Humans Are Underrated: What High Achievers Know That Brilliant Machines Never Will 9780698153653, 0698153650

-- Talent Is Overrated These high-value skills create tremendous competitive advantage--more devoted customers, stronger

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Humans Are Underrated: What High Achievers Know That Brilliant Machines Never Will
 9780698153653, 0698153650

Table of contents :
Computers are improving faster than you are : as technology becomes more awesomely able, what will be the high-value human skills of tomorrow? --
Gauging the challenge : a growing army of experts wonder if just maybe the Luddites aren't wrong anymore --
The surprising value in our deepest nature : why being a great performer is becoming less about what we know and more about what we're like --
Why the skills we need are withering : technology is changing more than just work, it's also changing us, mostly in the wrong ways --
"The critical 21st-century skill" : empathy is the key to humans' most crucial abilities, it's even more powerful than we realize --
Empathy lessons from combat : how the U.S. military learned to build human skills that trump technology, and what it means for all of us --
What really makes teams work : it isn't what team members (or leaders) usually think, instead, it's deeply human processes that most teams ignore --
The extraordinary power of story : why the right kind of narrative, told by a person, is mightier than logic --
The human essence of innovation and creativity : computers can create, but people skillfully interacting solve the most important human problems --
Is it a woman's world? In the most valuable skills of the coming economy, women hold strong advantages over men --
Winning in the human domain : some will love a world that values deep human interaction, others won't, but everyone will need to get better --
and can.

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