EUROBATS 7. Common names of European bats [1/1, 2 ed.] 9789295058361, 9789295058378

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EUROBATS 7. Common names of European bats [1/1, 2 ed.]
 9789295058361, 9789295058378

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EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS Publication PublicationSeries Series No. No. No. EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7 • Common Names of European Bats

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EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7 7 •• Common Common Names of European European Bats EUROBATS EUROBATS Publication Publication Series No.Series 7 • Common No. Names of Names European of Bats Bats

This This publication publication is dedicated is dedicated to the to the 25th 25th Anniversary Anniversary of theof Agreement the Agreement on theon Conservation the Conservation of Populations of Populations of European of European Bats,Bats, whichwhich was was th opened opened for signature for signature on the on4ththe of 4December of December 1991.1991. th th th This This Thisbook This This This publication publication publication This publication publication publication publication is is is common dedicated dedicated dedicated is is is names dedicated dedicated dedicated is names dedicated to to to 53 the the the to to to the the 25 the 25 25 to the 25 25 25ththth 25th The The book contains contains common for for species 53 species Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary of of of the the theof of of Agreement Agreement Agreement the the the of Agreement Agreement Agreement the Agreement on on on the the the on on on Conservation Conservation Conservation the the the on Conservation Conservation Conservation the of bats of bats occurring occurring in the in agreement the agreement area area in Conservation 50in 50 of of of Populations Populations Populations of of of Populations Populations Populations of Populations of of of European European European of of of European European European of European Bats, Bats, Bats, Bats, Bats, Bats, which which which Bats, which which which was was was which was was was languages languages together together with concise with concise explanations explanations of of was th th th th th th th opened opened opened opened opened opened for for for opened signature signature signature for for for signature signature signature for on on signature on the the the on on on 4 4 4 the the the of of of on 4 December 4 December 4 December the of of of 4 December December December of December 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. their their originorigin and meaning. and meaning. The The The book book book The The The book book contains book contains The contains book contains contains contains common common common contains common common common names names names common names names names for for for names 53 53 53 for for for species species species 53 53 53 for species species species 53 species The author, The author, Mr. Peter Mr. Peter H.C. H.C. 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Lina, Lina, Lina, conceived conceived conceived Lina, conceived conceived conceived conceived this this this this this this this results results and in and order in order to Peter standardise to Peter standardise the application the application amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing dictionary dictionary amazing dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary more more more more more more than than than more than than than five five five than years five years five years five years five years years ago ago ago years ago ago ago of vernacular of vernacular names names in alignment in alignment with with their their ago in in in order order order in in in order order order in to to to order help help help to to to help help help local local to local help local local local bat bat bat local researchers bat researchers bat researchers bat researchers bat researchers researchers researchers and and and and and and and zoological zoological ones.ones. conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists with with with with the with the with the popularisation popularisation popularisation with the the the popularisation popularisation popularisation the popularisation of of of their their their of of of their their their of their GivenGiven that Peter that Peter Lina Lina was was among among the several the several results results results results results results and and and results in in in and and and order order order in in in and order order order to to to in standardise standardise standardise order to to to standardise standardise standardise to standardise the the the application application application the the the application application application the application experts experts who who drafted drafted the first the first version version of the of the of of of vernacular vernacular vernacular of of of vernacular vernacular vernacular ofatvernacular names names names names in in in names alignment alignment alignment in in in alignment alignment inon alignment with with with with with with their their their with their their their th th Agreement Agreement anames meeting at anames meeting in London inalignment London the on19 the of 19 of their zoological zoological zoological zoological zoological zoological zoological ones. ones. ones. ones. ones. ones. ones. 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No. No. Publication Publication Publication Series Series Series Common Publication No. 7 • Common of European Bats EUROBATS EUROBATS Publication Series No.Series 7 • Common Names of Names European Bats


77 777

Common Common Names Names ofof European European Bats Bats Peter Peter H.C. Lina Lina Common Common Common Names Names Names ofH.C. of European of European European Bats Bats Bats Peter Peter Peter Peter H.C. Peter H.C. H.C. H.C. Lina Lina H.C. Lina Lina Lina

EUROBATS EUROBATSPublication Publication Series Series No. No. 77

Common Names of European Bats

Lina, P. H.C. (2016): Common Names of European Bats. EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7. UNEP / EUROBATS Secretariat, Bonn, Germany, 104 pp. Produced by

EUROBATS, UN Environment


Petra Nyenhuis

2nd edition 2017 - © 2016, 2017 Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (UNEP/EUROBATS). This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or nonprofit purposes without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. UNEP / EUROBATS would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a source. No use of this publication may be made for resale or for any other commercial purpose whatsoever without prior permission in writing from UNEP / EUROBATS.

Copies of this publication are available from the EUROBATS Secretariat UN Environment United Nations Campus Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1 53113 Bonn, Germany Tel (+49) 228 815 24 21 Fax (+49) 228 815 24 45 E-mail [email protected] Web ISBN 978-92-95058-36-1 (printed version) ISBN 978-92-95058-37-8 (electronic version) Cover design: Petra Nyenhuis Cover photo: Manuel Ruedi


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Common Names of European Bats

Contents Foreword




Etymology of the word bat and taxonomic names




List 1. Vernacular names of European bat species in national languages


List 2. Vernacular names in national languages for each European bat species



EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Foreword It is a great pleasure for us to launch this new volume of the EUROBATS Publication Series at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Agreement. Peter H.C. Lina and a large group of contributors are presenting for the very first time the names of all bat species occurring in the agreement area in all national and even a few regional languages. This has been a tremendous work over the past years since many names did not previously exist in quite a number of languages but had to be developed by national experts in sometimes lengthy consultation processes in order to meet the highest linguistic and scientific standards. Having now all bat names available in all national languages will be highly beneficial for educational and public awareness raising activities, bringing these wonderful creatures closer to the people. As a small but very interesting extra, an introductory chapter explains the etymology of the word “bat” in the various languages, without doubt the most poetic expression being the “night butterfly” from Malta.


Introduction Apart from the benefits already mentioned above, here is an additional one: As an effect of climate change some bat species are expanding their geographical distribution range and are occurring in countries where they could never before be observed. With this book at hand, you will be able to welcome them appropriately in your own language. I sincerely wish to thank Peter H.C. Lina and all those who have contributed to this achievement and invaluable asset for our bat conservation efforts! December 2016

Andreas Streit Executive Secretary, EUROBATS

53 bat species occur within the geographical scope of EUROBATS, which are listed in the Annex to the Agreement. They all have a unique binary scientific name. It is better to use the term scientific name instead of Latin name, because many scientific names are also derived from Greek. Additionally, many bat species also have a common name, however, not all bat species listed in the Annex have a common name in all languages. The reasons for this could be that, for example, these bat species do not exist in a given language area, or that they have only recently been discovered as a full species by DNA research. For people who are not familiar with bats, scientific names have no significance in the recognition of species. On the other hand, a common name in their own language sounds more familiar, even if they have no idea how the species looks like and where it occurs. With this EUROBATS publication it is easy to find a common name of a bat species in your own language from a common bat name in a foreign language. When you see, for example, on a Polish calendar a picture of a bat with the title Karlik malutki, you

could then go to the Polish list in which Polish common names of bat species are listed in alphabetical order. Karlik malutki has the number 29. You could then go to number 29 in the second list, and you would find there the scientific name and the common name for this species back into your own language or in another language that you need. But the availability of common names in the languages within the geographical scope of EUROBATS could also be used for other purposes, such as for field guides on European bats or other publications about bats in a particular language. The use of common names may also contribute to the increase of public awareness for bat conservation. I consider this publication a birthday present from the bat and linguistic experts, and all others, listed in the Acknowledgements, to EUROBATS for its 25th anniversary.

Peter H.C. Lina


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Foreword It is a great pleasure for us to launch this new volume of the EUROBATS Publication Series at the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Agreement. Peter H.C. Lina and a large group of contributors are presenting for the very first time the names of all bat species occurring in the agreement area in all national and even a few regional languages. This has been a tremendous work over the past years since many names did not previously exist in quite a number of languages but had to be developed by national experts in sometimes lengthy consultation processes in order to meet the highest linguistic and scientific standards. Having now all bat names available in all national languages will be highly beneficial for educational and public awareness raising activities, bringing these wonderful creatures closer to the people. As a small but very interesting extra, an introductory chapter explains the etymology of the word “bat” in the various languages, without doubt the most poetic expression being the “night butterfly” from Malta.


Introduction Apart from the benefits already mentioned above, here is an additional one: As an effect of climate change some bat species are expanding their geographical distribution range and are occurring in countries where they could never before be observed. With this book at hand, you will be able to welcome them appropriately in your own language. I sincerely wish to thank Peter H.C. Lina and all those who have contributed to this achievement and invaluable asset for our bat conservation efforts! December 2016

Andreas Streit Executive Secretary, EUROBATS

53 bat species occur within the geographical scope of EUROBATS, which are listed in the Annex to the Agreement. They all have a unique binary scientific name. It is better to use the term scientific name instead of Latin name, because many scientific names are also derived from Greek. Additionally, many bat species also have a common name, however, not all bat species listed in the Annex have a common name in all languages. The reasons for this could be that, for example, these bat species do not exist in a given language area, or that they have only recently been discovered as a full species by DNA research. For people who are not familiar with bats, scientific names have no significance in the recognition of species. On the other hand, a common name in their own language sounds more familiar, even if they have no idea how the species looks like and where it occurs. With this EUROBATS publication it is easy to find a common name of a bat species in your own language from a common bat name in a foreign language. When you see, for example, on a Polish calendar a picture of a bat with the title Karlik malutki, you

could then go to the Polish list in which Polish common names of bat species are listed in alphabetical order. Karlik malutki has the number 29. You could then go to number 29 in the second list, and you would find there the scientific name and the common name for this species back into your own language or in another language that you need. But the availability of common names in the languages within the geographical scope of EUROBATS could also be used for other purposes, such as for field guides on European bats or other publications about bats in a particular language. The use of common names may also contribute to the increase of public awareness for bat conservation. I consider this publication a birthday present from the bat and linguistic experts, and all others, listed in the Acknowledgements, to EUROBATS for its 25th anniversary.

Peter H.C. Lina


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Etymology of the word bat and taxonomic names The origin of many names for the bat in European languages is often obscure, complex, and sometimes controversial. However, there are several consistent patterns in naming these animals which are obviously related to the human perception of bats. The meaning of the word bat in a language occasionally also gives details of their natural history as it is the case for the Bulgarian word prilep (прилеп), which probably derives from the verb прилепям (priljepjam) = to stick, and refers to the ability of bats to stick to vertical surfaces. Another example is the Catalan rata-pinyada, which means “rats that make clumps”, as bats effectively do in caves or other roosts. It is remarkable that vernacular names reflect distinctive features of bat appearance regardless of geographically and linguistically defined borders.

Fluttering mice Allegedly, the English word “bat” is a dialectal alteration of the Middle English bakke (early 14th century), which is probably related to the Old Swedish natbakka, the Old Danish nathbakkæ = night bat, and the Old Norse leðrblaka = leather flapper. If so, the likely original meaning of the name was “flapper”. The present Icelandic name for the bat is leðurblaka and derived from leður = leather, and blaka = to flap. The Old English word for the bat was hreremus, from hreran = to shake: A rattle-mouse is attested from the


late 16th century as an old dialectal name for the bat. The majority of Germanic languages possess cognate names for the bat, which can be tracked down to a group of old German verbs denoting a flutter: Danish flagermus, German Fledermaus, Dutch vleermuis, Luxembourgish Fliedermaus, Swedish fladdermus, Norwegian flaggermus and Frisian flearmûs. Flitter-mouse, flindermouse, or flicker-mouse, with the same meaning, were also occasionally used in English. Correspondingly, the Finnish lepakko derives from the verb lepattaa = flapping. Apart from that, the alleged congeniality of bats and rodents is reflected in RhaetoRomance utschè-mezmieur, meaning a “bird half-mouse”, and in the alternative Catalan name rat-penat, which means a rat with wings.

“Bat Avenue” in Wageningen, the Netherlands. © Peter H.C. Lina


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Etymology of the word bat and taxonomic names The origin of many names for the bat in European languages is often obscure, complex, and sometimes controversial. However, there are several consistent patterns in naming these animals which are obviously related to the human perception of bats. The meaning of the word bat in a language occasionally also gives details of their natural history as it is the case for the Bulgarian word prilep (прилеп), which probably derives from the verb прилепям (priljepjam) = to stick, and refers to the ability of bats to stick to vertical surfaces. Another example is the Catalan rata-pinyada, which means “rats that make clumps”, as bats effectively do in caves or other roosts. It is remarkable that vernacular names reflect distinctive features of bat appearance regardless of geographically and linguistically defined borders.

Fluttering mice Allegedly, the English word “bat” is a dialectal alteration of the Middle English bakke (early 14th century), which is probably related to the Old Swedish natbakka, the Old Danish nathbakkæ = night bat, and the Old Norse leðrblaka = leather flapper. If so, the likely original meaning of the name was “flapper”. The present Icelandic name for the bat is leðurblaka and derived from leður = leather, and blaka = to flap. The Old English word for the bat was hreremus, from hreran = to shake: A rattle-mouse is attested from the


late 16th century as an old dialectal name for the bat. The majority of Germanic languages possess cognate names for the bat, which can be tracked down to a group of old German verbs denoting a flutter: Danish flagermus, German Fledermaus, Dutch vleermuis, Luxembourgish Fliedermaus, Swedish fladdermus, Norwegian flaggermus and Frisian flearmûs. Flitter-mouse, flindermouse, or flicker-mouse, with the same meaning, were also occasionally used in English. Correspondingly, the Finnish lepakko derives from the verb lepattaa = flapping. Apart from that, the alleged congeniality of bats and rodents is reflected in RhaetoRomance utschè-mezmieur, meaning a “bird half-mouse”, and in the alternative Catalan name rat-penat, which means a rat with wings.

“Bat Avenue” in Wageningen, the Netherlands. © Peter H.C. Lina


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

With its similar meaning, the Russian name летучая мышь (a flying mouse) appeared only in the 19th century and it represents a mere translation from German, whereas ancient Slavic words kozhan and netopyr remained in the language as vernacular names for the genera Eptesicus and Pipistrellus respectively.

Common Names of European Bats

leather; the Albanian lakuriq nate unites lakuriq = hairless skin, and nate = night; the Estonian nahkhiir derives from the nouns nahk = skin or leather, and hiir = mouse; the Breton askel grohen means a leather wing. The contemporary French chauve-souris derives from the Latin name cawa sorix or kawa sorix (kawa is a Gallic word), meaning an owl mouse. This was later modified to calva sorix, which means a bald mouse. Besides the above mentioned examples, in modern Scottish Gaelic bats are called ialtag-anmoch (anmoch = late), ialtag-leathair or ialtag-leuthraigh (leathair, leuthraigh = leather), and in Irish Gaelic sciathán leathair = leather wing. However, the words ialtóg (Irish Gaelic) and ialtag (Scottish Gaelic) with unclear etymology are used for all individual species names in both languages.

“Bat Lane” in Garbsen, Germany. © Michael Wesemann

Leather wings A number of vernacular names refer to the “leathern” appearance of bats and their wing membranes. For instance, the most commonly used Armenian name chghdzhik (չղջիկ) probably alludes to their leather wings; the Lithuanian šikšnosparnis derives from šikšna = tanned skin without hair, and sparnas = wing; the Latvian sikspārnis is derived from the Lithuanian name. The Belarusian and Ukrainian kazhan (kaжaн) cognate to the word kozha (кожа) meaning


“Bat Street” in Liège, Belgium. © Frédéric Forget

Blind mice A wide-spread misconception about total absence of the sense of vision in bats is reflected in the Bosnian and Croatian šišmiš, Montenegrin and Serbian slijepi miš, Galician and Portuguese morcego and Castilian murciélago, which all have the meaning of “a blind mouse”. Similarly, the Arabic khaffash ( ), deriving from the word khafish ( ), can either denote the one who was born with a weak vision, narrowed or absent eyes, or the one that is able to see at night but not during the day. The present generally used Persian name khoffash ( ) has derived from the Arabic khaffash ( ).

The night flyers The Proto-Slavic word netopyrjь , usually interpreted by linguists as “a night flyer”, was inherited by the Czech netopýr, Slovak netopier, Slovenian netopir, and Polish nietoperz. In the same way, the Italian pipistrello stems from the early medieval vipistrello, which was in turn derived from the Latin vespertilio and refers to vesper = evening. ), Accordingly, the Hebrew name atalef ( which is mentioned in the Tanakh (Old Testament) in Leviticus 11:19, Deuteronomy 14:18, and Isaiah 2:20, derives from the word alata = dark or lightless, and the word af = flight. In the Caucasus, Georgians call bats ghamura (ღამურა), which derives from the word ghame (ღამე) = night, and denotes something you can meet at night. Similarly, Armenians depict the lifestyle of bats in gisheramuk, which means “a night mouse”.

The Greek nychterides means “an animal of the night”. The Persian old and local name, especially in southern Iran, shab parreh ( ) derived from shab = night, and parreh = flyer. A parallel meaning exists in Albanian, as the bat is sometimes named “a bird of the night” in this language. Although the Basque saguzar originates from sagu = mouse, and zahar = old: old mouse, there is a synonym gauenara, which means “a night swallow”. The most romantic among the “night-related” names is the Maltese one, farfett il-lejl, deriving from farfett = butterfly and il-lejl = night, literally meaning “a butterfly of the night”.

“Bat Street” in Cracow, Poland. © Małgorzata Kotula-Balak

Names with unknown meaning and/or unknown etymology The Azerbaijani and Turkish yarasa, the Hungarian denevér, and the Welsh ystlum have intricate origins and their etymology could not be explained. The Macedonian liljak (лилјак) and Romanian liliac are consonant with the word leylak – the extant Turkish name for a stork.


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

With its similar meaning, the Russian name летучая мышь (a flying mouse) appeared only in the 19th century and it represents a mere translation from German, whereas ancient Slavic words kozhan and netopyr remained in the language as vernacular names for the genera Eptesicus and Pipistrellus respectively.

Common Names of European Bats

leather; the Albanian lakuriq nate unites lakuriq = hairless skin, and nate = night; the Estonian nahkhiir derives from the nouns nahk = skin or leather, and hiir = mouse; the Breton askel grohen means a leather wing. The contemporary French chauve-souris derives from the Latin name cawa sorix or kawa sorix (kawa is a Gallic word), meaning an owl mouse. This was later modified to calva sorix, which means a bald mouse. Besides the above mentioned examples, in modern Scottish Gaelic bats are called ialtag-anmoch (anmoch = late), ialtag-leathair or ialtag-leuthraigh (leathair, leuthraigh = leather), and in Irish Gaelic sciathán leathair = leather wing. However, the words ialtóg (Irish Gaelic) and ialtag (Scottish Gaelic) with unclear etymology are used for all individual species names in both languages.

“Bat Lane” in Garbsen, Germany. © Michael Wesemann

Leather wings A number of vernacular names refer to the “leathern” appearance of bats and their wing membranes. For instance, the most commonly used Armenian name chghdzhik (չղջիկ) probably alludes to their leather wings; the Lithuanian šikšnosparnis derives from šikšna = tanned skin without hair, and sparnas = wing; the Latvian sikspārnis is derived from the Lithuanian name. The Belarusian and Ukrainian kazhan (kaжaн) cognate to the word kozha (кожа) meaning


“Bat Street” in Liège, Belgium. © Frédéric Forget

Blind mice A wide-spread misconception about total absence of the sense of vision in bats is reflected in the Bosnian and Croatian šišmiš, Montenegrin and Serbian slijepi miš, Galician and Portuguese morcego and Castilian murciélago, which all have the meaning of “a blind mouse”. Similarly, the Arabic khaffash ( ), deriving from the word khafish ( ), can either denote the one who was born with a weak vision, narrowed or absent eyes, or the one that is able to see at night but not during the day. The present generally used Persian name khoffash ( ) has derived from the Arabic khaffash ( ).

The night flyers The Proto-Slavic word netopyrjь , usually interpreted by linguists as “a night flyer”, was inherited by the Czech netopýr, Slovak netopier, Slovenian netopir, and Polish nietoperz. In the same way, the Italian pipistrello stems from the early medieval vipistrello, which was in turn derived from the Latin vespertilio and refers to vesper = evening. ), Accordingly, the Hebrew name atalef ( which is mentioned in the Tanakh (Old Testament) in Leviticus 11:19, Deuteronomy 14:18, and Isaiah 2:20, derives from the word alata = dark or lightless, and the word af = flight. In the Caucasus, Georgians call bats ghamura (ღამურა), which derives from the word ghame (ღამე) = night, and denotes something you can meet at night. Similarly, Armenians depict the lifestyle of bats in gisheramuk, which means “a night mouse”.

The Greek nychterides means “an animal of the night”. The Persian old and local name, especially in southern Iran, shab parreh ( ) derived from shab = night, and parreh = flyer. A parallel meaning exists in Albanian, as the bat is sometimes named “a bird of the night” in this language. Although the Basque saguzar originates from sagu = mouse, and zahar = old: old mouse, there is a synonym gauenara, which means “a night swallow”. The most romantic among the “night-related” names is the Maltese one, farfett il-lejl, deriving from farfett = butterfly and il-lejl = night, literally meaning “a butterfly of the night”.

“Bat Street” in Cracow, Poland. © Małgorzata Kotula-Balak

Names with unknown meaning and/or unknown etymology The Azerbaijani and Turkish yarasa, the Hungarian denevér, and the Welsh ystlum have intricate origins and their etymology could not be explained. The Macedonian liljak (лилјак) and Romanian liliac are consonant with the word leylak – the extant Turkish name for a stork.


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

“Bat Street” in Budapest, Hungary. © Gábor Csorba

Etymology of generic names of European bat species Barbastella: derived from the Italian barbastello, which comes from the dialectic word barbastel in Ferrara (a province in Italy) derived from the Latin vespertilio. Eptesicus: Latinisation of the Greek words epten, past tense of the verb petomai = flying, and oikos = house  one that flies near houses. Hypsugo: derived probably from the Greek upsigonos  born in the air. Miniopterus: derived from the Latin minus = less, and the Greek pteron = wing  narrow-winged. Myotis: derived from the Greek mus = mouse, and ous/otos = ear  mouse with (large) ears or ears of mouse. Nyctalus: derived from the Latin nyctalopia being Latinised from the Greek nuktalops: nukt = night, aloas = blind  night-blind. Pipistrellus: derived from the Italian pipistrello = bat.


Common Names of European Bats

Plecotus: derived from the Greek plekto = curled, and otus = ear  curled ears. Rhinolophus: derived from the Greek rhis (genitive rhinos) = nose, and lophos = ornament  referring to the very characteristic facial nose-leaf. Rousettus: derived from russet, a dark brown colour with a reddish-orange tinge. Tadarida: comes from the Sicilian and Calabrian dialectic word tadarida (with variations like taddarita, taddarida, tallarita, tallarida and taddrarita) which refer to bat regardless of the species. Taphozous: derived from the Greek taphos = tomb, and zoos = alive, living  one that lives in a tomb. Vespertilio: derived from the Latin vespertilis = bat, based on the Latin vesper = night, and the Greek espera with the same meaning.

Barbastelle Crescent in the village of Hethersett, county of Norfolk, England. © John Goldsmith

Etymology of scientific bat species names, which not derived from person’s names aegyptiacus: of Egypt. alcathoe: or Alcithoe (Alkithoê), in Greek mythology a daughter of Minyas, and sister of Leucippe and Arsippe. anatolicus: of Anatolia (Asia Minor). aurascens: derived from the Latin aureus = golden. The aureus was a golden coin of ancient Rome and was regularly issued from the 1st century BC to the beginning of the 4th century AD. auritus: a Latin word meaning "with long ears" austriacus: means "Austria" since the type locality is Vienna in Austria. azoreum: of Azores. barbastellus: derived from the Italian barbastello, in turn originated from the Latin vespertilio. darjelingensis: of Darjeeling, a town and district in West Bengal, Northeast India. dasycneme: derived from the Greek dasus = haired, and kneme = leg  haired legs. emarginatus: derived from the Latin emargino = with a part of the margin removed or notched, referring to the expanded notch of the ear. euryale: "far-roaming" or "she of the wide briny sea", in Greek mythology Euryale was the second eldest of the Gorgons, three vicious sisters with brass hands, sharp fangs, and hair of living venomous snakes. ferrumequinum: derived from the Latin ferrum = iron, and equinus = of the horse  horseshoe. hajastanicus: of Hayastan (Armenia).

hipposideros: derived from the Greek hippos = horse, and sideros = iron  horseshoe. isabellinus: isabelline = pale cream-brown colour. lasiopterus: derived from the Greek lasios = wool, and pteron = feather, wing  woolly (or hairy) wings. macrobullaris: derived from the Greek makros = large, long, and the Latin bulla = bladder, bulge. The bulla tympanica is a part of the temporal bone and it surrounds the middle ear. maderensis: of Madeira. murinus: derived from the Latin mus = mouse, murinus = of the mouse. mystacinus: derived from the Greek mystax = upper lip, whiskers. nipalensis: of Nepal. noctula: derived from the Latin nox = night. nudiventris: derived from the Latin nudus = bare and venter = belly  bare-bellied. pallidus: pale.

Street in Leiden, the Netherlands, dedicated to Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778–1858), who described Eptesicus isabellinus. © Peter H.C. Lina


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

“Bat Street” in Budapest, Hungary. © Gábor Csorba

Etymology of generic names of European bat species Barbastella: derived from the Italian barbastello, which comes from the dialectic word barbastel in Ferrara (a province in Italy) derived from the Latin vespertilio. Eptesicus: Latinisation of the Greek words epten, past tense of the verb petomai = flying, and oikos = house  one that flies near houses. Hypsugo: derived probably from the Greek upsigonos  born in the air. Miniopterus: derived from the Latin minus = less, and the Greek pteron = wing  narrow-winged. Myotis: derived from the Greek mus = mouse, and ous/otos = ear  mouse with (large) ears or ears of mouse. Nyctalus: derived from the Latin nyctalopia being Latinised from the Greek nuktalops: nukt = night, aloas = blind  night-blind. Pipistrellus: derived from the Italian pipistrello = bat.


Common Names of European Bats

Plecotus: derived from the Greek plekto = curled, and otus = ear  curled ears. Rhinolophus: derived from the Greek rhis (genitive rhinos) = nose, and lophos = ornament  referring to the very characteristic facial nose-leaf. Rousettus: derived from russet, a dark brown colour with a reddish-orange tinge. Tadarida: comes from the Sicilian and Calabrian dialectic word tadarida (with variations like taddarita, taddarida, tallarita, tallarida and taddrarita) which refer to bat regardless of the species. Taphozous: derived from the Greek taphos = tomb, and zoos = alive, living  one that lives in a tomb. Vespertilio: derived from the Latin vespertilis = bat, based on the Latin vesper = night, and the Greek espera with the same meaning.

Barbastelle Crescent in the village of Hethersett, county of Norfolk, England. © John Goldsmith

Etymology of scientific bat species names, which not derived from person’s names aegyptiacus: of Egypt. alcathoe: or Alcithoe (Alkithoê), in Greek mythology a daughter of Minyas, and sister of Leucippe and Arsippe. anatolicus: of Anatolia (Asia Minor). aurascens: derived from the Latin aureus = golden. The aureus was a golden coin of ancient Rome and was regularly issued from the 1st century BC to the beginning of the 4th century AD. auritus: a Latin word meaning "with long ears" austriacus: means "Austria" since the type locality is Vienna in Austria. azoreum: of Azores. barbastellus: derived from the Italian barbastello, in turn originated from the Latin vespertilio. darjelingensis: of Darjeeling, a town and district in West Bengal, Northeast India. dasycneme: derived from the Greek dasus = haired, and kneme = leg  haired legs. emarginatus: derived from the Latin emargino = with a part of the margin removed or notched, referring to the expanded notch of the ear. euryale: "far-roaming" or "she of the wide briny sea", in Greek mythology Euryale was the second eldest of the Gorgons, three vicious sisters with brass hands, sharp fangs, and hair of living venomous snakes. ferrumequinum: derived from the Latin ferrum = iron, and equinus = of the horse  horseshoe. hajastanicus: of Hayastan (Armenia).

hipposideros: derived from the Greek hippos = horse, and sideros = iron  horseshoe. isabellinus: isabelline = pale cream-brown colour. lasiopterus: derived from the Greek lasios = wool, and pteron = feather, wing  woolly (or hairy) wings. macrobullaris: derived from the Greek makros = large, long, and the Latin bulla = bladder, bulge. The bulla tympanica is a part of the temporal bone and it surrounds the middle ear. maderensis: of Madeira. murinus: derived from the Latin mus = mouse, murinus = of the mouse. mystacinus: derived from the Greek mystax = upper lip, whiskers. nipalensis: of Nepal. noctula: derived from the Latin nox = night. nudiventris: derived from the Latin nudus = bare and venter = belly  bare-bellied. pallidus: pale.

Street in Leiden, the Netherlands, dedicated to Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778–1858), who described Eptesicus isabellinus. © Peter H.C. Lina


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

pipistrellus: derived from the Italian pipistrello = bat. punicus: derived from Punic, Carthaginian (of Carthage). pygmaeus: derived from the Greek pygmaios = dwarf. sardus: of Sardinia. serotinus: derived from the Latin serus = late, serotinus means that it comes late. teneriffae: of Teneriffe. teniotis: seems to come from the Greek taina and the Latin taenia = fold and the Greek ous or otos = ear  with folded ears, or with folds on the ears.

Spelling and quoting of scientific names and authors Despite the clear rules in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) to promote stability and universality in the scientific names of animals, and to ensure that each name is unique and distinct, scientific names of some European bat

Street in Paris, France, dedicated to Louis-Jean Marie d’Aubenton (1716–1799). Myotis daubentonii was named after him. © Peter H.C. Lina


Common Names of European Bats

species are used by authors in several forms. The most frequent confusion is observed in the use of the suffix of specific scientific names ending with an "i" or “ii”. For example, one can find the scientific name for the Daubenton's bat written as Myotis daubentoni or as Myotis daubentonii. A special section in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature is devoted to this topic. References to species described by Kuhl are dated by authors with the years 1817, 1818 or 1819. For example, one can find in publications references to Nyctalus leisleri with (Kuhl, 1817) or (Kuhl 1818), and to Myotis mystacinus with (Kuhl, 1817) or (Kuhl, 1819). Furthermore, parentheses around author’s names (and dates) have a meaning. Suffix i, or ii • Species names derived from the Latinised personal names of males (i.e. names with the Latin endings shown here between brackets), such as d'Aubenton(ius), Bechstein(ius), Blyth(ius), Brandt(ius), Kuhl(ius), Nilsson(ius), and Schreibers(ius), should get the genitive ending “ii”, hence Myotis daubentonii and Pipistrellus kuhlii. • Species names derived from names which had already a Latin ending, such as Blasius and Nathusius, should also get a genitive ending “ii”, hence Rhinolophus blasii and Pipistrellus nathusii. • Species names derived from names of male persons originally ending with “i”, as Capaccini and Savi, should also get a genitive ending “ii”, hence Myotis capaccinii and Hypsugo savii. • Species names derived from Latinised contemporary names of male persons

ending with “r”, as Leisler(us) and Natterer(us), should get the genitive ending with a single “i”, thus Nyctalus leisleri (the genitive of Leislerus) and Myotis nattereri. • Dedication names to male persons of more recently described species have not been derived from Latinised names and should end with a single “i”, e.g. Plecotus kolombatovici and Pipistrellus hanaki.

References to Kuhl In 1817, Heinrich Kuhl published his monograph “Die deutschen Fledermäuse”. This publication contained bat species formerly described by other authors along with the species newly described by Kuhl himself. Kuhl's monograph was issued in a limited number. Therefore, it was reprinted in two parts in the “Annalen der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammte Naturkunde” in 1818 and 1819 respectively. Nevertheless, the first edition of Kuhl’s publication in 1817 was deposited in accordance with the rules of the ICZN, and therefore only this publication (and 1817 as the year of issue) should be used as a reference to species described by Kuhl. References to Kuhl 1818 and Kuhl 1819 are not correct. References such as “Pipistrellus kuhlii Natterer, 1817", “Pipistrellus kuhlii, Natterer in Kuhl, 1817", “Myotis bechsteinii Leisler, 1817", or “Myotis bechsteinii Leisler in Kuhl, 1817" are not correct either. Neither Natterer nor Leisler described new bat species. They both provided information, collected bat specimens, and proposed species names to Kuhl, who described these newly discovered species in his monograph by himself.

Heinrich Kuhl (1797–1821). Kuhl described seven bat species listed in the Annex to the EUROBATS Agreement. Portrait from the collection of Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Use of parentheses for author’s names and dates When a species-group name is combined with a generic name other than the original one, the name of the author of the speciesgroup name, if cited, shall be enclosed with parentheses. The date, if cited, has also to be enclosed within the same parentheses, e.g. when the species originally described as Vespertilio nathusii by Keyserling and Blasius, 1839, was later reassigned to the genus Pipistrellus, the species had to be cited subsequently as Pipistrellus nathusii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839).

The use of fonts in scientific names The scientific names of genus- or speciesgroup taxa should be printed in a type-face (font) different from that used in the text. Such names are usually printed in italics, which should not be used for names in


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

pipistrellus: derived from the Italian pipistrello = bat. punicus: derived from Punic, Carthaginian (of Carthage). pygmaeus: derived from the Greek pygmaios = dwarf. sardus: of Sardinia. serotinus: derived from the Latin serus = late, serotinus means that it comes late. teneriffae: of Teneriffe. teniotis: seems to come from the Greek taina and the Latin taenia = fold and the Greek ous or otos = ear  with folded ears, or with folds on the ears.

Spelling and quoting of scientific names and authors Despite the clear rules in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) to promote stability and universality in the scientific names of animals, and to ensure that each name is unique and distinct, scientific names of some European bat

Street in Paris, France, dedicated to Louis-Jean Marie d’Aubenton (1716–1799). Myotis daubentonii was named after him. © Peter H.C. Lina


Common Names of European Bats

species are used by authors in several forms. The most frequent confusion is observed in the use of the suffix of specific scientific names ending with an "i" or “ii”. For example, one can find the scientific name for the Daubenton's bat written as Myotis daubentoni or as Myotis daubentonii. A special section in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature is devoted to this topic. References to species described by Kuhl are dated by authors with the years 1817, 1818 or 1819. For example, one can find in publications references to Nyctalus leisleri with (Kuhl, 1817) or (Kuhl 1818), and to Myotis mystacinus with (Kuhl, 1817) or (Kuhl, 1819). Furthermore, parentheses around author’s names (and dates) have a meaning. Suffix i, or ii • Species names derived from the Latinised personal names of males (i.e. names with the Latin endings shown here between brackets), such as d'Aubenton(ius), Bechstein(ius), Blyth(ius), Brandt(ius), Kuhl(ius), Nilsson(ius), and Schreibers(ius), should get the genitive ending “ii”, hence Myotis daubentonii and Pipistrellus kuhlii. • Species names derived from names which had already a Latin ending, such as Blasius and Nathusius, should also get a genitive ending “ii”, hence Rhinolophus blasii and Pipistrellus nathusii. • Species names derived from names of male persons originally ending with “i”, as Capaccini and Savi, should also get a genitive ending “ii”, hence Myotis capaccinii and Hypsugo savii. • Species names derived from Latinised contemporary names of male persons

ending with “r”, as Leisler(us) and Natterer(us), should get the genitive ending with a single “i”, thus Nyctalus leisleri (the genitive of Leislerus) and Myotis nattereri. • Dedication names to male persons of more recently described species have not been derived from Latinised names and should end with a single “i”, e.g. Plecotus kolombatovici and Pipistrellus hanaki.

References to Kuhl In 1817, Heinrich Kuhl published his monograph “Die deutschen Fledermäuse”. This publication contained bat species formerly described by other authors along with the species newly described by Kuhl himself. Kuhl's monograph was issued in a limited number. Therefore, it was reprinted in two parts in the “Annalen der Wetterauischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammte Naturkunde” in 1818 and 1819 respectively. Nevertheless, the first edition of Kuhl’s publication in 1817 was deposited in accordance with the rules of the ICZN, and therefore only this publication (and 1817 as the year of issue) should be used as a reference to species described by Kuhl. References to Kuhl 1818 and Kuhl 1819 are not correct. References such as “Pipistrellus kuhlii Natterer, 1817", “Pipistrellus kuhlii, Natterer in Kuhl, 1817", “Myotis bechsteinii Leisler, 1817", or “Myotis bechsteinii Leisler in Kuhl, 1817" are not correct either. Neither Natterer nor Leisler described new bat species. They both provided information, collected bat specimens, and proposed species names to Kuhl, who described these newly discovered species in his monograph by himself.

Heinrich Kuhl (1797–1821). Kuhl described seven bat species listed in the Annex to the EUROBATS Agreement. Portrait from the collection of Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Use of parentheses for author’s names and dates When a species-group name is combined with a generic name other than the original one, the name of the author of the speciesgroup name, if cited, shall be enclosed with parentheses. The date, if cited, has also to be enclosed within the same parentheses, e.g. when the species originally described as Vespertilio nathusii by Keyserling and Blasius, 1839, was later reassigned to the genus Pipistrellus, the species had to be cited subsequently as Pipistrellus nathusii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839).

The use of fonts in scientific names The scientific names of genus- or speciesgroup taxa should be printed in a type-face (font) different from that used in the text. Such names are usually printed in italics, which should not be used for names in


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

higher taxa, thus Vespertilio murinus and not Vespertilio murinus, but Vespertilionidae and not Vespertilionidae. Species group names always begin with a lower-case letter, even when the species name has derived from a person’s name or a place, consequently Pipistrellus nathusii and not Pipistrellus Nathusii, similarly Plecotus teneriffae but not Plecotus Teneriffae. And whenever species-group names are cited, they shall always be preceded by its generic name or abbreviation (Myotis daubentonii or M. daubentonii). Formal names of all supraspecific taxa shall begin with the capital letter, thus Rhinolophidae and not rhinolophidae.


Common Names of European Bats

Acknowledgements This publication could only be realized with the help of many colleagues who have collated the most commonly used vernacular names of bats in their languages and have created new vernacular names for those bat species that did not previously have one. These contributors to each language are mentioned below in alphabetical order according to their last name. Street in Paris, France, dedicated to Carl Linné [Linnaeus] (1707–1758), who described Vespertilio murinus and Plecotus auritus. © Peter H.C. Lina

Albanian: Ferdinand Bego, Aurora Dibra, Philippe Théou; Arabic: Mounir Abi-Said, Zuhair Amr; Armenian: Astghik Ghazaryan, Mark Kalashyan, Martiros Nalbandyan, Davit Yavruyan; Azerbaijani: Nijat A. Hasanov, Irina K. Rakhmatulina†; Basque: Joxerra Aihartza; Belarusian: Aliaksei Shpak; Bosnian: Jasminko Mulaomerović; Breton: Stéphane Aulagnier, Thomas Le Campion, Catherine Caroff, Philippe Théou; Bulgarian: Boyan Petrov, Vasil Popov; Catalan: Xavi Puig; Croatian: Daniela Hamidović; Castilian: Javier Juste; Czech: Petr Benda, Helena Jahelková; Danish: Hans J. Baagøe; English: Anthony M. Hutson; Estonian: Mati Kaal, Lauri Lutsar, Matti Masing, Linda Poots†, Tuuli Rehemaa; Finnish: Eeva-Maria Kyheröinen, Juhani Lokki; French: Stéphane Aulagnier, Marie-José Dubourg-Savage; Frisian: Teddy M. Dolstra, Meinte Engelmoer, Peter Koomen, John Melis, Sake P. Roodbergen, Arend Timmerman, Emmy Veeman; Galician: Roberto Hermida; Georgian: Irina Lomashvili, Ioseb Natradze; German: Christian Dietz, Christine Harbusch; Greek:

Panagiotis Georgiakakis; Hebrew: Carmi Korine, Simon Nemtzov; Hungarian: Zoltán Bihari, Gábor Csorba, Péter Estók; Irish Gaelic: Ferdia Marnell, Doireann McCombe; Italian: Dino Scaravelli; Latvian: Gunãrs Peterson, Jurgis Šuba, Viesturs Vintulis; Lithuanian: Kazimieras Baranauskas, Deividas Makavičius, Nomeda Vėlavičienė; Luxembourgish: Jacques B. Pir, Laurent Schley; Macedonian: Branko Micevski; Maltese: Claude Busuttil, Clare Mifsud, Adriana Vella, (Fons Bongers); Montenegrin: Marina Radonjić; Norwegian: Kjell Isaksen, Viggo Ree, Roar Solheim, Per Ole Syvertsen, Øystein Wiig; Persian: Hossein Zohoori; Polish: Wiesław Bogdanowicz, Mateusz Ciechanowski, Maciek Fuszara, Andrzej Kepel; Portuguese: Jorge M. Palmeirim, Ana M. Rainho, Luisa Rodrigues; Rhaeto-Romance: Hubert Krättli, Miriam Lutz, Pascal Moeschler; Romanian: Levente Barti, Daniela Borda, Szilárd Bücs, Ioan Coroiu, Csaba Jére, Georgiana Mărginean, Dumitru Muariu, Abigél Szodoray-Parádi, Farkas SzodorayParádi; Russian: Suren Gazaryan, Sergei V. Kruskop, Evgenia G. Rumyantseva; Scottish Gaelic: Colm J. O’Boyle, Paul A. Racey; Serbian Cyrillic and Latin: Branko Karapandža, Milan Paunović; Slovak: Martin Cel’uch, Marcel Uhrin; Slovenian: Primož Presetnik; Swedish: Ingemar Ahlén, Karin Gerell, Rune Gerell, Johnny de Jong, Marie Nedinge, Jens Rydell; Turkish: Emrah Çoraman; Ukrainian: Elena V. Godlevska, Igor V. Zagorodniuk; Welsh: Duncan Brown, Jean Matthews.


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

higher taxa, thus Vespertilio murinus and not Vespertilio murinus, but Vespertilionidae and not Vespertilionidae. Species group names always begin with a lower-case letter, even when the species name has derived from a person’s name or a place, consequently Pipistrellus nathusii and not Pipistrellus Nathusii, similarly Plecotus teneriffae but not Plecotus Teneriffae. And whenever species-group names are cited, they shall always be preceded by its generic name or abbreviation (Myotis daubentonii or M. daubentonii). Formal names of all supraspecific taxa shall begin with the capital letter, thus Rhinolophidae and not rhinolophidae.


Common Names of European Bats

Acknowledgements This publication could only be realized with the help of many colleagues who have collated the most commonly used vernacular names of bats in their languages and have created new vernacular names for those bat species that did not previously have one. These contributors to each language are mentioned below in alphabetical order according to their last name. Street in Paris, France, dedicated to Carl Linné [Linnaeus] (1707–1758), who described Vespertilio murinus and Plecotus auritus. © Peter H.C. Lina

Albanian: Ferdinand Bego, Aurora Dibra, Philippe Théou; Arabic: Mounir Abi-Said, Zuhair Amr; Armenian: Astghik Ghazaryan, Mark Kalashyan, Martiros Nalbandyan, Davit Yavruyan; Azerbaijani: Nijat A. Hasanov, Irina K. Rakhmatulina†; Basque: Joxerra Aihartza; Belarusian: Aliaksei Shpak; Bosnian: Jasminko Mulaomerović; Breton: Stéphane Aulagnier, Thomas Le Campion, Catherine Caroff, Philippe Théou; Bulgarian: Boyan Petrov, Vasil Popov; Catalan: Xavi Puig; Croatian: Daniela Hamidović; Castilian: Javier Juste; Czech: Petr Benda, Helena Jahelková; Danish: Hans J. Baagøe; English: Anthony M. Hutson; Estonian: Mati Kaal, Lauri Lutsar, Matti Masing, Linda Poots†, Tuuli Rehemaa; Finnish: Eeva-Maria Kyheröinen, Juhani Lokki; French: Stéphane Aulagnier, Marie-José Dubourg-Savage; Frisian: Teddy M. Dolstra, Meinte Engelmoer, Peter Koomen, John Melis, Sake P. Roodbergen, Arend Timmerman, Emmy Veeman; Galician: Roberto Hermida; Georgian: Irina Lomashvili, Ioseb Natradze; German: Christian Dietz, Christine Harbusch; Greek:

Panagiotis Georgiakakis; Hebrew: Carmi Korine, Simon Nemtzov; Hungarian: Zoltán Bihari, Gábor Csorba, Péter Estók; Irish Gaelic: Ferdia Marnell, Doireann McCombe; Italian: Dino Scaravelli; Latvian: Gunãrs Peterson, Jurgis Šuba, Viesturs Vintulis; Lithuanian: Kazimieras Baranauskas, Deividas Makavičius, Nomeda Vėlavičienė; Luxembourgish: Jacques B. Pir, Laurent Schley; Macedonian: Branko Micevski; Maltese: Claude Busuttil, Clare Mifsud, Adriana Vella, (Fons Bongers); Montenegrin: Marina Radonjić; Norwegian: Kjell Isaksen, Viggo Ree, Roar Solheim, Per Ole Syvertsen, Øystein Wiig; Persian: Hossein Zohoori; Polish: Wiesław Bogdanowicz, Mateusz Ciechanowski, Maciek Fuszara, Andrzej Kepel; Portuguese: Jorge M. Palmeirim, Ana M. Rainho, Luisa Rodrigues; Rhaeto-Romance: Hubert Krättli, Miriam Lutz, Pascal Moeschler; Romanian: Levente Barti, Daniela Borda, Szilárd Bücs, Ioan Coroiu, Csaba Jére, Georgiana Mărginean, Dumitru Muariu, Abigél Szodoray-Parádi, Farkas SzodorayParádi; Russian: Suren Gazaryan, Sergei V. Kruskop, Evgenia G. Rumyantseva; Scottish Gaelic: Colm J. O’Boyle, Paul A. Racey; Serbian Cyrillic and Latin: Branko Karapandža, Milan Paunović; Slovak: Martin Cel’uch, Marcel Uhrin; Slovenian: Primož Presetnik; Swedish: Ingemar Ahlén, Karin Gerell, Rune Gerell, Johnny de Jong, Marie Nedinge, Jens Rydell; Turkish: Emrah Çoraman; Ukrainian: Elena V. Godlevska, Igor V. Zagorodniuk; Welsh: Duncan Brown, Jean Matthews.


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

List 1. Vernacular names of European bat species in national languages* Albanian Barbastela e Lindjes Barbastela e zakonshme Lakuriq nate bishtlirë Lakuriq nate dyngjyrësh Lakuriq nate egjiptian i frutave Lakuriq nate gishtgjatë Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Blasius-it Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i madh Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mehely-it Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mesdheut Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i vogël Lakuriq nate i Alkatoe-s Lakuriq nate i Bechsteini-it Lakuriq nate Iberian Lakuriq nate i Brandt-it Lakuriq nate i Daubenton-it Lakuriq nate i Geoffroy-it Lakuriq nate i ligatinave Lakuriq nate i Natterer-it Lakuriq nate i Schaub-it Lakuriq nate maghrebian Lakuriq nate me mustaqe Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Armenisë Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Azisë Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i stepës Lakuriq nate veshgjatë alpin Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Ballkanit


4# 4@ 5# 3^ q a u r y t e g 2! l s i 2) o k ; 2$ d h j f 4^ 4(

Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Hemprich-it Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i hirtë Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Sardenjës Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Teneriffae-ve Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i zakonshëm Lakuriq nate veshmiu i madh Lakuriq nate veshmiu i vogël Miniopteri i Schreibers-it Miniopteri ngjyrëzbehtë Noktulë e Azoreve Noktulë e Leisler-it Noktulë e zakonshme Noktulë gjigante Pipistrel i Hanak-it Pipistrel i Kuhl-it Pipistreli i Madeiras Pipistrel i Nathusi-it Pipistrel i Savi-it Pipistreli i varrezave barkzhveshur Pipistrel i zakonshëm Pipistrel xhuxh Serotinë e Anadollit Serotinë e Botta’s Serotinë e Nilson-it Serotinë e zakonshme Serotinë Isabeline

4$ 4* 4& 5) 4% 2@ 2# 5! 5@ 2* 2& 2% 2^ 3! 3# 3$ 3@ 3% w 2( 3) 4) 4! 3* 3& 3(

* List 1 contains vernacular names in each language for all species included in Annex 1 to the EUROBATS Agreement. List 2 (page 66) includes all the national vernacular names, given separately for each of the species. A number which follows the name in List 1 corresponds to the number in front of a species name in List 2.


h j g 2$ 2# 4) 5@ 5# o t 4( f q w 5) 3& e r 3* 3( 4# 4@ s 1@ 2! u 4% 4! 2( 3# 3$ 3@ 3! 4^

2) i 4* 3% 4& 3) 1( 5! a 2@ 1& 1* 3^ y 2* 2% 2^ 2& 4$


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

List 1. Vernacular names of European bat species in national languages* Albanian Barbastela e Lindjes Barbastela e zakonshme Lakuriq nate bishtlirë Lakuriq nate dyngjyrësh Lakuriq nate egjiptian i frutave Lakuriq nate gishtgjatë Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Blasius-it Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i madh Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mehely-it Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mesdheut Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i vogël Lakuriq nate i Alkatoe-s Lakuriq nate i Bechsteini-it Lakuriq nate Iberian Lakuriq nate i Brandt-it Lakuriq nate i Daubenton-it Lakuriq nate i Geoffroy-it Lakuriq nate i ligatinave Lakuriq nate i Natterer-it Lakuriq nate i Schaub-it Lakuriq nate maghrebian Lakuriq nate me mustaqe Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Armenisë Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Azisë Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i stepës Lakuriq nate veshgjatë alpin Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Ballkanit


4# 4@ 5# 3^ q a u r y t e g 2! l s i 2) o k ; 2$ d h j f 4^ 4(

Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Hemprich-it Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i hirtë Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Sardenjës Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Teneriffae-ve Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i zakonshëm Lakuriq nate veshmiu i madh Lakuriq nate veshmiu i vogël Miniopteri i Schreibers-it Miniopteri ngjyrëzbehtë Noktulë e Azoreve Noktulë e Leisler-it Noktulë e zakonshme Noktulë gjigante Pipistrel i Hanak-it Pipistrel i Kuhl-it Pipistreli i Madeiras Pipistrel i Nathusi-it Pipistrel i Savi-it Pipistreli i varrezave barkzhveshur Pipistrel i zakonshëm Pipistrel xhuxh Serotinë e Anadollit Serotinë e Botta’s Serotinë e Nilson-it Serotinë e zakonshme Serotinë Isabeline

4$ 4* 4& 5) 4% 2@ 2# 5! 5@ 2* 2& 2% 2^ 3! 3# 3$ 3@ 3% w 2( 3) 4) 4! 3* 3& 3(

* List 1 contains vernacular names in each language for all species included in Annex 1 to the EUROBATS Agreement. List 2 (page 66) includes all the national vernacular names, given separately for each of the species. A number which follows the name in List 1 corresponds to the number in front of a species name in List 2.


h j g 2$ 2# 4) 5@ 5# o t 4( f q w 5) 3& e r 3* 3( 4# 4@ s 1@ 2! u 4% 4! 2( 3# 3$ 3@ 3! 4^

2) i 4* 3% 4& 3) 1( 5! a 2@ 1& 1* 3^ y 2* 2% 2^ 2& 4$


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Armenian Ալկաթոյի գիշերաչղջիկ Ազորական իրիկնաչղջիկ Անապատային երկարականջ Անապատային մաշկեղ Անատոլիական մաշկեղ Անտառային փոքրաչղջիկ Ասիական լայնականջ Արաքսյան գիշերաչղջիկ Բեխշտեյնի գիշերաչղջիկ Բեղավոր գիշերաչղջիկ Բլազիուսի պայտաքիթ* Բրանդտի գիշերաչղջիկ Գաճաճ փոքրաչղջիկ Գորշ ականջեղ Գունատ երկարաթև Եգիպտական մեծաչղջիկ Եռագույն գիշերաչղջիկ Եվրոպական լայնականջ Երկգույն մաշկեղ Թզուկ փոքրաչղջիկ Իբերական գիշերաչղջիկ Իզաբելլի մաշկեղ Լայնականջ ծալքաշուրթ Լեռնային ականջեղ* Լճակային գիշերաչղջիկ Կանարյան ականջեղ* Կոլոմբատովիչի ականջեղ Հայկական գիշերաչղջիկ Հանակի փոքրաչղջիկ Հարավային պայտաքիթ Հսկա իրիկնաչղջիկ Մադեյրական փոքրաչղջիկ Մաշկեղանման փոքրաչղջիկ Մեհելիի պայտաքիթ Մերկափոր պարկաթև Մեծ պայտաքիթ Մեծ գիշերաչղջիկ Միջերկրածովային գիշերաչղջիկ Միջերկրածովային փոքրաչղջիկ



g 2* 4$ 4! 4) 3@ 4# ; 2! d u s 3) 4% 5@ q 2) 4@ 3^ 2( l 3( 5# 4^ o 5) 4( h 3! t 2^ 3$ 3% y w r 2@ a 3#

Մոխրագույն ականջեղ* Նատերերի գիշերաչղջիկ Նեպալյան գիշերաչղջիկ Նիլսոնի մաշկեղ * Շեկ իրիկնաչղջիկ Ջրային գիշերաչղջիկ* Սարդինյան ականջեղ Սովորական երկարաթև Սրականջ գիշերաչղջիկ* Տափաստանային գիշերաչղջիկ* ՈՒշաթռիչք մաշկեղ Փյունիկյան գիշերաչղջիկ Փոքր իրիկնաչղջիկ Փոքր պայտաքիթ

*) Alternative common Armenian bat names Ավստրիական ականջեղ Բլիթիի գիշերաչղջիկ Դաուբենտոնիի գիշերաչղջիկ Կովկասյան ականջեղ Հյուսիսային մաշկեղ Միջերկրածովային պայտաքիթ Նատուզիուսի փոքրաչղջիկ Ոսկեգույն գիշերաչղջիկ Տեներիֆյան ականջեղ

4* k j 3* 2% i 4& 5! 2# f 3& 2$ 2& e

Adi uzunqanad yarasa

Ağqarın oxqulaq yarasa Alkato gecə şəbpərəsi Anadolu gönlücəsi

Anadolu uzunqanad yarasasi Alp və ya dağ palazqulağı Asiya enliqulağı

Avropa enliqulağı

Azor axşam yarasası

Bexşteyn gecə şəbpərəsi Bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi Blazius nalburunu Boz palazqulaq

Böyük nalburun

Brandt və ya meşə gecə şəbpərəsi Bükükdodaq enliqulaq

4* 2# i 4^ 3* u 3@ f 5)

Cənub nalburunu

Cılpaqqarın məzar yarasası Cırtdan şəbpərə

Çöl bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi Dag gönlücəsi

Eynəkli və ya Meheli nalburunu Gölməçə gecə şəbpərəsi Göycə gecə şəbpərəsi

Hanaki cırtdan şəbpərəsi İberiya gecə şəbpərəsi İkirəng gönlücə

İri gecə şəbpərəsi

İtiqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi İzabel gönlücə

Kanar palazqulağı

Kicik axşam yarasası Kiçik nalburun Kiçik şəbpərə

Kolombatovic palazqulağı Küli şəbpərəsi

Kürən axşam yarasası Qonur palazqulaq

Maderiya və ya Kanar şəbpərəsi

5! 4$ 1$ 4) 5@ 4^ 4# 4@ 2* 2! d u 4* r s 5# t w 2( f 3& y o h 3! l 3^ 2@ 2# 3( 5) 2& e 3) 4( 3# 2% 4% 3$

Meşə şəbpərəsi

Misir meyvə yarasası

Natterer gecə şəbpərəsi Nepal gecə şəbpərəsi

Nəhəng axşam yarasası Sardiniya palazqulağı Səhra gönlücəsi Savi şəbpərə

Siçanqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi

Su və ya Dobenton gecə şəbpərəsi Şaubi gecə şəbpərəsi Şimal gönlücəsi

Uzunbarmaq gecə şəbpərəsi Üçrəng gecə şəbpərəsi

3@ q k j 2^ 4& 4! 3% 2$ i ; 3* a 2)


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Armenian Ալկաթոյի գիշերաչղջիկ Ազորական իրիկնաչղջիկ Անապատային երկարականջ Անապատային մաշկեղ Անատոլիական մաշկեղ Անտառային փոքրաչղջիկ Ասիական լայնականջ Արաքսյան գիշերաչղջիկ Բեխշտեյնի գիշերաչղջիկ Բեղավոր գիշերաչղջիկ Բլազիուսի պայտաքիթ* Բրանդտի գիշերաչղջիկ Գաճաճ փոքրաչղջիկ Գորշ ականջեղ Գունատ երկարաթև Եգիպտական մեծաչղջիկ Եռագույն գիշերաչղջիկ Եվրոպական լայնականջ Երկգույն մաշկեղ Թզուկ փոքրաչղջիկ Իբերական գիշերաչղջիկ Իզաբելլի մաշկեղ Լայնականջ ծալքաշուրթ Լեռնային ականջեղ* Լճակային գիշերաչղջիկ Կանարյան ականջեղ* Կոլոմբատովիչի ականջեղ Հայկական գիշերաչղջիկ Հանակի փոքրաչղջիկ Հարավային պայտաքիթ Հսկա իրիկնաչղջիկ Մադեյրական փոքրաչղջիկ Մաշկեղանման փոքրաչղջիկ Մեհելիի պայտաքիթ Մերկափոր պարկաթև Մեծ պայտաքիթ Մեծ գիշերաչղջիկ Միջերկրածովային գիշերաչղջիկ Միջերկրածովային փոքրաչղջիկ



g 2* 4$ 4! 4) 3@ 4# ; 2! d u s 3) 4% 5@ q 2) 4@ 3^ 2( l 3( 5# 4^ o 5) 4( h 3! t 2^ 3$ 3% y w r 2@ a 3#

Մոխրագույն ականջեղ* Նատերերի գիշերաչղջիկ Նեպալյան գիշերաչղջիկ Նիլսոնի մաշկեղ * Շեկ իրիկնաչղջիկ Ջրային գիշերաչղջիկ* Սարդինյան ականջեղ Սովորական երկարաթև Սրականջ գիշերաչղջիկ* Տափաստանային գիշերաչղջիկ* ՈՒշաթռիչք մաշկեղ Փյունիկյան գիշերաչղջիկ Փոքր իրիկնաչղջիկ Փոքր պայտաքիթ

*) Alternative common Armenian bat names Ավստրիական ականջեղ Բլիթիի գիշերաչղջիկ Դաուբենտոնիի գիշերաչղջիկ Կովկասյան ականջեղ Հյուսիսային մաշկեղ Միջերկրածովային պայտաքիթ Նատուզիուսի փոքրաչղջիկ Ոսկեգույն գիշերաչղջիկ Տեներիֆյան ականջեղ

4* k j 3* 2% i 4& 5! 2# f 3& 2$ 2& e

Adi uzunqanad yarasa

Ağqarın oxqulaq yarasa Alkato gecə şəbpərəsi Anadolu gönlücəsi

Anadolu uzunqanad yarasasi Alp və ya dağ palazqulağı Asiya enliqulağı

Avropa enliqulağı

Azor axşam yarasası

Bexşteyn gecə şəbpərəsi Bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi Blazius nalburunu Boz palazqulaq

Böyük nalburun

Brandt və ya meşə gecə şəbpərəsi Bükükdodaq enliqulaq

4* 2# i 4^ 3* u 3@ f 5)

Cənub nalburunu

Cılpaqqarın məzar yarasası Cırtdan şəbpərə

Çöl bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi Dag gönlücəsi

Eynəkli və ya Meheli nalburunu Gölməçə gecə şəbpərəsi Göycə gecə şəbpərəsi

Hanaki cırtdan şəbpərəsi İberiya gecə şəbpərəsi İkirəng gönlücə

İri gecə şəbpərəsi

İtiqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi İzabel gönlücə

Kanar palazqulağı

Kicik axşam yarasası Kiçik nalburun Kiçik şəbpərə

Kolombatovic palazqulağı Küli şəbpərəsi

Kürən axşam yarasası Qonur palazqulaq

Maderiya və ya Kanar şəbpərəsi

5! 4$ 1$ 4) 5@ 4^ 4# 4@ 2* 2! d u 4* r s 5# t w 2( f 3& y o h 3! l 3^ 2@ 2# 3( 5) 2& e 3) 4( 3# 2% 4% 3$

Meşə şəbpərəsi

Misir meyvə yarasası

Natterer gecə şəbpərəsi Nepal gecə şəbpərəsi

Nəhəng axşam yarasası Sardiniya palazqulağı Səhra gönlücəsi Savi şəbpərə

Siçanqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi

Su və ya Dobenton gecə şəbpərəsi Şaubi gecə şəbpərəsi Şimal gönlücəsi

Uzunbarmaq gecə şəbpərəsi Üçrəng gecə şəbpərəsi

3@ q k j 2^ 4& 4! 3% 2$ i ; 3* a 2)


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Basque Alcathoe saguzar bibotedun Baratze-saguzar Baratze-saguzar Isabella Baso-saguzar Bechstein saguzar Belarrihandi alpetar Belarrihandi balkaniar Belarrihandi kanariar Belarrihandi sardiniar Blasius ferra-saguzar Botta sordino Brandt saguzar Cabrera saguzar Daubenton saguzar Ekialdeko baso-saguzar Estepako saguzar bibotedun Ferra-saguzar handi Ferra-saguzar mediterraneo Ferra-saguzar txiki Fruitu-saguzar egiptoar Gau-saguzar arrunt Gau-saguzar azoretar Gau-saguzar handi Geoffroy saguzar Hanak pipistrelo Hegoaldeko belarrihandi gris Hemprich belarrihandi Hilobi-saguzar gibelsoil Iparraldeko belarrihandi arre Iparraldeko saguzar Kuhl pipistrelo Leisler gau-saguzar Mehelyi ferra-saguzar Nathusius pipistrelo Natterer saguzar Pipistrelo arrunt Pipistrelo Madeira Pipistrelo mediterraneo Saguzar arratoi-belarri ertain



g 3& 3( 4@ 2! 4^ 4( 5) 4& u 4! s l i 4# f r t e q 2% 2* 2^ 2) 3! 4* 4$ w 4% 3* 3# 2& y 3@ k 2( 3$ 3) 2#

Saguzar arratoi-belarri handi Saguzar arratoi-belarri mairutar Saguzar bibotedun Saguzar bibotedun armeniar Saguzar bibotedun nepaldar Saguzar buztanluze Europa Saguzar hatz-luze Saguzar hatz-luze zurbil Saguzar kolore biko Savi saguzar Schaub saguzar Schreiber saguzar Serotino sanatoria Urmael-saguzar

2@ 2$ d h j 5# a 5@ 3^ 3% ; 5! 4) o

Вушан альпійскі

Вушан балканскі* Вушан буры

Вушан канарскі

Вушан сардынскі

Вушан шэры

Вячэрніца азорская

Вячэрніца гіганцкая Вячэрніца малая

Вячэрніца рудая*

Даўгакрыл бледны

Даўгакрыл звычайны Кажан анаталійскі Кажан Бота

Кажан двухкаляровы Кажан ізабэлавы

Кажан паўночны Кажан позні

Крылан егіпецкі

Магільнік галабрухі Начніца Алькатое

Начніца армянская Начніца азіяцкая Начніца Бранта

Начніца вадзяная*

Начніца вастравухая Начніца вусатая

Начніца вялікая*

Начніца даўгавухая* Начніца даўгапалая Начніца залацістая

Начніца іберыйская Начніца Натэрэра

Начніца сажалкавая

Начніца трохкаляровая Начніца фінікійская Начніца Шаўба

Нетапыр Ганака


4^ 4( 4% 5) 4& 4* 2* 2^ 2& 2% 5@ 5! 4) 4! 3^ 3( 3* 3& q w g h j s i 2# d 2@ 2! a f l k o 2) 2$ ; 3! 2(

Нетапыр лясны*

Нетапыр мадэрскі

Нетапыр міжземнаморскі* Нетапыр-пігмей Нетапыр Саві

Падкаванос Блазіўса Падкаванос вялікі Падкаванос малы

Падкаванос Мегеля

Падкаванос міжземнаморскі Стрэлавух Хемрыха

Тадарыда еўрапейская Шыракавух азіяцкі

Шыракавух еўрапейскі

3@ 3$ 3# 3) 3% u r e y t 4$ 5# 4# 4@

*) Some alternative common Belarusian names Вушан Каламбатовіча Вячэрніца ранняя

Начніца Бешхтэйна Начніца Дабентона Начніца шэрая Нетапыр Куля

Нетапыр Натузіўса

4( 2% 2! i 2@ 3# e


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Basque Alcathoe saguzar bibotedun Baratze-saguzar Baratze-saguzar Isabella Baso-saguzar Bechstein saguzar Belarrihandi alpetar Belarrihandi balkaniar Belarrihandi kanariar Belarrihandi sardiniar Blasius ferra-saguzar Botta sordino Brandt saguzar Cabrera saguzar Daubenton saguzar Ekialdeko baso-saguzar Estepako saguzar bibotedun Ferra-saguzar handi Ferra-saguzar mediterraneo Ferra-saguzar txiki Fruitu-saguzar egiptoar Gau-saguzar arrunt Gau-saguzar azoretar Gau-saguzar handi Geoffroy saguzar Hanak pipistrelo Hegoaldeko belarrihandi gris Hemprich belarrihandi Hilobi-saguzar gibelsoil Iparraldeko belarrihandi arre Iparraldeko saguzar Kuhl pipistrelo Leisler gau-saguzar Mehelyi ferra-saguzar Nathusius pipistrelo Natterer saguzar Pipistrelo arrunt Pipistrelo Madeira Pipistrelo mediterraneo Saguzar arratoi-belarri ertain



g 3& 3( 4@ 2! 4^ 4( 5) 4& u 4! s l i 4# f r t e q 2% 2* 2^ 2) 3! 4* 4$ w 4% 3* 3# 2& y 3@ k 2( 3$ 3) 2#

Saguzar arratoi-belarri handi Saguzar arratoi-belarri mairutar Saguzar bibotedun Saguzar bibotedun armeniar Saguzar bibotedun nepaldar Saguzar buztanluze Europa Saguzar hatz-luze Saguzar hatz-luze zurbil Saguzar kolore biko Savi saguzar Schaub saguzar Schreiber saguzar Serotino sanatoria Urmael-saguzar

2@ 2$ d h j 5# a 5@ 3^ 3% ; 5! 4) o

Вушан альпійскі

Вушан балканскі* Вушан буры

Вушан канарскі

Вушан сардынскі

Вушан шэры

Вячэрніца азорская

Вячэрніца гіганцкая Вячэрніца малая

Вячэрніца рудая*

Даўгакрыл бледны

Даўгакрыл звычайны Кажан анаталійскі Кажан Бота

Кажан двухкаляровы Кажан ізабэлавы

Кажан паўночны Кажан позні

Крылан егіпецкі

Магільнік галабрухі Начніца Алькатое

Начніца армянская Начніца азіяцкая Начніца Бранта

Начніца вадзяная*

Начніца вастравухая Начніца вусатая

Начніца вялікая*

Начніца даўгавухая* Начніца даўгапалая Начніца залацістая

Начніца іберыйская Начніца Натэрэра

Начніца сажалкавая

Начніца трохкаляровая Начніца фінікійская Начніца Шаўба

Нетапыр Ганака


4^ 4( 4% 5) 4& 4* 2* 2^ 2& 2% 5@ 5! 4) 4! 3^ 3( 3* 3& q w g h j s i 2# d 2@ 2! a f l k o 2) 2$ ; 3! 2(

Нетапыр лясны*

Нетапыр мадэрскі

Нетапыр міжземнаморскі* Нетапыр-пігмей Нетапыр Саві

Падкаванос Блазіўса Падкаванос вялікі Падкаванос малы

Падкаванос Мегеля

Падкаванос міжземнаморскі Стрэлавух Хемрыха

Тадарыда еўрапейская Шыракавух азіяцкі

Шыракавух еўрапейскі

3@ 3$ 3# 3) 3% u r e y t 4$ 5# 4# 4@

*) Some alternative common Belarusian names Вушан Каламбатовіча Вячэрніца ранняя

Начніца Бешхтэйна Начніца Дабентона Начніца шэрая Нетапыр Куля

Нетапыр Натузіўса

4( 2% 2! i 2@ 3# e


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Bosnian Alpski dugouhi šišmiš Anadolski šišmiš Armenski šišmiš

Azijski brkati šišmiš

Azorski noćni šišmiš Barski šišmiš

Behštajnov šišmiš

Blazijev potkovasti šišmiš Botin šišmiš

Brandtov šišmiš

Dugoprsti šišmiš Dvobojni šišmiš

Egipatski letipas Golorepi šišmiš

Golotrbušni grobni šišmiš Hanakov šišmiš

Hemprihov dugouhi šišmiš Iberski šišmiš

Istočni brkati šišmiš

Istočni širokouhi šišmiš Izabelin šišmiš

Kanarski dugouhi šišmiš Kaspijski šišmiš

Kolombatovićev dugouhi šišmiš Kulijev šišmiš

Madeirski šišmiš

Mali brkati šišmiš

Mali mišouhi šišmiš Mali noćni šišmiš*

Mali potkovasti šišmiš Mali šišmiš

Mediteranski potkovasti šišmiš Meheljev potkovasti šišmiš Natererov šišmiš Natuzijev šišmiš Noćni šišmiš

Patuljasti brkati šišmiš Patuljasti šišmiš Punski šišmiš



4^ 4) h j 2* o 2! u 4! s a 3^ q 5# w 3! 4$ l f 4# 3( 5) ; 4( 3# 3$ d 2# 2& e 2( t y k 3@ 2% g 3) 2$

Sardinijski dugouhi šišmiš Savijev šišmiš

Sivi dugouhi šišmiš Sjeverni šišmiš

Smeđi dugouhi šišmiš Širokouhi šišmiš

Šrajberov anadolijski šišmiš Šrajberov šišmiš Trobojni šišmiš

Veliki kasni šišmiš

Veliki mišouhi šišmiš Veliki noćni šišmiš

Veliki potkovasti šišmiš Vodeni šišmiš

4& 3% 4* 3* 4% 4@ 5@ 5! 2) 3& 2@ 2^ r i

*) Alternative common Bosnian name Mali Lajslerov šišmiš


Barbastell ar Reter Barbastell Europa Frigribell Blasius Frigribell greizdouarel Frigribell Mehely Frigribell vihan Frigribell vras Gousperell Alkathoe Gousperell aour Gousperell ar geunioù Gousperell ar Magreb Gousperell Armenia Gousperell Bechstein Gousperell Brandt Gousperell Capaccini Gousperell Daubenton Gousperell Escalera Gousperell Geoffroy Gousperell Natterer Gousperell Nepal Gousperell Schaub Gousperell skouarnek vihan Gousperell skouarnek vras Gousperell varvek Gousper Savi Logodenn-dall kof noazh ar bezioù Logodenn-dall rous Egipt Miniopter Schreibers Miniopter sklaer Molos Cestoni Nozigell an Azorez Nozigell Leisler Nozigell voutin Nozigell vras Pipistrell gorr Pipistrell Kuhl Pipistrell Libia Pipistrell Madeira Pipistrell Nathusius

4# 4@ u t y e r g f o 2$ h 2! s a i l 2) k j ; 2# 2@ d 3% w q 5! 5@ 5# 2* 2& 2% 2^ 3) 3# 3@ 3$ 3!

Pipistrell voutin Serotin Anatolia Serotin Botta Serotin boutin Serotin daouliv Serotin melenwenn Serotin Nilsson Skouarnegell ar Balkanoù* Skouarnegell ar menezioú Skouarnegell c’hris Skouarnegell Hemprich Skouarnegell rous Skouarnegell Sard Skouarnegell Tenerife

*) Alternative common Breton name Skouarnegelled ar Balkanoù

2( 4) 4! 3& 3^ 3( 3* 4( 4^ 4* 4$ 4% 4& 5)



EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Bosnian Alpski dugouhi šišmiš Anadolski šišmiš Armenski šišmiš

Azijski brkati šišmiš

Azorski noćni šišmiš Barski šišmiš

Behštajnov šišmiš

Blazijev potkovasti šišmiš Botin šišmiš

Brandtov šišmiš

Dugoprsti šišmiš Dvobojni šišmiš

Egipatski letipas Golorepi šišmiš

Golotrbušni grobni šišmiš Hanakov šišmiš

Hemprihov dugouhi šišmiš Iberski šišmiš

Istočni brkati šišmiš

Istočni širokouhi šišmiš Izabelin šišmiš

Kanarski dugouhi šišmiš Kaspijski šišmiš

Kolombatovićev dugouhi šišmiš Kulijev šišmiš

Madeirski šišmiš

Mali brkati šišmiš

Mali mišouhi šišmiš Mali noćni šišmiš*

Mali potkovasti šišmiš Mali šišmiš

Mediteranski potkovasti šišmiš Meheljev potkovasti šišmiš Natererov šišmiš Natuzijev šišmiš Noćni šišmiš

Patuljasti brkati šišmiš Patuljasti šišmiš Punski šišmiš



4^ 4) h j 2* o 2! u 4! s a 3^ q 5# w 3! 4$ l f 4# 3( 5) ; 4( 3# 3$ d 2# 2& e 2( t y k 3@ 2% g 3) 2$

Sardinijski dugouhi šišmiš Savijev šišmiš

Sivi dugouhi šišmiš Sjeverni šišmiš

Smeđi dugouhi šišmiš Širokouhi šišmiš

Šrajberov anadolijski šišmiš Šrajberov šišmiš Trobojni šišmiš

Veliki kasni šišmiš

Veliki mišouhi šišmiš Veliki noćni šišmiš

Veliki potkovasti šišmiš Vodeni šišmiš

4& 3% 4* 3* 4% 4@ 5@ 5! 2) 3& 2@ 2^ r i

*) Alternative common Bosnian name Mali Lajslerov šišmiš


Barbastell ar Reter Barbastell Europa Frigribell Blasius Frigribell greizdouarel Frigribell Mehely Frigribell vihan Frigribell vras Gousperell Alkathoe Gousperell aour Gousperell ar geunioù Gousperell ar Magreb Gousperell Armenia Gousperell Bechstein Gousperell Brandt Gousperell Capaccini Gousperell Daubenton Gousperell Escalera Gousperell Geoffroy Gousperell Natterer Gousperell Nepal Gousperell Schaub Gousperell skouarnek vihan Gousperell skouarnek vras Gousperell varvek Gousper Savi Logodenn-dall kof noazh ar bezioù Logodenn-dall rous Egipt Miniopter Schreibers Miniopter sklaer Molos Cestoni Nozigell an Azorez Nozigell Leisler Nozigell voutin Nozigell vras Pipistrell gorr Pipistrell Kuhl Pipistrell Libia Pipistrell Madeira Pipistrell Nathusius

4# 4@ u t y e r g f o 2$ h 2! s a i l 2) k j ; 2# 2@ d 3% w q 5! 5@ 5# 2* 2& 2% 2^ 3) 3# 3@ 3$ 3!

Pipistrell voutin Serotin Anatolia Serotin Botta Serotin boutin Serotin daouliv Serotin melenwenn Serotin Nilsson Skouarnegell ar Balkanoù* Skouarnegell ar menezioú Skouarnegell c’hris Skouarnegell Hemprich Skouarnegell rous Skouarnegell Sard Skouarnegell Tenerife

*) Alternative common Breton name Skouarnegelled ar Balkanoù

2( 4) 4! 3& 3^ 3( 3* 4( 4^ 4* 4$ 4% 4& 5)



EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Bulgarian Азиатски широкоух прилеп Азорски вечерник Алкатоев нощник

Арменски нощник

Бехщайнов нощник Брандтов нощник Булдогов прилеп Воден нощник

Голокоремен прилеп Голям вечерник Голям нощник

Голям подковонос Двуцветен прилеп

Дългопръст нощник

Дългоух прилеп на Коломбатович Египетски плодояден прилеп Езерен нощник

Златист нощник

Иберийски нощник

Изабелинов прилеп

Канарски дългоух прилеп Кафяв дългоух прилеп Кафяво прилепче

Лайслеров (Mалък) вечерник Мадейрско прилепче Магребски нощник

Малко кафяво прилепче Малък подковонос

Малоазиатски прилеп Мустакат нощник

Натереров нощник

Натузиево прилепче Непалски нощник Нощник на Шауб Остроух нощник

Пещерен дългокрил

Планински дългоух прилеп Подковонос на Мехели Полунощен прилеп



4# 2* g h 2! 1! 5# i w 2^ 2@ r 3^ a 4( q o f l 3( 5) 4% 2( 2& 3$ 2$ 3) e 4) d k 3@ j ; 2# 5! 4^ y 3&

Полунощен прилеп на Бот Прилепче на Ханак

Пустинен дългоух прилеп Ръждив вечерник

Савиево прилепче

Сардински дългоух прилеп Северен вечерник

Сив дългоух прилеп

Средиземноморски подковонос Средиземноморско прилепче Степен дългокрил прилеп Трицветен нощник Широкоух прилеп

Южен подковонос

4! 3! 4$ 2% 3% 4& 3* 4* u 3# 5@ 2) 4@ t

Barbastela Barbastela oriental Murciélago bicolor Murciélago de borde claro Murciélago de Cabrera Murciélago de cola libre y vientre desnudo Murciélago de cueva Murciélago de cuevapálido Murciélago de Hanak Murciélago de herradura de Blasius Murciélago de la fruta egípcio Murciélago de Madeira Murciélago de Nathusius Murciélago enano Murciélago grande de herradura Murciélago hortelano Murciélago hortelano anatólico Murciélago hortelano de Botta Murciélago hortelano norteño Murciélago hortelano pardo Murciélago mediano de herradura Murciélago mediterráneo de herradura Murciélago montañero Murciélago pequeño de herradura Murciélago rabudo Murciélago ratonero bigotudo Murciélago ratonero bigotudo armenio Murciélago ratonero bigotudo asiático Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de Alcathoe Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de las estepas Murciélago ratonero de Brandt Murciélago ratonero de Natterer Murciélago ratonero de Schaub Murciélago ratonero forestal Murciélago ratonero grande Murciélago ratonero ibérico Murciélago ratonero lagunero Murciélago ratonero mediano Murciélago ratonero moruno

4@ 4# 3^ 3# 3) w 5! 5@ 3! u q 3$ 3@ 2( r 3& 4) 4! 3* 3( y t 3% e 5# d h j g f s k ; 2! 2@ l o 2# 2$

Murciélago ratonero pardo Murciélago ratonero patudo Murciélago ratonero ribereño Nóctulo de Azores Nóctulo grande Nóctulo mediano Nóctulo pequeño Orejudo alpino Orejudo balcánico Orejudo canario Orejudo de Hemprich Orejudo dorado Orejudo gris Orejudo sardo

2) a i 2* 2^ 2% 2& 4^ 4( 5) 4$ 4% 4* 4&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Bulgarian Азиатски широкоух прилеп Азорски вечерник Алкатоев нощник

Арменски нощник

Бехщайнов нощник Брандтов нощник Булдогов прилеп Воден нощник

Голокоремен прилеп Голям вечерник Голям нощник

Голям подковонос Двуцветен прилеп

Дългопръст нощник

Дългоух прилеп на Коломбатович Египетски плодояден прилеп Езерен нощник

Златист нощник

Иберийски нощник

Изабелинов прилеп

Канарски дългоух прилеп Кафяв дългоух прилеп Кафяво прилепче

Лайслеров (Mалък) вечерник Мадейрско прилепче Магребски нощник

Малко кафяво прилепче Малък подковонос

Малоазиатски прилеп Мустакат нощник

Натереров нощник

Натузиево прилепче Непалски нощник Нощник на Шауб Остроух нощник

Пещерен дългокрил

Планински дългоух прилеп Подковонос на Мехели Полунощен прилеп



4# 2* g h 2! 1! 5# i w 2^ 2@ r 3^ a 4( q o f l 3( 5) 4% 2( 2& 3$ 2$ 3) e 4) d k 3@ j ; 2# 5! 4^ y 3&

Полунощен прилеп на Бот Прилепче на Ханак

Пустинен дългоух прилеп Ръждив вечерник

Савиево прилепче

Сардински дългоух прилеп Северен вечерник

Сив дългоух прилеп

Средиземноморски подковонос Средиземноморско прилепче Степен дългокрил прилеп Трицветен нощник Широкоух прилеп

Южен подковонос

4! 3! 4$ 2% 3% 4& 3* 4* u 3# 5@ 2) 4@ t

Barbastela Barbastela oriental Murciélago bicolor Murciélago de borde claro Murciélago de Cabrera Murciélago de cola libre y vientre desnudo Murciélago de cueva Murciélago de cuevapálido Murciélago de Hanak Murciélago de herradura de Blasius Murciélago de la fruta egípcio Murciélago de Madeira Murciélago de Nathusius Murciélago enano Murciélago grande de herradura Murciélago hortelano Murciélago hortelano anatólico Murciélago hortelano de Botta Murciélago hortelano norteño Murciélago hortelano pardo Murciélago mediano de herradura Murciélago mediterráneo de herradura Murciélago montañero Murciélago pequeño de herradura Murciélago rabudo Murciélago ratonero bigotudo Murciélago ratonero bigotudo armenio Murciélago ratonero bigotudo asiático Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de Alcathoe Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de las estepas Murciélago ratonero de Brandt Murciélago ratonero de Natterer Murciélago ratonero de Schaub Murciélago ratonero forestal Murciélago ratonero grande Murciélago ratonero ibérico Murciélago ratonero lagunero Murciélago ratonero mediano Murciélago ratonero moruno

4@ 4# 3^ 3# 3) w 5! 5@ 3! u q 3$ 3@ 2( r 3& 4) 4! 3* 3( y t 3% e 5# d h j g f s k ; 2! 2@ l o 2# 2$

Murciélago ratonero pardo Murciélago ratonero patudo Murciélago ratonero ribereño Nóctulo de Azores Nóctulo grande Nóctulo mediano Nóctulo pequeño Orejudo alpino Orejudo balcánico Orejudo canario Orejudo de Hemprich Orejudo dorado Orejudo gris Orejudo sardo

2) a i 2* 2^ 2% 2& 4^ 4( 5) 4$ 4% 4* 4&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Catalan Nòctul de les Azores Nòctul gegant Nòctul gros Nòctul petit Orellut alpí Orellut balcànic Orellut canari Orellut daurat Orellut d'Hemprich Orellut gris Orellut sard Pipistrel·la comuna Pipistrel·la de Hanak Pipistrel·la de Madeira Pipistrel·la de Nathusius Pipistrel·la de vores clares Pipistrel·la nana Ratpenat argentat Ratpenat cuallarg Ratpenat d'aigua Ratpenat de Bechstein Ratpenat de bigotis Ratpenat de bigotis armeni Ratpenat de bigotis asiàtic Ratpenat de bigotis de Brandt Ratpenat de bigotis d'estepa Ratpenat de bigotis petit Ratpenat de bosc Ratpenat de bosc oriental Ratpenat de cova Ratpenat de cova pàllid Ratpenat de ferradura de Blasius Ratpenat de ferradura gran Ratpenat de ferradura mediterrani Ratpenat de ferradura mitjà Ratpenat de ferradura petit Ratpenat dels estanys Ratpenat dels graners Ratpenat dels graners anatoli



2* 2^ 2% 2& 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4$ 4* 4& 2( 3! 3$ 3@ 3# 3) 3^ 5# i 2! d h j s f g 4@ 4# 5! 5@ u r t y e o 3& 4)

Ratpenat dels graners de Botta Ratpenat dels graners meridional Ratpenat dels graners nòrdic Ratpenat de peus grans Ratpenat de tomba de carpó nu Ratpenat d'orelles dentades Ratpenat egipci Ratpenat gris Ratpenat gris de Schaub Ratpenat gris ibèric Ratpenat muntanyenc Ratpenat rater africà Ratpenat rater gros Ratpenat rater mitjà

4! 3( 3* a w 2) q k ; l 3% 2$ 2@ 2#

Anatolski noćnjak

Armenski brkati šišmiš Azijski brkati šišmiš Azorski večernjak Bjelorubi šišmiš

Blazijev potkovnjak

Bliskoistočni dugokrili pršnjak Bottin noćnjak

Brandtov šišmiš Brkati šišmiš

Dugokrili pršnjak Dugonogi šišmiš Dvobojni šišmiš

Egipatski plodojedi šišmiš Golotrbi grobni šišmiš Gorski dugoušan

Hanakov patuljasti šišmiš

Hemprichov dugouhi šišmiš Iberski resasti šišmiš

Istočni širokouhi mračnjak Izabelin noćnjak

Južni potkovnjak

Kanarski dugoušan Kasni noćnjak

Kolombatovićev dugouša Madeirski mali šišmiš Mali brkati šišmiš Mali potkovnjak

Mali šumski šišmiš Mali večernjak

Meheljev potkovnjak

Močvarni patuljasti šišmiš Močvarni šišmiš Oštrouhi šišmiš

Patuljasti šišmiš

Primorski brkati šišmiš Primorski šišmiš Rani večernjak Resasti šišmiš

4) 1% 1^ 2* 3# u 5@ 4! s d 5! a 3^ q w 4^ 3! 4$ l 4# 3( t 5) 3& 4( 3$ g e 3@ 2& y 3) o 2# 2( f 3% 2% k

Riđi šišmiš

Riječni šišmiš

Sardinijski dugoušan

Schaubov resasti šišmiš Sivi dugoušan

Sjeverni noćnjak

Sjevernoafrički oštrouhi šišmiš Smeđi dugoušan

Sredozemni slobodnorepac Širokouhi mračnjak Veliki potkovnjak Veliki šišmiš

Veliki večernjak

Velikouhi šišmiš

2) i 4& ; 4* 3* 2$ 4% 5# 4@ r 2@ 2^ 2!


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Catalan Nòctul de les Azores Nòctul gegant Nòctul gros Nòctul petit Orellut alpí Orellut balcànic Orellut canari Orellut daurat Orellut d'Hemprich Orellut gris Orellut sard Pipistrel·la comuna Pipistrel·la de Hanak Pipistrel·la de Madeira Pipistrel·la de Nathusius Pipistrel·la de vores clares Pipistrel·la nana Ratpenat argentat Ratpenat cuallarg Ratpenat d'aigua Ratpenat de Bechstein Ratpenat de bigotis Ratpenat de bigotis armeni Ratpenat de bigotis asiàtic Ratpenat de bigotis de Brandt Ratpenat de bigotis d'estepa Ratpenat de bigotis petit Ratpenat de bosc Ratpenat de bosc oriental Ratpenat de cova Ratpenat de cova pàllid Ratpenat de ferradura de Blasius Ratpenat de ferradura gran Ratpenat de ferradura mediterrani Ratpenat de ferradura mitjà Ratpenat de ferradura petit Ratpenat dels estanys Ratpenat dels graners Ratpenat dels graners anatoli



2* 2^ 2% 2& 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4$ 4* 4& 2( 3! 3$ 3@ 3# 3) 3^ 5# i 2! d h j s f g 4@ 4# 5! 5@ u r t y e o 3& 4)

Ratpenat dels graners de Botta Ratpenat dels graners meridional Ratpenat dels graners nòrdic Ratpenat de peus grans Ratpenat de tomba de carpó nu Ratpenat d'orelles dentades Ratpenat egipci Ratpenat gris Ratpenat gris de Schaub Ratpenat gris ibèric Ratpenat muntanyenc Ratpenat rater africà Ratpenat rater gros Ratpenat rater mitjà

4! 3( 3* a w 2) q k ; l 3% 2$ 2@ 2#

Anatolski noćnjak

Armenski brkati šišmiš Azijski brkati šišmiš Azorski večernjak Bjelorubi šišmiš

Blazijev potkovnjak

Bliskoistočni dugokrili pršnjak Bottin noćnjak

Brandtov šišmiš Brkati šišmiš

Dugokrili pršnjak Dugonogi šišmiš Dvobojni šišmiš

Egipatski plodojedi šišmiš Golotrbi grobni šišmiš Gorski dugoušan

Hanakov patuljasti šišmiš

Hemprichov dugouhi šišmiš Iberski resasti šišmiš

Istočni širokouhi mračnjak Izabelin noćnjak

Južni potkovnjak

Kanarski dugoušan Kasni noćnjak

Kolombatovićev dugouša Madeirski mali šišmiš Mali brkati šišmiš Mali potkovnjak

Mali šumski šišmiš Mali večernjak

Meheljev potkovnjak

Močvarni patuljasti šišmiš Močvarni šišmiš Oštrouhi šišmiš

Patuljasti šišmiš

Primorski brkati šišmiš Primorski šišmiš Rani večernjak Resasti šišmiš

4) 1% 1^ 2* 3# u 5@ 4! s d 5! a 3^ q w 4^ 3! 4$ l 4# 3( t 5) 3& 4( 3$ g e 3@ 2& y 3) o 2# 2( f 3% 2% k

Riđi šišmiš

Riječni šišmiš

Sardinijski dugoušan

Schaubov resasti šišmiš Sivi dugoušan

Sjeverni noćnjak

Sjevernoafrički oštrouhi šišmiš Smeđi dugoušan

Sredozemni slobodnorepac Širokouhi mračnjak Veliki potkovnjak Veliki šišmiš

Veliki večernjak

Velikouhi šišmiš

2) i 4& ; 4* 3* 2$ 4% 5# 4@ r 2@ 2^ 2!


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Czech Ďasík černý*

Ďasík himalájský*

Hrobkovec lysobřichý* Kaloň egyptský

Létavec evropský* Létavec perský

Morous evropský*

Netopýr Alkathoe* Netopýr anatolský

Netopýr arménský Netopýr azorský Netopýr Bottův

Netopýr Brandtův Netopýr brvitý

Netopýr dlouhonohý Netopýr Hanákův* Netopýr hvízdavý Netopýr jižní

Netopýr makaronéský Netopýr nejmenší

Netopýr obrovský

Netopýr ostrouchý Netopýr parkový Netopýr pestrý

Netopýr pobřežní Netopýr punský Netopýr rezavý

Netopýr řasnatý Netopýr saviův

Netopýr Schaubův Netopýr severní

Netopýr stromový

Netopýr středoasijský Netopýr španělský

Netopýr tripolitánský Netopýr večerní

Netopýr velkouchý Netopýr velký

Netopýr vodní



4@ 4# w q 5! 5@ 5# g 4) h 2* 4! s 2) a 3! 2( 3# 3$ 3) 2^ 2# 3@ 3^ o 2$ 2% k 3% ; 3* 2& j l 3( 3& 2! 2@ i

Netopýr vousatý Netopýr zlatistý

Ušan balkánský* Ušan hnědý*

Ušan horský*

Ušan kanárský* Ušan pustinný*

Ušan sardinský* Ušan šedý*

Vrápenec Blasiův Vrápenec jižní

Vrápenec malý

Vrápenec Mehelyův Vrápenec velký

d f 4( 4% 4^ 5) 4$ 4& 4* u t e y r

*) Some alternative common Czech names Létavec stĕhovavý Netopýr alpský

Netopýr balkánský Netopýr černý

Netopýr dlouhouchý Netopýr kanáraský Netopýr kyrénský

Netopýr lysobřichý Netopýr menší

Netopýr pustinný

Netopýr sardinský Netopýr skalní Netopýr ušatý

Tadarida evropská

5! 4^ 4( 4@ 4* 5) 3) w g 4$ 4& 4# 4% 5@

Alpelangøre Anatolsk langfingerflagermus Anatolsk sydflagermus Armensk frynseflagermus Armensk skægflagermus Asiatisk skægflagermus Azorflagermus Balkanlangøre Bechsteins flagermus Blasius’hestekonæse Bottas sydflagermus Brandts flaggermus Brunflagermus Brun Langøre Capaccinis flagermus Damflagermus Dværgflagermus Egyptisk flyvehund Europæisk bulldogflagermus Frynseflagermus Geoffroys flagermus Grå langøre Hanaks flagermus Iberisk frynseflagermus Isabellasydflagermus Kanarielangøre Kuhls flagermus Leislers flagermus Lille hestekonæse Lille museøre Madeiraflagermus Mahgreb museøre Mehelys hestekonæse Middelhavehestekonæse Nordflagermus Nympheflagermus Nøgenrumpet gravflagermus Pipistrelflagermus Sardisk langøre

4^ 5@ 4) ; h j 2* 4( 2! u 4! s 2% 4% a o 3) q 5# k 2) 4* 3! l 3( 5) 3# 2& e 2# 3$ 2$ y t 3* g w 2( 4&

Savis flagermus Schreibers’ langfingerflagermus Skimmelflagermus Skægflagermus Steppeskægflagermus Stor brunflagermus Stor hestekonæse Stor museøre Storøret flagermus Sydflagermus Troldflagermus Vandflagermus Vestlig bredøret flagermus Østlig bredøret flagermus

3% 5! 3^ d f 2^ r 2@ 4$ 3& 3@ i 4@ 4#


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Czech Ďasík černý*

Ďasík himalájský*

Hrobkovec lysobřichý* Kaloň egyptský

Létavec evropský* Létavec perský

Morous evropský*

Netopýr Alkathoe* Netopýr anatolský

Netopýr arménský Netopýr azorský Netopýr Bottův

Netopýr Brandtův Netopýr brvitý

Netopýr dlouhonohý Netopýr Hanákův* Netopýr hvízdavý Netopýr jižní

Netopýr makaronéský Netopýr nejmenší

Netopýr obrovský

Netopýr ostrouchý Netopýr parkový Netopýr pestrý

Netopýr pobřežní Netopýr punský Netopýr rezavý

Netopýr řasnatý Netopýr saviův

Netopýr Schaubův Netopýr severní

Netopýr stromový

Netopýr středoasijský Netopýr španělský

Netopýr tripolitánský Netopýr večerní

Netopýr velkouchý Netopýr velký

Netopýr vodní



4@ 4# w q 5! 5@ 5# g 4) h 2* 4! s 2) a 3! 2( 3# 3$ 3) 2^ 2# 3@ 3^ o 2$ 2% k 3% ; 3* 2& j l 3( 3& 2! 2@ i

Netopýr vousatý Netopýr zlatistý

Ušan balkánský* Ušan hnědý*

Ušan horský*

Ušan kanárský* Ušan pustinný*

Ušan sardinský* Ušan šedý*

Vrápenec Blasiův Vrápenec jižní

Vrápenec malý

Vrápenec Mehelyův Vrápenec velký

d f 4( 4% 4^ 5) 4$ 4& 4* u t e y r

*) Some alternative common Czech names Létavec stĕhovavý Netopýr alpský

Netopýr balkánský Netopýr černý

Netopýr dlouhouchý Netopýr kanáraský Netopýr kyrénský

Netopýr lysobřichý Netopýr menší

Netopýr pustinný

Netopýr sardinský Netopýr skalní Netopýr ušatý

Tadarida evropská

5! 4^ 4( 4@ 4* 5) 3) w g 4$ 4& 4# 4% 5@

Alpelangøre Anatolsk langfingerflagermus Anatolsk sydflagermus Armensk frynseflagermus Armensk skægflagermus Asiatisk skægflagermus Azorflagermus Balkanlangøre Bechsteins flagermus Blasius’hestekonæse Bottas sydflagermus Brandts flaggermus Brunflagermus Brun Langøre Capaccinis flagermus Damflagermus Dværgflagermus Egyptisk flyvehund Europæisk bulldogflagermus Frynseflagermus Geoffroys flagermus Grå langøre Hanaks flagermus Iberisk frynseflagermus Isabellasydflagermus Kanarielangøre Kuhls flagermus Leislers flagermus Lille hestekonæse Lille museøre Madeiraflagermus Mahgreb museøre Mehelys hestekonæse Middelhavehestekonæse Nordflagermus Nympheflagermus Nøgenrumpet gravflagermus Pipistrelflagermus Sardisk langøre

4^ 5@ 4) ; h j 2* 4( 2! u 4! s 2% 4% a o 3) q 5# k 2) 4* 3! l 3( 5) 3# 2& e 2# 3$ 2$ y t 3* g w 2( 4&

Savis flagermus Schreibers’ langfingerflagermus Skimmelflagermus Skægflagermus Steppeskægflagermus Stor brunflagermus Stor hestekonæse Stor museøre Storøret flagermus Sydflagermus Troldflagermus Vandflagermus Vestlig bredøret flagermus Østlig bredøret flagermus

3% 5! 3^ d f 2^ r 2@ 4$ 3& 3@ i 4@ 4#


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Dutch Alpengrootoorvleermuis Anatolische laatvlieger Anatolische langvleugelvleermuis Armeense baardvleermuis Aziatische baarvleermuis Azoren rosse vleermuis Baardvleermuis Balkangrootoorvleermuis Bechsteinsvleermuis Blasius’ hoefijzerneus Bosvleermuis Botta’s vleermuis Brandts vleermuis Canarische grootoorvleermuis Capaccini’s vleermuis Europese bulvleermuis Fenicische vale vleermuis Franjestaart Gewone dwergvleermuis Gewone grootoorvleermuis Grote hoefijzerneus Grote rosse vleermuis Grijze grootoorvleermuis Hanaks dwergvleermuis Iberische franjestaart Ingekorven vleermuis Isabelvleermuis Kaalbuikgrafvleermuis Kleine dwergvleermuis Kleine hoefijzerneus Kleine vale vleermuis Kuhls dwergvleermuis Laatvlieger Madeira dwergvleermuis Meervleermuis Mehely’s hoefijzerneus Nimfvleermuis Noordse vleermuis Nijlrousette



4^ 4) 5@ h j 2* d 4( 2! u 2& 4! s 5) a 5# 2$ k 2( 4% r 2^ 4* 3! l 2) 3( w 3) e 2# 3# 3& 3$ o y g 3* q

Oostelijke mopsvleermuis Paarse hoefijzerneus Rosse vleermuis Ruige dwergvleermuis Sardijnse grootoorvleermuis Savi’s dwergvleermuis Schaubs vleermuis Schreibers’ vleermuis Steppebaardvleermuis Tweekleurige vleermuis Vale vleermuis Watervleermuis Westelijke mopsvleermuis Woestijngrootoorvleermuis

4# t 2% 3@ 4& 3% ; 5! f 3^ 2@ i 4@ 4$

Alcathoe Whiskered Bat Alpine Long-eared Bat Anatolian Bent-winged Bat Anatolian Serotine Bat Armenian Whiskered Bat Asiatic Whiskered Bat Azorean Noctule Bat Balkan Long-eared Bat Bechstein’s Bat Blasius’s Horseshoe Bat Botta’s Serotine Bat Brandt’s Bat Brown Long-eared Bat Canary Long-eared Bat Common Pipistrelle Bat Daubenton’s Bat Eastern Barbastelle Bat Egyptian Fruit Bat European Free-tailed Bat Geoffroy’s Bat Greater Horseshoe Bat Greater Mouse-eared Bat Greater Noctule Bat Grey Long-eared Bat Hanak’s Pipistrelle Hemprich’s Long-eared Bat Iberian Natterer’s Bat Isabelline Serotine Bat Kuhl’s Pipistrelle Bat Leisler’s Bat Lesser Horseshoe Bat Lesser Mouse-eared Bat Long-fingered Bat Madeiran Pipistrelle Bat Maghrebian Mouse-eared Bat Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat Mehely’s Horseshoe Bat Naked-rumped Tomb Bat Nathusius’s Pipistrelle Bat

g 4^ 5@ 4) h j 2* 4( 2! u 4! s 4% 5) 2( i 4# q 5# 2) r 2@ 2^ 4* 3! 4$ l 3( 3# 2& e 2# a 3$ 2$ t y w 3@

Natterer’s Bat Noctule Bat Northern Bat Parti-coloured Bat Pond Bat Sardinian Long-eared Bat Savi’s Pipistrelle Bat Schaub’s Bat Schreibers’s Bent-winged Bat Serotine Bat Soprano Pipistrelle Bat Steppe Whiskered Bat Western Barbastelle Bat Whiskered Bat

k 2% 3* 3^ o 4& 3% ; 5! 3& 3) f 4@ d


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Dutch Alpengrootoorvleermuis Anatolische laatvlieger Anatolische langvleugelvleermuis Armeense baardvleermuis Aziatische baarvleermuis Azoren rosse vleermuis Baardvleermuis Balkangrootoorvleermuis Bechsteinsvleermuis Blasius’ hoefijzerneus Bosvleermuis Botta’s vleermuis Brandts vleermuis Canarische grootoorvleermuis Capaccini’s vleermuis Europese bulvleermuis Fenicische vale vleermuis Franjestaart Gewone dwergvleermuis Gewone grootoorvleermuis Grote hoefijzerneus Grote rosse vleermuis Grijze grootoorvleermuis Hanaks dwergvleermuis Iberische franjestaart Ingekorven vleermuis Isabelvleermuis Kaalbuikgrafvleermuis Kleine dwergvleermuis Kleine hoefijzerneus Kleine vale vleermuis Kuhls dwergvleermuis Laatvlieger Madeira dwergvleermuis Meervleermuis Mehely’s hoefijzerneus Nimfvleermuis Noordse vleermuis Nijlrousette



4^ 4) 5@ h j 2* d 4( 2! u 2& 4! s 5) a 5# 2$ k 2( 4% r 2^ 4* 3! l 2) 3( w 3) e 2# 3# 3& 3$ o y g 3* q

Oostelijke mopsvleermuis Paarse hoefijzerneus Rosse vleermuis Ruige dwergvleermuis Sardijnse grootoorvleermuis Savi’s dwergvleermuis Schaubs vleermuis Schreibers’ vleermuis Steppebaardvleermuis Tweekleurige vleermuis Vale vleermuis Watervleermuis Westelijke mopsvleermuis Woestijngrootoorvleermuis

4# t 2% 3@ 4& 3% ; 5! f 3^ 2@ i 4@ 4$

Alcathoe Whiskered Bat Alpine Long-eared Bat Anatolian Bent-winged Bat Anatolian Serotine Bat Armenian Whiskered Bat Asiatic Whiskered Bat Azorean Noctule Bat Balkan Long-eared Bat Bechstein’s Bat Blasius’s Horseshoe Bat Botta’s Serotine Bat Brandt’s Bat Brown Long-eared Bat Canary Long-eared Bat Common Pipistrelle Bat Daubenton’s Bat Eastern Barbastelle Bat Egyptian Fruit Bat European Free-tailed Bat Geoffroy’s Bat Greater Horseshoe Bat Greater Mouse-eared Bat Greater Noctule Bat Grey Long-eared Bat Hanak’s Pipistrelle Hemprich’s Long-eared Bat Iberian Natterer’s Bat Isabelline Serotine Bat Kuhl’s Pipistrelle Bat Leisler’s Bat Lesser Horseshoe Bat Lesser Mouse-eared Bat Long-fingered Bat Madeiran Pipistrelle Bat Maghrebian Mouse-eared Bat Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat Mehely’s Horseshoe Bat Naked-rumped Tomb Bat Nathusius’s Pipistrelle Bat

g 4^ 5@ 4) h j 2* 4( 2! u 4! s 4% 5) 2( i 4# q 5# 2) r 2@ 2^ 4* 3! 4$ l 3( 3# 2& e 2# a 3$ 2$ t y w 3@

Natterer’s Bat Noctule Bat Northern Bat Parti-coloured Bat Pond Bat Sardinian Long-eared Bat Savi’s Pipistrelle Bat Schaub’s Bat Schreibers’s Bent-winged Bat Serotine Bat Soprano Pipistrelle Bat Steppe Whiskered Bat Western Barbastelle Bat Whiskered Bat

k 2% 3* 3^ o 4& 3% ; 5! 3& 3) f 4@ d


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Estonian Aasia laikõrv Alpi nahkhiir Alpi suurkõrv Anatoolia nahkhiir Assoori videvlane Balkani suurkõrv Egiptuse öötiibur Euroopa kurdmokk Euroopa laikõrv Euroopa pikktiib Habelendlane Hall-suurkõrv Hele-sagarnina Hiidvidevlane Hilis-nahkhiir Hõbe-nahkhiir Ibeeria nahkhiir Kanaari suurkõrv Kataloonia lendlane Kuldlendlane Kõrbe-nahkhiir Kääbus-nahkhiir Liibüa nahkhiir Lõunalendlane Madeira nahkhiir Meheli sagarnina Nattereri lendlane Nepaali lendlane Ojalendlane Paljaskõht-kääpanahkhiir Pargi-nahkhiir Pikkjalg-lendlane Pikkkõrv-lendlane Pruun-suurkõrv Põhja-nahkhiir Pärsia lendlane Pärsia pikktibb Pügmee-nahkhiir Ripslendlane



4# 3% 4^ 4) 2* 4( q 5# 4@ 5! d 4* u 2^ 3& 3^ 3( 5) l f 4! 2( 3! 2# 3$ y k j g w 3@ a 2! 4% 3* ; 5@ 3) 2)

Sardiinia suurkõrv Sevani lendlane Suur-sagarnina Suurlendlane Suur-teravkõrv Suurvidevlane Tiigilendlane Tõmmulendlane Vahemere lendlane Vahemere nahkhiir Vahemere sagarnina Veelendlane Väike-sagarnina Väikevidevlane

4& h r 2@ 4$ 2% o s 2$ 3# t i e 2&

Aavikkolepakko Anatolianserotiini Armenianviiksisiippa Arohautalepakko Azorienisolepakko Balkaninkorvayökkö Balkaninviiksisiippa Doggilepakko Etelänlepakko Euroopanisoherkko Euroopanpikkuherkko Harmaakorvayökkö Hiirenkorvasiippa Iberiansiippa Idänmopsilepakko Isolepakko Isosiippa Isoviisisiippa Kanariankorvayökkö Kapearäpyläpiippa Kaukasuksenkorvayökkö Kaukasuksensiippa Kaukasuksenviiksisippa Kimolepakko Korvasiippa Korvayökkö Kääpiölepakko Lampisisiippa Libyanlepakko Madeiranpiippa Metsälepakko Mopsilepakko Pikkulepakko Pikkuviiksisiippa Pitkäsiipiyökkö Pitkäsormisiippa Pohjanlepakko Ripsisiippa Ronkko

4$ 4) h w 2* 4( f 5# 3& r e 4* 2# l 4# 2% 2@ s 5) 3# 4^ ; j 3^ 2! 4% 3) o 3! 3$ 2& 4@ 3@ g 5! a 3* k q

Ruskosiippa Rusoisolepakko Sardiniankorvayökkö Täpläherkko Tunisiansiippa Turkinpitkäsormi Turkinserotiini Vaaleaetelänlepakko Vaaleaherkko Vaivaislepakko Vesisiippa Viiksisiippa Vuoristopiippa Välimerenherkko

2) 2^ 4& y 2$ 5@ 4! 3( u 2( i d 3% t


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Estonian Aasia laikõrv Alpi nahkhiir Alpi suurkõrv Anatoolia nahkhiir Assoori videvlane Balkani suurkõrv Egiptuse öötiibur Euroopa kurdmokk Euroopa laikõrv Euroopa pikktiib Habelendlane Hall-suurkõrv Hele-sagarnina Hiidvidevlane Hilis-nahkhiir Hõbe-nahkhiir Ibeeria nahkhiir Kanaari suurkõrv Kataloonia lendlane Kuldlendlane Kõrbe-nahkhiir Kääbus-nahkhiir Liibüa nahkhiir Lõunalendlane Madeira nahkhiir Meheli sagarnina Nattereri lendlane Nepaali lendlane Ojalendlane Paljaskõht-kääpanahkhiir Pargi-nahkhiir Pikkjalg-lendlane Pikkkõrv-lendlane Pruun-suurkõrv Põhja-nahkhiir Pärsia lendlane Pärsia pikktibb Pügmee-nahkhiir Ripslendlane



4# 3% 4^ 4) 2* 4( q 5# 4@ 5! d 4* u 2^ 3& 3^ 3( 5) l f 4! 2( 3! 2# 3$ y k j g w 3@ a 2! 4% 3* ; 5@ 3) 2)

Sardiinia suurkõrv Sevani lendlane Suur-sagarnina Suurlendlane Suur-teravkõrv Suurvidevlane Tiigilendlane Tõmmulendlane Vahemere lendlane Vahemere nahkhiir Vahemere sagarnina Veelendlane Väike-sagarnina Väikevidevlane

4& h r 2@ 4$ 2% o s 2$ 3# t i e 2&

Aavikkolepakko Anatolianserotiini Armenianviiksisiippa Arohautalepakko Azorienisolepakko Balkaninkorvayökkö Balkaninviiksisiippa Doggilepakko Etelänlepakko Euroopanisoherkko Euroopanpikkuherkko Harmaakorvayökkö Hiirenkorvasiippa Iberiansiippa Idänmopsilepakko Isolepakko Isosiippa Isoviisisiippa Kanariankorvayökkö Kapearäpyläpiippa Kaukasuksenkorvayökkö Kaukasuksensiippa Kaukasuksenviiksisippa Kimolepakko Korvasiippa Korvayökkö Kääpiölepakko Lampisisiippa Libyanlepakko Madeiranpiippa Metsälepakko Mopsilepakko Pikkulepakko Pikkuviiksisiippa Pitkäsiipiyökkö Pitkäsormisiippa Pohjanlepakko Ripsisiippa Ronkko

4$ 4) h w 2* 4( f 5# 3& r e 4* 2# l 4# 2% 2@ s 5) 3# 4^ ; j 3^ 2! 4% 3) o 3! 3$ 2& 4@ 3@ g 5! a 3* k q

Ruskosiippa Rusoisolepakko Sardiniankorvayökkö Täpläherkko Tunisiansiippa Turkinpitkäsormi Turkinserotiini Vaaleaetelänlepakko Vaaleaherkko Vaivaislepakko Vesisiippa Viiksisiippa Vuoristopiippa Välimerenherkko

2) 2^ 4& y 2$ 5@ 4! 3( u 2( i d 3% t


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

French Barbastelle asiatique Barbastelle d'Europe Grande noctule Grand murin Grand rhinolophe Minioptère de Schreibers Minioptère pale Molosse de Cestoni Murin à moustaches Murin à oreilles échancrées Murin d'Alcathoe Murin d'Arménie Murin de Bechstein Murin de Brandt Murin de Capaccini Murin de Daubenton Murin de Natterer Murin d'Escalera Murin de Schaub Murin des marais Murin doré Murin du Maghreb Murin du Népal Noctule commune Noctule de Leisler Noctule des Açores Oreillard des Balkans Oreillard de Tenerife Oreillard d'Hemprich Oreillard montagnard Oreillard gris Oreillard roux Oreillard sarde Petit murin Petit rhinolophe Pipistrelle commune Pipistrelle de Kuhl Pipistrelle de Libye Pipistrelle de Madère



4# 4@ 2^ 2@ r 5! 5@ 5# d 2) g h 2! s a i k l ; o f 2$ j 2% 2& 2* 4( 5) 4$ 4^ 4* 4% 4& 2# e 2( 3# 3! 3$

Pipistrelle de Nathusius Pipistrelle pygmée Rhinolophe de Blasius Rhinolophe de Méhely Rhinolophe euryale Roussette d'Egypte Sérotine commune Sérotine d'Anatolie Sérotine de Botta Sérotine de Nilsson Sérotine isabelle Taphien à ventre nu Vespertilion bicolore Vespère de Savi

3@ 3) u y t q 3& 4) 4! 3* 3( w 3^ 3%

Alpengrutearflearmûs Anatoalyske langwjukflearmûs Anatoalyske lette flearmûs Armeenske burdflearmûs Aziatyske burdflearmûs Azoaren reade flearmûs Balkangrutearflearmûs Bechsteins flearmûs Blasius' hoefizernoas Boskflearmûs Botta's lette flearmûs Brandts flearmûs Burdflearmûs Franjesturt Grize grutearflearmûs Grutearflearmûs Grutfuottige flearmûs Grutte hoefizernoas Grutte reade flearmûs Hanaks dwerchflearmûs Ibearyske franjesturt Isabelkleurde lette flearmûs Kanaryske grutearflearmûs Kealbûktimpelflearmûs Lette flearmûs Lytse alpenflearmûs Lytse dwerchflearmûs Lytse flearmûs Lytse hoefizernoas Lytse mûsearflearmûs Madeira dwerchflearmûs Maghreb mûsearflearmûs Marflearmûs Mehely’s hoefizernoas Muskusbulflearmûs Mûsearflearmûs Nimfflearmûs Noardske flearmûs Nylrûsette

4^ 5@ 4) h j 2* 4( 2! u 2& 4! s d k 4* 4% a r 2^ 3! l 3( 5) w 3& 3% 3) 2( e 2# 3$ 2$ o y 5# 2@ g 3* q

Oastlike breedearflearmûs Pearse hoefizernoas Reade flearmûs Rûge lytse flearmûs Sardynske grutearflearmûs Schaubs franjesturt Schreibers’ langwjukflearmûs Steppeburdflearmûs Twakleurige flearmûs Westlike breedearflearmûs Wetterflearmûs Woastyngrutearflearmûs Wytrâne dwerchflearmûs Ynsnijde flearmûs

4# t 2% 3@ 4& ; 5! f 3^ 4@ i 4$ 3# 2)


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

French Barbastelle asiatique Barbastelle d'Europe Grande noctule Grand murin Grand rhinolophe Minioptère de Schreibers Minioptère pale Molosse de Cestoni Murin à moustaches Murin à oreilles échancrées Murin d'Alcathoe Murin d'Arménie Murin de Bechstein Murin de Brandt Murin de Capaccini Murin de Daubenton Murin de Natterer Murin d'Escalera Murin de Schaub Murin des marais Murin doré Murin du Maghreb Murin du Népal Noctule commune Noctule de Leisler Noctule des Açores Oreillard des Balkans Oreillard de Tenerife Oreillard d'Hemprich Oreillard montagnard Oreillard gris Oreillard roux Oreillard sarde Petit murin Petit rhinolophe Pipistrelle commune Pipistrelle de Kuhl Pipistrelle de Libye Pipistrelle de Madère



4# 4@ 2^ 2@ r 5! 5@ 5# d 2) g h 2! s a i k l ; o f 2$ j 2% 2& 2* 4( 5) 4$ 4^ 4* 4% 4& 2# e 2( 3# 3! 3$

Pipistrelle de Nathusius Pipistrelle pygmée Rhinolophe de Blasius Rhinolophe de Méhely Rhinolophe euryale Roussette d'Egypte Sérotine commune Sérotine d'Anatolie Sérotine de Botta Sérotine de Nilsson Sérotine isabelle Taphien à ventre nu Vespertilion bicolore Vespère de Savi

3@ 3) u y t q 3& 4) 4! 3* 3( w 3^ 3%

Alpengrutearflearmûs Anatoalyske langwjukflearmûs Anatoalyske lette flearmûs Armeenske burdflearmûs Aziatyske burdflearmûs Azoaren reade flearmûs Balkangrutearflearmûs Bechsteins flearmûs Blasius' hoefizernoas Boskflearmûs Botta's lette flearmûs Brandts flearmûs Burdflearmûs Franjesturt Grize grutearflearmûs Grutearflearmûs Grutfuottige flearmûs Grutte hoefizernoas Grutte reade flearmûs Hanaks dwerchflearmûs Ibearyske franjesturt Isabelkleurde lette flearmûs Kanaryske grutearflearmûs Kealbûktimpelflearmûs Lette flearmûs Lytse alpenflearmûs Lytse dwerchflearmûs Lytse flearmûs Lytse hoefizernoas Lytse mûsearflearmûs Madeira dwerchflearmûs Maghreb mûsearflearmûs Marflearmûs Mehely’s hoefizernoas Muskusbulflearmûs Mûsearflearmûs Nimfflearmûs Noardske flearmûs Nylrûsette

4^ 5@ 4) h j 2* 4( 2! u 2& 4! s d k 4* 4% a r 2^ 3! l 3( 5) w 3& 3% 3) 2( e 2# 3$ 2$ o y 5# 2@ g 3* q

Oastlike breedearflearmûs Pearse hoefizernoas Reade flearmûs Rûge lytse flearmûs Sardynske grutearflearmûs Schaubs franjesturt Schreibers’ langwjukflearmûs Steppeburdflearmûs Twakleurige flearmûs Westlike breedearflearmûs Wetterflearmûs Woastyngrutearflearmûs Wytrâne dwerchflearmûs Ynsnijde flearmûs

4# t 2% 3@ 4& ; 5! f 3^ 4@ i 4$ 3# 2)


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Galician Morcego anano Morcego bigotudo Morcego bigotudo armenio Morcego bigotudo asiático Morcego bigotudo da estepa Morcego bigotudo de Brandt Morcego bigotudo pequeno Morcego común Morcego das covas Morcego das fragas Morcego das fragas oriental Morcego das hortas Morcego das hortas da Anatolia Morcego das hortas de Botta Morcego das hortas meridional Morcego das hortas norteño Morcego das lagoas Morcego de Bechstein Morcego de borde claro Morcego de cova esbrancuxado Morcego de dúas cores Morcego de ferradura de Blasius Morcego de ferradura grande Morcego de ferradura mediano Morcego de ferradura mediterráneo Morcego de ferradura pequeño Morcego de Hanak Morcego de Madeira Morcego de Nathusius Morcego de orellas fendidas Morcego de pés grandes Morcego de río Morcego de tumba de cú espido Morcego exipcio Morcego gris Morecego gris de Schaub Morcego gris ibérico Morcego montañeiro Morcego rabudo



3) d h j f s g 2( 5! 4@ 4# 3& 4) 4! 3( 3* o 2! 3# 5@ 3^ u r y t e 3! 3$ 3@ 2) a i w q k ; l 3% 5#

Morcego rateiro africano Morcego rateiro grande Morcego rateiro pequeno Nóctulo das Azores Nóctulo mediano Nóctulo pequeno Nóctulo xigante Orelludo alpino Orelludo balcánico Orelludo canario Orelludo de Hemprich Orelludo dourado Orelludo gris Orelludo sardo

2$ 2@ 2# 2* 2% 2& 2^ 4^ 4( 5) 4$ 4% 4* r

აზორული მეღამურა ალკათოეს მღამიობი ანატოლიური მეგვიანე აღმოსავლური მაჩქათელა* ბლასის ცხვირნალა ბრანდტის მღამიობი გიგანტური მეღამურა გრძელყურა მღამიობი* გუბურის მღამიობი დიდი მღამიობი დიდი ცხვირნალა ეგვიპტური მფრინავი ძაღლი ევროპული მაჩქათელა ევროპული ტადარიდა ესკალერას მღამიობი ველის ფრთაგრძელი. კავკასიური ყურა კანარიული ყურა კაპაჩინის მღამიობი კოლომბატოვიჩის ყურა მადეირული ღამორი მაღრიბული მღამიობი მეჰელის ცხვირნალა* მცირე მეღამურა მცირე ცხვირნალა ნაცრისფერი ყურა ნეპალური მღამიობი ოქროსფერი მღამიობი პაწია ღამორი რუხი ყურა სავის ღამორი სამფერი მღამიობი სამხრეთული ცხვირნალა სარდინიუღი ყურა სომხური მღამიობი ტყის მეგვიანე ტყის მღამიობი* ტყის ღამორი* უდაბნოს მეგვიანე

2* g 4) 4# u s 2^ 2! o 2@ r q 4@ 5# l 5@ 4^ 5) a 4( 3$ 2$ y 2& e 4* j f 3) 4% 3% 2) t 4& h 3( k 3@ 4!

ულვაშა მღამიობი ყურწვეტა მღამიობი * შაუბის მღამიობი შიშველმუცელა ქარქაშკუდა ჩვეულებრივი მეგვიანე ჩვეულებრივი ფრთაგრძელი ჩვეულებრივი ღამურა ჩრდილოური მეგვიანე წითური მეღამურა წყლის მღამიობი ხმელთაშუაზღვიური ღამორი* ჯუჯა ღამორი ჰანაკის ღამორი ჰემპრიხის ისარყურა

*) Some alternative common Georgian names აზიური მაჩქათელა ბეხშტეინის მღამიობი წვეტყურა მღამიობი კულის ღამორი ნათუსიუსის ღამორი ნატერერის მღამიობი სათვალეებიანი ცხვირნალა

d 2# ; w 3& 5! 3^ 3* 2% i 3# 2( 3! 4$

4# 2! 2# 3# 3@ k y


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Galician Morcego anano Morcego bigotudo Morcego bigotudo armenio Morcego bigotudo asiático Morcego bigotudo da estepa Morcego bigotudo de Brandt Morcego bigotudo pequeno Morcego común Morcego das covas Morcego das fragas Morcego das fragas oriental Morcego das hortas Morcego das hortas da Anatolia Morcego das hortas de Botta Morcego das hortas meridional Morcego das hortas norteño Morcego das lagoas Morcego de Bechstein Morcego de borde claro Morcego de cova esbrancuxado Morcego de dúas cores Morcego de ferradura de Blasius Morcego de ferradura grande Morcego de ferradura mediano Morcego de ferradura mediterráneo Morcego de ferradura pequeño Morcego de Hanak Morcego de Madeira Morcego de Nathusius Morcego de orellas fendidas Morcego de pés grandes Morcego de río Morcego de tumba de cú espido Morcego exipcio Morcego gris Morecego gris de Schaub Morcego gris ibérico Morcego montañeiro Morcego rabudo



3) d h j f s g 2( 5! 4@ 4# 3& 4) 4! 3( 3* o 2! 3# 5@ 3^ u r y t e 3! 3$ 3@ 2) a i w q k ; l 3% 5#

Morcego rateiro africano Morcego rateiro grande Morcego rateiro pequeno Nóctulo das Azores Nóctulo mediano Nóctulo pequeno Nóctulo xigante Orelludo alpino Orelludo balcánico Orelludo canario Orelludo de Hemprich Orelludo dourado Orelludo gris Orelludo sardo

2$ 2@ 2# 2* 2% 2& 2^ 4^ 4( 5) 4$ 4% 4* r

აზორული მეღამურა ალკათოეს მღამიობი ანატოლიური მეგვიანე აღმოსავლური მაჩქათელა* ბლასის ცხვირნალა ბრანდტის მღამიობი გიგანტური მეღამურა გრძელყურა მღამიობი* გუბურის მღამიობი დიდი მღამიობი დიდი ცხვირნალა ეგვიპტური მფრინავი ძაღლი ევროპული მაჩქათელა ევროპული ტადარიდა ესკალერას მღამიობი ველის ფრთაგრძელი. კავკასიური ყურა კანარიული ყურა კაპაჩინის მღამიობი კოლომბატოვიჩის ყურა მადეირული ღამორი მაღრიბული მღამიობი მეჰელის ცხვირნალა* მცირე მეღამურა მცირე ცხვირნალა ნაცრისფერი ყურა ნეპალური მღამიობი ოქროსფერი მღამიობი პაწია ღამორი რუხი ყურა სავის ღამორი სამფერი მღამიობი სამხრეთული ცხვირნალა სარდინიუღი ყურა სომხური მღამიობი ტყის მეგვიანე ტყის მღამიობი* ტყის ღამორი* უდაბნოს მეგვიანე

2* g 4) 4# u s 2^ 2! o 2@ r q 4@ 5# l 5@ 4^ 5) a 4( 3$ 2$ y 2& e 4* j f 3) 4% 3% 2) t 4& h 3( k 3@ 4!

ულვაშა მღამიობი ყურწვეტა მღამიობი * შაუბის მღამიობი შიშველმუცელა ქარქაშკუდა ჩვეულებრივი მეგვიანე ჩვეულებრივი ფრთაგრძელი ჩვეულებრივი ღამურა ჩრდილოური მეგვიანე წითური მეღამურა წყლის მღამიობი ხმელთაშუაზღვიური ღამორი* ჯუჯა ღამორი ჰანაკის ღამორი ჰემპრიხის ისარყურა

*) Some alternative common Georgian names აზიური მაჩქათელა ბეხშტეინის მღამიობი წვეტყურა მღამიობი კულის ღამორი ნათუსიუსის ღამორი ნატერერის მღამიობი სათვალეებიანი ცხვირნალა

d 2# ; w 3& 5! 3^ 3* 2% i 3# 2( 3! 4$

4# 2! 2# 3# 3@ k y


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

German Abendsegler Alpenfledermaus Alpen-Langohr Armenische Bartfledermaus Asiatische Mopsfledermaus Azoren-Abendsegler Balkan-Langohr Bartfledermaus Bechsteinfledermaus Blasius-Hufeisennase Bottas Fledermaus Brandtfledermaus Braunes Langohr Breitflügelfledermaus Europäische Bulldoggfledermaus Fransenfledermaus Graues Langohr Große Hufeisennase Hanaks Zwergfledermaus Iberische Fransenfledermaus Isabellfledermaus Kanaren-Langohr Kleinabendsegler Kleine Hufeisennase Kleines Mausohr Küstenfledermaus Langflügelfledermaus Langfußfledermaus Madeira-Fledermaus Mausohr Mehely-Hufeisennase Mittelmeer-Hufeisennase Mopsfledermaus Mückenfledermaus Nacktbäuchige Tempelfledermaus Nepal-Bartfledermaus Nilflughund Nordfledermaus Nymphenfledermaus



2% 3% 4^ h 4# 2* 4( d 2! u 4! s 4% 3& 5# k 4* r 3! l 3( 5) 2& e 2# 4) 5! a 3$ 2@ y t 4@ 4@ w j q 3* g

Punisches Mausohr Rauhhautfledermaus Riesenabendsegler Sardisches Langohr Schaubs Fledermaus Steppen-Bartfledermaus Steppen-Langflügelfledermaus Teichfledermaus Wasserfledermaus Weißrandfledermaus Wimperfledermaus Wüsten-Großohr Zweifarbfledermaus Zwergfledermaus

2$ 3@ 2^ 4& ; f 5@ o i 3# 2) 4$ 3^ 2(

Αιγυπτιακή φρουτονυχτερίδα Ασιατική μουστακονυχτερίδα Ασιατική τρανονυχτερίδα

Ασιατικός Μπαρμπαστέλλος Άτριχη ταφονυχτερίδα Βουνονυχτερίδα

Δασύκνημη μυωτίδα Ιβηρική μυωτίδα

Καφέ ωτονυχτερίδα Λευκονυχτερίδα

Μεγάλος νυκτοβάτης

Μεσογειακή ωτονυχτερίδα Μεσορινόλοφος Μικρομυωτίδα

Μικρονυκτοβάτης Μικρονυχτερίδα



Μουστακονυχτερίδα της Αρμενίας Μπαρμπαστέλλος

Μυωτίδα της Αλκαθόης Μυωτίδα του Bechstein Μυωτίδα του Brandt

Μυωτίδα του Daubenton Μυωτίδα του Natterer

Μυωτίδα του Καυκάσου Νανονυχτερίδα

Νανονυχτερίδα του Hanak Νυκτοβάτης

Νυκτοβάτης των Αζόρων Νυχτερίδα του Nathusius

Νυχτερίδας της Μαδέρας Νυχτονόμος

Ορεινή ωτονυχτερίδα Παρδαλονυχτερίδα Ποδαρομυωτίδα

Πτερυγονυχτερίδα Πυρρομυωτίδα

Ρινόλοφος του Blasius

q j 4! 4# w 3% o l 4% 3# 2^ 4( t 2# 2& 3) e d h 4@ g 2! s i k ; 2( 3! 2% 2* 3@ 3$ 5# 4^ 3^ a 5! 2) u

Ρινόλοφος του Mehely

Σταχτιά ωτονυχτερίδα Στεπομυωτίδα


Τρανομυωτίδα της Καρχηδόνας Τρανονυχτερίδα

Τρανονυχτεριδα της Ανατολίας Τρανονυχτερίδα του βορρά Τρανορινόλοφος

Ωτονυχτερίδα της ερήμου

Ωτονυχτερίδα της Σαρδηνίας Ωτονυχτερίδα της Τενερίφης Ωχρή πτερυγονυχτερίδα Ωχρή τρανονυχτερίδα

y 4* f 2@ 2$ 3& 4) 3* r 4$ 4& 5) 5@ 3(


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

German Abendsegler Alpenfledermaus Alpen-Langohr Armenische Bartfledermaus Asiatische Mopsfledermaus Azoren-Abendsegler Balkan-Langohr Bartfledermaus Bechsteinfledermaus Blasius-Hufeisennase Bottas Fledermaus Brandtfledermaus Braunes Langohr Breitflügelfledermaus Europäische Bulldoggfledermaus Fransenfledermaus Graues Langohr Große Hufeisennase Hanaks Zwergfledermaus Iberische Fransenfledermaus Isabellfledermaus Kanaren-Langohr Kleinabendsegler Kleine Hufeisennase Kleines Mausohr Küstenfledermaus Langflügelfledermaus Langfußfledermaus Madeira-Fledermaus Mausohr Mehely-Hufeisennase Mittelmeer-Hufeisennase Mopsfledermaus Mückenfledermaus Nacktbäuchige Tempelfledermaus Nepal-Bartfledermaus Nilflughund Nordfledermaus Nymphenfledermaus



2% 3% 4^ h 4# 2* 4( d 2! u 4! s 4% 3& 5# k 4* r 3! l 3( 5) 2& e 2# 4) 5! a 3$ 2@ y t 4@ 4@ w j q 3* g

Punisches Mausohr Rauhhautfledermaus Riesenabendsegler Sardisches Langohr Schaubs Fledermaus Steppen-Bartfledermaus Steppen-Langflügelfledermaus Teichfledermaus Wasserfledermaus Weißrandfledermaus Wimperfledermaus Wüsten-Großohr Zweifarbfledermaus Zwergfledermaus

2$ 3@ 2^ 4& ; f 5@ o i 3# 2) 4$ 3^ 2(

Αιγυπτιακή φρουτονυχτερίδα Ασιατική μουστακονυχτερίδα Ασιατική τρανονυχτερίδα

Ασιατικός Μπαρμπαστέλλος Άτριχη ταφονυχτερίδα Βουνονυχτερίδα

Δασύκνημη μυωτίδα Ιβηρική μυωτίδα

Καφέ ωτονυχτερίδα Λευκονυχτερίδα

Μεγάλος νυκτοβάτης

Μεσογειακή ωτονυχτερίδα Μεσορινόλοφος Μικρομυωτίδα

Μικρονυκτοβάτης Μικρονυχτερίδα



Μουστακονυχτερίδα της Αρμενίας Μπαρμπαστέλλος

Μυωτίδα της Αλκαθόης Μυωτίδα του Bechstein Μυωτίδα του Brandt

Μυωτίδα του Daubenton Μυωτίδα του Natterer

Μυωτίδα του Καυκάσου Νανονυχτερίδα

Νανονυχτερίδα του Hanak Νυκτοβάτης

Νυκτοβάτης των Αζόρων Νυχτερίδα του Nathusius

Νυχτερίδας της Μαδέρας Νυχτονόμος

Ορεινή ωτονυχτερίδα Παρδαλονυχτερίδα Ποδαρομυωτίδα

Πτερυγονυχτερίδα Πυρρομυωτίδα

Ρινόλοφος του Blasius

q j 4! 4# w 3% o l 4% 3# 2^ 4( t 2# 2& 3) e d h 4@ g 2! s i k ; 2( 3! 2% 2* 3@ 3$ 5# 4^ 3^ a 5! 2) u

Ρινόλοφος του Mehely

Σταχτιά ωτονυχτερίδα Στεπομυωτίδα


Τρανομυωτίδα της Καρχηδόνας Τρανονυχτερίδα

Τρανονυχτεριδα της Ανατολίας Τρανονυχτερίδα του βορρά Τρανορινόλοφος

Ωτονυχτερίδα της ερήμου

Ωτονυχτερίδα της Σαρδηνίας Ωτονυχτερίδα της Τενερίφης Ωχρή πτερυγονυχτερίδα Ωχρή τρανονυχτερίδα

y 4* f 2@ 2$ 3& 4) 3* r 4$ 4& 5) 5@ 3(


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats



3! 3$ 3@ 3% 3^ t r e y u 2^ 2* 2% 2&


4$ 5) 4( 4* 4& 3( 4) 3& 4! 3* 4% 4^ w 5# 4@ 4# 5! 5@ o l h s 2@ a k f i 2! 2# d j 2) 2$ ; g q 2( 3) 3#

Alpesi denevér

Alpesi hosszúfülű-denevér

Anatóliai hosszúszárnyú-denevér Anatóliai késeidenevér

Azori-szigeteki koraidenevér Bajuszos denevér

Balkáni hosszúfülű-denevér Barna hosszúfülű-denevér Botta-késeidenevér Brandt-denevér

Csonkafülű denevér

Csupaszhasú sírlakó-denevér

Csúcsosnyergű patkósdenevér Durvavitorlájú törpedenevér Escalera-denevér

Európai hosszúszárnyú-denevér Európai szabadfarkú-denevér Északi késeidenevér

Fehérszélű törpedenevér Fehértorkú denevér

Hanák-törpedenevér Hegyesorrú denevér

Horgasszörű denevér Hosszúlábú denevér


Kanári-szigeteki hosszúfülű denevér Keleti piszedenevér

Kereknyergű patkósdenevér Kis patkósdenevér

Közép-ázsiai denevér Közönséges denevér

Közönséges késeidenevér

Közönséges törpedenevér Madeirai törpedenevér Magrebi denevér

Méhely-patkósdenevér Nagyfülű denevér

Nagy patkósdenevér Nílusi repülőkutya

3% 4^ 5@ 4) 2* d 4( 4% 4! s 2) w u 3@ l 5! 5# 3* 3# 3^ 3! 2# k a 3( 5) 4# t e j 2@ 3& 2( 3$ 2$ y 2! r q


Nyugati piszedenevér Óriás koraidenevér Örmény denevér

Rőt koraidenevér Schaub-denevér

Sivatagi hosszúfülű-denevér

Szardíniai hosszúfülű-denevér Szoprán törpedenevér

Szőröskarú koraidenevér Sztyepi denevér

Szürke hosszúfülű-denevér Tavi denevér Vízi denevér

g 4@ 2^ h 2% ; 4$ 4& 3) 2& f 4* o i


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats



3! 3$ 3@ 3% 3^ t r e y u 2^ 2* 2% 2&


4$ 5) 4( 4* 4& 3( 4) 3& 4! 3* 4% 4^ w 5# 4@ 4# 5! 5@ o l h s 2@ a k f i 2! 2# d j 2) 2$ ; g q 2( 3) 3#

Alpesi denevér

Alpesi hosszúfülű-denevér

Anatóliai hosszúszárnyú-denevér Anatóliai késeidenevér

Azori-szigeteki koraidenevér Bajuszos denevér

Balkáni hosszúfülű-denevér Barna hosszúfülű-denevér Botta-késeidenevér Brandt-denevér

Csonkafülű denevér

Csupaszhasú sírlakó-denevér

Csúcsosnyergű patkósdenevér Durvavitorlájú törpedenevér Escalera-denevér

Európai hosszúszárnyú-denevér Európai szabadfarkú-denevér Északi késeidenevér

Fehérszélű törpedenevér Fehértorkú denevér

Hanák-törpedenevér Hegyesorrú denevér

Horgasszörű denevér Hosszúlábú denevér


Kanári-szigeteki hosszúfülű denevér Keleti piszedenevér

Kereknyergű patkósdenevér Kis patkósdenevér

Közép-ázsiai denevér Közönséges denevér

Közönséges késeidenevér

Közönséges törpedenevér Madeirai törpedenevér Magrebi denevér

Méhely-patkósdenevér Nagyfülű denevér

Nagy patkósdenevér Nílusi repülőkutya

3% 4^ 5@ 4) 2* d 4( 4% 4! s 2) w u 3@ l 5! 5# 3* 3# 3^ 3! 2# k a 3( 5) 4# t e j 2@ 3& 2( 3$ 2$ y 2! r q


Nyugati piszedenevér Óriás koraidenevér Örmény denevér

Rőt koraidenevér Schaub-denevér

Sivatagi hosszúfülű-denevér

Szardíniai hosszúfülű-denevér Szoprán törpedenevér

Szőröskarú koraidenevér Sztyepi denevér

Szürke hosszúfülű-denevér Tavi denevér Vízi denevér

g 4@ 2^ h 2% ; 4$ 4& 3) 2& f 4* o i


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Irish Gaelic Crú-ialtóg bheag Crú-ialtóg Blasius Crú-ialtóg Mehely Crú-ialtóg Mheánmhuirí Crú-ialtóg mhór Ialtóg Anatólach Ialtóg Asórach Ialtóg Bechstein Ialtóg bharbastail lartharach Ialtóg bharbastail Oirthearach Ialtóg Botta Ialtóg Brandt Ialtóg Daubenton Ialtóg earrshaor Eorpach Ialtóg fhadchluasach Alpach Ialtóg fhadchluasach Bhalcánach Ialtóg fhadchluasach Chanárach Ialtóg fhadchluasach dhonn Ialtóg fhadchluasach Hemprich Ialtóg fhadchluasach liath Ialtóg fhadchluasach Shairdíneach Ialtóg fhadmhéarach Ialtóg fheascrach Ialtóg Geoffroy Ialtóg ghiobach Ialtóg ghiobach Airméanach Ialtóg ghiobach Áiseach Ialtóg ghiobach Alcathoe Ialtóg ghiobach Steipeach Ialtóg Hanak Ialtóg isibéalach Ialtóg Kuhl Ialtóg Leisler Ialtóg liathdhonn Ialtóg lochán Ialtóg luch-chluasach bheag Ialtóg luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach Ialtóg luch-chluasach mhór Ialtóg meas Éigipteach



e u y t r 4) 2* 2! 4@ 4# 4! s i 5# 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4$ 4* 4& a 2( 2) d h j g f 3! 3( 3# 2& 3^ o 2# 2$ 2@ q

Ialtóg Mhaidéarach Ialtóg mhéarfhada Anatólach Ialtóg mhéarfhada Schreiber Ialtóg mhóreiteach Ialtóg Natterer Ialtóg Natterer Ibéarach Ialtóg Natúisias Ialtóg nochtphrompach thuama Ialtóg nochtúil Ialtóg Savi Ialtóg Schaub Ialtóg shopránach Ialtóg thuaisceartach Ollialtóg nochtúil

3$ 5@ 5! 3& k l 3@ w 2% 3% ; 3) 3* 2^

Barbastello Barbastello orientale Molosso del Cestoni Miniottero Miniottero pallido Nottola delle Azzorre Nottola commune Nottola gigante Nottola di Leisler Orecchione alpino Orecchione commune Orecchione di Hemprich Orecchione di Kolombatovič Orecchione di Tenerife Orecchione meridionale Orecchione sardo Pipistrello albolimbato Pipistrello delle tombe a ventre nudo pipistrello di Hanak Pipistrello di Madeira Pipistrello di Nathusius Pipistrello di Savi Pipistrello nano Pipistrello pigmeo* Rinolofo di Blàsius Rinolofo di Méhely Rinolofo maggiore Rinolofo mediterraneo* Rinolofo minore Rossetta Serotino bicolore Serotino commune Serotino di Botta Serotino di Nilsson Serotino isabellino Serotino turco (orientale) Vespertilio dasycneme Vespertilio di Alcatoe Vespertilio di Bechstein

4@ 4# 5# 5! 5@ 2* 2% 2^ 2& 4^ 4% 4$ 4( 5) 4* 4& 3# w 3! 3$ 3@ 3% 2( 3) u y r t e q 3^ 3& 4! 3* 3( 4) o g 2!

Vespertilio di Brandt Vespertilio di Capaccini Vespertilio di Daubenton Vespertilio di Escalera Vespertilio di Natterer Vespertilio di Schaubi Vespertilio dorato Vespertilio maggiore Vespertilio maghrebino Vespertilio minore Vespertilio mustacchino Vespertilio (mustacchino) armeno Vespertilio (mustacchino) asiatico Vespertilio smarginato

*) Some alternative common Italian names Pipistrello soprano Rinolofo Eurìale

s a i l k ; f 2@ 2$ 2# d h j 2)

3) t


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Irish Gaelic Crú-ialtóg bheag Crú-ialtóg Blasius Crú-ialtóg Mehely Crú-ialtóg Mheánmhuirí Crú-ialtóg mhór Ialtóg Anatólach Ialtóg Asórach Ialtóg Bechstein Ialtóg bharbastail lartharach Ialtóg bharbastail Oirthearach Ialtóg Botta Ialtóg Brandt Ialtóg Daubenton Ialtóg earrshaor Eorpach Ialtóg fhadchluasach Alpach Ialtóg fhadchluasach Bhalcánach Ialtóg fhadchluasach Chanárach Ialtóg fhadchluasach dhonn Ialtóg fhadchluasach Hemprich Ialtóg fhadchluasach liath Ialtóg fhadchluasach Shairdíneach Ialtóg fhadmhéarach Ialtóg fheascrach Ialtóg Geoffroy Ialtóg ghiobach Ialtóg ghiobach Airméanach Ialtóg ghiobach Áiseach Ialtóg ghiobach Alcathoe Ialtóg ghiobach Steipeach Ialtóg Hanak Ialtóg isibéalach Ialtóg Kuhl Ialtóg Leisler Ialtóg liathdhonn Ialtóg lochán Ialtóg luch-chluasach bheag Ialtóg luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach Ialtóg luch-chluasach mhór Ialtóg meas Éigipteach



e u y t r 4) 2* 2! 4@ 4# 4! s i 5# 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4$ 4* 4& a 2( 2) d h j g f 3! 3( 3# 2& 3^ o 2# 2$ 2@ q

Ialtóg Mhaidéarach Ialtóg mhéarfhada Anatólach Ialtóg mhéarfhada Schreiber Ialtóg mhóreiteach Ialtóg Natterer Ialtóg Natterer Ibéarach Ialtóg Natúisias Ialtóg nochtphrompach thuama Ialtóg nochtúil Ialtóg Savi Ialtóg Schaub Ialtóg shopránach Ialtóg thuaisceartach Ollialtóg nochtúil

3$ 5@ 5! 3& k l 3@ w 2% 3% ; 3) 3* 2^

Barbastello Barbastello orientale Molosso del Cestoni Miniottero Miniottero pallido Nottola delle Azzorre Nottola commune Nottola gigante Nottola di Leisler Orecchione alpino Orecchione commune Orecchione di Hemprich Orecchione di Kolombatovič Orecchione di Tenerife Orecchione meridionale Orecchione sardo Pipistrello albolimbato Pipistrello delle tombe a ventre nudo pipistrello di Hanak Pipistrello di Madeira Pipistrello di Nathusius Pipistrello di Savi Pipistrello nano Pipistrello pigmeo* Rinolofo di Blàsius Rinolofo di Méhely Rinolofo maggiore Rinolofo mediterraneo* Rinolofo minore Rossetta Serotino bicolore Serotino commune Serotino di Botta Serotino di Nilsson Serotino isabellino Serotino turco (orientale) Vespertilio dasycneme Vespertilio di Alcatoe Vespertilio di Bechstein

4@ 4# 5# 5! 5@ 2* 2% 2^ 2& 4^ 4% 4$ 4( 5) 4* 4& 3# w 3! 3$ 3@ 3% 2( 3) u y r t e q 3^ 3& 4! 3* 3( 4) o g 2!

Vespertilio di Brandt Vespertilio di Capaccini Vespertilio di Daubenton Vespertilio di Escalera Vespertilio di Natterer Vespertilio di Schaubi Vespertilio dorato Vespertilio maggiore Vespertilio maghrebino Vespertilio minore Vespertilio mustacchino Vespertilio (mustacchino) armeno Vespertilio (mustacchino) asiatico Vespertilio smarginato

*) Some alternative common Italian names Pipistrello soprano Rinolofo Eurìale

s a i l k ; f 2@ 2$ 2# d h j 2)

3) t


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Latvian Alkatojes naktssikspārnis Alpu garausis

Anatolijas sikspārnis

Armēnijas naktssikspārnis Azoru vakarsikspārnis Āzijas platausis

Balkānu garausis

Bārdainais naktssikspārnis Behšteina naktssikspārnis Blāzija pakavdegunis Botas sikspārnis

Branta naktssikspārnis Brīvastes sikspārnis Brūnais garausis

Dīķu naktssikspārnis

Divkrāsainais sikspārnis Ēģiptes augļsikspārnis Eiropas platausis

Garpirkstu naktssikspārnis Hanaka sikspārnis

Hempriha sikspārnis

Ibērijas naktssikspārnis Izabellas sikspārnis

Kailvēdera sikspārnis Kūla sikspārnis

Lielais naktssikspārnis Lielais pakavdegunis

Lielais vakarsikspārnis Madeiras sikspārnis

Mazais pakavdegunis

Mazais vakarsikspārnis Meheļa pakavdegunis

Naterera naktssikspārnis Natūza sikspārnis

Nepālas naktssikspārnis Pelēkais garausis Pigmejsikspārnis

Platspārnu sikspārnis Pundursikspārnis



g 4^ 4) h 2* 4# 4( d 2! u 4! s 5# 4% o 3^ q 4@ a 3! 4$ l 3( w 3# 2@ r 2^ 3$ e 2& y k 3@ j 4* 3) 3& 2(

Pūnijas naktssikspārnis

Rūsganais vakarsikspārnis Sardīnijas garausis Sāvi sikspārnis

Skropstainais naktssikspārnis Smailausu naktssikspārnis

Stepes garspārnu sikspārnis Stepes naktssikspārnis Šauba naktssikspārnis Šreibersa sikspārnis Tenerifes garausis

Ūdeņu naktssikspārnis

Vidusjūras pakavdegunis Ziemeļu sikspārnis

2$ 2% 4& 3% 2) 2# 5@ f ; 5! 5) i t 3*

Alkafėjos pelėausis Anatolinis šikšnys

Armėninis pelėausis Azijinis plačiaausis Azorinis nakviša

Balkaninis ausylis

Bechšteino pelėausis Blazijaus pasagnosis Branto pelėausis Didysis nakviša

Didysis pasagnosis Didysis pelėausis

Dvispalvis plikšnys Egiptinis vaisėdis

Europinis plačiaausis

Europinis raukšlėtalūpis Finikinis pelėausis

Hanako šikšniukas Iberinis pelėausis

Ilgapirštis pelėausis Izabelos šikšnys Kalninis ausylis

Kanarinis ausylis Kulio šikšniukas

Kūdrinis pelėausis

Madeirinis šikšniukas Mažasis nakviša

Mažasis pasagnosis Mehelio pasagnosis Natererio pelėausis

Natuzijaus šikšniukas Nepalinis pelėausis Pietinis pasagnosis Pilkasis ausylis

Plikapilvis maišiasparnis Rudasis ausylis

Rudasis nakviša

Sardininis ausylis Savio šikšniukas

g 4) h 4# 2* 4( 2! u s 2^ r 2@ 3^ q 4@ 5# 2$ 3! l a 3( 4^ 5) 3# o 3$ 2& e y k 3@ j t 4* w 4% 2% 4& 3%

Smailiaausis pelėausis Stepinis pelėausis

Strėliaausis lygianosis Šaubo pelėausis

Šiaurinis šikšnys

Šikšniukas mažylis

Šikšniukas nykštukas Šreiberio ilgapirštis

Šviesusis ilgapirštis

Trispalvis pelėausis Uolinis šikšnys

Ūsuotasis pelėausis

Vandeninis pelėausis Vėlyvasis šikšnys

2# f 4$ ; 3* 3) 2( 5! 5@ 2) 4! d i 3&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Latvian Alkatojes naktssikspārnis Alpu garausis

Anatolijas sikspārnis

Armēnijas naktssikspārnis Azoru vakarsikspārnis Āzijas platausis

Balkānu garausis

Bārdainais naktssikspārnis Behšteina naktssikspārnis Blāzija pakavdegunis Botas sikspārnis

Branta naktssikspārnis Brīvastes sikspārnis Brūnais garausis

Dīķu naktssikspārnis

Divkrāsainais sikspārnis Ēģiptes augļsikspārnis Eiropas platausis

Garpirkstu naktssikspārnis Hanaka sikspārnis

Hempriha sikspārnis

Ibērijas naktssikspārnis Izabellas sikspārnis

Kailvēdera sikspārnis Kūla sikspārnis

Lielais naktssikspārnis Lielais pakavdegunis

Lielais vakarsikspārnis Madeiras sikspārnis

Mazais pakavdegunis

Mazais vakarsikspārnis Meheļa pakavdegunis

Naterera naktssikspārnis Natūza sikspārnis

Nepālas naktssikspārnis Pelēkais garausis Pigmejsikspārnis

Platspārnu sikspārnis Pundursikspārnis



g 4^ 4) h 2* 4# 4( d 2! u 4! s 5# 4% o 3^ q 4@ a 3! 4$ l 3( w 3# 2@ r 2^ 3$ e 2& y k 3@ j 4* 3) 3& 2(

Pūnijas naktssikspārnis

Rūsganais vakarsikspārnis Sardīnijas garausis Sāvi sikspārnis

Skropstainais naktssikspārnis Smailausu naktssikspārnis

Stepes garspārnu sikspārnis Stepes naktssikspārnis Šauba naktssikspārnis Šreibersa sikspārnis Tenerifes garausis

Ūdeņu naktssikspārnis

Vidusjūras pakavdegunis Ziemeļu sikspārnis

2$ 2% 4& 3% 2) 2# 5@ f ; 5! 5) i t 3*

Alkafėjos pelėausis Anatolinis šikšnys

Armėninis pelėausis Azijinis plačiaausis Azorinis nakviša

Balkaninis ausylis

Bechšteino pelėausis Blazijaus pasagnosis Branto pelėausis Didysis nakviša

Didysis pasagnosis Didysis pelėausis

Dvispalvis plikšnys Egiptinis vaisėdis

Europinis plačiaausis

Europinis raukšlėtalūpis Finikinis pelėausis

Hanako šikšniukas Iberinis pelėausis

Ilgapirštis pelėausis Izabelos šikšnys Kalninis ausylis

Kanarinis ausylis Kulio šikšniukas

Kūdrinis pelėausis

Madeirinis šikšniukas Mažasis nakviša

Mažasis pasagnosis Mehelio pasagnosis Natererio pelėausis

Natuzijaus šikšniukas Nepalinis pelėausis Pietinis pasagnosis Pilkasis ausylis

Plikapilvis maišiasparnis Rudasis ausylis

Rudasis nakviša

Sardininis ausylis Savio šikšniukas

g 4) h 4# 2* 4( 2! u s 2^ r 2@ 3^ q 4@ 5# 2$ 3! l a 3( 4^ 5) 3# o 3$ 2& e y k 3@ j t 4* w 4% 2% 4& 3%

Smailiaausis pelėausis Stepinis pelėausis

Strėliaausis lygianosis Šaubo pelėausis

Šiaurinis šikšnys

Šikšniukas mažylis

Šikšniukas nykštukas Šreiberio ilgapirštis

Šviesusis ilgapirštis

Trispalvis pelėausis Uolinis šikšnys

Ūsuotasis pelėausis

Vandeninis pelėausis Vėlyvasis šikšnys

2# f 4$ ; 3* 3) 2( 5! 5@ 2) 4! d i 3&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Luxembourgish Alpen-Fliedermaus Alpen-Laangouer Armenesch Baartfliedermaus Asiatesch Mopsfliedermaus Azoren-Bëschfliedermaus Balkan-Laangouer Bechsteinfliedermaus Bëschfliedermaus Blasius-Huffeisennues Botta-Fliedermaus Breetflillekefliedermaus Brongt Laangouer Buuschtefliedermaus Europäesch Bulldogfliedermaus Europäesch Mopsfliedermaus Grot Laangouer Grouss Baartfliedermaus Grouss Huffeisennues Grousst Mausouer Iberesch Buuschtefliedermaus Isabel-Fliedermaus Kanaren-Laangouer Kleng Baartfliedermaus Kleng Bëschfliedermaus Kleng Huffeisennues Klengt Mausouer Küstefliedermaus Laangflillekefliedermaus Laangfoussfliedermaus Libesch Zwergfliedermaus Madeira-Zwergfliedermaus Maghreb-Mausouer Méckefliedermaus Méhelÿ-Huffeisennues Mëttelmier-Huffeisennues Nepal-Baartfliedermaus Nilfluchhond Nordfliedermaus Nymphefliedermaus



3% 4^ h 4# 2* 4( 2! 2% u 4! 3& 4% k 5# 4@ 4* s r 2@ l 3( 5) d 2& e 2# 4) 5! a 3! 3$ 2$ 3) y t j q 3* g

Plakegbauchege Griewerflatterer Rauhautfliedermaus Riseg Bëschfliedermaus Sardescht Laangouer Schaub-Buuschtefliedermaus Séifliedermaus Steppen-Baartfliedermaus Steppen-Laangflillekefliedermaus Waasserfliedermaus Wäissbordfliedermaus Wimperefliedermaus Wüstegroussouer Zweefaarweg Fliedermaus Zwergfliedermaus *

*) Alternative common Luxembourgish name Kleng Fliedermaus

w 3@ 2^ 4& ; o f 5@ i 3# 2) 4$ 3^ 2(

Азиски мустаќест ноќник Азорски вечерник

Алкатоев мустаќест ноќник Алпски ушест лилјак Анатолиски лилјак

Балкански ушест лилјак Белорабен лилјак

Бласиев потковичар

Блед долгокрилен лилјак Ботев лилјак

Брантов ноќник Воден ноќник

Голем вечерник Голем ноќник

Голем потковичар

Даубентонов ноќник


Долгокрилест лилјак Долгопрст ноћник

Долгоушест ноќник

Египетски овошен лилјак

Ерменски мустаќест ноќник Ибериски четинест ноќник Изабелов лилјак

Источен широкоушест лилјак Лисест вечерник

Магребски ноќник Мал лилјак

Мал потковичар

Медеирски лилјак

Медитерански потковичар Мехелов потковичар Мустаќест ноќник Натусиев лилјак

Обичен северник Опашест лилјак

Остроушест ноќник Савиев лилјак

Сардиниски ушест лилјак Сив ушест лилјак

j 2* g 4^ 4) 4( 3# u 5@ 4! s o 2^ 2@ r i 5! a 2! q h l 3( 4# 2% 2$ 2( e 3$ t y d 3@ 3* 5# 2# 3% 4& 4*

Степски мустаќест ноќник Тенерифов ушест лилјак Торбокрилест лилјак Тробоен ноќник Ушест лилјак

Ханаков лилјак

Хемпричиев долгоушест лилјак Џуџест лилјак

Четинест ноќник

Шарен полноќник

Ширококрилен северник Широкоушест лилјак Шобиев ноќник

Шумски вечерник

f 5) w 2) 4% 3! 4$ 3) k 3^ 3& 4@ ; 2&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Luxembourgish Alpen-Fliedermaus Alpen-Laangouer Armenesch Baartfliedermaus Asiatesch Mopsfliedermaus Azoren-Bëschfliedermaus Balkan-Laangouer Bechsteinfliedermaus Bëschfliedermaus Blasius-Huffeisennues Botta-Fliedermaus Breetflillekefliedermaus Brongt Laangouer Buuschtefliedermaus Europäesch Bulldogfliedermaus Europäesch Mopsfliedermaus Grot Laangouer Grouss Baartfliedermaus Grouss Huffeisennues Grousst Mausouer Iberesch Buuschtefliedermaus Isabel-Fliedermaus Kanaren-Laangouer Kleng Baartfliedermaus Kleng Bëschfliedermaus Kleng Huffeisennues Klengt Mausouer Küstefliedermaus Laangflillekefliedermaus Laangfoussfliedermaus Libesch Zwergfliedermaus Madeira-Zwergfliedermaus Maghreb-Mausouer Méckefliedermaus Méhelÿ-Huffeisennues Mëttelmier-Huffeisennues Nepal-Baartfliedermaus Nilfluchhond Nordfliedermaus Nymphefliedermaus



3% 4^ h 4# 2* 4( 2! 2% u 4! 3& 4% k 5# 4@ 4* s r 2@ l 3( 5) d 2& e 2# 4) 5! a 3! 3$ 2$ 3) y t j q 3* g

Plakegbauchege Griewerflatterer Rauhautfliedermaus Riseg Bëschfliedermaus Sardescht Laangouer Schaub-Buuschtefliedermaus Séifliedermaus Steppen-Baartfliedermaus Steppen-Laangflillekefliedermaus Waasserfliedermaus Wäissbordfliedermaus Wimperefliedermaus Wüstegroussouer Zweefaarweg Fliedermaus Zwergfliedermaus *

*) Alternative common Luxembourgish name Kleng Fliedermaus

w 3@ 2^ 4& ; o f 5@ i 3# 2) 4$ 3^ 2(

Азиски мустаќест ноќник Азорски вечерник

Алкатоев мустаќест ноќник Алпски ушест лилјак Анатолиски лилјак

Балкански ушест лилјак Белорабен лилјак

Бласиев потковичар

Блед долгокрилен лилјак Ботев лилјак

Брантов ноќник Воден ноќник

Голем вечерник Голем ноќник

Голем потковичар

Даубентонов ноќник


Долгокрилест лилјак Долгопрст ноћник

Долгоушест ноќник

Египетски овошен лилјак

Ерменски мустаќест ноќник Ибериски четинест ноќник Изабелов лилјак

Источен широкоушест лилјак Лисест вечерник

Магребски ноќник Мал лилјак

Мал потковичар

Медеирски лилјак

Медитерански потковичар Мехелов потковичар Мустаќест ноќник Натусиев лилјак

Обичен северник Опашест лилјак

Остроушест ноќник Савиев лилјак

Сардиниски ушест лилјак Сив ушест лилјак

j 2* g 4^ 4) 4( 3# u 5@ 4! s o 2^ 2@ r i 5! a 2! q h l 3( 4# 2% 2$ 2( e 3$ t y d 3@ 3* 5# 2# 3% 4& 4*

Степски мустаќест ноќник Тенерифов ушест лилјак Торбокрилест лилјак Тробоен ноќник Ушест лилјак

Ханаков лилјак

Хемпричиев долгоушест лилјак Џуџест лилјак

Четинест ноќник

Шарен полноќник

Ширококрилен северник Широкоушест лилјак Шобиев ноќник

Шумски вечерник

f 5) w 2) 4% 3! 4$ 3) k 3^ 3& 4@ ; 2&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Maltese Barbastell

Barbastell tal-Lvant

Farfett il-Lejl Daqni

Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Armenjan Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Ażjatiku Farfett il-Lejl Għieri

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Alcathoe

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Bechstein Farfett il-Lejl ta' Brandt

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Daubenton

Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Asja Minuri

Farfett il-Lejl tal-Frott ta' L-Eġittu Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Għadajjar Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Isteppa Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer Iberjan Farfett il-Lejl ta' Schaub

Farfett il-Lejl tas-Swaba Twal

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Widnejħ Imnaqqxa Farfett il-Lejl ta' Xrajber

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal Griż

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tad-Deżert Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' L-Alpi

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Gżejjer Kanarji Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Mediterran Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' Sardinja Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien Kbir

Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien ta' Maghreb Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien Żgħir Gażża tal-Lejl Noktula

Noktula Kbir

Noktula ta' l-Azores Noktula Żgħir

Pipistrell Komuni

Pipistrell ta' Hanak Pipistrell ta' Kuhl

Pipistrell ta' Madejra



4@ 4# d h j w g 2! s i 5@ q o f k l ; a 2) 5! 4% 4* 4$ 4^ 5) 4( 4& 2@ 2$ 2# 3^ 2% 2^ 2* 2& 2( 3! 3# 3$

Pipistrell ta' Nathusius Pipistrell ta' Savi Pipistrell Żgħir Rinolofu Kbir

Rinolofu ta' Blasius

Rinolofu tal-Mediterran Rinolofu ta' Mehely Rinolofu Żgħir Serotin

Serotin ta' Botta

Serotin ta' l-Asja Minuri Serotin tal-Pil Mraqqa'

Serotin tas-Sider Pallidu Tadarida

3@ 3% 3) r u t y e 3& 4! 4) 3* 3( 5#

Alkatoin večernjak

Armenijski večernjak Azorski noćnik

Bijelorubi slijepi mišić

Bliskoistočni dugokrilaš Brandtov večernjak Brkati večernjak

Dugoprsti večernjak Dugorepi slijepi miš Dugorili prstenjak

Dugouhi večernjak

Dvobojni večernjak Egipatski letipas

Golotrbušni grobni slijepi miš Iberijski večernjak

Istočni širokouhi slijepi miš Istočni večernjak Južni potkovičar

Kafeni ušati slijepi miš Kanarski slijepi miš Kasni slijepi miš

Kaspijski večernjak Kraljičin slijepi miš

Libijski patuljasti slijepi mišić Lokvarski večernjak Mali potkovičar

Mali slijepi mišić

Mehelijev potkovičar

Nathuzijev slijepi mišić Obični noćnik

Oštrouhi večernjak

Patuljasti slijepi mišić

Planinski ušati slijepi miš

Primorski ušati slijepi miš Punski večernjak

Pustinjski škorpiojed Resasti večernjak Riđi večernjak

Savijev slijepi mišić

g h 2* 3# 5@ s d a 5# 5! 2! 3^ q w l 4# j t 4% 5) 3& ; 3( 3! o e 2( y 3@ 2% 2# 3) 4^ 4( 2$ 4$ k 2) 3%

Sivi ušati slijepi miš

Slijepi mišić sa Madeire

Srednje istočni slijepi miš Sredozemni potkovičar

Stepski brkati večernjak

Svijetlotrbušasti slijepi miš Śeverni slijepi miš

Širokouhi slijepi miš Šumski noćnik

Ušati slijepi miš Sardinije Veliki mišouhi večernjak Veliki noćnik

Veliki potkovičar

Vodeni večernjak

4* 3$ 4) u f 4! 3* 4@ 2& 4& 2@ 2^ r i


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Maltese Barbastell

Barbastell tal-Lvant

Farfett il-Lejl Daqni

Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Armenjan Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Ażjatiku Farfett il-Lejl Għieri

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Alcathoe

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Bechstein Farfett il-Lejl ta' Brandt

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Daubenton

Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Asja Minuri

Farfett il-Lejl tal-Frott ta' L-Eġittu Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Għadajjar Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Isteppa Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer Iberjan Farfett il-Lejl ta' Schaub

Farfett il-Lejl tas-Swaba Twal

Farfett il-Lejl ta' Widnejħ Imnaqqxa Farfett il-Lejl ta' Xrajber

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal Griż

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tad-Deżert Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' L-Alpi

Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Gżejjer Kanarji Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Mediterran Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' Sardinja Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien Kbir

Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien ta' Maghreb Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien Żgħir Gażża tal-Lejl Noktula

Noktula Kbir

Noktula ta' l-Azores Noktula Żgħir

Pipistrell Komuni

Pipistrell ta' Hanak Pipistrell ta' Kuhl

Pipistrell ta' Madejra



4@ 4# d h j w g 2! s i 5@ q o f k l ; a 2) 5! 4% 4* 4$ 4^ 5) 4( 4& 2@ 2$ 2# 3^ 2% 2^ 2* 2& 2( 3! 3# 3$

Pipistrell ta' Nathusius Pipistrell ta' Savi Pipistrell Żgħir Rinolofu Kbir

Rinolofu ta' Blasius

Rinolofu tal-Mediterran Rinolofu ta' Mehely Rinolofu Żgħir Serotin

Serotin ta' Botta

Serotin ta' l-Asja Minuri Serotin tal-Pil Mraqqa'

Serotin tas-Sider Pallidu Tadarida

3@ 3% 3) r u t y e 3& 4! 4) 3* 3( 5#

Alkatoin večernjak

Armenijski večernjak Azorski noćnik

Bijelorubi slijepi mišić

Bliskoistočni dugokrilaš Brandtov večernjak Brkati večernjak

Dugoprsti večernjak Dugorepi slijepi miš Dugorili prstenjak

Dugouhi večernjak

Dvobojni večernjak Egipatski letipas

Golotrbušni grobni slijepi miš Iberijski večernjak

Istočni širokouhi slijepi miš Istočni večernjak Južni potkovičar

Kafeni ušati slijepi miš Kanarski slijepi miš Kasni slijepi miš

Kaspijski večernjak Kraljičin slijepi miš

Libijski patuljasti slijepi mišić Lokvarski večernjak Mali potkovičar

Mali slijepi mišić

Mehelijev potkovičar

Nathuzijev slijepi mišić Obični noćnik

Oštrouhi večernjak

Patuljasti slijepi mišić

Planinski ušati slijepi miš

Primorski ušati slijepi miš Punski večernjak

Pustinjski škorpiojed Resasti večernjak Riđi večernjak

Savijev slijepi mišić

g h 2* 3# 5@ s d a 5# 5! 2! 3^ q w l 4# j t 4% 5) 3& ; 3( 3! o e 2( y 3@ 2% 2# 3) 4^ 4( 2$ 4$ k 2) 3%

Sivi ušati slijepi miš

Slijepi mišić sa Madeire

Srednje istočni slijepi miš Sredozemni potkovičar

Stepski brkati večernjak

Svijetlotrbušasti slijepi miš Śeverni slijepi miš

Širokouhi slijepi miš Šumski noćnik

Ušati slijepi miš Sardinije Veliki mišouhi večernjak Veliki noćnik

Veliki potkovičar

Vodeni večernjak

4* 3$ 4) u f 4! 3* 4@ 2& 4& 2@ 2^ r i


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Norwegian Afrikagrotteflygehund Alpelangøre Anatolflaggermus Armenerbørsteflaggermus Asorflaggermus Balkanhesteskonese* Blekflaggermus Bøkeflaggermus* Børsteflaggermus Bredøre* Brunlangøre* Damflaggermus Dvergflaggermus Dverghesteskonese* Grålangøre* Grottehesteskonese* Himalayaskjeggflaggermus Hvitrandflaggermus* Iberiabørsteflaggermus Isabellaflaggermus Kanarilangøre Klippeflaggermus* Kyrenaikaflaggermus Langfotflaggermus* Madeiraflaggermus Mahgrebmusøre Middelhavsfrihale* Middelhavshesteskonese Middelhavslangøre Middelhavslangvinge* Nakengumpflaggermus Nordflaggermus Nymfeflaggermus Ørkenlangøre Østbredøre Riseflaggermus Sardinialangøre Sevanskjeggflaggermus


q 4^ 4) ; 2* u 4! 2! k 4@ 4% o 3) e 4* y j 3# l 3( 5) 3% 3! a 3$ 2$ 5# t 4( 5! w 3* g 4$ 4# 2^ 4& h

Skimmelflaggermus Skjeggflaggermus Skogflaggermus* Småmusøre* Sørflaggermus Steppeflaggermus Steppelangvinge Storflaggermus Storhesteskonese* Stormusøre* Trollflaggermus Tusseflaggermus* Vannflaggermus Vetteflaggermus* Vinkeløreflaggermus*

3^ d s 2# 3& f 5@ 2% r 2@ 3@ 2( i 2& 2)

*) Some alternative (=disused) common Norwegian names Bechsteinflaggermus 2! Blasiushesteskonese u Brandtflaggermus s Bredøreflaggermus 4@ Buldoggflaggermus 5# Capacciniflaggermus a Dvergflaggermus** 2( Geoffroyflaggermus 2) Grå langøreflaggermus 4* Kjempeflaggermus 2@ Kuhlflaggermus 3# Langøreflaggermus 4% Leislerflaggermus 2& Liten hesteskonese e Liten musøre 2# Mehelyhesteskonese y Saviflaggermus 3% Schreibersflaggermus 5! Stor hesteskonese r Stor musøre 2@

4) l a 5! 5@ 3# s 3^ o 2! 2* 2^ 2& 2% 2) i 5# 3% 4! d h g f 3& 3( ; 3* 3) 4* 4& 5) 4^ 4% 4( 4# 4@ 4$ 2@ 2#

2$ 2( 3$ w q k 3@ j r e u t y 3!

**) prior to the recognition of P. pygmaeus



EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Norwegian Afrikagrotteflygehund Alpelangøre Anatolflaggermus Armenerbørsteflaggermus Asorflaggermus Balkanhesteskonese* Blekflaggermus Bøkeflaggermus* Børsteflaggermus Bredøre* Brunlangøre* Damflaggermus Dvergflaggermus Dverghesteskonese* Grålangøre* Grottehesteskonese* Himalayaskjeggflaggermus Hvitrandflaggermus* Iberiabørsteflaggermus Isabellaflaggermus Kanarilangøre Klippeflaggermus* Kyrenaikaflaggermus Langfotflaggermus* Madeiraflaggermus Mahgrebmusøre Middelhavsfrihale* Middelhavshesteskonese Middelhavslangøre Middelhavslangvinge* Nakengumpflaggermus Nordflaggermus Nymfeflaggermus Ørkenlangøre Østbredøre Riseflaggermus Sardinialangøre Sevanskjeggflaggermus


q 4^ 4) ; 2* u 4! 2! k 4@ 4% o 3) e 4* y j 3# l 3( 5) 3% 3! a 3$ 2$ 5# t 4( 5! w 3* g 4$ 4# 2^ 4& h

Skimmelflaggermus Skjeggflaggermus Skogflaggermus* Småmusøre* Sørflaggermus Steppeflaggermus Steppelangvinge Storflaggermus Storhesteskonese* Stormusøre* Trollflaggermus Tusseflaggermus* Vannflaggermus Vetteflaggermus* Vinkeløreflaggermus*

3^ d s 2# 3& f 5@ 2% r 2@ 3@ 2( i 2& 2)

*) Some alternative (=disused) common Norwegian names Bechsteinflaggermus 2! Blasiushesteskonese u Brandtflaggermus s Bredøreflaggermus 4@ Buldoggflaggermus 5# Capacciniflaggermus a Dvergflaggermus** 2( Geoffroyflaggermus 2) Grå langøreflaggermus 4* Kjempeflaggermus 2@ Kuhlflaggermus 3# Langøreflaggermus 4% Leislerflaggermus 2& Liten hesteskonese e Liten musøre 2# Mehelyhesteskonese y Saviflaggermus 3% Schreibersflaggermus 5! Stor hesteskonese r Stor musøre 2@

4) l a 5! 5@ 3# s 3^ o 2! 2* 2^ 2& 2% 2) i 5# 3% 4! d h g f 3& 3( ; 3* 3) 4* 4& 5) 4^ 4% 4( 4# 4@ 4$ 2@ 2#

2$ 2( 3$ w q k 3@ j r e u t y 3!

**) prior to the recognition of P. pygmaeus



EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Polish Borowiaczek

Borowiec azorski

Borowiec olbrzymi Borowiec wielki Gacek alpejski

Gacek bałkański Gacek brunatny

Gacek kanaryjski Gacek sardyński Gacek szary

Grobownik gołobrzuchy Karlik cyrenejski Karlik drobny

Karlik maderski Karlik malutki Karlik średni*

Karlik większy

Molos europejski Mopek wschodni Mopek zachodni

Mroczek anatolijski

Mroczek BottyEpetsicus bottae Mroczek posrebrzany Mroczek pozłocisty Mroczek późny

Mroczek pustynny Nocek Alkathoe

Nocek armeński

Nocek Bechsteina Nocek Brandta

Nocek długopalcy Nocek duży

Nocek iberyjski

Nocek łydkowłosy Nocek Natterera Nocek nepalski

Nocek orzęsiony

Nocek ostrouszny Nocek punicki



2& 2* 2^ 2% 4^ 4( 4% 5) 4& 4* w 3! 3) 3$ 2( 3# 3@ 5# 4# 4@ 4) 4! 3^ 3* 3& 3( g h 2! s a 2@ l o k j 2) 2# 2$

Nocek rudy

Nocek Schauba Nocek stepowy Nocek wąsatek

Podkasaniec pozłacany

Podkasaniec Schreibersa Podkowiec Blasiusa Podkowiec duży Podkowiec mały

Podkowiec średni

Podkowiec śródziemnomorski Przymroczek Saviego Rudawka nilowa

Uszorek pustynny

i ; f d 5@ 5! u r e y t 3% q 4$

*) Alternative common Polish name Karlik Kuhla


Morcego-anão Morcego-arboricola-gigante Morcego-arboricola-grande Morcego-arboricola-pequeno Morcego da Madeira Morcego-das-lagoas Morcego-de-água Morcego de Bechstein Morcego-de-bigodes Morcego-de-bigodes da Arménia Morcego-de-bigodes de Alcathoe Morcego-de-bigodes do Nepal Morcego-de-bigodes-dourado Morcego de Brandt Morcego de Capaccini Morcego-de-ferradura de Blasius Morcego-de-ferradura-grande Morcego-de-ferradura-mediterrânico Morcego-de-ferradura-mourisco Morcego-de-ferradura-pequeno Morcego-de-franja do Norte Morcego-de-franja do Sul Morcego de Hanak Morcego de Hemprich Morcego de Kuhl Morcego de Nathusius Morcego-de-peluche Morcego-de-peluche-pálido Morcego de Savii Morcego de Schaub Morcego-de-ventre-nú Morcego dos Açores Morcego-frugívoro-egípcio Morcego-hortelão-claro Morcego-hortelão da Anatólia Morcego-hortelão de Botta Morcego-hortelão-escuro Morcego-hortelão-nórdico Morcego-lanudo

2( 2^ 2% 2& 3$ o i 2! d h g j f s a u r t y e k l 3! 4$ 3# 3@ 5! 5@ 3% ; w 2* q 3( 4) 4! 3& 3* 2)

Morcego-negro Morcego-negro-oriental Morcego-orelhudo-alpino Morcego-orelhudo-balcânico Morcego-orelhudo-canarino Morcego-orelhudo-castanho Morcego-orelhudo-cinzento Morcego-orelhudo-sardo Morcego-pigmeu Morcego-prateado Morcego-rabudo Morcego-rato do Magrebe Morcego-rato-grande Morcego-rato-pequeno

4@ 4# 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4* 4& 3) 3^ 5# 2$ 2@ 2#


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Polish Borowiaczek

Borowiec azorski

Borowiec olbrzymi Borowiec wielki Gacek alpejski

Gacek bałkański Gacek brunatny

Gacek kanaryjski Gacek sardyński Gacek szary

Grobownik gołobrzuchy Karlik cyrenejski Karlik drobny

Karlik maderski Karlik malutki Karlik średni*

Karlik większy

Molos europejski Mopek wschodni Mopek zachodni

Mroczek anatolijski

Mroczek BottyEpetsicus bottae Mroczek posrebrzany Mroczek pozłocisty Mroczek późny

Mroczek pustynny Nocek Alkathoe

Nocek armeński

Nocek Bechsteina Nocek Brandta

Nocek długopalcy Nocek duży

Nocek iberyjski

Nocek łydkowłosy Nocek Natterera Nocek nepalski

Nocek orzęsiony

Nocek ostrouszny Nocek punicki



2& 2* 2^ 2% 4^ 4( 4% 5) 4& 4* w 3! 3) 3$ 2( 3# 3@ 5# 4# 4@ 4) 4! 3^ 3* 3& 3( g h 2! s a 2@ l o k j 2) 2# 2$

Nocek rudy

Nocek Schauba Nocek stepowy Nocek wąsatek

Podkasaniec pozłacany

Podkasaniec Schreibersa Podkowiec Blasiusa Podkowiec duży Podkowiec mały

Podkowiec średni

Podkowiec śródziemnomorski Przymroczek Saviego Rudawka nilowa

Uszorek pustynny

i ; f d 5@ 5! u r e y t 3% q 4$

*) Alternative common Polish name Karlik Kuhla


Morcego-anão Morcego-arboricola-gigante Morcego-arboricola-grande Morcego-arboricola-pequeno Morcego da Madeira Morcego-das-lagoas Morcego-de-água Morcego de Bechstein Morcego-de-bigodes Morcego-de-bigodes da Arménia Morcego-de-bigodes de Alcathoe Morcego-de-bigodes do Nepal Morcego-de-bigodes-dourado Morcego de Brandt Morcego de Capaccini Morcego-de-ferradura de Blasius Morcego-de-ferradura-grande Morcego-de-ferradura-mediterrânico Morcego-de-ferradura-mourisco Morcego-de-ferradura-pequeno Morcego-de-franja do Norte Morcego-de-franja do Sul Morcego de Hanak Morcego de Hemprich Morcego de Kuhl Morcego de Nathusius Morcego-de-peluche Morcego-de-peluche-pálido Morcego de Savii Morcego de Schaub Morcego-de-ventre-nú Morcego dos Açores Morcego-frugívoro-egípcio Morcego-hortelão-claro Morcego-hortelão da Anatólia Morcego-hortelão de Botta Morcego-hortelão-escuro Morcego-hortelão-nórdico Morcego-lanudo

2( 2^ 2% 2& 3$ o i 2! d h g j f s a u r t y e k l 3! 4$ 3# 3@ 5! 5@ 3% ; w 2* q 3( 4) 4! 3& 3* 2)

Morcego-negro Morcego-negro-oriental Morcego-orelhudo-alpino Morcego-orelhudo-balcânico Morcego-orelhudo-canarino Morcego-orelhudo-castanho Morcego-orelhudo-cinzento Morcego-orelhudo-sardo Morcego-pigmeu Morcego-prateado Morcego-rabudo Morcego-rato do Magrebe Morcego-rato-grande Morcego-rato-pequeno

4@ 4# 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4* 4& 3) 3^ 5# 2$ 2@ 2#


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Rhaeto-Romance Barbastel Barbastel oriental Chaun sgulant da l'Egipta Miniopter da l'ala lunga Miniopter pallid Moloss buldoc Pipistrel da fossa a venter niv Pipistrel da Hanak Pipistrel da Kuhl Pipistrel da Madeira Pipistrel da Nathusius Pipistrel da Savi Pipistrel nanin Pipistrel pigmeic Rinolof da Blasius Rinolof da Méhely Rinolof grond Rinolof mediterran Rinolof pitschen Serotin da Botta Serotin da l'ala lada Serotin da l'Anatolia Serotin d'argient Serotin d'aur Serotin isabellin Sgolanotg da las Azoras Sgolanotg gigant Sgolanotg grond Sgolanotg pitschen Ureglia gronda alpina Ureglia gronda brina Ureglia gronda da la Sardegna Ureglia gronda dal Balcan Ureglia gronda da Teneriffa Ureglia gronda grischa Ureglia lunga da Hemprich Vespertil cun tschegls Vespertil da Bechstein Vespertil da Brandt



4@ 4# q 5! 5@ 5# w 3! 3# 3$ 3@ 3% 2( 3) u y r t e 4! 3& 4) 3^ 3* 3( 2* 2^ 2% 2& 4^ 4% 4& 4( 5) 4* 4$ 2) 2! s

Vespertil da Capaccini Vespertil da l'Armenia Vespertil da l'aua Vespertil d'Alcathoe Vespertil dal barbis Vespertil da Natterer Vespertil da Nepal Vespertil da puzs Vespertil da Schaub Vespertil d'Escalera Vespertil dorà Vespertil ureglia-mieur grond Vespertil ureglia-mieur pitschen Vespertil ureglia-mieur punic

a h i g d k j o ; l f 2@ 2# 2$

Liliacul anatolian cu aripi lungi Liliacul bicolor

Liliacul cărămiziu Liliacul cârn

Liliacul cârn oriental Liliacul comun

Liliacul comun mic

Liliacul cu aripi late

Liliacul cu aripi late din Anatolia

Liliacul cu aripi late mediteranean Liliacul cu aripi lungi

Liliacul cu burtă golașă

Liliacul cu coadă liberă europeană Liliacul cu picioare lungi

Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Blasius

Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Mehely Liliacul cu urechi mari Liliacul de amurg

Liliacul de amurg din Azore Liliacul de apă Liliacul de iaz

Liliacul din Maghreb

Liliacul fructivor egiptean Liliacul lui Botta

Liliacul lui Brandt

Liliacul lui Natterer

Liliacul lui Natterer din Iberia Liliacul lui Savi

Liliacul lui Schaub

Liliacul mare cu potcoavă Liliacul mare de amurg

Liliacul mediteranean cu potcoavă Liliacul mic cu potcoavă Liliacul mic de amurg Liliacul mustăcios

Liliacul mustăcios Alcathoe

Liliacul mustăcios armenian Liliacul mustăcios de stepă Liliacul mustăcios nepalian

5@ 3^ 2) 4@ 4# 2@ 2# 3& 4) 3( 5! w 5# a u y 2! 2% 2* i o 2$ q 4! s k l 3% ; r 2^ t e 2& d g h f j

Liliacul nordic

Liliacul pigmeu Liliacul pitic

Liliacul pitic a lui Hanak Liliacul pitic al lui Kuhl

Liliacul pitic al lui Nathusius Liliacul pitic din Madeira Liliacul urecheat alpin Liliacul urecheat brun

Liliacul urecheat cenuşiu

Liliacul urecheat de desert

Liliacul urecheat din Tenerife

Liliacul urecheat mediteranean Liliacul urecheat sard

3* 3) 2( 3! 3# 3@ 3$ 4^ 4% 4* 4$ 5) 4( 4&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Rhaeto-Romance Barbastel Barbastel oriental Chaun sgulant da l'Egipta Miniopter da l'ala lunga Miniopter pallid Moloss buldoc Pipistrel da fossa a venter niv Pipistrel da Hanak Pipistrel da Kuhl Pipistrel da Madeira Pipistrel da Nathusius Pipistrel da Savi Pipistrel nanin Pipistrel pigmeic Rinolof da Blasius Rinolof da Méhely Rinolof grond Rinolof mediterran Rinolof pitschen Serotin da Botta Serotin da l'ala lada Serotin da l'Anatolia Serotin d'argient Serotin d'aur Serotin isabellin Sgolanotg da las Azoras Sgolanotg gigant Sgolanotg grond Sgolanotg pitschen Ureglia gronda alpina Ureglia gronda brina Ureglia gronda da la Sardegna Ureglia gronda dal Balcan Ureglia gronda da Teneriffa Ureglia gronda grischa Ureglia lunga da Hemprich Vespertil cun tschegls Vespertil da Bechstein Vespertil da Brandt



4@ 4# q 5! 5@ 5# w 3! 3# 3$ 3@ 3% 2( 3) u y r t e 4! 3& 4) 3^ 3* 3( 2* 2^ 2% 2& 4^ 4% 4& 4( 5) 4* 4$ 2) 2! s

Vespertil da Capaccini Vespertil da l'Armenia Vespertil da l'aua Vespertil d'Alcathoe Vespertil dal barbis Vespertil da Natterer Vespertil da Nepal Vespertil da puzs Vespertil da Schaub Vespertil d'Escalera Vespertil dorà Vespertil ureglia-mieur grond Vespertil ureglia-mieur pitschen Vespertil ureglia-mieur punic

a h i g d k j o ; l f 2@ 2# 2$

Liliacul anatolian cu aripi lungi Liliacul bicolor

Liliacul cărămiziu Liliacul cârn

Liliacul cârn oriental Liliacul comun

Liliacul comun mic

Liliacul cu aripi late

Liliacul cu aripi late din Anatolia

Liliacul cu aripi late mediteranean Liliacul cu aripi lungi

Liliacul cu burtă golașă

Liliacul cu coadă liberă europeană Liliacul cu picioare lungi

Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Blasius

Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Mehely Liliacul cu urechi mari Liliacul de amurg

Liliacul de amurg din Azore Liliacul de apă Liliacul de iaz

Liliacul din Maghreb

Liliacul fructivor egiptean Liliacul lui Botta

Liliacul lui Brandt

Liliacul lui Natterer

Liliacul lui Natterer din Iberia Liliacul lui Savi

Liliacul lui Schaub

Liliacul mare cu potcoavă Liliacul mare de amurg

Liliacul mediteranean cu potcoavă Liliacul mic cu potcoavă Liliacul mic de amurg Liliacul mustăcios

Liliacul mustăcios Alcathoe

Liliacul mustăcios armenian Liliacul mustăcios de stepă Liliacul mustăcios nepalian

5@ 3^ 2) 4@ 4# 2@ 2# 3& 4) 3( 5! w 5# a u y 2! 2% 2* i o 2$ q 4! s k l 3% ; r 2^ t e 2& d g h f j

Liliacul nordic

Liliacul pigmeu Liliacul pitic

Liliacul pitic a lui Hanak Liliacul pitic al lui Kuhl

Liliacul pitic al lui Nathusius Liliacul pitic din Madeira Liliacul urecheat alpin Liliacul urecheat brun

Liliacul urecheat cenuşiu

Liliacul urecheat de desert

Liliacul urecheat din Tenerife

Liliacul urecheat mediteranean Liliacul urecheat sard

3* 3) 2( 3! 3# 3@ 3$ 4^ 4% 4* 4$ 5) 4( 4&


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Russian Бледный длиннокрыл Вечерница азорская

Bечерница гигантская Вечерница малая

Вечерница рыжая

Длиннокрыл обыкновенный Кожан анатолийский Кожан двухцветный Кожан изабелловый Кожанок северный Кожан поздний

Кожан пустынный

Крылан египетский

Мешкокрыл голобрюхий Нетопырь Ганака


Нетопырь кожановидный Нетопырь мадейрский Нетопырь малый*

Нетопырь Натузиуса*

Нетопырь средиземноморский Ночница Алкафеи

Ночница армянская Ночница большая Ночница Брандта Ночница водяная

Ночница длинноухая* Ночница иберийская Ночница Натерера

Ночница непальская Ночница остроухая Ночница прудовая

Ночница средиземная* Ночница степная*

Ночница трёхцветная Ночница усатая

Ночница финикийская Ночница Шауба*

Подковонос большой


Scottish Gaelic

5@ 2* 2^ 2& 2% 5! 4) 3^ 3( 3* 3& 4! q w 3! 2( 3% 3$ 3) 3@ 3# g h 2@ s i 2! l k j 2# o a f 2) d 2$ ; r

Подковонос малый

Подковонос Мегели*

Подковонос cредиземноморский Подковонос южный

Складчатогуб широкоухий Стрелоух белобрюхий Ушан бурый

Ушан горный*

Ушан канарский

Ушан Коломбатовича Ушан сардинский Ушан серый

Широкоушка европейская Широкоушка азиатская

e y u t 5# 4$ 4% 4^ 5) 4( 4& 4* 4@ 4#

*) Some alternative common Russian names Нетопырь лесной

Нетопырь пигмей

Ночница аракская

Ночница Бехштейна

Ночница золотистая

Ночница итальянская Подковонос очковый Ушан кавказский

3@ 3) ; 2! f a y 4^

Crudh-ialtag bheag Crudh-ialtag blasii Crudh-ialtag mehelyi Crudh-ialtag Meadhan-thìreach Crudh-ialtag mhòr Ialtag Anatolach Ialtag Asorach Ialtag Bechstein Ialtag bharbastail iarach Ialtag bharbastail earach Ialtag Botta Ialtag Brandt Ialtag Daubenton Ialtag eàrr-shaor Eòrpach Ialtag fhad-chluasach Ailpeach Ialtag fhad-chluasach Bhalcanach Ialtag fhad-chluasach Chanaireach Ialtag fhad-chluasach dhonn Ialtag fhad-chluasach Hemprich Ialtag fhad-chluasach liath Ialtag fhad-chluasach Shàirdineach Ialtag fhad-mheurach Ialtag fheasgarach Ialtag Geoffroy Ialtag ghibeach Ialtag ghibeach Airmeineach Ialtag ghibeach Àiseach Ialtag ghibeach Alcathoe Ialtag ghibeach Steipeach Ialtag Hanak Ialtag isibealach Ialtag Kuhl Ialtag Leisler Ialtag liath-dhonn Ialtag lochan Ialtag luch-chluasach bheag Ialtag luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach Ialtag luch-chluasach mhòr Ialtag meas Èipheiteach

e u y t r 4) 2* 2! 4@ 4# 4! s i 5# 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4$ 4* 4& a 2( 2) d h j g f 3! 3( 3# 2& 3^ o 2# 2$ 2@ q

Ialtag Mhaideurach Ialtag mheur-fhada Anatolach Ialtag mheur-fhada Schreiber Ialtag mhòr-iteach Ialtag Natterer Ialtag Natterer Ibeurach Ialtag Natuisias Ialtag nochd-thònach thuaim Ialtag oidhcheach Ialtag Savi Ialtag Schaub Ialtag shoprànach Ialtag thuathach Mòr-ialtag oidhcheach

3$ 5@ 5! 3& k l 3@ w 2% 3% ; 3) 3* 2^


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Russian Бледный длиннокрыл Вечерница азорская

Bечерница гигантская Вечерница малая

Вечерница рыжая

Длиннокрыл обыкновенный Кожан анатолийский Кожан двухцветный Кожан изабелловый Кожанок северный Кожан поздний

Кожан пустынный

Крылан египетский

Мешкокрыл голобрюхий Нетопырь Ганака


Нетопырь кожановидный Нетопырь мадейрский Нетопырь малый*

Нетопырь Натузиуса*

Нетопырь средиземноморский Ночница Алкафеи

Ночница армянская Ночница большая Ночница Брандта Ночница водяная

Ночница длинноухая* Ночница иберийская Ночница Натерера

Ночница непальская Ночница остроухая Ночница прудовая

Ночница средиземная* Ночница степная*

Ночница трёхцветная Ночница усатая

Ночница финикийская Ночница Шауба*

Подковонос большой


Scottish Gaelic

5@ 2* 2^ 2& 2% 5! 4) 3^ 3( 3* 3& 4! q w 3! 2( 3% 3$ 3) 3@ 3# g h 2@ s i 2! l k j 2# o a f 2) d 2$ ; r

Подковонос малый

Подковонос Мегели*

Подковонос cредиземноморский Подковонос южный

Складчатогуб широкоухий Стрелоух белобрюхий Ушан бурый

Ушан горный*

Ушан канарский

Ушан Коломбатовича Ушан сардинский Ушан серый

Широкоушка европейская Широкоушка азиатская

e y u t 5# 4$ 4% 4^ 5) 4( 4& 4* 4@ 4#

*) Some alternative common Russian names Нетопырь лесной

Нетопырь пигмей

Ночница аракская

Ночница Бехштейна

Ночница золотистая

Ночница итальянская Подковонос очковый Ушан кавказский

3@ 3) ; 2! f a y 4^

Crudh-ialtag bheag Crudh-ialtag blasii Crudh-ialtag mehelyi Crudh-ialtag Meadhan-thìreach Crudh-ialtag mhòr Ialtag Anatolach Ialtag Asorach Ialtag Bechstein Ialtag bharbastail iarach Ialtag bharbastail earach Ialtag Botta Ialtag Brandt Ialtag Daubenton Ialtag eàrr-shaor Eòrpach Ialtag fhad-chluasach Ailpeach Ialtag fhad-chluasach Bhalcanach Ialtag fhad-chluasach Chanaireach Ialtag fhad-chluasach dhonn Ialtag fhad-chluasach Hemprich Ialtag fhad-chluasach liath Ialtag fhad-chluasach Shàirdineach Ialtag fhad-mheurach Ialtag fheasgarach Ialtag Geoffroy Ialtag ghibeach Ialtag ghibeach Airmeineach Ialtag ghibeach Àiseach Ialtag ghibeach Alcathoe Ialtag ghibeach Steipeach Ialtag Hanak Ialtag isibealach Ialtag Kuhl Ialtag Leisler Ialtag liath-dhonn Ialtag lochan Ialtag luch-chluasach bheag Ialtag luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach Ialtag luch-chluasach mhòr Ialtag meas Èipheiteach

e u y t r 4) 2* 2! 4@ 4# 4! s i 5# 4^ 4( 5) 4% 4$ 4* 4& a 2( 2) d h j g f 3! 3( 3# 2& 3^ o 2# 2$ 2@ q

Ialtag Mhaideurach Ialtag mheur-fhada Anatolach Ialtag mheur-fhada Schreiber Ialtag mhòr-iteach Ialtag Natterer Ialtag Natterer Ibeurach Ialtag Natuisias Ialtag nochd-thònach thuaim Ialtag oidhcheach Ialtag Savi Ialtag Schaub Ialtag shoprànach Ialtag thuathach Mòr-ialtag oidhcheach

3$ 5@ 5! 3& k l 3@ w 2% 3% ; 3) 3* 2^


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Serbian (Cyrillic) Азијски бркати вечерњак Азијски широкоушан Азорски ноћник

Алпијски дугоушан

Атлантски сл[иј]епи мишић Барски вечерњак

Б[ј]елоруби сл[иј]епи мишић Блискоисточни дугокрилаш Блискоисточни поноћњак Велики ноћник

Велики потковичар

Велики ресасти вечерњак Водени вечерњак

Голотрби гробнички м[j]ешкокрилаш Дугодлаки сл[иј]епи мишић Дугопрсти вечерњак Дугоухи вечерњак

Европски велики вечерњак Европски дугокрилаш

Европски сиви дугоушан

Европски смеђи дугоушан Европски широкоушан

Јерменски бркати вечерњак Јужни велики вечерњак Јужни потковичар

Канарски сиви дугоушан Левантски поноћњак

Левантски сиви дугоушан

Либијски сл[иј]епи мишић

Магребски велики вечерњак Магребски поноћњак

Мали бркати вечерњак Мали ноћник

Мали потковичар Обични ноћник

Oбични пећински летипас Обични поноћњак

Обични прос[иј]еди ноћник Обични ресасти вечерњак


Serbian (Latin)

j 4# 2* 4^ 3$ o 3# 5@ 4! 2^ r ; i w 3% a 2! 2@ 5! 4* 4% 4@ h 2# u 5) 4) 4( 3! 2$ 3( g 2& e 2% q 3& 3^ k

Обични сл[иј]епи мишић

Патуљасти сл[иј]епи мишић

Пиринејски ресасти вечерњак Пустињски дугоушан Риђи вечерњак

Сардинијски смеђи дугоушан С[ј]еверни поноћњак

Средоземни потковичар Средоземни репаш

Степски бркати вечерњак

Тамнолики бркати вечерњак Тамнооки потковичар

Шумски бркати вечерњак Шумски сл[иј]епи мишић

2( 3) l 4$ 2) 4& 3* t 5# f d y s 3@

Alpijski dugoušan

Atlantski sl[ij]epi mišić

Azijski brkati večernjak Azijski širokoušan Azorski noćnik

Barski večernjak

B[j]elorubi sl[ij]epi mišić Bliskoistočni dugokrilaš Bliskoistočni ponoćnjak

Dugodlaki sl[ij]epi mišić Dugoprsti večernjak Dugouhi večernjak

Evropski dugokrilaš

Evropski sivi dugoušan

Evropski smeđi dugoušan Evropski širokoušan

Evropski veliki večernjak

Golotrbi grobnički m[j]eškokrilaš Jermenski brkati večernjak Južni potkovičar

Južni veliki večernjak

Kanarski sivi dugoušan Levantski ponoćnjak

Levantski sivi dugoušan Libijski sl[ij]epi mišić

Magrebski ponoćnjak

Magrebski veliki večernjak Mali brkati večernjak Mali noćnik

Mali potkovičar Obični noćnik

Obični pećinski letipas Obični ponoćnjak

Obični pros[ij]edi noćnik Obični resasti večernjak Obični sl[ij]epi mišić

Patuljasti sl[ij]epi mišić

Pirinejski resasti večernjak Pustinjski dugoušan

4^ 3$ j 4# 2* o 3# 5@ 4! 3% a 2! 5! 4* 4% 4@ 2@ w h u 2# 5) 4) 4( 3! 3( 2$ g 2& e 2% q 3& 3^ k 2( 3) l 4$

Riđi večernjak

Sardinijski smeđi dugoušan S[j]everni ponoćnjak

Stepski brkati večernjak Sredozemni potkovičar Sredozemni repaš

Šumski brkati večernjak Šumski sl[ij]epi mišić

Tamnoliki brkati večernjak Tamnooki potkovičar Veliki noćnik

Veliki potkovičar

Veliki resasti večernjak Vodeni večernjak

2) 4& 3* f t 5# s 3@ d y 2^ r ; i


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Serbian (Cyrillic) Азијски бркати вечерњак Азијски широкоушан Азорски ноћник

Алпијски дугоушан

Атлантски сл[иј]епи мишић Барски вечерњак

Б[ј]елоруби сл[иј]епи мишић Блискоисточни дугокрилаш Блискоисточни поноћњак Велики ноћник

Велики потковичар

Велики ресасти вечерњак Водени вечерњак

Голотрби гробнички м[j]ешкокрилаш Дугодлаки сл[иј]епи мишић Дугопрсти вечерњак Дугоухи вечерњак

Европски велики вечерњак Европски дугокрилаш

Европски сиви дугоушан

Европски смеђи дугоушан Европски широкоушан

Јерменски бркати вечерњак Јужни велики вечерњак Јужни потковичар

Канарски сиви дугоушан Левантски поноћњак

Левантски сиви дугоушан

Либијски сл[иј]епи мишић

Магребски велики вечерњак Магребски поноћњак

Мали бркати вечерњак Мали ноћник

Мали потковичар Обични ноћник

Oбични пећински летипас Обични поноћњак

Обични прос[иј]еди ноћник Обични ресасти вечерњак


Serbian (Latin)

j 4# 2* 4^ 3$ o 3# 5@ 4! 2^ r ; i w 3% a 2! 2@ 5! 4* 4% 4@ h 2# u 5) 4) 4( 3! 2$ 3( g 2& e 2% q 3& 3^ k

Обични сл[иј]епи мишић

Патуљасти сл[иј]епи мишић

Пиринејски ресасти вечерњак Пустињски дугоушан Риђи вечерњак

Сардинијски смеђи дугоушан С[ј]еверни поноћњак

Средоземни потковичар Средоземни репаш

Степски бркати вечерњак

Тамнолики бркати вечерњак Тамнооки потковичар

Шумски бркати вечерњак Шумски сл[иј]епи мишић

2( 3) l 4$ 2) 4& 3* t 5# f d y s 3@

Alpijski dugoušan

Atlantski sl[ij]epi mišić

Azijski brkati večernjak Azijski širokoušan Azorski noćnik

Barski večernjak

B[j]elorubi sl[ij]epi mišić Bliskoistočni dugokrilaš Bliskoistočni ponoćnjak

Dugodlaki sl[ij]epi mišić Dugoprsti večernjak Dugouhi večernjak

Evropski dugokrilaš

Evropski sivi dugoušan

Evropski smeđi dugoušan Evropski širokoušan

Evropski veliki večernjak

Golotrbi grobnički m[j]eškokrilaš Jermenski brkati večernjak Južni potkovičar

Južni veliki večernjak

Kanarski sivi dugoušan Levantski ponoćnjak

Levantski sivi dugoušan Libijski sl[ij]epi mišić

Magrebski ponoćnjak

Magrebski veliki večernjak Mali brkati večernjak Mali noćnik

Mali potkovičar Obični noćnik

Obični pećinski letipas Obični ponoćnjak

Obični pros[ij]edi noćnik Obični resasti večernjak Obični sl[ij]epi mišić

Patuljasti sl[ij]epi mišić

Pirinejski resasti večernjak Pustinjski dugoušan

4^ 3$ j 4# 2* o 3# 5@ 4! 3% a 2! 5! 4* 4% 4@ 2@ w h u 2# 5) 4) 4( 3! 3( 2$ g 2& e 2% q 3& 3^ k 2( 3) l 4$

Riđi večernjak

Sardinijski smeđi dugoušan S[j]everni ponoćnjak

Stepski brkati večernjak Sredozemni potkovičar Sredozemni repaš

Šumski brkati večernjak Šumski sl[ij]epi mišić

Tamnoliki brkati večernjak Tamnooki potkovičar Veliki noćnik

Veliki potkovičar

Veliki resasti večernjak Vodeni večernjak

2) 4& 3* f t 5# s 3@ d y 2^ r ; i


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Slovak Hladkonos holobruchý Kaloň egyptský

Lietavec perzský

Lietavec sťahovavý Netopier alkatoe

Netopier arménsky

Netopier Bechsteinov Netopier Blythov

Netopier Brandtov Netopier brvitý

Netopier dlhonohý Netopier fúzatý

Netopier magrebský Netopier pobrežný

Netopier pyrenejský Netopier riasnatý

Netopier Schaubov Netopier stepný

Netopier stredoázijský Netopier vel’ký

Netopier vodný

Podkovár Blasiov Podkovár južný Podkovár malý

Podkovár Mehélyho Podkovár veľký Raniak azorský

Raniak hrdzavý

Raniak obrovský

Raniak stromový

Tadarida buldogovitá Uchaňa ázijská

Ucháč balkánsky Uchaňa čierna Ucháč horský

Ucháč kanársky

Ucháč sardínsky Ucháč sivý

Ucháč svetlý



w q 5@ 5! g h 2! 2# s 2) a d 2$ o l k ; f j 2@ i u t e y r 2* 2% 2^ 2& 5# 4# 4( 4@ 4^ 5) 4& 4* 4%

Večernica anatólska Večernica Bottova

Večernica Hanákova Večernica hvízdavá Večernica južná

Večernica Leachova

Večernica madeirská Večernica parková Večernica pozdná Večernica Saviho

Večernica severská

Večernica šípouchá Večernica tmavá

Večernica tripolitánska

4) 4! 3! 2( 3# 3) 3$ 3@ 3& 3% 3* 4$ 3^ 3(

Armenski netopir Azorski mračnik Belorobi netopir

Blasijev podkovnjak Bedični dolgokrilec Brandtov netopir Brkati netopir

Dolgokrili netopir

Dolgonogi netopir Dolgorepi netopir Drobni netopir

Dvobarvni netopir

Egipčanski leteči pes

Golotrebušni mavzolejnik Gozdni mračnik Iberski netopir

Južni podkovnjak Kanarski uhatež

Kaspijski netopir Kraljičin poznik

Libijski drobni netopir

Madeirski mali netopir Mali netopir

Mali podkovnjak

Mehelyjev podkovnjak Močvirski netopir

Nathusijev netopir Navadni mračnik Navadni netopir Nimfni netopir

Obvodni netopir

Ostrouhi netopir Pozni netopir

Primorski uhatež Punski netopir

Resasti netopir

Rjavi uhati netopir Sardinijski uhatež Savijev netopir

h 2* 3# u 5@ s d 5! a 5# 3) 3^ q w 2& l t 5) ; 3( 3! 3$ 2( e y o 3@ 2% 2@ g o 2# 3& 4( 2$ k 4% 4& 3%

Severni netopir

Sivi uhati netopir

Srednjevzhodni poznik Stepski netopir

Svetlotrebušni poznik Širokouhi netopir

Škorpjonojedi puščavež

Usnjebradi uhati netopir Vejicati netopir Veliki mračnik

Veliki podkovnjak Velikouhi netopir Vzhodni netopir

Vzhodni širokouhež

3* 4* 4) f 4! 4@ 4$ 4^ 2) 2^ r 2! j 4#


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Slovak Hladkonos holobruchý Kaloň egyptský

Lietavec perzský

Lietavec sťahovavý Netopier alkatoe

Netopier arménsky

Netopier Bechsteinov Netopier Blythov

Netopier Brandtov Netopier brvitý

Netopier dlhonohý Netopier fúzatý

Netopier magrebský Netopier pobrežný

Netopier pyrenejský Netopier riasnatý

Netopier Schaubov Netopier stepný

Netopier stredoázijský Netopier vel’ký

Netopier vodný

Podkovár Blasiov Podkovár južný Podkovár malý

Podkovár Mehélyho Podkovár veľký Raniak azorský

Raniak hrdzavý

Raniak obrovský

Raniak stromový

Tadarida buldogovitá Uchaňa ázijská

Ucháč balkánsky Uchaňa čierna Ucháč horský

Ucháč kanársky

Ucháč sardínsky Ucháč sivý

Ucháč svetlý



w q 5@ 5! g h 2! 2# s 2) a d 2$ o l k ; f j 2@ i u t e y r 2* 2% 2^ 2& 5# 4# 4( 4@ 4^ 5) 4& 4* 4%

Večernica anatólska Večernica Bottova

Večernica Hanákova Večernica hvízdavá Večernica južná

Večernica Leachova

Večernica madeirská Večernica parková Večernica pozdná Večernica Saviho

Večernica severská

Večernica šípouchá Večernica tmavá

Večernica tripolitánska

4) 4! 3! 2( 3# 3) 3$ 3@ 3& 3% 3* 4$ 3^ 3(

Armenski netopir Azorski mračnik Belorobi netopir

Blasijev podkovnjak Bedični dolgokrilec Brandtov netopir Brkati netopir

Dolgokrili netopir

Dolgonogi netopir Dolgorepi netopir Drobni netopir

Dvobarvni netopir

Egipčanski leteči pes

Golotrebušni mavzolejnik Gozdni mračnik Iberski netopir

Južni podkovnjak Kanarski uhatež

Kaspijski netopir Kraljičin poznik

Libijski drobni netopir

Madeirski mali netopir Mali netopir

Mali podkovnjak

Mehelyjev podkovnjak Močvirski netopir

Nathusijev netopir Navadni mračnik Navadni netopir Nimfni netopir

Obvodni netopir

Ostrouhi netopir Pozni netopir

Primorski uhatež Punski netopir

Resasti netopir

Rjavi uhati netopir Sardinijski uhatež Savijev netopir

h 2* 3# u 5@ s d 5! a 5# 3) 3^ q w 2& l t 5) ; 3( 3! 3$ 2( e y o 3@ 2% 2@ g o 2# 3& 4( 2$ k 4% 4& 3%

Severni netopir

Sivi uhati netopir

Srednjevzhodni poznik Stepski netopir

Svetlotrebušni poznik Širokouhi netopir

Škorpjonojedi puščavež

Usnjebradi uhati netopir Vejicati netopir Veliki mračnik

Veliki podkovnjak Velikouhi netopir Vzhodni netopir

Vzhodni širokouhež

3* 4* 4) f 4! 4@ 4$ 4^ 2) 2^ r 2! j 4#


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Swedish Alpfladdermus Alplångöra Anatolisk fladdermus Armenisk fransfladdermus Azorfladdermus Balkanhästskonäsa Balkanlångöra Barbastell Bechsteins fladdermus Bengalisk barbastell Blek sydfladdermus Blek vikvinge Brunlångöra Centralasiatisk mustaschfladdermus Dammfladdermus Dvärghästskonäsa Dvärgpipistrell Europeisk vikvinge Flikörad fladdermus Fransfladdermus Grålångöra Gråskimlig fladdermus Iberisk fransfladdermus Isabellfladdermus Kanarielångöra Kretapipistrell Kusthästskonäsa Madeirapipistrell Medelhavshästskonäsa Medelhavsmusöra Mindre brunfladdermus Mindre musöra Mustaschfladdermus Nakengumpsfladdermus Nilflyghund Nordfladdermus Nymffladdermus Ökenlångöra Parkpipistrell



3% 4^ 4) ; 2* u 4( 4@ 2! 4# 4! 5@ 4% j o e 3) 5! 2) k 4* 3^ l 3( 5) 3! y 3$ t 2$ 2& 2# d w q 3* g 4$ 3#

Pälsvingad brunfladdermus Sardinskt långöra Sevanfladdermus Stäppfladdermus Storfotsfladdermus Större brunfladdermus Större hästskonäsa Större musöra Sydfladdermus Sydpipistrell Taigafladdermus Trollpipistrell Vattenfladdermus Veckläppad fladdermus

2^ 4& h f a 2% r 2@ 3& 2( s 3@ i 5#

Akdeniz Cüce Yarasası

Akdeniz Nalburunlu Yarasası Akşamcı Yarasa

Anadolu Genişkanatlı Yarasası

Avrupa Serbest Kuyruklu Yarasası Azorlar Akşamcı Yarasası Balkan Bıyıklı Yarasası

Balkan Uzunkulaklı Yarasası Basıkburunlu Yarasa Beyazşeritli Yarasa

Bıyıklı Kahverengi Yarasa Bıyıklı Siyah Yarasa

Blasius Nalburunlu Yarasa

Bottae’nin Genişkanatlı Yarasası Büyük Akşamcı Yarasa

Büyük Farekulaklı Yarasa Büyükkulaklı Yarasa

Büyük Nalburunlu Yarasa Cüce Yarasa

Çıplakkarınlı Mezar Yarasas Çiftrenkli Yarasa

Doğulu Basıkburunlu Yarasa Doğu Uzunkanatlı Yarasası Ermenistan Bıyıklı Yarasası Farekulaklı Su Yarasası Genişkanatlı Yarasa Gölet Yarasası

Gri Uzunkulaklı Yarasa

Hanak’ın Cüce Yarasası İberya Saçaklı Yarasası İran Saçaklı Yarasası

İzabel Genişkanatlı Yarasası

Kahverengi Uzunkulaklı Yarasa

Kanaryarlar Uzunkulaklı Yarasası Kirpikli Yarasa

Kuzey Genişkanatlı Yarasası Küçük Ağaç Yarasası

Küçük Farekulaklı Yarasa

Küçük Nalburunlu Yarasa

3) t 2% 4) 5# 2* g 4( 4@ 3# f d u 4! 2^ 2@ 2! r 2( w 3^ 4# 5@ h i 3& o 4* 3! l ; 3( 4% 5) 2) 3* 2& 2# e

Maderia Cüce Yarasası

Mahrep Farekulaklı Yarasası Mehely Nalburunlu Yarasası Mısır Meyve Yarasası

Nepal Bıyıklı Yarasası Saçaklı Yarasa Sakallı Yarasa

Sardunya Uzunkulaklı Yarasası Savi’nin Cüce Yarasası Sertderili Yarasa

Uzunayaklı Yarasa

Uzunkanatlı Yarasa

Uzunkulaklı Çöl Yarasası

Uzunkulaklı Kafkas Yarasası

3$ 2$ y q j k s 4& 3% 3@ a 5! 4$ 4^


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Swedish Alpfladdermus Alplångöra Anatolisk fladdermus Armenisk fransfladdermus Azorfladdermus Balkanhästskonäsa Balkanlångöra Barbastell Bechsteins fladdermus Bengalisk barbastell Blek sydfladdermus Blek vikvinge Brunlångöra Centralasiatisk mustaschfladdermus Dammfladdermus Dvärghästskonäsa Dvärgpipistrell Europeisk vikvinge Flikörad fladdermus Fransfladdermus Grålångöra Gråskimlig fladdermus Iberisk fransfladdermus Isabellfladdermus Kanarielångöra Kretapipistrell Kusthästskonäsa Madeirapipistrell Medelhavshästskonäsa Medelhavsmusöra Mindre brunfladdermus Mindre musöra Mustaschfladdermus Nakengumpsfladdermus Nilflyghund Nordfladdermus Nymffladdermus Ökenlångöra Parkpipistrell



3% 4^ 4) ; 2* u 4( 4@ 2! 4# 4! 5@ 4% j o e 3) 5! 2) k 4* 3^ l 3( 5) 3! y 3$ t 2$ 2& 2# d w q 3* g 4$ 3#

Pälsvingad brunfladdermus Sardinskt långöra Sevanfladdermus Stäppfladdermus Storfotsfladdermus Större brunfladdermus Större hästskonäsa Större musöra Sydfladdermus Sydpipistrell Taigafladdermus Trollpipistrell Vattenfladdermus Veckläppad fladdermus

2^ 4& h f a 2% r 2@ 3& 2( s 3@ i 5#

Akdeniz Cüce Yarasası

Akdeniz Nalburunlu Yarasası Akşamcı Yarasa

Anadolu Genişkanatlı Yarasası

Avrupa Serbest Kuyruklu Yarasası Azorlar Akşamcı Yarasası Balkan Bıyıklı Yarasası

Balkan Uzunkulaklı Yarasası Basıkburunlu Yarasa Beyazşeritli Yarasa

Bıyıklı Kahverengi Yarasa Bıyıklı Siyah Yarasa

Blasius Nalburunlu Yarasa

Bottae’nin Genişkanatlı Yarasası Büyük Akşamcı Yarasa

Büyük Farekulaklı Yarasa Büyükkulaklı Yarasa

Büyük Nalburunlu Yarasa Cüce Yarasa

Çıplakkarınlı Mezar Yarasas Çiftrenkli Yarasa

Doğulu Basıkburunlu Yarasa Doğu Uzunkanatlı Yarasası Ermenistan Bıyıklı Yarasası Farekulaklı Su Yarasası Genişkanatlı Yarasa Gölet Yarasası

Gri Uzunkulaklı Yarasa

Hanak’ın Cüce Yarasası İberya Saçaklı Yarasası İran Saçaklı Yarasası

İzabel Genişkanatlı Yarasası

Kahverengi Uzunkulaklı Yarasa

Kanaryarlar Uzunkulaklı Yarasası Kirpikli Yarasa

Kuzey Genişkanatlı Yarasası Küçük Ağaç Yarasası

Küçük Farekulaklı Yarasa

Küçük Nalburunlu Yarasa

3) t 2% 4) 5# 2* g 4( 4@ 3# f d u 4! 2^ 2@ 2! r 2( w 3^ 4# 5@ h i 3& o 4* 3! l ; 3( 4% 5) 2) 3* 2& 2# e

Maderia Cüce Yarasası

Mahrep Farekulaklı Yarasası Mehely Nalburunlu Yarasası Mısır Meyve Yarasası

Nepal Bıyıklı Yarasası Saçaklı Yarasa Sakallı Yarasa

Sardunya Uzunkulaklı Yarasası Savi’nin Cüce Yarasası Sertderili Yarasa

Uzunayaklı Yarasa

Uzunkanatlı Yarasa

Uzunkulaklı Çöl Yarasası

Uzunkulaklı Kafkas Yarasası

3$ 2$ y q j k s 4& 3% 3@ a 5! 4$ 4^


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Ukrainian Вечірниця азорська

Вечірниця велетенська Вечірниця мала

Вечірниця руда*

Вухань балканський Вухань бурий

Вухань гірський

Вухань канарський

Вухань сардинійський Вухань сірий

Довгокрил анатолійський Довгокрил Шрайберса Крилан єгипетський Лилик двоколірний

Мішкокрил голочеревий Нетопир білосмугий Нетопир Ганака

Нетопир карлик

Нетопир лісовий

Нетопир мадейрський Нетопир пігмей

Нетопир-гіпсуг скельний* Нічниця азійська Нічниця велика

Нічниця війчаста

Нічниця вірменська Нічниця водяна Нічниця вусата

Нічниця гостровуха Нічниця довговуха

Нічниця довголапа Нічниця Ескалери

Нічниця магрибська Нічниця мала

Нічниця північна* Нічниця ставкова Нічниця степова

Нічниця триколірна Нічниця Шауба



2* 2^ 2& 2% 4( 4% 4^ 5) 4& 4* 5@ 5! q 3^ w 3# 3! 2( 3@ 3$ 3) 3% j 2@ k h i d 2# 2! a l 2$ g s o f 2) ;

Пергач (Лилик) анатолійський Пергач (Лилик) ізабеловий Пергач (Лилик) північний Пергач (Лилик) пізній

Пергач (Лилик) пустельний

Підковик (Підковоніс) Блазіуса

Підковик (Підковоніс) великий Підковик (Підковоніс) малий

Підковик (Підковоніс) Мегеля

Підковик (Підковоніс) південний Стріловух білочеревий Тадарида європейська Широковух азійський

Широковух європейський

4) 3( 3* 3& 4! u r e y t 4$ 5# 4# 4@

*) Some alternative common Ukrainian names Вечірниця дозірна Нетопир Саві

Нічниця Брандта

2% 3% s

Ystlum adain-gam gwelw Ystlum adain-gam Schreiber Ystlum adain-lydan Ystlum adain-lydan Anatolia Ystlum adain-lydan Botta Ystlum adain-lydan llwydfelyn Ystlum adain-lydan y gogledd Ystlum barfog Ystlum barfog Alcathoe Ystlum barfog Armenia Ystlum barfog Asia Ystlum barfog y Stepdir Ystlum Bechstein Ystlum beddrod tinfoel Ystlum Brandt Ystlum clustlydan Ystlum clustlydan lleiaf Ystlum clustlydan Maghreb Ystlum cynffonog Ystlum deuliv Ystlum du Ystlum du y dwyrain Ystlum-ffrwythau yr Aifft Ystlum Geoffroy Ystlum hirfys Ystlum hirglust brown Ystlum hirglust Hemprich Ystlum hirglust llwyd Ystlum hirglust Sardinia Ystlum hirglust y Balcanau Ystlum hirglust yr Alpau Ystlum hirglust yr Ynysoedd Dedwydd Ystlum Leisler Ystlum-lleiaf cyffredin Ystlum lleiaf Hanak Ystlum lleiaf Kuhl Ystlum lleiaf Madeira Ystlum lleiaf Nathusius Ystlum lleiaf Savi

5@ 5! 3& 4) 4! 3( 3* d g h j f 2! w s 2@ 2# 2$ 5# 3^ 4@ 4# q 2) a 4% 4$ 4* 4& 4( 4^ 5) 2& 2( 3! 3# 3$ 3@ 3%

Ystlum-lleiaf soprano Ystlum mawr Ystlum mawr yr Asores Ystlum mwyaf Ystlum Natterer Ystlum Natterer Iberia Ystlum pedol Blasius Ystlum pedol lleiaf Ystlum pedol Mehely Ystlum pedol Môr y Canoldir Ystlum pedol mwyaf Ystlum Schaub Ystlum y dwr Ystlum y pyllau

3) 2% 2* 2^ k l u e y t r ; i o


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

Ukrainian Вечірниця азорська

Вечірниця велетенська Вечірниця мала

Вечірниця руда*

Вухань балканський Вухань бурий

Вухань гірський

Вухань канарський

Вухань сардинійський Вухань сірий

Довгокрил анатолійський Довгокрил Шрайберса Крилан єгипетський Лилик двоколірний

Мішкокрил голочеревий Нетопир білосмугий Нетопир Ганака

Нетопир карлик

Нетопир лісовий

Нетопир мадейрський Нетопир пігмей

Нетопир-гіпсуг скельний* Нічниця азійська Нічниця велика

Нічниця війчаста

Нічниця вірменська Нічниця водяна Нічниця вусата

Нічниця гостровуха Нічниця довговуха

Нічниця довголапа Нічниця Ескалери

Нічниця магрибська Нічниця мала

Нічниця північна* Нічниця ставкова Нічниця степова

Нічниця триколірна Нічниця Шауба



2* 2^ 2& 2% 4( 4% 4^ 5) 4& 4* 5@ 5! q 3^ w 3# 3! 2( 3@ 3$ 3) 3% j 2@ k h i d 2# 2! a l 2$ g s o f 2) ;

Пергач (Лилик) анатолійський Пергач (Лилик) ізабеловий Пергач (Лилик) північний Пергач (Лилик) пізній

Пергач (Лилик) пустельний

Підковик (Підковоніс) Блазіуса

Підковик (Підковоніс) великий Підковик (Підковоніс) малий

Підковик (Підковоніс) Мегеля

Підковик (Підковоніс) південний Стріловух білочеревий Тадарида європейська Широковух азійський

Широковух європейський

4) 3( 3* 3& 4! u r e y t 4$ 5# 4# 4@

*) Some alternative common Ukrainian names Вечірниця дозірна Нетопир Саві

Нічниця Брандта

2% 3% s

Ystlum adain-gam gwelw Ystlum adain-gam Schreiber Ystlum adain-lydan Ystlum adain-lydan Anatolia Ystlum adain-lydan Botta Ystlum adain-lydan llwydfelyn Ystlum adain-lydan y gogledd Ystlum barfog Ystlum barfog Alcathoe Ystlum barfog Armenia Ystlum barfog Asia Ystlum barfog y Stepdir Ystlum Bechstein Ystlum beddrod tinfoel Ystlum Brandt Ystlum clustlydan Ystlum clustlydan lleiaf Ystlum clustlydan Maghreb Ystlum cynffonog Ystlum deuliv Ystlum du Ystlum du y dwyrain Ystlum-ffrwythau yr Aifft Ystlum Geoffroy Ystlum hirfys Ystlum hirglust brown Ystlum hirglust Hemprich Ystlum hirglust llwyd Ystlum hirglust Sardinia Ystlum hirglust y Balcanau Ystlum hirglust yr Alpau Ystlum hirglust yr Ynysoedd Dedwydd Ystlum Leisler Ystlum-lleiaf cyffredin Ystlum lleiaf Hanak Ystlum lleiaf Kuhl Ystlum lleiaf Madeira Ystlum lleiaf Nathusius Ystlum lleiaf Savi

5@ 5! 3& 4) 4! 3( 3* d g h j f 2! w s 2@ 2# 2$ 5# 3^ 4@ 4# q 2) a 4% 4$ 4* 4& 4( 4^ 5) 2& 2( 3! 3# 3$ 3@ 3%

Ystlum-lleiaf soprano Ystlum mawr Ystlum mawr yr Asores Ystlum mwyaf Ystlum Natterer Ystlum Natterer Iberia Ystlum pedol Blasius Ystlum pedol lleiaf Ystlum pedol Mehely Ystlum pedol Môr y Canoldir Ystlum pedol mwyaf Ystlum Schaub Ystlum y dwr Ystlum y pyllau

3) 2% 2* 2^ k l u e y t r ; i o


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

List 2. Vernacular names in national languages for each European bat species Language acronyms ALB.................................................................... Albanian ARB ...................................................................... Arabic ARM ................................................................ Armenian AZE................................................................ Azerbaijani BLG .................................................................. Bulgarian BLR .............................................................. Belarusian BOS .................................................................. Bosnian BRT ...................................................................... Breton BSQ .................................................................... Basque CAT .................................................................... Catalan CRO .................................................................. Croatian CSL .................................................................. Castilian CZE ........................................................................ Czech DAN .................................................................... Danish DUT ........................................................................ Dutch ENG .................................................................... English EST .................................................................... Estonian FIN ...................................................................... Finnish FRE ...................................................................... French FRI ........................................................................ Frisian GAL .................................................................... Galician GEO .................................................................. Georgian GER .................................................................... German GRE ........................................................................ Greek HBR .................................................................... Hebrew HUN .............................................................. Hungarian IRG .............................................................. Irish Gaelic ITA ........................................................................ Italian LAT ...................................................................... Latvian LIT .................................................................. Lithuanian


LUX ...................................................... Luxembourgish MAC .......................................................... Macedonian MLT .................................................................... Maltese MNE .......................................................... Montenegrin NOR .............................................................. Norwegian PER .................................................................... Persian POL ........................................................................ Polish PRT .............................................................. Portuguese RHR .................................................. Rhaeto-Romance ROM .............................................................. Romanian RUS .................................................................... Russian SBC ...................................................... Serbian Cyrillic SBL .......................................................... Serbian Latin SCG ...................................................... Scottish Gaelic SLO ................................................................ Slovenian SLV ...................................................................... Slovak SWE .................................................................. Swedish TUR ...................................................................... Turkish UKR ................................................................ Ukrainian WEL .................................................................... Welsh

q Rousettus aegyptiacus (GEOFFROY, 1810) ALB ............................ Lakuriq nate egjiptian i frutave ARB ............................................ ARM .......................................... Եգիպտական մեծաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Misir meyvə yarasası BLG ............................ Египетски плодояден прилеп BLR .................................................... Крылан егіпецкі BOS .................................................... Egipatski letipas BRT ........................................ Lgodenn-dall rous Egipt BSQ ........................................ Fruitu-saguzar egiptoar CAT ...................................................... Ratpenat egipci CRO .................................. Egipatski plodojedi šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago de la fruta egípcio CZE ...................................................... Kaloň egyptský DAN ................................................ Egyptisk flyvehund DUT ............................................................ Nijlrousette ENG .................................................. Egyptian Fruit Bat EST .................................................... Egiptuse öötiibur FIN ...................................................................... Ronkko FRE ................................................ Roussette d’Égypte FRI ................................................................ Nylrûsette GAL .................................................... Morcego exipcio GEO .................... ეგვიპტური მფრინავი ძაღლი GER .............................................................. Nilflughund GRE .......................... Αιγυπτιακή φρουτονυχτερίδα HBR ........................................................ HUN ................................................ Nílusi repülőkutya ITA .................................................................... Rossetta IRG .......................................... Ialtóg meas Éigipteach LAT .......................................... Ēģiptes augļsikspārnis LIT .................................................... Egiptinis vaisėdis LUX ............................................................ Nilfluchhond MAC ................................ Египетски овошен лилјак MLT .................... Farfett il-Lejl tal-Frott ta' L-Eġittu MNE .................................................... Egipatski letipas NOR .......................................... Afrikagrotteflygehund PER ........................................ POL .................................................... Rudawka nilowa PRT .................................. Morcego-frugívoro-egípcio

RHR .................................... Chaun sgulant da l'Egipta ROM .................................. Liliacul fructivor egiptean RUS .............................................. Крылан египетский SBC ................................ Oбични пећински летипас SBL .......................................... Obični pećinski letipas SCG ...................................... Ialtag meas Èipheiteach SLO ............................................ Egipčanski leteči pes SLV ........................................................ Kaloň egyptský SWE ............................................................ Nilflyghund TUR ............................................ Mısır Meyve Yarasası UKR ............................................ Крилан єгипетський WEL ...................................... Ystlum-ffrwythau yr Aifft

w Taphozous nudiventris CRETZSCHMAR, 1830 ALB .................... Pipistreli i varrezave barkzhveshur ARB ........................................ ARM ................................................ Մերկփոր պարկաթև AZE ................................ Cılpaqqarın məzar yarasası BLG .......................................... Голокоремен прилеп BLR .............................................. Магільнік галабрухі BOS .................................. Golotrbušni grobni šišmiš BRT .................... Logodenn-dall kof noazh ar bezioù BSQ ........................................ Hilobi-saguzar gibelsoil CAT .......................... Ratpenat de tomba de carpó nu CRO .......................................... Golotrbi grobni šišmiš CSL ...... Murciélago de cola libre y vientre desnudo CZE ................................................ Netopýr lysobřichý DAN .............................. Nøgenrumpet gravflagermus DUT .......................................... Kaalbuikgrafvleermuis ENG .................................... Naked-rumped Tomb Bat EST .................................... Paljaskõht-kääpanahkhiir FIN .................................................... Arohautalepakko FRE ................................................ Taphien à ventre nu FRI .......................................... Kealbûktimpelflearmûs GAL ........................ Morcego de tumba de cú espido GEO .................... შიშველმუცელა ქარქაშკუდა GER .................... Nacktbäuchige Tempelfledermaus GRE ........................................ Άτριχη ταφονυχτερίδα


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

List 2. Vernacular names in national languages for each European bat species Language acronyms ALB.................................................................... Albanian ARB ...................................................................... Arabic ARM ................................................................ Armenian AZE................................................................ Azerbaijani BLG .................................................................. Bulgarian BLR .............................................................. Belarusian BOS .................................................................. Bosnian BRT ...................................................................... Breton BSQ .................................................................... Basque CAT .................................................................... Catalan CRO .................................................................. Croatian CSL .................................................................. Castilian CZE ........................................................................ Czech DAN .................................................................... Danish DUT ........................................................................ Dutch ENG .................................................................... English EST .................................................................... Estonian FIN ...................................................................... Finnish FRE ...................................................................... French FRI ........................................................................ Frisian GAL .................................................................... Galician GEO .................................................................. Georgian GER .................................................................... German GRE ........................................................................ Greek HBR .................................................................... Hebrew HUN .............................................................. Hungarian IRG .............................................................. Irish Gaelic ITA ........................................................................ Italian LAT ...................................................................... Latvian LIT .................................................................. Lithuanian


LUX ...................................................... Luxembourgish MAC .......................................................... Macedonian MLT .................................................................... Maltese MNE .......................................................... Montenegrin NOR .............................................................. Norwegian PER .................................................................... Persian POL ........................................................................ Polish PRT .............................................................. Portuguese RHR .................................................. Rhaeto-Romance ROM .............................................................. Romanian RUS .................................................................... Russian SBC ...................................................... Serbian Cyrillic SBL .......................................................... Serbian Latin SCG ...................................................... Scottish Gaelic SLO ................................................................ Slovenian SLV ...................................................................... Slovak SWE .................................................................. Swedish TUR ...................................................................... Turkish UKR ................................................................ Ukrainian WEL .................................................................... Welsh

q Rousettus aegyptiacus (GEOFFROY, 1810) ALB ............................ Lakuriq nate egjiptian i frutave ARB ............................................ ARM .......................................... Եգիպտական մեծաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Misir meyvə yarasası BLG ............................ Египетски плодояден прилеп BLR .................................................... Крылан егіпецкі BOS .................................................... Egipatski letipas BRT ........................................ Lgodenn-dall rous Egipt BSQ ........................................ Fruitu-saguzar egiptoar CAT ...................................................... Ratpenat egipci CRO .................................. Egipatski plodojedi šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago de la fruta egípcio CZE ...................................................... Kaloň egyptský DAN ................................................ Egyptisk flyvehund DUT ............................................................ Nijlrousette ENG .................................................. Egyptian Fruit Bat EST .................................................... Egiptuse öötiibur FIN ...................................................................... Ronkko FRE ................................................ Roussette d’Égypte FRI ................................................................ Nylrûsette GAL .................................................... Morcego exipcio GEO .................... ეგვიპტური მფრინავი ძაღლი GER .............................................................. Nilflughund GRE .......................... Αιγυπτιακή φρουτονυχτερίδα HBR ........................................................ HUN ................................................ Nílusi repülőkutya ITA .................................................................... Rossetta IRG .......................................... Ialtóg meas Éigipteach LAT .......................................... Ēģiptes augļsikspārnis LIT .................................................... Egiptinis vaisėdis LUX ............................................................ Nilfluchhond MAC ................................ Египетски овошен лилјак MLT .................... Farfett il-Lejl tal-Frott ta' L-Eġittu MNE .................................................... Egipatski letipas NOR .......................................... Afrikagrotteflygehund PER ........................................ POL .................................................... Rudawka nilowa PRT .................................. Morcego-frugívoro-egípcio

RHR .................................... Chaun sgulant da l'Egipta ROM .................................. Liliacul fructivor egiptean RUS .............................................. Крылан египетский SBC ................................ Oбични пећински летипас SBL .......................................... Obični pećinski letipas SCG ...................................... Ialtag meas Èipheiteach SLO ............................................ Egipčanski leteči pes SLV ........................................................ Kaloň egyptský SWE ............................................................ Nilflyghund TUR ............................................ Mısır Meyve Yarasası UKR ............................................ Крилан єгипетський WEL ...................................... Ystlum-ffrwythau yr Aifft

w Taphozous nudiventris CRETZSCHMAR, 1830 ALB .................... Pipistreli i varrezave barkzhveshur ARB ........................................ ARM ................................................ Մերկփոր պարկաթև AZE ................................ Cılpaqqarın məzar yarasası BLG .......................................... Голокоремен прилеп BLR .............................................. Магільнік галабрухі BOS .................................. Golotrbušni grobni šišmiš BRT .................... Logodenn-dall kof noazh ar bezioù BSQ ........................................ Hilobi-saguzar gibelsoil CAT .......................... Ratpenat de tomba de carpó nu CRO .......................................... Golotrbi grobni šišmiš CSL ...... Murciélago de cola libre y vientre desnudo CZE ................................................ Netopýr lysobřichý DAN .............................. Nøgenrumpet gravflagermus DUT .......................................... Kaalbuikgrafvleermuis ENG .................................... Naked-rumped Tomb Bat EST .................................... Paljaskõht-kääpanahkhiir FIN .................................................... Arohautalepakko FRE ................................................ Taphien à ventre nu FRI .......................................... Kealbûktimpelflearmûs GAL ........................ Morcego de tumba de cú espido GEO .................... შიშველმუცელა ქარქაშკუდა GER .................... Nacktbäuchige Tempelfledermaus GRE ........................................ Άτριχη ταφονυχτερίδα


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................ Csupaszhasú sírlakó-denevér IRG .......................... Ialtóg nochtphrompach thuama ITA .................. Pipistrello delle tombe a ventre nudo LAT ............................................ Kailvēdera sikspārnis LIT ........................................ Plikapilvis maišiasparnis LUX ...................... Plakegbauchege Griewerflatterer MAC ........................................ Торбокрилест лилјак MLT .............................................. Farfett il-Lejl Għieri MNE .......................... Golotrbušni grobni slijepi miš NOR ........................................ Nakengumpflaggermus PER ...................................... POL ...................................... Grobownik gołobrzuchy PRT ........................................ Morcego-de-ventre-nú RHR ............................ Pipistrel da fossa a venter niv ROM ...................................... Liliacul cu burtă golașa RUS .................................. Мешкокрыл голобрюхий SBC ............ Голотрби гробнички м[j]ешкокрилаш SBL ...................... Golotrbi grobnički m[j]eškokrilaš SCG .............................. Ialtag nochd-thònach thuaim SLO ...................................... Golotrebušni mavzolejnik SLV .......................................... Hladkonos holobruchý SWE .................................... Nakengumpsfladdermus TUR ................................ Çıplakkarınlı Mezar Yarasası UKR .................................... Мішкокрил голобрюхий WEL ........................................ Ystlum beddrod tinfoel

e Rhinolophus hipposideros (BORKHAUSEN, 1797) ALB ........................ Lakuriq nate hundpatkua i vogël ARB .......................................... ARM ...................................................... Փոքր պայտաքիթ AZE ........................................................ Kiçik nalburun BLG .............................................. Малък подковонос BLR .................................................. Падкаванос малы BOS .......................................... Mali potkovasti šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Frigribell vihan BSQ ................................................ Ferra-saguzar txiki CAT .................................. Ratpenat de ferradura petit CRO ...................................................... Mali potkovnjak


Common Names of European Bats

CSL .................... Murciélago pequeño de herradura CZE ........................................................ Vrápenec malý DAN ................................................ Lille hestekonæse DUT .............................................. Kleine hoefijzerneus ENG .......................................... Lesser Horseshoe Bat EST .................................................... Väike-sagarnina FIN ............................................ Euroopanpikkuherkko FRE ...................................................... Petit rhinolophe FRI .................................................. Lytse hoefizernoas GAL .......................... Morcego de ferradura pequeño GEO .......................................... მცირე ცხვირნალა GER ............................................ Kleine Hufeisennase GRE .................................................. Μικρορινόλοφος HBR .............................................................. HUN ................................................ Kis patkósdenevér IRG .................................................... Crú-ialtóg bheag ITA ........................................................ Rinolofo minore LAT ............................................ Mazais pakavdegunis LIT ................................................ Mažasis pasagnosis LUX ............................................ Kleng Huffeisennues MAC .................................................. Мал потковичар MLT ........................................................ Rinolofu Żgħir MNE .................................................... Mali potkovičar NOR .............................................. Dverghesteskonese PER .......................................... POL .................................................... Podkowiec mały PRT ........................ Morcego-de-ferradura-pequeno RHR .................................................... Rinolof pitschen ROM .................................... Liliacul mic cu potcoavă RUS .............................................. Подковонос малый SBC ................................................ Мали потковичар SBL ...................................................... Mali potkovičar SCG ................................................ Crudh-ialtag bheag SLO .................................................... Mali podkovnjak SLV ........................................................ Podkovár malý SWE ................................................ Dvärghästskonäsa TUR .................................... Küçük Nalburunlu Yarasa UKR ............................ Підковик (Підковоніс) малий WEL ................................................ Ystlum pedol lleiaf

r Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ...................... Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i madh ARB ............................................ ARM ........................................................ Մեծ պայտաքիթ AZE ...................................................... Böyük nalburun BLG ................................................ Голям подковонос BLR ................................................ Падкаванос вялікі BOS ........................................ Veliki potkovasti šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Frigribell vras BSQ .............................................. Ferra-saguzar handi CAT .................................. Ratpenat de ferradura gran CRO .................................................... Veliki potkovnjak CSL ........................ Murciélago grande de herradura CZE ...................................................... Vrápenec velký DAN ................................................ Stor hestekonæse DUT .............................................. Grote hoefijzerneus ENG ........................................ Greater Horseshoe Bat EST ...................................................... Suur-sagarnina FIN ................................................ Euroopanisoherkko FRE .................................................... Grand rhinolophe FRI ................................................ Grutte hoefizernoas GAL ............................ Morcego de ferradura grande GEO ............................................ დიდი ცხვირნალა GER ............................................ Große Hufeisennase GRE .................................................. Τρανορινόλοφος HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................................ Nagy patkósdenevér IRG ...................................................... Crú-ialtóg mhór ITA .................................................. Rinolofo maggiore LAT .............................................. Lielais pakavdegunis LIT .................................................. Didysis pasagnosis LUX .......................................... Grouss Huffeisennues MAC .............................................. Голем потковичар MLT .......................................................... Rinolofu Kbir MNE .................................................. Veliki potkovičar NOR ................................................ Storhesteskonese PER ............................................ POL ...................................................... Podkowiec duży PRT .......................... Morcego-de-ferradura-grande RHR .......................................................... Rinolof grond

ROM .................................. Liliacul mare cu potcoavă RUS .......................................... Подковонос большой SBC .............................................. Велики потковичар SBL .................................................... Veliki potkovičar SCG .................................................. Crudh-ialtag mhòr SLO .................................................... Veliki podkovnjak SLV ........................................................ Podkovár veľký SWE .............................................. Större hästskonäsa TUR .................................... Büyük Nalburunlu Yarasa UKR ........................ Підковик (Підковоніс) великий WEL .............................................. Ystlum pedol mwyaf

t Rhinolophus euryale BLASIUS, 1853 ALB .............. Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mesdheut ARB ................................ ARM ............................................ Հարավային պայտաքիթ AZE .................................................. Cənub nalburunu BLG ................................................ Южен подковонос BLR ............................ Падкаванос міжземнаморскі BOS .......................... Mediteranski potkovasti šišmiš BRT .......................................... Frigribell greizdouarel BSQ .............................. Ferra-saguzar mediterraneo CAT .................... Ratpenat de ferradura mediterrani CRO .................................................... Južni potkovnjak CSL ............ Murciélago mediterráneo de herradura CZE ........................................................ Vrápenec jižní DAN .................................... Middelhavehestekonæse DUT ............................................ Paarse hoefijzerneus ENG .......................... Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat EST .............................................. Vahemere sagarnina FIN .................................................... Välimerenherkko FRE ................................................ Rhinolophe euryale FRI .............................................. Pearse hoefizernoas GAL ................ Morcego de ferradura mediterráneo GEO .......................... სამხრეთული ცხვირნალა GER .................................... Mittelmeer-Hufeisennase GRE .................................................... Μεσορινόλοφος HBRR ............................................................ HUN .............................. Kereknyergű patkósdenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................ Csupaszhasú sírlakó-denevér IRG .......................... Ialtóg nochtphrompach thuama ITA .................. Pipistrello delle tombe a ventre nudo LAT ............................................ Kailvēdera sikspārnis LIT ........................................ Plikapilvis maišiasparnis LUX ...................... Plakegbauchege Griewerflatterer MAC ........................................ Торбокрилест лилјак MLT .............................................. Farfett il-Lejl Għieri MNE .......................... Golotrbušni grobni slijepi miš NOR ........................................ Nakengumpflaggermus PER ...................................... POL ...................................... Grobownik gołobrzuchy PRT ........................................ Morcego-de-ventre-nú RHR ............................ Pipistrel da fossa a venter niv ROM ...................................... Liliacul cu burtă golașa RUS .................................. Мешкокрыл голобрюхий SBC ............ Голотрби гробнички м[j]ешкокрилаш SBL ...................... Golotrbi grobnički m[j]eškokrilaš SCG .............................. Ialtag nochd-thònach thuaim SLO ...................................... Golotrebušni mavzolejnik SLV .......................................... Hladkonos holobruchý SWE .................................... Nakengumpsfladdermus TUR ................................ Çıplakkarınlı Mezar Yarasası UKR .................................... Мішкокрил голобрюхий WEL ........................................ Ystlum beddrod tinfoel

e Rhinolophus hipposideros (BORKHAUSEN, 1797) ALB ........................ Lakuriq nate hundpatkua i vogël ARB .......................................... ARM ...................................................... Փոքր պայտաքիթ AZE ........................................................ Kiçik nalburun BLG .............................................. Малък подковонос BLR .................................................. Падкаванос малы BOS .......................................... Mali potkovasti šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Frigribell vihan BSQ ................................................ Ferra-saguzar txiki CAT .................................. Ratpenat de ferradura petit CRO ...................................................... Mali potkovnjak


Common Names of European Bats

CSL .................... Murciélago pequeño de herradura CZE ........................................................ Vrápenec malý DAN ................................................ Lille hestekonæse DUT .............................................. Kleine hoefijzerneus ENG .......................................... Lesser Horseshoe Bat EST .................................................... Väike-sagarnina FIN ............................................ Euroopanpikkuherkko FRE ...................................................... Petit rhinolophe FRI .................................................. Lytse hoefizernoas GAL .......................... Morcego de ferradura pequeño GEO .......................................... მცირე ცხვირნალა GER ............................................ Kleine Hufeisennase GRE .................................................. Μικρορινόλοφος HBR .............................................................. HUN ................................................ Kis patkósdenevér IRG .................................................... Crú-ialtóg bheag ITA ........................................................ Rinolofo minore LAT ............................................ Mazais pakavdegunis LIT ................................................ Mažasis pasagnosis LUX ............................................ Kleng Huffeisennues MAC .................................................. Мал потковичар MLT ........................................................ Rinolofu Żgħir MNE .................................................... Mali potkovičar NOR .............................................. Dverghesteskonese PER .......................................... POL .................................................... Podkowiec mały PRT ........................ Morcego-de-ferradura-pequeno RHR .................................................... Rinolof pitschen ROM .................................... Liliacul mic cu potcoavă RUS .............................................. Подковонос малый SBC ................................................ Мали потковичар SBL ...................................................... Mali potkovičar SCG ................................................ Crudh-ialtag bheag SLO .................................................... Mali podkovnjak SLV ........................................................ Podkovár malý SWE ................................................ Dvärghästskonäsa TUR .................................... Küçük Nalburunlu Yarasa UKR ............................ Підковик (Підковоніс) малий WEL ................................................ Ystlum pedol lleiaf

r Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ...................... Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i madh ARB ............................................ ARM ........................................................ Մեծ պայտաքիթ AZE ...................................................... Böyük nalburun BLG ................................................ Голям подковонос BLR ................................................ Падкаванос вялікі BOS ........................................ Veliki potkovasti šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Frigribell vras BSQ .............................................. Ferra-saguzar handi CAT .................................. Ratpenat de ferradura gran CRO .................................................... Veliki potkovnjak CSL ........................ Murciélago grande de herradura CZE ...................................................... Vrápenec velký DAN ................................................ Stor hestekonæse DUT .............................................. Grote hoefijzerneus ENG ........................................ Greater Horseshoe Bat EST ...................................................... Suur-sagarnina FIN ................................................ Euroopanisoherkko FRE .................................................... Grand rhinolophe FRI ................................................ Grutte hoefizernoas GAL ............................ Morcego de ferradura grande GEO ............................................ დიდი ცხვირნალა GER ............................................ Große Hufeisennase GRE .................................................. Τρανορινόλοφος HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................................ Nagy patkósdenevér IRG ...................................................... Crú-ialtóg mhór ITA .................................................. Rinolofo maggiore LAT .............................................. Lielais pakavdegunis LIT .................................................. Didysis pasagnosis LUX .......................................... Grouss Huffeisennues MAC .............................................. Голем потковичар MLT .......................................................... Rinolofu Kbir MNE .................................................. Veliki potkovičar NOR ................................................ Storhesteskonese PER ............................................ POL ...................................................... Podkowiec duży PRT .......................... Morcego-de-ferradura-grande RHR .......................................................... Rinolof grond

ROM .................................. Liliacul mare cu potcoavă RUS .......................................... Подковонос большой SBC .............................................. Велики потковичар SBL .................................................... Veliki potkovičar SCG .................................................. Crudh-ialtag mhòr SLO .................................................... Veliki podkovnjak SLV ........................................................ Podkovár veľký SWE .............................................. Större hästskonäsa TUR .................................... Büyük Nalburunlu Yarasa UKR ........................ Підковик (Підковоніс) великий WEL .............................................. Ystlum pedol mwyaf

t Rhinolophus euryale BLASIUS, 1853 ALB .............. Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mesdheut ARB ................................ ARM ............................................ Հարավային պայտաքիթ AZE .................................................. Cənub nalburunu BLG ................................................ Южен подковонос BLR ............................ Падкаванос міжземнаморскі BOS .......................... Mediteranski potkovasti šišmiš BRT .......................................... Frigribell greizdouarel BSQ .............................. Ferra-saguzar mediterraneo CAT .................... Ratpenat de ferradura mediterrani CRO .................................................... Južni potkovnjak CSL ............ Murciélago mediterráneo de herradura CZE ........................................................ Vrápenec jižní DAN .................................... Middelhavehestekonæse DUT ............................................ Paarse hoefijzerneus ENG .......................... Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat EST .............................................. Vahemere sagarnina FIN .................................................... Välimerenherkko FRE ................................................ Rhinolophe euryale FRI .............................................. Pearse hoefizernoas GAL ................ Morcego de ferradura mediterráneo GEO .......................... სამხრეთული ცხვირნალა GER .................................... Mittelmeer-Hufeisennase GRE .................................................... Μεσορινόλοφος HBRR ............................................................ HUN .............................. Kereknyergű patkósdenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

ITA .............. Rinolofo mediterraneo, Rinolofo Eurìale IRG ........................................ Crú-ialtóg Mheánmhuirí LAT ...................................... Vidusjuras pakavdegunis LIT .................................................. Pietinis pasagnosis LUX .................................... Mëttelmier-Huffeisennues MAC .............................. Медитерански потковичар MLT ........................................ Rinolofu tal-Mediterran MNE .................................................... Južni potkovičar NOR .................................... Middelhavshesteskonese PER .................................... POL ............................ Podkowiec śródziemnomorski PRT .............. Morcego-de-ferradura-mediterrânico RHR ................................................ Rinolof mediterran ROM .................. Liliacul mediteranean cu potcoavă RUS ............................................ Подковонос южный SBC .................................... Средоземни потковичар SBL ........................................ Sredozemni potkovičar SCG ........................ Crudh-ialtag Meadhan-thìreach SLO .................................................... Južni podkovnjak SLV ........................................................ Podkovár južný SWE ...................................... Medelhavshästskonäsa TUR .............................. Akdeniz Nalburunlu Yarasası UKR .................... Підковик (Підковоніс) південний WEL .............................. Ystlum pedol Môr y Canoldir

y Rhinolophus mehelyi MATSCHIE, 1901 ALB .............. Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mehely-it ARB .............................................. ARM ................................................ Մեհելիի պայտաքիթ AZE .................................................... Eynəkli nalburun BLG ...................................... Подковонос на Мехели BLR .............................................. Падкаванос Мегеля BOS ................................ Meheljev potkovasti šišmiš BRT .................................................... Frigribell Méhely BSQ .......................................... Mehelyi ferra-saguzar CAT ................................ Ratpenat de ferradura mitjà CRO ............................................ Meheljev potkovnjak CSL .................... Murciélago mediano de herradura CZE ................................................ Vrápenec Mehelyův


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ........................................ Mehelys hestekonæse DUT ........................................ Mehely’s hoefijzerneus ENG ...................................... Mehely’s Horseshoe Bat EST .................................................. Meheli sagarnina FRE .......................................... Rhinolophe de Mehély FIN ............................................................ Täpläherkko FRI .......................................... Mehely's hoefizernoas GAL .......................... Morcego de ferradura mediano GEO ..................................... მეჰელის ცხვირნალა, სათვალეებიანი ცხვირნალა GER .......................................... Mehely-Hufeisennase GRE ........................................ Ρινόλοφος του Mehely HUN ........................................ Méhely-patkósdenevér HBR .............................................................. IRG .................................................. Crú-ialtóg Mehely ITA .................................................. Rinolofo di Méhely LAT ............................................ Meheļa pakavdegunis LIT ................................................ Mehelio pasagnosis LUX .......................................... Méhelÿ-Huffeisennues MAC .......................................... Мехелов потковичар MLT .............................................. Rinolofu ta' Mehely MNE ............................................ Mehelijev potkovi ar NOR .................................... Middelhavshesteskonese PER .............................................. POL .................................................. Podkowiec średni PRT ...................... Morcego-de-ferradura-mourisco RHR .................................................. Rinolof da Méhely ROM ...................... Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Mehely RUS ........................ Подковонос Мегели (очковый) SBC ........................................ Тамнооки потковичар SBL ............................................ Tamnooki potkovičar SCG ............................................ Crudh-ialtag Mehelyi SLO .......................................... Mehelyjev podkovnjak SLV .............................................. Podkovár Mehélyho SWE .................................................. Kusthästskonäsa TUR ................................ Mehely Nalburunlu Yarasası UKR .......................... Підковик (Підковоніс) Мегеля WEL ............................................ Ystlum pedol Mehely

u Rhinolophus blasii PETERS, 1866 ALB ................ Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Blasius-it ARB .............................................. ARM .......... Բլազիի կամ, միջերկրածովային պայտաքիթ AZE .................................................. Blazius nalburunu BLG ...................... Средиземноморски подковонос BLR ............................................ Падкаванос Блазіўса BOS .................................... Blazijev potkovasti šišmiš BRT .................................................... Frigribell Blasius BSQ .......................................... Blasius ferra-saguzar CAT ...................... Ratpenat de ferradura de Blasius CRO ................................................ Blazijev potkovnjak CSL .................. Murciélago de herradura de Blasius CZE .................................................... Vrápenec Blasiův DAN .......................................... Blasius’ hestekonæse DUT .......................................... Blasius’ hoefijzerneus ENG ...................................... Blasius’s Horseshoe Bat EST ...................................................... Hele-sagarnina FIN .......................................................... Vaaleaherkko FRE .......................................... Rhinolophe de Blasius FRI .............................................. Blasius' hoefizernoas GAL ...................... Morcego de ferradura de Blasius GEO ...................................... ბლაზის ცხვირნალა GER .......................................... Blasius-Hufeisennase GRE .................................................... Μεσορινόλοφος HBR ................................................................ HUN .......................... Csúcsosnyergű patkósdenevér IRG .................................................. Crú-ialtóg Blasius ITA .................................................. Rinolofo di Blàsius LAT ............................................ Blāzija pakavdegunis LIT .............................................. Blazijaus pasagnosis LUX .......................................... Blasius-Huffeisennues MAC .......................................... Бласиев потковичар MLT ................................................ Rinolofu ta' Blasius MNE ...................................... Sredozemni potkovičar NOR ............................................ Balkanhesteskonese PER ...................................... POL .............................................. Podkowiec Blasiusa PRT ...................... Morcego-de-ferradura de Blasius RHR .................................................. Rinolof da Blasius

ROM ...................... Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Blasius RUS .................... Подковонос cредиземноморский SBC ................................................ Јужни потковичар SBL .................................................... Južni potkovičar SCG ................................................ Crudh-ialtag Blasii SLO .............................................. Blasijev podkovnjak SLV .................................................... Podkovár Blasiov SWE .............................................. Balkanhästskonäsa TUR .................................. Blasius Nalburunlu Yarasa UKR ........................ Підковик (Підковоніс) Блазіуса WEL ............................................ Ystlum pedol Blasius

i Myotis daubentonii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................. Lakuriq nate i Daubenton-it ARB ................................ ARM .............. Ջրային կամ, Դաուբենտոնի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................... Su və ya Dobenton gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ...................................................... Воден нощник BLR ............ Начніца вадзяная, Начніца Дабентона BOS ........................................................ Vodeni šišmiš BRT .......................................... Gousperell Daubenton BSQ .............................................. Daubenton saguzar CAT .................................................... Ratpenat d'aigua CRO .......................................................... Riječni šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero ribereño CZE .......................................................... Netopýr vodní DAN ...................................................... Vandflagermus DUT ...................................................... Watervleermuis ENG .................................................... Daubenton’s Bat EST ............................................................ Veelendlane FIN ................................................................ Vesisiippa FRE .............................................. Murin de Daubenton FRI ........................................................ Wetterflearmûs GAL ...................................................... Morcego de río GEO ............................................ წყლის მღამიობი GER ................................................ Wasserfledermaus GRE .................................... Μυωτίδα του Daubenton HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................................... Vízi denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

ITA .............. Rinolofo mediterraneo, Rinolofo Eurìale IRG ........................................ Crú-ialtóg Mheánmhuirí LAT ...................................... Vidusjuras pakavdegunis LIT .................................................. Pietinis pasagnosis LUX .................................... Mëttelmier-Huffeisennues MAC .............................. Медитерански потковичар MLT ........................................ Rinolofu tal-Mediterran MNE .................................................... Južni potkovičar NOR .................................... Middelhavshesteskonese PER .................................... POL ............................ Podkowiec śródziemnomorski PRT .............. Morcego-de-ferradura-mediterrânico RHR ................................................ Rinolof mediterran ROM .................. Liliacul mediteranean cu potcoavă RUS ............................................ Подковонос южный SBC .................................... Средоземни потковичар SBL ........................................ Sredozemni potkovičar SCG ........................ Crudh-ialtag Meadhan-thìreach SLO .................................................... Južni podkovnjak SLV ........................................................ Podkovár južný SWE ...................................... Medelhavshästskonäsa TUR .............................. Akdeniz Nalburunlu Yarasası UKR .................... Підковик (Підковоніс) південний WEL .............................. Ystlum pedol Môr y Canoldir

y Rhinolophus mehelyi MATSCHIE, 1901 ALB .............. Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Mehely-it ARB .............................................. ARM ................................................ Մեհելիի պայտաքիթ AZE .................................................... Eynəkli nalburun BLG ...................................... Подковонос на Мехели BLR .............................................. Падкаванос Мегеля BOS ................................ Meheljev potkovasti šišmiš BRT .................................................... Frigribell Méhely BSQ .......................................... Mehelyi ferra-saguzar CAT ................................ Ratpenat de ferradura mitjà CRO ............................................ Meheljev potkovnjak CSL .................... Murciélago mediano de herradura CZE ................................................ Vrápenec Mehelyův


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ........................................ Mehelys hestekonæse DUT ........................................ Mehely’s hoefijzerneus ENG ...................................... Mehely’s Horseshoe Bat EST .................................................. Meheli sagarnina FRE .......................................... Rhinolophe de Mehély FIN ............................................................ Täpläherkko FRI .......................................... Mehely's hoefizernoas GAL .......................... Morcego de ferradura mediano GEO ..................................... მეჰელის ცხვირნალა, სათვალეებიანი ცხვირნალა GER .......................................... Mehely-Hufeisennase GRE ........................................ Ρινόλοφος του Mehely HUN ........................................ Méhely-patkósdenevér HBR .............................................................. IRG .................................................. Crú-ialtóg Mehely ITA .................................................. Rinolofo di Méhely LAT ............................................ Meheļa pakavdegunis LIT ................................................ Mehelio pasagnosis LUX .......................................... Méhelÿ-Huffeisennues MAC .......................................... Мехелов потковичар MLT .............................................. Rinolofu ta' Mehely MNE ............................................ Mehelijev potkovi ar NOR .................................... Middelhavshesteskonese PER .............................................. POL .................................................. Podkowiec średni PRT ...................... Morcego-de-ferradura-mourisco RHR .................................................. Rinolof da Méhely ROM ...................... Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Mehely RUS ........................ Подковонос Мегели (очковый) SBC ........................................ Тамнооки потковичар SBL ............................................ Tamnooki potkovičar SCG ............................................ Crudh-ialtag Mehelyi SLO .......................................... Mehelyjev podkovnjak SLV .............................................. Podkovár Mehélyho SWE .................................................. Kusthästskonäsa TUR ................................ Mehely Nalburunlu Yarasası UKR .......................... Підковик (Підковоніс) Мегеля WEL ............................................ Ystlum pedol Mehely

u Rhinolophus blasii PETERS, 1866 ALB ................ Lakuriq nate hundëpatkua i Blasius-it ARB .............................................. ARM .......... Բլազիի կամ, միջերկրածովային պայտաքիթ AZE .................................................. Blazius nalburunu BLG ...................... Средиземноморски подковонос BLR ............................................ Падкаванос Блазіўса BOS .................................... Blazijev potkovasti šišmiš BRT .................................................... Frigribell Blasius BSQ .......................................... Blasius ferra-saguzar CAT ...................... Ratpenat de ferradura de Blasius CRO ................................................ Blazijev potkovnjak CSL .................. Murciélago de herradura de Blasius CZE .................................................... Vrápenec Blasiův DAN .......................................... Blasius’ hestekonæse DUT .......................................... Blasius’ hoefijzerneus ENG ...................................... Blasius’s Horseshoe Bat EST ...................................................... Hele-sagarnina FIN .......................................................... Vaaleaherkko FRE .......................................... Rhinolophe de Blasius FRI .............................................. Blasius' hoefizernoas GAL ...................... Morcego de ferradura de Blasius GEO ...................................... ბლაზის ცხვირნალა GER .......................................... Blasius-Hufeisennase GRE .................................................... Μεσορινόλοφος HBR ................................................................ HUN .......................... Csúcsosnyergű patkósdenevér IRG .................................................. Crú-ialtóg Blasius ITA .................................................. Rinolofo di Blàsius LAT ............................................ Blāzija pakavdegunis LIT .............................................. Blazijaus pasagnosis LUX .......................................... Blasius-Huffeisennues MAC .......................................... Бласиев потковичар MLT ................................................ Rinolofu ta' Blasius MNE ...................................... Sredozemni potkovičar NOR ............................................ Balkanhesteskonese PER ...................................... POL .............................................. Podkowiec Blasiusa PRT ...................... Morcego-de-ferradura de Blasius RHR .................................................. Rinolof da Blasius

ROM ...................... Liliacul cu potcoavă a lui Blasius RUS .................... Подковонос cредиземноморский SBC ................................................ Јужни потковичар SBL .................................................... Južni potkovičar SCG ................................................ Crudh-ialtag Blasii SLO .............................................. Blasijev podkovnjak SLV .................................................... Podkovár Blasiov SWE .............................................. Balkanhästskonäsa TUR .................................. Blasius Nalburunlu Yarasa UKR ........................ Підковик (Підковоніс) Блазіуса WEL ............................................ Ystlum pedol Blasius

i Myotis daubentonii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................. Lakuriq nate i Daubenton-it ARB ................................ ARM .............. Ջրային կամ, Դաուբենտոնի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................... Su və ya Dobenton gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ...................................................... Воден нощник BLR ............ Начніца вадзяная, Начніца Дабентона BOS ........................................................ Vodeni šišmiš BRT .......................................... Gousperell Daubenton BSQ .............................................. Daubenton saguzar CAT .................................................... Ratpenat d'aigua CRO .......................................................... Riječni šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero ribereño CZE .......................................................... Netopýr vodní DAN ...................................................... Vandflagermus DUT ...................................................... Watervleermuis ENG .................................................... Daubenton’s Bat EST ............................................................ Veelendlane FIN ................................................................ Vesisiippa FRE .............................................. Murin de Daubenton FRI ........................................................ Wetterflearmûs GAL ...................................................... Morcego de río GEO ............................................ წყლის მღამიობი GER ................................................ Wasserfledermaus GRE .................................... Μυωτίδα του Daubenton HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................................... Vízi denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .................................................... Ialtóg Daubenton ITA ........................................ Vespertilio di Daubenton LAT .......................................... Ūdeņu naktssikspārnis LIT .............................................. Vandeninis pelėausis LUX ............................................ Waasserfliedermaus MAC .......................................... Даубентонов ноќник MLT ................................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Daubenton MNE .................................................. Vodeni večernjak NOR .................................................... Vannflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL .............................................................. Nocek rudy PRT .................................................. Morcego-de-água RHR .................................................. Vespertil da l'aua ROM ...................................................... Liliacul de apă RUS .................................................. Ночница водяная SBC ................................................ Водени вечерњак SBL .................................................... Vodeni večernjak SCG .................................................. Ialtag Daubenton SLO ...................................................... Obvodni netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier vodný SWE ................................................ Vattenfladdermus TUR ........................................ Farekulaklı Su Yarasası UKR .................................................... Нічниця водяна WEL .......................................................... Ystlum y dwr

o Myotis dasycneme (BOIE, 1825) ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i ligatinave ARB .............................................................. ARM .......................................... Լճակային գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Gölməçə gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ...................................................... Езерен нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца сажалкавая BOS .......................................................... Barski šišmiš BRT .......................................... Gousperell ar geunioù BSQ .................................................... Urmael-saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat dels estanys CRO .................................................... Močvarni šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero lagunero CZE .................................................. Netopýr pobřežní


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ...................................................... Damflagermus DUT ...................................................... Meervleermuis ENG ................................................................ Pond Bat EST ............................................................ Tiigilendlane FIN .......................................................... Lampisisiippa FRE .................................................... Murin des marais FRI ............................................................ Marflearmûs GAL ............................................ Morcego das lagoas GEO ...................................... გუბურის მღამიობი GER .................................................... Teichfledermaus GRE ............................................ Δασύκνημη μυωτίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN .......................................................... Tavi denevér IRG ............................................................ Ialtóg lochán ITA ............................................ Vespertilio dasicneme LAT ............................................ Dīķu naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Kūdrinis pelėausis LUX ........................................................ Séifliedermaus MAC ...................................................... Воден ноќник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Għadajjar MNE ............................................ Lokvarski večernjak NOR .................................................... Damflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL .................................................. Nocek łydkowłosy PRT ............................................ Morcego-das-lagoas RHR .................................................... Vespertil da puzs ROM ........................................................ Liliacul de iaz RUS .............................................. Ночница прудовая SBC .................................................. Барски вечерњак SBL .................................................... Barski večernjak SCG .......................................................... Ialtag lochan SLO .................................................. Močvirski netopir SLV .................................................. Netopier pobrežný SWE ................................................ Dammfladdermus TUR ........................................................ Gölet Yarasası UKR .................................................. Нічниця ставкова WEL ...................................................... Ystlum y pyllau

1) Myotis capaccinii (BONAPARTE, 1837) ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate gishtgjatë ARB ................................................ ARM ............................ Միջերկրածովային գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .............................. Uzunbarmaq gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ............................................ Дългопръст нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца даўгапалая BOS .................................................. Dugoprsti šišmiš BRT ............................................ Gousperell Capaccini BSQ .................................................. Saguzar hatz-luze CAT ........................................ Ratpenat de peus grans CRO .................................................... Dugonogi šišmiš CSL ................................ Murciélago ratonero patudo CZE .............................................. Netopýr dlouhonohý DAN .......................................... Capaccinis flagermus DUT .......................................... Capaccini’s vleermuis ENG ................................................ Long-fingered Bat EST .................................................... Pikkjalg-lendlane FIN ...................................................... Pitkäsormisiippa FRE ................................................ Murin de Capaccini FRI .............................................. Grutfuottige flearmûs GAL .................................... Morcego de pés grandes GEO ................................ კაპაჩინის მღამიობი GER .............................................. Langfußfledermaus GRE .................................................... Ποδαρομυωτίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................................ Hosszúlábú denevér IRG .............................................. Ialtóg fhadmhéarach ITA .......................................... Vespertilio di Capaccini LAT .................................. Garpirkstu naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Ilgapirštis pelėausis LUX ........................................ Laangfoussfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Долгопрст ноћник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl tas-Swaba Twal MNE ............................................ Dugoprsti večernjak NOR ................................................ Langfotflaggermus PER .................................................. POL .................................................. Nocek długopalcy PRT .......................................... Morcego de Capaccini RHR .......................................... Vespertil da Capaccini

ROM .................................... Liliacul cu picioare lungi RUS .............. Ночница средиземная (итальянская) SBC .......................................... Дугопрсти вечерњак SBL .............................................. Dugoprsti večernjak SCG .......................................... Ialtag fhad-mheurach SLO .................................................. Dolgonogi netopir SLV .................................................. Netopier dlhonohý SWE .............................................. Storfotsfladdermus TUR .................................................. Uzunayaklı Yarasa UKR .............................................. Нічниця довгопала WEL .......................................................... Ystlum hirfys

1! Myotis brandtii (EVERSMANN, 1845) ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i Brandt-it ARB .............................................. ARM .......................................... Բրանդտի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................... Brandt və ya meşə gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Брандтов нощник BLR ...................................................... Начніца Бранта BOS .................................................... Brandtov šišmiš BRT .................................................. Gousperell Brandt BSQ ...................................................... Brandt saguzar CAT ............................ Ratpenat de bigotis de Brandt CRO ...................................................... Brandtov šišmiš CSL .......................... Murciélago ratonero de Brandt CZE .................................................. Netopýr Brandtův DAN .............................................. Brandts flaggermus DUT ................................................ Brandts vleermuis ENG ............................................................ Brandt’s Bat EST ...................................................... Tõmmulendlane FIN ............................................................ Isoviisisiippa FRE ...................................................... Murin de Brandt FRI .................................................... Brandts flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego bigotudo de Brandt GEO .................................... ბრანდტის მღამიობი GER .................................................. Brandtfledermaus GRE ............................................ Μυωτίδα του Brandt HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................... Brandt-denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .................................................... Ialtóg Daubenton ITA ........................................ Vespertilio di Daubenton LAT .......................................... Ūdeņu naktssikspārnis LIT .............................................. Vandeninis pelėausis LUX ............................................ Waasserfliedermaus MAC .......................................... Даубентонов ноќник MLT ................................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Daubenton MNE .................................................. Vodeni večernjak NOR .................................................... Vannflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL .............................................................. Nocek rudy PRT .................................................. Morcego-de-água RHR .................................................. Vespertil da l'aua ROM ...................................................... Liliacul de apă RUS .................................................. Ночница водяная SBC ................................................ Водени вечерњак SBL .................................................... Vodeni večernjak SCG .................................................. Ialtag Daubenton SLO ...................................................... Obvodni netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier vodný SWE ................................................ Vattenfladdermus TUR ........................................ Farekulaklı Su Yarasası UKR .................................................... Нічниця водяна WEL .......................................................... Ystlum y dwr

o Myotis dasycneme (BOIE, 1825) ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i ligatinave ARB .............................................................. ARM .......................................... Լճակային գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Gölməçə gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ...................................................... Езерен нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца сажалкавая BOS .......................................................... Barski šišmiš BRT .......................................... Gousperell ar geunioù BSQ .................................................... Urmael-saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat dels estanys CRO .................................................... Močvarni šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero lagunero CZE .................................................. Netopýr pobřežní


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ...................................................... Damflagermus DUT ...................................................... Meervleermuis ENG ................................................................ Pond Bat EST ............................................................ Tiigilendlane FIN .......................................................... Lampisisiippa FRE .................................................... Murin des marais FRI ............................................................ Marflearmûs GAL ............................................ Morcego das lagoas GEO ...................................... გუბურის მღამიობი GER .................................................... Teichfledermaus GRE ............................................ Δασύκνημη μυωτίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN .......................................................... Tavi denevér IRG ............................................................ Ialtóg lochán ITA ............................................ Vespertilio dasicneme LAT ............................................ Dīķu naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Kūdrinis pelėausis LUX ........................................................ Séifliedermaus MAC ...................................................... Воден ноќник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Għadajjar MNE ............................................ Lokvarski večernjak NOR .................................................... Damflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL .................................................. Nocek łydkowłosy PRT ............................................ Morcego-das-lagoas RHR .................................................... Vespertil da puzs ROM ........................................................ Liliacul de iaz RUS .............................................. Ночница прудовая SBC .................................................. Барски вечерњак SBL .................................................... Barski večernjak SCG .......................................................... Ialtag lochan SLO .................................................. Močvirski netopir SLV .................................................. Netopier pobrežný SWE ................................................ Dammfladdermus TUR ........................................................ Gölet Yarasası UKR .................................................. Нічниця ставкова WEL ...................................................... Ystlum y pyllau

1) Myotis capaccinii (BONAPARTE, 1837) ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate gishtgjatë ARB ................................................ ARM ............................ Միջերկրածովային գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .............................. Uzunbarmaq gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ............................................ Дългопръст нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца даўгапалая BOS .................................................. Dugoprsti šišmiš BRT ............................................ Gousperell Capaccini BSQ .................................................. Saguzar hatz-luze CAT ........................................ Ratpenat de peus grans CRO .................................................... Dugonogi šišmiš CSL ................................ Murciélago ratonero patudo CZE .............................................. Netopýr dlouhonohý DAN .......................................... Capaccinis flagermus DUT .......................................... Capaccini’s vleermuis ENG ................................................ Long-fingered Bat EST .................................................... Pikkjalg-lendlane FIN ...................................................... Pitkäsormisiippa FRE ................................................ Murin de Capaccini FRI .............................................. Grutfuottige flearmûs GAL .................................... Morcego de pés grandes GEO ................................ კაპაჩინის მღამიობი GER .............................................. Langfußfledermaus GRE .................................................... Ποδαρομυωτίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................................ Hosszúlábú denevér IRG .............................................. Ialtóg fhadmhéarach ITA .......................................... Vespertilio di Capaccini LAT .................................. Garpirkstu naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Ilgapirštis pelėausis LUX ........................................ Laangfoussfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Долгопрст ноћник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl tas-Swaba Twal MNE ............................................ Dugoprsti večernjak NOR ................................................ Langfotflaggermus PER .................................................. POL .................................................. Nocek długopalcy PRT .......................................... Morcego de Capaccini RHR .......................................... Vespertil da Capaccini

ROM .................................... Liliacul cu picioare lungi RUS .............. Ночница средиземная (итальянская) SBC .......................................... Дугопрсти вечерњак SBL .............................................. Dugoprsti večernjak SCG .......................................... Ialtag fhad-mheurach SLO .................................................. Dolgonogi netopir SLV .................................................. Netopier dlhonohý SWE .............................................. Storfotsfladdermus TUR .................................................. Uzunayaklı Yarasa UKR .............................................. Нічниця довгопала WEL .......................................................... Ystlum hirfys

1! Myotis brandtii (EVERSMANN, 1845) ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i Brandt-it ARB .............................................. ARM .......................................... Բրանդտի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................... Brandt və ya meşə gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Брандтов нощник BLR ...................................................... Начніца Бранта BOS .................................................... Brandtov šišmiš BRT .................................................. Gousperell Brandt BSQ ...................................................... Brandt saguzar CAT ............................ Ratpenat de bigotis de Brandt CRO ...................................................... Brandtov šišmiš CSL .......................... Murciélago ratonero de Brandt CZE .................................................. Netopýr Brandtův DAN .............................................. Brandts flaggermus DUT ................................................ Brandts vleermuis ENG ............................................................ Brandt’s Bat EST ...................................................... Tõmmulendlane FIN ............................................................ Isoviisisiippa FRE ...................................................... Murin de Brandt FRI .................................................... Brandts flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego bigotudo de Brandt GEO .................................... ბრანდტის მღამიობი GER .................................................. Brandtfledermaus GRE ............................................ Μυωτίδα του Brandt HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................... Brandt-denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ............................................................ Ialtóg Brandt ITA .............................................. Vespertilio di Brandt LAT .......................................... Branta naktssikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Branto pelėausis LUX ...................................... Grouss Baartfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Брантов ноќник MLT ........................................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Brandt MNE .............................................. Brandtov večernjak NOR .................................................... Skogflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ...................................................... Nocek Brandta PRT .............................................. Morcego de Brandt RHR ................................................ Vespertil da Brandt ROM .................................................. Liliacul lui Brandt RUS ................................................ Ночница Брандта SBC .................................. Шумски бркати вечерњак SBL ...................................... Šumski brkati večernjak SCG .......................................................... Ialtag Brandt SLO .................................................... Brandtov netopir SLV .................................................. Netopier Brandtov SWE .................................................. Taigafladdermus TUR ........................................................ Sakallı Yarasa UKR ................ Нічниця північна, Нічниця Брандта WEL ........................................................ Ystlum Brandt

1@ Myotis mystacinus (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................... Lakuriq nate me mustaqe ARB .................................................... ARM ............................................ Բեղավոր գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .............................................. Bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Мустакат нощник BLR .................................................... Начніца вусатая BOS .................................................. Mali brkati šišmiš BRT .................................................. Gousperell varvek BSQ ................................................ Saguzar bibotedun CAT ................................................ Ratpenat de bigotis CRO .......................................................... Brkati šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero bigotudo CZE .................................................... Netopýr vousatý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .................................................... Skægflagermus DUT ...................................................... Baardvleermuis ENG ...................................................... Whiskered Bat EST .......................................................... Habelendlane FIN ................................................................ Viiksisiippa FRE .............................................. Murin à moustaches FRI ............................................................ Burdflearmûs GAL ................................................ Morcego bigotudo GEO .......................................... ულვაშა მღამიობი GER ...................................................... Bartfledermaus GRE ............................................ Μουστακονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN ................................................ Bajuszos denevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg ghiobach ITA ........................................ Vespertilio mustacchino LAT .................................. Bārdainais naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Ūsuotasis pelėausis LUX ........................................ Kleng Baartfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Мустаќест ноќник MLT ................................................ Farfett il-Lejl Daqni MNE .................................................... Brkati večernjak NOR ................................................ Skjeggflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL ........................................................ Nocek wąsatek PRT ............................................ Morcego-de-bigodes RHR ................................................ Vespertil dal barbis ROM .................................................. Liliacul mustăcio RUS .................................................... Ночница усатая SBC ............................ Тамнолики бркати вечерњак SBL .................................. Tamnoliki brkati večernjak SCG ...................................................... Ialtag ghibeach SLO .......................................................... Brkati netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier fúzatý SWE .......................................... Mustaschfladdermus TUR .............................................. Bıyıklı Siyah Yarasa UKR ...................................................... Нічниця вусата WEL ........................................................ Ystlum barfog

1# Myotis aurascens KUZYAKIN, 1935 ALB ...................... Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i stepës ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Ոսկեգույն գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Çöl bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .................................................... Златист нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца залацістая BOS ............................................ Istočni brkati šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Gousperell aour BSQ .............................. Estepako saguzar bibotedun CAT .............................. Ratpenat de bigotis d'estepa CRO ........................................ Primorski brkati šišmiš CSL .. Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de las estepas CZE ...................................................... Netopýr zlatistý DAN ........................................ Steppeskægflagermus DUT ........................................ Steppebaardvleermuis ENG ........................................ Steppe Whiskered Bat EST .......................................................... Kuldlendlane FIN ................................................ Balkaninviiksisiippa FRE .............................................................. Murin doré FRI .............................................. Steppeburdflearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego bigotudo da estepa GEO ................................ ოქროსფერი მღამიობი GER ...................................... Steppen-Bartfledermaus GRE ...................................................... Στεπομυωτίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN .................................................... Sztyepi denevér IRG .................................... Ialtóg ghiobach Steipeach ITA .................................................... Vespertilio dorato LAT .......................................... Stepes naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................... Stepinis pelėausis LUX .................................. Steppen-Baartfliedermaus MAC .............................. Степски мустаќест ноќник MLT .................................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Isteppa MNE ...................................... Stepski brkati večernjak NOR ................................................ Steppeflaggermus PER .............................................. POL ...................................................... Nocek stepowy PRT ............................ Morcego-de-bigodes-dourado RHR ........................................................ Vespertil dorà

ROM ................................ Liliacul mustăcios de stepă RUS .......................... Ночница степная (золотистая) SBC .................................. Степски бркати вечерњак SBL ...................................... Stepski brkati večernjak SCG .................................. Ialtag ghibeach steipeach SLO ........................................................ Stepski netopir SLV ...................................................... Netopier stepný SWE .................................................. Stäppfladdermus TUR .................................... Bıyıklı Kahverengi Yarasa UKR .................................................... Нічниця степова WEL ........................................ Ystlum barfog y Stepdir

1$ Myotis alcathoe VON HELVERSEN & HELLER, 2001

ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i Alkatoe-s ARB ........................................ ARM ........................................ Ալկաթոայի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... Alkato gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Алкатоев нощник BLR .................................................. Начніца Алкатое BOS ........................................ Patuljasti brkati šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Alkathoe BSQ .............................. Alcathoe saguzar bibotedun CAT ...................................... Ratpenat de bigotis petit CRO .................................................. Mali brkati šišmiš CSL ...... Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de Alcathoe CZE .................................................. Netopýr Alkathoe DAN ................................................ Nympheflagermus DUT ........................................................ Nimfvleermuis ENG ...................................... Alcathoe Whiskered Bat EST ............................................................ Ojalendlane FIN ...................................................... Pikkuviiksisiippa FRE .................................................... Murin d’Alcathoe FRI ............................................................ Nimfflearmûs GAL ................................ Morcego bigotudo pequeno GEO .................................... ალკათოეს მღამიობი GER ............................................ Nymphenfledermaus GRE ...................................... Μυωτίδα της Αλκαθόης HBR ............................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ............................................................ Ialtóg Brandt ITA .............................................. Vespertilio di Brandt LAT .......................................... Branta naktssikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Branto pelėausis LUX ...................................... Grouss Baartfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Брантов ноќник MLT ........................................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Brandt MNE .............................................. Brandtov večernjak NOR .................................................... Skogflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ...................................................... Nocek Brandta PRT .............................................. Morcego de Brandt RHR ................................................ Vespertil da Brandt ROM .................................................. Liliacul lui Brandt RUS ................................................ Ночница Брандта SBC .................................. Шумски бркати вечерњак SBL ...................................... Šumski brkati večernjak SCG .......................................................... Ialtag Brandt SLO .................................................... Brandtov netopir SLV .................................................. Netopier Brandtov SWE .................................................. Taigafladdermus TUR ........................................................ Sakallı Yarasa UKR ................ Нічниця північна, Нічниця Брандта WEL ........................................................ Ystlum Brandt

1@ Myotis mystacinus (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................... Lakuriq nate me mustaqe ARB .................................................... ARM ............................................ Բեղավոր գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .............................................. Bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Мустакат нощник BLR .................................................... Начніца вусатая BOS .................................................. Mali brkati šišmiš BRT .................................................. Gousperell varvek BSQ ................................................ Saguzar bibotedun CAT ................................................ Ratpenat de bigotis CRO .......................................................... Brkati šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero bigotudo CZE .................................................... Netopýr vousatý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .................................................... Skægflagermus DUT ...................................................... Baardvleermuis ENG ...................................................... Whiskered Bat EST .......................................................... Habelendlane FIN ................................................................ Viiksisiippa FRE .............................................. Murin à moustaches FRI ............................................................ Burdflearmûs GAL ................................................ Morcego bigotudo GEO .......................................... ულვაშა მღამიობი GER ...................................................... Bartfledermaus GRE ............................................ Μουστακονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN ................................................ Bajuszos denevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg ghiobach ITA ........................................ Vespertilio mustacchino LAT .................................. Bārdainais naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Ūsuotasis pelėausis LUX ........................................ Kleng Baartfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Мустаќест ноќник MLT ................................................ Farfett il-Lejl Daqni MNE .................................................... Brkati večernjak NOR ................................................ Skjeggflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL ........................................................ Nocek wąsatek PRT ............................................ Morcego-de-bigodes RHR ................................................ Vespertil dal barbis ROM .................................................. Liliacul mustăcio RUS .................................................... Ночница усатая SBC ............................ Тамнолики бркати вечерњак SBL .................................. Tamnoliki brkati večernjak SCG ...................................................... Ialtag ghibeach SLO .......................................................... Brkati netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier fúzatý SWE .......................................... Mustaschfladdermus TUR .............................................. Bıyıklı Siyah Yarasa UKR ...................................................... Нічниця вусата WEL ........................................................ Ystlum barfog

1# Myotis aurascens KUZYAKIN, 1935 ALB ...................... Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i stepës ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Ոսկեգույն գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Çöl bığlı gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .................................................... Златист нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца залацістая BOS ............................................ Istočni brkati šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Gousperell aour BSQ .............................. Estepako saguzar bibotedun CAT .............................. Ratpenat de bigotis d'estepa CRO ........................................ Primorski brkati šišmiš CSL .. Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de las estepas CZE ...................................................... Netopýr zlatistý DAN ........................................ Steppeskægflagermus DUT ........................................ Steppebaardvleermuis ENG ........................................ Steppe Whiskered Bat EST .......................................................... Kuldlendlane FIN ................................................ Balkaninviiksisiippa FRE .............................................................. Murin doré FRI .............................................. Steppeburdflearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego bigotudo da estepa GEO ................................ ოქროსფერი მღამიობი GER ...................................... Steppen-Bartfledermaus GRE ...................................................... Στεπομυωτίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN .................................................... Sztyepi denevér IRG .................................... Ialtóg ghiobach Steipeach ITA .................................................... Vespertilio dorato LAT .......................................... Stepes naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................... Stepinis pelėausis LUX .................................. Steppen-Baartfliedermaus MAC .............................. Степски мустаќест ноќник MLT .................................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Isteppa MNE ...................................... Stepski brkati večernjak NOR ................................................ Steppeflaggermus PER .............................................. POL ...................................................... Nocek stepowy PRT ............................ Morcego-de-bigodes-dourado RHR ........................................................ Vespertil dorà

ROM ................................ Liliacul mustăcios de stepă RUS .......................... Ночница степная (золотистая) SBC .................................. Степски бркати вечерњак SBL ...................................... Stepski brkati večernjak SCG .................................. Ialtag ghibeach steipeach SLO ........................................................ Stepski netopir SLV ...................................................... Netopier stepný SWE .................................................. Stäppfladdermus TUR .................................... Bıyıklı Kahverengi Yarasa UKR .................................................... Нічниця степова WEL ........................................ Ystlum barfog y Stepdir

1$ Myotis alcathoe VON HELVERSEN & HELLER, 2001

ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i Alkatoe-s ARB ........................................ ARM ........................................ Ալկաթոայի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... Alkato gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Алкатоев нощник BLR .................................................. Начніца Алкатое BOS ........................................ Patuljasti brkati šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Alkathoe BSQ .............................. Alcathoe saguzar bibotedun CAT ...................................... Ratpenat de bigotis petit CRO .................................................. Mali brkati šišmiš CSL ...... Murciélago ratonero bigotudo de Alcathoe CZE .................................................. Netopýr Alkathoe DAN ................................................ Nympheflagermus DUT ........................................................ Nimfvleermuis ENG ...................................... Alcathoe Whiskered Bat EST ............................................................ Ojalendlane FIN ...................................................... Pikkuviiksisiippa FRE .................................................... Murin d’Alcathoe FRI ............................................................ Nimfflearmûs GAL ................................ Morcego bigotudo pequeno GEO .................................... ალკათოეს მღამიობი GER ............................................ Nymphenfledermaus GRE ...................................... Μυωτίδα της Αλκαθόης HBR ............................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN ........................................................ Nimfadenevér IRG ...................................... Ialtóg ghiobach Alcathoe ITA .............................................. Vespertilio di Alcatoe LAT .................................... Alkatojes naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Alkafėjos pelėausis LUX .............................................. Nymphefliedermaus MAC ............................ Алкатоев мустаќест ноќник MLT .................................... Farfett il-Lejl ta' Alcathoe MNE .............................................. Alkatoin večernjak NOR .................................................. Nymfeflaggermus PER .............................................. POL ...................................................... Nocek Alkathoe PRT ...................... Morcego-de-bigodes de Alcathoe RHR .............................................. Vespertil d'Alcathoe ROM .............................. Liliacul mustăcios Alcathoe RUS ................................................ Ночница Алкафеи SBC ...................................... Мали бркати вечерњак SBL ............................................ Mali brkati večernjak SCG .................................... Ialtag ghibeach Alcathoe SLO ........................................................ Nimfni netopir SLV .................................................... Netopier alkatoe SWE .................................................. Nymffladdermus TUR .......................................... Balkan Bıyıklı Yarasası UKR .................................................. Нічниця Алкатоє WEL ........................................ Ystlum barfog Alcathoe

1% Myotis hajastanicus ARGYROPULO, 1939 ALB ................ Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Armenisë ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Հայկական գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Göyca gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Арменски нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца армянская BOS .................................................... Armenski šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Armenia BSQ .............................. Saguzar bibotedun armeniar CAT .................................. Ratpenat de bigotis armeni CRO ........................................ Armenski brkati šišmiš CSL ............ Murciélago ratonero bigotudo armenio


Common Names of European Bats

CZE .................................................. Netopýr arménský DAN .................................... Armensk skægflagermus DUT .................................. Armeense baardvleermuis ENG .................................... Armenian Whiskered Bat EST ...................................................... Sevani lendlane FIN .............................................. Armenianviiksisiippa FRE .................................................... Murin d'Arménie FRI ...................................... Armeenske burdflearmûs GAL ................................ Morcego bigotudo armenio GEO ...................................... სომხური მღამიობი GER ................................ Armenische Bartfledermaus GRE .................. Μουστακονυχτερίδα της Αρμενίας HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................... Örmény denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg ghiobach Airméanach ITA .................................................. Vespertilio armeno LAT .................................... Armēnijas naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Armėninis pelėausis LUX .............................. Armenesch Baartfliedermaus MAC ............................ Ерменски мустаќест ноќник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Armenjan MNE .......................................... Armenijski večernjak NOR ...................................... Sevanskjeggflaggermus PER ............................................ POL .................................................... Nocek armeński PRT ...................... Morcego-de-bigodes da Arménia RHR .......................................... Vespertil da l'Armenia ROM .............................. Liliacul mustăcios armenian RUS ............................................ Ночница армянская SBC .............................. Јерменски бркати вечерњак SBL .................................. Jermenski brkati večernjak SCG .............................. Ialtag ghibeach Airmeineach SLO .................................................... Armenski netopi SLV .................................................. netopier arménsky SWE .................................................. Sevanfladdermus TUR .................................. Ermenistan Bıyıklı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Нічниця вірменська WEL ........................................ Ystlum barfog Armenia

1^ Myotis nipalensis (DOBSON, 1871) ALB ........................ Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Azisë ARB .................................... ARM ...................................... Նեպալական գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Nepal gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Непалски нощник BLR .................................................. Начніца азіяцкая BOS ............................................ Azijski brkati šišmiš BRT .................................................. Gousperell Nepal BSQ .............................. Saguzar bibotedun nepaldar CAT .................................. Ratpenat de bigotis asiàtic CRO .............................................. Azijski brkati šišmiš CSL .............. Murciélago ratonero bigotudo asiático CZE ............................................ Netopýr středoasijský DAN ...................................... Asiatisk skægflagermus DUT .................................... Aziatische baarvleermuis ENG .......................................... Asiatic Whiskered Bat EST .................................................... Nepaali lendlane FIN ........................................ Kaukasuksenviiksisippa FRE ...................................................... Murin du Népal FRI .......................................... Aziatyske burdflearmûs GAL .................................. Morcego bigotudo asiático GEO .................................... ნეპალური მღამიობი GER .......................................... Nepal-Bartfledermaus GRE .......................... Ασιατική μουστακονυχτερίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................... Közép-ázsiai denevér IRG ........................................ Ialtóg ghiobach Áiseach ITA ................................................ Vespertilio asiatico, LAT ...................................... Nepālas naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Nepalinis pelėausis LUX ...................................... Nepal-Baartfliedermaus MAC ................................ Азиски мустаќест ноќник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Ażjatiku MNE .................................................. Istočni večernjak NOR ................................ Himalayaskjeggflaggermus PER .................... POL ...................................................... Nocek nepalski PRT .......................... Morcego-de-bigodes do Nepal RHR ................................................ Vespertil da Nepal

ROM ................................ Liliacul mustăcios nepalian RUS ............................................ Ночница непальская SBC .................................. Азијски бркати вечерњак SBL ........................................ Azijski brkati večernjak SCG ...................................... Ialtag ghibeach Àiseach SLO ...................................................... Vzhodni netopir SLV ............................................ netopier stredoázijský SWE ................ Centralasiatisk mustaschfladdermus TUR ............................................ Nepal Bıyıklı Yarasası UKR .................................................. Нічниця азійська WEL ................................................ Ystlum barfog Asia

1& Myotis nattereri (KUHL, 1817) ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate i Natterer-it ARB ................................................................ ARM ........................................ Նատերերի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ........................................ Natterer gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Натереров нощник BLR .................................................. Начніца Натэрэра BOS .................................................... Natererov šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Natterer BSQ .................................................. Natterer saguzar CAT .......................................................... Ratpenat gris CRO ........................................................ Resasti šišmiš CSL ........................ Murciélago ratonero de Natterer CZE ...................................................... Netopýr řasnatý DAN .................................................. Frynseflagermus DUT ............................................................ Franjestaart ENG ........................................................ Natterer’s Bat EST .................................................. Nattereri lendlane FIN ................................................................ Ripsisiippa FRE .................................................. Murin de Natterer FRI ................................................................ Franjesturt GAL .......................................................... Morcego gris GEO ტყის მღამიობი, ნატერერის მღამიობი GER ................................................ Fransenfledermaus GRE .......................................... Μυωτίδα του Natterer HBR .......................................................... HUN .......................................... Horgasszörű denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN ........................................................ Nimfadenevér IRG ...................................... Ialtóg ghiobach Alcathoe ITA .............................................. Vespertilio di Alcatoe LAT .................................... Alkatojes naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Alkafėjos pelėausis LUX .............................................. Nymphefliedermaus MAC ............................ Алкатоев мустаќест ноќник MLT .................................... Farfett il-Lejl ta' Alcathoe MNE .............................................. Alkatoin večernjak NOR .................................................. Nymfeflaggermus PER .............................................. POL ...................................................... Nocek Alkathoe PRT ...................... Morcego-de-bigodes de Alcathoe RHR .............................................. Vespertil d'Alcathoe ROM .............................. Liliacul mustăcios Alcathoe RUS ................................................ Ночница Алкафеи SBC ...................................... Мали бркати вечерњак SBL ............................................ Mali brkati večernjak SCG .................................... Ialtag ghibeach Alcathoe SLO ........................................................ Nimfni netopir SLV .................................................... Netopier alkatoe SWE .................................................. Nymffladdermus TUR .......................................... Balkan Bıyıklı Yarasası UKR .................................................. Нічниця Алкатоє WEL ........................................ Ystlum barfog Alcathoe

1% Myotis hajastanicus ARGYROPULO, 1939 ALB ................ Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Armenisë ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Հայկական գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Göyca gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Арменски нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца армянская BOS .................................................... Armenski šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Armenia BSQ .............................. Saguzar bibotedun armeniar CAT .................................. Ratpenat de bigotis armeni CRO ........................................ Armenski brkati šišmiš CSL ............ Murciélago ratonero bigotudo armenio


Common Names of European Bats

CZE .................................................. Netopýr arménský DAN .................................... Armensk skægflagermus DUT .................................. Armeense baardvleermuis ENG .................................... Armenian Whiskered Bat EST ...................................................... Sevani lendlane FIN .............................................. Armenianviiksisiippa FRE .................................................... Murin d'Arménie FRI ...................................... Armeenske burdflearmûs GAL ................................ Morcego bigotudo armenio GEO ...................................... სომხური მღამიობი GER ................................ Armenische Bartfledermaus GRE .................. Μουστακονυχτερίδα της Αρμενίας HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................... Örmény denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg ghiobach Airméanach ITA .................................................. Vespertilio armeno LAT .................................... Armēnijas naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Armėninis pelėausis LUX .............................. Armenesch Baartfliedermaus MAC ............................ Ерменски мустаќест ноќник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Armenjan MNE .......................................... Armenijski večernjak NOR ...................................... Sevanskjeggflaggermus PER ............................................ POL .................................................... Nocek armeński PRT ...................... Morcego-de-bigodes da Arménia RHR .......................................... Vespertil da l'Armenia ROM .............................. Liliacul mustăcios armenian RUS ............................................ Ночница армянская SBC .............................. Јерменски бркати вечерњак SBL .................................. Jermenski brkati večernjak SCG .............................. Ialtag ghibeach Airmeineach SLO .................................................... Armenski netopi SLV .................................................. netopier arménsky SWE .................................................. Sevanfladdermus TUR .................................. Ermenistan Bıyıklı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Нічниця вірменська WEL ........................................ Ystlum barfog Armenia

1^ Myotis nipalensis (DOBSON, 1871) ALB ........................ Lakuriq nate me mustaqe i Azisë ARB .................................... ARM ...................................... Նեպալական գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Nepal gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Непалски нощник BLR .................................................. Начніца азіяцкая BOS ............................................ Azijski brkati šišmiš BRT .................................................. Gousperell Nepal BSQ .............................. Saguzar bibotedun nepaldar CAT .................................. Ratpenat de bigotis asiàtic CRO .............................................. Azijski brkati šišmiš CSL .............. Murciélago ratonero bigotudo asiático CZE ............................................ Netopýr středoasijský DAN ...................................... Asiatisk skægflagermus DUT .................................... Aziatische baarvleermuis ENG .......................................... Asiatic Whiskered Bat EST .................................................... Nepaali lendlane FIN ........................................ Kaukasuksenviiksisippa FRE ...................................................... Murin du Népal FRI .......................................... Aziatyske burdflearmûs GAL .................................. Morcego bigotudo asiático GEO .................................... ნეპალური მღამიობი GER .......................................... Nepal-Bartfledermaus GRE .......................... Ασιατική μουστακονυχτερίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................... Közép-ázsiai denevér IRG ........................................ Ialtóg ghiobach Áiseach ITA ................................................ Vespertilio asiatico, LAT ...................................... Nepālas naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Nepalinis pelėausis LUX ...................................... Nepal-Baartfliedermaus MAC ................................ Азиски мустаќест ноќник MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl Daqni Ażjatiku MNE .................................................. Istočni večernjak NOR ................................ Himalayaskjeggflaggermus PER .................... POL ...................................................... Nocek nepalski PRT .......................... Morcego-de-bigodes do Nepal RHR ................................................ Vespertil da Nepal

ROM ................................ Liliacul mustăcios nepalian RUS ............................................ Ночница непальская SBC .................................. Азијски бркати вечерњак SBL ........................................ Azijski brkati večernjak SCG ...................................... Ialtag ghibeach Àiseach SLO ...................................................... Vzhodni netopir SLV ............................................ netopier stredoázijský SWE ................ Centralasiatisk mustaschfladdermus TUR ............................................ Nepal Bıyıklı Yarasası UKR .................................................. Нічниця азійська WEL ................................................ Ystlum barfog Asia

1& Myotis nattereri (KUHL, 1817) ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate i Natterer-it ARB ................................................................ ARM ........................................ Նատերերի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ........................................ Natterer gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Натереров нощник BLR .................................................. Начніца Натэрэра BOS .................................................... Natererov šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Natterer BSQ .................................................. Natterer saguzar CAT .......................................................... Ratpenat gris CRO ........................................................ Resasti šišmiš CSL ........................ Murciélago ratonero de Natterer CZE ...................................................... Netopýr řasnatý DAN .................................................. Frynseflagermus DUT ............................................................ Franjestaart ENG ........................................................ Natterer’s Bat EST .................................................. Nattereri lendlane FIN ................................................................ Ripsisiippa FRE .................................................. Murin de Natterer FRI ................................................................ Franjesturt GAL .......................................................... Morcego gris GEO ტყის მღამიობი, ნატერერის მღამიობი GER ................................................ Fransenfledermaus GRE .......................................... Μυωτίδα του Natterer HBR .......................................................... HUN .......................................... Horgasszörű denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ........................................................ Ialtóg Natterer ITA ............................................ Vespertilio di Natterer LAT ...................................... Naterera naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Natererio pelėausis LUX ............................................ Buuschtefliedermaus MAC ................................................ Четинест ноќник MLT ...................................... Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer MNE .................................................. Resasti večernjak NOR ................................................ Børsteflaggermus PER .............................................................. POL .................................................... Nocek Natterera PRT .............................. Morcego-de-franja do Norte RHR ............................................ Vespertil da Natterer ROM .............................................. Liliacul lui Natterer RUS .............................................. Ночница Натерера SBC ................................ Обични ресасти вечерњак SBL ...................................... Obični resasti večernjak SCG ........................................................ Ialtag Natterer SLO ........................................................ Resasti netopir SLV .................................................... Netopier riasnatý SWE .................................................. Fransfladdermus TUR ........................................................ Saçaklı Yarasa UKR .................................................. Нічниця війчаста WEL .................................................... Ystlum Natterer

1* Myotis escalerai CABRERA, 1904 ALB .............................................. Lakuriq nate Iberian ARB ................................................ ARM ........................................ Իբերական գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... İberiya gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Иберийски нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца іберыйская BOS ........................................................ Iberski šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Escalera BSQ .................................................... Cabrera saguzar CAT .............................................. Ratpenat gris ibèric CRO ............................................ Iberski resasti šišmiš CSL ................................ Murciélago ratonero ibérico CZE ................................................ Netopýr španelský


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ...................................... Iberisk frynseflagermus DUT .......................................... Iberische franjestaart ENG ............................................ Iberian Natterers Bat EST .............................................. Kataloonia lendlane FIN ............................................................ Iberiansiippa FRE .................................................... Murin d'Escalera FRI .............................................. Ibearyske franjesturt GAL ............................................ Morcego gris ibérico GEO ................................ ესკალერას მღამიობი GER .............................. Iberische Fransenfledermaus GRE .................................................. Ιβηρική μυωτίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN ................................................ Escalera-denevér IRG ........................................ Ialtóg Natterer Ibéarach ITA ............................................ Vespertilio di Escalera LAT ........................................ Ibērijas naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................... Iberinis pelėausis LUX .......................... Iberesch Buuschtefliedermaus MAC .............................. Ибериски четинест ноќник MLT ........................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer Iberjan MNE ................................................ Iberijski večernjak NOR ...................................... Iberiabørsteflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ...................................................... Nocek iberyjski PRT .................................... Morcego-de-franja do Sul RHR .............................................. Vespertil d'Escalera ROM ............................ Liliacul lui Natterer din Iberia RUS .......................................... Ночница иберийская SBC .......................... Пиринејски ресасти вечерњак SBL .................................. Pirinejski resasti večernjak SCG ...................................... Ialtag Natterer Ibeurach SLO ........................................................ Iberski netopir SLV ................................................ netopier pyrenejský SWE ...................................... Iberisk fransfladdermus TUR ........................................ İberya Saçaklı Yarasası UKR ................................................ Нічниця eскалери WEL .......................................... Ystlum Natterer Iberia

1( Myotis schaubi KORMOS, 1934 ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i Schaub-it ARB .......................................................... ARM .......................................... Արաքսյան գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Şaubi gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .................................................. Нощник на Шауб BLR ...................................................... Начніца Шаўба BOS .................................................... Kaspijski šišmiš BRT ................................................ Gousperell Schaub BSQ .................................................... Schaub saguzar CAT ...................................... Ratpenat gris de Schaub CRO ...................................... Schaubov resasti šišmiš CSL ........................ Murciélago ratonero de Schaub CZE .................................................. Netopýr Schaubův DAN .................................. Armensk frynseflagermus DUT ................................................ Schaubs vleermuis ENG .......................................................... Schaub’s Bat EST ...................................................... Pärsia lendlane FIN ................................................ Kaukasuksensiippa FRE .................................................... Murin de Schaub FRI ................................................ Schaubs franjesturt GAL .................................... Morecego gris de Schaub GEO .......................................... შაუბის მღამიობი GER ............................................ Schaubs Fledermaus GRE .................................... Μυωτίδα του Καυκάσου HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................. Schaub-denevér IRG .......................................................... Ialtóg Schaub ITA .............................................. Vespertilio di Schaub LAT .......................................... Šauba naktssikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Šaubo pelėausis LUX ............................ Schaub-Buuschtefliedermaus MAC .................................................... Шобиев ноќник MLT ...................................... Farfett il-Lejl ta' Schaub MNE .............................................. Kaspijski večernjak NOR .................................. Armenerbørsteflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL ...................................................... Nocek Schauba PRT .............................................. Morcego de Schaub RHR .............................................. Vespertil da Schaub

ROM ................................................ Liliacul lui Schaub RUS ................................ Ночница Шауба (аракская) SBC .................................. Велики ресасти вечерњак SBL ........................................ Veliki resasti večernjak SCG ........................................................ Ialtag Schaub SLO .................................................... Kaspijski netopir SLV ................................................ Netopier arménsky SWE .................................. Armenisk fransfladdermus TUR ............................................ İran Saçaklı Yarasası UKR ...................................................... Нічниця Шауба WEL ...................................................... Ystlum Schaub

2) Myotis emarginatus (GEOFFROY, 1806) ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate i Geoffroy-it ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Եռագույն գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... Üçrəng gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Трицветен нощник BLR ...................................... Начніца трохкаляровая BOS ...................................................... Trobojni šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Geoffroy BSQ .................................................. Geoffroy saguzar CAT ................................ Ratpenat d'orelles dentades CRO .............................................................. Riđi šišmiš CSL .................................. Murciélago ratonero pardo CZE ........................................................ Netopýr brvitý DAN ............................................ Geoffroys flagermus DUT .......................................... Ingekorven vleermuis ENG ........................................................ Geoffroy’s Bat EST ............................................................ Ripslendlane FIN .............................................................. Ruskosiippa FRE ................................ Murin à oreilles échancrées FRI .................................................. Ynsniene flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego de orellas fendidas GEO .................................... სამფერი მღამიობი GER ................................................ Wimperfledermaus GRE ...................................................... Πυρρομυωτίδα HBR ...................................................... HUN ............................................ Csonkafülű denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ........................................................ Ialtóg Natterer ITA ............................................ Vespertilio di Natterer LAT ...................................... Naterera naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Natererio pelėausis LUX ............................................ Buuschtefliedermaus MAC ................................................ Четинест ноќник MLT ...................................... Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer MNE .................................................. Resasti večernjak NOR ................................................ Børsteflaggermus PER .............................................................. POL .................................................... Nocek Natterera PRT .............................. Morcego-de-franja do Norte RHR ............................................ Vespertil da Natterer ROM .............................................. Liliacul lui Natterer RUS .............................................. Ночница Натерера SBC ................................ Обични ресасти вечерњак SBL ...................................... Obični resasti večernjak SCG ........................................................ Ialtag Natterer SLO ........................................................ Resasti netopir SLV .................................................... Netopier riasnatý SWE .................................................. Fransfladdermus TUR ........................................................ Saçaklı Yarasa UKR .................................................. Нічниця війчаста WEL .................................................... Ystlum Natterer

1* Myotis escalerai CABRERA, 1904 ALB .............................................. Lakuriq nate Iberian ARB ................................................ ARM ........................................ Իբերական գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... İberiya gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Иберийски нощник BLR .............................................. Начніца іберыйская BOS ........................................................ Iberski šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Escalera BSQ .................................................... Cabrera saguzar CAT .............................................. Ratpenat gris ibèric CRO ............................................ Iberski resasti šišmiš CSL ................................ Murciélago ratonero ibérico CZE ................................................ Netopýr španelský


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ...................................... Iberisk frynseflagermus DUT .......................................... Iberische franjestaart ENG ............................................ Iberian Natterers Bat EST .............................................. Kataloonia lendlane FIN ............................................................ Iberiansiippa FRE .................................................... Murin d'Escalera FRI .............................................. Ibearyske franjesturt GAL ............................................ Morcego gris ibérico GEO ................................ ესკალერას მღამიობი GER .............................. Iberische Fransenfledermaus GRE .................................................. Ιβηρική μυωτίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN ................................................ Escalera-denevér IRG ........................................ Ialtóg Natterer Ibéarach ITA ............................................ Vespertilio di Escalera LAT ........................................ Ibērijas naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................... Iberinis pelėausis LUX .......................... Iberesch Buuschtefliedermaus MAC .............................. Ибериски четинест ноќник MLT ........................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Natterer Iberjan MNE ................................................ Iberijski večernjak NOR ...................................... Iberiabørsteflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ...................................................... Nocek iberyjski PRT .................................... Morcego-de-franja do Sul RHR .............................................. Vespertil d'Escalera ROM ............................ Liliacul lui Natterer din Iberia RUS .......................................... Ночница иберийская SBC .......................... Пиринејски ресасти вечерњак SBL .................................. Pirinejski resasti večernjak SCG ...................................... Ialtag Natterer Ibeurach SLO ........................................................ Iberski netopir SLV ................................................ netopier pyrenejský SWE ...................................... Iberisk fransfladdermus TUR ........................................ İberya Saçaklı Yarasası UKR ................................................ Нічниця eскалери WEL .......................................... Ystlum Natterer Iberia

1( Myotis schaubi KORMOS, 1934 ALB ........................................ Lakuriq nate i Schaub-it ARB .......................................................... ARM .......................................... Արաքսյան գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Şaubi gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .................................................. Нощник на Шауб BLR ...................................................... Начніца Шаўба BOS .................................................... Kaspijski šišmiš BRT ................................................ Gousperell Schaub BSQ .................................................... Schaub saguzar CAT ...................................... Ratpenat gris de Schaub CRO ...................................... Schaubov resasti šišmiš CSL ........................ Murciélago ratonero de Schaub CZE .................................................. Netopýr Schaubův DAN .................................. Armensk frynseflagermus DUT ................................................ Schaubs vleermuis ENG .......................................................... Schaub’s Bat EST ...................................................... Pärsia lendlane FIN ................................................ Kaukasuksensiippa FRE .................................................... Murin de Schaub FRI ................................................ Schaubs franjesturt GAL .................................... Morecego gris de Schaub GEO .......................................... შაუბის მღამიობი GER ............................................ Schaubs Fledermaus GRE .................................... Μυωτίδα του Καυκάσου HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................. Schaub-denevér IRG .......................................................... Ialtóg Schaub ITA .............................................. Vespertilio di Schaub LAT .......................................... Šauba naktssikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Šaubo pelėausis LUX ............................ Schaub-Buuschtefliedermaus MAC .................................................... Шобиев ноќник MLT ...................................... Farfett il-Lejl ta' Schaub MNE .............................................. Kaspijski večernjak NOR .................................. Armenerbørsteflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL ...................................................... Nocek Schauba PRT .............................................. Morcego de Schaub RHR .............................................. Vespertil da Schaub

ROM ................................................ Liliacul lui Schaub RUS ................................ Ночница Шауба (аракская) SBC .................................. Велики ресасти вечерњак SBL ........................................ Veliki resasti večernjak SCG ........................................................ Ialtag Schaub SLO .................................................... Kaspijski netopir SLV ................................................ Netopier arménsky SWE .................................. Armenisk fransfladdermus TUR ............................................ İran Saçaklı Yarasası UKR ...................................................... Нічниця Шауба WEL ...................................................... Ystlum Schaub

2) Myotis emarginatus (GEOFFROY, 1806) ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate i Geoffroy-it ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Եռագույն գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... Üçrəng gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Трицветен нощник BLR ...................................... Начніца трохкаляровая BOS ...................................................... Trobojni šišmiš BRT .............................................. Gousperell Geoffroy BSQ .................................................. Geoffroy saguzar CAT ................................ Ratpenat d'orelles dentades CRO .............................................................. Riđi šišmiš CSL .................................. Murciélago ratonero pardo CZE ........................................................ Netopýr brvitý DAN ............................................ Geoffroys flagermus DUT .......................................... Ingekorven vleermuis ENG ........................................................ Geoffroy’s Bat EST ............................................................ Ripslendlane FIN .............................................................. Ruskosiippa FRE ................................ Murin à oreilles échancrées FRI .................................................. Ynsniene flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego de orellas fendidas GEO .................................... სამფერი მღამიობი GER ................................................ Wimperfledermaus GRE ...................................................... Πυρρομυωτίδα HBR ...................................................... HUN ............................................ Csonkafülű denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ........................................................ Ialtóg Geoffroy ITA ............................................ Vespertilio smarginato LAT .............................. Skropstainais naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Trispalvis pelėausis LUX ............................................ Wimperefliedermaus MAC .................................................. Тробоен ноќник MLT .................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' Widnejħ Imnaqqxa MNE ........................................................ Riđi večernjak NOR ............................................ Vinkeløreflaggermus PER .............................................................. POL .................................................... Nocek orzęsiony PRT .................................................... Morcego-lanudo RHR .......................................... Vespertil cun tschegls ROM ................................................ Liliacul cărămiziu RUS ........................................ Ночница трёхцветная SBC ...................................................... Риђи вечерњак SBL ........................................................ Riđi večernjak SCG ...................................................... Ialtag Geoffroy SLO ........................................................ Vejicati netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier brvitý SWE .............................................. Flikörad fladdermus TUR ........................................................ Kirpikli Yarasa UKR ............................................ Нічниця триколірна WEL .................................................... Ystlum Geoffroy

2! Myotis bechsteinii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................. Lakuriq nate i Bechsteini-it ARB .......................................................... ARM ........................................ Բեխշտայնի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Bexşteyn gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Бехщайнов нощник BLR ...... Начніца даўгавухая, Начніца Бешхтэйна BOS .................................................. Behštajnov šišmiš BRT ............................................ Gousperell Bechstein BSQ ................................................ Bechstein saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat de Bechstein CRO .................................................... Velikouhi šišmiš CSL .............................. Murciélago ratonero forestal CZE ................................................ Netopýr velkouchý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .......................................... Bechsteins flagermus DUT .......................................... Bechsteins vleermuis ENG ...................................................... Bechstein’s Bat EST .................................................. Pikkkõrv-lendlane FIN .............................................................. Korvasiippa FRE ................................................ Murin de Bechstein FRI .............................................. Bechsteins flearmûs GAL ........................................ Morcego de Bechstein GEO ................................ გრძელყურა მღამიობი, ბეხშტეინის მღამიობი GER ............................................ Bechsteinfledermaus GRE ...................................... Μυωτίδα του Bechstein HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................. Nagyfülű denevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg Bechstein ITA ........................................ Vespertilio di Bechstein LAT .................................... Behšteina naktssikspārnis LIT .............................................. Bechšteino pelėausis LUX .......................................... Bechsteinfliedermaus MAC ............................................ Долгоушест ноќник MLT .................................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' Bechstein MNE .............................................. Dugouhi večernjak NOR .................................................... Bøkeflaggermus PER ........................................................ POL ................................................ Nocek Bechsteina PRT ........................................ Morcego de Bechstein RHR .......................................... Vespertil da Bechstein ROM ........................................ Liliacul cu urechi mari RUS .................. Ночница длинноухая (Бехштейна) SBC ................................................ Дугоухи вечерњак SBL ................................................ Dugouhi večernjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag Bechstein SLO .................................................... Velikouhi netopir SLV ............................................ Netopier Bechsteinov SWE ........................................ Bechsteins fladdermus TUR .............................................. Büyükkulaklı Yarasa UKR .............................................. Нічниця довговуха WEL .................................................. Ystlum Bechstein

2@ Myotis myotis (BORKHAUSEN, 1797) ALB .............................. Lakuriq nate veshmiu i madh ARB .......................................... ARM .................................................... Մեծ գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................................................. İri gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ...................................................... Голям нощник BLR ........................ Начніца вялікая, Начніца шэрая BOS ............................................ Veliki mišouhi šišmiš BRT .................................. Gousperell skouarnek vras BSQ .............................. Saguzar arratoi-belarri handi CAT ................................................ Ratpenat rater gros CRO ............................................................ Veliki šišmiš CSL ................................ Murciélago ratonero grande CZE .......................................................... Netopýr velký DAN ........................................................ Stor museøre DUT ........................................................ Vale vleermuis ENG .................................. Greater Mouse-eared Bat EST .......................................................... Suurlendlane FIN .................................................................. Isosiippa FRE ............................................................ Grand murin FRI .......................................... Grutte mûsearflearmûs GAL ...................................... Morcego rateiro grande GEO .............................................. დიდი მღამიობი GER .................................................................. Mausohr GRE ...................................................... Τρανομυωτίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................................ Közönséges denevér IRG .................................. Ialtóg luch-chluasach mhór ITA .............................................. Vespertilio maggiore LAT .......................................... Lielais naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................... Didysis pelėausis LUX ................................................ Grousst Mausouer MAC ...................................................... Голем ноќник MLT ........................................ Widnet il-Ġurdien Kbir MNE .................................... Veliki mišouhi večernjak NOR ............................................................ Stormusøre PER ...................................... POL ............................................................ Nocek duży PRT .......................................... Morcego-rato-grande RHR .............................. Vespertil ureglia-mieur grond

ROM ...................................................... Liliacul comun RUS ................................................ Ночница большая SBC ................................ Европски велики вечерњак SBL ...................................... Evropski veliki večernjak SCG ................................ Ialtag luch-chluasach mhòr SLO ...................................................... Navadni netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier vel’ký SWE ...................................................... Större musöra TUR .................................... Büyük Farekulaklı Yarasa UKR .................................................... Нічниця велика WEL .................................................. Ystlum clustlydan

2# Myotis blythii (TOMES, 1857) ALB .............................. Lakuriq nate veshmiu i vogël ARB ........................................ ARM ........................ Սրականջ կամ, Բլիթի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ........................................ İtiqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .................................................. Остроух нощник BLR ............................................ Начніца вастравухая BOS .............................................. Mali mišouhi šišmiš BRT ................................ Gousperell skouarnek vihan BSQ ............................ Saguzar arratoi-belarri ertain CAT .............................................. Ratpenat rater mitjà CRO ...................................................... Oštrouhi šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero mediano CZE ................................................ Netopýr ostrouchý DAN .......................................................... Lile museøre DUT ............................................ Kleine vale vleermuis ENG .................................... Lesser Mouse-eared Bat EST ........................................................ Lõunalendlane FIN .................................................... Hiirenkorvasiippa FRE ................................................................ Petit murin FRI ............................................ Lytse mûsearflearmûs GAL .................................... Morcego rateiro pequeno GEO ............. ევროპულიწვეტყურა მღამიობი, ევროპული ყურწვეტა მღამიობი GER .................................................... Kleines Mausohr GRE ...................................................... Μικρομυωτίδα HBR ......................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ........................................................ Ialtóg Geoffroy ITA ............................................ Vespertilio smarginato LAT .............................. Skropstainais naktssikspārnis LIT ................................................ Trispalvis pelėausis LUX ............................................ Wimperefliedermaus MAC .................................................. Тробоен ноќник MLT .................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' Widnejħ Imnaqqxa MNE ........................................................ Riđi večernjak NOR ............................................ Vinkeløreflaggermus PER .............................................................. POL .................................................... Nocek orzęsiony PRT .................................................... Morcego-lanudo RHR .......................................... Vespertil cun tschegls ROM ................................................ Liliacul cărămiziu RUS ........................................ Ночница трёхцветная SBC ...................................................... Риђи вечерњак SBL ........................................................ Riđi večernjak SCG ...................................................... Ialtag Geoffroy SLO ........................................................ Vejicati netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier brvitý SWE .............................................. Flikörad fladdermus TUR ........................................................ Kirpikli Yarasa UKR ............................................ Нічниця триколірна WEL .................................................... Ystlum Geoffroy

2! Myotis bechsteinii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................. Lakuriq nate i Bechsteini-it ARB .......................................................... ARM ........................................ Բեխշտայնի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Bexşteyn gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Бехщайнов нощник BLR ...... Начніца даўгавухая, Начніца Бешхтэйна BOS .................................................. Behštajnov šišmiš BRT ............................................ Gousperell Bechstein BSQ ................................................ Bechstein saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat de Bechstein CRO .................................................... Velikouhi šišmiš CSL .............................. Murciélago ratonero forestal CZE ................................................ Netopýr velkouchý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .......................................... Bechsteins flagermus DUT .......................................... Bechsteins vleermuis ENG ...................................................... Bechstein’s Bat EST .................................................. Pikkkõrv-lendlane FIN .............................................................. Korvasiippa FRE ................................................ Murin de Bechstein FRI .............................................. Bechsteins flearmûs GAL ........................................ Morcego de Bechstein GEO ................................ გრძელყურა მღამიობი, ბეხშტეინის მღამიობი GER ............................................ Bechsteinfledermaus GRE ...................................... Μυωτίδα του Bechstein HBR ............................................................ HUN .................................................. Nagyfülű denevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg Bechstein ITA ........................................ Vespertilio di Bechstein LAT .................................... Behšteina naktssikspārnis LIT .............................................. Bechšteino pelėausis LUX .......................................... Bechsteinfliedermaus MAC ............................................ Долгоушест ноќник MLT .................................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' Bechstein MNE .............................................. Dugouhi večernjak NOR .................................................... Bøkeflaggermus PER ........................................................ POL ................................................ Nocek Bechsteina PRT ........................................ Morcego de Bechstein RHR .......................................... Vespertil da Bechstein ROM ........................................ Liliacul cu urechi mari RUS .................. Ночница длинноухая (Бехштейна) SBC ................................................ Дугоухи вечерњак SBL ................................................ Dugouhi večernjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag Bechstein SLO .................................................... Velikouhi netopir SLV ............................................ Netopier Bechsteinov SWE ........................................ Bechsteins fladdermus TUR .............................................. Büyükkulaklı Yarasa UKR .............................................. Нічниця довговуха WEL .................................................. Ystlum Bechstein

2@ Myotis myotis (BORKHAUSEN, 1797) ALB .............................. Lakuriq nate veshmiu i madh ARB .......................................... ARM .................................................... Մեծ գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................................................. İri gecə şəbpərəsi BLG ...................................................... Голям нощник BLR ........................ Начніца вялікая, Начніца шэрая BOS ............................................ Veliki mišouhi šišmiš BRT .................................. Gousperell skouarnek vras BSQ .............................. Saguzar arratoi-belarri handi CAT ................................................ Ratpenat rater gros CRO ............................................................ Veliki šišmiš CSL ................................ Murciélago ratonero grande CZE .......................................................... Netopýr velký DAN ........................................................ Stor museøre DUT ........................................................ Vale vleermuis ENG .................................. Greater Mouse-eared Bat EST .......................................................... Suurlendlane FIN .................................................................. Isosiippa FRE ............................................................ Grand murin FRI .......................................... Grutte mûsearflearmûs GAL ...................................... Morcego rateiro grande GEO .............................................. დიდი მღამიობი GER .................................................................. Mausohr GRE ...................................................... Τρανομυωτίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN ............................................ Közönséges denevér IRG .................................. Ialtóg luch-chluasach mhór ITA .............................................. Vespertilio maggiore LAT .......................................... Lielais naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................... Didysis pelėausis LUX ................................................ Grousst Mausouer MAC ...................................................... Голем ноќник MLT ........................................ Widnet il-Ġurdien Kbir MNE .................................... Veliki mišouhi večernjak NOR ............................................................ Stormusøre PER ...................................... POL ............................................................ Nocek duży PRT .......................................... Morcego-rato-grande RHR .............................. Vespertil ureglia-mieur grond

ROM ...................................................... Liliacul comun RUS ................................................ Ночница большая SBC ................................ Европски велики вечерњак SBL ...................................... Evropski veliki večernjak SCG ................................ Ialtag luch-chluasach mhòr SLO ...................................................... Navadni netopir SLV ........................................................ Netopier vel’ký SWE ...................................................... Större musöra TUR .................................... Büyük Farekulaklı Yarasa UKR .................................................... Нічниця велика WEL .................................................. Ystlum clustlydan

2# Myotis blythii (TOMES, 1857) ALB .............................. Lakuriq nate veshmiu i vogël ARB ........................................ ARM ........................ Սրականջ կամ, Բլիթի գիշերաչղջիկ AZE ........................................ İtiqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .................................................. Остроух нощник BLR ............................................ Начніца вастравухая BOS .............................................. Mali mišouhi šišmiš BRT ................................ Gousperell skouarnek vihan BSQ ............................ Saguzar arratoi-belarri ertain CAT .............................................. Ratpenat rater mitjà CRO ...................................................... Oštrouhi šišmiš CSL ............................ Murciélago ratonero mediano CZE ................................................ Netopýr ostrouchý DAN .......................................................... Lile museøre DUT ............................................ Kleine vale vleermuis ENG .................................... Lesser Mouse-eared Bat EST ........................................................ Lõunalendlane FIN .................................................... Hiirenkorvasiippa FRE ................................................................ Petit murin FRI ............................................ Lytse mûsearflearmûs GAL .................................... Morcego rateiro pequeno GEO ............. ევროპულიწვეტყურა მღამიობი, ევროპული ყურწვეტა მღამიობი GER .................................................... Kleines Mausohr GRE ...................................................... Μικρομυωτίδα HBR ......................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN ............................................ Hegyesorrú denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg luch-chluasach bheag ITA .................................................. Vespertilio minore LAT .................................. Smailausu naktssikspārnis LIT ............................................ Smailiaausis pelėausis LUX .................................................... Klengt Mausouer MAC ............................................ Остроушест ноќник MLT .............. Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien Żgħir MNE .............................................. Oštrouhi večernjak NOR ............................................................ Småmusøre PER ...................................... POL .................................................. Nocek ostrouszny PRT ........................................ Morcego-rato-pequeno RHR ........................ Vespertil ureglia-mieur pitschen ROM .............................................. Liliacul comun mic RUS .............................................. Ночница остроухая SBC ...................................... Јужни велики вечерњак SBL ............................................ Južni veliki večernjak SCG .............................. Ialtag luch-chluasach bheag SLO ...................................................... Ostrouhi netopir SLV ...................................................... netopier Blythov SWE ...................................................... Mindre musöra TUR .................................... Küçük Farekulaklı Yarasa UKR ............................................ Нічниця гостровуха WEL ........................................ Ystlum clustlydan lleiaf

2$ Myotis punicus FELTEN, 1977 ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate maghrebian ARB .................................. ARM ...................................... Փյունիկյան գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................................. Siçanqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Магребски нощник BLR .... Начніца фінікійская, Начніца магрыбская BOS ........................................................ Punski šišmiš BRT .......................................... Gousperell ar Magreb BSQ ........................ Saguzar arratoi-belarri mairutar CAT ............................................ Ratpenat rater africà CRO .......................... Sjevernoafrički oštrouhi šišmiš CSL .............................. Murciélago ratonero moruno


Common Names of European Bats

CZE ...................................................... Netopýr punský DAN ................................................ Mahgreb museøre DUT .................................... Fenicische vale vleermuis ENG .......................... Maghrebian Mouse-eared Bat EST ................................................ Vahemere lendlane FIN .......................................................... Tunisiansiippa FRE ................................................ Murin du Maghreb FRI .................................... Maghreb mûsearflearmûs GAL .................................... Morcego rateiro africano GEO ................................ მაღრიბული მღამიობი GER .............................................. Punisches Mausohr GRE ...................... Τρανομυωτίδα της Καρχηδόνας HBR ................................................................ HUN .................................................. Magrebi denevér IRG .................. Ialtóg luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach ITA .......................................... Vespertilio maghrebino LAT ........................................ Pūnijas naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Finikinis pelėausis LUX .............................................. Maghreb-Mausouer MAC .............................................. Магребски ноќник MLT .. Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien ta' Maghreb MNE .................................................. Punski večernjak NOR .................................................... Mahgrebmusøre PER .......... POL ........................................................ Nocek punicki PRT .................................. Morcego-rato do Magrebe RHR .............................. Vespertil ureglia-mieur punic ROM ............................................ Liliacul din Maghreb RUS ........................................ Ночница финикийская SBC ............................ Магребски велики вечерњак SBL .................................. Magrebski veliki večernjak SCG ................ Ialtag luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach SLO ........................................................ Punski netopir SLV .............................................. Netopier magrebský SWE ................................................ Medelhavsmusöra TUR .............................. Mahrep Farekulaklı Yarasası UKR ............................................ Нічниця магрибська WEL ................................ Ystlum clustlydan Maghreb

2% Nyctalus noctula (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ............................................ Noktulë e zakonshme ARB ................................................ ARM .................................................... Շեկ իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... Kürən axşam yarasası BLG .................................................. Ръждив вечерник BLR ................ Вячэрніца рудая, Вячэрніца ранняя) BOS .......................................................... Noćni šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Nozigell voutin BSQ .............................................. Gau-saguzar arrunt CAT .............................................................. Nòctul gros CRO ........................................................ Rani večernjak CSL .................................................... Nóctulo mediano CZE ........................................................ Netopýr rezavý DAN ...................................................... Brunflagermus DUT .................................................... Rosse vleermuis EST ........................................................ Suurvidevlane FIN ................................................................ Isolepakko FRE .................................................. Noctule commune FRI ........................................................ Reade flearmûs ENG ............................................................ Noctule Bat GAL .................................................... Nóctulo mediano GEO .......................................... წითური მეღამურა GER .......................................................... Abendsegler GRE ............................................................ Νυκτοβάτης HBR ................................................................ HUN .................................................. Rőt koraidenevér IRG .......................................................... Ialtóg nochtúil ITA ...................................................... Nottola comune LAT .................................. Rūsganais vakarsikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Rudasis nakviša LUX .................................................. Bëschfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Лисест вечерник MLT .................................................................... Noktula MNE ........................................................ Obični noćnik NOR ...................................................... Storflaggermus PER .............................................. POL ...................................................... Borowiec wielki PRT ................................ Morcego-arboricola-grande RHR .................................................... Sgolanotg grond

ROM .................................................. Liliacul de amurg RUS ................................................ Вечерница рыжая SBC .................................................... Обични ноћник SBL .......................................................... Obični noćnik SCG .................................................. Ialtag oidhcheach SLO .................................................... Navadni mračnik SLV ........................................................ Raniak hrdzavý SWE ........................................ Större brunfladdermus TUR .................................................... Akşamcı Yarasa UKR ................ Вечірниця руда, Вечірниця дозірна WEL .......................................................... Ystlum mawr

2^ Nyctalus lasiopterus (SCHREBER, 1780) ALB .................................................... Noktulë gjigante ARB .................................................. ARM .................................................. Հսկա իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE ........................................ Nəhəng axşam yarasası BLG .................................................... Голям вечерник BLR ............................................ Вячэрніца гіганцкая BOS ................................................ Veliki noćni šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Nozigell vras BSQ ................................................ Gau-saguzar handi CAT ........................................................ Nòctul gegant CRO ...................................................... Veliki večernjak CSL ...................................................... Nóctulo grande CZE .................................................. Netopýr obrovský DAN .............................................. Stor brunflagermus DUT .......................................... Grote rosse vleermuis ENG .............................................. Greater Noctule Bat EST .......................................................... Hiidvidevlane FIN ...................................................... Rusoisolepakko FRE ...................................................... Grande noctule FRI ............................................ Grutte reade flearmûs GAL ...................................................... Nóctulo xigante GEO ................................ გიგანტური მეღამურა GER ................................................ Riesenabendsegler GRE .......................................... Μεγάλος νυκτοβάτης HBR .............................................................. HUN .............................................. Óriás koraidenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN ............................................ Hegyesorrú denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg luch-chluasach bheag ITA .................................................. Vespertilio minore LAT .................................. Smailausu naktssikspārnis LIT ............................................ Smailiaausis pelėausis LUX .................................................... Klengt Mausouer MAC ............................................ Остроушест ноќник MLT .............. Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien Żgħir MNE .............................................. Oštrouhi večernjak NOR ............................................................ Småmusøre PER ...................................... POL .................................................. Nocek ostrouszny PRT ........................................ Morcego-rato-pequeno RHR ........................ Vespertil ureglia-mieur pitschen ROM .............................................. Liliacul comun mic RUS .............................................. Ночница остроухая SBC ...................................... Јужни велики вечерњак SBL ............................................ Južni veliki večernjak SCG .............................. Ialtag luch-chluasach bheag SLO ...................................................... Ostrouhi netopir SLV ...................................................... netopier Blythov SWE ...................................................... Mindre musöra TUR .................................... Küçük Farekulaklı Yarasa UKR ............................................ Нічниця гостровуха WEL ........................................ Ystlum clustlydan lleiaf

2$ Myotis punicus FELTEN, 1977 ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate maghrebian ARB .................................. ARM ...................................... Փյունիկյան գիշերաչղջիկ AZE .................................. Siçanqulaq gecə şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Магребски нощник BLR .... Начніца фінікійская, Начніца магрыбская BOS ........................................................ Punski šišmiš BRT .......................................... Gousperell ar Magreb BSQ ........................ Saguzar arratoi-belarri mairutar CAT ............................................ Ratpenat rater africà CRO .......................... Sjevernoafrički oštrouhi šišmiš CSL .............................. Murciélago ratonero moruno


Common Names of European Bats

CZE ...................................................... Netopýr punský DAN ................................................ Mahgreb museøre DUT .................................... Fenicische vale vleermuis ENG .......................... Maghrebian Mouse-eared Bat EST ................................................ Vahemere lendlane FIN .......................................................... Tunisiansiippa FRE ................................................ Murin du Maghreb FRI .................................... Maghreb mûsearflearmûs GAL .................................... Morcego rateiro africano GEO ................................ მაღრიბული მღამიობი GER .............................................. Punisches Mausohr GRE ...................... Τρανομυωτίδα της Καρχηδόνας HBR ................................................................ HUN .................................................. Magrebi denevér IRG .................. Ialtóg luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach ITA .......................................... Vespertilio maghrebino LAT ........................................ Pūnijas naktssikspārnis LIT .................................................. Finikinis pelėausis LUX .............................................. Maghreb-Mausouer MAC .............................................. Магребски ноќник MLT .. Farfett il-Lejl Widnet il-Ġurdien ta' Maghreb MNE .................................................. Punski večernjak NOR .................................................... Mahgrebmusøre PER .......... POL ........................................................ Nocek punicki PRT .................................. Morcego-rato do Magrebe RHR .............................. Vespertil ureglia-mieur punic ROM ............................................ Liliacul din Maghreb RUS ........................................ Ночница финикийская SBC ............................ Магребски велики вечерњак SBL .................................. Magrebski veliki večernjak SCG ................ Ialtag luch-chluasach Mhaigribeach SLO ........................................................ Punski netopir SLV .............................................. Netopier magrebský SWE ................................................ Medelhavsmusöra TUR .............................. Mahrep Farekulaklı Yarasası UKR ............................................ Нічниця магрибська WEL ................................ Ystlum clustlydan Maghreb

2% Nyctalus noctula (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ............................................ Noktulë e zakonshme ARB ................................................ ARM .................................................... Շեկ իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE .......................................... Kürən axşam yarasası BLG .................................................. Ръждив вечерник BLR ................ Вячэрніца рудая, Вячэрніца ранняя) BOS .......................................................... Noćni šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Nozigell voutin BSQ .............................................. Gau-saguzar arrunt CAT .............................................................. Nòctul gros CRO ........................................................ Rani večernjak CSL .................................................... Nóctulo mediano CZE ........................................................ Netopýr rezavý DAN ...................................................... Brunflagermus DUT .................................................... Rosse vleermuis EST ........................................................ Suurvidevlane FIN ................................................................ Isolepakko FRE .................................................. Noctule commune FRI ........................................................ Reade flearmûs ENG ............................................................ Noctule Bat GAL .................................................... Nóctulo mediano GEO .......................................... წითური მეღამურა GER .......................................................... Abendsegler GRE ............................................................ Νυκτοβάτης HBR ................................................................ HUN .................................................. Rőt koraidenevér IRG .......................................................... Ialtóg nochtúil ITA ...................................................... Nottola comune LAT .................................. Rūsganais vakarsikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Rudasis nakviša LUX .................................................. Bëschfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Лисест вечерник MLT .................................................................... Noktula MNE ........................................................ Obični noćnik NOR ...................................................... Storflaggermus PER .............................................. POL ...................................................... Borowiec wielki PRT ................................ Morcego-arboricola-grande RHR .................................................... Sgolanotg grond

ROM .................................................. Liliacul de amurg RUS ................................................ Вечерница рыжая SBC .................................................... Обични ноћник SBL .......................................................... Obični noćnik SCG .................................................. Ialtag oidhcheach SLO .................................................... Navadni mračnik SLV ........................................................ Raniak hrdzavý SWE ........................................ Större brunfladdermus TUR .................................................... Akşamcı Yarasa UKR ................ Вечірниця руда, Вечірниця дозірна WEL .......................................................... Ystlum mawr

2^ Nyctalus lasiopterus (SCHREBER, 1780) ALB .................................................... Noktulë gjigante ARB .................................................. ARM .................................................. Հսկա իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE ........................................ Nəhəng axşam yarasası BLG .................................................... Голям вечерник BLR ............................................ Вячэрніца гіганцкая BOS ................................................ Veliki noćni šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Nozigell vras BSQ ................................................ Gau-saguzar handi CAT ........................................................ Nòctul gegant CRO ...................................................... Veliki večernjak CSL ...................................................... Nóctulo grande CZE .................................................. Netopýr obrovský DAN .............................................. Stor brunflagermus DUT .......................................... Grote rosse vleermuis ENG .............................................. Greater Noctule Bat EST .......................................................... Hiidvidevlane FIN ...................................................... Rusoisolepakko FRE ...................................................... Grande noctule FRI ............................................ Grutte reade flearmûs GAL ...................................................... Nóctulo xigante GEO ................................ გიგანტური მეღამურა GER ................................................ Riesenabendsegler GRE .......................................... Μεγάλος νυκτοβάτης HBR .............................................................. HUN .............................................. Óriás koraidenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .................................................... Ollialtóg nochtúil ITA ........................................................ Nottola gigante LAT .......................................... Lielais vakarsiksparnis LIT ........................................................ Didysis nakviša LUX ...................................... Riseg Bëschfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Голем вечерник MLT ............................................................ Noktula Kbir MNE .......................................................... Veliki noćnik NOR ...................................................... Riseflaggermus PER ................................................ POL ................................................ Borowiec olbrzymi PRT .............................. Morcego-arboricola-gigante RHR .................................................... Sgolanotg gigant ROM ........................................ Liliacul mare de amurg RUS ........................................ Bечерница гигантская SBC ...................................................... Велики ноћник SBL .......................................................... Veliki noćnik SCG ........................................ Mòr-ialtag oidhcheach SLO ........................................................ Veliki mračnik SLV ...................................................... Raniak obrovský SWE ................................ Pälsvingad brunfladdermus TUR ........................................ Büyük Akşamcı Yarasa UKR .......................................... Вечірниця гігантська WEL ........................................................ Ystlum mwyaf

2& Nyctalus leisleri (KUHL, 1817) ALB ................................................ Noktulë e Leisler-it ARB .................................................... ARM .................................................. Փոքր իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Kicik axşam yarasası BLG ............................ Лайслеров (малък) вечерник BLR .................................................... Вячэрніца малая BOS .......... Mali noćni šišmiš, Mali Lajslerov šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Nozigell Leisler BSQ .............................................. Leisler gau-saguzar CAT .............................................................. Nòctul petit CRO ........................................................ Mali večernjak CSL .................................................... Nóctulo pequeño CZE .................................................. Netopýr stromový


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ................................................ Leislers flagermus DUT .......................................................... Bosvleermuis ENG ............................................................ Leisler’s Bat EST ........................................................ Väikevidevlane FIN .......................................................... Metsälepakko FRE .................................................. Noctule de Leisler FRI .......................................................... Boskflearmûs GAL .................................................. Nóctulo pequeno GEO ............................................ მცირე მეღამურა GER .................................................. Kleinabendsegler GRE ................................................ Μικρονυκτοβάτης HBR .................................................................. HUN .................................... Szőröskarú koraidenevér IRG ............................................................ Ialtóg Leisler ITA .................................................... Nottola di Leisler LAT ........................................ Mazais vakarsikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Mažasis nakviša LUX ...................................... Kleng Bëschfliedermaus MAC ................................................ Шумски вечерник MLT ........................................................ Noktula Żgħir MNE ...................................................... Šumski noćnik NOR .................................................... Vetteflaggermus PER ................................................ POL .......................................................... Borowiaczek PRT ............................ Morcego-arboricola-pequeno RHR .............................................. Sgolanotg pitschen ROM .......................................... Liliacul mic de amurg RUS .................................................. Вечерница малая SBC ........................................................ Мали ноћник SBL .............................................................. Mali noćnik SCG .......................................................... Ialtag Leisler SLO ...................................................... Gozdni mračnik SLV .................................................. Netopier stromový SWE ...................................... Mindre brunfladdermus TUR ............................................ Küçük Ağaç Yarasası UKR .................................................... Вечірниця мала WEL ........................................................ Ystlum Leisler

2* Nyctalus azoreum (THOMAS, 1901) ALB ................................................ Noktulë e Azoreve ARB .............................................. ARM ............................................ Ազորյան իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Azor axşam yarasası BLG ................................................ Азорски вечерник BLR .............................................. Вячэрніца азорская BOS ............................................ Azorski noćni šišmiš BRT ................................................ Nozigell an Azorez BSQ .......................................... Gau-saguzar azoretar CAT ............................................ Nòctul de les Azores CRO .................................................. Azorski večernjak CSL .................................................. Nóctulo de Azores CZE ...................................................... Netopýr azorský DAN ...................................................... Azorflagermus DUT ........................................ Azoren rosse vleermuis ENG ............................................ Azorean Noctule Bat EST .................................................. Assoori videvlane FIN .................................................. Azorienisolepakko FRE .............................................. Noctule des Açores FRI ........................................ Azoaren reade flearmûs GAL .............................................. Nóctulo das Azores GEO ...................................... აზორული მეღამურა GER ............................................ Azoren-Abendsegler GRE .................................. Νυκτοβάτης των Αζόρων HBR .............................................................. HUN .............................. Azori-szigeteki koraidenevér IRG ........................................................ Ialtóg Asórach ITA .............................................. Nottola delle Azzorre LAT .......................................... Azoru vakarsikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Azorinis nakviša LUX .................................... Azoren-Bëschfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Азорски вечерник MLT .............................................. Noktula ta' l-Azores MNE ...................................................... Azorski noćnik NOR .................................................... Asorflaggermus PER .... POL .................................................. Borowiec azorski PRT ............................................ Morcego dos Açores RHR ...................................... Sgolanotg da las Azoras

ROM ................................ Liliacul de amurg din Azore RUS ............................................ Вечерница азорская SBC .................................................... Азорски ноћник SBL ...................................................... Azorski noćnik SCG ........................................................ Ialtag Asorach SLO .................................................... Azorski mračnik SLV ........................................................ Raniak azorský SWE .................................................... Azorfladdermus TUR .................................... Azorlar Akşamcı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Вечірниця азорська WEL ........................................ Ystlum mawr yr Asores

2( Pipistrellus pipistrellus (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ............................................ Pipistrel i zakonshëm ARB ............................................ ARM ................................................ Թզուկ փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ...................................................... Cırtdan şəbpərə BLG .................................................. Кафяво прилепче BLR .................................................... Нетапыр-карлік BOS .............................................................. Mali šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Pipistrell voutin BSQ .................................................... Pipistrelo arrunt CAT ................................................ Pipistrel·la comuna CRO .................................................... Patuljasti šišmiš CSL .................................................. Murciélago enano CZE .................................................... Netopýr hvízdavý DAN ................................................ Pipistrelflagermus DUT .................................... Gewone dwergvleermuis ENG .............................................. Common Pipistrelle EST .................................................... Kääbus-nahkhiir FIN ........................................................ Vaivaislepakko FRE .............................................. Pipistrelle commune FRI .................................... Gewoane dwerchflearmûs GAL .................................................... Morcego común GEO .................................................... ჯუჯა ღამორი GER .................................................. Zwergfledermaus GRE ...................................................... Νανονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN .................................. Közönséges törpedenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .................................................... Ollialtóg nochtúil ITA ........................................................ Nottola gigante LAT .......................................... Lielais vakarsiksparnis LIT ........................................................ Didysis nakviša LUX ...................................... Riseg Bëschfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Голем вечерник MLT ............................................................ Noktula Kbir MNE .......................................................... Veliki noćnik NOR ...................................................... Riseflaggermus PER ................................................ POL ................................................ Borowiec olbrzymi PRT .............................. Morcego-arboricola-gigante RHR .................................................... Sgolanotg gigant ROM ........................................ Liliacul mare de amurg RUS ........................................ Bечерница гигантская SBC ...................................................... Велики ноћник SBL .......................................................... Veliki noćnik SCG ........................................ Mòr-ialtag oidhcheach SLO ........................................................ Veliki mračnik SLV ...................................................... Raniak obrovský SWE ................................ Pälsvingad brunfladdermus TUR ........................................ Büyük Akşamcı Yarasa UKR .......................................... Вечірниця гігантська WEL ........................................................ Ystlum mwyaf

2& Nyctalus leisleri (KUHL, 1817) ALB ................................................ Noktulë e Leisler-it ARB .................................................... ARM .................................................. Փոքր իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Kicik axşam yarasası BLG ............................ Лайслеров (малък) вечерник BLR .................................................... Вячэрніца малая BOS .......... Mali noćni šišmiš, Mali Lajslerov šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Nozigell Leisler BSQ .............................................. Leisler gau-saguzar CAT .............................................................. Nòctul petit CRO ........................................................ Mali večernjak CSL .................................................... Nóctulo pequeño CZE .................................................. Netopýr stromový


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ................................................ Leislers flagermus DUT .......................................................... Bosvleermuis ENG ............................................................ Leisler’s Bat EST ........................................................ Väikevidevlane FIN .......................................................... Metsälepakko FRE .................................................. Noctule de Leisler FRI .......................................................... Boskflearmûs GAL .................................................. Nóctulo pequeno GEO ............................................ მცირე მეღამურა GER .................................................. Kleinabendsegler GRE ................................................ Μικρονυκτοβάτης HBR .................................................................. HUN .................................... Szőröskarú koraidenevér IRG ............................................................ Ialtóg Leisler ITA .................................................... Nottola di Leisler LAT ........................................ Mazais vakarsikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Mažasis nakviša LUX ...................................... Kleng Bëschfliedermaus MAC ................................................ Шумски вечерник MLT ........................................................ Noktula Żgħir MNE ...................................................... Šumski noćnik NOR .................................................... Vetteflaggermus PER ................................................ POL .......................................................... Borowiaczek PRT ............................ Morcego-arboricola-pequeno RHR .............................................. Sgolanotg pitschen ROM .......................................... Liliacul mic de amurg RUS .................................................. Вечерница малая SBC ........................................................ Мали ноћник SBL .............................................................. Mali noćnik SCG .......................................................... Ialtag Leisler SLO ...................................................... Gozdni mračnik SLV .................................................. Netopier stromový SWE ...................................... Mindre brunfladdermus TUR ............................................ Küçük Ağaç Yarasası UKR .................................................... Вечірниця мала WEL ........................................................ Ystlum Leisler

2* Nyctalus azoreum (THOMAS, 1901) ALB ................................................ Noktulë e Azoreve ARB .............................................. ARM ............................................ Ազորյան իրիկնաչղջիկ AZE ............................................ Azor axşam yarasası BLG ................................................ Азорски вечерник BLR .............................................. Вячэрніца азорская BOS ............................................ Azorski noćni šišmiš BRT ................................................ Nozigell an Azorez BSQ .......................................... Gau-saguzar azoretar CAT ............................................ Nòctul de les Azores CRO .................................................. Azorski večernjak CSL .................................................. Nóctulo de Azores CZE ...................................................... Netopýr azorský DAN ...................................................... Azorflagermus DUT ........................................ Azoren rosse vleermuis ENG ............................................ Azorean Noctule Bat EST .................................................. Assoori videvlane FIN .................................................. Azorienisolepakko FRE .............................................. Noctule des Açores FRI ........................................ Azoaren reade flearmûs GAL .............................................. Nóctulo das Azores GEO ...................................... აზორული მეღამურა GER ............................................ Azoren-Abendsegler GRE .................................. Νυκτοβάτης των Αζόρων HBR .............................................................. HUN .............................. Azori-szigeteki koraidenevér IRG ........................................................ Ialtóg Asórach ITA .............................................. Nottola delle Azzorre LAT .......................................... Azoru vakarsikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Azorinis nakviša LUX .................................... Azoren-Bëschfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Азорски вечерник MLT .............................................. Noktula ta' l-Azores MNE ...................................................... Azorski noćnik NOR .................................................... Asorflaggermus PER .... POL .................................................. Borowiec azorski PRT ............................................ Morcego dos Açores RHR ...................................... Sgolanotg da las Azoras

ROM ................................ Liliacul de amurg din Azore RUS ............................................ Вечерница азорская SBC .................................................... Азорски ноћник SBL ...................................................... Azorski noćnik SCG ........................................................ Ialtag Asorach SLO .................................................... Azorski mračnik SLV ........................................................ Raniak azorský SWE .................................................... Azorfladdermus TUR .................................... Azorlar Akşamcı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Вечірниця азорська WEL ........................................ Ystlum mawr yr Asores

2( Pipistrellus pipistrellus (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ............................................ Pipistrel i zakonshëm ARB ............................................ ARM ................................................ Թզուկ փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ...................................................... Cırtdan şəbpərə BLG .................................................. Кафяво прилепче BLR .................................................... Нетапыр-карлік BOS .............................................................. Mali šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Pipistrell voutin BSQ .................................................... Pipistrelo arrunt CAT ................................................ Pipistrel·la comuna CRO .................................................... Patuljasti šišmiš CSL .................................................. Murciélago enano CZE .................................................... Netopýr hvízdavý DAN ................................................ Pipistrelflagermus DUT .................................... Gewone dwergvleermuis ENG .............................................. Common Pipistrelle EST .................................................... Kääbus-nahkhiir FIN ........................................................ Vaivaislepakko FRE .............................................. Pipistrelle commune FRI .................................... Gewoane dwerchflearmûs GAL .................................................... Morcego común GEO .................................................... ჯუჯა ღამორი GER .................................................. Zwergfledermaus GRE ...................................................... Νανονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN .................................. Közönséges törpedenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .................................................... Ialtóg fheascrach ITA ........................................................ Pipistrello nano LAT .................................................... Pundursikspārnis LIT .............................................. Šikšniukas nykštukas LUX .............. Kleng Fliedermaus, Zwergfliedermaus MAC ............................................................ Мал лилјак MLT .................................................... Pipistrell Komuni MNE .................................................. Mali slijepi mišić NOR .................................................. Tusseflaggermus PER ........................................................ POL .......................................................... Karlik malutki PRT ........................................................ Morcego-anão RHR ........................................................ Pipistrel nanin ROM .......................................................... Liliacul pitic RUS ................................................ Нетопырь-карлик SBC .................................... Обични сл[иј]епи мишић SBL .............................................. Obični sl[ij]epi mišić SCG ................................................ Ialtag fheasgarach SLO ............................................................ Mali netopir SLV ................................................ Večernica hvízdavá SWE .......................................................... Sydpipistrell TUR ............................................................ Cüce Yarasa UKR .................................................... Нетопир карлик WEL .......................................... Ystlum-lleiaf cyffredin

3) Pipistrellus pygmaeus (LEACH, 1825) ALB ........................................................ Pipistrel xhuxh ARB .......................................................... ARM ................................................ Գաջաճ փոքրաչղջիկ AZE .......................................................... Kiçik şəbpərə BLG .................................... Малко кафяво прилепче BLR .................................................... Нетапыр-пігмей BOS .................................................... Patuljasti šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Pipistrell gorr BSQ ........................................ Pipistrelo mediterraneo CAT ...................................................... Pipistrel·la nana CRO .................................. Močvarni patuljasti šišmiš CSL ........................................ Murciélago de Cabrera CZE .................................................. Netopýr nejmenší


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .................................................. Dværgflagermus DUT ........................................ Kleine dwergvleermuis ENG ................................................ Soprano Pipistrelle EST .................................................... Pügmee-nahkhiir FIN ........................................................ Kääpiölepakko FRE .................................................. Pipistrelle pygmée FRI ............................................ Lytse dwerchflearmûs GAL ...................................................... Morcego anano GEO ................................................ პაწია ღამორი GER .............................................. Mückenfledermaus GRE .................................................... Μικρονυχτερίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN ........................................ Szoprán törpedenevér IRG .................................................. Ialtóg shopránach ITA ................ Pipistrello pigmeo, Pipistrello soprano LAT .................................................... Pigmejsikspārnis LIT .................................................. Šikšniukas mažylis LUX ................................................ Méckefliedermaus MAC ...................................................... Џуџест лилјак MLT ........................................................ Pipistrell Żgħir MNE .......................................... Patuljasti slijepi mišić NOR .................................................. Dvergflaggermus PER .............................. POL .......................................................... Karlik drobny PRT .................................................. Morcego-pigmeu RHR .................................................... Pipistrel pigmeic ROM ...................................................... Liliacul pigmeu RUS ................................ Нетопырь малый (пигмей) SBC .............................. Патуљасти сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ........................................ Patuljasti sl[ij]epi mišić SCG ................................................ Ialtag shoprànach SLO ........................................................ Drobni netopir SLV ................................................ Večernica Leachova SWE ...................................................... Dvärgpipistrell TUR .......................................... Akdeniz Cüce Yarasası UKR .................................................... Нетопир пігмей WEL ............................................ Ystlum-lleiaf soprano

3! Pipistrellus hanaki HULVA & BENDA, 2004 ALB ................................................ Pipistrel i Hanak-ut ARB .............................................. ARM .............................................. Հանակի փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Hanaki cırtdan şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Прилепче на Ханак BLR .................................................... Нетапыр Ганака BOS ...................................................... Hanakov šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Pipistrell Libia BSQ .................................................... Hanak pipistrelo CAT .............................................. Pipistrel·la de Hanak CRO .................................... Hanakov patuljasti šišmiš CSL ............................................ Murciélago de Hanak CZE .................................................... Netopýr Hanákův DAN ................................................ Hanaks flagermus DUT ...................................... Hanaks dwergvleermuis ENG ................................................ Hanak’s Pipistrelle EST ........................................................ Liibüa nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Libyanlepakko FRE ................................................ Pipistrelle de Libye FRI ........................................ Hanaks dwerchflearmûs GAL ................................................ Morcego de Hanak GEO ............................................ ჰანაკის ღამორი GER .................................... Hanaks Zwergfledermaus GRE .................................. Νανονυχτερίδα του Hanak HBR ............................................................ HUN ............................................ Hanák-törpedenevér IRI .............................................................. Ialtóg Hanak ITA ................................................ Pipistrello di Hanak LAT .................................................. Hanaka sikspārnis LIT .................................................. Hanako šikšniukas LUX .................................. Libesch Zwergfliedermaus MAC .................................................... Ханаков лилјак MLT ................................................ Pipistrell ta' Hanak MNE .......................... Libijski patuljasti slijepi mišić NOR .......................................... Kyrenaikaflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL .................................................... Karlik cyrenejski PRT ................................................ Morcego de Hanak RHR ................................................ Pipistrel da Hanak

ROM ...................................... Liliacul pitic a lui Hanak RUS .................................................. Нетопырь Ганака SBC ................................ Либијски сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ............................................ Libijski sl[ij]epi mišić SCG .......................................................... Ialtag Hanak SLO ............................................ Libijski drobni netopir SLV .............................................. večernica Hanákova SWE ........................................................ Kretapipistrell TUR ........................................ Hanak’ın Cüce Yarasası UKR .................................................... Нетопир Ганака WEL .............................................. Ystlum lleiaf Hanak

3@ Pipistrellus nathusii (KEYSERLING & BLASIUS, 1839)

ALB .............................................. Pipistrel i Nathusi-it ARB ........................................ ARM ........ Նատուզիուսի կամ անտառային փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ...................................................... Meşə şəbpərəsi BLG ............................................ Натузиево прилепче BLR ................ Нетапыр лясны, Нетапыр Натузіўса BOS .................................................... Natuzivev šišmiš BRT .............................................. Pipistrell Nathusius BSQ .............................................. Nathusius pipistrelo CAT ...................................... Pipistrel·la de Nathusius CRO ................................................ Mali šumski šišmiš CSL .................................... Murciélago de Nathusius CZE .................................................... Netopýr parkový DAN ...................................................... Troldflagermus DUT .......................................... Ruige dwergvleermuis ENG .................................. Nathusius’s Pipistrelle Bat EST ........................................................ Pargi-nahkhiir FIN ............................................................ Pikkulepakko FRE ........................................ Pipistrelle de Nathusius FRI ............................................ Rûge dwerchflearmûs GAL ........................................ Morcego de Nathusius GEO .. ტყის ღამორი, ნათუზიუსის ღამორი GER ............................................ Rauhhautfledermaus GRE .................................... Νυχτερίδα του Nathusius HBR ......................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .................................................... Ialtóg fheascrach ITA ........................................................ Pipistrello nano LAT .................................................... Pundursikspārnis LIT .............................................. Šikšniukas nykštukas LUX .............. Kleng Fliedermaus, Zwergfliedermaus MAC ............................................................ Мал лилјак MLT .................................................... Pipistrell Komuni MNE .................................................. Mali slijepi mišić NOR .................................................. Tusseflaggermus PER ........................................................ POL .......................................................... Karlik malutki PRT ........................................................ Morcego-anão RHR ........................................................ Pipistrel nanin ROM .......................................................... Liliacul pitic RUS ................................................ Нетопырь-карлик SBC .................................... Обични сл[иј]епи мишић SBL .............................................. Obični sl[ij]epi mišić SCG ................................................ Ialtag fheasgarach SLO ............................................................ Mali netopir SLV ................................................ Večernica hvízdavá SWE .......................................................... Sydpipistrell TUR ............................................................ Cüce Yarasa UKR .................................................... Нетопир карлик WEL .......................................... Ystlum-lleiaf cyffredin

3) Pipistrellus pygmaeus (LEACH, 1825) ALB ........................................................ Pipistrel xhuxh ARB .......................................................... ARM ................................................ Գաջաճ փոքրաչղջիկ AZE .......................................................... Kiçik şəbpərə BLG .................................... Малко кафяво прилепче BLR .................................................... Нетапыр-пігмей BOS .................................................... Patuljasti šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Pipistrell gorr BSQ ........................................ Pipistrelo mediterraneo CAT ...................................................... Pipistrel·la nana CRO .................................. Močvarni patuljasti šišmiš CSL ........................................ Murciélago de Cabrera CZE .................................................. Netopýr nejmenší


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .................................................. Dværgflagermus DUT ........................................ Kleine dwergvleermuis ENG ................................................ Soprano Pipistrelle EST .................................................... Pügmee-nahkhiir FIN ........................................................ Kääpiölepakko FRE .................................................. Pipistrelle pygmée FRI ............................................ Lytse dwerchflearmûs GAL ...................................................... Morcego anano GEO ................................................ პაწია ღამორი GER .............................................. Mückenfledermaus GRE .................................................... Μικρονυχτερίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN ........................................ Szoprán törpedenevér IRG .................................................. Ialtóg shopránach ITA ................ Pipistrello pigmeo, Pipistrello soprano LAT .................................................... Pigmejsikspārnis LIT .................................................. Šikšniukas mažylis LUX ................................................ Méckefliedermaus MAC ...................................................... Џуџест лилјак MLT ........................................................ Pipistrell Żgħir MNE .......................................... Patuljasti slijepi mišić NOR .................................................. Dvergflaggermus PER .............................. POL .......................................................... Karlik drobny PRT .................................................. Morcego-pigmeu RHR .................................................... Pipistrel pigmeic ROM ...................................................... Liliacul pigmeu RUS ................................ Нетопырь малый (пигмей) SBC .............................. Патуљасти сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ........................................ Patuljasti sl[ij]epi mišić SCG ................................................ Ialtag shoprànach SLO ........................................................ Drobni netopir SLV ................................................ Večernica Leachova SWE ...................................................... Dvärgpipistrell TUR .......................................... Akdeniz Cüce Yarasası UKR .................................................... Нетопир пігмей WEL ............................................ Ystlum-lleiaf soprano

3! Pipistrellus hanaki HULVA & BENDA, 2004 ALB ................................................ Pipistrel i Hanak-ut ARB .............................................. ARM .............................................. Հանակի փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ...................................... Hanaki cırtdan şəbpərəsi BLG .............................................. Прилепче на Ханак BLR .................................................... Нетапыр Ганака BOS ...................................................... Hanakov šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Pipistrell Libia BSQ .................................................... Hanak pipistrelo CAT .............................................. Pipistrel·la de Hanak CRO .................................... Hanakov patuljasti šišmiš CSL ............................................ Murciélago de Hanak CZE .................................................... Netopýr Hanákův DAN ................................................ Hanaks flagermus DUT ...................................... Hanaks dwergvleermuis ENG ................................................ Hanak’s Pipistrelle EST ........................................................ Liibüa nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Libyanlepakko FRE ................................................ Pipistrelle de Libye FRI ........................................ Hanaks dwerchflearmûs GAL ................................................ Morcego de Hanak GEO ............................................ ჰანაკის ღამორი GER .................................... Hanaks Zwergfledermaus GRE .................................. Νανονυχτερίδα του Hanak HBR ............................................................ HUN ............................................ Hanák-törpedenevér IRI .............................................................. Ialtóg Hanak ITA ................................................ Pipistrello di Hanak LAT .................................................. Hanaka sikspārnis LIT .................................................. Hanako šikšniukas LUX .................................. Libesch Zwergfliedermaus MAC .................................................... Ханаков лилјак MLT ................................................ Pipistrell ta' Hanak MNE .......................... Libijski patuljasti slijepi mišić NOR .......................................... Kyrenaikaflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL .................................................... Karlik cyrenejski PRT ................................................ Morcego de Hanak RHR ................................................ Pipistrel da Hanak

ROM ...................................... Liliacul pitic a lui Hanak RUS .................................................. Нетопырь Ганака SBC ................................ Либијски сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ............................................ Libijski sl[ij]epi mišić SCG .......................................................... Ialtag Hanak SLO ............................................ Libijski drobni netopir SLV .............................................. večernica Hanákova SWE ........................................................ Kretapipistrell TUR ........................................ Hanak’ın Cüce Yarasası UKR .................................................... Нетопир Ганака WEL .............................................. Ystlum lleiaf Hanak

3@ Pipistrellus nathusii (KEYSERLING & BLASIUS, 1839)

ALB .............................................. Pipistrel i Nathusi-it ARB ........................................ ARM ........ Նատուզիուսի կամ անտառային փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ...................................................... Meşə şəbpərəsi BLG ............................................ Натузиево прилепче BLR ................ Нетапыр лясны, Нетапыр Натузіўса BOS .................................................... Natuzivev šišmiš BRT .............................................. Pipistrell Nathusius BSQ .............................................. Nathusius pipistrelo CAT ...................................... Pipistrel·la de Nathusius CRO ................................................ Mali šumski šišmiš CSL .................................... Murciélago de Nathusius CZE .................................................... Netopýr parkový DAN ...................................................... Troldflagermus DUT .......................................... Ruige dwergvleermuis ENG .................................. Nathusius’s Pipistrelle Bat EST ........................................................ Pargi-nahkhiir FIN ............................................................ Pikkulepakko FRE ........................................ Pipistrelle de Nathusius FRI ............................................ Rûge dwerchflearmûs GAL ........................................ Morcego de Nathusius GEO .. ტყის ღამორი, ნათუზიუსის ღამორი GER ............................................ Rauhhautfledermaus GRE .................................... Νυχτερίδα του Nathusius HBR ......................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN .............................. Durvavitorlájú törpedenevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg Natúisias ITA .......................................... Pipistrello di Nathusius LAT .................................................. Natūza sikspārnis LIT .............................................. Natuzijaus šikšniukas LUX .............................................. Rauhautfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Натусиев лилјак MLT .......................................... Pipistrell ta' Nathusius MNE ...................................... Nathuzijev slijepi mišić NOR ...................................................... Trollflaggermus PER ...................................................... POL ........................................................ Karlik większy PRT ........................................ Morcego de Nathusius RHR .......................................... Pipistrel da Nathusius ROM .............................. Liliacul pitic al lui Nathusius RUS ........ Нетопырь Натузиуса, Нетопырь лесной SBC .................................. Шумски сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ............................................ Šumski sl[ij]epi mišić SCG ...................................................... Ialtag Natuisias SLO .................................................. Nathusijev netopir SLV .................................................. Večernica parková SWE .......................................................... Trollpipistrell TUR .................................................... Sertderili Yarasa UKR .................................................. Нетопир лісовий WEL ........................................ Ystlum lleiaf Nathusius

3# Pipistrellus kuhlii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................................... Pipistrel i Kuhl-it ARB ............................................ ARM ............................ Միջերկրածովային փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ........................................................ Küli şəbpərəsi BLG .......................... Средиземноморско прилепче BLR ...... Нетапыр міжземнаморскі, Нетапыр Куля BOS ........................................................ Kulijev šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Pipistrell Kuhl BSQ ........................................................ Kuhl pipistrelo CAT .................................. Pipistrel·la de vores clares CRO ...................................................... Bjelorubi šišmiš CSL .................................. Murciélago de borde claro


Common Names of European Bats

CZE ............................................................ Netopýr jižní DAN .................................................... Kuhls flagermus DUT .......................................... Kuhls dwergvleermuis ENG ............................................ Kuhl’s Pipistrelle Bat EST ................................................ Vahemere nahkhiir FIN .................................................. Kapearäpyläpiippa FRE .................................................. Pipistrelle de Kuhl FRI ...................................... Wytrâne dwerchflearmûs GAL ...................................... Morcego de borde claro GEO .... ხმელთაშუაზღვიური ღამორი, კულის ღამორი GER ............................................ Weißrandfledermaus GRE .................................................... Λευκονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................ HUN .................................... Fehérszélű törpedenevér IRG ................................................................ Ialtóg Kuhl ITA ............................................ Pipistrello albolimbato LAT ........................................................ Kūla sikspārnis LIT ........................................................ Kulio šikšniukas LUX .......................................... Wäissbordfliedermaus MAC ................................................ Белорабен лилјак MLT .................................................... Pipistrell ta' Kuhl MNE ........................................ Bijelorubi slijepi mišić NOR .............................................. Hvitrandflaggermus PER ........................................................ POL .................................... Karlik średni, Karlik Kuhla PRT .................................................... Morcego de Kuhl RHR .................................................... Pipistrel da Kuhl ROM ........................................ Liliacul pitic al lui Kuhl RUS ........................ Нетопырь средиземноморский SBC .................................. Б[ј]елоруби слепи мишић SBL ............................................ B[j]elorubi slepi mišić SCG .............................................................. Ialtag Kuhl SLO ...................................................... Belorobi netopir SLV ...................................................... Večernica južná SWE ........................................................ Parkpipistrell TUR ................................................ Beyazşeritli Yarasa UKR ............................................ Нетопир білосмугий WEL .................................................. Ystlum lleiaf Kuhl

3$ Pipistrellus maderensis (DOBSON, 1878) ALB .............................................. Pipistreli i Madeiras ARB .......................................... ARM ...................................... Մադեյրական փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ........................ Maderiya və ya Kanar şəbpərəsi BLG .......................................... Мадейрско прилепче BLR ................................................ Нетапыр мадэрскі BOS .................................................... Madeirski šišmiš BRT .................................................. Pipistrell Madeira BSQ ................................................ Pipistrelo madeirar CAT .......................................... Pipistrel·la de Madeira CRO .......................................... Madeirski mali šišmiš CSL ........................................ Murciélago de Madeira CZE .......................................... Netopýr makaronéský DAN ................................................ Madeiraflagermus DUT .................................... Madeira dwergvleermuis ENG ...................................... Madeiran Pipistrelle Bat EST .................................................... Madeira nahkhiir FIN ...................................................... Madeiranpiippa FRE ............................................ Pipistrelle de Madère FRI ...................................... Madeira dwerchflearmûs GAL ............................................ Morcego de Madeira GEO ........................................ მადეირული ღამორი GER ............................................ Madeira-Fledermaus GRE .................................. Νυχτερίδας της Μαδέρας HBR ............................................................ HUN ........................................ Madeirai törpedenevér IRG ................................................ Ialtóg Mhaidéarach ITA ............................................ Pipistrello di Madeira LAT .............................................. Madeiras sikspārnis LIT ............................................ Madeirinis šikšniukas LUX ................................ Madeira-Zwergfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Медеирски лилјак MLT ............................................ Pipistrell ta' Madejra MNE ...................................... Slijepi mišić sa Madeire NOR .............................................. Madeiraflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ...................................................... Karlik maderski PRT ............................................ Morcego da Madeira RHR .............................................. Pipistrel da Madeira

ROM .................................... Liliacul pitic din Madeira RUS ........................................ Нетопырь мадейрский SBC .............................. Атлантски сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ........................................ Atlantski sl[ij]epi mišić SCG .............................................. Ialtag Mhaideurach SLO .......................................... Madeirski mali netopir SLV .............................................. Večernica madeirská SWE .................................................. Madeirapipistrell TUR ........................................ Maderia Cüce Yarasası UKR ........................................ Нетопир мадейрський WEL ............................................ Ystlum lleiaf Madeira

3% Hypsugo savii (BONAPARTE, 1837) ALB .................................................... Pipistrel i Savi-it ARB .............................................................. ARM ...................................... Մաշեղանման փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ........................................................ Savi şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Савиево прилепче BLR .......................................................... Нетапыр Саві BOS ........................................................ Savijev šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Gousper Savi BSQ .......................................................... Savi saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat muntanyenc CRO .................................................... Primorski šišmiš CSL .......................................... Murciélago montañero CZE ........................................................ Netopýr saviův DAN .................................................... Savis flagermus DUT .......................................... Savi’s dwergvleermuis ENG ............................................ Savi’s Pipistrelle Bat EST ............................................................ Alpi nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Vuoristopiippa FRE ...................................................... Vespère de Savi FRI ................................................ Lytse Alpenflearmûs GAL ............................................ Morcego montañeiro GEO .................................................. სავის ღამორი GER ........................................ Alpenzwergfledermaus GRE .................................................... Βουνονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN ...................................................... Alpesi denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN .............................. Durvavitorlájú törpedenevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg Natúisias ITA .......................................... Pipistrello di Nathusius LAT .................................................. Natūza sikspārnis LIT .............................................. Natuzijaus šikšniukas LUX .............................................. Rauhautfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Натусиев лилјак MLT .......................................... Pipistrell ta' Nathusius MNE ...................................... Nathuzijev slijepi mišić NOR ...................................................... Trollflaggermus PER ...................................................... POL ........................................................ Karlik większy PRT ........................................ Morcego de Nathusius RHR .......................................... Pipistrel da Nathusius ROM .............................. Liliacul pitic al lui Nathusius RUS ........ Нетопырь Натузиуса, Нетопырь лесной SBC .................................. Шумски сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ............................................ Šumski sl[ij]epi mišić SCG ...................................................... Ialtag Natuisias SLO .................................................. Nathusijev netopir SLV .................................................. Večernica parková SWE .......................................................... Trollpipistrell TUR .................................................... Sertderili Yarasa UKR .................................................. Нетопир лісовий WEL ........................................ Ystlum lleiaf Nathusius

3# Pipistrellus kuhlii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................................... Pipistrel i Kuhl-it ARB ............................................ ARM ............................ Միջերկրածովային փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ........................................................ Küli şəbpərəsi BLG .......................... Средиземноморско прилепче BLR ...... Нетапыр міжземнаморскі, Нетапыр Куля BOS ........................................................ Kulijev šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Pipistrell Kuhl BSQ ........................................................ Kuhl pipistrelo CAT .................................. Pipistrel·la de vores clares CRO ...................................................... Bjelorubi šišmiš CSL .................................. Murciélago de borde claro


Common Names of European Bats

CZE ............................................................ Netopýr jižní DAN .................................................... Kuhls flagermus DUT .......................................... Kuhls dwergvleermuis ENG ............................................ Kuhl’s Pipistrelle Bat EST ................................................ Vahemere nahkhiir FIN .................................................. Kapearäpyläpiippa FRE .................................................. Pipistrelle de Kuhl FRI ...................................... Wytrâne dwerchflearmûs GAL ...................................... Morcego de borde claro GEO .... ხმელთაშუაზღვიური ღამორი, კულის ღამორი GER ............................................ Weißrandfledermaus GRE .................................................... Λευκονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................ HUN .................................... Fehérszélű törpedenevér IRG ................................................................ Ialtóg Kuhl ITA ............................................ Pipistrello albolimbato LAT ........................................................ Kūla sikspārnis LIT ........................................................ Kulio šikšniukas LUX .......................................... Wäissbordfliedermaus MAC ................................................ Белорабен лилјак MLT .................................................... Pipistrell ta' Kuhl MNE ........................................ Bijelorubi slijepi mišić NOR .............................................. Hvitrandflaggermus PER ........................................................ POL .................................... Karlik średni, Karlik Kuhla PRT .................................................... Morcego de Kuhl RHR .................................................... Pipistrel da Kuhl ROM ........................................ Liliacul pitic al lui Kuhl RUS ........................ Нетопырь средиземноморский SBC .................................. Б[ј]елоруби слепи мишић SBL ............................................ B[j]elorubi slepi mišić SCG .............................................................. Ialtag Kuhl SLO ...................................................... Belorobi netopir SLV ...................................................... Večernica južná SWE ........................................................ Parkpipistrell TUR ................................................ Beyazşeritli Yarasa UKR ............................................ Нетопир білосмугий WEL .................................................. Ystlum lleiaf Kuhl

3$ Pipistrellus maderensis (DOBSON, 1878) ALB .............................................. Pipistreli i Madeiras ARB .......................................... ARM ...................................... Մադեյրական փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ........................ Maderiya və ya Kanar şəbpərəsi BLG .......................................... Мадейрско прилепче BLR ................................................ Нетапыр мадэрскі BOS .................................................... Madeirski šišmiš BRT .................................................. Pipistrell Madeira BSQ ................................................ Pipistrelo madeirar CAT .......................................... Pipistrel·la de Madeira CRO .......................................... Madeirski mali šišmiš CSL ........................................ Murciélago de Madeira CZE .......................................... Netopýr makaronéský DAN ................................................ Madeiraflagermus DUT .................................... Madeira dwergvleermuis ENG ...................................... Madeiran Pipistrelle Bat EST .................................................... Madeira nahkhiir FIN ...................................................... Madeiranpiippa FRE ............................................ Pipistrelle de Madère FRI ...................................... Madeira dwerchflearmûs GAL ............................................ Morcego de Madeira GEO ........................................ მადეირული ღამორი GER ............................................ Madeira-Fledermaus GRE .................................. Νυχτερίδας της Μαδέρας HBR ............................................................ HUN ........................................ Madeirai törpedenevér IRG ................................................ Ialtóg Mhaidéarach ITA ............................................ Pipistrello di Madeira LAT .............................................. Madeiras sikspārnis LIT ............................................ Madeirinis šikšniukas LUX ................................ Madeira-Zwergfliedermaus MAC .............................................. Медеирски лилјак MLT ............................................ Pipistrell ta' Madejra MNE ...................................... Slijepi mišić sa Madeire NOR .............................................. Madeiraflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ...................................................... Karlik maderski PRT ............................................ Morcego da Madeira RHR .............................................. Pipistrel da Madeira

ROM .................................... Liliacul pitic din Madeira RUS ........................................ Нетопырь мадейрский SBC .............................. Атлантски сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ........................................ Atlantski sl[ij]epi mišić SCG .............................................. Ialtag Mhaideurach SLO .......................................... Madeirski mali netopir SLV .............................................. Večernica madeirská SWE .................................................. Madeirapipistrell TUR ........................................ Maderia Cüce Yarasası UKR ........................................ Нетопир мадейрський WEL ............................................ Ystlum lleiaf Madeira

3% Hypsugo savii (BONAPARTE, 1837) ALB .................................................... Pipistrel i Savi-it ARB .............................................................. ARM ...................................... Մաշեղանման փոքրաչղջիկ AZE ........................................................ Savi şəbpərəsi BLG ................................................ Савиево прилепче BLR .......................................................... Нетапыр Саві BOS ........................................................ Savijev šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Gousper Savi BSQ .......................................................... Savi saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat muntanyenc CRO .................................................... Primorski šišmiš CSL .......................................... Murciélago montañero CZE ........................................................ Netopýr saviův DAN .................................................... Savis flagermus DUT .......................................... Savi’s dwergvleermuis ENG ............................................ Savi’s Pipistrelle Bat EST ............................................................ Alpi nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Vuoristopiippa FRE ...................................................... Vespère de Savi FRI ................................................ Lytse Alpenflearmûs GAL ............................................ Morcego montañeiro GEO .................................................. სავის ღამორი GER ........................................ Alpenzwergfledermaus GRE .................................................... Βουνονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................... HUN ...................................................... Alpesi denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ................................................................ Ialtóg Savi ITA .................................................... Pipistrello di Savi LAT ........................................................ Sāvi sikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Savio šikšniukas LUX ................................................ Alpen-Fliedermaus MAC ...................................................... Савиев лилјак MLT .................................................... Pipistrell ta' Savi MNE .............................................. Savijev slijepi mišić NOR .................................................. Klippeflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL .............................................. Pzymroczek Saviego PRT .................................................. Morcego de Savii RHR .................................................... Pipistrel da Savi ROM ...................................................... Liliacul lui Savi RUS .................................. Нетопырь кожановидный SBC .............................. Дугодлаки сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ...................................... Dugodlaki sl[ij]epi mišić SCG .............................................................. Ialtag Savi SLO ........................................................ Savijev netopir SLV .................................................... Večernica Saviho SWE ...................................................... Alpfladdermus TUR .......................................... Savi’nin Cüce Yarasası UKR .................................... Нетопир скельний (Саві) WEL .................................................. Ystlum lleiaf Savi

3^ Vespertilio murinus LINNAEUS, 1758 ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate dyngjyrësh ARB ................................................ ARM .................................................... Երկգույն մաշկեղ AZE ...................................................... İkirəng gönlücə BLG ................................................ Двуцветен прилеп BLR .......................................... Кажан двухкаляровы BOS ...................................................... Dvobojni šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Serotin daouliv BSQ .............................................. Saguzar kolore biko CAT .................................................. Ratpenat argentat CRO ...................................................... Dvobojni šišmiš CSL ................................................ Murciélago bicolor CZE ........................................................ Netopýr pestrý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ................................................ Skimmelflagermus DUT ........................................ Tweekleurige vleermuis ENG ................................................ Parti-coloured Bat EST ........................................................ Hõbe-nahkhiir FIN ............................................................ Kimolepakko FRE .................................................... Sérotine bicolore FRI .............................................. Twakleurige flearmûs GAL ...................................... Morcego de dúas cores GEO .................................. ჩვეულებრივი ღამურა GER .............................................. Zweifarbfledermaus GRE .............................................. Παρδαλονυχτερίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN .............................................. Fehértorkú denevér IRG .................................................... Ialtóg liathdhonn ITA .................................................... Serotino bicolore LAT ........................................ Divkrāsainais sikspārnis LIT .................................................. Dvispalvis plikšnys LUX .................................. Zweefaarweg Fliedermaus MAC .............................................. Шарен полноќник MLT ........................................................ Gażża tal-Lejl MNE .............................................. Dvobojni večernjak NOR .............................................. Skimmelflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ............................................ Mroczek posrebrzany PRT ................................................ Morcego-prateado RHR .................................................... Serotin d'argient ROM ...................................................... Liliacul bicolor RUS ............................................ Кожан двухцветный SBC .............................. Обични прос[иј]еди ноћник SBL ...................................... Obični pros[ij]edi noćnik SCG .................................................. Ialtag liath-dhonn SLO .................................................. Dvobarvni netopir SLV ...................................................... Večernica tmavá SWE ........................................ Gråskimlig fladdermus TUR .................................................... Çiftrenkli Yarasa UKR .............................................. Лилик двоколірний WEL .......................................................... Ystlum deuliv

3& Eptesicus serotinus (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB .......................................... Serotinë e zakonshme ARB ................................................................ ARM .................................................. ՈՒշաթռիչք մաշկեղ AZE ........................................................ Dag gönlücəsi BLG .............................................. Полунощен прилеп BLR ............................................................ Кажан позні BOS .................................................. Veliki kasni šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Serotin boutin BSQ .................................................... Baratze-saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat dels graners CRO ........................................................ Kasni noćnjak CSL ............................................ Murciélago hortelano CZE ...................................................... Netopýr večerní DAN ........................................................ Sydflagermus DUT .............................................................. Laatvlieger ENG .......................................................... Serotine Bat EST .......................................................... Hilis-nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Etelänlepakko FRE ................................................ Sérotine commune FRI .......................................................... Lette flearmûs GAL .............................................. Morcego das hortas GEO .......................... ჩვეულებრივი მეგვიანე GER .......................................... Breitflügelfledermaus GRE .................................................... Τρανονυχτερίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN .................................. Közönséges késeidenevér IRG ................................................ Ialtóg mhóreiteach ITA .................................................. Serotino commune LAT ............................................ Platspārnu sikspārnis LIT .................................................... Vėlyvasis šikšnys LUX ........................................ Breetflillekefliedermaus MAC .................................. Ширококрилен северник MLT .................................................................... Serotin MNE .................................................... Kasni slijepi miš NOR ...................................................... Sørflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL ...................................................... Mroczek późny PRT .................................... Morcego-hortelão-escuro RHR .............................................. Serotin da l'ala lada

ROM .............................................. Liliacul cu aripi late RUS .................................................... Кожан поздний SBC ................................................ Обични поноћњак SBL .................................................. Obični ponoćnjak SCG ................................................ Ialtag mhòr-iteach SLO .......................................................... Pozni netopir SLV .................................................. Večernica pozdná SWE ...................................................... Sydfladdermus TUR .............................................. Genişkanatlı Yarasa UKR .......................................... Лилик (Пергач) пізній WEL .............................................. Ystlum adain-lydan

3* Eptesicus nilssonii (KEYSERLING & BLASIUS, 1839)

ALB ................................................ Serotinë e Nilson-it ARB .................................................. ARM .......................... Նիլսոնի կան հյուսիսային մաշկեղ AZE ...................................................... Şimal gönlücəsi BLG ................................................ Северен вечерник BLR .................................................... Кажан паўночны BOS ...................................................... Sjeverni šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Serotin Nilsson BSQ .............................................. Iparraldeko saguzar CAT .............................. Ratpenat dels graners nòrdic CRO .................................................... Sjeverni noćnjak CSL ............................ Murciélago hortelano norteño CZE ...................................................... Netopýr severní DAN ...................................................... Nordflagermus DUT ................................................ Noordse vleermuis ENG .......................................................... Northern Bat EST ........................................................ Põhja-nahkhiir FIN ........................................................ Pohjanlepakko FRE ................................................ Sérotine de Nilsson FRI .................................................. Noardske flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego das hortas norteño GEO ................................ ჩრდილოური მეგვიანე GER .................................................... Nordfledermaus GRE ................................ Τρανονυχτερίδα του βορρά HBR ............................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ................................................................ Ialtóg Savi ITA .................................................... Pipistrello di Savi LAT ........................................................ Sāvi sikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Savio šikšniukas LUX ................................................ Alpen-Fliedermaus MAC ...................................................... Савиев лилјак MLT .................................................... Pipistrell ta' Savi MNE .............................................. Savijev slijepi mišić NOR .................................................. Klippeflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL .............................................. Pzymroczek Saviego PRT .................................................. Morcego de Savii RHR .................................................... Pipistrel da Savi ROM ...................................................... Liliacul lui Savi RUS .................................. Нетопырь кожановидный SBC .............................. Дугодлаки сл[иј]епи мишић SBL ...................................... Dugodlaki sl[ij]epi mišić SCG .............................................................. Ialtag Savi SLO ........................................................ Savijev netopir SLV .................................................... Večernica Saviho SWE ...................................................... Alpfladdermus TUR .......................................... Savi’nin Cüce Yarasası UKR .................................... Нетопир скельний (Саві) WEL .................................................. Ystlum lleiaf Savi

3^ Vespertilio murinus LINNAEUS, 1758 ALB ...................................... Lakuriq nate dyngjyrësh ARB ................................................ ARM .................................................... Երկգույն մաշկեղ AZE ...................................................... İkirəng gönlücə BLG ................................................ Двуцветен прилеп BLR .......................................... Кажан двухкаляровы BOS ...................................................... Dvobojni šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Serotin daouliv BSQ .............................................. Saguzar kolore biko CAT .................................................. Ratpenat argentat CRO ...................................................... Dvobojni šišmiš CSL ................................................ Murciélago bicolor CZE ........................................................ Netopýr pestrý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ................................................ Skimmelflagermus DUT ........................................ Tweekleurige vleermuis ENG ................................................ Parti-coloured Bat EST ........................................................ Hõbe-nahkhiir FIN ............................................................ Kimolepakko FRE .................................................... Sérotine bicolore FRI .............................................. Twakleurige flearmûs GAL ...................................... Morcego de dúas cores GEO .................................. ჩვეულებრივი ღამურა GER .............................................. Zweifarbfledermaus GRE .............................................. Παρδαλονυχτερίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN .............................................. Fehértorkú denevér IRG .................................................... Ialtóg liathdhonn ITA .................................................... Serotino bicolore LAT ........................................ Divkrāsainais sikspārnis LIT .................................................. Dvispalvis plikšnys LUX .................................. Zweefaarweg Fliedermaus MAC .............................................. Шарен полноќник MLT ........................................................ Gażża tal-Lejl MNE .............................................. Dvobojni večernjak NOR .............................................. Skimmelflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ............................................ Mroczek posrebrzany PRT ................................................ Morcego-prateado RHR .................................................... Serotin d'argient ROM ...................................................... Liliacul bicolor RUS ............................................ Кожан двухцветный SBC .............................. Обични прос[иј]еди ноћник SBL ...................................... Obični pros[ij]edi noćnik SCG .................................................. Ialtag liath-dhonn SLO .................................................. Dvobarvni netopir SLV ...................................................... Večernica tmavá SWE ........................................ Gråskimlig fladdermus TUR .................................................... Çiftrenkli Yarasa UKR .............................................. Лилик двоколірний WEL .......................................................... Ystlum deuliv

3& Eptesicus serotinus (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB .......................................... Serotinë e zakonshme ARB ................................................................ ARM .................................................. ՈՒշաթռիչք մաշկեղ AZE ........................................................ Dag gönlücəsi BLG .............................................. Полунощен прилеп BLR ............................................................ Кажан позні BOS .................................................. Veliki kasni šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Serotin boutin BSQ .................................................... Baratze-saguzar CAT .......................................... Ratpenat dels graners CRO ........................................................ Kasni noćnjak CSL ............................................ Murciélago hortelano CZE ...................................................... Netopýr večerní DAN ........................................................ Sydflagermus DUT .............................................................. Laatvlieger ENG .......................................................... Serotine Bat EST .......................................................... Hilis-nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Etelänlepakko FRE ................................................ Sérotine commune FRI .......................................................... Lette flearmûs GAL .............................................. Morcego das hortas GEO .......................... ჩვეულებრივი მეგვიანე GER .......................................... Breitflügelfledermaus GRE .................................................... Τρανονυχτερίδα HBR .............................................................. HUN .................................. Közönséges késeidenevér IRG ................................................ Ialtóg mhóreiteach ITA .................................................. Serotino commune LAT ............................................ Platspārnu sikspārnis LIT .................................................... Vėlyvasis šikšnys LUX ........................................ Breetflillekefliedermaus MAC .................................. Ширококрилен северник MLT .................................................................... Serotin MNE .................................................... Kasni slijepi miš NOR ...................................................... Sørflaggermus PER .......................................................... POL ...................................................... Mroczek późny PRT .................................... Morcego-hortelão-escuro RHR .............................................. Serotin da l'ala lada

ROM .............................................. Liliacul cu aripi late RUS .................................................... Кожан поздний SBC ................................................ Обични поноћњак SBL .................................................. Obični ponoćnjak SCG ................................................ Ialtag mhòr-iteach SLO .......................................................... Pozni netopir SLV .................................................. Večernica pozdná SWE ...................................................... Sydfladdermus TUR .............................................. Genişkanatlı Yarasa UKR .......................................... Лилик (Пергач) пізній WEL .............................................. Ystlum adain-lydan

3* Eptesicus nilssonii (KEYSERLING & BLASIUS, 1839)

ALB ................................................ Serotinë e Nilson-it ARB .................................................. ARM .......................... Նիլսոնի կան հյուսիսային մաշկեղ AZE ...................................................... Şimal gönlücəsi BLG ................................................ Северен вечерник BLR .................................................... Кажан паўночны BOS ...................................................... Sjeverni šišmiš BRT ...................................................... Serotin Nilsson BSQ .............................................. Iparraldeko saguzar CAT .............................. Ratpenat dels graners nòrdic CRO .................................................... Sjeverni noćnjak CSL ............................ Murciélago hortelano norteño CZE ...................................................... Netopýr severní DAN ...................................................... Nordflagermus DUT ................................................ Noordse vleermuis ENG .......................................................... Northern Bat EST ........................................................ Põhja-nahkhiir FIN ........................................................ Pohjanlepakko FRE ................................................ Sérotine de Nilsson FRI .................................................. Noardske flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego das hortas norteño GEO ................................ ჩრდილოური მეგვიანე GER .................................................... Nordfledermaus GRE ................................ Τρανονυχτερίδα του βορρά HBR ............................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN ............................................ Északi késeidenevér IRG ............................................ Ialtóg thuaisceartach ITA .................................................. Serotino di Nilsson LAT ................................................ Ziemeļu sikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Šiaurinis šikšnys LUX .................................................... Nordfliedermaus MAC ................................................ Обичен северник MLT ........................................ Serotin tal-Pil Mraqqa' MNE ................................................ Śeverni slijepi miš NOR .................................................... Nordflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ................................................ Mroczek pozłocisty PRT .................................. Morcego-hortelão-nórdico RHR .......................................................... Serotin d'aur ROM ........................................................ Liliacul nordic RUS .............................................. Кожанок северный SBC .......................................... С[ј]еверни поноћњак SBL .............................................. S[j]everni ponoćnjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag thuathach SLV ................................................ Večernica severská SLO ...................................................... Severni netopir SWE .................................................... Nordfladdermus TUR ................................ Kuzey Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .................................. Лилик (Пергач) північний WEL ............................ Ystlum adain-lydan y gogledd

3( Eptesicus isabellinus (TEMMINCK, 1840) ALB .................................................. Serotinë Isabeline ARB .................................................. ARM ................................................ Իզաբելլայի մաշկեղ AZE ........................................................ İzabel gönlücə BLG ............................................ Изабелинов прилеп BLR .................................................... Кажан ізабэлавы BOS ........................................................ Izabelin šišmiš BRT .............................................. Serotin melenwenn BSQ .................................. Baratze-saguzar isabeldar CAT ...................... Ratpenat dels graners meridional CRO .................................................... Izabelin noćnjak CSL ................................ Murciélago hortelano pardo


Common Names of European Bats

CZE ............................................ Netopýr tripolitánský DAN .......................................... Isabellasydflagermus DUT ...................................................... Isabelvleermuis ENG ........................................ Isabelline Serotine Bat EST ...................................................... Ibeeria nahkhiir FIN .............................................. Vaaleaetelänlepakko FRE .................................................... Sérotine isabelle FRI .................................. Isabelkleurde lette flearmûs GAL .......................... Morcego das hortas meridional GEO ................................................ ტყის მეგვიანე GER .................................................. Isabellfledermaus GRE .......................................... Ωχρή τρανονυχτερίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................... Izabella-késeidenevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg isibéalach ITA .................................................. Serotino isabellino LAT ................................................ Izabellas sikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Izabelos šikšnys LUX ................................................ Isabel-Fliedermaus MAC .................................................. Изабелов лилјак MLT ...................................... Serotin tas-Sider Pallidu MNE .............................................. Kraljičin slijepi miš NOR .............................................. Isabellaflaggermus PER ................................................ POL .................................................. Mroczek pustynny PRT ...................................... Morcego-hortelão-claro RHR .................................................... Serotin isabellin ROM .................... Liliacul cu aripi late mediteranean RUS ............................................ Кожан изабелловый SBC .......................................... Магребски поноћњак SBL ............................................ Magrebski ponoćnjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag isibealach SLO ...................................................... Kraljičin poznik SLV .......................................... večernica tripolitánska SWE ................................................ Isabellfladdermus TUR ................................ İzabel Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Лилик ізабеліновий WEL ............................ Ystlum adain-lydan llwydfelyn

4) Eptesicus anatolicus FELTEN, 1971 ALB .............................................. Serotinë e Anadollit ARB ........................................................ ARM ............................................ Անատոլիական մաշկեղ AZE ................................................ Anadolu gönlücəsi BLG ........................................ Малоазиатски прилеп BLR ................................................ Кажан анаталійскі BOS .................................................... Anadolski šišmiš BRT .................................................... Serotin Anatolia BSQ .................................................. Serotino anatoliar CAT .............................. Ratpenat dels graners anatoli CRO .................................................. Anatolski noćnjak CSL .......................... Murciélago hortelano anatólico CZE .................................................. Netopýr anatolský DAN ........................................ Anatolsk sydflagermus DUT ........................................ Anatolische laatvlieger ENG ........................................ Anatolian Serotine Bat EST .................................................. Anatoolia nahkhiir FIN .................................................... Anatolianserotiini FRE ................................................ Sérotine d’Anatolie FRI .................................... Anatoalyske lette flearmûs GAL ........................ Morcego das hortas da Anatolia GEO ................................ ანატოლიური მეგვიანე GER .................................................. Küstenfledermaus GRE ........................ Τρανονυχτεριδα της Ανατολίας HBR .......................................................... HUN ........................................ Anatóliai késeidenevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg Anatólach ITA ...................................... Serotino turco (orientale) LAT .............................................. Anatolijas sikspārnis LIT .................................................... Anatolinis šikšnys LUX .................................................. Küstefliedermaus MAC .............................................. Анатолиски лилјак MLT ...................................... Serotin ta' l-Asja Minuri MNE .................................. Srednje istočni slijepi miš NOR .................................................. Anatolflaggermus PER .................. POL ................................................ Mroczek anatolijski PRT ............................ Morcego-hortelão da Anatólia RHR .............................................. Serotin da l'Anatolia

ROM ...................... Liliacul cu aripi late din Anatolia RUS .......................................... Кожан анатолийский SBC .......................................... Левантски поноћњак SBL .............................................. Levantski ponoćnjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag Anatolach SLO .......................................... Srednjevzhodni poznik SLV ................................................ večernica anatólska SWE .......................................... Anatolisk fladdermus TUR ............................ Anadolu Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .......................................... Лилик анатолійський WEL .............................. Ystlum adain-lydan Anatolia

4! Eptesicus bottae (PETERS, 1869) ALB .................................................. Serotinë e Botta’s ARB ...................................................... ARM ............................................ Անապատային մաշկեղ AZE ...................................................... Səhra gönlücəsi BLG ................................ Полунощен прилеп на Бот BLR .............................................................. Кажан Бота BOS ............................................................ Botin šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Serotin Botta BSQ ........................................................ Botta serotino CAT .......................... Ratpenat dels graners de Botta CRO ........................................................ Bottin noćnjak CSL ............................ Murciélago hortelano de Botta CZE ...................................................... Netopýr Bottův DAN ............................................ Bottas sydflagermus DUT .................................................. Botta’s vleermuis ENG .............................................. Botta’s Serotine Bat EST ........................................................ Kõrbe-nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Turkinserotiini FRE .................................................... Sérotine de Botta FRI .............................................. Botta's lette flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego das hortas de Botta GEO ........................................ უდაბნოს მეგვიანე GER ................................................ Bottas Fledermaus GRE .................................. Ασιατική τρανονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................................ HUN .............................................. Botta-késeidenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN ............................................ Északi késeidenevér IRG ............................................ Ialtóg thuaisceartach ITA .................................................. Serotino di Nilsson LAT ................................................ Ziemeļu sikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Šiaurinis šikšnys LUX .................................................... Nordfliedermaus MAC ................................................ Обичен северник MLT ........................................ Serotin tal-Pil Mraqqa' MNE ................................................ Śeverni slijepi miš NOR .................................................... Nordflaggermus PER ............................................................ POL ................................................ Mroczek pozłocisty PRT .................................. Morcego-hortelão-nórdico RHR .......................................................... Serotin d'aur ROM ........................................................ Liliacul nordic RUS .............................................. Кожанок северный SBC .......................................... С[ј]еверни поноћњак SBL .............................................. S[j]everni ponoćnjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag thuathach SLV ................................................ Večernica severská SLO ...................................................... Severni netopir SWE .................................................... Nordfladdermus TUR ................................ Kuzey Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .................................. Лилик (Пергач) північний WEL ............................ Ystlum adain-lydan y gogledd

3( Eptesicus isabellinus (TEMMINCK, 1840) ALB .................................................. Serotinë Isabeline ARB .................................................. ARM ................................................ Իզաբելլայի մաշկեղ AZE ........................................................ İzabel gönlücə BLG ............................................ Изабелинов прилеп BLR .................................................... Кажан ізабэлавы BOS ........................................................ Izabelin šišmiš BRT .............................................. Serotin melenwenn BSQ .................................. Baratze-saguzar isabeldar CAT ...................... Ratpenat dels graners meridional CRO .................................................... Izabelin noćnjak CSL ................................ Murciélago hortelano pardo


Common Names of European Bats

CZE ............................................ Netopýr tripolitánský DAN .......................................... Isabellasydflagermus DUT ...................................................... Isabelvleermuis ENG ........................................ Isabelline Serotine Bat EST ...................................................... Ibeeria nahkhiir FIN .............................................. Vaaleaetelänlepakko FRE .................................................... Sérotine isabelle FRI .................................. Isabelkleurde lette flearmûs GAL .......................... Morcego das hortas meridional GEO ................................................ ტყის მეგვიანე GER .................................................. Isabellfledermaus GRE .......................................... Ωχρή τρανονυχτερίδα HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................... Izabella-késeidenevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg isibéalach ITA .................................................. Serotino isabellino LAT ................................................ Izabellas sikspārnis LIT ...................................................... Izabelos šikšnys LUX ................................................ Isabel-Fliedermaus MAC .................................................. Изабелов лилјак MLT ...................................... Serotin tas-Sider Pallidu MNE .............................................. Kraljičin slijepi miš NOR .............................................. Isabellaflaggermus PER ................................................ POL .................................................. Mroczek pustynny PRT ...................................... Morcego-hortelão-claro RHR .................................................... Serotin isabellin ROM .................... Liliacul cu aripi late mediteranean RUS ............................................ Кожан изабелловый SBC .......................................... Магребски поноћњак SBL ............................................ Magrebski ponoćnjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag isibealach SLO ...................................................... Kraljičin poznik SLV .......................................... večernica tripolitánska SWE ................................................ Isabellfladdermus TUR ................................ İzabel Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Лилик ізабеліновий WEL ............................ Ystlum adain-lydan llwydfelyn

4) Eptesicus anatolicus FELTEN, 1971 ALB .............................................. Serotinë e Anadollit ARB ........................................................ ARM ............................................ Անատոլիական մաշկեղ AZE ................................................ Anadolu gönlücəsi BLG ........................................ Малоазиатски прилеп BLR ................................................ Кажан анаталійскі BOS .................................................... Anadolski šišmiš BRT .................................................... Serotin Anatolia BSQ .................................................. Serotino anatoliar CAT .............................. Ratpenat dels graners anatoli CRO .................................................. Anatolski noćnjak CSL .......................... Murciélago hortelano anatólico CZE .................................................. Netopýr anatolský DAN ........................................ Anatolsk sydflagermus DUT ........................................ Anatolische laatvlieger ENG ........................................ Anatolian Serotine Bat EST .................................................. Anatoolia nahkhiir FIN .................................................... Anatolianserotiini FRE ................................................ Sérotine d’Anatolie FRI .................................... Anatoalyske lette flearmûs GAL ........................ Morcego das hortas da Anatolia GEO ................................ ანატოლიური მეგვიანე GER .................................................. Küstenfledermaus GRE ........................ Τρανονυχτεριδα της Ανατολίας HBR .......................................................... HUN ........................................ Anatóliai késeidenevér IRG ...................................................... Ialtóg Anatólach ITA ...................................... Serotino turco (orientale) LAT .............................................. Anatolijas sikspārnis LIT .................................................... Anatolinis šikšnys LUX .................................................. Küstefliedermaus MAC .............................................. Анатолиски лилјак MLT ...................................... Serotin ta' l-Asja Minuri MNE .................................. Srednje istočni slijepi miš NOR .................................................. Anatolflaggermus PER .................. POL ................................................ Mroczek anatolijski PRT ............................ Morcego-hortelão da Anatólia RHR .............................................. Serotin da l'Anatolia

ROM ...................... Liliacul cu aripi late din Anatolia RUS .......................................... Кожан анатолийский SBC .......................................... Левантски поноћњак SBL .............................................. Levantski ponoćnjak SCG .................................................... Ialtag Anatolach SLO .......................................... Srednjevzhodni poznik SLV ................................................ večernica anatólska SWE .......................................... Anatolisk fladdermus TUR ............................ Anadolu Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .......................................... Лилик анатолійський WEL .............................. Ystlum adain-lydan Anatolia

4! Eptesicus bottae (PETERS, 1869) ALB .................................................. Serotinë e Botta’s ARB ...................................................... ARM ............................................ Անապատային մաշկեղ AZE ...................................................... Səhra gönlücəsi BLG ................................ Полунощен прилеп на Бот BLR .............................................................. Кажан Бота BOS ............................................................ Botin šišmiš BRT .......................................................... Serotin Botta BSQ ........................................................ Botta serotino CAT .......................... Ratpenat dels graners de Botta CRO ........................................................ Bottin noćnjak CSL ............................ Murciélago hortelano de Botta CZE ...................................................... Netopýr Bottův DAN ............................................ Bottas sydflagermus DUT .................................................. Botta’s vleermuis ENG .............................................. Botta’s Serotine Bat EST ........................................................ Kõrbe-nahkhiir FIN .......................................................... Turkinserotiini FRE .................................................... Sérotine de Botta FRI .............................................. Botta's lette flearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego das hortas de Botta GEO ........................................ უდაბნოს მეგვიანე GER ................................................ Bottas Fledermaus GRE .................................. Ασιατική τρανονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................................ HUN .............................................. Botta-késeidenevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .............................................................. Ialtóg Botta ITA ...................................................... Serotino di Botta LAT ...................................................... Botas sikspārnis LIT .......................................................... Uolinis šikšnys LUX ................................................ Botta-Fliedermaus MAC ........................................................ Ботев лилјак MLT .................................................... Serotin ta' Botta MNE ................................ Svijetlotrbušasti slijepi miš NOR .................................................... Blekflaggermus PER ................................................................ POL ........................................................ Mroczek Botty PRT ................................ Morcego-hortelão de Botta RHR .................................................... Serotin da Botta ROM .................................................... Liliacul lui Botta RUS ................................................ Кожан пустынный SBC .................................. Блискоисточни поноћњак SBL ........................................ Bliskoistočni ponoćnjak SCG ............................................................ Ialtag Botta SLO ............................................ Svetlotrebušni poznik SLV .................................................. Večernica Bottova SWE .............................................. Blek sydfladdermus TUR ........................ Bottae’nin Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .............................. Лилик (Пергач) пустельний WEL .................................... Ystlum adain-lydan Botta

4@ Barbastella barbastellus (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ...................................... Barbastela e zakonshme ARB ............................................ ARM .............................. Եվրոպական լայնականջ չղջիկ AZE .................................................. Avropa enliqulağı BLG ................................................ Широкоух прилеп BLR ........................................ Шыракавух еўрапейскі BOS .................................................... Širokouhi šišmiš BRT .................................................. Barbastell Europa BSQ ........................................................ Baso-saguzar CAT .................................................. Ratpenat de bosc CRO .............................................. Širokouhi mračnjak CSL .............................................................. Barbastela CZE .......................................................... Netopýr černý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .................................. Vestlig bredøret flagermus DUT .................................. Westelijke mopsvleermuis ENG ...................................... Western Barbastelle Bat EST ...................................................... Euroopa laikõrv FIN .......................................................... Mopsilepakko FRE ............................................ Barbastelle d’Europe FRI .................................. Westlike breedearflearmûs GAL .............................................. Morcego das fragas GEO .................................. ევროპული მაჩქათელა GER .................................................... Mopsfledermaus GRE ................................................ Μπαρμπαστέλλος HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................... Nyugati piszedenevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg bharbastail lartharach ITA .............................................................. Barbastello LAT .................................................... Eiropas platausis LIT .............................................. Europinis plačiaausis LUX ............................ Europäesch Mopsfliedermaus MAC .......................................... Широкоушест лилјак MLT ................................................................ Barbastell MNE ............................................ Širokouhi slijepi miš NOR .................................................................. Bredøre PER POL .................................................... Mopek zachodni PRT ...................................................... Morcego-negro RHR ................................................................ Barbastel ROM .......................................................... Liliacul cârn RUS ................................ Широкоушка европейская SBC ...................................... Европски широкоушан SBL .............................................. Evropski širokoušan SCG ...................................... Ialtag bharbastail iarach SLO .................................................... Širokouhi netopir SLV .......................................................... Uchaňa čierna SWE .............................................................. Barbastell TUR ............................................ Basıkburunlu Yarasa UKR .................................. Широковух європейський WEL ................................................................ Ystlum du

4# Barbastella darjelingensis (HODGSON, 1855) ALB .............................................. Barbastela e Lindjes ARB ........................................... ARM .................................... Ասիական լայնականջ չղջիկ AZE ...................................................... Asiya enliqulağı BLG .............................. Азиатски широкоух прилеп BLR ................................................ Шыракавух азіяцкі BOS ...................................... Istočni širokouhi šišmiš BRT ................................................ Barbastell ar Reter BSQ ...................................... Ekialdeko baso-saguzar CAT .................................... Ratpenat de bosc oriental CRO .................................. Istočni širokouhi mračnjak CSL ................................................ Barbastela oriental CZE ........................................................ Netopýr skalní DAN .................................... Østlig bredøret flagermus DUT .................................... Oostelijke mopsvleermuis ENG ...................................... Eastern Barbastelle Bat EST ............................................................ Aasia laikõrv FIN .................................................. Idänmopsilepakko FRE ............................................ Barbastelle asiatique FRI .................................... Oastlike breedearflearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego das fragas oriental GEO ........................ აღმოსავლური მაჩქათელა, აზიური მაჩქათელა GER ................................ Asiatische Mopsfledermaus GRE ............................ Ασιατικός Μπαρμπαστέλλος HBR ............................................................ HUN .............................................. Keleti piszedenevér IRG ............................ Ialtóg bharbastail Oirthearach ITA .............................................. Barbastello orientale LAT ...................................................... Āzijas platausis LIT .................................................. Azijinis plačiaausis LUX ................................ Asiatesch Mopsfliedermaus MAC .......................... Источен широкоушест лилјак MLT .............................................. Barbastell tal-Lvant MNE .............................. Istočni širokouhi slijepi miš NOR ............................................................ Østbredøre PER ........................................................ POL .................................................... Mopek wschodni PRT ...................................... Morcego-negro-oriental

RHR .................................................. Barbastel oriental ROM ............................................ Liliacul cârn oriental RUS ...................................... Широкоушка азиатская SBC .......................................... Азијски широкоушан SBL .................................................. Azijski širokoušan SCG .................................... Ialtag bharbastail earach SLO ................................................ Vzhodni širokouhež SLV ........................................................ Uchaňa ázijská SWE ............................................ Bengalisk barbastell TUR .............................. Doğulu Basıkburunlu Yarasa UKR .......................................... Широковух азійський WEL .............................................. Ystlum du y dwyrain

4$ Otonycteris hemprichii PETERS, 1859 ALB ................ Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Hemprich-it ARB .................. ARM .......................................... Սպիտակափոր սրականջ AZE ........................................ Ağqarın oxqulaq yarasa BLG ................................ Пустинен дългоух прилеп BLR .............................................. Стрэлавух Хемрыха BOS .................................. Hemprihov dugouhi šišmiš BRT ........................................ Skouarnegell Hemprich BSQ .......................................... Hemprich belarrihandi CAT ................................................ Orellut d'Hemprich CRO ................................ Hemprichov dugouhi šišmiš CSL ............................................ Orejudo de Hemprich CZE .................................................... Netopýr pustinný DAN ................................................ Storøret flagermus DUT ................................ Woestijngrootoorvleermuis ENG ................................ Hemprich’s Long-eared Bat EST ........................................................ Suur-teravkõrv FIN ...................................................... Aavikkolepakko FRE .............................................. Oreillard d’Hemprich FRI ...................................... Woastyngrutearflearmûs GAL .......................................... Orelludo de Hemprich GEO .................................. ჰემპრიხის ისარყურა GER .................................................... Wüsten-Großohr GRE .................................. Ωτονυχτερίδα της ερήμου HBR ........................................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG .............................................................. Ialtóg Botta ITA ...................................................... Serotino di Botta LAT ...................................................... Botas sikspārnis LIT .......................................................... Uolinis šikšnys LUX ................................................ Botta-Fliedermaus MAC ........................................................ Ботев лилјак MLT .................................................... Serotin ta' Botta MNE ................................ Svijetlotrbušasti slijepi miš NOR .................................................... Blekflaggermus PER ................................................................ POL ........................................................ Mroczek Botty PRT ................................ Morcego-hortelão de Botta RHR .................................................... Serotin da Botta ROM .................................................... Liliacul lui Botta RUS ................................................ Кожан пустынный SBC .................................. Блискоисточни поноћњак SBL ........................................ Bliskoistočni ponoćnjak SCG ............................................................ Ialtag Botta SLO ............................................ Svetlotrebušni poznik SLV .................................................. Večernica Bottova SWE .............................................. Blek sydfladdermus TUR ........................ Bottae’nin Genişkanatlı Yarasası UKR .............................. Лилик (Пергач) пустельний WEL .................................... Ystlum adain-lydan Botta

4@ Barbastella barbastellus (SCHREBER, 1774) ALB ...................................... Barbastela e zakonshme ARB ............................................ ARM .............................. Եվրոպական լայնականջ չղջիկ AZE .................................................. Avropa enliqulağı BLG ................................................ Широкоух прилеп BLR ........................................ Шыракавух еўрапейскі BOS .................................................... Širokouhi šišmiš BRT .................................................. Barbastell Europa BSQ ........................................................ Baso-saguzar CAT .................................................. Ratpenat de bosc CRO .............................................. Širokouhi mračnjak CSL .............................................................. Barbastela CZE .......................................................... Netopýr černý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN .................................. Vestlig bredøret flagermus DUT .................................. Westelijke mopsvleermuis ENG ...................................... Western Barbastelle Bat EST ...................................................... Euroopa laikõrv FIN .......................................................... Mopsilepakko FRE ............................................ Barbastelle d’Europe FRI .................................. Westlike breedearflearmûs GAL .............................................. Morcego das fragas GEO .................................. ევროპული მაჩქათელა GER .................................................... Mopsfledermaus GRE ................................................ Μπαρμπαστέλλος HBR ............................................................ HUN .......................................... Nyugati piszedenevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg bharbastail lartharach ITA .............................................................. Barbastello LAT .................................................... Eiropas platausis LIT .............................................. Europinis plačiaausis LUX ............................ Europäesch Mopsfliedermaus MAC .......................................... Широкоушест лилјак MLT ................................................................ Barbastell MNE ............................................ Širokouhi slijepi miš NOR .................................................................. Bredøre PER POL .................................................... Mopek zachodni PRT ...................................................... Morcego-negro RHR ................................................................ Barbastel ROM .......................................................... Liliacul cârn RUS ................................ Широкоушка европейская SBC ...................................... Европски широкоушан SBL .............................................. Evropski širokoušan SCG ...................................... Ialtag bharbastail iarach SLO .................................................... Širokouhi netopir SLV .......................................................... Uchaňa čierna SWE .............................................................. Barbastell TUR ............................................ Basıkburunlu Yarasa UKR .................................. Широковух європейський WEL ................................................................ Ystlum du

4# Barbastella darjelingensis (HODGSON, 1855) ALB .............................................. Barbastela e Lindjes ARB ........................................... ARM .................................... Ասիական լայնականջ չղջիկ AZE ...................................................... Asiya enliqulağı BLG .............................. Азиатски широкоух прилеп BLR ................................................ Шыракавух азіяцкі BOS ...................................... Istočni širokouhi šišmiš BRT ................................................ Barbastell ar Reter BSQ ...................................... Ekialdeko baso-saguzar CAT .................................... Ratpenat de bosc oriental CRO .................................. Istočni širokouhi mračnjak CSL ................................................ Barbastela oriental CZE ........................................................ Netopýr skalní DAN .................................... Østlig bredøret flagermus DUT .................................... Oostelijke mopsvleermuis ENG ...................................... Eastern Barbastelle Bat EST ............................................................ Aasia laikõrv FIN .................................................. Idänmopsilepakko FRE ............................................ Barbastelle asiatique FRI .................................... Oastlike breedearflearmûs GAL .............................. Morcego das fragas oriental GEO ........................ აღმოსავლური მაჩქათელა, აზიური მაჩქათელა GER ................................ Asiatische Mopsfledermaus GRE ............................ Ασιατικός Μπαρμπαστέλλος HBR ............................................................ HUN .............................................. Keleti piszedenevér IRG ............................ Ialtóg bharbastail Oirthearach ITA .............................................. Barbastello orientale LAT ...................................................... Āzijas platausis LIT .................................................. Azijinis plačiaausis LUX ................................ Asiatesch Mopsfliedermaus MAC .......................... Источен широкоушест лилјак MLT .............................................. Barbastell tal-Lvant MNE .............................. Istočni širokouhi slijepi miš NOR ............................................................ Østbredøre PER ........................................................ POL .................................................... Mopek wschodni PRT ...................................... Morcego-negro-oriental

RHR .................................................. Barbastel oriental ROM ............................................ Liliacul cârn oriental RUS ...................................... Широкоушка азиатская SBC .......................................... Азијски широкоушан SBL .................................................. Azijski širokoušan SCG .................................... Ialtag bharbastail earach SLO ................................................ Vzhodni širokouhež SLV ........................................................ Uchaňa ázijská SWE ............................................ Bengalisk barbastell TUR .............................. Doğulu Basıkburunlu Yarasa UKR .......................................... Широковух азійський WEL .............................................. Ystlum du y dwyrain

4$ Otonycteris hemprichii PETERS, 1859 ALB ................ Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Hemprich-it ARB .................. ARM .......................................... Սպիտակափոր սրականջ AZE ........................................ Ağqarın oxqulaq yarasa BLG ................................ Пустинен дългоух прилеп BLR .............................................. Стрэлавух Хемрыха BOS .................................. Hemprihov dugouhi šišmiš BRT ........................................ Skouarnegell Hemprich BSQ .......................................... Hemprich belarrihandi CAT ................................................ Orellut d'Hemprich CRO ................................ Hemprichov dugouhi šišmiš CSL ............................................ Orejudo de Hemprich CZE .................................................... Netopýr pustinný DAN ................................................ Storøret flagermus DUT ................................ Woestijngrootoorvleermuis ENG ................................ Hemprich’s Long-eared Bat EST ........................................................ Suur-teravkõrv FIN ...................................................... Aavikkolepakko FRE .............................................. Oreillard d’Hemprich FRI ...................................... Woastyngrutearflearmûs GAL .......................................... Orelludo de Hemprich GEO .................................. ჰემპრიხის ისარყურა GER .................................................... Wüsten-Großohr GRE .................................. Ωτονυχτερίδα της ερήμου HBR ........................................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN .............................. Sivatagi hosszúfülű-denevér IRG .......................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach Hemprich ITA ........................................ Orecchione di Hemprich LAT .............................................. Hempriha sikspārnis LIT ............................................ Strėliaausis lygianosis LUX .................................................. Wüstegroussouer MAC ...................... Хемпричиев долгоушест лилјак MLT ............ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tad-Deżert MNE ............................................ Pustinjski škorpiojed NOR ........................................................ Ørkenlangøre PER .................................................. POL .................................................. Uszorek pustynny PRT .......................................... Morcego de Hemprich RHR .................................. Ureglia lunga da Hemprich ROM ................................ Liliacul urecheat de desert RUS ........................................ Стрелоух белобрюхий SBC .......................................... Пустињски дугоушан SBL .............................................. Pustinjski dugoušan SCG ........................ Ialtag fhad-chluasach Hemprich SLO ........................................ Škorpjonojedi pušcavež SLV ................................................ Večernica šípouchá SWE .......................................................... Okenlångöra TUR ...................................... Uzunkulaklı Çöl Yarasası UKR ...................................... Стріловух білочеревий WEL .................................... Ystlum hirglust Hemprich

4% Plecotus auritus (LINNAEUS, 1758) ALB .................. Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i zakonshëm ARB ............................................ ARM ........................................................ Գորշ ականջեղ AZE .................................................. Qonur palazqulaq BLG ........................................ Кафяв дългоух прилеп BLR ............................................................ Вушан буры BOS .......................................... Smeđi dugouhi šišmiš BRT .................................................. Skouarnegell rous BSQ .............................. Iparraldeko belarrihandi arre CAT .......................................................... Orellut daurat CRO .................................................... Smeđi dugoušan CSL ...................................................... Orejudo dorado


Common Names of European Bats

CZE .......................................................... Netopýr ušatý DAN ........................................................ Brun Langøre DUT ................................ Gewone grootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Brown Long-eared Bat EST ...................................................... Pruun-suurkõrv FIN .............................................................. Korvayökkö FRE .......................................................... Oreillard roux FRI .......................................... Brune grutearflearmûs GAL .................................................. Orelludo dourado GEO .......................................................... რუხი ყურა GER .................................................. Braunes Langohr GRE ............................................ Καφέ ωτονυχτερίδα HBR .................................................................... HUN ................................ Barna hosszúfülű-denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg fhadchluasach dhonn ITA .............................................. Orecchione comune LAT .................................................... Brūnais garausis LIT ........................................................ Rudasis ausylis LUX .................................................. Brongt Laangouer MAC ........................................................ Ушест лилјак MLT ................................ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal MNE ........................................ Kafeni ušati slijepi miš NOR .......................................................... Brunlangøre PER .......................................... POL ...................................................... Gacek brunatny PRT .............................. Morcego-orelhudo-castanho RHR ............................................ Ureglia gronda brina ROM .......................................... Liliacul urecheat brun RUS .......................................................... Ушан бурый SBC ................................ Европски смеђи дугоушан SBL .................................... Evropski smeđi dugoušan SCG .............................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach dhonn SLO .................................................. Rjavi uhati netopir SLV ............................................................ Ucháč svetlý SWE .......................................................... Brunlångöra TUR .......................... Kahverengi Uzunkulaklı Yarasa UKR ........................................................ Вухань бурий WEL .......................................... Ystlum hirglust brown

4^ Plecotus macrobullaris KUZYAKIN, 1965 ALB ................................ Lakuriq nate veshgjatë alpin ARB ................................ ARM ...................... Կովկասյան կամ լեռնային ականջեղ AZE .................................... Alp və ya dağ palazqulağı BLG .............................. Планински дългоух прилеп BLR .................................................... Вушан альпійскі BOS .......................................... Alpski dugouhi šišmiš BRT .................................... Skouarnegell ar menezioù BSQ .............................................. Belarrihandi alpetar CAT .............................................................. Orellut alpí CRO .................................................... Gorski dugoušan CSL ........................................................ Orejudo alpino CZE ........................................................ Netopýr alpský DAN .......................................................... Alpelangøre DUT ...................................... Alpengrootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Alpine Long-eared Bat EST .......................................................... Alpi suurkõrv FIN ...................................... Kaukasuksenkorvayökkö FRE ............................................ Oreillard montagnard FRI ............................................ Alpengrutearflearmûs GAL ...................................................... Orelludo alpino GEO .......................................... კავკასიური ყურა GER ........................................................ Alpen-Langohr GRE .......................................... Ορεινή ωτονυχτερίδα HBR ........................................................ HUN ................................ Alpesi hosszúfülű-denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg fhadchluasach Alpach ITA .................................................. Orecchione alpino LAT .......................................................... Alpu garausis LIT ........................................................ Kalninis ausylis LUX .................................................. Alpen-Laangouer MAC .......................................... Алпски ушест лилјак MLT .............. Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' L-Alpi MNE .................................... Planinski ušati slijepi miš NOR ............................................................ Alpelangøre PER ........................................ POL ........................................................ Gacek alpejski PRT .................................... Morcego-orelhudo-alpino RHR .......................................... Ureglia gronda alpina

ROM ........................................ Liliacul urecheat alpin RUS ................................ Ушан горный (кавказский) SBC .............................................. Алпијски дугоушан SBL .................................................. Alpijski dugoušan SCG .......................... Ialtag fhad-chluasach Ailpeach SLO ...................................... Usnjebradi uhati netopir SLV .......................................................... ucháč horský SWE ............................................................ Alplångöra TUR ................................ Uzunkulaklı Kafkas Yarasası UKR .............................................. Вухань альпійський WEL ...................................... Ystlum hirglust yr Alpau

4& Plecotus sardus MUCEDDA, KIEFER, PIDINCHEDDA & VEITH, 2002

ALB .................... Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Sardenjës ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Սարդինական ականջեղ AZE ............................................ Sardiniya palazqulağı BLG .............................. Сардински дългоух прилеп BLR .................................................. Вушан сардынскі BOS .................................. Sardinijski dugouhi šišmiš BRT ................................................ Skouarnegell Sard BSQ .......................................... Belarrihandi sardiniar CAT .............................................................. Orellut sard CRO ............................................ Sardinijski dugoušan CSL ........................................................ Orejudo sardo CZE .................................................. Netopýr sardinský DAN .................................................... Sardisk langøre DUT .............................. Sardijnse grootoorvleermuis ENG .................................... Sardinian Long-eared Bat EST .................................................. Sardiinia suurkõrv FIN .............................................. Sardiniankorvayökkö FRE .......................................... Oreillard de Sardaigne FRI .................................. Sardynske grutearflearmûs GAL ........................................................ Orelludo sardo GEO .......................................... სარდინიული ყურა GER .............................................. Sardisches Langohr GRE ............................ Ωτονυχτερίδα της Σαρδηνίας HBR ............................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN .............................. Sivatagi hosszúfülű-denevér IRG .......................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach Hemprich ITA ........................................ Orecchione di Hemprich LAT .............................................. Hempriha sikspārnis LIT ............................................ Strėliaausis lygianosis LUX .................................................. Wüstegroussouer MAC ...................... Хемпричиев долгоушест лилјак MLT ............ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tad-Deżert MNE ............................................ Pustinjski škorpiojed NOR ........................................................ Ørkenlangøre PER .................................................. POL .................................................. Uszorek pustynny PRT .......................................... Morcego de Hemprich RHR .................................. Ureglia lunga da Hemprich ROM ................................ Liliacul urecheat de desert RUS ........................................ Стрелоух белобрюхий SBC .......................................... Пустињски дугоушан SBL .............................................. Pustinjski dugoušan SCG ........................ Ialtag fhad-chluasach Hemprich SLO ........................................ Škorpjonojedi pušcavež SLV ................................................ Večernica šípouchá SWE .......................................................... Okenlångöra TUR ...................................... Uzunkulaklı Çöl Yarasası UKR ...................................... Стріловух білочеревий WEL .................................... Ystlum hirglust Hemprich

4% Plecotus auritus (LINNAEUS, 1758) ALB .................. Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i zakonshëm ARB ............................................ ARM ........................................................ Գորշ ականջեղ AZE .................................................. Qonur palazqulaq BLG ........................................ Кафяв дългоух прилеп BLR ............................................................ Вушан буры BOS .......................................... Smeđi dugouhi šišmiš BRT .................................................. Skouarnegell rous BSQ .............................. Iparraldeko belarrihandi arre CAT .......................................................... Orellut daurat CRO .................................................... Smeđi dugoušan CSL ...................................................... Orejudo dorado


Common Names of European Bats

CZE .......................................................... Netopýr ušatý DAN ........................................................ Brun Langøre DUT ................................ Gewone grootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Brown Long-eared Bat EST ...................................................... Pruun-suurkõrv FIN .............................................................. Korvayökkö FRE .......................................................... Oreillard roux FRI .......................................... Brune grutearflearmûs GAL .................................................. Orelludo dourado GEO .......................................................... რუხი ყურა GER .................................................. Braunes Langohr GRE ............................................ Καφέ ωτονυχτερίδα HBR .................................................................... HUN ................................ Barna hosszúfülű-denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg fhadchluasach dhonn ITA .............................................. Orecchione comune LAT .................................................... Brūnais garausis LIT ........................................................ Rudasis ausylis LUX .................................................. Brongt Laangouer MAC ........................................................ Ушест лилјак MLT ................................ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal MNE ........................................ Kafeni ušati slijepi miš NOR .......................................................... Brunlangøre PER .......................................... POL ...................................................... Gacek brunatny PRT .............................. Morcego-orelhudo-castanho RHR ............................................ Ureglia gronda brina ROM .......................................... Liliacul urecheat brun RUS .......................................................... Ушан бурый SBC ................................ Европски смеђи дугоушан SBL .................................... Evropski smeđi dugoušan SCG .............................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach dhonn SLO .................................................. Rjavi uhati netopir SLV ............................................................ Ucháč svetlý SWE .......................................................... Brunlångöra TUR .......................... Kahverengi Uzunkulaklı Yarasa UKR ........................................................ Вухань бурий WEL .......................................... Ystlum hirglust brown

4^ Plecotus macrobullaris KUZYAKIN, 1965 ALB ................................ Lakuriq nate veshgjatë alpin ARB ................................ ARM ...................... Կովկասյան կամ լեռնային ականջեղ AZE .................................... Alp və ya dağ palazqulağı BLG .............................. Планински дългоух прилеп BLR .................................................... Вушан альпійскі BOS .......................................... Alpski dugouhi šišmiš BRT .................................... Skouarnegell ar menezioù BSQ .............................................. Belarrihandi alpetar CAT .............................................................. Orellut alpí CRO .................................................... Gorski dugoušan CSL ........................................................ Orejudo alpino CZE ........................................................ Netopýr alpský DAN .......................................................... Alpelangøre DUT ...................................... Alpengrootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Alpine Long-eared Bat EST .......................................................... Alpi suurkõrv FIN ...................................... Kaukasuksenkorvayökkö FRE ............................................ Oreillard montagnard FRI ............................................ Alpengrutearflearmûs GAL ...................................................... Orelludo alpino GEO .......................................... კავკასიური ყურა GER ........................................................ Alpen-Langohr GRE .......................................... Ορεινή ωτονυχτερίδα HBR ........................................................ HUN ................................ Alpesi hosszúfülű-denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg fhadchluasach Alpach ITA .................................................. Orecchione alpino LAT .......................................................... Alpu garausis LIT ........................................................ Kalninis ausylis LUX .................................................. Alpen-Laangouer MAC .......................................... Алпски ушест лилјак MLT .............. Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' L-Alpi MNE .................................... Planinski ušati slijepi miš NOR ............................................................ Alpelangøre PER ........................................ POL ........................................................ Gacek alpejski PRT .................................... Morcego-orelhudo-alpino RHR .......................................... Ureglia gronda alpina

ROM ........................................ Liliacul urecheat alpin RUS ................................ Ушан горный (кавказский) SBC .............................................. Алпијски дугоушан SBL .................................................. Alpijski dugoušan SCG .......................... Ialtag fhad-chluasach Ailpeach SLO ...................................... Usnjebradi uhati netopir SLV .......................................................... ucháč horský SWE ............................................................ Alplångöra TUR ................................ Uzunkulaklı Kafkas Yarasası UKR .............................................. Вухань альпійський WEL ...................................... Ystlum hirglust yr Alpau

4& Plecotus sardus MUCEDDA, KIEFER, PIDINCHEDDA & VEITH, 2002

ALB .................... Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Sardenjës ARB ...................................... ARM .......................................... Սարդինական ականջեղ AZE ............................................ Sardiniya palazqulağı BLG .............................. Сардински дългоух прилеп BLR .................................................. Вушан сардынскі BOS .................................. Sardinijski dugouhi šišmiš BRT ................................................ Skouarnegell Sard BSQ .......................................... Belarrihandi sardiniar CAT .............................................................. Orellut sard CRO ............................................ Sardinijski dugoušan CSL ........................................................ Orejudo sardo CZE .................................................. Netopýr sardinský DAN .................................................... Sardisk langøre DUT .............................. Sardijnse grootoorvleermuis ENG .................................... Sardinian Long-eared Bat EST .................................................. Sardiinia suurkõrv FIN .............................................. Sardiniankorvayökkö FRE .......................................... Oreillard de Sardaigne FRI .................................. Sardynske grutearflearmûs GAL ........................................................ Orelludo sardo GEO .......................................... სარდინიული ყურა GER .............................................. Sardisches Langohr GRE ............................ Ωτονυχτερίδα της Σαρδηνίας HBR ............................................................


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN .......................... Szardíniai hosszúfülű-denevér IRG .................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach Shairdíneach ITA .................................................... Orecchione sardo LAT ................................................ Sardīnijas garausis LIT .................................................... Sardininis ausylis LUX ............................................ Sardescht Laangouer MAC ................................ Сардиниски ушест лилјак MLT ............ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' Sardinja MNE .................................. Ušati slijepi miš Sardinije NOR .................................................... Sardinialangøre PER ........................................ POL .................................................... Gacek sardyński PRT .................................... Morcego-orelhudo-sardo RHR .......................... Ureglia gronda da la Sardegna ROM .......................................... Liliacul urecheat sard RUS ................................................ Ушан сардинский SBC .......................... Сардинијски смеђи дугоушан SBL ................................ Sardinijski smeđi dugoušan SCG .................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach Shàirdineach SLO .................................................. Sardinijski uhatež SLV .................................................... Uchác sardínsky SWE ................................................ Sardinskt långöra TUR .......................... Sardunya Uzunkulaklı Yarasası UKR ............................................ Вухань сардинський WEL ...................................... Ystlum hirglust Sardinia

4* Plecotus austriacus (FISCHER, 1829) ALB .............................. Lakuriq nate veshgjate i hirtë ARB ...................................... ARM .............. Մոխրագույն կամ ավստրիական ականջեղ AZE ...................................................... Boz palazqulaq BLG ............................................ Сив дългоух прилеп BLR ............................................................ Вушан шэры BOS ................................................ Sivi dugouhi šišmiš BRT ................................................ Skouarnegell c’hris BSQ .............................. Hegoaldeko belarrihandi gris CAT .............................................................. Orellut gris CRO ........................................................ Sivi dugoušan CSL ............................................................ Orejudo gris


Common Names of European Bats

CZE .............................................. Netopýr dlouhouchý DAN ............................................................ Grå langøre DUT ...................................... Grijze grootoorvleermuis ENG ............................................ Grey Long-eared Bat EST .......................................................... Hall-suurkõrv FIN ................................................ Harmaakorvayökkö FRE ............................................................ Oreillard gris FRI ............................................ Grize grutearflearmûs GAL .......................................................... Orelludo gris GEO .......................................... ნაცრისფერი ყურა GER ...................................................... Graues Langohr GRE ........................................ Σταχτιά ωτονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................................ HUN .............................. Szürke hosszúfülű-denevér IRG .................................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach liath ITA ........................................ Orecchione meridionale LAT .................................................... Pelēkais garausis LIT ........................................................ Pilkasis ausylis LUX ...................................................... Grot Laangouer MAC ................................................ Сив ушест лилјак MLT ........................ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal Griż MNE .............................................. Sivi ušati slijepi miš NOR ............................................................ Grålangøre PER ...................................................... POL ............................................................ Gacek szary PRT ................................ Morcego-orelhudo-cinzento RHR ........................................ Ureglia gronda grischa ROM .................................. Liliacul urecheat cenuşiu RUS ............................................................ Ушан серый SBC .................................... Европски сиви дугоушан SBL .......................................... Evropski sivi dugoušan SCG .................................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach liath SLO .................................................... Sivi uhati netopir SLV ................................................................ Ucháč sivý SWE ............................................................ Grålångöra TUR .......................................... Gri Uzunkulaklı Yarasa UKR .......................................................... Вухань сірий WEL ............................................ Ystlum hirglust llwyd

4( Plecotus kolombatovici ÐULI´C , 1980 ALB ...................... Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Ballkanit ARB ........................................ ARM ...................................... Կոլոմբատովիչի ականջեղ AZE .................................... Kolombatovic palazqulağı BLG .................. Дългоух прилеп на Коломбатович BLR ........ Вушан балканскі, Вушан Каламбатовіча BOS ........................ Kolombatovićev dugouhi šišmiš BRT .................................... Skouarnegell ar Balkanoù BSQ .......................................... Belarrihandi balkaniar CAT ...................................................... Orellut balcànic CRO .................................. Kolombatovićev dugoušan CSL .................................................. Orejudo balcánico CZE ................................................ Netopýr balkánský DAN ...................................................... Balkanlangøre DUT .................................... Balkangrootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Balkan Long-eared Bat EST .................................................... Balkani suurkõrv FIN .............................................. Balkaninkorvayökkö FRE .............................................. Oreillard des Balkan FRI .......................................... Balkangrutearflearmûs GAL ................................................ Orelludo balcánico GEO ................................ კოლომბატოვიჩის ყურა GER ...................................................... Balkan-Langohr GRE ................................ Μεσογειακή ωτονυχτερίδα HBR ........................................................ HUN .............................. Balkáni hosszúfülű-denevér IRG ...................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach Bhalcánach ITA ................................ Orecchione di Kolombatovič LAT .................................................... Balkānu garausis LIT .................................................... Balkaninis ausylis LUX ................................................ Balkan-Laangouer MAC .................................... Балкански ушест лилјак MLT ...... Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Mediterran MNE .................................. Primorski ušati slijepi miš NOR .............................................. Middelhavslangøre PER .................................. POL .................................................... Gacek bałkański PRT ............................ Morcego-orelhudo-balcânico RHR .................................. Ureglia gronda dal Balcan

ROM ........................ Liliacul urecheat mediteranean RUS .......................................... Ушан Коломбатовича SBC .................................. Левантски сиви дугоушан SBL ........................................ Levantski sivi dugoušan SCG .................... Ialtag fhad-chluasach Bhalcanach SLO .................................................... Primorski uhatež SLV .................................................... ucháč balkánsky SWE ...................................................... Balkanlångöra TUR ................................ Balkan Uzunkulaklı Yarasası UKR ............................................ Вухань балканський WEL .................................. Ystlum hirglust y Balcanau

5) Plecotus teneriffae BARRETT-HAMILTON, 1907 ALB .............. Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Teneriffae-ve ARB .................................... ARM .............. Կանարական կամ Տենեռիֆյան ականջեղ AZE .................................................. Kanar palazqulağı BLG .................................. Канарски дългоух прилеп BLR ...................................................... Вушан канарскі BOS ...................................... Kanarski dugouhi šišmiš BRT .......................................... Skouarnegell Tenerife BSQ ............................................ Belarrihandi kanariar CAT .......................................................... Orellut canari CRO ................................................ Kanarski dugoušan CSL ...................................................... Orejudo canario CZE ................................................ Netopýr kanáraský DAN ...................................................... Kanarielangøre DUT ............................ Canarische grootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Canary Long-eared Bat EST .................................................... Kanaari suurkõrv FIN .............................................. Kanariankorvayökkö FRE .............................................. Oreillard de Tenerife FRI .................................. Kanaryske grutearflearmûs GAL .................................................... Orelludo canario GEO ............................................ კანარიული ყურა GER .................................................. Kanaren-Langohr GRE ............................ Ωτονυχτερίδα της Τενερίφης HBR .............................................................. HUN .............. Kanári-szigeteki hosszúfülű-denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

HUN .......................... Szardíniai hosszúfülű-denevér IRG .................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach Shairdíneach ITA .................................................... Orecchione sardo LAT ................................................ Sardīnijas garausis LIT .................................................... Sardininis ausylis LUX ............................................ Sardescht Laangouer MAC ................................ Сардиниски ушест лилјак MLT ............ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal ta' Sardinja MNE .................................. Ušati slijepi miš Sardinije NOR .................................................... Sardinialangøre PER ........................................ POL .................................................... Gacek sardyński PRT .................................... Morcego-orelhudo-sardo RHR .......................... Ureglia gronda da la Sardegna ROM .......................................... Liliacul urecheat sard RUS ................................................ Ушан сардинский SBC .......................... Сардинијски смеђи дугоушан SBL ................................ Sardinijski smeđi dugoušan SCG .................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach Shàirdineach SLO .................................................. Sardinijski uhatež SLV .................................................... Uchác sardínsky SWE ................................................ Sardinskt långöra TUR .......................... Sardunya Uzunkulaklı Yarasası UKR ............................................ Вухань сардинський WEL ...................................... Ystlum hirglust Sardinia

4* Plecotus austriacus (FISCHER, 1829) ALB .............................. Lakuriq nate veshgjate i hirtë ARB ...................................... ARM .............. Մոխրագույն կամ ավստրիական ականջեղ AZE ...................................................... Boz palazqulaq BLG ............................................ Сив дългоух прилеп BLR ............................................................ Вушан шэры BOS ................................................ Sivi dugouhi šišmiš BRT ................................................ Skouarnegell c’hris BSQ .............................. Hegoaldeko belarrihandi gris CAT .............................................................. Orellut gris CRO ........................................................ Sivi dugoušan CSL ............................................................ Orejudo gris


Common Names of European Bats

CZE .............................................. Netopýr dlouhouchý DAN ............................................................ Grå langøre DUT ...................................... Grijze grootoorvleermuis ENG ............................................ Grey Long-eared Bat EST .......................................................... Hall-suurkõrv FIN ................................................ Harmaakorvayökkö FRE ............................................................ Oreillard gris FRI ............................................ Grize grutearflearmûs GAL .......................................................... Orelludo gris GEO .......................................... ნაცრისფერი ყურა GER ...................................................... Graues Langohr GRE ........................................ Σταχτιά ωτονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................................ HUN .............................. Szürke hosszúfülű-denevér IRG .................................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach liath ITA ........................................ Orecchione meridionale LAT .................................................... Pelēkais garausis LIT ........................................................ Pilkasis ausylis LUX ...................................................... Grot Laangouer MAC ................................................ Сив ушест лилјак MLT ........................ Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal Griż MNE .............................................. Sivi ušati slijepi miš NOR ............................................................ Grålangøre PER ...................................................... POL ............................................................ Gacek szary PRT ................................ Morcego-orelhudo-cinzento RHR ........................................ Ureglia gronda grischa ROM .................................. Liliacul urecheat cenuşiu RUS ............................................................ Ушан серый SBC .................................... Европски сиви дугоушан SBL .......................................... Evropski sivi dugoušan SCG .................................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach liath SLO .................................................... Sivi uhati netopir SLV ................................................................ Ucháč sivý SWE ............................................................ Grålångöra TUR .......................................... Gri Uzunkulaklı Yarasa UKR .......................................................... Вухань сірий WEL ............................................ Ystlum hirglust llwyd

4( Plecotus kolombatovici ÐULI´C , 1980 ALB ...................... Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Ballkanit ARB ........................................ ARM ...................................... Կոլոմբատովիչի ականջեղ AZE .................................... Kolombatovic palazqulağı BLG .................. Дългоух прилеп на Коломбатович BLR ........ Вушан балканскі, Вушан Каламбатовіча BOS ........................ Kolombatovićev dugouhi šišmiš BRT .................................... Skouarnegell ar Balkanoù BSQ .......................................... Belarrihandi balkaniar CAT ...................................................... Orellut balcànic CRO .................................. Kolombatovićev dugoušan CSL .................................................. Orejudo balcánico CZE ................................................ Netopýr balkánský DAN ...................................................... Balkanlangøre DUT .................................... Balkangrootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Balkan Long-eared Bat EST .................................................... Balkani suurkõrv FIN .............................................. Balkaninkorvayökkö FRE .............................................. Oreillard des Balkan FRI .......................................... Balkangrutearflearmûs GAL ................................................ Orelludo balcánico GEO ................................ კოლომბატოვიჩის ყურა GER ...................................................... Balkan-Langohr GRE ................................ Μεσογειακή ωτονυχτερίδα HBR ........................................................ HUN .............................. Balkáni hosszúfülű-denevér IRG ...................... Ialtóg fhadchluasach Bhalcánach ITA ................................ Orecchione di Kolombatovič LAT .................................................... Balkānu garausis LIT .................................................... Balkaninis ausylis LUX ................................................ Balkan-Laangouer MAC .................................... Балкански ушест лилјак MLT ...... Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Mediterran MNE .................................. Primorski ušati slijepi miš NOR .............................................. Middelhavslangøre PER .................................. POL .................................................... Gacek bałkański PRT ............................ Morcego-orelhudo-balcânico RHR .................................. Ureglia gronda dal Balcan

ROM ........................ Liliacul urecheat mediteranean RUS .......................................... Ушан Коломбатовича SBC .................................. Левантски сиви дугоушан SBL ........................................ Levantski sivi dugoušan SCG .................... Ialtag fhad-chluasach Bhalcanach SLO .................................................... Primorski uhatež SLV .................................................... ucháč balkánsky SWE ...................................................... Balkanlångöra TUR ................................ Balkan Uzunkulaklı Yarasası UKR ............................................ Вухань балканський WEL .................................. Ystlum hirglust y Balcanau

5) Plecotus teneriffae BARRETT-HAMILTON, 1907 ALB .............. Lakuriq nate veshgjatë i Teneriffae-ve ARB .................................... ARM .............. Կանարական կամ Տենեռիֆյան ականջեղ AZE .................................................. Kanar palazqulağı BLG .................................. Канарски дългоух прилеп BLR ...................................................... Вушан канарскі BOS ...................................... Kanarski dugouhi šišmiš BRT .......................................... Skouarnegell Tenerife BSQ ............................................ Belarrihandi kanariar CAT .......................................................... Orellut canari CRO ................................................ Kanarski dugoušan CSL ...................................................... Orejudo canario CZE ................................................ Netopýr kanáraský DAN ...................................................... Kanarielangøre DUT ............................ Canarische grootoorvleermuis ENG ........................................ Canary Long-eared Bat EST .................................................... Kanaari suurkõrv FIN .............................................. Kanariankorvayökkö FRE .............................................. Oreillard de Tenerife FRI .................................. Kanaryske grutearflearmûs GAL .................................................... Orelludo canario GEO ............................................ კანარიული ყურა GER .................................................. Kanaren-Langohr GRE ............................ Ωτονυχτερίδα της Τενερίφης HBR .............................................................. HUN .............. Kanári-szigeteki hosszúfülű-denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ........................ Ialtóg fhadchluasach Chanárach ITA .......................................... Orecchione di Tenerife LAT .................................................. Tenerifes garausis LIT ...................................................... Kanarinis ausylis LUX .............................................. Kanaren-Laangouer MAC .................................. Тенерифов ушест лилјак MLT Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Gżejjer Kanarji MNE .............................................. Kanarski slijepi miš NOR ........................................................ Kanarilangøre PER ............................................ POL .................................................... Gacek kanaryjski PRT .............................. Morcego-orelhudo-canarino RHR ................................ Ureglia gronda da Teneriffa ROM ............................ Liliacul urecheat din Tenerife RUS .................................................. Ушан канарский SBC .................................. Канарски сиви дугоушан SBL ........................................ Kanarski sivi dugoušan SCG .................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach Chanaireach SLO ...................................................... Kanarski uhatež SLV ...................................................... Ucháč kanársky SWE .................................................... Kanarielångöra TUR ...................... Kanaryarlar Uzunkulaklı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Вухань канарський WEL .............. Ystlum hirglust yr Ynysoedd Dedwydd

5! Miniopterus schreibersii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................... Miniopteri i Schreibers-it ARB ...................................... ARM ................................ Սովորական երկարաթև չղջիկ AZE .......................................... Adi uzunqanad yarasa BLG ............................................ Пещерен дългокрил BLR .......................................... Даўгакрыл звычайны BOS .................................................... Šrajberov šišmiš BRT ............................................ Miniopter Schreibers BSQ .............................................. Schreibers saguzar CAT .................................................. Ratpenat de cova CRO .................................................... Dugokrili pršnjak CSL ............................................ Murciélago de cueva CZE ................................................ Létavec stehovavý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ...................... Schreibers’ langfingerflagermus DUT .......................................... Schreibers’ vleermuis ENG .............................. Schreiber’s Bent-winged Bat EST ...................................................... Euroopa pikktiib FIN ........................................................ Pitkäsiipiyökkö FRE .................................... Minioptère de Schreibers FRI .............................. Schreibers’langwjukflearmûs GAL .............................................. Morcego das covas GEO ...................... ჩვეულებრივი ფრთაგრძელი GER .......................................... Langflügelfledermaus GRE ................................................ Πτερυγονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................................... HUN ........................ Európai hosszúszárnyú-denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg mhéarfhada Schreiber ITA ................................................................ Miniottero LAT .............................................. Šreibersa siksparnis LIT ................................................ Šreiberio ilgapirštis LUX ...................................... Laangflillekefliedermaus MAC ........................................ Долгокрилест лилјак MLT ........................................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Xrajber MNE ................................................ Dugorili prstenjak NOR .......................................... Middelhavslangvinge PER .......................................................... POL .................................... Podkasaniec Schreibersa PRT ............................................ Morcego-de-peluche RHR ........................................ Miniopter da l'ala lunga ROM ............................................ Liliacul cu aripi lungi RUS ............................ Длиннокрыл обыкновенный SBC ........................................ Европски дугокрилаш SBL ................................................ Evropski dugokrilaš SCG ............................ Ialtag mheur-fhada Schreiber SLO .................................................... Dolgokrili netopir SLV .................................................. Lietavec sťahovavý SWE ................................................ Europeisk vikvinge TUR ................................................ Uzunkanatlı Yarasa UKR ........................................ Довгокрил звичайний WEL .............................. Ystlum adain-gam Schreiber

5@ Miniopterus pallidus THOMAS 1907 ALB ........................................ Miniopteri ngjyrëzbehtë ARB ................................ ARM ................................................ Գունատ երկարաթև AZE .............................. Anadolu uzunqanad yarasası BLG ................................ Степен дългокрил прилеп BLR .............................................. Даўгакрыл бледны BOS ................................ Šrajberov anadolijski šišmiš BRT .................................................... Miniopter sklaer BSQ ...................................... Saguzar hatz-luze zurbil CAT ........................................ Ratpenat de cova pàllid CRO .......................... Bliskoistočni dugokrili pršnjak CSL ................................ Murciélago de cueva pálido CZE ........................................................ Létavec perský DAN ............................ Anatolsk langfingerflagermus DUT .................... Anatolische langvleugelvleermuis ENG ................................ Anatolian Bent-winged Bat EST ........................................................ Pärsia pikktibb FIN ...................................................... Turkinpitkäsormi FRE ...................................................... Minioptère pâle FRI ............................ Anatoalyske langwjukflearmûs GAL ........................ Morcego de cova esbrancuxado GEO ........................................ ველის ფრთაგრძელი  GER .......................... Steppen-Langflügelfledermaus GRE .................................... Ωχρή πτερυγονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................................ HUN ...................... Anatóliai hosszúszárnyú-denevér IRG .............................. Ialtóg mhéarfhada Anatólach ITA .................................................... Miniottero pallido LAT ................................ Stepes garspārnu sikspārnis LIT ................................................ Šviesusis ilgapirštis LUX ...................... Steppen-Laangflillekefliedermaus MAC ................................ Блед долгокрилен лилјак MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Asja Minuri MNE ...................................... Bliskoistocni dugokrilas NOR .................................................. Steppelangvinge PER .............................................. POL ........................................ Podkasaniec pozłacany PRT ................................ Morcego-de-peluche-pálido RHR ...................................................... Miniopter pallid

ROM .......................... Liliacul anatolian cu aripi lungi RUS ........................................ Бледный длиннокрыл SBC .............................. Блискоисточни дугокрилаш SBL ........................................ Bliskoistočni dugokrilaš SCG ............................ Ialtag mheur-fhada Anatolach SLO ................................................ Bedični dolgokrilec SLV .................................................... Lietavec perzský SWE ........................................................ Blek vikvinge TUR .................................. Doğu Uzunkanatlı Yarasası UKR .................................. Довгокрил анатолійський WEL .................................... Ystlum adain-gam gwelw

5# Tadarida teniotis (RAFINESQUE, 1814) ALB ............................................ Lakuriq nate bishtlirë ARB ................................ ARM ................................ Լայնականջ ծալքաշուրթ չղջիկ AZE .......................................... Bükükdodaq enliqulaq BLG .................................................. Булдогов прилеп BLR ...................................... Тадарыда еўрапейская BOS ...................................................... Golorepi šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Molos Cestoni BSQ ................................ Saguzar buztanluze europar CAT .................................................. Ratpenat cuallarg CRO ................................ Sredozemni slobodnorepac CSL ................................................ Murciélago rabudo CZE .................................................. Tadarida evropská DAN .............................. Europæisk bulldogflagermus DUT ........................................ Europese bulvleermuis ENG .................................... European Free-tailed Bat EST ................................................ Euroopa kurdmokk FIN .......................................................... Doggilepakko FRE ................................................ Molosse de Cestoni FRI ................................................ Muskusbulflearmûs GAL .................................................... Morcego rabudo GEO .................................... ევროპული ტადარიდა GER ...................... Europäische Bulldoggfledermaus GRE ............................................................ Νυχτονόμος HBR ................................................................ HUN ............................ Európai szabadfarkú-denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

IRG ........................ Ialtóg fhadchluasach Chanárach ITA .......................................... Orecchione di Tenerife LAT .................................................. Tenerifes garausis LIT ...................................................... Kanarinis ausylis LUX .............................................. Kanaren-Laangouer MAC .................................. Тенерифов ушест лилјак MLT Farfett il-Lejl Widnejħ Twal tal-Gżejjer Kanarji MNE .............................................. Kanarski slijepi miš NOR ........................................................ Kanarilangøre PER ............................................ POL .................................................... Gacek kanaryjski PRT .............................. Morcego-orelhudo-canarino RHR ................................ Ureglia gronda da Teneriffa ROM ............................ Liliacul urecheat din Tenerife RUS .................................................. Ушан канарский SBC .................................. Канарски сиви дугоушан SBL ........................................ Kanarski sivi dugoušan SCG .................. Ialtag fhad-chluasach Chanaireach SLO ...................................................... Kanarski uhatež SLV ...................................................... Ucháč kanársky SWE .................................................... Kanarielångöra TUR ...................... Kanaryarlar Uzunkulaklı Yarasası UKR .............................................. Вухань канарський WEL .............. Ystlum hirglust yr Ynysoedd Dedwydd

5! Miniopterus schreibersii (KUHL, 1817) ALB .................................... Miniopteri i Schreibers-it ARB ...................................... ARM ................................ Սովորական երկարաթև չղջիկ AZE .......................................... Adi uzunqanad yarasa BLG ............................................ Пещерен дългокрил BLR .......................................... Даўгакрыл звычайны BOS .................................................... Šrajberov šišmiš BRT ............................................ Miniopter Schreibers BSQ .............................................. Schreibers saguzar CAT .................................................. Ratpenat de cova CRO .................................................... Dugokrili pršnjak CSL ............................................ Murciélago de cueva CZE ................................................ Létavec stehovavý


Common Names of European Bats

DAN ...................... Schreibers’ langfingerflagermus DUT .......................................... Schreibers’ vleermuis ENG .............................. Schreiber’s Bent-winged Bat EST ...................................................... Euroopa pikktiib FIN ........................................................ Pitkäsiipiyökkö FRE .................................... Minioptère de Schreibers FRI .............................. Schreibers’langwjukflearmûs GAL .............................................. Morcego das covas GEO ...................... ჩვეულებრივი ფრთაგრძელი GER .......................................... Langflügelfledermaus GRE ................................................ Πτερυγονυχτερίδα HBR .......................................................................... HUN ........................ Európai hosszúszárnyú-denevér IRG ................................ Ialtóg mhéarfhada Schreiber ITA ................................................................ Miniottero LAT .............................................. Šreibersa siksparnis LIT ................................................ Šreiberio ilgapirštis LUX ...................................... Laangflillekefliedermaus MAC ........................................ Долгокрилест лилјак MLT ........................................ Farfett il-Lejl ta' Xrajber MNE ................................................ Dugorili prstenjak NOR .......................................... Middelhavslangvinge PER .......................................................... POL .................................... Podkasaniec Schreibersa PRT ............................................ Morcego-de-peluche RHR ........................................ Miniopter da l'ala lunga ROM ............................................ Liliacul cu aripi lungi RUS ............................ Длиннокрыл обыкновенный SBC ........................................ Европски дугокрилаш SBL ................................................ Evropski dugokrilaš SCG ............................ Ialtag mheur-fhada Schreiber SLO .................................................... Dolgokrili netopir SLV .................................................. Lietavec sťahovavý SWE ................................................ Europeisk vikvinge TUR ................................................ Uzunkanatlı Yarasa UKR ........................................ Довгокрил звичайний WEL .............................. Ystlum adain-gam Schreiber

5@ Miniopterus pallidus THOMAS 1907 ALB ........................................ Miniopteri ngjyrëzbehtë ARB ................................ ARM ................................................ Գունատ երկարաթև AZE .............................. Anadolu uzunqanad yarasası BLG ................................ Степен дългокрил прилеп BLR .............................................. Даўгакрыл бледны BOS ................................ Šrajberov anadolijski šišmiš BRT .................................................... Miniopter sklaer BSQ ...................................... Saguzar hatz-luze zurbil CAT ........................................ Ratpenat de cova pàllid CRO .......................... Bliskoistočni dugokrili pršnjak CSL ................................ Murciélago de cueva pálido CZE ........................................................ Létavec perský DAN ............................ Anatolsk langfingerflagermus DUT .................... Anatolische langvleugelvleermuis ENG ................................ Anatolian Bent-winged Bat EST ........................................................ Pärsia pikktibb FIN ...................................................... Turkinpitkäsormi FRE ...................................................... Minioptère pâle FRI ............................ Anatoalyske langwjukflearmûs GAL ........................ Morcego de cova esbrancuxado GEO ........................................ ველის ფრთაგრძელი  GER .......................... Steppen-Langflügelfledermaus GRE .................................... Ωχρή πτερυγονυχτερίδα HBR ................................................................ HUN ...................... Anatóliai hosszúszárnyú-denevér IRG .............................. Ialtóg mhéarfhada Anatólach ITA .................................................... Miniottero pallido LAT ................................ Stepes garspārnu sikspārnis LIT ................................................ Šviesusis ilgapirštis LUX ...................... Steppen-Laangflillekefliedermaus MAC ................................ Блед долгокрилен лилјак MLT .............................. Farfett il-Lejl ta' l-Asja Minuri MNE ...................................... Bliskoistocni dugokrilas NOR .................................................. Steppelangvinge PER .............................................. POL ........................................ Podkasaniec pozłacany PRT ................................ Morcego-de-peluche-pálido RHR ...................................................... Miniopter pallid

ROM .......................... Liliacul anatolian cu aripi lungi RUS ........................................ Бледный длиннокрыл SBC .............................. Блискоисточни дугокрилаш SBL ........................................ Bliskoistočni dugokrilaš SCG ............................ Ialtag mheur-fhada Anatolach SLO ................................................ Bedični dolgokrilec SLV .................................................... Lietavec perzský SWE ........................................................ Blek vikvinge TUR .................................. Doğu Uzunkanatlı Yarasası UKR .................................. Довгокрил анатолійський WEL .................................... Ystlum adain-gam gwelw

5# Tadarida teniotis (RAFINESQUE, 1814) ALB ............................................ Lakuriq nate bishtlirë ARB ................................ ARM ................................ Լայնականջ ծալքաշուրթ չղջիկ AZE .......................................... Bükükdodaq enliqulaq BLG .................................................. Булдогов прилеп BLR ...................................... Тадарыда еўрапейская BOS ...................................................... Golorepi šišmiš BRT ........................................................ Molos Cestoni BSQ ................................ Saguzar buztanluze europar CAT .................................................. Ratpenat cuallarg CRO ................................ Sredozemni slobodnorepac CSL ................................................ Murciélago rabudo CZE .................................................. Tadarida evropská DAN .............................. Europæisk bulldogflagermus DUT ........................................ Europese bulvleermuis ENG .................................... European Free-tailed Bat EST ................................................ Euroopa kurdmokk FIN .......................................................... Doggilepakko FRE ................................................ Molosse de Cestoni FRI ................................................ Muskusbulflearmûs GAL .................................................... Morcego rabudo GEO .................................... ევროპული ტადარიდა GER ...................... Europäische Bulldoggfledermaus GRE ............................................................ Νυχτονόμος HBR ................................................................ HUN ............................ Európai szabadfarkú-denevér


EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

IRG ...................................... Ialtóg earrshaor Eorpach ITA .............................................. Molosso del Cestoni LAT ................................................ Brīvastes sikspārnis LIT ........................................ Europinis raukšlėtalūpis LUX ........................ Europäesch Bulldogfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Опашест лилјак MLT .................................................................. Tadarida MNE .............................................. Dugorepi slijepi miš NOR ................................................ Middelhavsfrihale PER .............................................. POL .................................................... Molos europejski PRT .................................................... Morcego-rabudo RHR ........................................................ Moloss buldoc ROM .................... Lilacul cu coadă liberă europeană RUS ................................ Складчатогуб широкоухий SBC .............................................. Средоземни репаш SBL .................................................. Sredozemni repaš SCG .................................... Ialtag eàrr-shaor Eòrpach SLO .................................................. Dolgorepi netopir SLV .............................................. Tadarida buldogovitá SWE ...................................... Veckläppad fladdermus TUR ...................... Avrupa Serbest Kuyruklu Yarasası UKR ...................................... Тадарида європейська WEL .................................................. Ystlum cynffonog



EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7

Common Names of European Bats

IRG ...................................... Ialtóg earrshaor Eorpach ITA .............................................. Molosso del Cestoni LAT ................................................ Brīvastes sikspārnis LIT ........................................ Europinis raukšlėtalūpis LUX ........................ Europäesch Bulldogfliedermaus MAC .................................................. Опашест лилјак MLT .................................................................. Tadarida MNE .............................................. Dugorepi slijepi miš NOR ................................................ Middelhavsfrihale PER .............................................. POL .................................................... Molos europejski PRT .................................................... Morcego-rabudo RHR ........................................................ Moloss buldoc ROM .................... Lilacul cu coadă liberă europeană RUS ................................ Складчатогуб широкоухий SBC .............................................. Средоземни репаш SBL .................................................. Sredozemni repaš SCG .................................... Ialtag eàrr-shaor Eòrpach SLO .................................................. Dolgorepi netopir SLV .............................................. Tadarida buldogovitá SWE ...................................... Veckläppad fladdermus TUR ...................... Avrupa Serbest Kuyruklu Yarasası UKR ...................................... Тадарида європейська WEL .................................................. Ystlum cynffonog



EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS Publication PublicationSeries Series No. No. No. EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7 • Common Names of European Bats

th th th th th th Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement at at ataaa meeting meeting meeting at at ataaameeting meeting meeting at ain in in meeting London London London in in inLondon London London in on on on London the the the on on on 19 19 19 the the the on of of of 19 19 19 the of of of 19 th of working working group group and and was was presiding presiding over over the the November November November November November November November 1987, 1987, 1987, 1987, 1987, 1987, he he he can can can 1987, he he heEUROBATS reasonably reasonably reasonably can can can heEUROBATS reasonably reasonably reasonably can reasonably be be be called called called be be be called called called be aaa2015, called aaa a Advisory Advisory Committee Committee of of until until 2015, founding founding founding founding founding founding father founding father father father father father of of of EUROBATS. EUROBATS. father EUROBATS. of of of EUROBATS. EUROBATS. EUROBATS. of EUROBATS. In In In 1998, 1998, 1998, In In In 1998, 1998, 1998, he he he In was was was 1998, he he he was was was he was whenwhen he voluntarily he voluntarily stepped stepped downdown to give to way givefor way for elected elected elected elected elected elected as as as elected Chair Chair Chair as as as Chair Chair Chair of of ofas the the the Chair of of of newly newly newly the the the ofnewly newly newly established the established established newly established established established established scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific younger younger generations. generations. working working working working working working group group working group group group group and and and group and and was and was was and was was was presiding presiding presiding was presiding presiding presiding presiding over over over over over over the the the over the the PeterPeter Lina began Lina began his work his work for bat forconservation bat conservation in the in the Advisory Advisory Advisory Advisory Advisory Advisory Committee Advisory Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee of of of EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS of of of EUROBATS EUROBATS EUROBATS of EUROBATS until until until until until 2015, until 2015, 2015, until 2015, 2015, 2015, 1973,1973, whenwhen he arrived he arrived at theatformer the former DutchDutch Ministry Ministry2015, when when when when when when he he he voluntarily voluntarily voluntarily when he he he voluntarily voluntarily voluntarily he voluntarily stepped stepped stepped stepped stepped stepped down down down stepped down down down to to to give give give down to to to way way give way give give to for way for way give wayfor for way for for of Culture, of Culture, Recreation Recreation and Social and Social Work.Work. 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FromFrom Peter Peter PeterPeter Peter Peter Lina Lina Lina Peter began Lina began Lina began Lina began Lina began began his his hisHonorary began work work work his his hisHonorary work work for work for for hisbat bat bat work for for for conservation conservation conservation bat bat bat forconservation conservation conservation bat conservation in in in in in in in 2002, 2002, he has he been has been an an Research Research Associate Associate 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, when when when 1973, when when when he he he arrived arrived arrived when he he he arrived arrived arrived he at at at the the arrived the at at at former former former the the the at former former former the Dutch Dutch Dutch former Dutch Dutch Dutch Ministry Ministry Ministry Dutch Ministry Ministry Ministry Ministry at theatNaturalis the Naturalis Biodiversity Biodiversity Center, Center, the National the National of of ofCulture, Culture, Culture, of of ofCulture, Culture, Culture, of Recreation Recreation Recreation Culture, Recreation Recreation Recreation and and and Social Social Social and and and Social Social Social and Work. 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From From FromFrom PeterPeter has taken has taken part in part many in many conferences conferences abroad, abroad, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2002, he he he has has has 2002, he he he been been been has has has he been an been an been an has Honorary Honorary Honorary been an an an Honorary Honorary Honorary an Research Research Honorary Research Research Research Research Associate Associate Associate Research Associate Associate Associate Associate ISBNISBN 978-92-95058-36-1 978-92-95058-36-1 including including all European all European Bat Research Bat Research Symposiums, Symposiums, at at at the the the at at at Naturalis Naturalis Naturalis the the the at Naturalis Naturalis Naturalis the Biodiversity Biodiversity Naturalis Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity Center, Center, Center, Center, Center, Center, the the the Center, National National National the the the National National National the National (printed (printed version) version) one of one which of which he organized he organized in1996. in1996. Museum Museum Museum Museum Museum Museum of of of Museum Natural Natural Natural of of ofNatural Natural Natural of History History History Natural History History History in in inthe History the the in in in Netherlands. Netherlands. Netherlands. the the the inNetherlands. Netherlands. Netherlands. thepapers Netherlands. He has He published has published around around 150 scientific 150 scientific papers Peter Peter Petercommunications, Peter Peter Peter has has hastaken taken Peter taken has has hastaken taken taken part has part parttaken in in in part part part many many many in in in part many many many conferences conferences conferences in many conferences conferences conferences conferences abroad, abroad, abroad, abroad, abroad, abroad, abroad, ISBNISBN 978-92-95058-37-8 978-92-95058-37-8 and and communications, including including those those on bats, on bats, ISBN ISBNISBN ISBN ISBN 978-92-95058-36-1 978-92-95058-36-1 978-92-95058-36-1 ISBN 978-92-95058-36-1 978-92-95058-36-1 978-92-95058-36-1 978-92-95058-36-1 including including including including including including all all all including European European European all all all European European European all Bat European Bat Bat Research Research Research Bat Bat Bat Research Research Research Bat Symposiums, Symposiums, Symposiums, Research Symposiums, Symposiums, Symposiums, Symposiums, (electronic (electronic version) version) birds,birds, viruses, viruses, immunology immunology and many and many otherother topics. topics. ISBN (printed (printed (printed (printed (printed (printed version) version) version) (printed version) version) version) version) one one oneof of of one one one which which which of of of one which which which he he he of organized organized which organized he he heorganized organized organized he organized in1996. in1996. in1996. in1996. in1996. in1996. in1996. 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EUROBATS Publication Series No. 7 7 •• Common Common Names of European European Bats EUROBATS EUROBATS Publication Publication Series No.Series 7 • Common No. Names of Names European of Bats Bats

This This publication publication is dedicated is dedicated to the to the 25th 25th Anniversary Anniversary of theof Agreement the Agreement on theon Conservation the Conservation of Populations of Populations of European of European Bats,Bats, whichwhich was was th opened opened for signature for signature on the on4ththe of 4December of December 1991.1991. th th th This This Thisbook This This This publication publication publication This publication publication publication publication is is is common dedicated dedicated dedicated is is is names dedicated dedicated dedicated is names dedicated to to to 53 the the the to to to the the 25 the 25 25 to the 25 25 25ththth 25th The The book contains contains common for for species 53 species Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary of of of the the theof of of Agreement Agreement Agreement the the the of Agreement Agreement Agreement the Agreement on on on the the the on on on Conservation Conservation Conservation the the the on Conservation Conservation Conservation the of bats of bats occurring occurring in the in agreement the agreement area area in Conservation 50in 50 of of of Populations Populations Populations of of of Populations Populations Populations of Populations of of of European European European of of of European European European of European Bats, Bats, Bats, Bats, Bats, Bats, which which which Bats, which which which was was was which was was was languages languages together together with concise with concise explanations explanations of of was th th th th th th th opened opened opened opened opened opened for for for opened signature signature signature for for for signature signature signature for on on signature on the the the on on on 4 4 4 the the the of of of on 4 December 4 December 4 December the of of of 4 December December December of December 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. 1991. their their originorigin and meaning. and meaning. The The The book book book The The The book book contains book contains The contains book contains contains contains common common common contains common common common names names names common names names names for for for names 53 53 53 for for for species species species 53 53 53 for species species species 53 species The author, The author, Mr. Peter Mr. Peter H.C. H.C. Lina, Lina, conceived conceived this this of of of bats bats bats of of of bats occurring bats occurring bats occurring of bats occurring occurring occurring occurring in in inmore the the the in in inagreement agreement agreement the the the in agreement agreement agreement the area area area area area in area in inago 50 50 50 area in in inago 50 50 50in 50 amazing amazing dictionary dictionary more than than fiveagreement years five years languages languages languages languages languages languages languages together together together together together together with with with together concise with concise with concise with concise with concise concise explanations explanations explanations concise explanations explanations explanations explanations of of of of of of of in order in order to help to help local local bat researchers bat researchers and and their their their their origin their origin their origin their origin origin origin and and and origin meaning. meaning. meaning. and and and meaning. meaning. meaning. and meaning. conservationists conservationists with with the popularisation the popularisation of their of their The The The author, author, The author, The The author, author, The author, Mr. Mr. Mr. author, Peter Peter Peter Mr. Mr. Mr. Peter Peter Mr. H.C. H.C. H.C. H.C. Lina, H.C. Lina, H.C. Lina,H.C. Lina, Lina, Lina, conceived conceived conceived Lina, conceived conceived conceived conceived this this this this this this this results results and in and order in order to Peter standardise to Peter standardise the application the application amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing dictionary dictionary amazing dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary dictionary more more more more more more than than than more than than than five five five than years five years five years five years five years years ago ago ago years ago ago ago of vernacular of vernacular names names in alignment in alignment with with their their ago in in in order order order in in in order order order in to to to order help help help to to to help help help local local to local help local local local bat bat bat local researchers bat researchers bat researchers bat researchers bat researchers researchers researchers and and and and and and and zoological zoological ones.ones. conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists conservationists with with with with the with the with the popularisation popularisation popularisation with the the the popularisation popularisation popularisation the popularisation of of of their their their of of of their their their of their GivenGiven that Peter that Peter Lina Lina was was among among the several the several results results results results results results and and and results in in in and and and order order order in in in and order order order to to to in standardise standardise standardise order to to to standardise standardise standardise to standardise the the the application application application the the the application application application the application experts experts who who drafted drafted the first the first version version of the of the of of of vernacular vernacular vernacular of of of vernacular vernacular vernacular ofatvernacular names names names names in in in names alignment alignment alignment in in in alignment alignment inon alignment with with with with with with their their their with their their their th th Agreement Agreement anames meeting at anames meeting in London inalignment London the on19 the of 19 of their zoological zoological zoological zoological zoological zoological zoological ones. ones. ones. ones. ones. ones. ones. November November 1987,1987, he can he reasonably can reasonably be called be called a a Given Given Given Given Given Given that that that Given Peter that Peter that Peter that Peter that Peter Peter Lina Lina Lina Peter Lina Lina was Lina was was Lina was among was among was among among among among the the the among several several several the the the several several several thewas several founding founding father father of EUROBATS. of EUROBATS. Inwas 1998, In 1998, he was he experts experts experts experts experts experts who who experts who who drafted drafted drafted who drafted drafted drafted the the the drafted first first the first the the first first version the first version version first version version version of of of version the the the of of of the the the of the elected elected aswho Chair aswho Chair of the ofnewly the newly established established scientific scientific

No. No. Publication Publication Publication Series Series Series Common Publication No. 7 • Common of European Bats EUROBATS EUROBATS Publication Series No.Series 7 • Common Names of Names European Bats


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Common Common Names Names ofof European European Bats Bats Peter Peter H.C. Lina Lina Common Common Common Names Names Names ofH.C. of European of European European Bats Bats Bats Peter Peter Peter Peter H.C. Peter H.C. H.C. H.C. Lina Lina H.C. Lina Lina Lina