Handbook of Statistics 9: Computational Statistics [9, 1 ed.] 9780444880963, 0444880968

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Handbook of Statistics 9: Computational Statistics [9, 1 ed.]
 9780444880963, 0444880968

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Handbook of Statistics Volume 9

Computational Statistics

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About the Book The chapters in this volume, written by specialists in computer science and statistics, illustrate the trend in modern statistics of basic methodology supported by the state-of-the-art computational and graphical facilities, and their applications to diverse fields of human endeavour. Specifically, the Handbook is designed to serve as a practical guide to consulting statisticians; to provide research workers with an overview of current developments in computing and indicate their possible use in statistical work; to bring the latest developments in certain areas of computing and demands for the future to the attention of computer scientists; and to promote an interface between statisticians and computer scientists for the benefit of both. This work is a valuable guide to computer scientists, statistical consultants, computer programmers and research workers in all fields involved in data analysis.

Handbook of Statistics Volume 9

Computational Statistics

Edited by

C.R. Rao

North-Holland is an imprint of Elsevier Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom Copyright © 1993 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. ISBN: 978-0444880963 ISBN: 0444880968

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The planning for the Handbook on Computational Statistics was initiated a number of years ago by the late Professor P. R. Krishnaiah. I took over the editorial work after his unfortunate death. After discussions with statisticians, computer scientists and users of computer software, it was decided to enlarge the scope of the volume by providing an overview of the latest advances in computing and artificial intelligence methods and illustrating their applications in data analysis. Current research on statistical topics spans a wide range of ideas and fields of applications. Modern computer technology has considerably accelerated the progress of research in statistics and made it possible for research workers in diverse fields to undertake a more comprehensive and interactive data analysis. In addition, we now have computer software for appealing graphical displays to help in understanding special features of data, in model building and for communicating the results of statistical analysis. Volume 9 of the Handbook of Statistics: Computational Statistics, illustrates the trend in modern statistics of basic methodology supported by the state-ofthe-art computational and graphical facilities, and their applications to diverse fields of human endeavour. Specifically it is designed to ( t ) serve as a practical guide to consulting statisticians; (2) provide research workers with an overview of current developments in computing and indicate their possible use in statistical work; (3) bring to the attention of the computer scientists the latest developments in certain areas of computing and demands for the future; and (4) promote an interface between statisticians and computer scientists for the benefit of both. The chapters of this volume written by specialists in computer science and statistics are classified under seven major headings: I. Computing - An overview II. Mathematical programming and applications to statistics III. Least squares estimation IV. General estimation problems V. Artificial intelligence and statistics VI. Simulation and resampling VII. Statistical graphics The volume will be a valuable guide to computer scientists, statistical



consultants, computer programmers and research workers in all fields involved in data analysis. Dr. Sitaram Lanka gave me valuable help in selecting the topics for the sections on 'Computing- An overview' and 'Mathematical programming' and in locating the specialists to write the chapters. I wish to thank him for his advice and active participation in putting the material together for this volume. Finally I wish to thank all the authors for the valuable contributions they have made and to Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland) for their patience and cooperation in bringing out this volume. C. R. Rao


A. Appel, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, N Y 10598, USA (Ch. 25) S. F. Arnold, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326 Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 18) G. J. Babu, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326 Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 19) J. L. Barlow, Computer Science Department, 333 Whitmore Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 9) D. B6hning, Freie Universitiit Berlin, Arbeitsgruppe Epidemiologie, Augustastr. 37, 1000 Berlin 45, Germany (Ch. 11) M. T. Boswell, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326 Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 20) D. A. Burn, Minitab Inc., 3081 Enterprise Drive, State College, PA 168-3008, USA (Ch. 22) P. M. Caligiuri, Psychology Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 15) D. B. Cart, Center for Computational Statistics, George Mason University, 242 Science-Tech Bldg., Fairfax, VA 22030, USA (Ch. 26) J. Engel, Institut f~r Angewandte Math., Universiti~t Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, 6900 Heidelberg, Germany (Ch. 12) R. A. Faldowski, 3131 Mountain Creek Road, Apt. 9B4, Chattanooga, TN 37415, USA (Ch. 27) W. A. Gale, AT& T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Avenue, P.O. Box 636, Murray Hill, NJ 07974-2636, USA (Ch. 16) T. Gasser, Biostatistic Dept., Zentralinst. fiir Seal Gesundheit, JS-Postfach 122 120, 6800 Mannheim, Germany (Ch. 12) C. R. Goodall, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326 Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 13) S. D. Gore, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326, Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 20) A. S. Hadi, Department of Economics and Social Statistics, Cornell University, 358 Ives Hall, Ithaca, N Y 14851-0952, USA (Ch. 23) W. W. Hager, Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA (Ch. 7) xvii



D. J. Hand, Faculty of Mathematics, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK MK7 6AA (Ch. 16) R. Horst, FB I V - Mathematik, Universitiit Trier, Postfach 3825, 5500 Trier, Germany (Ch. 7) A. K. Joshi, Department of Computer and Information Science, The University of Pennsylvania, 200 S. 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA (Ch. 17) B. Kalyanasundaram, Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA (Ch. 1) K. Kant, Bell Core, 333 Newman Springs Road, Redbank, NJ 07701, USA (Ch. 2) A. E. Kelly, Centre for Mathematics, Science and Computer Science, Rutgers University, 10 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA (Ch. 16) R. Krishnamurti, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada (Ch. 3) N. Laird, Chairman, Bio-statistics Department, Harvard School of Public Health, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA (Ch. 14) S. Lanka, Computer Science Department, 333 Whitmore Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 4) Y. Li, Computer Science Department, 333 Whitmore Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 8) M. M. McFarlane, UNC Psychometrics, CB 3270 Davie Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270, USA (Ch. 27) B. Narahari, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, USA (Ch. 3) H. J. Newton, Department of Statistics, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843-3143, USA (Ch. 24) S. Pal, Computer Science Department, 333 Whitmore Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 4) P. M. Pardalos, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 303 Weil Hall, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA (Ch. 7, Ch. 8) G. P. Patil, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326 Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 20) S. D. Peddada, Division of Statistics, Department of Mathematics, University of Virginia, Math-Astronomy Building, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA (Ch. 2a) S. Purushothaman, Computer Science Department, 333 Whitmore Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 5) C. R. Rao, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326 Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 15, Ch. 19) J. Seaman, Computer Science Department, 333 Whitmore Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 5) B. Seifert, Institut fiir Angewandte Math., Universitiit Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, 6900 Heidelberg, Germany (Ch. 12)


T. Selker, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, N Y 10598, USA (Ch. 25) C. Taillie, Department of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University, 326 Classroom Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 20) S. Van Huffel, E S A T Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium (Ch. 10) R. Varadarajan, Computer and Information Sciences Department, CSE Building Room 334, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA (Ch. 6) E. J. Wegman, Center for Computational Statistics, George Mason University, 242 Science-Tech Bldg., Fairfax, VA 22030, USA (Ch. 26) F. W. Young, Psychometrics Laboratory, University of North Carolina, CB # 3270 Davie Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270, USA (Ch. 27) H. Zha, Computer Science Department, 333 Whitmore Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA (Ch. 10) T. L. Ziemer, Minitab Inc., 3081 Enterprise Drive, State College, PA 16801-3008, USA (Ch. 28)


C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 (~) 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.



Algorithms Bala Kalyanasundaram

1. Introduction

A popular belief in problem solving is 'Half the problem is solved if we understand the problem, especially its input/output behavior'. The first and crucial step in solving by computers is a precise formulation of the problem. Following this, finding and implementing a finite sequence of executable steps that satisfy the input/output behavior and then evaluating the performance of the method are major steps in problem solving. During the design phase, a programmer concentrates on finding a finite sequence of executable steps that solves the given problem. A solution that takes a year, or ten years, is clearly not acceptable in situations where a quick response is of utmost importance. This clearly motivates the designer to concentrate on f i n d i n g a n efficient method, or algorithm, for the given problem. Analysis of algorithm attempts to predict the performance of the algorithm. Once we have the characteristics of the performance of various algorithms for a problem, we then can say which are relatively efficient and which are not. One way of analyzing an algorithm is by implementing it on a computer and estimating the running time. Unfortunately, we will get different performance when we implement the algorithm on different computers, or use different compilers to generate codes. So, using actual running time of an implementation on a computer may not tell how well the algorithm performs on other computers. More than this, comparing two algorithms based on its running time on a collection inputs may result in a tie; one algorithm performs well on some inputs whereas the other algorithm performs well on the rest of the inputs. One way to overcome these difficulties is by analyzing an algorithm without paying any attention to its running time on any specific computer, or on any specific input. Quite like centimeter is a unit of measurement for length, we need 'units' to measure and compare algorithms. Certain primitive operations can be justifiably assumed to spend unit time. Under such reasonable assumptions, algorithms can be evaluated according to their 'worst case' and 'average case' performance. It is our understanding that basic operations such as addition, subtraction, comparison etc. are executable steps for computers. A reasonably


B. Kalyanasundaram

large number of these operations can be performed quite quickly. But, when the problem gets increasingly tougher, we tend to consider time taken for any such basic operation to be one unit and estimate the running time of the algorithm designed for the problem. Most of the simple statements of a program can be assumed to take unit time. Some notable exceptions are copying entire arrays and complex structures. With such reasonable assumptions running time of algorithms are estimated as a function of its input size. Based on the growth of the running time, we say that one algorithm performs better (asymptotically) than another. In the next section, we introduce and use the 'big Oh' operator to compare and classify asymptotic behavior of functions.

2. Asymptotic behavior of algorithms Let us consider the problem of finding a specific number, say the largest, in the set { a l , a 2 , . . . ,an) of n numbers. We assume that a~ is the largest and compare it with a2, a 3 and so on until we find another number larger than the current largest number. Now, we reset the current value of largest number and continue comparing it with remaining a. largest:= al; for i := 2 to n do if largest < a i then largest := ai In the above algorithm, the for loop is executed n - 1 times. Each time the for loop is executed, the three following steps are executed in that order. First, a value for i is assigned. It is then followed by the execution of the if then else statement. Finally, the control jumps back to the beginning of the for loop. Let us assume that each of the three steps takes one unit of time. Therefore, finding the largest number takes 1 + 3(n - 1) units of time. It is important to observe that the time complexity of the above algorithm is 3n - 2, a function of the 'size' of the input. It is interesting to note that 3n - 2 steps are executed by the above algorithm irrespective of the values of a i. This need not always be the case in other algorithms. Consider the problem of finding whether or not there is a number in the set {a 1. . . . . an} equal to x. A simple solution is as follows. notfound : = true; i:=1; while notfound and (i ~< n) do if x = a i then notfound := false else i : = i + 1 print(notfound)



In the above algorithm, the number of steps executed very much depends on the value of x as well as a i. If x is equal to a 1 then only a few steps are executed. But if x is equal to a 2 then a few more steps are executed. The complexity of the algorithm depends on the actual value of the input. Now, comparing algorithms or even describing the complexity of the algorithm is almost impossible if we adopt the actual number of steps as the complexity. Such situations are quite common in algorithm design. We avoid such difficulties by considering either worst case or average case complexity of the algorithm. As before, we still calculate the number of steps in terms of the length of the input and completely ignore the actual 'value' of the input. In worst case analysis, we look at the input for which the algorithm spends most number of steps. The worst case complexity will then be the n u m b e r of steps spent on worst case input. One may wonder, how often one encounters worst case scenarios. Also, one may question how meaningful the worst case complexity measure is. These are valid questions and the answer very much depends on the application. The answer to the former question is 'many'. If there are a few worst case inputs, then one can tune the algorithm by introducing if then else statements at the beginning and test if the given inputs are the worst case inputs and output appropriately. Otherwise, the algorithm runs normally. This approach will definitely improve the performance of the algorithm. Unfortunately, if there are many inputs that come close to being a worst case input then introducing if then else statements for all such inputs will blow up the time taken by the algorithm for other inputs. Imagine a nuclear reactor being controlled by a computer which shuts the reactor down in case of emergency. It is reasonable to assume that the reactor has to be shut within few seconds. Emergency situations can occur in many different forms and the computer must react to each situation quickly. Obviously, the worst case complexity of the algorithm used by the computer should be 'small'. On the other hand, in a payroll management of a company, the computer may have to perform certain tasks repeatedly for different inputs. Taking a little bit more time on certain inputs may not cause any harm to anybody. Overall efficiency is the goal, that is an algorithm that runs quickly on 'most' of the inputs is quite acceptable. In applications like this we would like to measure algorithms based on average case analysis. The average case time complexity is defined to be the average number of steps executed by the algorithm where the average is taken over all possible inputs of size n. One may assume various possible distributions on inputs, and the complexity varies as we change the distribution. Often it is the case that the (worst case or average case) complexity of an algorithm is a complicated function on the size of the input. Also, complexity may vary as we change the implementation. This is often reflected when one uses experienced programmers who could cut corners and speed up the computation by a constant factor. Even though such speedups are beneficial, it is an outcome of clever programming/implementation, not by a clever


B. Kalyanasundaram

algorithm. Our concern here is to evaluate how efficient the algorithm is. So it is meaningful to carefully neglect the constant speedup and specify the inherent complexity of an algorithm as a function of its input length and consider only the most dominant factor in the function. In the next paragraph, we will formalize this notion and briefly argue why the dominant factor seems to capture the inherent complexity of any algorithm. It has been the case that computers are continually becoming faster and based on this one expects to solve problems of bigger size. We will shortly show that this expectation very much depends upon the complexity of the algorithm. Assume that a computer is capable of performing 10 6 steps per second. Consider two algorithms, A 1 and A 2 , where the first one solves in n steps and the second one solves in 2 n steps. Suppose we demand a response time (time to output) to be at most 1 minute, then the maximum size of the problem that A 1 can execute is 60.10 6, w h e r e a s A 2 can solve problems of size 25 only. Now imagine that due to technological advancement, we have a faster computer. Even if the new computer is faster by a factor of 1000 over the obsolete computer, we can only solve problems of size 35 if we use algorithm A 2. Quantum leap in performance can be achieved only when we use an algorithm that runs in time n as opposed to 2n.1 For sufficiently large n, an algorithm whose running time is n 3 will overtake the algorithm whose running time is c n even if c is a large constant. Observing this, researchers started characterizing performance of an algorithm by its asymptotic behavior of its running time. So, algorithms with running time 3n 3 + 5n 2 + 20n is said to run in time O(n3), the dominant factor in the actual running time. Analogously, if every algorithm for a problem takes at least n 3 steps then we say that the problem has complexity I~(n3). If we can prove that a problem can be solved in O(n 3) and if we can show that the problem has complexity ft(n 3) then we can conclude that we have found the asymptotically best solution for the problem and denote the running time of such an algorithm by O(n3). 2 For more formal definitions, the readers are referred to standard algorithm texts [1-4, 11, 13].

3. Data structures

Solving any problem, say cooking, by humans demands organization of the materials involved in the solution. Computers are not different from human beings in this respect. Computers must store inputs, intermediate results, and outputs in some organized manner so that their retrieval will be correct and quick. Very similar to the materials that are available to humans to organize, there are many techniques to organize data in computer memory. The

1 I m p r o v e m e n t by a huge constant factor is also beneficial and s o m e times it m a y outweigh asymptotic improvement. 2 We have chosen n 3 for illustration purpose. It could be replaced by any other function on n.



correctness and the efficiency of a solution very much depends on the technique used to organize data. More importantly, data should remain organized even when they are manipulated. In this section we will briefly discuss some of the well-known techniques to organize data, called data structures. Arrays, records, pointers and linked lists are some of the well-known structures available in most of the structured programming languages such as Pascal, Ada, PL1 etc. Arrays are useful in storing many objects of the same type such as integer, real etc. and provide immediate access, often called random access, to objects given its index. On the other hand, records are capable of storing a collection of (related) objects not necessarily of the same type. Often it is necessary to create a data structure that grows and shrinks according to the demand. Most programming languages support pointers wherein one can store the address of an object. Linked list can be implemented by a collection of records linked together like a chain through a field of type pointer. One could access objects by traversing the chain. Unlike arrays and records, a linked list is a dynamic data structure capable of growing and shrinking. Any introductory book on a structured programming language such as Pascal will discuss these structures in detail. Building data structures t h a t allow efficient manipulation of data is a research topic in design of algorithms. We will now discuss some of the abstract data structures that have proved useful in many applications. These abstract data structures are built from primitive data structures such as arrays, records and linked lists. Queue. Quite like a queue formed in a grocery shop, this data structure is used to process data in 'first in first out' manner. Mathematically, it is an ordered list of data. The basic operations are: create a list, add an element to the end of the list and fetch the first element in the list. Typically, this can be implemented using an array or a linked list. Some other operations are joining two queues and finding the rank of an element in the queue. Stack. Unlike queues, elements stored in a stack can be restored in 'last in first out' manner. Typical operations on this data structure are checking the top of the stack, pushing an element into the stack, popping the top element off the stack and checking whether the stack is empty or not. This data structure can also b e implemented using either arrays or linked lists. Tree. This data structure is omnipresent in computer science. It is quite useful if objects are to be organized in hierarchical fashion. Database, searching, implementing sets and operations on them are some applications of tree data structure. We know from graph theory that a rooted tree is an acyclic graph with a special node called root. If each node has at most two descendents then the tree is called a binary tree. If we store information in each node of the tree then such a data structure is called a tree. Often, we allow access to an element only through a walk/traversal from the root of the tree. Typically each node is represented by a record that contains an 'info' field where the data is stored


B. Kalyanasundaram

and two link fields 'left' and 'right' contain the memory address of the records of the left and right branch in the binary tree. This addressing mechanism is achieved by 'pointers'. The number of link fields can be increased to meet the number of branches in the tree.

4. Searching and sorting Searching and sorting are two fundamental problems that appear in various forms in many applications. In this section, we will investigate various approaches to solving these two problems efficiently. Imagine a huge catalogue stored in a computer memory often referred to as a database. Accessing information about individual item is a typical operation performed in the database. Response time is critical for such applications. Therefore, organizing such data in some order, say alphabetically, may expedite the searching process. We will explore some sorting and searching techniques helpful in many applications. Depending upon the type of the objects to be searched or sorted (such as small integers, records) and depending upon the needs of the application (such as fast response time or low memory requirements), we will discuss different techniques. 4.1. Searching

First, let us consider a simple but common scenario where a sorted sequence of n integers are stored in an array A in nondecreasing order. An efficient way to search for a specific integer in the sorted sequence is explained below. The main idea in 'binary search' is to keep halving the search space by comparing the median with the integer being searched for and choosing the half where it may be found. In this divide and conquer approach, the number of comparisons performed is at most [(log n)J + 1. procedure search(low, high: integer; val: integer); begin if low > high then output("not found") and halt else middle := [((low + high)/2)] ; if A[middle] = val then output("found") and halt else if A[middle] > val then search(low, middle-i, val) else search(middle + 1, high, val); end; Arrays are used as the storage mechanism in the above problem. More naturally one can use a 'binary tree' data structure where the root of the binary tree is the median. This technique can also be applied to searching objects of



noninteger type provided the comparison operator is well defined. For comparison based algorithms, the bound log 2 n is optimal.

4.2. Sorting Sorting is a fundamental problem that occurs in many applications. It is true that most of the cpu time is spent on sorting objects in many applications. So finding efficient sorting algorithm is of utmost importance for such applications. In this section, we will concentrate on various sorting techniques and their performance. Readers are referred to [9, 13] for more complete discussion. For the sake of simplicity, consider sorting n integers. The three simple sorting schemes, bubble sort, insertion sort and selection sort, are quite easy to implement. But their worst case time complexity is O(n 2) comparisons. These are very useful if the sequence to be sorted is fairly short. But, for sorting a larger list of numbers, it is imperative that the sorting procedure is as efficient as possible. In such cases, one is willing to spend time and other resources to find correct and efficient programs that will be more productive in the long run. Sorting algorithms such as heap sort and merge sort perform well in the worst case, only O(n log n) comparisons. On the other hand, the quick sort algorithm outperforms both merge sort and heap sort for most of the inputs. But the worst case performance of quick sort is O(n 2) comparisons. Sometimes, space requirement dictates the choice of an algorithm for an application. These sorting algorithms are also analyzed with respect to their space requirements. In the literature, a sorting algorithm is called in-place if it uses few (at most constant) additional space. Insertion sort, selection sort and heap sort are examples of in-place sorting algorithms. A lower bound on the number of comparisons needed to sort by comparison can be shown to match asymptotically the number of comparisons performed in both heap and merge sort. This type of proof is often called 'information theoretic' lower bound proof. A detailed version of this proof can be found in most of the algorithm books. We now briefly sketch the proof. A decision tree is a binary tree where nodes are viewed as a comparison of two specific inputs, say 'Is the i-th integer larger than the j-th integer?' Two edges leaving a node are labeled yes or no, the outcome of the comparison/ decision at the node. A path from the root to a leaf represents a sequence of yes~no answers to the decision questions at the nodes visited by the path for the given input. In fact, any comparison based sorting algorithm can be represented as a decision tree and the number of comparisons performed in the algorithm is the length of the path from the root to the leaf taken by the input. The leaf node contains a permutation ~r such that the sorted sequence is obtained when the input is rearranged according to the permutation. Now, we will obtain a lower bound on the depth of the decision tree. We may simplify the sorting problem by assuming n distinct integers as input. For any sorted sequence of n integers, there are n! possible inputs. For each input, we must


B. Kalyanasundaram

apply a unique permutation to derive the sorted sequence. Therefore, the decision tree must contain n! permutations at the leaf levels. But, each leaf can take only one permutation. Thus the decision tree must contain n! leaves and so the depth must be at least log(n!)= ®(nlogn). Therefore, O ( n l o g n ) comparisons must be performed by any comparison based sorting algorithm. Selection sort. This is one of the simplest sorting algorithm. Basically, it finds the i-th smallest number and stores it in the i-th place in an array. Actually, the array where the input is stored can be used to store the result. The following procedure clearly explains the algorithm. procedure selection-sort(var num: array); {n integers to be sorted are stored in array num} vat out,in,min,swap: integer; begin for o u t : = 1 to n do begin min := out; {the following loop finds the minimum of those stored in num[out] through num[n] and min gets its index} for in := out + l to n do if num[in] < num[min] then min := in; swap:= num[min]; num[min] := num[out]; num[out] := swap; end end Selection sort is a brute-force technique but still has practical importance due to the fact that each element is moved only once. Thus sorting large records with small keys this way is efficient since records are not moved too often Insertion sort. Given a sorted sequence and a number, a simple approach to construct a new sorted sequence is to insert the new number in the given sorted sequence. Since a sequence of length one is always sorted, Insertion sort starts with a sorted sequence of unit length and keeps inserting the rest of the n - 1 integers one after another. procedure insertion-sort(var num: array); var out,in,next: integer; begin num[0] := 0; {say 0 is the smallest value} for o u t : = 2 to n do begin next:= num[out]; i n : = out; {insert next in number 1 through in} while (num[in-1] > next) do begin num[in] := num[in-1];



in := in-1 end; {now the correct place to insert is in} num[in] := next; end end; This algorithm performs well if the input sequence is almost sorted. In practice, almost sorted sequences are not uncommon. In the worst case this algorithm takes O(n 2) steps and makes O(n 2) exchanges. Heap sort. In this sorting algorithm, numbers to be sorted are maintained in the nodes of a binary tree called 'heap'. This binary tree has a special property that the value stored in a node is at least as large as the ones stored in any of its descendents. Especially, the root contains the largest value and one of the two immediate descendents of the root contains the next largest value and so on. Once the input has been stored in a heap, this sorting algorithm keeps removing values from the root, the largest number in the heap, and adjusts the heap such that it maintains the special property. Such an adjustment can be performed in O(log n) steps using a recursive procedure, often called heapify, which picks a suitable leaf value and places it in the root and keeps moving it down the tree by swapping it with the maximum of the two immediate descendents' values. This way the sorted sequence is retrieved from the root of heap in O(n log n) steps. The only missing step is representing the input in the form of a heap. Using the same recursive procedure heapify one can store the input in the form of a heap in linear time. One can use an array to simulate a heap. Such an implementation will result in space efficient (in-place) heap sort. Readers are referred to [1-4] for complete detail. Quick sort. For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that the input to be sorted consists of n distinct integers. This algorithm chooses an integer from the input, called pivot, and splits the input into two sets, one (say $1) consists of all those integers less than the pivot and the other (say $2) consists of all those integers greater than the pivot. Now both S 1 and S2 are recursively and independently sorted by quick sort. Sorted $1 and sorted S2 are joined to give the sorted sequence. The efficiency of this technique crucially depends on the pivot. It should be selected such that S 1 and S2 contain approximately the same number of integers. In the randomized version of quick sort, the number is selected randomly. On the other hand, deterministically, we might choose the first element as the pivot and settle for reasonably optimal solution. As discussed earlier, the worst case performance is poor but on the average its performance is one of the best. Sometimes the elements to be sorted cannot fit in the main memory of the computer. In such situations none of the sorting algorithms discussed above may sort efficiently. It is because accessing secondary memory may be more time consuming than performing few additional comparisons. The readers are referred to [9] for further discussion about external sorting. Especially Knuth [9] is an excellent source of sorting algorithms.


B. Kalyanasundaram

Whenever keys that are used to sort objects have special structure then it is possible to sort more efficiently than any of the algorithms discussed thus far. Bucket sort and its generalization radix sort are examples of such efficient sorting schemes. Bucket sort works efficiently whenever the keys are from a small range known in advance. Intuitively, bucket sort allocates a bucket for each key and stores objects in appropriate buckets according to their keys. Since each object is processed only once, sorting is performed in linear time. The success of this scheme heavily depends on the range of the keys. Finding the k-th element or median in a collection of objects is more crucial in certain applications than sorting the objects. Linear time algorithms for finding the k-th element or median exist and they can be found in many of the algorithm texts [1, 11].

5. Paradigms We often wonder where to start when a problem is given. It would be helpful to have 'tools' to help us solve problems. Keeping this in mind, we often tend to generalize techniques we use to solve problems. Some of the well-known techniques are divide and conquer, greedy, dynamic programming and mathematical programming. Understanding and using these techniques will help in solving many problems efficiently. More importantly, it will help one gain intuition in when to apply a specific technique and/or how to improve the performance.

5.1. Divide and conquer

Divide and conquer is a well-known common approach to solve problems. In divide and conquer, a problem is divided into subproblems that are solved independently. The solutions to these subproblems are then coordinated to obtain a solution for the original problem. We illustrate this by obtaining an efficient way to multiply two n digit numbers. The naive algorithm taught in high school takes O(n 2) operations. Using divide and conquer technique one can devise an O(n ~°g23~ n 1"59) algorithm. Each n bit number is divided into two n/2 digit numbers. Now multiplying two n digit numbers can be thought of as multiplying four multiplications of n/2 digit numbers and some additions. But, by careful manipulations, the number of multiplications can be reduced to 3 at the cost of a few extra additions. The reason why this trick brings the complexity down is the fact that adding two n bit numbers can be performed in O(n) operations while multiplication is asymptotically more complex. Therefore the power of n in the complexity of the algorithm comes down from log24=2 to log23. In fact, Strassen's matrix multiplication algorithm is analogous to integer multiplication. Here the matrix is divided into four matrices and the number of submatrix multiplications is reduced from 8 to 7 by



careful manipulation. This brings the complexity of matrix multiplication from O(n 3) to O(n 1°g27~n28).

5.2. Greedy algorithm Usually, a suboptimal solution for a problem can be easily found. On the other hand, optimal solutions are very elusive. Sometimes, optimal solutions for a problem can be found by repeatedly modifying suboptimal solutions in a clever but greedy fashion. Algorithms that make local modifications in each step are very easy to understand and implement. One such 'local modification' method is often referred to as 'greedy' approach. Given some optimization criterion, such as minimizing path length or maximizing profit, the greedy approach makes the best local change hoping to find the optimal solution. Minimum spanning tree 3 algorithms are typical examples of successfully applying the greedy approach. Minimum spanning tree. Consider a weighted undirected graph. The objective is to find a minimum weighted spanning tree for the given graph. The idea behind constructing (growing) a minimum spanning tree is to start at some vertex and keep growing a tree edge by edge such that the smallest edge branching out of the tree constructed thus far is always selected next. This algorithm is greedy in the sense that at each iteration, the smallest 'possible' edge is selected. Observe that the smallest 'possible' edge need not be the smallest edge because the graph being constructed is a tree. By induction, one can prove that the spanning tree constructed by this algorithm is a minimal spanning tree. By a careful implementation of this algorithm, the worst-case running time can be brought down to O(n2). Unfortunately, the greedy approach need not always produce optimal solutions. Instead, the greedy approach tends to produce a locally optimal solution, which could be different from the global optimal solution. Nevertheless, in some situations locally optimal solutions may not be far away from the global optimal solution. In such cases, suboptimal solutions are acceptable, especially when finding the optimal solution is practically impossible. Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm is another example of a greedy algorithm producing an optimal solution.

5.3. Dynamic programming Quite like the divide and conquer technique, dynamic programming divides a problem into many subproblems. These subproblems are then easily solved. Dynamic programming maintains a table of solutions for the subproblems solved thus far. These solutions are often referred to while solving other 3 A spanning tree of a graph G, is a subgraph of G that is a tree and connects all the vertices of G.


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subproblems. This way unnecessary repetition is avoided. We make this idea more precise with the help of the following example. The problem we will be considering here is often called transitive closure. We consider a graph version of transitive closure. Given a directed graph G = (V, E), we would like to construct another directed graph G ' = (V, E ' ) where edge (a, b) E E' if and only if there is (directed) path from vertex a to vertex b in G. Let us assume that the vertices are numbered 1 through n. We say that a path passes through a vertex o if it is visited by the path and is not one of the two ends (often referred to as source and sink) of the path. Dynamic programming initially takes care of all those paths of unit length: that is all paths that do not pass through vertices 1 through n. During the second iteration, all paths that do not pass through vertices 2 through n are found. Similarly, the i-th iteration takes care of all paths that do not pass through vertices i through n. Observe that n + 1 iterations are enough to find all those connected pairs of vertices. Each iteration solves restricted versions of transitive closure of the given graph. How each iteration is executed is yet to be seen. Obviously the first iteration can be executed knowing the edges of G. We now sketch how the i-th iteration is performed, given the result of the (i - 1)-th iteration. A path that does not pass through vertices i through n can be a path that passes through vertex i - 1 or not. Also, observe that if there is a path from x to y that visits i - 1 more than once, then there is another path from x to y that visits i - 1 exactly once. So, without loss of generality, we can restrict our attention to those paths that pass through a vertex at most once. A path from x to y that passes through i - 1 can be thought of as paths Pl and P2 where pl (resp. Pz) is a path from x (resp. i - 1) to i - 1 (resp. y) that does not pass through vertices i - 1 through n. If Pl or P2 exists then they would have been found in the ( i - 1)-th iteration and since results from previous iterations are stored in a table we can quick verify the fact. Time requirement for this algorithms is O(n 3) and space requirement is 0(n2). This approach is fairly widespread in operations research. While applying this technique we must make sure that the number of subproblems is not too large and solving subproblems eventually contribute to the solution of the original problem. In simple terms, this approach is a t o p - d o w n algorithm design and it trades space for time. Other applications of this technique in solving/finding optimal binary search trees, string matching and knapsack problems can be found in books [1-4].

5.4. Linear programming In general, various parameters in a practical problem are related in a complicated way. Imagine that you have $10000 and plan to invest on three types of stocks each costing $100, $50 and $75 per share. Assume that you get $3, $1 and $2 profit per share from those three types respectively. Assume that the company insists that you must buy a minimum of 125 shares. Of course,



you would like to maximize your profit too. You would like to know how many of first, second and third type (say x, y and z amount) of shares you should buy. In problems like this, we can precisely express the conditions and goals of the problem in terms of mathematical equation 4

x, y , z ~ O , x+y+z~125, lOOx + 50y + 75z ~ Z + . (Herb, Z + denotes the set of all nonnegative integers.) Petri-nets are usually represented graphically according to the following conventions: Places are represented by circles, transitions by bars, input and output functions by directed arcs between places and transitions, and markings by small filled circles called tokens. The dynamic behavior of a Petri-net is described by the sequence of transition firings. The firing rules are as follows: Let t be a transition with incoming arcs from places i p l , . . . , ipt( and outgoing arcs to places o p l , . . . , OPz for some









Fig. 10. A Petri-net, (a) before firing, (b) after firing.

Steady state analysis of stochastic systems


K, L >i 1. Then t can fire if and only if each of the K input places contains at least one token. As a result of firing, one token will be removed from each of the K input places, and one token will be added to each one of L output places. Figure 10 shows this pictorially. A transition that can fire is known as enabled. When several transitions are enabled simultaneously, we have nondeterminism in the sense that any one of these transitions may fire next. However, a firing may disable some of the originally enabled transitions, so there is no requirement that all of the originally enabled transitions must fire one after the other in some sequence. In other words, if several transitions are enabled, each one of the possible firing choices could lead to a different behavior in the future. If a place is an input to several transitions, we say that these transitions conflict, since the firing of one could disable the other. In classical Petri-nets, the selection in case of a conflict situation is purely nondeterministic, but in some extended versions, a different rule might apply. For example, the decision may be based on routing probabilities, priorities, or firing rates associated with t 1 and t 2. Petri-nets are useful for representing concurrent activities, since each place can be used to hold a portion of state information about the system, and the firing of transition represents the occurrence of events that modify this state information. As an example, Figure 11 shows a model of a simple communication protocol where the sender window size is 3 (i.e., the sender can have at most 3 unacknowledged messages). The receiver gets one message at a time and acknowledges each. By introducing more places and transitions one can represent more complex protocols as well. In a Petri-net representation, the state of the system can be described by a marking. The Petri-net starts in some initial valid marking M 0 and may go through a set of markings due to transition firings. We call this set as the reachability set RS(M0) of the Petri-net. The temporal relationships between these markings can be represented by a graph known as the reachability graph, where an arc from marking M to M ' means that the firing of some transition can take the system from marking M to M'. Since the reachability graph could be infinite in general, a finite representation of it in the form of coverability tree is also used. Using the reachability graph concept, it is possible to formally characterize



Rooo,vo )


3 Fig. 11. Communication protocol with sender window size 3.


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several properties of concurrent systems such as liveness, deadlock freedom, safeness, boundedness, mutual exclusion, absence of race conditions, etc. For example, if in a marking M C RS(M0), no transitions are enabled, the system is prone to deadlocks. If there is no such marking, it is still possible that certain transitions are dead (or in the case of a nonterminating system, certain transitions go dead after a finite number of firings). If the system is free of these problems, we say that it is live. If in every marking M E RS(M0) no place contains more than k tokens for some finite k, we say that the net is bounded. Since the tokens in a Petri-net model represent resources or customers, a bounded net corresponds to the situation where none of the entities could grow indefinitely. If k = 1 for every place, we call the net as safe. Safeness is a useful concept if it is undesirable to have more than one simultaneous initiation of an activity. Several other useful properties such as conservativeness, coverability, persistence, etc. can be defined, but we shall omit them here. It turns out that most of these properties can be related to reachability. The reachability problem asks if a marking M is reachable from the initial marking M 0. In the following, we briefly review several classes of Petri-nets and the complexity of the reachability problem for them. Petri-nets, as described above, are called classical Petri-nets (CPNs). The teachability problem for CPNs is solvable, but has been shown to be exponential space hard. Although CPNs provide rich synchronization mechanisms, they are still inadequate for representing arbitrary computations. The problem is the lack of the 'not' operation; it is not possible t o specify that a transition should fire if something does not happen. This weakness can be removed by adding inhibitor arcs to Petri-nets. These arcs go from places to transitions and are denoted by a small circle on the transition end. The semantics is that in order for the transition to fire, the originating place of the inhibitor arc should not have a token. With inhibitor arcs, the reachability problem becomes basically the halting problem for a Turing machine, and thus is undecidable. Often, in applications, the net is bounded, thereby leading to a finite reachability graph. Because of this, extensions to CPNs such as inhibitor arcs, priorities, colored tokens, complex firing rules, etc., are practically important, even though most of them make the reachability problem undecidable in general. On the other side of the spectrum, we have several subclasses of CPNs, that are intended for studying potentially unbounded systems, and thus the tradeoff between expressive power and complexity of the reachability problem is crucial for them. If each place can have at most one input and one output arc, we call such Petri-nets as marked graphs. We can eliminate places from a marked graph representation and get a model that looks like a classical task-graph (i.e., a task graph with only fork and join operations). Obviously, such models cannot represent branch (i.e., nondeterministic or probabilistic choice) operations, and thus cannot model the 'conflict' situation. For this reason, such models are also known as decision free nets. Marked graphs enjoy a number of interesting properties, as discussed in [9]. Free choice nets are a generalization

Steady state analysis of stochastic systems


of marked graphs where places can have multiple input and output arcs, but any transition receiving input from a multi-output place cannot have any other input place. This limits the conflict in that a token in a conflict place has a 'free choice' to go to any of the conflicting transitions. Free choice nets can be viewed as extended task graphs, i.e., task graphs with 'branch' and 'merge' operations in addition to the 'fork' and 'join' operations. Although the teachability problem is NP-complete in free choice nets, an approach based on structural analysis can often yield more efficient algorithms. Free choice nets can be generalized somewhat further without losing these properties. 8.2. Timed Petri-nets

Petri-net models discussed above represent the notion of time only indirectly, i.e., through the causality relationships. Thus they cannot be used as such for answering questions relating to the speed of operations. This limitation can be removed by associating a finite time duration with transitions and/or places. Usually, it is adequate to make only the transitions timed, and we shall assume this to be the case. The firing times associated with transitions may be either integer or real-valued. Real-valued firing times are most useful for modeling behavior at a higher level (e.g., synchronization among tasks). Integer firing times find applications at lower levels, particularly in synchronous systems. The earliest proposals considered deterministic Petri-nets (DPNs), i.e., timed petri-nets where the firing times are fixed. A more general model is to let the firing times be random variables, thereby leading to stochastic Petri-net (SPN) models. Although it is tempting to let the firing times in a SPN have an arbitrary distribution, this causes problems whenever repetitive behavior is to be modeled. Repetition can be modeled by having cycles in the Petri-net model, but the following problem arises: Suppose that a transition T 1 is enabled at some time t, but before it fires, another transition, say T2, also gets enabled. Now to study the evolution of the net, we need to compute the probability that transition T 1 (or T2) will fire first. This depends on the remaining firing time of T 1 when T 2 is enabled. This remaining time could depend on the entire past evolution of the net, thereby making the analysis impossible. Because of this difficulty, most proposals on timed Petri-nets either assume memoryless distributions of firing times or impose some further restrictions to simplify the analysis. The time-independent properties of a SPN (e.g., reachability, liveness, coverability, safeness, etc.) can be characterized by considering the underlying untimed Petri-net, except that we have to be careful about one aspect: the details of the timing behavior may make certain markings (or 'states') infeasible, and the SPN may have a smaller reachabili'ty graph than the corresponding untimed Petri-net. For the detailed timing analysis, the only tools that we have are those based on Markovian behavior; therefore, the first step in the timing analysis is to identify an appropriate (possibly embedded) Markov chain. For example, with


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memoryless firing times, a marking adequately describes the 'state' of the system, and the teachability graph can itself be viewed as the transition diagram of a Markov chain. As usual, this also means that stage type or phase type firing distributions can also be handled. Sometimes, we may have to depend on an embedded Markov chain at transition points. In any case, the close correspondence between the reaehability graph and the Markov chain is valuable. For example, if the Markov chain of a SPN is ergodic, the underlying Petri-net must be live and recurrent, etc. It is also worth noting that SPNs properly contain Markovian queuing network models. The introduction of time in Petri-nets raises a number of other issues that should be examined. In an ordinary Petri-net, an enabled transition removes all its enabling tokens and deposits tokens in its output places in a single atomic operation. In timed Petri-nets, however, we have the following two possibilities: (i) After a transition t is enabled, its firing is delayed by the time equal to its firing time f~. At the end of this delay period, if t is still enabled, it fires exactly like an ordinary Petri-net, i.e., it removes tokens from its input places and deposits them in its output places in a single atomic operation. We shall call this semantics atomic firing (AF) semantics. (ii) As soon as the transition t is enabled, it removes its enabling tokens from the input places. This can be identified as the 'start-firing' event. The transition then remains in the firing state for time f~, at the end of which it deposits tokens in its output places. This can be identified as the 'end-firing' event. We call this nonatomic firing (NF) semantics. There are important differences between the AF and NF semantics, but we omit a detailed discussion on them [3]. It is also easy to construct an appropriate Markov chain for A F / N F semantics and discrete/continuous time, and we shall not dwell on minor details of state representation. Suffice to ~ay that the state description would include at least the marking, and possibly more information (e.g., start firing or end firing situation, remaining firing time, etc.). Thus a solution to the model will always provide us with the steady-state probability of each marking. Unfortunately, this information alone may be inadequate to compute the performance measures of interest. (This is unlike the situation in ordinary queuing networks where the state probabilities provide all the necessary information.) The problem arises because some of the places may contain data (or 'customer') tokens, whereas others contain only control tokens. For example, in Figure 11, places A and B only represent the condition that the message has been sent or received, rather than any queued up messages. Another problem is that two different places may hold tokens that trigger the activity of interest (as in the 'join' operation), and total token count is not the appropriate measure. One popular method to specify the information necessary for computing performance measures is to associate a set of 'resources' with each transition. The 'resource' may refer to hardware resources (CPU, disk, etc.) or software resources (buffers, critical sections, etc.). The resources of a transition are considered to be in use while the

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transition is firing (in the NF case) or enabled (in the AF case). This enables us to compute 'resource' utilizations, and from there other parameters. We now make a few other comments regarding Markovian models of Petri-nets. In modeling real systems, one often finds wide variations in the firing times of various transitions. For example, in any well-designed resource allocator, deciding who should get the resource should take far less time than the duration for which the resource is held. An accurate representation of the former may itself involve several transitions. If we make all the transitions as timed and solve the SPN model, we will encounter serious numerical problems. Moreover, the model could be large even for a simple problem. To avoid these difficulties, we allow both immediate and timed transitions in the SPN model. Such an extended model is known as generalized SPN (GSPN) model. Immediate transitions are also needed for representing various kinds of synchronization. The details of handling such a mixed model may be found in [81. Several extensions have been proposed to Petri-nets to make them more convenient for performance analysis. One such extension is the introduction of 'colored tokens'; an idea similar to have multiple classes in a queuing network model. Other extensions include associating an 'attribute' or 'tag' with each token, functions with each place, and predicates with transitions. An example of a function for place p is the number of tokens in this place. The predicates involve functions over its input places. The transition wilt fire if each of the input places contains a token, and its predicate evaluates to true. These extensions are useful because most models used in performance analysis have a finite reachability graph, and thus the theoretical complexity results are not of great concern.

9. Bibliographic notes Extensive literature exists on the topic of analytic modeling of performance, and it would be difficult to do justice to it in the limited space available here. Consequently, I decided to limit the reference list primarily to only a small number of books, and relied on the references to the original papers in these books. Thus the references mentioned in the main text should not be interpreted as those containing the original work on the topic. Much of the discussion in this article is based upon [3]. This book contains fairly detailed discussion on all the topics discussed here. The bibliographic notes and the extensive bibliography in this book should provide adequate pointers to the relevant literature. Among the books referenced below (other than [3]), the basic queuing theory is discussed in [2, 4,511 ~Matrix analytic methods are discussed in [10-12]. A good discussion on local balance may be found in [13]. Reversibility is discussed extensively in [6]. A lucid discussion of flow-equivalent aggregation and its applications may be found in [7]. An extensive treatment of de-


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composability appears in [1]. Classical Petri-nets are discussed in [9], and timed Petri-nets and their applications to multiprocessor performance modeling in

IS]. References [1] Courtois, P. J. (1977). Decomposability: Queuing and Computer System Applications. Academic Press, New York. [2] Gross, D. and C. M. Harris (1985). Fundamentals of Queuing Theory. 2nd ed., Wiley, New York. [3] Kant, K. (1992). Introduction to ComputerSystem PerformanceModeling. McGraw-Hill, New York. [4] Kleinrock, L. (1975). Queuing Systems, Vol. 1, Theory. Wiley, New York. [5] Kleinrock, L. (1976). Queuing Systems, Vol. 2, Computer Applications. Wiley, New York. [6] Kelly, F. E (1980). Reversibility and Stochastic Networks. Wiley, New York. [7] Lazowska, E. D., J. Zahorjan, G. S. Graham and K. C, Sevcik (1984). Quantitative System Performance- Computer System Analysis Using Queuing Network Models. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. [8] Marsan, M. A., G. Balbo and G. Conte (1986). Performance Evaluation of Multiproeessor Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. [9] Murata, T. (1984). Modeling and Analysis of Concurrent Systems, Handbook of Software Engineering. 39-62. [10] Neuts, M. F. (1981). Matrix Geometric Solutions in Stochastic Models: An Algorithmic Approach. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, MD. [11] Neuts, M. F. (1984). Matrix-analytic methods in queuing theory. European J. Oper. Res. 15, 2-12. [12] Neuts, M. F. (1990). Structures Stochastic Matrices of M/G/1 Type and Their Applications. Marcel Dekker, New York. [13] Sauer, C. H. and K. M. Chandy (1981). Computer Systems PerformanceModeling. PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 (~) 1993 Elsevier SciencePublishers B,V. All rights reserved.


Parallel Computer Architectures Ramesh Krishnamurti and Bhagirath Narahari

1. Introduction

The advances in technology during the last decade have led to the design and development of numerous high performance computer architectures. Although the philosophy behind their development is to reduce the computation time of many applications, these architectures differ significantly in their approaches. These architectures include pipelined processors, vector processors, SIMD parallel processors and MIMD parallel processors. In this chapter we give a brief description of these architectural concepts and discuss how the application characteristics dictate the architectural requirements and performance. Computer architectures can be broadly classified into four categories using Flynn's classification [10]: (1) The single instruction stream single data stream organization (SISD) which represents the traditional Von Neumann architectures. (2) The single instruction stream multiple data stream organization (SIMD) which includes most array and vector processors. (3) The multiple instruction stream multiple data stream organization (MIMD) which includes most systems referred to as multiprocessors. (4) The multiple instruction stream single data steam organization (MISD). The traditional Von Neumann architecture executes programs serially. Computers designed with this architecture comprise a memory for storing both data and instructions, a control unit for interpreting the instructions, an arithmetic and logic unit for processing the data, and an input-output unit. In such an architecture, operations comprising an instruction are performed sequentially. For example, executing an instruction may comprise of the following steps:

Step Step Step Step Step

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Instruction fetch from memory (IF). Instruction decode/operand fetch from registers (ID). Instruction execution/effective address calculation (EX). Memory reference (MEM). Write-back into registers (WB).

In a Von Neumann architecture, these steps are performed serially with the 69

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result that one instruction is being executed at each step on one data stream (i.e., one set of operands). Furthermore, there are no overlapping instructions and the time taken to execute an instruction is the sum of the times taken for each step. To reduce the execution time of a program, one could change the traditional Von Neumann architectures by allowing (1) overlapping of instructions or (2) allow an instruction to operate on multiple data streams (operands) or (3) allow multiple instructions to execute concurrently. These three variations lead, respectively, to the three types of architectures we shall discuss- pipelined processors, SIMD parallel processors, and MIMD parallel processors.

2. Introduction to pipelining Pipelining is an implementation technique whereby multiple instructions are simultaneously overlapped in execution. A pipeline is like an assembly line where each step in the pipeline is responsible for executing a part of the instruction. As in a car assembly line, the work to be performed in executing an instruction is broken into smaller pieces, each of which takes a fraction of the time needed to complete the entire instruction. Each of these steps is called a pipe stage or a pipe segment. The states are connected one to next to form a pipe. Instructions enter the pipe at one end, are processed through the stages, and exit at the other end. The throughput of a pipeline depends on the number of instructions that exit the pipeline. Since all the stages are linked together, all the stages must be ready to proceed at the same time. The time required to move an instruction one step along in the pipeline is a machine cycle. This is determined by the time required for the slowest pipe stage. If the stages are perfectly balanced (each stage takes the same time to execute), then the. time per instruction on the pipelined machine is equal to (time per instruction/ number of pipe stages). Under these conditions, the speedup from pipelining is equal to the number of stages. Usually however, the speedup is less since the stages are not perfectly balanced and pipelining introduces some overhead. Due to these overheads, the time per instruction is higher in the pipelined Instruction

Machine cycle number







Instruction i

























Instruction i+l Instruction i+2 Instruction i+3 Instruction i+4


Fig. 1. A n i n s t r u c t i o n pipeline.





Parallel computer architectures


machine than in the nonpipelined machine. We call the time per instruction the latency of a pipe. A pipelined implementation is shown in Figure 1 [14]. A new instruction is fetched each machine cycle and each step becomes a pipe stage. While each instruction still takes five machine cycles, during each machine cycle the hardware is executing some part of five different instructions. Ideally, pipelining is an implementation technique and is not visible to the programmer. We shall now deal with the problems that pipelining introduces. Situations known as hazards prevent the next instruction in the instruction stream from executing during its designated clock cycle. Hazards reduce the performance of a pipeline from the ideal speedup. There are three types of hazards: (1) structural hazards, (2) data hazards, (3) control hazards. Structural hazards. Structural hazards occur when there are resource conflicts. An instance when a structural hazard can arise is when some functional unit is not fully pipelined. Another instance is when two write-backs have to be performed onto one register file (a file is a set of registers). If structural hazards occur often, it may be worth the additional cost to fully pipeline the functional unit (an example of pipelining a floating point functional unit to avoid structural hazards is given later) or provide multiple write ports to the register file. However, there is a cost associated with fully pipelining a functional unit. Apart from increased hardware costs, the latency of a pipelined unit is also larger. Thus, if these functional units are not exercised often, it may not be worth pipelining these units. Data hazards. Data hazards occur when the order of access to operands is changed by pipelining. There are three types of data hazards. Consider two instructions i and j, with i occurring before j. The three hazards are • RAW (read after write): j tries to read an operand before i modifies the operand. • WAR (write after read): j tries to modify an operand before i reads it. • WAW (write after write): j tries to modify an operand before i modifies it. A simple way around data hazards is to stall the instructions following the instruction causing the hazard in the pipe until the hazard passes. This of course decreases the throughput of the pipe. We will examine more sophisticated ways of handling data hazards in the next section. Control hazards. Control hazards occur when a branch instruction is executed. When the branch is taken (i.e., the condition is true), the program counter (PC) is not modified until the end of MEM. This means that the next instruction cannot be fetched until the PC is modified. Again, a simple way around this hazard is to stall the instructions following the branch instruction until the hazard passes. Another way is to assume that the branch will not be taken and proceed as if the branch is not executed. However, the state of the machine should not change until the outcome of the branch is known. If the branch is taken, the pipe is flushed. An alternative scheme is to predict the


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branch to be taken. As soon as the branch instruction is decoded and target address of the branch is computed, the pipeline begins fetching and executing the instruction at the target. We now present an example system which solves the data hazards involving floating point operations.

2.1. The IBM 360 floating point unit Real numbers are represented using the floating point format. An instruction such as add for floating point numbers requires more steps to execute than an instruction for integers. Floating point numbers are stored in the machine as illustrated in Figure 2. The magnitude of the floating point number is given by m x b e, where m is the magnitude specified in the mantissa field, e is the magnitude specified in the exponent field, and b is the base of the exponent. The single bit sign field specifies the sign of the floating point number. The decimal point is assumed to be at the left of the mantissa field. For convenience, we will assume that the base of the exponent b is 2. Adding two such floating point numbers entails the following steps:

Step 1. Compare exponents of the two numbers. Step 2. Shift the mantissa of the number with the smaller exponent to the right as many places as is the difference between the two exponents (and increment the exponent once for each shift). Step 3. Add the two mantissas. Step 4. Normalize the resultant mantissa. The last step (normalization) is done by shifting the mantissa to the left (and decrementing the exponent for each shift) until the most significant bit of the mantissa is a 1. For simplicity, we will assume that each step takes the same amount of time to complete. We can extend this to other floating point operations such as floating point multiply and floating point divide. The IBM 360/91 has such a pipelined floating point unit. Figure 3 illustrates the floating point execution unit for the IBM 360/91. The adder and the multiply/divide units are pipelined. At the inputs to the adder and the multiply/divide units are staging latches which are called reservation stations. Each reservation station is wide enough to store two input binary numbers and two 4-bit tags. These tags are used to solve the data hazard problems. Each floating point register (there are four of them) has associated with it a 4-bit tag and a busy bit. The storage data registers (SDRs) also have associated with them a 4-bit tag. The common data bus (CDB) connects these together. Each of the four floating point registers receives its data from the CDB. The



Fig. 2. Floating point format.

Parallel computer architectures



Floaung Point

Point Operand Buffers

Operaton Stuck

Floating Busy Bit




Tag Tag

Data Data

Ta8 Tag

Data Data





Tag Tag




Data Data



t Common Data B~







S~ Dam


Fig. 3. IBM360/91 floating point unit.

units that may generate data place their data on the CDB. Since there is only one such bus, an arbitrator decides which unit is to place data on the bus in case of contention. Each unit that may generate data has a unique ID. Thus, each of the floating point data buffers has its own ID, and each reservation station has a unique ID. When the generated data is placed on the CDB, the ID of the generating unit accompanies the data. The execution unit decoder works as follows. Instructions are stacked in the floating point operation stack in the order specified by the program. The instructions are decoded, one per machine cycle. If the operand specified in the floating point instruction is a floating point register (FRP), then the busy bit associated with the FPR indicates if the contents are valid. If the busy bit is 0, the contents of the register is valid, and its contents is copied into the selected reservation station. If the busy bit is 1, then it means that an instruction which is currently executing will modify the contents of the register, and the tag field associated with the FPR is copied into the tag field of the selected reservation station.


R. Krishnamurti and B. Narahari

If the operand specified in the floating point instruction is a memory location, then one of the floating point operand buffers is allocated to it. If the buffer has been loaded, then a copy of its contents is sent to the selected reservation station. If the buffer has not yet been loaded, then its ID is copied into the tag field of the reservation station. Having set up the source operands, it sets up the destination which is to receive the results after the instruction is executed. The destination could either be a floating point register or a storage data register. If the destination is a floating point register, then the busy bit corresponding to the destination floating point register is set to 1. This is an indication to future instructions that the contents of the register is no longer valid since it will be changed. In either case, the ID of the source (the source being a reservation station) is copied into the tag field of the destination. The decoder then starts processing the next instruction. In the reservation stations, an instruction is not ready for processing until the tag fields of both source operands go to 0. When this occurs, the instruction is queued for execution by the appropriate execution unit. On completing execution, the result is placed on the CDB along with the ID of the reservation station originating the result. All the potential 'sinks' of the result (the FPRs and the reservation stations) compare the broadcast ID with their own tag fields for a match. If there is a match, then the contents of the CDB is copied into the corresponding sink. We now address the issue of how the various hazards are avoided by the above scheme in the IBM 360/91 [14, 16]. If instruction i were to modify the contents of the FPR ri, the decoder would set the busy bit of register r i to 1. In addition, the tag field of register ri is set to the ID of the reservation station rs~ (we assume that instruction i is sent to reservation station rs~) which will produce the result. If instruction j (where instruction j follows instruction i) were to use the contents of register rz, since the decoder would observe its busy bit to be 1, it would copy the tag field of r~ into the tag field of reservation station rsj (again, we assume that instruction j is sent to reservation station rsj). Thus, the tag field of reservation station rsj contains the ID of reservation station rsi. When instruction i finishes execution, the result (which is to be written into r~) is put onto the CDB along with the ID of reservation station rsi. Since the tag field of register rz contains the ID of reservation station rsz, a copy of the contents of the CDB is copied into register r i. In addition, since the tag field of reservation station rsj contains the ID of reservation station r s j , a copy of the contents of the CDB is copied into the appropriate data field of reservation station rsj. Thus, the required data is forwarded to instruction j, avoiding RAW hazard. We can see that the WAR hazard is avoided in the above scheme by always copying the contents of register r i into reservation station rs/if the contents of register ri is valid. Finally, WAW hazard is avoided by overwriting the tag field of F i by the ID of reservation station rsj, representing the fact that register r i (in this case r~ = rj) will be written last by instruction j.

Parallel computer architectures


3. Vector processing As we saw in the previous section, pipelining a Von Neumann computer can substantially increase the throughput of the computer. However, for maximal throughput, it is required to fetch an instruction and a data per machine cycle, and store a data per machine cycle. This is difficult to sustain due to limitations in memory bandwidth. We now see how this problem is addressed in vector machines. The driving force behind the development of high performance machines are problems found in large scientific and engineering applications, such as weather forcasting, nuclear physics, thermodynamics, and seismology. The computational demands imposed by these applications exceed the capabilities of conventional machines. However, these applications have a lot of structure, with computations which can be represented by mathematical manipulations on vectors. Vector machines support such applications well by providing operations that work on vectors. Such machines can decode and execute vector instructions, where each instruction specifies operations that are valid over a large set of operands. Thus a single vector instruction specifies a great deal of work representing an entire loop in a conventional programming language. This reduces the instruction bandwidth requirement imposed on memories. Also, since an entire loop is represented by a single vector instruction, control hazards arising from branching at the end of the loop are avoided. In addition, since a vector instruction typically denotes operations on data elements where each operation is independent of an operation on a previous element, data hazards are also absent. Finally, since vector instructions specify a structure on the data elements of a vector that are accessed, it is possible to use techniques in memory interleaving to increase the data bandwidth of memories used in vector machines. We shall deal with this issue in a later section. Thus we see that vector instructions lend themselves to faster execution than an equivalent sequence of scalar instructions which achieves the same effect.

3.1. An example illustrating vector processing We clarify the above claims with a simple example in vector computation [14]. The basic structure of vector machines is presented in Figure 4. The machine has eight vector registers, each with 64 elements. Let us assume that we need to compute Y = a × X + Y, where X and Y are vectors which reside in memory and a is a scalar. We assume that the initial addresses of vectors X and Y are in registers r x and ry, respectively. A typical machine language program for the above computation on a nonvector machine may be as follows: L O A D f0, a; load scalar a into register f0 A D D I r4, rx, #64; load the last address into register r 4 loop: L O A D f2, rx; load X(i) into register f2 M U L T D f2, f0, f2; a × X(i) goes into register f2


R. Krishnamurti and B. Narahari

Main Memory




FP Add/Subtract

FP Multiply

FP Divide

Vector Registers

Integer Arithmetic

Logical Operations

i Scalar Registen


Fig. 4. A vector processor.

L O A D f4, ry; load Y(i) into register f4 A D D D f4, fz, f4; a x X(i) + Y(i) goes into register f4 STOD f4, ry; store result into Y(i) A D D I rx, G, #1; increment index of X A D D I ry, ry, #1; increment index of Y SUB r6, r4, G; compute difference between last address and present address BNZ r6, loop; check if done A typical machine language program for the above computation on a vector machine may be as follows: L O A D f0, a; load scalar a into f0 L O A D V V1, rx; vector scalar product is stored into V1

Parallel computer architectures


M U L T S V V2, fo, V1; vector scalar product is stored into V2 L O A D V V3, ry; load vector Y into vector register V3 A D D V V4, V2, V3; sum of vector elements is stored into V4 STORV ry, V4; store the result into m e m o r y As can be seen from the above example, the vector machine dramatically reduces the instruction bandwidth requirement. The vector machine fetches only 6 instructions as against almost 640 for the nonvector machine. We also note that a data hazard exists between M U L T D and A D D D in the loop for the nonvector machine. This is eliminated in the vector machine. However, there is an increased data bandwidth requirement on the m e m o r y of the vector machine. The m e m o r y system needs to support a data fetch or data store of one word per machine cycle. This is usually done by creating multiple memory banks, each of which can be accessed in parallel with other banks. We study interleaving as a general technique of increasing the bandwidth of memory in a later section. We now present the Cray 1 as an example of a vector machine [24]. The structure of the Cray 1 is given in Figure 5. The machine clock for the Cray 1 is 12.5 ns. The memory contains both vector and scalar data and instructions. It is a 16-way interleaved memory with 16 banks each of which can be accessed independently every four machine cycles. The instruction processor contains all scalar registers and the logic for decoding and control. There are eight vector registers, each of which can contain 64 vector elements. The system has 12 functional units, all of which are pipelined. Three of these functional units are used strictly for floating point operations, both on vector and scalar data. Three functional units are used for vector operations on integer and logical (boolean) data. Six functional units are used for address calculation, scalar integer addition, logical operations, shift operations, and scanning bit vectors. Most vector instructions have the same format as their scalar equivalents. The operations that may be specified include add, subtract, multiply, reciprocal estimate, and logical and shift operations. Vector operations are performed element-by-element in sequence. Thus, if an instruction specifies vectors V~, V~, Vj, then the m-th elements of vectors Vii and Vj are processed through the appropriate functional unit and the output written back as the rn-th element of vectors V~. The Cray 1 has instructions for transferring data between the vector registers and memory. These instructions specify a start address, a stride value (which specifies the next element in the sequence), and the vector register. These vectors can be transferred at the rate of one element per machine cycle, except for certain stride values. We will examine this in more detail in the next section. At most 64 elements may be transferred per instruction, with one element transferred per machine cycle. Operations involving vectors longer than 64 must be explicitly programmed and broken into pieces no longer than 64. The Cray 1 also has several features which enhance the performance of


R. Krishnamurti and B. Narahari

Functional Units (3 stages) Add Shift (4 stages)


Logical (2 stages)

8 Vector Registers V0 - V7 (64 words each)

FP Add (6 stages) FP Multiply (7 stages) FP Reciprocal (14 stages)

M~n Memo~

Vector Length (VL) Vector Mask (VM) Instruction Processor



Add (2 stages) Multiply (6 stages) Add (3 stages) Logical (1 stage) Shift (2/3 stages) Lead 0 Populatior -[ (3/4 stages)

Architecture of the CRAY 1 Fig. 5.

vector operations. One is the capability to simultaneously execute vector operations that use distinct vector registers. The Cray 1 can also perform vector reduction, i.e., produce a single scalar output from vector inputs. It is performed by simply specifying one of the output registers to be the same as one of the input registers. Finally, the Cray 1 can perform pipeline chaining, where the output register for one instruction is the input register for the next instruction. Chaining of vectors is established by starting the second vector operation during the time slot when the output from the first vector operation is available from its functional unit. A copy of the output is forwarded to the second functional unit and the execution of the second vector operation starts. This cycle is repeated for every vector element. The net effect is to construct a pipeline with latency which is the sum of the latencies of the two functional units. In fact, it is possible to chain more than two vector operations together.

Parallel computer architectures


The operations include not only arithmetic operations but also vector transfers between memory and vector registers.

3.2. Memory interleaving We have noted the requirement for high data bandwidth imposed on the memory. For vector processing, it is often required to access (either load or store) memory every machine cycle. The instrinsic bandwidth of the basic memory module is seldom sufficient to meet this requirement. One solution is to have multiple memory modules, each of which can be accessed in parallel with other modules [19]. This yields higher effective access rates. In interleaved memories, the N modules are arranged so that N sequential memory addresses fall in N distinct m e m o r y modules. Thus, module i holds memory location j if j mod N = i. Thus if N sequential m e m o r y locations are required to be accessed, all N memory modules can be kept busy, resulting in an N fold increase in the memory bandwidth. A simple interleaved structure is given in Figure 6. There are N = 2 n modules with each module of size M = 2 m. The total m e m o r y size is thus 2 m+n. Of the m + n bits required to access a memory location, m of these bits are

Data Module 0

u M 1 t i

Single word. bus

elpOx1~ "~ Module N- 1 n address bits

m address bits

Interleaved Memory Organization Fig. 6.


R. Krishnamurti and B. Narahari

Module N- 1

Module 0


Access 1

Access 2

Access 1

Access 2

Word 0

Word N- 1 Word 0


From Access I Time Fig. 7. Timing diagram.

Module 0


1 t i p

Single word I- bus. ~

1 e x i~

Module N-1



1 m address bits

General Interleaved Memory Organization Fig. 8.


n address bits


Parallel computer architectures


sent to all memory modules, with the other n bits used to select one of the N words from the N memory modules. Thus, for each request to the m e m o r y system, N sequential words are read out. These words read out from m e m o r y may be stored in latches, each of which can be read in sequence in the next N machine cycles. Figure 7 depicts the timing for such a scheme. The above scheme has a bandwidth which is N times the bandwidth of a single module as long as m e m o r y is accessed sequentially. However, its performance degrades dramatically when nonsequential access takes place (i.e., the stride value in accessing a vector is other than 1). To alleviate this problem partially, a more general scheme such as the one depicted in Figure 8 may be adopted. Since there are address latches at the input of each module, each module can access a different address relative to the other modules. The memory controller accepts requests in sequence, and for each request determines if the module containing that location is busy with a previous request. If it is not, the appropriate relative address within that module is loaded into the address latch and the access is initiated. If the module is busy with a previous request, then the request is queued so that an access may be initiated in future. Once a module is done with a previous request, it starts a new request if the previous request was a write. If the previous request was a read, the module accepts a new request in the queue. Figure 9 depicts a timing diagram for such a memory system. The above interleaved m e m o r y system will handle requests at N times the bandwidth of a single module as long as no module is accessed more than once in a sequence of N requests. Thus, for example, an eight-way interleaved m e m o r y system has a bandwidth eight times the bandwidth of a single module


l'lodule N- 1

Access N

Access 2N

Access 2 Module 0

A c c e s g N+2

Access N+I

Access 1

r i

Ou~ut N

Timing Diagram Fig. 9.





R. Krishnamurti and B. Narahari

as long as a vector (consecutive elements of which are stored in consecutive memory locations) is accessed with stride values of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, .... For other stride values, the bandwidth will be smaller.

4. Interconnection networks for parallel architectures A parallel computer architecture can be viewed as a collection of processors that cooperate and communicate to solve a problem. This abstract view of parallel architectures is true for both SIMD and MIMD parallel architectures. Processors can communicate to share data or to synchronize program execution. There are two mechanisms to support interprocessor communication: (1) a shared memory or (2) an interconnection network. Parallel architectures that use the first scheme are called shared m e m o r y parallel architectures and those using the second scheme are called distributed m e m o r y parallel architectures. In a distributed memory architecture each processor has its own local m e m o r y and processors communicate explicity through the interconnection network to access the data stored in each other's local memory. We shall focus on distributed memory architectures due to their popularity and commercial abundance. This section discusses the salient aspects of interconnection networks that apply to both SIMD and MIMD architectures. The time required for communication, called the communication time, increases the overall execution time of the algorithm. The amount, and pattern, of communication depends on the application and the algorithm used to solve the problem [1, 12, 21, 22]. Since all communication is done through the interconnection network, it is one of the most critical components of a parallel processor. Some important performance criteria for interconnection networks are: (1) latency: the transit time for a single message; (2) bandwidth: the amount of message traffic the network can support; (3) cost of hardware; (4) diameter: the maximum distance between processors. Interconnection networks can be broadly categorized based on control policy (distributed versus central), switching policy (packet switching versus circuit switching), and network topology (static topology versus dynamic topology) [9]. We first define the control and switching policies and then study some interconnection networks in the two classes of topologies. Switching policy. There are two methods for routing messages between processors through the interconnection n e t w o r k - packet switching and circuit switching. In packet switching a message is sent to its destination node through a series of store-and-forward steps without establishing a physical path between source and destination processors. In circuit switching, a circuit (path) is established on the network between the source and destination processors

Parallel computer architectures


following which the entire message is placed on the path [6]. While circuit switching reduces the time to transfer data between two nonneighboring processors, it also includes a substantial overhead in terms of reduced bandwidth and more complex control algorithms. Control policy. The interconnection functions that have to be realized by setting the switches can be set by central control or control that is distributed among the processors. For, e.g., SIMD architectures use central control with the CU setting the desired switches. Static versus dynamic topology. A static topology interconnection network is one that does not change its connections once built. In a dynamic topology network the connections can be changed by setting the appropriate switches. Two processors can communicate directly if there is a communication link between them. The set of processors that can communicate directly depends on the specific topology of the interconnection network. If there is no direct link between two processors then they communicate by sending messages along links in a path between them. The length of the path determines the amount of time is takes for the processors to communicate, and this length in turn is governed by the topology of the interconnection network. Therefore, the topology of the interconnection network is an important aspect of parallel architectures. Many interconnection networks with static and dynamic topologies have been designed and built. In what follows we shall discuss some common topologies and the routing strategies, i.e., algorithms for sending messages between processors, used in these networks. We conclude this section with a simple example illustrating the need for communication (i.e., data transfers) and the effect of the topology on the communication time.

4.1. Static topology interconnection networks A static topology interconnection network is appropriate for problems whose communication patterns are regular and can be predicted reasonably well, and that can be divided into parts that have highly 'local' exchanges (i.e., data exchanges occur mostly between neighbors). Applications that are well suited for this topology are ones that involve analysis of events in space, such as weather modeling, where the data is represented as a two-dimensional array of 'grid points' and interaction is among neighboring grid points. Some examples of static topology are the mesh (the mesh includes the linear array, which is a one-dimensional mesh), the ring, the star, the tree, the hypercube (also known as the cube), and the complete interconnection network. Considerations for selecting a network among these include cost, performance, and ease of routing messages. For example, the complete interconnection network has high performance, but also has the most hardware cost. Quite often, a tradeoff exists between cost and performance. Figure 10 portrays the tradeoff among some of these networks [2]. As examples of static topology we discuss the mesh and hypercube topologies.

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Mesh interconnection networks

The simplest interconnection function is a one-dimensional mesh, or linear array, where the processors are arranged as a linear array and adjacent processors are connected. A k-dimensional mesh topology can be constructed analogously, where the processors are arranged as a k-dimensional array and each processor is connected to its neighboring array points in each of the k dimensions. Each processor is assigned a k-tuple address (al, a 2 , . . . , an) which corresponds to the location of the processor in the k-dimensional space. Each interior processor in a k-dimensional mesh is connected to 2k other processors. There are many options for connecting processors at the boundaries and one scheme is to connect the processors at opposite boundaries, thus resulting in a torus topology. An example of a 2-dimensional mesh of 16 processors with wraparound connections, i.e., a 2D torus, is shown in Figure 11. Parallel architectures with a mesh interconnection network include the massively parallel processor (MPP) [5], and the Illiac IV [4]. A routing algorithm, for a given topology, determines the set of links to be used to route data between a pair of given processors. We shall discuss point-to-point routing strategies, i.e., routing from a processor with address A to a processor with address B which determine the shortest path between the pair of processors. In a mesh topology the routing algorithm simply routes


Minimum Latency

Maximum Bandwidth per PE


Hardware Cost

Complete lnterconnection



log N


any to any



log N nearest




3 llearest

log N





4-8 nearcst


Fig. 10. Interconnection network performance metrics.


N log N


Parallel computer architectures








EB J ~^l

l~. I

E I~l


A 16 processor 2-Dimensional Mesh Interconnection Network Fig. 11. along each dimension. For example, to send data form processor A = (0, 2) to processor B = (2, 3) we first send to processor (2, 2) by sending data up through the column and then send from (2, 2) to (2, 3) along the row. This simple routing strategy is one of the advantages of the mesh.

Hypercube interconnection network

The hypercube is one of the most popular static topologies. A hypercube of dimension n, called an n-cube, consists of 2" nodes, where each node represents a processor (with its local memory). The processors are numbered from 0 to 2" - 1 and are given an n-bit binary address corresponding to their number. Thus processor 3 in a 3-cube is given the address 011. Two processors are connected by a link if their binary addresses differ in exactly one bit position. The link connecting processors with addresses differing in the i-th bit position is called the i-th dimension link. For example, when n = 3, the processor with address 010 is connected to the processors 011, 000 and 110. Figure 12 illustrates hypercubes of dimension 2 and dimension 3. Hypercubes can be defined recursively; an (n + 1)-cube is constructed from two n-cubes by (1) prefixing the addresses of processors in one hypercube with a 0 (to get the zero cube) and the addresses in the other with a 1 (to get the one cube) and (2) each of the processors in the zero cube is connected to its counterpart in the one cube. The distance between any two processors is defined by the hamming distance between their addresses, and thus we see that the maximum distance


R. Krishnamurti and B. Narahari

(a) A 2-Cube


(b) A 3-Cube

Fig. 12.

between any two processors (i.e., the diameter) is n for an n-cube which has 2 n processors. Point-to-point routing on the hypercube can be performed by using a simple algorithm. The shortest path between any two processors can be determined by performing an exclusive OR of their addresses. This leads to a simple routing policy; perform an exclusive OR of the source address A and destination address B and route along dimension i if the i-th bit of the exclusive OR operation is a 1. For example, consider the transfer of data from processor 010 to processor 111. The exclusive OR gives 101 and thus we need to route along dimension 0 link and dimension 2 link. This results in a data transfer from 010 to 011 in the first step and from 011 to 111 in the second step. Another useful feature of the hypercube is its ability to efficiently embed common topological structures such as arrays, trees, and pyramids [7, 8]. An embedding in a hypercube is a simulation of the structure using only the hypercube links. Neighboring grid points can be assigned to processors in close proximity of each other, and in some cases they can be assigned to neighboring processors in the hypercube [7]. Due to its reasonable cost, high regularity, simple and efficient routing, and efficient embedding of common structures, the hypercube topology offers both flexibility and high performance. Many hypercube-based commercial systems have been built such as the connection machine [15], Intel's iPSC hypercube [17], and the NCUBE system [13]. Wormhole routing, which is a compromise between circuit and packet switching, is used in some hypercube-based computers such as the connection machine. 4.2. Dynamic interconnection networks In networks which have dynamic topology, the networks are built with switches which can be 'set' to one of two (or more) states, depending on the message routing to be performed. Examples of networks with dynamic topologies are the bus, the crossbar, and multistage switching networks. The bus is very simple and cheap but since the bandwidth it can support is independent of N (N is the number of processors in the system), its performance deteriorates

Parallel computer architectures


rapidly with increasing N. A crossbar, on the other hand, is like a private exchange that allows any processor to communicate with any other processor with a constant delay proportional to the switching time of one switch. The crossbar is very expensive, with hardware cost increasing as O(Na). A multistage switching network is somewhere in between a bus and a crossbar in terms of hardware cost and performance. It comprises a very important class of switching networks and is finding increasing applications in array processors [23, 27]. Multistage switching networks can either be blocking or nonblocking. Blocking networks do not support certain input-output connection patterns (or permutations). Nonblocking networks, in contrast, support all possible permutations. An important network in the category of nonblocking networks is the Benes network, which is called rearrangeably nonblocking because the entire permutation to be supported should be specified in advance. The Benes network for N = 8 is given in Figure 13. In general, the Benes network has 2 log N - 1 stages, with ½N 2 x 2 switches per stage. The fact that the entire permutation has to be specified in advance is not a drawback in applications involving array processing. The latency for this network is 2 log N - 1. One major disadvantage to this network is the fact that it is not very easy to derive the switch settings to support a particular permutation. In fact, it takes O(N log N) time to compute the switch settings for a general permutation [27]. This can be a major hurdle in array processing. To get around the problem in Benes networks, one solution is to use the Omega network, given in Figure 14 for N = 8. The number of stages in general for an Omega is log N, with ½N switches per stage. Thus, it has approximately half the number of stages of a Benes network. However, the Omega network cannot support all possible permutations. For permutations that can be supported by the Omega network, the latency per message is log N. The most w

1 Wl

h- 0

bI b-2









J, 6



~" 7 The Benes Intereonnection F i g . 13.














~2 ~3

- - ]






- - ]



7 "3

J ~[ I "3 The Multistage Omega Intereonneetion Network Fig. 14.

important advantage of an Omega network is the ability to compute the switch settings fast. In fact, by merely looking at the destination address bits in sequence, it is possible to set the switches for an Omega network. For example, if it is desired to connect input 2 (which in binary in 010) to output 6 (which in binary is 110), the switch settings for each stage can be computed by looking at the output bits in sequence. Thus, since the most significant bit is 1, the input is routed to the lower output of the switch in the first stage. Since the next bit is 1, the lower output of the switch in the second stage is taken. 0

J ~ l

_ f--]




~- 1










~_ 6


---7 Routing in Omega Network Fig. 15.

Parallel computer architectures


Finally, since the last bit is 0, the higher output of the switch in the last stage is taken. Figure 15 outlines this path.

4.3. Parallel summing algorithm To illustrate the effect of the interconnection network topology on the communication time, consider the simple example of adding numbers each of which is stored in a distinct processor. Specifically, assume we need to add 8 numbers, denoted by Xo, X 1. . . . , X 7. We also assume that the parallel processor consists of 8 processors n u m b e r e d 0 to 7 and each element X i is stored in processor i. First consider a linear array interconnection network, where each processor i is connected to processor i + 1 and processor i - 1 (i.e., it is a one-dimensional mesh). In the first step, processor 0 sends its data to processor 1, processor 2 to processor 3 , . . . , processor 6 to processor 7. At the end of this step, processor 1 computes X 0 + X 1, processor 3 computes X 2 + X 3, processor 5 computes X 4 + Xs, processor 7 computes X 6 + X 7. In the second step, processor 1 sends the partial sum X 0 + X 1 to processor 3. Likewise, processor 5 sends its partial sum to processor 7. At the end of this step, processor 3 computes the partial sum X 0 + X 1 + X 2 + X 3 and processor 7 computes the partial sum X 4 + X 5 + X 6 + X 7. Finally, in the third step, processor 3 sends its partial sum to processor 7. A t the end of this step, processor 7 computes the total sum S. It m a y be noted that for computing the sum of N numbers on an N processor architecture, the n u m b e r of steps required equals log N. We now calculate the total time taken to compute the sum. Let us denote the time for addition by t a and the time for data to traverse a link to a neighboring processor by t c. For the first step, the time to communicate is tc and the time to add is t a. In the second step, the time to communicate is 2t c (since each data has to traverse two links) and the time to add is t a. Finally, in the third step, the time to communicate is 4t c and the time to add is t a. The total time t a k e n is thus, 3t, + 7t c. For general N, this expression m a y be generalized to talog N + t~(U- 1). We now determine the time taken to compute the sum, using the p r o c e d u r e outlined above, for a parallel processor with a hypercube interconnection network. Clearly, the n u m b e r of steps are still log N. H o w e v e r , for each step, the time required to communicate would be only t~ for each step. T o see this observe the connections of the hypercube shown in Figure 12. The total time to add 8 numbers on the 3-cube is 3 additions and 3 communication steps. In general the total time taken to compute the sum on the hypercube is thus (t, + to)logN. Clearly, for: large N, this is substantially smaller than the previous expression derived {or an array processor where the processors are connected by a linear array. Thus, the type of interconnection network determines the p e r f o r m a n c e of the array processor. N o t e that for the multistage O m e g a network, the time required to c o m m u n i c a t e would be tolog N for each step.

R. Krishnamurti and B. Narahari


5. SIMD architectures

SIMD architectures can also be used for processing vectors in scientific applications. In this approach, there are a number of arithmetic computing elements, each of which is used to compute one element of a result vector. All the computing elements execute the same instruction in parallel and thus form an SIMD machine, where all the arithmetic elements execute the same instruction stream on data elements stored in their respective local memories. An SIMD machine comprises a set of P processing elements interconnected by a network and fed instructions by a control unit. Figure 16 shows the organization of a typical SIMD machine. The control unit broadcasts instructions to the processors. Each processing element (PE) consists of a processor with its own memory module. This configuration is also called processingelement-to-processing-element configuration [27]. All active (enabled) processors execute the same instruction at the same time and each processor executes the instruction on data in its own associated m e m o r y module. The control unit has its own memory for storage of the program and decodes the instructions and determines where it is to be executed. The CU executes all control of flow instructions (such as loops), and broadcasts processing element

Data Bus


Data & Instructions

Control Unit Memory

Control Unit

. . . . . . . . . Cgr~g0!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Control Bus

Processing Element 0

Processing Element 1

Processing Element N- I

Memory 0

Memory I

Memory N- I




lnteTconnection Network SIMD Machine Organization Fig. 16.

Parallel computer architectures


instructions to the PEs. The data, i.e., array or vector operands, are distributed to the individual memories of the PEs before execution of the program. At any time, all the PEs execute the same instruction in synchrony. Data exchanges between PEs are performed using the interconnection network. These data transfer instructions are part of the SIMD program, and these instructions set the switches and transfer data between the PEs. Each P E may be either enabled or disabled during an instruction cycle using masking schemes. A masking scheme is a method for determining which PEs will be active at a given cycle. An SIMD machine may have several different masking schemes. Each mask partitions the set {0, 1 , . . . , P - 1} of PE addresses into two sets; one having addresses of PEs which are active and the other those which are inactive. One possible masking scheme is data conditional masking in which the masks are the implicit results of performing a conditional branching based on data local to the PE. Each P E executes the branch on different data so the outcome may differ from one PE to the next. We illustrate the necessity of data routing and masking in array processors by a simple example below. Assume we need to execute the following vector operation in an SIMD array processor: S = Ei= 7 0 X i. We assume that the array processor comprises 8 PEs, numbered 0 to 7, and each vector element Xi has already been stored in the memory of PE i. To compute the sum S we can use the procedure to add 8 numbers which was discussed in the previous section, A n o t h e r look at the procedure would reveal the necessity for masking in an SIMD processor. For example, at the end of the first step, PEs 0, 2, 4, 6, are disabled (or masked out) from executing the addition instruction, and at the end of the second step, only PE 3 and PE 7 are enabled. As discussed before, between each step we need to transfer data between PEs and the time for the data transfers depends on the interconnection network. In the example above, each P E performs an addition and a data transfer and is masked depending on its address. A typical organization of a processing element is shown in Figure 17. Each PE is a processor with its own memory MEM; a set of general purpose registers; a local index register; an address register; a status flag; and an arithmetic logic unit (ALU). There are also two data transfer registers DTRin and DTRou t. The data transfer registers of each PE are connected to the data transfer registers of other PEs via the interconnection network. The DTRou t register contains the message to be transferred from the P E to other PEs, and the DTRin register contains the message received from some other P E after a transfer operation. When data transfers among PEs occur, it is the contents of DTRou t of each PE that are transferred. Each processing element is assigned a distinct address i, which is stored in the address register. The masking schemes specify the status flag of a PE. The index register is used during m e m o r y access instructions, when each PE i accesses M E M i with the offset specified by its index register. The PE instructions consist of those operations which each processor can perform on data in its individual m e m o r y or registers. It is assumed that the capability of the PE instructions includes m o v e m e n t of data


R, Krishnamurti and B. Narahari

I ssreg. I

I index reg.


) [



Organization of a SIMD Processing Element Fig. 17.

between the data transfer registers, and the A L U functions include arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and logical operations. We now discuss a simple example that illustrates a sample operation of an SIMD program and the efficiency of SIMD architectures. EXAMPLE: We consider an SIMD implementation of a simple matrix multiplication algorithm. We assume there are N processors and we need to multiply two N x N matrices, A and B, whose elements are denoted A[i, j] and B[i, j], respectively. A simple sequential algorithm, which takes N 3 steps, to compute the product matrix C is outlined below. for i : = l t o N d o for j : = l t o N d o C[i, j] := 0 {initialize each product element to O) for k : = l t o N d o C[i, j ] : = C[i, j] + A[i, k] . B[k, j] (compute inner product of row and column) endfor (the k loop) endfor {the j loop) endfor {the i loop)

If each processor stored a column matrix B, then by broadcasting elements of A we could compute the product in N 2 steps using the algorithm shown below. Note that each step is essentially a vector multiplication, and in fact the algorithm itself is written as a vector processing algorithm.

Parallel computer architectures


for i := l to N do in parallel for all processors PE k, 1 ~< k ~< N do broadcast current value of i to all PEs C[i, k] := 0 {initialize C[i, k] in each PE k memory} forj:=l toNdo in parallel for all processors PE k, where 1 ~< k ~ D O R M , CID--->CNAME, SID CID--->SNAME D O R M GPA CNAME}. Since SID CID determine all the other attributes of the relation, they form the key for the relation scheme S T U D E N T - I N F O . However, S N A M E , D O R M , GPA and C N A M E are not fully dependent on the key. Hence the relation scheme is not in 2NF. To bring it to 2NF, we decompose the relation scheme into the three relation schemes S T U D E N T (SNAME, SID, D O R M , GPA), C O U R S E ( C R A N E , CID) and E N R O L L (SID, CID). Even if a relation is in 2NF, it could still contain redundant data. In the above S T U D E N T relation, if distinct students have identical names, because of the function dependency SNAME---> D O R M , for all these tuples, S N A M E and D O R M would have the same values. If the D O R M value changes, then each of those tuples have to be updated. Such redundancies can be eliminated by bringing the relation to the third normal form. Third normal form. A relation scheme R is in third normal form (3NF) with respect to a set of functional dependencies F if it is in 1NF and no nonprime attribute in R is transitively dependent upon a key of R. A database schema is in 3NF with respect to a set of functional dependencies F if every relation scheme in it is in 3NF. Given a relation scheme R, a set of attributes X C_R and A is an attribute in R, and F is a set of functional dependencies, A is transitively dependent upon X in R if there is a subset y of R with X---~Y, Y--/*X, Y--->A under F and

A XY. Consider the set of functional dependencies F = {SID--+SNAME D O R M GPA, SNAME ~ DORM} on the STUDENT relation scheme. SID--->SNAME, S N A M E - ~ S I D , SNAME--->DORM, and D O R M g ~ S I D


S. Lanka and S. Pal

SNAME. Thus D O R M is transitively dependent on the key SID. Therefore, the S T U D E N T relation scheme is not in 3NF. To bring it to 3NF, the S T U D E N T relation scheme is decomposed into the two relation schemes S T U D E N T - G P A ( S N A M E , SID, GPA) and S T U D E N T - D O R M ( S N A M E , DORM). A relation scheme is decomposed into two relation schemes in the following manner. If a relation scheme R has key K and the following transitive dependency exists K--~Y, Y - ~ K , Y---~A under F and A k ~ K Y , then R is decomposed into two relation schemes R 1 = R - A , whose key is K, and R 2 = Y A , whose key is Y. It has been shown that a relation schema can be brought to 3NF given a set of functional dependencies in polynomial time [6]. Any relation scheme that is in 3NF is also in 2NF (proof given in [37]). Boyce-Codd normal form. A relation scheme R is in B o y c e - C o d d normal form (BCNF) with respect to a set of functional dependencies F if it is in 1NF and no attribute in R is transitively dependent upon any key of R. Observe that both S T U D E N T - G P A and S T U D E N T - D O R M are in BCNF. Any relation that is in BCNF is also in 3NF but the converse does not always hold. The problem of determining whether or not a relation scheme is in BCNF is NP-complete. Fourth and project-join normal forms. A relation scheme in B C N F removes more redundancies than a relation Scheme in 3NF, and, similarly, a relation scheme in 3NF removes more redundancies than one in 2NF. In a similar vein, by considering more complex dependencies, we can remove more subtle types of redundancies. These are expressed as the fourth and the project-join normal forms (for more details refer to [37, 53]). There are no practical algorithms to bring a relation into either of these normal forms.

8. Transaction processing A user of a database is usually interested in retrieving values from the database or updating (i.e., inserting, deleting or modifying) the information in the database. A user issues a set of commands constituting a transaction to access the database. The transaction has to be written in D M L , often called a query language. The database system will compile the transaction and schedule the operations depending upon the availability of the resources. If the initial state of a database is consistent, then the effects of a transaction will leave the database in a consistent state. (More details of all the topics covered in this section as well as the proofs of the theorems mentioned can be found in [8].) A database system supports the following transaction operations: start, commit, and abort. The start operation indicates the beginning of a new transaction, and the last operation executed by a transaction is either a commit or an abort. In between the start and the commit or abort, there may be any number of database operations, such as read and write on data items. The fate of a transaction is either commit or abort but not both. A transaction is said to

Database systems


be completed when it is committed or aborted. Otherwise it is said to be active. The commit indicates the successful termination of a transaction, while abort indicates abnormal termination. When a transaction commits, its updates are made permanent. However, when a transaction aborts, none of its effects are allowed to persist on the database, thus giving the impression that the transaction never executed. A transaction is an indivisible unit of computation. Either all operations of the transaction are performed and all updates are made permanent, or effectively none of the operations are executed. Such an execution is referred to as atomic or all-or-nothing execution. Database system model. A database system is envisioned to consist of a transaction manager, a scheduler and a data manager. The transaction manager receives the transactions, performs necessary preprocessing and sends the operations from the transactions to the scheduler. The scheduler determines the relative order in which the various operations of the transactions are executed in the database. The data manager is responsible for committing or aborting a transaction and for operating directly on the physical database.

8.1. Concurrent transaction processing In order to improve the system throughput (i.e., the number of transactions executed per unit time) and to obtain faster response time (i.e., the time that elapses between the issuance of the transaction and the arrival of the results), many systems allow multiple users to access and update data simultaneously. Two or more transactions are said to execute concurrently if their operations are interleaved. That is, the operations of a transaction may execute in between those of other transactions. If the transactions are executed sequentially (one after the other), then the overall effect is equivalent to executing the transactions in an indivisible or atomic manner. A concurrent execution that preserves this property is said to be serializable. Owing to the interleaving of operations from different transactions, if the effects of a transaction were to leave the database in an inconsistent state, then the transaction is aborted by the DBMS. Serializable execution is the correctness criterion for concurrent transaction execution in a database. The importance of serializability is that if concurrent transaction execution is not serializable then some of the updates may be lost and inconsistent values of data items could be read.

8.1. i. Serializability theory In the above model, the burden of ensuring correct concurrent execution of transactions falls on the scheduler. In the rest of this section, we will focus on a correctness criterion known as conflict serializability. Two operations are said to conflict if they operate on the same data item and at least one of them is a write operation. For instance, let w(x) and r(x) indicate, respectively, writing into and reading from the data item x, and let subscripts indicate the


S. Lanka and S. Pal

transaction to which an operation belongs. (w~(x) is a write operation from transaction T1, c a is the commit of T~, and a s is the abort of T~.) The operations Wl(X) and r2(x) conflict while the operations r~(x) and r2(x ) do not. A complete history indicates the relative order of concurrent execution of operations of different transactions. Let T1, T 2. . . . . T n be a set of n transactions. A complete history H over these transactions is a partial order with ordering relation 10} is regular, {anb n I n >10} is context-flee (but not regular), {anb 2 In >10} is context-sensitive (but not context-free). The languages ambnc z(m!n), where A is the Ackermann's function, and {M # x lM halts on input x} where M is the binary encoding of a Turing machine are phrase3 Technically this holds only if context sensitive languages are allowed to also contain e.


Programming languages and systems

structured (but not context-sensitive). More importantly, given a grammar G and a string w, the test of membership 'Is w E L ( G ) ? ' is decidable for all classes except phrase-structured. But the membership question can be answered in linear time only for regular and certain subclasses of context-free grammars. Fortunately, it has been observed (over the years) that certain subclasses of context-free grammars are powerful enough to specify most of the syntax of useful programming languages. More about the properties of various classes of languages and grammars can be found in [10], their use in building compilers can be found in [3] and their use in natural language processing can be found in [15]. 2.3. Semantic issues

While discussing the notion of compilation, we mentioned that a compiler should translate a program in high level language to a program in a low level (or machine) language with the same meaning. This leads to the questions 'how does one specify the meaning of a program?' and 'when will two programs be considered to have the same meaning?' There are two advantages to specifying the semantics of a programming language: first, it leaves no a m b i g u i t y in implementations. Simply put, consider two programmers, A and B, who develop compilers for a language on machines M a and M B. We expect a program P compiled and run on either machine to produce the same output for the same input. Without a formal semantics describing the meaning of a program there is no means to compare the 'correctness' of different compilers for the same language. Secondly, one needs a set of tools to mathematically argue about the properties of a program. Properties might be as complicated as: 'Does a program P terminate?' to something as simple as determining whether all assignment statements ' X gets value of expression E ' are type correct, i.e., have the property that the type of the value of E is the same as the type of the variable X. Information about properties of programs can be used by a compiler to produce code that runs more efficiently. Reasoning about properties of a program is referred to as analysis, and using this information to produce efficient code is referred to as optimization. One way to assign meaning to a program is to consider each program as a black box so that the effect of a program can be captured as a function from input to output. In t h e early 1960s Strachey did precisely t h a t - he used the notation of Church's h-calcuI/as to state the meaning of programs as mappings from inputs to outputs. A -Calculus is a formalism that was designed to capture the computational (or intentional) nature of functions, as opposed to describing f/mctions b y their graphs, or the actual pairs Of values that represen~ the mapping of the function. T h e terms of the A-calCulus (A-terms) are • '


where x- is a -variable


h x . M w h e r e x is a v a r i a b t e and M is a ~-term ..... - M N ~ where, M and W are h-terms': " .

' .... ;: ~-



S. Purushothaman and J. Seaman

A term of the form Ax.M is called an abstraction and a term of the form M N is called an application. The main rule of A-calculus, called fl-reduction, is the following: ( Ax.M)N = M[x := N], where M[x := N] is the A-term M with all occurrences of x replaced by the term N. This rule models the application of a function to an argument, or in programming language concepts, it models calling a function Ax.M with the argument x given the value of N. These h-terms, or more specifically, the abstractions, were used by Strachey to describe the meaning of programs. He used environments, which are themselves mappings from variables to values, to model the input and output to the program. Thus the meaning of a program was a mapping from environments to environments, represented by a A-abstraction. Actually, each instruction in the language was assigned a A-abstraction to designate its meaning. Then the meaning of an entire program could be designated as the composition o f the functions corresponding to each of the individual statements that make up the program. However, a problem arose in trying to explain the meaning of loops or iterations, statements that conditionally repeat another sequence of statements. For these statements, Strachey was forced to use the paradoxical Y-combinator, which allows for self-application of functions. More specifically, the Y-combinator is a A-term that satisfies the following equation: YF = F(YF) , where F is any term. Continually replacing YF with F(YF) in the term YF leads to the term Fn(YF) where F n represents n consecutive applications of the function F. This is where self-application of functions comes in. Self-application of functions causes a problem in finding a domain or model for A-calculus, because any domain X would have to include the set of all functions from X to X, which is impossible because of cardinality. So, because of the existence of the Y-combinator, as of 1969 there was no semantic model for the untyped A-calculus. This meant, consequently, that there was no model on which to base semantics of programming languages based on A-calculus. Therefore, developing a semantics to discuss the mathematical meaning of phrases in a programming language entailed developing a semantic model for untyped h-calculus. Let ~ be a space of values which can be used to give meanings to terms in h-calculus or to any programming !anguage. For ~ to be a valid model (or domain), it must meet the following r~equirements: (a) the notion of undefinedness is 'objectified', (b) the space is dosed under cartesian products and unions, and (c) the space is isomorphic to function spaces over itself. It was left to Dana Scott to discover the appropriate constructions necessary to satisfy all these requirements. Clearly, as stated above, i t is impossible to find a value

Programming languages and systems


space that is isomorphic to the function space over itself. Scott argued that it is more reasonable to expect the value space to be isomorphic to the restricted space of 'continuous' functions over itself, Indeed, it was shown by Scott in [25] 4.that complete lattices with a unique least value (according to the ordering in the lattice) are appropriate structures. By choosing such a value space, the semantics of a nonterminating computation can be identified as the least value, the notion of iteration and recursion can be explained as the limit of a sequence of successively better values (by the information ordering associated with the lattice) in the lattice. More importantly, only monotone and continuous maps over these complete lattices can be used as possible meanings of functions in the object language. Once a model (among possibly many) was found for untyped A-calculus, it led the way to using it as a target language in the prescription of denotational (compositional) semantics for any programming language, as described above. More importantly, there have been a number of efforts at designing a programming language not only by describing syntax, but also by formally describing the semantics. Once the semantics for a programming language has been established, it allows for (a) comparing the 'correctness' of various compilers for the same language, and (b) deriving compilers automatically from the semantic descriptions. In addition to this, it provides a domain for reasoning about characteristics of the language and developing optimizing compilers. Although Strachey's model provided a basis for describing the meaning of programs, there are still certain properties of some languages that are difficult to characterize in a reasonable way. For example, languages that include statements about processing in real time, or describing concurrency (executing instructions simultaneously) cause difficulties in establishing a well-understood semantics. Meanings for complicated control structures (such as coroutines) are also difficult to describe formally. Put differently, the question 'what is the correct algebraic structure that can be used as a model of parallelism?' has not been answered completely. Another important open problem is the full-abstraction problem. Consider the newtonian laws of motion and the physical reality they describe. The newtonian laws are useful precisely because they abstract the details of the physical world; that they do so can be established by experimentation and by the fact that the laws fit in mathematically with other pre-existing validated laws of nature. Now turning to issues in computer science, assuming that a programming language embodies the characteristics of a computing machine, any semantic model of that language should be faithful to physical reality. Consider a language P, a semantic function M that maps phrases of P to a structure D. Two phrases Pl and P2 can be considered to be equivalent provided the semantic function M equates them, i.e., M ( p l ) = M(p2). Consider an arbitrary program p in which pl is a subpart. Let p ' be syntactically 4 A more recent gentle introduction to these topics can be found in [9].


s. Purushothaman and J. Seaman

identical to p except that the subpart Pl is replaced by P 2 - i . e . , there is a program c with a hole such that p = c[pl] and p ' = c[p2]. Since M is an equality (equivalence) relation that is generally defined in a compositional way, we can expect M ( p ) = M ( p ' ) , i.e., M is a congruence. The full-abstraction problem is the converse: 'If V ( p = c [ p l ] ) ( p ' = c [ p z ] ) M ( p ) = M ( p ' ) then M(pl) = M(p2)'. Clearly, such a statement is both a property of the semantic function M and the semantic domain D. If M does not have this property then it claims two phrases of a program are equivalent based on some characteristics, but not all, of a real implementation. It is surprising that the problem of finding appropriate semantic functions and semantic domains for real programming languages has been open for almost fifteen years. A statement and history of the problem appears in [20] and the first successful attempt at providing a fully-abstract semantics for one of the real languages appears in [7]. But a lot more needs to be done before a methodology can be worked out to easily construct a fully-abstract semantics for a new language. A problem that has not been addressed until recently concerns optimal reductions in A-calculus. In A-calculus, various sub-expressions of an expression may be evaluated in different orders, which alters the amount of work required in the evaluation, without affecting the result. In defining semantics for a functional language, which is based on A-calculus, the order of evaluation of various subexpressions may be determined. However, it has been difficult to establish a semantics that can be used to determine the optimal (with respect to amount of work required) order of evaluation. An attempt at addressing this problem can be found in [1].

2.4. Symbolic computation The design of the language FORTRAN showed that languages can be designed that capture commonly used computation paradigms of a particular domain. In the case of FORTRAN, this domain was algebraic formulas. In much the same way, other languages were successfully designed which could better describe problems in other domains. For example, the design of the language LISP was intended to capture symbol manipulation. The specific features of LISP that are now considered to have been revolutionary are: (a) the notion of symbolic information, (b) a list data-structure capturing tree structures that is used to represent both data and programs, (c) the ability to construct programs on the fly and have them evaluated, and (d) a notation for describing recursive functions and composing them. McCarthy, the inventor of LISP, in his summary of the history of LISP [21] mentions that he designed the language in such a fashion that it would be easy to argue about programs written in such a language. Most importantly, the notion of referential transparency, which allows substitution of equivalent phrases for each other in the text, decreed that LISP be based merely on expressions, function definitions and function applications. Thus it is not surprising that a subset of LISP, called pure LISP, is merely untyped A-calculus. In fact, the symbol-pushing nature of A-calculus has

Programming languages and systems


caused LISP to be the language of choice for programming Artificial Intelligence systems, where building an inference engine for some fragment of first-order theory is a primitive task. Assuming that performing inferencing in some first-order theory is an important task for AI, treating any formal theory itself as a programming language would help. But the difficulty of such an identification depends upon the axiom system for the formal theory being considered. The important criterion is the number of inference rules required to prove new theorems from old theorems. The greater the number of inference rules in a theory, the less likely it will become a candidate for being treated as a programming language. Among the basic formal theories, A-calculus and first-order predicate calculus have had the distinct advantage that just one or two inference rules are enough to prove all new theorems from old theorems. The /3-conversion rule of A-calculus and the resolution rule of predicate calculus have thus been made use of in designing the languages LISP and PROLOG, respectively. The motivation for designing languages out of formal theories is that the inference mechanism becomes available as a basic primitive and does not have to be explicitly built. The advantage to designing languages at such a high level of abstraction is that they are easier for humans to use, reason about, and write correct programs with. On the other hand, execution of programs in that language can consume a great deal of resources (space and time). Thus language design becomes one of balancing the needs of abstraction and execution mechanisms with meaningful use of resources. To give an idea of the ease of use of such high level languages, the following definition of the transitive closure of a relation R can be coded (almost) verbatim in PROLOG. Let R be a binary relation. The transitive closure R* can be defined as



(x, y) e R*

if R(x, z)&R*(z, y).

An important criticism of PROLOG has been that it cannot be used for describing and programming open systems [12]. By definition, an open system is one in which the database of information can change dynamically with time. More abstractly, open systems model systems in which the knowledge can change with time, even to the extent of being contradictory between two different instances of time. A good example of this is a person's beliefs which obviously are not constant with time. So let us consider the simulation of a person's beliefs by a PROLOG database and associated programs. Assume, for instance, that John learns from the airline schedule that flight #202 is to arrive at 4:30pm. If the database is queried whether flight #202 is on time, it would answer in the affirmative. Now assume that John later hears that flight #202 has been canceled due to inclement weather. If the system is queried at this point it should answer in the negative. If PROLOG is restricted to pure Horn clause programs (i.e., no cuts, negation, retracts or asserts) then a P R O L O G


S. Purushothaman and J. Seaman

system cannot be written to handle this situation. Carl Hewitt's criticism of P R O L O G has been based on the fact that first-order logic cannot be used to describe dynamic systems. Though the criticism is valid for P R O L O G , it is not valid for logic programming systems in general. There has been a great deal of interest lately in the use of temporal/modal logics for describing dynamic systems. First-order temporal logic is based on first-order predicate calculus and has additional operators for describing the passage of time. Some of the operators and their intended interpretation is given in Table 1. To describe the fact that a proposition p is true at this instant and false the next instant, the predicate p ^ O ( - p ) can be used. To suggest the possibility that a proposition p is sometimes true and sometimes false, the _predicate --fqp ^ - E ] - - p can be used. The temporal operators used are instances of modal operators. Modalities introduce the notion of possible worlds different from the present state of affairs, and can be used to describe dynamically evolving systems. The problem of how to use modal/temporal logics effectively for AI-related work is still an open problem. In using modal/temporal logic for knowledge-representation, the main concern is one of balancing expressibility and the tractability of the decision problem for the calculus being used. The expressibility increases with any increase in the number of modal operators in the chosen logic, but unfortunately the problem of showing the consistency of a set of formulae becomes either exponentially hard or undecidable. An instance of this effort to balance these two requirements can be found in Allen's paper [4], where he discusses the use of modal operators to express intervals of time and also has a decidable decision procedure. Information on how temporal logic can be used for plan-formation can be found in [22]. In the realm of programming languages, greater expressive power means that one has to specify what has to be done rather than how to do it. This paradigm of problem solving is practiced by all engineers and scientists. For instance when an equation, such as v = 8s/St

is given, it can be used in a number of ways depending on what is required. In most contexts when an equation involves n variables, knowing n - 1 of them is enough to solve for the last variable. Obviously the equation is acting as a Table 1. Interpretation of certain temporal logic operators. Operator


O(P) rqp OP Pq/Q


will will will will

be be be be

true true true true

the next time instant at all time instants in the future at some time instant (either now or in the future) at all time instants until Q becomes true

Programming languages and systems


constraint over the n variables. This notion of solving equations or satisfying constraints has been termed programming with constraints [27, 6]. The paradigm of programming as proposed by [27] involves specifying constraints over a set of variables and an automatic system which solves the constraints for possible solutions. It can be claimed that P R O L O G is an instance of the paradigm of constraint-driven programming, due to its ability to solve a number of problems from a given specification. Constraint-driven programming has been developed in the context of CAD tools and other engineeringoriented problems. Two well-known implementations of this paradigm by Steele [27] and Borning [6], allow a user to specify a number of variables and constraints to be satisfied among them. Once such a set of constraints has been set up, the user can define or change one of the variables and view the changes in the other variables. Both the systems analyze the constraints and build a network of dependencies among the variables. When one of the variables is changed it uses the dependency relation to propagate the changes modulo the constraints among them. A form of relaxation algorithm is used in both of the implementations. Since it is impossible to come up with implementations that solve arbitrary equations, both of these implementations adopt the approach of cooperating experts. Such an approach allows for a user to include in the system separate modules (experts) for solving equations of a certain kind, for instance, modules to solve linear equations, modules to solve linear inequalities, or modules for performing symbolic integration or differentiation. To summarize, we have argued thus far that it is advantageous to have a language that is as expressive as possible in order to be able to program AI-systems easily. However, the problem with using a very expressive language is that its implementation may be difficult, or even impossible, or perhaps just too inefficient. On the other hand, by using a language of very low expressive power, the user of the language is burdened with details not directly connected with the problem that is being solved. Thus what is necessary is a language that is somewhere in between, offering the correct kind of abstraction that makes programming easy and whose implementation makes a reasonable use of time and space.

3. Architecture and operating systems As stated above, in order for a programmer to use a computer system effectively, a high level language should be provided to eliminate the problems associated with programming in machine code. Another way to increase the programmer's accuracy and efficiency is to provide an operating system which separates the programmer from the physical details of the system. The operating system is a program which acts as an interface between the user or programmer and the hardware of the system, performing operations such as input/output or memory allocation on behalf of the user. It can also be seen as


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a resource allocator, where the resources are the CPU (central processing unit), memory, disks, printers, etc. The operating system determines which users or which programs can use these resources at any given time and in what capacity. The goal of the operating system is to make the computer system convenient for the programmer to use, as well as making it run as efficiently and accurately as possible. Another attempt at developing efficient systems has been made in the area of architecture. The main contribution of architecture has been to create systems where parallelization is possible, which is usually implemented by increasing the number of processing units in the computer so that many instructions may be processed simultaneously. Efforts have also been made in developing hardware components that operate at higher speeds at lower costs. Both the operating system and the underlying architecture are designed to aid each other in creating an efficient and accurate system. As new architectures are developed, operating systems are redesigned to take advantage of these new developments. On the other hand, architectures can be designed to make the job of the operating system easier or more efficient. The operating system usually makes these new developments somewhat invisible to the programmer (except for the effects). However, sometimes language support is necessary in order for the programmer to incorporate the new developments into his/her program. Thus in many ways the development of operating systems, architectures, and programming languages have been dependent on each other.

3.1. The origins of operating systems In order to better understand what an operating system is, it is beneficial to look at how operating systems have developed through time. When computers were first introduced, only one person could operate them at a time. There essentially was no operating system, just the programmer and the hardware, which meant the responsibility of loading tapes and programs and accessing primary and secondary storage belonged to each individual programmer. Basically, the programmer was the operating system. Either each programmer had to sign up to be the sole user of the computer for a given period of time, or there was one (human) operator that would run programs on behalf of the programmers and was responsible to do all of the loading. In either event, the CPU was not being used very efficiently. It would sit idle while the programmer or operator would load or unload tapes or programs. An attempt to solve this problem by making the transition from one program (or job) to another more efficient was automatic job sequencing. Along with the program itself, commands were loaded that would give instructions to the computer to perform certain jobs that were previously done by the operator. For example, these commands could tell the computer to load a certain compiler, load the program, and run the program. This method, though, required a certain program, called the resident monitor, to be permanently

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loaded in the computer in order to interpret and carry out the automatic job sequencing commands. The resident monitor was the first operating system. Though the resident monitor increased efficiency, some problems still remained. One of these was that because the CPU is a great deal faster than I / O (input and output) the CPU still sat idle while it waited for the input and output to execute. This problem was solved by requiring the CPU to only initiate the I/O, and then to continue processing while the I / O was simultaneously carried out by the I/O device. When the I / O was complete, it notified the CPU by an interrupt. Thus the I / O and the CPU could run concurrently. Another method that allowed the CPU to run more efficiently was to read several programs along with all necessary input to a disk. This allowed the CPU to access I / O whenever it needed it directly to or from the disk. The interrupt method was still used, but when the CPU was done with one job it could proceed to the next without waiting for I / O from the current job to complete. The possibility of having the input for many jobs available on disk and having more than one job or program loaded into memory at a time led to the idea of multiprogramming. One situation that still left the CPU idle occurred when one program was required to wait for the completion of its I/O, especially input, before continuing. In multiprogramming, when one job must wait for I/O, the CPU simply stops processing that job and continues processing some other job in memory. When this job requires I/O, the CPU resumes processing some other program in memory. When a job's I / O completes, it then becomes eligible to be resumed by the CPU when some other job requires I / O or completes. This way, the CPU rarely sits idle. Multiprogramming made it possible for several programs to be in memory at once, each sharing the CPU. In a sense, it made it possible for the CPU to be used by many programs at once. Since a method had been found to share the CPU among programs, the next step was to share the CPU among users, which is called time sharing. When programmers use a terminal, in general they generate short commands or programs that use the CPU for only a short period of time. In time sharing, there is a time limit, called a time slice, for how much time one user can occupy the CPU at a time. At the end of the time slice for a given user, another user gets the CPU for his/her allotted time slice. A certain user program or command may require more than one time slice to complete, but since these time slices are very small, it does not appear to the user that they are really sharing the CPU, which makes time-sharing feasible. So with the operating system, several users may use the computer at once, with the appearance that they are the only one using it. Also, the CPU is used efficiently, being constantly switched between ready users and programs and rarely sitting idle. The operating system also takes care of details such as loading compilers, other programs, data, and starting programs. Thus the operating system successfully makes using the computer very convenient and efficient for the programmer. For more information about the history of operating systems, see the first chapters of [8, 26].


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3.2. Resource management

As stated above, the operating system can be thought of as a resource manager, allocating resources such as the CPU, I / O devices, disks, memory, etc. to users and programs. We consider any user command or program that wants to use the CPU to be a process. So in a computer system, many processes compete for the same resources. The job of the resource allocator then becomes one of managing shared resources, which introduces new problems into the efficient operation of the system. The two major sets of problems associated with shared resource management are: (a) the validity of actions used to manage competing processes, and (b) the effectiveness of a policy used to allocate resources. To understand the first problem, consider the following situation: Assume a central processor is used to manage the books of a small bank. Consider two people (say H and W, for husband and wife) who share a joint account are at two different counters of the same bank at the same time. Moreover, assume that H is trying to withdraw an amount of money (say hm) and W is trying to deposit an amount of money (say win) into the same account. Clearly, the cashiers at the two counters would use their terminals to run different programs, one to withdraw money and the other to deposit m o n e y into the same account. Therefore, it is a single file, m e m o r y location, or counter holding information about the current balance that is being changed by the two cashiers. As a multiprogramming system would i n t e r l e a v e the actions of various jobs to give every user the impression that he is the sole user, so the instructions of the two programs being run by the two cashiers would be interleaved. The set of instructions (at the machine language level) that form the program for withdrawing and depositing money could be represented as follows: WITHDRAWAL wl: Load account balance to register R1 from File w2: Is R1 > hmg. w3: If yes, subtract h m from R1 w 4 : If yes, Load R1 to File w5: If no, say 'not enough balance' DEPOSIT d l : Load account balance to register R2 from File d2: Add w m to R2 d3: Load R2 to File Given that both of these programs would be allowed to run for a small time slice at a time, and their executions interleaved, it is possible that the instructions are executed in the order •..

wl dl d2 d3 w2 w3 w4 ....

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Clearly such an interleaved execution of instructions would change the old balance (Aom) to A o m - hm, whereas after these two transactions are executed the new balance should be Ao~d - hm + w,,. From a correctness point of view, the account balance is a shared resource and should never be used by two or more programs at the same time. Such problems with shared resources are not new. They date back to the use of a single train track by trains running in opposite directions and before [13]. The use of such shared resources necessitates the use of protocols. Each party in an interaction would, of course, have to follow a script for accessing shared resources. The use of a protocol, in itself, is not guaranteed to produce 'correct' results. For example, consider a four-way stop sign. Assume that the drivers manual states that the only rules to govern the use of intersection are: (a) the first automobile to arrive has the right of access, and (b) in the event that two automobiles arrive in orthogonal direction at the same time, the one on the right has the right of access. Clearly this protocol can be used without dire consequences most of the time. But, it does not mention what should happen when automobiles arrive in all four directions at the same time. By following these rules, of course, all the four automobiles would endlessly wait for each other - a situation that is termed deadlock. A similar problem arises, called indefinite postponement, when a protocol allows the component programs of a system to behave in such a fashion that some programs conspire to lock out the other programs indefinitely from accessing the shared resource. The design of 'correct' protocols is not limited to multiprogramming systems. In fact, they have gained wide spread importance due to the powerful combination of telecommunication and computers [2]. All along we have been discussing the qualitative aspects of sharing resources between a number of programs. There is more to designing computer systems that manage shared resource than just the 'correctness' aspect. Consider, for example, the situation where there are a number of programs P1,---, en that share a main memory of M locations, being managed by a 'memory management system' (MMS). Assume that each process would at various times (a) request a continuous section of the memory of arbitrary size (less than M) from MMS, (b) use it, and later (c) return it back to MMS. At an arbitrary time, the central pool of shared memory can be characterized as an alternating sequence of memory blocks that are in use and blocks that are free. When a new request is made by one of the participating processes, the memory management system could use one of a number of possible policies to satisfy the request. For example, it could use the first free block that it finds suitable to satisfy the request, or it could search for that block which has the least size among all blocks that can satisfy the request. Each policy has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of a policy can only be based on assumptions about the purported behavior of the participating processes. Clearly such behaviors can be modelled as stochastic processes. More information about the 'quantitative' aspects of resource sharing can be found in Kant's Chapter 2 in this volume [17].


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3.3. Memory hierarchies Because it is one of the more specialized resources in a computer system, the memory requires more Specialized management techniques. Memory management is also a good example of how operating systems and architecture developments have worked together to create efficient systems. In order to allow several processes to share the CPU effectively, several processes must be in memory (have their instructions in memory, as opposed to secondary storage) at the same time. This limits the amount of space in memory that one process may use, but it is the goal of the operating system to eliminate this limit, as far as the user is concerned. This goal. is accomplished by virtual memory. See Figure 2. Virtual memory uses a multi-level memory system to meet this goal. The simplest situation is a two-level memory which is described here. The lowest level of the system, usually referred to as secondary storage, stores all of the programs and data for the whole system. It is usually made of large and slow, but inexpensive, media. In a two-level system, the next level, or the top level, is the main memory, which is much faster but more expensive and thus smaller




speed and cost

Secondary Storage


Fig. 2.

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than the secondary storage. Everything that is stored in main m e m o r y is originally copied from secondary storage and eventually copied back to secondary storage. Main m e m o r y is broken down into sections so that it can be fairly allocated to all the currently active processes. If these sections are of equal size then they are called pages. To make things easily compatible, secondary storage programs and data are also broken down into units that are the same size as the pages in memory. In order for the CPU to run a process, the instructions and data that the CPU will access must be in main memory. When the CPU needs to access an instruction or some data that is not currently in main memory, it must perform what is called a page swap. It must locate the instruction or data in secondary storage, and then move the page containing that information into main m e m o r y before it can continue running that process. Since a page swap requires access to secondary storage, it is considered an I / O operation, so once the I / O is initiated, the CPU begins to run some other process in memory instead of waiting for the input to complete, as described earlier. Thus each process has only a subset of its instructions and data in main m e m o r y at a time. It may seem that this method of swapping pages each time an access to information in secondary storage is encountered will cause the operating system to spend more time on swapping than on executing programs, but under the right circumstances, this is not the case. Usually, during a short duration of time, a program tends to access information and data that are in the same areas of the program, as opposed to randomly skipping around the program referencing various locations. It is this locality of references in time and space that causes virtual m e m o r y to work well. T h e r e are many issues associated with maintaining virtual m e m o r y that the operating system and architecture must address (Figure 3). First, the CPU must be able to easily determine if a given address is in m e m o r y or not. For each process, its pages in secondary storage are numbered in order. For each process, there is a function that maps pages in secondary storage to pages (or page locations) in main memory. Each of these functions are stored in the computer as a table called the 'page table', which is implemented as a set of tuples. For each page of the secondary m e m o r y that is in main m e m o r y there will be an entry in the page table. The left component of the tuple identifies the secondary memory page for which it is an entry, and the right component identifies where this page has been stored in the main memory. Only the pages that are in main memory are listed in the page table. When a m e m o r y reference is encountered, the CPU must search the page table to determine if that reference is currently in m e m o r y or not. The page table is often stored in special memory called the translational lookaside buffer, which provides for extremely fast table lookup, to speed up the search. Another issue in maintaining virtual m e m o r y is when a page swap is necessary, determining which page in main m e m o r y should be replaced. An often used method is 'least recently used', which selects the page in m e m o r y whose time of last access is the earliest. This works well, but may be hard to


S. Purushothaman and J. Seaman Secondary Storage Main Memory


Fc Page Table ii


13a 3b

I. M M generates reference 2. Look up reference in page table 3a.If page is in MM, then access it 3b.If page is in SS, then locate it and 4. Move page to MM to a c c e s s it

Fig. 3. implement because it may be difficult to determine when each page was last accessed. Once the page is selected, if it has been altered by its process, it is copied back to secondary storage before the next page is brought in. In virtual memory, as stated above, there may be more than two levels of memory, in which case it is a hierarchy of memory. All the information on one level must have originated as a copy of some information on the level below it. As the levels increase, the cost and speed of the media increases, and the size or amount of storage decreases. Often there is another level above the main memory, called the cache. It is a fast and expensive m e m o r y and usually acts as a buffer between the main m e m o r y and the CPU. The interaction between the cache and main m e m o r y is similar to the paging described above, but a 'page swap' from main memory to cache does not require I / O , so it does not cause

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the CPU to switch to another process. Generally, the addition of this level does speed up the operation of the CPU, demonstrating how the architecture of a system can work together with the operating system to improve the efficiency of the system. For more details on the architectural aspects of memory hierarchies see [14]. For an introductory approach to the concepts of paging, locality of references, and various page-replacement schemes, see [8]. For a more in-depth discussion of the theoretical basis of these concepts, see [19]. [26] also gives a thorough discussion of these topics. 3.4. CISC versus RISC

In addition to aiding the operating system directly as in virtual memory management, the architecture can increase the efficiency of the system in other ways such as the size of the instruction set. Each computer has a specific set of machine instructions that it is capable of executing, which is determined when the architecture of the system is established. Initially, when computers were first developed, computers had small sets of very simple instructions. As computers developed, more complicated instructions were developed and added to instruction sets of new computers, creating large sets of complicated instructions. These new instructions did not necessarily introduce new capabilities, but performed the same operation as a sequence of the previous instructions. But since the operation was now one machine instruction, it could be executed faster than the several simpler instructions that performed the same operation. Another advantage to these more complex instructions was that one high level language operation could now correspond to one complex instruction instead of the usual several simpler instructions. This speeds up compilation and makes it more efficient. A major disadvantage to complex instructions is that they cannot be optimized. As a compiler translates a program in a high level language to machine instructions, it optimizes the code by using information it has gleaned while translating the program. It can use this information to rearrange instructions and use certain registers to eliminate redundant instructions (as mentioned in Section 2.1) and replace some instructions with simpler ones. Thus it can actually reduce the number of instructions that would be translated from a given high level instruction. If the high level instruction is translated to one complex instruction, then the compiler cannot optimize that operation because its execution time and use of registers is fixed by the instruction. Thus some computer developers proposed that a simpler, smaller instruction set would actually produce more efficient code, given a compiler with a good optimizer. These machines are called reduced instruction set computers, or RISC machines. Computers with larger more complex instruction sets are called complex instruction set computers, or CISC machines. In general, programs translated by CISC machines generate a machine code program with fewer instructions than a machine program translated from the same program


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by a RISC machine. But the machine program generated by the RISC machine may execute faster under certain circumstances. First of all, of course, the code must have been optimized in order for it to run faster on a RISC machine. In certain applications, such as those involving many integer operations, the RISC machine is faster, but if the application involves many complex operations, such as those associated with real numbers, the CISC machine is faster. In any case, the size and complexity of the instruction set of a machine has much to do with how efficient it is. More information about the dichotomy can be found in [24]. 3.5. Specialized units

Another way the architecture may improve the efficiency of the system is by providing parallelization, the ability to execute more than one instruction at a time. This can be carried out to a small degree by allowing the CPU to carry out more than one CPU operation at a time, which is made possible by specialized units. The CPU, or central processing unit, is made up of basically two parts. One is the control unit, which is responsible for interpreting instructions and controlling their execution. The other is the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which is responsible for executing arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT. In addition to these two units the CPU also contains registers, which are storage locations for temporary results. An ALU is a very general processing unit that is capable of performing various operations, but only one at a time. A specialized unit, on the other hand, is a very specific processing unit. It can only perform one type of operation, such as addition. One way to generate parallelism in the CPU is to build the ALU out of many individual specialized units, at least one for each operation the ALU needs to carry out, so that these units may work independently of each other. This means that if the CPU must carry out several different types of operations, it may perform them simultaneously on different specialized units. On the other hand, if the CPU must perform many of the same operations, it must do them sequentially, as a normal processor would. A CPU with specialized units may contribute some parallelism to a system, provided the processes perform many different types of operations. This parallelism definitely provides a faster, and thus more efficient system. On the other hand, this parallelism is limited to a certain kind of program and may require overhead to control the parallelism. Vector processors generally used to speed up matrix computation fall within this class. 3.6. Parallel architectures

Another attempt at employing parallelization at the architectural level is to incorporate more than one processor into the system. Though it is obvious that

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instructions executed in parallel will speed up the operation of the system, it is sometimes difficult to achieve the maximum possible speed up because some problems or parts of problems must run sequentially. To run various parts of a program in parallel, these parts must be known to be independent of each other, creating the need for appropriate developments in operating systems and programming languages to take full advantage of parallel architecture. There are many methods of describing or classifying parallel structure in a multi-processor computer. Those presented here are described more thoroughly in [11]. The first method is basically behavioral, based on the instruction and data streams to the processor. It classifies parallel structure as follows: SISD: single instruction, single data stream. This class includes the sequential processor which operates one instruction at a time on one item of data at a time. SIMD: single instruction, multiple data stream. This class contains computers with several processors that all execute the same instruction at a time on different items of data. This type of parallelism works well for vector and matrix applications. MISD: multiple instruction, single data stream. These computers are somewhat more difficult to describe. One possible example is the pipelined processor described below. MIMD: multiple instruction, multiple data stream. This class would be a group of processors that execute separate processes on separate data. Most computer systems can be placed in one of the above classes. A n o t h e r way to classify parallel processors is structurally. Assuming that the processors have access to the same (shared) m e m o r y units, there are at least three possible structures. See Figure 4. The first is shared bus, where each processor and each memory unit is connected to one bus (communication path), so that all communication and data transfer occurs on this one connection. This structure is prone to message collisions. One way to resolve this is to provide more than one bus, called a multi-bus, where certain processors and memory units are connected to certain busses. This can eliminate the traffic on the bus and can also be set up so that only certain processors are connected to certain m e m o r y units. The third shared m e m o r y structure is the crossbar connection. Each processor is connected to each m e m o r y unit. Only one processor can communicate with each m e m o r y unit at a time. This eliminates message collision, but may require some processors to wait to access memory units if they are already being accessed. When the processors do not share m e m o r y they have their own local m e m o r y and are best described as distributed systems which is discussed in the next subsection. Finally, it is possible to characterize parallel architectures by the presence of pipelining. Pipelining can be used to execute a series of instructions on many data items. Each processor is assigned a given instruction in the series, and the data proceeds from one processor to the next in the appropriate order. As soon as the first instruction is executed on the first item, that item proceeds to the next processor, freeing the first processor to begin executing its operation on


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I. S h a r e d Bus S t r u c t u r e

~11 P2i .... IPnl _








iN •m

! ! I I I IN

2. M u l t i - b u s







3. C r o s s b a r C o n n e c t i o n St ructure


I ! I ! e

Fig. 4.

the second data item. Execution proceeds in this manner, where each processor performs its operation on the next data item, and passes that item to the next processor, until all the items have been processed. Consequently all of the processors are kept busy, and all of the data gets processed. This m e t h o d allows a speedup by as many steps as there are in the operation. The problem with this method is that it is restricted to only those operations that can be

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broken down into smaller steps and performed simultaneously on a group of data. Further discussion on parallel architectures can be found in Chapter 3 of this Handbook by Krishnamurthy and Narahari [18]. Although parallel architectures introduce the potential for considerable speedup in processing time, there is much to be learned yet at the operating system and programming languages level in order to reach the full potential.

3.7. Distributed systems Distributed systems are an attempt to exploit parallelism from the operating systems point of view. A distributed system is a system of several processors, each with their own memory, connected to each other by communication lines. Since each processor has its own memory, all communication must be done by sending messages as opposed to accessing some shared memory locations. This characteristic is what makes distributed systems unique from parallel architectures. When the processors reside on computers that are separated by some distance the system is called a network. Each processor in the system is referred to as a 'node' or a 'site'. The advantages presented by distributed systems are the ability to share resources located at different sites, speedup in computation due to running processes concurrently, and reliability (if one processor fails, another one in the system can be used). There are many logistics problems to be concerned with in a network or distributed system which will not be addressed in detail here. These concern the layout of the network and how messages are sent across the network. These details can be found in [28]. Distributed systems, once physically established, allow for various methods of computation. In data migration, when a process running on one node requires data that is stored at another node, that data is transferred to the node where the process resides. When the process has completed computation on that data, the data is copied back to its original node, if any changes were made by the process. In this method, the consistency of the data must be maintained, perhaps by mutually exclusive access to the data. In computation migration, data resides permanently on the nodes, and any computations done involving data must be done by processes on the node where the data resides. If a process at one node desires to use certain data on another node, it must make a request to a process at the node where the data resides to perform the task for it. This is called a 'remote procedure call'. In job migration, jobs or processes can be performed on any of the nodes, and the operating system of the distributed system must determine which process gets executed at which node. The system then has the ability (and responsibility) to balance the processor load at all of the sites, to speed up computations by allowing several processes to run concurrently on different processors, and to allow hardware preference by a process. Distributed systems must deal with the same problems as single processor operating systems do, but the distributed system operating system is limited to


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communication with processes by messages only. The problem of establishing mutual exclusion for certain resources becomes very complicated when communication is restricted to message passing. This problem is somewhat simplified if there is one central node that is responsible for enforcing mutual exclusion. If a process desires exclusive access to a resource, it sends a request to the central node. If the resource is available, the central node sends a reply to the requesting process, giving that process permission to use the resource. When the process is done using the resource, it sends a release message to the central node. The central node is responsible for keeping track of which process or node is using the resource and which processes are waiting to use which resource. Though this method is fairly simple, its major drawback is that if the central node fails, the whole system of nodes is then unable to share resources. In a fully distributed system, where there is no central controlling node, the problem of enforcing mutual exclusion is much more difficult to implement, but is more reliable because it is not destroyed by the failure of one node. In this method, a process desiring exclusive access must send a request to all other nodes to ask permission to use the resource. Each node must either reply that it is not using the resource, giving the requesting process permission, or it will defer its reply if it is currently using the resource. If (and when) the requesting process receives all of the replies, it will proceed to use the resource. Another solution to enforcing mutual exclusion in a fully distributed system is by requiring a process to obtain a 'token' before it may use a resource. In this method, there is a certain message, called the token, that is passed from one node to the next around the network in a cycle. A process desiring exclusive access must wait until the message reaches its node. It will then keep the token until it has completed its critical section, when it will then continue passing the token message around the cycle. There are many more solutions to the mutual exclusion problem, many of which are described in [19]. By offering a greater v a r i e t y of resources, the potential tO decrease computation time, and a reliable environment in which to work, distributed systems can aid in increasing the efficiency of the programmer.

4. Conclusion


In this chapter we have explained h o w advancements in programming languages and operating systems have combined to create an environment that is easy for the p r o g r a m m e r t o w o r k ini By easy we mean that the p r o g r a m m e r can communicate with the computer in a language that is easy for ;him,to understand,' as' w e l l as far removed from the details of t h e machine. This; decreases t h e number o f errors that are due-to human mistakes. T h e system is also made more efficient by performing certain tasks ,on ~behalf;,of the: programmer or user as well as distributing the resources in: such a! m a n n e r :that they are used as often as possible. In programming, these goals are'achieved by.,

Programming languages and systems


providing the programmer with a more abstract language with which to communicate instructions to the computer. Also, through semantic analyses, compilers can be developed that perform optimizations to yield more efficient machine code. In operating systems, many efforts have gone into creating a machine that is efficient and convenient to use. These efforts include creating operating systems that manage resources, employ virtual memory systems, and use parallelism and multi-processors. Further improvements continue to be made especially in finding efficient ways of implementing languages with greater expressive power and in developing reasonable organizations of distributed systems.

References [1] Abadi, M., L. Cardelli, P.-L. Curien and J.-J. Levy (1990). Explicit substitution. In: Proc. XVII ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages. San Francisco, January. ACM Press, 31-46. [2] Special issue on Protocol Testing and Verification (1990). A T & T Teeh. J. 69(1). [3] Aho, A. V., R. Sethi and J. Ullman (1986). Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. [4] Allen, J. (1983). Maintaining truth about temporal intervals. Comm. ACM 26, 832-843. [5] Backus, J. (1981). The history of FORTRAN I, II, and III. In: R. Wexelblat, ed., History of Programming Languages, Academic Press, New York, 25-44. [6] Borning, A. (1981). The programming language aspects of ThingLab, a constraint-oriented simulation laboratory. ACM Trans. Programming Languages Systems. 3(4), 353-387. [7] Cartwright, R. S. and M. Felleisen (1992). Observabe sequentiality and full abstraction. In: Proc. 19th ACM Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages. Albuquerqe, January. ACM Press, 328-342. [8] Deitel, H. M. (1984). An Introduction to Operating Systems. Revised 1st ed., AddisonWesley, Reading, MA. [9] Gunter, C. A. and D. S. Scott (1990). Semantic domains. In: J. van Leeuwen, ed., Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. B, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 633-674. [10] Harrison, M. (1978). Introduction to Formal Language Theory. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. [11] Hayes, J. E (1988). Computer Architecture and Organization. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. [12] Hewitt, C. (1985). The challenge of open systems. Byte 10(4), 223-241. [13] Holzmann, G. J. (1991). Design and Validation of Computer Protocols. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. [14] Hwang, K. and F.A. Briggs (1984). Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing. McGrawHill, New York. [15] Joshi, A. K. (1993). Natural language processing. In: Handbook of Statistics, this volume. [16] Kalyanasundaram, B. (1993). Design and analysis of algorithms. In: Handbook of Statistics, this volume. [17] Kant, K. (1993). Steady state analysis of stochastic systems. In: Handbook of Statistics, this volume, Chapter 2. [18] Krishnamurthy, R. and B. Narahari (1993). Parallel computer architectures. In: Handbook of Statistics, this volume. [19] Maekawa, M., A. E. Oldehoeft and R. R. Oldehoeft (1987). Operating Systems, Advanced Concepts. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA.


S. Purushothaman and J. Seaman

[20] Meyer, A. R. and S. S. Cosmodakis (1988). Semantical paradigms: Notes for an invited lecture. In: Y. Gurevich, ed., Logic in Computer Science, IEEE Press, New York, 236-255. [21] McCarthy, J. (1978). History of LISP. ACM SIGPLAN Notices 13(8). Also in R. L. Wexelblat, ed., History of Programming Languages, Academic Press, New York, 173-197. [22] McDermott, D. (1982). A temporal logic for reasoning about processes and plans. Cognitive Sci. 6(2), 101-155. [23] Naur, P. (1960). Report on the algorithmic language Alsol60. Comm. ACM 3(5), 299-314. [24] Patterson, D. A. (1985). Reduced instruction set computers. Comm. ACM 28(1), 8-21. [25] Scott, D. S. (1970). Outline of a mathematical theory of computation. In: Proc. 4th Ann. Princeton Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 169-176. [26] Silberschatz, A. and J. L. Peterson (1988). Operating System Concepts. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. [27] Steele, G. (1980). The definition and implementation of a computer language based on constraints. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. [28] Tannenbaum, A. S. (1988). Computer Networks. 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 (~) 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.



Algorithms and Complexity for Markov Processes

Ravi Varadarajan

1. Introduction

We consider algorithms for common problems that arise in the area of discrete-time finite state Markov processes. There is a wide range of applications for such problems that include inventory control, highway management, telecommunications and computers. In solving these problems, we attempt to answer two questions: (1) How can we solve a particular problem efficiently? and (2) How difficult is the problem inherently to solve? The second question can be phrased differently as: Does the best existing algorithm have optimal efficiency? In the case of sequential algorithms, efficiency is often measured by the computational time while in the case of parallel algorithms, it is measured by the computational time as well as the number of processors used. In some cases, memory requirement is also a consideration. In order to answer the above two questions, we first introduce the computational models and asymptotic complexity measures that form the basis of analyzing the complexity of algorithms. We also introduce complexity classes that are used to classify problems as to their inherent complexity. Then we briefly introduce Markov chains and decision processes and the specific problems of interest in these areas. As far as algorithms are concerned, we first introduce efficient sequential algorithms to solve such problems and then parallel algorithms for shared memory and hypercube parallel computers.

2. Models of computation

2.1. Turing machines and complexity classes The Turing machine (Turing, 1936) was the earliest formal model of computation that was introduced to identify 'computable functions'. The Turing machine in its simplest form, consists of a finite set of states, a single tape with a left-end and infinite number of squares that can store the symbols of interest, and a tapehead. The tapehead reads the symbol in the tape square currently 169


R. Varadarajan

scanned by it and can move left or right at every time step; in addition, it can alter the symbol in the tape square. These actions of the tapehead proceed according to the transition function which also specifies the next state. The output of the transition function only depends on the current state and the tape symbol in the square currently scanned by the tapehead. There is a start state and a state in which the machine halts. We can view a Turing machine either as a device to recognize a language, that is, a set of strings over an alphabet or just as a computational device that computes the output of a certain function given the input arguments. In either case, we place the input string on the tape prior to its operation. In the former case, we say that the input string belongs to the language if the machine halts in 'yes' state. In the latter case, the output is given by the string left in the tape when the machine halts. We use the Turing machines to classify the problems as to their complexity. For convenience, the problem in question is always phrased as a decision problem that requires a 'yes' or 'no' answer. We encode the instances of the given problem as strings over some alphabet and the language of interest is the set of 'yes' instances of the problem. For every algorithm to solve this problem, there is a Turing machine that halts for all inputs and recognizes the above language. The 'time complexity' of a Turing machine for a particular input is given by the number of tapehead movements while the 'space complexity' is given by the number of distinct tape squares scanned by the tapehead. We express the complexity (both time and space) as a function of input size and for a given input size, we measure the complexity for worst-case input. Since different encoding schemes give rise to different input sizes, we use an abstract notion of 'input size' that is 'equivalent' to the binary encoding scheme. Two encoding schemes e I and e 2 are said to be 'equivalent' if there exist two polynomials Pl and P2 such that for every input I, 11(I) ~p2(12(I)) and 12(I)~pl(ll(I)); here 11(I) (/2(I)) is the length of the string that represents I under the encoding scheme e 1 (e2). When the input involves numbers, the unary and binary encoding schemes are not equivalent in the above sense. For example, a positive integer i is represented by a string of length i in a unary encoding scheme while it is represented by a string of length 1 + [log iJ in a binary encoding scheme. A complexity function that is polynomial in the input size under a unary encoding scheme but not polynomial under a binary encoding scheme is said to be 'pseudo-polynomial' in the input size. When the transition function of a Turing machine is such that there is a unique tapehead action and unique next state, for every combination of current state and tapehead symbol, then we say that the Turing machine is 'deterministic (DTM)' and otherwise it is 'non-deterministic (NDTM)'. An input string is accepted by a deterministic DTM if, .started at the given initial state, the Turing machine makes a sequence of moves according to the transition function and eventually enters the given accepting state. In the case of a NDTM, at each step, the transition function allows many choices for the next

Algorithms and complexity for Markov processes


configuration and we assume that the right 'guess' is made regarding the next configuration. Thus there may be many possible computational sequences for a given input, some of which may lead to an accepting state or none of which may lead to an accepting state. In the former case, the string is accepted while in the latter case, it is rejected. The time complexity for a given input is measured by the length of the shortest sequence leading to a 'yes' or 'no' state. Note that a NDTM is only an abstract theoretical model and may not be physically realized. To simulate a NDTM by a DTM, the different choices of the transition function at each stage had to be tried sequentially with backtracking. This simulation may have exponential time complexity in the case of some NDTMs. We say that a decision problem H is in the class P, if there exists a polynomial time deterministic Turing machine that recognizes the corresponding language. A decision problem H is said to be in the class NP if there is a polynomial time non-deterministic Turing machine that recognizes the corresponding language. Since a DTM is also an NDTM, it is easy to see that P C NP. It is conjectured that P ~ NP. A decision problem H is NP-complete (i.e., in the class NPC) if H ~ N P and for every problem H ' CNP, H ' E P if H E P. In other words, for a problem in NPC, there can be no algorithm to solve the problem in time polynomial in the size of the input unless P = NP. Thus the problems in NPC are the hardest to solve among those in NP. A problem H is called NP-hard if H satisfies the same condition as for a problem in NPC except that H itself may not be in NP. The notion of NP-completeness in the strong sense is used to indicate that the problem remains NP-complete even if a unary encoding scheme is used. There is an alternate definition of NP-completeness that is of practical use in showing a problem to be NP-complete. For this, we introduce the notion of reduction between two decision problems. There are two types of reduction, one more commonly used due to Karp (1972) and the other due to Cook (1971) (also called 'Turing reduction'). We will define Karp's reduction here. A decision problem H ' is polynomial-time reducible to the decision problem H if there exists a transformation function that converts an instance of the problem H', say I', to an instance, say I of the problem H such that (i) I is a 'yes' instance if and only if I' is a 'yes' instance and (ii) the transformation itself can be computed in time polynomial in the length of the input. Thus if H itself can be solved in polynomial time then using the above transformation, H ' can be solved in polynomial time. Hence we can define a decision problem H to be in NPC if it is in NP and if there exists a decision problem / / ' E NPC that is polynomial-time reducible to H. The first problem that was shown by Cook (i971) to be NP-complete is the satisfiability problem, using the direct,definition of NP-completeness. Since then many hundreds of problems were shown to be NP-complete using the alternate definition. For a list of NP-complete problems in many different applications, see Garey and Johnson (1979) and the ongoing NP-completeness column by Garey and Johnson in Journal of Algorithms.


R. Varadarajan

2.2. R A M models and algorithmic complexity For analyzing the complexity of a specific algorithm, Turing machines are too abstract to be useful. For this reason, random access machine models were introduced (Shepherdson and Sturgis, 1963) that resemble the actual computer in their behaviour. There are both sequential and parallel versions of RAMs. The sequential version, simply called RAM, has a separate program memory, a program location counter, an accumulator and a linear addressable data memory of potentially infinite size, with each memory cell capable of holding a data item of any type. There are read-only and write-only tapes for input/output operations. The program is a sequence of instructions, each of which can be any operation normally found in an assembly language. Thus typical instructions include data mOvement between memory cells, arithmetic or logical operations and unconditional and conditional jump to change the sequence of control flow. In measuring the time (space) complexity of a R A M program, we can use two cost criteria: (a) uniform cost and (b) logarithmic cost. Under uniform cost criterion, every instruction takes unit time regardless of the type of instruction or size of the data item involved. Under logarithmic cost criterion, an instruction takes time proportional to the size (number of bits) o f the data items involved. Uniform cost criterion more commonly leads to easy analysis and often it is useful to state which types of operations are of interest in the analysis of an algorithm. To classify the algorithms as to their complexity, three related notions, O, l~ and O, regarding the growth rate of functions are often used. We say that a time complexity function f ( n ) i s O(g(n)) (or ~(g(n))) iff(n)icg(n)), c being a positive constant for all but finite values of input size n. Thus O and l~ give asymptotic upper and lower bounds for the time complexity functions. O gives a tight bound, i.e. f(n)= ®(g(n)) if and only if f(n)= O(g(n)) and g(n) = O(f(n)). As an example, consider the two functions logrn (also called a 'polylog' function) and n s for r, s > 0 . logrn = O(n s) but not II(n~); in other words, logrn is asymptotically smaller than n s even if r is very large and s is very small. For convenience, we use high-level descriptions of an algorithm that are further abstractions of a RAM program but whose complexity is within a constant factor of the equivalent RAM programs. See Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman (1974) for a good discussion on RAMs and abstractions of RAM.

2.3. P R A M models and complexity classes A parallel computer typically allows a given problem to be solved much faster than a sequential computer since the computational task is now distributed among the many processors that operate simultaneously. There is a wide variety of parallel computer architectures due to the different types of parallelism available in them and many different types of interconnections that can exist among the processors for communication. For the purpose of

Algorithms and complexity for Markov processes


analyzing a parallel algorithm, we need parallel computational models that ignore the specifics of the architectures and yet capture the relevant common features of different parallel architectures. In a parallel computational model, there are identical processors, each with a unique index or address. Each processor may have its own local memory for storing data and program in some cases. There may also be a common memory that is accessible by all the processors. Parallel computation models can be classified into synchronous and asynchronous models. In a synchronous model, there is a single controller that stores the program and at every step broadcasts an instruction to all the processors. Thus all the processors execute the same instruction but on different data items; it is possible to prevent a processor from executing an instruction by setting a mask bit in the processor. In an asynchronous model, each processor has its own program that it executes independently but occasionally the processors communicate with each other for purposes of synchronization and data transmission. Parallel computation models also can be classified into shared memory and distributed memory models according to whether all the data items reside in a global memory or are distributed among the processors. Thus in a distributed memory model, the time to access a data item varies depending on the processors and the location of the data item. Here we use only shared memory synchronous models known as 'parallel random access machine models' which are identical to sequential RAM models. Though PRAM models are restrictive, they give an insight into efficient techniques to design parallel algorithms and provide a lower bound for their implementation on distributed memory models. We will give the notion of 'efficiency' for parallel algorithms later. We will also discuss the complexity of efficient parallel algorithms for one of the popular distributed memory models, known as the 'hypercube parallel computer'. In these models, the processors are arranged on the vertices of a hypercube and interconnected using the edges of the hypercube. See Chapter 2 of Lakshmivarahan and Dhall (1990) for a comprehensive treatment of hypercube parallel computers. Depending on the types of concurrent access of a data item that are permitted, PRAM models can be broadly classified into these types, namely EREW (exclusive read-exclusive write) (Snir, 1985), CREW (concurrent readexclusive write) (Wyllie, 1979) and CRCW (concurrent read-concurrent write) PRAMs. There are many types of CRCW PRAMs (e.g., Goldschlager, 1978) depending on the policy used to resolve conflicts among the different processors that wish to write into the same location. We note that each read/write step of a CREW and most commonly used CRCW PRAMs can be simulated by an EREW PRAM in O(log n) time where n is the number of processors used. For this reason, it is convenient to consider CREW and CRCW models of computation. We allow unbounded parallelism in the PRAM models so as to allow the number of processors vary as a function of input size. See Lakshmivarahan and Dhall (1990) for a discussion on parallel models of computation and simulation among the different PRAMs.

R. Varadara]an


In a parallel computation model, in addition to time complexity as in a RAM model, we are also interested in processor complexity which is expressed as the number of processors required as a function of the input size. For a particular PRAM algorithm, let T(n) be the parallel time complexity function and P(n) be the processor complexity function. Let Tseq(n) be the time complexity function of the best known sequential algorithm for the same problem. Then the speedup function is given by S(n)= Tseq(n)/T(n ). It is easy to see that S(n) 0. These transition probabilities are given a s {Piaj}i,j~S,aEa" A policy u is called Markovian if P u ( A n = a n [ S 0 = Xo, A 0 = ao, . . . , S n _ 1 = Xn_l, Zn_l=an_l, Xn=xn)=Pu(An=anlSn=Xn), for all n~>0, that is, the action probability under u depends only on the current state. A stationary policy is a Markov policy in which the action probabilities are time-invariant. Thus a stationary policy f can be specified by a matrix {fiia}iES,aEA, where fi, is the probability of choosing action a in state i. Note that a stationary policy f gives rise to a Markov chain with probability transition matrix Pr, where Pf(i, j) = ~a6A fiiaPiaj" A pure policy g is a stationary policy in which there is a unique action g(i) for every state i such that gt,g(i) = 1. Thus it is a function that maps the state space to the action space. For a discussion on Markov decision processes, see Ross (1970), Derman (1970) and Kallenberg (1983). There are three classes of Markov decision processes (MDPs) that frequently arise in a lot of applications, namely unichain, communicating and deterministic MDPs. In a unichain MDP, for every pure policy g, the transition matrix P(g) gives rise to a Markov chain with exactly one recurrent class; this property holds good for all stationary policies. In a communicating MDP, for two states i, j E S, there exists a pure policy g such that j is accessible from i under Pg. A MDP is said to be deterministic if for every state i E S and action a E A, there exists a state j such that Piaj = 1. In a Markov decision process with a single objective criterion, when a process is in state i and action a is taken, a reward r(i, a) or a cost c(i, a) is earned. In a Markov decision problem with multiple objective criteria, in addition to the reward, a cost c~(i, a) of type k is also incurred for all 1 ~ 011 IIReturns B = Pnll

Step 1. Let n be represented in binary as a k ~ak-2" " "ao where a~ E {0, 1}, 0~i~ 0}. Suppose the maximal cluster partition is given by {C1, C 2. . . . , Cl}. For 1 0; this is not true in the case of expectation constrained problems. For the unichain MDPs, both these problems are equivalent in the sense that a feasible stationary policy for the expectation is also feasible for the sample-path and vice versa. By the result of Derman (1970), we see that this problem can be solved in polynomial time. For the communicating MDPs, the following parametric LP Qn had been proposed (Ross and Varadarajan, 1989) to find an e-optimal stationary policy. maximize

~ iES

subject to

~ iES

~ xiar(i, a) aEA

~] xioPiaj= ~ Xja, aCA

EEX,a=l, iES



j E S,

R. Varadarajan


~ xiac(i ,a) 0}. The maximal clusters of this multi-edge graph identify the required state space partition. As mentioned in Section 5.1, the algorithm to find the maximal cluster partition (cluster problem) takes O(m3p) time, where m = IS[ and p = IAI. After the decomposition is performed, we solve a constrained MDP problem separately for each of these classes using the algorithm for communicating MDPs given above. Then we combine these solutions by solving an unconstrained aggregated MDP problem in which each of these classes is reduced to a single state. One can easily construct an e-optimal (and in some cases optimal) stationary policy for the given problem from the solution of the aggregated MDP and the policies of the individual MDPs. Ignoring the number of parametric LPs (which is usually very small), the whole algorithm takes polynomial time. The problem of finding an optimal policy among pure stationary policies is NP-hard for the sample-path constrained problem also.

7.2.3. Expected sum case First let us consider the following 'constrained optimal first passage problem'. p~OBLEM P13. Given an MDP with state space S and action space A, an initial state i, positive rewards {r(i, a), i ~ S, a ~ A } and positive costs {c(i, a), i E S, 3 • a E A } and a cost limit C, find a policy u such that Vu(t)= T 3 • E,[Zt= 0 r(X,, At) IX0 = i] is maximized and C,( 0 = E,[E,= r 0 c(X, At) IX0 = i] ~ O. Also we assume that for kJ~D, Pk, i = 0 for all a E A; otherwise we can create another state 0 with Poai= 1 for all a @ A and use it as initial state instead of i. The resulting M D P is a communicating MDP. Moreover, for all the policies u such that Eu(T ) < ~, the limit points of the expected state-action frequencies {Xia , i E S, a E A} satisfy the property that EaE a Xia > O. Consider the following fractional linear programming problem due to D e r m a n (1962) (see also Derman, 1970): =



~ xk"r(k' a)

kCS a~A

subject to



kES a~A



o~A aj = XkoP


Xjo ,



E Ex o=l,

kES a~A

x kES a~A

c(k, a) 2 Xi a a~A


kES, a~A.

Letting Zka = X k a / E a ~ A X i a and z 0 1/EaeAXia , we can transform the above formulation into a linear programming formulation as follows: =



~ zk~r(k, a)

k~S aEA

subject to



kES a~A

ZkaPkaj = 2 Z j a , aCA

j ~ S,

Zia:l, aEA 2EZka=ZO, kES a@A


2 zkac(k,a)~f(x) + Vf(x)(y - x)

for every x and y ,


where V is the gradient (row) vector. Hence, when f is convex and differentiable, the gradient is the subdifferential. Adding (5) to the corresponding inequality obtained by interchanging x and y, we obtain the relation (Vf(x) - Vf(y))(x - y) >f O . In other words, the derivative of a convex function is monotone. If f is twice continuously differentiable, then it is convex if and only if the Hessian matrix vzf, defined by O2f(x) (VZf(x))ij - Oxi Oxi '

is positive semidefinite. In basic calculus, we learn that the derivative of a function vanishes at a minimum. When constraints are present, this necessary condition for optimality can be generalized in the following way: If C is convex and f is an arbitrary differentiable function, then a minimizer x* satisfies the inequality Vf(x*)(x - x*) >~0

for every x in C .


Conversely, i f f is convex and differentiable, and C is convex, then any x* that satisfies (6) is a global minimizer of f. When C = R", (6) is equivalent to Vf(x*) = 0. If f is nondifferentiable and if C = N", then x* minimizes f if and only if 0 is a subgradient of f at x*; that is, x* minimizes f if and only if 0 E Of(x*). Various weakened notions of convexity have been developed (see Man-


w. w. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos

gasarian [190]). For example, a function is pseudoconvex if f ( y ) ~ f(x) whenever Vf(x)(y - x) >t O . Although a convex function always has this property, a function with this property is not necessarily convex. If C is convex, f is pseudoconvex, and x* satisfies (6), then x* is a global minimizer for (1). If the gradient vanishes and the Hessian is positive definite at the point x*, then x* is a strict local minimizer. Conversely, at a local minimizer for an unconstrained optimization problem, the gradient vanishes and the Hessian is positive semidefinite. Thus we see that even though the function f in (1) may not be convex, it is typically convex in a neighborhood of a local minimizer when C = ~n. When C # ~n, (1) also has some convexity properties near a local minimizer that will now be developed. Let us suppose that C is described by a system of inequalities and equalities, c = (x:

g(x) o, h(x) =



where g maps ~n to ~ and h maps R" to ~m. Let J denote the set of indices ] with the property that g~(x*) = 0. This set of indices associated with inequalities that are equalities is often called the active set or binding set. If f, g and h are continuously differentiable in a neighborhood of a local minimizer x* for (1) and the v e c t o r s Vhi(x*), for i between 1 and m, and 7gj(x*), for j E J, are linearly independent, then there exist vectors/x and A such that Vf(x*) +/xT~7g(x*) + ATVh(x*) = 0,

/fig(x*) = 0


/x/> 0. (8)

The relation (8) constitutes the K u h n - T u c k e r first-order necessary conditions, and the vectors/x and A are called multipliers. The identity/fig(x*) = 0 is the complementary slackness condition. Since tx~>0 and g(x*)0.


If f, g and h are twice continuously differentiable in a neighborhood of a local


Mathematical programming - A computationalperspective

minimizer x*, and if a constraint qualification holds, then in addition to (9), 2 the Hessian VxL(/x , A,x*) is positive semidefinite on the tangent space T, associated with equalities and active inequalities, defined by T(x* ) = { y E ~N: 7gj(x* )y = O, 7h(x* )y = 0 ) ,

where gj is the vector composed of those components of g in the active set. In other words, the following inequality holds on the tangent space: yTVZL(tz, A, x*)y >i 0

for every y ~ T(x*) .


The convexity condition (10) for the Lagrangian is called the second-order necessary condition. The second-order necessary condition implies an important relation between active constraints and eigenvalues of the Hessian: The number of equality constraints plus the number of active inequality constraints is greater than or equal to the number of negative eigenvalues of VZL(/2, A, x*) [125]. Hence, there must be at least as many equality constraints and active inequality constraints as there are negative eigenvalues for the Hessian of the Lagrangian at x*. A concave cost function provides an 'extreme' example of this property. Every eigenvalue for the Hessian of a twice differentiable concave function is less than or equal to 0, and the minimum over a convex, compact constraint set C occurs at an extreme point of C; that is, at a point that does not lie in the interior of any line segment connecting two points in C. Any local minimizer x* satisfies both the first-order and the second-order necessary conditions provided a constraint qualification holds, and the cost function and constraints are twice continuously differentiable in a neighborhood of x*. However, the converse may not be true. A point that satisfies both the first- and second-order necessary conditions may not be a local minimizer. The function f ( x ) = x 3 and the point x * = 0 illustrate this. Since there are no constraints, L = f and the first- and second-order necessary conditions reduce to dr(x*) - 0


d2f(x *) dx 2 I> 0

which are satisfied even though f ( x ) = x 3 has no minimum. The second-order necessary condition is analogous to convexity (in the tangent space) of the Lagrangian at the point x*, while to deduce that a point is a local minimizer, we need, in some sense, convexity near x*. A second-order condition that is sufficient for local optimality is the following: Supposing that f, g and h are twice continuously differentiable in a neighborhood of x*, and that /.t and A satisfy the first-order necessary conditions. Let K denote the indices in the active set associated with positive multipliers: K={IEJ:

/xi>O }.

If 7x2L(/.t, Z,x*) is positive definite on the expanded tangent subspace

W. W. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos


defined by

T(x*) = {y e R~: VgK(x*)y = O, Vh(x*)y = 0}, then x* is a strict local minimizer of (1). In other words, x* is a strict local minimizer if there exists a scalar a > 0 such that 2 y T VxL(/z, A, x*)y >1ayTy

for every y ~ iP(x*).

Note that T coincides with T except when Aj = 0 and gj(x*) = 0 for some j. In this exceptional case, K is strictly contained in J, and T(x*) is contained in 2?(x*). Although the second-0rder sufficient condition implies that a given point is a local minimizer, some local minimizers do not satisfy the secondorder sufficient condition. An example is the function f(x)= x 4 and the point x* = 0. Some references pertaining to the extension of these finite dimensional first- and second-order conditions to an infinite dimensional framework include Kurcyusz [171], Maurer and Zowe [193], Maurer [192], and Zowe and Kurcyusz [309]. The multipliers appearing in the K u h n - T u c k e r conditions measure the sensitivity of the optimal cost to perturbations in the constraints. To make this more precise, let us consider the perturbed optimization problem mimimize


subject to

g(x) 0,

where L(/z, A)=inf{L(tt, A , x ) : x ~ R n } . The function L ( ~ , A) is the dual function. The dual function is always concave, independent of the choice for f, g, and h. The dual problem is to maximize the concave dual function over the convex set x

If ~ / > 0 and x E C, then L(~, A)~f(x). Hence, the maximum in the dual problem is bounded from above by the minimum in the primal problem. This relation between the dual function and the primal function provides a way to show that a feasible solution is optimal. For example, if /~ ~ 0, x E C, and L(~, A) =f(x), then x is optimal in the primal problem, k~ and h are optimal in the dual problem, and complementary slackness holds: k~Xg(x)= 0. Alternatively, if complementary slackness holds for some /~/> 0 and x E C with L(/x, A) = L(I~, A, x), then again x is optimal in the primal problem, and t~ and h are optimal in the dual problem. Suppose the x* is an optimal solution in the primal problem, and the Kuhn-Tucker condition (9) holds. Any point where the gradient of a function vanishes is called a stationary (or extreme or critical) point; it can be a local minimum, a local maximum, or a saddle point. From (9) we see that x* is a stationary point of the Lagrangian. If x* is a global minimum of the Lagrangian, then the ~ and A given by the Kuhn-Tucker conditions are solutions of the dual problem. Hence, the Kuhn-Tucker conditions and the dual problem are intimately related. Suppose that/z =/z* and h = A* attain the maximum in the dual problem, and x = x * uniquely minimizes the Lagrangian over x: L ( ~ * , A * , x * ) < L(/z*, A*, x) for x # x * . (Here we are not assuming that x* solves the primal problem, only that x* minimizes the dual function.) Later, in Section 6, we will discuss the differentiability of a function whose value is obtained through a minimization process. Loosely speaking, we can differentiate under the minimization sign. More precisely, since the derivatives of L(/.t, A,x) with respect to ~ and A are g(x) and h(x) respectively, the gradient of L(/x, A) with respect to ~ and A, evaluated at t~--~* and A = A*, can be expressed as V~.~L(~*, A*) = (g(x*) T, h(x*)T). Since the feasible set in the dual problem is convex, and since ~* and A* achieve the maximum in the dual problem, it follows from (6) that g(x*)T(/t --/Z*) + h(x*)T(A - A*) ~ 0.


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Relation (13) implies that g(x*) i Lo(A). By taking p sufficiently large, it is often possible to remove a duality gap (see Rockafellar [245]).

2. Unconstrained optimization In this section we focus on unconstrained optimization, or equivalently, problem (1) with C = R n. Unconstrained linear optimization is not very interesting: If f(x)= cTx, then by the first-order necessary condition, c = 0 at any local minimizer. Hence, when f is linear, a local minimizer only exists when f is identically zero. Now let us consider the quadratic cost function

f(x) :Tx Qx cTx. 1




1 Note that by introducing extra variables, inequalities can always be converted to equalities: The inequality gi(x) 0 that satisfies the constraints of (31). If x k is the current iterate, and D k is the diagonal matrix with the components of x k on the diagonal, then the new iterate is defined by D 2k(c - A T A k ) x~+l = x~ - p IlO,(c - AwZ~I[2 '



whereh k=(ADkA )



A D gc ,

and p is a positive parameter. The affine scaling method converges at least linearly whenever p ~< 1, and it is possible to obtain convergence for certain choices of p larger than 1 as well. Path f o l l o w i n g schemes [103] for linear programming are based on the following log-barrier approximating problem: minimize


subject to

Ax = b ,

x > O,

where fr(X) = cTx -- r ~ logx i .



Here r is a positive 'relaxation' parameter. Since the logarithm term tends to infinity as x i approaches 0 from the right, and since the cost is being minimized, the log-barrier term forces x to be positive. Since fr is strictly convex, there exists a unique solution x r t o (35) for each positive r. As r tends to zero, x r approaches a solution to the linear program. Any algorithm that tries to follow xr, as r tends to zero, is called a path following algorithm. Karmarkar's algorithm is related to Newton's method applied to (35). Since Newton's method is obtained by minimizing a quadratic model of (35), the Newton iteration can be expressed in the following way:

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective


Xk+1 =X k +skdk, where s k is the step-size, and d = d~ is a solution to the quadratic program minimize

Vf(x~)d + ldTVZfr(x~)d

subject to


Karmarkar chooses the step in order to obtain a reduction in a related potential function. It is this connection to a potential function that leads to a polynomial time algorithm. In the affine scaling method, there is no potential function, and no polynomial time convergence result as well. Although general constrained optimization is discussed later in this survey, there is one class of algorithms for nonlinear problems that belongs in this section: Generalized linear programming and Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (see [60, 62]). Let us consider a problem of the form minimize subject to

f(x) g(x)0}.


In the dual approach to the quadratic program (37), we solve the problem maximize


over A.


If Q is positive definite so that there exists a solution x* to (37), we typically recover x* from a solution A* to the dual problem (40) by computing the x that attains the minimum in (39) when ~ = A*. Whenever there exists a unique x(A) in (39) that achieves the minimum, the dual function is differentiable with derivative given by (see Clarke [42]): VL(A) = Ax(A) - b . Since (40) is an unconstrained optimization problem, and since the gradient of the cost function can be evaluated, one is tempted to apply any of the gradient-based algorithms of Section 2 to the dual problem. However, it is often observed in numerical experiments that although these gradient schemes work well far from the solution, they converge slowly near the solution. Since the dual active set algorithm performs best near a solution, a 2-phase scheme composed of a classical unconstrained optimization algorithm followed by the dual active set scheme can be very efficient.


W. W. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos

The dual active set algorithm works with two modifications of the original dual function. If B is a subset of { 1 , 2 , . . . ,n}, then the modified dual functions are LB(A) = inf L(A, x)

subject to x . >t O,

L~(A) = inf L(A, x)

subject to xn = 0.



Above, the variable x i is unconstrained if i,~B. If As, is the current approximation to a solution of (40) and z denotes an x in (39) that attains the minimum when A=Ak, then the new iterate Ak+~ in the dual active set algorithm is computed through a subiteration that starts with the initialization v0 = Ak, and B 0 = the set of indices i for which zi = 0. At step j, the subiterate ~+1 is computed from ~ by the following procedure: Let ~j maximize L°j(A) over A, and define /x(s) = ~ + s(/zj - v). Determine the largest interval [0, t), t i> 0, such that

L°(ix(s)) = LBj(lx(s))

for every s E [0, t).

If t 1> 1, then terminate the subiteration after setting Ak+a =/xj. If t < 1, then put vj+ 1 =/z(t). The set Bj+I is obtained by deleting from Bj those indices i E Bj with the property that

OL(lx(t), y) OXi


where y is a minimizer in (41) associated with A =/z(t). One deficiency with the formulation of the dual active set algorithm given above is that the maximum of L ° ( A ) over A may not exist. One way to ensure existence is to employ the proximal point regularization. That is, instead of maximizing the Lagrangian, we maximize a regularized function M of the form =




AI 2 ,

where e is a small positive number, and A is any approximation to a maximizer of L. When Q is positive definite, the dual active set algorithm converges in a finite number of iterations to the maximum of M. By making successive adjustments to either e or A or both, we generate a sequence of maximizers of M that approach a maximizer of L (see [123, 124]). The linear complementarity problem is closely related to the quadratic program (37). Given a square matrix M, the linear complementarity problem seeks an x that satisfies the following relations (or proves that no such x exists): x~>0,




Suppose that M is symmetric and Q = M. If the equation 'Ax = b' in (37) is not

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective


present, then by the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, any local minimizer of (37) is a solution of the linear complementarity problem. Conversely, any solution of the linear complementarity problem yields a solution to the Kuhn-Tucker conditions for (37). If M satisfies a monotonicity (or pseudomonotonicity) solution, and if there exists an x i> 0 with M x >! c, then there exists a solution to the linear complementarity problem, even when M is unsymmetric (see Gowda [112]). In general (see Murty [209]), the linear complementarity problem has a unique solution for each choice of c if and only if M is a P-matrix (a matrix is a P-matrix if the determinants of its principal submatrices are all positive). A special class of algorithms for the linear complementarity problem have been developed based on iterative 'matrix splitting' techniques. Due to the connection between quadratic programming and the linear complementarity problem, these techniques are also applicable to the corresponding quadratic programs. As in splitting techniques for linear systems of equations (see Hager [118] or Strang [272]), we express M as a sum S + T where S has a 'simple structure'. The new iterate Xk+ 1 is obtained from the current iterate x~ by solving the following problem: Find x ~>0

such that Sx + Tx~ >i c and

x T ( S x Jr T x k - c) = O.

It is easy to see that if the x~ converge, then the limit is a solution of the linear complementarity problem. In the Jacobi splitting, S = D, a diagonal matrix whose diagonal coincides with that of M. In the SOR (successive overrelaxation) splitting, S = L + D/w

where w is a scalar with 0 < w < 2, and L is the matrix that equals M beneath the diagonal, and that is zero on the diagonal and above the diagonal. When the diagonal of M is positive, the SOR iteration can be expressed: xk+ 1 = {xk - w D - a ( L x ~ + 1 + ( M - L )x~) - c ) + , where a + denotes the vector whose i-th component is maximum {0, ai}. It can be shown (see the comprehensive survey of Lin and Pang [184]) that if M is positive definite, the SOR iterates converge to a solution of the linear complementarity problem. In the general case, where M has no special structure, the linear complementarity problem can be solved by enumerative or integer programming techniques (see Pardalos and Rosen [220]), or by concave minimization methods (see Horst and Tuy [153]). Moreover, the solution to a linear complementarity problem is also the global minimum of a related quadratic programming problem (see Gupta and Pardalos [116]). Hence, any algorithm for finding the global minimum of a quadratic program can be used to solve the linear complementarity problem.


IV. W. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos

5. Smooth constrained optimization

The general constrained optimization problem has the form minimize


subject to

h(x) =0,

x >tO ,


where x is a vector in Nn, f is a real-valued function, and h maps Nn to Nm. In Section 3, the cost function f was linear, and in Section 4, the cost function was quadratic. Now, f is an arbitrary smooth function. Any mathematical programming problem constrained by systems of equalities and inequalities can be expressed in the form (42). To simplify the discussion, we assume initially that the equality constraint is linear, and the inequality constraint is not present; that is, we consider the problem minimize


subject to

Ax = b,


where A is an m x n matrix. As in unconstrained optimization, there are essentially two different approaches to (42) or (43): gradient-based methods and Newton-type methods. Suppose that the current iterate x k satisfies the equality constraint in (43). Since moving along the negative gradient could violate the equality constraint in (43), the natural extension of steepest descent to the constrained problem (43) involves projecting the gradient into the null space of A. If the rows of A are linearly independent, this projection is represented by the matrix P = I - AT(AAT)-IA,

and the search direction at iteration k is expressed (44)

Pk = - P g k ,

where gk is the gradient of the cost function. Note that the projection Pk is also the solution to the following least squares problem: minimize

½dTd + dTg~

subject to


Since A x k = b and A p k = 0, any update of the form xk+ ~ = x~ + sao k


generates a point that satisfies the constraint A x = b. Moreover, any of the standard step-size procedures, like Armijo's rule, can be employed, but with gradients replaced by projected gradients. Schemes based on the projection of the gradient into the null space of A, which originate with Rosen [246, 247], are called gradient projection schemes. Similar to unconstrained optimization,

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective


the gradient projection algorithm often converges linearly, while the conjugate gradient projection algorithm converges locally quadratically over n - m iterations. The reduced gradient algorithm of Wolfe [294] is a variation of the gradient projection algorithm in which the equation A x = b is used to eliminate some of the variables, while steepest descent is applied to the remaining unconstrained variables. Given a subset B of {1, 2 . . . . , n} and a vector x C ~n, let x B denote the vector with components x i associated with indices i E B. Similarly, let A e denote the submatrix of A associated with column indices in B. If B has m elements, A e is invertible, and N is the set of indices in the complement of B, then the constrained problem (43) is equivalent to the following unconstrained minimization over XN: minimize

f(xe, XN) ,

where x e = A B l b




Computing the gradient of the cost with respect to XN, we obtain a steepest descent search direction d N for x u. The equation x e = A ~ l b - AB1ANXN yields an associated search direction d e for x e. These search directions d e and d u can be expressed as

kgNJ '

where g is the current gradient. Observe that the search direction (46) for the reduced gradient algorithm, and the search direction (44) for the projected gradient algorithm are somewhat different. Newton-based schemes for solving the linearly constrained problem (43) involve approximating f by a quadratic. When f is replaced by a quadratic, we obtain a quadratic programming problem. Any algorithm that involves replacing the original constrained optimization problem by a sequence of quadratic programming problems is called sequential quadratic programming (abbreviated SQP). One of the simplest quadratic approximations to f is given by the second-order Taylor expansion (20). Assuming the current iterate x~ satisfies the constraint A x = b, the new iterate Xk+ 1 is expressed x~+ 1 = x k + d k where d k is the solution to the problem: minimize


subject to

A d = O,


where (/)(d)

1 T Fed , = g kTd + ~d



This scheme is locally quadratically convergent (similar to Newton's method) when the second-order sufficient condition holds at a local minimizer (see Robinson [243]). When the Hessian Fk in (48) is difficult to evaluate, it can be


W. W. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos

approximated using one of the quasi-Newton updates of Section 2; however, the convergence is typically superlinear rather than quadratic. As in unconstrained optimization, special precautions are needed far from a local minimizer to ensure the existence of a minimizer d k for (47). In the trust region approach, a constraint of the form Ildkll ~ a~ is imposed, here Ak is a positive parameter, and the step d k is a solution of the problem minimize


subject to


Ildll ~ .


Due to the trust region constraint, a minimum will exist. And if the norm in (49) is the sup-norm (largest component in absolute value) or the 1-norm (summation of the components in absolute value), then the constraint Ildll ~ ~k is equivalent to a linear system of inequalities, and (49) reduces to a quadratic programming problem. References to the trust region method, in the context of linearly constrained optimization, include the papers [87] by Fletcher and [98] by Gay. Now let us impose the constraint x t> 0 in (43) giving us the problem minimize


subject to




In applying gradient techniques to inequality constrained problems, we need to partition the constraints into those that are active (or binding), and those that are inactive. The active constraints are taken into account in the gradient projection, while the inactive constraints are neglected. The projection p of a vector g into the intersection of the null space of A with the subspace x~ = 0, can be expressed in the following way (assuming the rows of A N are linearly independent): PB-0


• T





where N is the complement of B. If the gradient projection algorithm is applied to a problem with inequality constraints, then the step s k in the update (45) may need to be reduced to prevent the iterates from violating the constraint x t> 0. Any new constraints that become active after the line search are included in the active set B. Although the addition of elements to B is relatively straightforward, the deletion of elements from B is much more subtle; in other words, when should an active constraint be deactivated? Recall from Section 1 that the Lagrange multipliers measure the sensitivity of the optimal cost with respect to the constraints. More precisely, if e denotes a vector of perturbations in ~n, and if V(e) is the optimal cost associated with the perturbed program minimize subject to

f(x) Ax = b ,

x ~ e ,

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective


then under appropriate hypotheses, =- I x ,

where IX is the K u h n - T u c k e r multiplier associated with the constraint x/> 0 when e -- 0. If B and N denote the binding and nonbinding indices associated with an optimal solution x* to (50), then IX can be expressed as ,



IX = g -- A ( A x A N )





= Vf(x*) T



when the rows of A N are linearly independent. By the K u h n - T u c k e r conditions, we know that IXN= 0 and IXB~>0. The inequality IXB>~0 reflects the fact that increasing e8 does not decrease the cost locally. At a solution of (50), the value of IX given by (51) is exactly the gradient of the optimal value function V. At an arbitrary feasible point x with associated binding and nonbinding indices B and N , the vector Ix(x) = g(x) - A T ( A N A NT)- 1 A N g N ( X ) ,

g(x)=Vf(x) T

approximately measures the sensitivity of the cost relative to changes in e. Although the negative projected gradient is always a decent direction for the cost function, it can be shown that if i E B and Ixi(x)< 0, then the projected gradient obtained by removing constraint i from B is a direction in which the cost function decreases more rapidly than before. Moreover, the projected gradient obtained when constraint i is removed from B has the property that p; < 0. Thus constraint i becomes inactive when a positive step is taken. It turns out that the gradient projection algorithm typically does not work if an active constraint is set free whenever Ixi(x)< 0. In numerical experiments, one observes the algorithm taking tiny steps, repeatedly freeing a constraint, then activating it in the next iteration. In Rosen's analysis of the gradient projection algorithm, he proposed freeing a constraint only when Ixi(x) is sufficiently negative relative to the magnitude of the gradient. More precisely, if constraint i is active at the current iteration and Ixi(x) : min{ixj(x): 1 ~i O.

Taking s k = 1 yields the standard Newton iteration with unit step. In order to expand the domain of convergence for the Newton iteration (53), Armijo's rule can be used to select the step-size. For our undetermined system of equalities and inequalities, h(x) = 0 and x/> 0, Armijo's rule can be stated in the following way: If o- and /z are fixed positive constants less than 1, then s k = o-j where j is the smallest nonnegative integer with the property that for s = ori we have

[h(x~ + sd~)[ ~ O,


where L is the Lagrangian defined by L ( A , x ) = f ( x ) + Z T h ( x ) . The new approximation Ak+l to the true multiplier is typically given by Ak+l = Ak + Uk where z,~ is a Kuhn-Tucker multiplier associated with the constraint in (54). By Robinson's analysis [242], the Rosen-Kreuser scheme is locally quadratically convergent when the following conditions hold: (a) the second-order sufficient optimality condition, (b) independence of the gradients of the active constraints, (c) strict complementary slackness. By strict complementary slackness, we mean that the multipliers associated with active inequality constraints are nonzero. Since assumptions (a)-(c) will be cited frequently, we refer to them as the strong s e c o n d - o r d e r conditions. The SQP approximation to the Rosen-Kreuser iteration is obtained by replacing the Lagrangian with a quadratic approximation. Letting x k and Ak

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denote the current approximations to a minimizer of (42) and to the associated Lagrange multiplier, we define

• (d) =VxL( k, xk)d +



(55) 2

where H k is some approximation to the Hessian V x L ( A k , Xk). The new SQP iterate Xk +1 is expressed Xk +~ = X k + d k where d k is a solution to the problem minimize


subject to

Vh(Xk)d = --h(Xk) ,

x k + d >t0.


Letting uk denote a Kuhn-Tucker multiplier associated with the constraint in (56), Ak+a is typically given by Ak+ ~ = A k + uk. When H is equal to V2xL(Ak, Xk), we obtain a scheme due to Wilson [293]. This scheme, like the Rosen-Kreuser scheme, is locally quadratically convergent under the strong second-order conditions (see Robinson [243]). If the approximation to the Hessian is obtained using a quasi-Newton update, and if the strong second-order conditions hold, then the SQP iteration converges locally superlinearly (see Han [127] and Tapia [274]) for certain families of updates such as the Powell symmetric Broyden update (see Powell [232]). SQP quasi-Newton updates based on restrictions of the Hessian to the space perpendicular to the constraint gradients (reduced Hessians) are developed by Nocedal and Overton [212]. If the Hessian of the Lagrangian is positive definite at a local minimizer, then Han and others have shown that both the DFP and BFGS updates converge superlinearly. Recently Tapia [275], has relaxed the positive definiteness assumption for the Hessian of the Lagrangian, and demonstrated local superlinear convergence for DFP and BFGS type updates when the strong second-order conditions hold. The algorithms presented above, based on the minimization of a linearly constrained Lagrangian, are attractive due to their local convergence properties- the iterations converge either quadratically or superlinearly. On the other hand, the domain of convergence of these schemes is limited, and the iterations can diverge if the starting guess is far from a minimizer. We now consider classes of algorithms, the penalty and barrier methods, with more robust convergence properties. If p denotes a positive penalty parameter, then the quadratic p e n a l t y m e t h o d corresponds to solving the following problem: minimize

f(x) + ph(x)Th(x)

subject to

x >t0.


The inequality constraint x i> 0 can be treated with a penalty too. If a- denotes the vector whose i-th component is minimum {0, ai} for i between 1 and m, then the associated penalized problem is minimize

f(x) + ph(x)Th(x) + pX-TX-


In the penalty approach, we consider a sequence Pk tending to infinity, and for

Mathematicalprogramming - A computationalperspective


each k, we compute an unconstrained minimizer xg of the penalized problem. If f and h are continuous, then any limit point of the x k is a solution to (42). It can be shown [230] that when the strong second-order conditions hold, the error in Xk is typically bounded by a constant times p i 1. The penalty approach to constrained optimization is attributed to Courant [54, 55]. Of course, other norms can be used to penalize a problem for violating the constraints. Using the 1-norm, the penalized problem is minimize

f(x) +p ~ [hi(x)[-p ~ x ; . i=1



The 1-norm penalty is called an exact penalty due to the following result: In a neighborhood of a local minimizer x* of (42) that satisfies the strong secondorder conditions, and for p sufficiently large, x* is a local minimizer of the unconstrained problem (58). With an exact penalty function, we do not need to consider a sequence Pk tending to infinity since x* is an exact local minimizer of (58) for any p large enough. It appears that exact penalty functions were first discovered by Zangwill [303]. Other related papers include those by Pietrzykowski [226], Luenberger [186], Coleman and Conn [44, 45], Conn [47], and Fletcher [89]. From a practical viewpoint, it may be difficult to determine an appropriate choice for p, although Luenberger's result [186] relating p to the Lagrange multipliers provides some guidance. Also, the nondifferentiable penalty terms in (58) can cause numerical difficulties that any algorithm applied to (58) needs to deal with. In contrast, the quadratic penalty is a nice differentiable function, however, when p is large, the Hessian of the cost function is ill-conditioned, leading to slow convergence of numerical algorithms for solving (57). This ill-conditioning can be alleviated if the preconditioning techniques of Hager [117, 119, 121] are utilized. The barrier method is a variation of the penalty idea in which the iterations start at a point in the interior of the feasible set, and the constraints are enforced by putting a barrier term in the cost function which makes the cost large when the iterates approach the boundary of the feasible set. The barrier method is used for inequality constrained problems in which the feasible set has nonempty interior. Suppose that G maps ~n to E~, and let us consider the following inequality constrained problem: minimize


subject to

G(x) >i0.


Common choices for barrier terms are either the reciprocal of the constraints, or the logarithm of the constraints. When using a log-barrier function, we replace (59) by minimize

f(x) - P

log Gi(x) , i=1


w. w. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos

where p is a positive (barrier) parameter. When using a reciprocal barrier function, we replace (59) by m


f(x) + P ~.= 1/Gi(x) ° ,

where 0 is a fixed positive constant. I f f and G are continuous, and we consider a sequence Pk of barrier parameters tending to infinity, then any limit point of associated minimizers x k approaches a solution to the constrained problem (59). Analogous to penalty techniques, the error in the log-barrier approximation is typically proportional to 1/p~ when the strong second-order conditions hold. For the reciprocal barrier function, the error is proportional to llp~/(°+1). The long-barrier method was proposed by Frisch [95, 96] while the reciprocal barrier function, with 0 = 1, was proposed by Carroll [37, 38]. A classic reference for barrier (and penalty) methods is the book by Fiacco and McCormick [84]. There has been renewed interest in the treatment of inequality constraints using log-barrier techniques since Karmarkar's log-barrier approach has been so successful in linear programming. In penalty or barrier methods, we obtain convergence as the penalty tends to infinity. In multiplier methods, we select a fixed penalty p (not too large in order to avoid ill-conditioning), and we use the minimizer of the augmented Lagrangian to update an estimate for the multiplier associated with the equality constraint in (42). Let Lp denote the quadratic penalty augmented Lagrangian defined by Lp(A, x) =f(x) + ATh(x) + p h ( x ) T h ( x ) ,

let )tk be the current approximation to a Kuhn-Tucker multiplier associated with the constraint h(x) = 0 in (42), and let x k denote a solution to the problem minimize

Lp( ~ k, x)

subject to

x >t 0.

In the gradient, or first-order, method of multipliers, we set Ak+ 1 = Ak + 2h(xk)/p .

If the strong second-order conditions hold at a local minimizer x* with associated Lagrange multiplier A*, then for p sufficiently large, the iterates satisfy an estimate of the form (see [228])

IIAk÷--*11 cP-IlI k-- *II


Ilxk-x*ll cp-IIIA -A*II ,(60)

where c denotes a generic constant depending on f and h, but not on p. Multiplier methods seem to originate from work by Arrow and Solow [8], Hestenes [132], and Powell [231]. The book [15] by Bertsekas is a comprehen-

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective


sive reference. Interesting applications of augmented Lagrangian techniques to boundary-value problems are developed by Fortin, Glowinski, and their collaborators in [94]. By (60) the convergence of the multiplier method with first-order update is linear. The convergence can be accelerated using the second-order update given by 2 Ak+ 1 -~ A k -- {VNh(Xk)VNZp(Ak, Xk)


T -1

VNh(Xk) }



where N denotes the indices associated with inactive inequality constraints. When the strong second-order conditions hold, the second-order update yields local quadratic convergence. Since the Hessian of the Lagrangian appears in (61), quasi-Newton versions of this update have been proposed (see Brusch [30] and Fletcher [88]). Due to the attractive local convergence properties of the linearly constrained Lagrangian methods, and the attractive global convergence properties of penalty techniques, much research has focused on ways to combine these two strategies. One approach for making SQP more robust involves a line search along the current direction d k that solves (56). In Han's scheme [128], the iteration has the form xk+ 1 = X k + s~dk where the step-size s k is chosen to minimize the 1-norm (exact) penalty function. In the literature, a function like the 1-norm penalty function that measures progress to an optimum is often described as a m e r i t f u n c t i o n . 2 Han shows that this line search leads to a globally convergent algorithm. Later it was discovered (see the thesis by Maratos [191]) that this line search, which ensures global convergence, can prevent superlinear convergence - the convergence is superlinear when Sk = 1, but the line search may generate a step s k # 1 (see Powell [234] for a numerical example). Hence, with the line search, global convergence is achieved, but superlinear convergence can be lost. In the Rosen-Kreuser algorithm, the domain of convergence can be enlarged by replacing the Lagrangian by an augmented Lagrangian. This is the approach used in the software package MINOS [208], for example. Although this augmented Lagrangian version of the Rosen-Kreuser algorithm is locally, quadratically convergent, the domain of convergence is still limited. Hager [117, 119, 121] develops a somewhat different approach for improving the convergence properties of linearly constrained augmented Lagrangian techniques. His approach involves a 2-step iteration. The first step, which deals with the constraint error, can be implemented by a Newton-Armijo iteration such as (53). The second step, which deals with the Kuhn-Tucker error, can be implemented with the linearly constrained minimization of an augmented

2 John Dennis points out that this terminology may not be the best, since merit is decreasing as the iterations progress.

W. W. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos


Lagrangian. More precisely, the second step can be expressed as h k = arg min{K(A, Xk): A ~ ~m},

K(A, x) = IlVxL(~, x)-II,

Xk +a = arg min{/Sp(,~k, x, Xk): Vh(Xk)(X - Xk) = O, X >I 0 ) ,


where the augmented Lagrangian £p is defined by

f~p( ,L x, y) =f(x) + ;t Th(x) + plh(x) - h(y)[ 2 . The function K above measures the Kuhn-Tucker error, while the constraint error C can be measured in terms of the norm of h: C(x) = Ilh(x)ll. At a local minimizer, the total error C + K vanishes. In a neighborhood of a local minimizer satisfying the strong second-order conditions, each iteration of constraint step (53), locally squares the constraint error, while each iteration of the Kuhn-Tucker step (62) locally squares the Kuhn-Tucker error: C(Xk+l) ~

cC(Xk) 2 and

g(,~k+l,Xk+l) ~

cK(Ak, X k ) 2 .

Moreover, if the point generated by a series of iterations of the form (53) (constraint step) is used as the starting guess for a series of iterations (62) (Kuhn-Tucker step), then in a neighborhood of a local minimizer satisfying the strong second-order conditions, the total error is essentially squared by this 2-step process. Although this 2-step process has attractive local and global convergence properties, divergence is still possible when the starting guess is far from a local minimizer. When the 2-step process does not decrease the total error, convergence is restored by minimizing an augmented Lagrangian, subject to the constraint x~>0. In summary, the 3-step process has the following structure:

Constraint step.

Find a point that reduces the constraint error beneath the Kuhn-Tucker error using the Newton iteration (53), for example. K u h n - T u c k e r step. Find a point that reduces the Kuhn-Tucker error beneath the constraint error using the iteration (62), for example. Global step. If the iteration in Step 1 is infeasible or if Step i followed by Step 2 increases the total error, then increase the penalty and minimize the augmented Lagrangian Lp(hg, x) over x>/0, until a point is found for which K ( h k+ 2ph(x), x)0 has the property that K(hk + 2ph(x), x) = 0, the inequality K ( h k + 2ph(x), x) ~ C(x) in the global step is satisfied as the iterates approach a minimizer in the global step. Trust region techniques are another way to expand the convergence domain of linearized Lagrangian methods. Proceeding as we did earlier, the natural

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective

trust region algorithm has the form: Xk+ 1 = the problem: minimize


subject to

Vh(xk) = - h ( x k ) ,

X k "~-


d e where d = d e is a solution to

Xk + d >! O,

Ildll ~ 0 and ?7> 0 be fixed constants, let x 0 be the starting guess, and let go denote any element of Of(Xo).

Step 1. Set d o = -go and j = 0. Step 2. Set Yi = x~ + sjdj, where f ( y j ) = mins~>0 f ( x k + sdj), and choose gj Of(yj) such that gTdj = O. Step 3. If f ( y j ) < ~ f ( x k ) - e, then xk+ 1 = yj, go = gj, increment k, and go to Step 1. Otherwise, proceed to Step 4. Step 4. If m i denotes the vector in the convex hull of {go, ga, • • •, gj} with least Euclidean length, stop if Ilmjll Otherwise, set dj +1 = - m j, increment j, and go to Step 2. It can be shown (see Shor [267]) that if f(x) tends to infinity as Ilxll tends to infinity, and if x(~/) denotes the point found by Lemar6chal's algorithm, then for any sequence */i tending to zero, we have !im f(xO?i)) oo ~n The iterations generated by Lemar6chal's algorithm for the function (70), with e = 0.001 and ?7 =0.001, appear in Table 3. The first 5 iterations, which coincide with the steepest descent iterations of Table 1, are not repeated. The fortuitous convergence of the iterates in Table 3 to the e x a c t solution at iteration 11 is related to the special structure of f. Another general approach for nondifferentiable optimization is to apply the ellipsoid method, simply replacing gradients by subgradients. It turns out that the linear convergence result, cited in Section 2 for the ellipsoid algorithm, is also valid when f is a nondifferentiable, convex function. Hence, the ellipsoid

W. W. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos


Table 3 Lemar6chal's algorithm for (70) k 6 7 8 9 10

xk 0.00463 0.00118 0.00035 0.00008 0.00002

j 0.00233 -0.00076 -0.00019 -0.00007 0.00003

1 2 11

- 1.00000


-0.00001 - 1.0000

-0.00002 0.00000


method must produce faster convergence, asymptotically, than the divergent sum steepest descent iteration (71). Table 4 gives the iterations generated by the ellipsoid for the function (70), the starting guess xl = 10 and x 2 = 5, and an initial ellipsoid that is a sphere of radius 20. In this particular example, the bundle method is faster than the ellipsoid method, while both schemes are substantially faster than the divergent sum steepest descent iteration (71). For subgradient type algorithms, the best convergence rate that can be achieved is linear. More precisely, the following result has been established by Nemirovskii and Yudin [211]: Suppose that f is convex and at any given point Xk, an oracle provides the function value f(Xk) and an arbitrary subgradient gk C Of(Xk). Then for any algorithm, there exists a convex function f for which the iterates converge at best linearly. The development of second-order methods for nondifferentiable functions is an area of current research. The goal is to obtain a generalization of Newton's method for smooth optimization. Since Newton's method involves the second derivative of the function, the second derivative operator must be extended to the nondifferentiable setting. On the surface, it appears unreasonable to compute the second derivative of a function that is not even differentiable. However, nondifferentiable functions that arise in applications are often very smooth along certain manifolds. The generalized second derivative must smooth out discontinuities where different manifolds meet. References dealing with the construction of second-order derivatives include [10, 65,137, 176, 178,

258]. Table 4 The ellipsoid method for (70) Iteration



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

10.00 -0.58 -1.26 -0.92 -0.99 -0.98 - 1.00

5.00 1.93 0.14 -0.03 -0.02 0.00 0.00

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective


7. Global optimization The algorithms presented in the preceding sections were local in nature. For smooth unconstrained optimization, they seek a point where the gradient vanishes, and for smooth constrained optimization, they seek a point that satisfies the Kuhn-Tucker conditions. If the objective function and the constraints are convex, then a point that satisfies the first-order conditions is a global minimum. But in general, a point satisfying the first-order conditions is a local minimizer at best. Since classical analysis does not recognize conditions for global optimality, global solution methods must be both different and more expensive computationally than the local algorithms of the previous sections. The enormous practical need for solving global optimization problems, coupled with rapidly advancing computer technology, has led to the solution of problems that a few years ago were considered computationally intractable. Most algorithms for global optimization are designed for problems with special structure; for example, problems where the multiextremal feature involves only a small number of variables. Typically, methods for solving general, unstructured global problems can handle only a small number of variables. In these very general cases, the algorithms often provide useful tools for determining the global quality of a given feasible point. In particular, upper and lower bounds for the optimal objective function value are provided, and parts of the feasible set are detected that cannot contain the global optimum. There are two basic classes of algorithms for global optimization, stochastic and deterministic. Stochastic methods involve function evaluations at a random sample of points, and subsequent manipulations of the sample. As a rule, application of stochastic methods is essentially limited to unconstrained optimization. Due to the stochastic nature of these algorithms, there is no absolute guarantee that the algorithm will find the global minimum. However, under mild conditions on the sampling distribution and on the objective function, the probability of generating a point close to a global optimum approaches 1 as the sample size increases. Deterministic methods, which are designed to find the global minimum with complete certainty, combine analytical and combinatorial tools in an effective way. Recent deterministic approaches involve branch and bound, relaxation, outer approximation, cutting plane, homotopy, path-following, interval analysis, and function filling techniques. We begin with a brief discussion of stochastic methods. One of the simplest approaches is to sample points from the feasible set using some probability distribution. Suppose that for any given e > 0, there exists a subset C~ of the feasible set with the following properties: The probability of selecting a point from C~ is positive, and for any x E C~, there exists an associated global minimizer x* with the distance from x to x* at most e. It is easily seen that as the number of sampling points increases, the minimum objective function value at the sample points approaches the global minimum value with probability 1 under weak smoothness assumptions (see Rubinstein [252]).


W. W. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos

A more efficient way to implement this random sampling algorithm, called multistart, involves using each sampled point as the starting guess for a local

search algorithm (like steepest descent). Typically, when a sampling point is sufficiently close to a global minimizer, the local search algorithm will converge to it. Since the local search algorithm may converge to the same local minimizer from many different starting points, some algorithms attempt to estimate regions of attraction for each computed local minimizer. By applying the local search scheme only once in each region, efficiency is improved. Since direct estimates of domains of attraction based on the Hessian have not been very successful [73, 74], much research has focused on clustering methods where the domains of attraction are estimated based on the observed convergence of the iterates [14, 23,238, 278-280]. The major deficiency of clustering methods is that the clusters generated by these methods at best correspond to the connected components of a level set, a set of the form {xEE":f(x)~ 0

for each x E V .

Alternatively, if h is Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constant K, and if P denotes a finite subset of M, then M does not intersect C if max{h(x): x ~ P} > Kd, where d is the diameter of M. Finally, if h is the pointwise maximum of r concave function h i (that is, C is defined by r reverse-convex constraints hi(x ) ~ O, i = 1 , . . . , r), then M does not intersect C if there exists an i E { 1 , . . . , r} such that hi(x) > 0 for each x E V . Each of these rules removes infeasible sets, but conceivably, some feasible sets will not be deleted by any of these rules. Nonetheless, when combined with appropriate bounding and subdivision procedures, these rules lead to convergent branch and bound algorithms in each case (see Horst [143] and Horst and Tuy [153]). Suppose that, for a given objective function f(x), the global optimization problem can be solved when the feasible set belongs to a certain class of sets. For example, when it is a polytope. Then outer approximation techniques can be used to replace the original problem by simpler ones. Let C k D C denote the current 'simple' approximation, and let Xk denote a global minimizer for the problem min{f(x): x E Ck} . If x k E C ,

then x k is a solution of (86). If X k ~ C ,

then we construct a


w. w. Hager, R. Horst and P. M. Pardalos

real-valued function h k such that hk(x )i a whenever x lies in the simplex formed by the origin and the n points Yi = tire, i = 1 , . . . , n. If Y denotes the matrix with columns Yl through Yn, then the hyperplane passing through the Yi consists of the set of x for which x=YA,

w h e r e ~ Ai = l .



Since the feasible set is a polytope contained in the cone generated by the convex hull of the rays from the origin through the Yi, it follows that when a is not the global minimum value of f over C, the global minimum is contained in the half-space of the hyperplane (87) that is opposite the origin. More

Mathematical programming - A computational perspective


precisely, the global minimum (86) is also a solution to the problem minimize

f(x) over x in C,


where a T = eTy -1 and e is the vector with every component equal to 1. On the other hand, if C is entirely contained in a half-space of the hyperplane (87), then a must be the global minimum value. Linear programming techniques can be used to determine whether C lies on one side of the hyperplane (see [153]). This technique for excluding part of the feasible set can be incorporated into a cone-splitting branch and bound procedure to obtain an efficient algorithm for solving linearly constrained concave minimization problems. Deeper cuts, which are more expensive computationally, but which cut off a larger portion of the feasible set than the simple cuts defined above, can be applied to special concave minimization problems such as bilinear programs and concave quadratic minimization (see Horst and Tuy [153]). Other recent approaches for linearly constrained concave minimization problems include exact simplex partitioning techniques (see Horst and Tuy [152]), and inner optimization or polyhedral annexation (see Horst and Tuy [153]). Modifications of the above idea have been used for integer programming, and for problems with reverseconvex constraints (see Sherali and Shetty [262] and Horst and Tuy [153]). Recently, clever combinations of branch and bound, outer approximation, cutting plane methods, line searches, and linear programming have led to algorithms for concave minimization problems, for problems with reverseconvex constraints, and for certain DC programs (Horst et al. [145, 146, 149]). The function filling technique (see Ge [99]) is a completely different approach to global optimization. The method is reminiscent of the standard deflation process used to evaluate roots of polynomials. Polynomial root finders typically evaluate a root of a polynomial, divide it out to obtain a lower degree polynomial, compute a root of the new polynomial, and so on. In the context of optimization, suppose that some numerical method, like steepest descent, generates a local minimizer x 1. In some sense, we would like to deflate this minimizer from the objective function. For the unconstrained minimization problem minimize

f(x) over x E ~ n ,

Ge accomplishes this by working with a function P of the form


1 ( r + f(x) exp

HX--Xll] 2) p7 ,

where r and p are parameters with r chosen so that r + f ( x ~ ) > 0 . It can be verified that x 1 is a local maximizer of the function P. Hence, when a minimization algorithm is applied to P, the iterations move away from xa. If xl is not the global minimizer of f, then through careful choice of r and p, a local minimizer xp,r of P has the property that f(xp.r)0


Assume that a polynomial expression of ~01 has been obtained. Letting fz = ~Oa+ ha, reduces the maximization of the original function in n variables to


maximization of f2, which depends only on the n - 1 variables , x n. Continuing this elimination process for x z, x 3 , . . . , xn, successively, yields two sequences of functions fl, f 2 , . - . , f, and ~0~,~02,... , ~0n, where f/depends on (n - i + 1) variables. A maximizing point (Xl, * x z* , . . . , X*,) of fl then can be traced back easily from any maximizer x* of f, using recursion,

x2, x 3 , . . .

x *i -- 1 if and only if ~0i(x*i+1, x*i+2, . . . . x . * ) > 0



The efficiency of this procedure depends critically on how the polynomial expressions of qJl, qJ2. . . . , ~0,_1 are obtained. In the original version of the algorithm by Hammer, Rosenberg and Rudeanu [28], this is done as follows. A logical expression ~O1 is first obtained by (a) Linearizing &(x2, x 3 , . . . , Xn) , by replacing products of variables by new variables Yi, i = 1, 2 , . . . , q; (b) Computing the characteristic function ~b~ of the linear inequality gl(Ya,


' • " , Yq)

> 0

(by definition ~ba(y) is a boolean function equal to 1 if gl(Y) > 0 and equal to 0 otherwise); (c) Eliminating the Yi from ~b1 and simplifying it through boolean operations. (d) Replacing x a by 4)1 in X a g l ( X 2 , X 3 . . . . , x , ) and applying pseudo-boolean simplifications leads to ~01(x2,x 3 , . . . , x,). Generally, algebraic methods in literature apply to unconstrained integer programming problems, since, in the case of constrained integer programming problems, it is usually difficult to obtain the polynomial expressions of ~/l, ~/2, " " " , ffJn-1, which are very important to the performance of the methods. 3.2.3. Branch and b o u n d methods

In this subsection, an introduction to branch and bound methods is given for nonlinear zero-one problems. Branch and bound is a general method that has been applied successfully to various problems in combinatorial optimization. It is used to implicitly enumerate all feasible solutions by using lower bound information about partial solutions to avoid considering suboptimal solutions.

Integer programming


The main idea of branch and bound algorithms is to decompose the given problem into several subproblems of smaller size• Each of these subproblems is decomposed until each undecomposed problem is either solved or proved not to yield an optimal solution of the original problem. The search strategy defines the order in which partial problems are tested or decomposed. Such strategies include the depth-first search, the breadth-first search, the bestbound search, and search strategies based on some heuristics. Ibaraki [36] proved that depth-first search, best-bound search, and breadth-first search are special cases of a heuristic search• Let P0 denote an optimization problem of the form: min f(x) subject to


where the set D of feasible solutions is finite. A finite rooted tree B = (P, E), called a branch and bound search tree, is used to represent the decomposition process• Let P be the set of nodes and E the set of arcs• The root of B, denoted by P0, corresponds to the original problem• Subproblems of P0 are denoted by Pi for i > 0. Subproblem Pj is a son of Pi, denoted (Pj, Pi) E E, if and only if Pj is generated from Pi by decomposition. This decomposition is known as the branching strategy. The terminal nodes, denoted by T, of the tree represent partial problems that can be solved without any further decomposition• Terminal nodes are also called leaves of the branch and bound search tree. The level of P~, denoted by L(Pi), is the length of the path from the root P0 to the node P,.. For the root node, we have L(Po) = 0 and for terminal nodes T, we have L(T) ~S n,

where e is a small tolerance dependent upon the accuracy of the data a n d / o r the machine precision. (3) If V n R = (Yl, Y2, .. •, Yn) and Z is a unitary matrix such that (Yl,


• " ' ,

Yr) Z

= T

is upper triangular, then the first r columns of Z define the required subspace. The C-S decomposition in its complete form is needed in the more sophisticated ESPRIT algorithm of Roy et al. [97]. The problem that it solves is formulated as follows. Assume that we have an array of sensors consisting of the subarrays W and V with signal vectors w(t) and v(t) at time t given by

w(t) = As(t) + nw(t) , v(t) = A@s(t) + no(t), where s(t) is a d-vector of impinging signals (wavefronts), nw(t ) and no(t ) are noise vectors; A is an n × d direction matrix whose columns are the signal direction vectors for the wavefront; and ~b is a diagonal unitary matrix of phase delays between the doublet sensors and the d wavefront. The problem is to estimate q~ from which the DOAs can be recovered. The parameters in q) are the solution of a nonsymmetric generalized eigenproblem. Van Loan [107] describes an algorithm to compute @ that uses the C-S decomposition to set up the problem.


Numerical aspects o f solving linear least squares problems


T h e errors in variables p r o b l e m

a n d total least s q u a r e s

The total least squares problem is a generalization of the problem (2.5) that allows for errors in the matrix of predictors x as well as the vector of responses y. Essentially, this problem can be generalized to that of considering the random vectors Yi, i = 1, 2 . . . .



xi, i = 1, 2 , . . . ,



whose unknown means 37~, i = 1, 2 , . . . , linear relation

k, and £i, i = 1, 2 , . . . ,

p, satisfy the

37= a + / ) 2 = B(o~, 2 ) , B=(b,B), 37= (371. . . .


where6=(1,1,...,1) ,37k) T ,

3~ ~--- (3~ 1 . . . .



,3~p) T .


The f/ and e~ are random variables with covariance matrix gt = g,2ip+r" Assume that a random sample of size n is taken of the x i and yg. Assume that k = 1 and that there is only one response variable y. In linear algebra terms, this can be written as the problem min











From the statistical theory of the problem (3.5) I1"IIF could be replaced by 11"112 or any orthogonally invariant norm [54]. The problem (3.6) is called the total least squares (TLS) problem. Unfortunately, the existence theory of the TLS problem is more complicated than that for the LS problem. If a minimizing (F Y) can be found then any/~ satisfying (X + F)/3 = y + ~ is a TLS solution. However, the following example from [57, Chapter 12] has no TLS solution. EXAMPLE 3.1. Let X=

(i i)






(! i)



then for all e > 0, b E Range(X + F~). However, there is no smallest of ]t(F.e)IIF for which y + e E R a n g e ( X + F~). The complete formulation of the problem for k random variables is min

Range(Y + E)C_Range(X + F)



This theorem gives conditions of the existence and uniqueness conditions for the TLS problem.


J. L, Barlow

THEOREM 3.6. Let X, Y be as in (3.7) and assume that n >~p + k. Assume that X has the SVD

X = U'qs'V 'x


g " = diag(~O'l, q'2,. • •, 0p)


and that ( X Y ) has the SVD ( X Y ) = U~PV x

~P -- diag(qq, ~b2,..., 0p+k) -


Let U, V, and vtt be partitioned as follows

u=(u1 n- k

u2), k

(Vll V12) p v=w21 v22J p

(~1 O) p '


lip2 p





If O'p> qSp+1 then the matrix (F E) defined by (p ~)

T ~- -


T 22 )

solves the TLS problem. Moreover, BTLs = -V12V221

exists and is the unique solution to (X + ~:)B =- Y + E. If ~b~ = ~0p+1, then the TLS problem will still have a solution as long as V22 is nonsingular. However, V22 may not be unique. In that case, we choose a 'minimal norm' solution. Choose B so that 2

1 -- ff/2(V22 )

(v22) is a minimum. It is possible that V22 is singular, but that is an unlikely event as shown in the following theorem by Gleser [54]. THEOREM 3.7. Let V be as defined in Theorem 3.3. Let the columns of (F E) be independent and identically distributed with mean 0 and covariance matrix = ~2lp+~. Assume that the distribution of (F E) is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure on (p + k)-dimensional Euclidean s,~ace. Then Prob{V22 is nonsingular)= 1. Thus the total least squares problem has a unique solution with probability 1. Practical TLS problems often come close to those having nonunique solutions, creating difficulties in obtaining a meaningful solution. We give some of the results from the thesis of van Huffel [71, 72] that compare the total least squares problem to the solution of (2.5). Since TLS requires the use of the SVD and takes little advantage of any special structure

Numerical aspects o f solving linear least squares p r o b l e m s


in the problem, it is computationally much less efficient than solving (2.5). In some cases, it gives much better point estimates, in some cases, it does not. We begin with the following theorem. THEOREM 3.8. Let the SVD of X and (X Y) be given in Theorem 3.3. Assume that ~p+l . . . . . ~'p+k. Then the TLS solution BTLs is given by BTLS

= (xTx

2 -1 X T Y . ~p+llp)



In the case k = 1, this relates the TLS problem to Ridge regression. In many cases, the TLS solution and the LS solution will be very close together; in other cases, they will be far apart. The following further results from van Huffel [71, 72] relate the TLS and LS solution First, we note that if X has full column rank then BLS = ( x T x ) - I x T y .

COROLLARY 3.1. Assume the hypothesis of Theorem 3.8. Then P


r--r2 _ _ r - l , ,~_i_ t 2 -- ~ff --2p + l )\ - 1 UitT=y Uilllp+l~Ji *V '


and rlBTLs-



IIRL,IIF. Thus the TLS and LS residual approach each other if (1) ~bp+l is small. This will hold if the residual itself is small. (2) IIY[I v is small. Meaning that the TLS solution is close to the LS solution. (3) q,~ >> q'p+l, X is not close to rank deficiency. The TLS problem has created some controversy because the above conditions are often satisfied in practice. Of course, the LS solution does not require the expense of computing the singular value decomposition. However, in some cases the TLS fit is much better. Examples which demonstrate that are given by van Huffel [71, 72]. It is also appropriate to mention the restricted total least squares (RTLS) problem which is discussed in a recent paper by van Huffel and Zha [73]. That problem has the form min

Range(Y + A Y)C_Range(X + A X )


(AXAY) = D E C ,

where D @ ~n×ql, C ~ ~ q2×(p+k) are known matrices while E ~ ~q~×q2 is unknown. The solution of this problem is closely related to the restricted singular value decomposition (RSVD) of the matrix triple (T, D, C) where T = (X Y). The formulation of the RSVD is due to Zha [120] and its relation to the RTLS problem is detailed by van Huffel and Zha [73]. Since the formulation of the RSVD and the RTLS algorithms are quite complicated, we refer the reader to these references.

4. Rank deficient least squares problems

4.1. Statement of the problem We return to the least squares problem of finding/3 such that [[y - X/3112 = min [[y - X/3 [[2


wherein we are solving the problem by orthogonal factorization. We now consider the case where r a n k ( X ) = l < p , that is, where X, the matrix of predictors may be rank deficient. From Theorem 2.3, there is a unique solution of minimum length. If rank(X) = l, then X contains a set of I linearly independent columns. Thus X can be written in the form X = (Xl, X2)P T ,


where X 1 is an n x l matrix of rank l, and X 2 is an n x (p - l) matrix whose columns are dependent upon the columns of X 1. Thus we can fit the linear

Numerical aspects of solving linear least squares problems


model (2.3)-(2.4) by solving the problem of finding/3B such that ~

]ly - xlt?~ I1~




min IlY - xIBBII2 ._,, /3B~Rt

We call the p-vector /~B = ( ~ B)


a basic solution to (4.1). The above discussion assumes that there is an efficient method for finding the column permutation pT in (4.2). In finite precision arithmetic, finding pT poses a difficult problem. Rank and linear dependence are seldom exact relations. We begin the following definition of rank and nullity given by Foster [44]. DEFINITION 4.1. The numerical e rank of a matrix X E R n×p with respect to the n o r m II'll is defined by

Ranks(X) = ~ n ( r a n k ( Y ) :

IIx- Yll

and the numerical e nullity is defined by Nulls(X) =mraX {nullity(Y): I [ X -


~< ~).

If we use the 2-norm, Definition 4.1 leads to a natural interpretation of Rank~ and Null~ in terms of the SVD. However, the computation of the SVD is expensive and often cannot take advantage of special structure such as sparsity. We would like to use orthogonal factorization in some way that 'reveals the rank' or to use Chan's [28] term, perform a 'rank revealing' orthogonal factorization. Consider the orthogonal factorization of an exactly rank deficient matrix X = (X1X2)P T. Let

[R11 X=Q~00


RO22)pT= (x1x2)pT ,


where Q is an n x n orthogonal matrix and Rl1 is the upper triangular factor of X r Since the columns of X 2 are dependent upon those of X 1, the matrix R22 = 0. However, in floating point arithmetic we cannot depend upon a quantity being exactly zero. For the reason, we conclude that if R22 is 'small', that is, if IIR22112 ~ E = c/£

then (4.2) holds for X given by



J. L. Barlow

Note that X clearly has rank I. Thus, in. numerical practice, it is desirable to obtain a factorization of the form (4.5) and isolate a matrix R22 satisfying (4.6). In particular this leads to the following problem. Find an ordering pX such that




where R has the form

R = ( RII

R12) R22




[IR;11112 ~ [ ~ o , ( X ) ] - l
~p) and any integer l (0 < l 0 then Solve Rk_lq = r. Let Q = QH T. ~k ~-min{~k-X, [rk,k[/(1 + [[q[[ 1)} if ~k " " > / % I> 0 and

U T C V = X = diag(0.1, • • • , % ) ,


p = m i n { m , n} . PROOF. F o r the proof, see [32, T h e o r e m 2.5.1].


T h e o-g are the singular values of C and they are collectively k n o w n as the singular value spectrum. T h e vectors ui and v i are the i-th left singular vector and the i-th right singular vector, respectively. T h e S V D reveals m a n y interesting structures of a matrix. If the S V D of C is given by T h e o r e m 1, and we define r by 0.1 ~> • • • ~> o-r > o-r+1 . . . . .

0.p = 0 ,

the n u m b e r of positive singular values, then r a n k ( C ) = r,



R([N 1.

. . .




N(C) = R ( [ v r + l , . . . , G ] ) . M o r e o v e r , if Ur = [Ul . . . . . ur], Nr = diag(0.1, • • • , °'r), and Vr = [v 1. . . . then we have the S V D expansion

C = U r Z y T= ~ ~uiv~.

, vr],



E q u a t i o n (16) which is also called the dyadic decomposition, d e c o m p o s e s the matrix C of rank r in a sum of r rank one matrices. F r o m (15) it follows that cTc=vxTxv




T .

Thus o-~, i = 1 , . . . , p , are eigenvalues of the symmetric and n o n n e g a t i v e definite matrices c T c and CC T, and v i and u~ are the c o r r e s p o n d i n g eigenvectots. H e n c e , in principle, the S V D can be r e d u c e d to the eigenvalue p r o b l e m for symmetric matrices. This is not a numerically suitable way to c o m p u t e the S V D , as is shown in [12]. T h e S V D plays an i m p o r t a n t role in a n u m b e r of matrix a p p r o x i m a t i o n problems. F o r our p u r p o s e the following is the m o s t i m p o r t a n t , w h e r e we consider the a p p r o x i m a t i o n of one matrix by a n o t h e r of lower rank. Several o t h e r results and extensions can be f o u n d in [32, 80]. THEOREM 2 ( E c k a r t - Y o u n g - M i r s k y matrix a p p r o x i m a t i o n theorem). Let the S V D of C E ~mXn be given by C = g~= 1 0.iuiv T with r = r a n k ( C ) . If k < r and Ck ~

k 1 ~uiv T r,i= ~ , then


rank(D) = k

IIC-DII,~= IIc-qll,.,=0.~+l



S. Van Huffel and H. Zha

and rain


ra~t~(D )=k

PROOF. For the proof, see [41, 21].





2.2. Basic solution

We now analyze the TLS problem by making substantial use of the SVD. As pointed out in [30] and more fully in [27, 31], this decomposition can be used to solve the TLS problem. Hereto we bring A x ~-b into the form [ a ; b][xT; --1] T = 0.


Let the SVD of [A; b] be n+l

[a; b] = U ~ V T = •

o'iuiv~f ,

0"1 ~ " .

>- o-,+, >10.



If o-,+1 ~ 0, [A; b] is of rank n + 1 and the space S generated by the rows of [A; b] coincides with R n+l. There is no nonzero vector in the orthogonal complement of S, hence the set of equations (19) is incompatible. In order to obtain a solution, the rank of [A;b] must be reduced to n. Using the Eckart-Young-Mirsky theorem, the best rank n TLS approximation [A;/~] of [A; b], which minimizes the deviations in variance, is given by [f~; 6] =


T ,

with 2 = diag(o-1,.,., tr,, 0).

The minimal TLS correction is then 0-,+ 1 =



II[a; b] - [A;


and is attained by [A; b]


[A;/~] = [AA; Aft] =


Orn+lbln+lOn+ 1 •

Note that this TLS correction matrix has rank one. It is clear that the approximate set

[A; f][xT; -1] T = 0 is now compatible and its solution is given by the only vector vn+ 1 (i.e., the last column of V) which belongs to N([A; 6]). The TLS solution is then obtained by scaling Vn+ 1 such that its last component is - 1 , i.e.,

DcT;-1] T

-1 -



1 ,



If v,+l,,+ 1 ~ 0 , then f = A £ ~R(A), i.e., equation (13) is satisfied, and hence solves the basic TLS problem.

The total least squares problem


Observe that, if on+ 1 is zero, [A; b] is of rank n and hence Un+1 ~ N([A; b]). In this case, the set of equations (19) is compatible and no approximation is needed to obtain the exact solution, given by (21). The following theorem gives conditions for the uniqueness and existence of a TLS solution. THEOREM 3 (Solution of the basic TLS problem A x ~ b). Suppose (20) /s the SVD of [A; b] and crnt is the smallest singular value of A. If crnt ~ ¢rn+l, then ]A;/~] = U~,V w and

~ = d i a g ( o - 1 , . . . , o-,0)


with corresponding TLS correction matrix

[aA; at;] = [A; b] -

[.4;/~] = Orn+lUn+lVn+ T 1


solves the TLS problem (12)-(13) and 1 )C - -




[el,n+ 1....

, On,n+l] T


exists and is the unique solution to fitx = [~. PROOF. For the proof, see [72, Theorem 2.6].


It is interesting to note here that the conditions O"n

On+ 1 ~:~

O'n>Orn+ I

and V n + l , n + l # O

are equivalent, as is proven in [72, Corollary 3.4]. An illustration of the geometry of the TLS solution in the column space of A is depicted in Figure 2(b) for n -- 2. The TLS problem is tantamount to finding a 'closest' subspace R([A;/~]) to the n + 1 columns of [A; b]. Hereto, the sum of squared perpendicular distances from each column ai, bi E R m to R([A;/~]) is minimized, and each column ai, b~ is approximated by its orthogonal projection ai, [~ onto that subspace.

2,3. Basic algorithm The following algorithm computes a TLS solution ~ of A x ~ b such that (A - AC])~ = b - A/~ and II[aA; ab]ll is minimal. ALGORITHM 1 (Basic TLS solution of A x ~ b). Given: A E R "xn and b E ~ m Step 1: Compute the SVD (20), i.e., [A; b] = u ~ v T ; Step 2: If V,+l,,+ 1 ~ 0 then 2 = --(1/%+l,n+l)[Vl,n+ 1. . . . , V,,n+~]~r. END


S. Van Huffel and H. Zha

a2 [3 \\\\







Fig. 2. (a) The LS solution is obtained by projecting b orthogonally onto R ( A ) and solving A x = b'. (b) The TLS solution is obtained by approximating the columns a i of A and b by ~i and until fi is in the space R(A), generated by the columns a~, and Ax =/~.

3. Extensions of the basic TLS algorithm The basic algorithm discussed in the last section can only handle the case that Vn+l,n+ ~ ¢ 0. In this section, we will introduce the concept of nongeneric TLS solutions, and extend the results of the last section. Before we proceed, we first discuss the issue of nonuniqueness of the TLS solution in the generic case.

3.1. N o n u n i q u e n e s s o f the T L S solution

The condition 0 - ' > o-n+l, or equivalently, o-n > °'n+l and Vn+l,n+ 1 ~ 0 , ensure that Algorithm 1 computes the unique TLS solution of A x - ~ b . These conditions are generically satisfied provided A is of full rank and the set A x -~ b is not highly noncompatible. Hence, most TLS problems which arise in practice can be solved by means of Algorithm 1. Suppose now that o-n = o-n+l" Then the TLS problem (12)-(13) m a y still have a solution although it may not be unique. Indeed, any linear combination of the singular vectors V p + l , . . . , G + l associated with the multiple singular value o-p+1 . . . . . o-n+l, P < n and o-e > o-p+l, solves the TLS p r o b l e m provided it results in a vector of the form [iT; --1] T. The same conclusions apply to the case m < n, i.e., the set A x ~ b is underdetermined, since then the conditions o-m+1 . . . . . O'n+1 = 0 hold. W h e n e v e r o-n = o-n+i, Algorithm 1 still computes a TLS solution which may be appropriate for the user. H o w e v e r , one often wants to single out the TLS solution with m i n i m a l n o r m Ildll2 since this solution has minimal sensitivity. This suggests maximizing Vn+l,n+ 1 in T h e o r e m 3 and can be accomplished as follows. THEOREM 4 (Minimum norm TLS solution of A x .-~ b). Consider the TLS p r o b l e m (12)-(14). L e t (20) be the SVD o f [A; b] and a s s u m e that O-p > o-p +l =

The total least squares problem ....


o', +~ with p ~0



be the SVD of A and (20) be the SVD of [A; b]. Let b' be the orthogonal projection of b onto R ( A ) and [A;b] be given by (22). If o-.>o-n+ 1 and v.+l,.+ 1 = 0, then this theorem proves that O n + 1 ~--- O ' n ,

Un+ 1

_ +





and b, b' as well as/~ are orthogonal to u',. It is easy to see that the generic TLS approximation [A; b] and corresponding

The total least squares problem


TLS correction matrix [AA; A/~] (see Theorem 3) minimizes II[AA;a6lllF but does not satisfy the constraint /~ E R(A) and therefore, this [A;/)] does not solve the TLS problem (12)-(13). Indeed, using (28), (20) and (29), one obtains [A;/~] = [A;b] =

- -


, , ,i T "~~OJ 1 •= O'iUiV

- -



- -

T 1 Orn+lUn+lVn+

t ¢r nIT ; o ] OrnUn[V


' ' 'T O-iUiV i ;



Observe that this approximation makes A rank-deficient! Indeed, A is reduced to a matrix .4 of rank n - 1 while b is not changed at all. Since rank(A) = n 1 < rank([A;/~]) = n, it follows t h a t / ~ f R ( . 4 ) . Moreover, (29) also yields

[A; filv.+l = 0 ~

Av'. = o ,

[A;b]Vn+l=Orn+lUn+l ~

Av" +O'b =Av'=o-'u'n~'O

if O"n=0. (30)

This means that the solution v" of the set .4x = 0 describes an approximate linear relation among the columns of A instead of estimating the desired linear relation between A and b. In these situations, the generic TLS problem (12)-(13) as such has no meaningful solution, as is shown in the examples above. Moreover, this approach makes the problem very ill-conditioned. Indeed, since e must be as small as possible, the coefficients of the generic TLS solution 2 are inflated and have large variances. Therefore, we propose here a nongeneric solution which still satisfies the TLS criteria (12)-(13) under the additional constraint that [ z ~ ' ~ A f ] V n + l = 0 or equivalently [_Xl].J-Vn+ 1. DEFINITION 3 (The nongeneric one-dimensional total least squares problem). Given an overdetermined set of m linear equations Ax -~ b in n unknowns x. Let (20) be the SVD of [A; b]. The nongeneric one-dimensional total least squares (TLS) problem is min

[A; fi]~mx(~+1)

subject to

II[Z; b] -




/~ E R(.~),


(32) Vj: max { p } < j < ~ n + l . Vn÷l,p~O


Once a minimizing [A;/~] is found, then any x satisfying ,4x = f


is called a nongeneric TLS solution, and [AA; Aft] = [A; b] - [A;/~] the corresponding nongeneric TLS correction.


s. Van Huffel and H. Zha

Since (33)¢:>[21]A_vj, j = p + 1 , . . . , n + 1 (provided Un+l,p ~&0), one could as well use the latter constraints instead of (33). The introduction of the additional constraints [ _~ ] ± v j, Vj with vn + 1,j = 0 in the nongeneric TLS approach can be motivated as follows. The singular vectors vj with negligible or zero last component and associated with a small singular value, are called nonpredictive multicollinearities in linear regression since they reveal multicollinearities (i.e., approximate linear dependencies between the columns of A) in A that are of no (or negligible) value in predicting the response b. In fact if Un+l,n+1 = O, then using (29) yields (30). Since o-" = o-n+1 is the smallest singular value, this means that A is nearly rank-deficient or else the set of equations is highly noncompatible. Since also b l u " = un+l, according to (29), there is no correlation between A and b in the direction of u', = u, +1. Hence, it does not make sense here to induce a correlation between A and b in the direction u~+ 1. This would induce a wrong interpretation about the exact relation between A and b. If b±u~+~ then keep also the TLS approximation /~_l_u,+1 as done in our nongeneric TLS approach. Therefore, the strategy of nongeneric TLS is to eliminate those directions in A which are not at all correlated with the observation vector b. Indeed, solving a set of equations is computing the relation between A and b. If there is no correlation between b and a left singular vector u} of A, i.e., b ± u } , it is better to eliminate that direction rather than forcing a solution in that direction. Latent root regression [76] follows a similar approach. It minimizes the residual sum of squares IIAx-bll subject to the same constraints, i.e., [_~l]±{all nonpredictive vj}. Hence, if there are no nonpredictive vj, then the latent root regression estimate equals the LS solution. This is a way of stabilizing the solution in linear regression when the data in A are nearly multicollinear ( o - - 0). It is well known that then the ordinary LS solution tends to be inflated and predicted values may be unreasonable. The nongeneric TLS solution is another way of handling this multicollinearity problem and stabilizing the TLS solution. Nongeneric TLS minimizes the applied corrections IlIA-A; b - b]ll subject to Ax = ~ and the same constraints as used in latent root regression. If there are no nonpredictive vj, then the nongeneric TLS solution equals the generic TLS solution. This is proven in our next theorem. THEOREM 5 (Nongeneric one-dimensional TLS solution). Let (20) be the SVD o f [A;b] and assume vn+ld=O for j = p + l , . . . , n + l, ptr p and on+l, p ~ O, then [A; fi] = u S v T with 5: = d i a g ( ~ l , . . . ,

% - 1 , 0 , %+1 . . . .

, ~rn+l) (35)

with corresponding nongeneric TLS correction matrix

[AA; A/;] = [A; bl - [A; b] = O-p%V~


The total least squares problem


solves the nongeneric TLS problem (31)-(33) and 1 2=- - -


[va,p,...,G,pl r


exists and is the unique solution to Ax = b. PROOF. For the proof, see [72, Theorem 3.12].


In numerical practice, G+I,] will seldom be zero. Indeed, due to errors in the observations [A; b], a zero-valued Vn+ld in the SVD of the unobservable true data matrix [A0; b0] will differ from zero in the SVD of [A; b]. Hence, it is advisable to define an error bound e such that all ]Vn+l,]] < e are considered to be zero (see Section 3.3). It should be noted that nongeneric TLS problems do not occur if one is only interested in estimating a linear relationship between the columns of [A; b], no matter which column is used as right-hand side. If then Vn+l,n+1 = 0, one simply replaces b by any column a i of A provided vi,~+1 ~ 0.

3.3. Extended TLS algorithm We now summarize the practical TLS computations into one algorithm which solves any generic and nongeneric TLS problem with one right-hand side. In case of nonuniqueness, the minimum norm TLS solution is computed. A fully documented Fortran 77 program of this classical TLS algorithm is given in [61, 59]. The code can be obtained through netlib [20]. ALGORITHM 2 ((Non)generic TLS solution 2 of A x ~-b). Given: An m x n data matrix A and an m x 1 observation vector b. Step 1: SVD of [A; b]. Compute the singular value decomposition (20) of [A; b]. Step 2: Rank determination. If not user determined, compute the numerical rank r (~"-~>o- r >R~ i>o-~+1/>'--~o-n+ 1


with R. an appropriate rank determinator. Step 3: TLS solution 2. Compute with Householder transformations the orthogonal matrix Q such that

[Or+ 1


If ]yl < e then

vn+l]Q = [

Y 0 n-r

z]n 3' 1" 1



S. Van Huffel and H. Zha

begin (TLS solution is nongeneric} lower the rank r with the multiplicity of trr go back to the beginning of Step 3 end else 2 = -(1/vn+l,n+1)[v~,,+i,... , Vn,n+l]T. END

4. More efficient TLS algorithms

In this section, we will present some methods that will enhance the efficiency of the algorithms discussed before. We will also discuss some iterative methods that are more suitable for large sparse problems.

4.1. Direct speed improvement Observe from (39) that we only need to compute a few singular vectors, associated with the smallest singular values of [A; b] in order to obtain the TLS solution 2. Moreover, we only need to compute a basis of the singular subspace corresponding to the smallest n + 1 - r singular values with r the numerical rank of [A; b]. Based on these properties Van Huffel and Vandewalle [65] were able to improve the efficiency of the TLS computations by computing the SVD of [A; b] in Step 1 only 'partially'. This results in the development of an improved algorithm PSVD which computes the singular subspace of a matrix, associated with its smallest singular values. There are three reasons for its high efficiency with respect to the classical SVD algorithm. First, the Householder transformations of the bidiagonalization are only applied to the basis vectors of the desired singular subspace. Second, the bidiagonal matrix is only partially diagonalized and third, an appropriate choice is made between Q R and QL iteration steps. Incorporating the 'partial SVD' algorithm into the TLS computations, results in an improved 'partial TLS' algorithm PTLS. Its higher efficiency with respect to the classical TLS algorithm is demonstrated and confirmed with computational results (see [72, Section 4.5; 65]). Typically, PTLS reduces the computation time with a factor 2. An alternative method for computing the basis of a left and/or right singular subspace of a matrix associated with its smallest singular values, appeared recently [15, 16]. Similarly to PSVD, this method does not need to compute the complete SVD but instead uses a rank revealing QR factorization ( R R Q R ) , i.e., a QR factorization of a matrix C in the particular form

Cm×nH=QR=Q[ Rll R12]r


R2zJn - r

with r the numerical rank of C (40)

and 11R22[[2 small such that any numerical rank deficiency in C is revealed. Chan [14] has described an algorithm for choosing the permutation H that

The total least squares problem


guarantees [[Rz2ll2 to be small. Using this R R Q R , upper and lower bounds for the small singular values are e ~ i l y obtained and used to compute the numerical rank r of C. The R R O R also yields approximations to the corresponding n - r singular vectors, which are then further improved by means of inverse subspace iteration. Finally, these vectors can be used to compute the TLS solution ~ of A x ~ b , C = [A; b], by performing Step 3 of Algorithm 2. As long as the matrix C has a well-determined numerical rank r, i.e., the gap between o-~ and err+1 is large, and the nullity is small compared t o the dimensions of the matrix, the computational complexity of the R R Q R algorithm is only slightly larger than that of the ordinary Q R algorithm., Moreover, Bischof and Hansen [11] have recently demonstrated how t h e R R O R factorization of a sparse matrix can be computed efficiently without destroying the sparsity pattern o f the matrix. Since PSVD carries out a complete reduction to bidiagonal form, it is not well suited for general sparse matrices. Based on this analysis, Chan and Hansen concluded that the R R Q R based TLS algorithm described in [15, 16] is actually less demanding t h a n PTLS, mainly because a reduction to bidiagonal form is avoided. It should b e noted that their conclusions primarily hold when the nullity n - r, i.e., the dimension of the numerical null space of [A; b]m×n, is small, the gap between trr and or+ 1 is large and the TLS problem is not close-to-nongeneric. H o w e v e r , when the gap is not so large, the R R Q R based TLS algorithm is still able to give good results but at the cost of a larger computational effort involved in the large number of inverse subspace iterations. Finally, we mention that, based on the concept of the R R Q R factorization, Stewart [56] recently proposed the so-called rank revealing URV decomposition. Let C,n×n be of numerical rank r such that its singular values satisfy or1 i>- • •/> o-r > trr+ 1/>" • " I> trn where trr is large compared to trr+ 1. T h e n , C can be decomposed into the form

where U, V are orthogonal, R and G are upper triangular, o-r approaches the minimal singular value of R and HFII2 + HGH~ o-~+ 2 1 + • • • + o',. 2 It is shown that this decomposition is equally effective as the SVD in exhibiting the null space. In contrast to the R R Q R , this decomposition exhibits the null space of C explicitly. Moreover, it is shown that this decomposition is equally effective as the SVD in exhibiting the null space of a matrix but is computationaUy much more efficient and can be easily updated in an efficient way. Replacing the classical SVD in the TLS algorithm by a R R U R V decomposition leads to an efficient and reliable TLS algorithm that can be parallelized in an efficient way [74].

4.2. Iterative speed improvement If a priori information is available, the computation time can be further reduced by using an iterative algorithm. This happens for instance in the


S. Van Huffel and H. Zha

estimation of parameters of nonstationary systems that slowly vary with time, space or frequency. In these problems, slowly varying systems of equations have to be solved at each time instant and the TLS solution at step t is usually a good initial guess for the solution at step t + 1. Therefore, iterative algorithms are more efficient since these methods include this a priori information in the choice of their starting vector or matrix. Two types of varying data sequences are possible. The changes in the data matrix at each step can be of rank one (or two), e.g., when a new column or row is added or deleted. In these cases, the computation time can be sped up considerably by using efficient rank 1 updating algorithms [32, Section 12.6]. In other situations, e.g., block-processing, the changes are of small norm but still of full rank, e.g., when all elements of the data matrix change slowly from step to step. There are still other reasons for preferring iterative methods in high speed computing. Each step of an iteration routine gives a new and better estimate of the solution. This allows to control the level of convergence depending on the perturbations of the data. Furthermore, iterative algorithms are easy to code. Finally, an iterative algorithm enables us to use the given matrix over and over again without modifying it during the computation. This is most important if the matrix itself is highly structured or sparse. In [72, Chapter 5; 62] various iterative algorithms are compared for solving slowly varying TLS problems A x --~b of small or moderate size that require at each time instant the computation of the singular subspace of the data matrix [A;b] associated with its smallest singular values. In particular, inverse iteration, ordinary Chebyshev iteration and inverse Chebyshev iteration are discussed. Also, Rayleigh quotient iteration and the Lanczos methods are briefly described. By analyzing the convergence properties of these methods, it is shown that inverse iteration is generally the best choice in terms of efficiency and ease-of-use provided the ratio between the singular values, corresponding to the desired and undesired singular subspace of the matrix C - - [ A ; b], is high. If this ratio is small, say less than one order of magnitude, convergence can be accelerated by applying the Chebyshev polynomials instead of the inverse power functions to the cross-product matrix c T c (resp., ( c T c ) - I ) . This method is called ordinary (resp., inverse) Chebyshev iteration. Inverse Chebyshev iteration is proven to converge always faster, mostly considerably, to the desired basis than ordinary Chebyshev iteration. Moreover, this method converges always faster than inverse iteration provided a lower bound sufficiently close to the undesired squared singular value spectrum is known. The smaller the gap, the larger the gain in speed. Ordinary Chebyshev iteration is only efficient in problems characterized by a very dense singular value spectrum. The (inverse) Lanczos method is shown to have a similar convergence behavior as (inverse) Chebyshev iteration with optimal bounds. Moreover, no bounds on the singular values need be known. Note however that roundoff errors make the Lanczos methods difficult to use in practice. Additional computations are required which reduce their computational efficiency and question their practical use in moderately sized TLS problems.

The total least squares problem


Based on the convergence rate and the number of operations in each iteration step, the efficiency of iterative methods can be compared with that of the direct computation methods: classical and partial SVD. It is concluded that iterative methods are most efficient when only one singular vector is to be computed, their convergence rate is sufficiently high, the desired accuracy is rather low and a good start vector is available. Iterative methods are therefore particularly attractive in solving slowly varying TLS problems because then the solution of a previous set is mostly a good initial guess for the solution of the next set.

5. TLS applications The improved results obtained so far in TLS applications enhance the widespread use of this method. There are basically three situations in which TLS is most useful. First of all, TLS has been proven useful in models with only measurement error. These models, referred to as classical errors-in-variables (EIV) models, are characterized by the fact that the true values of the observed variables satisfy one or more unknown but exact linear relations of the form (1). If the errors in the observations are independent random variables with zero mean and equal variance, TLS gives better estimates than LS does, as confirmed by simulations [69, 67, 72, 7, 6]. This situation may occur far more often in practice than is recognized. It is very common in agricultural, medical and economic sciences, in humanities, business and many other data analysis situations. Hence TLS should prove to be a quite useful tool to data analysts. An important caveat should be noted. The EIV model is useful when the primary goal is model parameter estimation rather than prediction. If one wishes to predict new values b ° of/3 given additional measurements a i of a in model (3)-(4), ordinary LS should normally be used. Also, if the data significantly violate the model assumptions, e.g., when outliers are present, the accuracy of the TLS estimates deteriorates considerably [7, 6]. Also LS encounters stability problems, although less dramatically. In these situations, robust procedures which are quite efficient and rather insensitive to outliers, should be applied, e.g., [17, 79]. A second application of TLS stems from the immediate connection between TLS and orthogonal least squares fitting. TLS fits a linear manifold of dimension s, 1 ~1) right-hand side vectors. The latter problems can be solved by computing the TLS solution of each subproblem A x i ~- bi, i = 1 , . . . , d separately. Hereto, Algorithm 1 or 2 can be used. A better way of computation, at least when all data are equally perturbed and all subproblems A x i ~-bi have the same degree of noncompatibility, is to solve the multidimensional TLS problem A X ~ B . These problems are studied in detail in [72, Section 3.2]. In particular, if the errors in the measurements A and B are uncorrelated with zero mean and equal variance, then under mild conditions the classical TLS solution fff of A X ~ B is a strongly consistent estimate of the true solution X 0 of the corresponding unperturbed set A o X = B o [26, 23; 72, Section 8.4]. Much of the literature concerns the classical TLS problem A X ~ B , in which all columns of A are subject to errors, but more general TLS problems, as well as other problems related to classical TLS, have been proposed and are being investigated (see [72] for a list of references). First of all, in certain linear modeling problems s o m e of the columns of A

S. Van Huffel and H. Zha


may be known exactly. For instance, every intercept model a + alx

I + • • • + anX n =


gives rise to an overdetermined set of equations [1,~; A x with 1m = [ 1 , . . . , 1] T in which the first column of the left-hand side matrix is known exactly [26, 28]. Other examples occur in system identification, for instance, when a system can be modeled as a transfer function model (see equation (43)). If the inputs to the system can be measured without error and enough input-output measurements are available, then estimating the parameters of these models gives rise to TLS problems with exactly known columns [70, 57]. In order to maximize the accuracy of the estimated parameters x, it is natural to require that the corresponding columns of A be unperturbed since they are known exactly. Therefore, the classical TLS problem formulation and the algorithms, as given in this paper, have been generalized. By varying the number of exactly known columns of A m x n from 0 to n, this so-called mixed L S - T L S problem can handle the classical LS problem, any mixed T L S - L S problem and the classical TLS problem [72, Section 3.5; 28]. Moreover, the errors in the remaining data may be correlated and not equally sized. In order to maintain consistency of the result when solving these problems, the mixed LS-TLS problem formulation can be further generalized as follows (M -T denotes the transposed inverse for matrix M). DEFINITION 4 (The generalized TLS (GTLS) problem). Given a set of m linear equations in n × d unknowns X AX~B,

A E R m×n,


m×d, a n d X E ~

n×d ,


partition A = [A1; A2] ,

A 1 ~ ~ mxnl, A 2 E ~ mxn2, and n = n I + n 2 ,

X = [xT; xT] T , X, E R 'q×a and X 2 E[K "2xd

(45) (46)

and assume that the columns of A 1 are error-flee and that nonsingular error equilibration matrices D E Nmxm and C 2 ~ R (n2+d)x(n2+d) a r e given such that the errors in D-T[A2; B]C21 are equilibrated, i.e., uncorrelated with zero mean and same variance. Then, the generalized TLS ( G T L S ) problem is the following: min

[A2;B]~m×(n2 +d)

subject to

IID-T[A2 - 1212;B - [3]C~HF

R(/}) C_R(•).

(47) (48)


The total least squares problem T


Once a minimizing [Az;/~] is found, then any X = [ X 1 ; X2] A X = A I X 1 + A2X2 = B

satisfying (49)

is called a G T L S solution a n d [ A A z ; A B ] = [ A z - ~ X t z ; B - / ~ ] the corresponding generalized T L S correction. By varying n 1 from n to zero, this formulation can handle any LS ( n 1 = n, C2 = I, D = I) and generalized LS problem (n I = n, C2 = I), as well as every TLS (n 1=0, C 2 = I , D = I ) , mixed LS-TLS ( C 2 = I , D = I ) and GTLS problem. If D = I m then C2 is up to a factor of proportionality given by the square root of the error covariance matrix c~2 = g([AA2; AB]T[AA2; AB]), which defines the correlations between the errors [AA2; AB] in [A2; B]. Often, only ~2 is known: in this case, the matrix C2 is simply obtained from its T Cholesky decomposition, i.e., c~2 = C 2 C2 and C 2 upper triangular. Because of its close relation to the general EIV model, this special GTLS problem is of utmost importance in EIV regression. Indeed, under mild conditions the GTLS solution of this problem is shown to be a consistent estimate of the true 0 0 parameters X1, X 2 of this general EIV model. Consistency conditions for the one-dimensional GTLS solution (d = 1) are investigated by Gallo [25, 24] while Fuller [23, Section 4.1] proves consistency of the more general multidimensional GTLS solution. An algorithm which computes this GTLS solution by means of the GSVD, is outlined in [68]. Some further improvements in numerical performance are discussed in [81]. A further generalization of this GTLS problem, called the restricted T L S ( R T L S ) problem, is discussed in [73, 80, 82]. This formulation allows D and C to be rectangular, even rank-deficient any column of A and B can be declared error-fee and equality constraints can be imposed. Other constrained TLS problems have been considered in literature. TLS problems subject to linear constraints are solved in [72, Section 10.2] while de Moor [19] investigated TLS problems A x ~-b with both nonnegativity constraints (i.e., x i>0) and inequality constraints x ~>a, a 5 0 on the solution vector x. Another constrained TLS problem has been formulated by Arun [10]. The problem addressed here and arising in signal processing applications, is the determination of the TLS solution X of A X ~-B, subject to the constraint that )t" be unitary. As proved by Arun, the solution to this unitarily constrained T L S problem is the same as the solution to the orthogonal Procrustes problem [32, p. 582]. Abatzoglou and Mendel [2] considered yet another constrained TLS problem, which extends the one-dimensional classical TLS problem A x ~-b to the case where the errors A A , Ab in the data A, b are algebraically related. In this case, the TLS solution may no longer yield optimal statistical estimators. This happens, for instance, in system identification when we try to estimate the impulse response of a system from its input and output by discrete deconvolu-

S. Van Huffel and H. Zha


tion (see equation (42)). The errors in U are obviously Toeplitz and this information is not used in the classical TLS problem. To get more accurate estimates of 2, Abatzoglou and Mendel extended the classical TLS method to incorporate the algebraic dependence of the errors in [A; b] and called their extension 'constrained TLS'. Another class of TLS related problems we consider here is obtained by formulating the classical TLS problem in some other norm. These problems, called total approximation problems, have been investigated by Sp/ith, Watson and Osborne [75, 42, 53] and can be formulated as follows. DEFINITION 5 (Total approximation problem). Find 2 E ~n to minimize subject to

It[aA, ablll (A + zlA)2 = b + zab ,


where the norm[[.ll is an appropriate matrix norm. For example, if the errors in A and b are independent and normally distributed then the most likely explanation of the data is achieved by minimizing the Frobenius norm of [AA; Ab], i.e., the classical TLS problem. However, if the data give rise to gross errors (wild points) then a more robust estimator may be the 11 norm of the perturbation matrix regarded as an extended vector. For a situation between these two extremes, some other lp norm, l < p < 2 , may be statistically more appropriate. (50) is a nonconvex problem, and so it may only be possible to find points satisfying first-order necessary conditions for local solutions (stationary points). Finally, let us consider nonlinear TLS problems which arise from the fitting of observations (ai, b i ) , i = 1 , . . . , m to a nonlinear model,

x) =/3.


In nonlinear regression the measurements a i of the independent variable a are assumed to be exact and only the observations b e of/3 are subject to random errors. In nonlinear TLS problems also the measurements of the independent variable a contain errors. Assume that ai and bl are subject to errors Aa e and zlb~ respectively, so that f ( a i -- A a i , x ) = b i -- A b e .

If the errors Aa e and Ab e are independent random variables with zero mean and equal variance, then it seems reasonable to choose the narameters x so that the sum of squares of the orthogonal distances ~Aa/2 + z~b-~ from the observations (ai, be) to the curve (51) is minimized. Hence the parameters x should be chosen as the solution to min ~ (Aa 2 + Abe)

x,Aa'Ab i=1

subject to

f(a i - A a i , x ) = b i - A b i,


The total least squares problem


Eliminating Abi using the constraints we arrive at the orthogonal distance

problem min ~ {(b i - f ( a i - A a i , x ) ) 2 + k a ~ } . x,aa i=1

If more generally a E R n and/3 E ~ in (51) are vectors, we have the problem min k ( l i b , - f ( a , - Aai, x)l122 + Ilaa, ll~} • x,Aa i=1

In particular when (51) reduces to o~Tx=/3, /3 ~ and x , a E ~ " , the orthogonal distance problem is a classical TLS problem. Algorithms for the nonlinear case, based on stabilized Gauss-Newton methods, have been given by Schwetlick and Tiller [50, 51], Boggs, Byrd and Schnabel [13] and Golub and LeVeque [29] (see also [23, Section 3.2]).

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The total least squares problem


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C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

1 1

/ 1_

Construction of Reliable Maximum Likelihood Algorithms with Application to Logistic and Cox Regression



1. Introduction

In this contribution we are interested in reliable construction principles for maximum likelihood estimators, meaning by that to consider iterative procedures that converge to the maximum likelihood estimator independently of the choice of initial value. Applications will be taken out of the area of regression where over the last decades several important developments have taken place. This is pointed out by Everitt (1987, p. 48): 'Some of the most useful developments to have taken place in statistics during the last two decades have concerned the extension of regression models to situations involving categorical variables; examples are log-linear methods, logistic regression and Cox's regression model for survival data. Each of these uses maximum likelihood methods for parameter estimation and in each case the solution of the maximum likelihood equations involves some type of iterative optimization algorithm.' The following notation will be used: l(y/x, 7r) parametric density, y dependent variable, x predictor vector, ~parameter vector of dimension m, n iid observations, log-likelihood L(Tr)= log Ilinl l(yi/x~, 7r), Score (vector) 7L(~r), observed information (matrix) i(Tr) = -72L(~-), Expected information (matriX) Ei(~-) = -EV2L(Tr) = E[VL(Tr)VL(Tr)T]. 7 denotes the vector of partial derivatives and V2 the matrix of second partial derivatives. Two cases can be distinguished. For each of those not only different construction principles can be developed, but also different areas of applications will be of interest. Case I: The observed information has a natural bound. This case is investigated in B6hning and Lindsay (I988) and Brhning (1991) and the results are 409

D. Bbhning


surveyed here. Applications include logistic regression and Cox regression for survival data. Logistic regression has become an important research tool in many areas including epidemiology (see Breslow and Day, 1980, and Kleinbaum, Kupper and Morgenstern, 1982), where often risk factors have to be found out of a large set of potential predictors, the so-called best logistic regression. The latter needs enormous computational effort which also can be improved by the techniques discussed here. Case II: The observed information is convex. Also for this case reliably converging procedures can be found; interesting applications include log-linear models and mixture models. See B6hning (1989) and B6hning, Schlattmann and Lindsay (1992). The aim of this contribution is the discussion of the lower bound method and its application in regression. Its numerical efficiency will be compared with that of the Newton-Raphson procedure.

2. The lower bound procedure and a monotonicity property

For ~r E ~m and a negative definite m x m matrix B, consider the quadratic form QB(~. ) = (~. _ ~r0)TVL(~r0) + 1(~. _ ~.0)TB(~. _ ~'0) which can be viewed as an approximation to L ( ~ - ) - L(~-0). If in particular B = V2L(~'0), we have the Taylor approximation of second order. LEMMA 1. (i) QB attains its maximum for IrLB = % -- B-1VL(~'0). (ii) QB(~'LB) = -- ½VL(~-0)TB -1VL(~-o) >t 0. For B =V/L(~r0), we get the N(ewton)-R(aphson) procedure. consider the second order Taylor expansion,

Let us

L(~r) - L(~-0) = (~- - "n'0)TvL('n'0) +



0 +



/> ('/7"-- -'rro)TVL('n'o) + l('n" -- "ffo)TB('n"-- "no), where the inequality holds for all ~, if

V2L(~)/> B

for all ~-.


Here C I> D denotes Loewner ordering of two matrices and means that C - D is nonnegative definite. In the case of (*), Q,(~)~< L ( ~ ' ) - L(~-0) for all It. RESULT 1. Suppose the inequality (*) holds. Then, we have the following

Construction of reliable maximum likelihood algorithms


properties for the lower bound procedure ~LB = % -- B-IVL(%) : (i) Monotonicity. L(~'LB )/> L(%)

with '>' if 7rLB~ % .

(ii) Convergence. If, in addition, L is bounded above then

IIVL( )II.]---~ ,0, where (~j) is any sequence generated by the lower bound procedure. Frequently, one observes problems with the reliable convergence of the N R procedure as the spider webb effect shows as example for the following function: ~ l n ( l + ~-) - ~-,


L ( ~ ' ) = [ I n ( 1 - ~') + I t ,

~- ~< 0 .

Here the Newton-Raphson and the lower bound iteration are given by --


"/TNR =




"n" ~ 0



~'~ o -2, i.e., for mainly positively correlated residuals (compare also Figure 7). This is, however, the critical and realistic case.

2.6. Estimation of derivatives and characteristic points In many applications the estimation of derivatives of a function is of greater interest than of the function itself. Examples are growth and other monotone processes where the first derivative (growth velocity) and the second derivative (growth acceleration) are more informative and thus the functions usually estimated. Derivatives may also prove useful when determining characteristic parameters from a curve, such as extrema, inflection points etc. These parameters have often more intuitive appeal than parameters obtained by parametric fitting, and in human growth such descriptive parameters and not the parameters of the model are used even when fitting parametric models. Such parameters rather than the fitted curves can then be used for further statistical analysis. It is plausible that nonparametric techniques are suitable to extract such parameters (see below). When estimating a v-th derivative r ~) of the regression function r by iv, the convolution weights in (5) are defined as follows:

1 f.s/

wi(x, x, h) = h~÷~

Si-- 1

(X -- /~) d u ,

K~ T


T. Gasser, J. Engel and B. Seifert


where the p-th order kernel function K, has to satisfy the moment conditions



f- ' K"(u)uJ du = tO '#o ,

j=~,, jj = PO". " " v - l' e + l"

" 'P - l

The standard kernels are obtained for order p = 2 + v, and optimal kernels have been derived for derivatives as well (Gasser et al., 1985b; compare Figure 4 in Section 2.3). The variance and bias properties are as follows (with M(K,), V(K~), as in (15), (16)): Bias(f~(x)) =

hP-~M(K~)r(P)(x) + o(hP-~) , 2

Var(~(x)) -



V(K~) -F o ( r / - l h - ( 2 v + l ) )


Thus for p = 2 + u, the bias is proportional to h a, as for estimating r, and to r (2+~), i.e., again to the second derivative of the function estimated, be it the regression function itself, or its first or second derivative. Thus the qualitative properties of nonparametric functional bias apply also to derivatives. As to variance, an increase occurs due to the factor h -(2v+1) replacing h ~, and also since V(K~) becomes much larger. The MISE rate deteriorates from O(n -4/5) for the regression function itself to O(n -4/7) for the first and to O(n -4/9) for the second derivative when using kernels of order p = 2 + v.






i " ',).





: • ,

2 4



113 12 14 16 18 20


2 4



10 12 14 16 18 20


,j ;, ,; "--" ",,.~

,,'-', ",_._, ;/I,


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 YEARS

i!..//"., j/",.,,,. ../.....

4 6 8

10 12 14 16 18 20


Fig. 8. Growth in terms of raw velocities (far left) and raw accelerations (center left) of shoulder width of 5 boys (above) and 5 girls (below). Kernel fit with plug-in bandwidth selector of velocities (center right) and accelerations (far right) for data on the left.

Nonparametric function estimation


The higher variability for derivatives, and the slower rate of convergence are not unexpected, since the estimation of derivatives from noisy data is known to be a delicate problem. In growth studies, growth acceleration was always considered an interesting function, but out of reach due to problems with variability. Kernel estimators for the first time allowed their determination, based on not more than 32 longitudinal measurements (Gasser et al., 1984a,b; see Figure 1 in Section 2.1). Again, a bandwidth has to be selected (see Section 2.4). To do it by eye is no longer feasible. Cross-validation type bandwidth selectors have been suggested by Rice (1986) and by Mfiller, Stadtmfiller and Schmitt (1987). The plug-in method based on the asymptotically optimal bandwidth again has some advantages. Figure 8 shows an application of the latter approach to fitting velocity and acceleration curves to growth data.

Character&tic points Estimating characteristic parameters such as extrema or inflection points from a single curve may be as important as obtaining the function estimate itself (see Silverman, 1985, for an example), and this is even more true for samples of curves. Extracting parameters from curves and subjecting them to further statistical treatment has a long tradition (Wishart, 1938). Approaches such as growth curve type MANOVA do not allow for shift differences between curves, and assign all differences to the y-dimension.-Extracting characteristic parameters, such as location and size of peaks and inflection points, automatically takes care of interindividual shift differences. Their estimation has been studied by M/iller (1985, 1989) and Kneip and Gasser (1992) based on kernel estimators of r (~) (v = 0, 1, 2). When estimating the location ~- of an extremum of r, for example, the bias is negligible if r is symmetric around z, and proportional to r(3)('r)/r(2)('r) otherwise. Thus, bias is larger if we have a flat peak and/or a very asymmetric peak. Variability is proportional to 1/r(Z)('r) and thus also larger for flat peaks, a finding which is intuitively plausible. In practice, the location of extrema, and also of other characteristics as inflection points, can be determined surprisingly accurately even for small to moderate sample sizes; the use of zeroes of estimated derivatives is recommended. The size of peaks is a further parameter of interest. Its estimate is approximately uncorrelated from location (Mfiller, 1985) and follows the theory given previously for estimators fi(x). Following (13) a downward bias has to be tolerated. The approach sketched above was, for example, rather successful in analyzing and quantifying the different processes of growth, and their sex dimorphism (see, e.g., Gasser et al., 1985a). Figure 8 may illustrate that well-defined locations and intensities can be derived for characteristic points based on just n = 32 individual measurements form birth to adulthood. The parametric models evaluated so far for human growth were not competitive in this respect.


T. Gasser, J. Engel and B. Seifert

2. 7. Multivariate regression estimation We will treat here the multivariate problem in the sense that d predictors x l , . . . , x d are allowed instead of one. The analysis of a regression model of the form Yi = r ( X l , i , " " • , Xd,i) "~ ei

for i = 1 , . . . , n in a nonparametric way is formally straightforward. Kernel estimators, for example, can be easily generalized to the d-dimensional case, and consistency and other asymptotic properties can be derived (Mfiller, 1988). An essential difference that comes up is rate of convergence in MISE of Op(n -4/(4+d)) instead of Op(n -4/5) in the one-dimensional case (assuming again kernels of order p = 2). The asymptotics thus suggest that for d >> 1 the approximation to the true surface r may become bad if the sample size is not extremely large. The underlying problem is that data in high-dimensional spaces are sparse. Assuming n = 1000 points uniformly distributed in the ten-dimensional cube [0, 1] 1°, a diameter of 0.63 for the smoothing ball is required, such that on the average 10 observations fall into the ball. Thus not much structure is left after

Fig. 9. Automatic 2-dimensional surface fit for simulated data n = 15 x 15; true surface (left above), data (right above), kernel fit with plug-in bandwidth selector (left below), optimal kernel fit with optimal bandwidth hopt (right below).

Nonparametric function estimation


smoothing over two thirds of the one-dimensional support, whereas a smaller area would leave us with insufficient reduction of variability (example of 'curse of dimensionality' by Stfitzle). This is not surprising, for an equally spaced design needs at least 21° = 1024 points in the corners of the cube. Further problems are the severe boundary problems, which become qualitatively worse (Staniswalis, Messer and Finston, 1990), and the difficulties in displaying the relationship between x l , . . . , x d and y. The case d = 2 is of great practical interest (spatial statistics, image analysis, taking one covariate in addition to the predictor of main interest), and allows a graphical representation. By Herrmann, Wand, Engel and Gasser (1991) a method was suggested for choosing the pair of bandwidths (hi, h2) in an optimal way from the data. Figure 9 illustrates its application to a simulated estimation problem. In order to cope with the curse of dimensionality a number of methods have been and are still proposed. For most of them, it is premature to judge now their general usefulness or specific merits. Therefore, only a brief outline and main references are given. Projection pursuit regression (Friedman and St/itzle, 1981) approximates the d-dimensional surface r ( x l , . . . , Xd) by r A ( X l , . . . , Xd) as M

= S, j=l

An iterative algorithm is used for estimating aj and gj: The vectors aj are determined in a projection pursuit step (reduction of dimensionality), the functions gj in a smoothing step. There are rules for fixing M ~ d, rkj = 0 for k > k' (k' < d). Then, using the triangular structure of R> it follows that /3j is aliased with at most /31, /32,...,/3~,- This conclusion depends on the order of the columns after pivoting; an alternative approach would be to work with the general R shown in equation (1.3). The set of all alias vectors a, for which X a = 0, is the linear subspace spanned by the columns of the (p - d) x d matrix Z*, orthogonal to Z of equation (2.20).

Computation using the QR decomposition


Regression fit and residuals. After rotation by ~)t, the response is ~ = (zt Iz*t) t. The fit and residuals are obtained from z by setting the last n - d and the first d elements of z to zero, respectively; ~ = z + + z *+. To obtain the fit 3) we simply rotate back z +, using (). Likewise, to obtain the residuals e we simply rotate back z* +. In detail: After the orthogonal transformation ~)t the fit is 0 ~ = z + =/~/~1. Applying the inverse transformation,

Thus the hat matrix H = QQt appears as expected. For computation, since z = Q ty has been computed, we use 3) = Qz, with cost an additional 4nd flops (Section 3.1). If ~ has been computed already, then the direct computation 3) = XI~ is typically half as expensive, 2np flops, but less accurate. The factor of two appears because the product Qz is reconstructed from d encoded Householder reflectors. After the orthogonal t r a n s f o r m a t i o n Qt the residual vector is ~)te = z * ÷ = ~ ) t y _ / ~ . Applying the inverse transformation, e=Q

. (Q0, t)y


,0,,= ( I -



The residual sum of squares is computed as ere, yielding mean square error ete/(n - d). To summarize, the components of y in X and X " are y=3)+e=(2(z+ +z*+)=Qz+Q*z*=QQ~y+Q*Q*~y,


and, after rotation by ~)t, they are = Qty =

Qt(3) -}"e) = Z+ + Z* + = (\ QQty . t y l].


Singular value decomposition. The singular value decomposition (SVD) of X

is X = UDV t ,


where D is diagonal, with diagonal elements strictly positive, and both U and V have orthonormal columns, u t u = v t v = I d. Applications of the SVD and of the Q R have been developed along partly parallel lines, for example for the solution of regression and related problems (this section and Section 4), and in showing statistical properties of regression estimators (Section 5). A more complete comparison is given in Section 3.2 and Section 4.3. A drawback of the SVD is its cost: The full SVD requires about 4nZp flops, although to solve the least squares problem using the SVD requires only D and V, which can be computed in 2np 2 + l l p 3 flops, compared to 2np 2 - 2p3/3 flops when using the Q R decomposition (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Sections 5.4.5 and 5.5.9). On


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the other hand, the numerical rank of a matrix is easily expressed in terms of the SVD but not the QR decomposition; an efficient hybrid QR-SVD approach is described in Section 3.1. A classical approach to problems involving a matrix X with less than full rank is to use a generalized inverse of X. In the next subsection, generalized inverses, discussed in terms of the QR decomposition, provide the full set of solutions to equation (2.5), R / ) = z . The vector of regression coefficients has shortest possible length, the so-called minimum norm solution, when the generalized inverse is the Moore-Penrose inverse, which is simply expressed in terms of the SVD, and, a little less easily in terms of the QR decomposition. Thus in the following subsection the complete orthogonal factorization of X is introduced, a 'double QR' decomposition which differs from equation (2.13) in that a triangular matrix takes the place of the diagonal matrix D. Generalized inverses and the Q R decomposition. X - is a generalized inverse, or g-inverse of X if and only if X X - X = X. A g-inverse X - is a reflexive g-inverse if X - X X - = X - (see Rao, 1973, Section lb.5, and also Arnold, 1981, Chapter 2). For any matrix X, the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse, denoted X +, is the unique reflexive g-inverse for which X - X and X X - are both symmetric. Assume first of all that X has full column rank, d = p. The M o o r e - P e n r o s e inverse is X + =(xtx)-lx =(RtR)-IRtQ =R-1Q


t t


t .

It is easily verified that X + =

R 1Qt

is a reflexive g-inverse. Furthermore

X + X = Ip and X X + = Q Q t = H are symmetric.

For general X, with d ~ [Ixll and v1 is the largest absolute element of v. Since P is unchanged when v is multiplied by a nonzero scalar, we can avoid underflow or overflow in the computation of Ilxll by replacing x by x / m a x ( I x l l , . . . , [ x , I ). A n

Computation using the QR decomposition


°- ....

i°° ....



• w







Fig. 1. Householder transformations of two different x (top and bottom) to the line O e 1. For each x, the possible v (see text) are u = x + Ilxlle~ and v=x-Ilxlle~. The respective Householder reflection is in the line Ov (dashed), and the reflection of x is indicated by the dotted line. In each example, the preferred ~, has the larger modulus of the two.

alternative is to normalize v so that v1 = 1. It is convenient to compute the scalar 2 / v t v = r, say. C o m p u t a t i o n of the Householder matrix has excellent roundoff properties, namely, the L 2 matrix n o r m of the difference between the fitted and exact H o u s e h o l d e r reflectors has the order of u, the unit roundoff (machine precision) for floating point operations on the computer! See Golub and van L o a n (1989, Sections 2.4 and 5.1.5) for complete details. The algorithm requires approximately 3n flops to compute v and 2/vtv = ~-. T h e r e is rarely any need to compute P explicitly as knowing v and z, an n x q matrix A can be overwritten by PA in only 4nq flops. Geometrical presentation of the Householder QR algorithm. T o compute the Q R decomposition of an n x p matrix X = ( x l , . . . , x p ) , we transform each column of X in turn, yielding/~. Let/~(1) be the H o u s e h o l d e r transformation, determined from x I as described above, such that P ( a ) x has first column (-sign(xa0llxll, 0 , . . . , 0) t. Thus p(1) is a reflection in the hyperplane through the origin that bisects the line segment x 1 to (-sign(xa)[Ix 1[l, 0 , . . . , 0) t. It is an orthogonal transformation that transforms x a to the direction of e a. We now choose a second orthogonal transformation that keeps x a fixed while transforming P(1)x 2 to the direction of e 2. The transformation /7,(2) comprises a reflection of the (n - 1)-dimensional subspace of F1n perpendicular to e~, and the identity • . ~(2) ~(a) . transformation of ca. Thus each element In the second column of P P X ~s zero except for the first two, while the first column of P ( a ) x is unchanged by p(2). A suitable p(2) is the orthogonal block diagonal matrix blockdiag(Ia, p(2)}, with diagonal blocks 1 and p ( 2 ) where p(2) is the

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Householder matrix computed using the last n - 1 elements of the second column of P(1)X. The k-th step, k < d , in the Q R decomposition of the n x p matrix X continues this pattern. The transformation p(k) comprises a reflection of the (n - k + 1)-dimensional subspace of/:/n perpendicular to e 1, e 2, . . . , and ek-1, and the identity transformation of the subspace spanned by e~, e 2 , . . . , e k 1. This transformation is orthogonal, and the composite of P(a), i~(2),..., p(k) (in either order!) is orthogonal. This, basically, is all there is to the Householder Q R decomposition! For notational convenience, assume X has full rank, and that k = 1,... ,min(n-l,p). After the ( k - 1 ) - s t step, X becomes X ( k - l ) = /~(k-1)p(k-2) . P(1)X, where the submatrix comprising the first k - 1 columns of X (k-I) is upper triangular, that is, Xij( k - i ) = 0 for i > j and 1 ~ p there are p ( p - 1)/2 elements below the diagonal and a total of p + ( p - 1) + • • • + 2 = p ( p + 1)/2 elements in the v (k). However, there is some redundancy in each v and z, as v can be multiplied by any nonzero scalar and ~-= 2 / v t v adjusted accordingly. Two choices both involve dropping the first element of v. They are (1) v = e 1 + sign(xl)x/llxl[ so that 1 / ~ - = v 1 = 1 + [Xxl/[[x[[, adopted for the linear algebra package L I N P A C K (Dongarra et al., 1979), and (2) v1 = 1, noted above, adopted for the linear algebra package L A P A C K (Anderson et al., 1992). Each choice is numerically

Computation using the QR decomposition


excellent, as the first element of v cannot be small, by construction. The remaining n - k elements of v (k) can be stored below the diagonal in the k-th column of R. Number of floating point operations. A rough operation count for the Householder QR decomposition with n > p and without pivoting is as follows: about 3n flops to compute the first reflector, pO), and 4 n ( p - 1) additional flops to compute the last p - 1 columns of X (1), for a total of about 4np flops. Computing p(2) and X (2) requires 4(n - 1)(p - 1) flops, etc. Summing p terms in this series, yields 2p(p + 1)((n - p ) + l(2p + 1)}, or approximately 2p2(n p / 3 ) flops, the count given by Golub and van Loan (1989, Section 5.2.1 and 5.3.4). When n ~

p the columns of Q* are not altered by S.) Pivoting. In weak pivoting, whenever a column of X is encountered that is linearly dependent on its predecessors, it is moved to the end and each column up to the end advances one. This step is easily incorporated into the Q R decomposition above by checking whether [[w(k)[[ is zero (to machine precision). In strong pivoting, the order of the columns of X is adjusted at each step of the QR decomposition so that w (k) is the column of y(k) with largest modulus. Pivoting algorithms are given in Golub and van Loan (1989) and Dongarra et al. (1979). The Businger and Golub (1965) algorithm, described in the first reference (Section 5.4.1), requires 4npd - 2d2(n + p ) + 4p3/3 flops. Rank. The numerical rank, or e-rank, of X with respect to a so-called tolerance e > 0 is defined to be d =d(X, e) ~

min rank(X*). IIx-x*ll~



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That is, if X* differs from X by a perturbation with norm less than e, then the rank of X* must be at least d (see Chan and Hansen, 1992). It is a straightforward result that the e-rank is equal to the number of singular values of X strictly greater than e. The tolerance e might be chosen to equal unit roundoff times the sup-norm of X (the largest element of Ixl), that is, ul[Xll~. Alternatively e might equal the rounding error (number of decimal places) in inputing X. The numerical rank is smaller than p if the matrix X is singular or ill-determined (Section 1). Approximately speaking, this situation occurs when K2(X), the condition number of X (in the L 2 norm), that is, the ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest singular value of X, is larger than 1/u, or alternatively the relative precision of the data X. Clearly it is undesirable to perform a 'throw-away' calculation of the SVD of X simply to obtain its rank. The rank of X could perhaps be determined within the QR algorithm, by comparing the matrix norms of IIy(k)II and IIXII. That is, if IIY(k}[I/IIX[I is very small, then the rank of X must be k - 1 or less. In the case of strong pivoting, we could use the maximum modulus of the columns of y(k~ as matrix norm; then the rank d equals one less than the first k for which this norm is small. Using weak pivoting, the rank equals p minus the number of columns pivoted to the end. However, the rank of X can be strictly less than min(n, p) without any IIY(k}ll being small (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 5.5.7). But then K=(R), the condition number of R (in the sup-norm) is very large (with extremely rare exceptions), where K= = IIRII=/IIR-~II=. This condition number can be computed for a triangular matrix very efficiently (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 3.5.4), in a small multiple of p2 flops. While essentially fail-safe in determining whether rank X < p, the combination QR decomposition and condition estimation does not provide an alwaysreliable estimate of the actual column-rank d of X. Chan (1987) presents a rank-revealing QR decomposition, in which a QR decomposition is followed by a succession of column permutations (and recomputation of the QR decomposition) designed to minimize the norm of the lower-right submatrix of R, starting with the 1 × 1 lower-right submatrix, then the 2 × 2 lower-right submatrix, etc. Let Djj denote the j-th largest singular value of X. After c steps the norm of the lower-right submatrix of R is guaranteed to be of order D,_c+~n_c+l, and the condition number (in L 2 norm) of the upper left submatrix of R will be approximately Dal/D,_c, c. Givens rotations and Gauss transformations. Let GI2(012) be the n × n block diagonal matrix b

sinOl2" ,Z._l.f

.... f / cos0,2 l°cKmag} ~ - s i n 01~ cos 012J

Likewise let Gij(Oij) be the n × n matrix equal to the identity apart from the angle-0~F2 × 2 rotation matrix in rows and columns i and j. Gij(Oij) is a Givens rotation. It is orthogonal, with determinant 1. By suitable choice of the 0~j, an n-vector x can be rotated to Ilxllel using a sequence of n - 1 Givens rotations, e.g., G12, G 1 3 , . . . , G1, (in arbitrary order) or G,_ 1., G n _ z n _ l , . . . , G12 (in

Computation using the QR decomposition


that order). The Q R decomposition of the matrix X requires ( m i n ~ n , p ) ) Givens rotations. The Givens-based Q R decomposition has very good numerical properties, and is fairly fast. A Givens rotation can be computed in 5 flops and a single square root, and the appropriate 2 rows of an m-column matrix can be overwritten in 6m flops (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Sections 5.1.8 and 5.1.9). Overall, to compute the Q R decomposition, the n u m b e r of flops is 3pZ(n - - p / 3 ) , or 50% more than the Householder-based decomposition (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 5.2.3). The cost of computing the square roots in the Givens rotations becomes significant when the matrix X is banded (xij = 0 if i > j + b L or if ] > i + b y ) , and b L and b u are small compared to p. The square roots are avoided using fast Givens rotations, and then the number of flops is 2p2(n - p / 3 ) , the same as the Householder Q R performance, but care is needed to avoid overflow in the computations (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 5.2.5). For sparse matrices the additional control offered in the choice of which (i, j) pairs to use can lead to considerable gains in efficiency. The example of ridge regression is given in Section 4.2. The principal drawback is book-keeping: there are many more elementary transformations to consider. As we have seen, one principal feature of the Q R decomposition is to reduce X to upper triangular form. This by itself does not require an orthogonal transformation, a Householder reflector or a Givens rotation say. Instead a linear, shear, transformation can be applied. A shear, parallel to el, applied to a 2-vector x = (xl, X2) t c a n leave x 1 unchanged and set x 2 to 0. For x an n-vector, let M = I - act1 where a 1 = 0 and aj = xj/xa f o r j / > 2. Then M x = x l e ~ is the Gauss transformation of x. Computing M requires fewer than half the number of steps needed to compute the Householder matrix. However, the result is numerically unstable whenever x I is small. A matrix X can be reduced to upper triangular form using a succession of min(n - 1, p) Gauss transformations, exactly as described for the Householder-based Q R decomposition. M o d i f i e d G r a m - S c h m i d t algorithm. Instead of using a succession of Gauss transformations directly, the modified G r a m - S c h m i d t m e t h o d may be used to construct both an upper triangular matrix R and an orthogonal basis Q of X. From the Q R decomposition, equations (1.1)-(1.3), x~ = r11ql , x 2 = raaql + rzzq2, and qtaxz=rlz. Thus qa is the unit vector Xl/l[Xl[[, and q2 is the unit vector (x 2 -r12ql)/[[Xz-r12qa[[. Continuing in this fashion, let Q ( k - 1 ) b e the - - ..t')(k-1)g~(k-1)t-. n x (k - 1) matrix with columns ql . . . . , tn/ ( k - 1 ) . . .I . . ,~,.I- , r ( k ) -"4"k- - ~:5 ~ "~' k" Then rkk = and q k = z ( k ) / r k k . The classical G r a m - S c h m i d t m e t h o d involves removing the part of x k in the subspace spanned by x ~ , . . . , Xk_ ~ all at once. But to promote orthogonality of the q~, it is preferable numerically to use the modified G r a m - S c h m i d t method, which involves removing the part of each Xk,, k ' > k, parallel to qk at the k-th step. Thus in the classical algorithm R is constructed a column at a time, f r o m Q(k-1)tx k and rkk, and in the modified algorithm R is constructed by rows, from rkk and the inner products of the remaining (adjusted) columns of X and qk" The G r a m - S c h m i d t algorithm provides a basis of X and an upper triangular matrix. Regression coefficients, computed using back substitution as described

Itz( >ll

C. R. Goodall


in Section 2, are numerically stable. However, the p columns in Q, as a basis of X can be badly misleading when X is poorly conditioned, as the columns of Q may not be orthogonal. Thus for solving the orthonormal basis problem, that is, computing an orthonormal basis of the column space of a matrix X, the Gram-Schmidt algorithm should be used with caution. Specifically, QtQ differs from Ip by the unit roundoff u using Householder transformations, but by UKz(X) using modified Gram-Schmidt (Bjorck, 1967). Furthermore, the algorithm gives precisely p basis vectors, and not a basis of F/n. Of course, the basis Q* of X ± is arbitrary, and not even associated with a transformation of X to upper triangular or diagonal form, as are Q and U respectively. The cost of the modified Gram-Sehmidt algorithm is 2np 2 flops, comparable to the QR decomposition, except that the Gram-Schmidt algorithm yields (the skinny) Q immediately. (The classical Gram-Schmidt algorithm requires fewer flops.)

3.2. Computational alternatives for the least-squares problem Three possible approaches for fitting a regression model by least-squares use the QR decomposition, the Cholesky decomposition, and the singular value decomposition. Chambers, writing in Chambers and Hastie (1992), describes their implementation in the linear model function l m ( ) in S and gives some background and comparison. Cholesky decomposition. The Cholesky decomposition approach starts with the cross-products x t x and Xty. Together with yty, these are the sufficient statistics for the linear model when the errors are independent and identically Gaussian distributed. They may be the only statistics that are available, either to reduce storage requirements when n is large, or because the regression is part of a multi-stage calculation, e.g., the Kalman filter. The normal equations are

xtx{3 = Xty .


The Cholesky decomposition of x t x yields the upper triangular matrix R, such that RtR = x t x , where R is precisely the R-factor in the QR decomposition of X. The normal equations are then solved to find/1 in two steps, each involving back-substitution in a triangular system of equations, Rt(R/~) = Xty.


Assuming yty is known also, the residual sum of squares is y t y _ ytX(XtX)-IXty=yty-(R[)t)(R~). Unlike the QR decomposition, the Cholesky decomposition does not immediately yield the residuals and fitted values. The number of floating point operations (flops) required to solve the least-squares problem is 2 p 2 ( n - p / 3 ) + 2 ( 2 n - p ) p + p 2 using the QR decomposition (with Householder transformations), and, given that the cross products are already computed, p3/3 + 2p 2 using the Cholesky decomposition.

Computation using the QR decomposition


(The count p3/3 is given by Dongarra et al., 1979.) Computing the cross products requires about np 2 flops, taking advantage of the symmetry of x t x . Thus the Cholesky approach is generally the more efficient, especially when n>>p, when the number of flops differs by a factor two. However, the Cholesky approach is also the more sensitive to numerical inaccuracies. Specifically, suppose that the rank of X is p. Then Golub and van Loan (1989, Section 5.3.5), citing Lawson and Hansen (1974), note that the Householder Q R decomposition becomes unstable when K 2 ( X ) = U -1 while the Cholesky decomposition becomes unstable when Kz(X ) - u -1/2, a smaller number. Let /3' denote the solution to the least squares problem assuming no numerical inaccuracies. Then the sensitivity of the least squares solution ~ to perturbations in X and y is [[/) -/3'[[/[I/3'11, which is proportional to +


2(x) 2

(Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 5.3.9). Then the relative error of the Householder Q R solution is approximately u times the quantity, while the relative error of the Cholesky-based approach depends directly on K2(X) 2. Both methods will fail when X is very ill conditioned (and when {/~ete is large), but the Q R decomposition approach is preferred except in exceptional cases where the factor of 2 in flops is especially important. Singular value decomposition. Even though the decomposition is different, the singular value decomposition approach may mimic the Q R decomposition approach, equation (2.4). In the SVD, X = U D V t, equation (2.13), extend the orthonormal basis U (n x d) of X to a basis 6" of R", w h e r e / 2 = (U I U*), and extend the diagonal matrix D (d x d) to the n x d m a t r i x / ) by adding n - d rows of zeros. The p-vector/) is the/3 that minimizes Ily - 2 / 3 II2 = (y - X / 3 ) t ( y

- X/3)

= (~fty __/)vt/3)t(Uty

(3.10) _ ovt~[~ )

= (Uty - DVt/3)t(Uty - DVt/3) + y U * U * t y = Hut.), - Dvt/3][ 2 +


2 .


Let zv = Uty. The first term in equation (3.11) is zero when 13 =/~ is a solution of the linear system of equations vt~ = D-az v .


When p = d then V V t = Ip and/) = V D - l z v. There are multiple solutions when p > d. Extend the orthonormal basis V (p x d) of X t to a basis 12of R p, where (/= (V IV* ). The general solution to equation (3.12) is


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The norm of the solution is flail2= IID-%112 + IIw[I2, so the minimum norm solution has w = 0. The cost of the SVD-based solution to the least-squares problem is around 2np2+ l l p 3 and 4np2+ 8p 3 flops for the Chan and Golub-Reinsch SVD algorithms respectively. A full discussion is fairly complicated as, e.g., only the cost of computing Uty, and not U, is included in these counts. If the matrix U is required, then the leading term (in n) is 4n2p for both algorithms (see Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 5.4.5 for details), compared to 2np 2 for the Householder QR. (The O(n 2) cost of computing Q can generally be avoided using the Householder QR.) Overall, if used carefully, Chan's algorithm for the SVD can be competitive with the Householder Q R problem in computing /~. Numerically, use of the SVD might be inferior; however the SVD immediately provides both the numerical rank of X, for any tolerance, and its condition number. The solution to the orthonormal basis problem is available at additional computational cost. Some further remarks comparing the Q R decomposition and SVD approaches to regression and related problems are given in Section 4.3. 3.3. Implementation in L A P A C K

The recent first release of LAPACK (Anderson et al., 1992), provides a comprehensive suite of public domain (netlib) FORTRAN-language subroutines for linear algebra, almost a superset of the capabilities of LINPACK and EISPACK, which they have been written to supersede. While there are some significant omissions, e.g., updating routines for the Cholesky decomposition are found in LINPACK but not in LAPACK, the panoply of routines in LAPACK is broad and systematic, including sets of single and double precision, real and double arithmetic routines that correspond completely. LINPACK and LAPACK subroutines use the basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS) to achieve good performance over a large class of computers. While F O R T R A N code for BLAS is in the public domain, individual vendors have chosen to produce optimized versions to take advantage of specific system configurations (hardware, operating system, and compilers), including multiprocessors and RISC architecture. Successively over time, three levels of BLAS subroutines have been written. They are (1) vector-vector operations (such as dot product or computing the norm of a matrix), (2) matrix-vector operations (such as matrix-vector multiplication), and (3) matrix-matrix operations (detailed below). LINPACK uses only BLAS level (1) routines (although re-coding to use BLAS level (2) is not hard). Coleman and van Loan (1988) give a detailed tutorial and review of LINPACK, the associated BLAS routines, and the interactive high-level system MATLAB. MATLAB can be used as a front end for LINPACK and LAPACK routines, as also can S/Splus, discussed below. Typical BLAS subroutines at level (3) perform, for a variety of types of matrix (general, symmetric, banded, etc.) a n d data types (single and double precision, complex and double complex) matrix-matrix multiplies, rank-k and

Computation using the QR decomposition


rank-2k updates to a matrix, and solve triangular systems of equations with many right-hand-sides. To make optimal use of BLAS level (3) subroutines, LAPACK uses versions of linear algebra routines that operate on blocks, or submatrices, of the original matrix. Anderson et al. (1992, Section 3.4.2) indicate how this could be done starting with the usual elementary Householder matrices. In the second edition, Golub and van Loan (1989) place considerable emphasis on implementation details, advocating, for example, the use of 'gaxpy' operations (vector = vector + matrix x vector) in building algorithms, and of block algorithms. Gaxpy operations are preferred for a vector pipeline computer, as memory locations are accessed in contiguous order and the number of times a vector is loaded or stored is relatively small. Block algorithms make optimum use of cache memory by minimizing the number of times data are loaded from main memory to the faster cache memory, and making complete use of the data in cache once it is there. Along with the operation counts (flops) given above, an important statistic (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 3.1.5) is the fraction of level (3) flops, that is, the fraction of flops used for matrix-matrix multiplication (BLAS level (3)). Optimizing for specific system configurations is thus most important at level (3), and includes choice of block size, accounting for multiple processors (if any), and increasing the fraction of level (3) flops. Through use of these features, LAPACK performance is more efficient than LINPACK. Several sets of subroutines are included in LAPACK for computations using the QR decomposition. These routines are summarized in the Appendix. In part the Appendix provides a link between the matrix algebra and practical implementation, and in part it helps to reinforce the essential modularity and features of the QR decomposition. Implementation in S. In the statistical environment S (Becket et al., 1988), the function call q r ( X ) returns a 'qr object' containing the Q R decomposition of the matrix X, as described for the LAPACK routine D G E Q P F in the Appendix. At least up to and including its April 1992 release, S uses LINPACK routines for the QR decomposition, specifically an edited version of D Q R D C , corresponding to DGEQPF. Additional function calls, q r . c o e f (qr,y), qr.fitted(qr,y), qr.resid(qr,y), qr.qty(qr,y), and qr. q y (q r, y ), take the qr object qr and an additionalmatrix or vector y and return least-squares coefficients, fitted values, residuals, and products 0 t y and 0 Y respectively. These functions, q r . c o e f ( ) etc., call a single LINPACK subroutine, DQRSL, which may also be called directly from within S, to allow several summaries of the least-squares fit to be computed in the one call, as described by Dongarra et al. (1979). For example, the default call to D Q R S L from the linear modeling function i r a ( ) specifies that both coefficients and residuals should be computed. The LINPACK routine D Q R D C has been translated into ratfor and edited both to stabilize the ordering of the columns of X (to implement weak pivoting), and to provide more stable estimates of the rank of X in cases when the least-squares problems are ill-conditioned.


C. R. Goodall

4. Problem-solving using the QR decomposition

4.1. Regression diagnostics Belsley, Kuh and Welsch (1980) define a number of regression diagnostics, used to represent changes in the last-squares due to changes, or perturbations, in the original observations. Two basic quantities are the leverage h i of the i-th observation and the studentized residual e *i for the i-th observation. The studentized residual can be easily computed using the standard formulae given in Table 1. The leverage h i is the i-th diagonal element of the hat matrix H = Q Q t. To compute the h i we first compute Q from the d elementary reflectors in 2d2(n - d/3) flops (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 5.2.9), the same cost as the QR decomposition. (Note that multiplying d columns with Table 1 C o m p u t a t i o n of regression quantities and diagnostics Symbol Basic regression quantities QR decomposition Q,R


QR-based formula


X = QR (XtX)-lXty


2p2(n - p/3) 2(2n - p)p +p2

regression coefficients






2(2n - p)p

residuals mean square error

e s2

covariance of coefficients


y-y ete/(n - p ) s2(XtX) -1

sE(RtR) -1

n n 2p3/3

Hii X ( X t X ) 1xt

Z~=, Q~k QQt

Basic regression diagnostics leverage h = (hi)

2np ~


hat matrix delete-1 variance

H s2(i)

deleteq coefficients


(xtx)-l(X*(le~_h)) t

standardized residual


ei/sl~-~-h i

3n + sqrt

studentized residual


ei/(s(i) lV-i-~,h3 -

3n + sqrt

(n - p - 1)s2(i) = (n - p ) s 2 - e~/(1 - hi)

4n R - I ( Q * (l_--~e h)) t

np 2

Scaled regression diagnostics

scaled change in/~


change in fit fii(i) -- Yi deleting i-th point


scaled change in fit


change in covariance


Cook's distance


{J - IJ(i)

s(i)( ~ j / 1


hiei/(1 - hi) hi \1/2

1-~5J n-p


s(i) ( a ~ j - j 1





") (1- hi) -1

(13(i) - {3)t(xtx)({J(i) - {J )/ps: 1 2/ hi = p ei ~-1~ ]



Computation using the QR decomposition


length n by d elementary reflectors requires 4nd 2 flops, which is reduced to 2dZ(2n - d ) flops when it is noted that parts of the elementary reflectors are the identity, as in Section 3.1. But the d columns are a submatrix of an identity matrix, and the count 2d2(n - d/3) is about half again.) The additional cost of computing the h i by summing the rows of Q is 2nd flops. The full hat matrix can be computed from Q in an additional nZd flops. The n × n matrix Q can be computed by backward accumulation of the d Householder reflectors in about 4 ( n 2 d - n d 2 + d3/3) flops (Golub and van Loan, 1989, Section 5.1.6). Apart from the two quantities h i and e*, Belsley et al. (1980) emphasize computing the changes in the regression fit when one or more observations are omitted, so-called leave-one-out and leave-k-out regression diagnostics. Several leave-one-out diagnostics are defined in Table 1. Computation can be expensive, because a given diagnostic is computed for each of n observations, or for each of the (7,) subsets of size k. Thus it is important to limit the costs of computation wherever possible, by, e.g., avoiding an O(n 2) algorithm to compute leave-one-out regression diagnostics when an O(n) algorithm is available. Three strategies are possible for computing the regression diagnostics. The first is the most general, but is is prohibitive computationally: Recompute the regression fit for each modified set of observations. Recall that when n > p the QR decomposition of X requires 2pZ(n - p / 3 ) flops, the solution of the normal equations using the Cholesky decomposition requires pZ(n + p / 3 ) flops, and the two singular value decomposition algorithms use 2pZn + l l p 3 and 4pZn + 8p 3 flops. (The actual performance here, and in all other situations, depends on the efficiency of coding, as the discussion of the use of BLAS level (3) subroutines in LAPACK illustrates.) A second strategy is to update the solution of the full least-squares problem. Golub and van Loan (1989, Section 12.6), describe algorithms for updating the QR decomposition when a rank one matrix is added to X, or a row or column is added to or deleted from X. These are implemented using Givens rotations. The algorithms require at most O(np) flops. The example of updating the Q R decomposition upon adding p rows to X is given in Section 4.2. Related algorithms are implemented in LINPACK for the Cholesky decomposition and, after forming x t x , can be used to update the R-factor of the Q R decomposition. LINPACK also includes an updating algorithm for symmetric permutations of both rows and columns of the square matrix. LAPACK includes no such subroutines, but a TOMS algorithm is available (Reichel and Gragg, 1990). Areas where updating algorithms are important include nonlinear optimization and variable-subset selection in regression (see Section 5.2). Peters (1980), in an appendix to Belsley et al. (1980), describes the computation and the costs of computation of regression diagnostics using both the Q R decomposition and the SVD. He demonstrates the importance of updating algorithms for computing multiple-row regression diagnostics. Multiple-row regression diagnostics are discussed further below. The third strategy is to express the regression diagnostic analytically in terms of readily computed quantities such as h i and e*. This is possible for many

C. R. Goodall


leave-one-out, single-row, regression diagnostics, for which the formulae can be quite simple. Some common regression leave-one-out diagnostics, discussed by Belsley et al. (1980) and/or by Cook and Weisberg (1982), are shown in Table 1. The table lists several basic regression quantities, and both simple and scaled leave-one-out regression diagnostics. For each quantity, the table includes the defining formula, an equivalent formula using the Q R decomposition, and the computational cost. The cost given for each quantity assumes that the quantities higher in the table are already computed. In particular the cost of each basic regression quantity assumes the use of the Q R decomposition, the cost of each basic diagnostic quantity assumes that the basic regression quantities have been computed, and, similarly, the cost of each scaled diagnostic quantity assumes that the basic regression and diagnostic quantities have been computed. We assume n > p = d. The formula for the lS(i) is especially noteworthy. The symbol '*' denotes Hadamard product, so that each row of X or Q is multiplied by the respective element of the n-vector e / ( 1 - h ) . This formula is given by Peters (1980). Overall, the computational cost of the diagnostics is reasonable. The regression diagnostics are implemented using these formulae in, e.g., the function im.influence() in S. One example of multiple-row regression diagnostics is COVRATIO E =

]s2(E)(X(g)tx(g))-l[ ]s2(XtX)_l]



the ratio of the generalized variance of/~(E), the estimated coefficients when the set E (E C { 1 , . . . , n}) of observations is omitted, to the generalized variance of/3. Suppose that there are e observations in the set E, so that X ( E ) is (n - e) x p. We now consider how to compute COVRATIO(E), finding first of all a simplifying formula. The determinant of a triangular matrix is the product of its diagonal elements. Thus for a square matrix X, n = p, the determinant is easily found using the QR decomposition to be p

IxI--Iol IRI--IRI = 1-I rjj.



(The last equality follows on expanding IRI, and the determinant of each successive submatrix, on its respective first column.) Also, for X square or not, ](xtx) -1] = 1/IIf= 1 r~. The ratio of determinants can be further simplified. Let X = Q R and write X ( E ) = Q ( E ) R . Let QE denote the e rows of Q in E.

IX(EyX(E)I IRtQ(E)tQ(E)RI IRtR] = Ix'xl


= lip - QtEQEI


= lie - Q E Q ~ [ .


Computation using the QR decomposition


The last equality is standard, and can be proven in a number of ways. For example, let Q~ = U D V t be the SVD of the p x e matrix Q t . Let d' denote the rank of Q~, which may be strictly less than min(p, e). L e t / ) and V denote the extensions of U and V to bases of R p and R e respectively. Then, pre-/post-multiplying by first / ) t / / ) and then by (z/pt, lip - QtEQE[ = lip - U D z u t l

= lid, - D2[ = lie - V D z v t l

= [Ie - QEQtE].


From equation (4.4), the ratio of determinants is the determinant of an e x e submatrix of I - H, as stated by Belsley et al. (1980). Thus for e = 1, E = {i}, the ratio of determinants is 1 - hi, which gives the formula for C O V R A T I O i in Table 1. To include the ratio s 2 ( E ) / s 2 and to efficiently consider all possible subsets E requires more subtlety. Peters (1980) describes updating- and subset tree-based strategies for some regression diagnostics. 4.2. S o m e topics in regression N o n l i n e a r least-squares. Bates and Watts (1988) give an elegant treatment of the Gauss-Newton approach to nonlinear least-squares estimation. Let wi be a set of regression variables associated with the i-th observation Yi. Let/3 be a p-vector of parameters. The model is

Yi=f(wi;/3) + e i ,



Write ,/(/3) for the n-vector containing the model components, so that equation (4.6) is y = ,/(/3) + e. If the model is nonsingular, then vector ~/(/3) describes a p-dimensional manifold in R n, the expectation surface, as/3 varies in /:/P. The nonlinear least-squares fit is to be the point y(/)) on the expectation surface closest to y. Suppose that /3o is the current parameter estimate. The Gauss-Newton approach involves approximating the expectation surface in the neighborhood of/3o by a p-dimensional linear subspace. That is, let X be the n Xp matrix of first derivatives, 0~/(/3)/0/3 evaluated at/3o- (The i-th row of X contains the p derivatives O(f(wi;/3)/013j.) The linear subspace is ~(/3 ) ~-- ~!(/3o) + X ( / 3 - / 3 o ) .


At the next iteration the parameter estimate is the solution of the least-squares problem [[(y- n(/30))-x(/3-/30)ll 2 minimum. The solution using the Q R decomposition is exactly as described in Section 2. The rotation by Qt partitions the current residual vector y - ~/(/30) into components parallel and perpendicular to the approximating linear subspace. The current parameter estimate is updated by the estimated coefficients. On assuming that the e i are independent N(0, o"2) distributed, approximate inference regions can be constructed using the results of Section 5.1 applied to the linear approximation when (if) convergence is achieved.

C. R. Goodall



Ridge regression. The ridge regression estimator of the coefficients, /3R, satisfies

( x t x + KI)f3R = S t y ,


where K is the ridge parameter. Write

X#=(V-KXIP) '

y# = (0;) ,


where 0p is a p-vector of zeros. Then/)R minimizes Ily # -x#/~ tl 2. Typically we find llR for multiple values of K, computing, for each K, [JR = R#-IQ#tY # where X #= Q#R ~ is the QR decomposition. One way to do this is to update, repeatedly, the QR decomposition of X while computing (1) R e and (2) Q #ty#. Golub and van Loan (1989, Section 12.6.3), and Reichel and Gragg (1990), describe how the QR decomposition can be updated when a single row, wt say, is prepended to X. They write

blockdiag{1, Qt


= R Un ,


say. Using the same # notation, it is easy to see that R UH, which is said to be in upper Hessenberg form, can be transformed to an upper triangular matrix R e by a sequence of p (n + 1) x (n + 1) Givens rotations. The first rotation is G12 UH un to r21 ~ = 0, the second rotation is G23 to transform r32 to to transform r21 # = 0 (leaving the first column unchanged), etc. The same algorithm applies r32 when p rows are prepended, but some simplifications are possible because v ~ Ip is highly structured. This is an example of how the use of Givens rotations can be advantageous in sparse systems, as was noted in Section 3.1. Specifically, the first rotation is G a p+l to transform the first column of X # to a multiple of e a. Two rotations, G2p+a and G2p+2 , are needed to transform column 2, and so on. Thus a total of p2/2 Givens rotations are necessary, or approximately p3 flops in all for large p, a considerable savings for n >>p when compared to recomputing the QR decomposition. The rotations are applied to the (n +p)-vector comprising Qty with p zeros prepended. In nonlinear least squares, the least-squares problem at each iteration of the Gauss-Newton algorithm can be modified in exactly the same way. The addition of Kip to x t x (equivalently, prepending x/~ Ip to X and 0p to y - ~/(130)) is the Levenberg modification. The Marquardt-Levenberg compromise is to add KD to x t x , where D is the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries equal to the diagonal elements of x t x = RtR. The QR decomposition can be updated, prepending ~ D a/2 to X, exactly as described above. Generalized least squares. The generalized least squares problem is to choose fl to minimize (y __ x ~ ) t a ~ - l ( y _ X ~ ) ,


Computation using the QR decomposition


where the n × n weight, or covariance, matrix Z is assumed known. Suppose that ~ = CC t is the Cholesky decomposition. Then, if ,~ and therefore C is nonsingular, one approach is to solve the equivalent least-squares problem where we choose 13 to minimize IIC-ly- C-1X/3[I 2. In particular, if ~ is diagonal, the weighted least-squares problem, then the matrix C -1 is simply a diagonal matrix of reciprocal weights. In both this and the more general setting, ~ can be ill-conditioned (with large condition number), or possibly singular, and then the solution/) is unstable. This problem cannot be entirely eliminated, using a clever algorithm, say, as in general the choice of X effects the solution/3. However, by transforming each quantity into components in X and in X -L, the ill-conditioning can be studied and dealt with in X ±, without simultaneously having to estimate/3. This approach is due to Paige (1979a,b); see also Golub and van Loan (1989, Section 5.6.3). The generalized least squares problem is equivalent to the problem of minimizing ][ptvwhere v is an n-vector such that (4.12)

y =X/3 + Cv. Multiplying by o t gives

(zZ,) = (R)/3 --~fotC~


a,tU" .

The matrix a * t c is ( n - d ) × n, and using the modified QR decomposition, can be written o * t c = TZ t ,


where T is (n - d') x (n - d') right triangular, as in equation (2.20), and Z t is (n - d') x n. Typically n - d' = n - d, and in all cases n - d' ~ 2 case. The distributions and independence of the sums of squares (quadratic forms) might be deduced from the Fisher-Cochran theorem, but it is here demonstrated using an explicit orthogonal transformation, Q, such as is constructed in a proof of that theorem (Rao, 1973, Section 3b.4(i)). When partial F-ratio tests are required, however, then each designated submatrix (or single column) of X must be moved to the extreme right of X. T h e QR decomposition must then be updated. A few comments on updating algorithms are made in Section 4. Clearly, if in permuting the columns of X, only the rightmost p ' < p columns are altered, then the QR decomposition need be computed only from the ( p - p ' + l ) - t h column on. Smith and Bremner (1989) discuss the use of the QR decomposition in all-possible-subset regressions. A 'monotone' model selection problem. To illustrate how insight into the QR decomposition can assist in model selection, consider a 'monotone' selection problem, in which the set of regression variables can be arranged into SSR 1 + SSR = SSR.)







~ t

C, R. GoodaH


several submatrices, X 1 , . . . , X q , where the multiple correlation of each variable in submatrix X k say with the variables in X 1 , . . . , X k _ I , and X k excluding the given variable is very high. Such data might occur in a regression problem with several related classes of variables (in a study of home energy consumption, these might be climate, insulation, dimensions, usage patterns, etc.), and more than one variable measured in each class. When there are exact linear dependencies, these multiple correlations are one, so that to determine which variable belongs to which submatrix we might pivot to minimize the number of zero entries above the 'diagonal' (dj, ]) described in Section 1. In the case of approximate linear dependencies we might pivot to minimize rdj j when a new column of Q is introduced and, further, begin a new submatrix of variables when rej j is not small. We would then construct a block diagonal matrix from R, as described above. Each submatrix can be thought of as a different regression problem in a nested sequence of q regressions, and each may be ill-determined, so that we may use a subset selection procedure separately on each Rkk, or principal components, to reduce the number of columns of Rkk. Note that the principal components would be based on the part of X k orthogonal t o X 1 , . . . , X k_x. Residual plots. Many types of plots have been proposed to assist in model selection (see, e.g., Myers, 1990). The QR decomposition and equation (5.12) provide a natural framework to discuss some possibilities. For simplicity, suppose that X is partitioned into p single-variable submatrices, and that the rank of X is p. Consider first the last two rows of (the p-component version of) equation (5.12),




Prepending p - 1 rows of zeros (the + construction of Section 2) and premultiplying by Q, or, equivalently, premultiplying by (qp]Q*), yields a simple linear regression (in fact, with zero intercept) for /3p. The plot of y adjusted for x l , . . . ,Xp 1, that is, qprpp[3p+e, against Xp adjusted for x l , . . . , Xp_ 1, that is, qprpp, is the partial regression plot, or added variable plot. The scatter of points about the simple linear regression line in the plot shows the importance of Xp in the presence of the other variables. Exactly this information is also available in the rotated space, where we might plot (zp, rep), each element of z* with abscissa zero, and p - 1 observations at (0, 0). Note that the elements of z* have average zero when there is an intercept in the model. This plot is less interesting, presumably because we believe that the adjusted values of Xp are, to an extent, interpretable. The partial regression plot is less useful for detecting interestiiag observations, and possible nonlinearities in the relationship between a y and a regression variable. For that the horizontal coordinate should show the variable on its original scale, as in a component plus residual plot, or partial residual plot. Consider the first and last rows of equation (5.12), where we substitute /31 (not [3~) for 131 and set all other /3k to zero. Multiplying by

Computation using the QR decomposition


(ql[ Q*), the partial residual plot shows qlrllf]l + e against qarll = x 1. The plot has slope /~1 and shows the relationship of x~ to y, after removing the contributions of x 2 , . . . , Xp to the fit. (The corresponding plot, in the rotated space, is not likely to be helpful.) Both the partial regression plot and the partial residual plot may be used to investigate whether any variable in a set of candidate variables should be added to the existing set. The same fitted coefficients l)1 are obtained by taking X 1 as the last submatrix instead of the first, so that, for either plot, we could adjust y and, in the case of a partial regression plot, adjust each candidate variable also, for the existing variables, and then use simple linear regression. It is useful to consider these plots when a submatrix may include more than one column. Suppose that the first submatrix comprises x I and x~. The augmented partial residual plot shows QIRll~I --}-e against x 1. In general, X 1 may contain several columns, where each column depends on a smaller number of variables to use in plotting. For example, with a quadratic trend surface in a spatial modeling problem, we might construct a perspective plot of Q1RlI[3~ + e against latitude and longitude. If the last (q-th) submatrix includes pq > 1 columns, then the partial regression plot is replaced by graphics appropriate to a pq-variate multiple regression problem. A set of plots intermediate between partial residual and partial regression plots are obtained by moving a given variable from left to right through the columns of X. At the k-th column, we substitute/~ for/3~ in the p-component version of equation (5.12) and set /3~ = 0 for l > k. These 'partial residualregression plots' have practical use, for two reasons. (1) The nonlinearity, or the exceptional observations, evident in a partial residual plot may be satisfactorily explained by other variables, which should therefore be adjusted out. (2) The scatter in the plot shows the importance of the variable more accurately with larger k. The first column of X is most often a column of n ones, so that the partial residual-regression plot for the second column of X involves a simple shift of origin in the partial residual plot.

6. X random and the complex QR decomposition When the matrix X is random, the distribution of the Q- and R-factors have been found to be important. When X is multivariate Gaussian, and typically n ~>p, the distribution of x t x = RtR is Wishart. Goodall and Mardia (1993) give the distribution of the R-factor, and of R' =R/IIR[[, when X is multivariate Gaussian and n ~>p or n < p . They consider specially the case when n ~

~p, then DGELS solves the least-squares problem. As well as computing/3, the residual sum of squares is obtained easily from the output. If the system is under-determined, n < p , then DGELS finds the minimum norm exact solution. It is assumed that X has full rank, otherwise the routine DGELSS, which uses the SVD, or DGELSX, which uses the complete orthogonal factorization, equation (2.21), should be used. Once the QR decomposition of X is compared, it can be used to solve multiple systems of equations with different right-hand sides. Thus the vector y can be replaced by an n × q matrix Y, in which case/3 becomes an p × q matrix /3. DGELS also solves the n × p system XH~ = y, where H denotes conjugate transpose. D G E L S X finds the minimum norm solution /3 to the n × p system of equations X~ = y, where X need not have full rank. The QR decomposition with strong column pivoting is used, then an additional decomposition to give the complete orthogonal factorization. When the routine is called, the pivot argument specifies 'initial' columns of X that are to be moved to leading positions. Only the remaining noninitial columns are allowed to pivot in the course of the QR decomposition. On output, the pivot argument specifies the permutation of the columns of X. D G E Q R F computes the QR decomposition of an n x p matrix X, for n > p , n = p , and for n < p . On output, the elements of X on or above the diagonal contain the nonzero elements of the min(n - 1, p) x p upper triangular (n ~>p)

Computation using the QR decomposition


or upper trapezoidal (n < p ) matrix R. The elements below the diagonal specify the m i n ( n - 1, p) elementary Householder matrices, with the scale factors ~contained in an ancillary vector. The output does not give ~) directly. DGEQPF computes the QR decomposition but with column pivoting. Input and output in the pivot argument is as described for subroutine D G E L S X . The rank of X is determined from the diagonal elements of R, that is, the diagonal elements of X on output. DORGOR/ZUNGQR takes as input the output from a previous call to D G E Q R F / Z G E Q R F or D G E Q P F / Z G E Q P F , and returns as output any number of columns of the orthogonal/unitary matrix ~). Suppose n ~>p. Then the n x n matrix ~) is specified by the elements of the output X below the diagonal and the p elements of r. If the original X has full rank, then X on output contains the matrix Q. (If the original X has rank d < p , then Q is contained in only the first d of p columns.) X can be padded with n - p columns to obtain the full ~). Now suppose n < p. Then the n x n matrix {) is specified by the elements of the output X below the diagonal, which are contained in the first n - 1 columns, and the n - 1 elements of ~-. In this case, the last p - n + 1 columns of X are not needed. Thus the dimension of X used at input is specified by n, the dimension of ~), and min(n - 1, p), the number of elementary reflectors. (When n < p an n-th Householder transformation is used in the complex case.) DORMQR/ZUNMQR overwrites a real or complex matrix C with either QC, Q C, CQ, or CQ . The input to D O R M Q R is C and the output of D G E Q R F or D G E Q P F . For multiplication on the left (the first two cases), C is n x m where m is arbitrary. For multiplication on the right (the last two cases), C is m x n where m is arbitrary. Note that the matrix ~), or the first p (say) columns of ~), can be computed using D O R M Q R with C equal to In, or the first p columns of I,. A difference between D O R G Q R and D O R M Q R is that the subroutine D O R G Q R overwrites the output of D G E Q R F , and D O R M Q R overwrites C. DTZRQF reduces an upper trapezoidal matrix R, where R is d x p, d < p , to upper triangular form by means of an orthogonal or unitary transformation (see equation (2.20), the modified Q R decomposition). On output, the first d columns of R contain the upper triangular matrix, and the next p - d columns, together with the d-vector ~-, represent the orthogonal or unitary matrix as a product of d elementary reflectors. The lower triangular part of R is not specified, throughout. Three additional routines require mention. DTRSM is a BLAS level (3) subroutine used to solve a triangular linear system of equations, e.g., R/~ = z. DTRTRI is a L A P A C K routine used to overwrite a triangular matrix by its inverse (see Section 2). I L A E N V is a L A P A C K routine used to select the block size (and other environment-related parameters). Using the default routine, the block size is 32 for D G E Q R F , D O R G Q R / Z U N G Q R , and D O R M Q R / Z U N M Q R . and the block size is 64 for D T R T R I . A large part of I L A E N V is a lookup table indexing the L A P A C K routines; this can be edited ~





C. R. Goodall

according to the specific system configuration (and empirical results), and in fact localizes tuning the performance of LAPACK to a single routine. Using the LAPACK and BLAS subroutines, when X has rank p, the least-squares estimate/3 can be computed directly using DGELS, or in steps, as described in Section 2, using first D G E Q R F to find R and (implicitly) 0 , then D O R M Q R to compute the p-vector z from y, and lastly the BLAS level (3) subroutine DTRSM to solve R/3 = z. When d, the rank of X, may be less than p, the minimum-norm least-squares estimate can be computed using DGELSX, or in steps. D G E Q P F gives R, the rank of X, and the pivoting permutation. Using the output of DGEQPF, D O R M Q R gives the d-vector z, and D T Z R Q F gives the upper triangular matrix T. The minimum-norm estimate ~ then follows, as in equation (2.23), by (1) solving T~ = z using DTRSM, (2) premultiplying a by the orthogonal matrix in the output of D T Z R Q F using D O R M Q R , and (3) inverting the pivoting permutation in the output of DGEQPF. To compute the fitted values and residuals equations (2.9) and (2.10), we use the decompositions provided by D G E Q R F or DGEQPF, followed by two calls to D O R M Q R : We first rotate y by 0 t, i = 0~y. To compute e we set the first d elements of i to zero, giving z* +, and rotate back, to give e = Oz* +. We may then write y = y - e.

Acknowledgement The author wishes to thank John Chambers for important comments on a previous version, and to thank C. R. Rao for encouraging writing this paper. Discussions with Steve Arnold, Doug Bates and Mathis Thoma are gratefully acknowledged. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DMS-9208656 to The Pennsylvania State University.

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Computation using the QR decomposition


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C. R. Goodall

Ripley, B. D. (1981). Spatial Statistics. Wiley, New York. Scott, D. T., G. R. Bryce and D. M. Allen (1985). Orthogonalization-triangularization methods in statistical computations. Amer. Statist. 39, 128-135. Smith, D. M. and J. M. Bremner (1989). All possible subset regression using the QR decomposition. Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 7, 217-235. Stewart, G. W. (1973). Introduction to Matrix Computations. Academic Press, New York. Stewart, G. W. (1987). Collinearity and least squares regression. Statit. Sci. 2, 68-100. With discussion. Stewart, G. W. and J.-G. Sun (1990). Matrix Perturbation Theory. Academic Press, Boston, MA. Thisted, R. A. (1988). Elements of Statistical Computing: Numerical Computation. Chapman and Hall, New York. Van Huffel, S. and J.Vandewalle (1991). The Total Least Squares Problem: Computational Aspects and Analysis. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA.

C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved,

1 A la'l"

The EM Algorithm

Nan Laird

1. Introduction

The EM algorithm is an iterative technique for computing maximum likelihood estimates with incomplete data. The algorithm has been widely used in a variety of settings, with early applications in genetics (Ceppellini, Siniscalco and Smith, 1955), grouping and censoring (Grundy, 1952) and missing data (Hartley, 1958). Dempster, Laird and Rubin (1977), building on work by Sundberg (1974), gave a theoretical basis for the algorithm, and named it EM after the two computational steps involved: expectation and maximization. The phrase incomplete data is used quite broadly to represent a variety of statistical data models, including mixtures, convolutions and random effects as well as grouping, censoring, truncation and missing observations. The general idea behind the EM is to represent the observed data vector, say y, as the realization of some incompletely or indirectly observed data vector, say x, which we term the complete data. There exists a many-to-one mapping from the complete data x to the observed data y. For example, in missing data problems, x will consist of both the observed and missing data values (hence the term complete data), while y is just the observed values plus indicators for missing value status; with censored failure time data, x corresponds to the actual failure times for the entire sample while y consists of either the failure time or the censoring time, along with an indicator of failure or censoring, for each member of the sample. As we will show in the examples, the complete data representation is not unique, and should thus be chosen for computational convenience. In addition, the complete data may include variables which are never observable as data in the usual sense, as for example when we let x include the random effects in a variance component problem. Formally, we assume the observed data y has density g(y I O) with associated sample space Y; our objective is to maximize In g(y 10) as a function of 0. There is an associated density for x, which we denote by f(x 10), with sample space X. By definition, the two densities are related by

g(y l 0) = f f(xlO)dx,

(1) 509

N. Laird


where the integral is over the subset of X, say lie by the mapping from x to y = y(x).

X(y), where x is determined to

EXAMPLE 1. Before proceeding with the general theory, we first present a simple example to illustrate the use of the algorithm. Suppose we have n o completely classified observations on a trinomial with cell probabilities 0 T = (81, 02, 03) where 2 0~ = 1. We also have n 1 incompletely classified observations, where we know their status only if they fall in category 3; we cannot distinguish between categories 1 and 2 for these nl observations. We let y~ and Y2 denote the counts out of n o known to fall in categories 1 and 2 and Y3 denote the count out of na known to fall either in category 1 or 2; thus n - E Yi are k n o w n to lie in category 3, where n = n o + n 1. The observed data is thus y T = ( y l , Y2, no - Y~ - Yz, Y3, nl -- Y3)" The data values are displayed at the top of T a b l e 1. If all n observations were completely classified, we would observe the complete data counts x a'= (x~,x2,x3) where x i denotes the total out of n classified into category i and 2 xi = n. With complete data, the m a x i m u m likelihood estimate of 0 is just the vector of sample proportions,

0 = x/n.


To implement the E M with missing data, we begin with an initial estimate, say 0 ° and iterate the following two steps until convergence. E-step (Expectation step). Assuming 0 = 0 °, we calculate an expected value for x by simply allocating Y3 to categories 1 and 2 in proportion to their relative probabilities. Since x I is the sum of Yl plus that portion of Y3 which falls in category one, we have

x~° = E(xa I Y~, Y2, Y3, 0°) = Ya + Y3( 8 o / (8 °a + 8 o2)) o


= E ( x 2 l Yl, Y2, Y3, 0 ° ) = Y 2 +Y3(8°2/(8°1 +


x30 = E ( x 3 I Y l , Y2, Y3, 0°) = n - E Yi •

M-step (Maximization step). We now treat these expected values of x as Table 1. Incomplete trinomial data. Completely classified: n o = 50, Yl = 21, Y2 = 9; Incompletely classified: n 1 = 15, Y3 = 7; Starting values: 0 ° = 0.5, 0 ° = 0.25 Iteration



01/01 -}- 02



0 1 2 3 4

0.5 0.3949 0.3978 0.3983 0.3980

0.25 0.1744 0.1714 0.1709 0.1710

0.67 0.6937 0.6988 0.6998 0.7000

25.67 25.86 25.89 25.90

11.33 11.14 11.11 11.10

The EM algorithm


observed data and compute the new 01 using equation (2) as 01


Iteration of these two steps until convergence yields the maximum likelihood estimate of 0. Table 1 shows successive iterates of the EM starting with 01 = 0.5 and 02 = 0.25. We return to this example after presenting the theory underlying the algorithm. Notice from this example that it is not necessary to specify the exact mapping from x to y, or the representation of g(. l- ) in terms of f(" [- ) as given in equation (1). All that is necessary is to specify x and y, the maximum likelihood estimates of 0 based on the complete data x, and the conditional density for x given the observed data y. This conditional density plays a key role in the general formulation of E-step of the algorithm. Specification of x and f(x I 0) will determine the maximum likelihood estimates of 0 based on x and hence the M-step of the algorithm.

2. The general setup For the general setting, we let given y. Formally we have

k(x ]y, O) denote the conditional density of x

k(x l y, O) = f(x l y, O)/g(y l 0), where the sample space for this density is


X(y). From (3) we have

Lx(O) = L(O) + Lxly(O) ,


where L(O) is In g(y I 0), Lx(O) = In f(x I 0) a n d Lx]y : In k(x ]y, 0). Taking the expectation of both sides of (4) with respect to the distribution of x given y and some O'(k(x [y, 0')), we have

Q(O I0') =L(O) + H(O I0'),



O(0 ] 0') : f In f(x [ O)k(x ] Y, 0') dx and

f H(O I 0') = J In k(x I Y, O)k(x I Y, 0') d r . From Jensen's inequality we know that H(OIO' ) is maximized by setting 0 = 0', so taking 0' to be the M L E of L(O) means that Q(O I 0') must also be maximized by setting 0 = 0'. This is what Orchard and Woodbury (1972) refer

N. Laird


to as the 'missing information principle', namely the MLE of L(0), say 0", must satisfy max Q(O I O* ) = Q(O* 10"). 0


Equation (6) not only provides the general form for the algorithm, it also shows that the algorithm increases the likelihood at each step. The general form of the algorithm is iteration of the following steps, given the current iterate 0 p. E-step. Compute

Q(O [Op) = E(ln f(x l 0)), where expectation is with respect to k(x ] Y, OP) . M-step. Maximize Q(O I Op) as a function of 0, to obtain 0 p+x. It is clear that, by construction, 0* is a fixed point of the algorithm. The proof that L(O e+l) >! L(O p) follows from writing

L(O p+I) = Q(Op +1 ] 0 p) - H(Op+I I op ) and

L(O p) = Q(O p I Op ) - H(O p 10P), subtracting the two equations, and noting that Q(OP+I]O p) ~ Q(OP]O p) by construction, and H(O p I OP) ~ H( Oe+l ] OP) by Jensen's inequality. If the complete data density has an exponential family representation, then both the likelihood equations and the two steps of the algorithm have a particularly simple form. In this case, we can write

f(x l O) = b(x) exp(O Tt)/a(6) , where t = t(x) is an r × 1 vector of complete data sufficient statistics and ~b is an r × 1 vector of the canonical parameters, which will be some one-to-one transformation of 0(~b = th(0)). From (4) it follows that k(x ] y, O) also has the exponential family form with the same sufficient statistics and canonical parameter, but different normalizing constant, i.e.,

k(x [ y, O) = b(x) exp( 6 Tt) / ay( 6 ) , where

f ay(~) = J b(x) exp(4~Tt) dx with the integral being over X(y), whereas

a(~b) = f b(x) exp(tkTt) dx, the integral being over X.

The EM algorithm


Now from (4), it also follows that

L(O) = In ay(to) - In a(to), and thus

OL / O6 = Oln ay( to ) / Oto - Oln a( 6 ) / Oto = E ( t l y, t o ) - E ( t l to), the last line following from properties of the exponential family. In addition, we have 0 2 L / O t o 2 = var(t [ y, to) - var(t [ tO)

so that the Fisher information about to available from the data y is

E(-O2L/Oto 2) = var E(t[ y, to). In addition, the E- and M-steps are now: E-step. Set t p = E(t [ y, to P ) .

M-step. Solve E(t[ top+i) = t p to find top+l. N o t e that with exponential families and complete data, we would maximize the likelihood by solving E(t I to*) -- t ; with incomplete data we do not fully observe t, so we must solve

E(t l to * ) = E(t l y, to * ) . The EM algorithm has four nice properties: it always increases the likelihood; the M L E is a fixed point of the algorithm; provided too lies in the interior of the parameter space, successive iterates will also; and in many cases the algorithm is exceptionally easy to program and requires minimal storage space. However convergence of the algorithm can be very slow, and its convergence to a global maximum is not guaranteed. Wu (1983) has given general conditions for the convergence of the algorithm. Another feature of the algorithm is that it is unnecessary to compute the second derivative matrix. Although this is often a large computational savings, it means that an estimate of the asymptotic variance of to* is not readily available from the algorithm itself. Louis (1982) has given a method for computing the observed information matrix using successive iterates of the EM, and gives some examples.

N. Laird


3. Applications The range of potential application of the EM is quite broad; Dempster, Laird and Rubin (1977) discuss its application to missing data, grouping, censoring and truncation, finite mixtures, variance components, hyperparameter estimation (or parametric mixture models more generally), iteratively reweighted least squares (corresponding to a mixture model of a normal with a random variance), and factor analysis. Clearly, the algorithm is easiest to implement if both the E-step and the M-step can be carried out exactly using closed form solutions. In some cases, iteration may be necessary to maximize Q(to I tOP), as for example, in fitting an arbitrary log-linear model to contingency table data with some incompletely classified observations (Fuchs, 1982). In this case, Dempster, Laird and Rubin (1977) suggest a generalization of the EM, called GEM, which replaces the M-step by: G E M M-step. Choose 0 p+I so that

Q(O p+I l0 p) >I Q(O p lOP). The GEM also increases the likelihood at each iteration. More difficult is the case where the E-step expectation has no closed form as a function of 0. An example of this can be found in Stiratelli, Laird and Ware (1984), which discusses a variance components model for binary data. We now continue with our first example and give two others, the first involving a bivariate normal sample with missing data and the second being a simplified description of the convolution problem discussed in Maher and Laird (1985). EXAMPLE 1 (Continued). In this simple example, there is a closed form solution for the MLE of 0, as we now show. Since the number classified as category 3 is always observed (n - E Yi), 03 = (n - E yi)/n, implying 01 + 02 = E y J n . The incompletely observed data contribute no further information about 01 and Oz, which are estimated by solving (7)

01/(01 + 02) =Yl/(Yl + Y z ) , implying 01 = (E y i / n ) ( y l / ( y l +y2)), and 02 = (g yi/n)(Y2/(yl + Y2)). This can be verified by differentiating In g(y I 0) = ylln 01 + Y21n 0z + y31n(01 + 02) + (n - E Yi) ln(1 - 01




The EM algorithm


and solving the equations directly under the constraint E 0g = 1. Because there is a closed form solution, if we start with initial values which satisfy (7), the algorithm converges in one step. If we start with 0 estimated from the complete cases, (7) is satisfied, and as the calculations in Table 2 indicate, the algorithm has converged in one iteration. In general, the E M does not converge in one step in the presence of closed form solutions. EXAMPLE 2. We consider the case where we have, in the absence of missing data, an independent sample of observations from the bivariate normal distribution for n individuals. The underlying model assumed for the data is zij = ~o + ~ l a q + e,j ,


i = l, . . . , n ,

where aij is a fixed covariate, say age of measurement, (/30,/31) are unknown parameters to be estimated and the eij are normally distributed with var(eq) = 2 o'j, cov(eij, eik) = %.o-~p and cov(eii, elk) = 0 for i # l. Such a model might arise in a longitudinal study designed to model blood pressure as a function of age. With missing data, we observe (Zia, zi2 ) for only a subset of n, for others we may observe only Zgl or z,2. If we let R u denote an indicator vector with R~j = 1 meaning the j-th measurement on the i-th person is observed and Rij = 0 if it is missing, then clearly the observed data consists of either yi = ( R i l = 1, Ri2 = 1, Z~l, zi2), YT = (R~I = 1, Ri2 = O, z~l ) or y/T = (R,1 = 0, R~2 = 1, Z/z); for simplicity, we assume the pattern y f = ( R i l = O, Ri2 = 0 ) does not occur. T h e r e are (at least) two choices for modeling the 'complete data' in this setting. The obvious choice is to take x~ = (Zil, z~2). However, this choice has the drawback that there are not closed form estimates for (30,/31, cr1, ~r2, p) based on a sample (z~l, zi2), i = 1 , . . . , n, except in the special case where ail and ai2 are the same for all i = 1 , . . . , n. Thus the M-step is iterative. In fact, given the (zil, zi2), we could estimate the parameters by iteratively reweighted least squares as follows:


&T( ~ p ) - - 1 .4, -

&T( ~ p ) - 1 zi i=1


~p+l = ~ (Zi_Ai•p+l)(Zi_ Ai#P+l)T/17,, i=1

T a b l e 2. Incomplete trinomial data (continued). 0°z = 9 = 0 . 1 8

Starting values: O0a _- ~zl = 0 . 4 2 ,




01/01 ~- 02



0 1

0.42 0.3980

0.18 0.1710

0.7 0.7

25.90 25.90

11.10 11.10


N. Laird










0"2 ] "

Alternatively, we can let the 'complete data' be x~ = (zil, zi2 , e i l , el2 ). With these complete data, we can now easily compute the MLE of/1 and ~; as E ei e T / n


and T A -1

~] -=-

A i ~,




-1 Zi.

Using this latter representation for the complete data we can now write down the two steps in the algorithm, starting with/3 p and X P: E-step. Set

.(zi 3

if Ril = Ri2 = 1 ,

\ zn/


[~Po+ ~ plai2 + (o'P PP /0-Pl)(Zil -- ~P -- [3Pla,1) (~Po q'- [~ plail -1- (0-PlPP /0-P2)(Zi2 -- ~ P -- flPai2)) zi2

if Ril = 1, Ri2 = O, if Ril = O, Ri2 = 1 ,

and (z, - A ~ P)(z, - A i ~ P) T

if Ril = Ri2 = 1,

(Z p - Ai~P)(zi - A ~ P ) T (eie~ ) p :



0-P2(1 -- pp2))

if Ril = 0, Ri2 = 1 ,

(ZPi - Ai~l P)(zi - A ~ P) T

+ (0-~2(17 pp2) M-step. Set

~ p + l = E (eie Ti ) p /n

00) if R i l = 1, Ri2 = O.

The E M algorithm


and ~p+l

= --

AT p + l -1 i (~ ) Ai


T p + l -1 p Ai (~ ) g'i "

In this case, when there are no missing data (Ril : Ri2 : 1 for all i), the data are still 'incomplete' because we do not observe ez, and the two steps of the EM reduce to the iteratively reweighted least squares equations. In general, if the M-step is noniterative, then the EM will converge in one step with no 'incomplete' data. To illustrate the algorithm in this setting, we generated n - - 5 0 data points using the model Zi] : rio q- fllaij q- eij ,

with fi0 = 0, /31 = 1, o-12= o~ = 9 and p = 0.7. The ai] were drawn as independent N(50, 49), and a2i = a l i + N(3, 1). The first 10 observations are missing zn, the second ten observations are missing zi2, and for the rest both z n and zi2 are observed. Table 3 below shows the successive iterations. EXAMPLE 3. Indirect measurement or sensing is a common feature of many empirical studies in the physical sciences. Examples are the estimation of particle size distributions using optical, inertial or diffusional samples (Maher and Laird, 1985), reconstruction of images from position emission tomography (Vardi, Shepp and Kanfman, 1985 and Lange and Carson, 1984) and estimating the size distribution of spheres from stereology data (Silverman, Jones, Wilson and Nychka, 1990). A general formulation can be described as follows. We observe independent measurements yl, i = 1 . . . . , n, with E(yi) =

pi(x) dF(x).


Table 3. Incomplete bivariate normal data Iteration





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4.63 4.69 4.74 4.78 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.88 4.87

0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

10.00 9.27 9.07 9.06 9.12 9.39 9.37 9.35 9.34 9.33

0.5 0.54 0.58 0.61 0.63 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68

N. Laird


Our objective is to estimate F(x). The function pi(x) is a known nonnegative function which is a property of the measurement process. The solution of (8) also goes by the name of general inversion problem, system identification or deconvolution. We may choose a n explicit parametric form for F, say F(x ]0) and estimate 0, but more commonly f(x) is replaced by a histogram, using intervals determined a priori, and we estimate the probability mass in each interval. In this case, with xj denoting the midpoints of J intervals, (8) may be approximated by J E(y~) = ~ p q ~ , j=l where pq is pi(xj), or some approximating value for pi(x) in the j-th interval. Often yi is taken to be normally distributed with homoscedastic errors, and least squares is used to estimate the ~), constrained so that Z %. = 1 and ~ / > 0 for all j. When we characterize the measurement process as an incomplete data problem, we can derive the distribution of the data directly and use the EM to estimate the 7rj (or 0 in the parametric setting), by maximum likelihood. The derivation of the observed data likelihood depends upon the particular application. With diffusion battery data, we observe total counts of particles at each of I + 1 stages, i = 1 , . . . , I. Here F(x) is the distribution of particle sizes x in the aerosol. A volume of the aerosol is drawn into the battery, and passes through a fixed number of wire screens at each stage. The density of small sized particles decreases with successive stages due to the removal of smaller particles by Brownian diffusion. Using the theory of Brownian diffusion and knowing the properties of the battery, we can calculate, for any stage i, the probability, say pq, that a particle in size interval j will pass through to stage i. We can characterize the complete data as a matrix of independently distributed counts of particles, say zq, where zq is the number of particles in the j-th size category that reaches stage i. The observed data are simply the marginal counts z~+. Because each zq is independently distributed as Poisson (pq/xj), where 7rj ~.Lj/~, ~.Lj, each zi+ is independently distributed as Poisson (gj pq/xj) and the distribution of ( z ~ l , . . . , zij) given zi÷ is multinomial with probability vector ( ~rix,. .. , ~iJ) where =


This forms the basis of the E-step. For the M-step, we need only consider the distribution of z+j, which is Poisson (p+dx~). Thus it follows that with complete data

~j = Z+j/p+j

The E M algorithm



Starting with initial values for /x, the EM proceeds with:

E-step. Z p -- z+iPij].~j



M-step. jr/, p+I


These two steps can be combined to give -~,~/p. +1 __


p~i(z+iPij/EPij.~p) .


Clearly, the sequence of steps is easily programmed for a given matrix of pq. When the maximized log-likelihood lies on or near a boundary (some 7rj• = 0 ) , then the number of iterations required may be quite large (-3000); however, with only eleven stages in the battery and typical size samples, total computation time is trivial.

References Ceppellini, R., M. Siniscalco and C. A. B. Smith (1955). The estimation of gene frequencies in a random-mating population. Ann. Human Genet. 20, 97-115. Dempster, A. P., N. M. Laird and D. B. Rubin (1977). Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm (with discussion). J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 39, 1-38. Fuchs, C. (1982). Maximum likelihood estimation and model selection in contingency tables with missing data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 77, 270-278. Grundy, P. M. (1952). The fitting of grouped truncated and grouped censored normal distributions. Biometrika 39, 252-259. Hartley, H. O. (1958). Maximum likelihood estimation from incomplete data. Biometrics 14, 174-194. Lange, K. and R. Carson (1984). EM reconstruction algorithms for emission and transmission tomography. J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. 8, 306-316. Louis, T. A. (1982). Finding the observed information matrix when using the EM algorithm. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 44, 226-233. Maher, E. F. and N. M. Laird (1985). EM algorithm reconstruction of particle size distributions from diffusion battery data. J. Aerosol Sci. 16, 557-570. Orchard, T. and M. A. Woodbury (1972). A missing information principle: Theory and applications. In: Proc. 6th Berkeley Sympos. on Math. Statist. and Probab., Vol. 1, 697-715. Silverman, B. W., M. C. Jones, J. D. Wilson and D. W. Nychka (1990). A smoothed EM approach to indirect estimation problems with particular reference to setereology and emission tomography. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 52, 271-324. Stiratelli, R., N. Laird and J. H. Ware (1984). Random-effects models for serial observations with binary response. Biometrics 40, 961-971.


N. Laird

Sundberg, R. (1974). Maximum likelihood theory for incomplete data from an exponential family. Scand. J. Statist. 1, 49-58. Vardi, Y., L. A. Shepp and L. Kaufman (1985). A statistical model for position emission tomography (with comments). J. A m e r . Statist. Assoc. 80, 8-37. Wu, C.F.J. (1983). On the convergence properties of the EM algorithm, A n n . Statist. 11, 95-103.

C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

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Analysis of Ordered Categorical Data through Appropriate Scaling C. Radhakrishna Rao and Paula M. Caligiuri

1. Introduction

Common to both the social and life sciences, research and survey data are often collected in a categorical form. The categories may be nominal as in the case of 'food group', 'sex', and 'race', or they may have underlying continua such as 'weight' (categorized as underweight, average, or overweight) and 'height' (categorized as tall, average, or short). These ordered categories are used in the place of their corresponding continuous scales, 'weight in pounds' or 'height in inches' for convenience in collecting data, especially when the underlying quantity cannot be easily ascertained. There is a vast literature on the analysis of categorical data based on certain stochastic models for frequencies: a comprehensive treatment of this can be found in Agresti (1990). However, in the early thirties attempts were made to score the categories in quantitative terms and interpret the data using the methods of quantitative multivariate analysis. References to very early work are: Richardson and Kuder (1933), Horst (1935), and Hirschfeld (1935). A systematic study started with the concepts introduced by Fisher (1940) and Guttman (1941), on what is now generally known as dual scaling. A historical account of dual scaling and a survey of current trends of research can be found in Nishisato (1980) and Nishisato and Nishisato (1984). In the early work on dual scaling, no restrictions were placed on the quantities to be attached to the categories. This left open the possibility of the estimated scores not matching the natural order (or partial order) inherent in some categories, which made interpretation of results somewhat difficult. The first attempt to construct scales exhibiting the same order as the categories was made by Bradley, Katti and Coons (1962) and later by Nishisato and Inukai (1972), de Leeuw (1973), Nishisato and Arri (1975), de Leeuw, Young and Takane (1976) and Nishisato (1978). The problem of incorporating partial order is discussed in Nishisato (1973) and Nishisato and Arri (1975). In this paper we discuss different situations where categories exhibit a natural order and suggest methods for scaling them to match the order. The 521

C. R. Rao and P. M. Caligiuri


method of estimation is facilitated through the use of a c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m called G I N O , general interactive o p t i m i z e r , (see the Appendix).

2. C o n t i n g e n c y tables

A p × q contingency table (with p rows and q columns) is a two way classified data matrix with the frequency f~j in the (i, j ) - t h cell representing the n u m b e r of individuals with the category i for one attribute and j for another attribute as shown in Table 1.1. We use the following notations: F = (f~j), the p × q matrix of frequencies in Table 1.1. P = the p × p diagonal matrix of row totals, f~., f2., • • •, fp.. P = (fl., f2.,. • • , fp,)', the column vector of row totals. Q = the q x q diagonal matrix of column totals, f ~ , f 2 . . . . , f q . q = ( f l , f 2 , . • • , f q ) ' , the column vector of column totals.


tl 0...1 i) (i 0-..1 i) ;

• . °

with p rows and p c o l u m n s .

. . .

B =

with q rows and q c o l u m n s .

, ° °

We denote the scores given to the row categories by rl, r 2 , . . . , rp and to the column categories by Cl, c 2 , . . . , Cq. Further restrictions on the scores will be introduced later. We discuss different situations depending on the available knowledge on the ordinal nature of the categories.

Table 1.1 Contingency table Attribute 2

Attribute 1































A n a l y s i s o f ordered categorical data

2.1. R o w categories o r d i n a l

Let us suppose that the row categories have a natural order with the underlying magnitude for the (i + 1)-th category being not smaller than that for the i-th category. In such a case the score vector r ' = (rl, r 2 , . . . , rp) for the row categories is chosen to satisfy the same order, rl ! rl, . . . , rp > i rp_l) and denote the corresponding F statistic by

172 ~_ ( f .






Then F z ~< F 1, but its large sample distribution is not known. However, if F z is significant as a X 2 on (q + p - 3) degrees of freedom, the null hypothesis stands rejected. Let us consider the following example. The data in Table 2.1 are taken from the paper by Bradley, Katti and Coons (1962). The different row categories of improvement due to a treatment are naturally ordered. Using the expressions (2.1.3) and (2.1.5), the C and T matrices are computed as follows. We shall determine the appropriate scores

Table 2.1 Sample d a t a - row categories ordered Improvement

Terrible Poor Fair Good Excellent Total


r1 r2 ?'3 /'4 r5







9 5 9 13 4

7 3 10 20 4

14 13 6 7 0

11 15 3 5 8

0 2 10 30 2

41 38 38 75 18







Analysis of ordered categorical data



r 5 satisfying order restrictions.



'0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,0.000

0.000 2.915 5.577 4.659 -0.117

0.000 5.577 11.865 9.354 -0.581

00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000 00.000

00.000 32.995 25.576 18.157 3.514

00.000 25.576 49.281 34.986 6.771





9.354 -0.581], 7.652 -0.1591 -0.159 00.000 18.157 34.986 51.814 10.029

0.835/ 0.000' 3.514 6.771 10.029 16.45Z

NOTE 2. The matrices T and C as defined in (2.1.3) and (2.1.5) will always have zeroes in the first row and in the first column. The s vector obtained by maximizing the ratio s'Cs/s'Ts, subject to the conditions s I = 0 and s ' l = 1, using the G I N O p r o g r a m is (0.000, - 0 . 4 7 0 , 3.260, 0.887, - 2 . 6 7 5 ) . This gives unconstrained row scores (0, - 0 . 4 7 0 , 2.790, 3.677, 1.002) which do not reflect the natural order of the row categories. T h e value of '1722computed from these scores is 0.285 giving the value of the F I statistic as F1 =

( 2 1 0 - 10)(0.285) 1 - 0.285 - 79.7

which is high for X 2 on 5 + 5 - 3 = 7 degrees of freedom, showing that there are differences in treatments. T h e reciprocal scores for the treatments using (2.1.8) are Treatment Scores:

1 1.860

2 2.360

3 0.906

4 0.657

5 3.159

The s vector obtained with the constraints that all its c o m p o n e n t s are nonnegative, s 1 = 0, and s ' l = 1 is (0.000, 0.000, 0.861, 0.139, 0.000) giving the constrained row scores (0, 0, 0.861, 1.000, 1.000). The value of T]122c o m p u t e d from these scores is 0.244 giving the value of the F 2 statistic F1 -

( 2 1 0 - 10)(0.244) 1 - 0.244 = 64.5

which is also high for 8 degrees of freedom. The reciprocal scores for the treatments are Treatment Scores:

1 1.619

2 0.741

3 0.304

4 0.370

5 0.923

2.2. Both the row and column categories ordered Let r and c be p and q vectors representing the scores of the row and column


C. R. Rao and P. M. Caligiuri

categories respectively. We write r =As ,


c =Bd,

where s ' = ( S l , . . . , Sp) and d ' = ( d l , . . . , SI~-0



d I = 0,

d 2 >~O , . . . ,

dq) with the restrictions and


dq >~ 0



d 2 + • • • + dq = 1 .

(2.2.2) (2.2.3)

We have two alternative ways of estimating s and d and then the corresponding r and c. One method is to estimate s and d separately using the m e t h o d of • • 2 Section 2.1. To estimate s we maximize 721 and to estimate d we maximize 712. 2 These are obtained by reversing the roles of rows and columns. This is equivalent to maximizing the product of the two ratios 2 2






where 712 depends on s only and 721 depends on d only. Another method is to maximize the correlation coefficient between attributes 1 and 2 using the scores. For this we need the product moment S12 = r ' ( F - f -1 .. p q , )c = s ' M d ,


M =A'(F -fT.lpp')B



and F, p, q, A and B are as defined in the beginning of Section 2. The total sums of squares for attributes 1 and 2 are S n = d'Tld


See =




where T 1 = B'(Q - f ~lqq')B,


T 2 =A'(P -f-lpp')A.


Then the square of the correlation coefficient is S22 / S, l S = = (s'Md)2 / ( d ' r l d ) f s % s )


which is maximized subject to the restrictions (2.2.2) and (2.2.3). Finally the score vectors r and c are obtained from the formulas r = As ,

c = Bd .

The data we use for illustration is taken from a survey conducted by the second author. Each of 257 subjects chosen was asked to respond to a set of multiple choice questions. The responses to questions 1 and 2 are shown in Table 2.2. Question 1 asks, 'How much time have you spent overseas?' The scale ranges from 1 to 5: (1) never, (2) a week, (3) a few weeks, (4) a month,


Analysis of ordered categorical data

Table 2.2 Sample data Question 2

Question i 1

Total 2










2 3 4 5

22 56 37 31

4 5 3 3

4 9 5 10

1 2 6 5

1 11 10 7

25 32 83 61 56








and (5) several months. Question 2 asks the subject to respond to the statement, 'I hope that the company I work for (or will work for) will send me on an overseas assignment?' The scale ranges from 1 to 5: (1) strongly agree, (2) agree somewhat, (3) maybe, (4) disagree somewhat, and (5) strongly disagree. The categories for both questions are naturally ordered. Using the expressions (2.1.3), (2.1.5), and (2.2.6), the T1, T2, C1, C2, and M matrices are computed as follows. /O.O00 0.000 C 1 = 0.000 0.000 ~0.000

/o.ooo /o.ooo

0.000 0.413 1.129 0.918 0.105

/O.O00 0.000 0.000 0.000 ~0.000

0.000 -0.661 1.292 5.296 4.082

0.000 -0.315 3.521 7.035 4.786

0.000 1.475 5.202 7.058 1.977

00.000 22.568 19.455 11.381 5.447

00.000 19.455 44.358 25.949 12.420

00.000 11.381 25.949 63.735 30.506

00.000 60.140 49.490 28.817 18.794

00.000 49.490 54.716 31.860 20.778

00.000 28.817 31.860 37.766 24.630


/oo.ooo T1 = lOO.OOO


\00.000 /00.000

/oo.ooo T2 = lOO.OOO



0.000 0.523 0.863 1.056 0.659

0.000\ -0.167~ 0.106|, 0.607] 0.522/



0.000 0.806 1.104 0.863 0.394

0.000 0.126 0.918 1.588 0.607

0.000 0.652 0.806 0.523 0.144

C2 = 10.000


0.000 0.242 0.414 0.126 -0.167

0.000~ 0.144 0.394 0.659 0.541/

(torescale question2).

(to rescale question 1).

0.000~ 1.918 4.654 ' 3.342 0.463/

(to do simultaneous rescaling).

00.000\ 5.447~ 12.420 / , 30.506] 43.798/

(to rescale question 2 ) .

00.000\ 18.794~ 20.778|, 24.630] 26.498/

(to rescale question 1).

C. R. Rao and P. M. Caligiuri


Table 2.3 Correlation between questions 1 and 2 using various scaling methods Scaling method used


Q1, Q2 both equal interval scores Q1 rescaled without order restrictions, Q2 equal interval scores Q2 rescaled without order restrictions, Q1 equal interval scores Q1, Q2 both rescaled separately without order restrictions Q1 rescaled with order restrictions, Q2 equal interval scores Q2 rescaled with order restrictions, Q1 equal interval scores Q1, Q2 both rescaled separately with order restrictions Q1 and Q2 simultaneously rescaled with order restrictions

0.11 0.14 0.13 0.18 0.13 0.13 0.16 0.16

Rescaling question 2. The s vector obtained by maximizing the ratio S'ClS/ s'Tls subject to the conditions sl = 0 and s ' l = 1, using the G I N O program is (0.000, -0.619, 1.222, 0.960, -0.563). This gives unconstrained row scores (0, -0.619, 0.601, 1.561, 1.000) which to not reflect the natural order of the row categories in question 2. The value of ~221 computed from these scores is 0.032. The s vector obtained with the constraint (2.17) that all its components are nonnegative, s~ = 0 and s ' l -- 1 is (0.000, 0.000, 0.564, 0.436, 0.000) giving the constrained row scores (0, 0, 0.0564, 1.000, 1.000) The value of ~721 computed from these scores is 0.029. Rescaling question 1. The d vector obtained by maximizing the ratio d'C2d/ d'Tad subject to the conditions d I = 0 and d ' l = 1, using the G I N O program is (0, -0.681, 0.489, 1.126, 0.066). This gives unconstrained column scores (0, -0.681, -0.192, 0.934, 1.000) which do not reflect the natural order of the column categories in question 1. The value of ~/2a2computed from these scores is 0.032. The d vector obtained with the constraints (2.1.7) that all its components are nonnegative, d 1 = 0 and d ' l -- 1 is (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000) giving the constrained column scores (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 1.000). The value of 722 computed from these scores is 0.028. Simultaneously rescaling questions 1 and 2. Using the other method, the s and d vectors are obtained by maximizing the ratio (s'Md)2/(s'Tls)(d'T2d), subject to conditions (2.2.2) and (2.2.3), (i.e., that the components of s and d are nonnegative, s~ = 0, d 1 = 0, s ' l = 1 and d ' l = 1). Using the G I N O program to maximize the ratio, the s vector is (0.000, 0.000, 0.443, 0.557, 0.000) and the d vector is (0.000, 0.000, 0.048, 0.952, 0.000). This gives constrained row scores (0, 0, 0.443, 1.000, 1.000) for question 2, and column scores (0, 0, 0.048, 1.000, 1.000) for question 1. Both of these sets of scores reflect the natural order of their respective categories. Table 2.3 summarizes the values of the correlation coefficient under using the different scalings.

3. Response pattern tables Response pattern tables are often obtained from sociological surveys and psychological tests. A questionnaire is prepared with a set of items and a

Analysis of ordered categoricaldata


Table 3.1 Sample responsepattern table Subject

Item 1

Item 2








1 1 0

1 0

3 ..

0 0 1 •

0 1 0

0 0 1

0 1 0










1 2

0 .



Item i .-.






0 0 1



number of response options (alternatives) for each item. A subject is asked to choose only one option for each item. The response table in such a case is typically in the form of Table 3.1, where item 1 has 2 response options, item 2 has 3 response options and so on. The responses chosen by a subject are indicated by 1 and the others by zeros. Let us suppose that we have N subjects, M items and the n u m b e r of response options for item i is m v Our object is to score the response options in each item. The method that is in current practice (see Nishisato, 1980 and Greenacre, 1984) may be described as follows. Let a t be the mr-vector of scores to be attached to the options of item i and denote by matrix Z, the N by C (i.e., C = m l + m 2 + - . - + mM) contingency table. We can compute the correlation ratio 2

'/112 = sum of squares between subjects/total sum of squares = SSb/SS


as in Section 2.1 and maximize it to obtain simultaneously the optimum scores at, i = I , . . . , M . If the options in each item have an underlying order structure, then we can obtain the optimum at, i = 1 , . . . , M in such a way that the components of each a t are ordered. As noted by several authors, an alternative m e t h o d of dual scaling is to consider the Burt matrix










as a C × C contingency table where Z t is the N x m i matrix representing the entries under item i in Table 3.1. The rows and columns are scored by the same numbers and then the p r o d u c t - m o m e n t correlation coefficient is maximized. Again, if the scores for the options in each item are chosen with order restrictions then they can be estimated by maximizing the corelation coefficient with the appropriate constraints on the scores. We suggest an alternative method which appears to be more intuitive. Consider the matrix


: .--

: z',zM


C. R . R a o a n d P. M . C a l i g i u r i

Table 3.2 C o n t i n g e n c y t a b l e for item 1 by items 2, 3 , . . . ,

Item 1

Item 2 1 ...


1 --.

~ t ' ( 2 ) . ° . ~c(2) Jll Jlm 2

~(3). dll



/,(3).. d21


° .f(2) Jlm 2 :





m M

. .f(M)


, . ~c(3) Jlm 3


Jlm M

f(M). . .f(M)

, ~c(3) Jlm 3


Jlm M


/'(2) . . .f(2) Jm,1 amlm 2


Item M

Item 3




F ( 3 ) . . . ~7(3) Jm,1 amlm 3


(M)...f(M) m,1 amlm

which can be written as a contingency table (Table 3.2) where the entries the frequencies for various combinations of responses on item 1 with responses on the other items. We consider Table 3.2 as an m a × (m z + .. mM) contingency table and compute, by the method of Section 2, the scores


are the •+ for

Table 3.3 Sample data to rescale question 1 Question 1







Question 2

1 2 3 4 5

15 6 4 1 3

27 32 13 4 2

13 34 23 13 2

10 14 16 9 2

1 2 6 2 3

66 88 62 29 12

Question 3

1 2 3 4 5

8 13 6 2 0

8 36 26 8 0

5 34 28 16 2

3 13 21 8 6

0 2 2 7 3

24 98 83 41 11

Question 4

1 2 3 4 5

26 2 0 1 0

71 5 1 1 0

66 13 3 3 0

41 6 1 2 1

9 0 3 2 0

213 26 8 9 1

Table 3.4 Rescaled categories with restrictions Equal interval scores





0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

0.000 0.081 0.295 0.400 1.000

0.000 0.180 0.355 0.700 1.000

0.000 0.212 0.390 0.753 1.000

0.000 0.243 0.503 0.906 1.000


Analysis o f ordered categorical data

Table 3.5. Comparison of correlation matrices Equal interval scores Q2 Q3 Q4

Rescaled scores




0.28 0.38 0.19

0.51 0.47


Q2 Q3 Q4




0.28 0.39 0.22

0.49 0.51


the responses of item 1 subject to order restrictions. To compute the scores for the options of item 2, we consider the m 2 >( ( m 1 + m 3 + • • • + m M ) table of the type as Table 3.2 by interchanging the places of items 1 and 2. In a similar way the scores for all options of all the items are computed. Let us consider the example where there are four questions (i.e., M = 4) on a survey and we would like to compute the scores for the options for question 1. Each question has 5 categorically ordinal options. Consider the contingency table for item 1 with respect to the other three items (Table 3.3). Using the m e t h o d of Section 2.1, the new scale scores exhibiting the natural order are computed (Table 3.4). Table 3.5 compares the correlation matrix of ordered categories based on equal interval scores with the correlation matrix of rescaled scores. It is interesting to note that there is not much difference in the correlation coefficients computed form equal interval scores and the estimated order restricted scores. This may not be a general phenomenon. We suggest the use of the correlation matrix computed on rescaled scores for further analyses.

4. Summary When analyzing multivariate data, it is preferred to have information with regard to both the rank orders of the categories on the scale and the actual distances between points on a scale (Coombs, 1964, p. 96). When data is in the form of ordered categories, the numbers representing those categories 'may be manipulated by a r i t h m e t i c . . . (however) the answers cannot necessarily be interpreted as a statement about the true m a g n i t u d e s of the categories, nor about the true amounts of some property (Hays, 1988, p. 69)'. In the social and behavioral sciences, ordered categories are too often inappropriately analyzed and interpreted in terms of some quantitative property of an object (e.g., calculating correlations with ordered categories). Hays (1988, p. 70) gives a very clear warning on the seriousness of this analytic error: ...you can do arithmetic to your heart's content on any set of numbers, but your results are not necessarily true statements about the amounts of some property that objects possess unless


c. R. Rao and P. M. Caligiuri

interval scale requirements are met by the procedure for obtaining those numbers. By using the proposed method for rescaling, the arbitrarily ordered categories are changed into real points on a scale and stronger inferences can be made because the differences of the magnitudes between points are known. The problem of rescaling, or assigning quantitative scores to the row and column categories of a contingency table has received considerable attention in recent times. The scores are usually obtained by maximizing a chosen criterion such as the correlation coefficient between row and column categories. This general procedure does not ensure that when the row or column categories have an order structure, the corresponding estimated quantitative scores are similarly ordered. If this does not happen, statistical analysis based on estimated quantitative scores may not have a meaningful interpretation. In this paper, we have attempted to provide a unified method for rescaling ordinal categories subject to the restriction that the estimated new scores maintain the corresponding natural order of the categories.

Appendix. GINO GINO (General INteractive Optimizer) is a modeling program which can be used to solve optimization problems and sets of simultaneous linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities. GINO has been used. to compute the rescaled categories through maximizing the ratio of two quadratic forms (e.g., eta, correlation) both with and without order restrictions. Using GINO requires 256k of memory and handles a 30 x 50 matrix. For those already familiar with LINDO, GINO uses the same command language. Questions with regard to GINO should be directed to The Scientific Press 540 University Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 (415)322-5221

Acknowledgment Research sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant AFOSR-89-0279 and the U.S. Army Research Office under Grant DAAL0389-K-0139. The United States Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon.

Analysis of ordered categorical data


References Agresti, A. (1990). Categorical Data Analysis. Wiley, New York. Bradley, R. A., S. K. Katti and I. J. Coons (1962). Optimal scaling for ordered categories. Psychometrika 27, 355-374. Coombs, C. H. (1964). A Theory of Data. Wiley, New York. De Leeuw, J. (1973). Canonical analysis of categorical data. Psychological Institute, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. De Leeuw, J., F. W. Young and Y. Takane (1976). Additive structure in quantitative data: an alternating least squares method with optimal rescaling features. Psychometrika 41, 471-504. Fisher, R. A. (1940). The precision of discriminant functions. Ann. Eugen. 10, 422-429. Greenacre, M. J. (1984). Theory and Applications of Correspondence Analysis. Academic Press, New York. Guttman, L. (1941). The quantification of a class of attributes: A theory and method of scale construction. In: P. Horst et al., eds., The Prediction of Personal Adjustment, The Committee on Social Adjustment, New York, 319-348. Hays, W. L. (1988). Statistics. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York. Hirschfeld, H. O. (1935). A connection between correlation and contingency. Cambridge Philos. Soc. Proc. 31, 520-524. Horst, P. (1935). Measuring complex attitudes. J. Social Psychol. 6, 369-374. Nishisato, S. (1973). Optimal scaling and its generalizations. II. Applications. Measurement and evaluation of categorical data. Technical Report No. 1, Department of Measurement and Evaluation, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto. Nishisato, S. (1978). Dual scaling of successive categories data. Paper presented at the first joint meeting of the Psychometric Society and the Society for Mathematical Psychology, McMaster University, Hamilton. Nishisato, S. (1980). Analysis of Categorical Data: Dual Scaling and its Applications. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto. Nishisato, S. and P. S. Arri (1975). Nonlinear programming approach to optimal rescaling of partially ordered categories. Psychometrika 40, 525-548. Nishisato, S. and Y. Inukai (1972). Partially optimal scaling of items with ordered categories. Japan. Psychol. Res. 14, 109-119. Nishisato, S. and I. Nishisato (1984). An Introduction to Dual Scaling. MicroStats, Toronto. Richardson, M. and G. F. Kuder (1933). Making a rating scale that measures. Personnel J. 12, 36-40.

C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

1 C. 1 O

Statistical Applications of Artificial Intelligence

William A . Gale, D a v i d J. H a n d a n d A n t h o n y E. Kelly

1. Opening new areas for research

Knowledge engineering (KE), the applied branch of the science of artificial intelligence (AI), is responsible for the techniques and tools used to implement the ideas and concepts of AI. As KE techniques are applied in various disciplines, it is becoming clear that a major contribution is new ways of building formal theories. Formalization of theories in a discipline provides a clear basis for agreement or disagreement, and thus supports combination of efforts in research. The exciting prospect from applications of AI in statistics is thus the prospect for opening new areas to systematic research. Statistics is in many ways an ideal domain in which to explore the effectiveness of KE techniques. It is a large discipline, too large for any one person to encompass, there are acknowledged experts, many different kinds of expertise are involved, and it is in great demand from a wide range of application areas. Conversely, given the demand and a relative shortage of experts, there is great incentive for developing systems which can give practical assistance to researchers who wish to make use of statistical expertise. Indeed this, and the problems arising from misuse of widely available statistical packages by researchers with inadequate statistical expertise, has been one of the primary motivations for work in this area. In statistics, the knowledge that is being formalized has been called statistical strategy. The term covers higher level decision making than has previously been formalized: how to translate from subject matter goals to statistical models, how to select a data analytic technique, and how to apply a technique validly. Complementary to designing good statistical strategies is work on modelling the user: pitching the interface at a level appropriate of the user's understanding is clearly a key aspect of producing an effective system.

1.1. The formal theory level In 1980, Allen Newell, then president of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, suggested that AI was creating a 'knowledge level'. The 535


w. A. Gale, D. J. Hand and A. E. Kelly

term referred to a higher level in the well-known hierarchy of computer systems levels. While the knowledge level that he suggested does not fit well in the computer systems hierarchy, the hierarchy and its extrapolation to a higher level do provide a useful insight into the AI enterprise. Table 1 shows a hierarchy familiar to computer scientists. A level has many characteristics, of which the medium, the components, and composition laws are shown. The medium is processed by the components. The components provide primitive processing. The components can be combined with results predicted by a theory, the composition laws. Each level can be defined autonomously, without reference to any other level. Programmers do not need to understand logic circuits, logic designers do not need to be electrical engineers. Yet each level can be implemented, that is constructively defined, in terms provided by the level below. This process is the substance of computer architecture courses. Newell identified several features common to all these levels: (1) The behaviour of a system defined at any level is deterministic. (2) Total system behaviour results from local processing by each component. (3) Immense variety of behaviour is obtained by an immense variety of ways of assembling relatively few types of components. (4) The medium is realized through stable states of matter, such as electrons in a capacitor. He also pointed out that each level is implemented through a great restriction on the components which can be constructed using the means provided by the level below it. Newell then proposed a 'knowledge' level above these levels. As he discussed, his proposed level violated all four of the points noted in the previous paragraph. There may be several levels above the program level, and a knowledge level may be one of them. But the most fruitful next level would Table 1 Computer systemslevels Level



Composition laws



sequential interpretation


bit vector

logic circuit



voltage current


electrons magnetic domains

memory comparison arithmetic register adder multiplexer and gate or gate transistor resistor capacitor n-layer cathode

transfer Boolean expressions electrical engineering physics

Statistical applications of AI


seem to be one that extended these same properties which have worked so well at lower levels. Much of current AI work can be seen as work towards a level above the programming level that does continue all the properties noted above. The level under construction might be called a 'formal theory' level. This level is not complete, and is not as well defined as the lower levels, but in its current status it has begun to be useful. The medium of the formal theory is the statement, a sequence of symbols well formed according to some syntax. The composition rules are logics, such as first order predicate calculus or modal logic. The components most suitable for this level are not yet clear (or perhaps this level will give up this property). In their place we currently find a set of concepts and a set of techniques. The concepts include belief, knowledge, actions, goals, problems, and reasons. The techniques include rules, frames, and objects. A number of formal theories, of varying degree of completeness, have been built using programs as a medium of implementation. The examples given later show what has been done in statistics. Since the components for building such theories are not yet standardized, current practice is to focus on the concepts, and to use the techniques available as seems most appropriate. The contribution of AI research is KE techniques and tools for building formal theories. Formal theories have long been built using mathematical tools, and the progress made using them suggests why new tools for formalization are exciting. What distinguishes current AI programming is the attempt to build programs that formalize such concepts as goals, problems, and actions. These concepts occur in statistics, as in any rational activity, and in data analysis have come to be called statistical strategy. 1.2. The formal theory level in statistics Two rather similar views of the data analysis process have been proposed by Hand (1986a) and Oldford and Peters (1986b). Hand discussed four stages of analysis, while Oldford and Peters distinguished four levels of strategy. That is, Hand was concerned with entities which actually take place at different times, while Oldford and Peters' description is more of a classification. Still the views are similar, and a comparison may give some feeling for what in data analysis needs to be represented. Hand's four stages are (1) formulate aims, (2) translate into formal terms, (3) numerical processing, (4) interpretation. These stages were given specifically as stages in a multivariate analysis of variance (manova). The first stage is concerned with what dependent and independent variables are involved, how they are related, and what questions the researcher wants to explore. It occupies a large part of the time in actual consultations. The second stage results in the translation from a problem statement in the ground discipline to a problem statement in statistics terms. The third stage consists of estimation, testing, data cleaning, and transformation. This stage functions within the


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statistician's language. The fourth stage consists of translating back to the ground domain. As Hand points out, there will be various loops in an actual analysis, returning to earlier stages to alter decisions. While given as stages in manova, we believe they present one reasonable view of data analysis. Oldford and Peters suggest 'operational level' as a scale for thinking about procedures. They illustrate the idea rather than define it, but it seems to be related to a possible hierarchical organization of procedures. At the lowest level are standard numerical procedures of statistics, such as least squares fitting or robust fitting. Selections from this level constitute the minimal components of a statistical package. Just above this level are such subprocedures as collinearity analysis and influential data diagnosis. Each of these presupposes the existence of procedures in the layer below it. Above this layer lies a layer of techniques, such as regression analysis, spectrum analysis, or analysis of variance. The top-most identifiable level has strategies for analysis and for design. This is another reasonable view of data analysis. The levels idea rests on a notion of a procedure using other procedures as building blocks to carry out its goals. The notion of stages is that of what is done first. The relationship between them is that the high level strategies are used first and more frequently. The low level strategies are used later if at all. Thus the higher levels of a hierarchy of techniques will correspond to the preliminary stages of a study. (We remark here that a frequent criticism of much current statistics teaching is that it addresses too low a level.) Wittkowski (1988) sketches a program that explicitly recognizes six different levels of abstraction, analogous to those discussed by Hand, Oldford, and Peters. The implementation realistically confines itself to the lower levels of abstraction. We commented in the introduction to Section 1 that an important motivation for work in this area has been the requirement for assisting novice users of statistics to undertake valid analyses. If statistically inexperienced researchers are to use the system then it is important to ensure that they have correctly understood the questions the system asks them. Obtaining feedback from the user is thus necessary. The notion of a user model, based on work in the area of intelligent tutoring systems is relevant here.

1.3. Progress in A I applications in statistics In 1988, in an article entitled 'On the non-existence of expert systems - Critical remarks on artificial intelligence in statistics' Streitberg raised the issues of how much progress was being made toward commercially available systems and how knowledge-based systems could be tested. He argued that there were no commercially available systems and hence no expert systems. At about the same time Gale (1987a) wrote: 'The current status of consulting systems is that several feasibility systems have been described in the literature. None have become prototypes, that is, systems used by a few friendly users. There are no commercial systems based on formal models of analysis'.

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Streitberg and Gale thus agreed on the non-existence of commercial systems. Gale, however, pointed out that both feasibility demonstrations (program that the original designer can demonstrate to others) and prototypes (programs that people other than the designer can run) did in fact exist. The disagreement thus simply hinged around terminology: whether or not feasibility demonstrations and prototypes should be called expert systems. Whatever one's feelings on this, there is no doubt that the existence of programs falling into these two levels of development demonstrate that progress has been made in the application of artificial intelligence in statistics. It would be unfair to apply stringent criticisms prematurely. Indeed, Gale also wrote in 1987: 'In the next five years, I expect to see perhaps a few dozen research systems, several prototypes, and probably one or more commercial systems'. As the remainder of this review shows, this was an accurate forecast: progress is being made. Another forecast, this time one made in 1986, was that of Tukey, who wrote: By 1995 or so, the largest single driving force in guiding general work on data analysis and statistics is going to be the needs that have to be met to understand and improve data-analytic expert systems. At the time of writing (1992) it seems that this forecast will not be fulfilled. However, that is not to say that the most pressing need for work on data analysis and statistics is not in the areas necessary for the development of statistical expert systems: in statistical strategy as defined above. One sign of maturity as systems become more available has been an increased discussion of the constituent parts or processes involved in the construction of consultation system. This is an indication both of the increasing breadth of the research frontier, and also of the fact that deeper investigation of the constituent components is going on. Two examples of this are work on interfaces and work on how human statisticians do their jobs. Nelder (1988) describes the interface for GLIMPSE, outlined below, and one of his most important conclusions is that the interface is at least as important as the expertise. Hietala (1992) uses hypertext, a uniquely powerful computer oriented format for interaction between the user and the system. Implicit in designing an interface, of course, is some kind of model of what the user knows about statistics. Much of this work on interfaces has been motivated by the fact that colossal effort, lasting for decades, has been put into developing powerful data analytic systems, and naturally researchers concerned with putting statistical strategies into programs want to take advantage of this already existing numerical software. Examples include the work of Darius (1986), using SAS, Ollivier et al. (1992), and Smith et al. (1983). An empirical study of how consultees relate to consultants by Clayden and Croft (1990), reached the negative conclusion that machines would not be able


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to mimic the current process. This result should probably have been expected, since in many 'intelligent' programs, such as chess playing systems, progress became possible when attempts to model how people do the task were set aside and the different strengths of the machine were used. Van den Berg (1992) describes a series of studies of the agreement between statisticians on tackling data analysis problems. For example, she investigates the reasons for statisticians choosing a particular method, whether statisticians from different areas reached similar conclusions, how statisticians describe similarities and differences between methods. She found that interpretations of measurement level differed between statisticians, and that the application environment they usually worked in did lead to differences. In constructing the strategy for REX, Pregibon recorded processes as he analysed a series of data sets. Based on this, he presented (Pregibon, 1986) a series of heuristic suggestions for those wishing to formalize statistical strategy.

1.4. Organization o f this chapter

The next section discusses several computer programs that explicitly formalize statistical strategy under headings based on a combination of the Oldford and Hand views. The first heading is translating a research goal into a specific data analytic agenda. This level is represented by a program, RX (Blum, 1982), that takes a research question posed in medical terms and produces a description of the statistical study that needs to be done to answer the question. This level corresponds most closely to Hand's 'translate into formal terms'. It is the first point that statistical knowledge enters the study. It is characterized by need for knowledge of both a ground domain and statistics. This is an old program now, and the lack of progress in this area suggests that it is particularly difficult. We note parenthetically here that introducing knowledge of the ground domain substantially increases the difficulty of building a model of the user's knowledge. At this point, we know that some statistical analysis needs to be done. The second heading is choice of technique, which assumes that some analysis needs to be done, but that a technique has not been selected. The program MUSE (Dambroise, 1987) remains the best developed at this level, although other programs have made some advances. This level is characterized by a lack of assumptions or restrictions on the study, leading to a small role for formal statistical calculations, and a large dependence on information which cannot be gathered by examining the data. The third heading is analysis given the technique, which is now represented by a multitude of programs, including MULREG, a commercially available and widely used product. This level is characterized by active use of statistical tests, plots, and transformations to detect violated assumptions and take corrective action. Table 2 summarizes the above discussion of the levels of statistical strategy


Statistical applications of AI Table 2 Levels of statistical strategy Level



translation into represent knowledge statistics in two domains need information get information from not in data naive user test many represent all assumptions assumptions, make corrections corrections uniformly deal with interacting violations order of corrections

technique selection technique

Key problems


used to organize this paper. The key problems included in the table are discussed later.

2. Examples of AI applications in statistics This section describes some important examples of AI applications in statistics. Other reviews of work in this area have been published by H a h n (1985), Gale (1986c), H a n d (1986b), and Chowdhury (1987).

2.1. Translating research goals to statistics Translating a research goal into a specific data analytic agenda is a high level and difficult task. The one system built at this level shows that some progress can be made with current techniques, but suggests also the difficulty of an open ended system at this level. The system is RX, built by Blum (1982). It was intended to discover causal relationships in medicine automatically. As developed, it was limited to relationships derivable from a single data base. This limitation allowed substantial research on automatic study design, but suggests that considerable generalization remains to be done. The data base R X used was a subset of the American Rheumatism Association Medical Information System rheumatology data base. This data base was developed for doctors to record symptoms, lab values, and therapies of patients seen in seventeen rheumatology clinics. R X used the subset of records consisting of the most active 500 patients with lupus erythematosus at the Stanford Rheumatology Clinic. The patients chosen averaged 50 visits over four to eight year periods. These patients are not a random sample, but a convenient one to build a feasibility study on. These patients were seriously ill, with multiple diseases and multiple


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therapies. The number of concurrent diseases and therapies makes the determination of causal relations challenging. RX was intended to emulate the scientist at work, with three major modules: a discovery module to suggest relationships to study, a study module to refine the suggested relationship to a data analysis problem, and a statistical module to carry out the data analysis required. All three used the knowledge base which is described below. The discovery module and the data analysis module were only minimally developed. The data analysis module, for instance, simply performed what statisticians call an OLS linear regression rather than doing a complete analysis. OLS, or ordinary least squares, is a procedure developed by Karl Gauss for representing the trend of a set of data points with a single line. The line selected by this procedure minimizes the sum of the squares of the deviations from the points. It is a simple and useful procedure, but it can easily misrepresent the data if any of a number of assumptions fail. For instance, if there is a single outlying point removed from the bulk of the data, the OLS line is certain to pass near that one point. Or, if there is a curvature to the data, a line is simply not a useful summary. A regression analysis considers these and many other possible problems, and may select some technique other than OLS regression. Therefore this module represents essentially no statistical knowledge. The study module, which tackled the problems posed by the multiplicity of diseases and therapies, was developed to the feasibility demonstration stage. In performing its task, the study module uses three main structures for its knowledge base, representing medical concepts, causal relations between the concepts, and the study design. RX represents medical and statistical concepts in classification trees with inheritance. For instance, prednisone is a steroid, a steroid is a drug, a drug is an action; cholesterol is a chemistry, a chemistry is a lab value, a lab value is a state. A few hundred medical concepts were included in RX. All are categorized as a state of the patient or an action that can be taken. In the statistics tree, the terminal nodes represented the few tens of methods available to RX by calling on the IDL statistics package. However, it appears that this portion of the knowledge base was not widely explored, since regression was the only technique used. The causal hypotheses portion of the knowledge base was designed to be the portion that would grow as the automated scientific process we carried out. To start with, it was a representation of relevant results from the medical literature. The knowledge was formalized as a labelled directed graph. In the graph, causes and effects from the medical concepts tree were nodes, causal effects were the arcs. The arcs were annotated with considerable information about the relationship. The nodes and some arcs within this network were to be specified by users of the system. The discovery module would then suggest which additional arcs appeared the most interesting to study. After data analysis, the information in a studied arc would be filled in.

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The information included in the arcs represented characteristics of the causal relationship such as setting, intensity, and frequency. The setting is an arbitrary boolean predicate representing the conditions under which it is known that a causal relation exists. Typically, the relationships studied by RX were studied by longitudinal regression models on some or all of the patients in the sample. The distribution across patients of the regression coefficients for the causal variable is stored to show the frequency and intensity with which the causal relation holds. The average regression coefficient is compared to a scale of importance previously input for each effect to measure the importance of the effect. While information on whether the effect is an increase or a decrease is implicit in the signs of the coefficients, it is explicitly represented also. The functional form of the transformation used, including time delays, completes the information summarizing results of a study from the data base. The arcs also include representations for validity and evidence. These refer to the state of proof of the relationship rather than its apparent strength. The validity of a causal relation is considered to be highest if it has been repeatedly confirmed in prospective randomized studies. A single study (such as done by RX) could rank midway at best on the scale used to rate validity. Evidence includes literature citations for relations from published literature, or a list of patients used for a study by RX. In performing its tasks, the study module fills out a frame of information to pass on to the analysis module. The contents of this frame represent important information for the design of an experimental test. The selection of which things to include in the frame represents important knowledge included in the program by its designer. The first step is to parse the hypothesis and verify that each concept is operationally defined in terms of the underlying data base. The parse is stored. The second step is to identify confounding variables. These are any variables that might effect either of the two principle variables of the hypothesis. These are determined from the causal network and stored. A method for controlling confounders is then selected from (1) dropping patient records, (2) eliminating affected time intervals, (3) incorporation in multiple regression. This choice is made using rules. Production rules are also used to choose between cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. The production rules used are an additional knowledge representation technique in RX, but not, it appears, a major one. The statistical method is selected, and the database access calls are constructed and stored. A key issue at this level of strategy is representing knowledge from two domains, the ground domain and statistics. The ground domain is the domain in which statistics is being applied, a small part of rheumatology in the case of RX. RX shows that for a selected ground domain, knowledge from two domains can be represented and used. However, it has become apparent that scale is an important part of an intelligent system, and RX does not show that a small part of medical knowledge can be scaled up significantly. Since statisticians are used to computer systems that do not depend on which ground


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domain they are applied in, they may find this limiting. However, the state of the art in knowledge representation will not support knowledge in all domains to which statistics might be applied. The best that can be hoped for in the near future is a system with all the requisite statistical knowledge, to which ground domain knowledge for one domain can be added by a ground domain expert. The RX system is a state of the art AI system, and deserves study to show current limits and capabilities. It appears that within the limits of the concepts in a single data base, those concepts could be defined sufficiently well to permit design of experiments. However, the resulting system would need considerable human input to deal with additional data bases. Dealing directly with humans in experiment planning would be even more difficult. The causal network established would seem to be useful for other programs, perhaps a clinical consultant. Other work on automatic discovery of scientific causal relationships is described in Glymour et al. (1987) and Langley et al. (1987).

2.2. Selection of data analytic technique RX, just discussed, has an automation of method selection, based on its statistical technique tree. Each node of the tree has represented objectives, prerequisites, and assumptions. Prerequisites are properties that must hold for mechanical applicability of the technique. Assumptions are properties that must hold for validity of the results. Selection of technique is made by matching the study requirements to the goals and prerequisites. The program was not developed so far as to use the assumptions. Also, since regression was always chosen by RX, this portion of the knowledge base was not well tested. For a study that was not formulated by a machine, RX does not have suggestions of how to acquire the description of the study to match against technique descriptions. STATPATH was described by Portier and Lai (1983). The program used carefully worded questions to perform a binary tree search of the techniques known to it. This structure was represented by a set of production rules. Thus STATPATH proposed to determine the crucial aspects of the description of the study by asking the user. For several years, this system represented the best approach to selection of a data analytic technique. However, the key issue is that when the user does not know enough statistics to make a technique choice, he may well not know enough statistics to answer questions well. Portier and Lai were aware of this issue, writing 'how the question is asked determines the validity of the answer'. Besides careful wording of questions, they provided several other help mechanisms. Additional information on the question could be obtained by replying '?' instead of 'yes' or 'no'. Information was provided on each procedure the system knew about, and this information could be browsed. The user could reply 'unknown' to any question and get both further lines of questioning. While these approaches all look useful, it is not clear that they are sufficient.

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Indeed, Portier and Lai reported 'we have spent considerable time on the wording of statements and questions and we still feel that we do not have statements which would be completely understandable to the non-statistician'. The exploration of multiple branches may be useful when only a few questions are not understood, but the techniques to consider increase exponentially with the fraction of questions not understood. None of these techniques address the problem of m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g - the user thinks he understands, but does not. It will be difficult to give the user confidence that he is using a good technique, and that he can defend the choice of that technique. SAM (Athey, 1989) uses a similar technology, however Athey did not stop at evaluating the program based on its structure, but tested its effectiveness in use. The subjects were students finishing an introductory statistics course. Students were randomly assigned to one of two test groups, one which would use SAM, and another which would use a traditional text book. None of the students in the expert system group had ever used the computerized system before, and none had received any previous instruction in the search process used by SAM. The text book group used the same methods that they had been taught and had been using for two semesters. All subjects had the same five types of problems covered in their introductory statistics course. The students using SAM performed significantly better, finding 38/60 correct method selections, while the text book group scored 27/65. There is an important lesson to be learned from this. Simple methods can be effective. We do not need to use the most advanced techniques to make useful programs. Another example of testing a choice guidance program is given by Molenaar and Passchier (1991), who describe and test an advice giving program to accompany or to be embedded into the A G R E E program. The A G R E E program calculates thirty some indices of inter-observer agreement. The A G R E E CONSULTANT uses one rule per index to assist users in making the correct choice of index. The program was tested with sixteen subjects without knowledge of either the A G R E E program nor the agreement coefficient literature. A correct recommendation was obtained in 395 out of 416 subjecttasks, certainly a good performance, although there seems to have been no control group using just AGREE. The experiment tested four variations of the CONSULTANT, and may have been more concerned with guiding the development of the advisor than with validating its utility. 'A statistics advisor' (ASA) by O'Keefe (1985) provides a sharp contrast in approach. ASA formalizes knowledge about measurements- their sorts, control, and sequence- and about the relationship between measurements and useful analyses. While ASA also did not address the key problem of interacting with a statistically naive user, it shows some possibilities that might be developed in the future. The possibility it opens is that of communicating with the user about data gathering protocols, which could be done in the language of the user's specialty. ASA formalizes descriptions of value spaces and experiment structures. O'Keefe first tried using a traditional classification of value spaces familiar to


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most statisticians: nominal, partially ordered, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. He found as he began to try using this classification in a formal setting that it had several deficiencies. For instance, counts do not fit into this scheme. They are stronger than a ratio scale in one regard, that their unit is fixed, and yet they are not closed under all operations that can be applied to a ratio scale. The classification fails to distinguish strictly positive scales from differences of such scales. That this was an important distinction became clear when he considered rules for transformations of variables. The classification fails to distinguish linear scales from periodic ones. It does not include permutations. It fails to distinguish the unbounded from the practically bounded (such as lifetimes or heights) from the formally bounded (such as percents). O'Keefe thus found (in analogue with most formal theory creation) that he needed to set up a new method of classification from which the important distinctions could be derived. A flavour of the lattice representation that he built can be obtained from the following simple example. Counts of oranges and counts of apples are two different value spaces, neither of which subsumes the other. It is still possible for ASA to add 3 oranges + 2 apples, with the result being 5 fruit, since fruit is the common supertype of both apples and oranges in the object taxonomy. The concepts represented in ASA's value spaces include classifications (such as the object classification), approximations, counts, locations, physical dimensions (such as time, length, and mass), directions, and arithmetically derived scales (which include sum, difference, product, ratio, and proportion). An example will illustrate the importance of a description of a value space in statistical applications. Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) give an example of describing a univariate set of data representing rainfall. The value space for the data is length(water) * length(water) * length(water). Three rules relevant to this value space are: (1) Always consider the raw data. (2) Consider logs if the value space is positive. (3) Consider the k-th root if the value space is a k-th power. The third of these suggestions leads to a reasonably symmetric histogram. It is important to note that these rules were not created for this example, but are general rules applying to all transformation goals, and were first added to ASA to handle other examples. In the text a data based 'transformational shotgun' is applied to this example. A transformational shotgun is a brute force statistical technique which just applies several transformational powers to the data, usually the square root, the log, the inverse square root, and the inverse. In this case the shotgun showed that neither a square root nor a logarithm was entirely satisfactory. The point is that a useful transform is suggested by the type and not by the data. O'Keefe went on to give some primitives and a syntax for a language to describe experimental structures. He described the primitive steps of an experiment in terms of a triple giving the description of the unit operated on,

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the variables known before the step and the variables known after the step. Primitive steps that he used included: the identity step (after variables and observations variables, with the order of the observations guaranteed to be immaterial), and the vague step (after variables equal union of before variables, treatment variables, and observation variables, with nothing known about relationships). Several ways of combining primitive steps were identified, including sequential combination, parallel processing of components of the original unit, parallel processing of randomly assigned units, and parallel processing of randomly selected units. The principal contribution of O'Keefe's work is the formal experimental description language. It can be used to select an appropriate method for analysis of the collected data, and to make a statement about the generality of the resulting conclusions. It will still take considerable work to make practical systems using this approach. The range of descriptions for which ASA could determine analysis methods was certainly not trivial, but just how big it was is not clear. A larger problem was that ASA has no method of building a description by interviewing the user. As commented above, getting sufficient information from the user to carry out an automated task is a key problem. MUSE, by Dambroise (1987), was another advanced system proposed for determining the choice of a technique. MUSE was intended for use at a single industrial location, but by all the departments- personnel, engineering, accounting, e t c . - at that location. MUSE was a doctoral project, reached the stage of a feasibility demonstration, and was not developed further after the thesis. MUSE has three modules that together select the analysis methods used. First, the user indicates which data is to be used. The system then uses rules and queries to the user to classify the data. Some of the 'data' may actually be identifiers. Otherwise a part of the data may be continuous, ordinal, nominal, or dichotomous. Building further, data may be recognized as a higher level construct, such as a matrix of similarities or dissimilarities, or a contingency table. It appears that much of this can be decided from examining the data, and that the rest can be determined unambiguously from the user. This classification of data is less well formalized than is O'Keefe's classification, but it has been shown that the information required can be transferred to the machine by the intended users. Second, the objectives module selects a set of elementary objectives required to provide service to the user. To do this, the module formalizes the set of statistical tasks that are performed in the industrial location in terms of elementary objectives available, through the known statistical techniques. The statistical tasks are represented as 'scripts' (a KE technique for representation of frequently occurring sequences of events) of the elementary objectives. It is easy to add scripts. The module uses meta-rules and plausibility factors to select a set of scripts for final selection by the user. The system provides some help to the user in building new scripts if none of the existing ones are satisfactory. Third, the methods of analysis are selected. This module has a list of


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available methods, each characterized as to the inputs required and the elementary outputs provided. The statistical technique is selected by matching the description of the inputs available (prepared by the data module) and the description of the outputs required (prepared by the objectives module) to the list of available techniques. This module is the first functional implementation of technique selection based on a formalization of the inputs and outputs of techniques. This method was sketched by RX, but RX never selected any technique except regression, so it did not test the ideas. Thus the data, objectives, and technique selection modules in MUSE provide a substantial advance in automatic technique selection. MUSE was the first system to demonstrate a means of getting from the information that a statistically naive user can competently provide to a choice of technique. It accomplished this by formalizing the relationship between what the user does know (attributes of data and task to be done) and what the user does not know (inputs required and provided by various statistical techniques). The formalization was achieved in part by taking a narrow view of the analysis, and the approach needs to be tried in a more comprehensive setting. As work in the area of technique selection matures it is becoming increasingly evident that there are difficulties in choosing appropriate tools which are not always effectively addressed even by experts in the field (Hand, 1992a,b). 2.3. Application o f data analytic techniques

After translating a domain problem into statistical terms, and after selecting an appropriate statistical method, that method needs to be applied. But application is not just a calculation. Application requires analysis, because peculiarities of the data may violate some assumptions of the selected method. The last five years have seen substantial progress in this area. The first system to demonstrate using AI techniques to automate the application of a statistical method was REX (regression expert) built by Pregibon and Gale. Gale (1986a) gives the most extensive description. REX advises a user in the analysis of regression problems. It guides the analysis by testing assumptions of regression, suggesting transformations when assumptions are violated, and justifying its suggestions when requested. It interprets intermediate and final results, and instructs the user in statistical concepts. As REX begins, the user sees several windows on a bitmap display terminal - one for dialogue, one for plots, others for various information. The users must provide REX with a set of measurements of two variables, and must know that they want to do regression analysis. If a system at this level is not combined with assistance in selecting a technique, these requirements will set the skill level required to use it. The first interactions in REX are personalization questions, such as how thorough the analysis should be. The session continues as REX checks for assumption violations. REX provides information on the interpretation of tests as it runs. At points that the user must make a decision, REX offers to show

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relevant graphs. REX is always prepared to define terms through a lexicon, explain what a test does, or state why it is suggesting a particular transformation. REX concludes the analysis by issuing a four page English report on the data and the results. The strategy REX used initially accepts the data as given, and assumes a linear model together with ordinary least squares as the fitting method. REX then checks these assumptions in detail. It first checks for superficial problems in any one variable, then it checks each independent variable for linearity, and finally the residuals are checked. At any point that a problem (a violated assumption) is found, REX considers possible transformations of the data, the model, or the fitting method to alleviate the problem. If a transformation will solve a problem, REX suggests the transformation to the user. REX terminates either by solving all problems or by locating a problem for which it cannot find an effective and acceptable solution. The regression strategy used in REX handled a wide variety of problems in actual data sets. It was not as fully developed as it would need to be for a product, but the techniques used would suffice to extend the strategy to handle all commonly occurring problems. There would remain some uncommon problems that it would not be worth the effort to have REX handle. REX made two major contributions to subsequent work. The first is a viewpoint for thinking about data analysis as a diagnostic problem. Briefly, one should list model assumptions (analogous to possible diseases), test the data set at hand for violations of the assumptions (analogous to symptoms), and if found select a transform of the data (analogous to treatment). Note also that analogies like this can help the user understand what the system is trying to d o - to see that there is some pattern in the steps the system is taking. The success of this approach depends on the representation of statistical knowledge. This is the second major contribution of REX. REX has a set of statistical primitives including tests, plots, assumptions, and transforms, which can be implemented as frames with slots containing procedures, or as objects (classes) with instance variables and methods. The hierarchical structure of the network of frames directs the interpretation of the statistical knowledge. The classes of frames used in REX provided us with an initial list of classes of primitives that has remained useful and has been expanded. This conceptual model provided a key input for work on Student, as described below. Gale and Pregibon thus developed a means of representing strategy, providing an initial means of formalization. They found that the most convincing explanations in statistics were provided by graphs. A report in English and graphs provides a useful permanent record. Definitions are easy to provide. Verbal explanations of why a transform was suggested were possible, but not as convincing as graphs. Based on finding means to solve these two programming challenges, they have called REX a feasibility demonstration. It demonstrates the feasibility of using direct construction with artificial intelligence techniques to provide statistical expertise. Since the experience in constructing REX was described, several other


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demonstration systems have been built. These include MUSE, Express (Carlsen and Heuch, 1986), R A O (Drapier, 1987), and unnamed systems by Berzuini et al. (1986) and Darius (1986). These systems intend to model the actions of a human analyst, as did REX. REX never progressed beyond the feasibility demonstration stage, in part because it was built on a Vax which would not be widely available. With the widespread acceptance of the IBM PC and clones in the years since then, many systems have been built for these readily available machines. An example is THESEUS briefly described in (Bell and Watts, 1988). THESEUS was a thesis project for Bell, and work seems to have stopped with her graduation. THESEUS is a shell consisting of a rule editor and a rule interpreter. It was written in Pascal. Bell developed a set of rules concentrating on the area of one-way analysis of variance and related techniques, because preliminary research showed these were heavily used in industry. The intended users were industrial statisticians, and she had the cooperation of half a dozen of her intended users while she developed the system. When she found that each of her statisticians approached a problem in a unique way, she decided that the rule editor must be an important part of the design so that the users could revise rules to fit their own approaches. THESEUS is a production rule system with two types of rules. The first type deals with the selection of an appropriate technique using forward chaining. The second type verifies the applicability of tests by checking assumptions, possibly making transformations, and possibly removing outliers. These rules are treated as backchaining rules. These operations are quite analogous to those that REX undertook. The advances represented by THESEUS are the convenient rule editor, a smooth interface on a popular machine, and active testing of the software by prospective users. THESEUS does not address the problem of connecting the advisory system to a preexisting and tested statistical package; the routines needed for the application were also coded in Pascal. Dorda, Froeschl and Grossman (1990) describe another successful prototype, WAMASTEX. This program has focussed on exploratory data analysis, favoring simple univariate techniques. The program is intended for use by clinical physicians, and has been used in the Vienna University Hospital. The program guides the user through data validation, scale determination, analysis of outliers skewness and modality, selection of an appropriate set of descriptive measures, and output of results graphically, numerically, and linguistically. The heuristics used in the program were tested experimentally by getting responses from 37 practicing statisticians. WAMASTEX addresses the problem of connecting the logic to an existing statistical system by building the system within SAS T M using macros. This is probably sufficient for its simple techniques, but SAS was not designed for symbolic programming, and scaling the work up might be difficult. The usage and acceptance of WAMASTEX was monitored by appending a questionnaire to the consultation system. The authors report, based on 100 sessions of usage by 60 users, returning 32 inquiry forms,

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Notably dialogue management and system usage have gotten high scores throughout. The statistical results have been judged as correct, sound and presented in an easily comprehensible layout. Another student project that has reached the prototype stage in Hietala's ESTES (1988). Lubinsky explored another approach in TESS (tree environment for statistical strategy), which reached the stage of feasibility demonstration. An application of TESS to regression was described by Lubinsky and Pregibon (1987), while Gale and Lubinsky (1986) described the knowledge representation used by TESS. Rather than try to capture the intuition of human experts, TESS aimed to substitute the machine's ability to compute rapidly. The knowledge representation used in TESS is again a tree of features and transforms, and each feature or transform is represented by a frame. While REX uses such a representation as a procedural guide, TESS uses it as a representation of a space of descriptions to explore. TESS seeks descriptions that are both interesting and accurate. There is a trade off between these two, since the most accurate description of a set of data is the data set itself, but this is also the least interesting description. Depth in the tree of features is the measure of interest, because with hierarchical tree the lower nodes are more specific. Accuracy is estimated by techniques specific to each node, expressed as a number between zero and one. There is no theory for combining accuracy and interest measures, but the resulting values for several descriptions can be plotted to facilitate comparison. TESS's search strategy is a modified depth first search. The objective is to deal in complete descriptions (which is achieved by reaching a leaf of the tree), but to explore differences likely to be important quickly (which is achieved by branching near the root of the tree). The heuristic search algorithm thus produces a set of descriptions which the user can judge for interest and accuracy. Note that the fact that TESS's strategy is so different from that of humans may make it less appealing to users. GLIMPSE was a larger scale project than the demonstration systems described so far and reached the stage of being offered for sale. At the price set, however, sales were minimal, and it was withdrawn. GLIMPSE was designed as a front end for the widely used general linear modeling package, GLIM, and was described by Wolstenholme and Nelder (1986). GLIMPSE was built with sigma-Prolog and augmented Prolog for expert systems (APES) on a Max TM. The purpose was to make GLIM accessible to more users. The work on GLIMPSE does suggest a way to solve two important and related engineering problems. The first of these is how to make a system that a naive user can learn from, slowly becoming an expert user, without the system impeding expert users. One way this might be accomplished would be to have the user always in control of an interactive system, but with the system having a sufficient model of the analysis to assist at any time. While this is another unsolved problem, GLIMPSE suggests a way to approach it.


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G L I M P S E provides a task command language to the statistician, and three levels of assistance in using it. A single question mark entered while giving a command is a request for a reminder. The system replies with the syntax of the command that has been started. A double question mark is a request for prompting. G L I M P S E then takes a more active role, providing keyword options as menus, and asking questions (with explanations available) to determine parameter values. Completely specified commands are shown to the user for approval. On request, G L I M P S E will enter a h a n d holding m o d e for a specific task. In this mode, the system will suggest a complete command to use. It is this capability, to provide suggestions at any point in the analysis, that is new. The reason it is difficult is not too hard to see: when one watches a statistician using an interactive statistical system, one is not always sure what the statistician is up to. Inferring intentions from actions is a difficult problem. The way R E X resolved this problem of how the machine would have a model of what was being done was to maintain control. But this way does not provide a system that moves gracefully from novice to expert. The approach in G L I M P S E is two fold. First, there is a formal model of the analytic process as composed of nine activities. These activities include determining attributes of the data, as in M U S E , model selection, and model checking. Only some of the transitions between activities are allowed. The activity determines what the program assumes the statistician's intention is. Within the activity, then, each command that the statistician can use not only does the requested activity- as in a conventional statistical s y s t e m - but also builds a formal structure representing what has been done. This structure is the basis for the machine's suggestion if it is requested. Part of the model selection activity was described by the Wolstenholme and Nelder (selection of link and error were not discussed). The activity will select a subset of variables to use from those available. The user specifies an initial kernel of variables that should be included based on prior knowledge. The remaining variables are free terms that may be added to the kernel or may be dropped. From any given model, the statistician can form a new model by dropping some of the free terms or by moving some free terms to the kernel, or both. Models with cross terms can be created. For a given model, the system will provide statistics for adding any given free variable to the kernel and for dropping it from the complete model with all kernel and free variables. These statistics are numbers which increase with the explanatory power of the variable added to deleted, and which have well-known levels when a purely random variable is added or deleted. The structure maintained by the system to represent this search is a graph whose nodes represent models. When asked for advice, the machine uses rules based on the forward and backward F statistics for proposing additions to the kernel and deletions from the free terms. Some of the rules may provide more than one suggestion. A graph of suggestions is then generated, and is explored depth first. A novice relying entirely on the help of the system will make a mechanical

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search, which, indeed, the machine could do by itself. As experience is gained, the user may learn some shortcuts, and this is the reason for pulling a novice through the search. If experts normally select a model in this way, they will be glad to have the bookkeeping assistance provided. If they think in some entirely different way, such as Mallows' (1973) Cp statistic, they may be frustrated. (Cp is a statistic that includes both the residual sum of squares, which will decrease as more explanatory variables are introduced, and a penalty for the expected bias from having too many explanatory variables. One normally uses it by examining a plot of many, or all, possible models simultaneously. Its use is thus not compatible with a stepwise approach.) The activity module thus provides its users with the same primitives as are required for a mechanical approach to model selection. If this formalization of the model selection process is unduly restrictive for the expert, or unduly tedious for the novice, then the approach may not be successful. GLIMPSE is an example of what seems to be a frequently successful approach: building a knowledge-based front-end for an existing statistical package. Duijsens, Delft and van den Berg (1988) describe PRINCE, a program that prepared input statements for an older program with arcane input requirements. Prat et al. (1992) have been developing tools for the construction of front-ends, and have used the tools themselves to build a few small front-end programs. The most commercially successful application of AI concepts in a statistical program has been MULREG, described by DuMouchel (1990). M U L R E G was offered as part of an upgrade of an existing statistical package sold by Bolt, Baranek, and Newman, and was bought by all of their installed customer base, over 500 industrial sites. M U L R E G addresses linear models for multiple variables, with support for stepwise selection of variables, robust estimates, residual diagnostics, transformation and back-transformation of variables, checks of distributional assumptions, automatic treatment of categorical variables, unbalanced designs, and various other processes. The structure of M U L R E G can be likened more to a sophisticated word processor than to the typical expert system, since there is an 'analysis object' which persists between sessions and can be created, named, copied, and edited using MULREG. This analysis object has considerable internal structure. The major categories it represents are data, models, and output specifications. Data distinguishes variables, such as temperature or pressure, and their descriptions, from the terms used in a model such as log(pressure) or pressure x temperature, and their descriptions. Multiple models may be incorporated, with a sub-object representing each model. The model object records variables used, excluded cases, weights that are used and so forth for the model as a whole. It also records for each response variable its name, transformation, coefficients, residuals, Anova information, and influential points. The output specifications include graphical specifications, technical choices, and optimization specifications. MULREG's strategy, expressed as the set of techniques it makes available to


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the user, weighed several factors. Where possible, commonly accepted techniques are presented. However, the multiplicity of options led to using some techniques that were general enough to cover many options rather than a special technique that would be best for some particular set of options. As is common in developing strategies, M U L R E G turned up some combinations of options for which no technique had been published; in these cases, standard techniques were extended in as straightforward a way as possible. In particular, M U L R E G offers a graphical interpretation of the data at each decision point, along with a verbal description of the decision to be made and the choices possible. The use of graphs has been found to be a powerful communication means and is offered in many statistical systems. In a number of cases, the developers needed to construct novel graphical displays. Among the possible choices that a person can make at any time, one or more is highlighted as suggested. This provides guidance to new users while allowing other choices if the user wants. Other commercial systems are appearing. However, the two described by Raes (1992) are exceedingly simple. They do provide formalizations of statistical strategy, but the simplicity of the formalizations raises questions about their accuracy. Raes's paper is interesting in that it gives the complete strategies embedded in the systems, so that they can be examined by others. Their simplicity, aside from any questions of accuracy, also suggests that their duplication might be a useful student exercise in a course. 2.4. Systems for designing experiments

A major area of AI activity may be called problem solving. It includes planning and consultation systems. The work in consultation systems is the main AI application which does have an analogue in statistics, as we have seen above. AI systems which plan programs (Sussman, 1975), molecular genetics experiments (Stefik, 1980) and medical experimental protocols (Weiner, Horwitz and Bauer, 1987) have been built. In statistics, data analysis will follow data collection, and this in turn will have been preceded by thought about what data should be collected and how it would best be collected. Such experimental design issues are thus the natural analogue of planning, and naturally have been the subject of much experimental design work. D E X T E R (Haaland et al., 1990) assists a researcher to pick an experimental design from the class of fractional factorial and related designs. Such designs are required about 100 times a year from a total of about 40 researchers at the authors' employers-producing a pattern of infrequent use of statistical expertise which makes it an ideal application for statistical expert systems technology. The particular application the authors have in mind is screening during the initial stages of product development where the aim is to explore which of possibly many factors may be important. In operation D E X T E R compares the user's requirements to a list of tabulated designs and provides English descriptions of how the four closest designs match the requirements.

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Matching is effected by using a scoring function to measure similarity and a graph isomorphism algorithm to match specific aspects of the designs. Another system for experimental design is DEXPERT (Lorenzen et al., 1992). DEXPERT covers a broad range of aspects of design, including fixed and random effects factors, arbitrary nestings, incomplete randomization, fractional and mixed fractional designs, crossed fractional designs, response surfaces, and D-optimal designs. As well as being horizontally extensive this system is vertically comprehensive: once a design has been chosen DEXPERT generates a layout sheet to assist data collection and once the data has been collected DEXPERT will analyse and interpret the results. Analytic techniques include analysis of variance, variance component estimation, percent contribution, comparison of means, polynomial approximation, predictions, transformations. Various graphical displays can be output. To perform such analysis DEXPERT prepares SAS code and processes the output suitably. DEXPERT was built using KEE T M and uses a frame-based object-oriented approach.

2.5. Assisting an expert statistician The previous sections dealt with examples in which the person assisted was a statistical novice. Another line of research continues the venerable tradition of software built by statisticians for statisticians. For who else knows better what would help a statistician? A leading example of this line of research is the system DINDE (French for 'turkey', not an acronym), described by Oldford and Peters (1986b). DINDE aims to ease a statistician's data analysis task by providing a visual map of an analysis. To do so, it builds a structure representing the analysis, adding a bit to the structure with each command. The commands available in the system are defined as producing one step of the analysis. This may be a plot, the fitting of a model, or the calculation of a statistic. Each such step of the analysis is represented by a node. The node will have a number of attributes which are based on the command used in creating it. For instance, it has a set of suggested commands available. The user is free to give the system any command at any time, but the menu of commands available at a node shows the commands most frequently used when attention is focussed on the result of the given command. When they are created, nodes are shown visually as small rectangles about two centimeters square. In the rectangle is a small graph showing some result of the step. For a graphical command, such as a histogram, the resulting graph itself is shown in low resolution. For a regression fit, a plot of the residuals is shown. The rectangle also has the name of the command and the name of the step if it has been given one. By clicking a mouse on the rectangle the user can get several useful options. One option, zooming, expands the rectangle enough to show the full results of the command. Another provides the menu of common next steps. Three sets of links are maintained between the nodes. These sets are called


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the analysis, the data flow, and the causal links. Each of these set of links structures the nodes into a set of directed hierarchical graphs. The causal links are created by the computer whenever a new node is created by selection of a command from the common operations menu of an existing node. These links do not change during the analysis. The analysis links are entirely under the users' control, although the computer inserts a default analysis link whenever it creates a causal link. The data flow links show the source of each input to the command represented by the node. The default graphical presentation of the analysis shows the nodes and the analysis links. On command, one of the other sets of links can be used to structure the display. The user manipulates analysis links to produce a personally meaningful display of the analysis. The default links are usually desired, and analysis links are added to show relations between causal graphs initiated by the user. As the analysis grows, it becomes impossible to show all the nodes at once. Two similar grouping mechanisms are provided. The user can group any set of nodes into an analysis map, which is then shown as a single rectangle on the screen. The links shown to the analysis map are the union of all links from any of the enclosed nodes. When an analysis map is zoomed in on, operations on the nodes can be made, with the resulting nodes incorporated into the map. Any number of levels of analysis maps can be used, so long as the structure remains hierarchical (that is without self referential loops). Views are a similar device, but do not allow operations to be made. D I N D E was developed using the Loops T M software environment. This is an extension of Lisp that provides support for object oriented programming and for rules. DINDE has relied heavily on object oriented programming, with its view of data analysis clearly influenced by the tool used. Object oriented programming means writing programs to deal with hierarchically structured objects. The operations available for any given object are those defined explicitly for it plus all that it inherits from its superordinate objects. It has proved useful when the concepts that a program needs to deal with have a natural hierarchical structure. The formalization for description of data used by D I N D E , described by Oldford and Peters (1986c), is also quite interesting. An observation is regarded as the value of a variate for an individual. Thus, values, variates, and individuals are the primitives used. Individuals are simple entities, featuring only a name, a description, and comments. Variates contain the same information; in addition, they are categorized as continuous, discrete, or categorical variates. Each variate specifies a range, which can be determined or set externally. The result of a measurement of a variate on an individual is stored in a datum object. The object records the number of string obtained from the measurement, the censoring (right, left, or none), and the number of significant digits, if applicable. For example, suppose a person, George, is known to be taller than 1.71 m. Then an object is made to represent George if he is not known already, an

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object is made to represent human height if the variate is not known already, and a datum is created with value 1.71, fight censoring, and 3 significant figures. The units for recording human height will be recorded in the variate, along with methods to convert from other units. Notice that if more than one measurement is used for George, it will be easy to determine that the data are paired, and thus to limit suggestions for the kind of analyses to perform. These primitives are then associated to form higher level constructs. A datum can be associated with a variate, and a group of such associations in turn associated with an individual as a case. Or a datum can be associated with an individual, and a group of such associations in turn associated with a variate as a factor or a batch depending on whether the variate is categorical or not. Many of the operations on cases, factors, and batches are the same, such as locating a datum value for a given identifier, or finding how many datum values are censored, or translating the values into the form of a vector for numerical convenience. By carefully constructing superordinate concepts, such c o m m o n operations are inherited and only need to be programmed once. O t h e r operations are specific to the kind of association, such as producing boxplots or histograms for a batch, but not for a factor or a case. This representation is, of course, not directly observable by the user. The reason it is important is that it enables new services to be provided to the user. 2.6. Consultation system constructors

Another type of system designed for use by statisticians is one that allows a statistician to build a consultation system (that a novice will use). This sort of system differs from most of the previous ones considered, which intended to help the user directly to perform a data analysis task. A consultation system constructor is designed to help users indirectly by letting a statistician provide them with a consultation system. T H E S E U S , by providing a rule editor, is a primitive consultation system constructor, or shell for statistical consultation systems. However, it is possible to incorporate more advanced AI concepts into the construction system. The first exploration of this possibility for a consultation system constructor was Student (Gale, 1987b), although it was only a feasibility demonstration. Student was designed to allow a professional statistician to build a knowledge-based consultation system in a data analysis technique by selecting and working examples and by answering questions. The statistician was not supposed to need to know the internal representation of the strategy demonstrated (such as specific rules), and was not supposed to need to know how to write a knowledge-based program. H e was supposed to be fluent in the underlying statistical system, a more natural expectation of a statistician. Like R E X and other data analysis consultation systems, Student is based on an underlying statistical analysis system, and constitutes an interface to that system. Student used quantitative programming environment ( Q P E ) (Becker and Chambers, 1986) as the underlying system. Briefly, Q P E was designed as


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the basis for a new version of S (Becker and Chambers, 1984) and has since been incorporated into the 'NewtS' (Becker, Chambers and Wilks, 1988). The old version of S provided an interactive environment for statisticians, providing data management services, highly portable interactive graphics, command interpretation, and number crunching. In the New S, the external syntax and appearance have been largely maintained, while QPE has added tools such as programming, browsing, debugging, and editing capabilities. The design of Student assumed that the statistician using Student to create a consultation system knew how to use the New S. A methodological study of Student (Gale 1986b) was built using Lisp and a Symbolics machine. A second version was built in the language provided by S. The goals of the S version were to study issues such as speed, usefulness to statisticians, and generality of the conceptual framework used by Student. This version showed the knowledge acquisition methods more clearly than the Lisp version, and was used to acquire a few different data analysis strategies. What Student added to the capabilities of REX was the capability to acquire its knowledge base by interview and demonstration. The demonstration approach was proposed by Gale and Pregibon (1984), and tested in the Lisp prototype (Gale 1986b). The importance of acquiring a strategy by interview and demonstration is considerable. In the current state of building knowledge-based consultation systems, two distinct roles, usually played by two different people, are standard. One is the role of subject matter expert, and the other is the knowledge engineer. In building REX, Gale played the knowledge engineer, while Pregibon played the statistical expert. This procedure requires the knowledge engineer to learn a lot about the subject matter, or the subject matter expert to learn a lot about the inference engine and programming, or both. The primary goal of this kind of software is to allow a statistician, who does not know how the inference engine is built, to build a knowledge-based consultation system without the involvement of a knowledge engineer. This should support greater efficiency in building consultation systems in data analysis. There is a substantial secondary benefit as well. A statistical consultation system will be used in many other ground domains, such as physics, psychology, or business analysis. Current AI techniques are not adequate to handle knowledge in multiple domains, so REX was built with the explicit assumption that the user was willing to learn statistics concepts and vocabulary. This assumption will be reasonable for many analysts, but it will be unreasonable for many managers or low frequency users of statistics. Another significant benefit of removing dependence on a knowledge engineer is the capability to specialize a system to a local environment. When the constructions system is first acquired by a group such as a quality engineering group, a specialist statistician can select examples from the group's files and work them in the system's environment. After this specialization training, the

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engineering experts would use the system for consultation, returning to the statistician with problems beyond its training. When such a problem seemed frequent, the statistician would work it as an addition to the strategy. If it seemed infrequent, then it would be worked by hand. The leading example of a consultation shell is currently T A X S Y (Darius, 1990), which has reached the stage of a prototype. Like Student, T A X S Y is embedded in an existing statistical language, in its case, SAS. SAS was not designed for symbolic programming, and the production of T A X S Y has been a tour de force by Darius as an expert in SAS. Even so, use of SAS has made T A X S Y clumsy to use, and Darius (private communication) has recently reprogrammed T A X S Y using S. T A X S Y is a set of SAS programs designed to work with a set of user supplied structures, each in the familiar form of a SAS data set. The user supplied structures are grouped as strategy, rules, and prompts. Some auxiliary bookkeeping structures are computed by T A X S Y to speed access into the primary data sets. As such, the user is clearly aware of the representation of the strategy. This restriction has not yet been overcome by a prototype. The central part of T A X S Y is an inference engine which performs backward chaining on the rules. What is novel about T A X S Y is that, by being built within SAS, it has full access to all of the powerful calculations that SAS can make. T A X S Y also allows the end user to take over control of the process, a feature that ~s to be found in most of the consultation programs now. The end user can also vary the amount of tracing that is done. A session can be interrupted and saved, and then continued at some later time.

3. Non-expert system applications of AI While the first applications of AI in statistics were clearly from the expert system developments in AI, other areas of AI have begun to be applied, and many more remain to be explored.

3.1. Two systems

A system designed f o r experts rather than as an expert is KENS, described by H a n d (1987b). KENS is not a data analysis system at all, but is termed a 'knowledge enhancement system'. It provides paragraphs of text and extensive cross referencing aids so that statisticians can remind themselves about statistical points, or learn about the particular statistical system. H a n d suggests that it would be useful to (1) find out how to use a system to do something specific one already knows about, such as a Wilcoxon test, (2) be reminded of the available options for a general task one knows one wants to do, such as to compare two groups, and (3) draw one's attention to a missing and crucial


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piece of information, as in trying to determine if a chi-squared value of 6.2 were significant. The basic psychological observation behind KENS is that it is easier to recognize than to remember, and that without constant use, skill and knowledge are forgotten. The intent of KENS is that an expert relearn some fact rather than that a novice learn the fact. KENS is a non-linear structuring of the same kind of knowledge as one would find structured linearly in a text book. KENS is built as two sets of nodes. One set contains the paragraphs, another set contains indexing terms. Along with each paragraph there is a brief, summarizing title, and a summarizing list of words and phrases. Links from indexing terms to paragraphs may be labelled as definitions or examples, or may be unlabelled. KENS has notions of subconcepts and superconcepts, equivalent concepts, and opposites. The formalization of knowledge in KENS is rudimentary. The labour of making a system useful in the short term is thus shifted to the statistician who would provide the node contents. If systems such as this are built and proved useful, however, they provide a very interesting beginning to an extensive formalization of statistical knowledge. Such an extensive formalization would seek to refine each paragraph node of a KENS-Iike system into a machine usable set of propositions. The system might then be able to use natural language generation capabilities to formulate tailored responses to more specific questions. KENS is a successful prototype: it has been tested by approximately a hundred users. The other example of an AI application that is not an expert system is EXPLORA (Hoschka and Klosgen, 1990). EXPLORA was designed to extract natural language statements about a data base that are both 'interesting' and true. It is written as a shell that can be specialized to different data bases by interested users. It has several key components, some of which must be provided by the user. The first is a set of templates which define the statement types of interest, and associated methods for determining if a particular example of the statement type is true of the data base. These components must be provided by the user, as is the data. EXPLORA then generates a set of true statements from the database. The paper does not say how this initial set is limited, which must be a problem for large databases. Given the set of true statements, EXPLORA then selects a non-redundant subset of the statements. To do so it uses abstractions representing the relations between objects in the database. The relations are partially provided by the user, and partially by the builders. For instance, the system is being provided for German users and relations of German geography are frequently of interest, so the builders have described these relationships. The relationships can be hierarchical or causal. The selection of non-redundant statements is done by a few simple rules, such as retaining only the statement for the highest node in a hierarchy for which the statement is true. EXPLORA then uses techniques taken from the natural language generation

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research in AI to generate a report. The techniques focus on discourse and sequencing. In some cases an accompanying graphical presentation can also be made.

3.2. Other possible applications of A I research One area of considerable AI activity has been natural language processing. This means dealing with strings of characters, not sounds. A lot of work has been put in, and the results so far are mostly interesting research which falls into comprehension, generation, and dialogue. Comprehension research deals with paragraph length stories. Generation research has shown ability to use user-oriented vocabularies, and has achieved sentence level utterances. Dialogue research is recent and has just begun to identify the hard problems. EXPLORA shows a kind of statistical application that can benefit from this research. Currently the most practical application is natural language interfaces for database queries. The domain of discourse is naturally restricted to the part of the world represented in the database, which limits the concepts to a manageable number. The requests and replies are each at the sentence level. The systems are easier to use and easier to train people to use than formal database query languages. The importance of a report of a statistical analysis suggests a careful study of generation techniques. Another possible use for natural language techniques, although at a longer time range, is the following. Knowledge bases for consultation systems are currently not very readable by people. The current approach is to generate natural language versions of the knowledge from the machine readable version. Another approach would be to devise a restricted natural language that could be compiled into a machine readable knowledge base. The problem is to make the knowledge in an AI system as accessible for comment by experts as is the knowledge in a journal article or book. There has been a long history of belief that computers would be useful in education. The belief has not been borne out by experience, but there is always the hope that the next generation of computer techniques will turn the trick. Accordingly, there has been research into applying AI ideas to tutoring. One hope has been that a model could be built of the student, which would allow the tutorial material to be specialized for the student. For a system to build a model of the student from observing its interactions with the student, it is necessary for the form of the model to be prespecified. The successful models have been competency models, that is, they show what tasks the student can successfully perform. Models of ways that students can make mistakes have foundered on the multiplicity of ways of going wrong. One of the more successful AI based tutoring systems (Anderson et al., 1984) simply does not allow the student to continue after a mistake, but corrects it immediately. The possible applications in statistical education are clear. At present, any


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work done on this would best be done as part of a team which included expertise on educational issues as well as statistical issues. Barzilay (1984) described a system for tutoring in Bayesian concepts of probability. Yet another area of AI interest for which there is an analogue in statistics is formal models of common sense reasoning (Hobbs and Moore, 1985). One motivation for studying these is based on the observation that a person does not solve the Navier-Stokes hydrodynamic equations before jumping out of the way of spilling hot coffee. This behaviour suggests that people have rapid and accurate models of liquids. AI research has attempted to build qualitative models using just states (Hayes, 1985), or states and directions of change (de Kleer and Brown, 1985). The models produced so far have only been implemented as research systems; they have not been used in practical systems. The analogue in statistics is models of common sense understanding of uncertainty and probability. Such models could be based on experimental observations begun by Piaget and Inhelder (1951). Their use would be to allow a system to model its users, and thus to provide explanations understandable at the user's level of development in concepts of uncertainty. This might include some teaching of incrementally advanced concepts. It is also worth commenting that there seem to be several opportunities to apply AI techniques in the suggestions of Tukey (1983). 'Cognostics', for instance, are diagnostics for interpretation by a machine rather than by a human. To select the most interesting scatter plots from a large set would require a cognostic for the interest of a scatter plot. Even to begin, one must attempt to formalize the notion of 'interesting'.

4. Comments on building statistical systems 4.1. Comments on tools used in statistical systems

For those who want to disseminate expertise, implementation of a consultation system is clearly required. However, even those who simply want to develop a formalized strategy to clarify their own thinking need to implement it on a computer. The contribution of AI, as pointed out in Section 1, is new tools for implementing formal systems. Without using these tools, no more progress in strategy should be expected than has been seen in the past; that is, very little. The reason for implementing is to be able to test the strategy. Without testing, the strategy cannot be falsified, and without the possibility of falsification there is no science. Therefore, research using AI concepts requires implementing. In implementing a strategy for data analysis, it is necessary to connect the AI tools to a statistical package. It appears that this necessity has limited the AI tools that have been found useful in statistical application. Early work either constructed a new statistical package (for instance,

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DINDE), or constructed the required KE tools (for instance, REX and Student). The original reason for building the AI tools used in REX was that among the two or three tools available in 1981, Gale did not find any that he could use along with S. As more KE tools have become available, this approach may no longer be necessary. However, the key issue is connecting the AI component to an existing statistical package. This requirement is frequently met by low level tools (such as APES TM,Wolstenholme and Nelder, 1986), but is a limitation on higher level tools. However, as attention turns from research to products, an approach that may be useful is building the required KE tools in, or as an extension o f the target statistical package. In this setting, the statistical package is probably determined by the organization developing the product. The organization may also have the access to the package required to make extensions to support AI programming additions. Darius (1986) reports using SAS, a prominent statistical system, without modifications to implement simple backchaining rules. WAMASTEX (Dorda and others, 1990) and Student are other examples of this approach. The tools that have been used successfully at all are still low level tools, such as Loops (used by DINDE) and APES (used by GLIMPSE). These are tools which are firmly embedded in a powerful general purpose language popular for AI style programming (Lisp and Prolog, respectively). Whatever tools are used, we recommend that they at least all work on one and the same machine. This may seem obvious, but the powerful development environment on a Symbolics tempted one of the authors into building the Student prototype on a Symbolics communicating with S on a Vax. Even for research that combination was poor. 4.2. The continuity o f work on statistical systems

We have commented at several points in this paper that work on some system ceased when the author was granted a degree. There are few cases of graduate students building on work of another person. One, Marlyn Nys, was supervised by Paul Darius, who has been one of the few people to continue building on their own work. This is an unusual and disappointing pattern, even though progress has been made over the last five years. Possibly a more normal pattern will simply evolve as the subject matures. One possible reason for the current pattern is that an important requirement for a successful project is a definite user population. The techniques we have available allow us to build rather general systems, such as MULREG, or,rather specific systems, such as WAMASTEX, but if the system built does not satisfy fairly closely the need of its intended users, then it will not be used. One cannot predict the needs of users without knowing them, so knowing the,users is the first requirement for a successful system. This point may not have been widely appreciated and many projects may have been started without satisfying it.


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5. Speculations on the future of AI in statistics

We now have about ten years of research work applying AI in statistics. Where do we stand? The current status of consulting systems is that numerous feasibility systems have been described in the literature. At least half a dozen have become prototypes, that is, systems used by a few friendly users. There is one major commercial system based on formal models of data analysis, and a few minor ones. Simple techniques are working and have been shown to be effective, as testing of effectiveness has begun. Detailed considerations of parts of an effective consultation system, especially the interface, have appeared; the work is digging into important details. Non-expert system applications of AI have appeared. Considerable progress in the five years since (Gale, 1987a) is readily apparent. A common question is what this work means for the future of statisticians. Any answer is, of course, speculative. Yet the uncertainties people have about this seem to influence their view of the work, so some discussion of the issues is appropriate. The basic goals of consulting systems are lower cost statistical information and higher productivity in using statistical techniques. These goals are both realistic and unlimited. They are realistic because some steps can be taken in the short run. They are unlimited because there is no clear stopping point; even if a human level of performance is achieved, perhaps more could be done. Given this basic goal, many statisticians have asked whether these systems will replace statisticians. In the next five years, we expect to see several major commercial systems. We also expect tools specifically for building statistical expert systems to become available. A number of applications of AI that are not expert systems should also be expected. The impacts of these systems will be different for users, consulting statisticians, and research statisticians. Users will not see a big difference. They will perceive the systems available to them as becoming increasingly friendly. The basis of the greater friendliness will not and should not be obvious to them. The most advanced consulting software will handle most of the users' statistical problems, all the routine ones. In a setting where consulting systems are used, then, the consulting statisticians will not see routine problems. They will see unusual problems. Their activities will thus include more learning as they consult the large knowledge base of statistics represented in books and journals. They will also advise the users on the availability and choice of consulting systems. To the extent that the software achieves its goal of providing greater productivity, there must be less involvement by the consulting statistician with each user. This reduction in demand for statistician's services may be offset, or more than offset, by more users of the statistical software. Research statisticians should simply see an increase in the options for research. In the first place, there will be techniques that would not be feasible without formal models. Just as the availability of cheaper computing has made

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computation intensive techniques such as bootstrapping available, so the availability of smarter computing will make new techniques available. For the foreseeable future, there will remain less common techniques and less common problems of common techniques to formalize. There will need to be many formalizations of common techniques in order to discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Consulting systems will provide the option to embed some research now carried out. We see only more work, not less, for research statisticians. If TAXSY or some tool like it becomes easily available, there will be some additional impacts, primarily expanding consulting statisticians' roles. The research statistician would find building consulting system or strategy easier, and would thus be encouraged to do so. The consulting statistician would have an important new role in specializing the systems to their local environment. This would be a continuing activity as well as an initial one, because they would be able to encode the techniques they learned for problems encountered by their users. Users would find the software more specialized to their environment. We see three limits to any consulting system software in the foreseeable future. First, the systems will have very limited knowledge compared to the entire corpus of statistical knowledge. A good programmer, working with known algorithms and a specified performance, can write programs with 10 6 bits in a year. With diseconomies of scale, unknown methods, and unclear goals, we would not expect that much productivity in writing consulting systems in the next five to ten years. A crude estimate of the extent of the body of statistics knowledge is 1011:1000 library shelves, each with 30 volumes, each of ] 0 6 bits, with another small factor for closely allied areas. Thus only a fraction of the knowledge will be encodable. Computer systems will not have access to the body of knowledge as represented in the books and journals for the foreseeable future. The work on natural language understanding has shown the huge knowledge that is necessary in order to learn a little bit more. Writing, even in journal articles, is remarkably informal, with frequent appeals to common experience for motivation. Learning techniques in AI are still rudimentary despite a great interest in the topic since the earliest days of AI; this is a hard problem. The time required for a person to digest the results of an autonomously running program will remain small. Tukey (1986) pointed out the huge number of cycles available on computers every night (ten hours is 4 × 10 l° ms). It would be desirable to have systems that could use this time autonomously, providing output of the statistician to examine in the morning. As of now, a program that a statistician never tended could interest a statistician for only a few minutes each morning. An interesting autonomous program would necessarily have to be a learning program, so we do not see much progress on this in the near future. Since artificial intelligence is now only about 40 years old, we do expect progress over a span of several decades on these harder problems. In the mean time, the tools already available make some exciting new options for research


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by statisticians. And it will be worth watching AI successes in other domains for possible analogues in statistics.

Acknowledgement The first author would like to thank Marlyn Nys for her assistance with TAXSY during the Prague Summer School. Demonstration of TAXSY would not have been possible without her. She also prepared and delivered the part of the Summer School lecture that dealt with TAXSY. A preliminary version of this paper was published in Computational Aspects of Model Choice, Jaromir Antoch, ed.

References We have endeavoured to make the bibliography below as comprehensive as possible. However, the literature is widely scattered since, certainly in its early years, it was not obvious which journals were the right ones to publish material of this kind. This means we have doubtless missed some papers. Moreover, other papers lie at the fringes of the area and we may have excluded them because we felt they were just outside our remit: for example we may have felt that a paper on computing environments for statistics was outside our s c o p e but not everyone may agree. To assist researchers to find papers of interest to them, in the paragraphs below we have indicated what we consider to be the main topics dealt with by most of the papers. Again, of course, not everybody may agree with our classification - and we have not classified all of the papers. In some cases more than one topic is dealt with, so some papers appear in more than one list. Following the main index are two others, the first containing details of collections of papers entirely devoted to AI and statistics, and the second giving further (non-AI in statistics) papers cited in the text.

General discussion papers Chambers 1981; Chowdhury, 1987; Furner, 1987; Gale, 1986c, 1987a; Hahn, 1985; Hakong and Hickman, 1985; Hand, 1984, 1985a, 1986b, 1987a, 1990b; Haux 1986b, 1989; Jida and Lemaire, 1986; Jockel, 1986; Lubinsky and Pregibon, 1987; Molenaar, 1988; Nelder, 1977, 1988; Streitberg, 1988; Tukey, 1986; Westerhoff and Naeve, 1988; Wittkowski, 1986b, 1987, t 9 8 ~ 1990.

On using existing statistical software BMDP: Carlsen and Heuch, 1986. SAS: Darius, 1986, 1990.

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GLIM: Wolstenholme and Nelder, 1986; Nelder, 1987. Representing statistical knowledge Ellman, 1986; Thisted, 1986; Huber, 1986; Hand, 1987b; O'Keefe, 1985; Oldford, 1990; Gale and Lubinsky, 1986. Object oriented approaches Lubinsky, 1990; Oldford, 1987, 1988, 1990; Oldford and Peters, 1986a,b,c; Oldford, 1988, 1990. Metadata Hand, 1992a; Lawson, 1989; Lawson and Golder, 1991. Studies on how human consultant statisticians do their job Clayden and Croft, 1990; van den Berg, 1990, 1991, 1992; Visser and Slooff, 1991; van den Berg and Visser, 1990. Statistical strategy Gebhardt, 1990; Huber, 1986; Hand, 1986a; Herrmann et al., 1991; Oldford, 1990; Oldford and Peters, 1986b; Pregibon, 1986. Databases Elliman and Wittkowski, 1987. Time series and longitudinal data Chowdhury et al., 1990; Hansmann and Zetsche, 1990; Hietala, 1986, 1988, 1990; Krtolica et al., 1991; Froeschl and Grossman, 1986; Streitberg and Naeve, 1986; Reilly and Timberlake, 1987. Experimental design systems Baines and Clithero, 1986; Haaland et al., 1986, 1990; Lorenzen and Truss, 1990; Lorenzen et al., 1992; Rasch, 1989; Rasch and Jansch, 1989; Williams, M., 1988; Williams, C., 1991. Regression Belsey et al., 1988; Drapier, 1987; DuMouchel, 1990; Gale, 1986a; Gale and Pregibon, 1982, 1984; Pregibon and Gale, 1984.


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Coefficients of agreement Molenaar and Passchier, 1991. Analysis of variance Young-Tung and Schuenemeyer, 1991; Bell and Watts, 1988. Non-linear models Berzuini et al., 1986; Duijsens et al., 1988; Ross, 1988. Multivariate statistics Bockenholt et al., 1989; Dambroise, 1987; Dambroise and Massotte, 1986; Duijsens et al., 1988; Momirovic et al., 1988; Rodel and Wilke, 1990; Smith et al., 1983. Data validation Dickson and Talbot, 1986. Exploratory data analysis Dorda et al., 1988, 1990; Gebhardt, 1988, 1990; Irani et al., 1990; Jirku, 1988; Osterman, 1986. Descriptive statistics Dorda, 1990. Quality control Lenz, 1986. Two sample problems Osterman, 1986. Survey sampling Gonzalez and Hatabian, 1988; Schach, 1986; Wetherill et al., 1985. Choice of method Athey, 1989; Hand, 1985b; Portier and Lai, 1983. Knowledge acquisition Butler and Corter, 1986; Gale, 1986c,d, 1987b; Gale and Pregibon, 1984. Bibliography Andrews, F. M., L. Klem, T. N. Davidson,P. M. O'Malleyand W. L. Rogers (1981). A Guidefor Selecting Statistical Techniquesfor Analyzing Social Science Data. 2rid ed., Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Athey, S. (1989). SAM: Statistics analysis mentor. PC AI, November/December,56-60.

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Baines, A. and D. T. Clithero (1986). Interactive user-friendly package for design and analysis of experiments. In: F. De Antoni, N. Lauro and A. Rizzi, eds., COMPSTAT, 1986. Physica, Heidelberg, 320-325. Barboucha, M., M. Staroswiecki and P. Aygalinc (1988). Building rules from contingency tables. 175-182. Barzilay, A. (1984). An expert system for tutoring probability theory. Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. Bell, E. and P. Watts (1988). Building a statistical knowledge base: A discussion of the approach used in the development of THESEUS, a statistical expert system. In: D. Edwards and N. E. Raun, eds., COMPSTAT, 1988. Physica, Heidelberg, 143-148. Belsey, D. A., A. Venetoulias and R. E. Welsch (1988). Computer guided diagnostics. In: D. Edwards and N. E. Raun, eds., COMPSTAT, 1988. Physica, Heidelberg, 99-104. Berzuini, C., G. Ross and C. Larizza (1986). Developing intelligent software for non-linear model fitting as an expert system. In: F. De Antoni, N. Lauro and A. Rizzi, eds., COMPSTAT, 1986. Physica, Heidelberg. 259-264. Blum, R.L. (1982). Discovery and Representation of Causal Relationships from a Large Timeoriented Clinical Database: The RX Project. Springer, New York. Bockenholt, I., M. Both and W. Gaul (1989). A knowledge based system for supporting data analysis problems. Decision Support Systems 5, 345-354. Butler, K. A. and J. E. Cotter (1986). Use of psychometric tools for knowledge acquisition: A case study. In: W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 295-319. Carlsen, F. and I. Heuch (1986). Express-An expert system utilizing standard statistical packages. In: F. De Antoni, N. Lauro and A. Rizzi, eds., COMPSTAT, 1986. Physica, Heidelberg, 265-270. Chambers, J. M. (1981). Some thoughts on expert software. In: Proc. Comput. Sci. Statist. 13-th Sympos. on the Interface. Springer, Heidelberg, 36-40. Chambers, J. M., D. Pregibon and E. R. Zayas (1981). Expert software for data analysis-An initial experiment. In: Proc. 43-rd Session of the International Statistical Institute. Buenos Aires. Int. Statistics Institute, Voorburg, Netherlands, 294-303. Chowdhury, S. L. (1987). State of the art in statistical expert systems. In: Proc. 7-th Internat. Workshop on Expert Systems and Their Applications. Avignon, France. Chowdhury, S., O. Wigertz and B. Sundgren (1990). Artificial intelligence methods in data analysis and interpretation. In: M. Schader and W1. Gaul, eds., Knowledge, Data, and Computer-Assisted Decisions. Springer, Berlin, 199-208. Clayden, A. D. and M. R. Croft (1990). Statistical consultation- Who's the expert? Ann. Math. Artificial Intelligence 2, 65-75. Dambroise, E. (1987). MUSE: Multivariate expertise. PhD Thesis, INRA, MontpeUier. Dambroise, E. and P. Massotte (1986). MUSE: An expert system in statistics. In: F. De Antoni, N. Lauro and A. Rizzi, eds., COMPSTAT 1986. Physica, Heidelberg, 271-276. Darius, P. (1986). Building expert systems with the help of existing statistical software: An example. In: F. De Antoni, N. Lauro and A. Rizzi, eds., COMPSTAT, 1986. Physica, Heidelberg, 277-282. Darius, P. (1990). A toolbox for adding knowledge-based modules to existing statistical software. Ann. Math. Arttficial Intelligence 2, 109-116. De Greef, P. (1991). Analysis of cooperation for consultation systems. J. Appl. Statist. 18, 175-184. Dickson, J. M. and M. Talbot (1986). Statistical data validation and expert systems. In: F. De Antoni, N. Lauro and A. Rizzi, eds., COMPSTAT, 1986. Physica, Heidelberg, 283-288. Dorda, W. (1990). Erfahrungen aus Entwicklung und Probebetrieb eines statistischen Konsultationssystems. Biometrie Inform. 21. Dorda, W., K. A. Froeschl and W. Grossman (1988). WAMASTEX: Ein statistisches Expertensystem-Modell am Beispiel deskriptiver Statistik. Statist. Inform. 18, 172-180. Dorda, W., K. A. Froeschl and W. Grossman (1990). WAMASTEX-Heuristic guidance for


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statistical analysis. In: K. Momirovic and V. Mildner, eds., COMPSTAT, 1990. Physica, Heidelberg, 93-98. Drapier, P. (1987). Le syst6me de regression assist6e par ordinateur: RAO. Preprint, 20 Rue Rouget de L'Isle, 94100 Saint Maur, France. Duijsens, I.J., T.J. Delft and G.M. van den Berg (1988). PRINCE: An expert system for nonlinear principal components analysis. In: D. Edwards and N. E. Raun, eds., COMPSTAT, 1988. Physica, Heidelberg, 149-153. Du Mouchel, W. (1987). A Data Analysis Advisor. BBN Software Products, Cambridge, MA. DuMouchel, W. (1990). The structure, design principles, and strategies of Mulreg. Ann. Math. Artificial Intelligence 2, 117-134. Elkan, C. P., D. Lubinsky and D. Pregibon (1988). Automated descriptions of data. In: E. Diday, ed., Data Analysis and Informatics V. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 169-174. Elliman, A. D. and K. M. Wittkowski (1987). The impact of expert systems on statistical database management. Statist. Software Newslett. 13, 14-18. Ellman, T. (1986). Representing statistical computations: Towards a deeper understanding. In: W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 229-238. Froeschl, K. A. and W. Grossman (1986). Knowledge base supported analysis of longitudinal data. In: F. De Antoni, N. Lauro and A. Rizzi, eds., COMPSTAT, 1986. Physica, Heidelberg, 289-294. Furrier, S. M. (1987). Dialogue management with computer-based statistical analysis. In: B. Phelps, ed., Interactions in Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Methods. Gower Technical Press, Aldershot, 60-69. Gale, W. A. (1986a). REX review. In: W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 173-227. Gale, W. A. (1986b). Student phase 1 - A report on work in progress. In: W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 239-265. Gale, W. A. (1986c). Overview. In: W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1-16. Gale, W. A. (1986d). Knowledge-based knowledge acquisition for a statistical consulting system. Internat. J. Man-Mach. Stud. 26, 55-64. Gale, W. A. (1987a). Statistical applications of artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering. Knowledge Engrg. Rev. 2, 227-247. Gale, W. A. (1987b). Student: A tool for constructing consultation systems in data analysis. In: Proc. 46-th Session Internat. Statist. Inst. Tokyo. Vol. 3, Int. Statistics Institute, Voorburg, Netherlands, 305-322. Gale, W. A. and D. Lubinsky (1986). A comparison of representations for statistical strategies. In: Proc. Amer. Statist. Assoc. Statist. Comput. Section. Arlington, VA. American Statistical Association, Washington, 88-96. Gale, W. A. and D. Pregibon (1982). An expert system for regression analysis. In: Heiner, Sachet and Wilkinson, eds., Proc. 14-th Sympos. on the Interface. Springer, New York, 110-117. Gale, W. A. and D. Pregibon (1984). Constructing an expert system for data analysis by working examples. In: T. Havranek, Z. Sidak and M. Novak, eds., COMPSTAT, 1984. Physica, Vienna, 227-241. Gebhardt, F. (1988). On the usefulness of expert systems in exploratory data analysis. In: E. Diday, ed., Data Analysis and Informatics, Vol. V. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 183-188. Gebhardt, F. (1990). An expert system strategy for selecting interesting results. In: K. Momirovic and V. Mildner eds., COMPSTAT, 1990. Physica, Heidelberg, 81-85. Gonzalez, P. and G. Hatabian (1988). Adelle ou une aide au depouillement d'enquettes par logiciel expert sur micro-calculateur. In: E. Diday, ed., Data Analysis and Informatics. Vol. V, Amsterdam, North-Holland, 189-197. Haaland, P. D., D. Yen and R. F. Liddle (1986). An expert system for experimental design. In: Proc. Amer. Statist. Assoc. Statist. Comput. Section. Arlington, VA. American Statistical Association, Washington, 78-87. -~

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Rasch, D. and S. Jansch (1989). Computer aided design of experiments and modellingCADEMO version 2.1 - Handbuch. HAND GmbH, Wiesbaden, FRG. Reilly, D. P. and A. I. Timberlake (1987). Intelligent front end to Box Jenkins forecasting. In: B. Phelps, ed., Interactions in Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Methods. Gower Technical Press, Aldershot, 99-118. Rodel, E. and R. Wilke (1990). A knowledge based system for testing bivariate dependence. Statist. Software Newslett. 16, 7-12. Ross, G. J. S. (1988). Expert systems for non-linear modelling: Progress and prospects. In: D. Edwards and N. E. Raun, eds., COMPSTAT, 1988. Physica, Heidelberg, 155-161. Salzberg, SI (1986). Pinpointing good hypotheses with heuristics. In W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and 'Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 133-158. Schach, S. (1986). Computer support for the design and analysis of survey samples. In: R. Haux, ed., Expert Systems in Statistics. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, 99-110. Smith, A. M. R., L. S. Lee and D. J. Hand (1983). Interactive user-friendly interfaces to statistical packages. Comput. J. 26, 199-204. Streitberg, B. (1988). On the nonexistence of expert systems-Critical remarks on artificial intelligence in statistics. Statist. Software Newslett. 19, 55-62. (With discussion.) Streitberg, B. and P. Naeve (1986). A modestly intelligent system for identification, estimation, and forecasting of univariate time series: A4, ARIMA, artificial intelligence, and APL2. In: R. Haux, ed., Expert Systems in Statistics. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, 111-137. Thisted, R. A. (1986). Representing statistical knowledge for expert data analysis systems. In: W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 267-284. Tukey, J. (1986). An alphabet for statisticians' expert systems. In: W. A. Gale, ed., Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 401-409. Van den Berg, G. (1990). Comparing method catalogs of statisticians. Leiden University Research Report, Dept of Behavioura] Computer Science, Report 90-01. Van den Berg, G. (1991). Ideas for statistical experts on the choice of an analysis method. J. Appl. Statist. 18, 77-86. Van den Berg, G. (1992). Choosing an analysis method: An empirical study of statisticians' ideas in view of the design of computerized support. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Leiden. Van den Berg, G. M. and R. A. Visser (1990). Knowledge modelling for statistical consultation systems; Two empirical studies. In: K. Momirovic and V. Mildner, eds., COMPSTAT, 1990. Physica, Heidelberg, 75-80. Visser, R. and N. Slooff (1991). Knowledge acquisition for a supportive user interface for correspondence analysis. J. Appl. Statist. 18, 99-106. Weiner, J. M., R. Horwitz and M. Bauer (1987). Clinical trial expert system. In: Computer Science and Statistics, Proc. 19-th Sympos. on the Interface. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 117-122. Westerhoff, T. and P. Naeve (1988). On inference process. In: D. Edwards and N. E. Raun, eds., COMPSTAT, 1988. Physica, Heidelberg, 193-198. Wetherill, G. B., C. Daffin and P. Duncombe (1985). A user-friendly survey analysis program. In: Bull. Internat. Statist. Inst. 45-th Session, Amsterdam, August. Vol. 3, Int. Statistics Institute, Voorburg, Netherlands, 20.4-1-20.4-14. Williams, C. L. (1991). A clinical application of expert system methodology. J. Appl. Statist. 18, 185-201. Williams, M. K. (1988). An intelligent system for experimental design- Some ideas. J. Appl. Statist. 15, 325-333. Wittkowski, K. M. (1985). Ein Expertensystem zur Datenhaltung und Methodenauswahl f/ir statistische Anwendungen, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Stuttgart, Germany. Wittkowski, K. M. (1986a). An expert system for testing statistical hypotheses. In: T. Boardman, ed., Computer Science and Statistics, ASA, Washington DC, 438-443. Wittkowski, K. M. (1986b). Generating and testing statistical hypotheses: Strategies for knowledge engineering. In: R. Haux, ed., Expert Systems in Statistics. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, 139-154. Wittkowski, K. M. (1987). An expert system approach for generating and testing statistical

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hypotheses. In: B. Phelps, ed., Interactions in Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Methods. Gower Technical Press, Aldershot, 45-59. Wittkowski, K. M. (1988). Building a statistical expert system with knowledge bases of different levels of abstraction. In: D. Edwards and N. E. Raun, eds., COMPSTAT, 1988. Physica, Heidelberg, 129-134. Wittkowski, K. M. (1989). Statistische Expertensysteme - Kommentar. Biometrie Inform. Medizin Biol. 20, 61-63. Wittkowski, K. M. (1990). Statistical knowledge-based systems-Critical remarks and requirements for approval. In: K. Momirovic and V. Mildner, eds., COMPSTAT, 1990. Physica, Heidelberg, 49-56. Wolstenholme, D. E. and J. A. Nelder (1986). A front end for GLIM. In: R. Haux, ed., Expert Systems in Statistics. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, 155-177. Young-Tung, S. T. and J. H. Schuenemeyer (1991). An expert system for statistical consulting. J. Appl. Statist. 18, 35-47.

The f o l l o w i n g collections contain m a n y p a p e r s on statistical expert s y s t e m s De Antoni, F., N. Lauro and A. Rizzi (1986). COMPSTAT, 1986. Physica, Heidelberg. Edwards, D. and N. E. Raun eds., (1988). COMPSTAT, 1988. Physica, Heidelberg. EUROSTAT (1989). Development of statistical expert systems. Eurostat News Special Edition, Proc. Seminar on the Development of Statistical Expert Systems. Luxembourg, December. EEC, Brussels. Gale, W. A., ed. (1986). Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Hand, D. J., ed. (1990). Special issue on artificial intelligence and statistics. Ann. Math. Artificial Intelligence 2 (1-4). Hand, D. J., ed. (1991). Special issue on expert systems and statistics. J. Appl. Statist. 18(1). Hand, D. J. (1992). Artificial Intelligence Frontiers in Statistics. Chapman and Hall, London. Haux, R., ed. (1986). Expert Systems and Statistics. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart. Momirovic, K. and V. Mildner, eds. (1990). COMPSTAT, 1990. Physica Heidelberg. Phelps, B., ed. (1987). Interactions in Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Methods. Gower Technical Press, Aldershot.

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C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

t"1 _l_l

Some Aspects of Natural Language Processing

Aravind K. Joshi

1. Introduction

In this chapter, we will describe a few aspects of natural language processing (NLP) that will give some idea of the role of grammars and parsing and the use of some statistical techniques (albeit rather simple ones at present) in the formulation of the theories in NLP and in the implementation of the systems. Language (spoken and written) is central to all aspects of our communication. Therefore natural language processing systems (NLP), both current and future, are bound to play a crucial role in our communication with machines and even among ourselves. NLP systems include systems for speech recognition, language understanding and language generation. Spoken language systems are those that integrate speech and language systems. Such systems will provide and to some extent already do so, an interface to databases and knowledge bases, for example, an airline information and reservation system, expert systems for scheduling, planning, and maintenance, among others. Text processing and message understanding systems are useful for extracting information from texts and formatting it in a variety of ways for further use. Language communication often occurs in two or more languages. Multilingual NLP has applications to a variety of multilingual interfaces ranging from providing aids for translating foreign language correspondence, translating equipment manuals, and speech-to-speech translation in limited domains, among others. NLP is concerned with (i) the study of mathematical and computational models of the structure and function of language, its use, and its acquisition and (ii) the design, development, and implementation of a wide range of systems as mentioned above. On the theoretical side, the study involves mathematical and computational modeling of syntax, semantics, pragmatics (that is, certain aspects of the relationship of the speaker and the hearer, or user and the system in the case of an NLP system), and discourse aspects of language. These investigations are interdisciplinary and involve concepts in computer science including artificial intelligence, linguistics, logic, and psychology. My goal is not to cover the whole range of theoretical and practical issues in 577


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NLP, which would be impossible in the limited space available. I have selected the following topics discussed in some detail to give an idea about a few issues in NLP: grammars and parsing, to describe a theoretical area in NLP; statistical approaches to NLP, to describe the use of very large quantities of data in the development of the theories; and multilingual natural language processing, which includes machine translation using parallel texts and statistical techniques. I will not survey the entire field of NLP. I will not even provide a comprehensive survey of the three selected areas. My goal is to provide a short introduction to these two topics and justify the significance of the issues involved. I have provided the major references to these two topics as well as to the several key topics not discussed here at all. Many major topics have been omitted, all of which are very important to NLP. I have not discussed speech recognition and synthesis at all, and in the language area, I have not discussed planning and discourse structure, which are crucial to natural language understanding and generation and their applications to cooperative interfaces [17].

2. Grammars and parsers

Language has hierarchical structure at various levels, in particular at the sentence level, which is the level we will be concerned with in this section. Almost every NLP system has a grammar and an associated parser. A grammar is a finite specification of a potentially infinite number of sentences, and a parser for the grammar is an algorithm that analyzes a sentence and assigns one or more structural descriptions to the sentence according to the grammar, if the sentence can be characterized by the grammar. A structural description is a record of the derivational history of the sentence according to the grammar. The structural descriptions are necessary for further processing, for example, for semantic interpretation. Chomsky's work on formal grammars in the late 50s was the beginning of the investigations of mathematical and computational modeling of grammars [9]. H e introduced a hierarchy of grammars (finite state grammars, context-free grammars, context-sensitive grammars, and unrestricted rewriting systems) and investigated their linguistic adequacy. Many NLP systems are based on context-free grammars ( C F G ) . We will briefly describe CFGs. A CFG, G, consists of a finite set of non-terminals (for example, S: sentence; NP: noun phrase; VP: verb phrase; V: verb; A D V : adverb), a finite set of terminals (for example, Harry, peanuts, likes, passionately), and a finite set of rewrite rules of the form A---~W, where A is a non-terminal and W is a string of zero or more non-terminals and terminals. S is a special non-terminal called the start symbol. In Figure 1 we have a simple example of a CFG. The rewrite rules in the left column are called syntactic rules and the rules in the right column are called lexical rules, as these rules rewrite a non-terminal into terminals or lexical items. A derivation in a

Some aspects of natural languageprocessing


A Context-Free G r a m m a r ( C F G )

Lezical Rules

Syntactic Rules S --+ NP VP

NP --* Harry


NP --* p e a n u t s

VP --* V NP

V --+ likes ADV --* p a s s i o n a t e l y

S t r u c t u r a l d e s c r i p t i o n a s s i g n e d to t h e s e n t e n c e :

Harry likes peanuts passionately s NIP










Fig. 1. A context-free grammar.

g r a m m a r begins with S, the start symbol. S is rewritten as a string of non-terminals and terminals, using a rewrite rule applicable to S. The new non-terminals are then rewritten according to the rewrite rules applicable to them, until no further rules can be applied. It is easy to see that the sentence Harry likes peanuts passionately can be generated by the grammar. In Figure 1, the tree on the right shows the structural description assigned by the g r a m m a r to the sentence spelled out by the lexical items appearing at the frontier nodes of the tree. H e r e the derivation starts with the start symbol S. This symbol is then rewritten as the string NP V E These two symbols are now rewritten (in any order) as the strings Harry and VP A D V respectively. The symbol VP is rewritten as the string V NP and A D V is rewritten as passionately. Finally, V is rewritten as likes and NP is rewritten as peanuts. The tree in Figure 1 is the result of these rewritings. A finite-state g r a m m a r is like a C F G , except that the rewrite rules are of the form A--~aB or A--~a, where A and B are non-terminals and a is a terminal symbol. Finite-state g r a m m a r s hfive been shown to be inadequate for modeling natural language structure. This is because there are dependencies that hold at unbounded distance. Some examples are given below (see for example the filter-gap dependencies described in the section on mildly context-sensitive


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grammars, see also the section on statistical approaches to natural language). A context-sensitive grammar is also like a CFG, except that the rewriting of a non-terminal is dependent on the context surrounding the non-terminal, unlike the rewrite rules in CFG where the rewriting is context-independent. Contextsensitive grammars appear to be adequate for describing natural language structures. However, the entire class of context-sensitive grammars appears to be too powerful in the sense that it is not constrained enough to characterize just the structures that arise in natural language. CFGs, as defined above, are inadequate for a variety of reasons and need to be augmented. The two main reasons are as follows: (i) The information associated with a phrase (a string of terminals) is not just the atomic symbols used as non-terminals. A complex bundle of information (sets of attributevalue pairs, called feature structures) has to be associated with strings, the syntactic category of the phrase being only one such feature, for example. Appropriate structures and operations for combining them are needed together with a CFG skeleton; (ii) The string combining operation in a C F G is concatenation, that is, if u and v are strings, v concatenated with u gives the string w = uv, that is, u followed by v. More complex string combining as well as tree combining operations are needed to describe various linguistic phenomena. We will illustrate these two kinds of augmentations by some simple examples.

3. CFG-based unification grammars A feature structure consists of a set of attribute-value pairs, where a value may be atomic or may be another feature structure. In Figure 2, the feature structure X 1 consists of a feature cat (category) whose value is NP and a feature head whose value is another feature structure. This feature structure has only one attribute, agreement, whose value is another feature structure with attributes n u m b e r and person with values singular and third respectively. X 1 is a feature structure that can be appropriately associated with the phrase Fido because Fido is a noun-phrase NP whose number is singular and it is a third person noun-phrase. Similarly X 2 is a feature structure that can be appropriately associated with the phrase snores because snores is a verb with a tense (present), i.e., it is a finite verb and requires a subject that is singular and in the third person. The context-free rewriting rule X o ~ X I X 2 can be interpreted as an instruction for combining the strings Fido and snores to give the string Fido snores and building the feature structure X 0 to be associated with it, as shown in Figure 2. This little example illustrates the main idea behind CFGbased unification grammars [48]. The main operation for combining feature structures is called unification. Given two feature structures A and B, we get a new feature structure C by unifying A and B, which has all the information in A and all the information in B and no more. Of course, if A and B h a v e contradictory information, then A

Some aspects of natural language processing cat :


X1 :

head :

cat :


agreement :

form : X2 :

head :


number : singular ] person : third


agreement :


number : singular ] person : third

Xo --* X1 X2

X0 :

cat :


head :

(value is the same as the value of the head feature of X2)


Fig. 2. CFG-based unification grammar.

and B will fail to unify. In a CFG-based unification grammar, the CFG (context-free grammar) serves as a skeleton which defines the string combining operations. The objects that the grammar manipulates are feature structures. The feature structures are combined by the operation of unification as explained above. Thus in this type of unification grammar the grammar builds the string and the unifications of the appropriate feature structures (beginning with the feature structures associated with the lexical items, i.e., the words) build a feature structure associated with the string built by the grammar. A variety of grammars such as generalized phrase structure grammar (GPSG) [16], head driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG) [43] and lexical functional grammar (LFG) [29] are essentially based on CFG-based unification grammars. An introduction to unification-based grammars appears in [48]. Unification is a very powerful operation and, unless restricted, CFG-based unification grammars are Turing machine equivalent, that is, their computing power equals the power of a general-purpose computing machine with unlimited working tape. From a linguistic point of view, these grammars have to be restricted so that their descriptive power is no more than necessary, and from a computational point of view, they have to be restricted in order to yield


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efficient parsing algorithms [47]. Both these considerations form the basis for continued research in this area.

4. Mildly context-sensitive grammars In any mathematical or computational grammar, a wide range of dependencies among the different elements in the grammar have to be described. Some examples of these dependencies are as follows: (i) Agreement features such as person, number, and gender. For example, in English, the verb agrees with the subject in person and number. (ii) Verb subcategorization, in which each verb specifies one (or more) subcategorization frames for their complements. For instance, sleep does not require any complement (as in Harry sleeps), like requires one complement (as in Harry likes peanuts), give requires two complements (as in Harry gives Susan a flower), and so forth. (iii) Sometimes the dependent elements do not appear in their normal positions. In who i

did John invite e~

where e i is a stand-in for whoi, who i is the filler for the gap e r The filler and the gap need not be at a fixed distance. Thus in who~ did Bill ask J o h n to invite ei, the filler and the gap are more distant than in the previous sentence. (iv) Sometimes the dependencies are nested. In German, for example, one could have Hans i Peterj Marie k s c h w i m m e n k lassenj sah i

(Hans saw Peter make Marie swim) where the nouns (arguments) and verbs are in nested order, as the subscripts indicate. (v) However, in Dutch, these dependencies are crossed, as for example, in Jan i Pietj Marie k zag i laten t z w e m m e n k

(Jan saw Piet make Marie swim). There are, of course, situations where the dependencies have more complex patterns. Precise statements of such dependencies and the domains over which they operate constitute the major activity in the specification of a grammar. Mathematical and computational modeling of these dependencies is one of the key areas in natural language processing. Many of these dependencies (for example, the crossed dependencies discussed above) cannot be described by context-free grammars [5, 19, 11, 47]. This is easily seen from the well-known fact that CFGs are equivalent to the so-called push-down automata (PDAs)


Some aspects of natural language processing

which have the storage discipline last in first out. PDAs therefore can characterize nested dependencies but not the crossed dependencies. In the context-free grammar (CFG) in Figure 1 the dependency between a verb (likes) and its two arguments [subject (NP) and object (NP)], is specified by means of two rules of the grammar. It is not possible to specify this dependency in a single rule without giving up the VP (verb phrase) node in the structure. That is, if we introduce a rule, S--~NP VNP, then we can express the dependency in one rule, but then we cannot have VP in our grammar. Hence, if we regard each rule of a CFG as specifying the domain of locality, then the domain of locality for a CFG cannot locally (that is, in one rule) encode the dependency between a verb and its arguments, and still keep the VP node in the grammar. We will now describe briefly two grammars whose domain of locality is larger than that of a CFG. In the tree-adjoining grammar (TAG) in Figure 3(a), each word is associated with a structure (tree) (the word serves as an anchor for the tree) which encodes the dependencies between this word and its arguments (and therefore indirectly its dependency on other words which are anchors for structures that will fill up the slots of the arguments). Thus for likes, the associated tree encodes the arguments of likes (that is, the two NP nodes in the tree for likes) and also provides slots in the structure where they would fit. The trees for Harry and peanuts can be substituted respectively in the subject and object a. Tree A d j o i n i n g G r a m m a r ( T A G )

Lezical Trees Operations s











Substitution (for nodes




marked with 1)






b. Combinatory Categorial G r a m m a r s (CCG) Lexical Categories likes: (S\NP)/NP (composite) Harry: NP (atomic), S/(S\NP) (composite) p e a n u t s : NP (atomic)


(1) function application (2) function composition

p a s s i o n a t e l y : (S\NP)\(S\NP) (composite)

Fig. 3. Two grammar formalisms with domains of locality larger than the domain of locality for CFG.


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slots of the tree for likes. The tree for passionately can be inserted (adjoined) into the tree for likes at the VP node. The derivation in a TAG grammar is quite different from the derivation in a CFG. The tree in Figure 3(a) is a derived tree in the TAG shown in the figure. It is not the derivation tree. The derivation tree (for the derived tree shown in Figure 3(a)) will be a record of the history of the various adjoining and substitutions carried to produce the tree in Figure 3(a). This derivation tree is not shown in Figure 3(a). In a TAG, the entire grammar consists of lexical items and their associated structures. There are universal operations, substitution and adjoining which describe how structures can be combined [24-26]. In the combinatory categorical grammar (CCG) in Figure 3(b), each word is assigned a category, atomic or composite. The category for Harry and peanuts is NP, an atomic category. For likes, the category is (S\NP)/NP. This expression encodes the information that likes has two arguments. The category can be interpreted as a function, which when applied to an argument NP (the object) on the right, returns (S\NP), which is also a function. This function, when applied in turn to an argument NP (the subject) on the left, returns S (sentence). In this representation, (S\NP) serves the same role as VP. In a CCG, the entire grammar consists of lexical items and their category assignments. There are two universal operations, function application and function composition, which describe how categories are combined. Note that passionately is combined with likes peanuts by function composition. CCG also allows type raising. For example, Harry has the category NP, but we can also assign another category to Harry, namely S/(S\NP), that is, a function requiring a verb-phrase on the right and returning S. This category assignment is appropriate only if Harry is in the subject position [52, 53]. Derivation in a CCG is the history of how a string is built by the successive use of the function application and composition operations. This history can be represented as a tree, not shown in Figure 3(b). A CCG does not necessarily assign a unique phrase structure. The structure depends on the operations used and the order in which they were used. Different choices of operations and different orders of use will result in different phrase structure descriptions, even for unambiguous sentences. Both CCG and TAG have domains of locality that are larger than that for CFG, because in each case all the arguments of the verb likes are encoded in structures associated with the verb and yet, the node VP (= S\NP in CCG) is available. The larger domain of locality allows TAG to completely factor out recursion from the domain of dependencies, thus localizing all dependencies in the elementary trees [25]. For the linguistic significance of CCG and TAG, see [52, 53, 31-33]. TAG and CCG are very similar. In fact, they have been shown to be formally equivalent (with respect to their weak generative capacity, that is, the sets of sentences they generate). They are more powerful than CFG and belong to a class of grammars that we call mildly context-sensitive grammars (MCSG) [28]. This class preserves many of the essential properties of CFG and yet is

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able to provide enough power to capture a wide range of dependencies of language structure, such as the crossed dependencies we discussed earlier. Several other recent formalisms, for example, linear indexed grammar and head grammar, have also been shown to be equivalent to TAGs [28, 15, 42]. This equivalence of a number of linguistically motivated grammars based on quite distinct insights into the structure of language has led to the search for invariances across this class of grammars, these invariances being more important in some sense than the individual grammars [28]. The study of mildly context-sensitive grammars and the study of their equivalences is one of the most active areas of investigation in mathematical linguistics during the last decade. We have been implicitly assuming that a grammar assigns a unique structure to a sentence (assuming that the sentence is unambiguous). Thus for example Harry likes peanuts will be bracketed as follows (ignoring the phrase labels and ignoring some brackets not essential for our present purpose): (a) (Harry (likes peanuts)) It is possible in a CCG to assign multiple structures to unambiguous sentences [52], as pointed out above. Thus CCG assigns the following two groupings to Harry likes peanuts: (b) (Harry (likes peanuts)) (c) ((Harry likes) peanuts) The justification for such multiple structures is their use in coordinations (for example, with and) and in defining intonational phrases. Thus the bracketing (b) is necessary for (d) and the bracketing (c) for (e). (d) (Harry (likes peanuts) and (hates cashews)) (e) (((Harry likes) and (Bill hates)) cashews) Also, (b) corresponds to the intonational phrasing if the previous context is (f) and (c) if the previous context is (g). (f) Who likes peanuts? (Harry (likes peanuts)) (g) What does Harry like? ((Harry likes) peanuts) The flexibility in the assignment of structure is achieved by giving up the notion of a canonical structure. Thus in Figure 3(b), if Harry is assigned the category S/(S\NP), it can either combine with likes by function composition giving the structure in (c) above, or it can apply to the predicate likes peanuts to yield (b) above [52]. However, it is not necessary to give up the notion of


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canonical structure. It is possible to maintain a fixed structure at a certain level (at the level of elementary trees in a T A G , for example) and still achieve the kind of flexibility needed for examples shown above [26].

5. Parsing complexity A parser for a grammar is an algorithm that assigns to a sentence one or more structural descriptions according to the grammar, if the sentence is generable by the grammar. Parsing of sentences according to different grammars and the complexity of this process are important research areas in NLP. For a C F G a number of parsing algorithms are known and the time required to parse a sentence of length n is at most K n 3 where K depends on the size of the grammar. This result extends to almost all CFG-based grammars used in NLP. The constant K can become very large however. In practice, of course, the worst case complexity is really not the important measure. M o r e parsers perform much better than the worst case on typical sentences. T h e r e are no mathematical results, as yet, to characterize the behavior on typical sentences. Grammars that are more powerful than C F G are, of course, harder to parse, as far as the worst case is concerned. The grammars in the class of mildly context-sensitive grammars discussed earlier can all be parsed in polynomial time just as CFG, however, the exponent for n is 6 instead of 3. A crucial problem in parsing is not just to get all possible parses for a sentence but to rank the parses according to some criteria. If a grammar is combined with statistical information (see below), then that information can be used to provide this ranking. This is exactly what is done in many spoken language systems, that is, systems that integrate speech recognition and language processing a. In our discussion so far, we have been assuming that the parser only handles complete sentences and the parser either succeeds in finding the parse(s) for a sentence or it fails. In practice, we want the parser to be f l e x i b l e - that is, it should be able to handle fragments of sentences - and it should fail gracefully that is, it should provide as much analysis as possible for as many fragments of the sentence as possible, even if it cannot glue all the pieces together. A parser with such properties based on the idea of deterministic parsing [37] has been described in [20] and used in the construction of a large corpus of parsed text, a tree bank [6]. Finally, the actual grammars in major NLP systems are large, but even with this large size their coverage is not adequate. Building the grammar by hand soon reaches its limit and there is no guarantee that it will be increasingly better in coping with free text (say, text from a newspaper) by continuing to build it manually. Increasing attention is being paid now to automatically 1 See, for example, several articles in the recent Proc. D A R P A Workshops on Spoken Language Systems, Morgan Kauffman, Palo Alto, 1989, 1990, and 1991.

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acquiring grammars from a large corpus [6]. See below for some further details.

6. Statistical approaches to natural language processing There is a long history of modeling language statistically. After all, some words occur more frequently than other words (for example, the occurs more frequently that man, which occurs more frequently than aardvark) some two-word sequences appear more frequently than some other two-word sequences (for example, a man occurs more frequently than old man, which occurs more frequently than green man), and so forth. Hence, it is reasonable to believe that language can be modeled statistically. A specific proposal along these lines was made by Shannon in 1948 [46]. H e viewed the generation process as modeled by stochastic processes, in particular, a Markov process. For our present purpose, we will characterize sentence generation by a finite state machine (Figure 4). Given a state diagram, we generate a sentence by starting with the initial state and then traversing the diagram from state to state and emitting the word labeling the arc between a pair of states. The process ends when we reach the final state. A probability is assigned to each state transition together with the emitted symbol, that is, to a triple (Si, aj, S~) representing the transition from state S; to state Sk emitting the symbol aj. Although such machines are clearly relevant to modeling language statistically, Chomsky [8] rejected the finite state machine characterization as inappropriate for modeling grammars, for the following reason: In Figure 4, lives is four words away from man, assuming that we did not follow the loop at S 4. Hence the dependency between these two words can be captured by the state sequence from S 2 to S 6. However, in the sentence The man who the woman Harry met yesterday telephoned lives in Philadelphia (one that is a bit difficult to process but grammatical, and not generable by the machine in Figure 4), lives is now seven words away from man. Since more clauses can be e m b e d d e d poor

rich So: initial state $9: final state Fig. 4. A finite state machine generating sentences.


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and each clause can be lengthened by adding adjectives or adverbs, the distance between lives and man be made arbitrarily large and thus the number of states required to model language cannot be bounded. Hence a finite state machine is inadequate. Chomsky also rejected the possibility of associating the probability of a sentence with its grammaticality (the higher the probability, the higher the grammaticality of the sentence). This is because if we order the sequences of a given length (there will be W n such sequences, if W is the number of words and n is the length of the sequences) according to the probabilities of the sequences then it will not be possible to sort out grammatical and ungrammatical sequences on the basis of this ranking [8]. Chomsky then developed structural models, such as the phrase structure grammar and transformational grammar, which formed the basis for almost all of the work in mathematical and computational linguistics up until the present. Although Chomsky rejected the statistical models, he commented [8]: Given the grammar of language, one can study the use of the language statistically in various ways; and the development of probabilistic models for the use of language (as distinct from the syntactic structure of language) can be rewarding . . . . One might seek to develop a more elaborate relation between statistical and syntactic structure than the simple order of approximation model we have rejected. I would certainly not care to argue that any such relation is unthinkable, but I know of no suggestion to this effect that does not have obvious flaws. Harris, around 1957, proposed a transformational theory [18] motivated by the considerations of normalizing sentence structures (for the purpose of discourse analysis) so that the relevant co-occurrences among words can be stated in a local manner. Very roughly speaking, under this view, The man who Harry met yesterday lives in Philadelphia, is made up of SI: The man lives in Philadelphia and $2: who Harry met (which is a transformed version of $3: Harry met the man, with S1 and $3 sharing the man) and so on. There are clearly 'meaningful' statistical dependencies between lives and the subject noun man and the object of in, namely, Philadelphia, and between met and Harry, the subject of met, and man the object of met, but not 'meaningful' statistical dependencies between lives and yesterday or met yesterday (the one-word and two-word sequences before lives) and so on. Although statistical approaches did not play a significant role in mathematical or computational linguistics, it is clear that the idea of somehow combining structural and statistical information was already suggested as early as the late 50s. Now in the 90s, we see a resurgence of these early ideas. There are two key reasons for this renewed interest. First we now have some formal frameworks which appear to be suitable for combining structural and statistical information in a principled manner and second, there is now the possibility of using very large corpora, annotated in various ways that can be used for

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reliably estimating the various statistics needed to deduce linguistic structure [6]. Hidden Markov models (HMM) have played a crucial role in speech recognition. HMMs are derived from the theory of probabilistic functions of finite state Markov chains [2, 40]. HMMs were introduced in the speech recognition domain in the early 80s and became very popular in the late 80s. They have also found use in the spoken language systems, i.e., systems that integrate speech and natural language. As we have already pointed out finite state models are not adequate for modeling the structure of natural language, more powerful models such as context-free grammars and beyond are needed. The parameter estimation techniques for HMMs have been extended to these more powerful models also [41, 34, 23]. We will first give a brief description of the HMMs based on [40]. In a finite state model the state sequence can be determined (i.e., it is visible) from the sequence of the letters that are emitted when a state transition takes place. The letter sequence is observable. Thus from the observed sequence the state sequence can be determined. In contrast, in an HMM, in each state transition, a particular letter will be emitted according to some probability density function. Thus the state sequence cannot be unambiguously determined from the letter sequence, i.e., the state sequence is hidden, and hence the name HMM. In order to use the HMMs first the model has to be trained, i.e., the parameters of the model have to be estimated using a set of training data. The training consists of first aligning the training data to the model and then reestimating the parameters of the model. This method is called the forwardbackward (or Baum-Welsh) method. A simple description of this method and how HMMs are used in speech recognition appears in [40]. HMMs are equivalent to finite state (stochastic) grammars (regular grammars). Finite state grammars are not adequate to model certain aspects of language, in particular the recursive aspects, as described earlier. Hence, it is useful to consider more powerful grammars such as context-free grammars, i.e., consider stochastic context-free grammars. The forward-backward algorithm for training HMMs can be extended to stochastic context-free grammars [23, 41, 34]. In this case, it is often referred to as the inside-outside algorithm. We assume that the context-free grammar is in the Chomsky normal form, i.e., the rules of the grammar are of the form A--> B C A--> a

where A, B, and C are nonterminals in the grammar and c is a terminal symbol. Let w = a~, a2, a, be the string of words (observation sequence). Training this model consists of determining a set of grammar rules given a training set of sentences (strings of words), wl, w 2 , . . . , w,. Instead of computing the forward and backward probabilities as in the case of HMMs, we compute inside and outside probabilities. Very roughly the inside probability is .





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a computation that proceeds from bottom to top in the derivation tree and the outside probability computation proceeds from top down in the derivation of a string. For a simple description of this algorithm and its use in the reestimation of the parameters (the probabilities associated with the rules), see [23, 41, 34, 441 . More recently, a similar inside-outside algorithm for reestimation has been designed and implemented for the tree adjoining grammars [45]. Unlike the reestimation algorithm for HMMs, whose complexity of computation is O(n), where n is the length of the input string (observation sequence), the complexities of the reestimation algorithms for the context-flee grammars and tree adjoining grammars are O(n 3) and O(n 6) respectively. This increased complexity has not made these models applicable in practice yet. However, research is currently under way to make the computations more efficient [41]. We will now give a few examples to show how structural and statistical information can be integrated. Context-free grammars (CFG) have been used extensively in modeling grammars. Each rule (production) in a CFG can be associated with a probability of its use. Thus, given a CFG with rules: (R1) S---~NP VP (0.9) (R2) S--->NP NP V (0.1), (R3) VP---~V NP (0.7), (R4) VP---~V (0.3), we have associated probabilities with each of the rules. The probabilities of all rules associated with a given non-terminal add up to 1. The probability of a sentence (more precisely the derivation of the sentence in the grammar) is simply the product of the probabilities of each rule in the derivation because the grammar is CFG and the application of a rule depends only on the non-terminal on the left-hand side of a rule and not on the context in which this non-terminal appears in a derivation. Probabilistic parsing methods and methods for estimating the probabilities of the rules from a training corpus are given [23, 41, 34, 44]. By making the probability associated with each rule somewhat context-dependent, for example, making it dependent on the preceding rule in the derivation, considerable improvement in the estimation of the probabilities and performance of the parser (in terms of getting correct parsers) can be achieved [36]. As we have seen earlier, the really 'meaningful' statistical dependencies are between words (lexical items) mediated most likely by grammatical relations. For example, there will be 'meaningful' statistical dependencies between the verb eats, and the lexical items that can appear as subject and object of eats. CFGs and their generalizations are not directly based on lexical items, that is, they are not lexicalized, and in general, cannot be lexicalized [27]. Lexicalized grammars, as described earlier, are more appropriate for integrating structural and statistical information in a uniform manner. Two dependent words in a sentence can be an arbitrary distance apart, as we have seen earlier. Hence, this dependency cannot be captured by one-word, two-word, three-word and n-word frequencies, for some fixed n (that is, uni-gram, bi-gram, tri-gram and n-gram statistics). However, in many situations these statistics work surprisingly well in determining some aspects of language structure. Tri-gram frequencies (of parts of speech - that is, syntactic

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categories- and not words directly) have been used very successfully for discovering an optimum assignment of parts of speech to words [10, 12]. Almost all words are lexically ambiguous, that is, they belong to more than one category. For example, table is either a noun (N) or a verb (V); pale is either an adjective (ADJ) or an adverb (ADV); see can be a verb (V), an interjection (UM), or a noun (with capital S); round can be an adjective (ADJ), noun (N), verb (V), or an adverb (ADV), and so forth. The program in [10] uses a linear time dynamic programming algorithm to find an assignment of parts of speech optimizing the product of: (i) probability of observing a part of speech i, given the word j, and (ii) probability of observing part of speech i, given two previous parts of speech. Probability estimates are obtained by training on a tagged corpus [such as the well-known tagged Brown corpus [13]]. Error rates of only 3% to 4% have been reported [10], which compare very well with the error-rate of human annotators. Similar techniques have been used to locate simple noun phrases with high accuracy [10]. Statistical techniques in conjunction with large corpora (raw texts or annotated in various ways) have also been used to automatically acquire other linguistic information such as morphological information (that is, parts of words such as prefixes and suffixes and inflected forms), subcategorization information (see the earlier section on grammars and parsers for subcategorization information), semantic classes (such as classification of nouns, based on what predicates they go with; compound nouns such as jet engines, stock market prices; classification of verbs, for example, to k n o w describes a state of the world, while to look describes events and so on), and, of course, grammatical structure itself as we have already mentioned [36, 4, 3, 21, 51]. Such results have opened up a new direction of research in NLP, which is often described as corpus-based NLP. It should be clear from the previous discussion that, for the development of corpus-based NLP, very large quantities of data are required (the Brown corpus from the 60s is about 1 million words). Researchers estimate that about 100 million words will be required for some tasks. The technologies that will benefit from corpus-based NLP include speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation, full-text information retrieval, and message understanding, among others. The need for establishing very large text and speech databases, annotated in various ways is now well understood. It is recognized that no single organization can afford to create enough linguistic data even for its own research and development, let alone for the needs of the research community at large. This need, together with the size of the database and the need for sharing it, has been the key motivation for the plans for setting up a linguistic data consortium (LDC) by DARPA [35]. Initial plans of the LDC call for the collection of raw text (naturally occurring text from a wide range of sources, 5 to 10 billion words); annotated text (syntactic and semantic labeling of some parts of raw text, upwards of 20 million words); raw speech (spontaneous speech from a variety of interactive tasks, 400 hours, 2000 speakers); read speech (1000 hours, 10000 speakers); annotated speech


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(phonetic and prosodic labeling, 20 hours); a lexicon (a computational dictionary of 200 000 entries plus a term bank containing, for example, geographical, individual, and organizational names, 200 to 300 thousand entries); and a broad coverage computational grammar. The LDC will also develop a variety of sharable tools. Some examples in the speech area are: programs for segmentation of speech, alignment of speech and text, prediction of pronunciation options from orthographic transcription. Some examples from text are: a program for breaking text into sentences, a statistical parts-ofspeech tagger, an efficient program for computing n-gram statistics and a variety of other statistics over very large corpora [35].

7. Multilingual natural language processing By multilingual processing we mean the computational models and the systems based on those models that deal with more than one language, a special case is machine translation (MT). Our goal here is not to review the history of MT. An excellent discussion of the status of MT can be found in [22, 38, 39, 50] including a discussion of some of the well-known systems such as SYSTRAN, LOGOS, Mu, EUROTRA, among others. Our discussion of grammars and parsers is clearly relevant to MT, as almost all MT systems have them as components. However, in the context of an entire MT system, the choice of a particular grammar and parser (and, of course, a generator, a topic we have not discussed in this paper) at this stage of development is somewhat arbitrary [55]. The grammar has to interface to many different components of an MT system, and this interface is not always smooth, and often overwhelms the considerations in the choice of the grammar. However, work on the MT problem is encouraging researchers to investigate properties of grammars from the point of view of their suitability for MT [30, 49, 1, 54]. MT systems are usually classified as either direct, transfer-based, or interlingua-based. In the direct approach, there are no intermediate representations between the source language and the target language. The source language text is processed 'directly' in order to transform it into the target text, essentially a word-to-word translation with some adjustments. This approach is not followed by any MT system at present on account of its obvious weakness due to eschewing all aspects of the internal structure of sentences. There is one exception however, the statistical system based on parallel texts briefly described at the end of this section can be viewed, in a sense, as a 'direct' system. In the transfer-based approach, information from the various stages of analysis from the source text is transferred to the corresponding stages of the generation of the target text, for example, transfer is achieved by setting up correspondences at the lexical level, at the grammar level, or at the level of the

Some aspects of natural language processing


structures built by the grammar, and so forth. The transfer module obviously depends on a particular pair of languages. The source and target language representations on which the transfer is defined may also depend on the language pair but this need not be the case. In fact, some recent work on transfer-based approach attempts to show how one can work with language independent representations (see below). The interlingua-based approach depends on the claim that a suitable intermediate representation can be defined such that the source text can be mapped into the intermediate representation which can then be mapped into the target text. In principle, this approach is clearly attractive because, unlike the transfer-based approach, it is not necessary to build a separate transfer module for each pair of languages. However, it is not clear whether a truly language-independent intermediate representation can be devised. Current inteflingua-based systems are much less ambitious about their claims to the universality of the intermediate representation. For a high quality translation, it is often necessary to have access to some particular aspects of the source and target languages. It is not clear how the interlingua-based approach will handle these aspects in general without implicitly encoding these aspects of the source language and making this information available during generation from the intermediate representation to the target language. In the transfer-based approach, there have been some recent advances. In the development of mathematical and computational models of grammars there is increasing emphasis on locating syntactic as well as semantic information directly with the lexical items by associating structures with the lexical items and defining operations for composing these objects (see the section on grammars and parsers). From this perspective, all the information particular to a language is encapsulated in the lexical items and the structures associated with them. Different languages will be distinguished at this level, but not with respect to the operations for composing these structures, which are the same for all languages, on this approach. The idea then, is to define all bilingual correspondences at this level. Some recent attempts along these lines are described in [49, 1, 54] and it remains to be seen if this approach can be carried out across a variety of languages. We have been assuming so far that an MT system will use a grammar and a parser of some sort. There are recent attempts to use purely statistical techniques along with parallel texts. There are parallel texts available in a pair of languages which are translations from one language to another, carried out by human translators. A well-known example is the Canadian Hansard, which contains the transcripts of the proceedings of the Canadian Parliament both in English and French. Such texts with several million words are available now. Using 3 million aligned sentences from the Hansard bilingual corpora and using only statistical techniques, (the aligning itself is done statistically also), an MT system has been developed [7]. There is considerable potential for such systems if they are suitably combined with some structural information, perhaps also obtained statistically. Aligned sentences from bilingual corpora


A. K. Joshi

have been used recently for constructing bilingual concordances and some multilingual tools, for example, providing translations of content words of a message to help the user to translate the message, assuming the user has some knowledge of the source language [14].

8. Summary We have briefly described some aspects of NLP, in particular grammars and parsers and the role of statistical techniques in NLP. We also briefly discussed the role of parsers and grammars in an important application of NLP, namely, machine translation, mentioning also the role of statistical techniques in machine translation. We have not discussed many aspects of NLP including some important applications such as message understanding systems, speech understanding systems, systems combining language and other modalities such as graphics, which are useful in applications such as providing instructions for assembly or maintenance of complex equipment. We have focussed on those aspects that directly involve mathematical, including statistical, and computational work. This work has given us deep insights into the working of language. However, language is an enormously complex system. Therefore, in a sense, our computational understanding of the structure and function of language is very primitive still. Further mathematical and computational work will provide us more unifying accounts of syntax, semantics, and pragmatic aspects of language. The use of language corpora and statistical techniques in NLP will continue to grow and we will see an integration of structural and statistical techniques in NLP leading to more robust systems.

Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by A R O grant DAAL03-89-0031, D A R P A grant N00014-90-J-1863, and NSF STC grant DIR-8920230. I want to thank Carolyn Elken, Mark Liberman, Mitch Marcus, Phil Resnik, Owen Rambow, Yves Schabes, and Mark Steedman for their valuable help in the preparation of this paper.

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Some aspects of natural language processing


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Some aspects of natural language processing


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C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook o f Statistics, Vol. 9 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

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Gibbs Sampling Steven F. Arnold

1. Introduction

In this chapter, we present an elementary introduction to Gibbs sampling. Gibbs sampling gives a way to approximate posterior distributions in many Bayesian models. In particular, it gives a convenient way to approximate the posterior densities of univariate functions of the parameter. Gibbs sampling was first developed by Geman and Geman (1984) for simulating posterior distributions in image reconstruction. The models used in that paper were Markov random fields involving Gibbs distributions, which is the source of the term Gibbs sampling. The method is quite similar to algorithms derived from Markov processes suggested in Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Rosenbluth, Teller and Teller (1953) and Hastings (1970). It was independently developed in Li (1988). In this paper we indicate how Gibbs sampling can be applied to difficult Bayesian models, hierarchical Bayesian models, Bayesian models with missing data, genetic linkage models and image reconstruction models. In order to keep this paper fairly elementary, we have limited derivations to the discrete case, with references for more general proofs. We have also kept the examples as simple as possible. For more complicated applications and additional references see Gelfand and Smith (1990), Gelfand, Hills, Racine-Poon and Smith (1990), Casella and George (1992) and Tanner (1991, Chapter 6). In Section 2 of this paper, we present the method of Gibbs sampling. In Section 3, we show why it works in the discrete case and also discuss the continuous case. In Section 4 we consider two methods of applying Gibbs sampling, the multiple path method and the single path method, together with some elementary comments. In Section 5, we look at examples involving applications of Gibbs sampling to Bayesian models. In Section 6 we discuss several other simulation procedures similar to Gibss sampling. 599


s. F. Arnold

2. Gibbs sampling Suppose we want to simulate a random vector v = (u1,...,


having joint distribution function F ( u ) . Suppose that F ( u ) is either not known or very complicated, but that for each i, the conditional distribution of U i I ( U 1 , . . . , U i _ , , Ui+I, . . . , U k )

is known and relatively easy to simulate. A method which is often used to simulate U is G i b b s s a m p l i n g which we now describe. First, simulate a starting value U0 = (U01. . . . . U0k) from any (possibly degenerate) distribution with support contained in the support of F ( u ) . Let u o = (Uol,... , UOk ) be the outcome of this simulation. We call U0 and u 0 the 0-th cycle of this procedure. To compute the first cycle, we then update U1 by simulating Ull, with observed value u11, from the conditional distribution of UII(U 2 = u 0 2 , . . . , Uk = UOk), update U2 by simulating U12, with observed value u12, from the conditional distribution of U2I(U

1 = /211 , 0 3 = U 0 3 , . . .


U k = Uok )

and continue in this fashion until we update U k by simulating U l k , with observed value Ulk, from the conditional distribution of U~I(U 1 =

u11, . . . ,

Ok- 1 =



(Note that at any point, we always use the most recently updated value for any random variable, so that when updating U5 we use ( U l l , . . . , u14) and (u06, . . . , Uo~).) At this point, we have completed the first cycle U 1 = (Vii,...



U l ~- ( U l l , . . .



of the Gibbs sampling procedure. (Note that gl is j u s t the observed value for the random vector Ur) We then begin the second cycle, further updating U 1 by simulating U21 from the conditional distribution of UI 1(O2 = u12,...



= Ulk),

observing u21, then updating U2 by simulating UEZ from the conditional distribution of U2I(U

1 = u21 , U 3 = u13, . . . ,

U k ~- Ulk ) .

observing u22. Continuing in this fashion, we get the second cycle, u 2 = (u2

, • • •, u2k),




Gibbs sampling


Continuing further, we get the third cycle, U3 and u3, the fourth cycle, U4 and u4, etc. As we shall see in the next section, under fairly general conditions, the distribution of the random vector U , converges to that of U, Un



so that if we simulate U n for large enough n, we will have a random vector whose distribution is very nearly the same as that of U. EXAMPLE 1. Suppose we want to generate (U, V, W) having the Dirichlet density f(u, v, w) = ku4v3w2(1

u>0, v>0,


- u - v - w) , u+v+w 0, v o > 0, w o > 0, u o + v 0 + w 0 < 1). We would then simulate Q~ ~ Be(5, 2) with observed value qa and let U 1 :


- v o - Wo)ql.

We would then simulate R1 ~ B e ( 4 , 2), independently of Q~ with observed value r I and let Vl = (1





Finally we would simulate S 1 - B e ( 3 , 2), independently of Q~ and R~, with observed value s~ and let w1= (1-

u 1-vl)s


Then (ul, Vl, wl) is the first cycle of the Gibbs sampler. To find the second cycle, we would simulate Q 2 , R 2 and S z independently, Q 2 ~ Be(5, 2), R 2 - Be(4, 2), S 2 ~ Be(3, 2) with observed values q2, r2 and s 2.

S. F. Arnold


Then the second cycle is given by u 2 = ( 1 - v 1 - wl)q2,

v 2 = ( 1 - u 2 - wl)r2,

w 2 = (1 - u 2 - v2)s 2 . (Note that in computing u 2 we can only use the first iteration for V and W, but in computing v a we can use the second iteration of U, and in computing w 2 we can use the second iteration of both U and V.) We compute the third and higher cycles in a similar fashion. As n, the n u m b e r of cycles, goes to ~, the distribution of (U~, V~, Wn) converges to the desired Dirichlet distribution. F r o m this example, we see that Gibbs sampling is often fairly easy to implement. In each cycle, we pass through all the r a n d o m variables, updating each one using its conditional distribution given the most recent values for the other r a n d o m variables. Notice also that at each stage, we only simulate f r o m a univariate distribution.

3. Why it works We begin with two examples to show that Gibbs sampling does not always work. EXAMPLE 2. Suppose that X-

Bin(2, 0 . 5 ) ,

P(Y = X ) -- 0 . 5 ,

P(Y = - X ) -- 0.5.

(where Bin(n, p) is the binomial distribution based on n observations and probability of success p). Then the conditional distributions are





Suppose we take as our initial cycle, X o ~- 1 = x 0, Y0 --- 1 = Y0. T h e n we see that X t = 1, Y I = -+1, X 2 = 1, Y2 = -+1, etc. N o t e that X n = 1, Yn------+-1 forever, which does not converge to the joint distribution of (X, Y). Now consider an arbitrary initial distribution for (X0, Y0). ( N o t e that X 0 must be 0, 1 or 2 and that Y0 must be -+X0). Then X n = X 0 for all n, so that the distribution of X n is the same as the initial distribution, and does not converge to the distribution of X and Y. EXAMPLE 3. Let Q - N ( 0 , 1), R - N(0, 1), independent. Let




and - J R I if Q < 0 .

Consider Gibbs sampling from the joint distribution of X and Y. N o t e that X and Y always have the same sign. T h e r e f o r e if X0, Y0 are positive, then X n > 0

Gibbs sampling


and Y , > 0 for all n. However, P(X > 0, Y > 0) = 0.5, so that the distribution of (Xn, Yn) does not converge to that for (X, Y). Both these examples have the same problem. The sample space has disconnected sets. Once the Gibbs sampler gets into one of those sets, it stays there forever. These examples motivate the following definition. Let ~ be the sample space for the random vector U, (i.e., the set of points where the density function of U is positive). We say that the random vector U has connected sample space if for any two points u 0 E gt, ur E !F, there exists a finite sequence U a , . . . , ur_ ~ of points such that " " " ' blik),

~i = (Uil'


I u,-1,2, . . . , ui-l,k) > O,

f2(Uiz l Uil, Ui-x,> " " " , ui l,k) > 0 , ' ' ' ,

fk(uik l Uik, . . . , Ui.k_l) > O ,

(where f ( u i l u l , . . . ,

u~_~, u ~ + l , . . . , Uk) is the conditional density of U~ given • • • , O k = U k ) " That is, U has connected sample space if it is possible for the Gibbs sampler to get from point ui_ 1 to u~, i = 1 . . . . , r. If U has a connected sample space, then it is possible for the Gibbs sampler to get from any point to any other point eventually, so that it cannot get trapped in one part of the sample space. We say that the random vector U is finite if its sample space contains only finitely many points. 01 = Ul ....

' Oi

1 ~- R i - 1 ,

THEOREM. Let U be a finite r a n d o m vector with a connected sample space. L e t Un be the n-th cycle f r o m the Gibbs sampler. Then U.



PROOF. The heart of this proof is to notice that the sequence U0, U1, U 2. . . . is a Markov chain with a stationary transition matrix. If the distribution of the U 0 is the same as that for U, then so is the distribution for U, for all n, so that the distribution of U is a stationary distribution for this Markov chain. Therefore, by the limit theorem for stationary Markov chains, (see Ross, 1983, pp. 107-114), we will be finished if we show that this chain is irreducible, positive recurrent and aperiodic. Because the sample space is connected, the chain is irreducible. This fact, together with the finiteness of U, implies that the chain is positive recurrent. To see that the chain is aperiodic, note that for any stage of the chain there is positive probability that Uni = Un_l,i, and hence positive probability that Un = Un_~, implying that the chain is aperiodic. [] If U is a finite random vector whose sample space is not connected, then the chain is not irreducible, and the Gibbs sampler does not converge to the distribution of U, as we have seen in the examples above. In the case of discrete random vectors that take on countably many values the result is similar, but conditions must be imposed to guarantee the positive

s. F. Arnold


recurrence of the chain. (Note that the proofs in Geman and Geman (1984) are only for the case in which U is a finite random vector.) In the continuous case, the situation is considerably more complicated. The difficulty is that, in the continuous case, the Markov chain has continuous states and discrete time, a somewhat unusual combination. Using a limit theorem in Orey (1971) for such chains, Li (1988) argues that, under fairly general conditions, Gibbs sampling converges for continuous random vectors. Alternative proofs under various conditions are also given in Schervish and Carlin (1990) and Liu, Wong and Kong (1992b). At this point it is not known what the sufficient conditions mean in many situations. However, it appears that Gibbs sampling works in most practical problems. Let fn(u) and f(u) be the joint density functions of Un and U. Then it can be shown that the convergence has geometric rate, i.e., that there exists K and p < 1 such that max U

Ifn(U) --f(u)l

gp n ,

(see Liu, Wong and Kong, 1992a for a proof and an interpretation of p as a maximum correlation). In their original paper on Gibbs sampling, Geman and Geman (1984) allowed the possibility of updating the random variables in an arbitrary order. In the finite case, they showed that as long as each random variable is updated infinitely often, the Gibbs sampler converges. Zeger and Karim (1991) give an application of Gibbs sampling in a generalized linear model setting in which the observations are updated at different rates. Liu, Wong and Kong (1992b) show, under fairly general (possibly continuous) conditions that the Gibbs sampler works also for certain random scans. We have been assuming that the random vector U has a particular joint distribution which we want to simulate. An interesting issue is whether this need always be true. That is, under what conditions does the set of conditional distributions of Ui given the other Uj determine a unique distribution? EXAMPLE2 (Revisited). Let X have any marginal distribution on the integers 0, 1 and 2, and suppose that f ( y [ x ) =17, Y-- +-x. Then f ( x l y ) = l , x = l y [ Therefore, for any marginal distribution of X, the conditional distributions of Y given X and X given Y are the same. Hence the conditional distributions do not determine the joint distribution of X and Y in this case. Similarly, in Example 3, we can arbitrarily assign probabilities p and 1 - p to the first and third quadrants without affecting the conditional distributions, so that the conditionals do not determine the joint. In fact, whenever the sample space is disconnected, the conditionals do not uniquely determine the joint. However, for finite random vectors, as long as the sample space is connected, the joint distribution must be unique because the Gibbs sample depends only on the conditionals and converges to a unique distribution.

Gibbs sampling


It may also happen that the conditionals are inconsistent. That is, there may be no joint distribution having the assumed conditional distributions. As a simple example, it is not possible that Y I X ~ Bin(X, 6 ) ,

X t Y-- Bin(Y, 0 ) ,

since the first conditional distribution implies that Y 1>X and the second one implies that X ~> Y and hence X - - Y , which violates the conditional distributions given. Besag (1974) has an extensive discussion of conditions under which the conditional distributions are consistent and uniquely determine the joint distribution. Unfortunately, his discussion is limited to the case in which the sample space of U is a product space, a situation which does not even include the Dirichlet distribution in Example 1. It appears, however, that for most practical examples the conditional distributions are consistent and uniquely determine the joint distribution. For the remainder of this paper, we assume that the conditionals are consistent with a uniquely determined joint distribution.

4. H o w to use Gibbs sampling 4.1.

Multiple path method

Suppose we have a random vector V = ( U 1 , . . . , Uk), and we want to approximate some moment of its distribution, say A = Eh(U). Suppose also, as before, that for each i = 1 . . . . , k we can easily simulate the conditional distribution of Ui I ( U I , . . . , U i _ l U i + l , . . . , Uk) .

We can use Gibbs sampling in the following way. We draw m independent replicates of the first n cycles of Gibbs samples from the distribution of U. Let u(J)

(l](J) = \Vnl

(J) , • • . , Unk )

be the j-th replicate of the n-th cycle of the Gibbs sample. We call the sequence U(s) it(s) U (j) the j-th p a t h of the Gibbs sampler and the approach described in this paragraph is called the m u l t i p l e p a t h method for using the Gibbs sampler. Note that the successive cycles on a particular path U(J) . .It(J) . , U (j) are not independent, but that cycles from different paths ... J'7~2), ~n , U ! m) are independent. If V~0s) are all chosen from the same initial distribution (or if n is 'large enough' so that the effect of the initial 1


~ 2


~ " "




S. F. Arnold

distribution has w o r n off), then the different n-th cycles I1 U (m) are in ~ n (1) ~ fact independently, identically distributed r a n d o m vectors• F o r large n, the dlstrlbutl -~ approximately -• - the same as the distribution of U (by the • " "on o f .rT(J) .. ~ results in the last section). H e n c e Eh(U(. j)) ~ E h ( U ) . T h e r e f o r e , by the law of large n u m b e r s , for large m and n •

~ - - n

.3i = ~ h(U(~J))/m ~ E h ( U ) = A . j=l

T h e r e f o r e we can use A to a p p r o x i m a t e A for large m and n. N o t e that we can also a p p r o x i m a t e the variance of )~ by S2/m, where S 2 is the sample variance of the h(U(~J)). Suppose we w a n t to a p p r o x i m a t e B = E g ( U 1), the expected value of a function only of the first c o m p o n e n t of U. S u p p o s e also that we can easily c o m p u t e g*(U2, • • •, U~) = E ( g ( U I ) I ( U 2 , . . . ,


(as is often the case, since we are assuming that we k n o w the a p p r o p r i a t e conditional distribution). T h e n it is easily seen that E(g*(U2,...,

Uk) ) = Eg(U~) = B •

T h e r e f o r e , we have two possible Gibbs estimators for B, =


(J)) / m , g(U,1


[~* = ~*:,,(J) ~


, . .


(J)). I m U,a: .


By the R a o - B l a c k w e l l t h e o r e m , we see that (J) lZ-*:rr(J) (J) Eg(U,1) = uS ~",2, • . • , U,k), var(g(V(n~)))/> Since I1 --n(x) , -t l-(,2 ) , ' ' . E/) = E / ) * ,

(J) var(g , ( U ,( J2) , . . . , U,~ ):.

are i n d e p e n d e n t , we see that var(/~) t> v a r ( / } * ) .

H e n c e /~* is a better estimator than /}. Surprisingly, the R a o - B l a c k w e l l i z e d estimator /)* does not even use the tf(i) ~nl • Now, suppose that we want to estimate the density function f l ( u l ) o f U 1. L e t f ~ ( u l l ( u 2 , . . . , u~)) be the conditional density of U 1 given ( U 2 , . . . , Uk) , which

Gibbs sampling


we are assuming known. Note that

E ( f ~ ( t [ (U2, . . . , U~))) = f l ( t ) . Therefore, a Rao-Blackwellized estimator of fx(t) is fl(t)




~.2 .... f~(tl erz(j)

, U . k( J ) ) ) / m


J which again does not use the Unx. If U 1 is a discrete random variable, then we could also estimate fl(t) by the histogram of "rr(1) n l , " • " , Tr(m) "-' n l " In the continuous case, we could use a kernel estimator based on these observations. By an argument similar to that for/~ and /1" above, Gelfand and Smith (1990) argue that the Rao-Blackwellized estimator, )~l(t), based on U(,~) . . . . , U(,~), is better than a kernel or histogram estimator based on the UJ,1. Note that in the continuous case, the R a o Blackwellized estimator typically has the additional advantages of being smooth and not depending on kernel size or other tuning constant. It is clear that the arguments in the last three paragraphs apply equally well to estimating functions of any component Ui or its density function. One attractive computational aspect of the multiple path method for using the Gibbs sampler is that the paths can be computed simultaneously on separate machines, allowing efficient implementation by parallel processing. In the previous discussion, we have assumed that m and n are both large in using these estimators. Note that n is the number of cycles in each path. As n increases, the distribution of U(,j) converges to the distribution of U. Therefore, increasing n should decrease the bias in the estimators. On the other hand, m is the number of independent replications of the Gibbs sample. Therefore, increasing m decreases the variance of the estimator. Suppose again that we are estimating A = h ( U ) . Let S 2 be the sample variance of h(u(,X)),...,h(U(,m)). Then we can estimate the variance of A by S 2 / m . However, there is no obvious way to estimate the possible bias introduced by taking n too small. Several ad hoc methods have been suggested for determining n large enough so that the Gibbs sampler has converged. For example, Gelfand, Hills et al. (1990) suggest computing, ~,(t), the estimated marginal of U 1, (as described above) as a function of the number of cycles n and overlaying plots o f ~ , ( t ) and fl,n+l(t). If these plots are 'virtually indistinguishable', then we say that the distribution of U~ has converged. We then do a similar analysis for each component and continue taking cycles in the Gibbs sampler until the distribution of all components has converged. These authors also suggest using Q - Q charts, and other techniques for determining when the Gibbs sampler has converged. Gelman and Rubin (1992) suggest starting with 'overdispersed' data and comparing the within path and between path variances. Early papers on Gibbs sampling reported rather slow convergence for the Gibbs sampler. However, Gelfand, Hills et al. (1990) report that 'our

S. F. Arnold


continuing investigations have shown adaptive, iterative sampling achieved through the Gibbs s a m p l e r . . , is in fact surprisingly efficient, converging remarkably quickly for a wide range of problems'. This fact is illustrated by the following example from Casella and George (1992). EXAMPLE 4. Suppose we are modeling the number X of insect eggs in a particular area which hatch. Let K be the total number of eggs in the area and let P be the probability that a particular egg hatches. We assume that P and K are random Variables dependent on the environmental conditions. In particular, we assume that

P I K ~ Be(2, 4),

X[ (P, K) ~ Bin(K, P ) ,

K - - Poi(16)

(where Poi(k) is a Poisson distribution with mean k). Then, straightforward calculations establish that

P I (X, K) -- Be(X + 2, K - X + 4),

X I (P, K) ~ Bin(K, P ) ,

(K - X) I (X , P) ~ Poi(16(1 - P)). Therefore, we can easily simulate the conditional distributions of X I(P, K), P[(X, K) and K I(P, K), so that we are in position to use Gibbs sampling. Table 1 gives the Rao-Blackwellized estimate fR(X) of the density function of X based on m = 500 replications from a Gibbs sampler run for n = 10 cycles (taken from Figure 5 of Casella and George, 1992). Table 1 x





fR(X) 0.06 0.09 0A1


0.12 0.11

























The true marginal density function of X for this model is very difficult to determine analytically, so that we do not know how accurate this estimate is. For that reason, we now consider the somewhat simpler model in which we assume K is known, K---16. In this case, the marginal distribution of X is beta-binomial. Further

X{P-Bin(16, P),

P IX-Be(X+2,

1 6 - X + 4).

We can therefore also use the Gibbs sampler to approximate this distribution. Table 2 x

f(x) fR(X) fh(x)

















0.05 0.05 0.03

0.08 0.08 0.09

0.10 0.10 0.I0

0.11 0.11 0.12

0.11 0.11 0.11

0.11 0.11 0.11

0.10 0.10 0.08

0.09 0.09 0.10

0.07 0.07 0.07

0.06 0.06 0.06

0.05 0.05 0.03

0.03 0.03 0.04

0.02 0.02 0.03

0.01 0.01 0.02

0.01 0.01 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.01

Gibbs sampling


In Table 2 (taken from Figures 1 and 3 of Casella and George, 1992) the first two lines give the true density function f(x) for X, and the next two lines are based on the Gibbs sampler with m = 500 replications of n = 10 cycles. The third line gives the Rao-Blackwellized estimate fg(X) of the density for X and the last line gives the sample histogram fh(X) for X based on the 500 final observations for the 10-th cycle (all three densities rounded to two significant figures). From these figures, we see that after 10 cycles (and 500 replications) the Rao-Blackwellized estimate has gotten the density exactly right up to two decimal places. This indicates that for this model there is no detectable bias in the Gibbs sampler after only 10 cycles. (Recall that increasing the number of replications will reduce the variance but not the bias.) Note also that the histogram estimate is not so good as the Rao-Blackwellized estimate, as we would expect from the comments earlier in this section. In particular, the histogram estimate is not quite as smooth as the true density and R a o Blackwellized estimate. However, even the histogram estimate is not bad.

4.2. Single path method We return to the general problem of estimating a moment C = E(h(U)). Let U1, U2,... be a single path from the Gibbs sampler. The ergodic theorem implies, under fairly general conditions that r+q

C= ~

h(Ut)/q---~C=Eh(U ) a.e.


as q ~ ~. (See Geman and Geman, 1984, and Liu, Wong and Kong, 1992a.) This fact suggests we could take a single long path of length r + q from the Gibbs sampler and use C as an estimator for C, instead of taking m independent shorter paths of length n as described in the previous section. We call this method the single path method for using the Gibbs sampler. Note that the choice of r does not affect the limit as q---~. However, in practice, we would choose r to be a point at which the Gibbs sampler has (nearly) converged, so that C is closer to C for moderate q. It is apparent that if the process has not converged by the r-th cycle, then q must be quite large to eliminate the possible bias introduced by including observations too early in the path. Now suppose that we want to estimate a function D = Eg(U1) with a single path. Let g*(U2. . . . , Uk) = E(g(U1) l(u 2. . . . . L~)) so that E(g*(U 2. . . . , Uk)) = Eg(U1). We have two possible estimators, r+q

b= ~ t=r+l




~ t=r+l


S. F. Arnold


The argument for which estimator is preferable is much more difficult in the single path case because the Ut are not independent. However, Liu, Wong and Kong (1992a) have shown that the Rao-Blackwellized estimator /)* is preferable to D. Similarly, we could estimate Ul'S density function fl(t) by the Rao-Blackwellized estimator r+q fa(t)= ~ f~(tlU,2,...,U~k)/q, t=r+l

where f~ is the conditional density of U 1 given ( U 2 , . . . , Uk). One possible argument for the single path method is the following. If a person is basing inference on m paths each with n cycles, then he is assuming that by the n-th cycle the Gibbs sampler has nearly converged so that the n-th cycle has approximately the desired distribution. If this is the case, it may be more efficient to begin the second path with the last cycle from the first path, rather than starting the second path with a cycle from an arbitrary distribution. That is, perhaps we should choose V~2) = U(1) " Similarly, we could take U(3) 0


i/-(2) ~n

, " " " '

V(om) ~. U(nm-1)

Since all the cycles of U n(2) have nearly converged to the distribution of U, we would want to use all the cycles of U n(2), not just the last one. Therefore, if we use U~i-1)= U~]), we could use the estimator

~ h(U~'))/n(m j=2




for Eh(U). Note that when we are using this procedure, we are really only taking one long path for the Gibbs sampler and using an estimator of the form given above. The argument above can be balanced by noting that in the multiple path method, each path is independent, but in the single path method, all the observations are dependent, which could adversely effect the performance of single path estimators in certain settings. Also, note that parallel processing cannot be used as easily in the single path method as in the multiple path method. Finally, note that diagnostic methods for determining whether convergence has occurred are easier for the multiple path method. (See Gelman and Rubin, 1991 for an interesting example of incorrect apparent convergence for a single path Gibbs sampler.) Although the single path method is the method used by Geman and Geman (1984) in their basic paper on Gibbs sampling, the multiple path method seems more common at present. As a compromise, it has also been suggested that we


Gibbs sampling

have multiple paths, but use more than one observation from each path. Unfortunately, at present, it is not clear which method is preferable in what situation. For papers on either side of this issue, see Gelman and Rubin (1992) and Geyer (1992).

5. Some Bayesian applications of Gibbs sampling Most of the applications of Gibbs sampling have been in Bayesian analysis. In this section we present several settings in which Gibbs sampling has proved useful, together with some simple examples chosen to illustrate the application of Gibbs sampling. For many more practical examples see Gelfand and Smith (1990), Gelfand, Hills et al. (1990), Tanner (1991) and Casella and George (1992) and their references. We shall primarily discuss the multiple path method, although it should be clear how to modify the procedures for the single path method. In Bayesian models, we have an observed data vector Y=Y0 and an unobserved parameter vector O = ( O 1 , . . . , Ok). We also have the (joint) conditional density of Y given O, f(y[O), and the prior distribution of O, ~-(0). We want to find the posterior density of a particular component Oi of O, i.e., the conditional density of Oi given Y=Yo. Since we are finding the conditional distribution of O given Y = Yo, we only update O. We do not ever update F throughout the sampling. For illustration, suppose that k = 3. In this case, we need the conditional distributions

0~[(0 ~, 03, r),

0~I(0 ~, 03, Y),

03[(0 ~, 0~, r).

We first choose O 0 = (O01, 002 , 003 ) from an arbitrary distribution. We then simulate 011, 012 and 013 from the conditional distributions of O 11(O2 = 002, O3 = 003, r = y o ) ,

O21(O1= 011, O3 = 003, r = y o ) ,

O31(O1 = 011, 02 = 012, ¥ =Yo). We then simulate 021,022 and 023 similarly. We continue simulating for n cycles until the process has converged. If we are using the multiple path approach, we independently replicate this process m times. Let 0(,{), 0n2 (J) , 0n3 (:) be the outcomes of the n-th cycle on the j-th replicate. Then we would estimate the posterior density of 01 given g--yo, ~r~(OllYo) with the Rao-Blackwellized estimator ¢r~(t [ y0) = ~ "n'~e(t [ A(j)vn2, Vn31Q(J),Yo)/m


(where ~r~*(O1 [02,... ,Ok, y) is the conditional density of 01 given ( 0 2 = o2 . . . . , Oh = oh, ¥ = y ) , which we have assumed known). We could also estimate a posterior moment E(h(O)[Y =Yo) in a similar way.

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EXAMPLE 5. Suppose we observe (K, (9, A), the Y~ are independent, Y~-Poi((9),

Y 1 , . . . , Yr and that conditionally on




where K, (9 and A are unknown parameters. (Note that K represents a change point in the distribution of the Y~). As a prior distribution for (K, (9, A), we assume that K, (9, and A are independent, K has a discrete uniform distribution on { 1 , . . . , r } , 0

~ r(a,


A ~ F(C, d - 1 ) ,

(where F(a, b) is a gamma distribution with shape parameter a and expectation ab). Note that the posterior distribution of (K, (9, A) given Y = (Y1, • • •, Yr) is a mess. However, it is easily seen that

O[(K,A,Y)~F(a+~Yi,(b+K)-I), i=1

A[(K,(9, Y ) ~ F ( a +




Direct calculation shows that r ] ((9, A, Y) has density


f(K l 0, A, y) = e-(X-°)~(MO) yl+'''+rK

e-(A-°)K(A/O) yl+'''+yK .


(Note that K takes on only finitely many values so that for any 0, A and y,

f(K l 0, A, ¥) may be easily simulated.) Let y be the observations. To use the Gibbs sampler for this problem, we would first choose (K0, 00, A0) arbitrarily. We would then choose K1 from the conditional distribution of K ] ((9 = 00, a = A0, Y = y ) ,

and then choose 01 and )t1 from the conditional distributions of (9 1(K = KI,A = Ao, Y = y ) ,

a l (K = K1, (9 = 01, Y = y ) ,

completing the first cycle. We would then choose (K2, 0z, A2) from the conditional distributions of K [ ((9 = 01, a = A1, Y = y ) ,

(9 I (/( -~" K2, a = h 1, Y = y ) ,

A I(K = K2, 0 = 02, ¥ = y ) .

In a similar way, we would get (K3, 03, A3) . . . . , (Kn, On, An). (Note that the data y are not changed in any of this updating.) In the multiple path method, we would then do m independent replications of this process. Let ~ n (j) , V n ,g(J) , ~ n ) ( K(J) be the outcome of the n-th cycle on the j-th path. We would estimate the


Gibbs sampling

density function of K by





(where f(K [ (0, A, y) is the conditional density of K given (0, A, y) given above). We would estimate the posterior expected value of K by


The posterior densities of 6) and A could be estimated similarly. Note that although the joint or marginal posteriors for this model are a mess, the Gibbs sampling is routine. A slightly more complicated version of this model was used by Carlin, Gelfand and Smith (1990) to analyze yearly coal mining disasters from 1851-1962. For a summary of their results, see Tanner (1991, pp. 95-97). One common setting for Gibbs sampling is hierarchical Bayesian models in which we have an observed data vector Y =Y0, an unobserved parameter vector, O = ( 0 a , . . . , Ok) and an unobserved hyperparameter vector F = ( E l , . . . , F~). The model consists of (a) the conditional distribution of Y given t9 and F which is assumed not to depend on F; (b) the conditional density of 19 given F; (c) the marginal density of F. As in the Bayesian model above, we want to estimate the posterior distribution of a component 6)i of 19, i.e., the conditional distribution of ~)i given ¥ =Y0 (averaged over the distribution of F). In order to estimate this density, we use the Gibbs sampler to simulate the joint distribution of (19, F ) given ¥ = Y0 from which we can find a Rao-Blackwellized estimator of the conditional density of 19 given Y -- Y0. Because the conditional distribution of Y given (19, F ) does not depend on F, the conditional distribution of F given (O, Y) does not depend on Y. For illustration, suppose that k = 3, r = 2. To use the Gibbs sampler, we need to know the following distributions: 6)11(6)2, 03, F, Y),

rx I


O21(6)1,6)3, F, Y),

6)31(6)1,6)2, F, Y),

I (rl, 19).

The first three conditional distributions are all computed from the conditional distribution of 191(F, Y), i.e., the posterior distribution of 19 for fixed F. The last two distributions are computed from the conditional distribution of r l 19. To use Gibbs sampling,~ we would first choose (001, 00z, 003, %1, %2) arbitrarily. We would update these in the usual way to find (011, 0la, 013, Y11, Y12), etc., getting n cycles. We would then replicate this procedure m times. Let (0~),

S. F. A r n o l d


0) , VaO) - (J) ~ "Yn2 - 0)-,) be the j-th replicate of the n-th cycle of this procedure. We n2 n 3 ~ ")tnl would then estimate the conditional density of 01 given Y = Y0, ~r~(01 ] Y0) by

¢rt(tlyo) = 2 ~'t*(tl tau) - u) ' _"}tn2 u), \Vn2 , a Vu n 3) ' ")tnl ]=1

Yo))/m ,

where ~r~*(01] (02, 03, 3/1, 3'2, Yo)) is the conditional density of O 1 given O2 = 02, 03 = 03, F1 = 3'1, F2 = 3'2, ¥ = Yo which we have assumed known. Note that we never have to find the marginal prior distribution of O or integrate out F in order to use this approach to hierarchical models. EXAMPLE 6. Suppose we observe


, g r


xi I A, ~ Poi(tiA~), where t i are known constants, A/ are unobserved parameters which are independently distributed as

a~ I/3 ~ r(a,, (b f l )-*) , where/3 is a hyper-parameter with prior distribution

/3 - r(c, d


Let the outcomes of the experiment be x = ( x l , . . . ,xr), and let X = ( X 1 , . . . , Xr) and A = ( A 1 , . . . , At). Then it is easily seen that A i I ( X = x , / 3 ) ~ r ( a , +x,, (t i + bi/3)-1)

/3 l A ~ F ( c


+ r,d + ~ , A i ) .

To use the Gibbs sampler for this problem, we make an initial choice for/3, and simulate the Ai from the first distribution above. We then update/3 from the second distribution. We then update Ai from the first distribution (with updated/3) and update/3 from the second distribution, etc., for n cycles. We replicate those n cycles m times. Let/3~J) be the value for/3 at the n-th cycle of the j-th replication. We estimate the density of A i by

2 F(t; a i + xi, (t i + bifl~nJ))-l)m j-1

(where F(t;a, b) is the density of a random variable with a F(a, b) distribution). Note that the Bayes estimator of A i is E(A~ ]X~ = xz) and that E(Ai [ (X,.,/3)) = (a + x,) / (t~ + b f l ) . Therefore, the Rao-Blackwellized estimator of E(Ai ]X i = x~) is

/~i = £ (a + xi)l(t i + b/3~J))m . j=l

Gibbs sampling


A n o t h e r common use for the Gibbs sampler is in Bayesian problems with missing data. Let the 'whole' data be T = (U, V), where U = u 0 is the observed data and V = (V1. . . . , Vr) is the missing data, and let O = ( 1 9 2 , . . . , ~gk) be the unknown parameter. We assume that the conditional distribution of T given O is known as is the prior distribution of O and that the posterior distribution of O given the whole data T is reasonable. As before, we want to simulate the conditional distribution of a component ~9i of O given the observed data U. We use the Gibbs sampler to simulate the conditional distribution of the missing data V and the parameter O given U = u 0, from which we can estimate the conditional density of O given U = u 0. To illustrate the procedure for missing data, suppose that k = 2, r = 2. T o use the Gibbs sampler to generate the conditional distribution of (t9, V) given U = u 0, we need to know the following conditional distributions

02I(O2,V,U), V2 I ( 6), V2, U ) ,

O~I(02,V,U), Ve I ( 6), Vl, U ) .

Note that the first two conditional distributions are computed from the conditional distribution of 19 given T, i.e., the posterior distribution of 19 given the whole data, which we have assumed is reasonable, and the second two densities are computed from the conditional density of the whole data T given 19, which we have also assumed is reasonable. We choose an initial value for (OI' O2' V2, V2). We then update these values with the Gibbs sampler and replicate it. Let \to(J) a(J) (J) ~ .tin2 o)~] ~.~ Vn2 ~ V n2 ~ O nl t3~ the values in the j-th replication at the n-th cycle. We estimate the density ¢9~ given U = u 0 by

r**(tlAU) u ) ~ Un2 (J)~ Uo)/m ~ n 2 , Un2 .



where ¢r*(02102, vl, v2, Uo) is the conditional density of ~91 given f92 =02, V 1 = v 2, V 2 = u 2 ,



EXAMPLE 7. Suppose that the whole data consists of r independent trivariate random vectors, (X1, I11, Z1) . . . . , (Xr, Yr, Zr) such that (Xi, Yi, Zi)' ~ N3(0, X ) ,

{ 12

X = \~:2

22' 12)

•21 1 × 1 .

Assume that the prior distribution on ~Y is


W3(k, A 1),

where k and A are known (and W3(k, B) is the 3 × 3 Wishart distribution with k degrees of freedom and expectation kB). Let 2




Y2 -"


Z 1

Z r

• . .



s. F. Arnold


Then the posterior distribution of I; is given by 1; - l I T


W3(k + r, (A + W)-a) .

Suppose that X1, I11 and Z 2 are missing, but the remaining Xi, Yi and Z i are all observed. (Note that we are missing 2 observations from the first random vector, one observation the second one, and no observations from the remaining vectors.) In the previous notation U = (X2, X 3 , . . . ,Xr, Y2, Y3, • • • , Yr, Z1, Z 3 , . . . , Z~), V = ( X l , Y1, Z 2 ) •

Note that -1


X1 ](Y1, Z2, U, 1; ) - Na(1;12~ 22 (Y1, Zx), -Y,l~- Za21; 221X22) • The conditional distributions of

Y1](X1, Zz, U, 1;)


Z2](X1, Y~,U,J~ )

can be determined similarly. Let u = (x2, x 3 , . . . ,xr, Y2, Y3, • • • , Yr, zl, z3, . . . , zr) be the observed data• To use Gibbs sampling for this situation, we would first choose x01, Y01, z02 and 1;0 arbitrarily. We would then simulate x n , Y~I and z12 from the conditional distributions

XII(Y1 =Ylo, Z2 = Zo2, U = u , X = X o ) , II1 I (X1 = X l l , Z2 = z20, U = u , 1; = ~ 0 ) , Z2I(X1 = x n , Y1 =Yaa,U = u , X =1;o). Now, let Xll

t I =/Y11 1. Z 1



• .


X r |

Y2 Y3 • "" Yr) , Z12


• • .

wl = t l t ~ .


Note that w 1 is just W with the observations u replacing U and Xal, Yll and z~2 replacing the missing observations X~, I71 and Z 2. To finish the first cycle of the Gibbs sampler for this problem, we simulate 1; 11 from W3(k + r, (A + Wa)-l). (There are many ways to simulate a Wishart distribution including the algorithm of Odell and Feiveson, 1966.) In the second cycle, we would use the updated value for 1; to simulate Xza,

Gibbs sampling


Y21 and z22 , use these values (together with u) to compute w2, and use w2 to simulate X2. We would replicate an n-cycle chain rn independent times to get ..(J) , Y .(J) ~(J) "~nl n l , k~(J) n2, w.O) n ao_.~ llU ~'~n • ,~,^ v v ~ would estimate the posterior density of ~2 = ~ - 1 by w 3 ( o ; k + r, (A +



(where W3(t; k, B) is the density of a 3 × 3 Wishart distribution with k degrees of freedom and expectation kB). Using standard results on transformations, we could estimate the posterior density of ~ by ~ ] o ' ] -2W.3,tot-1 ; k + r , ( A + w(J))-l)~ m }=1

As long as k + r > 4, the posterior expectation of ~ given the whole data T is E(X I r ) = (k + r - 4)-1(A + W ) . Therefore, we would estimate the posterior mean of X given U = u by (k + r - 4 ) - 1 ( A +



Note that the procedure above could be trivially extended to deal with any pattern of missing data. Schafer (1992) discusses Gibbs sampling for more complicated normal models with missing data and gives a program for implementing Gibbs sampling in this situation. Often, even when there is no missing data in a problem, the problem can be reformulated as a missing data problem to which Gibbs sampling can be applied, as we now illustrate. EXAMPLE 8. Suppose we observe (U1, U2, U3) I 6) --Ma(r , (6) + 2)/4, 6)/4, (1 - 6))/2) (where M~(r, ~-1, ~'2, ~'3) is a k-dimensional multinomial distribution with r observations and probabilities ~i). Suppose that the prior distribution is given by 6) - Be(a, b ) . The posterior distribution for this model is quite complicated. In order to use Gibbs sampling to approximate this posterior, we consider the model in which we observe Ya,, }'12, Y2, YB[6) --M4(r, 6)/4, 2/4, 6)/4, (1 - 6))/2).


S. F. A r n o l d

Let U1-=Y11+Y12,

U2=Y 2 ,

U3=Y 3 ,

V = Yi2 •

Then (I111, Y12, Y2, I13) is an invertible function of (U1, U2, U3, V). In addition the distribution of (U1, /_72, U3) is the same as given at the beginning of this example. Therefore, the first model can be thought of as the second model in which we observe the U~ but V is missing. It is easily seen that

o ] (Vl, 02, u3,v) - B e ( a + U1 + 02 - V , b + U3), V [(U1, U2, U3, O) - Bin(Um, 0/(0 + 2)). Therefore, to use Gibbs sampling for this problem, we observe U 1 = Ul, U2 = u 2 , U3 = u 3. We arbitrarily choose Vo, 0o. We update (9 from the conditional distribution of O [(U 1 = u 1, U2 = u 2, U3 = u 3, V = Vo). We then update V from the conditional distribution of V [ ( U 1 = ul, U2 = u2, U3 = u 3, O = 01). We continue this process for n cycles and replicate it m times getting V(~j) and 0(~j). We would then estimate the posterior density function of O given U = u by


B e ( a + u a + u 2 - v -. ~J) , b + u 3 ) .

We would estimate the mean of the posterior distribution of O by


(a +

U 1 +

U 2 --

(J) v(~J~)/(a + u 1 + u 2 - o" n + b + u3).

Gelfand and Smith (1990) point out that this approach can be applied to a broad class of multinomial models, often called genetic linkage models. The final situation we discuss is Bayesian image reconstruction. Suppose we have a rectangular grid of pixels. Let Oq be the true degree of grayness for the (i, j) pixel and let Xq be the observed degree of grayness of that pixel. Let O be the vector of 0q and X be the vector of Xq. We want to estimate O from the information in X. A Bayesian model assumes a known conditional density of X] O and a known prior distribution for O. The Bayes estimator for O is the posterior mean of O given X. It is of course difficult to model the prior distribution of O or find the associated posterior even for relatively simple assumptions about the conditional distribution of X given O. Let 0 ( 3 , 4) be the set of all Oq except 034 and let O(i, j) be defined similarly. Let 0*(3, 4) be (024, 044, 033, O35), the graynesses for the four pixels on the grid nearest the (3, 4) pixel. Let O*(i, j) be defined similarly. (Note that O*(1, 2) only has graynesses for three pixels, O(1, 1), O(1, 3) and 0(2, 2) and that O*(1, 1) only has two pixels, ~)12 and 02a.) One of the most important aspects of the model defined by Geman and Geman (1984) is that the posterior distribution had the property that the conditional distribution of

Gibbs sampling


~gq given O(i, j) is a tractable distribution and is the same as the conditional distribution of 4 : given O*(i, j), that is

6),:[(0(i, j),X) ~ 6),:I(0"(i, j),X). In this situation Gibbs sampling is very effective. We first choose all the Oqo arbitrarily. We then pass through the pixels, updating each one based on the posterior conditional distribution given its updated neighbors, getting 0,:1. We pass through the grid n times getting Oq3, . . . , Oqn. Each pass through the entire grid is a cycle. After n cycles, we can estimate the posterior distribution of each (gq given X by the single path method discussed previously. We could then make an image by putting grayness E 4 : IX at the (i, j) pixel. Geman and Geman (1984) use Markov random fields and Gibbs distributions (hence the name Gibbs sampling) to generate very complicated models that they could analyze by the methods discussed in the previous paragraph. (They also discuss the use of 'annealing' to speed up the convergence.) They also have some very interesting pictures of images they have reconstructed using this approach. In the next example, we present a much simpler (and less realistic) method to construct a model having the property that the posterior conditional distribution of 4 : given O(i, j) is a simple function which only depends on the nearest neighbors. EXAMPLE 9. Suppose that the conditional distribution of X given O, f(x[O) is such that the Xq are independent and that the distribution of Xq depends only on Oq. That is, suppose that the errors in the pixel measurements are independent, and the distribution of the error on the (i, j) pixel does not depend on any true values except for the true value at the (i, j) pixel. In symbols, these assumptions say that

f(xlo)= Fi f,j(x, lo,). Suppose also that the prior distribution 7r(0) has the property that the conditional distribution of 4 i given all the other observations O(i, j) depends only on the nearest neighbors 6)*(i, j). That is, suppose that

%(0,.: [ 0(i, j)) = %(Oq [ O*(i, j)) . Then it is easily seen that the posterior distribution of 4j, the grayness at the (i, j) pixel given O(i, j), the grayness at all the other pixels, satisfies

fij(xq l o.)~.(o, l o*(i, j)) ~r*(oq lo(i, j), x) = ~ fq(xi: loq)%(oq lo*(i, j)) dOq " For example, for the (3,4) pixel, this posterior conditional distribution depends only on f34(x34 [ 034), the conditional distribution of X34 given 034, and ~r34(034]0"(3,4)), the prior conditional distribution of 034 given its nearest

s. F. Arnold


neighbors. Therefore, this posterior conditional distribution may be easy to simulate. If so, then we can use Gibbs sampling as discussed in the previous paragraph.

6. Variations on Gibbs sampling

In this sections, we present some algorithms closely related to Gibbs sampling. In our discussion of Gibbs sampling, we have assumed that the Ui are univariate random variables. However, it is clear that they could be random vectors as long as the conditional distribution of Ui given ( U 1 , . . . , Ui_l, U i + l , . . . , Ur) can be easily simulated. In fact, in Example 7, we have used the Gibbs sampler in this way, simulating from a 3-dimensional Wishart distribution. Tanner and Wong (1987) defined an algorithm which is very similar to the multiple path Gibbs sampler which they call data augmentation. Suppose we want to simulate the distribution of the random vector W = (U, V) in order to estimate the density function of U. We assume that the conditional densities f(u[v) and g(vlu) of u given v and v given u are reasonable. As with the multiple path Gibbs algorithm, .the data augmentation algorithm (J) (J) ~J) simulates m independent random vectors W 0 = (U 0 , V 0 ) from an arbitrary d istribution, getting initial observations w0(J) = (u 0O) , v 0. (J) ), j = 1 , . . . , m. It then uses the following iterative scheme. Given w(~Q = (u(~Q1, v(~Q1), j = 1 , . . . , m, the data augmentation algorithm at the k-th stage computes the updated Rao-Blackwellized estimate of the density of U

fk(u) = ~ f(ul v(j) k - l l ~/m j=l

The algorithm then simulates W~j) = ~,~k (~r(]), -v(J)'~ k J, ] = 1 , .. . , m , independently from the joint density

hk(u, v) = L(u)g(v Lu), getting observations w(ki) = (u(ki), v(kJ)). (Typically this simulation is done in two (i) from f~(u) with observed values u k (J) and then simulating stages, simulating U k" (]) (J) V k from g(v l Uk ).) It can be shown that as m and n go to ~, the distribution of Wn(1) goes to the distribution of W (see Tanner and Wong, 1987). If we stop the data augmentation algorithm at the n-th stage, we would use the R a o Blackwellized estimate f,(u) to estimate the density of u. When the data augmentation algorithm was first introduced, it was intended for missing data problems. For those problems, U represents the unknown parameter and V represents the missing data. When using this algorithm, the step in which we compute fk(u) is called the posterior step and the step in which we simulate Wk from hk(u, v) is called the imputation step. See Tanner (1991,

Gibbs sampling


Chapter 5) for a more detailed discussion of the data augmentation and other related algorithms. Note that the difference between the multiple path Gibbs sampler and the data augmentation algorithm is that on the j-th path of the Gibbs sampler, we simulate tH(J) \~k , v(])~ - - k ] from the density

h(~J)(u, v) = f(kJ)(u)g(v i u),

f(J)(u) = f(u I v(kJ_)l).

Therefore, the Gibbs sampler treats every path as a separate run of the simulation, whereas the data augmentation algorithm does not have individual paths. The data augmentation algorithm allows the possibility of changing m at each cycle of the simulation, but is not as immediately useful for parallel processing as the multiple path Gibbs sampler. Note also that ~wrn (~), " " " ' ~IT(m) n are independent for the Gibbs sampler but not for data augmentation, since for data augmentation their common distribution depends on all the values in the previous cycle.

EXAMPLE10. Suppose we want to simulate (U, V) jointly normally distributed, (VU)--N2((~),(~

11)) ,

U I V - N(V, 1),

V I U - N(U/2, 0.5).

so that

To use the data augmentation algorithm, we first simulate (U(oj), V(oJ)), ] = 1 , . . . , m with observed values (U(oj), V(o:)) independently from an arbitrary O) bivariate distribution. Given the v~)l, we then simulate Uk(D independently from

fk(U) = ~ N(u, v k(j)- l ' 1)/m ]=1

(where N(t, a, b) is the density of a normal random variable with mean a and variance b). For each j, we then simulate V(kj) from N(v, u(kJ)/2, 0.5), getting V(k1), . . . , V(~m) to start the next cycle. Note that in Gibbs sampling, we simulate (1) U k(s) from N(u, vk°i, 1), and for data augmentation we simulate U k(i) from fk(u). For either Gibbs sampling or data augmentation, we simulate V (i) from N(v, u(k])/2, 0.5). Gelfand and Smith (1990) suggest an alternative sampling scheme called

substitution sampling based on ideas in Tanner and Wong (1987), which we now describe. Let U = (U1, U2, U3) be a vector of random variables to be simulated. In substitution sampling, we assume that we can simulate from each of the following conditional distributions: ( U 1 , U 2 ) [ U3 ,

( U 1 , U 3 ) [ U2 ,

(U2, U3) IU 1 •

S. F. Arnold


As with Gibbs sampling, we take an arbitrary initial distribution for U 0 with :y observed value u 0 = (Ulo,u20, u30). We first simulate U a = Ull * and U 2 = u21 from the conditional distribution of

(U1, U2) I U3 = U30. • from the conditional distribution of We then simulate U I = ull and U 3 = u31

(U1, U3) I U2 : U;1. Finally, we simulate U2 = u21, U 3 = u31 from the conditional distribution of (u2, u3) l u1 =


Then u 1 = (Uaa, u21, u31 ) is the outcome of the first cycle of this algorithm. (Note that we simulate each variable twice in each cycle.) We proceed similarly * * and (u22, u32 ) from the in the second cycle getting ( U*12, u22), (u12, u32) conditional distributions (Vl, U2) [ U3 ~--u31 ,

(Vl, V3) [ V2 = u2"2,

(V2, V3) I Vl = u12.

Then u 2 = (Ulz, Uzz, u32) is the outcome of the second cycle. We find random vectors U3, U 4 , . . . , Un and their outcomes u3, u 4 , . . . , u n similarly. As before




as n---> oo

(see Tanner and Wong, 1987, and Gelfand and Smith, 1990). We can then draw inference using either the single path or multiple path approach as described in Section 4. Note that a cycle with the substitution algorithm generates six random variables, whereas a cycle of the Gibbs sampler only generates three. EXAMPLE 1 (Revisited). Suppose we want to simulate the Dirichlet distribution





u+v+w H21(1 - oz, 0n))--~ oz . 0 CO o

But the convergence rate may be the same as that of the asymptotic test. The double bootstrap. Let Tnl = H~(Tn, On) and Hnl(-, 0) be the distribution

Bootstrap methodology


function of Tnl. Define 4~ = {10 ifotherwiseT, l > H , 10 1 n( l -)a ,, . The new test will have less rejection probability than 4~B- In fact, if On is assumed to be x/B-consistant for 0 under the null hypothesis, and if

H.(x, O) = I4(x, O) + n-

2h(x, O) + O(n

holds uniformly in x and locally uniformly for values of 0 in O0 for some k1> 1, then: (a) If H(-, 0) is independent of 0, then ERP(~bA)= O(n-~/2), ERP(~bB)---O(n-(k+l)/2), and ERP(thB1) = O(n-(k+2)/2). (b) If H ( . , 0 ) depends on 0, then for some jO, nlS--->~, and h and g tend to zero at the rate n -1/5. The bootstrap confidence interval can also be given by this method. Gu (1987) assumed that m is estimated by smoothing spline method. Then he applied the bootstrap method.

9.3. Errors-in-variables regression Consider the simple linear errors-in-variables model (X~, Yi):



+t ui+


G. J. Babu and C. R, Rao

where (6,., ei) are iid mean zero random vectors and u~ are unknown nuisance parameters. Let 0% and 0% respectively denote the standard deviations of 61 and e 1. The errors-in-variables models have been studied extensively in the literature. See Deeming (1968), Fuller (1987), Gleser (1985) and Jones (1979) 2 2 among others. It is well known that when the ratio A = o-,/o-~ is known, the least squares estimators of/3 and a are given by ~1 = h + sign(Sxy)(A + h2) 1/2


&l = 17 -/31 ~ ,


where h = (Syy - A S x x ) / 2 S x r ,

Sx x = ~


(X i _ ~)2,

Syy = ~ ( Y / - ~)2 and SXy = ~ (X i - f ~ ) ( Y i - 17). i=1


The least squares method gives the same estimates as in (9.1), when both 0-8 and o% are known. Instead, if only one of the o- is known, then under some conditions, the least squares estimators of/3 and a are given by D2 = S x r / ( S x x - n o ' I ) ,

&2 = I7 -/32 )~

when % is known and by

l% = (Sty -



&3"~" 17 --

~3 ~


when o% is known. A good summary of the estimators in the identifiable cases can be found in Jones (1979). It is not difficult to see that/% - / 3 , r = 1, 2, 3, can be written as smooth functions of the average of

Edgeworth expansions for ~j lead to those of /%. Standard results on Edgeworth expansions are not applicable for two reasons. First, the ~j are not identically distributed and secondly, the components of ~j are linearly dependent. But on the average ~j behave very well under some conditions on {uj}. Babu and Bai (1992) have shown that under some moment conditions, if e 1 and 61 are independent continuous centered random variables, then the studentized x/-~(/%--/3)/&r, r = 1,2, 3, and their bootstrapped versions have valid two-term Edgeworth expansions. In fact, the independence of e 1 and 61 is not required but very weak continuity assumptions on the conditional distributions e 1 and 61 are enough. The expressions for estimators 6% of the standard deviations of ~/n~r are obtaining by using jackknife t y p e arguments

Bootstrap methodology


and are given by,

~.2=n]~21~//~ ( ( y / _ l,s.)2 A ( X / _ / x ~ ) 2 2 h ( X i _ ~ ) ( y _ i=1 0.~22 = n ( f i 2 / S x y ) 2





^ 2 2, ((Xi _ k ) ( Y ~ - Y - ~ 2 ( X i - S ) ) ÷ fi20-6)

-2 ~, i=1

0.3 = n S x y - - ((Yi - Y ) ( Y i - 7Y - f33(X , - X')) - 0.2)2

where ~b-1 = 4 S 2 y ( h 2 + A). These results lead, for r = 1, 2, 3, to s u p IP(v

(A - f i )


- fir)



for almost all sample sequences, where P* denotes the probability distribution induced by bootstrap sampling, and fi* and #~* denote the bootstrap estimates of the slope and the standard deviation. That is, fi* and 0.r * * are obtained by replacing (X~, Y,.) by the bootstrap samples (X*, Y* ), in the expression for fir and 6"r This shows that bootstrap automatically corrects for skewness. Linder and Babu (1990) considered a different scheme of bootstrapping. Geometric arguments led them to estimate the residuals, construct the appropriate model and resample from the new residuals rather than the pairs (Xi, Y~). They also studied the asymptotic properties of the bootstrap distributions.

10. Time series models

Freedman (1984) considered the following dynamic linear model Yt = Yt A + Y t - 1 B ÷ Z t C + e t ,

t = 1 . . . . , n, where A , B and C are coefficient matrices of unknown parameters, Y, is the vector of endogeneous variables at time t, where Z t is the vector of exogenous variables at time t, e, is the vector of disturbances (noise) at time t. The two-stage weighted least squares method can be used to estimate A, B and C. Once these estimators _4, /) and C are obtained, to bootstrap, take a resample e l , . . . , en* from the estimated residuals ~t : Y t -- Y r ~ - Yt 1~ -- Z t C , after centering them. Let Y* = (Y*_I/) + ZtC + e* ) ( I - A) -1, keeping Z t fixed. From this, get new estimates A*, B* and C*. When . 4 , / ) and ~ are estimated b,y the two-stage method, Freedman (1984) has shown that the distributions of A - A , / ) - B and C - C can be approximated by A* -_A, B* - / ) and C* - ~, both when (Z,} are random and non-random. This method is used to estimate the dispersion of A , / ) and ~ for some econometric models in Freedman and Peters (1984a,b). De Wet and van Wyk (1986) proposed a bootstrap method to set up the


G. J. Babu and C. R. Rao

confidence interval for the regression coefficients in the model X i = ol -~-/3(t i - i ) ~- E i ,

where e l , . . . , en satisfy an autoregressive model AR(1), ei = d~ei_l + ,/i, or the moving average model MA(1), e~ = w~/i_t + ~)i. Here 9)i are iid with mean zero and finite variance. The parameters a and 13 are estimated by the least square method, that is : ~,

~ :


(t i -- { ) X i




(t i _

~-)2)--1 .

The residuals of the model are ~ = X i - & - [3(t~ - i ) . To use bootstrap, for AR(1) model, let ~i = ~ i - ¢~i-1 and for MA(1) model let ~i : E i - ~)~i-1' where



and d~ satisfies ~ = d~(1 + d~2)-1. In the MA(1) model, ~0 ~ N ( 0 , ~r2) with

O-2 = ~

_ ~


^, ~ , * Let {~/*} be lid from the empirical distribution of {~/i}, and let e~ = ~bsi_~ + ~ or s i = anl~_ 1 + ~/~ according as it is an AR(1) or MA(1) model. By defining ex = k~ and X~ = 6 + ]3(q - t) + e~, one can obtain the bootstrap estimates a* and/3*. By considering student type statistics (& - a ) / S ( & ) , where S2(&) is an estimate of the asymptotic variance of 6 (see Eriksson, 1983) and taking the quantiles of the corresponding bootstrap version as the true quantiles, one can obtain confidence intervals for a. Similar results hold for/3 also. Chatterjee (1986) considered the bootstrap approximations for the general A R M A model ~b(L){(1 - L ) ' t Z t } : O ( L )at , where L is the usual lag operator, d is an integer required to make {Zt} a stationary process, and ~b and 0 are polynomials. Bootstrap methods for autoregressive spectral density function estimator were considered by Swanepoel and van Wyk (1986). Kiinsch (1989) used the blockwise bootstrap method to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic based on dependent observations.

11. Autoregressive models

Bose (1988) investigated the asymptotic accuracy of the bootstrap approxi-




mation for the stationary autoregressive model, P




i=l p


where all the roots of Z j= 10jx p J - - 0 lie within the unit circle. Suppose the • . 2(s+i) residuals {e~} are iid with mean zero and finite variance and Ee t < oo for some s 1> 3. The least-squares estimators On = (01. . . . . , Opn) of 0 = ( 0 1 , . . . , Op) are given by Sn(Oln,

. . . . , Opn) t =

~ (YtV,-~, rtYt-2, " ' " , Y, Yt-p)' , t=l

where Sn is the p x p matrix whose (i, ])-th element is Etn=l Yt_iYt_j. To use bootstrap, let e i* be iid from the estimated residuals et = g t -- ~'i=IP O i n Y t - i ' t = 1 , . . . , n, after centering them. To get the simulated model, define P

Y T E=Y * Oin t _ i + e * , t = l , . . . ,



and obtain the bootstrap estimates 0 n = (01, • • •, 0p). Under Cramdr's condition for (ex, s~), Bose (1988) has shown that the bootstrap approximation is second order correct, that is for almost all samples,

x/~ suplV(x/~xx/2(O n - O) 1, and (b) unstable case, Ifll = 1. For the limit theorems for the least squares estimators/3 of fl, see Anderson (1959). The limit distribution of ( / 3 - fl), after proper normalization, is non-normal if Ifll ~> 1. Basawa et al. (1989) have shown that the bootstrap method leads to an approximation of the sampling distribution of/3 in the explosive case. In the unstable case Basawa et al. (1991) have shown that bootstrap fails and that the bootstrap distribution converges to a random measure. The situation is similar to that dealt by Athreya (1987).





Suppose { x l , . . . ,xn} is a simple random sample from a finite population {X 1. . . . . XN}. The sample mean £=(1/n)Zin=lxi is an estimate of the


G. J. Babu and C. R. Rao N

population mean IdbN= ( 1 / N ) F , i = I X r The naive bootstrap will not help in estimating the variance of 2, since the variance estimate based on iid sample from (x I . . . . . . x,} will not be consistent. Gross (1980) suggested the following replication method. First suppose N = n k with k as an integer. By replicating ( x ~ , . . . , xn}, k times, get a new 'bootstrap population', ~Q = ( X l , . . . , X n , X l , . . . , X n , . . . , X l , . . . , X n ) .

Now take an iid sample x l , . . . , x n , from O without replacement. The conditional variance var*()(*), of Y*= (l/n) Zi= " ~x~* given Xl, .. . , x,, can be used to estimate variance of ~?. In this case var*(£*)-

k ( n - 1 ) ( N - n) (Znn--i~N-~(n-L~)



2) 2 .


In general if N = k n + r, 1 0. As shown in Figure 3.4.2 (ignore the dotted line), the region under fx(X) can be split into three pieces: a rectangular piece; a wedge piece above the rectangle; and the tail piece. The areas of the regions and the corresponding densities are: The rectangle. The region below y = e -1 from x = 0 to x = 1 has area Pl = e - l ; the density is fl(x) -- 1 if 0 < x < 1 and f l ( X ) = 0 otherwise. The wedge. The region below y = e -x and above y = e -1 f r o m x = 0 to x = 1 has area P2 = 1 - 2e-1; the density is f2(x) = [e -x - e-~]/[1 - 2e -1] if 0 < x < 1 and f2(x) = 0 otherwise. The tail. The region below y = e -~ for x t> 1 has area P3 e - t ; the density is =

fa(X) = e - X / e -1 = e - ( x - l ) i f x ~> 1 a n d f 3 ( x ) = 0 o t h e r w i s e .


M. T. Boswell, S. D. Gore, G. P. Patil and C. Taillie

%×)=Z ×

2g' ,,.,...,~(x) =(2_×)~-~



1 x Fig. 3.4.2. The partitioning of the region below the standard exponential density function.

The mixture decomposition then becomes

fx(x) =p, fl(x) + p2L(x) + p3L(x) , where Pl =P3 is approximately 0.368 and P2 is approximately 0.264. Notice that tail density f3(x) is simply a translate of the exponential distribution so that realizations of f3(x ) can be generated as 1 + Y where Y has a standard exponential distribution. (Y may be generated as - I n ( U ) ; see Example 3.3.6.) The method also requires that observations be generated from the wedge f2(x) about 26 percent of the time. However, the distribution function F2(x ) = [1 - e -x - x

e-1]/[1 -

2 e -11

cannot be inverted in closed form. A method of generating from the wedge will be given in Exanaple 3.4.6. This method can be extended by decomposing the region under fx into many rectangles, many wedges, and a tail. Because of the lack of memory property of the exponential distribution, the wedge distributions all have a distribution function analogous to F2(x). For details see MacLaren, Marsaglia and Bray (1964). Another modification is to partition off a triangular region from the wedge as indicated by the dotted line in Figure 3.4.2. The area of the triangle is maximized by taking the slope equal to f~(1) = - e -1. The area of the triangle is then P21 = e - 1/2 ~ 0.184 and the area of the new wedge is P22 = P2 - e - 1/2 0.08. The density corresponding to the triangle is fz~(X) = 2(1 - x ) if 0 < x < 1 and fz~(X) = 0 otherwise. Observations from this density can be obtained as the

Computer generation of random variables


minimum, min(U1, U2) , of two independent uniform r a n d o m variables on (0, 1). The (new) wedge has density fzz(X) = [e -x - (2 - x) e-1]/pz2 if 0 < x < 1 and f 2 2 ( X ) ~-- 0 otherwise. Since this distribution needs to be used only 8 percent of the time, a somewhat inefficient algorithm could be employed here without adversely affecting the overall performance of the method. EXAMPLE 3.4.5 ( R a n d o m s u m s as mixtures). A randomly stopped sum, or a random sum, is a random variable X which can be written as the sum of a random number N of random variables, say N

z=Exi, i=1

where N is a random variable assumed to be independent of all the X i. Typically, the X~ are themselves independent and identically distributed (iid). If N has the Poisson distribution and the X i are iid, then Z is said to be a Poisson sum of the Xi and Z is said to have a compound Poisson distribution. If the X~ are iid discrete random variables with density f ( x ) , then the distribution of Z is given by fz(Z) = e ( z ) . P [ N = 0] + P[X 1 = z]P[N = 1] +P[XI +Xz=z]P[N=2]+...,


where e(z) = 1 if z = 0 and e(z) = 0 if z > 0. An analogous formula holds if the X~ are iid continuous random variables. That is, the distribution of Z is a mixture of an infinite number of distributions. To generate an observation of Z we first generate an observation of N = n and then generate n observations from the common distribution of the X i. Finally, we add these n observations to get Z. In specific cases, there my be efficient methods for generating the convolutions X1, X 1 + X2, X 1 + X z + X3, . . . directly. For example, if N is P(A1) and each X~ is P(A2) , then Z has the Thomas distribution with parameters & and A2. Example 3.3.3 can be modified to generate an observation N = n from P ( & ) and then to generate Z = X I + . . . + X n from P(nA2) , the desired observation from the Thomas distribution. EXAMPLE 3.4.6 ( R a n d o m m i n i m u m s , continuation o f E x a m p l e 3.4.4). Instead of adding the random variables X 1 , . . . , X u as in Example 3.4.5, we can take their minimum. Let the X / b e iid random variables with distribution function F(x), and let N be a positive integer-valued random variable independent of

M. T. Boswell, S. D. Gore, G. P. Patil and C. Taillie


XN} is given by

the X i. T h e n the distribution of Z = m i n { X 1 , . . . , ce

Fz(z ) = 1 - P [ Z > z] = 1 - ~ P [ m i n { X 1. . . .

, Xn} > z ] P [ N = n]

n=l c~

= 1- ~

P[X 1> z ....

, X , > z ] P [ N = n]

n=l c~

[1 - F(z)]np[N = n].


In the special case where the X i are u n i f o r m on (0, 1), we have F ( x ) = x , 0 0.

Then Cop t =


P(A) = infx>o{fr(X ) Ifx(X)} = lnfx>o{%/~72 e



= V'rr/2e ~ 0.76, and

a(x) = [fx(X) Ifr(x)]P(A) =

e-(X-1)2/2 .

In E x a m p l e 3.5.1, the acceptance probability is either 0 or 1; thus, a separate uniform variate is not needed to decide if the observation should be accepted or not. H e r e , however, we need to accept with probability a(x), so we generate

M. T. Boswell, S. D. Gore, G. P. Patil and C. Taillie


a uniform random variable U = u on (0, 1) and accept X = y if u (Y2 - 1) 2/2, then deliver X = Y2. Step 3. Go to Step 1. The expected number of trials per delivered observation is 1 / P ( A ) = ~ 1.32.

3.5.1. Use of non-uniform variates to accept or reject The steps given below outline a procedure in which the acceptance/rejection decision is based upon a continuous non-uniform variate Z. As before, the variable of interest is X for which observations are generated by accepting or rejecting realizations of Y. The function t(.) occurring in Step 3 is to be chosen so that the delivered values have the prescribed distribution F x. The choice of t(.) is discussed below. Step Step Step Step Step

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Generate an observation Y = y with density fy(y). Generate an observation Z = z with distribution function Fz(z ). Calculate t(y) where t is a suitably chosen function. If z u then put g = u, increment k, and go to Step 3. Step 5. If k is odd, then deliver X = x. Step 6. Go to Step 1. The distribution of the delivered X is fx(X) = e - g ( x ) / p ( A ) , a v , then put g = v and go to Step 3. Step 7. Go to Step 1.

Computer generation of random variables


Forsythe's method has two limitations: (i) X is required to be bounded, and (ii) the requirement that 0 p ( X i ) and 6/= - 1 otherwise• In the special case when n~ = 1, for all i, this estimator reduces to (41). If for all i#j, X~(X'X)-Ix; = 0


then both, ~(1) and V, are unbiased• The estimator V is a jackknife estimator since it can be written as (48)

V = ( X ' X ) -~ ~ , a , X ; X , ( X ' X ) -~ ,

where "' a/=E


(1 -

w.j) 2x q,X ,x ( p ^ - f i ( , ) ) ( { 3 ( n i -- m i ) ( x , xp, )

p(q))'x 'Xx,


The main difference between V and Vj(1) is that V uses a common weight t m i ) for all xqxq, j = 1, 2 , . . . , hi, thus pooling information, whereas

r;ri/(n i -


variance estimation and bias reduction



Vjo ) assigns different weights to each xi/xi:. This is best illustrated in the following examples. EXAMPLE 4.2. Let Y4mxl=X4mx3~3xl


+ E4mxl t



be a linear model with X = [ X ~ X 2 X 3 X4], where X 1 = [ l m X 1 0 m × I 0m×l], X2=X3=[Om×I 1,,×1 0re×l] and X4=[0m× 1 0m× , lm×a]. Let e be normally distributed with mean vector 0 and covariance matrix given

by V(e)=



2 0


212m × 2m




The parameter of interest is 2 0-1



2 2 0-1 + 0-2


v(t~) =






2 0" 2



where ~ is the OLSE of/~. Let m

3m ,



S1 =



(~-- ;~)2 ~


•4m i=3m+l m






$21 =



?2) 2 ,




2 $22







s 32 =








Then 2 S1

m ( m - 1) Vj(1) =

0 0

0 2 2 $21 -[- $22

2 m ( m - 1)



0 2 S3

m(m 1). -


S . D . Peddada


s 2, + ,221 2m(m






2 2 2 2 S I -t- $21 -}- $22 q- S 3 2m(m






2 2 $22 -'}-S 3





While V uses the information that 0-21 is a common variance of I11, I12. . . . , Yim and 0-22 is the common variance Y2m+l, Y2m+2," • • , Y4,~, Vj(1) fails to do so. Since the parameter as well as the estimators are diagonal matrices it is therefore reasonable to define the MSE of the two estimators as the sum of the MSE of the diagonal elements. Performing routine calculations we find MSE(Vj(1)) _

16m 2 - 18m + 5 1 2m2( 2m _ 1) 2 (0-14 + 0-4) q_ 4m2( 2m _ 1) 2 (0-2 + 0-2)2

and 17 29 MSE(V) - 16m2(m _ 1) (0-4 + o_42)+ 256m2( m _ 1) 2 (0-~ + 0-~)2. Extensive numerical calculations were performed using the above exact expressions. The numerical computations reveal that for all m/> 2, MSE(V) MSE(VjO)) ~ 0, i = 1 . . . . . n. F i t t i n g this e q u a t i o n to t h e d a t a yields t h e e m p i r i c a l r e g r e s s i o n e q u a t i o n : F i t P u l s e = 102.4 - 0 . 1 8 W e i g h t . T h e g r a p h ( F i g u r e 2.1) o f t h e visual m o d e l s ( W e i g h t , Pulse) an d ( W e i g h t , Fi t P u l s e) uses s y m b o l s to r e p r e s e n t ( W e i g h t , Pulse) a n d a line to c o n n e c t ( W e i g h t , FitPulse).


D . A . Burn

Relation between Pulse and Weight o

100 - -

o 90--




















0 0


o 0




















Weight (Ibs) Fitted




FitPulse = 102.4 - 0.18Weight



o f a n a n a l y t i c a l m o d e l as a v i s u a l m o d e l .

In this case, the visual and analytical models are two-dimensional. When the number of variables (data dimension) exceeds the number of coordinate directions (visual dimension) we must look for alternative ways to display the data. The methods of juxtaposition and superposition provide alternative approaches to arranging multiple visual models in the same graph. The method of juxtaposition consists of placing multiple visual models in a Relation between Pulse and Weight By


Weight (Ibs)

100 go 80 70 60 50











I o












100 m

90 80 70 60 50




o o









o o

o o



















Weight (Ibs) Fig.


Juxtaposition of multiple visual models.


Designing effective statistical graphs


one- or two-dimensional array in the same graph. For example, Figure 2.2 juxtaposes the visual models (Weight, PulseF) and (Weight, PulseM). The points for each model correspond to Female and Male groups and are identified by their placement in separate regions. The method of superposition consists of placing multiple visual models on top of one another in the same graph. For example, Figure 2.3 superposes the visual models (Weight, PulseF) and (Weight, PulseM). The points for each model correspond to Female and Male groups and are identified by different types of symbols. 2.3. Selecting a scale

The scale of a variable is equivalent to a ruler along which values of a variable are positioned. For a quantitative variable, the scale functions as a typical measuring ruler. For a qualitative variable, the scale assigns positions to the distinct values of the variable. Usually these distinct values are equally spaced on the scale, see Figure 2.4. The extremes of a scale are the minimum and m a x i m u m values of the scale. Usually, the minimum (maximum) value of the scale is less than or equal to (greater than an equal to) the minimum (maximum) value of the variable on the scale. The transformation of a scale refers to a function of the values of a variable, such as linear, logarithm, and exponential. This usually applies to a quantitative variable.

Relotion between Pulse ond Weight By Sex I

0 Fernole I I





x Mole I

100 -o Xx














x X





























Weight (Ibs)

Fig. 2.3. S u p e r p o s i t i o n of multiple visual models.


D. A. Burn


The order of a scale is defined as the relative positioning of values on the scale. For a quantitative variable, order refers to the direction of increasing or decreasing magnitude of the values of the variable. For a qualitative variable, order refers to the specific arrangement of the distinct values of the qualitative Relation between

P u l s e a n d Case By Sex

o Female

x Male





I ...................................................................................


x ........


e '[



....... i; ........................................





"T ........ r T ................... r - r .





Q 60




-,-.,-i ...... N T


................ 1.,..!,. ¥I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 1011 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8

I I I i i i i I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Case Number

Quantitative scale for Pulse (y-axis)

Qualitative scale for Case (x-axis)

Quantitative and qualitative

Fig. 2.4. Relation



P u l s e a n d C a s e By Sex

o Female

x Male

100 ..g ................................................................................................................................ :,,


90 .......

""( )'"~ ~'": :...................................................................................................... e



-E ~ 80 ................................. ~.---+........................................................................................ -





70 -5 o_



..... ...................lit I











3 6 2 3 2 6 1 1121 4 7 18 2

IlttiTitiiiiiiii I









Case Number Quantitative scale for Pulse (y-axis) Qualitative scale for Case (x-axls) using Pareto order based on Pulse Fig. 2.5.








15 28 14 19 22 27 13 16 10 12 5 20 25 24 17 9

Order of

a scale.

Designing effective statistical graphs


variable. Some possible orders of a qualitative scale are alphabetical, rank, and Pareto (Figure 2.5).

2.4. Building a frame Since a graph is an integral part of data analysis, the elements of a graph (Figure 2.6) should provide a clear and accurate description of the data and facilitate comparison of the data. Information regarding the content, purpose, and use of the graph should be included on the graph itself. We can think of a graph in terms of three regions: figure, data, and legend. The figure region encompasses all the elements of a graph. The data region corresponds to the Cartesian coordinate system where data are placed. The legend region contains a description of how data are represented. A frame consists of lines and labels used to identify the scale of variables and to place points in the data region. An axis line identifies a scale direction and an axis label gives the name of that scale. A tick line identifies a position in a scale direction and a tick label gives the value of that position. An axis line and axis label with a set of tick lines and tick labels provides a ruler for the scale of a variable. A reference line extends across the data region and identifies aposition in a scale direction and a reference label describes the significance of the reference position. A grid line is a special case of a reference line at a tick position. The title and footnote of a graph give a text description of such things as the TIFLE

Comparison of Average Monthly Temperature for Atlanta, New York, and San Diego

ll#Ugg RE#lOll

J [ :zczllglg lctgll


o Atlanta




i + New York


~ CL



Marathon High

50 .................


f gr"I " llL'o '



I - A I I ~ LINg





I d






l - I S I S ~AB£L

Source: Temperature Data

Fig. 2.6. E l e m e n t s of a g r a p h .

I 0


l I z-rlez uRr D z-rlel L,~rL


D . A . Burn

Table 2.3 Basic drawing objects: symbol, line, area, and text.


















t y p e








size fill type


fill color edge type



black [

edge color edge size



wNte I


black I

red I

. . . . . . .

wN~ I



red I



















variables, the relation between variables, and the source of the data. Additional annotation can be added to describe important features of a graph.

2.5. Representing data Data in a visual model refers to points in Cartesian space. We represent data by selecting one or more data objects (like symbols and lines) and assigning attributes (like type and color) to identify characteristics of the data. The basic drawing objects are outlined in Table 2.3. The basic data objects, which are composed of these drawing objects, are illustrated in Figure 2.7.



'It is curious that, despite their importance, we know very little about how graphs and charts are processed. We do not know

Designing effective statistical graphs







0 0










0 0000





0 0






ii.-,llllm--nf I












Fig. 2.7. Basic data objects: symbol, connection line, projection line, area, and bar.

much about the perceptual, psychophysical, and cognitive processes that are invoked during the examination of a graph. We do not know if people remember information better when they examine one kind of graph as opposed to another. We often rely on intuition to guide us in deciding whether a graph is good or bad, and we do not know how damaging "bad" graphs are.' Stephan Lewandowsky and Ian Spence, The Perception of Statistical Graphs (1989). The essence of an effective graph is clear communication of information. Although the 'perceptual, psychophysical, and cognitive processes' we use to interpret a graph are not fully understood, we can still follow some basic principles or rules for designing an effective graph. These principles are, in part, based on the work of Tufte (1983, 1990) and Cleveland (1985). And also, a bit of intuition. In particular, we consider the following principles which emphasize, or accent, the effectiveness of a graph for describing and comparing data: Apprehension, Clarity, Consistency, Efficiency, Necessity, Truthfulness. We can apply these principles throughout the process of making a graph by


D.A. Burn

asking ourselves simple questions about how well the graph design satisfies each principle.

3.1. Apprehension The principle of apprehension concerns the ability to correctly perceive or comprehend relations between variables. We should ask questions like the following: Does the graph enable apprehension of relations between variables? Do the elements of the graph interact to maximize our perception of the relations between variables? When we look at a graph, we make visual comparisons between the different elements of the graph. Often, the choice of layout, scale, frame, and data can simplify the task of decoding the visual information. For example, superposition and juxtaposition provide ways to layout a graph to allow for comparisons between many variables on common scales. For a discussion of graphical perception, see Cleveland (1985) and Lewandowsky and Spence (1989).

3.2. Clarity The principle of clarity concerns the ability to visually distinguish all the elements of a graph. We should ask questions like the following: Are the elements of the graph clearly distinguishable? Are the most important elements of the graph visually prominent? When we emphasize the signal and eliminate the noise in a picture, we provide the opportunity to see what is important without being distracted by what is not important, Cleveland (1985) refers to this as 'clear vision' and 'clear understanding' and discusses a number of guidelines with examples. Tufte (1983) discusses this issue using a variety of terms including 'data-ink' and 'chart junk'.

3.3. Consistency The principle of consistency concerns the ability to interpret a graph based on its similarity to previous graphs. We should ask questions like the following: Are the elements of the graph consistent with their use in previous graphs? Are there new elements of the graph that require additional description? In The Handbook of Technical Writing, Form and Style, Lee, Stephenson, Anderson and Lee (1990, p. 308) remark: 'The use of appropriate graphics makes mathematical or conceptual relationships easier to understand. Combined with explanatory text, they can clarify a point or concept better than hundreds of words of text.' The elements of a graph correspond to 'words' in visual paragraphs, and must be defined and used consistently in all of our graphs. Otherwise, every graph requires knowledge of a different vocabulary, making the task of understanding a graph more difficult and time consuming.

Designing effective statisticalgraphs


3.4. Efficiency The principle of efficiency concerns the ability of a graph to describe a complex relation in the data in as simple a way as possible. We should ask questions like the following: Are the elements of the graph efficient in representing the data? Are there elements of the graph which can serve more than one purpose? A graph is efficient when it effectively uses the smallest set of graph elements to communicate information. In The Elements of Programming Style, Kernighan and Plauger (1978, p. 123) give the following cautionary note that applies equally well to making graphs: 'Efficiency does not have to be sacrificed in the interest of writing readable code - rather, writing readable code is often the only way to ensure efficient programs that are easy to maintain and modify.' Likewise, an efficiently designed graph must be easy to interpret, and will probably be easy to improve.

3.5. Necessity The principle of necessity concerns the need for a graph or for certain elements of a graph to represent data. We should ask questions like the following: Is the graph a useful way to represent these data? Is each element of the graph useful? Sometimes a graph may not be the best way or even an appropriate way to get a message across. Often statistical summaries of a quantitative variable can be better expressed in tabular form. Or, if a graph seems appropriate, some graph elements may not be necessary. As Strunk and White (1979, p. xiv) state: 'A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.' In other words, be concise.

3.6. Truthfulness The principle of truthfulness concerns the ability to determine the true value of any point on a graph by its position relative to the scale. We should a s k questions like the following: Are the data accurately positioned in the data region? Does the scale apply to all the data in the scale direction? Since a fundamental goal of a statistical graph is to provide an honest representation of the data, a graph must accurately display the data in a well-defined coordinate system. In How to Lie with Statistics, Huff (1954, p. 82) says: 'There are often many ways of expressing any figure. The method is to choose the one that sounds best for the purpose at hand and trust that few who read it will recognize how imperfectly it reflects the situation.' Indeed, if a statistical graph is to be useful, first and foremost, it must be accurate.


D. A. Burn

4. Guidelines 'The real point of graphic design, which comprises both pictures and text, is clear communication. Graphics are not merely cosmetic. When they are clear and consistent, they contribute greatly to ease of learning, communication, and understanding. The success of graphic design is measured in terms of the user's satisfaction and success in understanding the interface.'

Apple Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface (1987).

Table 4.1 Accident Data. Values of the variables Age (of driver), Sex (of driver), Casualty, and Accident. The variable Accident consists of the number of accidents per 100 million miles of exposure for drivers of private vehicles and the variable Casualty indicates whether or not a casualty was involved in an accident Case

Age qualitative

Sex qualitative

Casualty qualitative

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Female Female Female Female Female Female Female

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

718 374 219 150 228 225 225

8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Male Male Male Male Male Male Male

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

1436 782 327 232 181 157 158

15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Female Female Female Female Female Female Female

No No No No No No No

1510 851 641 422 602 618 443

22 23 24 25 26 27 28


Male Male Male Male Male Male Male

No No No No No No No

2794 1939 949 721 574 422 436

Source: Ryan, Joiner and Ryan (1985, p. 65).

Accident quantitative

Designing effective statistical graphs


In this section, we outline some guidelines and use the Accident Data (Table 4.1) to illustrate how the principles of apprehension, clarity, consistency, efficiency, necessity, and truthfulness apply to the process of making effective graphs. These guidelines 'point the way and survey the road, rather than remove the obstacles' (Chicago Manual of Style, 1982, p. viii). They are not a complete set of rigid directions, but a preliminary set of suggestions for how to accent graphical displays of data.

4.1. Organizing data Make sure there are enough cases and/or variables to warrant making a graph. Create new variables from existing variables for groups defined by combinations of existing qualitative variables (Table 4.2). Create new variables from functions of existing variables (Table 4.3 and 4.4).

Table 4.2

Accident D a t a - by Sex and Casualty. The distinct combinations of the variables Sex and Casualty define the variables CasF (casualty accidents involving female drivers), CasM (casualty accidents involving male drivers), NoCasF (non-casualty accidents involving female drivers), and NoCasM (non-casualty accidents involving male drivers) Case

Age qualitative

CaF quantitative

CasM quantitative

NoCasF quantitative

NoCasM quantitative

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

= 60 Age Fig. 4.1. Graph of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, CasM) for the Accident Data - by Sex and Casualty using juxtaposition with a common x-scale and common y-scale.

Designing effective statistical graphs


Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex 0 Female

x Male

1500 -


1000 -



500 -

B E 2





0 -< 20 20-24 25-29 50-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60 Age Fig. 4.2. Graph of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, CasM) for the Accident Data - by Sex and Casualty using superposition with a common x-scale and common y-scale.

4.3. Selecting a scale

When juxtaposing or superposing visual models, use a common scale in the y-direction (x-direction) across a row (down a column) if the y-variables (x-variables) measure the same quantity and have similar range. Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex Age < 20 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60

500 no

= 60 Age Fig. 4.3. Graph of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, CasM) for the Accident Data - by Sex and Casualty using juxtaposition with a common x-scale and distinct y-scales.


D. A. Burn

Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex O Female 750

x Male






.'2_ ,"
= 60

Age o Female

x Male

Fig. 4.5. Graph of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, CasM) for the Accident Data - by Sex and Casualty using a common x-scale and a break in the y-scale.

Designing effective statistical graphs


Relation between Casualty Accidents end Age by Sex 0 Female

8 8

x Male


256 -


+ --6

128 -




"S (3





--5 : < 20





i 50-59

>= 60

Age Log (base 2) scale doubles for each tick increment

Fig. 4.6. G r a p h of the visual models (Age, LCasF) and (Age, L C a s M ) for t h e Accident D a t a - Log using superposition with a c o m m o n x-scale and c o m m o n y-scales.

Break a scale and juxtapose separate data regions to minimize white space in the middle of a scale (Figure 4.5). Transform a quantitative scale to reduce the range of the data a n d / o r to linearize the relation between variables (Figure 4.6). Order a qualitative scale to enable values on the scale to be easily located or to relate values on the scale to a function of a quantitative variable (Figure 4.7 and 4.8).

4.4. Building a frame Place axis lines, axis labels, tick lines, and tick labels outside of the data region to provide a clear view of the data. Use a title, footnote, and legend to describe what a graph is about, why it is important, and how to interpret it. Use the name of a variable or a meaningful description as an axis label to identity its scale direction. Use a reasonable number of tick lines to facilitate comparison of intermediate data values on a scale. Use grid lines to identify positions on a scale that need to be compared across the scale. Use a reference line and label to identify a value on a scale that needs to be compared across the scale. Use axis lines to show the difference between unit length when distinct scales


D. A . Burn

R e l o t i o n between P e r c e n t of CGsualty Accidents and Age For FemGle Drivers
















32 < 30 28 "8

§ 26 Q.


>= 60


< 20

20-24 40-49 50-59 30-39 25-29 Age

Age is ordered by decreasing value of Percent Casualty

Fig. 4.7. G r a p h of the visual model (Age, PctCasF) for the Accident D a t a - Percent using order on the x-scale based on Pareto (decreasing) order of the values of PctCasF.

R e l a t i o n between P e r c e n t of Casualty Accidents Gnd Age For Male Drivers















"~ ,32 -lo

< 30--

8, 2 8




26 --

g 24--


< 20

20-24 50-59 >= 60 25-29 50-.39 40-49 Age


Age is ordered by decreasing value of Percent Casualty

Fig. 4.8. G r a p h of the visual model (Age, PctCasM) for the Accident D a t a - Percent using order on the x-scale based on Pareto (decreasing) order of the values of PctCasM.

Designing effective statistical graphs


Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex

Age < 20 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60


750 I 500

6::: f



0 "S 1500 t 1000 Z


I Male

500 0 20 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60 Age

Length of y-axis on right-side of each data region represents 100 accidents Fig. 4.9. G r a p h of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, CasM) for the Accident D a t a - by Sex and Casualty using juxtaposition with a c o m m o n x-scale and distinct y-scales and a relative scale axis for each model.

Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex 0 Female

x Male -- 1500

750 -



-- 1000 ~.~ ~

< ~ 500 -



> 250 --




-- 500


'~ "; c Z




< 20 20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60 Age Length of y axis on each side of data regTonrepresents 100 accidents Fig. 4.10. G r a p h of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, C a s M ) for the Accident D a t a - by Sex and Casualty using superposition with a c o m m o n x-scale and distinct y-scales and a relative scale axis for each model.


D . A . Burn

Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex Age < 20

20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60


1500 I 1000
= 60 Age

Y-axis on right side of each data region represents range

Fig. 4.11. Graph of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, CasM) for the Accident D a t a - by Sex and Casualty using juxtaposition with a common x-scale and distinct y-scale and a range axis for each model.

Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex o Female 1500

x Male


8 1000



"s 500 o

< 20

20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60 Age

Y-axis on left (right) side of data region represents female (male) range

Fig. 4.12. Graph of the visual models (Age, CasF) and (Age, CasM) for the Accident Data - by Sex and Casualty using superposition with a common x-scale and distinct y-scales and a range axis for each model.

Designing effective statistical graphs


are used for either juxtaposed or superposed visual models (Figures 4.9 and 4.10). Use axis lines, tick lines, and tick labels to identify the minimum and maximum positions on a scale (Figures 4.11 and 4.12). Use tick lines to identify the data positions on a scale to see a marginal distribution.

4.5. Representing data Select data objects that emphasize the relation between variables: use symbols to show location or dispersion, use connection lines to show pattern or trend, use projection lines to show location, pattern, or trend, use fill areas to show pattern or trend, use bars to show a value or a range of values. Differentiate groups in the data by assigning attributes to groups: use type to encode qualitative variables, use color to encode qualitative or quantitative variables, use size to encode qualitative or quantitative variable (see Figures 4.13 and 4.14). Differentiate groups in the data by nesting a qualitative scale within another qualitative scale (Figures 4.15 and 4.16). If color is used to encode a qualitative variable, encode the same information via another attribute to ensure interpretability (for color blind individuals) and reproducibility (for black-and-white displays). Identify important relations on the graph itself (Figures 4.17-4.19). R e l a t i o n between P e r c e n t of Cosuolty Accidents and Age by Sex 0 Female

x Male



32 q~

< 30 -











24-< 20

20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60 Age

Fig. 4.13. Graph of the visual models (Age, PctCasF) and (Age, PctCasM) for the Accident D a t a - Percent using superposition with symbols corresponding to each model.

D. A . Burn





of Casualty


x Mole

o Female


32 - -



a n d Age by Sex













"*: 30 - -



28 -



26 --


24 - < 20









>= 60


Fig. 4.14. Graph of the visual models (Age, PctCasF) and (Age, PctCasM) for the Accident D a t a - Percent using superposition with symbols and connection lines corresponding to each model.




of Casualty


0 Female

a n d Age by Sex

x Male


< 30 ~ 28 ~S


26 -

g 24< 20




,30-39 4 0 - 4 9


>= 60


Fig. 4.15. Graph of the visual models (Age, PctCasF) and (Age, PctCasM) for the Accident D a t a - P e r c e n t using superposition Sex nested within Age on the x - a x i s with symbols and projection lines corresponding to each model.

Designing effective statistical graphs


Relation between Percent of Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex [ ] Female

• Male


m w

32 -


"~ 3 o -


~ 28 -




26 24I

< 20








20-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 >= 60 Age

Fig. 4.16. Graph of the visual models (Age, PctCasF) and (Age, PctCasM) for the Accident Data - Percent using superposition Sex nested within Age on the x-axis with bars corresponding to each model.

Relation between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex Age 18.0 22.5 27.5

34 32

~ x~


-~ < -~

28 26 24


34 32 30 28 26 24


~ ~

1" l

18.0 22.5 27.5





"f I







Age Grid positions for Age are midpointsof Age intervals

Fig. 4.17. Graph of the visual models (MidPtAge, PctCasF) and (MidPtAge, PctCasM) for the Accident Data using juxtaposition with a common x-scale and common y-scale and an important footnote.


D . A . Burn

R e l a t i o n between Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex Age 20






34 32 30 28




26 24 ,34 "5

32 30 Male

28 26 24 20






Age Grid positions for Age are cutpolnts of Age intervals

Fig. 4.18. Graph of the visual models (MidPtAge, PctCasF) and (MidPtAge, PctCasM) for the Accident Data using juxtaposition with a common x-scale and common y-scale and an important footnote.

R e l a t i o n between P e r c e n t of Casualty Accidents and Age by Sex

o Female

34-"6 32


x Male


Curiou~ Increase{


-8 )



"< :,.., 30 -a 28 -'S

~ 26 --

g 24-18.0 22.5 27.5





Age Grid positions for Age ore midpoints of Age intervals

Fig. 4.19. Graph of the visual models (MidPtAge, PctCasF) and (MidPtAge, PctCasM) for the Accident Data using superposition with a common x-scale and common y-scale and an important remark.

Designing effective statistical graphs


5. Summary 'The one thing that marks the true artist is a clear perception and a firm, bold hand, in distinction from that imperfect mental vision and uncertain touch which give us the feeble pictures and the lumpy statues of the mere artisans on canvas or in stone.' Oliver Wendell Holmes. The Professor at the Breakfast Table (1860). An effective statistical graph is a work of art and science. To make an effective statistical graph, we need to understand the art of graphic design and the science of statistics. The principles for designing an effective graph combine these two points of view. By applying these principles, we can make better, more informed decisions in how we represent data. A n d the resulting picture should be the more perfect 'mental vision' and the more 'certain touch' of a 'true artist'.

References Apple Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface (1987). Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Chambers, J. M., W. S. Cleveland, B. Kleiner and P. A. Tukey (1983). Graphical Methods for Data Analysis. Duxbury, Boston, MA. The Chicago Manual of Style (1982). 13th ed., Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. Cleveland, W. S. (1985). The Elements of Graphing Data. Wadsworth, Monterey, CA. Cleveland, W. S. and R. McGill (1988). Dynamic Graphics for Statistics. Wadsworth & Brooks/ Cole, Belmont, CA. Davy, Sir H. (1830). Consolations in Travel. J. Murray, London. Holmes, O. W. (1860). The Professor at the Breakfast Table. Ticknor and Fields, Boston, MA. Huff, D. (1954). How to Lie with Statistics. Norton, New York. Kernighan, B. W. and P. J. Plauger (1974). The Elements of Programming Style. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. Lee, M., G. Stephenson, M. Anderson and L. Lee (1990). The Handbook of Technical Writing, Form and Style. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, CA. Lewandowsky, S. and I. Spence (1989). The perception of statistical graphs. Sociol. Methods Res. 18, 200-242. Marriott, F. H. C. (1990). A Dictionary of Statistical Terms. 5th ed., Wiley, New York. Ryan, B. F., B. L. Joiner and T. A. Ryan, Jr. (1985). Minitab Handbook. 2nd ed., Duxbury Press, Boston, MA. Strunk, W. Jr and E. B. White (1979). The Elements of Style. 3rd ed., Macmillan, New York. Tufte, E. R. (1983). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT. Tufte, E. R. (1990). Envisioning Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT.

C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 t~) 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

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Graphical Methods for Linear Models

Ali S. Hadi

1. I n ~ o d u c f i o n

Graphical methods play an important role in data analysis in general and in fitting linear models to data in particular. As Chambers et al. (1983, p. 1) put it, 'There is no single statistical tool that is as powerful as a well-chosen graph'. Two points I try repeatedly to get across to my students whenever I teach linear models are: (a) usually, if not always, the first step in data analysis and model building is to plot the data, and (b) whenever one looks at a summary or test statistic one should always examine appropriate graphical displays that complement that statistic. It seems to me that these statements cannot be over-emphasized. Many students and clients still come to me with computer output and ask for help in interpreting the results. I always say: before we can interpret the results we should look at some graphical displays of the data. Statement (a) above regards graphical methods as exploratory tools, whereas statement (b) considers graphical methods as an integral part of confirmatory analysis or statistical inference. Huber (1991) says, 'Eye-bailing can give diagnostic insights no formal diagnostics will ever provide'. One of the best examples that illustrate this is the four data sets known as Anscombe's quartet. EXAMPLE 1 ( A n s c o m b e ' s quartet). The four data sets in Table 1 are constructed by Anscombe (1973) in such a way that all pairs (X, Y) have equal descriptive statistics (same correlations, same regression lines, etc.), yet their pairwise scatter plots (Figure 1) give completely different scatters. Whenever possible, the form of a model that represents the relationship between Y and X should be chosen based on a theoretical background or a hypothesis to be tested. But if we have no prior information about the form of the model, the data may be used to suggest the model. For example, the scatter plot in Figure l(a) indicates that a linear model may be reasonable, whereas the one in Figure l(b) suggests a (possibly linearizable) nonlinear model. Figure 1(c) shows that the data follow a linear model closely except for one point which is clearly far from the line. This point may be an outlier, hence it should be examined 775

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Table 1 Anscombe's quartet. Four pairs (X, Y) of artificial data generated in such a way that all pairs have equal pairwise descriptive statistics (same correlations, same regression lines, etc.), yet their pairwise scatter plots (Figure 1) give completely different scatters (a)












10 8 13 9 11 14 6 4 12 7 5

8.04 6.95 7.58 8.81 8.33 9.96 7.24 4.26 10.84 4.82 5.68

10 8 13 9 11 14 6 4 12 7 5

9.14 8.14 8.74 8.77 9.26 8.1 6.13 3.1 9.13 7.26 4.74

10 8 13 9 11 14 6 4 12 7 5

7.46 6.77 12.74 7.11 7.81 8.84 6.08 5.39 8.15 6.42 5.73

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 19 8 8 8

6.58 5.76 7.71 8.84 8.47 7.04 5.25 12.5 5.56 7.91 6.89

before conclusions can b e d r a w n from the data. F i g u r e l ( d ) i n d i c a t e s e i t h e r a deficient design or a b a d sample. F o r the p o i n t at X = 19, o n e can verify t h a t (a) the residual at this p o i n t is always zero (with a v a r i a n c e of zero) n o m a t t e r how large or small its c o r r e s p o n d i n g v a l u e of Y a n d (b) if the p o i n t is r e m o v e d , the least squares estimates b a s e d o n the r e m a i n i n g p o i n t s are n o l o n g e r u n i q u e . O b s e r v a t i o n s which u n d u l y influence r e g r e s s i o n results are called influential o b s e r v a t i o n s . T h e p o i n t at X = 19 is t h e r e f o r e e x t r e m e l y influential.











Fig. 1. Scatter plots of Anscombe's data. The lines drawn are the least-squares regression of Y on X.

Graphical methods for linear models


We used the scatter plots here as exploratory tools, but one can also use graphical methods to complement numerical methods in a confirmatory analysis. For example, suppose we wish to test for a positive correlation between Y and X or, equivalently, for a positively sloped regression line. The correlation coefficients are the same in the four data sets (r = 0.80) and all four data sets also give the same regression line ( Y = 3 + 0.5X). Thus, based on these numerical summaries, one would reach the same conclusion in all four data sets. But, of course the underlying assumption here is that the relationship between Y and X is linear. This assumption does not hold, for example, for the data set in Figure l(b), hence the test is invalid. Like the test for linear relationships, other statistical methods are based on certain underlying assumptions. Thus conclusions based on these methods are valid only when the underlying assumptions hold. Graphical displays help analysts in the verification of assumptions. In that sense, they are an integral part of confirmatory analysis. It is clear from Example 1 that if analyses are solely based on numerical results, incorrect conclusions may easily be reached. This chapter discusses a collection of graphical displays that are useful in linear models. Most of these graphs are readily available in today's statistical packages, so the focus here is not on how the graph is constructed but rather on (a) what to graph, (b) which graph, (c) how to interpret a graph, and (d) what information can be extracted from a graph. We use artificial as well as real data to illustrate various concepts. Space limitations prevent us from carrying out complete analyses of the data. Graphical methods can be useful in many ways. For example, they can be used to: • detect errors in the data (e.g., an apparent outlying point may be a result of a typographical error), • discover patterns in the data (e.g., clusters, outliers, gaps, etc.), • explore relationships among variables, • confirm or negate assumptions, • assess the adequacy of a fitted model, and • suggest remedial actions (e.g., transform the data, redesign the experiment, collect more data, etc.). Section 2 introduces the standard linear model and describes the iterative nature of the regression process. The graphical displays we discuss here can be classified into two (not mutually exclusive) classes: • Graphs before fitting a model (Section 3), which are useful, for example, in correcting errors in data and in selecting a model. • Graphs after fitting a model (Section 4), which are useful, for example, in validating assumptions and in assessing the goodness of fit. A summary and concluding remarks are given in Section 5. Generally speaking, before looking at a graph, we should first ask ourselves: 'What do we expect the graph to look like?' We then graph the data and compare what we see to what we had expected to see. Based on this comparison, we will be able to either confirm or disprove the expected.


A. S. Hadi

2. The standard linear model

2.1. Definition We consider the standard linear model Y =XI8 + e ,


where ¥ is an n-vector of responses, X is an n × k matrix representing k explanatory variables with rank k < n , / 3 is a k-vector of unknown parameters, and E is an n-vector of random disturbances whose conditional mean and variance are given by E(e I X ) = 0 and Var(e I X ) = 0"21n, where 002 is an unknown parameter and I, is the identity matrix of order n. The least squares estimate of /3 is /~ = (XvX)-IXTY. The vector of fitted values is given by

Y = X/~ =PY ,


P = X(XTX)-'X T



is the projection matrix onto the column space of X (P is also known as the hat or prediction matrix). An unbiased estimate of 0°2 is 6. 2 = eVe/(n - k ) , where e = Y -

Y = (I n - P)Y


is the ordinary residual vector.

2.2. Assumptions In addition to the linearity assumption implied by model (2.1), the least squares results and the statistical analysis based on them require the following assumptions: • e i does not depend on x,a" (the i-th row of X), i = 1, 2 , . . . , n,


• e -- N,(0, o'21,),


• the columns of X are linearly independent,


• X is a nonrandom matrix measured without errors,


• all observations have an equal role in determining the least squares results and in influencing conclusions.


It is imperative to check the validity of these assumptions before drawing conclusions from an analysis.

Graphical methods for linear models


2.3. The iterative nature of the regression process Regression analysis can be viewed as a set of data analytic techniques used to study the complex interrelationships that may exist among variables in a given environment. Thus, regression analysis is a dynamic iterative process; one in which an analyst starts with a model and a set of assumptions and modifies them in the light of data as the analysis proceeds. Several iterations may be necessary before one arrives at a model that fits the observed data satisfactorily. A schematic outline of this process can be found in Chapter 1 of Chatterjee and Hadi (1988). The graphical displays we discuss in Section 3 (Graphs before fitting a model) and Section 4 (Graphs after fitting a model) should be viewed as part of this iterative process.

3. Graphs before fitting a m o d e l

The data should be examined thoroughly before a model is fitted. The graphs that one examines before fitting a model to the data serve as an exploratory tool. In this section we group these graphs into the following four (not mutually exclusive) categories: • one-dimensional graphs, • two-dimensional graphs, • rotating plots, and • dynamic graphs.

3.1. One-dimensional graphs Data analysis usually begins with examining each variable in isolation of the other variables. The purpose is to have a general idea about the distribution of each individual variable. One of the following graphs may be examined for each variable in the data set: • histogram, • stem-and-leaf display, • dot plot, • box plot. What do we expect these graphs to look like? No distributional assumptions about the X-variables have been made, nevertheless, these graphs may help in discovering typographical errors in the data or in the detection of unexpected patterns. For example, a graph of a categorical variable may show (as a result of an error in the data) more categories than what the variable should have. The graph may also show that one or more categories contain a single (or very few) observations which may be an indication of either a bad design or a bad sample. For the Y-variable, model (2.1) together with assumptions (2.5b) and (2.5d) T imply that Yi (x i/3, o-2), i = 1 , . . . , n. Thus, unless the rows of X are the


A. S. Hadi

same, the Yi are not identically distributed. So, technically speaking, it only makes sense to look, for example, at a histogram of the yi that share the same design point (the so called replicates). Notwithstanding this technicality, a univariate graph of the entire vector ¥ may still have some value.

3.2. Two-dimensional graphs Ideally, when we have multidimensional data, we should examine a graph of the same dimensions. Obviously, this is feasible only when the number of variables is small. In Section 3.3, we discuss some multidimensional graphs. Here, we take the variables in pairs and we look at the scatter plots of each variable versus each other variable in the data set. The purposes of these scatter plots are to explore the relationships between each pair of variables and to identify general patterns and subgroups. What do we expect each of these scatter plots to look like? By assumption (2.5c), the columns of X are linearly independent, thus in the scatter plot of any pair of the X-variables we should n o t see any linear pattern (ideally, we should see no discernible pattern, linear or otherwise). We should caution here that the absence of linear relationships in these scatter plots does not imply that the entire set of the X-variables are linearly independent. The linear relationship may involve more than two X-variables and all pairwise scatter plots may fail to detect such a multivariate relationship (this is the so called multicollinearity problem). For a complete discussion of the collinearity problem, see Belsley (1991). In simple regression, the plot of ¥ vs. X is expected to show a linear pattern. In multiple regression, however, the scatter plots of ¥ vs. each X-variable may or may not show linear patterns. While the presence of a linear pattern is reassuring, the absence of such a pattern does not imply that model (2.1) is incorrect. The data set in Example 3 below illustrates such a case. The scatter plots that should look linear are the plots of Y vs. each X-variable after adjusting for all other X-variables (that is, taking out the linear effects of all the other X-variables). These plots, known as the added variable plots, are presented in Section 4. When the number of variables is small, it may be possible to arrange these pairwise scatter plots in a matrix format, sometimes referred to as the draftsman's matrix or the plot matrix. The pairwise correlation coefficients should always be interpreted in conjunction with the corresponding plot matrix. The reason for this is two-fold: (a) the correlation coefficient measures only linear relationships, and (b) the correlation coefficient is nonrobust, hence its value can be substantially influenced by a few observations in the data. Observations that have a substantial influence on the correlation coefficient (or more generally on the collinearity structure of the data) are known as collinearity-influential observations. Methods for the detection of collinearity influential observations are presented in Hadi (1988), Hadi and Velleman

Graphical methods for linear models


(1987), and Hadi and Wells (1990). Here is an example of two-dimensional graphs. EXAMPLE 2 (Demographic data). This data set in Table 2 is taken from Gunst and Mason (1980, Appendix A) and consists of the following demographic variables on 49 countries: GNP = gross national product per capita, 1957 US dollars, INFD = infant deaths per 1000 live births, PHYS = number of inhabitants per physician, DENS = population density per square kilometer, AGDS = population per 1000 hectares of agricultural land, LIT = percentage literate of population aged 15 years and older, HIED = number of students enrolled in higher education per 100000 population. The pairwise correlation coefficients and the plot matrix for this data set are shown in Table 3 and Figure 2, respectively. Because of symmetry, only the upper-triangular portion of the matrix is shown here. Each of the plots in the plot matrix represents a scatter plot of one variable versus the other. Each of the correlation coefficients in Table 3 is a numerical summary of a corresponding scatter plot in the plot matrix, hence Table 3 can be thought of as a numeric summary of the plot matrix. The correlation coefficients should be interpreted in light of the corresponding scatter plots in Figure 2. It should be noted here that of all the plots in Figure 2, the plot of PHYS vs. LIT is the only plot that: (a) resembles linear relation and (b) contains no outliers. An examination of the scatter plots of GNP (the dependent variable) vs. other explanatory variables, shows the following: • none of these scatter plots look linear, • some points are separated from the bulk of other points in the plot, e.g., the United States in the plot of GNP vs. HIED and two countries (Hong Kong and Singapore) in the plot of GNP vs. DENS and in the plot GNP vs. AGDS. Similar conclusions can be drawn from the scatter plots for the explanatory variables. At this point a transformation may be necessary to achieve linearity. Let us take, for example, the natural logarithm of GNP. The scatter plots of ln(GNP) vs. other variables are shown in Figure 3. It appears that this transformation has improved linearity to some extent. Indeed, the results of the regression of GNP and ln(GNP) on all variables (Table 4) are reassuring. (The last column of Table 4 is for a later discussion.) This transformation has resulted in an improved fit. This model, however, can be improved even further (for example, three of the variables have insignificant regression coefficients). Thus, the analysis so far is incomplete and decisions have to be made, for example, to:

• keep the variables in the model despite their insignificant t-values (this may


A. S. Hadi

Table 2 Demographic data Country








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

19.5 37.5 60.4 35.4 67.1 45.1 27.3 127.9 78.9 29.9 31.0 23.7 76.3 21.0 27.4 91.9 41.5 47.6 22.4 225.0 30.5 48.7 58.7 37.7 31.5 68.9 38.3 69.5 77.7 16.5 22.8 71.7 20.2 54.8 74.7 77.5 52.4 75.7 32.3 43.5 16.6 21.1 30.5 45.4 24.1 26.4 35.0 33.8 100.0

860 695 3000 819 3900 740 900 1700 2600 1400 620 830 5400 1600 1014 6400 3300 650 840 5200 1000 746 4300 930 910 6400 980 4500 1700 900 700 2800 946 3200 1100 1394 2200 788 2400 1000 1089 765 1500 2300 935 780 578 798 1637

1 84 548 301 3 72 2 11 24 62 108 107 127 13 83 36 3082 108 2 138 40 164 143 254 123 54 1041 352 18 346 9 10 11 15 96 100 271 78 2904 61 17 133 305 168 217 20 10 217 73

21 1720 7121 5257 192 1380 257 1164 948 1042 1821 1434 1497 1512 1288 1365 98143 1370 79 2279 598 2323 3410 7563 2286 2980 8050 4711 296 4855 170 824 3420 838 1411 1087 4030 1248 108214 1347 1705 2320 10446 4383 2677 399 339 3631 1215

98.5 98.5 91.1 96.7 74.0 85.0 97.5 80.1 79.4 60.5 97.5 98.5 39.4 98.5 96.4 29.4 57.5 97.5 98.5 19.3 98.5 87.5 77.0 98.0 96.5 38.4 57.6 51.8 50.0 98.5 98.5 38.4 98.5 65.7 95.0 55.9 81.0 89.0 50.0 87.0 98.5 98.5 54.0 73.8 98.5 98.0 95.0 98.5 77.0

856 546 24 536 27 456 645 257 326 78 398 570 89 529 667 135 176 258 445 220 362 362 42 750 36 475 142 14 258 923 839 110 258 371 351 272 1192 226 437 258 401 398 329 61 460 1983 539 528 524

1316 670 200 1196 235 365 1947 379 357 467 680 1057 219 794 943 189 272 490 572 73 550 516 316 306 1388 356 377 225 262 836 1310 160 1130 329 475 224 563 360 400 293 1380 1428 161 423 1189 2577 600 927 265

Australia Austria Barbados Belgium British Guiana Bulgaria Canada Chile Costa Rica Cyprus Czechoslovakia Denmark El Salvador Finland France Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Luxembourg Malaya Malta Mauritius Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Norway Panama Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Trinidad United Kingdom United States USSR West Germany Yugoslavia

Graphical methods for linear models


Table 3 Pairwise correlation coefficients for the demographic data










-0.523 1.000

-0.486 0.568 1.000

-0.173 -0.090 0.121 1.000

-0.148 -0.090 0.131 0.972 1.000

0.604 -0.628 -0.782 -0.256 -0.249 1.000

0.646 -0.314 -0.371 -0.101 -0.071 0.417 1.000


Fig. 2. Plot matrix for the demographic data.







Fig. 3. Scatter plots for In(GNP) vs. other variables in the demographic data.

occur, for example, if theoretical considerations require their presence, see also Section 4.2), • check for collinearity (the small t-values may be due to the presence of collinearity), • check for outliers a n d / o r influential observations (see Sections 4.3 and 4.4),


A . S. H a d i

Table 4 Regression results for GNP and In(GNP) for the demographic data Variable

Dependent variable GNP










31.191 -3.441 0.015 -0.173 0.003 6.312 0.690

0.07 -1.73 0.27 -0.46 0.28 1.49 4.15

5.160 -0.008 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.015 0.001

9.65 -3.31 0.25 -0.61 0.48 2.99 3.17

5.251 -0.008

13.40 -3.34

-0.000 0.000 0.014 0.001

-0.65 0.52 3.67 3.19

Adjusted R z




• transform some of the explanatory variables, a n d / o r • choose a different transformation of GNP, etc.

3.3. Rotating plots Recent advances in computer hardware and software have made it possible to plot data of three or more dimensions. The simplest of these plots is the three-dimensional rotating plot. The rotating plot is a scatter plot of three variables in which the points can be rotated in various directions so that the three-dimensional structure becomes apparent. Describing rotating plots in words does not do them justice. The real power of rotation can be felt only Table 5 Hamilton's data. An artificial data generated in such a way that Y depends on X 1 and X2 collectively but not individually X1



2.23 2.57 3.87 3.10 3.39 2.83 3.02 2.14 3.04 3.26 3.39 2.35 2.76 3.90 3.16

9.66 8.94 4.40 6.64 4.91 8.52 8.04 9.05 7.71 5.11 5.05 8.51 6.59 4.90 6.96

12.37 12.66 12.00 11.93 11.06 13.03 13.13 11.44 12.86 10.84 11.20 11.56 10.83 12.63 12.46

Graphical methods for linear models


when one watches a rotating plot in motion on the computer screen. The motion can be stopped when one sees an interesting view of the data. An illustration of the rotating plot is given in Example 3. One can also make two or more three-dimensional rotating plots then use dynamic graphical techniques (see Section 3.4) to explore the structure and relationships in more than three dimensions. EXAMPLE 3 (Hamilton's data). Hamilton (1987) generates sets of data in such a way that ¥ depends on the X-variables collectively but not individually. One such data set is given in Table 5. It can be seen from the plot matrix of this data (Figure 4) that no linear relationships exist in the plot of ¥ vs. X 1 2 (r2lxl = 0 ) and Y vs. X 2 (rrlx2 = 0.19). However, when Y is plotted against X 1 2 and X 2, the points fall in an almost perfect plane (Rylxl,x2 = 1.0). This can be seen from a three-dimensional scatter plot of Y vs. X 1 vs. X 2. When this plot is rotated one can see that points fall on a plane. The plot is rotated until an interesting direction is found. Figure 5 shows one such direction where the plane is viewed from an angle that makes points seem to fall on a straight line.

3.4. Dynamic graphical displays Dynamic graphics are an extraordinarily useful tool for exploring the structure and relationships in multivariate data. In a dynamic graphics environment, the data analyst can go beyond just looking at a static graph. The graphs can be manipulated and the changes can be seen instantaneously on the computer screen. In this section we merely give a simple example to illustrate a dynamic graph. Many articles have been written about the subject, and many statistical software programs include dynamical graphical tools (e.g., rotating, brushing, linking, etc.). We refer the interested reader, for example, to Becker, Cleveland and Wilks (1987) and Velleman (1991).



Fig. 4. Plot matrix for H a m i l t o n ' s data.


A. S. Hadi

Fig. 5. Rotating plot for Hamilton's data.

EXAMPLE 4 (Colleges data). U.S. News & World Report (September 30, 1991) ranked the top 204 national, non-liberal-arts colleges into four quartiles. The colleges were arranged alphabetically once assigned to a quartile. The quartiles were assigned based on five factors: reputation, selectivity, faculty resources, financial resources, and student satisfaction. For illustrative purposes we consider only a subset of the many factors that were used to form the overall ranking system. A stratified random sample of 40 colleges were taken from the 204 colleges. This data set was analyzed by John Levinson (as a term paper while he was an undergraduate student in one of my applied regression methods classes). This subset of the data is given in Table 6. The variables considered are: R A N K = quartile of a school (4 = top quartile, 1 = bottom quartile), SAT -- average or midpoint Scholastic Aptitude Test score, TOP = percent of freshmen who were in the top 10% of their high school, A C P T = acceptance rate of the college, P H D = percent of faculty with a Ph.D., SFR = student to faculty ratio, SPND = total dollars spent per student by college. The first problem with these data is that the dependent variable R A N K is a categorical variable, hence it is not reasonable to assume normality in this case. Thus something has to be done first (e.g., transformation) before fitting a linear model to the data. Notwithstanding this problem, let us look at the plot matrix for these data (Figure 6). The plot matrix can, of course be examined as a static graph, but suppose we wish to know where the low-ranked colleges, for example, are on the scatter plots of the X-variables. This can be done by selecting the low-ranked colleges on one of the scatter plots in the top row of Figure 6 (scatter plot of R A N K vs. each of the X-variables). For example, if we select the low-ranked colleges in the scatter plot of R A N K vs. SAT, we would instantaneously see the points highlighted on all scatter plots as can be seen in Figure 7. For example, the low-ranked colleges are located in the lower

Graphical methods for linear models


Table 6 College data College








Boston College Cornell University Duke University Johns Hopkins University New York University Northwestern University TulaneUniversity University of California - Los Angeles University of Illinois- Urbana University of Texas - Austin ClarksonUniversity Howard University Miami University Ohio State University Rutgers State University- Newark Southern Methodist University University of California- Santa Barbara University of Maryland - College Park University of Miami University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus American University BaylorUniversity Catholic University of America Drake University Georgia State University Illinois Institute of Technology Northeastern University University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa University of Maryland - Baltimore University of Massachusetts - Amherst Ball State University Duquesne University IndianaState-TerreHaute Old Dominion University University of Maine - Orono University of North Carolina - Greensboro University of Northern Colorado University of Rhode Island University of Tulsa University of Wyoming

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1192 1280 1305 1315 1145 1245 1155 1130 1138 1095 1135 875 1140 975 935 1080 1075 1100 1080 1015 1123 1040 1049 1150 865 1025 945 960 1005 1020 898 975 810 950 990 960 895 960 1065 964

0.76 0.82 0.90 0.67 0.70 0.82 0.36 0.90 0.58 0.49 0.44 0.10 0.47 0.23 0.22 0.40 0.90 0.35 0.38 0.27 0.35 0.30 0.20 0.34 0.09 0.47 0.15 0.36 0.24 0.19 0.06 0.31 0.09 0.14 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.31 0.22

0.45 0.30 0.33 0.53 0.54 0.46 0.72 0.43 0.77 0.67 0.87 0.44 0.78 0.85 0.45 0.63 0.59 0.61 0.74 0.88 0.75 0.93 0.87 0.83 0.60 0.79 0.48 0.75 0.65 0.76 0.72 0.89 0.85 0.78 0.85 0.71 0.70 0.74 0.91 0.91

0.92 0.94 0.97 0.94 0.99 0.99 0.98 1.00 0.80 0.90 0.93 0.71 0.88 1.00 0.90 0.85 0.96 0.93 1.00 0.83 0.92 0.71 0.80 0.94 0.87 0.75 0.81 0.85 0.86 0.95 0.68 0.78 0.69 0.84 0.72 0.89 0.75 0.79 0.30 0.84

15 11 6 4 10 8 10 23 12 20 17 5 18 16 17 14 21 19 7 15 13 18 11 19 19 12 15 21 17 17 19 15 14 17 17 15 20 16 11 15

16853 43941 40229 74750 28419 35394 21036 28306 19438 11737 17219 30445 8837 15764 18912 17058 14555 15884 29636 21557 13678 8779 16144 10477 9938 15975 12106 9861 10075 12765 9862 10054 10307 7554 12456 7980 7381 12864 15321 13341

Source: U.S. News & World Report (September 30, 1991).

portion of the variables TOP and SAT but they are in the upper portion of the v a r i a b l e s A C P T a n d S F R , as e x p e c t e d . T h i s , i n e f f e c t , a d d s a t h i r d d i m e n s i o n to a two-dimensional scatter plot. The three-dimensional rotating plot can be extended in the same way. I should mention here that the use of color greatly enhances the visibility and power of dynamic graphs. If the low-ranked colleges


A , S. Hadi


Fig. 6. Plot matrix for the Colleges data.


Fig. 7. Plot matrix for the colleges data with low-ranked colleges highlighted.

Graphical methods for linear models


could be colored differently, they would be easier to see and follow, for example, in a rotating plot.

4. Graphs after fitting a model

The graphs before fitting a model to the data are useful in the model formulation step. The graphs after fitting a model to the data help in verifying the assumptions behind linear models and in assessing the adequacy of the fit of a given model. We present these graphs here under the following headings: • graphs for checking linearity and normality assumptions, • graphs for variable selection, • graphs for the detection of outliers and influential observations, and • recently proposed graphs.

4.1. Linearity and normality assumptions When the number of variables is small, the assumption of linearity can be checked by interactively and dynamically manipulating the plots discussed in the previous section. The task of checking the linearity assumption becomes difficult when the number of variables is large. However, one can further verify the linearity and normality assumptions by examining the residuals after fitting a given model to the data. Under the standard assumptions of Section 2.2, the variance of the residual vector e, defined in (2.4), is given by Var(e) = o-2(In - P ) , which shows that the variance of the i-th ordinary residual, e i, is Var(ei) = o-2(1 - P i i ) ,

i = 1,..., n,


and the correlation between e i and ej is -pq Corr(ei, ej) - ~ ( i - p , ) ( 1 - p;.j) '

i, j = 1 , . . . , n ,


where pq=xT(XTX) IXj is the /j-th element of P of (2.3). The p , are commonly referred to as the leverage values (Hoaglin and Welsch, 1978). For a discussion of the important role that the matrix P plays in linear regression and for a comprehensive account of its properties see Hadi (1986) or Chatterjee and Hadi (1988). It can be seen from (4.1) and (4.2) that the ordinary residuals are heteroscedastic and correlated and their joint distributions depend on X. This fact has greatly impeded their usefulness in checking the validity of the above assumptions. Several attempts have been made to transform the set of ordinary residuals to a set of residuals which are homoscedastic. Two examples of such attempts


A . S. H a d i

are the following: ei


ri - 6-~/1 - p ,



./n-k-1 ri~l . . . .

r~ - ~,)~/1 - P , i

-2 ,

V n - k - r,

i= 1,...,n,


where 00(i) ^ 2 is the residual mean square estimate of 0 °2 obtained with the i-th observation omitted. These sets of residuals are usually called internally s t u d e n t i z e d and externally s t u d e n t i z e d residuals, respectively. As can be seen from (4.3), r* is a monotone transformation of ri, hence they are graphically equivalent. The studentized residuals are ~ased graphically for the detection of outliers and their maximum absolute value is used for testing for the presence of a single outlier in the data. Several plots of the studentized residuals can be used to verify the linearity and normality assumptions, for example: (1) Scatter plots of the studentized residual vs. each X-variable: U n d e r the standard assumptions, the vector of residuals is orthogonal to each X-variable. Thus, if the assumptions hold, this plot should appear as a random scatter of points. Any discernible pattern in this plot may indicate violation of some assumptions. For example, if the linearity assumption does not hold, one may observe a plot like the one given in Figure 8(a). In this case, a transformation of the Y- a n d / o r the particular X-variable may be necessary to achieve linearity. Also, a plot that looks like the one in Figure 8(b) may indicate heterogeneity of variance. In this case, a transformation of the data that stabilizes the variance may be needed. (2) A scatter plot of the studentized residual vs. the fitted values: U n d e r the standard assumptions, the vector of studentized residuals (r~ or r*) is also orthogonal to the vector of fitted values defined in (2.2); therefore, this plot should also appear as a random scatter of points. (3) Normal probability plot of the residuals: This is a plot of the ordered studentized residuals vs. the so called n o r m a l scores. The normal scores are what we would expect to obtain if we take a sample from a standard normal distribution. If the residuals are normally distributed, the ordered residuals should therefore be approximately the same as the ordered normal scores.

o'o" • n


• ".






i n


(a) A pattern indicating non-linearity.


(b) A pattern indicating heteroscedasticity.

Fig. 8. Two scatter plots of residuals vs. X illustrating possible violations of model assumptions.

Graphical methods for linear models


Thus, under the normality assumption, this plot should resemble a (nearly) straight line with an intercept of zero and a slope of one (these are the mean and the standard deviation of the studentized residuals, respectively). (4) Index plot of the residuals: If the order in which the observations were taken is immaterial, this plot is not needed. However, if the order in which the observations were taken is important (e.g., when the observations are taken in time or a geographical sequence), a plot of the residuals in serial order may be used to verify the assumption of independence. Under the assumption of independent errors, the points should be scattered randomly within a horizontal band around zero.

4.2. Graphs for variable selection A question that arises frequently in practice is: Given a regression model which currently contains k explanatory variables, what are the effects of deleting (or adding) one of the variables from (or to) the model? Frequently, the answer is to compute the t-statistic for each variable in the model. If the t-statistic is large the variable is retained, otherwise the variable is omitted. This is only valid if the underlying assumptions hold. As is the case with the pairwise correlation coefficients, which should be interpreted in the light of the scatter plot of the corresponding variables, the t-statistic should be interpreted using a graph called the added-variable plot (also known as the partial regression plot). To construct the added-variable plot, let us partition the X matrix into [X[jl :Xj], where Xj is the j-th X-variable and X[j I is all the remaining Xvariables. Thus model (2.1) can be written r = x[jl/~j] + x j ~ + e ,


where ~ is the j-th regression coefficient and p[j] is the vector containing all other regression " " T -1 X[jTI be the projection . • coefficients. Let P[j] = X[j](X[j]X[j]) matrix for the column space of X H. Now, multiplying (4.4) by (I n - PM), we obtain ( l . - e ~ j ~ ) r = (x. - e H ) x ~ j j p t j

I + (l. - e~il)xj~

+ (In -- e H ) ~ ,

= (I. -- e t j j ) x j p j + (I. -- e ~ j l ) ~ ,

because (I, -P[j])Xj-= O. Thus, if model (2.1) is correct, then the scatter plot of (1o - e w ) v


(1. - e t j l ) x j

would show a linear trend, the intercept and slope of which are 0 and ~ , respectively. Note that ( I , - P [ / ] ) ¥ is the residual vector obtained when Y is regressed on X[j] and ( 1 , - P[jl)Xj is the residual vector obtained when Xj is regressed on X[i 1. Thus, the stronger the linear relationship in the addedvariable plot is, the more important the additional contribution of the j-th

A. S. Hadi


variable to the regression equation already containing X H. The pattern of points in this plot is also important. Points that are isolated from the linear trend tend to influence the t-statistic, hence a decision as to whether to retain or omit a variable may be contingent on a few points. The detection of influential observations is discussed in Sections 4.3 and 4.4. Now, we give an example.

(The demographic data). In Example 2, we transformed GNP to improve linearity. The regression results obtained when In(GNP) is regressed on all X-variables are shown in Table 4. Figure 9 shows the corresponding added variable plots, one plot for each X-variable given that all other Xvariables are included in the model. The t-statistics indicate that three of the variables (PHYS, DENS, and AGDS) are insignificant; however, when we examine the corresponding added-variable plots, we see that two points may have caused the t-statistics for DENS and A G D S to be artificially small. Thus, decisions as to whether to keep or remove DENS and A G D S have to be made after investigating the effects of these two points on the corresponding tstatistics. (Detection of influential observations is discussed in Sections 4.3 and 4.4). The added-variable plot for PHYS shows no clear linear trend. EXAMPLE 5

In the light of the t-statistic and the added-variable plot for PHYS, should PHYS then be deleted? To answer this question, we should first give due regard to theory. If theoretical aspects require that the variable be kept in a regression equation, it is my opinion that the variable should be retained even if its t-statistic is small and its added-variable plot shows no linear trend. (This event is unlikely to occur if the theory is actually correct, but if it does occur, it may cast some doubt on the theory.) Otherwise, we compare the regression


___ 2"., ." m



.. ,'" .- • ; "


37. ).. )... •



46, :39

:." :.






Fig. 9. Added-variable plots obtained when ln(GNP) is regressed on all other variables in the demographic data.

Graphical methods for linear models


coefficients of the other X-variables before and after the deletion of PHYS. If the regression coefficients of the other X-variables (and their standard errors) do not substantially change, then PHYS should be deleted. On the other hand, if these coefficients change, then we may have a collinearity problem, and we must address the collinearity problem before we can decide on whether to keep or delete the variable. Regression results obtained when PHYS is deleted are shown in the last column of Table 4. A comparison of the last two columns of the table shows no substantial difference. Therefore, PHYS can be deleted from the model unless other considerations (e.g., theoretical) call for the contrary. The question that we posed at the beginning of this section is now repeated, and the iterative regression process continues.

4.3. Detection of outliers and influential observations The studentized residuals provide valuable information for validating linearity and normality assumptions. However, analyses that are based on residuals alone may fail to detect outliers and influential observations for the following reasons: (a) Leverage points: The residuals and leverage values are related by Pu + e~/eTe COi'

i c V n--f ,

i 0, and the region to the right of the line vi = - c -lblij for uq ~ 1, then Ss,~ is a magnification and if s < 1, Ss,s is a reduction. Figure 2.3 illustrates a scaling in which s x = Sy = 2. 2.1.4. I n v e r s e transformations

For any of the above transformations we can find an inverse. Thus T~ 1 = T_ v, R o I = R _ o and s~lsy =


2.2. C o o r d i n a t e transformations

As indicated above, the coordinate transformation is the inverse of the geometric transformation. In all of the descriptions below, we will let p ' = (x', y ' ) represent the point p = (x, y) in the new coordinate system. Then we

m I



Fig. 2.3. Scaling transformation in two dimensions with s x and Sy both equal to two.

E. J. Wegrnan and D. B. Carr


have the following explicit results. Translation:





x' = x cos(0) + y sin(0)



y' = - x sin(0) + y cos(0). Scaling:

x' = (1/sx).x



y' = ( 1 / S y ) . y .

2.3. Matrix expressions o f the basic transformations

The basic rotation and scaling transformations can easily be written in matrix form, in particular, for geometric transformations: [cos(O) R° = Lsin(0)

-sin(O ) ] cos(0) J

(2. 2)


[Sos°y] Translations cannot be expressed as a 2 × 2 matrix, but can be formulated as a 3 × 3 matrix with the help of natural homogeneous coordinates. 2.4. Natural homogeneous coordinates

The natural homogeneous coordinate representation arises in the analytic expression of projective geometry. In projective geometry, the non-intersection of the parallel lines axiom is replaced by an axiom stating that any two lines meet at a single point. To conceptualize the axiom, parallel lines intersect at the point at infinity called an ideal point. There is a distinct ideal point for every slope. The collection of ideal points is the ideal line. The traditional representation of a point in Euclidian geometry is an ordered pair. However, the usual coordinate pair, (x, y), is not sufficient to represent ideal points. We represent points in the projective plane by triples (x, y, z). Consider two distinct parallel lines having equations ax + by + cz = O and

ax + by + c' z = O .

Simultaneous solution yields (c - c')- z = 0 so that z = 0 will describe an ideal point. The representation of points in the projective plane is by triples, (x, y, z), which are called natural homogeneous coordinates. If z = 1, the resulting equation is ax + by + c = 0 and so (x, y, 1) is the natural homogeneous coordinates representation of a point (x, y) in the usual Cartesian coordinates lying on line, ax + by + c = 0. Notice that if ( p x , py, p) is any multiple of (x, y, 1) on ax + by + c = 0, we have a. p x + b . p y + c. p = p . ( a x

+ by + c ) = p . O = O .

Statistical graphics and v&ualization


Thus the triple (px, py, p) equally well represents the Cartesian point (x, y) lying on ax + by + c = 0 so that the representation in natural homogeneous coordinates is not unique. However, if p is not 1 or 0, we can simply re-scale the natural homogeneous triple to have a 1 for the z-component and thus read off the Cartesian coordinates directly. If the z component is zero, we know immediately that we have an ideal point. Notice that we could equally well consider the triples (a, b, c) as natural homogeneous coordinates of a line. Thus, triples can either represent points or lines which reiterates the fundamental duality between points and lines in the projective plane.

2.5. Matrix expressions in natural homogeneous coordinates We now represent any point, (x, y) in the Euclidian plane by the triple (x, y, 1). Then we may write T o as

T~ =

1 0


so that p'=


ty = T v x p =

[!0 i] 1 0





Thus using homogeneous coordinates allows us to represent a translation as a matrix transformation. Similarly, rotations can be represented in natural homogeneous coordinates. Consider the matrix now expressed in natural homogeneous coordinates

sin 0 i]

-cos(0) Ro =

cos(0 )

sin(0) 0



so that p' =

; cos(O)- y sin(O)-] sin(O) + y cos(O ) [ = R o x p = 1 A

cos0 sin 0 i] Ei] sin(O ) 0

cos(O ) 0




Finally scaling transformations may also be written in natural homogeneous coordinates by considering

Ssx,Sy z




E. J. Wegmanand D. B. Carr


so that







Finally it is worth noting that reflections about either the x or the y axis may be expressed in natural homogeneous coordinates where in the obvious notation we have Mx =

-1 0


My =

1 0



Because all of these matrices are 3 × 3 matrices they may be concatenated in any order to obtain an affine transformation in the plane. Even though we have not used any properties of projective geometry, the natural homogeneous coordinate representation is a powerful device for rendering a simple computation for affine transformations. 2.6. Viewing transformations and screen coordinates

Displaying an image on a computer screen is accomplished by two additional transformations. The graphic we wish to display has been described in world coordinate system (WCS), a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system. However, we will be unable to display the whole graphic image so that we must l o o k at it through a rectangular window. Let xWi, and XWax represent respectively the minimum and maximum x values of the window we wish to represent and similarly let yWinand yWaxrepresent the minimum and maximum y values of the window. We wish to map this into what is called the normalized device coordinate system (NDCS) which is a right-handed coordinate system on the unit square [0, 1] × [0, 1]. We may write the normalization transformation N mapping the window in the WCS into the NDCS by N

IS~ 0 --Sx"XWinl = Sy -sy • yWin/ , 0






where 1 Sx


w Xmax

w -- Xmin

1 -




-- Ymin

This normalization transformation is device independent and can be made with any computer graphics device. A second linear transformation takes the NDCS into the specific viewport for a particular computer graphics system. The screen coordinate system is normally a right-handed coordinate system with (0, 0) located at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. In a high-resolution

Statistical graphics and visualization


system with 1280 x 1024 there will be 1280 columns of pixels and 1024 rows of pixels. Thus the upper right-hand corner would be the point (1023, 1279). However, the viewport may be some rectangular sub-area of the screen. If XVin and xVax represent the minimum and maximum x values of the screen coordinates of the viewport and similarly yVi, and yVax the minimum and maximum y screen coordinate values, then the device transformation D is given by



Y in




where r Sx =

v v Xma x -- Xmi n




Sy = Ymax - - Ymin •


The composite transformation V = D × N is the viewing transformation moving the graphics image from the WCS to the screen coordinate system. The viewing transformation can be written as a single matrix

[s 0 s xWin+X:]

V =


w + Ymm v. 1

- S y • Ymin




where now


v Xmax

v -- Xmin


-- Xmin





v Ymax

v -- Yrnin


-- Ymin


w •

In general, the WCS is a continuous coordinate system and will have an infinite number of positions available. In practice this is limited to the floating point precision of the computer. In any case, the number of pixel locations on the screen is finite, so that the location specified by the viewing transformation is rounded to the nearest integer location. This will give rise to distortions such as the staircasing effect. Sufficiently high resolution usually minimizes this although other approaches include shading of offending pixels either lighter or darker than they would normally be. This latter technique is known as antialiasing which, in many high performance workstations, is implemented in hardware. The individual and composite transformations are illustrated in Figure 2.4.

2. 7. Aspect ratio The viewing transformation V involves scaling in both the x and y directions. If s x ¢ sy, then undesirable distortions can arise. For example a rotating figure will appear to flatten or elongate during different phases of its rotation. The aspect ratio of a window or viewport is defined as a = ( X m a x - - X m i n ) / ( Y m a x --



E. J. Wegrnan and D, B. Carr


max Normalized Device Coordinates


Y. mln Iw Xmi n

Iw X max

Ymin Iv

Xmi n



Xv max

Screen Coordinates

Fig. 2.4. Composite viewing transformation composed of V = D x N.

Ymi.). If the aspect ratio a w of the window equals the aspect ratio a v of the viewport, then s x = Sy and no distortion occurs. In general, we wish to design the window and the viewport so that the aspect ratios are the same.

3. Three-dimensional graphics transformations and projections Statistical graphics and visualization gain much of their p o w e r by moving f r o m the two-dimensional setting into the three-dimensional setting. Straightforward analogs of the two-dimensional transforms discussed in the previous section are available. In the discussion below we shall omit the d e v e l o p m e n t of the basic equations and the re-expression of those equations in ordinary 3 x 3 matrix form and proceed directly to the expression in natural h o m o g e n e o u s coordinates. In three dimensions a point is represented by a four-vector. As before we can distinguish between geometric transformations and coordinate transformations. 3.1. Geometric transformations An object will be regarded as a collection of points P = {(x, y, z, 1)}. N o t e in general when we write a transformation as a matrix we must think of a point as a four-element column vector so that the matrix and column vector are conformable. However, in most cases there will be no confusion if in the m o r e casual narrative we represent a point in three-dimensional Euclidian space as a four-tuple in natural homogeneous coordinates. The context should m a k e it clear when the four-tuple must be regarded as a column vector. 3.1.1. Translation We now consider a point (x, y, z, 1) to be translated by a transformation T O

Statistical graphics and visualization


according to the following scheme: x ' = x + t~ , y'=y+ty, z' = y + t z . T h e n the required h o m o g e n e o u s coordinate matrix transformation is given by



Ill El°°i] Eil y' '


1 0

0 1







3.1.2. Scaling Scaling, as with translation is very similar to the two-dimensional transformation. T h e scale factor m a y be taken to be different in each dimension as we had done earlier. Thus a scale transformation, call it Ssx,Sy,Sz can be written as



Eli (si°°iJEil y'


= S x x,s y,s z X P =

Sy 0 0







3.1.3. Rotations Rotations are only slightly m o r e complicated in three dimensions. Rotations are given about the three axes, x, y and z, individually or, m o r e precisely in the three planes, x-y, x-z and y-z, individually. We let Oxy, Oxz and Oyz be the rotation angles in those planes respectively. The slightly m o r e c u m b e r s o m e notation will be used here because later in our discussion when dealing with hyperdimensional data we shall wish to talk about generalized rotations in hyperspace. Because in d dimensions, there are d - 2 orthogonal axes to any two-dimensional plane, it will not m a k e sense to talk about rotation about an axis in dimensions higher than three. Given that we are rotating individually in a two-dimensional plane we can use formulae analogous to those derived earlier. Rotation in the x - y plane (about the z axis):

Eli ,0re°s" sin0.011lil

y' P'='=R°xyXp=|o

] sin(Oxy)










E. J. Wegman and D. B. Carr

Rotation in the x = z plane (about the y axis):

p, =

Eli y' '

=R°xz × P =

[c°sz ° sinzil Lil 0 -sin(Oxz ) 0

1 0 0 cos(O~z) 0 0



L!0 0 !1



Rotation in the y - z plane (about the x axis):

P' =

ixl y' z'


= R°yz × p =

cos(Oyz) - sin(Oyz) s i n ( 0 y z ) coS(0yz)








The direction of the positive angle of rotation is chosen according to the right-hand rule that we have adopted for our default coordinate systems. This explains what appears at first glance to be a misplaced sign in the expression for rotation in the x - z plane. When discussing general d-dimensional rotations later on we shall forgo this convention in order to preserve symmetry in the matrix expressions. General rotations can be constructed by sequential rotations in the appropriate canonical planes. Composite matrices for the general rotation in higher dimensions can be computed in closed form. However, the expressions are extremely messy, especially when computing general rotations beyond 3-dimensions. It is to be noted that for this reason, many statistical graphics packages allow rotation of three-dimensional scatterplots only in one plane at a time. Perhaps it is sufficiently obvious to be left unsaid, but for many applications such as rotating scatterplots it is desirable to have a constant rotation speed. Thus there is a fixed triple, (Oxy, Oxz, 0yz), which will be used for every point and for every instance of rotation. The cosines and sines take on simple numerical values and the generalized rotation matrix is a simple 4 × 4 matrix of numerical values. This is to be computed outside of the loop for the data points and outside the loop for the time instances. Although obvious, the straightforward implementation of the rotation matrix formulae could lead (and has led some programmers) to embed the general matrix within both loops leading to recomputation of the sines and cosines for every data point and every time instance. It should also be noted that multiplication of rotation

Table 1. Translation Rotation Scaling

Coordinate transformation T~ R~ S~x,Sy,Sz

Geometric transformation Tg~ Rg_0


Statistical graphics and visualization


matrices is not commutative, so that the order of the rotations matters in the final result.

3.2. C o o r d i n a t e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s

As in the two-dimensional case, there is a fundamental duality between the geometric transformations and the coordinate transformation. We may compute the coordinate transformation by the following simple duality. We use the superscripts c and g to refer respectively to the coordinate and geometric transformation respectively. Table 1 gives the equivalences.

3.3. A l i g n m e n t s

We have seen that elementary affine transformations can be constructed from simple primitive operations involving translations, rotations and scaling. For the most part, this will be all that we require for manipulation of threedimensional computer graphics objects. However, the WCS is now a threedimensional coordinate system, rather than the two-dimensional system we dealt with in the previous section. In order to translate the WCS to the computer screen, we will need to form a view plane. Typically we will want the view plane to be the x - y plane. However, in order to accomplish this, it is on occasion necessary to align an arbitrary view plane with the x - y plane. Alignment can be thought of as a simple process of two sequential rotations as illustrated in Figure 3.1. In the description that follows let ex = (1, 0, 0, 1), er = (0, 1, 0, 1) and e z = (0, 0, 1, 1) be the unit vectors in respectively the x, y and z directions. A plane can be specified by a r e f e r e n c e p o i n t , that is a point in the plane and the n o r m a l v e c t o r , n = nxe x + nyey + n z e z. Consider a vector v = a • e x + b • ey + c • e z. We wish to align v with ez. To do this we first rotate in the x - z plane (about the y axis) until v is rotated into the z-positive part of the y - z plane. We then rotate in the y - z plane (about the x axis) until the resultant vector is aligned with e~. This is accomplished by the following matrix: A









-b A c






0 1

Here Iv[=~/a 2 + b 2 + c 2 and A = ~ c 2. Notice that if b = c = 0 so that h = 0, then v is aligned with the ex and a simple rotation of 90 ° will align v with


E. J. Wegman and D. B. Carr


v rotated in to y-z plane



Second rotation of V to align with z axis

e z

Fig. 3.1. Alignment of vector V with z axis by successive rotations.

e z.

[ a!l

That matrix is then



0 -~











We shall see momentarily how alignment are used to facilitate general projections.

Statistical graphics and visualization


3.4. Projections Let us now turn to the notion of a projection. As indicated above, the 3D WCS must be transformed by some device to a 2D view plane so that within the 2D view plane we can describe a window and thence make the transformation to the NDCS. We do this by means of a projection. T h e r e are two basic methods of projection which we may use, perspective projection and parallel projection. The former method is used to render relatively 'realistic' graphics image which provide perspective foreshortening and vanishing points. These provide the depth cues needed for visualizing complicated structures. These features, however, distort the true size and shape of an object and, hence, are not always useful for purposes of relative size comparison such as we might wish to do for more quantitative data analysis. We discuss the basic algorithms for both.

3.4.1. Perspective projections The techniques of perspective projections arise form the methods historically used by artists. The description below is cast in terms of a projection of a 3D object onto a 2D projection plane although higher dimensional analogs are straightforward. In most cases we would prefer a parallel projection for moving from high dimensions to two or three dimensions. The eye is placed at a viewing point called the center of projection. At some distance from the eye is a plane called the view plane. A ray emanating from the center of projection to a point, p on the object to be projected will intersect the view plane. The ray is called a projector and the intersection of the projector with the view plane is called the (perspective) projection, p' o f p on the view plane. A standard setup is to take the view plane as the x - y plane and locate the center of projection, C = (0, 0, - d , 1). See Figure 3.2. With this setup, it is a simple matter to determine p' = (x', y', O, 1) by using proportions of similar triangles. In particular, d.x x'- z+d'


d.y z+d ,

z=0 .

This can be formulated in homogeneous coordinate matrix form as

p' =

ElJy Idxld ,



Lz + dd

Ei°°d0 iJ Eil 0







H e r e e z is the normal to the view plane and C = (0, 0, - d , 1) is the center of projection. The more general configuration is a projection plane n = nxex + nyey + nze z with reference point P0 = (x0, Y0, z0, 1) and center of projection


E. J. Wegman and D. B. Carr

)= (x, y, z, 1)

p' = (x', y', O, 1)

(o,o,z, 1) e

; : (o, O-d, ~)





// /

(x',O, O, 1)

(x, O,z, 1)

/ ex

Fig. 3.2. Perspective projection with eye located at C.

C = (a, b, c, 1). In that case the perspective projection of a general point p is given by


Eli y'


= Per.,po,C x p =

Ed+anxany anz ad01Ei] bn x

d + bny



cn x


d + cn z








(3.9) where d o = n~ • x o + ny • Yo + n z "Zo and d 1 = n x • a + ny • b + n z • c. The major features of perspective projections are (1) perspective foreshortening, (2) vanishing points, (3) view confusion and (4) topological distortion. As indicated above perspective foreshortening refers to the fact that objects more distant from the center of projection are projected as smaller than nearby

Statistical graphics and visualization


objects thus providing depth cues. This may be a severe disadvantage when doing quantitative data analysis. Vanishing points are the apparent intersection points of parallel lines not parallel to the view plane. Notice the connection to earlier discussions of projective geometry in which parallel lines meet at ideal points at infinity. Indeed a perspective projection is also known as a p e r s p e c tivity in projective geometry and is the subject of a rather elegant mathematical calculus within the theory of projective geometry. View confusion refers to the fact that the center of projection may actually lie between the view plane and the point p; that is, in our original simple setup with C = (0, O , - d , 1), the point p = (x, y , z , 1) may have z < - d . In this case, objects containing entirely such points are projected upside down and backward onto the view plane. To understand topological distortion consider the plane which is parallel to the view plane and passes through the center of projection. All points on this plane are mapped to infinity (actually ideal points in the view plane because z + d = 0 in this case) with the exception of the center of projection itself which has no projection point. Thus a line segment passing through this plane (that is from behind the center of projection to in front of the center of projection) will be disconnected in the projection. A perspective projection is not continuous and if not carefully chosen may lead to anomalous results. 3.4.2. Parallel p r o j e c t i o n s

A parallel projection is, in effect, a perspective projection with the center of projection at infinity. In this case all projectors are parallel. In the simplest setup where the center of projection is at C = (0, O, 1, O) and we desire to project into the x - y plane as before, then it is clear that x' = x ,

y' = y



This may be represented in homogeneous coordinate matrix form as p,


EIJ Eil [10°°I1 y' '



1 0 0 0 0






This equation is the obvious and simple case that is very useful for computer graphics. Basically we rotate the coordinate system and discard all but the x and y components. Because the projectors are parallel to the z axis, hence, perpendicular to the x - y view plane, we refer to this type of parallel projection as an o r t h o g r a p h i c p r o j e c t i o n . This is not the most general setting, however. To consider the general case, we first consider a view plane described by surface normal n = nxe x + nyey + nze z and reference point r 0 = (x o, Yo, zo, 1) in the plane. In a parallel projection, we no longer have a meaningful center of projection, so we replace this by a vector v representing the direction of projection. We will denote v = a • ex + b • ey + c. e z. Basically the steps involved are to translate the reference point r 0 to the origin, align the surface normal n to ez, perform the projection in standard form, and then carry out the inverse

E. J. Wegman and D. B. Carr


operations to restore the view plane to its original location and orientation. These steps are accomplished as follows. -1

p ' = Par . . . . . 0 x p = T r0 x A21 x Parr x A , x T_ro x p , where

[00 j


--X 0


1 0 0


0 0 0



-z 0 1

and A


Inl A n --

-nxn z


Alnl --ny


nz -A ny








A nz




0 1-

where A = Vn 2 + n~ and

Parr =


0 0


0 0



Of course, if v is aligned with ez, then a = b = 0 and the last matrix reduces to the standard parallel projection matrix given above. We have found that these equations are sufficient for the basic computer graphics needed in statistical graphics and visualization. Of course, much more complicated projections and visualization problems have been studied and are discussed in the computer graphics literature. We refer to Foley et al. (1990) for a more detailed treatment of special situations.

4. Geometric forms and models, hidden surfaces

Modeling of objects is a major application of computer graphics. For purposes of statistical data analysis, we are rarely interested in modeling realistic objects, but in our work, we have often been interested in treating surfaces such as regression and density surfaces and contours as if they are real objects. The use of lighting and shading has the advantage of showing fine structure on surfaces and contours. This allows us to judge the degree of smoothing and look for outlier structures. Moreover, it is sometimes appropriate with spatial

Statistical graphics and visualization


statistics to model geographic or other forms and shapes as the basis for reporting statistical measurements. There are three basic forms commonly treated: (1) wireframe models, (2) smooth nonparametric shapes and (3) regular parametric geometric solids and surfaces.

4.1. Wireframe models Points and lines are fundamental to all graphics modeling. We specify a point by its coordinates. As we have done before, we continue to use the natural homogeneous coordinate representation for computational purposes. However, for purposes of discussion here, this will be unnecessary and we shall simply use the traditional Cartesian coordinate system. A line segment is specified by giving its endpoints, say Pl = (xl, Yl, zl) and P2 = (X2, Y2, z2). A polyline is a chain of connected line segments and is specified by giving the vertices or nodes, say, P0, P l , . . - , Pn defining the lines segments. The first vertex, in this case P0, is called the starting node and the last, Pn, is the terminal node. A polygon is a closed polyline in which the starting and terminal nodes coincide. The line segments, PoPl, PtP2, • • • , PnPo, are called the edges of the polygon. A planar polygon is one in which all the edges line in a single two-dimensional plane. A wireframe model is a collection of vertices, edges and polygons. The vertices are connected by edges (in some sequence) and polygons share common edges. The edges are typically straight line segments in which case the wireframe model is called a polygonal net or polygonal mesh. Typically, the polygons are rectangles or triangles or a combination of both. Often the vertices of a polygonal net are used as the points at which the numerical approximation to the solution of a partial differential equation are computed. Thus wireframe models are frequently used as the basis for numerical modeling of properties of a shape. For example, the Navier-Stokes equations describe the fluid dynamic properties so that a polygonal mesh model of a ship hull might be particularly appropriate in determining the flow and pressure properties associated with fluid flow around that hull shape. Wireframe models of density, regression and other mathematical shapes are often used because they illustrate three-dimensional shapes very well in a monochrome environment, for example, as with laser printer output. Wireframes are particularly useful when the polygons are planar. In this case, the surface normal is easy to compute since the tangent plane is the plane of the polygon. The surface normal is needed when computing lighting and rendering effects. An example of a wireframe model of a bivariate probability density is given in Section 9.5.1. While we shall not explicitly deal with data structures, wireframe models are principally stored in two ways. The first method, called polygon listing, consists of a list a vertices, each vertex being listed exactly once with each polygon defined by pointers to the vertex list. This data structure is more economical in storage space, but results in some edges being drawn multiple times. The second method, known as explicit edge listing, consists of a list of vertices and a

E. J. Wegman and D. B. Carr


list of edges again with each vertex and each edge being listed exactly once. Each edge in the edge list points to its two vertices. A polygon is represented as a list of pointers to the vertex list and to the edge list. This method takes up more memory space, but is faster in execution since each edge is drawn only once.

4.2. Smooth nonparametric shapes It is obvious that if we have a highly curved surface to deal with, the wireframe model will require many edges and many vertices to smoothly model the surface. In many situations, we are interested in replacing straight line segments with smooth curves, and rectangular polygons with curved surface patches. This is generally the domain of differential geometry with which we shall not deal here. However, we are interested in interpolating or approximating curved lines and surfaces. We can do this with piecewise polynomials with suitable continuity conditions, that is, by splines. Polynomial splines and, particularly, cubic splines are widely used in computer graphics as well as in statistics. Of course, we highly recommend Wegman and Wright (1983) for a general discussion of spline methods in statistics. Let us consider now N + 1 points, P0, Pl, • • •, PN. We wish to find a curve which either interpolates or approximates the shape outlined by these points. We model the curve, say f(x), by the weighted sum of basis or blending functions

f(x) = ~ aiq~i(x) .



A continuous piecewise polynomial (spline) g(x) of degree n is a set of polynomials, gi(x), each of degree n and k + 1 knots t o, t l , . . . , t k so that g(x)=gi(x)


~ I

o 5 Dimension 1




Fig. 10. MDS spreadplot before interactive graphical modeling.

spectrum. It was hypothesized that the MDS space X would consist of two regions, one containing the spectral and the other the non-spectral colors. This MDS X space is plotted in the scatterplot-matrix, the scatterplot and the spinplot. As can we seen from these plots, the space does consist of the two hypothesized regions: After 11 iterations the spectral colors appear as a circle in the plane formed by the first and third dimensions, while the non-spectral colors are positioned away from the representation of the spectrum. The 'scree plot' shows the proportion of the scalar products' variance which occurs along each successive dimension in the initial solution space (this plot does not update during the iterations). This plot provides a measure of the 'usefulness' of each dimension. In order to decide how many dimensions of the stimulus space are useful, analysts look for an 'elbow' in the scree plot. The hinge of the elbow is considered to be the last useful dimension. Note that the spree plot shows fit for the scalar-products derived from the dissimilarity data, not the dissimilarity data itself. On the other hand, the 'stress plot' shows fit to the dissimilarity data itself. Specifically, it shows the degree to which the interpoint distances match the dissimilarity judgments with a measure called 'stress'. This measure is the square-root of the proportion of

Multivariate statistical visualization


sum-of-squares of the data that is not fit by the model: ( j - dij) 2

where the euclidean distance d6 between stimulus i and stimulus j is defined as (Xia -- Xja) 2 ,

di] ~-


Note that the initialization procedure does not optimize fit of the model to the data, but to the scalar-products derived from the data. For this reason, ViSta-MDS contains an iterative procedure designed to optimize the fit of the model to the dissimilarities. Pushing the 'iterate' button (on the spinning plot at the top center of the screen) brings up a dialog box that asks the user for the desired number of iterations. Once the user specifies the number, the optimizing iterations being. The stress for the initial configuration of points is o-= 0.163, while o-= 0.135 after 11 iterations. The iterations are based on the Guttman-transform (Guttman, 1968) of the dissimilarities matrix and are designed to move the points so that the value of stress is minimized (so that the interpoint distances are as similar as possible to the dissimilarities). The transformation is based on the equation 1

f( = -~n B X ,


where the matrix B contains the elements -


biJ = dq bii= k k

if i # j , 26~k


biy = 0

if dq = 0 .

ifi=j, (26)

The matrix 2( is the configuration for the next iteration. The ratio of dissimilarities to distances is the basis of the Guttman-transform. A ratio of one implies that the distances perfectly match the dissimilarities. If the ratio is larger than one, the points are moved farther apart from each other. If the ratio is smaller than one, the points are moved closer together, and if the ratio is one, then there is no need to move the points at all. The Guttman-transform produces non-increasing values of stress; that is, each successive solution is at least as good as the previous one in terms of its fit to the dissimilarities. When we have iterated to a minimum value of stress we


F. W. Young, R. A. Faldowski and M. M. McFarlane

would like to be able to say that we have arrived at the overall minimum - the 'global' minimum. However, there may be other solutions that produce equally low, or even lower, values of stress. That is, the solution that we have may be a 'local minimum', not an overall global minimum, of the stress function. However, the solution produced by the iterations is often accepted by naive users as the only solution, even though there may well be other, more intuitively correct solutions, that fit as well (or may even fit better). The problem of local minima is combatted with interactive graphical modeling. Interactive graphical modeling allows the analyst to graphically move a point in the MDS configuration and view the resultant change in the overall fit and structure of the model. When the point is moved, the algebraic links in the spreadplot are such that the corresponding elements in the matrix of coordinates (X) automatically update, a new value of stress is calculated and all plots are changed to reflect the newly revised model. If the value of stress does not worsen when the point is moved, then the previous configuration was a local minimum. Even if the fit worsens, we can iterate from the new configurations of points to see if the moved point remains in its new position. If so, then the new solution is a new (possibly local) minimum, and we say that the point 'belongs' in the new location. If the point returns to its previous location, then we have returned to the previous (still possibly local) minimum, and we say that the point 'belongs' in that previous position. If the new fit and Stimulus Space Planes

Stimulus Space [ ] Iterate

Stress Plot

[ ] Baok Up



D i []


?.,e Gre.




Stimulus Plane





Scree Plot

= ÷




%+++ +$

Dimension I

5 IO Dimensions


Fig. 11. MDS spreadplot after interactive graphical modeling.

10 15 20 Iteration

Multivariate statistical visualization


structure are not satisfactory, the point(s) may be returned to the original position(s) using the 'back up' button on the spinning plot. As was noted above, the iterative procedure has arrived at a configuration of points that displays the two hypothesized regions, one for spectral colors and the other for non-spectral colors. This is one intuitively acceptable solution. However, it is also conceivable that judges would place the non-spectral color gold in between the spectral colors yellow and orange, as gold can be considered a combination of those two colors. It would be interesting to determine whether such an adjustment to the solution space would result in another (possibly local) minimum. To test this theory, the 'gold' point was moved from its position in Figure 10 to a position between the orange and yellow points. The stress value increases some. The new configuration was then iterated five times. Throughout the iterations, the moved point remained very close to its new position (see Figure 11), indicating that the new configuration can be considered a local minimum. The stress for this new configuration is o-= 0.137, compared to the previous stress of or = 0.135. This is an excellent example of a case in which a point fits nearly equally well in two different locations. The problem of local minima has plagued analysts since the first developments in multidimensional scaling. Interactive graphical modeling provides MDS users an easy-to-use, powerful environment for exploring alternate MDS solutions. Through the use of interactive graphical modeling, analysts can search for other model representations that may fit the dissimilarity data as well as the optimized solution. The immediate updating of all information regarding the model allows the analyst to quickly determine whether the new model is an acceptable local minimum.

4. Visualizing multivariate analyses In Section 2 of this paper we discussed visualizing multivariate data, focusing on dynamic statistical graphics that can be used to explore and visualize the structure of multivariate data. In Section 3 we discussed visualizing multivariate models, focusing on interactive graphical modeling tools that can be used to explore and visualize models of multivariate data. In this section we discuss visualizing entire multivariate analysis sessions, focusing on the computational environment in which the multivariate analyses take place. Our basic assumption is that the data analyst should be provided with a data analysis environment designed to maximize data analysis productivity and satisfaction. To accomplish this goal, the environment should reflect the sophistication of the user's data analysis knowledge. Furthermore, the environment should be designed to accommodate the complete range of data analysis sophistication, from novice to expert. Since the data analysis environment which does this for a novice is different from the one which does this for a


F. W. Young, R. A. Faldowski and M. M. McFarlane

sophisticated analyst, there should be specific aspects of the environment which are designed for specific levels of sophistication. In particular, we believe that a data analysis environment that is appropriate for the entire range of sophistication should have the following five features: First, there should be optional guidemaps- graphical diagrams that provide guidance- to guide novice data analysts through complete data analyses. Second, there should be optional workmaps - graphical diagrams that show the evolving structure of an ongoing analysis session- to inform competent data analysts of the overall structure of their data analysis sessions. Third, there should be an optional command line interface to let sophisticated data analysts dispense with the visual aids when they find them unnecessary. Fourth, there should be an optional batch mode interface so that repetitive or 'canned' analyses which do not require the presence of a data analyst can be performed. Fifth, and finally, there should be optional guidance tools to let expert data analysts create the guidance diagrams that are used by less expert analysts. These five features should be very tightly coupled- seamlessly integratedwithin a single data analysis environment so that the data analyst can switch effortlessly between them whenever desired. We discuss each of these notions in this section, along with the notion of tight coupling.4 4.1. Guidemaps for novice users A statistical data analysis system should guide novice data analysts through the steps of the data analysis, particularly for multivariate data analysis. While this concept has been discussed (Chambers, 1981; Gale and Pregibon, 1982; Gale, 1988; Oldford and Peters, 1988; Pregibon and Gale, 1984; Hand, 1984, 1985; Lubinsky and Pregibon, 1988; Lubinsky, 1989; Lubinsky, Young and Frigge, 1990) guidance has been incorporated in only one commercial statistical system that we are familiar with (BBN Software, 1989), and this guidance is not presented as a visualization, but rather as unstructured text panels. Our concept (Lubinsky, Young and Frigge, 1990) is to provide guidance to the novice user via a visual diagram that indicates which steps should be chosen n e x t - a guidemap. The structure of the guidemap does not change as the analysis proceeds, although its highlighting changes. Furthermore, new guidemaps appear as the analysis proceeds to guide the user with details of the analysis. In a guidemap the steps are indicated by buttons, and the sequence of steps by arrows pointing from one button to the next. Figure 12 shows an example of a high-level and very general guidemap for multivariate analysis. The user makes choices by pointing and clicking on the buttons with a mouse. Active buttons (which are dark) are suggested actions, whereas inactive buttons (the light ones) are actions that are not suggested. After a suggested

4 ViSta implements all five of these features in a tightly coupled, seamless environment.


Multivariate statistical visualization












L - I . "

"' " bii ".





Fig. 12. A guidemap.

action is taken the selection of active buttons changes to show the user which actions can be taken next. In this diagram the user has already selected d a t a - the 'Select data' button is inactive and the following buttons are active. When the user clicks on one of the three active buttons, the corresponding action takes place, the button lightens in color, and the following buttons become active. For example, once the model is defined by clicking the 'define model' button the 'fit-model' button becomes active. Not that the guidemap is a cyclic graph whose nodes are the possible actions, and whose edges are the possible sequence of actions. For more detail, and an example of a partially working guidemap prototype, see Lubinsky, Young and Frigge (1990).

4.2. W o r k m a p s f o r c o m p e t e n t users

A data analysis environment should provide competent data analysts with a graphical interface that is a visual diagram of the steps taken in the analysis. Unlike a guidemap, which does not change, this w o r k m a p is created and expands as the analysis takes place. The user points and clicks to perform analyses and to create the structured analysis diagram. Note that the workmap is an acyclic graph whose nodes are the actions and whose edges are the sequence of actions. For more details see Young and Smith (1991). An example of a workmap is shown in Figure 13. In this analysis the analyst first loaded in a datafile named 'car-ratings', creating a data icon with the same name. These data were then standardized, creating a new data object with an icon named 'STD:car-ratings'. The analyst then loaded in a second datafile named 'car-pref14', creating a third data object and another data icon with the same name. These data were analyzed by the 'PrinComp' method for principal components analysis. This produced a method icon named 'PrinComp', and a model icon named 'PCA:car-pref14'. The analyst then requested that the model create three new data objects of scores, coefficients and input data. This part of the analysis corresponds to the example in Section 4.3 on command lines, and the example in Section 4.5 on batch mode. Finally, the analyst merged the standardized ratings with the principal component scores in anticipation of further joint analyses of the previous results. Any of the icons in this diagram can be opened to visualize or report data or results derived at a particular stage in the analysis.


F. W. Young, R. A. Faldowski and M. M. McFarlane

~'ef| 4

~tings PCA

:oar-preft 4C0efs :PCA :oar-prefl 4 Input :PCA :oar-prefl 4

"Merged Ratings & PCA Scores Fig. 13. A workmap.

4.3. Command lines for sophisticated users For sophisticated data analysts, the environment should provide a command line interface. An example of commands used in ViSta is shown in Figure 14. These commands are entered through the keyboard, causing the analysis to take place. They also create the workmap diagram. (The diagram may be hidden, if desired.) In this example, data named 'car-ratings.lsp' are loaded from the ViSta:Data folder. These data are standardized, with a report (listing) being obtained. Then data named 'car-pref14.1sp' are loaded from the same folder. These data are submitted to a principal components analysis. Finally, three data objects are created as the results of the principal components analysis. > (def oar-ratings


":UiSta:Data:oar-ratings. lsp"))

CRR-RRTIHGS > ( d e f s t d - c a r - r a t i n g s ( s t a n d a r d i z e - d a t a : d i a l o g n i l :mean 0 : s t d v I ) ) STD-CRR-RRTIHG$ > (send s t d - c a r - r a t i n g s : r e p o r t - d a t a ) HIL > (def car-prefs (load-data ":UiSta:Data:car-preft4.1=p")) CRR-PREFS > (def pca-car-prefs (principal-component= :dialog nil :oorr t)) PCR-CRR-PREF$ > (send p c a - c a r - p r e f $ : c r e a t e - d a t a - o b j e c t s : d i a l o g n i l :score= t :ooefs t : i n p u t t ) # > Fig. 14. Command line interface.

Multivariate statistical visualization


4.4. Guidance tools for expert users A data analysis environment should provide expert analysts with tools to create guidance diagrams that can be used by other users. These diagrams should be constructed by using the mouse to point and click, or by using the command line to type commands. A guidance diagram has already been shown, but we have not yet developed tools for creating guidance diagrams, this being a research topic for the future. 5

4.5. Batch m o d e - Automated analysis in repetitive situations The four kinds of environments discussed above are all highly interactive. This means that as soon as an icon is clicked, or a command is typed, the data analysis environment responds. This is desirable in many situations, especially when analyses are being performed on a one-shot or exploratory basis. However, in other situations, such as when an analysis will be repeated again in the future on a new wave of data, it is preferable to be able to collect all commands together into a file and run them all at once without user interaction. This is called 'batch' mode because all commands are analyzed as a batch. An example is shown in Figure 15. In this example the system will load data concerning car ratings, which are then standardized. It will then produce a report (listing) of these data, followed by a visualization and some summary statistics. The system then loads d a t a about car preferences which are submitted to a principal components analysis. A report and a visualization of the results is produced and then output data objects are created. This batch code corresponds to the first set of the interactions discussed in Section 4.2 on (def cQr-ratings (load-data "car-ratings. lsp")) (def std-car-ratings (standardize-data :dialog nil :mean 0

:stdv I)) (send std-car-ratings :report-data) (send std-car-ra{ings :visualize-data) (send std-car-ratings :summarize-data)

(def car-prefs (load-data "car-pref14.1sp")) (def pca-car-prefs (principal-components :dialog nil :cart t)) (send p c a - c a r - p r e f s : r e p o r t - m o d e l ) (send p c o - c a r - p r e f s : v i s u a l i z e - m o d e l ) ~ e n d p¢~-¢gr-prefl ; ¢ r e g t e - d ~ - g b j e ¢ ~ :dialog nil :scores t :coefs t : i n p u t t) Fig. 15. Batch mode. 5 Guidance tools are now available in ViSta.


F. W. Young, R. A. Faldowski and M. M. McFarlane

workmaps and to the analyses discussed in Section 4.3 on the command line interface.

4.6. Tight coupling of all environments The five data analysis features discussed above are tightly coupled, as can be seen from the previous sections. The guidance diagrams used by novice analysts generate commands that are identical to those typed by sophisticated users with the command line interface. The graphical interface used by competent analysts also generates the same commands. The commands, in turn, generate the structured analysis diagram and perform the data analysis. These commands can be used in batch files. It is possible to switch between the several kinds of environments at any time. When the sophisticated user moves into an unfamiliar type of data analysis, or when then analyst looses track of the overall structure of the analysis, the analyst can switch from the command line interface to the graphical interface, with the entire structured history of the analysis session being presented. Similarly, the moderately component analyst can switch guidance diagrams on or off as desired.

5. Conclusion

In this paper we have discussed three major aspects of multivariate statistical visualization, namely data visualization, model visualization and analysis visualization. We believe that data analysis systems of the 21-st century will incorporate the methods we have presented, and that they will help the data analyst have a more insightful, productive and satisfying experience, enabling them to more clearly 'see what the data seem to say'.

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F. W. Young, R. A. Faldowski and M. M. McFarlane

Mardia, K.V., J. T. Kent and J. M. Bibby (1982). Multivariate Analysis. 3rd ed., Academic Press, New York. McFarlane, M. M. (1992). Interactive graphical modeling for multidimensional scaling. Unpublished Master's Thesis, University of North Carolina Psychometric Laboratory, Chapel Hill, NC. Mulaik, S. A. (1972). The Foundations of Factor Analysis. McGraw-Hill, New York. Nicholson, W. L. and D. B. Carr (1984). Looking at more than three dimensions. In: Computer Science and Statistics: Proc. 16th Sympos. on the Interface. North Holland, New York, 201-209. Oldford, W. and S. Peters (1988). DINDE: Towards more sophisticated software environments for statistics. SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput. 9, 191-211. Pregibon; D. and W. P. Gale (1984). REX: An expert system for regression analysis. In: C O M P S T A T 1984: Proc. in Computational Statistics. Physica, Vienna, 242-248. SAS Institute (1988). SAS Technical Report: P-179. Additional SAS/STAT Procedures. Release 6.03. SAS Institute, Cary, NC. Stuetzle, W. (1987). Plot windows. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 82, 466-475. Thurstone, L. L. (1947). Multiple Factor Analysis. Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. Tierney, L. (1991). Lisp-Stat: An Object-Oriented Environment for Statistical Computing and Dynamics Graphics. Wiley, New York. Tufte, E. R. (1983). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT. Tukey, J. W. (1977). Exploratory Data Analysis. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA. Tukey, J. W. and P. A. Tukey (1980). Graphical display of data sets in 3 or more dimensions. In: V. Barnett, ed., Interpreting Multivariate Data, Wiley, London, 189-275. Van de Geer, J. P. (1986a). Introduction to Linear Multivariate Data Analysis, Vol. 1. DSWO Press, Leiden, The Netherlands. Van de Geer, J. P. (1986b). Introduction to Linear Multivariate Data Analysis, Vol. 2. DSWO Press, Leiden, The Netherlands. Young, F. W. (1992). ViSta: The visual statistics system. University of North Carolina Psychometric Laboratory, Chapel Hill, NC. Young, F. W., R. A. Faldowski and D. F. Harris (1990). The spreadplot: A graphical spreadsheet of algebraically linked dynamic plots. In: A S A Proc. Section of Statistical Graphics. American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA. Young, F. W., D. P. Kent and W. F. Kuhfeld (1988). Dynamic graphics for exploring multivariate data. In: W. S. Cleveland and M. E. McGill, eds., Dynamic Graphics for Statistics, Wadsworth, Belmont, CA. Young, F. W. and P. Rheingans (1991a). Visualizing structure in high-dimensional data. IBM J. Res. Development 35, 97-107. Young, F. W. and P. Rheingans (1991b). Visualizing multivariate data with VISUALS/Pxpl. (Video). IBM J. Res. Development 35, video supplement. Young, F. W. and J. B. Smith (1991). Towards a Structured data analysis environment: A cognition-based design. In: A. Buja and P. A. Tukey, eds., Computing and Graphics in Statistics, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and it Applications, Vol. 36. Springer, New York, 252-279.

C. R. Rao, ed., Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 9 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.

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Graphical Methods for Process Control

Terry L . Z i e m e r

1. Introduction

Statistical methods in the field of quality control have, over the years, seen a wide range of both techniques and applications. This has been due in large part to the shifting emphases in industry with respect to the goals of the quality function. Shewpart's pioneering work in statistical process control, culminating in the landmark Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product (Shewhart, 1931), focused quality efforts on understanding the variation in the process by which goods are produced. Shewhart's ideas found little acceptance in American industry, but were widely accepted as one of the cornerstones for rebuilding the industrial base in post-war Japan. New voices, such as Deming and Juran, spread the message that the key to quality lie in understanding variation. At the same time, the quality function in American industry had shifted to a watch-dog role. Inspection was the game. Sampling plans were devised that defined quality by the percentage of defects that would be permitted to go to market. Quality control was in essence a sorting process. The end result often was the creation of hidden factories within factories, whose sole purpose was to repair items that had failed inspection. Quality became the responsibility of a single department. Little emphasis was placed on efforts to improve quality by understanding the sources of product variation and making subsequent improvements to the manufacturing process. The decade of the 1980s, however, saw the quality function in American industry come full circle. The success of Japanese manufacturers in penetrating, often dominating, many traditional American markets was in large part attributed to the high quality of their products. American industry once again learned that to be competitive, the quality function must begin with understanding the variability in the manufacturing process. Continuously reducing variation is the goal. Improvement efforts must involve the entire company, not a single department. The fulfillment of this goal is a multi-step process. Statistical methods play an important role in many of the stages of the process. A primary feature of many of these methods is their use of graphs. In the early stages of examining a 999


T. L. Ziemer

process to determine where improvement efforts should be focused, Pareto charts and cause-and-effect (fishbone) diagrams are invaluable tools. Improvement efforts often begin with the use of control charts, which are used to gain insight into the variability in a process. These charts also provide valuable clues for process trouble-shooting. Process capability studies measure how well a process meets its requirements. These often make use of histograms, probability plots, and control charts. All of these graphical techniques have two things in common: they are powerful tools and they are easy to understand. This is important. To be successful, quality improvement efforts must involve many people in a company. Management. Engineering. Labor. All must be involved. These people come from vastly different backgrounds. Simple, powerful, graphical techniques provide a common basis for communicating the language of process improvement that can be understood by all.

2. Pareto charts

One often finds that in the early stages of a process improvement effort there are many types of quality problems. Each of these problems presents an opportunity for improving product quality. The quality improvement team must find a focus for their efforts if they are to achieve the initial success that is often necessary to establish their mission. A Pareto chart is a graphical aid which helps pinpoint the problems that deserve more immediate attention. The foundation for the Pareto chart is a phenomenon known as the Pareto principle, which states that the majority of defective products are usually the "result of a few problems, the vital few, while the bulk of the problems, the trivial many, are responsible for a relatively small number of defective products. A.typical rule of thumb, the 80/20 rule, is that 80% of the defects are caused by 20% of the problems. By classifying the causes of defective products into problem categories and charting the number of occurrences (or cost)for each category, one can easily determine which problems deserve immediate attention.

2.1. How to construct a Pareto chart Step 1. Determine the problem categories to use in the chart. Provide operational definitions of each category. Provide a check sheet, or similar means of collecting data, that includes all of the categories. Step 2. Count the number of occurrences (or total cost) for each problem category over a prescribed period of time. Convert the counts (or costs) to percentages of the total by dividing each count (cost) by the total count (cost) for all categories and multiplying by 100. Step 3..Make a bar chart of the data. The chart should have a horizontal axis at the bottom, a vertical axis on the left, and a vertical axis on the right. The horizontal axis displays the problem categories. One vertical axis should

Graphical methodsfor process control


display percentages, from 0 to 100, the other vertical axis should display counts (costs), from 0 to N. Each problem category has a separate bar, the height of which is equal to the percentage of occurrences (costs) for that category. Starting on the left, the bars are ordered from tallest to shortest. If there are several categories with very small counts, these can be combined into a category called 'others', which is always the last category on the right. Step 4. Plot a line showing the cumulative percentage achieved with the addition of each new category. The Pareto principle is evidenced by a break in the slope of this line. The point where the break occurs indicates which problem categories should be considered first. Kane (1989, pp. 351,352) gives a good discussion of things that may have gone wrong in the planning stage of the analysis if no break is evident, along with some ideas for corrective measures. It should be noted that the directions above specify two vertical scales, one for percentages and one for counts. The percent scale is better suited to interpreting the data. The count scale is necessary for making comparisons between charts. Some books and computer software use a single scale. This is not recommended, in particular when comparing charts. A c o m m o n practice is to compare a Pareto chart drawn before undertaking an improvement plan to one after. If both charts have only a count scale, one should use the same scale on both charts to avoid distortion of the bar heights. If both charts use only a percent scale, the heights of the bars on the 'after' chart may appear to be as high as those on the 'before' chart. The appearance of no improvement is given. The percent scales do not show whether the overall n u m b e r of defects has been reduced.

2.2. Worksheet for construction of Pareto chart Table 1 shows a Pareto worksheet for chart construction. Table 1. Worksheet for Pareto chart construction. Problem category

Count (cost)

% of total

Cumulative %

Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3

nl n2 n3

pl = (nl/N). 100 p2 = (n2/N). 100 p3 = (n3/N). 100

pl pl +p2 pl +p2 +p3


Total count = N



2.3. Example: Automobile air-conditioning assembly repair problems Table 2 shows a Pareto worksheet for assembly repair problems in an automobile air-conditioning evaporator. The data are from Kane (1989, p. 366).


T. L. Ziemer

Table 2. Repair problems for car air-conditioning evaporator. Problem category

Count (cost)

% of Total

Cumulative %

Missing screws Missing clips Defective housing Gasket Scrap Unconnected wires Missing studs Incomplete parts Missing cam screws Missing duct Missing arm Missing cam Foreign matter Unconnected arm Sealer Total

274 59 43 41 19 18 14 13 12 9 3 3 3 2 1 514

53.3% 11.5% 8.4% 8.0% 3.7% 3.5% 2.7% 2.5% 2.3% 1.8% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.4% 0.1% 100.0%

53.3% 64.8% 73.2% 81.2% 84.9% 88.4% 91.1% 93.6% 95.9% 97.7% 98.3% 98.9% 99.5% 99.9% 100.0% 100.0%

Figure 11 shows the Pareto chart for the data in Table 2. Notice that the last 6 categories in the table were combined into a category labelled 'others' when the chart was drawn. This is usually done as a means of simplifying the chart. While it may not be obvious from examining Table 2, one can see in the chart that a break occurs in the cumulative percent line after the first four categories.








0 O



~3 ,.o





O-4 Defect

.,~, 1 ) or an I and M R chart (for samples of size 1). Step 2. D r a w a control chart with a center line, lines at 10- above and below the centerline, 20- above and below the centerline, 30- above and below the centerline. These lines m a r k out the zones on the chart. Place labels on the lines showing the actual values. Step 3. Determine an appropriate weighting scheme. We will illustrate using the 1, 2, 4, 8 scheme. Place the values of the weights for each zone at the left side of the chart, between the lines. For example, place a 1 in each zone closest to the center line, a 2 in each of the next closest zones, and so on. Step 4. Beginning the running sum of scores with 0, take a m e a s u r e m e n t (or find the average of a sample of measurements). D e t e r m i n e the zone where the m e a s u r e m e n t lies and draw a circle in the zone. Step 5. If the new m e a s u r e m e n t is on the same side of the center line as the previous measurement, add the weight for that zone to the previous value of the running sum. E n t e r the new value of the running sum inside the circle drawn in Step 4. Step 6. If the new m e a s u r e m e n t is on the opposite side of the center line as the previous measurement, the new value of the running sum is the weight for the new measurement. Enter the new value of the running sum inside the circle drawn in Step 4. Step 7. If the value of the running sum exceeds 86 , there is evidence to support the conclusion that a special cause has occurred. After the cause has been corrected, the running sum is restarted at the value 0.

6 Based on the weighting scheme used in the example, Different weighting s c h e m e s use different critical values. See Case-and Fang (1990) for examples.

Graphical methods for process control


5. Process capability Process capability studies are performed to measure the effectiveness of a process with regards to meeting the specification limits on its output. Studies can be performed on the output of an entire process, or on the output of any part of the process, such as a single machine. Quite often, capability studies are used to benchmark a process, then compare future studies with the benchmark as a method of gauging process improvement. A variety of different graphs, statistics, or combinations of the two can be used to assess process capability. We will consider a combination of graphs that we feel captures the information needed to assess the ability of a process to consistently meet specifications. A process capability study should answer three questions about the process: (1) Does the output from the process meets its specifications? (2) Can the process continue to produce output that meets specifications? (3) What percentage of the future output stream will meet specifications? Question (1) requires nothing more than a measurement system to provide an answer. However, questions (2) and (3) require that certain assumptions about the process be made. In question (2), the process can continue to produce output that meets specifications only if the process is stable, and remains so. Therefore, the assumption is that the process is stable at the time of the capability study and will continue to be so in the future. Question (3) relies on the stability assumption also, since one cannot make conjectures about the future output stream of a process that is not even stable in the present. In addition to the assumption of stability, some sort of probability model, usually a normal distribution, must be assumed to determine the percentage of output that will meet specifications. Control charts for both location and variation should be used to verify that the process is stable. For measurement data, one can use an Xbar and R chart, an I and M R chart. If E W M A or CUSUM charts are used, one should be done for location and one for variation, or the chart for location can be accompanied by an R or MR chart. For attributes data, n p , p , c, and u charts can be used. The attribute charts also give direct estimates of the process percentage of either defects or defectives, depending on the type of chart. If the control charts point out any problems in the process, its capability should not be measured. If the probability model being used is the normal distribution, one should use a histogram or a normal probability plot to gauge the goodness of fit. Histograms quite often have normal curves superimposed over them to aid in assessing the goodness of fit. Probability plots can be used to obtain estimates of the percentage of output that meets specifications, in addition to assessing the goodness of fit. For non-normal data, the Johnson or Pearson families of distributions provide adequate flexibility to fit most situations. An assessment of whether the process is able to produce output that meets specifications can be done by comparing the control limits from a chart of the individual observations to the specification limits. The control limits for this

T. L. Zierner


Xbar and R Chort

Capability Histogram

























LCL=O.O00 Last



CapQbility Plot Process Spread






52 47 42

F 38

• i



30 Subgroup Number


Normal Prob Plot

t 63






Fig. 8. Combination of charts used in a process capability study.

chart are based on the process o- for individual items. Estimates of o- can be taken from the control charts used to verify the process stability. If the control limits for the I chart are within the specification range, the process is capable. If one or more of the control limits are outside the specification range, the process is not capable. Other means of assessing process capability use statistics such as Cp, Cpk, Cpm, or Cpt. These are numerical comparisons that are analogous to comparing the I chart limits to the specification limits. Figure. 8 shows a combination of charts that are useful for a process capability study. The Xbar and R charts are used with samples of more than one item to verify process stability. For samples of size one, I and M R charts are substituted. The historgram and normal probability plot are used to check the assumption of normality. The plot in the lower right corner compares the control limits for individual observations to the specification limits. Below this plot is the value of Cpk.

References Burr, I. W. (1976). Statistical Quality Control Methods. Marcel Dekker, New York. Case, K. E. and J. Fang (1990). Improving the zone control chart. In: ASQC Quality Congr. Trans. Milwaukee, 494-500. Deming, W. E. (1982). Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Position. Cambridge, MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Studies. Duncan, A. J. (1986). Quality Control and Industrial Statistics. 5th ed, Irwin, Homewood, IL.

Graphical methods for process control


Ford Motor Company (1983). Continuing Process Control and Process Capability Improvement. Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI. Hart, M. K. and R. F. Hart (1989). Quantative Methods for Quality and Productivity Improvement. ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee. Hendrix, C. D. and J. L. Hansen (1990). Zone charts: An SPC tool for the 1990's. In: Proc. Amer. Statist. Assoc. Hunter, J. S. (1986). The exponentially weighted moving average. J. Quality Techn. 18(4), 203-210. Ishikawa, K. (1982). Guide to Quality Control. Quality Resources, White Plains. Jaehn, A. H. (1987). Zone control charts: A new tool for quality control. Tappi J. 70, 159-161. Jaehn, A. H. (1989). Zone control charts find new applications. In: ASQC Quality Congr. Trans. Milwaukee, 890-895. Kane, V. E. (1989). Defect Prevention: use of Simple Statistical Tools. Marcel Dekker, New York. Lowery, C. A., W. H. Woodall, C. W. Champ and S. E. Rigdon (1992). A multivariate exponentially weighted moving average control chart. Technometrics 34(1), 46-53. Lucas, J. M. (1976). The design and use of V-mask control schemes. J. Quality Techn. 8, 1-12. Lucas, J. M. and R. B. Crosier (1982). Fast initial response for CUSUM quality-control schemes: Give your CUSUM a head start. Technometrics 24, 199-205. Lucas, J. M. and M. S. Saccucci (1990). Exponentially weighted moving average control schemes: properties and enhancements. Technometrics 32(1), 1-12. Nelson, L. S. (1984). The Shewhart control chart: Tests for special causes. J. Quality Tech. 16(4), 237-239. Ng, C. H. and K. E. Case (1989). Development and evaluation of control charts using exponentially weighted moving averages. J. Quality Tech. 21(4), 242-250. Ott, E. R. and E. G. Schilling (1990). Process Quality Control: Troubleshooting and Interpretation of Data. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. Page, E. S. (196l). Cumulative sum charts. Technometrics 3, 1-9. Putnam, A. O. (1962). Pre-control. In: J. M. Juran, ed., Quality Control Handbook, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. Ryan, T. P. (1989). Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement. Wiley, New York. Shewhart, W. A. (1931). Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product. Van Nostrand, New York. Wadsworth, H. M., K. S. Stephens and A. B. Godfrey (1986). Modern Methods for quality Control and Improvement. Wiley, New York. Western Electric (1956). Statistical Quality Control Handbook. Western Electric Company, Indianapolis, IN. Wheeler, D. J. and D. S. Chambers (1986). Understanding Statistical Process Control. Statistical Process Controls, Knoxville.

Subject Index

Absorbing state 183 Accelerated bias-corrected method 639 Accent 757 Acceptance-complement method 691 Acces methods B+-tree 107 hashing 107 - ISAM 106 Accessibility relation 175 Accommodation 906 Accuracy - of Cholesky decomposition 485 of modified Gram-Schmidt 484 of QR decomposition 484 Action space 176 Active multivariate statistical visualization Active set algorithms 226 Adaptive aggregation 187, 188 Added variable 791 Added variable plot 502 Additive modeling 445 Adjoining 584 Adjusted residual 794 Aerial perspective 889 Affme scaling method 224 Aggregate MLB equation 46 Aggregated MDP 194 AGREE 545 Algebraic methods 291 Algol60 145 Algorithmically unsolvable 15 Algorithms for computing the SVD 334 Alias method 688 Alias urn method 690 Aliasing 474 Alignments 869 All-pair shortest path problem 184 All-possible-subset regressions 501 c~-Channel 887

Alternating conditional expectations (ACE) 445 Ambient light 881 Ambient reflection coefficient 882 Analysis 147 Analysis of algorithm 1 Analytical model 749 Andrews plot 933 Angular parallax 893 Annotation 756 Anscombe's quartet 775 Antialiasing 865 Aperiodic@ 32 Approximation 878 Approximation errors 303 Aquarium model 900 Architecture 154 Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) 162 Armijo's rule 209 Armstrong's axioms 118 Arrival theorem 26 Arriver's distribution 23 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 151,535 ASA 545 Aspect ratio 865 Assignable causes 1005 Assumptions 778 Asymptotic 724, 736, 737 Asymptotic behavior 733 Asymptotic bound analysis 50 Asymptotic distribution 733 Asymptotic expansion 49 Asymptotically consistent 732 Asymptotically normally distributed 730 Asymptotically optimal bandwidth 433, 452 Asymptotically unbiased 732, 736 Asynchronous model 173 Atomic firing 66 Attribute-value pairs 580 Attributes 756








Subject index

Augmented partial residual plot 503 Automatic job sequencing 154 Automatic reformulation 287 Autoregressive models 650 Average run length 1012, 1013 Average shifted histogram (ASH) 916, 939 Axis label 755 Axis line 755 B-splines 876 Back substitution algorithm 473, 505 Backward rank revealing QR 352 Backward ray tracing 889 Balanced job bounds 51 Balanced sampling 636 Band rejection 687 Banded matrix 483 Bandwidth 82, 428, 451 Bar charts 918 Barrier method 237 Basic service rate 28 Basic TLS algorithm 385 Basins of attractors 950 Basis linear algebra subroutines (BLAS) 486 Bayesian analysis 611 Bayesian bootstrap 654 Bayesian image reconstruction 618 Bayesian stopping rules 250 Bender's decomposition 243 Benes network 87 Bernstein polynomials 877 ]3-Reduction 148 B6zier-B-spline approximation 878 B6zier-B-spline surface 878 B6zier-Bernstein approximation 878 B6zier-Bernstein surface 878 Bias 431,449, 452, 725, 729, 733, 736 Bias-corrected method 639 Bidirectional MVA 48 Bilingual concordances 594 Bilingual corpora 593 Bin size 449 Binary encoding 170 Binned-type estimates 934 Binning methods in one dimension 915 Binomial distribution 1009 Binomial logistic regression 419 Birth-death process 33 bitBlt 832 Bitmaps 831 Block algorithms 487 Blocking networks 87 Bootstrap 627, 723, 736, 737 Bootstrap prediction interval 646

Boundary kernels 428, 433, 452 Box-and-whisker plot 927 Box plot 779, 914, 917 Box-Cox transformation 917 Box-Muller method 672 Branch and bound 255, 292 Breadth-first search 180 Brushing 922, 961 Bundle method 247 Bus 86 C-S decomposition 329, 335 Cache 160 California female births data 805 Capacity function 28 Cartesian coordinate system 748 Case 749 Castles and trees 923 Categorical data 521 Categorical variable 749, 779 Causal relationships 544 Cause-and-effect diagram 1000, 1003 - how to construct 1003 24-cell 939 Censored failure time data 509 Censoring 509 Center line 1006, 1008 Center of projection 871 Chance causes 1005 Characteristic points 441 Chernoff fazes 923 Cholesky decomposition 484, 493 updating 489 Cholesky factor 324 CISC (complex instruction set computers) 161 Clamped spline condition 877 Class intervals 911 Class NP 171 Class NPC 171 Class P 171 Classes 28 Classical Petri-nets 62 Classical task-graph 64 Closed model 19 Cluster analysis 458 Cluster partition 178 CM-I 95 College data 786 CoUinearity-inttuential observations 780 Color perception 908 Combinatory categorical grammar (CCG) 584 Common causes 1005 Common data bus 72 Common scale 763 -

Subject index Communicating classes 175 Communicating MDP 176 Communication relation 175 Compact differentiable 629 Compilation 143 Complete orthogonal factorization 477, 504 Complex projective spaces 504 Complex QR decomposition 503 Component plus residual plot 502 Composition method 674 Computation migration 165 Computational cost 473 back substitution 474 - covariance matrix 474 - Householder 474 multiplication by Q 481 of Cholesky decomposition 484 - of computing Q 489 of computing regression diagnostics 489, 490 of Givens rotations 483 of Householder transformation 479 of QR decomposition 481 of ridge regression 492 of singular value decomposition 475, 486 Computational efficiency 419 Computer aided design (CAD) 879 Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) 879 Computer generation of random variables 661 Computer graphics 851,954 Computer systems level 536 Computing canonical correlations 335 Computing technology 471 Concave 202 Concave minimization 253 Concavity cut 258 Conceptual database 104 Condition estimation 347 - of a lower triangular matrix 350 Condition number 482 Conditions for product form solution 40 Cones 907 Confidence intervals 447, 723, 729, 731,736 Confirmatory analysis 775 Congruential generator 663 Conjugate gradient method 211 Consistency 727, 728, 730, 732, 736, 737 Consistent with respect to the mode 949 Constrained discounted cost problem 190 Constrained finite horizon problem 196 Constrained linear models 357 Constrained MDP problem with sample-path constraints 193 Constrained optimal first passage problem 194 Constrained TLS 404 -










Constraint-driven programming 153 Constraint generation 287 Constraint qualification 204 Consultation 539 Context-free grammar (CFG) 578, 590 Context-free language 146 Context-sensitive grammar 578 Context-sensitive language 146 Contingency table 522 Continuous piecewise polynomial (spline) 876 Continuous-source methods 898 Contour 829 Contouring 947 Contracting dynamic programming 191 Contraction mapping 187 Control chart I000, 1004 attributes data 1004, 1;)09 how to construct 1006 measurement data 1004, 1007 Control hazards 71 Control points 878 Control policy 83 Convergence 908 Convolution 509 Convolution algorithm 45 Convolution theorem 45 Convolution weight 428, 435 Cook's distance 793 Cooperating experts 153 Coordinate transformation 859, 861,869 Corpus-based NLP 591 Correlation model 646 Cosmic Cube 96 COV RATIO 490 Covariance matrix 474 Cox proportional hazards model 421 Cp 1018 Cpk 1018 Cpm 1018 Cpt 1018 CPU 154, 162 Cray I 77 CRCW (concurrent read--concurrent write) PRAM 173 CREW (concurrent read-exclusive write) PRAM 173 Cross-correlation function 821 Cross-validation 436, 455 Crossbar 87 Crossbar connection 163 Crossed dependencies 582, 583 Crossover effect 931 Cubic spline function 429 Cumulative periodogram 813 -




Subject index

Curse of dimensionality 935 Curvature 412 CUSUM chart 1005, 1012-1014 Cutting plane methods 295 Cycle time 25 Cyclic index 182 d-sided polygons 923 Daniel formula 212 Data-adaptive, variable binwidth histogram 915 Data analysis 747 Data augmentation 620 Data bandwidth 77 Data compression 747 Data dictionary 105 Data dimension 752 Data expression 747 Data granularity 97 Data hazards 71 Data independence 104 Data label 901 Data manipulation language 105 Data migration 165 Data model entity-relationship (E-R) 109 - object-oriented 111 relational 111 Data objects 756, 757 Data parallelism 97 Data region 755, 901 Data sets 749 Data space 965 Data structures 4 DC (difference of convex functions) programming 253 Deadlock 124 Decision free nets 64 Decision problem 170 Decomposition approach 194 Decomposition approximation 58 Deeonvolution 397, 518 Deferred correction 358, 362 Degenerate 222 Delauney triangularization 940 Delay station 28 Demographic data 781,792 Denotational (compositional) semantics 149 Density contours 943 Density estimation 448, 912 Density plot 914 Departer's distribution 23 Dependencies 582 Depth-cued orthogonal projection 892, 897 Depth-first search 181 -


Depth multiplexed methods 898 Depth of field 906 Derivatives 441 Design-adaptive bandwidth 429 Design-variable bandwidth 435 Detail perspective 889 Detailed balance 38 Determinant 490 - of a triangular matrix 490 ratio of two 490 Deterministic MDP 176, 198 Deterministic method 249 Deterministic parsing 586 Deterministic Turing machine 170, 171 DEXPERT 555 DEXTER 554 Diameter 82 Diffuse reflection 883 Digitized image 828, 833 Dimension 85 DINDE 555 Diopters 905 Direct approach 592 Direct elimination method 358 Direct elimination of the constraint matrix 359 Direct manipulation 900 Direction-of-arrival (DOA) problem 335 Directional source 881 Discriminant analysis 457 Disjunctive cut 258 Distinct scale 764 Distributed database 129 Distributed memory 82, 173 Distributed systems 165 Dithering 829 Divide and conquer 10 Domain of locality 583, 584 Dot charts 918 Dot plot 779 Double bootstrap 638 Draftsman's display 922 Draftsman's matrix 780 Drawing objects 756 Dual active set algorithm 227 Dual function 207 Dual problem 206 Dual scaling 521,523 Duality gap 208 Dyadic decomposition 383 Dynamic graphical displays 785 Dynamic graphs 779 Dynamic programming 11, 189, 190, 296, 297 Dynamic rotation of a three-dimensional scatterplot 920 -

Subject index Dynamic statistical graphics 959 Dynamic thresholding 947 Dynamic topology 83, 86 Eckart-Young-Mirsky matrix approximation theorem 383 EDA view plot 916, 917 Edge cardinality 178 Edge detection 834 Edgeworth expansion 632 Effective graph 757 Effective service rate 29 Efficiency 174 Efficiency parallelizable 174 EGA 858 Elements of a graph 755 Ellipsoid 879 Ellipsoid algorithm 219 Elliptic cone 879 Elliptic cylinder 879 Elliptic paraboloid 879 EM algorithm 412, 509 Embedded Markov process 31 Empirical Edgeworth expansion 632 Empirically linked plots 965 Energy norm 211 Envelope rejection method 682 Epanechnikov kernel 935, 936 Epigraph 202 e optimal 190 E optimal stationary policy 191 Equal interval scores 528 Equality constrained least squares problem 356 EREW (exclusive read-exclusieve write) PRAM 173 Ergodicity 32, 183 Error contrasts 494 Errors-in-variables 497 Errors-in-variables models 395 Errors-in-variables regression 380, 647 ESPRIT algorithm of Roy 335 Estimated response vector 323 Estimator 723, 725, 729, 731,732, 737, 738, 740 Estimator of variance 439 EWMA chart 1005, 1012 Exact-approximation method 693 Existence and uniqueness conditions for the TLS problem 337 Expectation constrained average cost problem 191 Expectation constraints 177 Expected discounted cost/reward 177 Expected first passage time problem 175


Expected information 409 Expected state-action frequencies 195 Expected sum criterion 177 Explicit edge listing 875 EXPLORA 560 Exploratory 775 Exploratory data analysis 899, 960 Exploratory methods 959 ExplorNTM 921 Exponent 72 Exponential tilting 636 Exponentially weighted moving average 1012 Extended task graphs 65 Extended TLS algorithm 391 Extent of the database 103 Externally studentized residuals 790 Extrema 443 Extreme value statistics 628 Extremes of a scale 753 Eye movement 908 Eye separation and hyperstereoscopy 896 F-ratio 501 Factorable functions 256 Failures media 126 system 126, 128 - transaction 126 False coloring 833 Fast initial response (FIR) 1012, 1013 Feasibility demonstrations 539 Feature structure 580 Figure region 755 Filtered transparency 887 Finite horizon 177 Finite-state grammar 578, 579, 589 Finite-state machine 588 Finite-state Markov chains 174 First-order predicate calculus 151 First passage time problem 175, 180 Fishbone diagram 1000, 1003 Fisher-Cochran theorem 501 Fixed design 426 Fixed-focal-point model 890 Fletcher-Reeves formula 211 Flip animation 921 Floating horizon 838 Floating point arithmetic 305 Floating point format 72 Floating point register 73 Flop 473 Flow balance 21 Flow equivalent aggregation 51 Floyd-WarshaU algorithm 184 -



Subject index

Flynn's classification 69 Focal length of the lens 905 Footnote 755 Formal theory 537 FORTRAN 143 Forward rank revealing QR 353 Forward ray tracing 889 Forward-backward method 589 Frame 755 Frequency polygon 450 Full abstraction 149 Function application 584 Function composition 584 Function filling 259 Functional dependency 118 Functional parallelism 97 Functional units 77 Gauss transformation 483 Gauss-Markov linear model 313, 314 Gauss-Newton algorithm 491,492, 497 Gaussian elimination 183 Gaxpy 487 GEM (generalised EM) 514 General INteractive Optimizer (GINO) 522, 525, 532 Generalized feedback shift register (GFSR) generator 664 Generalized inverse 476 Generalized jackknife 723, 726-728 Generalized least squares 492, 495, 497 Generalized linear programming 225 Generalized phrase structure grammar 581 Generalized rotations 951 Generalized TLS problem 402 Generalized variance 490 Generating order statistics 702 Generator 663 Genetic algorithm 251 Genetic linkage models 618 Geometric transformation 859, 866 Geometrical representation of multivariate data 964 Geometry 954 Geostatistics 494 Gibbs sampling 600 GINO, see General INteractive Optimizer Givens orthogonal factorization 324 Givens rotations 324, 482, 492 GKS 858 GKS-3D 858 GL 858 GLIMPSE 551 Global balance 38

Global ice volume data 809 Global minimizer 202 Global minimum 249 Global optimization 284 Glyph 923 G/M/c canonical form 36 Gouraud shading 885, 886 Gradient projection schemes 230 Gradient restoration algorithm 234 Gradient tracing 949 Gradual underftow 306 Gram-Charlier 912 Gram-Schmidt algorithm 483 modified vs classical 483 Grammar 146, 578 Grammars and Parsers 578 Grand tour 951,961 Grand tour algorithm in d-space 952 Graphic design 760, 825 Graphical methods 747 Graphs after fitting a model 789 Graphs before fitting a model 779 Graphs for variable selection 791 Grassmannian manifold of d-fiats 953 Gray scale 828, 833 Greedy algorithm 11 Grid line 755 Group 749 Grouping 509 Growth curves 494 Guided tour 962 Guided tourplot 967 Guidemaps 992 -

Haloing 843 Halting problem 15 Hamilton's data 785 Hat matrix 468, 475, 778 Hazards 71 hD-residualization 972 Head driven phrase structure grammar 581 Head grammar 585 Hestenes-Stiefel formula 212 Heteroscedasticity 426, 440, 724, 732, 735, 789 Hexagonal bins 939 Hidden line elimination 835 Hidden Markov models (HMM) 589 Hidden surfaces 879 Hierarchical Bayesian models 613 High level languages 143 High leverage 793 Histogram 448, 779, 911,914 Histospline 450 Homogeneous 861

Subject index Homogeneous arrivals 21 Homogeneous Markov chain 30 Homogeneous service 21 Homoscedastic 732, 735, 789 Homotopy method 252 Horizontal parallax 893 Horizontal scale 901 Householder transformations 318, 478 Householder-Golub factorization 318 Human visual perception 905 Hyperbolic paraboloid 879 Hypercube 85 Hypercube parallel computer 173 Hyperstereoscopy 896

Inverse transformation 861 Inversion problem 518 iPSC 96 Irreducibility 32 Irreducible 175 Ishikawa diagram 1000, 1003 Isopleths 943 Iterative algorithm 393 Itemtive method for the LSE problem 366 Iterative regression process 779

I chart 1009 IBM 360/91 72 Ideal line 862 Ideal point 862 IEEE floating point standard 306 iid 732, 734 Ill-determined model 470 Illumination equation 881 Importance sampling 636, 642 Incomplete data 509 Index plot 795 Individual chart 1009 Inflection points 443 Influential observations 776 Inherent service rate 29 Inhibitor arcs 64 Inner optimization 259 Input or representation errors 303 Input size 170 Inside-outside algorithm 590 Instantaneous scatterplot matrix 819 Instruction bandwidth 75 Integrated square error (ISE) 431,448 Intensity interpolated shading 886 Interactive graphical modeling 975 Interactive graphical modeling for PCA 981 Interactive graphics 504 Interactive systems 848 Intereonnection network 82 Interior point method 224 Interleaved memories 79 Interlingua-based approach 592, 593 Internally studentized residuals 790 Interpolated transparency 887 Interpolating or approximating curved lines and surfaces 876 Interpolation 877 Interposition 889 Inverse distribution functions 668

k-nearest-neighbor estimator 430, 452 k-ridge of a d-dimensional density 949 k-skeleton 949 Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimator 644 Kelley's cutting plane method 220 Kendall T 931 KENS 559 Kernel 428, 429, 442 Kernel estimate 428, 450, 459, 634, 912 Kernel methods 912 Keystoning 899 Knapsack problem 297 Knots 429 Knowledge engineering 535 Knowledge level 535 Knowledge representation 556 Koopmans-Levin method 381 Kriging 494, 503 Kuhn-Tucker 204

Jackknife 723-726, 728-738 Jackknife variance 724 Job migration 165 Juxtaposition 752, 902

L-statistics 628, 633 Labeled one-dimensional plots 918 Lagrange polynomial interpolation 877 Lagrange polynomials of degree n 876 A-Calculus 147 Lambertian reflection 883 LAPACK 486, 489, 504 Latency 82 Latent root regression 390 LBPS discipline 40 Least recently used 159 Least-squares correction 381 Least-squares estimate 314 Least-squares problem 472, 481,504 - and QR decomposition 472 and singular value decomposition 485 computational alternatives 483 Least-squares regression 472 - distribution theory 498 -



1028 Least-squares solution 381 Leave-k-out regression diagnostics 489 Leave-one-out regression diagnostics 489 Left/tight multiplexed methods 898 Legend region 755 Levels of statistical strategy 537, 541 Levenberg modification 492 Leverage 488 Leverage values 789 Leverage-residual plot 797 Levinson recursion 811 Lexical functional grammar 581 Lexicalized grammars 590 Light and focus 905 Lighting and shading 881 Likelihood function of R on S 949 Limited memory 218 Line density' 941 Linear complementarity problem 228 Linear dependence 469 Linear indexed grammar 585 Linear model 724, 732, 734, 735, 737, 741 Linear perspective 889 Linear programming 187, 188 Linear regression 645 Linear zero-one programming 279 Linearity assumption 789 Linearization 289 Linearizer 49 Linguistic data consortium (LDC) 591 LINPACK 322, 486, 487, 489 Lipsehitz continuous 215 Liquid crystal polarizing systems 945 LISP 150 Lisp-Stat 962 Little's law 24 Local balance 38 Local minimizer 202 Local polynomial fitting 459 Local polynomials 430 Locally variable bandwidths 439 Loewner ordering 410 Log space reduction 174 Logarithmic cost 172 Logical decomposition 58 Long run expected average 177 Lower bound method 410 Lower control limit 1006, 1008, 1009 LS (least squares) 5M diagram 1003 MA chart 1005, 1012 Machine code 144 Machine language 75, 142

Subject index

Machine translation 578, 592 Magnification 861,894 Main memory 158 Mantissa 72 Marching cubes 948 Marginal local balance theorem 26, 46 Marked graphs 64 Marker 901 Markov chain 174, 603 Markov decision process (MDP) 176 Markov policy 176, 191 Markov process 587 Marquardt-Levenberg compromise 492 Masking 793, 961 Mason Hypergraphics TM 921 Mason Ridge TM 921 Mathematical and computational models 577 Matrix computations 303 Matrix geometric solutions 36 Maximal cluster partition 178 Maximal column pivoting 343, 344 Maximal recurrent classes 194 Maximum clique problem 282 Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) 314, 724-726, 730 Maximum likelihood methods 454, 912 MDP, see Markov decision process Mean integrated square error (MISE) 431,448 Mean squared error (MSE) 726, 727, 729, 736, 737, 740, 913 Mean value theorem 27 Measurement variable 749 Memory hierarchies 158 Memory interleaving 79 Memory management 158 Merit function 239 Mesh 84 Metamorphing 961 Method of weighting 360 Metroglyphs 923 M/G/1 canonical form 36 Mildly context-sensitive grammar 579, 580, 582, 584, 585 MIMD 69, 163 MIMD architectures 95 Minimax 435 Minimum norm solution 477, 486 Minimum norm TLS solution 386 Minimum variance linear unbiased estimate (MVLUE) 499 MISD 69, 163 Missing data 509, 615 Missing information principle 512 Mixed integer programming problem 281

Subject index

Mixed LS-TLS problem 402 Mixed network 29 Mixture method 509, 674, 679, 692 MLE, see Maximum likelihood estimate M---~M property 39 Modal logic 152 Mode estimation 458 Model selection 436, 497, 499 Modeling non-PF scheduling disciplines 56 Modified QR decomposition 505 Module granularity 97 Moir6 effects 908 Moment conditions 442 Monotonicity 412 Moore-Penrose generalized inverse 476 Morphological information 591 Moving average 1012 Moving boxplot 805 Moving range 1009 Moving range chart 1009 MPP 95 MR chart 1009 MSE, see Mean squared error MULREG 553 Multibus 163 Multichain MDP 189 Multicollinearity 396, 780 Multidimensional data 780 Multidimensional graphs 780 Multidimensional scaling 985 Multiedge graphs 177 Multilevel single linkage method 250 Multilingual processing 592 Multinomial logistic regression 415 Multiple-focal-point 890 Multiple path method 605 Multiplier method 238 Multiprogramming 155 Multistage switching network 87 Multivariate binned methods 938 Multivariate data 959 Multivariate density estimation 456 Multivariate generation methods 706 Multivariate kernel estimation 934 Multivariate regression estimation 444 Multivariate rootgram 938 Multivariate statistical visualization 960 MUSE 547 MUSIC algorithm of Schmidt 335 MVA (mean value analysis) algorithm 46 Nadaraya-Watson weight 428, 435 Natural homogeneous coordinates 862 Natural language interfaces 561


Natural language processing (NLP) 577 Natural spline condition 877 Navier-Stokes equations 875 NC 174 NCUBE/10 96 Near complete lumpability 62 Near optimal 190 Nearly completely decomposable 60 Nested dependencies 583 Nested transactions 125 Netlib 263 Network 165 New S 558 Newton's method 215 NHANES 921 Nodes 875 Nonatomic firing 66 Nonblocking networks 87 Nondeterministic Turing machine (NDTM) 170 Nongeneric TLS correction 389 Nongeneric TLS problem 387 Nongeneric rLS solution 389 Nonlinear least-squares 491,492 Nonlinear TLS problem 404 Nonmonotone line search 241 Nonparametric function estimation 423 Nonparametric multivariate density estimation 934 Nonparametric regression 424 Nonpredictive multicollinearities 390 Nonuniqueness of the TLS solution 386 Norm estimation for inverse of lower triangular matrix 350 Normal equations 327, 484 Normal forms - BCNF 120 INF t19 - 2NF 119 - 3NF 119 - 4NF 120 Normal probability plot 790 Normal q~l plot 914 Normal vector 869 Normality assumption 789 Normalization constant 37 Normalized device coordinate system (NDCS) 864 Norton's theorem 52 Npchart 1010, 1011 NP-complete 14, 171,262 NP-completeness in the strong sense 171 NP-hard 171,262 Numerical e rank 341 -

Subject index

1030 Numerical linear algebra 470 Numerical rank 330, 481

O 172 Objective function 201 Observed information 409 Occlusion 889 Occupancy vector 29 Octahedrons 939 f2 172 Omega network 87 One-dimensional graphs 779 One-sheeted hyperboloid 879 One-step behavior 21 One-step transition probability 30 Open network 18 Open systems 151 Operating system 153 Operational results 22 Optimal bandwidths 433 Optimal first passage 177, 190 Optimal kernels 434 Optimization 147 Optimum score 524 Order of a scale 754 Order restrictions 525, 528 Ordered categories 521,532 Ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) 732, 733, 735 Ordinary least squares problem 381 Ordinary residual 778 Orthogonal distance problem 405 Orthogonal factorization 318 Orthogonal factorization with column pivoting 345 Orthogonal least squares fitting 395 Orthogonal matrix 316 Orthogonal Procrustes problem 497 Orthogonal regression 380 Orthogonal series 912 Orthogonal series estimators 430, 454 Orthogonal series methods 912 Orthogonal slicing 949 Orthogonal transformation methods 316 Orthographic projection 873 Orthonormal basis problem 484 Orthonormal wavelet bases 915 Outer approximation 257 Outliers 789, 793 Overall measure of influence 794 Overflows 306 Overplotting 926 pchart



P-complete 174, 197 Page swap 159 Page table 159 Painting 922 Pairwise summation 309 Parallel architectures 162 Parallel computational models 173 Parallel computers 263 Parallel coordinate density estimates 941 Parallel coordinate line density plot 941 Parallel coordinate plots 927 Parallel projection 871,873 Parallel random access machine models 173 Parallel texts 593 Parameter 723, 725, 729, 737, 740 Pareto chart 1000 construction of 1001 Pareto principle 1000-1003 Parser 578, 586 Parseval's theorem 933 Parsing 145, 578, 586 Partial F-ratio tests 501 Partial likelihood 421 Partial regression plot 502, 791 Partial residual plot 502 Partial TLS algorithm 392 3-partition problem 192 Partitioned X 499 Partitioning problem 175, 181 Partitioning techniques 259 Passive multivariate statistical visualization 961 Path following schemes 224 Pattern 747 Pearson system 912 Penalty method 236 Percentile method 639 Percentile plot 916 Perception 905 Performance bound hierarchies 51 Periodic boxplot 805 Periodic spline condition 877 Periodicity problem 175, 182 Periodogram 812 Permutations 87 Perspective foreshortening 871,872 Perspective projection 871 Perspectivity 873 PHIGS 858 PHIGS + 858 Phong illumination 884 Phong shading 886 Phrase-structured language 146 Physical database 103 Physical decomposition 58

Subject index Pie charts 918 Pipeline chaining 78 Pipelining 70,163 Pivoting 504, 505 column 469 strong 469, 481 weak 469, 481,487 Pixd 828, 858 Pixelmaps 831 Planar polygon 875 Planar shapes 503 Plot matrix 780 Plotting a time series 804 Plotting symbol 902 Plug-in rules 437, 455 Point sources 881 Poisson distribution 1011 Polak-Ribi~re formula 211 Policy 176 Policy iteration 187, 188 Polygon 875 Polygon listing 875 Polygonal mesh 875 Polygonal net 875 Polyhedral annexation 259 Polyline 875 Polylog function 172 Polynomial basis functions 876 Polynomial time 171,586 Polynomial-time reducible 171 Population 19 Portable 144 Positive recurrence 32 Potential-residual plot 797 Power of the lens 905 Power transformation 918 Pragmatics 577 Pre-control 1005, 1014 - variables 1014 zone 1014 Preattentive visions 909 Preconditioning 214 Prediction matrix 778 Preprocessing 287 Preprocessing routine for sparse matrices 354 Primal problem 206 Primary key 110 Principal component analysis 332, 977 Principle of apprehension 758 Principle of clarity 75B Principle of consistency 758 Principle of efficiency 759 Principle of necessity 759 Principle of optimality 296

Principle of truthfulness 759 Principles of graphics construction 901 Probabilistic models 588 Process capability 1000, 1017 Processing element 90 Processor complexity 174 Processor sharing 29 Product form solutions 41 Product kernels 457 Programming languages 143 Programming with constraints 153 Progressive disclosure 900 Projection 871 Projection matrix, see also Hat matrix 468, 778, 791 Projection pursuit 961 Projection pursuit density estimation 457 Projection pursuit regression 445 PROLOG 151 Prototypes 539 Pseudo-inverse 318 Pseudo-polynomial time 190 Pseudo-values 725, 733, 734 Pure policy 176 Pursuit 908 Push-down automata 582






Q,Q*,O_. 472 QR decomposition 504 and determinant 490 and Moore-Penrose inverse 477, 478 compared to SVD 496 computation of Q 505 - computationalcost 481 computing rank 482 data structure 480 definition 467 efficient code for 486 existence 471 - Francis, J.G.E 472 - geometry of 479 Givens rotations based algorithm 482, 483 - history 472 - Householder-based algorithm 479 - LAPACK 504, 506 - LAPACK routines 487 - modified 477 - multiplication by Q 481,505 pivoting 469, 481 Q factor 468 R factor 468 - rank revealing 471,482, 497 regression fit 475 - regression residuals 475 -















Subject index

QR decomposition (cont'd) S implementation 487 theorems 471 uniqueness 481 updating 489, 492, 501 Quadratic zero-one programming 279 Qualitative variable 749 Quality function 999 Quantile--quantile (q-q) plot 916 Quantiles 633 Quantitative variable 749 Quasi birth-death process 36 Quasi-Newton 218 Quasi-reversibility 39 Queue 5 Queue length 20 -




R , R * , R 472 R chart 1007, 1008 Random access machine (RAM) 172 Random censorship model 643 Random design 426 Random direction method 250 Random effect 509 Random minimums 679 Random observer's distribution 23 Random sums 679 Random X 503 Rank, numerical 481 Rank 1 update 217 Rank-deficient least squares problems 329, 340 Rank-revealing orthogonal factorization 341, 351 Rank-revealing QR decomposition 497 Rank-revealing QR factorization 392, 497 Rank-revealing URV decomposition 393 Rapid fusion criterion 894 Raster graphics 857 Rate of convergence 431,443, 444, 450, 457 Ratio of determinants 490 Ratio-of-uniforms method 698 Rational subgrouping 1006, 1009 RAW hazard 74 RAW (read after write) 71 Ray glyph 925 Ray tracing 831,881,887, 888 Reaclmbility set 63 Real Schur decomposition for symmetric matrices 331 Realistic imaging 910 Realistic rendering 880 Rearrangeable nonblocking network 87 Recently proposed graphics 797 Reciprocal scores 525

Recovery 126 Rectangle, wedge, tail method 677 Recurrent class 175 Recursive doubling 184 Red-green (or red-blue) plots 920 Reduced gradient algorithm 231 Reduction 171,861 Reference label 755 Reference line 755, 901 Reference point 869 Referential transparency 150 Reflections 864 Reflexive generalized inverse 476 Regression 732 Regression diagnostics 488 QR-based formulae 488 Regression estimation 424 Regression fit 475 Regression fimction 426 Regression residuals 475 Regression splines 429, 459 Regression sum of squares 498, 501 Regular language 146 Regular parametric geometric solids and surfaces 875, 879 Rejection blocking 41 Rejection method 681 Relation 111 Relation scheme 111 Relational algebra 114 Reliable 409, 411 Rendering 827 Replicated database 131 Resampling 940 Reservation stations 72 Resident monitor 154 Residual 318, 439 Residual plots 502 Residual sum of squares 323 Resource management 156 Response pattern tables 528 Response time 20 Restricted TLS problem 403 Retinae 907 Retrieval operations 103 Reversal 832 Reverse-convex programming 253 Reversibility 39 REX 548 Ridge 948 Ridge regression 492 - and updating 492 RISC (reduced instruction set computers) 161 Robust nonparametric estimator 447 -

Subject index Rocking 961 Rods 907 Rotating plots 779 Rotating scatterplots 919 Rotation 859, 867 Rounding 305 Rounding errors 303 Routing algorithm 84 Routing homogeneity 21 Routing probability 18 80/20 rule 1000 RX 541 S 487, 490 Saccades 908 Saddlepoint approximation 636 SAM 545 Sample autocorrelation function 807 Sample means 307 Sample partial autocorrelation function 809 Sample-path constrained average cost problem 193 Sample-path constraints t 77 Sample spectral density function 812, 813 Sample survey models 651 Sample variance 309 Samples of curves 447 Satisfiability problem 171,262 Scale 747 Scale of a variable 753 Scaling 861,867 Scatterplot 775, 919 Scatterplot matrices 919, 961 Schema 102 Schweitzer's algorithm 49 Scientific visualization 880, 899 Scintillation technique 922, 923 Score 409 Scottish Hill races data 795 Screen coordinates 864 Scuba divers model 900 Search direction 209 Searching 6 Secant method 217 Second order accuracy 631 Secondary key 110 Secondary storage 158 Segment boxplot 805 Selection of the smoothing parameter 436, 455 Semantic classes 591 Semantics 147, 577 Semi-Markov process 31 Semi-normal equations 365 Sensitivity of least-squares problem 485


Separatrix 950 Sequential F-ratio tests 501 Sequential quadratic programming 231 Serializability conflict 122 - one-copy 131 - serial correctness 124 - view 124 Shadows 889 Shape parameter 804 Shape theory 503 Shared bus 163 Shared memory 82 Shared memory models 173 Shaving the trajectories 950 SI disciplines 33 Side-by-side left-eye right-eye (stereo pair) plots 920 Signal restoration 446 SIMD 69, 163 SIMD architectures 90 Simplex method 222 Simplicial approximation 252 Simulated armealing 251 Simultaneously rescaling 528 Single path method 609 Singular model 470, 494 Singular value decomposition (SVD) 329, 382, 475, 485 and least squares 333 and Moore-Penrose inverse 476 compared to QR decomposition 496 SISD 69, 163 Size of peaks 443 Skeleton 948 Skewing 94 Slater condition 204 Slicing 961 Smooth functions 724, 730-732 Smooth nonparametric shapes 875, 876 Smoothing methods 423 Smoothing parameter 429, 805 Smoothing splines 429 Smoothness 731 Snell's law 886 Sorting 7 Spatial prediction 494, 497 Special causes 1005 - rules for detecting 1007, 1009-1012 Special orthogonal group 952, 953 Specialized units 162 Specification limits 1017 Spectral density estimation 815 Specular reflection 884 -




1034 Speedup 70, 174 Sphere 879 Spider webb effect 411 Spinplot 960 Spline interpolation 877 Spline methods 912 Splines 459 Spreadplot 962 - algebraically linked plots 974 SQL 115 Stability 32 Stack 5 Stages of statistical analysis 537 Staircasing 865 Standard one-pass algorithm 311 Standard two-pass algorithm 310 Standardized residual variance 811 Star plots 923 Starting node 875 State residence time 30 Static 83 Stationary point 207 Stationary policy 176 Stationary process 440 Stationary transition 174 Statistical approaches 587 Statistical data 745 Statistical database 132 Statistical education 561 Statistical graph 745 Statistical graphics 880, 910 Statistical graphics techniques 954 Statistical strategy 535, 549 Statistical supersampling 889 STATPATH 544 Steady state 174 Steady state probability problem 176, 183 Steepest descent 209 Stem-and-leaf display 779, 916 Step-size 209 Stereo production methods 898 Stereoscopic (binocular) acuity 895 Stereoscopic displays 889 Stereoscopic resolution 895 Stochastic analysis 30 Stochastic context-free grammars 589 Stochastic dynamic programming 176 Stochastic matrix 31 Stochastic method 249 Stochastic Petri-net 65 Stochastic processes 587 Stochastic ray tracing 889 Storage data registers 72 Storage techniques 93

Subject index

Stride value 77, 81 Strongly connected 178 Strongly stable 304 Structural and statistical information 590 Structural description 578, 579 Structural hazards 71 Student 557 Studentized residual 488 Studentized statistics 630 Subcategorization information 591 Subdifferential 203 Subgradient 203 Subset selection 397 Subset selection problem 497 Substitution 584 Substitution sampling 621 Substochastic matrix 60 Successive approximation 187 Successive orthogonalization 497 Sufficient statistics 484 Sunspot series 804 Superposition 753, 902 Superposition theorem 53 Surfaces 878 SVD, see Singular value decomposition Switching policy 82 Symbolic computation 150 Symmetric disciplines 39 Synchronization 98 Synchronous model 173 Syntax 145, 577 t-statistic 498 Table-lookup method 670 Tags 72 Tausworthe generator 664 TAXSY 559 Temporal logic 152 Terminal node 875 TESS 551 Testing goodness of fit 446 Tests for white noise 814 Text and speech databases 591 Thermometer approach 926 THESEUS 550, 557 O 172 Threshold image 829 Throughput 20, 70 Throughput law 24 Tick label 755 Tick line 755 Tick mark 902 Time complexity 170 Time sharing 155

Subject index

Time slice 155 Timestamp 123 Title 755 TLS, see Total least squares TOMS 489 Topological distortion 872 Torns 84 Torus method 953 Total approximation problem 404 Tota! least squares correction 382 Total least squares solution 382 Total least squares (TLS) 337, 377, 382, 496 Total ozone levels 817 Tourplot 962, 967, 969 Trajectories 950 Trajectory method 251 Transaction 120 Transfer-based approach 592 Transfer function model 399 Transformation 781 Transformation of a scale 753 Transformational theory 588 Transformations of data 917 Transformations of random variables 667 Transient 174 Transient class 175 Transient probability problem 175, 179 Transition matrix 179 Transition rate 31 Translation 859, 866 Translational lookaside buffer 159 Transmission coefficient 887 Transparency 880, 886 Transparency color 887 Traveling salesman problem 280 Tree 5 Tree-adjoining grammar (TAG) 583, 590 Tree convolution 47 Tree MVA 48 Trend 747 Triangular matrix 473 inverse of 474, 505 Trigonometric interpolation 968 Trivial many 1000 Trust region method 216 Tuple 111 Turing machine 169 Two-dimensional graphs 779 Two-phase commit protocol 130 Two-phase locking 123 Two-sheeted hyperboloid 879 -

U-statistics 628 UMVUE 726, 732


Unary encoding 170 Unary encoding scheme 170 Unbiased 727, 728, 732, 734-736, 741 Unconstrained average cost problem 188 Unconstrained discounted cost problem 187 Unconstrained row scores 525 Unconstrained sum of costs problem 189 Underflows 306 Unguided tourplot 967 Unichain MDP 176 Unification 580 Unification-based grammars 581 Unification grammars 580 Uniform cost 172 Uniform random numbers 662 Uniqueness 324 Uniqueness and existence of a TLS solution 385 Unit roundoff 479 Unrestricted rewriting systems 578 Unweighted jackknife 734-736 Update operations 103 Updating 492, 497, 501 Updating decompositions 489 Upper control limit 1006, 1008, 1009 Upper Hessenberg form 492 Utilization 20, 24 V-mask 1013, 1014 Valid cut 258 Vanishing points 871, 872 Variable 749 Variable bandwidth 430 Variable kernel estimators 452 Variance 431,449, 452, 724, 729-731,735-737 Variance stabilizing transformation 642 Variation 747 Vector graphics 857 Vector machines 75 Vector reduction 78 Vector registers 77 Vertical scale 901 VGA 858 View 104 View confusion 872 View plane 871 Viewing distance 894 Viewing transformation 864 Viewport 865 Virtual memory 158 Virtual reality 899 Vision theory 955 Visit ratios 23 ViSta 962


Subject index

Visual dimension 752 Visual language composition 849 Visual model 750 Visual subsenses 909 Visual syntax 844 Visualization 955 Visualizing multivariate analyses 964, 991 Visualizing multivariate data 964 Visualizing multivariate data structure 963 Visualizing multivariate models 963, 975 Vital few 1000 Von Neumann architecture 69

Weakly stable 304 Weathervanes 923 Weighted jackknife 724, 734-736 Weighted least squares 357, 493 Weighting schemes 435 West's algorithm 312 Wireframe model 875 Work conserving 33 Workmaps 993 World coordinate system (WCS) 864 Wormhole routing 86 Write-ahead logging 126

Waiting line length 20 Waiting time 20, 695 WAMASTEX 550 WAR hazard 74 WAR (write after read) 71 WAW hazard 74 WAW (write after write) 71 Weak pivoting 487

X2.1 499, 500 X-windows 858 Xbar chart 1007, 1008 Y-combinator


z,z*, ~, z+,z* + 473 z-buffer 880 Zone control chart 1005, 1015

H a n d b o o k of Statistics C o n t e n t s of Previous V o l u m e s

Volume 1. Analysis of Variance Edited by P. R. Krishnaiah 1980 xviii + 1002 pp.

1. Estimation of Variance Components by C. R. Rao and J. Kleffe 2. Multivariate Analysis of Variance of Repeated Measurements by N. H. Timm 3. Growth Curve Analysis by S. Geisser 4. Bayesian Inference in MANOVA by S. J. Press 5. Graphical Methods for Internal Comparisons in ANOVA and MANOVA by R. Gnanadesikan 6. Monotonicity and Unbiasedness Properties of ANOVA and MANOVA Tests by S. Das Gupta 7. Robustness of ANOVA and MANOVA Test Procedures by P. K. Ito 8. Analysis of Variance and Problems under Time Series Models by D. R. Brillinger 9. Tests of Univariate and Multivariate Normality by K. V. Mardia 10. Transformations to Normality by G. Kaskey, B. Kolman, P. R. Krishnaiah and L. Steinberg 11. ANOVA and MANOVA: Models for Categorical Data by V. P. Bhapkar 12. Inference and the Structural Model for ANOVA and MANOVA by D. A. S. Fraser 13. Inference Based on Conditionally Specified ANOVA Models Incorporating Preliminary Testing by T. A. Bancroft and C.-P. Han 14. Quadratic Forms in Normal Variables by C. G. Khatri 15. Generalized Inverse of Matrices and Applications to Linear Models by S. K. Mitra 16. Likelihood Ratio Tests for Mean Vectors and Covariance Matrices by P. R. Krishnaiah and J. C. Lee 17. Assessing Dimensionality in Multivariate Regression by A. J. Izenman 1037


18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Contents of previous volumes

Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Regression Models by H. Bunke Early History of Multiple Comparison Tests by H. L. Harter Representations of Simultaneous Pairwise Comparisons by A. R. Sampson Simultaneous Test Procedures for Mean Vectors and Covariance Matrices by P. R. Krishnaiah, G. S. Mudholkar and P. Subbaiah Nonparametric Simultaneous Inference for Some MANOVA Models by P. K. Sen Comparison of Some Computer Programs for Univariate and Multivariate Analysis of Variance by R. D. Bock and D. Brandt Computations of Some Multivariate Distributions by P. R. Krishnaiah Inference on the Structure of Interaction in Two-Way Classification Model by P. R. Krishnaiah and M. Yochmowitz

V o l u m e 2. Classification, P a t t e r n R e c o g n i t i o n a n d R e d u c t i o n o f Dimensionality E d i t e d by P. R. K r i s h n a i a h and L. N. K a n a l 1982 xxii + 903 pp.

1. Discriminant Analysis for Time Series by R. H. Shumway 2. Optimum Rules for Classification into Two Multivariate Normal Populations with the Same Covariance Matrix by S. Das Gupta 3. Large Sample Approximations and Asymptotic Expansions of Classification Statistics by M. Siotani 4. Bayesian Discrimination by S. Geisser 5. Classification of Growth Curves by J. C. Lee 6. Nonparametric Classification by J. D. Broffitt 7. Logistic Discrimination by J. A. Anderson 8. Nearest Neighbor Methods in Discrimination by L. Devroye and T. J. Wagner 9. The Classification and Mixture Maximum Likelihood Approaches to Cluster Analysis by G. J. McLachlan 10. Graphical Techniques for Multivariate Data and for Clustering by J. M. Chambers and B. Kleiner 11. Cluster Analysis Software by R. K. Blashfield, M. S. Aldenderfer and L. C. Morey 12. Single-link Clustering Algorithms by F. J. Rohlf 13. Theory of Multidimensional Scaling by J. de Leeuw and W. Heiser 14. Multidimensional Scaling and its Application by M. Wish and J. D. Carroll 15. Intrinsic Dimensionality Extraction by K. Fukunaga 16. Structural Methods in Image Analysis and Recognition by L. N. Kanal, B. A. Lambird and D. Lavine

Contents of previous volumes

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.


Image Models by N. Ahuja and A. Rosenfeld Image Texture Survey by R. M. Haralick Applications of Stochastic Languages by K. S. Fu A Unifying Viewpoint on Pattern Recognition by J. C. Simon, E. Backer and J. Sallentin Logical Functions in the Problems of Empirical Prediction by G. S. Lbov Inference and Data Tables and Missing Values by N. G. Zagoruiko and V. N. Yolkina Recognition of Electrocardiographic Patterns by J. H. van Bemmel Waveform Parsing Systems by G. C. Stockman Continuous Speech Recognition: Statistical Methods by F. Jelinek, R. L. Mercer and L. R. Bahl Applications of Pattern Recognition in Radar by A. A. Grometstein and W. H. Schoendorf White Blood Cell Recognition by E. S. Gelsema and G. H. Landweerd Pattern Recognition Techniques for Remote Sensing Applications by P. H. Swain Optical Character Recognition--Theory and Practice by G. Nagy Computer and Statistical Considerations for Oil Spill Identification by Y. T. Chien and T. J. Killeen Pattern Recognition in Chemistry by B. R. Kowalski and S. Wold Covariance Matrix Representation and Object-Predicate Symmetry by T. Kaminuma, S. Tomita and S. Watanabe Multivariate Morphometrics by R. A. Reyment Multivariate Analysis with Latent Variables by P. M. Bentler and D. G. Weeks Use of Distance Measures, Information Measures and Error Bounds in Feature Evaluation by M. Ben-Bassat Topics in Measurement Selection by J. M. Van Campenhout Selection of Variables Under Univariate Regression Models by P. R. Krishnaiah On the Selection of Variables Under Regression Models Using Krishnaiah's Finite Intersection Tests by J. L. Schmidhammer Dimensionality and Sample Size Considerations in Pattern Recognition Practice by A. K. Jain and B. Chandrasekaran Selecting Variables in Discriminant Analysis for Improving upon Classical Procedures by W. Schaafsma Selection of Variables in Discriminant Analysis by P. R. Krishnaiah


Contents of previous volumes

V o l u m e 3. T i m e Series in the F r e q u e n c y D o m a i n E d i t e d b y D. R. Brillinger and P. R. K r i s h n a i a h 1983 xiv + 485 pp.

1. Wiener Filtering (with emphasis on frequency-domain approaches) by R. J. Bhansali and D. Karavellas 2. The Finite Fourier Transform of a Stationary Process by D. R. Brillinger 3. Seasonal and Calender Adjustment by W. S. Cleveland 4. Optimal Inference in the Frequency Domain by R. B. Davies 5. Applications of Spectral Analysis in Econometrics by C. W. J. Granger and R. Engle 6. Signal Estimation by E. J. Hannan 7. Complex Demodulation: Some Theory and Applications by T. Hasan 8. Estimating the Gain of a Linear Filter from Noisy Data by M. J. Hinich 9. A Spectral Analysis Primer by L. H. Koopmans 10. Robust-Resistant Spectral Analysis by R. D. Martin 11. Autoregressive Spectral Estimation by E. Parzen 12. Threshold Autoregression and Some Frequency-Domain Characteristics by J. Pemberton and H. Tong 13. The Frequency-Domain Approach to the Analysis of Closed-Loop Systems by M. B. Priestley 14. The Bispectral Analysis of Nonlinear Stationary Time Series with Reference to Bilinear Time-Series Models by T. Subba Rao 15. Frequency-Domain Analysis of Multidimensional Time-Series Data by E. A. Robinson 16. Review of Various Approaches to Power Spectrum Estimation by P. M. Robinson 17. Cumulants and Cumulant Spectral Spectra by M. Rosenblatt 18. Replicated Time-Series Regression: An Approach to Signal Estimation and Detection by R. H. Shumway 19. Computer Programming of Spectrum Estimation by T. Thrall 20. Likelihood Ratio Tests on Covariance Matrices and Mean Vectors of Complex Multivariate Normal Populations and their Applications in Time Series by P. R. Krishnaiah, J. C. Lee and T. C. Chang

Contents of previous volumes


Volume 4. Nonparametric Methods Edited by P. R. Krishnaiah and P. K. Sen 1984 xx + 968 pp.

1. Randomization Procedures by C. B. Bell and P. K. Sen 2. Univariate and Multivariate Multisample Location and Scale Tests by V. P. Bhapkar 3. Hypothesis of Symmetry by M. Hu~kov~i 4. Measures of Dependence by K. Joag-Dev 5. Tests of Randomness against Trend or Serial Correlations by G. K. Bhattacharyya 6. Combination of Independent Tests by J. L. Folks 7. Combinatorics by L. Tak~tcs 8. Rank Statistics and Limit Theorems by M. Ghosh 9. Asymptotic Comparison of Tests - A Review by K. Singh 10. Nonparametric Methods in Two-Way Layouts by D. Quade 11. Rank Tests in Linear Models by J. N. Adichie 12. On the Use of Rank Tests and Estimates in the Linear Model by J. C. Aubuchon and T. P. Hettmansperger 13. Nonparametric Preliminary Test Inference by A. K. M. E. Saleh and P. K. Sen 14. Paired Comparisons: Some Basic Procedures and Examples by R. A. Bradley 15. Restricted Alternatives by S. K. Chatterjee 16. Adaptive Methods by M. Hu~kov~i 17. Order Statistics by J. Galambos 18. Induced Order Statistics: Theory and Applications by P. K. Bhattacharya 19. Empirical Distribution Function by E. Cs~ki 20. Invariance Principles for Empirical Processes by M. Cs6rg6 21. M-, L- and R-estimators by J. Jure~kov~ 22. Nonparametric Sequantial Estimation by P. K. Sen 23. Stochastic Approximation by V. Dupa6 24. Density Estimation by P. R6v6sz 25. Censored Data by A. P. Basu 26. Tests for Exponentiality by K. A. Doksum and B. S. Yandell 27. Nonparametric Concepts and Methods in Reliability by M. Hollander and F. Proschan 28. Sequential Nonparametric Tests by U. Miiller-Funk 29. Nonparametric Procedures for some Miscellaneous Problems by P. K. Sen 30. Minimum Distance Procedures by R. Beran 31. Nonparametric Methods in Directional Data Analysis by S. R. Jammalamadaka 32. Application of Nonparametric Statistics to Cancer Data by H. S. Wieand


Contents of previous volumes

33. Nonparametric Frequentist Proposals for Monitoring Comparative Survival Studies by M. Gail 34. Meterological Applications of Permutation Techniques based on Distance Functions by R W. Mielke, Jr. 35. Categorical Data Problems Using Information Theoretic Approach by S. Kullback and J. C. Keegel 36. Tables for Order Statistics by P. R. Krishnaiah and P. K. Sen 37. Selected Tables for Nonparametric Statistics by P. K. Sen and P. R. Krishnaiah

Volume 5. Time Series in the Time Domain Edited by E. J. Hannan, P. R. Krishnaiah and M. M. Rao 1985 xiv + 490 pp.

1. Nonstationary Autoregressive Time Series by W. A. Fuller 2. Non-Linear Time Series Models and Dynamical Systems by T. Ozaki 3. Autoregressive Moving Average Models, Intervention Problems and Outlier Detection in Time Series by G. C. Tiao 4. Robustness in Time Series and Estimating ARMA Models by R. D. Martin and V. J. Yohai 5. Time Series Analysis with Unequally Spaced Data by R. H. Jones 6. Various Model Selection Techniques in Time Series Analysis by R. Shibata 7. Estimation of Parameters in Dynamical Systems by L. Ljung 8. Recursive Identification, Estimation and Control by P. Young 9. General Structure and Parametrization of ARMA and State-Space Systems and its Relation to Statistical Problems by M. Deistler 10. Harmonizable, Cram6r, and Karhunen Classes of Processes by M.M. Rao 11. On Non-Stationary Time Series by C. S. K. Bhagavan 12. Harmonizable Filtering and Sampling of Time Series by D. K. Chang 13. Sampling Designs for Time Series by S. Cambanis 14. Measuring Attenuation by M. A. Cameron and P. J. Thomson 15. Speech Recognition Using LPC Distance Measures by P. J. Thomson and P. de Souza 16. Varying Coefficient Regression by D. F. Nicholls and A. R. Pagan 17. Small Samples and Large Equation Systems by H. Theil and D. G. Fiebig

Contents of previous volumes


Volume 6. Sampling Edited by P. R. Krishnaiah and C. R. Rao 1988 xvi + 594 pp.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22.

23. 24.

A Brief History of Random Sampling Methods by D. R. Bellhouse A First Course in Survey Sampling by T. Dalenius Optimality of Sampling Strategies by A. Chaudhuri Simple Random Sampling by P. K. Pathak On Single Stage Unequal Probability Sampling by V. P. Godambe and M. E. Thompson Systematic Sampling by D. R. Bellhouse Systematic Sampling with Illustrative Examples by M. N. Murthy and T. J. Rao Sampling in Time by D. A. Binder and M. A. Hidiroglou Bayesian Inference in Finite Populations by W. A. Ericson Inference Based on Data from Complex Sample Designs by G. Nathan Inference for Finite Population Quantiles by J. Sedransk and P. J. Smith Asymptotics in Finite Population Sampling by P. K. Sen The Technique of Replicated or Interpenetrating Samples by J. C. Koop On the Use of Models in Sampling from Finite Populations by I. Thomsen and D. Tesfu The Prediction Approach to Sampling Theory by R. M. Royall Sample Survey Analysis: Analysis of Variance and Contingency Tables by D. H. Freeman, Jr. Variance Estimation in Sample Surveys by J. N. K. Rao Ratio and Regression Estimators by P. S. R. S. Rao Role and Use of Composite Sampling and Capture-Recapture Sampling in Ecological Studies by M. T. Boswell, K. P. Burnham and G. P. Patil Data-based Sampling and Model-based Estimation for Environmental Resources by G. P. Patil, G. J. Babu, R. C. Hennemuth, W. L. Meyers, M. B. Rajarshi and C. Taillie On Transect Sampling to Assess Wildlife Populations and Marine Resources by F. L. Ramsey, C. E. Gates, G. P. Patil and C. Taillie A Review of Current Survey Sampling Methods in Marketing Research (Telephone, Mall Intercept and Panel Surveys) by R. Velu and G. M. Naidu Observational Errors in Behavioural Traits of Man and their Implications for Genetics by P. V. Sukhatme Designs in Survey Sampling Avoiding Contiguous Units by A. S. Hedayat, C. R. Rao and J. Stufken


Contents of previous volumes

Volume 7. Quality Control and Reliability Edited by P. R. Krishnaiah and C. R. Rao 1988 xiv + 503 pp.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Transformation of Western Style of Management by W. Edwards Deming Software Reliability by F. B. Bastani and C. V. Ramamoorthy Stress-Strength Models for Reliability by R. A. Johnson Approximate Computation of Power Generating System Reliability Indexes by M. Mazumdar Software Reliability Models by T. A. Mazzuchi and N. D. Singpurwalla Dependence Notions in Reliability Theory by N. R. Chaganty and K. Joag-dev Application of Goodness-of-Fit Tests in Reliability by B. W. Woodruff and A. H. Moore Multivariate Nonparametric Classes in Reliability by H. W. Block and T. H. Savits Selection and Ranking Procedures in Reliability Models by S. S. Gupta and S. Panchapakesan The Impact of Reliability Theory on Some Branches of Mathematics and Statistics by P. J. Boland and F. Proschan Reliability Ideas and Applications in Economics and Social Sciences by M. C. Bhattacharjee Mean Residual Life: Theory and Applications by F. Guess and F. Proschan Life Distribution Models and Incomplete Data by R. E. Barlow and F. Proschan Piecewise Geometric Estimation of a Survival Function by G. M. Mimmack and F. Proschan Applications of Pattern Recognition in Failure Diagnosis and Quality Control by L. F. Pau Nonparametric Estimation of Density and Hazard Rate Functions when Samples are Censored by W. J. Padgett Multivariate Process Control by F. B. Alt and N. D. Smith QMP/USP--A Modern Approach to Statistical Quality Auditing by B. Hoadley Review About Estimation of Change Points by P. R. Krishnaiah and B. Q. Miao Nonparametric Methods for Changepoint Problems by M. Cs6rg6 and L. Horvfith Optimal Allocation of Multistate Components by E. E1-Neweihi, F. Proschan and J. Sethuraman Weibull, Log-Weibull and Gamma Order Statistics by H. L. Herter

Contents of previous volumes


23. Multivariate Exponential Distributions and their Applications in Reliability by A. P. Basu 24. Recent Developments in the Inverse Gaussian Distribution by S. Iyengar and G. Patwardhan

Volume 8. Statistical Methods in Biological and Medical Sciences Edited by C. R. Rao and R. Chakraborty 1991 xvi + 554 pp.

1. Methods for the Inheritance of Qualitative Traits by J. Rice, R. Neuman and S. O. Moldin 2. Ascertainment Biases and their Resolution in Biological Surveys by W. J. Ewens 3. Statistical Considerations in Applications of Path Analytical in Genetic Epidemiology by D. C. Rao 4. Statistical Methods for Linkage Analysis by G. M. Lathrop and J. M. Lalouel 5. Statistical Design and Analysis of Epidemiologic Studies: Some Directions of Current Research by N. Breslow 6. Robust Classification Procedures and Their Applications to Anthropometry by N. Balakrishnan and R. S. Ambagaspitiya 7. Analysis of Population Structure: A Comparative Analysis of Different Estimators of Wright's Fixation Indices by R. Chakraborty and H. DankerHopfe 8. Estimation of Relationships from Genetic Data by E. A. Thompson 9. Measurement of Genetic Variation for Evolutionary Studies by R. Chakraborty and C. R. Rao 10. Statistical Methods for Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction by N. Saitou 11. Statistical Models for Sex-Ratio Evolution by S. Lessard 12. Stochastic Models of Carcinogenesis by S. H. Moolgavkar 13. An Application of Score Methodology: Confidence Intervals and Tests of Fit for One-Hit-Curves by J. J. Gart 14. Kidney-Survival Analysis of IgA Nephropathy Patients: A Case Study by O. J. W. F. Kardaun 15. Confidence Bands and the Relation with Decision Analysis: Theory by O. J. W. F. Kardaun 16. Sample Size Determination in Clinical Research by J. Bock and H. Toutenburg