Fiber Electronics 9789811599446, 9789811599453

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Fiber Electronics
 9789811599446, 9789811599453

  • Commentary
  • eBook

Table of contents :
1 Introduction
1.1 Development in Fiber Materials
1.1.1 History of Fiber Materials
1.1.2 Characteristics of Fiber Materials
1.2 Brief Introduction of Electronic Devices
1.2.1 History of Electronic Devices
1.2.2 The Development Trend of Electronic Devices
1.3 Challenges of Traditional Planar Devices
1.4 Development of Fiber Devices
1.4.1 History of Fiber Electronic Devices
1.4.2 Characteristics of Fiber Electronic Devices
1.4.3 Categories of Fiber Devices
1.4.4 Performance of Fiber Devices
1.4.5 Applications of Fiber Devices
1.4.6 Conclusion
2 Fiber Electrodes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Metal Wires
2.2.1 Copper and Aluminum Wires
2.2.2 Stainless Steel Wire
2.2.3 Titanium Wire
2.2.4 Other Metal Wires
2.3 Carbon-Based Fiber Electrodes
2.3.1 Carbon Nanotube Fiber
2.3.2 Graphene Fiber
2.3.3 Carbon Fiber
2.4 Polymer Fibers
2.5 Summary
3 Charge Separation and Transport Mechanism in Fiber Electronics
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
3.1.2 Polymer Solar Cell
3.1.3 Perovskite Solar Cell
3.2 Charge Separation Mechanism in Fiber Electronics
3.2.1 Structures of Fiber Devices
3.2.2 The Interface of Fiber Devices
3.3 The Charge Transport Mechanism in Fiber Devices
3.3.1 The Mechanism of Electron Transport
3.3.2 Mechanism of Ion Transmission
3.4 Influence of Structural Parameter on Charge Separation and Transmission
3.5 Perspective
4 Fiber Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
4.1 Overview of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
4.1.1 Working Mechanism
4.1.2 Materials
4.1.3 Characterizations
4.1.4 Summary
4.2 Overview of Fiber Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
4.2.1 Electrodes
4.3 Fiber Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells in a Twisting Structure
4.3.1 Working Electrode
4.3.2 Counter Electrodes
4.3.3 Electrolytes
4.4 Fiber Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell in a Coaxial Structure
4.5 Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Textiles with an Interlaced Structure
4.6 Multifunctional Fiber Solar Cells
4.7 Perspective
5 Fiber Polymer Solar Cells
5.1 Overview of Polymer Solar Cells
5.1.1 Working Mechanism
5.1.2 Structure
5.1.3 Materials
5.1.4 Characterization
5.1.5 Summary
5.2 Overview of Fiber Polymer Solar Cells
5.2.1 Fiber Polymer Solar Cells with Twisting Structure
5.2.2 Fiber Polymer Solar Cells in a Coaxial Structure
5.3 Fiber Polymer Solar Cells Based on Carbon Nanotubes
5.4 Polymer Solar Cell Textiles with Interlaced Structure
5.5 Perspective
6 Fiber Perovskite Solar Cells
6.1 Overview of Perovskite Solar Cells
6.1.1 Working Mechanism
6.1.2 Structure
6.1.3 Material
6.1.4 Summary
6.2 Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells
6.3 Fiber Perovskite Solar Cells
6.3.1 Fabrication Process
6.3.2 Fiber Perovskite Solar Cells Working at a Wide Temperature Range
6.3.3 Stretchable Fiber Perovskite Solar Cells
6.4 Perspective
7 Fiber Supercapacitors
7.1 Overview of Supercapacitors
7.1.1 Energy-Storage Mechanism
7.1.2 Electrode Materials
7.1.3 Electrolytes
7.2 Fiber Supercapacitors
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Configuration
7.2.3 Fabrication
7.3 High-Performance Fiber Supercapacitors
7.3.1 Symmetrical Fiber Supercapacitors
7.3.2 Asymmetrical Fiber Supercapacitors
7.4 Multifunctional Fiber Supercapacitors
7.4.1 Stretchable Fiber Supercapacitors
7.4.2 Chromatic Fiber Supercapacitors
7.4.3 Self-healable Fiber Supercapacitors
7.4.4 Shape-Memory Fiber Supercapacitors
7.4.5 Fluorescent Fiber Supercapacitors
7.5 Perspective
8 Fiber Electrochemical Batteries
8.1 Overview of Electrochemical Batteries
8.1.1 Composition of the Battery
8.1.2 Classification of Batteries
8.1.3 Working Principle of the Battery
8.2 Fiber Lithium-Ion Batteries
8.2.1 Fiber CNT/MnO2 Cathode
8.2.2 Fiber CNT/Si Anode
8.2.3 Fiber LiMn2O4-Si Battery
8.2.4 Fiber LiMn2O4/Li4Ti5O12 Battery
8.3 Fiber Metal–Air Batteries
8.3.1 Fiber Li–Air Batteries
8.3.2 Fiber Zn–Air Batteries
8.3.3 Fiber Al–Air Batteries
8.3.4 Fiber Li–CO2 Batteries
8.4 Aqueous Fiber Batteries
8.4.1 Aqueous Fiber Lithium-Ion Batteries
8.4.2 Aqueous Fiber Zn-Ion Batteries
8.5 Other Electrochemical Fiber Batteries
8.5.1 Fiber Lithium–Sulfur Batteries
8.5.2 Fiber Nickel Bismuth Batteries
8.6 Perspective
9 Fiber Light-Emitting Devices
9.1 Overview of Light-Emitting Devices
9.2 Performance Characterization
9.3 Fiber Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
9.3.1 Overview
9.3.2 Working Mechanism
9.3.3 Structure
9.3.4 Materials
9.3.5 OLED Processing Technology
9.3.6 Fiber OLED
9.4 Fiber Polymer Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
9.4.1 Overview
9.4.2 Working Mechanism
9.4.3 Structure
9.4.4 Fiber PLEC
9.5 Fiber Inorganic Light-Emitting Devices
9.5.1 ZnS-Based Luminescent Materials
9.5.2 Mechanoluminescent Fiber
9.5.3 AC Electroluminescent Fibers
9.6 Perspective
10 Fiber Sensors
10.1 Overview of Flexible Sensors
10.1.1 Development of Flexible Sensors
10.1.2 Flexible Physical Sensors
10.1.3 Flexible Chemical Sensors
10.2 Fiber Sensors for Detecting Physical Signals
10.2.1 Strain and Pressure Fiber Sensors
10.2.2 Ultraviolet Sensors
10.2.3 Temperature Sensors
10.2.4 Brain Electrical Fiber Sensors
10.3 Fiber Sensors for Detecting Chemical Signals
10.3.1 Wearable Chemical Fiber Sensors Monitoring Analytes in Sweat
10.3.2 Implantable Chemical Fiber Sensors Monitoring Analytes in Tumor and Blood
10.3.3 Implantable Chemical Fiber Sensors Monitoring Analytes in Cerebrospinal Fluid
10.3.4 Implantable Organic Electrochemical Transistor Monitoring Analytes in Cerebrospinal Fluid
10.4 Perspective
11 Fiber Memristors
11.1 Overview of Memristors
11.1.1 The History of Memristors
11.1.2 Structure
11.1.3 Working Mechanism
11.1.4 Materials
11.2 Fiber Memristors
11.2.1 Construction of Fiber Memristors
11.2.2 Key Performance of Fiber Memristors
11.2.3 Application of Fiber Memristors
11.3 Perspective
12 Other Fiber Electronic Devices
12.1 Fiber Communication Devices
12.1.1 Overview of Communication Devices
12.1.2 History of Development
12.1.3 Mechanism of Radiating
12.1.4 Categories
12.1.5 Structure
12.1.6 Key Parameters of Fiber Communication Devices
12.1.7 Influencing Factors
12.1.8 Construction of Fiber Communication Devices
12.1.9 Applications of Fiber Communication Devices
12.1.10 Optical Fiber Communication Devices
12.2 Fiber Electronic Medicines for Tumor Treatment
12.3 Perspective
13 Continuous Fabrication of Fiber Devices
13.1 Overview
13.2 Large-Scale Manufacturing Techniques of Planar Devices
13.3 Continuous Fabrication Techniques of Fiber Electrodes
13.3.1 Metal-Based Fiber Electrodes
13.3.2 Carbon-Based Fiber Electrodes
13.3.3 Polymer Fiber Electrodes
13.4 Continuous Fabrication Techniques of Fiber Devices
13.4.1 Coating
13.4.2 Wet Spinning
13.4.3 Thermal Drawing
13.4.4 Twisting
13.4.5 3D Printing
13.5 Continuous Knitting and Integration of Fiber Devices
13.6 Perspective
14 Integrated Fiber Devices
14.1 Integrated Devices
14.1.1 All-in-One Device
14.1.2 Assembled Devices
14.2 Integrated Fiber Devices
14.2.1 Integrated Solar Cell and Supercapacitor
14.2.2 Integrated Solar Cell and Lithium-Ion Battery
14.2.3 Integrated Lithium-Ion Battery and Supercapacitor
14.2.4 Stretchable Integrated Fiber Device
14.3 Perspective
15 Packaging of Fiber Electronic Devices
15.1 Overview of Packaging Materials
15.1.1 Function and Requirement of Packaging Materials
15.1.2 Properties of Different Packaging Materials
15.1.3 Packaging Methods
15.2 Packaging Technologies of Fiber Devices
15.2.1 Packaging Materials of Fiber Light-Emitting Devices
15.2.2 Packaging Materials of Fiber Lithium-Ion Batteries
15.3 Packaging Methods of Fiber Devices
15.3.1 Packaging Methods of Fiber Light-Emitting Devices
15.3.2 Packaging Methods of Fiber Lithium-Ion Batteries
15.4 Perspective
16 Smart Textiles
16.1 Overview of Smart Textiles
16.2 Photovoltaic Textiles
16.2.1 Dye-Sensitized Solar Sell Textiles
16.2.2 Polymer Solar Cell Textiles
16.2.3 Perovskite Solar Cell Textiles
16.3 Energy-Storage Textiles
16.3.1 Supercapacitor Textiles
16.3.2 Battery Textiles
16.4 Multifunctional Textiles
16.4.1 Light-Emitting Textiles
16.4.2 Sensor Textiles
16.4.3 Integrated Textiles
16.5 Perspective
17 Summary and Outlook
17.1 Advantages
17.1.1 Flexibility
17.1.2 Miniaturization
17.1.3 Weavability
17.1.4 Wearability
17.1.5 Implantability
17.1.6 Continuous Fabrication
17.1.7 Others
17.2 Applications
17.2.1 Portable and Miniature Electronics
17.2.2 Outdoor Applications
17.2.3 Wearable and Implantable Applications
17.3 Challenges and Directions
17.3.1 Fiber Electrode
17.3.2 The Capacity for Energy Harvesting and Storage
17.3.3 Stability
17.3.4 Safety
17.3.5 Scale-Up Fabrication

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