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English Pages [87] Year 2017
MATHEMATICS WORK BOOK Authors Prof. Dr. Osman Cankoy Tunç Tağmaç Fuat Ortaş MS. Zehra Kavuklu MS. İbrahim Aksaray MS. Nilay Tunçalp Yrd. Doç. Dr. Sarem Özdemir Mehmet Halimoğlu MS. Olga Pilli Grafical Design Prof. Dr. Osman Cankoy TunçTağmaç Zehra Kavuklu Sarem Özdemir Mehmet Hallmoğlu Cover Prof. Dr. Osman Cankoy Printing August 2017
KKTC Milli Eğitim ve Kültür Bakanlığı, Talim ve Terbiye Dairesi temel eğitim 7.sınıflarda matematik çalışma kitabı olarak denenip geliştirilmesi uygun görülmüştür.
Her hakkı saklıdır ve KKTC Milli Eğitim ve Kültür Bakanlığı'na aittir. Kitabın metin soru ve şekilleri kısmen de olsa hiçbir surette alınıp yayımlanamaz.
1. Show the following addition operations on the number line. (A) (+1) + (+2) + (-3)
(8) (-2) + (-6) + (+2)
(E) (+3) + (+4) + (-7)
(F) (-3) - (+2)
(C) (+8) - (-2)
(G) (-5) - (+4)
(D) 3 x (-2)
(H) 2 x (-4)
2. Do the followings. (A) (-21) + (+6) + (+9) (D) (-68) + [ (+14) + (-60)]
(8) 6 + (-8) + (-9)
(C) [ (-20) + (-13)] + 40
(E) [ (+43) + (-51)] + (+9)
3. Use integers to represent the following cases (A) loss of 7 marbles (8) Discount of 1O TL (C) gaining 1O marbles in a game (D) 30 minutes before breakfast (consider the breakfast time as zero.) (E) Planting a flower 20 cm below ground 4. in the following magic squares the sum of each row and each column is the same. Fill in the empty spaces by integers. -2 -9
5. Use one of the symbols < , > or = to compare the given pair of numbers. (A) -2....-7
(8) 1-6 1.... 1-13 1
(C) 1- 2 1... 12 1 (D) -5 .... 1-5 1
(E) 30 ... -30
6) Ali and Ahmet each have x balls and Hasan has 12 balls. Amongst them they have 40 balls. What is x?
7) Ali has "x" sweets and Veli has 3 sweets more than Ali. Altogether they have 27 sweets. Find x.
8) Ayşe is y years old and her brother Berk is 4 years younger than her. The sum of their ages is 30. Find how old Berk is.
9) The length ofa rectangle is x cm. lts width is 5 cm less than its length. The perimeter is 50 cm. What is the length?
1 O) Pencils cost x pence each and a book costs twice as much as a pencil. 1 bougth two pencils and three books and paid 5 000 TL altogether. How much does one pencil cost?
The following train has 5 wagons and the capacity of each wagon are 30 passengers. in the following figure the percentages stand for the number of passengers in each wagon. Find the total numberof passengers for this tour. 50%
What percentage of 60 is 12?
20% of a number is 0.08. Find the number.
1O) A 12 meter beam was enlarged by 1Oo/o. Find the new length of the beam.
11) Ahmet spent 8 TL of 20. What percentage did he spend?
12) 35% of class are boys, what percentage are girls?
13) Find 25% and 50% of the following numbers. a)24
b) 78
g)� 5
h) 1� 4
c)96 i) 228
d) 120 j)0.25
e)200 k)0.5
f) 550 1) 1
14) Do the following. a)40% of 80
b)90% of 70
c)60% of 120
d) 10% of 90
15) 25% of a number is 16.5. Find the number. 16) Find 30o/oof 125.
1) Fill in the blanks in the following table. Fraction
Deci mal
5 15 50 55%
2) 720 TL was spent as shown in the following graph. How much did spend for entertainment?
The following 4x4x4 cube is formed by small cubes in different colors. in Each column is formed by small cubes in same colors. What percent is in blue?
4) 25% of a number is 3.5. Find the number.
5) 43% of 1O 000 books were sold. How many are left?
6) Şevket has 9 red, 15 blue and 12 yellow fishes. What percent are in red?
7) Each day Ali saves 1.5 TL for a book of 15 TL. What percentage of the book price was saved at the end of 8 days?
8) 15% of 60 bulbs does not work. What percentage is this?
9) What percentage should be added to 0.2 in order to turn it into 21 %? 1O) %0.4 = 11)
then what is the value of D?
What is the 100 percent of � ? 7
12) in a box of 100 marbles, 25% are in blue, 50% are in yellow and the rest are in red. Find the number of marbles in each color. 13) Astudent read 57 pages out of 380. What percentage is this? 14) 40% of a tank is filled with water. Half of the tank is full after 18 liters of water was added. Find the capacity of the tank in liters.
15) Shade nearly 30% of the following figure.