NFPA 56 (Standard for Fire and Explosion Prevention During Cleaning and Purging of Flammable Gas Piping Systems) [2023 ed.]

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NFPA 56 (Standard for Fire and Explosion Prevention During Cleaning and Purging of Flammable Gas Piping Systems) [2023 ed.]

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  • NFPA

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NFPA� codes, standards, recommended practices

("l'\FPA Standards"),

and guides

of which the documelll

colllainecl herein is one, are cle\·eloped through a consensus standards development proce.

approved by the

.-\m rican :-Jational Standai·ds Institute. Thi$ pmce. s brings wgelher volunt en; i· presenting vari d viewpointc; ancl i nteresu; to achieve consensus on Ji1·e and olher s.aJe r y i. sues. 'v\!hilc the . FPA administc::rs the:: process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the clevelopment or comensus, it cloes not independen dy test evaluate, or ,- rit�- the accuracy or anv informalion

The l'\FPA di.sdaims


lhe $ot111dne$s o!'anyJudgmenLc; contained in




liability for any pe1 . onal i1 ury, property, or other damages of any nature whau;oever,

wheth r $[l cial, indi1·ecl, consequential 01· comp 11$atory, directly 01· indir ctlv i· suiting f'mm the publication. us of, or reliance on :'.\JFPA Standards. The


also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or

completene. s or any information publi. heel herein. h1 issuing ;met making


Standarcb av'1) should h

aware th, l the$e documen tJ may he super$edecl at ct1y time by the is. uance or a new ediLion, may be amended with th

i. uance ofli ntali,·e Interim Amenclm nL, lAlllj)J'Puetl Gfl. es am/ C:1:roge11ir flu id.� C:odr, 2023

erli t ion .

NFPA :'i8, 11ejiPtl Pnmlm m Ga.f C:or�. 2023 ed i l ion.

l\"FPA P'>!I.

l 'rility 1...1 '-Crt l'/rmr CfJlfr,

W2 I


KFPA 69, Strmdmd n 11 Exjllfl.�i"" 1'1roe11/io11 -�J Sll!mt, 20 HJ e


the p rocl un io n , stor age, u·an�­

of h)rlrngen in all o cupande. and on


II premise. .

1.3.3 The fu ndamencal req uircrnenL� of Chaptc1·s 1 and 4 th rough 8 [of :XFPA. 21 shall tinrr of a sincrle c1·1 indcr not cxcccdinrr

' 1 20 IP ( !'l.4 111:1) of ox,·gcn and a si ngl e cylinder not exceeding 1 20 !P ( 3.4 ni:1) of rud gas usccl for we lding



S1stcn1. 1· m;1 1· i n e L c l'J l1 i n ab �s. -.x: i a tec l wit h rc ! i ne ric�, pe t roch c m i caLo;, gas plant, and marine termi nal. who.� p urpo se is 1 hc ckli\·cry of LP·Ga.� to marine \"C,scls. l11c cle. ign, con. u·uciion, installation, and operation of pipeline icrminals that rcc e i \'e LP- Ga. fro m pipel ine. under the j uri S.�lll1lCS l h c role of llW �ut t h o d ty h ; l \'ing j lll'�o;(liction; ­

at gm·c·rnmen c installatfon. , the commanding offker or dq1an-

i ty hmingjurisrliction.

1t1C'ntal o flic i a l ma\· be the au t h m

A.3.2.4 Listed The means for i c l n ti f 'y i n g listen equipment may rnry for

ne ('.�·me1 hyl- l-hu1ent>)

( l l .9 )"

( 1 0.2)"

l'ropylen {propene)


l compounds

Carh• n 1 1 1 1 nmdcte ( i n :1ir) Hydrngc1\ (in :�ir)

Commercial fuels ;\/ti/r1r J(flMlliitr.> (70/ 100 ) O LV l fi )

1\vi111im1 j1ttt'1 K.troxicle-l'\itrogen .-\1 11 o�ph res" ( J!}litl). "-5 L ( 1 . 'l �al) ,.e"''"'· AST:'\1 Efl.� 1 , S1mulmrl 'lF..sig11 mul In loT!I, 20 19.

E. l .2. 7 US Government PubJications. t : S Gm-crnmrnt Puhl i.hing O!lic.e, 732 '.'forth C apitol St..t'C'et, :w, \\·a. h i ngmn , DC 204 0 1 -000 1 . _

NFPA 7fP, NflliQ1wl Elrrlri,-a/ Cod/!!. 2023 edition. eel it.ion.

P1ni1Pr Pi-ping, 2()20.

) 94 28-29:19.

NFP.-\ i;8, Uq1ujinl P!>tmlmm C.r1.s lmfP, 2023 edit i on.


AS IE B� Ll ,

/lPrw11me1tr/n/ J'mrtirl'


Srarir t.'fl't'f1irit.r, 20 Hl

NFP..\ 85, Bnilrr a11d! on NF Pi\ Free /\cce!>S plat 'orm Nol fo· distribulion down loading . or printing. For 1nq tt!ries co tact c,1slse v@n foa orr,. -o repmt unauthc i,;ed contact Jer,al@n fpil erg



Di��hargc o PurgcL1t·chasc t h e lat t:St product s ;rnd trai 1 1in�.

\'icw n:latcd pub li c ation s, training, a11cl ot her· 1-csou1-c:cs a\·ail a blc for purchase.

4/ 1 9-B C:op1 ri�nt t.; N F P/\ For exck1si1Je •. se on FPA Free Access plat 'orm Not for distrih1 .ion down loading . or printing For 1nq t1!ries co tact c,1slserv@nfpa or9. -o report un-wlh°'ized co!'ltact IBSJdm iral Merling r:m1vr11 tio11 R1tlr.1, FPA GuidrJori/IP !.mu/11rl of l'artiriprmls in /hr NFPA Strmdrml. lJn!l'fop111t>11/ l'mrP.t , a nd the N FP.-\ Rt>g11irllintH Gf111('m i11g f'flitiom lo /hr Board ofDh:Prfor.1Jm111 Drrisio11s of /hr Stm11fr1n{.t Cnuwil. '.\.!o. c or these rules , ncl r('gu la c ions arc oncainerl in t he XFP.4 S1r111 d1il'rl. Di1'f'rl1JJ)'· Fm copies of dw Dirt>rlor ', comact Codes and Scanrlarcb Arh11iniscracion at :'-J FPA headq uarters; all these documents arc also arnilahlc on the NFPA "·cbsicc at "" ReguJation,s.

recommended practic('s,

Tlw fo l l owi n g is gcner;d i n f o rn 1a t i on on t he 1\ fPA pr< )