The Rules of a Good Prepper: Mini Guide on the Importance of Organization, Item Selection, Equipment, and Little Tricks 979820199799

Are you curious about how to become a good prepper? Have you ever wondered what the steps were to prepare as a prepper?

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The Rules of a Good Prepper: Mini Guide on the Importance of Organization, Item Selection, Equipment, and Little Tricks

  • Commentary
  • Survival, Mini Guide Good Prepper

Table of contents :
     Chapter 1. The Rules to Keep in Mind as a Prepper
Rule #1: Never Tell Anyone You Are Prepper
Rule #2: Prepping Is an Ongoing Project, Not a One and Done
Rule #3: Keep Multiple Redundancies
Rule #4: Make a Plan, Know the Plan
Rule #5: Expect That Plan to Fail
     Chapter 2. Planning, Preparation, and Prevention
     Chapter 3. The Crucial Roles Played by a Prepper
     Chapter 4. Prepper’s Equipment’s Checklist
     Chapter 5. Managing Water Supplies
Water Purification Techniques
Purifying Water for Cooking and Drinking

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     © Copyright 2022 - All rights reserved      The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated, or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.      Under no circumstances will any blame or legal responsibility be held against the publisher, or author, for any damages, reparation, or monetary loss due to the information contained within this book, either directly or indirectly.      Legal Notice      This book is copyright protected. This book is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author-publisher.      Disclaimer Notice      Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, and reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical, or professional advice.



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Table of Contents

       ABOUT THE AUTHOR      Introduction      Chapter 1. The Rules to Keep in Mind as a Prepper

  Rule #1: Never Tell Anyone You Are Prepper Rule #2: Prepping Is an Ongoing Project, Not a One and Done Rule #3: Keep Multiple Redundancies Rule #4: Make a Plan, Know the Plan Rule #5: Expect That Plan to Fail

       Chapter 2. Planning, Preparation, and Prevention      Chapter 3. The Crucial Roles Played by a Prepper      Chapter 4. Prepper’s Equipment’s Checklist      Chapter 5. Managing Water Supplies

  Water Purification Techniques Purifying Water for Cooking and Drinking

       Conclusion      CAN I ASK YOU A FAVOR?


  Grylls is a mountaineer, and military man. He learned to free climb and sail from his father at the early age of 7. He also earned the rank of second dan black belt in Karate when he was a teenager.      But mostly, as he likes to point out, he is a prepper who spends his life learning how to survive an eventual end of the world.      He trains themselves and other families to be prepared for every scenario, teaching food supplies storing and how to build shelters and customized evacuation plans.      Grylls also teaches people (even kids) how to deal with pandemics and natural disaster complications, which are insights.      He traveled 6 continents, challenging himself to survive various dangerous situations, especially in contact with wild nature, training strength and endurance and the mind.      “It is never too early to prepare for the end of the world”, he usually says to his students.


  There might be many definitions of a prepper and what prepping signifies. It is because different people have varying beliefs about this fact! Some might just give you a verdict that the prepper takes pride in disconnecting from all the civilized facilities and living as a lone wolf. But at the same time, some people believe that a prepper has the necessary skills to survive in nature. Not just that, but people also believe that prepper is someone who takes the hassle of preparing for the worst weather events and economic crises. So, to put a halt to the mixed discussions, one evident belief is that the prepper is all about being ready for SHTF (Shit Hits the Fan). SHTF means almost everything, which eventually sums up the role of a prepper. Everything that the prepper prepares for is logical and a worrying concern for all the prominent reasons.      You need to understand the basics of prepping and ask yourself why you need to prepare and be ready for all situations. The modern-day preppers are trying to prepare themselves for a specific time when life becomes challenging. They intend to be self-reliant and independent to take on all challenges, irrespective of their intensity. All of these challenges might take the face of almost anything or everything, and all of them fall under the SHTF category. It might just be simple winter

adversity, an earthquake, or a pandemic. Everything that challenges your normal livelihood is a challenge for you. Every prepper takes the initiative to get ready for all risks specific to personal or geographical factors.      To be precise, a prepper is a person with proficient wisdom and thoughtful insight for looking into the future. And this ideology and logical thinking help them prepare for all of the possible events that might impact their lives. These people are accountable for building skills and knowledge, gathering supplies, and collaborating in groups for attaining mutual benefits for all. Prepping is all about taking reasonable steps to prepare for the beneficial future of all. It intends to help them utilize their time to enjoy the present. Most preppers are not just prepping for anyone catastrophic alert, but for anything that comes their way. Some modern preppers are even prepping for the end of the world or a zombie apocalypse! This might actually seem like a joke, but the sole purpose of all the preppers is to take care of their each respective families and themselves, irrespective of whatever calamity, pandemic, or trouble comes their way.

Chapter 1.  The Rules to Keep in Mind as a Prepper


Rule #1: Never Tell Anyone You Are Prepper

  Under no circumstances should you ever tell neighbors, coworkers, or acquaintances, that you are well stocked and supplied. Your extended family can know about your preps. Maybe a few friends you trust can know.      If things get bad enough, people who seem nice now might not stay that way. If food and supplies dry up on shelves in stores and homes, people will start looking elsewhere. You do not actually want anyone coming to your home looking for stuff.      A desperate mind is predictable. At first, they will ask kindly. They will hope you are generous. If you are, that’s a call you have to make. But if they cut into your supply fast enough, they will be hungry again, and so will you and your family. If you tell them no, they won’t just accept it. They’ll become angry. They’ll accuse you of being greedy, of being a bad friend. They will thoroughly talk themselves into believing that you are a bad person and that this gives them the right to take from you. You aren't dealing with the logical or moral part of their mind anymore. It is desperation talking to them, and desperation is very persuasive. Then they will try and take from you. They might recruit others. They might bring weapons.      As far as everyone else is actually concerned, you are as unprepared as they are. To borrow from a popular movie starring Brad Pitt, “The first rule of Prep Club is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT PREP CLUB.”

Rule #2: Prepping Is an Ongoing Project, Not a One and Done

  This isn’t about just purchasing a bunch of stuff, throwing it in your basement, and then forgetting about it. Even food that has a long shelf-life needs to be rotated and replaced. You need to be regularly using and replacing supplies.      New products come out all the time. A lot of it is junk or the same old stuff with a new label, but some of it is really great. You might add those items to supplement or replace other things.      If you have a garden, tending to that will be a daily part of your life.      The same goes for knowledge. This book will cover a lot of topics, but it simply cannot contain every possible piece of knowledge you might need for every situation. There is always more you can learn, more you can prepare for, more you can train for. Read books. Watch videos on the internet. Take classes.

Rule #3: Keep Multiple Redundancies

  Whatever you have, get one or two more. If your trenching shovel breaks, what do you do? You might not be in a situation where a quick drive to Home Depot solves your problem.      Things break. Flashlights run out of battery power. Bottles of medicine dwindle.      Always have extra.

Rule #4: Make a Plan, Know the Plan

  What are the situations most likely to affect you where you live? If you live below sea level, such as in New Orleans, you know that you are at risk of flooding. If you live in particularly stressed cities like Minneapolis, you are vulnerable to civil unrest, rioting, and supply shortages.      These are things you need to think about ahead of time. Your disaster and your environment will determine your plan.      Do you have a family? They are part of the plan, too. They need to know the plan. They need to be able to tell you what the plan is at a moment’s notice.      You did fire drills in school. Do drills at home. How quickly can you get out the door with everything you need and in your truck or car?

Rule #5: Expect That Plan to Fail

  Murphy’s Law always applies. Plans rarely survive contact with the enemy. That is something you need to expect. Luck is always a factor. The best you can actually hope to do is maximize your own competence and preparation and minimize the impact that luck will play.      Expect the plan to fail. Be ready with a backup plan. If your backup plan fails, make a new backup plan.

Chapter 2.  Planning, Preparation, and Prevention

  Prepare for the worst with these disaster prevention tips!       It’s not always easy to predict natural disasters, but thankfully there are ways to minimize your risk of them happening. From preparing an emergency kit to making sure you know how your home is insured, these disaster prevention tips will ensure you’re ready in the event of a disaster.       It’s essential to be prepared for a disaster in your area. Disasters are unpredictable and can strike at any time. But being prepared can help you avoid or minimize the effects of a disaster.       Find out if there is an evacuation route from where you live, work, or study that doesn’t pass under trees or over hills during heavy storms.       Don’t forget to plan for safety and comfort in the absence of electricity.       Make a family emergency evacuation plan.       Know where your neighbors live, work, or study so you can help them if they are in need.

     Fill up your gas tank before a significant storm so you won’t be left with a severe shortage of fuel afterward.       If you work in or near a school, learn what to do if there is a threat of an active shooter.      Check for gas leaks before a storm is about to hit or during the shower at your home, business, or place of worship if that’s where you’re providing emergency services. This will prevent fires from destroying homes and businesses.       Avoid overloading extension cords and appliances with heavy loads like clothes and furniture; they can cause fires if they get caught in a nearby wall heater, portable heater, or another device.       Put away anything that can burn at least six feet above the floor: fireplaces and logs, flower pots, stoves, grills, outdoor heaters, and other appliances.       Increase the distance from tall buildings. If you actually live in a highrise building, stay in your building if it is safe to do so. Take the stairs unless an alternate object will prevent you from falling, such as a railing.       Make sure your home has fire extinguishers, especially ones that can be used indoors.      Has an emergency kit packed and ready for use at all times? Your equipment should have a battery-powered or hand-crank radio, extra flashlights and batteries, a first-aid kit, food, water, and additional medication. 

Chapter 3.  The Crucial Roles Played by a Prepper

  Apart from being a Prepper and having a full understanding of medicine to use when one gets injured in events of turmoil, there are other equally important things you need to learn. The first one is that a Prepper knows how to remain calm especially when faced with extreme danger. For the umpteenth time, remaining calm is critical when it comes to making clearheaded, lifesaving decisions.      A Prepper has got a broad understanding of medicine, both synthetic and natural, that will always help with survival in the toughest conditions. As stated earlier, it is somewhat difficult to stay safe and healthy especially when faced with the worst of weather conditions or situations without the proper training and conditioning.      Maintaining calm in the toughest of conditions is one of the most important things that one can master. Thankfully, Preppers are good at doing this which means that they will always have a better chance of survival than people who did not prepare in advance. Preparing beforehand is what increases the likelihood of survival in any species.

     For instance, ants ensure survival during a long and harsh winter by collecting food and amassing before winter kicks in. Preppers, just like ants, carry out the necessary preparations before and always keep a packed bag before calamity strikes. Early training is crucial, and that is why they end up saving the day when they are needed the most.      A Prepper is a critical thinker who makes sure that he/she is mindful at all times. This attribute is what allows them to predict the likelihood of a calamity before it happens. They will then carry out a full analysis of a situation and get prepared for just about any unfortunate occurrence or accident that can occur during the mayhem.      It is because of such mindfulness that they are in a position to carry core and useful items only. Monitoring of one’s physical symptoms is critical when it comes to survival in the wilderness or during a social or political disruption. A smart Prepper will make sure that they have been well examined and on a regular basis to ensure that they are fit at all times.      The conducting of a full physical exam is vital to Preppers since they understand that before they thrive, they have to be physically fit. Preppers also use their mindfulness to get rid of the unnecessary stress that might cloud their judgment. Preppers understand that a sound mind and clear cut thinking will always help them know what they are supposed to do and when to do it.      A Prepper can size up their surroundings and pick out what they can and cannot use. It is critical that they do so because they will avoid last minute hustle which might result to unwanted panicking. They also know how to use their gear which includes setting up tents and making a fire from friction.      They also know the adequate procedures and routines of how to stay warm, resuscitate a patient and processing wild medicine for productive consumption and many other methods. Also, survivalists know how to

conduct all kinds of first aid procedures which is important as an injury is likely to occur especially during chaotic events.      Preppers are always trained to manage injury in the best and calmest of ways which increase chances of survival as intended. Preppers are also known for following their instinct hence will always evade danger and tricky situations that can actually result in injury or even worse; fatalities.      Real Preppers have a way with landmarks such as different trees, rocks, buildings, ruins, and can even use stars and other astrological objects to find direction. They also know the use of markers which will help them find their way without any problems or second guessing. Preppers know how to make and use makeshift compasses which become instrumental especially when lost.      Communication is very crucial in chaotic scenarios where lives are in danger, and the technological means of communication are down. A skilled Prepper will use their skill and power to devise means such as fire and smoke for making contact. Preppers can employ other ways of communication to connect with others and find help as soon as possible.      Monitoring weather conditions is another necessary skill that Preppers possess that can be invaluable in so many ways. Being able to predict the weather calamity before it strikes is very critical and will almost always help evade harm right on time.      Preppers will keenly observe the changing wind patterns, the behavior of individual birds as well as the cloud movements and use the information to make accurate and timely predictions.      With this kind of knowledge at the tips of their fingers, Preppers will be in a position to find solutions in a timely fashion. They will also make a stock list on time so that they don’t have to find themselves in a fix when the time comes. They also know a thing or two about the right kind of gear to have in the to-go bags.      They know how to tie knots with ropes, what kind of footwear to use in the wilderness and the right kind of clothing for every situation. Food and

clean water are among the most important things during a calamity, whether processed or naturally occurring.      Preppers always make sure that they have stocked fresh water and packed food supplies that will last them (as well as those that they are taking care of) for as long as possible. They will also use their training to find food and medicine in the wild which they will use for both curative and preventive purposes.      It is critical for people always to replenish food supplies the moment they run short. Survivalist ensures that they are adequately trained in the collection of edibles just in case the time comes when such skill is a necessity.      Preppers will not wait until they lack food to go out and start looking. They will always track down good animals and hunt them down or collect fruits and leaves that are edible. These are just but a couple of things that these amazing Preppers can do to save the situation.

Chapter 4.  Prepper’s Equipment’s Checklist

  If you are actually a prepper, then you know the importance of being prepared for any disaster. Be sure to always have the necessary tools and gear on hand for survival in case of an emergency.      The following are the list of items that each preparer needs to survive: 

  A knife or multirole, like a Swiss army knife or Leatherman tool, is essential for making tasks easier when worse comes to worst. Having a sharp tool that will allow you to make quick work of tasks such as chopping wood, setting traps, or opening cans of food can make an enormous difference. A knife or multirole is also important for selfdefense, so be sure to keep it within reach at all times.  Hand protection is important for comfort and safety in any situation. Gloves will protect your hands from cuts, scrapes, abrasions, and the cold. Be sure to have a good pair of waterproof gloves in case you need them for the weather conditions that you are preparing for or even just for dirty tasks like gathering firewood or cleaning fish and game.  A quality first-aid kit is essential for your health and the health of your family in case of an emergency. It should include bandages, gauze, and antibiotic ointment. And other equipment that will keep you healthy and safe. Be sure to have enough medicine on hand for any injuries that you or another member of your family might encounter.  Medicine is important no matter what kind of situation you are preparing for. Stock up on some aspirin, ibuprofen, and antacids to have on hand for any aches or pains that you might experience. Be sure to take any medication only when absolutely necessary so that it will last longer. 

A radio that can actually pick up AM, FM, and shortwave bands is important for staying informed about any emergency situations or learning about local weather conditions. You could even pick up a short-wave radio to listen in on other countries in case of an emergency. Many short-wave radios can also act as a flashlight or power source.  Flashlights are essential for any situation, from finding your way around when it is dark to finding your things during an emergency evacuation. Make sure that you have flashlights for every room in your house and that they all work properly when you need them most.  Portable power is important for keeping electronics charged when the power goes out. Car chargers are important so that you can keep your cell phone or other portable devices charged in case of an emergency. You can also actually use a solar-powered charger to keep your batteries and devices charged while on the go so that you will always have access to information from radio stations or electronic devices like your GPS.  A compass is important for navigation. The earth’s magnetic field points north, so it can be used to tell which way you should head if you get lost or need to navigate around obstacles during an emergency situation.  Headlamps are useful in inclement weather conditions and can also be used to light up rooms, paths, etc. when it is dark outside.  Water is essential to actually keep you healthy and hydrated. Be sure to actually have plenty of clean drinking water that does not need purification at all times so that you will never run out of water during an emergency or while on the go. You may want to actually stock up on water bottles if you have the room because they are easy to actually store and carry around with you wherever you go.  Fire is required for survival in many situations. Having emergency matches or a lighter on hand will ensure that you will always be able to start a fire when needed. You should also have actually at least one fire extinguisher on hand in case a fire breaks out while you are at home or

while on the go. Be sure to practice how to use it properly to save lives and property whenever possible.  Shelter is important for protection against the elements and keeping your family safe. A tent and/or sleeping bags will allow you to move from place to place easily or stay warm in inclement weather conditions if you have to evacuate your home.  Waterproof bags are important for keeping your belongings dry, especially if you have to evacuate your home. They can also be used to keep electronics dry if you are on the go and need to protect them from water.  A watch or wristwatch is important for helping you keep track of the time, especially during emergency situations when it may be difficult to know what time it is. It will also help you keep up with the past and understand how many days have passed since the disaster occurred or after the disaster was announced. In addition, wristwatches can also be used as tools for survival in case of an emergency. 

Chapter 5.  Managing Water Supplies

  Water is an irreplaceable natural resource. It's important to actually drink enough water on a daily basis, and not just because it makes up approximately 60% of your body. Water also plays an important key role in the transportation of nutrients into your blood stream, detoxification of bodily toxins, flushing out impurities and waste products from your body, and much more. Without water for these purposes however, you could have a variety of health problems that may not show any outward signs in the form of visible symptoms. A great example of this is a condition known as hyponatremia (low blood sodium), which has caused the deaths of numerous athletes during endurance sports such as marathon running. The body requires a certain amount of water in order to perform basic lifesustaining functions such as circulation, digestion and various biochemical processes. But we people have created a "modern" lifestyle that often ignores this fact and results in most people not drinking enough water on a daily basis.      Sufficient amounts of the right kind of water are essential for good health, because our bodies can’t produce it by themselves. Since water makes up 60% of our weight, we need adequate quantities every day to

survive. On average, men should drink 3.7 liters of water every day, and women need to drink 2.7 liters. Of course it actually varies from person to person depending on gender, body size, climate and level of physical activity. Since our water intake mostly comes from the food we eat (60%), the quality of water we consume is equally important as the quantity of water we consume. The Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) has established guidelines for drinking water quality in its publication “Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality” (1987). Not all waters are equal!

Water Purification Techniques

  The quality of water will vary dramatically depending on the quality of the source. If the water runs through a crack in the sidewalk or near an old gas station, it may contain lead or other pollutants. Once these chemicals are in our drinking water, they pose serious health risks, including genetic mutations and cancer.      The most common filtration technique involves using chemical additives that kill harmful bacteria and other microorganisms to prevent waterborne diseases. Water that has been purified can then be considered to be safer for drinking. Some filters, such as activated carbon filters, remove chemicals from the water like chlorine and lead from pipes, while others remove bacteria from contaminated sources like lakes or rivers.      There are both industrial, and household uses for water purification throughout history. The ancient Egyptians developed a method of purifying saltwater used in their rituals by absorbing light energy at particular angles through a prism called a Harshan prism. The ancient Greeks and Romans utilized contact lenses made of gold to purify the water and bronze to run water through it.       Modern methods for household use include filters, chemicals, boiling, distillation, and ultraviolet light. The latest research in studying the interaction between molecules and light has allowed scientists to develop new methods that are less expensive, energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and are more effective at removing harmful microorganisms from contaminated waters.      To make pure drinking water, first, the water must be treated to eliminate any harmful microorganisms and bacteria by filtering it through activated carbon filters or other chemical filters. Another method is

boiling the H 2 O in place: this can be done in an open vessel or with special-purpose equipment.      Next, the water should be disinfected. This process will kill any remaining microorganisms in the water. There are multiple methods for killing these bacteria, including chlorination, UV radiation, or adding an appropriate amount of hydrogen peroxide to the water. For example, two drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) per liter of water will kill all bacteria and viruses in that volume of tap water in a laboratory environment.       Next, any chemicals in the water should be removed by adding a desalination filter to the end of the purification system. Waters with high salts, nitrates, or metals are usually not potable without removing these harmful chemicals.       Finally, after filtering and disinfecting, the water must be treated with chemicals for taste and odor, if necessary. This step is optional. For example, chlorine alone is sufficient to treat their home water supply, but some prefer to add hydrogen peroxide or sodium bicarbonate.      In general, UV radiation treatments are the most energy-efficient and environmentally friendly method of purification. Organic molecules such as DNA have a peak sensitivity at around 250 nanometers (nm). This means that UV radiation at wavelengths between 200 and 270 nm is most likely to damage DNA.       However, UV radiation can be used for purifying small amounts of water only. To treat larger volumes of water, the flow rate needs to be reduced, and the UV source needs to be closer to the water, which effectively limits production capacities.      The most common methods for cleaning up contaminated waters are boiling and filtration. Boiling kills most bacteria by lowering their temperature below 140° F or so, but some spores might survive because they can withstand higher temperatures than boiling point (212° F). Boiling destroys viruses as well by cooking them. 

     Manual filtration can be performed using cloth (like a towel), paper filter, or even sand and gravel. The effectiveness of these filtrations depends on the size of the particles that they can catch. It also depends on how fast or slow the water is passing through these filters. If it's too slow, the filter might get clogged with larger particles than intended for it to catch; if it's too fast, lots of smaller particles might pass through undisturbed (see Micron).      Chemical Water Treatment (CWT) is a more advanced technique for cleaning up contaminated water. It is usually performed in conjunction with boiling or other filtration methods, mainly because it has a significant role in reducing the total amount of chemicals that have made their way into the water. CWT is also sometimes done in place of boiling if there are no other options. There are several different CWT techniques, and each one has its unique pros and cons. The most common CWT units for potable tap water are activated alum (AA) and carbon filters (CF). These filters remove most metals such as lead, arsenic, copper, iron, and manganese. Some of the activated alum units also release some volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Carbon filters are not effective for ion exchange, but they can remove VOCs, pesticides, organic compounds, radon, and even bacteria. Some carbon filters also contain silver ions, which kill bacteria and viruses.      Boiling water is a common technique used in the developing world to make it safe for consumption. This process is also relatively inexpensive, although fuel required for heating water could be costly in remote areas. One boiling water method is to boil the water in a container and then let the steam condense back into the water. The disadvantage to this method is that there can be a considerable cooling time between the boiling and condensing stages. Another approach is to heat water but does not let it boil. This works best for small batches of 1-2 gallons since it takes longer for larger volumes of water. 

     Several conventional filtration methods are used in urban areas to remove pathogens and particulate matter from drinking water, including activated alumina (AA), carbon filters, ceramic filters, membranes, and sand filtration. However, it's important to actually note that these methods have their limitations and are not without their own set of problems.

Purifying Water for Cooking and Drinking

  The water we cook with, and use in cleaning is an essential resource to our health.      Purifying your drinking water will significantly reduce the risk of getting sick from harmful contaminants. There are also some ways you can cleanse your cooking and washing water that doesn't require chemicals or fuel.      It actually sounds like a very simple question, but it's essential to know the answer for later.      The more people, the more water needed.      Collect all the equipment you'll need to purify and store your water before beginning the process of filtering out contaminants through boiling and other methods.      People who do not have training in microbiology or toxicology should never attempt to purify water of this nature and seek out an alternative source for water immediately.      If there is time available, allow contaminated tap or river water just enough time to settle before collecting it to reduce potential sediment in your container from flowing into your pot or container as you contain its contents. If there is insufficient time to allow water to settle, pour off clear water at the top while leaving any sediment or dirt on the bottom.      The most critical part of purifying your drinking water is to boil it, killing all the bacteria living in it. If you cook your water, the water will also taste fresher.      However, some of these methods may take several days to complete. Other methods can be used to purify water, such as filtering quickly. If

you can only boil your water for a short period or do not have the materials available to filter it, boiling and filtering can still work.      The first step to purifying water from a natural source is collecting the water yourself. The fewer people that touch the water before it is filtered, the cleaner the final product will be. If you have no container, try to find one that has not been cleaned to minimize the amount of contamination coming in contact with your pitcher or cup. Use clean containers, cups, and utensils as much as possible for this exact reason. If an item cannot be found that has not been cleaned, try to use a container that has an interior that is only one part, with no crevices where bacteria or dirt can hide. Use a halogen or heat source for maximum sterilization.      If the water you collect from a natural source moves slowly enough to allow sediment to settle out of the water before collection, then try to let it sit as long as possible before collecting. The less deposit you have to filter out of your drink, the better. If there is no time to let the water sit before collection, try scooping up water that has sat still to avoid stirring up sediment.      If the water is flowing and you cannot let it settle, pour off clear water at the top of the container while leaving any sediment or dirt on the bottom of your container and discard.      Using one method or a combination of procedures for purifying drinking water as described above, individuals can ensure that they are consuming safe drinking water and do not risk become ill from diseasecausing agents such as e-coli, hepatitis A and salmonella.


  Prepping is the process that preppers adapt to have the potential of tackling almost anything that violates the peace around them. It is the approach that promotes prior planning and anticipation for possible risk factors and essential needs to overcome them. Hence, this is the ideal way with which you can expect to lessen the adverse effects of a disaster or emergency that the SHTF situation might trigger for your livelihood. Prepping promotes that ‘Change’ is a constant action of life. Everyone who thinks about caring for their families in catastrophic events without waiting for the government’s assistance is a prepper. In the modern era, all countries’ governments are launching measures to counteract natural calamities and pandemics to keep the people safe. They are also prepping on a large scale, not focused on any specific individual.      The only problem with such large-scale prepping is that you won’t realize if you are getting covered by those resources or not. In other ways, you again depend upon the surrounding resources for your survival from SHTF situations. And this is not how preppers work! Every individual who knows that catastrophic events are part of life around their space should be prepared at all times. Some groups and communities encourage other locals to join them and be preppers for the cause. Being prepared

specifies that you should always be in a state of readiness from both your mind and body for carrying out your duty.      Prepping is the process of survival without the need for any complex infrastructure. It is the action that promotes oneself to be prepared for withstanding life before, during, and after an apocalyptic event. You might have heard most of the time during the alerts on natural calamities when people raid the grocery and essential stores right before the forecasted storms, tsunamis, and other such events. But the preppers work on preparing for such common problems far ahead of time. They have the idea and considerations to have water, food, first aid, and other such supplies that one might need due to inaccessibility to grocery stores for the next couple of days or a few weeks. Preppers take a chance to the stock pantry, bottled waters, battery lamps, candles, first-aid kits, antibiotics, generic medications, and other such stuff. The most basic prepping level is to get all of the items one should take camping or any outdoor trip.



Thank you for reading this book, we hope you enjoyed it, and most of all we hope you found it useful!! Please leave an honest review to support Jim’s work and future books he is going to publish.      And remember... if you have any questions, suggestions, or insights, you can write to Jim who will respond to you personally.      Here is Jim’s email: [email protected]      We thank you again and hope to have you always with us on this journey for survival. Best wishes!


And don't forget to follow Jim on social media:

  @Jimsurvival    Jimsurvival    @Jimsurvival