7, 1867):8. On the charge of church’s despotism. “The Name Catholic.” New York Tablet 11 (September 7, 1867):8-9. On Anglican use of the name “Catholic.” “Protestant Germany.” New York Tablet 11 (September 14, 1867):9. Inability of Protestantism to battle the materialism of the age. “The President, Sheridan, and Sickles.” New York Tablet 11 (September 14, 1867):9. On false policies of Reconstruction.



“‘Catholic and Protestant.’” New York Tablet 11 (September 14, 1867):9. On Anglican use of “Catholic.” “Dr. Bellows and Superstition.” New York Tablet 11 (September 21, 1867):8. On Henry Bellows’s assertion that Catholic Church is superstitious. “The Church Journal.” New York Tablet 11 (September 21, 1867):89. On Edmund S. Ffoulke’s view of union of Greek, Roman and Anglican churches. “The President’s Proclamation.” New York Tablet 11 (September 21, 1867):9. President Andrew Johnson’s declaration of general amnesty to all engaged in the “rebellion.” “The Probable Alliance Between France and Austria.” New York Tablet 11 (September 28, 1867):8. Such an alliance connected to Catholic spirit would prevent revolutionary upheavals. “Who are the Enlightened?” New York Tablet 11 (September 28, 1867):8. On self-conceited enlightenment. “Probable Alliance.” New York Tablet 11 (September 28, 1967):8. Hopeful sign of union of Catholic powers. “Public Grants to Catholic Institutions.” New York Tablet 11 (September 28, 1867):9. Justice of public grants to Catholic social institutions. “Rome and the World.” Catholic World 6 (October, 1867):1-19. Antagonism between Rome and world, not Rome and reason; Catholicism as the atonement of reason and revelation, nature and grace. “The Churchman’s Reply.” New York Tablet 11 (October 5, 1867):8. On the baptisms of Greeks and Anglicans, and excommunication. “The Arrest of Garibaldi.” New York Tablet 11 (October 5, 1867):9. Victor Emmanuel’s assent. “Protestant Rome.” New York Tablet 11 (October 5, 1867):9. On Geneva and John Calvin. “Protestant Churchmen.” New York Tablet 11 (October 12, 1867):8. On “hopeless task” of ritualists Catholicizing Anglicanism. “Heresies and Infidelity.” New York Tablet 11 (October 12, 1867):9. Tendency of age is toward rationalism. “Radical Reconstruction.” New York Tablet 11 (October 19, 1867):8. Restoration of Southern states as counterpoise to Northern humanitarian or socialist democracy (i.e., radical reconstruction).



“‘Decline of Popery.’” New York Tablet 11 (October 19, 1867):9. No evidence of decline despite loss of European governmental patronage of the Church. “Rome and the Baptized.” New York Tablet 11 (October 26, 1867):8. On baptisms of Anglicans and Greeks. “The Cartesian Doubt.” Catholic World 6 (November, 1867):23451; Works 2:358-82. Review of “Science and God,” The Churchman (August 31, 1867). On methods and principles; God as first principle in being and knowing, and the need for revelation and tradition. “Heresy and the Incarnation.” Ave Maria 3 (November 2, 1867):69092; (November 23, 1867):742-44; (December 21, 1867):804-06; 4 (February 29, 1868):133-35; (March 14, 1868):197-99; (April 25, 1868):257-59; Works 8:186-219. On the living tradition; church as continuation of Incarnation. “The Lambeth Conference.” New York Tablet 11 (November 2, 1867):8. On Anglican episcopal attempts to affirm ritualism. “Rome and Italy.” New York Tablet 11 (November 2, 1867):9. Kingdom of Italy’s desire to suppress temporal sovereignty of the pope. “Romanism in America.” New York Tablet 11 (November 2, 1867):9. Defense of “Rome and the World” (see Catholic World October, 1867) and attempts to convert United States to Catholicism. “Reconstruction.—Negro Suffrage.” New York Tablet 11 (November 9, 1867):8. Brownson’s opposition to radical reconstruction and negro suffrage based on his sense of the common good, not on his sympathy for the South. “Garibaldi and Protestantism.” New York Tablet 11 (November 9, 1867):8. Protestant sympathy for Garibaldi. “The Church and the World.” New York Tablet 11 (November 9, 1867):8-9. On the necessary distinction between the two. “Church Union.” New York Tablet 11 (November 16, 1867):8. On corporate and federated church union among Protestants. “The Peace Congress at Geneva.” New York Tablet 11 (November 16, 1867):9. Peace without religious base is futile. “The Late Elections.” New York Tablet 11 (November 23, 1867):8. State elections revealed a distaste for radical reconstruction policies. “Rome and the Revolution.” New York Tablet 11 (November 23, 1867):9. On the New York Tribune’s opposition to papal sovereignty.



“Unitarianism.” New York Tablet 11 (November 23, 1867):9. On Henry Bellows’s Unitarian solution for peace—a form of rationalism. “Decline of Protestantism.” New York Tablet 11 (November 30, 1867):9. Need for a history of Protestantism and its decline. “The White Man’s Government.” New York Tablet 11 (November 30, 1867):9. The sovereign people of the United States are “of the white race.” “Faith and the Sciences.” Catholic World 6 (December, 1867):33046; Works 9:268-91. Faith and science are independent and distinct orders yet not separated; error of science is in transcending the limits of the facts. “The Church in Spain.” New York Tablet 11 (December 7, 1867):8. On intolerance of Protestantism in Spain. “The Temporal Power of the Papacy.” New York Tablet 11 (December 7, 1867):9. Temporal power is only an “accident of history” and not essential to the survival of Catholicism. “The Churchman.” New York Tablet 11 (December 7, 1867):9. On the Cartesian doubt and Anglican principles. “The President’s Message.” New York Tablet 11 (December 14, 1867):8. On the status of the Southern states. “‘The Temporal Power.’” New York Tablet 11 (December 14, 1867):89. New York Tribune argues that Rome belongs to the Italian people and not to the pope. “To the Editor of the New York Tablet.” New York Tablet 11 (December 14, 1867):9. Tablet not a partisan political paper. “The Pope and Anti-Christ.” New York Tablet 11 (December 21, 1867):8. Protestant charges of anti-Christ, although still present, are declining in vehemence. “The Right of Revolution.” New York Tablet 11 (December 21, 1867):8-9. The abuse of the term “right.” “Garibaldi King Yet.” New York Tablet 11 (December 21, 1867):9. Protestant sympathy with European revolutionaries. “The New York Observer on the Confessional.” New York Tablet 11 (December 28, 1867):8. Protestant rejection of confession as spiritual despotism. Review of the novel The Confession. “The Defeat of Garibaldi.” New York Tablet 11 (December 28, 1867) 8-9. On the victory of Mentana when Roman and French army expelled Garibaldians from papal territory.



“Politics and the Religious Press.” New York Tablet 11 (December 28, 1867):9. Abuse of the term “politics.” Necessity of Catholic education in political theory and principles. 1868 “Nature and Grace.” Catholic World 6 (January, 1868):509-27; Works 3:350-75; Carey: 283-306. There is no antagonism between nature and grace; they are distinct parts of one dialectical whole. “Compulsory Education.” New York Tablet 11 (January 4, 1868):89. On conditions that make compulsory education just. “The Evangelicals and Ritualists.” New York Tablet 11 (January 4, 1868):9. Internal Anglican quarrel. “The European Conference.” New York Tablet 11 (January 11, 1868):8. Napoleon, the European states, and the temporal sovereignty of the pope. “Reconstruction.” New York Tablet 11 (January 11, 1868):9. Restoring civil rights to all Southern states. Blunders of Federal Government. “Political Ethics.” New York Tablet 11 (January 11, 1868):9. Politicians losing sight of the promotion of common good as the end of government. “Dr. Brownson in Boston.” New York Tablet 11 (January 11, 1868):11. Reprint from Boston Pilot of Brownson’s Boston lecture on the “Catholic method of reform.” “Are States that Secede Still States in the Union?” New York Tablet 11 (January 18, 1868):8. Difference between President and Congress on status of Southern states. “The Church Union Association.” New York Tablet 11 (January 18, 1868):9. Anglican High Churchmen form association to promote church principles. “What does the Episcopal Church Teach in Regard to the Blessed Virgin Mary?” New York Tablet 11 (January 25, 1868):8. Some Anglicans hold that Mary was not a virgin, while others defend it. “Argyll’s Reign of Law.” Catholic World 6 (February, 1868):595-606; Works 3:375-91. Review of Duke of Argyll’s Reign of Law (1867). Law is not “will enforcing itself with power” (Argyll); but rather “will directed by reason.” “Liberty and Liberalism.” New York Tablet 11 (February 1, 1868):8. Catholic Church as teacher and guardian of principles on which all true liberty (not liberalism) is based.



“The President and Disenfranchisement.” New York Tablet 11 (February 1, 1868):9. President Johnson’s wrong-headed policy. “The Supreme Court.” New York Tablet 11 (February 1, 1868):9. On the Court’s decision regarding unconstitutional acts of Congress. “‘Expectations.’” New York Tablet 11 (February 8, 1868):8. Majority in the United States will become Catholic if Catholics are true to their principles. “Holy Catholic, or Protestant Episcopal.” New York Tablet 11 (February 8, 1868):9. The Struggle between sacramentalism and evangelicalism in the Protestant Episcopal Church. “Unity of the Church.” New York Tablet 11 (February 15, 1868):8. Catholic unity in opposition to liberalism and in support of true religious liberty. “Sovereignty of the People.” New York Tablet 11 (February 15, 1868):9. Catholic sense of sovereignty of the people. “Liberalism and Protestantism.” New York Tablet 11 (February 15, 1868):9. Protestant affinity with elements of infidelity and liberalism. “The New York Herald on ‘Toleration.’” New York Tablet 11 (February 15, 1868):9. Universal toleration supported, except for American Catholics. “Worship of Angels and Spiritism.” New York Tablet 11 (February 22, 1868):8. On Isaac Hecker’s views of Catholicity and spiritism. “‘Perdition Literature.’” New York Tablet 11 (February 22, 1868):89. On relationship of literature to Christianity. “Congress and the Roman Mission.” New York Tablet 11 (February 29, 1868):8. Brownson never favored the Roman mission to the United States, but rejects its discontinuance on the grounds articulated by members of Congress because those grounds are insulting to Catholics. “The Church and Her Attributes.” Catholic World 6 (March, 1868):788-803; Works 8:552-73. On the meaning of the unity, sacramentality, holiness, visibility, indefectibility, authority, infallibility, catholicity, and apostolicity of the church. “Impeachment of the President.” New York Tablet 11 (March 7, 1868):8. Explains constitutional grounds for impeachment; was not in favor of impeachment voted on by Congress. “‘The Good City of Newark in Danger.’” New York Tablet 11 (March 7, 1868):8-9. Catholics of Newark seeking public funds for their school.



“The Church Review.” New York Tablet 11 (March 7, 1868):9. On Brownson and Victor Cousin. “Expectations Deceived.” New York Tablet 11 (March 14, 1868):8. On division between Catholic and Protestant expectations of decline. “Ignorance and Superstition.” New York Tablet 11 (March 14, 1868):9. Charges against Catholicism. “‘What Can Rome Teach Us?’” New York Tablet 11 (March 21, 1868):8; see March 28, 1868. The Chicago Congregationalist The Advance outlines Catholic principles like the “unity and historic continuity of the Church” that Protestants need to reconsider. “Education of Daughters.” New York Tablet 11 (March 21, 1868):9. The French ministry of Public Instruction, opposed by Bishop Felix Dupanloup and the pope, has tried to secularize the education of young women. “Calvin and Calvinism.” New York Tablet 11 (March 21, 1868):9. Calvinism, in its evangelical and Methodist forms, though not as avid as in the days of Calvin, is very much alive. “Catholicity and Rationalism.” New York Tablet 11 (March 21, 1868):9. Objections to the assertion that both Catholicity and rationalism are basically consistent. “The Progressive Age.” New York Tablet 11 March 28, 1868):8-9. The meaning of progress. “‘What Can Rome Teach Us?’” New York Tablet 11 (March 28, 1868):9; see March 21, 1868. Catholic works and institutions of charity can teach Protestantism something. “The Church Review and Victor Cousin.” Catholic World 7 (April, 1868):95-113; Works, 2:330-57. Review of “O. A. Brownson as a Philosopher,” American Church Quarterly Review (January, 1868). Refutation of charges leveled against Brownson’s views on intuition and reflection. “The Test of Democracy.” New York Tablet 11 (April 4, 1868):8; see April 11, 1868. The real test of democracy is whether it can sustain the family and domestic virtues. “Church Life.” New York Tablet 11 (April 4, 1868):9. Liberal Christianity does not produce vital church life. “The Union of Sects.” New York Tablet 11 (April 4, 1868):9. Attempts to unite various Presbyterian sects.



“Democracy and the Church.” New York Tablet 11 (April 11, 1868):8; see April 4, 18, 1868. Only the support of the Catholic Church can enable democracy to become a social success. “How Protestantism Lives.” New York Tablet 11 (April 11, 1868):89. On the historic evil and lies of Protestantism. “The Christian Priesthood.” New York Tablet 11 (April 11, 1868):9. Priesthood of all believers. “How the Church Saves Society.” New York Tablet 11 (April 18, 1868):8. Immigrant Catholics should Americanize, but they can contribute to the country only by resisting popular tendencies and supporting the virtues the church upholds. “The Irish Church Establishment.” New York Tablet 11 (April 18, 1868):8-9. On probable doom of Anglican Church establishment in Ireland. “The Atlantic Monthly.” New York Tablet 11 (April 18, 1868):9. Favorable reception of article on “Our Roman Catholic Brethren.” “The Irish Church Establishment.” New York Tablet 11 (April 18, 1868):8. On English policy against the Irish. “Is It Honest?” New York Tablet 11 (April 25, 1868):9. The honesty of charges against Catholicism questioned. “Professor Draper’s Books.” Catholic World 7 (May, 1868):155-74; Works 9:292-318. Review of J. W. Draper’s Human Physiology (1856); History of the Intellectual Development of Europe (1867); History of the American Civil War (1867). Philosophy not freed from ideal order; body not independent of soul. “Is it Honest?” Catholic World 7 (May, 1868):239-55; Works 8:299323. Review of the Rev. L. W. Bacon in Brooklyn Times (1868). On the honesty of Protestant attacks upon Catholics. “‘The Revolution.’” New York Tablet 11 (May 2,1868):8. On Susan B. Anthony’s journal and the women’s rights movement. “‘Le Correspondant.’” New York Tablet 11 (May 9, 1868):8. Describes French Catholic movement for a free church in a free society. “The ‘Catholic World ’ May 1868.” New York Tablet 11 (May 16, 1868):8. General praise for journal, with specific criticisms of its recent article on Tennyson. “Sectarian Schools.” New York Tablet 11 (May 23, 1868):8. On public grants of money to Catholic schools. “The Pope and his Defenders,” New York Tablet 11 (May 23, 1868):89. Criticisms of Italian revolutionaries.



“Alliance of Religion with Politics.” New York Tablet 12 (May 30, 1868):8. On independence and self-sufficiency of the church. “Protestant Mission and the Anniversaries.” New York Tablet 12 (May 30, 1868):8. Comments on anniversary celebration of various Protestant missionary, Bible, and tract societies. “The Church and Liberty.” New York Tablet 12 (June 6, 1868):8. On Protestant charges of Catholic hostility to religious liberty. “The Church and the Republic.” New York Tablet 12 (June 13, 1868):8-9. On Isaac Hecker’s Detroit lecture on the harmony of Catholicity with republican government. “Ireland and Austria.” New York Tablet 12 (June 20, 1868):8. On Count Montalembert and the separation of church and state. “Materialism.” New York Tablet 12 (June 20, 1868):8-9. Materialism in the medical profession. “The Papacy.” Ave Maria 4 (June 27, 1868):401-03. See “Guettée’s Papacy Schismatic,” Catholic World (July and August, 1867). Brownson responds to the charges in the Catholic Mirror (Baltimore) that he misrepresented Catholic teachings on the papacy and the procession of the Holy Spirit in the conflict with Greek Orthodoxy. The Greeks are not formally heretical on either position. “The N. Y. Observer Outraged.” New York Tablet 12 (June 27, 1868):8. Protestant protests of processions of New York German Catholics. “Grasping at Power.” New York Tablet 12 (July 4, 1868):8. On Protestant charge that Catholics want to control the country. “Rome and Liberty.” New York Tablet 12 (July 11, 1868):8. The civil administration of Rome has nothing to do with Catholic doctrine. “Dr. McMullen and the Methodists.” New York Tablet 12 (July 18, 1868):8. Chicago Methodists’ labor against Catholic progress. “Father Hecker’s Lecture.” New York Tablet 12 (July 18, 1868):8-9. On Hecker’s lecture “Why am I a Catholic?” “Problems of the Age.” New York Tablet 12 (July 25, 1868):8; see August, 1868. Review of Augustine Hewit’s Problems of the Age (1868). “The Protestant Churchman on Papal Bulls, and Other Matters.” New York Tablet 12 (August, 1, 1868):8. On the spiritual despotism of the papacy in reference to the new laws in Austria.



“’The Most Dangerous Enemy.’” New York Tablet 12 (August 1, 1868):9. Catholic Church dangerous to civil liberty. “Church Property.” New York Tablet 12 (August 1, 1868):9. Purposes of Church property and Anglican disestablishment in Ireland. “Problems of the Age—Second Article.” New York Tablet 12 (August 1, 1868):10; see July 25, 1868. “Union and Disunion.” New York Tablet 12 (August 8, 1868):8. On Anglican intercommunion with Eastern Orthodox Churches. “The Methodists in a Fright.” New York Tablet 12 (August 8, 1868):89. Methodists’ charges against Catholic practices and political principles. “Ecumenical Council.” New York Tablet 12 (August 15, 1868):8. Suggests that Vatican Council may deal with issues of naturalism and rationalism in contemporary society, infallilibilty of the church, and union with Eastern churches. “The Non-Catholic Press on Austria.” New York Tablet 12 (August 15, 1868):8. The press’s delight in the de-Catholicizing of Austria. “The ‘Churchman’ on ‘Romanism.’” New York Tablet 12 (August 15, 1868):9. On battles in Anglican Church. “Infallibility.” New York Tablet 12 (August 22, 1868):8. On the conflict between William G. Ward and Henry Ignatius Dudley Ryder on the infallibility of papal writings. “The New York ‘Observer’ on Progress.” New York Tablet 12 (August 22, 1868):9. On idolatrous worship of Mary among Catholics and their opposition to all progress. “The Pope and Catholic Princes.” New York Tablet 12 (August 29, 1868):8. Exclusion of ten princes from the Vatican Council. “Romanism and Free Speech.” New York Tablet 12 (August 29, 1868):8. On Catholics who were disciplined for differing with the church. “The Methodists Have Made a Discovery.” New York Tablet 12 (August 29, 1868):8-9. Methodists suggest love as a method for conquering and converting Catholics. “The Rights of the Church.” New York Tablet 12 (September 5, 1868):8; see “Political Conspiracy,” September 12, 1868. Differences between Protestant and Catholic senses of religious liberty. “The Church and Politics.” New York Tablet 12 (September 12, 1868):8; see September 5, 1868. Self-sufficiency and independence of the Church.



“Political Conspiracy.” New York Tablet 12 (September 12, 1868):89; see “Rights of the Church,” September 5, 1868. “The Churchman on Liberalism.” New York Tablet 12 (September 19, 1868):8. On theological liberalism. “Ritualists not Catholics.” New York Tablet 12 (September 19, 1868):8. Protestant Churchman fears that ritualists are heading Rome-ward. “’Religious Tyranny!’” New York Tablet 12 (October 3, 1868):8. On the pope’s protest against religious intolerance in Austria. “The ‘Christian Intelligencer’s’ Reply to the ‘Tablet.’” New York Tablet 12 (October 3, 1868):9. On Tablet’s misrepresentation of Protestant understanding of religious liberty. “The Chicago ‘Evening Post.’” New York Tablet 12 (October 10, 1868):8. Post defends itself against the charge that it is a KnowNothing journal. “Progress of Catholicity.” New York Tablet 12 (October 10, 1868):9. Progress due primarily to immigration. “Liberalizing Catholicity.” New York Tablet 12 (October 10, 1868):9. Liberty, as understood by the age, cannot be harmonized with Catholicism. “Uncompromising Catholicity.” New York Tablet 12 (October 10, 1868):9. Against Catholic latitudinarianism. “Revolution in Spain.” New York Tablet 12 (October 17, 1868):8. History of forces leading to revolt against Queen Isabella. “What Next?” New York Tablet 12 (October 17, 1868):8-9. Development of Anglican Benedictine monastic house for women. “Education without Religion.” New York Tablet 12 (October 24, 1868):8. Public education increasingly supports secularism or sectarianism. “Infallibility of the Church.” New York Tablet 12 (October 24, 1868):8-9. Necessity of infallibility for preservation of Christian truth. “Protestantism a Failure.” New York Tablet 12 (October 31, 1868):8. Report of lecture by Episcopalian F. C. Ewer. “The Spanish Patriots and the Religious Orders.” New York Tablet 12 (October 31, 1868):9. The Spanish Revolution’s abolition of religious orders and confiscation of ecclesiastical properties. “Popery at Work.” New York Tablet 12 (November 7, 1868):8. Summary of charges against Catholics.



“More Religious Liberty.” New York Tablet 12 (November 14, 1868):9. Revolution in Spain and liberalism. “The Recent Elections.” New York Tablet 12 (November 21, 1868):89. Tablet is not politically partisan, though it repeatedly supports sound political principles. “The Bible and Catholics.” New York Tablet 12 (November 28, 1868):9. Catholics respect Bible as Word of God, but not sole rule of faith. “Godless Education “ New York Tablet 12 (December 5, 1868):8. Support for denominational schools. “Religious Liberty in Austria.” New York Tablet 12 December 5, 1868):8. Liberalism the goal of rebellion in Austria. “Protestantism in Spain.” New York Tablet 12 (December 19, 1868):8. Tablet’s opposition to Spanish revolution based on rejection of the secularism that is behind it and not based, as some charge, on fear of the reprisal of Protestantism. “The Spanish Revolution.” New York Tablet 12 (December 19, 1868):9. On French liberal Catholic support for the Revolution. 1869 “Protestantism a Failure.” Catholic World 8 (January, 1869):503-21. Review of F. C. Ewer’s “Failure of Protestantism, and Catholicism the Remedy,” reprinted in New York Times (November 23, 1868):8, and New York World (November 16, 1868). Criticisms of Ewer’s view that Catholicism is the unity of belief and practice of the Roman, Anglican, and Greek churches. “The ‘Churchman’ and Father Weninger.” New York Tablet 12 (January 2, 1869):8-9. The Episcopalian Churchman’s refutation of F. X. Weninger’s The Apostolic and Infallible Authority of the Pope when Teaching the Faithful (1868). Tradition must be the rule of interpretation when examining historical evidence on papal authority. “Rossini, Havin, and Berreyer.” New York Tablet 12 (January 2, 1869):9. On the deaths of three great Europeans. “The Eastern Question.” New York Tablet 12 (January 9, 1869):8. Scandal of European powers’ failures to free Greek Christians from Turkish rule. “Religious Liberty.” New York Tablet 12 (January 9, 1869):8-9. United States the only country in the world where there is true and full



religious liberty despite the limits in some states. That liberty comes from divine providence. “Protestant Alarm.” New York Tablet 12 (January 9, 1869):9. Conversions of Protestants in United States will not come about soon; Catholic efforts should be directed to conversion and religious education of the Catholic people. “Who are Protestants?” New York Tablet 12 (January 9, 1869):12. Origin and meaning of “Protestant.” “Marriage and Divorce.” New York Tablet 12 (January 23, 1869):8. Increase in divorce; marriage as a sacrament the only remedy. “New York Observer.” New York Tablet 12 (January 23, 1869):8. Religious liberty. “The Sectarian Press.” New York Tablet 12 (January 23, 1869):9. On Dr. F. C. Ewer’s assertion of “the failure of Protestantism.” “Porter’s Human Intellect.” Part I of II. Catholic World 8 (February, 1869):671-86; see March, 1869; Works 2:383-427. Review of Noah Porter’s The Human Intellect (1868). Ideal intuition made clear; against Coleridge and Transcendentalists’ views of reason and understanding. “The Churchman.” New York Tablet 12 (February 6, 1869):8. Relation of infallibility and reason. “Republicanism in Spain.” New York Tablet 12 (February 6, 1869):8. Revolutionary republicanism in Spain as in other European countries aims at suppression of the church. “Dr. Ewer and his Opponents.” New York Tablet 12 (February 6, 1869):9. On church as an organism. “The Church not a Foreigner.” New York Tablet 12 (February 13, 1869):8. On American spirit and Catholicism. “The Future Religion of America.” New York Tablet 12 (February 13, 1869):9. Response to Isaac Hecker’s Chicago lecture on Catholic Church as future of religion in United States. “Positivism.” New York Tablet 12 (February 20, 1869):8. On the explicitly anti-Christian First Positivist Society of New York. “Via Media.” New York Tablet 12 (February 20, 1869):9. Anglicanism, Puritanism and Catholicism. “Gen. Grant and the Politicians.” New York Tablet 12 (February 27, 1869):8. Grant’s presidential aims for the economy and the expected resistance from the politicians.



“State Religion.” New York Tablet 12 (February 27, 1869):12. Isaac Hecker’s true aim not a state religion of Catholicism, but a conversion of the United States to Catholicism. “Porter’s Human Intellect.” Part II of II. Catholic World 8 (March, 1869):767-84; see February, 1869; Works 2:383-427. “The Relation of Capital and Labor.” New York Tablet 12 (March 13, 1869):8. Labor does not get a just share of profits. “The Fortieth Congress.” New York Tablet 12 (March 13, 1869):9. Negative review of its work. Tablet’s opposition to a religion of the state in opposition to the Syllabus of Errors (1864). “‘The New York Tablet Anathema!.’” New York Tablet 12 (March 20, 1869):9. Hartford Churchman declares anathema on Tablet because it asserts against the Syllabus of Errors that the Church neither expects nor wishes to be the religion of the State. “The New Administration.” New York Tablet 12 (March 27, 1869):8. On President U. S. Grant’s inaugural address. “The Christian Intelligencer Ruffled.” New York Tablet 12 (March 27, 1869):9. Ruffled by Tablet’s assertions that Protestant principles, which tend toward rationalism, could not do battle with the rising naturalism and positivism. Conversations on Liberalism and the Church. New York: D. & J. Sadlier, 1869; Works 13:1-86. Against objections of liberalism; church is unmoved mover, the source of progress while never changing herself. “The Bishops of Rome.” Catholic World 9 (April, 1869):86-97; Works 13:146-61. Review of “The Bishops of Rome,” Harper’s Magazine (January, 1869). On relation of religion and civilization. Protestants have many false views of the history of popes. “Denominationalism.” New York Tablet 12 (April 3, 1869):8-9. Various Protestant solutions to the problem of sectarianism. “The Age of Light.” New York Tablet 12 (April 3, 1869):9. Many new questions, like women’s suffrage, have old solutions. “‘Pious Paganism.’” New York Tablet 12 (April 10, 1869):9. On the Catholic doctrine of grace and works. “The ‘Christian Intelligencer’ Not Ruffled.” New York Tablet 12 (April 24, 1869):8. Catholicism and American republicanism. “Can a State Secede?” New York Tablet 12 (April 24, 1869):9. Chief Justice Salmon Portland Chase and the status of Southern states.



“The Woman Question.” Part I of II. Catholic World 9 (May, 1869):145-57; see Brownson’s Quarterly Review (October, 1873); Works 18:381-98. On Brownson’s grounds for opposing female suffrage and eligibility. “Pope or People.” Catholic World 9 (May, 1869):212-21. Review of The Congregationalist and Boston Recorder (March 4, 1869). On the Catholic understanding of the relationship between reason, the interior illumination of the Holy Spirit, and an external infallible authority. “The Tablet Replies.” New York Tablet 12 (May 1, 1869):8. No conflict between faith and reason in the doctrine of Transubstantiation. “The Relation of Capital and Labor—No. II.” New York Tablet 12 (May 1, 1869):9; see March 13, 1869. On political economists. “The General Council.” New York Tablet 12 (May 8, 1869):8. Prediction about agenda of Vatican I. “The Watchman and Reflector.” New York Tablet 12 (May 8, 1869):9. On Isaac Hecker’s Boston lecture on the present religious tendencies of the sectarian world. “Mr. Ffoulkes and Anglicans.” New York Tablet 12 (May 8, 1869):9. Edmund Salusbury Ffoulkes’s views on reunion of Rome, Constantinople and Canterbury. “Religious Liberty.” New York Tablet 12 (May 15, 1869):9. The Christian Intelligencer’s views. “‘Romanism in the United States.’” New York Tablet 12 (May 22, 1869):8. Sectarian press’s fear of growth of Catholicism. “‘The Churchman’ Studies the ‘Tablet.’” New York Tablet 12 (May 29, 1869):8. On the Syllabus and its interpretation. “Transubstantiation.” New York Tablet 12 (May 29, 1869):9. The Christian Intelligencer on faith and reason. “Spiritism and Spiritists.” Catholic World 9 (June, 1869):289-302; Works 9:332-51; Gems: 23-42. Review of Epes Sargent’s Plancette, or the Despair of Science (1869), Joseph Bizouard’s Des Rapports de l’Homme avec le Demon (1863-1864), and Miles Grant’s Spiritualism Unveiled (1866). Brownson’s traditionalism and intuitionism against inductive method’s a priori refusal to admit spiritmanifestations. “‘Rome’s Aggressive Policy.’” New York Tablet 13 (June 19, 1869):8. Against the view that Rome seeks to destroy all free institutions.



“Secularizing Education.” New York Tablet 13 (June 26, 1869):8. Tablet’s opposition to such secularization. “Common Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (June 26, 1869):8. On public aid to private schools and anti-Catholicism of common schools. “The Physical Basis of Life.” Catholic World 9 (July, 1869):467-76; Works 9:365-79. Review of “New Theory of Life. A Lecture by T. H. Huxley,” New York World (February 18, 1869). Against Huxley’s reduction of life to its physical basis; must go beyond physical laws in order to find principles. “Lecky on Morals.” Catholic World 9 (July, 1869):529-40. Published with “The Conversion of Rome,” September, 1869, in “Lecky on Morals,” Works 14:379-95. Review of William E. H. Lecky’s History of European Morals (1869). Creation as ground of obligation— moral law takes its obligation from God as final cause. “The Protestant Protest.” New York Tablet 13 (July 10, 1869):8. German Protestant rejection of papal invitation to Vatican I. “The Spanish Regency.” New York Tablet 13 (July 10, 1869):8. On the Constitution of the new Spanish revolutionaries. “The Apostolic Times.” New York Tablet 13 (July 17, 1869):8. Catholic methods of gaining influence in the United States. “New Austria.” New York Tablet 13 (July 17, 1869):8. A new haven for liberalism. “Protestants and the Council.” New York Tablet 13 (July 24, 1869):8. Papal invitation to Protestants was attempt to bring them back to church. “Common Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (July 24, 1869):8-9. On proposed legislation to give public aid to private schools; and on the purpose of education. “Secularism.” New York Tablet 13 (July 24, 1869):9. Increasing triumph of secularism in world governments. “A New Protest.” New York Tablet 13 (July 24, 1869):9. Protestant protest against the name “Catholic.” “The Council Again.” New York Tablet 13 (July 31, 1869):8. Protestant anxiety over the calling of Vatican I. “French Affairs.” New York Tablet 13 (July 31, 1869):8. French now swinging to real republicanism. “The Church and Liberty.” New York Tablet 13 (July 31, 1869):8-9. On Catholic meaning of religious liberty.



“Our Established Church.”’ New York Tablet 13 (July 31, 1869):9. Protestants against public funds for Catholic uses in New York. “Our Established Church.” Catholic World 9 (August, 1869):57787. Review of Putnam’s Monthly Magazine (July, 1869). New York State and City subsidies to Catholic charitable institutions do not constitute church establishment. “Spiritualism and Materialism.” Catholic World 9 (August, 1869):61934; Works 9:379-400. No antagonism between spiritual and material; “fundamental error of the age is the denial of creation.” “Mental Slavery.” New York Tablet 13 (August 7, 1869):8. Charge against Catholicism. Freedom and faith in Catholic Church. “The Church as Civilizer.” New York Tablet 13 (August 7, 1869):9. Danger of the arguments for or against the influence of religion upon civilization. “Neither Sectarian Nor Partisan.” New York Tablet 13 (August 14, 1869):8-9. Imperialism would be as anti-Catholic in United States as it is already in Europe. “Giving Money for Sectarian Uses.” New York Tablet 13 (August 14, 1869):9. Common schools might be considered sectarian institutions. “Rev. Mr. Bacon’s Pamphlet.” New York Tablet 13 (August 21, 1869):8. Leonard Bacon on refutations of Protestant and Catholic charges against each other. “Senator Casserly’s Speech.” New York Tablet 13 (August 28, 1869) 8-9. Brownson’s political theory of government and his agreement with Eugene Casserly’s opposition to the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments. “The Independent on the Council.” New York Tablet 13 (August 28, 1869):9. Sarcastic report on Independent’s ridicule of the Vatican Council. “Primeval Man.” Catholic World 9 (September, 1869): 746-56; Works 9:318-32. Review of Duke of Argyll’s Primeval Man (1869). Brownson’s arguments for a doctrine of creation against Sir John Lubbock’s theory of biological evolution, and Brownson’s belief that the savage state is not the primitive state of humans. “The Conversion of Rome.” Catholic World 9 (September, 1869):790803. Published with “Lecky on Morals” ( July, 1869) in “Lecky on Morals,” Works 14:395-414.



“Correction of a Mistake.” Catholic World 9 (September, 1869):855. On reason’s ability to demonstrate the spirituality not the immateriality of the soul. “Partisan and Sectarian Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (September 4, 1869):8-9. On the American system of education, the use of the Bible in the schools, and the incompetence of the State in spiritual matters. “Woman’s Rights.” New York Tablet 13 (September 18, 1869):8. Opposition to Catholics who support women’s rights movement. “Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 13 (September 18, 1869):9. The divine origin of infallibility. “An Imaginary Contradiction.” Catholic World 10 (October, 1869):112; Works 3:407-23. Review of the “Spirit of Romanism,” The Christian Quarterly Cincinnati (July, 1869), which criticized Hecker’s Aspirations of Nature. Brownson’s view of the dialectical synthesis between reason and revelation, creation and redemption. “James Sadlier.” New York Tablet 13 (October 2, 1869):8. Obituary signed “O. A. B.” “The Western Catholic.” New York Tablet 13 (October 2, 1869):9. Against the view that ten million Catholics have been lost to the faith. “The Bible.” New York Tablet 13 (October 2, 1869):9. On English versions of the Bible. “Pere Hyacinthe.” New York Tablet 13 (October 9, 1869):8. On the reported defection of the Carmelite monk and renowned preacher Hyacinthe [Charles Jean Marie] Loyson. “The Difference Between Us.” New York Tablet 13 (October 9, 1869):8-9. Catholic-Protestant differences; Church against sects. “Cuba and Spain.” New York Tablet 13 (October 9, 1869):9. On reports of revolutionary disturbances in Cuba and the U. S. Government’s entanglement. “The Ecumenical Council.” New York Tablet 13 (October 9, 1869):9. Sectarian predictions of council splitting the Catholic Church. “Pere Hyacinthe Again.” New York Tablet 13 (October 16, 1869):8. He has left his religious order, protesting the divorce between Catholic Church and nineteenth century society. “Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 13 (October 16, 1869):8. On divine origin of infallibility, and difference between impeccability and infallibility.



“Liberal Christianity.” New York Tablet 13 (October 16, 1869):9. Unitarians linked with other sectarians and Republican Party to oppose the Catholic Church. “Death of Mr. James Sadlier.” Ave Maria 5 (October 23, 1869):69394. Reprint of New York Tablet (October 2, 1869). Pere Hyacinthe Once More.” New York Tablet 13 (October 30, 1869):8. The internal Catholic battle over church’s relation to the age. “Political Atheism.” New York Tablet 13 (October 30, 1869):9. Defines statolatry and political atheism. “Free Religion.” Catholic World 10 (November, 1869):195-206; Works 3:407-23; Gems: 43-60. Review of Proceedings of 2nd Annual Meeting of the Free Religion Association (1869). Principle of Catholicism is not authority (as Francis Ellingwood Abbott believes) but the Incarnation. “The Dark Ages.” New York Tablet 13 (November 6, 1869):8-9. On the validity of the designation “Dark Ages.” “The Intelligencer and Infallibility.” New York Tablet 13 (November 6, 1869):9. The issue with the Protestants is the infallibility of the church, not papal infallibility. “The Church Union.” New York Tablet 13 (November 6, 1869):9. The journal seeks Christian unity on the basis of dogmatic and ecclesiastical indifference. “The Enemy at the Polls.” New York Tablet 13 (November 13, 1869):89. No Catholic unanimity at the polls. “‘The Christian Union.’” New York Tablet 13 (November 13, 1869):9. The journal, formerly the Church Union, reflects Henry Ward Beecher’s evangelicalism and naturalism. “The American and Foreign Christian Union.” New York Tablet 13 (November 20, 1869):8. On anti-Catholicism of the Union and exclusive salvation. “The Bible in the Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (November 20, 1869):8-9. Cincinnati’s school board votes Bible out of schools, and thereby promotes godless education. “The Future of the Public Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (November 20, 1869):9. Suggests a system of denominational public schools, as in Europe. “Religion in the Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (November 27, 1869):89. A large number of Protestants do not want godless education.



“’Liberal Catholicism.’” New York Tablet 13 (November 27, 1869):89. On the internal Catholic battles between liberals and ultramontanes. “Beecher’s Norwood.” Catholic World 10 (December, 1869):393-401; Works 19:533-44; Modern: 533-44. Review of Henry Ward Beecher’s Norwood (1868). Brownson characterizes traits of various New England states and argues that Beecher’s book aims to undercut New England theological and moral doctrines. “Dr. Bellows on the School Question.” New York Tablet 13 (December 4, 1869):8-9. Henry W. Bellows asserts that Catholics are only tolerated in this country, and thus the country cannot put education into Catholic hands. “Christian Courtesy.” New York Tablet 13 (December 4 1869):9. Tablet has violated courtesy by insulting Henry Ward Beecher. “Anglicans Politely Snubbed.” New York Tablet 13 (December 11, 1869):8. Relations between Canterbury and Constantinople. “The Late Albert D. Richardson.” New York Tablet 13 (December 11, 1869):8-9. On the murder of Richardson and his violation of the marriage bond before his murder. “The Presbyterians and Politics.” New York Tablet 13 (December 11, 1869):9. On the right of Christian pastors to promote the exercise of Christian conscience at the polls. “Opening of the French Chambers.” New York Tablet 13 (December 11, 1869):9. The European reaction to revolution seems to be gaining some ground. “Health Officer.” New York Tablet 13 (December 18, 1869):9. Support for H. S. Hewit’s application as Health Officer for the Port of New York. “The President’s Message.” New York Tablet 13 (December 18, 1869):8. U. S. Grant’s first message to Congress sensible, but not entirely satisfactory. “The Richardson Tragedy.” New York Tablet 13 (December 18, 1869):9; see December 11, 1869. On the public disapproval of Richardson’s immorality. “The President’s Message.” New York Tablet 13 (December 25, 1869):8. On Grant’s financial policies and the government coming under the mob of businessmen.



“The ‘Tribune’ on Common Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (December 25, 1869):9; see November 10, 1869. N.Y. Tribune’s opposition to the Tablet’s proposals on education. 1870 “The Coming Fight.” New York Tablet 13 (January 1, 1879):8-9. Use of public funds for Catholic schools. “Father Hyacinthe’s Discourses.” New York Tablet 13 (January 8, 1870):8. Leonard Bacon published Hyacinthe’s Discourses on Various Occasions (1869) and used the ex-Carmelite’s views against Catholic Church. Attack upon French-style liberal Catholicism. “The Governor’s Message.” New York Tablet 13 (January 16, 1870):89. Favorable view of New York’s governor John Thompson Hoffman’s annual message to New York State legislature. “Marriage and Free Love.” New York Tablet 13 (January 16, 1870):9; see December 11, 1869. Secular and sectarian press’s rejection of free love in the Richardson affair. “Common Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (January 22, 1870):8-9. The majority against the Tablet’s position on the school question. “Error LXXX of the Age.” New York Tablet 13 (January 22, 1870):9. The Syllabus and the prohibition of the Catholic Church’s reconciliation with liberalism, as that term is understood in Rome. “How History is Written.” New York Tablet 13 (January 29, 1870):8. Defense of Isaac Hecker and attack on Hyacinthe’s misrepresentations of Hecker’s positions. “The Truth About Romanism.” New York Tablet 13 (January 29, 1870):9. Need for real conversion of Catholics. “Future of Protestantism and Catholicity.” Part I of IV. Catholic World 10 (January, 1870):433-48; see February, March, and April, 1870; Works 13:162-84. Review of l’Abbé Martin, De l’Avenir du Protestantisme et du Catholicisme (1869). On Puritanism and the state; against the romantic notion that the church is necessary for salvation of civilization. “Putnam’s Defense.” Catholic World 10 (January, 1870):542-47. See also Catholic World, August, 1869. Response to Putnam’s Magazine’s “The Unestablished Church”(December, 1869), which defended its attack upon New York State’s subsidies to Catholic institutions.



“Future of Protestantism and Catholicity.” Part II of IV. Catholic World 10 (February, 1870):577-89; see January, March, and April, 1870; Works 13:184-201. “The ‘Catholic World’ and the Puritans.” New York Tablet 13 (February 5, 1870):8. On virtues of Puritans in comparison to liberal Protestants like Henry Ward Beecher. “Sir Walter Scott and Catholicity.” New York Tablet 13 (February 5, 1870):8-9. Catholic characters in Scott’s novels. “The Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 13 (February 12, 1870):89. Arguments in favor of defining papal infallibility. “The ‘Post’ on Education.” New York Tablet 13 (February 12, 1870):9. Religion should be the prevailing principle of all education. “Religion in Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (February 19, 1870):8. Use of Bible in the schools. “The ‘Catholic World.’” New York Tablet 13 (February 19, 1870):89. On Catholic World ’s liberalism. “The Ecumenical Council.” New York Tablet 13 (February 19, 1870):9. Press reports on Vatican Council. “The Council and Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 13 (February 26, 1870):8-9. In favor of decree on papal infallibility. “Grants to Sectarian Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (February 26, 1870):9. Public funds for Catholic schools. “Civil and Political Liberty.” Part III of IV. Catholic World 10 (March, 1870):721-35; see January, February, and April, 1870; “The Future of Protestantism and Catholicity,” Works 13:201-22. “The Romish School Question.” New York Tablet 13 (March 5, 1870):8-9. Public aid. “Congress.” New York Tablet 13 (March 5, 1870):9. Lack of statesmen in Congress. “Religion and Politics.” New York Tablet 13 (March 12, 1870):8. On separation of religion from politics. “The Bible and the School Fund.” New York Tablet 13 (March 19, 1870):8. Catholic right to establish schools and teach religion equal to Protestant right to use the Bible in common schools. “The State Not Infidel.” New York Tablet 13 (March 19, 1870):9. Cincinnati, Ohio, decision on Bible in schools. Catholics should not favor godless education by voting for the exclusion of Bible from common schools. “Count Charles De Montalembert.” New York Tablet 13 (March 26, 1870):8. Obituary.



“Civil and Political Liberty.” Part IV of IV. Catholic World 11 (April, 1870):1-14; see January, February, and March, 1870; “The Future of Protestantism and Catholicity,” Works 13:222-41. “The School Question.” Catholic World 11 (April, 1870):91-106; Works 13:241-62. On history of development of common schools and the organized union of religion and education in the United States; the present exclusion of Catholicism from these schools. “The New York Times on the Public Schools.” New York Tablet 13 (April 2, 1870):8. Times charges that Catholic demands for equal rights in education are exorbitant; it misrepresents Catholic arguments. “The Syracuse Methodist Convention.” New York Tablet 13 (April 2, 1870):9. The political agenda for the Convention. “The Christian Intelligencer.” New York Tablet 13 (April 2, 1870):9. School question. “Rev. G. H. Hepworth and Catholicism.” New York Tablet 13 (April 9, 1870):8. On church and state relations. Signed O. A. Brownson. “Church of the Messiah.” New York Tablet 13 (April 9, 1870):8-9. The school question and Americanization. “Infallibility.” New York Tablet 13 (April 9, 1870):9. On rumors of Vatican I discussion of papal infallibility. “The Truth About The School Question.” New York Tablet 13 (April 16, 1870):8. New York Times’s denials that it is unfair to Catholics on the school question. “The State in Danger!—Inroads of Catholicism in Our Country!” New York Tablet 13 (April 16, 1870):8. The real danger comes not from true Catholics but from political Catholics who see no connection between religion and politics. “The School Question.” New York Tablet 13 (April 16, 1870):9. Response to William Seton on the state’s duty to teach. “Hepworth on Allegiance to The Pope.” New York Tablet 13 (April 23, 1870):5. G. H. Hepworth’s assault on Catholicism motivated by desire to increase his church’s membership. “The Times on the School Question.” New York Tablet 13 (April 23, 1870):8. Use or misuse of Bible in the schools is not the true issue for Catholics. “The Late Count Montalembert.” New York Tablet 13 (April 23, 1870):8-9. His liberalism in the years prior to his death.



“Harshness and Imprudence.” New York Tablet 13 (April 23, 1870):9. Catholic charges against Tablet with regard to school question and papal infallibility. “Frightened, Are We?” New York Tablet 13 (April 23, 1870):9. School question and the New York Times. “An American Catholic.” New York Tablet 13 (April 30, 1870):5. The Bible is not just a “potent weapon of the Protestant power.” “State Religion.” New York Tablet 13 (April 30, 1870):8. On a Protestant proposed amendment to the Constitution that would acknowledge the Christian religion. “The ‘Advance’ on the School Question.” New York Tablet 13 (April 30, 1870):9. No such thing as Christianity in general, which can be the basis of a common religion in the schools. “Church and State.” Catholic World 11 (May, 1870):145-60; Works 13:263-84; RyanA: 357-70. State subject to law of God, but only as people understand it. “Emerson’s Prose Works.” Catholic World 11 (May, 1870):202-11; Works 3:424-38; RyanA: 174-84. Review of The Prose Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1870). Examination of Emerson’s idealism and pantheism, and Brownson’s doctrine of creation. “Mr. Ffoulkes and the ‘Catholic World’.” New York Tablet 13 (May 7, 1870):8. On various historical charges Edmund Salusbury Ffoulkes makes against the Catholic Church. “Shall We Be Frightened?” New York Tablet 13 (May 7, 1870):9. On frightening the N. Y. legislature to prohibit aid to Catholics. “The Doctrine of The Late Archbishop Francis Patrick Kenrick— An Error of The ‘N.Y. Herald’ Corrected.” New York Tablet 13 (May 21, 1870):8. On Peter Richard Kenrick’s letter to Martin John Spalding on his brother’s doctrine of infallibility. “The Vatican Council.” New York Tablet 13 (May 28, 1870):8. On Arthur Cleveland Coxe’s A Letter to Pius the Ninth, Bishop of Rome (1870). “Catholic Education.” New York Tablet 13 (May 28, 1870):8-9. On Brownson’s former (1860s) opposition to separate Catholic schools and their poor quality. “Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 14 (June 4, 1870):8-9. Archbishops P. R. Kenrick and John Purcell against Archbishop M. J. Spalding at Vatican I.



“Mr. Coxe to Pius the Ninth.” New York Tablet 14 (June 11, 1870):8; see May 28, 1870. On Anglicans and Catholics. “Church and State.” New York Tablet 14 (June 11, 1870):9. Obedience to God prior to and above obedience to state. “Cardinal Antonelli’s Reply to the Note of Count Daru.”New York Tablet 14 (June 11, 1870):9. On papal infallibility and subjection of state to the absolute authority of the church. “The ‘Weekly Register,’ Brooklyn.” New York Tablet 14 (June 11, 1870):9. A new Catholic journal. “Dr. Marcy’s Life Duties.” New York Tablet 14 (June 18, 1870):8-9. Review of Erastus Edgerton Marcy’s Life Duties (1869). On Catholic doctrine, which carried the name but not the substance of the Catholic tradition (especially in relation to its Eucharistic doctrine). “The Dead Novelist.” New York Tablet 14 (June 18, 1870):9. On Charles Dickens. “Have We Gained or Lost?” New York Tablet 14 (June 25, 1870):8. School question. The loss of state support for Catholic schools, but the gain in strengthening relations of religion and education. “President Grant and Sectarianism.” New York Tablet 14 (June 25, 1870):9. On Grant’s support for the sectarian Evangelical World Alliance which is anti-Catholic. “Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 14 (June 25, 1870):9. On Protestant and Catholic forms of infallibility. “Red Cloud and the Administration.” New York Tablet 14 (June 25, 1870):9. On government’s swindling of the Indians. “‘The Bible Does No Good.’” New York Tablet 14 (July 2, 1870):8. On the Bible and Tract societies. “‘The Churchman.’” New York Tablet 14 (July 2, 1870):9. Anglican bishops. “The Protestant Conspiracy.” New York Tablet 14 (July 9, 1870):8. Conspiracy to prevent Catholic appointments to public offices. “Correction.” New York Tablet 14 (July 16, 1870):8. Isaac Hecker’s Aspirations of Nature incorrectly cited. “Dr. Brownson on Gallicanism.” New York Tablet 14 (July 16, 1870):8. Signed O. A. Brownson. “The Late Riot at Elm Park—Orangeism in New York.” New York Tablet 14 (July 23, 1870):8. Both Catholic and Protestant Irish to blame for the riot, but Catholics were provoked.



“Blackstone and Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 14 (July 23, 1870):9. What William Blackstone said of the authority of the King of England “surpasses what Catholics claim for the pope in spirituals.” “The Future of Protestantism and Catholicity.” New York Tablet 14 (July 23, 1870):8-9. On the future council of the Evangelical World Alliance compared to the Vatican Council. “The Franco-Prussian War.” New York Tablet 14 (July 30, 1870):8. Support for France in the reported war between France and Prussia. “‘The Claim of Rome.’” New York Tablet 14 (July 30, 1870):8-9. Catholics in all areas of life, even in politics, should act upon Catholic principles dictated by the Word of God. “France and Prussia.” New York Tablet 14 (August 6, 1870):8. Sympathies with France in current war. “The Syllabus and Democracy.” New York Tablet 14 (August 6, 1870):8. Religion superior to politics. “The Future of England.” New York Tablet 14 (August 6, 1870):9. Latitudinarian and revolutionary principles will undermine England’s peace and order in the future. “Infallibility.” New York Tablet 14 (August 6, 1870):9. Papal infallibility is not absurd; acknowledged as possible. “The ‘N.Y. World’ on Papal Infallibility.” New York Tablet 14 (August 13, 1870):8. Papal infallibility does not mean that the Pope is the final court of appeal, as the Supreme Court is. “‘The Blunder Proclaimed.’” New York Tablet 14 (August 13, 1870):9. Papal infallibility no blunder nor inexpedient. “The French and the Prussians.” New York Tablet 14 (August 20, 1870):8. Signed “O.A.B.” Our hopes for the French have been disappointed. Napoleon has proved himself an incompetent general. “‘The Capstone Put On.’” New York Tablet 14 (August 20, 1870):9. On the meaning of papal infallibility. “Is the Negro Dying Out.” New York Tablet 14 (August 20, 1870):9. If country remains predominantly Protestant the Negro will die out. The Negro race is inferior. “The War in Europe.” New York Tablet 14 (August 27, 1870):8. France is losing the war. “The Pope and his Friends.” New York Tablet 14 (August 27, 1870):89. On the succession of Peter.



“What Makes Paupers?” New York Tablet 14 (August 27, 1870):9. Poverty a concomitant of “the modern mercantile and industry system.” “Hereditary Genius.” Catholic World 11 (September, 1870):721-32; Works 9:401-17. Review of Francis Galton’s Hereditary Genius (1870). Brownson rejects Galton’s thesis; abilities belong to soul not body, and soul is created not generated. “The Protestant Press and the Protestant Pulpit on the War.” New York Tablet 14 (September 3, 1870):8. Protestant and secular press side with Prussia. “Papal Infallibility Since Haguenau.” New York Tablet 14 (September 3 1870):9. No connection between papal infallibility and France’s losses during the war. “The War.” New York Tablet 14 (September 10, 1870):8. France is prostrated. “A Good Nomination.” New York Tablet 14 (September 10, 1870):9. Support for General Martin T. McMahon for Congress. “France and the Revolution.” New York Tablet 14 (September 17, 1870):8. Signed O.A. Brownson. On the collapse of the Second French Republic, Napoleon’s failures, and the future of Catholicism. “The Pope and Italian Unity.” New York Tablet 14 (September 17, 1870):8-9. Pope’s future in face of fall of Rome. “Thoughts for Catholics.” New York Tablet 14 (September 24, 1870):8. On the “evil times.” “The Apostolate.” New York Tablet 14 (September 24, 1870) 8. On Peter’s successors in the apostolate. “Union with the Church.” Catholic World 12 (October, 1870):1-16; Works 3:438-59. Reviews of “Union with the Church,” Mercersburg Review, (July, 1870), Henry Harbaugh’s Union with the Church (1867), and Israel Knight’s [Ellen Tryphosa Harrington Putnam] Where is the City? (1868). Brownson’s views on the necessity and meaning of church unity. “The War.” New York Tablet 14 (October 1, 1870):8. Signed O. A. Brownson. On Brownson’s debt to French literature and love of France. “Not Peace, But A Sword.” New York Tablet 14 (October 1, 1870):89. Papal infallibility not the only concern of Vatican I. On the grounds of the definition.



“’Downfall of the Pope.’” New York Tablet 14 (October 8, 1870):8-9. Downfall supposed because of lack of temporal sovereignty, a mere accident of history. “France and the Church.” New York Tablet 14 (October 8, 1870):9. Support for Gallicanism the fault of France. “The Apostolic Office.” New York Tablet 14 (October 15 1870):8-9. Apostolic succession. “Plebiscitum.” New York Tablet 14 (October 15, 1870):9. Italian people have no right to depose the pope of his temporal sovereignty. “A Mistake.” New York Tablet 14 (October 15, 1870):9. Faults in Catholic countries. “The Anglican Position.” New York Tablet 14 (October 22, 1870):8. On the Catholic nature of Anglicanism. “Rome and Italy.” New York Tablet 14 (October 22, 1870):9. On the survival of papacy despite the loss of temporal support. “Supervision of Politics.” New York Tablet 14 (October 22, 1870):9. On the authority to prescribe Christian morals in politics. “The ‘Churchman.’” New York Tablet 14 (October 29, 1870):8. Authority in Christianity. “The Great Commission.” Catholic World 12 (November, 1870):187200; Works 8:359-78. Review of John Harris’s The Great Commission (1870). Charges against Protestants’ authentic commission to preach, teach and save—they have neither communion nor doctrine. “Signs of the Times.” New York Tablet 14 (November 5, 1870):8. Signs of true piety in the midst of revolutionary Europe. “The Catholic World.” New York Tablet 14 (November 5, 1870):8. The valuable contributions of this journal. “The ‘American Churchman.’” New York Tablet 14 (November 5, 1870):9. The Anglican claims to Catholic communion. “The Apostolic Office.” New York Tablet 14 (November 5, 1870):9. Apostolic succession. “Church and State—No. I.” New York Tablet 14 (November 12, 1870):8; see November 19, 1870; December 10, 1870; December 31, 1870; January 21, 1871; February 4, 1871. On the various theories of the relation between church and state. “Can’t Make a Creed.” New York Tablet 14 (November 12, 1870):9. Unitarians and doctrinal statements.



“Church and State—No. II.” New York Tablet 14 (November 19, 1870):8; see November 12, 1870. “The Napoleonic Error.” New York Tablet 14 (November 19, 1870):9. Denial of the religious foundation of government. “The Psychology of Perversion.” New York Tablet 14 (November 26, 1870, 9. On Anglican claims. “St. Paul and the Popes.” New York Tablet 14 (November 26, 1870):89. The qualifications of an apostle, and apostolic succession. “Steps of Belief.” Catholic World 12 (December, 1870):289-304; Works 8:379-99. Review of James Freeman Clarke’s Steps of Belief (1870). Against Leibniz; Brownson’s view that belief precedes unbelief. “Answers to Difficulties.” Catholic World 12 (December, 1870):32840; Works 9:566-83. On the progress and the necessity of Catholicism for true progress and civilization. “European Politics.” New York Tablet 14 (December 3, 1870):8-9. On the relative political strength of various European governments. “Resemblance between the Buddhist and the Roman Catholic Religion.’” New York Tablet 14 (December 10, 1870):8. Review of article in Atlantic Monthly (December, 1870) by Maria L. Child. “Church and State —No. III.” New York Tablet 14 (December 10, 1870):9; see November 12, 1870. “The ‘Napoleonic Error’ and the ‘Christian Intelligencer’—Causes of the Decadence of the Catholic Nations.” New York Tablet 14 (December 17, 1870):8-9. Cause of decadence not because of the Catholic Church, but in spite of it. “The Temporal Power of the Pope.” New York Tablet 14 (December 17, 1870):9. The distinction between the right and the necessity of the pope’s temporal sovereignty. “Changing Its Tune.” New York Tablet 14 (December 24, 1870):8-9. The New York Observer’s hostility toward the temporal sovereignty of the pope. “Church and State—No.IV.” New York Tablet 14 (December 31, 1870):8-9; see November 12, 1870. 1871 “Beecherism and its Tendencies.” Catholic World 12 (January, 1871):433-50; Works 3:460-84. Review of Henry Ward Beecher’s Sciences (1869-70). Protestants make very little use of intelligence in order to make room for sentiment and emotions.



“Mrs. Gerald’s Niece.” Catholic World 12 (January, 1871):546-57; Works 19:544-59; Modern: 544-59. Review Lady George Fullerton’s novel (1870). Brownson on the weakness of novels, especially those by women; but his praise for Fullerton’s work. “Religious Orders.” Ave Maria 7 (January 28, 1871):65-67; (February 4, 1871):81-83; (February 18, 1871):113-15; (April 8, 1871):233-34; (July l, 1871):425-26; (July 22, 1871):473-75; (August 5, 1871):505-07; (August 12, 1871):521-23; (August 26, 1871):553-55; (September 9, 1871):585-87; Works 8:219-63. On poverty, chastity and obedience; Brownson’s realization of God’s freedom was central point of his conversion. “Treatment of Catholics.” New York Tablet 14 (January 7, 1871):8. On Leonard Bacon’s “condescension” to Catholics. “The Pope as a Subject.” New York Tablet 14 (January 14, 1871):8. Pope not subject to any temporal power. “The Reckless ‘Christian Intelligencer.’” New York Tablet 14 (January 14, 1871):8-9. The conditions of Catholic countries. “The Arrogance of Rome.” New York Tablet 14 (January 14, 1871):9. On arrogance of Protestants without the claim of infallibility. “Church and State—No. V.” New York Tablet 14 (January 21, 1871):89; see November 12, 1870. “Church and State—No. VI.” New York Tablet 14 (January 28, 1871):8; see November 12, 1870. “Church and State—No. VII.” New York Tablet 14 (February 4, 1871):8-9; see November 12, 1870. “‘St. Peter.’” New York Tablet 14 (February 11, 1871):8. On a tasteless Catholic journal established to defend the pope. “Unity and Infallibility.” New York Tablet 14 (February 11, 1871):89. On the Evangelical Alliance’s sense of these terms. “‘The Pope Not a Subject.’” New York Tablet 14 (February 11, 1871):9. Relation of church and civil law. “Cabinet Changes.” New York Tablet 14 (February 18, 1871):8-9. On President Grant’s contemplated reconstruction of his cabinet. “Manning’s Vatican Council.” New York Tablet 14 (February 18, 1871):9. Review of Henry Edward Manning’s The Vatican Council and its Definitions (1871). “What Dollinger Thinks of the Pope’s Temporal Power and Italian Unity.” New York Tablet 14 (February 18, 1871):9. On Johann Joseph Ignaz von Dollinger’s 1861 support for the temporal power.



“Proscription.” New York Tablet 14 (February 25, 1871):9. On prohibiting appointments to civil offices because of a person’s Catholicism. “Baring-Gould on Christianity.” Catholic World 12 (March, 1871):764-81; Works 3:484-508. A critical review of Sabine Baring-Gould’s The Origin and Development of Religious Belief (1870) because he bases the truth of Christianity upon the facts or wants of human nature. Baring-Gould lacks a sense of the communion of the objective and the subjective dimensions of life and thought, and thus distorts the fundamental doctrines of Christianity. “A Lenten Meditation for the ‘Christian Intelligencer’ on its Spiritual Ancestors.” New York Tablet 14 (March 5, 1871):8-9. On the execution of medieval heretics. “From the ‘Christian Union.’” New York Tablet 14 (March 5, 1871):9. Protests against movements to establish a state religion. “The Witless ‘Christian Intelligencer.’” New York Tablet 14 (March 11, 1871):8-9. Religious intolerance. “Incipient Innovators.” New York Tablet 14 (March 11, 1871):9. On liberal Catholics. “The Higher Education.” New York Tablet 14 (March 18, 1871):8. Deficiencies in Catholic education. “Liberalism and the War.” New York Tablet 14 (March 18, 1871):9. Liberalism responsible for the Franco-Prussian War and the prostration of France. “Dr. Bellows on Church and State.” New York Tablet 14 (March 25, 1871):8. The liberal Christian view of separation of church and state. “Popish Views of the Bible.” New York Tablet 14 (March 25, 1871):89. Defense of Catholic approach to Scripture. “Unification and Education.” Catholic World 13 (April, 1871):1-14; Works 13:284-302. Review of Henry Wilson’s “New Departure of the Republican Party,” Atlantic Monthly (January, 1871). Against Wilson’s desire for national unification and national education and his support for will of majority. Brownson asserts the few should lead and the many follow. “The Insurrection in Paris.” New York Tablet 14 (April 1, 1871):8. Revolutionary liberalism. “The Reds Successful in Paris.” New York Tablet 14 (April 1, 1871):9. Red Republicanism in France and future prospects for the Catholic Church.



“The ‘Churchman’ Delighted.” New York Tablet 14 (April 8,1871):89. Anglicans on church and state. “Which Shall Triumph?” New York Tablet 14 (April 8, 1871):9. Catholicity or Protestantism. “Rev. Henry Ward Beecher.” New York Tablet 14 (April 15, 1871):8. Review of Beecher’s writings and positions. “Is It Ignorance or Malice?” New York Tablet 14 (April 15, 1871):9. On the New York Observer’s views of Catholicism. “The ‘Methodist’ and Liberalism.” New York Tablet 14 (April 15, 1871):9. European liberalism and Methodist sympathy for it. “Reign of Terror in Paris.” New York Tablet 14 (April 22, 1871):8-9. Hostilities to Catholic Church. “Answer to a ‘Subscriber.’” New York Tablet 14 (April 22, 1871):9. On the elections of senators and representatives in Congress. “France and ‘the Kingdom of Italy.’” New York Tablet 14 (April 29, 1871):8. The Garibaldians and the revolutionary troubles in France. “Sectarian Education.” New York Tablet 14 (April 29, 1871):8-9. Reactions to Brownson’s “Unification and Education” in the Catholic World, April 1871. “The Church Accredits Herself.” Catholic World 13 (May, 1871):14558; Works 3:399-417. Review of Henry Edward Manning’s The Vatican Council and its Definitions (1871). Church is witness to herself; she is today totally identical with apostolic age, witnessing to revelation in same sense. “The Progress of ‘Liberty’ in Paris.” New York Tablet 14 (May 6, 1871):8-9. Imprisonments of Archbishop of Paris and a number of clergy. “Dr. Dollinger.” New York Tablet 14 (May 13, 1871):8. Intellectual pride his fault. “‘The True Woman.’” New York Tablet 14 (May 20, 1871):8-9. Recommends the new journal, edited by Charlotte E. McKay, because it opposes woman’s rights movement. “Sardinia and the Holy Father.” Catholic World 13 (June, 1871):289304; Works 18:445-66. Italian unification brought about by lawlessness which violates principles of religion; atheism is real threat of modern world; papacy is symbolic of predominance of spiritual.



“Dollinger and the German Catholics.” New York Tablet 15 (June 10, 1871):8-9. Press has made Dollinger’s defection from the Catholic Church an event of world-wide importance, which it is not. “The Revolution Checked.” New York Tablet 15 (June 10, 1871):9. Defeat of Communists in Paris. “Dr. Dollinger’s Case.” New York Tablet 15 (June 17, 1871):5. Dollinger’s defection and European revolutionaries. “Rome and the Civil Power.” New York Tablet 15 (June 17, 1871):8. Independence of church from civil power. “About Papal Europe.” New York Tablet 15 (June 17, 1871):8-9. On the general Catholic acceptance of the doctrine of papal infallibility against the minority view of Dollinger and Hyacinthe. “The Pope’s Encyclical on the Papal Guarantees.” New York Tablet 15 (June 17, 1871):9. Pope declares that he will not compromise with the Italian government. “Origin of Civilization.” Catholic World 13 (July, 1871):492-504; Works 9:418-34; Gems: 144-64. Review of John Lubbock’s The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of Man (1871). Move from barbarism to civilization possible only by external and supernatural influence, not by self-generation. “France and Germany.” New York Tablet 15 (July 1, 1871):8. Political affairs in both countries. “Counsellors For The Pope.” New York Tablet 15 (July 1, 1871):8. Protestant advice on temporal and spiritual powers of pope. “Wanted, A Live Anti-Popery Society.” New York Tablet 15 (July 1, 1871):9. Leonard Bacon’s new anti-popery plan. “A Mystery Cleared Up.” New York Tablet 15 (July 8, 1871):5. On opposition to papal infallibility by bishops Peter R. Kenrick, John Purcell and Félix Dupanloup because of its inopportuneness; their subsequent acceptance of the doctrine. “Sectarian Associations and Conspiracies.” New York Tablet 15 (July 8, 1871):8. On a new catholic, but not Roman, church. “Catholicity and Republicanism.” New York Tablet 15 (July 15, 1871):8. All governing power comes from God, and all governments hold their power as a trust. “Catholics and the Common Schools.” New York Tablet 15 (July 15, 1871):9. Protestant fears of Catholic positions.



“Independence of the Clergy.” New York Tablet 15 (July 22, 1871):4. Clergy not above the law, but exempt from jurisdiction of the civil courts. “The Problem of The Age.” New York Tablet 15 (July 22, 1871):6. The education question. “The Right Arm of The Revolution.” New York Tablet 15 (July 22, 1871):9. The International Society of Workingmen. “If The ‘Infallible’ Pontiff Please!” New York Tablet 15 (July 29, 1871):8. Origin of the state’s power not from pope. “The Bigots of New York.” New York Tablet 15 (July 29, 1871):8. On Harper and Brothers’s publishing firm, and Harper’s Weekly. “Jesuit Schools.” New York Tablet 15 (July 29, 1871):9. Arthur Coxe on the “Jesuit morality,” which is now recognized by infallible authority. “The Real ‘Dangerous Classes.’” New York Tablet 15 (July 29, 1871):9. Not the Irish lower classes, but Harper’s Weekly represents the dangerous classes. “The Secular Not Supreme.” Catholic World 13 (August, 1871):685701; Works 13:303-26. Review of Henry W. Bellows’s Church and State in America (1871), and E. P. Hurlbut’s A Secular View of Religion and State, and of the Bible in the Public Schools (1870). Against the “political atheism” of these two proposals for a complete divorce of church and state in order to defeat Evangelicals who want to declare the country Christian, and Catholics who want a share of public funds for education. The church and religion are necessary to sustain the republic. “The Revolution Crowned in Rome.” New York Tablet 15 (August 5, 1871):8. The American press’s joy over a United Italy motivated by sympathy with revolutionaries and hatred of the pope. “The Riot of the Twelfth, Again.” New York Tablet 15 (August 5, 1871):8. The Orange riot, mob rule, and New York’s Governor John Thompson Hoffman. “The Evangelical Conspiracy.” New York Tablet 15 (August 5, 1871):89. The movement to amend preamble of Constitution to declare this country Christian. “The ‘Accomplished Fact.’” New York Tablet 15 (August 12, 1871):8. The final usurpation of pope’s temporal authority. “Italian Unity in New York.” New York Tablet 15 (August 12, 1871):8. New York Italians who favor “Italy United.”



“Lessons of the Riot.” New York Tablet 15 (August 12, 1871):8-9. Catholic Church did not support Orange Riot of July 12, 1871. “By Their Fruits.” New York Tablet 15 (August 19, 1871):8. Catholic immorality exists in spite of the church. “The ‘American Churchman’ and the Ritualists.” New York Tablet 15 (August 19, 1871):9. Anglican fears of Romanizing tendencies of ritualists. “Catholics of Germany.” New York Tablet 15 (August 26, 1871):8. Only religion can save government. “Obligation of the Probable.” New York Tablet 15 (August 26, 1871):9. On John Henry Newman, probability, and papal authority. “Petty Spite.” New York Tablet 15 (August 26, 1871):9. On papal question becoming a “farce.” “The Reformation not Conservative.” Catholic World 13 (September, 1871):721-37; Works 14:447-69; Gems: 203-21. Review of Charles P. Krauth’s The Conservative Reformation and its Theology (1871). Brownson’s views that the Lutheran Reformation and conservatism “belong to different categories”; the Reformation in principle and effect is “decidedly revolutionary.” “Romanism and Government.” New York Tablet 15 (September 2, 1871):8. Church and State, as understood by the Tablet. “Meaning of Freedom of Speech.” New York Tablet 15 (September 2, 1871):8-9. On Catholics violating the free speech of an apostate priest in Ogdensburg, New York. “Romanism and Politics.” New York Tablet 15 (September 9, 1871):8. On religious liberty and Catholic appeals for equality of civil rights. “True Proportions of Dollinger.” New York Tablet 15 (September 9, 1871):8-9. New York Times’s assertion that Dollinger is Catholic Church’s most formidable enemy. “The Triple Alliance.” New York Tablet 15 (September 9, 1871):9. Germany, Austria, and Italy against Russia and France. “Dissensions in the Catholic Church.” New York Tablet 15 (September 16, 1871):8. Between liberals and conservatives. “Why Dollinger Will Not Be Luther.” New York Tablet 15 (September 16, 1871):8-9. Dollinger declares himself, despite excommunication, to be in the Church. “The Reform Movement in Germany.” New York Tablet 15 (September 16, 1871):9. On the formation a German Catholic Church.



“Bishop Strossmeyer’s [sic] Speech.” New York Tablet 15 (September 16, 1871):9. A fraudulent construction of Bishop Joseph Georg Strossmayer’s speech during the Vatican Council. “The Dead ‘Leader of The International.” New York Tablet 15 (September 23, 1871):8. On the death of Karl Marx. “Responsibility of Freedom.” New York Tablet 15 (September 23, 1871):8-9. Henry Ward Beecher and the excessive burden of his sense of freedom and his subjection to the tyranny of public opinion. “Political Parties.” New York Tablet 15 (September 30, 1871):5. Association of the Republican Party with anti-Catholic prejudices. “Roman Education Under The Pope.” New York Tablet 15 (September 30, 1871):5. The misinformation on education in Rome. “The City Government.” New York Tablet 15 (September 30, 1871):89. On fraud and corruption in New York City politics and necessity of reform. “The ‘Herald’ and The Jesuits.” New York Tablet 15 (September 30, 1871):9. Rumors that Jesuits expelled from Rome. “Christianity and Positivism.” Catholic World 14 (October, 1871):115; Works 2:428-47. Review of James McCosh’s Christianity and Positivism (1871). Relationship between ontologism and traditionalism (which complements and corroborates the ontological argument); how one can demonstrate God’s existence. “The Riot of the Twelfth.” Catholic World 14 (October, 1871):11726. On the injustices of the Irish Catholic rioters and the Orange parade that provoked them. “Mr. Seton’s Letter.” New York Tablet 15 (October 7, 1871):8-9. On compatibility of true republicanism and Catholicism. “An Illogical Reference.” New York Tablet 15 (October 7, 1871):9. Catholic clergy, who fail to instruct their people, are responsible for revolutionary victories in Europe. “Romanism Politically.” New York Tablet 15 (October 14, 1871):8-9. School question. “A House That Needs A Lesson.” New York Tablet 15 (October 14, 1871):9. Harper’s Weekly and Thomas Nest. Suggests boycotting the publishing firm. “The ‘Christian Union’ and The Public Schools.” New York Tablet 15 (October 21, 1871):8-9. On the role of religion in education.



“Protestant Episcopal Convention.” New York Tablet 15 (October 28, 1871):8. Declaration on the meaning of baptismal regeneration. “Dollinger and Thiers.” New York Tablet 15 (October 28, 1871):9. France and restoration of religion. “The ‘Old Catholics’ of Munich.” New York Tablet 15 (October 28, 1871):9. On a recent convention of Old Catholics. “Authority in Matters of Faith.” Part I of II. Catholic World 14 (November, 1871):145-57; see Brownson’s Quarterly Review, (October, 1874); Works 8:574-92. Catholic tradition contains whole revelation whether written or unwritten, and this tradition is able to interpret Sacred Scripture infallibly. “The ‘Churchman’ on Dr. Dollinger.” New York Tablet 15 (November 4, 1871):8-9. Dollinger not a Luther because of his consistent opposition to Protestantism. “The Riot of The Twelfth.” New York Tablet 15 (November 11, 1871):8. Catholic Church not cause of riots and not involved in politics. “The Pope and The Nations.” New York Tablet 15 (November 11, 1871):9. No Catholic nations remain. “The ‘Tribune’ on ‘Irish Immigrant Guiees [sic].’” New York Tablet 15 (November 18, 1871):8. On John O’Hanlon’s Irish Emigrant’s Guide (1851) and moral advice to immigrants. “Beecher on the Rights of Conscience.” New York Tablet 15 (November 25, 1871):8-9. School question and State’s obligation to respect Catholic consciences. “Recent Events in France.” Catholic World 14(December, 1871):289304. Works 18:481-502. On the absolutism of monarchies against the absolutism of people as the real war in nineteenth-century Europe. “Municipal Affairs.” New York Tablet 15 (December 2, 1871):8. City elections, defeat of Tammany Hall, and triumph of reform. “Our Imperial Guest.” New York Tablet 15 (December 2, 1871):8-9. Grand Duke Alexis of Russia should be welcomed by Catholics. “Sectarian Aid.” New York Tablet 15 (December 2, 1871):9. Public aid to Catholic Institutions in New York. “Rise and Decline of the Romish Church.” New York Tablet 15 (December 9, 1871):8. Assertions of Henry Bellows. “The Woman Movement.” New York Tablet 15 (December 16, 1871):8. The purposes of the movement are free love, abolition of Christian marriage, and the destruction of the family.



“President’s Message.” New York Tablet 15 (December 16, 1871):89. Review of Grant’s proposals and call for political changes. “M.F. Walworth and Dollinger.” New York Tablet 15 (December 30, 1871):8-9. Walworth’s rejection of papal infallibility. 1872 “The Protestant Rule of Faith.” Catholic World 14 (January, 1872):488-513; Works 8:418-39. Review of Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology, Vol. 1 (1872). Catholics have infallible teacher in the pope who preserves and applies tradition; Sacred Scripture is the foundation, but not the rule of faith. “The Bible In Schools.” New York Tablet 15 (January 6, 1872):8. Against the use of the Protestant Bible in the schools and recent history of that use. “The Proposed City Charter.” New York Tablet 15 (January 6, 1872):9. On proposed changes in New York City government. “The Irrepressible Conflict.” New York Tablet 15 (January 13, 1872):8. Between ecclesiastical and civil courts. “The ‘New York Witness.’” New York Tablet 15 (January 20, 1872):8. Protestant bigotry under the guise of openness to Catholicism. “The Governor’s Message Again.” New York Tablet 15 (January 20, 1872):8. On reform of New York City government to avoid centralized democracy. “Romanism In America.” New York Tablet 15 (January 27, 1872):8. Methodists, not Catholics, are antagonistic to American freedom. “Hepworth and the Unitarians.” New York Tablet 15 (January 27, 1872):9. His apparent renunciation of Unitarianism, but his continued heterodox ideas on Trinity. “The Cosmic Philosophy.” Catholic World 14 (February, 1872):63345; Works 9:439-56. Review of Herbert Spencer’s First Principles of a New System of Philosophy (1871). Spencer misapprehends relation of religion and science because he does not understand the doctrine of creation which is the nexus between the two. “The International Association.” Catholic World 14 (February, 1872):694-707. Review of The Dublin Review (October 1871) and Wendell Phillip’s “The Labor Movement,” New York Tribune (December 7, 1871). On the unequal and relentless battles between capital and labor manifested most clearly by the International As-



sociation of Workingmen, and the necessity of religion to heal the wounds of class strife. “The City Government.” New York Tablet 15 (February 3, 1872):8. On proposed new charter of city government— judiciary department; against the election of judges. “Civil Service Reform.” New York Tablet 15 (February 10, 1872):9. Importance of public opinion in reforming civil service appointments. “Mr. Sumner’s Supplementary Civil Rights Bill.” New York Tablet 15 (February 17, 1872):9. Against legislating the social equality of Negroes. “Christianizing the Constitution.” New York Tablet 15 (February 24, 1872):8. Against the Methodist movement to make Protestantism the national religion. “Owen on Spiritism.” Catholic World 14 (March, 1872):803-12; Works 9:352-65. Review of R. D. Owen’s The Debatable Lord (1872) and Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World (1860). Against Owen’s views of spirit-manifestations, which he identifies with biblical miracles, Christian inspiration and revelation. “The Church and Republicanism.” New York Tablet 15 (March 2, 1872):8. No incompatibility between the two. “Is Suffrage A Natural Right Or A Trust?” New York Tablet 15 (March 9, 1872):8. A trust. “Old Catholics.” New York Tablet 15 (March 16, 1872):8. No New or Old Catholics because Catholicism is the Kingdom of God. “Anglican Catholics.” New York Tablet 15 (March 16, 1872):9. Misapplication of the term “Catholic.” “The New York ‘Evangelist’ on Sectarian Subsidies.” New York Tablet 15 (March 23, 1872):8. Public aid to Catholic institutions not unconstitutional. “The ‘New York Herald’ on Joseph Mazzini.” New York Tablet 15 (March 23, 1872):8. On Mazzini’s death. “Elevation of the Working Classes.” New York Tablet 15 (March 23, 1872):9. On social equality of working class. “Is Suffrage a Natural Right or a Political Trust?” New York Tablet 15 (March 30, 1872):8-9. A trust. “The Crisis in the Catholic Church.” New York Tablet 15 (March 30, 1872):9. Crises are nothing new in the historic church’s relationship with secular society.



“The Alabama Claims.” New York Tablet 15 (April 6, 1872):8. United States claims for damages against Great Britain for its part in the Civil War will not be resolved. “The Vicar of Christ.” New York Tablet 15 (April 13, 1872):8-9. Central question between Protestants and Catholics is authority. “Exclusive Salvation.” New York Tablet 15 (April 20, 1872):8. “No salvation outside the Church.” “The Insurrection in Spain.” New York Tablet 15 (May 4, 1872):8. Uprising of Don Carlos and the religious party in Spain against revolutionary regime. “The Outlook For The Church.” New York Tablet 15 (May 4, 1872):9. Public opinion against the church, but hope for church based upon her supernatural origins. “The Greeley-Brown Ticket.” New York Tablet 15 (May 18, 1872):8. Horace Greeley’s nomination for President. “Mary, Mother of God.” New York Tablet 15 (May 18, 1872):9. Catholic theology of Mary. “France–Thiers–Gambetta.” New York Tablet 15 (May 25, 1872):89. Political divisions in France. “The Washington Treaty.” New York Tablet 16 (June 1, 1872):8-9. Conflicting claims between United States and Great Britain. See April 6, 1872. “State Education Is State Religion.” New York Tablet 16 (June 8, 1872):8-9. Public education is a form of union between church and state. “Secularizing Education.” New York Tablet 16 (June 8, 1872):9. Secular schools present no danger to Protestantism because American culture itself is Protestant. “Satan Worshippers.” New York Tablet 16 (June 15, 1872):8. England and Prussia have bowed to the prince of this world. “The Disturbing Element.” New York Tablet 16 (June 15, 1872):9. Catholic Church is the element that disturbs Methodists and society. “The Methodist Conference.” New York Tablet 16 (June 22, 1872):89. On the conference’s various proceedings. “Union of the Sects.” New York Tablet 16 (June 29, 1872):8. Meaning of Christian union. “The New Reformation.” New York Tablet 16 (June 29, 1872):9. Old Catholics in Germany and general religious indifference.



“The Papacy the Only Safeguard to Liberty, Civil and Religious.” New York Tablet 16 (July 6, 1872):8. The independence of the spiritual order. “Bismarck Against The Jesuits.” New York Tablet 16 (July 13, 1872):89. Reichstag’s bill excluding Jesuits from the German Empire. “Greeley and the Democracy.” New York Tablet 16 (July 20, 1872):8. Prefers Grant to Greeley for President. “Germany and The Jesuits.” New York Tablet 16 (July 20, 1872):8. Catholics enjoy full religious liberty in no Protestant country. “The ‘Times’ Measure of Bismarck.” New York Tablet 16 (July 27, 1872):9. Support for German Jesuits expelled from German Empire. “The Rev. Beecher on Religious Warfare.” New York Tablet 16 (July 27, 1872):9. H. W. Beecher advises Protestants to cease assaults on Catholics. “The Pope’s Letter.” New York Tablet 16 (August 3, 1872):8. European Catholics under governments of Protestants or infidels. “The Protestant Idea of the Jesuits.” New York Tablet 16 (August 10, 1872):8. Fear of Jesuits’ historic political manipulations. “Pope and Emperor.” New York Tablet 16 (August 24, 1872):8. German persecution of Catholic Church pleases American sects. “Catholic Reform in Germany.” New York Tablet 16 (August 31, 1872):8. Old Catholics as national church. “The Presidential Election.” New York Tablet 16 (August 31, 1872):89. Support for Grant over Greeley. “A Free Church in a Free State.” New York Tablet 16 (August 31, 1872):9. The meaning of the phrase according to Camillo Benso Cavour and Charles Montalembert. “Bigotry.” New York Tablet 16 (September 7, 1872):8. Catholics can never reason with Protestants. “St. Louis.” New York Tablet 16 (September 7, 1872):8-9. Catholic children in Protestant Sunday schools. “Die Alt-Katholiken.” New York Tablet 16 (September 14, 1872):8. Old Catholics as a religious movement in Germany. “Grant or Greeley?” New York Tablet 16 (September 21, 1872):8. Grant, but support for Greeley’s party. “The Jesuits.” New York Tablet 16 (September 21, 1872):8. Protestants and liberal Catholics oppose Jesuits as a first blow against the papacy and the church.



“The Louisville Convention and Its Candidates.” New York Tablet 16 (September 28, 1872):8. Democrats ruined themselves by nominating Greeley. “Mr. Hyacinthe Loyson on His Marriage.” New York Tablet 16 (September 28, 1872):9. His marriage not valid in Catholic Church. Celibacy and a married clergy. “Low Churchmen Demanded of the Church.” New York Tablet 16 (October 5, 1872):8-9. Meaning of union with the church, and Old Catholics. “Letter From Dr. Brownson.” New York Tablet 16 (October 5, 1872):9. Brownson announces reasons for resumption of his Quarterly. “Heathenism and Christianity.” New York Tablet 16 (October 5, 1872):9. On Hindu religion. “We Want An Honest Legislature.” New York Tablet 16 (October 12, 1872):8. An honest legislature demands an honest electorate. “St. Bartholomew’s Massacre.” New York Tablet 16 (October 19, 1872):4. On past and present Catholic evaluations of the massacre. “The Church of The Future.” New York Tablet 16 (October 19, 1872):4. Church is organic body, not just an organized society. “The Meeting of the Emperors.” New York Tablet 16 (October 19, 1872):8. Prussia, Austria, and Russia. “The Old Catholics Again.” New York Tablet 16 (October 19, 1872):9. Divisions among Old Catholics. “Evangelization in Italy.” New York Tablet 16 (October 26, 1872):8. Failure of Protestant proselytizing in Catholic countries. “Fairly Acknowledged.” New York Tablet 16 (October 26, 1872):8-9. Gallicanism and Ultramontanism. “Brownson’s Review.” Ave Maria 8 (November 2, 1872):708-09. Reprint of “Letter to the Editor,” New York Tablet September 24, 1872. “Infallibility.” New York Tablet 16 (November 2, 1872):8. Infallibility does not belong to the person of the pope. “Satan’s Last Move.” New York Tablet 16 (November 2, 1872):8-9. The demand for secularized education. “Dr. Hodge On A Romish Question.” New York Tablet 16 (November 9, 1872):5. Charles Hodge’s views of railroad companies giving land to Catholics for building churches.



“History Vs. Infallibility.” New York Tablet 16 (November 9, 1872):8. On the massacre of St. Bartholomew’s Day. “The Jews and the Roumanians [sic].” New York Tablet 16 (November 9, 1872):9. Anti-Jewish sentiments; on the persecution of Jews. “Forewarned, Forearmed.” New York Tablet 16 (November 16, 1872):8. School question. “Catholicity and Patriotism.” New York Tablet 16 (November 16, 1872):9. Loyalty to Catholicism not incompatible with patriotism, but is above patriotism. “The Conflict of the Two Powers.” New York Tablet 16 (November 23, 1872):8. The New York Herald on church and state. “The Office, Not The Man.” New York Tablet 16 (November 23, 1872):8-9. Papal infallibility belongs to the office. “The Elections.” New York Tablet 16 (November 23, 1872):9. Grant and Republicans win. Democrats abandoned principle. “Jews and Roumanians [sic].” New York Tablet 16 (November 23, 1872):9. Jews are sworn enemies of Christianity. “The Christian (Methodist) Advocate.” New York Tablet 16 (November 30, 1872):8-9. In conflicts between the Catholic Church and the state, Protestant journalists generally take the side of the state’s opposition to the church. “Drift of Opinion on Education.” New York Tablet 16 (December 7, 1872):4. Toward secularization. “Protestants Drop The Old Catholics.” New York Tablet 16 (December 7, 1872):8-9. Old Catholics are not becoming Protestant reformers. “Death of Horace Greeley.” New York Tablet 16 (December 7, 1872):9. Eulogy on Greeley. “The President’s Message.” New York Tablet 16 (December 14, 1872):8. Nothing new, but Grant articulates a dangerous principle: no policy against the will of the people. “Political Crisis in France.” New York Tablet 16 (December 14, 1872):9. Apparent conflict between National Assembly and Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe Thiers. “Non-Catholic Zeal For Education.” New York Tablet 16 (December 21, 1872):8. Zeal motivated by hostility to Catholic Church. “The Combat Deepens.” New York Tablet 16 (December 28, 1872):89. Protestant-Catholic battles.



1873 “Introduction” to Sarah M. Brownson, Life of Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin. New York; Cincinnati: Pustet, 1873. On the current political condition of Russia and the Russian Orthodox church, and the need and possibility of reunion with Rome. Such a reunion would free the Russian church from its political dependency. “Introduction to the Last Series.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):1-8; Works 20:381-88. On Brownson’s reasons for resuming the Review and on his uncompromising Catholicism in the spirit of the Syllabus of Errors. “The Papacy and the Republic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):9-33; Works 13:326-51. Church is kingdom of God on earth; church has nothing to do with politics. “The Dollingerites, Nationalists and the Papacy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):34-53; Works 13:351-69. Dogma is above history as church gives true sense of facts of history; pope is “central all” of organism and Gallicanism is “inchoate Manicheeism.” “Religious Novels, and Woman versus Woman.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):53-69; Works 19:560-75; Modern: 560-75. Review of Sister Mary Francis Clare’s Hornehurst Rectory (1873); Lady Georgiana Fullerton’s Mrs. Gerald’s Niece (1870); and Mary Agnes Tincker’s The House of Yorke (1872). Brownson’s comments on novels that deal with Puseyism, and Catholicism, and his criticisms of novels that are half theology and half romance. “Archbishop Manning’s Lectures.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):69-84; Works 13:370-84. Review of Henry Edward Manning’s Lectures on the Four Great Evils of the Day (1872). Brownson’s views on the modern denials of divine sovereignty over intellect, will, and society, as well as the need for papal infallibility. “What is the Need of Revelation?” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):85-95; Works 3:509-18. On the initial and teleological orders of existence; nature is the initial and supernature is the teleological order. “The Political State of the Country.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):95-111; Works 18:520-35. Grant is bad but Greeley would have been worse; in favor of the nation’s “natural aristocracy.”



“European Politics.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (January, 1873):111-29; Works 18:502-19. On the power changes in Europe; Catholics should not place trust in political alliances, but work for the reconversion of Europe to the church. “Synthetic Theology.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (April, 1873):145-74; Works 3:536-64. Review of Peter Rossi’s I Principii di Filosofia Sopranaturale 3 vols. (1868-1872). On the Giobertianlike attempts to articulate the dialectical synthesis between the natural (initial) and the supernatural (teleological) orders through the doctrines of creation (generation) and Incarnation (regeneration), and on the necessity and priority of the synthetic over the analytical method in theology. “Photographic Views.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (April, 1873):174-84. Review of F. X. Weninger, Photographic Views (1873). A book of spiritual reading which asserts that nature is symbolic of a meaning beyond its visible appearance, and Brownson’s views on symbolism and Platonism. “Catholic Popular Literature.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (April, 1873):185-205; Works 19:575-94; Modern: 575-94. Review of AllHallows-Eve (New York Catholic Publication Society, 1872) and Emily C. Agnew’s Geraldine (1872). Brownson’s reflection on a literature produced by Catholics, for Catholics, and informed by Catholic spirit. “The Primeval Man not a Savage.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (April, 1873):205-35; Works 9:457-85. Review of Nicholas Wiseman’s Lectures on Connections between Science and Revealed Religion (1872). While Christian tradition is test of truth there is no conflict between real science and divine revelation. “The Democratic Principle.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (April, 1873):235-59; Works 18:223-45; Kirk: 191-226. Reminiscences of an old man. Brownson believed in democracy until the “hard cider” campaign of the 1840s. “Bismarck and the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (April, 1873):259-75; Works 13:384-400. Review of lecture on “The Old Catholic Movement in Europe” by A. N. Littlejohn, Episcopal Bishop of Long Island. Brownson appeals to history of papacy and church to prove that church is ultimately victorious over secular powers.



“Whose is the Child?” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (July, 1873):289-301; Works 13:400-12. On the church’s, parents’ and state’s right and authority to educate children. “Science, Philosophy, and Religion.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (July, 1873):301-22; “Professor Bascom’s Lectures,” Works 2:44861. Review of John Bascom’s Science, Philosophy, and Religion (1871). Although Bascom believes in suprasensible ideas, he tries to prove objective reality via inductive method, which is unjustifiable; Brownson places understanding beyond the criticisms of skepticism. “Papal Infallibility.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (July, 1873):32240; Works 13:412-29. Response to sermon preached by Michael Domenec, bishop of Pittsburgh, on papal infallibility; an extreme application. “Darwin’s Descent of Man.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (July, 1873):340-52; Works 9:485-96. Darwin’s theory is untenable; any theory of progress demands a creator God. “The Church above the State.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (July, 1873):352-67; Works 13:430-44. Review of Richard Gilmour’s Lenten Pastoral on Christian Education and other Catholic Duties (1873). Natural and revealed law are part of one dialectical whole, distinct but not separate. “True and False Science.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (July, 1873):367-98; Works 9:497-528. Inadequacy of inductive method when used to demonstrate existence of God, spirituality of soul, liberty and free will. “Sisters of Mercy.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (July, 1873):399409. Review of Mary Teresa Austin Carroll’s Life of Catherine McAuley (1871). On McAuley, the Sisters of Mercy, and the work of women who combine the contemplative with the active in the world. “Essay in Refutation of Atheism.” Part I of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (October, 1873):433-65; see January and April, 1874; see also Essays in Refutation of Atheism, ed. by Henry F. Brownson. Detroit: T. Norse, 1882; Works 2:1-32. Brownson originally wrote this work in 1871 and early 1872, and intended that it be published as a separate work. Brownson considers this essay to be preamble to faith; the problem to be resolved is whether there is a God who has created the world from nothing and is both our first and last cause.



“Protestantism Antichristian.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (October, 1873):465-88; Works 8:439-61. Review of Thomas William M. Marshall’s My Clerical Friends (1873) and Church Defense (1873). Brownson’s assertion that contemporary Protestantism as a system is anti-Christian because of its indifference to truth and its loss of faith in objective truth. “Father Thebaud’s Irish Race.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (October, 1873):488-508; Works 13:547-66. Review of Augustine Thébaud’s The Irish Race (1873). Irish have preserved primitive Christianity and have mission of converting English speaking world. “The Woman Question.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (October, 1873):508-29; see Catholic World, May, 1869; Works 18:398-418. “At Home and Abroad.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (October, 1873):534-45; Works 18:535-45. Caesarism in republican as well as in monarchial governments. “Colonel H. S. Hewit, M. D.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 27 (October, 1873):545-53. Obituary for Dr. Henry Stewart Hewit who was Brownson’s physician for seventeen years. 1874 “Essay in Refutation of Atheism.” Part II of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (January, 1874):1-37; see October, 1873, April, 1874; Works 2:32-67. “Education and the Republic.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (January, 1874):37-54; Works 13:445-61. On education, the “perfectibility of man,” and the insufficiency of natural means for perfection in education. “Holy Communion-Transubstantiation.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (January, 1874):55-77; Works 8:264-79. Prefers Aristotle over Plato as philosopher, and Augustine’s explanation of real presence over Aquinas’s. “The Most Rev. John Hughes, D. D.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (January, 1874):78-93; Works 14:485-500. Review of Lawrence Kehoe’s edition of the Complete Works of the Most Rev. John Hughes (1873). Character sketch of Hughes and evolution of his works and relations to the American public.



“Evangelical Alliance.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (January, 1874):93-106; Works 8:461-73. Diatribe against Protestantism as private judgement separated from Incarnation. “Archbishop Spalding.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (January, 1874):107-21; Works 14:500-14. Review of John Lancaster Spalding’s The Life of the Most Rev. M. J. Spalding (1873). On infallibility of pope; Satan was first Protestant. “Home and Foreign Politics.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (January, 1874):121-38; “The Political Outlook,” Works 18:546-61. On the recent election losses for the Republican party and the evils of the credit system. “Essay in Refutation of Atheism.” Part III of III. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (April, 1874):145-79; see October 1873, January 1874; Works 2:67-100. “Religion and Science.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (April, 1874):179-97; Works 3:519-36. Review of Joseph Le Conte’s Religion and Science (1874). Diatribe against Le Conte—good scientist, ignorant theologian; science and religion, reason and faith, nature and grace are all parts of uniform whole. “Constitutional Guaranties [sic].” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (April, 1874):197-220; Works 18:246-68. Legislators have responsibility to the Constitution not to the fickled will of the people; Brownson against absolute sovereignty of the people, i.e., centralized democracy. “Extra Ecclesiam nulla Salus.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (April, 1874):220-245; Works 5:572-79. Brownson against liberal interpretations of this doctrine and his assertion that invincible ignorance excuses from sin, but it confers no virtue and is purely negative, having no power to save. “Count de Montalembert.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (July, 1874):289-313; Works 14:515-38. Review of C.F. Audley’s Count de Montalembert’s Letters to a Schoolfellow, 1827-1832 (1874). On French Revolution and reactions to it. “Gallicanism and Ultramontanism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (July, 1874):313-38; Works 13:462-83. Nature of papal and temporal powers; apostolic authority belongs to Pope. “Ontologism and Psychologism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (July, 1874):357-76; Works 2:468-86. Review of Petro Fournier’s Institutiones Philosophicae (1854), Franc Rothenflue’s Institutiones



Philosophicae Theoreticae (1846), Salvatoris Tongiorgi’s Institutiones Philosophicae (1867), and William Hill’s Elements of Philosophy (1873). Brownson defends himself against Augustine Hewit’s and the Catholic World ’s charges that his views on the knowledge of God are heterodox. Brownson tries to establish the a priori conditions of thought. “Constitutional Law—The Executive Power.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (July, 1874):376-92; “The Executive Power,” Works 18:269-81. Evaluation of Adolphe de Chambrun’s The Executive Power of the United States (1874) and Brownson’s views of the advantages and limits of the president’s executive power. “Early and Recent Apostates.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (July, 1874):393-408. Review of John Joseph Franco’s Tigranes (1874). An historical novel on Julian the Apostate which unrealistically encourages the evangelical counsels for laity. On the new (Bismarck) as well as the old (Julian) promoters of the absolute supremacy of the state under the guise of liberalism. “Letter from Dr. Brownson.” Boston Pilot (July 11, 1874): 4. “Answer to Objections.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (October, 1874):433-65; Works 20:389-419. Response to article in the Boston Pilot criticizing Brownson’s view of exclusive salvation, and to a correspondent’s objections to his views on hell. “Controversy with Protestants.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (October, 1874):465-82. The burden of proof in all controversies between Catholics and Protestants should fall upon Protestants, not Catholics who can claim prior possession of truth. On the controversy over the incompatibility of Catholicism and American ideas. “The Problem of Causality.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (October, 1874):482-510; see “Hume’s Philosophical Works,” October, 1855; Works 1:381-407. Review of The Philosophical Works of David Hume (1854). “Authority in Matters of Faith.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (October, 1874):510-31; see Catholic World, November, 1871; Works 8:592-98. Review of Dwight H. Olmstead’s De l’Autorité ou de la Philosophie du personalisme. Lettre adressée au Rev. Père I. T. Hecker, suivie d’un appendice sur la Souveraineté du Peuple (1874). “Letter to the Editor.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (October, 1874):532-48; Works 20:420-35. Response to a Jesuit criticism



that Brownson is too harsh on contemporary Jesuits’ philosophical positions, their inability to understand Aquinas, and their indiscreet zeal in promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart. “The Outlook at Home and Abroad.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (October, 1874):548-60; Works 18:562-73. Review of Robert Montagu’s On Some Popular Errors Concerning Politics and Religion (1874). Brownson’s views on religion and politics. “The Review for 1875.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 28 (October, 1874):571-72. Brownson states that he has tried to write all the articles for the Review since he revived it, but now that task has become impossible and, given the need to train young reviewers for the future, undesirable. 1875 “Professor Tyndall’s Address.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (January, 1875):1-20; Works 9:528-47. Negative assessment of John Tyndall’s Inaugural Address before the British Association (1874). On Tyndall’s “false charges” that the theologians are opponents of the progress of science and the study of nature. “The Last of the Napoleons.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (January, 1875):20-42. Review of Le Dernier des Napoléons (1874) and Brownson’s outline of the downfall of Napoleon III who betrayed the divine authority and thus the leadership of the modern European world. “Maria Monk’s Daughter.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (January, 1875):43-75. Review of Mrs. L. St. John Eckel’s Maria Monk’s Daughter: An Autobiography (1874). On Eckel’s conversion to Catholicism and Brownson’s views on corelation of interior illumination and communion with the apostolic and Catholic church. “Mary Queen of Scots.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (January, 1875):75-105. Review of John Morris’s edition of The Letter Books of Sir Amias Poulet, Keeper of Mary Queen of Scots (1874). On the conspiracy to have Mary Queen of Scots executed. “Papal Infallibility and Civil Allegiance.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (January, 1875):105-22; Works 13:483-99. On the theory of development; nature and the supernatural “two parts of dialectical whole.” “The Conflict of Science and Religion.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (April, 1875):153-73; Works 9:547-66. Review of John Will-



iam Draper’s History of the Conflict between Religion and Science (1874). Science and religion are two parts of one dialectical whole and, therefore, there can never be a conflict between the two if they are both authentic and true to their purposes. “Reforms and Reformers.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (April, 1875):174-86. Review of Next Phase of Civil Progress (1874). Brownson’s views on progress, reform in city and federal governments, the power of wealth in government, the virtues of the laboring classes, and the need to reform corrupt public opinion. “The Prisoners of St. Lazare.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (April, 1875):186-202. Review of Pauline de Grandpre’s The Prisoners of St. Lazare (1872). On necessity of establishing houses of correction, reform, and rehabilitation for prostitutes—houses like the French house of St. Lazare. “Newman’s Reply to Gladstone.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (April, 1875):231-46; Works 13:499-514. On obedience to pope; papal powers from the beginning of Christianity. “Our Colleges.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (April, 1875):24660. On the intellectual deficiencies in Catholic colleges and the need for a Catholic university. “Father Hill’s Philosophy.” Part I of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (April, 1875):260-80; see October, 1875; Works 2:487-506. Criticisms of Hill’s scholastic philosophy from the view point of Brownson’s modified ontologism. “The Constitution of the Church.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (July, 1875):297-314; see January, 1856; Works 8:527-51. Introduces his January 1856 article of the same title by referring to the fundamental change in ecclesiology that accompanied Vatican I, namely that the primacy of Peter would thereafter become the first part of treatises on the church, and the body of the church the second part. “The Church and Civil Power.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (July, 1875):334-70. Review of a series of pamphlets by Joseph Fessler, William E. Gladstone, Henry Edward Manning, John E. E. D. Acton, John Henry Newman, and William Bernard Ullathorne on Vatican I and civil allegiance. The article is primarily a republication of “The Two Orders, Spiritual and Temporal,” Brownson’s Quarterly Review (January, 1853).



“Women’s Novels.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (July, 1875):37081; Works 19:595-605; Gems: 182-202; Modern: 595-605. Review of Mary Agnes Tincker’s Grapes and Thorns (1874); J. W. Lawson’s Brockley Moore (1874); and Christian Reid’s Hearts and Hands (1875). Brownson’s criticisms of women novelists as sentimental. “Our Lady of Lourdes.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (July, 1875):381-401; Works 8:104-17; Carey: 272-82. Review of Louis Gaston de Segur’s The Wonders of Lourdes (1875). On the Incarnation as the basis of the cult of the saints, and of Christian devotion to Mary. “Protestant Journalism.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (October, 1875):441-69; Works 13:567-94. Review of Thomas William Marshall’s Protestant Journalism (1874). Against Catholic and secular as well as Protestant journalism; diatribe against all kinds of nationalism. “The Family, Christian and Pagan.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (October, 1875):469-89; Works 13:526-46. Review of Auguste Riche’s The Family (1875). Assertions on the sanctity, unity and indissolubility of marriage. “Hill’s Elements of Philosophy.” Part II of II. Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (October, 1875):490-515; see April, 1875; Works 2:50631. “The Public School System.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (October, 1875):516-38; Works 13:515-25. Review of Edmund F. Dunne’s Our Public Schools: Are they free for all, or are they not? (1875). Brownson calls for a united Catholic effort on the school question to obtain justice from the state. “Home Politics.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (October, 1875):539-64; Works 18:574-98. Against the absolute will of the people as the ruling principle in contemporary politics and against the evils of the credit system of economics. “Valedictory.” Brownson’s Quarterly Review 29 (October, 1875):57880; Works 20:436-38. Brownson’s reasons for ceasing to publish his Review.



1876 “Philosophy of the Supernatural.” American Catholic Quarterly Review 1 (January, 1876):22-33; Works 2:271-83. Review of Peter Rossi’s I Principii di Filosofia Sopranaturale (1868-74). Written three months before his death; against the scholastics and the analytical method in theology.



Index Abbott, Francis Ellingwood, 134 Abell, Aaron I., 23 About, Edmond, 96 Abolition de l’Esclavage (Cochin), 100 Abolitionism, 40-41, 45-46, 48, 77, 100, 106, 108 opposition to, 84 See also Emancipation; Negro; Slavery “Abolition and Negro Equality,” 106 Abraham, 45 Absolutism, French, 86 political, 15, 86, 88, 152 Academical Lectures on the Jewish Scriptures (Palfrey), 47 Academy of Music, 93 Acton, John E. E. D., 166 Adams, John Quincy, 46 Address on the Fifty-Fifth Anniversary of American Independence, (Brownson), 34 Address…on the Fifty-Eighth Anniversary of American Independence (Brownson), 38 Address on Intemperance (Brownson), 37 Address on Popular Education (Brownson), 45 Address, Prepared at the Request of Guy C. Clark (Brownson), 36 Address of the Workingmen of Charlestown (Brownson), 52 “Admonitions to Protestants,” 6970

Advance (Chicago), 122, 139 Advertiser, 43 Aesthetic Letters (Schiller), 63 Aesthetic Theory, 65 Affaires de Rome (Lamennais), 48 “Affairs Abroad,” 113-14 African-Americans. See Negro Agnew, Emily C., 160 “Agrarianism,” 43 “Ailey Moore” (O’Brien), 92 Alabama Claims, 155 Albany Christian Register, 29 Albigensians, 71 Alcott, Amos Bronson, 47 Alexis, Duke of Russia, 152 Alice Sherwin (C.J.M.), 94 All Hallows Eve, 160 Allegiance, civil, 165-66 religious, 138 Allen, Joseph H., 74 Alliance of Religion, 70, 124 Amendments, to Constitution, 132 Amelioration, social, 60 America, and Brownson, 8 and Catholicism, 85, 118, 128, 153 and Christian Commonwealth, 47 foreign interference with, 63 and Irish, 87 literature in, 40-41, 56 mission of, 90 and Providence, 90



American Catholic Historical Researches, 46 American Catholic Quarterly Review, 13, 18, 22, 168 American Christian Review, 113 American Church Quarterly Review, 122 “American College at Rome,” 97 American Churchman, 143, 150 American Democrat (Cooper), 47 “American and Foreign Christian Union,” 134 Americanism, 62, 83-84 Americanization, 91, 123, and schools, 138 American Liberties and American Slavery (Treadwell), 48 “American Literature,” 48, 68 American Quarterly Review, 42 American Republic (Brownson), 108 American Review, 22, 63, 73-74 American Transcendentalist, 7, 23 Americans (Grund), 46 Ames, Fisher, 84 Ami, L’de la religion, 80 Analytical Investigations…Credibility of the Scriptures (McColloh), 82-83 Ancient History of Universalism (Ballou), 31 “Anglican Church Schismatic,” 61 Anglican High Churchmen, 120 Anglicanism, and Anglo-Catholics, 125, 154 and Catholicism, 116-17, 140, 143 and Cartesian doubt, 119 and church and state, 147

conflicts within, 125 and Eastern Orthodoxy, 118 and evangelicals, 120 and Ffoulkes, E.S., 130, 139 in Ireland, 123, 125 and liberalism, 126 and Oxford movement, 73 as schismatic, 61 and spiritual order, 78. See also Ritualism Anglo-Americans, 83 Anglo-Saxons, 92 Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, 97-98 Anselm, 8, 113 Antagonism, 86, 117, 120, 132 Anthony, Susan B., 123 Anti-Christ, 119 Anti-clericalism, 105 Anti-Draft Riots, 104 Anti-Judaism, 158 Antinomianism, 29 Anti-Popery Society, 148 Anti-Slavery Society, 45, 106 Antonelli, Leonardo, 140 Atonement, 35 Apocalypse of John, 94 Apocryphal Books of the Old Testament (Thornwell), 70 Apologetics, 89, 99 Apostate, 150, 164 Apostolate, 142 Apostolic and Infallible Authority of the Pope (Weninger), 127 Apostolicity, 121 “A Priori Autobiography,” 74 Aquinas, St. Thomas, 98, 113, 162, 165


“Archbishop Hughes on the Catholic Press,” 91 “Archbishop Hughes on Slavery,” 100 “Archbishop Manning’s Lectures,” 159 “Archbishop Spalding,” 163 “Are Catholics Pro-Slavery and Disloyal?,” 104 “Are the United States a Nation?,” 107 Argyll, Duke of. See Lubbock, Sir John “Argyll’s Reign of Law,” 120 Aristocracy, 43, 46, 107, 159 Aristotle, 82, 162 Arnold, Artaud, 41 Articles Organiques du Concordat, 92 Asceticism, 72 “Aspirations of Nature” (Hecker), 92-93 Associations, 60, 69, 148 Atheism, 14, 32, 105, political, 70-71, 80, 134, 149 refutation of, 161-63 as threat, 147 Athenäum, 102 Atlantic Monthly, 123, 144, 146 Auctoritate Romani Pontificis in Conciliis Generalibus (Muzzarelli), 80 Audin, Jean Marie Vincent, 80, 85 Audley, C. F., 163 Augustine, 124, 159, 162, 164 Augustinianism, 55 Austria, 78, 82, 117, 124-27, 131, 150, 157


Authority, of Bible, 50, 53, 65 as central question, 155 of Church, 86, 91, 116, 121 and faith, 114, 152, 164 of federal government, 107-08 and infallibility, 62 and illumination, 130 and King of England, 141 and liberty, 15, 71, 74, 88 of parents, 161 of pope, 82-83, 96, 127, 149, 163 and Protestantism, 80 and Transcendentalism, 81 See also Church; Freedom; Papacy; Tradition “Authority and Liberty,” 71 “Authority in Matters of Faith,” 152, 164 Autobiographical Sketches (Clapp), 94 Autobiography, 11, 17, 74, 84, 165 Autorité ou de la Philosophie du personalisme (Olmstead), 164 Ave Maria, 13, 18, 22, 108-59 Avenir du Protestantisme et du Catholicisme (Martin), 136 B Babylon is Falling (Brownson), 45 Bacon, Leonard, 116, 132, 136, 145, 148 Bacon, William Thompson, 45 Baker, John, 104 Baine, A. C., 98 Ballou, Hosea, 31 Balmes, James, 73, 90



Balston Spa, 10 Baltimore, 60-61, 80, 83, 107-09, 124 Bancroft, George, 42, 54, 79 Baptism, 30, 152 Baring-Gould, Sabine, 146 “Baring-Gould on Christianity,” 146 Bascom, John, 161 Battle, David, 23 Beecher, Edward, 86 Beecher, Henry Ward, 134-35, 137, 144, 147, 151 “Beecherism and its Tendencies,” 144 Belief, 146 in afterlife, 100 and creed, 31, 33 in God, 30-35, 50 origin of, 146 and primitive state of humans, 132 and revelation, 31 and unbelief, 37, 39, 144 Bellows, Henry W., 117, 119, 135, 146,149, 152 Bennett, James Gordon, 112 Berkeley, George, 59 “Berkeley and Idealism,” 59 Berreyer, 127 Bertha (MacCabe), 88 Bible, and church, 99 authority of, 31, 50, 53, 65 and Catholics, 81, 114, 127, 146 English translation of, 88, 133 interpretation of, 28, 62, 65, 96, 153

limits of, 26 and ministry, 83 and Protestants, 67, 96, 114, 139 reading of, 99 and societies, 38, 124, 140 and tradition, 96. See also Rule of faith; Schools; Tradition “Bible Against Protestants” (Shiel), 96 Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, 93 Bibliotheca Sacra and Theological Review, 64 Bigotry, 30, 34, 110, 153, 156 Biology, 109 “Bishop Hopkins on Novelties,” 60 Bishop Ullathorne and the Rambler (Simpson), 103 “Bishops of Rome,” 129 Bishops, 60, 110, 129, 140, 148 Bismarck, Otto Eduard Leopold von, 156, 160, 164 “Bismarck and the Church,” 160 Bizouard, Joseph, 130 “Black Warrior Case,” 83 Blacks. See Negro Blackstone, William, 141 Blakes and the Flanagans (Sadlier), 89 Blasphemy, 27 Bonaparte, Napoleon-Louis, 96 Bonnetty, Augustin, 80, 98 Boston, 9, 12, 38, 66, 120, 130 Boston Association, 46 Boston Daily Times, 22, 54 Boston, D. D., 56


Boston Observer and the Religious Intelligencer, 11, 18, 21, 39 Boston Pilot, 18, 22, 120, 164 Boston Quarterly Review, 12, 1819, 21, 23, 45-55 Boston Reformer, 12, 17-19, 21, 40-44 Bowen, Francis, 46 Bowles, L. C., 38 Brann, Henry, 112 Breene, W. B., 74 Briancourt, Matthew, 69 Brockley Moore (Lawson), 167 “Brook Farm,” 56 Brooklyn, 110, 123, 140 Brooklyn Times, 123 Brown, James, 50, 56 Brownson, Henry F., 8-9, 10, 20, 90 Brownson, Orestes A. as agrarian, 54 as anti-revivalist, 9, 26-34, 94 biographies of, 10 as Catholic, 9, 12-16, 61-168 conversion of, 10, 62 as eclectic, 62 education of, 10 and Fenwick, 66 as heretic, 25 as infidel, 30, 31, 54 marriage of, 11 as pantheist, 82 as Presbyterian, 10 as psychologist, 82 as radical, 38, 41-42, 44 as reformer, 11, 33-38, 40-45, 48-51, 54, 58-60, 69, 73, 77, 85, 92, 103, 108-09, 129-30 as school teacher, 10


significance of, 7-8 as Transcendentalist, 9, 12-16, 40-50 as ultramontane, 77 as Unitarian, 9, 11, 34-61 as Universalist, 9, 10, 11, 2533 as weathervane, 75 and Workingmen’s Party, 9, 3334 Works of, 8 Brownson, Relief Metcalf, 10 Brownson, Sarah M., 159 Brownson, Sylvester, 10 Brownson‘s Quarterly Review, 12, 14, 18-19, 22-23, 55, 59-108, 130, 152, 159-167 “Brownson on the Church and the Republic,” 91 Brown University, 50 Bryant, John D., 67, 69 Buchanan, James, 90 Buddhists, 144 Bulwer, Edward Lytton, 44, 49, 55 Burke, Edmund, 54 Burnap, George W., 81 Burnett, Peter, H., 97 “Burnett`s Path to the Church,” 97 Butler, Alban, 69 Bushnell, Horace, 73-74, 76-77 “Bushnellism: or Orthodoxy and Heresy Identical,” 73 C Caesarism, 162 Cahours, Arsene, 83 Calhoun, John C., 47, 54, 59-61



Calvin, John, 117, 122 and apologetics, 89 Calvinism, 30, 34, 36, 122 as Celtic, 96 “Calvinism and Infidelity,” 36 charges against, 81, 85, 93, 113 Canada, 27, 81 117, 122 Cannon, Charles James, 93 and civilization, 77, 79, 93, 96 Canterbury, 130, 135 conversion to, 68, 78, 165 Canton, 11, 39 credibility of, 61, 75, 127 Capen, Nahum, 72 decline of, 43, 118, 112 Capes, J. M., 75 and democracy, 64 Capital and labor. See Labor and despotism, 79, 124 “Cardinal Wiseman’s Essays,” 82 dissensions within, 150 Carleton, William, 87, 88 future of, 109, 119, 142, 144 Carlyle, Thomas, 8, 47, 51 and higher education, 146, 166 Carmelites, 133, 136 as historical fact, 65 Carrol, Mary Teresa Austin, 161 immorality in, 150 “Cartesian Doubt,” 118 institutions of, 69 Casserly, Eugene, 132 liberal, 13, 135-136, 146 Catholic Letters Addressed by a Ju- and liberty, 64, 69, 91-92, 120rist (Derby), 90 21, 126, 132 Catholic Church in the United and literature, 66, 67, 88, 160 States (DeCourcy), 90 and opposition to modern Catholic Herald and Visitor, 18, developments, 61, 64 22, 101 and politics, 90, 158 Catholic Magazine, 62, 71 progress of, 126, 130 Catholic Mirror, 22, 83, 124 and Protestantism, 86-87, 105 “Catholic Polemics,” 99 and rationalism, 116, 122 “Catholic Popular Literature,” and republicanism, 124, 129, 160 148, 151 Catholic Principles of Civil Govern- and socialism, 81, 85, 103 ment (Keogh), 102 and supra-nationalism, 84 Catholic Register, 71 ultramontane, 135 “Catholic Schools and Educa- as uncompromising, 159 tion,” 100 and world, 117. Catholic Telegraph and Advocate, See also Bible; Catholics; 22, 83 Church; Liberalism; Papacy; Catholic World, 13, 18-19, 109Press; Schools 59, 162, 164 “Catholicity, Liberalism, and SoCatholicism, cialism,” 103 American, 64, 83, 90, 111, 128 “Catholicity and Literature,” 88


“Catholicity Necessary to Sustain Popular Liberty,” 64 “Catholicity and Political Liberty,” 69 Catholicity and Naturalism (Brownson),108 Catholics, American, 104, 121 Anglo-, 117, 125-26, 154 French, 81, 86, 90, 92, 98, 123, 136, 143, 146, 152 German, 84, 114, 124, 148, 150, 152, 155-56 Irish, 80, 87, 89, 140, 151, 162 rights of, 64, 112-13, 125, 13738, 150 “Catholics and the Anti-Draft Riots,” 104 Causality, Problem of, 87, 164 “Cause of Evil,” 27 Cavour, Camilio Benso, 99, 156 Cayla, Jean-Mamert, 98 Cayuga Patriot, 11, 18, 21, 33 Celibacy, 157 Celtic, 96 Censure de Cinqiante-six Propositions…de M. de la Mennais, 95 Chalcedon. See Councils Challoner, Richard, 81 Chambrun, Adolphe de, 164 Chandler, Joseph R., 87 Channing, William Ellery, 11, 37, 46, 56 Channing, William Henry, 72-73 “Channing’s Discourses,” 37 Charity, 26, 37, 109, 122 “Charity and Philanthropy,” 109 “Charles Elwood Reviewed” (Brownson), 50, 54


Charlestown, 33, 52 Chartism (Carlyle), 51 Chase, Salmon Portland, 129 Chastel, Etienne, 85 Chateaubriand, François René, 42 Chatterton, S. S., 34 Chevalier, Michael, 51 Chicago Evening Post, 126 Chief Sins of the People (Parker), 77 Child, Lydia Maria, 44 Children, and Alcott, 47 books for, 43 and parental rights, 95, 161 religious education of, 64, 112, 156 Christ. See Jesus “Christ Before Abraham,” 45 “Christ Our Life” (Hudson), 99 “Christ the Spirit” (Hitchcock), 98 Christendom, 73 Christian Alliance, 86 Christian Church and Social Reform (W. H. Channing), 72 Christian Examiner and Gospel Review, 38-40, 44, 62 Christian Examiner and Religious Miscellany, 62, 73, 75 Christian Intelligencer, 32, 112-13, 115, 126, 129-30, 138,144-46 Christian Quarterly (Cincinnati), 133 Christian Register, 11, 18, 21, 29, 34-35, 37-38, 79 Christian Repository (Vermont), 10, 18, 21, 25 Christian Review, 88, 113



Christian Union, 12, 40, 45, 52, 134, 146, 151, 155 Christian World, 12, 18, 22, 5657 Christianity, and Catholicism, 92 and church, 65, 70 and civilization, 46, 90 defense of, 46 democracy of, 48, 50, 52, 154 essence of, 34 evidences of, 26, 28, 34, 37, 40, 48-49, 93 and Fourierism, 61 and free inquiry, 32, 37 ahistorical views of, 48 individualism of, 55 and Leroux, 56 liberal, 110-11, 113, 134, 146 and liberty, 51 as life, 45 and literature, 121 origin of, 50 permanence of, 53 and philosophy, 81, 94 political application of, 50 progress of, 95 proof of, 35 as reasonable, 28 and reform, 37-38 as religious sentiment, 38 and revelation, 45 social dimensions of, 48 transience of, 53 uniqueness of, 45 views of, 40 “Christianity and the Church Identical,” 92 “Christianity or Gentilism?,” 96

“Christianity and Heathenism,” 77 “Christianity and Positivism” (McCosh), 151 “Christianity and Reform,” 37 Church, Catholic and Anglicans, 47, 98, 138 and apostolic age, 147 aristocracy of, 43 attributes of, 121 authority of, 62 and Bible, 70, 99 and Bismarck, 160 and civilization, 90, 132 and democracy, 52, 122 errors of, 81 future of, 40, 54, 128-29, 146, 155, 157 and higher law, 76 and law, 101 and liberalism, 44, 65, 129 and liberty within, 102-03 as life, 122 mission of, 56-57 necessity of, 60-61, 68, 70 a new, 148 no-churchism, 59, 62, 64-65, 75 organic nature of, 86, 88, 93, 128, 157, 159 and politics, 125, 159 polity of, 25 and property, 125 and public opinion, 155 as question, 59 reform of, 59, 72-73, 75, 140, 150, 155-56, 158 Reformed, 110


and republicanism, 88-89, 149, 154 and social reform, 59-61, 72 separation from state, 30, 3334, 98, 124-25, 138, 140, 14350, 154-56, 158-61, 166 social dimensions of, 48 spiritualist view of, 57 uniqueness of, 45 unity of, 142 and Vatican I, 166 See also Catholicism; Christianity; Infallibility; Papacy; State “Church Above the State,” 161 “Church Accredits Herself,” 147 “Church Against No-Church,” 62 “Church and Civil Power,” 166 Church Defense (Marshall), 162 “Church not a Despotism,” 101 “Church of the Future,” 157 “Church and Her Attributes,” 121 “Church a Historical Fact,” 65 “Church and Its Mission,” 57 Church Journal, 117 “Church and Modern Civilization,” 90 “Church and Monarchy,” 110 “Church an Organism,” 93 Church, Pharacellus, 67 “Church Question,” 59 “Church and the Republic,” 8889, 124 “Church and State,” 30, 33-34, 84, 139-40, 143-46 Church and State in America (Bellows), 149 “Church as it was, is, and ought to be” (Clarke), 70


“Church in the United States,” 90 “Church Unity and Social Amelioration,” 60 Church Union, 110, 112, 115, 118, 120,134 Church Union Association, 120 Churchman (New York), 57, 61, 116-19 124-30, 140, 143, 147, 150, 152 Cincinnati Inquirer, 116 “Circular Letter,” 25 “Civil and Religious Freedom,” 106 “Civil and Religious Toleration,” 72 Civilita Cattolica, 79 Civilization, and Church, 90, 96, 132, 136, 144 influence of, 54 modern, 46, 90, 99, 112 origin of, 79, 148 and papacy, 112 progress of, 47 and religion, 75, 129, 132 Civil War, 99-106, 155 Clapp, Theodore, 94 Clare, Sister Mary Francis, 159 Clark, Guy C., 36 Clark, Rufus W., 85 Clarke, James Freeman, 44, 75, 144 Claver, Peter, 72 Clay, Henry, 61 Clergy, American education of, 97 and anti-draft riots, 104 duty of, 26 and European revolutions, 151



independence of, 149 and laity, 75 marriage of, 157 Cochin, Augustin, 100 Cochrane, John, 106 Codman, John, 41 Cognot, Abbé, 80 Coleridge, Samuel, 7, 128 Collard, Maurice, 89 “Collard on Reason and Faith,” 89 “College of the Holy Cross,” 72 Colonization, 54, 101 Combe, Andrew, 43 Combe, George, 49 “Come-outerism,” 60 Common Schools, 10, 131-32, 136-38, 148 Communion. See Eucharist; Life by; Transubstantiation Communists in Paris, 148 “Community System,” 57 Complete Works of ...John Hughes (Kehoe), 162 Comte, M. Ie, 99, 108 Concordat, 92 Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, 90 Condition of Women and Children (M’Elheran), 96 Confederacy, Southern, 99, 10405 Confession, 65-67, 69, 119 Confessional, 119, 123, 166 “Confiscation and Emancipation,” 102 “Conflict of Science and Religion,” (Draper), 165 Congregationalist and Boston Recorder, 130

Congress, U.S., differences with Lincoln, 111 on election to, 147, Fortieth, 129 and impeachment, 121 and Roman mission, 121, on Southern States, 111, 120 statesmen in, 137 Congresses, Catholic, 114 Conscience, rights of, 152 Conscience and the Constitution (Stuart), 76 Conscription, 103-04 Conservative Reformation and its Theology (Krauth), 150 Conservatism, 54, 70, 150 “Consistent Protestant,” 80 Conspiracy, 86, 125-26, 140, 149, 165 Constant, Benjamin, 38, 44 Constantine, 86 Constantinople, 130, 135 Constitution, U.S. Brownson’s philosophy of, 58, 108 and a Christian state, 139, 149, 154 against confederacy, 99 and Webster, 79 and the people, 163 and readmittance of Southern States, 105 and slavery, 108 theories of, 110 “Constitution of the Church,” 88, 166 “Constitutional Government,” 54 “Constitutional Guaranties,” 163


“Constitutional Law-The Executive Power,” 164 “Controversy with Protestants,” 164 Conventions, political, 107-08 Conversations with Children on the Gospels (Alcott), 47 Conversations on Liberalism and the Church (Brownson), 129 “Conversations of an Old Man and His Young Friend,” 7475 “Conversations of Our Club,” 9395 “Conversations with a Radical,” 52 Conversion, religious, Brownson’s, 10, 35, 63, 145 to Catholicism, 68, 78, 110, 129, 165 to Orthodoxy, 115 of Protestants, 128 “Conversion of Rome,” 132 “Conway and the Union,” 104 Convert (Brownson), 92-94 Conway, M. F., 104 Cooper, James Fenimore, 47, 76 Cooper, Thomas, 36 “Correspondant, Le” 88, 123 “Cosmic Philosophy,” 153 Councils, 164 Chalcedon, 111 Ecumenical, 72, 125, 133, 137 Plenary, second, 109 Provincials, of Baltimore, 109 of Cincinnati, 95 Trent, 72, 115 Vatican I, 115, 125, 130-31, 138-39, 141-45, 147,


and civil allegiance, 166 and Coxe, 139 and division in church, 133 independence of, 132 and press, 137 and Strossmeyer, 151 “Count de Montalembert” (Audley), 163 Courier (Boston), 22, 81 Cours de Droit Naturel (Jouffroy), 44, 62 Cours de Philosophie (Cousin), 4849 Course of Five Lectures...On Protestantism and Government (Garland), 79 Cousin, Victor, 8, 16, 39, 44, 46, 48-49, 114, 122 “Cousin’s Philosophy,” 44 Coxe, Arthur Cleveland, 139-40, 149 Creation, and cult of saints, 108 doctrine of, 82, 132, 139, 153, 160 ground of moral obligation, 98, 131 and materialism, 132 with nature and grace, 100 primitive notions of, 94 and redemption, 133 Credibility, 75, 82 Creeds, 31, 33-34, 143 “Critic of Pure Reason” (Kant), 59-61 Criticism, aesthetic, 75 literary, 67, 75, 97, 159, 167 Croaker, 107



Crocker, Zebulon, 67 Cuba, 75, 78, 133 Cuba and the Cubans (Kimball), 75 Cullam, Paul, 78 Currency, issues of, 49-50 D Daily National Investigator, 21, 54-55 Dana, Charles, 105 Dana, Richard H., 75 Dangers of Jesuit Instruction (Pott), 64 Daniel, Charles, 97 Dark Ages, 73, 134 Darwin, Charles, 161 “Darwin’s Descent of Man,” 161 Davis, G. L., 89 Davis, Jefferson, 114 “Day-Star of Freedom” (Davis), 89 Debatable Lord (Owen), 154 De Courcy, Henry, 90 Declaration of Independence, 33, 46, 76, 78, 91, 98, 100, 162 “Decline of Protestantism and its Cause” (Hughes), 76, 119 Deists, 36 “Deist’s Immortality,” 37 Delery, Charles François, 83 De Maistre, Joseph, 68 “Demagoguism,” 59 “Democracy,” 45 Democracy, as absolute, 13, 54 Brownson’s views of, 12, 15, 58, 60 and Catholicism, 53, 64, 123 as Christian, 52

as constitutional, 54 and family, 122 and Grund, 46 and Jackson, Andrew, 95 as limited, 54, 153, 163, 167 popular, 13, 95 as a principle, 160 and reform, 50 as socialistic, 117 and sovereignty of people, 42, 45 and Syllabus, 141 of Worcester, 51 of Plymouth County, 50 “Democracy of Christianity,” 48 “Democracy and Liberty,” 57 “Democracy and Reform,” 50 Democratic Party, 12, 50 “Democratic Principle,” 160 Democratic Review, 12, 18, 22, 5558, 60 Democratization of American Christianity (Hatch), 9 Denominationalism, 129 Depravity, total, 109 Derby, E. H., 90-92 Dernier des Napoléons, 165 Descartes, Rene, 16 Descent of Man (Darwin), 161 Despotism, religious, 27, 79, 91, 101, 116, 119, 124 social, 85, 114 Deuxième Lettre à M. Ie Contre de Cavour (Montalembert), 99 Development, of religious belief, 146 of Protestantism, 83 See also Doctrine


Devil. See Satan Devotion, in religion, 25 social influence of, 109 to saints, 72, 108, 167 to Sacred Heart, 165 See also Mary “Devotion to Mary,” 116 Dewey, Orville, 44 Dickens, Charles, 140 Digby, Kenhelm, 73 Digestion and Dietetics (Combe), 43 “Dignity of Human Reason,” 91 Disbelievers, 39 Discipline, 25, 56-57, 65, 99 Discourse on Matters Pertaining to Religion (Parker), 55 Discourse on the Wants of the Times (Brownson), 40, 43 Discourses on Various Occasions (Hyacinthe), 136 Disenfranchisement, 121 Disobedience, Civil, 66 Dissensions, 67, 150 Distribution Bill, 52, 54 Divinity School Address (Emerson), 48 Divorce, 58, 87, 116, 128, 133, 149 Dix, W. G., 89 Doane, G. H., 113 Doctrine, Christian, development of, 13, 65-66, 68, 70-71, 77, 83, 108, 165 and experience, 27 indifference toward, 113, 115, 134 symbolic nature of, 53


and Unitarians, 115, 143 Dogma, 83, 90, 110, 159 Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von, 145, 147-48, 150, 15253 “Dollingerites, Nationalists, and the Papacy,” 159 Domenec, Michael, 161 Donoso-Cortes, Juan, 79, 81, 85, 103 Dorr War, 55 Doubleday, U. F., 33 Dougherty, Daniel, 105 Dramas (Cannon), 93 Draper, John William, 123, 166 Dred Scott Decision, 92 Dublin Review, 68, 70-71, 76, 92, 153 Dudleian lectures, 44, 64 Dunigan’s Home Library, 67 Dunne, Edmund F., 167 Dupanloup, Félix, 122, 148 Dupin, Amandine. See Sand, George Duval, Enna, 73 E “Early and Recent Apostates,” 164 Eastern Question, 110, 114, 127 Ecclesiolatry, 26 Eckel, L. St. John, 165 “Eclectic Philosophy,” 48 Eclecticism, 8, 16, 25, 39, 49, 61, 81 “Eclecticism—Ontology,” 49 “Eclipse of Faith” (Rogers), 81 Ecumenical Council. See Councils Edinburgh Review, 77



“Education,” 51 Education, authority over, 160-61 Brownson’s, 10 and Cahours, 83 of Catholics, 64, 72, 100, 112, 120, 128, 135, 139-40, 146 of children, 95 and classics, 78-80, 83 compulsory, 120 of daughters, 42, 122 of elite, 60, 81 and Gaume, 78-79, 83 and human nature, 47 and libraries, 51 national, 146 and paganism, 78-79 and perfection, 162 popular, 40, 45, 50-51, 155 as problem, 149 and progress, 40 in Rome, 151 as sectarian, 126, 133, 147 as secular, 126-27, 131, 134, 137, 155, 157-58 and vice, 29 views of, 43 See also Schools “Education of the People,” 40, 50 “Education and the Republic,” 162 L’Église libre dans L’État libre, 106 “E. H. Derby to his Son,” 90-92 Einleitung in die Philosophie (Froschammer), 104 Elections, 49, 118, 127, 147, 152, 158 Elements of Philosophy (Hill), 164, 167

Ely, Ezra Stiles, 31 Emancipation, of slaves, 13, 41 immediate, 68, 101 and Sumner, 102 as war measure, 100 See also Abolitionism; Negro; Slavery “Emancipation and Colonization,” 101 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Divinity School Address, 48 Essays, 53 idealism, 139 Literary Ethics, 48 Nature, 42 pantheism, 139 Phi Beta Kappa, 46 Poems, 67 Prose Works of, 139 Emmanuel, Victor, 114, 117 Empiricism, 87 Encyclicals, Papal, 78, 116, 148 Mirari Vos, 96 Encyclopédie Nouvelle, 59 End of Controversy (Milner), 88 “End of Controversy Controverted ” (Hopkins), 88 “Endless Punishment,” 28 England, Brownson’s opposition to, 85 Catholics in, 80 and European liberty, 96 future of, 141 and Montalembert, 89 Oratorians in, 72 Protestantism in, 76 Reformation in, 61, 94 and Turkish War, 83 and United States, 88


Episcopacy. See Bishops Episcopal Methodists, 40 Episcopalianism, 60-61 Episcopal Church. See Protestant Episcopal Church Episcopal Observer, 63-64 Equality, of civil rights, 150 and Negros, 104, 106, 154 political, 43, 51 of races, 84 social, 43, 45, 51, 56, 154 “Errors of the Church of Rome,” 81 Essai sur les Causes du Succes du Protestanisme (Poisson), 88 Essay on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism (Donoso Cortes), 103 “Essay on Christianity,” 28 Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine (Newman), 65 “Essay on Divine Goodness,” 29 Essay on the Harmonious Relations Between Divine faith and Natural Reason (Baine), 98 Essay on the Moral Constitution (Tait), 39 “Essay on the Progress of Truth,” 25 “Essay on Reform,” 35 “Essay in Refutation of Atheism” (Brownson), 161-63 “Essayest,” 26 Essays (Emerson), 53 “Essays for Believers and Disbelievers,” 39 Essays on Errors of Romanism (Whately), 76


Essays and Reviews (Brownson), 23, 77, 79 “Essays on the Reformation,” 101-02 Essays on Various Subjects (Wiseman), 82 Ethics. See Morality Études Classiques (Cahours), 83 Études de la Doctrine Catholique (Nampon), 100 Études philosophiques (Hugonin), 94 Études philosophique sur Christianisme (Nicholas), 81 “Études de Théologie” (Gagarin), 97 Eucharist, 130, 140, 162 Europe, national identities, 95 and papal infallibility, 148 politics in, 160 Eutychius, doctrine of, 74 “Evangelical Alliance,” 145, 163 Evangelical Magazine (Utica), 31, 33 Evangelicals, 120, 149 Evangelical World Alliance, 14041 Evangelist, 154 Evangelization, 157 Everett, Edward, 42 Everett, L. S., 25 Evidences of Genuineness of the Four Gospels (Norton), 48 Evolution, biological, 132 Exclusion of Protestant Worship from the City of Rome (Doane), 113 Excommunication, 31, 116-17, 150



Executive Power of the United States (Chambrun), 164 “Exposition of the Apocalypse,” 94 “Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus,” 163 Ewer, F. C., 126-28 F Faber, F. W., 72 Faith, and authority, 114, 152, 164 and Christian character, 26 and church, 64 and its consequences, 29 and nature, 76 and opinion, 116 preamble to, 161 and reason, 79, 87, 89, 98, 103, 130, 163 and science, 103, 119 and theology, 103 and works, 37 See also Rule of Faith Fall, the, 74, 93 “Family, Christian and Pagan” (Riche), 167 Farr, Jonathan, 41 “Father Hill’s Philosophy,” 166 “Father Thebaud’s Irish Race,” 162 “Fathers of the Desert,” 81 “Federal Constitution,” 105 Federalist, 84, 107 Fenelon, 62 Fenwick, Benedict Joseph, 66 Ferrier, James F., 86 Few Words on Native Americanism, A (Delery), 83

Ffoulkes, Edmund Salusbury, 130, 139 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 90 Fideism, 97 Field, Henry M., 72-73 Fillmore, Millard, 90 Filosofia della Rivelazione (Gioberti), 99 Finney, Charles Grandison, 34 First Congregational Society, 39 First Positivist Society of New York, 128 First Principles of a New System of Philosophy (Spencer), 153 Fitzpatrick, John Bernard, 12 Florine, Princess of Burgundy, 88 Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World (Owen), 154 Foreign Christian Union, 134 Four Years Experience of the Catholic Religion (Capes), 75 Fourfold Difficulty of Anglicanism (Northcote), 66 Fournier, Petro, 163 Fourier, Charles, 61, 73 “Fourierism Repugnant to Christianity,” 61 Fox, W. J., 39 France, and Austria, 117 divisions in, 155, 158 and Germany, 148 government in, 70 and Italian revolution, 116 recent events in, 152 and religious liberty, 92 revolutions in, 81 and Russia, 85 and Triple Alliance, 150


and Turkish War, 83 Franco, John Joseph, 164 Franco-Prussian war, 141-42, 146 “Free Church in a Free State,” 156 Free Enquirer, 11, 18, 21, 33-34 “Free Inquiry,” 27 “Free Religion,” 134 Free Religion Association, 134 Freedom, and America, 47, 153 and Catholicism, 88, 120, 132 of God, 145 of inquiry, 37 in Ireland, 71 in literature, 44 and progress, 59 religious, 91-92, 106-07, 11213; 124-27 and Catholicism, 64, 131, 150 hostility to, 116 meaning of, 72 in Maryland, 89 and Montalembert, 77 and Protestantism, 63 and Puritans, 89 responsibility of, 151 of science, 102-04 of speech, 35, 41, 45, 150 of state, 98 and truth, 25. See also Authority; State Freeman’s Journal and Catholic Register, 71 Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 61 Frémont, John Charles, 90, 10608 “French Affairs,”131 “French Republic,”77, 142


French Revolution (Carlyle), 47 Froschammer, Jakob, 102, 104 “Froschammer on the Freedom of Science,” 102 “Fugitive Slave Law,” 77 Fuller, Margaret, 62 Fullerton, Georgiana, 71, 145, 159 Fundamental Philosophy (Balmes), 90 “Future of Protestantism and Catholicity,” 136-38, 141 “Future State,” 35 G Gagarin, Jean, 97 Gallicanism, 81-82, 143, 157, 159 and Brownson, 140 “Gallicanism and Ultramontanism,” 163 Galton, Francis, 142 Gambetta, Léon, 155 Gamma Society of Dartmouth College, 58 Garibaldi, Guiseppe, 116-19 Garibaldians, 119, 147 Garland, Hugh H., 79 Garneau, F. X., 81 Garrison, William Lloyd, 46 Gasammelte Schriften (Radowitz), 85 Gasparin, Agénor de, 101 Gaston, Louis, 167 Gaume, Jean, 78-79, 83 “General Halleck’s Report,” 105 Generative Principle of Political Constitutions (De Maistre), 68 Geneva, 10, 117-18



Gentilism, 96 Gentle Skeptic (Walworth), 104 Geraldine (Agnew), 106 Germany, Catholic Congresses in, 114 Catholicism in, 124, 148, 150, 155-56 Church and State in, 84 and historical criticism, 47 and Jesuits, 156 Protestantism in, 116, 131 and Romanticism, 73 Gilmour, Richard, 161 Gioberti, Vincenzo, 16, 75, 87, 127, 160 “Giobertian Philosophy,” 106-07 “Gioberti’s Philosophy of Revelation,” 99 Girard, Stephen, 36 Gladstone, William E., 166 Glories of Mary (Liguori), 80 God, attributes of, 34 benevolence of, 29 existence of, 30, 32, 77-78, 161 knowledge of, 31, 43, 77-78, 84, 86, 113, 164 love of, 84 origin of idea of, 77-78 Providence of, 25 trust in, 39 union with, 56, 84 worship of, 35, 44, 69 God in Christ (Bushnell), 74 Goethe, Johann, 49 Goodwin, Ezra Shaw, 38 Gospel Advocate and Impartial Investigator, 11, 18, 21, 23, 2533

“Gospel Creed,” 33 Gospel Herald, 29-30 Gospel Preacher, 27 Gosselin, Jean, 82, 97 Government, complexity of, 76 constitutional republic, 58, 7475, 89 and Montalembert, 89 in New York City, 151-54 origins of, 54, 58, 60, 68 and politics, 79 popular, 58-59 and Protestantism, 79 theory of, 103 Grace, and Christ, 57 mediation of, 56-57, 96 and nature, 77, 88, 98, 100, 117, 120, 163 and sacraments, 57 Grace, Pierce C., 72 Grandpre, Pauline de., 166 Grant, Miles, 130 Grant, Ulysses S., 128-29, 135, 140, 145, 153, 156, 158-59 Grantley Manor (Fullerton), 71 Grapes and Thorns (Tincker), 167 Gratry, Auguste, 84, 86, 89 Great Britain. See England “Great Commission” (Harris), 143. “Great Rebellion,” 99 Greeks, 117-18, 124, 127 Greeley, Horace, 115, 155-59 “Greeley-Brown Ticket,” 155 Gregory XVI, 95 Grund, Francis J., 46 Guettée, Abbé René François Waldimir, 114-15



“Guettée’s Papacy Schismatic,” Hell, 99, 164 114-15 Hepworth, G. H., 138, 153 Gyphendole, Evariste, 62 “Herbert Spencer’s Biology,” 109 “Hereditary Genius” (Galton), 142 H Heresies, Hale, Charles, 86 Eutycheanism, 74 Halleck, Henry Wager, 105-06 monothelitism, 74 Hallet, Benjamin Franklin, 42 Nestorianism, 16, 111 Handy, Robert T., 23 pantheism, 42, 53, 139 Hannah Thurston (Taylor), 107 “Heresy and the Incarnation,” Harbaugh, Henry, 142 118 “Harmony of Faith and Reason,” Hewit, Augustine, 124, 164 98 Hewit, Henry Stewart, 135, 162 Harper and Brothers, 149 “Higher Law,” 76 Harper’s Magazine, 129 Hildreth, Richard, 60, 63 Harper’s Weekly, 149, 151 Hill, William, 164, 166-67 Harris, John, 143 “Hill’s Elements of Philosophy,” 167 Harrison, William Henry, 44, 52 Hindu, 27, 157 Hartford Churchman, 129 Histoire du Canada (Garneau), 81 Hatch, Nathan, 9 Histoire de l’Église de France pen“Hawkstone, or Oxfordism” (Sewdent la Révolution (Jager), 81 ell), 71 Histoire des Souverains Pontifes Havana, 83 Romains (Montor), 80 Healy, J. P., 81 History, Healy, Sally, 11 and Bancroft, 54, 79 Hearts and Hands (Reid), 167 of BrQR, 84 Heathenism, 77, 157 of Canada, 81 Hecker, Isaac Thomas, and Catholicism, 71 Aspirations of Nature, 92, 133, above dogma, 159 140 of European morals, 131 and Catholic World, 13 and faith, 103 on Catholicism and republican- as inductive science, 79 ism, 124, 128-29 of man, 39 and Pere Hyacinthe, 136 philosophy of, 57-58, 100 and Olmstead, D.H., 164 of philosophy, 59, 85 Questions of the Soul, 85, 88 of popes, 129, 160 on religious tendencies of age, of Protestantism, 119 130 ultramontane interpretation of, on spiritism, 121 89



of Universalism, 31 writing of, 136 History of the American Civil War (Draper), 123 History of Ancient Philosophy (Ritter), 85 History of Colonization of the United States (Bancroft), 54 History of the Conflict between Religion and Science (Draper), 166 History of European Morals (Lecky),131 History of the Intellectual Development of Europe (Draper), 123 “History of Philosophy,” 59 History of the United States (Bancroft), 79 Hitchcock, Etha, 98 Hodge, Charles, 13, 153, 157 Hoffman, Charles, 68 Hoffman, John Thompson, 136, 149 Holiness, 29, 42, 72, 121 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 116 “Holy Communion–Transubstantiation,” 162 Holy Cross College, 72 Holy Spirit, 27, 99, 124, 130 Hopkins, John Henry, 60-61, 88 Hornehurst Rectory (Clare), 159 House of Yorke (Tincker), 159 Hudson, Charles Frederic, 99 Hughes, John, 76, 78, 91, 100, 162 Hughes, Thomas, 98 Hugonin, Flavien, 94 Hulsemann, 76 Human Physiology (Draper), 123 Humanité (Leroux), 55

Humanity, 45-46, 51, 55-56, 63, 96 Hume, David, 87, 90, 164 “Hume’s Philosophical Works.” See “Problem of Causality” Hunt, Freeman, 42 Huntington, Jedediah V., 82 Hurlbut, E. P., 149 Hutchison, William, 9 Huxley, T. H., 131 Hyacinthe. See Loyson, Charles Jean Marie Hypocrisy, 32 I Idea of Right, 82 Ideal, 54, 65, 72, 123, 128 Idealism, 16, 59-60, 139 Idées Napoléaniennes, 96 Ignorance, 27, 34, 122, 147, 163 Illumination, interior, 114, 116, 119, 130, and communion with church, 165 “Imaginary Contradiction,” 133 Immigration, 126 Immortality, 37 Impeachment, of President, 110, 121 Imperialism, 132 Inaugural Address before the British Association (Tyndall), 165 Incarnation, and Brownson, 96 and Bushnell, 76 Church continues, 118 and cult of saints, 167 and moral life, 98 and Morris, 79


Nestorian views of, 111, 116 principle of Catholicism, 134 and Protestantism, 163 theology of, 160 Indemnity for the Past and Security for the Future (Sumner), 102 “Independence of the Church,” 109 Indians, 49, 140 Infallibility, of Church, 68-69, 96, 102, 126, 134 attribute of, 121 and Bible, 70 divine origins of, 133 history against, 158 and interior illumination, 130 opposition to, 110, 114 of pope, 112-13, 133-34, 13747, 157-59 and Blackstone, 141 and civil allegiance, 165 and Domenec, M, 161 and Dupanloup, F, 148 and Kenrick, F.P., 139 and Kenrick, P.R., 139, 148 and New York World, 141 and Purcell, J. 139, 148 and Spalding, M.J., 139, 163 and state’s power, 149 and Vatican I, 115 and Walworth, M.F., 153 and Weninger, F.X., 127 and Protestantism, 145 and reason, 128 and Ward, Ryder, 125 See also Councils, Vatican I Infidelity, 30, 36, 39-41, 50, 121 Catholic causes of, 101


continuity of, 65 and Parker, T., 62 and Protestantism, 121 and rationalism, 117 and Transcendentalism, 63 “Influence of Religion on Prosperity,” 25, 32 “Inklings of Adventure” (Willis), 41 Inquiry into the Principles of Church Authority (Wilberforce), 86, 88 Inquisition, 112 Institutes of Metaphysics (Ferrier), 86 Institutiones Philosophicae (Fournier, Tongiorgi), 163-64 Institutiones Philosophicae Theoreticae (Rothenflue), 163-64 Intemperance, 37 “International Association,” 153 International Association [Society] of Workingmen, 149 Intolerance, religious, 26-27, 32, 119, 126, 146 in Rome, 113 Introduction Historique Critique aux Livres de Nouveau Testament (1861), 99 Intuition, and Gioberti, 106 ideal, 128 and knowledge of God, 84 and notions of causality, 87 and tradition, 91 See also Knowledge Ireland, 63, 80, 96, 123-25 liberty in, 71 See also Catholics, Irish



“Irish in America,” 87 “Irish Church Establishment,” 123 Irish Emigrant’s Guide (O’Hanlon), 152 Irish Race (Thébaud), 162 Isabella, Queen 126 Italy, 110, 118, 143, 150, 157 political conditions of, 69, 105 and temporal power of pope, 99 and revolution, 116-19, 123, 147 unity in, 149 J Jackson, Andrew, 95 Jager, Abbé, 81 Jarvis, S. F., 69 Jesuits, 64, 68, 70, 103, 106-07, 149, 151, 156, 164-65 Jesuits in North America (Parkman), 116 Jesus, and atonement, 35 communion with, 56, 86 character of, 34, 44, 46, 53 historical, 98 mission of, 32, 49, 56, 57 and religion of reason, 25-26 and salvation, 38 Son of Mary (Morris), 79-80 and uniqueness of Christianity, 45 Jews, 158 Johnson, Andrew, 110, 117, 121 Jouffroy, Théodore Simon, 44, 48, 62 Judgment, final, 28 Julian the Apostate, 164

Junkin, George, 60 Jurist, 90 Justice, and abolitionists, 48 and school question, 167 social, 51, 58-60 and sovereignty, political, 45 “Justification,” 35 K Kant, Immanuel, 16, 59-61, 90 “Kant’s Critic of Pure Reason,” 6061 Keene, James, 7 Kehoe, Lawrence, 162 Keogh, James, 102 Kimball, Richard B., 75 Kenrick, Francis Patrick, 80, 88, 139 Kenrick, Peter Richard, 139, 148 “Kingdom of God,” 49 Kingdom of Italy, 118, 147 Kneeland, Abner, 30, 39, 43 Knight, Israel. See Putnam, Ellen “Know-Nothingism or Satan warring against Christ,” 84 Know-Nothings, 85, 90 Knowledge, Brownson’s central concern, 16 empirical, 87 and intuition, 84, 87, 91, 103, 106, 114, 122, 128 and ontology, 49 and tradition, 56 See also God Kohlmann, Anthony, 104 Kossuth, Louis, 78 Koszta, Martin, 82 Kotska, Stanislaus, 68


Krauth, Chester Porterfield, 150 L Labor, and association, 69 and capital, 59, 129-30, 153 manual, 40 movements for, 153 and slavery, 40 and women, 53 Laboring Classes, 12, 38, 51-53, 166 Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique, 71, 101 “Lacordaire and Catholic Progress,” 101 Laity, and Church, 98 and clergy, 75 and evangelical counsels, 164 mission of, 102 reform of, 75 rights of, 98, 101 Lambeth Conference, 118 Lamennais, Félicité de, 48, 50, 95 “Lamennais and Gregory XVI,” 95 “Last of the Napoleons,” 165 Latitudinarianism, 126 Law, and Church, 101, 145 and clergy, 149 common, 79 and conscience, 76 and Constitution, 79, 164 and divine will, 60 moral, 131 natural, 108 and reason, 120,


resistance to civil, 66 and state, 139 and women’s suffrage, 115 Lawson, J. W., 167 Le Conte, Joseph, 163 Lecky, William E. H., 131-32 “Lecky on Morals,” 131 Lectures on Christian Unity (Preston), 114 Lectures on the Four Great Evils of the Day (Manning), 159 Lectures…on Science and Revealed Religion (Wiseman), 160 Lee, Eliza Buckminster, 73 Legislature, 29, 51, 86-87, 136, 139, 157 “Legitimacy and Revolutism, Conservatism and Reform,” 70 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, 144 Lenten Pastoral Christian Education (Gilmour), 161 Leroux, Pierre, 16, 54-56, 59, 74, 85 Letter Books of Sir Amias Poulet (Morris), 165 “Letter on the Coldness of New England Preaching,” 37 Letter to Pius the Ninth (Coxe), 139 “Letter to Rev. Wm. Wisner,” 26, 34 “Letters to an Unbeliever,” 37 “Liberal Christian,” 113 Liberal Studies, 80-81 Liberalism, in Austria, 131 and Catholic World, 137 and Catholicism, 65, 74, 103,



121, 126, 129, 135-36, 146 and the Church, 44, 120, 126, 136 European, 147 fake, 88 and Franco-Prussian War, 146 and Montalembert, 138 over orthodoxy, 30 and Protestantism, 121 in Spain, 127 theological, 126 “Liberalism and Catholicity,” 65 “Liberalism and Progress,” 107 “Liberalism and Socialism,” 85 Liberator, 12, 18, 21, 45-46 Liberty. See Freedom Libres Penseurs (Veuillot), 81 “Licentiousness of the Press,” 74 Lieber, Francis, 49, 51 Life by Communion, 56-57, 86, 100, 110, 115, 146 Life Duties (Marcy), 140 Life of Catherine McAuley (Carrol), 161 Life of Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin (S. Brownson), 159 Life of Henry the Eighth (Audin), 80 Life of…M. J. Spalding (Spalding), 163 Life of St. Stanislaus Kostka, 68-69 Liguori, Alphonsus, 80 “Limits of Religious Thought” (Mansel), 97 Lincoln, Abraham, 101-03, 10508 “Lincoln and Congress,” 107 “Lincoln or Fremont?,” 107 Literary Ethics (Emerson), 48

Literary Societies of Dartmouth College,48 Literary World, 68 Literature, abuse of, 109 American, 40, 42-43, 48, 50, 56, 66, 68, 107 and Catholics, 61, 66-67, 69, 73, 88, 160 and Christianity, 77-78, 121 and criticism, 96-97 freedom of, 44 French, 54, 142 popular, 71, 93, 160 and women, 145, 167 “Literature, Love, and Marriage,” 107 Littlejohn, A. N., 160 Lives of the Fathers of the Eastern Deserts (Challoner), 81 Lives of the Saints (Butler), 69 Locke, John, 46, 90 Loco Foco-ism, 43 Logic, 79, 89 Logique (Gratry), 89 London Quarterly Review, 80 London Tablet, 76 Longinus, Cassius, 50 Lopez, Narciso, 75 Lorenzo, 67 Lovejoy, Elijah P., 45 Lowell, James Russell, 72 Lowell Offering, 53 Loyalty, 59, 66, 107, 158 Loyson, Charles Jean Marie, 13334, 136, 157 Lubbock, Sir John, 132, 148 Luckey, James, 30 Luther, Martin, 65, 85, 150, 152


“Luther and the Reformation,” 85 Lutheran Observer, 116 Lynch, Patrick, 70 M MacCabe, William B., 88 “Madness of Antichristians,” 66 Maine, Liquor law in, 85, 90 Maitland, Samuel Roffey, 73 Malan, C., 96 Manahan, Ambrose, 96 “Manahan’s Triumph of the Church,” 96 Manicheeism, 159 Manning, Henry Edward, 145, 147, 159,166 Manning, Robert, 65 Mansel, Henry L., 97 “Manual Labour Schools,” 40 Manual of Political Ethics (Lieber), 49 Marcy, Erastus Edgerton, 140 Maret, H. L. C., 91, 94 “Maret on Reason and Revelation,” 91 “Maria Monk’s Daughter” (Eckel), 165 Marriage, 107, 116, 128, 135-36, 152, 157, 167 “Marriage and Divorce,” 116, 128 Marshall, Thomas William M., 162, 167 Martin, Abbé, 136 Martineau, Harriet, 40 Martinet, Abbé Antoine. See Gyphendole, Evariste Marx, Karl, 8, 151 Mary, Mother of God and Anglicans, 120


devotion to, 80, 109, 116, 125, 167 and saints, 24, 108 theology of, 111, 155 worship of, 108, 125 “Mary Mother of God,” 155 Mary Lee (Peppergrass), 96-97 “Mary Queen of Scots,” 165 Maryland, colonial, 89 Masonic Temple, 45 Mass, 51-52 Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 45 Massachusetts, Legislature, 86 Materialism, 112, 124, and culture, 116 and spiritualism, 132 Mazzini, Joseph, 115, 154 McAuley, Catherine, 161 McCosh, James, 151 McClellan, George, 106, 108 McColloh, J. H., 82-83 McKay, Charlotte E., 147 McMahon, Martin T., 142 McMullen, Dr., 124 McSherry, James, 78 “Mediation of the Church,” 57 Mediatorial Life of Jesus (Brownson), 56 “Meditations of St. Ignatius,” (Siniscalchi) 102 M’Elheran, John, 96 “Memoir of Saint-Simon,” 38 Menschenseele und Physiologie (Froschammer), 104 Mentana, Victory of, 119 Mercersburg, hypothesis, 83 Mercersburg Review, 74-75, 83,



142 theology of, 13, 75, 103, 155 Messiah, 138 Metaphysics, 86 Methods, philosophical and theological, 118 analytic, 168 eclectic, 48, 62-63 experimental, 48 inductive, 79, 111-12, 130, 161 ontological, 16, 49, 74, 78, 8182, 85, 89, 151, 163, 166 psychological, 44, 82, 163-64 synthetic, 56, 84, 103, 160 transcendentalist, 46, 48, 51, 57, 59, 62-63, 65-66, 81, 88, 128 Methodists, 40, 124-25 against freedom, 153 and Catholics, 155 Methodist Quarterly Review, 61, 64, 91 Metropolitan Magazine, 83 Metropolitan Record, 100 Mexico, 114 Mexican War, 68 Michelet, Jules, 67-68 Middle Ages, 73, 82, 97, 107 “Military Matters and Men,” 106 Miller, Perry, 7-9 Milner, John, 69 Ministry, 10-11, 48, 61, 83, 116, 122 Miracles, 28, 48, 108, 154 Mirari Vos, 96 Miscellanea (Spalding),90 Mislin, Jacques, 78 Mission, Roman, 121 “Mission of America,” 90

“Mission of Christ,” 32 “Mission of Jesus,” 56-57 Missionaries, 27 Missouri Compromise, 68 “Modern French Literature,” 54 “Modern Idolatry,” 63 Monarchy, 76-77, 110 Monasticism, 81 Monitor, 41 Monks, 86, 99 “Monks of the West” (Montalembert), 99 Monothelitism, 74 Montagu, Robert, 165 Montalembert, Charles René de, on England, 89 “Free Church in a Free State,” 106-07, 156 on French Revolution, 163 imprisonment of, 95 on Lacordaire, 101-02 liberalism of, 138 Monks of the West, 86, 99 obituary of, 137 on religious liberty, 77, 92, 124 on supremacy of spiritual order, 80 Monthly Review, 62, 71 Montor, Artaud de, 80 Moore, Frank, 106 “Moral and Social Influence of the Devotion to Mary,” 109 Morality, 43, 112, 132, 143 of Catholic controversies, 80 foundations of, 60, 63, 131 political, 49, 120 and religion, 25 More, Sir Thomas, 94 Morell, John Daniel, 74


Mores Catholici (Digby), 73 Morris, John Brande, 79-80, 165 “Mortara Case,” 95 Moses, 44, 76 Mother in Her Family, 47 Mother of God. See Mary Mothers, work of, 41 “Mrs. Gerald’s Niece” (Fullerton), 145 Mount Saint Mary’s College, 80 “Municipal Affairs,” 152 Muzzarelli, Alphonse, 80 My Clerical Friends (Marshall), 160 “My Creed,” 31 “Mysteries of Faith,” 104 N Naomi (Lee), 73 Nampon, Adrien, 100 Napoleon, 96, 120, 141-42, 165 “Napoleonic Ideas,” 96 “National Greatness,”64 Nationalists, 89, 97, 159 “Native Americanism,” 62, 83 Nativism, 83-87 “Natural and Supernatural,” 67 Naturalism, 108-09, 125, 129, 134 Nature (Emerson), 42 “Nature and Faith,” 76 Nature and Grace (Ward), 98 “Nature and Grace,” 120 “Nature and Office of the Church,” 60 “Necessity of Divine Revelation,” 94 “Necessity of Liberal Education,” 60


Negro, dying out, 141 equality of, 141, 154 and sovereignty, 119 unequal to whites, 102, 104, 106, 154 See also Abolitionism; Emancipation; Slavery; Suffrage Negro (Tilton), 104 Neoplatonism, 71 Neri, Philip, 72 Nest, Thomas, 151 Nestorianism, 111, 116 Neue Gespräche…über Staat und Kirke (Radowitz), 84 Nevin, John Williamson, 13, 74, 83 New American Cyclopedia, 105 New England, 9, 135 and Brahminism, 105 religious culture of, 37 Unitarianism in, 111 New Harmony Gazette, 21, 27 New Lights, or Life in Galway (Sadlier), 87 New Views of Christianity, Society and the Church (Brownson), 12, 40 New York Churchman, 57, 61 New York City, 93, 104-05, 151, 153 New York Gospel Herald, 29-30 New York Herald, 112, 121, 154, 158 New York Mirror, 56 New York Observer, 110, 112, 114, 119, 125, 128, 144, 147 New York State, 115, 132 Legislature, 29, 136, 139



New York Tablet, 13, 17-19, 10958 New York Times, 18, 78, 86, 88, 93, 105-09, 111, 127, 138-39, 150 New York Tribune, 18, 118-19, 153 New York World, 127, 131 Newman, Francis William, 77-78 Newman, John Henry, 13, 66, 71, 150, 166 and Gladstone, 166 See also Doctrine, development of Next Phase of Civil Progress, 166 Next Presidential Election (Pomeroy), 106 Nicholas, Auguste, 81 “No Church, No Reform,” 59 Nominalism, 113 North American Review, 63 Northcote, J. Spencer, 66 Norton, Andrews, 48, 51 Norwood (Beecher), 135 Nourse, J.D., 71 Novels, Catholic characters in, 137 morality in, 49 reading of, 69 religious, 67, 69, 73, 159 and theology, 159 by women, 145, 167 writing of, 69 Novelties Which Disturb our Peace (Hopkins), 60 Nuns, Inspection Committee, 86 O Obedience, 140, 145, 166

O’Connell, Daniel, 63, 70 O’Connor, Michael, 78 Odeschalchi, Cardinal, 72 Oeuvres complètes de A. F. Ozanam, 90 O’Hanlon, John, 152 Old Catholics, 152, 154-58 “Old Quarrel,” 113 Olmstead, Dwight H., 164 Onguent Contre la Morsure (Martinet), 62 Ontologism, and doctrine of creation, 82 errors of, 97 Gioberti’s, 16 and Leroux, 74 a modified form of, 81, 166 and psychologism, 163-64 and traditionalism, 78, 91, 151 See also Traditionalism Ontology, 49, 89 Orange Riots of July, 140, 149, 150-51 Oration…before…Brown University (Brownson), 50 Oration…on…Declaration of Independence (J. Q. Adams), 46 Oration before Democracy of Worcester and Vicinity (Brownson), 51 Oration on Liberal Studies (Brownson), 80 Oration…before Phi Beta Kappa Society (Emerson), 46 Oration on Scholar’s Mission (Brownson), 58 Oration…at Washington Hall (Brownson), 53 Oratorians, 72


Oregon Territory Bill, 68 Organization of Labor and Association (Briancourt), 69 “Origin of Civilization” (Lubbock), 148 Origin and Development of Religious Belief (Baring-Gould), 146 “Origin and Source of Government,” 58 Orthodoxy, Eastern, 125, 130, 139 and Anglicanism, 118 and Catholicism, 89 Greek, 117-18, 124, 127 Russian, 159 “Orthodoxy and Unitarianism,” 104 Osgood, Samuel, 50 O’Sullivan, John L., 12, 55 “Our Colleges,” 166 “Our Established Church,” 132 “Our Future Policy,” 52 Our Houses are our Castles (Hale), 86 “Our Imperial Guest,” 152 “Our Indian Policy,” 49 “Our Lady of Lourdes,” 167 Our Public Schools (Dunne), 167 Owen, Robert Dale, 33, 154 “Owen on Spiritism,” 154 Oxford Movement, 71, 73 Ozanam, A. F., 90 P “Paganism in Education,” 78 Palfrey, John Gordon, 47 Pantheism, 42, 53, 63, 82, 139 Papacy,


and apostolic succession, 144 and Dollingerites, 159 and English Catholics, 72 essential to Church, 88 and Guettée, 114-15 and Holy Spirit, 124 and modern civilization, 112, 129 as safeguard for liberty, 155-56 and predominance of spiritual, 147 temporal power of, 83, 87, 9697, 99, 101, 111-12, 115, 11819, 142-45, 149 See also Church; Infallibility “Papacy and the Republic,” 159 “Papal Conspiracy Exposed ” (E. Beecher), 86 “Papal Infallibility,” 112 “Papal Infallibilty and Civil Allegiance,” 165 “Papal Power,” 97 Pape et Empereur (Cayle), 98 Parents, as educators, 64, 94 rights of, 64, 95, 112, 161 Paris, 108, 146-48 Park, Edwards A., 64 “Parkerism, or Infidelity,” 62 Parker, Theodore, 13, 53, 55, 6263, 77, 80 Parkman, Francis, 116 Paroles d’un Croyant (Lamennais), 48 Pastoral Letter (Purcell), 95 “Patrick O’Hara,” 34 Patriotism, 31, 158 Pauline Seward (Bryant), 67, 69 Paulists, 104



Peabody, Elizabeth, 42 Pellarin, Charles, 61 Penny, W. G., 68 Pentateuch, 47 “People’s Own Book” (Lamennais), 50 Peppergrass, Paul, 71, 96-97 “Perdition Literature,” 121 “Pere Felix on Progress,” 95 Pere Lacordaire (Montalembert), 101 Peril of the Republic (Dougherty), 105 Perrone, Giovanni, 86 Phi Beta Kappa Society, 46 Philadelphia, 87, 101 Philanthropist (Ithaca), 11, 18, 34-36 Philanthropy, 84, 109 Phillip, Wendel, 106, 153 Phillips, M. D., 51 Philomathian Society, 80 Philosophical Miscellanies (Ripley), 48 “Philosophical Studies on Christianity,” 81 Philosophical Works (Hume), 164 Philosophie (Gratry), 89 Philosophy, ancient, 85 and Balmes, 90 and Brownson, 122 and causality, 87, 164 and Catholicism, 87 and Christianity, 77, 94 and Cousin, 114, 122 definition of, 60 and faith, 97

and freedom in Church, 114, 122 and Gioberti, 106-07 and Hewit, A., 164 and Hill, W., 167 history of, 59, 85 of history, 57-58, 101 and human character, 26 and Hume, 87, 164 and ideal order, 123 Ionian, 85 and Kant, 60-61 Leroux’s, 55 political, 106 of religion, 14, 74, 99 of revelation, 99 schools of, 82 and Spencer, H., 153 of the supernatural, 168 synthetic, 56 See also Idealism; Methods; Ontologism; Psychologism; Realism; Transcendentalism “Philosophy and Common Sense,” 46 Philosophy of Religion (Morell), 74 “Philosophy of Religion,” 99 Philothea, a Romance (Child), 44 Photographic Views (Weninger), 160 “Physical Basis of Life,” 131 Phrenology, system of, 49 Physiology, 123 Pierce, Franklin, 85 Pittsburgh Catholic, 18, 22, 83 Pius IX, 69, 78 Plan of the American Union (Williams), 74


Plancette, or the Despair of Science (Sargent), 130 Plato, 162 Platonism, 160 Plenary Council. See Councils Poems (Emerson), 67 Poems Dramatic and Miscellaneous (Cannon), 93 Poems and Prose Writings (Dana), 75 Poetical Works (Wordsworth), 87 Poetry, 7, 23, 45, 49, 67, 72, 87 Poisson, Abbé Jean Charles Benjamin, 88-89 Polk, James K., 61-62 Poland, 111 “Political State of the Country,” 159 Politics, and Brownson, 12 and Catholicism, 125, 150 Christian morality in, 143 a Christian Party in, 27-28, 31, 47 and the Church, 125, 159 domestic, 51, 58, 60, 79, 95, 97, 151, 163, 167 and ethics, 49 foreign, 70-71, 95, 109, 144, 160, 163 and political parties, 79 and Presbyterians, 135 and religion, 29, 43, 47, 80, 93, 97, 123-24, 137-38, 165 and religious press, 120 Pomeroy, Samuel Clarke, 106 Poor Scholar (Carleton), 87 Pope. See Church; Infallibility; Papacy


“Pope and Emperor,” 156 “Pope or People,” 130 Pope or President?, 96 Popery, 126, 148 decline of, 118 “Popular Corruption and Veniality,” 105 “Popular Government,” 58 Porter, Fitz John, 107 Porter, Noah, 128-29 “Porter’s Human Intellect,” 128 Positivism, 109, 128-29, 151 Potts, William S., 64 Poulet, Sir Amias, 165 Pouvoir Politique Chrétien (Ventura), 97 Poverty, 36-37, 41, 59, 142, 145 Power of the Pope During the Middle Ages (Gosselin), 97 Prayer, 41, 102, 108 Preaching, 26, 37, 39, 43-44, 51, 55 Presbyterian Church, 65, 67 “Presbyterian Confession of Faith,” 65-67, 69 Presbyterianism, 94, 113, 122, 135 opposition to, 27-28, 30-31 “Present Catholic Dangers,” 92 “Present State of Society,” 58 Presidents of United States Adams, John Quincy, 46 Buchanan, James, 90 Fillmore, Millard, 90 Grant, Ulysses S., 128-29, 131, 140, 145, 153, 156, 158-59 Jackson, Andrew, 95 Johnson, Andrew, 110, 117, 121



Lincoln, Abraham, 101-03, 105-08 Pierce, Franklin, 85 Polk, James K., 61-62 powers of, 164 Tyler, John, 53 Van Buren, Martin, 43-44, 5960 Washington, George, 84 “Presidential Veto,” 73-74 Press, and Anglicans, 120 Catholic, 71, 91, 125 licentiousness of, 74 sectarian, 125, 128 religious, 120 Preston, Thomas S., 114 “Pretensions of Phrenology,” 49 Price, Edward, 78 “Priest and Infidel,” 36 Priestcraft, 36 Priesthood, 123 Primacy (Kenrick), 80 “Primeval Man” (Duke of Argyll), 132 “Primitive Elements of Thought,” 94 Princeton Review, 51, 93-94 “Princeton Review and The Convert,” 93 Principii di Filosofia Sopranaturale (Rossi), 160, 168 Principles of Biology (Spencer), 109 Principles and Results of Ministry (Tuckerman), 48 Prisoners of St. Lazare (Grandpre), 166 “Problems of the Age” (Hewit), 124-25

“Problem of Causality,” 164 Proclamation of the Reconstruction Bill of Congress, 107 Professor at the Breakfast Table (Holmes), 116 “Professor Draper’s Books,” 123 “Professor Tyndall’s Address,” 165 Progres par le Christianisme (Felix), 95, 98 Progress, in action, 77 as assimilation, 54 and Catholicism, 59, 91, 101, 125-26, 144 and Church, 129 of civilization, 47 and Darwin, 161 and education, 40 and Pere Felix, 95 law of consciousness, 52 and liberalism, 107 and Mazzini, J., 115 meaning of, 122 power of, 38 and scholars, 58 as self-development, 54 social, 39-40 Society for Christian Union and, 40 of truth, 25, 30 views of, 166 Proletariats, 52 Prose Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 139 “Prospects of the Democracy,” 49 Prosperity, 25, 32 Prostitutes, houses for, 166 “Protective Policy,” 61, 111 Protestant Churchman, 124, 126


Protestant Episcopal Church, 61, 115, 121, 162, 167 “Protestant Journalism” (Marshall), 167 “Protestant Rule of Faith,” 153 Protestantism, as anti-Christian, 162 and Bible, 96 and Catholicism, 71, 86, 162 Catholic tendencies of, 81 decline of, 69, 73,76, 118-19, 122, 126-28 and Dollinger, 152 foundation of, 66, 82-83 future of, 136-38, 141 as gentilism, 78 and government, 79 as infidelity, 81, 101 and journalism, 167 and liberty, 121, 124 and persecution, 78 and private judgement, 65-67, 113-14, 163 and religious liberty, 63 and sixteenth century, 88-89 and temporal order, 78, 80 and worship, 111-14 “Protestantism Developed,” 82 “Protestantism a Failure,” 126 Protestantism and Infidelity (Weninger), 101 “Protestantism in a Nutshell,” 73 “Protestantism in the Sixteenth Century,” 88 “Protracted Meetings,” 35 Providence, and democracy, 42 and “Mission of America,” 90 misuses of doctrine of, 32


and political constitutions, 68, 110 and religious liberty, 127-28 trust in, 31, 39 Prussia, 114, 141-42, 155, 157 Psychologism, 163-64 Psychology (Schmucker), 56 “Public and Parochial Schools,” 95 “Public School System,” 167 Punishment, capital, 36 eternal, 28-29, 31 “Punishment of the Reprobate,” 100 Purcell, John B., 95, 139, 148 Puritanism, 73, 89, 104, 128, 136-37 Puseyism, 159 Putnam, Ellen Tryphosa Harrington, 142 Putman’s Monthly Magazine, 132, 136 Pythagorian, 85 Q “Questions of the Soul ” (Hecker), 85, 88 Quinet, Edgar, 64-65, 68 R Radicalism, 41-42 Radowitz, Joseph von, 84-85 Raison et Foi (Collard), 89 Raison Philosophique et la Raison Catholique (Ventura), 87 Rapport de l’Homme avec le Démon (Bizouard), 130 Rambler, 92, 103



Rationalism, 116, 119, 125, 129 and Catholicism, 122 tendency toward, 117 “Rationalism and Traditionalism,” 97 Ravellings from the Web of Life (Cannon), 93 Reade, Charles, 106 “Reade’s Very Hard Cash,” 106 “Reading and the Study of the Scriptures,” 99 “Real Dangerous Classes,” 149 Realism, 53, 113 Reason, analytical, 82, 160, 168 and Church, 99, 116-17 and existence of God, 35, 77 and Hecker, 93 inductive, 79, 111-12, 130, 161 limits of, 68-69 reflective, 46, 91, 98, 122 and religion, 25, 28, 109 spontaneous, 46 synthetic, 56, 84, 103, 160 and traditionalism, 80, 97-98 and understanding, 63, 128 and virtue, 72 See also Faith; Methods; Philosophy; Religion; Revelation Rebellion (Baker), 104 Rebellion Record (Moore), 106 Reconstruction, radical, 13, 10607, 109-11, 113, 116-18, 120, 145 Red Cloud, 140 Redemption, mystery of, 77 Reflections and Suggestions… Catholic Press (Hughes), 91 Reese, W. I., 32

Reform, Catholic method of, 120 and Church, 40 and civil service, 154 and conservatism, 54, 60 and distributing property, 113 in Germany, 150 meaning of, 41 political, in Rome, 69 and Reformation, 101-02 and reformers, 62, 65, 104, 158, 166 religious, 35, 73, 156, 158 social, 52-53, 59, 61, 72-73, 77 166 and democracy, 50 and education, 40 and Lammenais, F., 48 and religion, 35, 37-38 Reformation, Protestant, British, 61, 80, 94 Catholic side of, 101 conservative, 150 and doctrine, 102 in Germany, 155 interpretations of, 88-89 and Luther, 85 a new, 155 as schism, 61 sources of, 101 Reid, Christian, 167 Reign of Law (Argyll, Duke of ), 120 Reign of Terror, 147 “Relation of Capital and Labor,” 129 Religion, anti-liberal, 44 Buddhist, 144


and Calvinism, 36 essential beliefs of, 31 and government, 29, Hindu, 157 as idea of holy, 39 influence of, 25, 32, 75, 93, 132 a national, 154-55 natural, 25-26, as oppressor, 27, 43 and Parker, T., 55, 63 philosophy of, 74, 99 and prosperity, 25, 32 rational, 26-35, 71 and reform, 40 revealed, 43, 160 subjectivist views of, 55 as universal, 71 See also Civilization; Freedom; Literature; Philosophy; Politics; Reason; Reform; Science Religion Considered in its Origin (Constant), 44 Religion and Nature Delineated (Wollaston), 53 “Religion and Politics,” 137 Religion and Science (Le Conte), 163 Religious Intelligencer, 11, 18, 21, 39 Religious Liberty. See Freedom “Religious Liberty in France,” 92 “Religious Novels, and Woman versus Woman,” 159 “Religious Orders,” 145 Remarks on the Science of History (Breene), 74 “Remarks on Universal History,” 57-58 “Remarks on Universalism,” 26


Reply to Dr. Milner’s…(Jarvis), 69 Reprobate, future of, 99-100 “Republic of the United States” (Capen), 72 Republican and Herald of Reform (Genesee), 11, 17, 21 Republicanism, 75, 77, 128, 131, American, 129 and Catholicism, 148, 151, 174 red, 15, 146 Republicans, 158 Restoration, 77, 117, 152 Restorationists, succession from Universalists, 35 “Return of the Rebellious States,” 105 “Reunion of all Christians,” 100 Revelation, 154, 160 Brownson’s views of, 30-31 book of, 25, 45, 52, 94 and development, 66 and doctrine, 65 as internal, 36 and knowledge of God, 26, 32 and nature, 77 natural, 85 necessity of, 60, 85, 94, 97, 159 philosophy of, 16, 99 primitive, 32, 70 and reason, 69, 84, 88, 91, 9394, 103, 117, 133 See also Bible; Church; Science; Tradition; Traditionalism Revivalism, 9, 10, 26, 94 opposition to, 27, 34-35 “Revivals and Retreats,” 94 Revolution, American, 51, 53 and Anthony, S.B., 123



and Church, 95 Cuban, 75 French, 47, 81, 142, 148, 163 Hungarian, 76, 78 Italian, 116, 118, 149 right of, 119 Spanish, 126-28, 131, 151 Revue des Deux Mondes, 86 Reynaud, J., 59 Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 68 Rhode Island, Constitution of, 55, 61 Ricasoli, Bettino, 110 Richardson, Albert D., 135-36 Riche, Auguste, 167 Riedel, 110 Righteousness, 31, 34-35 Rights, 147 of Catholics, 64, 112 civil, 120, 150, 154 of conscience, 152 of laity, 98, 101 natural, 47, 82, 113, 114, 154 of spiritual order, 87, 126 of states, 53 of workingmen, 33 See also Parents; Women “Rights and Duties,” 79 “Rights of The Temporal,” 98 Rio, Alexis François, 76 Riots, Anti-draft, 104-05 Orange (NYC), 140, 149, 15052 Ripley, George, 11, 48-49, 105 Ritter, Heinrich, 85 Ritual, 61, 90 Ritualism, 109, 114-15, 117-18, 120, 126, 150

Rochester Observer, 30 Rogers, Henry, 81 “Roman Church and Modern Society” (Quinet), 64 “Roman Question” (About), 96 “Romanic and Germanic Orders,” 96 Romance, 44, 159 Romanticism, 73 Romanism, 133, 136, 150-51, 153 and conversion of U.S., 118 errors of, 76-77, 85 fears of growth, 130 and free speech, 125 “Romanism In America” (Clark), 85 Rome, American College in, 97 civil administration of, 124 and civil power, 148 claims of, 141 after Constantine, 86 education in, 151 and Garibaldi, 116-19 and Jesuits in prison, 70 and loss of pope’s temporal power, 142-43 Protestant worship in, 111-14 See also Papacy “Rome or Reason,” 116 “Rome and the World,” 117 Rossi, Peter, 160, 168 Rossini, Gioacchino, 127 Roumanians, 158 Ruffini, John, 105 Rule of Faith, 69, 74 Catholic, 86, 127 Protestant, 153



Russia, 83, 85, 89, 150, 152, 157, Savages, 132, 160 159 “Savonarola,” 76 Ryder, Henry Igatius Dudley, 125 Scepticism, 87 Schaff, Philip, 83 S Schelling, Friedrich Willhelm Jo“Sabbath Schools,” 26-27 seph von, 90 Sacramentalism, 121 Schiller, Friedrich, 49, 63, 65 Sacraments, 56-57 Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr., 7 Sacred Heart, 165 Schmucker, Samuel, 56 Sadlier, James, 133-34 “Schmucker’s Psychology,” 56 “Sadlier’s Old and New,” 103 Scholars, 58 Sadlier, Mary, 13, 87, 89, 103 Scholasticism, 99, 166 Saints, 32, 69, 78. See also Devo- School Days at Rugby (Hughes), 98 tion “School Question,” 138 Saint Bartholemew’s Day Massa- Schools, cre, 157-58 and Americanization, 95 Saint Dominique, 71 and Bible, 133-35, 137-38, Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, 38 149, 151-53, 158, 167 “Saint Worship,” 108 and Brownson, 10 “Saint-Bonnet on Social Restora- and Catholics, 80, 89, 95, 100, tion,” 77 112, 127, 131, 137-40, Salvation, 148-49, 161, 167 end and means of, 56, 67-68 and public aid to, 121, 123, and faith and works, 37 131, 136-37, 139 exclusive, 13, 67, 64, 71-72, 78, future of, 134 134, 155, 164 Jesuit, 64, 103, 149 and morality, 34 parochial, 95, 127 universal, 26-27, 29 Protestant, 156 “Salvation by Jesus,” 38 public, 95, 112, 134, 138, 149, Sand, George, 54 151, 167 San Marino, 21 religion in, 134, 137-38, 151 Sanctity, 111, 167 sabbath, 26-27 “Sardinia and the Holy Father,” as sectarian, 28, 132 147 as secular, 151, 155 “Sardinia and Rome,” 99 See also Education Sargent, Epes, 130 “Schools of Philosophy,” 82 Satan, 27, 84, 163 Science, and secular education, 157 Catholic hostility to, 61 worshipers of, 155 and faith, 103, 119



freedom of, 102, 104 of history, 79, 166 and religion, 118, 153, 160-61, 163, 165-66 and revelation, 103-04, 160 and theologians, 165 “Science, Philosophy and Religion,” (Bascom), 161 Sciences (Beecher), 144 Scott, Sir Walter, 137 Scripture. See Bible Secretary of State, 106 Secretary of War, 106 Sectarianism, 28, 33, 35, 129 associations of, 140, 148 and education, 27, 123, 126, 132-33, 137, 147 and Grant, U.S., 140 “Secular not Supreme,” 149 Sects, 102, 115, 122, 133, 15556 Secular View of Religion and State (Hurlbut), 149 Secularism, 27, in education, 122, 126, 131, 155, 157-58 Segur, Louis Gastonde, 167 “Sellon’s Sermons,” 29 Sentimentalism, 55, 67, 109, 144, 167 “Separation of Church and State,” 98 “Sermon on Righteousness,” 35 “Sermon on Self-Denial,” 35 Sermon…to Young People in Canton (Brownson), 39 Sermons, 29, 38-39, 80, 104 “Sermons by the Paulists,” 104

Sermons on the Principles of Morality (Fox), 39 Sermons Preached at the Church of St. Paul, 104 Seton, William, 138, 151 Seward, William H., 102, 106, 108 Sewell, William, 71 “Shandy M’Guire” (Peppergrass), 71 Sheridan, Philip Henry, 116 Shiel, Lawrence, 76 Shortest Way to end Disputes about Religion (Manning), 65 “Sick Calls” (Price), 78 Simonians, 51 Simpson, Richard, 103 Sin, 104 forgiveness of, 31 original, 109 Siniscalchi, Liborio, 102 “Sisters of Mercy,” 161 Slavery, and Catholicism, 104 and Channing, W. E., 46 and Dred Scott, 92 Hughes, J., 100 mental, 132 as moral question, 97 and nativism, 87 and O’Connell, D., 63 and Parker, T., 77 and politics, 90-91 and Sumner, 84, 102 and war, 68, 99 See also Abolitionism; Emancipation; Negro “Slavery and the Church,” 102


“Slavery and the War,” 100 Smith, Adam, 93 Smith, Gerrit, 104 “Social Evils and Their Remedy,” 38 Social Reform (Brownson), 59 “Socialism and the Church,” 73 Socialism, 23, 73, 77, 81, 84-85, 103 Society, modern, 64-65, 107 Society in America (Martineau), 40 Society for Christian Union and Progress, 12, 40, 45, 52 Some Popular Errors Concerning Politics and Religion (Montagu), 165 Soul, Sorrows and Aspirations (F. W. Newman), 77, 78 South America, 41 South Carolina, 36, 54, 68 South Peru, 41 Souvenirs of Travel (Le Vert), 93 Sovereignty, Catholic sense of, 121 and Democracy, 42 in God, 42 and justice, 45 locus of, 103, 107 of people, 42, 163 of states, 100-01, 107 of territory, 101 See also Democracy; Papacy Spain, 119, 126-28, 133, 155 Spalding, John Lancaster, 163 Spalding, Martin John, 90, 139 Sparks, Jared, 60 Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature (Ripley), 49


Speech of the Hon. Wm. H. Seward, 108 Speech of Wendel Phillips, 106 Speeches of the Hon. Charles Sumner, 84 Speeches of John C. Calhoun, 59 Spencer, Herbert, 109, 153 Spinoza, Baruch, 90 Spirit, of Christ, 57, 98 Spirit Sculpture, 73 See also Holy Spirit Spirit-manifestation, 84 “Spiritism and Spiritists,” 130 and Hecher, 121 Spirit Rapper (Brownson), 84 “Spiritual Despotism,” 91 Spiritual Exercises (Loyola), 102 Spiritual Order, independence of, 87 supremacy over temporal, 8081, 98, 166 See also Temporal Order Spiritualism, 53, 81, 130, 132 “Spiritualism and Materialism,” 132 Spiritualism Unveiled (Grant), 130 “Spirituality of Religion,” 38 Spooner, Lysander, 37 “Stand by the Government” (Smith), 104 State, and aid to Catholic institutions, 117, 132, 152, 154 and Bellows, 46 and Church, 109-10, 112, 124, 139-40 conflict with, 158



in Germany, 84. See also Church “State Education Is State Religion,” 155 “State Rebellion, State Suicide,” 101 “Steps of Belief ” (Clarke), 144 Stevens, Thaddeus, 106 “Stevens on Reconstruction,” 106 Strossmeyer, Joseph Georg, 151 Stuart, Moses, 76 “Sub-Treasury Bill,” 47 Suffrage, for Negros, 109, 113, 115, 118 in Rhode Island, 55, 61 as a trust, 114, 154 for women, 115, 129-30, 162 universal, 55, 114 Sumner, Charles, 84, 102, 154 “Sumner on Fugitive Slaves,” 84 Supernatural, 165, and natural, 55, 67, 160, 165 and origin of Christianity, 50 and origin of civilization, 79, 148 philosophy of, 168 and religion, 74 and revelation, 85-86, 91, 108 Superstitions, 81 Supremacy, 67, 80, 85, 98, 110, 164 Supreme Court, 121, 141 Syllabus of Errors, 109-10, 116, 129-30, 136, 141, 159 Symbolism, 160 Synod of Thurles, 78 “Synthetic Philosophy,” 56 “Synthetic Theology,” 160 Systematic Theology (Hodge), 153

T Tait, William, 39 Tammany Hall, 152 Taney, Roger, 92 Tarbell, John T., 50 Taxes, 42, 111 Taylor, Bayard, 107 Taylor, Charles B., 38 Tariffs, 111 Temporal Order dependent on spiritual, 82 independence of, 107 and Protestantism, 80 reconciliation with spiritual, 40 rights of, 98 separate from spiritual, 80 See also Papacy; Spiritual Order “Temporal Power of the Pope” (Chandler), 87 “Temporal Power of the Popes,” 83 Tendencies of Modern Society (Croaker), 107 “Tendency of Modern Civilization,” 46 Tennyson, Alfred, 123 Teorica del Sovranaturale (Gioberti), 106 Texas, 61-62 Thébaud, Augustine, 162 Theodicy, 29-30 Theology, 155, basis of, 77 Brownson’s, 103 development of, 65 and Leroux’s principles, 56 of Mary, 155 and novels, 159 and philosophy, 97


Puritan, 105 reform of, 104 Scholastic, 82, 99, 168 synthetic, 160 Thiers, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe, 152, 155, 158 Thomas, Seth, 50 “Thornberry Abbey,” 66 Thornwell, James H., 70 Tincker, Mary Agnes, 159, 167 Tigranes (Franco), 164 Tilton, Theodore, 104 Toleration, in Maryland, 89 religious, 72, 121 Tongiori, Salvatoris, 164 Townsend, Robert, 50 Tracts, 10, 28, 36, 59 Trade, free, 11 Tradition, apostolic, 71 authority of, 50, 160 and Bible, 96, 153 and Church, 71 importance of, 56 and intuition, 91 and knowing, 56, 118 as rule of interpretation, 127, 152 and traditions, 92 See also Bible; Church; Rule of faith; Ontologism; Traditionalism Traditionalism, Brownson’s, 16, 68, 81, 130 need of, 185-86 and reason, 80, 97-98 See also Ontologism


Transcendentalism, and modern spiritualism, 81 and moral obligation, 45 and Protestantism, 65-66 against rationalism, 51, 128 and views of church, 57 See also Methods “Transcedentalism, or latest form of Infidelity,” 63 Transcendentalists (Miller), 7 Transcendentalist Club, 12-13, 53, 55, 62-63, 77, 80 “Transcendental Road to Rome,” 88 “Transient and Permanent in Christianity” (Parker), 53 Transubstantiation, 130, 162 Treadwell, S. B., 48 “Treatment of Unbelievers,” 37 Trent. See Councils Trinitarianism, 50 Trinity, 28, 76, 153 Triple Alliance, 150 “True Cross” (Malan), 96 “True and False Science,” 161 Truth-Teller, 82 Tuckerman, Joseph, 48 Turks, 83, 110, 127 Two Articles from Princeton Review, 51 Two Brothers (Brownson), 66-68 “Two Orders, Spiritual and Temporal,” 80 Two Sermons (Parker), 80 “Two Worlds, Catholic and Gentile,” 78 Tyler, John, 53 Tyndall, John, 165



Tyranny, 76, 92, 126, 151 U Ullathorne, William Bernard, 103, 166 Ultra-orthodox, 35 “Ultraism,” 47 Ultramontane Doubts, 77 Ultramontanism, 13, 82-83, 157, 163 and French bishops, 110 Unbelievers, 37, 39 “Uncle Jack and his Nephew” (Brownson), 82-83 Underwood, Joseph Rogers, 25 “Unholy Alliance” (Dix), 89 “Unification and Education,” 146 “Union of Church and State,” 112 “Union with the Church” (Harbaugh),142 Unitarian, The 18, 21, 37-38 Unitarianism, and Bellows, H., 119 and Catholicism, 134 as dead, 50 defense of, 34-35 and doctrine, 115, 143 and Emerson, 53 and Hepworth, 153 and liberal Christianity, 94, 111 and Orthodoxy, 104 and Trinity, 50, 153 “Unitarianism,” 34, 119 Unitarianism (Kohlmann), 104, “Unitarians not Deists,” 36 “Unitarianism and Trinitarianism,” 50 Unitarianism Vindicated (Walker), 50

United Brothers Society of Brown University, 50 United Italy, 149 United States, and Bancroft, 54, 79 and Capen, 72 Catholicism in, 90 and Christian Commonwealth, 47 executive power in, 164 and Great Britain, 88, 155 and foreign observers, 51 histories of, 54, 59 mission of, 38, 90 as a nation, 107 and Providence, 38, 53, 90 United States Catholic Magazine, 62, 71 United States Magazine and Democratic Review, 12, 18, 55-58 Unity, and Bible, 67 and Catholicism, 127 among Christians, 109-10, 112, 114-15, 117-18, 121-22, 130, 134 of Church, 59, 142 and evangelicalism, 145 of marriage, 167 and Protestant Episcopal Church, 61 Univers, L’, 80 Universalism, 26-29, 31, 94 Association of, 10 and Catholicism, 115 and Church, 27, 33, 35, 115 Universalist Hymn Book, 33 Universalist Quarterly and General Review, 91-93


University of Vermont, 58 University of Virginia, 9 Uprising of a Great People (Gasparin), 101 “Use and Abuse of Reading,” 109 Utica Magazine, 11, 17-18, 41 Utilitarianism, 39, 41 V “Valedictory,” 167 Valeur de la Raison Humaine (Chastel), 85 Van Buren, Martin, 43-44, 59-60, Vatican I. See Councils Vatican Council and its Definitions (Manning), 145, 147 Ventura, Gioacchino, 70, 87, 97 “Ventura on Christian Politics,” 97 “Ventura on Philosophy and Catholicity,” 87 Ver Rongeur des Sociétés Modernes (Gaume), 78-79 Veuillot, Louis, 81 “Victor Cousin and his Philosophy,” 114 “Vincenzo or Sunken Rocks” (Ruffini), 105 Vindication of the Catholic Church (Kenrick), 88 “Vindication of Universalism,” 31 Voltaire, François Marie Arouet, 65 Volunteers, 103 Vows, evangelical, 145 W Walker, James, 50 Walton, Octavia, 93


Walworth, Clarence, 104 “Walworth’s Gentle Skeptic,” 104 Walworth, M. F., 153 War, against Indians, 49 Civil, 13-14, 17, 99-104, 106, 108, 123, 155 Franco-Prussian, 141-42, 146 and loyalty, 66 Mexican, 68 Revolutionary, 51, 53 and Russia, 89 Turkish, 83 War A Reactionary Agent (Conway), 104 War For the Union (Brownson), 100 Ward, Nathaniel, 63 Ward, William G., 98, 125 “Ward’s Philosophical Introduction,”98 Warner, Henry Whiting, 47 “Wars must Cease,” 46 Washington, George, 84 Waterworth, James, 72 Ways of the Hour (Cooper), 76 Wealth, 41, 43, 103 Webster, Fletcher, 66 Webster, Daniel, 47, 76, 79 Weekly Register, 140 Welte, Wilhelm de, 47 Weninger, Francis X., 101, 127, 161 “Weninger’s Protestantism and Infidelity,” 101 Wesleyan University, 59 West Indies, 41 “Western Catholic,” 133 Western Messenger, 18, 21, 44



Western Record, 116 “What Human Reason Can Do,” 85 “What is the Need of Revelation?” 159 “What the Rebellion Teaches,” 102 Whately, Richard, 76 Where is the City (Knight), 142 Whiggism, 61 Whigs, 43, 50-51 Whittier, John G., 45 “Whose is the Child?” 161 Wilberforce, Robert I., 86, 88 “Wilberforce on Church Authority,” 86 Williams, James A., 74 Willis, N. P., 41 Willitoft, or the Days of James the First (McSherry), 78 Willy Reilly (Carleton), 88 Wilson, Henry, 146 Wiseman, Nicholas, 82, 160 Wisner, William, 26, 34 Wollaston, William, 53 “Woman Question,” 130, 162 Women, and Anglicans, 126 condition of, 96 education of, 42, 122 movement of, 54, 62, 123, 133, 147, 152, 162 rights of, 62, 133 and Sisters of Mercy, 161 See also Novels; Suffrage Women in the Nineteenth Century (Fuller), 62 “Women’s Novels,” 167 Wonders of Lourdes (Segur), 167

Wordsworth, William, 42, 49, 87 Workingmen, 9, 11-12, 36, 4142, international society of, 148-49, 151, 153-54 Party of, 38, 152 Works of Daniel Webster, 79 Works of Fisher Ames, 84 Worship, of angels, 121 of God, 35, 44, 69 of Mary, 24, 80, 125 as morality, 35 and ritualism, 109 of relics, 108 of saints, 24, 108 of Satan, 155 See also Rome, Protestant worship in; Devotion Wright, Frances, 11, 30, 32-33, 43 Y Yankee, 8, 10, 96 “Yankee in Ireland,” 96 “You Go Too Far,” 82 “Young America,” 56 Z “Zanoni” (Bulwer), 55