Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995: Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995 [1 ed.] 354014580X, 9783540145806

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Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995: Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995 [1 ed.]
 354014580X, 9783540145806

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Table of contents :
Content: Uniqueness typing in natural deduction style / E. Barendsen and S. Smetsers --
Towards a purely functional debugger for functional programs / S. Booth and S.B. Jones --
Towards a declarative language for parallel and concurrent programming / S. Breitinger and R. Loogen --
Integrating multithreading into the spineless tagless G-machine / M.M.T. Chakravarty --
Supporting reasoning about functional programs : an operational approach / G. Collins --
Algebraic formula manipulation in a functional language : a first attempt / A.J.T. Davie --
Pictures : a simple structured graphics model / S. Finne and S. Peyton Jones --
The technology behind a graphical user interface for an equational reasoning assistant / A. Gill --
A lazy, self-optimising parallel matrix library / S. Govier and P.H.J. Kelly --
Database manipulation in Haskell 1.3 / K. Hammond and P. Trinder --
The brisk project : concurrent and distributed functional systems / I. Holyer, N. Davies and C. Dornan --
Type reconstruction for SCI / H. Huang and U. Reddy --
Experiences with clean I/O / S.B. Jones --
Using types to parse natural language / M.P. Jones, P. Hudak and S. Shaumyan --
A functional logic language based on higher order narrowing / H. Kuchen --
On the granularity of divide-and-conquer parallelism / H.W. Loidl and K. Hammond --
Formal specification of interconnection networks / J. O'Donnell and G. Rünger.

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style Erik Barendsen and Sjaak Smetse

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style Erik Barendsen

Sjaak Smetsers

University of Nijmegen, Computing Science Institute Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands e-mail [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract We present two type systems for graph rewriting: conventional typing and (polymorphic) uniqueness typing. The latter is introduced as a natural extension of simple algebraic and higher-order uniqueness typing. The systems are given in natural deduction style using an inductive syntax of graph denotations with familiar constructs such as let and case. The conventional system resembles traditional Curry-style typing systems in functional programming languages. Uniqueness typing extends this with reference count information. In both type systems, typing is preserved during evaluation, and types can be determined effectively. Due to the present formalization, the system can easily be compared with other proposals based on linear and affine logic.

1 Introduction In recent years, various proposals have been brought up as solutions to the —at first sight paradoxical— desire to allow destructive operations in a functional context. Indeed, by admitting these operations (such as file manipulations) one loses referential transparency. The essence of common solutions (e.g., Wadler (1990), Guzm´an and Hudak (1990)) is the restriction of destructive operations to arguments with reference count 1. The uniqueness type system for graph rewrite systems (presented in Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a) and (1993b)) offers the possibility to indicate such reference count requirements of functions in the types of the corresponding arguments. These special so-called uniqueness types are annotated versions of traditional Curry-like types. E.g. the operation which writes a character to a file is typed with : (Char ; File ) File . Here,  ;  stand for ‘unique’ and ‘non-unique’ respectively. Uniqueness typing can be regarded as a combination of linear typing (dealing with unique objects) and traditional typing (for non-unique objects, without restrictions on their reference counts), connected by a subtyping mechanism. In fact, the part handling uniqueness allows discarding of objects, so it corresponds more closely to affine logic, see Blass (1992). A logical/categorical proposal for a related combination appears in Benton (1994). The present paper describes a simplified version of the system in natural deduction style, using an inductive syntax for graph expressions. The emphasis on graph denotations contrasts the original presentation, which referred directly to the node/reference structure of (non-inductive) graph objects. The graph syntax is similar to the object language in the equational approach towards Term Graph Rewriting of Ariola and Klop (1995). We start with a specification of the formal language and define a Curry-like (conventional) type system. After a very brief introduction to uniqueness typing, a description of the uniqueness type assignment system is given. For both systems we prove preservation of typing during reduction and the existence of principal types. The original uniqueness type system is rather complex. To avoid that the reader gets entangled in technical details, the reference analysis is kept as simple as possible: it does not take the evaluation order into account. For details, see Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a). Independently, Turner et al. (1995) have developed a strongly related system based on -calculus. The research reported there has been guided by different objectives.


Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995



Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style

Uniqueness typing is now part of the functional programming language Clean, see Plasmeijer and van Eekelen (1995).

2 Syntax We present a syntax of a formal language which incorporates some essential aspects of graph rewriting: sharing, cycles and pattern matching. The objects are expressions generated by the following syntax.

E ::= x j S(E1 ; : : : ; Ek ) j let x = E in E P ::= C(x1 ; : : : ; xk ):


~ j letrec ~x = E~ in E j case E of P~ jE; 0


Here x; ~x range over (sequences of) term variables, and over some set of symbols of fixed arity (we will sometimes suggestively use for functions and for data constructors). Patterns (indicated by P in the above syntax) are supposed to be linear: no variable is occurring more than once in the same pattern. The expressions are interpreted as graphs. Sharing manifests itself by multiple occurrences of the same variables. Sharing of compound structures is expressed by a let binding, whereas letrec introduces cyclic dependencies. E.g., the expression (x; (x; z))) in z let x = in letrec z = (




F Cons G

denotes the graph

F j

Cons ~ BB 


~~ ~~ ~




Operations on objects are defined using function definitions. The general form of these is

F(x1; : : : ; xk ) = E: For example,

Append(`1; `2 ) = case `1 of Cons(h; t) j Cons(h; Append(t; `2 )) Nil j `2 :

The operational semantics of our language is given by the concept of Term Graph Rewriting, see Barendregt et al. (1987). Each expression E is translated to a graph denoted by [ E ] . Function definitions are translated into rewrite rules, inducing a (multistep) rewrite relation ! ! on graphs (cf. Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a)). In contrast with Ariola and Klop (1995), we refrain from defining a reduction relation on the expressions themselves.

3 Conventional Typing Types are built up from type variables and type constructors.

 ::= j T~ j 1 ! 2 : Here, T ranges over algebraic type constructors which are assumed to be introduced by an algebraic type system A containing specifications like

List( ) = Cons( ; List( )) j Nil:

The function space type constructor ! is used when dealing with higher-order functions. We will treat these only in the uniqueness case. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style The algebraic type system A gives the types of the algebraic constructors. Let

T ~ = C1 ~1 j  

be a declaration in A. Then

A ` Ci : ~i T ~

For example, for lists one has

A ` Nil : List( );

A ` Cons : ( ; List( )) List( ): The function symbols are supplied with a type by a function type environment F , containing declarations of the



where k is the arity of . In this case we write

F : (1; : : : ; k )


F ` F : ~ :

The symbol types obtained so far are referred to as the standard types (in F ; A) of the symbols. These are regarded as type schemes: other types are obtained by instantiation, using the following rule ([ := ] denotes substitution).

F; A ` S : ~  F; A ` S : ~[ := ]  [ := ] Our system deals with typing statements of the form

B ` E : ; where B is some finite set of variable declarations of the form x: called a basis. Such a statement is valid if it can be produced using the following derivation rules.

B; x: ` x :  (variable)

F; A ` S : ~  B ` E~ : ~ (application) B ` SE~ :  B`E: B; x: ` E :  (sharing) B ` let x = E in E :  B; ~x:~ ` E :  B; ~x:~ ` E :  (cycle) ~ B ` letrec ~x = E in E :  B`E: A ` C : ~  B; x~ :~ ` E :  (pattern matching) B ` case E of P~ jE~ :  (if P = C x~ ) 0
















This concludes the treatment of expressions. As to function definitions, the environment F should be consistent with these. We say that the function say with standard type

F : ~

 , is type correct if

F~x = E;

~x : ~ ` E : :

Typing is preserved during reduction (the so-called subject reduction property). Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style

S UBJECT R EDUCTION T HEOREM . Suppose the function definitions are type correct. Then

B ` E : ; [ E ] ! !g

9E 0 [ E 0 ] = g


& B ` E 0 : :

The system has the principal type property: each typable expression E has a type from which all other types for E can be obtained by instantiation. P RINCIPAL T YPE T HEOREM. Let E be typable. Then there exist B0 ; 0 (computable from E ) such that B0 and for any B and  B ` E :  ) B  B0 ;  = 0 for some substitution .

` E : 0

4 Simple Uniqueness Typing Uniqueness typing combines conventional typing and linear typing, through a reference count administration. An environment type :      means that ’s argument should be unique for , i.e., should have reference count 1. In the same way, uniqueness of results is specified: if :      , then a well-typed expression ( (E )) remains type-correct, even if (E ) is subject to computation. Sometimes, uniqueness is not required. If F :      then still ( (E )) is type correct. This is expressed in a subtype relation, such that roughly     . Offering a non-unique argument if a function requires a unique one fails:      . The subtype relation is defined in terms of the ordering    on attributes. The non-unique (‘conventional’) and unique (‘linear’) types are also connected by a correction mechanism: a unique result may be used more than once, as long as only non-unique supertypes are required. Pattern matching (expressed by the case construction) is an essential aspect of term graph rewriting, causing a function to have access to arguments via data paths instead of a single reference. This gives rise to ‘hidden sharing’ of objects by access via intermediate data nodes. For example, if a function has access to a list with non-unique spine, the list elements should also be considered as non-unique for : other functions may access them via the spine. This effect is taken into account by a restriction on the uniqueness types of data constructors: the result of a constructor is unique whenever one of its arguments is. This uniqueness propagation can be expressed using the  relation. In the case of lists, for example,










Cons : ( u ; Listv ( u ))

Listv ( u ) is well-attributed if v  u (this indeed excludes a constructor for List (Int )). Note that the attribute of a non-variable

type is attached to its topmost type constructor. In Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a), the typing system is shown to be sound with respect to term graph rewriting, with the above-mentioned interpretation of uniqueness.

Algebraic Uniqueness Types We will first describe the system without the type constructor !. Below, S; T; : : : range over uniqueness types. The outermost attribute of S is denoted by S . The subtype relation is very simple: the validity of S  S 0 depends subtypewise on the validity of u  u0 with u; u0 attributes in S; S 0 . One has, for example,





Listu (Listv (Intw ))  Listu (Listv (Intw ))


u  u0 ; v  v0 ; w  w0 :

In order to account for multiple references to the same object we introduce a uniqueness correction: if the object in question has type S , then only non-unique versions of S may be used. Given S , we construct the smallest non-unique supertype of S :

[ u ] =  ; [Tu S~ ] = T S~ : Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style The last clause possibly introduces types like List (Int ). Contrasting Turner et al. (1995), we allow these types in our system. This is harmless since these ‘inconsistent’ types have no inhabitants (for example, there is no yielding type List (Int )). Cyclic objects (with their inherent sharing) are treated by correcting both internal and external references to their roots. The notion of standard type is adapted in the following way. As before, standard types of function symbols ( : S~ T ) are collected in an environment F . As can be seen from the List example, there are several standard types for each data constructor. Say the algebraic environment A contains T ~ = 1 ~1 j  





A set of standard types for i consists of attributed versions of the conventional type ~i T ~ , such that (1) multiple occurrences of the same variable and of the constructor T have the same uniqueness attribute throughout each version; (2) each version is uniqueness propagating; (3) the set contains at most one version for each attributed variant of T ~. This leaves some freedom as to the choice of attributes on positions not corresponding to T; ~ . Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a) offer a general method for constructing a reasonable set of standard types for each constructor. In most cases (like List, see above), however, the choice of attributes of T ~ fixes those for the ~i . From now on we assume that ~ T we set A ` : S~ T as before. standard types have been determined. For these standard types S Symbol types are instantiated via the rule


F; A ` S : S~ T p q = pRq (instantiation) F; A ` S : S~ [ := R] T [ := R] A uniqueness typing statement (in F; A) has the form

B ` E : S: In our language, sharing appears as multiple occurrences of the same variable. Like in linear logic, we have to be precise when dealing with bases used for typing subterms: the denotation B1 ; B2 stands for a disjoint union of bases. The rules for type assignment are the following.

x:S ` x : S (variable)

F; A ` S : S~ T B ` E : S (application) B~ ` SE~ : T B`E:S B ; x:S ` E : T (sharing) B; B ` let x = E in E : T i







Bi ; ~x:[S~ ] ` Ei : Si B ; ~x:[S~ ] ` E : T (cycle) ~ B ` letrec ~x = E~ in E : T B; 0





F; A ` C : S~ T B ; x~ : S~ ` E : T (pattern matching) B; B ` case E of P~ jE~ : T (if P = C x~ ) 0











B`E:S SS (subsumption) B`E:S 0


Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style

Additionally, we have the following ‘structural rules’. Weakening expresses that one can discard (unique or nonunique) input. The contraction rule deals with correction of types of shared objects: multiple use of the same object is allowed as long as only non-unique variants of the types are used.

B`E:T (weakening) B; x:S ` E : T B; y:[S ]; z :[S ] ` E : T (contraction) B; x:S ` E [y := x; z := x] : T Like in the conventional case, F should be consistent with the function definitions. A function

say with standard type

F~x = E;

F : S~

T , is type correct if ~x:S~ ` E : T:

Higher-Order Uniqueness Types We will now describe the incorporation of higher-order functions. Higher-order functions give rise to partial (often called Curried) symbol applications. In functional programming languages, these applications are usually written as E1    Ek (with k < arity( )), denoting the function



~x:F(E1 ; : : : ; Ek ; xk+1 ; : : : ; xarity(F) ):

If these partial applications contain unique subexpressions one has to be careful. Consider, for example, a function u   in the application E . Clearly, the result type of this application is of the form   ! . If one allows that this application is used more than once, one cannot guarantee the argument E (with type   ) remains unique during evaluation. E.g. if E is passed to a function (f ) = (f ; f ) , the occurrences of f will result in two applications of sharing the same expression E . Apparently, the E expression is necessarily unique: its reference count should never become greater than 1. There are several ways to prevent such an expression from being copied. For instance, one might introduce a new uniqueness attribute, say 4 , for any unique object that does not coerce to a non-unique variants. This has been described in Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a). An alternative solution is the administration of so-called regions introduced by Reynolds (1995). Instead of introducing a new attribute, the present paper considers the ! constructor in combination with the  attribute as special: it is not permitted to discard its uniqueness. The leads to an adjustment of the subtyping relations as well as of the type correction operator []. As to the subtyping relation, the attributes of corresponding occurrences of the ! constructors (in the left-hand and the right-hand side of an inequality) should be identical. The same is required (to ensure substitutivity of the subtyping relation) for variables. The subtyping relation becomes inherently more complex than in the algebraic case because of the so-called contravariance of ! in its first argument:

F with type F : (;  ) F




u 0 u 0 S! S T ! T


0 1

, T  S; S 0  T 0 :

Since ! may appear in the definitions of algebraic type constructors, these constructors may inherit the co- or contravariant subtyping behaviour with respect to their arguments. We can classify the ‘sign’ of the arguments of each type constructor as  (positive, covariant), (negative, contravariant) or > (both positive and negative). In general this is done by analyzing the (possibly mutually recursive) algebraic type definitions by a fixedpoint construction, with basis sign (!) = ( ; ). The subtyping relation  is defined by induction. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style


Now set

S  T S > T S~ ~s T~

u  v Tu S~  Tv T~ u 0 v 0 S!S T ! T E.g.

, S  T; S  T , T  S; , S  T and S  T; , Si s Ti for each i: i

, u = v; , u  v and S~ sign (T) T~ ; , u = v and S  T and S 0  T 0 : v w Intu !  Intu

0 v0

! w0

u0  u; v = v 0 ; w = w0 :


Adjusting the type correction operator is easy: correction of ! types simply fails. Thus the operator [] becomes a partial function:

[ u ] =  [Tu S~ ] = T S~ ; u  [S ! T] = S ! T [S ] = " (undefined)

if u = , if u = , in all other cases.

Partial applications can be incorporated in our formal system as follows. An application FE1    Ek is written as Fk (E1 ; : : : ; Ek ) (so Farity(F) = F). Moreover we add the application operator Ap to our syntax with effect (roughly) ~ E 0 ): Ap(Fk (E~ ); E 0 ) = Fk+1 (E; The type of Fk is defined in terms the type of Fk+1 by the following rule.

F; A ` F +1 : (S~ ; T ) T u  pS~ q (Curry) F; A ` F : S~ (T ! T ) 0





Here, ~u stands for the so-called cumulative uniqueness attribute of ~u: it equals  whenever some ui is  , and otherwise. The typing rule for Ap is defined straightforwardly.

u B`E:S! T B `E :S (curried application) B; B ` Ap(E; E ) : T 0




5 Polymorphic Uniqueness Typing In order to denote uniqueness schemes, we extend the attribute set with attribute variables (a; b; a1 ; : : :). This increases the expressivity of the type system. Moreover, attribute polymorphism is needed for the determination of principal types. Uniqueness constraints are indicated by (finite) sets of attribute inequalities called coercion environments. For example, the standard type of the symbol is now expressed by


Cons : ( a; Listb ( a))

Listb ( a )

j b  a:

All notions of the previous section (type environment, subtyping, type derivation) are re-defined relative to coercion environments. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style


As to the attribute relation , we say that u  v is derivable from the coercion environment ` u  v can be produced by the axioms


` u  u;

if (u  v ) 2

` u  ;


` u  v)


`  u

and rule

`uv `vw : `uw This denotation is extended to finite sets of inequalities: ` 0 if ` u  v for each (u  v ) 2 consistent if 6`    . The relation  is extended to types. One has, for example,

0 . We say that is


0 0 w x0 w x ` Listu (Intv ! )  Listu (Intv ! ) iff ` u  u0 ; v 0  v; w = w0 ; x = x0 : The context rules become

F; A ` S : S~ T j F; A ` S : S~ T j




(attribute instantiation)

F; A ` S : S~ T j ` p q = pRq (instantiation) ~ F; A ` S : S [ := R] T [ := R] j

F; A ` F +1 : (S~ ; T ) T j ` u  pS~ q (Curry) F; A ` F : S~ (T ! T ) j 0





The correction operation is also relativized: for example, [S ! T ] = S ! T if ` u = . The rules for producing typing statements B ` E : S are obtained from the previous ones, roughly by replacing ` by ` . The application rule becomes u

F; A ` S : S~ T j B ` E :S (application) B~ ` SE~ : T i



and the subsumption rule


` E:S `SS (subsumption) B ` E:S 0


The environments in the deduction system are global in the sense that they may contain auxiliary uniqueness constraints (attribute inequalities appearing in some derivation step, but not occurring in the final basis and type). In order to eliminate these superfluous constraints in the conclusion of a deduction, we refine the notion of derivability. By B ` E : S j we denote that B ` 0 E : S is derivable for some ‘conservative’ extension 0 of (with respect to attributes occurring in , the environment 0 proves the same statements as the original ). Alternatively, one could extend the deduction system with rules for explicit simplification of environments. Type correctness of function definitions can now be expressed as follows. The function

F~x = E; Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style

~ say with F -standard type S


, is type-correct if

~x:S~ ` E : T j : The subject reduction property also holds for the uniqueness type system, cf. Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a). We are interested in attributed versions of conventional type derivations: given B; E and  and a derivation showing B ` E :  , we wish to construct a uniqueness variant (in the obvious sense: assigning the same underlying conventional types to the subexpressions of E ) of this derivation, yielding B0 ; S0 ; 0 with jB0 j = B; jS0 j =  and B0 ` E : S0 j 0 . P RINCIPAL ATTRIBUTION T HEOREM. Suppose a given derivation of B ` E :  is attributable. Then there exists an attribution, B0 ; S0 ; 0 (computable from the conventional derivation, B; E and  ) such that for any other attribution, B1 ; S1 ; 1 ,  B1 = B0 ; S1 = S0 ; 1` 0 for some attribute substitution . This decidability result (in the original graph framework) has been addressed in Barendsen and Smetsers (1995).


Map is defined as usual: case ` of Cons(h; t) j Cons(Ap(f; h); Map(f; t)) Nil j Nil:

The (higher-order) function

Map(f; `)


= E (f; `); say: Then

d b h: a ; f : a ! ; t:Listc ( a ) ` Cons(Ap(f; h); Map(f; t)) : Liste ( b ) j   d:



d b f : a ! ; `:Listc ( a ) ` E (f; `) : Liste ( b ) j   d:  This also validates ( a ! b ; Listc ( a )) Liste ( b ) as standard type for Map used in ().

6 Concluding Remarks We have presented Clean’s uniqueness typing system in natural deduction style. The original systems have been shown to be decidable in the sense that principal types can be determined effectively, see Barendsen and Smetsers (1993a) and (1995). The present framework not only provides more direct proofs of these results, but also fits closely to more common methods based on substructural logics. The relation with the approach of Benton (1994) is subject to further research.

References Ariola, Z.M. and J.W. Klop (1995). Equational term graph rewriting, Technical Report CS-R9552, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Computer Science/Department of Software Technology. Barendregt, H.P., M.C.J.D. van Eekelen, J.R.W. Glauert, J.R. Kennaway, M.J. Plasmeijer and M.R. Sleep (1987). Term graph reduction, in: J.W. de Bakker, A.J. Nijman and P.C. Treleaven (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE) II, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 259, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 141–158. Barendsen, E. (1995). Types and Computations in Lambda Calculi and Graph Rewrite Systems, Dissertation, University of Nijmegen. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Uniqueness Typing in Natural Deduction Style

Barendsen, E. and J.E.W. Smetsers (1993a). Conventional and uniqueness typing in graph rewrite systems, Technical Report CSI-R9328, Computing Science Institute, University of Nijmegen. See also Barendsen (1995). Barendsen, E. and J.E.W. Smetsers (1993b). Conventional and uniqueness typing in graph rewrite systems (extended abstract), in: R.K. Shyamasundar (ed.), Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Bombay, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 761, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 41–51. Barendsen, E. and J.E.W. Smetsers (1995). Uniqueness type inference, in: M. Hermenegildo and S.D. Swierstra (eds.), Programming Languages: Implementations, Logics and Programs (PLILP’95), Utrecht, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 982, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 189–206. Benton, P.N. (1994). A mixed linear and non-linear logic: Proofs, terms and models, in: L. Pacholski and J. Tiuryn (eds.), Computer Science Logic, 8th Workshop, Kazimierz, Poland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 933, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 121–135. Blass, A. (1992). A game semantics for linear logic, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 56, pp. 183–220. Guzm´an, J.C. and P. Hudak (1990). Single-threaded polymorphic lambda calculus, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Philadelphia, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 333–343. Plasmeijer, M.J. and M.C.J.D. van Eekelen (1995). Concurrent Clean. Available via˜clean/. Reynolds, J.C. (1995). Passivity and linear types. Talk given at the conference on Types for Proofs and Programs, Turin, Italy, June 1995. Turner, D.N., P. Wadler and C. Mossin (1995). Once upon a type, Proceedings of the Conference on Functional Languages and Computer Architectures (FPCA), La Jolla, California, ACM Press, pp. 1–11. Wadler, P. (1990). Linear types can change the world!, Proceedings of the Working Conference on Programming Concepts and Methods, Israel, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 385–407.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs Simon Booth and Simon B. Jones

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs Simon P Booth Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling Stirling, Scotland

Simon B Jones Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling Stirling, Scotland

Abstract A major drawback when developing large applications with functional programming languages is the lack of good debugging tools—when using imperative languages all sorts of useful information about the program’s behaviour is available via a good debugger. In this paper we present a debugging technique that allows the examination of the behaviour of programmer defined functions in the context of the whole program. In particular, we present a technique that allows examination the function input and the result of the application of the function to that input.

1 Introduction One of the major drawbacks facing a programmer wishing to develop a large application using any functional programming language is the lack of really good debugging tools. Of course, our prospective programmer may be fully appraised of the many benefits of selecting a functional language for the particular task in hand but is concerned by the absence of debugging aids. When using imperative languages even if no debugging tools exist there are relatively simple mechanisms available to investigate the behaviour of erroneous programs—write statements can be placed at “interesting” locations and various bits of information extracted from the running program. (In reality powerful tools are usually available that allow the setting of breakpoints; examination of variables; stepping through the code line-by-line; etc, etc). For the functional programmer the insertion of “write” statements is not possible in general, and powerful debugging tools are not widely available. The programmer will usually have to fall back upon careful incremental (unit) testing of individual functions in order to identify faulty code. What is more valuable is to be able examine individual functions operating within the context of the whole program. It is a non-trivial task to modify a program so that the behaviour of a function within it can be examined! Debugging a large program can be a very difficult and time-consuming task. This paper will present the outline of a technique that offers some aid in the debugging process for functional programs. We start by outlining a na¨ıve approach that contains the principle of the technique we wish to implement. This technique is then considerably refined. In particular, what we want to achieve is a debugging technique that allows the programmer to investigate the input and output behaviour of the individual functions that the program is constructed from, avoiding the potential problems of overwhelming the programmer with information about the behaviour of the whole program—a traditional problem in this arena. An important goal is that we should be able to carry out testing and debugging on the original, unaltered source code of a program Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

2 The basic idea—na¨ıve approach We can illustrate the basic information to be gathered during program debugging using the following definition of the factorial function (in Gofer): fact fact 0 fact n

:: = =

Int -> Int 1 n * fact (n - 1)

We wish to obtain a trace of the execution when fact is applied to some argument. We would like to know what arguments fact is called with, what results the calls produce, and how each result is calculated from the corresponding argument. This can be achieved by augmenting fact to return a pair, comprising the actual result value and a “story” (string) describing how that result was calculated. Each story also sta rts with a readable form of the value represented. type Story



fact fact 0 fact n

:: = =

Int -> (Int,Story) (1, "1 (constant in fact)") (f’, s’’) where (f, s) = fact (n - 1) s’ = s ++ " [from applying fact to " ++ (show (n - 1)) ++ "]" f’ = n * f s’’ = (show f’) ++ " (result of " ++ (show n) ++ "multiplied by " ++ s’ ++ ")"

Three kinds of story are used in this example:

 (constant in fact) where is a literal constant in the function  (result of multiplied by ) where and are values, and is a story describing the value (and, of course, x=y*z)  [from applying fact to ] where describes the calculation of the result by the body of fact, and was the corresponding argument to fact Note that stories are recursive, the latter two cases build nested stories. In this way each result story contains a complete trace of the construction of the result from input data and program constants. For example, using the augmented version (and adding prettified layout by hand), fact 2 returns: (2,"2 (result of 2 multiplied by 1 (result of 1 multiplied by 1 (constant in fact) [from applying fact to 0]) [from applying fact to 1])")

However, this approach cannot be used in practice as it suffers from a number of serious (easily discovered/well known) shortcomings (in no particular order): 1. It does not generalize conveniently: when the actual arguments to functions themselves result from function calls, then all function arguments must be augmented with stories. (Or all actual arguments must have their Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

stories stripped off — undesirable, since then result stories will not contain enough information to trace the source of data used in the calculations.) 2. In order to handle higher order working the function component of applications also needs to have an attached story. (This is particularly tricky for where curried functions are partially applied, and where sections are used.) 3. The approach is over strict. Since we are considering lazy evaluation, in applications where a non-terminating computation (or infinite data structure) is supplied for a non-needed argument, the inclusion of that argument’s story in the overall story will render parts of the overall story unreachable (and so unreadable). 4. The execution trace is too verbose for large examples. Furthermore, functions like f x = x + x lead to output details being listed for each occurrence of x in x + x. 5. Using strings for stories gives traces which have only implicit structure, and are hard to browse. 6. Augmenting the source code ad hoc with stories is awkward, and, methodologically, unsound practice. In the next section we describe an alternative method for constructing stories, and which gives us a fully functional debugger for functional programs. The method we will describe will deal with many of the issues raised in points 1,2,3, & 5 above. Points 4 and 6 are addressed in section 5.

3 Some Refinement—An ADT The most obvious and simplest but very powerful refinement is to change from the character string representation of the story to an algebraic data type (ADT). Firsly, we must decide upon our datatype. The fundamental feature we are attempting to discover information about is a function and its input and output. There are three components that we need to keep track of: the function itself, the input arguments to the function and the result of applying the function to its input arguments. The details we are attempting to capture can be represented as two datatypes. One for the function and its arguments (application) and one for the result of the application. We will represent the application datatype as a tree. To illustrate, consider the function f applied to x (usually written as f x). In our scheme the node will represent the application. The first branch is the function f and the second its input arguments. We will call this datatype Atree for application tree. data Atree


FnAppNode Dtree Dtree

We capture the result of the application in our second datatype, Dtree, for debug tree. Now we consider the actual structure of Dtree. Dtree must capture application as well as basic types, operators, function names and lists. Below is the definition of Dtree: type FName data Bop

= =

[Char] Plus | Min | ...| Head

-- Function names -- Built in operator names

data Dtree


Lf Int | Lfbi Bop | Lff FName | Lfl [Dtree] | . . . AppNode Atree Dtree | Partial


Leaf: Leaf: Leaf: Leaf:

integer value built in operators function name lists

-- Application and result -- Placeholder for partial -- application

Now we have a rich data structure to capture stories. Note that the ADT includes function names and operators. This Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

will allow us to capture in a generalised way the name of the function being applied as well as the values it was applied to. The leaf for built in operators is not strictly necessary as these can be dealt with via the normal function name leaf. They are left in, at present, so that they can be differentiated from user defined functions—this may or may not prove useful. Now we must examine the systematic introduction of debugging trees into programs.

3.1 Constants Integer constants are represented by the leaf, Lf, of the Dtree. For instance, 7 is represented as, (7, Lf 7). We will call the new values, traced values and define the type synonym type T x = (x, Dtree). At present only integer and boolean (Lfb) constants are defined.

3.2 Variables Variables are replaced by themselves as they must already be traced. f to (n, Lf n) without modification.

f v1 = v1 needs no rewriting as we can apply

3.3 Built in Operators Each built in operator, such as multiplication , is replaced by a version which expects traced operands and yields a traced result. For example, we replace each occurence of a fully applied  such as e1  e2 by mult e1 e2 where: mult mult (x, xd) (y, yd)

:: =

T Int -> T Int -> T Int (x * y, Lf x * y)

This definition appears to “throw away” the traced elements xd and yd of the operands. The traced components of the operands are dealt with by the “traced” definition of application. Also, note the above is not the full story for expressions involving primitive operators. Further details are in 3.5.

3.4 Application All functions are treated as curried, and so function application only involves one argument. To deal with the fact that everything is traced we must modify the definition of function application. Usually apply is represented by juxtaposition, i.e f applied to x is normally written fx, but it can be written as f $x or ap fx. We will use this final form with the implicit definition ap f x = f x. When tracing the function application ap e1 e2 , e1 will yield a traced function, say (f, fd), and e2 will yield a traced argument value, say, (x, xd). The function f must be applied to (x, xd), yielding result, (x’, xd’). Finally the story of the application and how its computes its result must be constructed from fd, xd, xd’. Thus we recast apply as: ap (f, fd) (x, xd)


let (x’, xd’) = f (x, xd) in (x’, AppNode (FnAppNode fd xd) xd’)

For example, applying the traced version of “not” (pnot) to, say True, is written as: ap (pnot, Lff "˜") (True, Lfb True)

which yields: (False,AppNode (FnAppNode (Lff "˜") (Lfb True)) (Lfb False))

3.5 Curried Functions When dealing with curried functions we must retain the full trace of the applications. Recall that an expression like 2  3 represents the application of  to 2 and then the application of the curried function 2 to 3. In our notation this would be written as ap (ap f x) y. The inner apply (ap f x) must return an entity with type T (T Int -> Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

T Int), i.e, a function that takes a traced integer and returns a traced integer and the trace of the application (ap f x). The value (mult (2, Lf 2), Partial) has the right type but applying this to, (3, Lf 3), yields (6, AppNode (FnAppNode Partial (Lf 3)) (Lf 6)) which loses the tracing information about mult being applied to (2, Lf). To retain this information we must replace the “Partial” in (mult (2, Lf 2), Partial) with the proper trace representing 2: AppNode FnAppNode (Lfbi Mult) (Lf 2) Partial This represents the application of the built in operator mult to (2, Lf 2), i.e. 2. The result of this application is represented by the placeholder leaf Partial from Dtree. This is the trace representation of mult (2, Lf 2). Thus 2  3 can be rewritten as: ap (mult (2, Lf 2), AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Mult) (Lf 2)) Partial) (3, Lf 3)

This version gives us the full trace information. As can be seen from the results of running the above: (6, AppNode FnAppNode (AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Mult) (Lf 2)) Partial )) (Lf 3) (Lf 6))

We can package up the trace information for the curried part of the application 2 so that we can write down expressions like ap (ap pmult (2, Lf 2)) (3, Lf 3). To do this we define pmult as: pmult pmult

:: =

Num Int => T (T Int -> T (T Int -> T Int)) let f’ x = (mult x, Partial) in (f’, Lfbi Mult)

Note that this means we have a way of writing sections. From the above we can see that the section 2 is rewritten as ap pmult (2, Lf 2). The above generalises for any function of two arguments f x y. These are rewritten as ap (ap pf x) y) where: pf pf

:: =

Num Int => T (T a -> T (T b -> T c)) let f’ x = (f x, Partial) in (f’, Lff "f")

A function of three arguments f :: pf pf

:: =

a -> b -> c -> d is rewritten as:

T (T a -> T (T b -> T (T c -> T d))) let f’’ x y = (f x y, Partial) f’ x = (f’’ x, Partial) in (f’, Lff "f")

We can now see how to generalise this scheme to functions of n arguments. If we write ap pf x where pf = (f, Lff "f") for unary functions we have a consistent scheme for the replacement of function applications by their trace:

e1 f e1 e2 f e1 e2 e3 f

.. .

is replaced by is replaced by is replaced by .. .

ap pf ap (ap pf ap (ap (ap pf .. .

e1 e1 ) e1 ) 0



e2 e2 ) e3 0



where e0n is the appropriate form of en . Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

3.6 An Example Returning to the example of section 2 and rewriting fact as: pfact


(fact, Lff "Fact")

fact (0, nd) fact n

= =

(1, Lf 1) ap (ap pmult n) (ap pfact (ap (ap pminus n) (1, Lf 1)))

Running ap pfact (2, Lf 2) (and prettifying by hand) gives: (2, AppNode FnAppNode (Lff Fact) (Lf 2) AppNode FnAppNode AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Mult) (Lf 2)) Partial ) AppNode FnAppNode (Lff Fact) AppNode FnAppNode (AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Min) (Lf 2)) Partial )) (Lf 1) (Lf 1) AppNode FnAppNode (AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Min) (Lf 2)) Partial )) (Lf 1) (Lf 1) (Lf 2) )

We have the result 2 and its trace. The trace is rather hard to read in this form, but it is a well structured object. This is a considerable improvement over section 2 as it is going to be much easier to write a browser to handle a well-defined data-structure like Dtree than an unstructured text string. We next show how to trace lists before giving some standard functions in their trace form.

3.7 Tracing lists The list consisting of the integer constants: [11, 22, 33] is traced as: ([11, 22, 33], Lfl [Lf 11, Lf 22, Lf 33]) In general a list of form:

[ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; : : : ] is rewritten as:

([ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; : : : ]; Lfl [Dtree1 ; Dtree2 ; Dtree3 ; : : : ]) where Dtreen is the trace for n . To illustrate let us examine a traced version of the built in function head: head head ([], Lfl []) head ((x:xs), Lfl (y:ys))

:: = =

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995

T [a] -> T a error "Cannot apply head to []" (x, y)


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

Then applying head to [1,2], using the definition (phead = (head, Lfbi Head)): (ap phead ([1, 2], Lfl [Lf 1, Lf 2])

which gives: (1, AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Head) (Lfl [Lf 1, Lf 2])) (Lf 1))

This definition of lists allows us to capture the important input/output behaviour of head. We can see that the FnAppNode has the information that head is being applied to the list represented by Lfl [Lf 1, Lf 2]. Pattern matching with lists needs careful handling. Definitions like head (x:xs) = x can be replaced with head ((x:xs), Lfl (y:ys)) = (x, y) but this violates 3.2 as the variable x has been rewritten as (x, y). Note that head above violates 3.2. To get round this problem we define uncs for “uncons” in the following manner: uncs ((x:xs), Lfl (y:ys))


((x, y), (xs, Lfl ys))

and use this definition on the rhs. The final clause of head is rewritten as: head xs


x where (x, xs’) = uncs xs

Note that uncs is not applied using ap. This is because uncs is part of the tracing mechanism.

3.8 Infinite Lists and non-terminating computations As can be seen from the above examples a list is defined as ([a], Dtree). The main problem with lists is how to deal with infinite lists. Often we call functions with arguments of the form [1..]. The traced form of an infinite list contains an infinite Dtree. We cannot simply print this out as the input to some function! The solution adopted is to limit the number of terms that our browser will print of the Dtree describing the list. The limit should be user definable. A similiar consideration applies to non-terminating computations that return no value at all, e.g. an application of ap f x = f (x + 1). The computation will expand to be an infinite, but lazily evaluated, Dtree, and a browser can thus show the computation steps and limit the tree traversed.

3.9 Some Standard Functions Here we give some standard functions in what would be their traced forms. Note that these standard functions will be “trusted functions”, and so the traced forms will never be applied, (i.e, we will write map f list and not ap (ap pmap (f, fd) list)). This means that these functions will not appear in the Dtree; this will make the output much less verbose—this is why at present we define trusted functions. It also means that partial versions are not required. An alternative mechanism to cut down on the verbosity would be to supply the partial versions and fully apply the functions to get the full tracing information and use the browser the throw it away unless the information was requested. There are both potential gains and losses with this approach: clearly throwing information away without the choice of examination needs to be justified. The justification may well lie with efficiency considerations. The main purpose in giving these definitions is to show some standard functions translated into trace form. 3.9.1 Map dmap :: T (T a -> T b) -> T [a] -> T [b] dmap f ([], b) = ([], b) dmap f a = let (st, rem) = uncs a in (ap f st) ‘cons‘ (dmap f rem)

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Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

We write map (*2) [1, 2] as dmap (ap pmult (2, Lf2)) ([1, 2], Lfl [Lf 1, Lf 2])). Running this gives (and adding prettified layout by hand): ([2, 4], Lfl [ AppNode FnAppNode (AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Mult) (Lf 2)) Partial)) (Lf 1) Lf 2, AppNode FnAppNode (AppNode (FnAppNode (Lfbi Mult) (Lf 2)) Partial)) (Lf 2) Lf 4])

3.9.2 Foldr dfoldr :: T (T a -> T (T b -> T b)) -> T b -> T [a] -> T b dfoldr f z ([], b) = z dfoldr f z xs = ap (ap f s) (dfoldr f z t) where (s, t) = uncs xs

3.9.3 Dscanr dscanr :: T (T a -> T (T b -> T (T b))) -> T b -> T [a] -> T [T b] dscanr f (z, t1) ([], t2)= ([z], Lfl [t1]) dscanr f z xs = (ap (ap f s) (q, qt)) ‘cons‘ gs where gs@((q: ), Lfl (qt: ))=dscanr f z t (s, t)=uncs xs

We have given several definitions to illustrate various syntactical structures and to show that program rewriting is possible. A complete grammar for programs that can be re-written in debug form is given in appendix A, and the corresponding debug forms are given by a formal translation scheme in appendix B.

4 Related research The most complete debugger for a functional language that we are aware of is a debugger for the standard ML language [1]. This debugger employs program transformation to perform the debugging. The debugger supports many of the features that “traditional” imperative debuggers support: breakpoints, examine current state of variables, etc. It also supports a unique feature: time-travel. It is possible to step back to an earlier point in the execution and re-execute from that point. Unfortunately, standard ML is an eager language and the techniques employed to build the debugger cannot be used in the lazy context. Nevertheless the debugger represents a major achievement. Naish has built a “declarative” or algorithmic debugger intended mainly for Prolog but extensible to lazy functional languages (the implementation is in NUE-Prolog) [7, 8]. The method builds a tree representing the computation. The tree is then searched to find an “incorrect equation instance” using an “Oracle” (someone who knows what functions should return). The Oracle simply answers questions about the correctness of assertions to drive the search on the tree. The first example of the tracing approach we are aware of is Hall and O’Donnell’s work using the language Daisy [2]. Although unaware of this work when we started our own investigations it is clear that we continue in the same tradition: functions are explicitly transformed to retain debugging information in addition to their results. Although [2] provides no details of the underlying mechanisms used to achieve the threading of the debugging information, it does discuss (and have examples of) the use of system functions to ”browse” the debug information resulting from an execution by extracting and displaying relevant information. We have recently become aware of some further work by Sparud and Nilsson [4, 5] that is similar to ours: the implementation is different (it exploits a feature (Existential types) of the Chalmers Haskell compiler (hbc) [6] not available in either standard Haskell [3] or Gofer [9]) but the underlying ideas are very similar. The differences are Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

that our approach offers greater simplicity with no apparent loss of power. For instance, Sparud generates a runtime “dependence” tree that is then transformed (by an unspecified mechanism) into an “EDT tree” and the EDT tree is browsed. We do not have this intermediate step: our “Dtree” is essentially similiar to the EDT tree but is generated at runtime and then browsed. Also no mention of laziness is made and the benefits this brings to the construction of the Dtree (i.e. that as it is constructed lazily we can exploit this to browse infinite data structures—as only sufficient of the Dtree is constructed to generate the output from the browser). All of the above share a fundamental problem: they all rely on program transformation of one form or another. The “plumbing” of the debugging information throughout a program is an undesirable feature but one that at present appears to offer a way forward. An important goal for us is to negate the need for all this plumbing and debug with original unaltered source code; with this aim in mind, our transformations are structured so as to be realisable as a modified prelude, thus enabling execution of the same code with an unmodified runtime system.

5 Conclusions The ultimate goal we have is to be able to take a normal program and produce the debug information with as little effort on the programmer’s part as possible, ideally all the programmer would have to do was indicate that the current run was a debug run. The language implementation would then deal with generating the trace version of the functions and all the other entities in the program. What we have done so far is sketch out what appears to be a promising approach to the debugging of functional languages that deals with some of the problems listed in section 2. It is our intention to investigate this approach in more detail to get a firmer grip on the difficulties that stand in the way of full implematation. Certainly what we believe we can do at the moment is rewrite the standard prelude in trace form using a mapping function that takes a normal program and automatically generates a debug version. This mapping function could also generate the “partial” version of functions. Clearly there are obvious difficulties/enhancements:

 We will need to modify the source code of the actual implementation to change it to automatically generate the trace values for all the entities in the program including any user defined types  In this paper we have presented no mechanism to deal with user defined types.  A browser for Dtree is required. Attractive features in the browser would be: – Support “standard” features like: setting of breakpoints; examination of variables; stepping through lineby-line; etc, etc. – The programmer should be able to name functions and have only their input/output behaviour displayed. – An environment based approach would also deal with the multi-displaying of variables/functions that appear in the input/output many times (the f x = x + x problem).

 It would be best of all to abandon the notion of automatically rewriting programs and handle as much of the trace based debugging as possible at implementation level leaving the programmer’s code intact! At present we are investigating doing this in a interpreted language, such as Gofer [9, 10], simply by replacement of the standard prelude by a debugging prelude. All of the above will form the basis of our future investigations in this field. Utimately we hope to be able to produce a tool or set of tools that help in the debugging of function programs. As we stated in the introduction, we see the lack of this type of tool to be a major drawback in the development of function programs in the real world.

References [1] Tolmach A and Appel AW. A debugger for standard ML. Functional Programming, 1(1):1–47, 1993. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

[2] Hall CV and O’Donnell JT. Debugging in a side effect free programming environment. In ACM Sigplan 85 Symposium on Languages Issues in Programming Environments, volume 20, pages 60–68, June 1985. [3] Peyton Jones S Hudak P and Wadler P et al. Report on the Programming Language Haskell, March 1992. [4] Sparud J. Towards a haskell debugger. Chalmers University. [5] Sparud J and Nilsson H. The architecture of a debugger for lazy functional languages. Chalmers University and Link¨oping University. [6] Augustsson L. HBC User’s manual, 1993. Distributed with HBC compiler. [7] Naish L. Declarative debugging of lazy functional programs. Technical report, University of Melbourne, June 1992. [8] Naish L. A declarative debugging scheme. Technical report, University of Melbourne, January 1995. [9] Jones MP. Gofer 2.28 release notes, February 1993. [10] Jones MP. An introduction to Gofer, 1994.

A Debug Grammar The “debug grammar” is a subset of the full Gofer language. The full Gofer language is exploited when the “debug grammar” is translated into concrete Gofer syntax.

f. . . g+ —one or more f. . . g0 —zero or more fg—Optional program ::= ffundefg+ fundef ::= ffuneqg+ funeq ::= f fpatg+ f | exp = expg+ where j f fpatg+ = exp where exp ::= const j var j exp bop exp j bop exp j f fexpg+ j if exp then exp else exp j \fpatg+ -> exp j [] j [exp, . . . ,exp] where ::= fwhere fvar = exp g+ g pat ::= const j var j [] j (var:var) The undefined non-terminals “const” and “var” are given the following meanings: a const can be either an integer or a boolean and var has the same definition as in Gofer. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

B Translation Scheme We now give the translation of a program into a debug program. Occasionally subscripted numbers/letters are added before translation is completed. This is only done before the final translation into concrete syntax when it is necessary to distinguish between components. The symbol “ ” is used to mean “blank” returned in this component of a tuple. We use the following abbreviations:

ei +

e1 : : : ei : : : en


Thus, in particular:

T [ fxi g+ ]  T [ x1 : : : xi : : : xn ] T [ x1 ] : : : T [ xi ] : : : T [ xn ]  fT [ xi ] g+ [ ffundef g+ ]  fT [ fundef ] g+ [ ffuneq g+ ]  fT [ funeq ] g+ T [ fnp funeq ] where fnp [ f fpat g+ | fexp = exp g+ where ] =f fpat g+ fnp [ f fpat g+ = exp where ] =f fpat g+ + + [ f fpat g | fexp = exp g where ]  T [ f ] ft g+ T [ f| exp = exp g+ ] t + [ f fpat g = exp where ]  T [ f ] ft g+ = T [ exp ] t

Tprog Tf d











Tf e






f nl

Tf e











f nl




where (tpati , pdefi )=Tpat [ pati ] twhere =Tw [ where ] pdefi ((const, ), ) (var, ) (([], ), ) (nv, (var1 , var2 ) = uncs1 nv) where nv = new variable



Tpat [ const ] Tpat [ var ] Tpat [ [] ] Tpat [ (var1 :var2 ) ]


Tgexp [ | expi;l = expi;r + ] | fst Texp [ expi;r ] = Texp [ expi;r ] + Tw [ ]

Tw [ ] pdefsi + where pdef1 .. . pdefi .. . pdefn Tw [ where vari = expi + ]

where vari = Texp [ expi ] + + + Tw [ where vari = expi ] pdefi where vari = Texp [ expi ] + pdef1 .. . pdefi .. . pdefn Texp [ const ] (const, Lfi const) or (const, Lfb const) var Texp [ var ] Texp [ exp1 bop exp2 ] ap2 (ap pbop3 Texp [ exp2 ] ) Texp [ exp1 ] Texp [ bop exp ] ap pbop Texp [ exp ] Texp [ f expi + ] ap Tf nr [ f ] Texp [ expi ] + Texp [ if exp1 then exp2 else exp3 ] if fst Texp [ exp1 ] then Texp [ exp2 ] else Texp [ exp3 ] Texp [ \ pati + -> exp ] \ tpati + -> (build pdefi + ) Texp [ exp ] where (tpati , pdefi ) = Tpat [ pati ] Texp [ [] ] ([], Lfl [])




f f

f f



f g



g g g g f


f g f

f f



g g g g






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Towards a Purely Functional Debugger for Functional Programs

Texp [ [exp1 ,: : :, expn ] ]


build pdefi


Tf nl [ f ] Tf nr [ f ]

g+  let


([e1 ,: : :,en ], Lfl [es1 ,: : :,esn ]) = Texp [ exp1 ] where (e1 , es1 ) .. .. .. . . . (en , esn ) = Texp [ expn ] where ei , esi = new variables

pdef1 .. . pdefi .. . pdefn

in f pf4

Each pf is a definition of a new “debug” version of f. The definition of pf depends on the arity of f. This extra function definition is given by Tpf [ f fpati g+ ] . The definition for arity 1 is: Tpf

[ f pat ]  (f,

Lff "f")

and for arity n  2 is: Tpf

[ f fpatg+ ] letf’

::: ’’ pat1 : : : patn 1 =(f pat1 : : : patn 1 , Partial) f’::: ’ pat1 : : : patn 2 =(f’::: ’’ pat1 : : : patn 2 , Partial) .. .. .. . . . =(f’’’ pat1 pat2 , Partial) f’’ pat1 pat2 f’ pat1 =(f’’ pat1 , Partial) in (f’, Partial)

1 See

section 3.7 section 3.4 3 See section 3.5 4 See section 3.5 2 See

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine Manuel M.T. Chakravarty

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine Manuel M.T. Chakravarty Fachbereich 13, Technische Universit¨at Berlin Berlin, Germany

Abstract To reduce the adverse effects of long latency communication operations in distributed implementations of the Spineless Tagless G-machine (STGM), a variant of the original abstract machine that contains explicit support for multithreading is introduced. In particular, source-to-source transformations can be used on the level of the abstract machine code to foster the tolerance to long latency communication. The changes to the original STG-language include a separation of demand from case selection together with the introduction of a new construct that provides an abstract notion of thread boundaries and thread synchronization.

1 Introduction A static mapping of the components of a parallel program to the physical processor elements of a parallel computer such that these components communicate in a regular fashion is only possible for restricted programs or programs that contain explicit layout information, e.g., [8, 2]. In contrast, distributed implementations of general lazy functional programs issue demands for remote data in a dynamic and unpredictable fashion; the resulting long latency communication operations have adverse effects on distributed implementations of abstract machines, such as the Spineless Tagless G-machine (STGM) [12, 10] with its implementations for GRIP [11] and GUM [14]. The subject of this paper is a variant of the STGM that is designed to reduce the impact of long latency communication on the execution time; to this end, it exploits the inherent fine-grain parallelism contained in functional programs by employing multithreading and supporting stateless threads. A special feature of the new abstract machine, called STGMMT , is that source-to-source transformations can be used on the level of the abstract machine code to foster the tolerance to long latency communication. Section 2 introduces the basic ideas underlying the development of the STGMMT . Section 3 describes the changes to the original machine language of the STGM, and Section 4 demonstrates the use of the new constructs. Then in Section 5, the operational semantics of the new machine language is presented. Related work is discussed in Section 6, and Section 7 contains the conclusions.

2 The Use of Multithreading We assume a distributed implementation of the STGM where on each of the many processor elements (PEs) a number of tasks are running interleaved. When the active task of one of these processors attempts the evaluation of the expression (a + b)  (c + d), it may start by accessing the value of the variable a. If the value of a is stored in the memory of another PE, a remote access is triggered (by entering a FETCHME closure; cf. [10]). When such a long latency communication operation stalls the progress of a task, it is common practice to suspend that task and, instead, to execute some other, runnable task. Such a task switch includes an expensive context switch where the current values of some  E-mail: [email protected], URL:˜chak/

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Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine

processor registers have to be saved and other values have to be loaded; furthermore, the data in the processor cache is probably useless for the computation performed by the newly selected task. Crucial for the techniques developed in this paper is, returning to the example, the observation that the evaluation of the subexpression c + d is (i) independent from the result of the remote access induced by a and (ii) can be achieved with less context switching costs than switching to an arbitrary runable task. The context needed to evaluate c + d is similar to the context needed to evaluate a + b, in particular, both computations are part of the same function activation. Across function boundaries, a similar observation can be made. When the result of a function activation depends on a long latency operation and there are no more computations in this function activation that are independent from the long latency operation, then it is usually less costly to switch to the execution of some independent computation in the calling function than to activate a completely unrelated task—consider the processor cache. Overall, when the delay of a long latency operation has to be covered by some independent computation, take a computation whose context is as close to the current context as possible. Such a computation can be chosen by the heuristic that computations that would have been executed shortly after the current computation are closely related in their context—an assumption justified by the locality that computations usually exhibit. The fine-grain parallelism inherent in functional programs can be used to mechanically partition a program into threads realizing independent computations. Within a function activation, long latency operations can then be covered by switching to any of the ready threads. The abstract machine language described below provides a construct that explicitly displays independent computations on the level of the abstract machine language. These independent computations can be implemented by stateless threads [1, 3]. The crucial feature of stateless threads is that they never suspend, i.e., they start only when all resource requirements are satisfied and execute to completion without any further need for synchronization—in essence, they represent the smallest unit of non-synchronizing computation. There is evidence that the use of stateless threads minimizes the thread switching time while simultaneously allowing to exploit the properties of the memory hierarchy [1, 6].

3 The Abstract Machine Language Starting from the STG-language as described in [10], two principal changes are required to integrate support for multithreading: demand must be separated from case selection, and an abstract notion of thread boundaries and thread synchronization is needed. In the following, a third modification will also be applied: an abstract notion of distribution is added in order to be able to observe the effects of multithreading on the abstract level of the STG-language. The variant of the STG-language that is defined in this paper is called the STGMT -language. To focus the following presentation on issues relevant to multithreading, support for built-in data types, such as integers and floating point numbers, is omitted—they can be handled in a similar way as in the original STGM, namely by an explicit treatment of unboxed values. Furthermore, the explicit top-level, which contains the global definitions, is omitted—here also, the mechanisms of the STGM can still be applied in the STGMMT .


The Grammar

A definition of the grammar of the STGMT-language can be found in Figure 1. In comparison to the original STG-language, note the addition of letrem and letpar, and the fact that in a case expression the keywords case and of enclose an identifier and not an arbitrary expression. An intuition of the behaviour of the added or changed constructs is provided in the following subsections.


An Abstract Notion of Threads

In the original STGM, there is only a single kind of bindings. It associates variable names with lambda forms. In the STGMMT these bindings are called function bindings and are produced by the nonterminal fbind. In addition, value bindings—nonterminal vbind—are introduced in the STGMMT . Value bindings occur only in the letpar construct, which has the following general form: letpar v1# = e1 ; : : : ; vn # = en in e Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine

! j j j j j j

letrec fbinds in exp letrem fbind in exp letpar vbinds in exp case uvid of alts vid args cid env uvid

(mutually recursive closures) (remote closure) (parallel demands) (selection) (closure evaluation) (return constructor) (return unboxed value)

vbinds vbind

! ! ! j ! !

fbind1; : : : ; fbindn vid = env \ args -> exp u n vbind1; : : : ; vbindn uvid = exp

(n  1) (function binding) (updatable) (not updatable) (n  1) (value binding)

alts alt dft

! ! !

alt 1; : : : ; alt n; dft cid args -> exp default -> exp

(n  1) (case alternative) (case default)


! ! j !

{arg1 , : : : , argn } vid uvid {vid1, : : : , vidn}

(argument variables, n  0) (boxed value) (unboxed value) (environment variables, n  0)

uvid vid cid

! ! !

vid# lowercase identifier uppercase identifier

(variable for unboxed values) (variable) (data constructor)


fbinds fbind

args arg

Figure 1: The grammar of the STGMT-language. In contrast to the letrec construct (cf. [10]), no closures are created, but the expressions e1 to en are evaluated, and only after all results are assigned to the vi #, evaluation proceeds with e. Furthermore, the vi # may not occur free in e1 to en . The last restriction guarantees the independence that we required in Section 2 for computations that may be used to cover long latency operations. More precisely, it allows to evaluate e1 to en in an arbitrary order without any need to synchronize on the vi #. Should the evaluation of any ei suspend due to a remote access, then it is still possible to continue the computation locally with any ej where j 6= i. In short, letpar allows to express the independence of local computations on the level of the abstract machine language. Furthermore, the fact that the evaluation of the body expression e must wait for the delivery of all vi # can be seen as an abstract form of synchronization barrier. The hash marks (#) behind the vi indicate that the vi # store unboxed values. The treatment of unboxed values in the STGMMT is related to, but not identical to the use of unboxed values in the original STGM. In particular in the original STGM, which follows [7], all types of boxed and unboxed values have to be explicitly introduced, but in the STGMMT, there is implicitly a corresponding unboxed value for each boxed value. The coercion from boxed to unboxed and from unboxed to boxed types is made explicitly by value bindings and function bindings, respectively. For example, the expression letpar v# = w in


binds to v# the unboxed value associated with the boxed value stored in w. Conversely, letrec w = {} \n {} -> v# in

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boxes the unboxed value contained in v#. The deviation from the technique used in the STGM becomes necessary due to the fact that demand for evaluation, in the STGMMT , is issued when an expression occurs in the right-hand side of a value bindings while, in the STGM, the value of an expression is only demanded when it is scrutinized by a case expression. Note that unboxed variables are not allowed to be in the list of free variables of a function binding, i.e., only boxed values can be stored in the environment of closures, and that it is forbidden to use them as arguments to constructors. These restrictions can be relaxed, but here they are enforced here to make the presentation simpler. Furthermore, the expressions appearing as right-hand sides of value bindings must not be of functional type, i.e., must not be of type ! . This restriction corresponds to the restriction of the original STGM that says that case expressions must not inspect values of functional type.


Selection Without Demand

In the original STGM, case expressions play two roles: first, they demand the evaluation of the scrutinized expression, i.e., the expression between the keywords case and of; second, they select one of several alternatives by matching the value of the scrutinized expression against the patterns of the alternatives. It was already mentioned that value bindings issue demands for evaluation in the STGMMT , and hence, the single purpose of case expressions is pattern matching. Overall, we have the following correspondence: Original STGM case e of alt1; : : : ;altn ;dft



letpar v# = e in case v# of alt1 ; : : : ;altn ;dft


An Abstract Notion of Distribution

In the original presentation of the STGM [10], the potential distribution of the heap of the abstract machine over multiple processing elements is left implicit. To make the need for long latency operations explicit, we expose the potential for distribution in the STGMMT. To this end, the concept of a machine instance is introduced. Each machine instance has a local heap and is able to evaluate closures in its local heap independent from the other instances. When the local evaluation depends on a closure stored within another machine instance—we call this a remote closure—a long latency operation is triggered.1 On the level of the abstract machine code, no assumptions are made about the number of machine instances available. The letrem construct specifies those closures that may be allocated remotely. In contrast, the closures associated with the function bindings of a letrec are bound to be allocated locally. To simplify matters, there may only be one binding in a letrem and it must not be recursive—recursion can be introduced by using a letrec in the righthand side of the single function binding of the letrem. Furthermore, the binding of a letrem must not have any arguments, i.e., it has to represent a nullary function. Overall, the STGMT -language allows, even requires, to explicitly specify the partitioning of a parallel program, but it abstracts over its mapping (cf. [4] for a definition of these notions).


Using the New Constructs

In summary, the STGMT -language modifies the original STG-language in three ways: it introduces an explicit, but abstract, notion of (i) local, independent computations (letpar) and (ii) closures that may be allocated on a remote instance (letrem); and (iii) demand and selection are separated. These modifications lead to a number of interesting properties that are discussed in the following. 1 Note

that already in the original STGM, closures are the only kind of structure in the heap.

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Generating code for the STGMMT

The translation of a functional program into the STGMT-language corresponds closely to the generation of code for the original STGM. The main difference is that we have to observe the correspondence stated in Equation (1) and case expressions that are just used for unboxing require no case in the STGMMT , but only a letpar. In contrast to letpar expressions, letrem constructs are not expected to be generated automatically; instead they are generated from explicit annotations, i.e., the programmer decides which computations are coarse-grained enough to be worth the shipping to another processor element.


Covering Long Latency Operations

Following the stated scheme for code generation, only letpar constructs containing a single value binding are generated. Such code does not exhibit any tolerance to long latency operations. An important characteristic of the STGMT language is that simple source-to-source transformations can be used to increase this tolerance. In particular, we can apply the following transformation rule: letpar v1# = e1 in letpar v2 # = e2 in e3


letpar v1 # = e1 v2 # = e2 in e3


when v1 is not free in e2 . In case of the example from Section 2, (a + b)  (c + d), the transformation rule (2) has a dramatic effect on the corresponding STGMMT -code:

letpar av# = a [] in letpar bv# = b [] in letpar ab# = add# [av#, bv#] in letpar cv# = c [] in letpar dv# = d [] in letpar cd# = add# [cv#, dv#] in mul# [ab#, cd#]


letpar ab# = letpar av# = a []; bv# = b [] in add# [av#, bv#]; cd# = letpar cv# = c []; dv# = d [] in add# [cv#, dv#]; in mul# [ab#, cd#]

The code to the left is similar to the case cascade used to represent this computation in the original STGM. The transformed code, to the right, explicitly represents the independence of those subcomputations that can be used to cover long latency operations. In particularly, when demanding a triggers a remote access, the demand of b as well as the demands to c and d together with the evaluation of add# [cv#, dv#] can be done while waiting for the value av#. In the worst case, when all data is remote, at least the access to a, b, c, and d is overlapped. In essence, the code to the right is a textual representation of the partial ordering induced on the code by the data dependencies. Overall the separation of demand and selection allows to move demand, i.e., value bindings, outwards in order to collect multiple value bindings in a single letpar as in the following code fragment (the yi are not free in e2 ): letpar x# = e1 in case x# of C {y1 , : : : ,yn } -> letpar z # = e2 in case z # of : : :


letpar x# = e1 z # = e2 in case x# of C {y1 , : : : ,yn } -> case z # of

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Apart from data dependencies, the outwards movement of value bindings is stopped by case expressions with more than one alternative; moving a value binding over a case with multiple alternatives can change the termination behaviour of a program. In principle, function boundaries also stop the outwards movement, but this should, for the following reason, not become a problem in practice: either the function is very simple, then it can be inlined; or it is complex and, then, it usually contains a case with multiple alternatives, which hinders the outward movement anyway.



The following program fragement displays the essentials of a parallel program exploiting pipelined parallelism: consume :: [Value] -> Result consume [] = htrivial resulti consume (x:xs) = let r = consume xs in hmake result from x and ri main = let stream = hproducer of some list of Valuesi in stream ‘par‘ consume stream — consume in parallel The par meta-function indicates that its two arguments may be evaluated (in parallel) on different machine instances; it is compiled into a letrem construct in the following STGMMT -code: consume = {} \n {l} letpar lv# = l {} Nil {} -> Cons {x, xs} ->

-> in case lv# of htrivial resulti letpar xv# = x {} — independent rv# = consume {xs} — computations in hmake result from xv# and rv#i

main = {} \u {} -> letrem — potential remote allocation stream = { : : : } \u {} -> hproducer of some list of Valuesi in consume {stream} The above code for consume is already transformed; the original code would place the expression consume {xs} into the function binding of a separate letrec. But the immediate following occurence of the bound variable in the right-hand side of a value binding allows the transformation into the shown code. If there are machine instances that need additional work, then closures created with letrem can be shipped to those instances; otherwise they can also be allocated and evaluated locally—the latter case corresponds to the idea of the absorption of previously sparked children [5]. In the above example, let us assume that stream is allocated remotely. Then, the value of stream and consume {stream} are evaluated on different instances, in parallel— any closures created with letrec while evaluating stream are also allocated and, thus, evaluated on the remote instance. This implies that the access to x in the body of consume triggers a remote access, which is, at least partially, covered by the recursive call to consume (in the same letpar).

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5 The Meaning To formalize the operational semantics of the STGMT-language, a transition system is presented in this section; it is derived from the system in [10]. It makes the effects of multithreading on the abstract level of the STGMT -language explicit. The notation used in this section is similar to that used in [10]; details are provided in Appendix A.


Machine Configurations

A machine configuration is represented by a mapping I from names to machine instances. Each instance consists of several components, including a code component, a task pool, an argument stack, a return stack, and a heap. A detailed description of these data structures is provided in Appendix B. The machine instances in a configuration share a global name space, but the computations within one instance i may only access the components of i. When i needs to access a closure, named o, that is located in the heap of another instance j , it has to request j to evaluate the closure o and to return the WHNF of o back to i. This operation is the single form of long latency operation in the STGMMT. In the transition rules, we assume an unbound number of instances, and each closure allocated by a letrem is created on a not-yet-used instance. This exposes the maximal parallelism of the program. In a concrete implementation, the scheme outlined Section 4.3 is used, i.e., closures are only distributed upon request from processing elements with an insufficient amount of work.


The Transition Rules

The following transition rules affect either one or two instances at a time. To get a parallel and not only an interleaving semantics, we define a parallel transition step to be a set of applications of transition rules such that this set contains at least a single element and no instance is affected by more than one transition rule. A transition rule is said to affect an instance if this instance occurs in the rules pre- or postcondition. 5.2.1

The Initial State

The initial machine state used to evaluate an expression e is the following: current task inst. task pool frames [i 7! Eval e [] ; []

arg. stack


ret. stack heap [hd; Next; []i] []

dissem. map


The configuration consists of a single instance named i. Its current task is to evaluate e within an empty environment. The task pool is empty (i.e., there is no further work), just as the frame map and argument stack. The single continuation on the return stack indicates that the result of e has to be delivered via the (non-existing) slot d of the dissemination map. The machine terminates when it attempts to distribute some value over the dissemination slot d; this is the value computed for e. Intuitively, the roles of the components of an instance are as follows. The task pool contains the tasks that have to be executed on this instance and are waiting (for the completion of a long latency operation) or ready-to-run. Here it is important to clearly distinguish between tasks and threads. Tasks are unrelated, coarse-grain computations that are distributed over the machine instances to gain speedup by parallel evaluation; they are indirectly introduced by the letrem construct. Threads are clustered into closely related groups represented by the letpar construct and are fine-grain computations that are used to efficiently cover long latency operations. Only when a task contains no more ready-to-run threads and it is still waiting for a long latency operation, it is suspended and placed in the task pool. Every distributed implementation of the STGM uses tasks, but threads are the uncommon feature of the STGMMT. For every letpar construct that is executed, a frame is created; it contains a counter storing the number of value bindings that have not been completed yet and the local environment used to store the value bindings. The argument stack has the same function as in the original STGM, but the return stack assumes the functionality of both the return

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and the update stack of the STGM—this is necessary to correctly deal with updates of closures whose evaluation triggered a long latency operation. The heap is used to store closures—just as in the original STGM. Finally, the dissemination map supports the dissemination of the results of long latency operations to multiple receivers. 5.2.2


Execution of the application of a function to some arguments, pushes the arguments on the stack and enters the closure that represents the function. In contrast, the application of a data constructor, initiates a return operation.

I [i 7! Eval (f {xN })  fs as rs h ds] fs [ xN ]++as rs h ds] =) I [i 7! Enter ( f ) I [i 7! Eval (c {xN })  fs as rs h ds] (2) fs as rs h ds] =) I [i 7! RetTerm hc; [ xN ]i We use  to indicate repetition, e.g., [ xN ] stands for [ x1; : : : ;  xN ] (1)

Evaluating an unboxed variable returns the unboxed value represented by this variable in the local environment .

I [i 7! =) I [i 7! (3)


Eval x# 

RetTerm ( x)

fs as

rs h ds]

fs as

rs h ds]

Entering a Closure

A not updatable closure is entered by evaluating its code under an environment built from the closures arguments and the appropriate number of parameters from the argument stack. The body of the closure is a function that applied to the environment  yields the code form that has to be executed. The environment  is constructed by taking length xs arguments from the stack and associating the free variables vs with the environment eos of the closure.

I [i 7! Enter o =) I [i 7! ( ) (4)

where aos ++ as’


as rs

fs as’ rs

h[o 7! h(vs nn xs ! );eosi] h

ds] ds]

= as, such that length aos = length xs = [xs 7! aos]++[vs 7! eos]

Updatable closures are always nullary (cf. [10]). In the original STGM, such closures push an update frame; in the STGMMT , they create an Upd dissemination entry—as soon as a value is passed to this entry, the closure is updated with this value. Depending on the type of the value that is computed by the closure, we distinguish two cases: first, if the type is non-functional it is sufficient to extend the dissemination entry referenced by the topmost return continuation; second, if the type is functional, the closure has to be reentered after the update, i.e., a return continuation initiating the reentering is pushed and a new slot d is created in the dissemination map. Note that in the first case, the argument stack is guaranteed to be empty in type correct programs.

I [i 7!

Enter o



hd; cont; aspi:rs h

ds[d 7! ms]]

h o = h(vs nu [] ! );eosi and has non-functional type =) I [i 7! ( [vs 7! eos]) fs [] hd; cont; aspi:rs h ds[d 7! (Upd o):ms]] I [i 7! Enter o fs as rs h ds] when h o = h(vs nu [] ! );eosi and has functional type (6) =) I [i 7! ( [vs 7! eos]) fs [] hd; (Enter o); asi:rs h ds[d 7! [Upd o]]] when (5)

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Finally, entering a (not updatable) closure needing more than the available arguments indicates that a partial application has to be passed to the topmost return continuation, i.e., the partial application must be distributed using the dissemination slot d referenced by the return continuation. This case occurs when either a thunk (cf. [10]) has to be updated with a partial application or a partial application has to be communicated to a remote instance.

I [i 7!

Enter o



hd; cont; asp i:rs






h o = h(vs nn xs ! );eosi and length as < length xs =) I [i 7! (MsgPAPP d op cont) fs asp when (7)

where xs1 ++ xs2



= xs, such that length xs1 = length as = h[op 7! h((f:xs1) nn [] ! Eval (f xs1));o:asi]

A new closure, named op , is created, which implements the partial application; its structure corresponds to the representation of partial applications in the original STGM. 5.2.4

Local Bindings

letrec expressions behave as in the original STGM, but note the partial application of the code form Eval in the body of the new closures.

=) (8)


1 0 letrec I [i 7! Eval @ xN = vsN \N xsN -> eN A 

fs as

rs h

I [i 7!

fs as


in e

Eval e 0

h = h[oN 7! h(vsN nN xsN ! (Eval eN ));  = [xN 7! oN ] 0







vsN i]

Evaluating a letrem expression allocates a closure on a new instance k. Additional forwarding closures that contain EnterOn code forms are used for two purposes: first, to reference the new closure ok that is allocated on the new instance k from the current instance i and, second, to reference the closures ( vN ) that are contained in the environment of the new closure but are located on the current instance i.

1 0letrem I [i 7! Eval @ x = {vN } \ {} -> e A 

=) (9)


I [i 7! k 7!


in e2

Eval e2 [x 7! o] Next


hi = hi [o 7! h([v ] nu [] ! EnterOn k v );ok i] h([vN ] n [] ! (Eval e1 ));[oN ]i hk = ook 7! 7 ! h([v ] nu [] ! EnterOn i v ); vN i N 0



dsi ]

hi [] hk

dsi ;














In Section 4.3, letrem was used to implement the meta-function par. Following the definition of par in [5], the closure allocated on the remote instance k must be evaluated immediately. To achieve this behaviour, the initial code form of k must be (Enter o) instead of Next. letpar constructs specify related, but independent work; furthermore, the the evaluation of the body expression has to be synchronized with the delivery of the values demanded in the value bindings. To this end, the code form Sync together with a new frame f are employed. The first argument of Sync contains the still to be evaluated value bindings. The frame maintains a counter of the number of value bindings whose value was not yet added to the environment that

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is also held in the frame. Note that the number of still awaited values will be greater than the number of bindings in the Sync form when the computation of some values is hindered by long latency operations.

I [i 7! =) I [i 7! (10)

where fs0

Eval (letpar b1 ; : : : ;bn in e)  Sync [b1; : : : ; bn] e f

= fs[f

fs 0



rs h



rs h


7! hn; i]

In a concrete implementation, the guaranteed independence of the value bindings within one letpar can be used to partition the code generated from an STGMT-program into non-synchronizing threads, i.e., stateless threads. If there are unprocessed value bindings in a Sync, one is selected and its right hand side e1 is evaluated. A new return continuation is pushed on the stack; it contains the remaining part of the Sync code form and the values currently on the argument stack. The new slot d in the dissemination map is used to eventually distribute the result of e1 . The dissemination entry (Store f x) indicates that the result has to be stored in the environment of frame f with the local name x.

I [i 7! =) I [i 7! (11)

where rs0 ds0

Sync ((x# = e1 ):bs) e2 f Eval e1 


7! hn; i]


rs h

[] rs




ds] ds0 ]

= hd; (Sync bs e2 f ); asi:rs = ds[d 7! [Store f x]]

If there are no more unprocessed value bindings in a Sync form, the behaviour depends on the value of the synchronization counter in the associated frame f . If it is zero, all values are available, and the body expression can be evaluated; otherwise, the evaluation of the body form has to wait for the delivery of the remaining values, but there is no more independent work in the letpar that created this Sync form. Nevertheless, it is usually not necessary to suspend the current task; there may be further work in textually enclosing letpars or in the calling function. In order to utilize such work the code form RetDelay is used. The evaluation of the expression e is deferred to a new task cont that is activated only after the long latency operation is completed.

I [i 7! Sync [] e f fs[f 7! h0; i] =) I [i 7! Eval e  fs I [i 7! Sync [] e f when fs f = hn; i and n > 0 (13) =) I [i 7! RetDelay x [x 7! d] :cont (12)

where cont



rs h ds]


rs h ds]

fs as rs



fs as rs


ds[d 7! []]]

hSync [] e f; hd; Next; []ii

The form RetDelay informs the enclosing computation about the fact that a long latency operation delayed the delivery of the requested value and that no more local work is available. This information is propagated through all the return continuations until a Sync form is found that has some work. When the delayed value eventually becomes available it is distributed using the new slot d of the dissemination map. 5.2.5

Remote Method Invocation

In the STGMMT as in the original STGM, accessing a data structure means to evaluate a closure. Hence, the code form EnterOn represents a remote data access; it initiates the evaluation of the closure on the remote instance k by placing a new task enter into the task pool k . This task eventually distributes the result of the remote computation using the dissemination slot dk , which forwards it to the slot di on the instance i that initiated the whole process. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


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Note that the time between the execution of an EnterOn and the delivery of its result is, in general, unbound. Hence, it is important that the instance i can do some useful work while waiting for the delivery of the result. The delay induced by the remote access is signaled with RetDelay to the enclosing computation. If the return continuation is a Sync form that still has some unevaluated value bindings left, it can continue by evaluating one of these bindings as they do not depend on the delayed value.

I [i 7! k 7! (14) =) I [i 7! k 7! where enter ds0i ds0k 5.2.6

EnterOn k v  task

RetDelay x [x 7! di] task

fsi fsk

asi ask

rsi rsk

hi hk

fsi : enter fsk k

asi ask

rsi rsk


i k i

hk 0

dsi; dsk ] ds0i; ds0k ]

= hEval v [v 7!  v]; hdk; Next; []ii = dsi [di 7! []] = dsk [dk 7! [RetTo i di]]


A case selects the appropriate alternative on the basis of the scrutinized value.

I [i 7!


 case x# of

: : : ;c {vN } -> e; : : :

fs as rs

 x = hc; [wN ]i fs =) I [i 7! Eval e [vN 7! wN ] case x# of  I [i 7! Eval cN vsN -> eN ; default -> e  when  x = hc; wsi and c 6= cN (16) =) I [i 7! Eval e 

h ds]

when (15)

as rs

h ds]

fs as

rs h ds]

fs as

rs h ds]

If no alternative matches, a fatal failure occurs. 5.2.7

Returning a Proper Value

Returning the unboxed form of a data term implies to distribute it using the dissemination slot d referenced by the topmost return continuation; afterwards, the continuation is executed. Returning a data term, the argument stack always is empty for type correct programs.

I [i 7! RetTerm hc; wsi =) I [i 7! (MsgTerm d hc; wsi cont) (17)




fs asp

hd; cont; aspi:rs



rs h


Returning a Delayed Value

When the code form RetDelay is executed, a long latency operation delayed the delivery of some intermediate result and local, but independent, computations should be employed to cover the delay, i.e., not yet evaluated value bindings in surrounding letpars should be executed. For this mechanism to work properly, two jobs have to be carried out: first, some independent work has to be found and, second, when the delayed value finally arrives, it has to be introduced into the ongoing computation. Imagine a Sync code form with multiple value bindings. When the first binding is evaluated, according to Rule (11), a return continuation is pushed that contains the Sync form with the remaining bindings. To utilize the independent

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work constituted by these bindings, we just have to return to this Sync. This is what RetDelay does while simultaneously taking care of the second issue, namely, preparing the asynchronous delivery of the delayed value. The latter is done by placing Fwd entries in the dissemination slot ( v) that will eventually be used to deliver the remote value; as a result the asynchronous delivery updates closures that have to be updated with the remote value and it stores the value in frames whose associated Sync forms wait for that value. When the topmost return continuation belongs to a closure that has to be updated (this is handled by the “if” in the rule below), this closure has to be overwritten with a new closure that contains a RetDelay code form. This ensures that repeatedly entering the closure does not cause multiple remote accesses; instead, remote accesses are shared. When there are no arguments on the stack, the delayed value can be forwarded to the entry specified by the return continuation by using a Fwd entry, which sends any value delivered via this entry on to the entry given in its argument (in the following rule, to d).


=) (18)


I [i 7!

RetDelay v 





I [i 7!


fs asp



rs = hd; cont; asp i:rs0

h =

ds[ v ds[ v


7! ms]]

7! (Fwd d):ms]]

if (Enter ou ) = cont then h[ou 7! h([v0 ] nu [] ! RetDelay v0 ); v i] else h


The above rule together with Rule (13) implies that the continuations on the return stack are popped in the process of exploiting work that is independent from the delayed value. Only when the stack is completely empty, it is necessary to switch to a completely unrelated task. An interesting consequence of this property is that only one stack per machine instance is needed in the STGMMT—instead of one stack per task. If there are arguments remaining on the stack, the delayed value is a partial application, which has to be applied to the arguments on the stack when it it eventually delivered. To realize the synchronization between the delivery of the partial application via the dissemination entry ( v) and the code performing the application, a new frame f and a task enter are created. The form Store in the dissemination entry is used to put the partial application into the frame f when it arrives; this, in turn, enables the task enter.


=) (19)


I [i 7!

RetDelay v 

I [i 7!




fs0 enter ds0

rs = hd; cont; asp i:rs0










ds[ v 0

7! ms]] ds0 ]

= if (Enter ou) = cont then h[ou 7! h([v] nu [] ! RetDelay v ); vi] else h

= fs[f 7! (1; [vs 7! as])] = (Sync [] (x vs) f; hd; Next; []i) = ds[ v 7! (Store f x):ms]

As mentioned above, an empty return stack indicates that the current task has no more work to offer.

I [i 7! =) I [i 7! (20)

RetDelay v  Next

[] [] h ds] fs [] [] h ds] fs

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine


Task Management

Next passes control to some arbitrary task from the task pool. The return continuation of the new task is placed on the stack, then the task is executed.

I [i 7! =) I [i 7! (21)

:(task; r)

Next task

[] [] h ds] fs [] [r] h ds] fs

A concrete implementation would, of course, ensure that the selected task is ready to run, e.g., by maintaining a list of such tasks; otherwise, the selected task may just suspended again immediately. 5.2.10 Dissemination of Messages The distribution of unboxed data terms is performed by considering one entry of the dissemination slot after the other and use the value accordingly to store it into the environment of a frame (Store), update a closure (Upd), forward it to another dissemination slot (Fwd), or send it to another instance (RetTo).

I [i 7! MsgTerm d hc; wsi task fs as rs h ds[d 7! []]] I [i 7! task fs as rs h ds] I [i 7! MsgTerm d hc; wsi task fs as rs h ds] when fs f = hm; i and ds d = (Store f x):ms (23) fs as rs h ds[d 7! ms]] =) I [i 7! MsgTerm d hc; wsi task 0

where fs0


=) (24)


7! hm 1; [x 7! hc; wsi]i] I [i 7! MsgTerm d hc; [wN ]i task = fs[f

fs as rs


fs as rs


ds d = (Upd ou ):ms

I [i 7!

MsgTerm d hc; [wN ]i task

hu = h[ou 7! h([vN ] nn [] ! Eval (c {vN }));[wN ]i] I [i 7! MsgTerm d hc; wsi task fs as rs h when ds d = (Fwd d ):ms (25) =) I [i 7! MsgTerm d hc; wsi cont fs as rs h

ds] ds[d 7! ms]]




where cont

= MsgTerm d hc; wsi task

I [i 7! k 7! when

=) (26)

where ds0i

ds[d 7! ms]]

ds di

MsgTerm di hc; [wN ]i taski taskk

= (RetTo k dk ):ms I [i 7! MsgTerm di hc; [wN ]i taski k 7! MsgTerm dk hc; [wN ]i taski 0

i k

i k

fsi fsk

asi ask

rsi rsk

hi hk

dsi ; dsk ]

fsi fsk

asi ask

rsi rsk

hi hk

ds0i ; dsk ]


= dsi [di 7! ms] hk = hk [wN 7! h([v] nu [] ! EnterOn i v );[wN ]i] 0


In the last rule, where the value is transmitted to another instance, the arguments must be replaced by forwarding closures using the EnterOn code form (compare this to Rule (9)). The distribution of partial applications is similar to that of data terms.

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Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine

I [i 7! MsgPAPP d o task fs as rs h ds[d 7! []]] I [i 7! task fs as rs h ds] I [i 7! MsgPAPP d o task fs as rs h ds] when fs f = hm; i and ds d = (Store f x):ms] (28) =) I [i 7! MsgPAPP d o task fs as rs h ds[d 7! ms]] 0

where fs0

=) (29)


= fs[f 7! hm 1; [x 7! o]i] I [i 7! MsgPAPP d o task fs as rs h ds[d 7! (Upd ou):ms]] I [i 7! MsgPAPP d o task fs as rs hu ds[d 7! ms]]

hu = h[ou 7! h([f ] nn [] ! Eval (f {}));oi] I [i 7! MsgPAPP d o task fs as rs h (30) =) I [i 7! MsgPAPP d o cont fs as rs h

ds[d 7! (Fwd d0 ):ms]] ds[d 7! ms]]


where cont

= MsgPAPP d o task

I [i 7! k 7!

MsgPAPP di oi taski taskk

fsi fsk

asi ask

rsi rsk

hi hk

dsi ; dsk ]

hi of = h(vsf n xsf ! df ); [wfN ] i =) I [i 7! MsgPAPP di oi taski fsi i k 7! MsgPAPP dk ok taskk k fsk

asi ask

rsi rsk

hi hk

dsi [di 7! ms]; dsk ]


0 ds d = (RetTo k d ):ms; 1 i k @ hi oi = h(vs nn [] ! d);of :[wN ]i; and A





2 o 7! h(vs nn [] ! d);o :[w ]i 66 ofk 7! h(vsf n xsf ! dff ); [NwfN ] i hk 64 w 7! h([v] nu [] ! EnterOn i v);[w ]i N N 0

hk = 0





wfN 7! h([v] nu [] ! EnterOn i v ); [wfN ]i 0


3 77 75

The complexity of the last rule is due to the fact that forwarding EnterOn closures have to be created for all the objects referenced in the environments of the transmitted closures. It is not sufficient to transmit only the partial application (hi oi ), but the closure (hi of ) referenced in the partial application’s first environment argument has to be transmitted, too. This closure represents the function that was (partially) applied to the wi . To execute the partial application on the instance k, the closure (hi of ) has obviously to be on instance k also.


Related Work

The Threaded Abstract Machine (TAM) [1] is designed to implement the dataflow language Id [9]. It applies multithreading based on stateless threads to tolerate long latency operations. In this respect it is close to the work presented in this paper, but the realization of this basic idea differs considerably. Instead of source-to-source transformations, the Id compiler based on the TAM builds a structured dataflow graph as an intermediate representation and has to apply sophisticated thread partitioning schemes [13]. These partitioning algorithms require graphs without cyclic dependencies, which can not be guaranteed for a lazy language. In contrast to the STGMMT , which employs asynchronous operations only when a long latency operation is actually encountered, the TAM uses asynchronous operations by default.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine

In comparison to the parallel implementation of the STGM, it is interesting to note that the STGMMT , only needs a single argument and return stack per machine instance, instead of one stack per task. Furthermore, on entry, closures need not be overwritten with a “queue-me” code pointer. The updating performed in the rules (18) and (19) is sufficient and happens only when a remote access occurred. A proper comparison with a distributed implementation of the original STGM, e.g., GUM [14], has to wait until a first implementation of the STGMMT is working.



To decrease the impact of long latency operations on the execution time of distributed implementations of the Spineless Tagless G-machine, the STGMMT extends the abstract machine language with abstract notions of independent local computations (thread boundaries and thread synchronization) and with an abstract notion of distribution. This enables the use of source-to-source transformations to increase the tolerance of the code to long latency operations. While the behaviour of the new abstract machine can be studied using the operational semantics provided in this paper, it remains to be shown that the proposed techniques decrease the impact of the communication overhead in an actual implementation of a lazy functional language on parallel computers with distributed memory. Acknowledgments. I am grateful to Paul H. J. Kelly, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, and Simon L. Peyton Jones for their excellent comments on a previous version of this paper.

References [1] David E. Culler, Seth Copen Goldstein, Klaus Erik Schauser, and Thorsten von Eicken. TAM—a compiler controlled threaded abstract machine. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 18:347—370, 1993. [2] Marco Danelutto and Susanna Pelagatti. Structuring parallelism in a functional framework. Technical Report TR-29/93, Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit´a di Pisa, 1993. [3] Dawson R. Engler, Gregory R. Andrews, and David K. Lowenthal. Filaments: Efficient support for fine-grain parallelism. TR 93-13a, University of Arizona, 1993. [4] Ian Foster. Designing and Building Parallel Programs. Addison-Wesley, 1995. hURL: [5] Kevin Hammond, Jim S. Mattson, and Simon L. Peyton Jones. Automatic spark strategies and granularity for a parellel functional language reducer. In CONPAR ’94, 1994. [6] Herbert H.J. Hum et al. A design study of the EARTH multiprocessor. In Proceedings of Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, 1995. [7] Simon L. Peyton Jones and John Launchbury. Unboxed values as first class citizens in a non-strict functional language. In J. Hughes, editor, FPCA’91, 1991. [8] P. Kelly. Functional Programming for Loosely-Coupled Multiprocessors. Pitman, 1989. [9] R.S. Nikhil. Id (version 90.0) reference manual. Technical report, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, July 1990. CSG Memo 284-1. [10] Simon L. Peyton-Jones. Implementing lazy functional languages on stock hardware: the Spineless Tagless Gmachine. Journal of Functional Programming, 2(2), 1992. [11] Simon L. Peyton Jones, Chris Clack, and Jon Salkild. High-performance parallel graph reduction. In E. Odijk, M. Rem, and J.-C. Syre, editors, Proceedings of PARLE (Volume 1). Springer Verlag, 1989. LNCS 365.

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Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine

[12] Simon L. Peyton-Jones and J. Salkild. The spineless tagless G-machine. In Workshop on Implementations of Lazy Functional Languages, Aspensas, Schweden, 1988. [13] Klaus E. Schauser, David E. Culler, and Seth C. Goldstein. Separation constraint partitioning - a new algorithm for partitioning non-strict programs into sequential threads. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1995. [14] P. W. Trinder, K. Hammond, J. S. Mattson Jr, A. S. Partridge, and S. L. Peyton Jones. Gum: a portable implementation of Haskell. In Proceedings of Programming Languages Design and Implementation, 1996.

A Notation Tuples with n components are written as hx1; : : : ; xni and have type h 1; : : : ; ni when the xi have type i. Sequences have the form [x1; : : : ; xn] and type [ ] when is the type of all elements xi . The functions (++), (:), and length represent concatenation of two sequences, prepending an element at a sequence, and obtaining the length of a sequence, respectively—they have the obvious types. Maps are sequences of associations, denoted by [o1 7! x1; : : : ; on 7! xn ], with type [Name 7! ] when the xi are of type . The notation m[o 7! x] is, in left-hand sides of transition rules, used to indicate that the name o is mapped to x in the map m and, in right-hand sides, to denote the map that is obtained by replacing the value associated with o in m with x. We write for [o1 7! x1 ; : : : ; on 7! xn ] also [os 7! xs] with os = [o1; : : : ; on] and xs = [x1; : : : ; xn]. Sometimes maps of type [Name 7! ] are used as representatives of functions from Names to values of type . Hence, (m[o 7! x]) o = x. Multisets with elements of type are of type f g; we use the notation :e as a shorthand for [ feg. To support conciseness, we use form to represent the repetition of form. Using N as an index for a subform in form denotes a family of the subform, e.g., [xN 7! aN ] denotes [x1 7! a1; : : : ; xN 7! aN ]. When new, unique names are required, they are marked by underlining them. Underlying a variable representing a sequence means a sequence of new names.

B The Structure of Machine Configurations Machine configurations are maps from instance names to machine instances:

= [IName 7! Inst ]


The type IName is a synonym for Name, we use it for names of machine instances. In the transition rules from Section 5.2, we have I :: Config. A machine instance is a tuple containing seven components. It is of the following type: Inst


hCode; fTask g;

[FName 7! Frame ]; [Value ]; [Cont ]; [HName 7! Cls ]; [DName 7! [DEntry ]]i

— currently executed code — remaining tasks (ready & waiting) — sync. frames for letpars — stack of pending arguments — return continuations — heap: named closures — target locations for results

In the transition rules, the h, i, and comma are omitted, and the seven components are just placed side-by-side. The types FName, HName, and DName are synonyms of the type Name and are used for names of frames, heap-allocated closures, and dissemination entries, respectively. The types of tasks and frames are Task Frame Env

= hCode; Cont i — return to Cont with result of Code = hInt; [Env ]i — sync. counter & completed bindings = [LName 7! Value ] — local environment

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Integrating Multithreading into the Spineless Tagless G-machine

The type LName is a synonym for Name, it is used for names of local variables. Values appear either boxed, i.e., they are the name of a closure in the heap, or they are unboxed, i.e., a data constructor with its arguments. In addition a value can be the name of a dissemination entry. In the following definition of the data type Value, data constructors are omitted—this avoids some clutter in the transition rules and there is no danger that ambiguities arise.

= HName


j j



UValue DName hCName; [HName ]i

— boxed: name of a closure — unboxed: constructor & arguments — name of a dissemination entry — constructor & arguments

The type CName is a synonym for Name, it is used for names of data constructors. The type of closures is defined as Cls


h([|LName {z }] n [|LName {z }] ! (|Env !{zCode }));|[HName {z }]i free




The sequences of free and argument variables correspond to the list of environment variables and the list of argument variables, respectively, in the function bindings of the STGMT -language. The body of a closure is, in contrast to the original STGM, not an expression of the STGMT -language, but a function from environments to code forms—the reason for this change is that we sometimes need to place code forms other than Eval (e.g., EnterOn) into the body of closures. Return continuations, the elements of the return stack, are triples made of the name of a dissemination entry, a code form, and a sequence of values. The meaning is that the currently executed task distributes its result value using the dissemination entry, and then continues with the code after placing the values on the argument stack. Cont

hDName; Code; [Value ]i


The various code forms are defined in the following data type (Eval and Enter are equal to the corresponding forms of the original STGM): Code

= Eval Expr Env

j j j j j j j j

Enter HName EnterOn IName LName Env RetTerm UValue RetDelay LName Env Sync [VBind ] Expr FName Next MsgTerm DName UValue Code MsgPAPP DName HName Code

— evaluate expression — enter the given closure — enter on other instance — return unboxed value — cover long latency — wait for local bindings — switch to other task — dissem. unboxed value — dissem. partial appl.

Details on the meaning of the variants are provided in Section 5.2. Finally, elements of the lists of the dissemination map describe the locations where the code forms MsgTerm and MsgPAPP have to place disseminated values: DEntry

= Store FName LName — store in the env. of a frame

j j j

Upd HName — update closure Fwd DName — forward to other dissem. entry RetTo IName DName — communicate to other instance

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs: An Operational Approach Graham Collins

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach Graham Collins Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, G12 8QQ. [email protected]

Abstract Some existing systems for supporting reasoning about functional programs have been constructed without first formalising the semantics of the language. This paper discusses how a reasoning system can be built, within the HOL theorem proving environment, based on an operational semantics for the language and using a fully definitional approach. The theoretical structure of the system is based on work by Andrew Gordon, where applicative bisimulation is used to define program equivalence. We discuss how this theory can be embedded in HOL and the type of tools which can be built on top of this theoretical framework to make reasoning possible in practice.

Introduction It is often stated that one advantage of functional programming languages, in particular pure functional languages, is that they are suitable for formal reasoning. While such reasoning is indeed carried out by some, there is a need for tools to make formal reasoning more practical and usable by a wider community. A machine based tool can be used as a proof checker, ensuring that all steps in a proof are valid, or it can automate some steps in the proof. This may involve automating only trivial steps that would be ignored when carrying out a proof on paper or some automation of more significant proof steps. One style used for reasoning about functional programs is equational reasoning. Typically a theorem of the form a = b is proved by rewriting one or both sides of the equality with some algebraic identities until both sides are identical. Some systems to support such reasoning have been built without first formalising the semantics of the language [6, 15, 16]. Each function is defined by simple algebraic identities that are introduced as axioms. Equational reasoning alone is not sufficient for any but the simplest of proofs. A range of other proof methods is required. For finite data and functions with finite behaviour, induction provides the common proof method. With lazy languages many programs exhibit infinite behaviour and a proof method such as co-induction is required. Such proofs method are not yet widely understood and theorem proving support can help introduce them to a wider community and give greater confidence to a programmer using an unfamiliar method. The first stage in building such a proof system is to formalise and embed the semantics of a language within the theorem prover. Some of the methods by which this can be done are discussed in section 2 and an actual embedding is described in section 3. A definition of equality between programs is more difficult. One approach is bisimulation. In section 4 we discuss some of the difficulties and give details of the construction within HOL of a theory of program equivalence for a small language. This is based on the semantics defined in section 3. The language discussed here is PCF plus streams. The exact formulation of the syntax and semantics and the definition of program equality is taken from work by Andrew Gordon that provides a rigorous development, on paper, of a theory for a number of languages [7]. PCF plus streams is the simplest and the one chosen here to test how easily and effectively such an operational theory can be embedded in a theorem prover. This paper does not attempt to provide all the details of the system developed but concentrates on how a system can be structured. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach


The HOL theorem proving system

HOL is a theorem proving environment for classical higher order logic [8]. There is a tradition in the HOL community of taking a purely definitional approach to using logic; instead of postulating axioms to give meaning to new notations, as is typical in the use of theorem provers such as LP, new concepts are defined in terms of existing ones that already have the required semantics. For example, the user must define any new type in terms of a subset of an existing type, and prove the existence of a function with some chosen functionality before introducing such a function. This is guaranteed to preserve the consistency of the system, but leads to complex definitions. Packages are provided to perform the definition automatically from natural specifications of some important classes of types and functions. HOL allows both forward and backward or goal directed proof. For forward proof, an inference rule is applied to some theorems to derive a new theorem. One such inference rule is MP which implements Modus Ponens. This takes the results 1 ` t1  t2 and 2 ` t1 and yields the result 1 [ 2 ` t2 where 1 and 2 are the assumptions of the theorems. Goal directed proof is supported by the subgoal package, which allows the goal to be repeatedly decomposed into subgoals which can eventually be proved. The current goal is a term together with a list of terms representing the assumptions that can be made when proving the goal. These assumptions may arise from manipulating known theorems or from an induction hypothesis. This decomposition of a goal is usually performed by tactics, functions which transform one goal into a list of subgoals. An example of a tactic is CONJ TAC, which breaks a conjuction into subgoals corresponding to the conjuncts. Once each of these subgoals is proved the original goal is proved. The tactics can themselves be modified by other functions, tacticals, such as THEN which allows the compositions of two tactics in sequence. An important feature of HOL is that the meta-language, Standard ML, is a fully featured programming language. This allows complex tactics to be programmed which may perform some proof search. A proof in HOL is an ML program. This is developed interactively and can be saved and used again. The program can also be modified so that if the goal to be proved is changed then the existing proof can be modified rather than having to develop a new proof.


Semantics and meta-theoretic reasoning

Several researchers have investigated how to formalise the semantics of functional programming languages and embed the semantics in a theorem prover. The intention has usually been to prove meta-theoretic results about the language rather than developing a system to reason about programs.


Formalising the semantics

Two approaches to formalising the semantics for functional programming languages are to use either an operational or denotational semantics. Most of the literature about the semantics of specific languages uses some form of operational semantics. The most significant piece of work in this field is the Definition of Standard ML [12]. In the operational approach a static semantics, which deals with how to assign types to expressions, and a dynamic semantics, which defines what each expression evaluates to, are defined. This is done using a family of relations, one for each syntactic class in the language. The semantics then provides a series of rules specifying how these relations can be evaluated. The approaches to formalising the static semantics are all relatively similar. Some form of type context or environment is used to map identifiers to their types, and a relation of the form Type C e t is defined so as to be true if and only if the expression e can be assigned the type t in a context C . A more varied approach is taken to the formalisation of the dynamic semantics. Some differences centre around how variable binding is formalised. This can be done by storing the mapping from variables to the expression or value they are bound to in an environment, or by substituting the value to which the variable is bound throughout the expression. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach


Embedding in theorem provers

One method by which a language semantics can be embedded in an existing logic within a theorem prover is to translate its syntax into expressions within the logic of the theorem prover. Each expression in the language is mapped metalinguistically to its denotation in the logic. A conditional operator would be represented as a function in the logic of type bool ! ! ! that evaluates its first argument and returns the value of it’s second or third argument if the first argument evaluates to true or false respectively. The expression if-then-else true e1 e2 would be mapped to this function applied to true, e1 , and e2 and so would be provably equal to e1 in the logic. This approach is referred to as a shallow embedding [3]. A second method is to represent the syntax of the language by the values of one or more new types in the logic. Typically each type of expression in the language, such as a conditional expression or a function abstraction, will be represented using one of the constructors of these data-types. A denotational semantics can then be given to the language by defining a function within the logic to map each value of this type to its denotation. Alternatively, an operational semantics can be given by defining relations between embedded types. This is referred to as a deep embedding [3]. One difference between the two approaches is that in a shallow embedding the syntax of the language does not appear in the logic. It then becomes impossible to state some meta-theoretic results that involve quantification over expressions within the language, since no type of expressions exists. The Definition of Standard ML [12] has been the starting point for much of the work embedding the semantics of programming languages in theorem provers. The most complete approach to the dynamic semantics is investigated in the HOL-ML project [10, 17]. Here the dynamic semantics of the language is investigated, including the imperative features and the module system. The project is a deep embedding of the Definition of Standard ML and the HOL theorem prover is used. The major results of this project are meta-theoretic, such as confirmation that the dynamic semantics of Standard ML are deterministic. Little of the work embedding the semantics of programming languages in HOL has been based on a domain theoretic approach, due to the lack of formalisms of sufficient domain theory in theorem provers to make a deep embedding of a language with recursive types practical. Formalising domain theory in theorem provers like HOL is an area of current research [1, 14]. The LCF theorem provers [13] provide a means to reason about a functional language with a mechanised logic using a domain theoretic approach. Here the domain theory is part of the theorem prover‘s logic rather than an embedding in a logic like Higher Order Logic.


An embedding for PCF plus streams

In the work described here we seek not only to embed the semantics but to define an equivalence relation over programs. An equivalence relation is not defined in any of the systems based on an operational semantics in the previous section. It is not even clear how to define such a relation for Standard ML with state. For pure functional languages, such as the language to be discussed here, there are ways to define an equivalence relation from either an operational or denotational semantics. The theory we describe below has a number of layers, each of which is a formalised theory in HOL. The first three, syntax, static semantics and dynamic semantics, along with the associated meta-theory, are similar to the work described in the previous section. The next layer, the definition of an equivalence relation, completes the theory underlying the reasoning system. Before explaining how these layers are defined we briefly introduce PCF plus streams.


Call by name PCF plus streams

The syntax of this language is given in figure 1. It is identical to the first language introduced in Andrew Gordon’s report [7]. The important features include function abstraction, recursive functions, and lists. The inclusion of some form of lists allows induction and co-induction over lists to be investigated. A form of case analysis is provided for lists, which allows a simple variation on pattern matching over lists. The case analysis function takes a list on which to perform the case analysis, the list to be returned if the first list is empty, and a function which can be applied to the head and tail of the list if it is not empty. The syntax given in figure 1 is not exactly the syntax which is embedded in HOL where a slightly more abstract syntax is used. In particular, function application cannot be represented by juxtaposition Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach




j Bool j List ty j ty1 ! ty2



j j j j j j j j j j j j j


(Natural number)



true false nil ty (Empty list of type t) cons exp1 exp2 succ exp pred exp iszero exp if exp1 then exp2 else exp3 lambda x ty exp exp1 exp2 (function application)

rec x ty exp scase exp1 exp2 exp3

Figure 1: The syntax of PCF plus streams as this is used for function application in the HOL logic. For the sake of clarity we use the concrete syntax shown here throughout the rest of this paper. This small language omits many important features including polymorphism, pattern matching, type constructors, and user defined types. The absence of polymorphism means that functions such as map must be represented by a family of functions indexed by the type of the arguments they can be applied to.



The abstract syntax is represented by values of some defined types in the logic. As with all new types in HOL the abstract syntax must be defined as subsets of existing types. The introduction of such syntactic objects into HOL is described in [11]. This takes a simple specification of the required type and performs all the inference necessary to define that type. For PCF plus streams, two new types, ty and exp, are introduced. Meta-level functions can be defined over these types. For example we introduce a function, Fv, to determine the set of identifiers in an expression that are not bound by some lambda abstraction. This is a simple recursive function that can be defined using a tool built into HOL from a simple specification.



The next layer of the system is the operational semantics of the language. The static semantics are formalised by a relation

Type : context ! exp ! ty ! bool An example of one of the defining rules for this relation is the rule for application:

Type C e1 (t1 ! t2) Type C e2 t1 Type C (e1 e2 ) t2 The only difficulty in defining the Type relation is in defining the notion of the type context, which is a mapping between identifier and types. This is formalised using finite maps, which have not been adequately defined in HOL before. This is described elsewhere [5]. Typically we only consider well typed programs so it is useful to introduce a new relation, Prog, which holds of an expression e and type t only if e has type t in the empty context. This is trivial to define in terms of Type. We use this Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach relation to perform a form of “sub-typing”. Often we will want to say that a property P holds for all well-typed terms. In the absence of a type of “well-typed” terms we can instead prove the theorem 8x: (9t: Prog t x)  P x. The dynamic semantics are formalised with a relation between syntactic objects. Before this relation can be introduced it is necessary to formalise substitution. A substitution function, Sub, is defined in such a way that it deals correctly with variable capture. If we consider substituting only well-typed terms then variable capture can be ignored and simpler properties of the substitution function can be used in proofs. With substitution defined, a relation ! : exp ! exp ! bool between well typed expressions can be introduced. The proposition e1 ! e2 states that under the rules defining the relation ! e1 can reduce to e2 . This reduction relation is a small step reduction. It may be possible to perform a series of reductions of an expression. This series may be infinite. Two examples of the defining rules for this relation are.

e1 ! e3 (e1 e2 ) ! (e3 e2 ) (lambda y t e) e1 ! (Sub e (y; e1 ))

(1) (2)

An alternative large step evaluation relation, Eval, can be defined in terms of !. This is closer to the style of relation used to define the semantics of Standard ML [12]. This can be thought of as a specification of an interpreter for the language and is important for efficient mechanisation as discussed later. The rule for function application is:

Eval e1 (lambda y t e) Eval (Sub e (y; e2 )) c Eval (e1 e2 ) c This rule is obtained by repeated applications of rule 1 above until the function being applied is reduced to a lambda abstraction followed by a single application of rule 2. A number of meta-theoretic results can be proved about the semantics. These include the fact that reduction and evaluation are deterministic. For the reduction relation described above, e1 ! e2 states only that e1 can reduce to e2 and does not state that e2 is the only value to which e1 reduces. The required result can be written

` 8e1 e2 : e1 ! e2  8e3 : e1 ! e3  (e2 = e3 )

One fundamental result, essential for reasoning about programs, is that reduction and evaluation preserve types. The result for reduction is:

` 8e1 e2 : e1 ! e2  (8t: Prog t e1  Prog t e2 ) Other important meta-theoretic results include the induction theorem for lists.


Defining an equivalence relation

The reduction and evaluation relations are important for the development of a usable system. They give a strong semantic relation between terms. They are not, however, adequate for all purposes as they do not permit equational reasoning. In order to develop an equational reasoning system we also require a congruence relation which captures the meaning of equality of programs. In this section we develop a theory of program equivalence based on applicative bisimulation [7].



Applicative bisimulation is defined co-inductively. The definition depends on two concepts: Monotonic functions and F -Dense sets. A function F is monotonic if

8X Y: X  Y  F (X )  F (Y )

and a set X is F -Dense if for the function F

X  F (X )

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach The greatest fixpoint of F is defined to be the union of all F -Dense sets. For any monotonic function F this can be proved to be the largest F -Dense set and a fixpoint. The principle of co-induction is then:

X  F (X )  X  gfp F for any X where gfp F is the greatest fixpoint of F . For the definition of equivalence of programs we find some monotonic function F== capturing the meaning of the equivalence and define == to be gfp F== . To prove that x == y by co-induction we need to find some relation X such that (x; y) 2 X and show that X is F== -Dense. A second principle of co-induction, sometimes referred to as strong co-induction [7], can be derived from co-induction:

X  F (X [ gfp F )  X  gfp F This variation can simplify the choice of the relation X in a proof by co-induction. Co-inductive definitions have not yet been implemented in HOL. Relations in HOL are normally represented by functions rather than sets. For the definition of applicative bisimulation only binary relations are required and so this is all that has been implemented. A more general co-inductive definition package could be developed. With this approach a binary relation is represented by a function of type ! ! bool rather than a set of pairs. As an example the definition of the predicate formalising F -Dense relations is

Dense F X = (8a b: X a b  (F X ) a b) The fixpoint of a function F is defined not as the union of sets but by the definition

(gfp F ) a b = 9X: Dense F X

^ X ab

This is the equivalent definition in our formalisation using functions. In order to define applicative bisimulation co-inductively, as the greatest fixpoint of some function F== , we must first formulate the function F== which captures the meaning of applicative bisimulation. The definition of this function is based on a labelled transition system for the language.


A labelled transition system

The labelled transition system captures the idea of observable properties of programs. It is defined by new relation

LTS : exp ! exp ! act ! bool where act is the type of possible labels. LTS e1 e2 a means that under the rules for LTS the expression e1 can make a transition to e2 with label a. The rules capture the idea that, for a function, you can observe what the function is applied to and then observe the behaviour of the resulting program, and for any other type you can observe some facts about the value of the program if it has one. The rules for cons are:

LTS (cons a b) a (Hd) LTS (cons a b) b (Tl)

Prog t a ^ Prog (List t) b Prog t a ^ Prog (List t) b

These rules give the possible transitions for a program of list type with a cons cell as the outermost constructor. It is possible to carry out a transition to either the head or tail of the list. These transitions have labels Hd and Tl. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach


Applicative bisimulation

Informally, two programs e1 and e2 are bisimilar if they can make the same observable transitions to terms which are also bisimilar. More formally, bisimulation, ==, is defined as the fixed point of a function F== that is defined to have the property

8S a b: (F== S ) a b = (9t: Prog t a ^ Prog t b) ^ (8a act: LTS a a act  (9b : (LTS b b act) ^ S a b )) ^ (8b act: LTS b b act  (9a : (LTS a a act) ^ S a b )) 0












The first line of the definition has the effect of restricting equivalence to talk about well typed terms only. The relation == is defined to be gfp F== . It is an equivalence relation and can also be proved to be a congruence using Howe’s method [9]. These results are sufficient to develop an equational reasoning system for the language within HOL. Because the relation is co-inductively defined it also allows the possibility of co-inductive proof. An example is given at the end of this paper.

5 Practical support for equational reasoning The work described in the previous section establishes the theoretical foundations for a system to support reasoning about PCF programs. This section deals with the practical aspects of reasoning about actual programs. There are practical difficulties with the work discussed in the previous section. Results such as a proof that an expression evaluates to a specific value can be obtained by working out which rules to apply by hand or by conducting a long goal-directed proof. However, the number of rules to be applied may be very large and so applying all the rules by hand may not be practical. Similar problems occur when proving many results about programs. There are often a large number of obvious or trivial proof steps to be carried out. The solution is to take advantage of the fact that the meta-language for HOL, Standard ML, is a full programming language. This can be used to write higher level proof functions which can be applied to perform many proof steps at once. The simplest such functions are tactics which perform some simple manipulation of goals before and after the application of theorems. One example is induction tactics which manipulate the goal into the form required to apply the induction theorem, use the theorem and then simplify the goal into the base and step cases. In this section we concentrate on a more substantial piece of automation. Many of the small steps in a proof will arise from calculating the type or value of a program. It is essential and possible to automate these proof steps.



The Type and Eval relations can be thought of as specifications of how to type or evaluate expressions on an abstract machine. It is of course possible to write an interpreter which implements this specification. Standard ML provides a programming language in which to write such an interpreter. For any expression e the interpreter can give us the expression e0 to which e evaluates. Both the interpreter and the relation Eval are deterministic so the way in which the interpreter evaluates e to e0 will correspond exactly to way in which the rules need to be applied to prove Eval e e0 . The interpreter can therefore be used to both evaluate e and return the instructions for how to prove Eval e e0 . Similar comments apply for the Type relation. This method provides a structured proof, following the definition precisely, rather than trying to solve a search problem or attempting the exhaustive application of rewrite rules. In the work developed here, although HOL and the interpreter are both implemented in Standard ML, they are treated as separate systems with an interface between them. We provide a translation from the HOL types for the syntax of expression to the ML types used in the interpreter. This allows the interpreter to be developed and tested separately from rest of the system. The interpreter can be extended to behave as a symbolic evaluator to aid in more general Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach

proofs. The translation between HOL types and ML types is not a 1-1 translation. The ML types contain additional type constructors. For example we represent HOL variables and HOL constants with separate type constructors and change the substitution function to a type constructor. This allows us to manipulate these aspects of a term more easily. The use of an SML interpreter, the ML Kit [2], with HOL-ML [17] to perform a similar task is discussed elsewhere [4]. This work did not develop the idea of symbolic evaluation. The general technique of developing an external system to find proofs and then using a theorem prover such as HOL to check the proof then store and manipulate the results has not been widely investigated before. One advantage is that checking a proof is much more efficient than searching for a proof. The resulting system is still consistent. If the interpreter is not correct then an incorrect proof will fail when checked.


Generation of proof

Given the ML types representing the abstract syntax it is a relatively easy task to construct an evaluator and type checker for the language. This just involves writing a recursive function with a clause for each of the rules for the relations Type and Eval. A basic interpreter would only the return the result of evaluating the expression. The interpreter described here returns the derivation tree instead of just the expression. This tree has a node for each stage in the evaluation. Each node is equivalent to some rule in the dynamic semantics and contains the result of the evaluation at that point plus the derivation tree for each subexpression which must be evaluated. The type of this extended interpreter is Exp -> Exp Result where the type Exp Result is the derivation tree. This derivation tree contains all the information required to prove what an expression evaluates to. The method is to first convert the expression to the equivalent expression in the ML syntax. This is then evaluated to return the derivation tree. The derivation tree is used to structure a forward proof that Eval e e0 where e0 is the result of evaluating e. The advantage of this approach is that there is no need for any proof search. The evaluator can be an efficient functional program which will calculate the result and derivation tree quickly. This is then converted to a proof in HOL.



variables and constants

The evaluator can be extended to handle HOL variables and constants. This extension involves making additional assumptions which may be discharged later. When evaluating a term the evaluator described above must check that certain subterms can be evaluated or are well typed. If the evaluator encounters a HOL variable representing an expression then there is no way to check this from the structure of the term alone. The evaluator simply adds the assumption, returning a theorem of the form A1 ; A2; :::; An ` Eval e1 e2

where A1 ; A2; :::; An are the assumptions made to prove Eval e1 e2 . This ability to make assumptions is especially useful when carrying out proofs by induction where the step case can be reduced to induction hypothesis by the evaluator or at least part of this reduction will be automated. In many cases the assumptions can be automatically discharged by higher level proof tools

6 Example The purpose of this example is to show that a simple proof, already worked out formally on paper [7], can be replayed through the system described here with the potentially large number of trivial proof steps that are omitted on paper being handled by the automatic proof tools described in the previous section. The example uses two functions, map and iterate. These functions are introduced by the definitions in figure 2. While these definitions look complex they could be generated from a simpler syntax using pattern matching. The definitions give families of functions indexed by the types of arguments to the functions. Any instance of these functions will not be polymorphic. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach

iterate (t : ty) = rec iterate ((t ! t) ! t ! List t) (lambda f (t ! t) (lambda x t (cons x (iterate f (f x))))) map (t : ty)(t1 : ty) = rec map ((t ! t1) ! List t ! List t1) lambda f (t ! t1) lambda x (List t) scase x nilt1 (lambda hd t lambda tl (List t) (cons (f hd) (map f tl))) Figure 2: The definitions of iterate and map The types of these functions can be derived automatically to get the theorems

` 8t: Prog ((t ! t) ! t ! List t) (iterate t) ` 8t t1: Prog ((t ! t1 ) ! List t ! List t1 ) (map t t1) The theorem we want to prove is that, for all correctly typed programs, two infinite lists generated in different ways are equal.

` 8f t x: Prog (t ! t) f ^ Prog t x 

(iterate t) f (f x) == (map t t) f ((iterate t) f x)

This is true because both sides are equal to the list

[f x; f (f x); f (f (f x)); :::] The proof is by strong co-induction using the relation S with definition

S a b =9f x: Prog t ! t f ^ Prog t x ^ (a = (iterate t) f (f x)) ^ (b = (map t t) f ((iterate t) f ) x) It is easy to prove that

S ((iterate t) f (f x)) ((map t t) f ((iterate t) f x)) It remains to prove that S is included in ==. By strong co-induction we need only show that S is included in F== (S [ == ). Expanding with the definitions we need to show that for any (a; b) such that S a b 1. 2. 3.

(9t: Prog t a

^ Prog t b) 8a act: LTS a a act  (9b : (LTS b b act) ^ (S a b _ a == b )) 8b act: LTS b b act  (9a :(LTS a a act) ^ (S a b _ a == b )) 0






Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995












Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach (1) follows easily from the definition of S and use of the type checker. (2) and (3) are similar and we look only at (2). Since a and b are related by S we know something of their form. Taking arbitrary a0 and act and replacing a and b with what we know about their form we get

LTS ((iterate t) f (f x)) a act  (9b : (LTS ((map t t) ((iterate t) f ) x) b act) ^ (S a b _ a == b )) 0







A useful property of the labelled transition system is that

8e1 e2 : Eval e1 e2  (LTS e1 e a = LTS e2 e a) We can use this plus the evaluator to reduce the goal, in one proof step, to:

LTS (cons (f x) ((iterate t) f (f (f x)))) a act  (9b : (LTS (cons (f x) ((map t t) ((iterate t) f ) (f x))) b act) ^ 0


(S a b 0


_ a == b )) 0



There are only two possible transitions for a cons cell so we can reduce the goal in one automated proof step, by case analysis of the possible transitions, to two goals

(a = (f x) ^ act = Hd)  (9b : (((b = (f x) ^ act = Hd) _ (b = ((map t t) ((iterate t) f ) (f x)) ^ act = Tl)) ^ (S a b _ a == b )) 0








(a = ((iterate t) f (f (f x))) ^ act = Tl)  (9b : (((b = (f x) ^ act = Hd) _ (b = ((map t t) ((iterate t) f ) (f x)) ^ act = Tl)) ^ (S a b _ a == b )) 0








The first goal is solved by letting b0 = (f x), since (f x) == (f x) by reflexivity. The remaining goal is solved by letting b0 = ((map t t) ((iterate t) f ) (f x)). The result follows since the values for a0 and b0 are related by S. For this example the goal can be proved by interacting with the theorem prover at almost the same level as on paper without the need to evaluate the terms or perform the case split on possible actions. This proof has also been carried out in LCF using fixed point induction [13]. This involves reasoning about the functions as the fixed point of other functions. The proof in the system presented here is of a similar length but the use of co-induction avoids the need to reason about the functions as fixed points.

7 Conclusions This paper presents a reasoning system for a small language constructed using the HOL theorem proving system and a purely definitional approach. Assuming the original HOL system is consistent then the system described here is also consistent. This property does not automatically hold of systems built using axioms to define the meaning of functions. The system will support a variety of styles of reasoning including both inductive and co-inductive proof. The system can help users to develop skill with new proof methods. Co-inductive proofs can often provide simple proofs of properties. Many people are unfamiliar with the proof style and a system like the one discussed here lets then experiment with the security that the final proof must be correct. The architecture described here is harder to build than a system which does not formalise the semantics or use a definitional approach. This extra work is needed once only and leads to a more secure and powerful system. Due to the tools provided by the HOL system the effort required to produce the definitional system is not significantly more than would be required to simply axiomatise the semantics. Most of the additional work comes from basing the system on the operational semantics rather than introducing the meaning of each function with a set of axioms. However, the semantics, along with the interpreter, gives the ability to Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach

reduce terms to some form of normal form by evaluating. This is a powerful feature which can prove or partially prove many goals in one proof step with no proof search. Another reason for working with the semantics is that it allows meta-theoretic reasoning in addition to equational reasoning. As well as giving confidence in the correctness of the semantics this allows the proof of important results such as inductions. It is believed that this architecture will provide a suitable structure for automatically proving the induction theorems for large classes of user defined datatypes. Finally, the definition of equivalence is given in terms of the reduction relation. This definition gives rise to a principal of co-induction for proving the equality of programs. The system inherits all the functionality of the HOL system. The proofs produced are ML programs which can be reused or modified. A well known problem with theorem proving is that a proof will often fail if the goal is modified even slightly. There is hope that the proofs generated here will be fairly robust due to the high level of the proof steps. No mention has been made of interfaces to the system. The current implementation simply uses the HOL teletype interface. There are several research projects investigating graphical interfaces to HOL. A system based on HOL will be able to use the results of such research. Future work will include extending both the functionality of this system and the features of the embedded programming language. We also indent to compare the use of operational semantics here with the use of denotational semantics in other systems.

Acknowledgements Thanks are due to Tom Melham and Andy Gordon for comments on this work. Thanks must also go to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for financial support.

References [1] Sten Agerholm. A HOL Basis for Reasoning about Functional Programs. Technical Report RS-94-44, Basic Research in Computer Science, University of Aarhus, December 1994. [2] Lars Birkdal, Nick Rothwell, Mads Tofte, and David N. Turner. The ML Kit. Technical Report 93/14, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, March 1993. [3] Richard Boulton, Andrew Gordon, Mike Gordon, John Harrison, John Herbert, and John Van Tassel. Experience with embedding hardware description languages in HOL. In V. Stavridou, T. F. Melham, and R. T. Boute, editors, Theorem Provers in Circuit Design: Theory, Practice and Experience: Proceedings of the IFIP WG10.2 International Conference, Nijmegen, pages 129–156. North-Holland, June 1992. [4] Graham Collins and Stephen Gilmore. Supporting Formal Reasoning about Standard ML. Technical Report ECSLFCS-94-310, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh, November 1994. [5] Graham Collins and Donald Syme. A theory of Finite Maps. In E. Thomas Schubert, Phillip J. Windley, and Hames Alves-Foss, editors, Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications, volume 971 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 122–137. Springer-Verlag, 1995. [6] Andy Gill. A graphical user interface for an equational reasoning assistant. In Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, July 1995. [7] Andrew D. Gordon. Bisimilarity as a Theory of Functional Programming. Technical Report NS-95-3, Basic Research in Computer Science, University of Aarhus, July 1995. [8] M. J. C. Gordon and T. F. Melham, editors. Introduction to HOL: A theorem proving environment for higher order logic. Cambridge University Press, 1993. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Supporting Reasoning about Functional Programs : An Operational Approach

[9] Douglas J. Howe. Equality in lazy computation systems. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 198–203, 1989. [10] Savi Maharaj and Elsa Gunter. Studying the ML Module System in HOL. In Tom Melham and Juanito Camilleri, editors, Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications, volume 859 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 346–361. Springer-Verlag, September 1994. [11] Tom F. Melham. Automating Recursive Type Definitions in HOL. In G. Birtwistle and P. A. Subrahmanyam, editors, Current Trends in Hardware Verification and Automated Theorem Proving, pages 341–386. SpringerVerlag, 1989. [12] Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, and Robert Harper. The Definition of Standard ML. The MIT Press, 1990. [13] L. C. Paulson. Logic and computation. Cambridge University Press, 1987. [14] Franz Regensburger. HOLCF : Higher Order Logic of Computable Functions. In E. Thomas Schubert, Phillip J. Windley, and Hames Alves-Foss, editors, Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications, volume 971 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 293–307. Springer-Verlag, 1995. [15] Simon J. Thompson. A logic for Miranda. Formal Aspects of Computing, 1, 1989. [16] Simon J. Thompson. Formulating Haskell. In Workshop on Functional Programming, Ayr, 1992, Workshops in Computing. Springer-Verlag, 1993. [17] Myra VanInwegen and Elsa Gunter. HOL-ML. In J. J. Joyce and C. J. H. Seger, editors, Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications, volume 780 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 61–74. SpringerVerlag, 1993.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt Antony J.T. Davie

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt Antony J.T. Davie 1 School of Mathematical and Computational Science, St. Andrews University St. Andrews, Fife

Abstract This paper represents the author's attempt to come to grips with some of the practical problems that arise out of conventional algebraic manipulation and leads to a discussion of the possibilities of generalising algebraic concepts such as commutativity and associativity to other algebraic systems. An account is given of a class instance providing manipulation and simplification of 'school' algebraic formulae. A concept of variability is introduced which controls the order in which terms and factors appear in sums and products. Rules based on the commutative, associative and distributive laws of algebra, for simplification of sums, products and a few basic operators are presented. Some discussion is given of how an advanced class system could possibly be of help in general algebraic simplification problems.



A number of algebraic manipulation systems have become popular in recent years. Perhaps the most well known are Maple[1,3,9] and Mathematica[13]. At the end of the paper relevant properties of a lesser known but important system, Axiom[7], is discussed. All these systems include fully-fledged programming languages which allow the manipulation of formulae as a basic (but not primitive) type. These languages also provide pattern matching though this is through an explicit match function in Maple and Axiom uses it for specifying rewrite rules rather than separating cases in function definitions. Mathematica in particular has a quite functional flavour though it makes essential use of imperative features and functions are first order and strict 2. It should be possible to use the class concept to allow formulae to be manipulated in Haskell or Gofer in a similar fashion. The first task of this paper is to provide a type Formula, providing instances of the arithmetic operators for Gofer's class Num. In fact this is perhaps not so straightforward as it at first seems because it is difficult, at least for a non-expert in this field, to come by details of the algorithms used to implement the various primitives of formula manipulation. The systems mentioned above are proprietary software and a great deal of commercial sensitivity prevents many of the algorithms from being published in the public domain. Two possible exceptions to this secrecy lie in references [2] and [6] which describe more advanced techniques than those described here. The first part of this work represents a possibly naive beginner’s attempt to provide some of the simpler of the primitives needed for formula manipulation and is still under development. It is hoped that such a system will be useful in the public domain and the code is freely available. In numerical analysis, the three processes of differentiation, interpolation and integration are respectively difficult, moderate and easy. Differentiation is difficult because small changes in the data can lead to large changes in the differential coefficient. At the other end of the scale, quadrature gives accurate results even if the data are not very accurate. In formula manipulation, the order of difficulty is the other way round. Differentiation is easy symbolically, but integration is a dark art as many will remember from school and university3. In between these two lie simplification which might be said to be the symbolic equivalent of interpolation. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that substitution of values is equivalent to interpolation, but we usually have to simplify after substitution. In this first try, no attempt at symbolic integration is made. The easy options of differentiation and simplification are tackled and the latter is still under development. It was further decided, for simplicity's sake, to use the cut down class of numbers, Num which is provided by Gofer, rather than tackling the fully fledged number systems of Haskell.

1email: [email protected] 2Both languages have facilities for explicit delaying and forcing. 3 There is however an algorithm for symbolic integration which will either integrate a formula (consisting of ‘well-know’ functions) or tell the user that it can’t be done[4].

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 1

Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2 describes the basic type Formula used to represent algebraic expressions internally. Section 3 discusses the concept of variability, used for commuting terms and factors into a canonical order. In section 4, the rules governing the rewriting of formulae into simplified form are discussed. Section 5 briefly mentions differentiation and substitution. In section 6 we summarise our exploratory simplification system and finally, in section 7, we briefly discuss how an advanced class system might allow the extension and generalisation of these somewhat ad hoc techniques to other algebra systems. I am grateful to many for helpful suggestions but especially for those made by Rita Loogen, Paul Hudak and Andy Gill.


The type Formula

Before we can indulge in simplification, we must ask what it means for a formula to be simplified. Is (x-a)(x+a) simpler than (x 2-a 2) or vice versa? The view taken here is that polynomials should be multiplied out and like terms gathered together, so that the second of the above formulae is regarded as simpler than the first. This is hardly a definition, but it gives a flavour of what is meant. In fact it is very difficult to give a satisfactory definition except in this pragmatic way. One approach is to say that a formula is simplified if I say it's simplified or if my program produces it as the result. But this is similar to saying that a language's syntax and semantics is defined by the actions of a compiler. What we can say is that a simplified expression is produced by a reduction process and that simplified expressions are canonical forms of unsimplified ones. A much more general approach could be taken of course. Why should the algebra of formulae be restricted to 'classroom algebra'? This certainly seems to be the approach taken by Maple and Mathematica both of which contain large numbers of basic functions, some of them pretty ad hoc , for treating conventional formulae and it is what has been attempted here. In the last section, however, we briefly describe a more general approach. This implementation of formulae centres round the premise that no formula should ever be allowed into the system which is not in simplified form. Thus we are dealing with a constrained type, not a free one and each formula when constructed may undergo a rewriting process until it is in a canonical form. Miranda's (obsolete) laws[11] allow the rewriting of constructed formulae at the point of creation and might seem to be what is wanted here. The related idea of views[12] might have been useful if it had not been abandoned from Haskell. It is clear that care must be taken to ensure that the rewriting of formulae into simpler forms terminates. The free type of which our constrained type is a subset is defined as follows: data Formula = Var String | Const Float | Sum [Formula] | Prod [Formula] | Power Formula Formula | Ln Formula | Exp Formula | Indet

Var constructs variables from their name and Const constructs constants. Sum and Prod construct sums and products respectively from their lists of terms and factors. Power raises one Formula to the power of another and Ln and Exp represent the Napierian common functions. More will be said later on about the common functions. Finally Indet represents indeterminate forms such as those obtained by dividing by zero or taking the logarithm of a negative number. The lack of a subtraction constructor will probably be remarked on. Expressions with subtraction are represented internally by using a factor of -1 e.g. y-x is represented by Sum [Var "y", Prod [ Var "x", Const (-1.0) ] ]

Similarly division and reciprocation use an exponent of -1. These representations make it easier to gather terms and factors together.



A common way of constraining a free type is to provide for each of the constructors a rule which prevents any objects not in the type from occuring by rewriting such objects to ones which are in the type. The main interest in Formula as a constrained type lies in the fact that addition and multiplication commute allowing us to reorder terms and factors. This leads to the restriction of lists of terms and factors in Sum and Prod to be ordered by variability. When humans write sums such as x+a, convention dictates that the variables tend to Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt come near the beginning of the sums and the constants near the end. On the other hand products tend to be written the other way round with constants before variables, e.g. a * x. Internally, we shall order the lists of both terms and factors with the 'more variable' formula first and the constants later. This ordering allows us, besides giving us canonical forms of Formulae, easily to gather like terms together. The idea of variability is similar to one found in [5]. In order to facilitate these ideas, an enumerated type data Compare = Cnst | Vrbl | Comparable

is defined which represents the result when two formulae are compared for variability. If the first is 'more constant' than the second, the result of a comparison (using function comex) is Cnst, if more variable than the second, the result is Vrbl, and if the two formulae are candidates for combination by gathering like terms, then Comparable. Variability of formulae is defined as follows: •

• •

Pure variables are ordered by their names' lexical ordering. This agrees with convention in that names (at least single letter ones) near the beginning of the alphabet are generally assumed to represent constants while those near the end are used for variables. The system could be parametrised with a variable ordering function or such a function could be included as a global ordering, but I have taken the simpler decision. Numbers are even less variable than variables. Negative numbers are more variable than positive and numbers of greater absolute value are more variable than those of less absolute value. This allows terms of polynomials to be kept in a standard order. Formulae constructed with the same constructor are compared by looking at their arguments in turn from left to right and the first one determines. Each constructor is assigned a variablity in the order Ln > Exp > Power > Prod > Sum

and when two formulae with different constructors are compared, the one with the more variable constructor is compared recursively with the first operand of the other. These rules (which are not complete — see the Appendix for the complete definition of comex) make intuitive sense. They imply for instance that sums are more variable than their terms, products than their factors, variables than any of their powers and higher degree polynomials than lesser degree polynomials. The strangest consequence is that numbers appear at the end of products. But this is only the internal form of the formulae and the overloaded instance of showsPrec for formulae can be (and is) made to reverse the order of factors in the Text form of products. But apart from their intuitive significance, there is a good programming reason for organising variability in this way namely, when rewriting constructed formulae into simplified forms, only the examination of leading terms in lists of arguments is required. This is discussed in more detail in the description below of the two merging functions, mergeSums and mergeProds. An alternative method of organising constrained types for sums and products might have been to define binary constructors for each of them and then constrain the formulae on the spines of the trees to be in order of variability. However this would have turned out to be pretty well isomorphic to the constrained list type — as we shall see sums and products tend to get flattened — and moreover we would have lost the ability to use all the list functions in the Gofer or Haskell standard prelude.


The Simplification Functions

The definitions of the instances required to make Formula a member of the (cut down Gofer) class Num are as follows. instance Num Formula where x+y = summer[x,y] x-y = summer[x,prodder[y,mone]] x*y = prodder[x,y] x/y = prodder[x,y ** mone] negate x = prodder[x,mone]

The functions summer and prodder both take lists of arguments to be added or multiplied respectively and each of these must be of the constrained type. They must be simplified already. These two functions are also public and are available to users of the system if they need to add or multiply longer lists of formulae. A small amount of unfolding leads to the revised definitions: Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt instance Num Formula where x+y = formSum (mergeSums (terms x) (terms y)) x*y = formProd(mergeProds(factors x)(factors y)) ...

where the real work is shown being done by two list merging functions, mergeSums and mergeProds . The function terms converts a Formula into a list (already sorted by variability) and formSum converts a list back to a Formula, usually a Sum. Similarly for factors, mergeProds and formProd which operate with respect to products.



mergeSums works as follows: •

• • •


As already described, more variable terms migrate to the head of the lists. Thus the Commutative Laws of Addition are applied. e.g.4 x+3+y ⇒y+x+3 If any of the arguments in the list are themselves Sums, these are flattened and each item in their argument lists is treated as a separate argument to mergeSums. In other words the Associative Laws of Addition are applied. e.g. (x + z) + y ⇒ z + y + x Like terms are gathered together by factoring out the more variable factors. In other words the Distributive Laws of +,* are applied. e.g. x * y + (y + x) ⇒ y * (x + 1) + x (though it would be printed as (x + 1.0) * y + x ). Note that the less variable factors remain distributed so that y * 2 + x * 2 does not get changed to (y + x) * 2. The next action may be to add another term involving y to the sum. Numbers are added when their values are manifest. e.g. x * 4 + y * 3 + x * 2 - y first ⇒ y * (3 - 1) + x * (4 + 2) and then ⇒ y * 2 + x * 6. Terms equal to zero are cancelled out. Zero is the Unit of Addition. e.g. x + y - x first ⇒ y + x * (1 - 1), then ⇒ y + 0 and then ⇒ y. If two or more terms remain, the result is a Sum. If one remains that is the answer and if none remains, the answer is 0 (Const 0.0). Sum is not applied to singleton or null lists. e.g. y, the result of x + y - x shown above, is not represented by Sum [Var "y"], but just by Var "y" and x - x does not transform to Sum [], but to (Const 0.0). If an attempt is made to add Indet, the result is Indet. e.g. x + 0 / 0 ⇒ Indet.


As is to be expected, mergeProds has many similarities to mergeSums. The commutative and associative laws are implemented in the same way, using a list sorted by variability. The unit of multiplication is cancelled except where only one term remains in a product. Numbers are multiplied out whenever possible. Apart from that: •


Less variable factors are distributed inwards by multiplying out. Here the Distributive Laws are being used to unfold formulae. e.g. (y + x)*2 ⇒ y * 2 + x * 2 Like exponents are added. The Distributive Laws of *,** are applied. e.g. y**2 * e**3 * y * e**(-1) ⇒ y**3 * e**2

Exponentiation and Logarithms

It will have been remarked that there are two exponentiation constructors, Exp and Power. This means that strictly speaking there is more than one canonical form of some formulae, e.g. e x — Is this represented by Exp x or by 4We use conventional algebraic notation to show examples of the rewrites, rather than using the internal form which is more cumbersome e.g. summer[Var "x", Const 3.0, Var "y"] = Sum [Var "y", Var "x", Const 3.0]

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt Power e x where e is Const 2.7182818... ? The reason for the slight overkill here is a purely pragmatic one, namely that Exp x is easier to handle than a formula with an embedded constant with special properties that have to be recognised; and moreover, when it comes to calculus, Exp x has considerably simpler properties. The differential coefficient, for instance, of ef(x) is f'(x) * ef(x) while that of g(x) h(x) is g(x) h(x) * [h'(x) * ln g(x) + h(x) * g'(x) / g(x)] The latter does indeed simplify to the former when g(x) = e but only after several reductions and pattern matching g(x) against e. The penalty that has to be paid, however, is that simplification rules for both Power and Exp have to be implemented. These lie in the functions (**) and exp'. (Neither name is included as a Class method for Num in Gofer. (**) is not part of Gofer's standard prelude but exp is). The rules governing the simplification of Powers, where either the base or exponent is 0, 1 or indeterminate are in the main turgid and trivial: xy 0 1 Indet x





Indet 1 Indet 1

0 1 Indet x

Indet Indet Indet Indet

Indet 1 Indet investigate further

But one is of particular interest. What is the value of 0 f? This is easy if f is a manifest constant (0 if positive and indeterminate otherwise); but if it is not manifest what the sign the value of f is, we don't know. At the moment, Indet is always returned in such circumstances. Suffice it to say that this problem is recognised by Maple and Mathematica both of which allow users dynamically to place constraints, such as conditions about signs, to be put on variables. This is an area fraught with difficulty however as it leads to a whole algebra of derivation of inequalities and few systems make attempts to solve this problem in any automatic way. The further investigation mentioned in the last box of the above table is detailed as follows: • • • •

• • •

• • •

If the base is a Sum and the exponent a positive integer, repeated multiplication is performed e.g. (y + x)3 ⇒ y3 + 3 * x * y 2 + 3 * x 2 * y + x 3 If the base is a Prod the exponent is applied to each factor and the product of the results taken e.g. (y * x) 3 ⇒ y3 * x3 Numerical simplification is carried out where possible e.g. (-3) -2 ⇒ 0.11111 Exponents in products are multiplied e.g. (x3 * ex ) 2 ⇒ x6 * e2*x There is a collection of rules for Exp as well, some of which interact with those already given: eIndet ⇒ Indet, e 0 ⇒ 1 Exponents with are Sums are factored out to products of exponents e.g. ex+y ⇒ e x * e y If the first factor of the exponent is a logarithm, the formula is rewritten to one with a Power in it instead. e.g. eln x * 2 ⇒ x2 For logarithms, the rules are: ln Indet ⇒ Indet, ln 0 ⇒ Indet, ln 1 ⇒ 0 Logarithms of products are turned into sums of logarithms e.g. ln (x*y) ⇒ ln y + ln x Logarithms of exponentials simplify in the obvious way e.g. ln ( ex * x2 ) ⇒ ln e x + ln x 2 ⇒ 2 * ln x + x

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt


Differentiation and Substitution

In a similar but much more straightforward way, each constructor of Formula leads to a rule for differentiation with respect to a variable and one for substitution for a given variable. These rules are not difficult and will not be given here as they can be gleaned from any textbook on calculus. They are sometimes complex — for instance the one for differentiation of a power given in the previous section. Substitution is also a straightforward process and involves the recursive invocation of the simplification rules.


Summary of the Exploratory System

The system as it stands at present offers the following public interface to allow users to manipulate formulae: • • • • •

instances of (+), (-), (*), (/), negate and fromInteger 5 for Formula summer and prodder which respectively add and multiply lists of Formulas. (**), exp' and ln (==) and showsPrec instances for equality testing and converting Formulas to textual form functions for differentiation and substitution

The seemingly ad hoc collection of simplification rules have to a certain extent been arrived at by experiment. In general they tend to convert powers into products and products into sums, but it cannot be denied that, except for the obvious ones, they were difficult to arrive at, and there is little doubt that there is room for improvement. Unfortunately pragmatism does not always sit well with theory. One theory that will be further investigated is the confluence properties of the simplification rules[8] which decide whether the order in which they are applied makes any significant difference. It would also be useful to prove that the set of simplification rules always leads to termination, that the simplification process cannot get into a loop. Methods for proving termination often rely on the definition of a valuation of terms such that a rewrite always produces a term with a smaller value. If the valuation can be chosen in such a way that the values are all positive integers, termination follows obviously; but choice of such valuations is often requires quite subtle expertise[10]. The ad hoc nature of the rules suggests that it may be difficult to see how to allow users to add rules for new constructors (such as Sin and Cos) in a safe way. Rules in which a new function occurs as the outermost operator are possibly moderately easy to add e.g. sin(x + y) ⇒ sin x * cos y + cos x * sin y but rules which interact with already existing operators and where the new operator occurs inside an expression would require alteration of existing rules and their delicate balance might be disturbed. e.g. or

ln (sqrt x) ⇒ ln x / 2 (sin x)**2 + (cos x)**2 ⇒ 1

It is unclear how to integrate such rewrite rules into the current system at present. For the present, therefore, the system will be further developed in its current ad hoc manner. The system in general requires tidying and a fully fledged Haskell class instance of Floating or Complex formulae needs to be made in the form of a module. Extensions to the formula concept need to be made. For instance it should be possible to have formulae with free names for generic functions. In addition the concept of variability may need to be extended when combined with total and partial differentials. It should be possible to mark variables in some way as dependent and others as independent. e.g. If x + y is differentiated with respect to x, do we get 1 + dy/ dx (y dependent of x) or 1 + 0 (y independent of x)?

7 More Generalised Systems The rules developed in the exploratory implementation presented here may seem somewhat ad hoc . However a careful examination will show that they are based on the structure of the particular algebra which is in common use by most scientists and engineers, what has been sometimes called 'school' algebra. The main commutative, associative and distributive laws are mirrored in the techniques and functions used for simplification. Haskell and, to 5These are the 'standard' operators for the simplified class Num used by Gofer. For non-Haskell speakers, FromInteger is an overloaded function which changes literal integers into whatever subject type is being designated as belonging to Num, in this case Formula .

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt a certain extent, Gofer have several classes of numbers such as Integral, Fractional and Floating. Clearly a fully fledged usable system capable of simplifying complex expressions should be built round a type system with at least these classes; but this would still be somewhat ad hoc and some kind of abstraction based on the algebraic laws that systems obey is needed. Other algebras have different sets of laws. Boolean algebra, for instance, has two symmetric distributive laws where and distributes over or and vice-versa. Algebras will share properties and algorithms which simplify, say, distribution in one algebra may also work in another. If an attempt is to be made to generalise the system, it should be based on a class system which reflects a hierarchy of algebras. The Axiom algebraic computation system[7] is one that the author is studying at the moment. Axiom allows classes and class instances (though with different terminology — Category and Domain roughly correspond to Class and Type) in many ways similar to those found in Haskell and Gofer. In addition, however, users can assert that particular rules are satisfied by particular hierarchies of algebras. For example not only will any domain of category Ring have the operations "+", "-" and "*", but "+" will be asserted to be commutative and associative and there will be an identity element and additive inverses. The assertions can be quite complicated and even conditional. For example it is possible to specify a parametrised domain of algebras representing Complex numbers over some subdomain R by exporting the information that it is a Ring and also a Field provided R is a field. Thus the ring Complex(Float) is a field but the ring Complex(Integer) is not since Integer is not a Field since it has no division. Unfortunately, in its present state of development, the assertions made by users are not fully checked by the Axiom system. It would be quite possible to make an incorrect assertion which the system might act on (by providing a particular simplification rule, for instance) in an incorrect way. Clearly the ability to do such checks automatically leads us into the realms of automatic theorem proving or, at the very least, proof checking. Research by the author and his colleagues is moving in this direction.

8 References 1.

Abell, M., J. Braselton, The Maple V(R) Handbook, Academic Press Professional, 1994, ISBN 0-12-041542-9


Akritas, A.G., Elements of Computer Algebra, Wiley, 1989, ISBN 0-471-61163-8


Char, B.W., Geddes, K.O., Gonnet, G.H., Benton, L.L., Monagan, M.B. & Watt, S.M., Maple V Language Reference Manual and Maple V Library Reference Manual, Springer-Verlag, 1991


Davenport, J.H., Intégration algorithmique des fonctions élémentairement transcendantes sur une courbe algébrique, Annales de l’institut Fourier 34, 1984, pp 271-276


Fletcher, J.G., GRAD Assistant — A Program for Symbolic Algebraic Manipulation and Differentiation, Lawrence Radiation Lab., University of California Livermore, Research report UCRL-14624-T, 1965


Harper, D., Wooff, C. & Hodgkinson, D., A Guide to Computer Algebra Systems , 1991, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-92910-7


Jenks, R.D. & Sutor, R.S. Axiom, The Scientific Computation System, Springer-Verlag, 1992


Knuth, D. & Bendix, P., Simple Word Problems in Universal Algebras in Computational Problems in Abstract Algebra, ed. J. Leech, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1970, pp 263-197


Kofler, M., Maple V Release 3, Addison-Wesley, 1994, ISBN 3-89319-765-6


Plaisted, D., Equational reasoning and term rewriting systems, in Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Oxford University Press, pp 274-367, 1993


Thompson, S., Laws in Miranda , University of Kent at Canterbury Computing Lab. Report 35, 1985 — also Proc. 1986 ACM Conf. on LISP and Functional Programming , MIT, 1986, pp1-12


Wadler,P.L., Views: A Way for Elegant Definitions and Efficient Representations to Coexist, Oxford Univ. Programming Research Group, 1985 — also Aspenäs Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages, Göteborg 1985


Wolfram, S., Mathematica, A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, Addison-Wesley, 1991

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Algebraic Formula Manipulation in a Functional Language: A First Attempt

Appendix This is the complete code for comparing two expressions for variability. The third argument is a piece of state acting as a default comex :: Formula -> Formula -> Compare -> Compare comex comex comex comex comex

x (Const x) (Const _) (Var x) (Var x)

y (Const y) _ (Const _) (Var y)

i | x==y _ _ _ _ | x precedence y = comex x (firstArg y) Cnst | precedence x < precedence y = comex (firstArg x) y Vrbl | True = comlist (args x) (args y) i comlist comlist comlist comlist

[] [] i = i [] _ _ = Cnst _ [] _ = Vrbl (x:xs) (y:ys) i = if j==Comparable then comlist xs ys i else j where j=comex x y Comparable

comno x y | x==y = Comparable comno x y | x Transformation Transformation -> Transformation -> Transformation

A picture combinator for doubling the size of an arbitrary picture is now simply an application of Transform: doubleSize :: Picture -> Picture doubleSize = Transform (scale (2,2)) when doubleSize (circle 20) is rendered, a circle with a radius of 40 (points) will be displayed. As a further example of geometric transformation, here are the drawing elements of Figure 3.1, transformed in various ways:

Arc (scale (2,0.8))

Polyline (rotate pi/2)

Rectangle (scale (0.5,0.5))

Curve (rotate pi)

When rendering a Picture value, the modelling transformation that Transform applies to a picture will be combined with the accumulated transformation matrix the renderer function keeps track of, so quadSize quadSize :: Picture -> Picture quadSize pic = Transform tr (Transform tr pic) where tr = scale (2,2) scales a picture by a factor of four by applying a scaling transformation twice.


Structured translation

Every picture value is expressed within its own local coordinate system. The geometric Transform constructor applied to a Picture returns a new picture with a transformed local coordinate system, so, for instance, doubleSize Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

doubles the scaling in both directions. Since scaling and rotation are about the origin of the local coordinate system, we often need to translate the picture prior to performing a scaling or rotation:2 ellipseA = Transform (rotate (pi/4)) $ ellipse (30,20) ellipseB = Transform (rotate (pi/4)) $ Transform (xlt (30,0)) $ ellipse (30,20) To rotate around the leftmost point of an ellipse (rightmost picture), the ellipse has to be translated along the X-axis before rotation, as seen in the definition of ellipseB. For ellipses, rotation around the centre is straigtforward, as the origin of the ellipse picture coincides with the origin of its local coordinate system. However, for ellipseB, the definition depended on knowing the exact amount it had to translate by. This makes it hard to write a general picture combinator for rotating a picture around the leftmost or western point of its bounding box, without some extra support. Rather than providing a function that computes the bounding box (i.e., the smallest rectangle that encapsulates the picture shape), we provide a mechanism called structured translation: data Picture = ... | Move Offset Picture ... data Offset = OffDir CompassDirection | OffPropX Double -- [0.0..1.0] | OffPropY Double -- [0.0..1.0]

data CompassDirection = West | NorthWest | North | ... | South | Centre

Structured translation allows you to abstractly translate a picture with respect to its bounding box, leaving it up to the renderer to compute the actual translation amount. Generalising the rotation performed by ellipseB becomes then westRot :: Radians -> Picture -> Picture westRot rad pic = Transform (rotate rad) $ Move (OffDir West) pic westRot translates pic such that its bounding box is shifted to the right of the vertical axis and centred around the horizontal axis. The structured translation constructor Move is parameterised on Offset which is either a translation to one of eight points on the bounding box perimeter (or the centre), or a proportional translation in either the X or Y direction. Nested applications of the Move constructor are clearly redundant, and can be transformed away: Move dir1 (Move dir2 pic) = Move dir1 pic i.e., since the Move constructor does not alter the size of a picture’s bounding box, the inner application of Move can safely be ignored since the outer Move will potentially undo whatever translation the inner Move did. This useful rule is made use of by the rendering function (see Section 5) to ‘simplify’ a Picture value before rendering. 2 To

avoid the deep nesting of brackets, the right associative function application operator $ is used, i.e., we write f $ g h instead of f (g h).

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model


Graphical transformations

Another type of transformation is graphical, where you want to change or set the graphical attributes that a particular picture is to be drawn with. For example, to create a filled, green circle for our traffic light: greenCircle :: Unit -> Picture greenCircle rad = Pen [PenForeground green, PenFill True] $ circle rad we apply the Pen constructor to a picture describing a simple circle. The constructor returns a new picture by adding a set of PenModifier to a Picture: data Picture = ... | Pen PenModifier Picture ... such that when the circle is rendered, the graphical attributes specified in the PenModifier value will be used, i.e., that the foreground colour should be green and that the closed area the circle describes should be filled in. The PenModifier value in the Pen constructor consist simply of a list of graphical attributes, see Appendix A for complete list. The elements of the PenModifier list gives you a fine-grained control over how a picture is drawn, but sensible defaults are defined for all values, so the Pen constructor is only required if you want to override these values. In the case of nested applications of the Pen constructor, PenModifier attributes are ‘lexically’ scoped, i.e., the (attribute,value) pair set in an application of Pen overrides any previous value set for that attribute. To illustrate the scoping rule, when the following Picture is rendered picture = Pen [PenFill False, PenForeground black] $ Pen [PenFill True, PenForeground grey80] $ circle 30 the picture on the right should be displayed. When the circle is rendered, the foreground colour will be grey80 and the circle should be filled, since the innermost application of Pen overrides the attribute values of the outer application. Note that the graphical attribution done by Pen creates a new Picture value, and avoids having to use some shared, mutable graphics state. The graphical transformer, Pen, simply associates a set of graphical attribute values with a picture. Representing the three lights in the traffic light becomes now just: filledCircle :: Colour -> Unit -> Picture filledCircle col rad = Pen [PenForeground col, PenFill True] (circle rad) redLight, orangeLight, greenLight :: Unit -> Picture redLight = filledCircle (red::Colour) orangeLight = filledCircle (orange::Colour) greenLight = filledCircle (green::Colour)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model


Composing pictures

To build the traffic light picture we presented at the beginning of this section, the different Picture values for the lights will have to be combined together. The Picture type provides three basic composition operators:

 Overlays take the sum of two pictures, combining two Picture values by aligning their origins and drawing one on top of the other: data Picture = ... | Overlay Picture Picture ... i.e., Overlay picA picB is a picture formed by putting picA on top of picB, so that their origins match up: picture = Overlay (ellipse (40,20)) (ellipse (20,40))

The bounding box of the combined picture is the bounding box of the union of the bounding boxes for the two pictures.

 Clipping combines two pictures by aligning their origins like Overlay, but interprets one picture as defining the clip mask to be used when drawing the second: ... | Clip Picture Picture .. Clip clip clipped is a new picture that clips the second picture by the clip mask defined by the first: picture = Clip (Pen largeFont (text "Clip")) (lines 500) lines l = foldl1 (Overlay) [ rline (l*cos a,l*sin a) | a Picture is a picture combinator that puts a bounding rectangle around an arbitrary picture. This combinator could of course be expressed if we had a function for computing the bounding box of a picture, but in the same way as in Section 3.3, we introduce a higher-level mechanism for expressing size constraints between two pictures being combined: ... | ConstrainOverlay RelSize RelSize Picture Picture data RelSize = None | Fixed Which Int | Prop Which Double data Which = First | Second ConstrainOverlay None (Prop Second 2.0) picA picB is a picture that when rendered, will align the origins of picA and picB, drawing picA on top of picB. The operator will also scale picB in the Y direction such that the size of its bounding box will double that of picA along this axis (the Which value indicates which of the two pictures is constrained). The RelSize data type contains the different types of size constraints we can place between the two dimensions, None indicates that no size constraints should be imposed, Fixed that the lengths should differ by a fixed amount. The ConstrainOverlay constructor provides a superset of the functionality of Overlay, Overlay = ConstrainOverlay None None but we choose to provide the Overlay constructor separately, due to its frequent occurrence in pictures. Combining the Overlay operator with the structured translation operator in Section 3.3, picture combinators that tile two pictures together can be expressed: beside :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture beside picA picB = Overlay (Move (OffDir East) picA) (Move (OffDir West) picB) above :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture above picA picB = Overlay (Move (OffDir South) picA) (Move (OffDir North) picB) The beside combinator overlays two pictures, but translates their local origins such that picA will be shifted to the left of the vertical axis and picB wholly to the right. The combinator above uses the same trick, but this time the translation is with respect to the horizontal axis. As an example of these various composition operators, we can finally present the construction of the traffic light example presented at the beginning of this section, starting with a combinator for placing an arbitrary text string within a coloured oval: Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

light :: Colour -> String -> Picture light col lab = ConstrainOverlay (Fixed Second 20) (Fixed Second 20) (withColour black $ centre $ Text lab) (filledCircle col 2) The light combinator centres the text string lab within an ellipse that has horizontal and vertical extent 20 units bigger than that of the extent of the picture representing the string. Using this combinator we can construct the pictures for the individual lights: redTLight = light red "R" orangeTLight = light orange "O" greenTLight = light green "G" To align the lights horizontally, we want to use the horizontal tiling operator beside, but want to add some ‘air’ between the lights first: besideSpace :: Unit -> Picture -> Picture -> Picture besideSpace spc picA picB = beside picA (Transform (xlt (spc,0)) $ moveWest picB) besideSpace uses a Transform constructor to enlarge the bounding box of picB before invoking beside. The three traffic lights then become just: lights = foldr1 (besideSpace 10) [redTLight, orangeTLight, greenTLight]




The final step is then adding a black background for the casing of the traffic lights: trafficLight = ConstrainOverlay (Fixed Second 20) (Fixed Second 20) (Move (OffDir Centre) lights) (Move (OffDir Centre) (Rectangle (2,2)))




This example, while small, demonstrates the compositional programming style that follows naturally, where complete Pictures are formed by repeatedly applying picture combinators to existing Pictures.

4 Example To further demonstrate and bring together the various features that the Picture data type provides, let’s consider the problem of plotting 2D graphs. A common situation is to have a set of data generated by a program, that we want Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

Figure 2: graph (scatter) dataPts - scatter plot of annual data to visualise quickly using a graph. For the purpose of this example, let us assume that the data measure the annual distribution of some value, producing output like Figure 2. The X axis represents the months and the Y axis the values we’ve measured each month in, the number of bugs found in a compiler, say. The Picture representing this graph consists of several smaller pictures joined together, starting with the gridded background: grid :: Size -> Size -> Picture grid (w,h) (stepx,stepy) = let pen = [PenForeground grey50, PenLineStyle (LineOnOffDash 1 1)] no_lines_x = h ‘div‘ stepx no_lines_y = w ‘div‘ stepy in Pen pen $ Overlay (Move (OffDir Centre) $ Rectangle (w,h)) (overlay (Move (OffDir Centre) $ hlines stepx no_lines_x w) (Move (OffDir Centre) $ Transform (rotate (pi/2)) $ hlines stepy no_lines_y h)) The grid function, given a size and spacing between the grid lines in both directions, returns a Picture of the grid, built by overlaying horizontal and vertical lines. To make the grid-lines appear discretely in the background, we apply a pen modifier that dashes the lines and renders them in grey (see Appendix for definition of the graphical attributes). The picture of the horizontal lines hlines is also a combined picture: hlines :: Unit -> Unit -> Unit -> Picture hlines spc no x = nabove (map (Transform (xlt (0,spc))) (replicate no $ hline x)) nabove :: [Picture] -> Picture Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

nabove = foldr (above) NullPic -- empty picture The horizontal lines are composed out of a collection of lines arranged vertically using above. To achieve the necessary spacing between the lines, each line is translated so as to enlarge the bounding box the above uses to compute the geometric arrangement between two pictures. The axes of the coordinate system are also created by combining smaller pictures together, this time two arrowed lines: axes :: Size -> Picture axes (w,h) = overlay (leftArrowLine w) (upArrowLine h) The arrowed lines can also be subdivided into a picture element for the arrow line and the head that has been combined together, but for lack of space we will leave out their definition here. To get the picture of a gridded coordinate system, we simply overlay the picture returned by axes with that for the grids, making sure of moving the origin of the grid to its lower left corner, so that the gridding coincides with the origin of the axes: cartesian :: Size -> Size -> Picture cartesian sz steps = overlay (axes sz) (Move (OffDir SouthWest) $ grid sz steps) To plot data points within the coordinate system, the picture(s) representing the points just have to be placed on top. Here’s how a scatter plot of a set of coordinates could be done: scatter :: [Coord] -> Picture scatter = noverlay $ map (plotAt) where plotAt pos = Transform (xlt pos) (filledCircle 2) noverlay :: [Picture] -> Picture noverlay = foldr (overlay) NullPic The different points are plotted by translating a circle to each data point and then overlaying all the resulting pictures. Since overlaying is performed by matching up the origins of two pictures, and the points to be plotted are all expressed within the same coordinate system, the pictures will also have the same origin. The resulting plot can then be superimposed on a coordinate system to produce the plot in Figure 2: graph :: -> -> -> ->

([Coord] -> Picture) [Int] Size Size Picture

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

graph plot pts size steps@(dx,dy) = let coords = zip pts [dx ‘div‘ 2,dx..] in overlay (plot coords) (cartesian size steps) The graph takes a function for producing the plot of the supplied data together with the data points themselves and a size plus grid steps. For the purpose of this example, we assume that the size and data points are in the same range, adding the code that checks and appropriately scales the data to fit has been omitted for reasons of space. Now let’s change the plot by having the points connected up via a solid line instead: solid :: [Coord] -> Picture solid ls = overlay (polyline ls) (scatter ls) The scatter plot as produced with scatter is overlaid with a poly-line connecting all the data points up. Using solid in a call to graph will produce output like this:



Instead of plotting data points, we could plot the data in a histogram and to make the resulting graph a bit more understandable, add month labels to the X-axis. The month labels can be added by overlaying the X axis with the appropriate labels: xAxis :: [String] -> Int -> Int -> Picture xAxis labels sz spc = overlay (leftArrow sz) (Move (OffDir NorthWest) $ noverlay (zipWith (\ p pic -> Transform (xlt (p,-15)) pic) [spc’,(spc+spc’)..] (map (label) labels))) where spc’ = spc ‘div‘ 2 Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

label str = Transform (rotate pi/2) $ Move (OffDir East) $ text str The labels in the X direction are placed on top of the axis by rotating each label 90 degrees clockwise beforehand. To incorporate the labelled axis, the functions cartesian and axes have to be altered to thread the labels through to xAxis, but we will leave out the details here. Plotting a histogram instead of a scatter-plot is straightforward, just substitute scatter with histo in a call to graph: histo :: [Int] -> Int -> Picture histo pts spc = foldl (besideB) NullPic (map (bar) ls) where bar sz = Move (OffDir South) $ Overlay (Rectangle (spc,sz)) (fillColour grey80 $ Rectangle (spc,sz)) besideB :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture besideB picA picB = Overlay (Move (OffDir SouthEast) picA) (Move (OffDir SouthWest) picB)




Aug Sep


May Jun





The bars are created by going through the data points left to right. Note that instead of using beside to combine the bars together, we use the combinator besideB to align the bars by their bottoms instead. Visualising the data using histo will then produce output like this:

The graphing example shows that using the Picture data type, it is relatively easy to write application-specific combining forms for generating drawings. While this is a toy example, an interesting experiment would be to try to Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

build a complete graph drawing library using Pictures and a functional language, and see how well the structured graphics model scales to larger examples.

5 Rendering Pictures To convert a Picture value into actual output, a generic rendering framework for the Picture type has been implemented. The rendering function is parameterised on both Picture and a Painter. The Painter is used to handle the actual drawing of the primitives in the type: render :: Painter -> Picture -> IO Rectangle Before traversing the Picture, the renderer will try to simplify the Picture value by removing constructs that do not contribute (see Section 3.3 for how nested applications of the Move constructor can be removed.) After having walked over the Picture structure and performed I/O actions to actually draw the primitives, the function returns the bounding box of the picture just rendered. The Painter is a dictionary of methods for, amongst other things, drawing the primitives: data Painter = Painter ... -- drawText str ctm (String -> Transformation -> IO ()) -- drawRectangle sz ctm (Size -> Transformation -> IO ()) -- drawEllipse (w,h) (a1,da) ctm (Size -> Angles -> Transformation -> IO ()) ... When the renderer encounters one of the primitives mentioned in Section 3.1, it looks up and invokes the corresponding method in the Painter. Currently, two graphical Painters exist for producing output in PostScript and to Haggis [5], but the Painter interface has also been used to implement picking, i.e., testing whether a point intersects the picture, and to incrementally update parts of a Picture structure.


Related work

As stated in the introduction, the work reported here build on previous approaches to graphics using a functional language. One of the earliest attempts at using a functional language to express graphics was Henderson’s functional geometry[6]. Using Escher’s square limit as an example, a set of basic tiles were repeatedly combined together using a small set of tiling picture combinators. The repertoire of primitive drawing elements were restricted to lines (a simplification which Arya’s functional animation also uses, [1]), each of which had to be explicitly placed within some tile coordinate system. Only combinators for horizontal and vertical tiling were provided. The Picture data type extends this early work by providing a fuller set of drawing primitives and picture transformers, and through the use of structured translation, the set of composition mechanisms can easily be extended, c.f., above and beside. Several ‘functional’ systems have made use of PostScript[9] as the basic drawing model, layering functional abstractions on top of it[4, 12]. These approaches make good use of PostScript’s page description model, but force the programmer to use PostScript’s model of stencil and paint for describing the basic picture elements. While powerful, the inherent statefulness of the stencil and paint model can lead to unexpected results when used from within a lazy functional language. Although the Picture graphics model differs significantly from the PostScript model, a module for describing PostScript stencil paths in terms of Pictures has been defined: Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

module Path ( Path, ... currentPoint, moveTo, rline, ... )

--:: Path -> Coord --:: Coord -> Path -> Path --:: Size -> Path -> Path

Graphical output is described by incrementally building larger and larger Paths. The Path module does not provide the full set of features that a PostScript interpreter has, but it shows that the Picture type could be used as a basis for creating other graphics abstractions. One interesting point to note is that the Path module elevates the path to a first-class value, something that is not the case for PostScript interpreters. Another area of related work is the declarative description of graphics using constraint-based systems [11, 14, 8, 7]. Through the use of constraints, relationships between components of a picture can be expressed declaratively. The drawing of a picture is preceded by a pass where the constraint expressions are satisfied. Whether the generality and flexibility that these constraint-based systems offer compared to the Picture data type is worth the additional overhead of solving and maintaining these relationships, is an open issue.

7 Conclusions and Future Work We have in this paper presented a simple model for expressing structured graphics in a functional language. The Picture type was introduced, providing a concrete representation of two-dimensional graphical scenes to the functional programmer. As an example of the Picture model in action, a set of basic graph drawing combinators were developed on top of the model. The Picture type offers yet another demonstration of how straightforward it is to define and use ‘little languages’ in a functional language. By defining a data type Picture containing the core primitives and operators for pictures, full use could be made of the first-class property that values enjoy in a functional language. Using standard combining forms such as foldr and map, the repertoire of Picture combinators could then be readily extended. This ability to create such new abstractions via a little data type is not news to a functional programmer, but the graphics model presented hopefully provides a simple abstraction that will make it easier to use graphics from within a functional program. An interesting area of future work is how to make the Pictures come alive. In Haggis[5], layout combinators exist for interactive widgets, that perform operations similar to the tiling Picture combinators used in this paper, and, ideally, we would like to be able to provide a common set of such combinators, covering both static pictures and interactive objects. We are currently experimenting with a basic mechanism for tagging parts of a picture, and through a Painter (see Section 5) that instead of generating drawing output, tests and records the picking of tagged parts of a Picture, we’re able to reuse the generic renderer to perform picking as well as drawing. Another area for future work would be to try and apply the techniques used here for two dimensional graphics to three dimensions. Promising results have already been achieved by the TBAG system [13], which uses a functional model for building three-dimensional interactive worlds.

References [1] Kavi Arya. Processes in a functional animation system. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, pages 382–395, London, September 1989. [2] Joel F. Bartlett. Don’t Fidget with Widgets, Draw! Technical Report 6, DEC Western Digital Laboratory, 250 University Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94301, US, May 1991. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

[3] Brian Beckman. A scheme for little languages in interactive graphics. Software-Practice and Experience, 21(2):187–207, February 1991. [4] Emmanuel Chailloux and Guy Cousineau. Programming Images in ML. In Proccedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML and its Applications, 1992. [5] Sigbjorn Finne and Simon Peyton Jones. Composing Haggis. In Proceedings of the Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Computer Graphics, Maastrict, Netherlands, September 1995. [6] Peter Henderson. Functional geometry. In ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming, pages 179– 187, 1982. [7] Allan Heydon and Greg Nelson. The Juno-2 Constraint-Based Drawing Editor. Technical Report 131a, DEC Systems Research Center, Palo Alto,CA, December 1994. [8] John Hobby. A User’s Manual for MetaPost. Technical report, Bell Labs, 1994. [9] Adobe Systems Inc. PostScript language reference manual. Addison Wesley, second edition, 1990. [10] Simon Peyton Jones, Andrew Gordon, and Sigbjorn Finne. Concurrent Haskell. In ACM Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 1996. [11] Donald E. Knuth. TEX and METAFONT, New Directions in Typesetting. Digital Press and the American Mathematical Society, Bedford, MA, 1979. [12] Peter Lucas and Stephen N. Zilles. Graphics in an Applicative Context. Technical report, IBM Almaden Research Center, 650 Harry Road, San Jose, CA 95120-6099, July 8 1987. [13] Greg Schechter, Conal Elliott, Ricky Yeung, and Salim Abi-Ezzi. Functional 3D graphics in C++ - with an objectoriented, multiple dispatching implementation. In Proceedings of the 1994 Eurographics Object-Oriented Graphics Workshop. Eurographics, Springer Verlag, 1994. [14] Christopher J. van Wyk. A High-Level Language for Specifying Pictures. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 1(2):163–182, April 1982.

A Complete Picture type The complete definition of the Picture is as follows:3 type type type type type

Unit -- representation of a printers’ points. Size = (Unit,Unit) Coord = (Unit,Unit) Angles = (Unit,Unit) Translation = (Unit,Unit)

data Picture = NullPic | Point | Text String | PolyLine [Translation] | Rect Size | Arc Size Angles | Curve Coord Coord Coord | Raster Raster | Pen PenModifier Picture | Move Offset Picture | Transform Transform Picture 3 Note that the Picture type is an instance of the Text class, which means that it can directly be used as a metafile format for graphical output as well.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Pictures: A simple structured graphics model

| | | |

Tag Tag Picture Overlay Picture Picture ConstrainOverlay RelSize RelSize Picture Picture Clip Picture Picture deriving (Eq,Text)

data RelSize = None | Fixed Which Unit | Prop Which Unit deriving (Eq, Text) data Which = First | Second type Tag = Int data Offset = OffDir CompassDirection | OffPropX Double | OffPropY Double deriving (Eq,Text)


Graphical attributes

The Pen constructor associates a set of graphical (attribute,value) pairs with a picture. The attributes currently supported are (the definition of the types used by some of the attributes have been elided for lack of space): type PenModifier = [PenAttr] data PenAttr = | LineWidth Ixont | Foreground Colour | LineStyle LineStyle -- dashed lines or not? | JoinStyle JoinStyle -- for polyline joints | CapStyle CapStyle -- end point caps. | Fill Bool -- fill picture or not? | Invisible Bool -- should the picture be drawn? | Font Font -- what font to use. | Function PenFunction -- blit op to eventually apply

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant Andy Gill

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant Andy Gill Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow Abstract The Haskell Equational Reasoning Assistant (HERA) is an application written in Haskell that helps users construct and present equational reasoning style proofs[1]. In this paper we discuss the technology behind the user interface.

1 Introduction HERA is an equational reasoning assistant. It assists the user by taking requests for actions to be performed on partially complete proofs. Typical requests that the user might make include:

 Use this specific lemma, on this specific sub-expression.  Perform case analysis on a formula, splitting it into a set of formulas.  Specify a new lemma to prove.  Request a reminder of the exact form of a lemma. HERA itself looks after the book-work, like what lemmas remain unproven, performing -conversions, etc. A first prototype of HERA was constructed with a straightforward ascii interface. This highlighted two significant problems:

 The first and most important shortcoming of this interface was the problem of sub-expression selection. It was unclear how the user could say, in a straightforward manner, “inside this sub-expression”.  Furthermore, it was difficult to get a clear overall picture of the direction of a proof within an ascii interface. An ascii screen is too small to hold both the proof in progress, and respond to the requests for available lemmas. To address both these problems we have implemented a multi-window implementation, with a point-and-click style of sub-expression selection. Figure 1 gives picture of an equational proof in action. When assisting with a proof, HERA gives the operator two windows, one giving derivations starting at the left hand side, and other derivations from the right hand side. When the two sides meet, the proof is complete. The rest of this paper explains the internals of this graphical user interface. Figure 2 gives an overview of the main components of HERA. In this paper we are concerned with the components that connect HERA to the display.

TK / TCL and XLib is a separate process, running the TK / TCL shell, wish. The component Wish I/O links the implementation of HERA with wish. We talk about these components in Section 2.

 The Widget Library is layer of abstraction on top of Wish I/O. We talk about this in Section 3. In Section 4 we discuss how we manage to pretty print with colours and different fonts. In Section 5 we present the algorithm for sub-expression selection that we use in HERA. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant

Figure 1: HERA in use

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant

Widget Library

U NIX tk/tcl


Haskell Parser

Substitution Engine

Haskell Typechecker




Command Parser Script Parser




Figure 2: The internal structure of HERA

2 Talking to X via TK / TCL TK / TCL is a simple scripting language that interfaces with X to provide high level commands for building graphical interfaces. Here is a simple example of TK / TCL program to print a button widget on the screen:

button .hello -text "Press Me" -command { puts stdout "someone pressed me" } pack .hello This displays a button:

When this button is pressed, the program says “someone pressed me”. HERA is written in Haskell 1.3. Rather than use a graphical interface that would be tied into a particular implementation, we use a system of U NIX pipes into a process running TK / TCL [3] which handles the interaction with X. We use a simplified version of the model used in [4] with only two pipes, one for requests, and one for responses, both feeding directly into TK / TCL. The three key Haskell functions have the types: > initWish > sendCommand > waitForEvent

:: IO Wish :: Wish -> String -> IO () :: Wish -> IO String

initWish sets up the pipes, giving us the Wish handle. sendCommand sends a command to waitForEvent waits for something to happen, returning the response from TK / TCL. To execute the above program in Haskell, we could write: Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995




The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant

> main = > initWish > sendCommand wish ("button .hello -text \"Press Me\" " ++ > "-command { puts stdout\ "someone pressed me\" }") > sendCommand wish "pack .hello" > waitForEvent > putStr resp

>>= \ wish -> >> >> >>= \ resp ->

3 Our Widget Library The model used by TK / TCL is an imperative one. We build onto this imperative base a widget library that provides functional combinators for building widget hierarchies. For example, our function for creating a button widget has the type: > buttonW > :: String > -> String > -> Widget

-- label -- what you reply

This function models itself on the TK / TCL button command, but provides a functional interface. We place the widget onto the screen using a monadic function addWidget: > addWidget :: Wish -> WidgetName -> Widget -> IO () So rewriting our “button” program using our widget library gives: > main = > initWish >>= \ wish -> > let > button_widget = buttonW "Press Me" "someone pressed me" > in > addWidget wish defaultWName button_widget >> > waitForEvent >>= \ resp -> > putStr resp We still use waitforEvent to wait for something to happen, but the construction of our widget is much neater. In the widget library we also provide combinators for joining smaller widgets to make larger widgets. For example: > > > >

aboveW besideW stackOfW rowOfW

:: :: :: ::

Widget -> Widget -> Widget Widget -> Widget -> Widget [Widget] -> Widget [Widget] -> Widget

So if we wanted two buttons, side by side we could write: > buttons_widget = > buttonW "Press Me" "someone pressed me" > ‘besideW‘ > buttonW "Or Press Me" "someone pressed button 2" Using this straightforward widget library, we build the necessary pictures to provide our interactive interface. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant

4 Printing more that Ascii The TK / TCL system supports extended and alternative character sets, along with various fonts, underlining, and colours. We wanted to use these to aid the presentation of our proofs and lemmas. The current technology for printing abstract syntax trees, called pretty-printers, output ascii pictures. We augmented one pretty printer [2] to support our extended styles of characters. This pretty printer has the following interface: > > > > >

data Doc = text :: ($$) :: () :: pretty ::

... [Char] Doc -> Doc -> Int ->

-> Doc Doc -> Doc Doc -> Doc Int -> Doc -> [Char]


Basic Word Vertical composition Horizontal composition Building final String

Using this library it is straightforward to construct clear and easy to read ascii representations of abstract syntax. There is no support, however, for the extensions that we want to use, like colour, fonts, and emphasis. To allow this, inside HERA we have abstracted our pretty-printing library over the ‘characters’ that the library outputs. We use type classes to do this. First we define a class Pretty: > class Pretty a where > blank_space :: a The idea behind this class is that for anything that we supply an instance of Pretty, we can use our augmented prettyprinting library. By simply “teaching” the library what we mean by white-space, our “characters” can be any datatype. To provide backwards compatability we provide an instance for Char: > instance Pretty Char where > blank_space = ’ ’ Now our library has the following interface: > > > > >

data Doc a text :: ($$) :: () :: picture ::

= ... Pretty Pretty Pretty Pretty

a a a a

=> => => =>

[a] Doc Doc Int

-> Doc a a -> Doc a -> Doc a a -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Int -> Doc a -> [[a]]

We have replaced pretty, which outputed a 1-dimensional list of Char (including newlines), with picture that outputs a 2-dimensional “array” of our arbitrary characters. So what do our new characters look like inside HERA? We use the definition: > data HyperChar > = HyperChar > Char > [HyperCharStyle] > (Maybe ExpAddress) >

-- our special version of Char -----

the char ‘a’/‘b’/‘c’/etc Which Font/Boldness/Colour/etc the address of *this* expression on the original syntax tree

Inside each HyperChar there is a real ascii Char, as well as information about how to display this char, for example what font to use, what colour to use, etc. Using this technology we can provide both boldness and alternative fonts, as well as support characters like 8, as Figure 1 demonstrates. In the next section we explain the (Maybe ExpAddress) component of HyperChar, as it is used to allow selection of sub-expressions. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant

5 Selection of Sub-expressions When we perform a proof interactively, we need a way of selecting an expression or sub-expression for substitution. We use the mouse to select appropriate expressions:

and HERA selects reverse (x : []) and underlines it, indicating that this is the currently selected sub-expression. Now this selected expression can have substitutions performed on it. Notice also that an exact match was not required, but the sub-expression selection algorithm deduced the correct selected expression.

So how can this be implemented?


can be instructed to send a string like

newDefaultExpression rev_of_singleton left 1.2 1.15 when a new sub-expression is selected. But the problem of identifying the sub-expression inside the original abstract syntax tree remains. We will explain our algorithm by using an example. Consider this simple expression tree, where @is application:

@ foo

@ bar


This tree, when pretty printed, becomes:

foo (bar choo) Now, with each component of the original tree we associate an “address”. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant


@ [1]


foo bar





The address of each component is simply the route required to reach it, starting from the top of the tree. For example, to find the expression “bar choo”, you go down the second branch, so the address is [2]. To find the expression component “bar”, you go down the second branch, then go down the first branch, so the address is [2,1]. So, the string “foo (bar choo)” has a tag on each non-whitespace character: [2]

foo [1]

( bar [2,1]

choo ) [2,2]

We use the (Maybe ExpAddress) component of HyperChar to add addresses to each character. When a region is selected, we use the following algorithm to find the appropriate sub-expression:

 Take the left most marker, and if it has no associated address, keep moving this marker to the right.  Do the same with the right most marker, moving it left.  At this point both markers have an address associated with them. We now take the most specific common address. For example, [1,2] and [1,2] would common up to [1,2], while [1,2] and [1,1] would common up to [1], and [1] and [2] would common up to [], the whole expression. This algorithm has been found to work well in practice, with the program correctly finding the expression the user selected.



In this paper we have overviewed the technology behind the GUI in HERA.

 We have seen how a reasonably sophisticated interface can be created in portable Haskell by using pipes the the TK / TCL graphics toolkit. A widget library that exploited functional composition is provided on top of the TK / TCL primitives.  We have used type classes to augment a pretty printer in a general way, allowing the use of fonts, colours, etc. inside our presentation of our abstract syntax.  We have used a simple addressing scheme for our abstract syntax trees, and tag the presentation information internally with these addresses. This allows a straightforward mapping from a two dimensional representation of an abstract syntax tree, back to the tree itself. These three aspects are all general purpose, and not specific to our application. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Technology Behind a Graphical User Interface for an Equational Reasoning Assistant

References [1] Richard S. Bird and Philip Wadler. Introduction to Functional Programming. International Series in Computer Science. Prentice-Hall, 1988. [2] R. J. M. Hughes. The design of a pretty-printing library. In Johan Jeuring and Erik Meijer, editors, Proceedings of the First International Spring School on Advanced Functional Programming Techniques, B˚astad, Sweden, volume 925 of LNCS. Springer-Verlag, May 1995. [3] John K. Ousterhout. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. Addison-Wesley, 1995. [4] Duncan Sinclair. Graphical user interfaces for Haskell. In John Launchbury and Patrick M. Sansom, editors, Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ayr, Scotland, Workshops in Computing, pages 252–257. SpringerVerlag, July 1992.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


A Lazy, Self-optimising Parallel Matrix Library Simon Govier and Paul H.J. Kellyill

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

A Lazy, Self-optimising Parallel Matrix Library Simon Govier and Paul H J Kelly Department of Computing, Imperial College 180 Queen’s Gate, London SW7 2BZ, UK Email: [email protected]

Abstract This paper describes a parallel implementation of a matrix/vector library for C++ for a large distributed-memory multicomputer. The library is “self-optimising” by exploiting lazy evaluation: execution of matrix operations is delayed as much as possible. This exposes the context in which each intermediate result is used. The run-time system extracts a functional representation of the values being computed and optimises data distribution, grain size and scheduling prior to execution. This exploits results in the theory of program transformation for optimising parallel functional programs, while presenting an entirely conventional interface to the programmer. We present details of some of the simple optimisations we have implemented so far and illustrate their effect using a small example.

Conventionally, optimisation is confined to compile-time, and compilation is completed before run-time. Many exciting opportunities are lost by this convenient divide. This paper presents one example of such a possibility. We do optimisation at run-time for three important reasons:

 We wish to deliver a library which uses parallelism to implement ADTs efficiently, callable from any client program (in any sensible language) without special parallel programming expertise. This means we cannot perform compile-time analysis of the caller’s source code.

 We wish to perform optimisations which take advantage of how the client program uses the intermediate values. This would be straightforward at compile-time, but not for a library called at run-time.

 We wish to take advantage of information available only at run-time, such as the way operations are composed, and the size and characteristics of intermediary data structures. We aim to get much of the performance of compile-time optimisation, possibly more by using run-time information, while retaining the ease with which a library can be installed and used. There is some run-time overhead involved, which limits the scope of the approach.

1 Background: parallelism via libraries Software engineers in computational science and engineering are not keen to invest in substantial restructuring of their applications in order to improve performance on parallel computers. Fully-automatic parallelisation is obviously an ideal, but an attractive alternative is to use a parallel library. This way, the complexity of using parallelism can be avoided completely. Most of the application need not be changed at all, and, assuming proper inter-language working standards, the user can use any language and any compiler.

Host-cell data movement A parallel program built this way has a characteristic structure: there is a single, master processor (“host”) which runs the user’s program, and a set of worker processors (“cells”) which are involved only in parallel operations. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


A Lazy, Self-optimising Parallel Matrix Library

Interesting parallel library functions generally manipulate large data structures as operands and/or results, such as matrices, graphs, relations etc. When a parallel operation on such an ADT is called, the operand data must be partitioned and distributed to the cells. When the operation has finished, the host can assemble the result by combining fragments from each cell.

Redundant data movement If the host needs to assemble the result matrix in order to print it, or to perform some test which will determine control flow, then perhaps this assembly stage is absolutely necessary. Very often, though, the result of a library operation is soon passed to another operator belonging to the same library. If this, too, is a parallel operation, then it would have been better to delay assembling the result, in case it turns out to be needed in distributed form by the operation which uses it.

The composition problem The central problem with parallel libraries is that there is no opportunity to eliminate this redundant data movement at compile-time. In fact, further optimisation could reduce data movement even more, for example by selecting parallel implementations of the operations used so that data is generated where it will be needed by the operation which follows.

The skeleton approach One approach to this problem, advocated for example in [Darlington et al., 1993a] and [Darlington et al., 1993b], is to parameterise parallel library functions with user code. Higher-order parallel functions, called “skeletons”, capture general algorithmic structures. In some cases at least, the library implementor can guarantee good parallel performance whatever the user code’s characteristics (this is claimed, for example, in [Cole, 1989]). In general, it doesn’t make sense to parameterise a skeleton with client code which itself employs a skeleton. A poor schedule results if both skeletons run in ignorance of one another. However, skeletons can be combined explicitly using higher-level skeleton composition operators. These combinators can be used to capture precisely how intermediate values are passed from skeleton to skeleton. In practice, what this means is that the outermost control structure of the application has to be rewritten in a functional “skeleton composition language” (SCL):

 Most of user’s code is unchanged, encapsulated in (i.e. called from) SCL.  SCL provides high-level control structure + distributed data structures.  SCL controls interfaces between fragments of reused user code. This idea of building applications from reused components has software engineering advantages of course (as observed, for example, in [Magee and Dulay, 1991]). It also offers the opportunity to do inter-skeleton optimisations, for example to minimise data movement and improve schedules. This has been the goal of a number of recent efforts, including [Harrison, 1992], [Lucco and Sharp, 1991], [Peiro, 1994] and perhaps most notably the P3 L compiler [Danelutto et al., 1992]. A compiler for a program built this way

 uses dependence information from SCL only: no need to analyse encapsulated code.  uses performance models for target architecture and skeleton implementation schemes to derive optimal parallel implementation. The optimisation is taken care of by the SCL compiler, and performance tuning is handled automatically. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


A Lazy, Self-optimising Parallel Matrix Library

The objective of this work The problem is that skeletons don’t do what users want. Although the promised automatic performance tuning would be very valuable, it remains unattractive for some users if it can only be achieved by rewriting the outer control structure of the application in a functional language. In this paper we outline a scheme which uses essentially the same optimisation and program transformation techniques, but the library functions are called by the user code. This makes it easy to parallelise an application in an incremental fashion. We aim to gain the same performance advantage.

2 A run-time approach to the composition problem We illustrate this idea using a parallel matrix library as an example. Our work has been based on C++, which is convenient because of its overloading. In principle any client language could have been used, since there is no compiletime processing. Lazy data movement The first inefficiency to dispose of is to avoid unnecessary movement of matrices to and from the host. To do this, we represent each matrix by an opaque “handle”. The run-time system keeps track of whether the matrix is stored on the host or in the cells (or both), and if it is stored on the cells it also records how it is distributed. This way, a matrix result need never be assembled on the host. If the host program does refer to matrix elements individually (for example to print the matrix), communication will be required, and it may be more efficient to collect blocks of the matrix to reduce the number of message exchanges needed. If the distribution of a matrix happens to coincide with the way the following operation needs it, then data movement is avoided. If the data is held in the cells, but in some other distribution, the cells communicate among themselves to get the components they need. We return to this issue in section 4. Lazy evaluation We can often avoid unnecessary data movement by deciding the distribution of operands on the basis of how the results of an operation are to be used. To gain the opportunity to do this, we delay execution of library calls as long as possible. This is not apparent to the calling program, since the representation of the matrix is hidden behind the opaque “handle”: we choose to represent the value in terms of the operations involved in computing it, that is as a symbolic expression DAG. Evaluation cannot be delayed indefinitely:

 The matrix may be used in an operation which produces a non-opaque result, such as a scalar (e.g. the matrix is required on the host for printing or testing). We refer to both these cases as “strict” contexts.

 The expression DAG representing the value may become too large. Dependences and name management There is a problem with delaying evaluation: we are working with an imperative language with assignment. Isn’t there a danger that the operands will have changed by the time we actually do the calculation? This problem, essentially that of respecting anti- and output-dependences, i.e. write-after-read (WAR) and writeafter-write (WAW) hazards, is solved using a simple technique analogous to the register renaming found in [Tomasulo, 1967]. Each operation returns a new handle, referring to a distinct matrix result. Consider the example shown in Fig. 1. We have used overloading and templates in C++ to provide a concise and flexible syntax which is hopefully self-explanatory: Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


A Lazy, Self-optimising Parallel Matrix Library

#include #include void main() f matrix a(500,500); matrix b(500,500); matrix c(500,500); S1: S2:

infile >> a; infile >> b;

S3: S4:

c = a * b; a = a * 2;

S5: S6:

outfile *).

2.1 Operations on Bulk Types All bulk types support the following familiar operations:

 lookup the value of an entity;  insert a new entity into the bulk datatype;  delete an entity from the datatype;  update an existing entity. where update can be seen as a combination of deletion and insertion, if desired. During database initialisation, it is also necessary to construct new bulk data structures. It is generally easier and more efficient to create a bulk type from the list of entities that should initially form part of that type rather than to create an empty type and then insert entities singly. In fact, for some bulk types (such as lists), the type system makes it rather hard to create a completely empty structure! Using constructor classes [Jon95], we can describe a simple generic bulk type class BulkType which permits these operations. This type class is defined over a datatype b, parameterised by key and entity types, e and k. Entities are members of the Entity class, and are thus parameterised on their key values. While the operations described here don’t consider the possibility that the operation might fail, it is trivial to extend them to cover this case. class BulkType b initialise :: (Key lookup :: (Key insert :: (Key delete :: (Key update :: (Key

where k, k, k, k, k,

Entity Entity Entity Entity Entity

e) e) e) e) e)

=> => => => =>

(k,k) k e k k e k

-> -> -> -> ->

[e k] b k e b k e b k e b k e

-> -> -> -> ->

b k e [e k] b k e b k e b k e

Note that the lookup function returns a list of entities that match the key value. We need to return a list since there may be no entities that match a particular key value, or for secondary keys, multiple values may match the given key. While not a primary requirement of a bulk type, it is probably useful to provide an information function to obtain the legal range of key values. theBounds

:: (Key k, Entity e) => b k e -> (k,k)

Other useful operations work on the data structure as a whole. One attractive operation is toList which builds a list from the entire bulk type. toList

:: (Key k, Entity e) => b k e -> [e k]

This operation allows queries to be constructed using list comprehensions, an elegant solution to the problem of constructing relational queries in a functional language [Tri91]. For example,

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Database Manipulation in Haskell 1.3

hughes_followset = [x | x [e k] = select (theBounds b) b = select (k,k)

2.2 Example: B-Trees One common bulk data type is the B-tree, whose nodes contain multiple keys and sub-trees. Within a node, the keys are ordered, so that all entities in a sub-tree have key values which are less than or equal to the corresponding key value in the node. There is always one more sub-tree than key value, which contains entities which are greater than the last key value in the node. It is possible to define a general B-tree structure using lists, but since each node in a B-tree has the same arity, this is over-general, and in order to speed access, tuples or arrays of the appropriate size would normally be used rather than key and sub-tree lists. data (Key k, Entity e) => BTree k e = BNode [k] [BTree k e] | BEmpty | BLeaf (e k) For maximum efficiency in lookup, B-trees must be balanced following operations which change the structure of the tree. In our context, these operations are insertions and deletions, but not updates or lookups. By way of example we show how lookup can be defined for a B-tree. instance lookup lookup lookup

BulkType BTree where k (BLeaf e) | k == key e = [e] k (BNode ks bs) = blookup k ks bs _ _ = []

blookup k [] [b] = lookup k b blookup k (k’:ks) (b:bs) | k Academic_Staff k = Academic_Staff_Rec { staff_no :: Integer salary :: Float prefers :: [Beverage_Reln] teaches :: [Course_Reln] } The prefers and teaches fields refer to one-to-many or many-to-many relations between the Academic Staff relation and the Beverage Reln and Course Reln relations. For each field, there is a selector function of the same name that can be applied to values of type Academic Staff. tax :: Key k => Academic_Staff k -> Float tax lecturer = salary lecturer * 0.25 To specify the key field for an entity, we need to make it an instance of the Entity class. instance Entity Academic_Staff where key = staff_no

3.2 Relations Our basic approach is to use bulk types as described above to represent relations. data A_S_Reln k e = ASRel (BTree k e) It is possible to define instances for relations so that lookup etc. can be written to work directly on a relation without needing to know about the representation of the internal indices. instance BulkType (A_S_Reln Integer Academic_Staff) where insert k (ASRel b) = insert k b ... 3.2.1 Linking Relations In Trinder’s thesis [Tri89] he proposed to structure relations into cyclic graphs using the standard functional programming techniques. This creates some problems when updating entities, since all links to an entity must also be located and updated. One solution is to use a fully inverted structure so that each entity records which other entities refer to it (in effect, links between relations become bidirectional). This uses additional storage for the extra pointers, however, and also adds to the database management code – if links are added from new relations, all entities in a relation must be restructured and reconstructed. An alternative solution is to use keys rather than graph to link relations. This avoids wasting storage and simplifies updates, at the expense of

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1. requiring additional lookups to follow links, rather than just traversing the data graph, and 2. introducing the risk of inconsistency when entities are deleted from a relation. We do not address this issue here.

4 Bulk Data Type Representation We require both fast access to database entities, and fast in-memory update (disk update is another issue). Data may be sparse or dense in a key value. For dense data with key ranges that rarely change, serial arrays are an excellent data representation.

4.1 Version Arrays One interesting representation for bulk data types on dense structures is to use version arrays. This structure is a functional array representation, intended for in-place update.To simplify the presentation, we show here how to model these structures using Haskell arrays, but we would normally expect these arrays to be implemented via direct state manipulation. A version array has two components, a unique incrementable version number, and an array of entities that are held in the array. For each key, there is an ordered list of (version,entity) pairs, where the versions indicate when the corresponding entity was created/updated, most recent first. Entities are stored using the Maybe type – Nothing if the entity was not present in the initial array, or was deleted in a later version; otherwise Just e. data (Key k, Entity e) => DBVA k e = DBVA Version (Array k [(Version,Maybe (e k))]) type Version = Int The initial version of a version array (the one identified by version minvers) contains Nothing except the initial values that were given. initialise rng vals = DBVA minvers (array rng empty // inited) where empty = [(k,[(minvers,Nothing)]) | k DBVA (v+1) (va // [( k, (v+1,Just val) : current) ]) where k = key val current = va ! k The other standard operations are similarly straightforward to define.

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4.1.1 Characteristics for Parallel Access We believe that version arrays work well for both lookup and update in parallel, using techniques similar to those we have already described for linked lists [AHPT93]. The array is implemented as an abstract data type which provides only lookup, insert etc. operations. In particular, the version number cannot be observed externally. Internally, the header containing the version number is unique to a particular version of the array, but the array of data is shared by all versions of the array. DBVA




Version Headers

Data Array

Version Lists




Data Objects

When a new version of the array is created, the array of data is modified in the appropriate position to create a new version, value pair at the head of the list of versions for that index. The new value is created as a suspension rather than being evaluated immediately. A new version array header can then be created for this version of the version array. For example, when inserting v into a version array a whose version is n at index i, the pair (n+1,v) will be prepended to the existing list of version, value pairs at the ith element of a, and a new header (for version n+1) returned to the caller. The new value v is created as a suspension. The advantage of this approach is that the only synchronisations required are on the creation of the new version array header (a fast operation) and when the newly inserted value is demanded at a later point in execution. Later lookup operations can proceed before a newly inserted value has been evaluated, and it is not necessary to complete earlier lookups before inserting a new value. At the same time, the structure supports both fast lookup (close to O(1)) and fast insertion (O(1)) if the basic array structure is shared. 4.1.2 Hashing Version arrays could be hashed rather than accessed directly. This is a fairly straightforward change, which we will not discuss here. The use of hashed arrays for functional databases is described by Heytens and Nikhil [HN91].

4.2 Secondary Indices Secondary indices are used to provide alternative access paths to a relation, so as to improve the speed of common queries. A secondary index may be non-unique. For example, by providing a secondary index for Academic Staff on the courses field, we can rapidly answer queries such as who teaches a particular course. The result of this query will be a, possibly empty, list of staff who teach the course. 4.2.1 Relations Supporting Secondary Indices Because secondary indices share the primary data representation, the general structure of a relation is as a bulk data type with a single primary index, and multiple secondary indices. If a value is inserted or deleted using the primary index,

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all secondary indices must also be updated. In general, we want to use different bulk types for primary and secondary indices (and perhaps even for different secondary indices). Each secondary index in the relation will be represented as a bulk type of primary keys. The primary key or keys corresponding to a secondary key can then be obtained simply by looking up the secondary key in the index. This two-stage lookup is less efficient than the direct-lookup provided by secondary indices in a conventional database. data (Key s, Key p) => SecondaryIndex p s = s :-> p instance Key p => Entity (SecondaryIndex p) where key (s :-> p) = s So that, for example, we can define a secondary index which uses strings to refer to an entity whose primary keys are integers by type SI = BTree String (SecondaryIndex String Integer), or more generally type (BulkType b, Key s, Key p) => SI b s p = b s (SecondaryIndex p s) One fairly general way of describing a relation which has multiple secondary indices is thus data (BulkType bp, BulkType bs1, ..., BulkType bsn, Entity e, Key p, Key s1, ..., Key sn) => Relation bp bs1 ... bsn e p s1 .. sn = Rel { rel :: bp p e si1 :: SI bs1 s1 p ... sin :: SI bsn sn p } Such a relation could obviously itself be a bulk type, and hence relations could be used for either primary or secondary indices. 4.2.2 Lookup on Secondary Indices To lookup a value through a secondary index we first need to obtain the list of primary keys corresponding to the secondary key using the lookup operation. Each of these primary keys can then be looked up in turn using the lookup operation on primary keys; the concatenation of these primary lookups gives the list of entities referenced by the secondary key. The generic form for this kind of lookup is thus secondary_key_lookup sk si r = concat (map (\ k -> lookup k r) pks) where pks = lookup sk (si r) Since we would normally expect both primary and secondary indices to be held in primary store, the cost of the extra level of indirection required to access secondary indices in this way is probably not significant.

4.3 Views It is common to provide more than one view of a database relation. A database view restricts the values of a relation that can be seen by a database user, which provides security against accidental change or unauthorised access.

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For example, the Academic Staff relation might include sensitive details of the staff members’ salaries or beverage preferences, which should not be seen by students considering courses that are run by individual staff members. In a functional setting, a database view of this kind is equivalent to an abstract data type. module Student_View (Academic_Staff,staff_no,teaches) where import qualified Academic_Staff(Academic_Staff(..)) staff_no teaches

:: Academic_Staff -> Integer :: CourseReln

staff_no teaches

= =

Academic_Staff.staff_no Academic_Staff.teaches

5 Further Work 5.1 Transactions We are planning to work with a transaction processing model. The manager will handle generic transactions on the database as in our previous work. If each transaction returns a pair of a message (indicating the result of the transaction – either success or failure) and a new database, then the manager will have the following structure. manager [] db = ([],db) manager (t:ts) db = let (msg, db’) = t db (msgs, db’’) = manager ts db’ in (msg:msgs, db’’)

5.2 Disk Accesses Our intention is to hold the indices of a relation in-memory, and read entities from disk as they are needed. Changed entities and indices will be written back to disk as a new generation [HG83] when a checkpoint is encountered. Intermediate versions of version arrays can then be discarded, using an operation equivalent to prune. prune vp (DBVA v va) = DBVA v (amap (filter (\ (ve,e) -> ve >= vp)) va)

6 Conclusions We have investigated using a modern functional language to write data intensive programs. Constructor classes and records prove particularly aid in describing bulk data types. We have defined a generic bulk data type class, which can represent a variety of different structures on different (key,entity) combinations. Although not fully described here, we believe that the structure of relations which we describe here will help us solve the secondary index problem for parallel update.

References [AFH+87]

Argo G, Fairbairn J, Hughes RJM, Launchbury EJ, and Trinder PW, “Implementing Functional Databases”, Proc. Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Roscoff, France (September 1987), pp. 87-103.


Akerholt G, Hammond K, Peyton Jones SL, and Trinder P, “A Parallel Functional Database On GRIP”, Proc. Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Portree, Scotland (August 1991).

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Akerholt G, Hammond K, Peyton Jones SL, and Trinder P, “Processing Transactions on GRIP: a Parallel Graph Reducer”, Proc. PARLE ’93, Munich, Springer-Verlag LNCS 694, (1993), pp. 634–647.


The Haskell 1.3 Committee, “Report on the Programming Language Haskell, Version 1.3”, In Preparation, (April 1996).


Hecht MS, and Gabbe JD, “Shadowed Management of Free Disk Pages with a Linked List”. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 8:4, (December 1983), pp. 503–514.


Heytens, ML and Nikhil R.S. “List Comprehensions in AGNA, a Parallel Persistent Object System” Proc. FPCA ’91, Cambridge, Mass. (1991).


Jones, MP, “A system of constructor classes: overloading and implicit higher-order polymorphism”, J. Functional Programming 5:1, (1995) pp. 1–37.


Poulovassilis A.P. “FDL: An Integration of the Functional Data Model and the Functional Computational Model”, Proc. 6th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD 6) (July 1988), 215-236.


Poulovassilis A.P. Small C. “A Functional Programming Approach to Deductive Databases”, Proc. 17th International Conference on Very Large Databases, G. Lohman, et al. (eds), 491-500, 1991.


Trinder PW, A Functional Database, Oxford University D.Phil. Thesis, (December 1989).


Trinder, P.W. “Comprehensions: a Query Notation for DBPLs”, Proc. Third International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, Nafplion, Greece (August 1991).

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems Ian Holyer, Neil Davies and Chris Dornan

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems Ian Holyer

Neil Davies

Chris Dornan

Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK email: [email protected]

Abstract The Brisk project has been set up to investigate the possibility of extending the expressive power of purely functional languages. The aim is to be able to build concurrent and distributed working environments completely functionally, reversing the usual situation in which functional programs are regarded as guests within a procedural environment. This paper gives an overview of the project, and the current status of the work in progress. The Bristol Haskell System, or Brisk for short, is based on a compiler for the Haskell functional programming language which is used to provide practical support for this research, and to demonstrate its results. The compiler adds a purely deterministic form of concurrency to Haskell in order to improve support for interactive and distributed programming. This has been used, for example, to build an interface to the X window system. Features have also been added to support the dynamic loading and migration of code. This allows for a purely functional implementation of long-lived shell programs which manage files, processes and communications.

1 Introduction Current functional language implementations suffer from having a guest status within procedural operating systems. Typically, each program runs as a single process and accesses operating system facilities via sequential input/output interfaces. This is restrictive and unnatural from a functional point of view. It is difficult to implement reactive systems such as graphical user interfaces, and it is impossible to implement larger scale systems programs which often involve unavoidable concurrency. The Brisk project was set up to solve this problem by providing a deterministic form of concurrency to increase the expressive power of purely functional languages, without losing any of their pure and mathematically simple properties. Brisk’s concurrency allows reactive graphics programs to be implemented cleanly and conveniently. Efficiency is also reasonable, so that it is possible to implement interactive graphics games for example. Other features such as the dynamic loading of code are added to increase expressive power in other ways, allowing development environments and distributed systems to be designed in a purely declarative and deterministic way. This paper gives a broad overview of the Brisk project, describing a number of topics in brief outline. We hope that some of the topics will be expanded in more detail in later papers. The Brisk system provides a compiler which implements deterministic concurrency. This compiler is described briefly in Section 2. Concurrency allows interfaces to operating system facilities to be made more modular, so that independent facilities are accessed via separate threads of execution, as described in Section 3. In particular, a natural and convenient interface to window systems can be provided, in which programs can be written in a reactive style – see Section 4. Further extensions to Haskell allow modules containing new functions and types to be loaded dynamically into an already running program. In Section 5, we show how these extensions allow a development environment for Brisk to be implemented entirely in Brisk. In the remaining sections, we discuss the design issues involved in making extended applications deterministic, and thus implementable using Brisk. The design techniques are of interest in their own right, independent of functional programming, as they change the look and feel of concurrent applications, making them more predictable, repeatable and even provable. In Section 6 we describe the issues of filestore and process management which would be involved Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


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in building a multi-process working environment for a single user. Distributed applications are described in Section 7, together with the questions of communication and global identification of resources which they raise. Finally, in Section 8, we discuss some of the issues raised by multi-user applications.

2 The Brisk Compiler The Brisk compiler is a conventional compiler for the Haskell language [4]. For portability, the compiler translates Haskell modules into C, and a C compiler then completes the translation into machine code. One innovation is the addition of deterministic concurrency, as described by Holyer & Carter [1]. Concurrency is introduced into Brisk not to speed up programs using parallel processors, but rather to make Haskell more expressive so that programs can be written with concurrent behaviours which cannot be achieved with a normal sequential version of Haskell. Also, the initial aim in Brisk is to study concurrent programming in a shared memory setting. This avoids restrictions and complications involved in using distributed communicating processes, for example the need to pack and unpack data into messages, and to deal with laziness and demand across communication channels. Thus, in the initial Brisk system at least, a compiled concurrent program still runs as a single operating system process. The run time system supports lightweight threads of execution which share common global data in a single heap. This is sufficient to examine all the applications up to Section 6. When distributed systems are discussed in Section 7, communication issues will be re-examined. The Brisk run time system uses the well-known techniques developed for simulating parallelism using lightweight threads, as described by Peyton Jones & Lester [5] for example, and as described by Peyton Jones & Finne [8] for use in Concurrent Haskell. These provide simple and efficient thread switching and data locking in the context of graph reduction. In addition, the Brisk run time system provides centralised I/O control so that a thread which suspends on I/O does not prevent other threads from continuing. Although conventional implementations of Haskell are sequential, the language itself is not inherently sequential. Thus the Brisk compiler needs no extension to the standard Haskell syntax in order to provide concurrency. The only change is that the enhanced run time system makes it possible to provide extra library modules which provide concurrent interfaces to external facilities such as window systems. The denotational semantics of Haskell also needs no extension; the conventional lazy value semantics is sufficient to describe deterministic concurrency. The operational semantics can be described in terms of independent demands on a number of expressions within the program. Typically, the demands come from output streams or action sequences. Other extensions to Haskell mentioned in later sections also have a minimal effect on syntax or semantics.

3 Concurrent Interfaces Input and output in version 1.2 of Haskell, the version described in the Haskell report [4], is carried out via streams of requests and responses, or by using functions with continuations. Since then a monadic style has been developed for I/O. This style provides a uniform approach to the problem of interfacing with procedural or other state-based services, and increases the convenience and composability of procedural actions. Interfacing in Brisk will be described in monadic terms, using the conventions currently being proposed for version 1.3 of Haskell [10], although at the time of writing the details of Haskell 1.3 have not yet been standardised. With the monadic interfacing technique, a number of I/O actions are provided. These actions can be thought of as functional versions of I/O procedures provided by the operating system. Actions can be regarded as functions which transform the current I/O state of the program. However, actions are treated as an abstract type so that the programmer does not have direct access to the program state. This restriction prevents the programmer from creating multiple versions of the state. Instead, basic actions are combined into a single linear sequence, using combining operators such as >> of type IO a -> IO b -> IO b, and >>= of type IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b in Haskell 1.3. Launchbury & Peyton Jones [6], [7] describe extensions of monadic interfacing to other services besides I/O. All external services happen via actions on a specific RealWorld state type representing the external system state. This provides I/O and general C language procedure call services, but forces all C procedure calls to happen in a single linear sequence. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems

In Brisk, using concurrency, access to external services can be made less restrictive. A number of separate linear sequences of procedure calls can be executed concurrently, provided that the external effects produced by different sequences are independent of each other. The sequences are executed independently, each at its own rate, except for the usual synchronising effect of any data dependencies within the program. In addition, different sequences can have different state types, providing the opportunity for a more modular approach to interfacing with external services. Launchbury & Peyton Jones [7] describe functions runST and interleaveST which perform a given compound action either on a given initial state or on a shared state, and Peyton Jones & Finne describe a function forkIO for carrying out separate compound I/O actions concurrently. These facilities lead to safety problems. To avoid destroying referential transparency, runST has to be given a type (8s ST s a) -> a involving second order polymorphism, and interleaveST or forkIO cause non-determinism if they are used to create non-independent threads of execution. In the Brisk approach any number of independent state-based services can be provided in separate modules, each with its own state type. There are no generic facilities for starting or forking actions. Instead, specific versions of them are provided, each of which is guaranteed to be safe and deterministic. For example, a version runArray of the generic runST function can be provided as part of an array package; in general, versions of runST are provided for internal services, but not for I/O or other external services. Similarly, safe forking primitives are provided. One example is an action to read the contents of a file concurrently with the main I/O thread, the file becoming inaccessible from the main thread. In fact the hGetContents action proposed for Haskell 1.3 splits the state in this way, though concurrency is not involved. Other examples are an I/O action which starts up an X Window session independently of the main I/O sequence, or an X Window action which creates a new independent subwindow. These can be guaranteed to be safe provided the graphics facilities available on any one window do not affect other windows or subwindows. In general, a forking primitive takes a complete subaction as an argument and splits off a part of the main state for that subaction to act on. The new subaction may or may not need another thread of execution to handle it, depending on whether or not it represents a new source of demand to the program as a whole, or whether it is driven by data dependency on its result. The part of the state that is split off is inaccessible from the main sequence. Joining the split state back together can also be achieved, though that is not discussed here. A Brisk program can thus have many separate action sequences, each driven by its own independent demand, and each capable of cooperating independently with external services. This implies a need for concurrent I/O; if one thread is suspended while waiting for input, for example, the other threads must be allowed to continue. In practice, one can think in terms of a central I/O controller which keeps track of all input channels. If a number of threads are waiting for input on separate input channels, the controller must be able to respond to the first input item to arrive, regardless of which channel it arrives on. This amounts to a non-deterministic timed merge. However, all the controller does is to wake up the relevant thread, so the program as a whole is not able to produce different results depending on the relative times at which items arrive on the input channels. The timings of the inputs affect only the timings of the outputs, as with sequential programs. This deterministic form of concurrency is a compromise. The separate threads of execution and the concurrent control of I/O provide a level of expressiveness which goes beyond that of sequential implementations. On the other hand, the effects are purely deterministic which means that Brisk is less expressive than systems which allow full non-determinism. This provides an interesting challenge. The precise effects of many conventional systems programs and reactive programs cannot be obtained directly in Brisk, because the effects themselves are inherently non-deterministic. However, it is often possible to re-design such programs so that they provide essentially the same services, but using only purely deterministic effects. The remaining sections of this paper discuss several common situations in systems programming, and demonstrate that the non-deterministic effects used in conventional approaches are usually unnecessary, and indeed undesirable. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems

4 A Window System Conventional window systems such as X offer graphics facilities on computer screens organised in terms of a hierarchical collection of windows. Windows come in all sizes from the root window representing the whole of the screen down to individual buttons, sliders and menu items. Programs written using window systems often have complex reactive input and output behaviour. Previous functional interfaces to window systems have either involved non-determinism or else been difficult to program. In the latter case, there is a need to deterministically merge separate graphics streams into a single stream to send to the screen. This causes “plumbing” problems which force the structure of window programs to match the structure of their windows. As a matter of fact, these problems occur with window interfaces in sequential procedural languages; this is not just a functional programming problem. The difficulties are well described by Noble & Runciman [11]. The programming model conventionally presented by window systems is one in which separate windows are almost completely independent of one another. Graphics which are drawn in a window do not affect the parent window or any other window obscured behind it. Moving a window exposes graphics previously drawn on the window behind, even if they were drawn while the back window was obscured. We capitalise on this by providing primitives which guarantee that windows are completely independent. The interface to the window system can then be made concurrent, with each window having a separate output thread for the the graphics which appear in it. Each thread can perform its own output, with no need for merging. Such an interface is clean and simple, and yet captures most of the useful patterns of behaviour which window programs typically use. In addition, such a window system provides a rich source of concurrency with which to experiment further with concurrent program design. An initial version of a concurrent window interface of this kind, called BriX, has been designed and implemented by Serrarens [3], and this has demonstrated the feasibility of the main ideas mentioned here. There are several issues involved in making such an interface powerful, and yet deterministic. At present, the interface is at the lowest (Xlib) level, since the higher level libraries often used with the X window system are designed using models of behaviour which are difficult to capture functionally. The Xlib procedure calls can be classified into various different kinds. First, some can be described as forking actions. The main examples of this are: xOpenDisplay :: String -> X () -> IO () xCreateSimpleWindow :: Position -> ... -> X () -> X () The xOpenDisplay function is called as part of a program’s main I/O sequence. It takes the name of a display, and a compound X action representing the processing to be performed on the program’s main window. Then it starts up a new thread to perform this processing separately from the main I/O thread. The xCreateSimpleWindow function is called as an action on a window which creates a new subwindow. The last argument is the compound action to be performed independently on the subwindow. Second, many procedures can be classified as graphics actions. These write or draw or paint on a window’s canvas. This is the simplest kind of procedure, modelled as an action on the current window (which is incorporated into the state associated with the action type X a). For example: xDrawString :: Position -> String -> X () Third, some procedures are control actions which involve changing the relationship between a window and its surroundings, eg moving or raising a window. In Xlib, such a procedure would be called with the window to be moved or raised as an argument. However, this can lead to non-determinism; if two overlapping windows attempt to raise themselves above each other, the result depends on the relative timing of the two operations. To resolve this, such operations are described instead as actions by the parent which take a subwindow identifier as an argument. Since these operations do not interact with the graphics inside the subwindows, and only affect the relationship of Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


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subwindows with each other rather than with unrelated windows, this approach retains the deterministic independence of windows. In low level libraries such as Xlib, all input events such as key presses or mouse clicks are sent to a program in a single stream. The functional model of events is that they are received by the main window, and then appropriately filtered and passed on to subwindows. This ensures that the thread associated with a window has access to information about relative timings of events in the subwindows where necessary. Conventional dispatch mechanisms within X toolkits which send events directly to the windows that require them can be regarded as an optimisation in cases where parent windows have no interest in their children’s events. Some events are generated by the window system itself. These are usually caused directly by user operations such as moving windows on the screen, and so the window system can insert them at correctly synchronised points into the main event stream. However, some such events, such as exposure events for example, can lead to unfortunate effects. The intention of exposure events is that the program should respond by redrawing windows which have been uncovered. However, the program is free to draw something different from the graphics which were originally sent, violating the independence of windows. Since exposure events are just an efficiency mechanism to save the window system from having to store an arbitrary amount of covered-up graphics, they represent an unnecessary complication for the programmer. With our functional approach, it is sensible to have one or more built-in redrawing techniques so that redrawing is not the responsibility of the programmer. There are situations in which non-determinism seems indispensible. For example, suppose a window displays a number of images in sequence, and you want to be able to click on a button to stop the program at the one you want. The problem is that of determining the relative timings of the moment at which the next image is displayed and the moment at which the button is pressed. One way to solve such problems is to allow synchronisation requests to be embedded in a graphics stream. The window system responds by returning synchronisation events in the event stream. The window system can ensure that the moment at which the synchronisation event is returned is definitely after all previous graphics have appeared on the screen and definitely before any further graphics appear. The position of the button click event relative to the synchronisation events can be used by the program to determine how to react. Thus this timing problem is delegated to the window system itself, which is best able to achieve accurate synchronisation. It is hoped that this functional window interface will provide a convenient programming environment, in which the structure of a program can be separated from the structure of its windows.

5 A Development Environment Consider the problem of constructing a development environment for compiling, debugging and running functional programs. We want to be able to regard the development system as a single, long-running program, implemented in a functional language and providing a functional ‘look and feel’ to the user. A naive view of a compiler is as a function from the source text to a value. A simple compiler for numerical functions might have a declared type and might be used as: compile :: String -> (Int -> Int) square = compile "square n = n*n" The program implementing the development environment would accumulate extra, dynamically determined function values by compilation as time progressed. There are several problems with this naive view. The first is that compilation does not happen in isolation, but rather in the context of previously compiled modules or functions. Another is that the type of the value produced is variable rather than fixed. Also, source programs may define new data types, and it is not clear how the development environment program can accumulate extra, dynamically determined types. It is possible to solve these problems in a reasonably simple way by extending the functional language a little. First, compilation can be regarded as an I/O operation rather than a stand-alone function. Modules can then be compiled in the context of a module store which holds a self-consistent collection of successfully compiled modules. Second, the run-time system of the functional language needs to be able to support dynamic loading and linking of compiled modules. Finally, it is possible to introduce an extra type into the language, called Dynamic for example, which Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems

represents the (‘tagged’) union of all data types, including newly compiled ones. Values can be extracted from this type by a form of pattern matching which matches values of type Dynamic against type constructors. Thus a dynamic value can be extracted and used provided it is of a type which is known in the current context; if not, then the value can still be passed around without looking inside it. There are both semantic and practical details to be sorted out here, and these are under investigation, but the result is a further increase in the expressiveness of the language.

6 Process Management Extending the ideas in the last section, it is possible to develop a purely functional multi-process environment within which a single user can run programs. We want to be able to regard the entire system, including all the separate processes which are run and the support provided for them, as a single long-running functional program. The dynamic loading and linking described briefly in the previous section can be used to start up separate processes. In addition, there are new issues of file management and process management which arise. If two independent processes are allowed to perform arbitrary input and output operations on the file store, then non-deterministic effects can result. The state of the file store can depend on essentially arbitrary relative timings, eg of two processes writing to the same file. Indeed, this is what happens in conventional operating system environments, and such non-deterministic effects form some of the major sources of surprises and pitfalls for users. To avoid this, it is necessary to be very clear about ownership. Suppose that all processes are started up from a manager or ‘shell’ process which owns the directory structure of the file store and has built-in facilities for altering it, but does not touch file contents. When a process is started up, it is called as a self-contained function. It is given the contents of the files it requires as arguments, and the results are put back into the file store by the manager as new file contents; it does not have any direct access to the directory structure. This division of responsibilities ensures that the state of the file store is deterministic, and that the manager can continue reliably regardless of the success or failure of the processes which it spawns. A unique way of identifying files is needed so as to avoid aliasing problems. As some processes started up by the manager are long-lived, and the manager must continue while they run, the act of spawning a process is regarded by the manager as an action which replaces the contents of the result files immediately by unevaluated expressions. This corresponds to the usual state of affairs in conventional systems where files are often in the process of being written to. Also, separate threads of execution are created to evaluate the contents of the result files; this amounts to ‘speculative parallelism’ in the sense that file contents are evaluated without knowing whether or when the file contents are going to be used. The advantage is that this creates the same level of persistence as in conventional systems, where a system ‘crash’ need not do too much damage. A mechanism is needed to deal with long-lived programs such as editors which have facilities for dynamically choosing new files to work on. One way to achieve this is for the editor program to take a stream of files as an argument. Editing a new file then involves two commands; one to tell the manager to send a particular new file, and one to the editor to tell it to read the contents in from its stream argument. A ‘drag-and-drop’ graphical operation could conveniently combine these two coordinated commands into a single user action. An interesting problem arises with the need to abort runaway processes. In conventional systems, this is done by sending a signal to the errant process itself. This is not acceptable here because it would require a non-deterministic merge of such signals with the normal inputs of the process, and anyway the process might not be listening for such signals. Instead, a command can be given to the manager process. If the manager keeps old versions of files, the result files from the process in question can be made to revert to their old contents, so that no references to the new contents remain. The runaway process then has no sources of demand driving it, so it stops. There are also no references to the space it occupies, so the space can be garbage collected. There are many other details which need attention. One important one is to find ways to run existing procedural programs as guest processes, with safe wrappers around them so that they can be given functional descriptions. This avoids the need to rewrite large quantities of system software. The examples provided here illustrate the fact that more is possible using purely deterministic effects than at first meets the eye, and the result could be a system which users may find preferable to the present anarchic state of affairs. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems

7 Distributed Systems Each of the above examples can be imagined as a single long-running functional program in which separate threads or processes share a single large heap. In general, however, concurrency is associated with multiple processes which have separate memories and which communicate with each other. Indeed, this was the way in which we first approached concurrency, see Carter [2]. Programs can be distributed either over closely coupled processors in a parallel computer, or over loosely coupled computers in a network; many of the issues are similar in the two cases. Some of the issues associated with turning Brisk into a distributed system have been investigated, and a few of these ideas are presented briefly here. Although distributed systems are likely to be multi-user, we defer the issues which this raises to the next section. This means that a distributed program can be regarded as being equivalent to a single-heap program. This equivalence requires that all details concerning communication protocols etc should be hidden below the functional level. There are great theoretical advantages to be gained from this equivalence. A collection of communicating processes in which the local inter-communications are hidden is completely equivalent to a single process of the same kind. This simple composability is in sharp contrast to most procedural models of communicating processes. It means that the semantics and behaviour of a program can be studied independently of its distributed nature, and indeed it may be possible to allow the functional design of programs to be separated from the design of their distribution. This is again in marked contrast to procedural systems, for example those using remote procedure call or client-server models of interaction. The main problem in practice is the restrictive nature of typical communication facilities. It is possible to use communications to implement a single distributed, heap. Unfortunately, doing this in a naive way is likely to be too inefficient. In particular, it is unreasonable to expect demand to be transmitted in the system in the same way as it would be in a single-heap version of the program. Rather, each communication channel can represent an independent source of demand on its supplier process. This can work well, allowing for conventional buffering of channels etc, provided that the communication protocols used have no semantic effect at the functional level. They just correspond to the addition of some speculative parallelism. It is important to ensure that the restrictions imposed by communication channels for efficiency’s sake do not unduly restrict what the programmer can achieve. In particular, we want to allow for the mobility of code as well as data. It is easy enough to arrange for code to be shipped across communication channels, but there are issues of version handling and portability to take care of. For version handling, it is important that programs or pieces of code are known by globally unique identifiers, with every version getting its own identifier, rather than just being known by name. The easiest way to ensure portability is to keep code in interpretable form, though other schemes such as local re-compilation are possible. Other issues which arise are decisions as to whether to transmit data in evaluated or unevaluated form, and whether to copy or donate values, how to arrange for distributed garbage collection, and so on. However, there are various benefits to be had from making such a scheme work. For example, given the discussions in previous sections, it is possible to run code obtained from elsewhere in a safe side-effect free manner so that, for example, viruses are not possible.

8 Multi-user Systems Systems with multiple users raise further issues. In fact, in a multi-user system, it is no longer possible to avoid non-determinism completely. When two people perform update operations on shared data, there must be some way to determine in what order to carry out the operations. However, the expressiveness of the systems described so far make it possible to confine non-determinism to a few well-understood places in the system, and to use techniques such as time-stamps which would not be practical if they pervaded the system. The minimum level of cooperation between users is the ability to view each other’s files. One way to achieve this which fits in with the idea of keeping old versions of files is that each user sees a fixed snapshot of another user’s file Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems

store, at the moment when the second user last logged out. This requires only the timed merge of login and logout requests, and ensures that a system administrator can update publicly accessible files safely, in the knowledge that only when the files have been checked for consistency and the administrator has logged out will anyone see the changes. Closer cooperation, such as access to a shared database, requires time-stamped transactions on a smaller scale. Provided that it is obvious to the user when timed transactions are being carried out, eg by having a special kind of window in which it is clear that times are being attached to requests, this can work well.

9 Conclusions and Current Status The aim of the Brisk project is to demonstrate that a deterministic form of concurrency, while not as expressive as non-determinism, allows for a great variety of effects to be achieved. Indeed many, if not most, systems programs and reactive systems can be redesigned to use such concurrency without any significant loss of functionality. A prototype version of the compiler has been written which covers most of the Haskell language. It supports concurrent interfaces, and a preliminary version of an X window interface has been implemented. Some of the development environment features mentioned in Section 5 have been incorporated into the compiler itself, but not made generally available to the programmer. This prototype allows the main ideas of deterministic concurrency to be demonstrated. We hope to release a more complete version of the compiler in the near future, and then to implement more of the development environment and proces management features. Work has also begun on the design of the distributed aspects of the project. The discussions in this paper, although rather brief and incomplete, already demonstrate that much more is possible using purely deterministic concurrency than one might expect at first sight. There are many theoretical advantages to determinism; functional languages remain referentially transparent making both formal and informal reasoning about programs and their I/O behaviour much easier. It has practical advantages too; it encourages people to design complex systems in a way which is predictable and repeatable for their users. These design principles may have applications beyond functional programming.

References [1] I. Holyer & D. Carter, Deterministic Concurrency, Functional Programming Glasgow 1993, Workshops in Computing Series, Springer-Verlag, (available from the URL address [2] D. Carter, Deterministic Concurrency, submitted as MSc thesis, Computer Science Department, Bristol 1994, (available from the URL address [3] P. Serrarens, BriX – A Deterministic Concurrent Functional X Windows System, technical report, Bristol 1995, (available from the URL address [4] SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 27, No. 5, Haskell Special Issue, ACM 1992 [5] S. Peyton Jones & S. Lester, Implementing Functional Languages, Prentice Hall 1992. [6] J. Launchbury & S. Peyton Jones, Lazy Functional State Threads, Proceedings Programming Language Design and Implementation, Orlando 1994 (and Glasgow technical report). [7] J. Launchbury & S. Peyton Jones, State in Haskell 1995 (LASC, to appear). [8] S. Peyton Jones & S. Finne, Concurrent Haskell, 1995 (to appear). [9] S. Finne & S. Peyton Jones, Composing Haggis, 1995 (to appear). [10] K. Hammond (ed), Report on the Programming Language Haskell (version 1.3), Glasgow, available via ftp from Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


The Brisk Project: Concurrent and Distributed Functional Systems

[11] R. Noble & C. Runciman, Functional Languages and Graphical User Interfaces – a review and a case study, technical report YCS 223, Department of Computer Science, University of York, 1994

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Type Reconstruction for SCI Howard Huang and Uday Reddy

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Type Reconstruction for SCI  Howard Huang

Uday Reddy

Department of Computer Science The University of Illinois fhhuang,[email protected]

Abstract We present a type reconstruction algorithm for SCIR [10], a type system for a language with syntactic control of interference. SCIR guarantees that terms of passive type do not cause any side effects, and that distinct identifiers do not interfere. A reconstruction algorithm for this type system must deal with different kinds (passive and general) and different uses of identifiers (passive and active). In particular, there may not be a unique choice of kinds for type variables. Our work extends SCIR typings with kind constraints. We show that principal type schemes exist for this extended system and outline an algorithm for computing them.

1 Introduction Researchers interested in functional programming languages have recently turned their attention to extending these languages with suitably-controlled state manipulation facilities [20, 9, 1, 12, 11]. This effort has brought into focus the pioneering work of Reynolds [16, 17, 18] in the late 70’s and early 80’s, devoted to the analysis and refinement of imperative programming languages using “functional programming principles” (lambda calculus and its equivalences). In retrospect, Reynolds’s work may be seen to have addressed two significant issues. In designing a higher-order programming language with imperative features, (i) how does one retain the functional reasoning principles (such as the equivalences of lambda calculus), and (ii) how does one retain the imperative reasoning principles (such as Hoare logic)? Part of the answer to (i) was already contained in the design of Algol 60 with its call-by-name parameter mechanism, and Reynolds’s work brings this to the forefront [17]. This part of Reynolds’s analysis is adopted ipso facto in the recent work in functional programming. The other part of the answer to (i) as well his answer to (ii) are contained in Reynolds’s “Syntactic Control of Interference” or SCI [16]. Unfortunately, these ideas of Reynolds have had little impact on the afore-mentioned work in functional languages, though they are clearly applicable. We explain the two aspects of SCI in turn. How does one retain functional reasoning principles? In defining a function procedure that returns, say an integer, one often wants to use an algorithm that creates local variables and manipulates them internally.1 To preserve the standard reasoning principles of integers, the procedure should only manipulate local variables without making any changes to the global variables. But, most programming languages have no checks to ensure this. Consequently, terms of type integer may well involve global state changes (often called “side effects”), thwarting standard reasoning about integers. Reynolds’s proposal in SCI contains a comprehensive treatment of this issue via a classification of types into active and passive types. Computations of passive types (like integer) are guaranteed not to have any global side effects so that standard reasoning is applicable. How does one retain imperative reasoning principles? The usual reasoning principles of imperative programs tend to assume that distinct identifiers do not interfere, i.e., using one identifier in a computation does not affect the meaning of the other identifier. Aliasing is a common example of interference where two identifiers happen to denote the same (mutable) variable. Aliasing is explicitly ruled out in the usual formulations of Hoare logic [5, 13]. However, other kinds of interference arise in languages with (higher-order) procedures. For instance, if a procedure p modifies a global variable x, calling p interferes with x. Again, Reynolds gives a comprehensive set of rules to guarantee that distinct identifiers do not interfere.  This work was funded by the National Science Foundation under grant number NSF-CCR-93-03043. 1 Throughout this

paper, we use the term “variable” for mutable variables. Variables in the sense of lambda calculus are called “identifiers.”

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Type Reconstruction for SCI

Unfortunately, Reynolds notes that there is a problem with his rules in that a legal term can be reduced to an illegal term via the standard reduction rules of lambda calculus. (“Subject reduction” fails.) Some of the type systems proposed for functional languages with imperative features [20, 1] have this problem as well. The problem remained unresolved for over a decade until, recently, O’Hearn et al. [10] proposed a revised type system in “Syntactic Control of Interference Revisited” (SCIR). Their proposal uses modern proof-theoretic techniques inherited from linear logic and logic of unity [2, 3], and possesses the subject reduction property. We should note that Reynolds himself presented a solution to this problem [19], but it goes much beyond the original proposal by involving conjunctive types. We do not pursue the new Reynolds system in this paper as SCIR is a simpler system applicable to a wide range of programming languages and type systems. Modern functional programming languages, pioneered by Milner’s work on ML [8], possess type reconstruction systems, where the programmer is allowed to omit type declarations and the compiler fills in this information in the most general fashion. The adoption of SCI type regimen to these languages necessitates a type reconstruction system. In this paper, we present a type reconstruction algorithm for SCIR. The SCIR type system is unorthodox in that it involves two separate zones (“passive” and “active” zones) in the typing judgements. This corresponds to the fact that the free identifiers of a term are classified into two classes. The movement of the identifiers between zones depends on the types of the subterms where the identifiers occur, which in turn depends upon certain zones being empty. Thus, it is by no means obvious that type reconstruction is possible for SCIR. Moreover, the type reconstruction algorithm has to account for the fact that there are two kinds of types (general types and passive types) in the type system. Correspondingly, type schemes must keep track of the kinds of type variables. The choice between the kinds of type variables is not always unique. For instance, the term f: x: fxx has the “principal” type scheme ( ! ! ) ! ! but is legal only if either or is passive. To get around this difficulty, we associate kind constraints with type schemes, which are boolean constraints specifying possible kinds of type variables. For example, the type of f: x: fxx may be expressed as:

passive _ passive

) ( ! ! ) ! !

With this adaptation, we show that principal type schemes exist for SCIR and give an algorithm to compute them.


Related Work

While a large body of work exists in type reconstruction algorithms, we do not know of any systems where kind constraints are involved. Some work similar to ours is that on type reconstruction for linear logic-based type systems [22, 7] and the related system of single-threaded lambda calculus [4]. Constraints like ours occur in these systems, though they are not concerned with kinds. A further difference is that there is no type rule similar to Passification in these systems, but this rule is central in SCIR. Our research also resembles the work on effect systems and their reconstruction algorithms [6, 21], but it is hard to make a detailed comparison because those systems are designed for call-by-value languages whereas SCI is designed for lambda calculus-based call-by-name languages.

2 Issues in SCI As mentioned in Introduction, SCI is concerned with two issues: 1. ensuring that passive-typed computations have no side effects, and 2. ensuring that distinct identifiers do not interfere. In this section, we motivate these issues and discuss the challenges they pose for designing a formal type system. As mentioned in Introduction, we would like to permit integer-typed expressions which allocate and manipulate local state. Consider an operator of the form do[int] x: C where x is a bound identifier of type var[int] and C is a command term. Its semantics is to allocate a local variable bound to x, execute C in its context and, finally, return the content of x as the value of the expression. Such an expression form arises, for example, in the analysis of “function procedures” of Algol 60. Similar expression forms have been proposed for functional languages: the Obs-elim rule of Imperative Lambda Calculus [20], the pure operator of var [9] and the runST operator of Glasgow Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Type Reconstruction for SCI

Haskell [11]. To ensure that such an expression is well-behaved, one must verify that the embedded command C has no global effects other than to the variable x. A naive design is to classify types into passive types (like int) and active types (like comm and var[int]) and then insist that all free identifiers of C other than x are of passive types. Rules similar to this are used in Imperative Lambda Calculus and the type system for var [20, 1]. Unfortunately, this naive design runs into the problem of subject reduction. Consider the terms: (M1 ) x: int: do[int] r: r := x : int ! int (N1 ) 1 h!v; v := !v + 1i : int where 1 is the first projection and ! is a dereferencing operator for variables. Both terms are legal. (The body of do has no free identifiers of active types other than r.) Hence, the application (M1 N1 ) should be a legal term. However, beta-reduction of (M1 N1 ) yields: do[int] r: r := 1 h!v;


( 1)

v : = !v + 1 i

where the body of do contains the free identifier v of active type var[int]. This term is illegal with the naive rule for do and subject reduction fails. Intuitively, the term P1 may be considered legal because under a call-by-name semantics the assignment v := !v + 1 will never be executed, and no global state changes take place during the evaluation of P1 . To avoid the subject reduction problem, Reynolds classifies occurrences of free identifiers as active or passive. A free occurrence of x in a term is considered passive if it is in a passive-typed subterm; otherwise, the occurrence is active. The term do[int] x: C is legal if all free identifier occurrences in C other than x are passive occurrences. Since all occurrences of v in P1 are in the subterm 1 h!v; v := !v + 1i which is of passive type int, P1 is legal. To ensure that distinct identifiers do not interfere, SCI requires that in any application term (MN ), the function term M and the argument term N do not interfere. This means, in essence, that the respective computations of M and N can proceed concurrently and the results are still determinate. One can make this fact explicit by adding a non-interfering parallel composition operator


: comm ! comm ! comm

so that C1 k C2 is a command that runs C1 and C2 in parallel. How should we decide if M and N are non-interfering? Since we have already decided to focus on occurrences of free identifiers, we might insist that all common free identifiers of M and N should have only passive occurrences in these terms. If x is used actively in M , then x may not appear in N (even passively). Yet, this design runs into the subject reduction problem. Consider the terms:

M2 ) c: comm: r := 1h!v; v := 0 k ci N2 ) w := 1h!v; v := 1i The only common free identifier is v and all its occurrences are passive. Hence, the application (M2 N2 ) is legal. ( (

However, beta-reduction yields:

r := 1 h!v; v := 0 k w := 1 h!v; v := 1ii Here, the second component v := 0 k w := 1 h!v; v := 1i is not legal in Reynolds’s system because v has an active occurrence in the subterm v := 0. Again, intuitively, this term should be legal because the assignment v := 0 and the inner assignment v := 1 will never be executed. P

( 2)

This problem has proved sufficiently intricate that it remained unsolved for over a decade. The solution due to O’Hearn et al. [10] is obtained by using an explicit contraction rule (together with a clear separation of passive and active free identifiers). The term


r := 1 h!v; v := 0 k w := 1h!v0 ; v0 := 1ii is clearly legal. Since all occurrences of v and v0 in P20 are are passive occurrences, one can use a Contraction step to rename v0 to v and obtain the term P2 . This example shows how a legal term may have seemingly illegal subterms. The legality of the subterm v := 0 k w := 1 h!v; v := 1i cannot be decided by looking at the subterm alone. One must appeal to the fact that the ( 2)

subterm occurs in an overall context of a passively-typed term. The type system is sufficiently intricate that its soundness is by no means obvious. One must demonstrate soundness by exhibiting an adequate semantic model that has a reflective subcategory of passive types. Several semantic models with this property are now available [14, 15, 10]. So, the soundness is not in question.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Type Reconstruction for SCI

Π j Γ; x:  ` M :  Π; x:  j Γ ` M : 

j x:  ` x:  Passification

Π j Γ ` M: 

Axiom Π; x:  j Γ ` M : 0 Π j Γ; x:  ` M : 0


Π j Γ ` M: 

Weakening Exchange ˜ j Γ˜ ` M :  Π; Π0 j Γ; Γ0 ` M :  Π Π; x: ; x0:  j Γ ` M : 0 Contraction Π; x:  j Γ ` M [x=x0]: 0

Π j Γ ` M : 1

Π j Γ ` N : 2

Π j Γ ` hM; N i: 1  2

Π1 j Γ1


Π j Γ ` M : 1  2 Π j Γ ` i M : i

Ei (i = 1; 2)

` M : 1 Π2 j Γ2 ` N : 2 Π j Γ ` M : 1 2


Ei (i = 1; 2) Π j Γ ` i M : i Π1 ; Π2 j Γ1 ; Γ2 ` M N : 1 2 Π j Γ; x: 1 ` M : 2 Π1 j Γ1 ` M : 1 ! 2 Π2 j Γ2 ` N : 1 !I !E Π j Γ ` x: 1 :M : 1 ! 2 Π1 ; Π2 j Γ1 ; Γ2 ` MN : 2 Π j ` M : 1 ! 2 Π j Γ ` M : 1 !p 2 !p I !p E Π j ` promote M : 1 !p 2 Π j Γ ` derelict M : 1 ! 2 Figure 1: SCIR Typing Rules

3 The SCIR Type System The type terms of SCIR have the following context-free syntax: data types types


::= int j bool ::=  j var[ ] j comm j   

j   j  !  j  !p 

Data types are types for values storable in variables. A data type  used as a type denotes expressions producing  -typed values (sometimes written as exp[ ]). The type of commands is represented by comm. There are two kinds of product types: the components of a cross pair () may interfere with each other, but the components of a tensor pair ( ) may not. The type var[ ] can be thought of as an abbreviation for ( ! comm)   . Passive functions, which do not assign to any global variables, are given a special type constructor !p . Passive types  form a subset of the set of types:

 ::=  j   j    j  !  j  !p  A term with a passive type cannot modify any global variables, so it cannot affect the outcome of any other term. Typing judgements are of the form Π j Γ ` M :  where M is a term, and  its type. The type context is partitioned into the passive zone Π and the active zone Γ, which contain the passive free identifiers and the active free identifiers of M respectively. The passive free identifiers can only be used passively, i.e., in passive-typed subterms. Note that the types assigned to identifiers by Π do not have to be passive. The typing rules are shown in Figure 1. Identifiers can only be moved from Γ to Π when M has a passive type (Passification). There are no restrictions on the Activation rule, so identifiers can move from Π to Γ at any time. The I rule allows unrestricted identifier sharing, but I and ! E both require disjoint type contexts in the hypotheses. Sharing is only achieved through Contraction, which allows passive free identifiers to be used multiple times in a term. Finally, note that Γ must be empty in !p I . Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Type Reconstruction for SCI

We can use these basic types to define several constants useful in “real” programming languages such as Idealized Algol. For example, := ! new ;


do rec 

: : : : : : :

var[ ]   ! comm var[ ] !  (var[ ] ! comm) ! comm comm  comm ! comm comm comm ! comm (var[ ] !p comm) ! 

(assignment) (dereference) (local variable creation) (sequential composition) (parallel composition) (block expression) (recursion)

 !p ) !  We will use new[ ] x: M , do[ ] x: M and rec[] x: M as syntactic do (promote x: var[ ]: M ) and rec (promote x: : M ) respectively. (

sugar for new

x: var[ ]: M ,

4 Type Checking The main issue in type checking for SCIR is the noncompositionality of the type system: a term M may be well-typed in some context Γ, even if its subterms seemingly are not. For example, given c: comm, the term 1 h3; c k ci is typable, but the subterm c k c is not. Our approach is to keep track of the free identifiers in a term M that are used actively, but must be passified (and contracted) because of sharing. If M occurs in the context of a larger passive term, then all its free identifiers have passive occurrences. Otherwise, the sharing is illegal. An outline of an SCIR type checking algorithm C is shown in Figure 2. Given a set of type assumptions Γ of the form fx1 : 1 ; x2 : 2 ; : : :; xn: n g and a term M , C (Γ; M ) returns either error or a quadruple (; A; P; E ). The type of M is , and A, P and E form a partition of the free identifiers of M such that:

 A contains the non-shared, actively-used identifiers,  P is the set of identifiers (which may be shared) that are used passively, and  E contains shared identifiers that are used actively. A term M is not typable in a context Γ if the type checker returns error or if it returns a quadruple where E is not empty. If E is empty, then all sharing is legal and M is typable. The algorithm description uses pattern matching to bind variables as well as to express restrictions on values and types. In a recursive call (; A; P; E ) = C (Γ; M ), each component of the left side must be unifiable with the corresponding component of the right side. The auxiliary function passify moves all free identifiers to P whenever a

term has a passive type. As an example, the results of type checking the two terms mentioned above are shown here:

C (fc: commg; c k c) C (fc: commg; 1h3; c k ci)

= =

;; ;; fcg) ; fcg; ;)

(comm; (int; ;

The running time of the algorithm depends on the way sets are represented. Using ordinary lists, for example, results in a running time of O(n3 ), where n is the length of the term.

5 Type Reconstruction Extend the language of terms with untyped lambda terms of the form x: M . Given a term M in the extended language, type reconstruction is the problem of finding a well-typed term M 0 in the original language such that M is obtained by erasing some or all type declarations in M 0. As is well-known, such a term M 0 is not unique. One must use type variables to cover all possibilities. A type scheme  is a type term which can possibly contain type variables . Recall that SCIR distinguishes the subset of passive types from the set of all types. How do we tell whether or not a type variable represents a passive type? We define two kinds (second-order types), Passive and Type, corresponding to the two classes. We write ::  to indicate that type variable has kind . Given a kind assignment K for the set of type variables occurring Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Type Reconstruction for SCI

C (Γ; x)


C (Γ; x: 0:M )


C (Γ; MN )


let  = lookup(x; Γ) in passify(; fxg; ;; ;) let (; A; P; E ) = C (Γ [ fx : 0 g; M ) in if x 2 E then error else (0 ! ; A fxg; P fxg; E )

0 ! ; A1 ; P1; E1) = C (Γ; M ) 0 ; A2; P2; E2) = C (Γ; N ) E = (A1 \ A2) [ (A1 \ P2) [ (P1 \ A2) [ (E1 [ E2) passify(; (A1 [ A2 ) E; (P1 [ P2 ) E; E ) (1 ; A1 ; P1; E1 ) = C (Γ; M ) (2 ; A2 ; P2; E2 ) = C (Γ; N ) P = (P1 [ P2 ) (P1 \ A2 ) (P2 \ A1 ) (1  2 ; A1 [ A2 ; P; E1 [ E2 ) (1  2 ; A; P; E ) = C (Γ; M ) passify(i ; A; P; E ) (1 ! 2 ; ;; P; ;) = C (Γ; M ) (1 !p 2 ; ;; P; ;) (1 !p 2 ; A; P; E ) = C (Γ; M ) (1 ! 2 ; A; P; E ) ( (

let in

C (Γ; hM; N i)


let in

C (Γ; iM )


let in

C (Γ; promote M )


let in

C (Γ; derelict M )


let in

passify(; A; P; E )


; ;; A [ P [ E; ;) ; A; P; E )

( (

if  is passive otherwise

Figure 2: Type Checking Algorithm for SCIR in , we can determine if  is passive or not. The SCIR type system can be extended to type schemes using kind assignments. An SCIR type reconstruction algorithm is responsible for deducing both missing type information as well as a kind assignment for the type variables. Unfortunately, a typing judgement may be valid under several kind assignments. For example, the term f: x: fxx can be typed under two different kind assignments, as shown in Figure 3. If :: Passive, then x and 0x0 can be passified immediately after they are introduced. On the other hand, if :: Passive, then x and x can be passified after ! E . In both cases, the two identifiers can be contracted, so f: x: fxx is typable. To get around this difficulty, we use kind constraints, boolean constraints which represent the class of all kind assignments under which a term is typable. Let p be a unary predicate with the semantics that p() means  is passive. When  is a ground type, p() can be simplified to true if  is a passive type, and false otherwise. For type variables , p( ) is true under a kind assignment K if ( :: Passive) 2 K . Simplifications are shown below:

p( ) p(var[ ]) p(comm) p(1  2 ) p(1 2 ) p(1 ! 2 ) p(1 !p 2 ) Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995

 true  false  false  p(1 ) ^ p(2 )  p(1 ) ^ p(2 )  p(2 )  true



Type Reconstruction for SCI

j x: ` x: Pass. j f : ! ! ` f : ! ! x: j ` x: j x0 : ` x0 : Pass. x: j f : ! ! ` fx: ! x0: j ` x0 : !E x: ; x0 : j f : ! ! ` fxx0 : Contraction x: j f : ! ! ` fxx: !I j ` f: x: fxx: ( ! ! ) ! ! j f: ! ! ` f: ! ! j x: ` x: !E j f : ! ! ; x: ` fx: ! j x0 : ` x0 : !E j f : ! ! ; x: ; x0: ` fxx0 : Pass. (twice) x: ; x0: j f : ! ! ` fxx0 : Contraction x: j f : ! ! ` fxx: !I j ` f: x: fxx: ( ! ! ) ! ! Figure 3: Derivations for f: x: fxx when :: Passive (top) and when :: Passive (bottom). Kind constraints are described by the following grammar:

C ::= true j false j p() j C _ C 0 j C ^ C 0 A constraint C is satisfiable if there exists some kind assignment K under which C can be simplified to true. To support type reconstruction, we define a modified type system SCIRK which maintains kind constraints for type variables. A judgement is of the form A ` M :  [G] where the assumption list A is of the form x1: 1 [P1; C1]; : : :; xn : n [Pn; Cn] and Pi, Ci and G stand for kind constraints. Sometimes we also use the vector notation ~ x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ] to represent an assumption list. Each identifier xi in the list is associated with a passification constraint Pi and a contraction constraint Ci. The constraint G is called the global constraint. (We also refer to these as the P-constraint, C-constraint, and G-constraint respectively.) A judgement A ` M :  [G] can be read as “The term M has type  in the assignment A, as long as the constraint G and all contraction constraints in A hold. Further, all free identifiers x whose passification constraints in A hold are passive free identifiers.” From this reading, it is clear that the P-constraint is what is needed

for an identifier to be passified, whereas C- and G-constraints arise from identifiers that have already been passified. The difference between C- and G-constraints is that they typically refer to occurrences of free and bound identifiers respectively. The type rules of SCIRK are shown in Figure 4. There is some notation that should be explained. For I and I , the environments A1 and A2 have disjoint domains. Similarly, ~y and ~z are disjoint in the ! E rule. Identifiers common to both hypotheses are represented by ~x, although the type and constraint information may differ in each hypothesis. ~ = P1; : : :; Pn and P~ 0 = Boolean operations on constraint vectors can be defined straightforwardly. If P 0 0 P1 ; : : :; Pn,


P~ _ p() P~ ^ P~ 0

= =

P1 _ p(); : : :; Pn _ p() P1 ^ P10; : : :; Pn ^ Pn0

Also, true is a vector of trivially satisfiable constraints.

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Type Reconstruction for SCI

x:  [p(); true] ` x:  [true]


A; x: 1 [P ; C ] ` M : 2 [G] A ` M : 2 [G] !I ! I 0 (x not in A) A ` x:M : 1 ! 2 [G ^ C ] A ` x:M : 1 ! 2 [G] ~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ]; ~y: ~1 [P~1; C~ 1] ` M : 1 ! 2 [G1] ~x: ~ [P~ 0; C~ 0]; ~z: ~2 [P~2; C~ 2] ` N : 1 [G2] !E ~x: ~ [(P~ ^ P~ 0) _ p(2); (P~ ^ P~ 0) _ p(2)]; ~y: ~1 [P~1 _ p(2 ); C~ 1 _ p(2)]; ~z: ~2 [P~2 _ p(2 ); C~ 2 _ p(2 )] ` MN : 2 [G1 ^ G2] ~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ]; A1 ` M : 1 [G1] ~x: ~ [P~ 0; C~ 0]; A2 ` N : 2 [G2]

I ~x: ~ [P~ ^ P~ 0; P~ ^ P~ 0]; A1 ; A2 ` M N : 1 2 [G1 ^ G2] ~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ] ` M : 1 2 [G]

E (i = 1; 2) ~x: ~ [P~ _ p(i ); C~ _ p(i )] ` i M : i [G] i ~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ]; A1 ` M : 1 [G1] ~x: ~ [P~ 0; C~ 0]; A2 ` N : 2 [G2] I ~x: ~ [P~ ^ P~ 0; C~ ^ C~ 0]; A1; A2 ` hM; N i: 1  2 [G1 ^ G2] ~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ] ` M : 1  2 [G] E (i = 1; 2) ~x: ~ [P~ _ p(i ); C~ _ p(i )] ` i M : i [G] i ~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ] ` M : 1 ! 2 [G] ! true !] ` promote M : 1 !p 2 [G ^ (^ P~ )] !p I ~x: ~ [true; A ` M : 1 !p 2 [G] ! E A ` derelict M : 1 ! 2 [G] p Figure 4: Type rules for SCIRK . Note the following facts about the SCIRK system: 1. The rules are syntax-directed. Given a term M , there is at most one derivation for M . (Although there are two rules ! I and ! I 0 for deriving x:M , only one is applicable depending on whether or not x occurs free in M .) 2. There are no structural rules. All the identifiers of an assumption list judgement.

A occur in the term M

in a derivable

3. For every identifier x in an assumption list of a derivable judgement, the passification constraint logically implies the contraction constraint. 4. For every derivable judgement contraction constraint in A.

A ` M :  [G], the constraint p() logically implies every passification and

The first two facts mean that we can devise a type reconstruction algorithm for SCIRK in the standard fashion (using unification in the Hindley-Milner style).

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Type Reconstruction for SCI



The passification constraint of an identifier specifies the condition necessary for that identifier to be passified. The constraint will simplify to true if and only if all occurrences of the identifier appear in passively-typed subterms. This constraint may become weaker as the derivation progresses—in particular, through applications of the Ei, Ei and ! E rules. Intuitively, this corresponds to situations where the identifier appears in the context of a larger, passively-typed term. The contraction constraint of an identifier is similar to its passification constraint, but represents conditions arising from occurrences that have already been contracted. Hence, the contraction constraints must necessarily hold for the term to be well-typed. Like passification constraints, contraction constraints may become weaker as the derivation progresses. The global constraint records the conditions that cannot be weakened further in the rest of the derivation. If the global constraint of a term M is false, then there are identifiers in M that must be passified but cannot be, regardless of M ’s context. Neither M nor any term containing M is typable. The following derivations illustrate the key aspects of SCIRK . First, the term c: comm: 1 h3; c k ci can be typed as shown below: Axiom c: comm [false; true] ` c: comm [true]

k ( I ) c: comm [false; false] ` c k c: comm [true] I c: comm [false; false] ` h3; c k ci: int  comm [true] E1 c: comm [true; true] ` 1 h3; c k ci: int [true] !I ` c: comm: 1h3; c k ci: comm ! int [true] (Recall that p(comm) is false, while p(int) is true.) The subterm c k c appears to be illegal, but it may safely occur within any passively-typed term, in which case the contraction constraint on c is weakened and becomes satisfiable. The next example shows that the term c: comm: (c k c) is illegal independent of its context. Axiom

c: comm [false; true] ` c: comm [true] k ( I ) c: comm [false; false] ` c k c: comm [true] !I ` c: comm: (c k c): comm ! comm [false] Once the identifier c becomes lambda-bound, it is no longer free and cannot be passified. The global constraint will be false in any continuation of this derivation. As an intricate example, consider f: g: x: f (1 x 1 x); g(2 x). Define  = ! comm and  = ! comm. The two immediate subterms can be typed as follows:

f :  [false; true]; x:  [p( ); p( )] ` f (1 x 1x): comm [true] g:  [false; true]; x:  [p( ); true] ` g(2 x): comm [true] Applying I to these two judgements only affects the constraints of x: f :  [false; true]; g:  [false; true]; x:  [p( ) ^ p( ); p( )] ` f (1 x 1x); g(2x): comm [true] The passification and contraction constraints of x are different because only the first two occurrences of x are contracted. The third occurrence does not have to be contracted due to the I rule. From this judgement we can derive the principal typing:

` f: g: x: f (1 x 1 x); g(2x):  !  ! (  ) ! comm [p( )] Finally we outline a derivation for the term f: x: fxx mentioned at the beginning of this section. application of ! E is straightforward and results in the judgement f : ! ! [p( ); true]; x: [p( ) _ p( ); true] ` fx: ! [true] Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995

The first


Type Reconstruction for SCI Applying fx to x and continuing the derivation:

f : ! ! [p( ); true]; x: [p( ) _ p( ); p( ) _ p( )] ` fxx: [true] !I f : ! ! [p( ); true] ` x: fxx: ! [p( ) _ p( )] !I ` f: x: fxx: ( ! ! ) ! ! [p( ) _ p( )] The term is typable in any kind assignment which maps or (or both) to the kind Passive. 5.2


A type substitution  maps type variables to types. By (A ` M :  [G]) we mean the type judgement obtained by applying  to all type terms in the judgement. We call the result an instance of the original judgement. An SCIR judgement Π j Γ ` M 0:  is said to be an instance of A ` M :  [G] if there is a type substitution  such that 1. 2. 3.

M = erase(M 0 ), (A ` M :  [G]) is the same as Π j Γ ` M 0:  except for the constraints and type declarations in M 0 , and in (A ` M :  [G]), the global constraint, all the C-constraints, and the P-constraints of all identifiers in dom(Π) simplify to true.

! !

An extension of a judgement A ` M :  [G] has the form ~x: ~ [true; true]; A ` M :  [G] (obtained by adding identifiers with trivial constraints). An SCIR judgement Π j Γ ` M 0 :  is said to be covered by an SCIRK judgement A ` M :  [G] if it is an instance of an extension of the latter. Theorem 1 (Soundness) If the judgement A Π j Γ ` M 0 : , the latter is derivable in SCIR.


` M :  [G] is derivable in SCIRK

and covers an SCIR judgement


Lemma 2 If A ` M :  [G] is derivable, then every instance (A ` M :  [G]) is derivable. Lemma 3 If x:  [P ; C ]; x0:  [P 0; C 0]; A derivable, for some C-constraint C 00.

` M :  [G] is derivable, then x:  [P ^ P 0; C 00]; A ` M [x=x0]:  [G] is

Proof: By induction on the derivation of the given judgement. If the last derivation step has two hypotheses, where x appears in one and x0 appears in the other, we can substitute x for x0 and derive the conclusion.

Theorem 4 (Completeness) If Π j Γ ` M 0 :  is derivable in SCIR, then there exists a derivable judgement M :  [G] of SCIRK that covers Π j Γ ` M 0 : . Proof: By induction on the derivation of Π j Γ ` outlined below.


M 0: . Consider the last derivation step. Some of the key cases are

Passification. By induction, Π j x: 0; Γ ` M 0:  is covered by some x:  [P ; C ]; A ` M :  [G] using a substitution . Since () is passive, (P ) holds by fact 4. Thus, the same SCIRK judgement also covers the conclusion Π; x: 0 j Γ ` M 0: .

 Contraction. This follows from Lemma 3.  I . By induction, there exist A1 ` M : 1 [G1] which cover

Π1 j Γ1

` M 0: 1


A2 ` N : 2 [G2]


Π2 j Γ2

` N 0: 2

So we can derive

A1; A2 ` M N : 1 2 [G1 ^ G2] If 1 and 2 are the substitutions by which the SCIRK hypotheses cover the SCIR hypotheses, then covers the conclusion. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995

1  2 10

Type Reconstruction for SCI

 I . By induction, the hypotheses of I are covered by ~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ]; A1 ` M : 1 [G1] and

x~ : ~0 [P~ 0; C~ 0]; A2 ` N : 2 [G2] Since the assumption lists in these judgements both cover Π [ Γ, there exists a most general type substitution 0 such that 0(~ ) = 0(~0). By Lemma 2, 0 (~x: ~ [P~ ; C~ ]; A1 ` M : 1 [G1]) and 0 (~x: ~0 [P~ 0; C~ 0]; A2 ` N : 2 [G2]) are also derivable. Then we can apply the SCIRK


I rule.

Reconstruction Algorithm

It is relatively straightforward to translate the type rules into a reconstruction algorithm K , where K (M ) = (A; ; G) if and only if A ` M :  [G] is derivable in SCIRK . Whenever two subterms containing a common identifier x are combined (using ! E , I , or I ), K must find a most general unifier for the types of x in the subterms. If no such unifier exists, then the term cannot be typed. The kind constraints can be simplified using the simplification rules (1) as well as the laws of boolean algebra. If the G-constraint simplifies to false, then the term cannot be typed. The reconstruction algorithm takes exponential time in the worst case, as in the case of Hindley-Milner type inference.


Comparison with linear type reconstruction

In [22], Wadler gives a type reconstruction algorithm for a linear type system based on “standard types.” Our reconstruction algorithm is somewhat reminiscent of this algorithm and we have indeed derived significant inspiration from Wadler’s work. On the other hand our algorithm differs in more ways than it resembles Wadler’s. In the first place, SCIR is considerably more sophisticated than the linear type system. In addition to the promotion (!p I ) and dereliction (!p E ) rules “on the right,” which correspond to !I and !E in the linear type system, SCIR also has promotion and dereliction rules “on the left” (Passification and Activation rules). The main challenge of our reconstruction algorithm is in handling the left-rules (which are necessarily implicit in the syntax), while Wadler’s algorithm is concerned with making the right-rules implicit. This probably accounts for the differences in the constraint maintenance in the two algorithms. While we need to associate constraints with individual free identifiers, Wadler’s algorithm requires a single global constraint per judgement. On the other hand, it would also be desirable to make the right-promotion and dereliction rules implicit in the SCIR syntax. Were we to do so, one would expect that some features of the Wadler’s algorithm would resurface in the context of SCIR.

6 Conclusion We have presented a type reconstruction algorithm for Syntactic Control of Interference. The algorithm is derived in a logical fashion via an inference system SCIRK that has unique derivations for terms. This system is shown sound and complete with respect to the original type system. We have implemented a prototype of the type reconstruction algorithm in Prolog (using naive boolean simplifications). As a measure of the complexity of types inferred, we considered the index number of atomic formulas in kind constraints number of type variables and found it to be in the range 0–1 for typical library functions. Thus the complexity of inferred types is within practical limits. A topic for future research is to incorporate let-based polymorphism in the style of ML. This would involve incorporating kind constraints in the syntax of type schemes as in 8 : p( ) _ p( ) ) [ ; ]. The intriguing feature of such type schemes is that the kind constraint sometimes refers to free type variables ( ) as well as bound type variables ( ). More work is needed to understand the implications of this feature. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Type Reconstruction for SCI

Further work also remains to be done in making various coercions implicit. Programming convenience demands that the derelict operator and the dereferencing operator should be omitted and the same projection operators should be usable for both tensor products and cross products. A more ambitious goal would be to make the promotion operator implicit. All such implicit syntactic features would increase the number of possible typings for terms and, very likely, the complexity of the type scheme syntax as well.

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


A Functional Logic Language Based on Higher Order Narrowing Herbert Kuchen

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

A Functional Logic Language Based on Higher Order Narrowing Herbert Kuchen RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl f¨ur Informatik II D-52056 Aachen, Germany

Abstract Functional logic languages have a syntax like a purely functional language but use narrowing as operational semantics. We present the functional logic language Higher Order Babel which provides higher order unification for parameter passing and solving equations. When searching for a function which solves an equation “polynomial functions” as well as defined functions are taken into account. In contrast to all other programming languages with higher order unification HO-Babel replaces the expensive -reduction by the more efficient combinator reduction. Further, HOBabel is more homogeneous since it does not distinguish functions which only represent data structures and defined function which have access to the full execution mechanism of the language.

1 Introduction Integrated functional logic programming languages can be implemented more efficiently than purely logic languages, since the determinism of functions can be exploited to reduce the search space [LW91]. On the other hand, functional logic languages have more expressive power than purely functional languages, since they allow function inversion, logic variables and hence partial data structures (see [Ha94] for a survey on functional logic languages). However, most existing functional logic languages only allow first order functions or at most to use higher order functions in a very restricted way, namely to pass arguments of a functional type by pattern matching rather than unification [KLMR90]. For meta-programming (i.e. program transformation and analysis) a kind of abstract data type -term with corresponding operations -, -, and -conversion is helpful. If such a data type is available, the mechanisms of the programming language can be used to perform conversions on the object language level. A functional logic language with full support of higher order functions, including higher order unification, provides such a data type -term. Thus, well-known transformations like unfolding and the expansion of higher-order macros [Wa90] can be described in one line. See [HM88] for details and more examples. On the other hand, higher order unification can be used to search for functions. This is especially interesting for theorem proving. If inference rules are represented by functions (e.g. from formulae to formulae), a proof amounts to searching for a suitable function (e.g. a mapping from axioms to the theorem). This function will be a composition of functions representing inference rules. We will use an example of this kind in order to present the language HO-Babel. More such examples can be found in [Fe92]. Other applications which benefit from higher order unification are type inference, natural language parsing, and formalizing logics (see [NM88, Pr94] for references). Currently such applications are frequently implemented in -Prolog [NM88], an extension of Prolog by typed -terms and higher order unification. However, -Prolog mainly provides -terms as data structures, and it is not a fully integrated functional logic language. It is still difficult to detect deterministic computations and to handle them efficiently. Moreover, the search space for functions is limited to “polynomial functions”, i.e. functions which can be composed from constant functions and projections. Recursive functions, for instance, are not considered. The advantages of functional languages and the expressivity of -Prolog can be combined by integrating higher order unification into a functional logic language. Moreover, this enables search in terms of the functions defined in the Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


program. A functional logic language with a limited unification of higher order variables is provided in [GHR92]. Extensions of functional logic languages by higher order unification have been proposed in [Pr94]. The latter approaches use -terms and -normalization before unifying terms. -Prolog improves this a bit by implementing -reduction lazily. “Classical” -reduction is known to be an expensive operation [Wa71]. If a function represented by a -term is applied to some argument, the body of the function has to be copied (due to possible sharing) and instantiated by the argument. This requires a scan over the (internal) representation of the body. Thus, in implementations of purely functional languages, the -reduction has been replaced by combinator reduction [PJ87]. A combinator is a (named) closed -term. -terms can be translated to equivalent (variable free!) combinator terms, only consisting of combinator names (and possibly constants). A combinator application is reduced by directly applying the definition of the combinator as a rewrite rule. Since there are no variables, the copying and instantiation of the body of a function are avoided. One reason that -reduction is used in languages which provide higher order unification is that the equality of -terms, defined as the syntactic identity of their (long) -normal forms (up to a renaming of variables; equality for short) is not preserved by the equality on the corresponding combinator terms, defined as the syntactic identity of the normal forms in the combinator calculus. This problem has been solved by Dougherty [Do93] and Hindley/Seldin[HS90], who have shown, how the -equality on -terms can be simulated on SKI-combinator terms. Dougherty’s result can be generalized to other (sufficiently powerful) combinator systems. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the syntax of the functional logic language Higher Order Babel (HO-Babel) is presented, which is an extension of the “classical” Babel [MR92] by higher order unification based on a generalization of Dougherty’s approach In Section 3, we define higher order narrowing as the operational semantics of HO-Babel. Section 4 contains the conclusions.

2 HO-Babel HO-Babel is a functional logic language which has a syntax like a purely functional language but uses lazy (higher order) narrowing as operational semantics. In the present paper, we have adapted the syntax to (a subset of) Haskell [HPW92] since we assume most readers to be familiar with Haskell. Instead of presenting the syntax formally, we give an example and explain the differences from Haskell. A formal description of the syntax of Babel rules, terms, and expressions can be found in the appendix. The following program allows to prove theorems in group theory: infixl 6 :* data Term = One | Atom Integer | Term :* Term | Inv Term infix 5 :== data Equation = Term :== Term -- inference rules (subset required here) lmult t (t’ :== t’’) = t :* t’ :== t :* t’’ axiom t = t :== t invIn t (t’ :== t’’) = (Inv t) :* t :* t’ :== t’’ invElim1 ((Inv t1) :* t2 :* t’ :== t’’) | t1 == t2 = t’ :== t’’ invElim2 ((Inv t1) :* t2 :== t’) | t1 == t2 = One :== t’ ass (t :* (t’ :* t’’) :== t1) = t :* t’ :* t’’ :== t1 swap (t :== t’) = t’ :== t A HO-Babel program consists of a sequence of data type (and fixity) definitions and a sequence of function definitions. A program can be queried with a goal expression. For example, a valid query for the above program is invElim2.swap.invElim1.ass.(lmult (Inv (Inv (Atom 1)))). (invIn (Atom 1)).axiom (Inv (Atom 1)) 2

which delivers One :== (Atom 1) :* (Inv (Atom 1)). From the point of view of group theory this means that by the above sequence of inference rules we have proved that (Inv (Atom 1)) is not only a left inverse of (Atom 1) but also a right inverse (:* is the group operation with neutral element One). On the other hand, (Atom 1) is (besides (Inv (Inv (Atom 1))) a left inverse of (Inv (Atom 1)). A proof is represented by a composition of functions (inference rules) mapping equations (in group theory) to other equations. Since these functions reflect valid operations in group theory, the resulting equation holds provided that the argument equation holds. The above goal can already be handled in Haskell. However, HO-Babel allows a goal like: F (Inv (Atom 1)) == One :== (Atom 1) :* (Inv (Atom 1)) where F is a logic variable. A solution of this goal consists of the answer substitution, in our case a binding of F to a combinator expression, which is equivalent to the composition of functions in the first goal, and the result True. In contrast to Haskell, HO-Babel allows logic variables in goals and in the guard gd of a rule (i.e. a function binding in Haskell) f t1 : : :tn j gd = e. Here gd has to be a conjunction of equations, i.e. gd has to be of the form e1 == e01 && : : : && em == e0m for m  0. Equations of functions are valid, e.g. an equation like F 0 == lmult One is allowed. They will be solved by higher order unification. If a rule f t1 : : :tn rhs can be applied this does not mean that an alternative rule f p01 : : :p0n rhs0 will not be considered. This may well occur after backtracking. Thus, in order to guarantee the determinism of functions we need stronger restrictions on function definitions than Haskell. Either the left hand sides of alternative rules are not unifiable or the corresponding right hand sides are syntactically identical after applying the most general unifier of the left hand sides. Moreover, alternative guarded right hand sides for a considered left hand side have to exclude each other. The compiler attempts to check this based on some simple syntactic tests. For simplicity of presentation, partial applications of constructors are not allowed.


Operational Semantics

Next, we want to specify the operational semantics of HO-Babel. We choose a generalization of narrowing, where first order unification is replaced by a restricted form of higher order unification for parameter passing. Since this semantics shall provide the basis for the implementation of HO-Babel, it is more implementation oriented than operational semantics of similar languages. In particular, it is less non-deterministic and presents (the first order part of) narrowing in one step rather than splitting it into several rules. The semantics is only non-deterministic at points where the implementation will search via backtracking.



Before we come to the actual definition of our operational semantics, we need some auxiliary notions. As mentioned in the introduction, we want to apply Dougherty’s approach of simulating -equality by an equality on “combinator expressions”. For this approach, we need an additional set FC of (typed) fill-in constants which are handled similarly to constructors and which may occur in expressions (during computation). An expression e 2 Expr is said to be in (weak) head normal form (HNF) (denoted: hnf(e)), if e has one of the following forms:

X e1 : : :en ,

with X 2 V ar

f e1 : : :en ,

with f 2 Fct, arity(f )

c e1 : : :en ,

with c 2 Constr; (note: arity(c) = n)

d e1 : : :en ,

with d 2 FC



where V ar is the set of logic variables, Fct the set of defined functions, Constr the set of constructors, and e1 ; : : :; en are expressions. An expression e 2 Expr in HNF is called rigid (denoted: rigid (e)), if e := ' e1 : : :en with ' 2 Constr [ Fct [ FC (n  0), and flexible otherwise (denoted: flexible(e)). Correspondingly, an equation e1 == e2 is called a flexible-flexible (FF), flexible-rigid (FR), or rigid-rigid (RR) pair, depending on whether both, one or none of the expressions e1 and e2 is flexible. Special FF- and FR-pairs of the form X == e (or e == X ), occurring e.g. when passing parameters, are handled like in the first order case, i.e. by binding X to e. Other flexible-flexible pairs can also trivially be solved (e.g. by constant functions) [Hu75, SG89], but the corresponding set of unifiers is usually very large. Thus, following [Hu75, NJ89], we do not actually compute these unifiers but rather keep the FF-pairs as constraints during the computation. Rigid-rigid pairs of the form ' e1 : : :en == 'e01 : : :e0m with ' 2 Constr [ FC are handled like in first order unification, i.e. they are decomposed. FR-pairs of the form F e1 : : :en == ' e01 : : :e0m (' 2 Constr [ FC ) where both sides of the equation have a non-functional type are most interesting from the point of view of higher order unification. The classical approach [Hu75] considers two possibilities for solving such an equation: imitation and projection. Imitation attempts at binding F to

x1 ; : : :; xn:' (H1 x1 : : :xn ) : : : (Hm x1 : : :xn ) where H1; : : :; Hm are new logical variables, i.e. it tries to solve the equation by providing the desired top-level constructor (here: ' 2 Constr, see 3.3) of the rigid part and leaving the rest to the solution of subproblems. Projection attempts at binding F to x1 ; : : :; xn:xi (H1 x1 : : :xn) : : : (Hm x1 : : :xn) for some i (1  i  n) (m is chosen in such a way that the type of ' e01 : : :e0m is “compatible” with the type of xi (H1 x1 : : :xn ) : : : (Hm x1 : : :xn). Roughly, we try to generate the desired top-level symbol by an application of the i-th argument. The rest is again left to the solution of subproblems. Let us consider an example: F 1==1. This equation is solved by1 fF=x:1g, a special case of imitation, and by fF=x:xg, a particular projection.

In HO-Babel, we will also consider bindings of F to (partial applications of) defined functions. Another solution of the above example is e.g. based on the factorial function (i.e. fF/facg, where fac x = if x == 0 then 1 else x * fac (x-1)). If we assume that appropriate functions for simulating imitation and projections are defined (by the user or provided by the compiler), the guessing of defined functions is sufficient and we do not have to consider imitations and projections explicitly. Note that defined functions may be recursive and/or partial, while imitation and projection only allow to consider “polynomial functions”. Other FR- and RR-pairs of the form e1 = e2 , where e1 (and hence also e2 ) has a functional type, are handled using Dougherty’s approach [Do93]. The main idea is to transform e1 == e2 to e1 d == e2 d for some “new” fill-in constant d 2 FC . Since no assumptions are made about the actual value of d, this essentially implies that e1 and e2 are equal for all arguments d and thus equal to each other (extensionality). The details of applying this idea will be discussed later. Let us first come back to the modified first order unification mentioned above. As in [NJ89], the idea is to handle the “first order part” of a unification first and to delay the treatment of encountered FR-pairs, since the first order part can be handled quite efficiently while the treatment of FR-pairs requires search. The searching effort is wasted, if the first order part of the unification fails anyway. Formally, the unification is described by the schemes unify and unify0 shown below. The scheme unify handles the first order part of the unification for parameter passing. For a term t (on the left hand side of a rule) and an expression e (the corresponding actual argument) sharing no variables with t, unify (t; e) 1 A substitution is denoted by a set of pairs fX =e ; : : : ; X =e g. Each pair X =e tells that variable X is substituted by e . ; is the identical 1 1 i i i i k k substitution. x (  ) := (x).


computes a triple (; ; E ) consisting of a substitution  (for t), a substitution  (for e), and a set of remaining equations of type flexible-rigid. If e is a first order expression,    is the most general unifier of t and e. unify (c t1 : : :tn; c e1 : : :en ) := let 00 := ;, (i ; i; Ei ) := unify (ti ; eii0 i0 := i0 1  i



i = 1; : : :; n

Sn Sn E 0 ) in ( i  n0 ; n0 ; i n i=1

unify (X; e)


:= (fX=eg; ;; ;) unify (t; X ) := (;; fX=tg; ;) unify (c t1 : : :tn; F e1 : : :em ) := (;; ;; fc t1 : : :tn == F e1 : : :em g)

for t 62 Var

for F 2 V ar, m > 0

Note that a variable of functional type on the left hand side is just substituted by the corresponding expression, while an application of a variable in the goal leads to a new equation (of type flexible-rigid) whose solution is postponed until the first order part of the unification is finished. Note also that the unification fails (unify is undefined), if e is not sufficiently evaluated. For instance, unify (c t1 : : :tn ; f e1 : : :em ) is undefined, since a comparison with the term c t1 : : : tn would require (f e1 : : :em ) to be evaluated. (f e1 : : :em ) cannot be a partial application, since our type system ensures that only terms and expressions of appropriate types are unified and terms cannot be of a functional type (partial applications of constructors are not allowed). The scheme unify0 handles the first order part of a general higher order unification required for the solution of an equation in a guard of a rule. For two expressions e and e0 in HNF, unify0 (e; e0 ) computes a substitution  (which has to be applied to e and e0 ) and a set of remaining equations of type flexible-flexible and flexible-rigid. If e and e0 are first order expressions,  is the most general unifier. unify0 (' e1 : : :en ; let 00 := ;,

' e01 : : :e0n ) :=

for ' 2 Constr [ FC

(i ; Ei) := unify0 (ei i0 1; e0i i0 1) i0 := i0 1  i Sn E 0 ) in (n0 ; i n i=1 unify0 (X; e) := (fX=eg; ;) unify0 (e; X ) := (fX=eg; ;) unify0 (e; e0 ) := (;; fe == e0 g) 3.2

i = 1; : : :; n if e is X (syntactically) if e 62 Var

(note: e ==

if no previous case applies,

e0 is flexible-flexible or flexible-rigid then)

Higher Order Narrowing

With these auxiliary functions, we can now formalize the operational semantics of HO-Babel. We define a family of single step relations ) acting over pairs consisting of the (current) goal and the current set of equations, which serve as a kind of constraints for the solution. Here  is the substitution which has to be applied when transforming one pair into another. (NA) Narrowing: hf e1 : : :en ; E i ) he; E 00 [ E 0  [ Ei if there is a (variant of a) program rule f t1 : : :tn j E 0 = e with “fresh” variables, and (;  ; E 00) := unify (cf t1 : : :tn; cf e1 : : :en ); and E contains only FF-pairs. 5


is an auxiliary constructor of the same type as f which is introduced here for technical reasons. Note that due to the definition of unify this rule cannot be applied, if the expressions e1 ; : : :; en are insufficiently evaluated. (AA) Add argument: he; fe1 == e2 g [ E i ); he; fe1 d == e2 dg [ E i if type(e1 ) is functional, hnf (e1 ), hnf (e2 ), rigid(e1 ) or rigid(e2 ) d is a “new” fill-in constant with type(d) = 1, if type(e1 ) = 1 ! 2 . (SE) Solving equations: he; fe1 == e2 g [ E i ) he; E 0 [ Ei if type(ei ) is not functional, hnf (ei ), rigid(ei ) or ei 2 V ar for i 2 f1; 2g (; E 0) := unify0 (e1 ; e2 ) Note that this rule cannot be applied, if unify0 fails due to unsufficiently evaluated expressions. (ES) Evaluation of subexpression: h' e1 : : :en ; E i ) h' (e1 ) : : :e0i : : : (en ); E 0 i if ' 2 Constr [ Fct [ FC , hei ; E i ) he0i ; E 0i, for i 2 f1; : : :; ng This rule may only be applied, if the evaluation of ei is “demanded” by some outer computation, e.g. in order to make rule (NA) applicable. (EE) Evaluation of expression in equation: he; fe1 == e2 g [ E i ) he; fe0i == e3 ig [ E 0i if hei ; E i ) he0i ; E 0i, for some i 2 f1; 2g This rule may only be applied, if this is necessary in order to make rule (SE) or rule (AA) applicable. The following rule for guessing defined functions is needed for the actual higher order unification. Note that this covers imitation and projection, if appropriate functions for their simulation have been defined. Note also that FF-pairs are not transformed. (GF) Guess defined function: he; fF e1 : : : en == ' e01 : : :e0m g [ E i ) if  := fF=guessf;l;n H1 : : :Hl g, Hi “new” for i = 1; : : :; l, where guessf;l;n is defined by the rule:

he; fF e1 : : :en ' 2 FC [ Constr

== ' e01 : : :e0m g [ E i

guessf;l;n X1 : : :Xl Y1 : : :Yn = f (X1 Y1 : : :Yn ) : : : (Xl Y1 : : :Yn )

and f is a k-ary defined function (k  l  0) of appropriate type.

The guess rule tries to solve a FR-pair by guessing a defined function. We implicitly assume a variant of the (GF) rule, where the left and right hand sides of the considered equations are interchanged. Note that the auxiliary functions guessf;l;n can be statically determined and supplied by the compiler. In particular, n can be limited by the maximal arity occurring in the program. Note that the number of arguments of the newly introduced variables H1; : : :; Hl is equal to the number of arguments of the variable F . In the same situation, the (GF) rule may be applied in several ways. Thus, in the implementation we have to select one way how to apply it nondeterministically. The other alternatives will be tried after backtracking. A computation is a sequence of steps of the form:

hgoal; ;i )1

: : : ) ht; E i where t 2 Term and E only contains FF-pairs. t is called the result of the computation,  := 1  : : :  n is the answer (substitution) and E is the set of remaining constraints. n

In order to demonstrate how these rules work together, we will show a few steps of the evaluation for the example equation from Section 2: 6

hTrue; fF (Inv (Atom 1)) == One :== (Atom 1) :  (Inv (Atom 1))gi )fF=guess invElim2;1;1g (GF,EE,NA) hTrue; finvEliml2 (H1 (Inv (Atom 1))) == One :== (Atom 1) :  (Inv (Atom 1))gi ); (EE,NA) hTrue; fOne :== t0 == One :== (Atom 1) :  (Inv (Atom 1)), t1 == t2, H1 (Inv (Atom 1)) == (Inv t1) :  t2 :== t0 gi )ft0 =(Atom 1) : (Inv (Atom 1)); t1=t2g (SE,SE) hTrue; fH1 (Inv (Atom 1)) == (Inv t2) :  t2 :== (Atom 1) :  (Inv (Atom 1))gi )fH1=guess swap;1;1g (GF,EE,NA) hTrue; fswap (H2 (Inv (Atom 1))) == (Inv t2) : t2 :== (Atom 1) : (Inv (Atom 1))gi ); (EE,NA) hTrue; ft3 :== t4 == (Inv t2) :  t2 :== (Atom 1) :  (Inv (Atom 1)); H2 (Inv (Atom 1)) == t4 :== t3gi )ft3=(Inv t2):t2 ; t4=(Atom 1) : (Inv (Atom 1))g (SE) .. . After several further steps we get: hTrue; ;i i.e. result True with the answer (restricted to the variables from the goal) F=(guessl2;1;1 (guessswap;1;1 (guessl1;1;1 ( guessass;1;1



lmult 2 2



inv 1 1


) (guess


invIn 2 2

guessproj;1;1 guessaxiom;1;1


which essentially is a combinator representation of the function used in the first goal in Section 2. Here, inv and proj are auxiliary functions needed to simulate an imitation and projection, respectively: inv x = Inv x and proj x = x


Fill-in Constants

If the above rules are applied naively, fill-in constants may appear in the result and/or answer substitution. This violates the soundness of the computation, since it means that (implicitly universally quantified) fill-in constants escape from their scope and appear in a context, where they have no meaning. Consider the equation f X == const 0 (which has no solutions) and the following rules: f x y j x == y = 0 const x y = x Using explicit quantifiers, the above equation corresponds to

9X 8d

f X d == const 0 d:

Let us consider the following state including the equation and a corresponding computation:

hX; hX; hX; hd;

ff X == const 0gi ); ff X d == const 0 dgi );  ); f0 == 0; X == dgi );  )fX=dg ;i


Thus, the result is d and the answer substitution fX=dg. d has escaped from its scope. This has, of course, to be avoided. Technically, this problem can be solved by assigning a quantifier level to each variable and to each fill-in constant. Then, a variable X may only be substituted by an expression e, if e does not contain a fill-in constant d with a higher (i.e. inner) quantifier level than X (see [KA96] for implementation details).

4 Conclusions and Future Work We have presented the functional logic language HO-Babel which supports higher order unification. In contrast to -Prolog, it allows to search in terms of the defined functions and provides hence a more powerful search mechanism. In contrast to all other programming languages with higher order unification, it eliminates the distinction of functions which are used as data structures only (typically represented by -terms) and functions/predicates which are equipped with the full execution mechanism of the language. Thus, HO-Babel is more homogeneous than these languages. 7

Equally important is that the replacement of the expensive -reduction by combinator reduction allows, as in purely functional languages, a more efficient implementation. We have presented an operational semantics for HO-Babel based on a generalization of lazy narrowing. This operational semantics is the basis for the implementation of HO-Babel. For certain applications the search space for higher order unification may be quite large. One possibility to reduce it is to allow annotations by the user which restrict the applicability of the inference rules. In particular the user could exclude several defined functions from consideration when trying to apply the (GF) rule. We need more experience with practical programs in order to get a feeling for how this could be done in a reasonable way. Moreover, our search mechanism will deliver several ( ) equivalent solutions, e.g. fF=(S K I )g and fF=I g both solve F == I (where S , K , and I are the well-known combinators (see e.g. [PJ87])). We want to study, how far it is possible to reduce this kind of redundancy.

References [Do93] D.J. Dougherty: Higher-Order Unification via Combinators, TCS 114, 273-298, 1993. [Fe92] A. Felty: A Logic Programming Approach to Implementing Higher-Order Term Rewriting, 2nd Int. Workshop Extended Logic Programming, LNAI 596, Springer, 135-161, 1992. [GHR92] J.C. Gonz´alez-Moreno, M.T. Hortal´a-Gonz´alez, M. Rodr´ıguez-Artalejo: On the Completeness of Narrowing as the Operational Semantics of Functional Logic Programming, Proceedings CSL’92, LNCS 702, Springer, 216-230, 1993. [Ha94] M. Hanus: The Integration of Functions into Logic, From Theory to Practice, Journal of Logic Programming 19&20, 583-628, 1994. [HM88] J. Hannan, D. Miller: Uses of Higher-Order Unification for Implementing Program Transformers, Proceedings 5th ICLP, 942-959, MIT Press, 1988. [HPW92] P. Hudak, S. Peyton Jones, P. Wadler (eds.): Report on the Programming Language Haskell: A Non-Strict Purely Functional Language, SIGPLAN Notices 27(5), 1992. [Hu75] G.P. Huet: A Unification Algorithm for Typed -Calculus, TCS 1, 27-57, 1975. [HS90] J.R. Hindley, J.P. Seldin: Introduction to Combinators and -Calculus, Cambridge University Press, 1990. [KA96] H. Kuchen, J. Anastasiadis: Higher Order Babel — Language and Implementation, Proceedings ELP’96, LNCS, Springer Verlag, to appear. [KLMR90] H. Kuchen, R. Loogen, J.J. Moreno-Navarro, M. Rodr´ıguez-Artalejo: Graph-based Implementation of a Functional Logic Language, Procs. ESOP’90, LNCS 432, 1990, 271-290. [LW91] R. Loogen, S. Winkler: Dynamic Detection of Determinism in Functional Logic Languages, Procs. PLILP’91, LNCS 528, 1991, 335-346. [MR92] J.J. Moreno-Navarro, M. Rodr´ıguez-Artalejo: Logic Programming with Functions and Predicates: The Language Babel, J. Logic Programming, 12, 189-223 (1992). [NJ89] G. Nadathur, B. Jayaraman: Towards a WAM Model for -Prolog, Proceedings of ICLP, MIT Press, 11801198, 1989. [NM88] G. Nadathur, D. Miller: An Overview of -Prolog, Proceedings 5th ICLP, MIT Press, 810-827, 1988. [PJ87] S. Peyton Jones: The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages, Prentice-Hall, 1987. [Pr94] C. Prehofer: Higher Order Narrowing, Proceedings LICS’94, IEEE, 507-516, 1994. 8

[SG89] W. Snyder, J. Gallier: Higher-Order Unification Revisited: Complete Sets of Transformations, J. Symbolic Computation 8, 101-140, 1989. [Wa71] C.P. Wadsworth: Semantics and Pragmatics of the -Calculus, Thesis, Oxford’71. [Wa90] P. Wadler: Deforestation: Transforming Programs to Eliminate Trees, TCS 73, 231-248, 1990.

A Syntax of HO-Babel Rules For each function (symbol), its type and a sequence of defining rules are specified. A rule for a function f has the form

f| t1 {z : : :tm}


j E |{z}


left hand side optional guard

= |{z} e


right hand side


where t1,. . . ,tn are terms (also called: patterns), E is a sequence of equations e1 == e01 && : : : &&em == e0m , and e; e1 ; e01; : : :; em ; e0m are arbitrary expressions. We require all rules for the same function f to have the same number of terms on the left hand side. This number is called arity(f ). A term (t 2 Term ) is either a variable (taken from a countable set Var of variables; denoted by an identifier beginning with a capital letter) or an application of a n-ary data constructor (n  0) to n argument terms:

t ::= X % variable j (c t1 : : :tn) % application of a n-ary data constructor c (n  0) An expression (e 2 Expr ) has the form: e ::= X % variable j (c e1 : : :en ) % application of a n-ary data constructor c (n  0) jf % function f j (e e0 ) % application of e to e0

All terms and expressions have to be well typed (like in Haskell).


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


On the Granularity of Divide-andConquer Parallelism Hans Wolfgang Loidl and Kevin Hammond

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism Hans-Wolfgang Loidl Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. E-mail: [email protected]

Kevin Hammond Division of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews St. Andrews, Scotland, U.K. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This paper studies the runtime behaviour of various parallel divide-and-conquer algorithms written in a non-strict functional language, when three common granularity control mechanisms are used: a simple cut-off, a priority thread creation and a priority scheduling mechanism. These mechanisms use granularity information that is currently provided via annotations to improve the performance of the parallel programs. The programs we examine are several variants of a generic divide-and-conquer program, an unbalanced divideand-conquer algorithm and a parallel determinant computation. Our results indicate that for balanced computation trees a simple, low-overhead mechanism performs well whereas the more complex mechanisms offer further improvements for unbalanced computation trees.

1 Introduction The overall goal of our research is to improve the efficiency of parallel functional programs by improving the granularity of the threads which are produced during execution. The granularity of a thread is the time required to perform all its computations, not including the overhead of creating the thread and the other overheads imposed by parallel execution, such as communication costs. We use a non-strict, purely functional language (Haskell) with an evaluate-and-die mechanism of computation [10]. In this model it is possible to dynamically create new subsidiary threads to evaluate sub-expressions that are found to be needed, or to entirely avoid creating threads by absorbing the work which they would have done into a parent thread. The optimal granularity for all threads is a compromise between minimal parallel overhead and maximal processor utilisation. This should result in the minimum possible runtime for a parallel program on a given parallel machine. Obtaining the optimal thread granularity for a program is a hard problem since it is not only affected by details of the architecture, such as communications latency, number of processors etc., but also by algorithmic details such as communications patterns, which are generally unpredictable. The order in which threads are scheduled can also have a dramatic impact on granularity. We have chosen to concentrate on divide-and-conquer algorithms since they exhibit interesting parallel behaviour (simple dynamic partitioning for sub-division, but potentially serious bottlenecks in the combination stage). Furthermore, many widely-used algorithms are divide-and-conquer: matrix operations (determinant computation, multiplication etc.), quicksort, alpha-beta search etc. This study thus has considerable practical relevance. We have chosen to focus on granularity issues and their impact on time performance. Our previous studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between space usage and time performance at the thread level [4]. Overall,  Supported by an SOED Research Fellowship from the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the EPSRC Parade grant.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

however, space usage is likely to be minimised by maximising granularity, though space leaks mean that this will not always be the case. McBurney and Sleep have studied this issue in a functional context [8].

2 The GranSim Granularity Simulator Because our objective is to obtain results that apply to as many parallel systems as possible, we have chosen to use a simulator, GranSim, to study granularity effects. This simulator delivers realistic results and has been calibrated against several real architectures. The interested reader is referred to [4] for a description of the construction of the simulator, validation results, and studies of various test programs. We prefer simulation to a more theoretical approach because it gives a more controllable, and more realistic result. By their nature, it is common for analytical approaches to ignore important costs such as communication, or to fail to deal with complex, but significant, interactions such as the exact scheduling algorithm used, or the precise time at which communications occur.

2.1 Parallelism Control Our basic parallel construct is the one which sparks a closure. Sparks are similar to lazy futures [9] in that they could potentially be turned into parallel threads. If so they compute the result and terminate without having to notify the parent thread. It is important to note that this evaluate-and-die mechanism [10] dynamically increases the granularity of the threads: a parent process may subsume the computation of a child thread. However, this does not prevent the system from producing many small threads if the overall workload is low. Therefore, our granularity control mechanisms aim at increasing thread size even further. If and when a spark is created it is placed at the end of the spark queue on the local processor. Idle processors look for work first in their own spark queue and then in those belonging to other processors. In either case, sparks are chosen from the start of the queue. The basic difference to the lazy task creation model is that the latter does not have to maintain an explicit spark pool. In order to create parallelism work must be stolen from a certain position on the stack. Lazy futures basically indicate such positions. However, the existence of a spark pool makes it easier to attach granularity information to the sparks. As the creation of a spark is rather cheap (putting a pointer to a closure into a queue) we are willing to pay that overhead in order to improve granularity. We use the following set of annotations to control parallelism:


parGlobal n g x y: a spark is created for closure x, with name n. Evaluation continues with expression y. The g field contains granularity information as explained below. parLocal n g x y: a non-exportable spark is created. parAt n g e x y: a spark is created on the processor owning closure e. seq x y: x and y are evaluated in sequence.

2.2 Granularity Control Based on the information provided by the g field of the above annotations, we have studied three granularity control mechanisms:


The cut-off mechanism compares this value with a fixed cut-off value, which is a parameter to the runtime system, to decide whether a spark should be created at all. The priority sparking mechanism uses the value as a priority when deciding which spark to turn into a thread. The priority scheduling mechanism retains the priorities for the threads that are produced and uses them when deciding which thread to run.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

These three mechanisms progressively allow more precise control of granularity, but also impose increasing overheads. Comparing a priority with a given threshold at spark creation time is very cheap. However, eliminating all low priority sparks regardless of the processor load may cause starvation. The priority-based mechanisms avoid the problem of starvation, however, it is generally more expensive to maintain priority queues for sparks and threads than to perform the simple threshold comparison that is needed for the cut-off mechanism. One objective of this paper is to assess whether this overhead is worthwhile.

3 Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism In this section, we discuss the results we obtained from three simple generic divide-and-conquer algorithms. We then consider an algorithm which generates an unbalanced computation tree. Finally, we study a larger program: a parallel determinant computation.

3.1 A Generic Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm There are three primary components to a divide-and-conquer algorithm:


how the computation is sub-divided, split; the function that performs the actual computation, solve; and how the results are combined, join.

A generic divide-and-conquer skeleton divCon can be constructed from these three components plus a predicate to determine whether a computation can be sub-divided, divisible. divCon divisible split join solve = f where f x | divisible x = join (map f (split x)) | otherwise = solve x To create parallel divide-and-conquer programs using the divCon template, we simply replace the sequential map by a parallel version parmap. divCon divisible split join solve g = f where f x | divisible x = join (parmap g f (split x)) | otherwise = solve x parmap g f [] = [] parmap g f (x:xs) = where fx = f gx = g pfxs =

parGlobal gx gx fx (fx:pfxs) x x parmap f xs

The extra parameter to parmap is a function, g, that is used to generate granularity information for each element of the list. To avoid significantly affecting the time performance, this should obviously be a much cheaper function than the worker function f. In the following sections we study three applications of the generic divide-and-conquer algorithm that differ only in the relative computational costs of the three main steps. All three variants create a balanced computation tree in which the total work associated with each node decreases as the tree becomes deeper. This is a common pattern for divide-and-conquer algorithms. The parallel determinant computation described in Section 3.3 is an example of a real program that exhibits this behaviour.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

3.1.1 Expensive Split The first function, xsplit has an expensive split function (involving a factorial computation) and cheap join (maximum) and solve (identity) functions. In this variant, small threads dominate the computation: about 72% of all threads have a runtime of less than 1000 abstract machine cycles1 . Almost all of these threads are created in the last three levels of the divide-and-conquer tree, where hardly any work is left to be done. Approximately the same number of sparks is created in each of these levels: this is a result of the evaluate-and-die model, which causes many tiny sparks to be subsumed by their parent thread. 3.1.2 Expensive Solve The second function xsolve has an expensive solve function (sum of factorials), but cheap split (enum-from-to) and join (maximum) functions. This program has the coarsest granularity of the three generic algorithms. The average runtime of all threads is 5330 cycles compared to 2387 cycles for xsplit and 2304 cycles for xjoin. Although there are still many more small threads than medium or large threads (68% of all threads have a runtime less than 1000 cycles), they are less significant than in the other two variants. In total, more relatively large threads are created because more computation is done at the leaves of the tree: 26% of the threads have a runtime greater than 10000 cycles (compared to about 6.5% for xsplit and 7% for xjoin). This is the main reason why this variant shows the highest average parallelism of the three generic algorithms. 3.1.3 Expensive Join Finally, xjoin has cheap split (enum-from-to) and solve (identity) functions, but an expensive join (expensive sum) function. The xjoin variant has the highest percentage of tiny threads: 84% of all threads have a runtime smaller than 1000 cycles. This is due to the fast creation of the tree structure caused by the cheap split phase. This results in the early creation of many fine-grained leaves which are not subsumed by their parents. This high degree of parallelism creates many runnable or blocked threads (a maximum of 340 for xjoin compared to 317 for xsolve and 298 for xsplit). These threads exist for a rather long time which explains the small number of total threads: 4176 compared to 4868 for xsplit and 4854 to xsolve. 3.1.4 Granularity Control xsolve -- 32 processors 16




12 Speedup


xsplit -- 32 processors 16

10 8 6 4

Latency: 64 Latency: 512


10 8 6 4

Latency: 64 Latency: 512



0 0


4 6 Cut-off





4 6 Cut-off



Figure 1: Speedup of xsplit and xsolve with varying cut-off values 1 This measure is defined precisely elsewhere [4] — we will use it as our basic cost measure throughout this paper.

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On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

In order to reduce the number of small threads in these programs we have used a cut-off mechanism where the depth of the recursion represents the size of the computation. Figure 1 shows how the speedup for the xsplit and the xsolve variants varies when the cut-off value is changed. Each graph shows results for two different communication latencies. It is obvious that the cut-off is more effective for xsplit than for xsolve. This is because the former produces more small threads than the latter. The root cause of the rather small improvement in speedup is the fact that sparks are created in a breadth-first fashion. This means that the coarser-grained threads near the root of a balanced tree are created early on in the computation. Since these are the threads that will be picked up first, the smaller threads at the leaves are rarely executed anyway, and will be pruned automatically by the evaluate-and-die strategy.

3.2 An Unbalanced Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm In contrast to the programs in the previous section the unbal function below produces an unbalanced computation tree as shown in Figure 2. unbal 0 = 1 unbal n | one_of_many n = n -- leaf case | one_of_few n = maximum list -- node case where list = parmap costfn unbal [0..n-1] costfn i = if one_of_many i then 0 else i one_of_few x = x ‘rem‘ diverge_every == 0 one_of_many = not . one_of_few diverge_every = 5 For this function all of the split, join, and solve phases are cheap. Since only every fifth node in the tree performs a recursive call, there are many leaves on all levels of the tree.

Figure 2: Unbalanced divide-and-conquer tree generated by unbal Figure 3 shows how the speedup of this program changes as the cut-off values are varied. The improvement is much greater than for the balanced algorithms because only every fifth or so spark is large. The default spark selection strategy is therefore likely to choose earlier, but inconsequential sparks for execution as threads. Figure 4 compares the granularity graph for unbal using the optimal cut-off against that when no cut-off is used (the optimal cut-off eliminates only the leaf computations). Threads of similar lengths are grouped together. The height of the dominant bar in the second graph is just about one tenth of that in the first graph (note that we have used a logarithmic scale). This comparison shows that most of the small threads have been eliminated by the cut-off. Note that since the granularity function only approximates the actual granularity not all small threads have been discarded. As long as the cut-off accurately discards most of the small threads yet preserves all of the large threads this will not significantly affect overall performance A comparison between the two priority mechanisms we have implemented is shown in Figure 5 for xsolve and unbal. This measures speedup against communications latency for a 32-processor machine. The main reason for

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On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

unbal -- 32 processors Latency: 4 Latency: 128 Latency: 512 Latency: 1024








0 0




20 25 Cut-off





Figure 3: Speedup of unbal with varying cut-off values unbal -- 32 processors Number of threads

Number of threads

unbal -- 32 processors 1000







1 100 1000 10000 Granularity (pure exec. time)

100 1000 10000 Granularity (pure exec. time)

Figure 4: Granularity of unbal without and with optimal cut-off the poor improvement in speedup is that both the spark and thread queues tend to be quite short for these programs. Obviously, a priority scheme will have only minimal effect if there are only a few items to choose from. For xsolve, when the latency is less than 64 cycles, the average spark queue length is between 2.9 and 5.4 and the average thread queue length is between 2.3 and 2.7. With higher latencies, both averages quickly approach 1. This behaviour is reflected in the speedup graph of Figure 5 where the priority schemes cease to yield any significant improvement as soon as the latency exceeds approximately 128 cycles. In contrast, for the unbal program, there are on average more than 28 sparks in the spark queue for latencies up to 256 cycles, with a proportional decrease to 4 sparks at a latency of 2048 cycles. The average thread queue length is greater than 2.2 up to a latency of 2048 cycles and then quickly approaches 1. It is interesting to observe that speedup can be better for low latencies than for zero latency. The explanation for this apparently counter-intuitive result is that at very low latencies sparks are stolen and turned into threads almost instantaneously. If the value of the sparked closure is soon needed by the parent, then the parent thread must now

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On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

xsolve -- 32 processors

unbal -- 32 processors 16


No Priorities Pri. Sparking Pri. Scheduling

12 Speedup



No Priorities Pri. Sparking Pri. Scheduling


20 15

10 8 6

10 4 5



0 10

100 1000 Latency

10000 100000


1000 10000 Latency


Figure 5: Speedups for xsolve and unbal with priority sparking/scheduling

block and search for new work, where it would normally have simply evaluated the closure itself. Thus more overhead can be incurred because more threads are created. As the latency increases, so does the probability that “junk” threads are absorbed by their parents, with a consequent increase in granularity and speedup. It is interesting to ask whether the priority mechanisms could be more effective if the overhead was reduced. When we completely eliminated the overhead costs in the simulator, we measured execution time improvements of between 5% and 10% over all latencies for the generic divide-and-conquer programs. Even so, however, the improvements are usually very small when compared with those for a cut-off mechanism. Only with the unbalanced programs did the priority mechanisms outperform the simple cut-off mechanism over all latencies.

3.3 Parallel Determinant Computation The parallel determinant computation is the central part of a parallel linear system solver which we have described elsewhere [7]. In order to compute the determinant of an n  n matrix it is first split into n sub-matrices. This is done by choosing one row as the ‘pivot’ row. For each element of this row a sub-matrix is constructed by cancelling from the original matrix the column and row to which the pivot element belongs. The determinant is the weighted sum of the determinants of these sub-matrices. The weights are the pivot elements. The following table shows the average runtimes of threads generated by various spark sites for two different input matrices: a dense matrix of size 6  6 (left column) and a sparse matrix (i.e. a matrix with many 0 entries) of size 7  7 (right column). Spark site

zero entries

Number of Threads dense sparse

Average runtime dense sparse



sign cancel row/column construct sub-matrix

68 224 316

1077 429 287

107.8 396.9 708.4

232.0 412.2 819.6

sub det










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On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

determinant -- 32 processors

determinant -- 32 processors 30



Number of threads

Latency: 64 Latency: 512

20 15 10 5 0






20 30 Cut-Off



100 1000 10000 Granularity (pure exec. time)

Figure 6: Speedup and granularity of determinant with varying cut-off values Since each 0 in the pivot row generates a leaf thread in the computation tree, a sparse matrix generates a rather unbalanced computation tree, with many small threads (“‘zero entries” in the table). In contrast, a dense matrix will generate a well-balanced computation tree. For dense matrices, the most fine-grained threads are those that compute the sign of the pivot element. The next smallest spark sites are those that are involved in splitting the computation: cancelling elements from the pivot row and column, and actually constructing the sub-matrices. The most interesting spark sites, however, are those that actually compute the determinants of the sub-matrices (“sub-det” in the table). These generate significantly more coarse-grained threads: all threads have an execution time of at least 1200 cycles. Figure 6 shows the effect of using cut-offs on the parallel determinant computation with a sparse input matrix. The best results are obtained when two groups of small threads are eliminated: those that compute the sign and those that cancel the pivot element. Most of the remaining threads are needed to compute the summands. A few small threads are still needed to avoid starvation at the end of the computation: this is the main reason for low speedups when the cut-off is set too high. The granularity graph in Figure 6 shows that with an optimal cut-off almost all of the small threads have been successfully eliminated. With a dense matrix, the behaviour of the parallel determinant program is much closer to that of the generic divideand-conquer algorithms. Even without the cut-off mechanism, good speedup is achieved since there are far fewer leaf nodes and many large threads are created early on in the computation. Speedup hardly varies when the cut-off value is changed, ranging between 19.5 and 19.9.

4 Related Work Many authors have suggested techniques aimed at controlling the granularity of specifically divide-and-conquer programs. For example Goldberg [3] discusses several heuristics for improving granularity in lazy functional programs. However, few of these techniques also apply to other models of parallelism, and fewer still present as detailed results as those we have given here. This section considers some of the results that are most related to those we have presented here. Roe used a highly idealised simulator to study the effect of the evaluate-and-die model for divide-and-conquer programs [11]. His conclusion then, which we have broadly confirmed, was that evaluate-and-die is not sufficient by itself to achieve high performance, and that additional granularity control mechanisms are needed. Roe’s best results were obtained with a manual cut-off mechanism similar to that we have described here. There have been several other attempts to use cut-offs, usually as manual programming techniques. Typical performance

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On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

improvements are on the order of 10%–20%. For example, Huelsbergen, Larus and Aiken [6] report improvements of this order for one program on a shared-memory implementation of SML. A more interesting system is  -RED+ [2] which implicitly bases the cut-off on the recursion depth. This achieves 10%–20% improvement on several programs. Rushall [12] has recently developed a variant of lazy task creation [9] which reduces overhead when a program is running sequentially. Rather than sparking closures, the execution stack is searched from the top for potential threads when and only when a thread is actually needed. This will clearly be a successful strategy for balanced divide-andconquer programs but, as we have shown, is unlikely to give good results for arbitrary computation structures or even unbalanced divide-and-conquer programs. Another dynamic technique suggested by Aharoni, Feitelson and Barak [1] involves spawning threads only when the work available for the thread to perform is no less than the cost of spawning that thread. For divide-and-conquer algorithms this will normally prune leaf threads, and low cost sub-trees. In general, there is a danger with this approach of losing parallelism, or perhaps slowing takeup but it seems to behave quite well for rather unbalanced computation trees. Rather than using either programmer control or analysis to improve granularity, Hofman [5] concentrates on using scheduling strategies in a fork-and-join parallel setting. His techniques aim at optimising joins by preventing thread migration at the end of the computation. This problem is much less severe for the evaluate-and-die mechanism because of the much lower overhead for obtaining results from child threads.

5 Conclusions In this paper we have studied three different mechanisms for controlling the granularity of divide-and-conquer programs: a cut-off, a priority sparking and a priority scheduling mechanism. For the divide-and-conquer programs studied here, a simple cut-off mechanism often yields better results than the more complex mechanisms that have higher overheads. Closer examination shows that the average thread length depends on how balanced the computation tree is. When the tree is seriously unbalanced, granularity control mechanisms can achieve larger improvements in overall runtime. When the tree is balanced, however, the default ordering of sparks is already very good and so it is only possible to achieve relatively small improvements. As further work we plan to examine a combination of the granularity control mechanisms considered here and to extend the measurements to a broader class of algorithms. Our results also apply, albeit in a different way, to the lazy task creation approach. Lazy task creation tries to improve granularity by provisionally inlining all potentially parallel threads. This minimises the overhead for parallelism at the expense of increased overheads for thread creation. Thus, it is important to possess granularity information when creating a thread. Our results show that this information often can be discarded once a thread is created. This suggests the approach of “tagging” the inlined, potentially parallel threads with their relative execution costs. Such an approach would trade a small increase in overhead costs in order to reduce the total costs of thread creation. Our results also confirm that it is not reasonable to ignore communication costs when studying parallel behaviour. A realistic cost model is essential for understanding the runtime behaviour of the parallel program and the granularity of the generated threads, especially when the evaluation is as sophisticated as that for parallel Haskell. The ultimate objective of our research is the implementation of a practical static analysis to determine thread granularity. The analysis must produce information that can be used effectively to control the runtime behaviour of the parallel program. We have demonstrated that a simple cut-off mechanism based on relative thread sizes gives good results for the examples we have studied. This strengthens our belief that a straightforward analysis should be sufficient to provide information that can be effectively exploited by our parallel runtime system.

Acknowledgements Jim Mattson and Phil Trinder have worked hard on the GUM system, on which our work is partly based. Will Partain does sterling work in keeping the Glasgow Haskell compiler running in spite of our repeated attempts to break it. Simon Peyton Jones has provided several important insights into, and valuable criticisms of the work that is reported here.

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On the Granularity of Divide-and-Conquer Parallelism

References [1] G. Aharoni, D.G. Feitelson, and A. Barak. A Run-Time Algorithm for Managing the Granularity of Parallel Functional Programs. Journal of Functional Programming, 2(4):387–405, 1992. [2] T. B¨ulck, A. Held, W. Kluge et al. Experience with the Implementation of a Concurrent Graph Reduction System on an nCube/2 Platform. Proc. CONPAR ’94, Linz, Austria, LNCS 854, pp. 497–508, 1994. [3] B. Goldberg. Multiprocessor Execution of Functional Programs. PhD thesis, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Yale Univ., Apr. 1988. [4] K. Hammond, H-W. Loidl, and A.S. Partridge. Visualising Granularity in Parallel Programs: a Graphical Winnowing System for Haskell. Proc. HPFC ’95, pp. 208–221, Denver, Co, Apr. 1995. [5] R. Hofman. Scheduling and Grain Size Control. PhD thesis, Univ. of Amsterdam, 1994. [6] L. Huelsbergen, J.R. Larus, and A. Aiken. Using Run-Time List Sizes to Guide Parallel Thread Creation. Proc. ACM L&FP ’94, pp. 79–90, Orlando, Fl, June 1994. [7] H-W. Loidl, K. Hammond, and A.S. Partridge. Solving Systems of Linear Equations Functionally: a Case Study in Parallelisation. Tech. Rep., Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Glasgow, 1995. [8] D.L. McBurney and M.R. Sleep. Transputer based experiments with the ZAPP architecture. Proc. PARLE ’87, LNCS 258, pp. 242–259, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 1987. [9] E. Mohr, D.A. Kranz, and R.H. Halstead Jr. Lazy Task Creation: a Technique for Increasing the Granularity of Parallel Programs. Proc. ACM L&FP ’90, pp. 185–197, Nice, France, June 1990. [10] S.L. Peyton Jones, C. Clack, and J. Salkild. High-Performance Parallel Graph Reduction. Proc. PARLE ’89, LNCS 365, pp. 193–206, 1989. [11] P. Roe. Parallel Programming using Functional Languages. PhD thesis, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Glasgow, Feb. 1991. [12] D. Rushall. Task Exposure in the Parallel Implementation of Functional Programming Languages. PhD thesis, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Manchester, 1995.

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Using Types to Parse Natural Language Mark P. Jones, Paul Hudak and Sebastian Shaumya

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Using Types to Parse Natural Language Mark P. Jones University of Nottingham Nottingham, England

Paul Hudak Sebastian Shaumyan Yale University New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Abstract We describe a natural language parser that uses type information to determine the grammatical structure of simple sentences and phrases. This stands in contrast to studies of type inference where types and grammatical structure play opposite roles, the former being determined by the latter. Our parser is implemented in Haskell and is based on a linguistic theory called applicative universal grammar (AUG). Our results should be interesting to computer scientists in the way in which AUG relates to types and combinatory calculus, and to linguists in the way in which a very simple, brute force parsing strategy performs surprisingly well in both performance and accuracy.

1 Introduction The study of type inference for functional languages depends on the ability to use the syntactic structure of a program term to determine the types of its components. Such languages are specified by simple context free grammars that provide strong hints about syntactic structure using explicit punctuation such as the ‘’ and ‘:’ symbols in a -term, or parentheses to express grouping. As a result, it is easy to parse a flat program text and to construct the corresponding term. Parsing natural language text is much more difficult. One reason is that grammars for natural languages are often complex, ambiguous, and specified by collections of examples rather than complete formal rules. Another difficulty is that punctuation is used much more sparingly. For example, many sentences in English consist of a sequence of words in which the only punctuation is the terminating period. In this paper, we describe a program, written in the functional language Haskell, for parsing natural language phrases using type information to determine the required grammatical structure. This stands in contrast to the description of type inference above where these roles are reversed, structure determining type. Natural language processing is of course a very rich and diverse research area, and space limitations preclude a summary of techniques. However, the topic of natural language processing in a functional language has also been discussed by Frost and Launchbury [5]. Their work differs from ours by its foundation on a semantic theory that is based on principles proposed by Montague [12]. The Frost and Launchbury system includes a parser, implemented using standard combinator parsing techniques [9], and, unlike the program described in this paper, a simple, interactive query system. On the other hand, their approach seems limited by the fact that the grammar for natural language phrases is fixed as part of the parser, and tightly coupled to the underlying semantic model.


Applicative Universal Grammar

Our work is based on the formalism of applicative universal grammar (AUG), a linguistic theory that views the formation of phrases in a form that is analogous to function application in a programming language. The first complete description of AUG was published in 1965 [13], unifying the categorial calculus of Lesniewski [10] with the combinatory calculus of Curry and Feys [4]. The semantic theory of AUG was presented in [14], and its use in the translation of natural languages is given in [16]. A full description of the current state of AUG is described in [15]. To understand the way that AUG works, it is useful to think of words and phrases as atoms and expressions, respectively, in a typed language of combinators. For our simplified version of AUG, there are just two primitive types: T representing terms (for example, nouns such as ‘friend’ and noun phrases such as ‘my friend’), and S representing complete sentences (such as ‘my friend runs’). The only non-primitive type is of the form Oxy, denoting phrases

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Using Types to Parse Natural Language

that transform phrases of type x to modified phrases of type y; this is the most important concept behind the AUG formalism. For example, the word ‘my’ is treated as having type OTT since it is applied to a term of type T to obtain a modified term, also of type T (every word is pre-assigned one or more types in this way). Thus the construction of the noun phrase ‘my friend’ can be described by an inference: ‘my’ :: OTT ‘friend’ :: T ‘my friend’ :: T More generally, we can use the following rule to describe the application of one phrase, p of type Oxy, to another, q of type x:

p :: Oxy q :: x p q :: y Clearly, types of the form Oxy correspond to function types, written as (x ! y) in more conventional notation, while the typing rule above is the standard method for typing the application of a function p to an argument value q. The O for function types is used in the descriptions of AUG cited above, and for the most part we will continue to use the same notation here to avoid any confusion with type expressions in Haskell; in our program, the types of natural language phrases are represented by data values, not by Haskell types. Another advantage of the prefix O notation is that it avoids the need for parentheses and allows a more compact notation for types. The results of parsing a complete sentence can be described by a tree structure labelled with the types of the words and phrases that are used in its construction. The following example is produced directly by the program described later from the input string "my friend lives in Boston". in Boston [OTOOTSOTS] [T] my friend lives \________/ [OTT] [T] [OTS] [OOTSOTS] \_____/ \_____________/ [T] [OTS] \________________/ [S] Notice that, to maintain the original word order, we have allowed both forward and backward application of functions to arguments. The first of these was described by the rule above, while the second is just:

q :: x p :: Oxy q p :: y For example, in the tree above, we have used this rule to apply the phrase in Boston to the intransitive verb lives; the function acts as a modifier, turning the action of ‘living’ into the more specific action of ‘living in Boston’. It is sometimes useful to rearrange the trees produced by parsing a phrase so that functions are always written to the left of the arguments to which they are applied. This reveals the applicative structure of a particular phrase and helps us to concentrate on underlying grammatical structure without being distracted by concerns about word order — which vary considerably from one language to another. Rewriting the parse tree above in this way we obtain: in Boston [OTOOTSOTS] [T] \________/ lives my friend [OOTSOTS] [OTS] [OTT] [T] \__________/ \_____/ [OTS] [T] \_____________/ [S]

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Using Types to Parse Natural Language

In situations where the types of subphrases are not required, we can use a flattened, curried form of these trees, such as in Boston lives (my friend), to describe the result of parsing a phrase. The two different ways of arranging a parse tree shown here correspond to the concepts of phenotype and genotype grammar, respectively, in AUG, but will not be discussed in any further detail here. One of the most important tasks in an application of AUG is to assign suitable types to each word in some given lexicon or dictionary. The type T is an obvious choice for simple nouns like ‘friend’ and ‘Boston’ in the example above. Possessive pronouns like ‘my’ can be treated in the same way as adjectives using the type OTT. In a similar way, intransitive verbs, like ‘lives’, can be described by the type OTS transforming a subject term of type T into a sentence phrase of type S. The word ‘in’, with type OTOOTSOTS, in the example above deserves special attention. Motivated by the diagram above, we can think of ‘in’ as a function that combines a place of type T (where?), an action of type OTS (what?), and a subject of type T (who?) to obtain a sentence phrase of type S. One additional complication we will need to deal with is that, in the general case, a single word may be used in several different ways, with a different type for each. In this paper we adopt a simple solution to this problem by storing a list of types for each word in the lexicon. We will see later how we can take advantage of this, including the possibility of a word having several roles (and types) simultaneously in the same sentence.


Functional Programming in Haskell

In contrast to the references above, most of which are aimed at those with a background in linguistics, this paper is intended to be read by computer scientists and, in particular, those with an interest in functional programming. The programs in this paper are written using Haskell [7], a standard for non-strict purely functional programming languages. Tutorial information on these languages may be found elsewhere [1, 6]. Our use of Haskell is fitting since the language is, in fact, named for the logician Haskell B. Curry whose work on combinatory logic cited above provides much of the foundation for both functional programming and AUG. Indeed, Curry himself was interested in the study of natural language and grammatical structure [3]. The LATEX source for this paper is also a literate script for the program that it describes. In other words, the same file used to produce the document that you are now reading also serves as the source code for the program that it describes.1 Program lines are distinguished by a ‘>’ character in the first column. The source file also contains some small sections of code that are used to print ASCII versions of tree structures (as illustrated by the example above), and to implement a dictionary assigning types to a small vocabulary of words. These items are not shown in the typeset version of the paper, in an attempt to avoid unnecessary distraction from our main subject. Full source code is available from the authors.

2 Types, Trees and Sentences Our first task in the implementation of the parser is to choose a representation for types. Motivated by the description above, we define: > data Type = T | S | O Type Type

deriving Eq

The specification deriving Eq declares that the new datatype Type is a member of Haskell’s pre-defined class Eq, and that the system should therefore derive a definition of equality on values of type Type. This is needed so that we can test that the argument type of a function is equal to the type of value that it is applied to. We also include Type in the standard Haskell class Text so that Type values can be displayed using the notation described earlier, without parentheses or whitespace. The result of parsing a string will be a tree structure with each node annotated with a list of types (each type corresponding to one possible parse). > type TTree = (Tree,[Type]) > data Tree = Atom String | FAp TTree TTree | BAp TTree TTree Applications of one tree structure to another are represented using the FAp (forward application) and BAp (backward application) constructors. 1 This

“literate programming style” was originally promoted by Donald Knuth.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Using Types to Parse Natural Language

We will also need methods for displaying typed tree structures. To display the applicative structure of a tree value without the type annotations, we extend the Text class with an instance definition for Tree values. We will also use a function: > drawTTree :: TTree -> String to display a typed tree in the form shown in Section 1.1. We do not include the code for these functions here since they are needed only to display output results. The first step in the parser is to convert an input string into a list of words, each annotated with a list of types. For simplicity, we use the Atom constructor so that input sentences can be treated directly as lists of typed trees: > type Sentence = [TTree] > sentence :: String -> Sentence > sentence = map wordToTTree . words > where wordToTTree w = (Atom w, wordTypes w) The function wordTypes used here maps individual words to the corresponding list of types. For example, wordTypes "friend" = [T]. This function can be implemented in several different ways, for example, using an association list or, for faster lookup, a binary search tree. For all of the examples in this paper, we used a simple (unbalanced) binary search tree containing 62 words. However, we will not concern ourselves with any further details of the implementation of wordTypes here. The following text strings will be used to illustrate the use of the parser in following sections: > myfriend = "my friend lives in Boston" > oldfriend = "my old friend who comes from Moscow" > long = "my old friend who comes from Moscow thinks that\ > \ the film which he saw today was very interesting" For example, the first stage in parsing the myfriend string is to split it into the following list of typed tree values: ? sentence myfriend [(Atom "my",[OTT]), (Atom "friend",[T]), (Atom "lives",[OTS]), (Atom "in",[OTOOTSOTS]), (Atom "Boston",[T])]

3 From Sentences to Trees We have already described how individual words, or more generally, phrases can be combined by applying one to another. Now consider the task of parsing a sentence consisting of a list of words [w1 , ..., wn ]. One way to proceed would be to choose a pair of adjacent words, wi and wi+1 , and replace them with the single compound phrase formed by applying one to the other, assuming, of course, that the types are compatible. Repeating this process a total of n 1 times reduces the original list to a singleton containing a parse of the given sentence. The most important aspect of this process is not the order in which pairs of phrases are combined, but rather the tree structure of the final parsed terms. In this sense, the goal of the parser is to find all well-typed tree structures that can be formed by combining adjacent phrases taken from a given list of words.


Enumerating Types/Trees

We wish to define the following function to enumerate all of the typed trees that can be obtained from a given sentence: > ttrees :: Sentence -> [TTree] The simplest case is when the list has just one element, and hence there is just one possible type: > ttrees [t] = [t]

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Using Types to Parse Natural Language

For the remaining case, suppose that we split the input list ts into two non-empty lists ls, rs such that ts = ls ++ rs. Using recursion, we can find all the trees l than can be obtained from ls and all the trees r that can be obtained from rs. We then wish to consider all pairs of these that can be combined properly to form a well-typed phrase. This yields the final line in the definition of ttrees: > ttrees ts > >

= [ t | (ls,rs) inits, tails :: [a] -> [[a]] > inits [x] = [] > inits (x:xs) = map (x:) ([]:inits xs) > tails [x] > tails (x:xs)

= [] = xs : tails xs

For example: ? inits "abcde" ["a", "ab", "abc", "abcd"] ? tails "abcdef" ["bcde", "cde", "de", "e"] ? splits "abcdef" [("a","bcde"), ("ab","cde"), ("abc","de"), ("abcd","e")] The function combine is used in ttrees to generate all possible typed trees, if any, that can be obtained by combining two given typed trees. For the framework used in this paper, the only way that we can combine these terms is to apply one to the other.2 To allow for variations in word order, we consider both the possibility that l is applied to r, and also that r is applied to l: > combine :: TTree -> TTree -> [TTree] > combine l r = app FAp l r ++ app BAp r l The rule for application of one term to another is encoded as follows: > app :: (TTree -> TTree -> Tree) -> TTree -> TTree -> [TTree] > app op (a,ts) (b,ss) > = [ (op (a,[O x y]) (b,[x]), [y]) | (O x y) cache :: > cache [x] = > cache (x:xs) = >

Sentence -> [[[TTree]]] [[[x]]] [build x (transpose rs)] ++ rs where rs = cache xs

> build :: TTree -> [[[TTree]]] -> [[TTree]] > build a [] = [[a]] > build a (ts:tss) = g (reverse is) ts : is > where is = build a tss > g is ts = [ r | (i,t) ti


r explain :: String -> String > explain = unlines . map drawTTree . fastTtrees . sentence For example, consider the phrase ‘my old friend who comes from Moscow’. The result of parsing this phrase using our program are shown in Figure 1. As the figure shows, there are three different ways to parse this phrase, each of which

? explain "my old friend who comes from Moscow" my (old (who friend (from Moscow comes))): from Moscow [OTOOTSOTS] [T] friend who comes \________/ [T] [OTOOTST] [OTS] [OOTSOTS] \________/ \_____________/ [OOTST] [OTS] old \__________________/ [OTT] [T] my \____________________/ [OTT] [T] \________________/ [T]

my (who (old friend) (from Moscow comes)): old friend from Moscow [OTT] [T] [OTOOTSOTS] [T] \_____/ who comes \________/ [T] [OTOOTST] [OTS] [OOTSOTS] \___________/ \_____________/ [OOTST] [OTS] my \____________________/ [OTT] [T] \_________________________/ [T]

who (my (old friend)) (from Moscow comes): old friend [OTT] [T] my \_____/ from Moscow [OTT] [T] [OTOOTSOTS] [T] \________/ who comes \________/ [T] [OTOOTST] [OTS] [OOTSOTS] \_______________/ \_____________/ [OOTST] [OTS] \______________________/ [T]

Figure 1: Parsing the phrase ‘my old friend who comes from Moscow’. produces a term phrase of type T. Without any underlying formal semantics for the language, it is difficult to justify any formal statement about these three parses. However, from an informal standpoint, for example, by observing the

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Using Types to Parse Natural Language

grouping of words, we can argue that all three of these parses are valid interpretations of the original phrase, each with slightly different meaning and emphasis:


my (old (who friend (from Moscow comes))): The words ‘friend who comes from Moscow’ are grouped together; of all my friends who come from Moscow, this phrase refers to the one that is old. my (who (old friend) (from Moscow comes)): In this case, the emphasis is on the word ‘my’; perhaps you also have an old friend who comes from Moscow, but in this phrase, I am referring specifically to my old friend from Moscow. who (my (old friend)) (from Moscow comes): A reference to ‘my old friend’ who comes from Moscow (but doesn’t necessarily live there now).

When we started work on the program described in this paper, we were concerned that the rules for constructing parses of sentences were too liberal and that, even for small sentences, we would obtain many different parses, perhaps including some that did not make any sense. From this perspective, it is encouraging to see that there are only three possible parses of the example sentence used here and that all of them have reasonable interpretations. Of course, it is possible that there may be ways of interpreting this phrase that are not included in the list above; these might be dealt with by adding new types for some of the words involved to reflect different usage or meaning. Another possibility is that we might find a phrase with different interpretations that cannot be distinguished by their grammatical structure alone, in which case some form of semantic analysis may be needed to resolve any ambiguities. While it seems reasonable to allow three different parses for the sentence above, we may be a little concerned about the 60 different parses mentioned above for the 19 word sentence that was used as a test in the previous sections. However, it turns out that half of these parse trees include one of the three different trees for ‘my old friend who comes from Moscow’ as a proper subphrase; this immediately introduces a factor of three into the number of parses that are generated. Similar multiplying factors of two and five can be observed in other parts of the output. Once we have identified these common elements, the results of the parser are much easier to understand. Clearly, a useful goal for future work will be to modify the parser to detect and localize the effect of such ambiguities. For example, it might be useful to redefine TTree as ([Tree],[Type]) and store lists of subphrase parse trees at each node, rather than generating whole parse trees for each different combination subphrase parse trees.

5 Areas for Further Investigation The work described in this paper is a promising start, but much remains to be done. From the perspective of natural language processing, we believe that the following points will be useful directions for future work:


Ambiguity: Clearly, some mechanisms are required to deal with ambiguity and multiple parses. In some cases, semantic analysis will be needed to detect and eliminate some parses of a sentence. Type inference: It would be interesting to experiment with the possibility of inferring types for words that are not already in the vocabulary. For example, most English speakers will be able to understand the sentence ‘my friend lives in Beeston’, even if they have never heard the word ‘Beeston’ before. From the context in which the word appears, it is fairly easy to guess that it must refer to a place. Of course, it would not be surprising to respond to this sentence by asking a question such as ‘Where is Beeston?’. In a similar way, even if the word ‘Beeston’ does not appear in vocabulary that is recognized by our parser, it is clear that the sentence ‘my friend lives in Beeston’ would make sense if we were to assume that ‘Beeston’::T, and perhaps follow this assumption with a query to ask for confirmation, and more information about this new word. This apparently straightforward idea may prove rather challenging if we also hope to deal with examples like ‘my friend is living in New Haven’ (where ‘New Haven’ should be treated as a single compound term, not as if it were some newer version of a place called ‘Haven’) and also with ‘my friend is living in sin’ which has altogether different connotations: : : A more complete treatment of AUG: The full theory of AUG goes beyond the extensions we have described here. We would also like to investigate the analysis of lexical/morphological structure in more detail and to study the treatment of punctuation, discontinuous constructions, and metarules of priority in the context of our parser.

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Using Types to Parse Natural Language

The ideas described here also suggest some topics for further investigation in the field of programming language design:

Parsing extensible languages: The techniques used here provide an incremental approach to grammar specification. Instead of the monolithic sets of productions that are normally used to formalize programming language syntax, we can use localized rules to describe how individual parts of a language associate with the other objects round them. This may be a more appropriate model for the syntax of extensible languages, and a companion to recent work on the construction of extensible interpreters and denotational semantics Understanding abstract datatypes: The use of abstract datatypes in a language like Haskell is controlled by typing rules, in much the same way that types control the use of words in the parse trees shown in this paper. It would be useful to study the grammars implied by the signatures of particular abstract datatypes and to use these to establish formal properties about their use. For example, monads are widely used as a means of embedding imperative effects in a functional languages; the ideas described here might be used to justify optimizations, for example, that a value is used in a single-threaded manner, or that it is safe to implement a given primitive using an imperative effect.

Acknowledgements The work described in this paper was originally motivated by a series of seminars given by Sebastian Shaumyan and Paul Hudak at Yale University in the fall of 1993, on the subject of natural language processing in Haskell. The preparation of this paper was supported in part by a grant from ARPA, contract number N00014-91-J-4043.

References [1] R. Bird and P. Wadler. Introduction to functional programming. Prentice Hall, 1988. [2] R.S. Bird and O. de Moor. Relational program derivation and context-free language recognition. In A.W. Roscoe, editor, A Classical Mind: Essays in Honour of C.A.R. Hoare, chapter 2, pages 17–35. Prentice-Hall International Series in Computer Science, 1994. [3] Haskell B. Curry. Some logical aspects of grammatical structure. In Structure of language and its mathematical aspects, Providence, Rhode Island, 1961. American Mathematical Society. [4] Haskell B. Curry and Robert Feys. Combinatory logic, volume Volume I. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1958. [5] R. Frost and J. Launchbury. Constructing natural language interpreters in a lazy functional language. The Computer Journal, 32(2):108–121, April 1989. [6] P. Hudak and J. Fasel. A gentle introduction to Haskell. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 27(5), May 1992. Also available as Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-901, Yale University, Department of Computer Science, April 1992. [7] P. Hudak, S. Peyton Jones, and P. Wadler (editors). Report on the Programming Language Haskell, A Non-strict Purely Functional Language (Version 1.2). ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 27(5), May 1992. [8] John Hughes. Lazy memo-functions. In Jouannaud, editor, Proceedings of the IFIP conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, pages 129–146, New York, 1985. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 201. [9] Graham Hutton. Higher-order functions for parsing. Journal of Functional Programming, 2(3), July 1992. [10] Stanislaw Lesniewski. Grundzuge eines neuen Systems der Grundlagen der Mathematik. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 14:1–81, 1929. [11] D. Michie. ‘Memo’ functions and machine learning. Nature, April 1968.

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Using Types to Parse Natural Language

[12] Richard Montague. Formal philosophy. In R.H. Thomason, editor, Selected writings of Richard Montague. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1974. [13] Sebastian Shaumyan. Strukturnaja lingvistika. Nauka, Moskva, 1965. [14] Sebastian Shaumyan. Applicative grammar as a semantic theory of natural language. University of Chicago Press, 1977. [15] Sebastian Shaumyan. A Semiotic Theory of Language. Indiana University Press, 1987. [16] Sebastian Shaumyan. Applicative universal grammar as a linguistic framework of the translation model. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Symbolic and Logical Computing, pages 287–320, Dakota State University, Madison, Dakota, 1991.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks John O'Donnell and Gudula Rünger

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks John O’Donnell

Gudula R¨unger

Computing Science Department, University of Glasgow Glasgow, Britain

Fachbereich Informatik, Universit¨at des Saarlandes Saarbr¨ucken, Germany

Abstract Interconnection networks are an important and well-studied topic in parallel computing and architecture, but a homogeneous and general method for defining and classifying the topologies and behaviors of interconnection networks is lacking. Topologies are usually specified informally by picture or more formally by permutations of wire enumerations. This paper presents an improved method for specifying multistage networks via permutations, along with two styles of formal functional specification of the entire network, using both a standard multistage organization and a generalized fat tree organization. This method is applied to two specific indirect multistage switch networks: the baseline and the butterfly. The functional specification emphasizes the similarities between the networks, and also captures the functionality provided by general-purpose network nodes.

1 Introduction Indirect interconnection networks play an important role in the design of general purpose parallel architectures. A network can be seen as a black box realizing either communications between the processors and the memory (for shared memory systems) or interprocessor communications (for distributed systems). The design depends on performance criteria like latency, bandwidth, connectivity and functionality. A particularly important class is the multistage switch network comprising a number of stages, each consisting of primitive switching elements. Many such networks have a regular structure with the same number of switches in each stage, and where all switches have identical designs; examples include the omega, banyan, baseline and butterfly networks [1]. The input and output ports of consecutive stages are connected in order to construct the entire network. Many such networks have been shown to be topologically equivalent [9, 8]. Research issues include network structures, the relationships between different networks, and network communication algorithms [4, 6]. Although the field of interconnection networks is well studied, a concise and coherent way of defining them is lacking. In the case of multistage networks with regular stages and constant degree of wires, the stages are often defined by permutations of the enumerations of the wires, where the enumeration is usually based on bit manipulation of binary numbers. This approach may hide the relationship between networks, and it considers only network topology—it does not take account of the general processing capabilities of the switching nodes. In this paper we study a systematic and coherent method addressing these two problems, and apply it to the baseline and butterfly networks. In common with the standard approach, we also use enumerations of the nodes to specify wires, but (unlike the standard method) we subdivide each stage into disjoint sets of nodes which are enumerated independently. This has three advantages: it simplifies the stage-combining functions, it produces a recursive network decomposition that clarifies the relationship between multistage networks and tree-structured networks (the tree and the fat-tree [5]), and it leads directly to a short and clear functional definition of the stage-combining functions, now seen as functions on lists. Much past research on networks has focused exclusively on topology and message routing. However, it is also interesting to consider networks where the basic switch elements can compute an arbitrary function, rather than being restricted to simple routing. This provides additional functionality that has been exploited in real machines, e.g. in the emulation of shared memory machines with a butterfly network [7] where the fast access to the memory is realized by multiprefix operations [3], and in the NYU Ultracomputer [2]. Our functional specification provides a good foundation for studying this richer class of network. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

outgoing wires


Node incoming wires



with depth 1

with depth 1

Figure 1: Binary Tree and Multistage network with depth 1 In the standard multistage network specifications, only local wirings are specified directly; the global network is specified implicitly. In contrast, our functional specification is global, in that it defines a general communication/computation function describing the global behavior of the entire network as a complete set of communications takes place. The behavior of the network is a higher order function, and one of its arguments is a function defining the behavior of an individual node. This is more general than the usual approach, where it is assumed that nodes can only execute a fixed communication algorithm. The functional specifications in this paper are expressed in Haskell. These are executable programs that formally express the connectivities of the networks and simulate their behaviors. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces terminology and gives the standard definitions of the baseline and banyan networks. Sections 3 and 4 then present these networks in more detail and give our new specifications for the intra-stage wiring. Section 5 defines the global network and completes the functional specifications. Section 6 compares our approach with the standard specifications and discusses the role of the functional specifications.


Multistage interconnection networks

This background section gives the standard semi-formal definitions of the baseline and butterfly networks. Alternative specifications will be developed in the following three sections. A multistage interconnection network is an acyclic directed graph consisting of a number of subgraphs called stages. Each stage consists of a permutation graph (containing only wires) followed by a row of nodes, where each node takes two inputs and produces two outputs. The size of the network is characterized by the number of stages, which is called the depth d. The stages are enumerated 1; : : : d. The dimensionality is d 1. A network with d = 0 has no stages, and consists only of a wire connecting a singleton input to a singleton output. Figure 1 shows the smallest nontrivial network, where d = 1, along with the corresponding tree. The width of each stage is n = 2d 1 nodes. Since each node has two inputs and two outputs, the entire network takes 2d input signals and produces 2d output signals; the inputs and outputs are organized as a list of n signal pairs. For example, the two networks in Figure 2 each have depth d = 4, with stages 1; 2; 3; 4, each stage contains 2d 1 = 8 nodes, and the entire network has 2d = 16 input signals and output signals. In Section 5 we will characterize the behavior of the network by two additional parameters: the interconnection function c and the node behavior function g. The standard interconnection functions are defined by specifying explicitly which nodes are connected. (Section 5 will present a different approach.) To achieve this, each node is identified uniquely by its position within a stage (given as a binary number) and the number of that stage. More precisely, the node (b; s) is located in stage s 2 f1; : : : ; dg and within the stage at position b 2 f0; : : : ; n 1g, represented as a binary number. For regular interconnection networks, the stage interconnection function C :: (Position; Stage) ! (Position; Stage) is specified as a relation on nodes. The following definitions of Cbaseline and Cbutterfly for the baseline and the butterfly network are based on the binary enumeration (see also [4]). Baseline network: The stage connecting function Cbaseline of the baseline network is given by: Cbaseline(b; s) = (b0; s + 1) where b0 is the string obtained by performing a left cyclic shift on the rightmost s bits of b , or b0 is the string obtained by performing a left cyclic shift on the rightmost s bits of b and then changing the rightmost bit of b (see Figure 2). Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks








































111 butterfly network

baseline network

Figure 2: Three-dimensional baseline network and butterfly network






2 3




6 7



2 3

0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

0 1

binary fat tree network

Figure 3: Binary fat tree network Butterfly network: The stage connecting function Cbutterfly of the baseline network is given by: Cbutterfly(b; s) = (b0 ; s+ 1) where b and b0 are identical or b and b0 differ in precisely bit s (see Figure 2). Both definitions depend explicitly on the number of stages and, especially in the case of the baseline network, the stage number is strongly involved in computing the value Cbaseline(b; s). This kind of function definition is not suitable as a starting point for a more abstract specification of interconnection function using recursion and lists of nodes (of one stage).


The baseline network

We now present an alternative specification of the baseline network which is a more appropriate starting point for the derivation of a global specification of the network in the functional style. This new specification is based on a subdivision of each stage into several independent substages, leading to much simpler interconnection functions. Stage s is organized into n=2s 1 substages, for s = 1; : : : ; d. The nodes within each substage are enumerated with natural numbers starting with 0, independently from the nodes in other substages. The substages of stage s can be enumerated 0; : : : ; 2s 1 1. The division into substages emphasize that the connections between consecutive stages fall into groups of connections. Every substage (except in the top level) has connections to exactly one substage of the subsequent stage, and every substage (except those in the bottom level) has connections to exactly two substages of the level below. This results in a structure of substages organized like a binary tree (see Figure 3). The enumeration leads to a very clear connection function which we call the local baseline connection. The local baseline connection function connects the outgoing edges of two substages X and Y of equal size with the ingoing edges of a third substage Z with double the size, using the indices of the enumeration. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

Definition 3.1 (Local baseline connection) Let X = (X0 ; : : : ; Xn 1) and Y = (Y0 ; : : : ; Yn 1) be two stages with the same number of nodes n, and let Z = (Z0 ; : : : ; Z2n 1) be a stage of nodes of size 2n. Each node of X , Y , and Z has degree two, i.e. two ingoing and two outgoing egdes. The nodes in each stage are numbered consecutively starting with 0. The local baseline connectivity is a relation bas with exactly two function values for each argument. It is defined as bas



; : : :; n



g ! f0

; : : : ; 2n




= (2i); bas(i) = (2i + 1)

The edges connecting the substages X (or Y ) with Z are (Xi ; Zbas(i)) (or (Yi ; Zbas(i)), i.e. outgoing edges of Xi (or Yi ) are connected with ingoing edges of Z2i and Z2i+1 . The connection between two substages X; Y and one subsequent substage Z is identical to the direct shuffle connection (in Definition 3.1 defined with natural numbers). Thus, the baseline network can be interpreted as a structured combination of shuffle functions. In contrast to the omega network, there are several shuffle functions on each level. Messages The edges (Xi ; Zj ) between nodes Xi and Zj represent wires for transmitting messages between the two nodes connected by an edge. This means Xi (or Yi ) sends two messages, one to the node Z2i and one to the node Z2i+1. In order to make messages explicit, we express the local baseline connectivity for pairs of messages (or wires) which are assigned to nodes as their pairs of input or output messages. Let 1 = (x0 i ; xi ) be the output of node Xi ; i = 0; : : : ; n 1 0 1 yi = (yi ; yi ) be the output of node Yi ; i = 0; : : : ; n 1 0 1 zk = (zk ; zk ) be the input of node Zk ; k = 0; : : : ; 2n 1: xi

The local baseline connectivity is fulfilled if 0


(zk ; zk ) =

0 (x0 i ; yi )

1 (x1 i ; yi )

for k = 2i; i = 0; : : : ; n 1 for k = 2i + 1; i = 0; : : : ; n



i.e. the input (zk0 ; zk1) of Zk is identical to a pair composed of messages coming from X and Y . Equation 2 follows immediately from Equation 1 by fixing an order for the pairs of messages. Because of the fixed order the specification is less general than the connectivity described in Definition 3.1. Message pairs of opposite order would also realize the more general baseline definition. Functional specification The functional specification relies on a represention of stages X of n nodes as lists of nodes X = [X0 ; : : : ; Xn 1]. One combining step is the composition of two lists X = [X0 ; : : : ; Xn 1] and Y = [Y0 ; : : : ; Yn 1 ] of the same length with a list Z = [Z0 ; : : : ; Z2n 1 ] of length 2n. Similarly, we define corresponding lists of pairs of outgoing messages xs = [x0; : : : ; xn 1], ys = [y0 ; : : : ; yn 1] and a list of pairs of incoming messages zs = [z0 ; : : : ; z2n 1 ]. Functional programming provides a way to give a global network specification based on the list representation of nodes or message pairs, without relying on indices. The global description of the baseline connectivity uses the entire lists of input and output pairs, taking the lists of output signals xs = [x0; : : : ; xn 1] and ys = [y0; : : : ; yn 1] as arguments, and producing the input list of signal pairs zs = [z0 ; : : : ; z2n 1] as a result, while ensuring that Equation 2 holds. The function baseline connect performs the global connection of substages. It takes two lists of message pairs as inputs and creates one new list of message pairs; the list may have arbitrary size but the input lists must have the same size. The function expandpairs takes a list of message pairs of a list of nodes and produces the plain list of messages, i.e. the assignment of messages to nodes is released. baseline_connect :: ([(a,a)], [(a,a)]) -> [(a,a)] baseline_connect (xs,ys) = zip (expandpairs xs) (expandpairs ys) Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

expandpairs :: [(a,a)] -> [a] expandpairs [] = [] expandpairs ((a,b):xs) = a : b : expandpairs xs The following lemma establishes the equivalence of the global and local descriptions of the baseline interconnection. Lemma 3.1 (Equivalence of local and global specification) For all nodes, the global baseline connectivity baseline connect is equivalent to the local baseline connectivity Equation 2 expressed on the level of message pairs assigned to nodes. Proof. The equivalence is shown with equational reasoning by consecutively using the definition of baseline, the definition of message pairs xs and ys, the definition of expandpairs, and applying zip. baseline xs ys = zip (expandpairs xs) (expandpairs ys) 0 1 = zip (expandpairs [(xi ; xi ) j i [0 : : : n 1]]) 0 1 (expandpairs [(yi ; yi ) j i [0 : : : n 1]]) j = zip [xi j i [0 : : : n 1]; j [0; 1]] j


= =


[0 : : : n


j k) j

j j [(xi ; yi )


[(zk ; z




[0 : : : n



[0; : : : ; 2n

[0; 1]]

j j

[0; 1]]


using k = 2i + j; j = 0; 1 i = 1; : : : ; n 1 in the last derivation step. Lemma 3.1 shows the equivalence of local and global specification. Thus, as well as Equation (2), the functional specification is a specific realization of the original Definition 3.1.

4 The butterfly network Althought the interconnection pattern is quite different, the butterfly network can be specified in a similar manner to the baseline. This works because both networks have similar global recursive decompositions. This section summarizes the local butterfly connectivity, defines the message relation, gives the global functional specification, and proves the equivalence of the local and global definitions. Definition 4.1 (Local butterfly connection) Let X = (X0 ; : : : ; Xn 1) and Y = (Y0 ; : : : ; Yn 1) be two stages with the same number of nodes n and let Z = (Z0 ; : : : ; Z2n 1) be a stage of nodes of size 2n. Each node of X , Y , and Z has the degree two, i.e. two ingoing and two outgoing egdes. The nodes in each stage are numbered consecutively starting with 0. The local butterfly connectivity is a relation bly with exactly two function values for each argument. It is defined as: bf y



; : : :; n

bf y (i)



g ! f0




; : : : ; 2n

bf y (i)


1 i



The edges connecting the substages X (or Y ) with Z are (Xi ; Zbfy(i)), (or (Yi ; Zbfy(i)) i.e. outgoing edges of Xi (or Yi ) are connected with ingoing edges of Zi and Zi+n , i = 0; : : : ; n 1. Messages We consider lists of message pairs xs,ys, and zs, as introduced in the last section. The local butterfly connectivity on the level of messages with a fixed order of messages is expressed by the following equation: 0


(zk ; zk ) =

0 (x0 k ; yk ) 1 (x1 k ; yk )

for k = 0; : : : ; n for k = n; : : : ; 2n

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995

1 1



Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

Functional specification We consider substages and incoming or outgoing messages of substages in their list representation. The local butterfly connectivity as well as the relation between messages in Equation (4) contain a dependence on the length n of the arguments X and Y (or xs and ys) which is a dependence on the specific stage of X and Y . This dependence is released when defining the global functional definition. The definition is based on message pairs which also for this network has turned out to be the most intuitive and clear definition. The global butterfly connectivity on message pairs is described by the function butterfly. The function separates emitted message pairs of xs and ys and produces new message pairs by combining first items of xs and ys and by combining second items of xs and ys. butterfly_connect :: ([(a,a)], [(a,a)]) -> [(a,a)] butterfly_connect (xs,ys) = zip (map fst xs) (map fst ys) ++ zip (map snd xs) (map snd ys) Lemma 4.1 (Equivalence of local and global specification) For all nodes, the global butterfly connectivity butterfly connect is equivalent to the local butterfly connectivity Equation 3 expressed on the level of message pairs assigned to nodes. Proof. The proof uses equational reasoning based on the definitions of butterfly connect. butterfly connect xs ys 0 1 = zip (map fst [(xi ; xi ) j i [0; : : : ; n 1]]) 0 1 (map fst [(yi ; yi ) j i [0; : : : ; n 1]]) + + zip (map snd [(x0i ; x1i ) j i [0; : : : ; n 1]]) (map snd [(yi0 ; yi1 ) j i [0; : : : ; n 1]]) 0 0 = zip ([xi j i [0; : : : ; n 1]])([yi j i [0; : : : ; n 1]]) 1 1 + + zip ([xi j i [0; : : : ; n 1]])([yi j i [0; : : : ; n 1]])) = =

using k = i + nj;



j k) j j

[(xi ; yi ) 0

[(zk ; z

= 1; : : : ; n


[0; : : : ; n


[0; : : : ; 2n



1]; j


= 0; 1 in

[0; 1]]


the last derivation step.

The equational reasoning in Lemma 4.1 (as well as in Lemma 3.1) rely on list comprehension. The final list [(xji ; yij ) j i [0; : : : ; n 1]; j [0; 1]] of output messages corresponds to [(zk0 ; zk1 ) j k [0; : : : ; 2n 1]] because of the order of indices i and j . This order is the essential difference to the result in the proof of Lemma 3.1 [(xji ; yij ) j j [0; 1]; i [0; : : : ; n 1]] where the order of indices is the reverse, i.e. j and then i. Thus, the derivation of the functional specification of stage connectivities for both the baseline and the butterfly network results in a simple characteristics of the difference between the networks: the difference is captured in the order of indices of the list representation of messages.

5 Unified functional specifications Sections 3 and 4 specified the interconnections between substages of two adjacent stages. This section defines the entire multistage network in two different styles: a nonrecursive definition similar to the standard definition (although more precise), and a recursive definition in the form of an abstract fat tree. The definitions of the stage and networks are higher order, taking the interconnection function c and the node behavior function g as arguments. This enables a large class of multistage networks, including the baseline and butterfly, to be defined simply by varying the interconnection function.


Nonrecursive network definition

The nonrecursive definition views a network as the composition of d > 0 stages, each n = 2d 1 units wide (suggesting a rectangular layout for the network). This definition formalizes the standard network specification, and it corresponds to the definition given in Section 2. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

First a stage is defined as the composition of an interconnection function c and a row of nodes with behavior g. The interconnection function operates on a sequence of substages each containing 2s 1 nodes, where s 2 f1; : : : ; dg is the stage number. The definition first splits the list of n input pairs into a sequence of n=2s 1 groups of width w = 2s 1. The inputs to each substage must be further subdivided into two parts of width w=2, since each substage is connected to two smaller substages in the next level down. Therefore the application group w xs, where w is the width of a substage, splits the flat list xs of input pairs into a sequence of pieces containing n=w group-pairs organized into a left part and a right part, each of length w=2. For example group 4 [(0,1),(2,3)(4,5),(6,7),(8,9),(10,11),(12,13),(14,15)] ==> [([(0,1),(2,3)], [(4,5),(6,7)]), ([(8,9),(10,11)], [(12,13),(14,15)])] i.e. group w with w = 4 splits a list of n = 8 message pairs into n=w = 2 group-pairs each pairs with left part and right part of length w=2 = 2. Thus each group of inputs of width w consists of a pair (l; r) where l and r are lists of length w=2, and each element of these lists is a pair of input signals. The function is defined as an iteration over xs. group :: Int -> [a] -> [([a],[a])] group w [] = [] group w xs = (take w’ xs, take w (drop w’ xs)) : group w (drop w xs) where w’ = w ‘div‘ 2 Each group has type ([(S; S )]; [(S; S )]), where S is the signal type. After the inputs are grouped, the connection function c is mapped over the list of groups, thus applying it independently to each group of inputs. The application of connection function c to one group-pair corresponds to the connectivity of two substages to one substage in the next stage described in Sections 3 and 4. The resulting outputs from the interconnections are then concatenated into a flat list of signal pairs; finally the node function g is mapped over these to produce the outputs from the stage. stage :: (([(a,a)],[(a,a)])->[(a,a)]) -> ((a,a)->(a,a)) -> Int -> [(a,a)] -> [(a,a)]


c = connection g = node behavior s = stage number xs = inputs to stage s outputs from stage s

stage c g s | s==1 = map g | s>1 = map g . concat . map c . group (2ˆ(s-1)) The complete network can now be defined as the composition of a sequence of stages: multistage c g d


stage c g d


c g





c g


The most complicated aspect of the network is the splitting of inputs into groups of different sizes within different stages; since that has already been accomplished by stage, the definition of multistage is a simple iteration: multistage :: (([(a,a)],[(a,a)])->[(a,a)]) -> ((a,a)->(a,a)) -> Int Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995

-- c = connection -- g = node behavior -- d = depth of network 7

Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

-> [(a,a)] -> [(a,a)]

-- xs = inputs to first stage -- outputs from last stage

multistage c g d | d==1 = stage c g 1 | d>0 = stage c g d . multistage c g (d-1) Each stage consists of one or more independent groups of connections and nodes, so a sufficiently wide stage can be grouped into the concatenation of a sequence of independent shorter stages. This property is stated formally in the following lemma. Lemma. If length xs


length ys

k where k

= 2

stage c g s (xs++ys)

1, then



stage c g s xs ++ stage c g s ys

Proof. The lemma is proved by a direct simplification. The crucial step is the second one, where a grouping of xs++ys is factored into separate groupings over xs and ys; this step is justified since length (xs++ys) is at least twice the group size 2s. stage c g s (xs++ys) = map g (concat (map c (group 2s 1 (xs+ + ys)))) = map g (concat (map c (group 2s 1 xs + + group 2s = map g (concat ((map c (group 2s 1 xs))+ + (map c (group 2s 1 ys)))) = map g (concat (map c (group 2s 1 xs))+ + concat (map c (group 2s 1 xs))) = map g (concat (map c (group 2s 1 xs)))+ + map g (concat (map c (group 2s 1 ys))) = stage c g s xs + + stage c g s ys Corollary. If length xs


length ys

= 2k

where k

multistage c g d (xs++ys)






1, then

multistage c g d xs ++ multistage c g d ys

Recursive network definition

Each group of nodes at any stage is connected to exactly two groups in the stage below. This property gives the multistage network an abstract tree structure which can be exploited by redefining the network using a general tree function. Using this method, each tree node is actually a group of network nodes; to avoid confusion, we call this a supernode. A general tree supernode corresponds to a substage of the network (see Figure 3). Unlike an ordinary tree, the total number of wires remains the same (2n) at every level of the tree. Consequently, our tree definition of the multistage network is similar to the fat tree architecture [5]. However, the standard fat tree assumes a particular supernode architecture. Our tree is more general in two respects: it allows any interconnection function within the supernode (the c parameter) and it allows any individual node behavior (the g parameter). Therefore we call the definition below a general fat tree. The general fat tree takes exactly the same arguments as the multistage function, but it replaces the grouping operation by an explicit tree recursion. The behavior of a supernode is map g  c. The input to the tree is a list of n = 2d 1 signal pairs, so there are 2n input signals. The most important characteristic of the fat tree is that bandwidth remains constant at all levels; therefore the output is also a list of n signal pairs. gfattree :: (([(a,a)],[(a,a)])->[(a,a)]) Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995

-- c = connection 8

Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

-> -> -> ->

((a,a)->(a,a)) Int [(a,a)] [(a,a)]


g = node behavior d = depth of tree xs = inputs to first stage outputs from last stage

gfattree c g d xs | d==1 = map g xs | d>1 = map g (c (gfattree c g (d-1) (take i xs), gfattree c g (d-1) (drop i xs))) where i = 2ˆ(d-2)


Equivalence of network definitions

The following theorem establishes that multistage and gfattree define identical networks, although their differing forms emphasize that they have different origins, a multistage network and a fat tree. Theorem. multistage = gfattree Proof. Both functions are applied to arbitrary well typed arguments c, g, d and xs, such that length xs in multistage c g d xs


= 2d 1 , resulting

gfattree c g d xs

This equation is proved by induction over d. Base case (d = 1). multistage c g 1 xs = stage c g 1 xs = map g xs = gfattree c g 1 xs

fmultistageg fstageg fgfattreeg

Inductive case (d > 1). Assume length xs = length ys = 2d 1. multistage c g (d + 1) (xs++ys) = stage c g d (multistage c g d (xs+ + ys)) fmultistageg = stage c g d (multistage c g d xs+ + multistage c g d ys) fCorollary.g = map g (concat (map c (group 2d 1 (multistage c g d xs + + multistage c g d ys)))) fstageg = map g (concat (map c [(multistage c g d xs; multistage c g d ys)])) fgroupg = map g (concat [c (multistage c g d xs; multistage c g d ys)]) fmapg = map g (c (multistage c g d xs; multistage c g d ys)) fconcatg = map g (c (gfattree c g d xs; gfattree c g d ys)) fHypothesisg = map g (c (gfattree c g d (take 2d 1 (xs+ + ys)); gfattree c g d (drop 2d 1 (xs++ys)))) fj xs j= 2d 1g = gfattree g c (d + 1) (xs+ + ys) fgfattreeg An interesting point in this proof is that concat appears only in a trivial way; therefore it might appear that it could be omitted from the definition of stage. However, this proof relies on the Corollary and Lemma, which make nontrivial use of the concat. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks


Complete network specifications

Both networks (baseline and butterfly) can now be defined using either network definition (nonrecursive or general fat tree), producing four definitions. These definition represent special realizations of multistage and gfattree, respectively, and multistage and gfattree capture the identical charcteristics of the networks. baseline1, baseline2, :: ((a,a)->(a,a)) -> Int -> [(a,a)] -> [(a,a)] baseline1 baseline2 butterfly1 butterfly2

= = = =

butterfly1, butterfly2 -- g = node behavior -- n = number of input pairs -- xs = inputs to baseline network -- outputs from baseline network

multistage gfattree multistage gfattree

baseline_connect baseline_connect butterfly_connect butterfly_connect

From the theorem in Section 5.3 we get the following equalities. Corollary. 1. baseline1 = baseline2 2. butterfly1 = butterfly2



Previous specifications of multistage networks have several limitations: they rely on properties of the binary representations of node positions, which tends to hide the relationships between similar networks, they specify only the interconnections precisely but the entire network specification is informal, and they often assume a simple fixed node architecture which places an unnecessary limitation on the capabilities of the entire network. This paper has addressed these problems by presenting three new ways to specify a network. The first method is based on a permutation function similar to the traditional approach, except we number the nodes with each substage independently, which greatly simplifies the interconnection function. The second method is a functional specification which completely formalizes the traditional approach, producing an executable specification suitable for formal reasoning. The third method is another functional specification that interprets the multistage network as a generalized tree. Topics for future work include investigation of the properties of the global network behavior functions. Past experience suggests this to be a promising line of inquiry, since the full capabilities of tree networks did not become clear until global tree functions were studied. Furthermore, the methods presented here should be applied to a broader range of networks.

References [1] G. Almasi and A. Gottlieb. Highly Parallel Computing. The Benjamin/Cummnings Publishing Company, Inc., 1994. [2] A. Gottlieb, B.Lubachevsky and L.Rudolph. Basic techniques for the efficient coordination of very large numbers of cooperating sequential processors. In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 5(2):164– 189, 1983. [3] Thomas Gr¨un, Thomas Rauber, and Jochen R¨ohrig. The programming environment of the SB-PRAM. In Proc. 7th IASTED/ISMM Int.l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Washington DC, October 1995. Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Formal Specification of Interconnection Networks

[4] F.T. Leighton. Introduction to Parallel Algorithms abd Architecture. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1992. [5] Ch.E. Leiserson. Fat-trees: Universal netwroks for hardware-efficient supercomputing. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-34(10):892–901, 1985. [6] K. Padmanabhan. Cube structures for multiprocessors. Communications of the ACM, 33(1):43–52, 1990. [7] A.G. Ranade. How to emulate shared memory. In 28th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 185–194. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1987. [8] H.J. Siegel. Interconnecting Networks for Large-Scale Parallel Processing. Lexington Books, 1985. [9] Chuan-Lin Wu and Tse-Yun Feng. On a class of multistage interconnection networks. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-29(8):694–702, August 1980.

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ELECTRONIC WORKSHOPS IN COMPUTING Series edited by Professor C.J. van Rijsbergen

David N. Turner (Ed)

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995 Proceedings of the 1995 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ullapool, Scotland, 10-12 July 1995


Experiences with Clean I/O Simon B. Jones

Published in collaboration with the British Computer Society


Copyright in this paper belongs to the author(s)

Experiences with Clean I/O Simon B Jones Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling Stirling, Scotland [email protected]

Abstract The Clean system is a powerful functional programming tool. It contains experiments in a number of different areas of functional language design. In particular, it has a novel proposal for the organization of input and output, and contains impressive libraries of facilities for programming graphical user interfaces. Clean I/O is based on collections of operations that act to cause side effects on multiple explicit abstract values representing physical I/O entities, such as files and graphical interfaces. A system of unique types is used to ensure that these values are individually single threaded through the program; and the side effecting I/O operations are therefore well controlled. This approach is distinct from monadic I/O, which is being widely adopted; monadic I/O schemes are based on a single, implicit environment, and guarantee that this is single threaded. In this paper we will show that the Clean and monadic approaches to I/O merge nicely. The functionality provided by the Clean and its I/O libraries allows libraries for monadic I/O to be implemented. The paper presents an implementation of a basic I/O monad library in Clean that can serve for future development. In itself, the fact that the monadic approach can be implemented in Clean is unsurprising. However, some interesting technical difficulties arose during implementation of the monad; these and their solutions are discussed. The opportunity to express programs using the implicit environments of monadic I/O allows us to simplify Clean programs by removing some of the spaghetti, whilst retaining the generality of the explicit environments where it is the most appropriate approach.

1 Introduction The Clean system [4, 1], recently released as version 1.0, is a powerful functional programming tool. It contains experiments in a number of different areas of functional language design. In particular, it has a novel proposal for the organization of input and output, and contains impressive libraries of facilities for programming graphical user interfaces (GUIs). A key language feature supporting the GUI programming is Clean’s uniqueness typing. Programs operate by side effect on multiple explicit environments: abstract input/output, file store and individual file states. The uniqueness typing is required in order to ensure single threading of the states through the computation, thus guaranteeing referential transparency of programs. In [1] Clean I/O is contrasted with other approaches, in particular the monadic approach [5, 3]. Clean I/O is distinct from monadic I/O: Clean I/O operates through multiple explicit environments threaded individually through a program using standard functional language constructs, whereas monadic I/O manipulates a single, implicit environment and provides special combinators for building program structures. Achten and Plasmeijer claim that Clean I/O has advantages over monadic I/O for various reasons: monadic I/O “creates a single spine of I/O operations and therefore over determines the order of evaluation”; “combining monads of different type is a rather tedious task which forms a serious practical restriction on its use”. These criticisms should certainly be taken seriously. However, the multiple explicit environment approach of Clean has its own problems. It leads to code which must be expressed in terms of many different versions of the states of the environments (as they are acted upon explicitly by successive side-effecting operations), and so suffers from an explosion of primed, double primed identifiers, and so on, for the different versions. This is a form of the familiar ‘plumbing’ problem that arises with stream I/O and related approaches (for example see [2]) — and the code can resemble a ball of spaghetti that must be unravelled. In this paper we will show that the Clean and monadic approaches to I/O merge nicely. The functionality provided by the Clean and its I/O libraries allows libraries for monadic I/O to be implemented. The paper presents an implementation of a basic I/O monad library in Clean that can serve for future development. Of course, the implementation is not as efficient as direct implementation of the monadic operations as the primitive I/O mechanism

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Experiences with Clean I/O

OpenEvents :: !*World -> (!EVENTS, !*World); CloseEvents :: !EVENTS !*World -> *World; freadc :: !*File -> (!Bool,!Char,!*File); fwritec :: !Char !*File -> *File

// Read a character // Write a character

Figure 1: Some Clean library functions (see [3]). In itself, the fact that the monadic approach can be implemented in Clean is unsurprising. However, some interesting technical difficulties arose during implementation of the monad; these and their solutions are discussed. This discussion and the monadic package are the principal contributions of this paper. The opportunity to express programs using the implicit environments of monadic I/O allows us to simplify Clean programs by removing some of the spaghetti, whilst retaining the generality of the explicit environments where it is the most appropriate approach. Firstly, we introduce the Clean I/O system and GUI interface briefly. Secondly, we show how typical Clean programs are constructed (using an example from the Clean 1.0 distribution, enhanced slightly). Thirdly, we show how the example could be revised if the monadic style were adopted, and we give the design of (a part of) a monadic I/O package in Clean. Fourthly, we look briefly at the interesting points and problems with Clean that arose during design of the monadic package. And finally, since the results presented here are only a partial exploration of the use of monadic structures in Clean, we look briefly at further work to be done.

2 The Clean I/O System In this section we present the basic characteristics of the Clean I/O system, and GUI interface construction and operation.

 Programs are sub-divided into the declarative GUI specification itself (a collection of graphical interface objects, and event handler functions associated with those objects), and the main program structure that sets up the GUI.  A World value encapsulates the event stream arising from a program’s interactive environment, and the state of the system’s file store. Event streams, file stores and individual files within the file store are essentially unique values: they must be used in a single threaded fashion within a program.  The main program is a function from an initial World to the final World — which contains the residual stream of events not consumed by the program, and the final (possibly modified) file store state. Typically, a main program will open the event stream and pass it to the GUI system invoked by StartIO. In addition, the file store, or one or more files, may be opened and supplied to StartIO as part of the user state manipulated by the GUI.  Library functions are provided for opening (extracting) and closing (replacing) the event stream (type EVENTS) and file store (type Files) in a World, and also for opening, closing and operating on individual files (type File) in a file store. Functions operating on opened files achieve their results by side-effect. Each expects to receive uniquely referenced object(s) and returns uniquely referenced object(s); further, each acts strictly, which ensures that the side-effects occur in a manifestly ordered way (the strictness annotations on their type signatures indicate this). Some examples are given in Figure 1, in which ! indicates strictness, and * indicates uniqueness. Thus, freadc (file read character) expects a unique reference to a fully evaluated file (all previous side effects effected), and returns the same.  A GUI system is a dynamic collection of devices: windows, menus, dialogues and timers. Each device has some internal state, a graphical appearance (except timers), and a collection of programmer defined event handler functions. The devices are encapsulated in an abstract, essentially unique IOState; this is created by StartIO from a given collection of device descriptors. Note that the World is distinct from the IOState, which needs only the event stream from the World. Library functions are provided that enable the event handlers to operate on the IOState to create, destroy, and alter the state of the individual devices. An extract of the window descriptor type and some operations are shown in Figure 2, in which s is the user state, io is an IOState.  The Clean run time system manages the GUI devices: events in the environment are translated into calls of the

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Experiences with Clean I/O

:: WindowDef *s *io = ScrollWindow WindowId WindowPos WindowTitle ScrollBarDef ... | FixedWindow WindowId WindowPos WindowTitle ... ; OpenWindows :: ![WindowDef s (IOState s)] !(IOState s) -> IOState s; DrawInWindow :: !WindowId ![DrawFunction] !(IOState s) -> IOState s;

Figure 2: The window descriptor type and some example operations

appropriate event handler functions. Event handlers are applied to, and must return, two unique state objects, a program specific user state, and the IOState; some events (for example, key presses) also provide additional argument(s) to the handler call. Each event handler application completes before the following event is handled. The event manager thus single-threads each of the states through the sequence of event handler calls. For example, an event handler specifying the action to be taken when a window is activated, deactivated or closed is of type: :: WindowFunction *s *io :== s -> *(io -> (s, io));

where s and io are as above. Thus, in designing a Clean program, we must exercise care in the main program with the single threading of the World, the event stream and files, and within each event handler function with the single threading of the IOState and the user state. The uniqueness checking is vital in managing this.

3 Programming Clean I/O — Basic Style We consider some program fragments based on a file to file copying demonstration program distributed with Clean 1.0; the full program is about 200 lines of Clean, including comments and white space. The program has a typical Macintosh interface: menu selections for copying and quitting, pop up file selection dialogue boxes, and a progress window for status during copying. The program fragments comprise the main program (the Start rule, which fires up the GUI system), and some code from within the Copy event handler (bound to the Copy menu entry in the menu descriptor). The user state is the file store (of type Files), and IO is a synonym for IOState Files. The Start rule (Figure 3) shows the basic single threading style: The argument world is threaded through OpenEvents, openfiles, closefiles and CloseEvents. We see 5 incarnations of world (though world3 and world4 could be eliminated). events are extracted from world, and are then threaded through StartIO and are returned to the world in CloseEvents; similarly for files, the file store. We see 2 incarnations of events and of files. The main action takes place in the GUI system executed within the call of StartIO, in response to the selection of “Copy” or “Quit” from the pull down menu. The event handler Quit signals that the GUI system should be terminated, and StartIO returns the final user state (the file store) and the residual event stream. The event handler Copy receives the user state (the file store) and the IOState, solicits two file names from the user (via special file selector dialogues acting through the IOState), and then calls CopyFile to perform the copy. Once partially applied to source and destination file names, CopyFile is precisely an event handler; it is shown in Figure 4. CopyFile opens two files in the file store, creates a new progress status window, calls CopyFiles to do the actual copying (which acts on the individual files and the progress window), and finally closes the two files. Once again we see the single threading at work, and the multiple versions: bearing in mind that the alerts are IOStates, we have 8 incarnations of io, 5 incarnations of files, 3 incarnations of the source file sfile, and 2 incarnations of the destination file dfile. Particularly irritating is that when we look up the length of sfile we obtain a ‘new version’ of sfile; this is necessary to guarantee single threading of the essentially unique file object, and also fixes the point in the computation that we look up the length, but the need to consider a new identifier is rather a diversion. In the next section we will show how to reorganize the Start rule using the monadic style.

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Experiences with Clean I/O

Start :: *World -> *World; Start world = world4; where { (events,world1 ) = OpenEvents world; (files ,world2) = openfiles world1; (files‘,events‘) = StartIO [MenuSystem [menu], WindowSystem [progresswindow]] files [] events; world3 = closefiles files‘ world2; world4 = CloseEvents events‘ world3; menu = PullDownMenu 1 "Copy" Able [MenuItem 1 "Copy..." (Key ’C’) Able Copy, MenuItem 2 "Quit" (Key ’Q’) Able Quit]; progresswindow = FixedWindow 1 ProgressWindowPos "Copy" ProgressInitWindowDomain (MkUpdateFn (CopyOrQuit "File copy")) []; };

Figure 3: File copying program Start rule CopyFile :: String String Files IO -> (Files,IO); CopyFile source dest files io | not sopen = (files1,alert1); | not dopen = (files2,alert2); | io_error = (files5,alert3); | not dclose = (files5,alert4); | not sclose = (files5,alert5); = (files5,io2); where { (sopen,sfile,files1) = fopen source FReadData files; (dopen,dfile,files2) = fopen dest FWriteText files1; (files3,io1) = SetProgressWindow source dest files2 io; (length,sfile‘) = FileLength sfile; (io_error,sfile‘‘,dfile‘,io2) = CopyFiles 0 (inc length) sfile‘ dfile io1; (dclose,files4) = fclose dfile‘ files3; (sclose,files5) = fclose sfile‘‘ files4; alert1 = Alert ["Source file could not be opened."] io; alert2 = Alert ["Destination file could not be opened."] io; alert3 = Alert ["An I/O error occurred during copying."] io2; alert4 = Alert ["Destination file could not be closed."] io2; alert5 = Alert ["Source file could not be closed."] io2; };

Figure 4: File copying event handler

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4 Programming Clean I/O — Monadic Style We consider the Start rule: here we need to manipulate a monad encapsulating an implicit state comprising the World, and the event stream extracted from it. We plan to import types and operations from a reasonably standard monadic package, the WorldMonad. The state definition is given below, and the full definition of WorldMonad is given in Appendix A; some of the details are discussed in the next section. The implicit state manipulated by the monad is a record: :: *WorldState = { theWorld :: *World, eventStream :: *EVENTS, eventsOpen :: Bool, filesOpen :: Bool };

The * decorating WorldState indicates that it is essentially unique: the uniqueness attribute is implicit in all occurrences of the type WorldState. The two state flags eventsOpen and filesOpen allow the monad operations to reject multiple attempts to extract the event stream and file store from theWorld. Action W x is the type of actions in the World monad, returning a value of type x. :: Action_W x :== !WorldState -> (x, !WorldState)

The strictness annotations on WorldState in Action W are not (strictly) necessary, but are conceptually tidy. The following monad operations are provided: Run W gets us into the monad, executing an Action W on a given world, and returning a pair comprising the action’s result and the final world (hence the snd in the new Start rule below). Then W, Bind W These are the standard “action followed by action”, with Bind W passing the result from the first action as argument to the second. The remaining operations correspond to the Clean I/O library functions used in the original Start rule, but now in the World monad setting: OpenEvents W, CloseEvents W These are responsible for extracting the event stream from, and reinstalling it in, theWorld. They return Void results. GetFiles W, PutFiles W These are responsible for extracting the file store from theWorld and vice versa. Since the file store is not held in the WorldState, GetFiles W returns the file store as its result, and PutFiles W expects it as its argument. StartIO W This creates the specified GUI system, supplies it with the event stream from the WorldState, replacing it with the resultant residual stream and returning the final user state as the action’s result. We can now rewrite the Start rule, as shown in Figure 5. We would argue that the operational structure of this code is clearer than the original Start rule: there is less text, there are fewer additional identifiers, and the reader does not have to trace the interdependence of a collection of where definitions in order to deduce the order of events. A similar technique could be applied to CopyFile, though it is more tricky as there are two files as well as the IOState and the file store to be threaded, and it is not clear whether threading them as a compound state is the appropriate solution. A more complex solution may be appropriate in general. Designing a monad for use within event handlers, and reorganizing CopyFile is on-going work. WorldMonad is not appropriate in this context, as event handlers are not concerned with the World, but instead with the user state and IOState.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Experiences with Clean I/O

Start :: *World -> *World; Start world = snd(Run_W CopyProgram world); CopyProgram :: Action_W Void; CopyProgram = OpenEvents_W Then_W GetFiles_W Bind_W (\files -> StartIO_W [MenuSystem [menu], WindowSystem [progresswindow]] files [] Bind_W (\files -> PutFiles_W files Then_W CloseEvents_W )); where { menu = PullDownMenu 1 "Copy" Able [MenuItem 1 "Copy..." (Key ’C’) Able Copy, MenuItem 2 "Quit" (Key ’Q’) Able Quit]; progresswindow = FixedWindow 1 ProgressWindowPos "Copy" ProgressInitWindowDomain (MkUpdateFn (CopyOrQuit "File copy")) []; };

Figure 5: Revised Start rule, using World monad

5 Discussion: Design Issues and Problems The reader should refer to the full module definition in Appendix A.


Design Issues

As designed, the World monad copes well with restructuring the Start rule of the file copying program. However, some design decision have been made that perhaps will need reviewing. Specifically, these concern the contents of the WorldState. This necessarily contains the World. It also contains the event stream extracted from it by OpenEvents W and a boolean flag to indicate that the stream has been extracted. Although the WorldState contains a flag indicating that the file store has been extracted from the World, the file store itself is not held in the WorldState; GetFiles W extracts the file store from the World, and returns it directly as its action result. The rationale for this asymmetric treatment is as follows:

 In the Clean I/O scheme, operations on the event stream are very limited: the stream may be opened and closed and handed to StartIO. Therefore it is retained in the WorldState as the program has no need to manipulate it explicitly, and StartIO W then knows exactly where to find it. It could be argued that there is no need for explicit operations OpenEvents W and CloseEvents W as StartIO W could do them implicitly — this would, of course, introduce even more asymmetry into the event stream and file store treatment.  On the other hand, most GUI-oriented programs need to remove the file store completely from the WorldState simply in order to build it into a program-specific state for use by the GUI system. Thus even if operations were provided to move the file store in and out of the World within the WorldState (similar to OpenEvents W and CloseEvents W), they would be of limited use, and operations allowing the program to manipulate the file store explicitly (like GetFiles W and PutFiles W) would still be needed. If programs needed significant file access outside their GUI component, then there would be reason to adopt the latter strategy mentioned above. Unfortunately the WorldMonad will probably be of no use in restructuring the CopyFile event handler, as it does not depend on the World, nor explicitly on the event stream. For GUI event handlers, a monad encapsulating the GUI system state and a customizable user state is probably what is required. It is in handlers like CopyFile that the greatest flexibility is required, and it is here that we are likely to encounter the greatest tension between the basic Clean and monadic approaches: either all state components remain in the monadic state (the file store, files, etc, much

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Experiences with Clean I/O

like Haskell 1.3 monadic I/O), possibly leading to an over-cumbersome state and over-sequentialization of the code, or some are extracted and explicitly ‘plumbed’ through the handler. The design decisions here are likely to be quite tricky, and currently remain as future work.


Implementation Problems

A number of interesting subtleties in the use of Clean 1.0, especially the type system, arose in implementing the WorldMonad module; solving them provided valuable lessons. Their solution introduced some apparent peculiarities in the form of the code, and exposed some possible problems with (the current release of) Clean itself.

 The form of many equations is a little unexpected. For example: (Then_W) infixr :: (Action_W Void) (Action_W .y) -> Action_W .y; (Then_W) a1 a2 = \world_st -> a2 (snd (a1 world_st)); where we might expect to see (Then_W) a1 a2 world_st = a2 (snd (a1 world_st)); The explicitly curried \world_st form is necessary as Clean verifies the ‘explicit’ arity of the type given in the type signature against the actual number of arguments in the equation (rewrite rule) — in this case it is 2 (rather than 3, which might be expected since Action W .y is function type). Note that this does not restrict the way in which the function is called. [Aside: As a bonus, the \world_st form enables the Clean code generator to optimize the tail call of a2. Without this the stack usage would, in general, be unbounded — a problem that bedevilled early tests of the WorldMonad code in which functions were not explicitly typed, and Then W was in the second form above. This is a subtle interaction between type checking, higher order functions and boxed and unboxed function results: in the first form of Then W, un-boxing code needs to be inserted after the call of a2, and thus that call is not in a tail call position. It is a not entirely satisfactory situation.]

 The types of the functions Run W, Then W, Bind W and Discard W have dot annotations on the type variables. The best example is: (Bind_W) infixr :: (Action_W .x)(.x->(Action_W .y))->Action_W .y; This is a simple form of uniqueness polymorphism: it means that x can be uniformly instantiated with a unique type or a non-unique (i.e. ‘not necessarily unique’) type, and similarly y. If the dots were absent, then the types would be non-unique, and although such a function could be applied to a unique argument (since unique is coercible to non-unique in this case), it could not guarantee a correspondingly unique result. Thus, in general, if the monad operations are to be used to single thread essentially unique values, the dots are required on x and y. In themselves, the functions would satisfy the uniqueness check without the dots, but then some applications of them would not be valid. For example, in the file copying program, the fragment GetFiles_W Bind_W (\files -> StartIO_W ... files ... ) requires that the type variable x in Bind W be dotted, as the file store (the result of GetFiles W) is essentially unique.

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Experiences with Clean I/O

 The uniqueness polymorphism problem arises in a harder form in Unit W, which must have the type: Unit_W :: v:x -> v:Action_W v:x; For the reasons in the previous point, the type variable x must at least be dotted. However, in this case it is not enough: the function’s type specification itself will not satisfy the uniqueness check. The reason is that Unit W may be partially applied to an essentially unique value (remember that Action W x is a function type); the closure formed must preserve the uniqueness of the value now embedded within it, i.e. the closure itself must not become multiply referenced. Therefore, the Action W x must be treated as at least as unique as x. This is specified by annotating x with a uniqueness variable v, and also using this for the Action W. Thus, if Unit W is applied to a non-unique x, the Action W closure will be non-unique, whereas if it is applied to a unique x, the Action W closure will be unique and may only used in a unique context. There is an additional uniqueness * in the type of PutFiles W for a similar reason: Files is essentially unique (see Figure 6).

 A WorldState is a record. Each of the World monad operations is applied to a unique WorldState and returns a WorldState differing from its argument in one or more fields. Clean contains a special record contruction syntax for such record “updating” (and, if uniqueness checks are satisfied, code can be generated to destructively update the record — although the compiler currently does not do this). Figure 6 shows how this may be used neatly in PutFiles W. PutFiles_W :: Files -> *Action_W Void; PutFiles_W files = \world_st -> if world_st.filesOpen (Void_val, {world_st & theWorld = closefiles files world_st.theWorld, filesOpen = False}) (abort "Abort PutFiles_W: Files not open");

Figure 6: PutFiles W expressed as a record update However, the uniqueness checker is currently not flexible enough to accept all the operations in the module expressed this way — it is sometimes unable to detect that the essentially unique field values are being used in a single threaded way. For consistency of presentation, the record update syntax is ignored here.

6 Summary and Further Work We have shown how the features of Clean 1.0 and its I/O libraries lead to a basic style of program construction in which one deals with a multiplicity of versions of abstract I/O object states; a good deal of ‘plumbing’ has to be unravelled in order to understand large segments of code. In order to alleviate this problem we have explored how a monadic approach can be adopted to simplify the non-GUI aspects of program construction. A complete ‘World’ monad module is given, and some of the design decisions are discussed: for the application given, which is typical in many ways, the given WorldMonad works well, but it may be argued that a different choice of system and I/O objects should be in the implicit state threaded by the monad. The World monad is still being developed. A number of interesting subtleties in the use of Clean 1.0, especially the type system, were exposed in implementing the WorldMonad module. When dealing extensively with uniquely typed objects, if the type signatures of functions are to be given (as they must be if they are to be exported from a module), and are to be as precise as possible, then they may require annotating with uniqueness information in a way that is not immediately obvious before being acceptable to the type checker. Within Clean GUI system event handler functions the problem is harder. It is here that we are likely to encounter the greatest tension between the basic Clean and monadic approaches: flexible, explicit ‘plumbing’ versus an all-inclusive monadic state. The best way forward is not clear, and is likely to be a careful hybrid approach. The design decisions

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Experiences with Clean I/O

here are likely to be quite tricky, and this is the main area for further work. The investigation of a monadic approach for the event handler functions promises to expose more of the different approaches’ strengths and weaknesses.

7 References [1] Peter Achten and Rinus Plasmeijer. The ins and outs of Clean I/O. Journal of Functional Programming, 5:81–110, 1995. [2] Simon B Jones and Andrew F Sinclair. Functional programming and operating systems. The Computer Journal, 32(2):162–174, April 1989. [3] Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler. Imperative functional programming. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages, pages 71–84. ACM, January 1993. [4] Rinus Plasmeijer and Marko van Eekelen. Functional Programming and Parallel Graph Rewriting. AddisonWesley, 1993. [5] Philip Wadler. The essence of functional programming. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 1992.

A WorldMonad.icl (The definition module WorldMonad.dcl is omitted. All functions are exported, and Action W x is exported as an abstract type. WorldState, Void val and EmptyWorldState are private.) implementation module WorldMonad; import StdEnv, deltaEventIO, deltaIOSystem; :: *WorldState = { theWorld :: *World, eventStream :: *EVENTS, eventsOpen :: Bool, filesOpen :: Bool }; :: Action_W x :== !WorldState -> (x, !WorldState); // The World monad implementing type Void_val :: Void; Void_val = abort "Attempt to access void world monad result"; EmptyWorldState :: WorldState; EmptyWorldState = { theWorld = abort "Abort: No world available", eventStream = abort "Abort: Events not open", eventsOpen = False, filesOpen = False }; Run_W :: (Action_W .x) !*World -> (.x, !*World); Run_W program world = (x, world‘) where { (x, {theWorld = world‘}) = program {EmptyWorldState & theWorld = world }; }; Done_W :: Action_W Void; Done_W = \world_st -> (Void_val, world_st); Unit_W :: v:x -> v:Action_W v:x;

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Experiences with Clean I/O

Unit_W x = \world_st -> (x, world_st); (Then_W) infixr :: (Action_W Void) (Action_W .y) -> Action_W .y; (Then_W) a1 a2 = \world_st -> a2 (snd (a1 world_st)); (Bind_W) infixr :: (Action_W .x)(.x->(Action_W .y))->Action_W .y; (Bind_W) a1 a2 = \world_st -> case a1 world_st of { (x, world_st‘) -> a2 x world_st‘; }; (Discard_W) infixr :: (Action_W .x) (Action_W .y) -> Action_W .y; (Discard_W) a1 a2 = \world_st -> a2 (snd (a1 world_st)); OpenEvents_W :: Action_W Void; OpenEvents_W = \{theWorld,eventStream,eventsOpen,filesOpen} -> if eventsOpen (abort "Abort OpenEvents_W: Event stream already open") (case OpenEvents theWorld of { (events,world‘) -> (Void_val, {theWorld = world‘, eventStream = events, eventsOpen = True, filesOpen = filesOpen}); }); CloseEvents_W :: Action_W Void; CloseEvents_W = \{theWorld,eventStream,eventsOpen,filesOpen} -> if eventsOpen (Void_val, {theWorld = CloseEvents eventStream theWorld, eventStream = abort "Abort: Events not open", eventsOpen = False, filesOpen = filesOpen}) (abort "Abort CloseEvents_W: Events not open"); GetFiles_W :: Action_W Files; GetFiles_W = \{theWorld,eventStream,eventsOpen,filesOpen} -> if filesOpen (abort "Abort GetFiles_W: Files already open") (case openfiles theWorld of { (files,world‘) -> (files, {theWorld = world‘, eventStream = eventStream, eventsOpen = eventsOpen, filesOpen = True}); }); PutFiles_W :: Files -> *Action_W Void; PutFiles_W files = \{theWorld,eventStream,eventsOpen,filesOpen} -> if filesOpen (Void_val, {theWorld = closefiles files theWorld, eventStream = eventStream, eventsOpen = eventsOpen, filesOpen = False}) (abort "Abort PutFiles_W: Files not open");

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995


Experiences with Clean I/O

StartIO_W :: !(IOSystem *s (IOState *s)) !*s !(InitialIO *s) -> *Action_W !*s; StartIO_W iosystem initprogstate initialio = \{theWorld,eventStream,eventsOpen,filesOpen} -> if eventsOpen (case StartIO iosystem initprogstate initialio eventStream of { (finalstate, eventStream‘) -> (finalstate, {theWorld = theWorld, eventStream = eventStream‘, eventsOpen = eventsOpen, filesOpen = filesOpen}); }) (abort "Abort StartIO_W: Events not open");

Functional Programming, Glasgow 1995