The Henry Roe Cloud Series on American Indians and Modernity: Memory Lands King Philip's War 9780300201178

Preface: memories of corn and quartz: rethinking stories of violence and survivance -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction:

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The Henry Roe Cloud Series on American Indians and Modernity: Memory Lands King Philip's War

Table of contents :
Preface: memories of corn and quartz: rethinking stories of violence and survivance --
Acknowledgements --
Introduction: placemaking and memorializing after the great watershed --
Part I: The way to Deer Island --
Contested passages: coastal and inland homelands. Bastoniak, and internment by the "city upon a hill" --
Protecting the "perfect city": reorganizing native memoryscapes across greater Boston --
Part II: The Narragansett Country --
Habitations by Narragansett Bay: coastal homelands, encounters with Roger Williams, and routes to Great Swamp --
Monumentalizing after "detribalization," the swamp discourse from casinos to Carcieri --
Part III: The Great River --
The gathering place: a trafficked waterway, dawn massacre, and material legacies of the "falls fight" --
Power and persistence along a changing river: industrial transformations, ceremonial landscapes, and contemporary reconciliations --
Part IV: The Red Atlantic --
Algonquian diasporas: indigenous bondages, fugitive geographies, and the edges of Atlantic memories.

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