Hamer file - Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer file (slanderous accusation). Investigation into a tragic premise of cancer treatment -- English translation of Dossier Hamer. Inchiesta su una tragica premessa di cura contro il cancro
 8804676574, 9788804676577

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The book


978, Cavallo Island: the young Dirk Hamer is shot while sleeping on a yacht. He

will die almost four months later, at the end of one slow, painful agony in the arms of his father, the German doctor Ryke Geerd

Hamer. Shortly after their son's death, both of the boy's parents become ill with cancer. Having undergone surgery, the father survives. Not so his wife Sigrid who, treated by her husband according to the New German Medicine he himself invented in those years, dies: it is the first in a long trail of deaths that the theories of the former doctor now expelled from the Order - will leave behind in Europe and overseas. Hamer has no doubts: the cause of tumors are conflicts and traumas that trigger a

natural defense reaction of the body. Just solve them to recover from any disease, without following scientific protocols. Indeed, the "disease" in itself does not exist at all: it is a precise "Special, Biological and Sensible Program" developed by nature to remedy a traumatic event. And the development of a tumor is a positive sign of ongoing recovery. In the case of cancer, what kills patients is if anything chemotherapy, surgery, morphine, that is, the interventions implemented by "official medicine", which uses them although guiltily aware of their absolute uselessness, indeed of their harmfulness.

Dossier Hamer retraces the life of the former German doctor and the tragic life of some patients who followed his theories, who died in terrible pain and yet were convinced they were on the road to recovery. This is the case of Ellen Pegoraro who, having discovered that she has breast cancer and, at the same time, that she is pregnant, decides to rely on a Hamerian doctor whose theories soon lead her to death; of Marina Lallo, killed by a mole that did not want to be removed; of Eleonora Bottaro, who passed away at 18 from a lymphoma declared curable. These are just some of the patients in whom Hamer's ideas have made inroads, locking them in the coils of a stubborn, almost sectarian isolation, which has pushed them to deny reality and refuse any help.

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Thanks to a well-documented investigation lasting over a decade, Ilario D'Amato sheds new light on the disturbing Germanic New Medicine and the many theories that derive from it, disseminated in conferences and seminars, suggested by word of mouth, spread on the internet. Theories which, as the latest news stories demonstrate, continue to reap victims in Italy and around the world.

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The author

Ilario D'Amato is a journalist and multimedia editor for The Climate Group, an international non-profit organization that works for change climate. Graduated in communication sciences at the University of Salerno in 2011, he obtained a master's degree in international journalism with distinction from City, University of London in 2013. He is currently completing his master's degree in communication for development at Malmö University. He lives in London, where he obtained internships at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Sunday Times.

www.dossierhamer.it twitter.com/ilario_damato facebook.com/DossierHamer

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Ilario D'Amato

HAMER DOSSIER Investigation into a tragic promise of a cure for cancer

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Hamer file

To Maria Giovanna Benvenuti, mother of Manuela Trevisan who died at the age of 45 from non-Hodgkin lymphoma initially declared with wide margins of curability. Manuela then entrusted herself to Danilo Toneguzzi, a psychiatrist and follower of the New German Medicine. On 10 January 2008 she wrote in her diary: «Danilo said that I can consider myself healed!». She dies five months later, convinced she no longer has anything cancer. At the trial, Toneguzzi will be acquitted "because the fact does not exist". "They killed my daughter twice" is Maria Giovanna's bitter comment.

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Tragedy on Cavallo Island

A yacht trip It's August 17, 1978. Summer is shedding all its colors on the island of Cavallo, in Corsica. It is a private island, entirely owned by a banking company, Codil. It is a sort of "natural reserve" for those who have blue blood by birth or have obtained it in the field, compensating for the lack of nobility quarters with a very respectable portfolio. Suddenly, the aristocratic quiet of the oasis is ruffled by three yachts coming from Porto Rotondo: the Master, the Coke and the Mapagià. About thirty young people on board: nobles in search of adventure and famous VIPs to fill the pages of the magazines of the time. Like Nicky Pende, a Roman doctor who recently rose to prominence after his divorce from Stefania Sandrelli. There is no shortage of beautiful girls, including twenty-one-year-old Birgit Hamer, called to represent Germany in the Miss Universe competition two years earlier, a promising model and actress. With her – even if on another boat – is her brother Dirk, two years younger. Athletic, introverted, always thoughtful, brilliant even if not very good at studying. It was he who, in the morning, accepted the invitation of those young people to the crossing. After all, he had always loved the sea. It's evening, but it's never late enough to have fun. The young people land on the island. Some, like Pende, decide to dine at the La Maison des Pêcheurs restaurant, a rather expensive "fisherman's house", in line with the style of the island. For the less "noble" part of the group it is a useless and excessive expense. Dirk, along with others, wanders around the island for a while and then decides to swim back on board. It's 10.30pm. Meanwhile at the restaurant the evening continues happily. We eat and drink. We drink a lot. Another ripple in the noble peace of the island: while all around the tables are occupied by gentlemen and ladies exchanging

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amiable whispers, those young people who have just landed make a lot of noise, they joke with each other, they raise their voices. As if that wasn't enough, at the end of the dinner an altercation breaks out between Pende and the maître: for the customers the bill of one hundred thousand lire each is too high. They protest, they threaten not to pay. The waiters don't know what to do, they have never found themselves in situations like this. After all, no customer there has ever had wallet problems. Among these, that evening, there is also Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, who is building a villa on the island. The pretender to the throne of Italy tries to calm things down so as not to create a scandal. He speaks to the owner of the restaurant: «They are Italians like me and I want you to respect them as you respect them. In the end everything 1 me". seems to return to normal. Pende decides to retire on his yacht, while others of the company still linger on the island.

A dramatic argument But in this way the stragglers were left without any dinghy to get back on board. The hour is late, perhaps the veins pulsate with alcohol. Without thinking too much, they decide to take one that is lying there dry on the shore, abandoned. Or, at least, that's how it seems. They'll put it back tomorrow, they think. The boat is precisely that of Vittorio Emanuele, who shortly before had tried to act as a peacemaker. It is three in the morning when the prince realizes the "illegal loan" of which he was the victim. Enraged, he runs to his villa and takes a powerful semiautomatic rifle. After a quick search, he locates his Coke-bound dinghy, on which Nicky Pende is sleeping. By now the atmosphere is incandescent. Vittorio Emanuele is accompanied by another vehicle and boards the yacht. «You shitty Italians! You stole my Zodiac, I'll kill you all!" he allegedly shouted according to Birgit Hamer. 2

The skipper tries to calm him down, but in vain. Pende,

suddenly shaken from sleep, rushes onto the deck. He sees this middle-aged man yelling at him, with a gun in his hand. It's night, he just woke up. He doesn't know what theft he is accused of and responds in kind to the harsh words shouted at him by Vittorio Emanuele.

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It's a flash. The prince fires a shot ("in the air" he will say; "a few meters from my head" the playboy will maintain). A scuffle begins and both fall into the sea. But a moment before ending up in the water, a second shot goes off from the rifle. From Mapagià, the yacht moored nearby, terrible screams can be heard: it's Dirk Hamer. He was hit by a bullet that pierced his groin. He shouts: «Anesthesia, anesthesia!», in Italian, to try to make himself understood immediately in those tragic moments. He fights the pain that grips him, grits his teeth and doesn't shed a tear. But the belly continues to swell. He has internal bleeding: the bullet severed his femoral artery. Now everyone is awake, panic is spreading. Some say that Vittorio Emanuele promised to send his private helicopter to transport the injured man to the nearest hospital. 3 Help is slow in arriving, Dirk continues to bleed profusely. Sister Birgit holds him in her arms, looks him in the eyes, tries not to make him lose consciousness. «Don't worry, everything will be fine. I promise you that nothing will happen to you!" A doctor, a certain Pitoun, comes on board, sent by no one knows who. He realizes the gravity of the situation as he administers an IV to the young man. Time passes, spirits are increasingly shaken. There are those who suggest taking the injured person to Porto Vecchio by boat, those who recommend waiting for the promised helicopter. In the end Paolo Poma, the owner of the fastest yacht, takes matters into his own hands: "Enough is enough, there's no point in waiting any longer for the helicopter, we'll leave immediately."

A medical odyssey In Sardinia the doctor who gives first aid to Dirk is clear: if he had arrived a quarter of an hour later, he would have already been dead, but the situation is still desperate. Birgit calls her mother who, in shock, is accompanied there by a neighbor. Meanwhile in emergency surgery we try to do everything possible. The artery continues to leak blood and is sutured to stop the bleeding. It is a desperate solution, which completely stops the circulation in the left leg. Sigrid, Dirk's mother, as a doctor, realizes that there is now

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they have already done everything they can. He decides to immediately take his son to a larger and more equipped hospital. Dirk is transferred to the Hôpital de la Conception in Marseille, where his father, Ryke Geerd Hamer, also joins him. His leg, now in necrosis, was amputated. First up to the knee, then up to the groin. But things continue to get worse: now even the kidneys are seriously compromised. Some disagreements arise between the doctors, who only speak French, and Dirk's family. The father is convinced that the boy can be treated better in Germany and, against the advice of the doctors, has his son transferred to the university clinic in Heidelberg. Here Dirk undergoes nineteen operations. His dad is next to him, night after night, sleeping a couple of hours at most. He is shocked as a doctor and as a father, but he doesn't give up. In order not to compromise the already precarious situation of the patient, anyone who enters the room is obliged to wear a sterile gown and a mask. The boy is thin, emaciated, but he smiles at everyone and doesn't complain. IV drip, transfusions, nothing can break his character. The mother, also distraught, attributes the tragic event to a premonition she had had a few years earlier in Heidelberg: a gypsy patient of hers had read her hand, prophesying "a lot of blood" in her future. 4

In Italy, meanwhile, there are still two other children, Gunhild and Bernd.

Sigrid can't take it anymore, she is exhausted from physical and psychological fatigue. He returns to Rome, while Birgit goes to stay with a friend in Milan. Only his father remains at the young man's bedside. And it was in his father's arms that Dirk died on 7 December 1978. The agony lasted one hundred and eleven infinite days. On the medical report, the cause of death will be attributed to renal failure. Medical treatment was of no avail. A few months earlier he had confided to his sister: "In a year I will be famous or dead." Unfortunately, both prophecies will prove correct.

The process The process that will follow will in fact be as famous as it is full of shadows that have never been clarified. Vittorio Emanuele, who according to the report drawn up by the gendarmerie

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the morning after the accident he had declared «I take responsibility for the wounds caused by this stray bullet», 5 at the hearinghe denies any involvement: «I didn't know that in addition to mine there had been other shots, I was underwater and not I heard them." His lawyers, in fact, bring witnesses into the courtroom who speak of other shots fired that night from a weapon that will never be identified. In the meantime, the prince sends the 6 Hamer family five hundred thousand French francs, "to support the medical expenses" of the young man, his sister will say. The mother is against it, but the father accepts the sum. In exchange he would have received a declaration from Vittorio Emanuele in which the prince would have admitted his civil responsibility for Dirk's death. 7 But the document, concludes Birgit, would have «disappeared. Luckily some journalists had photographed it, but the 8 piece of paper disappeared and did not constitute evidence at the trial." In Ajaccio Vittorio Emanuele was imprisoned for aggravated voluntary harm and possession of a weapon of war. In prison he had received very respectable treatment: he was in a single cell and he had also been granted permission to see his wife every day. But it hadn't been a long detention: after less than two months he was released on provisional freedom. On 11 October 1989, eleven years after Dirk's death, the court in Bastia sent him to trial on charges of voluntary wounding and wounding. But the Court of Assizes of Ajaccio accepted the defense's theory, leaving everything to the Court of Assizes of Paris. Here biased ballistics experts maintain that the shot could not have come from the prince's rifle. It was October 12, 1990 when the magistrate sent the accused to trial on charges of manslaughter. The judgment of the Court of Assizes is not guilty: Vittorio Emanuele is acquitted of the charge of killing the young Dirk, however receiving a sixmonth sentence for illegal possession of a firearm (never served due to the amnesty) . Sentence confirmed by the Supreme Court in July 1992. A "bought" trial, a joke, a disgrace, Nicky Pende will declare. «A corrupt process. And since everyone knew it, what amazes me is that Vittorio Emanuele, once he returned to Italy, was received not only by the highest authorities of the State, but also by the Pope. And I'm also outraged that that worm never repented, never asked for forgiveness." 9

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In a video recorded on 21 June 2006 during his stay in an Italian prison for other charges - from which he was later acquitted -, Vittorio Emanuele seems to take responsibility for what happened: "The trial, even if I was wrong..." . Then he seems to add: "I have to say that I cheated them... Twenty witnesses and many of those public personalities appeared." And finally, perhaps: «I fired a shot like this and a shot downwards, but the shot went in this direction, it went here and caught his leg, which was... stretched out, passing through the nacelle... . Bullet thirty zero three." But for the defense lawyer Giulia Bongiorno these sentences "are just small fragments extrapolated from much broader 10 contexts". What is certain is that the case is not reopened by the French justice system, so the prince remains acquitted of all charges. The murderer who 11 shot that damned night is therefore still nameless and unpunished.

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Who is Ryke Geerd Hamer

Dirk Hamer dies in the arms of his father, Ryke. But who is this man who will be so profoundly affected by the dramatic and sudden death of his nineteen-year-old son? And how will Dirk's death influence the development of the theory of New German Medicine developed by Ryke Geerd Hamer a few years after the events on Cavallo Island?

A young doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer was born on 17 May 1935 in Mettmann (in North Rhine - Westphalia, Germany), the third of six sons. Germany is slowly rising from the deep economic depression that struck it after its defeat in the First World War. At the head of this "rebirth" is a man of Austrian origins: Adolf Hitler. Ryke Geerd Hamer takes her debut steps into the world just as the National Socialist Party is at its height. He graduated in 1953, at eighteen, in the city of Krefeld. He immediately showed his interest in two different fields: medicine and theology, perhaps also because his father, Heinrich Hamer, was a Protestant pastor who, after the war and until 1969, carried out his activity in Meschede. To make his dreams come true, the young Ryke Geerd enrolled at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, enrolling in courses in Protestant theology and medicine. He claims to have graduated in theology in 1957. What is certain is that he continued the two courses of study in parallel, until obtaining a medical qualification on 10 April 1962, and graduating on the December 20, 1963 1 age of twenty-seven with a normal course of twelve semesters. But his life was not just about study: in 1956 he had

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married Sigrid Oldenburg, whom he met at medical school frequented by both. Thus Hamer began his activity as a doctor: between 1964 and 1986 he opened as many as eight private clinics. In the meantime he continues his apprenticeship and in February 1972 he specialized in internal medicine. In the various biographies spread on the internet we read that he would be «primary in 2 gynaecology», «head doctor in gynecological oncology, teacher 3 university", «oncologist, gynecologist, psychiatrist», 4 as well as "physical". 5 It is

Hamer himself fuels these rumors: "As a head doctor at a clinic oncology department attached to the University of Munich I found a clear correlation between our bodies and certain conflicts"; and «the6 opportunity presented itself in 1981 when I started working as a chief internalist at a clinic oncology".


But in the procedural documents there is never any reference to

other specializations nor is he ever cited as the "chief physician" of any clinic.

Private medical activity The partnership with his wife Sigrid is total: they are friends, spouses, but also colleagues. Between 1967 and 1976 they opened a medical practice together in the area of

Heidelberg and for a certain period also managed another ad Hamburg. The methods used by Hamer immediately appear original. It's a cheerful doctor, well-liked by all, always with a kind word for patients. He likes to say about himself that he has "warm hands and a warm heart", with an approach

to sick people who wants to be as human as possible: a sort of German Adams Patch. «Colleagues noticed the chaos that reigned in the studio doctor: “Parrots and other birds always flew to the clinics”.» 8 In 1972 he left Hamburg, where he had tried to change his own surname in «Hamer von Fumetti». In the Hanseatic city he intended to restore an old villa to create some apartments. But «the money they weren't enough and a court banned him from using the new name. The former Mr. von Fumetti returned to Heidelberg with a lot of debt and opened a new medical office. From then on the bailiff he became a regular visitor to the family."


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After the bad deal in Hamburg, the debts become increasingly heavier and the economic difficulties grow. In 1976 Hamer gave up practicing as a general practitioner, and his wife did the same in 1978. "The reason: serious irregularities in the benefit calculations." As the Association of General Practitioners of Nordbaden states, if they had not resigned "we would have had to open disciplinary proceedings for both of them". In 1978 the couple reappeared in Weiterstadt in Hessen, «where they received a loan of 70,000 marks from the municipality to open a new studio, but the two disappeared after a few months. To date only 4000 marks of that sum have been returned." 10 The financial troubles finally seem to be over when Hamer invents and patents four medical instruments. In particular, an operating room table and a surgical drill are often 11 The latter seems to mentioned. promise big profits to the inventor: «Indeed, the Kienzle company wants to produce this instrument, but it is immediately discovered that it is not superior to common surgical scalpels and that, on the contrary, especially in curved cuts, it causes nasty wounds. Therefore the hoped for millions do not enter Hamer's pockets." Those who had given him credit then demanded the 12 repayment of the But instead of returning the money as he had sworn to capital advanced. do, Hamer moves to Rome with his wife and four children: the beautiful twenty-one-year-old Birgit, Dirk, nineteen, Gunhild, seventeen, and Bernd, fourteen. The picture drawn by his supporters is very different: «In 1976 Dr. Hamer ... goes to Italy to treat the sick in the poorest neighborhoods for free, since the patents filed for his inventions allow him a sufficient income." 13 Yet the various documents prove the exact opposite: the Hamer family fled Germany because they were burdened with debt.

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The birth of New Medicine

The real turning point in Geerd Hamer's life comes, however, the day after the death of his son Dirk. A sudden death, to this day without a culprit and therefore even more absurd. As if that wasn't enough, in March 1979, at the Tübingen hospital, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. In the following years, different versions will also flourish on the therapeutic path followed by Hamer on that occasion, some used by the German doctor's supporters to support his theses: he "claims to have been operated on at 1 his request, while the doctors wanted to wait". In the various sentences against Hamer the date of the intervention appears to be 1981.


two years after the discovery of the tumor. His daughter Birgit remembers that heartbroken, exhausted man thus: My brother's death had also destroyed my father. During the funeral that man, usually strong, imposing and massive, dragged himself along exhausted and with difficulty. After having cared for my brother without sparing himself, for one hundred and eleven days, without sleeping and abusing his body without criteria, he fell ill with cancer. He underwent surgery in time and recovered. In the years to come he developed, precisely on the basis of his illness, a scientific theory on the psychological causes of the onset of tumors and dedicated himself to Dirk his discovery.


Even if Hamer's theory is not at all "scientific" - and we will see why his daughter's testimony is important for understanding the profound motivations that led to the birth of the so-called "New Medicine". In fact, in the same period, his wife Sigrid also fell ill with breast cancer "as a consequence of the pain suffered for her beloved son Dirk". 4 Ryke Geerd Hamer begins to think that his wife's pathology and her tumor are both linked to Dirk's death: «With this shocking event I suffered a biological conflict, a so-called conflict of

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loss with testicular cancer. In those circumstances I began to think, as I had never been seriously ill before, that this testicular cancer probably had something to do with the death of my son." 5

At the basis of Hamer's theory of "New German Medicine" - a name that the former German doctor claims to have registered as a trademark - there is, in fact, the idea that the origin of all diseases is to be found in one shock which would then cause a response from the organism, a "biological and sensible" program of nature, as Hamer defines it who then begins to lay the foundations of his theory: "Personally I have resolved my conflict of loss, the content of which conflict consisted in the fact that I reproached myself very seriously for not having removed my son Dirk, while there was still time, from the university clinic in Heidelberg... Then I was operated on, today I certainly wouldn't have the surgery, in light of the knowledge of the iron rule of cancer." Hamer, therefore, regularly undergoes surgery following the protocol of scientific medicine, the same from which he will then decidedly distance himself. For him, having the operation was "certainly" a mistake. Obviously, we will never be able to prove it. Many point out that Hamer did not undergo chemotherapy, seeing this as the first sign of victory against "official" medicine. Yet it is perfectly in line with it: it is only in the most advanced stages, in fact, that chemo can have concrete usefulness, 6 or at most a preventative value. At the moment these "intuitions" are not yet a complete system, but Hamer begins to coagulate these ideas into four "laws" which will then constitute the founding nucleus of his New Medicine. The turning point comes one night, when Dirk appears to him in a dream, urging him to continue along the path he has just taken. Invigorated by this vision, Hamer began writing what would be his best seller, Testament for a New Medicine. The "testament" is that of Dirk, who returned from the grave to deliver to his father what Ryke Geerd defines as "the most wonderful gift of the gods". On 4 October 1981 Hamer presented these ideas in a report broadcast on German television Bayerischer Rundfunk. The following day Rai also broadcast a similar film. The New Medicine is beginning to spread, to arouse curiosity. These are the years in which there is a lot of debate

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on the psychological origin of diseases and Hamer initially seems to take this thought to the extreme. Also in October he sent a thesis to the University of Tübingen to qualify as a professor in which he presented «the Hamer syndrome and the iron rule of cancer». In it no scientific study is cited, there is only the exposition of his "laws" whose "verification" should, in his opinion, be the responsibility of the university. And so on May 10, 1982 the thesis was rejected unanimously with 150 votes against for «insufficient scientific quality and insufficient supporting evidence». It's a hard blow. Hamer is convinced he has made a revolutionary discovery and begins to see enemies everywhere. He doesn't agree and presents an appeal to the Sigmaringen court. 7 And the judiciary accepts it. Of course, it doesn't go into scientific detail, but there were some formal and procedural irregularities in the rejection. And so, starting from 1994, the work is analyzed. 8 The qualifying thesis is first suspended, then rejected. This time without any formal defects. In 1982 Hamer decided to return to Germany. He leaves Rome and opens the Rosenhof Sanatorium in the German town of Bad Krozingen. Here he begins to treat patients using only New Medicine. But things are not going well: «Of the Rosenhof patients there is almost no one left alive... Of the 50 patients, whom the “Stern” knows by name, only seven survived 9 and of these seven none has recovered». Journalists are interested in what happens in that "strange" clinic. The weekly «Bild» and the radio station NDR even initially advertised him with uncritical articles saying that Hamer promised to cure cancer. But when they start digging, the journalists discover a terrible truth. After closing the Rosenhof clinic, Hamer opens the Krankenhaus Haus Dammersmoor in Gyhum. But even here the deaths and failures continue. The German weekly «Der Stern» is still covering it: The table is set, but the patient is not hungry. For lunch there is roast pork and pineapple for dessert. The patient – with liver, colon and lung cancer – has been yellow for weeks. «But it doesn't matter,» says the big, muscular doctor in a soothing voice, «we'll be able to eradicate it. Today we are already much better!" The patient tries to smile. It's yellower than the pineapple slice in front of her. “It's normal,” says Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. «Even if the cancer was stopped, the liver was affected and must

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do hard work. But his hands are so warm, a sign that he is already beyond it 10 the obstacle.»

Meanwhile, Hamer continues to win proselytes on television. On the program «3 nach 9» he presents the case of fifty-one-year-old Oswald Zemelka, originally from Stuttgart. According to Hamer, his lung cancer arose from an argument with a carpenter. To resolve the "conflict", the doctor had therefore asked the carpenter to apologize to Zemelka. And in fact, immediately after the apology the patient felt better. Hamer shows Zemelka's x-rays, which seem to confirm the tumor's shrinkage. But it does not say that the patient had undergone cycles of radiotherapy in the specialist clinic Schillerhohe in Gerlingen, and that he is by no means out of danger. In fact he dies shortly after. He also writes that he spoke with the head doctor of that clinic, who according to him said: «I am truly surprised that such a radical improvement is even possible. Zemelka laughs and jokes as if he were no longer sick." And Hamer replied: "In fact, it isn't anymore." The head physician then continued: «I'm even a little scared. If I hadn't read your "iron rule of cancer" carefully last night, I might have thought that you had replaced the patient. I find it fantastic." When questioned about this by the «Stern», the head doctor in question, Dagmar 11 Hrus, concluded: «Not a word of the dialogue is true. Hamer is crazy." In a book in which he talks about his wife's illness, Hamer writes: The first patient I was able to treat after discovering the "iron rule of cancer" was my wife, who had a lump in her left breast. But we knew what the conflict was, namely having been evicted from the apartment in via Margutta [in Rome] which belonged to the murderer's cousin [referring to Vittorio Emanuele]. But we also knew about therapy. My wife is the smartest person I have ever met. He understood, and recovered. The conflict was resolved. The nodule regressed.


But on 12 April 1985 Sigrid, "his first patient", died of a heart attack, a consequence of breast cancer. According to a collaborator, Hamer later said that she died because she "didn't believe in her method." 13

The funeral takes place in Rome. After the ritual, her daughter Birgit wants to remain alone to think and walks through the streets of the Eternal City. Walking, yes

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finds himself in front of a church where a commemoration is underway in the presence of Vittorio Emanuele's wife. The girl enters and when she finds her in front of her she shouts: «Today there was the funeral of Dirk Hamer's mother, and Dirk was killed by Savoy, and up until today there has still been no justice!».14 Birgit is forcibly removed by the police. In Germany, meanwhile, journalistic investigations continue and Hamer is also forced to close the Dammersmoor clinic.

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The tumor? A money problem

«My husband was fifty years old and only nine months passed from the discovery of his lung cancer to his death. In the meantime he was "treated" by telephone by a Hamerian doctor, who had guaranteed him the total recovery of what he called "bronchial ulcer". He said it wasn't a tumor, that it would be enough to resolve his conflict and everything would be smoothed out. The important thing was not to turn to conventional medicine for any reason and, naturally, not to tell anyone about his choice to "cure" himself in this way or even talk about him.» 1

Thus begins the story of Cinzia Alunni, widow of police inspector Domenico Mannarino. Originally from Crotone and father of three children, Domenico died after the spread of a cancer "treated" with the New German Medicine in his body.

The diagnosis It is November 2005. Domenico is at San Camillo in Rome for yet another visit. He has had chronic ulcerative colitis for twenty-five years now and for this reason, from time to time, he has to undergo medical tests. It's nothing to worry about, although it's certainly a bit of a nuisance. But it doesn't bother Domenico: he has known his doctor since he was in Rome, in the 1980s, and has created a relationship of esteem and trust with him that goes beyond professional skills. He is the one who tells him that the x-rays showed a one-centimeter lung tumor. Domenico feels the world collapsing around him.

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A tumor. To him, who has always been strong and determined. To him, exactly as happened to his father. Is winter. The frost suddenly penetrates through the glass of that damned waiting room. Before making a definitive diagnosis, the doctor wants to be sure. He suspends routine investigations for colitis and subjects Domenico to specific tests. The result will be obtained after fifteen days. In the meantime, he tries to keep the patient's morale high, to leave the door open to hope. Domenico returns home. He is a suddenly changed man. Such a harsh and unexpected diagnosis scares anyone, even a police inspector who has just begun to enjoy his retirement. A life spent between investigations, information, documents. A man so concrete that to his wife Cinzia, who jokingly reproached him for never telling her his dreams when he woke up, he laughingly confessed: "But I never dream." Suddenly all his concreteness began to waver. Cinzia almost has to support that great and vital man who for so many years was the pillar of the family: after all, one is never strong enough for such a diagnosis. The San Camillo doctor calls back, as promised, after fifteen days. Of course, it's not happy: the results confirmed that it is indeed a tumor, as easily predictable. Yet there is reason to be optimistic. The mass is just a centimeter large, there is a very good chance of making it. He makes an appointment for him at Forlanini, where specialists will be able to best take care of his illness. And this is where Benedetto comes in. He is a relative of Domenico. A young doctor. Doctor in a public hospital, but follower of Hamer's theories. 2 According to his wife, Benedetto reassured her husband: «Don't worry. It is not a tumor, but a bronchial ulcer. If you resolve your conflict I guarantee you total recovery." Without chemo and without medicines. «Are you really sure you want to go to this other doctor? So, say to his face: "Doctor, what guarantees of survival do you give me?". You will see that they cannot offer you guarantees. Instead, if you come with me to Aulla, to Marco Pfister, I will show you how easy it is to heal."

A different choice

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Domenico is a down-to-earth, meticulous man. But Benedetto is a relative in whom he has always placed a lot of trust. And then he's a doctor. He'll know what he's talking about, he thinks. He's confused, scared. The diagnosis profoundly changed him. He goes to Rome, accompanied by his wife and father-in-law. At the conversation with Forlanini's doctor, Domenico asks - as suggested by Benedetto - what guarantees he can give him. The doctor's response is clear: «Look, I can't give any guarantees to anyone because you have lung cancer. One thing is certain: it is still very small, and two or three chemo sessions will be enough for her to have excellent results." But for Domenico it is confirmation that doctors do not give certainties, unlike the German New Medicine. And so he allows himself to be convinced to try this path. He keeps a diary in which he writes down everything that happens to him. And it is also thanks to this diary that we can have a very precise picture of what happened to him in the last months of his life: «At 9 am I called Aulla, “Second Opinion”. I spoke to Barbara. She took my number, I 3 It's the first maybe tomorrow – for an appointment." with the ALBA contact, she'll call – association , acronym for Applied Biological Laws Association, which in Italy gathered the largest number of supporters of the New Germanic Medicine developed by Hamer. In 2005 ALBA still enjoyed the direct support of Geerd Hamer, the "honorary president" at the time. Concretely leading it was Marco Pfister. Pfister, born in 1956 in Toronto, is a Swiss citizen with a high school diploma. He moved to Switzerland in 1982. Since then he has called himself "researcher", "therapist", "wellbeing consultant", "doctor" and "professor". He had a studio where he practiced pranotherapy. In 1989 he approached Hamer's theories: he went to France to take courses, and then approached Hamer himself directly in 1993. It was the beginning of a long collaboration: he accompanied him during interviews with patients, spreading his theories. In 1998 he moved to Italy, and in 2003 he founded the ALBA association of which he, a naturopath and without any degree, is the educational director. He therefore dedicated himself to the "Hamerian training" of health workers and even doctors. Three days after the first contact, at 6 in the morning, Domenico and his wife Cinzia leave Rome for Aulla. Pfister is too busy, his visit diary is already full. The association hijacks

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then the patient turns to another member of theirs, Dr. Emmanuele Lupi, 4 «It's freezing cold» notes Domenico. "doctor and expert in 5 Biological Laws".

Doctor Lupi let us in and started filling out personal cards with all my and my family's data. He then went on to explain the New Medicine with examples.

He smoked, made phone calls, and talked about himself a lot! He saw the x-rays and everything. Then he said to me: "Why don't you want to do chemo?". According to him it's useful, it's like ice on 5 a bump.

The visit ends after two and a half hours. Lupi tells Domenico that he now has three options: do chemo, wait three months before doing it, or not do it at all. He doesn't go out of his way. Domenico is very confused, he wants to be sure he is doing the right thing. Pay 150 euros for the visit, buy Hamer's book Testament for a New Medicine for another 70 euros. The visit was a disappointment: "I left disappointed," he writes. Domenico's frustration is immediately mitigated by the enthusiasm of Benedetto who from Rome, where he works, is in constant telephone contact with the relative-patient. As Cinzia testifies, Benedetto is categorical: «Doctor Lupi? But no, I told you not to go to him. You absolutely must have an appointment with Pfister, he will be able to give you the right directions." According to Cinzia, Benedetto advised her husband not to turn to conventional medicine for any reason, not to tell anyone about his choice to treat himself in this way or talk about how the doctor was following him in this choice.

Ice on your head Days pass and Domenico continues to read the Hamerian texts. It is Christmas, Benedetto is spending his holidays in Crotone. Domenico takes advantage of this, he wants to be reassured about the path he is about to take. They meet in the car one morning. They talk for a long time. After the chat, Domenico returns home and tells his wife his final decision:

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will continue to be treated with the New Medicine. He reassures her: "I'm sure I can do it." But Benedetto is not happy, he would like Domenico to be even more convinced. She calls him often, scolds him. «You have lost that confidence you had before. You have to strongly believe that it heals, otherwise it's all useless. We wait for the CT scan, and then we call Pfister», 6 the president of the ALBA association. In the meantime, Domenico continues not to undergo any treatment. Or rather, no conventional treatment. In addition to having to be convinced that he will recover, Benedetto's advice is to keep a bag of ice on his head for an 7 And he obeys: due to lung cancer (even if they call it hour a day. "bronchial ulcer") he has to keep a bag of ice on his head. He also takes massive doses of vitamin C. After a few days Benedetto calls again. «He says I need to find something to do to occupy my time. He says I can even break the ice.» 8 His illness would also be due to a "conflict" attributable to inactivity: he has just become a pensioner, he has to get busy in another way. It's February 17th. Three months have passed since the diagnosis. Dominic continues to note the progression of his disease: In the morning no pain, but in the late afternoon pain in the whole chest and feeling of high fever. While we were in Crotone we returned. I got into bed and I I started to feel sick. Then I put ice on my head. I measured the fever: it was 37.2. And for the first time I was afraid that my illness was progressively getting worse. Panic was coming over me. 9

Things are falling apart, even though everyone around him is busy keeping him calm and keeping panic away, just as prescribed by the Hamerian texts. The following day Benedetto pays him a surprise visit. They look at the CT scans on his computer together . 10 His wife Cinzia is also there. From the x-rays it is clear that the tumor is expanding: before it was a centimeter in size, now it has more than tripled. She points this out to Benedetto. But the answer is laconic: "It only seems that way because two different devices were used." Meanwhile, the ostracism of doctors continues

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"traditional", as suggested by the Hamerian doctor. No contact, no explanation. Even with the doctors who have known "Mimmo" all his life, they love him, they are worried about him. But the answer is always the same, as suggested by the Hamerians: "Mind your own business." The plot of the New Medicine is enveloping Domenico more and more.

The meeting with Pfister Meanwhile the tumor is running its course. The following month Benedetto manages to get an appointment with Marco Pfister: it is March 8th when he personally accompanies Domenico to Aulla. He will never mention the meeting nor, strangely, is there any trace of it in the diary: yet he wrote down everything, even how much he had spent on eating at the restaurant. Maybe it was suggested to him like this, maybe he was disappointed but was still looking within himself for the strength to continue along that difficult path. From Aulla Domenico goes directly to Rome, to his father-in-law, a figure who, like him, is a very strong and determined person. He speaks little, but that time he sees his son-in-law's desperation, he fears that in some way he is giving in to misplaced hopes. He abandons his usual silence and speaks, speaks for a long time with that man who is like and more than a son to him. He tells him how, twenty years earlier, he survived a kidney tumor: having undergone surgery, following the entire therapeutic path of scientific medicine, he is alive and well. Between the two men there is a strong bond of respect and trust. They saw each other grow, the other grow old. But not even his words can shake Domenico from the belief that he is on the road to recovery. The tumor, meanwhile, continues to run its course. The following month «the pain is increasingly worse, I can't stand it. In the evening Novalgina. Today all day constant and strong pain in the usual place, where the ulcer is. 11 I didn't leave my house." Domenico never calls it "tumor". For him too it is a "bronchial ulcer", as the Hamerians say. Speak again with Benedetto, who is attending a Hamerian course taught by Pfister. He, a doctor, taking lessons from a former pranotherapist. She makes him promise to talk to the head of ALBA about his health problem.

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Which happens promptly. The next day Domenico telephones Benedetto, «who was on the first day of the course in Massa. He talked to Pfister about my pain, he says it's the ribs that hurt. The ulcer does not brings pain. He says it will pass and that it is due to "self-devaluation". 12 Once again, the Hamerians downplay the lung tumor that is growing inside him, causing him increasingly severe pain. He must resolve his "devaluation conflict" and everything will be fine.

The situation worsens But things are not going well, on the contrary. The pain increases, the tumor has now made its way throughout the body. In May he reaches the jaw: "Don't worry, you are definitely experiencing a conflict related to money." 13 When shortly afterwards his brain was also invaded by cancer, he was advised «not to believe in metastases: they don't exist. What conventional medicine defines as a "brain tumor" is nothing more than an edema that will gradually reabsorb. And there the healing will take place." Just as lung cancer was previously called a "bronchial ulcer", so a brain tumor is called "edema". More reassuring names, but which do not change the substance of things. Domenico's head literally explodes. It's hot, sore. The "treatment" based on ice bags continues. Even when he's away from home: at the mall, one day, he goes around every store desperately looking for someone who can give him some ice. But according to him everything was fine, they had told him that this was the "moment of recovery": he was like this now, but soon he would be better. Since then, his wife has no longer been able to drink even an iced drink. Just the sight of the ice cubes makes her sick. According to Cinzia, Benedetto reproached her husband for having turned to "traditional" doctors to have the tests done which revealed the various metastases: "They are the ones who are scaring you, I told you not to get an MRI done to see what was that swelling in the jaw. Please don't give them any explanations."

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Yet the metastases, even if they do not exist for the Hamerians, are devouring him. The tingling that assails him is not due to the progression of the disease, but 14 The physical «Benedetto says it is a reason for money». situation is rapidly degenerating, but Domenico continues to be convinced that everything is fine and that it will improve soon. For this reason, in June, he decides to take a holiday with his family. Everything goes smoothly until the return journey, when he feels ill: from here on he will get worse and worse. He sees double, he can no longer speak well. He calls Benedetto to understand why, despite all the assurances of recovery, he feels so bad. And he confirms his "diagnosis" from a few days earlier: it is all due "to a conflict linked to money. You feel this way because you think you spent too much money on this holiday." And instead the holiday had been paid for by one of the children. Domenico continues to get worse. He gets into a car accident, hitting another driver. A few days later, while his wife is also with him, he risks ending up off the road: by now the illness is about to take over, he can no longer even see well. The lung tumor has spread to the jaw and the brain: Domenico now has the entire left side of his body paralyzed. For Benedetto there is always an explanation for everything, the paralysis is due to a "partner conflict": it is the fault of his wife who does not support him enough. 15 And instead she, even if she continues to have doubts about her husband's choice, hides her perplexities and uncertainties from him. She holds his hand, while he is pinned to the bed. He caresses him, reads him Hamer's Testament , and tries to reassure him: «See? It's all written here. Now you have to feel like this, but then you will heal completely." Every now and then he tries to get up. He walks, slowly, with his hands on his wife's shoulders. But every time he has an attack, he becomes paralyzed and has to go back to bed. A large, strong man who now seems like a child: fragile, taciturn, but with still proud eyes. Every walk around the house, supported by his wife, takes less and less. Domenico is strong, he doesn't want to give up. His wife is there, next to him.

The tragic epilogue

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And she doesn't want to give up either. She cannot call the doctors "traditional", because the Hamerians have created a scorched earth around her husband. He calls Benedetto, but he doesn't answer. Contact the ALBA association to speak to Pfister: no one will ever pick up the phone. Leave a voicemail. She begs them, begs them to contact her husband. Nothing. Yet, on July 20 Domenico had already booked the second meeting with Pfister. He is now paralyzed in bed, he can't even speak. But no one shows up from Aulla. «Mom, is dad dying?» asks the youngest son one afternoon. Cinzia slowly lowers her head, her eyes clouding with tears. Every muscle refuses to say that "yes". «Come on, what are you saying. He'll be fine." This time the "yes" is more convinced. He smiles. On August 16, 2006, Domenico perforated an intestinal loop: he now has metastases everywhere, even in the intestine. Having undergone emergency surgery, he died three days later in atrocious suffering. Mrs. Cinzia is left alone even at the moment of the death of Husband. Silence continues from Aulla, just as Benedetto remains silent. She says: Maybe my husband would have died anyway, but making someone suffer the way he suffered was truly criminal. In my opinion, convincing him to refuse any contact, even on a human level, with a doctor of conventional medicine (for fear that he would give him some drug) is crazy. They never had the slightest doubt about Domenico's illness. They have always displayed a mathematical certainty. This is not human, it is monstrous.


Only upon returning from holidays in the Caribbean will Benedetto show up. Mrs Cinzia sends her mother out of the room, she wants to look him in the eyes. "Your husband died because you didn't support him enough," he accuses her. And then, he adds, the lung cancer - from that moment it was no longer a "bronchial ulcer" - had resolved it, but an "unexpected problem" had arisen. Cinzia is incredulous. A few days earlier, her husband died holding her hand, looking into her eyes, whispering in the faint voice he had only one word left: "Sorry." Perhaps he only realized at the end that he had taken a wrong path, perhaps he understood that he had left his wife and his family alone: a fate that was probably avoidable.

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«Look, I'm more than convinced: for Hamer's New Medicine I would throw myself out the window» concludes Benedetto. "I wish you did!" is the cold answer. Even today Cinzia is alone with her pain and her story. She prefers not to tell it in the village, because people might think that her husband was crazy, naive. And instead he was simply a scared man, who trusted the seemingly simplest solution at that moment. «I would have liked some justice. I would have liked people to know how things went, because for many, my husband simply died of cancer. They don't know all the physical and psychological suffering he had to endure. But for the rest I have no regrets, I'm proud: I managed to protect my children, to shoulder alone all the pain that we had to endure, together.» Benedetto calmly continues to work at the hospital and to perceive his salary as a "traditional" doctor on time. Marco Pfister and his association will never answer Ms. Cinzia Alunni's phone calls.

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Biological death by telephone prescription

Nathalie is a young and combative Belgian journalist, author of the book On a 1 tué ma mère (They killed my mother): her mother, Jacqueline Starck, died of cancer after following Total Biological Medicine, one of the various offshoots of the German New Medicine in Europe. Towards the end of 2005 my mother noticed a small swelling in her left breast, invisible to the naked eye and only noticeable by palpation. Her osteopath, as well as a family friend, explained to her that it was simply the manifestation of a conflict. The cancer in my left breast was the result of a conflict with my husband, my father. Nothing to worry about, actually, because this conflict could have been resolved. A gynecologist friend explained to me the dangers of this mass, which could grow rapidly, but my mother, who had nevertheless immediately agreed to undergo medical checks, changed her mind on the advice of her osteopath and decided to follow his diagnosis.

At this point Jacqueline comes into contact with Brigitte, «kinesiologist, radioesthetist, homeopath, fortune teller, geobiologist... but not a doctor», who in turn introduces her to a certain Willy, «who used energies and was specialized in dissolving curses» .

The «therapy» While the osteopath dedicated himself to draining the lymphatic system with massages, during which he tried to understand the "conflict" triggering the tumor, «Brigitte prescribed homeopathic granules and, with her pendulum, cleaned and restored the apartment by acting on earthly energies and practicing

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distance kinesiology. Willy recharged his psychic and bodily energies and fought against the jinxes. They both carried out diagnoses, prescribed elixirs and more, in short, they "treated" my mother for a year without ever meeting her in person." It should be emphasized that Hamer does not talk about pendulums, earth energies, kinesiology, jinxes or elixirs. But this testimony is interesting both for understanding the various derivations of Hamerian theories and for the way in which these "therapists" justified their work. In fact, Nathalie says that

Any further physical manifestation was considered extremely positive and confirmed their thesis. Blood leaked, lymph flowed, glands and arm swelled; this meant that the body was cleansing and purifying itself, eliminating fluids and responding correctly to the drainage system.

Even the vision of the "healing" path coincides with that of Hamer: the symptoms, even the most worrying ones, are always seen as confirmation of the validity of one's thesis. As had happened to Domenico Mannarino. And Nathalie also confirms the rejection of scientific medicine:

These therapists were convinced that allopathic medicine killed and consequently also chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It was necessary to avoid traditional medicine which caused damage and only mutilated patients. In their view, surgeries and medical treatments only served to swell the coffers of women pharmaceutical companies.

Concoctions and conflicts The "therapy" consisted of digging into the woman's past: "the relationship with my grandmother, who in their opinion did not want my mother to be born; with my authoritarian grandfather; with her older sisters, jealous of her because she is younger; with old friendships, envious and greedy; with her husband, tyrannical and despotic; and finally with me, his daughter, manipulator and dictator."

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The pain becomes increasingly stronger, while Willy says he fights «against the magicians coming from Sardinia, where my parents had lived in their youth and which according to him was the cradle of black magic and he reclaimed the whole neighborhood by eliminating the neighborhood jinxes». The "therapists" call together other "specialists", always for a fee: an iridologist, a kinesiologist, a chakra energeticist, a psychogenealogist, some geobiologists. «In the meantime, money was spent, time passed and my mother's condition worsened dramatically.» The rejection of scientific medicine reaches its culmination in the firm opposition to hospital admission. «My mother lived outside of any reflection or logical reasoning and was completely dependent on these healers. It was like a marionette, the strings of which were pulled in order to move it at will." But even in the face of all this, Nathalie can't do much: I was desperate. I turned to the police and emergency hospital services to intervene, but no one could help me in any way. The law allows each individual to choose whether they want to be treated or not, so they couldn't intervene in any case.

This is the fundamental point of the whole question: was Mrs. Jacqueline in the prime of her mental faculties or had she been plagiarized by these "therapists"? Nathalie is alone, she doesn't talk to anyone about the situation «first of all because Jacqueline, influenced by the therapists who had isolated her from her relatives, had ordered me not to do it, and then because I didn't know who to turn to for help». Meanwhile, the mother continues to inexorably get worse: In January 2007, my left arm and hand swelled significantly and became stiff and hard to the point that my back bent under the weight. Her breasts retracted into a firm mass under her armpit. In place of the breast, a sore about twenty centimeters long opened, bloody and purulent from which pus, lymph and blood continuously flowed.

One evening my mother wondered where the nauseating smell was coming from

it seemed to follow her and she realized that it was her body that was emanating it. The right breast began to enlarge and turn red.

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The entire chest and neck were filled with glands and streaked with veins bursting with color purplish. Constant respiratory oppression prevented her from breathing properly. She moved with difficulty, due to the physical manifestations of the cancer that was consuming her and the dazzling and omnipresent pain.

And faced with the screams of pain that the woman was unable to contain, the "therapists" they ordered her to undergo self-denial and acceptance. Willy advised her to put an onion on the wound and spread some warm green clay on her arm and, above all, to leave my dad. Brigitte prescribed her some calendula mother tincture to dab gently, a few drops of lemon to disinfect, some flower elixirs and homeopathic granules for the pain and also to leave the apartment.

' A bitter truth A month passes, but the pain continues to be excruciating. It is at that point that the osteopath congratulates Jaqueline, telling her that "it was much better to die at home, rather than in the clinic surrounded by vultures". The woman falls from the clouds: but how, wasn't hers a "healing path"? She was sick but then she would get better, they told her. Indeed, his feeling ill was precisely the sign of progress along that "path". And now, when the disease manifests itself in all its crudeness, the about-face. «My mother was scared, terrified by what he was telling her! For more than a year he had assured her that she would recover, excluding the possibility of death." Jaqueline is angry and in April 2007 she agrees to be admitted to hospital. The hospitalization, obviously, is opposed by the "therapists", who actually accuse the woman: "She wants the disease because she wants to appear like a martyr" they tell her. “She needs to feel sick.” At the hospital Jaqueline is subjected to the usual tests: she has, obviously, a tumor.

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In his eyes I didn't see fear or panic, like anyone who learns of such a truth, but rather amazement. Until that very moment she had never doubted the charlatans who had assured her that she did not have cancer, but he only felt the symptoms.

Now the awareness of having been mocked is total. Every time Jacqueline went to see a doctor, she recorded the conversations on tape so she could calmly listen to all those technical terms and understand them completely. And he had also done the same with the "therapists". She decides to reveal it to her daughter, hoping, as she herself said on her deathbed, "that it would serve to report and prevent other sick people from being victims of scams". She died on 13 June 2007, cared for until the end by Nathalie. Which isn't the case gives peace. Doubts assail her: «Was my mother crazy? Was it me?".

The journalistic investigation But Nathalie is not alone: she finds the "Association for victims of self-proclaimed psychotherapists" on the internet, which puts her in contact with the journalist Philippe Dutilleul. Meanwhile, Nathalie had already begun to collect material for her investigation. Equipped with a hidden camera, the two interviewed some exponents of Total Biological Medicine and discovered that "there was no correspondence between the syrupy and sterile speeches aimed solely at showing the desire to collaborate with traditional medicine and the theses they supported privately". In short, "officially" none of them refused chemotherapy and all medical interventions. But then, in the confines of their own little room, when they were alone in front of the "patient", the tones and topics changed radically: "I was strongly advised" Nathalie recalls "to stop all allopathic treatment, under penalty of death".

These people are also "teachers" of courses in which they propagate the foundations of Hamerian theories. Nathalie discovers that «among the participants in their expensive internships there were mainly individuals from medical backgrounds, kinesitherapists, osteopaths, nurses or Parkinson's, AIDS, multiple sclerosis patients full of far-fetched hopes».

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The journalist discovers that these "therapists" they are the first to rush, in case of illness, to hospital centers to benefit from cutting-edge treatments. For example, when Jacqueline's therapist discovered that she had a brain tumor immediately turned to a well-known university clinic in Brussels.

And indeed, he accuses Nathalie's mother of "giving him cancer". For the second «therapist», Brigitte, Jacqueline «had died due to cancer which had cured her and her astral body was finally free. Finally his conflicts were resolved." Cancer had cured her. Finally, for the osteopath, she «had died by personal choice, because had deliberately refused to resolve his conflict."

Dozens of victims Nathalie's research produced a documentary entitled Mort biologique sur ordonnance téléphonique and the book On a tué ma mère. The journalist says that after the publication of the book dozens of victims began to contact me, to express their relief in knowing that they were not isolated cases and above all in understanding the process of manipulation of which one of their relatives was the victim. The requests for help are numerous: most people do not know who to turn to for psychological and practical help, nor the procedures to follow to report the facts.

Nathalie wants to create the AIVMN, the International Association of Victims of New Medicine and more, a virtual center where to provide assistance to the victims of these scams but which is at the same time also a cornerstone for the prevention of this type of trap.

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Dirk's Friends clinic

It is precisely some journalistic investigations that lift the veil on aspects of the German New Medicine that are perplexing to say the least. Investigations which in many cases do nothing but retrace Hamer's journey through Germany, a journey punctuated over the years by the opening of clinics and pseudo-health facilities in various locations. In August 1985 Hamer opened a "guesthouse" called Freunde von Dirk, or Friends of Dirk, in Katzenelnbogen. But his is not a hotel at all: it is a hospital, where he puts his theories into practice. And horrifying testimonies continue to follow. Testimonies that come to light over twenty years later, thanks to the work of a journalist, Silke Bauer. In 2007, the reporter for the Wüste Welle radio station in Tübingen interviewed three women who collaborated with Hamer in the Friends of Dirk clinic in 1985. Women

they say that, during the period in which they worked under Hamer, they never saw a person healed by him. According to the testimonies of these former collaborators, Hamer had the dying people hastily transferred to other hospitals or to France, so that he could say that they had not died in his place. However, when patients died in his clinic, he had the corpse "treated" even after death, and even after rigor mortis had occurred.


A different doctor The clinic, opened at the beginning of August 1985, immediately welcomed many patients. Hamer offers hope for everyone, even those who have been "abandoned" by medicine. Among them there are many French, because in

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Meanwhile Hamer obtained the support of Count Antoine D'Oncieu de la Batie, president of the largest Hamerian association in France, la ASAC.

His way of treating patients is a great success. Hamer's first collaborator recalls that «when I met this man I told myself that he was a different doctor, because doctors usually think of themselves as deities in white coats. I thought he was more human. But already after three days I thought he had a lot of confusion in his head." Another woman says of him that “he radiates goodness, he radiates a love for human beings, so that you can really think that he loves all his patients. He manages to give this impression well. He immediately aroused sympathy and trust in him." Dr. Hamer always tries to keep the morale of his patients high, to whom he promises sure recovery. One day he buys some purebred laying hens, because he is convinced that their eggs are important in fighting cancer. He also takes a duck and sets it free for the ward. Everyone laughs, "finally someone with different ideas has arrived." In fact, there are many patients with serious pathologies in the clinic. Hamer continues to treat them with his New Medicine, but when they are on the verge of death he sends them to nearby hospitals. The cases are so numerous that at a certain point the surrounding hospitals will refuse to accept any more of his dying people. Other times he insists on family members to bring their loved ones home. «He always blamed the other hospitals, the doctors or the patients, who would have arrived too late. He has never taken any blame upon himself" claims one of his former collaborators. One day a girl, suffering from cancer, turns to him. Together they laugh, joke, have fun. She stays in the hospital boarding house for two weeks, and Hamer declares her cured. He can go home. But the girl returns after a month, because the cancer has not disappeared at all. On the contrary. Stay a couple of weeks again, again joking all the time with Hamer. Who, again, declares her healed. But the scene repeats itself the following month: the patient is emaciated, increasingly weaker, and seeks comfort from that doctor. Who for the third time, after two weeks, declares her cured and sends her home. The girl will never return, struck down by the cancer that literally consumed her.

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A strange hospital The deaths follow one another day after day. Indeed, night after night, because, in order not to make the neighbors suspicious, the funeral home car is sent for in the dark, in secret. For Hamer, the fault lies with the local administration or regional government, which according to him would like to hinder his New Medicine. He feels persecuted, even in danger of his life. There is no money to do anything. It was a "chaotic" period because he had no money, because every now and then there was no money to feed the patients. It was difficult to work there. Nor could therapy be offered because in some moments there were no drugs, for example those to alleviate suffering." Hamer's secretary, taken pity on the many sick people left to their fate, insists that a nurse be hired for at least half a day. Also call a cleaner and a cook.

Often the doctor takes the car and goes to France, to look for money from his friends. One morning he leaves, entrusting a patient to the secretary. A couple of hours after her departure, the woman leaves the office and goes to the ward. He enters the room, stands in front of the bed. Look at the young woman. She feels like she isn't breathing. He thinks it's a suggestion, he touches it. It's cold. Rigid. Dead a long time. When I think about it it sends shivers down my spine. ... Seeing it from his point of view, he only reacted like this because he wanted more money from the family, for that day's treatment. But the woman, in my opinion, had died much earlier, during the previous night. He knew it, and he simply ran away.

Hospitalized patients are often left to their fate. A French patient suffering from breast cancer decides to get someone to help her change her bandages. It's not a particularly difficult task, and so he hires a woman with no nursing experience. At night, the new arrival wanders around the clinic. From behind a door he hears a soft cry. She is a patient with bone cancer. The woman enters the room, approaches the patient's bed and lifts the blanket:

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There was a fist-sized hole in his thigh, and you could see the bone. I asked her: "Why doesn't the doctor do anything?" He replied: "Ah yes, he gave me a powder for the wounds, and when I have pain I have to sprinkle a little powder on them."

On another occasion the woman comes across a young woman with bone cancer. He has excruciating pain, at night he bangs his head against the wall due to the pain. Then the improvised nurse begs Hamer to give her some painkillers, but he is adamant: «For the love of God, no! We cannot give an analgesic drug, this would change the blood values and the healing effect would be compromised." To convince her he takes her to his office, shows her the CT scans of some patients: «Look at this skull. Here is the point, the outbreak that triggered the disease. It is a psychological problem, the previous shock situations then caused the cancer." Hamer is absolutely convinced of his ideas. He doesn't allow replies, he argues with everyone who raises objections or appears perplexed.

The discovery of reality One morning he takes the car and leaves, without saying where or when he would return. Among the patients left alone there is also a young woman suffering from cancer. He screams, he cries: the pain is unbearable. The brother asks for Dr. Hamer, but no one knows where he went. The screams continue and echo throughout the hospital. Then the secretary, moved with pity, calls the doctor from a private clinic. But the fame of Hamer and his strange practices certainly doesn't help. In fact, the doctor puts his hands forward: «I'm coming, but together with a colleague. I won't go into that clinic alone." After seeing with their own eyes the state of total abandonment of the patients, the two doctors report Hamer to the police. Thus began his legal troubles. But he doesn't lose heart. In his illegal clinic - registered as a "boarding house" since Hamer had never obtained any medical authorization - he will continue to treat his patients. «In all that period I never saw anyone get well» testifies the secretary. "I have

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I've never seen a single patient who made some progress, who was a little better."

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Saved by the law

The Friends of Dirk boarding house is closed by the authorities. Now the newspapers are starting to take an interest in Hamer and his New German Medicine no longer and not only as a new therapeutic possibility, but rather with judicial news articles. After various investigations, Hamer was struck off from the Medical Association on 8 April 1986, with a sentence from the Koblenz District 1Court. The psychiatric report by Professor B. Pflug of the University of Frankfurt will ascertain that Hamer is not crazy, but is a danger to his patients because its nature must be described first of all through the concept of "fanatic". It is a doctor with bizarre views, but not physically ill, who possesses an unusual willingness to support certain positions absolutely, and therefore tends to subordinate everything to this personal tendency; furthermore he has no capacity for a reflective evaluation of advantages and disadvantages as well as for the abstractions of his own personal views... His beliefs have a maniacal character... His field of vision is limited to a few questions. Hamer is not interested in other people's opinions if they do not confirm his beliefs... He does not evaluate arguments contrary to his ideas, and sees in counter-arguments only an aggression directed against his person... Hamer is incapable of help cancer patients, and instead creates false hopes in these people, causing only further inconvenience. 2

In March 1986 the founder of New German Medicine moved to Cologne, where he continued to practice as a doctor even though he was struck off from the Order. For this he suffers a first sentence 3 and must pay 3000 marks to avoid criminal proceedings for violation of the Heilpraktikergesetz, the law that regulates complementary medicines in Germany. From this moment, Hamer will continue to practice

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the medical profession illegally, even in other European countries. The following year he published his book Testament for a New Medicine. In 1989 an eighteen year old approached him. 4 He has severe knee pain. In hospital he was diagnosed with bone cancer, but his uncle convinces him to turn to Hamer. And he puts his entire leg in a cast, so as to make the tumor "calcify". “You'll get better in six weeks,” he promises. The young man's mother testifies how her son believed in Hamer: "But the pain got worse, it was a crazy shock for him." In the end the young man, desperate, turns to the hospital clinic in Hamburg. The tumor has grown significantly. He undergoes a ten-week course of chemotherapy. He survives, but his leg – now devastated – must be amputated. The result is a trial that will end on 22 January 1992 in Cologne: Hamer will be sentenced to four months of probation "for having acted against the German law regulating the practice of the medical profession". 5 In the first instance the execution of the sentence is suspended with probation. "I only provided first aid" he will say during the trial, denying having subjected the boy to his New Medicine.

Now even Germany is close to him. Too much attention on him, too many trials. In 1990 he decided to move to Austria, to Burgau. Despite having lost his medical qualification, he opened the Klinik für Neue Medizin consultancy center in Burgau Castle, where Mayor Wallner made some rooms available to him after Hamer allegedly "resolved a conflict" with his wife. But the idyll does not last long. Five years later, this clinic was also closed by the Austrian authorities. On 27 July 1993 Hamer was sentenced to six months' probation (for slander). And soon after the Olivia Pilhar case broke out.

A young patient In 1995 Hamer ended up on the news pages of all the newspapers in Europe after attempting to cure a little Austrian patient, Olivia Pilhar. 6 The little girl was six years old when, on May 17, her parents - the thirty-one-year-old engineer Helmut and the thirty-three-year-old teacher Erika - took her to the hospital

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of Neustadt for stomach pains, thinking it was appendicitis. After the appropriate tests, Dr. Jürgensen diagnosed her with a malignant cyst in the kidney, a Wilms tumor. It is an extremely aggressive and fast-growing cancer. The very young patient was then referred to the Sant'Anna pediatric hospital in Vienna for surgery, followed by a cycle of chemotherapy. The chances of salvation are very high. In fact, the prognosis, although it applies to one of the most aggressive tumors, is excellent in the case of timely and adequate therapy. But we have to hurry. The little girl spends the weekend at the hospital with her parents. There are other small cancer patients in the ward. They are hairless, as if emptied. Olivia's parents get scared. From some friends they hear about Hamer and their determination begins to waver. Meanwhile, the head of the department, Dr. Mann, shows the Pilhars the little girl's analyses. The liver is not compromised, there is only the cyst. By starting chemo immediately, Olivia would have an excellent chance of recovery. And the chemo that scares them so much? The side effects would be few, the doctor reassures them. And he explains that the children they saw in the ward have different tumors, their daughter's case is much less serious. But the father and mother are not convinced and decide to leave the hospital. The doctor warns them: without the chemotherapy treatment the little girl would have died within a year. And he advises them to think for a couple of days before making decisions. Instead, Olivia's parents are already determined not to return to the hospital: the impact with the pediatric oncology department was too violent a shock. They then turn to Dr. Rozkydal, who practices various alternative medicines. But the doctor refuses to treat the little girl and recommends chemo. “And Dr. Hamer's New Medicine?” her parents ask her with eyes full of hope. But she cools things: the methods of the former German doctor are not scientifically recognized. Indeed, to avoid problems, the doctor gets the spouses to sign a document in which the two attest to having fully understood the dangers of this method.

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The meeting with Hamer But Helmut and his wife do not lose heart at all. They go directly to Cologne, to Hamer. For him the little girl, in addition to the renal cyst, also has liver cancer, although at Sant'Anna in Vienna they had clearly ruled it out. For Hamer "the disease had to be traced back to a personality conflict: the conflict only had to be resolved, then the cancer would have receded on its own." Indeed, the renal cyst was already shrinking and therefore the conflict was already over. This was not true for the liver cancer, which was mainly due to another conflict: the little girl had in fact wanted her mother to take some time off from work, and this had triggered the illness. Based on this "diagnosis", at the end of May Erika Pilhar left her job and moved to her parents' house to better look after her daughter. Doctor Mann calls to find out the outcome of the days of reflection. Olivia's father lies to him: the little girl is already in another hospital, he reassures him. Professor Gadner also calls from the Viennese hospital, who tries to convince the Pilhars to turn to their specialized center. Again, to no avail. Meanwhile, alerted of what is happening, the first doctor who examined Olivia, Dr. Jürgensen, brings the matter to the Neustadt court. A hearing is held on June 9th, in which engineer Pilhar reiterates that he wants to treat his daughter's tumor with Hamer's method. The judge tries to find a way out and suggests that the father appoint a radiologist of his choice and have him carry out an examination that demonstrates that the tumor, "treated" with this method, is decreasing. The Pilhars then turn to Doctor Hejda, in Mödling. But the test results are disappointing. The tumor isn't getting any smaller at all. On the contrary, it is growing dramatically. The judge then orders that the little girl follow the normal medical protocol. On June 28, the police went to the Pilhar house to pick up Olivia and take her to hospital. But there are only the grandparents at home: the Pilhars fled at three that same night, taking their daughter with them. They intend to expatriate and join Hamer abroad. They stop in Kärnten. They call home. The grandmother reads the judge's decree, ordering them to immediately subject the little girl to the

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scientific medicine treatments. But they are even more stubborn. With Hamer's help, they escape through Germany and Switzerland, eventually joining him in a hotel in Malaga, Spain. Meanwhile, they have instructed the lawyer Wolfgang Vakaresku, from Graz, to appeal against the court's decision. But on July 19 the appeal was rejected. With their escape, the Pilhar spouses have definitively lost parental rights over their daughter: the parents «who deny trust in the doctors in charge, with precise indications in favor of therapies that are not well described and even unprovable, are behaving at least negligently... They are now clearly incapable of guaranteeing the child's health and quality of life needs". Hamer, in Malaga, tries to get the little girl accepted into some hospital, but without success. In the meantime, the case is having great coverage in the Austrian newspapers, which finally track down the couple. Interpol tries to intervene, but the bureaucratic process would be too long and difficult. The little girl is dying, there is no time to waste. Doctor Marina Markovich of the Viennese outpatient air transport service offers herself as an intermediary between the Pilhars and the Austrian authorities. She speaks to Hamer, who agrees to let the little girl return to Vienna, as long as she is not given anything - especially chemotherapy - against her parents' wishes. But the request is illegal, because the Pilhars lost parental rights with their escape. Not even the intervention of the Austrian consul Walter Esten produced any results. The little girl is at the mercy of Hamer and his theories. Meanwhile he takes advantage of the opportunity to publicize his method. He lets himself be filmed while walking with Olivia, already exhausted, along the beach. The Austrian television Orf also gives him space in the «Help-Tv» program hosted by Barbara Stoeckl.

The return home On July 24, an air ambulance was set up to take the family back to Austria. Professor Vanura, from Tulln hospital, is persuaded to accept little Olivia as a patient. The situation is desperate: later

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72 days after diagnosis, the tumor went from a volume of 250 ml to 4200 ml: it had grown seventeen times. The little girl is in a lot of pain, her belly is swollen. Professor Vanura insists that parents understand the need for medical treatment and psychologically support their daughter. At first Helmut and Erika accept, but the next day they change their minds and prevent the start of the therapy, which they continue to consider "unsuitable and dangerous for the child's life". Time passes, the tumor grows, Olivia suffers more and more. On July 28, a Neustadt court session will be held at the hospital to assess the situation. The doctors describe the little girl's condition: the tumor is now the size of a football, so much so that it even makes breathing difficult. The pain increases exponentially. The chances of survival are gradually diminishing, they are reducing day by day. A team of 7 specialists is tasked with scientifically establishing how things are. The result of the report is shocking: «There are no longer any doubts about the existence of a Wilms tumor. Without therapy, several possible complications must be considered - such as hemorrhages, organ rupture, vessel compression, infections and tumor metastasis. For this reason it must be noted that, without medical intervention, the child's life is destined to end." If before little Olivia only had kidney cancer, the delay in treatment caused three metastases in the liver and one in the lungs. The chances of recovery, which initially were 95 percent, have now dropped to 20-40 percent. The tumor is too large, it should be reduced with chemotherapy and then removed surgically. But we have to hurry. And the judge makes his decision: the next day the little girl is transferred to the university pediatric clinic in Vienna, of which Professor Urbanek is the head doctor. Parents continue to oppose this choice. The doctors present have the impression of being faced with "a strange and alternative group, with the approach of a sect, strongly indoctrinated by Hamer". Olivia undergoes cycles of chemo and radiotherapy. If previously he could have gotten by with a "light" treatment, the state he is in now forces aggressive action. And, finally, the tumor deflates. She was operated on successfully, and after the operation she was treated with a few cycles of chemo. Is

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so good that he returns home at Christmas. In March 1996 all treatments ceased and Olivia was declared cured. She is still alive today and enjoys excellent health.

The process The case gives rise to a trial against Olivia's parents, accused of having seriously damaged their daughter's health, causing her serious pain and bodily injury. Despite everything, however, the Pilhar couple continue to believe they acted correctly, because according to them official medicine is "at a dead end, and they would therefore have the right to experiment with alternative forms, specifically Dr. Hamer's New Medicine", discovered thanks to word of mouth from some friends and various books on the subject. But why, even in the face of the child's evident worsening, did they persist along this path? We trusted in Dr. Hamer's indications: with the resolution of the conflict there it would also have been a re-establishment of the child's normal health conditions.

In short: once "the conflict was resolved", Olivia would be healed. During the trial they don't give up. They insist that Olivia could have easily been saved with New Medicine. The court is forced to remind them that

the theories supported by Dr. Hamer are not a scientifically recognized method, and there is no scientific publication on the matter. The "Hamer method", looking at the (objectifiable and growing) course of the disease, in this concrete case was not proved effective.

But the Pilhar try everything. They scream that it is unthinkable that they, Olivia's natural parents, were denied the right to decide about the flesh of their own flesh. The court's response is glacial:

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The defendants persistently fail to consider that they have assumed the right to decide not about themselves, but rather about the life and health of another person, even if it is their own daughter. The defendants deny the legal basis of the child's autonomy, and consider her their possession.

The sentence was eight months in prison, but the two were given mitigating circumstances and the sentence was commuted to probation. Even today, the Pilhar remain faithful to the German New Medicine. The father no longer works as an engineer, but travels throughout Germany to popularize Hamer's theories in paid lectures. He also created a website, where he encourages minors to follow his daughter's example. The site was closed at the end of December 2010 by the German Federal Department for the Control of Media Harmful to Minors. According to «Der Spiegel», over 40 Austrian patients died at the time, after having been 8 «treated» with the Hamer method.

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An unverified theory

The case of Olivia Pilhar and the legal proceedings that arise from it forcefully bring to the attention of civil and criminal judges and, more generally, public opinion the problem represented by the scientific validity of the theories developed by Hamer, condensed in the five laws on which the New German Medicine is based. Now it is no longer just doctors who come across patients treated by Hamer or his followers who have to deal with this issue. The boundaries of the issue are much broader, so much so that, as in the Pilhar case, there are precise criminal responsibilities. It is therefore appropriate to clarify this point. On the Internet, Hamer's followers often claim that German New Medicine has been "verified." In reality there is no supreme body that can affirm the validity of a scientific theory: its supporters would have to present studies and verifiable evidence of what they affirm, the scientific community would evaluate them, and finally conclusions would be drawn.

A question of method «Dr. Hamer always says: “Bring me just one case that doesn't agree with what I discovered and I deny everything!”. Yet this hasn't happened for 1 twenty-five years." Marcello Falzari, former director of the ALBA association, writes it . But science doesn't work that way: it's up to those who support a theory to prove that it is true. «Extraordinary statements require extraordinary proof» wrote sociology professor Marcello Truzzi. 2 In over thirty years neither Hamer nor anyone else has ever provided the scientific community with a single study for critical examination, just as

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it happens for all new therapeutic procedures. Meanwhile they sell books and hold conferences. For a fee. The procedure for verifying a medical or scientific theory works, in broad terms, like the principle of the presumption of innocence in law: it is up to those who make an accusation to prove it with tangible evidence, it is not enough to accuse someone and expect them to clear themselves. Medicine uses the peer review method , an in-depth check on the work of one or more scientists carried out by other scientists. The results are then published in scientific journals, whose weight and credibility are indicated by the impact factor, a factor expressed with a number, which highlights the trust and respect of the scientific community for that journal and therefore the quality and reliability of the works that appear there. This complex system is obviously not free from errors or economic and political interference, but it still manages 3 to guarantee that medical knowledge is shared by everyone and, above all, is verifiable.

The paradigm shift The Hamerians, on the other hand, claim not to provide scientific proof of what they claim by virtue of a "paradigm shift": With Dr. Hamer's discoveries, however, we find ourselves having to change rooms. It is a radical paradigm shift: it explains to us what the "disease" is, where it begins and how it develops. The other notable detail is that it is not based on any hypothesis, but on laws that are always verifiable. ... The Five Biological Laws represent a watershed today since, given the different paradigm, there is no possibility of mediation or "adjustments" with other previous traditions. They 4 require a completely new language, a completely new presence on the part of the operator.

So on the one hand there is scientific medicine, with all its limitations, which is subject to the judgment of anyone who wants to read the published studies which meticulously list every single step of the logical chain that led to the discovery. On the other hand there are the Hamerians, who claim that the

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verification of what they say falls on others. It is Professor Silvio Garattini, director of the Mario Negri Pharmacological Research Institute and a great scientific communicator, who unravels every knot by aiming straight to the heart of the problem: I fully respect everyone's right to treat themselves as they see fit, but it is also right that the correct information is provided. And first of all to those who use remedies whose benefit-risk ratio has never been subjected to an objective evaluation. Everyone knows it: economic resources are limited... Every intervention that has therapeutic dignity must be based not on impressions, but on solid evidence, obtained with methods that represent a standard to be respected. And if certain evidence does not emerge, let's be clear: many of the so-called remedies could also disappear 5 «official» medicine.

The thirty "checks" Neither scientific studies, nor verifiable data, nor medical records: Hamer's "checks" are photocopies of papers signed by a handful of doctors. There is the «Löwenstein verification» 6 of 1982, an eight-line leaflet signed by Dr. S. Nagorny, who states that Hamer examined five patients, and that the criteria of the «five laws of cancer» were verified. No evidence is provided, no medical records, no material to investigate to understand on what basis the statement should be true or what methodology was adopted. 7 In another "verification" in 1988, four doctors - and Hamer himself - signed

a piece of paper in which they claimed to have "studied" seven patients with cancer, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease, with "convincing correlations" between the diseases and what that Hamer stated. As always, there is no documentation to support such claims. Among the "verifications" that the Hamerians present there is also the "opinion" of Hans-Ulrich Niemitz, "specialist in the history and ethics of technologies and natural sciences at the Leipzig Higher School of Technology, Commerce and Culture", according to who «the New Medicine is scientific and correctly corresponds to the criteria of the natural sciences. The new

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Medicine is by far the safest method for healing people with so-called cancer" while, on the contrary, conventional medicine would be "unscientific". In fact, Niemitz has no medical expertise and in the academic environment he is known for his support for the theory of the "phantom centuries", according to which the Early Middle Ages never actually existed and the academic world would be complicit in wanting to hide this presumed truth.

The ALBA association responds to the lack of documents in support of Hamer's theories by calling out, once again, a conspiracy: it would be "a part of official medicine, evidently moved by prejudices other than scientific ones", which has never allowed the possibility of a scientific comparison with Dr. Hamer. And his convictions for the dead patients would be "a test of strength to prevent the German doctor from continuing to disseminate his discoveries", "despite repeated checks - including the official recognition of the University of Trnava in Slovakia". 8

The «official recognition» is a 1998 document addressed to that university, where Hamer had asked to obtain the qualification as a professor. It will never be granted to him, probably because that university has no medical faculty. 9 Some professors, not doctors, would have declared the validity of Hamer's method, underlining that however the necessary reports for a definitive evaluation are missing.

The Siemens "verification". One of the fundamental points of the New Medicine concerns the "Hamer outbreaks". For all radiologists in the world, these are actually ring artifacts , a rather common technical anomaly in machinery from many years ago. For Hamer this would be proof of the correlation between the mind and the body: «In the instant of Dirk Hamer Syndrome, the content of the biological conflict, or the way in which the person perceives a certain event, determines both the localization of the Biological Program and Sense in the brain with the so-called Outbreak of

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Hamer, whether localization in the organ as cancer or onco-equivalent 10 disease" writes Dr. Danilo Toneguzzi. To dispel any doubt, in 1989 Hamer wrote to the Siemens company, which produces computerized tomographs, asking its technicians what the conditions are under which it can be ruled out that what appears on the CT scan is a ring artifact. Siemens responds by citing "seven exclusion criteria": it is not a question of ring artifacts if, for example, "the signs do not have the shape of a perfect circle, but instead present deformations", or if "the circle or circles do not correspond to the 'scanner rotation axis' and so on. It is not clear why the Hamerians bring this document as "evidence". In it not only is there never any mention of the New Medicine, but the possibility that the "Hamer outbreaks" are actually artefacts is not excluded at all. Indeed, it is highlighted that many of the structures presented by Hamer are in reality clear artefacts, because they exhibit an unequivocal "perfect circle" structure. The most striking example can even be found on the cover of Hamer's Testament . «The CT scans shown by Mr. Hamer were interpreted by the author in an incompetent way, and are in obvious conflict with scientific knowledge and experience» writes, on January 22, 2007, Professor Maximilian Reiser, director of the Institute of Radiology clinic at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, and president of the Association of German Radiologists. 11

Søren Ventegodt's «holistic verification». In January 2005, the important medical search engine PubMed cited the article Rationality and irrationality in Ryke Geerd Hamer's system for 12 the holistic treatment of metastatic cancer, written by the controversial Danish doctor Søren Ventegodt – who has very similar ideas 13 to those by Hamer – together with Niels Jørgen Andersen and the Israeli Joav Merrick. The article appeared in the Scientific World Journal of the Quality of Life Research Center, a private Danish institute. It is a journal with a low impact factor (in 2010 it was 1.524; for comparison,

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in the same year that of «Nature» was 36,101), of which, moreover, Ventegodt himself is the director. The aim of the article was «to examine whether the “medical laws” indicated by the German doctor Hamer are supported by contemporary holistic medical theory». It is therefore not a scientific study, with new data and experiments, but only a revision of what has already been published, among other things limited to "holistic medicine". In the article, Ventegodt and his collaborators conclude that Hamer's first two laws "are established principles of holistic medicine today." And the other three? Hamer's understanding of symptoms in medicine, viruses and bacteria, and the evolutionary process itself differ greatly from holistic medical theories, both traditional and contemporary, and we have not found them supported. Hamer's understanding of cancer metastasis was built on these fallacious principles, and is therefore unsupported.

In short, to the authors "it seems that Hamer's thought is fundamentally good", because the principles on which it is based are "very similar to those of today's holistic thinkers". And his "postulate" related to the treatment of cancer patients is "probably true, at least for some motivated patients". Ventegodt and colleagues therefore believe that one postulate is probably true, based on the fact that Hamer's first two laws are similar to what some holistic doctors say. Except then specify: However, this must be tested scientifically before being accepted... In the present work we do not intend to test the Hamer system clinically, but only to analyze it from a theoretical point of view.

It is interesting to note that the bibliography of this "work" consists of 59 references, 48 of which are writings signed by Ventegodt himself (who, as mentioned, is also director of the magazine where the article appears). No case or patient who has followed this method is mentioned, nor is any scientific experiment mentioned. The article, after having swept away three of the five "laws" of the New Medicine, also refers to the "Hamer outbreaks": "It is much more likely that these are artefacts to which Hamer, in the absence of other evidence

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concrete facts of his theory, he has given too much importance" because "he desperately needs to regain his role within the medical society". But "no case of healing has been published" the text significantly concludes. At the beginning the study was greeted by Hamerians with great enthusiasm: for the first time the prestigious PubMed spoke about Hamer. Then someone read the article carefully and the enthusiasm died down. Obviously, Hamer didn't like it and distanced himself as well from holistic medicine, which he defines a pudding mush, with even more unprovable hypotheses. In holistic there is only the name, but there is no system. What does "Germanic" have to do with this amorphous mush of holistics: such as acupuncture, ayurveda, siddha, yoga, aromatherapy, tai-chi, etc. or homeopathy? Simply nothing!


Furthermore, he accused Vendegodt and Merrik of practicing New Medicine Germanica in secret, but only for their «Jewish brothers»: She and the prof. Merrick, don't you have the courage to honestly say: «Yes, the German New Medicine is right, we have been practicing it for 23 years with 98 percent success in cancer cases. We regret that we were obliged according to the Talmud and the directives of the world chief rabbi Schneerson to deprive non-Jews of the New German Medicine. We are sorry and would like to make amends!


A more recent "verification" would be that carried out by the Nicaraguan parliament, which on 5 October 2011 "recognised the New Medicine" in its entirety with a law on "natural medicine, complementary therapies and natural products" 16 (we read one copy on the official website of Hamer followers in 17 Canada). The Health and Social Security Commission of the legislative assembly of the Republic of Nicaragua would have attempted to regulate the various complementary medicines present in its territory. In the preamble of this document, dated 12 July 2011, there is a long series of definitions relating to «cosmovision of natural medicine», «production plants for natural products», «iridology», «ayurveda», «prana», « natural beauty products" and also "New Medicine" by Hamer.

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These are, in fact, definitions of some "complementary medicines" present at that time in Nicaragua, which the legislator would have liked to regulate. It is interesting to note that New Medicine is not even mentioned among the "complementary therapies" indicated subsequently, but simply a definition is given. 18 Unless we consider bioenergetics, family constellations, massage, pranic psychotherapy, chiropractic, reiki, reflexology and sauna to be equally "recognized".

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«So you take me back»

Maresa Laudando had a solid scientific background. A graduate in chemistry, however, she was gifted with a "well-rounded" soul, as her friends describe her, and knew how to combine a strong concreteness with a restless, curious, open nature. He was born in the 1960s in Sondrio, but his parents were originally from Castel Volturno, in Campania. An indelible mark of origin, for better or for worse. Within the friendly walls of your home you only speak in dialect, polenta is not allowed in the kitchen: the traditions of the South must be respected to the full. An attachment that is also reflected in social life. Everyone at school, including the teacher, makes fun of her. It doesn't help that her speech betrays the Campania dialect, a further way to make her feel "different". She experiences the contrast with pain, but also with a lively spirit of revenge. From an early age she displayed great talents: she excelled in gymnastics and art, studied the piccolo and the piano, but was also particularly good at mathematics, so much so that she chose scientific high school. Art and numbers, materiality and dreams. These two sides of Maresa are perhaps inspired by the character of her parents. The mother, a piano conservatory graduate and music teacher, is an emotional woman who had to deal with a world - that of the southern hinterland - that was often closed and harsh. She reacts by taking refuge in herself, among the notes and pentagrams. The father, on the contrary, is perfectly integrated into that world. Severe and patient, but also capable of rare tender outbursts, he claims to govern the entire family like a patriarch from another era. However, times have changed and Sondrio is not Castel Volturno. New, important horizons are opening up for Maresa. We are in the 1980s, a period of tumultuous transformations in which the myth of always appearing young, strong and fit is imposed. But she chooses to strengthen her brain instead of her muscles, and enrolls in chemistry,

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specializing in biology because she was fascinated by the way chemical processes transform the body. She then became a researcher for the laboratories of the BASF company, where she dedicated herself with commitment to studying specific formulations for the needs of large multinational customers. In the meantime he lives tormented love stories. She is a beautiful woman, with a long following of admirers. However, she always chooses hard men who are not inclined to commit. Having passed the age of thirty, it is as if he felt he had to rebalance his life, spent between test tubes and chemical formulas, with his other side, the more ethereal and spiritual one. He approaches tai-chi, hippotherapy, shatzu, Buddhism. Religion begins to be an important part of her life, so much so that it pushes her to become custodian of the Buddhist church in Milan. After the roaring eighties, it is as if Maresa began to look with detachment at a world that from modern and efficient is accelerating to the point of becoming unstoppable and elusive. Years pass, Maresa even surpasses the hurdle of forty. His transformation is increasingly evident. Relatives and friends look at her with suspicion, smile at her growing extravagance. When he talks about a particularly happy love story of his, he says: "He and I have very profound energetic exchanges." He eats very little of what is on the table, falling back on a diet of his own, he always expresses himself with abstract words from which his delicate but indomitable character shines through. The relationship with her brother is excellent: he is the only one who manages to make her laugh a little, joking about her quirks. Not so her father, who resignedly confesses to his relatives: "Maresa was an extraordinary child, then as she grew up she deteriorated." The mother is more incisive: "Chell's become stupid" she says with an amused smile. Maresa finds comfort in her ideas in spiritual, alternative groups, which keep the fire burning inside her alive. This is how she meets the introverted Francesco, a physiotherapist, with whom she begins a relationship. With him he holds tai-chi courses and participates in various "alternative" fairs. But, as always, he reconciles these sensitivities with a healthy scientific pragmatism. Since puberty she has had breast problems and at the age of fourteen she had some calcifications removed. Operation repeated in the early 2000s. For this reason Maresa regularly undergoes check-up mammograms. 2007 was a cold shower: doctors suspected carcinoma of the milk ducts. A breast tumor.

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Maresa's two souls, until now in balance, suddenly collide. As a scientist, she knows well what is happening inside her body, but she cannot help but think of all that spiritual, natural, sweet world that has accompanied her in these years. The doctors carry out a further test, a fine needle aspiration: it is negative. But they are not calm. «To avoid problems in the future, we advise you to have surgery. She will have to lose her left breast.» Maresa's refusal is categorical, violent. She, so attentive to harmony and serenity, cannot conceive the idea of having her breasts amputated. She withdraws more and more into herself, seeking solutions to her illness in Buddhism, tai-chi, shatsu. But none of these disciplines, obviously, can provide an answer to such a distressing question. And she refuses to talk about the disease with family and friends, continuing her research in silence. Among her acquaintances, there are those who finally talk to her about Hamer. He decides to follow his theories. It is only in mid-June 2007 that the situation emerges in all its desperate clarity. Maresa calls her brother and asks him for help. Not feeling well. “My hips, my back, my legs hurt.” He rushes to his sister and discovers that Maresa's left breast is completely swollen, the nipple retracted. He's shocked. “But why haven't you had medical tests to see what's wrong with you?” he scolds her affectionately, tears in his eyes. And she opens up. He begins to talk to him about Hamer, about the New German Medicine, about a group of doctors from Aulla who carry out these theories. He says everything is fine, since he is in telephone contact with Marco Pfister, president of the ALBA association. However, the brother is not convinced. Try to convince her to go to the hospital, to do some medical tests. And here something breaks. Maresa screams, in the grip of a fit of anger and desperation, that "this way you're taking me back". No replies are allowed. She must believe it, and her family must stand by her and follow her along this path. Without any second thoughts. Otherwise, he says, it will all have been useless. She followed the telephone suggestions of Pfister, who had advised her to seek assistance from the physiotherapist Paolo Panzeri. To relieve back and hip pain he undergoes cycles of physiotherapy. And when the pain is too intense it

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food supplements, coffee, tea, half a sachet of Oki. Francesco, her partner, supports her in this journey. But coffee, anti-inflammatories and physiotherapy can do nothing against the tumor, which continues to grow inside her and disfigure her breasts more and more. In July, Maresa can't even get up from the sofa. Involves parents for assistance. The brother is desperate. Maresa had indicated "Doctor Pfister" to him as his "treating doctor". On August 2 he wrote him a heartfelt letter, in which he asked him to confirm the diagnosis that his sister told him, what therapy should be followed and how to stay close to his beloved sister, «a beautiful woman of rare intelligence and very acute sensitivity". But Pfister doesn't show up. The brother then decides to call him. And this time Pfister answers him. He begs him to convince Maresa to be hospitalized. He asks him for explanations about the progress of the cancer, but Pfister doesn't want to talk about it for "privacy issues". Indeed, according to his brother, he would have invited him «to make Maresa reflect on the successes achieved against the disease, she must be encouraged to take responsibility for her own recovery». And the breast, now irreparably compromised? «The removal operation would only bring benefits of an aesthetic nature, I recommend waiting until Maresa has recovered.» And although the situation clearly appears desperate, Maresa herself is convinced that she will soon return to health. Plan your upcoming vacation. He wants to go to the seaside, the family says. As if nothing had happened: he is following Hamer's theory to the hilt. But the pain is increasingly acute and she is now paralysed. He cannot move from home, has no contact with any doctor, does not have specialized assistance nor does he follow adequate analgesic therapy to counteract the now excruciating pain. It is August 23rd when her skin and eyes turn yellow, a sign that her liver has stopped working, now compromised by the tumor growing inside her. Once again her brother

calls Marco Pfister and once again he is reassured: «Maresa is yellow because she is angry, seeing as she wanted to leave for the seaside but couldn't do it» Four days later, the physical conditions are now desperate: the woman has swollen, enormous, swollen legs. The pain is unbearable. She agrees to see a friend, a doctor, who rushes to her house, but Maresa is peremptory: without Pfister's advice she won't even let him touch her. And so

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the doctor is forced to describe the "patient's" condition by telephone to the president of ALBA : "Administer a strong diuretic to reduce the edema" is the laconic response. But the doctor, shocked by such superficiality, orders her friend's immediate hospitalization. Medical investigations confirm what was already evident: the breast cancer has caused metastases in the liver, which is now compromised. Furthermore, Maresa probably also has bone metastases. Not even a day passes and the liver fails. The patient goes into a hepatic coma and dies two hours later. Maresa was an informed, strong and aware woman. He knew well the possibilities and limits of medicine, which inevitably goes up to a certain point. He tried to overcome all this and the fear of the disease - very human, even for those who discover new chemical formulas by profession - allowing himself to be embraced by a muffled, serene, sweet, reassuring world. A world that instead made her suffer more and more, distancing her from her truest and dearest affections. A film, unfortunately, already seen too many times.

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On the run across Europe

After entering the news for the case of little Olivia Pilhar, Hamer is the protagonist of a new series of legal events as a defendant. On 9 September 1997 he was arrested and then convicted by the Cologne court for failure to help a person in danger, infringement of the legislation on alternative medicines and illegal practice of medicine: three of his cancer patients, whom he had distanced from scientific treatments, were dead. He should serve nineteen months in prison, but he only spends twelve months in prison. Having served his sentence, he moved to France. Here he found fertile ground and continued to spread his ideas, also thanks to some followers who founded an association, the Association Stop Au Cancer (ASAC), similar to the one that would later be founded in Italy under the name of ALBA. But the French judiciary is not sitting idly by. Due to the numerous deaths recorded among those who decided to rely on Hamer's New German Medicine to "cure" their pathologies, in 2000 an arrest warrant was issued against him. In October of that year Hamer was sentenced to eighteen months in prison and a 200,000 euro fine for illegal practice of medicine, complicity in the failure to help a person in danger and fraud. 1 However, the sentence was pronounced in absentia: Hamer fled to Spain. Here he was arrested in September 2004 thanks to a European 2 arrest warrant, after the ruling of the Chambéry court which sentenced him to another three years of imprisonment for fraud and abusive practice of the medical profession. This time too he did not serve his entire sentence: released on 16 February 2006, he returned to Spain.


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Hamer lived in Alhaurin El Grande until March 2007, when two German prosecutors 3 charged him with the crime of inciting racial hatred due to his accusations against Jews. Here are some passages extrapolated from one of his many writings: Countless people with cancer die every day around the world (1000 in 2019 alone). Germany) who, it must be said clearly, are "scientifically executed", that is, they are intentionally tortured to death with chemo (toxic gas derivatives) and morphine. This is not an error or an oversight, as I have learned in the meantime after years of meticulous and in-depth research with terrifying implications; it is a commissioned assassination, intentionally premeditated against non-Jews, what happens every day, for the benefit of Zionist supremacy The Zionist

throughout the world. ...

fanatics, in accordance with the Talmud, in their religious madness have misused this gift, transforming it into a very great crime.

O Zeus father of the universe, why have you Mighty afflicted us with the religious madness of these Zionists who have destroyed your sacred order? How could these blinded men on their own make all the non-Jewish patients flock like good calves to their clinics, that is, to their slaughterhouses, to be slaughtered against their will? ... in two different clinic hours the same Jewish oncologists apply two different therapies: one for the Jews, following the New German Medicine (without chemo and morphine), with a success of 98 percent (as has been practiced secretly for twenty years in Israel and for all the Jews of the world), and one for non-Jews following traditional medicine with chemo and morphine, that is, with 98 percent mortality ... and this happens knowingly and intentionally out of religious madness.

... the Jewish religion, especially the Orthodox one, is basically based only on hatred towards non-Jews (Talmud), whose complete destruction is essentially considered the premise for the messianic kingdom of the Jews. If this is the case, then we understand what great interest there is in destroying me and the New Medicine. This has been happening for two decades with the support of the mass media, all in Jewish hands, and their campaigns that spread serious slander. 4

Hamer then claims that Pope John Paul II

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he had himself treated [for the 1982 tumor] according to my German Medicine with 100 percent success: only surgery, no chemotherapy, no morphine – and after two months he was healthy again. As is done with all Jewish patients.


Claudio Trupiano defends him, branding Hamer's anti-Semitism as «a problem of words. He lashes out against the powerful of the world and among them he also includes the Jews... it is clear that current medicine is afraid of 6 the discoveries made by Hamer." To escape the new criminal proceedings, Hamer flees again. «From a phone call I learned that the German government, through the police, would imprison me. I left one day before my capture and came to Norway, because Norway is not part of the European Community and it is much more difficult to imprison me here." 7 Thus begins his fugitive in the town of Sandefjord (at number 11 Sandkollveien). Yet, in all these years no police force has ever looked for him and today – as the chief prosecutor of Cottbus, Bernhard Brocher, confirms in an email – he is no longer a fugitive for a period of time, and all the information on the proceedings has been destroyed. In the Norwegian town Hamer founded his own company pompously called the University for German New Medicine, Art and Natural Lifestyle 8 of which he then proclaimed himself rector. But on November 27, 2014, the Norwegian Ministry of Education ordered him to drop the title of "university" for his commercial activity, since this term is protected by law. Hamer did not comply, and his website was shut down on May 15, 2015. 9

Among the "teachers" of what was intended to be a university we also find the Italian pianist Giovanna Conti, 10 who takes on the title of director of the Music Department. Perhaps inspired by this collaboration, Hamer recently made public and 11 downloadable Mein Studentenmädchen, «a little love song that I wrote and composed for my wife in 1976, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of our love», which «optimizes the regeneration phase from a biological point of view." According to Hamer, this "magic ... healing melody" has already cured a seven-year-old girl from an unspecified chronic condition. Hamer says he has collected "a hundred similar cases." Cases which, however, as with all the others he talks about,

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he never explained it to anyone. The song can be downloaded for free, but "those who have the means should purchase The Archaic Melodies [his book, sold through his own publishing house] to be more informed about what happens in reality." In May 2011 Hamer was reached by an undercover crew to whom he reiterated all program «Mi manda Raitre», to the 12 his accusations Jews and the total uselessness of chemo and morphine. In 2015, some local newspapers reported 13 that Hamer was under investigation for the death, on the eve of Christmas 2009, of a four-year-old diabetic girl. According to the accusation, he convinced his parents to gradually reduce insulin doses in favor of a diet based on vegetables and roots. The little girl was very weak, she was vomiting blood, but her parents were convinced that it was a gastrointestinal infection, a "conflict of water retention". They only called the ambulance when the little girl was no longer breathing. The judge convicted them of manslaughter, stressing that «as long as it concerns your life, it is okay to try alternative treatment. But you cannot indulge in irrational beliefs when it comes to children." Hamer is also accused of the death of Susanne Rehklau, a twelve-year-old girl whom he allegedly followed by telephone. However, according to him the little girl "did not die of cancer, but of a microchip secretly implanted in her and remotely triggered with poison".

In September 2016, when the media case regarding Hamer's followers broke out in Italy, a journalist from La Stampa reached Hamer in Norway to ask him to account for his statements on the uselessness of chemo and his accusations against the Jews. On the phone, Mrs. Bona Garcia, Hamer's second wife, denies that her husband is at home, but when the journalist reaches the cottage where they live, he is there, on the veranda, sunbathing. A neighbor will say that «I often saw people coming and going from his house. Pale, sick people, very tired physically. It's something really sad, when desperation is exploited." 14

The case against Norway

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On 22 August 2007 Hamer attempted to obtain medical certification from the Norwegian Medical Association, an application which was rejected by the National Authority for Health Personnel on 3 December 2007. Twelve days later Hamer appealed against the decision, but also the appeal was rejected on 1 April 2008, because the applicant «had provided cancer patients with improper treatment» and furthermore, since he lost his medical qualification in 1986, «he had not taken part in the development that took place at within the medical profession and remained professionally out of date." On 25 June 2008 Hamer then sued the Norwegian state and the entire medical association before the Oslo District Court. The ruling was dated April 30, 2009: «The court concluded that Dr. Hamer would practice the medical profession in an irresponsible manner», reiterating that consistently abstains from the use of recognized forms of treatment and advocates one doctrine, the New German Medicine, which he considers superior to traditional medicine. This suggests that [if he practiced as a doctor] he would be performing an irresponsible activity and would have a serious lack of understanding... Hamer's theories can lead to dramatic and possibly fatal consequences for patients.

The Court therefore ruled that the confirmations [of Hamer's theory] are in no way constructed according to recognized scientific methods, so that others can carry out an inspection to verify the claimed results. No criteria are provided for the studies, the conclusions are not evaluated and no account is given of the method applied to arrive at the conclusion that NMG should be considered correct or proven. In contrast, "confirmations" are short writings

in which it is assumed unilaterally and without the possibility of control that the NMG is correct ... The Court therefore found that the NMG had never been verified through a scientific control based on empirical research methods.


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"They killed me twice"

Mrs. Maria Giovanna Benvenuti has the steady and disenchanted eyes of someone who has had to face many adversities in life. Of few words, he still manages to convey all his determination. He seeks justice not for himself, but for Manuela Trevisan, his daughter: she was forty-five years old when a tumor took her away from the affection of her family and friends. We are in Casarsa della Delizia, in the province of Pordenone. A country like many others, where life flows peacefully day after day. Everything changes, however, for the Trevisan family in 2006, when Manuela's father suddenly suffers a stroke: he loses the use of speech and the right side of his body remains paralyzed. He needs continuous assistance. His wife tries her best to be by his side. Manuela, the eldest of the three daughters, wants to help her. At that moment she was the only one without work and therefore decided to follow her father full time in his treatment and rehabilitation. AND a unique symbiosis. Manuela has a very decisive character and continually encourages her father to move forward in the difficult physiotherapy. He doesn't give up. He never will. Months pass, spent assisting his father. It was February of the following year when Manuela noticed she had swelling in her right armpit. She decides to have a mammogram. It is a banal cyst and even the subsequent tests do not reveal anything suspicious. A month later he takes a biopsy and various CT scans, and once again the result is negative for malignant tumor cells. She's relieved. He can't afford to get sick: who would care for his disabled father? Yet, despite the tests, doctors fear that something is wrong. «The clinical picture is very suspicious» they write on the report and in May they have her admitted to a day hospital in Udine for definitive tests. Tests that can clarify, once and for all, the clinical picture.

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And the results arrive a month later. The outcome is «diffuse large cell B lymphoma»: Manuela has non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A tumor. But a tumor that is highly treatable with chemotherapy, if caught early in the disease. In fact, Dr. Candoni, the oncologist who is treating her, recommends some cycles: «Advise the patient of the severity and stage of the disease, and to start chemotherapy. Concrete possibility of recovery. The patient reports that she prefers to wait a few days before starting any treatment." Why wait? Manuela does not want to "burden" the family, already burdened by her father's stroke. Too many illnesses, too much fatigue. And then – she thinks – chemo is certainly a debilitating therapy, which will not allow her to follow her father closely. He decides not to worry his family, to keep them in the dark. And if he had chemo he certainly couldn't hide his state of health. It's Friday, the first chemotherapy session is booked for the following Monday. She calls her friend Mara, asking her to accompany her to Udine to undergo her first cycle. She will never do it: already on Sunday she calls her friend back, canceling the trip. He hasn't decided yet, he wants to take his time. He spent the whole weekend searching the internet for an alternative to chemo. And he found it in Hamer. Maybe she is scared, like everyone else, of the diagnosis. She is certainly looking for something that will allow her to take care of herself and take care of her father at the same time. Manuela then remembers that book, lent to her by a friend, read even before the onset of the disease: Hamer's Testament for a New Medicine . What the author writes promises her a recovery without having to undergo chemo. He deepens his research on the internet and discovers that nearby, in Pordenone, there is one of the greatest exponents of Hamer's theories in Italy. He is the psychiatrist Danilo Toneguzzi, "scientific president" of the ALBA association and director of the Gestalt Institute. Ten days after the diagnosis made in Udine, Manuela arranges a meeting with Toneguzzi, who from this moment on will be the only one she will listen to, becoming increasingly convinced of the validity of the "Hamerian path" undertaken. After five days he goes to Udine and cancels all the chemotherapy cycles already scheduled. He didn't do a single one. She speaks to Dr. Candoni, the oncologist who first diagnosed her with the disease: «I decided to

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follow Dr. Hamer's medicine" he reveals to her. And, faced with the doctor's incredulous look, he wonders: "Why don't you practice this method in your hospital?". In the meantime, he continues to follow Toneguzzi and note his body temperature in his diary. The first physical problems begin. At night he sweats on his neck, can't hold urine. He has pain in his spleen. On July 23rd he goes to the psychiatrist again: «Toneguzzi, third session. Another month more or less of fever, then it goes away and I regain my strength. Maximum temperature: 38.1". He doesn't take any drugs, except a little cortisone. She feels exhausted, but is convinced that by following the New German Medicine she will get well soon, very soon. «Fifth visit to Danilo. Another month or so for total recovery, then the exams. Temperature: 37.3". She feels better, she wants to go visit a friend in France. He calls Toneguzzi to ask for authorization. «Everything is fine, he says I can take the trip if I want.»

But the pain increases rather than decreases. We are at the beginning of October

and the psychiatrist prescribes a cycle of ozone therapy from Dr. Sangiorgio. It's a therapy to relieve pain, but nothing else. Manuela is not taking any medication for her tumor, which Candoni had initially judged "to have concrete possibilities of recovery". A few days later he carries out blood tests: he is getting worse, there are thirteen values that are completely off. Manuela confides in her worried friends:

But no, don't worry! Of course, for traditional medicine these values can be worrying, but for German New Medicine they are the sign of organ repair. I have to fight the conflict triggered by my dad's illness and everything will solve.

One day he has a bad sore throat. Her friends recommend something banal to her syrup, but she is determined: Toneguzzi said it was because I wanted to eat pudding. In fact, he says I can even smoke, because smoking doesn't cause cancer. Tumors don't exist, they are just traumas of psychological origin. You don't need chemotherapy, just resolve your conflict.

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And the persistent itchy legs? “He says it's due to my eagerness to walk.” Her friends and mother see Manuela getting worse day by day and are afraid. I'm not at all convinced about this New German Medicine: «Sorry, but why don't you ask Toneguzzi if you can talk to someone who has been healed with this medicine?». The answer is dry and surprising: «Are you kidding me? So it seems I don't trust him. Ninth! I can not do that. He says everything is going well anyway." And in fact, on January 10, 2008 he wrote in his diary: «Tenth session with Danilo. He said I can consider myself healed! He's radiant. She repeats the good news to anyone who meets her: "I had a bad illness, but now I'm healed!". He is happy to be able to be next to his father, to be able to help his family, to be able to continue living. There's just that slightly annoying fever that doesn't want to leave her alone: she records her body temperature very scrupulously in the diary, with peaks of over 40 degrees. Isn't this worrying either? «For New Medicine it is a sign that the organs are being repaired. Welcome fever! » Instead Manuela is getting worse and worse. On 6 March 2008 he wrote: «Twelfth session with Danilo. Temperature: 37.8. Small step backwards due to the devaluation of the kitchen." Why does he continue to feel bad? According to the Hamerian conflict theory, because he provided a friend with a used kitchen, which he later discovered was in a poor state of repair. And Toneguzzi? «He says it's normal, having had a devaluation of myself there was an aggravation. Fever is a sign of organ repair, how many times do I have to repeat this to you?" Manuela is now a true expert in these theories: she buys an "educational text" from Toneguzzi and follows a course in New Germanic Medicine held in his office on behalf of the ALBA association. But he continues to write down his ailments, scrupulously: "Liver ache, epileptoid seizure", "severe stomach pain", "epileptoid stomach seizure, one hour, very painful", "cold sweats, sick all night" . It gets worse day by day. He never cured his tumor. It was May 27th when he was admitted to the San Vito hospital, in the province of Pordenone. Confess to your friends:

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Toneguzzi told me that I'm sick because my bile ducts are blocked. They have to free them, but without giving me any other rubbish for what they call cancer. In fact, he said that if they refuse in the hospital, he will find me a Hamerian doctor who can do it.

The sister testifies that in the hospital, before making any decision, she telephoned the psychiatrist to ask him for advice. She no longer does anything alone, independently. He returns from the hospital, but is increasingly weaker. The disease is devastating her: her skin has now become completely yellow. He can no longer leave the house, but continues to have constant telephone contact with Toneguzzi. Her mother and her friends no longer have any psychological hold on her, she is determined to follow the path indicated by Hamer and only trusts Danilo, as she calls him in a friendly way. He wants to convince his family and relatives of the goodness of his path and so on June 2nd he makes an appointment at Toneguzzi's office so that they can talk to him and be reassured. There is Maria Giovanna Benvenuti, Manuela's mother; Elena, the sister; and her friends Edda and Licia. While they go up the stairs to reach the doctor's office, a phone call comes on Elena's cell phone: it's Manuela, from home. She says that Toneguzzi called her to invite her to undergo a course of chemotherapy. «A single cycle is not destructive anyway.» The mother is relieved by the decision, but scared by the lost time. She is direct, she asks Toneguzzi if her daughter will recover. He prevaricates, he cannot give this certainty. However, it is already too late: Manuela starts chemo on June 5, but dies after just five days, at the age of 45. Convinced of "being healed", as she had written in her diary. Toneguzzi will never contact the former patient's family again.

The process The family members aren't there. That "concrete possibility of recovery" written on Manuela's first report weighs too much. Possibilities that evaporated because she chose this strange therapeutic path. The sister reports Toneguzzi, but the deputy prosecutor Federico Facchin

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asks for archiving. However, the judge for preliminary investigations Alberto Rossi wants to clarify and orders the psychiatrist to be sent to trial on charges of manslaughter and fraud. Thus began a legal battle that lasted two years, made up of expert opinions and twists. The lawyer Giuseppe La Spada, who defends the doctor, says that «Toneguzzi is a serious doctor who took care of the patient when she was terminally ill with cancer, convincing her to undergo chemo». Even the oncologist Umberto Tirelli, expert for the defence, takes the psychiatrist's side:

It does not emerge from any document that Toneguzzi diverted the patient from the traditional oncological path. He prescribed her some antidepressant drugs and cortisone, but these are drugs that any doctor can prescribe. Furthermore, in the last phase, he convinced her to return to the oncologist. It is within a patient's right to refuse treatment. Furthermore, in this specific case, the tumor was very aggressive, the chances of recovery reduced.

But if Manuela had undergone chemo, she would have had some chance of recovery? “The chances were there, but very marginal.” The results of the prosecution's experts were completely opposite. An intervention for them timely would have been effective.

They underlined the clinical effectiveness of the oncological therapies which Trevisan would have been convinced to give up: therapies which, according to what the two experts stated, if correctly applied, would at least have allowed, in all probability, to extend life by a few years of Trevisan.

Did Toneguzzi plagiarize Manuela by suggesting Hamer's "therapy", diverting her from chemotherapy? The whole process revolves around this question. On 29 September 2009, an appeal to members appears on the ALBA association website,

to inform you in this particularly delicate moment in which even the judiciary has moved following the infamous slanders of a simple publicist who has

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found space in a national newspaper owned by a family who, coincidentally, owns 32 private San Raffaele clinics!!!

Obviously the name of the publicist is not mentioned, he is not dragged to court for "slander" and it is deliberately ignored that Toneguzzi was indicted following the complaint from Manuela's sister, certainly not for some newspaper article. In short, Toneguzzi and the association would be victims of the usual conspiracy. This is a real call to arms - and to the wallet - of Hamer's followers: Manuela Trevisan is not even mentioned, but there is already talk of a "ruling against the freedom of expression of the healthcare worker and in particular of the doctor ... then ALL OPERATORS OF HOLISTIC DISCIPLINES

THEY COULD BE SUED FOR SCAM!!!". In other appeals published on the internet, the current account number to which donations can be made to support this crusade is indicated.

«Raitre sent me» In the meantime Toneguzzi continues his private activity: he receives other patients, collaborates with the Oncology Reference Center of Aviano, directs the Gestalt Institute of Pordenone. On 15 April 2011, MP Domenico Scilipoti invited him to give a lesson (ten minutes) on the «5 biological laws discovered by Dr. Hamer: the psychoneurobiological perspective in understanding the genesis and nature of disease". All within the conference "Nature's medicine, the holistic approach to illness and health", organized in the conference room of the Chamber of Deputies. Hamer lands in parliament, in the institutional headquarters of Palazzo Marini. Opening the conference is the former comedian Pippo Franco, in the guise of a manufacturer of acupuncture devices. The trial against Danilo Toneguzzi, however, has now attracted the attention of the national media, so much so that the story of Manuela Trevisan and the legal proceedings that arose from it were given space 1 during the 6 May 2011 episode of « Raitre sends me."

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Manuela's mother, who until then had maintained an attitude of dignified detachment, agrees to take the field herself. He wants to show his face. «I don't want this to happen to other people. I don't want other mothers to have to mourn their daughter needlessly." Also accompanying her were her friends Luciana Carloni and Edda Diana. Professor Franco Mandelli, an eminent Italian hematologist and president of AIL, the Italian Association against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, is called into the studio. Toneguzzi stalls, at first he seems to accept the comparison, but then prefers to send forward the doctor Pasquale Aiese, who is part of the "scientific committee" of the ALBA association, and the 2 spokesperson Claudio Trupiano, author of the book Thank you Doctor Hamer. The tone of the discussion is often lively. One of the harshest exchanges occurs between Aiese and Mandelli on the use of morphine, a use rejected by Hamer: «But morphine is a drug that is used as palliation for people who are about to die». Professor Mandelli can no longer contain himself at this statement from Aiese: «You don't answer the questions. And morphine is used to relieve pain, for all sick people. The patient must not suffer." Aiese continues to interrupt him by repeating: "I don't understand you, I don't follow you." Until Mandelli blurts out: "Look, but do you have a degree in medicine?". Yes, Aiese is. And he is regularly registered with the Naples Medical Association. In a private email from three years earlier, sent to me following a series of articles of mine on the Hamerians in Italy and in particular on the ALBA association, he launched an attack against the usual pharmaceutical companies and wrote to me: «I wish you experience the illness early." 3 A broadcast crew manages to reach Hamer in Norw Posing as the sister of a cancer patient, the journalist asks him what she should do. Hamer's response is chilling: He's in a healing phase now. He had a conflict, a shock. When the conflict resolves, edema develops. Edema is a good thing, because it is healing. Doctors, idiot doctors, kill healing. Cancer exists, but it's a good thing. It's not bad, it's not malicious. Your brother shouldn't have chemo, it's very wrong. Chemo has a 98 percent mortality rate. Yes, there are also cases where people – for a year or two – are even better, but in the end they die. In 98

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percent of cases. I give nothing at all, absolutely nothing. Look at the Israelis, in 99 percent of cases they recover, without doing chemo and morphine. Jews have been using my medicine for thirty years, and are cured 99 percent of the time. But they prevented others, non-Jews, from using this medicine of mine. Jewish doctors are all criminals, because they only treat their Jewish patients. They don't care about others. In fact, they kill the others. They kill them.

Anti-Semitism aside, in short, it is exactly what Manuela believed in thanks to Hamer's books. But then why did MP Scilipoti invite Toneguzzi to the Chamber to talk about these theories? In the Rai studio Scilipoti gets agitated, shouts, interrupts, offends. But he doesn't answer. Indeed, he invites the psychiatrist again to the conference on the following 29 November, entitled "Holistic approach between science and conscience". Always in the Hall of the Columns, always in the Chamber of Deputies.

The turning point

After the broadcast of the program, the veterinarian Alessandra Acco wrote to the single judge Rodolfo Piccin, claiming that only thanks to «Mi manda Raitre» would she have learned of the trial against Danilo Toneguzzi. The judge calls her to testify as a witness. Acco claims that Manuela had come to her a few years earlier, shortly after receiving the cancer diagnosis, telling her: "I don't care, I don't want to undergo such invasive medical therapy, you can die from chemotherapy." And she directs her to Toneguzzi, because "I know that he is a doctor who proceeds in a 360degree manner, that is, he can guide you both from a psychological point of view and as a doctor he can also indicate the therapies". Acco, in fact, is interested in "veterinary psychosomatics", which is somewhat reminiscent of Hamerian theories. Manuela turns to her, as Acco herself recalls,

because she had heard about me from one of my clients who knew that I had also used these diagnostic techniques with these psychosomatic tools on a dog and so she wanted to hear an opinion, she contacted me by telephone, I said: «Yes, because

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no, let's meet and see if... maybe we can find out what your negative state of mind, your stress, your shock was that may have led to your illness."

For the judge it is a "conclusive" testimony, which proves that Manuela had already decided not to treat herself with scientific protocols before meeting Toneguzzi, because she was frightened by what she had read in Hamer's books. However, her friend Licia Simonutti remembers when she gave the news of Manuela's death to Acco: At the end of a visit, I opened my wallet and showed her the photo of Manuela, two months after her death: she was surprised to learn of the death. And of the therapy she had undertaken with Toneguzzi I remember that the vet exclaimed: "It's time I put an end to this stuff."

Why does Acco feel it has to tell its version of events only now, after the broadcast of the episode of «Mi manda Raitre»? A doubt that is also raised by the civil party during the trial. For Judge Piccin, the inconsistency exists, but it is not decisive because the woman may have been confused given that time has passed. Yet Manuela's case was on the front pages of all the local newspapers for two years. Is it possible that Acco knew nothing about it? This could be due to her "ignorance", replies the judge, since it cannot be proven that she reads newspapers. And she adds a third option: the "late resolution of conflicts of conscience", given that she was the one who recommended Toneguzzi to Manuela. Finally, to support Toneguzzi's defense thesis, a note written by Manuela in her diary in March 2007 emerges, well before meeting the Hamerian psychiatrist: «I will heal without - - - - - -». For the judge, those dashes refer "unequivocally" to the word "chemo".

The sentence Manuela had turned to Toneguzzi because she was looking for alternative methods to those proposed by traditional medicine, after having read a book with the

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Hamer's theories. Book translated by Marco Pfister, who also wrote the preface, president of the ALBA association, of which the psychiatrist Toneguzzi was a leading exponent. And he does not deny at all that he is a "scholar" of these ideas, on the contrary. But - again according to the judge - his is a simple "study activity ... of a merely diagnostic and non-therapeutic nature". And indeed he adds, on the basis of the reports of the psychologist Gianni Tadolini and the Hamerian Roberto Luciani, that the application of the so-called "biological laws" would allow for more precise diagnoses and prognoses. ... Brought back to this context, the German New Medicine would seem to result in a specification of medical psychology known as psychosomatics.

All of the New Medicine is thus appropriately weakened: Hamer's theories would only be a sort of psychological support and nothing more. At the end of the trial Toneguzzi asks to be heard and obviously confirms this defensive line: there is no "method", he has always recommended chemotherapy and limited himself to psychological support. But does it make sense to separate diagnosis and therapy so clearly? For Gilberto Corbellini, medical historian and one of the greatest scientific communicators in Italy, The doctor's duty to correctly inform the patient, to allow him to make consequent clinical decisions, is established by various court decisions. As well as, even if this does not strictly have a legal value, by the Code of Medical Ethics. Now, if the doctor formulates a diagnosis that by definition is wrong, as it is not based on the use of the best scientific knowledge and methodologies, it goes against ethics and the law. In other words, it goes against both the principle of respect for autonomy, i.e. the moral obligation to guarantee that the patient can self-determine and decide on the basis of relevant information, and against the principle of beneficence, i.e. the moral obligation and constraint law to guarantee the patient diagnoses and treatments according to an optimal balance between benefits and risks.

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In short, it is not enough to claim to carry out "only" diagnoses if these are not based on any scientific study. Manuela independently decided not to seek treatment on the basis of a causal link between the "conflict of devaluation of the self" and the cancer she was suffering from. But no one has been in able to demonstrate the existence of this connection in court. It's the same Hamer wrote it clearly in an interview: «The New Medicine is certainly an exceptional diagnostic method, this is obvious, but it is not legitimate to differentiate between diagnostics, diagnostic methods and therapy». 4 So why did Manuela shout from the rooftops that Toneguzzi had told her she was cured? Perhaps, the judge argued, she had recovered from the "psychological difficulties" that afflicted her and for which she had turned to Toneguzzi. And the "cure" of a sore throat with pudding? A simple psychotherapy to support daily needs, says the defense. Finally, the data of the various experts are in conflict with each other and no one can establish with absolute certainty whether Manuela would have survived if she had undergone scientific treatment. The sentence arrived on 11 January 2012, motivated in twenty-four dense pages. With these premises, it is not surprising that Judge Piccin acquitted Toneguzzi "because the fact does not exist". "They killed me twice" will be the bitter comment of Manuela's mother. Professor Mandelli is directed: For those who deny the existence of diseases, it obviously makes no sense to treat them and, therefore, decides to implement programs without "doing therapy". Psychological intervention can be very useful in helping the patient deal with the disease he suffers from and the therapies he must undergo, but psychological support cannot absolutely replace pharmacological intervention. The thesis supported by Hamer, regarding leukemia which therefore does not represent an illness but a phase of recovery, is naturally counterproductive for the patient. The patient must be aware of his absolutely fundamental role in the fight against the pathology by accepting the diagnosis and assuming all the responsibilities associated with it. And he concludes:

Doctor Toneguzzi's behavior is not acceptable because as a psychiatrist, and therefore incompetent for lymphomas, he decided to treat, or rather not to treat, Ms.

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Trevisan who died from non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This behavior has no scientific basis, so Dr. Toneguzzi, in my opinion, is guilty from the point from a moral point of view.

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The ALBA association

«Without fear of contradiction, I can confirm that Italy is the nation, on a global level, where there is the greatest ferment and greatest dissemination of New 1 Medicine.» These are the proud words of Claudio Trupiano, author of various books and DVDs on Hamer's theories, and leading exponent of the ALBA association. A boast that has a concrete foundation: his association, founded in 2003 headed by Hamer himself as honorary president, gathered thousands of supporters, in 2 the professional as well as paid members, before splitting ten years later school on the Five Biological Laws and in the Salute Attiva Onlus (but the ALBA website is still online in February 2017). Toneguzzi was invited several times to speak in the Chamber, the agenda of the association's speakers was full of appointments, many doctors were part of it.

Marco Pfister The president of the association since its foundation is Mark Ulrich Pfister, 3 known as Marco, the former Swiss pranotherapist we have already mentioned. His collaboration with Hamer, whom he met in 1993, is very fruitful. «In 1989 I learned about the 5 Biological Laws discovered by Dr. Hamer» he writes. «Initially I attended training courses in France and since 1993 I continued training directly with Dr. Hamer, accompanying him during interviews with patients, and began the collaboration for the dissemination of his discoveries.» 4

He translates his books, writes the preface, disseminates them in conferences and various courses that he holds himself. He currently presents himself as «President of the Council [of the Professional School on the Five Biological Laws],

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Teaching manager, Professor at the Université Européenne Jean Monnet, Teacher of Basic Application and Professional Training courses on 5LB, Researcher, trainer and consultant on 5LB». Pfister, who does not appear to have any degree with legal value, defines himself as a professor of a "university" which in reality is an international non-profit association, and which "does not give titles with degree value". 5 The information on the internet stops here, but thanks to testimony of Ellis D'Elia it is possible to reconstruct how it all began. Marco Pfister was somewhat related to Ellis, the older brother of his mother's husband, Richard. Marco lives in Bellinzona, but in 1994 he moved to a villa in Claro, also in Switzerland. He is married to Evelyne, from whom he later divorces. On the ground floor of the house, with a separate entrance, he carries out his activity as a pranotherapist. Previously he did massages, although he never obtained any certification. Ellis lives in the house across the street, but Marco's house was the meeting place for the whole family. And this is how he notices the great coming and going of "patients" who turn to him. Pfister meets Hamer and is fascinated by both the theory and the man. «Marco is very enterprising, so he thought of developing this thing. Gradually his activity as a pranotherapist became a sort of cover for applying Hamer's theories" recalls Ellis. Its economic income all derives from this activity. He dedicates himself only to "curing" his patients. He makes them lie down on a bed, listens to their problems and then gives his vision of things, of how the treatment should have proceeded. In almost all cases these are cancer patients. There are often people at the last resort, who rely on everything to find a solution. «There were about twenty cancer patients a year and, as far as I know, they have all died. He followed them for several months until they died. He never mentioned a patient surviving.” For him all deceased patients would be responsible for their death: they were not strong enough, or capable, or good enough to overcome their conflict. And so many family members, in addition to the desperation for the loss of their relative, also felt blamed for the fact that the poor man had not been able to overcome his conflicts. In 2000 his father had a stroke and was hospitalized. Marco shows up at the hospital and tells his father's partner "not to let him take medicine, only cortisone". He also hands her some pills.

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But neither she nor Marco's father indulge him in his Hamerian theories, they decline the offer and follow scientific therapies. One day a girl arrives at Pfister's. She tells him that she feels sick, that she doesn't have her period. He gets fat and doesn't know why. They had referred her to him because her family thought it was a disorder of psychosomatic origin. He advises her to get a driving licence: «The problem lies in the fact that you have to be more independent» and for this purpose he directs her to her brother's driving school. After several months the girl calls him back, telling him that she will have to give birth in a few days: the symptoms were not due to her lack of resourcefulness, but to the fact of being pregnant.

Claudia But it is a much more serious case that catches Ellis' attention: Claudia,6 a a girl originally from the French Valais with whom a special relationship will be born. It's March 1998. Claudia is about twenty years old and has cancer. The situation is already serious when Ellis gets to know it. She confides that the doctors told her that to save herself she would have to amputate her leg. But Claudia's mother, Erika, is desperate: her daughter is very sporty and losing her leg would have changed her life forever. And this is how Mrs. Erika addresses Marco Pfister. «With the help of an Italian surgeon, he managed to have her operated on in Italy, without having her leg amputated.» But once she returns home, Claudia continues to feel ill. In May he goes to Pfister and stays to live in his villa for some time. It is a sort of shelter, even if there was no infrastructure suitable for the purpose. Claudia spends all her time on the sofa or, when it's hot, in the garden. He moves with difficulty, he suffers a lot. According to Pfister, «Claudia had to endure these pains, she had to overcome these conflicts and she would get over it». After all, he had already planned his holidays in Greece for that month of June. So he leaves, entrusting this girl full of metastases to a family friend, a friend who has no medical or nursing training. Claudia struggles to breathe, her bad leg has become three times bigger than the other. He can no longer move or eat. One day

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stops breathing for a moment. The family friend who acts as her nurse doesn't know what to do and calls Pfister in Greece. He is on the beach and tries to reassure her: "It's nothing, it will pass." Ellis' mother is scared, she wants to call an ambulance. But Erika, Claudia's mother, categorically refuses. He believes Pfister and Hamer's theories to the core. According to her, if her daughter had held on, she would have made it. Ellis is there, next to Claudia, telling her: "Breathe, concentrate." But he doesn't know if his words reach their destination: Claudia almost faints. After a few minutes he recovers with difficulty and overcomes the crisis. «But when Marco returned from Greece, after two weeks, he made her return to his home, since he didn't want her to die in his house. And in fact she died shortly thereafter." According to the doctors, at the time of the first visit the tumor was in its initial stage and with the amputation of the leg Claudia would have been saved. At first Claudia's mother defends Pfister. Slowly, however, she too begins to realize what has happened. Throughout her daughter's hospitalization, a friendly relationship was established between her family and Pfister's, but after the girl's death the pranotherapist no longer appears. Not a word of comfort, not even a telegram for the funeral.

It was a hard blow for her, she didn't expect this distance from one day to the next. But she never reported it because she felt guilty, after all she took responsibility for what happened since she was the one who brought her daughter to Marco and she always firmly followed everything he told her.

Claudia's father was also convinced by his wife's great determination. Eventually, the girl couldn't even speak anymore. The only words all he could say were "I'm in pain, mum". It was clear on her face that she didn't want to suffer like this. He never took anything, not even morphine. I still have the face of this girl in my eyes, who couldn't breathe. And they didn't even give her oxygen. In fact, she was almost laughed at by Marco because she wasn't strong enough.

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Cystic fibrosis Ellis describes Pfister as "very confident, very persuasive": I was a teenager and was fascinated by his way of thinking, but my mother also initially got very involved in his theories. In this he manages to be extremely convincing, when he talks about it it doesn't even seem like things are so out of the ordinary. He is also very good at managing guilt, in the end you leave his office and say: "Maybe it's my fault that I feel bad."

Ellis was born with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease. As a teenager, he followed all the treatments prescribed by doctors. She is fine, but paradoxically the treatments are starting to seem useless to her. So he asks Pfister what the origin of his illness is according to Hamerian theories, but he always remains vague: I understood very well that he couldn't give a convincing explanation. He turned everything on my mother, on what happened to her during pregnancy: according to him, my illness was my mother's fault, arising from her fears of having a baby sick.

His instructions are clear: Ellis must ignore the disease, "which according to him does not exist". She sweats a lot and therefore the "prescription" is to drink hot broth in the evening, so as to take in liquids and have an intake of salts. Marco also advises her to suspend antibiotic therapy. Not so for enzymes, «perhaps because he knew it would lead to my death. He told me that if it really made my conscience feel good, then I could take them." It's 1997, Ellis is 19 years old. The treatments have had an effect, he is fine. But she's tired of taking all those medications. I saw sense in what he said, but I was never so convinced that if I had had cancer I would have given up everything. He told me: "But what are all these medicines for, doctors don't look at you as a person, to them you are just a number."

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For a couple of years Ellis no longer takes any medications. He always has a bad cough, but he doesn't know if it's an infection or something else. He doesn't even go to the doctor. However, in 1999 she had a serious crisis: she couldn't breathe, the disease had completely blocked her lungs with mucus. She is admitted to hospital, where she is subjected to emergency antibiotic therapy. It works immediately, he's better.

There I realized the risks I was taking. I took my life back, and from then on the therapy was daily and continuous, and now I'm fine. Of course, I can't honestly say that I was forced. But he always supported and encouraged me in this choice not to take medicine.

The ALBA association declared in its statute that it had non-profit purposes. It is true, however, that Marco Pfister and his partner Simona Cella were the owners of 7 Secondo Natura sas, opened in March 2004 as an LLC. The proceeds of the "two-year training course", twelve sessions of four days each, went to this company. Several witnesses report having paid 480 euros for each session, or almost 6000 euros per person.


Today the ALBA association has undergone a "metamorphosis", writes Pfister, having split in 2013 into two distinct bodies: the Professional School Association on 5LB, of which he is president, "to promote knowledge, teaching and application of the scientific model of the 5 Biological Laws in the medical-clinical and therapeutic field" and the Associazione Salute Attiva Onlus "with the aim of offering support to people who, thanks to complete information in the field of health, can concretely evaluate and with full knowledge of the facts how to manage your health in an active and informed way." 9 At the end of the first year of the «Professional Training» offered by the Professional School Association on the 5LB «50 ECM will be provided for all healthcare professions» they write on their website. 10 «ECM» is the acronym for «Continuing Medical Education», a national program of training activities to which all healthcare professionals must undergo, by law, a program supervised by the National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGENAS).

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«From a check carried out at AGENAS, however, it appears that accreditation was never requested» contradicts Luigi Conte, secretary of the National Federation of the Order of Surgeons and Dentists. «The news is therefore given in such a way as to create confusion and expectations that cannot be maintained.» And he adds: It is also worrying that access to this first year is also open to those in possession of a simple high school diploma, raising the possibility of starting a path that would lead them to become "professionals" registered in the "European Register of psychological and non-psychological medicines". conventional".

In short, Marco Pfister's association lied. He publicly wrote the falsehood, perhaps to gain some more "clients" - some doctors, specifically. But there's more. Since 11 June 2009, the ALBA association - which Pfister led at that time - has held a "basic course" entitled "Biological laws and the correlations between mind and body in the mechanisms of health and disease" at the Hotel Accademia in Milan. The "conference", organized by the Dental Campus, included among the speakers the ALBA doctors Danilo Toneguzzi (responsible for the event), Gianni Michele Giannella, Roberto Luciani and Luciano Antonio Poiani. 11 « ECM credits have been requested for this event » wrote the Hamerians on their website. Credits which, AGENAS confirms, have actually been assigned. this



Hamerian "conference", open to 60 doctors and the same number of dentists, was not even the only one to obtain them. On 9 February 2011 «a similar event was then held at the Hotel Terme Marconi in Montegrotto Terme (Padua), again with 20 ECM credits», again organized by the Dental Campus, 13

explains Conte. Which adds:

It must be considered that, at that time, it was not – as is currently the case – the providers that were accredited, but the individual events. These conferences had very generic titles and programs that fell within the competence of the medical and dental profession, so the referees who evaluated them decided to give a positive evaluation.

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In fact, apart from that "biological laws" in the title, there is no mention of New German Medicine in the programs presented to the accrediting body. «The present course delves into the “psychosomatic” paradigm in the history of medicine» they write in the «official» program of the 2009 event, then focusing on the «different meanings of the concept of “psychic event” as a factor involved in the genesis of the disease» and finally bringing "numerous clinical cases as examples." Toneguzzi also holds a "master class" on "bio-psycho-somatic hypotheses in health and disease processes: stress, shock and trauma". «Hypotheses» which, in the poster promoted on their website, instead become «the five biological laws discovered by Dr. RG Hamer», where they also speak, explicitly, of « brain CT scan as a diagnostic element of connection between the various psychic and biological events: the “Hamer Outbreaks”» and «Special, Biological and Nature-Sense programs». Here Marco Pfister, who is not a doctor, also appears among the speakers. 14 dedicated Dental Campus is still a provider of ECM credits for the organization of medical-scientific events. In short, after having landed in parliament with Scilipoti, New German Medicine somehow even managed to get "accredited" by a public body that should monitor, evaluate and train the skills of the new medical class. And given that in the past credits were granted to individual events, rather than to providers, it is not easy to find out if and how many other "Hamerian" courses have obtained them. «I am pleased to inform you that ECM credits will be recognized for each course for eligible applicants » 15 Claudio Trupiano would have said, announcing yet another series of events (for a fee) where numerous doctors regularly registered with the Order «train» the New German Medicine other colleagues. “I invite you to extend this to doctors and operators you know,” he urges. Giulio Cesare Senatore, owner of the Bioelisir srl company in Alghero, is president of the Salute Attiva Onlus Association. When asked by me for an interview, Senatore replied: «I can't help you. Both on a personal and associative level we do not deal with New German Medicine." Yet, the association was born from the ashes of the ALBA association. Yet, it is present in the articles of association

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also Simona Cella, Marco Pfister's ex-partner, as secretary, while the vicepresident is Dr. Susanna Marroccu, 16 first class managing doctor at the emergency room of ASL 8 of Cagliari.


Yet, in the statute we read that «in accordance with the 5 Biological Laws of Nature which describe a precise correlation between mind and body in health/ illness processes, the Association protects the rights of all living beings, men, animals, plants , to be supported in their vital and evolutionary movement and respected in their biology for a better quality of life. In fact, the association promotes the learning of the Five Biological Laws as a tool for reading and understanding the processes that concern health and which allow one to orient oneself in a specific and fully informed way." Therefore, if the Active Health Association does not deal with New German Medicine, which "five biological laws" does it refer to? Mr. Senator never responded to these questions, nor did he ever agree to be interviewed. Not even Marco Pfister and his association have ever responded to the various requests for an interview.

The verification at the ministry Hamer has never carried out a single scientific study, he has only written various books over the years. It is Claudio Trupiano who justifies this paradox in an interview with «L'Unione Sarda»: «In reality, over 30,000 cases can be documented in the world and in Italy, despite a specific request having been made, the Ministry of Health has refused to verify reliability". 18 I asked Trupiano for clarification on this statement, but in an email he denied ever having said those words. Yet, no denial has ever reached the newspaper that published it, even though the article is no longer freely available online. 19 «A registered experiment would lead to the inevitable end that Di Bella had already experienced» Trupiano complains in the e-mail. «It is now clear that they will no longer respond to us, at least until the critical mass sufficient to justify an interest at a 20 political level has increased.»

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However, no "cases" have ever been documented, except those of the many who followed Hamerian theories and then died. Among the best known is that, already addressed, of the fifty-one-year-old Oswald Zemelka, who Hamer presented in numerous television programs declaring him "permanently cured" of lung cancer, an illness which 21 instead led to the patient's death shortly afterwards. But has the Ministry of Health really "refused" to verify this theory, as specified in the "Unione Sarda" article? On 20 October 2006, the ALBA association presented a request to the then minister Livia Turco to request «an authoritative body for an investigation to scientifically verify the biological laws discovered by Dr. Hamer». The document was signed by Marco Pfister and the doctors Danilo Toneguzzi, Gianni Giannella, Roberto Luciani and Luciano Poiani. Months pass and on 23 July 2007 the ministry responds: «It is deemed necessary to acquire further documentary elements from this Association in order to be able to submit the methodology in question to the technical evaluations of the Superior Council of Health». In simple words, we need evidence, documents. The complex and expensive machine of scientific experimentation made with state coffers cannot be set in motion for a piece of paper signed by five people. The ALBA association responded by taking its time, requesting a "preliminary meeting" from the ministry because a "paradigm change" is needed. But it appears he never provided the requested documents. After the program «Mi manda Raitre» in May 2011, MP Domenico Scilipoti presented a parliamentary question for written answer on the 22 subject. In this document, the Ministry of Health is asked to shed light on Hamer's theory and its various applications, requesting a response to the "verification" requested by the ALBA association. But despite a reminder in January 2012, the ministry has not yet responded to the question, although in May they announced that «the Parliamentary Relations Office has recently completed the phase of acquiring the response data. Therefore, the act will be submitted to the minister for signature within a short time." The question still lies in the archives without any response. In the meantime, the ALBA association has formally dissolved.

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Therapy The association has always specified that it does not deal with the care of patients, even if, as we have seen, its leaders are often involved, more or less directly, in controversial cases. Their scientific committee, however, also has therapy as its objective: «In light of the different specialist knowledge we are comparing and sharing the most suitable therapeutic approaches, pharmacological and otherwise, which are in accordance with the Biological Laws» they write. 23 In past years the anti-adulteration unit of the Carabinieri has carried out but the results of visit to the association, the 24 this inspection are not known nor the reason that pushed the force to intervene. Furthermore, ALBA had established a telephone service called "Second Opinion" "where a specially trained operator receives requests, which will be carefully evaluated, in order to subsequently propose to the person concerned the most suitable operator for his specific 25

problem". In short, the association "does not directly deal with treatments", but certainly directs people with health problems to unspecified "operators" - not necessarily doctors - who are kept well

hidden because "they are not supported by the official scientific community". The secretariat of Professional Training 5 Biological Laws born on the ashes of ALBA yes called, in fact, «Second Opinion».


Excommunication The question of therapy itself has led to numerous frictions with him Hamer, who in an open letter dated March 28, 2007 addressed to the members of ALBA has launched serious accusations at the leaders of the association: It is said: New German Medicine has no therapy, it is only diagnostic... When ALBA was founded , Marco Pfister told me, answering my question about what the abbreviation meant, that "therapy was meant by the application of the Biological Laws of Nature." But this was a clear lie, because he was, as we now see, only intent on the diagnostic application. But Marco Pfister

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and Claudio Trupiano are not authorized by anyone to paste a false label on the «Germanic». 27

For Hamer "it is not a deplorable mistake, but an intentional label fraud organized from the highest levels": ALBA too would be part, according to the former doctor, of the global conspiracy for the suppression of New Medicine.

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XIII Two lives, a single, tragic choice

That discomfort in your breasts as you get ready for class. But he doesn't think about it that much. There are exams to take, courses to take, children to help. Already. Ellen Pegoraro is enrolled at the University of Padua, she has just a few exams left to reach the goal of obtaining a degree in literature. A necessary step to stay close to children, to be able to teach them the wonders of life. And she has already started with the children of a cooperative in Pernumia, a small provincial town near Conselve, where she lives. They are so sweet and someone has to help them with their homework. This is his vocation. This is what he will do "when he grows up". But in the meantime there are courses and exams. It's love. Tiziano is everything he has always wanted: a generous, capable, understanding man. There is no room for sadness, no time for worries. The breast discomfort will disappear, they say. But it doesn't disappear. It's kind of a hard ball. Strange. In the end she goes to her doctor in Albano: "breast cancer" is the diagnosis. No, it's not possible. No, not to her. It feels good. He does not believe it. "You will have to undergo chemotherapy" they repeat. And they even talk about the possibility of removing her breasts. The surgery is already booked for April. But Ellen doesn't feel like it, maybe she doesn't want to feel different from the other girls. He is only 26 years old. And then, the chemo... She will lose her hair, she will vomit, she will be sick: and no one can tell her for sure if she will recover. They talk about numbers, percentages. But she's not a statistic, she's just a scared girl. Something stirs inside her. He once read something, in a book or perhaps on the internet: Hamer, Doctor Hamer, German Medicine, with which there is «95-98 percent chance of survival, instead of allowing oneself to be killed with a probability 1 Indeed, of 95 98 percent from chemo." the disease is not a real disease. Does not exist.

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In New German Medicine there are actually no so-called "diseases" in the sense understood so far. They are just Special, Organic and Sensible Programs of Nature. Since these SBS Programs have their own natural course, it is almost never necessary to «do therapy" but they can easily be accompanied, because they too have their biological meaning. 2

Everything makes sense again: the "illness" is the body's response to "an acute, unexpected, highly dramatic conflict shock, experienced with a sense of isolation, simultaneously on three levels: in the psyche, in the 3 brain, in the organ" .

The meeting with Zanella Ellen is fascinated by it. Heal without chemo, 98 percent, resolving your conflict. He wants to know more. Her doctor directs her to Dr. Roberto Zanella, a general practitioner, who studies these things. She cancels surgery, refuses chemo. Zanella listens to her for a long time, smiles at her often. He tells her that there are two conflicting parts within her: one linked to family and the world of responsibility, and another devoted to love and independence. “I want to fix these two parts to give you security,” he tells her. «From now on everything will be clearer to you, I will explain the path to take.» What a joy! The initial fear has dissolved. Enough with those hospital labels, enough with doctors who just want to chop and sell their chemo. With Hamer's medicine she feels reassured: she knows that her path will not be easy, but she will make it. Next to her is Tiziano, who supports her in every choice she makes. The family... no, for the moment they don't understand. On the contrary. Ellen tried to keep her illness hidden, then her choice to rely on this "new medicine". But nothing, only her brother Arturo and her Tiziano follow her in this choice. The others don't understand, they haven't read Hamer's books. And they don't even know she's pregnant.

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A new life Yes, her love story with Titian has finally reached its fulfillment. And they will get married soon. Of course, her situation is difficult, but she continues to be full of hope and ultimately happy. A son, a new life growing within himself. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy are just distant words: she cannot risk losing the baby. And then with Hamer she is sure of recovery, without chemo and without invasive therapies. However, his family continues to have doubts about this choice. One of the brothers asks for help from the prosecutor's office, who summons her to find out her version of the facts. Ellen also speaks to a psychiatrist, who declares her "capable of understanding and will". His choice is conscious, lucid. Even more so now that she has discovered she is about to become a mother. He interrupts all relations with the doctor Zanella, with whom his brother had a violent argument during the third session. However, he continues on his path according to Hamer's medicine. Months pass. The pain is getting worse, but Ellen knows it's a good thing. It means that he is healing, that he is resolving the conflict. Sometimes, however, they are really excruciating and then some medication is prescribed. But she has to be careful now that she's expecting a little girl. She absolutely doesn't want anything to happen to her. Thinking about little Arianna gives her strength: if she had had chemo she would never have arrived. She is increasingly convinced that Hamer's New Medicine is the right path. The pain is now unbearable. It hurts all over. But at least the little girl in her womb is healthy and continues to grow. The pregnancy is now in its sixth month. It's cold, it's Christmas. Tiziano is always with her. January. The pain is getting worse, the drugs no longer work. Ellen decides to go to the hospital. To the doctors the situation appears in all its gravity: the breast cancer, untreated, has now expanded and is literally devouring her. They decide not to waste time and save little Arianna by having her born by caesarean section. He's only on his seventh month: it is a delicate operation.

Ellen has followed Hamer's medicine up to this point. He will do it all the way. The fund arrived on January 19, 2005, five days after giving birth to little Arianna. Ellen dies, devastated by the tumor she left behind

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grow inside following the dictates of the New Medicine. The funeral takes place a few days later. It is the entire country that wants to give its last hug to the young mother who dreamed of taking care of the children of the entire community. Everyone loved her and remember her with that smile of hers, always ready to help others. From the altar, Monsignor Doni tries to find meaning in this absurd story: «Little Arianna will never know her mother. There are no words, the only thing to do is listen. Because Ellen was and continues to be a word of light, of life, of love. A word that 4 should not be commented on, but only listened to."

The judicial investigation The Padua prosecutor's office, through prosecutor Paola De Franceschi, does not just listen. Roberto Zanella, the Hamerian doctor who had followed her in her therapeutic journey, is put on trial for omission of official duties and injuries. The complaint is that of not having sent the girl to the hospital for conventional treatment. Treatments which, according to the prosecutor's experts, could have saved her: The cancer was in its early stages when it was discovered. And if treated according to the dictates of scientific medicine, she could have had good survival margins. The treatment advocated by the "new medicine" has no rational basis and 5 scientific.

The words of Dr. Massimo Montisci and Professor Oreste Terranova hurt. Ellen could have been saved, the newspapers headlined. But she made another choice. A choice that Tiziano, the husband, continues to defend to the end: Ellen was an intelligent and strong person. He had thought through everything. He knew the risks but he had made a choice that must be respected. She didn't stay still wait for death.

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She shifts attention to the – in her opinion – late diagnosis, talks about drugs «to calm the ever-increasing pain», and how «she had chosen the New Medicine method before she was pregnant. Then, however, the pregnancy arrived and she decided to do everything to save the child." And it was the little girl who was the definitive push to face the tumor that was growing more and more in her body, causing her more and more pain. The idea of the little girl nourishes you and gives you strength. We knew what the risks were and the chances of survival. But we had hopes. You have to have them, otherwise you fall 6 land.

Hopes that revealed themselves in all their fragility in that cold January 2005.

A tragic proof of coherence Zanella's trial takes its first steps, but there is a shadow hanging over it. 7 And he Zanella, in fact, has pancreatic cancer. decided to treat himself according to the principles of New Medicine, the same one he often talks about to his patients. But the tumor advances, inexorably. The family begins to have doubts: Zanella is getting worse and worse, the pain increases exponentially. His wife begins to hesitate, but he has faith in himself and carries on. So his brothers try to talk to him, to convince him to undergo some oncological treatment. Nothing. Months pass and Zanella continues to get worse. March April. But he doesn't even want to hear the hospital mentioned. July August. He grits his teeth. By September the pain is now unbearable. The tumor completely consumed him. His wife convinces him to be hospitalized. The doctors try everything possible, with two operations. But now the disease has progressed too far and it's all useless. He spent his last days in intensive care, passing away on the evening of October 24th. His brother Giancarlo admits that «it was now too late. He had pancreatic cancer and neglected it for too long. He was against traditional medicine and everything connected to it." The wife then spoke of a "severe septic state

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resulting from stone-induced pancreatitis". Zanella's death will put an end to the trial before it even really begins. The ALBA association , which disseminates Hamer's theories in Italy, expressed its solidarity with the doctor in an open letter on 31 October 2005: Together we have laid the foundations of a scientific revolution, founded on the discoveries of a genius gifted to humanity by existence... Now we all together gather your energy and will continue the path undertaken together8with you.

What is certain is that, as with Ellen, we will never be able to know if Zanella could have lived with scientific treatments. Two lives, two illnesses, but one tragic choice.

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It's just a question of self-esteem

It is not easy to estimate how many people in Italy in recent years have chosen to follow a therapeutic path inspired more or less directly by Hamerian theories, nor how many of these cases ended with the death of the patient. Relatives are often blamed by the Hamerians because they "did not support the family member enough", and even if they manage to understand that they have fallen into some sort of scam they are afraid of facing people's judgement. «What will the neighbors think? Will they say it was my fault, that I should have persisted and saved him? And how will his memory be passed down?” And episodes brought to court are even rarer: often, as seen with the case of Danilo Toneguzzi, it is not easy to prove the accusations.

Yet something is moving, thanks to the public prosecutor Renza Cescon of the Padua court. The young and combative public prosecutor analyzed the activity of the doctor Paolo Rossaro, a dentist from Polverara with a practice in Albignasego, in the province of Padua. The doctor applied Hamer's theories on some of his patients, all of whom died.

Cristian Trevisan It was the beginning of 2007 when the investigations started by Cristian Trevisan, a 35complaint 1 year-old truck driver from Pojana Maggiore. He has Hodgkin's lymphoma in his throat. Like many before him, he is scared of chemotherapy and medicine in general, so much so that he loses parental rights because he never wanted to subject his son to mandatory vaccines. He hears about Rossaro's Hamerian theories and entrusts himself to his care.

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I trusted him: at that moment he was the right person because the chemotherapy and other treatments to which my father had been subjected scared me so much. But I am not a doctor, and I turned to him to recover from lymphoma. Instead I got progressively worse, if I had turned to traditional medicine straight away I would have already recovered. I was stubborn with Hamer's therapy and was convinced that it was the best solution for healing: self-esteem and the belief in feeling better as an 2 antidote to the pain. But the lymphoma got worse.

Let's take a step back. In July 2004 Cristian presented himself in Rossaro's office with a biopsy and CT scan. The medical tests are unequivocal: he has lymphoma, a tumor that is easily curable if caught in time and treated with chemotherapy. But he's afraid. And then he begins to follow what he calls "the Hamer method": a diet based on vials of Quinton water, vitamin juices and certain products to be purchased in a herbalist's shop trusted by the doctor. All seasoned with psychological help: «Your problems arise from self-esteem problems» Rossaro would have told him. But "self-esteem and the belief in recovery" do not stop the advance of the lymphoma in the slightest: "Every now and then I had crises, with high fevers which I treated with classic drugs. But my illness continued." Months pass. Cristian gets worse day by day, but slowly. Thus he spent all of 2005 and almost all of 2006. The Hamerian "cure" continued, but at the end of the year his conditions worsened and showed themselves in all their severity. In November he prescribed blood transfusions, until December 3rd when I called him to tell him that I couldn't make it to Albignasego: I was very sick, I was in bed. I asked him if he could come to my house. But he replied "Wait a couple of days, the crisis will pass and you will feel better."

Cristian waits, he has faith. But he's sick, too sick. The wife calls Rossaro. She sees her husband wearing himself out more and more, she suggests taking him to the hospital: "But no, hospitalization is completely useless" is the response. Cristian is desperate. He suffers. Eventually he can't take it anymore and calls an ambulance. Urgently transported to the nearby village of Noventa, his

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conditions appear too serious to be treated there. The frantic race begins again and he is taken to Vicenza. Understanding my situation and medical records from 2004, they treated me according to protocols. I recovered within a few days. Now I have started chemotherapy, I feel better and I went back to work.

This is what Cristian said in April 2007. He improves and responds well to scientific therapies. But it's a flash in the pan. For too long it has allowed the disease to progress unchallenged. For too long it has been left without proper care. Recovery rates, initially 80 percent, plummeted to a paltry 10 percent. Cristian dies on December 24th. Waiting for him at home for Christmas, in vain, was his wife Barbara Barchi, with her daughter: she couldn't rest, she was convinced that with the "Hamer method" her husband would be cured: "When there was worsening, the doctor reassured Cristian, maintaining that it was about the normal evolution of therapy." 3

The process Could Cristian have been saved if appropriately treated at the right time? Professor Francesco Rodeghiero – director of the hematology division of the San Bortolo hospital – who had tried to save the young man after hospitalization, has no doubts: «That young man could have been saved, but the alternative therapy was fatal». The tumor had now spread to his lungs and his liver was compromised. «Cristian was very sick and very scared. He didn't seem to have any sense of the severity of his condition. He deluded himself into thinking he 4would recover." The trial begins on April 14, 2010. The charges are serious: serious injuries and manslaughter. Rossaro defends himself, says he has never influenced Cristian. It arrived with the specific claim: "Chemo killed my father." He had found out about other therapies and had read books written by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.


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For the doctor, therefore, the blame lies entirely with Hamer's books; they are those, and not him, who convinced Cristian not to follow scientific treatments.

The sentence The experts appointed by the public prosecutor Renza Cescon established 6 that, if properly treated, Cristian could have been saved. 7 The first sentence arrives on 13 April 2012: Rossaro is sentenced to three years in prison. Furthermore, he must immediately pay over half a million euros as an advance payment for compensation to the victims' families. Judge Domenica Gambardella, after two years of hearings and three hours of deliberation, found the doctor guilty because he did not "adequately inform" his patients. The reactions on the web are mixed. We talk about shameful media attacks on doctors who do not follow the dogmas of orthodox medical science in Science and Conscience (and for the good of suffering people). Dogmas imposed by the corporate establishment of the multinational drug companies that control the 8 institutions and university baronies.

Others go so far as to wish all sorts of tumors on the public prosecutor and the judge, who "obey the chemical-pharmaceutical lobby that loots the nation's budget and throws those who use chemotherapy drugs into pain and despair." 9

In March 2014 Rossaro was definitively sentenced by the Court of Appeal of Venice for manslaughter to one and a half years in prison, with a suspended sentence, and to the payment of 200,000 euros, of which he will not pay a single cent. 10 But the sentence does not seem to have stopped him in his Hamerian activity. On the contrary. In April 2015, Rossaro wrote me an email:

I had the pleasure of personally meeting Dr. in Spain. Hamer. In this period I would need, following my legal vicissitudes, to have to do so

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meet again. I kindly ask if you have any reference or address or no. of telephone that could be useful for this purpose.

Rossaro also did not respond to my request to interview him. Also in March 2014, Rossaro was also convicted in the first instance, he claimed 11

degree to two and a half years of imprisonment for slander: Cristian

Trevisan before dying, the doctor had given him his signed blank medical prescription book, so as to prescribe the various remedies over the telephone. After Trevisan's complaint, Rossaro had in turn sued the latter because he allegedly stole his recipe book. At the preliminary hearing, Rossaro then said he had lost it and found it again. But for the single judge of Padua Beatrice Bergamasco declared falsely, slandering Trevisan.

The reactions After the first degree sentence for manslaughter, the then president of the Padua Medical Association, Maurizio Benato, had opened an investigation into Rossaro's actions and for this reason was unable to express an opinion while awaiting the judgment of his organ. However, he clarified that the doctor is required to practice medicine in which prescriptions and treatments must be inspired by updated and tested scientific findings. The use of unconventional practices must not remove the patient from specific and scientifically consolidated treatments, always without prejudice to the acquisition of consent.

In July 2015 I sent an email to Professor Paolo Simioni, current president of the Padua Medical Association, to ask for updates on the Order's internal investigation. The response was: «I regret to inform you that regarding the matter concerning Dr. Paolo Rossaro given the current state of affairs - it is not possible for me to give any interviews." 12


Perhaps the internal procedures regarding Dr. Rossaro are still ongoing, even if his conviction has become final? How is the work started by the medical disciplinary commission progressing, if it has been started at all? Self

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Simioni cannot talk about the specific case of Rossaro, what do you think of Hamer's theories? The current president of the Padua Medical Association has never responded to these questions. As of January 2017, Paolo Rossaro is still registered in the medical register. «I have not – as they say – “forced” my patients to necessarily follow a traditional procedure» Rossaro defends himself in an interview with «Porta a Porta» in September 2016. But he feels responsible for the death of his exes patients, asks the Rai journalist. "Ninth!" is the answer, despite the final sentence. “I simply feel angry, deeply angry at a world that absolutely does not respect the will and dignity of people.” 13

He states that he has not advised against chemotherapy, which he is not against, but that he cannot provide any statistical data about the patients he says he has cured with his methods. Rossaro, who is not an oncologist but a general practitioner, maintains that to follow a person, even one suffering from cancer, «there is no need to be a specialist in... unfortunately it is a peculiarity of our scientific moment, but there is a need to understand what this person needs." And he denies having followed the theories of the German New Medicine: «I know Hamer, but I also know other authors like many other people». The scientific director of the Venetian Oncology Institute, Professor Ermanno Ancona, clarifies the contours of the Rossaro affair even better: The weapons in our possession do not solve 100 percent of cases, but they are still effective. Replacing them indiscriminately is a huge risk and an ethical error. Even with harmless preparations, which still lead to the death of the patient, because they do not cure him. We cannot cure everyone and then chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical interventions have a significant impact on a person's quality of life. But they save many lives and I am horrified by the thought that they could be set aside in favor of treatments with no scientific basis and results or treatments that are only valid if they are supportive.

Professor Ancona underlines how for some tumors, such as lymphomas, leukemias and breast cancer, a cure rate of 80 percent has been achieved. But the sick who recover with traditional treatments

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they don't go around telling people: they take it for granted or prefer to keep quiet about such a painful experience. The disease is scary. And so only cases of death emerge. On the contrary, those who try another route that perhaps saves operations and chemo are enthusiastic and talk about it.

And he concludes:

We are not satisfied because we cannot save everyone, but every ten years the number of cancer patients who are cured increases, so the progress is tangible. However, we have seen many alternative practices and they don't work. They appeal to fragile and frightened people and are useful to those who want to do business and acquire prestige. In such a delicate sector it is easy to get carried away by personalism.


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The new Hamerian-style associations

In Italy there are many groups that refer more or less expressly to Hamer's theories. It is impossible to establish exactly how many there are and how many people join them, but some are more active than others and it is possible to obtain some additional information.

The association La Fonte and Biological Medicine Emotional After Hamer's "excommunication" of the ALBA association , his theories first found a platform on the site "nuovamedicinagermanica.it". This is the web showcase set up by Fabrizio Camilletti, husband of doctor Daniela Carini, the latter a specialist in "hygiene and preventive medicine, epidemiology and public health". Director of the ALBA association, Carini then left it, in conflict with the top management, to follow her association, La Fonte, which operates between Loreto and Ancona. There is bad blood between ALBA and La Fonte. On the internet there are many mutual accusations of having "betrayed" Hamer's teachings. The site therefore initially picked up Hamerian orthodoxy. 1 Alongside the "political" writings, with a clear anti-Semitic content, we also find those of a medical nature according to which diabetes "is due to 2 the conflict of fear/disgust and the conflict of opposition", in the case of pancreatic cancer "it it almost always involves a conflict with relatives" 3 leukemia is "lucky, it is not an illness, but a phase of recovery 4 after a bone marrow disease." And

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In March 2008, an announcement appeared on the website «nuovamedicinagermanica.it» of a conference entitled «A biologically sensible music», sponsored by the Municipality of Loreto, scheduled for Sunday 11 May 2008 at the Palacongressi. This paid meeting would also have served to publicize Giovanna Conti's Hamerian book. Did the Municipality of Loreto really sponsor such an initiative? My request for clarification sent to the Municipality a month before the conference received no response. But, after a few days, the conference was cancelled. The then mayor Moreno Pieroni does not answer the questions, yet Dr. Carini reports having had a «verbal conversation with him... on 04.28.2008». Someone alerted you to the registered letters I sent for information on the alleged sponsorship for the conference. But the matter is even darker. I sent new questions on August 21st, and this time - a month later - the answer arrived: «This administration has never authorized or adopted any act relating to the granting of patronage... At present, having carried out the appropriate checks on the site, no no publication appears on the matter." Patronage is therefore a fake, an abuse. And in September, obviously, there is no longer any trace of it. But then, how did Dr. Carini know so quickly about the letters concerning her? And which conversation are you referring to in your letter to the mayor? And why did we wait over five months to respond (while Dr. Carini was immediately notified) and was it done only when (almost) every trace of the conference and related patronage had disappeared from the site? Once again, unanswered questions. Dr. Carini, together with her husband and Dr. Vito Amelio, wrote the book The Biology of Emotions: from Hamer's laws to Emotional Biological Medicine. 5 This last wording is a registered trademark 6 among «medical services aimed at biological therapy». It is not just an "integrative and supportive medicine", but a real therapy. La Fonte organizes conferences, seminars and also a «three-year course for doctors and therapists»: «Over time the need has arisen for an ever-increasing number of therapists who are able to calculate the Emotional Biological Code® and to help the public with biological therapy through

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Emotional Biological Activation® and Emotional Biological Therapy®". 7 All, obviously, for a fee.

The Sibelius association The Sibelius 8 association is the one in Italy most directly linked to the figure of Hamer. It is also called "Academy", as it would be the "music department" of the "Sandefjord University for German New Medicine": in reality, as we have already seen, this "university" is a company that Hamer registered in Norway, with its living room as its registered office, and can no longer use that title. The association is led by Giovanna Conti, a pianist, who also gives herself the title of "teacher". Inaugurated in 2010 in the Studio Rockaway hall, in the province of Piacenza, the association offers courses «for biologically sensible music from the perspective of the New Germanic Medicine». Giovanna Conti also wrote the book For biologically sensible music from the perspective of the New Germanic Medicine, costing around 50 euros and published by the Hamer publishing house, in which she argues how «the Five Biological Laws of Nature represent the access key to the biological codes that nourish the musician's creative streak, 9 In essence, from the author's compositional act to the performer's executive intent." for Conti, analyzing the works of the great musicians of the past would reveal all their "conflicts".


2009 saw the birth of yet another site following the Hamerian theories – first with the name of «vagotonic.it» and then with the more captivating one of «etobiopsicologia.it» – this time by Alessandro Spreafico (psychotherapist) and Barbara Spreafico (psychologist). Two psychologists, therefore not medical graduates. Alessandro Spreafico also wrote a book, in collaboration with Marco Prizzi, with the unequivocal title Traum

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illnesses. Guide to conflict resolution starting from the Hamer method, published by MacroEdizioni. «It is a book that contains clinical trials and discoveries» explains the author.

There is a part dedicated to DHS, what they really are (Hamer did not investigate this aspect psychic because it lacks the foundations), we then move on to the psychic conditions necessary to start a resolution process... we go through quantum physics and the connections with Hamer; then there are philosophies and clinics of thought useful for processing. ... concludes with clinical cases and summaries of the authors. The proposed bibliography is also a fundamental aid for developing the psycho-physical structures that pertain to independence (deconditioning to make the relays "trip").


The authors of this site combine Hamerian theories with physics quantum, thought clinics and deconditioning. Their EtoBioPsychology is also supported by Cristiana Scoppetta (who signs herself «Doctor in sociology, bio-energetic analysis», «writer and poet»; in 2006 she spread Hamer's theories from the Radiofragola antennas) 11

and by the naturopath and pranotherapist Alessandro Furlan . In their book they want to demonstrate that

the laws discovered by Hamer were ahead of the time of research. ... We have decided to list some of the experiments (with the names and surnames of the researchers) - very often doctors - who are racking their brains to understand something that the laws already explain perfectly.

And with what method, given that Hamer denies the scientific method? In which scientific journals were these "researches" published? Who were they verified by? The psychological approach deviates towards experiments of a strictly medical nature, such as "outbreaks", which are clearly ring artefacts. In short, we start from Hamer's theories without making any medical reference, but rather "bioethological": it's about

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general indications which certainly belong to the psychic field and therefore the method described cannot even remotely be accused of abusive practice of the medical profession nor of exerting pressure to obtain undue dependence.

Spreafico has also opened a center in Trieste and one in Cervignano del Friuli: «The center makes use of the collaboration of a doctor-psychiatrist with the aim of giving people who wish it the opportunity to have medical advice on 12 pathologies or therapies», but he is careful not to mention the name of this psychiatrist. Basically what is it about? «Starting from the bioethological discoveries of Dr. Hamer, we want to analyze and understand the ways in which fears can be vehicles of illness but also how, starting from a specific fear, we can try to solve a problem with a backwards process.» 13 In practice, it takes between 11 and 15 "meetings" (for a fee) to be able to "decondition". At the end, a "longitudinal screening for possible relapses, if not resolved" is carried out (still for a fee) or a "path and understanding re-proposal" is carried out. Basically, we start again from the beginning. For a fee, of course. The center also uses a device called «vegatest»: The vegatest is a device created in the 1970s from an EAV development o Voll electroacupuncture. Thanks to the work of Dr. H. Schimmel. Quantum physics has proven that everything is energy and only a small part of the universe is matter... The vegatest does nothing more than measure the current that passes through the meridians, signaling energetic dystonia. Even in the event of conflicts, the device, with an absolutely non-invasive technique, is able to detect alterations in the subject's current. The vegatest is able to "probe" the biological, psychic and mental terrain of the subject in question.


Bioenergology Buranello Adriano, born in Venice Lido on 27 February 1959. His first approach to naturopathy dates back to his adolescence with repeated contacts with Luigi Costacurta and

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the in-depth study of natural methods. Subsequent career choices will distance him from 15

this sector.

This is how Adriano Buranello introduced himself on his website dedicated to bioenergology in 2009: a new term, which I coined to define an energetic discipline which aims to reawaken and in a certain way retrain that sensitivity which allows us to feel things before even understanding them and which, through a very simple method, allows us to transmit in real time to our rational mind the answers that come to us from the irrational. 16

Simply put, yet another modified version of Hamer's theories. And in fact Buranello clearly refers to the German New Medicine: 17

Thanks to bioenergological tests I try to detect which and how many traumas or shocks the client has had and whether they are in the active conflict phase or already in the resolution phase. With my tests I assign a date to each detected trauma so that I can subsequently use chromopuncture to work on the memory points of these traumas, which I detect in the foot and left leg, with rays of colored light that help the client to unblock and bring in resolution or upon completion of the resolution of the present traumas.

But, he specifies immediately afterwards, this technique and the "data" collected "have no claim to be scientific, much less demonstrable", since the communication takes place "at the level of subtle energies". 18 Not much was known about Buranello until 2012, when he ended up in some newspapers due to the opening of an investigation against him: the naturopath, chromopuncturist and "consultant of the five biological laws" was accused of fraud, circumvention of incompetent persons, injuries personal and abusive practice of the medical profession. He has a high school diploma and a naturopath diploma in his pocket, but according to the Padua prosecutor's office he would have "treated" over three hundred patients some even with serious illnesses - only with Bach flowers, herbal products and at most one Tachipirina. 19 «They are customers, not patients» he defends. "I do

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technical consultancy: I have never healed anyone. Whoever comes to me 20 enters self-healing." On 30 October 2012 the Carabinieri of the Anti-Tasting Unit had Nei

his "studio" in Pove di Grappa, in the province of Vicenza, was searched. 21 his computers, hundreds of files where Buranello scrupulously noted the clinical history of his "clients" in order to better carry out his "technical consultancy". The investigation started from the complaint of the boyfriend of "Lisa", a fortyyear-old from Padua, suffering from a tumor (Hodgkin's lymphoma). The woman had abandoned chemotherapy treatments to rely on a naturopath, who would have recommended syrup based on bay leaves, vitamins, Bach flowers, herbal aerosol and flaxseed to be applied on the sternum to promote her "self-healing". After a series of "visits" to Trebaseleghe, in the province of Padua, where Buranello lived, the woman's clinical picture rapidly worsened. And, according to the accusations, she would not be the only one. The prosecutor's office also investigates the various conferences that Buranello held around the Veneto, often in the parishes of the region, where he would also receive clients/patients. According to investigators, it was a tactic to avoid surprise checks. The "consultant of the five biological laws", the investigators discovered, would have charged 80 euros per session and would have explicitly asked patients not to come accompanied by friends or family, to avoid conditioning. Buranello says he is "perplexed" by the start of investigations into his account: "At the beginning of every consultation I have people sign a declaration which specifies that I do not carry out medical activities and that I do not give diagnoses" he claims. «Mine is not a therapy: it is a consultation with which I explain the biological meaning of diseases.» And he attacks: "Maybe someone is jealous of my business." In July 2013 the investigations into his account ended. 22 The accusations are of continued abusive practice of the medical profession - from June 2011 to October 2012 - and of aggravated fraud against the woman from Padua who he supposedly "treated" and who instead died shortly before the start of the process. However, Buranello avoided a trial: in November 2014 he asked for a plea bargain, so as to obtain a discount of one third of the sentence; 23 request

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which is accepted: three months and ten days in prison, he will


that Buranello does not

never serve for the conditional suspension of the sentence. "Are not you happy?" his lawyer asks him, enthusiastically. 25 Happy with having avoided the trial and a much greater penalty, «not to go in prison, not to have to pay fines as I was given the minimum of the minimum sentences, transformed into a pecuniary penalty and immediately

suspended"? No, Buranello is not happy. He feels like a victim of “interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the lobbies of the medical barons". Despite the conviction, Buranello continues to provide «consultancy and treatments" as a naturopath, 26 even if the national naturopaths union he distances himself from it. 27 He continues to lecture around the region, like the one in which he spreads the need to «educate children at five 28

biological laws".

He is currently working on his project for a House of the Heart, a shelter for Bioactives, that is, people with biphasic processes in progress... The goal is to remove the person in need of help from unhealthy situations which prevent it from completing repairs.


Once again, and perhaps even in the face of serious illnesses, the 30

Hamerians choose to isolate and isolate themselves, as Hamer did in his illegal "clinics".

The Scuola5ellebi In January 2017 a new Hamerian reality was born, the «scuola5ellebi» 31 a «path of training and critical and integrated research of the five laws biological and ethobiosophical studies", where "5ellebi" stands for "five laws organic" by Hamer - based in Rovigo. Issued by the Association Cultural Cì Maramà, «has the aim of training therapists 32

professionals" through three years of training at an annual cost of 2400 EUR. The third year is reserved for "health professionals". truly active and self-defined", or "who are active on a daily basis with people in a helping relationship (with "clients and/or patients")".


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The director of this "school" for aspiring Hamerian therapists is Nicola Schibuola, "physiotherapist, osteopath, consultant in bio-psychosomatics and psychobiology, facilitator in family constellations", 34 also a student of Marco Pfister in the past. In a 2011 «testimony» published on the website of the former ALBA association, Schibuola wrote that «in my professional practice I have had the opportunity to verify, every day and for every patient seen in eight years, the absolute accuracy of the Biological Laws discovered by Dr. Hamer. To date, I have not found any cases in which these laws have been disregarded. Simply: Hamer is right." 35

According to the osteopath, asbestos is not carcinogenic at all: The Eternit factory produced, decades ago, asbestos cement, Eternit, precisely ... Over time many, indeed very many, of the workers and technicians who worked there died from respiratory complications resulting from a particular type of cancer: pleural mesothelioma.

Numerous studies and scientific experiments have demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt the correlation between this tumor and asbestos, but for Schibuola that cancer would be rather the result of a Biological Survival Program of direct attack on the chest... asbestos is not the cause of death, but a direct attack on the chest, real or translated in its meaning, symbolic, experienced by each of the deceased people... pleural mesothelioma represented nothing other than the good solution to the conflict of direct attack in the chest.


Among the various "teachers" of the school, we once again find Simona Cella, Pfister's former partner, founding member of the ALBA association and secretary of the Salute Attiva Onlus association, now also a "teacher of Personal Growth, Progressive De-Hypnosis". for the Creation of Perceptive Spaces". In an «open letter» to Hamer himself dated 30 December 2006, Simona Cella retraces the path that led her to approach the German New Medicine:

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When my father died in '88, hell began for me...

My dad died in

my arms as we walked home from work. In '91 I experienced a new one

dramatic mourning: my partner Gianni, after two chemo treatments and a lot of agony, also died in my arms. It was here, in the search for a way to save him, that I entered the world of therapies, in the illusory search for the "magic wand" that could save him.

The meeting with Marco Pfister and Hamer's theories was brilliant, as she herself told the former German doctor: In 2000 I finally learned about your discoveries by participating in Marco's course. I cried the whole time, recognizing and explaining exactly what had happened in all the cases where I had witnessed the death or suffering of a person. I still had my partner's medical records, and so I was able to do all the necessary checks and no longer have any doubts that your findings were correct.


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Coffee and Coca-Cola against brain tumor

Between 2006 and 2007 the ALBA association had a forum managed by the 1 director Marcello Falzari, at the time responsible for the "internet commission". In this forum, now closed, alongside various types of advice in case of illness and interpretations of Hamer's words, on 11 April 2007 the user «Lacy» opened a discussion entitled «brain tumor help». 2

Lacy is thrilled. He has a friend who "has embraced NMG and is giving himself a chance [sic!] for salvation." Salvation from what? From a large brain tumor. A glioblastoma. The patient is in vagotonia A (warm) and the epileptic or epileptoid seizure is expected in about 3 weeks and apparently it will be as difficult as it is decisive.

The "patient" is Antonio, 3 a man over fifty from Biella, hospitalized at the Sick Hospital in his city. The man is convinced by a Hamerian "study circle" to leave the hospital. After all, for them his tumor is just «an expansive mass of glial tissue with edema. The corresponding phase is one of strong resolution of the conflict." The treatment consists of vitamin C, coffee, Coca-Cola, blackcurrant, cortisone and ice on the head. Lacy's enthusiasm is shared by the whole group: "I'm impressed, you learn a lot here." «How wonderful, wonderful news!» some users comment. Meanwhile, the "cure" continues, with the collaboration of a "doctor of the New German Medicine" and also of the man's doctor. Without saying anything to the neurosurgeon, because "he only knows how to cut". As already seen in other cases, the group tries to isolate the patient from "external threats", distancing him from "ignorant friends and relatives, self-styled so-called doctors

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luminaries who want new guinea pigs to experiment with new machines for destruction." The man is alone, alone with his tumor that continues to grow. He was convinced by his friend, who works in the field of communication, who in about ten days «worked meticulously to change limiting beliefs of the patient and the whole family. We managed to make the patient aware of the real risks of death." What for «classical medicine» is a tumor, for them it is «an accumulation of connective tissue. According to Hamer it occurs only in the PCL phase, therefore when the conflict is resolved." And the conflict here is that of "not being able to hold onto or let go of someone." Glioblastoma is a very aggressive tumor. It infiltrates, grows rapidly. Surgery is limited by delicate location. The treatment consists of combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but very few survive after five years. And even when it seems eradicated, it often comes 4 back. But this is not the case for the Hamerian group. They are jubilant: "The patient has a 98 percent chance of being saved and regaining the motor and sensorial functionality of the compromised areas." What if he died? It would be the fault of the "clinical complications", the "epileptic and epileptoid crisis", or - once again it means that "the conflict has not been objectively resolved". That is, it would be his fault. We are at the end of December 2006 and the tumor continues to grow too

if "treated" with Coca-Cola, ice on the head and coffee. The brain is increasingly compromised. The right side of the body begins to lose sensation. The hand slowly becomes paralyzed. Then the whole arm. In June, it's leg time. Antonio gasps, sometimes words fail him. Then he misses entire sentences. And finally he remains silent, with his eyes wide open, "in a sort of apathy in which he was practically no longer there". He died at the end of August, «according to traditional doctors, due to the so-called brain tumor». Lacy is no longer so happy and confident. He wants to understand what happened to his friend, why he died despite that 98 percent chance they talked about. He asks the other forum users for explanations, but only «Fabrizio» replies:

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The desire to understand what happened is understandable, especially in a dramatic case. However, even if we had all the data, I wonder what we could draw from it. Even by highlighting the type of conflict (or conflicts), we could not know exactly what precisely determined that type of conflict for that person conflict.

The experience of Antonio's death was of no use.

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“Did you know that anyone who follows Hamer dies?”

Franco Longo was 51 years old in 2006, when he opened his blog entitled 1 "Thank you because...". "Thank you" to all the people who helped him deal with his terrible illness. He lives in Carugo, in the province of Como, but was born in Rovereto. The first part of his life, however, is inextricably linked to the South. When he was just six months old his family moved to Pompeii, where Franco forged a tough and reckless character: "I challenged death many of those times". He returns to Rovereto when he is a grown man, but he is dissatisfied. He's always missing something. He begins to have suicidal thoughts. His determination is such that one day, returning to Pompeii, he organizes a "fake murder" for himself: "I knew some 'people' in Pompeii who will kill anyone for a few cents. Since I had chatted with him a few times, they gave me the "pleasure" to kill me if I asked them to, plus I paid them." Luckily the murdersuicide is skipped at the last moment. But his mental conditions are not perfect: he is forcibly hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic for 25 days. After all, how can you stay calm when you have kidney cancer, colon cancer, metastases to the pelvic bones and a big testicular problem? He feels weak, unmotivated, as if he were trapped in a dead-end street. In the meantime, he continues to work and lead an overall normal life. But he is always looking for something else, something that can calm his deep restlessness. At the end of 1996 he approached Reiki, while at work someone was raising funds for AIDS sufferers in Africa. He has a kind of intuition: he plays the lottery and wins. It's not a lot of money, but he interprets all this as a sort of "sign". Without thinking twice, he buys a one-way ticket to Kenya and within a few hours he is at Kriobank

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to become a volunteer in Father Alex Zanotelli's mission. In Africa Franco seems to have found his own dimension: he marries an indigenous woman called Elleni, but the marriage will be short-lived. They divorce soon after. It's another setback in his already tormented life and so the African adventure also comes to an end. Back in Italy, he frequents some alternative medicine forums on the internet day and night and in one of these he meets Lucia. She has an ice cream shop in Rovereto and shares the same interests with Franco: she deals with channeling, the ability to be possessed by a spiritual entity and to be able to communicate with the afterlife. She is married and has children, but her relationship with her husband seems to be in crisis.

I was in unspeakable pain In May 2003 Franco's condition worsened drastically. The bone metastases continue to progress, and they hurt a lot. But he is not discouraged and with Lucia he attends numerous "alternative" seminars. While he is in a hotel in Monza, after one of these seminars, he feels terrible.

I was moaning in pain. He raised his tone. I shook my head from side to side, breathed faster, screamed louder. I was in unspeakable pain. She had her right hand on my heart and her left hand on my head. I kept turning my head and screaming louder and louder, I felt incredible pangs. She prayed, I screamed. I felt my body disappear all at once. Then nothing, the pain was gone. I stopped breathing, but

how good I was!

Franco stops breathing. Lucia gets scared, screams his name, shakes him. And he comes back to life.

I got up and did reiki all over her body, as she was so tired. The next day came. Mindful of last night, we wrote a nice letter about the healing that had taken place. We didn't write the whole truth because they thought we were crazy. I didn't know Dr. Hamer, but I was convinced that I wasn't going to die!

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The New Medicine It is only at this point that he becomes aware of the theories of New Medicine: The next day, while I was in the kitchen, [Lucia] called me to show me an article on the internet that talked about Dr. Hamer. I found it very interesting. I bought the books and started studying them, or rather, Lucia and I studied them.

He thus becomes convinced that all his illnesses derive from a "conflict of devaluation":

From the time I was born until then I had always had these thoughts. By force of circumstances I had had those illnesses, SBS, and then others were added: a major disorder testicles (ex-wife, I considered her like a daughter), two bone metastases, one of which was linked to the ex-wife, kidney cancer (my family), colon cancer (due to New Medicine - the doctors I had met they weren't telling me the truth) and other things in the brain that God doesn't know. That was exactly the beginning of my rebirth!!!

Rosa Moreschi Franco and Lucia "torn the internet" looking for a doctor who practiced these theories. They don't find him, but they phone the "New Medicine center". They were referred to a therapist from Monza, who however had retired from the profession. But one day Adriana, an acquaintance who frequents the alternative group Terza Onda, directs them towards Rosa Moreschi, «a New Medicine doctor who deals with these things, in Brescia. We made the appointment and showed up there." After a short wait, Dr. Moreschi measures Franco's energy with an electronic instrument. Then look at the CT scans of the brain and the various organs affected by the tumors. But he doesn't have time, so he gives him an appointment for the following week. Not for a visit, but for a course that she herself holds on Hamer's New Medicine.

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There were many people. He began to give examples of animals that had fallen ill: they think correctly about the way to cure themselves of these cancers. It was a very interesting course, it took place in various seminars.

Franco committed himself to following all the various courses, but «the transformation continued. Sometimes I felt better, many times I felt worse." The "transformation" is the metastases that are invading it. And Dr. Moreschi "when she saw all the CT scans of the bone she walked away: she had no idea how great the transformation was." But in the meantime he made him follow his course on New Medicine, for a fee.

«With this disease you die much earlier» This experience does not move him from his Hamerian beliefs. His family doctor prescribes a PET scan, a medical test to evaluate the extent of a tumor. The doctor who performed the exam, after reading the papers, «discovered that I was following Hamer's therapy. He flew into a rage, “blah blah blah, did you know that whoever follows Hamer dies?” Franco's response is cold: "I had to live for two or three months, I'm still here, if I die I die, but it's not Hamer's fault, with this disease you die much sooner." It's 2005. A 4.8 cm kidney cancer is discovered that appears to be in necrosis. «We went on like this without doing anything about official medicine.» He then decides to travel, perhaps to avoid thinking about his illness. Part for Senegal, then goes to Germany, in Ahidemberc [Heidelberg], there was a demonstration in favor of Dr. Hamer. I didn't feel like a deathly ill man, it's like I had a cold but it takes time to heal and with the pain I didn't notice if it wasn't at its best.

The war against official medicine

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In reality the pain is increasingly unbearable, so much so that he is forced to go to the emergency room in Terni, where he was during his long wandering around the world. They visit him, they would like to hospitalize him. He refuses, but shortly afterwards he has another crisis: he faints and is taken to the emergency room in Premeno. The next morning, as soon as he wakes up, he escapes from the hospital. He travels a little way, but faints again. He returns to the hospital. «After a while Lucia arrived, she saw everything, she signed the paper that if I felt bad it was her fault.» In May 2006 the acetabulum, a bone in the pelvis, broke and after two weeks three more fractures occurred. Franco is at home, alone, confined to a wheelchair.

I couldn't stand up anymore. I go to the bathroom, when I got to the bidet I had to take the sticks to go to the toilet. I was getting up when my left acetabulum broke: worn out, shattered by the metastasis. I fell to the ground screaming in pain. After a while, I crawled carefully onto the wheelchair and then onto the bed. I was crying in pain. I called Lucia at work saying that I had fallen, when she came home she realized the seriousness of the fact.

But now the situation is definitively compromised. After four days, three pelvic bones break again. Following Hamerian instructions, he continues not to take any medication to ease the pain: "There I suffered more than I had ever imagined, every time I made a micro-movement I cried, screaming in pain." He is at Lucia's house, together with her children «who saw those brutal scenes. I needed everything, so I convinced myself to go to Rovereto for palliative care." He goes to his parents' house, but his father is also very ill and so he is admitted to the hospice in nearby Mezzolombardo. The treatments allow him to at least have a life worthy of the name: «I felt reborn, with the wheelchair I went everywhere. The doctors said I had made great strides!

Samorindo Peci

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He also visits Samorindo Peci, a surgeon specialized in endocrine surgery, perhaps among the first to bring Hamer's theories to Italy at the beginning of the 2000s. 2

He then distanced himself from it to develop his

3 own "biological medicine", which was also inspired by Hamer. In fact, as he explains with evident Hamerian references in a 2011 article in the magazine «Medicina di Frontiera»,

published by his wife and of which he is «scientific director»,

Today I know that from the point of view of pathogenesis and phylogenesis every type of disease is part of a special program of the brain, a biological program that aims to safeguard life.


In the same article, to the question «Can pharmacological interventions lead to the solution of the conflict problem?», Peci clearly answers: «No. They merely postpone it over time, causing a delay in conflict resolution, with the risk that the late resolution becomes the manifestation of the disease." However, even if the similarities with Hamerian thought are evident, "waiting for the body [to heal] on its own" is a "paradoxical and absurd criterion in Hamer" he specifies. In February 2016 Peci conducted an information evening on his «biological codes» 5 as scientific director of the «CeRiFoS scientific research and training center» 6 and director of the School of Higher Education in Conflict Medicine according to the Biological Codes. Explaining to the editorial staff of «CesenaToday» what «nutrition according to the Organic Codes» is, Peci would have argued that

Once upon a time, the most important thing for the primordial being was not to miss out on food. Today modern society associates food with money, so lack of money means lack of food... In the history of pathogenesis, the increase in the quantity of liver cells favored a better metabolism which allowed us to make the most of the scarce quantity of food and gave the possibility of surviving even with little, to do in way to find more food.


Cellular growth, which medicine calls a "degenerative disease", would instead be "functional for survival even today, in a more

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side, but always biological, even if we are talking about other morsels and not prey." And he concludes, in tones similar to those used by Hamer: If we think in terms of Biological Codes, in fact, we are no longer faced with a disease to be destroyed in the true sense of the word, but with a sensible program to be modulated and supported, sedated or controlled, as we recognize its biological intent in favor of of life.

Ideas repeated in an interview given to comment on the death of an entrepreneur from Romagna, who died from cancer after some financial problems. «Psychological conflict is one thing, biological conflict is another» 8 states Peci, defined as an «expert on conflictualillness in Europe». It would have been the sixty-three-year-old's tumor that caused it his role as head of the family who must defend his pack and cannot stomach such a great wrong. ... We are faced with an unexpected attack on primary goods for the The person. ...

consequence is that you are no longer able to defend your home, your

family. This is one of the situations from which tumors of the digestive system can arise.

In support of this thesis, Peci claims, there would be «research scientific decades": the oncological disease arises from a conflict that involves the neurological system in the most intimate parts of the brain with events that arrive unexpectedly and from where they are not expected. To transform an action from a psychological conflict to a biological conflict causing tumors, in short, people must be involved who in your opinion would never have betrayed you and who instead put you and... your family in danger.

(On October 3, 2016, I contacted Dr. Peci to ask him some questions about both Hamer and his biologic medicine, but he abruptly ended communication and did not provide any release to publish what he said during the phone call.)

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The female-male conflict As Franco says in his blog, during the visit Peci looks at his pelvis x-rays, his brain CT scans and when he saw the two x-rays of the pelvis he told me the solution shared by me and Lucia. He said this to me: «Were you working after three or four days that the healing process was starting? Crazy stuff!" We're finally here... I'm getting closer to recovery!

For Peci, the "female-male conflict" arises from an operation that Franco underwent years earlier and it is this conflict that caused his cancer. He also takes a homeopathic remedy, but "you have to wait months, until I'm well on my feet and the pain goes away." But the pain doesn't go away. On the contrary. «The pain is increasing, but it was expected. The bones are getting stronger and that hurts. I will bear these pains too." His thought is always that «cancer comes from a conflict, from when I separated. I'll start from there." Since October 21, 2006 he has no longer updated his blog. An article on the theory of the hollow Earth 9 will be dedicated to him «in memory of his friend Franco Longo, taking inspiration from his e-mail of 27.2.07, 11.30 am».

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Hamer in Europe and overseas

In the drafting of this volume, intended primarily for the Italian reader, particular attention was paid to recounting cases of patients who have chosen a path inspired by Hamerian theories, which occurred in Italy. But if we broaden our gaze to Europe and beyond, the case history is much broader. Alongside the events of Olivia Pilhar, already illustrated previously, there are many stories that could be related. In particular, there are several patients followed directly by Hamer. What they have in common is the unfortunate outcome for the protagonists: in fact, there are no documented cases of recovery. These are not well-known stories in Italy both due to the problems associated with finding and translating documentary material and because Italian Hamerians are careful not to spread them, preferring much more reassuring anonymous stories of alleged healings. But the names of those who didn't make it are, however, sadly known. Here are just three: Michaela, Gaby and Joanne.

Michaela Eckert The photo of Michaela's tumor-ravaged breasts is a truly frightening image. It is now a shapeless mass, reddened, with swellings and holes that barely make you understand the pain they caused that woman. Her husband, Gilbert Jakubczyk, pondered for a long time whether to make such a tragic and painful story public. But in the end the desire to help other people who find themselves in the same conditions prevailed. Gilbert proudly shows a photo that matches that of Michaela's ravaged breasts, almost as if he wants to erase all the pain she has had to suffer. It is a photo taken shortly before his wife dedicated herself to

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one of his passions, painting. Michaela is smiling, in full health, with a proud look that conveys the full meaning of life. Life that will be severed on November 12, 2005, two days before his forty-first birthday. The two were married in 1995. A happy marriage, cemented by the same desire to live. But in late 2000, Michaela discovered she had a ninecentimeter lump in her right breast. "A suspicious nodule" they tell her at the hospital. Like many women in the same situation, Michaela is afraid to find out what it really could be. So much fear that they deny the disease itself, trying to pretend that everything was fine. But it's not good, actually. The first pangs begin, stronger and stronger, closer and closer together. Pain takes over fear: he goes to a doctor, Doctor Maintz, in the town of Würselen. It's the end of 2001. Michaela let a whole year pass since her first diagnosis. Doctor Maintz begins to prescribe a treatment for her, the reaction is encouraging. Her breasts begin to deflate, but some friends in the artistic world convince her to ask for help from Hamer and his miraculous New German Medicine. On the internet there are only positive opinions about this "medicine". Michaela doesn't see why not to try. The following year he was visited by Hamer himself, in Malaga. Accompanying her is her mother, because her father and Gilbert are rather skeptical. Back home, Michaela is beaming: Hamer told her that she is not sick, but that is just her body's response to a "conflict linked to a previous partner". Indeed, the swelling in the right breast - that is, the expanding tumor - are for Hamer "signs of recovery", as is the growing pain. The1 doctor who was treating him had proposed a surgical operation to try to stop the tumor, but Hamer is adamant: no operation and interruption of all "official medicine" therapy. Cost of the visit, excluding travel: not even a cent. But, the former doctor suggests, he would have been happy if she had bought his books. Michaela buys two, for a total of 300 euros. In the years to follow, he will continue to send money to Hamer to support him in court. Michaela therefore interrupts her therapy after consulting with Hamer, who had already lost his medical license. Her breasts immediately begin to swell again, as if something were boiling from inside her. AND

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a heartbreaking image, which her husband Gilbert sees before his eyes every day. He loves her so much, he can't stand all that heartbreak. When he tries to talk to her, she responds violently. And, indeed, she separates from her husband. He cuts off contact with his entire family and goes to live with his Hamerian friends. Nothing more is known about her for four years. It was 2005, in fact, when Michaela had such excruciating pain that she could hardly breathe. She screams at her friends to do something, to take her to the hospital. She was hospitalized in desperate conditions at the Hospiz Lohmar in Cologne. The breast is now completely disfigured by metastases, but she continues to refuse morphine or any other analgesic with all her might. "No drugs, I'll die with them" he repeats shouting. The nurses who assist her are in shock, none of them had ever seen a human being in these conditions before: «She was skin and bones, rotting even though she was still alive. The upper body was open, as was the back. Everything smelled like rotten meat." There is very little that can be done now. Michaela continues to scream in desperation, her screams echoing throughout the hospital. Until he dies in spasms. Her Hamerian friends, who helped her avoid treatment for years, they argued that it was the morphine, and not the cancer, that killed her.

Gaby J. Born in Switzerland in 1954, Gaby is a woman with a sweet but at the same time determined character. Skills that push her to pursue a career as a nurse. She wants to be close to people who suffer, to take care of them altruistically. At the end of 1996, however, something went wrong. The relationship with her husband is in crisis, they divorce. However, they remain on good terms, also because they have a son, who is entrusted to her but continues to see his father. Seven months pass and Gaby discovers a small lump in her breast. She goes to her gynecologist. When in doubt that it could be something malignant, the doctor suggests carrying out a biopsy to see more clearly. He explains to her all the risks and benefits of the operation. If you test positive it may be necessary to remove your breast, he warns you. She accepts.

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At the gynecological hospital in Aarau, during the operation, the doctors scrutinize each other's faces. The lump is malignant, unfortunately. And also one, maybe two lymph nodes are now compromised. To save her they must immediately remove her breasts. Gaby wakes up in the intensive care unit, with her mother Rose-Laure Huber holding her hand. He is still under the influence of the anesthetic, he doesn't really understand what happened. A doctor arrives and explains to her bluntly that the nodule was malignant and recommends a cycle of chemo and radiotherapy. It's a total shock. Gaby hadn't prepared for the worst eventuality, she was convinced that everything would be resolved within a few hours. And instead she finds herself without a breast, stunned, in a hospital room, with the prospect of continuing to fight against an evil that devours her from the inside. The doctors give her hope, at this point she only has the last, painful steps left to take but then her ordeal will be over. As her mother testifies, «she was traumatized. She wanted to internally process the diagnosis they had just given her. And perhaps she lacked adequate psychological support." Gaby has a hell of a night. She continues to think about the breast that is no longer there, about the treatments that await her. She feels deformed, ugly. And chemo would cause her to lose her beloved hair. No, he decides that that won't be his path. He refuses treatment and instead swallows a substance of "anthroposophic medicine" obtained from mistletoe. He also follows a «craniosacral therapy». At first it seems to improve. She has a good appetite and is cheerful. His mother is by his side. She firmly believes that she can heal without following the scientific medicine. He feels so good that together with his mother and sister Esther he takes a trip to the South of France. They are beautiful holidays, the disease seems to have disappeared, Gaby starts living as always: fully. He does everything he wants, he doesn't limit himself in anything. In June 1999 a new tile hits his family: Rose-Laure, his mother, also has breast cancer. They operate on her at the Porrentruy hospital and subject her to the same choice that they had proposed to their daughter: she must follow a light cycle of chemotherapy. Rose-Laure accepts. Gaby comments: "Everyone has to make their own decisions, and if this is your path you have to continue."

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Months pass and Gaby returns to visit her mother. He shows her a small lump under his armpit, but reassures her: "It's swelling caused by stasis, the therapist who is treating me also told me so." Her mother doesn't tell her anything, but she talks to her doctors - even some homeopathic ones - and they all agree: Gaby should get some tests done, that lump could be malignant again. The young woman's aunt is worried and asks her why she doesn't want to take these tests. And she responds by starting to distance herself: "You don't support me, I don't need your negative comments." What has changed in the meantime? The shock of breast amputation is too strong and too recent, of course. Plus he is now following the New Medicine. «I have to resolve my conflicts, I have not yet overcome the conflict related to the divorce. But I'm on the right track." The family is worried, but decides to support Gaby in this choice anyway. It's a difficult decision. Everyone wants to believe that this is not a new tumor. Moreover, at the end of 1999 Gaby celebrated her sister's birthday in the Swiss Jura. She's cheerful, telling everyone not to worry. «And we are very happy to let ourselves be reassured» admits Rose-Laure. Shortly afterwards he calls his mother. He says he needs some time to himself, away from everyone because he needs to focus on his recovery. “She told me that this separation had nothing to do with her feelings, that she loved us all and would call us from time to time.” In reality he doesn't want to give any further thoughts to his family. He is ill, the tumor is starting to show itself in all its severity. He can no longer drive a car. The arm swells but "it is all necessary for recovery". A friend takes her to Zurich to attend a conference on New Medicine. He asks a doctor from Herisau, perhaps a follower of Hamer, to consult him. It's all fragmentary, opaque news. Her Hamerian friends shield her around her and don't let the outside world know what is happening. The mother tries to ask around, but «no one answers me, all the "friends" are silent or say they don't know anything». By now Gaby can barely move. Her son, now nineteen, is next to her. Her friends bring her food, but she is unable to eat: she vomits everything. But this too, for them, is "a sign of healing". Things are getting worse quickly and for Gaby's son

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they are ordered to no longer have contact with their grandmother or father, to avoid having to explain their mother's deterioration. At Christmas Gaby calls Rose-Laure, telling her that unfortunately they won't be able to see each other because she was going out of town for a few days, a holiday with her friends. It's a sad lie: she's paralyzed in bed, the disease continues to eat away at her but she pursues the Hamerian path. After all, her friends tell her, she is on the road to recovery. Months still pass. At Easter Rose-Laure sends her a large package: there are sweets and a fabric hare that she loved very much. And then there's money and a letter. The mother begs her to go and eat with her son in a good restaurant. Try to make her feel his affection, his warmth. But Gaby can't go to any restaurant. He can't even move. May 29, 2000 is the evening of truth. Gaby calls her mother, in tears: «Mom, I want to see you. Come here, please. But alone, I don't want anyone else." And she loads the car with food, other stuffed animals, everything that can make her little girl smile again. He leaves early and the next morning he is already there, in Rohr. He gets out of the car and sees that the front door is open. Scared, she rings the doorbell. But no one answers. He enters, advancing timidly. He spots a shadow on the couch, something like a human. It's the daughter. She seems dead, or maybe she's sleeping. It's a skeleton, with almost no hair. She looks like an elderly woman who is about to die – and yet she is only in her early forties. The mother can't help herself, she leaves the room and screams: «Oh my God! Why do you allow all this? What happened to my beautiful and cheerful little girl? He goes back inside and starts petting her head. Gaby wakes up. It's a relief. He smiles at her with his blue eyes, now almost gone because they are sunken, and hugs her. She is skeletal, but has a swollen arm, now as big as her withered leg. «Mom, it hurts all over. Much." With love, RoseLaure accompanies her daughter to the bathroom to wash her. He undresses her and notices that her breasts "are a single smelly sore." Full of pus, with deep holes, up to the back. He tries to bandage her chest, while she continues to complain of pain. He tries to talk to her, tells her he can't go on like this. And she agrees: «Okay, I'm going to a retirement home. But I don't want to go to hospital, because there they kill me with morphine. Doctors know this, yet they do it anyway." Rose-Laure contacts the doctor who was treating Gaby.

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When he receives her, the doctor makes it clear that due to professional secrecy he cannot reveal any details to her. But the young woman's condition is clear: "What do you think your daughter has?" he asks her. “Cancer.” «Yes, in the terminal phase.» Gaby has refused any treatment 2 except "neural therapy", and her condition is so critical that no nursing home would ever accept her. So the mother contacts private medical assistance, but a referral from her old family doctor is needed. But the doctor, on the phone, refuses to write it up: after all, Gaby wouldn't have allowed it. And then he no longer wants to deal with a patient who constantly refuses all his prescriptions. Rose-Laure is desperate, the doctor's reaction worries her even more. She doesn't know who to turn to, she and her daughter are desolately alone. He decides to take care of his little girl himself. Every day, every morning, he goes to her and tries to help her in some way. One day she opens the door and hears her daughter screaming in unbearable pain: during the night she had tried to drag herself into the bathroom but had fallen. His strength abandons him, he can't stay in bed or on the sofa. “He no longer had a single gram of fat in his entire body.” When the neural therapy doctor arrives in the afternoon, together they try to convince her to go to a clinic: "To stabilize you, then you can do rehabilitation." The pain is too strong. Gaby agrees. The ambulance takes her to Aarau hospital. Her condition is so desperate that she must be admitted to the intensive care unit immediately. Both doctors and nurses understand the situation quickly. They are very kind, they try to tell her that at that point only morphine, even in a minimal quantity, could have made her pain lessen. Her mother is always by her side. And Gaby falls asleep sweetly. The next day Rose-Laure goes to her daughter's house in Rohr. From there he calls her to find out if she needs anything. Gaby is very excited: «Mom! I'm very well, I have no more pain! They gave me a wonderful special bed. I don't think I have to stay here much longer. When do we leave for the South of France?". «Soon, my child. As soon as possible, as soon as you feel better, we will leave. I promise you." Who knows if Gaby really believes it or is just saying it so as not to worry her mother. However, it is true that in the oncology department the staff is very human, prepared to alleviate both physical and spiritual pain.

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The next day Rose-Laure talks to the doctors, asks if she can go home for just one day, because she has to work. They reply in the affirmative, given that their daughter's state could have continued for who knows how long. And if it got worse, they would warn her. Even the daughter agrees: «Of course you can stay home on Monday! I will definitely still be here on Tuesday" he tells her laughing. “They won't send me home that easily.” On Sunday evening Rose-Laure returns to the Jura, on Monday she is at work in Basel. Call the hospital: everything is as before. He tells his daughter that he will be there the next morning. Evening falls and a furious storm hits the entire region: there is no longer telephone coverage, not even for cell phones.

At midnight, Rose-Laure is awakened by a phone call. It's the hospital. Gaby died at 9.30pm. Not completely alone, at least: her ex-husband was with her until shortly before he died. He waved to him, but he was already breathing hard. "Thank God he didn't suffer much longer" will say his mother, who will forbid his relatives from seeing his body after his death. «It would have been too much of a shock. I said goodbye to her on behalf of everyone, so they will remember her as she was."

Before the funeral he returns to Gaby's house, wanting to understand what drove her to be reduced like this. Among his things, he finds two books by Hamer. And so he concludes:

I don't know if Gaby would have survived chemotherapy, but I know one thing: she wouldn't have had to endure horrible pain and she would have died in a more humane way. And, above all, he would have felt all our love and help. We would have done anything for her. If only he had let us. 3

Joanne Clodfelter Since I abandoned all conventional medical treatment in June 2008, I feel great. What the medical community defines as "ovarian cancer metastasized to the peritoneal cavity" would, according to New Medicine, be related to two different conflicts: a "conflict of profound loss" and a "conflict of attack"

against the abdomen. Knowledge of New Medicine saved my life and has empowered in a way no one else ever could.

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This is what Joanne writes, 2009. 4 a 53-year-old American woman, in Journalist for the "Dayton Daily", born on 26 December 1956 in a city in Ohio, to a middle-class, Catholic family. He has three brothers and two sisters. The father died in that same house in 1994 "due to the chemo [administered] for his cancer". It's the usual reversal that has already been seen and reviewed: for Hamerians, people die of chemo, not of cancer. They are always healed or on the way to recovery. As Joanne proclaims. One of the brothers, a man in his fifties who has never had a girlfriend in his life, goes to live with his now widowed mother until she dies in 2001 of cardiac arrest. The brother continues to live in the family home until he announces that he will soon get married: "He has never dated anyone and now he is getting married?" is the angry reaction of Joanne, who can't stand her future sister-in-law: «She was very bossy. Before long he took over and told all of us brothers and sisters to "get our ma... out of the house" because she was moving and it was now "her" home." The day after Christmas 2005, brothers and sisters are forced to rush there to save family memories. Joanne, at that moment, stops having her period. She is 49 years old and the doctors tell her that menopause has begun for her. But she connects everything to what just happened: «According to the German New Medicine, I was experiencing a “profound loss conflict”, which involves the ovaries». But it's not about menopause. You begin to feel a "swelling" in your pelvic region. During the conflict, the tissue in my ovaries was disintegrating. As soon as I resolved the conflict, the cells in my ovary began to rebuild, which is what conventional medicine calls a "malignant tumor." German New Medicine calls it a healing tumor.

What you call “healing tumor” is a very aggressive ovarian tumor. Even her eyesight worsens, but Joanne does not undergo any treatment, convinced that she is actually "healing" her conflict. In July 2007, after letting the tumor grow for a year and a half, she underwent a "routine" gynecological check-up. From an initial check-up, the doctors tell her that she has ovarian or uterine cancer and that she will probably have to undergo an operation to remove both the tumor

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which, unfortunately, the uterus. She looks them in the eyes: "I'd rather die than have surgery," she says proudly. He turns around, leaves the hospital. And he will never return there again. The doctor sends her a letter home, imploring her to undergo medical treatment. “I was really sure that I could handle it and that I could take care of myself,” she writes. She is fifty years old, has never been hospitalized in her life, and is frowned upon by the medical community. He can't explain the reason for that tumor. Search the internet web pages for an answer. And like many others, he finds it on sites that talk about Hamer: "Now everything made sense to me." Months pass. Three more. It's October 2007. The tumor continues to grow so much that "I looked like I was six months pregnant" she says. She is devastated by ascites, an effusion of fluid into the peritoneal cavity. According to German New Medicine, ascites is caused by water retention due to an "existence conflict" [more often called the "refugee conflict"], typically triggered by the shock of a diagnosis and the fear that one's life will be ruined. in danger.

The tumor grows, but according to her it is the fault - as we have seen now in many cases – doctors who told her she had a tumor. He's starting to worry. She consulted a doctor, who explained that if she hadn't had surgery to remove the tumor, she might have developed an intestinal blockage that would only be resolved with a colostomy (a surgery to pass stool through an opening in the abdomen). Furthermore, the tumor was so extensive that he could even lose his leg. But Joanne is not convinced. She turned to another doctor, who allegedly told her: «Gosh, I don't know what's wrong with you. Let's do this: let's operate and see what we find there." And she chooses to rely on this more reassuring doctor. The husband, meanwhile, is distressed. He doesn't understand his wife's choices. “If you take the alternative route and then die, I will never be able to forgive myself,” he tells her. Joanne underwent surgery on December 28, 2007. She underwent a complete hysterectomy: her uterus was removed. Her left ovary was ravaged by a tumor: «Since I'm left-handed, my tumor was on the "partner's" side,

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therefore brother or boyfriend". Everything adds up, according to his interpretation. According to Hamer's interpretation. The tumor is removed, but Joanne must undergo six cycles of chemotherapy three weeks apart, in case any tumor cells are still circulating in her body. But the woman, already affected by the tumor she had allowed to grow inside, has continuous medical complications. The wound from the operation continues to open: "It was only the skin, not the muscles, that kept my intestine inside," he recalls. He has to go to hospital on four more occasions, but each time he returns home. Where she lies on the couch, for twelve hours every day, unable to move. When her husband returns from work, they have dinner together and then he takes her upstairs, where Joanne sleeps for another twelve hours. She lost 23 kilos, all her hair «and I looked like an Auschwitz survivor. I was ready to die. ... I preferred death rather than chemo-poison." Months passed and in March 2008 he had to be admitted to the local hospital "because my blood pressure was so low that my internal organs were ready to shut down." During her hospital stay they do a computed tomography (CT) scan and discover that she has an abscess in her abdominal area the size of a softball. One of the doctors advises her to go to the university hospital an hour away, where she can have more specific treatments. There, a small tube is inserted into her abdomen to remove the abscess. It is a necessary maneuver, but very painful: «I suffered a total shock» he explains.

At the fourth chemo session, her doctor tells her she is free from cancer, but that he has to have two more sessions, just to be safe. In June 2008, after completing all cycles of chemo, Joanne underwent another CT scan. It's just a "suspicion", compared to the one in March, when she had the abscess, but it's decided to do a positron emission tomography (PET) scan, which shows strange activity in her abdomen: the doctor "doesn't use the word tumors, but I knew he was talking about that." It's time to choose: you can do "heavy" chemo for a month, "light" chemo every month for a year, or wait three months. The

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doctor recommends doing "heavy" chemo. She chooses to do nothing. “I felt so devastated,” she writes. «But this devastation was a gift. I was absolutely determined not to be held hostage by the medical community." In his eagerness to find answers to what he is experiencing, he returns again to the pages of New Germanic Medicine on the internet. There he reads that “tumors of the peritoneal cavity are the result of being attacked in the abdomen.” He connects everything to when he had suffered the "shock" of having his abscess removed, a few months earlier. «Immediately, I knew I was reading the Truth with a capital “T”» he writes «and that everything I had been through with the doctors was nothing more than the fruit of “sorcerers' apprentices”.» She uses Hamer's own words when describing the doctors who treated her. «I didn't have any tumor before they inserted the cannula to remove the abscess» he convinces himself. His cancer would be "Nature's loving way of protecting me from further attacks." He therefore decides that the best way to avoid further "conflicts" is to stay away from doctors. “Whatever was happening in my abdomen would heal on its own as long as I didn't suffer any 'attacks' on my stomach.” He feels strong, powerful. In command of your health. He no longer trusts doctors. In the autumn of 2008 he decided to go to Malaysia, where he wanted to undergo plastic surgery. She regains weight, but her left leg is still noticeably larger than her right one, probably due to the fact that numerous lymph nodes have been removed. But «I chose to believe that I still had a “permanent conflict for existence”, and that was why my leg was retaining liquids». In January 2009 Joanne then flew to Malaysia to undergo plastic surgery. When she returned to the United States, she discovered she had bronchitis. He coughs continuously and can't get out of bed. But he doesn't get scared. On the contrary. He rereads his notes on the New German Medicine and becomes convinced that bronchitis is nothing other than the recovery from the "conflict of fear".

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In NMG terms, my trip to Malaysia had placed me in the healing phase from the "conflict of fear" I had suffered in 2008, when I underwent surgery and chemo.

The leg returns to normal conditions: for Joanne this too would be further proof of the fact that it is "healing from my 'conflict for existence' and I could release the excess fluids". He posts a photo declaring himself "healthy and happy again." She says she's recovered. She feels healed. «The German New Medicine offers an explanation and a solution that are coherent and reassuring.» But they are his last words on the blog. The title of that blog is: «Ovarian cancer and peritoneal tumors – Healing with New German Medicine». And in fact many consider her to be "completely cured" 5 of her terrible illness, thanks to Hamer. It is cited as "testimony" to the fact that Germanica works and heals. 6 One of the bloggers rejoices, in 2010: «I'm so happy that you're well! The evil of the pharmaceutical industry must be revealed. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil! and asks her for further details about her recovery.

But a comment from 2011 opens our eyes to a much more uncomfortable 7 at reality: Joanne died on September 16, 2009, six months after having shouted according to her blog that she was "cured" thanks to Hamer.

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Guilty of not being able to heal

It's December 13, 2005. A cold day, with a sharp wind coming from the north. It almost seems like it's about to snow there, in Turin. The clouds gather quickly and grayly in a sky that becomes increasingly closed and heavy. And Marina feels something heavy in her chest, now that she has to face the most important decision of her life. She is 44 years old, has a beautiful 4-year-old daughter and walks alone through the streets of Turin. He has an appointment at the San Lazzaro hospital, in via Cherasco, at two in the afternoon. Less than two weeks earlier they had discovered a mole measuring a few millimeters on her left shoulder blade. «Dyschromic and pleomorphic mole growing in the left scapular 1 I had area» wrote a doctor from the Chivasso Local Health Authority, with almost incomprehensible words and handwriting, before sending her for a specialist visit to San Lazzaro. Basically, Marina has a mole of a "strange" color and shape. He's always had it, Marina reflects, but it had always remained the same over the years. Until today. He walks cutting the wind with his body, holding onto the walls. He walks, but he is not going to the hospital, where they will call his name in vain. She is going to see Dr. Germana Durando, a friend of hers rather than her doctor. A homeopath, Marina had met her many years before, in 1993, when her sisterin-law's son was facing a very aggressive leukemia, just three years old. He was in a lot of pain, he remembers. All those chemo... It was the sister-in-law who turned to Durando to get an additional, different opinion. «You are a heartless mother! Leave everything, I'll save him" the doctor would have told her, with Marina present. But the sister-in-law had insisted on scientific treatments, with chemo. And the son overcame the illness, he is now a beautiful, healthy boy.

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Marina wraps herself a little tighter in her coat, which barely protects her from the biting cold. «You are sent for surgical consultation; exeresis + histological examination"2 had ruled the dermatologist of San Lazzaro, who had analyzed the mole by projecting a light with a strange device. A small cut and away, that suspicious mole would have been just a memory. But Marina wants to once again have the opinion of her friend Germana, her doctor, before taking any steps. He had also invited her to some evenings of his cooperative Atypica. Marina is very involved in social work: she works with children, runs nurseries and summer camps... She had previously entrusted herself to Massimo, a homeopathic doctor highly esteemed in the environment, but with Durando there is a different affinity, more accomplice. Around 1998 he chose to have Germana as his doctor. And if before it was Marina herself who urged her friend Barbara to go to the dermatologist on time to have those moles checked, since she has been followed by Germana, she has slowly stopped going. Sometimes he says that yes, he had a dermatological examination, but it is a lie to silence friends and relatives who are worried about his health. «Don't worry, Durando will take care of the mole» she always repeats to her friend Barbara. Neo which, until 2004, had remained exactly as it was. But then it begins to change, to grow, to change color. At first Marina doesn't pay much attention to it: after all, it's just a mole. But a year later, it's clear that that speck is no longer the same as before. The doctors had told her that a small cut was enough: they removed it and never thought about it again. But she prefers to talk about it with Germana first. It is at the entrance door of this studio on the hills of the city, in a good area of Turin. He wraps himself in his coat one last time, partly out of cold and partly out of fear. And he goes to see his doctor. We don't know what the two women said to each other. What remains of that conversation are some notes from Durando. “Dermatological visit” he writes at the top. And then a whole series of confusing notes: «Fear», «anxiety», «doctor», perhaps even «primum non nocere», the first principle of medicine according to which one must choose the therapy with the fewest contraindications. And then, it seems: "amputation is not healing." We don't know what happened in that studio. But Marina won't go to that hospital appointment that December or ever. After all, she, a woman with a strong and decisive character, feels displaced

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to the idea of pain and illness. Perhaps due to the experience lived with his father, who died in 1988, at 58 years old. A man of robust character, a hard worker, he never complained about anything. And this delayed the diagnosis of his cancer. His left shoulder blade hurt a little, the same one where Marina has her mole. He, as a plumber, thought it was a pain due to the cold, too much work... but the pain didn't go away. He only complained about it in March 1988. After a series of tests, it was discovered that it was a tumor, probably due to asbestos. He died a few months later, in July. And since then Marina begins to explore alternative paths for her health.

An absolute choice The mole continues to grow. Marina's brother, Rudy Lallo, shows a photo of his sister taken in 2008, in which the mole appears a couple of centimetres. But she continues to follow Durando's advice. Some notes from the sessions with the doctor were found by chance during the clearing of the house, but they ended up around 2008. «Thoughts: who knows about this mole? Fear of cancer" we read in these sheets, which focus rather on psychological problems. Only every now and then we talk about the mole. Marina is in fact convinced that the problem with her mole is due to a "conflict" with her ex-partner, Flavio, with whom she had a daughter in 2000. According to German New Medicine, melanoma is caused by a biological conflict shock of feeling soiled or feeling impaired...


melanoma had the meaning and task of simultaneously delimiting individual integrity towards others but also of communicating with others (child or partner)... In the phase of resolved conflict, of healing, normally [melanomas ] are broken down and absorbed through cheesemaking with the help of fungi or fungiform bacteria. 3

He just has to resolve the "conflict" with the ex-partner, he thinks, and the mole will disappear

alone. «Demolished», «absorbed» claims Hamer. Marina tells her brother that Germana Durando, her doctor, is "Hamerian" and is following her on this path. In fact, he would have them

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told that Germana had cured her cancer thanks to the German New Medicine. The brother says: Marina spoke to me about Hamer, she said that cancer arises from conflict... She had a very free life, she dedicated herself above all to work and her numerous friends. Then she met Flavio, also a social worker, and had an affair with him. When she said to me «I'm pregnant, what do you think?», I replied: «If you believe it, go ahead, if I can I'll give you a hand». She was 39 years old and decided to keep the baby. But she was a girl who worked alone, with her ex-partner also absent financially.

She never addressed the problem of her daughter's father and was convinced that the tumor was due to what had remained unresolved with this person.

Years pass. The mole continues to grow, to transform. Marina continues to be examined by Durando. He also sends her many emails, where he expresses all his fears and doubts about her problem: Two episodes of very dizzying dizziness. I had to stop, sit down and drink sugar water. Then it passed to me. Gloria's words ring in my ear. Hearing him called "cancer" made a bit of an impression on me. But now it seems like it to me 4 I got used to calling it "cancer". Talking about it helps me exorcise it.

However, as the volume of the mole grows, so does the concern. We are in May 2012. Germana would have already noted in his notes: "fear of illness, mole". And perhaps, even: "it's already cancer." Marina surrounds herself with friends who support her in choosing not to have the mole removed. To let it grow on him, while he resolves his "conflict" with Flavius. She and her friends have blind faith in Durando. And in the New German Medicine, which they only talk about among themselves, never, never "outside", with others. Who knows what they would think. But the mole doesn't want to hear about conflicts and resolutions. It grows, it changes, it hurts. «Hi Germana, here I am with new symptoms» he wrote to her in November 2012. And he continues: NEO: Blood, blood, blood. It is lightening around but the center is very raised (horrible!), swollen and bleeds often. It also hurts a little, if I squeeze it it hurts

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like a bruise. The blood is very red and when I remove the patch there is also some yellowish serum. The crater where it vents does not dry out. I dream of one day taking off the band-aid and with the band-aid also the mole. Stop. Finished. What do I do? Apart from having a lot of patience???


Marina is patient. Rather than have that mole removed that continues to grow and bleed, he works on his "conflict". Many thoughts. I have thought for a long time about the things you told me; the homework you gave me. I thought about Flavio for a long time. I think you are right. Flavio is like peperonata: come back up. Just when I think I've buried him, he comes back to pull me by the feet. I have I need time and I need to get there slowly and without fear.


This is why he only surrounds himself with people who support his choice. Yet after a session with Durando, where a friend of hers was also present, she confesses: «I was scared. Much. There was an atmosphere of passion, of death that made me leave your studio wondering what Chiara's story represented: if I don't reconcile, will I develop bad illnesses? I die? I? ... [the daughter]? How scary!!!". The mole it looks like a volcano: it has swollen and is continually bleeding; it hurts; it has a yellow tip that purges a slightly yellowish, slightly bloody liquid; it smells like cheese. Every morning I remove the patch and hope to see it dried up but instead it is increasingly uglier, clammier and swollen.

Marina begins to worry: I am afraid. I'm afraid of not being able to heal my mole, of not being able to understand the origin and of not being able to restore balance and in the meantime it extends, spreads... and eats me. Can anyone reassure me a little???

She continues to work on the origin of her "conflict", to be sure that only her resolution will be able to "demolish, absorb", as Hamer says, that mole. And even if she exposes all her fear to Durando, she is convinced that she is on the right path.

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«Dear Germana, I'm writing you some updates. I'm taking baby steps towards the reconciliation project with Flavius" 7 he wrote in January 2013. I woke up well and thought for a few days about the beautiful moments spent with him. The more I think about it, the more natural it seems to me to take steps towards him. I haven't started writing and burning yet. I feel like I'm very slow on this path but I know I can do it. I need some time. At the same time I look at my mole and I get scared, and I'm afraid that he doesn't want to wait for my time.

Durando's response is enthusiastic: Well done, well done!!! Of course your mole is waiting for you, there is time for resolution! All you have to do is want it and it seems to me that you are finally moving in that direction! 8 Yeeeeeeeeessss! We can! You'll make it!

Of course your mole, your tumor, is waiting for you. Just want it. He prescribes some homeopathic remedies for her. And he orders her: «NO GUILT!!! Take this start of the year positively, let's try to resolve - not add unnecessary burdens! Months pass. The “resolution time” doesn't seem to work. In April Marina writes that the mole it doesn't get better and I'm starting to worry a little; It scares me to never see improvement. In fact, he seems even more swollen to me... He is damp, bleeding, bleeding, smelly; it hurts, it's ugly and I ask myself: but how will I do this summer at the seaside? You can't look at it because it's ugly; and then everyone will say to me: "What are you waiting for to remove it?". 9

But she is determined not to have it removed. Following what Hamer says. To resolve his "conflict". I wish it would shrink a little, I wish it would dry out and fall off like those big scabs we had on our knees in the summer as kids. And then I ask myself: well, I'm not making my way, I haven't understood anything about the signals that my body sends me and therefore it gets worse and perhaps, one day, bad metastases will start throughout the

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body. I will die and everyone will say: "We told them to take it away!". Then I feel in a hurry and I think I have to write to Flavio immediately to tell him some things so that I can get better. But I still didn't know what to say to him.

Marina calls her mole "the master" who should show her the way to 10 resolve her conflict with her ex-partner. «Work on forgiveness and on how to meet Flavio, he is the turning point. Send me the letter you would like to write to him"11 Durando advises her. Who continues to prescribe only homeopathic remedies for her tumor. Marina's "faith" begins to waver. She is trying her hardest, between homeopathic remedies and forgiveness, but the mole continues its journey undaunted. He doesn't write to Durando for a few months. He does it again in August, when, after the last session with her, I felt terrible, as I hadn't felt for a long time. I'm a little tired. I'm telling you heart in hand. I can no longer do these sessions where I feel "prescribed" what I MUST do, and even what I MUST feel, who I MUST love and how. way. Where I am told that I have to go forward, that I have to make an effort...


She put herself completely in the hands of Durando, friend and doctor. But there is something wrong. And I want to talk to you about it. Since you lived that experience [she talks about the alleged tumor that Dr. Durando apparently treated, following Hamerian theories], certainly very intense for you, with Chiara you started talking about forgiveness, angels, conversion. .. All very interesting topics that you, however, absolutely raise. I see this prescription of yours as "either you do this or you're not saved". The last time you also told me, referring to ... [the daughter], "If you don't do this, then it will be your business." There is something wrong.

There's something wrong, he repeats. That path, initially shared with Germana, begins to feel too tight for her. He believes his words, but sees no improvement. Be patient, but the mole continues to grow.

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In recent months, I have tried desperately to follow you, to follow your "prescriptions", to like your words and make them mine. But they are not mine. The path you propose to me is yours. I can get there tomorrow, in a year, or maybe never. I know that you do it because you love me and care about me and also about ... [the daughter]. I also know that you do it to encourage me, to move me but, perhaps, I need a respite, a less pressing approach. I tried to follow you because I was afraid that if I didn't do so my "cancer" would increase and you would no longer cure me. But there are things that cannot be done because someone (even if they are a loved and trusted person) tells you to. You are my doctor and you are very important to me, a lighthouse in the darkness. I need your help. Now, with my feeling sick, more than ever. I must feel that you will always take care of me even if I am not up to your requests. I really care about you too and I couldn't pretend nothing happened. You've seen it too, every session I feel worse.

The relationship between Marina and Durando that emerges from the emails is complex, symbiotic. Marina totally entrusts herself to her doctor, he calls her "Saint Germana" as if waiting for that miracle from her which, however, is slow in coming. It almost seems to depend completely on the doctor's words, her "lighthouse in the dark". But "as you may have understood [the mole] does not improve" 13 he writes just two weeks later. He is increasingly irritated, when he purges a very irritating liquid comes out which burns the skin. The pain is very strong, the other evening ... [the daughter] patted me on the shoulder and tears fell from the pain. It is very swollen, moist, red and the skin under the growth is very red. On the patch I see that the liquid that comes out is yellowish. When he bleeds I feel like they're throwing lemon on an open wound. Every time I change the patch (about 7, 8 times a day) I delude myself into seeing a change, an improvement but instead... nothing.

He continues to blame himself for the progression of his disease. He thinks he is not "capable of getting to the point", of resolving the "conflict". He's scared, but he keeps telling himself: "Yes, it takes patience." That mole that a year earlier had only begun to bleed a little, is now a kind of bar of soap on the shoulder. What can I do? I don't want to take it away, but I want it to heal, or at least show a sign of improvement. I want to be able to

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cure him, but is it possible? I'll make it?

Two months go by and the mole still does it suffer a lot. It bleeds, burns, is particularly swollen, smells embarrassing. It's so big that I struggle to cover it with cotton wool and plasters. I stain everything. And then it hurts badly... Please do something because this story has been going on for more than a year. 14

Yet you are following the Hamerian path of resolving the "conflict". «Badly, slowly, whatever you want» he vents to Durando, «but [the mole] continues to get worse. I never see the slightest improvement. I'm worried and in pain." And he apologizes: "I'll stress you out, I know, but for me it's becoming my priority." By now the mole has become enormous. Difficult, almost impossible to keep it hidden from others. He has to change his shirt several times a day. She tries to maintain faith in the path shared with Durando, but she is perfectly aware of how much the melanoma is consuming her. "I'm afraid that my cancer will win and that I'll die, I'm afraid that ... [the daughter] will suffer, I'm afraid that if I don't 15 do what you ask me, you won't take care of me anymore." She's scared, but it's too late for any second thoughts. Continue to follow the New German Medicine. «I feel that this path we have taken is good, but sometimes even going towards the good is difficult.» And Durando supports her, or rather encourages her to continue. «I don't want to reproach you for pulling me. I know you do it for our good. I trust you, otherwise, by now, I would have already run far away. I love you too, and so I'm staying here." He trusts, but the mole "is always wet, smelly, very sensitive" 16 he writes shortly afterwards. He is not afraid of dying from melanoma, but he is afraid that Durando will abandon him: Your phrase "if you don't turn around it's all your business" resonates with me. When I think about it I get scared because I feel like I'm doing a lot (or in any case my effort is very strong) but I'm not sure I'm doing the right things, or at the right times.

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She is full of "good intentions and consequent actions", but she asks herself: "How much are they treating my illness? Won't it be late? I feel like I also need to see a physical improvement to fill up on optimism and energy that would help me deal with everything else better." And finally, he almost seems to want to convince himself, despite all the evidence: "But in the end it seems to be going a little better...". Meanwhile, Doctor Durando continues to reassure her. He's on the right path, he seems to suggest. You just have to be patient. «Accepting what your body is asking for is fundamental» 17 writes to her. «You will need a lot and you will see it with your own eyes. Keep going and get yourself… [a homeopathic remedy]. Update me in 2/3 days.» The injection of optimism seems to be working. If not on the mole, at least on Marina's mood. Who in January 2014 wrote to her that yes, the mole "is always very sensitive, even the t-shirt rubbing against it bothers me, cotton when it's too dry, cotton when it's too humid... in short, always". But "it's an annoyance and not a pain, and therefore it's better." 18

He continues to surround himself only with people who share his choice. «I hide this part of me from everyone, no one knows, no one has seen it, no one knows my suffering, my fear. Only…[the daughter] knows it exists.” She is increasingly isolated from those who really love her, from those who could really help her. She is determined to get to the bottom of her choice. She is nervous and disappointed. And not from the mole, no: «I'm the one who disappoints myself because I'm not able to get rid of him... Every day I hope to see a significant change, and instead...». And yet nothing. The tumor grows and she feels responsible. Of not "doing enough". Of not being able to resolve his "conflict". But there's no question of removing the mole. “We resisted a lot,” he wrote to Durando. «I have suffered a lot and I would like to win the battle with you and toast the mole that is no longer there.»


She is afraid of meeting the

dermatologist, she is afraid that he will tell her that that mole is a tumor that is progressing and that she must intervene as soon as possible. And then he's afraid of the scalpel. However, he begins to question himself, almost ashamed to ask a question similar to his "holy Germana":

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I know you don't have the ball but what do you think? Do you think it will pass soon? Do you think that at a certain point we can think about intervening, at least reducing it a little??? Maybe I wrote a lot of stupid things. In which case forgive me...

But time passes and there is still no talk of the operation. The tumor is now enormous, over 10 centimetres. «When I walk I feel it shaking, when I'm standing I feel a weight pulling downwards as if I had a bag of lead hanging from a piece of skin... and it pulls, it pulls» 20 he writes. Once again, he is almost afraid to express his doubts to Durando. He almost apologizes. "I know I'm boring, but I think we have to invent something" she writes to her. «You know that I blindly trust what you advise me. So I'm here. I'm waiting for something to give me relief or lightening. Then you know that I can bear the pain and if I have to I will bear it again." She is completely in his hands, and not even the pain and the "strong pangs" move her from the Hamerian path she has undertaken. But the weight of the mole, not only physical, is too great. Germana's reassurances are no longer enough for her. He decides to have surgery, to finally remove that damned mole.

The intervention It is the morning of March 20th. Marina goes to the Umberto I hospital in Turin and is examined in the plastic surgery department. The head doctor scolds her: but why did she come to him after so long, letting that melanoma grow? The situation is so serious that the surgery is scheduled for the following morning. "When I get scolded, I feel uncomfortable," he told Durando a few days later. And he adds: In this case I couldn't even explain the reasons why I had only arrived there now (because they would have admitted me to psychiatry) and so I stammered out a few excuses. credible which irritated him even more.


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Hamerian isolation worked. Until that moment Marina was supported by her friends and Durando, who shared her choice. Now he has to deal with the "outside world". And it is, clearly, a shock.

The next day I went there thinking it was an outpatient operation, and instead I found myself in my underwear, catapulted into a real operating room complete with green sheets covering me... like in the TV series. I was very scared.

The doctor who operated on her couldn't understand why she turned to him so late, with such an extensive tumor. When she tells him she's scared, he replies: "She should have been scared before, not now." «I would have eaten it. You ugly bastard."

The operation is a success, but Marina continues to perceive the hospital environment as cold, distant, even hostile. She pretends to call a friend and says someone will come get her. «I manage to escape. Finally in the car, finally at my house.» When the effects of the anesthesia wear off, the pain explodes for a whole day. Then, little by little, it gets better. He didn't expect such a major intervention, but now it is happy. Finally free from that weight. I had begged my dad and my grandma to take it away from me as quickly as possible. And so it was. Despite the pain, in the following days I felt reborn, in bloom. A new energy and vitality, a good mood that I hadn't had for months. I started waking up happy to face the day again, I could dress as I wanted, be among people without having my back against the wall. What a joy! I even see myself as more beautiful. ... In short, it had been months since I had been there

I felt so good.

So good that she decides to take the big step, to finally face - after the weight of the melanoma - that parallel weight that accompanied her there. She decides to see Flavio, her ex-partner and father of her daughter, on the same day of the surgery. The occasion is a chance meeting, as happens in films. Not with him, but with a mutual friend, just out of the hospital. She asks about

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Flavius. The friend hasn't seen him for a while, so they decide to go to him together. The appointment is scheduled for a few days from now, on April 1st. And Flavio meets her, together with their mutual friend. «He was very happy to welcome us» recalls Marina. The atmosphere is relaxed, very friendly.

This time it was much easier. Maybe because I was fine, maybe because I already knew how I would find him, maybe because a broken thread had already been mended years ago, maybe because there was... [the mutual friend] and with two everything is easier. We were there for a short time, a couple of hours, but intense, exciting, we even laughed.

The two friends promise to visit Flavio again. Marina tells her daughter about the meeting, who reacts almost coldly, perhaps out of instinctive jealousy. «I am not ready to face this meeting; she, consequently, doesn't either. I thought that perhaps it would be better for me to see Flavio a few times alone to start the weaving of a relationship again, to recover a confidence, an intimacy that will make it easier for me to meet between him and... [his daughter ]» Everything seems to be going well. «I was certain that the histological examination it would have been good. And instead..." And instead.

After a week she goes to hospital to have her dressing changed and they give her the results of the histological examination: malignant epitheliomorphic cell melanoma, type T4. It is one of the most aggressive skin cancers. I am told that it is not the most "nice" and that they must send me an urgent referral to San Lazzaro, and that there I will find trained doctors who will communicate the process to me.

It's a profound shock. The Hamerian path, the conflict, the forgiveness, the words of Dr. Durando, the meeting with Flavio. All his illusions collapse suddenly. «I was stoned. I listened to the doctor and it seemed to me that she was talking about someone else, not me.» She feels "loaded on the carousel" of hospital care. «I felt like a marble that had been put on a track where it will follow a fixed path.» He arrives at the San Lazzaro hospital "always stony but with a great desire to escape". A doctor welcomes her and explains the protocol to her:

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«His melanoma was malignant. It was completely removed, all the cells have been removed but... we have to intervene again. We need to dig further and see if the tumor has moved, gone elsewhere. We will check the axillary lymph nodes to understand whether to remove one or all of them. Now I'll book your exams." Marina is confused. If “all the bad cells have been removed,” he asks, then why “dig” further? The doctor's answer is always one: "Because the protocol says it's done that way." I thought that she could also do that job... [the daughter]: to make appointments, follow a protocol and answer "the protocol says so"... why did that doctor study so much?

Histological examination had established that the tumor was malignant; therefore, not being encapsulated, it could cause metastasis. The fact that the tumor had been eliminated, reaching healthy tissue, was not a guarantee: the tumor cells could have already "colonized" other organs by traveling in the blood or lymphatic system. Which was already happening: the swollen lymph nodes proved it. "They won't have a single millimeter of my skin, I hope" Marina vents. The first reaction is «escape, the ostrich... I don't want to know anything. Leave me alone". But then he thinks about it: «Better to investigate a bit. Know if he moved. I will talk about it with Germana." He alternates moments of great optimism and tranquility with «sudden eruptions of fear. I am very afraid of taking those tests which I experience a bit like the outcome of an exam (what a mess of words) which can also have dramatic implications." During the day she hangs out with lots of people, she gets courageous, she feels positive. At night fear and anguish assail him. I talk to everyone about what is happening to me, as if I need to throw out, to narrate what is happening to me. As if telling it to others would help me to retell it, to see it again and to put together emotions and reactions.

But her greatest fear is not that of dying, of abandoning the many who love her and care for her. He is afraid, once again, of not having

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done enough. For not having followed Durando's words to the letter. Of having, in some way, disappointed his "saint". He tells her: I am clear about the path we took together around my mole, I still feel the fatigue, I feel that we have come a long way together... However, I also have a perception of failure because we were unable to send it away without the scalpel, because we are not you manage to transform it into benign. And so I ask myself: will we be able to pass the next test? Especially me, because you direct but I'm the actress, will I be able to face and overcome, cure and heal my next ailments?

Doctor Germana Durando, who was following the tumor that almost devoured her, took care of the direction. Marina is the actress of a wellorchestrated journey, made up of many hopes which, however, continue to fail to materialize. On the contrary. On the day of collecting the report, Marina calls her brother Rudy - who commutes to Rome as a doctor - who learns for the first time about the malignant evolution of the mole and the seriousness of the situation. He is in the car, having just arrived in town, when the phone rings. It's Marina. “I had a nice ride today,” she tells him. The outcome of the exam is harsh, even for Rudy who had always been reassured by his sister, who told him how she regularly had dermatological check-ups. After an initial confusion, Rudy takes immediate action and books her a "total body" CT scan in a few days. «Since the CT scan is less defined than the MRI» explains the brother, «the test had not yet detected any metastases, even if the lymph nodes were swollen. This unfortunately reassured her." It was now close to Easter 2014. Marina decided to go on holiday with some friends and her daughter, before starting therapy. "Go ahead," her brother tells her, who has already booked her a visit to the oncologist Umberto Veronesi. But once she returned from holidays, Marina explained to Rudy: «No, the problem is solved, I don't want to do anything. The lymph nodes are my champions, who have defended me and will continue to defend me", consistently with the Hamerian thought according to which metastases do not exist. But those lymph nodes had tumor cells in them and instead of defending her they were killing her.

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A difficult period begins between brother and sister. Rudy tries to convince her, tries to move her in every way. However, Marina is inflexible: no operation, no therapy. To keep his brother happy, he tells him that he is going to "doctors that you like and those that I like", those who are based on science and the more alternative ones. In reality he is only seeing the Durando. He tells Rudy that the lymph nodes are deflating, but it's a lie: «I have a obsession: I constantly touch my lymph nodes to check if they are shrinking; even when I wake up at night he writes them in May 2014. No, they don't decrease. 22 I'm looking for»

He tries to "protect himself", as he writes to Durando, "from the comments of those who recommend official medicine to me, from those who scare me - but I can't shield myself". This is why she lies to her brother, to those who love her, to everyone. Except for the friends who continue to support her on this journey. She tries to stay calm, but the evidence of her swelling lymph nodes is there before her eyes. And he asks himself: «But did Germana tell me everything? Maybe you know things about my illness that you don't tell me..." and the "black thoughts" begin. He can barely sleep at night. He dreams a lot, but every dream is just a memory, a fragment that disappears when he wakes up. He walks a lot, almost a form of meditation. And he continues to blame himself, according to a pattern we have already seen too many times: I thought that the wound would heal quickly, the lymph nodes would deflate immediately, that people would understand me and leave me alone... instead, as always, the journey is tiring, I don't decide the times.

We have to wait. Work on patience, calm, "inner strengths": rather than caring, keep putting it off. A month passes and the lymph nodes do not deflate. Her head often hurts, it feels like a tight circle around her temples. And his mood, of course, worsens.

I feel afraid of not making it, of not finding the right path. I'm in a rush to heal, to see improvements. I need to feel, touch the improvement. Feeling that the lymph nodes are regressing, shrinking... maybe they return as one 23rd time.

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She is now determined to continue the path she began many, many years before. Even despite the evidence. «Was it Tommaso who didn't believe until he put his nose in? I feel this way. And the thing that worries me is that it reminds me of the story of the mole. I had these thoughts with him too. And then I think that it's not true that I evolve and therefore how can I heal? I'm afraid I'm not good enough or at least that I'm slow, too slow.» Melanoma, metastases, as a test to "evolve". Overcoming the "conflict". And heal. But it doesn't heal. The pain in my head is getting worse and worse. At the end of July he sees his brother Rudy, who wants to find a meeting point on how to cure his illness. He remembers that I had tried to lower our weapons, to think together... I had told her: "Let's discuss it, let's talk about it but let's find a solution". We met in Turin. But she was no longer my sister: she had an anger inside that didn't belong to her. It was the brain metastases that spoke for her.

Marina demands her apologies. He offers them to her, but also urges her to do so something for those lymph nodes. It's too much for her: she blurts out and leaves.

Rudy can't help but leave for vacation the next day. Marina sends her daughter to the seaside, on Elba, with some friends. She remains alone in Turin. Rudy calls her a few days later: "Are you okay?" he asks her. “Sure, everything is fine” is the answer. But it's not good at all: while she was with a friend she started talking too much, not finishing the sentences she had just started. They take her to the hospital. They give her an MRI. He has thirteen brain metastases. Rudy finds out almost immediately, at the end of August. He rushes to Turin, to the hospital. «I saw the possibility of treating it with new genetic therapies» he explains. They are extremely valid therapies, drugs produced from the patient's DNA . «I retrieved the slides from Marina's histological examination for typing, I took them to the hospital, but it took 15 days to develop the drug. As long as I could I looked after her at home, while I also continued to work in Rome.» One evening in early September something strange happens. Rudy stops by Marina's house and she isn't there. She had gone out with two friends, one of whom had always followed her during her Hamerian "journey". And he understands:

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she had gone to Dr. Durando. The other friend confides in him that they wanted her to sign a paper. “What paper?” he asks. «Marina was received privately by Dr. Durando» her friend tells him. «I stayed outside. After some time Marina went out with the doctor, who wanted me to sign a document as a witness. On that sheet it was written that Marina had made all her medical choices on her own, without any intervention from Durando.» But she tears up the paper, horrified. Meanwhile, Marina's condition worsens. It's Sunday September 21st and he's vomiting non-stop. It's a bad sign: hospitalization must be brought forward. On Monday he immediately enters the hospital. The next day her brother goes to visit her full of confidence: the drug based on her genetic characteristics has arrived. «It wouldn't have saved her» he explains «but it would have given her more time, weeks, months, maybe years, no one knows, but above all clarity. And I could have finally asked her some questions about her “path”.» He'll never have the time. Marina fell into a coma at two in the morning. He will die on the afternoon of September 24, 2014, at the age of 53, leaving his 13-year-old daughter alone.

The process The brother cannot rest. While tidying up her sister's house shortly after her death, she finds Marina and Dr. Durando's notes, notes taken during the long years in which the tumor was growing without being treated with scientific therapies. He writes a brief, goes to a lawyer, makes a complaint. But no one wants to go against a doctor, everyone is very cautious. In June 2015 the police searched Durando's studio. They look for Marina's medical records. But they don't find her: she's disappeared. They seize the doctor's computer and external hard drive. They analyze them. And they discover the emails between her and Marina, the "resolutions", the "working on forgiveness" while the tumor grew from a few millimeters to 11 centimetres. They also read, among the last emails sent at the end of August by Durando's –, office - less than a month before Marina died of a "living will", medical examiners and criminal lawyers. "For the

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It's not a good idea to write anything else at the moment" Durando cuts short in an email. Moreover, the lawyer says that "something must be done...". 24 «My sister was a person who always worked in the social sector, who always dedicated herself to others, strong in many things – determined and capable in her work» explains her brother Rudy «but she had a notable fragility in relation to illness and pain. For her everything was either black or white, when she espoused an idea she didn't want to listen to reason. When the doctors explained to her the risks she was facing, she replied: "Mine is a choice I made some time ago, it is the philosophy I chose to follow". And he warns: «Marina was supported all the time by a group of people who supported her in this choice. They live in a group, a ghetto, they support each other, and they think the world is angry with them. They curl up in their absolutism. And it's not easy to reason with them." The preliminary hearing opens on July 14, 2016. Doctor Germana Durando is not in the courtroom, but her lawyer defends her: «My client accepted her patient's choice in compliance with the constitutional dictate without influencing or advising on the therapy» 25 she claims. Since Durando has no longer been a general practitioner since 1994, she was not required to keep the medical records of Marina - who mysteriously disappeared - and therefore the doctor was acquitted of the charge of suppression of a public document. But the judge for preliminary investigations accepts the requests of the prosecution, who had spoken of murder with the aggravating circumstance of guilt with anticipation, «for having incredibly prevented his patient from a diagnostic and therapeutic approach which would have been necessary on the basis of the most elementary medical knowledge" claims the party expert. Durando is sent back to trial. The first hearing was held on 7 December of the same 26 year.

«Our member, by practicing and spreading Hamer's New Germanic Medicine, has discredited the image of the profession» 27 writes in a note the Order of Doctors of Turin, to which Durando belongs, «with further damage, in addition to the possible, very serious one, caused to the patient who was removed from the care of official medicine and from treatments of recognized effectiveness.» The Order has also taken a civil action, given that this is by no means the first "Hamerian" episode in the area. «One case involved a

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woman who had breast cancer and did not want to undergo surgery" President Guido Giustetto explained to "La Repubblica". The competent commission initially opened proceedings against her family doctor, who however demonstrated that he had done everything possible to explain to the patient that she would have to undergo surgery and chemotherapy, representing the risks involved. That woman was convinced of the Hamerian treatments and had also turned to a dentist who practiced the Hamer method, against whom instead there were grounds for a sanction which was then given by the competent Discipline 28 Commission.

The former dentist in question is Gianni Giannella, later struck off from the medical register. Giannella is still a "teacher" in Professional Training 29 , the association born from the ashes of ALBA, of which he was "5LB member, founder, Vice President, member of the Board of Directors and of the Scientific Committee, qualified teacher". But is it ethically correct for a doctor to support a "medicine" such as that which is not scientifically proven, even as a sort of "psychological accompaniment"? And wouldn't it be appropriate to preventively suspend regardless of possible crimes - doctors who use unscientific practices? «It is not accepted that a doctor "supports" – if we use this precise term – as a priority a medicine that is not scientifically proven and is not accepted by the scientific community» replies the president of the Turin Medical Association, Guido Giustetto. «Another question is whether the doctor also uses tools that are not scientifically proven, if not harmful, and which can be an accompaniment or a comfort, provided that they do not remove the patient from the care of official medicine.» On top of everything there is article 5 of the Code of medical ethics which leaves the doctor autonomy in the exercise of his activity and his conscience to make one choice rather than another, without being subject to conditioning of another nature, explains Giustetto. Therefore, preventively suspending doctors who use unscientific practices is not possible, since doctors can use these practices in the sense

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which I explained - but it is only by analyzing the individual case that one can decide whether this practice was harmful or not for the patient.

But what is the dividing line between the doctor's freedom to choose the most appropriate treatments and the protection of the patient/citizen? And how can the Order intervene? «The dividing line essentially lies in articles 13 and 15 of our Code» replies Giustetto. The first article obliges the doctor not to adopt or disseminate diagnostic or therapeutic practices for which there is no scientific and clinical documentation - which can be evaluated by the professional community and the competent authority - or secret therapies. As in the case of the Hamerian theories, where in over thirty years no doctor has ever written any scientific article in support of these theses. The second article leaves the doctor free to choose to adopt unconventional diagnoses and treatments, under his direct responsibility, always respecting the decorum and dignity of the profession. But "the doctor must not remove the patient from scientifically based and proven effective treatments" underlines Giustetto, calling on the doctor to control the quality of his professional training and to provide detailed information for the acquisition of consent.

Yet, if the New German Medicine was already known to the Order at the provincial level, what was done to limit its spread? Wouldn't it be appropriate to carry out information campaigns aimed at the population? «Health workers who had used these treatment systems have been sanctioned several times» is Giustetto's response, «and as institutional practice, when there is a sanction the competent judicial authority is notified.» But the key point is the topic of information: It is in fact important to spread good communication to the population, especially in a cultural context in which access to information is, paradoxically, simpler but more risky.

And it is no coincidence that the Hamerians gather thousands of votes on the internet. Giustetto concludes:

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On this specific topic, the messages that are spread are often very confusing because different levels of communication are intertwined, ranging from sensationalism to conspiracy theory with the objective difficulty of explaining clearly what we are talking about. And it is indisputable that science struggles to explain itself in simple words to the general public, and to the media themselves; for this reason the mechanisms of incorrect, if not even manipulated, information take root well where the message is ambiguous, suggestive and apparently "warmer". Our role is to try to reconstruct the parameters of good communication based on scientific data and more attentive to the relational needs of citizens by reconstructing a new

«listening lexicon».

A false therapeutic alliance «Marina was a determined and strong woman, who dedicated her life to the weakest» recalls her brother Rudy. But when she needed help, her friends turned a deaf ear. Indeed, knowing her strength they settled into compliance, helping her in her isolation, protecting her not from evil but from good. Ignoring, in the end, even his pain and his doubts. Her fragility was the wound through which the virus of ignorance and bad faith crept in, killing her. Not with the tumor, but with the words, the illusions of the hucksters and the silence of many.

Marina, in her emails, often complains about how scientific medicine doctors treated her with harshness and lack of empathy. «It is our duty as doctors to listen to the patient as well as “investigate” him» explains Rudy, who underlines: The psychological approach of these sects works well in the sick, often terminally ill. And it is this protective, non-invasive, non-surgical environment that bewitches the sick; a few homeopathic drops and pseudo-therapeutic sessions, seasoned with faith, are always successful towards chemotherapy or surgery.

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«Marina, although strong in life, was fragile in illness» repeats her brother. «And despite his strong will to live, he fought by choosing the wrong weapon, believing in a doctor-friend – the worst possible combination, both a figure of responsibility and knowledge as well as the best possible advisor. And this is often seen in many cases: the therapist becomes a friend before operating.» «The doctor and the patient are figures who interact for the common good – health» explains Rudy «but regardless of the friendship relationship which, if it were to arise, must remain extraneous to the treatment. It is by exploiting this short circuit that the "Hamerians" steal the good faith of the people they follow, convincing them that a theory devoid of any scientific value can cure their illness." And it is to try to make others, fragile, understand that there is only one medicine, for which every day millions of people - doctors, biologists, pharmacists, biotechnologists and every other interested specialty, and nurses, porters, ambulance drivers and who knows how many others still - fight and study possible treatments to defeat, in one word, the disease, which I wanted to give this painful testimony to. There are no alternative medicines, at most we can consider some practices as complementary, but medicine is ONE and UNIQUE, and every doctor has the ethical duty to practice it and the patient to trust in it. If only one of the fragile people had listened to me and understood, then all this would not have been in vain.

Now it will be the responsibility of the judiciary to establish whether Marina was in some way plagiarized in the coils of the reassuring, but deadly, Germanic New Medicine. Once again, there remains the bitterness for a broken life that could have been saved with a simple, banal intervention made at the time. A life that burned with passion, that wanted to be lived – for herself and for her daughter, now left alone. A little girl who «as always, demonstrates her sixth sense and these days doesn't give up on me» writes Marina on 5 April 2014, a few days after the operation with which she removed the mole, in one of her emails to Durando. And he adds: She's back in her bed, she wants to do things with me. I am moved by his love, his sensitivity and I am moved when I think that I want to feel good because I want to

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enjoy life with her. I'm afraid of doing these tests but I keep telling myself that everything will be fine, that on Friday I will celebrate my birthday with a nice toast and then I will leave for a nice holiday in Portugal with ... [my daughter] and many other friends because life is beautiful and because I want to live it fully, with joy and in harmony with people that surround me. Thanks for everything, see you soon.


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«Leukemia is regeneration»

With Marina's case, Italian newspapers begin to talk about Hamer and his theories again. But it was at the beginning of September 2016 that a real media case broke out in Italy, after the death from leukemia of a girl who had just turned 18 and of a 34-year-old woman, wife and mother of two children, with a breast cancer. Both had been "treated" with the New German Medicine. Eleonora Bottaro is a young and beautiful student at the Duca degli Abruzzi agricultural institute in Padua, where she moved after two years of high school. She is just 17 years old, has great vitality and loves nature very much, as the viceprincipal of the institute says: «A girl who knew exactly what she wanted to do, 1 where she wanted to go». But all this young vitality crumbles at Christmas 2015. Eleonora has some 2 discomfort. He goes to hospital. She was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the most frequent in childhood: an aggressive tumor, but with at least an 80 percent chance of recovery if treated with chemotherapy. 3

«Free Press» It is a hard blow for the entire Bottaro family. His father Lino, a photographer in Conselve, in the province of Padua, opened a blog called «Free Press» in November 2008 to spread «what the regime press doesn't say». In particular, Bottaro collects and disseminates hundreds of posts on

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the earthquakes induced everywhere in Italy, the chemical sprayings composed of nanoparticles of heavy metals and polymers carried out by hundreds of bombers that operate above our heads every day [he speaks of the so-called "chemtrails"], the disabling and deadly vaccines... the farce of the criminal press coming all from one single global source.

For this reason, some newspapers mistakenly define him as a "journalist". It is above all against "official" medicine that Bottaro lashes out, and in particular against chemo, with deadly contraindications printed on the leaflet, given to patients under torture in hospitals. 4

The same chemo that now, in January 2016, could save his daughter with a very high degree of probability. But Bottaro is known for being a staunch follower, among many, of Hamer, to whom he dedicates dozens of posts. Not only that: in 2010 he claimed to have proof that the New Germanic Medicine works, thanks to the experience of his son Luca, for whom he allegedly "cured" twelve cavities just by whispering "I love you". 5 Luca fails at school, perhaps also because «he hangs out with slightly foolish friends. Then I make a mistake and I get angry and I face it with malice" writes the father. During a visit to the dentist, Luca discovers that he has "a dozen cavities in his teeth". Bottaro forces him to pay more attention to his teeth. Shortly afterwards the young man also developed warts on his hands. They return to the dentist, but the situation has not improved at all, on the contrary: now there are as many as fourteen new cavities. Lino Bottaro can't believe it. I met a person who practiced New German Medicine and I explained the case to him. He told me that my son's cavities were nothing more than his inability to bite me, which even the warts were confirmation of this and of the fact that he had been forced to the hands, blocks, sticks. ... I remember him telling me: «Tell him at least once a day that you love him regardless of what he does or will be». ... I did what this person suggested. I had already read Hamer's book and therefore followed the recommendations with confidence.

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After just over a month of this "therapy", Bottaro claims, the warts disappear. And not only those: I go to the dentist and he exclaims: "It's not possible!". I almost fainted, I was expecting bad news and instead the doctor told me that it was an incredible thing: not only was there no cavity, but even those small cavities that he had treated had healed and had regressed. If you want proof, I'll give it to you: the dentist at the time was Dr. Giacomo Snichelotto, a professional from Rovigo.

A miracle, practically. So much so that Mr. Bottaro admits that today, years later, no one in my family even receives the advice to brush their teeth. Nobody has cavities anymore and we eat everything. My daughter [Eleonora], who is now 6 12 years old, doesn't know what tooth decay is!

Yet the data, once again, tells a different story. «I remember checking the file of Mr. Bottaro's son but the cavities were less than half» writes Dr. Snichelotto in response to an email from me, in which I asked him 7 «I was unable for explanations about the episode. to experience the miracle of the spontaneous remission of the cavities because I no longer saw and checked the boy.» In short, there was no "regression" of cavities thanks to the Hamerian "therapy" of "I love you". And the cavities weren't that many at all. Snichelotto never made those statements: in fact, Luca never saw him again. 8 Since March 2014 Bottaro has no longer been active on his site, currently "offline". He claims that some hacker entered his blog and modified the articles: a conspiracy against him because "people were looking here, finding answers and this is not good". 9

A tragic holiday The choice to abandon Stampa Libera is not only the result of the alleged attack by some unspecified "strong power", but has a much deeper and more dramatic root.

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It is February 17, 2013. Luca has been collaborating with his father for some time now, following him in his photography activity in Bagnoli di Sopra, in He is province of Padua. 10 22 years old. He's an athletic, fit guy. A hero from the local. Almost a year earlier, while he was at home, he had witnessed a terrible accident: a car had ended up in a canal, with five people on board. Luca had not hesitated to dive, risking his own life, to save those five people. Fight, fight in every way to free them. But unfortunately he can't. 11

That Saturday morning he leaves the laboratory for one of his usual, welldeserved trips to the mountains with friends in Fondo Piccolo, in Trentino. It's an ideal day: the slopes are perfectly covered in snow, the sun reflects between the snow and the trees. «Bott», as his friends call him, is happy. He recently opened his own studio. Perhaps he thinks about it with pride as he goes up the Cengio Rosso chairlift and jokes with his friends. He's happy. He laughs, a lot, as he often does. He makes some jokes. It is almost at the top of the hill. He glimpses the cabin. He rests his feet on the ground. And then it turns off. Suddenly he stops talking. He collapses to the ground, in an instant, as if someone had turned off a switch somewhere. It's not a joke: Luca no longer speaks, he no longer moves. In an instant his friends, the chairlift operators, are upon him. Everyone tries to understand what happened, to help him. Rescue services begin immediately. The first to arrive are some policemen, then the helicopter that will take him to the nearest hospital, the Santa Chiara hospital in Trento. In flight, he is intubated. We try to restart that young, strong, generous heart with the defibrillator. But Luca doesn't answer. And he won't answer anymore. The cause of death was apparently an aneurysm.

The shock and fear of chemo is obviously a very profound shock for the Bottaro family. Eleonora is 14 and a half years old when she has to face all this pain. And soon after, another one lives: a classmate of hers suffering from cancer, with whom she also shared the scout group, dies after undergoing chemotherapy. 12

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In February 2016, Eleonora continues to feel unwell. She was admitted to the pediatric oncohematology department of the University of Padua hospital on the 12th of the month. The same one where her friend died three years earlier. On February 14th the definitive diagnosis arrived: he had leukemia and would have to undergo chemo to recover. Refuse. Sara, a class friend of hers, states in the 20 September 2016 episode of «Porta a Porta»: She said she didn't want to be treated with chemotherapy, with traditional medicine... He considered chemotherapy a poison.

Eleonora is a minor and the consent of her parents, Lino and Rita, is required to start the treatment. However, they are firmly opposed. «I tried to convince the parents above all, I also talked about it with Eleonora» explains Giuseppe Basso, the head doctor of the department, in the same broadcast. «I showed the parents what we call “survival curves”, that is, what has changed from the 1950s to today... Today almost everyone recovers, over 80 percent recover.» But nothing seems to move the Bottaro family, convinced - it seems - that Eleonora's leukemia was attributable to the shock of her brother's death: in Hamerian terms, the "conflict", probably "of devaluation", which would have triggered the tumor. The report of the hospital's Ethics Committee would also confirm this: «From the age of 11, Eleonora was conditioned by the family's adherence to Hamer's theories and then experienced the serious trauma of her brother's sudden death». The situation described by the Committee speaks of a little girl immature from a psychological point of view and heavily conditioned by her parents. Furthermore, he does not seem to be fully aware of the seriousness of the pathology and the urgency of intervening with adequate therapy. It should be considered that on no occasion was it possible for doctors and other professionals to carry out an interview only with the girl. The parents are always present and reiterate the importance of Eleonora sticking to the lifestyle chosen by the family, based on the rejection of technology... and official science.

Eleonora is not stupid, on the contrary. But "he seems to deny the disease" they write in the document.

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In a recent interview he told doctors that he considered himself "convalescent", a statement only explained in light of Hamer's aforementioned theories, according to which cancer is the emergence and resolution of a deeper problem in the psyche 13 of the individual.

«It's false» thunders Gian Mario Balduin, lawyer for the Bottaro family «and that's it we reserve the right to proceed against the Ethics Committee. ... The choice not to continue chemotherapy treatments was a choice firmly supported by Eleonora.» A choice, the Committee wrote, based on Hamer's theories, on the belief that she was "convalescent" rather than seriously ill and without anyone being able to speak to her alone. The doctors decide to intervene. With chemo, Eleonora would have more than an 80 percent chance of recovery. Without it, that leukemia "is a fatal disease - because this is the reality: 100 percent die if they don't get treatment" Professor Basso had told the family, also showing them a calendar with photos of some patients who had recovered after scientific treatments. «Eleonora could absolutely have been among these. Eleonora had to be among them, because after all her illness is a curable illness.» But the family doesn't budge. Parents do not sign informed consent for their minor daughter. And so a complaint is filed with the Juvenile Court, to remove their parental responsibility and subject Eleonora to the treatment that could easily save her. A tragic story already seen in the case of Olivia Pilhar. Eleonora writes a passionate letter to the court: «Based on my knowledge and personal experiences, more people have died after chemotherapy than are alive today» she claims. And he accuses: «Up until now everything has always been decided against my will». «Today medicine is very technical» clarifies Salvo Di Grazia, doctor and author of the book Health and lies.


Our grandparents' doctor - who was a counselor, a confessor, a family friend - has been replaced by highly trained professionals who base much of their profession on technical, laboratory data and test results. This, while on the one hand allowing for more precise and less "paternalistic" medicine, has led to the loss of much of the human relationship and dialogue that were qualities of the doctor of other times.

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Obviously there is no comparison between the knowledge of today's doctors with that of post-war doctors, but it is true that losing a large part of the doctor-patient relationship is a problem. However, it is fair to underline that a lot is also linked to the personal character and communication skills of each doctor.

The escape to Switzerland

The fax with the Court injunction, ordering the hospital to keep the girl under close medical observation, arrived at 12.30 on February 26th. 15 But it's too late: just over an hour before, Eleonora's parents, together with her uncle - a Carabinieri officer, some say in uniform - and their lawyer enter her room and get them to sign the voluntary resignation form. They leave the hospital, away from those treatments that with a very high probability could have saved her. Who knows what would have changed if that fax had arrived just two hours earlier. A few days later, the Court revoked the family's parental rights. Eleonora is entrusted to a guardian, Paolo Benciolini, doctor and full professor of forensic medicine at the law faculty of the University of Padua, as well as an expert in the ethical relationships between doctor and patient. A long, difficult mediation begins. The girl, now almost an adult, is allowed to go to the pediatric hemato-oncology department of the San Giovanni hospital in Bellinzona, Switzerland. «At our service we follow the same treatment protocols as the Italian centers linked to the Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology» Pierluigi Brazzola, a doctor specialized in hemato-oncology and head of the pediatrics service at that hospital, explains to the «Giornale». «Unfortunately, Eleonora also refused to follow those protocols that would have offered her a very good chance of recovery.» The doctor doesn't want to hear about Hamer or megadoses of vitamin C: The only therapy that allowed us to administer were doses of cortisone, which is an integral part of the classic therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia and which already the colleagues from Padua had begun.


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It's March. Leukemia continues to make its way into Eleonora's body, and she is still "firmly convinced that she can heal on her own" explains the doctor. Resolving his conflict by taking only cortisone. As Hamer prescribes, exactly. And the response to cortisone is excellent. Blood values stabilize. The patient feels better and perhaps goes to the Paracelsus clinic in Castaneda, also in Switzerland. But she's not cured at all. In fact, cortisone «is part of the international protocols for the treatment of this disease, highly effective in fighting leukemic cells» Dr. Andrea Biondi, member of the Scientific Committee of the Veronesi Foundation and director of the pediatric clinic of the Veronesi Foundation, explains to the «Huffington Post». Bicocca University. Biondi explains: Thanks to cortisone, the leukemic cells disappear in the peripheral blood and marrow, although not completely. But cortisone alone does not cure this disease, because all the leukemia cells must be eradicated: leukemia is eradicated definitively only with chemotherapy.


Chemo that Eleonora and her family continue to refuse. Indeed, now that she feels better she is convinced that she is on the right path, she thinks that this is proof that Hamer's theories work. «I feel like I'm better. I don't want to have chemotherapy" she confides to her friend Sara. "I want to decide about my life, I want to decide about myself, I don't want doctors to decide for me." But it's just a flash in the pan. Dr. Brazzola explains: After a month of high-dose cortisone, we had to decrease the doses and then stop it. Unfortunately, despite all the attempts to convince her, Eleonora never wanted to continue with the proposed therapies and her parents supported her in this decision, above all justifying the refusal because they were convinced that chemotherapy could have killed her. Unfortunately it was not possible to find a dialogue, given the positions rooted.

Eleonora returns home, where "it seemed that after treatment in Switzerland she had recovered" claims the family's lawyer. But leukemia is always there. In June, a first "relapse". 18 He returns to Switzerland, where he undergoes the same doses of cortisone again, in the same clinic. Again, it seems

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feel better. But the disease continues to advance, unavoidable. At the end of July the situation worsened. On August 14th Eleonora becomes an adult. But there is very little to celebrate. He only accepts vitamin and cortisone injections. He is weak, increasingly weaker, but he wants to go all the way. Who knows if she is still convinced that she can "get well on her own" as she told the doctors in Switzerland? But Eleonora does not recover. He died on August 29th at the civil hospital in Schiavonia, passing away without any strength left.

«My daughter died from stress» For her father Lino Bottaro, Eleonora died due to "the pressure exerted by the court and the doctors, the anathemas they hurled against her" as he claims in an interview with the 19 "Corriere del Veneto".

They pestered her, bored her, she was raped by those "experts" who gave her no respite. Everyone wanted to put their hands on her because she wanted to escape theirs treatment methods.

Methods which, however, could have saved her with very high percentages of probability. Data denied by the father: «Chemo, in people of his age, has a very high failure rate» is his opinion. Bottaro states that "Hamer's theories have nothing to do" with his daughter's death, but continues to support "the biological laws by which we get sick". He says he "does not disagree" with the thesis according to which "cancer is due to psychological factors, which have nothing to do directly with our organism", and reiterates his comment according to which "our body is perfect, and if promotes a tumor is only to give it an increase in function."

And he concludes, referring to his daughter's case: Leukemia is regeneration. It is a phase of new life: whoever overcomes it becomes a new man, whoever does not overcome it dies.

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Blaming, once again, those who die. «This girl did not die from leukemia, but because she was prevented 20 from completing the healing process» echoes the actress Eleonora Brigliadori. What prevented this was "the media attack that followed a satanic operation... She would have been healed through spiritual ways". And he tells his parents «to have faith beyond the threshold of death because Eleonora will return mounted with buckshot. She probably had to leave this body because her higher self wanted to live with her brother." In May, while Eleonora Bottaro was still alive and convinced of following Hamer's theories, a few kilometers away Brigliadori held a "conference" on New German Medicine, crowded with about 900 people, together with 21 Marco Pfister and Doctor Matteo Penzo. Now Dr. Penzo and other doctors have been summoned by their provincial orders to have "explanations and clarifications". After years of inactivity on the Hamerian question, the national medical order - following the media wave created by the latest tragic stories - invited the presidents of the regional orders to summon all colleagues who behave in this way, but also those who publicly make harsh statements, saying for example that vaccinations are not necessary or that the Hamer method works

said Maurizio Scassola, national vice-president of the Order of doctors. Which is pressing:

Criminal profiles could also be outlined. We therefore invite the orders to make reports to the Public Prosecutor's Office, if they deem it necessary. Let this be a warning message to everyone: the profession is tired of having these characters in its midst. 22

Eleonora's story is unfortunately "yet another case of anti-science" stated the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, in an interview with Radio 24: If you refer to scientific evidence, you can't go wrong. If you rely on self-styled gurus or social media, you enter a dimension where unfortunately the result is visible:

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not only is there no scientific value regarding a pathology that could have been treated and cured, but unfortunately it leads to death. And this is an extreme case.

The Padua Prosecutor's Office would have opened a fact-finding file to ascertain any criminal liability. During the homily for Eleonora, the parish priest Don Angelo Tinello had lashed out against "the mean things written by the newspapers and said by many people". Addressing his parents, he absolved them: "You did everything to ensure that Eleonora recovered." 23 The alleged "bad things" were only the data that showed how that tumor "was not only curable, but the possibility of success was very high" explains Dr. Andrea Biondi. «Only that healing can only be done with certified protocols, developed on the basis of proven scientific results. Certainly not through adhering to bizarre theories." And he concludes:

Eleonora's parents are experiencing a big drama, we must not forget it. But I hope that these parents may never realize what they have done really.


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For an informed choice

When, in 2006, I came across Hamer's theories on Beppe Grillo's MeetUp (a virtual place where we exchanged opinions on any topic), I was very intrigued. What's more: I was completely fascinated. The stories of alleged healings told on that forum were stories of extreme hope, of great passion, of fighting against all odds. Of physical and internal rebirth. The classic pattern of every story that fascinates us: the solitary hero who fights against an unjust system made up of doctors who want to "shred", cold, who want to force him to make choices that are not his, even who try to kill him. And all these stories ended, inevitably, with a happy ending. I started asking some questions. As a journalist, I know well that verifying sources is one of the main aspects of our job. And the answers were, promptly: "Read, study." Or: «But why don't you trust me? Do you question what I say?". There were and there are people who self-diagnose their child as having 1 leukemia, who let his child's fever rise for three weeks, while he also has "pain in his legs, in his bones in general, impressive exhaustion, enormous paleness", and they "cure" him with delicious food and cuddles, because the "conflict" caused by his English teacher is to blame. Moreover, Hamer himself specifies that «the future doctors of the New Medicine are friendly shepherds of souls, intelligent and expert observers of the event, who reassure patients, so that Mother Nature can do her work». 2

The problem is that in that forum we talked about serious illnesses, often tumors. And sick people were encouraged to follow the example of "cases" with blurred contours. Without objective confirmation, without a name, without even the slightest element that could give substance to these anecdotes, which nevertheless gave so much hope to the sick. Patients who then met in "study groups" in

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all over Italy to discuss their illnesses in light of these theories. And then a whole round of conferences, "therapists", consultants, books. All for a fee, of course. Even Hamer's personal story told in Italy followed that of the hero opposed by the "system", of the good man who fights against evil. And so he had not fled Germany to avoid paying some debts, as indicated in the sentences: he had gone to Rome because he wanted to treat the poor for free. He had not been imprisoned several times for complicity in the failure to help a person in danger, fraud and other crimes related to the death of his patients: it was the "system", once again, that put him in prison because he did not want to "recant » his New German Medicine. Yet Hamer's sentences were known in Europe. All the major European newspapers had written about it, documents in hand. But not in Italy, where these stories continued to be given credence.

A dramatic fear of the unknown "Thanks to Hamer I'm no longer afraid" the members of the ALBA association wrote on their t-shirts a few years ago. And in fact it is on fear, on the emotional side that the Hamerians' game is played. The fact of knowing that, finally, there is a consequential and precise process leads us to the greatest achievement: the elimination of the fear of the unknown. An aside is in order: perhaps Hamer is scary precisely because he takes away fear


writes Claudio Trupiano, who was indeed one of the major exponents of ALBA. As in the case of Eleonora Bottaro, convinced that she is on the road to "healing" from her conflict. Fearless. Those who follow these theories feel that they control their disease. Indeed, he rejects it as such: it would be a "process" to which he manages to give a simple, apparently logical explanation. Far from the complexity of doctors' words, far from those speeches which mention a sometimes harsh therapy, with even serious side effects, and which perhaps could cure. Anything is preferable to this uncertainty.

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And Hamer, in fact, presents himself as the absolute certainty, or almost. It is no coincidence that he studied theology as well as medicine: he talks about "laws" that can be "verified" firsthand. As he himself writes, it is very important to always tell ourselves that the special, biological and sensible program is indeed a sensible and not "bad" fact, not even in the case of cancer, and that even with cancer people survive in 95-98 percent of cases! With these chances of survival 4 the feeling of panic is no longer communicated!

But even if they present themselves with the good and do-good face of a friend, to "sell" their product, Hamer and the Hamerians must leverage an opposite, mirror-image fear: that of doctors and scientific therapies. Hamer still maintains: The primary oncology doctors ask for themselves and their relatives to be treated with New Medicine therapies, to benefit from a 95-98 percent chance of survival... instead of allowing themselves to be killed with a probability of 95 to 98 percent from the chemo they themselves advertised.


At this point it would be interesting to ask those who advocate these theories where they get this data from. Because this is the fundamental point: science continues in small, cautious steps by publishing experiments in scientific journals, experiments that can be analyzed down to the smallest detail by other scientists, replicated, verified and possibly accepted or refuted. Hamer and his followers have never published any scientific studies, limiting themselves to the much more profitable business of selling books and organizing conferences. Obviously, the solution to this dilemma is within reach: they say they are "opposed by the system", in the usual scheme of the global conspiracy, functional to closing the ranks of their followers. This is why their "request for verification" of Hamer's theories to the Ministry of Health "does not make any sense. Are we kidding, maybe? It is not up to a ministry or a parliament to establish whether a theory is scientifically founded or not" explains Gilberto Corbellini, full professor of history of medicine and professor of bioethics at the University of Rome. And he continues:

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Scientific theories are corroborated through the spontaneous activity of the scientific community and the validation of results published in peer-reviewed journals. In other words, experimental data must be produced and published in journals where the results and the theory that explains them are evaluated by competent scientists in the field. The request is only the clumsy and insidious attempt to move the validation of a theory or practice to the political level - as was also the case with the "cure of And these are Pretty". ...

things that only happen in totalitarian political systems.

Naturally these requests are the consequence of the fact that pseudoscientific theories are often defended by calling into question non-existent conspiracies against those who propose them. The Hamerians are particularly sick of conspiracy theories, that is, affected by paranoia about alleged conspiracies between economic and institutional powers to force the sick to be treated with official therapies and to prevent the spread of their ridiculous and dangerous practices.

The bogeyman of medicine Functional to the fear of "official medicine", which serves to attract "customers", it is also a deliberately incorrect reading of scientific reality. Trupiano also writes: Try asking any oncologist whether, in the face of so many millions of confirmed metastases, a traveling cancer cell has ever been found in a blood sample. arterial blood. She was never found!


But it is false, as Filippo Belardelli – who has just left his position as director of the department of hematology, oncology and molecular medicine at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità due to retirement – wrote in a 2012 interview: Currently accepted by the vast majority of the scientific community, the theory on the metastatic propagation of cancer maintains that metastases originate from cells of the primary tumor that have abandoned the organ of origin, colonizing other organs. To do this, the tumor cell must enter the bloodstream and, thanks to it, migrate to sites even distant from the original one. To such cells it was

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given the name «circulating tumor cells», the existence of which has been widely known demonstrated.

This is not a simple theory: during the last decade «sophisticated techniques have been developed not only for their identification, but also for their capture» continues Belardelli. An example is given by the cell search system, which "manages to count in a small sample of blood taken from cancer patients whether and how many tumor cells are present in the sample". A test which, as has been demonstrated in controlled clinical studies,

It has a prognostic and predictive validity of response to treatment for breast cancer, Other studies have shown

colon cancer and prostate cancer. ...

that the number of circulating tumor cells at diagnosis, as well as their temporal progression during a treatment - such as chemotherapy - is able to identify patients with better or worse prognosis.


Marco Pfister also launches into his own reading of the medical-scientific data: «Chemo has a supposed success rate of 2.25 percent» he stated in an interview «and 97 percent of medicines are of no use». 8 "It's a hoax" explains Dr. Salvo Di Grazia. And he specifies: It is among the most classic statements of charlatans on the internet, repeated obsessively. The origin of this nonsense dates back to the publication of a study - of an economic, not medical nature - which tried to understand how much chemotherapy alone (therefore without surgery, radiotherapy and other types of treatments) contributed to survival from various types of cancer. This is to understand whether or not it would be worth investing in related scientific research. In fact, the scholars underline right at the beginning of the study that survival from cancer is around 60 percent five years after diagnosis, and not 2 percent. In reality things are more complicated.

Di Grazia explains: There are tumors - such as some leukemias - which have a very high survival rate, around 90 percent; others - such as that of the pancreas - very low, around 2 percent; For

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this, taking a general average makes little sense. The authors, given that their study only aimed to understand the economic convenience of chemo and did not have to judge its effects, made a simple calculation, a mathematical average: they took the various survivals from the various types of cancer and divided them by the number of tumors taken in examination.

Some tumors that respond very well to chemo were excluded - such as leukemia because they do not require surgery, and tumors that do not require chemo as a cure were instead considered - for example stomach cancer, which requires it only in very few cases. In the end the average is about 2 percent. This does not mean that chemotherapy cures 2 people out of 100 (cancers cannot be cured with chemo alone), but that if all other types of treatments were removed and all tumors were considered, the contribution of chemo to recovery would be very low, in general , so it would not be worth spending money to study it further. The study, also quite criticized because it is a little superficial, is exploited by charlatans to shoot chemo to zero, but it is an incorrect behavior that highlights bad faith or, at best, profound ignorance. Tumors are treated differently, and if there is a cure it is already provided in any hospital in the world. Suffice it to say that blood cancers, which certainly cannot be treated with an operation, have, thanks to chemo, a good survival rate.

Pfister also maintains that today's scientific medicine "is based on belief and simple observation, so all it takes is for a baron to talk about metastasis and everyone believes in metastasis." But there is no need to "believe" in metastases: "Today, finally, by reading the genetic code (DNA), we are beginning to understand how the evolution of living beings works" explains Enrico Avvedimento, professor of general pathology at the Federico II University of Naples, where he is also coordinator of the doctoral school in molecular medicine. And goes on: The code is always the same DNA of 4 letters that are "assembled" in various combinations. The variations of these sets determine evolution. ...When DNA breaks it can be repaired and generate new functions – a good thing, because it promotes diversity – but if it breaks too much it puts the transmission of genes to children at risk, and then it is better to get rid of the individual with the broken DNA . In fact, cancer arises when the

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DNA breaks too much, and then cells emerge that grow and immortalize themselves, killing the individual who contains them. Metastases are immortal cells that spread throughout the individual's body. Now we know which genes control immortality: the genes that repair DNA. In fact, genetic diseases in which the repair genes of the

DNA lead to premature aging and cancer. The tumor is a compromise between old age and immortality. ...

Tumors increase with age and represent a major evolutionary success.

There are no animals that do not have tumors. Species where they are not found, they are species that live only a short time and as such individuals die before developing the tumor. In fact, 50 years ago there were few tumors because individuals died young.

Hamerians often rail against the "hypotheses and statistics" of scientific medicine. «The science that studies the frequency and behavior of diseases in populations is called epidemiology, and has its own very complex methodology» specifies Giuseppe Remuzzi, professor of nephrology in the biomedical and clinical sciences department of the University of Milan, as well as member , among his other activities, on the editorial board of the journals «The Lancet» and «New England Journal of Medicine». It is certainly possible that the data are collected incorrectly from a methodological point of view for more or less noble purposes. However, in developed countries, like ours, there are independent agencies that collect data on the frequency of diseases, including cancer, and carry out very reliable research.

But why do we often talk about "5-year survival" for tumors? «Statistics usually report data not only at 5 years, but also at longer intervals» clarifies Remuzzi. And he concludes: As for healing, in malignant tumors it is always difficult to absolutely declare the healing of a tumor disease. But statistics teach us that after a certain number of years, which can vary from tumor to tumor, the probability of getting sick again is the same as that of someone who has never been sick.

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An impossible integration After the fragmentation of the Hamerians in Italy, following the judicial proceedings and the internal struggles within the ALBA group, Hamer's followers have decidedly changed their strategy, trying to accredit themselves as "integrative medicine" to scientific treatments. And for this reason they are, today, more dangerous than ever. «Ours is not a therapy, but a diagnostic method that explains to the patient why he had that disease, why it arose in a certain area of the body» explains Simona Cella, Pfister's ex-partner, in an interview. “It does not mean denying traditional care or rejecting medications and surgeries 9 in the healing process.” The clash over Hamerian theories intended as diagnostics - and no longer as therapy - is at the basis of the clash between Hamer himself and Pfister and his association. As we have already recalled, in March 2007 Hamer wrote: When ALBA was founded , Marco Pfister told me, answering my question about what the abbreviation meant, that: «The application of the Biological Laws of Nature meant therapy». However, this was a clear lie, because he was, as we now see, alone intended for diagnostic application.


Yet, Pfister and everyone else continues to spread Hamer's theories. Theories which, as the former German doctor explains in the same letter, specify that everything that we once called an illness, and we believed we could heal with medicines, that is, that we had to treat them, were in reality 90-95 percent phases of the healing process... Wanting to disturb this optimally functioning mechanism ordering the body with chemo or medicines was the madness of the sorcerer's apprentices, that is, of traditional doctors.

As in the case of Eleonora Bottaro, convinced - following precisely these theories - that her leukemia was a "healing process" not to be fought "with chemo or medicines". And like her, many others.

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Pfister specifies: If a person has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy, we tell him to choose 11 between chemo and our path of understanding.

In short, they "only" limit themselves to spreading Hamer's theories, according to which chemo kills 98 percent, while with Hamer the cure is 98 percent. If, consequently, a person suffering from leukemia decides to listen to the German New Medicine and not treat themselves with chemo, they do not feel responsible at all. In short, they don't shoot you: they put the gun in your hand with which to do it you will do it yourself. And they call it "choice".

Misinformation In addition to the bugaboo of "official" medicine, a fundamental component for the success of the Hamerians in Italy is the widespread diffusion of their ideas on the internet. They say they are "persecuted" by the media and the powers that be, but until the appearance of my investigation there was no critical voice on the web that refuted their theories. Indeed, there are groups of dozens and hundreds of blogs that repeat and of thousands of people on Facebook amplify


the dictates of the German New Medicine and Hamer's hagiography. «The people who follow these theories are not stupid at all» clarifies Walter Quattrociocchi, coordinator of the Computational social science laboratory at the IMT - Alti Studi of Lucca, and an expert in social dynamics. «They are people who in some way have fears that “official” medicine is unable to take away. We are all much more emotional than we think." Quattrociocchi, who has just published Misinformation. Guide to the society of 13

information and credulity, explains how Hamer's is fundamentally an "almost religious thought",

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where there are events that cause anxiety, a series of ghosts, mechanisms that are not understood but are suffered. Which need an explanation, a way out. Alternative narratives therefore emerge – generally no longer simplified, but more tending towards a narrative approach.

Hamerian theories are based on the principle of exfalse quodlibet , that is, any argument can be derived from a false premise. Quattrociocchi explains:

In Hamer's case we have an unverified premise, from which any narrative can be constructed. Hamer provides hope to all those who have lost hope. The enormous problem is that when we are desperate we enter into "delirium": and the moment we counteract "delirium" with rational arguments, we simply make it structure - that is, it takes root.

So how can we provide correct, scientific information to those who believe blindly to the German New Medicine? Quattrociocchi explains: The presentation of information by contrast, saying «you don't understand», creates a gap between the needs of the person in front of us and his «confirmation bias», the confirmation bias: essentially, that person acquires only the information that I support what he wants to be true. And it is a powerful prejudice, probably much broader than what has been believed up to now. It is what leads to interpreting memories too, in order to eliminate all those that are not functional to the belief system one has.

The experiments conducted by Quattrociocchi and his team show that those who have chosen a narrative - like Hamer's - will continue to receive all the information that supports it, even if this is accompanied by other completely senseless information. On the contrary, arguing that "Hamer could be wrong" is not accepted in the slightest. And it's not even a question of how communication is structured. In fact, Quattrociocchi continues,

from an experimental point of view, we are trying to see how information delivery with different psychological traits – greater empathy, greater

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involvement, greater openness – increase or decrease the level of penetration. But I'm rather skeptical, the results are quite clear from the first one experiment: there is no listening, it is not a problem of how the narrative is structured.

It is a complex problem that concerns the relationship between science and society. Quattrociocchi continues: The scientific process has somehow become autonomous. It doesn't wait to be digested by the social process: it evolves and moves forward. Obviously, it presents ethical problems that have significantly changed reality: anyone in the Middle Ages who said he was capable of cloning a human being would have been burned alive, because in some way he had replaced God. Today, the perception of humanity's power is beginning to have divine and thaumaturgical aspirations in some way: the problem is that this mechanism is often random, contradictory. Science has killed God, but it cannot replace him. That need remains, and it is a psychological, foundational need: we need a causal explanation. But in science the explanation of complexity is not given. People are looking for answers, and those answers aren't coming. And often, in addition to being cold, they leave you with doubts. On the contrary, it is easier to believe in a miracle than in an incomplete truth.

In these conditions dialogue is difficult, if not impossible. The speech it polarizes on absolute positions because there is identification by contrast: if there is someone who is against you it means that there is someone who is with you – who will serve to persuade you that you are right, and therefore in some way belong to a group. And belonging alleviates control anxiety.

It takes away the fear.

Yet, many Hamerians make choices about their health based on incorrect or at least incomplete information. Isn't it therefore essential that these people have all the elements to be able to make such a crucial choice? Quattrociocchi explains with a play on words:

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They make the choice upstream on what they believe is sufficient to make this happen choice ... And the freedom to choose what to believe is also sacrosanct.

Well, I hope with this book - the proceeds of which will partly go to charity in favor of organizations that deal with cancer research and support for cancer patients - to have managed to provide some more (and documented) ideas for carrying out that choice.

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The five biological laws

The cultural context Hamer's theory is based on a "program" with "Biological Sense" prepared by "Nature". It is easy to identify in this formulation the foundations of deep ecology, a current that "essentially proposes a recovery of the pre-scientific vision of nature and inevitably assumes anti-scientific attitudes, reaching a sort of sacralization of nature". 1 It is no coincidence that while in Germany the New Medicine is widely followed by the far right for its anti-Semitic contents, in Italy the phenomenon is instead widespread in the various New Age underworld. An example for everyone is that of Eleonora Brigliadori, who already on 3 December 2003, from the screens of the program «L'Italia sul 2», stated that she «had cured a fibroid by fasting for six days», that she had wanted to «cannibalize herself and that generic medicine is not valid because it does not take the soul into account. In fact, it is the soul that consumes the greatest 2 calories." quantity of The hosts decided to close the microphone to her. Brigliadori returned to office in March 2007, when she gave an interview to the weekly «Viversani e belli» with the explicit title I defeated cancer without curing myself, in which she claims that by the time a person goes for diagnosis, the tumor is already repairing itself. Doctors, however, interrupt the natural healing process and cause metastases, which are nothing more than further conflicts due to their own intervention. In fact, the tumor heals on its own in 90 percent of cases.

The "therapy" is therefore that of following the laws established by Nature, a sort of divinity that cannot make mistakes or even torture its

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"children" with illnesses and suffering. Hamer himself, who also has a degree in theology, repeatedly calls his theories "sacred medicine" and refers to unspecified "Germanic gods" who are said to be in opposition to the so-called "Jewish medicine": The malignancy lies in the fact that Mother Nature continually makes mistakes, presents deviations, failures that give rise to cancer, which is presumed to be an "uncontrolled", "invasive" growth of nearby organs. ... Today, in the light of true contextual relationships, this story of "malignancy" turns out to be gross nonsense. In fact, Mother Nature does not make any "mistakes". We were the ignorant ones! 3

The five laws Hamer's system is based on three levels (psyche, brain and organ) and regulated by five laws, as opposed to the alleged five thousand hypotheses 4 of "official" medicine. The most important is the "Iron Law of Cancer", created after the death of his son Dirk. This law in turn has three criteria: Every Special, Biological and Sensible (SBS) program originates from a DHS (Syndrome by Dirk Hamer), that is, an acute, unexpected, highly dramatic conflict shock, experienced with a sense of isolation, simultaneously on three levels: in the psyche, in the brain, in the organ; the biological conflict at the moment of the DHS determines both the localization of the SBS in the brain as the so-called Hamer focus is the localization in the organ as cancer or oncoequivalent disease; the course of the SBS is synchronous on all three levels: from DHS up to and including conflict resolution epileptic/epileptoid seizure at the culmination of the repair phase, and return to 5 normality!

The "conflictual shock" would therefore determine what we call "illness" (be careful: this applies to all illnesses, not just the so-called "psychosomatic" ones). A physical trace in the shape of concentric rings should be found in the brain, which the former doctor calls "Hamer focus", rings that all radiologists in the world consider

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6 At trivial «ring artifacts with a pseudomedical interpretation». the same time, for Hamer what others call a "tumor" would appear in the organ, but which in reality would be nature's "sensible" response to the conflict. The language used by the former German doctor may be obscure. We see so how does he explain this law with an example: The case of one patient was particularly significant: the last of the four deceased relatives, the uncle, had a beautiful antique chest of drawers, which he had explicitly promised to give to the patient, but which he left to the patient's sister in his will. This struck her unexpectedly "off guard," because she had already planned and prepared a place of honor for her dresser in the living room. She suffered a shock of indigestible anger, as if she had mentally taken possession of the morsel and was forced to return it: she fell ill with pancreatic cancer. We will later see that pancreatic cancer is also not a "fault", but rather a sensible biological process. The biological sense consists in the fact that the pancreas produces many more gastric juices in order to still be able to swallow (digest) the morsel (the chest of 7drawers).

The second law states that the Special, Biological and Sensible program is biphasic if we arrive at the solution of the biological conflict. If, however, we are unable to resolve the conflict, we will only have the first phase (active conflict).


In essence, the shock ("a tile fell on my head") is followed by a phase of active conflict ("I'm always anxious to find a solution") which should end with the resolution of the conflict ("the knot that ties I have on my stomach"). Then there is an initial repair phase ("I'm weak, tired; I have pain, fever, nausea"), usually what others call the illness, which would be followed by an epileptoid crisis ("I have a crisis and I relive the anguish of the tile on the head"). At this point a new phase of repair would arrive ("I'm weak and calm, I'm a little better"), and then I'll go back to living normally. 9 Furthermore,

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in the German New Medicine it is considered a big mistake not to have asked the patient's laterality, that is, whether he is right-handed or left-handed, since the coordination of conflicts with Hamer foci and tumors or necrosis of the organ is of great importance, as it does not it only decides the evolution of the conflict or the brain, but also what "illness" or SBS a patient suffers in various conflicts.


For Hamer, those who write with the left hand may not even be left-handed: to establish "laterality" it would be necessary to carry out the "applause test", that is, "if when clapping the right hand is on top of the other, the individual is right-handed, if there the left hand is found, we have a left-handed person in front of us."11 The third law, then, classifies all the so-called diseases based on the embryonic layer they belong to. That is, if we distinguish all these different tumor formations and ulcers according to their evolutionary history, or based on the criteria of the different embryonic layers, it becomes clear that the "diseases" belonging to the same embryonic layer also show the same 12 characteristics and particularities.

It goes without saying that

cancer is not a senseless event of crazy cells but a clearly understandable and even predictable process in relation to very specific ontogenetic rules.


The fourth law states that microbes are not our enemies but rather help us, they work on our orders, on command of our organism, directed by our brain.


It is a point that has interesting implications. In fact, Hamer states that there are no "microbes that proliferate wildly and eat you from the inside" nor metastases and cells that slip into the blood somewhere and in fact none have ever been discovered. The history of metastasis is an unproven and unprovable hypothesis. No researcher has yet been able to find a cancer cell

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in the arterial blood of a so-called cancer patient. If cancer cells could extend by swimming to distant organs they would necessarily have to reach them through arterial blood since the venous system and lymphatic pathways only lead towards the center, i.e. the heart. In the German New Medicine, "metastases" (which in reality do not exist) means the fact that a person, for example due to a diagnosis, experiences panic (iatrogenic = caused by the doctor) suffering a DHS with a new biological conflict.


In reality, there are numerous scientific studies that demonstrate how 16 cancer-causing cells peripheral blood. increasingly highlighting the role of genetic factors in the

are present in the

choice of metastasis sites, with interesting prospects in the field of stem cell research. 17

Finally we find the fifth law (called "the quintessence") which explains what was anticipated at the beginning: everything has a meaning, even the so-called "disease": In fact it completely turns the whole medicine upside down. If we consider the individual embryonic layers separately we clearly realize that there is a biological meaning and that the so-called diseases do not represent an error of nature that must be fought but rather that every disease is a sensible event. If we stop considering alleged diseases as something "evil", errors of nature or punishments from God but understand them as parts or individual phases of our special, biological and sensible programs of nature, then the decisive importance of biological sense that is

18 contained in each SBS.

Finally, it is important to clarify the difference between "psychic" conflicts and "biological" conflicts. The first they are chronic, long-lasting or similar conflicts or problems, for which the person has had a certain time of preparation or adaptation. ... Biological conflict is completely the opposite ... it is an extremely acute and dramatic conflict shock, experienced with a sense of isolation, which catches us completely unprepared, off guard.


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I. Tragedy on the island of Cavallo 1. Birgit Hamer, Crime Without Punishment. The true story of Vittorio Emanuele, Reggio Emilia, Aliberti, p. 170, where the interview given by Pende to the weekly «Gente», n. 42 of 19.10.1989. 2. Birgit Hamer, Crime Without Punishment, cit., p. 37. Birgit also confirms the sentence in one video interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcQZYHPPWu0). 3. Idem, p. 40. 4. Idem, p. 66. 5. Minutes no. 1318/3 of 08.18.1978, 8.45 am. 6. Case 19953/92, 07.08.1996 «Hamer v. France», European Court of Rights of man, http://echr.ketse.com/doc/19953.92-en-19960807/. 7. Ditto. 8. Birgit Hamer, Crime Without Punishment, cit., p. 14. 9. Laura Laurenzi, Savoia, the Hamer case reopens, «la Repubblica», 11.09.2006, http://www.repubblica.it/ 2006/09/sezioni/cronaca/vittorio-emanuele/savoia-hamer/savoia- hamer.html (see also https:// archive.is/sTRtd). 10. Beatrice Borromeo, The video that frames Savoia, «Il Fatto Quotidiano», 02.24.2011, http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2011/02/24/il-video-che-incastra-savoia/93668/. 11. For details of the process, see Birgit Hamer, Crime Without Punishment, cit.

II. Who is Ryke Geerd Hamer 1. «Studies on the effects of adaptinol on dark adaptation of the healthy eye», http://dnb.info/481966315/. 2. Claudio Trupiano, Thank you Doctor Hamer, Bagnone, SecondoNatura, 2007, p. 395. 3.


4. http://www.disformazione.it/hamer7.htm (see also http://archive.is/6gy3V).

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5. http://www.lafeltrinelli.it/products/9788496127272/Testamento_per_una_nuova_medicina_germa nica/ Ryke_Geerd_Hamer.html (see also http://archive.is/cdN3J). 6. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a new medicine: the Germanic New Medicine, Alhaurin El Grande, Friends of Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 1999, p. 65. 7. Idem, p. 88. 8. Teja Fiedler and Cordt Schnibben, Doctor Cancer: Doctor Geerd Hamer, his road paved with corpses, «Der Stern», 24.11.1983. 9. Ibid. 10. Ibid. 11. Patent AT 352266 of 15.02.1979 and patent AT 361 106 of 15.07.1980 respectively. 12. Teja Fiedler and Cordt Schnibben, Doctorcancro, cit. 13. Claudio Trupiano, Thank you Doctor Hamer, cit., p. 395.

III. The birth of New Medicine 1. Gisela Friedrichsen, A dangerous savior, «Der Spiegel», 09.08.1997. 2. Administrative Court of Frankfurt am Main, case 12 E 591/03 – 2. 3. Birgit Hamer, Crime Without Punishment. The true story of Vittorio Emanuele, Reggio Emilia, Aliberti, p. 70. 4. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a new medicine: the Germanic New Medicine, Alhaurin El Grande, Friends of Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 1999, p. 15. 5.






http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/view/95/55/ http://


of the



archive.is/X3KL0). 6. http://www.airc.it/tumori/tumore-ai-testicoli.asp (see also http://archive.is/3x1qJ). 7. Case 3K1180/86. 8. See the opinions of the oncologist prof. S. Seeber (Essen, 05.26.1994), chief radiotherapist prof. M. Bamberg (29.09.1994), and the oncologist prof. K. Höffken (Jena, 12.07.1994), http://web.archive.org/web/20080529124734/http://www.pilhar.com/Hamer/Korrespo/1994/19941 031_UniTueb_Gutachten.htm. 9. Teja Fiedler and Cordt Schnibben, Doctor Cancer: Doctor Geerd Hamer, his road paved with corpses, «Der Stern», 24.11.1983. 10. Ibid. 11. Lempke Klaus, Klare Hans-Hermann, Confusion after nine o'clock, «Der Stern», 09.16.1982.


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12. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Krebs – Krankheit der Seele (Cancer – disease of the soul), Köln, Friends of Dirk, 1994, p. 28. 13. Silke Bauer, Former employees of Dr. Hamer reported that they had never seen anyone who had ever been healed by Dr. Hamer, interview on Wüste Welle radio in Tübingen on 10.04.2007. 14. Birgit Hamer, Crime Without Punishment, cit., p. 15.

IV. The tumor? A money problem 1. Ilario D'Amato, I saw it die little by little, «Cronache del Mezzogiorno», 13.04.2007, p. 3. 2. «Cronache del Mezzogiorno» of 6.04.2007, 10.04.2007, 13.04.2007, 20.04.2007, 01.05.2007, 05.09.2007, 06.08.2007. 3. Domenico Mannarino, from the personal diary, 12.19.2005. 4. http://www.ema-tec.it/newsltr.asp?id=799 (see also http://archive.is/BXQNC). 5. Domenico Mannarino, from the personal diary, 12.22.2005. 6. Idem, 14.01.2006. 7. Idem, 19.01.2006. 8. Idem, 02.03.2006. 9. Idem, 17.02.2006. 10. Idem, 18.02.2006. 11. Idem, 15.03.2006. 12. Idem, 16.03.2006. 13. Cinzia Alunni, letter dated 13.04.2007. 14. Domenico Mannarino, from the personal diary, 05.25.2006. 15. Ibid. 16. Ilario D'Amato, I saw it go out little by little, cit., p. 3.

V. Biological death by telephone prescription 1. Nathalie De Reuck, Philippe Dutilleul, Guy Rouquet, On a tué ma mère! Face aux charlatans de la santé, Paris, Buchet-Chastel, 2010.

YOU. Dirk's Friends clinic 1. Silke Bauer, Former employees of Dr. Hamer reported that they had never seen anyone who had ever been healed by Dr. Hamer, interview on Wüste Welle radio in Tübingen on 10.04.2007.

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VII. Saved by the law 1. Case 9 K/215/87. 2. Idem, psychiatric report dated 11.27.1985. 3. Case 34 Js 85/86 of the Cologne court.

4. In an article in «Der Spiegel» dated 07.08.1995 he is mentioned under the fictitious name of «Ansgar Wetz». 5. Administrative Court Sigmaringen, 8 K 610/03. 6. Regional Court of Vienna, 11.11.1996; Higher Regional Court Vienna, 04.09.1997. 7. These are Professor Viktor Pickl, Doctor Alois Stacher, Doctor Klaus Lechner and Doctor Heinz Ludwig. 8. Kampf gegen die Stärksten (Fight against the strongest), «Der Spiegel», n. 32, 1995.

VIII. An unverified theory 1. http://xmx.forumcommunity.net/?t=2349408&st=390 - 19/05/2006 (see also http://archive.is/pp9cc).

2. In this form the phrase is often attributed to the astronomer and science popularizer Carl Sagan, but Truzzi's exact formulation is earlier: «And when these statements are extraordinary enough to be revolutionary in the implications they have with respect to current general scientific laws and verified, we must require extraordinary evidence", «The Zetetic», 1, n. 1, autumn/winter 1976, p. 4.

3. Giuseppe Remuzzi, If magazines dictate science, «Corriere della Sera», 06.09.2011, p. 41. 4. http:// web.archive.org/web/20130318201432/http://www.nuovamedicina.com/index.php/le-suediscoveries/il-cambio-di-paradigma.html. 5. Edoardo Rosati, «Oggi», n. 20, 18.05.2011, p. 152. 6. http://web.archive.org/web/20000609211617/http://www.pilhar.com/Hamer/NeuMed/Zertif/82072 9.htm. 7. http://web.archive.org/web/20061210050804/http://pilhar.com/Hamer/NeuMed/Zertif/881209.htm. 8. http:// www.disformazione.it/hamer4.htm (see also http://archive.is/AsdrQ). 9. It has only a generic faculty of Social and Health Care, http://fzasp.truni.sk/?q=en (see also http://archive.is/ YrqHN). It is worth underlining that this faculty issues qualifications to become a social worker or nurse, but not a doctor. 10. http://www.bioexplorer.it/Data/Sites/1/Docs/Meccanismi%20della%20DHS.pdf (see also http://archive.is/MmHrs).

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http://web.archive.org/web/20070306125943/http://www.promed-ev.de/ modules/news/article.php?storyid=105. The email reported was sent on 01.22.2007 to a from the author's German sources, to whom it was then forwarded on 03.20.2007.

12. Ventegodt S., Andersen NJ, Merrick J. (2005), Rationality and Irrationality in Ryke Geerd Hamer's System for Holistic Treatment of Metastatic Cancer, «The Scientific World Journal» 5, 93-102, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15702221 (see also http://archive.is/mqDXK). 13. Karen Syberg, The man with many enemies, «information.dk», 07.25.2007, http://www.information.dk/116930 (see also http://archive.is/10CBR). In the article yes highlights how Ventegodt follows a "medical" line where the patient is responsible for his own illness and must change his thoughts to cure it. Moreover, on 7.11.2006 in Ventegodt it was the qualification to practice the medical profession was revoked, as it would be a danger to the his patients, see: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/ventegodt-frataget-sin-autorisation (see also https://archive.is/xkqWr). 14.





to the




https://web.archive.org/web/20111103161911/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/68/41/. 15.







of the


https://web.archive.org/web/20111103154200/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/66/41/. 16. http://archive.is/gKgnC. 17. http://archive.is/D71uR. 18. Law number 774, approved on 5.10.2011. Subsequent changes to the law will not do no mention of New Medicine.

X. Fleeing across Europe 1. Articles in «Le Dauphiné Libéré» of 25.09.2003, 27.05.2004, 02.07.2004, 10.09.2004, 15.10.2004, 21.10.2004. 2. See Chambery Court of Appeal, case 02/00261, judgment 04/515 of 01.07.2005. 3. Prosecutor's Office of Cottbus, case 1653 Js 2797/06 (prosecutor Wilfried Robinek); Rottweil prosecutor's office, case 10 UJs

6999/06. 4. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a new medicine: the German New Medicine, preface to the VIII edition, Alhaurin El Grande, Friends of Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 2007, pp. 25-31. 5.


to dad





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franziskus-2016-09-11 (see also http://archive.is/XCcma). 6. Corrado Benzio, We cure cancer, but we are not a sect, «Il Tirreno» ed. of Livorno, 10.17.2007 (see also http://archive.is/apFyb). 7.





to the



https://web.archive.org/web/20160304063904/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=98&Itemid=41. 8. http://archive.is/wyqOK. 9. As of September 2016, Hamer's official website is http://germanischeheilkunde-drhamer.com. 10.





http://archive.is/I7EwZ). 11. http://www.liberamenteservo.it/downloads/Meinstudent_Traduzione%20italiano.pdf (see also http://archive.is/g4vyN). 12.


7fb66fb489e9.html. 13. Ralf Lofstad, Hevder diabetes-syk fireåring kan ha blitt drept av fjernstyrt «dødschip», «dagbladet.no», 13.02.2015 (http://archive.is/JGZEK); Fellesdesk Vestfold, Må etterforske drap see hjelp av dødschip, «sb.no», 13.02.2015 (http://archive.is/y7TKb). 14. Niccolò Zancan, In the armored cottage where Hamer «cures» cancer with vitamins, «The Print», 8.09.2016 (http://archive.is/KvSsw). 15. Judgment 08-098412TVI-SAFO of the Sandefjord court, the original in Norwegian can be found at the internet address http://skepsis.no/blog/wp-content/2009/04/dom-avsagt-30042009.pdf (yes see also http://archive.is/yBJ0L).

XI. "They killed me twice" 1.


2. Claudio Trupiano, Thank you Doctor Hamer, Bagnone, SecondoNatura, 2007. 3. E-mail dated 04.12.2008: «a little clarity and if you are a loyal person, publish this too letter". 4.


of the


http://web.archive.org/web/20160129171410/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/98/41/.

XII. The ALBA association

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1. Claudio Trupiano, Thank you Doctor Hamer, Bagnone, SecondoNatura, 2007, p. 32. 2. According to the letter addressed to Amnesty International on 21.10.2004 by Giancarlo Marisaldi, treasurer of the 260 group of the NGO that deals with human rights, the ALBA association (in who was responsible for the Visibility Group) would have collected around 2600 signatures in support of Hamer (http://archive.is/3yoIp). Marisaldi is currently a member of the 5LB Training Council Italy and technical manager of the «Professional School on the Five Biological Laws» (http://archive.is/IwVdO). 3. The other founding members are: Anna Maria Ciardiello, Katia Bianchi, Simona Cella, Maria Grazia Compagnoni, Vilmer Ferraresi, Franco Filippini, Gianni Frattini, Roberta Ghiggini, Gianni Michele Giannella, Paolo Giordo, Gabriella Gozzellino, Pier Federico Lava, Roberto Luciani, Emanuele Lupi, Giorgio Lurgo, Paola Maletta, Piero Pellizzari, Daniela Pomponi, Fabio Rossetti, Francesco Sala, Graziosa Scalchi, Michela Signori, Claudio Trupiano, Umberto Villata, Rebecca Vischer. See https://web.archive.org/web/20060507051059/http://www.albanm.com/news.asp? ID=36. 4. About us, http://archive.is/IwVdO. 5. Alessandro Cassinis, Hamer's former right-hand man: «The treatments should not be banned», «La Stampa», 09.09.2016 (http://archive.is/eosee). 6. The patient's surname is omitted for privacy reasons, but is known to the author. 7. It is registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Massa Carrara, REA n. MS-111766. 8. According to Danilo Toneguzzi the cost would instead be 2000 euros, cf. «Chronicles of the South», 04.13.2007, p. 3. 9. http://www.macrolibrarsi.it/autori/_marco-pfister.php (see also https://archive.is/a5QiL). 10.

https://formazione5lb.eu/la-formazione-5lb/il-primo-anno/ https://




archive.is/aOCm7). 11. https://web.archive.org/web/20090612044359/http://www.albanm.com/downloads/CorsoBaseMed ici-11-14.06.09Milano.pdf (see also https://archive.is/wG0QP). 12. Agenas reference 4430-9019859 and 4430-9019860. 13. Agenas reference 4430-11002502 and 4430-11002503. 14. Standard ECM Provider no. 2760 (https://archive.is/m6V3t). 15. https://archive.is/tt4Xjh (see also https://archive.is/Kmkkn). 16.

http://saluteattiva.teamlogic.it/associazione/consiglio-direttivo-2/ http://







archive.is/8Rtpa). 17.

http://www.aslcagliari.it/documenti/8_136_20101111133055.pdf https://

archive.is/UPTU4). 18. Cristina Muntoni, The new medicine from Hamer to Trupiano, «L'Unione Sarda», 06.24.2009.

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19. The author owns a copy. 20. Email dated 11.03.2011. 21. «Der Stern» n. 38, 09.16.1982; articles in «Bildzeitung», 1982; broadcast «3 nach 9» on NDR of 1982. 22. No. 4/12035 of 05.23.2011, session of the Chamber of Deputies no. 476. For the writing of this document my free consultation was requested. 23. http://web.archive.org/web/20060319184151/http://www.albanm.com/home.htm. 24. See Simona Cella's response dated 21.12.2007 in the section of the site «Alba responds to you», https:// web.archive.org/web/20080506133137/http://www.albanm.com/newstestimonianza.asp ? ID=116. 25. http://www.albanm.com/la-terapia/info-cure (see also http://archive.is/SRTnB). 26. http:// www.formazione5lb.eu/index.php/contatti/ (see also http://archive.is/R7Xrg). 27. http://web.archive.org/web/20160129171454/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/63/41/.

XIII. Two lives, a single, tragic choice 1. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a new medicine: the New German Medicine, Alhaurin El Grande, Amici di Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 1999, p. 131. 2. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Presentation of the New German Medicine, Alhaurin El Grande, Friends by Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 2007, p. 1. 3. Ibid. 4. Enrico Ferro, He left us a message of life, «Il Mattino di Padova», 01.27.2005, p. 40. 5. Cristina Genesin, Ellen could have been saved, «Il Mattino di Padova», 09.17.2005, p. 43 (https://archive.is/Wej65). 6. Enrico Ferro, It was a choice, respect us, «Il Mattino di Padova», 01.23.2005, p. 18 (https://archive.is/QpyUU). 7. The doctor of alternative treatments dies, «Il Mattino di Padova», 26.10.2005, p. 33 (https://archive.is/EBNFP). 8. https://web.archive.org/web/20060507051059/http://www.albanm.com/news.asp?ID=36.

XIV. It's just a question of self-esteem 1. Diego Neri, Alternative medicine? Investigated, «The Vicenza newspaper», 04.29.2007. 2. Diego Neri, The testimony of the sick man from Vicenza, «The Vicenza newspaper», 04.29.2007.

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3. Cristina Genesin, Rossaro promised healing, «Il Mattino di Padova», 11.11.2010. 4. That young man could have been saved but the alternative therapy was fatal, «Il Mattino di Padova», 04.11.2007, p. 27. 5. Cristina Genesin, Patients refused chemotherapy, «Il Mattino di Padova», 06.09.2011, p. 26. 6. Alessia Pirolo, With chemo they could have saved themselves, «Corriere del Veneto», 20.11.2007, p. 9. 7. Enzo Bordin, The dead patient could have been saved, «Il Mattino di Padova», 20.11.2007, p. 21. 8. http:// www.disformazione.it/paolo_rossaro.htm (see alsohttps://archive.is/9TDAD). 9. http://www.effedieffe.com/ index.php?option=com_content&view =article&id=79552 (see also http://archive.is/Aga6N).

10. Cristina Genesin, Cure cancer with vitamins, sentence halved on appeal, «Il Mattino di Padova», 03.26.2014 (https://archive.isXMp1F). 11. http://www.ilgazzettino.it/PAY/PADOVA_PAY/nuova_disavventura_giudiziaria_per_il_dottor_pa olo_rossaro_62enne_medico_di_base/notizie/585012.shtml. 12. Protocol 0005598 of 09.22.2015. 13. Fake cures that kill, «Porta a Porta», 09.20.2016, Rai1 (http://archive.is/kDF6T). 14. Michela Nicolussi Moro, Only science can cure cancer, «Corriere del Veneto», 05.22.2007, p. 2.

XV. The new Hamerian-style associations 1. https://web.archive.org/web/20130729053428/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/158/41. 2. https://web.archive.org/web/20160718021427/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/127/55/. 3. https://web.archive.org/web/20160718044107/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/111/55/. 4. https://web.archive.org/web/20160718125413/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/109/55/. 5. Amrita Edizioni, Giaveno (Turin), 2012. 6. Application AN-2011-C-280, concession 1474922 of the Ancona Chamber of Commerce.

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7. https://web.archive.org/web/20160323093111/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/28/40/. 8.





https://archive.it/ILExR). 9.




http://archive.is/PgTVD). 10. http://web.archive.org/web/20100522161210/http://www.etobiopsicologia.it/etobio01/il_libro.htm L.

11. http://web.archive.org/web/20100522161307/http://www.etobiopsicologia.it/etobio01/scoppetta_c ristiana.html. 12. http://web.archive.org/web/20130509212425/http://www.etobiopsicologia.it/etobio01/il_medico.h tml. 13. http://web.archive.org/web/20100521062658/http://www.etobiopsicologia.it/etobio01/il_nostro_m etodo.html. 14. http://web.archive.org/web/20100522161220/http://www.etobiopsicologia.it/etobio01/il_vegatest. html. 15. https://web.archive.org/web/20091013154743/http://www.bioenergologia.it/mipresento.asp. 16. http://www.bioenergologia.it/bioenergologia/ (see also https://archive.is/KRAsk). 17. https:// web.archive.org/web/20091013154911/http://www.bioenergologia.it/teorie_hammer.asp (see also http://archive.is/rVqY7). 18. https://web.archive.org/web/20091013154707/http://www.bioenergologia.it/consulenza.asp. 19. Nicola Munaro, Three hundred patients registered in the guru's computer, «Corriere del Veneto», 03.29.2013 (http://archive.is/XlK7y). 20. Enrico Ferro, Heal tumors with the mind, a "healer" under investigation, "La Nuova" of Venice and Mestre, 11.11.2012 (http://archive.is/jE5K0). 21. Prescribes herbs and flowers to cure tumors. Fake doctor scams two hundred people, «Affariitaliani.it», 12.11.2012 (http://archive.is/Urnbt). 22. Cristina Genesin, The fake doctor now risks trial, «Il Mattino di Padova», 07.24.2013 (http://archive.is/o2sYh).

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23. Luca Ingegneri, Bach flowers and syrups to treat cancer: naturopath agrees, «The Gazzettino di Padova», 21.11.2014 (http://archive.is/h4vxN). 24. Cristina Genesin, A patient dies, the fake doctor settles for three months, «Il Mattino di Padova», 10.12.2014 (http://archive.is/bU4Hf). 25. http://archive.is/36sZT. 26. http://www.bioenergologia.it/consulenza-e-trattamenti/ (see also http://archive.is/GwG8P). 27. http://archive.is/mVntN. 28. http://archive.is/Iqwpb. 29.

http://www.bioenergologia.it/news/progetto-casa-del-cuore/ http://






archive.is/SddOB). 30. See also the «House of the Soul», http://archive.is/rmY7P. 31. http://www.scuola5ellebi.it (see also http://archive.is/A1kj2). 32. http://www.scuola5ellebi.it/premesse/ (see also http://archive.is/Q55sB). 33. http://www.scuola5ellebi.it/associazione/ (see also http://archive.is/ZKtwk). 34.

http://www.scuola5ellebi.it/chi-siamo/cv-nicola-schibuola/ https://


archive.is/edfSp). 35. http://www.albanm.com/testimonianze (see also http://archive.is/xJrzU). 36. http://web.archive.org/web/20111113064903/http://www.nicolaschibuola.it/modules/news/article.p hp?storyid=47. 37. http://web.archive.org/web/20080506133137/http://www.albanm.com/newstestimonianza.asp? ID=116.

XVI. Coffee and Coca-Cola against brain tumor 1. http://forum.albanm.com, previously «reserved for the ALBA Scientific Committee». 2. Although the forum is currently closed, the author retains paper and digital copies. 3. The name is fictitious. The author is aware of the authentic name of the patient and his data personal details, and in possession of a copy of his MRI scans obtained from the forum itself. 4. Graziella Filippini et al., Prognostic Factors for Survival in 676 Consecutive Patients with Newly Diagnosed Primary Glioblastoma, «Neuro-Oncology», February 2008, 10(1)79-87, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17993634.

XVII. “Did you know that anyone who follows Hamer dies?”

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(see also



http://archive.is/1dvUa). 2. http://web.archive.org/web/20111114110307/http://www.blogoltre.net/ar_141102_311002.html. 3.

https://web.archive.org/web/20060510141336/http://www.shantimandir.org/vis_articoli.aspx? go=articles&artnum=1379.

4. Decoding illness and healing through Biological Codes, «Frontier Medicine», 4, 2 (https://archive.is/9bNvG). 5. http://archive.is/vBJze. 6. http://archive.is/cUsp9. 7. http://www.cesenatoday.it/eventi/alimentazione-codici-biologi-contro-11-febbraio.html (yes see also https://archive.is/vBJze). 8. Medicine has been studying tumors like the one that killed the entrepreneur for years, «Corriere di Romagna Forlì-Cesena», 05.24.2016 (https://archive.is/FbOjJ). 9. Theory according to which our planet is concave, the Sun shines in the center and the internal part is inhabited by an advanced civilization that created flying saucers (http://archive.is/ygHsz).

XVIII. Hamer in Europe and overseas 1. The German term used is Heilungsphase, which literally means «phase of healing". 2. Complementary medicine technique which involves the injection of small local doses of anesthetics. Controversial, there is no definitive scientific evidence of its effectiveness. 3. Interview with Gaby's mother, Rose-Laure Huber, dated 09.27.2007 which resumes the one carried out on 11.10.2005, during the «Kontraste» broadcast of the RBB (ARD) broadcaster, by journalists Alexander Kobilinsky and Caroline Walter. 4.

http://www.cancerresearchinformation.com/ovarian-cancer-and-peritoneal-tumors-healing-throughgerman-new-medicine/ (see also the following pages: http://archive.is/KbHI6 - - http://archive.is/rGK7S). http://archive.is/tDBlD http://archive.is/SYcGD http://archive.is/AWequ http://archive.is/5t8OX

5. http://archive.is/P8fDc. 6. http://archive.is/D3wmR. 7. https://archive.is/PrWE6.

XIX. Guilty of not being able to heal 1. Local health authority 7, Chivasso, report dated 1.12.2015.


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2. San Lazzaro dermatological hospital unit, report dated 1.12.2015. 3.

http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/view/101/55/ http://




archive.is/861qa). 4. Email dated 05.27.2012. 5. Email dated 6.11.2012. 6. Email dated 01.06.2013. 7. Email dated 01.25.2013. 8. E-mail dated 01.25.2013 (homeopathic study). 9. Email dated 04.16.2013. 10. Email dated 2.05.2013. 11. E-mail dated 05.3.2013 (homeopathic study). 12. Email dated 08.25.2013. 13. Email dated 04.09.2013. 14. Email dated 8.11.2013. 15. Email dated 11.18.2013. 16. Email dated 11.26.2013. 17. E-mail dated 12.18.2013 (homeopathic study). 18. Email dated 01.09.2014. 19. Email dated 10.01.2014. 20. Email dated 10.02.2014. 21. Attachment to the email dated 5.04.2014. 22. Email dated 05.23.2014. 23. Email dated 01.07.2014. 24. Email dated 08.30.2014 (homeopathic study). 25. Sarah Martinenghi, She cured a tumor with the power of an idea. The doctor on trial, «la Repubblica», ed. of Turin, 15.07.2016 (http://archive.is/88R6J). 26. Sarah Martinenghi, Trial begins for the doctor who "cured" cancer with the method «Hamer», «la Repubblica», ed. of Turin, 07.12.2016 (https://archive.is/YfUVN). 27. Turin, anti-cancer hoax cure: the medical association will file a civil action against the homeopath, «la Repubblica», 22.04.2016 (http://archive.is/Nua0k). 28. Sarah Martinenghi, «They refused treatment»: two more cancer deaths in Turin among Hamer's followers, «la Repubblica», ed. of Turin, 04.05.2016 (see also http://archive.is/FW39f). 29. https://formazione5lb.eu/ la-nostra-scuola/profilo-docenti-formazione-5lb/ (see also http://archive.is/bsprm).

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XX. «Leukemia is regeneration» 1. The fake cures that kill, «Porta a Porta», 09.20.2016, Rai1 (http://archive.is/kDF6T). 2. Enrico Ferro, Parents refuse chemo, he dies of leukemia at 18, «Il Mattino di Padova», 08.31.2016 (http://archive.is/90kqB). 3. Selene Gagliardi, Doctor Andrea Biondi on Eleonora, who died of leukemia: «I hope her parents don't realize what they have done», «Huffington Post», 01.09.2016 (http://archive.is/mkGAq ). 4. http:// web.archive.org/web/ 20140319092330/http://www.stampalibera.com/?p=12472. 5. http://web.archive.org/web/ 20111229014945/http://www.stampalibera.com/?p=13937. 6. Ibid. 7. Email dated 07.04.2013. 8. It is interesting to note that Alberto Medici, author of the book Deceived, in which theories similar to those advocated by Lino Bottaro are disclosed, claims that the fact that the dentist said that the cavities were "less than half" of those indicated by Bottaro means that "it confirmed that the cavities were gone, but only halfway." This would be like saying that, if I stated that there are two suns in the sky and someone demonstrated that instead there is only one, I would have made a sun "disappear". In that same post, Alberto Medici makes heavy insinuations about the professionalism of Doctor Snichelotto, "someone who could also suffer damage if the New German Medicine spread and took hold". But, as he is quick to point out, "I don't want to suggest dishonesty." He doesn't hypothesize it, he only suggests it. In fact, he adds: «What if there were interests at stake? What if the people reporting conflicting claims had a private interest, a self-interest in saying what they say?” (http://archive.is/kAlls). 9. http://web.archive.org/web/20140319092330/http://www.stampalibera.com/? p=12472.

10. Nicola Cesaro, Tragedy in Folgaria, dies at the age of 22 while skiing due to an illness, «Il Mattino di Padova», 02.18.2013 (http://archive.is/NeAUv). 11. Nicola Cesaro, One year ago he tried to save five people, «Il Mattino di Padova», 02.18.2013 (http://archive.is/QkOtu). 12. Andrea Priante, The girl's father: «The tumor cures itself, my daughter killed by stress and judges», «Corriere del Veneto», 01.09.2016 (http://archive.is/XDCim). 13. You can read the report in the stills of the «Porta a Porta» broadcast of 09.20.2016 (http://www.raiplay.it/ video/2016/09/Porta-a-Porta-del-20092016-2d0b7652-1710 -42f2-8c11-c1162f069fab.html).

14. Health and lies. How to protect yourself from useless drugs, fake treatments and quacks, Milan, Chiarelettere, 2014.

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15. Giovanni Viafora, In hospital with lawyer and policeman uncle, «Corriere del Veneto», 02.09.2016 (http://archive.is/ZliuG). 16. Joni Scarpolini, «We did not use the Hamer method with Eleonora», «il Giornale», 06.09.2016 (http://archive.is/GjjXp). 17. Selene Gagliardi, Doctor Andrea Biondi on Eleonora, who died of leukemia..., cit. 18. Andrea Pasqualetto, Her parents deny her chemotherapy. Eleonora dies at the age of 18 leukemia, «Corriere della Sera», 01.09.2016 (http://archive.is/zfvI2). 19. Andrea Priante, The girl's father: «The tumor cures itself, my daughter killed by stress and judges», «Corriere del Veneto», 01.09.2016 (http://archive.is/XDCim). 20. Matteo Trascio, «They tore away her soul», «Lettera Donna», 02.09.2016 (http://archive.is/PMRw9). 21. Giovanni Viafora, Cancer and anti-science, Hamer's Veneto, «Corriere del Veneto», 10.09.2016 (http://archive.is/kpIM3). 22. Alice D'Este, The Order summons Matteo Penzo and the other Venetian doctors of Hamer, «Corriere del Veneto», 12.09.2016 (http://archive.is/aXA8y). 23. Michela Nicolussi Moro, Eleonora, the parish priest defends the parents. The minister: «Case of antiscience», «Corriere del Veneto», 02.09.2016 (https://archive.is/BkPKq). 24. Selene Gagliardi, Doctor Andrea Biondi on Eleonora, who died of leukemia..., cit.

XXI. For an informed choice 1. http://web.archive.org/web/20160311034040/http://nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/view/189/ 52. 2. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a new medicine: the Germanic New Medicine, Alhaurin El Grande, Friends of Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 1999, p. 79. 3. Claudio Trupiano, Thank you Doctor Hamer, Bagnone, SecondoNatura, 2007, p. 26. 4. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a New Medicine, cit., p. 123. 5. Idem, p. 131. 6. Claudio Trupiano, Thank you Doctor Hamer, cit., p. 56. 7. See also Heidi Schwarzenbach, Dave SB Hoon and Klaus Pantel, Cell-free Nucleic Acids as Biomarkers in Cancer Patients, «Nature Reviews Cancer», 11, 426-437, June 2011 (http://www.nature.com /nrc/journal/ v11/n6/abs/nrc3066.html). 8. Alessandro Cassinis, Hamer's former right-hand man: «The treatments should not be banned», «La Stampa», 9.09.2016 (http://archive.is/eosee).

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9. Sarah Martinenghi, «It's the psyche that makes you sick»: the guru's bible for followers, «the Repubblica», 5.04.2016 (http://archive.is/gC0kt). 10. http://web.archive.org/web/20160129171454/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/63/41/. 11. Corrado Benzio, We cure cancer, but we are not a sect, «Il Tirreno», ed. of Livorno, 10.17.2007 (http://archive.is/apFyb). 12. http://archive.is/dG12d and http://archive.is/uGlhF, just to give an example. 13. Walter Quattrociocchi and Antonella Vicini, Misinformation. Guide to the information and credulity society, Milan, Franco Angeli, 2016.

Appendix. The five biological laws 1. Silvano Fuso, The enemies of science, Philosophical, religious and environmentalist fundamentalisms, Bari, Dedalo, 2009, p. 161. 2. https://web.archive.org/web/20080906231256/http://www.segretariatosociale.rai.it/palinsesto/200 3_ricerca/dati/ diritti_malati/diritti_malati_qualitativa.html. 3. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a new medicine: the Germanic New Medicine, Alhaurin El Grande, Friends of Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 1999, pp. 55-56. 4.




to the




https://web.archive.org/web/20160304063904/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=98&Itemid=41. 5. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Presentation of the New German Medicine, Alhaurin El Grande, Friends by Dirk Ediciones de la Nueva Medicina, 2007, p. 1. 6.

http://www.radpod.org/2008/03/24/ring-artefact-with-pseudomedical-interpretation/ (http://archive.is/emsaz).

7. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a New Medicine: the New German Medicine, cit., p. 89. 8. Marco Pfister, Simona Cella, Illness is something else. Introduction to understanding the five biological laws discovered by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Bagnone, SecondoNatura, 2008, p. 15. 9. Idem, p. 19. 10. https://web.archive.org/web/20160304050350/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/5/44/.

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11. https://web.archive.org/web/20160718145818/http://www.nuovamedicinagermanica.it/content/vie w/123/55/. 12. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Presentation of the New German Medicine, cit., p. 16. 13. Idem, p. 17. 14. Idem, p. 21. 15. Idem, p. 23. 16. Yamaguchi Koji et al., Ki-ras Codon 12 Point and P53 Mutations: a Molecular Examination of the Main Tumor, Liver, Portal Vein, Peripheral Arterial Blood and Para-aortic Lymph Node in Pancreatic Cancer, «The American Journal of Gastroenterology », 95, pp. 1939-1945 (01.08.2000).

17. In this regard, see the studies of the Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment of Candiolo (Turin), coordinated by the scientific director Paolo Comoglio. 18. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Presentation of the New German Medicine, cit., p. 25. 19. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Testament for a new medicine: the German New Medicine, cit., pp. 89-90.

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The first thanks goes to Maria Giovanna Benvenuti, Manuela Trevisan's mother, with whom I wanted to open and close this text. During the trial she never went to court, such was the pain of recalling what happened to her daughter. Yet he had the courage, in May 2011, to go on TV in front of one and a half million people to tell his story, with great dignity. As long as I was there too. A testimony of professional and human trust that

I will never forget. Likewise, I thank Cinzia Alunni, Federica Bisutti, Luciana Carloni, Ellis D'Elia, Nathalie de Reuck, Edda Diana, RoseLaure Huber, Gilbert Jakubczyk, Rudy Lallo for letting me enter into the stories of their loved ones and giving me the opportunity to disseminate them – I hope – with balance, passion and respect.

Thanks also to Enrico Avvedimento, Filippo Belardelli, Maurizio Benato, Gilberto Corbellini, Salvo Di Grazia, Silvio Garattini, Guido Giustetto, Franco Mandelli, Walter Quattrociocchi and Giuseppe Remuzzi. Their expert contribution was invaluable in clarifying the contours of the world of New German Medicine. A heartfelt thank you to Michael Redecke, the first to introduce me to the complexity of the Hamerian world, and to all my sources who for personal or safety reasons preferred not to reveal their names: their contribution was invaluable, and they know it well. Thanks also to all the journalist colleagues who over the years have collected material on Hamer and his followers throughout Europe. Look for them among the notes of this work: without them, much of the documentation work carried out would not have been possible. Finally, thanks also go to Enzo D'Elia and the Mondadori publishing house for giving me the opportunity to carry out my investigation. But, in particular, my biggest thanks go to Carmen Arzano, who has always believed in this project, since the beginning, encouraging me day after day despite all the difficulties encountered.

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Hamer file by Ilario D'Amato Published by arrangement with Delia Agenzia Letteraria © 2017 Mondadori Libri SpA, Milan Ebook ISBN 9788852079382