Pioneer Little Europe (PLE) Prospectus

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Table of contents :
Pioneer Little Europe Prospectus - Front Cover
Part 1 - Why a PLE?
Part 2 - Pioneer Little Europe's Open Community Dynamics
Part 3 - PLEs & The West
Part 4 - My Favorite Pro-White Cults
Part 5 - On Pure National Socialism
Part 6 - The Age of Posing
Glossary & Appendix

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Part 1 - Why a PLE?


Part 2 - Pioneer Little Europe's Open Community Dynamics


Part 3 - PLEs & The West.


Part 4 - My Favorite Pro-White Cults


Part 5 - On Pure National Socialism


Part 6 - The Age of Posing


Glossary & Appendix



Pioneer Little Europe Prospectus


angry, those who refuse to run any more, who refuse to bow and scrape, the doers rather than passive thinkers, wild dogs in the cellar. Let 'em out!

When our friends still aren't quite grasping the message about advocating 'Stormfronts of the Street' (aka PLEs), we frequently hear them say: "Yes, but how will we keep the non-Whites out of these target areas?" or "Isn't this some kind of running away plan?" And both friends and opponents sometimes offer this gem: "Won't you be interfering with non-Whites and in violation of every known civil rights law?" PLE target areas, however, would be in the Old White community. We are here to TERRAFORM the Old White community, not to conform to it. We make an enormous distinction between ordinary Whites and those who are conscious Whites (White Nationalists - WNs). Some of the Old community Whites will not want to live within an area where our numbers are CONCENTRATED. They will voluntarily and legally flee this target area. In fact, ~ll wh? oppose White Nationalism will voluntarily quit the area. Many others, however, will welcome their liberators! We refer to the process as "The Uncontrolled White Nationalist Culture," and it has certain characteristics:

* The

UWNC starts out by drawing together the WNs who are no longer permitted to exercise the integrity of their community living space anywhere else; those who are unwanted elsewhe~e if they even so much as express love for their race. These are the culturally homeless, the berserkers, the greatest misfits, the especially

Their colorful splinters and lack of uniformity means that they've become feral, hard, sometimes unpredictable, and a lot less forgiving. S?me are visible and others are not, but all others will sense that they have arrived and will voluntarily depart from any territory these now claim, the PLE target area. And make no mistake, it is an especially sacred area as well. Relocation is nature's way for the race to recover. The most affected have the most influence in this game, and they will release a lot of REAT in a unique kitchen, this place called a PLE. Our opponents will not be able to endure the heat, and will flee the kitchen.

* The Uncontrolled White Nationalist Culture is for all of our supporters, and what has been too German, too Italian, or too Irish will become during the revival process - a more uniform a~d relevant synthesis of purpose. And that will spread outward to embrace even those far away. * The PLE approach to patriotism has a Janus-like face because its UWNC both repels our opponents and allows us to gather (or legion) our people together. * The large numbers of WNs involved will swamp all the existing institutions in the LOCAL target area, and will gain ENORMOUS RESPECT everywhere else. They will also occasionally connect with militants, those who have long lacked a community to defend. Now all will defend their community.

* The UWNC will displace and DESTROY all the local values that have never really served Whites.

Pioneer Little Europe Prospectus



It is the age of the common White man and White woman, and those who are no longer content with just what they are served up on television.

tendencies of the same concept. All of the following situations, though they are separated by many centuries, can be offered as examples with this common denominator:

WNs are their own media. And they don't want to merely subscribe to publications and consume the products of the cultural revival, they want to PHYSICALLY PARTICIPATE in the process.

* Ancient Greek military commanders preferred, when it was feasible, to engage their opponents within a close enough distance of their polis (community) as to retain the advantage of civilian support.

They want to connect and speak about feelings that are longing to burst from within.

* THE UWNC has the potential,

within the hearts and minds of those who believe, to become our next ethnic and cultural form.

* The UWNC is accessible to every WN, can be influenced by any of them, but it is not to be totally controlled by anyone of them. The UWNC is like the fabled genie in the bottle, and once it's out anything can happen and will! The genie is capable of taking on even the largest and most unpleasant opponents and tasks, and it will take them on. Our genie's face is camaraderie and community. And our opponents will tremble and quake when they encounter it for the first time, as it will be especially unfamiliar and challenging to them. "Cultural-Legionism "

This book is about a pro-White orgamzmg strategy called Cultural-Legionism, a word which had to be coined in order to account for the peculiar way in which Western Civilization since the time of the Greeks has been held together by a metaphysic of words and meanings to inspire actions (i.e. In the beginning was the word). The word Amen means "the unseen principles of the highest power," and the object of engaging those is to focus the charisma of every individual into a powerful community. A central example would be the words "gather" and "legion," which are actually two faces or

* At anytime the Roman legionnaires were not engaged in battle they were usually involved in building projects. * When Napoleon Bonaparte established an institution in 1802 called the 'Legion of Honour' his awards were for military and civilian accomplishments, which he declared to be of equal value to the nation. * In 1876 the James- Younger gang decided to rob the banks of Northfield, Minnesota, but despite their unsurpassed fighting and riding skills (The best actually since Napoleon's time), it was the beginning of the end for them when an organized community dared to take them on. There are also four examples of "legionism within politics" which will be of particular interest to anyone involved in raising up a PLE - and seeing to the defense of its residents.

* The American president and his state governors have the advantage of being able to pivot from one task to another, as they are not only political leaders but commanders of armed forces. * And America's military veterans, with local posts throughout the nation, routinely supply authoritative leadership for youth, political, and emergency activities. In other words, it's quite a different matter as compared to anyone attempting to organize Americans with a foreign militant tradition. * In keeping

with our heritage as Europeans and Americans, it is proposed in the PLE Prospectus


Pioneer Little Europe Prospectus

that Whites otherwise raise up an "Uncontrolled White Nationalist culture" (WNs will actually control it) within specific target areas for all others to voluntarily and legally avoid. This ongoing campaign - in accord with our culture as a survival tool - will create an expanding living space.

* As we are Americans, and not red Chinese or Stalinists, we turn away from anyone who advocates the use of "forced conditioning" even for the dissemination of pro-White beliefs (i.e. The means is not justified by the end). And it's recommended that any converting be accomplished through free thought, community building, and the much gentler conditioning of Western culture. More extensive studies of this subject are available from a variety of sometimes contending and more controversial authors, both Christian and pagan, Western and foreign. Among the most widely known are those concerned with the New Testament's gospel John, Martin Heidegger's books on philosophy, and references on the role of Thoth in ancient Egypt.

Pioneer Little Europe Prospectus

Part One - Why a PLE?


distinct people. In the meantime, the Old form .of White community is being eroded by ItS opponents: gen 0 cide (jen'