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Diagnostic Cytology
 9789354650574, 9354650570

Table of contents :
Section 1 General Cytology
Section 2 Clinical Cytology (Exfoliative)
Section 3 Laboratory Techniques
Section 4 Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology
Review Questions

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Diagnostic Cytology Third Edition

Diagnostic Cytology Third Edition

Pranab Dey MBBS MD MIAC FRCPath Professor, Department of Cytology Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Chandigarh, India

JAYPEE BROTHERS Medical Publishers The Health Sciences Publisher New Delhi | London

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Diagnostic Cytology / Pranab Dey First Edition: 2014 Third Edition: 2022 ISBN: 978-93-5465-057-4

Dedicated to Shree Shree Satyananda Giri Shree Shree Paramahansa Yogananda Rini Madhumanti and My Mother Nisha Dey

Preface to the Third Edition In the third edition of the book, I introduced several changes. The digital pathology, whole slide scanning, and artificial neural network are described in details in Chapter 19. Furthermore, there are several significant changes in different techniques, such as the polymerase chain reaction and next-generation sequencing, immunocytochemistry, and flow cytometry. In addition, the molecular pathology and immunocytochemistry of various tumors are highlighted in each chapter. Finally, I have discussed the updated classification of the World Health Organization and International Academy of Cytologists in the urinary cytology, lung, breast, salivary gland, and lymph node. The significant addition of the book is the introduction of different cytological techniques in a video format. I hope that the videos will help the readers immensely. Pranab Dey

Preface to the FIRST Edition Cytology is an integral part of pathology curriculum and it is very important to have working knowledge in this area. I designed this book in four sections: general cytology, clinical cytology (exfoliative cytology), laboratory techniques in cytology and fine needle aspiration cytology. I hope that this present book will help immensely all the postgraduate students in pathology, students of cytology (both BSc and MSc), cytology practitioners and all others who are interested in clinical cytology. I have tried to explain various areas of cytology by simple language, tables and illustrations (both line diagrams and microphotographs). All the line diagrams are drawn by me. I hope that these figures are satisfactory. There are multiple boxes in this book which convey the essential and important messages. I will be glad if this book is helpful to the students, teachers and practitioners of cytology. Pranab Dey

Acknowledgments I am grateful to Shri Jitendar Pal Vij, (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director) and Mr MS Mani (Group President) of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, for his constant support and encouragement in writing the third edition. My special thanks to Dr Richa Saxena (Associate Director, Professional Publishing) and Ms Himani Pandey (Development Editor), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, who helped me in each stage of this present edition. I wish to express my thanks to all my Junior residents, Senior residents, and technical staffs in the Department of cytology for their valuable comments to improve the book. I am particularly thankful to Dr Saumya Sahu and Dr Pawan for their suggestions and help in different book chapters. My wife Rini and daughter Madhumanti encouraged me to write the third edition in the tough time of the COVID pandemic. I am thankful to them. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to God Almighty for his immense blessings. He has the magic to make anything possible. Pranab Dey

Contents SECTION 1: General Cytology Chapter 1: Cell 3 Eukaryotic Versus Prokaryotic Cells   3 Cell Membrane  3 Cytoplasmic Organelles  9 Nucleus 17 Deoxyribonucleic Acid  20

Chapter 2: Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation


Cell Cycle  26 Cell Division  27 Cell Cycle Checkpoint  29 Cell Cycle Regulator Proteins  30 Cell Cycle Control and Cancer  31 Cell Proliferation Markers  32 Stem Cell  35

Chapter 3: Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death


Cellular Adaptation  38 Reversible Cell Injury  39 Irreversible Cell Injury  39 Autophagy 45 Necrosis 48 Programmed Necrosis: Necroptosis  48 Pyroptosis 50 Ferroptosis 50 Inflammation 51

Chapter 4: Molecular Genetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications


Chromosome 53 Cytogenetics 57 Molecular Cytogenetic Techniques  58

Chapter 5: Neoplasm 65 Benign Neoplasm  65 Biological Characteristics of Malignant Tumor or Cancer  66 Hallmarks of Cancer  66 Cancer Stem Cells  69 Molecular Basis of Cancer  70 Oncogenes and Cancer  71 Functional Properties of Oncogene  72 Microribonucleic Acid and Cancer  73 Genomic Instability  74 Tumor Suppressor Genes  77



Tumor Microenvironment  80 Preneoplastic Lesions  82 Morphology of Cancer Cell  82 Cell and Cytoplasm  83 Nucleus 83 Characterization of Type of Cancer Cell  87 Diagnostic Pitfalls of Malignancy  89

Chapter 6: Tissue and Cell Organization


Epithelial Tissue  92 Connective Tissue  94

SECTION 2: Clinical Cytology (Exfoliative) Chapter 7: Normal Anatomy, Histology and Cytology of Female Genital Tract


Vulva 101 Vagina 101 Histology 101 Uterus 101 Ovaries 103 Fallopian Tubes  103 Normal Cells in Cervical Smear  103 Changes of Squamous Epithelium  105 Bethesda System of Reporting  108

Chapter 8: Cervical Carcinogenesis, Preneoplastic and Neoplastic Condition


Human Papillomavirus and Cervical Carcinogenesis  119 Cervical Preneoplastic Lesions  121

Chapter 9: Cervical Cancer Screening Program


Parameters to Measure the Validity of Screening Tests  140 Screening Guidelines  140 Types of Modalities for Cervical Cancer Screening  141 Essential Elements for Successful Cervical Cancer Screening  143 Hpv Vaccination 144

Chapter 10: Effusion Cytology


Anatomy and Histology of Body Cavities  147 Effusion 147 Specimen Collection and Processing  148 Benign Cell Population in Effusion  149 Effusion Due to Non-neoplastic Causes  152 Malignant Effusion  154 Metastatic Tumors  157 Primary Serosal Tumor  169

Chapter 11: Urine Cytology Anatomy and Histology  178 Normal Cytology  180 Specimen Collection  182




Processing of Urinary Sample  183 Crystals and Casts in the Urine  183 Non-neoplastic Lesions in the Urinary Tract  184 Neoplastic Lesions  187 Paris System of Classification  188 Cytology of Malignancy in Urine  190 Ancillary Techniques  194 Diagnostic Accuracy of Urine Cytology  196

Chapter 12: Respiratory Cytology


Normal Anatomy and Histology  198 Sampling Techniques  199 Normal Cytology  201 Benign Cellular Abnormalities  203 Infections 205 Lung Carcinomas  209 Classification of Lung Cancer  209 Individual Tumors  213

Chapter 13: Gastrointestinal Tract


Sampling Techniques 225 Esophagus 226 Stomach 231 Small and Large Intestine  237 Large Intestine  238 Anal Cytology  238

Chapter 14: Cerebrospinal Fluid


Anatomy 240 Gross Appearance of Cerebrospinal Fluid  240 Cytology 240 Sampling of Cerebrospinal Fluid  240 Infective Conditions  242 Demyelinating Diseases  243 Neoplasm 243 Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma  246 Other Primary Central Nervous System Tumor  246 Diagnostic Accuracy  247

SECTION 3: Laboratory Techniques Chapter 15: Basic Technique and Approach to Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology Fine-needle Aspiration Technique 252 Fine-needle Sampling 254 Staining of The Smear  255 Ancillary Techniques  256 FNAC of Deep-seated Lesions  256 Suboptimal Material in Fnac 258 Evaluation of FNAC Smear  258




Chapter 16: Routine Laboratory Techniques


Sample Collection  260 Fixation 262 Preservation of the Sample Prior to Processing  263 Processing of Laboratory Samples  263 Processing 264 Staining 267 Dehydration and Clearing of the Smear  269 Mounting 269 Coverslip 269 Storage 269

Chapter 17: Special Stains and Immunocytochemistry


Special Stains  271 Immunocytochemistry 273 Samples for Immunocytochemistry  274 Diagnostic Immunocytochemistry  278

Chapter 18: Light microscope


Visible Light  288 Image Formation in Human Eye  288 Light Microscope  289 Image Formation in a Compound Microscope  289 Care and Handling of the Microscope  290 Fluorescence Microscopy  290 Confocal Microscopy  291

Chapter 19: Digital Pathology


Workflow of Digital Pathology  293 Essential Components of a Digital Pathology Laboratory  293 Advantages of Digital Pathology  294 Limitations of Digital Pathology  294 Whole Slide Imaging  295 Artificial Neural Network 298

Chapter 20: Flow Cytometry


Brief History of Flow Cytometry  302 Basic Principles of Flow Cytometry  302 The Instrument at a Glance  303 Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorter  303 Control 304 Flow Cytometric Immunophenotyping  304 Immunophenotyping of Lymphoma  305 Dna Content and Ploidy Analysis  309 Future of Flow Cytometry  311

Chapter 21: Automation and Liquid-based Cytology Liquid-based Cytology  312 Automation in Screening  315 Automated Screening Devices  315 Available Automated Screening Devices  315




Comparison of Manual and Automated Devices  316 Problems of Implementing Automation  316

Chapter 22: Polymerase Chain Reaction and Next Generation Sequencing


Components of Polymerase Chain Reaction  318 Steps of Polymerase Chain Reaction  318 Types of Polymerase Chain Reaction  319 Applications of Polymerase Chain Reaction  320 Dna Sequencing  321 First-generation Sequencing  321

Chapter 23: Quality Control and Laboratory Organization


Preanalytical Phase  327 Analytical Phase  327 Postanalytic Phase  328 Interlaboratory Comparison  328 External Quality Assurance  329 Laboratory Organization  329 Laboratory Safety  331 COVID-19 (Sars-Cov-2) Infection and Biosafety  332

SECTION 4: Fine-needle aspiration cytology Chapter 24: Head, Neck, and Orbit


Head and Neck  337 Cystic Lesions  337 Branchial Cyst  337 Thyroglossal Cysts  338 Epidermal Inclusion Cyst  338 Cystic Hygroma  338 Mucocele 338 Neoplastic Lesions  339 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma  340 Ameloblastoma 341 Parathyroid Tumors  341 Meningioma 342 Olfactory Neuroblastoma  343 Orbital Lesions  344 Malignant Neoplasm of Eyelid  345 Lesions of the Lacrimal Gland  345 Intraorbital Tumors  345

Chapter 25: Salivary Gland Anatomy and Histology of the Salivary Gland  349 Indications of Fnac of the Salivary Glands  349 Contraindications 350 Complications 350 Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology: Technical Consideration  350 Overview of the Diagnostic Challenges  350


xviii cONTENTS

Normal Salivary Gland Cells  351 Salivary Gland Lesions  352 Neoplastic Lesions  354 The Milan System of Reporting the Cytology of Salivary Gland  355

Chapter 26: Thyroid 372 Approach to Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology of the Thyroid  372 Techniques 372 Anatomy and Histology  373 Diagnostic Accuracy  374 Bethesda Terminology  374 Normal Aspirated Material  375 Diseases of Thyroid  375 Ancillary Techniques  394 Management of Post-Fnac Diagnosis of Thyroid Lesion  395

Chapter 27: Breast 399 Indications of Fnac of Breast  399 Contraindications 399 Diagnostic Accuracy  399 Limitations of Fnac  400 Clinical History  400 Triple Test  401 Core Needle Biopsy Versus Fnac 401 Adequacy of the Sample  401 Histology of Breast  402 Normal Cytology of Breast  402 Inflammatory Lesions  402 Benign Noninflammatory Lesions  405 Proliferative Breast Disease  408 Ductal Carcinoma In Situ  410 Carcinoma 413 Other Types  415 Male Breast Lesions  421 Ancillary Investigations on Breast Aspiration Material  422 Reporting of Breast Fnac 422 Ancillary Techniques  423 Molecular Classification of Breast Carcinoma  424 Nipple Discharge  425

Chapter 28: Lymph Node Normal Anatomy and Histology of the Lymph Node  429 Approach of Lymph Node Fnac 431 Aspiration 431 Normal Component of a Lymph Node  431 Diagnostic Accuracy  431 Benign Lesions in the Lymph Node  432 Metastatic Malignancy  441 Lymphomas 443 Lymphoma Classification  443




Lymphomas of Large Cells  450 Hodgkin Lymphoma  455 Approach to Diagnosis of Lymph Node Lesions  458 Leukemic Infiltration  460

Chapter 29: Mediastinum 463 Anatomy of the Mediastinum and General Considerations  463 Clinical History  463 Techniques 463 Lesions 464 Approach to the Diagnosis of Mediastinal Tumors  471

Chapter 30: Liver and Spleen


Liver 473 Normal Cells  473 Liver Lesions  474 Spleen 485 Non-neoplastic Process  485

Chapter 31: Pancreas 488 Pancreas 488 Cysts of Pancreas  489 Neoplastic Lesion of Pancreas  490 Carcinoma 491 Neuroendocrine Tumor  493 Neuroendocrine Carcinoma  495

Chapter 32: Kidney and Adrenal


Normal Cells  499 Renal Lesions  500 Renal Neoplasms  500 Metastatic Tumors of Kidney  506 Pediatric Renal Tumors  507 Adrenal 510 Adrenocortical Neoplasm  510 Pheochromocytoma 511 Metastatic Tumors  513

Chapter 33: Gonads and Prostate


Testis 516 Female Genital System  521 Prostate 525

Chapter 34: Soft Tissue Lesions


Diagnostic Accuracy  529 Fnac Technique and Information Needed for Diagnosis  530 Ancillary echniques  530 Individual Soft-tissue Tumors  531

Chapter 35: The Skin 548 Non-neoplastic Lesions  548 Rare Benign Diseases of the Skin  548



Neoplastic Lesions of the Skin  549 Malignant Tumors of the Skin  552

Chapter 36: Bone 558 Normal Cells  558 Bone Forming Tumor  559 Cartilage Forming Tumor  561

Chapter 37: Round Cell Tumor


Diagnostic Approach  572 Cytomorphology 572

Chapter 38: Infection 577 Common Samples  577 Stains and Other Tests  577 Bacterial 577 Parasites 579 Fungal Infection  581 Viral Infections  583

Review Questions




Abbreviations Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Basal cell carcinoma



Bayesian Belief Network


Acute myeloblastic leukemia


Bladder tumor antigen


Adenoid cystic carcinoma


Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma


Adenomatous polyposis coli


Bronchoalveolar lavage


Adenosine triphosphate


Burkitt lymphoma

Adrenocortical carcinomas


Carcinoembryonic antigen



CDK inhibitory


Alpha fetoprotein


Cerebrospinal fluid


American Cancer Society


Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia


Anaphase-promoting complex


Chondrosarcoma CHS

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase Androgen receptor



Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic myeloid leukemia



Clear cell sarcoma of kidney


Aneurysmal bone cyst


Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments




Cluster of differentiation


Comparative genomic hybridization


Apoptosis-activating factor Apoptosis-inducing factor Argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region


Computerized tomography


Conventional preparation


Artificial neural network


CpG island methylator phenotype

Atypical ductal hyperplasia


Cyclin-dependent kinases

Atypical glandular cells


Cytokeratin CKI

Atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance AGUS

Cytomegalovirus CMV

Atypical lipomatous tumor


Atypical squamous cell



Dense fibrillar component


Deoxyribonucleic acid


Desmoplastic small round cell tumor


Diffuse large B cell lymphoma


Disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis



DNA methyltransferases


Autophagy-related gene


Ductal carcinoma in situ


Bacillus Calmette-Guérin


Endodermal sinus tumor


Atypical squamous cell cannot exclude HSIL Atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance

Barrett’s esophagus Basal cell adenoma



Endoplasmic reticulum


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ERCP

xxiv Abbreviations


Granulomatous mastitis


Epithelial growth factor


Guanosine triphosphate


Epithelial membrane antigen


Guanosine diphosphate


Epithelial mesenchymal transition


Hepatocellular carcinoma


Endoscopic ultrasound-guided FNAC

Epithelioid sarcoma


Herpes simplex virus

Epstein–Barr virus


Heterochromatin protein

Estrogen receptor


Ewing’s sarcoma Fas-associated death domain Fibrillar center Fibrin degradation product


High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion High mobility group box 1 Histone deacetylases Histone methyltransferases Hodgkin lymphoma


Fibroadenoma Fad

Homogenously staining region


Fibroblast growth factor

Human chorionic gonadotropin


Human herpes virus


Fibrocystic diseases


Fine-needle aspiration biopsy


Human immunodeficiency virus


Fine-needle aspiration cytology


Human papilloma virus


Fine-needle sampling


Hyaluronic acid


Flow cytometry


Hybrid capture


Flow cytometry immunophenotyping


Image cytometry


Fluorescein isothiocyanate


Infiltrating duct carcinoma


Fluorescence in situ hybridization


Inner nuclear membrane


Focal nodular hyperplasia


Insular carcinoma

Follicular adenoma


Internal quality control

Follicular carcinoma


International Society of Urologic Pathologists

Follicular center cell lymphoma


Intranuclear pseudoinclusions


Follicular lymphoma


Intrauterine contraceptive devices


Follicular neoplasm


Invasive lobular carcinoma

Follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma


Lactate dehydrogenase



Food and Drug Administration


Lamin B receptor


Gastrointestinal stromal tumor


Lamina-associated polypeptide


Langerhans cell histiocytosis


Large cell carcinoma


Laser scanning cytometry


Gastrointestinal tract Giant cell tumor Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath


Glial fibrillary acidic protein


Glucose-transport protein 1


Golgi complex G-protein-coupled receptors Granular components

Leiomyosarcomas LMS Liposarcoma



Liquid-based cytology



Loss of heterozygosity


Low-grade squamous intraepithelial




Low Power


Nuclear matrix proteins


Lupus erythematous


Nuclear pore complex


Lymphoblastic lymphoma


Nucleocytoplasmic N/C

Lymphocytic and/or histiocytic


Nucleolar organizing regions

Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis


Numerical aperture


Lymphoglandular body


Oil immersion

Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma


Open reading frames


Malignant fibrous histiocytoma


Oral contraceptive pill


Malignant mesothelioma Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor Malignant round cell tumor


Orange G Origin recognition complex Outer nuclear membrane



Mantle cell lymphoma


p53-binding protein 1


Marginal zone lymphoma


Pancreatic endocrine tumor

Matrix attachment region


Papillary neoplasia of low malignant potential PUNLMP


May–Grünwald–Giemsa MGG

Papillary thyroid carcinoma


Mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1

Periodic acid–Schiff’s


Medium Power Medullary carcinoma


Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor


Peripheral T-cell lymphoma


Messenger RNA


peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis

Micro RNA


Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate


Micronucleus MN



Microsatellite instability






Phyllodes tumor


Mucinous cystic neoplasia


Placental alkaline phosphatase


Mucoepidermoid carcinoma


Plasma cell myeloma


Mucosa associated lymphoma Multicolor FISH


Platelet-derived growth factor Pleomorphic adenoma

Multiple endocrine neoplasia


Polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen

Myxoid Liposarcoma


Polymerase chain reaction

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma


Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma

National Health Service, United Kingdom Natural killer T


pre replicative Precursor miRNA

Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy NILM

Primary effusion lymphoma

Neuroblastoma NB

Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma

Neuron-specific enolase

Primary miRNA

Nodular lymphocytic predominant HL


Primitive neuroectodermal tumor

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma


Progesterone receptor

Nontuberculous mycobacteria


Programmed cell death



xxvi Abbreviations

Proliferating cell nuclear antigen


Spindle assembly check point


Proliferative breast disease


Squamous cell carcinomas

Prostate-specific antigen


Squamous intraepithelial lesion

Psammoma bodies


Standard operating protocol

Rhabdomyosarcoma RMS

Synovial sarcoma

Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia

Syringocystadenoma papilliferum



Replication licensing factors


Telomeric repeat amplification protocol


Rhabdomyoma RM Rhabdomyosarcoma RMS Ribonucleic acid


Ribosomal RNA


Ring finger-binding protein


Rough endoplasmic reticulum


Scavenger receptors


Sebaceous carcinoma


Single strand conformation polymorphism Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy



TATA-binding protein

Reverse transcriptase PCR




Systemic lupus erythematosus

Renal cell carcinoma Retinoblastoma



Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP Nick End Labeling


The Bethesda System


Thyroid-stimulating hormone


Thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin


Thyroid transcription factor


Transbronchial fine-needle aspiration cytology TBNA Transfer RNA


Transitional cell carcinoma


Trichomonas vaginalis Tumor necrosis factor–receptors

TV TNF-receptors

Ultrasonography USG Upstream regulatory region


Small cell carcinoma


Urothelial carcinoma

Small lymphocytic lymphoma


Vascular endothelial growth factor

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum


Vascular permeability factor


Soft tissue sarcoma


Visual inspection of cervix with acetic acid


Wilms’ tumor


Solid and cystic papillary neoplasm Spectral karyotyping


World Health Organization




SECTION General Cytology

Chapter 1: Cell

1 3

Chapter 2: Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation


Chapter 3: Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death


Chapter 4: Molecular Genetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications


Chapter 5: Neoplasm 65 Chapter 6: Tissue and Cell Organization



Cell INTRODUCTION Cell is the basic unit of any living system. Human body is made of various types of cells. The fundamental characteristics of these cells are essentially same. However, during the process of differentiation, the cell acquires many unique morphological and functional properties.

EUKARYOTIC VERSUS PROKARYOTIC CELLS The cells are mainly classified as prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. The cells of bacterial and other lower organisms are known as prokaryotic cell. In prokaryotic cell, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is present within the cytoplasm without any distinct nucleus. The higher animals are made of eukaryotic cells. The main distinguishing features of eukaryotic cells are: • DNA is enclosed within the membrane. • The cell contains mitochondria (MT) and other membrane-bound vesicles (Table 1.1). • DNA is double-stranded compared to circular DNA in prokaryotic cells. Unlike histology, in cytological examination, detailed cellto-cell relation is often lost. The cytologist studies cluster of cells or single cell for diagnosis. It is essential to know the detailed morphology and function of the cell to understand the alteration of its constituents in reaction to various external and internal stimuli. The various morphological constituents of a cell are highlighted in Box 1.1 and



demonstrated in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. The constituents of the cell can be divided into cytoplasmic organelles and nucleus.

CELL MEMBRANE (FIG. 1.3) Cell membrane is a partition that separates the interior and the external environment of a cell. It is a living and selectively permeable membrane.

Box 1.1


• Cytoplasm: {{Plasma membrane {{Mitochondria {{Golgi bodies {{Rough endoplasmic reticulum {{Smooth endoplasmic reticulum {{Centrioles {{Lysosomes {{Ribosomes {{Vacuoles {{Cytoskeleton • Nucleus: {{Nuclear membrane {{Nucleoli {{Chromatin {{Nuclear matrix

Table 1.1: Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Features

Eukaryotic cell

Prokaryotic cell


True nucleus with nuclear membrane

No true nucleus and no membrane bound nucleus


Circular DNA

Linear DNA


Complex, five kinds of rRNA

Relatively simple, three kinds of rRNA

Membrane-bound organelles



Cell type







sECTION 1  General Cytology

Fig. 1.1:  Schematic diagram of a eukaryotic cell.

Fig. 1.2:  Electron microscopic picture of a cell. Courtesy: Dr Charan Singh Rayat, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.

Box 1.2

Fig. 1.3:  Schematic diagram of lipid bilayerd cell membrane.

Singer SJ and Nicolson GL1 first time suggested the “fluid mosaic model” that considers that the plasma membrane is just like a fluid. The membrane proteins are floating on discontinuous fluid-like lipid bilayers. The proteins of the membrane are a set of heterogeneous globular molecules. The highly polar groups are protruding out of the membrane, and the nonpolar groups are within the inner portion of the phospholipid membrane. The membrane is described as “mosaic” because it comprises different types of molecules, such as phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol, and proteins.

Composition and Structure (Box 1.2) The cell membrane comprises bilayered phospholipid molecules, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Lipids There are three classes of lipids—(1) phospholipid, (2) cholesterol, and (3) glycolipid. The phospholipids are the

Cell membrane—Composition.

• Lipids: Phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids {{Double layer, hydrophilic ends outer side and hydrophobic ends facing each other. • Carbohydrates: Glycoproteins and glycolipids. • Proteins: {{Intergral protein: Incorporated within the membrane. {{Transmembrane protein: Present through complete breadth. {{Peripheral membrane protein: Present in the inner and outer surface of the membrane.

predominant type of lipids noted in the cell membrane. There are four varieties of lipids—phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and sphingomyelin. Phospholipids have the hydrophilic or polar ends and hydrophobic or nonpolar ends. In the hydrophilic ends, usually, the glycerol molecules combine with serine, choline or ethanolamine, whereas, in the hydrophobic ends, the glycerol molecule is attached with the long-chain fatty acids. Hydrophobic ends of the molecules are facing each other and they are away from the cytosol or external environment. In contrast, the hydrophilic ends are facing toward the cytosol. At low temperature, the bilayered lipid is just like a gel. However, in body temperature, the lipid bilayer is fluid and moving and can exchange their places.


A good amount of cholesterol molecules are also present in the plasma membrane, and one cholesterol molecule is present for one phospholipid molecule. The cholesterol molecules are embedded within the phospholipid layers. They prevent the mobility of the first few hydrocarbon molecules of the phospholipid, and also prevent the crystallization of the hydrocarbon. Thus, cholesterol maintains the fluidity and stability of the membrane.

Carbohydrate Carbohydrates are present in the form of glycoprotein and glycolipids. Glycoprotein is the predominant type of carbohydrate, and is generally noted on both sides of the membrane. They are involved with cell recognition and protection of the membrane.

Proteins Proteins are the 50% constituents of the membrane, and depending on their positions, they may be labeled as—(1) integral protein: Integral proteins are incorporated within the membrane (Fig. 1.3). Transmembrane proteins are the type of integral proteins that traverse through the complete breadth of the membrane. (2) Peripheral membrane protein: These proteins reside on the inner or outer surface of the membrane.

Function of the Plasma Membrane (Box 1.3) The plasma membrane is a biologically active semipermeable membrane with many essential functions. 1. Cell identity: Plasma membrane encircles the essential component of the cell and maintains the physical boundary between the cell and its surroundings. 2. Transport: Plasma membrane is selectively permeable to various substances. As the membrane is hydrophobic in its interior, it is not permeable to polar molecules, such as Na+, H+, and Cl-. However, the lipid bilayer is permeable to small nonpolar molecules, such as CO2 and O2. There are two types of transport through the membrane:

Box 1.3

i. Active transport: Energy is needed for this type of transport. ii. Passive transport: No additional energy is needed. This can be a channel or transporter proteinmediated facilitated diffusion or by osmosis. In osmosis, passive transport occurs across the concentration gradient. In the case of facilitated diffusion, two types of proteins take part in action: a. Transporter protein: This protein alters the conformation of the solutes to be transported and sequentially transport the solute through the lipid bilayer. b. Channel protein: This protein forms an aqueous pore across the membrane. 3. Signal transduction: Plasma membrane contains many membrane-bound receptors. These receptors bind with signaling molecules and transport the information via the intracellular signaling proteins. The signaling molecules may be soluble, attached with the other cell or may be bound to the extracellular matrix. The three major classes of plasma membrane receptor proteins involved in signal induction are (Fig. 1.4): i. Ion channel-coupled receptors: These receptor proteins are involved in the transient opening and closing of the ion channel after binding with the signaling molecules. ii. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR): 2 GPCR mediates their actions by transiently binding with a trimeric GTP (guanosine triphosphate)-binding

Cell membrane—functions.

• Cell identity: Maintains cell identity • Transport: Selectively permeable to various substances • Signal transduction: Plasma membrane contains many receptors that transport the information via the intracellular signaling proteins • Cell polarity: Membrane protein complexes are responsible for the polarity of the epithelial cells • Cell–cell recognition • Intercellular joining • Attachment of cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix


Fig. 1.4:  Three types of plasma membrane receptors have been highlighted—ion channel-coupled receptors, G-protein-coupled receptors, and enzyme-coupled receptors.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

4. 5.

6. 7.

protein that is also known as G protein (Fig. 1.4). The binding of G protein-coupled receptors and G protein further activates an enzyme or alters the permeability of the ion in the plasma membrane. The receptor site of GPCR is located toward the extracellular space, and the other long-chain portion coils the plasma membrane several times. iii. Enzyme-coupled receptors: These receptor proteins are predominantly protein kinases. In their activated form, they phosphorylate the specific types of proteins. Cell–cell recognition: Glycolipids and glycoproteins are responsible for mutual cell–cell recognition. Intercellular joining: The plasma membrane has an essential role in connecting the two cells. It is discussed below. Attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix Cell polarity (Box 1.4): Most of the cells in the human body are polarized. Cell polarization is studied in the epithelial cell. The epithelial cells have distinct polar distribution, such as the luminal surface and the basolateral surface facing toward the basement membrane and side of the cell. Various membrane protein complexes are responsible for the polarity of the epithelial cells. Three types of polarity complex proteins are described in the membrane of the epithelial cells—(1) PAR (CDC42–PAR3–PAR6–aPKC), (2) Crumbs (Crb–PALS–PATJ), (3) and Scribbles (Scrib–Dlg–Lgl). PAR and Crumbs complexes are involved in the apical polarization, and Scribbles complexes are responsible for basolateral polarization of the epithelial cells. They are also involved in asymmetric cell division, cell proliferation, and cell migration. 3 Asymmetric cell division suppresses cell proliferation. Disruption of the polarity complexes is related to cell proliferation. It is noted that the loss of epithelial cell polarity complexes is related to tumor progression and invasion.4 So, in fact, the membrane polarity complexes behave as tumor suppressor elements.

Box 1.4

Cell polarity.

• PAR (CDC42–PAR3–PAR6–aPKC), Crumbs (Crb–PALS–PATJ), and Scribbles (Scrib–Dlg–Lgl) are three major polarity complex proteins • PAR and Crumbs for apical polarity • Scribbles for basolateral polarity • Many polarity complex proteins are mutated in cancer • PAR, Crumbs, and Scribbles are indirectly related with asymmetric cell division, cell proliferation, and migration • Cell polarity protein complexes are related with EMT, tumor progression, and invasion (EMT: epithelial-mesenchymal transition)

Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition and Cell Polarity (Box 1.5) Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a reversible and transient program. Here, the epithelial cell sheds out many of its characteristics properties and undergoes a quasimesenchymal state. The mesenchymal cells may be reverted to the epithelial cells again, known as mesenchymalto-epithelial transition (MET). EMT plays a critical step during various functions of the body, particularly in organ development, wound healing, and metastasis.5 The characteristic features of EMT cells: • Cancer stem cell-like property • Highly motile cells • Highly invading property of the cells • Tumor cells are resistant to chemotherapeutic drugs

Types of EMT Predominantly, three types of EMT are present: 1. Type I: It occurs during the process of embryogenesis. EMT takes a vital role in implanting the zygotes and the development of mesoderm, endoderm, and neural crest. 2. Type II: Type II EMT is present at the time of wound healing and regeneration. It continues for an extended period. There remains a chance of destruction of the involved organ if the etiological cause of the inflammation is not controlled. 3. Type III: Type III EMT is related to carcinogenesis.

Box 1.5

Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).

In EMT, the epithelial cell sheds out many of its characteristics properties and undergoes a quasi-mesenchymal state The characteristic features of EMT cells: • Cancer stem cell-like property • Highly motile cells • Highly invading property of the cells • Tumor cells are resistant to chemotherapeutic drugs Cellular changes: • Complete loss of cell polarity • Breakage of the cell-to-cell junction • Destruction of the basement membrane • Reorganization of the extracellular matrix Mechanism of EMT: • Cancer-associated fibroblasts, tumor-associated macrophages, helper and cytotoxic T cells, and Treg cells secrete growth factors and cytokines to liberate “EMT-inducing transcription factors” (EMT-TFs) from the cancer cells • EMT-TFs cause repression of the genes related to the epithelial cells and activate the genes associated with the mesenchymal cells


Cellular Changes in EMT In EMT, the epithelial cells are partially transformed into mesenchymal cells. Three significant cellular changes occur in EMT: 1. Complete loss of cell polarity 2. Breakage of the cell-to-cell junction resulting in separation of the individual cell 3. Destruction of the basement membrane and reorganization of the extracellular matrix occur, which helps in the migration of the cell (Fig. 1.5).6 Epithelial cells typically express E-cadherin, cytokeratin, epithelial cell adhesion molecule, occluding, and claudin. In contrast, the mesenchymal cells, after EMT, express N-cadherin, vimentin, fibronectin, and matrix metalloproteinase.

Mechanism of EMT The EMT is a slow and reversible program, and it happens under the influence of “EMT-inducing transcription factors” (EMT-TFs).5 • Cancer-associated fibroblasts, tumor-associated macrophages, helper and cytotoxic T cells, and Treg cells secrete growth factors and cytokines as enumerated below: cc Cancer-associated fibroblasts: TGF-β, VEGF, and IL-6 cc Tumor-associated macrophages: TGF-β, TNF, and IL-6 cc Regulatory T cell (T reg cells): TGF-β cc T helper cell (CD4+ T cell): TNF and IL-6 • These growth factors and cytokines directly act on the cancer cells and initiate the secretion of EMT-TFs.


• The EMT-TFs are the zinc-finger E-box-binding factor (ZEB) 1 and 2, SNAIL, and SLUG. • These EMT-TFs cause repression of the genes related to the epithelial cells and activate the genes associated with the mesenchymal cells. The epigenetic alteration is responsible for EMT program, and so no DNA sequence is changed in this program to implement.

EMT-induced Metastasis The following cascade of events occurs in EMT-induced metastasis:7,8 • The intracellular architecture of the epithelial cells is lost so that the cells gain mobility. E-cadherin is a transmembrane protein that regulates the establishment of the adherens junctions. The loss of E-cadherin in the malignant epithelial cells enables them to detach quickly and facilitates the migration of the cells from the primary site.8 • The cells invade the stromal matrix and move through the normal parenchyma. • The tumor cells penetrate to microvessels and reach the larger vessel and enter into the systemic circulation. • The tumor cells are trapped in the microvessels of the distant tissues.7 • The cells extravasate to the neighboring tissue and form colonies.

Cilia and Flagella Cilia and flagella are the mobile extensions from the surface of the cytoplasm (Box 1.6). Cilia are small, regular,

(EMT-TF: epithelial mesenchymal transition inducing transcription factors; EpCAM: epithelial cell adhesion molecule; MMPs: matrix metalloproteinases)

Fig. 1.5:  Schematic diagram showing the mechanism of epithelial mesenchymal transition related with metastasis.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

Box 1.6

Cilia and brush border.

Cilia: • Cilia and flagella are the extensions from the surface of the cytoplasm • Cilia are present on the lining epithelium of the upper respiratory tract and fallopian tube • Basal body is present in the base of cilia • Axoneme is the central elongated part of cilia • The shaft of the axoneme: Nine peripheral doublet microtubules and two central singlet microtubules Function: Movement of particles or organism in one direction Brush border: • Regular finger-like projections on the cell surface of certain specialized epithelial cells • Commonly seen on the intestinal epithelium and proximal tubular epithelial cells of kidney Function: The brush border helps in better absorption of the substances from the large surface area

and multiple in number, whereas the flagellum is a single slender structure. Cilia are seen on the lining epithelium of the upper respiratory tract and fallopian tube. Each cilium is attached with the thick terminal plate near the apical surface of the cell. The ciliated cells are usually polar and are attached with the basement membrane. The central elongated portion of the cilium is known as axoneme. At the base of the cilium or flagellum is a basal body. The basal body is composed of microtubules. There are total 11 microtubules. In the center, there are two singlet microtubules surrounded by nine triplet microtubules. The shaft of the axoneme consists of nine peripheral doublet microtubules and two central singlet microtubules (Fig. 1.6). Each of the outer peripheral doublet microtubules in the axoneme has a pair of dynein arms that are extended to the adjacent microtubules. These dynein arms help in the movement of the cilium and flagellum. Cilia are usually lost in the cancer cell originated from the bronchial epithelium. Therefore, the presence of cilia on the cell almost safely excludes the possibility of malignancy.

Function Cilia help in the movement of the particles or organism in one direction.

Brush Border The surface of the certain specialized epithelial cells covered with multiple microvilli is known as brush border (Box 1.6). They are regular finger-like projections on the cell surface about 1 µ in length. Microvilli are commonly seen on the luminal surface of the intestinal epithelium (Fig. 1.7) and also on the proximal tubular epithelial cells of the kidney. On light microscopy, the microvilli are seen as fuzzy appearance.

Fig. 1.6:  Structure of cilia. The long shaft of axoneme is originated from the basal body. The cross section of axoneme shows 9 doublet microtubules and 2 central singlet tubules.

Fig. 1.7:  Electron microscopic picture of brush border of intestinal cell. Courtesy: Dr Charan Singh Rayat, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.

Function The brush border increases the surface area of the cell and helps in better absorption of the substances from the large surface area.

Cell Junction Cell junction can be classified depending on the localization of the junction (Fig. 1.8): • Cell-to-cell: cc Tight junction cc Adherens junction



Function The desmosomal junction provides tensile strength and rigidity of the tissue.

Gap Junctions These are intercellular channels that connect two adjacent cells. In gap junctions, the two plasma membranes are connected by the transmembrane proteins known as connexins.

Function Fig. 1.8:  Schematic diagram showing various types of cell junctions.

Desmosomes Gap junction • Cell-to-matrix: Hemidesmosomes cc cc

Tight Junction This is located in the apical region of the epithelial cells and almost completely seals the gap between the two epithelial cells toward the luminal site. The sealing strands of transmembrane adhesion proteins encircle the apical portion of the plasma membranes of the two cells and hold the membrane tightly. Claudins and occludins are two major transmembrane adhesion proteins.

Function There are two major functions of tight junctions—(1) tight junction closes the gap between the luminal side and intercellular space. This helps in effective transport of substances from the luminal side of the cell to the extracellular fluid compartment. (2) Tight junction acts as a barrier and prevents the drift of the apical membrane proteins to the basal region and vice versa.

Adherens Junction The adherens junction holds the two cells together and confers mechanical strength. Adherens junction is made of cadherin, catenin, and intracytoplasmic actin filaments. Altogether they form adhesion belt-like structure.

Function To provide cell-to-cell adhesion and mechanical strength.

Desmosomes These are button-like spots that connect the plasma membrane of two cells together. Desmosomes are linked to the intermediate filaments. The type of intermediate filament depends on type of the cell.

There are continuous channels between the two adjacent cells, and therefore, the cells can rapidly share small molecules and ions. With the help of the gap junctions, the action potential can rapidly travel among a group of cells without any neurotransmitter.

Hemidesmosomes Hemidesmosomes connect the cell with the basal lamina. Hemidesmosomes are composed of keratin filaments, dystonin, plectin, integrin, collagen XVII, and laminin. In hemidesmosome, integrin binds with keratin in cytoplasmic side by dystonin and plectin. It also binds with collagen XVII and laminin toward basal lamina side.

Function It attaches cell with the basal lamina.

CYTOPLASMIC ORGANELLES Endoplasmic Reticulum (Figs. 1.9 and 1.10)9 These are tube-shaped and cistern-like cytoplasmic structures. They are generally connected with cell membrane to nuclear membrane (Box 1.7). The cisterns are membranelike long flat spaces that are straight, whereas tubules are irregularly branched structures. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) contains fluid with many enzymes and proteins. There are two types of ER—rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The membrane of the RER is continuous with the membrane of SER.

Rough ER They are tightly packed parallel bundles of cistern-like spaces that are beaded in appearance due to ribosome particles attached to the surface of RER. The ribosomes are bound with RER by a receptor known as Rhiboporin.

Function It is the site of synthesis of secretory protein and lysosomal enzymes.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

Fig. 1.9:  Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is studded with ribosomes. The membrane of RER is continuous with outer layer of nuclear membrane. Golgi complex has cis, trans, endo, and medial parts. Cis golgi faces toward the nucleus and trans golgi toward the cell membrane.

Fig. 1.10:  Electron microscopic picture of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Courtesy: Dr Uma Nahar Saikia, Additional Professor, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.

Box 1.7

Endoplasmic reticulum.

• Tube-shaped and cistern-like spaces within the cytoplasm Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER): • Membrane of RER is continuous with the outer layer of nuclear membrane • Beaded in appearance due to ribosome particles attached to the surface Function: Synthesis of secretory protein and lysosomal enzymes Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: • Connected with Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane Function: Synthesis of lipids

Smooth ER The SER predominantly contains tubules and vesicles. SER is connected with Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane.

Function It is the site of synthesis of lipids.

Golgi Complex (Box 1.8) Golgi apparatus are stacks of membrane-bound cistern-like spaces within the cytoplasm arranged in a polarized fashion. Each stack of Golgi complex GC has four parts (Fig. 1.9): • Cis Golgi network: Cis Golgi network is the concave surface of the stack of GC that faces toward the RER and small transfer vesicles. Cis Golgi network receives the initial protein from ER.

Box 1.8

Golgi complex.

• Membrane-bound cistern-like spaces arranged in a polarized fashion • Types: Cis Golgi network, Endo Golgi and Medial Golgi, and Trans Golgi network • Functions: {{Processing of the proteins received from RER. N-linked and O-linked glycosylation of protein and lipids {{Calcium storage {{Platform of various cell signaling

• Endo Golgi and Medial Golgi: These are the middle parts of GC and most of the proteins are modified here. • Trans Golgi network: This is the convex surface of the stack of the GC. Trans Golgi network is associated with large secretory vesicles and final transport of the protein.

Function The main function of the GC is chemical processing of the protein received from RER followed by packaging and transfer. Along with classical “protein trafficking”, there are many other novel functions of GC, such as entry of the cell to mitotic check point, calcium homeostasis, and cytoskeletal organization.10 • Protein modification: N-linked and O-linked glycosylation of proteins and lipids occur in the GC.


• Protein transport: GC receives the neosynthesized protein from the ER and transports it to their respective destination. The cargo proteins are first modified, and then they are transported by GC. The mechanism of the transport of cargo proteins is not exactly known. However, there are two theories: i. Vesicular transport model theory: An anterograde way transports the cargo protein with the help of vesicles that bud from one cisterna and then fuse to the next one. ii. Cisterna maturation model: In this model, it is assumed that the Golgi cisterns are formed de novo, progressively mature, and finally dissipate.11 • Calcium storage: GC is the most crucial site of intracellular calcium storage and can also release Ca+ in case of agonistic stimulation. • The platform of different cells signaling: GC acts as the platform of different signaling events within the cell. In addition to receiving the initial signal, GC can also induce a cascade of signal transduction.


(Box 1.9). MT are richly localized in those cells that require energy, such as interfibrillar space in the striated muscle and the middle part of the sperm. Other than nuclear DNA, MT have their own independent DNA, and this is the unique feature of MT.

Structure Mitochondria are double membrane-bound structures, which consist of the following parts (Figs. 1.11 and 1.12): • Outer membrane • Inner membrane • Intermembranous space

Mitochondria These are 0.5–1 µ diameter organelle. MT are the cell’s powerhouse as they supply the major source of energy Box 1.9


• Energy supplier • Double membrane bound organelles • Parts: Outer membrane, inner membrane, intermembranous space, cristae, and mitochondrial matrix • Outer membrane: {{Rich in porin {{Small ions and proteins can pass {{Connected with ER • Inner membrane: {{Rich in cardiolipin {{Impermeable to proton, ion, and electrons {{Rich in—(1) ATP synthase; (2) respiratory chain protein complexes, e.g., NADH dehydrogenase complexes, Cytochrome b-c1, and cytochrome oxidase; and (3) transport protein complexes • Matrix: Rich in enzymes of citric acid cycle and mitochondrial DNA Functions: Main function of MT is energy production in the form of ATP synthesis. • Citric acid cycle: Main reactions of the citric acid cycle occur in MT • Electron transport: During oxidative phosphorylation, a series of electron transport reactions occur • Calcium storage: Play important role in calcium homeostasis • Cell cycle: Signaling platform for cell cycle progression • Apoptotic death: Play key role in apoptosis by activating proapoptotic enzymes

Fig. 1.11:  Double membrane bound structure of mitochondrion with outer and inner membranes.

Fig. 1.12:  Electron microscopic picture of mitochondria. Courtesy: Dr Uma Nahar Saikia, Additional Professor, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

• Cristae • Mitochondrial matrix

Outer Membrane This is composed of phospholipid bilayers. The outer membrane of MT is rich in porin, a variety of integral proteins. There are multiple aqueous channels in the outer membrane. Therefore, the small ions and proteins can pass through the outer membrane easily. The outer membrane is also connected with ER by MT-associated ER.

Inner Membrane This is the inner phospholipid bilayer of the MT. The inner membrane is rich in double phospholipid known as cardiolipin. Cardiolipin possesses four fatty acids rather than two, and the presence of the cardiolipin makes the inner membrane impermeable to proton, ions, and electrons. In certain regions, the outer and inner membrane joins together known as contact sites and makes a passage of the proteins and small molecules from the cytoplasm to the matrix space. The inner membrane contains a large number of lollypop-like structure with small stalk attached to the inner membrane and globular region in the matrix. These globular regions contain a protein complex of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) synthase. The inner membrane has three types of enzyme—(1) ATP synthase; (2) the respiratory chain protein complexes, such as NADH dehydrogenase complexes, Cytochrome b-c1, and cytochrome oxidase; and (3) transport protein complexes.

Intermembranous Space This is the minute space between the inner and outer membrane of the MT. The concentration of small molecules is the same in both cytoplasm and intermembranous space.

Cristae These are the small shelf-like folds of the inner membrane. They make a larger space in the inner membrane to retain more enzymes.

Matrix It is the innermost space of MT encircled by the inner membrane. The matrix consists of dense fluid, which is rich in viscosity. Matrix is rich in enzymes of the citric acid cycle, and also contains mitochondrial DNA.

Function The primary function of MT is energy production in the form of ATP synthesis. However, it is also involved in other essential functions, such as calcium storage and cell death.12 • Citric acid cycle: The essential enzymes in the citric acid cycle are located in the mitochondrial matrix, and the main reactions of the citric acid cycle happen in the

• •

mitochondrial matrix. Initial oxidative breakdown of glucose occurs in the cytoplasm by the process known as glycolysis. The glucose is converted to pyruvate, which is transported to the mitochondrial matrix. This is further oxidized to acetyl CoA. Fatty acid also enters into the mitochondrial matrix and is oxidized to acetyl CoA. This acetyl CoA is the basic ingredient of the citric acid cycle. The main end products of the citric acid cycle are CO2, FADH2, and NADH. FADH2 and NADH further help in the production of ATP. Electron transport: During oxidative phosphorylation, a series of electron transport reactions occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Electrons from NADH enter to flavin mononucleotide, and then through a series of complex proteins to molecular oxygen. The energy released in these reactions is used to generate ATP from ADP. Calcium storage: MT can store calcium and play an important role in calcium homeostasis. Cell cycle: MT play as a signaling platform for cell cycle progression. AMPK is activated in the MT, which helps in the phosphorylation of serine 15 of p53 protein. This prevents the degradation of this protein p53, which subsequently helps in cell cycle arrest in DNA damage.13 Apoptotic death: MT play a key role in apoptosis. During the process of apoptosis, MT releases cytochrome c, which activates Apaf-1, and ultimately, caspase 9 is activated. Activated caspase 9 breaks DNA into small pieces causing apoptosis. Release of cytochrome c from the MT membrane is induced by proapoptotic Bcl-2 family members.14

Mitochondrial DNA Mitochondrial DNA (MT DNA) is unique to MT, and it is considered as separately developed during evolution (Box 1.10). In sexual reproduction, MT is exclusively inherited from mother and so MT DNA is of maternal origin. MT DNA is organized in nucleoid. The nucleoid is the combination of MT DNA and proteins. The nucleoid is also known as DNA-protein complex (DNP). MT DNA is 16.6 KB circular DNA molecule that encodes only 37 genes. It is responsible for the production of selected MT protein, ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and transfer RNA (tRNA). The remaining 99% proteins in the MT are produced by nuclear MT gene. Therefore, two parallel encoding of proteins in MT are going on by—(1) MT DNA and (2) nuclear MT DNA (nDNA). Replication of MT DNA is not restricted to the S-phase of the cell cycle. Mitochondrial dysfunction may occur due to defects in MT DNA or nDNA. Interestingly, mutations in the MT DNA are heteroplasmic, which means both mutant and wild type molecules remain in the same cell in varying proportion. The cell can tolerate a threshold of defective proteins and, after that, behaves abnormally. In the course of time, all


Box 1.10

Mitochondrial DNA.

• Mitochondrial DNA (MT DNA) is of maternal origin • It is 16.6 KB circular DNA molecule • It encodes only 37 genes • Approximately 99% proteins in the MT are produced by nuclear MT gene • Replication of mitochondrial DNA is cell cycle-independent and may occur in any phase of the cell cycle • Two types of mutation may occur in MT DNA—(1) point mutation and (2) deletion • Point mutation: {{Maternally transmitted {{Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke (MELAS) • Single large-scale deletion of MT DNA: {{Sporadic and occurs de novo {{Several genes are involved {{Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, Pearson syndrome, and Kearns–Sayre syndrome • Nuclear DNA mutation causing mitochondrial disease: {{X-linked (both dominant and recessive) {{Defects in structural subunit of oxidative phosphorylation complexes, mitochondrial import (dilated cardiomyopathy, spastic paraplegia, etc.), mitochondrial fusion (Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease), mitochondrial translation, mitochondrial maintenance (myopathy, encephalomyopathy, etc.), and F-S clusters (Friedreich– ataxia syndrome, multiple mitochondrial dysfunction syndrome)

MT DNA may be of the same genomic type. It is known as homoplasmy. Two types of mutation may occur in MT DNA—(1) point mutation and (2) deletion.15

Point Mutation Almost all the genes of MT DNA are affected by point mutation. This is maternally transmitted. The mother may be unaffected due to less than critical threshold to produce the disease. However, the child may be affected by the disease. The patient may have mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke (MELAS).

Single Large Scale Deletion of MT DNA The deletion of MT DNA is usually sporadic and occurs de novo. It involves several genes. The diseases produced by deletion of MT DNA include progressive external ophthalmoplegia, Pearson syndrome, and Kearns–Sayre syndrome.16

Nuclear DNA Mutation Causing Mitochondrial Disease These diseases follow Mendelian inheritance and they are X-linked (both dominant and recessive). De novo mutation may also occur. The mutation of nDNA genes may cause:

Box 1.11



• Sites of protein synthesis • Present as free ribosomes in cytosol and membrane-bound form attached with ER • Made up of r-RNA and proteins • Classified according to the sedimentation coefficient in ultracentrifugation • Have two units—a smaller 40s and larger 60s • Small subunit has the binding site for mRNA and t-RNA • rRNA of the larger subunit has enzymatic activity to catalyze the peptide bond Function: Decode the information from mRNA and help the molecules of tRNA to assemble the particular amino acids to make a protein

Fig. 1.13:  Schematic diagrams of two subunits of ribosome.

• Defects in structural subunit of oxidative phosphorylation complexes • Defects in mitochondrial import (dilated cardiomyopathy, spastic paraplegia etc.) • Defects in mitochondrial fusion (Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease) • Defects in mitochondrial translation • Defects in mitochondrial maintenance (myopathy, encephalomyopathy, etc.) • Coenzyme Q10 deficiency • Defects in F-S clusters (Friedreich–ataxia syndrome, multiple mitochondrial dysfunction syndrome)

Ribosomes Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis (Box 1.11).

Structure (Fig. 1.13) Ribosomes are small 25–30 nm particles present in the cytoplasm. They are present both as free ribosomes in cytosol and also in the membrane-bound form attached with ER and thus forming RER. The ribosome is made up of r-RNA and proteins. The ribosome is classified according to the sedimentation coefficient in ultracentrifugation.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

The eukaryotic ribosome has two units, a smaller 40s and a larger 60s subunit. In its inactivated form, the two subunits are detached; however, when the ribosome is engaged in protein synthesis, both the units are attached together. Small subunit has the binding site for mRNA and t-RNA. Some rRNAs of the larger subunit have enzymatic activity to catalyze the peptide bond. These rRNAs are known as the ribozyme.

Function Ribosomes play a vital role in protein synthesis by decoding information from mRNA, and then help molecules of tRNA to assemble particular amino acids to make a protein.

Lysosomes These are 0.2–0.4 µ small membrane-bound vesicles present in the cytoplasm (Box 1.12). They contain about 40 acid hydrolytic enzymes. Lysosomal enzymes are synthesized in the ER and transported in the GC. The lysosomal enzymes and membrane of the lysosomes are finally synthesized in the trans-Golgi network and are carried to the endosome by clathrin-coated transport vesicles. The final lysosomal vesicles are synthesized in the late endosomal intermediate (also known as endolysosome). There are two types of lysosomes: 1. Primary lysosomes: No morphological sign of hydrolytic enzymes, and 2. Secondary lysosomes: Here, the lysosome fuses with other phagocytic vesicles and shows enzymatic activities.

Functions Lysosome contains acid hydrolytic enzymes, such as— (1) lipase, (2) amylase, (3) protease, and (4) nuclease. These enzymes are activated in the acid environment. The lysosomal enzymes digest the macromolecules, destroy the microbes, and remove the other cytoplasmic organelle, such as mitochondria. The foreign organisms enter the cytoplasm as phagocytic vesicles. Lysosome fuses with the phagosome and release acid hydrolytic enzymes, which degrade the protein and carbohydrate components of the organism. Box 1.12


• Lysosomal enzymes are synthesized in the ER and transported in Golgi complex. • Primary lysosomes: No morphological sign of hydrolytic enzymes • Secondary lysosomes: Lysosome fuses with other phagocytic vesicles or organism and shows enzymatic activities Functions: • Lysosome contains acid hydrolytic enzymes, such as—(1) lipase, (2) amylase, (3) protease, and (4) nuclease. Lysosomal enzymes degrade the protein and carbohydrate components of the organism

The lipid component is more resistant to digestion and may remain as the residual body. At times, the lysosome fuses with the nonfunctioning MT or fragments of RER to clear these substances from the autophagic vacuoles in the cytoplasm. When these autophagic vacuoles remain persistently in the cytoplasm, they accumulate pigment known as lipofuscin.

Peroxisome These are tiny vesicles of 0.2–1 µ in size. They are synthesized from RER. Peroxisomes contain many oxidative enzymes. The enzymes in the peroxisome break down fatty acid by beta oxidation and generate acetyl coenzyme A and H2O2. Acetyl coenzyme A is involved in various energy-producing metabolic processes. Hydrogen peroxide helps to kill various organisms. Excess hydrogen peroxide is further degraded by catalase enzyme of peroxisome into water and oxygen.

Cytoskeleton (Box 1.13) The cytoskeleton is the meshwork of cytoplasmic protein filaments that maintains the cell’s shape and other essential

Box 1.13


Three types: Microfilament, microtubules, intermediate filaments • Microfilament (actin filament): {{Fine network of thin actin filaments within the cytoplasm {{Globular G-actin, which is polymerized and forms a long chain of F-actin {{Forms a robust supporting meshwork just underneath the plasma membrane known as cell cortex Functions: Maintains shape of the cell, cell contraction, cell movement, phagocytosis, and transport of vesicles in the cytoplasm • Microtubules: {{Basic constituents: α and β tubulin {{α and β tubulins are arranged alternatively to form a protofilament {{The protofilament of tubulin is polar as one end is formed by β tubulin and other end is formed by α tubulin Functions: Intracellular transport, mitotic spindle movement, and movements of cilia and flagella • Intermediate filament: {{The diameter of intermediate filaments is in between the microfilament (7 nm) and microtubules (25 nm). {{The polypeptide is alpha helix with 310–350 amino acids. {{Two such alpha helix monomers coil to form a dimer and the two dimers coil in a staggered antiparallel fashion to form a tetramer. Eight such tetramers twist in a rope-like manner to form an intermediate filament. {{Types of intermediate filaments: Acidic and neutral basic keratin, vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, peripherin, neurofilaments, lamin, and nestin {{Functions: Support of the cytoskeletal structure, chromatin organization of the nucleus


functions, such as cell movement, cell contraction, and maintaining cell polarity. There are three components of the cytoskeleton: 1. Microfilament 2. Microtubules 3. Intermediate filaments

Microfilament It is also known as actin filament. These are the thinnest filaments and present either as a bundle form or a fine network within the cytoplasm. The actin filament is composed of globular G-actin, which is polymerized and forms a long chain of F-actin (Fig. 1.14). Most of the G-actin is bound with small proteins, such as profilin and thymosin. The binding of these small proteins prevents the polymerization of G-actin. Actin filament binds with filamin and makes a robust supporting meshwork just underneath the plasma membrane known as cell cortex. There are three types of actin—(1) alpha actin, (2) beta actin, and (3) gamma actin. Alpha actin is present in muscles and other two forms of actin are present in nonmuscular cells.


• Actin maintains shape of the cell. • Actin binds to the myosin and helps in contraction of muscle fibers. • Actin can shorten its length and helps in the movement of the cell. • Phagocytosis or pinocytosis is helped by actin. • Actin helps in the transport of various vesicles within the cytoplasm.


Microtubules Microtubules are long, straight, hollow rigid tubules of 25 nm in diameter. These are dynamic fibers, which means they are always in the process of assembling and disassembling. The microtubules constitute mitotic spindles, centrioles, cilia, and flagella. The basic constituents of the microtubules are α and β tubulin. These tubulins are arranged alternatively to form a protofilament (Fig. 1.14). GTP is tightly bound with α tubulin and resistant to hydrolysis, whereas it is loosely bound with β tubulin and can be separated by hydrolysis. The protofilament of tubulin is polar as one end is formed by β tubulin and other end is formed by α tubulin. The β end of the tubulin protofilament is plus end as the growth and shrinkage of this end is rapid. The opposite α tubulin end is known as the minus end. In each microfilament, there are 13 total protofilaments attached parallel with each other with a central hollow structure. All the plus ends or growing ends of the protofilaments are in one direction.

Functions The main functions of microtubules are: • Intracellular transport: Microtubules help in the transport of the vesicles containing proteins from the GC to plasma membrane. • Mitotic spindle movement: The mitotic spindles are formed by microtubules. The chromatids are separated and pulled to each daughter cell nucleus by the mitotic spindles formed by microtubules. • Movements: Movements of cilia and flagella are done by the microtubules.

Centrosome It is a small round body located near the nucleus in the interphase cell. This is also known as microtubule organizing center. The microtubules are attached with the centrosome by their minus ends, and they radiate from the centrosome in a star-shaped manner. Centrosome consists of a pair of centrioles arranged in L-shaped manner surrounded by the amorphous matrix material known as centrosome matrix or pericentriolar material. Centrosome matrix material takes the main role in the development of the microtubule. Centrioles are the basal bodies of cilia or flagella. During mitosis, the centrosome duplicates and each one contains one pair of centrioles. From each of the centrosomes, microtubules radiate and form a complete mitotic spindle.

Intermediate Filaments Fig. 1.14:  Three types of cytoskeletal structures: actin filaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments.

Intermediate filaments have an average diameter of 10 nm. The name of the intermediate filaments is such because


sECTION 1  General Cytology

the diameter of intermediate filaments is in between the microfilament (7 nm) and microtubules (25 nm). The individual polypeptide of intermediate filaments is an alpha helix with 310–350 amino acids. It has N and C terminals. Two such alpha helix monomers coil with each other to form a dimer. Both the N and C terminals are in same direction in this monomer. Two dimers then coil in a staggered antiparallel fashion to form a tetramer. Eight such tetramers twist in a rope-like manner to form an intermediate filament. Therefore, in a cross-section of intermediate filament, there are 32 alpha helix coils. Types of intermediate filaments:17 There are total six types of intermediate filaments (Table 1.2). • Type I and type II: Type I keratin is acidic and type II keratin is basic in nature. They include a good number of epithelial and hair keratins. • Type III: There are four varieties of type III intermediate filaments. They are: cc Vimentin: This is widely expressed in mesenchymal cells and a variety of other cells, such as leukocytes, vascular endothelial cells, and some epithelial cells. cc Desmin: Desmin is noted in the skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers. cc Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP): This is expressed in astrocytes and other glial cells.

Peripherin: It is noted in the peripheral neurons, such as neurons of the dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia, and cranial nerves. Type IV: cc Neurofilaments: Neurofilaments are classified according to their sizes as NF-L (light, 62 KDa), NF-M (medium 102 KDa), and NF-H (heavy 112KDa). They are expressed in the mature neurons. cc Alpha internexin: These are found in developing central nervous system. Type V: cc Lamin: Lamins are found in the nucleus of the cell as lamin A, lamin B, and lamin C. Lamin is noted as a proteinaceous structural meshwork underneath the nuclear membrane, and is also found within the nucleoplasm. The meshwork of lamin underneath the nuclear membrane acts in chromatin organization and gene expression. Type VI: cc Nestin: Nestin is expressed in proliferating stem cells of the central nervous system and in developing skeletal muscles. Unclassified: cc Filensin: It is expressed during the differentiation of the vertebrate lens epithelial cells. cc

Table 1.2: Intermediate filaments. Type



Molecular weight (Da)



Acidic keratin (11 epithelial keratin, four hair keratin)

Epithelial cells


Tensile strength


Basic keratin (8 epithelial keratin and 4 hair keratin)

Cells of hair and nail


Tensile strength


• Vimentin

• Mesenchymal cells, leukocytes, vascular endothelial cells, and some epithelial cells

• 54,000

• Desmin

• Skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers

• 53,000

• Support the cytoplasmic membrane and helps in holding various organelles in proper position. • Helps in stabilizing sarcomeres of the contracting muscle cells

• Glial fibrillary acidic protein

• Astrocytes and other glial cells

• 50,000

• Supports the glial cells

• Peripherin

• Neurons of the dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia, and cranial nerves

• 56,000

• Supports the neurons

Neurofilaments (NF) • NF-Light • NF-Medium • NF-High

Mature neurons


Lamin A, Lamin B, and Lamin C

Nuclear envelope




Stem cells of the central nervous system and in developing skeletal muscle



• 62,000 • 102,000 • 110,000

They form the cytoskeleton of dendrites and axons

Control of assembly of the nuclear envelope during mitotic event and chromatin organization


Functions of the Intermediate Filaments

• Supporting the cytoskeleton structure: Intermediate filaments are more stable than microtubules and microfilaments and provide good support and tensile strength to the cytoskeleton of the cell. Desmin links myofibrils of the striated muscles. GFAP supports the glial structure, and neurofilaments support the cytoskeleton of the axons and dendrites. • Chromatin organization: Nuclear lamin plays a vital role in the chromatin organization of the nucleus. They also play a role in controlling the assembly of the nuclear envelope during the mitotic event.



The INM is parallel to ONM, and is directly attached to the nuclear lamina. The space in between the ONM and INM is known as perinuclear space. The width of this space is 50 nm. Both the ONM and INM are perforated by multiple nuclear pores. The nuclear lamina is located on the nuclear side of the INM. It is made up of nuclear lamin that is intimately related to the cytoplasmic intermediate filaments. The INM contains a number of integral proteins, such as lamin B receptor (LBR), lamina-associated polypeptide (LAP), MAN 1, emerin, nurim, and ring finger binding protein (RFBP).18

Functions of Nuclear Membrane

• It acts as a physical barrier between the cytoplasm and nucleus.

The nucleus is the cell’s central processing unit and acts as the controlling center of the cell (Box 1.14). The essential components of the nucleus are: • Nuclear envelope and pore • Nuclear matrix • Nuclear chromatin • Nucleoli

Nuclear Envelope Nuclear envelope is the barrier that separates the nucleus from the cytoplasm. It is composed of three parts: 1. Nuclear membrane 2. Nuclear pore 3. Nuclear lamina

Fig. 1.15:  Double-layered nuclear membrane is perforated by multiple nuclear pores.

Nuclear Membrane (Figs. 1.15 and 1.16) The nuclear membrane is further divided into—(1) outer nuclear membrane (ONM); (2) inner nuclear membrane (INM); and (3) perinuclear space. The ONM is the outermost part of the nuclear membrane, and it is 6 nm thick. ONM is continuous with the ER. The ONM is usually studded with multiple ribosomes on its cytoplasmic side that are involved in protein synthesis. Box 1.14

Nuclear membrane.

• Nuclear membrane: {{Outer nuclear membrane (ONM) {{ Inner nuclear membrane (INM) {{ Perinuclear space • The nuclear lamina is located in the nuclear side of the INM • ONM is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum • INM contains various integral proteins, such as lamin B receptor, lamina-associated polypeptide, emerin, and ring finger binding protein (RFBP) • Functions: {{Physical barrier between cytoplasm and nucleus {{Helps in chromatin remodeling and gene expression

Fig. 1.16:  Electron microscopic picture of nucleus and its membrane. Courtesy: Dr Uma Nahar Saikia, Professor, Department of Histopathology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

• Various integral proteins, such as LBR, LAP, and RFBP help in chromatin remodeling and gene expression. LAP and lamin A/C bind with Rb-protein, which further recruits histone deacetylases (HDAC), DNA methyl transferases (Dnmt 1), histone methyltransferases (HMTase), and heterochromatin protein 1. The action of these enzymes changes the higher order conformation of chromatin, and ultimately causes gene silencing by inhibiting transcriptional activation of E2F.19

Nuclear Pore At certain positions, the ONM and INM fuse with each other, and therefore, make the hole on the nuclear membrane. The nuclear pore is the direct communication site between the nucleus and cytoplasm. The diameter of each nuclear pore is about 100 nm. The number of nuclear pore varies from few hundreds to thousands depending on the metabolic activity of the cell. The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the gateway of the nucleus across the double membrane nuclear envelope (Fig. 1.15). The NPC selectively exchanges the macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm.19 Nuclear pore complex consists of a cytoplasmic ring, a nuclear ring, and a distal ring connected by nuclear basket20 (Fig. 1.15).

Function The main function of the nuclear pore is the facilitation of the cytoplasmic to nuclear traffic and vice versa.

Nuclear Matrix The nuclear matrix is the internal skeleton of the nucleus and consists of an RNA network, protein complexes, peripheral nuclear lamin, and residual nucleoli. It is defined as the remaining part of the nucleus after removal of chromatin, nuclear membrane, and the soluble components of the nucleus. The composition of the nuclear matrix is dynamic and varies with nuclear activities. In fact, nuclear matrix protein (NMP) may be just a processional artefact only as its demonstration depends on the selected conditions on removing the chromatin and lamin. The NMP is tissuespecific, and it differs from normal and neoplastic tissue of the same type. NMP is interlinked with the intermediate filaments of the cell cytoplasm and provides the overall support of the nucleus. The nuclear matrix contains proteinaceous substances, nuclear mitotic apparatus protein, actin and RNA.21 The chromatin forms a loop, and the base of the loop is attached to the nuclear matrix. The strings of DNA attached with the nuclear matrix are known as matrix attachment region (MAR), and the corresponding nuclear matrix is known as MAR-binding proteins. Active sites of genes are usually located in MAR sites than the loop areas. Other than gene transcription, NMP also participates in gene translation.

Nuclear Chromatin Chromatin Structure Chromatin represents the uncoiled chromosome of the interphase nucleus (Box 1.15). It is composed of DNA, histone, and non-histone proteins.22 In the interphase nucleus, the individual chromosomes occupy a specific position of the nucleus, which is referred to as chromosomal territories, and the chromosomes are separated by channels called interchromosomal domains. Chromatin can be classified as heterochromatin and euchromatin (Table 1.3).

Heterochromatin Heterochromatin is the condensed portion of the chromatin where genes are usually inactive. It usually is found on the nuclear membrane (Fig. 1.2), and can be further divided into facultative heterochromatin and constitutive heterochromatin. In facultative heterochromatin, the genes are inactive in certain stages of development. The constitutive heterochromatin consists of chromosome structural components, such as telomeres and centromeres. Box 1.15


• Chromatin: The uncoiled chromosome of the interphase nucleus • Composed of: {{DNA {{Histone {{Non-histone proteins • Types: {{Inactive heterochromatin {{ Active euchromatin • Nucleosome: {{Basic unit of chromatin {{DNA encircles in two turns around a central octameric protein core containing two copies each of histone H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 {{Strings of nucleosomes are helically twisted and folded to form the higher order organization of chromatin

Table 1.3: Differences between euchromatin and heterochromatin. Features




Less condensed

More condensed


Central part of nucleus

Peripheral part of nucleus


Transcriptionally active

Transcriptionally inactive


Both prokaryote and eukaryotic cells

Only in eukaryotic cells


Fig. 1.17:  Schematic diagram of nucleosomes and chromatin.

Fig. 1.18:  Schematic diagram showing histone modification.

Euchromatin Euchromatin, a less condensed part of chromatin, is mainly located within the nucleus. It is an active part and involved in gene transcription.

Nucleosome—Basic Unit of Chromatin Nucleosome is the basic unit of chromatin. Each nucleosome consists of approximately 146 bp of DNA. This DNA encircles in two turns around a central octameric protein core containing two copies each of histone H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 (Fig. 1.17). Two copies of H3 and H4 form a tetramer. Two H2A–H2B dimers are located on either side of the tetramer at the ends of DNA path. Therefore, the linear arrangement of these four histones is (H2A/H2B)-(H4/H3)-(H3/H4)-(H2B/ H2A). The DNA chain in between the two nucleosomes is the linker DNA. Histone H1 is the linker histone that binds to the DNA, joining nucleosomes together and to core histone. The strings of linked nucleosomes are helically twisted into a 10-nm fiber, which, in turn, is folded into a 30-nm fiber and forms the higher order organization of chromatin.

Histone Modification The core histones are dynamic structures and are continuously modified (Fig. 1.18). The tail segment of histones is projected out of the nucleosomes. The aminoterminal ends of these histone tails are the sites of covalent modifications by various histone modifiers. The histone tail modification plays an essential role in chromatin structure remodelling. The unwound remodeled chromatin facilitates the transcriptional proteins to interact with the promoter sequence of DNA, and thereby helps in DNA transcription.

Histone Tails Modification22

• Acetylation: Lysine side chains of H3 and H4 are acetylated with the help of histone acetyltransferases


(HATs) enzyme. This acetylation neutralizes the charge between lysine (positively charged) and DNA (negatively charged). The chromatin becomes opened up to recruit various transcription factors for transcriptional activation. Histone deacetylase (HDAC): HDAC enzyme helps in deacetylation of histone tails that causes chromosomal recondensation and subsequently repression of DNA transcription. Histone methylation: Histone methyltransferase (HMT) enzymes help in the methylation of lysine or arginine residues of histone H3 and H4. Phosphorylation: Aurora A, B, and C phosphokinase help in mitotic phosphorylation of histone H3 related to transcription, DNA repair, apoptosis, and chromosome condensation. In addition, histones are also modified by ubiquitylation and sumoylation. Histone code: Histone code is a hypothesis that says that DNA transcription is regulated by the modification of histone proteins. It hypothesizes that there may be a particular pattern of combination of histone tail modification, which may generate the code read by specific histone modifiers. There may be a bromodomain that binds to acetylated lysine, causing gene transcription; whereas chromodomain specifically binds with methylated lysine causing transcriptional repression.23

Nucleoli The nucleolus is the subnuclear round-to-small oval structure within the nucleus and about 1 µ in diameter (Box 1.16). It is not a membrane-bound structure. The nucleolus is usually situated in the center of the nucleus; however, the position of the nucleolus may vary. The number of nucleolus may vary from 1 to 3. The size of the nucleolus depends


sECTION 1  General Cytology

Box 1.16


• Subnuclear, nonmembrane bound • Round-to-oval small structure, about 1 µ in diameter • Size of the nucleolus depends upon the requirement of ribosome and protein synthesis • Contains: Protein and ribosomal RNA • Formation: At the end of the mitosis, around the tandemly repeated clusters of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes • Nucleolar organizing regions (NORs): Seen in homologous chromosomes of 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22 • Functions: {{Site of rRNA transcription, processing, and ribosomal assembly

upon the requirement of ribosome and protein synthesis. So it is expected that a metabolically active cell with a higher amount of protein synthesis will have a larger nucleoli. Nucleolus is easily detectable by a light microscope. In the hematoxylin and eosin-stained histological section, the nucleoli are stained as deep eosinophilic round structures. In May–Grünwald–Giemsa stained cytology smears, the nucleoli are stained as light blue-colored structures. The nucleoli are formed at the end of the mitosis around the tandemly repeated clusters of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) genes (Fig. 1.19A). These specific genetic loci of the origin of nucleoli are known as nucleolar organizing regions (NORs). The nucleolar organizer loci are seen in homologous chromosomes of 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22. Therefore, at the end of mitosis, tiny 10 nucleoli appear to form the NOR of the five pair of chromosomes (total 10 chromosomes). These small nucleoli conglomerate to form a single larger nucleolus. The nucleolus contains protein and ribosomal RNA (r-RNA). The protein and r-RNA are surrounded by chromosomal DNA of the nucleolus.

Structure At the electron microscopic level, the nucleolus exhibits three major subregions (Fig. 1.19B):24 1. Fibrillar center (FC): It looks like variable-sized round structure with very low electron opacity. 2. Dense fibrillar component (DFC): It is located in the outer rim of FC and is composed of densely packed fibrils. 3. Granular components (GC): This is the outermost region and is composed of granules. These different regions of nucleoli probably indicate the stages of RNA transcription and ribosomal assembly.

Function The nucleolus is the site of rRNA transcription, processing, and ribosomal assembly. • rRNA transcription: Transcriptionally active rRNA genes are located in the FCs and DFCs. The transcription of


B Figs. 1.19A and B:  (A) Organization of nucleoli. Five pairs of chromosomal parts that produce ribosomal DNA with ribosomal proteins make nucleoli. (B) Nucleolar structure and functions are highlighted.

rRNA genes occurs by RNA polymerase I enzyme. The primary transcript of the ribosomal DNA is the large 45S pre-rRNA. This contains the 18S, 5.8S, and 28S rRNAs. Subsequently, the pre-ribosomal RNA transcripts are processed in the DFC with the help of small nucleolar RNA and other protein processing factors. A series of cleavages occur during the processing of pre-ribosomal RNA to mature rRNA. In addition, a considerable amount of methylation of the bases and ribose residues also happens. Various proteins in the NORs are selectively stained by the silver staining method, and these proteins are labeled as AgNOR proteins.25 • Ribosomal synthesis (Fig. 1.19B): Outside the nucleus, the genes of the ribosomal proteins are transcribed, and from the cytoplasm, these proteins are transported to the nucleolus. With the help of rRNA, these ribosomal proteins are assembled within the nucleolus to form preribosome. The pre-ribosome is transported back to the cytoplasm for final maturation.

DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID The nucleic acid, DNA, carries the vital genetic information of the cell (Box 1.17). The portion of DNA that carries the genetic information is known as a gene. Within the nucleus, DNA is coiled and supercoiled to make a thread-like structure known as a chromosome. During cell division, the chromosomes are visible by light microscopy as a distinct entity, and


Box 1.17



• Double helical strands containing a sugar–phosphate backbone and bases attached with the sugar molecule • Sugar molecule: A pentose sugar attached with the phosphate by 3rd and 5th carbon atom alternatively • Four base pairs: Adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine • Adenine joins only with thymine and cytosine joins only with guanine • Nucleotides: The unit of pentose sugar, phosphate, and nucleobase • Gene: The specific portion of DNA with particular arrangement of nucleobases that carry the genetic information

Table 1.4: Differences between chromatin and chromosome. Chromatin


Loosely packed DNA

Tightly packed DNA

It is seen in interphase nuclei

Noted in cell division

Composed of histone and DNA chain

DNA chain only

in the interphase nucleus, the chromosome remains as partly condensed and partly extended form and are not possible to locate as a separate entity. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes, out of which 22 pairs are autosomes and one pair is sex chromosome. Sex chromosomes in the males are X and Y chromosomes, and in the females are X and X chromosomes. The chromosomes are different from chromatin, and the differences are highlighted in Table 1.4.

Structure of DNA (Fig. 1.20) DNA is made of double-helical strands containing a sugar– phosphate backbone and bases attached with the sugar molecule.26 Each strand of DNA is made up of alternate sugar and phosphate molecules. The sugar molecule is a pentose sugar, and it is attached with the phosphate by 3rd and 5th carbon atom alternatively. The nucleobase is attached with each sugar molecule and then links with the other base of the opposite strand by a weak hydrogen bond. There are four base pairs—adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). Adenine and guanine are purine bases. Cytosine and thymine are pyrimidine bases. Adenine only joins with thymine, and cytosine only joins with guanine. This is known as complementary base pairing. There is another pyrimidine base known as uracil that is found in RNA.

Nucleotides It is the basic structural unit of DNA. It consists of pentose sugar, phosphate, and nucleobase (adenine, cytosine, guanine or thymine). Nucleobase and sugar molecule form a nucleoside.

Fig. 1.20:  Nuclear chromatin and DNA structure. Double helix DNA structure is made of sugar, phosphate backbone, and four bases— adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T).

Gene Gene is the specific portion of DNA with particular arrangement of nucleobases that carry the genetic information for making a specific protein. It is the sequence of A, T, C, and G that determine the genetic information. A triplet of three consecutive bases of DNA is known as a codon, and each codon is specific for a particular amino acid. This specifies the sequence of amino acids and subsequently the protein formation. Only certain parts of the DNA are involved in genetic information to carry, and the “in between part” of the DNA, is commonly known as noncoding DNA or junk DNA. Near about 98% of human DNA is noncoding and is not involved in protein synthesis. However, it has been noted that major parts (80%) of DNA are involved in different biochemical activities, and therefore, are active and are not really junk.27 The exact biological function of the noncoding DNA is not known. Evidences suggest that noncoding DNA interacts with microRNA and controls transcriptional and translation of protein-coding sequences.28

DNA Replication (Fig. 1.21) DNA replication is a semiconservative process by which genetic inheritance is maintained. When a cell divides, the process of DNA replication happens. Here each strand of DNA serves as a template, and an identical complementary daughter DNA strand is formed. Each of the newly formed daughter cells contains DNA made up of one original strand and one freshly made strand. Therefore, the DNA double helix replication is a semiconservative process. This replication process is well controlled and free of mistakes


sECTION 1  General Cytology

Box 1.18

Fig. 1.21:  DNA replication steps are highlighted in this schematic diagram. Helicase enzyme breaks the double-stranded DNA and a replication fork is formed. With the help of DNA polymerase enzyme, DNA strand is made. In the leading strand, DNA is synthesized in a continuous manner at the direction of replication fork, whereas in lagging strand, DNA is synthesized in the opposite direction as small segments. These small segments are known as Osazaki segments.

because of stringent proofreading and error-checking mechanisms. DNA replication process needs the following enzymes: • DNA polymerases: These are the major enzymes in DNA replication process. These enzymes help in the polymerization of deoxyribonucleotides into the DNA strand. The DNA polymerase enzyme reads the intact template DNA strand to make the complementary DNA strand. On the basis of sequence homology and structural similarities, DNA polymerases are classified into five major families:29 A, B, C, X, and Y. The three major varieties of eukaryotic DNA polymerases α, δ, and ε belong to family B. The mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ belongs to family A. There are two important and fundamental properties of DNA polymerases: 1. They only can add free nucleotides in the 5’ to 3’ direction. 2. They need a preformed primer strand that is attached to the template DNA by hydrogen bonding. DNA polymerase adds a deoxyribonucleoside 5’ triphosphate to the 3’ OH group of the primer strand. DNA replication is the coordinated activities of various enzymatic processes. The basic mechanisms of DNA replication process are evolutionarily preserved. DNA replication events are initiated in many hundreds of points in chromosomes. This initiation point of the segment of DNA is known as the origin. The protein complex that acts on the origin as the initiator of the DNA replication is known as origin recognition complex (ORC). The human ORC is site nonspecific. However, it is suggested that in somatic differentiated cells, human ORC binds to genomic DNA with

DNA replication.

• Semiconservative process • DNA replication needs: {{DNA template {{Helicase enzymes {{DNA polymerases and other associated factors Steps: • The initiator protein along with other associated proteins forms a pre-replication complex • Helicase enzymes break the hydrogen bonds in between the bases • Replication fork is formed • Extension of the RNA primers is done by DNA polymerase • DNA polymerase adds the matching loose nucleotide • In leading strand, DNA is synthesized in continuous manner from 3’ to 5’ direction • In lagging strand, the process of DNA synthesis occurs in discontinuous manner opposite to the direction of the replication fork • Okazaki fragments: The multiple small pieces of DNA in lagging strand • The lagging strands are joined by DNA ligase

certain specificity.30 DNA is replicated in S phase of the cell cycle. Total time of replication of DNA is usually fixed. For the purpose of description, the replication process can be divided by series of steps:

Steps of DNA Replication (Box 1.18)31 1. At first, two strands of DNA are separated at a particular point, known as origin: Here, the initiator protein along with other associated proteins forms a pre-replication complex that separates the two strands of DNA. Therefore, a fork-like structure is formed, known as replication fork. Helicase enzymes break the hydrogen bonds in between the bases and the unwound DNA strands are stabilized by single-stranded DNA-binding proteins. 2. The binding of RNA primase in the initiation point of the 3’–5’ parent chain: There is extension of the RNA primers by DNA polymerase that binds to the DNA nucleotides of the 3’–5’ strand due to the hydrogen bonds between the bases. 3. DNA polymerase adds the matching loose nucleotides: DNA polymerase can act only from 5’ to 3’ direction. Therefore, DNA replication is different in two strands of DNA. Original 5’ to 3’ strand of DNA replication starts from 3’ end and proceeds to the direction of the breakage of the replication fork. The strand of DNA here is known as leading strand. In leading strand, DNA is synthesized in a continuous manner. In other strand of DNA, known as lagging strand, the process of DNA synthesis is in a


Box 1.19


DNA transcription.

• The information of DNA is transferred to the corresponding m-RNA • The m-RNA synthesis needs: {{A DNA chain {{Transcription factors {{RNA polymerase II • TATA binding protein (TBP) binds with TATA box of DNA • The transcription factors complex helps in binding RNA polymerase to DNA • Helicase enzyme of TFIIH unwinds DNA • RNA polymerase now moves from the promoter and synthesis of m-RNA from the DNA strand starts • The terminal codon of DNA stops the m-RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase

discontinuous manner, opposite to the direction of the replication fork. This occurs in multiple areas of the DNA strand. Therefore, numerous small pieces of DNA are synthesized, known as Okazaki fragments. 4. Joining of intact lagging strand: The RNA strands are removed by the action of RNase enzyme and DNA Pol I-exonuclease. The lagging strands are joined by DNA ligase. Ultimately, the DNA replication is terminated. Each double helix DNA contains one old template strand and one newly synthesized fresh strand.

DNA Transcription and Protein Synthesis (Box 1.19) The principle key factor of protein synthesis remains in the DNA sequence of the nucleus. At first, the portion of DNA template is copied into the messenger RNA (mRNA). This mRNA is processed within the nucleus and finally comes out from the nucleus to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pore. Within the cytoplasm on the small subunit of ribosome attached with RER, the mRNA is decoded and protein is synthesized with the help of t-RNA. The two major steps of the protein synthesis are: 1. Transcription: It is the process of making mRNA from DNA. 2. Translation: The process of synthesizing protein from the mRNA code is known as translation.

Transcription (Fig. 1.22) In this process, m-RNA is formed from the particular sequence of nucleotides of DNA carrying the genetic information to make a particular protein. Therefore, in this step, the information of DNA is transferred to the corresponding mRNA. The basic information of DNA remains same, so the process is known as transcription. RNA is essentially same

Fig. 1.22:  Schematic diagram showing mRNA transcription from DNA. Intron regions are sliced out and ultimately mRNA is formed from pre-mRNA.

as DNA in structure except in certain points—(1) This is a linear polymer of nucleotides; (2) here the sugar moiety is ribose; and (3) RNA contains the base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T). There are three essential steps of transcription— initiation, elongation, and termination. 1. Initiation: Initiation of the mRNA synthesis needs a DNA chain, transcription factors, and RNA polymerase II. At first, TATA binding protein (TBP) binds with TATA box of DNA. TBP is a part of general transcription factor called TFIID. The binding of TFIID promotes the binding of another protein known as TFIIB. This complex helps in binding RNA polymerase to DNA. After the recruitment of RNA polymerase, another two transcription factors, TFIIE and TFIIH, bind with this complex and initiation complex is completed. 2. Elongation: The helicase enzyme of TFIIH unwinds DNA, and the RNA polymerase starts synthesis of mRNA from the DNA strand. RNA polymerase now moves from the promoter, and elongation phase starts. The DNA strand is read from 3’ to 5’ direction, and subsequently RNA strand is made from 5’ to 3’ direction. 3. Termination: When the RNA polymerase reaches to the terminal codon of DNA, mRNA synthesis is stopped.

Translation (Fig. 1.23) In the translation phase, information of mRNA is decoded, and the protein is synthesized. The newly formed mRNA passes through the nuclear pore and binds properly with the small unit of ribosome. Ribosome contains many proteins and rRNA. There are four nucleotides (Adenine,


sECTION 1  General Cytology

Box 1.20

Translation of mRNA code.

• Information in mRNA is decoded to synthesize protein. • Codon: {{A group of three consecutive nucleotides of mRNA {{Each codon indicates one specific amino acid • Anticodon: {{A specific tRNA carrying the complementary codon nucleotide sequence {{Each tRNA molecule is linked with a particular amino acid Steps: • mRNA is attached with the surface of ribosome • The specific tRNA with amino acid is attached with the start codon of the mRNA • Ribosome moves from 5’ to 3’ direction of mRNA and then a new tRNA with another particular amino acid is attached • A complete chain of amino acid or protein is formed Fig. 1.23:  Translation of mRNA to protein synthesis in ribosomal surface is highlighted. Information of mRNA is decoded and tRNA with complementary anticodon brings a specific amino acid to form a protein.

Guanine, Cytosine, and Uracil) in RNA, and each group of three consecutive nucleotides of mRNA is called a codon (Box 1.20). Each codon indicates one specific amino acid. More than one codon may also specify a particular amino acid. For each codon of mRNA, there is a specific tRNA, carrying the complementary codon nucleotide sequence called anticodon. Each such tRNA molecule is linked with


Singer SJ, Nicolson GL. The fluid mosaic model of the structure of cell membranes. Science. 1972;175(4023):720-31. 2. Tuteja N. Signaling through G protein coupled receptors. Plant Signal Behav. 2009;4(10):942-7. 3. Macara IG. Parsing the polarity code. Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2004;5(3):220-31. 4. Martin-Belmonte F, Perez-Moreno M. Epithelial cell polarity, stem cells and cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 2012;12(1):23-38. 5. Dongre A, Weinberg RA. New insights into the mechanisms of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and implications for cancer. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2019;20(2):69-84. 6. Wu Y, Zhou BP. New insights of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer metastasis. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2008;40(7):643-50. 7. Royer C, Lu X. Epithelial cell polarity: a major gatekeeper against cancer? Cell Death Differ. 2011;18(9):1470-7. 8. Hazan RB, Kang L, Whooley BP, Borgen PI. N-cadherin promotes adhesion between invasive breast cancer cells and the stroma. Cell Adhes Commun. 1997;4(6):399-411. 9. Ellgaard L, Helenius A. ER quality control: towards an understanding at the molecular level. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2001;13(4):431-7.

a particular amino acid. The recognition and attachment of the specific amino acid with this tRNA is dependent on enzymes known as aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase. At first, mRNA is attached with the surface of ribosome. Then specific tRNA is attached with the start codon of the mRNA carrying a particular amino acid. Ribosome moves from 5’ to 3’ direction of mRNA and then a new tRNA with another particular amino acid is attached next to the previous one. The former tRNA is released from the mRNA. This process continues till the end of the tRNA meets the stop codon and ribosome stops translation. The complete protein is synthesized and comes to the cytoplasm.

10. Wilson C, Venditti R, Rega LR, Colanzi A, D’Angelo G, De Matteis MA. The Golgi apparatus: an organelle with multiple complex functions. Biochem J. 2011;433(1):1-9. 11. Glick BS, Malhotra V. The curious status of the Golgi apparatus. Cell. 1998;95(7):883-9. 12. McBride HM, Neuspiel M, Wasiak S. Mitochondria: more than just a powerhouse. Curr Biol. 2006;16(14):R551-60. 13. Harris SL, Levine AJ. The p53 pathway: positive and negative feedback loops. Oncogene. 2005;24(17):2899-908. 14. Jurgensmeier JM, Xie Z, Deve raux Q, Ellerby L, Bredesen D, Reed JC. Bax directly induces release of cytochrome c from isolated mitochondria. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1998;95(9):4997-5002. 15. Alston CL, Rocha MC, Lax NZ, Turnbull DM, Taylor RW. The genetics and pathology of mitochondrial disease. J Pathol. 2016;241(2):236-50. 16. Mancuso M, Orsucci D, Angelini C, Bertini E, Carelli V, Comi GP, et al. Redefining phenotypes associated with mitochondrial DNA single deletion. J Neurol. 2015;262(5):1301-9. 17. Fuchs E. Intermediate filaments: Structure, dynamics, function, and disease. Annu Rev Biochem. 1994;63:345-82. 18. Foisner R, Gerace L. Integral membrane proteins of the nuclear envelope interact with lamins and chromosomes, and binding is modulated by mitotic phosphorylation. Cell. 1993;73(7): 1267-79.


19. Dey P. Nuclear margin irregularity and cancer: a review. Anal Quant Cytol Histol. 2009;31(5):345-52. 20. Beck M, Lucic V, Forster F, Baumeister W, Medalia O. Snapshots of nuclear pore complexes in action captured by cryo-electron tomography. Nature. 2007;449(7162):611-5. 21. Tsutsui KM, Sano K, Tsutsui K. Dynamic view of the nuclear matrix. Acta Med Okayama. 2005;59(4):113-20. 22. Dey P. Chromatin remodeling, cancer and chemotherapy. Curr Med Chem. 2006;13(24):2909-19. 23. Jenuwein T, Allis CD. Translating the histone code. Science. 2001;293(5532):1074-80. 24. Boisvert F-M, Koningsbruggen SV, Navascues J, Lamond AI. The multifunctional nucleolus. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2007;8(7): 574-85. 25. Sirri V, Roussel P, Hernandez-Verdun D. The AgNOR proteins: qualitative and quantitative changes during the cell cycle. Micron. 2000;31(2):121-6.


26. Watson JD, Crick FHC. A structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid. Nature. 1953;171(4356):737-8. 27. An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome. ENCODE Project Consortium. Nature. 2012;489(7414): 57-74. 28. Elgar G, Vavouri T. Tuning in to the signals: noncoding sequence conservation in vertebrate genomes. Trends Genet. 2008;24(7):344-52. 29. Ohmori H, Friedberg EC, Fuchs RP, Goodman MF, Hanaoka F, Hinkle D, et al. The Y-family of DNA polymerases. Mol Cell. 2001;8(1):7-8. 30. Vashee S, Cvetic C, Lu W, Simancek P, Kelly TJ, Walter JC. Sequence-independent DNA binding and replication initiation by the human origin recognition complex. Genes Dev. 2003;17(15):1894-908. 31. Bell SP, Dutta A. DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. Annu Rev Biochem. 2002;71:333-74.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

CHAPTER Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation

INTRODUCTION The term cell division means the division of a cell into two or more daughter cells. This fundamental process helps in the organogenesis, replacing damaged cells, and maintaining tissue in its steady state. The three key steps in cell division are: 1. Replication of DNA 2. Production of the cellular constituents 3. Successful equal division of these elements in two daughter cells.

CELL CYCLE The cell cycle is continuous successive events that ultimately lead to cell division (Box 2.1). Somatic cells divide into two daughter cells by mitosis. The cell continuously goes through mitosis and the preparatory phase before mitosis. The preparatory phase is also known as interphase, which combines the resting phase and DNA synthesizing phase. The interphase includes G0, G1, S, and G2 phase. The eukaryotic cell cycle consists of four phases—G1, S, G2, and M phase. Figure 2.1 highlights the phases of the cell cycle.

Box 2.1


Cell cycle.

G0 phase: • The cell does not divide and does not undergo cell cycle • Diploid (2n) DNA (here n denotes the haploid DNA content) Gap 1 or G1 phase: • This is in between the mitotic and synthetic phase • Diploid (2n) DNA content Synthetic or S phase: • It contains variable amount of DNA from 2 to 4n • DNA is synthesized Gap 2 or G2 phase: • The dividing cell takes a time gap to grow and prepare for mitosis after the S phase • The cell contains tetraploid (4n) DNA Mitotic or M phase: • Each cell divides and the chromosomal material is divided equally in these two daughter cells • The cell contains tetraploid (4n) DNA

Synthetic or S phase: In this phase, the cell synthesizes DNA to duplicate chromosome. The time taken for the S phase is usually 10–12 hours, and this phase occupies half the time of the cell cycle. S phase contains a variable amount of DNA from 2n to 4n (n denotes the haploid DNA content). Mitotic or M phase: After the completion of chromosomal duplication, the chromosomes segregate, and the cell enters into the mitotic phase. Here each cell divides, and the chromosomal material is divided equally into these two daughter cells. This phase contains 4n DNA. When the daughter cells are generated, each one has 2n DNA. Gap 2 or G2 phase: The dividing cell takes a time gap to grow and prepare for mitosis after completing the S phase. It is known as the G2 phase.

Fig. 2.1:  Schematic diagram of cell cycle. The cell in cell cycle passes through G1, S, G2, and M phase. G0 is the resting phase of the cell.

Gap 1 or G1 phase: After completing the mitotic phase, the cell takes some time to grow before undergoing the S phase. It is known as the G1 phase. In this period, the cell grows and generates more cellular organelles. The total amount of DNA

CHAPTER 2  Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation

is diploid (2n). The cell remains in this phase till it enters to the S phase for the next round of cell division. There is another phase of the cell cycle when a cell does not divide and does not undergo a cell cycle. This phase is known as G0 phase. The cell may remain in this phase for days to years till it receives stimulation for cell division. The duration of each phase of the cell cycle varies widely. However, the major bulk of cell cycle time is taken in G1 and S phase. Out of 24 hours of the cell cycle, G1 and S phase take about 19 hours, whereas M phase takes only 1 hour. Depending on the period of staying in G0 phase, the cells may be divided into three types:

Prophase It is the preparatory phase of mitosis proper. The following changes are seen: • The nucleoli and nuclear membrane both disappear. • The duplicated chromosomes in G2 phase condense and form two identical chromatids. These sister chromatids are joined together in centromeres by a unique protein known as cohesin. The centromere is a DNA sequence to which proteins are attached to form a kinetochore, the complex protein structure.

Labile cell: The cells of this type remain for a short period in the G0 phase and quickly enter into the cell cycle. The labile cells are rapidly proliferating population of cells. Intestinal epithelial cells are the example of labile cells. Stable cells: These cells remain in G0 phase for a long time until there is stimulation to divide. Liver cells, the lining of kidney tubular cells, and pancreatic cells are stable cells. They usually do not divide until a fraction of them are destroyed by injury or inflammation. Permanent cell: Some cells remain permanently in the G0 phase and never undergo cell division, such as neuronal cells. These cells are known as permanent cell.

CELL DIVISION There are two types of cell divisions—mitosis and meiosis.

Mitosis The parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells with similar chromosomal material in each nucleus. Figure 2.2 shows the typical mitotic figure in cytology smear. There are four stages of mitosis—prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase (Fig. 2.3, Box 2.2).

Fig. 2.2:  Mitotic figure in cytology smear (Papanicolaou’s stain X OI).


Fig. 2.3:  Schematic diagram of different phases of mitosis.

Box 2.2


Prophase: • The nucleoli and nuclear membrane both disappear • The chromosomal pair condenses and forms two identical chromatids • The centrioles replicate and two pair of centrioles form that travel to the opposite poles • Microtubules polymerize and the mitotic spindle is formed Prometaphase: • Mitotic spindle formation completes • The kinetochore of each sister chromatids attaches with the microtubules of the mitotic spindle Metaphase: • All the chromatids are well aligned to the equatorial plane of the mitotic spindle Anaphase: • The two sister chromatids are separated • The chromatids move toward the opposite pole and two identical set of chromosomes reach to each pole Telophase: • The remnants of the mitotic spindle disappear • The nuclear membrane and new nucleoli are formed.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

• The pair of original centrioles replicate, and two pair of centrioles are formed that travel to the opposite poles. • The microtubules start to polymerize to generate a mitotic spindle.

Prometaphase This is the transition phase between prophase and metaphase. In prometaphase, microtubules complete the formation of the mitotic spindle. Some microtubules are extended from the pole to the equatorial plane, and others are extended from one pole to the other pole. Here the kinetochore of each sister chromatids attaches with the microtubules of the mitotic spindle. Each kinetochore attaches with the microtubules called kinetochore microtubules that emanate from the opposite pole of the spindle.

Metaphase In metaphase, all the chromatids are well aligned to the equatorial plane of the mitotic spindle and the journey of the chromatids toward each pole is set. Every kinetochore should be appropriately attached to the kinetochoremicrotubule of the mitotic spindle. It is essential for the proper distribution of the chromosome to the daughter cell and to avoid aneuploidy. Any unattached kinetochore generates a signal to halt the mitosis in this phase, known as the mitotic spindle checkpoint.

Anaphase Here, at first, the two sister chromatids are separated and become separate daughter chromosomes. Now the kinetochore microtubules shorten, and spindle tubules elongate. The two poles go apart and simultaneously pull the chromosomes pair toward the pole. The pair of each chromosome moves to the opposite pole at the same speed.

Telophase This is just the reversal of prophase and metaphase. Here, the remnants of the mitotic spindle disappear; nuclear membrane and new nucleoli are formed.

Cytokinesis In the late anaphase, the process of cytokinesis starts and a constriction of cytoplasm develops in the equatorial plane of the original mitotic spindle. The process of cytokinesis continues till the end of the telophase.

Meiosis Meiosis occurs in the gamete-producing cells. In meiosis, the single diploid cell divides into four daughter cells that carry half of the parental chromosomes (Fig. 2.4). The cells with haploid chromosome need to maintain the diploid number of chromosomes in the fertilized cell. Meiosis occurs

Fig. 2.4:  Schematic diagram of different phases of meiosis.

Box 2.3


Meiosis I or reductional division: Each member of the homologous chromosome goes to one each cell Meiosis I: • Prophase of the meiosis is divided into five phases—leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis • Synapsis occurs in zygotene phase • Cross over occurs in pachytene phase Meiosis II: Mechanically same as mitosis

in the process of gametogenesis to produce sperm or ovum (Box 2.3). Meiosis is divided into two parts—(1) First meiotic division (Meiosis I or reductional division) and (2) Second meiotic division (Meiosis II). The first meiotic division is known as reductional division because in this phase, each member of the homologous chromosome goes to one of each cell and each daughter cell contains a haploid chromosome. During the S phase prior to first meiotic I, the DNA replicates, and each chromosome produces two identical sister chromatids. The non-sister chromatids exchange their genetic material that is known as cross over (Box 2.4). Unlike mitosis, both the sister chromatids of the homologous chromosome go to one nucleus. Meiosis I is subsequently followed by the second meiotic division, meiosis II, which is mechanically the same as mitosis. After the end of meiosis II, a total of four haploid daughter cells is produced.

Meiosis I Prophase of the meiosis is divided into five phases— leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis.

CHAPTER 2  Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation

Box 2.4


Cross over.

• Overlapping of homologous region of the matching chromosome of non-sister chromatids in pachytene phase of prophase I • The double-stranded DNA breaks into single strands • In the cross over region, DNA breaks in both the non-sister chromatids • Exchange of genetic information occurs in cross over region • Paternal DNA exchanges information with maternal DNA • It maintains genetic diversity

Leptotene Progressive condensation and coiling of the chromosome occur in this phase. The chromosome looks like a long convoluted thread.

Zygotene In this phase, both the homologous chromosomes are closely associated and aligned entirely with each other point by point in their entire length. This is known as synapsis. These paired homologous chromosomes in synapsis are known as a bivalent chromosome.

Pachytene In this phase, the chromosomes become more condensed and thicker. The homologous chromosomes begin to move away, but in certain regions, they are overlapping like a cross. In those overlapping zones of non-sister chromatids of the homologous chromosome, exchange of genetic information takes place (Fig. 2.5). This is known as cross over (chiasmata). It is a very important event as the exchange of genetic information occurs in a cross over region, and this gives rise to genetic heterogeneity in the gametes.

Diplotene In this phase, homologous chromosome separates entirely except in the points of cross over regions.

Diakinesis This is the end stage of the prophase I, where the chromosome condenses fully and the four tetrad chromatids are visible. Mitotic spindle begins to form now. The nuclear membrane and nucleoli dissolve.

Metaphase I In metaphase I, the homologous chromosome with two sister chromatids attach to the kinetochore microtubules and align to the equatorial plane of the mitotic spindle.

Anaphase I In the anaphase I, the kinetochore microtubules begin to contract. Then the whole homologous chromosome with sister chromatids moves to one pole of the mitotic spindle. Unlike mitosis, there is no such disjunction of the sister chromatids in meiosis, and the centromeres remain intact.

Fig. 2.5:  Schematic diagram of crossing over with exchange of genetic material. Genetic diversity is maintained with the help of crossing over.

Telophase I The chromosomes reach each pole, and each daughter cell receives a haploid number of chromosomes. Mitotic spindle dissolves, nuclear membrane and nucleoli appear, and cytokinesis starts.

Meiosis II It is mechanically similar to mitosis and can be divided into— prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II. In anaphase II, there is a disjunction of the sister chromatids and breakage of centromeres. The sister chromatids, which means chromosome, move toward the opposite pole. Meiosis occurs in the ovary and testis to produce gametes. Each gamete contains a haploid chromosome. During fertilization of the ovum with sperm, a complete diploid cell is generated from the fusion of the two haploid cells. Sperms contain either 23Y or 23X chromosome, and the ovum has 23X chromosome. Fertilization of the ovum by the sperm containing 23Y generates a male embryo, whereas fertilization of the ovum by the sperm containing 23X generates female embryo.

CELL CYCLE CHECKPOINT Control of the cell cycle is very important for growth and development. For the last billion years, the mechanism of cell cycle control is almost the same. The important features of cell cycle control system are: • It is very robust. • It is adaptive. • The control switches or restriction points are binary off and on, which means once initiated, they are usually irreversible.1


sECTION 1  General Cytology

The control points or cell cycle restrict points are located (Fig. 2.6): • Near the endpoint of G1 phase of the cell cycle: The control point near the end of G1 phase of the cell cycle is known as restriction point. Here the environment is assessed, and if the surrounding environment is favorable, then the cell is allowed to enter into the S phase of the cycle. • At the junction of G2 and M phase: In the G2/M checkpoint, two fundamental factors are assessed—whether DNA is properly replicated or not and the environment is favorable for proliferation or not. • In the M phase at the junction of metaphase and anaphase: If all the chromosomes are properly aligned and attached to the kinetochore microtubules in the equatorial region of the mitotic spindle, then the cell is allowed to go from metaphase to anaphase. Therefore, this checkpoint is also known as the spindle assembly checkpoint.

A specific CDK can interact with a number of different cyclins, and a cyclin can interact with different CDKs.3 Activated CDKs play a key role in cell cycle control by phosphorylation of various protein enzymes essential for activating the genes involved in DNA synthesis and replication (Figs. 2.7 and 2.8). They also control nutrient uptake, breakdown of nuclear membrane, assembly of the mitotic spindle, and chromosomal condensation. The level of CDKs in the cell is constant; however, the cyclin level oscillates in different phases of cell cycle. The increased

CELL CYCLE REGULATOR PROTEINS The journey through the cell cycle checkpoint requires the activity of a family of protein kinase enzymes known as cyclindependent kinases (CDKs).2 These enzymes are structurally related to each other and are activated when they combine with another group of proteins known as cyclin (Box 2.5).

Fig. 2.7:  External mitogenic stimulation activates the gene to produce cyclin D. Cyclin–CDK complex phosphorylates retinoblastoma (Rb) protein and liberates E2F. E2F, the transcription factor, stimulates DNA to produce various cell cycle enzymes, such as cyclin E and A that help in DNA replication.

Fig. 2.6:  Three different points of cell cycle restriction is highlighted in this schematic diagram.

Box 2.5

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs).

• CDK is activated by binding with specific cyclin • Activated CDK phosphorylates the enzymatic proteins • Phosphorylated active enzymes act on specific genes involved in DNA synthesis and replication • CDK level is constant in a cell • Cyclin level oscillates in different phases of the cell cycle

Fig. 2.8:  Schematic diagram shows the mechanisms to control metaphase anaphase transition.

CHAPTER 2  Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation

amount of cyclin-CDK complex (activated CDKs) triggers various cell cycle events. Depending on the binding of the CDKs in different stages of the cell cycle, cyclins are classified into three major classes (Table 2.1): 1. Cyclins acting on G1/S transition (G1/S cyclin): Cyclin D and cyclin E 2. Cyclins acting on S phase (S cyclin): Cyclin A and cyclin E 3. Cyclins acting on M phase (M cyclin): Cyclin B and cyclin A In a resting cell that comes out from the mitotic phase, retinoblastoma (Rb) protein is tightly bound with E2F transcription factors. The cells cannot go into the proliferation phase due to the unavailability of E2Fs (Fig. 2.7). The stimulation of the cell by external mitogenic factors increases the levels of cyclin D, which combines with respective CDKs (CDK4 and CDK6). The activated CDKs then phosphorylate Rb protein and release E2F transcription factors. Released E2F stimulates cyclin E and cyclin A and other large set of factors essential for DNA replication. Cyclin E–CDK complex can also phosphorylate Rb protein by itself and therefore behaves as a positive feedback loop to inactivate Rb protein and S phase entry of the cell. Therefore, phosphorylation of Rb protein by activated CDKs plays an important role in cell cycle initiation.4 M cyclin (cyclin B) functions in M phase of the cell cycle by activating CDK1. Cyclin B–CDK 1 complex controls the entry of the cell in the mitotic phase by controlling G2-M checkpoint. It phosphorylates various proteins leading to the breakdown of the nuclear envelope, formation of mitotic spindle, and attachment of the chromatids with the spindle. The specific Cyclin-CDK complex acts mainly in the G1/S and G2/M checkpoint by phosphorylation of proteins. However, the metaphase-to-anaphase transition is regulated by protein destruction. Anaphase promoting complex (APC) is activated by the Cdc20. This activated APC catalyzes the ubiquitylation and destruction of securing protein (Fig. 2.8).5 This securing protein is responsible for holding the two sister chromatids. Therefore, the destruction of securing separates the sister chromatids and promotes the cell cycle progression from metaphase to anaphase. APC/C also destroys S and M cyclins, and thus inactivates CDKs within the cell (Fig. 2.8).

CDK Inhibitors: INK4 Family Members Till now, four known members of INK4 protein family have been described6—p16INK4a, p15INK4b, p18INK4c, and p19INK4d .


These proteins specifically bind with CDK4 and CDK6, inhibit their kinase activity, and block cyclin D activity. INK4a and INK4b genes are located in the short arm of chromosome 9, and INK4c and INK4d are located in chromosome 1 and 19. INK4 protein functions depend upon the presence of functional Rb proteins. These INK4 proteins inhibit cyclin D– CDK, and thereby accumulate hypophosphorylated Rb that inhibits the entry from G1 phase cell to S phase cell cycle. The loss of INK4a function has been described in several cancers. INK4a mutations or deletions are noted in gliomas, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, sarcoma, ovarian carcinoma, and non-small cell lung carcinomas.7

CDK Inhibitors: The Cip/Kip Family Cyclin E–CDK2 complex is activated in G1–S phase restriction point. The action of this complex is mitogen independent, and it helps in the phosphorylation of Rb protein. CDK2 is inhibited by the Cip/Kip family of polypeptide inhibitors— p21Cip1, p27Kip1 , and p57Kip2.

CELL CYCLE CONTROL AND CANCER Uncontrolled cell proliferation due to deregulation of the cell cycle engine is responsible for cancer. One or more cell cycle checkpoints are disrupted in cancer (Box 2.6).8

Entrance to G1 Check Point and Cancer “Mitogenic stimulation—active G1-CDK—pRB phosphoryl­ ation—active G1–S cyclin” pathway may be altered by a number of ways that may liberate E2F continuously, leading to uncontrolled cell proliferation. It may happen by: 1. In cancer, Rb gene may be inactivated due to mutation or hypermethylation.9 Box 2.6

Cell cycle check point and cancer.

A. G1 entry check point and cancer: • Rb gene inactivation due to mutation or hypermethylation • Cyclin D1 and CDK4 gene amplification • HER-2 gene amplification B. DNA replication license and cancer: • Deregulation of the pre-replicative (pre-RC) complex system C. DNA damage, repair and cancer: • Mutation of p53 and BRCA1

Table 2.1: Cell cycle checkpoints and cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, and their inhibitors. Cell cycle check point


Cyclin dependent kinase (CDK)

CDK inhibitors

First: G1-S (restriction point)

Cyclin D, Cyclin E • Cyclin D binds CDK 4, CDK 6 • Cyclin E binds CDK 2

INK4 proteins: p15, p16, p18, p19

Second: Junction of G2 and M phase

Cyclin A

CDK 2, CDK 1

Cip/Kip protein: p21, p27, p57

Third: M phase at the junction of metaphase and anaphase

Cyclin B


Cip/Kip protein: p21, p27, p57


sECTION 1  General Cytology

2. Cyclin D1 and CDK4 gene amplification 3. HER-2 gene amplification There may be an incessant activity of CDK–cyclin complex because of the inactivation of CDK inhibitor gene.

DNA Replication License and Cancer DNA synthesis is tightly controlled by the replication licensing system. At the time of the end of mitosis and early G1 phase, licensing proteins origin recognition complex (ORC), Cdc6, Cdt1, and Mcm2–7 assemble into pre replicative (pre-RC) complexes and license the “origin” for DNA synthesis in the S phase (Fig. 2.9). After the entry of the cell into the S phase, the licensing system is shut down so that the cell is unable to re-initiate the DNA replication. Deregulation of the licensing system may be responsible for oncogenesis.10

DNA Damage, Repair and Cancer There are checkpoints in S phase and G2–M phase to prevent the cell cycle progression in case of DNA damage. The steps are: • Breaking of double-stranded DNA is quickly recognized by two proteins, ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and Rad 3 related (ATR) proteins (Fig. 2.10).11 • The activated ATM/ATR kinase subsequently activates two other protein checkpoint kinases (CHK) 1 and CHK2. • These two kinases CHK1 and CHK2 phosphorylate various target proteins that help in cell cycle arrest and p53 is one such protein. • Ordinarily, in the cell with undamaged DNA, p53 binds with murine double minute (Mdm2), a negative regulator (inhibitor) of p53. Mdm2 is a ubiquitin ligase and destroys its target p53.

Fig. 2.9:  Schematic diagram shows pre-replicative (pre-RC) complex formation by origin recognition complex (ORC), Cdc6, Cdt1, and Mcm 2–7.

• Phosphorylation of p53 reduces its binding with Mdm2. • Marked increase in concentration of p53 enhances its ability of stimulation of gene transcription of p21, a CDK inhibitor. • Broken down Cyclin–CDK complex (G1-/S–CDK and S-CDK) finally are responsible for cell cycle arrest.

CELL PROLIFERATION MARKERS Assessment of cell proliferation is considered an important biological marker of predicting tumor behavior. There are many cell proliferative markers.12 The counting of mitosis is the oldest and one of the most reliable assessment methods of cell proliferation activity. There are many other methods to assess the cell proliferation activity, such as DNA flow cytometry (FCM) to assess the S phase, BrDU incorporation techniques, immunocytochemistry of various cell proliferation-related antigens, and nucleolar organizer regions counting. These techniques are compared in Table 2.2.

Mitotic Index Mitosis is visible by light microscope in simple routine stain (Fig. 2.3), and it can be measured easily.13 Strict morphological criteria should be used for the identification of mitotic figures. The ideal mitotic figures should have—(1) the absence of nuclear membrane, (2) the absence of clear zone in the center, (3) the presence of hairy extension from the side, and (4) surrounding basophilic cytoplasm instead of eosinophilia. Mitosis count is more predictable and reliable on histology section than cytology smear. Mitosis in the tumor

Fig. 2.10:  Schematic diagram shows DNA damage checkpoint.

CHAPTER 2  Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation


Table 2.2: Different techniques to assess cell proliferation. Technique


Cell cycle



Mitotic count

Estimation of mitotic figures on light microscopy

M phase cells

• Easy • Reproducible • Possible on archival material and routine smear or section

• Mitotic count may vary depending on tissue fixation • Mitotic score may vary subjectively • Many other things such as apoptotic body and mast cells may simulate mitotic figures

Flow cytometry DNA stochiometric dye stains Measure G0/G1, S, DNA of single cells and relative and G2/M phase DNA content is measured cells separately when the cells are in flow.

• Rapid • Large number of cells can be analyzed. • Reproducible

• Sophisticated technique • Target cells cannot be visualized

Image cytometry

DNA stochiometric dye stains Measure G0/G1, S, DNA and relative DNA content and G2/M phase is measured on smear or section cells separately

Target cells can be visualized by light microscopy and manual selection can be done

• Slow • Low resolution of the histogram

Ki67 scoring

Ki67 antigen is expressed in proliferating cells

G1, S, and G2 phase

• Easy • Reproducible • Short half-life of the antigen, so accurate

Strict measuring criteria is needed.


Initiating protein complex of DNA replication that binds with origin of replication

Proliferating cells

• Easy No major disadvantage • Reliable marker as the protein is stable throughout the cell proliferation • Better than Ki67

DNA precursor base incorporation: BrDU incorporation

BrDu is picked up by proliferating cells in S- phase and later can be stained by immunohistochemistry

S phase cell is measured

Gold standard. As it is very accurate and reliable

Not possible in routine life to apply in clinical cases

(AgNOR: argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions; BrDU: bromodeoxyuridine; DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid)

can be counted as a number of mitotic figures per 10 high power fields. However, the field of vision may vary from microscope to microscopes. Therefore, it is better to express the mitosis count as a number of mitotic figures per 1,000 cells (mitotic index).

Advantage • Easy and more or less reliable

Disadvantages • Mitotic activity may vary depending on the fixation of the tissue. If the tissue is not fixed immediately, then the cell may complete its mitosis, and the mitotic count may be low. • Many other things may simulate mitotic figures, such as apoptotic cell, mast cells, and degenerated lymphocytes and mitotic count should be done carefully.

Incorporation Technique This is based on the incorporation of the labeled nucleotide analogs, such as tritiated thymidine or bromodeoxyuridine.14

The proliferating cells incorporate the labeled nucleotide analog during DNA synthesis. This can be demonstrated by autoradiography in the case of radioactive thymidine and immunohistochemistry in the case of bromodeoxyuridine.15

Disadvantages Clinical utility of incorporation techniques is limited. Radio­ active thymidine has radioactive hazards. However, presently radioactive thymidine is replaced by bromodeoxyuridine, which can be stained by immunohistochemistry.

DNA Flow Cytometry and Image Cytometry (ICM) The DNA histogram in FCM helps identify the population of G0/G1, S phase, and G2/M phase cells.16 Similarly, image cytometry also produces a histogram that can also helps to assess the different population of cells in the cell cycle.17 In the case of DNA FCM and ICM, a stochiometric dye is used, which binds with DNA depending on its amount. The amount of staining is measured, which indicates the relative DNA content of the cell. Cells in G 0/G1 phases contain a


sECTION 1  General Cytology

diploid amount (2N) of DNA, and cells in G2/M phases have a tetraploid (4N) amount of DNA. S phase cells have diploid to the tetraploid amount of DNA (2N to 4N).

Advantages The DNA flow cytometry can rapidly analyze a large population of cells and therefore, gives better resolution of the histogram and reliable result.

Disadvantages • The specific population of tumor cell is not visible in FCM, and therefore, it gives the result of all cells, including vascular endothelial cells and stromal cells. • This is a more sophisticated and costly technique.

Immunohistochemistry Various proliferation-related antigens can help in the assessment of cell proliferation.

Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was once a popular cell proliferation marker. PCNA is related to the initiation of DNA replication and cell proliferation.18 Its concentration within the cell is transcriptionally regulated, and the concentration of PCNA increases from resting cell to proliferating cell. There is a progressive increase of PCNA in advanced G1 and S phase cells. This is followed by a decreased level of PCNA in G2 and M phase of cells. There is a long half-life of PCNA, and therefore, it may be demonstrated even in the cells in G0 phase.19 PCNA has three important functions—(1) DNA replication: It coordinates the synthesis of leading and lagging strands of DNA and recruits various DNA replicating enzymes. (2) DNA repair: PCNA helps in nucleotide excision repair (NER) and mismatch repair (MMR) of DNA. (3) Cell cycle control: PCNA binds with S phase-specific cyclin–CDK complex and promotes the cell to proliferate.

Advantage PCNA immunostain can be done in paraffin-embedded material.


• There is a poor correlation between PCNA score and Ki67 labelling index.20 • PCNA is not cell proliferation specific and is involved in DNA repair, as mentioned before.21 The use of PCNA as a cell proliferation marker is not recommended in cytology or histopathology.

Ki67 The name Ki67 is derived from Kiel University, Germany, and the number 67 refers to the clone number on the 96-well

Fig. 2.11:  Ki67 immunostaining on cytology cell block section.

plate.22 Ki67 antigen is the most potent antigen to detect proliferating cells. Ki67 antigen is coded by chromosome 10, and it is expressed in proliferating cells in G1, S, and G2 phases of the cell cycle. Ki 67 is specifically not expressed in G0 and early G1 phase of the cell. The exact function of Ki67 is still unknown. It probably helps in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and also in the maintenance of the mitotic spindle. Originally, Ki67 immunostaining was only possible in frozen sections; however, at present days, other Ki-67 monoclonal antibody (MIB-1) works on formalin-fixed paraffin section and is reproducible and reliable (Fig. 2.11).


• Ki67 is considered the best proliferation marker for application in routine use. • It is an important prognostic marker of various malignancies. Ki67 level above 10–14% indicates a highrisk group in terms of prognosis.

Disadvantage Proper Ki67 scoring (percentage of Ki67 positive cell) is important for exact evaluation of cell proliferation. Intraobserver variability of the Ki67 scoring is remarkably poor. Possibly, an automated image analyzer may help in reliable scoring of Ki67.

MCM 2–7 MCM proteins are a group of proteins that are responsible for the maintenance of the minichromosome. MCM proteins take a pivotal role in the initiation of DNA replication and elongation of replication.23 In this MCM family, there is a total of six proteins MCM 2 to MCM 7. They combine and make a heterohexameric structure. As mentioned before, MCM proteins and ORC, Cdt1 and Cdc6 make a complex structure in the origin of DNA replication. This complex gives license to the initiation of DNA replication.

CHAPTER 2  Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation



• The MCM 2–7 proteins are the reliable markers of proliferating cells because the quiescent cells do not express this marker. • Increased expression of MCM protein is not only a proliferative marker, but also a prognostic marker. MCM expression is related to the precancerous stage of the tumor.23 MCM expression is an excellent prognostic marker, and its higher expression is related to local recurrence and distant metastasis of carcinoma.

STEM CELL Stem cells are reserve cell population that gives rise to various differentiated cells and also maintain the damaged cell population. The body maintains a homoeostasis between the stem cell and the differentiated cells, and therefore, these cells are essential for tissue regeneration and repair. Stem cells are specialized cells characterized by three unique properties:24 1. Asymmetric cell division: Here, the cell divides into two daughter cells, and one of them goes to the stem cell pool, and the other one is differentiated. 2. Self-renewal: The cells divide and maintain the overall number. 3. Differentiation to more specialized cells: The stem cells can differentiate into a more differentiated cell with a specific function. Stem cells may be classified on the basis of source of origin or the potential of differentiation (Flowchart 2.1) as: • Embryonic stem cells (ESCs): Self-replicating, pluripotent, and immortal • Adult stem cells: Totipotent stem cells that are noted in the various organs of the adult • Totipotent stem cell: This is a type of embryonic stem cell that can generate all types of cells. • Pluripotent stem cells: They can generate ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal germ layers. • Multipotent stem cells: They give rise to a particular lineage of cells, such as hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) give rise to hematopoietic tissue.

FLOWCHART 2.1:  Classification of stem cells.



Oligopotent stem cells: The oligopotent stem cells can generate only a particular type of cells, such as platelets or RBCs. Unipotent stem cell: These cells can self-renew only their type, such as adipocyte stem cells.

Embryonic Stem Cells (Fig. 2.12) Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent stem cells and are derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst. The inner cell mass can be removed from the blastocyst, and the cells can be grown in the laboratory. ESC gives rise to all embryonic germ layers—ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.

Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is an alternative method to develop ESC. The transfer of the post-mitotic cell into an unfertilized, enucleated oocyte may develop ESC. Markers of the ESC (Table 2.3): The markers of embryonic stem cell include—(1) isozyme of alkaline phosphatase; (2) transcription factor Oct4, nanog; (3) high telomerase activity; and (4) a variety of cell-surface markers recognized by monoclonal antibodies to stage-specific embryonic antigens.25

Fig. 2.12:  Schematic diagram of embryonic stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.


sECTION 1  General Cytology

Table 2.3: Embryonic stem cell markers. Type of markers

Markers proper

Cell surface markers

CD117 (c-KIT, SCFR), CD 324 (E-cadherin), CD29 (β1 integrin), CD 31

Transcription factors

Oct-3/4 , Sox2, Nanog

Signal pathway-related intracellular markers

SMAD1/5/8, SMAD4, β-catenin

Enzymatic markers

Alkaline phosphatase and telomerase

Non-embryonic Stem Cell: Adult Stem Cell Adult stem cells are found in the adult organ, and close association with differentiated cells. The cells are usually committed and give rise to more specialized, differentiated cells. Adult stem cells are mainly HSCs and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). They are also noted in the liver, skin, muscle, and brain. Different types of adult stem cell: • HSC: HSCs are usually found in the hematopoietic organs. They have the capacity of self-renewal and also to differentiate into the adult blood cell. These cells are round with enlarged nuclei and morphologically difficult to distinguish from lymphocytes. The cells are positive for CD 34, CD 133, aldehyde dehydrogenase, low positive

REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10.

Orlando DA, Lin CY, Bernard A, Wang JY, Socolar JE, Iversen ES, et al. Global control of cell-cycle transcription by coupled CDK and network oscillators. Nature. 2008;453(7197):944-7. Morgan DO. Principles of CDK regulation. Nature. 1995;374 (6518):131-4. Pines J. Cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases: a biochemical view. Biochem J. 1995;308 (Pt 3):697-711. Murray AW. Recycling the cell cycle: cyclins revisited. Cell. 2004;116(2):221-34. Musacchio A, Salmon ED. The spindle-assembly checkpoint in space and time. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2007;8(5):379-93. Hirai H, Roussel MF, Kato J, Ashmun RA, Sherr CJ. Novel INK4 proteins, p19 and p18, are specific inhibitors of the cyclin D-dependent kinases CDK4 and CDK6. Mol Cell Biol. 1995;15(5):2672-81. Sherr CJ. Cancer cell cycles. Science (Washington DC). 1996;274(5293):1672-7. Williams GH, Stoeber K. The cell cycle and cancer. J Pathol. 2012;226(2):352-64. Malumbres M, Barbacid M. Milestones in cell division: To cycle or not to cycle: a critical decision in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer. 2001;1(3):222-31. Honeycutt KA, Chen Z, Koster MI, Miers M, Nuchtern J, Hicks J, et al. Deregulated minichromosomal maintenance protein MCM7 contributes to oncogene driven tumorigenesis. Oncogene. 2006;25(29):4027-32.

for Thy 1, and c-kit and negative for CD 33, CD 38, B and T cell markers. • MSC: MSCs are nonhematopoietic stromal cells. These cells can differentiate into various mesenchymal tissues, such as muscle, cartilage, bone, and adipose tissue. The cells express CD 105, CD 106, CD 44, CD 71, CD 73, CD 90 and do not express the hematopoietic markers like CD 45, CD 13, CD 11 or CD 14.

Possible Applications of Stem Cells • Hematological diseases: Stem cells are used in nonmalignant and malignant hematological diseases to replace the bone marrow with healthy cells. Stem cell therapy may be used in—(1) hematological malignancies, such as acute leukemia, plasma cell disorder, and myelodysplastic syndrome; (2) inherited metabolic disorders, such as metachromatic leukodystrophy and osteopetrosis; (3) inherited red cell disorders, such as pure red cell aplasia, sickle cell disease, and thalassemia; and (4) bone marrow failure syndrome, such as aplastic anemia. • Clinical trial: Stem cell therapy may be used in ischemic heart disease, nonunion of a fractured bone, Parkinson disease, spinal cord lesions, and skin replacement. • Other uses: Generation of disease model and preserving endangered animals

11. Bakkenist CJ, Kastan MB. DNA damage activates ATM through intermolecular autophosphorylation and dimer dissociation. Nature. 2003;421(6922):499-506. 12. Juríková M, Danihel Ľ, Polák Š, Varga I. Ki67, PCNA, and MCM proteins: Markers of proliferation in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Acta Histochem. 2016;118(5):544-52. 13. Baak JPA. Mitosis counting in tumors. Hum Pathol. 1990;21(7):683-5. 14. Taylor JH. Chromosome reproduction. Int Rev Cytol. 1962;13: 39-44. 15. Meyer JS, Nauert J, Kohem S, Hughes J. Cell kinetics of human tumors by in vitro bromodeoxyuridine labeling. J Histochem Cytochem. 1989;37(9):1449-54. 16. Dey P. Flow cytometry review. J Cytol. 2003;20(1):10-4. 17. Dey P, Luthra UK, Prasad A, Sheikh ZA, George SS. Cytologic grading and DNA image cytometry of breast carcinoma on fine needle aspiration cytology smears. Anal Quant Cytol Histol. 1999;21(1):17-20. 18. Garcia JE, Celis A. Cell-cycle dependent variations in the distribution of the nuclear protein cyclin proliferating cell nuclear antigen in cultured cells: subdivision in S-phase. Proc Nad Acad Sci USA. 1985;82(10):3262-6. 19. Bravo R, MacDonald-Bravo H. Existence of two populations of cyclin/proliferation cell nuclear antigen during the cell cycle: association with DNA replication sites. J Cell Biol. 1987;105(4):1549-54. 20. Leonardi E, Girlando S, Serio G, Mauri FA, Perrone G, Scampini S, et al. PCNA and Ki67 expression in breast carcinoma:

CHAPTER 2  Cell Cycle and Cell Proliferation

correlations with clinical and biological variables. J Clin Pathol. 1992;45(5):416-9. 21. Hall PA, Levison DA, Woods AL, Yu CCW, Kellock DB, Watkins JA, et al. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunolocalization in paraffinsections: an index of cell proliferation with evidence of deregulated expressionin some neoplasms. J Pathol. 1990;162(4):285-94. 22. Gerdes J, Schwab U, Lemke H, Stein H. Production of a mouse monoclonal antibody reactive with a human nuclear antigen


associated with cell proliferation. Int J Cancer. 1983;31(1): 13-20. 23. Juríková M, Danihel Ľ, Polák Š, Varga I. Ki67, PCNA, and MCM proteins: Markers of proliferation in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Acta Histochem. 2016;118(5):544-52. 24. Blau HM, Brazelton TR, Weimann JM. The evolving concept of a stem cell: entity or function? Cell. 2001;105(7):829-41. 25. Zhao W, Ji X, Zhang F, Li L, Ma L. Embryonic stem cell markers. Molecules. 2012;17(6):6196-236.


SECTION 1  General Cytology


Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death

INTRODUCTION Various external and internal stimuli can cause cell injury. These injurious stimuli may be gross external or from an intricate molecular level. The different causes of cell injury have been highlighted in Box 3.1. In response to various stresses, individual cell responses variedly. The exact cellular response to stress depends on the type, intensity, and duration of injury or stress (Fig. 3.1). The cell initially tries to maintain a steady-state called homeostasis. If the stress or injury to the cell is more, the cell takes an adaptive state, such as the number of the cells may be increased or decreased, or the cell may change its type. If the cells fail to adapt to the increased stress or acute internal or external stimuli, the cells undergo injury. Cellular injury may be reversible or irreversible. In case of irreversible injury, the cell dies, which is the ultimate fate of any cell.

CELLULAR ADAPTATION The various types of cellular adaptations are (Fig. 3.1): (1) Hyperplasia; (2) Hypertrophy; (3) Atrophy; and (4) Metaplasia. Box 3.1


Hyperplasia The term “hyperplasia” indicates an increase in the number of cells in a tissue or organ. Hyperplasia causes an overall increase of volume or weight of the tissue due to cell proliferation. Hyperplasia occurs when the cells are capable of synthesizing their DNA and are able to replicate. Hyperplasia is usually caused due to—(1) increased growth factors; (2) increased growth factor receptors; or (3) increased intracellular signaling (Fig. 3.1). At times, the stem cells may also proliferate to take part in hyperplasia. Hyperplasia often gives rise to neoplastic proliferation, particularly in the case of atypical hyperplasia.

Physiological Hyperplasia This type of hyperplasia occurs due to hormonal or growth factor stimulation. The physiological hyperplasia occurs in breast enlargement in puberty or progenitors of red cell hyperplasia in acute blood loss.

Pathological Hyperplasia This may occur due to excessive hormonal stimulation or growth factors in pathological condition. Pathological

Different causes of cell injury.

• Inherited stress: {{Genetic defects: Inborn errors of metabolism, chromosomal abnormalities, etc. • Acquired stress: {{Hypoxia: Loss of vascular supply or less oxygen-carrying capacity of blood {{Physical agents: Heat, cold, electrical injury, radiation effect, and pressure effect {{Chemical agents and drugs: Different chemical poisons, insecticides, drugs, etc. {{Nutritional causes: Nutritional imbalances, such as protein calorie malnutrition, hyperlipidemia, and vitamin deficiency {{Infectious agents: Virus, bacteria, parasites, etc. {{Immunological diseases: Autoimmune diseases, inborn immune disorders

Fig. 3.1:  Schematic diagram showing different types of cell responses to injury.

CHAPTER 3  Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death

hyperplasia is seen in endometrial hyperplasia due to excessive estrogen. The cases of pathological hyperplasia may undergo neoplastic changes.

Hypertrophy The term “hypertrophy” indicates an increase in the volume of the cell leading to an increase in the organ size. No cellular proliferation occurs in case of hypertrophy. The individual cells may be larger with enlarged nuclei. Hypertrophy occurs due to the following factors—(1) increased growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factor 1; fibroblast growth factor; (2) increased vasoactive agents, such as endothelin-1 and angioten­ sin II; (3) mechanical stretch due to increased workload. Hypertrophy is difficult to assess by light microscopy on cytology smears.

Atrophy Atrophy means the reduction of the number of cells leading to shrinkage of the tissue or organ. The causes of atrophy may be variable, such as inadequate nutrition, loss of endocrine stimulation, loss of innervations, decreased workload, pressure effect or aging. By light microscopy, epithelial atrophy can be recognized on a cytology smear, such as the atrophic cellular pattern on cervical cytology.

Metaplasia Metaplasia is a reversible change characterized by replacing one type of mature cell type with a different kind of mature cell type. This replaced epithelium may better resist adverse circumstances. The most common epithelial metaplasia is columnar to squamous metaplasia. It may be noted in the squamocolumnar junction of the cervix or in the endocervical glands (Fig. 3.2), in the bronchial respiratory lining epithelium, in the salivary excretory duct. Metaplasia from squamous to columnar epithelium may occur in Barrett’s esophagus, which is a known precancerous condition.

Fig. 3.2:  Squamous metaplasia of endocervical glands (Hematoxylin and Eosin × MP).


In case of metaplasia, the stem cell is reprogrammed to develop a different type of tissue rather than the change of phenotypic expression of the mature epithelium. Possibly one tissue-specific gene becomes off, and the other tissuespecific gene becomes on.

REVERSIBLE CELL INJURY When a cell faces stress or acute stimulation beyond the limit of adaption, the cell suffers injury. If the acute assault is withdrawn in a short period of time, then the cell restores its structure and function. However, it is still unknown how reversible injury will go to “the point of no return” or irreversible pathway.

Morphological Changes of Reversible Injury The morphological changes of reversible injury are difficult to recognize by light microscope. However, the following changes may be visible: • Cytoplasmic vacuoles: Single to multiple small vacuoles may be seen within the cytoplasm. These vacuoles are the distended part of endoplasmic reticulum. • Increased eosinophilic cytoplasm By electron microscopy, the following changes are seen: • Blunting, distortion, and loss of microvilli of plasma membrane • Dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum • Swelling of mitochondria • Disaggregation of fibrillar and granular components of the nucleolus

IRREVERSIBLE CELL INJURY The ultimate fate of all cells is death. Cell death is of the following types: • Apoptosis • Necrosis • Necroptosis • Pyroptosis • Ferroptosis There are two primary forms of cell death—(1) programmed cell death (PCD) and (2) accidental cell death by necrosis. The PCD is now classified as type I (apoptosis), type II (autophagy), and type III (programmed necrosis).1 Necroptosis, pyroptosis, and ferroptosis are only the variants of apoptosis. For a long time, the term “apoptosis” was used as a general term to describe PCD, and the concept of nonapoptotic PCD was deliberately ignored. Due to the advancement of molecular technology, other forms of nonapoptotic PCD are getting increased attention. • Type I PCD or apoptosis is critically essential for developmental morphogenesis, tissue homeostasis, and defense against pathogens. This phenomenon is


SECTION 1  General Cytology

highly conserved and well-described at both genetic and biochemical levels. • Type II PCD or autophagic cell death is a major cellular catabolic pathway for the degradation of long-lived proteins and cytoplasmic organelles. Thus, autophagic PCD helps in the maintenance of proteins and cytoplasmic organelles and enhances cell survival. It occurs in tissue and cell remodeling, starvation, and cell death. • Type III PCD or programmed necrosis is a distinct entity. It is a passive process that affects a large population of cells or groups of cells by combined use of selected effectors and other cell death outcomes. It is called programmed necrotic death because the cellular signaling pathways lead to necrosis in response to specific effectors rather than by simple accident.

Apoptosis or Type I PCD The term “apoptosis” is derived from the Greek word apo (means from) and ptosis (means fall). It suggests “leaves falling from a tree”. Apoptosis is one of the major ways to suicidal death, and it is distinctly different from necrosis (Table 3.1). The predominant biochemical events in apoptosis are activation of intracellular proteases and step ladder-type of fragmentation of inter-nucleosomal DNA. The various cell surface molecules are altered in the apoptotic cells that help in the immediate recognition of the apoptotic cells by neighboring cells that can phagocytose them. This orderly elimination of the apoptotic cells prevents any inflammatory reaction.

Morphology of Apoptosis Apoptosis typically occurs in individual cells without any surrounding inflammatory reactions. The morphologic changes noted in apoptotic cells are described in Box 3.2.2 Table 3.1: Distinguishing points between apoptosis and necrosis. Features




Active process and energy is required

Passive process and no ATP is required


Condensed peripheral chromatin

Fragmented chromatin

Cell size

Cel shrinkage

Cell swollen

Death pattern

Single-cell death

Group of cells dye

Inflammatory response

No inflammation


DNA fragmentation

Regular internucleosomal 180 bp length

Irregular fragments

Cell membrane Preserved membrane

Fragmented membrane

Nucleus (Figs. 3.3 and 3.4)

• The chromatin becomes pyknotic. It condenses and aggregates in the inner surface of the nuclear envelope. It often gives a half-moon or sickle-like appearance to the chromatin. • In most of the cases, the nuclear outline becomes convoluted. • Severe nuclear convolution causes multiple budding and nuclear fragments of different sizes (budding phenomenon). • A double layer of the membrane covers each nuclear fragment.


• Cytoplasm condenses, and extensive protrusion or blebbing appears on the cell surface. • Numerous clear vacuoles appear in the cytoplasm. • The protuberance on the cell surface is separated and sealed by the plasma membrane forming multiple membrane-bound apoptotic bodies. • There is no swelling of mitochondria. These apoptotic bodies are readily phagocytosed and destroyed by the neighboring cells or macrophages. During the degradation process, the apoptotic bodies can be visualized if the cell contains remarkably condensed

Box 3.2

Morphological changes of apoptosis.

Nuclear changes: • Chromatin condensation and aggregation • Nuclear convolution and multiple budding • Nuclear fragments are covered by double layer of membrane Cytoplasmic changes: • Cytoplasm condenses • Extensive protrusion of the cell surface • The protuberance of the cell surface is separated and sealed by the plasma membrane

Fig. 3.3:  Cell with moderate amount of cytoplasm and dense nucleus in case of an apoptotic cell (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP).

CHAPTER 3  Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death

Fig. 3.4:  Schematic diagram showing morphological changes in apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis.

chromatin. Overall, tissue architecture is not disturbed in the apoptotic process as there is the death of single isolated cells.

Molecular Pathways of Apoptosis (Box 3.3)3 There are two distinct major molecular pathways of apoptosis—(1) the death receptor pathway and (2) the mitochondrial pathway. These pathways are activated in different conditions and they may also intersect with each other.

Death Receptor Pathway (Figure 3. 5) Death receptors receive the various extracellular death signals and then switch on the apoptotic pathway of cell death. Death receptors are members of the tumor necrosis factor–receptors (TNF-receptors) gene superfamily and are located on the cell surface. There are two parts of the death receptor, an intracytoplasmic domain known as the “death domain” and a cysteine-rich extracellular domain. The “death domain” plays an important role to trigger intracellular apoptotic machinery. The most well-known death receptors are CD95 (also called Fas or Apo1), type 1 TNF receptor (TNFR1), TRAIL1, and TRAIL 2. The ligands that activate these receptors are structurally related molecules.

Box 3.3

Molecular pathway of apoptosis.

Death receptor pathway: • Death receptor: {{Intra-cytoplasmic domain (“death domain”) {{Cysteine-rich extracellular domain {{CD95 (fas or apo1) {{Type 1 tnf receptor (TNFR1) • CD95 ligand binds to CD95; tnf binds to tnfr1 • Binding of death receptor with the ligand recruits the adaptor protein FADD • FADD protein further recruits caspase 8 and this subsequently activates the caspase 3 Mitochondrial pathway: • Increased intracellular reactive oxygen species, DNA damage or other intracellular factors inhibit anti-apoptotic proteins BCL-2/BCl-x • Increased pro-apoptotic proteins Bak, Bax, and Bim • Increased mitochondrial membrane permeability releases cytochrome c • Activation of caspase 9 Final phase: • Caspase 8 and caspase 9 subsequently activate the caspase 3, which acts as the executioner enzyme



SECTION 1  General Cytology

Fig. 3.5:  Schematic diagram showing mechanism of death receptor pathway of apoptosis and mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis.

CD95 ligand (CD95L) binds to CD95; TNF and lymphotoxin alpha bind to TNFR1. When the Fas ligand binds with the Fas receptors, several Fas cluster molecules in that particular site recruit the adaptor protein FAS-associated death domain (FADD). This FADD protein further activates caspase 8, and this subsequently activates the caspase 3, the main executioner enzyme. This activated caspase 3 cleaves the various substrates.

Mitochondrial Pathway (Fig. 3.5)4 The BCl-2 family members play a significant role in the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis. Increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage or other intracellular factors initiate this pathway by inhibiting antiapoptotic proteins BCL-2/BCl-x. The decrease level of BCL2/BCl-x is replaced by proapoptotic proteins Bak, Bax, and Bim. The multiple stimuli, such as proapoptotic proteins (Bak, Bax, and Bim), Ca++ overload, oxidants, and active caspases increase mitochondrial membrane permeability and release caspase activation protein cytochrome c (Cyto C) and apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm. Cyto C binds with apoptosis activating factor (Apaf-1) that further helps to activate caspase 9 and initiates the proteolytic cascade leading to apoptosis.4 BCl-2 family (Table 3.2):5 The mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis is mainly controlled by the BCl-2 family of proteins. The gene of BCL-2 was identified in follicular lymphoma, where it inhibits apoptosis of lymphoid cells. The family of BCL-2 has both proapoptotic and antiapoptotic members.

Table 3.2: BCL-2 family of proteins. Type





Maintain the permeability of outer mitochondrial membrane



Following death stimulation, the monomeric protein dimerize and open the mitochondrial channel to release death-induced protein cytochrome-C

BH 3only (sensors)

• BID • BAD • BIM • BLK • NIP 3 • HRK • NIX

These sensor proteins recognize the cellular stress and DNA damage. They balance anti and proapoptotic proteins

• Prosurvival (antiapoptotic) members: These proteins contain four BCL-2 homologies (BH) domains. BCL2, BCL-XL, BCLW, MCL1, A1, and BOO/DIVA are six prosurvival members of the BCL-2 family. These proteins remain in the outer mitochondrial membrane and also other membranes, such as the endoplasmic reticulum.

CHAPTER 3  Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death

They combine with the proapoptotic proteins to prevent death. These six proteins maintain the permeability of the outer mitochondrial membrane and thereby prevent the leakage of the Cyto C and other death-induced proteins. • Proapoptotic members: BAX and BAK are the two principal proapoptotic proteins. After activation by death signal, these proteins oligomerize and make a channel in the outer mitochondrial membrane. The increased permeability of the membrane releases death promoter factors (Cyto C, Ca++) from the mitochondria to cytoplasm. • BH3-only (sensors): These proteins contain only one BH domain (BH 3). The members of this group are BID, BAD, BIM, BLK, NIP 3, etc. These proteins act as sensors of stress or DNA damage in the cell and maintain the delicate balance between the pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins.

Final Phase and Biochemical Changes (Box 3.4) Activated caspase 8 generated from the death receptor pathway and activated caspase 9 generated from the mitochondrial pathway both ultimately mobilize caspase 3, 6, and 7 proteases.3 These executioner caspases act on numerous cellular components. • Protein breakdown: Activated caspases (particularly caspase 3) cleave various proteins, such as cytoskeletal proteins, nuclear matrix proteins, and proteins involved in DNA transcription, replication, and repair. • DNA breakdown: Caspase 3 activates the cytoplasmic DNase, which characteristically breaks internucleosomal DNA into segments that are multiples of approximately 185 bp. This step ladder-type of fragments of DNA can be demonstrated by gel electrophoresis.

Box 3.4

Biochemical pathway of apoptosis.

Protein breakdown: • Activated caspases (particularly caspase 3) cleave: {{Cytoskeletal proteins {{Nuclear matrix proteins {{Proteins involved in DNA transcription, replication, and repair DNA breakdown: • Caspase 3 activates the cytoplasmic DNase and breaks internucleosomal DNA into segments into multiples of 185 bp Phagocytosis: • The caspase produces the loss of phospholipid asymmetry and the exposure of phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) on the outer surface of the plasma membrane • PtdSer acts as a ligand for the scavenger receptors (SR) of macrophages • The interaction between SR and PtdSer helps in phagocytosis


• Removal of the apoptotic bodies: The apoptotic bodies are readily phagocytosed by the neighboring cells or macrophages to prevent the release of potentially noxious or immunogenic materials from the apoptotic cells and initiate inflammation. This preserves the integrity and function of the surrounding tissue. The apoptotic cells express certain unique signals to the phagocytes so that the phagocytes recognize the apoptotic bodies. The caspase activity in the apoptotic process causes certain changes in the plasma membrane, such as the loss of phospholipid asymmetry and the exposure of phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) on the outer surface of the plasma membrane.6 PtdSer acts as a ligand for the scavenger receptors (SR) of macrophages, and the interaction between SR and PtdSer helps in phagocytosis of the apoptotic body. The phagocytosed apoptotic bodies are digested further by lysosomal enzymes of the phagocytes.

Apoptosis in Physiological Conditions The apoptosis occurs in various physiological conditions: • Embryogenesis: Apoptosis plays key role in embryogenesis by the programmed death of a specific cell type during the time and spatial level. • Homeostasis of the cell population: Apoptosis maintains the total amount of viable functioning cells by deleting the cells. • Hormone-dependent involution: Apoptosis plays a key role in the hormone-dependent regression in various organs, such as regression of ovarian follicles and prostate shrinkage after testicular removal. • Cell death in infection: Apoptosis occurs as a defense mechanism by cytotoxic T cells during viral infection. • Prevention of autoimmunity: With the help of apoptosis, the autoreactive lymphocytes are eliminated from the body.

Apoptosis in Diseases (Box 3.5) There are widespread clinical implications of apoptosis as too little or too much apoptosis both causes diseases. A. Diseases associated with less apoptosis and increased cell survival: • Apoptosis and cancer: Death by apoptosis plays a significant defense mechanism against malignant transformation.7 The failure of apoptosis causes uncontrolled proliferation of the cells, and therefore, produces the ideal environment of genetic instability and mutation. The majority of cancers, such as follicular lymphoma, breast cancer, and prostate cancer, have defects in apoptotic machinery. The predominant defects are the increased expression of antiapoptotic protein BCL-2 and mutation of tumor suppressor gene p53. The mutation of p53 gene


SECTION 1  General Cytology

Box 3.5

Apoptosis in diseases.

A. Diseases associated with less apoptosis and increased cell survival: • Apoptosis and cancer: Follicular lymphoma, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc. • Immunological disorders: Autoimmunity, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), immune-mediated glomerulonephritis • Apoptosis in viral infection: Herpes virus, adenovirus, etc. Virus-infected cells do not undergo apoptosis B. Diseases associated with more apoptosis and decreased cell survival: • Virus-induced lymphocyte depletion: In HIV infection • Apoptosis in neurodegenerative disorders: Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, spinal muscular atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis • Apoptosis in hematological disorders: Aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, anemia associated with chronic disease, and chronic neutropenia


causes defective p53 protein production and failure of apoptosis during DNA damage.8 • Immunological disorders: Apoptosis is essential for removing potentially autoreactive T and B lymphocytes during the development and removal of excess cells after the completion of an immune response. Failure to delete such cells may increase the susceptibility of autoimmunity, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and immune-mediated glomerulonephritis.8 • Apoptosis in viral infection (Herpes, adenovirus and poxvirus infection): Virus-infected cells undergo apoptosis, and thus prevent the spread of the infection. To combat the host’s defensive mechanism, many viruses have developed ways to disrupt the apoptotic machinery within the infected cell.8 Diseases associated with more apoptosis and decreased cell survival: The various genetic and acquired conditions may cause excessive cell death by enhancing the signal for induction of apoptosis or decreasing the apoptosis threshold. Virus-induced lymphocyte depletion: In AIDS, the HIV infection causes selective depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes by inducing apoptosis and destruction of the host’s body defence.9 Apoptosis in neurodegenerative disorders: The gradual loss of a specific set of neurons by apoptosis occurs in many neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, spinal muscular atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.8 Apoptosis in hematological disorders: Increased apoptosis and cell destruction are related to many hematological diseases, such as aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic

syndromes, anemia associated with chronic disease, and chronic neutropenia.10

Detection of Apoptosis There are various ways to detect apoptosis (Table 3.3).11

Light Microscopy The apoptotic cells can be identified in light microscopy on routine Hematoxylin and Eosin stain smears or histology sections. The apoptotic cells are small round with small condensed chromatin (Fig. 3.5). No inflammatory response is seen around the apoptotic cells.

Electron Microscopy The apoptotic cells are better visualized by transmission electron microscopy. The cells show extensive blebbing of the plasma membrane. Subsequently, small apoptotic bodies are formed with cytoplasm, condensed nuclear fragment, and cytoplasmic organelles.

Gel Electrophoresis In the case of apoptosis, initially high molecular weight (HMW) DNA fragmentation (approximately 300 kb) occurs. This DNA is extracted from the apoptotic cells in the culture. On gel electrophoresis, step ladder-like pattern is seen in apoptosis due to internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. This pattern is not very specific for apoptosis. • Conventional gel electrophoresis: In this conventional technique, a characteristic step ladder-like pattern of discontinuous DNA fragments is seen. • Pulse field gel electrophoresis: Here, the alternating electric field is used to separate DNA molecules of the higher range of fragment (50 kb to several Mbp). • Field-inversion gel electrophoresis (FIGE): In this technique, periodic inversion of the electric field is used to develop higher voltage in one direction. It has the special advantage of separating DNA in different sizes (100 kb to 2 Mbp). • Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE): SAGE is a more sophisticated and delicate technique by which one can visualize DNA damage of a single cell. This is also known as comet assay, as the apoptotic cell shows a small head with an extended tail. In comparison, the necrotic cell shows a large nuclear head with a nearly invisible tail.

Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase-mediated dUTP Nick end Labeling (TUNEL) In this technique, the 3’ OH ends of the small DNA fragments are coupled with labeled biotinylated deoxynucleotides by using DNA polymerase I or Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase as a catalyst. Only the apoptotic cells incorporate the biotinylated deoxynucleotides into their DNA fragments, and then are demonstrated by simple immunohistochemistry on light microscopy.12 This technique can be done on histology

CHAPTER 3  Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death


Table 3.3: Different markers of apoptosis. Name




Light microscopy

Morphologic visualization

Reliable and inexpensive

Quantitative measurement is less objective and non-reproducible

Electron microscopy

Detailed morphologic changes seen

• Provides extensive detailed information • Useful in biochemical and molecular studies

Very tedious and time-consuming

Gel electrophoresis

DNA breaks in single and double strands in small fragments, and step ladder-like pattern is characteristic

Sensitive and reliable; Comet assay gives information of individual cells

Tedious process; cell morphology is not demonstrable

Flow cytometry (FCM)

If DNA dye propidium iodide used, then a sub-diploid peak is formed by apoptotic cell

Easy and rapid; FCM gives accurate quantitation of the apoptotic cells

Costly technique


The 3’ OH ends of the small DNA fragments are coupled with labeled biotinylated deoxynucleotides by using DNA polymerase I or terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase as catalyst

• Early apoptotic cells can be detected • Apoptotic cells are identified at the molecular level

Sensitivity and specificity may vary depending on the fixative and concentration of terminal transferase enzyme

Easy to do, reliable and, specific

• M30 detects only apoptotic epithelial cell • Annexin V cannot distinguish between apoptotic and necrotic cell

Immunohistochemistry Caspase 3, and annexin V are related to the pathogenesis of apoptosis M30 is the neo-epitope that is developed due to caspase activity

section or cytology smear, and the exact quantification of the apoptotic cells are possible in clinical samples.

Flow Cytometry DNA fluorochrome dye is used to stain DNA stoichiometric­ ally. The relative DNA content of the cells is measured. The apoptotic cells contain less DNA and are readily identified by flow cytometry as hypodiploid peak or so-called “sub-G1” peak in DNA histogram. Apoptotic cells take less propidium iodide dye than viable cells and take more Hoechst 33342 dye than viable cells. Therefore, simultaneous use of these two dyes helps in the identification of apoptotic cell.

Immunohistochemistry The apoptotic cell can be detected with the help of antibody against some specific markers of apoptosis. • Caspase 3: Caspase 3 is an essential player in apoptosis. The demonstration of activated caspase 3 by immunohistochemistry is a relatively simple and reliable method for the detection of apoptosis. • Annexin V: Annexin V is a membrane-bound protein that combines with phosphatidylserine (PtdSer) of the membrane in calcium-dependent manner. In the early part of apoptosis, PtdSer translocates from the inner side of plasma membrane to the outer side of the membrane. Annexin V attached with this PtdSer and can be detected in the early apoptotic cell with the help of immunohistochemistry. One important fact is that the annexin V preferably binds with the membrane of

the apoptotic cells, and even the cells undergo necrosis, they are positive for annexin V. This can be resolved by simultaneous staining of annexin V with a viable dye, such as propidium iodide (PI). Viable cells and early apoptotic cells exclude PI. However, necrotic cells retain the dye. cc Healthy cell: Negative for both annexin V and PI cc Early apoptotic cell: Positive for annexin V and negative for PI cc Late apoptotic/necrotic cell: Positive for both annexin V and PI • M30: M30 is a neoepitope of cytokeratin 18, and it appears due to caspase cleavage of the epithelial cells. M30 antibody can demonstrate epithelial apoptotic cells even in the paraffin-embedded tissue.

AUTOPHAGY (BOX 3.6) The word “autophagy” is derived from the Greek word “Auto”, which means self, and “phagy” means “to eat”. Autophagy is defined as the PCD by which cells recycle their own nonessential, redundant or damaged organelles.13 This is the active process by which the cells actively regain the essential substances, e.g., amino acids and fatty acids. These are further used for protein synthesis or ATP production. Thus, autophagy maintains an adequate nutrient level at the time of stress or starvation. Cell death by autophagy is caspase-independent programmed death. Table 3.4 shows the differentiating points between autophagy and apoptosis.


SECTION 1  General Cytology

Box 3.6


Definition: The programmed cell death by which cells recycle their own nonessential, redundant or damaged organelles Microautophagy: Lysosomal membrane directly engulfs cargo proteins Chaperone-mediated autophagy: Chaperones are utilized to capture the specific proteins to be destroyed and these proteins are transferred to lysosome Macroautophagy: De novo membrane bound vesicle known as “autophagosome” is formed. This fuses with lysosome to form autolysosome Morphological changes in autophagic death: • Autophagosomes formation: Double membrane vesicles containing engulfed cytoplasmic organelles • Autolysosome: Fusion of autophagosome and lysosome • Loss of organelles and cytoplasmic vacuoles • Nuclear chromatin condensation and destruction of nucleus Molecular pathway: • Controlled by a group of autophagy‐related genes • Class III PI3‐kinase is the major lipid signal that generates phosphatidylinositol 3‐phosphate (PI3‐P) • PI3‐P helps in the autophagic vesicle formation. Clinical implications of autophagy: • Autophagy plays important role in: {{Infection {{Cardiovascular disease {{Neurodegenerative disorders: Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, Alzheimer disease, etc. {{Cancers

Table 3.4: Comparison of apoptosis and autophagy. Apoptosis


Programmed death



Role of caspase



Cytoskeletal breakdown

Early part

Later or terminal part


Not destroyed in early part

Destroyed in early part

Light microscopy


Not visible, only demonstrable in electron microscopy


Direct role in neoplasia; too less apoptosis causes cancer

Autophagy plays dual role in tumorigenesis

Types of Autophagy There are three types of autophagy (Fig. 3.6).14

Microautophagy In the case of microautophagy, the cargo elements (substrates and cytoplasmic organelles) directly contact the

Fig. 3.6:  Schematic diagram showing different types of autophagy and pathways of formation of autophagy.

lysosomal membrane for degradation and recycling. Very little is known about this type of autophagy.

Chaperone-mediated Autophagy This is a unique type of autophagy. Unlike micro or macroautophagy, chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) is directed to specific cargo proteins. In the case of CMA, chaperones are appointed to recognize and translocate the cargo proteins individually to the lysosomal membrane. All the cargo proteins have a specific pentapeptide targeting motif (KFERQ). This KFERQ motif is identified by the heatshock protein HSPA8, a chaperone. Subsequently, the cargo proteins are delivered individually to lysosomal membrane for degradation.

Macroautophagy This is most well studied and described in detail. The unique feature of macroautophagy is the de novo formation of double membrane-bound vesicle, known as an autophagosome. The vesicle sequesters the cytoplasmic organelles and transports the cargo to the lysosomal vesicle. Autophagosome fuses with the lysosome to form autolysosomes, and the cytoplasmic organelles are destroyed.

Stages of Macroautophagy with Molecular Mechanism

• Induction: At first, the nucleation of the phagophore occurs de novo in the cytoplasm. This is induced by the ULK1/2 complex, which is made up of ATG13, ATG101, ULK1, and RB1 CC1. • Nucleation: After the induction, the next step is the nucleation which is formed by the ATG14-containing class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PtdIns3K) complex. The membrane begins to enlarge in this stage

CHAPTER 3  Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death


and forms a phagophore assembly site (PAS). The sources of the membrane are possibly from the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, and mitochondria. • Elongation: In this step, the membrane of the phagophore is further elongated with the help of the ATG12–ATG5ATG16 complex, the class III PtdIns3K complex, ATG8, and ATG9. • Completion of autophagosome formation: The membrane completely encircles the cargo to form an autophagosome. • Fusion of autophagosome with lysosome: Eventually, the autophagosome fuses with lysosome, and autolysosome is formed. The cytoplasmic organelles are degraded and then finally transported to the cytoplasm for recycling.

III PI3‐kinase (Fig. 3.7).15 Growth factor, particularly insulin, activates PI3 kinase type I, whereas mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibits autophagy. Class III PI3 kinase makes a complex with ATG6 and promotes nucleation of the membrane. Subsequently, two other pathways to autophagy take part: 1. ATG12 pathway involving ATG5, 7, and 10: ATG12 binds with ATG5 with the help of ATG7 and ATG10. Following conjugation of ATG12–ATG 5, further dimerization of the molecule occurs with the help of ATG6. 2. ATG8 pathway involving ATG7, 3, and 4: In this pathway, ATG8 acts along with ATG7, 3, and 4. ATG8 conjugates with a lipid molecule, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and several such bindings help in the expansion of the membrane of the autophagosome.

Molecular Basis of Autophagy

Control of Autophagy

The molecular pathway of autophagy is initially discovered in yeast, and it is still evolutionally conserved in human. Autophagy is controlled by a group of autophagy‐related genes (ATG genes) that are almost similar to yeast. These genes produce at least 27 proteins involved in autophagy execution, such as vesicle enucleation, autophagic vesicle fusion to a late lysosome, and cargo degradation. Autophagy is also related to Class III PI3 kinase type I and type III. Class III PI3 kinase is the major lipid signal that generates phosphatidylinositol 3‐phosphate (PI3‐P). This PI3‐P plays key role in the autophagic vesicle formation (Fig. 3.7). A protein complex consisting of Atg6 (Vps30 or Beclin‐1 in mammalians) regulates the activity of the Class

Macroautophagy is stimulated by deprivation of nutrients, hypoxia, absence of growth factors, and insulin. Three kinases are involved in the control of macroautophagy (Fig. 3.8): 1. cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA): PKA is stimulated by glucose. PKA directly inhibits autophagy, and it stimulates MTORC1. 2. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK): AMPK, the energy-sensing kinase, inhibits MTORC1. 3. Mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (MTORC1): MTORC1 is activated by growth factor, amino acid, and oxygen. MTORC1 is known to inhibit macroautophagy.

Selective Autophagy Macroautophagy may also be selective in action, such as selective degradation of ubiquitinated proteins peroxisome, mitochondria, etc.

Pexophagy Selective destruction of peroxisome by macroautophagy is called pexophagy. This occurs in normal physiological

Fig. 3.7:  Schematic diagram showing molecular mechanism of autophagic cell death.

Fig. 3.8:  Schematic diagram showing controlling factors of autophagy.


SECTION 1  General Cytology

also been described; however, the exact mechanism of which is unknown. Probably loss of autophagy causes the accumulation of free radical in the cells leading to tumorigenesis.

condition. Pexophagy is stimulated by starvation. Excessive pexophagy may have negative influence on health.

Mitophagy14 The term mitophagy indicates selective destruction of mitochondria by macroautophagy. It is essential for steady turnover and removal of damaged mitochondria. Mitophagy is also helpful in the development of certain cells, such as removal of mitochondria is required in immature RBC to transform into mature RBC.

Mechanism of Mitophagy In the case of mitophagy, the mitochondrial outer membrane enzyme PINK1 kinase appoints PARK2/Parkin. This combined PINK1–PARK2 enzyme complex ubiquitinates the other mitochondrial proteins, and ultimately the damaged mitochondria are degraded. PINK1 and PARK2 genes are mutated in case of recessive Parkinson disease.

Clinical Implications of Autophagy Autophagy plays an essential role in cellular homeostasis. The derangement of autophagy may cause various diseases. • Infection: Autophagy helps in the removal of various intracellular organisms. Bacteria may inhibit or induce autophagy for their survival benefit. • Autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases: The different steps of autophagic process are impaired in neurodegenerative diseases, such Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, Alzheimer disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. • Cardiovascular disease: Decreased autophagy is noted in various vascular and heart diseases. • Malignancy: Autophagy probably plays a double role in tumorigenesis because on the one hand, it helps to keep the normal function of the cell, and on the other hand, it helps the tumor cell survival. Mutations and deletions of various autophagic genes have been demonstrated in the breast, ovary, prostate, gastrointestinal, and liver carcinomas. The tumor suppressor role of autophagy has


NECROSIS The word necrosis is derived from the Greek word “nekros”, for a corpse. It usually occurs due to ischemia or hypoxia, such as in myocardial infarction. In neoplasm, necrosis occurs when the cells proliferate rapidly without adequate angiogenesis.

Morphological Changes in Necrosis • Cytoplasmic changes: Cytoplasm of the necrotic cells shows extensive vacuolization and intense eosinophilia on hematoxylin and eosin-stained smears. • Nucleus: The nucleus of the necrotic cell shows the following changes: cc Pyknosis: The nucleus becomes small and deeply basophilic with clumped chromatin. cc Karyorrhexis (Fig. 3.9): Nucleus undergoes fragment­ ation and smaller fragments scattered within the cytoplasm. cc Karrolysis (Fig. 3.9): There is a progressive loss of chromatin staining, and basophilia of the nucleus fades out. The ultrastructurally necrotic cell is characterized by early swelling of intracellular organelles, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, aggregated cytoskeletal elements, and loss of plasma membrane integrity.

PROGRAMMED NECROSIS: NECROPTOSIS Necroptosis is a hybrid type of cell death as it is a mixture of necrosis and apoptosis.16 In one way, the necroptosis simulates necrosis by showing the loss of ATP, swelling of the cytoplasmic organelles, and rupture of the plasma membrane. In another way, necroptosis is programmed


Figs. 3.9A and B:  Cytology smear showing typical karyorrhexis and karyolysis of the nuclei (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP).

CHAPTER 3  Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death


Table 3.5: Comparison of necroptosis, necrosis, and apoptosis. Features








Triggering factor

Specific cytokines

Various environmental stress

Specific cytokines


Swollen cell, swollen organelles, rupture of plasma membrane, nuclear karyorrhexis, and karyolysis

Swollen cell, swollen organelles, rupture of plasma membrane, nuclear karyorrhexis, and karyolysis

Shrinkage of the cells, cytoplasmic blebbing, condensed nuclei surrounded by cytoplasm

Pathway of signaling

Specific pathway: Intrinsic or extrinsic


Specific pathway: RIP kinase

Mitochondrial role

Yes; ROS is produced and loss of ATP

Yes; damage of mitochondrial membrane and loss of ATP

Mitochondrial dysfunction

(ATP: adenosine triphosphate; ROS: reactive oxygen species)

Fig. 3.10:  Schematic diagram showing the molecular mechanism of necroptosis.

because it is controlled by various receptors, such as Fas, TNF, and TRAIL. Unlike apoptosis and autophagy, there is no involvement of the caspase enzyme in programmed necrosis, and it occurs in those conditions where the apoptotic signaling pathway is inhibited. Table 3.5 shows the comparison of necroptosis, necrosis, and apoptosis.

Molecular Mechanism of Necroptosis17 Necroptosis is induced by TNF-α, lipopolysaccharide, and interferon-gamma. Usually, the signaling process of necroptosis is initiated by binding TNFα with the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR1). The activation of the TNFR1 results in the recruitment of the other proteins TRADD, TRAF2, cIAP, and RIP1 to make complex I (Fig. 3.10). Polyubiquitination of RIP1 helps in the formation of stable complex 1. The transition of complex I to complex II occurs by deubiquitination of RIP1 with the help of the deubiquitinating enzyme cylindromatosis

(CYLD). Complex II consists of FADD, TRADD, RIP3, and caspase-8. If caspase-8 is inactivated in complex II, then RIP1 and RIP3 are phosphorylated, and a necrosome is formed. The RIP1 and RIP3 interaction further promotes the phosphorylation of mixed-lineage kinase domainlike (MLKL) protein. The phosphorylated MLKL protein increases the influx of Ca+ ion within the mitochondria and generates excessive ROS. RIP1–RIP3 complex also activates various signals resulting in the damage of the membrane of the organelles.

Significance of Necroptosis Necroptosis is a proinflammatory condition. Defective regulation of necroptosis gives rise to the development of many diseases with extensive inflammatory damage.17 • Neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc., are related to the faulty necroptosis.


SECTION 1  General Cytology

• Kidney injury: Necroptosis may cause acute kidney injury. • Rheumatoid arthritis: Faulty necroptosis is the cause of rheumatoid arthritis. • Diabetes mellitus: Necroptosis is also involved in diabetes mellitus.

PYROPTOSIS Pyroptosis is a distinct form of PCD characterized by the release of pyrogens at the time of cell death and induces necrotic and inflammatory reaction.18 Unlike classical apoptosis, pyroptosis shows cellular swelling, loss of plasma membrane integrity, and release of proinflammatory chemicals. Table 3.6 shows the comparison of apoptosis and pyroptosis.

Molecular Mechanism19 Pyroptosis mainly occurs in histiocytes, dendritic cells, and polymorphs. The initiation of pyroptosis starts when

the danger-associated molecules released by the host cells are recognized by the toll-like receptors (TLRs) located in the membrane and nod-like receptors (NLRs) of the host cells. The activation of NLRs recruit certain NLRs, pyrin, and absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) protein and forms inflammasomes that further employ caspase-1 (Fig. 3.11). The active caspase-1 causes the cleavage of pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18. In addition, active caspase also cleaves gasdermin E, which makes pore in the plasma membrane damage of the mitochondrial membrane and releases Cyto C, which further activates caspase-1.

FERROPTOSIS It is a type of PCD characterized by excessive intracytoplasmic iron and ROS.20 Morphologically, ferroptosis is characterized by contraction of the mitochondria, loss of mitochondrial cristae, and increased density of the mitochondrial membrane. In contrast to apoptosis, no nuclear changes are noted in ferroptosis (Table 3.7).

Mechanism of Ferroptosis Table 3.6: Comparison of pyroptosis and apoptosis. Features








Smaller fragments

Plasma membrane

Small hole formation


Inflammatory reaction



Release of pyrogen




Caspase 1, 4, 5

Caspase 3, 6, 7

Different substances can induce ferroptosis by different pathways (Fig. 3.12): • System Xc- suppression: Erastin suppresses system Xc-, which indirectly reduces glutathione (GSH). Reduction of GSH level in the cell causes accumulation of ROS and oxidative damage of the cell. • Suppressing GPX4: GPX4 helps in the conversion of GSH into oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and finally reduces the lipid peroxidase. The inhibition of GPX4, thereby causes increased lipid peroxidase and ferroptosis. • Mitochondrial VDAC: VDAC is the transmembrane protein and plays essential role in mitochondrial

Fig. 3.11:  Schematic diagram showing the molecular mechanism of pyroptosis.

CHAPTER 3  Cellular Reaction to Injury and Cell Death


Table 3.7: Comparison of ferroptosis and apoptosis. Features




No morphological changes

• Mitochondrial shrinkage • Increased membranous density • Reduced cristae


Nuclear fragments surrounded by membrane

No nuclear changes

Cytoplasmic iron Increased iron

No change

Controlling pathway

Xc, glutathione peroxidase 4, sulphur transfer pathway

Mitochondrial and death receptor pathway

transport. Inhibition of VDAC by erastin causes mitochondrial dysfunction and releases different oxides that lead to ferroptosis. • p53 and ferroptosis: p53 may induce ferroptosis; however, its role in this process is unclear.

Significance of Ferroptosis • Ferroptosis and carcinomas: Induction of ferroptosis may help in the destruction of hepatocellular, pancreatic, gastric, colorectal, and breast carcinomas. It is also noted that ferroptosis destroys ovarian cancer cell lines. In future, effective antineoplastic drugs can be generated by the suitable ferroptosis induced agent. • Neurodegenerative brain diseases: There is growing evidence that various neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease, Huntington disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, are associated with excessive accumulation of iron followed by ROS generation ferroptosis.20 • Others: Ferroptosis is also related to liver fibrosis and the development of diabetes mellitus.

INFLAMMATION Inflammation is the response of tissue reaction to exogenous or endogenous stimuli in the vascularized tissue. It is fundamentally a protective response of the body to get rid of the pathogenic insult and remove the injured dead tissue to heal. Specific cells accumulate in the site of insult to fight with the infective agents. Vasodilatation and increased vascular permeability produce excess fluid in the site of inflammation and dilute the causative agents. Neutrophils and macrophages remove the dead cells and help in healing. Inflammation is classified as: • Acute inflammation • Chronic inflammation • Granulomatous inflammation

Fig. 3.12:  Schematic diagram showing the molecular mechanism of ferroptosis.

Acute Inflammation It is characterized by direct injury to tissue leading to necrosis, damage of larger vessels, and infiltration by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In acute inflammation, series of changes occur—(1) transient and rapid constriction and dilatation of blood vessels; (2) increased vascular permeability leading to local edema in the tissue; (3) release of soluble mediators (histamine, serotonin, prostaglandin, nitric oxide) in the site of inflammation; and (4) infiltration of neutrophils. Most of the time, acute inflammation heals; however, the other outcomes of acute inflammation are scar, abscess formation, and transition to chronic inflammation.

Chronic Inflammation Chronic inflammation is prolonged and is associated with acute inflammation and tissue damage. In chronic inflammation, the predominant inflammatory cells are mononuclear cells, such as lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages. Tissue destruction continues with persistent action of the causative agents. There is usually a disordered attempt to restore the tissue architecture by angiogenesis and fibrosis.

Granulomatous Inflammation Granulomatous inflammation is a special type of chronic inflammation characterized by a focal collection of activated macrophages resembling epithelial cells (known as epithelioid cells). Granulomatous inflammation is the protective response to chronic inflammation by which the persistent causative agent is removed to protect the host.

Morphology The hallmark of granulomatous inflammation is epithelioid cell granuloma (Fig. 3.10). This is a well-circumscribed nodular lesion formed by epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. Epithelioid cells have abundant cytoplasm


SECTION 1  General Cytology

with indistinct cytoplasmic margin. The nucleus is ovalto-elongated, with blunt ends having fine chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Epithelioid cells may often fuse to form multinucleated giant cells. These giant cells are large, 40–50 µ in diameter, with 15–20 nuclei. The nuclei may be arranged haphazardly in the cell as we see in foreign body granuloma, or they may be arranged around the periphery of the cell in a horseshoe-shaped manner giving rise to the typical appearance of Langhan’s type of giant cell. The granuloma may be further classified as: • Granuloma with necrosis: Here, necrosis is often seen in association with the epithelioid cell granulomas. It is typically present in mycobacterium infection. • Granuloma without necrosis: Here, no necrosis is seen in association with granulomas. This type of reaction is often present in sarcoidosis.

Box 3.7

Causes of granulomatous reaction.

• Infective agents: {{Bacterial: –– Mycobacterium tuberculosis –– Mycobacterium leprae {{Spirochetes: –– Treponema pallidum {{Fungus: Histoplasma capsulatum, Aspergillus, Cryptococcus, etc. • Autoimmune diseases: {{Rheumatoid arthritis, giant cell arteritis, etc. • Foreign body granulomas: Different type of foreign bodies, such as suture material and talcum powder • Granuloma of unknown etiology: {{Sarcoidosis

Causes of Granulomas Box 3.7 highlights the various causes of granulomatous reaction in the body.21 Morphologically, it is challenging to identify the exact causes of granulomatous reaction. However, the presence

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Edinger AL, Thompson CB. Death by design: apoptosis, necrosis and autophagy. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2004;16(6):663-9. Majno G, Joris I. Apoptosis, oncosis, and necrosis. An overview of cell death. Am J Pathol. 1995;146(1):3-15. Hotchkiss RS, Strasser A, McDunn JE, Swanson PE. Cell death. N Engl J Med. 2009;361(16):1570-83. Green DR, Reed JC. Mitochondria and apoptosis. Science. 1998;281(5381):1309-12. Gross A, McDonnell JM, Korsmeyer SJ. BCL-2 family members and the mitochondria in apoptosis. Genes Dev. 1999;13(15):1899-911. Zwaal RF, Schroit AJ. Pathophysiologic implications of membrane phospholipid asymmetry in blood cells. Blood. 1997;89(4):1121-32. Sun Y, Peng Z-L. Programmed cell death and cancer. Postgrad Med J. 2009;85(1001):134-40. Thompson CB. Apoptosis in the pathogenesis and treatment of disease. Science. 1995;267(5203):1456-61. Meyaard L, Otto SA, Jonker RR, Mijnster MJ, Keet RP, Miedema F. Programmed death of T cells in HIV-1 infection. Science. 1992;257(5067):217-9. Yoshida Y. Hypothesis: apoptosis may be the mechanism responsible for the premature intramedullary cell death in the myelodysplastic syndrome. Leukemia. 1993;7(1):144-6. Archana M, Bastian, Yogesh TL, Kumaraswamy KL. Various methods available for detection of apoptotic cells--a review. Indian J Cancer. 2013;50(3):274-83.

of foreign bodies within the giant cells may indicate foreign body granulomas. At times, the special stain may help to identify the bacteria or fungi.

12. Dey P, Luthra UK, George SS, Hazi BI, George J.Terminal uridine nick end labelling and mitosis in carcinoma of breast: correlation with tumour grade and p53 overexpression. Anal Quant Cytol Histol. 2001;23(1):27-30. 13. Lippai M, Szatmári Z. Autophagy-from molecular mechanisms to clinical relevance. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2016;33(2):155-68. 14. Parzych KR, Klionsky DJ. An overview of autophagy: morphology, mechanism, and regulation. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 ;20(3):460-73. 15. Stack JH, DeWald DB, Takegawa K, Emr SD. Vesicle‐mediated protein transport: Regulatory interactions between the Vps15 protein kinase and the Vps34 PtdIns 3‐kinase essential for protein sorting to the vacuole in yeast. J Cell Biol. 1995;129(2): 321-34. 16. Dhuriya YK, Sharma D. Necroptosis: a regulated inflammatory mode of cell death. J Neuroinflammation. 2018;15(1):199. 17. Chen J, Kos R, Garssen J, Redegeld F. Molecular insights into the mechanism of necroptosis: the necrosome as a potential therapeutic target. Cells. 2019;8(12):1486. 18. Lu F, Lan Z, Xin Z, He C, Guo Z, Xia X, et al. Emerging insights into molecular mechanisms underlying pyroptosis and functions of inflammasomes in diseases. J Cell Physiol. 2020;235(4):3207-21. 19. Vande Walle L, Lamkanfi M. Pyroptosis. Curr Biol. 2016;26(13):R568-72. 20. Li J, Cao F, Yin HL, Huang ZJ, Lin ZT, Mao N, et al. Ferroptosis: past, present and future. Cell Death Dis. 2020;11(2):88. 21. Adams DO. The granulomatous inflammatory response. A review. Am J Pathol. 1976;84(1):164-91.

CHAPTER Molecular Genetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications

CHROMOSOME The chromatin of the nucleus is more condensed in the mitotic phase and is known as a chromosome. Therefore, chromosome is the coiled and supercoiled DNA chain along with other proteins within the nucleus. DNA chain takes two complete rounds along the octameric core histone, and thus forms a nucleosome. The string of linked nucleosome is twisted to form a fiber of 10 nm length. It again is folded and constitutes the higher order organization of chromatin.

Chromosomal Number There are a total of 46 chromosomes in the somatic cells of the human body. These chromosomes are present in 23 pairs. In each chromosome pair, one is contributed by the mother (ovum) and the other by the father (sperm). The chromosomes are numbered according to their length, from the longest to the shortest. The first 22 pairs of

Box 4.1

Human chromosome.

• Total number: 46 • Autosomes: 22 pairs • Sex chromosomes: One pair (X and Y) • Male: XY, Female: XX • Each chromosome has a short arm p (petit) and a long arm q • Centromere: The constricted part between short and long arm • Chromosomal bands are labeled from nearer to far from the centromere • Telomere: {{Repetitive nucleotide sequences at the end of the chromosome {{Protects the end sequences of DNA {{Shortens in the process of DNA replication • Kinetochores: {{Help in the attachment of the centromere with the mitotic spindle fibers {{Verification of the anchoring of the centromeres to the mitotic spindle



chromosomes are labeled as autosomes, and the last pair is known as sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes have either XX or XY chromosomes. The female has XX, and the male has XY chromosome.

Chromosomal Structure (Box 4.1) Every chromosome has a short and a long arm, labeled as “p” and “q” letters. When chromosomes are arranged for karyotyping, the “p” arm should always be kept on top. The constricted junction of the long and short arms is known as centromere (Fig. 4.1). As described earlier, the centromere is attached to the mitotic spindle during cell division. Kinetochores are the complexes of proteins that help in the attachment of the centromeres with the mitotic spindle fibers. Kinetochores also help in the verification of the anchoring of the centromeres to the mitotic spindle, activation of the spindle checkpoint, and movement of chromatids during cell division. Each chromosome is protected by the cap of telomere in its two ends. The term “telomere” is derived from the Greek word “telos” meaning end, and “meros” meaning part. Telomere is the repetitive nucleotide sequences at the end of the chromosome.

Fig. 4.1:  Schematic diagram of a chromosome. Short arm of the chromosome is indicated by “p” and the long arm is represented by “q”.


SECTION 1  General Cytology

Fig. 4.2:  Normal karyotype in a female: 46, XX. Courtesy: Dr Neelam Verma, Professor and Head Department of Hematology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.

At the time of DNA replication, the enzyme DNA polymerase is unable to replicate the DNA sequence of the ends of the chromosomes, and the crucial genetic information may be lost. The telomeres protect the end sequences of DNA, and they themselves become shortened in the process of DNA replication. In each cell cycle, telomere becomes more and more shortened. Therefore, the length of the telomere indicates the age of a cell. In the case of the absence of telomere, the two ends of the chromosome may fuse together and form a ring. Chromosomes should be stained for visualization under the light microscope. The stained chromosomes look like strings with multiple dark and light horizontal bands. These bands are defined by number and higher the number, the far is the band from the centromere. Figure 4.2 shows the complete set of human chromosome.

Chromosomal Abnormalities (Box 4.2) There may be two types of chromosomal abnormalities: Numerical abnormalities and structural abnormalities.

Numerical Abnormalities Here a whole chromosome may be missing from the pair or there may be gain of one more chromosome. In monosomy, there is loss of one chromosome. This is seen in Turner syndrome where one X chromosome is less. Gain of one chromosome is seen in Down syndrome. In this disease, there are three copies of chromosome 21. The common cause of numerical chromosome is nondisjunction of the sister chromatids during migration at the polar ends of the spindle.

Box 4.2

Chromosomal abnormalities.

Numerical abnormalities: Gain or loss of whole chromosome Structural alteration: • Deletion: A part of chromosome is deleted completely • Chromosomal duplication: The segment of the chromosome is duplicated • Inversion: Broken part of chromosome is attached upside down • Translocation: {{Reciprocal translocation: Segments of chromosome from two different nonhomologous chromosomes are broken and then attached to each other reciprocally {{Robertsonian translocation: One entire acrocentric chromosome attaches with the other chromosome in the centromeric region {{Ring chromosome: A ring is formed from the broken chromosome.

Structural Alteration In the case of structural alteration, there is a change of chromosomal DNA arrangement. There are two types of chromosomal alterations: Balanced or unbalanced. In balanced alteration, the total chromosomal content is unaltered (no loss or gain). However, in unbalanced chromosomal structural alteration, the total genetic material is altered (either gain or loss). This type of unbalanced chromosomal defect is commonly associated with the disease.

Deletion (Fig. 4.3) A chromosome segment is deleted completely, and the impact of deletion depends on the number of the affected genes in that segment of the chromosome.

CHAPTER 4  Molecular Genetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications

Box 4.3


Chromosomal changes in malignancies.

Chromosomal rearrangement: • Chimeric fusion gene with new activity: {{Aberrant or enhance tyrosine kinase activity: Philadelphia chromosome in chronic myeloid leukemia t(9;22) (q34.1;q11.23) {{Aberrant or enhance enhanced transcriptional activity: Acute promyelocytic leukemia t(8;21)(q22;q22.3) • Enhance the activity of the proto-oncogene: Juxtaposition of the proto-oncogene coding sequence near a normal tissue regulatory element may enhance the activity of the protooncogene • Chromosomal gain or loss: {{Chromosomal gain: –– Complete or partial trisomy –– Intrachromosomal amplification of genes –– Extrachromosomal amplification of genes –– Certain gene activity enhances leading to tumor initiation or progression {{Chromosomal loss: Portion of gene is lost Fig. 4.3:  Schematic diagram showing different types of chromosomal changes.

Chromosomal Duplication Here, the particular segment of the chromosome is duplicated, and therefore, there are three copies of a particular segment of DNA within the nucleus.

Inversion (Fig. 4.3) A segment of chromosome is broken and again attached to the chromosome upside down.

Translocation In translocation, a segment of a chromosome is broken and then transferred to any other chromosome. Chromosomal translocation is of two types—reciprocal translocation and Robertsonian translocation. In reciprocal translocation, the segments of chromosomes are broken from two different nonhomologous chromosomes and then attached reciprocally. Therefore, the total amount of genetic material remains constant. In Robertsonian translocation, one entire chromosome is fused with another chromosome in the centromeres region to form a single chromosome (Fig. 4.3).

Ring A segment of chromosome is broken and forms a circle of ring.

Chromosomal Abnormalities in Malignancies (Box 4.3) Cancer is believed to develop from progressive series of multiple genetic abnormalities in a clone of cells.1 The cytogenetic abnormality is present in many malignancies and is often used as prognostic marker.2 Moreover, the

knowledge of cytogenetic abnormalities helps to understand the mechanisms of carcinogenesis. The chromosomal changes in cancer may be due to—(1) primary chromosomal changes that are mainly responsible for the initiation of the tumor and (2) secondary or tumorassociated changes that are associated with tumor growth and progression.

Chromosomal Rearrangement Chromosomal rearrangement occurs in reciprocal transloc­ ation, inversion, and insertion. Reciprocal translocation is the characteristic cytogenetic hallmark of leukemia and lymphoma. Specific chromosomal translocation of BCR-ABL1 fusion gene helps to assess the response to chemotherapy in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).3 Due to chromosomal rearrangement, two things may happen—(1) a chimeric fusion gene with modified function and (2) overexpression of the normal gene.

Chimeric Fusion Gene (Fig. 4.4) The majority of the chromosomal rearrangement causes the fusion of two genes, and therefore, produces a chimeric gene. These chimeric genes may produce: • Aberrant or enhanced tyrosine kinase, or • Aberrant or enhanced transcriptional activity

Aberrant or Enhanced Tyrosine Kinase Philadelphia chromosome in CML is one of the examples of reciprocal translocations. Here the reciprocal translocation, t(9;22)(q34.1;q11.23) occurs (Fig. 4.5). The BCR gene on band 22q11.23 is attached to the part of ABL1 tyrosine


SECTION 1  General Cytology

Table 4.1: Chromosomal translocation in hematological and lymphoid malignancies. Disease


Gene involved

Chronic myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia

t(9;22) (q34.1;q11.23)


Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma

t(2;5) (p23;q35)


Multiple myeloma

t(4;14) (p16.3;q32.33)


Acute myeloid leukemia

t(8;21) (q22;q22.3)


Acute myeloid leukemia

t(9;11) (p22;q23)


Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

t(1;22) (p13;q13)


Acute promyelocytic leukemia

t(15;17) (q22;q21)


Burkitt’s lymphoma

t(8;14) (q24.21;q32.33)


Follicular lymphoma

t(14;18) (q32.33;q21.3)


Mantle-cell lymphoma

t(11;14) (q13;q32.33)


Gene fusion

Fig. 4.4:  Schematic diagram showing effects of chromosomal translocations in tumor development.

Gene nonfusion T-acute lymphoblastic t(8;22) (q24;q11) leukemia



t(8;12) (q24;q22)



t(7;19) (q35;p13)



t(3;14) (q27;q32)





(ALL: T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia; B-CLL: B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia; B-NHL: B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas; DLBCL: diffuse large B-cell lymphomas; T- PML-RARA: progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathyretinoic acid receptor alpha)

Fig. 4.5:  Philadelphia chromosome in a female patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML): 46, XX, t(9;22). Courtesy: Dr Neelam Verma, Professor and Head Department of Hematology, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.

kinase gene on band 9q34.1. This causes the production of a chimeric protein, BCR-ABL1, which has aberrant tyrosine kinase activity.4 The chimeric tyrosine kinase gene formation has also been demonstrated in various other malignancies, such as non-small cell lung carcinoma and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (Table 4.1).

Aberrant or Enhanced Transcriptional Activity Chromosomal translocation may generate a chimeric fusion gene that produces aberrant or increased transcription factors

(Table 4.1). In acute promyelocytic leukemia, there is t(8; 21) (q22;q22.3). This produces a fusion gene RUNX1-RUNX1T1. This chimeric gene generates a transcription factor. The binding of the chimeric transcription factors with its target gene inhibits normal myeloid differentiation and contributes to the accumulation of immature cells in leukemia.5 Deregulation of the normal gene (Fig. 4.4): Chromosomal translocation may help to juxtapose the proto-oncogene coding sequence near a normal tissue regulatory element and may enhance the activity of the proto-oncogene. In Burkitt’s lymphoma, there is the translocation of t(8;14) (q24.21;q32.33) that causes juxtaposition of c-MYC and immunoglobulin heavy chain gene leading to deregulation of c-MYC transcription.6

CHAPTER 4  Molecular Genetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications

Chromosomal Gain or Loss Chromosomal loss may occur due to the deletion of the segment of the gene (Fig. 4.6). This deletion of genetic material causes the initiation or progression of malignancies (Table 4.1). The chromosomal deletions may be specific to a particular tumor, such as 11p13 deletions are restricted to Wilms’ tumor, and del (13)(q14q14) deletion is observed only in retinoblastoma. Gene deletion may occur in multiple chromosomes of particular cancer. Therefore sometimes, it is difficult to ascertain what exact gene or genes are responsible for tumorogenesis. In the case of chromosomal gain, certain gene activity enhances, leading to tumor initiation or progression. Genomic gains commonly occur due to complete or partial trisomy, intrachromosomal and extrachromosomal amplification of genes. In large scale genomic gain, there is a gain of a large segment of chromosome affecting multiple genes. Trisomy of chromosome number 8 is an example of large genomic gain commonly seen in various leukemias. In the case of solid tumors, trisomy of chromosome 7 is noted in malignant neurogenic tumor.7 Infrequently the gains may happen in the small genomic regions or amplification may occur in single genes. Homogenously staining region (HSR) indicates focal amplification of a small number of genes8 (Fig. 4.6). The HSR does not show any typical banding pattern. Gene amplification is specifically seen in some solid tumors with poorer prognosis.9 Extrachromosomal DNA amplification is seen as double minute chromosome (dmin) (Fig. 4.6). These are circular in shape and autonomously replicating DNA strands of variable size. Modern technologies, such as comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and single-nucleotide polymorphism


genotyping may be helpful to detect such single-gene amplifications.10

CYTOGENETICS The study of chromosomes under the microscope is known as cytogenetics. The cytogenetics may be of two types— conventional cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics.

Conventional Cytogenetics This is the traditional method of chromosomal analysis. Karyotype is the study of the number and appearance of chromosomes in the cell. Conventional cytogenetics is also known as karyotyping. In case of conventional cytogenetics, the essential steps include—(1) culture of the collected cells; (2) mitotic phase arrest of these cells by using colchicine; (3) treatment of these cells by a hypotonic solution to have chromosome in metaphase; (4) chromosome banding; and (5) study of the chromosomes under a microscope. The chromosomes are studied according to length, position of centromeres, banding pattern, and other physical appearances. The different types of staining or banding techniques for visualization of chromosomes include G banding, Q banding, C banding, and R banding (Box 4.4). The other types of techniques include digital karyotyping and spectral karyotyping (SKY). Digital karyotyping helps to quantitate DNA copy number at high resolution. The multiple short sequences of DNA all over the genome are isolated and enumerated. In SKY, all the chromosomes are stained by chromosome-specific DNA labeled with different fluorochromes.

Chromosomal Abnormalities Detected • Aneuploidy: Trisomy, monosomy, etc. • Translocations: Robertsonian translocation, reciprocal translocation, insertional translocation • Deletions • Isochromosomes • Ring chromosomes

Advantages of Conventional Cytogenetics • Relatively easy • Low cost • Low resource technology


Fig. 4.6:  Schematic diagram showing effects of chromosomal imbalance in tumorogenesis.

• Low sensitivity and only those chromosomal abnormalities are detected that are visualized by light microscopy. The submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities, such as mutations, are missed. • It requires a good number of proliferating cells.


SECTION 1  General Cytology

Box 4.4

Conventional cytogenetics.

Karyotype: The study of the number and appearance of chromosomes in the cell • Chromosomes are extracted and the photographs of chromosomes are taken • Chromosomes are arranged according to length, band pattern, and position of centromeres Types of banding technique: • G banding: {{Giemsa staining of the chromosome is done {{There are alternate dark and light bands {{Dark bands are AT rich and light bands are GC rich • C banding: {{Specially stains the centromeric or constitutive heterochromatin region of the chromosome • Q banding: {{Stained by fluorescent dye, quinacrine dihydrochloride {{Visualized by fluorescent microscope {{Resolution of the bands is better • R banding: {{Reverse of the G banding {{Dark region GC rich, light region AT rich Spectral karyotyping: • DNA probes are labeled by five fluorochrome dyes and fluorescence in situ hybridization is done • Used as screening method for complex chromosomal rearrangements Digital karyotyping: • Multiple short sequences of DNA are isolated and enumerated Advantages: Relatively easy, low cost and low resource technology. Disadvantages: • Low sensitivity • Proliferating cells are needed • Many molecular changes are impossible to detect • The cell culture is difficult at times

• Many molecular changes are impossible to detect. • At times, cell culture is difficult.

MOLECULAR CYTOGENETIC TECHNIQUES In the last few decades, there is a massive development in cytogenetic techniques. These techniques are more sophisticated, sensitive, and can be done on archival material, bypassing the cell culture. The comparison of different techniques has been done in Table 4.2.

Fluorescent Hybridization Technique Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) uses specific DNA probes labeled with fluorescent dyes to detect genetic changes in the chromosome of the individual cell level.

FISH is also known as “interphase cytogenetics”. This technique can be performed in the cytology as well as paraffin-embedded histology sections. The technique of FISH in case of already stained smear or section has been demonstrated in the attached video.

Principle (Fig. 4.7) The principles of FISH are: • The double helix DNA is made into single-stranded DNA by heat denaturation. • A suitable complementary fluorescent dye-labeled DNA probe is used for target DNA. • The DNA-specific complementary probe binds with the target DNA and forms a new DNA duplex. • The hybridized DNA probe with target DNA is then visualized by fluorochrome dye.

Probes used in FISH Predominantly three types of probes are used for FISH— centromeric probes, whole chromosome probes, and locusspecific probes. 1. Centromeric probes (chromosome enumeration probes): These probes are used to identify the centromeric region of DNA and are made up of alpha satellite DNA. The centromeric probes are directed against highly repetitive sequences in the centromeric region of the chromosome.11 They give powerful detectable signals. These probes are generally used for the gain or loss of chromosome. 2. Whole chromosome probes (chromosome painting): These are multiple complex mixtures of probes labeled with a single fluorochrome. These probes are distributed along the entire length of the chromosome and hybridize with the corresponding DNA sequence of the particular chromosome of interest. Whole chromosome probes are helpful to detect any structural derangement, such as translocation or deletion. This is suitable for the analysis of the metaphase nucleus only. 3. Locus-specific probes (locus-specific identifier): These probes are used to identify the specific genes of interest. These probes are used for the mapping of genes on the chromosome and detection of any structural rearrangement, such as translocation or deletion.

Three-dimensional FISH In case of three-dimensional FISH (3D FISH), the nuclei are fixed, and the chromosomal territories are well preserved. With the help of suitable image acquisition technology, the series of images collected from the multiple planes of the nucleus are reconstructed, and a 3D image is made. 3D FISH helps to study the higher order chromatin structure.12

CHAPTER 4  Molecular Genetics: Basic Principles and Clinical Applications


Table 4.2: Comparison of different cytogenetic techniques. Technique

Basic principles




Traditional cytogenetic by band technique

Cells are cultured, and chromosome is stained with dye

• Easy and simple • Low cost • Robust

• Poor resolution • Cell culture is needed

It is an old traditional technique to detect structural and numerical chromosomal abnormalities

FISH technique

The double helix DNA is made into single-stranded DNA, and a probe of complementary DNA is hybridized with the target DNA segment and visualized

• Only the known • High resolution abnormality is detected • It can be done in with selected available interphase cell and does probes not need cell culture • Archival material can be • As cytogenetic data of currently used probe is used only available so it is not • It correlates the a good screening test cytogenetic alteration to morphological detail


Tumor DNA and normal reference DNA is differentially labeled and then hybridized with metaphase spread of chromosome. The relative fluorescence level of the tumor and normal DNA is measured

• Good screening test • Genome-wise screening is possible

Chromosomal translocation and amplification are well visualized

• Low resolution Chromosomal • Balanced rearrangement amplification and deletion can be demonstrated is undetected • Exact structural change in the chromosomal gain or loss

(CGH: comparative genomic hybridization; DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid; FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization) proteins in living cells.13 The growth and division of labeled cells help to visualize the genomic organization in the subsequent generations.

Advantages of FISH FISH technique has several advantages such as: • High-resolution capability • FISH helps to demonstrate the specific location of DNA sequence directly in the chromosome. It is helpful to correlate the cytogenetic alteration to morphological detail. • It can be done on archival material. • No cell culture technique is needed for FISH technique, and it can be done in the interphase state of cells. Therefore, FISH is greatly helpful in cytogenetic of solid tumors. • Fluorescent tags are safer, simpler, and easy to store for an indefinite period of time.

Disadvantages/Limitations of FISH Fig. 4.7:  Basic principles of fluorescence in situ hybridization technique highlighted in the schematic diagram.

Living Cell Cytogenetic (Four-dimensional FISH) Incorporation of fluorescent nucleotides into DNA during replication in S phase helps in the visualization of DNA and

• FISH only gives specific information of the particular chromosomal region of interest that are visualized by the probes used, whereas the conventional cytogenetic provides global information. Therefore, FISH may be a supplement to conventional cytogenetic study. • In detecting minimal residual disease, one needs at least 5–10% positive cells among the total number of cells


SECTION 1  General Cytology

to distinguish true positive from the false background signal. Therefore, in the case of the small number of positive cells, RT-PCR is a much better technique than FISH. • FISH does not give any allele-specific information that means it does provide any information between maternal or paternal alleles.

Variants of FISH Multiplex FISH (M-FISH)/SKY In M-FISH/SKY technique, multiple chromosome probes are applied with multiple fluorochrome dyes in different combination. With the help of a digital microscope, color charged device camera (CCD), and appropriate software, it is possible to simultaneously visualize all the human chromosomes in different colors in a single hybridization. This is helpful to detect complex structural abnormalities (translocation) and numerical disorders. However, deletion, duplication, and inversion cannot be detected.

Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) The CGH is the genome wide screening by which one can detect the change of chromosomal copy number without performing any cell culture.14 Basic principles: In this technique, the tumor DNA from the sample and normal DNA from the control are extracted,

fragmented, and differentially labeled (green color for tumor and red color for normal) followed by hybridization with a normal human metaphase spread of chromosome. The tumor DNA (green) and normal DNA fragments (red) compete and hybridize to their corresponding locus in the chromosome. With the help of a digital computer, the green to red fluorescence ratio along the chromosomal axis is measured. Chromosomal region deleted in the tumor will show excess green (ratio >1), whereas gain of the chromosomal region will show excess red (ratio 1, indicates chromosomal gain or amplification cc Green: Red 90%) • Amplification: MYC (20–30%) Significance: It is essential to know the specific mutational change of EGFR and activating fusion of ALK because specific targeted therapy of ADC of the lung is available.

Table 12.6: Immunocytochemistry of lung carcinomas. Markers

Squamous cell carcinoma


Small cell carcinoma

CK 7




CK 5/6




























(CK: cytokeratin; TTF-1: thyroid transcription factor 1)



SECTION 2  Clinical Cytology (Exfoliative)

Box 12.16 EGFR mutation in adenocarcinoma of the lung. Common population: EGFR mutation is commonly seen in females and nonsmokers Mutation: • EGFR mutation is highly specific for adenocarcinoma • Mutation occurs in kinase domain of the tyrosine kinase • In total 90% cases, mutation of EGFR affects deletion in exon 19 and point mutation of exon 21 (L858R substitution) • EGFR mutation of exon 20, in-frame insertion, is associated with resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy Significance: Tyrosine kinase inhibitor is given in EGFR mutation cases Guidelines of testing: Target population: • All cases of adenocarcinoma/poorly differentiated carcinomas • Not recommended for small cell carcinoma/squamous cell carcinoma and neuroendocrine tumor Sample: FNAC, BAL, brush cytology Tests to demonstrate mutation: FISH, PCR, NGS


(BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage; FISH: fluorescent in situ hybridization; FNAC: fine needle aspiration cytology; NGS: next-generation sequencing; PCR: polymerase chain reaction)

• EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor: Gefitinib and erlotinib • ALK inhibiting agent: Crizotinib Guidelines of EGFR mutation12: A. Which patients should be tested for EGFR mutations and ALK rearrangements? cc All cases of ADC/poorly differentiated carcinomas for targeted therapy cc The test is not recommended for small cell carcinoma/ SQC and neuroendocrine tumor. cc The test is equally suitable for primary or metastatic sites. B. When should a patient specimen be tested for EGFR mutation or ALK rearrangement? cc At the time of diagnosis of ADC presenting with stage I, II, or III disease cc EGFR testing should get priority over ALK testing. C. How the EGFR and ALK testing should be performed? Specimen: FNAC, BAL, and brush cytology. Tests: • EGFR: FISH, PCR, and next-generation sequencing (NGS). • ALK: FISH or IC PDL1 scoring: The tumor cell often expresses the antigen PDL1 on its membrane. The T-lymphocytes express PD1, and the interaction of PDL1 of the tumor cell and PD1 of lymphocytes blocks the cytotoxic effect of the lymphocyte. The process helps the tumor cells to evade immune attack (Fig. 12.18A). The blocking of this PDL1–PD1 interaction

B Figs. 12.18A and B:  (A) Schematic diagram showing the role of PDL1 to bypass killing. (B) Membranous positive PDL1 in a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (Immunostain × HP).

by the monoclonal antibody against either of these components may be a good approach to fight against carcinoma. PDL1 immunostaining may show remarkable tumor heterogeneity, and different clone of antibody may show a different result. Therefore, it is necessary to mention the name of the diagnostic kit, the tumor proportion score (TPS), and recommended cutoff value for the specific therapy. The complete circumferential staining or partial linear membranous staining of the tumor cells is considered as the positive (Fig. 12.18B).13 Indications of anti-PDL1 therapy: It is recommended in all cases of advanced nonresectable locally advanced nonsmall cell lung carcinomas.14 Cutoff value: More than 50% of TPS of PDL1 is needed to have first-line treatment by immunotherapy. For the second line of treatment in metastatic or locally advanced cases, the cutoff value of TPS should be taken as >1%.

CHAPTER 12  Respiratory Cytology


Box 12.17 Squamous cell carcinoma. • Polyhedral cells • Eosinophilic cytoplasm • Intracellular keratin (orangeophilic cell) • Round nucleus with moderate nuclear pleomorphism • Hyperchromatic nucleus, inconspicuous nucleoli • Fiber cells and tadpole cells • Ghost of squamous cells • Background necrosis and granular debris • Keratin pearls Immunocytochemistry: Positive for CK 5/6, CEA; usually negative for TTF (ADC: adenocarcinoma; ALK: anaplastic lymphoma kinase; ca: carcinoma; CK: cytokeratin; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; SQC: squamous cell carcinoma; TTF: thyroid transcription factor)

(CEA: carcinoembryonic antigen; CK: cytokeratin; TTF: thyroid transcription factor)

Flowchart 12.1:  Algorithmic approach of the lung carcinoma on the basis of immunocytochemistry and molecular biology.

PDL1 immunocytochemistry in cytology sample: • Ideal fixative: Up to 10% neutral buffer formalin; alcoholbased fixative does not give good result. • Sample: FNAC, BAL, and effusion fluid • Overall correlation with histopathology: Good • Tumor heterogeneity: It is more evident in the cytology sample. • Major limitation: Tumors with low TPS are likely to be reported negative. Flowchart 12.1 shows the algorithmic approach of the classification of lung carcinoma.

INDIVIDUAL TUMORS Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Fig. 12.19:  Oval to polyhedral cells with moderately pleomorphic nuclei in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP).

This is one of the most common lung cancers. It is strongly associated with cigarette smoking, and >90% of SQCs of lung occur in cigarette smokers. The majority of SQCs arises centrally from the major bronchi or segmental bronchi, and only 10% occur in the periphery. The salient cytological features are highlighted in Box 12.17.

Cytology (Figs. 12.19 to 12.23) Cytological examination of sputum provides a quick diagnosis of squamous cell cancer. Cytology smear shows clusters and discrete malignant cells in the background of necrosis and granular debris. The individual malignant cells are oval to polyhedral with centrally placed nuclei. The cytoplasm is moderate to abundant and shows orange color in Pap stain. The dense orangeophilic cytoplasm of the cell is particularly noted in keratinizing SQC (Table 12.7). Keratinized cells are more evident in sputum than in bronchial washing or brushing specimen.

Fig. 12.20:  Fiber-like cell with elongated nuclei in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP).


SECTION 2  Clinical Cytology (Exfoliative)

Fig. 12.21:  Squamous cell carcinoma in sputum: Fiber-like cell with elongated nuclei (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP).

Fig. 12.22:  Squamous cell carcinoma in bronchoalveolar lavage: Occasional discrete large atypical cells (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP).





Fig. 12.23:  Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung in a 55-year-old male: Cytology along with (B) p63, (C) CK 5/6, and (D) TTF 1. The cells are positive for p63 and CK 5/6. Tumor cells are negative for TTF 1.

CHAPTER 12  Respiratory Cytology


Table 12.7: Differentiating features between keratinizing SQC and nonkeratinizing SQC. Cytology features

Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma

Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma

Cell clusters

Less, more discrete cells

More clusters




Nucleocytoplasmic ratio









Pyknotic nuclei



Fiber and tadpole cells

More frequent

Less frequent

Nuclei show moderate to marked pleomorphism and marked hyperchromasia. The nuclear chromatin is irregular and coarse. Pyknotic dense ink dot-like nuclear chromatin is more frequent in sputum samples. Nucleoli are usually not visible. In addition, many tadpole cells and fiber-like cells may be noted (Fig. 12.19). Occasionally, keratin pearls are seen. The ghost of squamous cells and necrosis in a clinically suspicious patient may suggest the possibility of malignancy. In moderately and poorly differentiated SQCs, the individual cells may not show features of keratinization, and the cytoplasm is less eosinophilic and scanty in amount. The nuclear size is relatively large, with more open chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Pyknotic nuclei are less frequent in nonkeratinizing SQC.

Immunocytochemistry Positive for CK 5/6, p63, p40, and usually negative for TTF. p40 is considered as the most specific and sensitive marker of SQC.

Diagnostic Difficulties Cytological features of SQC are characteristic; however, at times, different conditions mimic this entity (Box 12.18). • Squamous metaplasia: Squamous metaplasia occurs due to chronic bronchial irritation. These cells are smaller in size with a relatively high nucleocytoplasmic (N/C) ratio. Metaplastic squamous cells may simulate SQC; however, these cells have monomorphic small round nuclei, smooth nuclear margin with homogeneous chromatin. • Reactive squamous atypia: Reactive squamous atypia are noted in cavitary aspergillus lesions, radiation therapy, chemotherapeutic drugs, and infection of the lung. The nuclei of these atypical cells are monomorphic with regular nuclear margin. • Vegetable bodies: Thick-walled plant cells with dark nuclei may rarely be mistaken as SQC of the lung. However, the plant cells are very regular, and their cellulose wall is thick. • Small cell carcinoma: Small cell nonkeratinizing SQC may simulate small cell carcinoma because of its relatively smaller size and lack of typical squamous differentiation. Coarse chromatin, prominent nucleoli,

Box 12.18 Differential diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. • Squamous metaplasia: Monomorphic small round nuclei with homogenous chromatin • Reactive squamous atypia: Monomorphic with regular nuclear margin • Vegetable bodies: Regular cell with thick cellulose wall • Small cell carcinoma: Hyperchromatic nuclei, absence of nucleoli, crushing artifact, molding • Adenocarcinoma: Cytoplasmic vacuoles, fine nuclear chromatin, prominent nucleoli • Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma: Clinical history

absence of crushing artifact, and nuclear molding are the characteristic differentiating points between small cell carcinoma and SQC. • Adenocarcinoma: At times, poorly differentiated ADC is challenging to distinguish from poorly differentiated SQC. ADC cells often show cytoplasmic vacuoles that are positive for mucin. Nuclei of the cells show fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli. • Metastatic SQC: Without a proper history of another SQC, it is almost impossible to differentiate a primary from the metastatic SQC on a cytological basis.

Adenocarcinoma Adenocarcinomas of the lung are the most common subtype in females. These are commonly located in the peripheral part of the lung and may be detected in an asymptomatic patient. The salient cytological features of ADC are mentioned in Box 12.19.

Cytology (Fig. 12.24 to 12.27) The cytology smears of ADC show single and small clusters of cells. The cells are occasionally arranged as acini or honeycomb-like sheets. The gland may not be well-formed and often are absent. There may be three-dimensional cell balls of malignant cells with nuclear overcrowding. The cytoplasm of the cell is moderate to abundant and often contains large vacuoles filled with mucin. Large vacuoles


SECTION 2  Clinical Cytology (Exfoliative)

Box 12.19 Adenocarcinoma of lung. • Discrete, cluster, and glandular pattern • Sheets of cells with honeycomb pattern • Round cells with moderate vacuolated cytoplasm • Central to eccentric nucleus • Fine chromatin • Prominent nucleoli Immunocytochemistry: Positive for TTF 1, napsin A, CK 7 (CK7: cytokeratin-7; TTF 1: thyroid transcription factor 1)

Fig. 12.26:  Sputum smear shows discrete malignant cells entangled in adenocarcinoma of the lung (Papanicolaou’s stain × MP).

with smooth margin having moderate pleomorphism. The nuclear chromatin is fine and evenly distributed. In poorly differentiated ADCs, nuclear chromatin is coarse and hyperchromatic. Nucleoli are usually prominent and characteristically large and regular. One important feature of ADC is the presence of nucleocytoplasmic polarity. The nuclei of the cells are almost always in the basal position. Fig. 12.24:  Bronchoalveolar lavage sample shows discrete and loose clusters of malignant cells in adenocarcinoma of the lung (Papanicolaou’s stain × MP).

Immunocytochemistry Adenocarcinoma of the lung is positive for TTF 1, napsin A, and CK 7.

Lepidic Adenocarcinoma (Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma) This tumor typically occurs in the peripheral part of the lung as a single nodule, multiple nodules or diffuse lesions. The key cytological features are mentioned in Box 12.20.


Fig. 12.25:  Bronchoalveolar lavage sample shows malignant cells with moderate amount of cytoplasm and enlarged nuclei with prominent nucleoli in adenocarcinoma of the lung (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP).

may push the nucleus to the periphery of the cell, causing indented margin of the nucleus. The background mucinous material may also be noted in a small number of cases (100 slides in 24 hours time period3 and should not screen slides >8 hours. • All the positive slides must be reported by the cytopatho­logist.4 Any discordance in the interpretation of cytoscreener and cytopathologists should be noted, and this may be used in future for continuous medical education

Nongynecological Smears In the case of nongynecological sample the laboratory should follow the norms as:5 • Every case should be reported by the cytopathologist.6 • In case of difficulty in particular cases, the reporting cytopathologist should discuss with the fellow colleague to reach a consensus diagnosis

Reporting This is one of the critical stages in laboratory service.


sECTION 3  Laboratory Techniques

Cervical Smears Rescreening of negative smear: To decrease the false-negative rate in cervical smear screening, various rescreening techniques have been recommended.7 These have been discussed in Chapter 9 also. In brief, the method of rescreening include: • Proportional rescreening: In proportional rescreening, 10% of all negative cervical smears should be rescreened by the senior cytotechnologists or cytopathologist. • Selected rescreening: In this type of rescreening, the smears of the selected group (the patients with abnormal bleeding, suspicious cervix on visual examination, HIVinfected patients, etc.), are rescreened. • Rapid review: In this technique, all the cervical cytology smears are rapidly screened by a trained cytoscreener after the initial screening by the primary screener. This is currently considered the most efficient technique in the detection of false-negative cases. • Automated rescreening: Automated rescreening is done by the automated computerized system, as described in Chapter 21.

Others Nongynecological Lesions • During reporting, the cases the cytopathologists should follow the consistent reporting format. • One should be careful about using terminology such as “suspicious,” “highly suspicious,” “suggestive,” “consistent with,” etc.

POSTANALYTIC PHASE It is very important to have further follow-up result of the reported cases as far as possible. For IQC of the laboratory, the following measures should be taken.

Statistical Analysis and Performance Measurement Periodic statistical analysis of the cytohisto correlation is mandatory for QC. There are various ways to measure the performance of the test. • False positive: It is defined as a diagnostic test that is reported as malignant; however, the patient or the person shows a benign tumor. • Sensitivity: It means the percentage of actual (true) positive cases reported among all the positive cases. Sensitivity =

True positive True positive + false negative

• Specificity: It means the percentage of truly negative cases reported among all the negative cases. Specificity =

True negative True negative + false positive

Computerized Record There should be complete computerized record of all the cytology and histology cases. The data and slides should be kept for at least 10 years.8

× 100%

• False positive: It is defined as a diagnostic test that is reported as malignant, however, the patient shows a benign tumor or no tumour at all. The false-positive report is described differently by different persons, and there is a lack of uniformity in the definition. • False negative: False-negative diagnosis means that in a diseased individual, the diagnosis is either completely missed in the report or the severity of the disease process is underestimated. • False-negative proportion: It is defined as the fraction of the patients missed among the total number of abnormal cases. False-negative proportion =

Cytology–Histology Correlation • Cytohistology correlation: Cytological diagnosis should always be correlated either with histology or clinical follow-up or autopsy. • All the discordant cases should be reviewed carefully, and both cytology and histology slides should be seen. • During the review of the discrepant cases, one should avoid bias. It can be done by: cc A third person should screen the slide without any knowledge of clinical outcome. cc The discrepant cases could be introduced among the routine slides.

× 100%

False-negative report True positive + false negative

Recordkeeping This is also a part of the IQC. All the slides should be kept at least for 10 years for future review.8 Slides should be arranged numerically and so that any slide could be retrieved as quickly as possible. In some laboratories, the negative report is kept only for 3 years for the shortage of space.

INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON The laboratory should take part in the interlaboratory QC program. The smear or sample should be circulated for the diagnosis or preparation of the smear and interpretation. The diagnosis offered by the laboratory should be compared with the final diagnosis. The overall performance of the laboratory should be assessed and discussed with the other

CHAPTER 23  Quality Control and Laboratory Organization

laboratory staff. The error or faults should be corrected by taking appropriate measures.

EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE Proficiency Test and Continuing Medical Education The proficiency test is not mandatory for the laboratory personnel who examine gynecological samples. However, it is preferable that all the cytotechnologists should appear in proficiency evaluation test. There should be an option for retraining and retesting the laboratory staff.

Continuing Medical Education There should be adequate facilities or option for laboratory staffs to take part in continuing medical education, workshop, and symposium so that they are able to improve their knowledge and efficiency. Overview of the quality assurance procedures is highlighted in Box 23.1.

Accreditation and Certification Accreditation is a process by which the group of experts of the accrediting agency verify whether a laboratory has fulfilled the required standard criteria that are already mentioned in the manual of the agency. If the laboratory fulfils the standard requirement, then the agency awards an accreditation certificate. This gives the users of the laboratory the assurance of the quality of the laboratory. The accreditation certificate has to be renewed annually by the agency. The accreditation agency should have proper printed guidelines, and the experts should be unbiased. The agency should collect the quality manual from the laboratory, which should include: (1) Standard operating protocol, (2) Laboratory organization, (3) Job description of all the staffs, (4) QC policy, and (5) Annual audit.

LABORATORY ORGANIZATION The laboratory organization of a cytology laboratory has the following components: • Laboratory personnel • Building, instrument and safety precautions • Organization infrastructure and system protocol

Laboratory Personnel In each cytology laboratory, the following staffs are needed to maintain the smooth quality work: • Consultant cytopathologist • Senior cytotechnologist or biomedical scientist • Cytology screeners • Technical laboratory personnel • Clerical staff

Box 23.1


Quality assurance procedure.

Internal quality control: • Preanalytical phase: {{Sample receiving: –– Match slide with the requisition form –– Duly filled up form –– Unique bar code –– SOP {{Sample processing –– Standard operating protocol –– Daily checking of the smear preparation and stain by laboratory superviser –– Log book of reagents, and necessary materials • Analytic phase: {{All the positive slides of cervical smear should be reported by cytopathologists. {{All the nongynecological sample should be reported by cytopathologists. {{Rescreening: To reduce false-negative cases, the rescreening of the cervical cytology can be done by: Rapid review/selective rescreening/automated screening {{Thorough review of the abnormal smear and discussion for continuous medical education {{Maintaining standard reporting format • Postanalytic phase • Histology–cytology correlation • Review all the smears of invasive carcinoma on histology. • Seeding the abnormal smear in the routine cytology reporting cases • Statistical monitoring of the overall performance of reporting at periodic interval • Proper preservation of slides and reports • Maintaining annual audit report External quality control: • Interlaboratory comparison • Proficiency test and continuing medical education • Continuing medical education • Accredition and certification

Consultant Cytopathologist The consultant cytopathologist should be a qualified pathologist with adequate experience in cytology. The duties of the cytopathologist are: • Final reporting: He/She is the final reporting authority and should assess and sign all the cases. • Screening: The consultant cytopathologist should examine all the abnormal cases and a certain proportion of negative cases to maintain the accuracy and quality of the work in the laboratory. • Cyto–histo correlation: He/She should try to correlate cytology and histology and review all the discrepant cases. He/She should maintain a regular audit of the laboratory cases.


sECTION 3  Laboratory Techniques

• Communication with clinicians: He/She should maintain communication between the clinician and the laboratory staff. He/She should take part in the clinicopathological meeting, and inform the clinician about the discrepant cases, and give an opinion on individual cases regarding further investigations or management. • Teaching and training: The consultant cytopathologist should educate the laboratory technologists by regular teaching and training and arrange continuing medical education program. Cytopathologist should also teach and train the postgraduate medical students in cytology. He/She should also encourage the nonmedical clerical staff for further training.

Senior Cytotechnologist or Biomedical Scientist The senior cytotechnologist should have adequate experience in gynecological cytology. The duties and responsibilities of senior cytotechnologist are: • Management and supervision of all the junior cytotechnologists. • Screening a certain proportion of negative cases and should review all abnormal cases. • He/She should act as a communication link between the other junior cytotechnologists and consultant cytopathologist. • Senior cytotechnologist may have to manage daily laboratory services and also the personal affairs of all the staffs.

Cytology Screeners The cytology screener should have: • Adequate training on screening cytology slides • Cytology screener can screen both gynecological and nongynecological smears. However, all the cases of nongynecological smears should be re-examined by the cytopathologist for final reporting. • In addition, the cytology screeners should also do routine cytology laboratory work, if needed.

Technical Laboratory Personnel There should be an adequate number of trained technical personnel in the laboratory. The laboratory technical staff should be able to do routine laboratory work. They should take part in a QC program.

Secretarial and Clerical Staff The secretarial and clerical staff should be efficient enough to receive the sample, enter the data, and dispatch the report. All the staff should be computer literate and should be acquainted with medical terminologies.

Laboratory Building and Instrument • Location: Proper location of the laboratory is very important. So the laboratory should be located and

built in such a way that its function can be appropriately performed. • Rooms: There should be separate rooms for reception and secretarial staffs, processing and staining, and screening or reporting.

Specimen Processing and Staining Area This area should be spacious and well lighted, and well ventilated. The sinks for hand wash should be separated from the sink used for laboratory samples. There should be a proper place or racks to store chemicals; particularly toxic chemicals should be in separate places.

Specimen Preparation Area This room should have a Class I microbiological safety cabinet to process nongynecological samples. In addition, this room must contain a centrifuge machine, cytocentrifuge, refrigerator and autoclave machine. The benches for slide preparation should be in proper height to prevent excessive bending, etc.

Screening Room The screening room or reporting room should be properly ventilated, spacious, and pleasant. There should be comfortable chairs and tables for screening or reporting slides. This room should be free from noise as per as possible. The cytoscreener should have proper privacy in this room.

Secretarial and Office Room This room should have adequate light and enough space for a computer, printer, and other necessary equipment. The staff should have comfortable furniture and a comfortable area for work.

Organization Infrastructure and System Protocol The infrastructure organization of a laboratory is important for smooth workflow and overall quality work. Flowchart 23.1 shows the workflow of a laboratory. All specimens should be received by the clerical staff and should be transferred to the laboratory staff after entering the data and giving a specific unique bar code. The sample should be processed and stained according to the standard laboratory protocol by the medical laboratory assistant. The stained smears should be screened by the cytoscreener. All the abnormal smears and a certain proportion of negative smears should be checked by the senior cytotechnologist. In a rapid review of negative cases, the senior cytotechnologist should screen all the cases rapidly. Finally, the cytopathologist should examine and report all the abnormal smears. In nongynecological cases, the consultant cytopathologist should report all the cases. Finally, the computerized typed report should be signed manually or electronically by the consultant cytopathologist and delivered to the patient.

CHAPTER 23  Quality Control and Laboratory Organization


• During preparing a diluted solution, the concentrated acid or alkali should be added to water.


• All the laboratories should have fire extinguishers and smoke alarm. • The staff should know how to use the fire extinguishers. • Explosive or inflammable chemicals should handle with adequate precautions.

In this era of HIV infection, every laboratory sample should be handled cautiously, and unless specified, the sample should be considered a potential source of infection. The laboratory staff should follow universal precautionary measures.9 • Barrier precautions: cc Gown: All healthcare personnel should wear proper laboratory gowns. The gown should cover the full arms and the front of the body from neck to midthigh. cc Mask: Mask may be used in combination with goggles to protect the face and eyes and also to prevent droplets or aerosol infection. cc Gloves: Gloves are used to prevent infection contamination by hands. Hygienic measures of the hand after removal of the gloves further help to avoid contamination, particularly if the person has cut in hand. cc Goggles: To prevent eye infection • Precautions from the sharp objects: Following precautions should be taken to prevent injury by sharp objects such as needles, scalpel, etc.: cc The needles should not be recapped or manipulated by hand. cc Sharp objects should be placed in appropriate containers. cc A needle cutter should be used to destroy the needle. • Hand hygiene: If hands are contaminated with blood or other body products, then they should be washed immediately with antiseptic soap and water. Alcoholbased products such as gel or foam is better to wash as they do not require any water. • Prevention from mucus membrane contact: Exposure to the mucus membrane of eyes, mouth, or nose should be avoided in addition to wearing protective barrier such as mask, gloves, etc. One should always avoid mouthto-mouth resuscitation during emergencies, and other mechanical ventilation devices should be used. • Duty of the sick person: Healthcare workers with weeping dermatitis or wound in hand should not work for direct healthcare.

Chemical Hazards

Common Norms in the Laboratory

• All the chemicals should be kept in the proper place, particularly inflammable chemicals, and they should be kept in a fireproof metal cabinet. • All the chemicals should be kept in their respective original bottles. • Suction by mouth to draw material should not be allowed. • Laboratory staffs should wear proper gloves, laboratory coat, etc., during handling of chemicals.

In addition, the laboratory workers should follow certain norms to prevent infection: • Eating, drinking, or smoking should not be allowed in the laboratory. • Contaminated material, syringes, fluids, etc., should always be placed in proper containers. • Specimen preparation of high-risk substances should always be done in a biological safety cabinet.

FLOWCHART 23.1:  Schematic diagram showing workflow of the cytology laboratory.

LABORATORY SAFETY Laboratory safety should be the prime importance for all the staffs working in the laboratory. Following matters should be kept in mind for the proper safety of the laboratory; • Security • Fire hazards • Chemical • Infective • Waste disposal

Security • Proper security of the laboratory staff, chemicals, and valuable equipments are mandatory. • Entry of unauthorized person should be restricted to the laboratory.

Fire Hazards


sECTION 3  Laboratory Techniques

• Laboratory personnel should always wash their hands and face after laboratory duty.

Waste Disposal Laboratory waste material may be of two broad types: (1) General waste material and (2) Bio-hazardous waste. • Label: All waste material should be kept in a properly labeled waste disposal container in a proper colored container, as mentioned below. • Storage of waste: Closable, puncture-resistant, leak-proof container should be used. • Accumulation of laboratory waste: Only one container is used for each kind of waste material. The waste material should be disposed before it fills the container. • Container: The container for sharper objects should be closable, puncture-resistant, and leakproof. The colors of the containers and their contents (Fig. 23.1) have been described below. cc Biological contaminated wastes: This includes microbiological wastes and contaminated body fluids such as urine, sputum, blood, etc. –– Color of container: Yellow –– Type of container: Plastic bag –– Treatment: This should treat with disinfectant followed by autoclaved. cc Sharp objects: This includes needles, scalpel, broken glass, etc. –– Color of container: Blue –– Type of container: It should be closable, punctureresistant, and leak-proof hard plastic container. –– Treatment: Incineration cc Solid contaminated with human waste materials: This includes syringes, catheters, etc. –– Color of container: Red –– Type of container: Plastic bag –– Treatment: Disinfected followed by incineration


Low level chemically contaminated waste: Unused medicines, papers, various chemicals used for disinfection –– Color of container: Black –– Type of container: Plastic bag –– Treatment: Local authority for routine waste disposal

Disinfectant used for the Contaminants Sodium Hypochlorite This is a fast-acting oxidant and a broad-spectrum chemical disinfectant. It is diluted with water to get optimal strength. An aqueous solution 1:10 dilution of sodium hypochlorite may serve the purpose of disinfection in the laboratory. The solution should be prepared daily. Chlorine is liberated from the solution that is highly corrosive. Therefore, the solution should not be kept in metal containers. Many other chemical germicides such as quaternary ammonium compounds (cetrimide, Savlon, etc.), iodine and iodophors, hydrogen peroxide, etc., can also be used for laboratory disinfection.

COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2) INFECTION AND BIOSAFETY The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (SARSCoV-2) infection is a major global threat to health worker professionals, including cytotechnologists and cytopathologists.10,11 The World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have issued necessary guidelines for laboratory safety measures.12-14 Unlike other laboratory personnel, cytopathologists and cytotechnologists have more chances to encounter the COVID-19 patients at the time of performing fine-needle aspiration cytology or spreading smear during rapid onsite evaluation (ROSE) tests. Moreover, there are multiple chances to spread the infection from the sample of the patients. Flowchart 23.2 has summarized the necessary precautions during procurement or collection of the sample, processing the specimen, discarding the wastes, and other necessary measures.

Sample Procurement

Fig. 23.1:  Schematic diagram showing color of the bags and methods of waste disposal.

Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC): The cytologists involved in performing FNAC or preparing smear in case of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) or making smear for ROSE are in the increased risk of exposure to virus. The following precautions are effective in such conditions: • Wearing personal protection equipment (PPE) such as laboratory gowns, gloves, surgical masks (N95 mask preferable), caps, goggles, and face shields.

CHAPTER 23  Quality Control and Laboratory Organization


(CDC: Centers for Disease Control; COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019; FNAC: fine-needle aspiration cytology; WHO: World Health Organization)

FLOWCHART 23.2:  Laboratory precautions to follow in COVID-19 infection.

• The room should be properly ventilated with 12 air changes/hour. • There should be a minimum number of individuals in the room. • The patient should wear a mask. • Proper handwashing must be done before and after the contact with the patient and after the removal of PPE. • The surfaces and the instruments should be cleaned by disinfectant after each procedure of FNAC.

Sample Transportation All the cytology samples are potentially infectious. However, the most potentially infectious samples include respiratory tract samples including sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage, EBUS-TBNA preparations, bronchial brush, etc. Therefore, the precautionary measures related to transportation of the samples are: • The samples of the COVID-19 patients should be sent in a properly labeled tightly capped triple-layer package that consists of a leak-proof inner most pack, another leakproof secondary pack and an outer well strength packet. • The sample should be sent to the cytology laboratory manually. • The trained hospital staff should handle the transport of the sample.

Sample Processing The following precautions should be taken during sample processing: • The cytology technical staff should wear appropriate PPE with mask, gown, goggles, and gloves. • All the essential processing steps, such as opening the container, vortexing, mixing, pipetting, etc., should be conducted inside the class II biosafety cabinet (BSC). • Aerosol or droplet formation should be avoided as much as possible.

Sample Discarding • All biological sample should be discarded in 0.1% sodium hypochlorite solution, which should be freshly prepared every day.

Surface Decontamination From time to time, surface decontamination is necessary for laboratory safety in COVID-19 era. It is essential to decontaminate the floor, doorknobs, furniture, etc., with the help of a decontaminant.

Reporting the Cases by Cytopathologist • It is preferable not to report in the multiheaded microscope that may bring close contact of the residents and consultant. • If possible, the virtual slides should be reported.

Additional Precautions • Updated CDC or WHO guidelines should be followed at regular interval. • Avoid any overcrowding in the laboratory. • Maintain multiple batches of the laboratory personnel with no overlapping of duty. • Local hospital policy should be followed. • Laboratory personnel should be informed about the updated information regarding COVID-19.

Conclusion The COVID-19 infection is a curse to humanity. Therefore, the laboratory personnel must take adequate care to deal with this infection. They should avoid close contact, maintain social distancing, wear mask, etc. It is important to be on the safe side outside the laboratory area also, and the social life of the laboratory personnel is also important in this respect.


sECTION 3  Laboratory Techniques

REFERENCES 1. Cortese C; American Society of Cytopathology. Cervical cytology practice guidelines. Acta Cytol. 2001;45(2):201-26. 2. Travers H, Davey D. Quality Improvement Manual in Anatomic Pathology. Chicago: College of American Pathologists; 1993. 3. Medicare, Medicaid and CLIA programs; regulations implement­ ing the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA)—HCFA. Final rule with comment period. Fed Regist. 1992; 57(40):7002-186. 4. Royal College of Pathologists. (1999). Medical and Scientific Studying Of NHS Pathology Departments. (/efaidnbmnnni b p c a j p c g l c l e f i n d m k a j / v i e w e r. h t m l ? p d f u r l = h t t p s % 3 A % 2 F % 2 Fw w w. r c p a t h . o r g % 2 Fu p l o a d s % 2 Fa s s e t s % 2F7b537cd4-8ce5-4341-9a803c049a2090d8%2FMedicalscientific-staffing-of-NHS-path-depts.pdf&clen=2385441& chunk=true) 5. Nongynecologic cytology practice guidelines. Acta Cytol. 2004;48(4):521-46. 6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS. Medicare, Medicaid, and CLIA programs; laboratory requirements relating to quality systems and certain personnel qualifications. Final rule. Fed Regist. 2003;68(16):3639-714. 7. Krieger P, Naryshkin S. Random re-screening of cytologic smears: A practical and effective component of quality assurance programs in both large and small cytology laboratories Acta Cytol. 1994;38(3):291-8. 8. Report of Working Party on internal quality control for cervical cytopathology laboratories—Summary and Recommendations. Cytopathology. 1996;7:4-9.


Siegel JD, Rhinehart E, Jackson M, Chiarello L; Health Care Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. 2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Health Care Settings Am J Infect Control. 2007;35(10 Suppl 2):S65-164. 10. Pambuccian SE. The COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for the cytology laboratory. J Am Soc Cytopathol. 2020;9(3):202-11. 11. Chen CC, Chi CY. Biosafety in the preparation and processing of cytology specimens with potential coronavirus (COVID-19) infection: Perspectives from Taiwan. Cancer Cytopathol. 2020;128(5):309-16. 12. World Health Organization. (2020). Laboratory biosafety guidance related to the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Interim guidance. [online] Available from  https://www.who. int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/laboratory-biosafetynovel-coronavirus-version-1-1.pdf?sfvrsn=912a9847_2. [Last accessed July, 2021]. 13. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2021). Interim laboratory biosafety guidelines for handling and processing specimens associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). [online] Available from https://www.cdc.gov/ coronavirus/2019-nCoV/lab/lab-biosafety-guidelines.html. [Last accessed July, 2021]. 14. World Health Organization (WHO). (2020). Coronavirus Disease (COVID‐19) Outbreak: Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Health Workers, Including Key Considerations for Occupational Safety and Health. [online] Available from https://www.who.int/ docs/default-source/coronaviruse/who-rights-roles-responhw-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=bcabd401_0. [Last accessed July, 2021].


SECTION Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology


Chapter 24: Head, Neck, and Orbit


Chapter 25: Salivary Gland


Chapter 26: Thyroid 372 Chapter 27: Breast 399 Chapter 28: Lymph Node


Chapter 29: Mediastinum 463 Chapter 30: Liver and Spleen


Chapter 31: Pancreas 488 Chapter 32: Kidney and Adrenal


Chapter 33: Gonads and Prostate


Chapter 34: Soft Tissue Lesions


Chapter 35: Skin 548 Chapter 36: Bone 558 Chapter 37: Round Cell Tumor


Chapter 38: Infection 577

CHAPTER Head, Neck, and Orbit

Head and Neck INTRODUCTION Large varieties of neoplasms, primary and metastatic, may occur in the head and neck region. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is widely used to detect the primary and recurrent tumors in this region. It can be taken from multiple sites and the distorted scar sites after radiation of the primary malignancies. It is also essential to have a thorough knowledge of the non-neoplastic lesions in this region that may mimic malignant tumors.

CYSTIC LESIONS Both the congenital or acquired cysts are present in the head–neck region (Box 24.1). Many tumors may also initially present as cysts, such as metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, papillary carcinoma of the thyroid, and a large number of parotid tumors. There are chances to have a falsepositive or negative diagnosis, and adequate care must be taken to avoid the mistake. Box 24.1



BRANCHIAL CYST1 The branchial cyst is one of the common non-neoplastic cysts in the lateral neck region. They are usually noted along the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This cyst possibly develops from the congenital remnants of the branchial cleft.

Cytology (Fig. 24.1) Aspiration of the cyst usually yields turbid fluid. The smears show many discrete squamous cells, occasional clusters of columnar cells and foamy histiocytes with a mucinous background (Box 24.2). Squamous cells may have reactive changes such as nuclear enlargement and mild atypia. Occasional cholesterol crystals may be present. Cystic change is common in metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, and FNAC yields brownish fluid. The smears may show mature-looking squamous cells and polymorphs in a thin necrotic background (Fig. 24.2). Cytology smears of such cases are the potential sources of misdiagnosis. The certain findings may help to differentiate from the branchial cyst: • Young patient

Cysts in head and neck region.

• Congenital: {{Branchial cyst {{Thyroglossal cyst {{Cystic hygroma • Acquired: {{Non-neoplastic: –– Dermoid cyst –– Cysts of the jaw –– Salivary gland retention cyst –– Mucocele {{Neoplastic: –– Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma –– Warthin’s tumor –– Acinic cell carcinoma –– Pleomorphic adenoma

Fig. 24.1:  Branchial cyst: Columnar cells and foamy histiocytes in the background of mucinous material (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Box 24.2

Branchial cyst.

• Turbid fluid • Benign squamous cells • Columnar cells • Foamy macrophages • Cholesterol crystals

Fig. 24.2:  Cytology smear of cystic squamous cell carcinoma showing multiple foamy histiocytes and scattered malignant squamous cells (H&E × HP).

Box 24.3

Thyroglossal cyst.

• Ciliated columnar cells • Squamous cells • Occasional thyroid follicular cells • Background colloid

Fig. 24.3:  FNAC smear of epidermal inclusion cyst showing abundant anucleated squamous cells (Papanicolaou’s stain × HP). (FNAC: fine-needle aspiration cytology; HP: high power)

(H&E stain: hematoxylin and eosin stain; HP: high power)

• Long history • Bland-looking nuclear chromatin • Minimal nuclear pleomorphism

Differential Diagnosis • Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma2

THYROGLOSSAL CYSTS Thyroglossal cysts are commonly present as midline neck cysts. During embryogenesis, the thyroid descends from the foramen of cecum of the tongue. It causes the formation of the thyroglossal duct. Later on, this duct obliterates. Dilatation of the persistent thyroglossal duct causes the appearance of the thyroglossal cyst.

Cytology The FNAC of the thyroglossal cyst yields colloid (Box 24.3). The smear shows many ciliated columnar cells and occasional squamous cells. In addition, thyroid follicular cells may also be seen in the background. Without the precise location of the swelling, it may be difficult to differentiate the thyroglossal cyst from the colloid goiter.

EPIDERMAL INCLUSION CYST Epidermal inclusion cysts are common in the head and neck region. FNAC yields thick whitish material. The smears show many discrete benign squamous cells and anucleated squames, and occasional multinucleated giant cells (Fig. 24.3). At times, the squamous cells may show nuclear enlargement and pleomorphism and may mimic squamous cell carcinoma.

CYSTIC HYGROMA Cystic hygroma is a large diffuse lymphangioma that predominantly occurs in the infant and young adults. FNAC usually yields thin fluid. The smears show many discrete lymphocytes (Fig. 24.4).

MUCOCELE This is due to the extravasations of fluid from the retention cyst of the minor salivary gland to the neighboring soft tissue. FNAC yields thick mucinous fluid and the smears of which show many histiocytes (Fig. 24.5).

CHAPTER 24  Head, Neck, and Orbit


Fig. 24.4:  Cystic hygroma: Lymphocytes and foamy macrophages (MGG × MP).

Fig. 24.6:  Loose clusters and dissociated cells in FNAC smear of paraganglioma (MGG × MP).

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Fig. 24.5:  FNAC smear of mucocele showing abundant mucoid material and foamy vacuolated histiocytes (MGG × HP).

Fig. 24.7:  Round-to-oval cells with indistinct cytoplasmic margin in paraganglioma. Occasional vague rosette-like structure is also seen (H&E × MP).

(FNAC: fine-needle aspiration cytology; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; HP: high power)

(H&E stain: hematoxylin and eosin stain; MP: medium power)

NEOPLASTIC LESIONS Paraganglioma3 Paraganglioma develops from the sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglions. The carotid body paraganglioma is a neuroendocrine tumor that originates from the glomus jugulare of the neck. It is also known as the carotid body tumor. It locates in the division of the common carotid artery. The tumor appears as a slowly growing pulsatile mass under the sternocleidomastoid muscle. It is movable horizontally but not in the vertical direction. It is often recommended that FNAC should not be done from this tumor as there is a chance of a local hemorrhage and cerebral catastrophy

after FNAC. However, we have not seen such complications so far. Origin: (1) Sympathetic paraganglia that are located mostly in abdomen, (2) parasympathetic paraganglia that are located mostly in the cervical region along the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve.

Cytology (Figs. 24.6 to 24.8) The FNAC yields predominantly blood-mixed material. The smear shows small, loosely cohesive clusters, and dissociated tumor cells (Box 24.4). The occasional rosettelike arrangement may be seen. The individual cells show a moderate cytoplasm, ill-defined cytoplasmic outline, and


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Clinical Behavior The majority of paragangliomas are benign, and this is a slowly growing tumor. Due to the position of the tumor near the vessels, the morbidity of carotid body tumor is high.

Treatment Surgical removal followed by radiotherapy

Differential Diagnosis

Fig. 24.8:  Pleomorphic cells with bland chromatin in paraganglioma (H&E × HP). (H&E stain: hematoxylin and eosin stain; HP: high power)

Box 24.4


• Syncytial clusters and dissociated cells • Round-to-spindle cells • Cells with ill-defined cytoplasmic outline • Minimally pleomorphic nuclei • Occasional cell shows nuclear atypia. • Bland nuclear chromatin • Intranuclear inclusion • Rosette-like structures Immunocytochemistry: Positive for synaptophysin, neuronspecific enolase (NSE), and chromogranin; and negative for cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen, S-100 protein, and calcitonin Differential diagnosis (D/D): Medullary carcinoma, metastatic carcinoma, carcinoid

minimally pleomorphic round-to-spindle-shaped nuclei. The chromatin gives a “salt and pepper-like” appearance. Occasional cells display moderately nuclear pleomorphism. The presence of intranuclear inclusions has also been described in paraganglioma.

Immunocytochemistry • Positive: Synaptophysin, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), and chromogranin • Negative: Cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen, S-100 protein, and calcitonin.

• Medullary carcinoma: Both medullary carcinoma and paraganglioma have overlapping cytological features. However, medullary carcinomas are positive for calcitonin. • Carcinoid: Metastatic carcinoid tumors may simulate paraganglioma. • Metastatic carcinoma: Marked nuclear pleomorphism in occasional cells of paraganglioma may simulate metastatic carcinoma. However, the nuclear chromatin is bland in paraganglioma.

NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA4 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) develops from the nasopharyngeal mucosa. It is also known as lymphoepi­ thelioma. NPC includes nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma and basaloid squamous cell carcinoma. The strong association of NPC and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection indicates the oncogenic role of this virus. NPC commonly presents with metastatic lymph nodal mass. The patients may also have post-nasal blood-stained drip, serous otitis media, and headache. The tumor has a bimodal age incidence.

Cytology (Figs. 24.9 and 24.10) The FNAC is usually done from the metastatic lymph nodal mass of the NPC. Syncytial or dissociated malignant cells are present along with reactive lymphoid population (Box 24.5). The individual cells have moderate cytoplasm with an illdefined border. Nuclei are round with mild pleomorphism, fine chromatin, and single-to-multiple prominent nucleoli. Prominent macronucleoli are also noted. At times, binucleated cells with macronucleoli may simulate Reed– Sternberg cell.

Immunocytochemistry Positive: Pan-cytokeratin, p63 and EBV-encoded early RNA.

Criteria of Malignancy

Differential Diagnosis

Metastasis is the most reliable feature of malignancy. The local invasion or enlarged pleomorphic nuclei are not the criteria of malignant paraganglioma.

• Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL): Abundant lymphocytes along with the dispersed round malignant cells may simulate NHL.

CHAPTER 24  Head, Neck, and Orbit


• Hodgkin lymphoma (HL): Large binucleated cells with prominent nucleoli may resemble Reed–Sternberg cells of HL. • Metastatic small cell carcinoma: Small-cell carcinoma has scanty cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus, nuclear molding, and crushing artefact.

AMELOBLASTOMA5 Ameloblastoma, a locally aggressive neoplasm, develops from the odontogenic epithelium of the maxilla. It is commonly seen in the 3rd to 5th decades of life. The overall incidence of ameloblastoma is 10% prolymphocytes indicates the more aggressive course of the disease. About 3.5% of cases of SLL may undergo transformation to highgrade NHL in course of time. The most common type of transformation is DLBCL. The aspirates of these cases show >50% large lymphoma cells that have scanty-to-moderate amounts of cytoplasm with 1 or 2 prominent nucleoli. In addition, the smears show many mitotic figures, apoptotic bodies, necrosis, and a myxoid and dirty background. Ki 67 index of more than 30% is another helpful indicator of transformation to high-grade NHL.38

Immunophenotype • Positive: CD5, CD23, CD19 and CD20 (weak) • Negative: CD10 and FMC-7. The cells show coexpression of CD5 and CD23.

Genetics Trisomy 12 or 13q present in some cases. Box 28.13

Fig. 28.27:  Discrete round monomorphic cells in SLL (H&E × LP).

Fig. 28.28:  FNAC smear of SLL showing round cells with scanty cytoplasm. Nuclei show condensed clumped chromatin (MGG × HP).


Small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia (SLL/CLL).

• Small lymphocytes • Small round regular nucleus • Regular nuclear outline • Coarse clumped chromatin • No nucleoli Immunophenotype: Positive: CD5, CD23, CD19, CD20 Coexpression of CD5 and CD23 Negative: CD10

Fig. 28.29:  Higher magnification showing typical clumped chromatin in nuclei of SLL case (MGG × OI).


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Mantle Cell Lymphoma Mantle cell lymphoma, an aggressive B cell lymphoma, represents 3–10% of NHL. The disease occurs in elderly patient above 60 years with a higher male predominance. The patient complains of generalized lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly. The peripheral blood may show involvement in one-fourth of the case at the time of

presentation. MCL commonly involves lymph node and spleen. The most common extranodal site of involvement of MCL is gastrointestinal tract. MCL has an aggressive course with multiple relapses and further progression. Most of the patients are not cured. The median survival of this NHL is only 3–5 year. Morphologically MCL is indistinguishable from SLL.

Cytomorphology Box 28.14

Mantle cell lymphoma.

• Small to medium sized cells • Irregular nuclear contour • Fine nuclear chromatin • Inconspicuous nucleoli Immunophenotype: CD5+, CD10-, CD19 +, CD20+, CD23-, Cyclin D1 positive

Cytology smears show small lymphoid cells with a scanty thin rim of cytoplasm (Fig. 28.30A to D; Box 28.14). Nuclei are monomorphic with irregular margin, dispersed fine chromatin, and inconspicuous nucleoli. There is absence of prolymphocytes or paraimmunoblasts. The lymphoid cells may be in aggregation in about one-third of cases. The blastic variant of MCL shows intermediate to large cells. The nuclei are approximately four times larger than that of





Figs. 28.30A to D:  (A) FNAC smear of mantle cell lymphoma showing small lymphoid cells with scanty thin rim of cytoplasm and monomorphic nuclei with dispersed fine chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli (MGG × OI). (B) The cell shows light chain restriction by displaying only kappa positive light chain. (C) The predominant population are CD19 positive and Kappa positive cells. (D) The tumor cells are CD5 positive and CD23 negative.

CHAPTER 28  Lymph Node

mature lymphocyte with irregular contours and fine, evenly distributed chromatin. Mitotic activity is high in the blastic variant of MCL. This type of MCL has a poorer prognosis.39

Immunophenotype • Positive: CD 20, CD5, FMC7, Cyclin D1 • Negative: CD 23.

Genetics t(11:14); BCL1 gene rearrangement.

Follicular Lymphoma Follicular lymphoma, a tumor of follicular center B cells, is the most common variety of NHL. It represents 20–35% NHL. FL lymphoma usually occurs in an elderly patient with a median age of 59 years. At the time of diagnosis, most patients present with generalized lymphadenopathy and involvement of spleen and bone marrow.40 This is an indolent lymphoma, and 5 years survival rate is high. However, the patients are refractory to treatment.

Cytomorphology WHO recommends three grades system of FL on histology (Fig. 28.31; Box 28.15). • Grade 1: Predominantly centrocytes: 0–5 centroblasts/ high power field • Grade 2: Mixture of centrocytes and centroblasts: 6–15 centroblasts/high power field • Grade 3: Predominantly centroblasts: More than15 centroblasts/high power field • Grade 3a: Centrocytes present • Grade 3b: Solid sheets of centroblasts only The cells are morphologically neoplastic equivalent of the normal germinal cell. FNAC smears show a monomorphic population of cells consisting of centrocytes mixed with cleaved and noncleaved centroblasts like cells. The small cleaved cells are small in size, with cleaved nuclei having coarse chromatin and absent nucleoli. They resemble centrocytes. The centroblast-like cells have large regular nuclei having fine nuclear chromatin and multiple nucleoli.

Box 28.15


The number of these large cells is between 20 and 50%. In addition, the smear may also show aggregation of dendritic histiocytes in 33% cases.41 On cytology smear, it is almost impossible to say about the follicular pattern of the cells. The grade of FL on cytology smear is subjective as the count of centrocytes and centroblasts is subjective in a smear. The differentiation between a grade 3 FL and DLBCL is impossible in FNAC smears.

Immunophenotype • Positive: CD19 , CD20, CD10, BCl2 • Negative: CD5

Genetics t(14:18) and BCL2 gene rearrangement.

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma This is a relatively uncommon lymphoma and accounts for 1.5% of all nodal lymphoma. This is a neoplasm of the small B lymphocytes, plasma cells, and plasmacytoid cells. Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL) usually occurs in elderly patients. The tumor commonly involves lymph node, spleen, and bone marrow along with peripheral blood. The majority of the patients show IGM monoclonal protein in the serum. If the serum level of Ig M protein exceeds 3 g/100 mL then the disease is labeled as Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia. The patients with high IGM may have hyperviscosity syndrome. LPL has an indolent course, and only a small fraction of the lymphoma may transform to DLBCL.

Cytology Smears show a mixture of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and plasmacytoid cells (Fig. 28.32). In some cases intracytoplasmic PAS-positive inclusion bodies (Dutcher

Follicular lymphoma.

• A mixture of cleaved and noncleaved small and large cells • Small cells with cleaved nuclei {{Coarse chromatin {{Absent nucleoli • Large noncleaved cells {{Round regular nuclei {{Fine nuclear chromatin and multiple nucleoli Immunophenotype: Surface Ig +, CD5-, CD10+, CD19+, CD20+, BCL2+

Fig. 28.31:  Follicular lymphoma: Mixed small and large lymphoid cells in follicular lymphoma (MGG × HP).


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Box 28.17

Marginal zone/MALT lymphoma.

• Heterogeneous population • Small centrocyte-like cells • Plasma cells • Plasmacytoid cells • Monocytoid B cells with pale cytoplasm Immunophenotype: Surface Ig +, CD5-, CD10-, CD19+, CD20+, CD23-


Fig. 28.32:  Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma showing plasmacytoid cells and small mature looking lymphoid cells (MGG × HP).

Box 28.16

Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma.

• Lymphocytes • Plasma cells • Plasmacytoid cells • Occasionally immunoblasts, epithelioid histiocytes, and mast cells • Immunocytochemistry: {{Positive: Cytoplasmic immunoglobulin, CDI9, CD20, CD22, CD79a, CD38 and negative for CD5, CD23, CD10

bodies) are also seen. Rarely immunoblasts, epithelioid histiocytes, and mast cells are present in the smear.40 The LPL is the disease of exclusion as various other lymphomas such as FL, MCL, and SLL also simulate similar morphological features.

Immunocytochemistry • Positive: Cytoplasmic immunoglobulin, CD I9, CD20, CD22, CD79a, CD38 • Negative: CD5, 23, 10 (Box 28.16).

Marginal Zone Lymphoma Marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) is a relatively uncommon low-grade B cell lymphoma. MZL may be nodal and extranodal MZL. Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma is commonly known as MALT lymphoma and represents 7–8% of all lymphomas. The extranodal MZL occurs in various body sites such as the stomach, eye, thyroid, salivary gland, lung, and skin. The stomach is the most frequently involved area of MALT lymphoma. In many cases of MALT lymphoma, a strong association with autoimmune diseases is noted, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in thyroid lymphoma, Sjogren’s syndrome in the salivary gland, and Helicobacter pylori infection-induced gastritis in stomach lymphomas .

Cytology smear of MZL shows a heterogeneous population of cells consisting of small to medium-sized lymphoid cells with irregular nuclear contour, plasma cells, plasmacytoid cells, and variable numbers of monocytoid cells (Box 28.17). The small cells have convoluted nuclei with condensed chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. The cells resemble centrocytes. The monocytoid cells have a moderate amount of pale staining cytoplasm with centrally placed convoluted nuclei having dispersed chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Tingible body macrophages and lymphohistiocytic aggregations are also seen in the smear.

Immunophenotype Surface Ig+, CD5-, CD10-, CD19+, 20+, CD23-.

Approach to Small B Cell Lymphomas On FNAC smears, it is important to differentiate these B cell lymphomas from a RLH. The following features are suggestive of RLH: • Polymorphic population of lymphoid cells • Lymphohistiocytic aggregates • Tingible body macrophages These features are, however not applicable to distinguish NHL and all cases of RLH. In case of partially involved NHL there may be an admixture of polymorphic population of lymphoid cells. Unlike other NHL, MZL may show a polymorphic population of lymphoid cells consisting of centrocytes, centroblasts, plasma cells, and plasmacytoid cells. Dendriticlymphocytic aggregates and tingible-body macrophages may be seen in FL. Therefore, to resolve the issue FCI and the demonstration of light chain restriction are necessary (Fig. 28.33).1 The nonlymphoid malignancies, particularly small cell carcinoma, may also simulate NHL in FNAC. The cells of small cell carcinoma show frequent nuclear molding, paranuclear blue bodies, and background crushing artifact. In addition, the cells may also be present in tight clusters. These cells are positive for synaptophysin and chromogranin and negative for CD45 (LCA). The five common types of mature B cell NHL often pose diagnostic difficulties. Table 28.5 shows detailed immunophenotyping features to distinguish these lymphomas.

CHAPTER 28  Lymph Node








Fig. 28.33:  A case of follicular lymphoma in intra-abdominal lymph node showing small mature looking lymphoid cells. Flow cytometric immunophenotyping shows CD45, CD19, CD20, and CD10 positivity. The cells also show light chain restriction (predominant kappa chain expression).

SLL and MCL both are positive for CD5. However, SLL cases show dual expression of CD5 and CD23, whereas MCL shows only CD5 positivity. FL, LPL and MZL all are negative for CD5. Among these three entities, CD10 positivity is noted

only in FL. Cyclin D1 expression is quite specific for MCL (Flowchart 28.1). In addition, molecular genetics study is also helpful in difficult cases where aberrant expression of FCI happens.


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Table 28.5: Immunophenotype of small mature B cell lymphomas. Lymphomas

Antigen CD10



Cyclin D1






Weak +ive







Variable +







(FCC: follicular center cell lymphoma; LPL: lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma; MCL: mantle cell lymphoma; MZL: marginal zone lymphoma; SLL: small lymphocytic lymphoma; +: positive, -: negative)

lymphomas, and nodular lymphocytic predominant Hodgkin lymphoma.


Flowchart 28.1:  Mature small B cell lymphoma.

Box 28.18

Molecular genetics of mature small B cell NHL.

• SLL: Trisomy 12 or 13q • MCL: Translocation of t(11;14)(q13;q32) • FL: t(14:18)(q32;q21) translocation

SLL cases often show trisomy 12 or 13q (Box 28.18). The translocation of t(11;14)(q13;q32) is characteristic of MCL. FL shows t(14:18)(q32;q21) translocation and BCl2 gene rearrangement in most cases.1

LYMPHOMAS OF LARGE CELLS Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a frequently encountered NHL and represents 30–40% of adult NHL. The elderly patients are usually commonly affected; however, the children are not exempted from DLBCL. There is both nodal and extranodal involvement of DLBCL, and about 40% of patients of DLBCL show extranodal involvement and out which the stomach is the most common site of involvement.40 This lymphoma commonly develops de novo or may represent the transformation or progression of other less aggressive lymphomas such as SLL, FL, MALT/MZL

On histology section, DLBCL shows discrete large lymphoid cells with different morphologic variants (Figs. 28.34A and B): • Centroblastic, • Immunoblastic, • T cell or histiocyte rich, • Anaplastic large B cell, The recognition of these morphologic variants are too some extent, subjective, and may not have any further prognostic value.31 FNAC smears show monomorphic large cells two to three times of mature lymphocytes (Box 28.19). The individual cells have scanty thin rim of basophilic cytoplasm, round nuclei with fine chromatin, and large prominent nucleoli. The cytomorphology depends on the individual morphologic variants of DLBCL.

Centroblastic Cytology smears show medium to large cells. These cells are 2–3 times larger than lymphocyte and have scanty basophilic cytoplasm. Nuclei of the cells are round vesicular with fine chromatin. Each nucleus has two to three prominent membrane-bound nucleoli. The cells may be admixed with multilobated cells and immunoblasts.

Immunoblastic In this variant, >90% of the cells are immunoblasts. The cells are large with a scanty-to-moderate amount of basophilic cytoplasm. Nuclei show central large nucleoli with the peripheral clearing of chromatin. The smear shows 90% reactive T cells and 8 cm cyst. The vast majority of the tumors occur in the body and tail of the pancreas. CT scan of the tumors shows multiloculated cystic spaces with a thicker wall.

Fig. 31.4:  Mucinous cystic neoplasm: Cells with moderate amount of cytoplasm and mildly pleomorphic nuclei (MGG × HP).

Box 31.5

Mucinous cystic neoplasia (MCN).

• Thick mucinous material • Cells arranged in monolayered sheets, small tight clusters, and papillae • Cell with moderate cytoplasm • Cytoplasmic vacuolations • Monomorphic nuclei in benign MCN.

Cytology Fine needle aspiration cytology of MCN yields thick mucinous material (Figs. 31.3 and 31.4). The smears show abundant mucin along with cohesive cells arranged in monolayered

sheets, small tight clusters, and papillae-like fashion. Small loosely cohesive cells may be present as freely floating on the mucinous background (Box 31.5). The epithelial cells

CHAPTER 31 Pancreas


have abundant vacuolated cytoplasm resembling benign endocervical cells. The nuclei are eccentrically placed with varying degree of atypia. In the case of borderline MCN, the nuclei are enlarged and show mild-to-moderate pleomorphism. Free-floating goblet cells are also present.

CARCINOMA Ductal Adenocarcinoma7,8,14-16 Ductal adenocarcinoma accounts for 85–90% of all pancreatic neoplasm. This tumor exclusively occurs in the elderly patient and rarely seen under the age of 40 years. Approximately 70% of the carcinomas are seen in the head of the pancreas. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is strongly related to cigarette smoking. There is also association of ductal adenocarcinoma of pancreas and intake of diet low in fiber and high in meat. The patient presents with the classical triad of symptoms: Jaundice, pain, and weight loss.

Fig. 31.6:  Ductal adenocarcinoma: Cells with nuclear overlapping (MGG × HP).

Cytology On aspiration cytology smears, the tumor cells are present in multiple cohesive groups, monolayered flat sheets, and glands (Figs. 31.5 to 31.8). The smears also show many dissociated single cells (Box 31.6). The clusters of cells show nuclear overlapping and crowding. Nuclear crowding indicates loss of polarity and this is one of the important diagnostic features of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The malignant cells show scanty cytoplasm in nonsecretary carcinomas and moderately vacuolated cytoplasm in secretary (mucinous) carcinoma. The nuclei show moderate pleomorphism with irregular nuclear contour. Nucleoli are prominent. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of FNAC of pancreatic carcinoma shows:17

Fig. 31.5:  Ductal adenocarcinoma: Multiple loose clusters and discrete malignant cells (MGG × MP).

Fig. 31.7:  Ductal adenocarcinoma: Nuclear margin irregularity (MGG × HP).

Fig. 31.8:  Ductal adenocarcinoma: Large three dimensional clusters (MGG × HP).


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Box 31.6

Adenocarcinoma of pancreas.

• Three dimensional clusters of cells • Nuclear overcrowding • Single discrete cells • Microacini • Absence of normal acinar and ductal cells • Round-to-oval cells, scanty-to-moderate cytoplasm • Anisonucleosis • Nuclear contour irregularity • Prominent nucleoli

Three major criteria: 1. Three-dimensional clusters and loss of polarity 2. Irregular chromatin 3. Irregular nuclear margin. Four minor criteria: 1. Enlarged nuclei 2. Single epithelial cell 3. Necrosis, and 4. Mitosis. Definitive diagnosis: 1. Two major and one minor or 2. One major and two minor criteria. Fine needle aspiration cytology diagnosis of moderate and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of pancreas is usually straightforward. A well-differentiated adenocarcinoma is often difficult to diagnose. Lin et al. noted that features such as anisonucleosis, nuclear margin irregularity, nuclear crowding, and nuclear enlargement are the most important criteria to diagnose well-differentiated pancreatic adenocarcinoma.14

Differential Diagnosis • Chronic pancreatitis: Cells of chronic pancreatitis may often show nuclear atypia. The cytological features such as nuclear crowding, anisonucleosis, nuclear margin irregularities, and altered nucleocytoplasmic ratio favor the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma (Table 31.1). • Well differentiated adenocarcinoma: It is often difficult to distinguish well-differentiated adenocarcinoma from normal pancreatic aspirate. However, nuclear crowding, nuclear margin irregularity, chromatin abnormality, and nucleolar prominence favor the diagnosis of welldifferentiated adenocarcinoma.

Variants of Ductal Carcinoma Osteoclastic Giant Cell Carcinoma Osteoclastic giant cell carcinomas are characterized by multiple multinucleated osteoclasts like giant cells. The nuclei of the giant cells are bland looking.

Table 31.1: Chronic pancreatitis versus adenocarcinoma of pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis



Nuclear crowding and polarity

Nuclear overlapping Usually maintained and loss of polarity polarity



Occasional to absent

Discrete cells


Scanty to absent

Nuclear pleomorphism

Moderate to marked Mild

Nuclear margin




Prominent, often large


Fig. 31.9:  Anaplastic carcinoma: Loose clusters of pleomorphic cells (MGG × HP).

Anaplastic Carcinoma Anaplastic carcinoma is also known as giant cell carcinoma or sarcomatoid carcinoma (Fig. 31.9). This tumor represents 2.7% of ductal carcinomas. The prognosis of this tumor is bad. The aspirates show many large bizarre multinucleated giant cells, large pleomorphic epithelial cells, and spindle cells. The cells are present in loose clusters or discretely. The smear shows blood, necrosis, and inflammatory cells. Small foci of glandular differentiation may also be noted.18

Differential Diagnosis Malignant melanoma, pleomorphic sarcoma.

Small Cell Carcinoma Small cell carcinoma is a rare carcinoma of the pancreas and accounts for 50% papillae. Smears show multiple papillae and cohesive three-dimensional clusters of cells (Box 32.5). On cell block, the papillae may show fibrovascular core. The individual cells show dense cytoplasm and small round, relatively monomorphic bland nuclei. The nucleoli are inconspicuous to absent. The nuclei often show deep nuclear grooves and intranuclear pseudoinclusion. Occasionally, cases show intracytoplasmic hemosiderin pigments. In a minority of the cases, psammoma bodies are also seen. Higher-grade papillary carcinoma shows cells with enlarged nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The higher-grade papillary carcinoma is difficult to distinguish from the clear cell carcinoma.

Differential Diagnosis

• Clear cell RCC: The presence of occasional papillae in the ordinary RCC may be confused with papillary carcinoma. The relatively bland nuclei, nuclear grooving, intracellular hemosiderin, and the presence of psammoma bodies favor the diagnosis of papillary carcinoma.

Chromophobe Type Chromophobe RCC comprises 5% of all RCCs. The FNAC smears are cellular and consist of small clusters and discrete cells. The individual cells show abundant floppy, granular cytoplasm with well-defined cytoplasmic margins (Box 32.6). In May–Grünwald–Giemsa (MGG)-stained smears, the cytoplasm shows a perinuclear reticulated zone instead of a typical clear vacuolated area. Cytoplasmic vacuolations are usually not seen. The nuclei are round, moderately

This tumor comprises only 1% of RCC. It is relatively aggressive in behavior. The tumors usually have the admixture of sarcomatoid and epithelial components. FNAC smears show clusters and dissociated spindle cells in a necrotic background predominantly. The cells show moderately pleomorphic spindle-shaped nuclei with large prominent nucleoli. A high-grade epithelial component with abundant clear cytoplasm may also be present. Osteoid, cartilaginous fragments and multinucleated giant cells may also be seen. In case of lack of epithelial component, cytokeratin positivity is required to confirm the diagnosis.

Differential Diagnosis

• Angiomyolipoma: The presence of only spindle cells and complete lack of epithelial component may simulate AML. However, the spindle cells are less pleomorphic and there may be other components such as fat in the smear of AML.

Collecting Duct Type Collecting duct type is a rare variety of RCC that probably arises from the collecting ducts. The FNAC smear shows single clusters of cells. Occasionally, papillary arrangements of cells are present. The cells are small with scanty cytoplasm having round hyperchromatic nuclei. Psammoma bodies are also noted.20 The tumor may mimic a metastatic carcinoma.

Nuclear Grading of Renal Cell Carcinoma Nuclear grading13 of RCC has been highlighted in Table 32.2. Table 32.3 highlights the cytological features of different types of RCC.

CHAPTER 32  Kidney and Adrenal


Table 32.2: Nuclear grading of renal cell carcinoma. Grade

Nuclear size


Grade 1

Small, round regular

Inconspicuous to absent

Grade 2

Mildly enlarged, irregular

Small conspicuous

Grade 3

Moderately enlarged, irregular


Grade 4

Severely pleomorphic enlarged


Table 32.3: Salient cytological features of different types of renal cell carcinoma. Types

Cell pattern Cytoplasm


Additional features




Abundant, clear vacuolated

Round, low N/C ratio, and monomorphic



Moderate dense Round, low N/C ratio, and monomorphic

Necrosis present, intranuclear inclusions, and Psammoma bodies

Positive for CK7, EMA, vimentin, and CD10




Spindle shaped, high N/C ratio, and pleomorphic

Necrosis present, malignant epithelial component

Positive for CK and vimentin



Abundant floppy, granular

Round, low N/C ratio, and monomorphic

Negative for CK7, c-Kit and positive for EMA and CD10

Positive for c-Kit

(EMA: epithelial membrane antigen; N/C: nucleocytoplasmic)

Differential Diagnosis of Renal Cell Carcinoma • Benign renal tubular cells • Hepatocytes: At times, hepatocytes with reactive atypia may simulate low-grade RCC. The hepatocytes are polygonal in shape with centrally placed nuclei having a very low nucleocytoplasmic ratio. The cytoplasm of the hepatocyte often contains bile pigments. • Angiomyolipoma • Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: Discussed in xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis section. • Benign cysts • Adrenal tumor: At times, it is challenging to differentiate a clear cell RCC located in the upper pole of the kidney from an adrenocortical carcinoma. Table 32.4 highlights the possible differentiating points to distinguish adrenocortical carcinoma from RCC.

Oncocytoma Oncocytoma, a benign renal epithelial neoplasm, represents 6 cm in diameter on radiology.

Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology Technique

Cytology (Fig. 32.18)

Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the adrenal is usually done from the backside and the patient should lie in the prone position. The procedure is performed usually with the help of a CT scan using a 20–22 gauge needle. Both air-dried and wet-fixed smears are prepared. It is preferable to have a cell block preparation. Sample can also be collected for bacterial or fungal culture. Fine-needle aspiration cytology is usually free of significant complications, except for minor hematuria and hypotension. However, major complications such as surgical emphysema and shock have been reported. Severe

On the histology section, it is challenging to differentiate adrenal adenoma and carcinoma. The certain characteristic gross features of adrenal adenoma are: (1) usually 50 g in weight, (3) homogeneous gross appearance without any necrosis, and (4) well encapsulated. Morphologically, necrosis, high mitosis, and capsular invasion are the characteristic features of AdCC. However, these features are not possible to assess in FNAC smears, particularly capsular invasion is impossible to evaluate cytologically. Therefore, at times, it is almost impossible to differentiate adrenal adenoma from carcinoma.


CHAPTER 32  Kidney and Adrenal

Fig. 32.18:  Adrenal adenoma: Cohesive cluster of cells with abundant vacuolated cytoplasm and mildly pleomorphic nuclei (MGG × MP).


Fig. 32.19:  Adrenocortical carcinoma: Abundant dissociated cells in bubbly vacuolated cytoplasm (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Box 32.14

Adrenal adenoma.

• Bubbly lipid-filled background • Abundant round bare nuclei • Large cohesive clusters of cells • Vacuolated cytoplasm • Mildly enlarged monomorphic nuclei

Fine-needle aspiration cytology smears of adrenal adenoma are usually paucicellular (Box 32.14). The smears show three important characteristic features: 1. Large cohesive clusters of cells: These cells have abundant vacuolated cytoplasm and mildly enlarged monomorphic nuclei. The cells are admixed with sinusoidal endothelial cells 2. Bubbly vacuolated lipid background 3. Abundant round bare nuclei.34 Fine-needle aspiration cytology smears of AdCC show high cellularity (Figs. 32.19 to 32.21). The cells are predominantly arranged discretely and occasionally loose cohesive groups (Box 32.15). The individual cells are large with a moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm and centrally placed nuclei. The nuclei are hyperchromatic with coarsely granular chromatin. Depending on the grade of AdCC, the nuclei show variable degree of pleomorphism. Moderately differentiated AdCC may show flocculent aggregates of lipid material in the cytoplasm. Background necrosis and increased mitotic figures are noted in poorly differentiated AdCC.

Immunocytochemistry The tumor cells are positive for Melan-A, calretinin, inhibin alpha, and synaptophysin. In addition, the cells are also variably positive for cytokeratin (Table 32.5).

Fig. 32.20:  Adrenocortical carcinoma: Large cells with a moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm and centrally placed moderately pleomorphic nuclei (MGG × HP). (HP: high power; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa)

Differential Diagnosis • Renal cell carcinoma: Cytomorphologically, it is difficult to differentiate RCC from adrenocortical carcinoma. Radiological localization also may not help in renal upper pole lesions. Immunocytochemically, RCC is positive for cytokeratin and EMA (Table 32.5).

PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA35 This is the tumor of the chromaffin cells of the medulla of adrenal gland and is also known as paraganglioma of the adrenal gland. Pheochromocytoma is also famous as 10% tumor. About 10% of pheochromocytomas are


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Fig. 32.21:  Adrenocortical carcinoma: Higher magnification showing individual cells morphology and markedly enlarged cells with moderately pleomorphic nuclei having multiple prominent nucleoli (MGG × OI).

Fig. 32.22:  Pheochromocytoma: Discrete oval to polygonal cells and spindle cells (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; OI: oil immersion)

Box 32.15

Adrenocortical carcinoma.

• Dissociated and small cohesive clusters • Numerous bare nuclei • Bubbly background • Round cells with vacuolated cytoplasm • Centrally placed nuclei showing variable degree of pleomorphism • Necrosis and bizarre cells

Table 32.5: Immunocytochemistry of renal cell carcinoma and adrenocortical carcinoma. Immunocytochemistry Keratin AE1 and AE3 Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) Vimentin Melan-A Inhibin alpha Calretinin

Renal cell carcinoma

Adrenocortical carcinoma

+ + + – – –

– – + + + +

(Positive =+ and Negative = –)

bilateral, 10% are extra-adrenal, and 10% are malignant in nature. It may occur in all age groups. The clinical symptom of pheochromocytoma is due to the liberation of catecholamines. Patients often present with triad of paroxysmal hypertension, sweating, and tachycardia that are virtually diagnostic of this disease.

Cytology (Figs. 32.22 to 32.24) Cytology smear of pheochromocytoma shows pre­ dominantly three types of cells (Box 32.16).

Fig. 32.23:  Pheochromocytoma: Oval to elongated cells with moderate pleomorphism and fine nuclear chromatin (MGG × HP). (HP: high power; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa)

1. Epithelial cell: These cells are medium-sized polygonal cells with a moderate amount of reddish granular cytoplasm. Cytoplasm often contains pinkish globular bodies. The nuclei are central, round, and monomorphic. The cells usually show a low nucleocytoplasmic ratio. However, there may be cells with moderate nuclear enlargement and pleomorphism. The nuclear chromatin is fine with prominent nucleoli. Sudden anisonucleosis may be present. 2. Spindle cells: These cells are spindle shaped with elongated nuclei, coarse chromatin, and abundant cytoplasm. 3. Ganglionic cells: These cells show abundant pale cytoplasm and eccentrically placed large nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Nuclear enlargement and pleomorphism have no relation with the behavior of pheochromocytoma.

CHAPTER 32  Kidney and Adrenal


A Fig. 32.24:  Pheochromocytoma: Sudden nuclear pleomorphism (MGG × OI). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; OI: oil immersion)

Box 32.16


• Discrete and loose clusters • Small-to-moderate-sized polygonal cells • Fine reddish granular cytoplasm • Uniform round nuclei with low nucleocytoplasmic ratio • Spindle cells • Occasional ganglion cell • Sudden anisonucleosis B

Differential Diagnosis •

Adrenocortical carcinoma: Poorly differentiated AdCC often shows moderate nuclear pleomorphism and is often difficult to distinguish from pheochromocytoma. The presence of reddish globular material in the cytoplasm favors pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocytoma is positive for S100 and chromogranin. Metastatic carcinoma: Clinical history of known primary along with immunocytochemistry may be helpful to confirm the cases of metastatic carcinoma. The cells of pheochromocytoma are cytokeratin and EMA negative and positive for chromogranin.

METASTATIC TUMORS36 Metastasis in the adrenal gland is frequent and about onefifth of cancer shows metastasis in cancer.37 The common primary sites of malignancies are from lung, kidney, and breast (Figs. 32.25A and B). Metastatic carcinoma in the adrenal may mimic poorly differentiated AdCC or

Figs. 32.25A and B:  (A) Metastatic adenocarcinoma: Gland formation is seen (MGG × MP); (B) Metastatic adenocarcinoma: Higher magnification shows tall columnar looking cells (PAP × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

pheochromocytoma. Cytomorphologically, it is very difficult to distinguish AdCC from metastatic adenocarcinoma and immunocytochemistry may be helpful in this aspect (Table 32.6). Cells in AdCC are positive for Melan-A, inhibin, and calretinin and negative for cytokeratin.

CONCLUSION FNAC of adrenal lesion is relatively safe, provided it is done by a team of doctors. In each case, cell block preparation is mandatory for the immunocytochemistry to do. Immunocytochemistry is particularly important to differentiate renal cell carcinoma and adrenocortical carcinoma, and subtyping of metastatic carcinoma.


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Table 32.6: Characteristic features of metastasis. Primary tumors



Renal cell carcinoma

Cells with abundant clear cytoplasm

EMA, CK, and vimentin

Lung carcinoma: Small cell

Small cells, scanty cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nucleus, and nuclear molding

NSE, chromogranin, and CK

Prostatic adenocarcinoma

Glandular differentiation



Large pleomorphic cells, spindle cells, and cytoplasmic melanin pigment


Colorectal adenocarcinoma

Glandular differentiation

CK20 positive and CK7 negative

Breast carcinoma

Malignant ductular cells

CK7 positive, CK20 negative, and ER, PR, and GCDFP15 positive

(CK: cytokeratin; EMA: epithelial membrane antigen; GCDFP15: gross cystic disease fluid protein 15; NSE: neuron-specific enolase; PSA: prostate-specific antigen)


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CHAPTER 32  Kidney and Adrenal

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sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology


Gonads and Prostate

TESTIS The testis is the male gonad situated within the scrotal sac. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the testis is now a well-established technique. It is mainly done to investigate the nature of the swelling and investigate male infertility cases. There is an unproven risk of dissemination of malignancy by FNAC through the needle tract. Therefore, many people doubt the necessity of testicular FNAC. In our experience in the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, we did not encounter any dissemination of malignancy through the needle tract during testicular FNAC. We have not faced any case of local recurrence or inguinal metastasis due to the FNAC of the testis. FNAC of the testis is a rapid, economical, and reliable procedure and provides important information about the nature of the lesion. For the surgeon, fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of testicular masses is a helpful guide in selecting the best operative procedure. An accurate preoperative diagnosis is important in determining the correct surgical approach for the patient. FNAC of the scrotal swelling is, however, less controversial and it can be used to diagnose the various cysts and inflammatory lesions.


Normal Cells of Testis Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology Sertoli Cells Sertoli cells are relatively large cells with fragile cytoplasm and indistinct cell border (Fig. 33.1). The cytoplasm may show fine vacuolations and spermatozoa. The nuclei of the cells show granular chromatin and prominent nucleoli.

Spermatocytes The primary spermatocytes show scanty, deeply basophilic cytoplasm with round to oval nuclei having coarsely clumped chromatin. Nucleoli are indistinct. Secondary spermatocytes are not identified.

Spermatids These cells are often present in small groups. The cytoplasm of the cell is scanty and vacuolated. The nuclei are round with clumped chromatin and indistinct nucleoli.

Anatomy and Histology of Testis Each testis is approximately 4 cm long and 2–3 cm wide. Testis develops in the abdominal cavity and then descends in the scrotal sac dragging a part of peritoneum known as tunica vaginalis. The testis is composed of numerous seminiferous tubules that are surrounded by richly vascular loose connective tissue. In the connective tissue, there are small conglomerations of endocrine cells present, which are known as the interstitial cells of Leydig. Within the seminiferous tubule, the germ cells undergo maturation through various stages: Spermatocytes to spermatids to spermatozoa. The mature spermatozoa travels from seminiferous tubules to the rete testis to ductus deferens and finally stores in epididymis.

Fig. 33.1:  Normal testicular tissue: Sertoli cells, spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa (MGG × HP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; HP: high power)

CHAPTER 33  Gonads and Prostate

Spermatozoa These are triangular-shaped cells having eccentric nuclei and condensed chromatin. The tip of the spermatozoa shows a clear cytoplasmic outline. Sperm shows a long tail.

Leydig Cells These are large cells with abundant fine pink granular cytoplasm and centrally located nuclei having prominent nucleoli. Crystalloids of Reinke are also seen in May– Grünwald–Giemsa (MGG)-stained smears.

Peritesticular Lesions Hydrocele Hydrocele is the accumulation of fluid in the tunica vaginalis. Hydrocele may be congenital or acquired. The acquired hydrocele is often associated with inflammation of the tunica vaginalis. Aspirates of hydrocele yields clear straw-colored fluid and smears show many sheets of benign tunica lining mesothelial cells.

Spermatocele Spermatocele is the cystic dilatation of the efferent ducts. The cyst is filled with spermatozoa (Fig. 33.2). This is usually associated with a history of local operation such as vasectomy. FNAC smears show many spermatozoa and macrophages with phagocytosed sperms.

Inflammation Tuberculous Epididymitis


material. The FNAC smear shows multiple epithelioid cell granulomas, multinucleated giant cells, and lymphocytes on a necrotic background. Ziehl–Neelsen stain for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) is positive in half of such cases.

Other Causes of Granulomatous Epididymitis The granulomatous inflammation in epididymitis may be present in fungal infection, granulomatous ischemic lesion, and idiopathic granulomatous epididymitis.

Filarial Inflammation Microfilarial infestation in the epididymis often provokes chronic inflammation. Cytology smear shows microfilaria along with a variable amount of multinucleated giant cells and granulomas. Therefore, it is preferable to screen the smear in lower magnification to detect such parasites.

Adenomatoid Tumor1 Adenomatoid tumor is the most common tumor of the epididymis and is seen in third and fourth decades of life. The smear shows multiple clusters and sheets of monotonous population of cells (Fig. 33.3). The individual cells show round monomorphic nuclei with fine chromatin and small inconspicuous nucleoli. Discrete spindle cells are also seen. The tumor cells show strong reactivity for cytokeratin (CK), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), calretinin, and WT1. The cells are negative for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and factor VIII (FVIII)-related antigen.2

Spermatocytic Granuloma1

Tuberculosis of the epididymitis is common in the Indian subcontinent. The aspirate usually yields thick cheesy

Spermatocytic granulomas are usually seen as a swelling in the head of the epididymitis (Figs. 33.4 and 33.5). The cytology smears show ill-formed epithelioid cell granulomas,

Fig. 33.2:  Spermatocele: Abundant spermatozoa in the centrifuged fluid of the spermatocele (H&E × MP).

Fig. 33.3:  Adenomatoid tumor: Multiple clusters and discrete monomorphic epithelial cells (H&E × HP).

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; HP: high power)


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Fig. 33.4:  Spermatocytic granuloma: Epithelioid cell granulomas along with many spermatozoa in a dirty necrotic background (MGG × MP).

Fig. 33.6:  Sertoli cell-only syndrome: Only Sertoli cells present (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

in maturation are easily identified in FNAC smears. FNAC of testis has almost 100% diagnostic accuracy in the evaluation of male azoospermic patient.6

Sertoli Cell-only Syndrome The smears show a large number of Sertoli cells. In addition, mast cells may also be present (Fig. 33.6).

Early Maturation Arrest Mainly, spermatocytes and Sertoli cells are present in early maturation arrest. Spermatids or sperms are absent in the smear.

Late Maturation Arrest Fig. 33.5:  Spermatocytic granuloma: Higher magnification of the epithelioid cell granuloma (MGG × HP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; HP: high power)

The maturation up to the level of spermatids is noted and sperms are absent.

Normal Spermatogenesis

lymphoid cells, and histiocytes. Scattered spermatozoa and macrophages with phagocytosed sperm heads are also present. Ziehl–Neelsen stain for AFB is always negative in this granulomatous inflammation.

All types of cells are present. The presence of normal maturation in an FNAC smear in an azoospermic male indicates the possibility of obstruction in the pathway of semen.

Evaluation of Male Infertility3-7

The testicular tumor classified by the World Health Organization (WHO)8 is described in Box 33.1.

In 1965, Obrant and Persson described the FNAC for the cytological evaluation of spermatogenesis.7 The testicular FNAC for evaluating male infertility was not popular for a long time, as many clinicians were afraid of trauma and hemorrhage. However, the FNAC of the testis is almost free of complications. FNAC is a relatively easy and quick procedure to assess any obstruction in the efferent duct system and the status of spermatogenesis. The various cells

Neoplasm of Testis

Seminoma9-13 Seminoma is the most frequent germ cell tumor of the testis and represents one-third of all testicular tumors. The incidence of this tumor increases sharply after puberty and is most common between 30 and 40 years of age. The patient usually presents as painless enlargement of testis.

CHAPTER 33  Gonads and Prostate

Box 33.1


Testicular tumor classification (2016).

Germ cell tumors derived from germ cell neoplasia in situ: • Noninvasive germ cell neoplasia: {{Germ cell neoplasia in situ {{Specific forms of intratubular germ cell neoplasia • Tumors of single histological type (pure forms): {{Seminoma {{Seminoma with syncytiotrophoblastic cells • Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors: {{Embryonal carcinoma {{Yolk sac tumor, postpubertal type {{Trophoblastic tumors: –– Choriocarcinoma –– Placental site trophoblastic tumor {{Teratoma, postpubertal type {{Teratoma with somatic type of malignancy Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors of more than one type Germ cell tumors unrelated to germ cell neoplasia in situ: • Spermatocytic tumors • Teratoma: {{Dermoid cyst {{Mixed teratoma {{Well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor • Yolk sac tumor, prepubertal type • Sex cord/gonadal stromal tumors: {{Leydig cell tumor {{Malignant Leydig cell tumor {{Sertoli cell tumor {{Malignant Sertoli cell tumor {{Granulosa cell tumor {{Tumors of the thecoma/fibroma group {{Thecoma {{Fibroma Tumor containing both sex cord and germ cell elements: Gonadoblastoma Miscellaneous tumors of the testis: Carcinoid, paraganglioma, etc.

Cytology There are two histological types of seminoma: (1) Classical and (2) Spermatocytic. The classical seminoma shows discrete malignant cells in a typical lace-like vacuolated background known as tigroid background (Figs. 33.7 and 33.8; Box 33.2). This is due to the cytoplasmic contents of the fragile cells. The tumor cells are three to four times larger than the mature lymphocytes and show a scanty to moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei are round, mildly pleomorphic with finely granular chromatin and prominent nucleoli. The fragile nucleus often gives rise

Fig. 33.7:  Seminoma: Discrete round cells in a tigroid background (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Fig. 33.8:  Seminoma: Round cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei are enlarged with fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli (MGG × OI). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; OI: oil immersion)

Box 33.2


• Discrete cells • Tigroid lacy vacuolated background • Scanty vacuolated cytoplasm • Nucleus shows mild pleomorphism • Opened up chromatin and prominent nucleoli • Background lymphocytes • Epithelioid cell granulomas • Immunocytochemistry: Positive for placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and CD117 (c-kit)


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

to thin long chromatin threads. Mature lymphocytes and lymphoglandular bodies are seen in the smear. In addition, occasional epithelioid cell granulomas may be present. Spermatocytic seminoma represents 4% of all seminomas. The tumor shows a mixture of small, medium, and large cells with the medium-sized cells as a dominant population. The medium-sized cells have a moderate cytoplasm and large nuclei with coarsely chromatin and prominent nucleoli. The small cells show scanty deep blue cytoplasm with pleomorphic nuclei having dense chromatin. The large cells have abundant cytoplasm and moderately pleomorphic large nuclei. The cells often are binucleated with multiple prominent nucleoli. Unlike classical seminoma, the spermatocytic seminoma shows a clean background that is free of lymphocytes. Tigroid lacy vacuolated background is absent in such tumor.

Box 33.3

Embryonal carcinoma.

• Cohesive three-dimensional clusters • Small acinar, tubular, and papillary pattern • Large cells, moderately pale vacuolated cytoplasm • Large moderate to marked pleomorphic nuclei • Single to multiple prominent nucleoli, often macronucleoli

Immunocytochemistry of Seminoma • Positive: Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) and CD117 • Negative: CK, EMA, and CD30

Differential Diagnosis • Nonseminomatous germ cell tumor: The other types of germ cell tumors may simulate seminoma. The typical tigroid background, lymphocytes, and individual cell morphology may be helpful. Frequent admixture of different germ cell tumors may pose a significant problem in diagnosis. • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL): NHL shows a lack of tigroid background. Lymphoglandular bodies are always present in NHL. NHLs are positive for CD45 and negative for PLAP. • Metastatic carcinoma: Metastatic carcinoma shows cohesive clusters of malignant cells with enlarged pleomorphic nuclei. The cells are positive for CK and negative for leukocyte common antigen (LCA) and PLAP.

Fig. 33.9:  Embryonal carcinoma: Loose cluster of cells with markedly pleomorphic cells (MGG × HP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; HP: high power)

Embryonal Carcinoma The cytological characteristics of embryonal carcinomas are mentioned in Box 33.3.

Cytology The smears show cohesive clusters, acinar, tubular, and papillary arrangement of cells (Figs. 33.9 and 33.10). The tumor cells show large, highly pleomorphic nuclei with an irregular nuclear outline. The nuclei contain multiple prominent nucleoli. The background of the smear may show necrosis.

Immunocytochemistry of Embryonal Carcinoma • Positive: Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), high-molecularweight keratin, and CD30 • Negative: CD117

Fig. 33.10:  Embryonal carcinoma: Large cells with enlarged nuclei having multiple prominent nucleoli (MGG × OI). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; OI: oil immersion)

Yolk Sac Tumor Yolk sac tumor is known as endodermal sinus tumor. It may be seen in “pure form” or in a “component of mixed germ cell tumor.” The tumor shows many cohesive groups of cells in a mucoid background. The tumor cells show moderately pleomorphic nuclei having multiple prominent nucleoli. Cytoplasmic vacuolations are present. Periodic acid-Schiff

CHAPTER 33  Gonads and Prostate

(PAS)-positive and diastase-resistant intracytoplasmic and extracellular pink globules may also be noted. The cells of endodermal sinus tumor are positive for PLAP and AFP.

Choriocarcinoma Choriocarcinoma represents 5% of all testicular tumors. The tumor is usually small in size and there may not be any enlargement of the testis. The cytology smear shows syncytio- and cytotrophoblasts. The syncytiotrophoblasts are relatively large cells with abundant cytoplasm and severely large pleomorphic nuclei with multiple prominent nucleoli. The cytotrophoblastic cells are small with a scanty vacuolated cytoplasm. The nuclei are round, mildly pleomorphic, having indistinct nucleoli. The smear usually shows a large amount of necrosis.

Immunocytochemistry of Choriocarcinoma Positive: Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and keratin

Other Tumors of Testis Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the testis represents only 2% of all the testicular tumors. NHL of testis usually affects the elderly patient. Most of the testicular lymphomas are diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). The cytomorphology of NHL is similar as that of other areas (Fig. 33.11).

FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM Many clinicians do not recommend FNAC of frankly malignant operable ovarian tumor because of possible rupture and spillage of cyst material to the peritoneal cavity. Moreover, the preoperative diagnosis of malignant ovarian tumor may not be needed because the surgical excision


may be the treatment of choice. FNAC of ovarian tumor is indicated in: • Confirmation of recurrence of the malignant tumor • To diagnose an advanced unresectable ovarian tumor • Confirmation of benign incidental ovarian tumor Fine-needle aspiration cytology of ovarian tumor is done under USG or CT scan guidance. The benign cyst in USG is usually thin-walled, simple cyst without any septation. No solid areas are seen. FNAC from the ovary is almost free of any complications. In our institution, we have never seen any needle tract seeding after FNAC of ovarian malignancy. Due to the heterogeneity of ovarian histology, it is impossible to have a proper sampling from the representative area and malignancy may be underdiagnosed. The sensitivity of ovarian tumor is as high as 90%. The false-negative FNAC report is particularly seen in case of borderline tumors.

Nonneoplastic Cyst Follicular Cyst The follicular cyst of the ovary may be variable sized and unilateral. USG shows unilocular thin-walled fluid-filled cyst. The majority of them spontaneously regressed within a few months. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the cyst yields clear fluid. The smear of the fluid is usually paucicellular. However, occasionally, the smears may be hypercellular. The granulosa cells are discrete with scanty vacuolated cytoplasm. The nuclei are round and monomorphic. The chromatin is granular having one to two prominent nucleoli. Nuclear grooves may be seen in occasional cells.

Corpus Luteal Cyst Corpus luteal cyst is due to persistent presence of corpus luteum. It is usually unilocular and lined by corpus luteal cell. Cytology smear shows discrete corpus luteal cells (Box 33.4). The cells are large with abundant finely vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei are central and pyknotic. In addition, the smear may show golden brown hemosiderin-laden histiocytes.

Endometriotic Cyst Fine-needle aspiration cytology smears of the endometriotic cyst show hemosiderin-laden histiocytes and occasional degenerated endometrial glandular cells and endometrial

Box 33.4 Fig. 33.11:  NHL testis: Lymphoblastic lymphoma secondarily involved in testis (MGG × OI). (NHL: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; OI: oil immersion)

Corpus luteal cyst.

• Large cells • Abundant finely vacuolated cytoplasm • Central pyknotic nuclei • Hemosiderin-laden histiocytes


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

stromal fragments (Box 33.5). The endometrial cells are small with scanty cytoplasm having monomorphic hyperchromatic nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli. The endometrial stromal cells are round with moderate cytoplasm and oval nuclei.

Ovarian Tumor14-18 Serous and Mucinous Adenocarcinoma The cytology smears of serous adenocarcinoma show multiple cohesive clusters and discrete cells (Figs. 33.12 to 33.14). Smears may also show multiple glands or papillary arrangement of cells. The malignant cells are round to oval with Box 33.5

Endometriotic cyst.

• Hemosiderin-laden histiocytes • Endometrial cells • Stromal cells: Round with moderate cytoplasm

Fig. 33.13:  Serous cystadenocarcinoma: Papillary clusters of malignant epithelial cells (H&E × MP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)





Figs. 33.12A and B:  (A) Serous cystadenocarcinoma: Cohesive cluster and discrete malignant cells (MGG × MP) and (B) Serous cystadenocarcinoma: Loose clusters of round cells with moderately pleomorphic enlarged nuclei (H&E × MP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giems; MP: medium power)

Figs. 33.14A and B:  Serous cystadenocarcinoma: Concentrically laminated psammoma body (arrow) (H&E × HP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; HP: high power)

CHAPTER 33  Gonads and Prostate

Box 33.6


Serous cystadenocarcinoma.

• Cohesive clusters, single cells, and glandular arrangement • Large round cells • Pleomorphic nuclei • Prominent nucleoli • Psammoma bodies

Box 33.7

Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.

• Mucinous material • Columnar cells • Intracellular mucin • Pleomorphic nuclei • Prominent nucleoli

a moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm (Box 33.6). The nuclei show moderate pleomorphism with vesicular chromatin having prominent nucleoli. In addition, psammoma bodies are also seen. Tumor necrosis and increased mitotic activities are the indicators of malignancy. At times, it is challenging to distinguish a border­line serous cystadenoma from a serous cystadenocarcinoma. In difficult case, histopathology is needed.

Fig. 33.15:  Clear cell carcinoma: Cluster of cell with clear vacuolated cytoplasm (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma Fine-needle aspiration cytology smears of mucinous adenocarcinoma show multiple three-dimensional cohesive groups of malignant cells in the background of mucinous material (Box 33.7). The individual cells are columnar in shape with central to eccentric basally placed nuclei. The cytoplasm of the cell is moderately vacuolated. The nuclei are moderately pleomorphic having prominent nucleoli.

Differential Diagnosis

• Metastatic carcinoma: Metastatic carcinoma, particularly metastatic colonic carcinoma, is difficult to differentiate from the primary ovarian carcinoma. • Borderline malignancy: It is impossible to differentiate a borderline ovarian malignancy from a frank malignancy in FNAC.

Endometrioid Carcinoma On FNAC smear, it is challenging to differentiate endometrioid carcinoma from serous adenocarcinoma. The smears show dissociated and small groups of columnar cells with moderately pleomorphic nuclei. Background may show hemorrhage, necrosis, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages.

Clear Cell Carcinoma Fine-needle aspiration cytology smear shows aggregates and dissociated tumor cells having abundant clear vacuolated cytoplasm with centrally located moderately pleomorphic nuclei (Figs. 33.15 and 33.16; Box 33.8). The nuclei

Fig. 33.16:  Clear cell carcinoma: Higher magnification showing round to oval cells with moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm and enlarged nuclei (MGG × HP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; HP: high power)

Box 33.8

Clear cell carcinoma.

• Clear vacuolated cytoplasm • Central nucleus • Moderate nuclear pleomorphism

show frequent binucleation and prominent nucleoli. 19 Extracellular hyaline material may also be noted.

Differential Diagnosis

• Metastatic renal cell carcinoma

Germ Cell Tumor Both ovarian and testicular germ cell tumors have similar cytomorphology. The details have been described before.


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Mature Teratoma FNAC smears of mature teratoma yield pultaceous material. Smears show many anucleated squamous cells, hair follicles, sebaceous cells, ciliated columnar epithelial cells, and intestinal epithelial cells. In addition, mesenchymal and mature neural components may be seen.

Immature Teratoma (Figs. 33.17 to 33.20) Immature teratoma is an intermediate type of malignancy and graded in histopathology according to immature neural elements. In addition to mature components, the FNAC smears show immature neural components such as rosette-like structures and round cells simulating cells of neuroblastoma. These cells show scanty cytoplasm, round nuclei, and fine chromatin. Occasionally the tumor shows other germ cell tumors, particularly yolk sac tumors.

Fig. 33.17:  Immature teratoma: Discrete round to oval cells and a loose cluster of spindle cells embedded in connective tissue (H&E × MP).

The presence of hyaline globules and large cells with severely pleomorphic nuclei having multiple prominent nucleoli suggest the possibility of yolk sac tumors. Serum AFP is elevated in such cases.

Dysgerminoma Cytomorphological features of dysgerminoma and seminoma are the same. The tumor cells are predominantly discrete in a tigroid background. The cells are large round with scanty vacuolated cytoplasm and mildly pleomorphic nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Mature lymphocytes are admixed with the tumor cells.

Granulosa Cell Tumor (Figs. 33.21 and 33.22) This tumor develops from the granulosa cells of the ovary and represents 1% of all ovarian tumors. The tumor occurs

Fig. 33.18:  Immature teratoma: Discrete columnar cells and cluster of round cells (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)

Fig. 33.19:  Immature teratoma: Round discrete cells and tubules (H&E × MP).

Fig. 33.20:  Immature teratoma: Vague rosette-like structure (H&E × HP).

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; HP: high power)

CHAPTER 33  Gonads and Prostate

Box 33.9


Granulosa cell tumor.

• Discrete cells • Cells arranged around pink material • Monomorphic nuclei • Longitudinal coffee bean-like nuclear groove

Fig. 33.21:  Granulosa cell tumor: Monomorphic round cells in clusters and arranged around reddish globules (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Fig. 33.23:  Sertoli cell tumor: Monomorphic round to oval cells in the vacuolated background (H&E × MP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)

in all age groups. The functional granulosa cell tumor may show hyperestrogenic symptoms such as irregular bleeding in postmenopausal women, menstrual disorders in reproductive age groups, and pseudoprecocious puberty.


Cytology: FNAC smears of the granulosa cell tumor show both discrete and small cohesive clusters of cells (Box 33.9). The cells are round with a scanty to moderate amount of pale cytoplasm with indistinct borders. Occasionally, the cells are arranged around deep pink PAS-positive material.

Sertoli Cell Tumor Cytological diagnosis of Sertoli cell tumor is difficult. The smear shows discrete monomorphic round to oval cells (Figs. 33.23 and 33.24). Occasionally, tubules are also noted. The background may be fatty vacuolated.


B Figs. 33.22A and B:  (A) Granulosa cell tumor: Cells are arranged around pinkish material (MGG × HP) and (B) Frequent nuclear grooves are present (arrow) (H&E × HP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; HP: high power)

The major indication of FNAC of prostate is to differentiate from benign prostatic enlargement from malignancy. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a useful serum biomarker for screening of prostate carcinoma. Core needle biopsy of the prostate along with serum PSA level estimation has greatly replaced the FNAC of the prostate. However, FNAC has the added advantage of multiple sampling from different areas of the prostate. A detailed description of prostate FNAC has been described in previous chapter. FNAC of


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Fig. 33.24:  Sertoli cell tumor: Higher magnification showing better morphology. Round cells with blunt nuclear chromatin (H&E × HP).

Fig. 33.25:  Prostate epithelial cells: Monolayer sheet of benign prostatic epithelial cells (H&E × MP).

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; HP: high power)

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)

the prostate is almost free of any complications, except minor hematuria, pyrexia, and hematospermia. Diagnostic accuracy of prostate FNAC is well established.

Normal Cells in Prostate Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology Prostate Epithelial Cells The normal prostate epithelial cells are usually present in small monolayered sheets. The cells are arranged in a honeycomb-like pattern. The individual cells are round with scanty cytoplasm and round monomorphic nuclei having indistinct nucleoli.

Seminal Vesicle Cells These cells are quite large with hyperchromatic enlarged nuclei. Seminal vesicle cells may be mistaken as malignant cells. However, these cells are readily identifiable because of yellow lipochrome pigment in the cytoplasm and accompanying spermatozoa.

Spermatozoa Occasionally, spermatozoa are seen in prostate FNAC.

Rectal Epithelial Cells Benign columnar epithelial cells from the rectum are also seen in FNAC smears of the prostate. The cells are columnar with round monomorphic nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm.

Urothelial Cells The lining of epithelial cells of the bladder may be seen, if the needle passes through the bladder wall to the superficial mucosa.

Box 33.10

Benign prostatic hyperplasia.

• Monolayered sheets • Round, monomorphic nuclei • Granular chromatin • No nuclear enlargement

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Cytology The cytology smear of the benign prostatic hyperplasia shows multiple clusters of monolayered sheets and occasionally gland-like arrangement (Fig. 33.25; Box 33.10). The cells are round with scanty cytoplasm and remarkably monomorphic nuclei with the regular nuclear membrane. The nuclear chromatin is finely granular with indistinct nucleoli.

Carcinoma Cytology Fine-needle aspiration cytology smear of the prostate shows three-dimensional tight clusters of cells, multiple microacinar arrangement, and dyscohesive cells (Figs. 33.26 and 33.27; Box 33.11). There are abundant microacinar structures present in adenocarcinoma. Considerable amount of dissociated cells is also present. Nuclei of the cells are enlarged, pleomorphic with a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio. The nuclear margin is irregular with large prominent nucleoli. The most important characteristics of adenocarcinoma are three-dimensional clusters, microacini, dissociated cells, and pleomorphic cells with a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio and prominent macronucleoli.

CHAPTER 33  Gonads and Prostate

Fig. 33.26:  Adenocarcinoma of prostate: Cluster and glandular arrangement of cells (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)


Fig. 33.27:  Adenocarcinoma of prostate: Three-dimensional cluster of malignant cells with moderately pleomorphic nuclei (MGG × HP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; HP: high power)

Box 33.11

Adenocarcinoma of prostate.

• Three-dimensional clusters, dissociated cells, and multiple microacinar structures • Nuclear enlargement and high nucleocytoplasmic ratio • Prominent nucleoli • Irregular nuclear membrane • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is high (>4 ng/mL)

Differential Diagnosis • Seminal vesicle cells • Rectal mucosal cell: Rectal mucosal cells may be misinterpreted as malignant cells. However, individual cells do not show any features of malignancy. • Well-differentiated carcinoma versus benign lesion: It is often difficult to differentiate well-differentiated carcinoma from benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Other Tumors

Rarely, sarcoma may develop from the native prostatic stroma and muscle. Leiomyosarcomas are most frequently seen among all other sarcomas. The tumor cells are usually arranged in small tight clusters and fascicles. The cells are elongated with spindle-shaped blunt-ended nuclei. The cells of leiomyosarcoma are positive for desmin and smooth muscle actin.

CONCLUSION Cytological features along with immunostaining such as PAX8, p53, and WT1 confirms the diagnosis of high grade serous carcinoma of ovary. FNAC of the ovary is now a important diagnostic technique before starting preoperative chemotherapy. Presently, USG guided core biopsy of the prostate has greatly replaced FNAC. However, FNAC can be done from the multiple areas of the prostate and can be beneficial in the diagnosis of prostate carcinoma in certain situation.

Tumors from the adjacent area such as the rectum or bladder may also involve prostate.



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Srivastava A, Raghavendran M, Jain M, Gupta S, Chaudhary H. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the testis: can it be a single diagnostic modality in azoospermia? Urol Int. 2004;73(1): 23-7. Arora VK, Singh N, Bhatia A, Rashmi, Radhakrishnan G, Jain BK, et al. Testicular fine needle aspiration cytology for the diagnosis of azoospermia and oligospermia. Acta Cytol. 2000;44(3): 349-56. Rajwanshi A, Indudhara R, Goswami AK, Radhika S, Das A, Sharma SK, et al. Fine-needle aspiration cytology in azoospermic males. Diagn Cytopathol. 1991;7(1):3-6.


7. 8.

9. 10. 11.

12. 13.

sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Obrant KO, Persson PS. Zytologische Untersuchung des Hodens durch Aspirationsbiopsie zur Beurteilung der Fertilität. Fertil Urol Int. 1965;20(2):176-89. Moch H, Cubilla AL, Humphrey PA, Reuter VE, Ulbright TM. The 2016 WHO Classification of Tumours of the Urinary System and Male Genital Organs-Part A: Renal, Penile, and Testicular Tumours. Eur Urol. 2016;70(1):93-105. Caraway NP, Fanning CV, Amato RJ, Sneige N. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of seminoma: a review of 16 cases. Diagn Cytopathol. 1995;12(4):327-33. Assi A, Patetta R, Fava C, Berti GL, Bacchioni AM, Cozzi L. Fineneedle aspiration of testicular lesions: report of 17 cases. Diagn Cytopathol. 2000;23(6):388-92. García-Solano J, Sánchez-Sánchez C, Montalbán-Romero S, Sola-Pérez J, Pérez-Guillermo M. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) of testicular germ cell tumours: a 10-year experience in a community hospital. Cytopathology. 1998;9(4):248-62. Saran RK, Banerjee AK, Gupta SK, Rajwanshi A. Spermatocytic seminoma: a cytology and histology case report with review of the literature. Diagn Cytopathol. 1999;20(4):233-6. Fleury-Feith J, Bellot-Besnard J. Criteria for aspiration cytology for the diagnosis of seminoma. Diagn Cytopathol. 1989;5(4):392-5.

14. Dey P, Saha SC, Dhar KK. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of ovarian neoplasm. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2001;44(2):103-6. 15. Andersen WA, Nichols GE, Avery SR, Taylor PT. Cytologic diagnosis of ovarian tumours: factors influencing accuracy in previously undiagnosed cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1995;173(2):457-63. 16. Uguz A, Ersoz C, Bolat F, Gokdemir A, Vardar MA. Fine needle aspiration cytology of ovarian lesions. Acta Cytol. 2005;49(2):144-8. 17. Ganjei P. Fine-needle aspiration cytology of the ovary. Clin Lab Med. 1995;15(3):705-26. 18. Sood T, Handa U, Mohan H, Goel P. Evaluation of aspiration cytology of ovarian masses with histopathological correlation. Cytopathology. 2010;21(3):176-85. 19. Atahan S, Ekinci C, Icli F, Erdogan N. Cytology of clear cell carcinoma of the female genital tract in fine needle aspirates and ascites. Acta Cytol. 2000;44(6):1005-9. 20. Maksem JA, Berner A, Bedrossian C. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the prostate gland. Diagn Cytopathol. 2007;35(12):778-85. 21. Pérez-Guillermo M, Acosta-Ortega J, García-Solano J. Pitfalls and infrequent findings in fine-needle aspiration of the prostate gland. Diagn Cytopathol. 2005;33(2):126-37.

CHAPTER Soft-tissue Lesions

INTRODUCTION Soft-tissue tumor comprises a wide variety of lesions with the different architectural pattern. It is often difficult to provide the exact histological typing of soft-tissue lesions on fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The confirmatory diagnosis of soft-tissue tumor on FNAC is not well accepted, and it is still a controversial issue. There is a negative attitude of surgeons, oncologist, and even histopathologists regarding FNAC diagnosis of soft-tissue lesions.1 However, FNAC is useful in recurrent soft-tissue sarcomas, metastatic sarcomas, and also to confirm various benign lesions (Box 34.1). It also provides necessary information about the nature of the soft-tissue lesion. Ancillary investigations can be done from the FNAC material to reach a conclusive diagnosis in certain situations.2 Compared to open biopsy or core needle biopsy, FNAC of soft tissue can be done in outpatient department, and the procedure is well-tolerated, rapid, and cost-effective. If needed, repeat samples can be taken for ancillary investigations such as immunohistochemistry, electron

Box 34.1

Indications of FNAC.

• Initial confirmation of nature of the lesion for further management • Recurrent sarcoma • Metastatic sarcoma • To exclude a metastatic tumors in the soft tissue (FNAC: fine-needle aspiration cytology)

Box 34.2

Advantages of FNAC.

• Well tolerated • Rapid • Cost effective • Multiple sampling • Ancillary investigation possible (FNAC: fine-needle aspiration cytology)



microscopy (EM), DNA ploidy analysis, and molecular genetics (Box 34.2). Fine-needle aspiration cytology of soft-tissue lesion is almost free of any complication. Needle tract seeding is a myth and has no practical importance.

DIAGNOSTIC ACCURACY The overall diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of softtissue tumors are >90%. 3-5 The false-negative rate of soft-tissue tumor is as high as 15%. The main causes of false-negative diagnosis are inadequate sampling, nonrepresentative sampling, and misinterpretation of the smear (Box 34.3). Inadequate or suboptimal sampling may be due to FNAC of richly vascular tissue such as hemangioma or angiosarcoma. The tumor may be hyalinized or collagenous, and FNAC may yield a poor amount of cells. Nonrepresentative sampling may be due to the entry of the needle to the adjacent reactive tissue. The rate of the false-negative report can be reduced if multiple sampling is done from the different areas of the tumor and an immediate assessment of the material is done. The false-positive diagnosis of FNAC is about 5%. In case of any doubt, histopathological examination of the tumor should be recommended. Mutilating surgery should not be done on the basis of primary FNAC diagnosis.

Box 34.3

False-negative diagnosis.

Inadequate sampling: • Less number of needle passes • Hyalinized tissue • Collagenous tissue • Necrosis • Richly vascular • Deep-seated lesion may be missed. Nonrepresentative sample: • Sampling from adjacent reactive tissue Interpretation error


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

FNAC TECHNIQUE AND INFORMATION NEEDED FOR DIAGNOSIS Fine-needle aspiration cytology of soft-tissue lesion is done as usual with a syringe, pistol handle, and needle (Box 34.4). The diameter of the needle should not be >0.7 mm (22 gauge). FNAC should be done from multiple sites to avoid the problem of tumor heterogeneity and also to get adequate representative tissue. Immediate rapid Giemsa staining may provide necessary information about the adequacy of the material and also about the need for ancillary studies. Both wet-fixed and air-dried smears are made for Papanicolaou’s stain and May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG) stain, respectively. The aspirate may be collected for cell block flow cytometry (FCM) and molecular genetics study. For accurate diagnosis of soft-tissue tumor, following information are needed: • Age: Many soft-tissue tumors are age-specific. Rhabdomyosarcoma and soft-tissue Ewing’s tumor usually occur in young patients. • Chief complaints: Rapidly growing tumor within a short duration is likely to be malignant. • Size: Tumor with >5 cm diameter should be carefully interpreted as the chance of malignancy is more in largesized mass. • Computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Deeper tissue or bone infiltration by the tumor indicates its malignant behavior. In addition, a past history of sarcoma or other malignancy is helpful in accurate interpretation of the FNAC smear. One can diagnose a soft-tissue tumor as benign, sarcoma, other malignancy and inadequate. In case of difficulty, you can give a thorough description of the cytological features and various possible diagnoses.3 The cytomorphological subtypes of the soft-tissue lesions may be done on the basis of predominant cell morphology such as.6,7 • Spindle cell types: Fibrosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, synovial sarcoma (monophasic), dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. Box 34.4

FNAC techniques.

• Needle: 22 gauge • Multiple area should be sampled • Air-dried and alcohol fixed smear • May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) and Papanicolaou [or Hematoxylin and eosin (H and E)] staining • On-site assessment of material • Material for cell block: Immunocytochemistry • Material for other ancillary studies: Flow cytometry (FCM), molecular genetics (MGG: May-Grunwald–Giemsa )

• Round cell type: Embryonal and alveolar rhabdomyo­ sarcoma, soft-tissue Ewing’s tumor, etc. • Pleomorphic cell type: Malignant fibrous histiocytoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma, and pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma • Biphasic tumors: Synovial sarcoma However, there may be overlapping cell morphology, and it may be difficult to put the lesion in one such category. The exact histological subclassification of soft-tissue tumor may not be always feasible. The grade of soft-tissue sarcoma (STS) probably is more important than histological subtyping regarding management and prognosis. Currently, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) grading system proposed by Costa et al. and the French grading system proposed by Guillou et al., from the Fédération Nationale des Centers de Lutte Contré le Cancer (FNCLCC) are commonly used in grading STS.8,9 The NCI system graded STS in three grades: Grades 1, 2, and 3. This system uses grading of STS based on histological type, cellularity, pleomorphism, mitotic rate, and necrosis. Depending on the amount of necrosis the grade 2 (15% necrosis) STSs are assigned. The FNCLCC system of grading gives more importance to differentiation of the neoplasm, mitotic count and the quantity of necrotic tumor tissue. A score is attributed to each factor, and a combined score is used for grading of STS. We have successfully used NCI grading system to grade STS.10 However, a two-tier grading system is also proposed on cytology smear for better reproducibility (Table 34.1).11 The World Health Organization (WHO) classified softtissue tumor according to histological type and behavior of the tumor (Box 34.5).12 The 2020 WHO classification added several newer entitites that include: • Atypical spindle cell (pleomorphic lipomatous tumor) • Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma • EWSR1-SMAD3-positive fibroblastic tumor • Superficial CD34-positive fibroblastic tumor • NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm

ANCILLARY TECHNIQUES Ancillary techniques are often needed for the exact typing of soft-tissue sarcoma. The important techniques in this respect are:

Table 34.1: Two-tiered grade of sarcoma. Features

Low-grade sarcoma

High-grade sarcoma




Nuclear atypia


Moderate to severe

Nuclear overlap


Moderate to marked







CHAPTER 34  Soft-tissue Lesions

Box 34.5

WHO Classification of soft-tissue tumor (modified).

• Tumors of adipocytes: {{Benign: Lipoma and it variants such as myolipoma, angiolipoma, atypical spindle cell (pleomorphic lipomatous tumor) {{Intermediate (locally aggressive): Atypical lipomatous tumor {{Malignant: Liposarcoma, dedifferentiated liposarcoma, myxoid liposarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma, myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma • Fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumors: {{Benign: Nodular fasciitis, proliferative fasciitis, proliferative myositis, myositis ossificans {{Intermediate (locally aggressive) Benign solitary fibrous tumor, Palmar/planter type fibromatosis, desmoid type fibromatosis, Intermediate (rarely metastasizing) Solitary fibrous tumor, Dermatofibrosarcoma, infantile fibrosarcoma {{Malignant Adult fibrosarcoma, myxofibrosarcoma, Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma • Fibrohistiocytic tumors {{Benign Tenosynovial giant cell tumor, Deep benign fibrous histiocytoma, Angiofibroma, EWSR1-SMAD3-positive fibroblastic tumor {{Intermediate (rarely metastasizing) Plexiform fibrohistiocytic tumor, Giant cell tumor of soft tissues, superficial CD34 positive fibroblastic tumor {{Malignant Malignant tenosynovial giant cell tumor • Smooth muscle tumors Leiomyoma Leiomyosarcoma • Pericytic (perivascular) tumors {{Benign and intermediate Glomus tumor, myopericytoma, angioleiomyoma {{Malignant: Malignant glomus tumor • Skeletal muscle tumors {{Benign Rhabdomyoma {{Malignant Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma • Vascular tumors {{Benign: Hemangiomas, epithelioid hemangioma, lymphangioma {{Intermediate (locally aggressive): Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma {{Intermediate (rarely metastasizing): Retiform hemangioendothelioma, papillary intralymphatic angioendothelioma, Kaposi sarcoma Continued...


Continued... Malignant: Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, angiosarcoma of soft tissue, epithelioid hemangioendotheliom with YAP1-TFE3 fusion • Chondro-osseous tumors: {{Benign: Soft-tissue chondroma, {{Malignant: Extraskeletal osteosarcoma • Peripheral nerve sheath tumor {{Benign: Schwannoma, Neurofibroma {{Malignant: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor • Tumors of uncertain differentiation {{Benign Myxoma {{Intermediate (locally aggressive) Angiomyolipoma Intermediate (rarely metastasizing) Mixed tumor, myoepithelioma {{Malignant Synovial sarcoma, Epithelioid sarcoma, Alveolar soft part sarcoma, Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue, PNET/Extraskeletal Ewing tumor, Desmoplastic small round cell tumor, Neoplasms with perivascular epithelioid cell differentiation (PEComa), NTRKrearranged spindle cell neoplasm {{

Box 34.6

Immunocytochemistry of sarcoma.

• Leiomyosarcoma: SMA • Rhabdomyosarcoma: Desmin, myogenin • Synovial sarcoma: CK, EMA • Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: CK, EMA, Vimentin, Desmin • Angiosarcoma: CD31, CD34

• Cell block for immunocytochemistry: Cell block is needed to do immunocytochemistry. This is mainly helpful in spindle cell and round cell tumor (Box 34.6). • Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for molecular genetics (Table 34.2): Specific chromosomal abnormalities indicate certain sarcomas such as t(11;22) (q24;q12) is specific for Ewing’s tumor, and t(X;18) (p11;q11) is unique in synovial sarcoma. • Electron microscopy (EM): EM is helpful in diagnosis of certain SFS. Demonstration of melanosomes is specific for clear cell sarcoma. Similarly cross striations can be shown in rhabdomyosarcoma. “Weibel–Palade bodies” are specifically present in vascular tumors.

INDIVIDUAL SOFT-TISSUE TUMORS Lipoma and Its Variants Lipoma is the most frequent soft-tissue lesion and accounts for 50% of all soft-tissue tumors. It is common in elderly


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Table 34.2 : Cytogenetics of soft-tissue tumor. Tumor

Chromosomal abnormalities

Alveolar soft part sarcoma

der(X)t(X;17) (p11;q25)


Clear cell sarcoma



Desmoplastic small round cell tumor



Epithelioid sarcoma

t(8;22)(q22;q11); +2

Ewing’s tumor



Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor

2p23 rearrangement


Liposarcoma, myxoid



Rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar

t(2;13)(q37;q14); del(13)(q14)


Rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal

t(8;11)(q12;q21); +11 (trisomy); del(11)

Synovial sarcoma


Gene involved

Fig. 34.1:  Lipoma: Lobules of mature fat (H&E × MP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)


obese person. Lipoma may occur in any anatomic locations. It may be seen in superficial subcutaneous tissue or deep soft tissue.

Cytology (Fig. 34.1) Fine-needle aspiration cytology smears show groups of mature adipocytes (Box 34.7). The fat cells show ample vacuolated cytoplasm with centrally monomorphic round nuclei. The cytoplasm is thin and peripherally pushed. Smears may also show fat-filled histiocytes and thin capillaries.

Spindle Cell Lipoma/Pleomorphic Lipoma (Fig. 34.2) They probably represent a single entity with overlapping clinical, morphologic, and cytogenetic features. Spindle cell lipoma/ pleomorphic lipoma commonly occurs in the posterior part of the neck, upper back, and shoulder area as well-circumscribed, painless, slow-growing mass.

Cytology Fine-needle aspiration cytology smear shows a mixture of spindle-shaped cells, adipocytes, and collagen bundles (Box 34.8).The spindle-shaped cells are present in short fascicles in between the adipocytes. The nuclei may show mild nuclear pleomorphism. In addition, the smears may also show hyaline, ropy collagen fibers, and mast cells.13

Fig. 34.2:  Spindle cell Lipoma: Predominantly spindle cells (MGG X MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Box 34.7


• Mature adipocytes • Abundant vacuolated cytoplasm • Central monomorphic bland nuclei

Box 34.8

Spindle cell lipoma.

• Fat cell • Spindle-shaped cells {{Bland-looking nuclei {{Small fascicles • Collagen bundles • Mast cells • No lipoblasts

Pleomorphic Lipoma Fine-needle aspiration cytology smear shows fat cells with large moderately pleomorphic, hyperchromatic nuclei, and floret cells. Floret-like cells may also be noted. The floret

cells show large round cells with abundant cytoplasm and multiple nuclei arranged in a circle or semicircle manner (Box 34.9). No lipoblasts are seen.

CHAPTER 34  Soft-tissue Lesions

Box 34.9


Pleomorphic lipoma.

• Adipocytes with enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei • Floret cells {{Many nuclei are present in semicircular manner • No lipoblasts

Differential Diagnosis • Liposarcoma: Pleomorphic lipoma and atypical lipoma may be mistaken for liposarcoma.

Hibernoma Hibernoma, a rare benign lipomatous tumor, is made of brown fat. It frequently occurs in young adults, and the average age of the patient is 38 years. The tumor is usually located in extremities and neck region.


Fig. 34.3:  Well-differentiated liposarcoma: Monomorphic round cells with a moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm (H&E × MP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)

Fine-needle aspiration cytology smears show three populations of cells: Mature adipocytes, hibernoma cells, and lipoblast-like cells. Hibernoma cells are large, with pale cytoplasm having small vacuoles. Nuclei are round centrally placed. The lipoblast like cells are large with larger fat vacuoles. In addition, the smear also shows delicate thin capillaries.14.

Liposarcomas15,16 Atypical Lipomatous Tumor/Well-differentiated Liposarcoma (Figs. 34.3 to 34.5) The atypical lipomatous tumor (ALT) is an intermediate grade of malignant tumor and is synonymous with “welldifferentiated liposarcoma.” ALT accounts for 40–45% of all liposarcomas and frequently occurs in the 6th decade of life. The usual locations of the tumor are the extremities, retroperitoneal, and mediastinal region.

Fig. 34.4:  Well-differentiated liposarcoma: Scattered large atypical cells with abundant vacuolated cytoplasm. (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Cytology FNAC smears show fat cell with enlarged pleomorphic nuclei. The nuclei may be multilobated. There may be admixture of lipoblasts. The presence of lipoblasts in a sarcoma usually indicates liposarcoma. The important characteristics of lipoblast are: • Multivacuolated round cells. • Scalloping vacuoles around nucleus • Occasionally compressed nuclei may give a signet ringlike appearance. It is often difficult to distinguish such lesion from lipoma. It is therefore always advisable to have a histopathological examination in any deep lipomatous lesion.15

Myxoid Liposarcoma Myxoid Liposarcoma (MLS) is the second most common type of liposarcoma and represents about 10% of all adult STS.

Fig. 34.5:  Well-differentiated liposarcoma: Scattered cells with enlarged and pleomorphic nuclei. (MGG × HP). (HP: high power; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa)


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

MLS is commonly seen in the deep soft tissue of the thigh. The tumor commonly occurs in the 4th and 5th decades of life. The patient presents with a large painless mass within the deep soft tissue.

Cytology (Figs. 34.6 and 34.7)17 FNAC smear shows tumor cells entrapped in the abundant granular myxoid material. There are many arborizing thin-walled capillaries (Box 34.10). The tumor cells show oval-shaped bland nuclei with high nuclear/cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio. The presence of uni- or multivacuolated lipoblasts with scalloped nuclear margin is essential for the diagnosis of myxoid LPS. This tumor lacks nuclear pleomorphism, bizarre tumor giant cells, or any mitotic activity.

tumors with myxoid change such as intramascular myxoma or “myxoid variant of malignant fibrous histiocytoma.” Intramuscular myxoma (IM) shows a lack of branching capillaries and typical lipoblast. The myxoid variant of malignant fibrous histiocytoma shows significant nuclear pleomorphism. • Other pleomorphic sarcomas: Other pleomorphic sarcomas such as rhabdomyosarcoma may come in the differential diagnosis of pleomorphic LPS.

Pleomorphic Liposarcoma Pleomorphic LPS is a high-grade sarcoma and accounts for 5% of all LPS. This tumor occurs in the elderly patient and has no sex predilection. The most common location of this tumor is in the deep tissue of the thigh. The patient usually presents as firm rapidly enlarging mass in the extremity.

Cytology (Figs. 34.8 and 34.9) FNAC smears are usually rich in cells. The tumor cells are in discrete and small groups with vacuolated cytoplasm. The nuclei are markedly pleomorphic with coarse chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Many multinucleated giant cells and bizarre mononuclear cells are present (Box 34.11). The smears also show variable number of atypical lipoblasts. The presence of lipoblasts is necessary for the diagnosis of pleomorphic LPS.18

Differential Diagnosis

• Myxoid tumor versus myxoid liposarcoma: Myxoid LPS may pose diagnostic difficulty with other soft-tissue

Fig. 34.6:  Myxoid liposarcoma: Thin arborizing capillaries in a myxoid stroma. (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Fig. 34.7:  Myxoid liposarcoma: Scattered round cells with vacuolated cytoplasm in the myxoid material (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Box 34.10

Myxoid liposarcoma.

• Abundant granular myxoid material. • Thin-walled arborizing capillaries. • Uni- or multivacuolated lipoblasts • Round cells with high nuclear/cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio • Spindle-shaped cells with cytoplasmic vacuoles

Fig. 34.8:  Pleomorphic liposarcoma: Large cells with markedly pleomorphic nuclei having moderate to abundant cytoplasm (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

CHAPTER 34  Soft-tissue Lesions

Fig. 34.9:  Pleomorphic liposarcoma: Higher magnification of the large bizarre cells (MGG × OI).

Fig. 34.10:  Fibromatosis: Cluster and dissociated spindle cells (MGG × MP).

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; OI: oil immersion)

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Box 34.11

Pleomorphic liposarcoma

• Large cells with vacuolated cytoplasm • Markedly pleomorphic nuclei • Coarse chromatin • Prominent nucleoli • Atypical lipoblasts • Mitotic activities • Necrosis

Fibroblastic/Myofibroblastic Lesion Fibromatosis Fibromatosis is a locally aggressive infiltrative neoplasm of fibroblasts that never metastasize. The exact etiology of this tumor is unknown. Fibromatosis is made of fibrous tissue and is divided into superficial and deep type. Superficial fibromatosis involves palmer, plantar, and penile region. The deeper fibromatosis includes the abdominal and extraabdominal region.

Cytology (Fig. 34.10) Cytology smears are moderate cellular. The cells are in clusters and embedded in the collagenous stroma (Box 34.12). The tumor cells have oval to spindle-shaped nuclei and pointed ends. The nuclei are hyperchromatic with minimal atypia. The mitotic activity is absent. The background of the smear is clean and shows fragments of dense collagenous stroma.

Differential Diagnosis

• Fibrosarcoma: Fibrosarcoma may be difficult to differentiate from fibromatosis. Absence of nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic activity favor a diagnosis of fibromatosis.

Box 34.12



• Variable amount of cells • Oval-to-spindle cell • Spindle-shaped nuclei • Bland chromatin • Collagenous stroma • No mitotic activity

Nodular Fasciitis Nodular fasciitis is fibrous proliferation that forms a swelling. It involves a patient of any age but more commonly occurs in the young patient. Nodular fasciitis may affect any part of the body, but it frequently involves the upper extremity, trunk, and head. It grows rapidly and may simulate malignancy.

Cytology Cytology smear shows cohesive clusters, discrete cells, and cells around thin capillaries. The background often shows myxoid material. The individual cells have plump spindly nuclei with blunt ends. The chromatin is fine with small nucleoli. Mitotic activity may be high; however, no atypical mitosis is seen.

Differential Diagnosis

• Sarcoma: Increased cellularity and high mitotic activity may mislead the diagnosis of sarcoma.

Myositis Ossificans19 Myositis ossificans (MO) is a self-limiting reparative lesion. It characteristically occurs in a young male who may or may not recall the history of trauma. The swelling commonly occurs in the extremities, trunk, and head and neck. The swelling shows


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

the characteristic radiological appearance in its osteoidproducing phase and may mislead the clinical diagnosis of perostial osteosarcoma.

Cytology (Figs. 34.11 to 34.13) FNAC of MO yield low cellularity. The aspiration may be hindered due to ossified material. The smear often contains fragments of muscles that may raise doubt about the adequacy of the sample (Box 34.13). The cells are dispersed in dirty granular or metachromatic stromal material. Cytology smears of MO show many multinucleated osteoclastic giant cells, osteoblasts, proliferating fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts embedded at places in the pink stroma. The myofibroblasts are large ovall cells with abundant feathery cytoplasm and eccentric nuclei. The osteoblasts are round-to-oval cells with eccentric nuclei. The nuclei may show mild reactive atypia. The atypical osteoblasts are the potential source of misdiagnosis of this lesion as osteosarcoma.

Cytology (Figs. 34.14A and B)21,22 FNAC smear shows small fascicles and discrete oval-tospindle cells admixed with thick collagenous matrix material (Box 34.14). Many naked nuclei are also seen. Necrosis or mitosis is absent in benign tumors. The individual cells show spindle-to-polygonal nuclei with thin and frayed cytoplasm.

Differential Diagnosis

• Osteosarcoma: Atypical osteoblasts, large atypical myofibroblasts and clinical history of rapid growth may mimic osteosarcoma. A careful observation of the nuclear character of osteoblasts and identification of myofibroblasts may help in the accurate diagnosis of MO.

Fig. 34.12:  Myositis ossificans: Many osteoblasts and fragments of osteoid material. (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Solitary Fibrous Tumor Solitary fibrous tumor (SOFT) is the fibroblastic neoplasm. It commonly occurs as a deep-seated mass near the pleural cavity in the peritoneum, pericardium, mediastinum, orbit, etc. The majority (90%) of the SOFTs are benign, and only 10 % of cases may behave as a malignant tumor. The exact cell of origin is debatable; however, it is most likely developed from the mesenchymal tissue.20

Fig. 34.13:  Myositis ossificans: Bundle of oval-to-spindle-shaped muscle cells and calcified material (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Box 34.13

Fig. 34.11:  Myositis ossificans: Osteoclastic giant cells and occasional osteoblasts (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Myositis ossificans.

• Granular matrix material • Myofibroblast {{Oval-to-polygonal cells {{Feathery cytoplasm {{Eccentrically placed round nuclei • Osteoblast • Osteoclast

CHAPTER 34  Soft-tissue Lesions


Interpretation and Diagnostic Problems

• Soft-tissue tumors with predominant spindle cells: MPNST, synovial sarcoma (monophasic), fibromatosis, and leiomyosarcoma

Fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma is a malignant tumor of fibroblastic origin. The exact incidence of fibrosarcoma is difficult to assess as it is a tumor of exclusion. Possibly, fibrosarcoma represents 1–3% of all adult sarcomas.23 It commonly occurs between 35 years and 55 years of age. It usually involves the extremities and trunk region. A distinct variant is the infantile fibrosarcoma that affects children. A

Cytology (Figs. 34.15A and B)23

B Figs. 34.14A and B:  (A) Solitary fibrous tumor: Cluster of spindle cells with mild nuclear pleomorphism (MGG × MP); (B) Solitary fibrous tumor: Abundant oval-to-spindle cells. (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Box 34.14

Solitary fibrous tumor.

• Fascicles, cohesive clusters, and dispersed cells • Thick collagenous material • Naked nuclei {{Oval-to-spindle cells with spindle-shaped blunt ended nuclei and scanty friable cytoplasm {{Fine chromatin with inconspicuous nucleoli Immunocytochemistry: Positive: CD34 Negative: SMA

FNAC smears show abundant cellularity. The cells are in small clusters, bundles, and dissociation (Box 34.15). A typical herringbone pattern may not be evident in the case of cytology smear of fibrosarcoma. The tumor cells show spindle-shaped nuclei with pointed ends and irregular nuclear membrane. The chromatin is fine with indistinct nucleoli. The cells show variable nuclear pleomorphism depending on the grade of the tumor. Nuclear pleomorphism is less in well-differentiated fibrosarcoma than in poorly differentiated fibrosarcoma. The amount of stromal matrix material varies and it is generally indirectly proportional to the cellularity of the smear. There may be blood, and necrotic material in the FNAC smear, and the cells may be obscured. The diagnosis of fibrosarcoma is made by excluding other spindle cell sarcomas, and the tumor is often missed in cytology smear.

Differential Diagnosis

• Other spindle cell sarcomas: The differential diagnosis of fibrosarcoma are other sarcomas of spindle cell morphology.

So-called “Fibrohistiocytic tumors” Giant Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath24,25

Malignant SOFT shows abundant clusters of cells with moderate nuclear atypia, frequent mitosis and absence of collagenous material SOFT.22

Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a benign lesion due to the proliferation of synovial-like cells of the joints, bursae, and tendon sheath. The tumor is also known as tenosynovitis. GCTTS may happen in any age group; however, it is usually present in 30–50 years. It is commonly located in relation to the tendon sheath of the fingers, wrist, ankle, and knee. Radiological examination of the swelling always reveals a soft-tissue mass free from the underlying bone.


Cytology (Figs. 34.16A and B)

The tumors characteristically positive for CD34 and negative for SMA.

FNAC smear shows moderate-to-abundant cellularity. There is a homogenous admixture of many multinucleated


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology





Figs. 34.15A and B:  (A) Fibrosarcoma: Discrete oval-to-spindle cells (H and E X MP); (B) Fibrosarcoma: Higher magnification showing better morphology of the spindle cells. Note the elongated nuclei, homogeneous chromatin, and inconspicuous nucleoli (H&E × OI).

Figs. 34.16A and B:  Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath: Many multinucleated osteoclast-like giant cells and foamy histiocytes (MGG × MP); (B) Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath: Multinucleated osteoclastlike giant cells and pigment laden foamy histiocytes (MGG × HP). (HP: high power; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa)

(H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; OI: oil immersion)

Box 34.15


• Small fascicles of cells • Herring bone pattern • Spindle cells • Pointed nuclei • Irregular nuclear membrane • Finely granular chromatin • Variable nuclear pleomorphism • Blood and necrosis

giant cells and mononuclear stromal cells (Box 34.16). The giant cells are morphologically identical to osteoclastic giant cells. The giant cells are large with widely variable in size containing an average of 20 nuclei. The nuclei often show grooves and indentation. The nuclear chromatin is stippled. Occasional prominent nucleoli are also seen. The nuclear character of these giant cells is almost similar to that of stromal cells.

Box 34.16

Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath.

• Many multinucleated osteoclast-like giant cells • Mononuclear stromal cells {{Oval {{Abundant cytoplasm {{Round nuclei {{Nuclear grooves {{Intranuclear inclusions • No atypical mitosis • Hemosiderin-laden macrophages

The stromal cells are oval to polygonal with abundant cytoplasm and centrally placed variable shaped nuclei. The nuclear chromatin is finely granular. Nuclear grooves and occasional intranuclear inclusions are also present. These cells show minimal nuclear pleomorphism and anisocytosis. Occasional mitotic figures may also be seen, however, no atypical mitosis is noted. The background

CHAPTER 34  Soft-tissue Lesions

of the smear often shows many hemosiderin-laden macrophages.

Immunocytochemistry Mononuclear stromal cells are positive for CD68 and smooth muscle actin. Multinucleated giant cells are positive for CD68 and CD45. These cells also show tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase.

Differential Diagnosis

• Giant cell tumor of bone: FNAC smears of giant cell tumor of bone and GCTTS show almost similar cytological features. Giant cell tumor of bone shows characteristic bone involvement.

Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma This category of tumor is almost nonexistent. In fact, the concept of fibrohistiocytic differentiation has been challenged. The various histopathological types of MFH are nothing but the features of other sarcomas.26 Therefore the term “ Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH)” is used only for those small group of tumors that lack definite differentiation.


involves the flexor surface of the extremities, neck, mediastinum, retroperitoneum, and cerebellopontine angle. Most of the tumors occur sporadically and occasional cases occur with neurofibromatosis type 2. Cytology (Figs. 34.17 and 34.18): Aspiration of schwannomas is often painful. FNAC smears show cluster and discrete spindle-shaped cells. The cells are often embedded in a pinkish fibrillary matrix material (Box 34.17). The tumor cells are spindle-shaped with long slender nuclei having pointed ends. The nuclei often show wavy margin and frequent kinking. A nuclear palisading-like arrangement is also seen. At times, the ancient schwannomas may show significant nuclear pleomorphism. These large pleomorphic cells may be falsely recognized as malignant cells. Mitotic activity is rarely seen in schwannomas. FNAC of ganglioneuroma shows an admixture of ganglion cells along with many clusters of elongated spindle cells

Pleomorphic MFH Pleomorphic MFH is a group of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma. Initially, it was considered the most common sarcoma. However, now it is demonstrated that a wide variety of poorly differentiated malignant neoplasm may demonstrate similar morphological features.26 Cytology: FNAC smear shows multiple groups, small fascicles, and discrete spindle cells. The tumor cells have a moderate amount of pale blue vacuolated cytoplasm. The nuclei are plump to spindle-shaped with irregular clumped chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Many large pleomorphic bizarre tumor cells and giant cells are also seen.

Fig. 34.17:  Peripheral nerve sheath tumor: Small clusters and discrete oval-to-spindle cells. (H and E × MP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; MP: medium power)

Diagnostic difficulties: • Other pleomorphic sarcomas: All the other pleomorphic sarcomas such as pleomorphic liposarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma should be excluded before diagnosis of this tumor. • Anaplastic carcinoma: Any poorly differentiated carcinoma may simulate pleomorphic MFH. • Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL): ALCL lacks connective tissue matrix material and the cells of ALCL are more discrete. The cells of ALCL are positive for CD30 and ALK1.

Tumors of Nerve Sheath Benign Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor27 Schwannoma Schwannoma arises from the Schwann cells of the nerve sheath. This tumor commonly affects adults and usually

Fig. 34.18:  Peripheral nerve sheath tumor: Elongated spindle cells with pointed ends. (H&E × HP). (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; HP: high power; MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa)


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Box 34.17


• Clusters and dissociated cells • Palisading arrangement of cells • Spindle cells • Long slender nuclei • Wavy nuclear margin with kinking • Pointed nuclear ends

Differential diagnosis: • Sarcoma: Ancient schwannoma may deceive as sarcoma because of nuclear pleomorphism.

Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor28 A malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) is also known as neurofibrosarcoma. Half of the tumor arises as de novo, and the other half arises from neurofibromatosis. The tumor develops from the large peripheral nerve or preexisting neurofibroma. This tumor commonly affects the proximal part of the extremities, pelvis, and retroperitoneum. It is frequently seen in the 3rd and 4th decades of life.

Fig. 34.19:  Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor: Discrete and loose cluster of spindle cells (MGG × MP). (MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

Cytology (Figs. 34.19 and 34.20) FNAC smear shows abundant cellularity. The cells are arranged in small bundles and are embedded in a pale violet fibrillary matrix (Box 34.18). The cells are elongated with delicate indistinct fibrillar cytoplasm having spindle-shaped nuclei that show kinking, moderate pleomorphism, and hyperchromasia. The N/C ratio is high. Mitotic activities are frequent with background necrosis.

Differential Diagnosis

• Other spindle cell sarcoma: Fibrosarcoma, leiomyosarcomas, and synovial sarcoma should be distinguished from MPNST.

Fig. 34.20:  Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor: Spindle cells showing moderate-to-marked nuclear pleomorphism (H&E × HP) (H&E: hematoxylin and eosin; HP: high power)

Tumors of Muscle Origin

Box 34.18


• Small fascicles • Discrete cells • Spindle-shaped cells • Fibrillar cytoplasm • Wavy kinked nuclei • Pointed ends • Fibrillar collagenous matrix

Rhabdomyoma (RM) is a benign soft-tissue tumor with skeletal muscle differentiation. This tumor may occur at any age, and 90% of RM occurs in the head and neck area.

Cytology FNAC smears show large regenerating muscle fibers. The cells show abundant dense cytoplasm. Cytoplasmic cross striations are also evident. Nuclei are central and round shaped. Intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions are often seen.

Rhabdomyosarcoma (Figs. 34.21 and 34.22)29 Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) commonly occurs in children. It usually involves the head and neck region and in urinary bladder. RMS is the most common bladder tumor in children.

Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.

There are three types of rhabdomyosarcoma: (1) Pleomorphic, (2) embryonal, and (3) alveolar. Out of these varieties, pleomorphic RMS is the rarest. Rhabdomyoblasts are seen in all these three types in varying amounts. Rhabdomyoblasts may be divided into early, intermediate, and late rhabdomyoblasts depending on the differentiation (Table 34.3).

CHAPTER 34  Soft-tissue Lesions

Fig. 34.21:  Rhabdomyosarcoma: Discrete round-to-oval cells with scanty cytoplasm (MGG × MP).

Fig. 34.22:  Rhabdomyosarcoma: Discrete cells with binucleation (MGG × OI).

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; MP: medium power)

(MGG: May–Grünwald–Giemsa; OI: oil immersion)


Table 34.3: Distinguishing features of different types of rhabdomyoblasts. Features

Early rhabdomyoblast

Intermediate rhabdomyoblast

Late rhabdomyoblast




Same as intermediate



Oval to polygonal

Oval to polygonal


Scanty deep blue

Abundant vacuolated

Abundant opaque


Large irregular single nuclei

Single to binucleation, prominent nucleoli

Pleomorphic nuclei

Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is a primitive STS that simulates embryonic skeletal muscle. This is the most common type of RMS and mostly occurs in children under 10 years of age. The common sites of involvement are the head and neck region, genitourinary system (urinary bladder, prostate, paratesticular soft tissue) and extremities. Cytology: FNAC smear of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma shows predominantly two main cell types. One of these two types shows small round cells with scanty deep blue vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei are round, mildly pleomorphic, having opened up fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli. These cells represent early rhabdomyoblasts. The second cell type is large with abundant cytoplasm. These cells display great variation in shapes such as round, tadpole, or ribbon-shaped. These cells represent intermediate-to-late rhabdomyoblasts. Frequent bi- and multi-nucleation are noted. The nuclei of these cells are round with fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Multinucleated giant cells and strap cells are also seen in embryonal RMS. Tigroid-like background has also been described in RMS.

Pleomorphic Rhabdomyosarcoma This is a relatively uncommon and highly malignant tumor. It predominantly occurs in the thigh region and is exclusively seen in adult patient.

Cytology: FNAC smear shows discrete and loosely clustered large tumor cells. These cells show a moderate amount of cytoplasm and severely pleomorphic large nuclei having multiple prominent nucleoli. Many multinucleated tumor giant cells are also seen. The smears also show increased mitotic activities.

Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is seen in all ages and does not show any preference for children. It commonly occurs in extremities, followed by the paraspinal and perineal region. Cytology: Cytology smear contains a large number of early and small intermediate rhabdomyoblasts. The smear shows predominantly discrete small round cells with deep blue cytoplasm. The cytoplasm of the cells often shows small uniform vacuolations. Nuclei are round and mild-tomoderately pleomorphic with fine nuclear chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Cytoplasmic cross striations are usually absent. Alveolar RMS often shows large tumor giant cells with multiple nuclei. These nuclei are arranged in a semicircular manner around the periphery of the cytoplasm. Alveolar RMS shows a characteristic molecular cytogenetics t (2; 13) (q35; q14) in the majority of the cases, and a small subset shows translocation t (1; 13)(p36; q14). Immunocytochemistry: The cells of RMS are positive for vimentin, desmin, and Myo D1.


sECTION 4  Fine-needle Aspiration Cytology

Differential Diagnosis: • Other small blue round cell tumor: Small blue round cell tumor such as neuroblastoma, soft-tissue Ewing’s and lymphomas come in the differential diagnosis of embryonal and alveolar RMS. The presence of strap cells is helpful in the identification of RMS.

Leiomyosarcomas30 Leiomyosarcomas (LS) usually occurs in an adult. It is generally seen in retroperitoneum and mesentery. It may also occur in the deep tissue of the extremities.

Cytology (Figs. 34.23 and 34.24) Aspirate of leiomyosarcoma shows cohesive clusters and small fascicles of cells. The discrete cells are also present (Box 34.19). The individual cells have moderate to abundant finely granular cytoplasm with elongated nuclei. The nuclei are cigar shaped with blunt ends. Smears may also show many atypical cells with nuclear pleomorphism and multinucleated giant cells. The mitotic activity on cytology smear may not be reliable enough to distinguish leiomyosarcoma from a leiomyoma. However, dissociated cell population, increased number of mitosis and nuclear pleomorphic are suggestive of leiomyosarcoma.

in the fourth to fifth decade and preferentially distributes in the extremities, intra-abdominal region, mediastinum and orbit.

Cytology FNAC smear is usually bloody with scanty-to-moderate cellularity (Box 34.20). The smear shows oval-to-elongated spindle cells that are arranged in short fascicles and also discretely. The tumor cells have scanty cytoplasm and elongated spindle-shaped nuclei with pointed ends. The nuclear chromatin is reticular. Mitotic count is variable. The background of the smear shows many naked nuclei and ropy collagenous material.


• Positive: CD34 • Negative: Desmin, CD99 and S-100 immunostaining.

Glomus Tumor These are rare tumors and represent 2 mg/dL) –– Anemia: Hemoglobin value of >20 g/L below the lower limit of normal, or a hemoglobin value 0.07 N:C ratio, hyper­ chromasia, and irregular nuclear margin. Therefore, this is a case of high-grade urothelial cell carcinoma. 5. (a) NMP 22 6. (c) Human polyomavirus infection 7. (b) Urovysion test 8. (c) High-grade urothelial cell carcinoma Note: Multiple clusters of urothelial cells showing these abnormalities indicate high-grade urothelial cell carcinoma. In case of suspicious for high-grade urothelial cell carcinoma, only a few cells show abnormality.

Chapter 12 1. (b) Histoplasma Note: The organisms show characteristic features of histoplasma. They are small, ring-shaped, intracellular and 2–3 micron in size. On or more chromatid substances are present in the periphery of the parasite. 2. (a) Pneumocystis infection Note: This typical frothy alveolar cast is highly suggestive of Pneumocystis infection. Careful observation shows cup-shaped organism. The fungi are well visualized by Methanamine silver stain. 3. (d) Squamous cell carcinoma 4. (b) In-frame deletions in exon 19 5. (a) Adenocarcinoma

Review Questions

6. (c) Small cell carcinoma Note: The cells show stippled chromatin. In addition, the tumor cells are positive for synaptophysin and chromogranin and are negative for TTF-1 and CK7. All these features indicate a small cell carcinoma of lung. 7. (a) Adenocarcinoma Note: The tumor cells are strongly positive for TTF-1, napsin, and CK7.The immunocytochemistry findings confirm the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of lung. 8. (b) Chromogranin Note: The discrete cells with moderate amount of cytoplasm having central to eccentric monomorphic nuclei indicate the possibility of a neuroendocrine tumor. Therefore, the cells are expected to be chromogranin positive. 9. (b) Carcinosarcoma Note: The tumor shows oval-to-spindle cells that are positive for both CK and desmin. The features are in favor of carcinosarcoma.

Chapter 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(d) Highly sensitive to detect Barrett’s esophagus (d) All are true. (a) Most commonly seen in the intestine (d) High risk (d) All above

Chapter 14 1.

(c) Cryptococcus Note: There are large number of cryptococci in the smear. The round unstained structures larger than the lymphocytes are the cryptococci. India ink rapidly stain the capsule of the organisms. 2. (a) Leukemic infiltration Note: The CSF shows many cells with round nuclei having irregular margin and fine chromatin. The nuclei have single-to-multiple prominent nucleoli. The morphology of the cells are that of leukemic blasts. 3. Infiltration by plasma cell tumor (plasma blasts) Note: There are large number of immature cells (plasmablasts). Occasional typical plasma cells are also present.

Chapter 15 1. 2. 3. 4.

(a) Aneurysm (d) Also useful in cystic goiter (d) All of the above (c) Radiation exposure


Chapter 16 1. (a) Carnoy’s fixative 2. (d) 10% buffered formalin 3. (b) Cytocentrifuge 4. (c) Orange G 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. True

Chapter 17 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

(a) Alcian blue (c) Cell block section (d) Leu M1 (CD15) (a) Too high antibody titer (a) Ovary (b) Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (b) Squamous cell carcinoma (a) S econdary antibody is cross reacting with the background substance.

Chapter 18 1. 2.

(a) The first image is real and the final image is virtual. (b) B y tagging the protein by green fluorescence protein and then observing in cone focal micros­ copy 3. (b) Xylene can be used for cleaning the lens. 4. (d) Confocal microscope

Chapter 19 1. (b) The storage space of the data is too high. Note: One cytological image usually takes 1–2 GB data space. 2. (a) The image is easily transferable. Note: With the help of access to server one can download the image for interpretation. 3. (d) Convolution neural network 4. (c) Hidden layer neurons Note: The mechanism and processing of the data in the hidden layer are unknown so it is called as black box. 5. (b) T he data of the neural network is not labeled beforehand. 6. (a) The massive reduction of dimension of the data 7. (a) Receiver operating curve


Review Questions

Chapter 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

(c) Dual expression of CD markers not possible (c) Hyperdiploid aneuploidy (c) Morphologic correlation not possible (b) Possibly B-cell monoclonality True False True

Chapter 21 1. (a) Single cell preparation is done by rotatory filter within the vial. 2. (c) Clean background 3. (b) Thin Prep 4. (a) SurePath

Chapter 22 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(c) With the help of Taq polymerase, the reaction starts at the primer-DNA template site (b) Real-time PCR (d) 54°C (c) In situ PCR (b) Sanger sequencing (a) Microelectrophoretic method

Chapter 23 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(a) Sensitivity (c) Using biological safety cabinet (b) Blue container (b) T he test that shows 90% sensitivity and 80% specificity (b) External quality assurance (a) The biological sample should be discarded in 0.1% sodium hypochlorite solution.

Chapter 24 1. (a) Retinoblastoma (a) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), neuroblastoma, acute leukemic deposit (b) CD45 to rule out NHL, NB 40 for neuroblastoma Note: The cytology smear shows a malignant round cell tumor and with the clinical history of proptosis the most likely diagnosis is retinoblastoma. 2. Malignant melanoma Note: The malignant cells containing the dark brown melanin pigment indicates the diagnosis of melanoma.

Chapter 25 1. (a) Acinic cell carcinoma (b) Possible differential diagnosis are: •  Benign salivary acini •  Warthin’s tumor Note: Abundant discrete and loose clusters of acinar cell indicate the diagnosis of acinic cell carcinoma. This tumor is often mistaken as benign acinic cell. 2. (a) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (b) Squamous cell carcinoma and acinic cell carcinoma Note: The smears show both mucus-secreting cells and malignant squamous cells indicating the diagnosis of mucoepidermoid carcinoma. 3. (c) Characteristic chromosomal translocation, t(12;15) (p13;q25) 4. (d) Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 5. Warthin tumor Note: The tumor shows abundant oncocytic cells and lymphocytes indicating the diagnosis of Warthin tumor.

Chapter 26 1. (b) Medullary carcinoma of thyroid Note: The discrete cells with moderate amount of reddish cytoplasm and eccentrically placed mildly pleomorphic nuclei indicate the diagnosis of medullary carcinoma of thyroid. Further confirmation can be done by doing calcitonin immune stain. 2. (a) Dyshormonogenic goiter Note: Classical history of the swelling since birth and other congenital anomalies along with the abundant microfollicles indicate the dyshormonogenic tumor. The tumor is commonly mistaken as follicular neoplasm. 3. Papillary carcinoma of thyroid Note: The tumor cells with intranuclear pseudoinclusion, longitudinal nuclear groove, and psammoma bodies. These cytological features confirm the diagnosis of papillary carcinoma of thyroid.

Chapter 27 1. Positive for malignant cells. Note: The smears show large cells with moderate nuclear enlargement and pleomorphism in an inflammatory background. The cells are malignant. In such cases, a thorough examination of the breast is mandatory. 2. (a) NHL of breast (b) Immunocytochemistry CD45 and CK Note: The smears show many immature lymphoid cells and scattered lymphoglandular bodies indicating the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Complete panel of immunocytochemistry panel on cell block material is helpful:

Review Questions

Confirmation of NHL: CD45 Immunophenotyping: CD19, CD20 for B cell, CD3, CD5, CD7, CD4/CD8 for T cell along with CD23, Tdt, CD10. 3. Phyllodes tumor Note: Microphotographs shows abundant discrete spindle cells, stromal fragments, and benign ductular cells. The features are that of a phyllodes tumor. The further subtyping of the tumor will depend upon the mitotic activity, pleomorphism, and necrosis.

Chapter 28 1.

(a) Metastatic papillary carcinoma of thyroid (b) The following investigations are necessary in this case: • USG of thyroid • Thyroid scan • FNAC of thyroid swelling if any Note: The presence of fragmented papillary structures and intranuclear pseudoinclusions in this case suggest the diagnosis of a metastatic papillary carcinoma of thyroid. The complete examination of the thyroid gland is necessary to find out the primary tumor. 2. (a) Hodgkin’s lymphoma (b) Immunocytochemistry: • CD15: Positive • CD30: Positive • CD45: The large atypical cells are negative Note: The microphotograph shows a polymorphic population of cells, epithelioid granulomas along with large mononuclear cells and classical Reed–Sternberg cells. All these features suggest the diagnosis of a Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 3. (a) Burkitt’s lymphoma (b) Immunological markers of Burkitt’s lymphoma CD19 and CD20: Positive CD10 Positive CD5: Negative CD23: Negative Genetics: t(8:14). Rearrangement of c-myc gene Note: The smears show discrete large lymphoid cells with deep blue vacuolated cytoplasm. The nuclei show fine chromatin and occasional prominent nucleoli. 4. Rosai–Dorfman disease Note: The reactive lymphoid cells along with prominent emperipolesis in this case favor the diagnosis of Rosai– Dorfman disease .

Chapter 29 1.

(a) Thymoma (b) Immunocytochemistry: • Epithelial cells of thymomas are positive for cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).


Note: The presence of round cells and spindle-looking discrete and clusters of cells with bland chromatin favor the diagnosis of thymoma. 2. (a) Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (b) Immunocytochemistry: p 63 = positive p40 = positive CK5/6 = positive TTF = negative CK7 = negative Note: The discrete large polyhedral cells with hyperchromatic enlarged nuclei indicate the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma.

Chapter 30 1. (a) Hepatocellular carcinoma (b) Markers: • Alpha-fetoprotein level in serum • HbsAg positivity • High Des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) Note: The presence of discrete and loose clusters of malignant cells, trabecular, and acinar pattern along with polyhedral shape and moderately pleomorphic nuclei, favor the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 2. Metastatic carcinoma Note: The smear shows discrete round cells with glandular arrangement (Fig. 2C). The cells are round with scanty cytoplasm and enlarged pleomorphic nuclei. The cytological features indicate metastatic carcinoma.

Chapter 31 1. (a) Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor Note: Round relatively monomorphic cells with strongly positive chromogranin and NSE favor the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumor of pancreas. 2. Solid and cystic pancreatic neoplasm Note: The clinical history of a young female with solidcystic pancreatic space-occupying lesion along with the cytological features of multiple papillae and round cells with reddish granulated cytoplasm and relatively monomorphic nuclei indicate the diagnosis of solid and cystic pancreatic neoplasm.

Chapter 32 1. Renal transitional cell carcinoma Note: The cytology smear shows discrete and loose clusters of malignant cells. Occasional cells show elongated nuclei. These cells are positive for vimentin, CK7, and CK20. Overall features indicate the diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma.



Review Questions

Metastatic adenocarcinoma Note: The presence of clusters and glandular arrangement of cells with round moderately pleomorphic nuclei favor a metastatic lesion. This patient had adenocarcinoma of esophagus.

2. (a) Parathyromatosis Note: The abundant discrete cell population with monomorphic nuclei having moderate cytoplasm and indistinct cell margin indicate the possibility of parathyroid implant during the operative procedure.

Chapter 33 1 Rhabdomyosarcoma Note: This is a case of malignant round cell tumor. The strongly positive desmin and myogenin indicate the diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma. Negative CD45 eliminates the possibility of NHL. 2. Clear cell carcinoma of ovary Note: Many discrete cells with abundant vacuolated cytoplasm and moderately pleomorphic nuclei indicate the carcinoma and most likely clear cell carcinoma.

Chapter 34 1.


(a) Synovial sarcoma (b) Immunostains: • CKb= positive • EMA= positive • Vimentin= positive Cytogenetics: • t(X;18)(p11;q11) Note: The tumor shows a biphasic pattern having both round and spindle cells. Occasional gland-like pattern is present. The individual cells show nuclear enlargement and pleomorphism. All these features suggest the diagnosis of synovial sarcoma. Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath Note: The presence of many multinucleated giant cells along with round-to-oval monomorphic stromal cells in this case favor the diagnosis of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath. The close differential diagnosis is giant cell tumor of bone which is eliminated as the bone is free of any lesion.

Chapter 35 1. Skin adnexal tumor: Hidradenoma Note: The cytology smear shows many papillary structures along with discrete cell. The cells have moderate cytoplasm with round monomorphic bland nuclei. The features are that of a skin adnexal tumor consistent with hidradenoma.

Chapter 36 1.


(a) Giant cell tumor of bone (b) Differential diagnosis: • Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath • Aneurysmal bone cyst • Giant cell rich osteosarcoma • Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism Note: Radiograph in this young female shows typical soap-bubble appearance. The cytology smear shows many multinucleated osteoclastic giant cells and round-to-oval monomorphic stromal cells. The overall features are that of a giant cell tumor of bone. (a) Osteosarcoma (b) Differential diagnosis: • Ewing’s tumor of bone • Soft-tissue sarcoma infiltrating in bone Note: The cytology smear shows many large severely pleomorphic cells along with pinkish osteoid material. Considering the age and radiological features, the case should be diagnosed as osteosarcoma.

Chapter 37 1. Wilms’ tumor (nephroblastoma) Note: Abundant immature round cells (blastemal cells), tubules (Fig. 1C) and glomeruloid bodies (Fig. 1D) indicate the diagnosis of Wilms’ tumor. 2. Neuroblastoma

Chapter 38 1.

Actinomycosis Note: The smear show ball-like aggregates with radial filamentous structure of actinomycosis. 2. Candida Note: Both spores and pseudohyphae of Candida are present. 3. Cryptococci Note: A large number of unstained round structures indicates the diagnosis of cryptococcal lymphadenitis.

INDEX Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.

A Acetic acid 143 Acetylation 19 Acid alcohol 273 Acid-fast bacilli 206f, 435f demonstration of 436 Ziehl-Neelsen stain for 517 Acid-fast stain 577 modified 206f, 577 Acinar cells, pancreatic 489, 489b, 489f, 493, 493f Acinic cell carcinoma 360, 360t, 363, 364, 364b, 364f, 364t, 366, 368 higher magnification of 364f Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 168, 242 Actin filament 15 Actinomyces israelii 578 Actinomycosis 113, 113b, 113f, 205, 578, 578f Adamantinoma 570, 570b Adenine 21, 21f Adenocarcinoma 65, 87, 109, 135f, 136, 136b, 136f, 157-159, 159b, 159t, 191, 204, 211, 213, 215, 221, 230, 231f, 235, 238, 278, 368, 441, 483 endometrial 107, 136, 136f, 136t, 137b, 137f in situ 135b metastatic 170, 171, 171t, 218, 279f, 442f, 478t, 484f, 513f, 556f, 565 mucinous 522 pancreatic well-differentiated 495 polymorphous low-grade 363, 366, 366f rectal 194f serous 522 well-differentiated 107, 492, 495, 495t Adenoid cystic carcinoma 222, 350, 357, 357t, 359, 361, 362f, 363b, 363f, 367 cribriform appearance of 362f Adenoma 65, 403 bronchial 65 follicular 380 lactating 403, 407, 408b, 408f parathyroid 343f renal 65 sclerosing polycystic 368 tubular 403

Index.indd 621

Adenomatous polyposis coli 62, 70f, 78 Adenosine triphosphate 49 Adenosis 403 microglandular 403 sclerosing 403 Adenovirus 44, 209 Adherens junction 9 Adipocytes 80, 81 Adipose cells 81, 95 tissue 94 Adrenal 499 adenoma 511b, 511f fine-needle aspiration cytology of 510b glands 510 tumor 505 Adrenocortical neoplasm 510 Adult stem cell 35, 36 types of 36 Agarose gel electrophoresis 321f Air-dried smear 255 Alcian blue 272 Alcohol 268 Alkaline phosphatase, placental 283, 284 Allophycocyanin 304, 308, 310 Alpha-fetoprotein 480 Alum 268 Alveolar proteinosis, pulmonary 199 Alveolar soft part sarcoma 545, 546b Alzheimer disease 44, 48, 49, 51 Amebic abscess 475 Ameloblastoma 341, 342b, 342f American Cancer Society 141 Amorphous crystals 184 Anal cytology 238 Anal intraepithelial neoplasia 239 Anaplastic carcinoma 391, 391f, 394, 492, 492f, 539 cytological feature of 391b Anaplastic large cell lymphoma 56, 169, 454, 454b, 454f, 470, 539 Anaplastic lymphoma kinase 210, 213, 470 Ancillary techniques 171, 194, 256, 394, 423, 530 Ancillary tests 87, 87t, 149 Androgen receptor 285 Anemia, aplastic 44 Aneuploidy 57 Angiogenesis 68, 80

Angiomyolipoma 499, 501, 501b, 502f, 504, 505 Angiosarcoma 65, 482, 483b, 483f, 543, 543b Anoscopy, high-resolution 239 Antibody nonspecific binding of 276 panel of 282b primary 305 site-specific 285, 285t Antigen 276, 450 Antler horn clusters 410 Apocrine adenocarcinoma 403 adenoma 403 carcinoma 416, 417, 417b, 417f, 417t cells 402 benign metaplastic 417 large cluster of 402f metaplastic 417t metaplasia 406, 417 Apoptosis 39, 40, 40t, 43, 44, 44f, 46, 46t, 49, 49t, 50, 50t, 51, 51t, 74, 79, 310 biochemical pathway of 43b blockage of 67f detection of 44 different markers of 45t mitochondrial pathway of 42f molecular pathway of 41, 41b morphology of 40 Apoptotic bodies, removal of 43 Apoptotic cell 40f, 44, 45 Apoptotic death 11, 12 Argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions 33 Arm 289 Arthritis, rheumatoid 50, 52, 152, 153b Artificial neural network 298, 299f in cytology, applications of 299 learning of 298 Artificial neuron 298 Asbestos bodies 203 Aspergillosis 581 Aspergillus 206, 582f flavus 581 fumigatus 581 niger 581 Aspiration 253, 431 Atrophic smear 117, 117b, 129, 134

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Atrophy 38, 39, 109 Atypia chemotherapy-induced 131 inflammatory 130, 420 Autoimmune diseases 52 Autoimmunity, prevention of 43 Autolysosome 46 Automated cervical screening techniques 143 Automated screening devices 315 Automation 312, 315 advantages 316 aims of 312 disadvantages 316 primary purposes of 312 Autophagic cell death, molecular mechanism of 47f Autophagosome 46 formation 46 completion of 47 fusion of 47 Autophagy 45, 46, 46b, 46t, 48 clinical implications of 46, 48 control of 47, 47f formation of 46f molecular basis of 47 types of 46, 46f Avidin-biotin complex technique 275f

B Bacillus Calmette–Guérin 186, 187f therapy 186b vaccine 186 Bacterial infection 185, 205, 548 acute 241 chronic 241 Balloon technique 226 Banding technique, types of 58 Barcoding system 293 Barr body 87 Barrett’s esophagus 39, 229, 229b, 230b Basal cell 104 adenoma 359, 359b, 359f carcinoma 345, 552, 553b, 553f Basal epithelium 122f Basaloid cells, multiple clusters of 359f Basophils 95, 97 B-cell lymphoma 458 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, clonality of 305 small lymphocytic lymphoma 444 Bethesda system 108, 109, 121 modified 374t terminology 374 Bile ductular cells 474b, 474f ductules 473 Bilirubin crystals 184

Index.indd 622

Biological contaminated wastes 332 Biopsy, conventional 88, 89, 89t Biotin 276 Birbeck granules 440 Bladder carcinoma 63 high-grade transitional cell carcinoma of 190f, 191f low-grade transitional cell carcinoma of 192f mucosa, transitional epithelial layer of 179f small cell carcinoma of 193f squamous cell carcinoma of 193f tumor antigen test 194, 195 wash 182, 183b Bland dyskaryosis 127, 128b Blastemal cells 507 Blastoma pleuropulmonary 222, 223f pulmonary 210 Blood cells 151 vessels 65 B-lymphocyte 80, 81, 95, 430 Body cavities 147f anatomy of 147 histology of 147 Bone 65, 94, 558 cyst, aneurysmal 569, 570f forming tumor 559 giant cell tumor of 564, 564f, 565b, 565f non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of 567b plasmacytoma in 568f tumors, World Health Organization classification of 559b Bony metaplasia 406 Borderline tumor 354 Borrelia burgdorferi 321 Bowman’s capsule 92f Brain tumor 246 Branchial cyst 337, 337f, 338b Breast 69, 158, 299, 399 adenoid cystic carcinoma of 418 apocrine carcinoma of 417f aspiration material 422 benign lesions of 402 cancer 62, 399 grading of 423t carcinoma 159b, 243, 400, 401f highlight molecular classification of 425t invasive 403 male 422f metastatic 160f, 415 molecular classification of 424 disease nonproliferative 408 proliferative 408, 409f, 410, 410t fat necrosis of 404f fibroadenomas of 405f

fibrocystic disease of 407f fine-needle aspiration biopsy 423t cytology of 399, 399b, 400b galactocele of 407f histology of 402 infiltrating duct carcinoma of 244f, 414f lactating 407, 408b lesions benign 400t male 421 malignant 400t lobular carcinoma of 419f medullary carcinoma of 415f mucinous carcinoma of 416f mucocele of 416 neuroendocrine carcinoma of 420f, 421f normal cytology of 402 papillary neoplasm of 413f tumor of 413b tumor 403 WHO classification of 403b Bromodeoxyuridine 33 Bronchial brush 199, 201 Bronchial cell hyperplasia 204b large three-dimensional papillary clusters of 204f reactive atypical 210 Bronchial epithelial cells, abnormalities of 204 Bronchial lining cells, pseudostratified columnar epithelium of 93f Bronchoalveolar lavage 199, 200b, 201, 202f, 207f-209f, 214f, 216f, 217f, 581f Brush cytology 225b Bubble gum cell 115 Buffy coat preparation 267 Burkitt’s lymphoma 56, 452, 453b, 453f Busulfan 186

C Calcinosis cutis 549f Calcium carbonate crystals 183 oxalate crystals 183 storage 11, 12 Calretinin 278 Cancer 31, 43, 44, 55, 65, 71, 73, 154, 321 antigen 125, 176 biological characteristics of 66 broad categorizations of 87t cell 67, 68f, 72f, 83 morphology of 82 products of 87t types of 87 clonal evolution of 70 colorectal 70 diagnosis of 89b

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hallmarks of 66, 66f molecular basis of 70 stem cell 6, 69, 69b, 69t characteristics of 69 identification of 69 Candida 112, 112b, 227, 583f albicans 112, 207, 582 glabrata 112 Candidal infection 113f Candidiasis 582 pulmonary 207 Cannon ball 155, 157b Capillary fragments 404 Carbohydrate 4, 5 Carbol fuchsin 273 Carcinoembryonic antigen 160, 176, 195, 196, 278, 517 Carcinogenesis Knudson’s two-hit hypothesis of 77f multistep process of 70, 70b Carcinoid 220, 221, 221b, 237, 340 atypical 466 thymic 466, 466b, 466f tumor 219, 235, 236b Carcinoma 51, 87, 116, 169, 213, 219, 237, 404, 413, 420, 459f, 491, 526, 554 adenosquamous 210, 493 adrenocortical 505, 505t, 511f, 512, 512b, 512f, 512t, 513 breast 422 bronchioloalveolar 216, 217f, 218f bronchogenic 65 colonic 159 colorectal 62, 76 endometrioid 523 epithelial myoepithelial 367, 367b ex pleomorphic adenoma 367, 367b extrauterine 139 follicular 380 in situ 410f inflammatory 420 intestinal type 233 invasive 117 keratinizing 132 lactation 408 mediastinal embryonal 468f medullary thyroid 62, 383 metastatic 156f, 158, 174f, 193, 340, 370, 394, 465, 466, 469, 471, 513, 520, 523, 545, 569, 569f, 570 colonic 160f follicular 286f, 569f mucinous 403, 415, 416, 416b, 416f, 416t mucoepidermoid 350, 365, 365f, 366b, 366f myoepithelial 367 nasopharyngeal 340, 341b, 341f, 458 neuroendocrine 420f, 421f, 495, 496f oncocytic 403 pleomorphic 210 pregnancy 408 prostatic 193

Index.indd 623

sebaceous 345, 403, 553, 554b, 554f solid papillary 403 thymic 465 tubular 403, 417, 418b urothelial 178, 506, 506b, 506f well-differentiated 527 Carcinosarcoma 210 Cardiomyopathy, dilated 13 Cardiovascular disease 48 Carnoy’s fixative 267 Cartilage 65, 94 forming tumor 561 Castleman’s disease 429, 432, 441 Cell 3, 3b, 4f, 5, 67, 83, 183, 202 adequate number of 110 arrangement 157, 155 atypical 357 benign 82t, 149 block 148, 183, 267, 274, 531 advantages of 148 fixatives for 263 preparation 274 section, peroxidase technique on 276 cannibalism 87, 157 cell recognition 6 collection 313 concentration 305 count 241 cycle 11, 12, 26, 26b, 26f, 33 arrest 78 checkpoint 29, 31, 31b, 79 control 31, 79 regulator proteins 30 cytoplasm 385, 573 death 38, 43 division 26, 27 function of 81t highly invading property of 6 identity 5 inflammatory 107 injury causes of 38b irreversible 39 reversible 39 junction 8 types of 9f membrane 3, 83 composition 4b functions 5b neuroendocrine 80, 81, 237 normal 103, 180b, 241, 473, 489, 499, 516, 526, 558 oncocytic 358f organization 92 papillary cluster of 384f parakeratotic 106f permanent 27 physaliphorous 565 pleomorphic 471 polarity 5, 6, 6b complete loss of 7 polymorphic population of 470f


population, homeostasis of 43 proliferation 26, 32, 74 shape 155 single rows of 155, 157b small loose cluster of 167f squamous epithelial 123, 201 superficial squamous 104 surface absorptive 237 survival 79 syncytial arrangement of 344f transfer 313 tubular 499 type 81, 97 Whorling arrangement of 343f Cellular adaptation 38 components 80 constituents, production of 26 metabolism 68 reaction 38 senescence 79 Central low-grade osteosarcoma 561 Central nervous system 240f lymphoma 246 tumor 240, 246 Centrifugation 148 basic principle of 265f simple 183 technique 265, 265f Centrifuge 264 machine 265f interior of 265f Centrioles 3 Centromeric probes 58 Centrosome 15 supernumerary 75 Cercariform cells 191f Cerebrospinal fluid 240, 241, 241t, 242, 242f, 243f, 245f, 246f circulation of 240f ependymoma of 247f gross appearance of 240 laboratory technique of 241fc Cervical cancer 140 risk factors of 119 screening 140, 141 different modalities of 141t modes of 140t Cervical carcinogenesis 119 Cervical cytology 260 computer-assisted interpretation of 109 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 119, 121, 122, 143f natural history of 121, 122t Cervical lining epithelium, epithelial cell of 103t Cervical preneoplastic lesions 121 nomenclature of 122t Cervical smear 103, 106, 299, 327, 328 actinomycosis of 113f collection of 260f, 261b method of collection of 261f

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Cervical stroma 102 Cervicitis acute 114 follicular 109, 114 lymphocytic 109 Cervix 101, 143, 260 histology of 102 squamocolumnar junction of 103f Chaperone-mediated autophagy 46 Charcot–Leyden crystals 152, 203 Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease 13 Chemical hazards 331 Chemotherapeutic drugs 6 Chemotherapy effects 229b Chest wall, malignant round cell tumor of 284f Chimeric fusion gene 55 Chlamydia trachomatis 114, 114b, 119, 321 infection 114f Cholangiocarcinoma 480, 481b, 481f Cholesterol 4 crystals 184 Chondroblastoma 562, 562b, 562f Chondrocytes 558, 559f Chondroid syringoma 550, 551b Chondroma 65, 561 Chondrosarcoma 65, 87, 563, 563b, 563f, 564 mesenchymal 563, 564b Chordoma 565, 565b, 566f Choriocarcinoma 65, 521 immunocytochemistry of 521 Choroid plexus 240 Chromatin 3, 18, 18b, 19f, 21, 21t basic unit of 19 clumping 409 organization 17 relocation 86 remodeling 79, 80, 86 structure 18 Chromogranin 281 Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma 504b Chromosomal abnormalities 54, 54b, 55 gain 55, 57, 62 instability 68, 75, 75b loss 55, 57 rearrangement 55 structure 53 translocation 56, 71 effects of 56f Chromosome 21, 21t, 53f, 54, 71, 78 enumeration probes 58 Cilia 7, 8 structure of 8f Ciliated columnar cell 202b Ciliocytophoria 204 Cirrhosis 154, 154b Cis Golgi network 10 Cisterna maturation model 11

Index.indd 624

Citric acid cycle 11, 12 Clear cell carcinoma 523, 523b, 523f chondrosarcoma 564, 564b sarcoma 509, 509f, 510b, 544, 545b Cobas 4800 system 143 Coffee-bean appearance 441 Cold knife conization 130 Collagen vascular disease 200 Colloid 375, 385 carcinoma 415 goiter 375, 377 Colon 69 cancer 62 Colonic cells 108 Color charged device camera 60 Colposcopy 143 Columnar cell 180, 182b, 201 lesions 403 variant 388 Columnar epithelium 65 Compact cell block technique 267 Comparative genomic hybridization 57, 59, 60 basic principle of 60f Compound microscope, image formation in 289 Computed tomography scan 473, 488, 530 Confocal microscopy 291 basic principle of 291f Congo red stain 272 Connective tissue 94 stroma 362f, 405f Conventional cytogenetics 57, 58b Conventional gel electrophoresis 44 Conventional glass slide 296 Conventional Pap smear 141 Convolutional neural network 299, 300f Core needle biopsy 401 Coronavirus disease-2019 332, 333 Corpus luteal cyst 521, 521b Cortex 429 COVID-19 333 biosafety 332 infection 332, 333, 333fc Cowdry nuclei 584 Creola body 204b Cristae 12 Cryotherapy 130 Cryptococcal meningitis 243, 243b Cryptococcosis 582 pulmonary 207 Cryptococcus neoformans 207, 243, 582 Cryptosporidium 238 Crystals 152, 183 Cuboidal epithelial cells 552 Curschmann’s spirals 202, 203f Cyclin dependent kinase 30, 30b, 78, 80 Cyclophosphamide 61, 186 Cylindroma 551, 551b, 551f

Cyst 337b, 474, 489 acquired 489 benign 505 congenital 474, 489 endometriotic 521, 522b follicular 521 lymphoepithelial 352, 353b non-neoplastic 521 renal 500, 500b simple 352 thyroglossal 338, 338b Cystadenocarcinoma mucinous 523, 523b serous 522f, 523b Cystadenoma, serous 490 Cystic carcinoma 222f fibrosis 199 hygroma 338, 339f lesions 337, 351 papillary carcinoma 387 neoplasm 495, 496f, 497b squamous cell carcinoma, cytology smear of 338f Cysticercosis 580, 581f Cysticercus infection 549f Cystitis 185 Cytocentrifugation 183 Cytocentrifuge machine 266f interior chamber of 266f technique, basic process of 266f Cytochemistry 171, 271 Cytogenetics 57, 572, 574 techniques 59t Cytokeratin 160, 161, 176, 196, 211, 213, 278, 279, 284, 285, 394, 517 expression of 280t Cytokinesis 28 Cytology laboratory, workflow of 331fc screeners 330 Cytomegalovirus 185, 209, 227, 228b, 584 infection 228 Cytomorphology 113, 165, 168, 445-448, 450, 452-455, 572, 573t Cytoplasm 3, 40, 83, 156, 157 moderate amount of 433f orangeophilic 193f Cytoplasmic iron 51 organelles 9 organelles, functions of 291 product 156 staining 267, 268 vacuoles 39 Cytosine 21, 21f methylation of 76 Cytoskeletal structures, types of 15f Cytoskeleton 3, 14, 14b Cytotoxic T cell 96

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D De Novo mutation 13 Death domain 41 receptor pathway 41 Decidual cells 107 Dehydration 268, 269 Dense connective tissue 94 Deoxynucleotide triphosphate 318 Deoxynucleotidyl transferase 44, 167 Deoxyribonucleic acid 3, 20, 21b, 33, 59, 78, 291, 302, 318 aneuploidy 86 breakdown 43 damage 32, 79, 80 flow cytometry 33, 173 library preparation 323 ploidy 309 polymerases 22 replication 21, 22b license and cancer 32 sequencing 321 transcription 23, 23b Desmin 16, 280 Desmoplastic small round cell tumor 285, 572-574, 575b, 575f, 576f Desmosomes 9 Diabetes mellitus 50 Diakinesis 29 Diamidino phenylindole 304 Diaphragm 289 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 56, 393, 393f, 450, 451b, 452f, 485, 521 Digital karyotyping 58 Digital patholog 293 advantages of 294 integrated different systems in 294f laboratory essential components of 293 workflow of 293, 293fc limitations of 294 Digital slide, characteristics of 295b Diplotene 29 Discrete cells 155, 157b Disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis 164 Distilled water 268 Double helical strands 21 Double-layered nuclear membrane 17f Down syndrome 54 Doxorubicin 61 Ductal adenocarcinoma 491, 491f adenoma 403 carcinoma 420, 421, 426b, 492 in situ 403, 410, 410b cell 402 benign 351 hyperplasia 403 atypical 400, 403, 406

Index.indd 625

Ductular cells, pancreatic 489f Dysgerminoma 65, 524 Dysplasia 121, 191, 229, 230b, 230f

E E-cadherin, mutational inactivation of 68 Eccrine spiradenoma 551, 552b Echinococcus granulosus 474, 580 infection 580 Ectocervix 102 Ectopic origin, tumor of 210 Electron microscopy 44, 45, 174, 440, 531, 572 fixatives for 263 transport 11, 12 Electronic patient record system 293 Embolus, pulmonary 154 Embryogenesis 43 Embryonal carcinoma 468, 468b, 520, 520b, 520f immunocytochemistry of 520 Embryonic stem cell 35, 35f, 36t Emperipolesis 438 Encephalomyopathy 13 Encephalopathy, mitochondrial 13 Enchondroma 561b, 561f, 564 Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration 200, 201, 332 Endocervical adenocarcinoma 134, 136, 136t in situ 109, 111, 134 Endocervical brush 260 Endocervical cell 104, 104b, 109, 110, 124 cluster 128f reactive 134, 138 tubal metaplasia of 105f Endocervical gland 93f squamous metaplasia of 39f Endocervical polyp 138 Endocervix 102 Endocrine markers 282t tumor, pancreatic 493, 494f, 495, 495b, 495t Endodermal sinus tumor 468 Endometrial aspiration smear 262 Endometrial cells 106, 106b, 129, 131, 134 atypical 138, 138b high power magnification of 106f mimickers of 107 Endometrial polyp 106 Endometriosis 106, 548, 549f, 556 Endometritis 106 Endometrium 69, 102 Endoplasmic reticulum 9, 10b Endoscopic brush cytology 225 Endoscopic fine needle aspiration cytology 226


Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 226, 488 Endothelial cells 474, 499 Enzymatic digestion 304 Enzyme coupled receptors 5f, 6 Eosin 268 azure 267 solution 268 Eosinophilia, pulmonary 154 Eosinophilic effusion 154 etiologies of 154b Eosinophils 95, 97, 151 large number of 154f Epidermal growth factor receptor 210, 213 Epidermal inclusion cyst 338, 549, 550, 550f Epidermoid cells 366f Epididymitis granulomatous 517 tuberculous 517 Epigenetic 76 study 88 Epithelial cell 7, 172t, 507, 512 abnormalities 110 adhesion molecule 7, 89, 310 malignant 522f multiple clusters of 356f rectal 526 tubular arrangement of 544f types of 94f Epithelial growth factor 72 Epithelial hyperplasia, traditional classification of 409b Epithelial membrane antigen 171, 280, 394, 465, 517 Epithelial mesenchymal transition 6, 6b, 7, 70 mechanism of 6, 7, 7f Epithelial proliferation, benign 403 Epithelial tissue 92 classification of 92 Epithelial tumor, benign 354 Epithelioid cell 51, 435f granuloma 187f, 206f, 378f, 380f, 404, 404f, 435, 435f, 436b, 518f higher magnification of 518f Epithelium bronchial 203 different types of 94t renal 65 respiratory 65 squamous 105 stratified columnar 93 cuboidal 93 squamous 93 transitional 93 types of 94 Epitope tagging 291 Epstein–Barr virus 340 Escherichia coli 185

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Esophageal brush cytology 231f Esophagitis 228, 228b, 229b candidal 227b, 227f Esophagus 226 adenocarcinoma of 231b benign diseases of 227 candida infection of 227f diseases of 227b dysplasia in 230f Esthesioneuroblastoma 344f Estrogen receptor 176, 285, 287 Ethanol 268 Ethyl alcohol 262 Euchromatin 18, 18t, 19 Eukaryotic cell 3, 3t, 4f Ewing’s sarcoma 61, 87, 285, 565, 566f, 567f, 572, 573 Exfoliated endometrial cells 106 Eyelid, malignant neoplasm of 345 Eyepiece 290

F Fallopian tubes 101, 103 False-negative immunocytochemistry, causes of 278b False-positive immunocytochemistry, causes of 277b Fasciitis, nodular 535 Fat 65 necrosis 404, 404b, 404f Female genital tract 101, 101f anatomy of 101 cytology of 101 histology of 101 Ferroptosis 39, 50, 51, 51t mechanism of 50, 51f significance of 51 Ferruginous bodies 203 Feulgen stain 272 Fibrillar center 20 Fibrin degradation product 195 Fibroadenoma 403, 405, 405f, 406b, 407, 407f, 408, 410, 412, 413 Fibroblast 95, 436 cancer-associated 7, 80, 81 growth factor 68, 81 Fibroblastic lesion 535 Fibrocystic disease 406, 407, 407b, 407f Fibrolamellar carcinoma 479f Fibroma 65 Fibromatosis 418, 535, 535b, 535f Fibromyxoid stroma, fragments of 410 Fibrosarcoma 65, 442, 535, 537, 538b, 538f congenital 509 Fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary 200 Fibrous tissue 65 Field-inversion gel electrophoresis 44 Filarial inflammation 517 Filariasis 579

Index.indd 626

Fine-needle aspiration cytology 199, 251, 252f, 252t, 253f, 256, 257, 304, 308, 332, 333, 335, 337-339, 342, 343, 349, 355, 372, 399, 429, 463, 467f, 473, 488, 499, 516, 529, 530, 548, 558, 580 advantages of 251b, 529b, 548b complications of 251, 252b contraindications of 252b indications of 372b, 529b limitations of 251, 400 over tissue biopsy, limitations of 251b procedure 253b smear 258b technical consideration 350 technique 252, 510, 530b ultrasound-guided 238f, 256f, 373 Fine-needle sampling technique 254, 255b Fire hazards 331 Fire-flare appearance 377f Flagella 7 Flow cytometry 33, 45, 149, 195, 302, 302f, 310, 394, 429, 458, 530 basic principle of 302 dyes used for 304b future of 311 history of 302 Fluid processing of 264 sample 262 processing of 149fc Fluidics system 303 Fluorescein isothiocyanate 304, 306-308 Fluorescence activated cell sorter 302, 303 in situ hybridization 58, 59, 149, 175, 195, 531 advantages of 59 technique, basic principle of 59f microscope 60 principle of 290 Foam cells 402, 406 Focal nodular hyperplasia 475, 475b Folic acid deficiency 124, 125f, 131 Follicular center cell 430 lymphoma 168f, 450 Follicular thyroid cancer 61 Foreign body granulomas 52 reaction 550 Fragmentation 84 Franzen’s guide 257 Friedreich-ataxia syndrome 13 Fundus 101, 102 Fungal infection 185, 206, 207b, 440, 548, 569, 581 meningitis 243 organisms 109 Fungus 52 yeast form of 243 Fusion gene 71

G Galactocele 406, 407f, 408 Ganglioneuroblastoma 471 Ganglionic cells 512 Gap junctions 9 Gardnerella vaginalis 111 Gastric adenocarcinoma 233, 233b carcinoma 159, 442f mucosa, normal columnar epithelium of 232f polyp 233 Gastritis acute 232, 232b chronic 232 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 233, 234b behavior of 234f diagnosis of 234 Gastrointestinal tract 225, 226f, 243, 421 lesions 299 Gaucher’s disease 485 Gel electrophoresis 44, 45 Gene 21 amplification 71, 72 fusion 56 nonfusion 56 rearrangement 211 sequencing 175 Genetics 445, 447, 453 diseases 321 markers 175 Genomic bacterial artificial chromosome 61 instability 68, 74, 79, 80 Germ cell 65 markers of 283, 284t tumor 163, 166f, 442, 466, 523 nonseminomatous 520 Giant cell 386, 405f arteritis 52 carcinoma 210 osteoclastic 492 multinucleated 116f, 150f, 380f, 404, 435 tumor 537, 538b, 538f, 564, 564f, 565b, 565f metastatic 392 Giardia lamblia 237 Giemsa stain 269 Glacial acetic acid 268 Glands, sublingual 349 Glandular cell 109 atypical 108, 109, 111, 131, 137, 137f, 138, 138b, 138f status post-hysterectomy 109, 116 Glandular lesion, atypical 111 Glandular neoplasm 188 Glial fibrillary acidic protein 16 Glomerular fragments 499 Glomerulonephritis, immune-mediated 44

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Glomus tumor 542, 543b Glycolipid 4 Goblet cell 202, 202b, 237 hyperplasia 218 Goiter, nodular 376b, 376f Golgi apparatus 10 bodies 3 complex 10, 10b Gomori’s methanamine silver 577, 581, 582 Gonads 516 G-protein-coupled receptors 5, 5f Granular components 20 Granuloma 52, 435f causes of 52 Granulomatous reaction, causes of 52b Granulosa cell tumor 524, 525b, 525f Graves’ disease 377, 377f, 378b, 378f Green fluorescent protein 291 Gross cystic disease fluid protein 176 Ground glass nuclear appearance 114f Growth 80 factor platelet-derived 72, 80, 81 receptors 72 Guanine 21, 21f Guanosine diphosphate 73 Gynecomastia 421, 422f

H Haemophilus influenzae 205 Hale’s colloidal iron staining 505 Hamartoma 218 mammary 403 Harris hematoxylin 268 Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 379 Head and neck 69, 337 Heart failure, congestive 154 Helicobacter pylori 232, 232b, 448, 579 infection 579 Helper T cells 96 Hemangioendothelioma, epithelioid 482, 483b Hemangioma 65, 543, 543b Hemangiopericytoma 542, 543b Hematological diseases 36 Hematolymphoid tumor 354, 403 Hematopoietic stem cell 35, 95 tissue 94 Hematoxylin and eosin stain 198, 198f, 342-345, 356, 577 Hemidesmosomes 9 Hemophagocytosis syndrome 438 Hemorrhagic fluid 263 processing of 267 Hemosiderin Laden crystal 152 Hepatoblastoma 481, 481f, 482b, 482f

Index.indd 627

Hepatocellular carcinoma 62, 87, 459f, 476, 477f, 478f, 478b, 478t, 482, 484 Hepatocytes 473, 473b, 480, 505 Herpes simplex infection 116 viral esophagitis 227 virus 113, 114b, 584, 584f Herpetic esophagitis 228b, 228f Heterochromatin 18, 18t Heterozygosis, loss of 78 Hibernoma 533 Hidradenoma 551, 552b, 552f Hippuric acid crystals 183 Histiocytes 107, 129, 131, 151, 431 Histiocytic cell 458, 458t Histiocytoma, malignant fibrous 442, 539, 561 Histiocytosis, malignant 438 Histone acetyltransferases 19 code 19 deacetylase 18, 19, 80 methylation 19 methyltransferase 18, 19, 80 modification 19, 19f post-translational modification of 76, 77 Histoplasma 207, 582, 583f capsulatum 52, 207, 582 Hodgkin’s disease 441 Hodgkin’s lymphoma 434-436, 439, 441, 455, 456f, 457b, 457f, 465, 470, 470b, 470f classical 455 nodular lymphocytic predominant 457 sclerosis classical 457f World Health Organization classification of 455b Human chorionic gonadotropin 521 Human chromosome 53b Human herpes virus 168 Human immunodeficiency virus infection 310 lymphadenopathy 434, 439 Human leukocyte differentiation antigen 97 Human papillomavirus 119, 120f, 132, 185, 238, 314, 321f, 584 infection 119, 120f test, advantages of 142 Human polyomavirus 185, 185b Human rhabdomyosarcoma 61 forkhead in 61 Huntington disease 48, 51 Hurthle cell 382, 382f, 383b adenoma 383f neoplasm 380, 382, 382f, 383, 383b, 383f, 391 aspirates of 382 tumor 383, 383t differential diagnosis of 383t


Hyalinizing trabecular adenoma 383 Hyaluronic acid 195 Hyaluronidase 195 Hydatid 580f cyst 474, 475b, 475f Hydatidiform mole 65 Hydrocele 517 Hydroxytryptamine 81 Hyperchromasia 124 Hyperchromatic crowded groups 127, 128b nuclei 219f Hyperdiploid aneuploidy 309, 310f Hyperkeratosis 105 Hyperplasia 38 adenomatoid 377b microglandular 135 nodular 380 pathological 38 physiological 38 reactive bronchial 204f, 217, 218 Hyperplastic bronchial epithelial cells 204f epithelium 204 Hyperplastic nodule 377, 377b Hypersensitivity reaction 154 Hypertetraploid aneuploidy 309 Hypertrophy 38, 39 Hypodiploid aneuploidy 309 Hypoxia 38

I Immunoblasts 431 Immunocyt 194, 195 Immunocytochemistry 87, 149, 171, 210, 215, 219, 271, 275f, 278, 340, 346, 361, 368, 382, 390, 394, 394f, 422, 429, 438, 448, 465, 472, 495, 508, 512, 531, 539, 541-543, 554, 569, 572, 577 fixatives for 263 protocol 276 technique 274 Immunohistochemistry 34, 45, 467, 495 Immunological diseases 38, 44 Immunophenotype 445, 447, 448, 452-454 Imunocytochemistry 458 In situ hybridization 577 Indirect staining procedure 305 Induction 46 Infections 48, 185, 205, 227, 237, 577 granulomatous 485 natural course of 119 parasitic 209, 321, 439, 440, 548 viral 44, 185, 186, 208, 241, 433f, 548, 583 Infectious mononucleosis 458 Infertility, male 518 Infiltrating duct carcinoma 244f, 403, 412, 413, 414b, 414f, 424f Inflammation 51, 115b, 517, 548

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acute 51, 238 chronic 51, 114, 238 granulomatous 51, 434, 435b, 458 xanthogranulomatous 500, 500f Inner membrane 11, 12 Insular carcinoma 392, 392f cytology of 393b Intermediate cell 104, 180 layer 102 Intermediate filament 14, 15, 16t Intermediate rhabdomyoblast 541 Intestinal cell, brush border of 8f Intestine large 237, 238 small 237 Intracellular transport 15 Intraepithelial lesion 108-111, 125 Intramuscular myxoma 534 Intranuclear pseudoinclusion 157, 386 Intrauterine contraceptive device 109, 115, 115f, 138 Intrauterine instrumentation 107 Ion channel-coupled receptors 5, 5f semiconductor sequencing 323 torrent machine 324f Islet cell tumor 493, 497 Isochromosomes 57

K Kaposi sarcoma 65, 168, 439 Karrolysis 48 Karyorrhexis 48 Keratin 156, 157 pearls 132, 157 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 215 Kidney 499 clear cell sarcoma of 509f, 510b injury 50 metastatic tumors of 506 papillary carcinoma of 504b rhabdoid tumor of 509 tumor of 501b Kikuchi’s disease 439 Kikuchi’s lymphadenitis 439, 439b Kimura’s disease 438, 438b, 439 Kinetochore-microtubule attachment 75 Klebsiella pneumoniae 205 Knudson’s two-hit hypothesis 77, 77f Koilocytes 124f Koilocytosis 124b, 124f Kupffer cells 474

L Labile cell 27 Laboratory bar code 264 information system 293, 312 waste, accumulation of 332

Index.indd 628

Lacrimal gland, lesions of 345 Lactic acidosis 13 Lactobacilli 108 Langerhans cell histiocytosis 438, 440, 440b, 440f, 568, 568b, 568f Large cell carcinoma 210, 220, 220b carcinoma, differential diagnosis of 221b non-Hodgkin lymphoma 469b nonkeratinizing carcinoma 132 sclerosing lymphoma 471 Large eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion 584 Legionella pneumophila 321 Leiomyoma 65 Leiomyosarcoma 62, 65, 87, 442, 542, 542b, 542f Leishmania donovani 436, 548, 581 lymphadenitis 436, 437f Leishmaniasis 580, 581f Lens 288 Lepidic adenocarcinoma 216, 217b, 218b Lepra stain 437f Leprosy 578f lymphadenitis 436b Leptotene 29 Leptothrix 113 Lesions 345, 464 inflammatory 402 non-neoplastic 184, 474, 548, 549 orbital 344 parathyroid 394 peritesticular 517 renal 500 Leukemia 69, 168, 244 acute lymphoblastic 56, 244, 245b, 245f, 460 megakaryoblastic 56 myeloblastic 245, 245b myeloid 56, 71, 245f, 460 promyelocytic 56, 62f chronic lymphocytic 56, 245, 445 myelogenous 56f myeloid 55, 56, 245, 460, 460f Leukemic infiltration 346, 460 Leukocyte 107 common antigen 220, 284, 520 removal 88 Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 56 Leydig cells 517 Light chain restriction 305 Light microscope 44, 45, 288, 289 basic principle of 289f Lipids 4 bilayerd cell membrane 4f Lipoma 65, 531, 532b, 532f pleomorphic 532, 533b

Liposarcoma 61, 65, 533, 533f pleomorphic 534, 534f, 535b well-differentiated 533 Liquid biopsy 88, 88b, 89, 89t constituents of 88 molecular techniques in 88 Liquid-based cytology 110, 115, 141, 260, 274, 312 gross smears of 314f preparation 148, 151f, 183 smear 139f Listeria monocytogenes 321 Lithiasis 184 Lithium carbonate 268 Liver 69, 473 cell adenoma 475, 476b, 476f lesions 474 space-occupying lesion of 256f tumors, World Health Organization classification of 474t Lobular carcinoma 403, 418, 419, 419b, 420, 420t Loop electrosurgical excision procedure 130 Loose areolar tissue 94 Lung 69, 198 adenocarcinoma of 163f, 212b, 216b, 216f adenoid cystic carcinoma of 222f cancer, classification of 209 carcinoid of 221f, 222f carcinoma 62, 159, 209, 213fc, 221, 243, 285 fine-needle aspiration cytology of 321f immunocytochemistry of 211t metastatic 243f infection 207f, 208f metastatic small cell carcinoma of 164f primary sarcoma of 223f small cell carcinoma of 219f, 220t squamous cell carcinoma of 212f-214f tuberculosis of 206f tumors, WHO classification of 210b Lupus erythematosus cell 153, 153f Lymph node 429, 432, 458fc anatomy of 429, 430f aspirate 459f fine-needle aspiration cytology advantages of 429 approach of 431 limitations of 429b histology of 429 intramammary 421 Langerhans cell histiocytosis of 440f lesions, diagnosis of 458 normal components of 202b, 431, 432b para-aortic 442f supraclavicular 442f tuberculous 435f

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Lymphadenitis acute 434 dermatopathic 432, 440, 441f filarial 437 lepromatous 436, 437f necrotizing granulomatous 439 Lymphadenopathy benign 432 infective 429 massive 437 Lymphangioma 65 Lymphatic tissue 65 Lymphocyte 95, 107, 151, 202, 219, 242f, 386, 404 depletion, virus-induced 44 Lymphocytic cell 458 Lymphocytic thyroiditis 379f, 380f, 382, 383 differential diagnosis of 383t Lymphoglandular bodies 432f Lymphoid cells 370f, 430 enlarged 433f immature 194f, 236f large atypical 433f polymorphic population of 448 reactive 437f hyperplasia 237 reactive 429, 432, 432f, 433f, 434b, 438, 439, 441, 458 malignancies 56t markers 282 progenitors 95 rich lesion 351, 351b tissue, mucosa-associated 369 Lymphoma 87, 220, 222, 237, 238, 246, 305, 354, 393, 415, 438, 443, 450, 468, 486 chromosomal alterations in 459b classification 443, 444t follicular 56, 429, 447, 447b, 447f, 449f immunophenotyping of 305 lymphoblastic 167f, 452b, 452f, 469, 469b, 469f, 521f lymphoplasmacytic 447, 448b, 450 malignant 484 marginal zone 448, 448b, 450 mucosa-associated 393 orbital 346f primary effusion 168, 169b, 169f small intestinal 238f lymphocytic 445b, 450 subtyping 282b Lysosomes 3, 14, 14b, 47 primary 14 secondary 14

Index.indd 629

M Macroautophagy 46 stages of 46 Macrophages 95, 107, 150, 151, 151t, 386 alveolar 202, 202b tumor-associated 7, 80 Magnetic resonance imaging 488, 530 Major histocompatibility complex 81 Malignancy 48, 69, 87, 191 chromosomal changes in 55b criteria of 340 detection of 173, 310 diagnostic pitfalls of 89 hematological 165 hematopoietic 556 recurrence of 62, 116 relative risk of 190 risk of 155, 155t Malignant cells 82f, 82t, 84f, 187, 193f, 194f, 210, 210t, 219f, 231f, 443f abundant discrete 422f cluster of 233f cytological features of 157b identification of 155 Maltoma, differential diagnosis of 237t Mammary analog secretory carcinoma 368, 368b Mantle cell lymphoma 56, 446, 446b, 446f, 450 carcinoma 553, 555, 556f Markel cell tumor 556b Mast cell 95, 151 Mastitis 402 chronic 415, 421 granulomatous 403, 404b, 404f Matrix 11, 12 attachment region 18 metalloproteinases 7 Mature cystic teratoma 466, 467b Mature small B cell lymphoma 450fc May–Grünwald–Giemsa stain 148, 149, 174f, 194f, 206f-208f, 221f, 222f, 227f, 228f, 232f, 236f, 238f, 241, 242f, 245f-247f, 255, 268, 339, 342-344, 347, 350, 375, 431, 504, 517, 530, 560, 577 Measles virus 209 Mediastinum 463 anatomy of 463 Medulla 430 Medullary carcinoma 340, 383, 383t, 389, 389f, 390f, 394, 415, 415b, 415f cytological features of 390b spindle cell variant of 392 Medulloblastoma 246, 246b Meibomian carcinoma 345, 345f Meiosis 27, 28, 28b, 29 different phases of 28f


Melamed–Wolinska bodies 180 Melanin 156 Melanoma 62, 87, 162 amelanotic 221 malignant 62, 87, 165b, 346, 420, 471, 483, 554, 555b, 555f markers 283 metastatic 440 malignant 443f, 484f Membrane protein, peripheral 5 Memory T cell 96 Meningioma 342, 343f, 344b, 344f, 347 Meningitis 242 acute 242, 242b bacterial 242 tuberculous 242 viral 242, 242b Menstruation 106 Mercuric oxide 268 Mesenchymal cells 507 tissue 65 Mesothelial cells 65, 149, 149b, 151, 151t, 159t, 278 benign 278 flat sheet of 150f interpretation of 150b malignant 172b, 278 markers of 172t reactive 151, 158, 159, 171, 218 Mesothelioma 65, 150, 151, 151t, 169, 170f diffuse malignant 169 malignant 65, 170b, 171, 171t molecular study of 170 Metaphase 28, 29 Metaplasia 38, 39 cartilaginous 406 mucinous 406 squamous 105b, 109, 215 Metaplastic carcinoma 403, 412, 418, 418f cytology of 418b Metaplastic cells, squamous 129 Metastasis 68-70, 556 characteristic features of 514t Metastatic malignancy 223, 347, 441, 483, 485b diagnosis of 429 Metastatic signet ring cell carcinoma 484f Methanol 262 Methylene blue stock solution 273 Microautophagy 46 Microfilament 14, 15 Microfilaria 580f Microfluidic chips 88 Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor 62 Microribonucleic acid 73

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Microsatellite 75 instability 68, 75, 75b Microscope care of 290 handling of 290 Microtubules 14, 15 Millipore filtration 266 technique, basic equipment of 266f Minimal residual disease 88 detection of 311 Mitochondria 3, 11, 11b, 11f, 51 Mitochondrial disease 13 matrix 12 pathway 41, 42 Mitochondrion, double membrane bound structure of 11f Mitomycin C 186 Mitophagy 48 mechanism of 48 Mitosis 27, 27b, 32, 86, 157 different phases of 27f qualitative abnormality of 86 Mitotic count 33 index 32 spindle movement 15 Molecular cytogenetic techniques 58 diagnostic tests 458 genetics 53, 219, 394 pathway 46 study 170, 211 techniques 88, 149, 175t tests 395 efficacy of 395 weight 16 Monoclonal therapy 310 Monocytes 95, 97 Monosomy 57 Morphology 51, 95, 582 Morphometry 291 Mucicarmine 582 stain 271 Mucin 156 Mucinous cystic neoplasia 490, 490b, 490f Mucocele 338, 352, 416, 416t Mucormycosis 582, 582f Mucous-secreting cells 232 Multiple endocrine neoplasia 62, 72 Multiple epithelioid cell granulomas 404, 435f Multiple mitochondrial dysfunction syndrome 13 Muscle origin, tumor of 540 striated 65 Muscular layer 179 Mutation 71, 72, 78, 211

Index.indd 630

Mycobacteria, atypical 206f Mycobacterial culture 577 Mycobacterial leprae 578 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex 434 infection 577, 578f bovis 186 kansaii 434 leprae 52, 578 scrofulaceum 434 tubercule infection 205 tuberculosis 52 Myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene 62 Myelodysplastic syndromes 44 Myeloid cells, immature 460f Myeloma, multiple 56, 567b Myoepithelial cells 351, 402, 409 Myoepithelioma 362 Myofibroblastic lesion 535 Myogenin 280 Myometrium 102 Myopathy 13 Myositis ossificans 535, 536b, 536f Myxoid liposarcoma 533, 534, 534b, 534f tumor 534

N Nanopore sequencing, basic principle of 325f Natural killer T cells 82, 96 Necroptosis 39, 48, 49, 49t molecular mechanism of 49, 49f significance of 49 Necrosis 39, 40, 40t, 48, 49, 49t, 52, 404 morphological changes in 48 Neoplasm 65, 243, 486, 518 benign 65, 355 classification of 65t detection, primary 173t epithelial myoepithelial 403 follicular 380, 381b, 381f, 382, 382t, 391 neuroendocrine 403 papillary 403, 406, 412 parathyroid 342f, 343b, 343f renal 500 solid papillary 495, 497b Neoplastic lesions 187, 339, 549 Nephroblastoma 507 Nephroma, mesoblastic 508, 508b, 508f Nerve sheath tumor 87, 471, 539, 539f Neural network advantages of 300t disadvantages of 300t module 293 types of 298

Neuroblastoma 62, 285, 470, 470b, 508, 572, 573, 574b, 574f mediastinal 470f olfactory 343, 344b Neurodegenerative diseases 48, 49, 51 Neuroectodermal tumor, peripheral 285, 572, 573 Neuroendocrine markers 281 Neurofibroma 471, 471b Neurofilaments 16 Neutropenia, chronic 44 Neutrophils 95, 97, 404 Next-generation sequencing 88, 175, 321 pros and cons of 325 Nipple adenoma 403 discharge 425, 425f, 426b, 426f Paget’s disease of 403 tumor of 403 Nocardia 205, 579, 579f Nodule, adenomatoid 377, 377f Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 56, 193, 220, 236, 241, 246, 246f, 285, 305, 340, 351, 380, 421, 434, 436, 439, 463, 465, 467, 468, 485, 520, 548, 554, 567, 567b, 572, 573 World Health Organization classification of 444t Non-small cell carcinoma 210 lung cancer 61, 62 Nuclear atypia 406 chromatin 17, 18, 21f, 85, 86b, 156 enlargement 83 envelope 17 hyperchromasia 189f lamina 17 margin irregularity 83, 84b, 156 matrix 3, 17, 18, 84 protein 18, 194 membrane 3, 17, 17b functions of 17 thickening of 84 pleomorphism 409 pore 17, 18, 86 complex 18 staining 267 study 291 Nuclei, ground glass appearance of 584 Nucleoli 3, 17, 19, 20b, 85, 157, 409 organization of 20f Nucleosome 18, 19, 19f remodeling 76, 77 Nucleotide 21 incorporation 323 Nucleus 3, 17, 17f, 40, 48, 51, 83, 156, 157, 385, 573 chromatin of 53 molding of 584

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O Octamer-binding transcription factor-4 283, 284 Okazaki fragments 22, 23 Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic 62 Oncocytes 364, 383b Oncocytoma 359, 360, 360b, 360f, 360t, 364, 505, 506b renal 506f Oncogene 71, 71t activation of 71 functional activity of 72b properties of 72 mutation of 211 Optic glioma 347, 347f Optical components 289, 303 Orbit 337 maltoma of 347f Osteoblastoma 559, 559b Osteoblasts 558, 558f Osteoclast 558, 558f Osteoma 65 Osteosarcoma 65, 87, 536, 559, 560b, 560f, 561f fibroblastic 560 telangiectatic 561 Outer membrane 11, 12, 17 Ovarian carcinoma 159 metastatic high-grade serous carcinoma of 161f Ovarian tumor 522 Ovary 69, 101, 103 adenocarcinoma of 139f

P Pachytene 29 Paget’s disease 403, 420, 420b, 554 Pagetoid malignant melanoma 554 Pale cell dyskaryosis 127, 127b Pancreas 488 adenocarcinoma of 492b, 492t cystic papillary neoplasm of 495, 496f, 497f cysts of 489 islet cell tumor of 493 neoplastic lesion of 490 neuroendocrine carcinoma of 496f solid papillary neoplasm of 495 Pancreatic tumors, WHO classification of 490b Pancreatitis 154, 492, 492t Papanicolaou’s stain 27f, 40f, 48f, 104f-108f, 111f-117f, 123f-131f, 133f-139f, 150f-153f, 158f, 163f-170f, 184f-187f, 189f-194f, 202f-204f, 208f, 214f, 216f-220f, 230f, 233f, 236f, 243f, 267, 268, 310f, 314f, 338f, 350, 356f, 404f, 431, 530, 577 hematoxylin solution for 268

Index.indd 631

Papillary carcinoma 384, 385, 413, 413b, 497 follicular variant of 380, 382, 382t, 387, 387b high-grade 193b low-grade 190, 192b Papillary cystic acinic cell carcinoma, cytological features of 364b Papilloma 187 intraductal 403 Parabasal cells 104, 107, 181b Paracortex 430 Paraganglioma 339, 339f, 340b, 340f, 471 Parakeratosis 106, 116, 584 Parasites 579 ova of 108 Parathyroid hormone-positive cells 343f Paris system of classification 188 Parkinson disease 44, 48 Parotid gland 349 idiopathic enlargement of 352 metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of 370f Pediatric renal tumors 507 Pelvis, renal 178 Pericytes 95 Periodic acid-Schiff 207, 271, 360, 577, 582 Peripheral lung mass, computed tomography-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology of 257f Peripheral nerve sheath tumor benign 539 malignant 471, 471f, 540, 540b, 540f Peripherin 16 Peritoneal dialysis 154 Peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis 164 Peroxidase anti-peroxidase method 275f, 276 Peroxidase technique, chromogen for 276 Peroxisome 14 Pexophagy 47 Phagocytosis 43 Pheochromocytoma 62, 511, 512f, 513b, 513f Philadelphia chromosome 56f Phosphatase 78 Phosphate buffer solution 210 Phospholipid 4 Phosphorylation 19, 30 Phosphotungstic acid 268 hematoxylin 360 Photomultiplier tube 303 Phycoerythrin 304, 306 Phyllodes tumor 403, 406, 411, 411f, 412, 412b benign 403 borderline 403 malignant 403, 412f multiple clusters 411f Picket fence-like appearance 102 Pilomatrixoma 549, 550b, 550f


Plasma cell 95, 431 myeloma 567, 568b reactive 568 tumor 361 membrane 3, 10 function of 5 receptors, types of 5f Plasmodium falciparum 321 Pleomorphic adenoma 350, 355, 355f, 356f, 357, 357b, 357t, 362, 363 spindle cell type of 362f Pleomorphism 83 Pleura, direct involvement of 152 Pneumocystis carinii 208, 209f, 581 infection 199, 208, 208b pneumonia 581 jiroveci pneumonia 581, 581f Pneumocytes, hyperplasia of 203, 205, 218 Pneumonia 153 Pneumothorax 154 Polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen 480 Polygonal cells 213f, 389 Polyhedral malignant cells 231f Polymerase chain reaction 88, 149, 175, 311, 318, 436, 577 applications of 320, 320b basic principle of 318, 318f components of 318 principle and steps 319b steps of 318 types of 319 Polymer-based labeling method 276 Polymorph 151, 202 Polypeptide, lamina-associated 17 Poxvirus infection 44 Prednisolone 61 Progesterone receptor 176, 285, 287 Prokaryotic cell 3, 3t Proliferating cell nuclear antigen 34 Prostate 516, 525 adenocarcinoma of 527b, 527f epithelial cells 526, 526f fine-needle aspiration cytology 258f, 526 specific antigen 285, 525 Prostatic hyperplasia, benign 526, 526b Protease, liberation of 68 Protein 4, 5, 42 breakdown 43 function 78 integral 5 modification 10 synthesis 23 transport 11 Psammoma body 152, 157, 203, 386, 386b Pseudocyst 489b pancreatic 489 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 185 Pseudomyxoma peritonei 163, 164, 166b, 166f, 167f

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Pseudoparakeratosis 106 Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 93, 93f Pulse field gel electrophoresis 44 Pyelonephritis, xanthogranulomatous 505 Pyknosis 48 Pyogenic abscess 475, 475b Pyroptosis 39, 50, 50t molecular mechanism of 50f

Q Quality assurance procedure 329b

R Radiation 109, 131, 229, 229b changes 187b effect 116, 116b, 186 induced nuclear enlargement 124 Radiology imaging system 293 Reactive ductal epithelial cells 404 Reactive squamous atypia 215 Reactive transitional cells 180, 181b, 506 Rectal carcinoma, metastatic 194 Red blood cells 241, 302 Reed–Sternberg cell 456f, 457b, 458, 458t Regressive method 267 Renal carcinoma, papillary 504 Renal cell carcinoma 65, 159, 193, 499, 501, 503f, 503b, 504t, 505, 505t, 511, 512 clear cell type of 503 differential diagnosis of 505 immunocytochemistry of 512t metastatic 162f, 523 nuclear grading of 504, 505t types of 505t Renal tubular cells, benign 505 Reserve cell hyperplasia 203, 205b, 219 Respiratory system 201t Respiratory tract anatomy of 198f lining of 198t lower 198 Retention cyst 352, 352b, 366 Reticulocyte count 310 Retinitis pigmentosa 44 Retinoblastoma 62, 67f, 78, 345, 346b, 346f gene 79 protein 79b Retinoic acid receptor alpha 56 Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction 319, 531 basic principle of 320f Revised European American Lymphoma Classification 443 Rhabdomyoblast 541 different types of 541t early 541 Rhabdomyoma 65, 540

Index.indd 632

Rhabdomyosarcoma 61, 65, 87, 285, 346, 508, 540, 541f, 572-574 alveolar 541 diagnosis of 280f embryonal 442, 541 metastatic 244f, 421f pleomorphic 541 Ribonucleic acid 291 Ribosomes 3, 13, 13b subunits of 13f Ring chromosomes 57 Ring finger binding protein 17 Robertsonian translocation 55, 57 Robinson’s criteria 423t Romanowsky stain 268 Rosai–Dorfman disease 437, 438b, 438f Rough endoplasmic reticulum 3, 9, 10, 10f Round cell malignancies 284 morphology 471 tumor 572 cytomorphology of 573t malignant 284f, 285t, 572b Round plasmacytoid cells 389 Routine laboratory techniques 260

S Salivary acini, benign 353f Salivary duct carcinoma 368 Salivary gland 349, 362t, 370f anatomy of 349 aspirate, benign 364 cells, normal 351 cystic lesions of 351b, 352 cytopathology, Milan system of reporting for 355, 355t fine-needle aspiration cytology of 349 histology of 349 lesions 352 lymphoma of 369 minor 349, 369 neoplasia 351 submandibular 349 tumors 210, 368, 403 classification of 354t Salt-and-pepper chromatin 218, 235 Salvage cytology 226 Sanger sequencing 321, 322f pros and cons of 322 Sarcoidosis 52, 200, 436, 436b Sarcoma 87, 162, 221, 222, 418, 442, 486, 535, 540, 554 epithelioid 545, 545b, 545f high-grade 530 immunocytochemistry of 531b low-grade 530 pleomorphic 534, 539 primary 223f, 482 synovial 61, 281f, 442, 543, 544b, 544f, 545 two-tiered grade of 530t

Scanty cytoplasm 192f Schiff’s reagent 271 Schistosoma haematobium 191 infection 187 Schwannoma 361, 362, 471, 471b, 539, 540b Sclerosis amyotrophic lateral 44, 48, 49, 51 multiple 49 Seminal vesicle cells 526 Seminoma 65, 467, 467b, 518, 519b, 519f immunocytochemistry of 520 metastatic 442f Sensitivity 140 Sequencing technique, generation of 321 Serosa 102 Serosal tumor, primary 169 Sertoli cell 516, 516f only syndrome 518, 518f tumor 525, 525f, 526f Sex chromatin 87 Sexually transmitted infection 114 Sheish kabab-like arrangement 112 Sialadenitis 352, 353 acute 353 chronic 353, 353f lymphoepithelial 353, 354f Sialadenosis 352 Sialolithiasis 352 Signet ring carcinoma 418, 419b, 493 cells 157, 157b Simple columnar epithelial cell 93f Simple cuboidal epithelium 92, 92f Simple light microscope 289f Simple squamous epithelium 92, 92f Single cell gel electrophoresis 44 preparation 304 Single strand conformation polymorphism 319 Single-molecule real time sequencing 324 basic principle of 325f Sinus histiocytosis 437 Sjogren’s syndrome 448 Skin 548 adnexa, benign tumor of 549 adnexal carcinoma 553 basal cell of 65 benign diseases of 548 lesions 548 malignant tumors of 552 markel cell carcinoma of 556f neoplastic lesions of 549 tumor, primary 556 Small B cell lymphomas 448 Small blue round cell tumor 542 Small cell carcinoma 162, 164b, 193, 210, 211, 215, 218, 218b, 220, 221, 230, 231b, 236, 237, 442, 466, 483, 492, 553 metastatic 164f, 341, 442f

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nonkeratinizing carcinoma 132 osteosarcoma 561 Small cleaved cell 430 Small mature B cell lymphoma, immunophenotype of 450t Small round cell tumor 482, 572 cytogenetics of 573t Small round intracellular histoplasma 208f Smear, rehydration of 267 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 3, 9, 10 Smooth muscle 65, 280 Sodium hypochlorite 332 Soft-tissue lesions 529 tumor 354, 471, 529, 531 cytogenetics of 532t WHO classification of 531 Somatic cell nuclear transfer 35 Spastic paraplegia 13 Sperm 517 Spermatids 516 Spermatocele 517, 517f Spermatocytes 516 Spermatocytic granuloma 517, 518f Spermatogenesis, normal 518 Spermatozoa 108, 517, 526 Spherulosis, benign collagenous 418 Spinal muscular atrophy 44 Spindle cell 389, 512 lesions 362t lipoma 532, 532b, 532f malignant 418f morphology 471 sarcoma 537, 540 soft tissue tumor 235 tumor 236t, 343, 542 type 362f, 471, 530 variant 392, 479 Spleen 473, 485 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of 486f Sputum 199, 199b, 201 processing of 264 sample 262 Squamous cell 109, 180, 181b, 203 abnormalities of 203 adequate number of 109 atypical 108-110, 124, 129, 130, 130b, 130f, 131, 131b, 131f, 132, 188, 189b carcinoma 65, 87, 109, 111, 132, 133f, 134f, 134f, 161, 163b, 191, 209-211, 213, 213b, 214f, 218, 220, 221, 228, 228t, 230, 230b, 231f, 345, 359, 441, 459f, 467, 483, 555, 555b differential diagnosis of 215b metastatic 164f, 215, 366, 370f, 442f, 550 nonkeratinizing 215, 220 malignant 338f, 442f metaplastic 104, 356f neoplasm 188 papilloma 65

Index.indd 633

Squamous epithelial lining 102f Squamous intraepithelial lesion 110 high-grade 107, 109, 119, 122, 126f-128f, 129, 129f, 129fc, 131, 131b, 131f, 132 low-grade 109, 119, 122, 123, 123b, 123f, 124f, 125, 125fc Staphylococcus aureus 205 Stem cell 35 classification of 35fc maintenance 74 multipotent 35 non-embryonic 36 normal 69, 69t oligopotent 35 pluripotent 35 possible applications of 36 unipotent 35 Stomach 231 benign diseases of 232 carcinoid of 236f intestinal type adenocarcinoma of 233f non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of 236f signet ring type adenocarcinoma of 233f Stress, acquired 38 Stroke 13 Stroma 103 Strongyloides stercoralis infection 209 Strongyloidiasis 209 Sugar molecule 21 Superficial cell 180 layer 102 Superficial umbrella cells 180b Surepath technique, basic principle of 314f Sweat gland tumor, malignant 555 Swollen excess cytoplasm 86 Synaptophysin 281 Synovial cell sarcoma, monophasic 543 Synthesis, ribosomal 20 Syringocystadenoma papilliferum 551, 552f, 553f Systemic lupus erythematosus 44, 153, 153b

T Taenia solium 580 Tamoxifen therapy 107 T-cell 450 lymphoma 308f, 453, 458 peripheral 455 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, clonality of 306 receptor 81, 96 Telomerase 195 reverse transcriptase 175 Telomeric repeat amplification protocol 175 Tendon sheath, giant cell tumor of 537, 538b, 538f


Teratoma immature 467, 524, 524f malignant 65 Teratomam mature 65, 524 Testicular tissue, normal 516f Testicular tumor 62 classification 519b Testis 516 anatomy of 516 fine-needle aspiration cytology, normal cells of 516 histology of 516 neoplasm of 518 tumor of 521 Tetraploid aneuploidy 309 Thinprep technique, basic principle of 313f Thymine 21, 21f Thymoma 464, 464f, 465b classification 464b invasive 465 malignant 465, 465b spindle cell type of 471 Thyroglobulin 285 Thyroid 299, 372, 383b anaplastic carcinoma of 391f cancer, papillary 61 carcinoma, papillary 384 cytology 395f diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of 393f diseases of 375 fine-needle aspiration cytology of 372 follicles 379f follicular cells 375, 379f neoplasm of 381f Graves’ disease of 377f, 378f Hurthle cell neoplasm of 382f, 383f insular carcinoma of 392f lesion, classification of 376t lymphoma, primary 393 malignancy, primary 394 maltoma of 393f medullary carcinoma of 389f, 390f papillary carcinoma of 384f, 385f, 387, 387f, 388f, 391 scan 372 stimulating hormone level 372 swelling, management of 395t transcription factor 176, 211, 213, 220, 285, 394 tumor 342 Thyroiditis 377 acute 377, 378b, 392 chronic lymphocytic 379, 380b, 388, 393 subacute granulomatous 378, 378b, 378f Tissue 92 invasion 68 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma 453 T-lymphocyte 80, 81, 96, 431

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Totipotent stem cell 35 Toxic goiter, diffuse 377, 378b Toxoplasma gondii 243, 437 lymphadenitis 437 Trans Golgi network 10 Transbronchial fine needle aspiration cytology 199-201 Transesophageal fine-needle aspiration 201 Transformation zone 102, 102b components 109 large loop excision of 130 Transitional cell 180 carcinoma, metastatic 484f papilloma 65 Transmitted light fluorescence microscopy 290, 290f Transporter protein 5 Treponema pallidum 52 Trichomonas infection 123 Trichomonas vaginalis 109, 112b, 112f, 124, 579, 579f Triple phosphate crystals 183 Triple test 399, 401 Trisomy 57 Trophoblast 65 Trophoblastic cells 107 Tubal metaplasia 104, 105f, 109, 117, 138 Tuberculosis 152b, 154, 205, 206f, 238, 378, 434 mycobacterial 577 Tuberculous effusion 152, 152f, 153f Tubular cells benign 504t renal 499f Tumor 62, 213, 360, 527 adenomatoid 517, 517f atypical lipomatous 533 benign 65, 66t, 233, 351 cells 6, 89, 222f, 236f spindle shaped 483f development 56f diathesis 133f epithelial 210, 403 fibroepithelial 403, 537 initiation of 80 intraorbital 345 invasion 80 low-grade 351 lymphohistiocytic 210 malignant 65, 66, 66t, 155, 351, 476, 552 epithelial 354 mediastinal 471 melanocytic 188 mesenchymal 188, 210, 403

Index.indd 634

metastatic 157, 162, 210, 391, 403, 421, 459f, 506, 513 malignant 393 neuroendocrine 484, 485f solid 243 microenvironment 80, 80b, 82 myoepithelial 360, 361b, 361f necrosis factor receptor 41, 49 neuroendocrine 87, 188, 210, 235, 493, 494 neurogenic 465, 470 oncocytic 364 parathyroid 341 primitive neuroectodermal 508 probable origin of 280t rhabdoid 509, 509b solid-pseudopapillary 493 solitary fibrous 536, 537b, 537f suppressor gene 74, 77, 78b, 78t urothelial 188 Tyrosine kinase activity 71

U Ultrasonography 199, 473, 488 Umbrella cells 180 Upper respiratory tract 198 Urachal carcinoma 188 Ureter 179 Urethra 179 Uric acid crystals 183 Urinary bladder 179 low-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma of 192f transitional lining epithelium of 94f Urinary calculi 184b Urinary lithiasis 184f Urinary tract 178f, 184 epithelium 65 Urine cytology 178 diagnostic accuracy of 196 examination 178b smear 181f Urine sample 262 processing of 183 Urothelial cell 108, 526 carcinoma 184b high-grade 188, 189, 189b, 190b, 190f, 191b low-grade 190, 192b pseudopapillary clusters of 181 Urothelial neoplasm noninvasive 188 papillary 187 WHO classification of 188b Urovysion test 194, 195 Uterine cancers 62 Uterus 101

V Vaccine efficacy of 145 safety of 145 Vacuoles 3 Vagina 101 Vaginal smear 261 Vaginalis infection, bacterial 111f Vaginosis, bacterial 111, 111b Vascular endothelial cells 80, 82 growth factor 68, 81, 168 Vesicular transport model theory 11 Vimentin 16, 280 Vincristine 61 Viral protein interaction 120 von Hippel–Lindau disease 62 Vulva 101

W Warthin’s tumor 350, 351, 354, 357, 358b, 358f, 359, 360, 364, 366 Warthin–Finkelday cells 209, 439 Waste disposal 332 methods of 332f Whiff’s test 111 White blood corpuscles 302 Whole slide imaging, applications of 296, 297 Wilms’ tumor 62, 161, 176, 278, 285, 507, 507b, 507f, 572-574 metastatic 166f Wooly body appearance 113 Wuchereria bancrofti 437

X Xylene 268

Y Yokohama system 423t Yolk sac tumor 520

Z Ziehl–Neelsen stain 205, 206f, 435f, 436, 483f, 517, 518, 577 Zollinger–Ellison syndrome 235 Zygomycosis, pulmonary 207 Zygotene 29

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