Investigations on the Pantothenic Acid Requirement for Reproduction in The White Leghorn Fowl

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Investigations on the Pantothenic Acid Requirement for Reproduction in The White Leghorn Fowl

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The Pennsylvania State College The Graduate School Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry


A Dissertation hy WALTHER HENRY OTT Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY May, 1942

Approved: Associate Professor of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry

Head of Department of Agricultural and Biological Chemistry

Date of approval


The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. Robert V. Boucher for his helpful suggestions and general guidance throughout the course of this work, and to the Department of Poultry Husbandry for the use of their facilities.

O A O !X!X U




HISTORICAL ......................................


1. Discovery, isolation and synthesis of pantothenicacid...........................



Pantothenic acid content of foodstuffs.

. .


3. Need of the chick for pantothenic acid.

. .


4. Need of thefowl for pantothenic acid . . . 5. Simplified diets in pantothenic acid studies

8 .

6. Other accessoryfactors ..................... STATEMENT OF THEPROBLEM

10 13





Experiment 1 ..................................


Experiment 2 ..................................


Experiment 3 ..................................




S U M M A R Y ........................................





INTRODUCTION Nutritive requirements of the fowl will not be fully understood until the essential constituents of the adequate diet are known in terms of individual chemical compounds and the required amount of each compound has been deter­ mined.

With this knowledge a completely synthetic diet,

entirely adequate for the fowl, could be prepared. Presumably the dietary requirements will be different for each function of the fowl.

Certainly, if the require­

ments are not qualitatively different, they may be expected to differ quantitatively.

It is not particularly surpris­

ing that the amounts of nutrients required by the chick for normal growth are different from the amounts required by the hen for production of hatchable eggs. The criterion of normality usually used in studies of this type is the average performance of the birds when fed ah adequate commercial diet.

Whether or not the perform­

ance on such a diet is the maximum possible on the basis of the genetic make-up of the fowl and the environmental conditions involved remains to be seen.


of incubation and genetics as well as of the diet may

2 contribute to the fact that average hatchabillty observed with so-called adequate commercial diets is not more than 80 to 90 percent of fertile eggs. Any of the rations used in commercial poultry practice are considered 11commercial diets".

These consist largely

of crude foodstuffs ordinarily available in the feed trade. Such foodstuffs are ground yellow corn, ground oats, wheat middlings, wheat bran, soybean meal, meat scraps, fish meal, alfalfa meal, dry skimmilk, ground limestone and the fish liver oils.

Diet 947, listed in Table 2, is an

example of a commercial diet. As milling processes change, as new or more refined by-products from this and other sources become available, and as the management and feeding practices of poultry husbandry change, it is entirely possible that the commer­ cial diet may become deficient in one or more of the known or unknown dietary essentials for hatchabillty.

To guard

against this eventuality it is desirable to know the ap­ proximate amount of each dietary-essential in each of the foodstuffs available commercially, especially to know the relatively rich sources, and to know the minimum and optimum amounts required for normal hatchabillty. A fairly direct approach to information on nutritive requirements can be made through a study of the diet of

3 the fowl.

Although this may be considered a method of

trial and error, it has yielded considerable valuable infor­ mation and has engaged the attention of many investigators. One method is to simplify an adequate commercial diet, which usually consists of a variety of cereal grains and by-products, protein concentrates, fish liver oil and min­ erals.

This is done by using one or two simple, readily

available cereal grain foodstuffs (such as yellow corn meal and wheat bran), a relatively pure, easily obtainable pro­ tein (casein, for example), as many available pure chem­ icals as are thought to be necessary, and sufficient ex­ tracts or concentrates from other food materials to make the diet adequate.

Progressive replacement of a crude food

material by fractions of it containing the active factors leads eventually to the isolation and identification of these factors as pure chemical compounds.

From feeding

trials with graded amounts of the pure material in the diets, the minimum and optimum amounts required for hatchability can be estimated. Although simplified diets have been extensively used in studies on the nutrition of the chick, comparatively few research workers have attacked the problem of the dietary requirements of the White Leghorn fowl for hatchability.

Some reasons for this are rather obvious.

adult White Leghorn female will eat approximately one


4 pound of food In four days, regardless of how expensive the diet may be.

Careful management and feeding practices

are required to maintain the high egg production and high fertility needed to obtain enough eggs for hatchabillty investigations. That which is known about the protein, carbohydrate, fat and inorganic requirements for hatchabillty has been reviewed by Titus (65), Brannlon (19), Heuser (53), and others.

Many of the vitamins —

organic accessory food factors — pure compounds.

or more properly, the are already known as

The quantitative requirements have been

estimated for three, vitamin A, vitamin D and riboflavin, of the several now known to be required for hatchabillty, /

Almquist and Mecchi (4) have concluded from their own work and that of Bearse and Miller (15), Russell et al (55), Sherwood and Praps (57) and Williams et al (66), that the minimum dietary level required for normal hatchabillty is about 460 International Units of vitamin A per 100 grams of diet.

This amount is equivalent to 276 micrograms of

beta carotene. The investigations of Carver et al (22), Bethke et al (17) and Murphy et al (51) indicate the minimum vitamin D requirement for normal hatchabillty to be approximately 60 International Units in the form of a fish liver oil added

5 to a commercial diet.

This amount is supplied by 60

A. 0. A. C. Chick Units of any vitamin D material and is equivalent to 2.5 micrograms of activated 7-dehydrocholesterol (vitamin D^). Norris and associates (26, 52) and Hunt et al (37) have estimated that 220 to 245 micrograms of riboflavin per 100 grams of diet are required for normal hatchabillty. Titus (65, p. 796), Almquist and Mecchi (4) and others have suggested that the practical poultry ration should contain appreciably more than the minimum amounts of the accessory food factors in order to promote optimum hatchability under

all conditions.A margin

sirable to cover such factors as losses

of safety is de­ in storage, vari­

able potencies of the foodstuffs, and variations in the rate of egg production. Pantothenic acid, another accessory food factor known in pure form,

is now believedto be one

essential for

hatchabillty inthe domestic fowl (11, 14,


of the factors

Although its quantitative distribution among many

different foodstuffs ha3 been determined (12, 43), the quantitative requirements for hatchabillty have not yet been ascertained.

HISTORICAL 1. Discovery, Isolation and synthesis of pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid was named by R. J. Williams and associates (67) who in 1933 reported their discovery of an acidic substance, present in the extracts of a great variety of tissues, which was an important growth factor for yeast.

Five years later these investigators (69, 70)

described their isolation of a potent preparation of cal­ cium pantothenate and listed many of its properties. Shortly thereafter, in April 1939, Jukes (39) and Wooley et al (71) simultaneously suggested that the filtrate factor or chick antidermatitis factor, which they had been studying for several years, might be pantothenic acid. Within a relatively short time the synthesis of the compound was announced by Williams, Major and associates (63, 64, 68) and the physiologically active acid was shown to be (+) 2,4-dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-butyryl-beta-alanine. The pure material is available commercially as calcium d-pantothenate• 2. Pantothenic acid content of foodstuffs. The approximate pantothenic acid content of 68 dif­ ferent food materials as determined by the chick assay method was recently summarized by Jukes (43).


et al (12) also reported values for 21 foodstuffs assayed

7 by the microbiological method using Lactobacillus casei as described by Snell et al (54, 62).

Figures in the two

papers check fairly well, and enough foodstuffs were re­ ported that the approximate pantothenic acid content of many poultry diets can be estimated by calculation.


brewers1 yeast, mammalian liver, egg yolk and cane molasses were listed as rich sources of this factor. 3. Need of the chick for pantothenic acid. Kline and co-workers (47) discovered that chicks developed a dermatitis when fed a diet which had been sub­ jected to prolonged dry heat treatment.

The heat-labile,

water-soluble factor that prevented this syndrome was termed the filtrate factor by Lepkovsky and Jukes (48) in 1936 and the chick antidermatitis factor by Mickelson et al (50) in 1938. In 1939 Jukes (40) estimated that the chick required about 1.4 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.

This value was calculated from filtrate factor chick

assays of a pantothenic acid preparation supplied by Williams and corresponds to the minimum amount of panto­ thenic acid giving the maximum growth response (45). Recently Bauernfeind et al (13) cited evidence indi­ cating that the minimum requirement of the chick for satis­ factory growth up to six weeks of age was approximately

0.6 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet. These investigators used a heat-treated basal diet contain­ ing 0.26 to 0.30 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams and supplemented with brewers’ yeast products varying from 0.038 to 1.09 milligrams pantothenic acid per gram of dry matter. 4. Need of the fowl for pantothenic acid. Bauernfeind et al (11, 14), using a modified Kline heated diet in studies on the need of the^fowl for the antidermatitis factor, reported that this factor as well as another factor was required for hatchabillty.


latter factor was present in a whey adsorbate and in the water-soluble alcohol-insoluble fraction of dried brewers’ yeast.

Neither factor alone was effective.

The antiderma­

titis factor was supplied as a rice bran filtrate and was fed at a level (5 percent) now estimated to have supplied about 1.7 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet. Lepkovsky et al (49) concluded that the filtrate fac­ tor was not required for hatchabillty on an unheated sim­ plified diet consisting largely of polished rice and ex­ tracted sardine meal (Table 1).

This conclusion can not be

considered correct, for their work only showed that the low hatchabillty of 0 to 26 percent on the basal diet was not materially improved by the addition of a filtrate factor

concentrate from whey (10 to 32 percent hatchahility) now estimated to have supplied 2.8 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.

The failure of a given supple­

ment to produce a response in a deficient diet is neither Indication nor proof that the given supplement is not re­ quired.

Evidently this diet was also deficient in other

factors required for hatchahility. Very recently Oillis et al (27) cited evidence to indicate that pure calcium d-pantothenate, the yeast pre­ cipitate factor, and a liver extract were required for hatchahility on the modified Kline heated diet. Evidence is now available that the pantothenic acid content of the qgg and of the chick are influenced hy the amount present in the diet.

Snell et al (60) reported

that the pantothenic acid content of tissues of growing chicks decreased when they were fed a diet deficient in this substance.

Snell et al (59) reported that the panto­

thenic acid content of egg white and yolk was directly pro­ portional to the amount in the diet of the hens.

A defi­

cient diet containing 0.44 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams, a commercial diet containing 1.9 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams, and the commercial diet with 8.4 milligrams of sodium dl-pantothenate added per 100 grams of diet were used in this study.

10 No reports have yet been published regarding the quan­ titative requirement of pantothenic acid for satisfactory hatchabillty of eggs of the White Leghorn fowl.

On the

basis of the average composition of commercial foodstuffs (12, 43), the pantothenic acid contents of average com­ mercial diets are approximately 1,2 to 1.6 milligrams per 100 grams of diet.

Lepkovsky et al (49) cited data to show

that, on a commercial diet (now calculated to contain about 0.85 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams) supple­ mented with riboflavin, neither egg production nor hatchability (71 to 84 percent hatchabillty) was influenced by the addition of about 0.6 milligrams of pantothenic acid in the form of rice bran or whey filtrate factor concen­ trates (66 to 88 percent hatchabillty).

Thus it is reason­

able to expect the minimum requirement for pantothenic acid to be about one milligram or less per 100 grams of diet. 5. Simplified diets in pantothenic acid studies. Kline and associates (47) discovered that a diet ■** heated dry at 100 C for 144 hours caused chicks to develop a dermatitis at about three weeks of age.

Since then, dry

heat treatment has been extensively used in the preparation of diets deficient in the antidermatitis factor.


et al (50) reported that heating at 120°C for 30 hours gave more consistent symptoms of dermatitis in chicks than did lower temperatures for longer times.

Jukes (38) used a

11 modified Kline diet in his assay work and noted that with the cereals and casein heated at 120°C for 36 hours the diet was probably not free of the filtrate factor. The heated diets used by Norris and associates (11, 14, 27) in their studies on hatchabillty are given in Table 1, together with the Lepkovsky uhheated diet (49) already discussed and an unheated diet used by Schumacher and Heuser (56) in a study on their new yeast factor. The diet used by Bauernfeind et al (11, 14) to demon­ strate that a rice bran filtrate and a yeast extract were required for hatchabillty appears to be an inadequate diet. Without heat treatment of the diet, hatchabillty varied from 52 to 69 percent, which is below normal.


on the heated diet supplemented with the yeast preparation was 3 to 9 percent, while addition of the rice bran fil­ trate increased the hatchabillty to 51 percent.

The rice

bran filtrate, fed at two levels, is now estimated to have supplied 1.7 and 3.5 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.

The response obtained by adding this

pantothenic acid concentrate to the heated diet containing the yeast fraction was sufficient to indicate the essential nature of the pantothenic acid concentrate. A slightly higher response (50 to 79 percent hatch) was reported recently (27) for calcium d-pantothenate and


Table 1. Simplified Diets Used in Pantothenic Acid Studies with the White Leghorn Fowl.


(49) 1938 gms.

Polished rice Yellow corn Wheat bran Wheat middlings Extracted sardine meal


Reference (56) (11,14) 1938-9 1940 gms. . .

40.65* 20.0 * 20.0 *


A *a

Peanut meal Purified casein Soybean oil Cane molasses Wheat germ oil Cod liver oil


Ground limestone Steamed bonemeal Salt mixture Sodium chloride Manganese carbonate

3.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 to 0.03(1) 0.5 0.5 trace —

Liver extract Yeast fraction Thiamin Riboflavin Nicotinic acid

mm mm

- -

- - -


7.0 5.0 —

0.5 0.5




mm mm

150mcg 550mcg “ *

gms. 63.0 • •

mm •»

15.0 6.0 mm

5.0 0.5 0.5 mm mm

2.0 5.0(2) - -




- -

m rnm

gms. • •

- -

(27) 1942


lOOrncg 250mcg mm mm

42.5* 20.0* 20.0* -8.0 2.5 mm mm

0.5 0.5 3.5 2.0 M mm

0.5 -2.0* (3) 150mcg 275mcg 300mcg

* Heated dry at 120°C for 36 hours. (1) 0.027 grams FeS04 plus 0.0025 grams CuS04 . (2) 5.0 grams of a mixture of CaCO* 40.584, steamed bonemeal 19.41, K2HP04 18.526, NaCl 12.13, MgS04 *7H20 8.16, Fe2 (S04 )3 0.882, MnC03 0.203, KI 0.061, ZnCl2 0.022, and CuS04 *5H20 0.022 grams. (3) Water-soluble alcohol-insoluble fraction of dried brewers’ yeast equivalent to 5.0 grams of yeast.

IS a liver extract in place of the pantothenic acid concen­ trate alone.

Hatchahility on the heated diet as listed in

Table 1 (27) was zero, while the addition of 2 milligrams of calcium d-pantothenate per 100 grams gave hatchahility of 10 to 17 percent. Much higher values were reported from this laboratory (56) with a different and unheated simplified diet.


hatchahility on this diet was 44 to 58 percent, hatch­ ahility varied from 79 to 96 percent when the yeast frac­ tion was added.

These values are in the normal range and

indicate that the diet containing the yeast fraction may he considered adequate for hatchahility. 6. Other accessory food factors. In addition to vitamins A and D, riboflavin, and pan­ tothenic acid, several other accessory food factors are now known in pure form.

The role of most of these mate­

rials in the nutrition of the White Leghorn fowl is not yet known, although many of them have been shown to be required by the chick. Reports by Card et al (21), Adamstone (2) and Barnum (10) have indicated that a factor or factors present in wheat germ oil is essential in the diet of the hen for normal embryonic development.

The usual practice has been

to include 0.5 percent wheat germ oil in most simplified

14 diets*

Since this oil has been the richest natural source

of vitamin E, its value has been attributed largely to its content of this vitamin (58).

Only recently, however, has

evidence been offerred that dl-alpha-tocopherol, a compound having high vitamin E activity, is required in the diet (18, 24, 25). Almquist and Klose (3) have stated that variable results were obtained in chick vitamin K assays with 50 micrograms of 2-methyl-l,4-naphthoquinone per 100 grams of diet.

Evidently this was a borderline amount.


Cravens et al (23) indicated that chicks at hatching time had normal blood clotting and prothrombin values when the hens’ diet contained 2.0 to 2.5 percent dried alfalfa. This amount of alfalfa was equal in vitamin K activity to 130 to 160 micrograms of 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone per 100 grams of diet. Evidence that choline may be required by laying hens has been given by Abbott and DeMasters (1).

Hogan and

associates (34), Hegsted et al (31) and Jukes (42) added 0.1 percent choline to perosis-producing chick diets and concluded that choline had perosis-preventing properties. Although thiamin, pyridoxine, inositol, p-aminobenzoic acid and biotin have also been indicated as necessary for the chick, the requirement of these substances by the White

15 Leghorn fowl has not been reported.

The minimum amount of

thiamin needed to protect the chick against polyneuritis was estimated by Arnold and Elvehjem (8) to be 60 to 80 micrograms per 100 grams of diet.

Jukes and Heitman (44)

reported that a larger amount, between 130 and 150 micro­ grams per 100 grams of diet, was probably the minimum thiamin requirement of chicks. Prom the reports of Hegsted et al (32), Jukes (41) and Hogan and associates (35) the pyridoxine requirement of the chick is estimated to be between 300 and 500 micrograms per 100 grams of diet.

Hegsted et al (29) have given evidence

indicative of the essential nature of inositol in chick nutrition, the compound being fed at the level of 0.1 per­ cent of the diet. Ansbacher (6) stated that the addition of 30 milli­ grams of p-aminobenzoic acid per 100 grams of a heated ration improved the growth and lengthened the survival time of chicks fed this diet.

Data reported by Ansbacher and

Landy (7) and by Hegsted et al (30) indicate that the chick requires from 10 to 20 micrograms of biotin per 100 grams of diet. The presence of relatively large amounts of vitamin C in tissues of chickens fed supposedly C-free diets (28) has contributed to the belief that vitamin C is not required in

16 the diet of the fowl.

Whether this vitamin is completely

synthesized in the body or is obtained from some inactive precursor in the diet is not known.

It is possible that

certain dietary conditions could exist under which the fowl would be unable to synthesize vitamin C and thereby require addition of the material to the diet.

Data submitted by

Holst and Halbrook (36) and Bell et al (16) can not be con­ sidered evidence for dietary requirement of vitamin C,


former may have observed vitamin K deficiency, while the experimental technique and conclusions of the latter are subject to serious criticism. Nicotinic acid also has not yet been demonstrated to be essential in the diet of the chick (50), but this can i

not be accepted as proof that the material is not required by the chick,

Snell and Quarles (61) have reported that

nicotinic acid and inositol appear to be synthesized by the developing embryo, which indicates, but does not prove, that these materials may also be synthesized by the growing chick.


STATEMENT OP THE PROBLEM The distribution of pantothenic acid among many food­ stuffs has been reported.

The amount needed by the chick

has been estimated, and the White Leghorn fowl has been shown to require pantothenic acid.

However, no report has

yet appeared on the amount required by the White Leghorn fowl for the production of hatchable eggs. In this work the attempt was made to determine whether or not normal hatchabillty on an "adequate” commercial diet could be increased by addition of pure pantothenic acid and to determine the minimum amount of pantothenic acid re­ quired for hatchabillty.

For the latter problem a heated

simplified ration was employed, and graded amounts of calcium d-pantothenate were administered orally by pipet to White Leghorn breeding hens.



Experiment 1 This trial was conducted with hens in individual cages from June 19 to November 19, 1940, in an attempt to deter­ mine whether or not hatchahility on an adequate commercial diet could be increased by the addition of extra B-complex vitamins, especially pantothenic acid. ance were also made on two heated diets.

Tests of perform­ Single Comb White

Leghorn females and males were used in all experiments. Oyster shell and water were supplied ad libitum to all birds In these investigations. The basal commercial diet used in this study was be­ lieved to be adequate in all nutritive essentials and is listed as diet 947 in Table 2.

In other experimental work

with the same strain of White Leghorns (53), average hatchability of fertile eggs from hens receiving this diet was 83 percent. Three diets were prepared in an effort to determine whether or not normal hatchabillty could be Increased by the addition of dried brewers' yeast or sodium dl-pantothenate alone or both together.

The yeast was used as a

source of known and unknown factors of the vitamin Bcomplex.

The amount of sodium dl-pantothenate added to

19 the diet was arbitrarily chosen as 4.5 milligrams per 100 grams in order to have an excess of pantothenic acid present in the diet.

This amount was equivalent to 2.25

milligrams of the physiologically active isomer (9, 63) and was 1.6 times the Jukes’ requirement for chicks (40). These diets were constituted as follows: Diet 1 Diet 947

Diet 3







Dried brewers’ yeast Sodium dl-pantothenate*

Diet 2

5 —

5 0.0045


In an attempt to study performance of laying hens on heated diets, three groups of hens were fed heated rations in this trial.

The heat treatment reduces the content of

these diets in thermolabile substances, one of which is pantothenic acid. The simplified diet used was a modification of the diet reported by Bauernfeind et al (11, 14), and is listed as diet 4H in Table 2.

Pour crystalline B vitamins were

available at this time and were included in amounts estimated to cover the needs of the chick, as stated pre­ viously.

A presumably ample amount of nicotinic acid was

used, since it was not known how much, if any, was needed. ♦Five grams of synthetic sodium dl-pantothenate were generously supplied for this work by Dr. R. J. Williams of the University of Texas.

20 The diet was fed with and without added pantothenic acid* These heated rations were fed as follows: Diet 947H

Diet 4H

% Diet 947

Diet 4HP




am mm

Diet 4H Wheat germ oil

— 0.5



400-D fish liver oil



Sodium dl-pantothenate


_ _




No facilities were available at this time for feeding small groups of birds in pens.

In order to feed the dif­

ferent diets as listed above, individual hen cages were used.

The females were artificially inseminated thrice

weekly with 0.1 to 0.2 ml. of mixed semen immediately after collection (20) from a group of males kept in an adjoining set of cages and fed diet 947. Unfortunately only hens culled from the college breeding flock could be obtained for this trial.


hens were over a year old and were not expected to continue in good egg production for many more months. Eighteen of the highest egg producers were selected and distributed among the six groups.

Each diet was fed to a graip of

three hens because of the small number of good birds avail­ able and because each feed trough supplied three cages. *Mixed ration heated at 120°C for 28 hours; distilled water added to replace loss by heating.


Table 2. Composition of Basal Diets in Experiment 1. Ingredient

Wheat bran Ground oats Alfalfa meal Meat scraps Fish meal Dry skimmilk Ground yellow corn Wheat middlings Casein Ground limestone Steamed bonemeal Sodium chloride Wheat germ oil 400-D fish liver oil Yeast fraction 1** Riboflavin Pyridoxine Thiamin Nicotinic acid

Diet 947

Diet 4H

gms. 15.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0


45.1 10.0

61.0* 25.0* 7.0* 3.5 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4

2.0 --

0.5 --

0.4. — — — mm mm






1.0 0.4 0.4 0.1 4.0

mgm mgm mgm mgm

*Mixed together and heated at 120°C for 28 hours; distilled water added to replace loss by heating. **Yeast fraction 1 was prepared as follows: 5 Kg. dried brewers’ yeast were extracted with 20 liters boiling water for 3 hours. 14.5 Liters of extract were decanted after allowing yeast to settle. The extract was passed through a supercentrifuge to remove all yeast in suspension and then concentrated under reduced pressure with a good aspirator pump to 1.5 liters. 18 Volumes of 95 percent ethanol were added with stirring. The precipitate was filtered off, dried under reduced pressure at temperatures below 35°C, and ground. Yield, 980 grams dry matter.


22 Basal diets were prepared in advance, and sufficient ration was mixed at a time to last about four weeks.

Eggs were,

set weekly and were candled on the seventh and eighteenth days of incubation. Groups 1, 2 and 3 received diet 947 for eight week3 and diets 1, 2 and 3, respectively, for the next fourteen weeks.

Groups 4, 5 and 6 received diet 947 for five weeks.

The change to the heated diets was made during the sixth week.

Ihe heated diets were fed for the next eleven weeks,

and then diet 947 was again fed for five weeks.

At the end

of the seventeenth week group 2 was discontinued because of very low fertility and group 4 was discontinued due to com­ plete cessation of egg production.

Results are summarized

in Table 3. Egg production by the hens fed the heated diets de­ creased in two weeks to a relatively low rate.

This may

have been due to a nutritional deficiency in the diets, but it appeared more probable that the change from one diet to the other was the cause.

The heated diets were much finer

than the unheated diets and seemed quite dry in comparison. Peed intake averaged 119 grams per hen per day on the un­ heated diets and 76 grams daily per hen on the heated diets. The decrease in egg production on the presumably adequate diets 1, 2 and 3 indicated that the hens at this stage were rather sensitive to any marked environmental change.

Table 3. Production, Fertility and Hatchability of Eggs from Hens In Experiment 1.


1-4 5-8 9-12 13-17 18-22 Weeks

Eggs per hen per week Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 No. Diet 947 3.67 4.42 Diet 1 3.42 2.80 2.40

Fertility of eggs Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

No. 947 4.42 4.75

No. 947 4.50 4.83

Diet 947 68.2 79.3

947 60.4 71.9

947 92.6 86.2

Diet 947 80.0 73.8

947 68.8 78.1

947 80.0 82.0

2 2.58 1.93 Disc.

3 2.58 2.42 1.93

1 68.3 57.2 50.0

2 74.2 44.8

3 96.8 94.8 89.7

1 75.0 70.8 66.7

2 82.6 38.4

3 76.7 83.8 80.8

Group 4 Group 5 Group 6



947 4.33

947 4.33

947 93.5

6 7 8 9-12 13-17

Diet 947H 4.00 3.67 1.33 0.33 0

4H 5.00 3.00 1.33 0.42 1.17

4HP 5.00 1.67 1.33 0.50 1.33

947H 91.8 90.9 75.0 100.0 —


Diet Disc.

947 0.40

947 2.10

mm mm



Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

Diet 947 4.13


Hatch of fertile eggs Group 1 Group 2 Group 3



Group 4 Group 5 Group 6

947 78.5

947 72.3

947 65.5

947 64.7

947 70.3

4H 80.0 88.9 50.0 60.0 100.0

4HP 73.4 40.0 25.0 16.7 25.0

947H 72.6 30.0 0 0

4H 91.8 12.5 0 33.3 7.1

4HP 45.5 0 0 100.0 20.0

947 33.3

947 95.2

947 0

947 90.0

24 Fertility was much lower than had been expected when artificial insemination was employed#

It was too low to

be considered satisfactory from the standpoint of obtaining the largest possible quantity of fertile eggs for hatchability tests.

Low fertility seemed to be characteristic

of certain individuals.

Neither diet nor technique

appeared to be faulty, since the nine hens highest in fertility for the entire experiment averaged 88 to 97 per­ cent fertile, and at least one hen of each group was in this list.

These facts strongly indicate the desirability

of using a longer preliminary testing period and of elim­ inating those individuals having low fertility. The apparent increase in fertility when group 6 was again fed diet 947 was due to the fact that two of the hens, with high fertility, had ceased production from the ninth to twentieth weeks, while the hen removed at the end of the seventeenth week had continued in production during that time, and most of her eggs had been infertile.


effect of a given diet upon egg production and fertility is difficult to evaluate with small groups during short experimental periods, due to normal temporary pauses in egg production which may be of one week to several months duration. Hatchability was maintained fairly constant in group 3. Very little significance can be attached to the decreases

25 in groups 1 and 2 due to the relatively small numbers of fertile eggs involved as a result of failure of some hens in these groups.

Evidently the addition of dried brewers*

yeast or pantothenic acid alone or together does not in­ crease hatchability on this commercial diet. On all heated diets hatchability decreased to zero within two weeks* time.

After the fourth week of zero

hatchability an occasional chick hatched, but the numbers were too small to be indicative of more than a trend toward higher hatchability on the diet with added sodium dl-pantothenate (diet 4HP).

Experiment 2 This trial was conducted with hens in a laying house from November 6, 1940, to September 22, 1941, in another study of the possibility of increasing hatchability by adding pantothenic acid to a commercial diet.

After it

was found that hatchability apparently could not be in­ creased by this means, simplified diets were fed to obtain information on their adequacy. On November 1, 1940, 36 pullets were housed with four males in a 10 by 20-foot pen having a sunporch, glass windows in front, and a warm-air ventilation system.


pullets were among those remaining after selections had

26 been made for the college breeding flock and for other ex­ perimental work.

Within ten weeks 12 birds with low fer­

tility and 10 with low rate of egg production were removed, and four died before the thirty-ninth week.

As the last

pullet to die had been a continuously high egg producer, her records were included in the data reported for this experiment. Diet 947, listed earlier, was fed to the hens for 27 weeks.

Three hens having the lowest hatchability (71.5 to

76.5 percent) in the first 10 weekly hatches were fed sodium dl-pantothenate during weeks 14, 15 and 16 (group 1). Hatchability of the other hens was relatively high, ranging from 83.5 to 95.3 percent.

Two of the lowest of these in

hatchability were given sodium dl-pantothenate during weeks 17, 18 and 19 (group 2).

The sodium dl-pantothenate was

weighed into small gelatin capsules and fed thrice weekly to the individual hens in amounts equivalent to 4.5 milli­ grams per hen per day.

The six hens in group 3 received

no sodium dl-pantothenate. The data in Table 4 show that hatchability did not change materially during the periods of sodium dl-pantothenate administration.

The remarkably high hatchability

of group 3 indicates that the commercial diet may actually be adequate in all nutritive essentials for hatchability. If this be true, the inferior hatchability in groups 1 and

Table 4, Production, Fertility and Hatchability of Eggs from Hens Receiving Diet 947 with and without Sodium dl-Pantothenate in Experiment 2,


Eggs per hen per week Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Fertility of eggs Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Hatch of fertile eggs Group 1 Group 2 Group 3




2.80 3.33 3.67 5.33

4.40 6.00 4.50 5.00

2.97 3.50 3.67 5.33

94.0 100.0 100.0 93.8

88.6 100.0 88.9 100.0

84.8 85.7 95.5 96.8

73.5 90.0 100.0 60.0

14 15 16

4.33* 3.67s*1 4.67*

5.00 4.50 5.50

4.00 4.30 5.50

100.0* 90.9* 100.0*

80.0 88.9 100.0

91.7 96.2 97.0

17 18 19

5.33 3.33 4.33

4.50* 5.00* 5.00*

5.67 3.83 5.17

93.8 80.0 92.3

100.0* 100.0* 100.0*

4.67 4.00 3.33 4.93

6.00 6.00 4.00 6.10

5.00 4.50 4.50 5.23

100.0 100.0 100.0 97.3

1-10 11 12 15

20 21 22 23-27



91.6 100.0 100.0 88.5





87.2 75.0 75.0 60.0

90.1 94.5 95.2 81.6

76.9* 100.0* 92.8*

62.5 87.5 100.0

86.3 96.0 96.8

97.0 95.7 90.4

80.0 50.0 83.3

88.9* 100.0* 100.0*

81.8 95.5 96.5

93.4 96.4 100.0 94.3

64.2 83.3 70.0 82.0

90.8 91.6 87.5 88.9

*During this week each hen in the group received sodium dl-pantothenate equivalent to 4.5 milligrams daily.

96.5 92.3 100.0 94.6

28 2 must "be attributed to some factor other than diet, and supplementation of this diet can not be expected to improve hatchability.

Largely because of these observations, the

conclusion was drawn that hatchability on an adequate com­ mercial diet apparently could not be increased by the ad­ dition of pantothenic acid. Attention now was given to formulation of a simplified diet which could be used, after proper dry heat treatment, in studies on the pantothenic acid requirement for hatch­ ability.

Diet 4H used in experiment 1 was altered by sub­

stituting wheat bran for middlings, using 7 percent dried brewers’ yeast instead of a fraction of it, and by using a mineral mixture similar to that given by Schumacher and Heuser (56).

This unheated ration, listed as diet 5 in

Table 5, was designed to be suitable for further purifica­ tion when desired. Diet 947 was gradually replaced by diet 5 over a three-week period to minimize the danger of cessation of egg production which might have followed a more rapid change of rations.

The results obtained in this phase of

experiment 2 are given in Table 6. The high production, fertility and hatchability characteristic of this group of hens are shown in the values for an eight-week period of feeding diet 947.

Table 5. Composition of Simplified Diets Used in Experiment 2. Ingredient__________Diet 5

Diet 6

gms. Table grade yellow corn Wheat bran Dried brewers’ yeast Casein

Diet 7H

Diet 7HP




54.0 25.0 7.0 7.0

59.5 25.0

59.5* 25.0*

59.5* 25.0*


mt m.





400-D fish liver oil Wheat germ oil

0.5 0.5

0.5 0.5

0.5 0.5

0.5 0.5

Ground limestone Steamed bonemeal Sodium chloride Salt mixture 2**

3.0 2.0 0.6 0.472

3.0 2.0 0.6 0.472

3.0 2.0 0.6 0.472

3.0 2.0 0.6 0.472

Thiamin Riboflavin Pyridoxine Nicotinic acid Sodium dl-pantothenate

0.0001 0.0004 0.0004 0.004

0.0001 0.0004 0.0004 0.004

0.0002 0.0008 0.0004 0.004

0.0002 0.0008 0.0004 0.004





Yeast preparation 1 (Table 2)

mm mm




*Mixed together and heated at 123°C for 36 hours; distilled water added to replace loss by heating. **MgSOA *7HpO 0.4, Peg (S04 )3 0.05, MnSO^'lHgO 0.017, KI 07003, ZnClg 0.001, and CuS04 0.0007 grams.


30 Table 6. Production, Fertility and Hatchability of Eggs from Hens Receiving Simplified Diets in Experiment 2.


Eggs per hen per week

947 947 947+5

No. 4.82 5.32 5.24

96.7 92.7 90.8

90.2 89.4 82.8

31-35 36-37 38-40*

5 5+6 7

4.62 4.09 3.71

89.8 80.0 63.5

73.2 63.9 50.7

41 42-44 45-46

7+7H 7H 7HP

3.50 2.80 0.75

45.7 52.4 46.7

50.0 27.3 28.6


20-23 24-27 28-30

Fertility of eggs

Hatchability of fertile eggs



*0ne hen died at the end of the thirty-eighth week. Hatchability with simplified diet 5 was 73.2 percent as compared with 82.8 percent for the transition period and 90 percent for


commercial diet. Evidently diet 5 was in­

adequate in

some respect for high hatchability.


ability decreased further when the yeast in this diet was replaced by

thewater-soluble alcohol-insoluble fraction of

yeast (diet


The decrease was not influenced by doubl­

ing the amounts of thiamin and riboflavin (diet 7) to give a presumably more ample supply of these substances. These results indicated that the yeast fraction did not carry all the nutritive essentials present in the dried yeast.

This yeast fraction had been used because it was

expected to be lower in pantothenic acid content than the equivalent amount of yeast and because the Cornell workers



(11, 14, 56) had reported that it carried factors essential for hatchability on heated diets. Hatchability remained at 50 percent during the transi­ tion to heated diet 7H, but decreased from 53.3 percent in the forty-second week to 9.1 percent in the forty-fifth week.

Although it appears that the addition of sodium dl-

pantothenate to the diet arrested the decrease in hatch­ ability, this conclusion is not entirely sound because of the very low egg production rate in the last three weeks of the experiment.

The low fertility encountered here was at

first attributed to the fact that one of the two males be­ gan to molt in the thirty-sixth week.

However, fertility

failed to improve materially when these males were later replaced by two other males. In hatches 41 to 44, for which diet 7H had been fed the hens, it was noted that embryonic mortality occurred much earlier in the incubation period than when the un­ heated diets had been fed.

The relatively high proportion

of embryos failing to survive beyond the seventh day of in­ cubation throws some doubt upon the accuracy of identifying all fertile eggs under these conditions. Eggs were classed as infertile when the condition of the albumin and yolk and the size of the blastoderm in the broken out egg showed no pronounced deviation from that

32 normally observed In infertile eggs*

Nevertheless, embry­

onic death may have occurred before the development could be detected macroscopically*

These observations are sum­

marized in Table 7. Table 7. Distribution of Embryonic Mortality by Age as Determined by Candling on the Seventh and Eighteenth Days of Incubation



Embryos Dying during Incubation Before 7th to After 7th day 18th day 18th day Total



% 85 87 78 77 61 67

No. 20 23 27 61 13 36

20-23 24-27 28-30

947 947 947t5

10 9 18

31-35 36-37 38-40

5 5+6 7

13 31 19

5 4 4 10 8 14

41 42-44

7+7H 7H

50 88

12 0

38 12

8 32







Early elimination of hens having low fertility, as recommended from observations in experiment 1, was applied with successful results in this experiment.

However, egg

production was not maintained at a satisfactory rate in either experiment when the heated diets were fed.


these diets were fed near the end of the laying year, it is not clear whether the cessation of egg production was caused by some inadequacy of the heated rations or by in­ creased sensitiveness of hens at this stage to dietary

33 changes*

The latter factor was believed to be the main

cause, and the conclusion was drawn that the transfer from the commercial diet to the heated diet should be made as early as possible after the pullets have begun egg produc­ tion.

Experiment 5 This trial was conducted with hens in a laying house from October 8, 1941, to April 6, 1942, in an effort to determine the minimum amount of pantothenic acid required for hatchability.

A heated diet was fed to the hens, and

graded amounts of synthetic calcium d-pantothenate in water solution were fed by pipet to selected individuals. I

Fifty 25-week-old pullets in the college breeding flock were housed with four males on October 2.

In con­

trast to the birds used in previous experiments, the quality of these birds was as good as could be obtained. The basal heated diet used in this experiment was the same as diet 7H except that 8 percent dried brewers* yeast was used instead of the yeast fraction.

This change was

made because of the apparent inadequacy of the yeast frac­ tion compared with the dried yeast, as observed in experi­ ment 2.

The heat treatment was intended to reduce the

pantothenic acid content of the diet below the minimum

34 requirement for hatchability, but varying degrees of destruc­ tion were expected to occur in other thermolabile factors. The vitamins and oils were mixed as needed into approxi­ mately 10-day supplies of the diets, which are given in Table 8. Table 8. Composition of Simplified Diets Used in Experiment 3.

Table grade yellow corn Wheat bran Dried brewers’ yeast Casein Ground limestone Steamed bonemeal Sodium chloride Salts 2 (Table 5)

% 53.0 25.0 8.0 7.0 3.0 2.0 0.6 0.472


400-D fish liver oil Wheat germ oil


Thiamin Riboflavin Pyridoxine Nicotinic acid

0.0002 0.0008 0.0004 0.004


Diet 8H Same as diet 8 except that corn, bran, yeast, casein and limestone were mixed together and heated at 123°C for 36 hours; distilled water was added to replace loss by heating. Diet 9H Diet 8H plus 0.0001 percent 2-methyl-l,4-naphthoquinone.

During the preliminary period of 10 weeks, diet 947 was fed for the first five weeks.

The change to diet 8 was

made gradually during the sixth week, and diet 8 was fed for the next four weeks.

At the start of the experiment

15 pullets were producing eggs, and by the tenth week 40 pullets had begun production.

35 After the sixth weekly hatch, the birds were dis­ tributed (on paper) into five groups as uniform as possible in egg production and hatchability.

"Misfits" on this

basis as well as the non-producers were also included in group 1, which was to serve as the control group on the heated diet.

This was done because the object of using

the group was to determine whether or not hatchability could be decreased to zero on the heated diet.

Groups 2

to 5 were necessarily more uniform in order to obtain a satisfactory curve of response from feeding graded levels of pantothenic acid. In the course of this trial, 13 birds were removed, which disturbed the initial equality of all groups.


were removed because of low fertility, seven because of low egg production, and four because of mortality. these were removed from group 1.

Six of

Data obtained from the

37 birds which lived through the trial are therefore re­ ported for this experiment. Some characteristics of the five groups in the pen, as constituted after the removals noted above, were as shown in Table 9. The groups were as uniform as could be expected under the circumstances.

The identity of the five groups with

regard to the particular individuals in each was not

36 Table 9. Characteristics of Five Groups of Pullets during Preliminary Period in Experiment 3.



Group 3



Number of hens 8




16.8 1-30

16.1 3-27

16.2 4-30

7 15.4 2-30

81.8 67-100

82.0 70-100

80.2 41-100

84.8 67-100





15.0 3-22

16.6 12-18

18.1 15-23

18.1 13-22

Criterion Diet 947, 1 to 6 weeks

Eggs per hen, Mean 10.2 Range 0-28 Percent hatchability, Mean 47.5 Range 0-100 Mean body weight in first week 1726 Diet 8, 7 to 10 weeks Eggs per hen, Mean 5.1 Range 0-21 Percent hatchability, Mean 27.6 Range 0-100 Mean body weight in ninth week 1956

77.2 33-100

78.6 43-100

84.6 63-100

76.0 47-100





altered during the experiment.

The low hatchability of

several of the late maturing pullets in group 1 was sur­ prising , and the question can be raised whether or not this may be a characteristic of late maturing pullets. During the eleventh week diet 8 was gradually replaced by diet 8H, and supplementary feeding of calcium d-pantothenate was begun.

Jukes (40) has reported that the re­

quirement of the chick appeared to be about 1.4 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.

Levels above

and below this amount were arbitrarily selected for the

37 first feeding period to determine, if possible, the ap­ proximate amount needed for hatchability. Amounts of calcium d-pantothenate equivalent to 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 milligrams daily per hen were fed indi­ vidually to the hens in group 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. Group 1 received no supplement.

These quantities were ad­

ministered by delivering a given amount of an aqueous solu­ tion with a graduated pipet into the crop of each hen. Feedings were made twice weekly, and a fresh solution was prepared each time. These levels were fed from the eleventh week to the beginning of the eighteenth week.

It was presumed that

hatchability of the control group would approach zero in seven or eight weeks, as had been reported by Bauernfeind et al (11, 14).

The heat treatment of diet 8H was slightly

more severe than that used by these investigators.

Diet 8H

was heated at 123°C in a large forced-draft oven for 36 hours after the diet itself had reached that temperature. The heated diets used in these experiments were ex­ pected to be deficient in other thermolabile factors than pantothenic acid.

It was hoped, however, that the destruc­

tion of other essential thermolabile factors would not be great enough to cause failure of a response to supplementa­ tion with calcium d-pantothenate.

This was reasonable on

38 the basis of the already discussed utility of heated diets In pantothenic acid studies.

At the end of the seventeenth

week results had been obtained for hatches 11 to 14 as follows: Milligrams calcium d-pantothenate daily per hen 0 0.5 2.0 4.0 1.0

Weeks 11 12-14

percent hatch 66.7





percent hatch 37.9





Hatchability decreased at almost identical rates in the first three groups, while the decrease was less rapid with the two high levels.

It appeared that the 1.0 milli­

gram level might be insufficient to maintain hatchability and that hatchability might be higher with levels greater than 4.0 milligrams.

Accordingly, the level for each group

was doubled, beginning with the feeding in the middle of the eighteenth week.

The new levels were administered

until the beginning of the twenty-third week, when hatching data for the fifteenth to nineteenth weeks had been col­ lected as follows:

daily per hen Weeks







percent hatch 18.3











percent hatch







percent hatch 15.8





39 With the possible exception of the 4.0 and 8.0 milli­ gram levels, the percent hatch seemed to be partially re­ lated to the amount of pantothenic acid received by the hens.

These values indicate that the minimum amount of

calcium d-pantothenate required for hatchability on this diet may be between 1.0 milligram and the amount present in the diet.

The plateau in hatchability that occurred

with the high levels can be considered evidence that the maximum response was obtained by the addition of 2.0 milli­ grams calcium d-pantothenate. In order to study the response with levels below 1.0 milligram, the amounts being fed were changed in the middle of the twenty-third week for groups 2 to 5 as follows: I Group Calcium d-pantothenate, mgras.

2 0.125

3 0

4 0.25

5 0.5

It might at first appear that group 2 should have been made the control group (to receive no pantothenic acid) because these hens had been receiving the lowest level (1.0 milligram).

However, one objective was to observe again

the rate of decline in hatchability when only the basal diet was fed.

Because of low egg production in group 2 at

this time, it was considered more advisable to use group 3 I

as the control group.

40 Each "bird in group 1, which had previously received only the deficient heated basal diet, received amounts equivalent to 2*0 milligrams calcium d-pantothenate daily from the beginning of the twenty-third week to the end of the twenty-sixth week.

This was done in order to verify

the supposition that the lower hatchability of this group was specifically due to lack of pantothenic acid and to note the level to which hatchability would rise. Hatchability beginning with the twentieth week was as follows: Milligrams calcium d-pantothenate daily per hen Weeks







percent hatch







percent hatch






percent hatch




34.5 36.1








percent hatch







percent hatch 27.3






percent hatch 19.4






percent hatch 18.5





The data show that during the first nine weeks on diet 8H hatchability in group 1 gradually declined to zero. Hatchability remained at zero through three successive weeks during which time seven of the eight hens in the group were producing eggs at a fairly high rate.

41 Examination of these birds at various times failed to reveal the appearance of any abnormal condition similar to the dermatitis observed in chicks fed deficient heated diets. When calcium d-pantothenate was administered to this deficient group, hatchability rapidly increased in two weeks to an average of 22.0 percent during the twentyfourth, twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth weeks.

The value is

still comparatively low, but may be as high as could be expected on the basis of the relatively low initial hatch­ ability for this group.

The response was sufficient to

show that the pantothenic acid content of the basal diet was below the minimum needed for production of hatchable eggs.

The rapidity of the response to administration of

calcium d-pantothenate is striking in comparison to the long period of nine weeks required for depletion of the factor. Calcium d-pantothenate was not administered to group 3 after the first day in the twenty-third week.

In the fol­

lowing two weeks, hatchability rapidly declined from 46.9 to 17.2 percent.

This rate of depletion in pantothenic

acid was close to the rate observed previously with group 1, in which hatchability decreased from 58.8 percent in the twelfth week to 22.7 percent in the fourteenth week.

42 Presumably the depletion in group 3 would be as slow in subsequent weeks as was noted earlier with group 1. During the twenty-third to twenty-sixth weeks, hatchability steadily declined to 22*2 percent in group 2, which received 0,125 milligrams calcium d-pantothenate daily per hen.

Percent hatch also decreased, but was main­

tained at a higher level in group 4, and especially group 5, which received 0.25 and 0,5 milligrams, respectively, of calcium d-pantothenate daily per hen. In the last four weeks of the experiment, hatchability in group 5 was appreciably higher than that in the other groups.

It was essentially as high as hatchability had

been in any of the groups during periods in which higher levels of calcium d-pantothenate had been given.


of the experiment are summarized in Table 10. Average intake of diets 947 and 8 was 120 grams daily per hen.

Intake of diets 8H and 9H averaged 115 grams

daily per hen during the period in which these diets were fed. After the fourteenth hatch the amount of hemorrhage present at the time of hatching appeared to be increasing. A considerable number of hemorrhages and blood clots were also observed among the embryos that failed to hatch,'and several of the newly-hatched chicks were found dead.

43 Table 10. Hatchability, Production, and Fertility of Eggs from Hens in Experiment 3,





Group 3





Hatch of fertile eggs




1-6 7-10 11-14 15-17

947 8 8H 8H

43.8(0) 18.3(0)

81.8 77.2 47.1(.5) 31.5(.5)

18-19 20-22 23-24 25-26

8H 8H,9H 9H 9H

9.1(0) 0 (0) 18.6(2) 19.0(2)

30.2(1) 40.9(2) 22.2(1) 43.4(2) 34.1 (.125) 37.1(0) 24.2(.32E) 16.1(0)

1-6 7-10 11-14 15-17

947 8 8H 8H

18-19 20-22 23-24 25-26

8H 8H,9H 9H 9H

47.5 27.6

83.3 78.6 38.0(1) 33.3(1)

Eggs per hen per week No. No. No. 1.54 2.92 2.75 1.28 4.16 3.75 2.41 3.08 4.44 3.29 3.17 3.71 3.63 3.71 3.94 3.75

3.83 4.00 4.00 3.08

3.25 4.71 4.38 4.50

80.2 84.6 49.0(2) 48.8(2)

84.9 76.0 55.2(4) 51.9(4)

58.0(4) 41.7(4) 40.6 (.25) 26.5 (.25)

36.5(8) 36.6(8) 61.2 (.5) 42.6 (.5)

No. 2.79 4.56 3.38 3.71

No. 2.62 4.54 3.93 4.10

4.94 4.30 4.38 4.50

4.36 4.90 5.24 4.86

Fertility of eggs






1-6 7-10 11-14 15-17

947 8 8H 8H

83.1 70.7 96.1 89.9

87.1 92.2 91.9 96.4

88.4 84.2 85.2 92.0

96.9 93.8 92.6 94.4

98.1 95.3 89.1 95.3

18-19 20-22 23-24 25-26

8H 8H,9H 9H 9H

75.9 91.0 95.2 96.7

93.5 87.5 93.6 91.7

88.0 88.4 . 88.6 86.1

93.2 93.2 98.6 98.6

86.7 91.2 90.5 89.7

Note: Figures in parentheses indicate the equivalent daily milligrams of calcium d-pantothenate fed each hen during the period.

44 This condition suggested vitamin K deficiency, which had not been expected.

Ansbacher (5) had reported a consider­

ably longer heating period necessary in the preparation of K-deficient diets than was used in the preparation of diet 8H.

Nevertheless, since pure 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone

was available commercially, it was added to the basal diet at the rate of 0.1 milligram per 100 grams of ration at the beginning of the twenty-first week. Although the addition of vitamin K (diet 9H) was of questionable value in improving hatchability, pronounced improvement occurred immediately in the appearance of the newly hatched chicks.

The hemorrhagic condition and the

chick mortality were greatly reduced in the twenty-first hatch, and subsequent hatches seemed entirely normal in this respect. Further evidence was obtained that the length of sur­ vival of developing embryos was shortened considerably when the diet of the hen was deficient in pantothenic acid. Thirty percent or less of the embryos failing to hatch died before the eighteenth day of incubation when diets 947 or 8 were fed, as shown in Table 11 by the values for the first 10 weeks of the experiment. These values may be I considered normal under the conditions of the experiment. In group 1, which received no calcium d-pantothenate, the proportion of the total embryonic mortality that (

45 Table 11. Distribution of Embryonic Mortality by Age as Determined by Candling on the Seventh and Eighteenth Days of Incubation in Experiment 3.



1-10 947,3 11-17 8H 13-20 8H 21-22 9H 23 24 25 26

9H 9H 9H 9H

Embryos Dying during Incubation Before 7th day 7th to 18th day After 18th day Group Group Group 1 2 3 ,4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

% % % % %

% % % % %

14 20 14 11 2 10 25 11 4 7 12 6 7 0 8 42 7 7 5 14

15 6 14 19 7 54 9 15 9 13 70 37 24 12 13 53 23 8 19 14

8 17 0 19 15 21 24 27 8 15 0 9 8 10 14 0 14 7 0 14

71 42 44 59

58 35 36 72

47 32 75 79

25 15 32 8 48 5 52 22

% % % % % 71 36 18 5

74 66 57 70

72 74 69 85

70 87 88 76

91 80 74 72

21 37 56 41

25 41 55 14

53 40 17 14

56 60 42 48

70 77 18 64

occurred before the eighteenth day increased from 29 per­ cent for the 1 to 10 week average to 95 percent for the 21 to 22 week average.

During the twenty-first and twenty-

second weeks, 42 percent of the total mortality occurred before the seventh day.

When calcium d-pantothenate was

fed, beginning with the twenty-third week, embryonic sur­ vival time rapidly increased.

In the twenty-third week 79

percent of the embryonic mortality occurred before the eighteenth day, while in the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth weeks less than 60 percent occurred before the eighteenth day and none before the seventh day of incubation. In group 3 the rise in early mortality was quite rapid during the period In which no calcium d-pantothenate was fed.

In the twenty-third week 47 percent of the total

46 mortality occurred before the eighteenth day.

In the

twenty-sixth week 86 percent died before the eighteenth day. The greatest proportion of the total embryonic mortality in groups 3 and 4 occurred after the eighteenth day in most instances,


considerable increase in early

mortality was evident during the twenty-third to twentysixth weeks in group 2 when the low level of 0.125 milli­ grams of calcium d-pantothenate daily per hen was fed. A moderate increase in early mortality occurred in group 4 and a slight increase occurred in group 5.

The early

mortality occurred largely between the seventh and eighteenth days of incubation.



DISCUSSION A sample of diet 9H was kindly assayed by Dr. R. J. Williams of the University of Texas, and was found to con­ tain 0.18 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams. This is about 60 percent of the 0.26 to 0.30 milligrams recently reported for the heated diets used by Bauernfeind et al (13), and about 41 percent of the 0.44 milligrams of pantothenic acid present in the deficient diet used by Snell et al (59). Data obtained with group 1 in experiment 3 show that hatchability decreased to zero when the hens received only the pantothenic acid present in the heated diet.

The per­

cent hatch increased when amounts of calcium d-pantothenate equivalent to 2.0 milligrams dally per hen were administered orally. These observations indicate that the minimum amount of pantothenic acid required for hatchability is greater than the amount present in the heated diet, namely 0.18 milligrams per 100 grams. There is some indication from the relative hatch­ ability in groups 2 and 4 during the last three weeks of the experiment, that supplementation with 0.125 and 0.25 milligrams calcium d-pantothenate daily per hen may be

48 insufficient to meet the minimum requirements for hatchahility. These amounts, on the basis of molecular equivalence, correspond to 0.115 and 0.23 milligrams of pantothenic acid daily.

On the basis of the average daily feed intake of

115 grams per hen, 0.10 and 0.20 milligrams pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet would supply these amounts daily. The minimum requirement therefore appears to be above 0.28 (0.18 + 0.10) to 0.38 (0.18 + 0.20) milligrams of panto­ thenic acid per 100 grams of diet. Whether the 0.5 milligram level of calcium d-pantothenate is above or below the minimum requirement is dif­ ficult to determine from the data.

This level corresponds

to 0.58 (0.18 + 0.40) milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.

Evidently it is a borderline amount.

A comparatively long feeding period would be required to establish this point, since depletion would presumably be less rapid than in a group receiving only the basal diet. Evidence was given indicating that maximum hatchability was promoted by levels of 2.0 or more milligrams of calcium d-pantothenate daily per hen.

It is reasonable

to expect that this condition would also be true with a diet adequate in all other essentials including pantothenic acid, since hatchability with diet 947 was consistently

49 high and could not be increased by the addition of panto­ thenic acid. The content of diet 947 was calculated from Jukes1 table (43) to be approximately 1.14 milligrams of panto­ thenic acid per 100 grams.

This figure is in fair agree­

ment with the value of 1.28 milligrams calculated from data recently reported by Bauernfeind et al (12). Hatchability in the periods in which 1.0 milligram levels of calcium d-pantothenate were fed was below the maximum obtained with higher levels.

Evidently the 1.0

milligram level was below the minimum requirement for maxi­ mum hatchability.

On the basis of the feed intake stated

previously, the 1.0 milligram level was equivalent to 0.98 (0.18 ■* 0.8) milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.

The 2.0 milligram level was equivalent to 1.78

(0.18 + 1.6) milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.

Thus, the minimum requirement for maximum hatch­

ability can be tentatively placed between 1.0 and 1.8 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.


view of the pantothenic acid content of diet 947, the minimum requirement for maximum hatchability may be nearer to 1.0 than to 1.8 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.


SUMMARY 1. The minimum amount of pantothenic acid required to promote maximum hatchability in eggs from Single Comb White Leghorns was shown to be between 1.0 and 1.8 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet. 2. Hatchability of eggs from hens receiving a commer­ cial diet was not increased by supplementation with panto­ thenic acid.

This diet was estimated to contain between

1.1 and 1.3 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams. 3. Evidence was presented to indicate that the minimum amount of pantothenic acid necessary to support hatch­ ability is above 0.3 milligrams of pantothenic acid per 100 grams of diet.


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