Quadratic Vector Equations on Complex Upper Half-Plane [1 ed.] 9781470454142, 9781470436834

The authors consider the nonlinear equation $-\frac 1m=z+Sm$ with a parameter $z$ in the complex upper half plane $\math

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Quadratic Vector Equations on Complex Upper Half-Plane [1 ed.]
 9781470454142, 9781470436834

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Number 1261

Quadratic Vector Equations on Complex Upper Half-Plane Oskari Heikki Ajanki ´ o´ Erd˝os Laszl ¨ Torben Kruger

September 2019 • Volume 261 • Number 1261 (fifth of 7 numbers)

Number 1261

Quadratic Vector Equations on Complex Upper Half-Plane Oskari Heikki Ajanki ´ o´ Erd˝os Laszl ¨ Torben Kruger

September 2019 • Volume 261 • Number 1261 (fifth of 7 numbers)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for by the AMS. See http://www.loc.gov/publish/cip/. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/1261

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Contents Chapter 1. Introduction


Chapter 2. Set-up and main results 2.1. Generating density 2.2. Stability 2.3. Relationship between Theorem 2.6 and Theorem 2.6 of [AEK16b] 2.4. Outline of proofs

5 7 13 16 17

Chapter 3. Local laws for large random matrices 3.1. Proof of local law inside bulk of the spectrum

21 23

Chapter 4. Existence, uniqueness and L2 -bound 4.1. Stieltjes transform representation 4.2. Operator F and structural L2 -bound

27 30 32

Chapter 5. Properties of solution 5.1. Relations between components of m and F 5.2. Stability and operator B

35 35 41

Chapter 6. Uniform bounds 6.1. Uniform bounds from L2 -estimates 6.2. Uniform bound around z = 0 when a = 0

47 49 51

Chapter 7. Regularity of solution


Chapter 8. Perturbations when generating density is small 8.1. Expansion of operator B 8.2. Cubic equation

63 64 68

Chapter 9. Behavior of generating density where it is small 9.1. Expansion around non-zero minima of generating density 9.2. Expansions around minima where generating density vanishes 9.3. Proofs of Theorems 2.6 and 2.11

73 77 81 96

Chapter 10. Stability around small minima of generating density


Chapter 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. 11.5.

107 108 108 112 113 113

11. Examples The band operator, lack of self-averaging, and property A3 Divergences in B, outliers, and function Γ Blow-up at z = 0 when a = 0 and assumption B1 Effects of non-constant function a Discretization and reduction of the QVE iii



11.6. Simple example that exhibits all universal shapes


Appendix A. Appendix A.1. Proofs of auxiliary results in Chapter 4 A.2. Proofs of auxiliary results in Chapter 5 A.3. Scalability of matrices with non-negative entries A.4. Variational bounds when Re z = 0 A.5. H¨ older continuity of Stieltjes transform A.6. Cubic roots and associated auxiliary functions

117 118 119 120 123 126 128



Abstract 1 We consider the nonlinear equation − m = z + Sm with a parameter z in the complex upper half plane H, where S is a positivity preserving symmetric linear operator acting on bounded functions. The solution with values in H is unique and its z-dependence is conveniently described as the Stieltjes transforms of a family of measures v on R. In Ajanki, Erd˝os, and Kr¨ uger (2016b), we qualitatively identified the possible singular behaviors of v: under suitable conditions on S we showed that in the density of v only algebraic singularities of degree two or three may occur. In this paper we give a comprehensive analysis of these singularities with uniform quantitative controls. We also find a universal shape describing the transition regime between the square root and cubic root singularities. Finally, motivated by random matrix applications in the companion paper, Ajanki, Erd˝os, and Kr¨ uger (2016c), we present a complete stability analysis of the equation for any z ∈ H, including the vicinity of the singularities.

Received by the editor April 2016, and, in revised form, September 26, 2016. Article electronically published on November 13, 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/memo/1261 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 45Gxx; Secondary 46Txx, 60B20, 15B52. Key words and phrases. Stieltjes-transform, algebraic singularity, density of states, cubic cusp, random matrices, Wigner-type random matrix, local law. This work was partially supported by ERC Advanced Grant RANMAT No. 338804 and by the SFB-TR 12 Grant of the German Research Council. c 2019 American Mathematical Society



Introduction One of the basic problems in the theory of large random matrices is to compute the asymptotic density of eigenvalues as the dimension of the matrices goes to infinity. For several prominent ensembles this question is ultimately related to the solution of a system of nonlinear equations of the form (1.1)

N  1 = z − ai + sij mj , mi j=1

i = 1, . . . , N ,

where the complex parameter z and the unknowns m1 , . . . , mN lie in the complex upper half-plane H := {z ∈ C : Im z > 0}. The given vector a = (ai )N i=1 has real components, and the matrix S = (sij )N is symmetric with non-negative entries i,j=1 and it is determined by the second moments of the matrix ensemble. The simplest example for the emergence of (1.1) are the Wigner-type matrices, defined as follows. Let H = (hij ) be an N ×N real symmetric or complex hermitian matrix with expectations E hij = ai δij and variances E |hij |2 = sij . We assume that the matrix elements are independent up to the symmetry constraint, hji = hij . Let G(z) = (H − z)−1 be the resolvent of H with a spectral parameter z ∈ H. Second order perturbation theory indicates that for the diagonal matrix elements Gii = Gii (z) of the resolvent we have (1.2)

N  1 ≈ z − ai + sij Gjj , Gii j=1

where the error is due to fluctuations that vanish in the large N limit. In particular, if thesystem of equations (1.1) is stable, then Gii is close to mi and the average N −1 i mi approximates the normalized trace of the resolvent, N −1 Tr G. Being determined by N −1 Im Tr G, as Im z → 0, the empirical spectral measure of H approaches the non-random measure with density (1.3)

ρ(τ ) := lim η ↓0

N 1  Im mj (τ + iη) , πN j=1

τ ∈ R,

as N goes to infinity, see [Shl96, Gui02, AZ05]. Apart from a few specific cases, this procedure via (1.1) is the only known method to determine the limiting density of eigenvalues for large Wigner-type random  matrices. When S is doubly stochastic, i.e., j sij = 1 for each row i, then it is easy to see that the only solution to (1.1) is the constant vector, mi = msc for each i, where msc = msc (z) is the Stieltjes transform of Wigner’s semicircle law,  ρsc (τ )dτ 1  (1.4) , with ρsc (τ ) := max{ 0 , 4 − τ 2 } . msc (z) = 2π R τ −z 1



The system of equations (1.1) thus reduces to the simple scalar equation 1 = z + msc . − (1.5) msc Comparing (1.2) and (1.1), we see from (1.3) that the density of the eigenvalues in the large N limit is given by the semicircle law. The corresponding random matrix ensemble was called generalized Wigner ensemble in [EYY11a]. Besides Wigner-type matrices and certain random matrices with translation invariant dependence structure [AEK16a], the equation (1.1) has previously appeared in at least two different contexts. First, in [AZ08] the limiting density of eigenvalues for a certain class of random matrix models with dependent entries was determined by the so-called color equations (cf. equation (3.9) in [AZ08]), which can be rewritten in the form (1.1). For more details on this connection we refer to Subsection 3.3 of [AEK16b]. The second application of (1.1) concerns the Laplace-like operator,  txy ( f (x) − f (y)) , f :V →C (Hf )(x) = y∼x

on rooted tree graphs Γ with vertex set V (see [KLW] for a review article and references therein). Set mx = (Hx − z)−1 (x, x), where Hx is the operator H restricted to the forward subtree with root x. A simple resolvent formula then shows that (1.1) holds with a = 0 and sxy = |txy |2 {x < y}, where x < y indicates that x is closer to the root of Γ than y. In this example (sxy ) is not a symmetric matrix, but in a related model it may be chosen symmetric (rooted trees of finite cone types associated with a substitution matrix S, see [Sad12]). In particular, real analyticity of the density of states (away from the spectral edges) in this model follows from our analysis (We thank C. Sadel for pointing out this connection). The central role of (1.1) in the context of random matrices has been recognized by many authors, see, e.g. [Ber73, Weg79, Gir01, KP94, Shl96, AZ08, Gui02] and some basic properties of the solution, such as existence, uniqueness and regularity in z away from the real axis have been established, see e.g. [Gir01, HFS07, PS11] and further references therein. The existence of the limit in (1.3) has been shown but no description of the limiting density ρ was given. Motivated by this problem, in [AEK16b] we initiated a comprehensive study of a general class of nonlinear equations of the form 1 − = z − a + Sm , m in a possibly infinite dimensional setup. Under suitable conditions on the linear operator S, we gave a qualitative description of the possible singularities of m as z approaches the real axis. We showed that singularities can occur at most at finitely many points and that they are algebraic of order two or three. The solution m is conveniently represented as the Stieltjes transforms of a family of probability measures. The singularities of m occur at points where the densities of these measures approach to zero and the type of singularity depends on how the densities vanish. We found that the densities behave like a square root near the edges of their support and, additionally, they may exhibit a cubic root cusp singularity inside the interior of the support; no other singularity type occurs. All these results translate into statements about the spectral densities of large random matrices on the macroscopic scale. Recent developments in the theory



of random matrices, however, focus on local laws, i.e. precise description of the eigenvalue density down to very small scales almost comparable with the eigenvalue spacing. This requires understanding the solution m and the stability of (1.1) with an effective quantitative control as z approaches the real line. In particular, a detailed description of the singular behavior of the solution close to the spectral edges is necessary. The current paper is an extensive generalization of the qualitative singularity analysis of [AEK16b]. Here we give a precise description (cf. Theorem 2.6 below) of the density around the singularities in a neighborhood of order one with effective error bounds, while in [AEK16b] we only proved the limiting behavior as z approached the singularities without uniform control. We analyze the density around all local minima inside the interior of the support, even when the value of the density is small but non-zero. We demonstrate that a universal density shape emerges also at these points, which are far away from any singularity. In Subsection 2.3 we demonstrate the strength of the current bounds over the qualitative results in [AEK16b] by considering a one-parameter family of operators S. By varying the parameter, this family exhibits all possible shapes of the density in the regime where the density is close to zero. This example illustrates how these density shapes are realized as rescalings of two universal shape functions. Furthermore, in the current work we impose weaker conditions on a and S than in [AEK16b]. Especially, when a = 0 our assumptions on S are essentially optimal. Finally, we also give a detailed stability analysis against small perturbations; the structure of our stability bounds is directly motivated by their application in random matrices. The uniform control of the solution near the singularities, as well as the quantitative stability estimates are not only natural mathematical questions on their own. They are also indispensable for establishing local laws and universality of local spectral statistics of Wigner type random matrices. We heavily use them in the companion papers to prove such results for Wigner-type matrices with independent entries [AEK16c], as well as for matrices with correlated Gaussian entries [AEK16a]. Random matrices, however, will not appear in the main body of this work. In Chapter 3 we only illustrate how our analysis of (1.1) is used to prove a simple version of the local law. While the current work is a generalization of [AEK16b], it is essentially selfcontained; only very few auxiliary results will be taken over from [AEK16b]. To achieve the required uniform control, we need to restart the analysis from its beginning. After establishing a priori bounds on the solution m and on the stability of the linearization of (1.1) in Chapters 4–6, there are two main steps. First, in Chapter 8 we derive an approximate cubic equation to determine the leading behavior of the density in the regime where it is very small and, second, we analyze this cubic equation. The first step is much more involved in this paper than in [AEK16b] since we also need to analyze points where the density is small but nonzero and we require all bounds to be effective in terms of a small number of model parameters. The second step follows a completely new argument. In [AEK16b] the correct roots of the cubic equation have been selected locally and by using a proof by contradiction which cannot give any effective control. In the current paper we select the roots by matching the solutions at neighboring singularities to ensure the effective control in an order one neighborhood. This procedure takes up Chapter 9, the most technical part of our work. The nonlinear stability analysis is presented in



Chapter 10; this is the strongest version needed in the random matrix analysis in [AEK16c]. Finally, in Chapter 11 we present examples illustrating various aspects of the main results and the necessity of the assumptions on a and S. Acknowledgement. We are grateful to Zhigang Bao and Christian Sadel for several comments and suggestions along this work. A special thanks goes to Johannes Alt for carefully proofreading the entire manuscript. Recent developments. After completing this manuscript, the systematic study of the quadratic vector equation (1.1) initiated in the current work has been substantially extended. Wigner type matrices H can be further generalised to allow for (i) correlations among the matrix entries as well as (ii) non-zero expectation for any matrix elements. Both extensions require to solve the Matrix Dyson equation (MDE), a matrix version of (1.1) of the form −M −1 = z − A + S[M ] . Here A is an arbitrary deterministic Hermitian matrix and S is a positivity preserving linear map on the space of matrices; in applications to random matrix theory we set A = EH and S[R] = E(H − A)R(H − A). The stability analysis of the MDE was performed in [AEK19] where the local law and spectral universality in the bulk spectrum for correlated random matrices with fast correlation decay have also been proven. The case of slow correlation decay [EKS19] required a very different probabilistic technique, but the deterministic component of the proof relied on the same MDE analysis. The effective shape analysis of the density (1.3) for the MDE, including the precise description of the singularities, has been completed in [AEK18b]. The main features of the density in the more general MDE setup are the same as for the vector equation (1.1); only square root singularities at the regular edges and cusp singularities with cubic root behaviour in the interior of the spectrum may occur. Compared with (1.1), however, the non-commutative setup of the MDE posed major difficulties in the proofs. The shape analysis for MDE was one of the main ingredients in proving local laws and spectral universality for general correlated matrices at the regular edges [AEKS], as well as in the proof of the cusp universality for Wigner type matrices [EKS18, CEKS]. The general theory of the MDE has also been successfully applied to various concrete random matrix models. Local and global laws for Kronecker matrices with block correlation structure have been proven in [AEKN]. This was further specialised to linearizations of polynomials in random matrices [EKN]. Via standard hermitization, even non-Hermitian random matrices can be studied by the MDE; this has led to the local law for Gram matrices [AEK17, Alt17] and to the local version of the inhomogeneous circular law in the bulk [AEK18a] as well as at the edge [AEK19]. The decay rate of the solution to a large system of linear differential equations with random coefficients, a standard model in the dynamics of neural networks, have also been studied via the analysis of the corresponding MDE [EKR18, EKR19]. All these developments have been inspired by the key ideas of the current book.


Set-up and main results In this chapter we formulate a generalized version of the equation (1.1) which allows us to treat all dimensions N , including the limit N → ∞, in a unified manner. After introducing three assumptions A1-3 on a and S we state our main results. Let X be an abstract set of labels. We introduce the Banach space,   B := w : X → C : sup |wx | < ∞ , (2.1) x∈X

of bounded complex valued functions on X, equipped with the norm w := sup |wx | .



We also define the subset (2.3)

B+ :=

 w ∈ B : Im wx > 0 for all x ∈ X ,

of functions with values in the complex upper half-plane H. Let S : B → B be a non-zero bounded linear operator, and a ∈ B a real valued bounded function. The main object of study in this paper is the equation, 1 = z − a + S m(z) , ∀ z ∈ H, − (2.4) m(z) and its solution m : H → B+ . Here we view m : X × H → H, (x, z) → mx (z) as a function of the two variables x and z, but we will often suppress the x and/or z dependence of m and other related functions. The symbol m will always refer to a solution of (2.4). We will refer to (2.4) as the Quadratic Vector Equation (QVE). We assume that X is equipped with a probability measure π and a σ-algebra S such that (X, S, π) constitutes a probability space. We  will denote the space of measurable functions u : X → C, satisfying up := ( X |ux |p π(dx))1/p < ∞, as Lp = Lp (X; C), p ≥ 1. The usual L2 -inner product, and the averaging are denoted by  ux wx π(dx) , and w := 1, w , u, w ∈ L2 , u, w := (2.5) X

respectively. For a linear operator A, mapping a Banach space X to another Banach space Y , we denote the corresponding operator norm by AX→Y . However, when X = Y = B we use the shorthand A = AB→B . Finally, if w is a function on X and T is a linear operator acting on such functions then w + T denotes the linear operator u → wu + T u, i.e., we interpret w as a multiplication operator when appropriate. In the entire paper we assume that the bounded linear operator S : B → B in (2.4) is: 5



A1 Symmetric and positivity preserving, i.e., for every u, w ∈ B and every real valued and non-negative p ∈ B: u, Sw = Su, w ,


inf (Sp)x ≥ 0 . x

For the existence and uniqueness no other assumptions on a and S are needed. Theorem 2.1 (Existence and uniqueness). Assume A1. Then for each z ∈ H, 1 (2.6) = z − a + Sm , − m has a unique solution m = m(z) ∈ B+ . The solutions for different values of z constitute an analytic function z → m(z) from H to B+ . Moreover, for each x ∈ X there exists a positive measure vx on R, with supp vx ⊂ [−Σ, Σ ] ,


and vx (R) = π, such that (2.8)

mx (z) =

1 π



vx (dτ ) , τ −z

Σ := a + 2S1/2 ,

∀ z ∈ H.

The measures vx constitute a measurable function v := (x → vx ) : X → M(R), where M(R) denotes the space of finite Borel measures on R equipped with the weak topology. Furthermore, if a = 0, then the solution m(z) is in L2 whenever z = 0, 2 , ∀ z ∈ H, m(z)2 ≤ (2.9) |z| and the measures vx are symmetric, in the sense that vx (−A) = vx (A) for any measurable set A ⊂ R. The existence and uniqueness part of Theorem 2.1 is considered standard knowledge in the literature [AZ05,Gir01,HFS07,KLW13,KP94]. A proof of existence and uniqueness that is tailored to the current setup, including the Stieltjes transform representation (2.8), was presented in [AEK16b]. The novelty in the statement of Theorem 2.1 in this paper is the L2 -bound (2.9) for the case a = 0, which is proven in Chapter 5. We remark that if the solution space B+ is replaced by B, then the equation (2.6) in general may have multiple, even infinitely many, solutions. Since v generates the solution m through (2.8) we call the x-dependent family of measures v = (vx )x∈X the generating measure. In order to prove results beyond the existence and uniqueness we need to additionally assume that S is: A2 Smoothing, in the sense that it extends to a bounded operator from L2 to B that is represented by a symmetric non-negative measurable kernel function (x, y) → Sxy : X2 → [0, ∞), i.e., SL2 →B < ∞, and  (Sw)x = Sxy wy π(dy) . (2.10) X

A3 Uniformly primitive, i.e., there exist an integer L ∈ N, and a constant ρ > 0, such that (2.11)

u ∈B, u ≥ 0


(S L u)x ≥ ρ u

∀x ∈ X.



The finiteness of the norm SL2 →B in condition A2 means that the integral kernel Sxy representing the operator S satisfies 

1/2 SL2 →B = sup (Sxy )2 π(dy) < ∞. (2.12) x∈X


In particular, S is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator on L2 . The condition A3 is an effective lower bound on the coupling between the components mx in the QVE. In the context of matrices with non-negative entries this property is known as primitivity - hence our terminology. Remark 2.2 (Scaling and translation). If we replace the pair (a, S) in the QVE with (a , S  ) := (λ1/2 a + τ , λS), for some constants λ > 0 and τ ∈ R, then the modified QVE is solved by m : H → B, where mx (z) := λ−1/2 mx (λ−1/2 (z − τ )). By this basic observation, we may assume, without loss of generality, that S is normalized and a is centered, i.e., S = 1 and a = 0. All important estimates in this paper are quantitative in the sense that they depend on a and S only through a few special parameters (see also Section 2.3). The following convention makes keeping track of this dependence easier. Convention 2.3 (Comparison relations, model parameters and constants). For brevity we introduce the concept of comparison relations: If ϕ = ϕ(u) and ψ = ψ(u) are non-negative functions on some set U , then the notation ϕ  ψ, or equivalently, ψ  ϕ, means that there exists a constant 0 < C < ∞ such that ϕ(u) ≤ C ψ(u) for all u ∈ U . If ψ  ϕ  ψ then we write ϕ ∼ ψ, and say that ϕ and ψ are comparable. Furthermore, we use ψ = φ + OX (ξ) as a shorthand for ψ − φX  ξ X , where ξ, ψ, ϕ ∈ X and X is a normed vector space. For X = C we simply write O instead of OC . When the implicit constants C in the comparison relations depend on some parameters Λ we say that the comparison relations depend on Λ. Typically, Λ contains the parameters appearing in the hypotheses, and we refer to them as model parameters. We denote by C, C  , C1 , C2 , . . . and c, c , c1 , c2 , . . . , etc., generic constants that depend only on the model parameters. The constants C, C  , c, c may change their values from one line to another, while the enumerated constants, such as c1 , C2 , have constant values within an argument or a proof. We usually express the dependence on the variable z explicitly in the statements of theorems, etc. However, in order to avoid excess clutter we often suppress the variable z within the proofs e.g., we write m instead of m(z), when z is considered fixed. 2.1. Generating density This section contains our main results, Theorem 2.4 and Theorem 2.6, concerning the generating measure, when S satisfies A1-3, and the solution of the QVE is uniformly bounded. Sufficient conditions on S and a that guarantee the uniformly boundedness of m are also given (cf. Theorem 2.11). For any I ⊆ R we introduce the seminorm on functions w : H → B: |||w|||I := sup w(z) : Re z ∈ I , Im z ∈ (0, ∞) . (2.13)



Theorem 2.4 (Regularity of generating density). Suppose S satisfies A1-3, and the solution m of (2.4) is uniformly bounded everywhere, i.e., |||m|||R ≤ Φ , for some constant Φ < ∞. Then the following hold true: (i) The generating measure has a Lebesgue density (also denoted by v), i.e., vx (dτ ) = vx (τ )dτ . The components of the generating density are comparable, i.e., vx (τ ) ∼ vy (τ ) ,

∀ τ ∈ R , ∀ x, y ∈ X .

In particular, the support of vx is independent of x, and hence we write supp v for this common support. (ii) v(τ ) is real analytic in τ , everywhere except at points τ ∈ supp v where v(τ ) = 0. More precisely, there exists C0 ∼ 1, such that the derivatives satisfy the bound

k C 0 ∂τk v(τ ) ≤ k! , ∀k ∈ N, v(τ ) 3 whenever v(τ ) > 0. (iii) The density is uniformly 1/3-H¨ older-continuous everywhere, i.e., v(τ2 ) − v(τ1 )  |τ2 − τ1 |1/3 ,

∀ τ1 , τ2 ∈ R .

The comparison relations in these statements depend on the model parameters ρ, L, SL2 →B , a and Φ. Here we assumed an a priori uniform bound on |||m|||R . We remark that without such a bound a regularity result weaker than Theorem 2.4 can still be proven (cf. Corollary 7.4). For simplicity we assume here that |||m|||R is bounded. In fact, all the results in this paper can be localized on any real interval [α, β], i.e., the statements apply for τ ∈ [α, β] provided |||m|||[α−ε,β+ε] is bounded for some ε > 0. The straightforward details are left to the reader. The next theorem describes the behavior of the generating density in the regime where the average generating density v is small. We start with defining two universal shape functions. Definition 2.5 (Shape functions). Define Ψedge : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), and Ψmin : R → [0, ∞), by (2.14a)


Ψedge (λ)

 (1 + λ) λ := ,   2/3 2/3 1 + 2λ + 2 (1 + λ) λ + 1 + 2λ − 2 (1 + λ) λ +1 √ 1 + λ2 √ √ − 1. Ψmin(λ) := ( 1 + λ2 + λ)2/3 + ( 1 + λ2 − λ)2/3 − 1

As the names suggest, the appropriately rescaled versions of the shape functions Ψedge and Ψmin will describe how vx (τ0 + ω) behaves when τ0 is an edge of supp v, i.e., τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v, and when τ0 is a local minimum of v with v(τ0 ) > 0 sufficiently small, respectively.



The next theorem is our main result. Together with Theorem 2.4 it classifies the behavior of the generating density of a general bounded solution of the QVE. The theorem generalizes Theorem Figure 2.1. The two shape functions Ψedge and 2.6 from [AEK16b]. For Ψmin . more details on how these two results compare, we refer to Section 2.3. Theorem 2.6 (Shape of generating density near its small values). Assume A1-3, and |||m|||R ≤ Φ , for some Φ < ∞. Then the support of the generating measure consists of K  ∼ 1 disjoint intervals, i.e., 



supp v =

[αi , βi ] ,

βi − αi ∼ 1 ,



αi < βi < αi+1 .


Moreover, for all ε > 0 there exist K  = K  (ε)  1 points γ1 , . . . , γK  ∈ supp v such that τ → v(τ ) has a local minimum at τ = γk with v(γk ) ≤ ε, 1 ≤ k ≤ K  . These minima are well separated from each other and from the edges, i.e., (2.16) |γi − γj | ∼ 1 ,

∀ i = j , and

|γi − αj | ∼ 1 ,

|γi − βj | ∼ 1 ,

∀ i, j .

Let M denote the set of edges and these internal local minima, M := {αi } ∪ {βj } ∪ {γk } ,


then small neighborhoods of M cover the entire domain where 0 < v ≤ ε, i.e., there exists C ∼ 1 such that τ ∈ supp v : v(τ ) ≤ ε    (2.18) [ α , α + C ε2 ] ∪ [ β − C ε2 , β ] ∪ [ γ − C ε3 , γ + C ε3 ] . ⊆ i









The generating density is described by expansions around the points of M, i.e. for any τ0 ∈ M we have

(2.19) ω∈I, vx (τ0 + ω) = vx (τ0 ) + hx Ψ(ω) + O vx (τ0 )2 + Ψ(ω)2 , where hx ∼ 1 depends on τ0 . The interval I = I(τ0 ) and the function Ψ : I → [0, ∞) depend only on the type of τ0 according to the following list: • Left edge: If τ0 = αi , then (2.19) holds with vx (τ0 ) = 0 , I = [0, ∞), and   ω Ψ(ω) = (αi − βi−1 )1/3 Ψedge (2.20a) , αi − βi−1 with the convention α1 − β0 = 1.



• Right edge: If τ0 = βj , then (2.19) holds with vx (τ0 ) = 0 , I = (−∞, 0] , and   −ω 1/3 , Ψ(ω) = (αj+1 − βj ) Ψedge (2.20b) αj+1 − βj with the convention αK  +1 − βK  = 1. • Minimum: If τ0 = γk , then (2.19) holds with I = R, and   ω Ψ(ω) = ρk Ψmin 3 , where ρk ∼ v(γk ) . (2.20c) ρk In case v(γk ) = 0 we interpret (2.20c) as its ρk → 0 limit, i.e., Ψ(ω) = 2−2/3 |ω|1/3 . All comparison relations depend only on the model parameters ρ, L, SL2 →B , a and Φ. Figure 2.2 shows an average generating measure which exhibits each of the possible singularities described by (2.19) and (2.20). Note that the expansions (2.19) become useful for the non-zero minima τ0 = γk only when ε > 0 is chosen to be so small that the term hx Ψ(ω) dominates vx (τ0 )2 which itself is smaller than ε2 . Remark 2.7 (Qualitative behavior near minima). The edge shape function Δ1/3 Ψedge (ω/Δ) interpolates between a square root and a cubic root growth with the switch in the growth rate taking place when its argument becomes of the size Δ. Similarly, the function ρ Ψmin (ω/ρ3 ) can be seen as a cubic root cusp ω → |ω|1/3 regularized at scale ρ3 . Remark 2.8 (Universality of shapes). Suppose τ0 is an internal edge with a gap of size Δ > 0 to the left. As Δ becomes small, the function λ → Δ−1/3 v(τ0 + Δλ ) approaches the universal shape function Ψedge up to a λ-independent scaling factor. More precisely, consider a family of data (a(Δ) , S (Δ) ), Δ ∈ (0, c) parameterized by Δ ∈ (0, c), such that the supports of the corresponding generating densities v = v (Δ) (Δ) have gaps of size Δ between opposing internal edges τ0 = τ0 and τ0 − Δ. If the hypotheses of Theorem 2.6 hold uniformly in Δ, then lim


Ψedge (λ1 ) v(τ0 + Δλ1 ) = , v(τ0 + Δλ2 ) Ψedge (λ2 )

∀ λ1 , λ2 > 0 .

An analogous statement holds for non-zero local minima and the associated universal shape function Ψmin . A simple example of a family of QVEs where the gap closes and then becomes a small minima is given in Section 11.6. Remark 2.9 (Choice of non-zero minima). We formulated Theorem 2.6 for an arbitrary threshold parameter ε, but it is easy to see that only small values of ε are relevant. In fact, without loss of generality one may assume that ε ∼ 1 is so small that the intervals on the right hand side of (2.18) are disjoint. In this case the internal minima where v vanishes, i.e., the edges αi , βj and those γk ’s that correspond to cusps, turn out to be the unique minima within the corresponding intervals. However, the local minima of v where v = 0, i.e., the non-cusp elements of {γ1 , . . . , γK  } might not be unique even for small ε. In fact, along the proof of Theorem 2.6 we also show (Corollary 9.4) that these nonzero local minima



Figure 2.2. Average generating density v when a = 0 and the kernel Sxy is a block-constant function as specified with greyscale encoding in the upper right corner. All the possible shapes appear in this example. At the qualitative level each component vx looks similar. If a is non-zero the v(τ ) is not necessarily a symmetric function of τ any more. are either tightly clustered or well separated from each other in the following sense: If γ, γ  ∈ supp v\∂ supp v are two local minima of v , then either 4 |γ − γ  |  min v(γ) , v(γ  ) , or |γ − γ  | ∼ 1 . In particular, for small ε ∼ 1, each interval in (2.18) contains at most one such cluster of local minima. Within each cluster we may choose an arbitrary representative γk ; Theorem 2.6 will hold for any such choice. We will now discuss two sufficient and checkable conditions that together with A1-3 imply |||m|||R < ∞, a key input of Theorems 2.4 and 2.6. The first one involves a regularity assumption on a and the family of row functions, or simply rows, of S, (2.21)

Sx : X → [ 0, ∞), y → Sxy ,

x ∈ X,

as elements of L2 . It expresses that the set of pairs {(ax , Sx ) : x ∈ X} should not have outliers in the sense that,  π(dy) inf = ∞, lim (2.22) ε↓0 x∈X X ε + (ax − ay )2 + Sx − Sy 2 2 holds. In other words, this means that no (ax , Sx ) is too different from all the other pairs (ay , Sy ), y = x. We will see that in case a = 0, the property (2.22) alone implies a bound for m(z) when z is away from zero. When a = 0 the point



z = 0 is special, and an extra structural condition is needed to ensure that m(0) is also bounded. In order to state this additional condition we need the following definitions. Definition 2.10 (Full indecomposability). A K × K matrix T with nonnegative elements Tij ≥ 0, is called fully indecomposable (FID) provided that for any subsets I, J ⊂ {1, . . . , K}, with |I | + |J| ≥ K, the submatrix (Tij )i∈I,j∈J contains a non-zero entry. The integral operator S : B → B is block fully indecomposable if there exist an integer K, a fully indecomposable matrix T = (Tij )K i,j=1 and a measurable partition I := {Ij }K of X, such that j=1 1 , K for every 1 ≤ i, j ≤ K. (2.23)

π(Ii ) =


Sxy ≥ Tij ,


(x, y) ∈ Ii × Ij ,

The FID property is standard for matrices with non-negative entries [BR97]. The most useful properties of FID matrices are listed in Proposition 6.9 and Appendix A.3 below. With these definitions we have the following qualitative result on the boundedness of m. Theorem 2.11 (Qualitative uniform bounds). Suppose that in addition to A1, A2 and (2.22), either of the following holds: (i) a = 0 and S is block fully indecomposable; (ii) S satisfies A3, and   w, Sw (2.24) : w ∈ B , wx ≥ 0 > 0 . inf w 2 Then the solution of the QVE is uniformly bounded, |||m|||R < ∞, and in the case (i) S has the property A3. In particular, the conclusions of both Theorem 2.4 and Theorem 2.6 hold. When a = 0 and X is discrete the full indecomposability of S is not only a sufficient but also a necessary condition for the boundedness of m in B. More precisely, in Theorem A.4 we will show that in the discrete setup the QVE is stable and has a bounded solution if and only if S is a fully indecomposable matrix. We also remark that A3 and the condition (2.24) imply that S is block fully indecomposable in the discrete setup. In general, neither implies the other however. In Chapter 6 we present quantitative versions of Theorem 2.11: Theorem 6.1 and Theorem 6.4 correspond to the parts (i) and (ii) of Theorem 2.11, respectively. In the prominent example (X, π(dx)) = ([0, 1], dx) the condition (2.22) is satolder continuous, in isfied if the map x → (ax , Sx ) : X → R × L2 is piecewise 1/2-H¨ the sense that for some finite partition {Ik } of [0, 1] into non-trivial intervals, the bound (2.25)

|ax − ay | + Sx − Sy 2 ≤ C1 |x − y|1/2 ,

∀ x, y ∈ Ik ,

holds for every k. Furthermore, if S has a positive diagonal, such that (2.26)

Sxy ≥ ε { |x − y| ≤ δ} ,

∀ x, y ∈ [0, 1] ,

for some ε, δ > 0, then it is easy to see that S is block fully indecomposable and also satisfies (2.24), as well as its quantitative version (6.9) (cf. Chapter 6).



Next we discuss the special situation in which the generating measure is supported on a single interval. A sufficient condition for this to hold is that the pairs (ax , Sx ), x ∈ X, can not be split into two well separated subsets in a sense specified by the inequality (2.27) below. The following result is a quantitative version of Theorem 2.8 in [AEK16b]. Theorem 2.12 (Generating density supported on single interval). Assume S satisfies A1-3, and |||m|||R ≤ Φ. Then there exists a threshold ξ∗ ∼ 1 such that under the assumption

|a ≤ ξ∗ inf − a | + S − S  sup x y x y 1 (2.27) A⊂X x ∈ A y∈ /A

the generating density is supported on a single interval, i.e. supp v = [α, β], with β − α ∼ 1, and |α|, |β| ≤ Σ. Moreover, for every 0 < δ < (β − α)/2, we have vx (τ )  δ 1/2 ,


τ ∈ [α + δ, β − δ ]


vx (α + ω) = hx ω

+ O(ω)

ω ∈ [0, δ ],


vx (β − ω) = hx ω 1/2 + O(ω)

ω ∈ [0, δ ],


hx , hx

where h, h ∈ B with ∼ 1. Furthermore, v(τ ) is uniformly 1/2-H¨ older continuous in τ . Here ρ, L, SL2 →B , a and Φ are considered the model parameters. Combining the last two theorems we proved that under the conditions of Theorem 2.11 on (a, S) in addition to (2.27) all conclusions of Theorem 2.12 hold. For example, if X = [0, 1], a = 0, and S satisfies A1 and A2, it is block fully indecomposable, and the row functions Sx are 1/2H¨older continuous on the whole set [0, 1], then the conclusions (2.28) of Theorem 2.12 hold true. Figure 2.3 shows an average generating density Figure 2.3. The smooth profile of S leads corresponding to an integral operator to a generating density that is supported on S with a smooth kernel when a = a single interval. 0. 2.2. Stability Now we discuss the stability properties of the QVE (2.4). These results are the cornerstone of the proof of the local law for Wigner-type random matrices proven in [AEK16c], see Chapter 3 for more details. Fix z ∈ H, and suppose g ∈ B satisfies 1 − = z − a + Sg + d . (2.29) g This equation is viewed as a perturbation of the QVE (2.4) by a ”small” function d ∈ B. Our final result provides a bound on the difference between g and the unperturbed solution m(z). The difference will be measured both in strong sense (in B-norm) and in weak sense (integrated against a fixed bounded function).



Theorem 2.13 (Stability). Assume S satisfies A1-3 and |||m|||R ≤ Φ, for some Φ < ∞. Then there exists λ ∼ 1 such that if g, d ∈ B satisfy the perturbed QVE (2.29) for some fixed z ∈ H, then the following holds: (i) Rough stability: Suppose that for some ε ∈ (0, 1), (2.30)

v(Re z) ≥ ε ,


dist(z, supp v) ≥ ε ,

and g is sufficiently close to m(z), (2.31)

g − m(z) ≤ λ ε . Then their distance is bounded in terms of d as

(2.32a) (2.32b)

g − m(z)  ε−2 d | w, g − m(z) |  ε−6 wd2 + ε−2 | J(z)w, d | ,

∀w ∈ B,

for some z-dependent family of linear operators J(z) : B → B, that depends only on S and a, and satisfies J(z)  1. (ii) Refined stability: There exist z-dependent families t(k) (z) ∈ B, k = 1, 2, depending only on S, and satisfying t(k) (z)  1, such that the following holds. Defining (2.33a) (2.33b) (2.33c)

(z) := dist(z, supp v|R ) ρ(z) := v(Re z) δ(z, d) := d2 + | t(1) (z), d | + | t(2) (z), d | , assume g is close to m(z), in the sense that


g − m(z) ≤ λ (z)2/3 + λ ρ(z) . Then their distance is bounded in terms of the perturbation as

(2.35a) (2.35b)


g − m(z)  Υ(z, d) + d | w, g − m(z) |  Υ(z, d) w + | T (z)w, d | ,

∀w ∈ B,

for some z-dependent family of linear operators T (z) : B → B, that depends only on S and a, and satisfies T (z)  1. Here the key control parameter is   δ(z, d) δ(z, d) 1/3 Υ(z, d) := min , , δ(z, d) . ρ(z)2 (z)2/3

The comparison relations depend on ρ, L, SL2 →B , a and Φ. Note that the existence of g solving (2.29) for a given d is part of the assumptions of Theorem 2.13. In Proposition 7.5 we will actually prove the existence and uniqueness of g close to m provided d is sufficiently small. An important aspect of the estimates (2.32) and (2.35) is that the upper bounds depend only on the unperturbed problem, i.e., on z, a and S, possibly through m(z), apart from the explicit dependence of d. They do not depend on g. The condition (2.34) of (ii) in the preceding theorem becomes increasingly restrictive when z approaches points in supp v where v takes small values. A stronger but less transparent perturbation estimate is given as Proposition 10.1 below. The guiding principle behind these estimates is that the norm bounds (2.32a) and (2.35a) are linear in d, while the bounds (2.32b) and (2.35b) for the average



of g − m are quadratic in d and linear in a specific average in d. The motivation behind the average bounds is that in the random matrix theory (cf. Chapter 3) the perturbation d will be random. In fact, d will be subject to the fluctuation averaging mechanism, i.e., its (weighted) average is typically comparable to d2 in size. In the part (ii) of the theorem we see how the stability estimates deteriorate as z approaches the part of the real line where v becomes small, in particular near the edges of supp v. Another trivial application of our general stability result is to show that the QVE (2.4) is stable under perturbations of a and S. Remark 2.14 (Perturbations of a and S). Suppose S and T are two integral operators satisfying A1-3 and a, b ∈ B are real valued. Let m and g be the unique solutions of the two QVE’s 1 1 − = z − a + Sm and − = z − b + T g . m g Then g can be considered as a solution of the perturbed QVE (2.29), with d := −(b − a) + (T − S)g . Thus if |||m|||R < ∞, then Theorem 2.13 may be used to control g − m in terms of b − a and T − S.



2.3. Relationship between Theorem 2.6 and Theorem 2.6 of [AEK16b] Theorem 2.6 is a quantitative generalization of Theorem 2.6 of [AEK16b]. We comment on the differences between the two results. The main novelty in Theorem 2.6 is that it provides a precise description of the generating density around the expansion points τ0 in an environment whose size is comparable to 1. Moreover, its statement is uniform in the operator S and the function a, given the model parameters. In [AEK16b], on the other hand, the operator S is fixed and only asymptotically small expansion environments are considered. Theorem 2.6 also provides explicit quantitative error bounds in terms of the model parameters. To illustrate the distinction between the two results we consider a fixed a, and a continuous oneparameter family of operators S = S (δ) with the following properties: (1) The family S (δ) satisfies A1-3 uniformly in δ. (2) The corresponding solutions m(δ) are uniformly bounded, supδ |||m(δ) |||R ≤ Φ. (3) There is an expansion point τ0 (δ), depending continuously on δ, such that (cf. Figure 2.4) (a) At a critical value δ = δc the generating density corresponding to S (δc ) has a cubic root cusp at τ0 = τ0 (δc ), i.e., the expansion point τ0 is a minimum in the sense of (2.20c) and v(τ0 ) = 0. (b) For δ > δc the expansion point τ0 = τ0 (δ) is a minimum in the sense of (2.20c) of the generating density cor- Figure 2.4. Different singuresponding to S (δ) with v(τ0 ) > 0. larity shapes emerge at τ0 by (c) For δ < δc the expansion point τ0 = varying δ. τ0 (δ) is a left edge in the sense of (2.20a) of the generating density corresponding to S (δ) . We refer to Section 11.6 for an explicit example of such a family of operators S = S (δ) . The results of [AEK16b] analyze the situation only for a fixed value of the parameter δ and they are restricted to a description of the generating density in asymptotically small expansion environments. In other words, in each case (2.20a), (2.20b) and (2.20c) only the limiting behavior as ω → 0 of the function Ψ is tracked. Indeed, Theorem 2.6 reduces to Theorem 2.6 in [AEK16b] containing the following statements: (a) At the critical value δ = δc we have vx (τ0 + ω) = 2−2/3 hx |ω|1/3 (1 + o(1)) as ω → 0.



(b) For any fixed δ > δc we have vx (τ0 + ω) = vx (τ0 )(1 + o(1)) as ω → 0. (c) For any fixed δ < δc we have vx (τ0 + ω) = 3Δ11/6 hx ω 1/2 (1 + o(1)) as ω ↓ 0. Here, Δ > 0 is the length of the gap in the support of the generating density whose right boundary is τ0 . In particular, the statement (b) does not contain any interesting information and thus expansion points τ0 of the minimum type with v(τ0 ) > 0 were even not considered in Theorem 2.6 of [AEK16b]. In Theorem 2.6 of the current paper, however, the description is uniform in δ and covers an expansion neighborhood around τ0 whose size is comparable to 1, i.e., it describes the shape of Ψ(ω) for all |ω| ≤ c for some constant c ∼ 1. Thus, the new result resolves the two universal shape functions from (2.14) and reveals how these functions give rise to a continuous one-parameter family of shapes interpolating between them. In particular, it shows how the cusp singularity emerges when a gap closes or when the value of v at a local minimum drops down to zero. Indeed, as the length of the gap Δ in the support of the generating density at τ0 shrinks (as δ ↑ δc for the example family S (δ) ) the shape function Ψ(ω) = Δ1/3 Ψedge (Δ−1 ω) approaches the cusp shape Ψ(ω) = 2−4/3 |ω|1/3 . On the other hand, as the value ρ ∼ v(τ0 ) in the shape function Ψ(ω) = ρΨmin (ρ−3 ω) at a local minimum approaches zero (δ ↓ δc for the family S (δ) ), the cubic root cusp emerges as well. The following table summarizes the differences between the current Theorem 2.6 and Theorem 2.6 of [AEK16b].

Input parameters: Expansion points τ0 : Expansion environment:

Theorem 2.6 in [AEK16b] Current Theorem 2.6 a, S fixed model parameters {αi } ∪ {βj } {αi } ∪ {βj } ∪ {γk } |ω|  1 |ω|  1 2.4. Outline of proofs

In this section we will explain and motivate the basic steps leading to our main results. Stieltjes transform representation, L2 - and uniform bounds: It is a structural property of the QVE that its solution admits a representation as the Stieltjes transform of some generating measure on the real line (cf. (2.8)). This representation implies that m can be fully reconstructed from its own imaginary part near the real line. From the Stieltjes transform representation of m a trivial bound, |mx (z)| ≤ (Im z)−1 , directly follows. A detailed analysis of the QVE near the real axis, however, requires bounds that are independent of Im z as its starting point. When a = 0 and z is bounded away from zero the L2 -bound (2.9) meets this criterion. The estimate (2.9) is a structural property of the QVE as well in the sense that it follows from positivity and symmetry of S alone, and therefore quantitative assumptions such as A2 and A3 are not needed. This L2 -bound is derived from spectral information about a specific operator F = F (z), constructed from the solution m = m(z), that appears naturally when taking the imaginary part on both sides of the QVE. Indeed, (2.4) implies (2.37)

Im m Im m = |m| Im z + F , |m| |m|

F u := |m|S(|m|u) .



As Im z approaches zero we may view this as an eigenvalue equation for the positive symmetric linear operator F . In the limit this eigenvalue equals 1 and f = Im m/|m| is the corresponding eigenfunction, provided Im m does not vanish. The PerronFrobenius theorem, or more precisely, its generalization to compact operators, the Krein-Rutman theorem, implies that this eigenvalue coincides with the spectral radius of F . This, in turn, implies the L2 -bound on m, when a = 0. These steps are carried out in detail at the end of Chapter 4. In fact, the norm of F (z), as an operator on L2 , approaches 1 if and only if z approaches the support of the generating measure. Otherwise it stays below 1. When a = 0 this spectral bound still holds for F , however, it does not automatically yield useful L2 -estimates on m(z) when |z| ≤ a. In order, to obtain an L2 -bound in this case as well, we need to assume more about S. In Chapter 6 it is shown that the condition (2.24), or its quantitative version B2 on p. 49, together with the spectral bound on F , yield an L2 -bound on m. Requiring the additional regularity condition (2.22) on S enables us to improve the L2 -bound on m to a uniform bound (Proposition 6.6). When a = 0 the point z = 0 requires a special treatment, because the structural bound m(z)2 ≤ 2/|z| becomes ineffective. The block fully indecomposability condition is an essentially optimal condition (Theorem A.4) to ensure the uniform boundedness of m in a vicinity of z = 0 when a = 0. The uniform bounds are a prerequisite for most of our results concerning regularity and stability of the solution of the QVE. We consider finding quantitative uniform bounds on m as an independent problem, that is addressed in Chapter 6. Stability in the region where Im m is large: Stability properties of the QVE under small perturbations are essential, not just for applications in random matrix theory (cf. Chapter 3), but also as tools to analyze the regularity of the solution m(z) ∈ B+ as a function of z. Indeed, the stability of the QVE translates directly to regularity properties of the generating measure as described by Theorem 2.4. The stability of the solution deteriorates as Im m becomes small. This happens around the expansion points in M from Theorem 2.6 In order to see this deterioration of the stability, let us suppose that for a small perturbation d ∈ B, the perturbed QVE has a solution g(d) which depends smoothly on d, (2.38)

1 = z − a + Sg(d) + d . g(d)

Indeed, the existence and uniqueness of such a function d → g(d) is shown in Proposition 7.5 as long as both d and g − m are sufficiently small. For d = 0 we get back our original solution g(0) = m, with m = m(z). We take the functional derivative with respect to d on both sides of the equation. In this way we derive a formula for the (Fr´echet-)derivative Dg(0), evaluated on some w ∈ B: (2.39)

(1 − m2 S)Dg(0)w = m2 w .

This equation shows that the invertibility of the linear operator 1 − m2 S is relevant to the stability of the QVE. Assuming uniform lower and upper bounds on |m|, the invertibility of 1 − m2 S is equivalent to the invertibility of the following related



operator: B := U − F =

|m| (1 − m2 S )|m| , m2

U w :=

|m|2 w. m2

Here, |m| on the right of S is interpreted as a multiplication operator by |m|. Similarly, U is a unitary multiplication operator and F was introduced in (2.37). Away from the support of the generating measure the spectral radius of F stays below 1 and the invertibility of B is immediate. On the support of the generating measure the spectral radius of F equals 1. Here, the fundamental bound on the inverse of B is (2.40)

B −1   Im m −1 ,

apart from some special situations (cf. Lemma 5.9). Let us understand the mechanism that leads to this bound in the simplest case, namely when x → mx (z) is a constant function, e.g., when a = 0 and Sx = 1, so that each component equals msc (z) from (1.4). In this situation, the operator U is simply multiplication by a complex phase, U = ei ϕ with ϕ ∈ (−π, π]. The uniform bounds on m ensure that the operator F inherits certain properties from S. Among these are the conditions A2 and A3. From these two properties we infer a spectral gap ε > 0, Spec(F ) ⊆ [−1 + ε, 1 − ε] ∪ {1} , on the support of the generating measure. We readily verify the following bound on the norm of the inverse of B:  |e iϕ − 1|−1 ∼ Im m −1 if ϕ ∈ [−ϕ∗ , ϕ∗ ] ; −1 B L2 →L2 ≤ −1 otherwise. ε Here, ϕ∗ ∈ [0, π/2] is the threshold defined through cos ϕ∗ = 1 − ε/2, where the spectral radius F L2 →L2 becomes more relevant for the bound than the spectral gap (cf. Lemma 5.7). Similar bounds for the special case, when mx = msc is constant in x and equals the Stieltjes transform msc of the semicircle law in every component first appeared in [EYY11a]. The bound (2.40) on the inverse of B implies a bound on the derivative Dg(0) from (2.39). For a general perturbation d this means that the QVE is stable wherever the average generating measure is not too small. If d is chosen to be a constant function dx = z  − z then this argument yields the bound for the difference m(z  ) − m(z), as g(z  − z) = m(z  ). This can be used to estimate the derivative of m(z) with respect to z and to prove existence and H¨ older-regularity of the Lebesgue-density of the generating measure. In particular, the regularity is uniform in Im z and hence we can extend the solution of the QVE to the real axis. This analysis is carried out in Chapters 5 and 7. Stability in the regime where Im m is small: The bound (2.40) becomes ineffective when Im m approaches zero. In fact, the norm of B −1 diverges owing to a single isolated eigenvalue, β ∈ C, close to zero. This point is associated to the spectral radius of F , and the corresponding eigenvector, B b = β b, is close to the Perron-Frobenius eigenvector of F , i.e., b = f + O( Im m ), with F f = f . The special direction b, in which B −1 becomes unbounded, is treated separately in Chapter 9. It is split off from the derivative Dg(0) in the stability analysis. The



coefficient of the component g(d) − m in the bad direction b, is given by the formula   b, g(d) − m . Θ(d) := b2 Chapter 8 is concerned with deriving a cubic equation for Θ(d) and expanding its coefficients in terms of Im m  1 at the edge. Universal shape of v near its small values: In this regime understanding the dependence of the solution g(d) of (2.38), is essentially reduced to understanding the scalar quantity Θ(d). This quantity satisfies a cubic equation (cf. Proposition 8.2), in which the coefficients of the non-constant terms depend only on the unperturbed solution m. In particular, we can follow the dependence of mx (z) on z ∈ R by analyzing the solution of this equation by choosing z := τ0 ∈ R and dx := τ − τ0 , a real constant function. The special structure of the coefficients of the cubic equation, in combination with specific selection principles, based on the properties of the solution of the QVE, allows only for a few possible shapes that the solution τ → Θ(τ − τ0 ) of the cubic equation may have. This is reflected in the universal shapes that describe the growth behavior of the generating density at the boundary of its support. In Chapter 9 we will analyze the three branches of solutions for the cubic equation in detail and select the one that coincides with Θ. This will complete the proof of Theorem 2.6. Optimal Stability around small minima of v : For the random matrix theory we need optimal stability properties of the perturbation g(d) around g(0) = m for a random perturbation (cf. Chapter 3). This is achieved in Chapter 10 by describing the coefficients of the cubic more explicitly based on the shape analysis. All the necessary results are collected in Proposition 10.1. These technical results generalize Theorem 2.13.


Local laws for large random matrices The QVE plays a fundamental role in the theory of large random matrices. First, it provides the only known effective way to determine the asymptotic eigenvalue density for prominent matrix ensembles as described in the introduction (cf. Section 3 of [AEK16b] for details). Second, the QVE theory is essential when establishing local laws for the distribution of the eigenvalues at the scale comparable to the individual eigenvalue spacings for so-called Wigner-type matrices. Here we explain how our results can be utilized for this purpose. Since all technical details are already carried out in [AEK16c] we highlight the structure of the proofs in the simplest possible setup by showing how the probabilistic estimates and the stability properties of the QVE can be turned into very precise probabilistic bounds on the resolvent elements of the random matrix. Let us recall from [AEK16c] the following definition. Definition 3.1 (Wigner-type random matrix). A real symmetric or complex hermitian N × N random matrix H = (hij )N i,j=1 is called Wigner-type, if it has (i) Centred entries: E hij = 0; (ii) Independent entries: (hij : 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ N ) are independent; 2 (iii) Mean-field property: The variance matrix S = (sij )N i,j=1 , sij := E|hij | , satisfies ρ S∗ (3.1) and sij ≤ , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N , (SL )ij ≥ N N for some parameters ρ, L, S∗ < ∞.  If in addition to (i)-(iii) the variance matrix is doubly stochastic, i.e., j sij = 1 for each i, and (3.1) holds with L = 1, then H is called a generalized Wigner matrix (first introduced in [EYY11a]). A given variance matrix S defines a QVE through (3.2)

X := {1, 2, . . . , N } ,

π(A) :=

|A| , N

a = 0,

(Sw)i :=


sij wj ,


where the subset A ⊂ {1, . . . , N } and the function w : X → C are arbitrary. The kernel of the operator S : B → B is related to the variances by Sij := N sij . In particular, if (3.1) is assumed, then the operator S satisfies A1, as well as A2 and A3 with parameters ρ, L and SL2 →B ≤ S∗ , respectively. A local law for H roughly states that the density of the eigenvalues λ1 ≤ . . . ≤ λN of H is predicted by the associated QVE through (3.3)

ρ(z) :=

1 Im m(z) , π 21



all the way down to the optimal scale Im z  N −1 , just above the typical eigenvalue spacing. Moreover, the local law implies that the eigenvectors are completely delocalized, i.e., no component of an 2 -normalized eigenvector of H is much larger than N −1/2 with very high probability (cf. Corollary 1.13 of [AEK16c]). A local law is most generally stated in term of the entries of the resolvent G(z) := (H − z )−1 ,


z ∈ H.

The following is a simplified version of the main local law theorem of [AEK16c]. It states that G(z) approaches the diagonal matrix determined by the solution m(z) of the QVE, provided the imaginary part of the spectral parameter z is slightly larger than the eigenvalue spacing, N −1 , inside the bulk of the spectrum. Indeed, denoting ) (3.5) := z ∈ C : N γ−1 < Im z ≤ Σ . D(N γ where γ > 0 and Σ > 0 is from (2.7), the theorem reads: Theorem 3.2 (Entrywise local law from [AEK16c]). Let H be a Wigner-type random matrix, and suppose the associated QVE (3.2) has a bounded solution m, with |||m|||R ≤ Φ. If additionally, the moments of H are bounded by the variances, p , E |hij |2p ≤ μp sij


∀p ≥ 2 ,

then the entries Gij (z) of the resolvent (3.4) satisfy for every φ, γ, p > 0,   φ   C(φ, γ, p; ξS , μ) N ) ≤ s.t.  Gij (z) − δij mi (z) > √ , P ∃z ∈ D(N γ Np N Im z where the function C( · , · , · ; ξS , μ) < ∞ depends on H only through the parameters ξS := (ρ, L, S∗ , Φ) and μ = (μp : p ≥ 1). We stress that the error bound in the local law does not depend on the variance matrix through anything else than the parameters ρ, L, S∗ , and Φ. If the operator S also satisfies the quantitative versions of the assumptions (i) of Theorem 2.11, then the implicit constant Φ can also be effectively bounded in terms of the variance matrix using a few additional model parameters appearing in the hypotheses of Theorem 6.1 below. It is also shown in [AEK16c] that under the conditions of the previous theorem an averaged local law holds with an improved error bound. More precisely, for any non-random weights wk , and φ > 0, we have    1  EN (z) , wk (Gkk (z) − mk (z)) ≤ N φ max|wi | (3.7)  i N N Im z k

with very high probability for sufficiently large N . Here the error term EN (z) is O(1), except when z approaches an asymptotically small non-zero minimum or an asymptotically small gap in supp v (cf. formulas (1.22)-(1.24) in [AEK16c] for details). In particular, choosing wk = 1 in (3.7) and considering the spectral parameters z in the bulk of the spectrum, so that v(Re z) > 0, we find for every φ > 0,  1 Nφ   (3.8) ,  Tr G(z) − m(z)  ≤ N N Imz



with very high probability. This estimate is the starting point for proving the local bulk universality for eigenvalues of H. For more details see Theorem 1.6 of [AEK16c]. All these result have been originally obtained for generalized Wigner matrices in a sequence of papers [EYY11a, EYY11b, EYY12], see [EKYY13b] for a summary. The main difference is that for generalized Wigner matrices the limiting density is given by the explicit Wigner semicircle law (1.4), while Wigner-type matrices have a quite general density profile that is known only implicitly from the solution of the QVE using (3.3). In particular, the density may have cubic root singularities (cf. Theorem 2.6), as opposed to two square root singularities of the semicircle law, and these new kind of singularities require a new proof for the local law. 3.1. Proof of local law inside bulk of the spectrum In order to see why Theorem 3.2 should hold we first apply the Schur complement formula for the diagonal entries of the resolvent (3.4) to get  1 (k) hki Gij (z) hjk , = z − hkk + Gkk (z) i,j (k)


 (k) where (k) i,j denotes the sum over all indices i, j not equal to k, and Gij (z) are the entries of the resolvent of the matrix obtained by setting the k-th row and the k-th column of H equal to zero. Replacing the terms on the right hand side of (3.9) by their partial averages w.r.t. the k-th row and column, and regarding the rest as perturbations, we arrive at a perturbed QVE, (3.10)

N 1 1  = z − E hkk + Ski Gii (z) + dk (z) , Gkk (z) N i=1

for the diagonal entries of the resolvent Gkk (z). Here the random error is given by dk (z) = (3.11)


(k) hki Gij (z) hjk



 (k) |hki |2 − E|hki |2 Gii (z)


i =j

1  Skk (k) Gkk (z) . Ski (Gii (z) − Gii (z)) − (hkk − E hkk ) − N i N (k)


Setting ak = −E hkk we identify (3.10) with the perturbed QVE (2.29). For the sake of simplicity, we consider only the case E hkk = 0 here. Since G(k)(z), by definition does not depend on the k-th row/column of H, the centered terms hki , hjk and (|hki |2 − E |hki |2 ) are independent of G(k)(z) in (3.11). Therefore the first term on the right hand side of (3.11) can be controlled by the standard large deviation estimate (cf. Appendix B of [EKYY13a]) of the form   2   C(κ, q)   κ 2 aij Xi Xj  ≥ N |aij | . ≤ P  (3.12) Nq i =j

i =j

Here Xi ’s are independent and centered random variables with finite moments, and the exponents κ, q > 0 are arbitrary. A similar bound holds for the second term on the right hand side of (3.11).



Lemma 2.1 in [AEK16c], states that if  N  Λ(z) := max Gij (z) − δij mi (z) (3.13) i,j=1

satisfies a rough a priori estimate, then the perturbation dk (z) can be shown to be very small using standard large deviation estimates, such as (3.12), and standard resolvent identities. A simplified version of this lemma is formulated as follows: Lemma 3.3 (Probabilistic part for simplified local law). Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.2, there exist a threshold λ1 > 0 and constants C1 (κ, q) < ∞, for any κ, q > 0, such that for any z ∈ H    C1 (κ, p) N d(z) + max|Gij (z)|  Λ(z) ≤ λ1 > N κ δN (z) ≤ , (3.14) P i,j=1 Nq i = j

where  ·  denotes the supremum norm, and 1 1 +√ . δN (z) := √ (3.15) N Im z N Here λ1 and the constants C1 (κ, p) are independent of z. They depend on the random matrix H only through the parameters ξS , μ defined in Theorem 3.2. We we will now show how to prove the entrywise local law, Theorem 3.2, in the special case where the spectral parameter z satisfies the bulk assumption (2.30) for some ε > 0. The proof demonstrates the general philosophy of how the nonrandom stability results for the QVE, such as Theorem 2.13, are used together with probabilistic estimates, such as Lemma 3.3 above. Our estimates will deteriorate as the lower bound ε in the bulk assumption approaches zero. In order to get the local law uniformly in ε a different and much more complicated argument (cf. Section 4 of [AEK16c]) is needed. In particular, Theorem 2.13 must be replaced by its more involved version, Proposition 10.1. In order to obtain the averaged local law (3.7), under the bulk assumption, the componentwise estimate (2.32a) must be replaced by the averaged estimate (2.32b), which bounds Gkk (z) − mk (z), in terms of a weighted average of dk (z). The improvement comes from the fluctuation averaging mechanism introduced in [EKYY13b,EYY11b]. In fact, Theorem 3.5 of [AEK16c] shows that w, d(z) , for any non-random w ∈ B, is typically of size w d(z)2 , and hence much smaller than the trivial bound wd used in the entrywise local law. For the averaged bounds, the bulk assumption (2.30) can be removed as well by using Proposition 10.1 in place of Theorem 2.13. Proof of Theorem 3.2 in the bulk. Let us fix τ0 ∈ R such that (2.30) holds for all z on the line (3.16)

L := τ0 + i [N γ−1, N ] .

We will also fix an arbitrary γ > 0. Clearly, it suffices to prove the local law only when N is larger than some threshold N0 = N0 (φ, γ, p) < ∞, depending only on ξS , μ, in addition to the arbitrary exponents φ, γ, p > 0. Combining (3.14) with the stability of the QVE under the perturbation d(z), Theorem 2.13, we obtain   C2 N (3.17) max |Gkk (z) − mk (z)|  Λ(z) ≤ λε ≤ 2 d(z) . k=1 ε



Here the indicator function guarantees that the part (i) of Theorem 2.13 is applicable. The constant λ ∼ 1 is taken from that theorem, while C2 ∼ 1 is the hidden constant in (2.32a). Combining (3.17) with (3.14) we see that for every κ, q > 0, and every fixed z ∈ H, there exists an event Ω κ,q (z), of very high probability P( Ω κ,q (z)) ≥ 1 − C3 (κ, q)N −q ,


such that for a sufficiently large threshold N0 and every N ≥ N0 we get (3.19)

Λ(z; ω){Λ(z; ω) ≤ 2λ∗ } ≤ N 2κ δN (z) ,

∀ω ∈ Ωκ,q (z) ,

where 2λ∗ := min{λ1 , λε}. The event Ωκ,q (z) depends on the spectral point z ∈ L. As a next step we replace the uncountable family of events Ωκ,q (z), z ∈ L, in (3.19) by a single event, that covers all z ∈ L. To this end, we use the regularity of the resolvent elements and of the solution to the QVE in the spectral variable z. Indeed, they are both Stieltjes transforms of probability measures (cf. (2.8)), and thus their derivatives are uniformly bounded by (Im z)−2 ≤ N 2 when z ∈ L. In particular, it follows that |Λ(z  ) − Λ(z)| ≤ 2N 2 |z  − z| ,


z, z  ∈ L .

Let LN consist of N 5 evenly spaced points on L, such that the N −4 -neighborhood of LN covers L. Combining (3.20) and (3.19) we see that for any φ, p > 0, the intersection event,  := Ω φ/3,p+5 (z) , Ω φ,p (3.21) z ∈LN

has the properties (3.22a) (3.22b)

P( Ωφ,p ) ≥ 1 − C1 (φ, p)N −p Λ(z; ω){ Λ(z; ω) ≤ λ∗ } ≤ N φ δN (z) ,

∀(z, ω) ∈ L × Ωφ,p .

Here C1 (φ, p) := C3 (φ/3, p + 5), with C3 ( · , · ) taken from (3.18). In order to prove (3.22b) pick an arbitrary pair (z, ω) ∈ L × Ωφ,p , and set κ := φ/3 and q := p + 5. If z ∈ LN , then the claim follows directly from (3.19) and (3.21). In the case z ∈ / LN , let z  ∈ LN be such that |z  − z| ≤ N −4 . Suppose now that Λ(z; ω) ≤ λ∗ . By the continuity (3.20) we see that Λ(z  ; ω) ≤ 2λ∗ , and thus (3.19) yields Λ(z  ; ω) ≤ N 2κ δN (z  ). Using (3.20) together with δN (z) ≥ N −1/2 and |δN (z) − δN (z  )| ≤ N 1/2 |z − z  | we get Λ(z; ω) ≤ N 3κ δN (z). This proves (3.22b). The proof of the local law is now completed by showing that the indicator function is identically equal to one in (3.22b) for (z, ω) ∈ L×Ωφ,p , provided φ < γ/2. φ−γ/2 < λ∗ /2, then N φ δN (z) < λ∗ /2, for N ≥ N0 , Indeed, if N0 is so large that N0 and thus the bound (3.22b) implies   λ∗ , λ∗ , Λ(z; ω) ∈ / ∀(z, ω) ∈ L × Ω φ,p . 2 Fix ω ∈ Ωφ,p . Since z → Λ(z; ω) is continuous, the set Λ(L; ω) is simply connected. Therefore it is contained either in [0, λ∗ /2], or in [λ∗ , ∞). The latter possibility is



excluded by considering the point z0 := τ0 + iN ∈ L. Indeed, from (3.4) and the Stieltjes transform representations it follows that 2 2 , i, j = 1, . . . , N . = |Gij (z0 ; ω) − δij mi (z0 )| ≤ Im z0 N Assuming that N0 is so large that 2/N0 < λ∗ /2, we see Λ(z0 ; ω) < λ∗ /2. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2 for spectral parameters z satisfying the bulk condition (2.30). 


Existence, uniqueness and L2 -bound This chapter contains the proof of Theorem 2.1. Namely assuming, • S satisfies A1, we show that the QVE (2.4) has a unique solution, whose components mx are Stieltjes transforms (cf. (2.8)) of x−dependent probability measures, supported on the interval [−Σ, Σ ]. We also show that if a = 0, then m(z) ∈ L2 , whenever z = 0 (cf. (2.9)). The existence and uniqueness part of Theorem 2.1 is proven by considering the QVE as a fixed point problem in the space B+ . The choice of an appropriate metric on B+ is suggested by the general theory of Earle and Hamilton [EH70]. A similar line of reasoning for the proof of existence and uniqueness results that are close to the one presented here has appeared before (see e.g. [AZ05, HFS07, KLW13, FHS07]). The structural L2 -estimate in Section 4.2 is the main novelty of this chapter. For the purpose of defining the correct metric on B+ we use the standard hyperbolic metric dH on the complex upper half plane H. This metric has the additional benefit of being invariant under z → −z −1 , which enables us to exchange the numerator and denominator on the left hand side of the QVE. We start by summarizing a few basic properties of dH . These will be expressed through the function (4.1)

D(ζ, ω) :=

|ζ − ω|2 , (Im ζ )(Im ω)

∀ ζ, ω ∈ H ,

which is related to the hyperbolic metric through the formula D(ζ, ω) = 2 (cosh dH (ζ, ω) − 1 ) .


Lemma 4.1 (Properties of hyperbolic metric). The following three properties hold for D: (1) Isometries: If ψ : H → H, is a linear fractional transformation, of the form   αζ + β α β , ∈ SL2 (R) , ψ(ζ) = γ μ γζ + μ then

 D ψ(ζ), ψ(ω) = D(ζ, ω) .

(2) Contraction: If ζ, ω ∈ H are shifted in the positive imaginary direction by λ > 0 then λ −1 λ −1 D(ζ + iλ, ω + iλ) = 1 + 1+ D(ζ, ω) . (4.3) Im ζ Im ω 27



(3) Convexity: Suppose 0 = φ ∈ B ∗ is a bounded non-negative linear functional on B, i.e., φ(u) ≥ 0 for all u ∈ B with u ≥ 0. Let u, w ∈ B+ with imaginary parts bounded away from zero, inf x Im ux , inf x Im wx > 0. Then

 D φ(u), φ(w) ≤ sup D(ux , wx ) . (4.4) x∈X

Proof. Properties 1 and 2 follow immediately from (4.2) and (4.1). It remains to prove Property 3. The functional φ is non-negative. Thus, |φ(w)| ≤ φ(|w|) for all w ∈ B. Therefore, 2

 φ (Im u)1/2 (Im w)1/2 D(u, w)1/2 φ(|u − w|)2 (4.5) D φ(u), φ(w) ≤ = , φ(Im u) φ(Im w) φ(Im u) φ(Im w) where we used the definition of D from (4.1) two times. We apply a version of Jensen’s inequality for bounded linear, non-negative and normalized functionals on B to estimate further, 2

φ (Im u)1/2 (Im w)1/2 D(u, w)1/2 (4.6) 

≤ φ (Im u)1/2 (Im w)1/2 D(u, w) . 1/2 1/2 φ (Im u) (Im w) We combine (4.5) with (4.6) and use the non-negativity of φ to estimate D(u, w) ≤ supx∈X D(ux , wx ) inside its argument, 2

 φ (Im u)1/2 (Im w)1/2 (4.7) D φ(u), φ(w) ≤ sup D(ux , wx ) . φ(Im u) φ(Im w) x∈X Finally we use 2φ(g 1/2 h1/2 ) ≤ φ(g) + φ(h) for the choice g := Imu/φ(Imu) and h := Imw/φ(Imw) to show that the fraction on the right hand side of (4.7) is not larger than 1. This finishes the proof of (4.4).  In order to show existence and uniqueness of the solution of the QVE for given S and a, we see that for any fixed z ∈ H, a solution m = m(z) ∈ B+ of (2.6) is a fixed point of the map (4.8)

Φ( · ; z) : B+ → B+ ,

Φ(u; z) := −

1 . z − a + Su

Let us fix a constant η0 ∈ (0, min{1, 1/a}) such that z lies in the domain Hη0 := z ∈ H : |z| < η0−1 , Im z > η0 . (4.9) We will now see that Φ( · ; z) is a contraction on the subset   1 η03 (4.10) Bη0 := u ∈ B+ : u ≤ , inf Im ux ≥ , η0 x∈X (2 + S)2 equipped with the metric (4.11)

d(u, w) := sup dH (ux , wx ) , x∈X

u, w ∈ Bη0 .

On Bη0 the metric d is equivalent to the metric induced by the uniform norm (2.2) of B. Since Bη0 is closed in the uniform norm metric it is a complete metric space with respect to d.



Lemma 4.2 (Φ is contraction). For any z ∈ Hη0 , the function Φ( · ; z) maps Bη0 into itself and satisfies  

η 2 −2 sup D(ux , wx ) , sup D Φ(u; z) x , Φ(w; z) x ≤ 1 + 0 (4.12) S x∈X x∈X for any u, w ∈ Bη0 , and D defined in (4.1). Proof. First we show that Bη0 is mapped to itself. For this let u ∈ Bη0 be arbitrary. We start with the upper bound 1 1 1 ≤ ≤ , |Φ(u; z)| ≤ Im(z − a + Su) Im z η0 where in the second inequality we employed the non-negativity property of S and that Imu ≥ 0. S Since |z| ≤ η0−1 and η0 ≤ 1/a, we also find a lower bound, 1 η0 1 ≥ −1 . ≥ |Φ(u; z)| ≥ |z| + |a| + |Su| 2 + S η0 + a + Sη0−1 Now we use this as an input to establish the lower bound on the imaginary part, Im Φ(u; z) =

Im(z − a + Su) η03 2 ≥ |Φ(u; z)| Im z ≥ . |z + a + Su|2 (2 + S)2

We are left with establishing the inequality in (4.12). For that we use the three properties of D in Lemma 4.1. By Property 1, the function D is invariant under the isometries ζ → −1/ζ and ζ → ζ − ax − Rez of H. Therefore for any u, w ∈ Bη0 and x ∈ X:   

D Φ(u; z) x , Φ(w; z) x = D z − ax + (Su)x , z − ax + (Sw)x (4.13)

 = D i Im z + (Su)x , i Im z + (Sw)x . In case the non-negative functional Sx ∈ B ∗ , defined through Sx (u) := (Su)x , vanishes identically, the expression in (4.13) vanishes as well. Thus we may assume that Sx = 0. In view of Property 2 we estimate

 D i Im z + (Su)x , i Im z + (Sw)x  Im z −1 Im z −1 ≤ 1+ 1+ D (Su)x , (Sw)x . Im(Su)x Im(Sw)x Plugging this back into (4.13) and recalling Imz ≥ η0 and Sw ≤ Sη0−1 , for z ∈ Hη0 and w ∈ Bη0 , respectively, we obtain  

 η 2 −2 D (Su)x , (Sw)x . D Φ(u; z) x , Φ(w; z) x ≤ 1 + 0 S Using Property 3 in Lemma 4.1 we find

 D (Su)x , (Sw)x ≤ sup D(ux , wx ) . x∈X

This finishes the proof of the lemma.

(n+1) Lemma 4.2 shows that the sequence of iterates (u(n) )∞ := n=0 , with u (0) Φ(u ; z), is Cauchy for any initial function u ∈ Bη0 and any z ∈ Hη0 . Therefore, (u(n) )n∈N converges to the unique fixed point m = m(z) ∈ Bη0 of Φ( · ; z). We have therefore shown existence and uniqueness of (2.6) for any given z ∈ Hη0 and thus, since η0 was arbitrary, even for all z ∈ H. (n)



4.1. Stieltjes transform representation In order to show that mx can be represented as a Stieltjes transform (cf. (2.8)), we will first prove that mx is a holomorphic function on H. We can use the same argument as above on a space of function which are also z dependent. Namely, we consider the complete metric space, obtained by equipping the set Bη0 := u : Hη0 → Bη0 : u is holomorphic , (4.14) of Bη0 -valued functions u on Hη0 , with the metric (4.15)

dη0 (u, w) := sup d(u(z), w(z)) , z∈Hη0

u, w ∈ Bη0 .

Here the holomorphicity of u means that the map z → φ(u(z)) is holomorphic on Hη0 for any element φ in the dual space of B. Since the constant (1 + η02 /S)−2 in (4.12) only depends on η0 , but not on z, we see that the function u → Φ(u), defined by (4.16)

(Φ(u))(z) := Φ(u(z); z) ,

∀ u ∈ Bη0 ,

inherits the contraction property from Φ( · ; z). Thus the iterates u(n) := Φn (u(0) ) for any initial function u(0) ∈ Bη0 converge to the unique holomorphic function m : Hη0 → Bη0 , which satisfies m(z) = (Φ(m))(z) for all z ∈ Hη0 . Since η0 > 0 was arbitrary and by the uniqueness of the solution on Hη0 , we see that there is a holomorphic function m : H → B+ which satisfies m(z) = (Φ(m))(z) = Φ(m(z); z), for all z ∈ H. This function z → m(z) is the unique holomorphic solution of the QVE. Now we show the representation (2.8) for m(z). We use that a holomorphic function φ : H → H on the complex upper half plane H is a Stieltjes transform of a probability measure on the real line if and only if |iη φ(iη) + 1| → 0 as η → ∞ (cf. Theorem 3.5 in [Gar07]). In order to see that   lim sup  iη mx (iη) + 1  = 0 , (4.17) η→∞ x

we write the QVE in the form z mx (z) + 1 = − mx (z) (−a + Sm(z))x . We bound the right hand side by taking the uniform norms, |z mx (z) + 1| ≤ am(z) + Sm(z)2 . We continue by using Im m(z) ≥ 0 and the fact that S preserves positivity: (4.18) |m(z)| =

1 1 1 ≤ ≤ , |z − a + Sm(z)| Im(z − a + Sm(z)) Im z

∀ z ∈ H.

Choosing z = iη, we get | iη m(iη) + 1| ≤ aη −1 + Sη −2 , and hence (4.17) holds true. This completes the proof of the Stieltjes transform representation (2.8). As the next step we show that the measures vx , x ∈ X, in (2.8) are supported on an interval [−Σ, Σ], where Σ = a + 2S1/2 . We start by extending these measures to functions on the complex upper-half plane.



Definition 4.3 (Extended generating density). Let m be the solution of the QVE. Then we define (4.19)

∀ x ∈ X, z ∈ H .

vx (z) := Im mx (z) ,

The union of the supports of the generating measures (2.8) on the real line is denoted by:  supp vx |R . supp v := (4.20) x∈X

This extension is consistent with the generating measure vx appearing in (2.8) since vx (z), z ∈ H, is obtained by regularizing the generating measure with the Cauchy-density at the scale η > 0. Indeed, (4.19) is equivalent to  ∞ 1 1 1 τ − ω

vx (τ + iη) = Π(λ) := , Π vx (dω) , (4.21) η η π 1 + λ2 −∞ for any τ ∈ R and η > 0. We will now show that the support of the generating measure v lies inside an interval with endpoints ±Σ, with Σ = a + 2S1/2 . To this end, suppose that (4.22)

Σ ,

where we have used S > 0. Feeding (4.22) into the QVE we obtain a slightly better bound: 2 1 ≤ . m(z) ≤ |z| − a − Sm(z) |z| − a Denoting Dε :=

 z ∈ H : |z| ≥ a + 2S1/2 (1 + ε) ,

for an arbitrary ε ∈ (0, 1/4), we have shown that the range of the restriction of the norm function m to Dε is a union of two disjoint sets, i.e.,     (4.23) z → S1/2 m(z) : Dε → 0, (1 + ε)−1 ∪ 1 + ε, ∞ . From the Stieltjes transform representation (2.8) we see that (4.23) is a continuous function. The bound (4.17) implies m(iη) ≤ (1 + ε)−1 for sufficiently large η > 0. For large η we also have iη ∈ Dε . As Dε is a connected set, the continuity of (4.23) implies that for any ε > 0 (4.24)

S1/2 m(z) ≤ (1 + ε)−1 ,

when |z| ≥ Σ + 2S1/2 ε .

Now we take the imaginary part of the QVE to get (4.25)

v(z) 1 = Im z + Sv(z) , = − Im 2 |m(z)| m(z)

where v(z) is from (4.19). Taking the norms in this formula and rearranging it, we obtain


1 − S1/2 m(z) (4.26) v(z) ≤ m(z)2 Im z . Consider z := τ + iη, with |τ | > Σ and η > 0. Then the coefficient in front of v(z) is larger than (1 − (1 + ε)−1 ) > 0, with ε := (|τ | − Σ)/(2S1/2 ) > 0. In particular, this bound is uniform in η. We estimate m on the right hand side of (4.26) by



(4.24). Thus we see that v(τ + iη) → 0 by taking the limit η → 0 locally uniformly for |τ | > Σ. 4.2. Operator F and structural L2 -bound In this section we finish the proof of Theorem 2.1 by considering the remaining the special case a = 0. First we note that the real and imaginary parts of the solution m of the QVE are odd and even functions of Re z with fixed Im z, respectively when a = 0, i.e., (4.27)

m(− z ) = − m(z) ,

∀ z ∈ H.

Combining this with (4.20) we obtain the symmetry of the generating measure. The proof of the upper bound (2.9) on the L2 -norm of m(z) relies on the analysis of the following symmetric positivity preserving operator F (z), generated by m(z). Definition 4.4 (Operator F ). The operator F (z) : B → B for z ∈ H, is defined by (4.28)

F (z)w := |m(z)| S(|m(z)| w) ,

w ∈ B,

where m(z) is the solution of the QVE at z. The operator F (z) will play a central role in the upcoming analysis. In particular, using F (z) we prove the structural L2 -bound for the solution. Lemma 4.5 (Structural L2 -bound). Assuming A1, we have 2 , ∀z ∈ H. m(z)2 ≤ (4.29) dist(z, {ax : x ∈ X}) Proof. We start by writing the QVE in the form (4.30)

−(z − a)m(z) = 1 + m(z)Sm(z) .

Taking the L2 -norm on both sides yields 

(4.31) m(z)2 ≤ 1 + m(z) Sm(z)2 (z − a)−1  ≤

1 + F (z)2→2 . dist(z, {ax : x ∈ X})

Here the last bound follows by writing |m(z)Sm(z)| ≤ |m(z)|S|m(z)| = F (z)e, where e ∈ B stands for the constant function equal to one, and then estimating: (4.32)

m(z)Sm(z)2 = F (z)e2 ≤ F (z)L2 →L2 .

The bound (4.29) now follows by bounding F (z) as an operator on L2 . In fact, we now show that (4.33)

F (z)L2 →L2 < 1 ,

∀ z ∈ H.

The operator S is bounded on B. Therefore SL∞ →L∞ ≤ S < ∞. Since S is symmetric we have SL1 →L1 = SL∞ →L∞ . Using the Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem we hence see that SLp →Lp ≤ S, for every p ∈ [1, ∞]. For each z ∈ H the operator F (z) is also bounded on Lq , as |m(z)| is trivially bounded by (Im z)−1 (cf. (4.18)). Furthermore, from the Stieltjes transform representation (2.8) it follows that mx (z) is also bounded away from zero: (4.34)

Im mx (z) ≥

Im z 1 , π (Σ + |z|)2

∀ x ∈ X.



The estimate (4.33) is obtained by considering the imaginary part (4.25) of the QVE. Rewriting this equation in terms of F = F (z) we get v v = |m| Im z + F . (4.35) |m| |m| In order to avoid excess clutter we have suppressed the dependence of z in our notation. The trivial lower bound (4.34) on v(z) and the trivial upper bound |m(z)| ≤ (Im z)−1 imply that there is a scalar function ε : H → (0, 1], such that (4.36)


v v ≤ (1 − ε) , |m| |m|

ε := (Im z) inf x

|mx |2 ∈ (0, 1] . vx

The fact that ε ∈ (0, 1] follows from (4.35), the strict pointwise positivity of v and the positivity preserving property of F . If ε = 1 we have nothing to show since F = 0 in this case. If ε < 1, then we apply Lemma 4.6 below with the choices, T :=

F , 1−ε


h :=

v (Im z)2  , |m| 1 + |z|2

to conclude F L2 →L2 < 1.

Lemma 4.6 (Subcontraction). Let T be a bounded symmetric operator on L2 that preserves non-negative functions, i.e., if u ≥ 0 almost everywhere, then also T u ≥ 0 almost everywhere. If there exists an almost everywhere positive function h ∈ L2 , such that almost everywhere T h ≤ h, then T L2 →L2 ≤ 1. The proof of Lemma 4.6 is postponed to Appendix A.1


Properties of solution In this chapter we prove various technical estimates for the solution m of the QVE and the associated operator F (cf. (4.4)). In the second half of the chapter we start analyzing the stability of the QVE under small perturbations. For the stability analysis, we introduce the concept of the (spectral) gap of an operator. Definition 5.1 (Spectral gap). Let T : L2 → L2 be a compact self-adjoint operator. The spectral gap Gap(T ) is the difference between the two largest eigenvalues of |T |. If T L2 →L2 is a degenerate eigenvalue of |T | then Gap(T ) = 0. We will frequently use comparison relations ∼,  in the sequel that depend on a certain set of model parameters (c.f. Convention 2.3). This set may be different in various lemmas and propositions. In order to avoid constantly listing them we extend Convention 2.3 as follows: Convention 5.2 (Standard model parameters). The norm a is always considered a model parameter. If the property A2 of S is assumed in some statement, then the associated constant SL2 →B is automatically a model parameter. Similarly, if A3 is assumed, then ρ and L are considered model parameters. Any additional model parameters will be declared explicitly. Naturally, inside a proof of a statement the comparison relations depend on the model parameters of that statement. 5.1. Relations between components of m and F The following proposition collects the most important estimates in the special case when the solution is uniformly bounded. Proposition 5.3 (Estimates when solution is bounded). Suppose S satisfies A1-3. Additionally, assume that for some I ⊆ R, and Φ < ∞ the uniform bound |||m|||I ≤ Φ , applies. Then, considering Φ an additional model parameter, the following estimates apply for every z ∈ H, with Re z ∈ I: (i) The solution m of the QVE satisfies the bounds 1 , ∀ x ∈ X. |mx (z)| ∼ (5.1) 1 + |z| (ii) The imaginary part is comparable to its average, i.e. (5.2)

vx (z) ∼ v(z) ,

∀ x ∈ X.

(iii) The largest eigenvalue λ(z) of F (z) is single, and satisfies λ(z) ≤ 1, and 1 . λ(z) = F (z)L2 →L2 ∼ (5.3) 1 + |z|2 35



(iv) The operator F (z) has a uniform spectral gap, i.e., Gap(F (z)) ∼ F (z)L2 →L2 .


(v) The unique eigenvector f (z) ∈ B, satisfying (5.5)

F (z)f (z) = λ(z)f (z) ,

fx (z) ≥ 0 ,


f (z)2 = 1 ,

is comparable to 1, i.e. fx (z) ∼ 1 ,


∀ x ∈ X.

For a complete proof of Proposition 5.3 (cf. p. 41) we first prove various auxiliary results, under the standing assumption in this chapter: • S satisfies A1-3. We start by pointing out a few simple properties of S that we need in the following. The smoothing condition A2 implies that for every x ∈ X the linear functional Sx : L2 → R, w → (Sw)x is bounded. Hence, the row-function y → Sxy is in L2 . The family of functions satisfies supx Sx 2 = SL2 →B . The bound (2.12) implies that S is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator. The uniform primitivity condition A3 guarantees that norms of the row functions Sx as well as various operator norms of S are comparable to one. Indeed, letting x ∈ X be fixed and choosing the constant function u = 1 in (2.11), we obtain      Sxu π(du) sup (S L−1 )ty π(dy) ≤ S L−1  Sx . ρ ≤ (S L )xy π(dy) ≤ t

Since S


 ≤ S


this yields the first inequality of

ρ S−(L−1) ≤ Sx ≤ S ,


x ∈ X.

The last bound is trivial since S = supx Sx . By Riesz-Thorin interpolation theorem (cf. proof of Lemma 4.5) we have SLp →Lp ≤ S. On the other hand, letting S act on the constant 1 function, we have SLp →Lp ≥ inf Sx . x

Combining this with (5.7), the trivial bound S ≤ SL2 →B , and the fact that SL2 →B is a model parameter (cf. Convention 5.2), we thus conclude (5.8)

Sx ∼ 1 ,

S ∼ 1 ,


SLp →Lp ∼ 1 ,

p ∈ [ 1, ∞] .

The following lemma shows that a component |mx (z)| may diverge only when m(z)2 = ∞ or v(z) = 0. Furthermore, the lemma implies that if a component |mx (z)|, for some x ∈ X, approaches zero while z stays bounded, then another component |my (z)| will always diverge at the same time. Lemma 5.4 (Constraints on solution). If S satisfies A1-3, then: (i) The solution m of the QVE satisfies for every x ∈ X and z ∈ H:   1 1 , inf |z − ay | + min 1 + |z | y m(z)2   (5.9)   1 1    mx (z)  min , . inf y |my (z)|2L−2 v(z) dist(z, supp v)



(ii) The imaginary part, vx (z) is comparable to its average, such that for every x ∈ X and z ∈ H with |z| ≤ 2Σ:  2 2L  1 vx (z) (5.10)  1+  m(z)4 . inf my (z) y v(z) inf y |my (z)| For |z| ≥ 2Σ the function v satisfies vx (z) ∼ v(z) . These bounds simplify considerably when m = m(z) is uniformly bounded for every z (cf. Proposition 5.3). Proof. We start by proving the lower bound on |m|. This is done by establishing an upper bound on 1/|m|. Using the QVE we find 1 = |z − a + Sm| ≤ |z| + a + SL2 →B m2  1 + |z| + m2 . (5.11) |m| Taking the reciprocal on both sides yields |m|  min (1 + |z|)−1, m2 −1 . Combining the L2 -norm with (4.29) yields the lower bound in (5.9). Now we will prove the upper bound on |m|. To this end, recall that  vx (dτ ) 1 mx (z) = , π R τ −z where vx /π is a probability measure. Bounding the denominator from below by dist(z, supp v), with supp v = ∪x supp vx , we obtain one of the upper bounds of (5.9): 1 . |mx (z)| ≤ dist(z, supp v) For the derivation of the second upper bound we rely on the positivity of the imaginary part of m: 1 1 |m| = ≤ . (5.12) | Im (z − a + Sm)| Sv In order to continue we will now bound Sv from below. This is achieved by estimating v from below by v . Indeed, writing the imaginary part of the QVE, as v 1 = − Im = Im z + Sv , 2 |m| m and ignoring Im z > 0, yields (5.13)

v ≥ |m|2 Sv ≥ φ2 Sv ,

where we introduced the abbreviation φ := inf |mx | . x

Now we make use of the uniform primitivity A3 of S and of (5.13). In this way we get the lower bound on Sv, Sv ≥ φ2 S 2 v ≥ . . . ≥ φ2L−2 S L v ≥ φ2L−2 ρ v , Plugging this back into (5.12) finishes the proof of the upper bound on |m|. We continue by showing the claim concerning v/ v . We start with the lower bound. We use (5.13) in an iterative fashion and employ assumption A3, (5.14)

v ≥ φ2 Sv ≥ . . . ≥ φ2L S L v ≥ φ2L ρ v .

This proves the lower bound v/ v  φ2L .



In order to derive upper bounds for the ratio v/ v , we first write v = |m|2 (Im z + Sv) ≤ m2 (Im z + Sv) .


We will now bound Im z and Sv in terms of v . We start with Im z. By dropping the term Sv from (5.15), and estimating |m| ≥ φ, we get v ≥ φ2 Im z. Averaging this yields v (5.16) Im z ≤ 2 . φ In order to bound Sv, we apply S on both sides of (5.15), and use the bound on Im z, to get   v 2 Sv ≤ (5.17) + S v m2 . φ2 The expression involving S 2 is useful, as we may now estimate the kernel (S 2 )xy uniformly: (5.18)

(S 2 )xy ≤ Sx , Sy ≤ Sx 2 Sy 2 ≤ supSx 22 = S2L2 →B ∼ 1 . x

In particular, S v ≤

∼ v , and thus 1

Sv  1 + 2 m2 v . φ With this and (5.16) plugged back into (5.15) we get the upper bound of (5.10): 1 2 v  1+ m4 v . φ 2

S2L2 →B v

Here we have also used the lower bound m(z)  1 to replace m2 by m4 in the regime |z| ≤ 2Σ, where Σ = a + 2S1/2 ∼ 1 by (5.8). The lower bound on m follows directly from the QVE and S ∼ 1:

 1 = |(z − a + Sm) m|  |z| + a + Sm m . On the other hand, if |z| ≥ 2 Σ, then v(z) ∼ v(z) holds because vx (z) is the harmonic extension (2.8) of the measure vx (dτ ) which is supported inside the interval with endpoints ±Σ.  Since the solution m(z) for z ∈ H of the QVE is bounded by the trivial bound (cf. (4.18)), the operator F (z) introduced in Definition 4.4 is a Hilbert-Schmidt operator. Consistent with the notation for S we write Fxy (z) for the symmetric non-negative measurable kernel representing this operator. The largest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of F (z) will play a key role when we analyze the sensitivity of m(z) to changes in z, or more generally, to any perturbations of the QVE. The following lemma provides an exact formula for this eigenvalue. Lemma 5.5 (Operator F ). Assume that S satisfies A1-3. Then for every z ∈ H the operator F (z), defined in (4.28), is a Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator on L2 , with the integral kernel (5.19)

Fxy (z) = |mx (z)| Sxy |my (z)| .

The norm λ(z) := F (z)L2 →L2 is a single eigenvalue of F (z), and it satisfies:  Im z  f (z) |m(z)| < 1 , z ∈ H. F (z)L2 →L2 = 1 − (5.20) α(z)



Here the positive eigenvector f : H → B is defined by (5.5), while α : H → (0, ∞) is the size of the projection of v/|m| onto the direction f :  v(z)  . α(z) := f (z), (5.21) |m(z)| Proof. The existence and uniqueness of F (z)L2 →L2 as a non-degenerate eigenvalue and f (z) as the corresponding eigenvector satisfying (5.5) follow from Lemma 5.6 below by choosing r := |m(z)|, using the trivial bound m(z)  (Im z)−1 to argue (using (5.9)) that also r− := inf x |mx | > 0. In order to obtain (5.20) we take the inner product of (4.35) with f = f (z). Since F (z) is symmetric, we find  fv  fv    = f |m| Im z + F L2 →L2 . (5.22) |m| |m| 

Rearranging the terms yields the identity (5.20).

The following lemma demonstrates how the spectral gap, Gap(F (z)), the norm and the associated eigenvector of F (z) depend on the component wise estimates of |mx (z)|. Since we will later need this result for a general positive function r : X → (0, ∞) in the role of |m(z)| we state the result for a general operator F (r) below. Lemma 5.6 (Maximal eigenvalue of scaled S). Assume S satisfies A1-3. Consider an integral operator F (r) : L2 → L2 , parametrized by r ∈ B, with rx ≥ 0 for each x, and defined through the integral kernel (5.23)

Fxy (r) := rr Sxy ry .

If there exist upper and lower bounds, 0 < r− ≤ r+ < ∞, such that r− ≤ rx ≤ r+ ,

∀x ∈ X ,

then F (r) is Hilbert-Schmidt, and λ(r) := F (r)L2 →L2 is a single eigenvalue satisfying the upper and lower bounds r−2  λ(r)  r+2 .


Furthermore, there is a spectral gap, (5.25)

Gap(F (r))  r−2L r+−8 λ(r)−L+5 ,

and the unique eigenvector, f (r) ∈ L2 , satisfying (5.26)

F (r)f (r) = λ(r)f(r) ,

fx (r) ≥ 0 ,


f (r)2 = 1 ,

is comparable to its average in the sense that  2 L r+4 r− fx (r) (5.27)   . f (r) λ(r) λ(r) 2 If F is interpreted as a bounded operator on B, then the following relationship between the norm of the L2 -resolvent and the B-resolvent holds   1 2 (F (r) − ζ)−1 L2 →L2 , (F (r) − ζ )−1   (5.28) 1 + r+ |ζ| for every ζ ∈ Spec(F (r)) ∪ {0}.



Feeding (5.24) into (5.27) yields Φ−2L f (r)  f (r)  Φ 4 f (r) , where Φ := r+ /r− . For the proof of Lemma 5.6 we need a simple on the spectral gap that is well known in various forms. For the convenience of the reader we include a proof in Appendix A.2. Lemma 5.7 (Spectral gap for positive bounded operators). Let T be a symmetric compact integral operator on L2 (X) with a non-negative integral kernel Txy = Tyx ≥ 0. Then  2 hL2 Gap(T ) ≥ inf Txy , h x,y ∈X where h is an eigenfunction with T h = T L2 →L2 h. Proof of Lemma 5.6. Since S is compact, and r ≤ r+ also F = F (r) is compact. The operator F preserves the cone of non-negative functions u ≥ 0. Hence by the Krein-Rutman theorem λ = F L2 →L2 is an eigenvalue, and there exists a non-negative normalized eigenfunction f ∈ L2 (X) corresponding to λ. The smoothing property A2 and the uniform primitivity assumption A3 combine to inf (S L )xy ≥ ρ .

x,y ∈X

Since r− > 0, it follows that the integral kernel of F L is also strictly positive everywhere. In particular, F is irreducible, and thus the eigenfunction f is unique. Now we derive the upper bound for λ. Since wp ≤ wq , for p ≤ q, we obtain 4 S2L2 →B , λ2 = F 2L2 →L2 = F 2 L2 →L2 ≤ F 2 L1 →B = sup (F 2 )xy ≤ r+ x,y

2 which implies λ  r+ . Here we have used (S 2 )xy = Sx , Sy ≤ Sx 2 Sy 2 , and supx Sx 2 = SL2 →B to estimate: 4 4 (F 2 )xy ≤ r+ (S 2 )xy ≤ r+ S2L2 →B .  For the lower bound on λ, we use first (5.8) and (5.8) to get π(dx) π(dy)Sxy ∼ 1. Therefore  (5.30) π(dx)π(dy)Sxy ∼ r−2 , λ = F L2 →L2 ≥ e, F e ≥ r−2


where e ∈ B is a function equal to one ex = 1. Now we show the upper bound for the eigenvector. Applying (5.29), and f = f 1 ≤ f 2 = 1, yields λ2 fx = (F 2 f )x  r+4 f ≤ r+4 . This shows the upper bound on fx / f and, in addition, fx  r+4 /λ2 . In order to estimate the ratios fx / f , x ∈ X, from below, we consider the operator F L (5.31) T := . λ Using inf x,y (S L )xy ≥ ρ, we get r 2 L r 2L inf Txy ≥ − (S L )xy  − . x,y λL λ



Hence, we find a lower bound on f through r 2 L (5.32) fx = (T f )x  − f . λ In order to prove (5.25), we apply Lemma 5.7 to the operator T , to get Gap(T ) ≥

inf x,y Txy f 2

(r−2 /λ)L (r+4 /λ2 )2

= r−2L r+−8 λ−(L−4) .

Since L ∼ 1, this implies, Gap(F )

1/L Gap(T ) ∼ r−2L r+−8 λ−(L−4) . = 1 − 1 − Gap(T ) ≥ L

λ Finally, we show the bound (5.28). Here the smoothing condition A2 on S is / Spec(F ) ∪ {0}, we have crucial. Let d, w ∈ B satisfy (F − ζ)−1 w = d. For ζ ∈ (5.33)

d2 ≤ (F − ζ)−1 L2 →L2 w2 ≤ (F − ζ)−1 L2 →L2 w .

Now, using SL2 →B  1, we bound the uniform norm of d from above by the corresponding L2 -norm: 2 SL2 →B d2 + w . |ζ| d = F d − w ≤ F L2 →B d2 + w ≤ r+

The estimate (5.28) now follows by using the operator norm on L2 for the resolvent,  i.e., the inequality (5.33) to estimate d2 by w. Proof of Proposition 5.3. All the claims follow by combining Lemma 5.4, Lemma 5.5 and Lemma 5.6. Indeed, let z ∈ I + i (0, ∞), so that m(z) ≤ Φ ∼ 1. Since supp v ⊂ [−Σ, Σ], with Σ = a + 2S1/2 ∼ 1 (cf. (5.8)), the upper bound of (5.9) yields m(z) ≤ 2|z|−1 for |z| ≥ 2Σ. Thus m(z)  (1 + |z|)−1 for all Re z ∈ I. Using this upper bound in the first estimate of (5.9) yields the part (i) of the proposition: (5.34)

|mx (z)| ∼ (1 + |z|)−1 ,

x ∈ X , Re z ∈ I .

When |z| ≤ 2Σ the comparison relation vx (z) ∼ v(z) follows by plugging (5.34) into (5.10). If |z| > 2Σ, then v and its average are comparable due to the Stieltjes transform representation (2.8) and the bound (2.7) for the support of v|R . This completes the proof of the part (ii). For the claims concerning the operator F (z) we use the formula (5.19) to identify F (z) = F (|m(z)|), where F (r) for r ∈ B satisfying r ≥ 0, is the operator from Lemma 5.6. The parts (iii-v) follow from Lemma 5.6 with the choice r− := inf x |mx | and  r+ := supx |mx |, since r± ∼ (1 + |z|)−1 by (5.34). 5.2. Stability and operator B The next lemma introduces the operator B that plays a central role in the stability analysis of the QVE. At the end of this section (Lemma 5.11) we present the first stability result for the QVE which is effective when m is uniformly bounded and B −1 is bounded as operator on B. Subtracting the QVE from (5.35) an elementary algebra yields the following lemma.



Lemma 5.8 (Perturbations). Suppose g, d ∈ B, with inf x |gx | > 0, satisfy the perturbed QVE, 1 − = z − a + Sg + d , (5.35) g at some fixed z ∈ H and suppose m = m(z) solves the unperturbed QVE. Then u :=


g − m(z) , |m(z)|

satisfies the equation (5.37)

B u = e−iq u F u + |m|d + |m| e−iq ud ,

where the operator B = B(z), and the function q = q(z) : X → [0, 2π) are given by m B := e−i2q − F , . and e iq := (5.38) |m|  Lemma 5.8 shows that the inverse of the non-selfadjoint operator B(z) plays an important role in the stability of the QVE against perturbations. In the next lemma we estimate the size of this operator in terms of the solution of the QVE. Lemma 5.9 (Bounds on B −1 ). Assume A1-3, and consider z ∈ H such that |z| ≤ 2Σ. Then the following estimates hold: (i) If m(z)2 ≤ Λ, for some Λ < ∞, then (5.39)

B(z)−1 L2 →L2  v(z) −12 ,


B(z)−1   v(z) −14 ,

with Λ considered an additional model parameter. (ii) If m(z) ≤ Φ, for some Φ < ∞, then (5.40a) (5.40b)


B(z)−1   1 + B(z)−1 L2 →L2  ( |σ(z)| + v(z) )−1 v(z) −1 , with the function σ : H → R, defined by   σ(z) := f (z)3 sign Re m(z) , and Φ considered an additional model parameter.

We remark that (5.40b) improves on the analogous bound B −1   v −2 that was proven in [AEK16b]. We will see below that (5.40b) is sharp in terms of powers of v . On the other hand, the exponents in (5.39) may be improved. For the proof of Lemma 5.9 we need the following auxiliary result which was provided as Lemma 5.8 in [AEK16b]. Since it plays a fundamental role in the analysis its proof is reproduced in Appendix A.2. Lemma 5.10 (Norm of B −1 -type operators on L2 ). Let T be a compact selfadjoint and U a unitary operator on L2 (X). Suppose that Gap(T ) > 0 and T L2 →L2 ≤ 1. Then there exists a universal positive constant C such that (5.42)

(U − T )−1 L2 →L2 ≤

C , Gap(T ) | 1 − T L2 →L2 h, U h |

where h is the L2 -normalized eigenvector of T , corresponding to the non-degenerate eigenvalue T L2 →L2 .



Proof of Lemma 5.9. We will prove the estimates (5.39) and (5.40) partly in parallel. Depending on the case, z is always assumed to lie inside the appropriate domain, i.e., either z is fixed such that m(z)2 ≤ Λ, or |||m|||{τ } ≤ Φ, with Re z = τ . Besides this, we consider z to be fixed. Correspondingly, the comparison relations in this proof depend on either (ρ, L, a, SL2 →B , Λ) or (ρ, L, a, SL2 →B , Φ) (cf. Convention 5.2). We will also drop the explicit z-arguments in order to make the following formulas more transparent. In both cases the lower bound |mx (z)|  1 follows from (5.9). We start the analysis by noting that it suffices to consider only the norm of B −1 on L2 , since (5.43)

B −1   1 + m2 B −1 L2 →L2 .

In order to see this, we use the smoothing property A2 of S as in the proof of (5.28) before. In fact, besides replacing the complex number ζ with the function e2iq , the proof of (5.33) carries over without further changes. By the general property (5.20) of F we know that F L2 →L2 ≤ 1. Furthermore, it is immanent from the definition of F and (5.7) that F L2 →L2  inf x |mx |2  1 in both of the considered cases. This shows that the hypotheses of Lemma 5.10 are met, and hence −1  (5.44) B −1 L2 →L2  Gap(F )−1  1 − F L2 →L2 e i2q f 2  , where we have also used F L2 →L2 ∼ 1. Now, by basic trigonometry,     e i2q f 2 = (1 − 2 sin2 q)f 2 + i2 f 2 sin q cos q , and therefore we get     1 − F L2 →L2 e i2q f 2   (5.45)   1 − F L2 →L2 + f sin q22 +  f 2 sin q cos q  . Here, we have again used 1  F L2 →L2 ≤ 1. Substituting this back into (5.44) yields 1 1 . (5.46) B −1 L2 →L2 ≤ Gap(F ) 1 − F L2 →L2 + f sin q22 + | f 2 sin q cos q | Case 1 (m with L2 -bound): In this case we drop the f 2 sin q cos q term and estimate vx  v 2 , f sin q2 ≥ f 2 inf sin qx = inf (5.47) x x |mx | where the bounds m  ΛC v −1 ∼ v −1 and v  Λ−C v ∼ v from Lemma 5.4 were used in the last inequality. Plugging (5.47) back into (5.46), and using (5.25) to estimate Gap(F ) = Gap(F (|m|))  Λ−C m−8  v 8 yields the desired bound: (5.48)

B −1 L2 →L2  Gap(F )−1 f sin q−2  v −8 v −4 ∼ v −12 . 2

The operator norm bound on B follows by combining this estimate with (5.43), and then using (5.9) to estimate m  Λ−2L+2 v −1 ∼ v −1 . Case 2 (m uniformly bounded): Now we assume m ≤ Φ ∼ 1, and thus all the bounds of Proposition 5.3 are at our disposal. This will allow us to extract useful information from the term | f 2 sin q cos q | in (5.46) that was neglected in the derivation of (5.48). Clearly, | f 2 sin q cos q | can have an important effect on



(5.46) only when the term f sin q2 is small. Moreover, using |mx | ∼ 1 we see that this is equivalent to sin qx = vx /|mx | ∼ v being small. Since v  Im z, for |z| ≤ 2Σ ∼ 1, the imaginary part of z will also be small in the relevant regime. Writing the imaginary part of the QVE in terms of sin q = v/|m|, we get sin q = |m| Im z + F sin q .


Since we are interested in a regime where Im z is small, this implies, recalling F f = f , that sin q will then almost lie in the span of f . To make this explicit, we decompose (5.50)

sin q = α f + (Im z) t ,

with α = f, sin q ,

for some t ∈ B satisfying f, t = 0. Let Q(0) denote the orthogonal projection Q(0) w := w − f, w f . Solving for t in (5.50) yields: (5.51)

t = (Im z)−1 Q(0) sin q = (1 − F )−1 Q(0) |m| .

Proposition 5.3 implies Gap(F ) ∼ 1. Therefore we have Q(0) (1 − F )−1 Q(0) L2 →L2  Gap(F )−1 ∼ 1 . In fact, since fx ∼ 1, a formula analogous to (5.43) applies, and thus we find Q(0) (1 − F )−1 Q(0)   1 . Applying this in (5.51) yields t  1, and therefore sin q = αf + OB (Im z) .


Moreover, since we will later use the smallness of v ∼ sin qx ∼ α, we may expand (5.53)

cos q = (sign cos q ) ( 1 − sin2 q )1/2 = sign Re m + OB (α2 ) .

Combining this with (5.52) yields      2 f sin q cos q = f 2 αf + OB (Im z) sign Re m + OB (α2 ) (5.54) 

= σ α + O v 3 + Im z , where we have again used α ∼ v , and used the definition, σ = f 3 sign(Re m) , from the statement of the lemma. For the term 1−F L2 →L2 in the denominator of the r.h.s. of the main estimate (5.46) we make use of the explicit formula (5.20) for the spectral radius of F , Im z (5.55) f |m| . 1 − F L2 →L2 = α By Proposition 5.3 we have fx ∼ 1, |mx | ∼ 1 and Gap(F ) ∼ 1. Using this knowledge in combination with (5.54), (5.55) and α ∼ v we estimate the r.h.s. of (5.46) further: (5.56)

B −1 L2 →L2 


 . v 3 + f |m| Im z +  σ v 2 + O v 4 + v Im z 

Let us now see how from this and (5.43) the claim (5.40b) follows. Clearly, it suffices to consider only the case where v ≤ ε for some ε ∼ 1. If v ≥ |σ|, then the v 3 -term in the denominator alone is sufficient for the final result. We may therefore assume that v ≤ |σ|. We are also done if Im z ≥ |σ| v 2 since then we may use the second summand on the r.h.s. of (5.56) to get the |σ| v -term



we need for  (5.40b). In particular, we can assume that the error term in (5.56) is  O |σ| v 3 . The bound (5.40b) thus follows by choosing ε ∼ 1 small enough. We will now show that the perturbed QVE (5.35) is stable as long as a priori bound on m and B −1 is available. Lemma 5.11 (Stability when m and B −1 bounded). Assume A1. Suppose g, d ∈ B, with inf x |gx | > 0, satisfy the perturbed QVE (5.35) at some point z ∈ H. Assume m(z) ≤ Φ ,



B(z)−1  ≤ Ψ ,

for some constants Φ, Ψ ≥ 1. There exists a linear operator J(z) acting on B, and depending only on S and a in addition to z, with J(z) ≤ 1, such that if 1 , g − m(z) ≤ (5.58) 2 max{1, S} ΦΨ then the correction g − m(z) satisfies g − m(z) ≤ 3 Ψ Φ2 d


| w, g − m(z) | ≤ 12 max{1, S} Ψ3 Φ5 w1 d2


+ Ψ Φ2 | J(z)w, d | , for any w ∈ B. Proof. Expressing (5.37) in terms of h = g − m = |m|u, and re-arranging we obtain   h = |m| B −1 e−iq h Sh + (|m| + e−iq h)d . (5.60) Taking the B-norm of (5.60) yields h ≤ Φ ΨSh2 + (Φ2 Ψ + ΦΨh) d . Under the hypothesis (5.58) the two summands on the right hand side are less than (1/2)h and (3/2) Φ2 Ψd, respectively. Rearranging thus yields (5.59a). In order to prove (5.59b) we apply the linear functional u → w, u on (5.60), and get     | w, h | ≤  w, |m|B −1 (eiq h Sh)  +  w, |m|B −1 (eiq hd)    (5.61) + ΨΦ2  J w, d  , where we have identified the operator J := (ΨΦ2 )−1 |m| (B −1 )∗ (|m| · ) from the statement. Clearly, B ∗ is like B except the angle function q is replaced by −q in the definition (5.38). In particular, (B ∗ )−1  ≤ Ψ, and thus J ≤ 1. The estimate (5.59b) now follows by bounding the first two term on the right hand side of (5.61) separately: ! !    w, |m|B −1 (eiq h Sh)  ≤ w1 ! |m| B −1 (eiq h Sh)! (5.62)

≤ 9 SΦ5 Ψ3 w1 d2 !  !   w, |m|B −1 (eiq hd)  ≤ w1 ! |m| B −1 (eiq hd) ! ≤ 3Φ3 Ψ2 w1 d2 .

For the rightmost estimates we have used (5.59a) to get h Sh ≤ Sh2 ≤ 9 SΦ4 Ψ2 d2 , and hd ≤ 3Φ2 Ψd2 , respectively. Now plugging (5.62) into (5.61) and recalling Φ, Ψ ≥ 1 yields (5.59b). 


Uniform bounds Our main results, such as Theorem 2.6 rely on the assumption that the solution m of the QVE is uniformly bounded. In other words, we assume that there is an upper bound Φ < ∞, such that (6.1)

|||m|||R ≤ Φ ,

and our results deteriorate as Φ becomes larger. In this chapter we introduce two sufficient quantitative conditions, B1 and B2 on a and S that make it possible to to construct a constant Φ < ∞ in (6.1) that depend on S and a only through a few model parameters. These extra conditions will always be assumed in conjunction with the properties A1 and A2. To this end, we introduce a strictly increasing auxiliary function Γ : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), determined by a and S: " 1

−2 (6.2) + |ay − ax | + Sy − Sx 2 π(dy) . Γ(τ ) := inf x∈X τ X We also define the upper limit on the range of Γ, (6.3)

Γ(∞) := lim Γ(τ ) . τ →∞

As a strictly increasing function Γ has an inverse Γ−1 defined on (0, Γ(∞)). This inverse satisfies Γ−1 (λ) > λ, for 0 < λ < ∞, and we extend it to ( 0, ∞) by setting Γ−1 (λ) := ∞, when λ ≥ Γ(∞). The function Γ(τ ) will be used to convert L2 bounds on m(z) into uniform bounds. We will consider the cases a = 0 and a = 0 separately. When a = 0 Lemma 4.5 implies m(z)2 ≤ 2|z|−1 , and hence we only need to obtain an additional L2 -estimate for m(z) around z = 0. To this end, we introduce the following condition: B1 Quantitative block fully indecomposability: There exist two constants ϕ > 0, K ∈ N, a fully indecomposable matrix Z = (Zij )K i,j=1 , with Zij ∈ {0, 1}, and a measurable partition I := {Ij }K of X, such that for every 1 ≤ j=1 i, j ≤ K the following holds: 1 (6.4) , and Sxy ≥ ϕZij , whenever (x, y) ∈ Ii × Ij . π(Ij ) = K Here the constants ϕ, K are the model parameters associated to B1. The property B1 amounts to a quantitative way of requiring S to be a block fully indecomposable operator (cf. Definition 2.10). We also remark that B1 implies A3 by the part (iii) of Proposition 6.9 and the estimate (6.29) below. Our main result concerning the uniform boundedness in the case a = 0 is the following: 47



Theorem 6.1 (Quantitative uniform bounds when a = 0). Suppose a = 0, and assume S satisfies A1 and A2. Then the following uniform bounds hold: (i) Neighborhood of zero: If additionally B1 holds, then there are constants δ > 0 and Φ < ∞, both depending only on S only through the parameters ϕ, K, s.t., (6.5)

m(z) ≤ Φ ,

|z| ≤ δ .


(ii) Away from zero: (6.6)

m(z) ≤

|z| −1 4

, Γ 2 |z|2


|z| > 

2 . Γ(∞)

In particular, if S satisfies B1 and Γ(∞) > 4 δ −2 , then   δ −1 4

|||m|||R ≤ max Φ , Γ (6.7) , 2 δ2 where δ and Φ are from (6.5). The condition in (i) for the bound around z = 0 is optimal for block operators by Theorem A.4 below. In Section 11.3 we have collected simple examples that demonstrate how the solution can become unbounded around z = 0 when the condition B1 does not hold. In order to demonstrate the role of Γ in the part (ii) of the theorem we demonstrate in Section 11.2 that some components of the solution of the QVE may blow up even when A1-3 hold uniformly. Remark 6.2 (Piecewise 1/2-H¨ older continuous rows when a = 0). Consider the setup (X, π) = ([0, 1], dx) with a = 0. Assume S satisfies A1-2, and that its rows older continuous, such that (2.25) holds for some x → Sx ∈ L2 are piecewise 1/2-H¨ finite partition {Ik } of [0, 1] with mink |Ik | > 0. Since the function τ → |τ |−1 is not integrable around τ = 0 the range of Γ is unbounded, i.e., Γ(∞) = ∞. Therefore applying the part (ii) of Theorem 6.1 we obtain for any δ > 0 the uniform bound mR\[−δ,δ ] ≤

δ exp(2C12 δ −4 )  , C1 mink |Ik |

where the constant C1 is from (2.25). The next remark gives a simple example of a block fully indecomposable S. Remark 6.3 (Positive diagonal when a = 0). The part (i) of Theorem 6.1 implies that for any S with a positive diagonal the solution of the QVE is bounded around z = 0, e.g., if (X, π) = ([0, 1], dx), and there are constants ε, λ > 0 such that (6.8)

Sxy ≥ ε { |x − y| ≤ λ } ,

then m(z) is bounded on a neighborhood of z = 0, because S satisfies B1, with K and ϕ depending only on ε and λ. Now we consider the uniform boundedness in the case a = 0. In this case the structural L2 -estimate from Lemma 4.5 covers only the regime |z| > a. In order to get L2 -bounds also in the remaining regime |z| ≤ a, we introduce a weaker version of the assumption (2.4) used in [AEK16b]:



B2 Strong diagonal: There is a constant ψ > 0, such that (6.9)

w, Sw ≥ ψ w 2 ,

∀ w ∈ B, s.t. wx ≥ 0 .

Here ψ is considered a model parameter. Since (2.24) implies B2 for some ψ > 0, the property B2 constitutes a quantitative version of (2.24). The following result is a quantitative version of the part (ii) of Theorem 2.11. Theorem 6.4 (Quantitative uniform bound for general a). Assume A1-3 and B2. Then there exists a constant Ω∗ ≥ 1, depending only on the model parameters SL2 →B , ρ, L, ψ, such that if Γ(∞) > Ω∗ ,

(6.10) then (6.11)

|||m|||R ≤

Γ−1(Ω∗ ) 1/2



The threshold Ω∗ is determined explicitly in (6.17) below. The following remark provides a simple example in which this theorem is applicable. Remark 6.5 (Positive diagonal and 1/2-H¨ older regularity). Consider the QVE in the setup (X, π) = ([0, 1], dx). Assume A1-2. If the map x → (ax , Sx ) : [0, 1] → older continuous in the sense of (2.25), then similarly as R × L2 is piecewise 1/2-H¨ in Remark 6.2 we see that Γ(∞) = ∞. If S also has a positive diagonal (6.8), then A3 and B2 hold with L, ρ, and ψ depending only on ε and λ. Hence an application of Theorem 6.4 yields a bound |||m|||R ≤ Φ, where Φ depends only on the constants C1 and mink |Ik | from (2.25) and the constants λ and ε from (6.8), in addition to the model parameters SL2 →B , a from A2. 6.1. Uniform bounds from L2 -estimates The next result shows that for a fixed x the corresponding component mx of an L2 -solution m of the QVE may diverge only if the pair (ax , Sx ) ∈ R × L2 is sufficiently far away from most of the other pairs (ay , Sy ), y = x. In order to state this result we introduce the refined versions of the auxiliary function (6.2), " 1

−2 (6.12) + |ay − ax | + Sy − Sx 2 Λ π(dy) , ΓΛ,x (τ ) := τ X where Λ ∈ (0, ∞) and x ∈ X are considered parameters. We remark that (6.2) is related to this operator by Γ(τ ) := inf x Γ1,x (τ ). Proposition 6.6 (Converting L2 -estimates to uniform bounds). Assume A1 and A2. Suppose the solution of the QVE satisfies an L2 -bound, m(z)2 ≤ Λ , for some Λ < ∞ and z ∈ H. Then (6.13)

|mx (z)| ≤ ( ΓΛ,x )−1(Λ) ,

x ∈ X,

with the convention that the right hand side if ∞ if Λ is out of the range of ΓΛ,x . In particular, if a = 0 or Λ ≥ 1, then the simplified estimate holds: (6.14)

m(z) ≤

Γ−1(Λ2 ) . Λ



Proof. Since    1    =  my 

m solves the QVE we have      1  1  1 1     = − + − a + a + S − S , m x y x y  mx mx my   mx     1   + |ay − ax | + Sy − Sx 2 m2 , ≤  mx 

for any x, y ∈ X. Using m2 ≤ Λ, we obtain −2    1 2 2 + |ay − ax | + Sy − Sx 2 Λ |my | π(dy) ≥ π(dy) Λ ≥ |mx | (6.15) X X = ΓΛ,x (|mx |)2 . As ΓΛ,x (τ ) is strictly increasing in τ we see from the definition (6.12) that this is equivalent to (6.13). If a = 0 or Λ ≥ 1, then we can take the factor Λ−2 outside from last integral on the first line of (6.15). This yields the estimate Λ−1 Γ1,x (Λ |mx |) ≤ ΓΛ,x (|mx |) ≤ Λ . Multiplying by Λ and taking the infimum over x as a parameter of ΓΛ,x , the left  most expression reduces to Γ(Λ|mx |) ≤ Λ2 . This is equivalent to (6.14). Proof of the part (ii) and (6.7) of Theorem 6.1. Since a = 0 the structural L2 -bound (2.9) reads m(z)2 ≤ 2/|z|. If Γ(∞) > (2/|z|)2 then we may use the estimate (6.14) of Proposition 6.6 to convert this L2 -estimate into an uniform bound, and we obtain (6.6). The bound (6.7) follows by combining this estimate with the part (i) of the theorem.  In order to prove Theorem 6.4 we need an L2 -bound also when |z| ≤ a. For this purpose we introduce the following estimate that relies on the property B2. Lemma 6.7 (Quantitative L2 -bound). If A1-3 and B2 hold, then    S2L−2 SL2 →B −1/2 2 (6.16) sup m(z)2 ≤ S + 2 a + 2S . ψ L →B ρ2 z ∈H Proof of Theorem 6.4. Using Lemma 6.7 we obtain an L2 -bound (6.16). We define the threshold,   (6.17) Ω∗ := max 1, RHS(6.16)2 Applying the simplified estimate (6.14) of Proposition 6.6 yields (6.11).

Proof of Lemma 6.7. Let κ > 0 be a parameter to be fixed later. We will consider the two regimes |z| ≤ a + κ and |z| ≥ a + κ, separately. Using the structural L2 -estimate from Lemma 4.5, we see that 2 , |z| ≥ a + κ . κ Let us now consider the regime |z| ≤ a + κ. Similarly as in (4.32) we estimate the L2 -norm of |m|S|m| by the spectral norm of the operator F = F (z), m(z)2 ≤



inf (S|m|)x m2 ≤ |m|S|m|2 ≤ F e2 ≤ F L2 →L2 , x



where e ∈ B with ex = 1 for every x. From (5.20) we know that F L2 →L2 ≤ 1. Let us write Sxy = Sx Pxy , so that Pxy π(dy), is a probability measure for every fixed x. By using (6.19) and Jensen’s inequality we get 1 1  1  1  1  m2 ≤ sup , S ≤ sup Px , ≤ sup x 2 |m| |m| x Sx Px , |m| x Sx x Sx (6.20) ! ! Sx 2 ! 1 ! . ≤ sup 2 ! m !2 x Sx By writing the last term in terms of the QVE, and using (5.7) to estimate Sx ≥ S−L+1 ρ, we obtain   S2L−2 SL2 →B (6.21) |z| + a + Sm2 . m2 ≤ ρ2 The last term inside the parenthesis can be bounded using the L1 -norm of m, (6.22)

Sm22 = m, S 2 m ≤ sup(S 2 )xy | m |2 ≤ S2L2 →B |m| 2 . x,y

Here we have used (5.18) for the last inequality. In order to bound the L1 -norm, we use the property B2 to obtain (6.23)

|m| 2 ≤

F L2 →L2 |m|, S|m| ≤ ≤ ψ −1 . ψ ψ

Here we have again expressed the norm of m in terms of F and used F L2 →L2 ≤ 1. Using (6.23) in (6.22), and plugging the resulting bound into (6.21), we see that   S2L−2 SL2 →B −1/2 (6.24) SL2 →B + 2 a + κ , ψ m(z)2 ≤ ρ2  for every |z| ≤ a + κ. Choosing κ := 2 S and using (5.7) we see that (6.18) and (6.24) yield (6.16).  6.2. Uniform bound around z = 0 when a = 0 In this section we prove the part (i) of Theorem 6.1. It is clear from Lemma 5.4 and (2.9) that Re z = 0 is a special point for the QVE when a = 0. From (4.27) we read that in this case the real and imaginary parts of the solution m of the QVE are odd and even functions of Re z with fixed Im z, respectively. In particular, Re m(iη) = 0 for η > 0, and therefore the QVE becomes an equation for v = Im m alone, 1 = η + Sv(i η) , ∀ η > 0. (6.25) v(i η) It is therefore not surprising that there is a connection between the well posedness of the QVE at z = 0 and the question of whether S is scalable. We call S scalable if there exists a positive measurable function h on X, such that (6.26)

hx (Sh)x = 1 ,

∀ x ∈ X.

In other words, there exists a positive diagonal operator H such that HSH is doubly stochastic. In the discrete setup this scalability has been widely studied, see for example Theorem A.5 borrowed from [SK67]. The continuous setup has been considered in [BLN94]. Here we will show that h  1, where the comparison relation is defined w.r.t. the model parameters (SL2 →B , ϕ, K), with ϕ and K



given in B1. In order to prove the assertion (i) of Theorem 6.1 we use the fact that the solution of the QVE at Re z = 0 is a minimizer of a functional on positive integrable functions L1+ , where p ∈ [1, ∞] . Lp+ := w ∈ Lp : wx > 0, for π-a.e. x ∈ X , (6.27) Lemma 6.8 (Characterization as minimizer). Suppose S satisfies A1-2 and η > 0. Then the imaginary part v(iη) = Im m(iη) of the solution of the QVE is πalmost everywhere on X equal to the unique minimizer of the functional Jη : L1+ → R, (6.28)

Jη (w) := w, Sw − 2 log w + 2 η w ,

i.e., Jη (v(iη)) = inf1 Jη (w) . w∈L+

The characterization of the solution of the continuous scalability problem as a minimizer has been used with η = 0 in [BLN94]. We will use the following well known properties of FID matrices. Proposition 6.9 (Properties of FID matrices [BR97]). Let T = (Tij )K i,j=1 be a symmetric FID matrix. Then the following holds: (i) If P is a permutation matrix, then PT and TP are FID; (ii) There exists a permutation matrix P such that (TP)ii > 0 for every i = 1, . . . , K; (iii) (TK−1 )ij > 0, for every 1 ≤ i, j ≤ K. The first two properties are trivial. The property (iii) is equivalent to Theorem 2.2.1 in [BR97]. For more information on FID matrices and their relationship to some other classes of matrices see Appendix A.3. Proof of the part (i) of Theorem 6.1. Since Z is a K-dimensional FID matrix with {0, 1}-entries it follows from the part (iii) of Proposition 6.9 that mini,j (ZK−1 )ij ≥ 1. This implies that S is uniformly primitive, (6.29)

(S K−1 )xy ≥ ϕ K−1


(Z K−1 )ij {x ∈ Ii , y ∈ Ij } .


Showing the uniform bound (6.5) on m is somewhat involved and hence we split the proof into two parts. First we consider the case Re z = 0 and show that the solution of the QVE, m(iη) = iv(iη), is uniformly bounded. Afterwards we use a perturbative argument, which allows us to extend the uniform bound on m to a neighborhood of the imaginary axis. Because of the trivial bound v(iη) ≤ m(iη) ≤ η −1 , we restrict ourselves to the case η ≤ 1. Step 1 (Uniform bound at Re z = 0): Here we will prove (6.30)

sup v(iη)  1 , η>0

where by Convention 5.2 the constants ϕ and K are considered as additional model parameters. As the first step we show that it suffices to bound the average of v only, since (6.31)

v(iη)  v(iη) ,

∀ η ∈ (0, 1] .



In order to obtain (6.31) we recall (5.8) and use Jensen’s inequality similarly as in (6.20), to get  1 Sxy   π(dy) . S v π(dy) X vy X xy y This is used for v = v(iη) together with the QVE on the imaginary axis (cf. (6.25)) in the chain of inequalities, 1

1 1 ≤  S = S(η + Sv) ≤ η + S 2 v  η + v . v = (6.32) η + Sv Sv v In the last inequality we used the uniform upper bound (5.18) on the integral kernel of S 2 . This establishes (6.31). In order to bound v we argue as follows: First we note that K

v ≤ max v i .



Here we defined local averages,  := K wx π(dx) , w (6.34) i

∀ i = 1, . . . , K ,


for any w ∈ L1 , noting π(Ii ) = K −1 . Let us also introduce a discretized version J# : (0, ∞)K → R of the functional Jη by (6.35)

K K  ϕ  # J(w) := wi Zij wj − 2 log wi , K i,j=1 i=1

K w = (wi )K i=1 ∈ (0, ∞) ,

where the matrix Z and the model parameter ϕ > 0 are from B1. The discretized functional is smaller than Jη , in the following sense: (6.36)

# w 1 , . . . , w K )  Jη (w) , J(

∀w ∈ B, w > 0.

To see this we use B1 to estimate Sxy ≥ ϕZij , (x, y) ∈ Ii × Ij , for the quadratic term in the definition (6.28) of Jη . Moreover, we use Jensen’s inequality to move the local average inside the logarithm. In other words, (6.36) follows, since K 

Jη (w) ≥ ϕ

π(Ii ) w i Zij π(Ij ) w j − 2



1 ≥ K


π(Ii ) log w i


K K  ϕ  w i Zij w j − 2 log w i K i,j=1 i=1

1 # J( w 1 , . . . , w K ) , K for an arbitrary w ∈ L1+ . Since K ∈ N is considered a model parameter in the statement (ii) of Theorem 6.1 the estimate (6.36) follows. Now, by Lemma 6.8 the solution v = v(iη) of the QVE at z = iη is the (unique) minimizer of the functional Jη : L1+ → R. In particular, it yields a smaller value of the functional than the constants function, and thus =

Jη (v) ≤ Jη (1) = 1 + 2η ≤ 3 . Combining this with (6.36) we see that (6.38)

J#( v 1 , . . . , v K ) ≤ 3K ∼ 1 .



Now we apply the following lemma which relies on Z being FID. The lemma is proven in Appendix A.4. Lemma 6.10 (Uniform bound on discrete minimizer). Assume w := (wi )K i=1 ∈ (0, ∞)K satisfies # J(w) ≤ Ψ, K # for some Ψ < ∞, where J : (0, ∞) → R is defined in (6.35). Then there is a constant Φ < ∞ depending only on (Ψ, ϕ, K), such that (6.39)


max wk ≤ Φ . k=1

From (6.38) we see that we can apply Lemma 6.10 to the discretized vector v := ( v 1 , . . . , v K ), with Ψ := 3K ∼ 1, and obtain: K

max v i  1 . i=1

Plugging this into (6.33) and the resulting inequality for v into (6.31) yields the chain of bounds, v  v ≤ maxk v k  1. This completes the proof of (6.30) Step 2 (Extension to a neighborhood): It remains to show that there exists δ ∼ 1, such that (6.40)

m(τ + iη) − m(iη)  |τ | ,


|τ | ≤ δ .

Here Φ := supη m(iη) < ∞ is considered a model parameter. In particular, the bound (5.9) on |m(iη)| = v(iη) implies v(iη) ∼ 1. By (5.40b) of Lemma 5.9 we find B(iη)−1   1. The bound (6.40) follows now from Lemma 5.11 by choosing z = iη and dx = τ . Indeed, the lemma states that with the abbreviation h(τ ) := m(iη + τ ) − iv(iη) , the following holds true. If h(τ ) ≤ c0 for a sufficiently small constant c0 ∼ 1, then actually h(τ ) ≤ C1 |τ | for some large constant C1 depending only on Φ and the other model parameters. The Stieltjes transform representation (2.8) implies that h(τ ) is a continuous function in τ . As h(0) = 0, by definition, the bound h(τ ) ≤ C1 |τ | applies as long as C1 |τ | ≤ c0 remains true. With the choice δ := c0 /C1 we finish the proof of (6.5). 


Regularity of solution We will now estimate the complex derivative ∂z m on the upper half plane H. When |||m|||R < ∞ these bounds turn out to be uniform in z. This makes it possible to extend the domain of the map z → m(z) to the closure H = H ∪ R. Additionally, we prove that the solution and its generating density are 1/3-H¨ older continuous (Proposition 7.1), and analytic (Corollary 7.6) away from the special points τ ∈ supp v where v(τ ) = 0. Combining these two results we prove Theorem 2.4 at the end of this chapter. Even if the uniform bound, |||m|||R < ∞, is not available we still obtain weaker regularity for the averaged solution m . The analyticity of the solution of the QVE is not restricted to the variable z alone. In Proposition 7.5 we show that the QVE perturbed by a small element d ∈ B still has a unique solution g = g(z, d) close to m(z) that depends analytically on d provided z is not close to a point τ ∈ supp v with v(τ ) = 0. At the technical level, the proofs of both the H¨ older-continuity and the analyticity of m boil down to considering small, in fact infinitesimally small, perturbations of the QVE and then applying the estimates from Section 5.2. Proposition 7.1 (H¨ older regularity in z and extension to real line). Assume A1-3. For an interval I ⊂ R and a constant ε > 0, set D := z ∈ H : dist( z , [−2Σ, 2Σ ]\I ) ≥ ε . (7.1) Then the following hold: (i) If there is Λ < ∞, such that (7.2)

m(z)2 ≤ Λ ,

Re z ∈ I ,

then the averaged solution of the QVE is uniformly H¨ older-continuous, (7.3)

| m(z1 ) − m(z2 ) |  |z1 − z2 |1/13 ,

z1 , z2 ∈ D ,

where ε and Λ are considered additional model parameters. (ii) If (7.2) is replaced by the uniform bound, |||m|||I ≤ Φ < ∞, then the H¨ older continuity is improved to (7.4)

m(z1 ) − m(z2 )  |z1 − z2 |1/3 ,

z1 , z2 ∈ D ,

where ε and Φ are considered additional model parameters. We remark that if S satisfies B2 (cf. Chapter 6), in addition to A1-3, then Lemma 6.7 provides an effective upper bound Λ for the L2 -norm of m(z), with I = R. Similarly, quantitative uniform bounds can be obtained using Theorem 6.1 and Theorem 6.4. In a slightly different setup a qualitative version of the 1/3-H¨ older continuity (7.4) was established in [AEK16b] as Proposition 5.1. 55



Convention 7.2 (Extension to real axis). When m is uniformly bounded everywhere, i.e., |||m|||R < ∞, then (7.4) guarantees that m can be extended to the real axis. We will then automatically consider m, and all the related quantities as being defined on the extended upper half plane H = H ∪ R. In the proof of the part (ii) of Proposition 7.1 we actually show the following estimate on the derivative of m(z). Corollary 7.3 (Bound on derivative). In Proposition 7.1 the inequality (7.4) can be replaced by a stronger bound,

 |σ| Im m + Im m 2 ∂z m ≤ C0 , on D . Here the function σ is from (5.41) and C0 depends on the model parameters from the part (ii) of Proposition 7.1. The proof of Proposition 7.1 also yields a regularity result for the mean generating measure when a = 0. Corollary 7.4 (Regularity of mean generating density). Assume A1-3, and suppose a = 0. Then the normalized mean generating measure (7.5)

ν(dτ ) :=

1 v(dτ ) , π

has the representation (7.6)

ν(dτ ) = ν#(τ ) dτ + ν0 δ0 (dτ ) ,

where 0 ≤ ν0 ≤ 1, and the Lebesgue-absolutely continuous part ν#(τ ) is symmetric in τ , and locally H¨ older-continuous on R\{0}. More precisely, for every ε > 0, (7.7)

| ν#(τ2 ) − ν#(τ1 )|  |τ2 − τ1 |1/13 ,

∀ τ1 , τ2 ∈ R\(−ε, ε) ,

where ε is an additional model parameter. If additionally, B1 holds then ν0 = 0 in (7.6) and (7.7) holds for all τ1 , τ2 ∈ R with C3 depending only on the model parameters from A1-2 and B1. Proof. As an intermediate step of the proof of Proposition 7.1 below, we identify ν#|I as the uniformly 1/13-H¨ older continuous extension of v to any real interval I such that (7.2) holds. Let us now assume A1-3, and fix some ε > 0. By (2.9) we have the uniform L2 -estimate m(z)2 ≤ 2 ε−1 , for z ∈ H satisfying |Re z| ≥ ε. In other words, the hypothesis (7.2) of Proposition 7.1 holds with Λ = 2 ε−1 and I := R\(−ε, ε), and thus both (7.6) and (7.7) follow. If B1 is assumed in addition to A1-3, then the part (i) of Theorem 6.1 implies that m(z) ≤ Φ when |Re z| ≤ δ, for some Φ, δ ∼ 1. Combining this with the L2 -estimate m(z)2 ≤ 2/δ valid for |Re z| ≥ δ, we see that Proposition 7.1 is  applicable with I = R and Λ := max{ Φ, 2 δ −1 }. Proof of Proposition 7.1. The solution m is a holomorphic function from H to B by Theorem 2.1. In particular, if |z| > 2Σ, then the claims of the proposition follow trivially from (2.8) and (2.7). Thus we will assume |z| ≤ 2Σ here. Taking the derivative with respect to z on both sides of (2.4) yields (1 − m(z)2S )∂z m(z) = m(z)2 ,

∀ z ∈ H.



Expressing this in terms of the operator B = B(z) from (5.38), and suppressing the explicit z-dependence, we obtain i2 ∂z v = ∂z m = |m| B −1|m| .


Here we have also used the general property ∂z φ = i2∂z Im φ, valid for all analytic functions φ : K → C, K ⊂ C, to replace m by v = Im m. Case 1 (No uniform bound on m): Consider z ∈ H satisfying |z| ≤ 2Σ and Re z ∈ I. Taking the average of (7.8) yields 2i∂z v = |m|, B −1 |m| , where v = Im m by (4.21), and thus   ∂z v  ≤ 2−1 m2 B −1 L2 →L2 m2  v −12 , (7.9)

Re z ∈ I .

In the last step we used (5.39) to get B −1 L2 →L2  v −12 . This is where the assumption (7.2) was utilized. The bound (7.9) implies that z → v(z) is uniformly 1/13-H¨ older-continuous when Re z ∈ I. Consequently, the probability measure ν has a Lebesgue-density on I, (7.10)

ν#(τ ) =

1 ν(dτ ) = lim v(τ + iη) , dτ π η↓0

τ ∈I,

and this density inherits the uniform H¨ older continuity from (7.9). It remains to extend this regularity from the mean generating measure ν|I to its Stieltjes transform m |D . To this end, let us denote the left and right end points of the real interval I by τ− and τ+ , respectively. Let us split ν, into two non-negative measures, ν = ν1 + ν2 . Here the first measure is defined by ν1 (dτ ) := ϕ(τ ) ν(dτ ), with the function ϕ : R → [0, 1], being a piecewise linear such that, ϕ(τ ) = 0 for τ ∈ R\[ τ− + ε/3, τ+ − ε/3 ], ϕ(τ ) = 1 when τ− + (2/3)ε ≤ τ ≤ τ+ − (2/3)ε, and linearly interpolating in between. It follows, that ν1 has a Lebesgue-density ν#1 and is supported in [−Σ, Σ ], since supp v ⊆ [−Σ, Σ ] by Theorem 2.1. Furthermore, (7.11)

| ν#1 (τ1 ) − ν#1 (τ2 )|  |τ1 − τ2 |1/13 ,

∀ τ1 , τ2 ∈ R .

For the measure ν2 we know that ν2 (R) ≤ ν(R) = 1, and     supp ν2 ⊆ −Σ, τ− + 23 ε ∪ τ+ − 23 ε , Σ , where one of the intervals may be empty, i.e., [τ  , τ  ] := ∅, for τ  > τ  . The Stieltjes transform  ν(dτ ) m(z) = , τ −z R is a sum of the Stieltjes transforms of ν1 and ν2 . The Stieltjes transform of ν1 is H¨older-continuous with H¨ older-exponent 1/13 since this regularity is preserved under the Stieltjes transformation. For the convenience of the reader, we state this simple fact as Lemma A.7 in the appendix. On the other hand, since Re z is away from the support of ν2 , the Stieltjes transform of ν2 satisfies   ν (dτ )  9   2 when z ∈ D , ∂z  ≤ 2  1, τ − z ε X and hence (7.3) follows.



Case 2 (solution uniformly bounded): Now we make the extra assumption |||m|||I ≤ Φ ∼ 1, I := [τ− , τ+ ] ⊆ R. Taking the B-norm of (7.8) immediately yields (7.12)

|∂z vx (z)| ≤ m(z)2 B(z)−1   v(z) −2 ∼ vx (z)−2 .

Here we used (5.40b) to estimate the norm of B −1 , and the part (ii) of Proposition 5.3 to argue that v(z) ∼ v(z) . We see that z → vx (z) is 1/3-H¨ older continuous uniformly in z ∈ I + i (0, ∞) and x ∈ X. Repeating the localization argument used to extend the regularity of ν# = π −1 v to the corresponding Stieltjes transform yields (7.4).  Proof of Corollary 7.3. Using all the terms of (5.40b) for the second bound of (7.12) and using (7.8) to estimate |∂z m| ∼ |∂z v| yields the derivative bound of the corollary.  Next we show that the perturbed QVE (2.29) has a unique solution. For the statements of this result we introduce a shorthand DB (h, ρ) := g ∈ B : g − h < ρ , for the open B-ball centred at h with radius ρ > 0. We also recall that for complex Banach spaces X and Y , a map φ : U → Y is called holomorphic on an open set U ⊂ X if for every x0 ∈ U , every x1 ∈ X, and every bounded linear functional γ ∈ X  the map ζ → γ, φ(x0 + ζ x1 ) : C → C defines a holomorphic function in a neighborhood of ζ = 0. This is equivalent (cf. Section 3.17 of [HP57]) to the existence of a Fr´echet-derivative of φ on U , i.e., for every x ∈ U there exists a bounded complex linear operator Dφ(x) : X → Y , such that φ(x + d) − φ(x) − Dφ(x)d Y → 0, dX

as dX → 0 .

Proposition 7.5 (Analyticity). Assume A1-3, and consider a fixed z ∈ H satisfying |z| ≤ 2 Σ, where Σ := a + 2S1/2 , such that (7.13)

m(z) ≤ Φ ,


B(z)−1  ≤ Ψ ,

for some constants Φ < ∞ and Ψ ≥ 1. Let us define (7.14)

ε :=

1 , 3 Σ + 9SΦΨ


δ :=

ε . 8 Φ2 Ψ

Then there exists a holomorphic map d → g(z, d) : DB (0, δ) → DB (m(z), ε), where g = g(z, d) is the unique solution of the perturbed QVE, (7.15)

1 = z − a + Sg + d , g

in DB (m(z), ε). The Fr´echet-derivative Dg(z, d) of g(z, d) w.r.t. d is uniformly bounded, Dg(z, d) ≤ 8ΨΦ2 /S. In particular, (7.16)

g(z, d) − m(z) ≤

8ΨΦ2 d , S

∀ d ∈ DB (0, δ) .

Before proving Proposition 7.5 we consider its applications. First we show that apart from a set of special points the generating measure v has an analytic density on the real line.



Corollary 7.6 (Real analyticity of generating density). Assume A1-3, and consider a fixed τ ∈ R. If additionally, either of the following three sets of conditions are assumed, (i) v(τ ) > 0, and B2 holds; (ii) |τ | > a and v(τ ) > 0; (iii) τ = 0, a = 0, and B1 holds, then the generating density v is real analytic around τ . Proof. Since ∂z m(z) = Dg(z, 0)e, where ex = 1 for all x ∈ X, the result follows immediately from Proposition 7.5 once we have shown that both m(τ ) < ∞ and B(τ )−1  < ∞ hold. Actually, it suffices to only prove m(τ ) < ∞ and v(τ ) > 0 in all the three cases (i)-(iii). Indeed, with these estimates at hand, the bound (5.40b) of Lemma 5.9 yields B(τ )−1  < ∞. In the case (i) we first use Lemma 6.7 to obtain supz∈H m(z)2 ≤ Λ, for Λ ∼ 1. We then plug this L2 -bound in the lower bound of the part (i) of Lemma 5.4 to get a uniform lower bound inf x |mx (τ )|  Λ−1 . Using this in the upper bound of the part (i) of Lemma 5.4 yields m(τ )  Λ−C v −1 ∼ 1. In the case (ii) we first note that |τ | > a implies dist(τ, {ay }) > 0, and thus the first inequality of (5.9) yields inf x |mx (τ )| > 0. Plugging this into the second inequality of (5.9), and using the assumption v(τ ) > 0, we obtain an uniform bound for m(τ ). In the case (iii), we use the part (ii) of Theorem 6.1 to get the uniform bound. From the symmetry (4.27) we see that m(0) = iv(0). Hence (5.9) yields inf x vx (0) > 0. Feeding this into (5.10) yields v(0) ∼ 1.  Combining the analyticity and the H¨older regularity we prove Theorem 2.4. Proof of Theorem 2.4. Here we assume |||m|||R ≤ Φ, with Φ < ∞ considered as a model parameter. The assertion (i) follows from (ii) of Proposition 5.3. Using the bound (7.4) of Proposition 7.1, with I = R, we see that m can be extended as a 1/3-H¨ older continuous function to the real line. Hence, from (4.21) we read off that the generating measure must have a Lebesgue-density equal to older regularity from Im m|R . In particular, this density function inherits the H¨ m|R , i.e., for some C1 ∼ 1: (7.17)

|vx (τ  ) − vx (τ )| ≤ C1 |τ  − τ |1/3 ,

∀ τ, τ  ∈ R .

This proves the part (iii) of the theorem. Since |||m|||R ∼ 1 using Lemma 5.4 we see that vx (z) ∼ vy (z) for z ∈ H. Let τ0 ∈ R be such that v(τ0 ) > 0. In order to bound the derivatives of v at τ0 we use (7.17) to estimate inf |ω| : v(τ0 + ω) = 0, ω ∈ R ≥ C1−3 v(τ0 ) 3 =:  > 0 . Due to (ii) of Lemma 5.9 this implies that B(τ0 + ω)−1 is bounded for |ω| ≤ . Thus by Proposition 7.5 we see that v is analytic on the ball of radius  centered at τ0 . The Cauchy-formula implies that the k-th derivative of v at τ0 is bounded by k!  −k . This proves the assertion (ii) of the theorem.  Proof of Proposition 7.5. As z is fixed, we write m = m(z). We start with general ε and δ, i.e., (7.14) is not assumed. Since |z| < 2Σ, we see directly



from the QVE that 1/|m| ≤ |z| + a + Sm ≤ 3Σ + SΦ . Writing |w/m| ≤ 1 + 1/mw − m, we thus find that w 1   .   ≤ 2 , ∀ w ∈ DB (m, ε) , provided ε ≤ (7.18) m 3Σ + SΦ We will assume below that ε satisfies the above condition. Consider now z and d ∈ DB (0, δ) fixed. We will first construct a function λ → g(λ) : [0, 1] → DB (m, ε), such that g(λ) solves (7.15) with λd in place of d, i.e., Z(λ, g(λ)) = 0, where 1 (7.19) . Z(λ, w) := w + z − a + Sw + λd Let us define R : DB (m, ε) → B by (7.20)

R(w) := (1 − w2 S )−1 (w2 d) .

The function λ → g(λ) is obtained by solving the Banach-space valued ODE (7.21)

∂λ g(λ) = R(g(λ)) ,

λ ∈ [0, 1] ,

g(0) = m ,

where m = m(z). Indeed, a short calculation shows that if λ → g(λ) solves the ODE, then d Z(λ, g(λ)) = 0 . dλ As Z(0, g(0)) = 0 by the definition of m(z), this implies that also Z(1, g(1)) = 0, which is equivalent to g = g(1) solving (7.15). We will now find ε, δ ∼ 1 such that R(w) ≤ ε, for w ∈ DB (m, ε) and dB ≤ δ. Under this condition the elementary theory of ODEs (cf. Theorem 9.1 of [Col12]) yields the unique solution g(λ) ∈ DB (m, ε) to (7.21). We start by estimating the the norm of the following operator |m| 2 ·

, (1 − uwS)−1 = ( 1 + |m|B −1 D)−1 |m|B −1 (7.22) m |m| for arbitrary u, w ∈ DB (m, ε). Here, D := (|m|/m)2 m−1 (m2 − uw)S. Since m2 − uw = m (m − u) + u (m − w) we get D ≤ 3 S ε using (7.18). Thus requiring |m|B −1 D ≤ 3 ΦΨS ε to be less than 1/2, we see that 1 ( 1 + |m|B −1 D)−1  ≤ 2 , provided ε ≤ . (7.23) 6 ΦΨS Using this bound for the first factor on the right hand side of (7.22) yields (7.24)

(1 − uwS)−1 h ≤ 2 ΦΨ h/m ,

∀h ∈ B,

∀ u, w ∈ DB (m, ε) ,

provided the condition for ε in (7.23) holds. In order to estimate R(w) for w ∈ DB (m, ε) we choose u = w and h = w2 d in (7.24), and get (7.25)

R(w) ≤ 2 ΦΨ w2/md ≤ 8 Φ2 Ψ δ ,

where d ≤ δ and w2/m = w/m2 m ≤ 4Φ were used for the last bound. With the choice (7.14) for δ we see that the rightmost expression in (7.25) is less than ε. Moreover, if ε is chosen according to (7.14), then the conditions from the estimates (7.18) and (7.23) are both satisfied as Ψ ≥ 1. We conclude that the ODE (7.21) has a unique solution in DB (m, ε) if we choose ε and δ to satisfy (7.14).



In order to show that not only the ODE but the perturbed QVE (7.15) in general has a unique solution in DB (m, ε), we establish a more general stability result. To this end, assume that g, g  ∈ DB (m(z), ε) and d, d ∈ DB (0, δ) are such that g solves (7.15), while g  solves the same equation with d replaced by d . Then by definition, (1 − gg  S )(g  − g) = gg  (d − d) .


Applying (7.24) to (7.26) and recalling |g/m|, |g /m| ≤ 2 we obtain g  − g ≤ 8 Φ2 Ψd − d .


The uniqueness of the solution to (7.15) follows now from (7.26). In particular, this implies that the map d → g(z, d) : DB (0, δ) → DB (m(z), ε) is uniquely defined with g(z, d) := g(1), where g(1) is the value of the solution of the ODE (7.21) at λ = 1. It remains to show that g(z, d) is analytic in d. To this end, let h ∈ B be arbitrary, and consider (7.26) with g = g(z, d), g  = g(z, d ), where d = d + ξ h for some sufficiently small ξ ∈ C. Using the stability bound (7.27) we argue that the differences g − g  vanish in the limit ξ → 0. Therefore we obtain from (7.26) g(z, d + ξ h) − g(z, d) = (1 − g(z, d)2 S )−1 ( g(z, d)2 h) , ξ where Dg(z, d) : B → B is the Fr´echet-derivative of g(z, d) w.r.t. d at (z, d). Dg(z, d)h := lim

ξ →0


Perturbations when generating density is small In this chapter we analyze the stability of the QVE (2.4) in the neighborhood of parameters z with a small value of the average generating density v(z) , against adding a perturbation d ∈ B to the right hand side. In the special case when d is a real constant function, i.e., when m(z) is compared to m(z + ω), and when z ∈ supp v with v(z) = 0, this analysis has been carried out in [AEK16b]. In that special case the upcoming proofs simplify considerably for the following three reasons. First, an expansion in α (cf. Lemma 8.1) is not needed. Second, we do not need to show that the expansions are uniform in the model parameters. Third, the complicated selection process of the roots in Subsection 9.2.2 is avoided as we do not have to consider very small gaps in the support of the generating density. We will assume in this and the following chapters that S satisfies A1-3 and that the solution is uniformly bounded everywhere |||m|||R ≤ Φ < ∞. In particular, all the comparison relations (Convention 2.3) will depend on: (8.1)

’The model parameters’ := ( ρ, L, a, SL2 →B , Φ) .

Due to the uniform boundedness, m and all the related quantities are extended to H (cf. Proposition 7.1). Furthermore, these standing assumptions also imply that Proposition 5.3 is effective, i.e., (8.2)

|mx (z)|, fx (z), Gap(F (z)) ∼ 1 ,


vx (z) ∼ v(z) ∼ α(z) ,

for every |z| ≤ 2Σ and x ∈ X. In particular, the three quantities v, v , α = f, sin q , can be interchanged at will, as long as only their sizes up to constants depending on the model parameters matter. The stability of the QVE against perturbations deteriorates when the generating density becomes small. This can be seen from the explosion in the estimate (8.3)

v(τ ) −1  B(τ )−1   v(τ ) −2 ,

τ ∈ supp v|R ,

(cf. (5.40b) and (8.10b) below) for the inverse of the operator B, introduced in (5.38). This norm appears in the estimates (5.59) relating the norm of the rescaled difference, g−m u= , (8.4) |m| of the two solutions g and m of the perturbed and the unperturbed QVE, 1 1 − = z − a + Sg + d and − = z − a + Sm , g m respectively, to the size of the perturbation d. The unboundedness of B −1 in (8.3), as v → 0, is caused by the vanishing of B in a one-dimensional subspace of L2 corresponding to the eigendirection of the 63



smallest eigenvalue of B. Therefore, in order to extend our analysis to the regime v ≈ 0 we decompose the perturbation (8.4) into two parts: u = Θb + r .


Here, Θ is a scalar, and b is the eigenfunction corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue of B. The remaining part r ∈ B lies inside a subspace where B −1 is bounded due to the spectral gap of F (cf. Figure 8.1). As B is not symmetric, r and b are not orthogonal w.r.t. the standard inner product (2.5) on L2 . The main result of this chapter is Proposition 8.2 which shows that for sufficiently small v ≤ ε∗ , the b-component Θ of u satisfies a cubic equation, and we identify its coefficients up to the leading order in the small parameters v and d. We will use the symbol ε∗ ∼ 1 as the upper threshold for v and its value will be reduced along the proofs. 8.1. Expansion of operator B In this section we collect necessary information about the operator B : B → B defined in (5.38). Recall, that the spectral projector Pλ corresponding to an isolated eigenvalue λ of a compact operator T acting on a Banach space X is obtained (cf. Theorem 6.17 in Chapter 3 of [Kat12]) by integrating the resolvent of T around a loop Γ encircling only the eigenvalue λ: $ −1 (T − ζ)−1 dζ . Pλ := (8.6) 2πi Γ Lemma 8.1 (Expansion of B in bad direction). There exists ε∗ ∼ 1 such that, uniformly in z ∈ H with |z| ≤ 2Σ, the following holds true: If  Im m(z)  ≤ ε∗ , α = α(z) = f (z), |m(z)| then the operator B = B(z) has a unique single eigenvalue β = β(z) of smallest modulus, so that |β  | − |β|  1, ∀ β  ∈ Spec(B)\{β}. The corresponding eigenfunction b = b(z), satisfying Bb = β b, has the properties (8.7)

f, b = 1 ,

|bx | ∼ 1 ,


∀x ∈ X .

The spectral projector P = P (z) : B → Span{b(z)} corresponding to β, is given by (8.8)

Pw =

b, w b. b2


B −1 Q + (B −1 Q)∗   1 ,

Denoting, Q := 1 − P , we have (8.9)

B −1   α−2 ,

where (B −1 Q)∗ is the L2 -adjoint of B −1 Q. Furthermore, the following expansions in η = Im z and α hold true: (8.10a) (8.10b) (8.10c)

B = 1 − F − 2i pf α − 2f 2 α2 + OB→B (α3 + η ) , η β = f |m| − i2σ α + 2 (ψ − σ 2 ) α2 + O(α3 + η ) , α b = f + i 2 (1 − F )−1 Q(0) (pf 2 ) α + OB (α2 + η ) .

If z ∈ R, then the ratio η/α is defined through its limit η ↓ 0. The real valued auxiliary functions σ = σ(z) and ψ = ψ(z) ≥ 0 in (8.10), are defined by (8.11)

σ := pf 3


ψ := D(pf 2 ) ,



where the sign function p = p(z), and the positive quadratic form D = D( · ; z), are given by p := sign Re m

(8.12) and D(w) :=

% &   Q(0) w, (1 + F L2 →L2 )(1 − F )−1 − 1 Q(0) w


Gap(F ) Q(0) w22 , 2 respectively. The orthogonal projector Q(0) = Q(0) (z) := 1 − f (z) f (z), · is the leading order term of Q, i.e., Q = Q(0) + OL2 →L2 (α). Furthermore, Gap(F ) ∼ 1. Finally, λ(z) = F (z)L2 →L2 , β(z), σ(z), ψ(z), as well as the vectors f (z), b(z) ∈ B, are all uniformly 1/3-H¨ older continuous functions of z on connected components of the domain z ∈ H : α(z) ≤ ε∗ , |z| ≤ 2Σ , where Σ ∼ 1 is from (2.7). The function p stays constant on these connected components. ≥

Although, P is not an orthogonal projection (unless b = b), it follows from (8.7) and (8.8) that P , P ∗   1 .

(8.14) 2

Here P ∗ = b b, · / b is the Hilbert space adjoint of P . Proof. Recall that sin q = (Im m)/|m| (cf. (5.38)), and (8.15)

B = e−i2q − F = (1 − F ) + D ,

where D is the multiplication operator (8.16)

D = −i2 cos q sin q − 2 sin2 q .

From the definition of α = f Im m/|m| , and f, |m| ∼ 1, we see that |sin q| ∼ α, and thus (8.17)

DL2 →L2 + D ≤ C0 α ,

for some C0 ∼ 1. The formula (8.10a) for B follows by expanding D in α and η using the representations (5.50) and (5.53) of sin q and cos q, respectively. In particular, from (5.51) we know that t  1, and thus sin q = αf + OB (η). Let us first consider the operators acting on the space L2 . By Proposition 5.3 the operator 1 − F has an isolated single eigenvalue of smallest modulus equal to η 1 − F L2 →L2 = |m|f , (8.18) α and the L2 -spectrum of 1 − F lies inside the set   L := 1 − F L2 →L2 ∪ 1 − F L2 →L2 + Gap(F ), 2 . (8.19) Here the upper spectral gap of F satisfies Gap(F ) ∼ 1 by (iv) of Proposition 5.3. The properties of β and b, etc., are deduced from the resolvent of B by using the analytic perturbation theory (cf. Chapter 7 of [Kat12]). To this end denote R(ζ) := (1 − F − ζ)−1 , so that (B − ζ )−1 = (1 + R(ζ)D)−1 R(ζ) .



We will now bound R(ζ) = −( F (|m|) − (1 − ζ))−1 as an operator on B, using the property (5.28) of the resolvent of the F -like operators F (cf. (5.23)) (8.20)

R(ζ) ≤

1 + Φ2 R(ζ)L2 →L2 . |ζ − 1 |

Thus there exists a constant δ ∼ 1, R(ζ)  1 ,

dist(ζ , L) ≥ δ .

Here we have used the fact that the set L contains both the L2 -spectrum of 1−F , and the point ζ = 1. Thus (8.20) shows that L contains also the B-spectrum of 1−F . By requiring ε∗ to be sufficiently small it follows from (8.17) that (1 + R(ζ)D)−1   1 provided ζ is at least a distance δ away from L, and thus (8.21)

(B − ζ )−1   1 ,

dist(ζ , L) ≥ δ .

By (iv) in Proposition 5.3 we see that Gap(F )  1. By taking ε∗ sufficiently small the perturbation D becomes so small that we may take δ ≤ Gap(F )/3. It then follows that the eigenvalue β is separated from the rest of the B-spectrum of B by a gap of size δ ∼ 1. Knowing this separation, the standard resolvent contour integral representation formulas (cf. (8.6)) imply that b  1 and P   1, B −1 Q  1, etc., provided the threshold ε∗ ∼ 1 for α is sufficiently small. Similar bounds Figure 8.1. The spectrum of 1 − F lies inside hold for the adjoints, e.g., the union of an interval with one isolated point. (B −1 Q)∗   1. For an il- The perturbation B of 1 − F has spectrum in the lustration how the spectrum of indicated area. the perturbation B differs from the spectrum of 1 − F , see Figure 8.1. Setting β (0) = 1 − F L2 →L2 and b(0) = f , the formulas (8.10b) and (8.10c) amount to determining the subleading order terms of (8.22)

β = β (0) + β (1) α + β (2) α2 + O(α3 + η) b = b(0) + b(1) α + OB (α2 + η) ,

using the standard perturbation formulas. Writing (8.10a) as B = B (0) + α B (1) + α2 B (2) + OB→B (α3 + η ) , with B (0) = 1 − F , B (1) = −2i pf , B (2) := −2f 2 , we obtain   β (1) = b(0) , B (1) b(0) = −i2 pf 3 ,    (0) (2) (0)  (2) (0) (1) (0) (0) (0) −1 (0) (1) (0) β − b = b , B b , B Q (B − β ) Q B b (8.23) η


= 2 1 + F L2 →L2 Q(0) (pf 2 ), (1 − F )−1 Q(0) (pf 2 ) − 2 f 4 + O . α



These expressions match (8.10). To get the last expression of β (2) in (8.23) we have used Q(0)R(ζ)Q(0) L2 →L2 ∼ 1, ζ ∈ [ 0, β (0) ], and β (0) ∼ η/α, to approximate η

(B (0) − β (0) )−1 Q(0) = (1 − F )−1 Q(0) + OB→B . α The formula (8.10c) follows similarly η

b(1) = − (B (0) − β (0) )−1 Q(0) B (1) b(0) = i 2 (1 − F )−1 Q(0) (pf 2 ) + OB . α In order to see that ψ ≥ 0, we use F L2 →L2 ≤ 1 to estimate Gap(F ) (0) Q . (1 + F L2 →L2 ) (1 − F )−1 Q(0) ≥ 1 + 2 This yields the estimate in (8.13). It remains to prove the 1/3-H¨ older continuity of the various quantities in the lemma. To this end we write (8.24)

B(z) = e−2q(z) − F (|m(z)|) ,

where the operator F (r) : B → B is defined in (5.23). Since S ≤ SL2 →B ∼ 1 it is easy to see from (5.23) that the map r → F (r) is uniformly continuous when restricted on the domain of arguments r ∈ B satisfying c/Φ ≤ rx ≤ Φ. Furthermore, the exponent e−i2q = (|m|/m)2 , has the same regularity as m because |m| ∼ 1. Since m(z) is uniformly 1/3-H¨ older continuous in z (cf. (7.4)) we thus have (8.25)

B(z  ) − B(z)  |z  − z|1/3 ,

for any sufficiently close points z and z  . The resolvent (B(z) − ζ)−1 inherits this regularity in z. The continuity of β(z), b(z), P (z) in z is proven by representing them as contour integrals of the resolvent (B(z) − ζ)−1 around a contour enclosing the isolated eigenvalue β(z). The functions σ and ψ inherit the 1/3-H¨ older regularity from their building blocks, 1 − F L2 →L2 , f , Q(0) , and the function p. The continuity of the first three follows similarly as that of β, b and Q, using the continuity of the resolvent of 1 − F (z) in z. Also the continuity of the largest eigenvalue λ(z) of F (z) is proven this way. In particular, we see from (8.18) that the limit η/α(z) exists as z approaches the real line. The function z → p(z) = sign Re m(z), on the other hand, is handled differently. We show that if ε∗ > 0 sufficiently small, then the restriction of p to a connected component J of the set {z : α(z) ≤ ε∗ } is a constant, i.e., p(z  ) = p(z), for any z, z  ∈ J. Indeed, since inf x |mx (z)| ≥ c0 , and supx Im mx (z) ≤ C1 ε∗ , for some c0 , C1 ∼ 1, we get (8.26)

(Re mx )2 = |mx |2 − (Im mx )2 ≥ c02 − (C1 ε∗ )2 ,

∀x ∈ X .

Clearly, for a sufficiently small ε∗ the real part Re mx (z) cannot vanish. Consequently, the continuity of m : H → B means that the components px (z) = sign Re mx (z) ∈ {−1, +1}, may change values only when α(z) > ε∗ . The explicit representation (8.8) of the spectral projector P follows from an elementary property of compact integral operators: If the integral kernel (T ∗ )xy 2 2 of  the Hilbert space adjoint of an ∗operator T : L → L , defined by (T w)x = Txy wy π(dy), has the symmetry (T )xy = Txy , then the right and left eigenvectors



v and v  corresponding to the right and left eigenvalues λ and λ, respectively, are  also related by the simple component wise complex conjugation: (v  )x = vx . 8.2. Cubic equation We are now ready to show that the projection of u in the b-direction satisfies a cubic equation (up to the leading order) provided α and η are sufficiently small. Recall, that T ∗ denotes the L2 -adjoint of a linear operator T on L2 . Proposition 8.2 (General cubic equation). Suppose g ∈ B solves the perturbed QVE (5.35) at z ∈ H with |z| ≤ 2Σ. Set g−m , u := (8.27a) |m| and define Θ ∈ C and r ∈ B by b, u b2 There exists ε∗ ∼ 1 such that if (8.27b)

Θ :=


v ≤ ε∗ ,



r := Qu .

g − m ≤ ε∗ ,

then the following holds: The component r is controlled by d and Θ,

 r = Rd + OB |Θ|2 + d2 , (8.29) where R = R(z) denotes the bounded linear operator w → B −1 Q(|m|w) satisfying (8.30)

R + R∗ ∼ 1 .

The coefficient Θ in (8.27) is a root of the complex cubic polynomial, (8.31)

μ3 Θ 3 + μ2 Θ 2 + μ1 Θ + |m|b, d = κ(u, d) ,

perturbed by the function κ(u, d) of sub-leading order. This perturbation satisfies (8.32)

|κ(u, d)|  |Θ|4 + d2 + |Θ| | e, d | ,

where e : H → B is a uniformly bounded function, e(z)  1, determined by S and a. The coefficient functions μk : H → C are determined by S and a as well. They satisfy η

(8.33a) ψ + O(α) μ3 = 1 − f |m| α

 η σ + i (3ψ − σ 2 ) α + O α2 + η (8.33b) μ2 = 1 − f |m| α

 η (8.33c) μ1 = − f |m| + i2σ α − 2(ψ − σ 2 ) α2 + O α3 + η . α If z ∈ R, then the ratio η/α is defined through its limit as η → 0. Finally, the cubic is stable in the sense that (8.34)

|μ3 (z)| + |μ2 (z)| ∼ 1 .

Note that from (8.27b) and (8.8) we see that Θ is just the component of u in the one-dimensional subspace spanned by b, i.e, P u = Θ b. From (8.27) and (8.14) we read that |Θ| ≤ C1 ε∗ is a small parameter along with α and η. Therefore we needed to expand μ1 to a higher order than μ2 , which is in turn expanded to a higher order than μ3 in the variables α and η in (8.33).



Proof. The proof is split into two separate parts. First, we derive formulas for the μk ’s in terms of B, β and b (cf. (8.44) below). Second, we use the formulas (8.10) from Lemma 8.1 to expand μk ’s further in α and η. First, we write the equation (5.37) in the form Bu = A(u, u) + |m|(1 + e−iq u)d ,


where q = q(z) := arg m(z), and the symmetric bilinear map A : B 2 → B, is defined by

 Ax (h, w) := 12 e−iqx hx (F w)x + (F h)x wx . Clearly, A(h, w)  hw, since F  ≤ m2  1. Applying Q on (8.35) gives   r = B −1 QA(u, u) + B −1 Q |m|(1 + e−iq u)d . (8.36) From Lemma 8.1 we know that QB −1 Q  1, and hence the boundedness of A implies: B −1 QA(u, u)  u2  |Θ|2 + r2 . From the boundedness of the projections (8.14) r = Qu  u ≤

g − m  ε∗ , inf x |mx |

where in the second to last inequality we have used |m| ∼ 1. Plugging this back into (8.36), we find r ≤ C0 ( |Θ|2 + ε∗ r + d) , for some C0 ∼ 1. Now we require ε∗ to be so small that 2C0 ε∗ ≤ 1, and get r  |Θ|2 + d .


Applying this on the right hand side of u = Θ b + r yields a uniform bound on u, u  |Θ| + d .


Using the bilinearity and the symmetry of A we decompose r into three parts r = B −1 QA(b, b) Θ2 + Rd + r# ,


where we have identified the operator R from (8.29), and introduced the subleading order part, (8.40)

r# := 2B −1 QA(b, r) Θ + B −1 QA(r, r) + B −1 Q(|m|e−iq ud )

= OB |Θ|3 + |Θ|d + d2 .

Applying the last estimate in (8.39) yields (8.29). We know that B −1 Q and its L2 -Hilbert-space adjoint (B −1 Q)∗ are bounded as operators on B from (8.9), i.e, B −1 Q + (B −1 Q)∗  1. From this and m  1 the bound (8.30) follows. From (8.8) we see that applying b, · to (8.35) corresponds to projecting onto the b-direction β b2 Θ

  (8.41) = b, A(b, b) Θ2 + 2 b, A(b, r) Θ + b, A(r, r) + b, |m|(1 + e−iq u)d   = b A(b, b) Θ2 + 2 b A(b, B −1QA(b, b)) Θ3 + b|m|d + κ(u, d) ,



where the cubic term corresponds to the part B −1 QA(b, b) Θ2 of r in (8.39), while the other parts of b, A(b, r) Θ, have been absorbed into the remainder term, alongside other small terms:     κ(u, d) := 2 b A(b, Rd + r#) Θ + b A(r, r) + b|m|e−iq ud (8.42) 

= e, d Θ + O |Θ|4 + d2 , where in the second line we have defined e ∈ B in (8.32) such that e, w := 2 b A(b, Rw) + b2 |m|e−iq w ,

∀ w ∈ L2 .

For the error estimate in (8.42) we have also used (8.37), (8.38), and b ∼ 1. This completes the proof of (8.32). From the definitions of A, B, b and β, it follows (8.43)

A(b, b) = e−iq b F b = e−iq b (e−i2q − B)b = (e−i3q − β e−iq ) b 2

 2A(b, w) = e−iq b F w − w (e−i2q − β)b = b e−iq (e−i2q + F − β)w .

Using these formulas in (8.41) we see that the cubic (8.31) holds with the coefficients,    (8.44a) μ3 := b 2 e−iq (e−i2q + F − β) B −1 Q b 2 e−iq (e−i2q − β )   μ2 := (e−i3q − β e−iq )b 3 (8.44b) (8.44c)

μ1 := −β b 2

that are determined by S and z alone. The final expressions (8.33) follow from these formulas by expanding B, β and b, w.r.t. the small parameters α and η using the expansions (8.10). Let us write w := (1 − F )−1 Q(0) (pf 2 ) , so that b = f + (i2w)α + OB (α2 + η), and f, w = 0. Using (5.50) and (5.53) we also obtain an useful representation e−iq = p − if α + OB (α2 + η). First we expand the coefficient μ1 . Using f 2 = 1 and f, w = 0 we obtain 2 b = 1 + O(α2 + η). Hence, only the expansion of β contributes at the level of desired accuracy to μ1 , μ1 = −β b2 = −β + O(α3 + η) η = − f |m| + i2σα − 2 (ψ − σ 2 ) α2 + O(α3 + η) . α Now we expand the second coefficient, μ2 . Let us first write       μ2 = (e−i3q − β e−iq )b 3 = (e−iq b)3 − β e−iq b3 . (8.45) Using the expansions we see that e−iq b = pf + i(2pw − f 2 )α + OB (α2 + η), and thus, taking this to the third power, we find (e−iq b)3 = pf 3 + i3(2pf 2 w − f 4 )α + OB (α2 + η). Consequently,  −iq 3    (e b) = pf 3 + i3 2 pf 2 w − f 4 α + O(α2 + η) (8.46) = σ + i3(ψ − σ 2 )α + O(α2 + η) . In order to obtain expressions in terms of σ and ψ = D(pf 2 ), where the bilinear positive form D is defined in (8.13), we have used     2 pf 2 w = (1 + F L2 →L2 ) Q(0) (pf 2 ), (1 − F )−1 Q(0) (pf 2 ) + O(η/α) ,



as well as the following consequence of P (0) (pf 2 ) = σf and f 2 = 1: (8.47)

f 4 = pf 2 22 = P (0) (pf 2 )22 + Q(0) (pf 2 )22   = σ 2 + Q(0) (pf 2 ), Q(0) (pf 2 ) .

The expansion of the last term of (8.45) is easy since only β has to be expanded beyond the leading order. Indeed, directly from (8.10b) we obtain

  η β e−iq b3 = f |m| − i2σα + O(α2 + η) pf 3 + O(α + η) α

 η = −i2σ 2 α + f |m| σ + O α2 + η . α Plugging this together with (8.46) into (8.45) yields the desired expansion of μ2 . Finally, μ3 is expanded. By the definitions and the identity (5.20) for F L2 →L2 we have η e−i2q + F − β = 2 − f |m| − B + OB→B (α) = 1 + F L2 →L2 − B + OB→B (α) . α Recalling B −1 Q  1 and η  α (cf. (5.16), (5.6), (5.1) and (5.21)), we thus obtain (8.48)

(e−i2q + F − β) B −1 Q = (1 + F L2 →L2 ) B −1 Q − Q + OB→B (α) .

Directly from the definition (8.8) of P = 1 − Q, we see that Q = Q(0) + OB→B (α). Thus BQ = (1 − F )Q(0) + OB→B (α) . Using the general identity, (A + D)−1 = A−1 − A−1 D(A + D)−1 , with A := (1 − F )Q(0) and A + D := BQ, yields (8.49)

B −1 Q = (1 − F )−1 Q(0) + OB→B (α) ,

since B −1 Q and (1 − F )−1 Q(0) are both OB→B (1). By applying (8.49) in (8.48) we get   (e−i2q + F − β) (QBQ)−1 = Q(0) (1 + F L2 →L2 ) (1 − F )−1 − 1 Q(0) + OB→B (α) . Using this in the first formula of μ3 below yields 

 μ3 = b 2 e−iq (e−i2q + F − β) B −1 Q b 2 e−iq (e−i2q − β )    η  (0) = 1 − f |m| Q (pf 2 ), (1 + F L2 →L2 ) (1 − F )−1 − 1 Q(0) (pf 2 ) + O(α) , α which equals the second expression (8.33a) because the first term above is D(pf 2 ). Finally, we show that |μ2 | + |μ3 | ∼ 1. From the expansion of μ2 , we get |μ2 | = F L2 →L2 |σ| + O(α)  |σ| + O(α) . Similarly, we estimate from below |μ3 |  ψ + O(α). Therefore, we find that |μ3 | + |μ2 |2  ψ + σ 2 + O(α) . We will now show that ψ + σ 2  1, which implies |μ2 |2 + |μ3 |  1, provided the upper bound ε∗ of α is small enough. Indeed, from the lower bound (8.13) on the quadratic form D, Gap(F ) ∼ 1 and the identity |σ| = | f, pf 2 | = P (0) (pf 2 )2 we conclude that Gap(F ) (8.50) Q(0) (pf 2 )22 + P (0) (pf 2 )22  pf 2 22 . ψ + σ2 ≥ 2 Since inf x fx ∼ 1 and |p| = 1 it follows that pf 2 2 ∼ 1. 


Behavior of generating density where it is small In this chapter we prove Theorem 2.6. We will assume that S satisfies A1-3 and |||m|||R ≤ Φ < ∞. The model parameters are thus the same ones, (8.1), as in the previous chapter. In particular, we have vx ∼ v , and thus the support of the components of the generating densities satisfy supp vx = supp v (cf. Definition 4.3). As we are interested in the generating density Im m|R we will consider m and all the related quantities as functions on R instead of H or H in this chapter. Consider the domain ε > 0. Dε := τ ∈ supp v : v(τ ) ≤ ε , (9.1) Theorem 2.6 amounts to showing that for some sufficiently small ε ∼ 1,

 v(τ ) = v(τ ) + OB v(τ )2 , τ ∈ Dε , (9.2a) holds, where the leading order part factorizes, (9.2b)

vx (τ ) = vx (τ0 ) + hx (τ0 ) Ψ(τ − τ0 ; τ0 ) ,

(x, τ ) ∈ X × R ,

around any expansion point τ0 from the set of local minima, M ε := τ0 ∈ Dε : τ0 is a local minimum of τ → v(τ ) , (9.3) and hx (τ0 ) ∼ 1 and Ψ(ω; τ0 ) ≥ 0. We show that the function Ψ(ω; τ0 ) determining the shape of ω → v(τ0 + ω) is universal in the sense that it depends on τ0 ∈ M ε only through a single scalar parameter (cf. (2.20)). Let τ0 denote one of the minima τk . We consider m(τ0 + ω) as the solution of the perturbed QVE (5.35) at z = τ0 with the scalar perturbation dx (ω) := ω ,


∀x ∈ X,

and apply Proposition 8.2. The leading order behavior of m(τ0 + ω) is determined by expressing (9.5)

u(ω; τ0 ) :=

m(τ0 + ω) − m(τ0 ) , |m(τ0 )|

as a sum of its projections, (9.6)

Θ(ω; τ0 )b(τ0 ) := P (τ0 )u(ω; τ0 )


r(ω; τ0 ) := Q(τ0 )u(ω; τ0 ) ,

where P = P (τ0 ) is defined in (8.8) and Q(τ0 ) = 1 − P (τ0 ). The coefficient Θ(ω; τ0 ) is then computed as a root of the cubic equation (8.31) corresponding to the scalar perturbation (9.4); its imaginary part will give Ψ(ω, τ0 ). Finally, the part r(ω; τ0 ) is shown to be much smaller than Θ(ω; τ0 ) so that it can be considered as an error term. The next lemma collects necessary information needed to carry out this analysis rigorously. This lemma has appeared as Proposition 6.2 in [AEK16b] in 73



the simpler case when the generating density vanishes at the expansion point, i.e., v(τ0 ) = 0. Lemma 9.1 (Cubic for shape analysis). There are two constants ε∗ , δ ∼ 1, such that if (9.7)

τ0 ∈ supp v


v(τ0 ) ≤ ε∗ ,

holds for some fixed base point τ0 ∈ supp v, then ' ( b(τ0 ) m(τ0 + ω) − m(τ0 ) Θ(ω) = Θ(ω; τ0 ) = (9.8) , b(τ0 )2 |m(τ0 )| satisfies the perturbed cubic equation (9.9)

μ3 Θ(ω)3 + μ2 Θ(ω)2 + μ1 Θ(ω) + Ξ(ω) ω = 0 ,

|ω| ≤ δ .

The coefficients μk = μk (τ0 ) ∈ C are independent of ω and have expansions in α (9.10a)

μ3 = ψ + κ 3 α


μ2 = σ + i (3ψ − σ 2 ) α + κ2 α2


μ1 = i2σ α − 2(ψ − σ 2 ) α2 + κ1 α3 ,

and Ξ(ω) = Ξ(ω; τ0 ) ∈ C is close to a real constant: Ξ(ω) = f |m| ( 1 + κ0 α + ν(ω)) .


The scalars α = f, v/|m| , σ = f, pf 2 and ψ = D(pf 2 ) are defined in (5.21), (8.11) and (8.13), respectively. They are uniformly 1/3-H¨ older continuous functions of τ0 on the connected components of the set τ : v(τ ) ≤ ε∗ , |τ | ≤ 2Σ . The cubic (9.9) is stable (cf. (8.34)) in the sense that |μ3 | + |μ2 | ∼ ψ + σ 2 ∼ 1 .


Both the rest term r(ω) = r(ω; τ0 ) (cf. (9.6)) and Θ(ω) are differentiable as functions of ω on the domain { ω : v(τ0 + ω) > 0 }, and they satisfy:   |ω| 1/3 |Θ(ω)|  min , |ω| (9.13a) α2 r(ω)  |Θ(ω)|2 + |ω| .


The constants κj = κj (τ0 ) ∈ C, j = 0, 1, 2, 3, and ν(ω) = ν(ω; τ0 ) ∈ C in (9.10) and (9.11) satisfy |κ0 |, . . . , |κ3 |  1


|ν(ω)|  |Θ(ω)| + |ω|  |ω|1/3 ,


and ν(ω) is 1/3-H¨ older continuous in ω. The leading behavior of m on [τ0 − δ, τ0 + δ] is determined by Θ(ω; τ0 ): mx (τ0 + ω) (9.15a) (9.15b)

= mx (τ0 ) + |mx (τ0 )| bx (τ0 ) Θ(ω; τ0 ) + O Θ(ω; τ0 )2 + |ω|

= mx (τ0 ) + |mx (τ0 )|fx (τ0 ) Θ(ω; τ0 ) + O α(τ0 )|ω|1/3 + |ω|2/3 .

All comparison relations hold w.r.t. the model parameters (8.1).



The expansion (2.19) will be obtained by studying the imaginary parts of (9.15). The factorization (9.2b) corresponds to the factorization of the second terms on the right hand side of (9.15). In particular, Ψ(ω; τk ) = Im Θ(ω; τk ). The universality of the function Ψ(ω; τk ) corresponds to Θ(ω) being close to the solution of the ideal cubic obtained from (9.9) and by setting κ1 = κ2 = κ3 = 0 and κ0 = ν(ω) = 0 in (9.10) and (9.11), respectively. Proof of Lemma 9.1. The present lemma is an application of Proposition 8.2 in the case where z = τ0 ∈ supp v and the perturbation is a real number, (9.4). Then the solution to (5.35) is g = m(τ0 + ω). As for the assumptions of Proposition 8.2, we need to verify the second inequality of (8.28), i.e., m(τ0 + ω) − m(τ0 ) ≤ ε∗ ,

|ω| ≤ δ .

This follows from the uniform 1/3-H¨ older continuity of the solution of the QVE (cf. Theorem 2.4) provided we choose δ ∼ ε3∗ sufficiently small. By Theorem 2.4 the solution m is also smooth on the set where α > 0. By Lemma 8.1 and (8.14) the projectors P and Q are uniformly bounded on the connected components of the set where α ≤ ε∗ . This boundedness extends to the real line. Since |m| ∼ 1, the functions u(ω) and r(ω) have the same regularity in ω as m(τ ) has in τ . In particular, (9.13a) follows this way (cf. Corollary 7.3) using α = α(τ0 ) ∼ v(τ0 ). Lemma 8.1 implies the H¨ older regularity of α, σ, ψ. The estimate (9.12) follows from (8.34) provided ε∗ is sufficiently small. The a priori bound (9.13b) for r follows from the analogous general estimate (8.29). The formulas (9.10) for the coefficients μk follow from the general formulas (8.33) by letting η = Im z go to zero. The only non-trivial part is to establish (9.16)



η = 0, α(τ0 + iη)

∀ τ0 ∈ supp v .

Since m(z) ∈ B is continuous in z, F (z) is also continuous as an operator on L2 . Thus taking the limit Im z → 0 of the identity (4.35) yields v v = F , |m| |m| since |m| ∼ 1. If Re z = τ0 , with v(τ0 ) = 0, then the vector v(τ0 )/|m(τ0 )| ∈ L2 is non-zero, and thus an eigenvector of F corresponding to the eigenvalue 1. In particular, we get (9.17)

F (τ0 )L2 →L2 = 1 ,

τ0 ∈ supp v .

If τ0 ∈ supp v is such that v(τ0 ) = 0 then (9.17) follows from a limiting argument τ → τ0 , with v(τ ) = 0, and the continuity of F . Comparing (9.17) with (5.20) implies (9.16). The cubic equation (9.9) in Θ is a rewriting of (8.31). In particular, we have (9.18)

1 + κ0 α + ν(ω) =

|m|(b − f ) 1 κ(u(ω), ω) Ξ(ω) = 1+ + , |m|f |m|f |m|f ω

where κ(u, d) is from (8.31). We set the ω-independent term κ0 α equal to the second term on the right hand side of (9.18). We set ν(ω) equal to the last term in (9.18). Clearly, |κ0 |  1 because b = f + OB (α) and |m|, f ∼ 1. The bound (8.32)



and the H¨ older continuity of Θ yield   4 2  κ(u(ω), ω)    |Θ(ω)| + |ω||Θ(ω)| + |ω|  |Θ(ω)| + |ω|  |ω|1/3 .    ω |ω| This proves (9.14b). The expansions (9.15) follow by expressing m(τ0 + ω) in terms of Θ(ω; τ0 ) and r(ω; τ0 ), and approximating the latter with (8.29).  The following ratio, Π(τ ) :=


|σ(τ )| , v(τ ) 2

will play a key role in the classification of the points in Dε when ε > 0 is small. Indeed, the next result shows that if Π is sufficiently large, then v grows at least like a square root in the direction sign σ. Lemma 9.2 (Monotonicity). There exist thresholds ε∗ , Π∗ ∼ 1, such that (9.20)

(sign σ(τ ))∂τ v(τ ) 

{Π(τ ) ≥ Π∗ } |σ(τ )| , 2 2 σ(τ ) + v(τ ) v(τ )

τ ∈ Dε ∗ .

Proof. By Lemma 9.1 both Θ(ω; τ ) and r(ω; τ ) are differentiable functions in ω, and thus, (9.21)

∂τ m(τ ) = |m(τ )| b(τ ) ∂ω Θ(0; τ ) + |m(τ )| ∂ω r(0; τ ) .

Let us drop the fixed argument τ to simplify notations. Taking imaginary parts of (9.21) yields   ∂τ v = Im ∂τ m = |m| Im b ∂ωΘ(0) + |m| Im ∂ω r(0) . (9.22) By dividing (9.13b) by ω, and using (9.13a), we see that  Θ(ω)2   r (ω)  |ω|   x   ∀x ∈ X.    1+   1+ 4, ω ω α Letting ω → 0, and recalling r(0) = 0, we see that the last term in (9.22) is uniformly bounded, (9.23)

 Im ∂ω r(0)  1 .

We will now show that Im[ b ∂ω Θ ] dominates the second term in (9.21), provided α is sufficiently small and |σ|/α2 ∼ Π is sufficiently large. To this end we first rewrite the cubic (9.9),   Θ(ω) Ξ(ω) μ3 μ2 = − (9.24) Θ(ω) + Θ(ω)2 . 1+ μ1 μ1 ω μ1 From the definition (9.10c) we obtain     |μ1 | ∼ α  σ + O(α2 ) + α2 ψ − σ 2 + O(α) , by distinguishing the cases 2σ 2 ≤ ψ and 2σ 2 > ψ, and using (9.12). Applying (9.14b) to estimate Ξ(ω) we see that the right hand side of (9.24) satisfies (9.25)

1 + O( α + |ω|1/3 ) f |m| Ξ(ω) . = μ1 2 iασ − α2 (ψ − σ 2 ) + O(α3 )



From (9.13a) we see that Θ(ω) → 0 as ω → 0. Hence taking the limit ω → 0 in (9.24) and recalling |μ2 |, |μ3 |  1, yields  dΘ  f |m| α2 (ψ − σ 2 ) + i α σ + O(α3 + |σ|α2 ) = . ∂ωΘ(0) = (9.26)  dω ω=0 2 α2 |σ + O(α2 )|2 + α4 |ψ − σ 2 + O(α)|2 Using b = f + OB (α) and f |m| ∼ 1, we conclude from (9.26) that (9.27)

  (sign σ) Im b ∂ωΘ(0) ∼

1 |σ| + OB (α2 + |σ|α) . |σ + O(α2 )|2 + α2 |ψ − σ 2 + O(α)|2 α

By definitions |σ|/α2 ∼ Π ≥ Π∗ . Hence, if Π∗ ∼ 1 is sufficiently large, then the fac tor multiplying 1/α on the right hand side of (9.27) scales like min |σ|−1 , α−2 |σ| . Here we used again (9.12). Using (9.22), (9.23), and α ∼ v from (9.27) we obtain   1 |σ| 1 , + OB (1) . (sign σ) ∂τ v ∼ min 2 |σ| v v By taking Π∗ ∼ 1 sufficiently large and ε∗ ∼ 1 sufficiently small the term OB (1) can be ignored and (9.20) follows.  9.1. Expansion around non-zero minima of generating density Lemma 9.2 shows that if τ0 ∈ Dε∗ is a non-zero minimum of τ → v(τ ) , i.e., v(τ0 ) > 0, then ∂τ v(τ0 ) = 0, and hence Π(τ0 ) < Π∗ . Now we show that any point τ0 satisfying Π(τ0 ) < Π∗ is an approximate minimum of v , and its shape is described by the universal shape function Ψmin : R → [0, ∞) introduced in Definition 2.5. Proposition 9.3 (Non-zero local minimum). If τ0 ∈ Dε∗ satisfies (9.28)

Π(τ0 ) < Π∗ ,

where Π∗ ∼ 1 is from Lemma 9.2 (in particular if τ0 is a non-zero local minimum of v ), then      |ω| ω , |ω|2/3 (9.29) vx (τ0 + ω) − vx (τ0 ) = hx v Ψmin Γ 3 + O min v v for some ω-independent constants hx = hx (τ0 ) ∼ 1 and Γ = Γ(τ0 ) ∼ 1. Here v = v(τ0 ) , σ = σ(τ0 ), etc. are evaluated at τ0 . Using (2.14b) we see that the first term on the right hand side of (9.29) satisfies     |ω|2 ω 1/3 (9.30) , |ω| , ω ∈ R. v Ψmin Γ 3 ∼ min v v 5 Comparing this with the last term of (9.29) we see that the first term dominates the error on the right hand side of (9.29) provided v 4  |ω|  1. Applying the lemma at two distinct base points hence yields the following property of the non-zero minima. Corollary 9.4 (Location of non-zero minima). Suppose two points τ1 , τ2 ∈ Dε satisfy the hypotheses of Proposition 9.3. Then, either 4 (9.31) |τ1 − τ2 |  1 , or |τ1 − τ2 |  min v(τ1 ) , v(τ2 ) .



Proof. Suppose the points τ1 and τ2 qualify as the base points for Proposition 9.3. Then the corresponding expansions (9.29) are compatible only if the base points satisfy the dichotomy (9.31). For the second bound in (9.31) we use (9.30).  We will use the standard convention on complex powers. Definition 9.5 (Complex powers). We define complex powers ζ → ζ γ , γ ∈ C, on C\(−∞, 0), by setting ζ γ := exp( γ log ζ ), where log : C\(−∞, 0) → C is a continuous branch of the complex logarithm with log 1 = 0. We denote by arg : C\(−∞, 0) → (−π, π), the corresponding angle function. Proof of Proposition 9.3. Without loss of generality it suffices to prove (9.29) in the case |ω| ≤ δ for some sufficiently small constant δ ∼ 1. Indeed, when |ω|  1 the expansion (9.29) becomes trivial since the last term is O(1) and therefore dominates all the other terms, including |vx (τ )| ≤ |||m|||R ∼ 1. Similarly, we may restrict ourselves to the setting where the quantity |σ| , α satisfies χ ≤ χ∗ , for some sufficiently small threshold χ∗ ∼ 1. In particular, we assume that χ∗ is so small that χ ≤ χ∗ implies v ≤ ε∗ . Let us denote by γk ∈ C, k = 0, 1, 2, ..., generic ω-independent numbers, satisfying (9.32)


χ := α +

|γk |  χ .

Since Π ∼ |σ|/α2 and Π ≤ Π∗ we have |σ| ≤ Π∗ χ2∗ . From (9.12) it hence follows that ψ ∼ 1 for sufficiently small χ∗ ∼ 1. Thus the cubic (9.9) takes the form Θ(ω) 3 + i3α(1 + γ3 )Θ(ω) 2 − 2α2 (1 + γ2 )Θ(ω) (9.34)

+ (1 + γ0 + (1 + γ1 )ν(ω))

f |m| ω = 0. ψ

Using the following normal coordinates, ω λ := Γ 3 α  (9.35) √ 1 α3

λ + i + γ5 , Ω(λ) := 3 (1 + γ4 ) Θ α Γ √ where Γ := ( 27/2) |m|f /ψ ∼ 1, (9.34) reduces to (9.36)

Ω(λ) 3 + 3 Ω(λ) + 2Λ(λ) = 0 .

Here the constant term Λ : R → C is given by Λ(λ) := ( 1 + γ6 + (1 + γ7 )μ(λ)) λ + γ8 α3

(9.37) λ . μ(λ) := ν Γ The following lemma presents Cardano’s solution for the reduced cubic (9.36) in a form that is convenient for our analysis. We omit the proof of this well know result.



Lemma 9.6 (Roots of reduced cubic with positive linear coefficient). The following holds: (9.38)

Ω 3 + 3 Ω + 2ζ = (Ω − Ω+ (ζ))(Ω − Ω0 (ζ))(Ω − Ω− (ζ)) ,

∀ζ ∈ C ,

where the three root functions Ωa : C → C, a = 0, ±, are given by Ω0 := − 2 Φodd

√ Ω± := Φodd ± i 3 Φeven ,


with Φeven and Φodd denoting the even and odd parts of the function Φ : C → C, 1/3

 (9.39b) 1 + ζ2 + ζ , Φ(ζ) := respectively. The roots (9.39) are analytic and distinct on the set, C := C\{ i ξ : ξ ∈ R, |ξ| > 1} .


Indeed, if Ωa (ζ) = Ωb (ζ), for a = b, then ζ = ±i . Since Ω(λ), defined in (9.35), solves the cubic (9.36), there exists A : R → {0, ±}, such that (9.41)

Ω(λ) = ΩA(λ) (Λ(λ)) ,

λ ∈ R.

In the normal coordinates the restriction |ω| ≤ δ becomes |λ| ≤ λ∗ , where δ . α3 Nevertheless, for sufficiently small δ ∼ 1 the function Λ in (9.37) is a small perturbation of the identity function. Indeed, from (9.37) and the bounds (9.14b) and (9.13a) on ν and Θ, respectively, we get  α3    λ  + α3 |λ| |μ(λ)|  Θ Γ (9.43) when |λ| ≤ λ∗ .  α|λ| 1/3  δ 1/3 , |λ| ≤ λ∗ := Γ


Hence, if the thresholds δ, χ∗  1 are sufficiently small, then (9.44)

Λ(λ) ∈ G ,

where (9.45)

G :=

and |Λ(λ)| ∼ |λ| ,

|λ| ≤ λ∗ ,


 ζ ∈ C : dist ζ, i(−∞, −1) ∪ i(+1, +∞) ≥ 1/2 .

By Lemma 9.6 the root functions have uniformly bounded derivatives on this subset of C. The following lemma which is proven in Appendix A.6 is used for replacing Λ(λ) by λ in (9.41). Lemma 9.7 (Stability of roots). There exist positive constants c1 , C1 such that if ζ ∈ G and ξ ∈ C satisfy (9.46)

|ξ | ≤ c1 (1 + |ζ|) ,

then the roots (9.39) are stable in the sense that    Ωa (ζ + ξ) − Ωa (ζ) ≤ C1 |ξ | , (9.47) 1 + |ζ|2/3

a = 0, ± .



From (9.44) we see that Λ(λ) = ± i, and hence the roots do not coincide. Moreover, we know from Lemma 9.1 and (9.35): SP-1 The function λ → Ω(λ) is continuous. This simple fact will be the first of the four selection principles (SP) used for determining the correct roots of the cubic (9.9) in the following (cf. Lemma 9.9). Since the roots Ωa |G are also continuous by Lemma 9.6, we conclude that the labelling function A in (9.41) stays constant on the interval [−λ∗ , λ∗ ]. In order to determine this constant, a := A(λ), we use the second selection principle: SP-2 The initial value Ω(0) is consistent with Θ(0) = 0 . Plugging Θ(0) = 0 into (9.35) yields √ √ |σ|

(9.48) . Ω(0) = i 3 (1 + γ5 ) = i 3 + O α + α On the other hand, using Lemma 9.7 and (9.37) we get |σ|

(9.49) Ωa (Λ(0)) = Ωa (γ8 ) = Ωa (0) + O α + , α where √ and Ω± (0) = ±i 3 . Ω0 (0) = 0 Comparing this with (9.48) and (9.49), we see that for sufficiently small α+|σ|/α  χ∗ , only the the choice A(0) = + satisfies SP-2. As the last step we derive the expansion (9.29) using the formula

(9.50) vx (τ0 + ω) − vx (τ0 ) = |mx | fx Im Θ(ω) + O α |Θ(ω)| + |Θ(ω)|2 + |ω| , which follows by taking the imaginary part of (9.15a). We also used bx = (1 + O(α))fx and fx ∼ 1 here. Let us express Θ in terms of the normal coordinates using (9.35) ) * Ω+(Λ(λ)) α √ Θ(ω) = − i − γ5 . (9.51) 1 + γ4 3 Here, ω and λ are related by (9.35). Since Θ(0) = 0, and Λ(0) = γ8 (cf. (9.37)), we get Ω+(γ8 ) . i + γ5 = √ 3 Using this identity and Λ(λ) = γ8 + Λ0 (λ)


Λ0 (λ) := (1 + γ6 + (1 + γ7 )μ(λ))λ ,

we rewrite the formula (9.51) as (9.52)

  α Θ(ω) = (1 + O(χ)) √ Ω+(γ8 + Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(γ8 ) . 3

From (9.44) we know that the arguments of Ω+ in (9.52) are in G. Using the uniform boundedness of the derivatives of Ω|G , and the bound |Φ(ζ)|  1 + |ζ|1/3 , we get    Ω+(γ8 + Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(γ8 )   min |λ|, |λ|1/3 , (9.53) |λ| ≤ λ∗ .



By using (9.53) in (9.43) and (9.52) we estimate the sizes of both μ(λ) and Θ(ω),  α3    (9.54) |μ(λ)| + Θ |λ| ≤ λ∗ . λ   α min |λ|, |λ|1/3 , Γ In order to extract the exact leading order terms, we express the difference on the right hand side of (9.52) using the mean value theorem (9.55)

Ω+(γ8 + Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(γ8 ) = Ω+(Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(0) & ∂ % + γ8 Ω+(ζ + Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(ζ) , ∂ζ ζ =γ

where γ ∈ G is some point on the line segment connecting 0 and γ8 . Using (9.54) and Lemma 9.7 on the first term on the right hand side of (9.55) shows

Ω+(Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(0) = Ω+(λ) − Ω+(0) + O χ min |λ|, |λ|2/3 . (9.56) From an explicit calculation we get |∂ζ Ω+(ζ)|  1, for ζ ∈ G. Thus  %  & ∂     ∂ζ Ω+(ζ + Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(ζ) ζ = γ   min |λ|, 1 . Plugging this and (9.56) into (9.55) yields

(9.57) Ω+(γ8 + Λ0 (λ)) − Ω+(γ8 ) = Ω+(λ) − Ω+(0) + O χ min |λ|, |λ|2/3 . Via (9.52) we use this to represent the leading order term in (9.50). By approximating all the other terms in (9.50) with (9.54) we obtain

vx (τ0 + ω) − vx (τ0 )     (9.58)

2  Im Ω+(λ) − Ω+(0) 2/3 √ = |m|x fx α + O α + |σ| min |λ|, |λ| . 3 Using the formulas (9.39) and (9.39b), we identify the universal shape function from (2.14b),   Im Ω+(λ) − Ω+(0) √ . Ψmin (λ) = 3 Denoting hx := (α/ v )fx and writing λ in terms of ω in (9.58) the expansion (9.29) follows.  9.2. Expansions around minima where generating density vanishes Together with Proposition 9.3 the next result covers the behavior of v|Dε around its minima for sufficiently small ε ∼ 1. For each τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v, satisfying σ(τ0 ) = 0, we associate the gap length,   Δ(τ0 ) := inf ξ ∈ (0, 2Σ ] : v(τ0 − sign σ(τ0 )ξ ) > 0 , (9.59) with the convention Δ(τ0 ) := 2Σ in case the infimum does not exist. We will see below that if τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v, then σ(τ0 ) = 0 and sign σ(τ0 ) is indeed the direction in which the set supp v continues from τ0 . Because supp v ⊂ [−Σ, Σ ] the number Δ(τ0 ) thus defines the length of the actual gap in supp v starting at τ0 , with the convention that the gap length is 2Σ for the extreme edges. We will use the notations ϕ(τ + 0) and ϕ(τ − 0), for the right and the left limits limξ↓τ ϕ(ξ) and limξ↑τ ϕ(ξ), respectively.



Recall the definition (2.14a) of the universal edge shape function Ψedge : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞). Proposition 9.8 (Vanishing local minimum). Suppose τ0 ∈ supp v with v(τ0 ) = 0. Depending on the value of σ = σ(τ0 ) either of the following holds: (i) If σ(τ0 ) = 0, then τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v and supp v continues in the direction sign σ, such that for (sign σ) ω ≥ 0,      |ω| |ω| 1/3 2/3 , |ω| vx (τ0 + ω) = hx Δ Ψedge (9.60) , + O min Δ Δ1/3 where hx = hx (τ0 ) ∼ 1, and Δ = Δ(τ0 ) is the length of the gap in supp v in the direction − sign σ from τ0 (cf. (9.59)). Furthermore, the gap length satisfies (9.61)

Δ(τ0 ) ∼ |σ(τ0 )|3 ,

while the shapes in the x-direction match at the opposite edges of the gap in the sense that h(τ1 ) = h(τ0 ) + OB ( Δ1/3 ), for τ1 = τ0 − sign σ(τ0 ) Δ. (ii) If σ(τ0 ) = 0, then dist(τ0 , ∂ supp v) ∼ 1, and for some hx = hx (τ0 ) ∼ 1: 

(9.62) vx (τ0 + ω) = hx |ω|1/3 + O |ω|2/3 . From the explicit formula (2.14a) one sees that the leading order term in (9.60) satisfies ⎧ 1/2   ⎨ω ω when 0 ≤ ω  Δ ; 1/6 Δ1/3 Ψedge (9.63) ∼ ⎩ Δ1/3 Δ when ω  Δ . ω In particular, if an edge τ0 is separated by a gap of length Δ(τ0 ) ∼ 1 from the opposite edge of the gap, then v grows like a square root. Proposition 9.8 is proven at the end of Subsection 9.2.2 by combining various auxiliary results which we prove in the following two sections. What is common with these intermediate results is that the underlying cubic (9.9) is always of the form (9.64)

ψ Θ(ω)3 + σ Θ(ω)2 + (1 + ν(ω)) |m|f ω = 0 ,

ψ + |σ|2 ∼ 1 ,

since α(τ0 ) = v(τ0 ) = 0 at the base point τ0 . In order to analyze (9.64) we bring it to a normal form by an affine transformation. This corresponds to expressing the variables ω and Θ in terms of normal variables Ω and λ, such that (9.65)

Ω(λ) = κ Θ(Γλ) + Ω0 ,

with some λ-independent parameters κ = κ(τ0 ), Γ = Γ(τ0 ) > 0, and Ω0 ∈ C. These parameters will be defined on a case by case basis. We remark, that in the proof of Proposition 9.3 the coordinate transformations (9.35) were of the form (9.65). In the following, the variable Ω(λ) will be identified with roots of various cubic polynomials that depend on the type of base points τ0 , similarly to (9.41) above. In order to choose the correct roots we use the following selection principles. Lemma 9.9 (Selection principles). If v(τ0 ) = 0 at the base point τ0 ∈ supp v of the expansion (9.65), then Ω(λ) = Ω(λ; τ0 ) defined in (9.65) has the properties: SP-1 λ → Ω(λ) is continuous; SP-2 Ω(0) = Ω0 ;



  SP-3 Im Ω(λ) − Ω(0) ≥ 0, ∀λ ∈ R; SP-4 If the imaginary part of Ω grows slower than a square root in a direction θ ∈ {±1}, lim ξ −1/2 Im Ω(θξ ) = 0 , ξ →0+

then Ω|I is real and non-decreasing on an interval I := {θξ : 0 < ξ < Δ }, with some Δ > 0. For the proof, by combining (9.8), (8.10c) and (9.65) we see that  f  Ω(λ) = κ , m(τ0 + Γλ) − m(τ0 ) + Ω0 , (9.66) |m| where κ, Γ > 0 and Ω0 ∈ C are from (9.65). Thus the first three selection principles follow trivially from the corresponding properties Im m(τ0 ) = 0 and Im m(τ ) ≥ 0 of m. The property SP-4 follows from (9.66) and the next result. Lemma 9.10 (Growth condition). Suppose v(τ0 ) = 0 and that v grows slower than any square-root in a direction θ ∈ {±1}, i.e., (9.67)

lim inf ξ →0+

v(τ0 + θξ) = 0. ξ 1/2

Then v actually vanishes, Im m |I = 0, while Re m is non-decreasing on some interval I = {τ0 + θ ξ : 0 ≤ ξ ≤ Δ}, for some Δ > 0. If the lim inf in (9.67) is non-zero, then either θ = sign σ(τ0 ) or σ(τ0 ) = 0. Proof. We will prove below that if v(τ0 ) = 0, and inf ξ > 0 : v(τ0 + θξ) > 0 = 0 (9.68) for some direction θ ∈ {±1}, then (9.69)

lim inf ξ →0+

v(τ0 + θξ) > 0. ξ 1/2

Assuming this implication, the lemma follows easily: If (9.67) holds, then (9.68) is not true, i.e., there is a non-trivial interval I = {τ0 + θξ : 0 ≤ ξ ≤ Δ}, Δ > 0, such that v|I = 0. As the negative of a Hilbert-transform of vx (cf. (2.8)), the function τ → Re mx (τ ), is non-decreasing on I. This proves the first part of the lemma. We will now prove that (9.68) implies (9.69). The key idea is to use Lemma 9.2 to prove that v grows at least like a square root. However, first we use Proposition 9.3 to argue that the indicator function on the right hand side of (9.20) is non-zero in a non-trivial neighborhood of τ0 . To this end, assume 0 < v(τ ) ≤ ε and Π(τ ) < Π∗ . If ε, δ > 0 are sufficiently small, then Proposition 9.3 can be applied with τ as the base point. In particular, (9.29) and (9.30) imply (9.70)

v(τ + ω) ∼ v(τ ) + |ω|1/3 > 0 ,

|ω| ≤ δ .

Suppose τ0 satisfies (9.68). Since v(τ0 ) = 0 the lower bound in (9.70), applied to ω = τ0 − τ , implies |τ − τ0 | > δ. As τ was arbitrary we conclude Π(τ ) ≥ Π∗ for every τ in the set I := τ ∈ R : |τ − τ0 | ≤ δ , 0 < v(τ ) ≤ ε .



Applying Lemma 9.2 on I, recalling the upper bound on |∂z m| from Corollary 7.3, yields (9.71)

v −1  (sign σ) ∂τ v  v −2 ,

on I .

Since v is analytic when non-zero, and dist(τ0 , I) = 0 by (9.68), we conclude that I equals the interval with end points τ0 and τ1 := τ0 + θδ. Here we set δ  ε3 so small that the 1/3-H¨ older continuity of m guarantees v ≤ ε on I. Moreover, sign σ(τ ) must equal the constant θ for every τ ∈ I: If σ changed its sign at some point τ∗ ∈ I this would violate Π(τ∗ ) ≥ Π∗ as v is a continuous function. Integrating (9.71) from τ0 to τ1 we see that v(τ0 +θξ) 2  ξ for any ξ ≤ |τ1 −τ0 |. This proves the limit (9.69), and hence the first part of the lemma. The second part of the lemma follows from (9.71).  9.2.1. Simple edge and sharp cusp. When |σ| > 0 and |ω| is sufficiently small compared to |σ| the cubic term ψ Θ(ω)3 in (9.64) can be ignored. In this regime the following simple expansion holds showing the square root behavior of v near an edge of its support. Lemma 9.11 (Simple edge). If τ0 ∈ supp v satisfies v(τ0 ) = 0 and σ = σ(τ0 ) = 0, then ⎧   ω

⎨   ω 1/2 if 0 ≤ (sign σ) ω ≤ c∗ |σ|3 ; hx   + O 2 (9.72) vx (τ0 + ω) = σ σ ⎩0 if − c∗ |σ|3 ≤ (sign σ) ω ≤ 0 ; for some sufficiently small c∗ ∼ 1. Here h = h (τ0 ) ∈ B satisfies hx ∼ 1. This result already shows that supp v continues in the direction sign σ(τ0 ) and in the opposite direction there is a gap of length Δ(τ0 )  |σ(τ0 )|3 in the set supp v. We will see later (cf. Lemma 9.17) that for small |σ(τ0 )| there is an asymptotically sharp correspondence between Δ(τ0 ) and |σ(τ0 )|3 , as Δ(τ0 ) becomes very small. Proof. Treating the cubic term ψ Θ3 in (9.64) as a perturbation, (9.64) takes the form (9.73)

Ω(λ)2 + Λ(λ) = 0 ,

in the normal coordinates, ω σ Θ(σλ) Ω(λ) :=  , |m|f λ :=


where Λ : R → C is a multiplicative perturbation of λ: Λ(λ) := (1 + μ(λ)) λ (9.75) 1 + ν(σλ) . 1 + μ(λ) := 1 + (ψ/σ) Θ(σλ) Let λ∗ = c∗ |σ|2 , with some c∗ ∼ 1, so that the constraint |ω| ≤ c∗ |σ|3 in (9.72) translates into |λ| ≤ λ∗ . Using the a priori bounds (9.13a) and (9.14b) for Θ and ν yields  ψ  1/3 |μ(λ)|  1 + Θ(σλ) + |σ| |λ|  c∗ . (9.76) |σ|



Hence, for sufficiently small c∗ ∼ 1 we get |μ(λ)| < 1, provided |λ| ≤ λ∗ . Let us define two root functions Ωa : C → C, a = ±, such that (9.77) by setting (9.78)

Ωa (ζ)2 + ζ = 0 ,  i ζ 1/2 Ω± (ζ) := ± −(−ζ) 1/2

if Re ζ ≥ 0 ; if Re ζ < 0 .

Note that we use the same symbol Ωa for the roots as in (9.39) for different functions. In each expansion Ωa will denote the root function of the appropriate normal form of the cubic. Comparing (9.73) and (9.77) we see that there exists a labelling function A : R → {±}, such that Ω(λ) = ΩA(λ) (Λ(λ)) , for every λ ∈ R. The function A|[−λ∗ , λ∗ ] will now be determined using the selection principles SP-1 and SP-3. The restrictions of the root functions onto the half spaces Re ζ > 0 and Re ζ < 0 are continuous (analytic) and distinct, i.e., Ω+ (ζ) = Ω− (ζ) for ζ = 0. Since Ω : R → C is also continuous by SP-1, A(λ) may change its value at some point λ = λ0 only if Λ(λ0 ) = 0. Since |μ(λ)| < 1 for |λ| ≤ λ∗ we conclude that Λ(λ) = 0 only for λ = 0. Thus, there exist two labels a+ , a− ∈ {±}, such that (9.79)

A(λ) = a±

∀ λ ∈ ± ( 0, λ∗ ] .

Let us first consider the case λ > 0, and show that a+ = +. Indeed, the choice a+ = − is ruled out, since &

% (9.80) Im Ω− (Λ(λ)) = Im − i (1 + μ(λ))1/2 λ1/2 = −λ1/2 + O μ(λ) λ1/2 is negative for sufficiently small c∗ ∼ 1 in (9.76), and this violates the selection principle SP-3. By definitions, |Θ(σλ)| ∼ | Ω+ (λ)|  |Λ(λ)|1/2 ∼ |λ|1/2 . Using ψ/|σ|  |σ|−1 , with |σ|  1, we write (9.76) in the form |μ(λ)|  |σ|−1 |λ|1/2 . Similarly, as (9.80) we obtain


, λ ∈ [ 0, λ∗ ] . Ω(λ) = Ω+ (λ) + O μ(λ) λ1/2 = i λ1/2 + O σ Inverting (9.74) we obtain  ω 1/2 ω

  (9.81) sign σ = sign ω . Im Θ(ω) = |m| f 1/2   + O 2 , σ σ Taking the imaginary part of (9.15) and using (9.81) yields the first line of (9.72), with hx = |m|f 1/2 |mx |fx . Since |mx |, fx ∼ 1, we also have hx ∼ 1. In order to prove the second line of (9.72) we show that the gap length (cf. (9.59)) satisfies (9.82)

Δ(τ0 )  |σ(τ0 )|3 .

At the opposite edge of the gap τ1 := τ0 −sign σ(τ0 ) Δ(τ0 ), the density v increases, by definition, in the opposite direction than at τ0 . By Lemma 9.10 the average



generating density v increases at least like a square root function and either older continuous, σ can sign σ(τ1 ) = − sign σ(τ0 ) or σ(τ1 ) = 0. Since σ is 1/3-H¨ not change arbitrarily fast. Namely, we have Δ(τ0 )  |σ(τ0 )|3 , and this proves (9.82).  Although not necessary for the proof of the present lemma, it can be shown that a− := − using the selection principle SP-4. The same reasoning will be used in the proofs of the next two lemmas (cf. (9.91) and discussion after that). Next we consider the marginal case where the term σ Θ(ω)2 is absent in the cubic (9.64). In this case v has a cubic root cusp shape around the base point. Lemma 9.12 (Sharp cusp). If τ0 ∈ supp v is such that v(τ0 ) = σ(τ0 ) = 0, then

(9.83) vx (τ0 + ω) = hx |ω|1/3 + O |ω|2/3 , where h = h(τ0 ) ∈ B satisfies hx ∼ 1. Contrasting this with Lemma 9.11 shows that σ(τ0 ) = 0 for τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v. In particular, the gap length Δ(τ0 ) is always well defined for τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v (cf. (9.59)). Proof. First we note that it suffices to prove (9.83) only for |ω| ≤ δ, where δ ∼ 1 can be chosen to be sufficiently small. When |ω| > δ the last term may dominate the first term on the right hand side of (9.83), and thus we have nothing to prove. Since σ = 0, the quadratic term is missing in (9.64), and thus the cubic reduces to Ω(λ)3 + Λ(λ) = 0 ,

(9.84) using the normal coordinates (9.85)

λ := ω ψ 1/3 Θ(λ) . Ω(λ) := |m|f

Here, Λ : R → C is a perturbation of the identity function: (9.86)

Λ(λ) := (1 + ν(λ)) λ .

Note that ψ ∼ 1 because of (9.12). Let us define three root functions Ωa : C → C, a = 0, ±, satisfying Ωa (ζ)3 + ζ = 0 , by the explicit formulas Ω0 (ζ) := − p3 (ζ) √ (9.87) −1 ± i 3 Ω± (ζ) := p3 (ζ) , 2 where p3 : C → C is a (non-standard) branch of the complex cubic root,  ζ 1/3 when Re ζ > 0 ; p3 (ζ) := (9.88) 1/3 when Re ζ < 0 . −(−ζ ) From (9.84) we see that there exists a labelling A : R → {0, ±}, such that (9.89)

Ω(λ) = ΩA(λ) (Λ(λ)) .



Similarly as before, we conclude that Ω and the roots are continuous (cf. SP-1) on R and on the half-spaces {ζ ∈ C : ±Re ζ > 0}, respectively. This implies that A(λ0 − 0) = A(λ0 + 0) if and only if Λ(λ0 ) = 0. From the a priori estimate |ν(λ)|  |λ|1/3 (cf. (9.14b)) we see that there exists δ ∼ 1 such that Λ(λ) = 0, for 0 < |λ| ≤ δ. Hence, we conclude (9.90)

A(λ) = a± ,

∀ λ ∈ ±(0, δ ] .

The choices a+ = − and a− = + are excluded by the selection principle SP-3: Similarly as in (9.80), using (9.14b), we get √

(9.91) ± (sign λ) Im Ω± (Λ(λ)) = 3 |λ|1/3 + O ν(λ) λ1/3 ≥ |λ|1/3 − C |λ|2/3 . 2 From this it follows that Im Ω− (Λ(λ)) < 0 for small |λ| > 0. Thus SP-3 implies a± = ∓. We will now exclude the choices a± = 0. Similarly as for (9.91) we use (9.14b) to get (9.92)

Re Ω0 (Λ(λ)) ≤ −λ1/3 + Cλ2/3 Im Ω0 (Λ(λ))  |ν(λ)| |λ|1/3  |λ|2/3 ,

for λ ≥ 0. If a+ = 0, then these two bounds together would violate SP-4. The choice a− = 0 is excluded similarly. Thus we are left with the unique choices a+ = + and a− = −. The expansion (9.83) is obtained similarly as in the proof of Lemma 9.11. First, we use (9.85) and (9.91) to solve for Im Θ(ω). Then we take the imaginary part of (9.15b) to express vx (τ0 + ω) in terms of Im Θ(ω). We identify √ 3 |m|f 1/3 |mx |fx , hx := 2 ψ in the expansion (9.83). From ψ, |m|, f ∼ 1 it follows that hx ∼ 1.

9.2.2. Two nearby edges. In this section we consider the generic case of the cubic (9.64) where neither the cubic nor the quadratic term can be neglected. First, we remark that Lemma 9.11 becomes ineffective as |σ| approaches zero since the cubic term of (9.93)

ψ Θ(ω)3 + σ Θ(ω)2 + (1 + ν(ω)) |m|f ω = 0 ,

ψ, σ = 0 ,

was treated as a perturbation of a quadratic equation along with ν(ω) in the proof. Thus we need to consider the case where |σ| is small. Indeed, we will assume that |σ| ≤ σ∗ , where σ∗ ∼ 1 is a threshold parameter that will be adjusted so that the analysis of the cubic (9.93) simplifies sufficiently. In particular, we will choose σ∗ so small that the number Δ = Δ(τ0 ) > 0 defined by (9.94)

Δ :=

|σ|3 4 , 27 |m|f ψ 2

satisfies (9.95)

Δ ∼ |σ|3 ,


|σ| ≤ σ∗ .

Note that the existence of σ∗ ∼ 1 such that (9.95) holds follows from fx , |mx | ∼ 1 and the stability of the cubic (9.12). Indeed, (9.12) shows that ψ ∼ 1 when |σ| ≤ σ∗



for some small enough σ∗ ∼ 1. We will see below (cf. Lemma 9.17) that Δ(τ0 ) approximates the gap length Δ(τ0 ) when the latter is small. Introducing the normal coordinates, ω λ := 2 Δ (9.96) ψ Δ

Ω(λ) := 3 Θ λ + sign σ , |σ| 2 the generic cubic (9.93) reduces to Ω(λ) 3 − 3 Ω(λ) + 2 Λ(λ) = 0 ,

(9.97) with the constant term (9.98)

Λ(λ) := sign σ + (1 + μ(λ))λ , Δ

(9.99) λ . μ(λ) := ν 2 Here, Λ(λ) is considered as a perturbation of sign σ + λ. Indeed, from (9.14b) and (9.99) we see that |μ(λ)|  δ 1/3 . The left hand side of equation (9.97) is a cubic polynomial of Ω(λ) with a constant term Λ(λ). It is very similar to (9.36) but with an opposite sign in the linear term. Cardano’s formula in this case read as follows. Lemma 9.13 (Roots of reduced cubic with negative linear coefficient). For any ζ ∈ C, (9.100)

Ω 3 − 3 Ω + 2 ζ = (Ω − Ω+ (ζ))(Ω − Ω0 (ζ))(Ω − Ω− (ζ)) ,

where the three root functions Ω : C → C,  = 0, ±, have the form Ω0 := −(Φ+ + Φ− )

√ 3 1 Ω± := (Φ+ + Φ− ) ± i (Φ+ − Φ− ) . 2 2 The auxiliary functions Φ± : C → C, are defined by (recall Definition 9.5) ⎧  1/3 2 ⎪ if Re ζ ≥ 1 , ⎪ ⎨ ζ ± ζ − 1  1/3 2 (9.101b) Φ± (ζ) := ζ ±i 1−ζ if |Re ζ | < 1 , ⎪ ⎪ ⎩− −ζ ∓ ζ 2 − 1 1/3 if Re ζ ≤ −1 . (9.101a)

On the simply connected complex domains (9.102) C0 := ζ ∈ C : |Re ζ| < 1 , and

C± :=

ζ ∈ C : ±Re ζ > 1 ,

the respective restrictions of Ωa are analytic and distinct. Indeed, if Ωa (ζ) = Ωb (ζ) holds for some a = b and ζ ∈ C, then ζ = ±1. This lemma is analogue of Lemma 9.6 but for (9.97) instead of (9.36). As before the meaning of the symbols Ωa , λ, etc., is changed accordingly. Comparing (9.97) and (9.100) we see that there exists a function A : R → {0, ±} such that (9.103)

Ω(λ) = ΩA(λ) (Λ(λ)) .



We will determine the values of A inside the following three intervals I1 := −(sign σ)[−λ1 , 0 ) I2 := −(sign σ)( 0, λ2 ]


I3 := −(sign σ)[ λ3 , λ1 ] , which are defined by their boundary points, (9.105)

λ1 := 2

δ Δ


λ2 := 2 −  |σ| ,

λ3 := 2 +  |σ| ,

for some  ∼ 1. The shape of the imaginary parts of the roots Ωa on the intervals I1 , I2 and I3 is shown in Figure 9.1. The number λ1 is the expansion range δ in the normal coordinates. From (9.95) it follows that (9.106)


δ δ ≤ λ1 ≤ C 1 3 , |σ|3 |σ|


|σ| ≤ σ∗ .

The points λ2 and λ3 will act as a lower and an upper bound for the size of the

Figure 9.1. Imaginary parts of the three branches of the roots of the cubic equation. The true solution remains within the allowed error margin indicated by the dashed lines. gap in supp v associated to the edge τ0 , respectively. Given any δ,  ∼ 1 we can choose σ∗ ∼ 1 so small that (9.107)

λ1 ≥ 4 ,

and 1 ≤ λ2 < 2 < λ3 ≤ 3 ,

provided |σ| ≤ σ∗ .

In particular, the intervals (9.104) are disjoint and non-trivial for a triple (δ, , σ∗ ) chosen this way. The value A(λ) will be uniquely determined to be A(λ) = + using the selection principles if λ lies inside one of the intervals (9.104).



Lemma 9.14 (Choice of roots). There exist δ, , σ∗ ∼ 1, such that (9.107) holds, and if |σ| ≤ σ∗ , then the restrictions of Ω on the intervals Ik := Ik (δ, , σ, Δ), defined in (9.104), satisfy: Ω|Ik = Ω+ ◦ Λ|Ik ,


k = 1, 2, 3 .

Moreover, we have Im Ω(− sign σ λ3 ) > 0 .


The proof of the following simple result is given in Appendix A.6. Lemma 9.15 (Stability of roots). On the connected components of C the roots (9.101a) are stable, i.e.,     (9.110)  Ωa (ζ) − Ωa (ξ)  min |ζ − ξ |1/2, |ζ − ξ |1/3 , (ζ, ξ) ∈ C2− ∪ C20 ∪ C2+ , holds for a = −, 0, +. In particular, suppose ζ and ξ are of the following special form ξ = −θ + λ ζ = −θ + (1 + μ )λ , where θ = ±1, λ ∈ R and μ ∈ C. Suppose also that |λ − 2θ| ≥ 6 κ, and |μ | ≤ κ, for some κ ∈ (0, 1/2). Then for each a = −, 0, + the function Ωa satisfies 1/2 1/3    Ωa (ζ) − Ωa (ξ)  min |λ| , |λ| (9.111) |μ | . κ 1/2 Using Lemma 9.15 we may treat Λ(λ) as a perturbation of sign σ + λ by a small error term λ μ(λ). By expressing the a priori bounds (9.14b) for ν(ω) in the normal coordinates (9.96), and recalling that |λ| ≤ λ1 is equivalent to |ω| ≤ δ, we obtain estimates for this error term, (9.112a)

|μ(λ)| ≤ C2 |σ||λ|1/3 ≤ C3 δ 1/3 ,


provided |σ| ≤ σ∗ ,

|λ| ≤ λ1 .

In the following we will assume that δ ≤ (2C3 )−3 ∼ 1, so that (9.112c)

sup |μ(λ)| ≤ λ:|λ|≤λ1

1 , 2


|σ| ≤ σ∗ .

The a priori bound in the middle of (9.14b) also yields the third estimate of μ in terms of Ω and λ. Indeed, inverting (9.96) and using Ω(0) = sign σ (also from (9.96)), we get (9.112d)

|μ(λ)|  |σ||Ω(λ) − Ω(0)| + |σ|3 |λ| ,


|σ| ≤ σ∗ .

For the sake of convenience, we will restrict our analysis to the case sign σ = −1. The opposite case is handled similarly.



Proof of Lemma 9.14. Let us assume sign σ = −1. We will consider δ ∼ 1 and  ∼ 1 as free parameters which can be adjusted to be as small and large as we need, respectively. Given δ ∼ 1 and  ∼ 1 the threshold σ∗ ∼ 1 is then chosen so small that (9.107) holds. First we show that A(λ) is constant on each Ik , i.e., there are three labels ak ∈ {0, ±} such that (9.113)

A(λ) = ak ,

∀ λ ∈ Ik ,

k = 1, 2, 3 .

In order to prove this we first recall from Lemma 9.13 that the root functions ζ → Ωa (ζ), a = 0, ±, are continuous on the domains Cb , b = 0, ±, and that they may coincide only at points Re ζ = ±1 (Indeed, the roots coincide only at the two points ζ = ±1.). From Lemma 9.1 and SP-1 we see that Λ, Ω : R → C are continuous. Hence, (9.113) will follow from (9.114)

Λ(I1 ) ⊂ C− ,

Λ(I2 ) ⊂ C0 ,

Λ(I3 ) ⊂ C+ ,

since |Re ζ | = 1 for ζ ∈ ∪a Ca (cf. (9.102)). From (9.98) and (9.112c) we get (9.115)

1 Re Λ(λ) = −1 − (1 + Re μ(λ))|λ| ≤ −1 − |λ| < −1 , 2

λ ∈ I1 ,

and thus Λ(I1 ) ⊂ C− . Similarly, we get the first estimate below: (9.116)

1 −1 + |λ| ≤ Re Λ(λ) ≤ −1 + (1 + C2 |σ||λ|1/3 ) |λ| 2 λ ∈ I2 . ≤ 1 − ( − 2 4/3 C2 )|σ| ,

For the second inequality we have used (9.112a), while for the last inequality we have estimated λ ≤ λ2 = 2 − |σ|. Taking  sufficiently large yields Λ(I2 ) ⊂ C0 . In order to show Λ(I3 ) ⊂ C+ we split I3 = [λ3 , λ1 ] into two parts, [λ3 , 4] and (4, λ1 ] (note that [λ3 , 4] ⊂ I3 by (9.107)). In the first part we estimate similarly as in (9.116) to get (9.117)

Re Λ(λ) ≥ −1 + (1 − C2 |σ|λ1/3 ) λ ≥ 1 + ( − 4 4/3 C2 )|σ| ,

λ3 ≤ λ ≤ 4 .

Taking  ∼ 1 large enough the right most expression is larger than 1. If λ1 > 4, we use the rough bound (9.112c) similarly as in (9.115) to obtain Re Λ(λ) = −1 − (1 + Re μ(λ)) λ ≥ −1 +

λ > 1, 2

4 < λ ≤ λ1 .

Together with (9.117) this shows that Λ(I3 ) ⊂ C+ . Next, we will determine the three values ak using the four selection principles of Lemma 9.9. Choice of a1 : The initial condition, i.e., SP-2, must be satisfied, Ωa1 (−1 − 0) = Ωa1 (Λ(0 − 0)) = Ω(0) = −1 . This excludes the choice a1 = 0 since Ω0 (−1−0) = 2. The choice a1 = − is excluded using 1/2-H¨ older continuity (9.110) of the roots (9.101a) inside the domain C− , and


(9.112b): (9.118)


% &

Im Ω− (Λ(−ξ)) = Im Ω− (−1 − ξ) + O |μ(−ξ) ξ |1/2 ≤ −c ξ 1/2 ,

0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1.

For the last bound we have used (9.112a) and the bound (9.119)

± Im Ω± ( 1 + ξ ) = ± Im Ω± (−1 − ξ ) ≥ c3 ξ 1/2 ,

0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1,

which follows from the explicit formulas (9.101a). Since (9.118) violates SP-3 we are left with only one choice: a1 = +. Choice of a2 : Since Ω− (−1 + 0) = 2, while Ω(0) = −1, we exclude the choice a2 = − using SP-2. Moreover, from the explicit formulas of the roots (9.101a) it is easy to see that Im Ωa |(−1,1) = 0 for each of the three roots a = ±, 0. Similarly as in (9.118) we estimate for small enough λ > 0 the real and imaginary part of Ω0 ◦ Λ by (9.120)

Re Ω0 (Λ(λ)) ≤ −1 − c λ1/2 + C|σ|1/2 λ2/3   

 Im Ω0 (Λ(λ)) =  0 + O |μ(λ)λ|1/2   |σ|1/2 λ2/3 .

If a2 = 0, then (9.120) would violate SP-4 for small λ > 0. We are left with only one choice: a2 = +. Choice of a3 : Using the formulas (9.101a) we get Ω0 (1 ± 0) , Ω+ (1 ± 0) , Ω− (1 ± 0) = {1, −2} . Thus, the 1/2-H¨ older regularity (9.110) of the roots (outside the branch cuts) implies

 (9.121) dist Ωa (ζ), {1, −2}  |ζ − 1 |1/2 , ζ ∈ C , a = 0, ± . We will apply this estimate for

 ζ = Λ(λ) = 1 + O |λ − 2| + |σ| ,

λ ∈ [λ2 , λ3 ] .

Using (9.112a) to estimate μ(λ), and recalling that |λ − 2|  |σ|, for λ ∈ [λ2 , λ3 ], (9.103) and (9.121) yield (9.122)

 dist Ω(λ), {1, −2} ≤ max dist Ωa (Λ(λ)) , {1, −2}  |σ|1/2 , a

λ ∈ [λ2 , λ3 ] .

In particular, taking σ∗ ∼ 1 sufficiently small (9.122) implies for every |σ| ≤ σ∗ , Ω([λ2 , λ3 ]) ⊂ B(1, 1) ∪ B(−2, 1) , where B(ζ, ρ) ⊂ C is a complex ball of radius ρ centered at ζ. Since a2 = − and Ω− (1 − 0) = 1 we see that Ω(λ2 − 0) ∈ B(1, 1). The continuity of Ω (cf. SP-1) thus implies Ω([λ2 , λ3 ]) ⊂ B(1, 1) . In particular, | Ω(λ3 ) − 1| ≤ 1, while | Ω0 (Λ(λ3 )) − 1| ≥ 2, since Ω0 (1 + 0) = 2 and Λ(λ3 ) ∈ C+ is close to 1. This shows that a3 = 0. In order to choose a3 among ± we use (9.110) and the symmetry Im Ω− = −Im Ω+ to get (9.123)

± Im Ω± (Λ(λ)) ≥ Im Ω+ (−1 + λ) − C |λ μ(λ)|1/2 ,

λ ∈ I3 .



Since λ3 = 2 + |σ| ≤ 4 combining (9.119) and (9.112a) yields (9.124)

± Im Ω± (Λ(λ3 )) ≥ c (λ3 − 2)1/2 − C|σ|1/2 = (c  1/2 − C )|σ|1/2 .

Taking  ∼ 1 sufficiently large, the last lower bound becomes positive. Thus, the choice: a3 = − is excluded by SP-3. We are left with only one choice a3 = +. The estimate (9.109) follows from (9.124).  For the rest of the analysis we always assume that the triple (δ, , σ∗ ) is from Lemma 9.14. Next we determine the shape of the general edge when the associated gap in supp v is small. Lemma 9.16 (Edge shape). Let τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v and suppose |σ(τ0 )| ≤ σ∗ , where σ∗ ∼ 1 is from Lemma 9.14. Then σ = σ(τ0 ) = 0, and supp v continues in the direction sign σ such that    Ω(λ) − Ω+ (1 + |λ|)  |σ| min |λ| , |λ|2/3 , (9.125) sign λ = sign σ . In particular, (9.126)


Im Ω(λ) = 2 3 Ψedge + O |σ| min |λ| , |λ|2/3 , sign λ = sign σ , 2 where the function Ψedge : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞), defined in (2.14a), satisfies √ (9.127) λ ≥ 0. 2 3 Ψedge (λ) = Im Ω+(1 + 2λ) , We remark that from (2.14a) one obtains: (9.128) Ψedge (λ) ∼ min λ1/2, λ1/3 ,

λ ≥ 0.

Proof of Lemma 9.16. The bound σ = 0 follows from Lemma 9.12. The statement concerning the direction of supp v follows from Lemma 9.11. Without loss of generality we assume σ > 0. Let δ, σ∗ ∼ 1 be from Lemma 9.14. The relation (9.125) is trivial when |λ|  δ/|σ|3 since Ω(λ) and Ω+ (1 + λ) are both O(λ1/3 ) by (9.13a) and (9.101), respectively. Thus, we consider only the case λ ∈ I1 = (0, λ1 ]. Using (9.108) and the stability estimate (9.111), with ρ = 1, we get (9.129)

Ω(λ) = Ω+ (1 + λ + μ(λ)λ)

= Ω+ (1 + λ) + O μ(λ) min λ1/2, λ1/3 ,

λ ∈ I1 = ( 0, λ1 ] .

From (9.112d) we obtain (9.130)

  |μ(λ)|  |σ|  Ω+ (1 + (1 + μ(λ))λ) − Ω+ (1 + 0) + |σ|3 λ .

The stability estimate (9.110) then yields    Ω+ (1 + (1 + μ(λ))λ) − Ω+ (1 + 0)   1/3  1/2  (9.131)  min (1 + μ(λ))λ  , (1 + μ(λ))λ   min λ1/2, λ1/3 , where we have used (9.112c) to obtain |(1 + μ(λ))λ| ∼ λ. Plugging (9.131) into (9.130) and using the resulting bound in (9.129) to estimate μ(λ) yields (9.125). The formula (9.126) follows by taking the imaginary part of (9.125) and using (9.127).



In order to see that (9.127) is equivalent to our original definition (2.14a) of Ψedge (λ) we rewrite the right hand side of (9.127) using (9.101a) and (9.101b).  We know now already from Lemma 9.14 that Im Ω is small in I2 since a2 = + and Im Ω+ (−1 + λ) = 0, λ ∈ I2 . The next result shows that actually Im Ω|I2 = 0 which bounds the size of the gap Δ(τ0 ) from below. Lemma 9.17 (Size of small gap). Suppose τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v. Then the gap length Δ(τ0 ) (cf. (9.59)) is approximated by Δ(τ0 ) for small |σ(τ0 )|, such that 

Δ(τ0 ) = 1 + O σ(τ0 ) . (9.132) Δ(τ0 ) In general Δ(τ0 ) ∼ |σ(τ0 )|3  Δ(τ0 ). Proof. Let (δ, , σ∗ ) be from Lemma 9.14. If σ = σ(τ0 ) satisfies |σ| ≥ σ∗ , then Δ = Δ(τ0 )  |σ|3 by the second line of (9.72). On the other hand, Δ ≤ 2Σ and |σ|  1 by definitions (9.59) and (8.11), respectively. Thus, we find Δ ∼ |σ|3 . Since ψ = ψ(τ0 )  1 we see from (9.94) that Δ = Δ(τ0 )  |σ|3 . Thus, the lemma holds for |σ| ≥ σ∗ . Therefore from now on we will assume 0 < |σ| ≤ σ∗ (σ = 0 by Lemma 9.16). Moreover, it suffices to consider only the case σ < 0 without loss of generality. Let us define the gap length λ0 = λ0 (τ0 ) in the normal coordinates as λ0 := inf λ > 0 : Im Ω(λ) > 0 . (9.133) Comparing this with (9.59) shows (9.134)

λ0 = 2


. Δ From (9.109) we already see that λ0 ≤ λ3 , which is equivalent to  Δ ≤ (1 + |σ|) Δ . (9.135) 2 Since  ∼ 1 the estimate (9.132) hence follows if we prove the lower bound, (9.136)

Δ ≥ (1 − C|σ|) Δ .

Using the representation (9.108) and the perturbation bound (9.110) we get 

Im Ω(λ) = Im Ω+ (−1 + λ) + O |λμ(λ)|1/2 (9.137) ∀ λ ∈ I2 . ≤ 0 + C1 |σ|1/2 , We will show that λ → Im Ω(λ), grows at least like a square root function on the domain {λ : Im Ω(λ) ≤ cε}. More precisely, we will show that if λ0 ≤ 2, then (9.138)

Im Ω(λ0 + ξ )  ξ 1/2 ,

0 ≤ ξ ≤ 1.

Assuming that (9.138) is known, the estimate (9.136) follows from (9.137) and (9.138). Indeed, if λ0 ≥ λ2 = 2 − |σ| then (9.136) is immediate as  ∼ 1. On the other hand, if λ0 < λ2 , then c0 (λ2 − λ0 )1/2 ≤ Im Ω(λ2 ) ≤ C1 |σ|1/2 , by (9.138) and (9.137). Solving this for λ0 yields λ0 ≥ λ2 − (C1 /c0 )2 |σ| ≥ 2 − C |σ| ,



where λ2 = 2 − |σ| with  ∼ 1 (cf. (9.105)) has been used to get the last estimate. Using (9.134) we see that this equals (9.136). Together with (9.135) this proves (9.132). In order to prove the growth estimate (9.138), we express it in the original coordinates (ω, v(τ0 + ω)) using (9.96), (9.8), v(τ0 + Δ) = 0, and f, |m| ∼ 1 (note that b = f since v(τ0 ) = 0):   1/2 1/3  (9.139) , 0≤ω # ≤ δ. # ,ω # )  min 1 + Δ(τ0 )−1/6 ω # v(τ0 + Δ + ω Applying Lemma 9.16 (recalling that σ is H¨older continuous and thus |σ(τ0 + Δ)| ≤ 2σ∗ ) with τ0 + Δ as the base point yields   1/2 1/3  # ,ω # ) ∼ min 1 + Δ(τ0 + Δ )−1/6 ω # (9.140) v(τ0 + Δ + ω , 0≤ω # ≤ δ. The relation (9.140) implies (9.139), provided we show (9.141)

Δ(τ0 + Δ)  Δ(τ0 ) ,


Δ  Δ(τ0 ) .

From the definition (9.94) we get (9.142)

Δ(τ0 + Δ) ∼

|σ(τ0 + Δ)|3 . ψ(τ0 + Δ)2

Using the upper bound (9.135) and (9.95) we see that Δ  Δ(τ0 ) ∼ |σ(τ0 )|3 , for sufficiently small σ∗ ∼ 1. Since σ(τ ) is 1/3-H¨ older continuous in τ , we get (9.143)

|σ(τ0 + Δ)| ≤ |σ(τ0 )| + C Δ1/3  |σ(τ0 )| .

From the stability of the cubic (9.12) it follows that for small enough σ∗ ∼ 1 we have ψ(τ0 + Δ) ∼ ψ(τ0 ) ∼ 1 . Plugging this together with (9.143) into (9.142) yields (9.141).  We have now covered all the parameter regimes of σ and ψ satisfying (9.12). Combining the preceding lemmas yields the expansion around general base points τ0 where v(τ0 ) = 0. We will need the following representation of the edge shape function (2.14a) below: λ1/2 # ( 1 + Ψ(λ)) , λ ≥ 0, 3 # : [0, ∞) → R has uniformly bounded derivatives, and where the smooth function Ψ # Ψ(0) = 0. (9.144)

Ψedge (λ) =

Proof of Proposition 9.8. Let τ0 ∈ supp v satisfy v(τ0 ) = 0. If σ(τ0 ) = 0, then the expansion (9.62) follows directly from Lemma 9.12. In the case 0 < |σ(τ0 )| ≤ σ∗ (9.126) in Lemma 9.16 yields (9.60) with Δ = Δ(τ0 ) in place of Δ = Δ(τ0 ). Here, the threshold σ∗ ∼ 1 is fixed by Lemma 9.14. We will show that replacing Δ with Δ in (9.60) yields an error that is so small that it can be absorbed into the sub-leading order correction of (9.60). Since the smooth # in the representation (9.144) of Ψedge has uniformly bounded auxiliary function Ψ derivatives, we get for every 0 ≤ λ  1, 

(9.145) Ψedge ((1 + )λ) = (1 + )1/2 Ψedge (λ) + O  min λ3/2, λ1/3 , λ ≥ 0 ,



provided the size ||  1 of  ∈ R is sufficiently small. On the other hand, if |λ|  1 then (9.145) follows from (9.111) of Lemma 9.15. Now by Lemma 9.17 we have Δ = (1 + |σ|κ) Δ, where Δ = Δ(τ0 ) and the constant κ ∈ R is independent of λ, and can be assumed to satisfy |κ| ≤ 1/2 (otherwise we reduce σ∗ ∼ 1). Thus applying (9.145) with  = |σ|κ = O( Δ1/3 ), yields        ω ω |ω|3/2 ( 1 + |σ|κ)1/2 |σ| 1/3 1/3 = Δ Ψedge , |ω| |σ| Ψedge , + O min Δ Δ1/3 Δ5/6 Δ for ω ≥ 0. Here, the error on the right hand side is of smaller size than the subleading order term in the expansion (9.60). From (9.15) we identify the formula for hx , in the case 0 < |σ| ≤ σ∗ : ⎧ )1/2 |σ| ⎨ 2(1+|σ|κ √ |mx |fx when 0 < |σ| ≤ σ∗ ; Δ1/3 3ψ hx := 3 Δ1/6  (9.146) ⎩ √ hx when |σ| > σ∗ . |σ|

For |σ| ≤ σ∗ we used (9.126). In the case |σ| > σ∗ , the function hx is from (9.72), and the function h is defined such that    3/2   ω 1/2 ω |ω|   (9.147) hx   = hx Δ1/3 Ψedge . +O σ Δ Δ7/6 Here, the second term originates from the representation (9.144) of Ψedge . This proves (9.60). Finally, suppose τ0 and τ1 are the opposite edges of supp v, separated by a small older gap of length Δ  σ∗3 , between them. Now, f (τ ), |m(τ )| and ψ(τ ) are 1/3-H¨ continuous in τ , and satisfy f, |m|, ψ ∼ 1. Thus, the terms constituting hx in the case |σ| ≤ σ∗ in (9.146) satisfy (9.148) fx (τ1 ) = 1 + O( Δ1/3 ) , fx (τ0 )

|mx (τ1 )| = 1 + O( Δ1/3 ) , |mx (τ0 )|

ψ(τ1 ) = 1 + O( Δ1/3 ) . ψ(τ0 )

Of course, Δ = Δ(τ0 ) = Δ(τ1 ). Moreover, by Lemma 9.17, (9.149)

Δ(τ1 ) Δ(τ0 )

= 1 + O(Δ1/3 ) .

Using (9.94) we express |σ| in terms of Δ, f, |m|, ψ, and hence (9.148) and (9.149) imply (9.150)

|σ(τ1 )| = 1 + O( Δ1/3 ) . |σ(τ0 )|

Thus, combining (9.148), (9.149), and (9.150), we see from (9.146) that h(τ1 ) = h(τ0 ) + OB ( Δ1/3 ). This proves the last remaining claim of the proposition.  9.3. Proofs of Theorems 2.6 and 2.11 Pick ε > 0, and recall the definitions (9.1) and (9.3) of Dε and M ε , respectively. In the following we split M ε into two parts: (9.151)

M(1) := ∂ supp v M(2) ε := M ε \∂ supp v .



Proof of Theorem 2.6. Combining Proposition 9.3 and Proposition 9.8 shows that there are constants ε∗ , δ1 , δ2 ∼ 1 such that the following hold: 1. If τ0 ∈ M(1) , then σ(τ0 ) = 0 and vx (τ0 + ω) ≥ c1 |ω| 1/2 , for 0 ≤ sign σ(τ0 ) ω ≤ δ1 .

 (2) 2. If τ0 ∈ Mε∗ , then vx (τ0 + ω) ≥ c2 vx (τ0 ) + |ω| 1/3 , for −δ2 ≤ ω ≤ δ2 . To verify assumption (9.28) in Proposition 9.3 we used that (9.20) excludes a local minimum. In the case 1 each connected component of supp v must be at least of length 2δ1 ∼ 1. This implies (2.15). In particular, by combining (2.7) and (5.8) we see that supp v is contained in an interval of length 2Σ, and therefore the number of the connected components K  satisfies K  ∼ 1. In order to prove (2.18) and (2.19) we may assume that ε ≤ ε∗ and |ω| ≤ δ for some ε∗ , δ ∼ 1. Indeed, (2.18) becomes trivial when Cε3 ≥ 2Σ. Similarly, if v(τ0 ) + |ω|  1, then v(τ0 ) + Ψ(ω) ∼ 1 and thus the O( · · · )-term in (2.19) is O(1). Since v ≤ |||m|||R ∼ 1, the expansion (2.19) is hence trivial. Obviously the bounds in the cases 1. and 2. continue to hold if we reduce the parameters ε∗ , δ1 , δ2 . We choose ε∗ ∼ 1 so small that (ε∗ /c1 )2 ≤ δ1 and (ε∗ /c2 )3 ≤ δ2 . Let us define the expansion radius around τ0 ∈ M ε for every ε ≤ ε∗  if τ0 ∈ M(1) (ε/c1 )2 δε (τ0 ) := (9.152) (2) 3 (ε/c2 ) if τ0 ∈ M ε , and the corresponding expansion domains  τ0 + sign σ(τ0 ) ξ : 0 ≤ ξ ≤ δε (τ0 )  (9.153) Iε (τ0 ) :=  τ0 − δε (τ0 ), τ0 + δε (τ0 )

if τ0 ∈ M(1) (2) if τ0 ∈ M ε .

If τ ∈ Iε (τ0 ) for some τ0 ∈ M ε then either vx (τ ) ≥ c1 |τ − τ0 |1/2 or vx (τ ) ≥ c2 |τ − τ0 |1/3 depending on whether τ0 is an edge or not. In particular, it follows that (9.154)

v(τ ) ≥ ε ,

∀ τ ∈ ∂Iε (τ0 )\∂ supp v .

This implies that each connected component of Dε is contained in the expansion domain Iε (τ0 ) of some τ0 ∈ M ε , i.e.,  Iε (τ0 ) . Dε ⊂ (9.155) τ0 ∈M ε

In order to see this formally let τ ∈ Dε \M ε be arbitrary, and define τ0 ∈ M ε as the nearest point of M ε from τ , in the direction, θ := − sign ∂τ v(τ ) , where v decreases. In other words, we set (9.156)

τ0 := τ + θ ξ0 ,


ξ0 := inf ξ > 0 : τ + θ ξ ∈ M ε .

From (9.156) it follows that if τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v, then supp v continues in the direction sign(τ − τ0 ) = −θ from τ0 . We show that |τ − τ0 | ≤ δε (τ0 ). To this end, suppose |τ − τ0 | > δε (τ0 ), and define (9.157)

τ1 := τ0 + sign(τ − τ0 ) δε (τ0 ) ,

as the point between τ and τ0 exactly at the distance δε (τ0 ) away from τ0 . Now, / ∂ supp v as otherwise τ0 would not be the nearest point of M ε (cf. (9.156)). τ1 ∈



On the other hand, by definition we have τ1 ∈ ∂I(τ0 ). Thus, the estimate (9.154) with τ1 in place of τ0 yields v(τ1 ) ≥ ε ≥ v(τ ) . Since v is continuously differentiable on the set where v > 0 and (τ1 −τ ) ∂τ v(τ ) < 0 by (9.156) and (9.157), we conclude that v has a local minimum at some point τ2 ∈ M ε lying between τ and τ1 . But this contradicts (9.156). As τ ∈ Dε \M ε was arbitrary (9.155) follows. (2) From Corollary 9.4 we know that for every τ1 , τ2 ∈ M ε , either |τ1 − τ2 | ≥ c3


|τ1 − τ2 | ≤ C3 ε4 ,



holds. Let {γk } be a maximal subset of M ε such that its elements are separated at least by a distance c3 . Then the set M := ∂ supp v ∪ {γk } has the properties stated in the theorem. In particular,    γk − Cε3 , γk + Cε3 , Iε (τ0 ) ∪ Dε ⊂ τ0 ∈∂ supp v



since M ε + [−Cε3 , Cε3 ] ⊂ ∪k [ γk − 2Cε3 , γk + 2Cε3 ] for sufficiently small ε ∼ 1. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.6.  Next we show that the support of a bounded generating density is a single interval provided the rows of S can not be split into two well separated subsets. We measure this separation using the following quantity (9.159)

ξS (κ) := sup


x∈A y ∈A /

|ax − ay | + Sx − Sy 1

 : κ ≤ π(A) ≤ 1 − κ, A ⊂ X ,

for κ ≥ 0. Lemma 9.18 (Generating density supported on single interval). Assume S satisfies A1-3 and |||m|||R ≤ Φ for some Φ < ∞. Considering Φ as an additional model parameter, there exist ξ∗ , κ∗ ∼ 1, such that under the assumption, ξS (κ∗ ) ≤ ξ∗ ,


the conclusions of Theorem 2.12 hold. In Chapter 11 we present very simple examples of S which do not satisfy (9.160) and the associated generating density v is shown to have a non-connected support. Proof of Theorem 2.12. Let ξ∗ , κ∗ ∼ 1 be from Lemma 9.18. Note that (2.27) is equivalent to ξS (0) ≤ ξ∗ , and ξS (κ ) ≤ ξS (κ), whenever κ > κ. Thus (2.27)  implies ξS (κ∗ ) ≤ ξS (0) ≤ ξ∗ , and hence the theorem follows from the lemma. Proof of Lemma 9.18. Since |||m|||R ≤ Φ Theorem 2.6 yields the expansion (2.28b) and (2.28c) around the extreme edges α := inf supp v and β := sup supp v, respectively. In particular, there exists δ1 ∼ 1 such that (9.161)

vx (α + ω) ≥ c1 |ω|1/2


vx (β − ω) ≥ c1 |ω|1/2 ,

Let us write mx (τ ) = px (τ )ux (τ ) + i vx (τ )


ω ∈ [0, δ1 ] .



where px = sign Re mx ∈ {−1, +1} and ux := |Re mx |, vx = Im mx ≥ 0. By combining the uniform bound |||m|||R ≤ Φ with (5.9) we see that |mx | ∼ 1. In particular, there exists ε∗ ∼ 1 such that max{ux , vx } ≥ 2ε∗ .


Since mx (τ ) is continuous in τ , the constraint (9.162) means that Re mx (τ ) can not be zero on the domain   K := τ ∈ [−Σ, Σ ] : sup vx (τ ) ≤ ε∗ . x

If I is a connected component of K, then there is pIx ∈ {−1, +1}, x ∈ X, such that p(τ ) = pI ,

∀τ ∈ I .

Using (9.161) we choose ε∗ ∼ 1 to be so small that vx (α + δ1 ) and vx (α − δ1 ) are both larger than ε∗ . It follows that supp v is not contained in K. Furthermore, we choose ε∗ so small that Lemma 9.2 applies, i.e., vx > 0 grows monotonically in K when Π ≥ Π∗ . We will prove the lemma by showing that if some connected component I of K satisfies, (9.163) then the set (9.164)

I = [τ1 , τ2 ] ⊂ K ,


α + δ1 ≤ τ 1 < τ 2 ≤ β − δ1 ,

A = AI := x ∈ X : pIx = +1

satisfies π(A) ∼ 1

(9.165a) (9.165b)

|ax − ay | + Sx − Sy 1 ∼ 1 ,

x ∈ A, y ∈ / A.

The estimates (9.165) imply ξS (κ∗ ) ≥ ξ∗ , with κ∗ = π(A) and ξ∗ ∼ 1. In other words, under the assumption (9.160) each connected component of K contains either α or β. Together with (2.28b) and (2.28c) this proves the remaining estimate (2.28a) of the lemma, and that supp v is a single interval. In order to prove (9.165a) we will show below that there is a point τ0 ∈ I such that |σ(τ0 )| ≤ C0 ε2∗ ,


where σ := pf 3 was defined in (8.11). Let f− := inf x fx and f+ := supx fx . As m is uniformly bounded, Proposition 5.3 shows that f± ∼ 1. Hence, (9.166) yields bounds on the size of A, 3 3 − (1 − π(A)) f− ≥ σ(τ0 ) ≥ − C0 ε2∗ π(A) f+ 3 3 π(A) f− − (1 − π(A)) f+ ≤ σ(τ0 ) ≤ + C0 ε2∗ .

Solving for π(A), we obtain 3 f 3 + C0 ε2∗ f− − C0 ε2∗ ≤ π(A) ≤ +3 3 3 3 . f+ + f− f+ + f−

By making ε∗ ∼ 1 sufficiently small this yields (9.165a). We now show that there exists τ0 ∈ I satisfying (9.166). To this end we remark that at least one (actually exactly one) of the following three alternatives holds true:



(a) The interval I contains a non-zero local minimum τ0 of v . (b) The interval I contains a left and right edge τ− ∈ ∂ supp v and τ+ ∈ ∂ supp v . (c) The average generating density v has a cusp at τ0 ∈ I ∩(supp v\∂ supp v) such that v(τ0 ) = σ(τ0 ) = 0 . In the case (a), since m is smooth on the set where v > 0, Lemma 9.2 implies Π(τ0 ) < Π∗ , and thus (9.166) holds for C0 ≥ Π∗ . In the case (b) we know that ± σ(τ± ) > 0 by Proposition 9.8. Since σ(τ ) is continuous (cf. Lemma 9.1), there hence exists τ0 ∈ (τ− , τ+ ) ⊂ I such that σ(τ0 ) = 0. Finally, in the case (c) we have σ(τ0 ) = 0 by Proposition 9.8. Now we prove (9.165b). Since vx ≤ ux ≤ |mx | ≤ Φ on I, and m solves the QVE, we obtain for every x ∈ A, y ∈ / A and τ ∈ I  1 1 |(ux + uy ) + i (vx − vy )| 1 ux + uy 1  1  ≤ ≤ 2 = 2 + ≤ 2 −  ux uy |mx my | |mx ||my | mx my (9.167) Φ = 2 |ay − ax + Sx − Sy , m | ≤ 2 (|ax − ay | + ΦSx − Sy 1 ) . Here, the definition (9.164) of A is used in the first equality while ux ≥ vx was used in the second estimate. The bound (9.167) implies (9.165b). We have shown that |σ| + v ∼ 1. By using this in Corollary 7.3 we see that v(τ ) is uniformly 1/2-H¨ older continuous everywhere. 


Stability around small minima of generating density The next result will imply the statement (ii) in Theorem 2.13. Since it plays a central role in the proof of local laws (cf. Chapter 3) for random matrices in [AEK16c], we state it here in the form that does not require any knowledge of the preceding expansions and the associated cubic analysis. In fact, together with our main results, Theorem 2.4 and Theorem 2.6, the next proposition is the only information we use in [AEK16c] concerning the stability of the QVE. Proposition 10.1 (Cubic perturbation bound around critical points). Assume S satisfies A1-3, |||m|||R ≤ Φ, for some Φ < ∞, and g, d ∈ B satisfy the perturbed QVE (2.29) at some fixed z ∈ H. There exists ε∗ ∼ 1 such that if (10.1)

Im m(z) ≤ ε∗ ,


g − m(z) ≤ ε∗ ,

then there is a function s : H → B depending only on S and a, and satisfying (10.2)

s(z1 )  1 ,

s(z1 ) − s(z2 )  |z1 − z2 |1/3 ,

∀ z1 , z2 ∈ H ,

such that the modulus of the complex variable   Θ = s(z) , g − m(z) (10.3) bounds the difference g − m(z), in the following senses: (10.4a) (10.4b)

g − m(z)  |Θ| + d | w, g − m(z) |  w |Θ| + wd2 + | T (z)w, d | ,

∀w ∈ B.

Here the linear operator T (z) : B → B depends only on S and a, in addition to z, and satisfies T (z)  1. Moreover, Θ satisfies a cubic inequality   3  |Θ| + π2 |Θ|2 + π1 |Θ|   d2 + | t(1) (z), d | + | t(2) (z), d | , (10.5) where t(k) : H → B, k = 1, 2, depend on S, a, and z only, and satisfy t(k) (z)  1. The coefficients, π1 and π2 , may depend on S, z, a, as well as on g. They satisfy the estimates, (10.6a)

|π1 | ∼ Im m(z) 2 + |σ(z)| Im m(z) +


|π2 | ∼ Im m(z) + |σ(z)| ,

Im z Im m(z)

where the 1/3-H¨ older continuous function σ : H → [0, ∞) is determined by S and a, and has the following properties: Let M = {αi } ∪ {βj } ∪ {γk } be the set (2.17) 101



of minima from Theorem 2.6, and suppose τ0 ∈ M satisfies |z − τ0 | = dist(z, M). If τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v = {αi } ∪ {βj }, then (10.7a)

|σ(αi )| ∼ |σ(βi−1 )| ∼ (αi − βi−1 )1/3

with the convention β0 = α1 − 1 and αK  +1 = βK  + 1. If τ0 ∈ / ∂ supp v = {γk }, then (10.7b)

|σ(γk )|  Im m(γk ) 2 .

All the comparison relations depend only on the model parameters ρ, L, a, SL2 →B and Φ. We remark here that the coefficients πk do depend on g in addition to S and a, in contrast to the coefficients μk in Proposition 8.2. The important point is that the right hands sides of the comparison relations (10.6a) and (10.6b) are still independent of g. This result is geared towards problems where d and g are random. Such problems arise when the resolvent method, as described in Chapter 3, is used to study the local spectral statistics of Wigner-type random matrices. The continuity and size estimates (10.2), (10.7a) and (10.7b) will be used to extend high probability bounds for each individual z to all z in a compact set of H similarly as in the proof of Theorem 3.2. The various auxiliary quantities, such as s, π (k) , T , etc., appearing in the proposition will be explicitly given in the proof, but their specific form is irrelevant for the applications, and hence we omitted them in the statement. Proof of Proposition 10.1. Since z is fixed we write m = m(z), etc. By choosing ε∗ ∼ 1 small enough we ensure that both Lemma 8.1 and Proposition 8.2 are applicable. We choose s such that Θ becomes the component of u = (g −m)/|m| in the direction b exactly as in Proposition 8.2. Hence using the explicit formula (8.8) for the projector P we read off from Θ b = P u, that (10.8)

s :=

1 b . b 2 |m|

From Lemma 8.1 and Proposition 7.1 we see that this function has the properties (10.2). The first bound (10.4a) follows by using (8.29) and (8.30) in the definition (8.27a) of u. More precisely, we have

 g − m ≤ mu ≤ m |Θ|b + r  |Θ| + d , where m ∼ 1, b = f + OB (α), r = Rd + OB (|Θ|2 + d2 ), and R, f   1, have been used. In order to derive (10.4b) we first write (10.9)

w, g − m = |m|w, u = |m|w, b Θ + |m|w, r .

Clearly, | |m|w, b |  w. Moreover, using (8.29) we obtain   |m|w, r = |m|w, Rd + OB ( |Θ|2 + d2 ) 

= R∗(|m|w), d + O mw |Θ|2 + d2 . Plugging this into (10.9), and setting T := R∗ (|m| · ), we recognize (10.4b). The bound (8.30) yields T   1.



As a next step we show that (10.5) and (10.6) constitute just a simplified version of the cubic equation presented in Proposition 8.2. Combining (8.31) and (8.32) we get   μ #3 |Θ|3 + μ #2 |Θ|2 + μ #1 |Θ|   | |m|b, d | + d2 + | e, d | , (10.10) where μ #1 := (Θ/|Θ|) μ1 , μ #2 := (Θ/|Θ|)2 μ2 and μ #3 = (Θ/|Θ|)3 μ3 + O(|Θ|). The last term in the definition of μ #3 accounts for the absorption of the O(|Θ|4 )-sized part of κ(u, d) in (8.31). Moreover, we have estimated the O( |Θ| | e, d | )-sized part of κ by a larger O(| e, d |) term. Recall that |Θ|  ε∗ from (10.1). Hence taking ε∗ ∼ 1 small enough, the stability of the cubic (cf. (8.34)) implies that there is c0 ∼ 1 so μ3 | = |μ2 | + |μ3 | + O(|Θ|) ≥ 2c0 applies. Hence the coefficients that |# μ2 | + |# μ

 #2 π2 := μ #2 + (# μ3 − 1)|Θ|  |μ2 | ≥ c0 +  |μ2 | < c0 μ #3 (10.11) μ #1 π1 := μ #1  |μ2 | ≥ c0 +  |μ2 | < c0 , μ #3 scale just like μ2 and μ1 in size, i.e., |π2 | ∼ |μ2 | and |π1 | ∼ |μ1 |, provided ε∗ and thus |Θ| is sufficiently small. Moreover, by construction the bound (10.10) is equivalent to (10.5) once we set t(1) := |m|¯b and t(2) := e. Let us first derive the scaling relation (10.6a) for π1 . Using σ ∈ R, we obtain from (8.33c): 

 η  |π1 | ∼ |μ1 | = − f |m| + i2σ α − 2(ψ − σ 2 ) α2 + O α3 + η  α (10.12)  f |m| η 


  ∼  + (ψ − σ 2 ) α2 + O α3 + η  +  σα + O α3 + η  . 2 α We will now use the stability of the cubic, ψ + σ 2  1 (cf. (8.34)). We treat two regimes separately. First let us assume that 2σ 2 ≤ ψ. In that case ψ ∼ 1, and we find

 η η |π1 | ∼ + α2 + |σ|α + O α3 + η ∼ + α2 + |σ|α . (10.13) α α In order to get the first comparison relation we have used the fact that ψ − σ 2 ∼ ψ ∼ 1 and f |m| ∼ 1 and hence the first two terms on the right hand side of the last line in (10.12) can not cancel each other. The second comparison in (10.13) holds provided ε∗ ∼ 1 is sufficiently small, recalling α ∼ v ≤ ε∗ (cf. (8.2), so that the error can be absorbed into the term η/α + α2 . Now we treat the situation when 2σ 2 > ψ. In this case |σ| ∼ 1, and thus for small enough ε∗ , we have η  η η   + α + O(α2 + η) ∼ +α |π1 | ∼  + O(α2 + η)  + α = α α α (10.14) η + |σ| α + α2 . ∼ α Here, the first two terms in the last line of (10.12) may cancel each other but in that case both of the terms are O(α2 ) and hence the size of |π1 | is given by the term |σ|α ∼ α. The scaling behavior (10.6b) of π2 follows from (8.33b) using F L2 →L2 = 1 − f |m| η/α ∼ 1 (cf. (5.20) and (5.3)) and the stability of the cubic, (10.15)

|π2 | ∼ |μ2 | ∼ |σ| + |3 ψ − σ 2 | α ∼ |σ| + α .



The formula (10.6a) now follows from (10.14) and (10.15) by using α ∼ Im m . The quantity σ = σ(z) was proven to be 1/3-H¨ older continuous already in Lemma 8.1. In order to obtain the relation (10.7a) we use (9.95) and Lemma 9.17 to get |σ(τ0 )| ∼ Δ(τ0 )1/3 ∼ Δ(τ0 )1/3 , for τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v such that |σ(τ0 )| ≤ σ∗ . On the other hand, if |σ(τ0 )| ≥ σ∗ , where the threshold parameter σ∗ ∼ 1 is from (9.95), then also Δ(τ0 ) ∼ 1. This proves (10.7a). In order to obtain (10.7b) we consider the cases v(γk ) = 0 and v(γk ) > 0 separately. If v(γk ) = 0 then Lemma 9.12 and Lemma 9.11 together show that σ(γk ) = 0. If v(γk ) > 0 then ∂τ v(τ ) |τ =γk = 0. Lemma 9.2 thus yields |σ(γk )| ≤  Π∗ v(γk ) 2 . Since Π∗ ∼ 1 this finishes the proof of (10.7b). Combining our two results concerning general perturbations, Lemma 5.11 and Proposition 10.1, with the scaling behavior of m(z) as described by Theorem 2.6, we now prove Theorem 2.13. Proof of Theorem 2.13. Recall the definition (5.38) of operator B. We will show below that 1 B(z)−1   , |z| ≤ 2 Σ , (10.16) (z)2 + (z) 2/3 where  = (z) and  = (z) are defined in (2.33). Given (10.16) the assertion (i) of the theorem follows by applying Lemma 5.11 with Φ introduced in the theorem and Ψ := ( +  1/3 )−2  ε−2 , where the constant ε ∈ (0, 1) is from (2.30). If  ≥ ε∗ or  ≥ ε∗ for some ε∗ ∼ 1, then (ii) follows similarly from Lemma 5.11 with Ψ ∼ 1. Therefore, in order to prove (ii) it suffices to assume that ,  ≤ ε∗ for some sufficiently small threshold ε∗ ∼ 1. We will take ε∗ so small that Proposition 10.1 is applicable, and thus the cubic equation (10.5) can be written in the form  3   |Θ| + π2 |Θ|2 + π1 |Θ|   δ , (10.17) with δ = δ(z, d) ≤ d given in (2.33c) of Theorem 2.13. Combining the definition (10.3) of Θ with the a priori bound (2.34) for the difference g − m, we obtain (10.18)

|Θ| ≤ sg − m  λ ( 2/3 + ρ ) .

For the last step we used also (10.2). We will now show that if (10.18) holds for sufficiently small λ ∼ 1, then the linear term of the cubic (10.17) dominates in the sense that (10.19)

|π1 | ≥ 3 |π2 ||Θ| ,


|π1 | ≥ 3 |Θ|2 .

Let us first establish (10.19) when τ = Re z ∈ supp v. From (10.18) and (10.6) we get (10.20)

|Θ|  λ ( + η 2/3 )


|π1 |  (|σ| + α)α


|π2 | ∼ |σ| + α .



Here we have used the general property vx ∼ v ∼ α that always holds when |||m|||R  Φ. Since τ ∈ supp v we have  = η in (10.20). Let us show that  + η 2/3  α .


To this end, let τ0 = τ0 (z) ∈ Mε∗ be such that |τ − τ0 | = dist(τ, Mε∗ )


/ ∂ supp v, then (d) of Corollary A.1 yields (10.23) immediately (take holds. If τ0 ∈ ω := τ − τ0 in the corollary). If on the other hand τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v, then (a) of Corollary A.1 yields  + η 2/3 

ω 1/2 (ω + η)1/2 2/3 + η  ∼ α, ( Δ + ω)1/6 ( Δ + ω + η)1/6

where Δ = Δ(τ0 ) is the gap length (9.59) associated to the point τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v satisfying (10.24). Combining (10.23) and (10.20) we get |Θ|  λ α. Using this bound together with (10.21) and (10.22) we obtain (10.19) for sufficiently small λ ∼ 1. Next we prove (10.19) when τ ∈ / supp v, i.e.,  = 0. In this case (10.18) and (10.6) yield (10.25)

|Θ|  λ  2/3


|π1 |  η/α


|π2 |  1 .

By combining the parts (b) and (c) of Corollary A.1 we get η  η  −2/3 , α ∼ (10.28) (Δ + η)1/6  1/2 where Δ = Δ(τ0 ) is the gap length (9.59) associated to the point τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v. For the last bound in (10.28) we used  ∼ ω + η ≤ Δ + η. Plugging (10.28) into (10.26) we get (10.29)

|π1 |   2/3 .

Using this together with (10.25) and (10.27) we obtain (10.19) also when τ ∈ / supp v. The estimates (10.19) imply     |Θ|3  π1 Θ ∼  |Θ|3 + π2 |Θ|2 + π1 |Θ|  . Using (10.17) we hence get |Θ|3  |π1 Θ|  δ, from which it follows that   δ 1/3 ,δ |Θ|  min (10.30) . |π1 | If τ ∈ / supp v we have  = 0 and thus (10.29) can be written as (10.31)

|π1 |   2 +  2/3 .

This estimate holds also when τ ∈ supp v. If the point τ0 = τ0 (τ ) ∈ Mε∗ satisfying (10.24) is not an edge of supp v, then (10.31) follows immediately from (d) of Corollary A.1 and from |π1 |  α2 from (10.21). In order to get (10.31) when τ ∈ supp v and τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v we set ω = |τ − τ0 | and consider the cases ω + η > c0 Δ and ω + η ≤ c0 Δ for some small c0 ∼ 1 separately. If ω + η > c0 Δ, then we get (10.32)

α2 ∼ (ω + η)2/3 ∼ ω 2/3 + η 2/3 ∼  2 + η 2/3 ,



using part (a) of Corollary A.1 in both the first and the last estimate. On the other hand, if ω + η ≤ c0 Δ for sufficiently small c0 ∼ 1, then 1 (10.33) |σ| = |σ(z)| ≥ |σ(τ0 )| − C|τ0 − z|1/3  Δ1/3 − C (ω + η)1/3 ≥ Δ1/3 , 2 where we have used 1/3-H¨ older continuity of σ and the relation (10.7a) from Proposition 10.1. For the last bound we have used |τ0 − z| ∼ ω + η as well. Therefore, we have (10.34)

|σ|α ∼ Δ1/6 (ω + η)1/2  ω 2/3 + η 2/3  2 + η 2/3 .

Here, we have used (a) of Corollary A.1 twice. Combining (10.32) and (10.34) we get (10.35)

|σ|α + α2   2 +  2/3 ,

τ ∈ supp v .

Using this in (10.21) yields (10.31) when τ0 ∈ ∂ supp v. By combining (10.30) and (10.31) we obtain (10.36)

|Θ|  Υ ,

with Υ = Υ(z, d) defined in (2.36). The estimates (2.35) now follow from (10.4) using (10.36). We still need to prove (10.16). If τ ∈ supp v, then (5.40a) of Lemma 5.9 shows 1 . B −1   (|σ| + α) α Using (10.35) we get (10.16) when τ ∈ supp v. In the remaining case τ ∈ / supp v (10.16) reduces to (10.37)

B −1    −2/3 .

In order to prove this we use (5.40a) to get the first bound below: 1 α B −1  ≤ 1 + B −1 L2 →L2 ≤ 1 +  1+ . (10.38) 1 − F L2 →L2 η For the second estimate we have used the definition (5.38) of B and the identity (5.20). Finally, for the third inequality we used f |m| ∼ 1 to estimate 1 − F L2 →L2  η/α. Using (10.28) in (10.38) yields (10.37). This completes the proof of (10.16). 


Examples In this chapter we present some simple examples that illustrate the need of various assumption made on a and S. Recall that the assumptions A1-3 where introduced in the beginning of Chapter 2, and they are used extensively throughout this paper. Our main results are formulated under the additional assumption that m is bounded in B. Verifying this uniform boundedness was treated as a separate problem in Chapter 6, and for this purpose the additional assumptions B1 and B2 along with the auxiliary function Γ were introduced. In particular, the non-effective uniform bounds of Theorem 2.11 were replaced by the corresponding quantitative results in the form of Theorem 6.1 and Theorem 6.4, which rely on B1-2 and assumptions on Γ. In the following sections we will demonstrate how the properties A3 and B1 and the function Γ are used to effectively rule out certain ’bad’ behaviors of m, by considering simple examples. Before going into details let us shortly comment the remaining assumptions A1, A2 and B2, which we will not address any further. The assumption A1 is structural in nature. It reflects the applications we have in mind, e.g., random matrix theory as explained in Chapter 3 and Section 3 of [AEK16b]. On the other hand, for a full analysis of Laplace-like operator on rooted trees (cf. Chapter 1) the assumption of symmetry of S should be lifted. The smoothing assumption A2 was made for technical reasons. It is appropriate for the random matrix theory as it generalizes the upper bound (3.1) appearing in the definition of Wigner-type random matrices. The property B2 on the other hand is a practical condition for easily obtaining an effective L2 -bound on the solution m when a = 0 (cf. Remark 6.5). Besides demonstrating how the solution m can become unbounded, and how to exclude such blow-ups with the right assumptions, we also provide three other kinds of examples in this chapter. First, in Section 11.4 we show that although generally playing a secondary role to S in our analysis, the non-constant function a can also affect the behavior of m significantly. Second, in Section 11.5 we explain how to switch between different representations of a given QVE, and possibly reduce the dimensionality of the problem. Third, in Section 11.6 we provide a very simple two parameter family of operators S, for which the corresponding solution of the QVE with a = 0, exhausts all the different local shapes of the generating density, described by our main result, Theorem 2.6. Most of the examples here are represented in the special setting where X is the unit interval and π is the restriction of the Lebesgue measure to this interval, i.e.,


 (X, B, π) := [0, 1], B([0, 1]), dx , 107



with B([0, 1]) denoting the standard Borel σ-algebra. Together, with the discrete case (3.2) this is the most common setup for the QVE. An example, where a more complicated setup is natural is [AZ08] (cf. also Subsection 3.4). 11.1. The band operator, lack of self-averaging, and property A3 The uniform primitivity assumption, A3, was made to exclude choices of S that lead to an essentially decoupled system. Without sufficient coupling of the components mx in the QVE the components of the imaginary part of the solution are not necessarily comparable in size, i.e., vx ∼ vy , may not hold (cf. (5.10) of Lemma 5.4). No universal growth behavior at the edge of the support of the generating density, as described by Theorem 2.6, can be expected in this case, since the support of vx may not even be independent of x. The simplest such situation is if the components may be partitioned into two subsets I and I c = X\I, that are completely decoupled in the sense that S leaves invariant the families of functions which are supported either on I or I c . In this case the QVE decouples into two independent QVEs. These independent QVEs can then be analyzed separately using the theory developed here. Assumption A3 also excludes a situation, where the functions supported on I are mapped to the function supported on the complement of I, and vice versa. This case has an instability at the origin τ = 0 (cf. Lemma A.6 and Theorem A.4 in the discrete setup) and requires a special treatment of the lowest lying eigenvalue of S (cf. [AEK17]). Another example, illustrating why A3 is needed, is the case where a = 0 and the integral kernel of S is supported on a small band along the diagonal: Sxy = ε−1 ξ(x + y)  |x − y| ≤ ε/2 . Here, ξ : R → (0, ∞) is some smooth function and ε > 0 is a constant. For any fixed ε the operator S satisfies A1-3 and B1. Also, the conditions B2 and Γ(∞) = ∞ (cf. (6.3)) hold for the corresponding QVE. As ε approaches zero, however, the constant L from assumption A3 (among other model parameters such as SL2 →B from A2) diverge. In the limit, S becomes a multiplication operator and the QVE decouples completely, 1 = z + ξ(x) mx (z) . − mx (z) The solution becomes trivial

 mx (z) := ξ(x)−1/2 msc ξ(x)−1/2 z , where msc : H → H is the Stieltjes transform of Wigner’s semi-circle law (1.4). In particular, the support of the component vx of the generating density depends on x. 11.2. Divergences in B, outliers, and function Γ The purpose of this section is to illustrate the role of the auxiliary function Γ, generated by the pair (a, S) through (6.2), in proving bounds for m in B. We present two simple families of QVEs for which the solutions m are uniformly bounded in L2 , but for which the corresponding Γ’s become increasingly ineffective in converting these bounds into B-bounds for some members of these families. In both cases a few exceptional row functions, Sx = (y → Sxy ), cause divergencies in the corresponding components, mx , of the solution. In the first example, the QVE can be solved explicitly and thus the divergence can be read off from the solution



formula. The second example is a bit more involved. It illustrates a somewhat counterintuitive phenomenon of divergencies that may arise if one smoothens out discontinuities of the integral kernel of S on small scales. 11.2.1. Simplest example of blow-up in B: Let a = 0. Consider the 2 × 2 - block constant integral operator S with the kernel Sxy = λ {x ≤ δ, y > δ } + λ {y ≤ δ, x > δ } + {x > δ, y > δ } ,


parametrized by two positive constants λ and δ. For any fixed values of λ > 0 and δ∗ ∈ (0, 1/2), the properties A1-3 and B1 hold uniformly for every δ ≤ δ∗ . In particular, the solutions are uniformly bounded in L2 for δ ≤ δ∗ , since the part (i) of Theorem 6.1 yields a uniform bound when |z| ≤ ε, for some ε ∼ 1, while (2.9) guarantees the L2 -boundedness in the remaining domain |z| > ε. In fact, the solution for any parameter values has the structure mx (z) = μ(z) {x ≤ δ } + ν(z) {x > δ } ,


where the two functions μ, ν : H → H satisfy the coupled equations (11.4)

1 = z + (1 − δ) λ ν(z) , μ(z)

1 = z + λ δ μ(z) + (1 − δ) ν(z) . ν(z)

Figure 11.1. As δ decreases the average generating density remains bounded, but the 0-th component of the generating density blows up at ±τ0 . Let us consider a fixed λ > 2. Then, as we take the limit δ ↓ 0 the strictly increasing function Γ generated by S through (6.2), satisfies  (11.5) τ ∈ (0, ∞) . Γ(τ ) ≤ 1 + δτ 2 , This means that the uniform bound (6.6) becomes ineffective as Γ−1 (Λ) → ∞ for any fixed Λ ∈ (1, ∞) as δ ↓ 0. Indeed, the row functions Sx indexed by a small set of rows x ∈ [0, δ] differ from the row functions indexed by x ≥ δ, and this leads to



a blow-up in the components mx (z) with x ∈ [0, δ] at a specific value of z. More precisely, we find (11.6)

1 |μ(±τ0 )| ∼ √ , δ


2λ τ0 :=  . 2 λ − (λ − 2)2

While the B-norm of m diverges as δ approaches zero, the L2 -norm stays finite, because the divergent components contribute less and less. The situation is illustrated in Figure 11.1. The integral kernel (11.2) makes sense even for δ = 0. In this case we get for the generating measure the formulas, √  π(λ − 2) λ 4 − τ2 { τ ∈ [−2, 2] } dτ + δ−τ0 (dτ ) + δτ0 (dτ ) , v0 (dτ ) = 2 2 2 λ − 2 τ (λ − 1) 2(λ − 1) 1 vx (dτ ) = 4 − τ 2 { τ ∈ [−2, 2 ] } dτ , x ∈ (0, 1] . 2 The non-zero value that v0 assigns to τ0 and −τ0 reflects the divergence of m in the uniform norm at these points. In the context of random matrix theory the operator S with small values of the parameter δ corresponds to the variance matrix (cf. Definition 3.1) of a perturbation of a Wigner matrix. The part of the generating density, which is supported around τ0 corresponds to a small collection of eigenvalues away from the bulk of the spectrum of the random matrix. These outliers will induce a divergence in some elements of the resolvent (3.4) of this matrix. This divergence is what we see as the divergence of μ in (11.6). 11.2.2. Example of blow-up in B due to smoothing: We present a second example of a different nature, in which the bounds of Proposition 6.6 for converting L2 -estimates of m(z) into uniform bounds become ineffective. The smoothing of discontinuities in S may cause blow-ups in the solution of the QVE (cf. Figure 11.2). This is somewhat surprising, since by conventional wisdom, smoother data implies smoother solutions. The key point here is that the smoothing procedure creates a few row functions that are far away from all the other row functions. The following choice of operator demonstrates this mechanism: 1 (ε) Sxy = (rx sy + ry sx ) . 2 Here the two continuous functions r, s : [0, 1] → (0, 1], are given by

 rx = 1 + ε−1 (x − δ) { δ − ε < x ≤ δ } + {x > δ } ,

sx = 2λ {x ≤ δ } + 2λ − ε−1 2λ − 1)(x − δ) { δ < x ≤ δ + ε } + {x > δ + ε } , respectively. The parameters λ > 0, δ ∈ (0, 1) are considered fixed, while ε ∈ (0, δ) is varied. The continuous kernel S (ε) represents a smoothed out version of the 2 × 2-block operator S (0) = S from (11.2). In this case, Γ(∞) = limτ →∞ Γ(τ ) = ∞ holds for each operator S (ε) , ε > 0, as well as for the limiting operator S (0) . However, the estimates (6.13) and (6.14) become ineffective for proving uniform bounds, since for any fixed τ < ∞ the value Γ(τ ) becomes too small in the limit ε → 0. This is due to the distance that some (ε) row functions Sx , with |x − δ| ≤ ε, have from all the other row functions.



Let m = m(ε) denote the solution of the QVE corresponding to S (ε) . We will now show that, even though m(0) is uniformly bounded, the B-norm of m(ε) diverges as ε approaches zero for certain parameters λ and δ. The solution m = m(ε) has the form 1 . mx (z) = − z + ϕ(z) rx + ψ(z) sx Here, the two functions ϕ(ε) = ϕ = s, m , ψ (ε) = ψ = r, m : H → H satisfy the coupled equations  sx dx ϕ(z) = − z + ϕ(z) rx + ψ(z) sx [0,1]  (11.7) rx dx ψ(z) = − . [0,1] z + ϕ(z) rx + ψ(z) sx In the parameter regime λ ≥ 10 and δ ≤ 1/10 the support of the generating density of m(0) consists of three disjoint intervals, supp v (0) = supp ϕ(0) = supp ψ (0) = [−β1 , −α1 ] ∪ [−α0 , α0 ] ∪ [α1 , β1 ] . Inside the gap (α0 , α1 ) the norm m(ε)  diverges as ε ↓ 0. This can be seen indirectly, by utilizing Theorem 2.6. We will now sketch an argument, which shows that assuming a uniform bound on m leads to a contradiction. Suppose there were Figure 11.2. As ε decreases the average generatan ε-independent bound on the ing density remains bounded. The absolute value uniform norm. Then a local of the solution as a function of x at a fixed value version of Theorem 2.6 would τ0 inside the gap of the limiting generating density be applicable and the generat- has a blow up. ing density v (ε) of m(ε) could approach zero only in the specific ways described in that theorem. Instead, the average generating density v (ε) takes small non-zero values along the whole interval (α0 , α1 ), as we explain below. This contradicts the assertion of the theorem. In fact, a stability analysis of the two equations (11.7) for ϕ(ε) and ψ (ε) shows that they are uniformly Lipshitz-continuous in ε. In particular, for τ well inside the interval (α0 , α1 ) we have Im ϕ(ε) (τ ) + Im ψ (ε) (τ ) ≤ C ε . Thus, the average generating density takes small values here as well, v (ε) (τ ) ≤ C ε. On the other hand, Im ϕ and Im ψ do not vanish on (α0 , α1 ). Their supports coincide with the support of the generating density, v (ε) . By Theorem 2.12 this support is a single interval for all ε > 0 and by the continuity of ϕ and ψ in ε, every point τ ∈ (−β1 , −α1 ) ∪ (α1 , β1 ) is contained in this interval in the limit ε ↓ 0. This example demonstrates that certain features of the solution of the QVE cannot be expected to be stable under smoothing of the corresponding operator S. Among these features are gaps in the support of the generating density, as well as the universal shapes described by Theorem 2.6.



11.3. Blow-up at z = 0 when a = 0 and assumption B1 In the case a = 0, the point z = 0 plays a special role in the QVE. It is the only place where m(z) may become unbounded even in the L1 -sense (cf. (6.31)). In this section we give two simple examples which exhibit different types of blow-ups at z = 0. Moreover, we motivate the assumption B1 by showing that it corresponds to a necessary condition for the solution to remain bounded in a stable way at z = 0 when the dimension of X is finite. Suppose a = 0. The assumption B1 is designed to prevent divergencies in the solution at the origin of the complex plane. These divergencies are caused by the structure of small values of the kernel Sxy . In Section 6.2 we saw that at z = 0 the QVE reduces to  Sxy vy π(dy) = 1 , x ∈ X, vx (11.8) X

where vx = Im mx (0). Thus the boundedness of m(z) for small |z| is related to the solvability of (11.8). There is an extensive literature on (11.8) that dates back at least to [Sin64]. In the discrete setup, with X := {1, . . . , N } and π({i}) := N −1 , the solvability of (11.8) is equivalent to the scalability (cf. Definition A.2) of the matrix S = −1 Sij . We refer to Appendix A.3 for (sij )N i,j=1 , with non-negative entries sij := N a discussion of various issues related to scalability. Theorem A.4 below shows that the discrete QVE has a unique bounded solution if and only if the matrix S is fully indecomposable. This bound may deteriorate in N . However, if S is block fully indecomposable (the property B1), then the bound on the solution depends only on the number of blocks (cf. (6.38) and Lemma 6.10). Let us go back to the continuum setting. If assumption B1 is violated, the generating measure may have a singularity at z = 0. In fact, there are two types of divergencies that may occur. Either the generating density exists in a neighborhood of τ = 0 and has a singularity at the origin, or the generating measure has a deltacomponent at the origin. Both cases can be illustrated using the 2×2-block operator with the integral kernel (11.2). The latter case occurs if the kernel Sxy contains a rectangular zero-block whose circumference is larger than 2. For S from (11.2) this means that δ > 1/2. Expanding the corresponding QVE for small values of z reveals δ−1 {x ≤ δ} δ0 (dτ ) + O(1)dτ . δ The components of the generating measure with x ∈ [0, δ ] assign a non-zero value to the origin. The case of a singular, but existing generating density can be seen from the same example, (11.2), with the choice δ = 1/2. From an expansion of the QVE at small values of z we find for the generating density: √ vx (τ ) = (2λ)−2/3 3 |τ |−1/3  2x ≤ 1 + O(1) . vx (dτ ) = π

The blow-up at z = 0 has a simple interpretation in the context of random matrix theory. It corresponds to an accumulation of eigenvalues at zero. If the generating density assigns a non-zero value to the origin, a random matrix with the corresponding S as its variance matrix (cf. Definition 3.1) will have a kernel, whose dimension is a finite fraction of the size N of the matrix.



Assumption B1 excludes the above examples. In general, it ensures that a discretized version, of dimension K, of the original continuous problem (11.8) has a unique bounded and stable solution by the part (i) of Theorem A.4. The bounded discrete solution is then used in Section 6.2 to argue that also the continuous problem has a bounded solution by using a variational formulation (11.8). 11.4. Effects of non-constant function a For most of our analysis the function a ∈ B has played a secondary role. However, even for the simplest operator S the addition of a non-constant a to the QVE without a can alter the solution significantly. Indeed, let us consider the simplest case Sxy = 1, so that A1-3 hold trivially. Since w, Sw = w 2 , for any w ∈ L1 , S satisfies also B2, and thus Lemma 6.7 yields a uniform L2 -bound supz ∈H m(z)2  1. Since (Sm(z))x = m(z) for any x, we obtain a closed scalar integral equation for the average of m(z)  π(dx) , m(z) = (11.9) z − a x + m(z) X by integrating the QVE. If a is piecewise 1/2-H¨ older regular in the sense of (2.25), then Theorem 6.4 yields a uniform bound |||m|||R  1 (see Remark 6.5). In particular, Theorem 2.6 applies. In the random matrix context (11.9) determines the asymptotic density of states of a deformed Wigner matrix, H = A+W,


where W is an N -dimensional Wigner matrix, and A is a self-adjoint non-random matrix satisfying Spec(A) = {ai : 1 ≤ i ≤ N }, in the limit N → ∞ (cf. [Pas72]). In the special case, that N is an even integer and A has only two eigenvalues ±α, both of degeneracy N/2, i.e.,  −α when 1 ≤ k ≤ N/2 (11.11) ak := +α when N/2 + 1 ≤ k ≤ N , the equation (11.9) can be reduced to a single cubic polynomial for m(z) . In [BH98] this matrix model (11.10) was analyzed and the authors demonstrated that the asymptotic density of states may exhibit a cubic root cusp for some values of the parameter α. The cubic root singularity seems natural in the special case (11.11) as m(z) satisfies a cubic polynomial. If the range of a contains p ∈ N distinct values, then (11.9) can be reduced to a polynomial of degree p + 1. Our results, however, show that in spite of this arbitrary high degree, the worst possible singularity is cubic, and the possible shapes of the density of states are described by Theorem 2.6, as long as a is sufficiently regular. 11.5. Discretization and reduction of the QVE By choosing X := {1, . . . , N } and π({i}) := N −1 for some N ∈ N the QVE (2.4) takes the form (11.12)

N 1  1 = z − ai + Sij mj , mi N j=1

i = 1, . . . , N ,



and hence this discrete vector equation is covered by our analysis. Alternatively, we may treat (11.12) in the continuous setup (11.1) by defining a function a : [0, 1] → R and the integral kernel of S on [0, 1]2 by (11.13)

a(x) :=


ai χi (x) ,


S(x, y) :=



Sij χi (x) χj (y) ,


respectively, with the auxiliary functions χi : [0, 1] → {0, 1}, i = 1, . . . , N , given by χi (x) :=  N x ∈ [i − 1, i) . In order to distinguish between discrete and continuous quantities we have adapted in this section a special convention by writing the continuous variable x in the parenthesis and not as a subscript. Since the continuous QVE conserves the block structure, and both the discrete and continuous QVEs have unique solutions m = (mi )N i=1 and m = (x → m(x)), respectively, by Theorem 2.1, we conclude that these solutions are related by (11.14)

m(z; x) =


mi (z) χi (x) .


This re-interpretation of a discrete QVE as a continuous one is convenient when comparing different discrete QVEs of non-matching dimensions N . For example, the convergence of a sequence of QVEs generated by a smooth function α : [0, 1] → R and a symmetric smooth function σ : [0, 1]2 → [0, ∞), through i

i j

ai := α , and Sij := σ , , i, j = 1, . . . , N , N N N can be handled this way. Indeed, if m solves the discrete QVE then the functions m defined through the right hand side of (11.14) converge to the solution of the continuous QVE with a(x) = α(x) and S(x, y) := σ(x, y) as N → ∞. In particular, if the continuum operator satisfies A3 and B2, or merely B1 in the case α = 0 (all other assumptions are automatic in this case), then the convergence of the generating densities is uniform and the support of the generating density is a single interval for large enough N . This is a consequence of the stability result, Theorem 2.13, more precisely of Remark 2.14 following it and of the fact that the limiting operator S is block fully indecomposable, and the knowledge about the shape of the generating density from Theorem 2.6 and Theorem 2.12. We also have the following straightforward dimensional reduction. Suppose there exists a partition I of the first N integers, and numbers (SIJ )I,J∈I and (aI )I∈I , indexed by the parts, such that for every I, J ∈ I and i ∈ I,  Sij = |J|SIJ , and ai = aI . j∈J

Then m(z) is piecewise constant on the parts of I, i.e., there exist numbers m(z) = (mI (z))I∈I , such that mi (z) = mI (z), for every i ∈ I. The numbers m(z) solve the |I|-dimensional reduced QVE,  |J| 1 − = z − aI + SIJ mJ (z) . mI (z) N J∈I

Here the right hand side can be written in the standard form (2.4) by identifying X = I and π(J) = |J|/N . In the special case where the matrix S = (Sij )N i,j=1



 has constant row sums, N −1 j Sij = 1, and a = 0, the reduced QVE is onedimensional, and is solved by the Stieltjes transform of the Wigner semicircle law (1.4) The dimension reduction argument generalizes trivially to more abstract setups. Indeed, we have already used such a reduction in Section 11.2, where we reduced the analysis of the infinite dimensional QVE, with an integral kernel Sxy defined in (11.2), to the study of the two-dimensional QVE (11.4). 11.6. Simple example that exhibits all universal shapes We will now discuss how all possible shapes of the generating density from Theorem 2.6 can be seen in the simple example of the 2 × 2-block operator S, defined in (11.2), by choosing the parameters λ and δ appropriately. For the choice of parameters λ > 2 and δ = δc (λ) with (λ − 2)3 , − 3 λ2 + 15 λ − 7 the generating density exists everywhere and its support is a single interval. In the δc (λ) :=

2 λ3

Figure 11.3. Decreasing δ from its critical value δc opens a gap in the support of the average generating density. Increasing delta lifts the cubic cusp singularity. interior of this interval the generating density has exactly two zeros at some values τc and −τc . The shape of the generating density at these zeros in the interior of its own support is a cubic cusp, represented by the shape function limρ↓0 ρ Ψmin (ω/ρ3 ) = 22/3 |ω|1/3 (cf. Definition 2.5). If we increase δ above δc (λ), then the zeros of the



generating density disappear. The support is a single interval with local minima close to τc and −τc and the shape around these minima is described by ρΨmin ( · /ρ3 ) for some small positive ρ. Finally, if we decrease δ slightly below δc (λ) a gap opens in the support. Now the support of the generating density consists of three disjoint intervals and the shape of the generating density at the two neighboring edges is described by Δ1/3 Ψedge ( · /Δ), where Δ  1 is the size of the gap. The different choices of δ are illustrated in Figure 11.3.


Appendix The following simple comparison relations are used in the proof of Proposition 10.1 when Im z = 0 and Re z is close to a local minimum of the generating density. Corollary A.1 (Scaling relations). Suppose the assumptions of Theorem 2.6 are satisfied. There exists a positive threshold ε ∼ 1 such that for the set of local minima M, defined in (2.17), and any η ∈ (0, ε], the average generating density has the following growth behavior close to the points in M: (a) Support around an edge: At the edges αi , βi−1 with i = 2, . . . , K  ,     Im m(αi + ω + i η) ∼ Im m(βi−1 − ω + i η) ∼

(ω + η)1/2 , (αi − βi−1 + ω + η)1/6

ω ∈ [0, ε] .

(b) Inside a gap: Between two neighboring edges βi−1 and αi with i = 2, . . . , K  ,   η Im m(τ + i η) ∼ (αi − βi−1 + η)1/6   1 1 × + , τ ∈ [βi−1 , αi ] . (τ − βi−1 + η)1/2 (αi − τ + η)1/2 (c) Support around an extreme edge: Around the extreme points α1 and βK  of supp v:     Im m(α1 + ω + i η) ∼ Im m(βK  − ω + i η) ⎧ ⎨(ω + η)1/2 , ω ∈ [0, ε] ; η ∼ , ω ∈ [−ε, 0 ] . ⎩ (|ω| + η)1/2 (d) Close to a local minimum: In a neighborhood of the local minima {γk } in the interior of the support of the generating density,   Im m(γk + ω + i η) ∼ v(γk ) + ( |ω| + η )1/3 , ω ∈ [−ε, ε] . All constants hidden behind the comparison relations depend on the parameters ρ, L, SL2 →B and Φ. Proof. The results follow by combining Theorem 2.6 and the Stieltjes transform representation of the solution of QVE. We start with the claim about the growth behavior around the points {γk }. By the description of the shape of the generating density in Theorem 2.6 and because of Ψmin (λ) ∼ min{λ2 , |λ|1/3 } (cf. (2.14b)), we have for small enough ε ∼ 1: ω ∈ [−2 ε, 2 ε] . v(γk + ω) ∼ ρk + min ω 2/ρ5k , |τ |1/3 ∼ ρk + |ω|1/3 , 117



The constant ρk is comparable to v(γk ) by (2.20c). Thus, we find  2ε    η v(τ ) dτ η |τ |1/3 dτ 1 ∞ ∼ v(γ ) + , Im m(γk + ω + i η) = k 2 2 2 2 π −∞ η + (γk + ω − τ ) −2 ε η + (ω − τ ) for ω ∈ [−ε, ε]. The claim follows because the last integral is comparable to (|ω| + η)1/3 for any ε ∼ 1. Let us now consider the case, in which an edge is close by. We treat only the case of a right edge, i.e., the vicinity of βi for i = 1, . . . , K  . For the left edge the argument is the same. Here, Theorem 2.6 and Ψedge (λ) ∼ min{λ1/2 , λ1/3 } (cf. (2.14a)) imply for small enough ε ∼ 1: v(βi − ω) ∼ min{Δ−1/6 ω 1/2 , ω 1/3 } ,

ω ∈ [0, 2 ε] .

The positive constant Δ is comparable to the gap size, Δ ∼ αi+1 − βi , if βi is not the rightmost edge, i.e., i = K  . In case i = K  , we have Δ ∼ 1. Let us set ε# := ε in case i = K  , and ε# := min{ε, (αi+1 − βi )/2} otherwise. Then we find    η v(τ ) dτ 1 ∞ Im m(βi + ω + i η) = π −∞ η 2 + (βi + ω − τ )2  2ε   min{Δ−1/6 τ 1/2 , τ 1/3 } ∼ η dτ , ω ∈ −ε, ε# . 2 2 η + (ω + τ ) 0 The contribution to the integral in the middle, coming from the other side αi+1 of the gap (βi , αi+1 ), is not larger than the last expression, because the growth of the average generating density is the same on both sides of the gap. For the last integral we find ⎧   η ⎪ , ω ∈ 0, ε# ;  2ε ⎨ −1/6 1/2 1/3 1/6 1/2 (Δ + η) (ω + η) min{Δ τ ,τ } η dτ ∼   2 + (ω + τ )2 (|ω| + η)1/2 ⎪ η 0 ⎩ ω ∈ −ε, 0 . 1/6 (Δ + |ω| + η) This holds for any ε ∼ 1 and thus the claim of the lemma follows.  A.1. Proofs of auxiliary results in Chapter 4 Proof of Lemma 4.6. Recall that T is a generic bounded symmetric operator on L2 = L2 (X; C) that preserves non-negative functions. Moreover, the following is assumed: ∃ h ∈ L2


s.t. h2 = 1 ,

Th ≤ h,

and h is positive almost everywhere. We show that T L2 →L2 ≤ 1. Let us derive a contradiction by assuming T L2 →L2 > 1. We have T nh ≤ h ,


∀n ∈ N.

Indeed, T h ≤ h is true by definition, and (A.3) follows by induction. Now, the property T L2 →L2 > 1 would imply ∃u ∈ B


u2 = 1 ,

u ≥ 0,


u, T u > 1 .

Since T is positive, u, T u ≤ |u|, T |u| , so we may assume u ≥ 0. Moreover, by standard density arguments we may assume u < ∞ as well. Since u, T u > 1, we obtain, by inserting u-projections between the T ’s: (A.4)

u, T n u ≥ u, T u u, T n−1 u ≥ · · · ≥ u, T u n → ∞

as n → ∞ .



The contradiction follows now by combining (A.3) and (A.4): h, u ≥ T n h, u = h, T n u ≥ h, u u, T n u .


The left hand side is less than h2 u2 = 1. On the other hand, since h > 0, u ≥ 0 and u2 = 1 we have h, u > 0. Thus (A.4) implies that the right side of (A.5) approaches infinity as n grows.  A.2. Proofs of auxiliary results in Chapter 5 Proof of Lemma 5.7. First we note that h is bounded away from zero by  h = Th ≥ ε π(dx) hx . (A.6) X 2

Let u be orthogonal to h in L . Then we compute " / 0 12     1 hy hx u, (1 ± T )u = ± uy π(dx) π(dy) Txy ux 2 hx hy / 1   ε 2 hy 2 hx ≥ + uy ± 2 ux uy π(dx) π(dy) hx hy ux 2Φ2 hx hy  ε = 2 π(dx) u2x , Φ where in the inequality we used Txy ≥ ε ≥ ε hx hy /Φ2 for almost all x, y ∈ X. Now we read off the following two estimates:   ε


π(dx) ux (T u)x ≤ 1 − 2 u22 , π(dx) ux (T u)x ≥ − 1 − 2 u22 . Φ Φ X X This shows the gap in the spectrum of the operator T .  Proof of Lemma 5.10. In order to prove the claim (5.42) we will show (A.7)

(U − T )w2 ≥ c θ Gap(T )w2 ,

θ := | 1 − T 2 h, U h | ,

for all w ∈ L and for some numerical constant c > 0. To this end, let us fix w with w2 = 1. We decompose w according to the spectral projections of T , 2


w = h, w h + P w ,

where P is the projection onto the orthogonal complement of t. During this proof we will omit the lower index 2 of all norms, since every calculation is in L2 . We will show the claim in three separate regimes: (i) 16 P w2 ≥ θ, (ii) 16 P w2 < θ and θ ≥ P U h2 , (iii) 16 P w2 < θ and θ < P U h2 . In the regime (i) the triangle inequality yields  (U − T )w ≥ w − T w = 1 − | h, w |2 T 2 + T P w2 . √ We use the simple inequality, 1 − 1 − τ ≥ τ /2, valid for every τ ∈ [0, 1], and find 2 (U − T )w ≥ 1 − | h, w |2 T 2 − T P w2 (A.9)

≥ 1 − | h, w |2 T 2 − (T  − Gap(T ))2 P w2

 = 1 − T 2 + 2T  − Gap(T ) Gap(T ) P w2 .



The definition of the first regime implies the desired bound (A.7). In the regime (ii) we project the left hand side of (A.7) onto the h-direction, (A.10)

(U − T )w = (1 − U ∗ T )w ≥ | h, (1 − U ∗ T )w | .

Using the decomposition (A.8) of w and the orthogonality of h and P w, we estimate further: | h, (1 − U ∗ T )w | ≥ | h, w | | 1 − T  h, U ∗ t | − | h, U ∗ T P w | (A.11) ≥ | h, w |θ − P U hP w . Since θ ≤ 2 and by the definition of the regime (ii) we have | h, w |2 = 1−P w2 ≥ 1 − θ/16 ≥ 7/8 and P U hP w ≤ θ/4. Thus, we can combine (A.10) and (A.11) to θ (U − T )w ≥ . 2 Finally, we treat the regime (iii). Here, we project the left hand side of (A.7) onto the orthogonal complement of h and get (A.12)

(U − T )w ≥ P (U − T )w ≥ | h, w |P U h − P (U − T )P w ,

where we inserted the decomposition (A.8) again. In this regime we still have | h, w |2 ≥ 7/8, and we continue with θ 1/2 3 P U h − 2P w ≥ . 4 2 In the last inequality we used the definition of the regime (iii). Combining (A.12) with (A.13) yields θ (U − T )w ≥ , 4 after using h = 1 in (A.7) to estimate θ ≤ 2. 


| h, w |P U h − P (U − T )P w ≥

A.3. Scalability of matrices with non-negative entries In this appendix we provide some background material for Sections 6.2 and 11.3. We start by introducing some standard terminology related to matrices with non-negative entries. First, let us denote [k, l ] := {k, k + 1, . . . , l }, for any integers k ≤ l. We use the shorthand [n] := [1, n], and denote the |I| × |J|-submatrix A(I, J) := (aij )i∈I,j∈J , for any non-empty sets I, J ⊂ [n]. The set of all permutations of [n] is denoted by S(n), and we say that P = (pij )ni,j=1 is a permutation matrix, if its entries are determined by some permutation σ ∈ S(n) through pij = δσ(i),j . Definition A.2. Let A = (aij )ni,j=1 be a square matrix with non-negative entries, aij ≥ 0. Then: (i) A is scalable if there exist two diagonal matrices D and D with positive entries, such that the scaled matrix DAD is doubly stochastic. (ii) A is uniquely scalable if it is scalable and the pair of diagonal matrices (D, D ) is unique up to a scalar multiple. (iii) A has total support if there exists a set of permutations T ⊂ S(n), such that  δσ(i),j = 0 , ∀ i, j = 1, . . . , n . aij = 0 if and only if (A.14) σ∈T



(iv) A is decomposable if it is not fully indecomposable, i.e., there exist two non-empty subsets I, J ⊂ [n] such that (A.15)

A(I, J) = 0


|I| + |J| ≥ n .

We remark that all these four properties of A are invariant under the transformations A → PAQ, where P and Q are arbitrary permutation matrices. The defining condition (A.14) for matrices A with total support means that A shares its zero entries with some doubly stochastic matrix. This fact follows from Birkhoffvon Neumann theorem which asserts that the doubly stochastic matrices are exactly the convex combinations of permutation matrices. Besides the elementary properties stated in Proposition 6.9 the fully indecomposable (FID) matrices are also building blocks for matrices with total support. Indeed, Theorem 4.2.8 of [BR91] asserts: Theorem A.3. If A has total support then there exist two permutation matrices P and Q such that PAQ is a direct sum of FID matrices. Consider the QVE with a = 0 at z = 0 in the discrete setup (X, π) = ([n], n−1 | · |). From (6.26) we read off that this QVE has a unique solution of the form m(0) = i v provided the matrix S, with entries sij := n−1 Sij , is scalable such that VSV is doubly stochastic for the diagonal matrix V = diag(v1 , . . . , vn ). This observation together with the equivalence of (i) and (iii) in the following theorem shows that in the discrete setup the assumption B1 from Chapter 6, with the trivial blocks K = n, is actually optimal in the part (i) of Theorem 6.1. Theorem A.4 (Scalability and full indecomposability). For a symmetric irreducible matrix A with non-negative entries the following are equivalent: (i) A is uniquely scalable, with D = D in Definition A.2; (ii) Every sufficiently small perturbation of A is scalable, i.e., there exists a constant ε > 0 such that any symmetric matrix A , with non-negative entries, satisfying maxi,j |aij − aij | ≤ ε, is scalable; (iii) A is fully indecomposable. The proof of Theorem A.4 relies on the following fundamental result. Theorem A.5 ([SK67]). A square matrix A with non-negative entries is (i) scalable if and only if it has a total support; (ii) uniquely scalable if and only if it is fully indecomposable. Moreover, if A is scalable, then the doubly stochastic matrix DAD , from Definition A.2, is unique. For the proof of Theorem A.4 we need also the following representation. Lemma A.6 (Scalable symmetric matrices). Suppose A = (aij )ni,j=1 is an irreducible symmetric matrix with non-negative entries. If A has a total support but is not fully indecomposable, then n is even, and there exists an n/2-dimensional square matrix B, and a permutation matrix P, such that   0 B (A.16) A = P T P−1 . B 0 Proof of Lemma A.6. Since A is not FID there exists by Definition A.2 two non-empty subsets I, J ⊂ [n], such that (A.15) holds. Let us relabel the



indices so that I = [1, n2 ], J = [n1 , n3 ], for some 1 ≤ n1 ≤ n2 ≤ n3 ≤ n. The relabelling corresponds to the conjugation by the permutation matrix P in (A.16). By definition (A.15) of I and J we have ⎡ ⎤ 0 A14 A11 0 ⎢0 0 0 A24 ⎥ ⎥, P−1AP = ⎢ (A.17) ⎣0 0 A33 A34 ⎦ AT14 AT24 AT34 A44 where the blocks correspond to the four intervals I1 = [1, n1 ], I2 = [n1 + 1, n2 ], I3 = [n2 + 1, n3 ], and I4 = [n3 + 1, n4 ], respectively. In the case, nk+1 = nk the interval Ik is interpreted to be empty. Now we show that |I2 | ≤ |I4 |. Indeed, P−1AP has a zero block of size |I2 | × (n − |I4 |). No permutation matrix can have such a zero block if |I2 | > |I4 |. As A, and thus also P−1AP, has total support, the defining property (A.14) could not hold for A if |I2 | > |I4 | were true. By definitions, |I| = |I1 |+|I2 | and |J| = |I2 |+|I3 |, and by assumption |I|+|J| ≥ n. Since n = |I1 | + |I2 | + |I3 | + |I4 |, we conclude |I2 | ≥ |I4 |. Since |I2 | = |I4 | the submatrix A24 is square. This implies that σ(I4 ) = I2 for the permutations σ ∈ T in the representation (A.14). This is equivalent to σ(I1 ∪ I2 ∪ I3 ) = I1 ∪ I3 ∪ I4 , and thus A14 = 0, A34 = 0, and A44 = 0. But now we see that I1 and I3 must be empty intervals, otherwise A11 would be an independent block of A, and thus A would not be irreducible. Since I1 = I3 = ∅, we conclude I = J. But this leaves us with the representation (A.16) with  B := A24 . Proof of Theorem A.4. The equivalence of (i) and (iii) almost follows from the part (ii) of Theorem A.5. We are only left to exclude the possibility that A is not FID since it is not uniquely scalable for general pairs (D, D ), but is actually uniquely scalable in the more restricted class of ’diagonal solutions’ for which D = D holds. To this end we show that if a symmetric and irreducible matrix A with nonnegative entries is scalable, then we may always choose D = D. First we recall that the doubly stochastic matrix B := DAD is unique according to Theorem A.5. Since A is symmetric, DAD = BT is also doubly stochastic. By Theorem A.5 we hence have DAD = DAD . We may write this in terms of the ratios ρi = dii /dii , as (A.18)

ρi = ρj ,

whenever aij > 0 .

Pick any i = j. Since, A is irreducible, there exists a sequence (ks )s=0 ,  ≤ n, of indices such that k0 = i, k = j, and aks−1 ks > 0 for every s = 1, . . . , , thus ρi = ρj by (A.18). We conclude D = ρ D, and thus we may choose D = D by further scaling by a scalar. In order to prove the implication (iii) =⇒ (ii), choose 2ε to be equal to the smallest non-zero entry of A. It follows that the ε-perturbation A in (ii) has a smaller set of entries equal to zero than A. Thus with this choice of ε the zero set of the perturbation A may only decrease. By Definition 2.10 A is thus also FID, and by Theorem A.5 A is scalable.



In order to prove the last implication (ii) =⇒ (iii), we assume that A is not FID, and derive a contradiction by showing that the perturbed matrix, (A.19)

A := A + ε Δ(ij) ,

(Δ(ij) )kl := { {k, l} = {i, j} } ,

does not have total support for all choices of (i, j), regardless of how small ε > 0 is chosen. We start by using Lemma A.6 to write A in the form   0 B A = (A.20) . BT 0 Here we have also relabelled the indices such that P = I in (A.16). Suppose that we turn one of the zero entries in the first n/2 × n/2 diagonal block non-zero, i.e., consider a perturbation (A.19), for some i, j ≤ n/2. We will show that there does not exist a subset T  of permutations S(n) such that the representation (A.14), with T replaced by T  , holds for A . Indeed, suppose that there is such a set of permutations T  . Since aij > 0 there must exist σ ∈ T  such that σ(i) = j. This implies that [n/2] \ σ([n/2]) = {k} , for some k ≤ n/2. Since σ is a surjection on {1, . . . , n} there must exist l ≥ n/2 + 1 such that σ(l) = k. In other words, there exists an entry (l, k) in the second diagonal block, l, k ≥ n/2, such that alk = alk > 0. Since this contradicts (A.20) and (A.19), we conclude that A does not have total support.  A.4. Variational bounds when Re z = 0 Proof of Lemma 6.8. Applying Jensen’s inequality on the definition (6.28) of Jη yields, Jη (w) ≥ w, Sw − 2 log w + 2 η w . The lower bound shows that the functional Jη is indeed well defined and takes values in (−∞, +∞]. Evaluating Jη on a constant function shows that it is not identically +∞. Next we show that Jη has a unique minimizer on the space L1+ (cf. definition (6.27)) of positive integrable functions. As the first step, we show that we can restrict our attention to functions, which satisfy the upper bound w ≤ 1/η. To this end, pick w ∈ L1+ , such that the set {x : wx ≥ η −1 } has positive π-measure, and define the one parameter family of L1+ -functions w(τ ) := w − τ (w − η −1 )+ ,

0 ≤ τ ≤ 1,

where φ+ := max{0, φ}, φ ∈ R. It follows that w(τ ) ≤ w(0) = w and Jη (w(τ )) < ∞ for every τ ∈ [0, 1]. We will show that

 Jη min(w, η −1 ) = Jη (w(1)) < Jη (w) . (A.21) For this we compute

' (  1

d −1 Sw(τ ) + η − Jη (w(τ )) = −2 w−η + . (A.22) dτ w(τ ) Since w ≥ 0 and therefore Sw ≥ 0, the integrand is positive on the set of x where wx > 1/η. Thus, the derivative (A.22) is strictly negative for τ ∈ [0, 1). We conclude that the minimizer must be bounded from above by η −1 . Now we use a similar argument to see that we may further restrict the search of the minimizer to functions which satisfy also the lower bound w ≥ η/(1 + η 2 ).



To this end, fix w ∈ L1+ satisfying Jη (w) < ∞ and w∞ ≤ η −1 . Suppose w < η/(1 + η 2 ), on some set of positive π-measure, and set η

w(τ ) := w + − w τ, 1 + η2 + so that w = w(0) ≤ w(τ ), and Jη (w(τ )) < ∞, for every τ ∈ [0, 1]. Differentiation yields, '

( 1 1 η d Jη (w(τ )) ≤ 2 +η − −w , dτ η w(τ ) 1 + η2 + where the term η −1 originates from Sw(τ ) ≤ Sw(τ ) ≤ η −1 . Since η −1 + η = (η/(1 + η 2 ))−1 , and w < η/(1 + η 2 ) on a positive set of positive measure, we again conclude that Jη (w(1)) < Jη (w). Consider now a sequence (w(n) )n∈N in L1+ that satisfies lim Jη (w(n) ) = inf Jη (w)




η 1 ≤ w(n) ≤ . 1 + η2 η

Obviously, w(n) also constitutes a bounded sequence of L2+ . Consequently, there is a subsequence, denoted again by (w(n) )n∈N , that converges weakly to an element w of L2+ . This weak limit also satisfies η 1 ≤ wx ≤ , 1 + η2 η


∀x ∈ X.

In order to conclude that w is indeed a minimizer of Jη we will show that Jη is weakly continuous in L2+ at all points w satisfying the bounds (A.23). To this end, we consider the three term constituting Jη separately. Evidently the averaging u → u is weakly continuous. For the quadratic form we first compute for any sequence w(n) converging weakly to w :   (n)

  w , Sw(n) − w Sw  ≤ w(n) 2 + w 2 S(w(n) − w )2 . (A.24) Since the L2 -norm is lower-semicontinuous and w 2 ≤ w  ≤ η −1 , we infer  !  ! 2 lim sup !S(w(n) − w )!2 . lim sup  w(n), Sw(n) − w Sw  ≤ η n→∞ n→∞ Using the L2 -function, Sx : X → [0, ∞), y → Sxy , we obtain:  2    S(w(n) − w )22 = π(dx)  π(dy) Sxy (w(n) − w )y  X X  2  = π(dx) Sx (w(n) − w )  . X (n)

Here the weak convergence of w(n) to w implies hx := | Sx (w(n) − w ) |2 → 0 for (n) each x separately. The uniform bound |hx | ≤ Sx 22 w(n) − w 22 ≤ 2(w(n) 22 −  2 2 w 2 )SL2 →B , and the dominated convergence then yield:    2 π(dx)  Sx (w(n) − w )  = π(dx) h(n) → 0, as n → ∞ . x X


Hence the last term of (A.24) converges to zero as n goes to infinity, and we have shown that the quadratic form is indeed weakly continuous at w .



Finally, we show that also the logarithmic term is weakly continuous at w . Applying Jensen’s inequality yields  (n)    w(n)       log w(n) − log w  =  log w  ≤  log ,  w w where the last average converges to 1 by the assumed weak convergence of w(n) to w and since 1/w ∈ L2 by the lower bound in (A.23). We have proven the existence of a positive minimizer w ∈ L1 that satisfies (A.23). In order to see that wx = vx (iη) for a.e. x ∈ X we evaluate a derivative of Jη (w + τ h)|τ =0 for an arbitrary h ∈ B. This derivative must vanish by the definition of w , and therefore (Sw )x + η −


1 = 0, wx

for π-a.e. x ∈ X .

Since Sw, with w ∈ L2 , is insensitive to changing the values of wx , for x ∈ I, whenever I ⊆ X is of measure zero, we may modify w on the zero measure set where the equation of (A.25) is not satisfied, so that the equality holds everywhere. Since (A.25) equals QVE at z = iη Theorem 2.1 implies that (A.25) has v(iη) as  the unique solution. We conclude that wx = vx (iη) for a.e. x ∈ X. Proof of Lemma 6.10. Since Z is FID, the exists by the part (ii) of Proposition 6.9 a permutation σ of the first K integers, such that # = (Z #ij )K Z i,j=1 ,

#ij := Ziσ(j) , Z

#ii = 1 for every i. Let us define the convex has a positive main diagonal, i.e., Z function Λ : (0, ∞) → R, by 1 ϕ τ + log , K τ where ϕ > 0 and K ∈ N are from B2. Clearly, limτ →∞ Λ(τ ) = ∞ and limτ →0 Λ(τ ) = ∞. In particular, Λ(τ ) :=

Λ(τ ) ≥ Λ− ,


where |Λ− |  1, since ϕ and K are considered as model parameters, #ij wσ(j) ≥ 0 in the definition (6.35) of J(w), # we obtain Using Z#ii = 1 and wi Z  Λ(wi wσ(i) ) (A.27)



 #ii wσ(i) − log wi wσ(i) + ϕ #ij wσ(j) = J(w) # wi Z wi Z . K K i i =j

# Combining the assumption J(w) ≤ Ψ with the lower bounds (A.26) of Λ yields wk wσ(k) ∼ 1 ,



# Using (A.26) together with (A.27) and the hypothesis of the lemma, J(w) ≤ Ψ, we obtain an estimate for the off-diagonal terms as well:  ϕ  # # Z w w ≤ J(w) − Λ(wi wσ(i) ) ≤ Ψ + K|Λ− | . i ij σ(j) (A.29) K i i =j



Since we consider (ϕ, K, Ψ) as model parameters, the bounds (A.28) and (A.29) together yield Mij := wi Z#ij wσ(j)  1 .


This would imply the claim of the lemma, maxi wi  1, provided we would have #ij  1 for all i, j. To overcome this limitation we compute the (K − 1)-th power Z of the matrix M formed by the components (A.30). This way we get to use the FID property of Z:  #ii wσ(i ) wi Z #i i wσ(i ) wi wi Z (MK−1 )ij = 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 i1 ,...,iK−2

#i i wσ(i ) · · · wi Z#iK−2 j wσ(j) × Z 2 3 K−2 3

(A.31) ≥

K−2 K−1 # min wk wσ(k) (Z )ij wi wσ(j) . k

# K−1 )ij ≥ 1 (cf. the state# is FID, and therefore minK ( Z Since Z is FID also Z i,j=1 ments (i) and (iii) of Proposition 6.9). Moreover, by (A.28) we have mink wk wσ(k) ∼ 1. Thus choosing j = σ −1 (i), so that wi wσ(j) = wi2 , (A.31) yields wi2  (MK−1 ) i σ−1 (i) . This is O(1) by (A.30), and the proof is thus completed.

A.5. H¨ older continuity of Stieltjes transform In the proof of Proposition 7.1 we used the following quantitative bound which states that the H¨ older regularity is preserved under Stieltjes transforms. Lemma A.7 (Stieltjes transform conserves H¨older regularity). Let γ ∈ (0, 1). Consider an integrable, uniformly γ-H¨ older-continuous function ν : R → C, (A.32)

|ν(τ1 ) − ν(τ2 )| ≤ C0 |τ1 − τ2 |γ ,

τ1 , τ2 ∈ R ,

where C0 < ∞. Then the Stieltjes transform Ξ : H → H of ν,  ν(τ )dτ , ζ ∈ H, Ξ(ζ) := R τ −ζ is also uniformly H¨ older continuous with the same H¨ older exponent, i.e., (A.33)

| Ξ(ζ1 ) − Ξ(ζ2 )| ≤

18 C0 |ζ1 − ζ2 |γ , γ (1 − γ)

ζ1 , ζ2 ∈ H .

A similar result can be read off from the estimates of Section 22 of [Mus08]. We provide the proof here for the convenience of the reader. Proof. The L1 (R)-integrability of ν is only needed to guarantee that the Stieltjes transform is well defined on H. We start by writing Ξ in the form  ν(τ ) − ν(ω) (A.34) dτ + iπ ν(ω) , ω ∈ R, η > 0. Ξ(ω + iη) = R τ − ω − iη We divide the proof into two steps. First we show that (A.33) holds in the special case Im ζ2 = Im ζ1 . As the second step we show that (A.33) also holds when Re ζ2 = Re ζ1 . Together these steps imply (A.33) for general ζ1 , ζ2 .



Suppose that ζk = ωk + iη, for some ω1 , ω2 ∈ R and η > 0. Using (A.34) we write the difference of the Stieltjes transforms in the form   Ξ(ω2 + iη) − Ξ(ω1 + iη) = iπ ν(ω2 ) − ν(ω1 ) + I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 , (A.35) where the integrals have been split into the following four parts:   ν(τ ) − ν(ωk )   |τ − ω1 | ≤ |ω2 − ω1 | dτ , Ik := (−1)k k = 1, 2 . R τ − ωk − iη    1  |τ − ω1 | > |ω2 − ω1 | dτ , I3 := (ν(ω1 ) − ν(ω2 )) τ − ω1 − iη R     1 1 − I4 := (ν(τ )−ν(ω2 ))  |τ − ω1 | > |ω2 − ω1 | dτ . τ − ω2 − iη τ − ω1 − iη R In the regime |τ − ω1 | > |ω2 − ω1 | we have added and subtracted an integral of ν(ω2 ) (τ − ω1 − iη)−1 over τ ∈ R. The first term on the right hand side of (A.35) is less than πC0 |ω2 − ω1 |γ by the hypothesis (A.32). We will show that |Ik | ≤ Ck |ω2 − ω1 |γ , where the constants Ck sum to something less than the corresponding constant on the right hand side of (A.33). Using the γ-H¨older continuity (A.32) of ν, bringing absolute values inside the integrals, and ignoring η  s, it is easy to see that (A.36)

|I1 | ≤

2C0 |ω2 − ω1 |γ , γ


|I2 | ≤

4C0 |ω2 − ω1 |γ . γ

Due to (A.32), for I3 we only need to bound the size of the integral. The real part of the integral vanishes due to the symmetry. The imaginary part of the integral is bounded by R η (η 2 + λ2 )−1 dλ = π, and thus (A.37)

|I3 | ≤ πC0 |ω2 − ω1 |γ .

In order to estimate I4 we bring absolute values inside the integral, ignore η’s     1 |ω1 − ω2 | 1    τ − ω2 − iη − τ − ω1 − iη  ≤ |τ − ω1 ||τ − ω2 | , and use the H¨older continuity (A.32) of ν. This yields the first bound below:  | ω2 − ω1 |  |τ − ω1 | > |ω2 − ω1 | 2C0 (A.38) |I4 | ≤ C0 |ω2 − ω1 |γ. dτ ≤ 1−γ |τ − ω || τ − ω − (ω − ω )| γ (1 − γ) 1 1 2 1 R Plugging this with (A.36) and (A.37) into (A.35) yields (A.39)

| Ξ(ω2 + iη) − Ξ(ω1 + iη)| ≤

15C0 |ω1 − ω2 |γ . γ (1 − γ)

Now it remains to prove (A.33) in the special case, where ζk = ω + iηk , for some ω ∈ R and η1 , η2 > 0. Using again the representation (A.34) we obtain    1 1 (ν(τ ) − ν(ω)) − Ξ(ω + iη2 ) − Ξ(ω + iη1 ) = dτ τ − ω − iη2 τ − ω − iη1 R  (η2 − η1 ) (ν(τ ) − ν(ω)) dτ . = i R (τ − ω − iη2 ) (τ − ω − iη1 )



Pulling the absolute values inside the integral yields    |η2 − η1 | dτ  Ξ(ω + iη2 ) − Ξ(ω + iη1 )  ≤ C0

 1−γ √1 |τ − ω| + |η2 − η1 | R |τ − ω| 2 √ 8 C0 |η2 − η1 |γ . ≤ γ (1 − γ) 

Adding this to (A.39) yields (A.33). A.6. Cubic roots and associated auxiliary functions

Proof of Lemma 9.7 and Lemma 9.15. Let pk : C → C, k ∈ N, denote any branch of the inverse of ζ → ζ k so that pk (ζ)k = ζ. We remark that if pk is the standard complex power function (cf. Definition 9.5) then the conventional notation ζ 1/k is used instead of pk (ζ). The special functions Φ and Φ± appearing in Lemma 9.6 and Lemma 9.13, respectively, can be stated in terms of the single function (A.40)

Φ(ζ) := p3 ( p2 (1 + ζ 2 ) + ζ ) ,

by rotating ζ and Φ and choosing the functions p2 and p3 appropriately. For example, if |Re ζ| < 1, i.e., ζ ∈ C0 (cf. (9.102)), then Φ(±iζ )3 = ±iΦ∓ (ζ), with the standard definition of the complex powers. In order to treat both the lemmas in the unified way, we hence consider the generic function (A.40) that is analytic on a simple connected open set D of C such that ±i ∈ / D. Straightforward estimates show that (A.41) and (A.42)

|Φ(ζ) − Φ(ξ)| ≤ C1 |ζ − ξ|1/2  |ζ − i| −1/2 + |ζ + i| −1/2 |∂ζ Φ(ζ)| ≤ C3 |ζ | −2/3

when |ζ| ≤ 2 when |ζ| > 2 .

The roots Ωa (ζ) defined in both (9.39) and (9.101) are of the form: (A.43)

Ω(ζ) = α1 Φ(1)(ω1 ζ ) + α2 Φ(2)(ω2 ζ ) .

Here Φ(1) and Φ(2) satisfy (A.40) but with different choices of branches and branch cuts for the square and the cubic roots. The coefficients α1 , α2 , ω1 , ω2 ∈ C satisfy |αk | ≤ 2 and |ωk | = 1 for k = 1, 2. The perturbation results of Lemma 9.7 and Lemma 9.15 now follow from (A.42) and the mean value theorem: (A.44)

|Φ(ζ + γ) − Φ(ζ)| ≤ |γ | sup |∂ζ Φ(ζ + ργ )| . 0≤ρ≤1

Indeed, Lemma 9.7 follows directly by choosing D = ζ ∈ C : dist(ζ, G) ≤ 1/4 with G defined in (9.45), and γ := ξ. Since ζ ∈ G ⊂ D the condition (9.46) for c1 = 1/12 guarantees that ζ + ξ ∈ D. As dist(±i, D) = 1/4 the estimate (9.47) follows using (A.42) in (A.44). In order to prove (9.111) we consider the case ζ = i (−θ + λ) and γ = i μ λ, where θ = ±1, |λ − 2θ| ≥ 6 κ, and |μ | ≤ κ, for some κ ∈ (0, 1/2). We need to bound the distance between the argument ζ + ργ, of the derivative in (A.44) to the



singular points ±i from below. Assume θ = 1 w.l.o.g. Then the distance of ζ + ργ from −i is bounded from below by   ζ + ργ + i  ≥ |λ|/2 , since |ρμ | ≤ κ ≤ 1/2. Similarly, we bound the distance between ζ + ργ and +i from below       ζ + ργ − i  = 2ρμ + (1 + ρμ )(λ − 2) ≥ (1 + ρμ )(λ − 2) − 2ρ|μ | ≥ κ + |λ − 2|/2 , where for the last estimate we have used the assumption |λ − 2θ| = |λ − 2| ≥ 6κ. These bounds apply for arbitrary 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1. Hence they can be applied to estimate the derivative in (A.44) using (A.42). This way we get   (k)  Φ (ζ + γ) − Φ(k) (ζ) ≤ C4 κ−1/2 min |λ|1/2, |λ|1/3 |μ | . Applying this in (A.43) yields (9.111).

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Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Number 1261 • September 2019

ISBN 978-1-4704-3683-4