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Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

С. Д. Цыренжапова Е. В. Шарыпова

English for social studies

Улан-Удэ • 2017

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Бурятский государственный университет

С. Д. Цыренжапова, Е. В. Шарыпова

ENGLISH FOR SOCIAL STUDIES (I часть) Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим советом БГУ в качестве учебно-методического пособия для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 39.03.01 Социология

Улан-Удэ Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета 2017

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.43.я 73 Ц 975 Утверждено к печати редакционно-издательским советом Бурятского госуниверситета

Рецензенты А. Н. Абидуева, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры технологии развития филологического образования ГАУ ДПО РБ «БРИОП» М. Н. Буланова, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ИФМК БГУ

Текст печатается в авторской редакции

Цыренжапова С. Д. Ц 975 English for social studies (I часть): учебно-методическое пособие / С. Д. Цыренжапова, Е. В. Шарыпова. — Улан-Удэ: Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета, 2017. — 76 с. ISBN 978-5-9793-0998-9 Настоящее учебное издание представляет собой I часть учебнометодического пособия для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 39.03.01 Социология. Цель пособия — совершенствовать навыки и развивать умения иноязычной речевой деятельности в курсе базового языка, и в области профессионально-ориентированного общения и социологического исследования. УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.43.я 73

ISBN 978-5-9793-0998-9

© С. Д. Цыренжапова, Е. В. Шарыпова, 2017 © Бурятский госуниверситет, 2017

Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»

ВВЕДЕНИЕ Настоящее учебное издание представляет собой I часть учебнометодического пособия для дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в рамках реализации образовательной программы высшего образования для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 39.03.01 Социология очной формы обучения и подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями Федерального государственного стандарта высшего образования. Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» является одной из обязательных дисциплин базовой части Блока 1 в структуре Программы бакалавриата по вышеуказанному направлению. В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен: Знать основные грамматические и синтаксические явления и нормы их употребления в изучаемом иностранном языке, лексикограмматический минимум в объеме, необходимом для устного общения и работы с иноязычными текстами; Уметь использовать знание иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности, профессиональной коммуникации и в межличностном общении; Владеть навыками выражения своих мыслей и мнений в межличностном и деловом общении на иностранном языке. Основной целью настоящего учебно-методического пособия является изучение языкового и речевого общенаучного материала по английскому языку в рамках дисциплины «Иностранный язык». Цель пособия — помочь студентам освежить знания по английскому языку, полученные в школе, освоить и закрепить грамматические явления, изучаемые в курсе английского языка высшей школы, выработать умение читать литературу по специальности, обогатить запас специальной профессиональной лексики, а также расширить профессиональный кругозор студентов в сфере социологического исследования. Пособие содержит интерактивные задания, моделирующие ситуацию реального общения, направленные на формирование навыков совместной деятельности. Данное учебнометодическое пособие в целом направлено на формирование ОК-5, общекультурной компетенции как способности обучающихся к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия. 3

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Таким образом, использование данного пособия в учебном процессе позволит добиться качественного улучшения овладения иностранным языком студентами. Пособие включает Введение, Основной учебный материал, Приложение, Библиографический список. Основной учебный материал пособия имеет структуру, состоящую из двух частей (Parts) — 3 уроков (Units), объединенных единой тематикой и содержащих тексты (Text I и Tеxt II), учебный диалог, а также интерактивные задания, которые развивают коммуникативные умения и навыки и обеспечивают решение обучающих и развивающих задач. Грамматический материал выделен в отдельный блок (Part II Grammar Support), упражнения этой части пособия могут быть использованы по усмотрению преподавателя. В приложении представлен материал по грамматике, методические рекомендации по подготовке к ролевой игре и проекту. Студентам, занимающихся по данному пособию, сначала необходимо проработать лексический материал, затем прочитать и перевести текст, ответить на вопросы и выполнить послетекстовые упражнения. Предлагаемые диалоги-образцы для развития навыков говорения, необходимо прочитать, перевести и заучить наизусть, а затем составить собственные диалоги по заданным ситуациям. В конце юниты даны интерактивные задания в виде ролевой игры, дискуссии или проекта, выполнить которые помогут методические рекомендации. Краткий грамматический справочник, снабженный памятками, инструкциями, примечаниями поможет обучаемым работать самостоятельно.


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PART I Unit I. Student’s life 1. Let me introduce myself I. Read the following words and translate them: sociology, seriously, diverse, to laugh, sense of humor, hardworking, ambitious, to reach, to appreciate, honesty, alternative, ambitious, sociable, frankness, politeness, rude, aggressive, to look like, darkhaired, waved hair, eyelashes, snub nose, slim, to continue, education, political events, to be fond of smb / smth, spare time, mall, fellow students, sociologist, favourite subject, make up one’s mind, to enter the History faculty, Buryat State University. TEXT I II. Read the text and answer the question: Why does the main character want to be a sociologist? My name is Dina Let me introduce myself. I’m Gomboeva Dina. Dina is my name and Gomboeva is my surname. I was born on the twenty third of December 1999 in Ulan-Ude. I’m seventeen years old. After finishing school I decided to become a University student. My life is very diverse. I always help people. I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humor. I’m hard-working and ambitious. I set high goals for myself and I work hard to reach them. I’m sociable, so I have got a lot of friends. I appreciate people’s honesty, frankness and politeness. I don’t like when people are rude and aggressive. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a dark-haired girl with long waved hair and big beautiful eyes. I like my eyelashes, they are thick. I have a snub nose, a happy smile and a slim figure. I have got some hobbies. I’m always very busy, but when I’m free I like to read books. I think books help me to continue my education. I enjoy reading historical novels describing life, culture and political events in different countries of the world. Also I’m fond of music: dance music, hip-hop, rock and alternative music. In my spare time I like to 5

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take photos of my relatives, friends and my pets. I have got a dog and a cat. Sometimes I play different sport games. My favorite games are "freeze", basketball, tennis and volleyball. I don't like to watch TV, but I do it from time to time. I often go for a walk, to the mall or cinema with my friends or fellow students. As for my future life, I want to be a sociologist. So I made up my mind to enter the History faculty of Buryat State University and study sociology seriously as my future profession. III. Find the following words in the text and translate them: to introduce, to become, joke, set high goals for, very busy, from time to time, to take photos, to go for a walk, future life, Social Studies. IV. Сomplete the sentences: 1. Dina Gomboeva was born on….. 2. After finishing school she decided to become….. 3. She is ….. and ambitious. 4. Dina is….. so she has got a …... 5. She is a … girl with … waved hair and ……eyes. 6. She has a … nose, a happy … and a … figure. 7. She enjoys reading … … describing life, … and … …in different countries of the world. 8. Dina wants to be a …. V. Make the statements correct. 1. After finishing school Dina decided to become a college student. 2. Dina is always very busy, but when she is free she likes to play sport games. 3. She enjoys reading historical novels describing life, culture and political events in our country. 4. Dina also loves music: dance music, folk and classical music. 5. She likes to take photos of her relatives, group mates and animals. 6. As for her future life, she wants to be a teacher. 7. So Dina made up her mind to enter the History faculty of Buryat State University and study sociology seriously as her future profession.


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VI. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the main character? 2. Where and when was she born? 3. How old is she? 4. What kind of people does she like? 5. What kind of people doesn’t she like? 6. What does she look like? 7. What does she do in her free time? 8. What does she like to listen to? 9. What’s her favourite game? 10. Why does she want to be a sociologist?

VII. Imagine that you are Dina’s friend. Your other friends don’t know her. Tell them the information and facts you have learnt about her. VIII. Study additional vocabulary for the topic: What does he (she) look like?-Как он (она) выглядит? She looks like her mother –Она похожа на свою мать. to look like smb — быть похожим на кого-либо tall — высокий short — маленького роста stout — приземистый, коренастый slim — стройный fat — толстый plumpy — полный fair hair — светлые волосы blonde — блондин(ка) brunette — брюнет(ка) gray hair — седые волосы bold headed — лысый short sighted — близорукий smart, clever, bright — умный (я) stupid — тупой, глупый boring — скучный easy to go along — легкий в общении quiet — спокойный impulsive — порывистый, импульсивный shy — застенчивый confused — смущенный 7

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active — активный talkative — разговорчивый IX. Tell your fellow students about your school friends. You can arrange the information in the following way: name and surname — date and place of birth — favourite subject at school — faculty and university (institute) — hobbies: music, sport, reading, dancing — other hobby — future profession — X. Imagine that you are going to write an article to the University newspaper about the students of the History faculty. Interview him or her. 1. What is your name and surname? 2. Where and when were you born? 3. How old are you? 4. What kind of people do you like? 5. What kind of people don’t you like? 6. What do you do in your free time? 7. What do you like to listen to? 8. What is your favourite kind of sport or game? 9. What faculty are you in?

XI. Translate into English: Здравствуйте, разрешите представиться. Я Владимир Гармаев. Я родился 21 апреля 1998 года в Иркутске. Сейчас я студент исторического факультета Иркутского государственного университета. Я трудолюбивый, общительный, люблю помогать людям. У меня много друзей. Мы гуляем, ходим в кино, играем в разные спортивные игры: футбол, волейбол, баскетбол и теннис. Я люблю фотографировать моих друзей и родственников. Также я получаю удовольствие от чтения. Мне нравятся книги о жизни, культуре и политических событиях в разных странах. Моя будущая профессия — социолог.


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Dialogue I. Read the following dialogue and act it. –Dina is a student now, you know. – Is she? Where does she study? – At Buryat State University. – At what faculty does she study? – At the History faculty. She wants to be a sociologist. – I see 1 . Note: I see 1 — понятно II. Make up your own dialogue according to the following situation: You meet your friend. Ask him about his studies, hobbies. The following words may be used: nice to meet you, to study at Buryat State University, favourite subject, to do in spare time, to be fond of, in future I want to be.


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TEXT II I. Read the text and answer the questions after it. My biography after Mark Twain I was born on the 30-th of November 1835 in the village of Florida, Missouri. My father was John Marshal Clemens. According to tradition some of my great-great parents were pirates and slave traders — a respectable trade in the 16-th century. In my time I wished to be a pirate myself. Florida contained a hundred people and when I was born I increased the population by one per cent. It had two streets and a lot of lanes. Both the streets and the lanes were paved1 with the same material — black mud in wet times, deep dust in dry. Most of the houses were of wood — there were none of brick and none of stone. Everywhere around were fields and woods. My uncle was a farmer. I have never met a better man than he was. He was a middle-aged man whose head was clear and whose heart was honest and simple. I stayed at his house for three months every year till I was thirteen years old. Nowhere else was I happier than at his house. He had eight children and owned about fourteen Negro slaves whom he had bought from other farmers. My uncle and everyone on the farm treated the slaves kindly. All the Negroes on the farm were friends of ours and with those of our own age we were playmates. Since my childhood I have learned to like the black race and admire some of its fine qualities. In my school days nobody told me that it was wrong to sell and buy people. It is only much later that I realized all the horror of slavery. The country school was three miles from my uncle's farm. It stood in a forest and could take in about twenty five boys and girls. We attended school once or twice a week. I was a sickly2 child and lived mainly on medicine the first seven years of my life. When I was twelve years old my father died. After my father's death our family was left penniless. I was taken from school at once and placed in the office of a local newspaper as printer's apprentice3 where I could receive board and clothes but no money. For ten years I worked in print shops of various cities. I started my journalistic life as a reporter on a newspaper in San-Francisco. It was then that I began to sign my publications by my penname Mark Twain. 10

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Notes: were paved1 — были вымощены sickly2 — хилый apprentice3 — подмастерье II. Answer the following questions: 1. When was Samuel Clemens born? 2. What were the great-great parents of Mark Twain? 3. What did Mark Twain want to be? 4. What were the streets and lanes of Florida paved with? 5. How does the author describe his uncle? 6. How many slaves did Mark Twain's uncle own? 7. What was the author's attitude toward slavery? 8. Was Mark Twain a healthy boy? 9. When did the author start his career of a writer? III. Let’s talk about you You study at the History faculty of Buryat State University, don’t you? Why have you entered the History faculty of BSU? Tell us about your hobbies. What do you want to be in future? Why?


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2. Our University I. a) Study the following words and phrases for the topic: a second-year student — студент второго курса lectures and seminars — лекции и семинары to take notes — записывать a lecture delivered by / given — лекция, читаемая (проводимая) кем-л. to take an active part in — принимать активное участие в чем-л. to participate in — участвовать в чем-л. to be friendly with — дружить с кем-л. to attend — посещать to arrange — организовывать to be proud — гордиться I’d like to say — мне хотелось бы сказать to be sure — быть уверенным department– отделение, факультет to pass an exam — сдать экзамен to miss lectures and seminars — пропускать лекции и семинары extracurricular activities — внеклассные (внеучебные) мероприятия to concern — касаться to train specialists — готовить специалистов educational and scientific center — образовательный и научный центр educational institution — образовательное учреждение Social Sciences — общественные науки the Department of Sociology — отделение социологии the Introduction into Sociology — введение в социологию general subjects — общеобразовательные предметы special subjects — специальные предметы Methods of Sociological Research — методы социальных исследований b) Read the following words and phrases, then translate them: Buryat State Pedagogical Institute, the Institute of Economics and Management, the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Medical Institute, the Institute of Oriental Studies, Pedagogical Institute, The 12

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Institute of Philology and Mass Communications, Pedagogical Institute, Anthropology, History of Sociology.

TEXT I II. Read the text and answer the question: When was the History faculty of BSU founded? Our University Let me introduce myself: I am Sasha Badmaev and I’m 18 years old. Last year I successfully passed the entrance exams. Now I am a secondyear student of the History Faculty of Buryat State University. Buryat State University is one of the oldest universities of our Republic. It was established in 1932 as the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute. It became a university in 1995. Nowadays it is one of the leading educational and scientific centers of Siberia. The University is located in thе center of Ulan-Ude and has a large campus. Buryat State University is famous for its highly qualified staff. BSU trains specialists in the fields of education, science, management, economy, healthcare, social services, etc1. The University structure includes six institutes: the Institute of Economics and Management, the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Medical Institute, the Institute of Oriental Studies, Pedagogical Institute, the Institute of Philology and Mass Communications. There are seven faculties at the University. Young people may study at the faculties of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism; Biology Geography and 13

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Land Using; Physics and Engineering; Social Work and Psychology; Chemistry, Law and History. The History faculty is one of the oldest faculties of BSU. It was founded in 1932 as History and Economics school, then in 1987 it became the History faculty. Now the dean of the Faculty is Viktoria Vladimirovna Nomogoeva — a Doctor of History, an Associate Professor. The educational process at the faculty includes a multi-level training, bachelors, masters, graduate students, doctoral students. The History faculty trains specialists in the field of History, Regional Studies, Political science, Philosophy, Sociology and Theology. I am fond of Social Sciences since my studies in school. At the University we have lectures and seminars. We attend lectures and get ready for seminars and pass our credit tests and exams. We study many general subjects such as History of Russia, History of Buryatia, Philosophy, Maths, Computer Science and others. Also we study special subjects such as the History of Sociology, the Introduction into Sociology, Anthropology, Methods of Sociological Research and so on. History of Sociology and Anthropology are the most important subjects from my point of view2. Our lessons usually start at 8 o’clock and we always have 3 or 4 periods a day. After my second lesson I go to our university canteen for lunch. After lessons I go home or to the University’s library. As I am greatly interested in all my subjects and pay great attention to them, I try to read much information concerning to my future work. I want to be the best specialist in my field. We also study English. We read, write and speak English at the English lessons. We take notes of all the lectures delivered by our teachers and we try never miss them. We all take an active part in social life of BSU. We participate in various competitions and funny performances. As I am friendly with most of my fellow students I spend all my spare time together with them. We go to the cinema, to the theatre and arrange evening parties. I’m very proud to be a student of one of the best educational institutions of Ulan-Ude city. We have lots of fun. I’d like to say that being a student feels great. Notes: in the field of education, science, management, economy, healthcare, social services, etc1 — в сфере образования, науки, управления, экономики, здравоохранения, социальных услуг и т.д. 14

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from my point of view2 — с моей точки зрения. III. Read and translate the following words and phrases with prepositions; find them in the text “Our University” and translate the sentences. to be fond of Social Sciences, to take notes of all the lectures delivered by our professors, to take an active part in social life of our university, to participate in various competitions, the most important subject from my point of view, I am greatly interested in all my subjects, I pay great attention to them, much information concerning to my future work, I am friendly with most of my fellow students, I’m very proud to be a student of one of the best educational institutions. IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where required: Sasha is a second-year student … the Department … Sociology. He is fond … English. He reads, writes and speaks … English ... the English lessons. He takes notes … the new words. He doesn’t like lectures delivered … his new professor and sometimes he misses them. Sasha takes part … social life … the university, he participates in various competitions and performances. His lessons usually start … 8 o’clock. As he is greatly interested … English and pays great attention to it, he speaks with the foreigners on Skype. He is friendly … most of them. V. Make the statements correct if they are false. 1. Sasha Badmaev is 17 years old. 2. Last year he successfully passed the final exams. 3. Now he is a second-year student of the Chemistry Faculty of Irkutsk State University. 4. The University structure includes seven institutes and eight faculties. 5. Sasha is fond of History since his studies in school. 6. Their lessons usually start at 8.30 o’clock and they always have 2 or 3 periods a day. 7.After lessons Sasha goes home or to the University’s canteen for lunch. 8.As he is friendly with most of his fellow students he spends all his spare time together with them. They go for a walk, to the mall, and arrange evening parties. 15

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VI. Answer the following questions: 1. Where does Sasha study? 2. What specialists does the University train? 4. What is Sasha fond of? 4. What kind of classes does he have? 5. What subjects does he study? 6. What subjects are his favourite ones? 7. What does he usually do at the English lessons? 8. Does he or his fellow students ever miss the lectures? 9. Does he take an active part in social life of the University? What does he do? 10. What does Sasha usually do in his spare time? 11. Is Sasha proud to be a student of Buryat State University? VII. Translate the following phrases: Студент второго курса, мне нравятся общественные науки, лекции и семинары, сдавать зачеты и экзамены, мы читаем, пишем и говорим на английском, мы записываем все лекции, читаемые нашими преподавателями, общественная жизнь университета, проводить все свое свободное время с ними, организовывать вечеринки, одно из лучших образовательных учреждений города Улан-Удэ. VIII. Supply answers to the following questions: 1. Where do you study? 2. What kind of classes do you have? 3. What subjects do you study? 4. What subjects are your favourite ones? 5. What do you usually do at the English lessons? 6. Do you or your group mates ever miss the lectures? 7. Do you take an active part in social life of our University? What do you do? 8. What do you usually do after lessons? 9. What do you usually do in your spare time? 10. Are you proud to be a student of your University? Why? IX. Tell your school friends about Buryat State University. You can arrange the information in the following way: when it was founded — speak about its Institutes, faculties, departments and their specializations — 16

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describe your first day at the universityspeak about your studies at the universityhow they are organized — what subjects you study — etc. Dialogue I. Read the following dialogue and say between whom the conversation is taking place:  Is it hard to study at your faculty?  If you don’t miss classes and seminars, work regularly in your lessons you are sure to make progress and get good marks at your credit tests and exams.  Do you have time to go in for sports? As far as I remember you are good at volleyball and tennis, aren’t you?  Yes, sure. The students of Buryat State University have a good opportunity to go in for sports. Besides I’m a member of our Student Club. Those who are fond of dancing and good at it can join the famous student’s ensemble «Baikal Waves».  Oh, that’s great! It’s rather interesting to study at BSU, isn’t it?  Yes, it is. I quite agree with you! II. Make up your own dialogue according to the following situation: You are a student of the History faculty of BSU. You meet your friend who studies at the Institute of Culture. Ask him about his studies. The following words may be used: to study at the Institute of Culture, to be in the second year, History faculty, subjects you like to study, to do well in, to pass exams successfully, to be good at, after classes.

TEXT II I. Before reading the text look up the following words in the dictionary: to enrol chapel private school first-class education take business precious 17

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painting relax II. Read the text and answer the questions after it. Oxford — the University Town This university town is very beautiful. The oldest university there is Oxford. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-five colleges and about thirteen thousand students, many of them from other countries. There were no women at Oxford until 1878, when the first women's college Lady Margaret Hall, opened. Now most colleges are open to men and women. It is not easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree. But outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less difficult courses and where it is easy to enrol. Most students in these private school take business, secretarial or English language courses. Oxford is, of course, famous for its first-class education as well as its beautiful buildings. Some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work here. Oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues and the four-hundred-year-old library, which has about five million books. Oxford has same of the finest architecture in Britain. Some of their colleges, chapels and libraries are there, four and even five hundred years old, and are full of books and precious paintings. You can see there many lovely gardens, where the students can read and relax in the summer months. III. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the oldest university in Oxford? 2. When was the first women's college opened? 3. What is its name? 4. What is Oxford famous for? 5. How many colleges are there in university? 6. Where do students relax and read?


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Role Play Imagine that you are having a talk with a student of London University. Tell him about educational process at Buryat State University and ask him questions to know much about London University. Student 1: You are a student of Buryat State University. Tell your new friend from London about your studies: department, subjects you like to study, extracurricular activities, etc. Ask your friend about his studies to compare educational process in Russia and the UK. Student 2: You are a student of London University. Answer questions about your studies. Try to tell about your University in details. Ask your friend questions about his studies to understand the system of higher education in Russia.


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3. Future Career I. Read the following words and phrases and translate them: to major in = to specialize in, to admit, a research worker, career, eventually, science, behaviour, syllabus, knowledgeable, abilities, character, to take a full course of, to take up sociology, doing sociology bachelor’s degree, skills, employees. Text I II. Read the text and say what perspectives the profession of a sociologist provides you with. Sociology is my future profession When a person leaves high school, he understands that the time to choose his future profession has come. Leaving school is the beginning of independent life and the start of a more serious examination of one’s abilities and character. As you remember, I am Sasha Badmaev and I am doing sociology in the Faculty of History of BSU. I take a full course of the History of Sociology and the Introduction into Sociology. I must say I take a special liking to the subjects in which I am going to major (specialize). To my mind, one of the most difficult problems that a young person faces after finishing school is choosing a career. As for me, it was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter the University and study sociology. You know Sociology is a science that studies the nature and growth of society and social behaviour of people in it. There are many subjects in our syllabus connected with Social studies: the Introduction into Sociology, the History of Sociology, etc. I know the profession of a sociologist is quite varied. The graduates of our Faculty can work as teachers and research workers at secondary and higher schools, educational establishments, companies, firms, etc. They successfully find themselves in the field of education and culture, public administration, law enforcement, media, business, foreign economic and political structures, they are engaged in creative, political and social activities, as well as in post-graduate train20

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ing structures (research doctorates, masters, etc.). Many of them have become well-known scientists in the Republic of Buryatia or have chosen public activity as their career. Whether I will become a very good teacher or a research worker, or become successful in some other field of social life remains to be seen 1. But I'm sure that eventually I will become quite knowledgeable in the field of sociology and social sciences. Note: be seen 1 — будет видно III. Match the English and Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations: Let me introduce myself; I am doing sociology; let alone some other things; I take a special liking to Social Studies; it was shortly before leaving school; the profession of a sociologist is quite varied; the beginning of independent life; the graduates; public activity; well-known scientists; law enforcement; secondary and higher schools. Hе говоря уже о других предметах; известные ученые; выпускники; профессия социолога весьма разнообразна; начало независимой жизни; разрешите представиться; правоохранительные органы; средние школы, высшие школы; я изучаю социологию; oбщественная деятельность; незадолго до окончания школы; мне особенно нравятся общественные науки. IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where required: When a person leaves … high school, he understands that the time to choose his future profession has come. Sasha Badmaev is doing sociology … the Faculty … History of BSU. Sociology is a science that studies the nature and growth … society and social behaviour … people … it. The profession … a sociologis is quite varied. The graduates … our Faculty can work as teachers and research workers ... secondary and higher schools, educational establishments, companies, firms. Many … them have become well-known scientists … the Republic … Buryatia or have chosen public activity as their career. Whether Sasha will become a very good teacher or a research worker, or become successful … some other field … social life remains to be seen.


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V. Choose the correct phrase (a, b or c) to complete the following sentences. 1. One of the most difficult problems a young person faces after finishing school is ... a) to enter an educational establishment b) choosing a career c) earning money to support life 2. Sociology is a science that ... a) studies people's characters b) helps people in their relationship c) studies the nature and growth of society and social behaviour of people living in it 3. To become a sociologist it is necessary to know about ... a) the educational establishments and companies b) foreign economic and political structures of society c) social behaviour of people living in society. VI. Fill in the right word: graduate from; finish (leave) school 1. At what age did you ... school? 2. When did your friend ... from the University? 3. Every year many young people ... from Buryat State University. 4. What did you do after you ... the secondary school? study, learn, teach 1. Who ... you English at school? 2. What subjects do you ... in your 1st year at the University? 3. "Your homework for tomorrow is: to ... the grammar material and to ... the new words", said our English teacher. 4. She ... this historical document very well. 5. We usually ... in the morning. 6. I often ... the new English words by heart. 7. In learning a foreign language it is necessary to ... systematically. 8. Did you ...English or German at school? 9. Which is more difficult for you: to ... or to ...? 10. Dina ... her friends the new game. 11. Will you … me how to swim? 12. Our teacher ... us English. 13. Who… you the History of Sociology? 22

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VII. Answer the following questions: 1. When do young people choose their future professions? 2. Does Sasha take a full course of the History of Sociology and the Introduction into Sociology? 3. Does he take a special liking to the subjects in which he is going to major (specialize)? 4. When does Sasha made up his mind to enter the University and study sociology? 5. What does sociology study? 6. Are there many subjects in Sasha’s syllabus connected with social studies? What are they? 7. Where the graduates of the History Faculty of BSU can work? 8. Have the BSU graduates become well-known scientists in the Republic of Buryatia? 9. Have they chosen public activity as their career? 10. Will Sasha become a teacher or a research worker, or become successful in some other field of social life? VIII. Imagine that you become Sasha’s friend. Your other friends don’t know him. Tell them the information and facts you learnt about him . IX. Supply answers to the following questions: 1. What does sociology study? 2. You take a full course of sociology at the University, don't you? 3. Why did you make up your mind to enter the History faculty? 4. What were you fond of when you studied at school? 5. What do you want to become: a teacher of social sciences or a research worker after graduating from the University? 6. Are you sure you will become a good specialist? 7. Why have you chosen sociology as your future speciality? 8. Why is the profession of a sociologist quite varied? 9. What future perspectives the profession of a sociologist provides you with (what kind of science sociology is, what kind of profession/job it is, what opportunities it gives you).


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Dialogue I. Read the dialogue and name the professions that were mentioned in it. Dina: I want to become a sociologist. And what about you? Marina: As for me, my dream is to be a teacher and work at school. Bair: I think that I'll become an economist. Why have you chosen your future profession? Marina: To my mind, it is a very difficult and noble profession. But there is nothing better than to teach children and help them to find their way in life. Bair: Right you are! It is very difficult to become a good teacher. You should be well-educated and broad-minded. Marina: Dina, what does Sociology study? Dina: You know that Sociology is a science that studies the nature and growth of society and social behaviour of people in it. Marina: Oh, I see. Bair: Your future profession, Dina, is very interesting too. My mother is an economist and I understand how important her work is for her enterprise. Dina: No decision is taken without her approval. Marina: It is very responsible work. Bair: But I like it. Dina: We know that today jobs spring out looking after other people's lives, children, gardens, food, health. Marina: We understand that all the professions are very important for the society. Bair: It needs any skills, the more skills — the better. If you don't have them — get them. Dina: Everybody has to work hard for his dream to come true. Marina: I agree with you! II. Make up your own dialogue according to the following situation: You are a second-year student of the Sociology Department at the History faculty of BSU. You meet your friend who is a BSU graduate and works as a research worker in the Butyat Scientific Center in Ulan-Ude. Ask him about his work. The following words may be used: to specialize in, a research worker, career, to analyse, science, analytical, organizational and communication skill. 24

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TEXT II I. Before reading the text look up the following words in the dictionary: economy labor market creative, versatile and adaptable employers are looking for skills enable to master new tasks solve problems reasoned judgement a well-rounded person equipped with valuable intellectual communication II. Read the text and answer the questions after it. Career Opportunities Today’s economy and labor market demand employees who are creative, versatile and adaptable. The best employers are looking for people who are broadly educated in the kind of critical, analytical, organizational, and communication skills that will enable them to master new tasks and solve new problems many times over throughout their careers. Sociology is exactly the kind of major in which to learn those skills. Sociology offers the students a broad education in critical thinking, analytical problem solving, reasoned judgement, and effective communication. It helps to form its students into a well-rounded person, equipped with valuable intellectual and communication skills and abilities with which to pursue a host of possible vocational callings and careers, and a thoughtful, purposeful life. The issue is not only what you can do with it, but what it does to you. One of the most frequent questions students ask about sociology is: “What can I do with a sociology degree?” The answer is that the career potential of sociology majors is almost limitless. Sociologists are employed by research institutes, the criminal justice system, public health and welfare organizations, private businesses, law firms, international 25

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agencies, medical centers, educational institutions, advertising firms, survey and polling organizations, and beyond. Students with a bachelor’s degree in sociology often secure employment as social researchers, case workers, paralegals, public relations workers, administrators, community organizers, public policy researchers, and data analysts. Sociology also provides great preparation for going on to law school, medical school, business school, and for graduate degree programs in social work, education, public policy, religious ministry, mass communications, public health, non-profit administration, and international affairs. III. Answer the following questions: 1. Do today’s economy and labor market demand employees who are creative, versatile, and adaptable? 2. Does sociology offer the students a broad education in critical thinking, analytical problem solving, reasoned judgement, and effective communication? 3. Sociology helps to form its students into a well-rounded person, equipped with valuable intellectual and communication skills, doesn’t it? 4.What is one of the most frequent questions students ask about sociology? 5. Are sociologists employed by research institutes, public health and welfare organizations, private businesses and educational institutions? 6. Do the students with a bachelor’s degree in sociology often secure employment as social researchers? 7. Sociology also provides great preparation for going on to law school, medical school, business school, doesn’t it? Role play My future profession Students of different specializations are discussing their future professions. It’s interesting to listen to their way of choosing their profession. Some students had a dream of this profession from childhood, some students made their choice with their parents etc. Share your opinion on your future profession with your friends. Student 1: Your major is mathematics. You hated to do math in junior school. But you had to prepare for final exams. Gradually it became very interesting to study math. It was quite unexpected for your parents 26

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and friends that you had chosen math as your major. Explain, in what sphere you are going to work after graduating from university. Student 2: Your major is history. You were always interested in reading about different historical events. But you have never considered history as your future profession. Your parents gave you advice to enter the History department. What’s your feeling now? Do you like to study at History department? What are plans for future? Student 3: Your future profession is a sociologist. It was your dream to become it. Finally you are studying at the Sociology department of the History faculty of BSU. Tell your friends about your plans for future. Are you going to become a teacher or a researcher? Explain your choice. Project Work Read the Appendix 8. Make up an oral presentation about your future profession.


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Unit II. Native place 1. Buryatia is our Motherland I. Read the following words and translate them: an area, population, theatre, borderline, regions, a relief, mountains ranges, the climate, an extreme continental kind, flora, fauna, nuts, berries, mushrooms, riсh in , fur-bearing animals, sable, mink, hare, bear, fox, wolf, mineral resourses, ore, сoal, gold, graphite.

Text I after Medvedev S.P. II. Read the text and answer the question: Why our Republic is called Sunny Buryatia? The Republic of Buryatia was founded on the 30 th of May 1923. It occupies a great territory of Eastern Siberia to the east of Lake Baikal. The total area is about 351 300 square kilometres with the population of about one million people. The northwestern borderline runs along the shore of Lake Baikal. It borders on Zabaikalskii and the Irkutsk regions, the Tuva Republic and the Mongolian Republic. The Republic is mostly mountainous but there is hardly a place in Russia where such a variety of scenery can be found. There are moun28

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tains and boundless steppes, thick forests and quiet lakes, mountainous rivers and, of course, world famous Lake Baikal. A.P. Chekhov visited Buryatia on his way to Sakhalin. He was greatly impressed by the nature of Zabaikalye. In one of his letters he wrote "In Zabaikalye I saw the Caucasus, Switzerland, the valley of the river Don". The mountains in the Republic are the Sayans, the Vitim upland, the Barguzin and the Hamar-Daban mountain ranges. But the most famous are the Sayans with its highest peak Munku-Sardyk (3491 metres). The Buryat taiga is rich in fur — bearing animals: bear, wolf, fox, squirrel, mink etc. Nature has smiled upon Buryatia, as it has a rich abundance of animal life, having such species like Barguzin sable and Baikal omul. The Barguzin national park was established in 1913. The rivers of our republic are of no great value as waterways. The longest of Buryatia’s rivers are the Selenga, the Uda, the Barguzin and others. All of them flow into the Baikal and but only the Angara-river runs out of it. The Selenga river which is a major tributary of Lake Baikal is navigable in summer and early autumn. The great part of the year the rivers of Buryatia are frozen. There is also a great number of small mountainous rivulets, running into the Baikal with extremely pure water. The most important mineral resources are ore, coal, asbestos, gold and graphite. The climate is dry, winters are cold and the summers are hot. Our republic is often called "Sunny Buryatia ", because there are more than 300 sunny days in Buryatia. III. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate them: founded, to the east, the north western, shore, a variety of scenery, to be greatly impressed, species, great value, waterways, to flow, navigable, mountainous rivulets, extremely pure water. IV. Now let’s review some facts. Read the text again and complete the following sentences: 1. The Republic of Buryatia …. a great territory of Eastern Siberia. 2. Buryatia … on Tuva, Mongolia, Zabaikalskii and the Irkutsk regions. 3. The …. of our Republic is 351300 square kilometers. 4. The … of the Republic of Buryatia is about one million people. 29

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5. There are mountains and boundless steppes, thick … and quiet…, mountainous rivers. 6. The most important ….of Buryatia are the Barguzin, Hamar-Daban mountains ranges. 7. The highest peak of the Sayans is ….. 8. The longest …. are the Selenga, the Uda, the Barguzin and others. 9. The Selenga river is … in summer and early autumn. 10. The climate in our Republic is …, winters are…. 11. The Buryat taiga is riсh in fur-bearing animals, such as …, …, …, … and mink. 12. Buryatia is riсh in … resourses, such as ore, …, … … and graphite. 13. The Republic industry produces …, river going vessels, …, building materials. V. Answer the following questions: 1. When was the Republic of Buryatia founded? 2. What is a total area of the Republic of Buryatia? 3. What regions does our Republic border on in the west (east, north, south)? 4. What is the relief of the republic? 5. Who visited Buryatia on his way to Sakhalin? 6. What was he greatly impressed by? 7. Are the rivers of our Republic of great value as waterways? 8. What river is navigable in summer and early autumn? 9. Are the rivers frozen the great part of the year? 10. What mountain ranges are there in our Republic? 11. What is the highest peak of the Sayans? 12. When was the Barguzin national park established? 13. What other national parks and reserves are there in Buryatia? 14. What are the natural riches of our republic? 15. The climate of Buryatia is dry, is not it? 16. Do you know how many sunny days are there in the Republic of Buryatia?


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VI. Let’s solve a crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzle Across 1. The word that people use for cedar, pine and fir trees. 2. All the animals of an area. 3. A thick coniferous forest in Eastern Siberia. 4. An ever green tree. 5. A precious yellow metal. 6. Land between hills or mountains often with a river flowing through it. Down 1. The mineral Gusinoozersk is rich in. 2. A type of climate inBuryatiа. 3. All the plants of an area. 4. A fur — bearing animal that can be found in the Republic of Buryatia. 5. A synonym of territory.


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2. Ulan-Ude– the capital of Buryatia Text I I. Read the text and say which places of interests would you show your foreign friends. Ulan-Ude is the capital of the Buryat Republic which is situated in the Eastern Siberia. Ulan-Ude was founded in 1666 by Russian Cossacks. At present it is a big contemporary city 220 km east of Irkutsk with 360 000 people living in it. The former name of the city before 1934 was Verkhneudinsk. It was on the old Silk Road to the east and developed as a trading post in gold, silk and chinaware. Ulan-Ude is city with beautiful buildings, commercial centers, theatres and cinemas. There are up-to-date schools, colleges, universities, academies and institutes in Ulan-Ude. There are many higher establishments in the city: Buryat State University, East Siberian State University of Technology and Management, East Siberian State Institute of Culture, Buryat State Agricultural Academy and others. There are two rivers in the city: the Selenga and the Uda, which split a multitude of channels to form a number of picturesque green islands. The most famous one is Komsomolsk island. There are a lot of picnic places there. The climate is healthy. But sometimes snowstorms complicate the life of the city in winter, particularly the transport and the heating system. Ulan-Ude is a cultural centre of our Republic and it is famous for its theatres. Besides them there are medical and dance schools, creative unions of writers, painters, composers and journalists. There are three districts in the city: Sovetsky, Oktyabrsky and Zheleznodorozhny. Sovetsky district has become a business and cultural centre of the city. Zheleznodorozhny is a workers district. And Oktyabrsky is mainly a residential part of Ulan-Ude. Soviet square is one of the finest open places in Ulan-Ude. It is the oldest centre of our city with its Opera and Ballet House, the movie thea32

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ter "Progress", the building of the central post office and the hotels "Baikal" and "Buryatia". A monument to the soldiers of the Second World War was opened with T-34 preserved as a reminder of the war. The main memorial is a place where newlyweds lay flowers on their wedding day. About 90000 people from Buryatia served in the war and 34 of them received the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Many streets and squares of our city are named after them. Ulan-Ude and its people are very hospitable and friendly. II. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate them: the former name, a trading post, gold, silk, chinaware, up-to-date, snowstorms, district, a residential part, central post office, received the title Hero of the Soviet Union, to be named after, hospitable and friendly. III. Read the text again and complete the following sentences: 1. Ulan-Ude is the capital of the Buryat Republic which … … in the Eastern Siberia. 2. The former name of the city before 1934 was … 3. Ulan-Ude is … with beautiful buildings, commercial centers, theatres and cinemas. 4. A monument to the soldiers of the Second World War was opened with T-34 preserved as a … of the war. 5. About 90000 people from Buryatia served in the war and 34 of them received the … … of the Soviet Union. 6. There are two rivers in the city: the Selenga and the Uda, which split a multitude of channels to form a number of picturesque green…. 7. There are three … in the city: Sovetsky, Oktyabrsky and Zheleznodorozhny. 8. At present it is a big … city 220 km east of Irkutsk with 360 000 … living in it. 9. Besides them there are medical and dance … , creative unions of writers, painters, composers and journalists. 10. Ulan-Ude and its people are very … and friendly. IV. Say whether the statements are correct. 1. Ulan-Ude is the capital of the Buryat Republic which is situated in the Western Siberia. 33

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2. Ulan-Ude is mostly a residential city. 3. There are not very many historic sights in Ulan-Ude city. 4. People take good care of the historic monuments of Ulan-Ude. 5. The building of the Opera and Ballet House was designed by the Moscow sculptors brothers Nerodo. 6.Sovetsky district has become a residential part of Ulan-Ude. 7. There are four districts in the city: Sovetsky, Oktyabrsky, Komsomolsky and Zheleznodorozhny. V. Take the pictures of different sights of Ulan-Ude and speak about the city's sights:  Soviet Square  Revolution Square  The Buryat Drama Theatre  The Russian Drama Theatre  The Opera and Ballet House  The History Museum  The Arbat II. Suppose your foreign friends have come to the city of Ulan-Ude for the first time. Answer the following questions : 1. Where will you take them first? 2. When was Ulan-Ude renamed? 3. What will you tell them about the most interesting sights in UlanUde? 4. What is the history of our city? 5. Ulan-Ude is an important cultural centre of the Republic. It is also a centre of education, isn't it? Prove it. Dialogue I. Read the following dialogue and say between whom the conversation is taking place: – Hello, Sasha! Glad to meet you! – Hello, Bair. It's nice to see you. How are you? – Thank you. Fine. I know that you are from the Tuva Republic, aren’t you? – Yes, I am. – What do you know about the geographical position of Buryatia? 34

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– I know that the total area of Buryatia is about 350000 square kilometers and Baikal — the largest lake in the world is your proud. – Yes, you are quite right! And what would you like to see in our Republic? – Lake Baikal, first of all, with it's beautiful nature… then the highest peak of the Sayans, the famous places of Ulan-Ude and many other interesting places! – I'll be your guide and I'll show you all the beauties of my Motherland. – Thank you. You are so kind! – You are welcome! II. Make up your own dialogues, using the words and phrases below: the taiga, various, the highest peak of the Sayans, fur-bearing animals, the Hamar-Daban, rich in, flora and fauna of the republic, is situated in, the most important rivers. X. Now let’s remember some proverbs. They are full of wisdom and humor. It should be noticed, that they are different in different countries and cultures, but they are alike and have their equivalents in nearly all languages. Join the beginnings and endings to make English proverbs, find out their Russian equivalents. 1. Don’t carry coals

is his castle.

2. East or West,

like home.

3. An Englishman’s home

do as the Romans do.

4. There’s no place 5. When in Rome,

to Newcastle. home is best.


1. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 2. Дома и солома едома (Нет места подобного дому). 3. В Тулу со своим самоваром не ездят (Не вози уголь в Ньюкасл). 4. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят. 5. Дом англичанина — его крепость (На своей печи– сам себе голова).

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3. Legendary lake Baikal

I. Read the text and say what new information you've learned. Legendary lake Ulan-Ude is only 150 kilometers away from the world-famous lake. Baikal is known everywhere throughout the planet. They frequently call it "The World`s Pearl". It`s perfectly so! Very often the Siberians name it "Sea" for its size and depth. One of the first to mention the Baikal was Marco Polo. The first of the Russians to cross it was the cossack Kurbut Ivanov. Some 300 years have passed since then and all these years the people have not only admired the gentle beauty of the Baikal, they have done their best to understand its mysteries. But even today one cannot say, that we know all the secrets of this unique sheet of water. The Baikal is 25 million years old. And it still remains a young lake. It is 1634 meters deep. The Baikal is 636 km long, from 25 km to 79 km wide. Many seas are even considerably shallower. The lake Baikal consists 20 % of the world's fresh water supply. 36

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To Siberians it is a glorious sea. The Baikal is the blue heart of Siberia. The water of the Baikal is amazingly clear, its transparency is 100 times greater tnan that of many other lakes, in fact it is legendary. There one finds the Baikal seal, golomyanka and of course omul. The delicate fish has always been a favourite with Siberians. Even the thought of omul salted or smoked or baked is mouthwatering. Many books have been written about the fauna of the Baikal. No wonder, there are 18900 different kinds of living creatures, big and small.


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The taiga around the Baikal is inhabited by bear and deer, but the pride of the forest is the Barguzin sable, the only place in the whole world where it is found. This is a story about the Baikal, the blue heart of Siberia. Some years ago scientists raised the alarming question was the Baikal, whose water is the purest in the world, becoming polluted? A special government commission has been set up to work out new, optimal and efficient measures for the protection of the lake. Lake Baikal and its shores have been declared as a specially protected zone of the country. Strict control is exercised over any economic activity around the lake. Now two scientific research ships explore the flora and the fauna of the lake. II. Answer the following questions. 1. How old is Lake Baikal? 2. Why do Siberians call the Baikal a sea? 3. Have you ever eaten omul? 4. Why is the Barguzin sable so famous all over the world? 5. Have you ever been to the lake Baikal? 6. What impressed you most of all? 7. What makes the Baikal unique ?


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Text II I. Read the composition and say what you've learned about the history and culture, holidays and traditions of the Buryat people. Composition "I`m in the World" after Ponkinova Medegma Many nations and nationalities live in the Buryat Republic. I`m happy to share my life with people of different nationalities. Really, it doesn`t matter to me which nationality a person belongs to. The more important thing is if a person is well-bred, educated and sociable. My mother always repeats to me: "Treat everyone is such a way as you want to be treated." I hope you`ll understand me if I confess you in my devotion to my native people. The history of the Buryat people turns for back into centuries. During "the Great Migration of People" (about IV-V centures A.C.) the native tribes were conquered by the Huns`tribes. Later they assimilated. Tchingiz-Khan Invasion influenced greatly the lifestyle of numerous native tribes and reflected their customs and traditions. Speaking about the Buryat people one can hardly realize that complicated, bloody, full of hardships historic way which gave the birth to legends and songs. Our faith and culture are based on the ancient wisdom of Buddhism and rituals of Shamanism. Nowadays it`s very popular theme to discuss the mysteries of religious ceremonies and phenomena which can`t be explained by the scientists. I believe you`re aware of Itygilov`s phenomenon. He is "the devoted" who has departed his thinner (mental) substance 39

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from his physical body through mantras. People appeal to Itygilov in their prayers because. He always listens to them and guards their wellbeing. There are a lot of majestic and saint places in Buryatia. Young people attend ceremonial rituals in datzans and pray for themselves, for their parents, beloved, friends. I think it`s positive if people want "to clear up", to be kinder, healthier and wiser. I`m sure it`s right if parents ask blessings for their children and vice versa. The Buryats celebrate different holidays but the most important and beloved one is Sagaalgan which is widely known as "the Holiday of the White Moon". It`s the beginning of a new year in Asia. Everyone gets ready for the holiday beforehand: housewives do everything about their houses and flats, go shopping to buy souvenirs for relatives and friends. On the night before holiday women lay their tables as rich and tasty as they can. There are buuzas and salamat, sour-cream and cottage-cheese, bailed pieces of mutton, flat cakes and other cookies. It`s forbidden to drink alcohol that saint night. Sagaalgan lasts for the whole month. Everyone tries to think and act positively wishing each other Prosperity and Well-being. Isn`t it wise?!!! I`d like to tell you shortly about another wonderful holiday. It`s called Surkharban. It takes place annually in July. Surkharban is a festival of national songs, dances and sports. The winners of different contests and competitions, having won victories in their own regions, come to UlanUde to show their skills and talents. In July my city flourishes with bright Eastern dresses reviving with folk-dances and songs in which there is the centuries-old melodiousness of the endless steppes. At the same time the Earth seems to bounce under the hooves of the horses and the strongest men fight for the right to be called "the best". I must say that the Buryat people are proud of singers and dancers, such as Olga Ayurova, the Honoured Artist of Russia; Sayan Radnayev, the People`s Artist of Russia; Dugarzhap Dashiyev, the People`s Artist of Russia, the State Prize Laureate of Russia the famous ballet dancers Larisa Sakhyanova and Petr Abasheev, People`s Artists of Soviet Union; talented dancer Dandar Badluyev. Speaking about painters I`d rather acquaint you with Alexandra Sakharovkaya, the People Art Worker of Russia, the State Prize Laureate of Buryatia. She created illustrations for the Buryat Epos "Gaesaer". Hear litho-etchings are full of contrasts emphasizing the everlasting fight between Light and Gloom. Another famous painter is Tchingiz Shonkhorov. He painted real masterpieces, such as "We are building BAM", "The Baikal", "Mongolia", "Tunka". The 40

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Buryat Drama Theatre is proud of Buda Vampilov, Tchidendamba Purbuyev, Maidari Zhankhandayev, Larisa Yegorova and other talented actors. II. Write an invitation letter to your friend. What would you like to write or to describe in it ? Role play Now let’s play! You are guides and our guests are foreign tourists. Tell them about our Republic.


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Unit III. Sociology

1. Sociology as a science I. а) Read the following words and translate them: Sociology, as a science, material life of society, point of view, the solution of social problems, scientific character some principles, the understanding of social affairs, the development of society, is regulated by objective laws, discovered by, political, ideological and cultural developments, the basis of, to comprise, to call, to be considered as, latest, to be founded on, question, main, significance, works, in the same way, pattern, chief objective, people, thanks to the efforts, to appear, to offer, to involve, reason, purpose, to determine. b) Study the following words and phrases for the topic: affection — любовь, чувства attempt — попытка census — перепись, сбор сведений comprehensive — полный, всеобъемлющий contribute — вносить вклад, способствовать development — развитие differ — отличаться discover — исследовать, делать открытие exchange — обмен, замена expansion — увеличение, распространение identify — выделять, отличать illegal — незаконный, неправомерный import — импортировать, вводить intangibles — нематериальный, неосязаемый interaction — взаимодействие lead — вести, сопровождать literate — грамотный, образованный pattern — образец, модель, принцип primitive — первобытный, примитивный proliferate — разрастающиеся 42

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psychology — психология questionnaire — анкетирование public opinion poll — опрос общественного мнения related — связанный, relations — отношения remain — оставаться research — исследование response — ответ, реакция share — делить, разделять society — общество subject matter — тема, предмет обсуждения survey — опрос, обзор tool — инструмент, метод uncovering — раскрытие, обнажение unite — объединять urge — убеждать, настаивать

Text I after Bochkar T.P. II. Read the text and answer the question: What are the basic tools of sociologists’ research? Sociology as a science The name sociology was first suggested in the 1830s by the French philosopher Auguste Comte, but for many years it remained1 only a suggestion. Comte urged2 others to study sociology. It was not until late in the 19th century that we can identify people who called themselves sociologists and whose work contributed3 to the development of the field. Among these were Herbert Spencer in England who Auguste Comte published the first of his three-volume "Principles of Sociology" in 1876 and Ferdinand Tonnies in Germany. A decade4 later, Emile Durkheim published "Suicide". The first sociologists studied moral statistics. Their work proved so popular that it led to the rapid expansion5 of cen43

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sus questions. However, sociology as an academic speciality was imported from Germany. The progressive uncovering of social causes of individual behaviour — in response to the questions raised by moral statistics — produced the field called sociology. Sociology is one of the related fields known as the social sciences. They share the same subject matter: human behaviour. But sociology is the study of social relations, and its primary subject matter is the group, not the individual. There is a close connection between sociology and other disciplines such as psychology, economy, anthropology, criminology, political science, and history. But sociologists differ from psychologists because they are not concerned exclusively with the individual, they are interested in what goes on between people. They differ from economists by being less interested in commercial exchanges; they are interested in the exchange of intangibles6 such as love and affection7. Sociologists differ from anthropologists primarily because the latter specialize in the study of prolifeHerbert Spencer rate8 and primitive human groups, while sociologists are interested in modern industrial societies. Criminologists specialize in illegal behaviour, while sociologists are concerned with the whole range of human behaviour. Similarly, political scientists focus on political organization and activity, while sociologists survey all social organizations. Finally, sociologists share with historians an interest in the past but are equally interested in the present and the future. Sociology is a broader discipline than the other social sciences. In a sense, the purpose Emile Durkheim of sociologists is, in general, to find the connections that unite various social sciences into a comprehensive, integrated science of society. Sociology consists of two major fields of knowledge: micro sociology and macro sociology. Micro sociologists study the patterns and processes of face-to-face 44

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interaction between humans. Macro sociologists attempt to explain the fundamental patterns and processes of large-scale9 social relations. They concentrate on larger groups, even on whole societies. Sociologists attempt to use research to discover if certain statements about social life are correct. The basic tools10 of their research are tests, questionnaires 11, interviews, surveys12, and public opinion polls13. Notes: it remained1 — онo оставалось urged2 — побуждал contributed3 to — способствовала (to contribute — делать вклад) a decade4 — ten years expansion5 —распространение intangibles6 — нематериальные активы affection7 — любовь, чувство близости, привязанность large-scale9 — крупномасштабный the basic tools10 — methods questionnaire11 — опросный лист, вопросник; анкета surveys12 — опросы, анкетирование public opinion polls13 — опросы общественного мнения

III. Read and translate the following words with prepositions; find them in the text “Sociology as a science” and translate the sentences. Contribute to, lead to, to be imported from, in response to, known as, close connection between, such as, differ from….by, to be interested in, to go on, to specialize in, to be concerned with, to focus on, to share with, to unite into, to consist of, face-to-face interaction, large-scale social relations, to concentrate on. IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box using them in the proper form of the Past or Present Simple. 1. The name sociology _______(to be) first suggested in the 1830s by the French philosopher Auguste Comte, but for many years it _______ (to remain) only a suggestion. 2. Sociology _______(to be) the study of social relations, and its primary subject matter ________(to be) the group, not the individual. 3. Sociologists ________(to differ) from psychologists because they_____(to be) not concerned exclusively with the individual; they 45

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________(to be) interested in what goes on between people. 4. Comte ______( to urge) others to study sociology. 5. The first sociologists’ work ________(to prove) so popular that it ________( to lead) to the rapid expansion of census questions. 6. Sociology _________(to consist of) two major fields of knowledge: micro sociology and macro sociology. 7. Sociologist ________(to attempt) to use research to discover if certain statements about social life ________(to be) correct. 8. Herbert Spencer in England who ___________(to publish) the first of his three-volume “Principles of Sociology” in 1876 and Ferdinand Tonnies in Germany ______(to be) among the first sociologists. 9. Emile Durkheim ____________( to publish) «Suicide». 10. The first sociologists ___________( to study) Amoral statistics. V. Read the text and say what part of the text characterizes the guiding principles of sociology. Sociology, as a science, takes its point of departure from the materialist world outlook in its application to the solution of social problems. In this application sociology demonstrates its scientific character as it employs some guiding principles in the understanding of social affairs are: 1) The society in its development is regulated by objective laws discovered by science. 2)Views and institutions, political, ideological and cultural developments arise on the basis of the development of the material life of society. 3) Ideas and institutions, which thus arise on the basis of conditions of material life play an active role in the development of material life. So, sociology studies regularities in social processes, connections between social events, which are independent of our consciousness and will, social relations and social institutions. Sociology is concerned, as well, with circumstances which give rise to the formation of aims and intentions in people's minds. Different people have different aims. This does not mean that individual psychologies differ, but it expresses the fact that people find themselves in different circumstances, with different interests arising from those circumstances.


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VI. Translate the following phrases: Было впервые предложено кем-то, убеждать других в чем-то, чьи работы внесли вклад в развитие этой области, его первый трехтомный труд, десять лет спустя, антиобщественная статистика, их работа оказалась настолько популярной, статистические анкеты, передовое раскрытие социальных причин, общественные науки, они разделяют тот же самый предмет обсуждения, тесная связь, они не берут во внимание исключительно одного индивидуума, что происходит между людьми, обмен нематериальным; главным образом, потому что последние специализируются в изучении, современные промышленные общества, целый ряд человеческого поведения, все общественные организации, более обширная дисциплина; найти связи, которые объединяют; две основные области знаний, образцы и процессы, пытаются объяснить, крупномасштабные общественные отношения, основные инструменты. VII. Translate the following sentences into Russian, make up a special question to each sentence: 1. Dina was greatly concerned with the latest sociological research. 2. In the conversation with the dean of the History faculty the students concerned a great number of vital problems. 3. His main concern was sociology. 4. They talked much concerning the main points of his last report. 5. The head of the Sociology department was concerned with the problem of social relations at the high level of the society's development. VIII. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was the first to suggest the name sociology? 2. Who were the first sociologists? 3. What were they mainly interested in? 4. What country was sociology as an academic discipline imported from? 5. What is the subject matter of sociology? 6. What other disciplines is sociology closely connected with? 7. What differs sociology from psychology and anthropology? 8. What is the goal of sociologists? 9. What fields of knowledge does sociology consist of?


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Text II I. Read the following text and answer the questions: Methods of sociological research A great part of sociological research consists of quantitative experimenting. The system of techniques used for that purpose is that of statistical methods. These methods are necessary to examine the data, analyze them and draw certain conclusions. The results of the sociological survey are published then. Sociological research is usually conducted by a working group under the supervision of the leading sociologists of the Russian Centre for the Study of Public Opinion. The public opinion poll is a criterion of the current social life within the society. It is the so-called social barometer of the country. In fact, our fast-moving life makes it necessary to analyze things. So it is useful to examine the results of sociological surveys. The public opinion poll is carried out nationwide or in some definite regions, cities, institutions. It may be verbal in the form of an interview. But more often the opinion poll is conducted by means of tests or questionnaires. The questionnaires contain some items to be chosen by the subjects. In other cases, the questionnaires present a set of questions to be answered by the respondents in their individual way. The respondents may express their own opinions verbally or in writing. The assessments may be optimistic, pessimistic, dramatic, positive, negative. They expose and reassess our ideals and values. The polls are very popular nowadays throughout the country. In general, they are directed to assess current social and political situation, political figures, the most important events, economic perspectives, our losses and gains and so on. All data are given in percentages. II. Answer the following questions: 1. What methods are the basic tools in every sociological research? 2. Who conducts sociological research? 3. What is considered to be a social barometer? 4. Where is the public opinion poll carried out? 5. In what form may it be conducted? 6. What are the questionnaires like? 7. How do the respondents express their opinions? 48

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8. What do assessments expose? 9. What is the aim of the polls? 10. How are all data given? III. Find in the text the facts to prove that: 1. Statistical methods are a useful tool in sociological research. 2. Public opinion poll is a social barometer. 3. It is carried out in different forms. 4. The respondents may react differently. IV. Ask your group mates: – why the statistical methods are used for the sociological survey; – under whose supervision sociological research is conducted; – why it is useful to conduct a public opinion poll; – by what means the poll is carried out; – who the respondents are; – if the polls are popular in this country. Dialogue X. Make up dialogues connected with the things concerning the methods of sociological research you have learned so far. The conversation may take place between: – a professor and (a) student(s) (the professor is giving a lecture, the student(s) is (are) asking questions, the professor is answering); – two (three or a group of) students preparing for a seminar; – two students one of whom was absent from the previous class where the methods of sociological research were being studied. Role play Imagine that you are a professor at an international university (most students of yours are foreigners). Deliver a lecture on the Introduction into Sociology. What will you tell your students about so that they could take notes? Use the words and phrases below. Sociology as one of the social sciences, some facts from its history, the subject-matter of sociology, its aims, its connection with other social sciences, approaches to sociology, its fields, the basic methods of the science, etc. 49

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Part II Grammar support I.1. Read the Appendix 1 and conjugate to be in the sentences. Example: I am a student We are students You are a student You are students He (She) is a student It is a book They are students 1. I am a teacher of the University. 2. I am a doctor in the City Hospital. 3. I am a pupil of the tenth class. 4. I am a good student. 5. I am a driver 2. Put to be in Present Simple. Example: I … a student — I am a student. a)1. She…a teacher in the high school. 2. I…friendly and quiet. 3. Where…you from? 4. What…your name? 5. Who…you? 6. How old…Ann? 7. They… office-workers. 8. Where…Peter? 9. When…you free? b)1. I … a pupil. 2. My mother… not a teacher, she … a scientist. 3. …your father a doctor? — Yes, he …. 4. … they at home? — No, they… not at home, they…at work. 5. My brother…a worker. He…at work. 6…. you an engineer? — Yes, I. …7. …your sister a typist? No, she…not a typist, she …a student. 8. …your brother at school? — Yes, he…. 9. …your sister at school? — No, she…not at school. 10. My sister…at home. 11. …this your book? — Yes, it…. 12. She…an actress. 13. This…my bag. 14. My uncle…an office-worker. 15. He…at work. 16. Helen…a painter. She has some fine pictures. They…on the walls.17. She has much paper. It…on the shelf. 18. The shelf…brown. It…on the wall. 19. Helen has a sister. 20. She…a student. She has a family. Her family…not in Ulan-Ude, it…in Moscow. 3. Put to be in Past Simple Example: I … a pupil 2 years ago — I was a pupil 2 years ago. 50

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1. Helen … in Moscow last year. 2. They … in the room together. 3. My mother … very surprised when she knew it. 4. He … very glad to see her. 5. She …so kind and helped us. 6. I … fond of sport in my childhood. 7. You … so friendly before. 8. My parents … in Moscow last summer. 9. … you glad to see me? — Yes, I …. 10. What … your favorite sport? 11. My favorite season …Winter. 4. Put to be in Future Simple. 1. My friend …… a teacher in 4 years.2. They…… in Irkutsk during summer vacation.3. Next Monday our first lesson … …English. 4. My brother …… a doctor in four years. 5. The book …….translated into English soon. 7. Our lesson ….. over in 10 minutes. 5. Put to be in Present, Past or Future Simple. Example: He … a student — He is a student. Yesterday we…at the theatre. — Yesterday we were at the theatre. I … an engineer in Future. — I will be an engineer in Future. 1. My mother…a doctor. 2. She…a pupil twenty years ago. 3. I…a teacher when I grow up. 4. My brother…not…at home tomorrow. 5. He…at school tomorrow. 6….you…at home tomorrow? 7,…your mother at work yesterday? 8. My granny…ill last week. 9. She…not ill now. 10. Yesterday we…at the cinema. 11. Where…your mother now? — She…in the kitchen. 12. Where…you yesterday? — I…at the cinema. 13. When I come home tomorrow, all my family…at home. 14. …your little brother in bed now? — Yes, he…15. ....you…at school tomorrow? — Yes I…. 16. When my granny…young, she…an actress. 17. My friend… in London now. 18. He…in Irkutsk tomorrow. 19. Where…your books now? — They…in my bag. 6. Translate into English: 1. Я ученик. Я в школе. 2. Мой брат инженер. Он не врач. 3. Моя сестра на работе. Она учитель. 4. Он студент. 5. Вы студент? — Нет, я врач. 6. Моя сестра дома. 7. Мы не в школе. Мы дома. 8. Мой брат ученик. Он в школе. 9. Ваша мама дома? — Нет, она на работе. 10. Ваш двоюродный брат дома? — Нет, он в школе. Он ученик. 12. Ваша сестра учительница? — Нет, она студентка. 12. Твой папа на работе? — Нет, он дома.13. Твоя сестра студентка? — Да. — Она 51

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дома? — Нет, она в университете. 14. Мой дедушка инженер. 15. Моя мама не домохозяйка. Она врач. II.1.Read the Appendix 2 and translate adverbial modifiers into English and put them in the correct place in the sentence. Example: Teacher asks us to learn a poem by heart (каждую неделю). — Teacher asks us to learn a poem by heart every week. 1. We like to go to the swimming pool (каждый день). 2. My grandparents buy me a new cell phone (каждый год). 3. I meet this man (каждое утро). 4. They travel around Baikal (каждые выходные). 5. My dad reads newspapers (часто). 6. I have for breakfast a cup of coffee (каждый день). 7. We go to the cinema together (обычно). 8. Do you like to go there by bus (каждое утро)? 9. We don’t attend evening classes (обычно).10. They go to the University (каждый день). 11. She asks to give her an interesting book (всегда). 12. They watch foreign films (каждую субботу). 13. Teacher asks us to learn new English words by heart (каждую неделю). III. 1. Read the Appendix 3 and put sentence into negative form and make general questions according to the model: Example: We meet them every day. Do we meet them every day? We don’t meet them every day. 1. We like to travel around the world every year. 2. They meet them every day. 3. My brother goes to the swimming pool every Sunday. 4. Ann dances in the club every evening. 5. I usually get up at 7 o’clock. 6. My little brother often walks in the park.7. My sister Dina likes to play computer games very much. 8. We usually have for breakfast a cup of coffee and a sandwich. 9. She often has 4 classes. 10. Mary always wears very beautiful blouse and skirt. 11. Students go to the University every day. 12. Their teacher of the History of Sociology asks them to make a report every day. 2. Open the brackets and put the verb into the Present Simple. Example: He usually (get up) at 7 o'clock. He usually gets up at 7 o'clock. 1. He always (go) for a walk in the evening. 2. In the morning I (have) little time, so I (take) a shower in the evening. 3. She always (dream) but (do) nothing to realize her dreams. 4. She always (take) it in 52

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the morning. 5. We must buy new plates. — It's useless. You always (break) plates. 6. Ann usually (come) back late in the evening. 3. Open the brackets and put the verb into the Present Simple and the word USUALLY in the correct place in the sentence where it is necessary. Example: After breakfast he (to go) to the University. =>After breakfast he usually goes to the University. (USUALLY) 1. My mother (to get) up at eight o'clock. 2. He (to be) a school-boy. He (to go) to school in the afternoon. 3. Dina (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 4. For breakfast we (to have) a porridge, boiled eggs, sandwiches and tea with milk. 5. After breakfast Dina (to go) to the University. 6. It (to take) her two hours to do her homework. 7. He (to speak) English well. 8. Our working day (to begin) at six o'clock. We (to get) up, (to take) a shower, (to make) bed, (to switch) on the radio, (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at seven o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory.My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at eight o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the sitting-room. We (to watch) TV program and (to talk) or (to read) together. 4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box using them in the proper form of the Present Simple. Example: You__very sad. — You look very sad. Look, be, go, have, rain, start, eat, take, snow, speak, win, write, take part 1. The students ___to the University every day. 2. She___in social life of Buryat State University. 3. Dina always___ lunch at the Institute. 4. Helen’s life in Paris is a bit difficult. She___only English. 5. What's the matter? You___very sad. 6. Ann is good at tennis. She___every game. 7. It___quite reasonable. 8. Winter is warm in Sochi. It___very seldom. But sometimes it___.9. Liz is on a diet. She___ a little. 10. The exams at the University___ in June.11. He reads, ___ and speaks English at the English lessons 5. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where required: Dina is a third-year student … the Department … Sociology. She is fond … English. She reads, writes and speaks … English ... the English lessons. She takes notes … the new words. She doesn’t like lectures de53

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livered … her new professor and sometimes she miss them. She doesn’t take part … social life … the university but she participates in various English language competitions and performances. Her lessons usually start … 8 o’clock. As she is greatly interested … English and pays great attention to it, she speaks with the foreigners on Skype. She is friendly … most of them. 6. What would you say in these situations? Give possible answers. Example: You expect that your brother's daughter works hard at the University. Ask him. — Does your niece work hard at the University? 1. You want to know if Dina plays tennis. Ask her. 2. You need to know if the train arrives on time. Ask your friend. 3. You want to know if the train stops at this station. Ask the conductor. 4. You want to know if your friend enjoys spending his holidays in Moscow. Ask him. 5. You are wondering if Pete and Sasha travel every summer. Ask them. 6. You expect that this sportsman wins prices at all competitions. Ask your neighbour. 7. You want to know if your friend remembers to bring the photos. Ask him. 8. You expect that your brother's daughter works hard at the University. Ask him. 9. You wonder if your brother waits for his daughter after the lessons every day. Ask her. 10. You want to know if it often snows in England. Ask your teacher. 7. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets. Example: In the central part of Ulan-Ude every old building (tell) its own story. — In the central part of Ulan-Ude every old building tells its own story. 1. This man (know) from his own experience what it (mean). 2. Nothing (happen) by accident. 3. As this woman (grow) older, she (tend) to be more skeptical. 4. My grandmother Oyuna often (tell) me that you not (leave) your problems behind you when you (go) to another place. Pain and heartache (travel) well. And indeed they (do). 5. Darima (own) this business and she (run) it herself. 6. She (be) a complete mystery to him. 54

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7. What Masha (do) for a living? 8. When the weather (heat) up and you (need) to cool down, a lake, a river — is what your body and soul (need) first of all. 9. My great-grandfather is very old, but he (hear, see and understand) everything quite well. 10. I (remember) that Anna (own) a large house on the lake Baikal. 8. Fill in the correct prepositions: 1. They are going to major ... the humanities. 2. Eventually my sister made ... her mind to enter ... Buryat State University. 3. At school she took a special liking ... world culture. 4. Bair made ... his mind to take ... sport seriously. 5. When did your brother graduate ... the University? IV. 1. Read the Appendix 4, put words in Past Simple Tense and translate them: Example: to have — had — had — иметь to dance — danced — танцевать To play, to answer, to stop, to be, to like, to make, to jump, to do, to work, to know, to study, to live, to drink, to watch, to have, to stay, to have, to talk, to get, to earn, to travel, to eat, to go, to finish, to dance, to begin, to read, to bear, to begin, to become, to bring, to buy, to read, to strike, to throw, to wear. V.1. Read the Appendix 5 and add adverbial modifier of time to the sentences and translate them: Example: Pete visited his grandparents (прошлым летом). – Pete visited his grandparents last summer. 1. We had five lessons (вчера). 2. They wrote a dictation and did some exercises (на прошлой неделе).3. He lived in Moscow (в прошлом году).4. Sasha played football with his friends (вчера).5. We went to the swimming pool (прошлым вечером).6. Ann traveled around the world (2 года назад).7. Dina answered well and got “five” (вчера).8. Pete visited his grandparents (прошлым летом).9. He went to bed at 10 o’clock (вчера).10. He made a tour of Europe (в прошлом году).11. My mother drank tea (позавчера).12. She lived in Moscow (3 года назад).13. My brother played computer game (позавчера).14. Mary went shopping with her mother (на прошлой неделе).15. We played together (вчера). 16. He liked to swim a lot (в 1998 году). 55

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2. Read the Appendix 5 and make the following sentences interrogative and negative, according to the example: Example: They lived in Irkutsk last year. They didn’t live in Irkutsk last year. Did they live in Irkutsk last year? 1) Our teacher opened the window before classes. 2) Mary translated a lot of texts last week.3) He finished work at 6 o’clock the day before yesterday. 4)She lived in Irkutsk 3 years ago. 5)We returned home in the evening. 6)We lived in Moscow last year. 7)They traveled a lot last month. 8)He visited his friends last week. 9) He played football with his friend 2 days ago. 10) She answered to my letter last week. 11) Ann played chess with him yesterday. 11) She danced a lot last evening. 12) We lived in Irkutsk 2 years ago. 13) I visited my aunt yesterday. 14) They earned a lot of money last Monday. 15) Dina liked to draw all day long in her childhood. 3. Open the brackets and give the proper forms of the Past Simple. Example: It (be) very cold yesterday. – It was very cold yesterday. 1. The building of the trade centre (begin) a month ago. 2. It (be) very cold yesterday. I (put) on my warm coat but I (catch) a cold still. 3. The postman (bring) the morning mail only at 11 o'clock. 4. He (see) her the other day coming out of the library with a stack of books. Is she preparing for the exams? 5. We (have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain (spoil) the whole pleasure. 6. You (go) to the South when you (be) a child? 7. As soon as Ann came up, they (get) into a taxi and (go) away. 8. What sights you (see) when you (be) in Egypt? 9. Every winter Pete (go) to the Swiss Alps to ski. 10. Nick (come) in, (take) off his hat, (move) a chair to the table and (join) the conversation. 11. When he (arrive)? — The plane was delayed and she (come) two hours later. 12. How much your bag (cost)? — I (pay) $70 for it. 4. Put the verbs in the Past Simple. Example: Then I go home. – Then I went home. 1.On Monday they have four lessons.2.The first lesson is Ehglish.3.At this lesson we read a text and do some exercises. Pete goes to the blackboard.4.He answers well and gets a «five».5.Yuri does not get a 56

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«five» because he does not know his lesson.6.After the second lesson Dina goes to the canteen.7.She eats a sandwich and drinks a cup of tea. She does not drink milk.8. After lessons I do not go home at once.9.I go to the library and take a book.10.Then I go home. 5. Complete the report putting the verbs in the Past Simple. Say, whom this report may belong to: sociologist, politician, economist, psychologist, criminologist, economist or historian; try to explain your point of view. Example: Three people (die) in a fire in Green Street, New port yesterday morning. — Three people died in a fire in Green Street, New port yesterday morning. They(1)………………. (be) Alex and Liz Reed, a couple in their seventies and their son Nick. The fire(2)……………………(start) at 4.20 am. A neighbour, Mrs Simon, (3)……………………(see) the flames and (4) ……………(call) the fire brigade. She also(5)………………………. (try) to get into the house and rescue her neighbours, but the heat (6)…………………………….(be) too great. The fire brigade (7) (arrive) in ten minutes. Twelve fire-fighters (8) ……………………….. (fight) the fire and finally(9)……………………(bring) it under control. Three fire-fighters (10)…………………(enter) the burning building but(11)……………………………… (find) the couple and their son dead. 6. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs, using them in the proper form of the Past or Present Simple. 1. The name sociology _______(to be) first suggested in the 1830s by the French philosopher Auguste Comte, but for many years it _______(to remain) only a suggestion. 2. Sociology _______(to be) the study of social relations, and its primary subject matter ________(to be) the group, not the individual. 3. Sociologists ________(to differ) from psychologists because they_____(to be) not concerned exclusively with the individual; they ________(to be) interested in what goes on between people. 4. Comte ______( to urge) others to study sociology. 5. The first sociologists’ work ________(to prove) so popular that it ________( to lead) to the rapid expansion of census questions. 6. Sociol57

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ogy _________(to consist of) two major fields of knowledge: micro sociology and macro sociology. 7. Sociologist ________(to attempt) to use research to discover if certain statements about social life ________(to be) correct. 8. Herbert Spencer in England who ___________(to publish) the first of his three-volume “Principles of Sociology” in 1876 and Ferdinand Tonnies in Germany ______(to be) among the first sociologists. 9. Emile Durkheim ____________( to publish) «Suicide». 10. The first sociologists ___________( to study) Amoral statistics. 7. Make up special questions to the underlined word. Example: Sasha knew English language 2 years ago. — What language did he know 2 years ago? 1. He worked at a large factory last year. 2. We lived in that house three years ago. 3. Denis played football last Sunday. 4. Victor decided to go to the computer club last week. 5. Our family liked to play football in summer.6. My sister Dina wrote an interesting poem last week. 7. I lived in Irkutsk 3 years ago. 8. Ann studied very well last year. 9. I knew Buryat language very well. 10. Bair got good mark yesterday. 8. Translate the following sentences into Russian, make up a special question to each sentence: 1. Dina was greatly concerned with the latest sociological research. 2. In the conversation with the dean of the History faculty the students concerned a great number of vital problems. 3. His main concern was sociology. 4. They talked much concerning the main points of his last report. 5. The head of the Sociology department was concerned with the problem of social relations at the high level of the society's development. 9. Translate into English. 1. Это случилось много лет назад. 2. — Где и когда вы впервые встретились? — Это было в прошлом году у одного из друзей Саши. 3. Я звонила ему на днях, и все было хорошо. 4. Ломоносов основал Московский университет в 1725 году. 5. Они посадили эти яблони в нашем саду несколько лет назад. 6. Денис вылетел в Иркутск две недели назад. 7. Моя младшая сестра родилась в 2002 году. 8. Когда был запущен первый спутник Земли? 9. Они видели свою родину последний раз 10 лет назад. 10. — Саша был вчера в 58

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университете? — Он не был там с тех пор, как сдал последний экзамен. 11. — Прошлым летом часто шел дождь, не правда ли? — Да, но, как правило, летом здесь редко идет дождь. 12. На прошлой неделе шел сильный снег, и мы не могли сразу открыть дверь нашего гаража. 13. — Кто ходил вчера за покупками? — Бабушка сделала это. 14. — Кто рассказал тебе эти новости? — Никто. Все уже их знали. 15.—Я вижу, что ты переставила мебель, и твоя квартира совершенно преобразилась. Когда ты это сделала? Кто-нибудь тебе помогал? — Мои сыновья все сделали сами. 10. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words: To conduct, conclusions, to examine, poll, to assess, assessments 1. Statistical methods are used to analyze the data and draw... . 2. The opinion... is carried out nationwide. 3. Leading sociologists... a poll all over the country. 4. The polls are directed to... social and political situation. 5. The respondents give their... verbally and in writing. 6. Sociologists carefully... the obtained data. 11. Translate the following sentences into Russian with: in relation to with regard to with respect to 1. He treated this phenomenon in relation to the extreme environmental conditions. 2. They decided to change the experimental procedure with regard to the new circumstances. 3. They examined the given problem with respect to a new approach. 4. He didn't know anything at all in relation to her point of view. 5. He was very attentive with regard to her position. 6. With respect to his theory of cognition the issue was of certain interest. 7. He was quite right in relation to his treatment of their methods of inquiry. 8. They investigated human attitudes with regard to nonverbal communication. 9. The problem arose only with respect to his way of observation.


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Appendix Appendix 1 Глагол "to be"

Утвердительная форма Present Simple I am He She It We You They



Past Simple I He She It We You They

Future Simple I shall (will) be


He She It


We You They

will be

will be

Отрицательная форма Present Simple I am not

Past Simple I was not

Future Simple I shall (will) not be

He She It

He She It

was not

He She It

We You They

were not

We You They

We You They

is not

are not


will not be

will not be

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Вопросительная форма Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

Am I…?



he…? she … ? it…?

we…? you…? they …?

Shall (will) I be…?



I…? he…? she…? it…?

we…? you…? they…?


Shall Will

he be…? she be…? it be…?

we be…? you be…? they be…?

Глагол to be имеет значение: «быть, являться, находиться» • I am at the University now • Dina is my best friend. • We were classmates. В разговорном английском языке в основном используются краткие формы глагола to be: – с местоимениями: I'm, he's, she's, it's, we're, you're, they're; – с именами и другими существительными: Sam's tall. The dog's brown. Moscow's the capital of Russia. – с вопросительными словами: What's her name? Who's she? Where're we? Использование глагола"to be" Мы применяем глагол to be, 1) когда мы: – называем имя и национальность: • His name is Nick. He is English. We are Buryats. – говорим о возрасте и роде занятий: • He was 20 last year. • She is a nurse. – о цвете, цене: 61

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• The dress is red. • These shoes were only 3500 roubles. – описываем чувства и состояния: • They are very happy. Dina is tired but she is not hungry and thirsty. 2) после THIS, THAT и безличного IT: • This is a nice red car. • That was a bad joke. • It's too late. 3) перед прилагательными: • The girl is tall and slim. • The Badmaevs are very friendly and hospitable. Образование вопроса в настоящем и прошедшем времени: Соответствующая форма глагола to be (am, is, are, was, were) выносится на первое место перед подлежащим. Victor is Russian. =>Is he Russian? Bair is Buryat. =>Is he Buryat? Dina was 25 last year. =>Was Dina 25 last year? При кратких ответах «ДА/НЕТ» сокращённая форма глагола используется только в отрицательных ответах: • Was Masha in America? — Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't . Вопросы с вопросительными словами (what, who, where, when, why). На такие вопросы невозможно ответить ДА/НЕТ. Вопросы такого типа служат для получения дополнительной информации. Вопросительное слово (what, who, where, when, why, how, etc.) ставится в начале вопроса, за ним следует соответствующая форма глагола to be и подлежащее. • Masha was in America. =>Why was Masha in America? — She visited her friends. • What is her mother? — Her mother is a teacher. Отрицательная форма глагола to be образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после соответствующей формы глагола. Отрицание также может иметь краткие формы: aren't, isn't,wasn't, weren't. • We are not (aren't) from China, we are from Mongolia. • They were not (weren't) there yesterday. • She is not (isn't) hungry and thirsty. 62

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Appendix 2 Особенностью английского языка является жесткий порядок слов: Подлежащее + Сказуемое + Прямое дополнение + косвенное дополнение и все прочие члены предложения Например: в предложении «I see them» перестановка слов невозможна. (I — подлежащее, see — сказуемое, them — прямое дополнение). Для большинства глаголов вопросительная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола, который ставится перед подлежащим. Например, в предложениях «Do you see them?» и «Does she see him?», вспомогательный глагол «do» / «does» не переводится на русский язык, он только указывает на время — простое настоящее (present simple) — и на то, что это вопросительная форма. Сигнальные слова The Present Simple всегда употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени. Обратите внимание на их место в предложении: usually always, often, seldom, never: usually always, often, seldom, never

We usually/always go home by car. He often/seldom /never helps his grandmother.

every day/week, on Sunday: sometimes

We go to the swimming pool every day. On Sundays, they go to the theatre. Могут стоять как в начале, так и в конце предложений. Dina sometimes comes here. Dina comes here sometimes. Sometimes Dina comes here.

В предложениях с глаголом to be сигнальное слово ставится после формы глагола: Anna is usually/always/often/seldom/ never late for the lessons.


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Appendix 3 Present Simple Tense Утвердительная форма I work Не She works It We You work They

Вопросительная форма Do I work? he Does she work? it we Do you work? they

Отрицательная форма I do not (don’t) work He She does not work It (doesn’t) We You do not work They (don’t)

Правила чтения и правописания Окончание –s читается: 1. [s] после глухих согласных:speaks, starts 2. [z] после звонких согласных и гласных:plans, stays, plays 3. послеs, ss, sh, ch, tch, се, x, о + -es, читается [iz]: presses, wishes, watches, buzzes, goes 4. после «согласная + -у» -ies читается [z]:carry– carries, cry– cries BUT! Play — plays: перед– y стоит гласная! При использовании вспомогательных глаголов (do/does/don't/ doesn't) глагол после подлежащего всегда стоит в начальной форме. Вопросительные слова WHO? — кто? WHOM? — кого? кому? WHAT? — кто, что (по профессии)? какой? WHERE? — где? куда? WHEN? — когда? WHY? — почему? WHOSE? — чей? WHICH? — какой (из) ? который? HOW? — как? HOW MANY/MUCH? — сколько?


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Специальные вопросы: Вопросит. слово

Вспомогат. глагол







Why Where

don’t does

they Masha

shake live?

Второстеп. члены предл. when they meet? hands?

Специальный вопрос к подлежащему: Вопрос к подлежащему (Who? What?) имеет «прямой порядок слов» (как в русском языке), вспомогательный глагол отсутствует: Who is his mother? Who was at school? Who walked in the park? Who did it? Who will be a teacher? Who will be at the university? What is there on the table? What makes a person happy? Appendix 4 Irregular verbs Verb be [bi:]

Past Simple

begin [bi'gin]

was [wɔz], were [wз:] beat [bi:t] became [bi:keim] began [bi'gæn]

bleed [bli:d] blow [blou] break [breik] bring [briŋ]

beat [bi:t] become [bi:kʌm]

build [bild] burn [bз:n] burst [bз:st] buy [bai] catch [kætʃ]

Past Participle been [bi:n]

Перевод быть

beaten ['bi:tn]

бить становиться



bled [bled] blew [blu:] broke [brouk]

begun [bi'gʌn] bled [bled] blown [bloun] broken ['brouk(e)n]

brought [brɔ:t] built [bilt] burnt [bз:nt] burst [bз:st]

brought [brɔ:t] built [bilt] burnt [bз:nt] burst [bз:st]


bought [bɔ:t]

bought [bɔ:t]

caught [kɔ:t]

caught [kɔ:t] 65

кровоточить дуть ломать

строить гореть разразиться покупать ловить, хватать, успеть

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choose [tʃu:z]

chose [ʃəuz]

chosen [tʃəuz(ə)n]


come [kʌm]

came [keim]

come [kʌm]


cost [cɔst] creep [kri:p]

cost [cɔst] crept [krept]

cost [cɔst] crept [krept]


cut [kʌt] do [du:]

cut [kʌt] did [did]

cut [kʌt]

ползать резать

done [dʌn]


draw [drɔ:] dream [dri:m] drink [driŋk]

drew [dru:]

drawn [drɔ:n] dreamt [dremt]

рисовать, тащить

drive [draiv] eat [i:t]

drove[drouv] ate [et] fell [fel]

fall [fɔ:l] feed [fi:d] feel [fi:l] fight [fait]

dreamt [dremt] drank [dræŋk]

drunk [drʌŋk] driven ['drivn] eaten ['i:tn]

fed [fed] felt [felt]

fallen ['fɔ:lən] fed [fed] felt [felt]

fought [fɔ:t] found [faund] fit [fit]

fought [fɔ:t] found [faund] fit [fit]

fly [flai] forget [fə'get]

flew [flu:]

forgive [fo'giv]

forgave [fo'geiv]

freeze [fri:z] get[ get ]

froze [frouz]

flown [floun] forgotten [fə'gɔt(ə)n] forgiven [fo'givn] frozen ['frouzn]

find [faind] fit [fit]

give [giv] go [gou] grow [grou] hang [hæŋ] have [hæv] hear [hiə] hide [haid] hit [hit] hold [hould] hurt [hз:t] keep [ki:p]

forgot [fə'gɔt]

got [gɔt] gave [geiv] went [went]

got [gɔt] given [givn]

grew [gru:]

gone [gɔn] grown [groun]

hung [hʌŋ] had [hæd] heard [hз:d] hid [hid] hit [hit] held [held] hurt [hз:t] kept [kept]

hung [hʌŋ] had [hæd] heard [hз:d] hidden ['hidn] hit [hit] held [held] hurt [hз:t] kept [kept] 66

мечтать, дремать пить водить есть падать кормить чувствовать бороться находить подходить по размеру летать забывать прощать замерзать получать давать идти расти вешать иметь слышать прятать попадать в цель держать ушибить содержать

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kneel [ni:l] know [nou] lay [lei] lead [li:d] lean [li:n] learn [lз:n] leave [li:v] lend [lend] let [let] lie [lai] light [lait] lose [lu:z] make [meik] mean [mi:n] meet [mi:t] mistake [mis'teik] pay [pei] prove [pru:v] put [put] quit [kwit] read [ri:d] ride [raid] ring [riŋ] rise [raiz] run [rʌŋ] say [sei] see [si:] seek [si:k]

knelt [nelt] knew [nju:] laid [leid] led [led] leant [lent] learnt [lз:nt] left [left] lent [lent] let [let] lay [lei] lit [lit]

knelt [nelt] known [noun] laid [leid] led [led] leant [lent] learnt [lз:nt] left [left] lent [lent] let [let] lain [lein] lit [lit]

lost [lɔst] made [meid] meant [ment] met [met] mistook [mis'tuk] paid [peid] proved [pru:vd] put [put] quit [kwit] read [red] rode [roud] rang [ræŋ]

lost [lɔst] made [meid] meant [ment] met [met] mistaken [mis'teik(e)n] paid [peid] proven [pru:vn] put [put] quit [kwit] read [red] ridden ['ridn]

rose [rouz] ran [ræŋ] said [sed] saw [sɔ:]

rung [rʌŋ] risen ['rizn] run [rʌŋ] said [sed] seen [si:n]

стоять на коленях знать класть вести наклоняться учить оставлять занимать позволять лежать освещать терять производить значить встречать ошибаться платить доказывать положить выходить читать ездить верхом звенеть подниматься бежать говорить видеть

sought [sɔ:t] sold [sould] sent [sent] set [set] sewn [soun] shaken ['ʃeik(ə)n]


showed [ʃəud]

shown [ʃəun]


shrink [ʃriŋk]


shrunk [ʃrʌŋk]


shut [ʃʌt]

shut [ʃʌt]

shut [ʃʌt]


sell [sel] send [send] set [set] sew [sou]

sought [sɔ:t] sold [sould] sent [sent] set [set] sewed [soud]

shake [ʃeik]

shook [ʃuk]

show [ʃəu]


продавать посылать ставить шить встряхивать

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sing [siŋ]

sang [sæŋ]

sung [sʌŋ]


sink [siŋk]

sunk [sʌŋk]


sit [sit] sleep [sli:p] slide [slaid] sow [sou] speak [spi:k]

sank [sæŋk], sunk [sʌŋk] sat [sæt] slept [slept] slid [slid] sowed [soud] spoke [spouk]

сидеть спать скользить сеять говорить

spell [spel]

spelt [spelt]

sat [sæt] slept [slept] slid [slid] sown [soun] spoken ['spouk(e)n] spelt [spelt]

spend [spend] spill [spil]

spent [spent] spilt [spilt]

spent [spent] spilt [spilt]

spoil [spɔil] spread [spred] spring [spriŋ]

spoilt [spɔilt] spread[spred] sprang [spræŋ]

spoilt [spɔilt] spread [spred]

stand [stænd] steal [sti:l] stick [stik]

stood [stu:d] stole [stoul]

sprung [sprʌŋ] stood [stu:d] stolen ['stəulən]

stuck [stʌk]

stuck [stʌk]

sting [stiŋ]

stung [stʌŋ] swept [swept] swollen ['swoul(e)n]


sweep [swi:p] swell [swel]

stung [stʌŋ] swept [swept] swelled [sweld]

swim [swim]

swam [swem]

swum [swʌm]


swing [swiŋ]

swung [swʌŋ] taken ['teik(ə)n]


take [teik]

swung [swʌŋ] took [tuk]

teach [ti:tʃ]

taught [tɔ:t]

taught [tɔ:t]

tear [tɛə] tell [tel] think [θiŋk]

tore [tɔ:] told [tould]

torn [tɔ:n] told [tould]

throw [θrəu] understand [ʌndə'stænd] wake [weik]

thought [θɔ:t] threw [θru:] understood [ʌndə'stud] woke [wouk]

thought [θɔ:t] thrown [θrəun] understood [ʌndə'stud] woken ['wouk(e)n]

wear [wɛə] weep [wi:p]

wore [wɔ:] wept [wept]

worn [wɔ:n] wept [wept] 68

произносить по буквам тратить проливать портить расстилать прыгать стоять красть колоть выметать разбухать

брать, взять учить рвать рассказывать думать бросать понимать просыпаться носить плакать

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wet [wet] win [win] wind [waind] write [rait]

wet [wet]

wet [wet]

won [wʌn] wound [waund] wrote [rout]

won [wʌn] wound [waund] written ['ritn]

мочить выигрывать извиваться писать

Appendix 5 Past Simple Tense Правила чтения и правописания Окончание -ed читается: 1. [t] после глухих согласных:worked, washed, danced 2. [d] после звонких согласных и гласных:phoned, dived, smiled, played 3. [id] после t, d:wanted, landed, decided, created При добавлении окончания -ed происходят изменения в написании некоторых глаголов: 1. «согласная + -у» => ied: carry =>carried, cry =>cried BUT! Play =>played: перед -у стоит гласная. 2. «одна гласная + согласная» согласная удваивается: Stop =>stopped, plan =>planned 3. -r удваиваются после ударной гласной: prefer =>preferred 4. -1 удваивается после краткой гласной:quarrel=>quarrelled Сигнальные слова The Past Simple употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени: yesterday, last night/week/month/year / two days/ months ago, long ago, the other day, then, in 1825/ 1993. Эти обстоятельства времени стоят в начале или конце предложения. • They saw him two days ago. • Last week she met him at the club. Образование вопросительного и отрицательного предложений. Question Did + Подлежащее + + Сказуемое..? • Did Sasha work yesterday? • Why didn't Sasha work yesterday?

Negative form Подлежащее + didn't + Сказуемое... • Sasha didn't work yesterday. • It was Sunday.

При использовании вспомогательных глаголов (did/didn't) глагол после подлежащего всегда стоит в начальной форме. 69

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Appendix 6 Passive Voice Present Simple in Active Voice I ask — Я спрашиваю You ask — Ты/Вы спрашиваете He/She/asks — Он/Она/ спрашивает We ask — Мы спрашиваем They ask — Они спрашивают Past Simple in Passive Voice I asked — Я спрашивал You asked — Ты/Вы спрашивали He/She/ asked — Он/Она/ спрашивал(a) We asked — Мы спрашивали They asked — Они спрашивали

Present Simple in Passive Voice I am asked — Меня спрашивают You are asked — Тебя/ Вас спрашивают He/She is asked — Его/ее спрашивают We are asked — Нас спрашивают They are asked — Их спрашивают Past Simple in Passive Voice I was asked — Меня спрашивали. You were asked — Тебя/ Вас спрашивали He/She/ was asked — Его/ее спрашивали We were asked — Нас спрашивали They were asked — Их спрашивали

The Passive Voice– это не просто преобразование действительного залога в страдательный, как это может показаться из таблицы. Он используется, когда мы не можем или не хотим сказать, кто совершает действие, или стремимся сконцентрировать внимание на событии, а не на его исполнителе. Глагол в страдательном залоге показывает, что действие совершается не подлежащим, а над подлежащим. Использование страдательного залога в английском языке значительно шире, чем в русском. Не все английские предложения в страдательном залоге могут быть переведены на русский язык с использованием страдательного залога и наоборот. • The criminal was followed by the policeman Budaev Bato. — Полицейский Будаев Бато преследовал преступника. • The dress was made by my grandmother. — Это платье сшила мне моя бабушка. Правила изменения глагола по временам (и соответственно сигнальные слова) для действительного и страдательного залогов одинаковы, изменяется только направленность действия. • Thousands of newspapers are sold in Russia every day. • This old house was built in 1648 in Ulan-Ude city. • The sofa will be delivered in two days. 70

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Чтобы показать, кем/чем совершается действие, используются предлоги: BY WITH Перед одушевленным предметом, а Указывается, какой предмет, орутакже после глаголов типа: damage, дие, инструмент использован для make discovery by, write bу etc. совершения действия. The new hotel in Ulan-Ude was deSimon Reed was killed with a knife. signed by Bair Badmaev. It was drawn with a stick. The novel was written by famous Buryat writer.

Appendix 7 Методические рекомендации по подготовке к ролевой игре Внимательно прочитайте карточку с заданием (Student Card). Вспомните весь пройденный материал по данной теме: фонетический, лексический, грамматический. Представьте себя в данной ситуации, «войдите» в роль. Будьте внимательны к собеседникам: демонстрируйте стремление поддержать беседу (проявляйте интерес к собеседнику, задавайте ему вопросы, давайте развернутый ответ на его вопросы); всегда соблюдайте нормы вежливости (например, не забудьте поблагодарить собеседника или выразить просьбу вежливо). Ролевая игра по теме: Presenting the University Концепция игры: Ролевая игра строится на основе комбинации речевых ситуаций, объединенных темой «Образование». В ходе игры реализуется, в основном, парная форма взаимодействия студентов. Общение происходит на основе сравнения двух систем высшего образования: в России и Великобритании. Управление диалогическим общением участников игры реализуется с помощью ролевых карт, в которых прописаны коммуникативные задачи для каждого участника игры. Ролевая игра по теме: My future profession Концепция игры: Ролевая игра строится на основе комбинации речевых ситуаций, объединенных темой «Будущая профессия». В ходе игры реализуется парная и групповая формы взаимодействия студентов. Обще71

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ние происходит на основе обмена мнениями о своих будущих профессиях. Студенты должны обосновать выбор своей профессии, рассказать о профессиональных перспективах. Управление диалогическим общением участников игры реализуется с помощью ролевых карт, в которых прописаны коммуникативные задачи для каждого участника игры. Appendix 8 Методические рекомендации по подготовке проекта Проект может быть индивидуальный и групповой. Определите состав группы. Вспомните весь пройденный материал по данной теме: Ознакомьтесь со следующей информацией: 1. Этапы реализации метода проекта – подготовка: выберите тему и определите цель проекта; – планирование: определите источники информации, способы сбора и анализа информации, способы представления результатов, изучите критерии оценки результатов, распределите задачи и обязанности между участниками проектной группы; – исследование: соберите информацию, решая промежуточные задачи при помощи основных инструментов: интервью, опросов, наблюдений; – результаты и/или выводы: сделайте выводы, проанализируйте информацию, сформулируйте выводы; – защита проекта (определите форму представления результатов (устный или письменный отчёт, PowerPoint презентация и др.); – оценка результатов и процесса: коллективное обсуждение, самооценка и др. 2. Критерии оценки: 1) Продукт исследования Студент (группа студентов) представляет продукт исследования, полученный в результате планирования, поиска и обработки информации в какой-либо форме (плакат, PowerPoint презентация, стенгазета, графики, таблицы и пр.), 2) Результаты исследования Студент (группа студентов) представляет результаты исследования на иностранном языке без опоры, демонстрируют высокий уро72

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вень владения грамматикой, беглый темп речи, освоенность всех речевых моделей и структур, изученных в ходе работы по теме. Преподавателем оценивается работа каждого отдельного студента в группе в плане практической и речевой деятельности. 3. Схема описания проекта: – название; – описание проблемы; – цель проекта; – задачи проекта; – содержание; – описание источников.


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БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК 1. Выборова Г. Е. и др. Easy English: Базовый курс: учебник для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов / Г. Е. Выборова, К. С. Махмурян, О. П. Мельчина. — Москва : АСТПРЕСС КНИГА, 2010. — 384 с. 2. Маслова М. Е. Английский язык: практические задания для подготовки к централизованному тестированию и экзамену / М. Е. Маслова, Ю. В. Маслов, О. И. Кондратеня. — Минск : Тетра Системс, 2008. — 208 с. 3. Савинова М. А. English for University Science Students: учеб. пособие. 6-е изд., испр. и доп. — Улан-Удэ : Изд-во Бурят. гос. унта, 2014. — 143 с. 4. Soars Jo. Headway Pre-Intermediate. Student's Book / Jo. Soars, L. Soars. — Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003. — 144 p. 5. Медведев С. П. Солнечная Бурятия: урок английского языка // http:www.festival.1september.ru/articles/518380/ 6. Понкинова М. Сочинение на английском языке с переводом. 15 апр. 2011 г. Школа № 2, Улан-Удэ, Республика Бурятия, Россия // http:www english-exam.ru/konkursy-sochinenii/2-i.../topik1230-b-ja-v-yetom-mire.html


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СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ……………………………….............................. PART I UNIT I . Student’s life ……………………………………….. UNIT II . Native place ………………...................................... UNIT III. Sociology …………………….................................. PART II. Grammar suport…………………………………….. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ Appendix 1……………………………………………………. Appendix 2……………………………………………………. Appendix 3……………………………………………………. Appendix 4……………………………………………………. Appendix 5……………………………………………………. Appendix 6……………………………………………………. Appendix 7……………………………………………………. Appendix 8……………………………………………………. БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК…………………….....

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Учебное издание Сэсэгма Дамбиевна Цыренжапова Екатерина Валентиновна Шарыпова

ENGLISH FOR SOCIAL STUDIES (I часть) Учебно-методическое пособие

Компьютерная верстка Н. Ц. Тахинаевой Свидетельство о государственной аккредитации № 1289 от 23 декабря 2011 г. Подписано в печать 28.03.2017. Формат 60х84 1/16. Усл. печ. л. 4,65. Уч.-изд. л. 2,91. Заказ 66.

Издательство Бурятского госуниверситета 670000, г. Улан-Удэ, ул. Смолина, 24а [email protected]