Ағылшын тілі. Political structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan: оқу-әдістемелік құралы 9786010410015

Бұл ағылшын тіліндегі оқу-әдістемелік құралы гуманитарлық факультеттердің студенттеріне арналған. Аталған оқу-әдістемелі

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Ағылшын тілі. Political structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan: оқу-әдістемелік құралы

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Б. Қ. Адамбалинова Қ. Ә. Айсұлтанова Г. К. Атабаева

АҒЫЛШЫН ТІЛІ Political structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1-курс гуманитарлық факультеттердің студенттеріне арналған оқу-әдістемелік құралы

Алматы «Қазақ университеті» 2015


ӘОЖ 811.111(075.8) КБЖ 81.2Ағыля73 А 24 Баспаға әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті филология, әдебиеттану және әлем тілдері факультетінің Ғылыми кеңесі және Редакциялық-баспа кеңесі шешімімен ұсынылған

Пікір жазғандар: филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент Б.Н. Ақшалова педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент Е.В. Артықбаева филология ғылымдарының кандидаты, доцент Р.К. Бедельбаева

А 24

Адамбалинова Б.Қ. Ағылшын тілі. Political structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan: оқу-әдістемелік құралы / Б.Қ. Адамбалинова, Қ.Ә. Айсұлтанова, Г.К. Атабаева. – Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2015. – 37 б. ISBN 978-601-04-1001-5 Бұл ағылшын тіліндегі оқу-әдістемелік құралы гуманитарлық факультеттердің студенттеріне арналған. Аталған оқу-әдістемелік құралында берілген мәтіндер студенттер үшін маңызды және әр мәтінде берілген жаттығулар қызығушылық тудырады. This teaching aid is for students of humanities faculty. This teaching aid contains different texts with exercises. This is very actual nowadays. ӘОЖ 811.111(075.8) КБЖ 81.2Ағыля73 © Адамбалинова Б.Қ., Айсұлтанова Қ.Ә., Атабаева Г.К., 2015 © Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ, 2015

ISBN 978-601-04-1001-5



Бұл əдістемелік оқу құралы гуманитарлық факультеттердің 1-курс студенттеріне арналған. Əдістемелік оқу құралы студенттердің оқу, түсіну, сөздікпен аудару дағдыларына үйретуді жəне де кəсіби тақырыптарға əңгіме жүргізу мақсатын көздейді. Аталған əдістемелік оқу құралы мамандығы бойынша тұпнұсқа тілдік материалдан құрастырылған. Əдістемелік оқу құралы 2-ші гуманитарлық шетел тілдер кафедрасының дайындаған оқу кешенінің құрама бөлігі (қосымшасы) болып табылады. Əдістемелік оқу құралды құрастыру барысында авторлар студенттердің нормативті грамматика курсын жəне қажетті күнделікті жалпы ғылыми лексиканы жəне де елтану лексикасын меңгергендерін негізге алды. Əдістемелік оқу құралы 9 сабақтан тұрады. Əр сабақ құрылымы: мəтін, сөздік жəне мəтіннің сөз тіркестері, лексикалық жаттығулар, мəтінге сұрақтар қоюдан тұрады. Мəтін жаттығулары зерттей оқу дағдыларын дамытуға арналған. Студенттер əр мəтінмен өздігінше жұмыс істейтін болғандықтан, əр мəтіннің жаттығуларын тұрған ретімен мақсатқа сəйкес орындауды ұсынады.

THE FORM OF GOVERNMENT The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular and social state whose highest values are an individual, his life, rights and freedoms. Basic principles of the activity of Kazakhstan as a state are public concord and political stability; economic development for the benefit of all people; Kazakhstani patriotism and resolution of the most important issues of the state and public life by democratic methods, including voting at an all-nation referendum or in the Parliament. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with the presidential form of government. The people is the only source of the state power. The people exercise power directly through an allnational referendum and free elections as well as delegate the execution of their power to state institutions. The right to act on behalf of the people and the state belongs to the president as well as to the Parliament of the Republic within the limits of the constitutional powers. The state power of the Republic of Kazakhstan is unified, and carried out on the basis of the Constitution and laws in accordance with the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial branches and a system of checks and balances that governs their interaction. The Republic of Kazakhstan recognizes and by the same token protects state and private property. The land and underground resources, waters, flora and fauna, other natural resources are owned by the state. The land may also be privately owned on terms, conditions and within the limits established by legislation. The state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Kazakh language. In state institutions and local self-administrative bodies the Russian language is officially used on equal grounds with the Kazakh language. The republic of Kazakhstan has its state symbols: the flag, emblem and anthem.


VOCABULARY 1. proclaim - жариялау, ресми түрде жариялау 2. secular - зиялы 3. legal - құқықтық 4. values - құндылықтар 5. concord - келісім 6. for benefit - ізгілікке, игілікке 7. voting - дауыс беру 8. unitary - унитарлы, бірыңғай, бірлестіруші 9. form of government - мемлекеттік құрылым 10. to exercise power - жүзеге асыру, қолдану 11. delegate - делегат жіберу, уəкіл ету, өкіл ету 12. execution - орындау, атқару, өтеу 13. to unify - біріктіру, бірыңғайлау 14. to execute - орындау, жүзеге асыру 15. in accordance with - бір нəрсеге сəйкес, бір нəрсе бойынша 16. checks and balances - заң шығару, атқарушы, сот билігінің өзара тəуелді жəне өзара шектеу принципі 17. to govern - меңгеру, басқару, жетекшілік ету 18. interaction - əрекеттестік 19. by the same token - бұдан басқа, осыған қоса 20. within the limits - шамасында, шегінде 21. body - орган 22. on equal grounds - тең дəрежеде, негізде 23. emblem - мемлекеттік елтаңба 24. anthem - əн ұран Ex I. Read the international words and guess their meaning. Republic Democratic legal social

Activity political stability economic

method referendum unitary form




fundamental principle

patriotizm resolution

institution limit


unified system

balance flora

fauna natural

Ex 2. Memorize the following pairs of derivatives. N – Adj democracy policy president nation constitution nature


democratic political presidential national constitutional natural

Ex 3. Match English and Kazakh equivalents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

state power private property equal grounds free election important issues natural resources public concord unitary state state institutions highest values

a. қоғамдық келісім b. еркін сайлаулар c. біртұтас мемлекет d. табиғи ресурстар e. жоғарғы құндылықтар f. мемлекеттік билік g. тең дəрежеде ( негізде) h. жеке меншік i. маңызды сұрақтар j. мемлекеттік мекемелер

Ex 4. Insert the right words (values, private, unitary, on behalf of, source, presidential) 1.The Republic of Kazakhstan is a ... state with ... form of government. 2.The people is the only … of the state power. 3.The right to act ... the people and the state belongs to the President and the Parliament of the Republic. 4.The highest ... of the state are an individual, his life, rights and freedoms. 5. The Republic of Kazakhstan protects state and ... property.


Ex 5. Complete the sentences 1.The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself ... . 2. The fundamental principles of the activity of the Republic are … . 3. The people exercise power directly through … . 4.The right to act on behalf of the people and the state belongs to ... 5. The state power of the Republic is executed in accordance with the principle of … . The state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan is ... . Ex 6. Answer the questions 1. What kind of state does the Republic of Kazakhstan proclaim itself ? 2. What are the fundamental principles of the activity of the Republic? 3. What kind of state is the Republic of Kazakhstan? 4. Who is the only source of the state power? 5. How do the people exercise power? 6. Who does the right to act on behalf of the people belong to? 7. What principle is the state power of the Republic of Kazakhstan executed in accordance with? 8. What kinds of property are there in Kazakhstan? 9. What is the state language? What language is officially used on equal grounds with the Kazakh language? Ex 7. Retell the text THE PRESIDENT President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the head of the state, its supreme official, who determines the basic guidelines of the internal and foreign policy of the state and represents Kazakhstan inside the country and in international relations. The President is the symbol and guarantor of the unity of the people and the state power, inviolability of the Constitution, rights and freedoms of an individual and citizen. The President of the Republic ensures by his arbitration con7

certed functioning of all branches of state power and responsibility of the institutions of power before people. The President decides domestic and international matters, makes treaties: issues decrees, enforces laws adopted by the Senate of the Parliament. He also forms the Government and appoints the Prime Minister of the Republic with the Parliament’s consent. The President is also the Commanderin Chief of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan and may veto legislation that has been passed by the Parliament. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is elected by universal, equal and direct suffrage under a secret ballot for a five-year term in accordance with the constitutional law by the citizens of the Republic who have come of age. A citizen of the Republic is eligible for the office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan if he is by birth not younger than thirty-five and not older than sixty - five and has a perfect command of the state language and has lived in Kazakhstan not less than fifteen years. One and the same person may not be elected the President of the Republic more than two times in row. The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Nazarbaev. VOCABULARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

official - чиновник, лауазымды адам, қызмет иесі to determine - анықтау, шешу direction - бағыт to represent - таныстыру, көрсету symbol - символ, белгі guarantor - гарант, кепілші, кепілдеме берген адам to guarantee - кепілдеме беру, кепіл беру inviolability - беріктік, мызғымастық to ensure - қамтамасыз ету, кепілдеме беру concerted - келісілген, ризаласқан, мақұлданған function - əрекет ету, жұмыс істеу state - мемлекеттік power - өкімет, билік suffrage - сайлау құқығы ballot - сайлау бюллетені, дауыс беру eligible - сaйланyы мүмкін 8

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

to have a perfect command of - жеттік білу row - қатар matter - мəселе, іс domestic - отандық, ішкі treaty - келісім decree - нұсқау, дəреже to enforce - күшіне еңгізү to adopt laws - заңдарды қабылдау to appoint - тағайындау consent - келісім, шешім Commander- in- chief - бас қолбасшы EXERCISES

Ex 1. Read the international words and guess their meaning president republic official international symbol guarantor

constitution individual arbitration functioning institutions Senate

parliament form person

Ex 2 Memorize the following pairs of derivatives N- Adj office - official nation - national universe- universal constitution – constitutional function - 'functional parliament – parliamentary

V–N govern - government appoint - appointment enforce - enforcement elect - election relate - relation decide – decision

Ex 3 Match English and Kazakh equivalents 1. to adopt a law 2. concerted functioning 3. state power 4. main directions

a. халықаралық қатынастар b. жоғарғы лауазымды тұлға c. жасырын дауыс беру d. нұсқау шығару 9

5. to make a treaty 6. a secret ballot 7 .highest official 8 .to issue a decree 9. to be elected 10 .international relations

e. сайлану f мемлекеттік билік g. заң қабылдау h.келісіп қызмет ету i. келісім шарт жасау j. негізгі бағыттар

Ex 4. Insert the right words (concert, suffrage, head, directions, laws) 1. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the ... of the state. 2. He determines the main ... of the state. 3. These... were adopted by the Parliament. 4. The Prime Minister was appointed by the President with the Parliament’s ... 5. The President is elected by universal, equal and direct ... . E-x 5. Complete the sentences 1. The President of Republic is the symbol and guarantor of ... . 2. The President ensures by his arbitration ... . 3. He also forms the Government and appoints ... . 4. The President of the Republic is elected ... . 5. A citizen of the Republic is eligible for the office of the President if ... . Ex 6. Answer the questions on the text: 1. Who is the head of the Republic of Kazakhstan? 2. What are the functions of the President? 3. How is the President of Kazakhstan elected? 4. Who can be elected as a President? 5. What are the terms of the President’s office?


Ex 7 Retell the text PARLIAMENT The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the supreme representative body of the Republic which carries out legislative functions. Parliament is the bicameral legislature of Kazakhstan, according to the 1995 Constitution of Kazakhstan. The lower house is Majilis, with 107 seats, elected for a four- year term, 98 seats are from party lists, 9seats from Assembly of People. All MPs are elected for 5 years. The upper house is the Senate, which has 47 members, 40 of whom are elected for six-year term in double-seat constituencies by the local assemblies, half renewed every two years, and 7 of which are presidential appointees. In addition ex-presidents and ex-officio senators for life. The Chambers are headed by their chairpersons who are elected by the Senate and the Majilis from among the deputies who have a perfect command of the state language, under secret ballot by a majority of votes from the total number of the deputies of the Chambers. The candidacy for the Chairperson of the Senate is nominated by the President. The candidacy for the Chairperson of the Majilis is nominated by the deputies of the Chamber. Parliament's sessions proceed in the form of joint and separate sessions of the Chambers. The Chambers form standing committees, the number of which do not exceed seven in each Chamber. The Majilis accepts drafts of law for consideration and consider them. If a draft of law is considered and approved by the majority of votes from the total number of the deputies of the Majilis it is transmitted to the Senate where it is considered for more than 60 days. If a draft of law is approved by the Senate it is submitted to the President to be signed within ten days. Laws of the Republic come into effect after they are signed by the President of the Republic. VOCABULARY 1. parliament - парламент 2. representative body - өкілетті органдар 3. legislative - заң шығарaтын 11

4. term - мерзім 5. to consist of - тұру, құрау 6. to act - іс істеу, əрекет ету 7. permanent - тұрақты 8. deputy - депутат 9. constituency - сайлау округі 10. mandate - мандат 11. approximately - шамамен, жуық 12. Chairperson - төраға 13. Senate - сенат 14. Majilis - мəжіліс 15. ballot ~ under secret ballot - жасырын дауыс арқылы 16. vote - дауыс 17. majority - көпшілік 18. candidacy - кандидатура 19. Chamber - палата 20. Standing committee - тұрақты комитет Exi 1 Read the international words and guess their meaning parliament function permanent basis mandate administrative territorial

total candidacy session form committee deputy Senate

Ex 2. Memorize the following pairs of derivatives V–N Divide consider transmit compose nominate form accept


division consideration transmission composition nomination formation acception 12

Ex 3. Match English and Kazakh equivalents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

standing committees representative bodies majority of votes approximately constituency to nominate permanent basis to consider to come into effect Chairperson

a) көпшілік дауыс b) шамамен c) тағайындау d) тұрақты, орнықты e) тұрақты комитеттер f) күшіне ену g) қарау h) төраға i) өкілді, өкілетті орган j) сайлау органы

Ex 4. Insert the right words (standing, term, candidacy, chambers, legislative, chairpersons) 1. Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the highest... body. 2.The Chambers are headed by their.... 3. The ... of the Parliament is four years. 4. The ... for the Chairperson of the Senate is nominated by the President. 5. The Chambers form ... committees. 6. The Parliament consists of two ... acting on the permanent basis. Ex. 5. Complete the sentences 1. The term of the Parliament is.... 2. Seven deputies of the Senate are ... . 3. The Majilis consists of ... . 4. The candidacy for the Chairperson of the Senate is .... 5. Parliament's sessions proceed in the form of . Ex 6. Mark the statements that are true 1. Parliament is the highest executive body. 2. The term of the Parliament is two years. 3. The candidacy for the Chairperson of the Majilis is nominated by the President. 4. The number of standing committees must not exceed two in each Chamber. 5 . Laws of the republic come into effect after they are approved by the Majilis.


Ex 7. Answer the questions on the text. 1. What is the highest legislative body of the Republic of Kazakhstan? 2. What is the term of Parliament? 3. How many chambers does the Parliament consist of ? What are they? 4. What deputies does the Senate consist of? 5. What deputies does the Majilis consist of? 6. How are the chairpersons of the chambers elected? 7. How do the Parliament's sessions proceed? 8. How many standing committees do the chambers form? 9. How does a draft of law become a law? Ex 8. Retell the text THE GOVERNMENT The Government carries out the executive authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads the system of executive bodies and exercises supervision of their activity. The Government is formed by the President of the Republic and in its entire activity is responsible before him as well as accountable to the Parliament of the Republic. The Chief Executive of the Republic is the Prime Minister who heads the Government of the Republic which is responsible before the President and is accountable to the Parliament. The Prime Minister of the Republic is appointed by the President with the Parliament's consent. The President determines the structure of the Government of the Republic at the proposal of the Prime Minister, appoints to and release from the office its members. The Government of the Republic develops main directions of the socio-economic policy of the state, its defense capability, security, guarantees of public order and organizes their realization; develops and resents to the Parliament the Republican budget and ensures its implementation; introduces drafts of laws into the Majilis and ensure enforcement of laws; manages the activity of central and local executive bodies; perform other functions assigned to it by the Constitution, laws and acts of the President. 14

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan organizes and supervises the work of the Government, personally answers for its work; presents to the Parliament a report about the Program of the Government; performs other functions connected with organization and supervision of the Government's activity. VOCABULARY 1. to implement - орындау implementation - орындау, жүзеге асыру 2. executive - атқарушы 3. to head - басқару, басшылық ету, жүргізу 4. to supervise - қарау,бақылау, қадағалау supervision - бақылау, қадағалау 5. to form - қалыптастыру, құрау, жасау 6. entire - толық, бүтін 7. activity - қызмет, əрекет, іс 8. responsible - жауапты болу (біреудің алдында) 9. accountable - жауапты, есеп беруге міндетті, есепті 10. consent - келісім 11. release - босату, шығару 12. policy - саясат 13. defense - қорғаныс,қорғау 14. capability - қабілеттілік, алғырлық 15. security - қауіпсіздік, қорғаныс 16. quarantee - кепіл, кепілдеме беру 17. budget - бюджет 18. draft of law - заң жобасы 19. to manage - басшылық ету, меңгеру, басқару 20. to perform - атқару, орындау 21. to assign - тағайындау, міндеттеу, жүктеу, бекітіп беру 22. to connect - біріктіру, байланыстыру


EXEREISES Ex 1. Read the international words and guess their meaning system activity structure socio-economic policy guarantee public organize

realization budget central local act personally report

Ex.2 Memorize the following pairs of derivatives Adj - N responsible - responsibility accountable - accountability capable - capability V–N Implement Direct realize organize supervise connect form determine present

- implementation - direction - realization - organization - supervision - connection - formation - determination - presentation

V–N appoint govern enforce manage assign establish

- appointment - government - enforcement - management - assignment - establishment

Ex.4 Insert the right words (directions, structure, consent, supervision, executive) 1. The Government exercises ... of the activity of executive bodies. 2. The Prime Minister of the Republic is appointed by the President with the Parliament's ... . 3. The President determines the ... of the Government. 4. The Government implements the ... power of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 16

5. The Government of the Republic develops main ... of the socioeconomic policy of the state. Ex 5 Complete the sentences 1. The Government of Kazakhstan heads the system of ... . 2. The President determines ... . 3. The Government develops ... . 4. The Prime Minister is appointed by ... . 5. The Prime Minister of the Republic organizes and supervises …. Ex 6 Answer the questions appointed in the text 1. What body implements the executive power of the Republic of Kazakhstan? 2. Who forms the Government and appoints the Prime Minister? 3. What body is the Government accountable to? 4. How is the structure of the Government of the Republic determined? 5. What are the functions of the Prime Minister of the Republic? COURT AND JUSTICE Justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan is exercised only by the court. Judicial power is intended to protect the rights, freedoms and legal interest of the citizens and organizations for ensuring this observance of the Constitution, law, other regulatory legal acts, and ensures international treaties of the Republic. The courts of the Republic are the Supreme Court of the Republic and local courts of the Republic established by law. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the highest judicial body for civil, criminal and other cases which are under the courts of general jurisdiction. It exercises the supervision over their activities in the forms of juridical procedure stipulated by law and provides interpretation on the issues of judicial practice; The Supreme Court of the Republic consists of the Chairperson of the Supreme Court, the Chairpersons of the Collegiums and 17

judges of the Supreme Court. They are elected by the Senate at the proposal of the President of the Republic based on thee recommendation of the Highest Judicial Council of the Republic. The Highest Judicial Council is headed by the President of the Republic and consists of the Chairperson of the Constitutional Council, the Chairperson of the Supreme Court, the Procurator General, the Minister of Justice, deputies of the Senate, judges and other persons appointed by the President of the Republic. The Qualification Collegiums of Justice is an autonomous, independent institution formed from the deputies of the Majilis, judges, public prosecutors, teachers and scholars of law and workers of the bodies of justice. VOCABULARY 1. court - сот 2. justice - əділеттілік, əділдік, əділ соты 3. to `exercise - орындау, жүзеге асыру 4. judicial - сотқа жататын, заңды 5. to intend - ниет ету, тағайындау, арнау 6. to protect - қорғау 7. right - құқық 8. freedom - бостандық, еркіндік 9. legal - заңды 10.citizen - азамат 11. observance - бұзбау,сақтау 12. regulatory - нормативті, норма бойынша істелген 13. the Supreme Court - Жоғарғы сот 14. local - жергілікті 15. to establish - ашу, жарыққа шығару, жасау 16. civil - азаматтық 17. criminal - криминалды, қылмыстық 18. jurisdiction - жалпы юрисдикация 19.procedure - процедура 20. to stipulate - ескерту, себепші болу, қамтамасыз ету 21. collegium - коллегия, алқа 22. Procurator General – бас прокурор 18

EXERCISES Ex I. Read the international words and guess their meaning protect interpretation legal practice interest collegium organization recommendation criminal procurator jurisdiction qualification procedure institution Ex 2. Memorize the following pairs of derivatives interpret recommend qualify protect organize elect provide

V-N - interpretation - recommendation - qualification - protection - organization - election - provision

Ex 3. Match English and Kazakh equivalents 1. criminal cases 2. public prosecutor 3. observance 4. judicial power 5. supervision 6. Supreme Court 7. legal interests 8. juridical procedure 9. general jurisdiction l0. justice

a. сот билігі b. əділ соты c. жалпы юрисдикация d. заңды мүдделер e. заңдық процедура f. қылмыстық істер g. сақтау h.қадағалау i. Жоғарғы сот j. халық айыптаушы


Ex 4. Insert the right words. (interpretation, judicial, supervision, justice, protect) 1. Judicial power is intended to ...the rights and freedoms of the citizens and organizations. 2. ...in Kazakhstan is exercised only by the court. 3. The Supreme Court of the Republic is the highest ... body. 4. The Supreme Court exercises the ... over the activities of the courts of general jurisdiction. It provides … on issues of judicial practice. Ex 5. Complete the sentences 1. Judicial power is intended ... . 2. The courts of the Republic are ... . 3. The Supreme Court of Kazakhstan consists of ... . 4. The Highest Judicial Council consists o f... . 5. The Qualification Collegiums of Justice is formed from ... . Ex 6. Answer the questions on the text 1. What body is justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan exercised by? 2. What is the purpose of the judicial power? 3. What courts are there in the Republic of Kazakhstan? 4. What is the highest judicial body in the Republic? 5. What are the functions of the Supreme Court? 6. Who does the Supreme Court consist of? 7. Who elects the Supreme Court? 8. Who does the Highest Judicial Council consist of? Ex 7. Retell the text. THE CONSTITUTIONAL COUNCIL The Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of seven members including the Chairperson of the Constitutional Council. The ex-Presidents of the Republic have the right to be lifelong members of the Constitutional Council. 20

The Chairperson of the Constitutional Council is appointed by the President of the Republic. Two members of the Constitutional Council are appointed by the President of the Republic, two - by the chairperson of the Senate, and two - by the Chairperson of the Majilis. Half of the members of the Constitutional Council are renewed every three years. Powers of the Chairperson and members of the Constitutional Council last for six years. The Constitutional Council by appeal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairperson of the Senate, the Chairperson of Majilis, not less than one-fifth of the total number of deputies of Parliament, the Prime Minister 1) decides on correctness of conducting the elections of the President of the Republic, deputies of Parliament, and conducting an all- nation referendum in case of dispute; 2) considers the laws adopted by Parliament with respect to their compliance with the Constitution of the Republic, before they are signed by the President; 3) considers the international treaties of the Republic with respect to their compliance with the constitution, before they are ratified; 4) officially interprets the standards of the Constitution; 5) perform other functions assigned to it by the Constitution. Resolutions of the Constitutional Council come into effect from the day they are adopted, are binding on the entire territory of the republic, final and not subject to appeal. VOCABULARY 1. council - кеңес Constitutional council – конституциялық кеңес 2. life-long - өмірбойы 3. to renew - жаңарту 4. to last - жалғасу, созылу 5. appeal - шақыру, үндеу, аппеляция 6. correct - дұрыс, тура, дəл 7. referendum - референдум 21

8. dispute - келіспеушілік, талас, егес 9. compliance - келісім, сəйкестік 11. to ratify - бекіту 12. interpret - түсіндіру, түсінік беру, талқылау 13. standards - нормалар 14. resolution - резалюция 15. to come into effect - күшіне ену 16. binding - міндетті 17. entire - толық, бүтін 18. subject to - жататын, тиіс 19.to appeal - шағым беру EXERCISES Ex I. Read the international words and guess their meaning total referendum dispute officially interpret function

resolution territory final subject ratify appeal

Ex 2. Memorize the following pairs of derivatives V–N to consider to adopt to ratify to interpret to decide to elect

- consideration - adoption - ratification - interpretation - decision - election

Ex 3.Match English and Kazakh equivalents l. all – nation 2. correctness 3. to consider laws 4. life – long

a. нормалар b. өмірбойы c. жаңартылған болу d. халықаралық келісім 22

5. to be renewed 6. standards 7. to come into effect 8. entire 9. international treaty 10. compliance

e. сəйкестік f. туралылық g. заңдарды қарастыру h. жалпыхалықтық i. толық, бүтін j. күшіне ену

Ex 4. Insert the right words (conducting, interprets, respect, resolutions, treaties) 1. The Constitutional Council officially... the standards of the Constitution. 2. It considers the international ... of the Republic. 3. ... of the Constitutional Council come into effect from the day they are adopted. 4. The Constitutional Council decides on correctness of ... the elections of the President of the Republic. 5. It considers the laws adopted by Parliament with ... to their compliance with the Constitution of the Republic. Ex 5. Complete the sentences. l. Half of the members of the Constitutional Council are ... . 2. Powers of the Chairperson and members of the Constitutional Council last ... . 3. The ex-Presidents of the Republic have the right ... . 4. The Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of ... . 5. The Constitutional Council considers the international treaties of the Republic with ... . 6. Resolutions of the Constitutional Council come into effect ... . Ex 6. Answer the questions on the text. 1. Who does the Constitutional Council consists of ? 2. Who has the right to be a life-long member of the Constitutional Council? 3. Who appoints the Chairperson of the Constitutional Council? 4. Who are members of the Constitutional Council appointed by? 23

5. How many years do powers of the Chairperson and members of the Constitutional Council last? 6. What are the functions of the Constitutional Council? 7. When do resolutions of the Constitutional Council come into effect? Ex 7. Retell the text LOCAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND SELF-ADMINISTRATION Local public administration is exercised by local representative and executive bodies which are responsible for the state of affairs of the respective territory. Local representative bodies - maslikhats - express the will of the population of respective administrative territorial units and with regards to the common public interests determine the measures needed for its realization and control their implementation. Maslikhats are elected by the population on the basis of universal, equal suffrage under secret ballot for a four-year term. A deputy of a maslikhat may be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has reached twenty years of age. A citizen of the Republic may be a deputy of only one maslikhat. Local executive bodies are part of unified system of the executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and ensure conduct of the general state policy of the executive power in conjunction with the interest and development needs of the respective territory. A local executive body is headed by an akim of the respective administrative-territorial unit who is a representative of the president and the Government of the republic. Akims of the oblasts, major cities and the capital is appointed to office by the President of the republic on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Akims of the administrative-territorial units are appointed by senior akims. The president has the right to release akims from office at his own discretion. In the republic of Kazakhstan, local self-administration which ensures that the issues of local significance is resolved independently by, the population is recognized. 24

Local self-administration is exercised by the population directly through elections as well as through elective and other bodies of local self-administration in rural and urban local communities covering the territories on which groups of the population live compactly. The procedure of organization and activity of the bodies of local self-administration is determined by citizens themselves within the limits of their power established by law. The independence of the bodies of local self-administration is guaranteed within the limits of their power established by law. VOCABULARY 1. office - қызмет, міндет 2. local - жергілікті 3. discretion - қарап шешу 4. unified - біртұтас 5. state - күй, хал-жай 6.affair - іс 7. respective – лайықты, тиісті 8. determine - анықтау 9. with regard - есепке алғанда 10. community - бірлестік 11. conjunction - байланыстыру, үйлестіру 12. to exercise – жүзеге асыру 13. rural - ауылдық 14. urban - қалалық 15. procedure - тəртіп, рет, жөн 16. independence дербестік, өз бетінше, өздігінше, тəуелсіздік 17. to conduct – жүргізу, өткізу 18. to ensure – қамтамасыз ету 19. unit - бірлік Ex1. Read the following words and guess their meaning: maslikhat akim

universal secret 25

'major administration realization population control basis

deputy system effective compactly community acivity

Ex2.Give Kazakh equivalents: 1. Local public administration 2. the state of affairs 3. respective administrative-territorial unit 4. common public interests 5. to control implementation 6. thee right to release 7. under secret ballot 8. established by law Ex3. Give English equivalents: 1.дамудың мүдделері мен қажеттілігі 2. жалпы мемлекеттік саясат 3. жалпы, тең, тура сайлау құқықтар негізінде 4. тиісті территория 5. территориялық бірлік 6. өз қалауы бойынша 7. жергілікті өзін-өзі басқару 8. ұйымдастыру жəне қызмет тəртібі Ex4. Complete the following sentences: 1. Local public administration is exercised by ... . 2. Maslikhats are elected by the population on the basis of ... . 3. A deputy of a maslikhat may be a citizen ... . 4. A citizen of the Republic may be a deputy ... . 5. Akims of the oblasts, major cities and the capital are appointed by ... . 6.The President has the right to release akims ... . 26

Ex 5. Answer the questions: 1. Who is local public administration exercised by? 2. Who is responsible for the state of affairs? 3 .Who are maslikhats elected by? 4. Who may be a deputy of a maslikhat? 5. Who is a local executive body headed by? 6. May a citizen of the Republic be a deputy of several maslikhats? 7. Akims of the oblasts are appointed to office by the President aren't they? 8. Has the president the right to release akims from office at his own discretion? 9. What is determined by citizens themselves within the limits of their power established by law? Ex 6. Retell the text. ELECTIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Universal suffrage is a system of electoral rights under which the right to participate in elections to representative bodies is granted to all citizens who have reached the age established by the law without any electoral qualifications whatsoever. All citizens who have reached the age established by law regardless of origin, social, property status, occupation, sex, race, nationality, language, attitude towards religion convictions, place of residence or any other circumstances - have the right to elect and be elected into public and local self-administrations as well as to participate in an all-nation referendum. The right to elect and be elected, to participate in the all-nation referendum does not extend to the citizens judged incapable by a court as well as those held in places of confinement on a court's sentence. Elections of the deputies of the Majilis are carried out on the basis of the universal, equal and direct right under secret ballot. Regular elections of the Majilis are to be held not later than two months before the termination of the powers of current Parliament. A deputy of the Majilis may be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has reached 25 years of age. 27

The elections of the Senate deputies are carried out on the basis of indirect electoral right under secret ballot. Half of the elected deputies of the Senate should be reelected every two years. In this case their regular elections are to be held no later than two months before the end of their term of office. Seven deputies of the Senate are appointed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the term of Parliament. A deputy of the Senate may be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has been a citizen of the republic for not less than 5 years and who has reached 30 years of age, has a higher education and length of service of not less than 5 years and has been permanent resident for not less than 3 years on the territory of the respective oblasts, major city on the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Elections are deemed valid if more than 50 percent of the citizens entered into voter registration lists take part in the voting.. The candidate who receives more than 50 per cent of the votes of the constituents that took part in the elections is deemed elected. If none of candidates receives the above number of votes a second round of the elections will be held between the two candidates who obtained the largest number of votes. The candidate who receives the larger number of votes of the constituents that took part in the second round of elections is deemed elected. Maslikhats, local representative bodies, which are responsible for the state of affairs of the respective territories, are elected by the population on the basis of universal, equal suffrage and secret ballot for a four- year term. A deputy of a Maslikhat may be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has reached 20 years of age. A citizen of the republic may be a deputy of only one Maslikhat. A deputy of Parliament may not be a member of both Chambers simultaneously. The powers of the deputies of Parliament are terminated in cases of registration, being recognized as incapable, dissolution of Parliament and, in other cases stimulated by the constitution. A deputy of Parliament is deprived of his mandate in cases being duly convicted in a court of law, establishing permanent residency beyond the boundaries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A deputy of Parliament during the term of his office may not be 28

arrested, subject to detention, measures of administrative punishment imposed by a court of law, arraigned on a criminal charge without the consent of a respective Chamber except for the cases of being apprehended of the scene of a crime of committing grave crimes. Preparation of questions concerning the imposition-of penalties on the deputies, principles of the deputies ethics, as well as termination of the deputies powers and deprivation of their powers and deputy immunity are delegated to the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. VOCABULARY 1. to extend - таралу, қатысты болу 2. constituency - 1.сайлаушы 2.сайлау округі 3. length of service - еңбек стажы 4. simultaneously - бір мезгілде, бір уақытта 5. stipulate - байланыстыру, ескерту 6. boundary - шекара 7. to impose - иландыру, дегеніне көндіру, алдау 8. immunity - дербес праволық, қол сұқпаушылық 9. deprivation - айыру, алу 10.regardless - қарамастан, ешкіммен санаспай 11. to apprehend - қамауға алу 12. arraign - сотқа тарту Ex 1. Give Kazakh equivalents: l. electoral right 2. representative bodies 3. established by law 4. all-nation referendum 5. to hold in places of confinement 6. a permanent resident 7. administrative territorial division 8. regardless of origin Ex 2. Give English equivalents: 1. кезекті сайлау 29

2. жасырын дауыс беруде 3. өкілдік мерзімі 4. бірлескен тапсырма 5. еңбек стажы 6. сот үкімі бойынша 7. орталық сайлау коммиссиясы Ex 3. Match English and Kazakh equivalents: 1. second round of election 2. equal suffrage 3. the powers of deputy 4. stipulate by the constitution 5. criminal charge 6. imposition of penalties 7. deprivation of power 8. deputy immunity 9. subject of detention 10. in cases of resignation 11. measures of administrative punishment

a. депутаттық дербес праволық b. отставка беру жағдайында c. конституциямен қарастырыл ған d. еріксіз келтіруге тарту e. тең сайлау құқығы f. депутат өкілдігі g. қылмыстық жауапкершілік h. өкілдігінен айыру i. өндіру шаралары j. қайта сайлау k.əкімшілік жаза шаралары

Ex 4. Complete the sentences 1. All citizens who have reached the age established by law ... . 2. The right to elect and be elected to participate in all-nation referendum does not… . 3. Elections of the deputies of the Majilis are ... . 4. Regular elections of the Majilis are ... . 5. A deputy of the Majilis may be ... . 6. Elections are deemed valid if ... . Ex 5. Insert the right words: (suffrage., the Republic of Kazakhstan, votes, Maslikhats, elected, President, elections) 1. Universal ... is a system of electoral rights. 2. A deputy of a maslikhat may be a citizen of ... who has reached twenty years of age. 30

3. Seven deputies of the Senate are appointed by the ... of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 4. A citizen of the Republic may be a deputy of only one ... . 5. The candidate who receives the larger number of ... of the constituents that took part in the second round of ... is deemed ... . Ex6. Answer the following questions: 1. Who has the right to elect and be elected into public and local self administration? 2. To what citizens the right to elect and be elected does not extend? 3. From what age may a citizen be a deputy? 4. How many deputies are appointed by the President of the Republic of Kazakstan for the term of Parliament? 5. What citizen may be a deputy of the Senate? 6. In what cases are elections deemed valid? 7 May a deputy be a member of both chambers simultaneously? 8. When is a deputy of Parliament deprived of his mandate? 9. May a deputy of Parliament be arrested during. the term of his office? Ex 7. Retell the text CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKSTAN The current Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved through a national referendum in August 1995 and ratified the following month replaces an earlier constitution adopted in the wake of independence from the Soviet Union. The constitution provides for a democratic, secular state and a presidential system of rule. State governance is divided among the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The President is considered the head of state. In October 1998, the Constitution was amended to provide for a seven-year presidential form. The first election under the amended constitution was held in January 1999 and resulted in the re-election of President Nazarbayev (about 80%). The Constitution has the highest juridical force and direct effect 31

on the entire territory of the Republic. The provisions of the Constitution the laws corresponding to it, other regulatory legal acts, international treaty and other commitments of the Republic as well as regulatory resolutions of Constitutional Council and the Supreme Court are the functioning law in the Republic of Kazakhstan, amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan may be introduced only by an all-nation referendum held by the decision of the President of the Republic made on his own initiative at the recommendation of Parliament or the Government. The draft of amendments and additions to the Constitution will not be submitted to an all-nation referendum if the president decides to pass it to the consideration of Parliament-In this case Parliament's decision will not be adopted according to the procedure established by this Constitution. The unitary status and territorial integrity of the Republic, the forms of government may not be changed. The constitutional laws must be adopted within a year from the day of enactment of the Constitution. Other laws named in the Constitution must be adopted according to the procedure and within the terms determined by the Parliament but not later, than two years after the enactment of the Constitution. In accordance with this Constitution every citizen of the Republic has right and bears responsibility owing to his citizenship. Human rights and freedoms belong to everyone by virtue of birth must be recognized as absolute and inalienable and define the contents and implementation of laws and other regulatory legal acts. Any actions capable of upsetting interethnic concord will be deemed unconstitutional and punished by law. VOCABULARY 1. to propose - ұсыну 2. to adopt- қабылдау 3. section - бөлім 4.commitment - міндеттеме 5. Supreme Court - Жоғарғы Сот 6. amendments - түзетулер, өзгертулер to deem - санау, есептеу 32

9. citizenship- азаматтық 10. inalienable - ажыратылмайтын, тартып алынбайтын 11. implementation - орындалу 12. inviolable - мызғымайтын, берік 13. dignity - абырой, намыс, ар 14. determine - анықтау, ескерту Ex 1. Give Kazakh equivalents: 1. to come into force 2. juridical force 3. direct effect 4. entire territory 5. regulatory legal acts 6. international treaty 7. functioning law Ex 2. Give English equivalents 1. өзгеру жобасы 2. унитар, біртұтас 3. территориялық тұтастық 4. күшіне енген күн 5. туғаннан бері 6. конституциялық кеңес 7. тікелей іске асырылу 8. нормативті қаулылар Ex 3. Insert the right words: (force, adopted, procedure, enactment, Constitution, implementation, territorial integrity, virtue of birth, regulatory legal acts) l. The new Constitution was ... and came into .., on September 5. 1995. 2. The Constitutional laws must he adopted within a year from the day of the constitution. 3. Other laws named in the ... must he adopted according to the ... . 4. Human rights and freedoms belong to everyone by ... must be 33

recognized as absolute and inalienable and define the contents and ... of laws and other .,, 5. The unitary status and ... of the Republic the forms of government may not be changed. Ex 4. Complete the sentences I. The Constitution has the highest juridical ... . 2. Amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan may be introduced only by ... . 3. In accordance with this Constitution every citizen of the Republic has right … . 4. The draft of amendments and additions to the Constitution will not be submitted to an ... . 5. Any actions of upsetting interethnic concord will be ... . Ex 5. Answer the questions: 1. Where and when was the new Constitution adopted? 2. What force has the Constitution? 3. How many sections does the Constitution consist of? 4. What is the functioning law in the Republic of Kazakhstan? 5. May the unitary status and territorial integrity of the Republic, the forms of government be changed? 6. What term must the constitutional law be adopted within? 7. What actions will be deemed unconstitutional and punished by law? Ex 6. Retell the text.


Әдебиеттер 1. Атабаева Г.Қ., Карашина Г.Т., Серикбаева С.З. Ағылшын тілі. Заң факультеті студенттеріне арналған грамматика бойынша оқу әдістемелік құрал. Қазақ ССР Ғылым академиясының тіл білімі институты. Орысша-қазақша сөздік. I-II том. – Алматы, 1978. 2. Адрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С., Никифоров А.С. Англо-русский юридический словарь. «Руссо» - Москва, 2000. 3. Republic of Kazakhstan. Country Profile. Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected]. Web: www.mfa.kz. Astana, 2005.


Мазмұны Алғы сөз ............................................................................. 3 The form of ........................................................................ 4 The President ..................................................................... 7 Parliament ........................................................................... 11 The government ................................................................. 14 Court and justice ................................................................ 17 The Constitutional Council ................................................. 20 Local public administration and self - ................................. 24 Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan ............................. 27 Constitution of the republic of Kazakhstan ......................... 31

Оқу басылымы

Адамбалинова Бағжамал Қизатқызы Айсұлтанова Қарлығаш Әбдіхалыққызы Атабаева Гаухар Камиқызы

АҒЫЛШЫН ТІЛІ Political structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1-курс гуманитарлық факультеттердің студенттеріне арналған оқу-әдістемелік құралы Компьютерде беттеген Тұраш Сапарова Мұқабасын көркемдеген Ринат Скаков

ИБ №7964 Басуға 28.01.2015 жылы қол қойылды. Пішімі 60х84 1/16. Көлемі 2,312 б.т. Офсетті қағаз. Сандық басылыс. Тапсырыс №41. Таралымы 200 дана. Бағасы келісімді. Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінің «Қазақ университеті» баспа үйі. 050040, Алматы қаласы, әл-Фараби даңғылы, 71. «Қазақ университеті» баспа үйі баспаханасында басылды


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