The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love

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The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love

Table of contents :
Who Can Read, Use This Book?
Book Using Rule, Permission
Author Bodhi Udumbara
Chapter 1: Understand The Current World Financial System & Global Conflict
Chapter 2: Redefine Currency, What Is Money Truly Mean?
Chapter 3: Wonder, Question, Crafting Solution
Chapter 4: Theory, Possible Policies For The New Global Monetary System
Solution 1: Keep The National Fiat Currencies Money But Agree New International Rules On Economic Trade
Solution 2: Have New Official International Currencies
Solution 3: New NonProfit Giveaway Currency
Solution 4: Treat Economy Trading Like A Real Sport
Solution 5: Real Digital Currency
Chapter 5: Which System Is The Best One?
Chapter 6: Implementing The New World Financial System In Real Life
List Of Bodhi Udumbara’s Books
Donation Methods Wallets

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The New World 100% Fiat Currency Monetary System

The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love Book Table of Contents Who Can Read, Use This Book?.................................................................................5 Book Using Rule, Permission......................................................................................6 Author Bodhi Udumbara.............................................................................................7 Introduction.................................................................................................................8 Chapter 1: Understand The Current World Financial System & Global Conflict.......9 Chapter 2: Redefine Currency, What Is Money Truly Mean?...................................10 Chapter 3: Wonder, Question, Crafting Solution.......................................................12 Chapter 4: Theory, Possible Policies For The New Global Monetary System..........13 Solution 1: Keep The National Fiat Currencies Money But Agree New International Rules On Economic Trade.............................................................14 Solution 2: Have New Official International Currencies...................................18 Solution 3: New NonProfit Giveaway Currency................................................21 Solution 4: Treat Economy Trading Like A Real Sport......................................23 Solution 5: Real Digital Currency......................................................................24 Chapter 5: Which System Is The Best One?.............................................................26 Chapter 6: Implementing The New World Financial System In Real Life...............30 Conclusion.................................................................................................................33 List Of Bodhi Udumbara’s Books.............................................................................34 Donation Methods Wallets........................................................................................35 Copyright...................................................................................................................38

Who Can Read, Use This Book? This book designed for everyone, every entities, every group, every nations, every governments who are interested in world economy affair and the new global financial system which are currently being “fight” between many difference groups, nations. This book will be also a good resources for all kind of investor, bankers, financial companies, schools to learn, to study, to know more about the future of this world especially around finance. There is no age limited and everybody from all different background can read this book. Original Author, Bodhi Udumbara

Book Using Rule, Permission You must obtain this book in legal way to respect my works and also to help you become a better person. You are not allowed to sell, share, trade any ideas, information in this book to any beings/entities under any circumstance for whatever purpose and in any method. Each copy is allow for maximum 1 person reading/using. All the contents, ideas in this book is belongs to me Bodhi Udumbara. The content, information in this book is designed for personal and small entities (less than 10 persons) read only. If you want to use any ideas, information in this book for either commercial purpose or large audience/citizens, you are required a special permission from me the owner/author of this book. Some examples such as: - You want to translate the book to your local language and/or sell it for your local people. - Use the solution/idea in this book to implement any government policy. etc. The specific permission requirement is based on case to case. You are free to promote/introduce this book to any beings, entities, the public people including put the book title on any newspaper, websites, blog, video, etc. Original Author, Bodhi Udumbara Copyright © Bodhi Udumbara

Author Bodhi Udumbara Bodhi Udumbara is my pen name. I am just a normal person like most of you but with many crazy out-of-box ideas, vision. I want to make the society become more fair, fun, interesting for all. The best way to make it happen is using new words, information, that is the reason I will use new books like my secret weapon to help you, your family, your nation and this world. English is not my first language and I do not care much about grammar. I want my writing style is unique too, thus I do not want to fix or change my “broken” English language. Because the most important things is idea, the meaning of the message, content, information. Thus, it is a wise choice to keep it simple, short, direct to the point. So I hope you the readers can accept it like a signature writing style, rather than a “weakness”. My books will mostly focus on human evolution, people, health, lifestyle, society, civilization. I do not have any official profile on the internet such as social media, forum, website, etc. so be careful. The only way to contact me is either via phone or physical in-person meeting. You should only contact me if have any serious business related to my works involved. Thank You, Bodhi Udumbara

Introduction The world are in great danger, many nations, groups are fighting each other due to the unfair world financial system conflict. Without a perfect fair solution, this endless fight won’t end till the total complete collapse of this entire civilization. After spending a lot of days, months and years to analyse, testing, crafting many theories and possible solutions, now I have finally found a perfect one. So I decide to write this book to share my vision, my solutions for the world economic financial system. The dominant of the US Dollar/Euro in the international trading market will come to an end. The one way street policy of the current financial system based on asset backed will end, and it will replace with the new two way street system. The people will get more power, especially the private sector. All national government will still have full power to control their nation’s society system and will freely printed endless local fiat money if they want without any restriction or limitation. This book is designed for all people, all entities especially the one in the financial banking industry, economic, business, and government. This information, the ideas in this book is the one that all nations, all conflicted groups are waiting for. All the contents in this book is for read-only purpose, not allow to using in real life under any circumstance no matter who you are, what is your group, unless you receive the special permission from me the original author. Obtain, read this sacred book to know the future, to increase your power knowledge.

Chapter 1: Understand The Current World Financial System & Global Conflict Since ancient times, many nations go war with others mostly because of so called “natural resources” such as gold, silver and in the modern day are oil, gas, etc. The global conflict between nations is all about the current international financial system because there is a secret hidden rule for the current world monetary system that only top government officer and few certain beings/entities truly know. Why? Because If all nations can print endless fiat money paper without any restriction, then you cannot have any foreign currency exchange rate like you are seeing and using like the present moment in 2020s. Thus it must based on certain set of rules such as either natural resources and/or moral but this rule is “behind the screen”. Because of that secret restrictions, many nations cannot have their wanted policies about everything especially around economic, wealth. And you need to understand the number 1 top priority of most normal citizens is money/wealth and jobs. But you also need to understand that all national government also do not want go back using real gold, silver like the ancient times since it will destroy many nations and people life since you have limited natural resources in real life.

So the only option left is find a new perfect solution for the current international monetary system based on fully 100% fiat money which all national government will agree on (or at least top 10 most biggest, influence nations). Only by then, the current world chaos and nations conflict can removed.

Chapter 2: Redefine Currency, What Is Money Truly Mean? Since ancient times till modern day, there are two (2) major types of “currency”: the natural resources and the fiat money paper. - All natural resources such as gold, silver, bronze are the currency but also act as physical items. - Fiat money is also currency but not an actual physical item. Currency is a “trust” between people in the society but it is also the symbol of cooperation between humans in Earth environment. You may not need gold, silver, bronze to live, to survive. But you must need foods, drink such as rice, pasta, apple, banana, grape, etc. to live. You cannot use gold, silver to exchange for those foods, drinks but you must work hard. In order for you to obtain all kind of different foods around the world in many different locations, there are a lot of people who are working, contributing in this big grand society system. After foods, drinks to survive, the next objective of humans is culture, evolution. But what are these mean? It begin from religions first, then it is about each ideology of each group/beings about how the society system should be. Thus currency now also become the “vision leader” or “way navigator” of human development and evolution. Example: capitalism vs socialism, nationalism vs globalism, free vs non-free, etc. But since there are a lot of different ideologies then the question is who is correct? What idea is correct so are people/nation should follow? The answer is too complicated and there is no such think as perfect specific ideology because each one are both “correct” and “wrong” (depend on the situation of living environment). How money, currency should be printed/issued and managed? Who have the rights to manage those important item in the society? The answer is you cannot find a perfect one.

To summary, the real meaning of currency money are: - The symbol of cooperation between humans in the Earth planet environment. - The symbol of trust between humans, nations, groups. - The “vision leader” or “future navigator” of human/society development, evolution. - The new representation image of each religion in the world.

Chapter 3: Wonder, Question, Crafting Solution The population of the world are increasing overtime. The amount of Earth natural resources such as silver, gold are limited. Thus you cannot use any currency that have any “link” with natural resources but must go full 100% fiat money currency in order to “deal” with the current mindset of average humans in this society. There are only 2 options on the table: 1. Each national fiat currency money will remain but they must agree a new specific rules of “exchange rate” and “currency leading”. Because they are what matter the most, while how it being managed, issued, distributed are not really important when it come to international level. 2. Have new official international fiat currencies so there won’t need any worry about international currency exchange rate. All you need to do is form a new bigger organization than each individual nation in order to form this kind of international currency. Beside above 2 (two) options/directions, you cannot find any better solution because that is the nature of human mindset and thinking. So let’s find out how these options solution should be in the next chapter.

Chapter 4: Theory, Possible Policies For The New Global Monetary System There are many different theories and ideologies of how the new world financial system should be have been shared. But none of them are perfect that is why you seen many wars chaos today. If the Hindu use the fiat currency made by the Christianity nation on international trading, which mean the Hindu accept the Christianity religion as the world religion. If the Islam use the fiat currency made by the Jewish, which mean the Islam accept the Jewish as their leader. If they are straight forward direct battle, there is no way any specific religion come out on top. So the currency war is not only about economy but also about culture, religion and human development. Below are some of my best solutions because it will last for many hundreds if not thousands years to come in this civilization. It will only focus and design for the 100% fiat currency money, do not have any link with natural resources.

Solution 1: Keep The National Fiat Currencies Money But Agree New International Rules On Economic Trade There are 2 major factors related but not the same when come down to international economic trade: foreign currency exchange rate and cross border chosen currency. The only war for the national fiat money currencies to work is having a new official international rules which all nations must agree for cross border transactions trade. Two most important issue: currency exchange rate and the global chosen currency. * Currency Exchange Rates With the fiat money, there are 2 options in order to have the “close to perfection” exchange rates: 1. Treat fiat currency money as an actual item When you treat fiat money like an actual physical products then the currency exchange rates will base on rule of “supply demand” in economic. Then the “quantity/amount” of the money paper will be limited and will act like the new virtual asset gold/silver in the society. But the question now is what rules can make that happen? All nations need to agree: + The maximum amount/quantity of total fiat currency money that will issued in each nation. + The minimum(lowest) currency note value. The minimum value could be 1, 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000, etc. depend on each national government choice. But the maximum quantity of fiat currency money must be specific such as 1 million per 1 person or 100 trillion per 1 nation (with the lowest value assumed as 1). When that happen, the central banks no longer need to control the exchange rate because because trade between nations now will based on the basic economic rule of supply demand.

Of course nations can print more money, but they will face inflation and the maximum quantity will be limited at fixed number, thus no nations will able to “cheat” other nations. In the modern today world, it is very easy to check the fairness between nations about the total amount in quantity such as all the money printed must have observers by other nations. With that scenario, the most stable or value fiat currency will be the standard for the rest. 2. Treat fiat currency money like a mysterious things When nations are allowed to printed/issued endless fiat currency money then you cannot have any “correct formula” to determine the exchange rate because you cannot find any fair neutral goods/products that exist in all nations. The only working strategy solution here is let one single nation set the currency rates and the rest of other follow BUT only in short amount of time/period such as 1 week, 2 weeks to 1 month, 2 months at best because there are too many nations on the “queue” and want their voice to be heard. If that occur, then the exchange rates will the “correct/change” to the best possible by many different idea/mindset. 12 months – 12 nations. 52 weeks – 52 nations. All groups with different ideology will have their chance to “sharp” the currency exchange rates. The public people will be the one who will “judge” so I do not think any corrupt national government have gut to “deceive/cheat” others.

* Global Chosen Currency That is the currency will be used for all kind of international trade. You need to understand that the currency exchange rates and the global chosen currency are two separate issues. At the present moment, there are two major currencies for international trade where many nations are accept: USD, EURO and soon the RUB, CNY, IDR, etc. That number could up to 10+, so it will be very complex and not good overall. But they are not fair and not represent all other nations that have some kind of of contribution to this society. It is better to become the “absolute” King on this whole society in short amount of time than the “small” leader in small area forever ! With that kind of thinking the best solution and strategy must be the “month in month out or year in year out”. You can understand that in each year/month, 1 national currency will be the “chosen one” currency for international trade. The “chosen one” currency will be selected via either negotiation and/or public competition like sport. So your currency, your ideology, your nation, your group still “control” the whole world but only in short amount of time/period. And all major currencies, nations groups will be equal.

Example: January: USD (United States) February: RUB (Russia) March: Euro (Europe) April: CNY (China) May: GBP (United Kingdom) June: IDR (India) July: Yen (Japan) August: Franc (Switzerland) September: AUD (Australia) October: Lira (Turkiye) November: REAL (Brazil) December: Riyal (Saudi Arabia) The “month in month out” is much better option than the “year in year out” because there are so many nations, many religions and groups and no any entity willing to “wait” for 10+ years. So in conclusion for the solution 1: The “chosen one” currency and the currency exchange rate are two different problem but it is a pair if you want to use the national currency for global international trade.

Solution 2: Have New Official International Currencies If all nations want to printed endless fiat money within their nation and do not want to deal with foreign currency exchange rate, then they must create new international currency(s) for the economic cross border trade. International currency for international trade. Domestic currency for domestic trade. What what is should be and the most easy theory, solution to end the world chaos. The entity/group who is holding the national currency is national government/authority. So if you want to have new official international currency then you must find a “better, stronger” group that “above” 1 single national government/authority. Now there are only 2 types of groups that meet above condition: - Group of nations base on geography such as: Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas, Ocean Pacific. - Region groups such as: Buddhism, Islam, Hindu, Christianity, Shinto, etc. Only that kind of group have enough power to issue the new official international currency for cross border trading. The reason for more than 1 international currency is because there are many different ideologies and races, no any group willing to put hope/trust on others but want fully control thus several regional/continent currencies is the only way to go. But then you will face the similar question like in the solution 1 page which is the “chosen one” currency and/or the exchange rate. Of course, It is possible to let each nations each groups decide which new international currencies they want to use for international trading because you have limited choice. But if you want something special that truly help the society in a positive which, then you must use the strategy “month in month out” or “year in year out” like I have shared in previous pages.

How the new official international currencies being issued, managed is totally up to each group/organization. Because of multi international currencies exist at the same times but only one currency will be used, so it is possible to “manipulate” the public people to give them more hope more happiness. Example: You have 12 different international fiat currencies for 12 months. But if the rule “month in month out” is in effect then the total money needed for whole all nation trade in 1 single international currency will be much smaller than the real total amount of 12 currencies. If the quantity for whole world trade is 100 trillions (in 1 currency), then you must print 1200 trillions (for total 12 currencies) but only 100 trillions will be the “useable” currency while the rest will be just for fun and similar to worthless paper. Because in each month, there is only one “chosen one” currency, and that currency only have value in that month only, while the rest “non-chosen” currency will have zero value (in real trade for products services) in both domestic and international economy. Of course they can use it for whatever other reason such as investment or saving, etc. but does not matter at all. With that policies, the whole world economy system won’t be affect despite of endless amount of fiat currencies money in the society. But many public citizens will have much better feeling and feel more safe in term of personal finance subject. You need to understand, it is not about how much money in the society, it is always about how the money beings spent. Only the “usable” currency that matter, while the “unusable” currency is not. So this solution will not only solve the currency war but also great for society/human development as well.

The idea, information above is just raw state , while if implementing in real life, there should be some more extra additional rules to make sure the fairness between group and it must also great for the society, people, groups.

In conclusion for the solution 2: This solution is extremely good and “match” with the society development. Not only great to end world conflict and the currency wars but also help personal development and personal finance issue as well. What left is implementing in a elegant careful way to make sure it is safe, fair and fun.

Solution 3: New NonProfit Giveaway Currency This solution is not for international trading but for human society development evolution. The moral of many people are too low, many only think the only way to make money is via “profit” by using the “buy low sell high” strategy in various forms in life. All the current money that issued by national government are the “profit” currency in my opinion. There is a big room, a big untapped market for the new Nonprofit Giveaway currency/money because those market cannot be used for normal typical profit currency. So what are they? They are the soon to be throw away items/products/services such as nearly expired dates foods/drinks, the empty seat on the train/airplane or cinema/stadium, the empty room hotel/resort, the old computing software, games that are no longer for sales, etc. The mechanism of new nonprofit giveaway currency It will be full 100% nonprofit project. First: only individual personal will receive the money/currency. Second: the company/business will able to provide their soon to be worthless/throw away products/services in the new non-profit giveaway currency. In order to make it truly work there must be some basic rules to restrict the exchange with the current fiat money paper such as: - Only allow individual person to exchange it for fiat money paper. - Do not allow company to sell/exchange it to the market but the only way for them to “use” those new nonprofit currency is give to their employees. - No any tax apply for holding/buying the new nonprofit currency/money. - All companies are not allowed to have any commercial business related with the new nonprofit giveaway currency. etc.

What would happen if there is a new nonprofit giveaway currency/money appear in real life? - Educate people about money is not everything in life, there are other way to obtain products/services via nonprofit currency, thus the desire to make money via all “dirty” trick will be reduced. The people now can/must focus more about moral in living. - Help people can obtain the soon to be worthless items/services without any social image/barrier. - Give companies new way of rewarding their employees. - Save the wasteful products, thus will save the environment directly. - Reduce the inflation in the society because the new nonprofit giveaway money will become a new investment object. - People who with a lot of the new nonprofit giveaway money will feel more happy, less worry about money in life. The list of benefit are endless. It is also very safe to implement this idea/project because it is nonprofit and do not have any direct link with the current world financial system. But the benefits for the people, for the society will be enormous. This solution are well worthy to considered.

Solution 4: Treat Economy Trading Like A Real Sport At the end of the day, economy trading is just the battle between “mindset”. In real life, you already have many other sports that mostly using “mindset” such as chess, electronic sport, etc. You can treat each company/entities such as a sport player. And each currency as a team. National currency = national sport team. Club currency = club sport team. You already have national currency. Now all you need to do is create new club currency type. Then each club will recruit players around the world (but here is export/import companies in many different nations). Then you can have real 100% fiat currency month in both national and international category, and no need any secret agreement at the back-end. This solution will be great for the future, but not yet ready for the present if the “human development evolution” is the most important factor. Because the club currency only focus on pure economy. I am not going into deep detail of this solution because it does not really important and necessary at the moment. But I am just share this brand new idea here so all parties/entities can understand there is a solution that can be 100% fiat currency and full transparency that exist and is “reserved” for the future.

Solution 5: Real Digital Currency Technology is a part of modern day, there are billions smartphone are being used everyday and many people are using online digital banking for daily life transaction. Thus it is important and necessary to have real digital currency. At the present moment, you have 2 major ideas: - Using cryptocurrency (backed by nothing). - Using central bank digital currency CBDC (back by the government). Both those options are not going to work for many reasons: + When it come to cryptocurrency, the question is who is the owner, how is going to be managed, the result is many national government already banned cryptocurrency for economic transaction, thus this option is off the table. + The CBDC is not going to work too because they are no different than the current fiat currency money at all, it still backed by the government at the top. In my mind, the new real digital currency must be backed by real businesses (group of many companies). So you can have new world monetary system like this: - Fiat currency (backed by national government with trusted, protection). - Digital currency (back by businesses with real products services). The question now is how to setup new digital currency to make sure the fairness between all group/company. The truth is that most business are having cash back or gift point when customer purchase their products services. But the advantage of those cash back or gift point are: cannot be traded, only able to use in that specific issued business. So if you can develop that “cash back” or “gift point” into higher level that allow people able to trade with each others and able to use in many different businesses, then it will become new real digital currency.

Because there are many different businesses and companies so only the blockchain public display can make sure the transparency and fairness. Here is how is should be done: Step 1: Companies find their own partner to form their own club team. It will be global and cross border like the club team idea in solution 4. But in order to make it work and look natural then all big companies in a same industry cannot allowed team up with each other such as Apple vs Samsung vs Google vs Microsoft or KFC vs McDonald vs Burger King vs Subway must form at least 4 different team. Step 2: Decide the digital currency name with technology The digital currency here can be any name they want, as long as it unique. The technology here could be public or private, blockchain or traditional SQL, etc. Step 3: Choose the rate back formula The rate here can be variety such as: - 10 dollar for 1 new digital currency. (fixed amount) - 10 dollar for a chance of draw with the prize could be from 1 to 100 new digital currency. (flexible amount) Or whatever formula, depend on each group decision. Step 4: Agree the value of the new digital currency It is very important process. There are many option here such as link with fiat currency money value or gold silver oil gas or price of stable food such as rice wheat, etc. Step 5: Implementing After those major things like above, companies can make public announcement and implement it in real life. The old “money back” system still able to used along with the new cash back system. Above are basic ideas and working mechanism that will work very well and perfectly. No any national government can deny this one because they are not currency but just a new type of cash back money, gift point.

Chapter 5: Which System Is The Best One? There is no such thing as the “best one”, there is only the suitable and the nonsuitable one depend on the situation and objective/purpose. I would say the solution 1 is very good for the transition period because it will help nations have time to prepare and the people can adapt/understand more about the international currency in cross border trading. While the solution 2 is the ultimate one, should only use when there is no option left (or in other word is when the solution 1 is running out of their time and/or if the public people no longer want to use the solution 1). The solution 2 will last for hundreds if not thousand years because it has both the natural feature of “creation” and “destruction”. The solution 3 will be great for human development evolution, not related much with international cross border trading but will have big impact on the overall society. The solution 4 is “reserved” for the future. The final decision is totally up to the agreement between nations/groups/beings. But you need to remember this is not only about financial crisis, currency war but also about human/society development, evolution as well. It is very important to understand the current world monetary financial system last about 80 years ago after world war 2 till today in 2020s. There is only 1 single type of currency at the moment: national fiat currency. That national fiat currency money such as USD, Euro, Rub, Yuan, Rupee, Yen, etc. was being used in all kind of transaction including both domestic and international. But the truth is that they are not 100% fiat currency is not real. If in computer software such as websites, there are front-end and back-end database that exist so as the current world monetary system with the current rules: - Front-end public: Fiat currency money. - Back-end private: Natural resources and secret agreement.

The “public” mean for the mainstream media and most public citizens. The “private” here mean for small group of people who are in charge of top authority government with their job of “help/assist” the rest of humanity. The reason is for the society human development and evolution. The new world monetary financial system will have 2 type of currencies with framework and rules like this: 1. National domestic currency: + Front-end: fiat currency money. + Back-end: fiat currency money. 2. International regional currency: + Front-end: fiat currency money. + Back-end: natural resources, secret agreement (could also use fiat currency rule). The national domestic currency will only be used for in-nation transaction while the international regional currencies will be only be used for cross border transaction. It will be a great reset in the world financial system. All the current currencies money in current system need to be replaced with the new 100% fiat currency money. About the new international regional currencies. There are total 10 major regions in this civilization at the moment: 1. North Central Americas, 2. South Americas 3. Africa 4. Middle East 5. West Europe 6. East Europe (CIS) 7. West Asia 8. East Asia 9. South East Asia (ASEAN) 10. Ocean Pacific. So it will be great to have 10 official international regional/continent currencies represent 10 regions like that.

How going to “insert” money into the new international regional currency? The answer is: using the old bank notes that was secretly backed by natural resources such as the Zimbabwe ZWR, Yugoslavia dinar, or even use all the current currencies such as Won, Yen, Dong, Yuan, Rupiah, etc. (but only in the condition of those currency no longer officially be used in the circulation, so after the official exchange to 100% national fiat currency is done). So no any person will allowed to “printed/issued” new international regional currencies but must use the old historic bank notes. The good news is that there are endless trillions old bank notes already exist, so there won’t need to worry about the lack of supply. But in order to make it truly work fair and legit, then there must be some extra additional rules such as: - Minimum 1 zero removed to 9 zero removed when exchange from the old bank notes to the new official international regional currencies. The extract number depend on each regional administrator. - Each old bank notes allowed to be “redeemed/exchanged” 10 times total for 10 different international regional currencies (the reason is minimum 1 zero remove, so it is perfect fit). - There must be some kind of using rules such as each personal balance account will have 2 type: usable and unusable money. Due to large amount of money and many people cannot control, the “usable” money will be transferred from the “unusable” money either through fixed formula such as 1 million per month/year or via legit using purpose such as buy new house, start new business. - Whoever are violate significant crime or lie to deceive the money administrator will lose their fund forever. - Only allow individual person to redeemed/exchanged, not allow any company, corporations since it is impossible to know the real owner and also make sure the fairness. The overall process could use various factor such as question to determine “good” and “bad” person or how many zero number will be removed.

Above are just some basic necessary rules to make sure the new system is fair for all regions In order to make it unique and safe, the database of each new international regional currencies will be located in minimum 2 nations. The bank notes designed must be fair with only nature pictures and map, no any celebrity person (similar with the Zimbabwe ZWR). New international regional currencies are also needed new international system for trade/transfer, the current SWIFT system are not good enough because it is not fair, the most clear example is sanctions that applied on few nations. Above is the framework of the new world economic monetary system that will be loved by all nations, groups, regions, people because it has all factors and treat them equal fair. Due to the fact that I am not the official “referee” so all I can share here is just my quick idea, vision.

Chapter 6: Implementing The New World Financial System In Real Life The implementation should be easy since there are absolutely no hidden agreement like the current system but all are transparency no matter which solution/direction all nations choose. Fast or slow process, it is totally depend on who implementing it because there are also some other factors such as new information, propaganda, books, video, media, etc. to educate to help the public people to understand what will coming in their life. Of course the best person who suit best to lead/take the charge is the author of the idea/solution. If you guys gals want me to help then you should contact me to see whether I have desire and want to do it or not. Before implementing public policies, you need to learn and understand 4 basic features of money currency in general: - Printing, Issuing. - Storing, Keeping. - Transferring, - Using. 1. Who using currency, money? The people as the core whether under the “tag” of any company/group, but the real humans are still the one who in control. 2. Who printing, issuing currency, money? The authority the government, the group which public citizens were voted for. 3. Who storing, keeping currency, money? The bank and the banking industry in general. 4. Who transferring currency, money? In theory the currency holders but the truth is the bank.

There are a lot of things that related to banking industry that needed to be “fixed”. The banks have too much power but too little responsibility. Not all banks are equal but why the government have a same amount of “money insurance” amount such as 250,000 USD in the United States, 85,000 GBP in the United Kingdom, 100,000 CAD in Canada, etc. Because of the so called “banking license” exist. All the banks are very easy to replace, even the monkey can do that job. The most important when coming down to banking is the “trust”. But that do not really exist nowadays when many banks are handling the money wrong by giving their money to their friends, partners, etc. From the stand point of many people who send money into their bank, what they care about the most? Safety for their money. But when all banks have same amount of “money insurance” at fixed money from the government, it just not fair. Thus there must be a big reform in the banking industry (the storing, keeping money business). Example: All banks now do not need “banking license” but instead they must have their own “money insurance” that have link with the military, local government. You can have: - Fixed amount of money such as 100,000 or 1 million or 5 million or whatever number. - Flexible percentage amount of money such as 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or any number. Which mean that amount of money will be “guaranteed” being kept by the military or government forever until depositors request a withdrawal. It is possible for the bank do not have any insurance but instead they must gain “trust” from the public people. And in case of bankrupt, the authority/government not allowed to “rescue” any banks because the public “money insurance” are made and public.

That is just about the “storing, keeping” currency, money business. There are some other factors such as transferring money, the SWIFT could be replaced, the international bank card could also be replaced. There could be rules about money issuing too such as any entities have corrupt action will automatic lost all of their funds. Again, I am not the official “referee” who truly in charge of the current world monetary system so my idea is just some suggestion. But one thing for sure is that the world economic financial system must have a big change to make sure the fairness between people, group, nations as soon as possible.

Conclusion I hope the information above are enough for all nations to stop all kind of on going wars. The vision was shared is useful not for only now but many hundreds if not thousand years to come. It is time for all nations to make decision, to choose either die together or live together. Since the purpose of this book is only for reading and for top authority government, so many other sensitive information is not included because the most important one is the “FINAL DESTINATION” the most powerful weapon the knowledge insurance for the future. I am free for top authority government to contact me at any moment, at least for the next 30 days or so. March 28th 2023 (28-03-2023) Original Creator/Author, Bodhi Udumbara

List Of Bodhi Udumbara’s Books Here is the full list books written by me Bodhi Udumbara: 1. “New Creation New Society New World” . 2. “Become World Champion With Secret Crazy Method Strategy” . 3. “The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love” .

Update As Of April 2023.

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Bitcoin BTC 1Q7UQyRvuyhizd4Rj3R84mXvht4gKgVPzv Ethererum ETH 0x4dd96aac5b8c658c04fa6779e77a3f0e6beb2bb5 Litecoin LTC LXZ7eGPxhAvG319SjvwKSmpq5mugpZauyL Digibyte DGB D7qB7XNSYrpvoq4HdrUSHA2AXQvb7X2uaj Tron TRX TK9rtSq2JCJqwu8ATb3HMkFsLwp6F9gpoU Dogecoin DOGE DHUFvK2muvaVKCdtJNwaiWvfkhGhva98sC Ripple XRP r3qVMpQdmHSP6A4yVsvToVdUdeNNqSXVBA Dash DASH XfnCRMoHpBRAxYogeWunfCgkazdMXzi1YU Tezos XTZ tz1STtSRWk3rhAdWHFa7eHjUqi2hYeyr2bWH Cosmos ATOM cosmos1k72xeh904l23uvc9m3g975j50hjxtccq2gch6q

Harmony ONE one12exmjq9c4nmqkndqph99nr075vs8klejwwq4hv Stellar XLM GBACGC77WZI2LQ3WMZNQNIM2OZ2DLGZSLWF4G2LDX5HP FTVOAREJC3AK Solana SOL BXHDiPYRS3mkRSf86YAt94UpSM5henmsyqEbDDncDRrp Neo NEO Ae1sfFVYrdF4HXKokGx9PWcw7eUgfxskbM Zcash ZEC t1PQisqZjmabrWdQfg3eVFh239A7nc3SYuk Nano XNO nano_1m8wbxdqwh78qomuqswj7qkusxmnfmc79unq445yq8gymqedcykg4tjxxc 4x For any other methods such as fast money transfer or direct bank account is only available through via private contact.

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