Foundations of Science and Mathematics

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Foundations of Science and Mathematics

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Foundations of Science and Mathematics By





Peter W olff Preface by Curtis Wilson, Dean St. John's College, Annapolis, 1aryland


E N C Y C L O P .tE D I A B R I T A N N I C A , I N C. Chicago




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present Reading Plan proposes a path to liberal education in science. The role of modern science in liberal education is the subject of widespread and intensive discussion. What should that role be? Decade by decade, the pace of research in the physical and biophysical sciences is accelerating; and decade by decade, the picture of the world which results from such research becomes stranger, more esoteric, more complicated. There is even a certain justification in saying that the picture becomes less and less a picture, less and less an imaginable model of what is, and more a set of complicated mathematical formulas connected with a set of complicated procedures for getting results. Meanwhile the results, and the pace at which the results come in, have become matters of political and economic urgency. It is widely recognized that more and more scientists, engineers, and technicians must be trained; that more and more time, cash, patience, and imagination have to be put in the service of scientific development. \ Vhat is ultimately at stake is the survival of national communities adhering to the principles of democracy and free inquiry. Lack of immediate intelligibility in science itself and the urgency of continued and accelerated scientific developmentthese are probably the principal facts which confront the nonscientist when he thinks about science. Both facts present themselves as external, hard necessities; neither fact, the nonV



scientist may be inclined to add, seems to touch the nerve of our lives. The present Reading Plan has an aim quite different from any that these facts are likely to suggest. It does not try to bring the layman up to date in science, nor try to help meet the national emergency. Important as these aims are, we have to say that liberal education has an aim which is essentially different and which must claim an ultimate priority. The classical statement about liberal education is in Book VII of Plato's Republic. There Socrates tells Glaucon why the future rulers of the best state must be required to study mathematics: "I am amused, I said, at your fear of the world, which makes you guard against the appearance of insisting upon useless studies; and I quite admit the difficulty of believing that in every man there is an eye of the soul which, when by other pursuits lost and dimmed, is by these purified and re-illumined; and is more precious far than ten thousand bodily eyes, for by it alone is truth seen." Socrates does not deny the practical utility of mathematics, although he could not have dreamed of the modem mathematical science of nature, or of the continuous transformation of our lives which it effects with ever-increasing speed. Nor is it possible to deny today that a better understanding of science by those in positions of authority and responsibility, as well as by those who shape opinion, would be immensely practical, and would strengthen those rational elements in our civic life which make for orderly development of a free society. But what Socrates is pointing out is what has always been recognized in the Western b·adition, whether tacitly or explicitly, as the central aim of liberal education: the freeing_ of the mind through the discipline of wonder. A plan of education is liberal just insofar as it recognizes the centrality of this aim. One requirement of liberal education in science should thus be clear. Liberal learning in the sciences is primarily concerned neither with the factual data uncovered by science nor with the hypotheses and theories which form its body; it is rather concerned with the artifices of the human mind and



hand which help us to transcend the factual by reducing it to universal principles. Information is necessary but not sufficient; the mind must be encouraged and guided to think through to the roots of scientific ideas. The present Reading Plan provides an introduction to nine major works of the scientific revolution of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, as well as to five ancient works which were among the sources from which that revolution stemmed. The study and exploration of these works are no mere antiquarian ventures. They lead us back to the roots of the present-day concepts and hypotheses of science. Present-day science has a branched and storied structure, and every scientific concept contains within it sedimented layers of meaning. If we consider, for instance, the concept of the electron and seek its meaning, we are led back to Faraday's investigation of electrolysis, and to J. J. Thomson's study of the deflection of cathode rays acted upon by electric and magnetic fields. Faraday found that the weight of a metal deposited in electrolysis is proportional to the amount of electricity employed, and, in fact, that the amount of electricity required to deposit a given number of atoms of any metal is always the same or else a small whole-number multiple of the unit quantity. Since all chemical substances were regarded as consisting of atoms, he hypothesized that electricity was also atomic in character, that is, made up of discrete unit charges. This result depends, then, on the prior development of an atomic theory of matter, and on the prior development of means measuring quantity and intensity of electricity. Thomson's study, on the other hand, demonstrated that a cathode ray, issuing from the negative plate of a vacuum tube and consisting of negative electric charge, was deflected by electric and magnetic forces. But what is acted upon by forces must, according to Newton's laws, have mass; so the unit quantity of negative electricity acquires a mass and becomes what we today call the electron. Thomson's result thus depends on the vast construction which is Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. To accept the electron as somehow on a par with and alongside rocks and trees and tables and chairs



is to commit what Alfred North Whitehead calls "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness." To understand the concept is to trace it to its roots in observation, experimentation, and theoryconstruction-the playful but exacting game of science. The unearthing of presuppositions and of buried meanings carries us back beyond Newton to the first deductive science of all, the science of geometry, which has its faraway origins in the everyday techniques of the surveyor and the carpenter, and which appears as a full-fledged, pure science-an artful arrangement of assumptions and proofs-in the Elements of Euclid. Fundamental to the vast project conceived by the seventeenth-century innovators was the notion of the geometrization of nature, the notion of nature as a book written in geometrical characters. This notion is a new version of the ancient faith of Pythagoras and Nicomachus in mathematics as the divine science, the science of the eternal patterns in and behind all things. It is the work of Copernicus which sets the new science on its way. What Copernicus effects is simply a geometrical transformation of Ptolemy's planetary system, the interchange of a circle here and there. He does this partly from classical motives, to preserve the principle of uniform circular motion where Ptolemy had been forced to depart from it, and partly to account for otherwise unexplained correlation between the periods of the planetary anomalies and the solar year. But Copernicus' later followers, such as Kepler, find something strangely fascinating in the motion of the earth, which claims their adherence even before there is satisfactory evidence for its truth. Man is now a world traveler, who sees his motions projected into the sky and thus becomes the measure of all things. The Copernican revolution leaves unsolved problems in its wake. In particular, Copernicus was unable to answer satisfactorily Ptolemaic objections to the motion of the earth. What is required here is a new physics of terrestrial motion; and it is above all Galileo who, working along Archimedean lines, undertakes to fill this need. Kepler seeks to construct a celestial mechanics in which material pushes and pulls and divinely



imposed harmonies are oddly mLxed; and in the course of trying to verify celestial harmonies of number and distance he discovers the three laws of planetary motion. Finally, Newton weaves a single pattern from these diverse threads, a system of the world. To follow the strands of this scientific development in detail, to trace out the ways in which facts, assumptions, principles, and mathematical proofs interlock, is to engage in the activity of human reason where it has operated with most obvious success. It is also to dispel, in some measure, the apparent unintelligibility of science for the nonscientist. And finally, it is to make an important beginning in the task of recovering our sense of the unity and wonder of the world, and of the human mind which seeks by observation and logic and artifice to comprehend that world. If the present Reading Plan, with its carefully thought out analyses and questions, help some persons to realize these aims, it will have amply fulfilled its purpose. CURTIS \VILsoN, Dean, St. John's College, Annapolis, ·Maryland



Reading Plan deals with problems in the fields of mathematics and physicial science. For most readers it is probably a good idea to begin reading in the Great Books of the Western World with the plan entitled "A General Introduction to the Great Books." However, it is not necessary to have read the introductory plan, or any other reading plan, before beginning to use this one. Each Reading Plan in the entire series is designed to be used independently of all the others. How to use the Reading Plan. The Reading Plan contains three major parts: (1) A list of readings; (2) Guides to each of the readings; and (3) Suggestions for additional readings. 1. The Reading List. There are fifteen readings. You should take about two weeks for each reading. The length and difficulty of each reading are designed for that period. 2. The Guides. These should prove most helpful to the reader of Great Books of the W estem World who is going it alone, without teacher, discussion leader, or other study aids. The purpose of the guide is to help you get started on an assignment and to make your reading more meaningful to you. Here you will find the highlights of the reading assignment pointed out, often by quotation. Difficult passages are discussed and explained. The structure of the whole book is considered and the individual parts related to it. There is usually some comment on the form and style of the book being studied. Wherever it is relevant, attention is paid to the xi



background or historical circumstances under which the book was written, but these matters are less important for the books in this Reading Plan than for those in some of the other plans. Special problems are presented to you, the critical reader, to think about. These problems are not questions that can be answered by repeating what the text has said. The statement of a problem is followed by a brief discussion which illuminates the problem, indicates some of the possible answers, and emphasizes the importance of the question. Some readers will be satisfied simply to read the problems, and to give them some thought. Others may want to write out answers to them. The questions cannot be answered by a mere "yes" or "no," or "true" or "false." Each problem requires real analysis, and several paragraphs or even an essay may be required for the answer. Since there is no "right" answer to these questions, and since their main purpose is to stimulate some thought about the reading matter, you alone will be able to check and judge your answer. Each guide concludes with a section entitled SELF-TESTING QUESTIONS. This section gives you an opportunity to check the thoroughness of your reading. Here you will find a series of questions about the reading. The questions are factual; the information asked for is found in the reading. The right answer can, therefore, be simply indicated by reference to a page or pages from the reading assignment. In order to give you an opportunity to check yourself, the correct references are given on pages 223-224. 3. The Additional Readings. These give you an opportunity to delve more deeply into the subjects treated in this Reading Plan. We have tried especially to recommend classics of science and mathematics, that is, works or parts of works that are on a level with those in the Reading Plan, and contemporary works that will give you some notion of important current problems in the fields of physical science and mathematics and how they are being treated.

II It is obvious that an attempt to study science and mathematics with the help of Great Books of the Western World,



but without teachers, without the aid of modem textbooks, and without the opportunity of laboratory experimentation faces special difficulties. Let us make clear, therefore, what we are trying to accomplish in this Reading Plan and, at the same time, what we are not trying to do. The reader ,,ill thus be able to tell what he can and cannot expect to gain from the use of the Reading Plan. A glance at the reading list shows that the assignments afford a partial survey of the historical development of science. Nevertheless, in this Reading Plan, we are not interested in the history of science as such. The development of science is fascinating; but here we are concerned with the history of science only incidentally. Though Great Books of the YVestem "\Vorld afford us a good cross-section of important scientific writings, this set of books does not contain anything like a full record of them. The accelerating pace of scientific progress, especially since 1800, has been such that it was possible to include in the set only a fraction of the number of great scie:1tific works. This Reading Plan uses the study of the history of science merely as a means to another end. That end is the study of scientific method and reasoning. Books have been written, of course, that deal \\ith nothing but scientific method. Some are excellent works. (See, for example, Poincare's Science and H ypothesis, recommended in the Additional Readings.) But for the most part the best way to become acquainted with the methods of science is to read what the great scientists themseh-es have to say about their discoveries-how they came to make them, how they interpreted them, and by what reasoning they arriYed at their conclusions concerning them. Sometimes, the great scientists comment on their methods, but Yery often such commentary is lacking. Archimedes has nothing to say about method in his work on the principle of the lever. \ Vhile Pascal and Xe"ton are more self-conscious about their procedures and make at least a few remarks about the methods they use, it is true in their case also that we learn more from what they do than from what they say about the methods they employ. "Scientific method" is a catch phrase, covering almost any-



thing that a scientist does. But in this Reading Plan the reader's attention should be focused on a few factors that recur consistently in scientific work. They are (1) the role of experiment and observation, (2) the method of induction, and (3) the role of hypothesis. We shall briefly comment on each of these three in order to give the reader a better notion of what to look for in the readings he is about to undertake. I. Experiment and observation. These factors are obviously basic to scientific method. The following questions, all of which are raised in the guides to the readings, reveal some of the problems involved. What is the difference between experiment and observation? Are there any sciences that rely exclusively on the one or on the other of these? What is a controlled experiment? In such an experiment, who controls what? Are experiments or observations necessary in all sciences? What is the role of common sense and common experience? What is the importance of measurement in an experiment? Does the application of mathematics to experimental findings always depend on the making of measurements? Are experiment and observation based on theories of causation? Do they involve theories of probability? Does an experiment ever prove anything? Does it ever disprove anything? 2. Induction. In general, this term refers to the process whereby from one or a few instances a general law of nature is derived. Some kind of induction, therefore, must be involved in the discovery of any law of nature, whether it is Archimedes' law of the lever or Newton's law of universal gravitation. The subject of induction is notoriously beset with thorny problems. Here are some of them. Is induction a valid process of acquiring knowledge? Is it a process of logical reasoning or merely a happy propensity of the human mind? Does it lead to "universal laws" or merely to "probable generalizations"? Does the number of experiments performed increase the probability of an inductive generalization? Is the law relating to the fall of heavy bodies more firmly established now than it was in Newton's time because of the additional times that heavy bodies have been observed to fall?



Does the inductive process need justification? If so, what is involved in its justification? Is it possible to do? What is the role of a "crucial experiment" in inductive reasoning? 3. Hypothesis. This term refers to tentative formulations that are made to explain experimental facts. Hypothesis, induction, and experimentation and observation usually occur together in any scientific inquiry. They cannot easily be kept separate. All experimentation and observation is based, to a certain extent, on the experimenter's hypothesis about what he will find; and induction often results in the verification of a hypothesis. Some of the questions about hypotheses that the reader should ask himself are as follows. Does scientific work always involve hypotheses, or only sometimes? What does it mean to verify a hypothesis? At what point does a hypothesis arise? Is it possible to have different hypotheses concerning the same set of facts? How does one decide in favor of one rather than another hypothesis? Are natural laws hypotheses? Does the use of hyp otheses in science throw doubt on the validitv of scientific conclusions? These and similar questions cdncerning scientific method will be relevant to all the readings in the Plan, and the reader who keeps them in mind as he studies the assignments will be able to deFive the maximum benefit from the readings. II I

There are other questions which we should keep in mind for the purely mathematical readings, such as Euclid's Elements. In these books, too, we are interested in method more than in content, but the method and the questions that arise concerning it are different. A sampling follows. vVhat is a mathematical demonstration? What is the logical relationship between the different parts of a mathematical proof? What is an axiom? Can there be more than one correct way of proving a mathematical proposition? Is a mathematical proposition, if demonstrated, necessarily true? Do geometrical propositions require diagrams for the proof? \Vhat is the role of definitions in mathematical proof? Is mathematics based on common sense? How is mathematics applicable to natural phenomena?



IV A few words remain to be said about what we are rwt trying to accomplish in this Reading Plan. Full realization of this may save the reader some disappointment. We are not trying to give the reader the fundamental facts in the sciences of astronomy, physics, or chemistry. Nor are we attempting to give the reader a brief course in geometry, or in any other branch of mathematics. The reasons for our inability to teach the content of a science should be obvious. Sciences like physics and chemistry have become so complex and progress in them has become so rapid that even the greatest of the great scientific books have been left far behind. This does not mean that everything contained in the great books of science is false; many of the discoveries of the great scientists are still valid. Archimedes' law of the lever and Galileo's law of falling bodies are still found in any physics textbook, but much has been added to scientific Imowledge beyond these laws. And, of course, there are some theories and statements in the older scientific works that are now known to be false. Falsity is not a problem in the mathematical works. The truths demonstrated by the ancients are still acknowledged to be h·ue. But modern mathematical theory has developed far beyond the ancients. From the modern point of view, Euclid, for example, is at best a very incomplete exposition of geometry. What remains worth studying are exactly those things to which we propose to pay attention in this Reading Plan: the methods which the scientist and the mathematician employ. These methods, together with reflections concerning the nature of physical science and mathematics, constitute the primary subject matter of the assignments to follow. Attention will also necessarily be paid to the discoveries of the scientists, since we cannot understand their methods except in the context of the discoveries they made by their use.


Preface Foreword A Npte on Reference Style The Reading List First Reading: EUCLID Elem ents Guide to First Reading Self-Testing Questions Second Reading: EUCLID Elem ents Guide to Second Reading Self-Testing Questions Third Reading: ARCHIMEDES On the Equilibrium of Planes Guide to Third Reading Self-Testing Questions Fourth Reading: NICO~IACHUS Introduction to Arithmetic Guide to Fourth Reading Self-Testing Questions Fifth Reading: ARCHIMEDES On Floating Bodies Guide to Fifth Reading Self-Testing Questions Sixth Reading: PTOLEMY The Almagest Guide to Sixth Reading Self-Testing Questions Seventh Reading: COPERNICUS On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres Guide to Seventh Reading Self-Testing Questions xvii

v xi xix

xxi 1 3 17 19 21 32 33

35 46 47 49 60 61 63 73 75 77 90 91 93 103



Eighth Reading: KEPLER Epitome of Copernican Astron~y Guide to Eighth Reading Self-Testing Questions Ninth Reading: GALILEO The Two New Sciences Guide to Ninth Reading Self-Testing Questions Tenth Reading: BACON Nomt1n Organum Guide to Tenth Reading Self-Testing Questions Eleventh Reading: PASCAL Account of the Great Experiment Concerning the Equilibrium of Fluids Guide to Eleventh Reading Self-Testing Questions Twelfth Reading: NEWTON Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Guide to Twelfth Reading Self-Testing Questions Thirteenth Reading: NE~ON Optics Guide to Thirteenth Reading Self-Testing Questions Fourteenth Reading: HUYGENS Treatise on Light Guide to Fourteenth Reading Self-Testing Questions Fifteenth Reading: LAVOISIER Elements of Chemistry Guide to Fifteenth Reading Self-Testing Questions Answers Additional Readings


107 115 117 119 131 133 135 146 147 149 160 161 163 177 179 181 191 193 195 209 211 213 222 223 225


In referring to Great Books the same style is used as in the Syntopicon. Pages are cited by number and section. In books that are printed in single column, "a" and "b" refer to the upper and lower half of the page. In books that are printed in double column, "a" and "b" refer to the upper and lower half of the left column, "c" and "d" to the upper and lower half of the right column. For example, "Vol. 53, p. 210b" refers to the lower half of page 210, since Vol. 53, James' s Principles of Psychology, is printed in single column. But "Vol. 7, p. 202b" refers to the lower left quarter of page 202, since Vol. 7, Plato's Dialogues, is printed in double column.





1 EuCLID, Elements, Book I, Definitions, Postulates, Common Notions, Prop. 1-26. Vol. 11, pp. 1-17. 2 EucLID, Elements, Book I, Prop. 27-48. Vol. 11, pp. 17-29. 3 ARCHU.IEDES, On th e Equilibrium of Planes, Book I, Prop.

1-7. Vol. 11, pp. 502-504. 4 Nrcm.rAcHUs, Introduction to Arithmetic, Book I, Ch. 1-16. Vol. 11, pp. 811-821.


On Floating Bodies, Book I, Postulate 1, Prop. 538-541. pp. 11, 1-7. Vol.


6 PTOLEMY, The Almagest, Book I, Ch. 1-8; Book III, Ch.

3-4. Vol. 16, pp. 5-14, 86-96.

7 CoPERNrcus, On the Revolutions of the H eavenly Spheres, Introduction and Book I, Ch. 1-11. Vol. 16, pp. 505-532. 8 KEPLER, Epitome of Copernican Astronom.y , Selections from Books IV and V. Vol. 16, pp. 845-853, 857-860, 887888, 907-908, 928-933, 964-967, 983-985. 9 GALILEO, The Two New Sciences, Third Day, Selections.

Vol. 28, pp. 197-208. xxi



10 BACON, Novum Organum, Preface, Book I, Aph. 1-65; Book II, Aph. 1-20. Vol. 30, pp. 105-114, 137-153. 11 PASCAL, Account of the Great Experiment Concerning the Equilibrium of Fluids. Vol. 33, pp. 382-389. 12 NEWTON, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Prefaces, Definitions, Axioms; Book III, Rules, General Scholium. Vol. 34, pp. 1-24, 270-271, 369-372. 13 NEWTON, Optics, Book I, Part I, Definitions, Axioms, Prop. 1-2; Book III, Part I, Queries 27-31. Vol. 34, pp. 379-404, 525-544. 14 HUYGENS, Treat-ise on Light, Preface, Ch. I-IV. Vol. 34, pp. 551-578. 15 LAVOISIER, Elements of Chemistry, Preface, Part I, Ch. IVIII. Vol. 45, pp. 1-33.

First Reading


Elements Book I Definitions, Postulates, Common Notions, Prop. 1-26 Vol. 11, pp. 1-17

Geometry is the study of the mathematical properties of space. It investigates certain qualities of figures such as size, shape, distance, and congruence (equality). At first glance, this may seem abstract and irrelevant to human concerns, without any relation to concrete existence. But if we think a bit, we see that this is simply not true, for geometry has something to say about anything that exists or can exist in space. The word itself, meaning "earth measurement," indicates the quite earthy and practical origin of the science in ancient Egypt and Babylonia. The Greeks developed this early empirical study into the abstract, demonstrative science which most of us studied in high school. Euclid's Elements is the fruit of this development. It is the classic textbook of Greek geometry, which has 1



served as the basis of study for over twenty centuries. It is a model of clear and orderly presentation. The Elements is really elementary. It has the classic simplicity and order that so often characterize a great work which summarizes generations or centuries of study. You do not have to be a mathematical wizard in order to follow Euclid. Normal intelligence and close attention are all that is needed to learn or relearn the elements of Euclidean geometry.



First Reading

I In reading Book I of Euclid's Elements, which has an intricate structure involving 23 definitions, 5 postulates, 5 common notions, and 48 propositions, one can easily lose sight of the whole, or perhaps, never even succeed in seeing the whole at all. The sense of unity is further diminished by the fact that the reader is not likely to read the book through quickly. Our first effort, therefore, will be to indicate the sense in which Book I of the Elements is a meaningful whole. The reader can help himself to see the structure and unity of Book I by leafing through it and getting a general idea of its contents. This need not involve a detailed reading of the proofs of the propositions, but only a glance at the propositions themselves and at the accompanying diagrams. If we wished to give a title to this first book, we might well call it "Concerning Triangles and Parallelograms." These two kinds of figures are the main subjects discussed. A few other matters are touched on, but only in an incidental way. The book can roughly be divided as follows. Propositions 1-26 deal with triangles; Propositions 27-32, with parallel lines; and Propositions 33-48, with parallelograms. The middle series of propositions, numbers 27-32, provides the transition from triangles to parallelograms. Their transitional character does not lessen the importance of these propositions. On the contrary, the theory of parallel lines is among the most important contributions of Euclid. Another way of grasping the unity of these 48 propositions consists in realizing what is not here. In general, the subject 3



of Book I is plane geometry, but certain aspects of this subject are not treated bv Euclid in Book I. There is, for instance, hardly any mentfon of circles and their properties; Euclid treats this subject in Book III. A more significant omission is the lack of concern with measurement in Book I. There is occasional reference to the fact that something is greater than something else, but there is no attempt to indicate how much greater. All measurement of quantities involves ratios and proportions. Euclid treats ratios and proportions in Book V of the Elements, and geometrical measurement in Book VI. We can further refine our description of the subject of Book I by saying that it is concerned only with the equalities and inequalities of triangles and parallelograms.

II If we look at Book I in detail, we find that Proposition 1 is preceded by three other sections, entitled "Definitit,ns," "Postulates," and "Common Notions." It is not difficult to see why the definitions are placed first. Before Euclid can tell us anything about triangles, circles, and so on, he must tell us what these objects are. However, there are some difficulties about particular definitions. Consider the first definition, for instance, "A point is that which has no part." Does this definition succeed in telling us what a point is? It gives us some idea of what a point is not. For example, it is not a dot, nor a mark on a piece of paper, such as we find in the diagrams accompanying the propositions. Any such physical mark clearly has parts. They may be small, but they are still parts. Anything of any size, no matter how small, can be divided further, and so the only conclusion which we can come to with respect to a point is that it has no size at all. It is dimensionless. But this does not tell us what a point is. On the contrary, the definition seems capable of being interpreted in such a way that a point is nothing. For if I say that a point is something, I always meet the difficulty that anything has parts. Only nothing is without parts. Yet Euclid clearly means to be


Elements 5

talking about something that has geometrical reality, not about nothing. The first definition is not the only one that presents difficulties. The second definition is just as puzzling: "A line is breadthless length." Here again the definition serves to disabuse us of any notion which we may have had that a line, as Euclid understands it, is the same as a line drawn with pencil on a piece of paper. Any such line will, of course, have some breadth, no matter how sharp the pencil with which it is drawn. But on the positive side we do not gain much understanding of "line" when we are told that it is length without breadth, or that a line is one-dimensional (just as a point was a non-dimensional). Definition 4 is also a difficult one to understand: "A straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on itself." The definition may be perfectly adequate. It is, however, not at all clear that "evenly" is any less in need of a definition than "straight." Other definitions of a straight line are possible. Plato, in the Parmenides, gives this definition of it: " ... the straight is that of which the centre intercepts the view of the extremes." (See Vol. 7, p. 492b). You have also undoubtedly heard a straight line defined as "the shortest distance between two points." The obscurity of the definitions which we have so far considered, together with the multiplicity of definitions for one and the same thing, points to a general problem about definitions. Not everything can be defined. And the attempt to define what can not or need not be defined often results in greater obscurity than there would be if the attempt were not made. It is easy to see that any science, such as geometry, must begin with certain undefined terms. For any definition of a term always makes use of other terms. ow these terms may themselves be in need of a definition; but if they are defined, their definition will involve still other terms. These terms again will either have a definition, or else they must remain



undefined. No matter how many definitions we make, there can be no end to definition-making, unless we are content to leave some terms undefined. The presence of undefined terms can be detected in the definitions to which we have already called attention. Definition 4-"A straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on itself'-utilizes the terms "line," "point,'' and "evenly." Now line has been defined in Definition 2 as "breadthless length," while point was said in Definition 1 to be "that which has no part." But this still leaves "evenly" undefined; furthermore, Definitions 1 and 2 also contain undefined terms. Thus, in Definition 2 we are not told what '1ength" is, while Definition 1 leaves us in the dark about the notion of "part." The foregoing suggests the following question. If, in any science, there must always be undefined terms, what criteria determine which terms are to be undefined? \Vith respect to Euclid's Elements, we can ask more specifically: Did Euclid leave the correct terms undefined, or would some other choice have been better? Would it, for instance, have been just as good-or better-to have left point and line undefined? In any case, one conclusion from these considerations is that, if Euclid's work were arranged in a truly systematic fashion, then the section "Definitions" would be preceded by another section entitled "Undefined Terms," which would list such terms as '.' part," "breadth," ''length," "even," "lying on," and many others.

I II The next two sections, "Postulates" and "Common Notions," are very much shorter than the section entitled "Definitions." But they are no less important. It is perhaps rather easy to understand what common notions are. (They are sometimes also called "axioms.") Looking at the five common notions that Euclid states, we have no trouble in assenting to the truth of the statements. The ease with which their truth is recognized is the special character-


Elements 7

istic of common notions. They are self-evident. By this we mean that when the terms involved in their statement are understood, then the truth of the statements is also understood. It might also be pointed out that one of the common notions-about whole and part-reveals to us our intuitive understanding of one of the terms Euclid left undefined. What are the "postulates"? It is obvious that they are not uniform, but fall into two groups. The first three postulates declare that something is possible or can be done-a straight line can be drawn; it can be extended; and circles can be drawn. The last two postulates, however, are propositions which appear to assert that something is true, namely that all right angles are equal, and that two lines will meet if certain rather complicated conditions are fulfilled. Just because the fifth postulate is so complicated, it has traditionally been the subject of much discussion and the source of much trouble. \Ve shall return to this famous postulate later. First, however, let us investigate postulates as such. ,vhat do they do, and why are they needed? \Vhy, for instance, is it necessary to state that a circle can be drawn with any center and any radius? Is there any doubt about this? Is it not obvious that circles can be drawn? The reply is that it is not obvious that circles can be drawn. The third postulate, therefore, "demands" from the reader his assent to the geometric possibility of drawing them. To understand the need for the demand, we must remember that the circles Euclid talks about are not circles on a piece of paper. The boundary of a circle is a line, that is, breadthless length; and a circle is a plane figure, which means a figure without thickness. These conditions, drawn from the definitions, assure us that Euclid is not talking about material figures, but rather about certain ideal figures. Consequently, it is irrelevant that there are such things as wmpasses which enable us to draw visible circles on paper. The circles that Euclid is concerned with do not come into existence with the help of compasses. How, then, do Euclid's circles come into existence? The answer is, "by means of the third postulate."



What that postulate demands from us is our assent that, around a given center and with a given radius, a circle can be drawn-not with a compass but with the mind. Nothing but the mind can draw a Euclidean circle. The same thing holds true for the drawing of straight lines. Euclid is not asking us to believe that more or less straight pencil lines can be drawn on paper with the help of a straightedge. This is an obvious fact of experience. He is asking our assent to the statement that a line in his sense (that is, an ideal line without any thickness) can be drawn between any two points (the points, too, being ideal and thus partless). The instrument which performs this operation is again the mind. Another way of looking at these first three postulates is that they are Euclid's way of asking us to assume with him that straight lines and circles exist. If he did not postulate that lines and circles exist as ideal figures, the science of geometry would remain entirely hypothetical. All the propositions of geometry would then have to be stated as true only if circles and straight lines exist. The basic point which must be understood here is that the definitions of geometrical objects give us no assurance of their existence. Definitions say what these objects are, but fail to show that they exist in the ideal space of the geometer. A familiar example of something that can be defined but does not exist is a mermaid. A mermaid is easily defined as half woman-half £sh, but there is no reason to think that such an object exists in the world of living organisms, just because it can be defined. What is the function of the last two postulates? As we have already indicated, they are propositions which resemble the common notions more than they do the first three postulates. But unlike the common notions, they are not self-evident; nor are they-like the 48 propositions in the body of Book I-capable of proof. Postulates 4 and 5 are propositions whose truth Euclid asks the reader to assume. He needs them, but he cannot prove them. Why does Euclid need to assume the truth of the state-




ments in Postulates 4 and 5? Consider the statement that "all right angles are equal to one another." Definition 10 tells us what a right angle is: "When a straight line set up on a straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, D each of the equal angles is right . . ." Consider, therefore, a straight line ABC, on which there is another straight line set up, namely the line DB. Let A----__._8- - - - - c angle ABD = angle DBC. Then, Fie. 1 according to the definition, each of the angles ABD, DBC is a right angle. Now let there be a straight line EFG. Let another straight line be set up on it, namely line FH. And let the angle EFH = angle HFG. H Then, according to the same definition, each of the angles EFH and HFG is also a right angle. But can we prove that, for example, angle ABD = an- E----_...,F'--------G gle EFH? There is no way of Fie. 2 doing it without Postulate 4. And with the postulate, no proof is necessary. Postulate 4 may be interpreted as asserting the homogeneity of geometrical space. It asserts that right angles are equal, wherever they are found in space. A right angle remains a right angle even if it is moved about. As long as the two lines whose intersection forms the right angles remain such that the adjacent angles are equal, they may be moved back and forth while the right angles retain their same size. (We shall return to this point in the Guide to the Second Reading.) Without Postulate 4, Euclid's entire work would not collapse. It would, however, be a different work from what it is. If we examine the propositions in Book I, we find that Postulate 4 is not used until Proposition 14. All the propositions prior to 14, therefore, can be proved without the use of Postulate 4. But none of the propositions coming after 14 can be



proved without it. A geometry might be imagined, therefore, which did not use Postulate 4. Its beginnings (Propositions 1-13) would be exactly the same as Euclid's; but thereafter a very different series of propositions would be proved in our imaginary geometry. For the most part, the difference would be on the side of omissions. For instance, our imaginary geometry could not prove that if two straight lines intersect, then the vertical angles formed by the intersection are equal. (See Elements, I, 15.) The last remark indicates the sense in which Euclid "needs" Postulate 4. It is useful in order to prove a whole host of propositions-such as the one about the equality of vertical angles-which common sense expects to be proved in a geometry. A geometry which did not contain these propositions would be accounted odd. These remarks apply with even greater force to Postulate 5. The statement whose truth we are asked to assume is one that is sorely needed if Euclid is to prove a great many propositions which everybody expects to have proved. For twentyeight propositions Euclid gets along without it, but in Proposition 29, Postulate 5 is introduced. It is indispensable here; without it, Proposition 29 cannot be proved. Furthermore, such well-known theorems as that the sum of the angles of any triangle is equal to two right angles cannot be proved without Proposition 29, and, therefore, cannot be proved without Postulate 5. A remarkable difference between Postulates 4 and 5 is evident, however. Postulate 4 is simple and almost everyone is willing to grant it; indeed, there is some difficulty in seeing that it is a postulate and not a self-evident truth. Postulate 5, on the other hand, is complex; it includes a number of conditions and then states a conclusion. Postulate 5 has always seemed so much like a proposition which should be demonstrable that any number of attempts have been made to prove its truth, with the help of the first four postulates, the common notions, and the first 28 propositions of Book I. All such attempts have failed. Postulate 5 is needed, if we wish to prove the remaining propositions in Book I, but its validity must be assumed.


Elements 11

vVe can understand a little better that this postulate is a bare assumption if we realize that other and contrary assumptions can take its place. To illustrate this, let us state Postulate 5 in a different but equivalent form: Given a straight line and a point outside that line, then only one line not meeting the given line can be constructed (in the plane of the given line and point). That is, given line AB and the point C, one and only one line can be drawn through C not meeting A .- - - - - - - - - B AB. FIG.


It would be easy to show that this version of Postulate 5 is equivalent to Euclid's. For instance, the truth of Proposition 29 can be proved by means of this postulate as well as by Euclid's. Now, however, let us imagine that some geometer other than Euclid were to come along and, instead of Postulate 5, were to state the following. Postulate 5a: Given a straight line and a point o tside that line, then an infinite number of D ~ ~-G El straight lines not meeting the HF given line can be drawn through the given point. That is, given A - - - - - - - - - - 8 the line AB and the point C, FIG. 4 any number of lines like DCE, FCC, HCI, etc., can be drawn, none of them meeting the original line AB. It takes some effort of the imagination to think of this as possible. But since neither Postulate 5 nor Postulate 5a are true, both being mere assumptions, it is only habit that inclines us to favor the Euclidean postulate. Another possible postulate contrary to both 5 and 5a would be this. Postulate 5b: Given a straight line and a point not on that line, no line can be drawn through that point that does not meet the given line. A briefer way of saying this is that there are no parallel lines. \Vhat results do we get if we substitute Postulates 5a or 5b





for Euclid's Postulate 5? Using either of the substitutes, a consistent geometrical system can be developed. These are systems different from Euclid's geometry, though having certain resemblances to it. For instance, using Postulate 5a, ,ve can prove the proposition that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is less than two right angles. Using Postulate 5b, we would find that the corresponding proposition is that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is more than two right angles. Non-Euclidean geometries, using Postulates 5a and 5b, have been developed and have been shown to be consistent. One of the earliest efforts in this direction is the Theory of Parallels by Nicholas Lobachevski, published in 1840. Using Postulate 5a (that through any point there is an infinite number of lines not intersecting a given line), he develops-in a fashion quite similar to Euclid's-a series of propositions not to be found in Euclid, such as the one that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is less than two right angles. Other works on non-Euclidean geometry are listed in the Additional Readings to this Plan.


Why does Euclid begin Book I with Propositions 1-3? Propositions in geometry are of two kinds: (1) the statement of problems in the construction of figures, and (2) theorems or statements of the relations between figures or their parts. Construction propositions require that something be done; theorems require that something be proved. Accordingly, we find that at the end of Proposition 1, which is a construction proposition, Euclid puts the phrase "(Being) what it was required to do." In later construction propositions, this phrase is replaced by the three letters "Q.E.F." This abbreviation stands for the Latin phrase Quod erat faciendum, which means the same as the English phrase. Similarly, at the end of Proposition 4, which is a theorem, Euclid puts the phrase "(Being) what it was required to




prove." In later theorems this phrase is replaced by the letters "Q.E.D." Again these letters stand for the equivalent Latin phrase, Quocl erat demonstrandum. The first three propositions, it will be noted, are all problems of construction. The first theorem is Proposition 4. No reference is made in Proposition 4 to the three earlier propositions. Thus, as far as the systematic order of the book goes, it appears that Euclid could have started with Proposition 4 and introduced the three constructions later. But is there any advantage to his having started out with the three constructions? And what is the general purpose of construction? One answer is readily at hand: the constructions are needed in the proofs of the theorems. This is not apparent in the first four propositions, but ,ve can see it in the fifth proposition. This is a theorem. It states that in an isosceles triangle (a triangle with two equal sides) the base angles are equal. This involves the use of Proposition 3, for a shorter line is cut off from a longer line. Since Proposition 3, in turn, depends on the use of the construction in Proposition 2, while Proposition 2 involves Proposition 1, we see that these three constructions are needed for the sake of Proposition 5. Constructions can also be interpreted as serving another purpose. They bear an obvious similarity to the first three postulates. Both constructions and postulates assert that certain geometrical operations can be performed. In the case of the postulates, the possibility is assumed; in the case of the propositions, it is proved. The proof involves, of course, the use of the postulates. Just as the postulates can be interpreted as stating the assumption that straight lines and circles exist (to say that they can be drawn is to say that they have geometrical reality), so the construction propositions can be interpreted as showing that other geometrical entities exist. Thus we might wonder whether there is really such a thing as an equilateral triangle, defined in Definition 20. Proposition 1 shovvs that from the assumption that straight lines and circles exist, it follows that equilateral triangles exist. Construction propositions are, therefore, sometimes referred to as existence propositions. Incidentally, note that there is



no postulate asserting the existence of a point. Is this a serious omission on Euclid's part?

Is there any need for Proposition 2? Let there be point A, and let there be a finite straight line BC. The problem of Proposition 2 is to construct a straight line, starting at A, that is equal in length to BC. In the diagram accompanying the proposition, that line turns out to be AL. But is it necessary to go through the various steps of the construction? Why can we not simply appeal to Postulate 3 ("to describe a circle with any centre and distance") and say: "With A as center, and radius equal to BC, describe a circle." Any of the radii of this circle will then fulfill the requirements of starting at A and being equal to BC. In Euclid's view, the difficulty is that the line BC is not at A. In order for a circle to be drawn with A as center and with a radius of "any distance," that distance must start from A. Thus, this construction may be described as a series of maneuvers by which distances are moved around from point to point, in order that circles may be drawn. The parts of the construction may be outlined as follows. First, the equilateral triangle ABD is constructed. This yields the point D. Secondly, DB is extended indefinitely and a circle described with B as center and BC as distance. This circle cuts DB extended in point C. This yields us the distance DC. Thirdly, AD is extended indefinitely and a circle is described with D as center and DC as distance. This circle cuts AD extended in L. AL is the required line. In the series of steps, we have indicated that the first one "yields" point D and the second one "yields" distance DC. By this we mean that the steps are taken just for the sake of these results. Once Euclid has a center (D) and a distance starting at that center (DC), he can draw a circle, according to Postulate 3. Having drawn the circle, all that remains to do is to show that the line AL, determined by the circle, is the line we are looking for.


Elements 15

After the construction called for in Proposition 2 has been shown to be possible, Euclid is then entitled to do the very thing we suggested he might have done earlier. Now that he has shown us how to place any given line at a given point, he can draw a circle around a point X with any distance QP, even though QP does not start at X. For he can always point out that by Proposition 2 he can place QP so that it (or its equivalent in length) starts at X, and then a circle can be drawn. Euclid's achievement can also be summarized in this way. Postulate 3 asserts or assumes the possibility that, given point Y and the distance YR, a circle y R may be drawn. Proposition 2 adds to this by showing that, given point X and the distance X• PQ, a circle may be drawn p Q around X with PQ as distance. After Proposition 2, in other Fie. 5 words, we no longer need to have the "distance" start at the center of the circle in order to draw a circle with the distance as radius. This proposition illustrates the Euclidean procedure in general: with each succeeding proposition, Euclid becomes less and less limited; he can make more and more constructions and can appeal to more and more geometrical truths.

What are the various parts of a Euclidean proof? Let us investigate this question using Proposition 5 as an example. The proposition is: "In isosceles triangles, the angles at the base are equal to one another." (Euclid's proposition actually contains more, but this is the essential portion of it.) This way of stating the proposition does not make it quite clear what is to be proved. The following restatement is better: "If a triangle is isosceles, then the angles at the base are equal to one another." The "if" clause contains that which is given, what we have to work with. It is often called the hypothesis. The "then" clause states the conclusion of the proposition. The course of



the proof consists in going from what is given, by a series of steps, to the conclusion. The steps are made possible by the postulates and axioms, as well as by previously proved propositions. In Proposition 5, what is given is an isosceles triangle. The conclusion is that the angles at the base are equal. The intermediate steps use, as a glance at the proof shows, Postulates 1 and 2, and Propositions 3 and 4. When the conclusion has been reached, the proposition has been proved. It has then been shown that if something is true (namely the hypothesis), and if some additional things are valid (the definitions, axioms, postulates, or prior propositions), then something else is also true, namely the conclusion. The proposition asserts this if-then relationship. It does not assert the truth of the hypothesis, nor does it assert the truth of the conclusion, except when the hypothesis is true. Nor is this connection between hypothesis and conclusion seen to be true until the proposition is proved. It is precisely the truth of this connection that is proved. \Vhat is the logical relation between the hypothesis, the added steps, and the conclusion? Are the earlier steps logical premises for the later steps? Is the "given" a premise in the proof? Is the logic here employed the same as the logic in a typical syllogism, such as this one: All animals are mortal; All men are animals; Therefore: all men are mortal. Or is the logical process employed different from this? Is the diagram, present in every Euclidean proposition, also an integral part of the proof? Or is it merely an aid to the imagination of the reader? Could the proposition be proved without it?



The following questions are designed to help you test the thoroughness of your reading. Each question is to be answered by giving a page or pages of the reading assignment. Answers will be found on page 223 of this Reading Plan. 1 What are the congruence propositions in Book I (the propositions showing under what conditions two triangles are equal)? 2 What is the relation of the exterior angle of a triangle to the interior angles? 3 What is a circle? 4 Which proposition establishes that "a straight line is the shortest distance between two points"? 5 What are all the propositions and postulates on which Proposition 9 is directly dependent? 6 Can a triangle be constructed out of any three straight



Second Reading


Elements Book I

Prop. 27-48 Vol. 11, pp. 17-29

Euclid teaches us not only the elementary propositions of geometry; he also teaches us what the geometrical method is. If you are new to the subject of geometry, you might think that any proof is just like any other. But this is not so. Euclid shows real artistry in inventing different types of proof and choosing the right one for a proposition. Almost always his proofs are simple, clear, and elegant. Instinctively, he seems to know which of a set of alternate proofs is the one he ought to use. The genius of the poet has sometimes been opposed to that of the mathematician. Blaise Pascal, himself an extraordinarily gifted mathematician, begins his Pensees by discussing "the difference between the mathematical and the intuitive mind." And yet it seems that Euclid oftentimes knows intuitively what to do next in a proof and what will persuade the reader. As the 19



poet knows that this is the right word in this verse, so Euclid lmows that this is the way in which to prove this proposition. He skilfully juggles all the means at his disposal. Sometimes he employs constructions; sometimes he does not. Sometimes he moves his figures through space and sets one on top of another. Sometimes even absurdity is enlisted on the side of reason and used to prove something. Euclid is indefatigable in using his imagination and skill. When you remember that here we read only one book of the Elements, out of a total of thirteen books, you will understand why the name Euclid has always been synonymous with "geometer."



Second Reading

I Just as it was not possible to confine the previous guide to a discussion of the first .26 propositions, so here we will not be able to avoid references to the beginning of Book I. This is due not only to the fact that both readings are from Book I and that Book I is a unit, but also to the further fact that there is a definite order in the Elements. That order is progressive. Each proposition rests on earlier ones; piece by piece, the whole book is put together. Since, then, later propositions rest on earlier ones, we cannot discuss Propositions 27-48 without referring to the earlier propositions, as well as the definitions, postulates, and common notions; and since, similarly, the earlier propositions find their fulfil1ment and culmination in later ones, we could not discuss the first half of the book (Propositions 1-26) without anticipating some of the results of the second half (Propositions 27-48). Let us first note the subject of the second half of Book I. The first half dealt with triangles, and especially the conditions of congruence-their equality in shape and size. In the Guide to the First Reading, we described Propositions 27-32 as transitional. They deal with properties of parallel lines (Propositions 29 and 30), as well as the conditions of parallelism (Propositions 27 and 28). Proposition 31 teaches us how to draw a line parallel to a given line, and Proposition 32 proves what is perhaps the best-known property of a triangle: that the sum of its angles is equal to two right angles. The proof of this proposition makes it clear-and we have already commented on the fact-that this property is intimately connected with the "parallel postulate." Beginning with Proposition 33, Euclid turns his attention to parallelograms (which include rectangles and squares). The





most important change from the first part of the book, however, does not consist in the fact that parallelograms take the place of triangles, but rather in the fact that Euclid's interest now is in the areas of the figures. He is no longer interested in angles, or lengths, or congruence. Propositions 35-41 establish the equivalence of certain areas, while Propositions 42-46 teach us how to construct certain kinds of parallelogrammic areas. Proposition 47, finally, constitutes the climax of Book I (Proposition 48 is nothing but an afterthought): it shows that in a rightangled triangle the square on the side opposite the right angle is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.

II Proposition 47 of Book I is probably the most celebrated proposition in all of elementary plane geometry. Its discovery is generally ascribed to Pythagoras and legend has it that when he finally came upon the proof of the proposition he sacrificed one hundred oxen to the gods by way of thanksgiving. Whether or not we choose to believe this legend in all particulars, it does disclose one undisputed fact: Euclid himself was not the discoverer of this proposition. The Elements is not to be thought of as an entirely original work by Euclid, for Euclid's major task was that of a compiler. He took known geometrical truths and put them together in an orderly and "elementary" fashion. Other men, in addition to Pythagoras, are mentioned as the discoverers of much of the content of Euclid's Elements. The content of Book V, the theory of ratios and proportions, is usually ascribed to Eudoxus. The content of Book X, treating of lines that are incommensurable with one another, is thought to be the work of Theaetetus. (In Plato's dialogue of that name, there is allusion to the young Theaetetus' proficiency in mathematics.) Euclid's contribution, however, must not be underestimated. A good deal of the content of the thirteen books is no doubt his own, and all of it has been put together by him in a systematic order, so that the entire edifice of Euclidean geometry is built up from a few definitions, postulates, and common notions.


Elements 23

Euclid is also responsible for selecting the propositions to be included in the Elements and for omitting others. Many propositions besides those contained in the Elements can be proved. Textbooks of geometry list many of them as "original" problems to be solved by the student. The propositions which Euclid chose to include are evidently those which he considered elementary in the sense that they are the elements out of which the rest of geometry can be developed. They are the propositions with the help of which all the other propositions can be proved. Just as the definitions, postulates, and axioms are the principles of geometry, needed to prove any proposition, so the propositions proved by Euclid are the elements of geometry, needed to solve all other geometrical problems. Though Proposition 47 was probably discovered by Pythagoras, there is reason to think that the particular way in which its truth is here demonstrated is Euclid's own contribution. This proposition like most others can be proved in many different ways. In the very early propositions of Book I, there is little opportunity for alternative proofs, since the geometer has so little to work with. By the end of Book I, however, a great many tools are available, and Euclid's proof is only one among the many that are possible. We can illustrate this point by giving just one alternative proof for Proposition 47. As a matter of fact, it involves less previous geometrical knowledge N D than does Euclid's proof. To begin, construct two equal squares, ABCD and EFGH. Next, make AK equal to CL. Draw KM parallel to BC, and LN parallel to AB. Call the point at which KM and LN intersect, 0. Join AO, and OC. Kt---+-:::::---------w Now, in the second square make EP equal to AK. Similarly, make B..__-L....____ _ _ _ _.......;;:,... FQ, GR, HS, equal to AK or to FIG. 1 EP. Join PQRS.




It can easily be proved that the figure PQRS is a square. Furthermore, it is even clearer R that the two figures NOMD and KBLO are squares. One need only to look at the two figures to see that the square PQRS is equal to the p sum of the two squares NOMD and KBLO in the other figure. G For PQRS takes up as much Q space in the second figure as FIG. 2 NOMD and KBLO take up in the first figure. \Ve know that they take up the same amount of space when we notice that in both figures the same amount is left over-namely four triangles. And it is easy to prove that the four triangles in Figure 1 are equal to the four triangles in Figure 2. And, finally, the square PQRS is "on" the side opposite the right angle (i.e., PQRS is on the side SP of the right triangle ESP). Again, the square NOMD is on the side NO of the triangle NOA, while square KBLO is on the side OK or NA (since the two are equal) of the triangle NOA. And so the proposition is proved. E




We are now in a position to look back upon the whole of Book I and all 48 of its propositions. Each of the propositions is different from any of the others in its content, that is, in what it proves. But, in addition, there are many differences in the ways these propositions are proved. Geometry employs many different styles of proof. In the Guide to the First Reading, we mentioned one major difference in the propositions themselves. Some of the propositions, we pointed out, are constructions; others are theorems. To point out now certain differences in the way propositions are proved, we will consider only the theorems, and ignore the constructions. Let us begin by considering Proposition 5. It uses the kind


Elements 25

of proof that most of us have in mind when we think of geometrical method. The proof employs certain auxiliary constructions, and then proceeds to its conclusion, in this case the equality of two angles, by showing that two triangles are congruent, that is, that they have the same size and shape. The use of congruent u-iangles to prove that lines and angles are equal is a favorite method of Euclid's. It consists in showing that if two triangles are equal in certain specified respects, then they are congruent and, in consequence, we know that they are equal in all other respects. There is one caution which must be observed with this kind of "typical" proof. Since it involves construction, we must be sure, first, that the construction is possible; and, second, that the construction does not assume the results of the proposition to be proved, for this would make the proof circular. The possibility of the construction in Proposition 5, for instance, must not in any way depend on the base angles' being equal, since that is the very thing to be proved. Many socalled geometrical puzzles or paradoxes are based on constructions which are apparently valid, but which actually violate these rules. Another very important type of proof is introduced in Proposition 4 and used again in Proposition 8. We may call it by the general name of "superposition." Both Propositions 4 and 8 prove the congruence of two triangles by an imaginary lifting of one triangle and placing it on top of the other triangle. Euclid points out how all the various parts of one triangle fall on top of the corresponding parts of the other one~ and thus we see the equality of the two triangles. Considerable doubt can be raised about the validity of superposition as a proof. Euclid, who is so finicky in Propositions 1-3 about doing no more than his postulates allow, seems strangely ready to superimpose one triangle upon another without any warrant. We are impelled to ask why he did not present us with the following postulate: "A geometrical figure can be moved from place to place without distortion." · This may be the answer: Postulate 2 asserts some degree of



uniformity of space. There is no distortion, it states, when a straight line is extended. Postulate 4 also implies uniformity of space. Since all right angles are equal to one another, there is no distortion in moving a right angle from one position in space to another. These two postulates together may obviate the need for an explicit postulate which denies that geometrical figures are distorted when they are moved about. Since neither straight lines nor right angles are subject to such distortion, perhaps it follows that no figures made up of lines and angles suffer distortion by motion. In any case, the uniformity of space must be postulated, either explicitly or implicitly, for it is possible to conceive a curved space in which figures shrink, expand, or are otherwise distorted as they are moved about. In Propositions 4 and 8 Euclid moves the whole triangle at once, not bit by bit. Thus, in Proposition 4, he does not first place one side on top of one side, and then construct an angle at the end of the line. He cannot do this, because he does not yet know how to construct angles. This is done in Proposition 23, which depends on Proposition 8, which, in turn, depends on other propositions that depend on Proposition 4. Such a construction would, therefore, be one of the illegitimate kind we mentioned earlier. Its use would assume the very theorem to be proved. Another criticism which can be made of the method of superposition is that it is too visual. Our conviction that the two triangles are congruent seems to depend on our looking at the diagrams and convincing ourselves that it really is not possible for one triangle to be placed on top of the other one without complete coincidence. There are, in other words, no logical steps in this proof; nothing but an appeal to intuition. Yet intuition may be a poor guide here. If it is said, as it may well be, that, though the proof is poor, the theorem is undoubtedly true and vitally needed throughout the rest of the book, then it can be replied that Proposition 4 had better be simply stated as a postulate and accepted as such. It would then be available for use throughout the


Elements 21

rest of the book, but it would not be based on a proof of dubious validity, but be clearly and unequivocally stated as an assumption. Certainly, it is no harder to accept than the fifth postulate. A third kind of proof that is very important in mathematics is the so-called reduction to the absurd, or reduction to the impossible. Euclid uses it quite frequently. The first time it occurs is in Proposition 6. We next find it in Proposition 7, then in 14, 19, 25, 26, 27, 29, 39, and 40. This kind of proof takes the following form. Let X stand for proposition to be proved. In order to prove X, we then assume the contradictory of X, namely not-X. Thus, in Proposition 6, where we must prove that AB is equal to AC, we assume the contradictory; namely, that AB is not equal to AC. vVe then see what can be deduced from not-X, together with what is given in the proposition and what we already know from previous propositions. In Proposition 6, X is the proposition that AB is equal to AC. \Ve assume that not-X is the case or that AB is not equal to AC, and specifically that AB is greater than AC. Euclid then uses Proposition 3, and from AB cuts off a line equal to AC, namely BD. Thus AC = BD. Now Euclid uses Proposition 4 and shows that triangle DBC = triangle ACB. But this result, Euclid says, is absurd, for triangle DBC is totally contained within triangle ACB. Therefore the two cannot possibly be equal. Thus, we have arrived at an absurd or impossible result. What is the cause of this absurdity or impossibility? The reasoning in the proof is impeccable. How can correct reasoning result in an impossible (and therefore false) conclusion? Elementary logic tells us that one of the premises in the reasoning process must be false. But the only premise which can possibly be false is the original one, that AB is greater than AC. All the other premises are true, if it is true. (These premises are either based on the premise that AB is greater than AC or they are drawn from earlier proved propositions, such as Propositions 3 and 4.) It must therefore be the case that the initial assumption-that AB is greater than AC



-is false. Since we can similarly prove that it is false to say that AC is greater than AB, it must follow that AB is equal to AC. And this is the conclusion we were required to prove. The foregoing illustrates the general procedure of proof by reduction to the absurd. Assume the contradictory of what is to be proved. Then, if by correct reasoning from that assumed premise, we arrive at a falsehood, we know that it must be due to the falsehood of that premise. And if that premise is false, then its contradictory must be true. Reduction to the absurd is a very powerful tool. As we have indicated, Euclid uses it often in Book I, and he continues to use it throughout the Elements. Actually, if you investigate the various proofs that employ this method, you will find slight variations in them. One thing that makes reduction to the absurd so useful is the fact that it is not restricted to geometry; it works equally well in other fields.


What is the role of the diagrams in Euclid,s proofs? In discussing the superposition proofs we mentioned that their dependence on geometrical intuition might constitute a possible objection to them. If there is any value whatever in that objection, it leads us to ask why there should be diagrams in any of the Euclidean proofs. Any diagram is, of course, an aid to intuition. Undoubtedly, the Euclidean diagrams are often helpful to us in following the proof. However, we cannot avoid asking whether the diagrams must be present in the proofs or whether they are only a convenience. Perhaps, we should even ask whether the presence of diagrams is legitimate, or whether they detract from the mathematical rigor of the proof. The case for the diagrams is rather easily made. Geometry is about figures. Figures can be drawn and seen. Hence a geometrical proof should begin with a diagram. It shows us the very thing being talked about. The objection to this would run as follows. Geometry is a branch of mathematics. Mathematics is a branch of, or ext en-


Elements 29

sion of, logic. Nothing is needed for a mathematical proof except the definitions, postulates, axioms, and laws of logic. Arithmetic and algebra, for instance, do not use any diagrams. Therefore, the use of diagrams in geometry is superfluous and non-mathematical. The pro-diagram side might say something like the following in rebuttal. Geo netry is not arithmetic; hence not everything need be the same in these branches of mathematics. \-Vhen you are talking about figures, why should it be wrong to exhibit the figures being talked about? Here it would be countered that the presence of the drawn figures may mislead the reader into thinking that the proof is about these figures. \-Ve know, however, that the dots and lines on paper are not truly geometrical figures; that is, the points have parts and the lines have widths, unlike Euclid's points and lines. We know that the true geometrical objects are incapable of being physically drawn or visually seen. The advocates of diagrams can point out that the physical properties of diagrams, such as the width of the lines, are never used in the proofs. Instead, Euclid uses only those properties of points, lines, and figures, which are either stated in the definitions and postulates, or else have already been proved by him. There is no attempt to say that the drawn triangle is the triangle which Euclid is talking about, but merely that it represents Euclid's triangle. This gives rise to another objection. Drawn visible figures can never represent true geometrical figures. The particular properties of the diagram prevent it from representing the non-physical ideal geometrical figure. Thus, the proposition that the angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles is supposed to be true of all triangles. Yet the diagram drawn to accompany Proposition 32 shows an acute-angled triangle. Is the proposition also true of obtuse-angled triangles? If it is (and, of course, it is), then to use an acute-angled triangle in the diagram is a misrepresentation. Yet it has to be a misrepresentation, because no drawn triangle can be both acuteangled and obtuse-angled. Here the answer is that although the triangle drawn has to


S E CO X D R E -~ D I X G

be acute-angled, or obtuse-angl~ or right-angled, still the proof of the.... proposition in no \my dep~ds on ---the triangle's being an~- one of the three. In fact, not only this property, but all ~cularitie.s of the dra\l;n figure are ignored- that it is on this pa~e. that it is drawn with red pencil, that its apex points sou~ and what not. Xo use is made of any particular attributes, and so the proof, and the proposition, is valid fo r all t:rian ~ les. ,ve l;ave it to the reader to supply further steps in this exchange.

Does the ux1y in tchich Euclid presents his propositions indicate the tcay in u;hich they tcere discocered? It , ould be ob,ious that the answer to this question is negati\·e. There is no re.a- n to think that Proposition I of the E lements was discovered before all others. \Ve have already po~ted out that many of the propositions in E uclid's Elements were not discm·ered b\· E uclid at all. Euclid's talent lies in preseating these prop~i ·ons in the best way from the point of ,iew of proof. This means that ewry step in a proof is warranted e::her by ear ·er propasition or by a p ostulate, that there are as few steps as possible, and that the proof is elegant. The same considera ·ons govern the arrangement of the entire book. Here, too, the way in v.·hich the series of 4-S proposi·on.s is arranged is not indicath·e of the order in which they were disco\·ered. The order is dictated by Euclid's desire that the book proceed from the simple to the comp lex, in as few s'" e s as poss·b e. It may well be that the famous Proposition 47 v.-a.s di.sco\·ere