Staff Guide to the Children's Homes Standards and Regulations [1 ed.] 9781907969904, 9781900990882

Guidance for staff who work in children's homes in England which provides information on what staff responsibilitie

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Staff Guide to the Children's Homes Standards and Regulations [1 ed.]
 9781907969904, 9781900990882

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Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Alison Williams

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A brief guide to each standard: planning for care

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Contents Contents Introduction


About this guide






Common principles and themes


The Standards


Planning for care


Care and control


Relationship with young people


Behaviour management




Location, design and size of the home




Bathrooms and washing facilities


Health, safety and security




The Statement of Purpose


Vetting of staff and visitors


Placement plans


Staff support




Adequacy of staffing




Moving in and leaving the home


Preparation for leaving care


Quality of care

Management and administration Monitoring by the person carrying on the home

19 19

Monitoring of the operation of the home 19


Business management




Children’s individual case files


Privacy and confidentiality


Specific settings


Provision and preparation of meals


Personal appearance, clothing, requisites and pocket money


Good health and well-being


Treatment and administration of medicines within the home




Leisure and activities


Complaints and protection Complaints and representation



Child protection procedures and training 12 Countering bullying

Checklist 1: Staff qualifications/ experience


Checklist 2: Monthly monitoring by the registered person


Checklist 3: Statutory notifications


Checklist 4: Prohibited sanctions


Guidance and training




Checklist 5: Staff guidance


Checklist 6: Staff training


Checklist 7: The Statement of Purpose



Absence of the young person without authority


Notification of significant events





Contact information for children and young people


Introduction The Children’s Homes Regulations and Standards have been introduced to clarify and to set the expectations concerning the standards of care provided to all children placed in children’s homes and also in schools where children are resident for more than 295 days per year. These schools must be registered as a children’s home.

In the 1990s, attention was drawn to the variable quality of care received by young people in residential care. Child protection investigations led to considerable concern. At the same time, there were homes that were providing high quality services. The Care Standards Act 2000 established the National Care Standards Commission (NCSC). One of its roles is to register, approve and inspect all children’s homes. It will be inspecting your home against these Standards and Regulations.

About this guide This is a guide for staff to the Department of Health (2002) Children’s Homes: National Minimum Standards and Children’s Homes Regulations, available from The Stationery Office Norwich, or from the website 2

This guide is for front line staff employed in: ● children’s homes; ● residential special schools which accommodate at least one child in any one year for more than 295 days; ● most secure settings where young people are accommodated (see page 19); ● refuges where young people are accommodated (see page 19). (The term ‘home’ is used throughout the guide to include these other settings. Where there are separate Standards or differences, these are described.) The guide serves as an introduction to the Standards and helps to explain individual staff’s responsibilities to provide services to the expected and regulated standards. The

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Common principles and themes The Standards particularly emphasise the importance of responding to the young people’s individual needs in relation to religious, racial, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Gender, disability and sexual orientation also necessitate individualised assessment, planning and review and determination of how care and support services are delivered. Different methods of communication will need to be used to ensure all the relevant people can contribute to decision making.

guide follows the structure and order of the Standards. Readers can look to the published Standards to provide more detail. The term ‘young people’ is used to include children and young people under 18 years.

Consultation and the involvement of the young person in his or her individual care and plans as well as the running of the home is another theme which runs through many of the individual Standards. It will be important that the systems and the staff in the home demonstrate active involvement of the young people and to provide evidence of this in recordings of meetings, agendas and plans. This principle of involvement also extends to family, friends and significant people from the young person’s own community.

Regulations The Regulations replace all other children’s homes Regulations. Homes must follow them.

Standards These are national minimum standards for you and the home to work to. It is recognised that some homes’ practice will exceed these standards but also that some standards for some homes will present a challenge. They are qualitative and measurable. The Standards form the basis for judgements made by the NCSC when it inspects and registers the home. They will be kept under review. The Standards and Regulations link together. 3

The Standards Planning for care The Statement of Purpose This is an important document which should describe the home, what it sets out to do and how care is provided. Any changes made to it need to be sent to the NCSC immediately. Its content is detailed in Checklist 7 (page 26). The process of drawing it up and reviewing it is equally important and staff and young people should be involved. Staff, placing social workers and parents should have a copy. There must also be a young people’s guide to the home. Good practice will include: ● regular reappraisal of the Statement of Purpose, within a process which includes staff and young people; ● a young person’s guide in a format or formats that they can use and understand easily; ● regular work with the young people to ensure that they do understand the guide and the ways in which staff should and should not be caring for them.

Placement plans All young people must have a placement plan which identifies his or her needs and details how these are to be met and evaluated. The plan must cover: ● health and health promotion; ● care including safeguarding and promoting welfare; 4

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

● staff knowing what action they are to take after a review, within what timescales;

● physical and emotional needs; ● educational needs and attainment targets;

● staff preparing for reviews and being able to contribute to them, describing the young person’s achievements and difficulties;

● cultural, religious, language and racial needs; ● leisure; ● contact arrangements.

● copies of the review being available to young people, in a form that they can understand, and they are assisted in keeping these safe.

Good practice will include: ● the young person knowing about his or her plan and how to contribute to it; ● the plan regularly being discussed with the young person by his or her key worker or equivalent; ● the young person being supported in being able to make his or her views known about the plan, and to influence decision making; ● all staff being aware of the plan for the young person; ● the plan fitting with other plans for the care, education and health of the young person and parents being able to contribute; ● young people being able to have a say in who is their key worker or equivalent, and whether he or she should be changed.

Contact The work and practices of the home supports the young people to have constructive, safe contact with members of their family, friends and their community. There is written guidance available for staff which helps them to: ● understand the importance of contact and the rights of children and parents; ● ensure that contact is safe for the child and others in the home; ● encourage parents, relatives and friends to take part in activities in and around the life of the home. Good practice will include: ● demonstrating understanding of the importance of contact for the young person and enabling this (in accordance with his or her placement plan) through all the different forms of contact available to the home and the young person;

Reviews Reviews are held within the statutory timescales, at least every six months. The young person is enabled to contribute and participate.

● understanding when contact is not possible and supporting the young person through this.

Decisions and all agreed actions are followed through. Good practice will include: ● preparation and follow-up work taking place with the young person for his or her review; ● young people’s progress and achievements recorded and noted; ● the young person being provided with an advocate should they want one; ● staff requesting a review when one has not been arranged;

Moving in and leaving the home A home can only take young people in emergencies if this is part of their function and is specified in the Statement of Purpose. Wherever possible, young people should be prepared for coming to live in the home and understand what to expect. There should be opportunities for these expectations to be repeated to them so that they are able to understand them. 5

The Standards: Planning for care

● Pathway Plan;

There are clear procedures for entering and leaving the home in both planned and unplanned ways.

● transition plan (for children with disabilities and special educational needs).

Reviews are held within 72 hours after an emergency admission.

The plan must specify their need for support and assistance and how they will receive this.

Staff contribute to a Pathway Plan for young people leaving the home for independent or semi-independent living.

The staff at the home must work with the young person’s personal adviser in implementing the plan. (A personal adviser is the young person’s adviser appointed when he or she is 16 to carry out the responsibilities and duties of the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000.)

Good practice will include: ● enabling a young person to bring treasured possessions with them and helping them to keep these safe;

Young people are helped to contribute to the assessment of their needs and the plan and have a copy.

● guides for young people about the home which are clear, factual and easy to understand;

Work with the young person must include all aspects of his or her identity and development of self-esteem, making and keeping relationships.

● young people being helped to express their emotions, and to cope with their feelings about living away from home;

Good practice will include:

● staff carefully considering whether the home will be able to meet the needs of the young person as well as evaluating the impact of his or her admission on the existing group of residents.

● ensuring a comprehensive assessment and the development of a plan which covers all of the young person’s needs including:

Preparation for leaving care

The care young people receive while they are living in the home prepares them for leaving care and supports them into adulthood.

education, training and employment

safe and affordable housing

support for disabled young people

financial assistance

claiming welfare benefits, where this is relevant

access to health education and health care including specialist services, for example, counselling

maintaining contact with important people for the young person, including the children’s home

creating and accessing new forms of support and advice


support to individual young people;

● any specialist treatment programmes provided within the home being approved by the management of the home and the placing authority for the individual young person, and being supervised by appropriately qualified and accredited staff;

The plan for the young person must be consistent with his or her: ● placement plan; ● care plan;


Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Quality of care

● having individually directed programmes of personal, health, social and sex education for all young people; ● specialist services being provided where appropriate, and young people supported in attending appointments; ● supporting young people who have been involved in abuse, or prostitution, and involving them in putting together their support and protection plans; ● supporting young people when English is not their first language and those who use other means of communication; ● each young person having someone outside the home they are able to talk to about their personal problems, or worries in the home; ● young people being helped to understand and develop their own sense of identity, their history and ensuring they have access to specialist services where necessary;

Consultation All young people, and their families or other significant people, irrespective of their means of communication are encouraged and supported to take part in the life of the home and in decisions about their lives.

● having activities within the home which promote inclusion and involvement, and help young people make friendships; ● young people being supported in taking controlled risks, which help them to develop and achieve independence;

However, where consultation with family or others is not in the interests of the young person, this must be explained to him or her. Young people must be given an opportunity to have an advocate or independent visitor in place of the family.

● risk assessments being carried out and recorded; ● agreed information being passed on to subsequent placements to ensure continuity of care and support.

Good practice will include: ● having transparent systems and opportunities for young people to contribute to decisions about the home, as well as individual sessions with young people to ensure that they are consulted about their individual plans; ● including parents and other people who are important for the young person, within these processes; ● parents being asked for their views about the care the young person is receiving and how the home is run, the staffing of the home, space and furnishings, including privacy and personal space and arrangements for contact;


The Standards: Quality of care

Provision and preparation of meals

● records being kept of all such meetings which accurately record views, wishes and opinions, and feedback to be given;

Young people must be provided with sufficient, healthy, nutritious food and drink which offer variety and choice and /or guidance for providing these for themselves. The variety and choice must include food which reflects the racial, religious and cultural diversity of the residents.

● young people being helped to make individual choices; ● developments or changes to the home being discussed with all the people, including the placing authorities.

Staff and children need to know about safe food handling and hygiene.

Privacy and confidentiality

Dining rooms and their furnishings must meet the needs of the home, staff and young people with reasonable, set meal times, but if young people miss these, food is made available for them.

The practices of the home must promote the young person’s privacy insofar as this is consistent with their welfare. Information should be shared on a need-to-know

Good practice will include:

basis, and there must be procedures covering:

● young people being able to plan menus, shop for food and prepare their own and the home’s meals;

● confidentiality; ● access to records by staff and others;

● young people being able to prepare their own snacks and drinks, at reasonable times;

● the disclosure of illegal activities; ● the circumstances and ways in which young

● seeking advice when young people have problems with eating;

people’s rooms are entered, for example, emergencies or when young people are deemed to

● ensuring some communal meals and that these are positive, orderly experiences.

be at risk; ● personal and intimate care matters;

Personal appearance, clothing, requisites and pocket money

● the circumstances under which searches of a young person’s possessions can occur and; ● the recording of these and;

Young people are able to choose, buy, and keep their own clothes and other necessities, with guidance and support as appropriate to their development and wishes.

● the passing on of information relating to child protection concerns. Placing authorities or, if none, the young person’s parents must agree any restrictions on communication. Good practice will include:

Good practice will include:

● the provision of an accessible, private and

● opportunities for the young person to express and develop their individual identity, so long as this is in accordance with their welfare, safety and protection;

convenient telephone for young people; ● ensuring young people have choices and opportunities to consider consent concerning provision of intimate care, invasive procedures

● clarity concerning the young people’s personal allowances, and the arrangements for these;

and levels of supervision.


Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

● health monitoring required of staff;

● young people being helped to keep their money safely and being assisted with budgeting;

● the involvement of a child’s parents or significant others in health issues.

● young people being able to keep their own stock of personal toiletries, and staff offering advice and support.

Treatment which is prescribed or detailed in the placement plan or care plan must be implemented, subject to taking the young person’s wishes into account.

Good health and well-being

Good practice will include:

The home promotes good health through its practices in general and also through the individual support for each young person.

● the home offering individual and communal opportunities for young people to learn about and discuss how to promote their own health which includes information, advice and support concerning:

The home has policies and written guidance concerning: ● immunisation and screening;

alcohol and illegal, or other, substance abuse



sex and relationships

HIV infection

hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases

protection from prejudice, bullying and abuse, within and outside the home;

● nutrition and diet; ● exercise and rest; ● personal hygiene; ● sexual health; ● the effects of alcohol, smoking and other substances; ● HIV and AIDS and other blood borne diseases. Young people are encouraged to take responsibility for their own health care as appropriate to their age and development, and clear records are kept of illnesses, accidents and injuries.

● choice of doctor being offered wherever possible and the young person being able to choose (subject to their age and understanding) whether to be accompanied when seeing the doctor;

Each young person has his or her own health plan which also provides a history and record of his or her health care. It must include:

● the practices of the home emphasising the importance of preserving the young person’s dignity and privacy.

● medical history; ● details of any specific medical or other health interventions required;

Treatment and administration of medicines within the home

● any necessary preventive measures; ● allergies or known adverse reactions to medication;

First aid and minor treatment and administration of medicines are only carried out by competent and designated staff, while more complex and skilled health tasks are carried out by staff with written authorisation of the doctor or nurse responsible for the young person.

● dental health needs; ● any hearing needs; ● any optical needs; ● records of developmental checks; ● specific treatment therapies or remedial programmes needed in relation to physical, emotional or mental health;

There are first aid boxes in the home. The person with parental responsibility must have given 9

The Standards: Quality of care

written prior permission for the administration of first aid and appropriate non-prescribed medication.

his or her needs will be met;


● whether he or she should attend a particular establishment;

Records are kept of all tasks, and these records are monitored by the manager of the home (see Checklist 2, page 21) The term ‘nurse’ is only used for a staff member who is registered as a nurse and he or she must have access to a named senior nurse or doctor for professional guidance and consultation.

● the level of monitoring of a young person’s school attendance;

Where children refuse to take medication prescribed for them, this must be recorded and referred to the prescribing practitioner.

● parental/social work involvement in the education of the young person; ● dates of national examinations and any other examinations the young person may be taking;

Medicines are kept securely and there is a written policy on the storage, disposal and administering of medication including non-prescribed, ‘household’ medication.

● details of the staff responsible for liaising with schools, Connexions/careers service, job centre, employment agencies and local employers as appropriate;

Good practice will include: ● young people being assessed as responsible to keep safely and administer their own medication, before they are allowed to do so;

● arrangements for travelling to and from school. Good practice will include:

● qualified medical practitioners contributing to and checking the policies concerning the administration of medication.

● staff demonstrating their interest and concern for a young person and emphasising the importance of his or her education;


● giving support and assistance with homework and out of school interests and activities which promote learning;

Each home has an educational policy which details how they will promote and support each young person’s education.

● books, computer equipment and access to libraries being promoted in the home; ● staff attending parents’ meetings and other school events in consultation with parents; ● young people having access to an educational programme during normal school hours, if he or she is out of school;

Each young person has a Personal Education Plan (PEP) to which the staff of the home have contributed, and which they understand and support.

● staff actively working with the placing authority to secure appropriate full-time education provision for young people not in school.

The PEP and other educational records must include: ● the young person’s educational attainments and records of achievement; ● the young person’s educational history and any statement of special educational needs and how


Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Leisure and activities

Young people must be provided with opportunities to pursue their interests and to develop new ones.

and a school, which is a home, can put the name of the school on the transport).

Leisure activities provide an opportunity for young people to develop skills which can enhance their selfesteem and help them to develop a stronger sense of their own identity.

Good practice will include: ● young people and staff planning activities, events and holidays together; ● young people’s views being taken into account when planning these;

Homes should be able to provide a range of activities so that individual, as well as group, interests and activities can be promoted.

● support being provided for young people, particularly disabled young people, to enable them to participate;

Staff should support young people in their interests and activities, and this should include cultural and religious festivals.

● having access to a range of suitable resources within the home, to extend the young people’s interests, including music, toys, books, games, newspapers and magazines;

Interests and activities should be part of the placement and care plan and be included in reviews. While the young person’s day should have structure to it, they should also be able to have some time when they are able to do nothing in particular.

● careful consideration being given to the young people’s access to computer games and the Internet and watching videos so that they are suitable for the age group of the young people living in and visiting the home;

Staff supervising or leading activities must be suitably qualified. Risk assessments are carried out and recorded.

● young people participating in activities and events in the community, encouraged to have friends and for these friends to visit them and for them to make reciprocal visits to friends’ homes.

Transport used should be suitable and safe for the purpose and minibuses should not be marked to distinguish them from an ordinary car or bus (but it may carry the name of a charity which has donated it, 11

The Standards: Complaints and protection

Complaints and protection

● provide for relevant complaints to be referred to other procedures, for example child protection, and provide a link between the complaints and child protection procedures of the home; ● be accessible for disabled children; ● contain details concerning how to get in touch with the NCSC; ● also be in a summary format for young people and their parents and placing authorities, and staff and others working in the home (they can also have the full policy and procedure). Complaints are monitored and reviewed by the registered person.

Complaints and representation

Good practice will include:

Young people must know how they can make representations and complaints.

● staff ensuring at regular intervals, and not only when they have a complaint, that young people are aware of the complaints procedure and know how to use it;

These must be responded to promptly (within 28 days) and the young person must be kept informed of the progress of his or her complaint.

● managers and staff being alert to patterns of complaints and taking appropriate action;

They or their family, significant other, or independent visitor (where appropriate) should be supported through the process and given information concerning access to an advocate.

● having a regular programme of training and support for staff in operating the procedure; ● having a separate procedure for addressing complaints from outside the home, from the community, shopkeepers, neighbours, etc.

The advocate must be able to communicate through the complainant’s primary method of communication or language.

Child protection procedures and training

The home’s complaints policy and procedure must: ● enable complaints to be pursued, whether they are major or minor;

The safety and welfare of the young people are promoted through the practices of the home.

● provide for complaints to be investigated independently of the subject of the complaint;

Staff are aware of and understand their responsibilities under child protection policies, practices and procedures and these are available in the home.

● forbid reprisals against the complainant; ● allow for informal attempts to resolve the complaint, but that the complainant can choose to proceed to formal stages if he or she remains dissatisfied;

Staff know how to respond to allegations or suspicions of abuse however these are presented or referred and whoever they may involve.

● allow for complaints against the manager and registered person of the home to be investigated; ● provide for the complaint and its progress to be accurately recorded;

Staff report to the police any evidence of young people becoming involved in prostitution or of unauthorised people making contact with the young people or picking them up.

● not restrict the issues that can be complained about;

Child protection policies and procedures are consistent with Area Child Protection Committee (ACPC) policy 12

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

and procedures for the area in which the home is situated, and there are good links with other agencies. There is guidance concerning access to support and information when allegations of abuse are made against staff. Guidance must be available to staff covering: ● the importance of an initial full assessment of young people’s histories and any experiences of abuse so that children are not repeatedly asked; ● observing contacts between young people; ● supervision of young people; ● supervision and support of staff; ● recognition of possible involvement of young people in prostitution; ● confidentiality; ● physical contact between staff and young people;

Good practice will include:

● one-to-one time alone by staff with young people;

● support for young people being bullied and guidance for those who may be bullying others;

● intimate care and invasive procedures; ● administering medication.

● risk assessments being undertaken to reduce the incidents and opportunities for bullying.

Good practice will include: ● staff being aware that they must not give inappropriate guarantees of confidentiality nor ask leading questions;

Absence of the young person without authority

● staff discussing with young people protection and safety issues and their response when there are allegations or suspicions of abuse;

There are adequate safeguards in place for reporting and responding to a young person’s unauthorised absence from the home.

● advice being available to the registered manager and the staff concerning child protection practice within the home, from the local Child Protection Co-ordinator or equivalent.

Policy, guidance and procedures are available to staff, and cover: ● the measures staff can and cannot take to prevent a young person running away; ● searching for the young person;

Countering bullying

● reporting the young person as missing to police, placing authority and others including parents where appropriate, and agreed with the placing authority;

Young people are protected from bullying and the home promotes an atmosphere where bullying is known to be unacceptable. There is a clear and understood definition of bullying with measures to respond to and prevent it.

● carrying out a risk assessment concerning the likely risks to the young person;

The policy is known to all working and living in the home, and it is monitored to ensure it is effective, and measures taken to revise the policy and practice where necessary.

● seeking information of his or her whereabouts; ● collection and return;


The Standards: Care and control

Care and control

● follow-up action to be taken when the young person returns; ● implications for the placement plan and care plan; ● recording incidents of unauthorised absence. Good practice will include:

Relationship with young people

● ensuring the young person is seen by his or her social worker or an independent person to ascertain his or her reason for running away;

Staff know how to set safe, consistent and understandable boundaries for the young people. Expectations of behaviour for staff and young people are understood and negotiated with staff and young people.

● ensuring that appropriate action is taken, for example referring any child protection suspicions, allegations or concerns through the child protection procedures;

The acceptable measures of control used in the home are understood as being for the welfare of the young person and the protection of others.

● monitoring the attendance of vulnerable young people at school.

Staff are able to balance the individual needs of the young person, and his or her wishes and preferences with the needs of the group of young people and the protection of others from harm.

Notification of significant events All staff know about, understand and carry out their responsibilities for referring significant events to the relevant authorities (see Checklist 3, page 22).

Young people are treated fairly, without preference. Staff provide continuity and stability for individual young people.

There are also systems in place to inform parents where it is appropriate to do so of any other incidents or welfare concerns.

Good practice will include: ● staff setting clear personal and professional boundaries which work for the individual and the group;

Written records are kept. Placing authorities need to be notified of any emotional and mental health concerns for a young person. This could involve a mental health assessment being requested.

● relationships and work with the young people based on honesty and respect; ● staff being consistent in the care and control they provide for the young people;

The home must request a meeting to review the care and placement plans following the notification of any significant events, unless the placing authority has agreed it is not necessary to hold a meeting.

● young people able to exercise choices over which staff help them with their personal care.

Behaviour management

Good practice will include:

In Checklist 4 (page 23), there is a list of sanctions which cannot be used under any circumstances.

● staff being aware of the home’s responsibilities to report serious incidents and requesting managers to do so;

Control, disciplinary and restraint measures used within the home must be agreed with the manager or provider. They must be understood by staff and young people and used consistently.

● staff working with parents to ensure they are aware, where appropriate and agreed with the placing agency, of concerns about their child and the actions taken to address the concern.

There is a clear written code of conduct/behaviour management policy setting these out. 14

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Young people should receive praise and positive responses for acceptable behaviour.

Good practice will include: ● having measures of control for each young person set within:

Unacceptable behaviour is responded to constructively and consistently.

the development of a positive relationship

Reparation and restitution can be used.

responding positively to acceptable behaviour

Restraint is only used to prevent injury to the young person or others, or likely serious damage to property, never to enforce compliance with an instruction or as a punishment.

each young person’s placement plan

the general rules which apply within the home;

● sanctions and other responses to unacceptable behaviour which follow the incident as quickly as possible, these being reasonable and proportionate and take into consideration the young person’s circumstances;

The home has a policy on the use of restraint and other forms of physical intervention, and how, and under what circumstances, these can be carried out. This is available and explained to the young person, his or her parent and the placing authority at the time of admission to the home.

● staff discussing with young people their rights and responsibilities in relation to sanctions and the rules within the home, and with an emphasis on everyone’s responsibilities to those who live and work in the home and to the community;

Staff must have signed a copy of the policy, to demonstrate that they have seen and understood it. Detailed records are kept concerning the use of all sanctions and restraint and these are available in a separate ‘log book’ and these records are monitored by the registered person/manager (see definition in Checklist 1, page 20). Young people are encouraged to sign this record and to record their views about the intervention.

● holding forums or house meetings as well as individual meetings where young people are encouraged to discuss the rules and sanctions, and express their views; ● staff being able to raise in their own meetings concerns about behaviour and methods of responding to behaviour, and agree actions as a staff group which: support the young person; are included within his or her placement plan; and are consistently applied across the staff group.

The young person understands that following a physical intervention they have the right to be examined by a nurse or doctor within 24 hours. There should be clear procedures agreed with the police concerning their involvement with the home. Staff need to know about these.


The Standards: Environment

Environment Location, design and size of the home

people’s views should be ascertained before decisions are made about sharing a room. Young people should feel safe and protected. If there is a risk of an abusive relationship developing between children, then staff should avoid placing them in a room together.

The home must be designed so that it meets the individual needs of the young people and its Statement of Purpose.

Disabled young people should be able to call for help and must be provided with all necessary equipment and space to maximise their independence and enable assistance to be given.

The home must be safe for the young people it accommodates and all health and safety and protective measures taken to ensure this.

Young people must have access to a quiet space for study and homework and the pursuit of their own individual interests, as well as provision for safe storage of their personal items. There are rooms for young people to meet with their friends, family or significant people in private without disrupting the other young people.

It should be accessible for all those who live there and enable them to participate in and have access to essential services, as well as those people they have contact with.

Bathrooms and washing facilities

The young people’s privacy should be protected, and if the premises are used for other functions, the young people’s welfare is not compromised.

These should be designed to ensure maximum privacy, and that where young people require assistance this can be given in a way that preserves the young person’s dignity.

Positive links with the local community are promoted. Good practice will include:

Staff, but not young people, should in an emergency be able to open the doors to bathrooms, showers and toilets from the outside.

● staff working with young people to ensure that they understand the need to protect the privacy of the home and guard against unwelcome visitors;

Where homes accommodate more than five children, staff must use separate shower, bathroom and toilet facilities to those used by the young people.

● staff and young people working together to look after the fabric of the building, prevent and make good damage, and decide about décor and furnishings.

Health, safety and security Homes must meet all relevant health and safety requirements.


Careful consideration is given to the risks each young person may pose, and risk assessments and plans followed through. These plans should be monitored and reviewed by the registered person.

Young people should have their own bedroom or sufficient personal space for themselves and their belongings within a shared bedroom. If the home is a school as well, young people should have their own bed and space in a room. Young 16

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Staff support


All staff must receive regular supervision. In children’s homes: ● new staff should have one-to-one supervision at least fortnightly during the first six months of their employment; ● agency staff or those employed infrequently should have one-to-one supervision at least every eight shifts worked in the home; ● all other staff should have at least one and a half hours of one-to-one supervision each month. In schools which are also homes: ● new staff should have one-to-one supervision at least fortnightly during the first two terms of their employment; ● agency staff or those employed infrequently should have one-to-one supervision at least every half term when they work ten shifts or days at the school;

Vetting of staff and visitors

● all other staff should have at least one and a half hours of one-to-one supervision every halfterm.

All staff must be carefully recruited following approved procedures, ensuring that all the necessary checks are carried out. This also applies to agency staff.

Supervision must be recorded. Supervision must address:

If in agreed circumstances, all the checks have not been carried out, staff must be closely supervised and not left alone with young people.

● responses to and methods of working with young people; ● work with any young person for whom the staff member is key worker;

Visitors to the home should be subject to the necessary checks, or not allowed unsupervised access to the home. There must be systems in place to monitor and record visits to the home.

● the staff member’s role, including his or her accountability, in fulfilling the home’s Statement of Purpose;

Where young people are carried in taxis they are either accompanied or their welfare is safeguarded.

● the staff member’s work in fulfilling the placement plan for individual children; ● the degree of personal involvement, feelings, concern and stress;

Good practice will include: ● staff and young people meeting shortlisted applicants prior to the decision about the appointment, and their views taken into account;

● staff development and training; ● feedback on performance; ● guidance on current and new tasks, including the setting and maintenance of standards;

● all staff, including contract and agency, should have a Criminal Records Bureau check on appointment, or gain one immediately after.

● personal issues which may impinge on the staff member’s ability to carry out his or her duties effectively. 17

The Standards: Staffing

All staff must have annual appraisals which cover the level of performance achieved, targets for the coming year and the agreed training needs to be met within the following year as part of the individual’s Personal Development Plan.

Young people must not be given responsibility for other young people. Where they are asked to carry out specific tasks, this must not place them in a position from which they can bully other young people. Staff disciplinary procedures are clear and separate from child protection and criminal proceedings.

All staff should have a written job description. Staff have access to sources of advice and counselling.

Staff do not smoke with or in the presence of young people in the home, nor use or take into the home any illegal drug or other substance.

Staff meetings occur at least monthly and include: ● discussion of the home’s work in caring for individual young people;

Staff may only have a small alcoholic drink with the permission of the registered person, in exceptional circumstances, for example, with Christmas lunch.

● management of the current child group; ● review of the home’s practices. Meetings have an agenda and are minuted.

Adequacy of staffing The numbers, experience and competency of the staff as a group and on individual shifts must be sufficient to meet the needs of the young people in the home and fulfil the expectations of the Statement of Purpose. (See Checklists 1 and 6, pages 20 and 25). The home must be able to increase the numbers of staff on duty where the needs of the young people or other circumstances indicate this is necessary in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of any individual young person. Risk assessments must be carried out if a member of staff is on duty on his or her own and adequate arrangements should be in place to ensure that extra support can be called on. Young people must know at all times who is responsible for them and the arrangements for calling them. Staff should understand the arrangements for deputising. Staff rotas have time scheduled for: ● handovers; ● work with individual young people; ● completion of records; ● planning and carrying out of care programmes; and these can be carried out without compromising the overall care of the young people. Records of rotas are kept. 18

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Management and administration

Monitoring of the operation of the home The registered person monitors the home in relation to those areas specified in Checklist 2 (page 21). He or she is looking in particular for patterns of behaviour, concerns which require action and ensuring that incidents and concerns have been reported to the appropriate authority. He or she is also responsible for ensuring that the home continues to meet the Statement of Purpose. He or she is responsible for ensuring there is a written development plan, reviewed annually. Copies of inspection reports should be available and accessible to all those entitled to see them.

Business management The home must be run on a sound financial basis to ensure that services for the young people are reliable and provide continuity.

Monitoring by the person carrying on the home

The registered manager must have a job description stating their responsibilities and duties and their line of accountability.

There must be monthly monitoring visits to the home carried out by the registered person where they do not manage the home on a day-to-day basis.

Children’s individual case files

These visits must be recorded and action taken addressing the issues raised in his or her report.

Each young person has a private, secure case file to which he or she, and their parents, as appropriate, have access, in compliance with legal requirements.

Such visits are normally unannounced but announced visits can be made to ensure that the people the visitor wishes to meet are present.

Good practice will include: ● staff sharing records and reports with young people at the time of recording.

Visits must cover: ● checks on the daily log;

Specific settings

● records of complaints;

Young people in secure settings should also receive care which meets these Standards, excepting those which relate to their need for security.

● disciplinary measures and the use of restraint; ● assessment of the physical condition of the building, furniture and equipment of the home;

This also applies to young people in refuges, and the Standards should only be adapted to fit with the status and ethos of a refuge.

and provide opportunity for the visitor to meet with a young person and/or member of staff should any of them wish to do so. These meetings can occur in private.


Checklists qualification – DipSW or NVQ Level 4 in a relevant area. Again by January 2005 he or she must have Level 4 in management or its equivalent. If between now and January 2005 a manager is appointed without the required qualification, he or she must begin a relevant course of study within three months of his or her appointment.

Experience He or she must have at least two years’ experience working with children during the past five years and at least a further one year’s experience at a senior level in a residential establishment.

Care staff

Both the Regulations and the Standards contain a number of very useful checklists. Some of them set out things you must or must not do by law.

By January 2004 all care staff must be aged over 18, and within this they must be at least four years older than the oldest child.

They are summarised below, with explanations where necessary.

They cannot be in a management role nor in sole charge of children unless they are over 21. They must have induction training within six weeks of arriving at the home, and foundation training within six months. (These are to the Training Organisation for Social Services [TOPSS] specification –

Checklist 1

Staff qualifications/experience The Standards set out the required qualifications and experience for different categories of staff.

By January 2005, at least eight out of ten care staff in any home must have a relevant NVQ Level 3 qualification, for example, Caring for children and young people, or other qualification with similar competencies.

The manager of a home This is the registered person who directly manages the home and its staff. It may or may not be the same person as the provider or proprietor.

The deputy manager (or similar post)

For a school registered as a children’s home the manager must be the Head of Care although the registered person will be the Head of the School – they cannot be the same person.

The deputy manager must have at least one year’s relevant supervisory experience.

Qualifications He or she must (by January 2005) have a relevant


Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Checklist 2

11 Unauthorised absences of children (that is, absconding)

Monthly monitoring by the registered person

12 Use of punishments and disciplinary measures 13 Use of restraint 14 Risk assessments that have been carried out, and the action taken to reduce risks

The Regulations require those registered by the National Care Standards Commission as the provider and manager of the home to ensure that the following aspects of the running of the home are monitored every month. Because this is in the Regulations, this monitoring must be done, by law.

15 Giving of medication, first aid and treatments for children 16 Staff rotas – as planned, and as actually worked

In practice, this requires the manager of the home to:

17 What is recorded in the home’s Daily Log

● check the records of each of the items on the list;

18 Fire drills and alarm tests carried out, any problems and any action taken

● carry out any appropriate further checks on each of these (for example, discussing them with staff or children concerned);

19 Staff appraisals 20 Minutes of staff meetings

● take any action this shows is needed to improve how the home is looking after children;

and for homes that are also schools,

● keep a record that they have made these checks and are taking this action. 1

21 The school’s standards of educational provision

How well the home is complying with each child’s: ● care plan ● placement plan


The safe keeping, depositing and withdrawal of any children’s money or valuables looked after by the home


Menus (as actually served)


Accidents or injuries at the home


Illnesses of children


Complaints and their outcomes


Any allegations or suspicions of abuse and their outcomes


Staff recruitment – and whether all necessary records and checks have been carried out


Visitors to the home and to individual children

10 Whether notifications of major events have been made to the right people as required in the Regulations (what these are, and where they go, are listed in Checklist 3)



Checklist 3

As well as these notifications to organisations, the Regulations require you, by law, to tell a child’s parent(s) of anything significant that happens that affects their child’s welfare – unless it is not ‘reasonably practicable’ to notify them (for example neither you nor the child’s placing authority has any means of contacting them), OR to tell them would put the child’s welfare at risk.

Statutory notifications The Regulations require that the following events must be notified to the organisations specified. These notifications have to be made ‘without delay’. If any of these notifications are given verbally (e.g. by

The legally required events, and who must be told about them, are as follows:

telephone), they must be confirmed in writing. Event

To be notified to Commission

Placing authority

Secretary of State

Local authority





Referral to the Secretary of Yes State pursuant to section 2(1)(a) of the Protection of Children Act 1999 of an individual working at the home


Serious illness or serious accident sustained by a child accommodated in the home



Outbreak of any infectious disease which in the opinion of a registered medical practitioner attending children at the home is sufficiently serious to be so notified



Death of a child accommodated in the home

Allegation that a child accommodated at the home has committed a serious offence Yes


Serious incident necessitating calling the police to the home



Absconding by a child accommodated at the home Yes


Instigation and outcome of any child protection enquiry involving a child accommodated at the home







Any serious complaint about the home or persons working there

Health authority



Involvement or suspected involvement of a child accommodated at the home in prostitution




Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Checklist 4

Prohibited sanctions

13 Keeping any usual aids or equipment from a disabled child.

The Regulations prohibit certain forms of punishment in children’s homes. Those listed below are therefore, quite literally, outlawed, and must not be used inside or outside any home. 1

14 Letting or asking another child to punish a child in any way. (You have therefore to be very careful that punishments are only given or carried out by staff, and that if older children are given some responsibilities towards younger children, this does not involve any giving of punishments of any sort. If your home is also a school, and there is a prefect system, this means that prefects cannot be allowed to give punishments.)

Physical restraint of a child must not be used: ● as punishment; ● simply to make the child do what he or she is told;

15 Punishing a group of children for something not all of them did. (You cannot therefore use punishments on the lines of ‘unless the person who did this owns up, none of you will watch TV tonight’.)

● if there is no likely injury to someone, or likely serious damage to property. 2

Any form of corporal punishment (e.g. hitting, slapping, pushing, throwing something at a child).


Making a child eat or drink something as a punishment.


Depriving a child of usual access to food and drink as a punishment.


Stopping a child having contact, visits or communicating with people he or she would otherwise be allowed.


Stopping a child from phoning a welfare helpline, his or her solicitor, adviser, advocate, social worker, or other personnel from the Commission or local authority.


Making a child wear distinctive or inappropriate clothes as a punishment (note this means as a punishment, not that a young person can claim it lets them off wearing their usual school uniform for school!).


Giving a child medicine as a punishment.


Stopping a child from having medication, medical treatment or dental treatment they would otherwise have, as a punishment.

It is important that these actions cannot be used as punishments – but some of them may happen without being punishments. For example, a child may end up deprived of sleep because of the night-time behaviour of others. That does not mean that he or she has been illegally punished. The fact that the Regulations include the above list does not mean that any form of punishment not on the prohibited list is permissible. There is a general Regulation as well, that any punishment used must not be excessive or unreasonable. As well as this, the Regulations only let you use punishments that are listed in the home’s ‘Behaviour Management Policy’. To keep within the law, you therefore need to know what punishments are allowed at the home, and adhere to those, as well as avoiding anything on the prohibited list above.

Remember that physical restraint is not to be used as a punishment, but only to prevent someone getting injured or property being seriously damaged. Restraint itself must never cause undue pain or injury.

10 Deliberately depriving a child of sleep as a punishment. 11 Making a child pay a fine, unless this is a reasonable amount and is towards putting right something they have done or damaged. 12 Making a child undergo any sort of intimate physical examination as a punishment. (Children have the right to refuse any physical examination.) 23


Guidance and training

16 Fire precautions and emergency procedures

The Standards include two important lists of the information you should be given by the home you are working in.

17 Doing and using risk assessments

The first list is what should be covered in the guidance the home gives to its staff – so it contains all the things on which the home must tell you its policies and practices. This may be in the form of a Staff Handbook or something similar, for example a staff reference file, or a set of separate policies and practice documents.

19 Health and safety policy – this includes food hygiene

18 Locking doors, windows, filing and medication cabinets, garden gates, etc.

20 How, and under what circumstances room searches can occur 21 Child protection

The second list is what the home should make sure is covered in the staff training it gives you over the time you are working in the home.

22 Checking and supervising visitors to the home and to individual children 23 Dealing with HIV/AIDS 24 Responding to allegations or your own suspicions of abuse of any child

Checklist 5

Staff guidance

25 How to deal with children who have experienced

You should be given staff guidance about:

26 The home’s staffing policy detailing who/how


many people are on duty at any one point in time


Admitting and receiving children to the home


Care and control methods approved for use in the home

27 Staff rotas


The health and education policies of the home

29 Sleeping-in duties


The approved punishments or sanctions you are able to use with children

30 Supervising children at bedtimes and at night


The home’s policy and practice on the use of restraint


28 Shift hand-overs

31 Issues to do with physical contact with children 32 Issues to do with one-to-one time with individual children

What records you are expected to keep or make entries in – and how

33 Care practice with children of the opposite sex to yourself


Who has access to what records


Children’s care plans

34 The needs of children from minority ethnic groups


Children’s placement plans

35 How to combat racism in and outside the home

10 How staff should implement individual children’s placement plans

36 The staff disciplinary and grievance procedures 37 What authority is delegated to whom to make

11 Preventing and responding to bullying between children

decisions 38 Who you are required to notify of any particular

12 Making entries in and using, the home’s Log Book

decisions or events

13 Keeping confidentiality

39 Reviews of children’s care plans and placement

14 Administering money in the home, and its security

plans, and your own input

15 How repairs and maintenance happen

40 Dealing with aggression and violence 24

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Checklist 6

41 Dealing with sexuality and personal relationships in the home 42 Working with parents and carers

Staff training

43 First aid

Your staff training should cover:

44 Giving, recording and storing medicines


Child development – both normal and abnormal

45 The children’s complaints (or ‘representations’) procedure


Basic residential skills




Any special child care techniques at the home, and the skills you need for these

48 Drugs and misuse of substances policy


Keeping control

49 Policy on giving and receiving gifts


Recording skills*

50 Whistleblowing if you have concerns about children’s welfare


Permitted and prohibited punishments and other disciplinary measures


Using restraint


Child protection procedures and practice*

46 Smoking policy 47 Alcohol policy

10 Issues about race, ethnic background, religion and cultural background 11 Dealing with sexuality 12 Health education, including diet and nutrition 13 Dealing with HIV and AIDS 14 Communicating with young people 15 Ways of communicating with disabled young people 16 Lifting and handling techniques where the home is accommodating disabled young people who need to be lifted and handled 17 Health and safety at work** 18 Food hygiene skills 19 Safety with medicines 20 Fire precautions* 21 First aid and medical procedures* 22 The Children Act 1989, the Human Rights Act 1998, and other relevant legislation 23 Encouraging young people’s hobbies and activities 24 Supervising other staff (if you are expected to do this) 25 Interviewing skills (if you are expected to help in recruiting new staff) 25


Checklist 7

26 Following complaints and representations procedures

The Statement of Purpose

27 The National Minimum Standards for children’s homes

The Statement of Purpose must include:

28 Any special knowledge and skills you need for your particular role in the home


A statement of the overall aims of the children’s home, and the objectives to be attained with regard to children accommodated in the home.


A statement of the facilities and services to be provided for the children accommodated in the children’s home.


The name and address of the registered provider, and of the registered manager if applicable.

** These are to be included in induction training which must be delivered within six weeks of starting work


The relevant qualifications and experience of the registered provider and, if applicable, the registered manager.

Foundation training must be completed within six months of joining the home, and both induction and foundation training must meet the National Training Organisation’s Specification. (TOPSS –


The number, relevant qualifications and experience of persons working at the children’s home, and if the workers are all of one sex, a description of the means whereby the home will promote appropriate role models of both sexes.

Staff must receive at least six paid days of training per year, and have access, where appropriate, to continuing and post-qualifying training in child care.


The arrangements for the supervision, training and development of employees.


The organisational structure of the children’s home.


The following particulars:

29 Working with families 30 Undertaking risk assessments 31 Procedures to be followed in emergencies** 32 Notification of incidents** *

These must be delivered prior to staff commencing work

a) the age-range, sex and numbers of children for whom it is intended that accommodation should be provided; b) whether it is intended to accommodate children who are disabled, have special needs or any other special characteristics; and c) the range of needs (other than those mentioned in (b)) that the home is intended to meet. 9

Any criteria used for admission to the home, including the home’s policy and procedures for emergency admissions, if the home provides for emergency admissions.

10 If the children’s home provides or is intended to provide accommodation for more than six children, a description of the positive outcomes intended for children in a home of such a size, and of the home’s strategy for counteracting any adverse 26

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

effects arising from its size, on the children

26 Details of any specific therapeutic techniques used in the home, and arrangements for their supervision.

accommodated there. 11 A description of the children’s home’s underlying

27 A description of the children’s home’s policy in relation to anti-discriminatory practice as respects children and children’s rights.

ethos and philosophy, and where this is based on any theoretical or therapeutic model, a description of that model. 12 The arrangements made to protect and promote the health of the children accommodated at the home. 13 The arrangements for the promotion of the education of the children accommodated there, including the facilities for private study. 14 The arrangements to promote children’s participation in recreational, sporting and cultural activities. 15 The arrangements made for consultation with the children accommodated about the operation of the children’s home. 16 The arrangements made for the control, restraint and discipline of children. 17 The arrangements made for child protection and to counter bullying. 18 The procedure for dealing with any unauthorised absence of a child from the children’s home. 19 A description of any electronic or mechanical means of surveillance of children which may be used in the children’s home. 20 The fire precautions and associated emergency procedures in the children’s home. 21 The arrangements for the children’s religious instruction and observance. 22 The arrangements for contact between a child and his parents, relatives and friends. 23 The arrangements for dealing with complaints. 24 The arrangements for dealing with reviews of placement plans. 25 The type of accommodation, including the sleeping accommodation, provided, and, where applicable, how children are to be grouped, and in what circumstances they are to share bedrooms. 27

Glossary Accommodated where a child is being cared for by the Social Services with the agreement of the parents Advocate someone independent who visits a child, or assists in stating their views Agency staff (also known as locum or bank staff) temporary staff usually working to cover an absence or to maintain required levels of staffing Ancillary staff support staff in the office, cleaning, catering, repairing, gardening ACPC Area Child Protection Committee, multi-agency group for policy/procedure Care order given by the Court to protect a child if it is satisfied the child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm if he or she was not in the care of Social Services Care plan (for all looked after children) is used to decide how a child should be looked after, for how long and what type of placement will best meet his or her needs

Absconding running away Abuse there are four kinds of child abuse – neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and sexual abuse: i)

neglect – when any basic needs are not met. It may include failure to provide food, shelter, clothing and access to appropriate medical care.


physical abuse – may include hitting, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, attempted drowning, suffocating or causing physical harm in any other way.

Child protection measures taken to reduce risks, report concerns and respond appropriately to any allegations, occurrences or suspicions including investigations Criminal Records Bureau carries out checks on staff to see if they are suitable to work with children Induction training and guidance given to new people living or working at the home

iii) emotional abuse – persistent emotional illtreatment that may cause damaging effects on the child’s emotional development, including degrading punishments, threats, constant criticism, and not giving love and affection that can undermine a child’s confidence and self-esteem.

Key worker staff who have particular responsibilities to support a child or children Looked after children who are either ‘accommodated’ or ‘in care’ Negotiation, arbitration, mediation methods of resolving conflict

iv) sexual abuse – includes forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. It can involve physical contact or involving children in looking at pornographic material or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in inappropriate ways

Parental responsibility the rights and power of a mother, father or others to make decisions about a child. Where a child is looked after because of a care order, Social Services shares parental responsibility with the child’s parents 28

Staff Guide to the Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations

Pathway Plan involves all the planning for after leaving care Personal adviser to support and plan for children leaving care Personal Education Plan the assessment and plans to meet these needs of a child Placement plan a written plan for a child’s daily life in the residential home, that states how needs and difficulties will be met Registered person owner or manager of the home Reparation and restitution doing something to make good any damage done Restraint reasonable physical intervention to prevent serious injury or damage to property Reviews meetings to assess how well the child’s care plan is working and to decide if any changes should be made to the plan Risk assessment a written document that identifies hazards and any action necessary Sanctions disciplinary actions following unacceptable behaviour Sleeping-in staff responsible for children overnight, asleep but ‘on call’ and woken if needed Statement of Purpose details of the home including the aims and objectives, policies and procedures followed, facilities and services provided Special Educational Needs (SEN) needs inhibiting learning requiring particular support Transitional plan for children with Special Educational Needs what will happen in the last years at school and plans for after, college or job Vulnerable where a child is at risk of harm.


Contact information for children and young people

Children’s Rights Officers and Advocates

National Care Standards Commission


(at some point in the future it will become known as CSCI – Commission for Social Care Inspections)

c/o Save the Children 2nd Floor Cambridge House Cambridge Grove London W6 0LE Telephone: 020 8748 7412/8498 7668

First Key

( St Nicholas Building St Nicholas Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1NB Telephone: 0191 233 3600


National Voice

A national leaving care advisory service


London Office: LVSRC 356 Holloway Road London N7 6PA Telephone: 020 7700 8130 Leeds Office: First Key Oxford Chambers Oxford Place Leeds LS1 3AX Telephone: 0113 2443898

Central Hall Oldham Street Manchester M1 1JT Telephone: 0161 237 5577

Telephone: 02476 716259

( Offers confidential help and advice to anyone in care at present, or in the past Kemp House 152–160 City Road London EC1V 2NP Telephone: 020 7251 3117 Linkline Freecall: 0500 564570

Voice for the Child in Care ( Unit 4, Pride Court 80–82 White Lion Street London N1 9PF Telephone: 020 7833 5792

National Youth Advocacy Services ( 99–105 Argyle Street, Birkenhead Wirral CH41 6AD Telephone: 0151 649 8700 Freephone: 0800 616101

Coventry office: First Key Room 14 Koco Building Unit 15, The Arches Spon End Coventry CV1 3JQ

The Who Cares? Trust

The Line ( Childline Freepost 1111 London N1 0BR Telephone: 0800 1111


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Do you work in a children’s home? Children’s homes in England must follow the National Minimum Regulations and Standards for Children’s Homes. This guide tells you what the Standards are, and how they apply to where you work. Use this guide to find out what the Standards are and what your responsibilities are in providing services that meet the Standards. This guide explains each Standard and provides information about good practice. The guide also provides several checklists that homes can use to ensure they are meeting the Standards. Staff Guide to Children’s Homes Standards and Regulations is part of a series of guides about the National Minimum Standards for Children’s Homes. Other guides are available for young people living in homes and for their parents. The guides have been produced by the Children’s Residential Care Unit of the National Children’s Bureau. Work with the Children’s Residential Care Unit is funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. This document is intended as guidance only and should not be treated as an authoritative interpretation of the Regulations and Standards. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any person without the written permission of the publisher. © National Children’s Bureau, 2003 ISBN 71 900990 88 1 Ebook ISBN 978-1-907969-90-4

Published by the National Children’s Bureau 8 Wakley Street, London EC1V 7QE Tel: 020 7843 6000 Fax: 020 7278 9512 Website: Registered Charity Number 258825