Traditions of Belief in Late Byzantine Demonology 9025609627, 9789025609627


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Traditions of Belief in Late Byzantine Demonology
 9025609627, 9789025609627

Table of contents :

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ix Abbreviations of Journals and P eno . d'leaIs Manuscript Sources

3. Collections of Sources 4. Individual Sources 4.1 Sources of.tlIe)nherited Standard Orthodox Tradition 4.2 Sources of the Late Byzantine Period 4.3 Other Individual Sources 5. Selected Secondary Works

xvii xix

xx xxii xxii

xxxiv !xvi lxix


1. Introduction to Part I

2. The Origin and Nature of the Demons 2.1 The Angelic Origin and the Fall of the Devil and the Demons 2.2 Angelic and Fallen Aspects of the Demonic Nature 3. Activity and Operation in History 3.1 The Fall of Man and its Consequences 3.2 Christ's Victory and the Growth of Christianity . 4. Activity and Operation against Men 4 1 Methods of Operation a) Physical Assault, MetamorphosIs, . and the Use of Dreams and False Visions 4.2 Methods of Operation b) possessio.n 4.3 Methods of Operation c) The passions M h d Methods of Operation d) More General et 0 s 4.4 4.5 Metaphors of Operation . 5. Resistance to the Demons f h D monic powers 5.1 God's Control 0 t e e . Demonic Aggression 5.2 Means of Resisting-and Defeatlflg PART II: ALTERNATIVE TRADITIONS 1. Introduction to part II

2. General Characteristics . I Id bout Demons . I Conceptions 3. Simp e eas a 3.1 Simple and Physlca 3.2 Female Demons 3.3 EroLX£LCl

3 7 7 13

34 35 56

77 77 89

95 US 129

]35 ]35 ]39


]6S 179 179 182 100

4. More Complex Ideas

4.1 The Concept of Eidola 4.2 Composition of the Demons 4.3 Elemental Divisions of the Demons 4.4 The Ability of Demons to Feel Pain and to Feed 4.5 Ideas Concerning Demonic Possession 5. Cat.egorisations and Individual Powers 5.1 As trologic al C a tegorisa tions 5.2 Geographical Categorisations 5.3 Individual Powers 5..1 The Abilities and Uses of Individuals 6. Controlling the Demons 6.1 General Features of Late Byzantine Sorcery 6.2 Inducement 6.3 Coercion 6.4 Protection 6.5 Altered Perception and Techniques of Demonic Divination


7. Innocence Beset by Corruption: The Symbolic Power of the Sorcerer over the Demons



196 199

202 211 215 219 220 225 233 236 249 249 252 260 286

CONCLUSIONS The Overall Tradition of Late Byzantine Demonology




Table 1: The Eight Deadly Sins or Passions a.nd Scholarios' Seven Roots or Heads of Sins and Their Fruits Table II: Lists of Passions or Sins Dependent on New Testament


Passages Table III: Gregory of Sinai's Division of the Passions in Relation to the Body and the Three Parts of the Soul Table IV: Early Lists of the Names of the Demon Gylou Table V: Lists of the Dtco1l$ Table VI: Short Lists of Angels and Demons of Each Planet or Day Table VlI: Long Lists of Angels and Demons of Each Hour Table Vlll: Lists of the Spirits of the Four Quarters Ta.ble IX: Demons Listed in Recension C of the Testament 0/ Solomon Index 0/ Biblical Passages Inde:r: of PrQPu Namu

General Indu

330 332

335 336

338 340 34i 351


357 3fiZ

Preface It is ~O\\' a little over fifty years since Dt'lattf' and Josserand publIshed their article, "Contribution a ]' 't d d J d' I' b ' e u e f' a e~oDo ~g1e yzantme". based largely on the rich source matenal t'dl~ed by Delatte seven years previously in the first volume of his ..~necdota Atheniensia, In the half century which bas elapsed slDce the publication of their "contribution", however, any hopes that may have been implied by such a title for a definitive study of the subject as a whole have not been realised although two recent conference papers, by Ducellier (Aix-en: Provence: 1978) and Mango (Manchester: 1986), may at least indicate that this area continues to be of interest. Byza.ntine demonology thus remains toda.y, as it was in the thirties; a subject of contributions, having been the focus of attention in a small number of studies in the intervening period and having occasionally been treated on a more general level in passing by scholars concerned either with other aspects of Byzantine thought, particularly theology, or with parallel ideas in Antique, early Christian, Western, or modern Greek belief. In the early part of this century important contributions were made, particularly in relation to the alternative traditions of Byzantine demonology, by Perdrizet in his articles "Et/J{}Q1'iC; Eo>.opWvo.>'.

'E ..\..\6:601;


Dum"arton Dab Papers

'E Ie Ie .'A..\ r19.

'EfClC>'"CHa-(1UlCtj 'A>'rjDE,a

'E Ie Ie .1P6t:e .

'E ICIC >',,(1 ,a-(1 Hie 0, 1t ).e-Dllr:(io:C;. Ibid., cc281-277.





K o,,'-Q b(2 "'1'foP.tvwv.- Ibid" cc35.:'\-372.

t ·Op,lI.lo p..,S€iuQ t" lI.Qlt40lo;;. 16i4., ccl437-1457.nE.el. Tijo;; !'" 1fQefhvlo &lI.'1Soiio;; 6tPf}oeioo;; 'JI"e~ d'lr6icw !1rt.a itO ... 011 M € >., r'1 ",,,0;;. MJgne PG 30, cc669-8OQ.


EL" TOO" 0,£01.10;; naoo:e6rltovro ,.u:'erveoo;;. cc508-625.

MignePG 31 I

BaaMeth BaeNestA BaaNestB BaePist

KCJfTQ pdvovrw",. Ibid., cc".4-464.


'Optllol d~ roilo;;- tf'alpotJo;;. MignePG 29, cc20!}-.f,Q.4.



Baa Tapein

nee;' rOlr£wtX/Jeoa(wrJo;;. 16ill., cc525-&40.


"'1 tndao;; l6-)'oo;; A'. MignePG 31, «164-18«.

nee' nee'

"'1 UT E£o" l6-)'oo;; B'. /bi4., cd85-197. .cDrEw". 16id., cc.64-472.

4>66,,0tJ. Mi«nePG 31, ec372-386.

Reel €VXaeun£O' ... lIIill., cc217-231. 'Opt).ia

i!r1gewQ !",



OUXIJ,*,. Ibid., ccSO-f-S28.

KorOl EQfJEl)"u:~",w",.

Ita, 'A(!eWtJ, Itol TWI/ 'AvoJ.lolwv. Ibid., cc6()(}--4l17. t 'OILLllo 1(e(1i f"oii Q-ylou nVEiJ~aTO.d6rw. RP IV, ppl-13.

DioDysios the Areopagite tDtonEkkJ

t ne-,l

Ttl' tICICA'laUl:anIC'X"

ueoexla ...

Mi,nePG 3, cc369-


tDlonEp tDlonOnom

t 'E1tW1"OAO& A' - /' . lh4., ccl065-1122. t ne-" 8e:twll bilo/Sth"wil. Ibid ecS85-OS4.. t He-,i Ttl' otJ(!Olllo... p ' . 1963' L. Ref!:nault and J. de pnville. SC 92. ana. , (&lao MipePG 88, ccI817-1837).

.d,tDaaICQM(u (JI.64K>l!al 1t1!b _ > . MignePG 100,

Germanos I of Constantinople GerrnEnc



GNa.Or2 GNa.zOr3


GNa.Or7 GNa.OrB

d~ T~"


~~orlHtov. MignePG 98, (:(:309-

'C7 ...

4.1 Sources of the Inherited Standard Orth d



o ox .I rad'hon



Ei .. €arllrbl.l, ItQi ~J .. rbv 'lfarrt 0 It puo. riJl.' E1tQUM(JU lie" - P ( o/. BQCTl"ttov rOLl ~t'lO" E' I' -' V""'l" , Or .10)," ee827-832 {!'l,U{! LOV N Uf;U''l'' rbu reN . ¢Oil, ,buurol.lrar lJt:ro. r~v P~"'QAOV BaOlA£iov &6(".\, Xt!t{!oroul(w. Ibid .• te831 -842 E,o; To" Jfart{!O Eovroii ;'"ilt'l: t -


rijo; N O{ LQ"{OO tie It.\. 'lCTla-.. , (0;1;)'1. ("1/I/~~"d Qbr l)1l !PI! Ollr l{~w • ..I -, te843-850 E, .. n)1I 'X.£Ll!or(wlou .dOO{!WU op,J..{Q td08t!i E~-' .

(0r.13). Ibid., c::c::851-856.


... .\oAut'.

n£l!i. t/lL)..WJfrwX14,.. Ibid., c::c::857-QIO

Et ..


Mc.,.. lto/3o.lov .. , (01'.15).

Er" rbv Jtort{!o OIW7fWVrO DLQ (Or.16). /6id., ec933-064. GNuiS

'E7fLT6.¢UX; cc985-1~4.


/I~Il., cdlI--934.


lr.\q'li)" rr}" xaAd:


£i" TW ..orteQ lrQ{!wro IC6aPI/ po.e fl1elJt!o"'o{" Mi&nePG 00, «705-712. T fj ·0).l1l'fJ,66, I;·."a,o>'ol A' - I Z' . Jr." OII".",.omt leltre. '" 01,..., .... ed. A-M. MaJinlrf'Y, SC U. Pa,..: IDM, (2nd





t Ei.c; rove; lto(!tJt;alOtJI;, rwv o,W"OO"TO'\WII nETeOIJ lCoi n •

aurw . .

),.ov, 'toi 1"OV cc491--400.


E it; TQ&I

J£Q.f!ruf!to ... kvlio{OfOTOIl. MignePG~~.


JJOKQe to"

4't .\0""'(0"'011 ...,E 1J6~E 11011 0"1"0 h"1;0.\0,

t ricnr. 011"0&1. MisnePG'" 8, cc1-47-756. tJChrPnev ~JChrPorn


f nEe i TOU ol')"lov n&lEVp(UOC;. MignePG 52, cc813-826. t ELe; Tr,V 7fOl!v"W lI:a;' de; TOV lfJo:ewowll. MignePG Sg, cc531-536.


t Ek rr,1I &roTopr)1J' roo n eoiJeol'OtJ ItOL



Bafl"f"wroiJ '1101&&11101)

£tc; rr,v 'H l!w.s,&6o. Ibid., «485-490.

f A6.-.,oc; ·1 tE eL tP£u607feo4nJrwlI Ko:l




SEW&I ai.l!eTutwv. 1k.4., cc553-568.

n gO 1'011QUT'fIe WU KQ' 10Pr,a-Ot ItOt "l!01J.10T!;uto8cu. Jean CArli" o.tom~ Ii Theodore, pp47-79. ed. J. Dumortier. SC 117. Paris:



n l!oe;

J ChI' TheoLog



"Ell' pETvoiae;



Ibid., ppSQ-219.

t Ei.~ TO: &,)",a


MignePG 50, cc805-BOB.


Ei.c; rr,v V1I'"Q .. ovrt'lv . lbid., cc807-S12. f Eh; rr)v 1(o(!a/Jo).rw TWV 6{,..a 1I"oe8E&lwlI,

",oi "/fEeL l'\Erj-

pOO"uv'fIC;' MignePC 59, cc527-532.


Etc; TO 01'0&1 I1&CTXO: B' . Ibid., cc725-730.

f nEil;' v'flurdoc; l6-yoc; E' . MignePG 60 cc717-720. f n £ (! i. uw T '1 elae; tPu X;'c;. Ibid., cc7 35-73S. , Mi PC 61 cc757-762. t Ele; 1tvvrJuW roo Q1iotJ IwQlJvotJ. gne ,

John Damaskeno s tJDa


JDamHer 1JDaDlKeko; JDamKoim

JDam Orth

f Bae),.aOIJ

II . , St J h Dama"c~nc) Barla am an /waua¢. . 0 n . I Loeb LonG R Woodward and H. Mattmg ey. , ..



I oa"aph .~. don: 1914.

nf:Qi. aI.Q€O"tw&I. Mi&nePG 94, cc677-780·


n f:(! 1




l\;fi-nePG 95,

.s K£KO'PYJpe&lWV.

218. A6,)"0c; 6E:lJrc(!tx; de; rr)v lv60{ov





S. Jean Ddm .."iru. Homiliu .ur ia n"UlIS·



8cordKotl. Voul et. SC


SO. Paris: 1061. Vi Schri/tCtl dt' ~ - b 6066{ov rrior£wC;. t d ~EK60(1tc; aKgtf/.,e; r'1C; / / P B Kotter. Pat.ris1,ich(' Trxte un Johonne. "on D~m ...A:o' . : . 3 12 Berhn-New York. IV7 . . Stu d len .

4.1 Sources of the Jnh~rjted Standard Orth d ., o OX Trll.d'tlon JDamPhiJ

John Karpatbi08 JKarp

John Klimakos JKllm

John Mauropou8 (Eucbaitorum) JMaurPat

A6-r~ £1t; roilt; r~ei( &..,iotJt; rc:.rf'ieoo; ~i 6~QC1~J.otJo; Bc:.rqllt:,ov f'lw ,..t-yOtV, re11,6ewv 1'0" Beo>'&')'oll. lto2 'lw61/1",1'" 1'0" X etJ(r6al'opoll. Johonnu EUCAoitoNm Mttropol.. ittu ([rule in cadiu Vllticllno Grl1uo 616 .wperwnt. ed. P.A. de

Lagarde. Abhand. der k. Gesell. d. Wisaen. zu Gottingen, Bd. xxvm, hiat. phil. Classe 1 Gottingen: 1882.

John Zonaras JZonKan

Mark Eremites MarkBap

MarkDik Mark Met an ~

MarkNik Mark Nom MarkSymb





Michael Synkellos MSynkLib

di/Jd.).oc-. ".Ell i. roil be 6066 t;,0t.1 rlC1t~WC:;. BibliothecG Co;-'~ . _nl· Gna, pp90-V3. ed. B. de Montfaucon. Paris; 1715.

Neilo. NellosKeph

K ef/Kk ).CIdQ


".01.110 {"~(nc:;.

Migne PG 79, cc.l2-4o-1261.

Nektarios of CODstantinople Nek.tTheod

~'''''''la,c:; .5,'11" olrtav ,.~ -gw"t' LOI.PP6r';l rWII Q'"J~v "'larEc.Wv 1:011 r6rro,.~v tilV J£vr)~'lv toU &-,IOtJ ~1!1Q)..oPQe· TUeo'01fJTtIt6O"'1" M'16E[at; ltaL 0' lrvilt60TOt >'6-yot rot.!, ppl29-1S2. Athens: 1966.

A gal Log


A6-rO(: 'l"E!?' f"WV ItOrT' aUTaV " Itara rwv Itar' auroV. Ibid" pp91-129. Ev>.>.O/t). Dositheos of Jerusalem. T61J0t; Kara)'>'a1'f1t;, pp4.32--439. Jassy: 1692.

AkindYDos, Gregory (495)


Hero. Letter. 0/ Gregory Akindyno•. CFHB XXI. Dumb&rton Oaks: 1983.

'E7rWf"o).ai. A.C.

Akropolites, George (518) AkropGApost ... A6-yOt; d, Ibid., pp70--S 0 .

Akropolites, KODstantine (520) AkropKBarb AkropKDem


A6")'Ot; El,o,ov. LamprosPP ill, pp292-308.

E6..,€",lov. PapKer'Irop, ppJ37~149.

To 1lt)(JwTO{!f]~a roil ~Awetcv "at rije; nMlr{tcr-~)'Wl!o(" KriMyth pp131-196.

AnonKalJChrys* To ~t)(Jwr6(!'1~a rov


Ibid., ppI7-83. To pt)8wTb(!f1~a roil "LpioT(!OtJ "at rijo; ·P~6:JJVfJc;· AnonLibRhod • J .A. Lambert. Lt! roman de Libiltro. et Rhodamni. Amst.erdaro:


AnonPorik A,nonPouJ An



'0 nWl!llCo>.6-yoe;. G.Th. ZoTas. Athens: 1958. sche .... '0 n ovAo).6-yoe;. St. Krawczynski. Berliner BYlumtinisti

Arbeiten 22. Berlin: 1960. . . . h Sat 'rt in d~' ... E7ravlx;. H. Eideneier. Spano', eint! 6yzanttRUiC t 1 . . a B d 5 BerlmForm t"iner Parodie. Supplement.A Byzantm &fl . New York: 1977. V ,




AnonTetrapod * not6L6f1eaorot; 6,~,'10'(, nJV ~wwv n~v TE 'clI' ~072. Teiouni. Miscellanea Byzantina Monacensla 15. Mum . AnonTheodPal




T~ OovQr~ 8£06w(!!t' B' Uo).olo).hov . Lam-

P rosPP IV, ppl77-186. ll - vlrE(!A,J. ... nCH(, 1rEe1 rou ""1 E ...,o,,61"o'O"ff/ TotJ. Bio',,·e[a ... TOiJ .. ' ME>'Ef"LOIJ rot! 582-584 and

(in part). Sp. Lauriotou, 609-62....


5 (1921), pp

4.2 So'lrcf'S of the Late .'·'YZ'. IX (1913), pp3&3-



,. EifO fO EtJTyt>'tov "-0 VOl'uciK, HfO frI!OO'ij)"(JE T'i' '1",(101; 7rEt(!QS-WV aurov Kol >.t."Jwv (in part). Ibid., p349.

Gregoras. Nikephoros (4443) GregorasAnt

". Ao"Jo, CtVTLee'1rutoi l·S. H.-V. Beyer. Cregoras Antirrhdih I, ppI23-.31. WByzSt XU. Vienna: 1976.

GregorasDelns * 'Eep"vEio dfO TO" EVVEUiotJ 1I'£1!f. EVtJ1f"iwv ).{yyov. Migne: PC 1.£lafO. V, Laurent, AeX·

Bla..)wu. Th. Schmitt HIA RG i~( rJlJW'" M txol}.\ Ao-y" ' 19(6), pp260-Z711. 0{ .£'10 1'"", U1r£~O:-ila", BeorOtto",. 16itl., pp28()...-29....

Mat! rv{! '0'" rou Oryiot; K 00 liar"'" l ~ _ .. '... ., -... ftO rwv D"UV obr' ! K 0l1 W "'ItI. MignePG 149, ccS03-620. ,.. to'

110>"01(0. G. Papamich&el, 'Eltlt.f>&e. 1 A' (1913), pp70-71.

E1U(1rO~" rcti baUolr& G.H. KarIIMOD. Ein Philo.op";'c", Theolopchet 7hakt4t in BtiefJorm von. NiJ:ephoro, Grego ...... Codez Up ..lienn. Graee,", 18, pp7()"'-7S. Bibliot.heca • Ekmaniana 69. SLocl;holm: 1981.

Gregory of Cyprus, Patriarch of Constantinople (4590) GCypEvth

.. 'ElttWjJ,oll d~ rbv ~tlov EV8vjJ,ov,l ..ulII:6.oll M 66I.1rw,·. 8. Antonia.dou, .6.e).r .'Er .'E>..>.. ,6' (1982), pp387-t22.


.. Ao-yo",rela teO'i IJE/!. ttel} fJOUIJ6rWV 6uh'"u,... roii balou "KOcreo',,¢WI!.OtJ MOle G .G. Stauroniketianou,


r{!rn. flOA .

19 (1935), pp18D-200, 227-239.

,6untjD"EWr; jJE{!L",ij'670' fla>'oto'E'"JKWJ.l.wV el,. TOV O'vrOfte6TOeCl KVe >'6--to v . Ibi.d., cc345- 386. , '.A,lI6eOViIl:OV. 1ki., 'E"(teWjJLOV f:it; rov ovrofteQrOea fCI.1e OV cc387-.18. 'E"(ICW~'Oll

no f! Ot~lt:d.

el,. rr)v 8d>'oD"UOIV. Ihd.., cc445-.f 70.

'EJ(Ulro>'r) r~



«433--4-44. 6-

- .....·').n'u 'Axe' wv. ndtauljJlf/ X aef'-"/'v

PVGPO 18991, pp48-49.

M Tt-ru . .,



Gregory of Sinai (4601)

* n~(!i ;'utJXioc; Iter, "£ei.






MignePG 150, cc13IS-1330 . G Sin HetKepb

.... "Er£(!cr ~4M)"uQ. Ihid., ccI299-13Q.t.


. . II. Eel


TOO. rw(" 6£; ItCtBt{EUBCtt TOIJ ;'utJxarOVTO de; r,IV ~oX''JV ,,"at pr) f" axtwc; &,r,. wrou8cu. Ibill., c.c13.29-13~5 . .. KEfxiACt'o 6,' Q)(fl{)qnxUtx;. Ibitl., ccI239-13oo.




N r'



roii I(.E~. I' , D. Balfour, 9~o),.

(1982), pp700tr.

A6;oc; d("

'"'tv &,-&Ct'"

JJuolJOe¢WuUI f"oii

K veiov ~~II

'l'"1 u oU X flWf"oiJ. ldem,6Eo.\. N 8' . 4 (1981), pp644--681.

'* nEil'

;'U"tJxlot; Itol 1r"eOO"EVx;;,;. MignePG 150, ccl303-1312.

Gregory monachos (.. 602) GmonLu

.... t Blo''1C1ICfJ. ActcSS N( ember

m, pp508-S88.

Harmenopulos, KODstantine (1341) HarmBer

.... HEeL rwv oi ICQro Itcr'l!oiJc; oLf!Er-utoi. t66{QI1Qv. MignePCISO, cc 19-30.

Harm Torn

..;. Ihitl., c(:864-876. nEe' dur£w.




Ao..,Ol B' BillC.h.of AneniJ' . F-"o'" .. . , u 04el}1I JNllria.\ tuuJJ)OI .-fo XIV IIlka, 'n reUi h'iMo.. ~ J n ..• K....... and 100- 1040. NO'Vloro'{ryov.


4.2 Sources of the Late ByzllIJtine Period Jvij

Palaiologos, Michael VIII Dt vito. .uo.. H. Gregoire, B 29/30 (1959-196()),


Palamas, Gregory PalamAntirrheb 'A"'rtg~nltoi. A'

Z' "'(!"- 'A l ...... II: /.I 6V/.lO/.l • D Ko . . anOUtgaJce In FerrYOl2wtJ roil no). : ntogl&nne and ill pp39-506. Edited by P Ch Ch OrJ.lOr EU'1'1l!lxjJIJOrra,

B Ph




- ' . n3tou. Thess&.!oniki: 1962 * L1f"1'1:(U.O"(o'ilroij Ru4., I, pp7l-80.

&-o¥OtJ, Ital ..eel jUravola(

[Je,l i>.£'1f.lootJV'1(. 16id., ppOl-l02.

Tn toe r i'1 rwv

.. n aV'1"J u e U(;OI;

eW0.5lwv 1I"l! 0tTf/w


V" Tilt{x;. 16i/'., pp161-172.

roO( b."Jlou.-; &-,..our6>.0tJ.-;. nid. pp172-



. . . T'''a').f/IIWr:.o. eOlltr:. , (1976), ppI92-206. Derrett, J .D.M. "Spirit possession and the Gerasene Demoniac", Man 104 (n.s.) (I979), pp286-293. De vreesse , R. Codices Vatican. Graeci !SO-605. Vatican: 1937.

De vreesse , R. 1940.



Codieel Vaticani Cr4«i 60-1- 866 . Va.tican. Cato.1ogue de. manlUcrit.. 9 rer;1I 11:

Coi.lin. Paris: 1940.

l~ J nd8



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. Ubelab wehr In Engemann, J, "-Zur Verbreitung maglSC"er t'k" )bAChr der nichtchristlichen und christlichen Spatan Ie,

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Fabricius, J.A. Coder. PseudepigraphlU Vettn Hamburg: 1722.

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5 Selected Secondary Works



Reicke Baptism

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Ray baud , L.-P. Le OUli trale a I' . 9 ernement et l'o.d .. e empire "0 nun, .. trahon ten. (I £58-195-1). Paris: 1968. w les prem!!:"rl Po/.iolo guu

A. POlUys Reo.lenc,clopridie der I . schcft. New revised ed't' b c olftchen .A.lLertunu~len Stuttgart: 1893-. I Ion y C. Wisso wa and W Kroll~

Reicke, B. The Disobedient S .. Acta Seminarii Neo'-'-~t.Ntl ano Chrishon Bop/inn ..............entlcl U....,~I· . X . hagen: 19..6. r-olenalS III. CopenReitull5tein, R. Poimandre.· Stud' . isd.en unci' friillchristlichen Lit~r41 teLn ~r.,pl_ ur. elpZlg: 1904. Rordorf, W. "Sind Damonen gut oder bOse? B gen aur Proklos-Reuption bei Isaak Seb tok' ~ tun10 (1983), pp239-2-4-4. as rato ,JbACh,

RoU.8e, W.H.D. "Folklore from the Southern Sporades" FolJ:lore X (1899), pplSo-l73. ' Rubin, B.

"Der Furst der Damonen", BZ 4-4 (1951),


Rudwin Devil

Rudwin, M. 1931.

The Devil in Legend and Literature. London:

RuncimlLn, S. A Histor" of tile Crwad.t:,. 3 vols. Cam-bridge: 1951-195-4; Pelican Books, }971. Runciman Monichee Ru· ncunan, S . Tlte Mediaeval Monichee. Cambridge: 1955. Runciman, S. The Sicilian Vespers. Cambridge: 1958.

Russell Devil Russell Solon

Russell Lucifer

Runciman, S. bridge: 1965.

The Fall of Constantinople 1./59.

Runciman, S. bridge: 1970.






Russell, J. "The Evil Eye in Early By&antine Society: Archaeological Evidence from Anemurium in lsauria". XVI lnternationaler Bpantinisten Kongress, Wien 1981, Akten II /3. JOB 32/3 (1982), pp539-5"8. Russell, J.B. The Devil, Perceptions of Evil from Anti,uu, to Primitive Chnstionily. Ithaca, N.Y. and London: 1977. Russell, J.B. Solon, The Eorly Ghnstion noddion. Ithaca, N. Y. and London: 1981. Russell, J. B. Lucifer, The Devil in the Middle Age•. Ithaca, N.Y. and London: 19S-4. Scarborough, J., ed.

Symposium on Byzontine Medicine. DOP 38 (19S"). Schmidt, B. D4I Volb/eben der neugriet.'lten una 4" Hel· ltnisclle AlterLum. Leipzig: 187l. • .I·n to Lacl.ntitU. Schneweis, E. Angels and Demons ~tCor..1 f Waahinston, D.C.: 19.....

lx,ujv Schweizer Geu~er

BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND ABBREVI Schweizer, E. "Geister (Diimonen): ment n , RAe 9 (1916). cc688-100.


C.I Nt ,lies Test&-

~evtenk?, I. "The Decline of Byzantium seen throu h t Eyes of Ita lntellectu&1sn , DOP XV (l961), PP169--1a!. he Sevlenko, I. Etude • • ur polimique entre Thiodor M. · N· e ~I(l. chtte. t:I tciphore Choumno •. Brussels: 1002.


Sevlenko, I. "Some Autographa of Nkephorus Gregorasin Milange. O.tro90rd~JI 11, ZVI 8.2 (1 Q64). pp and 6, pp174-2S9; Bamberger AngdI, pouam. In genera) Langton EMentials should be consulted for the deve.l. opment of both Old and New Testament traditions concf'rning t~c dt'monlc powers; only specific points are noted be~~w. The sa.me_ applies. also to Russell SoLdn for t.he early Christian tradltlon, and to Bacher D.imcnet'l., BOcher c:1trVtw, Haag Teufel., Kallis Gei6lu, J~n~u m~., Kf'Hy ~on. 1"1.: .. _. Ch 1 nd Geuur. In lht'lr own particular Provata k e, LnOUV'lOl'J •• a


PART 1: THE STANDARD ORTHODOX TRAD I'flON they fell from that d" I tVtne y given rank d I perversion of angelic t h a n gory to become the d na ure t at Was d t d · a emon.c being. un ers 00 to cOnstitut,

There is no direct 'd 'fi . Ith h' ent. Cat.on of demons and angeb in rr:entioned in 4egv:1 bangels. are in late J . h " ut this IdentificatIOn Was made r e1w.s traditions,and in ' the New Testament there are severa passages h' h t he Septuagint

PS:lrn o~~.


(~IIc'~WV ~ov'1ewLl)


W Ie assume It: eternal fire is thus said e prep:,,"ed for the Devil and his angels at Matthew 25: 41 there IS also the dragon and his angels of Revelation 12: 7, 9. In the standard late BYZantine tradition, however, this ide. Was accepted .as a fundamental principle and it is expressed in numerous passages. On many occasions these passages may involve no more than a simple repetition or reworking of the 8 bi b 1icaI references, and on other occasions the assumption of this identification is revealed by setting in parallel attributes and activities of angels and demons. 9 In the majority of cases however the angelic origin of the demons is referred to directly, generall; in relation to their fall which, of course, implies it. IO



areas of specialisation. 5


The Devil also came among the angels to demand Job, Job ~ .6.


~ Ie identified with Sammael. the hlghSatan was thus, eis that figure in all of the fall stories est of the th rone angels, :d I 55- 56 g 107-112, 114 -118: also Kelly SupenJ here, see Langton Essent. pp , 6

p302. 7 d escribes he warns

. d S t I II Corinthians 12: 7 Paul The dragon is the DeVil an, a, ~n. ~a TQ/.IQ and at ibid., II : .. ' h' flesh as an alIEAor; h the )5 into into an angel of IIg t. h thorn 5 tanInmay c h ange h'mself I sed t at a ., 'd that the demons are u Thus ~sal~ 77 is quoted w;:~~~,ls~:~anEp 69.121-122, si.nne~ : God for

retn~:!:::;'a~!~:~~lbangels. God ;s...;;:n:";t~::;t!:S.

~~pe&t 'AOL.r; L.r; TY~.

against Job and ,men, 138-139 below, f demons in pumshmg men pp US~\ 25: 41 see pH and n249. psalm and for references to Ma. tHod 2 c53; ;W., 12 ccI97-200; 9 50 for example, ADlaI c "sk 25 p264; ibid., 27 p32 2,. Niph 1-4 ' h I 232' eaa .... I Anon'os B I c221; 'TheophLuke ,c861: . Nest 9 pp88.89. c7-45; p547e; MeletAlpha dl plOO, tAna8tErot 154 22' Gmon az many passages are tDion Onolfl v p • 10 Among the clea.re9 t of er: Ba.AitKak C73,.4SiH152 JKJim25 . 7 604 '1)' tAthAnt A rc h , 573' JKarp ~ c · I 111.7 c817 (from Basi, k 8 40' tJChrJob S.c K • h d288a; KantApo. rh~t a 4.23 c725; b akkA.9 GH~r~ 15 p79; G:m ~~ cl152c; PalamAnt" clOOl: also A rap ,pe' p327j Palam ep h c516; MeletAlpha Will not


his "trOV'1e See further on Go s


EphP~ec ~9~72; JDamLPhl~;~



2. The Origin and Nature of the Demons


. The fal) of ~he angels again has no detaiJed biblical

foundatIOn. but cert~m passages do aJJude to it and others were ~nder~tood as refernng to it although this was not their original mtentlOn; these passages are of particular importance because of the influence which their language had upon tbe later tradition.

In the Septuagint Isaiah 14: 12-20 is perbaps the most significant, speaking of the faU of cEwO'lc tht' lit'mons do also poSSt"M dt"siN' and knowledRe whi("h i~ not totally ('viI in thal thry dMlirt' to liv". VChr 12 (1958) pp37-·,f4. Compare too 1f"Q~1f"OvrJeO(~ AnthAth p45; GlabasNomik p349; GmonLu 55 p526e. 83 In order. Eph Pa t Tel 2 .1 p228; c f. MeletA /pha u . p3..f3. b rWI) tCQK.u1U tq)(;vgcrr1": tJChrJob 3.3 c573; cf. PalamPeter 21 dOl3,.h !e'lQrrJ< Ii "IlODTOr'1' ItQItOV and MetT John 15 p687b, lJ KaKOj-H1X· 0.1/0S". f;dsely attributed to Ephraem Syrus, see Kelly Serpt.rat pp309--310. I 137 So AnonBiosNiph 8 pIS; GCypLaz 18 p595b; GCypMarina p228. Cf. here R.ussell Satan p68 and Prov&takf" [)ia"olo.~ pp133 138 a.nd 169-1 70. 0 nth is question i n western t r ad it ions see Kelly Serpent p p 303· 304 136

BarJ 7 p82:

and 319ff.

3. ActIvity and Operation in History


the later tradition was in no doubt that he deceived her and. through her, Adam. The usual word for this was Q7rQ'Tic;w Bry Tria.d H' p150: ctJvO:{!1rOC;W AkropK Test p45: tt)"i1rTW PalamPeter 44 cl152: tnrOKAbrrw AkropK Theod pS9: ucPQ"eiw Chrysokeph c192a: V7fOUK-EAic;w ChoumNSymb p158: Kara· 1rQ)"Q~ BryLog 2 p174: 8t.)"jw PalamEkpor pBS: kijO'1TEVw GNyss Anth 20 c200. 139

For examples see BasAitKa.k 8 c348; IsaacAsk 72 p282; tJChr

Anal c799; JDamO.-th 2.10 p68: also AkropKKonst p29; AkropK Test p45; PalamPeter 44 c1l52; PalarnEkpor p85; PalamHom 16 p82; Sym ThesSym p83; ScholEvang pII. EuZigPsalt 33.14 c388 says explicitly that the Devil first "'vomited forth the poison of trickery (156),,0'>'wv) both God to men and man to God so as to bring Master into collision with servant and servant with Master ... for this was the work of the Devil from the beginning. He calumnia.ted God to Adam saying, 'God knows that on the day you eat of the tree you wiJ] be as gods'. Being jealous of you, he says, God forbade you the food.

Apart from calumny, the later tradition adopted two main alternative ways of interpreting the precise nature of the deceit, and saw it as either pride or pleasure, the latter usually being more closely defined as gluttony. The first of these two ideas originated in the Devil's statement to Eve that she and Adam would become "like gods" if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and was connected also to his own fall through pride. John Chrysostom in his Ninth Homily on the Gospel of John, uses a misquotation of Sirach 10: 13, saying that pride (v7r£Il7Jif)(:~v{a:) is the beginning of sin, 142 and continues,143 It was thus that the first·formed Iman] fell from that blessed way of life, it was thus also that the Devil who deceived him was brought down from that height of dignity; as a result the polluted one, knowing that the nature of this sin was sufficient even to cast down from those heavens, took this cOUf3e when he tried to bring down Adam from such honour. Having puffed him up (cPvt:1t1oa() with the promise of equality with God (Tt11; WOO€iOI;), he thus destroyed him and cast him down into the pits of hell.

John Damaskenos puts this view with equal clarity, 14-'1 For the envious demon who hates the good, having brought himself down through conceit, could not bea.r Iman] to obtain the things above; as a result the liar entices the wretch by hope of divinity and, leading him up to the same height of conceit (l"..o~ot.(). brings him down to the same pit of the fall. Sirach reads, ""On &:~X;, Q1r€(!'1q,aviac; aJ.l.o~ri.a". .JChrJohn 9 c72j cf ibid., 7 a lIic;) of the fruit.

The fall is connected especially with gluttony by Theophylakt of Bulgaria when commenting on the temptation of Jesus by the Devil ,147 The enemy first attacks him with gluttony

("10:(7; fH--

JlQlnia), which he also [used) against Adam. for he 1