Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong 9627723525, 9789627723523

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Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong
 9627723525, 9789627723523

Table of contents :
Chapter 01: History of Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong
Chapter 02: Ordinances, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Technical Memorandums and Practice Notes
Chapter 03: Buildings and Building Works
Chapter 04: Framework of Building Control in Buildings Ordinance
Chapter 05: Buildings Ordinance as Development Control Legislation
Chapter 06: Town Planning Ordinance
Chapter 07: Leases
Chapter 08: Buildings Ordinance Section 16(1)(g)
Chapter 09: Buildings Ordinance Sections 16(1)(h) and 16(1)(p)
Chapter 10: Statutory Agents in the Buildings Ordinance
Chapter 11: Control of New Buildings: Approval of Building Plans I
Chapter 12: Control of New Buildings: Approval of Building Plans II
Chapter 13: Hoarding Permits, Excavation Permits and Contractor's Shed Permits
Chapter 14: Control of New Buildings: Consent to Commencement of Works
Chapter 15: Control of New Buildings: Site Supervision
Chapter 16: Control of New Buildings: Occupation of New Buildings
Chapter 17: Control of Existing Buildings: Statutory Orders I
Chapter 18: Control of Existing Buildings: Statutory Orders II
Chapter 19: Control of Minor Works
Chapter 20: Mandatory Building Inspection and Mandatory Window Inspection
Chapter 21: Exemptions and Modifications
Chapter 22: Railway Protection
Chapter 23: Dedication and Surrender of Land
Chapter 24: Streets under Building (Planning) Regulations
Chapter 25: Building Appeal
Chapter 26: Organization of Buildings Department
Chapter 27: Other Building and Development Control Legislation
Chapter 28: Roles of Fire Services Department in Building Control
Chapter 29: Roles of Buildings Department in Licensing
Chapter 30: Future Development Direction of Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong

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Arthur Tong Yee-hang Pace Publishing Limited

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. First published in 2013 by Pace Publishing Limited ISBN 978-962-7723-52-3 Pace Publishing Limited


by Arthur Tong Yee-hang .................................................................................................... viii


by Professor Patrick Lau Sau-shing .................................................................................... x by T he Hon. Tony Tse Wai-chuen ........................................................................................ xi

01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Chapter 05 Chapter 06 Chapter 07 Chapter 08 Chapter 09 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter

History of Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong ............................................. 1 Ordinances, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Technical Memorandums and Practice Notes ............. 11 Buildings and Building Works ...................................................................................................... 19 Framework of Building Control in Buildings Ordinance ................................................................... 31 Buildings Ordinance as Development Control Legislation............................................. 35 Town Planning Ordinance ................................................................................................... 41 Leases ....................................................................................................................................... 67 Buildings Ordinance Section 16(1)(g) ............................................................................................ 81 Buildings Ordinance Sections 16(1)(h) and 16(1)(p) ........................................................................ 91 Statutory Agents in the Buildings Ordinance ................................................................................. 97 Control of New Buildings: Approval of Building Plans 1................................................................. 115 Control of New Buildings: Approval of Building Plans 11................................................................ 129

13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter

Hoarding Permits, Excavation Permits and Contractor's Shed Permits........................................... 137 Control of New Buildings: Consent to Commencement of Works ................................................... 143 Control of New Buildings: Site Supervision ................................................................................. 151 Control of New Buildings: Occupation of New Buildings .............................................................. 159 Control of Existing Buildings: Statutory Orders 1........................................................................... 169 Control of Existing Buildings: Statutory Orders 11.......................................................................... 183 Control of Minor Works ............................................................................................................. 197 Mandatory Building Inspection and Mandatory Window Inspection ............................................. 201 Exemptions and Modifications ................................................................................................... 207 Railway Protection .................................................................................................................... 209 Dedication and Surrender of Land .............................................................................................. 213 Streets under Building (Planning) Regulations ............................................................................. 221 Building Appeal ........................................................................................................................ 229 Organization of Buildings Department......................................................................................... 235 Other Building and Development Control Legislation .................................................................... 241 Roles of Fire Services Department in Building Control.................................................................. 253 Roles of Buildings Department in Licensing....................., ........................................................... 259 Future Development Directions of Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong ...... 271

Appendix A

Illustrations of Building(Planning) Regulations Part II to Part V ................................................ 284

Appendix B

Sample Schedules included in General Building Plans ............................................................ 301

Appendix C

Sample Building Plans Approval Letter ................................................................................... 302

Appendix D

Sample Building Plans Disapproval Letter............................................................................... 303

Appendix E

Common Conditions imposed under Buildings Ordinance Section 17(1)(6) ................................. 304


Sample Hoarding Permit(Form BD 109) .................................................................................. 319

Appendix G

Sample Contractor's Shed Permit(Form BD 108) ...................................................................... 320

Appendix H

Sample Consent Letters ........................................................................................................ 321




Sample Consent Form(Form BD 103) ...................................................................................... 328

Appendix J

Sample Approval and Consent Letter ..................................................................................... 330

Appendix K

Sample Acknowledgement Letter of Completion of Demolition Works ....................................... 331

Appendix L

Sample Acknowledgement Letter of Completion of Piling Works .............................................. 332

Appendix M

Sample Occupation Permit(Form BD 104 ) ............................................................................... 334

Appendix N

Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 24(1) ............................................. 335

Appendix O

Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 25(2)(b) ......................................... 336

Appendix P

Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 26................................................. 337


Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 26A(1) ........................................... 338

Appendix R

Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 26A(3) ........................................... 339


Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 27A .............................................. 340

Appendix T

Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 27C(1) ........................................... 341

Appendix U

Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 28(3) ............................................. 342

Appendix V

Sample Statutory Order under Buildings Ordinance Section 28(5) ............................................. 343

Appendix W

Exemptions / Modifications Frequency Applied for and Criteria for Grant of the Exemptions/Modifications



and Conditions imposed in issuing B0106 ............................................................................... 344 Appendix X

Sample Permit to Grant Exemptions/Modifications (Form BO 106) ............................................. 349

Appendix V

Control Criteria of Effects on Railway from Adjacent Construction Works .................................. 350

Appendix Z

Sample Letter to impose Conditions granting Approval for Works in Railway Protection Areas .. 351

Appendix AA Sample Letter to impose Conditions granting Consent for Works in Railway Protection Areas..... 352 Appendix AB List of Unauthorized Building Works Affecting Public Safety .................................................... 353 Appendix AC Categorization ofTypical Building Safety Issues ...................................................................... 354 Appendix AD Disregarded, Exempted and Bonus GFA under Building (Planning) Regulations ......................... 355


Preface My idea of writing a book on building and development control legislation in Hong Kong came from a number of sources. First, it has something to do with my own experience in learning this topic when I was a student. Though Hong Kong has got very elaborate building and development control law, one cannot easily have a grasp of the subject by reading the legislation alone. The is primarily because the Building Authority as the most important figure of building and development control in Hong Kong is empowered to grant modifications and exemptions to the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance. The way he will exercise such a power is not explicitly stated in the legislation, but promulgated through the many practice notes he publishes from time to time. To make the matter worse, the administration procedures of the Buildings Department, which is the executive arm of the Building Authority, are also scattered in the practice notes and some are even not made known to the public at all. As such, unless one gets hands-on experience with a building project, he can hardly be aware of all the procedural requirements for getting a building realized. This is a far from satisfactory situation. Added to this is the increasing need of the Hong Kong community to understand the Buildings Ordinance. Knowledge of the minor works control system, the mandatory building and window inspection schemes, what constitutes unauthorized building works and Building Department's enforcement policy on them is more needed by the general public than ever before. Unfortunately, books on these topics are sparse. Lack of understanding leads to misunderstanding and as a result, the whole society in Hong Kong has to pay a high price for it. It is a pity that it happens. This book hopefully can remedy such problems. It will be most helpful to students of the construction disciplines- architects, surveyors, planners, landscape architects, interior designers and contractors, though registered professionals and interested general

public should be benefited by reading the text as well. It must be emphasized that this book is neither a substitute nor a summary of the original ordinances, regulations, codes of practices, practice notes, guidelines etc. It is meant to be an introductory text and readers are advised to make constant reference to the original documents for details when reading this book. Lastly, I must thank a number of persons to make publication of this book possible. My thanks first go to Mr. Tony Tse and Professor Patrick Lau for writing the forewords for me. T heir devoted efforts as Legislative Councilors also help tremendously in advancing the local building and development control legislation and keeping it abreast with the fast-paced social changes in recent decades. Besides, I am grateful to my 6-year-old niece, Crystal Tong, who helps me to draw a picture for the cover of this book. T he picture illustrates her vision of what the built environment in Hong Kong should be. I hope by the time she turns into an adult, Hong Kong does become a better place to live in. Comments and suggestions on this book are most welcome. I can be contacted at [email protected].

Arthur Tong Yee-hang

Forewords Visitors to Hong Kong are often marveled at the rapid changes that have t�ken place in our build environment. T he first impression of the city appears to them are the impressive density of buildings which forms a memorable distinctive postcard especially when they use the Star Ferry to trav�I across the harbour. Some travelers may discover that within a short distance that there is beautiful natural scenery and a lot of land not yet developed. In fact, the seven million people of Hong Kong live and occupy only 24% of its total area. For this we should also thank our forefathers that have created the Country Park Ordinance to keep 40% of our land untouched. T his phenomenon can only be understood by people who are in the building industry to tackle through difficult government procedures for new development. Recent events such as lack of land for development, unaffordable housing prices, overcrowding build environments, the disastrous building collapse in Ma Tau Wai Road and concerns over illegal structures prompted the public to be much more aware of the importance of the controls of the development of our city. I am impressed by the comprehensive study of Arthur Tong Yee-hang who managed not only gathers all these important laws and information but also analyzed in a readable and graphical manner in the form of this book for professionals and laymen. It has often been said that innovation for architecture in Hong Kong is being hammered by building regulations which should only be concerned with regards to health and safety. It is also understandable that land prices require developers and professionals for maximum development within these controls. However, it must be the aspiration of our community to balance both of these issues in order to create a quality build environment for a sustainable city. It is in this spirit that our government should work together with the community to foster improvements and reviews for better laws in future development controls.

Professor Patrick Lau Sau-shing AIBC Architect MRAIC FHKIA SBS JP

In Hong Kong, property developments are basically governed by three major elements. They are government lease conditions, planning regulations and Buildings Ordinances. Over the years, development controls in Hong Kong have undergone quite some changes to meet different circumstances and government policies prevailing at the material time. More and more rules and requirements are added. These controls have now became quite complex and complicated. In my early career as an estate surveyor in the Lands Department, the feasibility of a property development could be assessed based upon the Buildings Ordinance and land lease conditions. Today, development controls are extended by the provisions of statutory town plans prepared under the Town Planning Ordinance and also with more controls under the lease conditions. Furthermore, the Buildings Ordinance has grown with a larger set of practice notes and numerous court rulings. With this connection, it is important for real estate practitioners and students to be kept updated with the changes in development controls. With the objective of providing comprehensive information on the buildings control system in Hong Kong, the author attempts to cover all facets of building regulations and the practices notes. The book "Building and Development Control Legislation in Hong Kong" by Mr. Arthur Tong Yee-hang is by far the most up-to-date and easy to understand publication. The book is targeted at a wider range of readers in real estate professions. I feel heartened as a practicing surveyor by the work and research of the author of this book that offer systematic and broad range of subjects in building control. I particularly recommend this book to students who are studying real estate courses as they may find it a useful guide to comprehend the complexity of the Hong Kong real estate development industry. Such knowledge and understanding are so crucial to them to be a professional in property development field.

The Hon. Tony Tse Wai-chuen Legislative Councilor (Architectural, Surveying and Planning) Past President of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

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111 Hl st8t ...•�\l"I. U plllt6l lf t'l lrt h cll' e l' 1 °. ::: �i: of Building and Development torv control Legislation iin Hong Kong • ctu:spter 2 Ordinances, Regula­ tions, Codes of Practice, 'fectmi• cal Memorandums and Practice Notes • Chapter 3 Buildings cmd Building works • causpter 4 Frame­ work of Building control in Build• ings Ordinance • c11e1pter 5 Build• ings Ordinance as Development c::ont,ol Legislation • c:tmpter & Town Planning Ordinance • C:hap­ tell' "I Leases • Chapter a Buildings Ordinance section 1 &< 1 > • Chap• tell' 9 BuiilcHngs Ordiinanc:e sections '16 �®�i!lli�tii@n/io • c:tu:;pter 25 Building Appeal • chapter 26 organization of IFJuHd· ings Department • Ctmpter �, other Building aD.,�,P�!!����nt control fl�egismatiilJIICIPSIN" �0iii1Al&�w1z,i•�.c• H'I IIHMMMIHflllr '-UN� �' Role!!. 011:1111 Licing • "'!M!9111.'!Bffii t N«· Mt,} tory Of Bi!llHdiilt control Leg!sM�tion in Hong Kof!i� • 11:hf,pter 2 Ordin«:llneei;;, �egue�­ ticms, Codes ow Plfl!l!t:tiee, Teetini• c«i! f.1emor�nduml!. l!l!nd Pil'll!it:tlt:e Note!!. • i::IHllpteil' 3 BuHding11, «:lllllid Building works ® c1•1fl!ipter 4 �r«:Hne­ work �, BuHdinu control in Build· in§;IIS Oll'diir.JIH'ilt:e • Chl!i1pter !!, BfJiiild• ings t;rdinlfince ll!iii, �evr::il�pnient contr@M Legislation � ir,:t,inpter G T@1•,m Planning Ordi11ance � Chap­ tEH' 1 Let.Se!!. • ChfllJpter f£ Buildings cri:HrH:m..::e :i;;eetion 1& Reguh:11tions • Ch�pter 25 Building Appe�i • (:;h�pter 26 Organization @f Build• ings oepall'tment • Chapter 27 Other BuHding .J!I�_?evellcpment control Leglis;i�lnllDS4Ne"9 Roles of Fill-I in suiid!lndfll,


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