Statute of the People’s Youth Organization of Yugoslavia

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Statute of the People’s Youth Organization of Yugoslavia

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Highest Organs of the People's

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Statute OF THE





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Printed by ,,Omladina“, Belgrade

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Central Committee of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia Belgrade 1949




ÌA A The Union of Communist



Yugoslavia was founded in 1919 during the great revolutionary upsurge of the working class and the working people of Yugoslavia. Developing under the direct leadership and concern of the Communist Party, the UCYY traversed a difficult and glorious road on which it was always an aid to the Party in the struggle for the libe ration of the working class and the wor king people of Yugoslavia. The rich re volutionary history of the UCYY is a hi story of resolute struggle against the social oppression and national enslave. ment of the youth and for the protection of the rights and interests of the working 5


youth of our country. During the monar cho-fascist dictatorship, the UCYY gave its best members to the struggle against the dictatorship . These members, carrying out even the incorrect directives of the Party leadership of that time, displayed their loyalty and devotion to the Party . The year 1936 saw the adoption of a de cision to disband the UCYY by the Party leadership containing factionalists and traitors. This dealt a hard blow to the UCYY. When the new leadership headed by comrade Tito took over the direction of the Party, a new period in the history of the UCYY began. Under the leadership of the CC of the Party and comrade Tito , the UCYY was reorganized and began a resolute struggle for youth unity. In the fight against the regimes of the old, ca pitalist Yugoslavia, the UCYY, imple menting the Party line, succeeded in cre


ating a strong movement of anti-fascist youth, in standing at the head of that movement and in leading the youth in the struggle for preservation of national independence, for reliance on the USSR, for the rights of the working class and the working people of Yugoslavia. The progressive anti -fascist youth movement was a firm support of the Party in the battle against all the reactionary regi mes of the former Yugoslavia, in the struggle for the political and economic demands of the working people of Yu goslavia. The decisions of the Fifth Country-wide Conference of the Commu nist Party of Yugoslavia (October, 1940) and the Sixth Country-wide Conference of the UCYY (August, 1940) were of hi storic significance for the further deve lopment of the progressive youth move ment.


The occupation of the country did not put an end to the work of the UCYY. All bourgeois youth organizations disintegra ted after the occupation, while most of their leaders entered the service of the invaders. The UCYY showed that it was the only firm youth organization which was ready to protect the interests of the youth in the most difficult days, and ca pable of doing so. At the call of the Party to rise in arms against the invaders , the UCYY mobilized its members and entire organization for the national liberation struggle and re-oriented all its work to the new war conditions. During the Na tional Liberation War the fundamental task of the UCYY was to mobilize the youth for the struggle against the inva ders and all domestic traitors . On the platform of struggle against the invader during the armed insurrection, the UCYY succeeded in rallying the broad masses


of the youth and of activating them in the struggle for liberation . From the very beginning of the uprising na youth tional liberation unions were formed on liberated and later on unliberated territory. Their main task was to rally the youth in the struggle against the invaders . In December, 1942, the First Congress of the Anti- fascist Youth of Yugoslavia was held in Bihać and the United Alliance of Anti- fascist Youth of Yugoslavia was formed through unification of all the national liberation youth unions. It represented a higher form of organizational and political unity of the youth. The Second Congress of the United Alliance of the Anti-fascist Youth of Yugoslavia, held in May, 1944 in Dr var, adopted the important decision to increase the mass character and consoli date the UAAYY politically and organi zationally . 9

The history



UCYY and the

UAAYY during the war is a history of persistent and resolute struggle against the invaders and all domestic traitors, a struggle for the unity of all anti-fascist youth. During the National Liberation War, the UCYY, implementing the Party line, succeeded in creating a powerful youth organsation and in becoming the nucleus of the UAAYY. After the liberation of the country when the working people had taken the state power in their hands and the new state had been created, the UCYY and the UAAYY faced new tasks. The UAAYY mobilized the broad masses of the working youth in the reconstruc tion of the country and achieved remar kable results. In May, 1946, the Third Youth Congress of Yugoslavia was held in Zagreb. There the United Alliance of Anti-fascist Youth of Yugoslavia took 10

the name of People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia because the latter was bet. ter suited to the changed social and po litical conditions in the country and correspondend to the degree of unity and organization which the youth had attai ned . In the struggle for the reconstruction and advancement of the country the Peo ple's Youth Organization developed a surge of working enthusiasm, a new atti tude toward mork, showed great initia tive in introducing and developing socia- , list forms of work organization. By its self- sacrificing efforts in the " building up of the country, it increased faith in its own forces not only among the youth but among the working masses in general. Through all its work, the People's Youth Organization, under the direction of the Party, reared the broad strata of the youth to become conscious fighters for


the socialist transformation of our coun try. Thanks to the correct policy of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and the persevering efforts of the UCYY, the Peo ple's Youth Organization today, by its char acter and the content of its work, represents a school of socialist education for our youth . All its activities are directed toward rearing the youth in the spirit of soci alism, in mobilizing it in the building of socialism in our country. Under the lea dership of the CPY, the People's Youth Organization has achieved a high level of political and ideological unity and or ganizational consolidation. The People's Youth Organization today represents a new type of , revolutionary youth organi zation which rallies and educates the broadest masses of the youth. Thus, the perspective of development of the UCYY, set by the Party even before the war, was realized in the People's Youth Orga. 1221

nization. The UCYY




Youth Organization have honorably ful filled all tasks set before them by the Party. Today they are deservedly the bearers of the order of National Hero and National Liberation. During the long years of struggle, the basic, essential differences between the UCYY and the People's Youth Organi zation have disappeared . There are two youth organizations in our country today ― the Union of Communist Youth and the People's Youth Organization, which are identical as to fundamental features - education of the youth in the spirit of socialism and its mobilization in the de velopment of the country. Today, when the state power in our country is in the hands of the working people headed by the working class, under the leadership of the CP, today when socialism is being built in it - there is no longer any need 13

for the existence of two youth organi zations. That is why the joint congress of the UCYY and the PYO adopted the de cision to fuse the two organizations into one with the program , and under the leadership of, the Communist Party into the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia.




I. Name and Character of Organization 1. The name of the organization is the People's Youth Organization of Yugosla via. It is made up of the People's Youth Organizations of Serbia, Croatia, Slove nia, and Hertsegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. The People's Youth Organizations are to bear this name in the language of the youth organized in them. 2. The People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia is an independent, militant, democratic, united organization rallying



the broad strata of progressive working class, peasant and student youth on a vo luntary basis, educating them in the spi rit of socialism, in a spirit of love for and devotion to our socialist homeland - the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and mobilizing them in the bullding of a socialist order in our country .

3. The People's Youth Organization adopts the program of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia as its program and fights for its full realization. It operates under the general direction of the Com munist Party of Yugoslavia. 4. The People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia is a reserve of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and a source of new, young cadres for all branches of state administration and economic activity and for all mass organizations.


5. The emblem of the People's Youth Organization is a five-pointed red star with a wheat stalk and hammer crossed in the center. Between the stalk and the hammer there is an open book with the letters N and O representing the name (Narodna Omladina- People's Youth ) . 6. The organization's flag is red in co lor with the emblem in the center. The red star is outlined in gold. The name of the organization is written above the emblem and beneath it is the name of the unit to which the flag belongs.

Programme Principles and Tasks 7. The People's Youth Organization directs all its work toward education of the youth in the spirit of socialism and their mobilization in the struggle for the building of socialism in Yugoslavia, in



creasing its love for work and creative activity in all branches of socialist buil ding. It fights for fulfilment of the tasks. of the Five Year Plan on schedule. 8. In its work, the People's Youth Or ganization of Yugoslavia is led by the theory of Marxist-Leninism . It bends all its efforts to increasing the youth's know ledge of Marxist- Leninist teachings . 9. The People's Youth Organization

develops socialist patriotism and interna tionalism among the young people. It rears the youth in the militant historical traditions of our peoples,. of our Party and our working class movement and especially the glorious traditions of the National Liberation Struggle . It rears them in a spirit of loyalty to and love for their socialist homeland . It rears the youth in the revolutionary traditions and experiences of the international work 20

ing class movement and especially the experience of the Soviet Union and the glorious Comsomol, in a spirit of strength ening friendly relations among the peo ples and youth of all countries. 10. The People's Youth Organization develops the love of the youth for the brotherly Soviet Union, the Soviet youth , the youth of the countries of people's de mocracy and the progressive youth and progressive movements of the entire world. 11. The People's Youth Organization rears the youth in a spirit of love for the glorious Yugoslav Army which has the task of guarding the peaceful devel opment of socialism in our country, of guarding the liberty and independence of our country from imperialist enslavers . Educating the youth in the heroic tradi tions of the fighters of the National Li


beration Army and Partisan Detachments in the great Liberation War, the People's Youth Organization fosters and develops love for the glorious, brotherly Soviet Army.

12. Our people's government, a govern ment of the working people of town and country, headed by the working class under the leadership of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, is a guarantee of the freedom and comprehensive develop ment of the working people of our coun try, and of the youth in particular. That is why the People's Youth Organization is fighting for the further consolidation and development of the people's govern ment, why it explains and carries out con crete measures taken by the people's go vernment in the building of socialism and activates the youth far and wide to par ticipate in mass control over the fulfil 22

ment of tasks set by the people's govern ment and for protection of state pro perty. 13. The People's Youth Organization is fighting for the preservation, consoli dation and further development of the brotherhood and unity and national equal . ity of the peoples of Yugoslavia which they won under arms in the common struggle against the fascist invaders and all domestic chauvinists. The People's Youth Organization is fighting to extir pate the remnants of bourgeois nationa lism and chauvinism among the youth . In its activities , it respects the rights guaranteed to national minorities . 14. The national independence of the peoples of Yugoslavia is a necessary condition for the building of socialism in cur country. It is the duty of members of the People's Youth Organization to stand


resolutely in the struggle against the at tempts of all imperialists and domestic reaction to enslave our socialist home land. In this struggle, the members of the People's Youth Organization will not spare their strength or even their lives for the defense of Yugoslavia and its constitutional order. 15. The People's Youth Organization , as a component part of the People's Front, mobilizes the youth for active par ticipation in work and in fulflment of the tasks of the People's Front, for all-round consolidation of the union of worker and peasant. 16. The People's Youth Organization directs its efforts toward full ideological and organizational development and fur ther consolidation of the political and ide ological unity of the masses of working youth. It is struggling to rally the


youth not yet within the organization and to activate all members of the. People's Youth of Yugoslavia in the fulfilment of the organization's tasks. 17. The People's Youth Organization is rearing the youth in a spirit of devoted and self- abnegating service to the inte rests of the working people . It teaches its members to be exemplary in their work, to be modest, self- abnegating and com radely, and instills and develops within them the moral qualities of communists ! 18. The People's Youth Organization rears the working class youth to become conscious builders of socialism . It aids the youth in the enterprises, factories, and workshops in learning their work, in deve loping socialist competition, shockwork, in increasing efficiency and discovering new methods of work, as well as in develo ping working discipline in which way it 25

constantly raises the productivity of labor and helps the youth to advance techni cally and culturally. It battles against waste and bureaucracy . 19. The People's Youth Organization teaches the youth in the village to be come conscious fighters for the socialist transformation of the village . To that end, it is struggling for the development of agricultural cooperatives to its high est forms and for the active participation of youth in them ; it is struggling against illiteracy and the backwardness of the village, for its cultural transformation ; it is helping the village youth to enter socialist economy . The People's Youth Organization is educating school youth to become a true people's intelligentsia. It helps the youth in schools and universities to adopt a Marxist- Leninist viewpoint, it struggles


persistently against idealism, mysticism and all distortions of scientific truths. The People's Youth Organization struggles daily for improvement of learn ing and increasing discipline in the schools. 21. The People's Youth Organization concerns itself with the living and wor king conditions of youth and bends it ef forts toward implementation of laws and decrees of the people's government which guarantee employment, equal work for equal pay, full social and health protec tion, technical training, vacations, etc., to the youth . 22. The People's Youth Organization carries on widespread activities for the cultural advancement of the youth . It endeavors to have the youth take advan tage of the libraries, theatres, cultural centers and other cultural institutions and 27





activity. 23. The People's Youth Organization lends its full support to the physical de velopment of the youth . It tries to see to it that every member of the People's Youth Organization is active in physical culture and aids the work of physical culture organizations especially as regards increasing the political consciousness of young sportsmen. It also tries to have every young man and woman take active part in pre-mili tary training, in preparing for the defense of the country. 24. The People's Youth Organization works actively on seeing to it that young people have healthy vacations and cultu ral recreation. It is fighting against all attempts to introduce eccentricity or li centiousness into youthful recreation . 28

25. The People's Youth Organisation concerns itself constantly with the edu Ication of children and the further deve lopment and consolidation of the Union of Pioneers. 26. The People's Youth Organization maintains and consolidates ties with the democratic youth organizations in other countries and, through the World Fede ration of Democratic Youth, extends com prehensive aid to the development of youth democratic international the

movement. III. Relationship of the People's Youth Organization to Other Organizations 27. The People's Youth Organization as a whole is a part of the all-national politi cal organization of our peoples - the Peo ple's Front of Yugoslavia. 29

All organizations and all members of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia are under obligation honora bly to fulfill all tasks of the People's Front. Therefore, the ,, actives" (basic or ganizations) and leading organs of the People's Youth are to maintain close con tact with the corresponding committees of the People's Front. The People's Youth Organization is to participate together with other organiza tions in various projects having a gene ral character : the People's Front, Trade Unions, Women's Anti-fascist Front, Union of Fighters of the Liberation War, etc. All members of the People's Youth Organization having the right to vote have the duty of participating directly in the work of the People's Front. 28. It is the duty of the People's Youth Organization to maintain close cooperation 30

with the trade unions on questions of at titude toward work and production, pro tection of young workers and apprentices and their technical, political and cultural advancement . All workers and office employees who are members of the People's Youth Or ganization should be trade union mem bers. 29. It is the duty of the People's Youth Organization to cooperate with the Wo men's Anti -fascist Front, especially as regards questions of the education of children and the rallying of young women. The members of the Peo Youth ple's Organization should de active in other organizations rallying the youth: the Physical Culture Federa tion of Yugoslavia, Popular Science Lea gue, Alliance of Cultural-Educational Societies, Junior Red Cross and others, exerting their efforts so that these orga


nizations may contribute as much as pos sible to the building of socialism in our country and the correct education of the youth. To that end , the leading organs of the People's Youth Organization are to maintain contact and cooperate with the corresponding leading organs of these organizations .


Membership in the Organization 31. Any young person from 15 to 25 years of age who recognizes and carries out the programmatical principles and tasks of the People's Youth Organization, participates in the work of one of its groups and fulfills the obligations contain ed in the Statute including regular pay






may be a

member of the People's Youth Organiza tion . Members of the People's Youth Organization who pass 25 years of age may remain in it as special members with the right to an advisory vote. If elected to leadership or if they are carrying out the functions of leaders in the People's Youth Organization Committees, they are to be considered regular members. 32. Acceptance to membership in the organization is effected individually at ,,active" meetings. This is carried out on the basis of a written application by the young person wishing to join and the re commendation of two members of the Or ganization. It is the duty of the " active" to decide on the application and to inform the applicant of its decision in a month's time at the most. Membership in the Or 3


ganization is calculated from the time of the decision on acceptance . 33. In joining the Organization, it is the duty of every young man and woman to acquaint themselves with the Statute. At meetings of the ,,actives" the indivi duals joining are questioned to see the extent to whish they have prepared them selves for acceptance into the People's Youth Organization. 34. A membership card and People's Youth Organization badge are issued to the new members at latest a month after their acceptance . They are given to the now member by a member of the district (town, ward, university) committes. The membership card and badge are to be considered important documents and taken care of as such .



Duties and Rights of Members 35. It is the duty of members of the People's Youth Organization to : ! a) study and put into practice the Statute and Decisions of the People's Youth Organization ; b) participate actively in the socialist building of the country ; c) advance constantly, both ideologi cally and politically, in the spirit of the teachings of Marxism-Leninism and to transmit that teaching to the youth ; d) fight uncompromisingly



stantly against enemies of the working peo ple who are attempting to undermine the people's government and to obstruct its



work on the building of socialism ; 35

e) learn continually, to master their studies as well as possible, to advance culturally and work unceasingly on their technical education ; f) participate actively in the work of their ground organization , to attend meet ings of the "active" regularly, to sub mit to organization discipline, to carry out the decisions of their organization and higher leading organs ;

g) pay dues regularly . 36. Members

of the

People's Youth

Organization have the following rights : a) to participate actively in the work and adoption of decisions ;


b) to elect delegates and to be elected delegates to conferences and con

gresses of the People's Youth Organiza 36

tion; to elect members to or be elected to any leading organ of the People's Youth Organization ; c) to criticize any member, leading or gan or organization of the People's Youth Organization at meetings of the „ actives", at conferences or congresses. The criti cism most be healthy and constructive and aimed at better fulfilment of tasks ; d) to submit questions and complaints directly to any leading organ of the People's Youth Organization



slavia and the Congress of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia ; e) to make use of the property and in stitutions of the organization according to the regulations.


VI. Basic Principles of Internal Organization and Leadership in the People's Youth Organization 37. The People's Youth Organization is organized along lines of democratic cen tralism, meaning :

a) all leading organs from the highest to the lowest are elected ; b) leading organs are responsible to their organizations ; c) strict discipline and submission of the minority to the majority; d) lower organs are under obligation to carry out the Decisions of the higher organs. 38. At all meetings, conferences and congresses, every member of the People's


Youth Organization has the right to dis cuss all questions and to take part in the adoption of decisions on the work of the organization. It is compulsory for all members to carry out the decisions a c'opted.

39. Decisions are passed by a simple majority at all meetings, conferences and congresses of the People's Youth Organi zation. Voting is open except in cases of election of leading organs and delegates when it is secret. 40. The best members of the People's Youth Organization are to be elected to the leading organs. Their duties are : a) to serve as an example to the youth by their work and lives in general and to increase their knowledge by constant study ; b) to carry out the task of activating as many young people as possible by way 39

of persuasion, fighting against all viola tion of the voluntary principle in the or ganization ; c) to stay close to the youth and to fight against bureaucracy in leadership ; d) to extend daily help to the organi zations in the fulilment of tasks, to check on their fulfilment constantly ; e) to struggle for introduction of plan . ning and fulfilment of plans in their work and the work of the organization . 41. The organizational set-up of the People's Youth Organization is to be as follows: a) for the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia ――――― the Congress of the People's Youth Organization of Yugosla via; the Central Committee of the Peo ple's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia ; the b) for the people's republics congress of the People's Youth Organiza 40

tion of the respective republics ; the cen tral committee of the People's Youth Or ganization of the respective republic ; c) for regions and provinces -— region al and provincial conferences of the Peo ple's Youth Organization ; regional and provincial committees ; d) for districts, towns, wards, univer sities ―――― district, town, ward and univer sity conferences ; district , town, ward and university committees ; e) for small towns, large villages and localities ――― local conferences ; local com mittees ;

f) for factories, enterprises, coopera tives, villages, schools, institutions, Yugo slav Army Units, National Militia units , settlements --- meetings of the „ actives" 42. The higher leading organs have the right to replace lower leading organs or 41

certain of their members if they violate the Statute of the People's Youth Orga nization. In case of replacement of an entire leading organ, it is the duty of the higher leading organ to convene a conference or congress of the organization concerned, in a month's time at the latest, where a new leading organ will be elected . A provi sional leading organ appointed by a high er committee is to make preparations for the congress or conference and preside over it. 43. In case a member of a leading or gan of the People's Youth Organization is transferred to some other duty or is expelled form a leading organ, the respec tive committee has the right to co- opt a new member in agreement with a higher leading organ. One third of the members of a leading organ may be co-opted at the most. 42

No youth leader can leave his post without the consent of a higher leading organ. VII.

Basic Organizations 44. The basic organizations of the Peo ple's Youth Organization are the ,,ac tives". 45. „ Actives" are set up on the basis of the production-territorial principle . They consist of all the members of the Peo ple's Youth Organization in a factory, en terprise, cooperative, village, school, in stitution, Yugoslav Army unit, National Militia unit, settlement, etc. 46. „Actives" are formed only in those places where there are at least 5 members of the People's Youth Organization . The 43

,,active" elects a secretariat from among its own members made up of from 3—9 members headed by a secretary . If the ,,active" numbers over 30 members it may, as the need arises, be divided up into groups according to shifts, divisions, clas ses, village sub- districts, etc. The group is headed by a secretary, his assistant and a treasurer all of whom are elected by the group . Several actives" may be formed in large enterprises, in schools , in univer sities where there are more .than 100 members, with the approval of the Cen tral Committee of the People's Youth Or ganization of the respective republic. In such cases, a committee of the enterprise, school or university is to be elected at a general conference held once a year . The committee may have a maximum of 15 members.


The committee elects a secretariat from among its own members made up of from 5-7 members . In large villages and small towns where there are many actives", local com mittees may be set up as the need arises with up to 15 members and a secretariat of from 5-7 members 47. „ Active" meetings are to be held at least once a month. They are to be held by decision of the secretariat or at the demand of at least one third of the mem bers of the " active". At the meetings the members consider all organizational prob lems, set tasks, assing concrete cuties to - members, check up on the fulfilment of tasks. Delegates to the district, town, ward and university conferences are elected at the meetings of the „ actives“.


48. Once a year, the " active" holds its annual session at which the secretariat submits a written report on its work du ring the year. A new secretariat is elec ted at the annual session. 49. In the interest of comprehensive cultural-education advancement of the youth, the People's Youth Organization forms youth cultural societies , choirs , amateur theatrical groups, literary soci eties, scientific, debating and other circles and clubs, youth centers, etc. 50. With a view to well-organized par ticipation in the socialist construction of the country, the „ actives" of the People's Youth Organization form youth work units on a voluntary basis and endeavor to increase their size and strength as much as possible . 46

VII. Bodies and Leading Organs of the People's Youth Organization in the Districts, Towns, Wards and Universities 51. The leading organs of the People's Youth Organization in the districts , towns, wards and universities are : a) district, town, ward, university con ferences of the People's Youth Organi zation; b) district, town, ward, university com mittees of the People's Youth Organiza tion and their bureaus. 52. The district, town, ward and uni versity conferences of the People's Youth Organization are its highest organs in the respective units , The conferences are made up of delegates elected by the orga nizations represented

at the conference .


The conferences are convened by district, town, ward and university committees which also propose the conference agenda. Conferences are held at least once a year. Special conferences are convened by decision of the district, town, ward or university conference or upon the request of at least a third of the members of their organizations. The number of delegates at district, town, ward and university conferences is regulated by the district, town, ward or university committees. 53. The district, town ward or uni versity conferences hear written reports. submitted by the committees of the di strict, town, ward and university com mittees and supervisory commissions and pass decisions on them, decide on the fur ther work of the organization , elect dele gates to the regional and provincial con


ferences which the ward and university conferences do for the town conference , elect delegates to the congresses of the People's Youth Organization of the peo ple's republics and to the Congress of the People's Youth Organization of Yugosla via, elect district, town, ward and univer sity committees and supervisory commis sions. 54. The district, town, ward, and uni versity committees have 25 members at the most. They direct the work of the organization in the period between two conferences on the basis of the decisions of the conferences and according to the directives of the higher leading organs. The district committees have meetings at least once in two months while the town, ward and university committee hold their meetings at least once a month. The meetings of the district, town, ward or



university committees are convened by their bureaus which also propose the agenda for the meetings. Insofar as the bureau does not convene a meeting in the period mentioned above, it may be con vened at the request of at least one third of the members of that committee . 55. The district, town, ward and uni versity committees elect a bureau from among their members numbering from 7-9 members headed by a secretary. The bureau of the district, town, ward or u niversity committees extends constant help to the " actives" and checks on the fulfilment of tasks ; keeps files of mem bers and all documents prescribed by the Central Committee of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia ; submits re ports to the higher leading organs con taining information on its work and mi nutes of the conferences and meetings of the committee and bureau. 50

56. In order to facilitate better direc tion of and extension of help to the or ganizations, the following bodies are to be set up within the district, town, ward and university committees : a) instructors' groups; b) cadres section ; c) checking and statistics section; d) propaganda and agi tation section ; e ) district work brigade headquarters ; f) district headquarters for the Union of Pioneers and g) financial section. The central committees of the People's Youth Organization of the people's repu blics, with the approval of the Central Committee of the People's Youth of Yu goslavia, decide on the creation of new, and the discontinuation of existing, auxi . liary bodies within the district, town, ward and university committees. 57. In order to secure organized par ticipation in the socialist construction of 4*


the country and the most comprehensive possible education of the youth, the cis trict, town, and university commit tees are to form, as the need arises, youth work units brigades -- on the volun tary principle and endeavor to have them as well -organized and equipped as possible. 58. The district, town, ward, and uni versity supervisory commissions have the task of checking on the speed and cor rectness of the work of the auxiliary bo dies of the district, town, ward and uni versity committees and their financial and other material affairs. It is to num ber from 3 to 5 members. The district, town, ward and univer sity supervisory commissions are respon sible to the district, town, ward and uni versity conferences of the People's Youth Organization. 52

IX .

Bodies and Leading Organs of the Peo ple's Youth Organization in the Big Tôwns, Regions and Provinces 59. The leading organs of the People's Youth Organization in the big towns, re gions and provinces are: a) the town, regional, provincial con ferences of the People's Youth Organiza tion ; b) the town, regional, provincial com mittees of the People's Youth Organiza tion and their bureaus. 60. The town, regional, provincial con ferences of the People's Youth Organi zation are its highest organs in the towns, regions and provinces. They are conven ed by the town, regional, provincial com Imittee at least once a year.

53 333

Special conferences are convened by decision of the town, regional, provincial committees or at the demand of at least one third of the members of their orga nizations.

The number of delegates to the town, regional, provincial conferences is deci ded by the town, regional, provincial committees. 61. The town, regionall, provincial con ferences hear the written reports of the town, regional, provincial committees and supervisory commissions, adopt decisions on them; they also adopt decisions on the future work of their organizations ; elect town, regional and provincial committees and supervisory commissions. 62. The town, regional, provincial com mittees number from 25 to 35 members. The committees direct the work of the or ganizations in the period between confe 54

rences on the basis of conference deci sions and the directives of higher leading organs. They are to meet at least once in three months. Their meetings are called by the bureaus which also propose the agenda. Insofar as the bureaus do not convene committee meetings on time, they may be convened upon the demand of at least one third of the members. 63. The town, regionall , provincial com mittees elect bureaus of from 9 to 11 members headed by a secretary from among their members. The bureaus are to extend constant help to the organiza tions and check up on their fulfilment of tasks. They submit reports on their work to the higher leading organs an well as minutes from the conferences and meet ings of committees and bureaus. 64. To facilitate direction and exten sion of help to the organizations, the fol


lowing are to be set up within the town, regional, provincial committees : a) orga nizational division; b) cadres division ; c) division for propaganda and agitation ; d) division for work among school youth ; e) division for work with the Union of Pioneers ; f) division for work projects ; g) division for physical culture and extra Army youth military education and h) financial division . The central committees of the People's Youth Organization of the people's re publics, in agreement with the Central Committee of the People's Youth of Yu goslavia, decides on the formation of new and discontinuance of existing divisions and sections within the town, regional, provincial committees . 65. The town, regional, provincial su pervisory commissions have the task of checking up on the timely and correct ad 56

ministration of the affairs of the divisions of the town, regional, provincial commit tees and their financial and other mate rial affairs . They number from 3 to 5 members.

The town, regional, provincial super visory commissions are responsible to the town, regional, provincial conferences of the People's Youth Organization . X. Bodies and Leading Organs of the People's Youth Organization of the People's Republics 66. The leading organs of the People's Youth Organization of the people's repub lics are : a) the congress of the People's Youth Organization of the people's republic ; 57

b) the central committee of the Peo ple's Youth Organization of the people's republic and its bureau. 67. The highest organ of the People's Youth Organization of a people's repub lic is the congress which is convened by the central committee at least once a year. Special congresses of the People's Youth Organization of the people's repub lic may be convened by decision of the central committees or at the demand of at least one third of the district organiza tions of the people's republic. The central committee is to announce the convening of a congress and the agenda at least two months ahead of time. The number of delegates to the con gresses of the people's republic is set by the central committee. 68. The congresses :


a) hear the written reports of the central committees and supervisory com missions and adopt decisions on them ; b) set tasks within the framework of the general line of work of the PYO;

c) elect central committees and super visory commissions. 69. The number of members of the central committees and the supervisory commissions is set by the congresses. The central committees meet at least once in four months . The meetings are convened by the bureaus of the central committees whieh also propose the agenda . The central committees operate on the basis of the decisions of the congresses of the people's republics and the Congress of the People's Youth Organi zation of Yugoslavia, of its Central Com mittee and Bureau..


70. With the aim of assuring direction of the organization between meetings of the central committees of the People's Youth Organization of the people's repub lics, the central committees elect a bureau headed by a secretary from among their members. It extends constant help to the organizations and checks up on the ful filment of tasks ; approves of the leaders and division members of the committees of big towns, the editoiral boards of news papers and magazines published by provincial or regional committees, ap points the editorial boards of newspapers and magazines published by the central committees of the People's Youth Organi zation of the people's rapublics ; submits a report on its work to the Central Com mittee of the People's Youth Organization of the people's republic and the bureaus. 60

71. In order to facilitate direction and extension of aid to the organizations, the following bodies are to be set up within the central committees of the people's republics : a) organizational-instructoral division ; b) cadres division ; c) division for propaganda and agitation ; d ) division for cooperatives ; e) division for work among school youth ; f) division for work with the Union of Pioneers ; g) division for work projects ; h) division for physical culture and extra-Army youth military education, i) financial division and j ) ge neral division . Youth work brigade headquarters are to be set up by the central committees of the people's republics at large youth work projects on the republican level in order to facilitate education of the youth, con cern for their lives, more organized par ticipation by the youth in the work. 61

The headquarters of the youth work bri gades are responsible to the central com mittees of the people's republics. The central committees of the people's republics have the right to set up new and discontinue existing divisions and sec tions with the approval of the Central Committee of the People's Youth Organi zation of Yugoslavia.

72. The central committees of the peo ple's republics elect control commissions which decide on requests and complaints by members and organizations of the peo ple's republics . 73. The supervisory commissions have the task of checking up on the speed and correctness of the administration of af fairs of the divisions of the central com mittees of the people's republics and their financial and other material affairs . 62

The supervisory commissions are res ponsible to the congresses of the people's republics.

XI. Highest Organs of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia 74. The highest organ of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia is the Con gress of the People's Youth of Yugosla via. The Central Committee convenes the Congress at least once in three years .

A special congress may be convened by decision of the Central Committee or at the demand of at least three central committees of the people's republics . The Central Committee is to announce the convening of a congress and agenda at least two months ahead of time.


75. Insofar as the Central Committee does not convene a special congress , the organizations which demanded its conven ing have the right to set up an organizational committee which will have the rights of the Central Committee as regards the convening of a congress. The number of delegates to the Con gress of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia is set by the Central Com mittee. 76. The Congress of the people's

Youth Organization of Yugoslavia : a) hears the written reports of the Central Committee and the Central Su pervisory Commission and adopts deci sions on them ; b) decides on the general line of work and tasks, adopting decisions binding on all members and organizatons ; c) amends and changes the Statute ;


d) elects the Central Committee of the People's Youth Organization of Yugosla via and the Central Supervisory Com mission. 77. The Central Committee directs the organization in the period between con gresses and represents it in our country and abroad ; The number of members of the Cen tral Committee of the People's Youth Or ganization of Yugoslavia and the Central Supervisory Commission is set by the Congress of the People's Youth Organi zation of Yugoslavia. Meetings of the Central Committee are convened by its bureau at least once every six months. Insofar as the bureau does not call a meeting in the specified period, it may be convened by at least a third of the members of the Central Commit tee.


78. In order



direction of

the organisation between meetings, the Central Committee elects a bureau headed by a secretary from among its members. The bureau organizes , aids , and checks up on the implementation of decisions of the Congress and Central Committee. It approves the leaders and members of divisions of regional, provincial and cen tral committees of the people's republics , the editorial boards of newspapers and magazines published by central commit tees in the people's republics ; appoints the editorial boards of newspapers and ma gazines and the executives of publishing houses of the Central Committee ; gives its permission to the secretaries of district, town, ward and university committees, secretaries and committee members of the big towns, the secretaries and members of the regional, provincial and central 66

committees of the people's republics to leave their posts. 79. To facilitate better direction of, and extension of aid to , the organizations , the following are to be set up within the Central Committee of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia : a) organiza tional-instructoral division ; b) cadres divi sion; c) division for propaganda and agi tation ; d) division for work among school youth ; e) division for work among uni versity youth ; f) board for work with the Union of Pioneers ; g) division for work projects; h) division for physical culture and extra-Army youth military education ; i) division for international relations; j ) financial division ; k) general division. Work brigade headquarters are to be set up by the Central Committee at youth work projects on the federal level , with



the aim of education of the youth, con cern for their lives, and organized parti cipation in work. These hqs are respon sible to the Central Committee. The Central Committee has the right te set up new and discontinue existing divisions and sections as the need arises. 80. The Central Committee elects a Central Control Commission which decides requests and complaints of members and organizations . 81. The Central Supervisory Commission has the task of checking on the speed and correctness of the administration of af fairs of divisions of the Central Com mittee and its financial and other ma terial affairs. The Central Supervisory Commission is responsible to the Congress of the Peo ple's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia .


XII. Awards and Penalties 82. Members may be given honorable mention and awards for conscientious work and exemplary fulfilment of tasks . The Central Committee is to issue a special set of regulations prescribing the awards and distinctions in the organiza tion and the method by whichthey are tendered. 83. A member of the People's Youth Organisation may be punished by admo nition, reprimand and strict reprimand . A member may be punished by expulsion for activity against the principles and interests of the organization . This extreme penalty is to be applied only after all cor rective measures have been exhausted .


By · purging itself of unworthy ele ments, the Organization strengthens and consolidates its ranks . 84. Decisions on the punishment of a member are made by his " active". Deci sions on strict reprimand or expulsion are valid only after approval by the district, town, ward or university leading organ . A leader may by punished by expul sion from a leading organ for non-fulfil ment of the decisions of the organization. Leaders are punished by higher leading organs. 85. A punished member has the right to appeal to any leading organ including the Central Committee and the Congress of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia . 86. The decision on removing a penalty is made by the organisation which carried out the punishment or the leading organ which approved the penalty. : 70



Property and Finances of the People's Youth Organization

87. The financial resources of the Peo ple's Youth Organization are : dues ; in come from the press, various publications and youth enterprises ; income from en tertainments, exhibitions, etc.; various fi nancial and other contributions. 88. All members of the People's Youth Organization pay membership dues set by the financial regulations of the Central Committee. The financial affairs of all organiza tions and leading organs are to be car ried out in accordance with the financial regulations of the Central Committee . 89. Every leading organ is responsible to its organization and higher leading or gans for the correct administration of 71

property and financial means of its orga nization.

XIV . People's Youth Organization in the Yugoslav Army

90. Organisations




Army are established and operate in ac cordance with the Statute of the People's Youth Organization . XV. Union of Pioneers 91. In order to extend aid to children, and help educate them, the People's Youth Organization forms organizations of the Union of Pioneers and directs them. It as signs its best members to work with the Pioneers .


It is the duty of the organizations of the People's Youth Organization to con cern themselves constantly with the work of the Pioneer organizations . By coopera tion with the mass people's organiza tions and educational organs of the peo ple's government, the People's Youth Or ganization endeavors to extend full help to these organizations and institutions in the education of the members of the Union of Pioneers , in securing the mate rial means for the work of the Union of Pioneers , Pioneer centers, way stations for young naturalists and those studying popular science, camps, summer resorts , railways etc. The Central Committee of the Peo ple's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia and the central committees of the Peo ple's Youth Organization of the people's republics publish newspapers and litera ture for the Pioneers. 73



STATUTE OF THE PEOPLE'S OF YOUTH ORGANIZATION ――――― --- 15 YUGOSLAVIA I Name and Character of Organiza ______ ―――― -- 17 tion II Programme Principles and Tasks 19

III Relationship of the People's Youth Organization Toward Other Orga ―――――― 29 nizations IV Membership in the Organization 32 35 V Duties ad Rights of Members VI Basic Principles of Internal Orga nization and Leadership of the 38 People's Youth Organization

43 VII Basic Organizations VIII Bodies and Leading Organs of the People's Youth Organization in the Districts, Towns, Wards 47 and Universities IX Bodies and Leading Organs of the People's Youth Organization in Big Towns, Regions and Pro ――― ― 53 vinces ― X Bodies and Leading Organs of the


People's Youth Organization in 57 the People's Republics XI Highest Organs of the People's Youth Organization of Yugoslavia 63 69 XII Awards and Penalties XIII Property and Finances of the ――――――― 71 People's Youth Organization XIV People's Youth Organization in 72 the Yugoslav Army 72 XV Union of Pioneers

