Romantic and DIY Fun Circuit Projects with hands on DIY Romantic Marry Me,Music Operated Dancing LEDs,Criminal Alarm, Crisis Light,Robot,XOR, NOR,OR,XOR and NOT Gate

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Romantic and DIY Fun Circuit Projects with hands on DIY Romantic Marry Me,Music Operated Dancing LEDs,Criminal Alarm, Crisis Light,Robot,XOR, NOR,OR,XOR and NOT Gate

Table of contents :
Title Page
1. Transistor Switching Circuit: Examples of How Transistor Acts as a Switch
2. 12v DC to 220v AC Inverter Circuit
3. DIY Romantic Marry Me Circuit Board
4. Basic Latch Circuit with Transistors
5. Straightforward Heat Sensor Circuit
6. Music Operated Dancing LEDs
7. Criminal Alarm Circuit
8. LM3914 Voltmeter Circuit
9. Prologue to ADC0804
10. Transformerless Power Supply
11. Crisis Light
12. Remote Controlled Light Switch
13. Voltage Tripler Circuit
14. Schmitt Trigger Gate
15. XNOR Gate
16. LM386 Based Audio Amplifier Circuit
17. NOR Gate
18. What's more, Gate Circuit
19. Alarm Generator Circuit
20. OR  Gate
21. Decimal Counter Circuit
22. Parallel Counter Circuit
23. DTMF Based Home Automation
24. XOR Gate
25. NAND Gate
26. NOT Gate
27. RF Controlled Robot
28. Press ON Push OFF Button LED Circuit
29. Press Button LED Circuit
30. Straightforward LED Circuit
Thank You

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Romantic and DIY Fun Circuit Projects with hands on DIY Romantic Marry Me,Music Operated Dancing LEDs,Criminal Alarm, Crisis Light,Robot,XOR, NOR,OR,XOR and NOT Gate Anbazhagan K

Copyright © 2020 Anbazhagan K All rights reserved The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

Contents Title Page Copyright Acknowledgments Introduction 1. Transistor Switching Circuit: Examples of How Transistor Acts as a Switch 2. 12v DC to 220v AC Inverter Circuit 3. DIY Romantic Marry Me Circuit Board 4. Basic Latch Circuit with Transistors 5. Straightforward Heat Sensor Circuit 6. Music Operated Dancing LEDs 7. Criminal Alarm Circuit 8. LM3914 Voltmeter Circuit 9. Prologue to ADC0804 10. Transformerless Power Supply 11. Crisis Light 12. Remote Controlled Light Switch 13. Voltage Tripler Circuit 14. Schmitt Trigger Gate 15. XNOR Gate 16. LM386 Based Audio Amplifier Circuit 17. NOR Gate 18. What's more, Gate Circuit 19. Alarm Generator Circuit 20. OR Gate 21. Decimal Counter Circuit 22. Parallel Counter Circuit 23. DTMF Based Home Automation 24. XOR Gate 25. NAND Gate 26. NOT Gate 27. RF Controlled Robot 28. Press ON Push OFF Button LED Circuit 29. Press Button LED Circuit 30. Straightforward LED Circuit Thank You


The writer might want to recognize the diligent work of the article group in assembling this book. He might likewise want to recognize the diligent work of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and the Arduino bunch for assembling items and networks that help to make the Internet of Things increasingly open to the overall population. Yahoo for the democratization of innovation!


The Internet of Things (IOT) is a perplexing idea comprised of numerous PCs and numerous correspondence ways. Some IOT gadgets are associated with the Internet and some are most certainly not. Some IOT gadgets structure swarms that convey among themselves. Some are intended for a solitary reason, while some are increasingly universally useful PCs. This book is intended to demonstrate to you the IOT from the back to front. By structure IOT gadgets, the per user will comprehend the essential ideas and will almost certainly develop utilizing the rudiments to make his or her very own IOT applications. These included ventures will tell the per user the best way to assemble their very own IOT ventures and to develop the models appeared. The significance of Computer Security in IOT gadgets is additionally talked about and different systems for protecting the IOT from unapproved clients or programmers. The most significant takeaway from this book is in structure the tasks yourself.

1. Transistor Switching Circuit: Examples of How Transistor Acts as a Switch

Transistors are comprised of semiconductor material which is most usually utilized for enhancement or exchanging reason, in case that they can similarly be used for controlling the progression of voltage and current. Not everything except rather the greater part of the electronic gadgets contain minimum 1 sorts of transistors. A portion of the transistors put independently or, in all likelihood mostly in incorporated circuits which differ as mentioned by their applications. On the off chance that we talk about enhancement, the electronic current flow can be modified by the expansion of electrons and this procedure carries voltage varieties to influence relatively numerous varieties in yield current, bringing intensification into reality. What's more, on the off chance that we talk about exchanging, there are 2 sorts of transistors Negative Positive Negative along with Positive Negative Positive. In this instructional exercise we will tell you the best way to utilize a Negative Positive Negative along with Positive Negative

Positive transistor for exchanging, with model transistor exchanging circuit for both Negative Positive Negative along with Positive Negative Positive type transistors. Material Required BC547-NPN Transistor

BC557-PNP Transistor



Resistor (470 ohms, 1 uber ohms)


Interfacing wires

Breadboard NPN Transistor Switching Circuit Before beginning with the circuit chart, you should know the idea of NPN transistor as a switch. In a NPN transistor, Current beginnings spilling out of authority to producer just when a base voltage of 0.7V is provided to the base terminal. When there is no voltage on Base terminal it fills in as an open switch among gatherer and producer.

NPN Transistor Switching Circuit Diagram

Presently as you find in the circuit graph beneath, we made a voltage divider circuit utilizing LDR and 1 uber ohm resistor. When there is light close to the LDR, its protections gets LOW and the info voltage at base terminal is underneath 0.7V which isn't sufficient to turn ON the transistor. As of now the transistor carries on like an open switch. At the point when it is dull over the LDR, its opposition out of nowhere increments, thus the divider circuit produced enough voltage (equivalent or more than 0.7V) to turn ON the transistor. What's more, thus, transistor carries on like a nearby switch and begin streaming current among gatherer and producer.

PNP Transistor Switching Circuit The idea of PNP transistor as a switch is that, the Current prevents stream from authority to producer just when a base voltage of 0.7V is provided to the base terminal. When there is no voltage on Base terminal it functions as a nearby switch among gatherer and producer. Just, the gatherer and producer are associated at first, when base voltage is given it breaks the association among authority and producer.

PNP Transistor Switching Circuit Diagram

Presently as you find in the circuit graph, we made a voltage divider circuit utilizing LDR and 1 uber ohm resistor. The working of this circuit is only inverse to the Negative Positive Negative transistor exchanging. When there is light close to the LDR, its obstruction gets LOW and the information voltage at base terminal is above 0.7V which is sufficient to turn ON the transistor. As of now the transistor acts like an open switch as it's a PNP transistor. At the point when it is dim over the Light Dependent Resistor, its obstruction abruptly increments, henceforth the voltage isn't sufficient to turn ON the transistor. Also, consequently, transistor carries on like a nearby switch and begin streaming current among authority and producer.

2. 12v DC to 220v AC Inverter Circuit

We as a whole face power cuts in our homes or workplaces sooner or later. At those occasions we by and large use Generator or an Inverter. Force generators use petroleum or diesel

as fuel and they are uproarious. We won't examine about the force generators here. Here we will examine the Inverter. Inverters drive the force from DC power banks, similar to lead corrosive battery pack. These inverters are utilized wherever now. This sort can be utilized for medium force applications. Be that as it may, for high force machines Power generators are most favored one. The most widely recognized sort of inverter we see in regular daily existence is UPS . We use UPS to keep PC (Personal Computer) running in case of intensity cuts. UPS keeps up the force conveyed until battery bank runs out. UPS is a framework which changes over Direct Current to Alternating Current. In this way, UPS takes DC intensity of battery as info and gives AC power as yield. Today we are gonna to manufacture a 100 watt 12v Direct Current to 220v Alternating Current inverter. This Circuit is basic and valuable. Required Components: +12 v battery

47K? resistor

1000µF capacitor (2 pieces)

4700µF capacitor

10k pot, 1k resistor (2pieces)

10k resistor (2pieces)

In5408 diodes (2pieces)

CD4047 IC

4.7µF capacitor

Venture down transformer (220v to 12v-0-12v (focus tap)) (10Amp)

IRF540N MOSFET (2pieces)

Wires 12v-0-12v 10Amp Step down transformer:

IRF540N MOSFET ought to be utilized with heat sink, don't utilize the MOSFET without appropriate warmth sink, without them the MOSFET can't stand. The MOSFET here is n channel upgrade MOSFET.

Likewise utilize some great measure wire. In case you utilize little measure wire, you will have misfortunes and under overwhelming burdens they become colossally hot and they will wear out.

Schematic Explanation: Circuit chart of 100 watt Direct Current to Alternating Current inverter has been given beneath. We have utilized EasyEDA to draw this Circuit Diagram, and secured an instructional exercise 'On the best way to utilize EasyEDA for Drawing and Simulating the circuits'. You can likewise undercover this Circuit Diagram into PCB design, as we have clarified in EasyEDA instructional exercise, and manufacture this venture on PCB.

Working Explanation: The center of the circuit is CD4047 chip; this chip here goes about as an Astable Multivibrator. So the chip creates clock beats of recurrence 50Hz. This recurrence is picked by capacitor C2 and resistor R1. The timespan for the sign is given as:

T = 4.71 R1*C2. Presently to get recurrence (1/T) of 50Hz, we have to play with the above numbers. We can pick capacitance as a consistent and play with opposition for proper recurrence. Yet, in case you don't have an oscilloscope to modify the pot for the specific opposition, pick capacitance as 4.7µF and obstruction as 1K?. This gives a recurrence of 47Hz, which would do fine and dandy for straightforward burdens. In case you need to get careful recurrence you have to choose the obstruction precisely. So the chip produces the clock beats, these heartbeats are taken to N-MOSFET to drive the transformer. The transformer ventures up the 12V to 230V. So every time a heartbeat arrives at the MOSFET entryway, we will have a 220V half cycle at the yield. In the following heartbeat, the second MOSFET triggers for the subsequent half pattern of 220V. So with two MOSFETS turning on and off at 50Hz recurrence, we will have 50Hz 220V cycle yield at the transformer end. So we have made a 12V Direct Current to 220V Alternating Current Inverter Circuit.

3. DIY Romantic Marry Me Circuit Board

Here's something fascinating for the inward sentimental people and DIY circuit load up constructing agents among us. Truly, I'm conversing with you, old buddy; patching iron in one hand, PCB board in the other, pining to tell your treasured exceptional individual how you feel

about them, yet ignorant regarding how to convey. Certainly, you could simply inform them "I love you" — however words are about as modest as fiberglass substrate and copper foil. Fine in this point, remain in contact with them a card... in case, where's the pizzaz in that?! One sentiment cherishing client of EasyEDA, an online electronic circuit configuration instrument that allows individuals to assemble and arrange modified PCB loads up, has given us the Merry Me, a printed circuit load up that, with 35 LEDs and a CR1220 battery, communicates your adoration like it's never been communicated. Utilizing circuit sheets for things other than PC and electronic parts isn't new. Specialists, fashioners, and specialists have been utilizing circuit sheets as modes for a considerable length of time. Like Masahiko Shindo, who made this working radio with a circuit board planned looking like the London Underground tram framework for the Design Museum in London in 2012.

Others repurpose disposed of hardware in cool and one of a kind ways, similar to this creepy crawly mold made by craftsman Julie Alice Chappell.

Conversely the Binary Low Table from BRC Designs:

Or conversely this hardware mold made by craftsman and documentarian Theo Kamecke.

Have you at any point attempted to structure such a sentimental PCB for your sweetheart or a fascinating PCB for your youngsters or companions on exceptional day? Why not? PCB likewise could be an astonishing blessing which uncovers your inventiveness and sharpens your PCB aptitudes. Here I'd prefer to share the first Marry Me PCB structured utilizing EasyEDA. It is a free, online and simple to-utilize EDA instrument coordinating incredible circuit configuration, blended mode circuit test system and PCB design.It is created to give architects, understudies and specialists an Easier EDA Experience. This sentimental LED load up comprises of 35 Flash LEDs and a CR1220 battery cell and obviously a few resistors to confine the progression of current. Since this circuit is close to 35 LED's and resistor exhibits even amateurs can give this PCB a shot and make a lovely blessing. The Merry Me PCB CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:

This is the circuit outline of this Romantic PCB as should be obvious there is simply LED's and current constraining resistors. I have utilized Resistor cluster bundles in my circuit for making it basic and keep the space insignificant. When you finish your circuit, run your structure and check whether you get any blunders. Spare your undertaking and your schematic is done at this point. You can get to the schematic graph of this sentimental PCB through this connection Changing over YOUR SCHEMATIC TO PCB Presently you can tap on the catch Convert to PCB in the top menu to get the PCB rendition of your schematic. You will get a pre planned adaptation of PCB, you can alter the layers, change the positions and changes you have to do. Subsequent to doing this I have gotten a last yield something like this.

I have put the LED's setting in the example spelling that "I Love(heart) You". Cool right? Presently lets make this thing considerably cooler by including a picture of your decision to this PCB. To do this snap the 'picture' button in the Printed Circuit Board Tools menu on EasyEDA, and select a picture in the new window of 'Supplement Image to PCB'.

Further, you can utilize Color Tolerance or Simplify Level capacity to modify your picture.

In the wake of finishing the above advances, you could press the catch 'Supplement Image to PCB', at that point you will see your picture that have been now embedded to PCB. At long last your plan will look something like this beneath.

Obviously, you can change the layer you like and supplement the picture you like. In case you choose to pick another layer, you set the properties utilizing the sheet situated in right half of the workspace.

You can get to the PCB structure of this Romantic PCB board through this connection In case you need to pick up this sentimental PCB, you additionally could straightforwardly arrange it from EasyEDA. Simply need to click "Creation Output" button at that point divert to the page of "PCB request", fill in your subtleties and you will get the PCB conveyed straightforwardly.

Well it's difficult to complete the how to utilize instructional exercise in a solitary article. So here is an instructional exercise store that will instruct you to utilize this plan stage all the more adequately. Expectation you like this article do attempt EasyEDA, Happy Designing.

4. Basic Latch Circuit with Transistors

Lock fundamentally signifies "to get fixed in a specific state". In Electronics, Latch Circuit is

a circuit which bolts its yield, when a quickly input trigger sign is applied, and holds that state, much after the info signal is evacuated. This State will remain uncertainly until the force is reset or some outer sign is applied. Hook circuit is comparative like SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) and can be valuable in alert circuits, where a little trigger sign will Turn On the caution for inconclusive period, until reset physically. We have recently assembled some alert circuits: Laser Security Alarm Circuit

Alarm utilizing Thermistor

Robber Alarm Circuit

IR Based Security Alarm

Alarm System utilizing AVR Microcontroller We are gonna form a straightforward and modest Latch circuit utilizing Transistors, this circuit is used trigger the AC mains loads and alerts. Segments: Resistors-10k (2), 100k (2), 220 ohm (1)

Transistors-BC547, BC557


Transfer 6v



Force Source-5v-12v Circuit Diagram:

Circuit Diagram of Latching circuit is basic along with effectively constructed. Resistor R1 and R4 function as a present restricting resistor for Transistor Q1 and resistors R2 and R3 fill in as current constraining resistor for Transistor Q2. Current Limiting resistors must be utilized at the bases of BJT transistors, else they may consume. Motivations behind different segments have been clarified in 'Working area' underneath. Working Explanation: Prior to going into the clarification, we should take note of that Transistor Q1 BC547 is a NPN transistor, which leads or Turns On, when a little +ve voltage is given to its base. Also, Transistor BC557 is Positive Negative Positive transistor which Conducts otherwise Turns On, when a -ve voltage (or earthed) is given to its base. At first, both the transistors are in OFF state, along with Relay is defused. PNP Transistor BC557 base is associated with Positive voltage with current constraining resistor R3, so it won't leads accidently. Capacitor C1 has used prudent, to forestall the coincidental and bogus activating of circuit. Presently when a little positive voltage is applied to the Base of Transistor BC547, it turns ON the transistor and Base of the transistor Q2 BC557 gets associated with the Ground. Resistor R2 along with R3 forestalls the short out in these circumstances. Presently when Base of Transistor BC557 gets grounded, it begins directing and empowers the Coil of hand-off, which

actuates the Relay and turns ON the gadget associated with Relay. For our situation LED will sparkle. This is ordinary conduct up to this point, however what done it a 'Lock' circuit. On the off chance that you notice, gatherer of Transistor BC557 is associated with base of Transistor BC547, through a present restricting resistor R4. Furthermore, when the Transistor BC557 turns ON, current stream in two headings, first to the hand-off and second to the base of transistor Q1. So this Feedback voltage to the base of Transistor BC547, keeps the transistor BC547 ON for uncertain period, much after the info trigger voltage is expelled. This in turns keeps the second transistor ON inconclusively and a Latch or Lock is framed immediately. Presently the alert or gadget, combined with the Relay, will stay ON until the Power is reset. Or conversely a Reset Push catch could be inserted to this circuit, to break the Latch state. This catch would associate the base of transistor BC547 to the Ground, which mood killer the Q1 and Q2, and breaks the Latch. In case you would prefer not to Latch any AC apparatuses, and simply need Turn ON LED or a Buzzer, you can basically expel the Relay and associate LED legitimately instead of Relay, with a resistor. Diode 1N4148 is utilized to forestall turn around current stream, when the transistor is turned OFF. Each Inductor curl (in Relay)produces equivalent and inverse EMF when turned OFF out of nowhere, this may make perpetual harm parts, so Diode must be utilized to forestall invert current. Comprehend the Working of Relay here.

5. Straightforward Heat Sensor Circuit

We have recently constructed the Fire Alarm utilizing Thermistor and Fire Alarm System utilizing AVR Microcontroller. Today we are constructing straightforward Temperature Sensor Circuit or Heat Sensor Circuit. This circuit utilizes not very many and essential segments which

can be effectively accessible, anybody can assemble it immediately. This Heat Sensor isn't just basic yet in addition successful; you can attempt it at home. Here Transistor BC547 is utilized as a Heat Sensor. As the temperature of PN intersection increment, transistor begins directing somewhat. This 'temperature' property of transistor is utilized here to utilize it as a warmth sensor. Diode 1N4148 and variable resister of 1k ohm are utilized here to set a reference or edge level for the affectability of warmth. Furthermore, the affectability of the circuit can be balanced by turning the handle.

Working of the circuit is basic, when there is warmth or increment in temperature to the level where it crosses the edge set by Pot, Then the authority current increment and LED begins lighting up gradually. We can likewise utilize Buzzer set up to LED. You likewise note , previously begin testing the circuit, 1st set the Variable Resistor. At the point when you turn it totally one way, LED will be Off, and when you pivot it totally other way, LED will shine with full brightening. So set the Pot at the position, where a slight turn will begin a diminish enlightenment in LED. The temperature reliance of PN intersections in transistor can be comprehended by the formulae introduced here. Base-Emitter voltage (VBE) drops approx. - 2.5 mV/°C, negative sign shows the Drop or abatement of voltage across B and E. A Negative Positive Negative transistor acts like a diode on the off chance that we short the Base (B) and gatherer (C) of Transistor. Consider B-C goes about as Positive terminal and Emitter (E) goes about as negative terminal. Also, in the event that we keep the voltage source consistent, at that point the voltage over the transistor turns into the capacity of the temperature. For PNP transistor E will be certain terminal and B-C will be negative. Henceforth by shorting the B and C, we can utilize transistor as Temperature Detector. The following is the NPN

transistor BC547 Pin arrangement:

Working temperature of Transistor BC547 is up to 150 degree C, so it tends to be consummately utilized at high temperature as a Heat Sensor. What's more, we can likewise make a Fire Alarm out of it.

6. Music Operated Dancing LEDs

You probably observed the Disco Lights or DJ lights, which Turn ON and OFF as per the beats of the music. These lights sparkle as indicated by the length and pitch (volume) of music beats, fundamentally these are intended to pick the high force sound like Bass sound. So these

lights follow the high contribute thumps music like rhythms, and Turn ON and OFF as indicated by music design. Anyway the affectability of the circuit can be expanded to pick the low notes as well. Already we have manufactured Dancing LEDs, which simply continue a set example along with we can just manage the speed. Presently we are taking this to next level, for example Music Operated Dancing LEDs, in which LEDs will streak as indicated by music, much the same as Disco light, as talked about above. This Musical LEDs circuit depends on transistor BC547. This circuit is exceptionally basic and simple to fabricate, it just requires scarcely any fundamental segments and it looks extremely cool. Segments: Condenser Mic

5-NPN Transistor BC547

Resistors-10k (2), 1k (4), 1M (1)

Artistic Capacitor 100nF

4 – LEDs

9v Battery

Breadboard and associating wires Working Interpretation: In this Simple Light Emitting Diode Music Light Circuit, condenser mic gets the sound signals along with changes over them into voltage levels. These voltage signals are additionally taken care of into R-C channel or HIGH PASS channel (R2 and C1), to dispense with the clamor from the sound. Further a Negative Positive Negative transistor (Q1-BC547) is utilized to enhance the signs, from the High Pass channel. At that point at long last these music signals are given to the variety of four transistors. Transistor in this exhibit fills in as intensifier, and sparkles the four LEDs as per the sound example. This produces an exceptionally fascinating arrangement of moving LEDs which follows the beats according to their power or pitch. We can

likewise include extra Light Emitting Diodes with transistor to do it cooler.

We can alter the affectability of MIC by changing the estimation of R2 and C1, by utilizing the equation for R-C channel: F = 1/(2pRC) F is the cut off recurrence, implies channel just permit recurrence above than F. It very well may be effortlessly derived that more the estimation of RC, less the cut off recurrence and higher the affectability of MIC. What's more, higher the delicate of circuit implies MIC can pick low volume sounds, thus LEDs can sparkle on low pitch music too. So by changing its affectability we can make it less delicate to responds just on high note beats otherwise we can similarly do it progressively touchy to respond on each and each beat in the music. Here we have set its affectability at moderate level. Condenser Mic ought to be associated appropriately in the circuit, as indicated by its extremity. To decide the extremity of MIC one should take a gander at mic terminals, the terminal which have three fastening lines, is the negative terminal. Transistor BC547 is a Negative Positive Negative transistor, which is utilized as an Amplifier here. NPN transistor goes about as an open switch when there is no voltage given on its Base (B) along with it goes about as shut switch when these is few voltage at its base. By and large 0.7 volt is enough to get it completely directed.

7. Criminal Alarm Circuit

Criminal caution framework is a significant piece of home security frameworks. This robber

alert undertaking depends on PIR sensor, UM3561 and Speaker. PIR sensor used to distinguish body movement and UM3561 and speaker to deliver Police alarm after any development recognition. Necessary items UM3561 IC

PIR sensor

Transistor BC547

Resistors 220K along with 10K

9V Battery along with Battery Snap Connector

Speaker 8ohm


Breadboard Wires PIR Sensor PIR sensor is utilized here to distinguish the Human body development, at whatever point there is anyone development, the voltage at yield pin changes. Fundamentally it distinguishes the Change in Heat, and produce yield at whatever point such location happens. You can become familiar with PIR sensor in this PIR sensor circuit, there are some valuable highlights in PIR sensor like how to change the separation go, how to set Alarm length along with etc.

UM3561 IC UM3561 is a CMOS LSI IC which can produce four sorts of sound: Police Siren, Ambulance alarm, Fire detachment alarm and assault rifle sound. It is commonly utilized in cautions and toys. It is a 8 pin IC, and just require an outer resistor to work. It has inbuilt oscillators and hardware to create the sounds. UM3561 works in the scope of 3-5 volts, voltage > 5V can harm the IC, so in case we are utilizing it with other circuit or utilizing a high voltage source, a Zener diode must be associated, to secure the IC. The yield produced by the IC isn't adequate to drive a 8ohm little speaker, so to enhance the yield of the IC, a transistor must be utilized at the yield (PIN 3). Pin outline and Pin portrayal is given beneath, taken from its Datasheet:

Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Symbol SEL2 Vss Output NC Vdd SEL1 OSC1

Description Sound Effect Selection Pin No.2 Ground OUTPUT Internal Testing Pin : Leave Open for Normal Operations Positive of Power Supply Sound Effect Selection Pin No.1 External Oscillator Terminal 1



External Oscillator Terminal 2

We can play four sound by utilizing its 2 audio effect determination Pins (SEL 1 and SEL 2), like here in our circuit we kept SEL one along with SEL two open, to deliver the Police Siren sound. The following is the table for 4 Playing modes, you can deliver whatever sound you need. SEL 1 NC Vdd Vss X


Sound Effect Police Siren Fire Brigade Siren Ambulance Siren Machine Gun

NC: No Connection X: Don't Care Zener Diode Zener Diodes are much the same as different diodes, with just a single contrast. All the diodes permit stream of current in just a single course (forward), yet Zener diode can permit current in turn around bearing if the voltage goes past a specific breaking point. This voltage is called Breakdown Voltage otherwise Zener Knee voltage. So this property of Zener diode secures the UM3561 IC by forestalling higher voltage supply to it. Circuit Diagram and Explanation

This criminal alert circuit is straightforward, at whatever point PIR sensor distinguishes any human body development, its OUTPUT pin turns out to be HIGH, which is associated with UM3561's Power supply PIN 5. So UM3561 actuated and begin creating sound with Speaker. As I have expressed over that UM3561 doesn't create a lot of yield to drive a Speaker so we have to associate a Transistor to intensify the current. For whatever length of time that the PIR sensor OUTPUT pin would be HIGH, the alert (Speaker) will be persistently ringing, with the sound

delivered by UM3561. We can set the time span of Alarm by setting the PIR sensor's Time defer control controller, you can set as long as you need. Here we should take note of that we didn't utilized Zener diode in light of the fact that here in our circuit we are associating UM3561 with PIR sensor's yield and PIR sensor gives yield of approx. 3.3v, which is in scope of working voltage of UM3561, so we needn't bother with any assurance from high voltage. In case you can utilize it for prudent reason. In case you need to associate some greater alert to the PIR sensor, which takes a shot at AC mains 220V, at that point you have to interface it with Relay. Here is the CIRCUIT , you simply need to supplant the bulb with AC alert. There are parcel of alerts accessible in the market.

8. LM3914 Voltmeter Circuit

Here we are going to plan a straightforward voltmeter. It's basic since it incorporates just a single IC chip - LM3914. LM3914 is a chip which drives 10 LED dependent on straight information voltage esteem. The IC gives a decimal yield by lighting the essential LED dependent on the estimation of information voltage. The most extreme estimating input voltage changes relying upon reference voltage and supply voltage, we will talk about that in the later piece of the article. This chip can be adjusted for battery assurance circuit, Ammeter circuit, and so on yet here we are utilizing it for the voltmeter. LM3914 is a 10 phase voltmeter that implies it shows varieties in 10 piece mode. The chip detects the estimating input voltage as a parameter and contrasts it and reference, each time the voltage crosses the specific piece of reference the comparing LED gleams. The chip is modified to drive LED straightforwardly, so there is no extra opposition required. Parts Force supply (5v)

1K resistor (3pieces)

10K resistor (2pieces)

LM3914 IC

10 LEDs

0.1µF Capacitor (2 pieces).

Breadboard and Connecting wires Circuit Diagram and Working The inside circuit of LM3914 is appeared in underneath figure:

As examined the LM3914 is a 10 phase estimating unit. This is appeared in above inward circuit. LM3914 is essentially a blend of 10 comparators. Each comparator is an operation amp, with picking up reference voltage at its negative terminal. Presently the significant thing here is that the estimating voltage can't be higher than reference voltage or the chip supply voltage. This must consistently be remembered. For accomplishing a higher estimating voltage keeping the information steady we are going to utilize opposition voltage divider circuit. It just partitions the voltage dependent on resistors. Consider the circuit shaped by arrange appeared in figure:

So with input voltage 15V, R1 = 11K, R2 = 1K we have Vout = 15(1/11) =1.5V (around). The reference voltage is picked dependent on necessity. The reference esteem must be the utmost estimating voltage we will apply to the chip. On the off chance that we are estimating variable voltage with top voltage of 20v we ought to picked the reference of 20V. The reference is picked by condition:

Since we need to quantify voltages from 0-15, we have to pick R2 = 11K=10K+1K, R1 = 1K. With this we have picked the reference voltage to Vref = 1.25*12 =15V. So we have a most extreme info voltage to 15V. Anyway it is essential to recollect that higher the reference esteem more noteworthy the progression voltage and lower the goals. State with reference of 20V we have a stage of 2V, any voltage between 2V-4V isn't quantifiable. So with higher voltage we have lesser precision. Since the chip is a 10 phase one and the voltage is from 0-15V we have a 1.5V advance. So with each 1.5V augmentation in estimating voltage, an extra LED shines. The associations which are accomplished for LM3914 voltmeter circuit are given underneath:

PIN3 - - +5v supply PIN2 - - ground PIN5 - - + variable voltage PIN1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 - - associated with LEDS

The estimating level for LED goes as, +1.5V, +3.0V, +4.5V, +6.0V, +7.5V, +9.0V, +10.5V, +12.0V, +13.5V, +15.0V. State the estimating voltage is 10V, 6th LED sparkles. State the estimating voltage is 12.5V, ninth LED sparkles. So with additions of 1.5V, we can match 15V. [Also check: Voltmeter utilizing AVR Microcontroller]

9. Prologue to ADC0804

We know all the parameters of nature are of simple. That implies they change persistently some time later. State for an occurrence temperature of the room. The room temperature changes

with time ceaselessly. This sign which changes with time persistently state from one sec, 1.1sec, 1.2 sec … is called ANALOG sign. The sign which modifies its amount over term of internals and keeps its worth steady during the progress time frame say from one sec to two sec, is called DIGITAL sign. The Analog sign can change its incentive at 1.1 sec; the advanced sign can't change the incentive during this time for what it's worth between the interims of time. We have to know the distinction on the grounds that the Analog signs of nature can't be handled by PCs or advanced circuits. So the Digital signs. The PCs can just procedures computerized information on account of clock, the speedier the clock more prominent the preparing speed, lesser the progress times of Digital signs. Presently we realize the nature is simple and handling frameworks need computerized information to process and store. For overcoming any issues we have ADC or Analog to Digital Conversion. Analog to Digital Conversion is a strategy used to change over simple signs to advanced information. Here we are gonna to discuss ADC0804. This is a chip intended to change over simple sign in to 8 piece computerized information. This chip is one of the mainstream arrangement of ADC. As said this chip is exceptionally intended for getting computerized information for preparing units from simple sources. Its a 8bit change unit, so we have 28 qualities or 1024 qualities. With an estimating voltage of most extreme worth 5V, we will have a change for each 4.8mV. Higher the estimating voltage there will be decline in goals and precision. The associations which are accomplished for estimating a voltage of 0-5v are appeared in the circuit chart. It deals with supply voltage of +5v along with can quantify a variable voltage run in 0-5V territory.

The ADC consistently have heaps of commotion, this clamor can incredibly influence the presentation so we utilize 100uF capacitor for commotion filtration. Without this there will a ton of vacillations at yield. The chip fundamentally has following pins,

The info simple sign has a cutoff to its worth. This cutoff is dictated by reference worth and chip supply voltage. The estimating voltage can't be more prominent than reference voltage and chip supply voltage. In the event that the breaking point is crossed, state Vin > Vref, the chip gets blamed for all time. Presently on PIN9 one can see the name Vref/2. That implies state we need to quantify a simple parameter with a most extreme estimation of 5V, we need Vref as 5V fro that we have to give a voltage of 2.5V (5V/2) at the PIN9. That is the thing that it says. Here we are gonna to take care of a 5V variable voltage for estimating so we will give a voltage of 2.5V at PIN9 for Vref of 5V. For 2.5V we use voltage divider as appeared in circuit outline, with same worth resistor at the two finishes they share voltage similarly, So every resistor holds a drop of 2.5V with a stockpile voltage of 5V. The drop from the later resistor is taken as a Vref. The chip takes a shot at RC (Resistor Capacitor) oscillator clock. As appeared in circuit chart, C1 and R2 structure a clock. The significant thing to recall here is the capacitor C1 can be changed to a lower an incentive for higher pace of ADC transformation. Anyway with speed there will be a decline in precision. So if the application requires higher precision pick the capacitor with higher worth. For higher speed pick lower esteem capacitor. On 5V ref. In the event that a simple voltage of 2.3V is given for ADC transformation we will have 2.3*(1024/5)= 471. This will be the advanced yield of ADC0804 and with LEDs at yield we will have comparing LEDs lighting. So for each addition of 4.8mv at estimating contribution there will be advanced augmentation

at the yield of chip. This information can be legitimately taken care of in to handling unit for capacity or use.

10. Transformerless Power Supply

Producing Low voltage Direct Current, from the 220v otherwise 110v Alternating Current mains, is valuable and important in the field of hardware. Low voltage Direct Current, as 5v, 6v, 9v, 12v, is utilized in hardware circuits, LED bulbs, toys and numerous family unit gadgets things. Mostly batteries are used to manage them, yet they should be supplanted time to time, which isn't financially savvy and furthermore takes as much time as is needed and vitality. So the option is to produce the DC from AC mains, for which there are numerous AC-DC connectors

are accessible, yet what hardware they are utilizing inside? The simple and straight forward methodology is to utilize step-down transformer to abominable the AC, yet the impediments of utilizing transformer are that they costly in cost, overwhelming in weight and enormous in size. We have just secured this sort of AC to DC change, utilizing Transformer in this article Cell Phone Charger Circuit. Furthermore, truly, we can likewise change over the High voltage AC into Low voltage DC, without utilizing the Transformer, this is called Transformerless force supply. The principle segment of a Transformerless force supply circuit is Voltage dropping capacitor or X-evaluated capacitor, which are uniquely intended for AC mains. This X evaluated capacitor is associated in arrangement of Phase line of AC, to drop the voltage. This sort of Transformer less force supply is called Capacitor Power Supply. X-Rated Capacitor As referenced they are associated in arrangement with stage line of AC to let down the voltage, they are accessible in 230v, 400v, 600v AC or higher evaluations.

The following is the table for yield current and yield voltage (without the Load), of various estimations of X-appraised capacitors: Capacitor Code 104k 334k 474k 684k 105k 225k

Capacitor value 0.1 uF 0.33 uF 0.47 uF 0.68 uF 1 uF 2.2 uF

Voltage 4v 10 v 12 v 18 v 24 v 24 v

Current 8 mA 22 mA 25 mA 100 mA 40 mA 100 mA

Determination of voltage dropping capacitor is significant, this differs on Reactance of Capacitor along with the measure of current to be pulled back. The Reactance of the capacitor is given by underneath recipe: X = 1/2¶fC

X = Reactance of Capacitor f = recurrence of AC C = Capacitance of X appraised capacitor We have utilized 474k methods 0.47uF capacitor and recurrence of AV mains is 50 Hz so the Reactance X is: X = 1/2*3.14*50*0.47*10-6 = 6776 ohm (approx) Presently we can ascertain the current (I) in the circuit: I = V/X = 230/6775 = 34mA So's the manner by which the Reactance and Current is determined. Circuit Explanation Circuit is basic, Voltage dropping capacitor of 0.47uF is associated in arrangement with Phase line of AC, this is a non-energized capacitors so it very well may be associated from any side. A 470k ohm resistor is associated in equal of Capacitor, to release the put away flow in the capacitor when circuit is turned off, in this way keeping from electric stun. This opposition is called Bleeder obstruction.

Further Bridge rectifier (blend of 4 diodes) has been utilized to expel the negative half part of AC. This procedure is known as the Rectification. What's more, 1000uF/50v capacitor has been utilized for Filtration, implies expelling the waves in came about wave. Lastly a Zener diode of 6.2v/1w is utilized as voltage controller. As we probably am aware this circuit gives approx. 12v yield (see the table above), so this Zener diode manage it to approx. 6.2v voltage and stream back the additional current. An alternate estimation of Zener diode can likewise be utilized for wanted voltage like 5.1v, 8v and so on. A LED is associated for sign and testing reason. R3 (100 ohm) is used as a present restricting resistor.

Utilize 1 Watt or above (5w) rating resistor, particularly resistor R4. Else it will consume after some time. They are normally thicker than regular resistor. The following is the chart for various kind of resistors:

Points of interest of this transformerless force supply over transformer based inventory are that: It is financially savvy, lighter and littler. Notes Make it on your own hazard, its incredibly hazardous to work with AC mains without appropriate understanding and safety measure. Do take extraordinary alert while building this circuit.

Try not to supplant X-Rated capacitor with ordinary capacitor, else it will blast.

In case more yield voltage and yield current is required, in this point utilize distinctive estimation of X-Rated capacitor, as per the table.

Just utilize 1 Watt or above (5w) rating resistor and Zener diode.

A 1 ampere circuit can similarly be used before X-appraised capacitor, in arrangement with stage line, for security reason.

IC voltage controller can similarly be used instead of Zener diode for voltage


11. Crisis Light

Crisis light is a vital piece of family unit hardware these days. We as a whole realize Emergency light is utilized during the force inability to illuminate the home. As it is utilized during the force disappointment, it should keep going long, henceforth mostly splendid white LEDs are utilized in crisis light, since they produce all the more light and expend less force. Crisis light is helpful and mainstream venture in DIY area. So today we are going to assemble a basic and financially savvy crisis light. In this crisis light circuit, when the Power goes OFF, the crisis light enacts consequently. We have utilized four splendid white Light Emitting Diodes, more LEDs can be added to create all the more light thinking about that absolute current utilization ought not surpass the stockpile current. Ultra brilliant white LED expends 3v and 20mA current. Circuit Explanation We can separate this LED crisis light circuit into two sections; initial segment is utilized to drop down the 220v AC voltage into 8v controlled DC, with the assistance of Transformer and extension rectifier. Also, second part comprises of Relay and battery-powered battery, which is utilized to help the LEDs during power disappointment. Parts: Transformer-9-0-9 500mA

Extension rectifier


IC 7808 voltage controller

Capacitor 1000uF, 0.01uF

Hand-off 6v

Resistors-100 ohm

LEDs-Ultra brilliant white LED

Battery-powered 6v, 4.5Ah Battery In the initial segment of the circuit we have utilized Transformer 9-0-9 500mA, to step down the 220 voltage into 9v. Scaffold rectifier is the blend of 4 diodes which is utilized to expel the negative half part of AC. This procedure is known as the Rectification. Further, 1000uF capacitor has been utilized for Filtration, implies expelling the waves in came about wave. Furthermore, voltage controller 7808 has used to Regulate the DC wave, to give the continuous and smooth 8v DC supply. The entire procedure of changing over 220v AC into low voltage Direct Current, has been clarified in this article: Cell Phone Charger Circuit

The second piece of the crisis light circuit comprise the fundamental usefulness, that is to naturally turn ON the crisis light (Array of white LEDs) on Power Failure. We have utilized Relay here to mechanize this. A 6v, 4.5Ah battery-powered battery is associated with the Array of LEDs, through a Relay. Ordinarily when there is no force disappointment, the loop of Relay

remains invigorated and switch is pulled in towards the NO (regularly open) terminal and NC (typically associated) terminal stays open. In this circumstance LEDs are disengaged from the battery-powered battery and stays OFF, additionally battery is getting charge through the force supply from the transformer. A diode D5 is utilized to keep the battery from streaming back. Presently when the force comes up short, hand-off curl become de-empowered and switch gets associated with NC terminal, which interfaces the LEDs to the battery-powered battery, and LEDs exhibit goes ON. This is the means by which this crisis light works. Presently when the force is reestablished back, transfer gets enacted and switch again interfaces with NO terminal which thusly disengages the LEDs from the battery and associates battery to the transformer for charging.

By and large 6v, 4.5Ah battery-powered battery accompanies Deep release recuperation and cheat assurance instrument, yet we can utilize zener diode of 6.8v to shield the battery from cheating. We can likewise utilize other battery-powered batteries like Nickel-cadmium battery (NiCad), Nickel–metal hydride battery, phone batteries and so on. Further we can likewise utilize Positive Negative Positive transistor BD140 instead of Relay. PNP transistor can be utilized here as a switch, similar to it will be OFF when consistently voltage is applied to base of it, in the event that when force is there and it will be ON, if there should be an occurrence of intensity disappointment which associates the LEDs to the battery-powered battery, and initiates the LED crisis light. This crisis light can likewise be made utilizing LDR (light ward resistor), in which light will naturally turn ON as indicated by dimness, implies it remains switch OFF in nearness of light and switch ON without light.

12. Remote Controlled Light Switch

IR Light Emitting Diode discharges infrared light, along with utilized in TV remotes. This

Infrared is gotten by the beneficiary TSOP17XX (TSOP 1738used in TV). TSOP17XX gets the tweaked Infrared waves along with modifies its produce. Thin small outline package is accessible in numerous recurrence ranges like TSOP1730, TSOP1738, TSOP1740 along with etc. Last two digits speak to the recurrence (in Khz) of tweaked IR beams, on which TSOP reacts. Like for instance TSOP1738 responds when it gets the IR radiation regulated at 38Khz. TSOP yield is dynamic low, implies it turns out to be LOW when IR is identified.

In this remote controlled switch circuit we are utilizing TV remote to ON/OFF the AC light by squeezing any catch of remote, and utilizing the TSOP1738 at beneficiary end. Recipient circuit is associated with AC apparatus by means of Relay, so we can control the light remotely. We have utilized IC 4017 to change over it into a push ON, push OFF switch. Experience this article to comprehend the IR Transmitter and Receiver. [Also check: TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit] Regularly when we press any catch of TV/DVD player remote, Light shines and when we discharge Button, it gets OFF. Presently it tends to be changed over into a PUSH ON and PUSH OFF flip switch utilizing IC CD4017. IC CD4017 is a CMOS decade counter IC. It can create yield at the 10 pins consecutively, for example it produces yield individually at the 10 yield pins. Yield is changed to one pin to another by applying a clock beat at pin 14. Study IC 4017 here. When right off the bat, power is given to IC 4017, yield at PIN three (Q0) is HIGH, when we press the catch of IR remote, at that point a LOW to HIGH clock beat is given to PIN 14 (1st clock heartbeat) and yield at Q0 turns out to be low along with PIN 2(Q1) turns out to be HIGH. PIN 2 triggers the RELAY module, along with the AC light becomes ON. Presently this position will stay until the following clock beat. On the off chance that we press the Button of IR remote once more (second clock beat), yield at Q1 turns out to be LOW and Q2 turns out to be HIGH. This will defuse the Relay along with switch off the light. What's more, in light of the fact that Q2 is associated with the RESET pin 15 of 4017, it will reset the IC and again yield at Q0 turns out to be HIGH and Q2 turns out to be LOW (introductory state). So it works like a flip switch.

Schematic Diagram of Remote Controlled Switch

Yield of TSOP1738 sways at the pace of 38KHz, is given to clock beat of 4017. So we have associated a 1uF capacitor over the yield of the TSOP so this 38KHz heartbeat train is considered one clock heartbeat to the IC 4017. We can likewise utilize the IR transmitter circuit to ON/OFF the Bulb, this IR transmitter circuit produces regulated IR at 38KHz like a TV remote. Likewise we can supplant Bulb with any AC apparatus, which is to be constrained by remote control.

13. Voltage Tripler Circuit

Voltage Tripler is where we get the thrice of the pinnacle input voltage, as if the pinnacle voltage of AC voltage is 5 volt, we will get 15 volt Direct Current at the yield. Mostly transformers are there to step-up otherwise step-down the voltage, however some of the time transformers are not plausible in light of their size and cost. This sort of voltage tripler (voltage multiplier) can be fabricated utilizing not many diodes along with capacitors. These circuits are helpful where High DC voltage should be produced with Low AC voltage and low current is required, as in CRT (Cathode beam tubes) screens in TV and PCs. CRT screen requires high Direct Current voltage with low current. Segments Diodes - 3 (1N4007)

Capaciotors-22uf (3)

Transformer (9-0-9) Voltage Tripler Circuit Diagram and Explanation

We can broaden the past voltage doubler circuit, to make the voltage tripler circuit. In past circuit we have utilized 555 clock to produce the square wave through DC, however in this circuit we have utilized AC (Alternate current) and just included 1 more diode along with capacitor to significantly increase the voltage. We have utilized 9-0-9 transformers to step down the AC mains voltage (220v), with the goal that we can exhibited it on breadboard. During the primary positive half pattern of Alternating Current, Diode D1 get forward onesided along with capacitor C1 get charged across the D1. Capacitor C1 get energized to the pinnacle voltage of AC for example Vpeak.

During the negative half pattern of the AC, Diode D2 behaviors and D1 turn around onesided. D1 hinders the releasing of capacitor C1. Presently the capacitor C2 accuse of the consolidated voltage of capacitor C1 (Vpeak) and the negative pinnacle of the AC voltage that is additionally Vpeak. So the capacitor C2 energize to 2Vpeak volt. During the second positive half cycle, Diode D1 and D3 behaviors and D2 get converse onesided. In this way capacitor C2 energizes the capacitor C3 to a similar voltage as itself, which is 2 Vpeak. Presently the capacitor C1 and C3 are in arrangement and voltage across C1 is Vpeak and voltage across C3 is 2 Vpeak, so the voltage over the arrangement association of C1 and C3 is Vpeak+2Vpeak = 3 Vpeak, that how we get the Triple voltage of the pinnacle estimation of AC. In case the voltage isn't actually thrice of the Peak voltage, since some voltage drops over the Diodes, so the subsequent voltage would be: Vout = 3*Vpeak – voltages drop across diodes For our situation we have utilized 9v as info voltage and got approx. 37.1v yield voltage. 9v is the RMS esteem so the Vpeak esteem is 9*root 2 = 9*1.414 = 12.7 v. So our yield voltage ought to be: 12.7*3 = 38.1v Be that as it may, we got approx. 37.1v, so approx. 38.1 – 37.1 = 1v has dropped across diodes. Detriment of this voltage tripler circuit is that Ripple recurrence is extremely high and it exceptionally hard to smooth the yield, utilizing the huge estimation of capacitors can help diminish undulating. What's more, the bit of leeway is that we can produce exceptionally high voltage from a Low voltage power source. Notes: Voltage won't triple quickly yet it will increment gradually and after some time, it will set to the Thrice of information voltage.

The voltage rating of capacitor C2 along with C3 ought to be at any rate double the information voltage.

The yield voltage isn't actually the thrice of info voltage, it will be not as much as Input voltage. Like we got 37.1v for 12.7 Vpeak estimation of AC supply (9v is rms esteem, implies Vpeak is 9*1.414 = 12.7v) input supply. We can likewise create a lot higher voltage and can get fourfold, multiple times, multiple times, multiple times and that's only the tip of the iceberg, the voltage of the Peak Alternating

Current voltage, by including more diodes and capacitors.

14. Schmitt Trigger Gate

Schmitt Trigger entryway is an advanced rationale door, intended for math and intelligent tasks. It gives OUTPUT dependent on INPUT voltage level. A Schmitt Trigger has a THERSHOLD voltage level, when the INPUT signal given to the entryway has a voltage level > the THRESHOLD of the rationale door, OUTPUT goes HIGH. On the off chance that the INPUT signal level is lower than THRESHOLD, the OUTPUT of entryway will be LOW. In the picked chip the Schmitt Trigger door is trailed by a NOT entryway, So we get rationale OUTPUT inverse to Schmitt Trigger OUTPUT. So the OUTPUT of INVERTED Schmitt Trigger will be LOW when the INPUT signal voltage level crosses THRESHOLD level of entryway, in every single other case the OUTPUT will be HIGH. Here we are gonna to utilize 74LS14 IC for exhibit, this chip has 6 Schmitt Trigger doors in it. These SIX door are associated inside as appeared in beneath figure.

These doors have constraints for working voltage and info rationale recurrence. At the point when these impediments are not viewed as the chip may harm for all time, so one should focus

while choosing the rationale entryways. Segments Force supply (5v)

1K, 220? resistors


1 LED, button

100nF capacitor

Associating wires and breadboard Circuit Diagram and Explanation Reality table of Inverted Schmitt Trigger entryway is appeared in underneath figure.

As of circuit graph an Inverted Schmitt Trigger entryway has one yield for one information. As by reality table, the yield of NOT entryway will be high when the information is low. The yield of NOT entryway must be low when the info is high. So the NOT entryway gives yield which is upset rationale of contribution, aside from the INPUT signal voltage level must cross THREHOLD voltage of Schmitt Trigger door. If not the NOT entryway followed by Schmitt Trigger won't perceive any INPUT thus the OUTPUT will be HIGH constantly. We are going to pull down both contribution of an entryway to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the info is combined with power through a catch.

So when the catch is squeezed the comparing pin of door goes high. So with this catch we can understand reality table of Inverted Schmitt Trigger entryway. At the point when the catch is squeezed the info will go high, with this the yield will go low thus the LED ought to be off. At the point when the catch is discharged the information will go LOW, with this the OUTPUT will go HIGH thus the LED ought to be ON.

These draw down resistor are vital as the picked CHIP is a positive edge activating one. In case the resistor is disregarded the circuit may produce capricious outcomes. The capacitor here is for killing the ricocheting impact of catch. In case the capacitor here isn't mandatory, putting them may smooth the working of entryway. The fundamental motivations behind Schmitt Trigger entryway is for invalidating the ricocheting impact of the catches.

15. XNOR Gate

XNOR or EX-NOR entryway is an advanced rationale door, intended for number juggling and coherent tasks. Here we are going to utilize 74LS86 chip for exhibition, this chip has 4 EXOR doors in it. These four entryway are associated inside as appeared in underneath figure.

These EX-OR entryways are trailed by NOT doors. These doors gives altered yield of EXOR entryway, so with both, we will have EX-NOR door. Here we utilize 74LS04 HEX NOT entryway chip. Pin outline of 74LS04 IC is demonstrated as follows.

Parts Force supply (5v), 1K resistor (2 pieces), 220? resistor, 74LS86 QUAD EX-OR GATE IC, 74LS04 HEX NOT entryway chip,1 LEDS, catches (2 pieces), 100nF capacitor (2 pieces) Connecting wires, breadboard. EXNOR Gate Circuit Diagram and Working Explanation

Reality table of EX-NOR entryway is appear in underneath figure.

So as appeared in truth table the yield of door in the chip ought to be LOW when any of two contributions to comparing entryway is high. In EX-NOR door the yield will be HIGH if the two sources of info are either high or LOW. In this EXNOR entryway circuit we are going to pull down both contribution of a door to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the data sources are associated with power through a catch. So when the catch is squeezed the relating pin of door goes high. So with two catches we can understand reality table of EX-NOR entryway. At the point when one of catch is squeezed one contribution of door will be high and other will be low as of now the yield ought to be LOW. The capacitor is for killing the skipping effect of the catch. Without capacitor, the counter may tally the occasions happening wrongly.

These draw down resistors are important as the picked CHIP is a positive edge activating one. On the off chance that the resistors are overlooked the circuit may produce unusual outcomes. The capacitors here are for killing the ricocheting effect of catches. In spite of the fact that the capacitors here are not mandatory, putting them may smooth the working of EXNOR entryway.

16. LM386 Based Audio Amplifier Circuit

Basic Mic sound intensifier can enhance sound that is given from Microphone. This circuit can be utilized as "Little mic and amplifier framework" for a little space like a room. This circuit

can likewise be utilized in numerous applications like compact music players, radios, radio enhancers, TV sound frameworks, Ultrasonic drivers and so on. It can likewise be utilized as sound sensor for microcontrollers. It is economical, low force worked and just need not many parts to work. This circuit depends on LM386 IC to intensify sound. LM386 is a low voltage sound intensifier and every now and again utilized in battery fueled music gadgets like radios, guitars, toys and so on. The addition go is 20 to 200, gain is inside set to 20 (without utilizing outer segment) yet can be expanded to 200 by utilizing resistor and capacitor between PIN 1 along with 8, otherwise just with a capacitor. Voltage gain basically implies that Voltage out is multiple times the Voltage IN. LM386 has a wide inventory voltage run 4-12v. The following is the Pin chart of LM386.

Pin portrayal of LM386 is given underneath alongside the elements of outer segments utilized for enhancement. Parts IC LM386

Condensor Mic

Speaker 8ohm

Capacitors-220uF, 10uF (2), 0.1uF, 0.05uF

Resistor-10k (two)


Battery 5-12v PIN 1 and 8: These are the addition control PINs, inside the increase is set to 20 however it very well may be expanded up to 200 by utilizing a capacitor between PIN 1 and 8. We have utilized 10uF capacitor C1 to get the most noteworthy addition for example 200. Increase can be changed based on any incentive between 20 to 200 by utilizing legitimate capacitor. Pin two along with three: These are the information PINs for sound signs. Pin two is the negative information terminal, associated with the ground. Pin 3 is the positive information terminal, in which sound sign is taken care of to be intensified. In our circuit it is associated with the positive terminal of the condenser mic with a 100k potentiometer RV1. Potentiometer goes about as volume control handle. A capacitor C5 of 0.1uF has likewise been utilized alongside potentiometer, to evacuate the DC part of info flag and just permit sound (AC segment) to be taken care of into LM386. Pin four along with six: These are the force supply Pins of IC, Pin six for is +Vcc along with Pin four is Ground. The circuit can be controlled with voltage among 5-12v. Pin 5: This is the yield PIN, from which we get the enhanced sound sign. The yield signal has both AC and DC part, and DC segment is unwanted and can't be taken care of to Speaker. So to evacuate this DC part, a capacitor C2 of 220uF has been utilized. This has a similar capacity as Capacitor C5 (0.1uF) at input side. Alongside this capacitor, a channel circuit of Capacitor C3 (.05uF) and resistor R1 (10k) has been utilized at the yield PIN 5. This channel additionally called the "Zobel organize", this electronic channel is utilized to expel the unexpected High recurrence motions or commotion. Pin 7: This is the detour terminal. It tends to be left open or can be grounded utilizing a capacitor for security.

Resistor R2 (10k) has been utilized as a Pull up resistor to interface Condenser mic to the positive stock voltage, to give the ability to the mic. A reasonable resistor ought to be utilized for appropriate working of mic, you can turn upward to datasheet for the worth or utilize a variable resistor and set the perfect worth. This LM386 sound enhancer circuit can be additionally used to record any solid. We simply need a 3.5 mm sound fitting and a PC with sound chronicle programming. We just need to associate PC's 3.5mm jack instead of Speaker, utilizing 3.5mm sound attachment, and we can without much of a stretch record our voice or any solid into PC like an expert mouthpiece. [Also check: Simple Audio Amplifier utilizing IC 555]

17. NOR Gate

NOR entryway is a computerized rationale door, intended for number juggling and sensible activities. This entryway is fundamentally utilized in applications where there is a requirement for numerical figurings. So in number crunchers, PCs and numerous computerized applications utilize this door. Here we are going to utilize 74LS32 IC for show, this chip has 4 OR doors in it. These four door are associated inside as appeared in beneath figure.

These doors have confinements for working voltage and information rationale recurrence. At the point when these confinements are not viewed as the chip may harm forever, so one should focus while choosing the rationale entryways. These OR doors are trailed by NOT entryways. NOR entryways give transformed yield of OR door, so with both, we will have NOR entryway. Here we utilize 74LS04 HEX NOT entryway IC.

Segments Force supply (5v), 1K resistor (2 pieces), 220? resistor, 74LS32 QUAD ORGATE IC, 74LS04 HEX NOT door IC, 1 LEDS, catches (2 pieces), 100nF capacitor (2 pieces) Connecting wires, breadboard. Circuit Diagram and Working Explanation Reality table of NOR entryway is appeared in beneath figure: A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

Output 1 0 0 0

As in truth table the yield of a NOR entryway must be HIGH just if both the door inputs are MINIMUM. In few other case the yield must be LOW. So if any one or the two sources of info are HIGH,the yield of NOR entryway will be LOW. In this nor entryway circuit we are gonna to drag down both contribution of a door to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the information sources are associated with power through a catch. So when the catch is squeezed the relating pin of entryway INPUT goes high. So with two catches we can know reality table of NOR door. At the point when one of catch is squeezed one

contribution of entryway will be high and other will be low as of now the yield ought to be LOW. At the point when the two catches are discharged, the two data sources will be LOW, right now the OUTPUT of OR door will be HIGH. At the point when the two catches are squeezed, the two INPUTS of OR will be HIGH, as of now OUTPUT must be LOW. So by truth table, the LED ought to be ON just when the two catches are discharged. Assuming any or either fastens are discharged the LED ought to be OFF.

These draw down resistors are fundamental as the picked Integrated Circuit is a positive edge activating one. In the event that the resistors are disregarded the circuit may produce erratic outcomes. The capacitors here are for killing the skipping impact of catches. in case the capacitors here are not necessary, putting them may smooth the functioning of entryway.

18. What's more, Gate Circuit

What's more, rationale entryway is an advanced rationale door, intended for number juggling and legitimate tasks, each electronic understudy probably contemplated this door is his/her profession. This door is chiefly utilized in applications where there is a requirement for scientific estimations. So in adding machines, PCs and masculine computerized applications utilize this door. We are gonna to utilize IC 74LS09 for show, this chip has 4 AND doors in it. These four door are associated inside as appeared in underneath pin chart.

These doors have confinements for working voltage and information rationale recurrence. At the point when these constraints are not viewed as the chip may harm for all time, so one should focus while choosing the rationale entryways. Segments

Force supply (5v)

1K (2 pieces), 220? resistors



Catches (2 pieces)

100nF capacitor (2 pieces)

Breadboard and Connecting wires Circuit Diagram and Explanation Reality table of AND entryway is appear underneath. Input A H L X

Input B H X L

Output Y H L L

As in truth table the yield of an AND door must be HIGH just if both the entryway inputs are HIGH. In some other case the yield ought to be LOW. So if any 1 or the two data sources are LOW the yield of AND entryway will be LOW. In this circuit we are going to pull down both contribution of an entryway to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the sources of info are associated with power through a catch. So when the catch is squeezed the relating pin of entryway goes high. So with two catches we can know reality table of AND door. At the point when one of catch is squeezed one contribution of entryway will be high and other will be low as of now the yield ought to be LOW. At the point when the two catches are squeezed, the two data sources will be high, as of now the OUTPUT of AND door will be HIGH. So by truth table, the LED ought to be ON just when the two catches are squeezed. Assuming

any or either fastens are discharged the LED ought to be OFF.

These draw down resistors are vital as the picked Integrated Circuit is a positive edge activating one. On the off chance that the resistors are overlooked the circuit may produce unusual outcomes. The capacitors here are for killing the ricocheting impact of catches. In case the capacitors here are not necessary, putting them may smooth the working of door.

19. Alarm Generator Circuit

While building circuits commonly we have to create seems like a melodic sound or an alarming sound. Rather than building complex hardware, we have some utilization full IC to deliver the sound like UM66, UM3561 and so on. While UM66 have an impediment of creating just one sound, we have UM3561 which is valuable and can produce four sorts of sound for example Police alarm, Fire Brigade alarm, Ambulance Siren along with Machine Gun alarm.

UM3561 is helpful when we have to create these sorts of cautioning sounds and it's extremely simple to utilize this IC. UM3561 IC UM3561 is a CMOS LSI IC which can produce four sorts of sound as we talked about. It is commonly utilized in cautions and toys. It is a minimal effort and low controlled 8 pin IC. It has inbuilt oscillators and hardware to create the sounds, and just require one outer resistor. This outside resistor is associated between PIN seven along with PIN eight, along with used to control the repetition of motions. A variable resistor can be utilized to modify the recurrence of sound or a 220K fixed resistor functions admirably in the event that you would prefer not to change the recurrence. UM3561 works in the scope of 3-5 volts, voltage > 5V can harm the IC, so in the event that we are utilizing it with other circuit or utilizing a high voltage source, a Zener diode must be associated, to secure the IC. The yield produced by the IC isn't adequate to drive a 8ohm little speaker, so to intensify the yield of the IC, a transistor must be utilized at the yield (PIN 3). UM3561 Pin outline and Pin depiction is given beneath, taken from its Datasheet:

Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Symbol SEL2 Vss Output NC Vdd SEL1 OSC1 OSC2

Description Sound Effect Selection Pin No.2 Ground OUTPUT Internal Testing Pin : Leave Open for Normal Operations Positive of Power Supply Sound Effect Selection Pin No.1 External Oscillator Terminal 1 External Oscillator Terminal 2

We can play four sound by utilizing its 2 audio cue choice Pins (SEL 1 and SEL 2), like SEL 1 and SEL 2 ought to be kept open to deliver the Police Siren sound. The following is the table

for 4 Playing modes, you can deliver whatever sound you need. SEL 1 NC Vdd Vss X


Sound Effect Police Siren Fire Brigade Siren Ambulance Siren Machine Gun

NC: No Connection X: Don't Care Zener Diode Zener Diode is much the same as different diodes, with just a single contrast. All the diodes permit stream of current in just a single heading (forward), however Zener diode can permit current in invert bearing if the voltage goes past a specific breaking point. This voltage is called Breakdown Voltage otherwise Zener Knee voltage. So this property of Zener diode ensures the UM3561 IC by forestalling higher voltage supply to it. Segments UM3561 IC

Resistors 10K, 150K

Variable Resistor 100K

Transistor BC547

Zener Diode 3.3v

Speaker 8ohm

3 Push Button Switch

Battery 9v Circuit Diagram and Explanation

100k variable resistor with 150K resistor is utilized between PIN 7 and 8 to change the recurrence of swaying ready. We can change the frequeccy by turning the handle of variable resistor.

8ohm speaker is utilized with NPN transistor BC547 to deliver the sound, as we probably am aware UM3561 yield isn't sufficient to drive a speaker so we have utilized transistor to enhance the yield.

3 Push catches are utilized to deliver 3 unique sounds. At the point when no catch is squeezed (SEL 1 and SEL 2 open), Police alarm sound is created; when Button S1 is squeezed (SEL 1 Grounded-Vss and SEL 2 Open), Ambulance Siren is produced; when Button S2 is squeezed (SEL 1 HIGH-Vdd and SEL 2 Open), Fire Brigade Siren is created; when Button S3 is squeezed (SEL 1 Open and SEL 2 HIGH-Vdd), Machine weapon Siren is produced.

As we have utilized 9v battery, so we have utilized Zener Diode (3.3v) for voltage guideline, since IC can be harmed by legitimately applying voltage > 5v.

20. OR Gate

Or conversely entryway is a computerized rationale door, intended for number-crunching and legitimate activities. This door is for the most part utilized in applications where there is a requirement for scientific estimations. Here we are going to utilize 74LS32 chip for exhibition, this chip has 4 OR entryways in it. These four door are associated inside as appeared in underneath figure.

These doors have constraints for working voltage and info rationale recurrence. At the point when these restrictions are not viewed as the chip may harm for all time, so one should focus while choosing the rationale entryways. Parts

Force supply (5v)

1K resistor (2 pieces)

220? resistor



Catches (2 pieces)

100nF capacitor (2 pieces)

Associating wires and breadboard Circuit Diagram and Working Reality table of OR entryway is appear in figure. A 0 0 1 1

B 0 1 0 1

X 0 1 1 1

As in truth table the yield of an OR door ought to be LOW just if both the entryway inputs are LOW. In some other case the yield ought to be HIGH. So if any one or the two information sources are HIGH,the yield of OR door will be HIGH. In this OR entryway circuit we are going to pull down both contribution of a door to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the data sources are associated with power through a catch. So when the catch is squeezed the comparing pin of door INPUT goes high. So with two

catches we can understand reality table of OR door. At the point when one of catch is squeezed one contribution of door will be high and other will be low as of now the yield ought to be HIGH. At the point when the two catches are squeezed, the two sources of info will be HIGH, as of now the OUTPUT of OR entryway will be HIGH. At the point when the two catches are discharged, the two INPUTS of OR will be LOW, as of now OUTPUT ought to be LOW. So by truth table, the LED ought to be OFF just when the two catches are discharged. Assuming any or either fastens are discharged the LED ought to be ON.

These draw down resistors are essential as the picked Integrated Circuit is a positive edge activating one. In the event that the resistors are disregarded the circuit may produce capricious outcomes. The capacitors here are for killing the bobbing impact of catches. In case the capacitors here are not mandatory, putting them may smooth the working of door.

21. Decimal Counter Circuit

A decimal counter is a chip intended to check the quantity of heartbeats or occasions that happen in advanced circuits. These chips show the yield in the decimal structure or 1 to 99... structure. So in case we have a 12 piece counter, at that point it can check just 12 clock heartbeats or 12 occasions. These chips remember the occasions and show the tally of occasions at yield port. The chip remembers the occasion and shows the yield in decimal structure, thus the name DECADE COUNTER. what decade counter does it each time a heartbeat is showed up at clock pin, it tallies it and stores the worth. We will talk about increasingly about that in the working part. Here we are gonna to utilize a 10 piece DECADE counter. The counter chip is CD4017BE.With a 10 piece DECADE counter; we can tally occasions up to 10. So it would take 11 clock beats for the chip to reset itself to zero. These counters have impediments for working voltage and clock recurrence. At the point when these impediments are not viewed as the chip may harm forever, so one should focus while choosing the canary counter. Segments Required Force supply (5v)

1K, 220? resistors

CD4017 DECADE counter IC


Associating wires and breadboard. Schematic Diagram along with Functioning Interpretation The IC 4017 pin setup is appear in figure.

Here the pin no. 13 "CLOCK ENABLE" ought to be grounded for the chip to tally the occasions or clock beats, the pin no 12 "Do" is for next counter chip, this pin is associated with next chip clock pin if we somehow managed to build the counter limit. It tends to be disregarded if the 10 piece tally is sufficient. The circuit begins at clock pin, here we drag down the clock pin to ground across a 1K? resistor. This is to be done in light in case the twofold counter is a rising edge type. So at whatever point a positive rising edge is created at clock pin the counter remembers it as an occasion and augmentations the parallel yield by one. Presently the clock is furnished with a catch, so for each catch press there will be a positive top at the clock pin and subsequently an occasion. The DECADE counter has a capacity to drive the LED straightforwardly so there is no requirement for resistors toward the finish of parallel counters LEDS. The MR (Master Reset) of paired counter should be pulled down whenever, leaving it open may cause capricious outcomes at the LEDS may flicker haphazardly. The capacitor is for killing the bobbing impact of the catch. Without capacitor, the counter may tally the occasions happening wrongly. The associations which are accomplished for CD4017 are given beneath: PIN16 to +5v supply

PIN8, PIN15, PIN13 to Ground PIN14 to Button PIN1 to Ground through 1k resistor PINS 3,2,4,7,10,1,5,6,9,11 Connected to LEDs

So every time a pinnacle is passed the counter considers it as an occasion and additions the yield by one for each passing occasion, when it arrives at it breaking point to follow the occasions it naturally resets to zero and starts again to check the beats. Also, for the yield it gives the occasion number as double yield through pins 3,2,4,7,10,1,5,6,9,11,12. In LSB (Least Significant Bit) to MSB(Most Significant Bit) design. so if the occasion tally is seven the pin "6"will be high thus the comparing LEDs gleam. To reset the counter to zero under any stage interface the MR pin of counter to +5V, this resets the counter to zero. Likewise check these circuits dependent on decade counter IC 4017: Moving LEDs Driven Chaser Circuit Clock with LED Pendulum

Heart Shape LED Flasher

22. Parallel Counter Circuit

A parallel counter is a chip intended to check the quantity of heartbeats or occasions that happen in advanced circuits. These chips remember the occasions and show the tally of occasions at yield port. The chip retains the occasion and shows the yield in double code, subsequently the name BINARY COUNTER. What twofold counter does it each time a heartbeat is showed up at clock pin, it checks it and stores the worth. We will discuss additional on that in the working part. Here we are going to utilize a 12 piece twofold counter. The counter chip is 74HCT4040. With a 12 piece twofold counter, we can check occasions up to 4096 (2^12). So it would take 4096 clock beats for the chip to reset itself to zero. These counters have constraints for working voltage and clock recurrence. At the point when these restrictions are not viewed as the chip may harm for all time, so one should focus while choosing the canary counter. Parts Required Force supply (5v),

1K, 10K resistors

HD74HC4040 Binary Counter IC


Breadboard and Connecting wires Circuit Diagram and Working Explanation

The circuit begins at clock pin, here we drag down the clock pin to ground across a 1K? resistor. It must be done on the grounds that the twofold counter is a rising edge type. So at whatever point a positive rising edge is created at clock pin the counter remembers it as an occasion and additions the double yield by one. Presently the clock is furnished with a catch, so for each catch press there is a positive top at the clock pin and consequently an occasion. The paired counter has an ability to drive the LED legitimately so there is no need for resistors toward the finish of parallel counters LEDS. The MR (Master Reset) of parallel counter should be drag down whenever, leaving it open may cause erratic outcomes at the LEDS may flicker haphazardly. The capacitor is for killing the ricocheting effect of the catch. Without capacitor, the counter may check the occasions happening wrongly. The associations which are accomplished for 74HC4040 are given beneath: PIN16 to +5v supply PIN8 to Ground

PIN10 to Button PIN11 to Ground through 1k resistor PIN 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, 4, 13 to LEDS so every time a pinnacle is passed the counter considers it as an occasion and augmentations the yield by one for each passing occasion, when it arrives at it cutoff to follow the occasions it consequently resets to zero and starts again to verify the beats. Also, for the yield it gives the occasion number as twofold yield through pins 9,7,6,5,3,2,4,13,12,14,15,1. In (Least Significant Bit) to (Most Significant Bit) design. so if the occasion tally is 10 the pins (7(2^1=2),5(2^3=8)) will be high thus the relating LEDS shine. To format the counter to 0 under any stage interface the MR pin of counter to +5V, this resets the counter to 0.

23. DTMF Based Home Automation

We utilize a wide range of kinds of correspondence in control applications to control home machines, modern apparatuses, and other sort of computerization. There are 2 sorts of correspondence that is we mostly use - one is wired and other one is remote. In remote correspondence we transmits signal remotely, such as utilizing radio recurrence (RF) and in wired correspondence in which we utilizes wires like copper wire. In this undertaking "DTMF Based Home Automation System" we are gonna to control our home machines remotely. Other important element of this venture is, that we won't utilize any microcontroller in it. Necessary Materials MT8870 DTMF Decoder - 1

ULN2003 - 1

Transfer 5 volt - 3

Bulb with holder or LED - 3

Associating wires

Bread board - 2

Aux Wire - 1

9 volt battery - 2

PVT or Terminal Block - 4

330K resistor - 1

100K Resistor - 2

22 pF top - 2

uf Cap - 2

Cell phone

3.57 Mhz Crystal - 1

1K resistor - 6

LEDs - 3

7805 - 1 Circuit Concept and Working DTMF controlled home apparatuses venture works over versatile DTMF innovation that exists in Dial tone. DTMF represents Dual Tone Multiple Frequency. There are a few frequencies that we used to make DTMF tone. In basic words by including or blending at least two frequencies produces DTMF tone (Also check: DTMF Based Robot utilizing Arduino). These frequencies are given underneath:

In Given figure we can view two gatherings of various frequencies. At the point when one upper and one ease off frequencies blended then a volume is made that tone we considers Dual Tone Multiple Frequency. In this venture we control air conditioning machines by squeezing dial cushion keys like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the sky is the limit from there.

Here we have associated a PDA utilizing aux wire to the DTMF decoder circuit. Before clarifying the further working of task we have to think about the yield of DTMF decoder for each key squeezed.

Presently comprehend working as indicated by given table. In circuit graph at Q1 LIGHT is associated, at Q2 FAN is associated and at Q3 TV is associated through hand-off driver IC. We have left Q4. Presently when we press key one at the dial cushion of cell phone DTMF deciphers this tone and produces an advanced yield given in table. Presently According to given yield in table Q1 is HIGH and Q1 is associated with light so LIGHT turned ON. On the off chance that we need killed the LIGHT, we have to squeeze key number 8. Since in the yield of key8, Q1, Q2 and Q3 LOW and Q4 are HIGH along with we have not utilized Q4. So it doesn't make a difference that Q4 is HIGH or LOW. Be that as it may, our activity has been performed on the grounds that Q1 is LOW in key 8's yield and rest of machines not influenced. Presently is we need to turned on FAN so we have to press key2 in light of the fact that by squeezing key2 just Q2 is enacted and rest of yield are stay same. Presently in case we to OFF the FAN, at that point we have to press key8 again like before for as LIGHT. Presently in the event that we need to TV so we have to press key4 and for tuning it OFF we have to squeeze 8 like previously. Presently assume we need to turned ON the entirety of the apparatuses so we have to press key7 (see table) and for killing all key8 (see table). Presently in the event that we have to ON LIGHT and FAN so we have to press key3 (see table). What's more, presently we need to ON TV so we have to squeeze key 7 not key4. Since we should keep remain turn ON past machines. Presently in the event that we need to kill just LIGHT so we have to press key6. Since we ought to again to keep remain turn ON the past machines with the exception of LIGHT. So we can control every machines as per table yield. Circuit Diagram and Explanation

Circuit outline for DTMF controlled home robotization venture is appeared previously. In this circuit we have utilized a DTMF decoder to be specific MT8890 IC which changes over dial cushion tone into the four piece advanced yield. LIGHT, FAN and TV are associated with Q1,Q2 and Q3 of DTMF decoder IC through a transfer driver in particular ULN2003. 5 volt SPDT 3 transfers are utilized for controlling LIGHT, FAN and TV. For exhibition of this undertaking we have associated three LEDs at hand-off rather AC machines. What's more, we have additionally utilized 9 volt dc battery rather 220VAC for driving LEDs.

24. XOR Gate

XOR or EX-OR door is an advanced rationale entryway, intended for number juggling and coherent tasks, Every electronic understudy more likely than not examined this entryway is his/her profession. This entryway is mostly utilized in applications where there is a requirement for scientific figurings. So in adding machines, PCs and numerous advanced applications utilize this entryway. Here we are going to utilize 74LS86 IC for show, this chip has 4 EX-OR entryways in it. These four door are associated inside as appeared in underneath figure.

Parts Required Force supply (5v)

1K, 220? resistor




100nF capacitor

Breadboard and Connecting wires Circuit Diagram and Working Explanation Reality table of XOR entryway is appear underneath:




So as appeared in truth table the yield of each door in the chip must be high when any of two contributions to relating entryway is high. In an EX-OR entryway the yield will be low if the two data sources are either high or LOW. In this XOR entryway circuit we are gonna to pull down both contribution of a door to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the sources of info are associated with power through a catch. So when the catch is squeezed the relating pin of entryway goes high. So with two catches we can recognize reality table of EX-OR door. At the point when one of catch is squeezed one contribution of entryway will be high and other will be low right now the yield must be high.

These draw down resistors are vital as the picked CHIP is a positive edge activating one. In case the resistors are disregarded the circuit may produce erratic outcomes. The capacitors here are for killing the bobbing impact of catches. In case the capacitors here are not mandatory, putting them may smooth the working of entryway.

25. NAND Gate

NAND entryway is a computerized rationale door, intended for math and coherent tasks, each electronic understudy more likely than not considered this entryway is his/her profession. This entryway is chiefly utilized in applications where there is a requirement for numerical computations. So number crunchers, PCs and numerous computerized applications utilize this entryway. Here we are going to utilize 74LS00 IC for show, this chip has 4 NAND entryways in it. These four entryway are associated inside as appeared in underneath figure.

These entryways have impediments for working voltage and info rationale recurrence. At the point when these constraints are not viewed as the chip may harm forever, so one should focus

while choosing the rationale doors. Parts Required Force supply (5v)

1K and 220? resistors




100nF capacitor

Interfacing wires

Breadboard Circuit Diagram and Working Explanation Reality table of NAND door is appear in figure. A L L H H



As in truth table the yield of a NAND entryway ought to be low just if both the door inputs are high. In some other case the yield ought to be high. So if any one or the two data sources are low the yield of NAND entryway will be high.

In this NAND entryway circuit outline we are going to pull down both contribution of a door to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the sources of info are associated with power through a catch.

So when the catch is compressed the comparing pin of entryway goes high. So with two catches we can understand reality table of NAND door. At the point when one of catch is compressed one contribution of door will be high and other will be low right now the yield ought to be high. So by truth table, the LED ought to be off just when the two catches are compressed. Assuming any or either fastens are discharged the LED ought to be ON. The capacitor is for killing the skipping effect of the catch. Without capacitor, the counter may tally the occasions happening wrongly. These draw down resistors are fundamental as the picked CHIP is a positive edge activating one. In case the resistors are disregarded the circuit may create capricious outcomes. (Additionally check: NOT Gate Circuit)

26. NOT Gate

NOT door is a computerized rationale entryway, intended for number juggling and coherent tasks, each electronic understudy more likely than not considered this entryway is his/her vocation. This entryway is primarily utilized in applications where there is a requirement for numerical computations. So in adding machines, PCs and numerous computerized applications utilize this door. NOT entryways are basically inverters. They essentially transform the information rationale for the yield. Here we are going to utilize 74LS04 IC for exhibit. This IC has 6 NOT entryways in it. These SIX entryway are associated inside as appeared in beneath figure.

These doors have constraints for working voltage and information rationale recurrence. At the point when these constraints are not viewed as the IC might be harmed for all time, so one should focus while choosing the rationale doors. Parts Required Force supply (5v)

1K, 220? resistor




100nF capacitor

Interfacing wires

Breadboard. Circuit Diagram and Working Explanation Reality table of NOT door is appear underneath Y = A (bar) Input A LH

Output Y HL

H – High Logic Level L – Low Logic Level As of circuit outline an inverter door has one yield for one info. As by reality table, the yield of NOT entryway will be high when the info is low. The yield of NOTgate ought to be low when the information is high. So the NOT entryway gives yield which is modified rationale of info. In this NOT door circuit we are going to pull down both contribution of an entryway to ground through a 1K? resistor. And afterward the information is associated with power through a catch.

So when the catch is squeezed the relating pin of door goes high. So with this catch we can understand reality table of NOT door. At the point when the catch is squeezed the info will go high, with this the yield will go low thus the LED ought to be off. At the point when the catch is discharged the info will go LOW, with this the OUTPUT will go HIGH thus the LED ought to be ON. These draw down resistor are important as the picked CHIP is a positive edge activating one. On the off chance that the resistor is overlooked the circuit may create flighty outcomes. The capacitor here is for killing the bobbing impact of catch. In spite of the fact that the capacitor here isn't mandatory, putting them may smooth the working of NOT entryway.

27. RF Controlled Robot

In present time practically all the individuals know about robots. Robots assume a significant

job in human life. Robots are a machine which lessens the human endeavors in overwhelming works in ventures, building along with etc and makes life simple. In Our past Projects we have made a few robots like line adherent, DTMF controlled robot, signal controlled robot, PC controlled robot, however in this instructional exercise we are gonna to structure a fascinating robot, that is RF controlled Robot. Intriguing thing with regards to this venture is that it will run without utilizing any microcontroller. Here we will run it straightforwardly by RF Decoder and Motor Driver.

RF controlled robot is constrained by utilizing Four press button set at transmitter side. Here we just need to press the catches to control the robot. A transmitting gadget is utilized in your grasp which additionally contains a RF Transmitter and a RF Encoder. This transmitter part will transmit order to robot with the goal that it can do the necessary undertaking like pushing ahead, switch, turning left, turning right and stop. Every one of these undertakings will perform by utilizing four press fastens that are set on RF transmitter. Required Components DC Motor - 2

HT12D - 1

HT12E - 1

RF Pair - 1

Engine Driver L293D - 1

9 Volt Battery - 3

Battery Connector - 3

Interfacing wires

Robot Chasis - 1

7805 - 2

750K resistor - 1

33K resistor - 1

1K Resistor - 1

PCB L293D Motor Driver L293D is an engine driver IC which has two channels for driving two engines. L293D has Two inbuilt Transistor Darlington pair for current enhancement and a different force supply pin for giving outside stock for engines.

RF Transmitter along with Receiver This is an ASK Hybrid Transmitter and recipient module works at 433Mhz recurrence. This module has a gem balanced out oscillator for keep up precise recurrence control for best range. There we need to require just a single recieving wire remotely for this module.

RF Transmitter Features: Recurrence Range: 433 Mhz

Yield Power: 4-16dBm

Information supply: 3 to 12 volt dc RF Receiver Features:

Affectability: - 105dBm

In the event that Frequency : 1MHz

Low Power Consumption

Current 3.5 mA

Supply voltage: 5 volt This Module is exceptionally cost effective where long range RF correspondence is required. This module doesn't send information utilizing UART correspondence of PC or microcontroller straightforwardly on the grounds that there is bunches of commotion at this recurrence and its Analog innovation. We can use this module with the assistance of encoder and decoder ICs which remove information from the clamor. The scope of transmitter is around 100 meters at most extreme inventory voltage and for 5 volt the scope of transmitter is around 50-60 meter with utilizing a straightforward wire of single code 17cm length reception apparatus. Pin Description of RF Tx GND - Ground supply

Information In - This pin acknowledge sequential information from encoder

Vcc - +5 Volt ought to be associate with this pin

Reception apparatus - A wrapped interface with this pin for appropriate transmission of information Pin Description of RF Rx GND - Ground

Information In - This pin give yield sequential information to Decoder

Information In - This pin give yield sequential information to Decoder

Vcc - +5 Volt ought to be interface with this pin

Vcc - +5 Volt ought to be interface with this pin

GND - Ground

GND - Ground

Radio wire - A wrapped associate with this pin for legitimate Reception of information Circuit Diagrams and Explanation Circuit Diagram for RF Transmitter:

Circuit Diagram for RF Receiver:

As appeared in above figures, circuit graphs for RF controlled robot are very basic where a RF pair is utilized for correspondence. Associations for transmitter and collector appear in circuit outlines. Two 9 volt batteries are utilized to control the engine driver and remaining Rx Circuit. Furthermore, another 9 Volt battery is utilized to control the transmitter. RF Controlled Robot has two principle parts to be specific: Transmitter part

Beneficiary part [Also check: RF Transmitter and Receiver Circuit] In transmitter section an information Encoder and a RF transmitter is utilized. As we have just referenced over that we are utilizing four press catches to run the robot, these four catches are associated with Encoder as for ground. At the point when we will press any fasten encoder will get an advanced LOW sign and afterward applied this sign sequentially to RF transmitter. The Encoder IC HT12E encodes information or signal or changing over it into sequential structure and afterward imparts this sign by utilizing RF transmitter into the earth.

At the recipient end we have utilized RF collector to get information or sign and afterward applied to HT12D decoder. This decoder IC changes over the got sequential information to resemble and afterward impart these decoded sign to L293D Motor driver IC. As per the got information robot runs by utilizing two dc engine in forward, opposite, left, right and stop course.

Working of RF Controlled Robot: RF controlled robot move as indicated by button squeezed at Transmitter. Button Pressed at Transmitter First (1) Second (2) First and Second (1 & 2) Third and Fourth (3 & 4)

Moving Direction of Robot Left Right Forward Backward

No Button Pressed


At the point when we press first catch (1 notice on circuit and equipment) robot start to moving left side and moving proceeds until the catch is discharged.

At the point when we press second catch at transmitter, robot begin moving in right side until button is discharged.

At the point when we press first and second catch simultaneously, Robot begin moving forward way until press catches are discharged.

At the point when we press third and fourth catch simultaneously, robot begin moving in reverse heading and prop up until press catches are discharged.

Furthermore, when no press Button is squeezed, robot stops.

28. Press ON Push OFF Button LED Circuit

In this instructional exercise we are demonstrating how to utilize a Push On-Push Off catch by controlling a LED utilizing it. For this, we are utilizing a Self-locking Power Micro Push Button Switch. The switch we are utilizing has twofold post choice or it's a DPDT type switch. It has the capacity to be used as both "regularly open" and "typically shut" type switch. This material switch is utilized to hook the circuit specifically state either open otherwise close. Material Required Self-locking Power Micro Push Button

Resistor (330ohms) Driven green

Battery 9v

Interfacing wires Push ON/OFF Button

The structure of this Button has 6 legs, 3 on 1 side and three on another side, among which the center legs of the two sides goes about as a typical terminal (COM). Means, when the switch isn't squeezed it, is associated with the upper legs and when the switch is squeezed this normal terminal gets associated with the base leg. At the point when the catch isn't squeezed and basic terminal is associated with upper leg, we can call switch in regularly open express (NO), and when the catch is squeezed and basic terminal is associated with base leg, we can call the switch in typically close state (NC).

Push ON/OFF Button operation This is the means by which the ON/OFF Push Button works, as we press the catch first time, it makes the circuit and current move through it. Presently the circuit will continue closed in that

state until the catch is squeezed once more. What's more, when we press it once again, it breaks the circuit and stays in that state. Working of Push ON/OFF Button LED Circuit

The normal leg of ON/OFF Push Button is associated with 5v supply and the other one is associated with the LED by means of resistor, as arose in circuit chart. It permits the current to course through it just when we press or switch ON the catch, the LED will begin gleaming when it is squeezed the 1st run through. It proceeds with the force supply till we press it once again, the LED will be killed when it is squeezed the subsequent time. Essentially, it makes the circuit just when it is in ON state. There are 2 methods of utilizing this DPDT type Push ON/OFF Button: Regularly open

Regularly shut You can utilize any mode in accordance to your prerequisite, in the event that you need to utilize the 'ordinarily shut' mode at that point associate you circuit with upper two legs. In typically shut state, at first the yield is HIGH, and the yield turns to be LOW when the catch is

squeezed. For 'regularly open' mode use lower two legs and the working is only inverse to typically shut mode.

29. Press Button LED Circuit

In this instructional exercise, we are demonstrating that how a press button functions and how to utilize a press button in your circuit. Here, we are controlling a LED utilizing Push Button. A Push Button is a kind of switch which shorts or finishes the circuit when it is squeezed. It is utilized in numerous circuits to trigger the frameworks. A spring is set inside it to take it back in beginning or off situation when the catch is discharged. It is typically comprised of hard material like plastic or metal. Material Required Resistor (500ohms)

Driven green

Press Button

Interfacing wire

Supply voltage – 5v Press Button

A Push Button is a sort of switch take a shot at a straightforward system called "Push-tomake". At first, it stays in off state or regularly open state yet when it is squeezed, it permits the current to go through it or we can say it makes the circuit when squeezed. Typically their body is comprised of plastic or metal in certain kinds. Press Button structure has 4 legs, two on 1 side along with other two on another side. In this way, we can work two lines of the circuit by single Push Button. Two legs on both the sides are inside associated as appeared in the figure above.

Push Button operation The working idea of Push Button is given above, till the catch squeezed it conducts current through it or make the circuit. As the catch discharged it break the circuit once more. Working of Push Button LED Circuit

The LED circuit with press button is demonstrated as follows. Here we have newly included a press catch to the straightforward LED circuit secured here.

The one leg of Push Button is associated with 5v supply and the other one is associated with LED by means of the resistor, as appeared in circuit graph. At first, Push Button doesn't permit the current to course through it, however when it is squeezed it finishes the circuit and LED will begin to shine. The present will go till the catch is squeezed, when we discharge it, the LED will be killed as press button breaks the circuit and stop the inventory. It may be plainly comprehended by the vivified circuit outline above.

30. Straightforward LED Circuit

At whatever point we hear the name "Hardware", the principal thing which comes promptly as a top priority is LED and Resistor. Driven and Resistors are the initial hardly any parts which are presented in the starting of Electronics subject in schools. So here we are building the most straightforward circuit in Electronics which is Glowing the LED utilizing a Resistor and Battery. This is the principal fundamental LED circuit I manufactured numerous years prior in my school days and had given me colossal joy to see shining LED. For building this circuit you just need four things: Driven 1

Resistor-1 (220k or 330k or 1k)

Force Source-Battery-9v

Breadboard Basic LED schematic Diagram

Here is the Schematic Diagram for basic Light Emitting Diode circuit. You simply need to interface positive terminal of LED with the one finish of resistor and afterward associate another finish of resistor with the positive terminal of Battery. At that point associate the -ve terminal of LED with the -ve terminal of Battery. This Negative Terminal of Battery is additionally alluded as the Ground. The entire arrangement is based on the breadboard as appeared previously. Finding the Polarity of LED: In the event that you take a gander at the LED cautiously you can discover one leg of the LED is greater than another. So the greater leg is the +ve side of the Light Emitting Diode along with the littler leg is negative side. The following is the image for the equivalent:

Battery extremity can be effortlessly found by taking a gander at the battery, positive(+) and negative(- ) is referenced on the battery itself. We can likewise make a similar circuit utilizing

two AA size 1.5v batteries. Picking the Resistor Value for LED: Resistor is significant part here, on the off chance that you associate LED to the Battery with no resistor, at that point your LED will consume right away. So we should utilize resistor in arrangement with the LED to restrain the present moving through the LED. Presently the normal inquiry is "The thing that estimation of resistor should we use with LED", the appropriate response is basic. By and large LED devours 20mA current and has voltage drop of 2-3v, this voltage drop is called Forward Voltage (Vf). A few LEDs have pretty much current utilization as mentioned by their hues and appraisals, however here we are clarifying this by along with huge. So here we can ascertain the resistor esteem by utilizing the essential OHM law which states: R = V/I (Resistor = Voltage/Current) So in the event that you are utilizing a nine v battery along with voltage Drop on Light Emitting Diode is, suppose 2.4v, and current streaming is 20mA, in this point we must have a resistor esteem on which remaining voltage can be dropped (9 – 2.4v). So as indicated by the formulae: R = (9 – 2.4)/.02 = 330 Ohm So the rest of the voltage (9 - 2.4= 6.6v) will be dropped at 330ohm resistor. You can likewise compute the opposition esteem by utilizing this LED resistor number cruncher. These current and voltage esteems are not correct and can be shift as indicated by the Battery limit and LED. Yet, by and large you can utilize 330 or 220 ohm resistor with any LED, otherwise you can likewise utilize 1k resistor if the best possible qualities are not accessible.

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