Magic Power of White Witchcraft 9780735200937

Offering helpful skills and techniques for such things as raising vital energy levels and influencing others to do your

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Magic Power of White Witchcraft

Table of contents :
Before We Begin
Spells: The Fun Part of Witchcraft
You Can Develop Your Magic Witchcraft Power
you Can Use your Magic Witchcraft Power
you Can Always Win As Witches Do
you Can Heal yourself As Witches Do
You, Too, Can Use the Witches' Magic Healing Power
Use Witchcraft Power to Find Companionship
Use your .Magic Witchcraft Power to Dominate Others
A Witch's Staff of Consultants the Dead In
Use your Magic Witchcraft Power to Travel Without your Body
Witchcraft Power Can Make you Rich in a Ghetto
your Own Witchcraft Money Magnet
Post-Millennium White Witchcraft
Empowering yourself with Magic Witchcraft Power

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The Founders of the Church and School of Wicca


Library of Congress Cala l.o g ing-in-Publication Data Prost. Gavin . The magic power or white witchcr~ft / Gavin and Yvonne Frost. p. cm. Includes index . .ISBN O-i352-0093-9 1. \Vitchcraft. I. Gavin , Yvonne. II. Title. BF 1561. f76 l 999 133.-!' 3-dc2 I

99-24054 C IP

Acquisi tions Editor: Doug Corcoro11 Production Editor: Ere Moss111nn Fonnatting/lnterior Design: Robyn Beckernw11

© 1999 by Pnmllce Hall

All rights rcscn;ed. Nu port of this book may /Jc reproduced In n11y fomi or by t11HJ mcaris, u;itlw11t per111issiau /11 writi11gfro111 the p11blisl1n: Pri11 tell in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 J 3 2 1

ISBN 0-7352-0093-9

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DEDICATION To those who have gone before, and to those who will try something different and change their lives A special note: In recent years, the federally recognized nonprofit

Church and School of vVicca (that is, of Witchcraft) has taught over 50,000 people to be Witches: to use their innate po"vers to help then1selves and others to,vard better lives. There are presently \Viccan churches in several states and in foreign countries. The ir 1nembe rs are "ne,"' Witches," practicing white Witchcraft and using tl1ese po\vers as their own consciences guide the 1n. You should become aware of "vhat \i\litchcraft powe r can do for you and for others, so that you can decide ,vhether to join tl1e frie ndly ranks of the \Vitches or learn how to re n1ain free fro1n the influence of psychic attackers. Serious inquirers 111ay con tact the authors at: The Church and School of \:Vicca P.O. Box 297 Hinton \W 25951 Alte rnately, pull up the ir website at http://\V\.VW.\


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Ho,.v to Change Your Life with the Magic Po,.ver of Witchcraft. The \iVonders of Modern \Vitchcraft . . . . . . You Can Make Your Life Better in Eve ,y Way. Anyone Can Be a Witch . . . . . . . . . . . \,Vitchcraft Will \iVork for You . . . . . . . . Joe and Margaret's H ouse-Cleansing Ritual What Is YouJ· Hea1t's D esire? . . . . . . . . Witchcraft Is Alive and \iVell . . . . . . . . Magic \iVhite \,Vitchc raft Power Is the Total Ans,.ver . Satanis,n . . . . . . . . . . . . The God-Given Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auto1natic, Assured Success . Your Pe rsonal Me te r Maid . Thoughts into Action. Be fore We Begin . . . . . .


Spells: The Fun Part of Witchcraft

1 2 2 3 3 4 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 13


Basic Spell Casting . . . . . . . . . . Yo ur 0,1/11 Magic \iVitchcraft Te1nple

17 18 18

Sex and Blood Magic. . . . . . . . . See Ton1on·ov.' Today. . . . . . . . . You r Magic \,Vindow on the Psychic \1Vorld . Your Personalized D ivining Machine

20 21 23 23

A Child's Spell for Good \,Veathcr . .




Ron and the Veteran . . . . . Personal Psychic Protection . Make Time Run Bacbvard or Witchcraft Action Keys. . . .


. . . . . . . . . . Fonvard . . . . .

. . . .

25 26 28 28

You Can Develop Your Magic Witchcraft Power 29

Power Is as Real as the Pulse in Your \i\Trist. Matt and the Starlet . . . . . Feel Your Ov,rn Powe r . . . . Change Your Po,,ver Output . Bill Controls His En1otions E lectronics, Be,,vare! . . . . . Inhale Cosn1ic Energy . . . . Focus Your Magic Witchcraft Power Ruth Defines I-ler Goal . . . . Building Your Psychic Pictures . Gene's Always on the Bal] . . . . Recharging Your Cosmic Battery Your Body Is Yow· Set of Tools . It's So E asy . . . . . . . . . . . . Mabelle Changes the Color of the Candle Flan1e Practice: Use That Muscle . . . . . . . . .. .. .

29 30 32 33 33 . 34 . 34 37

38 38 39 . 40 . 40 . 41 42 . 42

J. You Can Use Your Magic Witchcraft Power 4J Telepathy ls E asy . . . . . Josh Buys the Sugar . .. Rapport and Visualization Influencing Othe rs . . Betty Faces the Test . . . Defining Your Desire . . . More Power for Bigger Jobs.

. 43 . 44

. 45 . 45 . 46 47 . 47



Influencing Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Love and Threats Make the Violets Bloon1 . The Technique of Talking to Plants . Fix Your Me n101y. . . . . . . . . . . No Grocery List for Leigh . . . . . . Visualizing Your O·wn Encyclopedia . ln.fluencing Objects . . . . . Ve rna and the Traffic Signals. Visualize Your Needs . . \,Vitchcraft Action Keys. . . .

48 49 49

so so 51 51

52 53 53

4- You Can Always Win-As Witches Do 55 Control the Conversation . . . . . . Fred Stays Calm and Gets H is 'A7ay. "I A,n Smarter Than They Are" . . The Flip Side of Fred's Approach . Leave The ,n in Your Dust .. . . . Ann Fulfills He r Lifetime Dream . Map Out Your Can1paign .. . Silent Pe rsuasion . . . . . . . . . . Joe Gets a New Position a Year . . The Technique of Silent Persuasion . The Magic Finger on the Pulse . . . Nobody Te!ls You H ovv Easy It Is . . Laven1e Becomes District Manager . Oppo1tunity Is \t\laiting. \i\Titchcraft Action Keys. . . . . . . .


56 56 57 59

59 60 61 62 63 63 64 65 65

66 67

5. You Can Heal Yourself As Witches Do 69 Al and the Doctors .


Your Magic Bath . .




Controlling Your Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\.ndy Dissolves a Gallstone . . . . . . . . . . . . Use \1/itchcraft to Help Yourself to Good I-Iealth . The Magic Po,~,er of \1/hite Witchcraft Raising Yow· Level of Vital Ene rgy . David Gets His Po,ver from the Sun Visualizing the Po,-ver Flo,v . . . . . Lo\v-Cost Medication . . . . . . . . Low-Cost Medication Cures Eddie's Ston1ach Upsets . Making Honegar . . . . . . Body Fuel . . . . . . . . . . Dale Beats the Vegetmi ans. \¥inning Diets . . . . . vVitchcraft Action Keys . . .

72 73 74 74 75 75 77 78 78 79 81

81 82 83

6. You, Too, Can Use the Witches' Magic Healing Power 85 See Healing in Action Tonight. H>1_Jnotist Cures His Son. . Hypnosis Is Not Necessary.. You Can Cure Anything . . . Alicia Sells H er vVheelcbair . The Psychic Rules the Son1atic You Can Harm as Well as I-Ieal Sue's Enemies Died .. Sue's Spell . . . . . . . . Red Leaves You Open . It's Simple and Practical Betty and the Colors . . Color Ilealing Chart . . The Group Can Do Anything . Four People Repair Anita's Damaged Brain Getting in Tune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

86 86 87 87

88 88

89 89 90 91

92 92 92

96 96 96



It's Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . F our-Year-Old H eals Da,naged Ligaments . Ra,v E n,otion . . . . . . Unused Ene rgy . . . . . Witchcraft Action Keys.

7. Use Witchcraft Power to find Companionship

97 98 . 98 . 98 . 99


Find the Love r You \,Vant. . . . . . . . . So,ne Examples of Controlled Meetings. Practicing the Occu lt Lifestyle . . . What You D e fin e Is \,Vhat You Cet. Brad Finds His Pe rfect Nlate. . . Be De finite; Be Choosy . . . . .. . Your Lover Can Be Your Friend . . Debbie and Joe Live Togethe r for a Yeru· lvlake Your Selection; Run a Trial Pe riod Partnerships Based on lvlagic \rVitchcraft Povver Endure . Ellen Outgrows Mark . . . Each Partne r Is a Pe rson . . \1/itchcraft Action Keys . . . Your Con,panionship Ritual

103 104 106 107 108 109 110 111

. .

112 113 114 114 115 116

8. U~e Your Magic Witchcraft Power to Dominate Others 119 You r Book of Shado,vs . . Sid Gets the Bridal Suite . You Can Win Too . . . . . You Can Be Like a \ 1Vitch. With Magic.: Witchcraft Po,,ver You Can Be a Pagan and \Vin . A1 Te lls His Fore1nan the Truth D on·t Lie on the Job Julie Changes Roles . . . . . . .

l 21

122 122 124 124 12,5 126 l 27



With Magic Witchcraft Powe r You Can Evaluate Other People and Their Motives Curt FLxes I-Iis N1other's Suitor. . Check It Out and Act . . . . . . . . Are Your Beliefs a Disadvantage? . Helen and Paul's Successful Printing Business Reviev; Your Ethics: Get Then, Up to Date. Businesspersons vVho Win Everyone Loves a vVinner Gi1·\s Love Pagan Winne rs Charla Finally Falls . . . . You Can Ge t the Girls Too . Be Grudging ,vith Apologies Witchcraft Action Keys . . .

128 129 130 131 132 132 133 133 134 135 136 136 137

9. AWitch's Staff of Consultants-the Dead 119 Never Be Lonely Again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosalie Refuses to \i\lash I-ler Clothes at the River Bank . The D ead Are All Around You: Talk to The m . All Our Witches Regularly Talk with the Dead Six Arcane Steps to Comn1unication . Communication ls Real . . . . . . . . . Laura F inds H er Niche . . . . . . . . . You, Too, Can Be Serene and Fulfilled Obtaining Facts for Control of Your Destiny I-Iarry S,vitches I-Iorses in Midstrea1n . .. . Make Your Life's Choices with Your Guide's Help The Psychic Party Line . . . . . . . . . . . . Maki ng the Law of Attraction \i\lork for You. Charlene Ignores the La,v of Attraction . You , Too, Can Use the La,v of Attraction The Great Computer in the Sky . . . . .

139 140 141 142 142 146 147 148 148 148 149 150 152 153 154 154



Edwin and the Unruly Sow . Ask and You Shall Be Answered . Witchcraft Action Keys . . . . . .

10. Use

155 156 156

Your Magic Witchcraft Power to Travel Without Your Body

You, Too, Can Travel Astrally . . . . Recluse l\tteets Deceased Daughte r Leave You r Body as Witches Do . Visit Other Planes of Existence. A Ch,istian Lean1s the Truth . Tune In to Your Po,,vers . . . . . It eed Not Be Dangerous . . . C rafting !]ands, Traveling Mind . Witchcraft vVill Protect You . .. vVe Get Le tte rs . . . . . . . . . . Use Your Powers to Be Your O,vn Lie Detector. Pick a Target .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Win Your Battles on the Astral Plane Marty Wins the La,vs11i t . . . You, Too, Can Do It. . . . . . Lea111ing to Possess Another . The Ulti mate E1n pathy . . . . You, Too, Can Safely Possess Another .


Witchcraft Power Can Make You Rich in a Ghetto

1-Io,v l\tluch l\tloney Do You eed?. Andrev., Carnegie and the Rabbits . You Have G reat Assets . Live tl1e vVay You Want . . . . . . . Claudi ne Loved Furs . . . . . . . . Yo u Can't Afford a Nonre tun1 Indulgence.




157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 165 166 167 167 168 168 169 170 171


174 174 ]76 176 177 178



179 179 179 182 182 184 186 187 188 189 190 190 191 191 192 193

D ain the F lo"v. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorce1y in Financing . . . . . . . . . Eunice Dtibbled Away 1-Ie r Fortw1e. Five Arcane Steps to Financial Sectuity . You Can't Afford Anything but the Best . Walt and His Tools . .. .. . Use Your Ti1ne to Advantage . . . . . . . Real Estate Is Big Money. . . . . . . . . Dexte r Is Working on His Seventh House. Your City Needs You . . . . . Junk Is Big Money . . . . . . Opal and the Auction Circuit. Buy Junk and Sell Antiques. Opportunities Unlirnited .. . Craha1n J-Ieeds Ifis Guide . . Do You Sincerely Want to Be Rich? .


Your Own Witchcraft Money Magnet

Nloney Loves Money . . . . . . . . Evelyn F onns Her Money .Nlagnet. F anning the Money Magnet . . . . Special Spell . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-l ank and the ?\1edical Insurance Check. Compose Your O\.vn Spell. The Sugar Bo"vl . . . . . Vern and His Decanter . Love Money . . . . . . . The Money Market . . . Joyce and He r Ne\.v Car Con1bine Spells and Nloney Knowledge . Ji1n Gets His Ducks in a Row . . . . You , Too, Can Be a Financial Wizard ..




195 196 196 197 199 199 200 200 201 202 203 204 205 206



IJ. Post-Millennium White Witchcraft 209 School Days in a Si1npler \Vorld . You Thjnk You H ave ProbJe1ns? . Do You See Yourself He re? . . . . \iVhat Larry and Janet Did ,vith White \iVitchcraft. Bruce T Dun1ps 1-Iis Secure Career . . Bruce Consults His D ead Grandfather Regularly Reapprruse . . . . . . Ann F. Gives Up :Her Millions . Tin, \,Y's Epiphany .. llealing with Tones . . . . . . . Beyond Orgas m . . . . . . . . . Take Life by the Throat with White vVitchcraft . The Seven-Year Itch . . Post-Nfillennium Morals . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. .

210 210 211 212 215 216 217 219 220 221 222 224 225 226

Empowering Yourself with Magic Witchcraft Power 227

\iVhat's \iVrong with Your Life? . . . . . . . . Use the Universal Magic \iVitchcrafr Po\.ver . Joe Beco1nes a vVitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . The God's Force Is ror You . . . . . . . . . . The Responsibilities That Go ,vith Magic \Vitchcraft Po,ver . Ann Changes He r Husband's Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Love the vVorld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Long and l"lappy Life Through Nlagic Witchcraft Po,ver. John Overco1nes Ten1pora1y Blindness . . Magic \r\fitchcrafr Po\.ver Leads to Success. The Tools of the Trade Practice and Con1bine D on Quits I-l is Job Acbjeve Serenity . . .

227 228 228 230 231

232 233

234 235 236

2.37 239 239




Appendix 241 ~ That Is Modern Witchcraft? . . . . . . . . . . The Roots of the D octrine in The Magic Power of vVhite Witchcraft Bullets Through the Windo\v. Can a Ch1istian Be a Witch? . . . . . . .

Index 249

.. . '



. .


241 244 245 246


How To Change Your Life with the Magic Power of Witchcraft Witchcraft! The ve1y word stirs deep e n1otions, visions of rnyste1ious rites done in dark of night, and the feeling of ancie nt occuJt secrets. Those secrets both lure and frighten you. They hold the pro1nise of po,,ver- po\ver to ilnprove your life; to gajn the sere nity, love, and com fo1t you have always wanted; and to stop you1· e ne mies cold in the ir tracks. The Frost family, Gavin, Yvonne, and their daughte r, Bron,,vyn , have lived and taught Witchcraft to seekers for a cun,ulative total of more than 100 years. All three are initiated Witches. It is a fact that Gavin and Yvonne are the found ers of the inodem religion of vVicca 1 that grew out of Witchcraft. This b9ok b1ings age-old mysteries into the h,ve nty-fhst centuJ)'· Jt shines Ught on secre t tn1rutions that \Vere fonn e rly passed down fron1 n1outh to ear in tight-knit fi:1111Uy groups. l t ,vill show you and te ll you ho,,v you, too, cRn bene fit ,,vhen you e1nploy the \iVitches' ,vays. It ,vill te ach you to create your O\vn inner coven of powe rf11I people. \,\!itches vie"v the world through a different reality fron, that of other people: atu re is to be honored Rnd preserved in all its ruversity. Just as Buddhists do, VVitches believe that all paths that are not negative lead to enlighte n1nent, serenity, and spiritual awareness.




The Wonders of Modem Witchcraft \tVitchcraft has long been associated with ancient teni ble spells and vveird, hard-to-obtain ingredients. The rlallowe'en vVitch is a fiction pushed by the establish1ne nt to frighten little childre n into good behavior and adults into church. Moden1 \i\Titchcraft laid aside those ancient n1ystical trappings long ago. As practiced today, it uses n1aterials that you can get in the supermarket. It strongly emphasizes the e thical compone nt of the Craft. Nlode rn white vVitches avoid the dark side because they know that a negative "hex" causes hann to the vVitch as \~1ell as to his or her target. The Craft is as n1ode1n as a space shuttle, yet it uses ancie nt methods to achieve its ends-ends that thousands upon thousands of people are achieving every day. Do you ever vvonder why your 1ival got the pro1notion when it seemed to be in your grasp? ~ That did he or she knovv that you don't? If you had had this \~Titch book before, your chances ,~1ould have been better than even. You ,~1ould have been able to tip the balance in your favor using the sin1ple, easy-to-fo llovv insb1.1ctions contained in these pages.

You Can Make Your Life Better in Every Way First, you lea1n of the powers latent vvithin you that you have not developed. Scientific expe1in1ents clearly shovv that people are linked togethe r telepathically. You can use that telepathic link to help yourself, both by making other people do you1· will and by reading the innennost secrets of others. You, yourself, whe n sitting idly in a theater during an intern1ission, can n1ake people ahead of you ttu-n and look at you. You know you can do it; it is the practice of such conh·ol and the clevelop1nent of your ability to direct your powers that ,1/ill equip you for your ne"v life. Tf you are walking along the street and see son1eone ,,vandering in a daze, you could make hii11 or ber stumble into traffic (that's a hex), or you could si1nply wake the person up. How 1nany ti1nes have you sensed that tl1e phone vvas about to ring? 1--lo\v many tin1es have you and a niencl expressed the same thought at the san1e time? You are reading each otlier's 1nindsl By 1

See Appentlix.



developing this inborn capability in the ancient occult ·way, you will learn to read the 1nost intin1ate though ts of those around you. Has true love ahvays evaded you? Have you neve r had a really satisfactory re lationship ,vith anotl1er? Learn in these pages the difference between desire, possession, love, and jealousy. Use that new knowledge to yow· o"'m advantage so that you do not vainly hope for love ,vhere there exists only a natural desire to have sex-one endociine syste,n calling to another. \.\1hen you finish reading this book, you will know how to establish tJ1e rapport bond ,vitJ, your Significant Other, so deep a bond that your brain ,vaves co1ne into synclu·onization and tJ1e t\1/o of you are truly one.

Anyone Can Be a Witch The authors of this \tVitch book are uniquely qualified to guide you along the simple patJ1 to gaining tJ,e magic po,ve r of ,vhite vVitchcraft. They are the di1·ectors of a unique school , tJ1e School of Wicca, ,.vhich has taught te ns of thousands of ordina1y people ho,v to become adept in using the magic po,..,e r of "vhite \tVitchcrafr. As you learn from the fifty-plus exan,ples in iliis book, you don't have to be ,vealthy or supe1intelligent to be a Witch, nor do you have to be fro1n a Witch fa1ni ly. This con1monly held belief, that the powers are so1nehow genetic, has been fostered by tllose ,.vho ,vant you not to kno,.., ho,v easy and e ffective is the use of \,Vitcbcraft's n1agic povve r. If you do not wish eventually to become part of the happy, serene world,vide Wiccan fan,iJy, fron1 this book you can still lean1 to use the magic po"ve r and to protect yourselJ against those who 1nay vvish you ill. \tVe are sony for you if you forgo joinjng the group; yet you can stiU use a \,\/itch's n-1agic powe r, as this book teaches.

Witchcraft WiJJ Work for You Joe and Margaret D., vvho lived in a s1nall toW11 i11 1vfissouti, never seemed to have any luck. Because they had all the count1yn1an's belief in omens and the evil eye and "vere convinced that their ill luck vvas due to so1ne outside influence, they had tri ed using luck-y horseshoes and had cast a protective 1ing of salt around tl1eir house, but to no


Introductio n

avail. They had given up hope. T hey knevv that the evil that was on theo1 ,vould have to be removed by sorne powerfuJ \iVitcb 1ituaJ. They vvrote to us in the last n1ise1y of despair. Because they lived only a relatively sho1t distance fro ,n us, ,,ve went to see then1 . Nailed above their door we found horseshoes ,vith the open e nds pointing up and down. Inside the house we found a ,vreath of garlic laid around their sick baby's clib. Joe and Margaret had no real belief, though, in tb e effi cacy of these ,neastu-es. We taught them to use the methods that you learn to use in this book. Taking do\.\m tJ1e horseshoes, we laid them flat vvi.tJ1 their open e nds pointing a\vay fron1 the house. We cleansed the ho,ne of spirits with the rih1al in Chapter 1. The horne im1n ediately felt lighter, and after Joe and Nlargaret had conducted their own protective ritual and made their O\vn protective pentacles, the evil influence evaporated. \Nithin one ,veek Joe had gotte n a new job and the baby "''as visibly improved. They did it themselves, and you can too.

Joe and Margaret's House-Cleansing Ritual This ve1y nice rituaJ 1nay be used to make the hon1e feel much better and b1ighter. I t is sirnple but effective, typicaI of 1ituals that you can do even though you are not an initiated \iVitch. The equipment is si1nple and is easy to obtain. This ritual is especially fun to do at the end of a party, ,vhen you can clean all the people out as well a5 any bad influences they n1ay have left. NECESSARY EQUI PMENT

l. 200 feet of silk thread 2. A 2-quart cerarnic bowl

3. AJun1inw:n tray 30" x 18"

4. 2 quarts d1y sand

.5. 2 beeswax candles 6. A box 2 feet or more on a side 7. Alcohol



8. Chicken \-vishbone

9. Cooking oil 10. Bread 11. Glass of ,vine 12. Salt

On the evening of full moon, tie one end of the thread to the front doorknob. Leave the door open. Take the thread in a countercloc~vise direction into and out of every room in the house, including the upstairs roo1ns, every bathroom , and all storage closets that have a door. Carry the end of the thread out into the yard. Tie it to the ,vishbone and put this into the box ,vith a bees\-vax candle, the glass of wine, and a piece of bread. The box is the spirit house. Such a box is often placed on a post or sorne other elevated pedestal, which 1nay be as simple as a \-vooden chair. Put some sand into the fireproof bowl. Pat it do"vn to rnake a 1nound in the center. Saturate the mound ,vith a 1nL\.'ture of alcohol and cooking oil, ,nixed in the proportion of one cup alcohol to onequarter cup oil. Put the bowl and the second candle on the tray. Light this and let it b11n1 outdoors for thirty n1inutes before you carry it indoors. At exactly ntidnight, light the two candles and the alcohol 1nix in the bo,vl. Be very care ful \vith the alcohol fire, because the bo,vl ,-vi ii get astonishingly hot. Start at the end of the silke n thread you have tied to the front doorknob. Say in a loud voice, I have prepared a home for any spirit who may need one. Come, follow the thread. Go to your new home. Go in peace. If you do not go in peace, I will curse you and banish you lo the outer shades. Follow the thread. Go in peace.

Walk fonvard along the thread repeating, Follow the thread. Go in peace.

Cany in front of you the tray on ,vhich both the candle and the bowl of alcohol and o.iJ are burning. I f you like, as you go, a second person can sprinkle salt behind you. As you move th rough the horne, have



so1neone ,vind up the thread behind you. EventuaJJy you will co,ne to the spi1it house. vVrap the thread arowJd the spiiit house. Say, You have everything you need in this house. Everything you need is in this house. This thread will bind you in. Th is thread will bind you in.

When all the thread is ""rapped around the spilit house, cany the spilit house a"vay from your prope rty, collapse it, and burn it. Or bu1y it at a crossroad; or put it snugly in the woods.

What Is Your Heart's Desire? Once in the rniddle of a "vm·n1 Easte r Sunday afte111oon, several Witches drove fro1n Nlinneapolis to"vard Missouli. As they drove soutll\,vard, they becan1e a,1/are of n1any cars stranded by the road for lack of gasoline. Naturally, they began to "vony. One Witch used the pendulu ,n she al"vays canies; not only was she able to reassure the travelers that they would be able to find gas, she even told them precisely ""he re it ,voulcl be. Taking the indicated off-ramp, they found, "vithin h\10 1niles of tl1at ramp, the only open fuel station within a radius of 1nany miles. The station ""as open, and (even better) there ,,vas no lineup at the pun1p. vVhen they asked tl1e attendant ho"v it happe ned that he alone "vas "vorking that E aster day, he replied, "I don't kno,"' "vhy, but I just got the urge to con1e up and open for an hour or wo." Once 1nore, we were co1npletely convinced that Witchcraft po\,vers had so1oothed tbe path for us-just as they can for you. Probably the most in1portant thing about \tVitchcraft and the po,,ver that it generates is that it will easily remove tl1e frustration so many people feel. Once you have read this book, you ,¥ill no longer be a passive bystande r, left high and dry in tl1e backvvash of misfortune. You \1/ill be an active participant in your O\,VTI destiny and in the destiny of others. You n1ay not move 111ountains, but you will ce1tainly get lid of 1nany frustrations that you "vould just as soon remove fro1n your life. This book will enable you to conb·ol your o"vn future. Instead of being a puppet on somebody's st1ing, you ,rul have control over other people's strings. Too often hear people moan , as Molly R., a ew York



housewife, did, "I never have any n1oney in the bank:· But ,,vith a fe,v si1nple rituals and a minor shift in lifestyle, Molly no,~, has a substantial bank account. Until ,ve sho,,ved her ho,v sin1ple it really ,vas, she was both frighten ed and too negative to try the positive vVitchcraft approach that this 1nagic book desc1ibes. Her first hesitant atte1npt netted her a substantial check vvhen the estate of a long-forgotten uncle vvas settled. This small success encouraged her to continue with her rituals and ,vork (\,Vhat could she lose, after all? she figured); and before her death she ran her ovvn haute couture fi rm at a fashionabl e address in Nevv York City. Ad,ienne C. loved music. It al\vays seen1ed, though. that ,vhen a progran1 she particularly vvanted to hear ,vas offered at the syn1pbony hall, her vice-president husband had to e ntertain i1npo1tant out-ofto\1/11 guests. She particularly detested the hockey gan1es she had to attend, Years earlier, Adrienne's Scottish godmother had given her a little pe,vter boat and had taught her to \vish on it to bring what she desired, F inalJy, Ad1ienne's frusb·ation vvith hockey grew so intolerable that she took the boat to a match. She bet her husband that she could use it to n1ake the local tean1 lose the gan,e. You guessed it- it ,vorkecl. Her husband was so furi.ous that he refused to take her to any more games, vvhich ,vas exactly what she had hoped. \,Vhatever you need or want, whatever frustration is botheting you today, \,Vitchcraft can he lp you, I t is not evil or dangerous; it is not Satanic. All the things you ,viU learn to do are approved in the Bible in I Cori nthians 12.

Witchcraft Is Alive and Well The n,edieval Christian church \