Python Programming: Your Comprehensive Companion to Web Development: Master the art of web development with Python and build dynamic, interactive web applications.

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, has captivated the hearts and minds of programmers worldwide due

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English Pages 172 Year 2023

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Python Programming: Your Comprehensive Companion to Web Development: Master the art of web development with Python and build dynamic, interactive web applications.

Table of contents :
Chapter 1.
Getting started with Python
1. Install a text editor or IDE
2. Install the programming language interpreter or compiler
Chapter 2
Hello, World! and Variables
Declaring and Assigning Variables
Using Variables
Variables and Arithmetic Operations
Variables and String Operations
Chapter 3
Numbers, Strings, and Booleans:
Chapter 4
Introduction to Lists in Python
Creating Lists in Python
Accessing and Modifying List Elements
List Operations and Methods
Chapter 5.
Tuples and Sets in Python:
Creating Tuples in Python
Accessing Elements in Tuples
Tuples as Unchangeable Data Structures
Creating Sets in Python
Adding and Removing Elements from Sets
Common Uses of Sets
Chapter 6.
Creating Dictionaries in Python
Accessing Values Using Keys
Adding and Modifying Key-Value Pairs
Example of Using Dictionaries in Python
Common Uses of Dictionaries in Python
Chapter 7
If Statements in Python
Nested If Statements
Multiple Conditions with elif
Chapter 8
While Loops in Python
Structure of a While Loop
Nested While Loops
Breaking and Continuing Loops
Chapter 9
User Input
Command-line arguments:
Benefits of using functions:
Combining User Input and Functions
Chapter 10
Classes and objects in Python
Creating Objects
Methods and Self
Benefits of Classes and Objects
Chapter 11
Files in Python
Opening and Reading Files
Writing to Files
File Handling with `with` Statement
Binary File Handling
Exceptions in Python
Raising Exceptions
Handling Exceptions with `try-except`
Exception Types and Custom Exceptions
Chapter 12
Modules and Packages in Python
Creating Modules
Importing Modules
Creating Packages
Importing Packages
Packages vs. Modules
Benefits of Modules and Packages
Chapter 13
Testing your code
Types of Testing
Importance of Testing
Testing Approaches
Testing Best Practices
Part 2
Chapter 14
Alien Invasion: A Classic Arcade Game
Gameplay Mechanics
Variations and Enhancements
Legacy and Impact
Chapter 15
Data Visualization with Matplotlib: Bringing Data to Life
Essential Concepts in Matplotlib
Practical Examples of Data Visualization with Matplotlib
Line Chart
Scatter Plot
Chapter 16
Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup:
Extracting Data from the Web
Benefits of Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
Essential Concepts in Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
Extracting Movie Titles from IMDB
Scraping Product Information from an E-commerce Website
Chapter 17
Sending email
Prerequisites for Sending Emails with smtplib
Basic Structure of Sending Emails with smtplib
Advanced Features of smtplib
Chapter 18
Introduction to APIs:
Types of APIs
Benefits of Working with APIs
Examples of Working with APIs
Chapter 19
Creating a Simple Web App
A Step-by-Step Guide
Steps to Create a Simple Web App
Resources for Learning Web App Development
Framework and Library Documentation:
Chapter 20
Importing HTML into Python
Extracting Data from a Table
Scraping News Articles from a Website
Extracting Product Information from an E-commerce Website
Part 3
Web programming with Python
Chapter 21
Benefits of Using Flask for Web Development
Key Features of Flask
Creating a Simple Flask Application
Routing and Handling HTTP Requests
Working with Templates and Rendering HTML
Using Flask Extensions
Chapter 22
Step-by-step explanation of how to create a Python file and import the Flask class:
Purpose of the `run()` Method
Usage of the `run()` Method
Benefits of Using the `run()` Method
Considerations for Production Deployment
Chapter 24
Java script with python
Examples of Python and JavaScript Integration
Python (server-side)
JavaScript (client-side)
More examples
Here are some more examples of how to integrate Python and JavaScript to create different types of web applications:
Data Visualization with Python and JavaScript

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