Branching Morphogenesis 0387256156, 9780387256153

Branching morphogenesis, the creation of branched structures in the body, is a key feature of animal and plant developme

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Branching Morphogenesis
 0387256156, 9780387256153

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Branching Morphogenesis Jamie A. Davies, M.A.(Cantab.)5 Ph.D. Centre for Integrative Physiology Edinburgh University College of Medicine Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.






BRANCHING MORPHOGENESIS Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit Landes Bioscience / Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. ISBN: 0-387-25615-6

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Branching morphogenesis / [edited by] Jamie A. Davies. p. ; cm. ~ (Molecular biology intelligence unit) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-387-25615-6 (alk paper) 1. Morphogenesis. 2. Branching processes. I. Davies, Jamie A. II. Series: Molecular biology intelligence unit (Unnumbered) [DNLM: 1. Morphogenesis. 2. Developmental Biology. 3. Physiology, Comparative. 4. Tissue Engineering. Q H 4 9 1 B816 2005] QH491.B72 2005 571'.833~dc22


To all members of our laboratories, past and present, in gratitude for their inspiration, their dedication, and their good company.

CONTENTS 1. Why a Book on Branching, and Why Now? Jamie A. Davies Branching Morphogenesis Is Important and Pervasive Patterns of Branching Research into Branching




Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons Katherine M. Kollins and Roger W. Davenport Introduction to Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons The Regulation of Neuronal Branching Morphogenesis through Intrinsic Mechanisms and Epigenetic Cues Molecular Regulation of Branching Morphogenesis Future Directions

1 2 5

8 18 33 42

3. Branching of Single Cells in Arabidopsis d^i Daniel Bouyer and Martin Huhkamp Branching of Trichomes (yd Trichome Branching Mutants G7 Trichome Branching: The Cell Division/Endoreduplication Pathway... 68 Trichome Branching: Dosage Dependent Regulation by STICHEL ... 69 Trichome Branching: Role of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton 69 Branching in Epidermal Pavement Cells 70 Root Hairs 71 4. Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues: Growing Mycelia in a Desktop Computer David Moorey LiamJ. McNulty and Audrius Meskauskas Kinetics of Mycelial Growth and Morphology Construction of Fungal Tissues Simulating the Growth Patterns of Fungal Tissues 5. Branching in Colonial Hydroids Igor A, Kosevich Organisation of Hydroid Colony Branching in Colonial Hydroids Branching Control Control of Developmental Fate The Genetic Basis of Branching in Cnidarians 6. How Is the Branching of Animal Blood Vessels Implemented? SyhillPatan The Blood Circulatory System: Tree Analogy versus Network Concept Mechanisms of Blood Vessel Formation, Network Growth, and Remodeling; What Is Their Relationship to the Branching Process?

75 7G 81 82 91 92 94 100 106 107 113



What Are the Cellular Mechanisms That Lead to the Formation of Branching Points According to Intussusceptive Microvascular Growth? 115 What Are the Advantages of IMG Versus Sprouting in the Expansion and Remodeling of the Circulatory Network? .... 119 Pathological Variations of the Cellular Mechanisms of IMG 119 What Causes the Existence of Pathological Mechanisms of IMG and Subsequently Disturbed Branching Point Formation? 120 How Is the Formation of Branching Points at the Molecular Level Regulated? 120 7. Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in Mammary Gland Branching Morphogenesis and Breast Cancer: The Double-Edged Sword Eva A. Turley and Mina J, Bissell The Stroma, Branching Morphogenesis, and Breast Cancer Proteoglycans/GAGs As Regulators of Branching Morphogenesis

126 127 128

8. Branching Morphogenesis in Mammalian Kidneys Jamie A. Davies Models for Studying Branching in the Kidney The Ureteric Bud Tip As an 'Organizer' of the Kidney Cell Biology of the Branch Tips Molecular Markers of *Tip' Character Regulatory Inputs to the Bud Tips Morphoregulatory Outputs from the Ureteric Bud Tips Feedback Loops That Control Bud Branching Branching of the Renal Blood System Conclusions and Perspectives


9. Embryonic Salivary Gland Branching Morphogenesis Tina Jaskoll and Michael Melnick FGF/FGFR Signaling Hedgehog Signaling Eda/Edar Signaling Downstream Targets Rescue SMG Phenotypes A Nonlinear Genetic Network Regulates SMG Organogenesis Concluding Remarks


10. Branching Morphogenesis of the Prostate A.A. Thomson andP.C. Marker Anatomical and Endocrine Aspects of Prostate Development Epithelial Bud Induction Growth Factor Signalling in Prostate Branching Morphogenesis Genetic Analysis of Prostatic Branching Conclusions

145 146 147 149 150 151 152 154 155

162 166 167 169 169 171 176 176 177 178 180 184

11. Uterine Glands Thomas E. Spencer, Karen D. Carpenter, Kanaka Hayashi andjianho Hu Introduction and Historical Background Ruminants Pigs Rodents Humans and Menstruating Primates Transcription Factors Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions Ovary and Ovarian Steroids Estrogen Receptors Growth Factors Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs) and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) Insulin-Like Growth Factors Somatolactogenic Hormones Summary 12. Physical Mechanisms of Branching Morphogenesis in Animals: From Viscous Fingering to Cartilage Rings Vincent Fleury, Tomoko Watanabe, Thi-Hanh Nguyen, Mathieu Unhekandt, David Warhurton, Marcus Dejmek, Minh Binh Nguyen, Anke Lindner and Laurent Schwartz Moving Boundary Problems 3D Aspect Finite Capsule Non-Newtonian Fluids Elastic Properties Reaction-Diffusion Filament Navigation in a Field Active Growth of the Mesenchyme Orientational Order Conclusion Appendix 1 Glossary 13. Afterword Jamie A. Davies Do We Yet Understand Branching Morphogenesis in Any System? Regulation of Branching Morphogenetic Mechanisms Constructing Models How Conserved Is Branching? Index


186 188 190 190 191 193 193 194 194 195 195 195 196 197


204 209 210 211 213 215 216 218 225 228 230 230 235 235 235 236 236 236 239

1 1

CT^T hUl 1 \^IV


Jamie.A.. Davies Centre for Integrative Physiology Edinburgh University College of Medicine Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. Chapters 1^ 8y Afterword

r^r^XTT'T?TPTTnrr^r>c Mina J. Bissell London Regional Cancer Center Departments of Biochemistry/Oncology London, Ontario, Canada Chapter 7

Vincent Fleury Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condesee Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Cedex, France Chapter 12

Daniel Bouyer Botanical Institute III University of Koln Koln, Germany Chapter 3

Kanako Hayashi Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics Department of Animal Science Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, U.S.A. Chapter 11

Karen D. Carpenter Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics j Department of Animal Science Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, U.S.A. Chapter 11 Roger W. Davenport Department of Biology University of Maryland College Park College Park, Maryland, U.S.A. Chapter 2 Marcus Dejmek Department of Pediatric Surgery University of Southern California Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Chapter 12

Jianbo Hu Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics Department of Animal Science Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, U.S.A. Chapter 11 Martin Hixlskamp Botanical Institute III University of Koln Koln, Germany Chapter 3 Tina JaskoU Laboratory for Developmental Genetics University of Southern California Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Chapter 9


Katherine M. Kollins Department of Biology University of Maryland College Park College Park, Maryland, U.S.A. Chapter 2

David Moore School of Biological Sciences The University of Manchester Manchester, U.K. Chapter 4

Igor A. Kosevich Department Invertebrate Zoology Biological Faculty Moscow State University Moscow, Russia Chapter 5

Minh Binh Nguyen Department of Pediatric Surgery University of Southern California Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Chapter 12

Anke Lindner Laboratoire des Milieux D^sordonn^s et Heterogenes Universite Paris 6 Paris Cedex, France Chapter 12 P.C. Marker Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development University of Minnesota Cancer Center Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. Chapter 10 Liam J. McNulty School of Biological Sciences The University of Manchester Manchester, U.K. Chapter 4 Michael Melnick Laboratory for Developmental Genetics University of Southern California Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Chapter 9 Audrius Meskauskas Gediminas Technical University Saul^tekio al. 11 Vilnius, Lithuania Chapter 4

Thi-Hanh Nguyen Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condes^e Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Cedex, France Chapter 12 Sybill Patau Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology SUNY Downstate Medical Center BrooUyn, New York, U.S A. Chapter 6 Laurent Schwartz Laboratoire LPICM Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Cedex, France Chapter 12 Thomas E. Spencer Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics Department of Animal Science Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, U.S.A. Chapter 11 A.A. Thomson MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit Centre for Reproductive Biology University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. Chapter 10

Eva A. Turley Life Sciences Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, California, U.S.A. Chapter 7

David Warburton Department of Pediatric Surgery University of Southern California Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Chapter 12

Mathieu Unbekandt Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condesee Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Cedex, France Chapter 12

Tomoko Watanabe Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condesee Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau Cedex, France Chapter 12


Why a Book on Branching, and Why Now? Jamie A, Davies


n a world overloaded with information, in which university library shelves bend under the weight of worthy tomes and the number ofjournals has been doubling every fifteen years/'"^ a prospective reader is fiilly entitled to eye any new text suspiciously and to ask whether there is really a need for yet another book. The question is always a valid one, and was perhaps summed up most clearly by the reviewer who remarked of a manuscript under his scrutiny that 'this paperfillsa much needed gap in the literature'.^ It is therefore a duty of any author or editor to begin the introduction of a new work with a justification for its existence. For this particular volume, providing such a justification is easy. The subject matter is of critical importance to our understanding of the normal development of animals and plants and is a necessary component in the emerging technology of tissue engineering. Study of branching is changing quickly and is expanding through new links between cell biology and mathematical modelling. Most critically of all, its subject material has traditionally been scattered through the texts and journals of many different disciplines and has not been brought together in one place before. The recent emergence of general principles behind branching morphogenesis, and the observation that apparently disparate systems seem to share deep biological similarities, is a strong and timely reason for considering them together, now, in a single volume in which each chapter is contributed by a world expert in a particular field.

Branching Morphogenesis Is Important and Pervasive The development of repeatedly-branched structures is an important mechanism of morphogenesis across a wide range of phyla and scales. In some organisms, such as trees, branching shapes the complete body plan and is their most obvious morphological attribute. Most plants and multicellular fiingi share this property, although in the case of fungi the branched structures are very fine and, to the naked eye, are not as obvious as unbranched reproductive structures such as mushrooms. Some animals also have a branched body plan but, in most phyla, branching is hidden away in the internal anatomy and is not obvious from external form. We are examples of such creatures, having unbranched exteriors but having insides riddled with interlinked networks of branched endothelial and epithelial tubes. Branching usually arises where there is a reason to maximise the total area of contact between a structure and the environment that surrounds it, particularly where there is also a reason to pack this area of contact in a small volume (that is, an organism gains some functional selective advantage by doing this). For plant shoot systems, the *aim' is to maximise the area for light capture and gas exchange: while large areas could be produced by the growth of a single enormous leaf, mechanical constraints (gravity, wind damage etc) limit this strategy to * A history of this acerbic phrase has been reviewed elsewhere,^ but so cliche d has it become that some reviewers now seem to miss its precise meaning, and use it even in very positive reviews: type the phrase into a web search engine to find many examples.

Branching Morphogenesis, edited by Jamie A. Davies. ©2005 and Springer Science+Business Media.

Branching Morphogenesis

very small plants or those supported by, for example, floating on water; self-supporting large plants are forced to use branched structures. Similarly, plant root systems need to achieve large areas of contact between themselves and the soil, an important source of water and minerals, and the production of fine branches has the added advantage that they can penetrate between particles of soil and thus expand into an almost 'solid' environment. In animal tissues, branching is normally used to pack a large surface area for exchange between the external environment and internal tissues, or between two internal 'compartments', into a small volume. The branched structures of mammalian lungs are an example and here, as in most other systems, the branching tubes are not themselves the main surfaces over which substance exchange takes place. Rather, gas exchange takes place in specialised air sacs, alveoli, that appear at the ends of the finest branches; the branching system itself is simply a means of connecting many alveoli to the outside world while minimising the total distance from each to the final exit from the body (an alternative design, connecting all of the alveoli to a single long tube, would suffer the disadvantage that the most distant alveoli would be able to exchange gases with the outside only very inefficiendy). A range of other branched epithelia act as 'drains' for substances (saliva, urine, seminal fluid, tears, milk etc) produced in specialised terminal structures, sometimes also called alveoli. The blood and lymphatic systems, based on endothelia, are specialized for exchange of substances between body compartments (the 'tissues' and 'the circulation, each of which really constitutes several different fiinctional compartments in itself). The aim is to ensure that no part of the tissue is more than a short distance from a blood vessel, and arterial flows ramify ever more finely in tissues to achieve this. In the case of vertebrate blood systems, the finest branches then connect with fine branches of a venous system, collecting post-exchange blood and draining it to successively larger-bore vessels to return it to the heart (in some organs, such as kidney and gut, blood is collected from the arterial system by an intermediate branching system that takes it to a second set of capillaries before it returns to the venous system proper, but such complications are beyond the scope of this introductory chapter). The means for physical substance exchange is not the only system that has to spread throughout the body; there is also the need for distribution of 'command and control' information. Some of this is achieved using exchange of signalling molecules (hormones) between tissues and the general circulation but much of it is achieved by connecting specific tissue elements via nerves. In simple body plans such as those of cnidaria (sea anemonies, jellyfish etc), this is achieved by a distributed nerve net. In more complex animals it is done by connection of tissues to a central information processing unit—a ganglion or a brain. Nerves, which are bundles of neuronal cell processes (axons), run from central nervous system out to the tissues where they divide increasingly finely and eventually single axons may branch to make connections with multiple targets, for example, muscle fibres. Within the central nervous system, highly branched systems of neuronal processes are used to collect and integrate signals from multiple input neurons. In a clear reference to their shape, these are called dendritic arbours (from Greek dendros, = branch, and Latin arhor, = tree: US English retains the Latin spelling). Branching morphogenesis produces structures on scales ranging from micrometres (the processes of a single cell) through centimeters (branching epithelia in mammalian organs) to tens of metres (trees). Indeed, the current record holder for the world's largest organism is a woodland ftingus, Armillaria ostoyaeiy which is over 2000 years old and spans about 10 square kilometers of forest floor;^ it is composed almost entirely of a huge network of branched hyphae. Branching morphogenesis is therefore an important and pervasive mechanism of development.

Patterns of Branching All branched biological structures are generated by variations on just a few general mechanisms. One very common mechanism is branching of an elongated structure, such as a plant stem, an epithelial tubule or a cell process, by division of its growing tip into two or more new

Why a Book on Branching, and Why Now?

Figure 1. Examples of dipodial branching, in A) a green alga of the Fuctis genus, B) a red alga of the Polyides genus and C) in the developing airway epithelium of a mouse embryo. tips (Fig. 1). Variations on this theme certainly exist, both in terms of the numbers of tips formed and the method by which the tips divide, but the general process accounts for a great deal of branching morphogenesis over a huge range of scales. In its simplest form—dipodial branching—the daughters of each branching event are *equal' and n o one branch dominates the structure. A c o m m o n variation is monopodial branching (Fig. 2), in which secondary branches form from one dominant stalk. This pattern is obvious in many trees, but is also found in animal tissues such as the mammary gland. In most examples of monopodial branching, the dominant stalk develops first and the side branches appear as later additions. A very different mechanism for generating branched tubes is to divide up a large tube into many smaller ones by the introduction of longitudinal barriers (Fig. 3). This process—intussusceptive branching—creates a much larger surface area over which exchange can take place between the fluid in the tubes and their surroundings. For this reason, and also because it is well-adapted for tubes that form part of a circulation system rather than having closed ends.

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Figure 2. Examples of monopodial branching, in A) the horsetail Equisetum and B) mouse mammarsy epithelium budding alveoli during pregnancy.

Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 3. Intussusceptive branching, by the invasion of a vessel space by other tissue (following infolding of the vessel wall). The longitudinal dimension of this diagram has been compressed for clarity. intussusceptive branching is common in the development of blood vessels. It is also how most river deltas form. The above mechanisms fall squarely into the category of ^branching morphogenesis' because they operate by division of one thing into many. There are other ways of making branched structures which are not normally considered bona fide examples of branching morphogenesis but which are worth mentioning in this introductory chapter, if only because they are not considered elsewhere in this book. One is related to intussusceptive branching, and consists of producing a 'branched' gross structure by deletion of cell populations: an example is the 'branched' structure of chicken feet, which arises, in part from apoptosis of the cells that would otherwise form a continuous web between the toes (Fig. 4). The other fairly common mechanism for creating a branched biological structure is the fusion of elements that originate separately and then converge. An example of branching by convergence is seen in the aggregation of myxamoebae oi Dictyostelium discoideum, in which migratory cells form streams that join together and converge on one point (Fig. 5). Another is seen in the mesonephros (temporary kidney) of mammalian embryos, in which tubules form independendy but converge on to a common duct.

Figure 4. The role of apoptosis in separating the "branches" of the foot (the toes).

Why a Book on Branchings and Why Now?


' * . '



Figure 5. Formation of branched structures by convergence, in A) aggregating Dictyostelium myxamoebae, and B) mensonephric tubules joining a common nephric duct in mammalian embryogenesis.

Research into Branching Branching morphogenesis can be studied at many different levels from molecular genetics to mathematical modelling. Some of the earliest work on branched systems was mathematical; Leornardo da Vinci studied the dimensions of trees that develop by dipodial branching, and showed that the ratio of the diameter of a branch of generation n to the diameter of one of generation n+1 was constant for all n (Fig. 6). The constancy of this number, now called da Vinci's number,^ implied that such structures are scale-free (one cannot deduce, from the ratio of branch sizes alone, whether the branches in question are the very largest or the very finest) and da Vinci's work on branching was one of the earliest examples of what would now be considered the mathematics of fractals. More recently, similar analyses have been performed on branched structures in animals, for example canine airway epithelium, ^^ with the result that da Vinci's rule holds for a large range of n. It is clear, though, that the very first branching events


da Vinci's rule: d1;d2 = d2:d3

Figure 6. Leonardo da Vinci's rule.

Branching Morphogenesis

and the very last depart from the rule in most systems, and fractal geometry is only a useful approximation for the middle stages of growth. Even then, additional systems must operate to set up the characteristic shape of each organ and to avoid collisions. Fractal studies have been joined by mathematical approaches based on the characteristics of purely physical models, in an attempt to understand the extent to which biological branching morphogenesis might rely on gross physical properties of their components, such as viscosity, pressure and mechanical stress, rather than on any especially ^biological' characteristics such as cytoskeletal remodelling. Some of the most interesting of these models have used Viscous fingering'—the branching phenomenon that takes place when a liquid of low viscosity is forced into one of higher viscosity—to model epithelial branching in animals. ^^ Other mathematical approaches involve a rule-based approach, in which 'rules' (that represent molecular systems such as those that connect a receptor to the changing transcription of a gene to changing cell behaviour) in a computer program are used to interpret simulated physicochemical parameters such as morphogenetic fields and which, over a broad range of parameters, reproduce biologically-plausible branching patterns. As mathematical study of branching has grown, so has study at the cell-biological level. Light-microscopic studies of the Victorian era indicated the basic arrangements of cells in tissues undergoing branching and identified key cellular components such as neuronal growth cones, which can control branching at a single-cell level. ^ In the last century, ultrastructural studies, made possible by the electron microscope, indicated that cells driving branching could show various specialisations such as altered extracellular matrix etc.^^ Over the last fifty years or so, these observations have been joined by biochemical analyses, by culture techniques and by experimental interventions that have allowed specific biochemical constituents to be correlated with particular aspects of morphogenesis. Most recendy, genetic manipulation has enabled experimenters to make exact and known changes to the genome and correlate these with both normal development and also with congenital disease. Historically, most researchers into branching have made their strongest connections with others working on different aspects of their chosen organism or tissue, rather than with those studying branching in other systems. This pattern has begun to change, with the realization that the same families of molecules and the same patterns of cell behaviour seem to turn up in system after system. It is still not clear to what extent mechanisms of branching morphogenesis are truly conserved across organs and organisms, but a number of conferences devoted to aspects of branching have shown the value of experimentalists immersing themselves in the biology of each other's systems and, most particularly, of an improved dialogue between biological data and mathematical modelling. It is for this reason that a set of people involved in studying many different aspects of branching have come together to produce this book. It is impossible, in a volume of reasonable size, to cover everything and, recognizing this, we have tried to pick the topics in which understanding is growing at its fastest and which seem to relate naturally to each other. As Editor, I have very much enjoyed reading the contributions of all of the other authors of this book; I hope that you do too.

References 1. Pendlebury D. Science's go-go growth: Has it started to slow? The Scientist 1989; 3:14. 2. de Solla Price DJ. Little Science, Big Science. Columbia University Press, 1963. 3. Jackson A. Chinese acrobatics, an old-time brewery, and the "much needed gap": The life of mathematical reviews. Notices of the AMS 1997; 44:330-337. 4. Davies JA. Do different branching epithelia use a conserved developmental mechanism? Bioessays 2002; 24:937-948. 5. Ferguson BA, Dreisbach TA, Parks CG et al Coarse-scale population structure of pathogenic Armillaria species in a mixed-conifer forest in the blue mountains of northeast Oregon. Can J For Res 2004; 33:612-623.

Why a Book on Branching, and Why Now? 6. Merino R, Rodriguez-Leon J, Macias D et al. The BMP antagonist gremlin regulates outgrowth, chondrogenesis and programmed cell death in the developing limb. Development 1999; 126:5515-5522. 7. Palsson E. Othmer HG. A model for individual and collective cell movement in dictyostelium discoideum. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000; 97:10448-10453. 8. Sainio K. Development of the mesonephric kidney. In: Vize PD, Woolf AS, Bard JBL, eds. The Kidney: From Normal Development to Congenital Disease. Academic Press, 2003:75-84. 9. Long CA. Leonardo da Vinci's rule and fractal complexity in dichotomous trees. J Theor Biol 2004; 167:107-113. 10. Nelson TR, West BJ, Goldberger AL. The fractal lung: Universal and species-related scaling patterns. Experientia 1990; 46:251-254. 11. Metzger RJ, Krasnow MA. Genetic control of branching morphogenesis. Science 1999; 284:1635-1639. 12. Fleury V, Watanabe T. Morphogenesis of fingers and branched organs: How collagen and fibroblasts break the symmetry of growing biological tissue. C R Biol 2002; 325: 571-583. 13. Moore D, McNulty LJ, Meskauskas A. Branching in fungal hyphae and fungal tissues: Growing mycelia in a desktop computer. In: Davies JA, ed. Branching Morphogenesis. Georgetown: Landes Biosciences, 2005: 70-85. 14. Ramon y, Cajal S. Sur I'origene et las ramifications des fibres nerveuses de la moelle embryonnaire. Anat Anz 1890; 5:111-119. 15. Williams JM, Daniel CW. Mammary ductal elongation: Differentiation of myoepithelium and basal lamina during branching morphogenesis. Dev Biol 1983; 97:274-290. 16. Grobstein C, Cohen J. CoUagenase: Effect on the morphogenesis of embryonic salivary epithelium in vitro. Science 1965; 150:626-628. 17. Davies JA. Do different branching epithelia use a conserved developmental mechanism? Bioessays 2002; 24:937-948.


Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons Katherine M. Kollins and Roger W. Davenport Abstract


ithin the developing vertebrate nervous system, strict control of branching morphogenesis is essential for establishing appropriate circuitry, since the geometry of neuronal arbors critically influences their functional properties. Thus, identification of the specific molecules and mechanisms involved in regulating neuronal branching morphogenesis has been the focus of intense study within recent decades, producing tremendous advances in the understanding of neuronal differentiation. Intrinsic regulation of branching morphogenesis arises through a combination of background gene expression, structural constraints imposed by cellular dimensions, biophysical properties of intracellular cytoskeletal elements, and cell-autonomous control of arbor topology and branching probability. Epigenetic influences on the pattern of branching morphogenesis instead arise from temporally or spatially constrained microenvironmental cues including homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell interactions, substrate-bound and diffusible chemoattractants and chemorepellents, hormones and growth factors, and patterns and levels of electrical activity. Ultimately, such signaling must converge at the level of the cytoskeleton, with the structural changes characteristic of neuronal branching arising through dynamic regulation of the actin cytomatrix, microtubules, and a variety of microtubule-associated proteins. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the current understanding of branching morphogenesis in developing vertebrate neurons, emphasizing recent findings describing key cellular mechanisms and molecular signaling pathways underlying branch formation and stabilization.

Introduction to Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons Since the pioneering neuroanatomical studies of Santiago Ram6n y Cajal beginning in the late 1800s, morphology has emerged as one of the main criteria used for identifying and characterizing distinct populations of neurons. ' As the vertebrate nervous system develops, individual neurons undergo significant morphological changes through a sequence of neurite outgrowth, arborization, and synaptogenesis, leading to the maturation of an astoundingly diverse array of phenotypes (Fig. l).^'^-^'^ -^^ Due to the generation of particular structural attributes through this sequence of morphogenesis, critical functional properties begin to emerge, allowing the establishment of appropriate activity patterns within the developing neuronal network. '^ '18,20-33 PQ^ example, since the majority of CNS synapses are localized to neuronal arbors, changes in arbor surface area influence the reception, integration, and transmission of electrical activity. ' ' ' Consequently, dynamic regidation of neuronal branching morphogenesis is especially critical for both generating and maintaining the functional organization of the nervous system. While many of the mechanisms underlying branching morphogenesis are likely to be conserved among neuronal populations, the tremendous diversity in neuronal Branching Morphogenesisy edited by Jamie A. Davies. ©2005 and Springer Science+Business Media.

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons

Figure 1. Variations in vertebrate neuronal morphology. A) Sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion, categorized as pseudo-unipolar neurons, produce a single elongated and fused axonal process that bifurcates into two functionally distinct branches, but no dendrites. In contrast, B) retinal and olfactory bipolar neurons develop both a single axonal process and a single arborizing dendrite. C) Visual system amacrine and horizontal cells lack typical axons, although specialized presynaptic and postsynaptic regions of dendritic processes exist. D) Neurons of the lateral geniculate nucleus, providing the link between retinal input and the primary visual cortex, are characterized by robust axonal arborization, but limited dendritic elaboration. Conversely, E) hippocampal pyramidal neurons possess distinct functional subpopulations of apical and basal dendrites, and an elongated axon which gives rise to multiple collateral branches. Within the cerebellum, F) granule neurons develop a signature "T-shaped" axon and several unbranched dendrites ending in claw-like termini. A significantly elaborated axonal structure is achieved instead by basket cells (G), which produce moderately arborized dendrites but numerous axon collaterals that form basket-like cages around Purkinje cell somata. In contrast, (H) Purkinje cells develop a planar highly-arborized dendritic tree studded with actin-enriched dendritic spines, but a relatively simple axon. Figure constructed with permission from data presented in references 1, 3, 14, 17, 40, 79, 440, 454 and 635. cytoarchitecture suggests that some cell-type-specific differences in the regulation of arborization also must arise. ' ' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ Through decades of intensive research, significant progress has been made tow^ard identifying and characterizing the numerous extracellular molecules and cell-ceil interactions that regulate aspects of branching morphogenesis. However, the subcellular molecular regulation of branching remains poorly understood. In fact, the degree to which variation in branching architecture among neuronal populations reflects fundamental


Branching Morphogenesis


Ion •• Channels

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"i* Neurotransmitter Neurotrophin Receptors

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Molecular Motor Proteins

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Figure 2. Schematic illustration of the distribution of cellular constituents in a well-polarized neuron. Neuronal morphogenesis typically culminates in the extension of an elongated primary axon and multiple short primary dendrites. Mechanisms that produce local subcellular differences in molecular and cytoskeletal constituents are necessary both for generating neuronal polarity and for triggering branching morphogenesis. At the ultrastructural level, the dendritic domain contains Golgi elements, rough endoplasmic reticulum, mRNA, tRNA, polyribosomes, transcription initiation factors, and a mixed population of plus-end and minus-end distal oriented microtubules. In contrast, the axonal domain excludes biosynthetic machinery but retains specific synapse-related proteins including Na^ and K^ channel isoforms, and a characteristic uniform population of plus-end distal oriented microtubules. Fully differentiated neurons thus display an asymmetrical distribution of cytoskeletal elements, cytoskeletal-associated stabilizing proteins, molecular motor proteins, organelles and vesicles, cytoplasmic and cell-surface proteins, and plasma-membrane components. Figure reprinted w^ith permission from K.M. KoUins, constructed from data presented in references 8, 9, 36, 39, 40, 44, A7. 49 and 53. differences in the control of arborization, or instead represents cell context-dependent modulation of common regulatory pathw^ays, remains largely unclear. Therefore, one significant aim of current research is to identify regulatory pathways that underlie branching morphogenesis for all neuronal populations, and the degree to which branching may be modified through cell context-specific cues.2'«'2^-29'^«'^^'50,54,8^87,i56-i63

The Importance of Neuronal Polarity during Branching Morphogenesis Neurons are specialized secretory cells characterized by the heterogeneous compartmentalization of various cellular constituents into discrete and physiologically significant domains, the axon and dendrite (Fig. 2).^'^^' In turn, this asymmetric organization of cellular constituents allows the partitioning of cellular responses, such as electrical impulse reception, integration, propagation, and release of signaling molecules. Most significantly, the cellular specializations that support appropriate functional polarity also generate inherently different influences on the process of branching morphogenesis within the axonal and dendritic domains.^'^^'

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


Since all neuronal populations arise from neuroepithelial precursors, it has been postulated that developing neurons and epithelial cells may employ similar constraints on structural and functional polarity.^'^^' For epithelial cells, the luminal plasma membrane, or apical domain, is structurally separated from the parenchymal plasma membrane, or basolateral domain, by a circumferential band of tight junctions that produce a physiological fence. In addition, subjacent attachment regions of desmosomes and adherens junctions provide cytoskeletal-based structural support and some degree of chemical coupling between the plasma membrane surfaces of closely apposed epithelial cells.^'^'^ '^^' ^' ' '^^ For developing neurons, which do not possess tight junctions, the axonal domain instead appears to be functionally separated from the somatodendritic domain by a diffixsion barrier intrinsic to the initial segment hillock, with the adherens junctions of epithelial cells thought to be an evolutionary antecedent of neuronal synapses.^'^^' ^ Indeed, careful analysis of both the morphology and ontogeny of epithelial and neuronal cells has prompted the suggestion that the entire neuronal surface may in fact be equivalent to the epithelial basolateral domain, with distinct axonal and dendritic compartments arising through unique subpartitioning mechanisms evolved by neurons. If this interpretation is correct, axons may represent a highly specialized protein-sorting region, analogous to an elongated Golgi apparatus direcdy linked to the cell surface. ^'^'^^' ' ^ Typically, neuronal morphogenesis culminates in the extension of a single elongated primary axon displaying periodic collateral branches, or distal branching within svnaptic target regions, and multiple short primary dendrites that may be robustly arborized. ' ' A t the ultrastructural level, while the dendritic domain is continuous with the soma to a certain degree, containing Golgi elements, rough endoplasmic reticulum, mRNA, tRNA, polyribosomes, and transcription initiation factors, by contrast the axonal domain primarily excludes biosynthetic machinery but retains specific synapse-related proteins including Na^ and K^ channel isoforms.^'^^'^^'^^ Arguably the most functionally important subcellular difference arising during neuronal development is the uniform plus-end distal microtubule orientation established within axons, and the mixed plus-end and minus-end distal microtubule orientation evident within dendrites."^'^'^^' ' As a consequence of this asymmetric cytoskeletal arrangement, distinctly different biomechanical forces are generated within the axon and dendrites, contributing to the directed transport of organelles and cytoskeletal polymers. '^^'^^' 5'50-59 As a rule, organelles and vesicles that selectively translocate toward the minus-ends of microtubules are expected to be mechanically excluded from the axons, while those that instead translocate toward microtubule plus-ends can be conveyed into both the axon and dendrites, due to the mixed microtubule polarity orientation characteristic of dendrites.^' '^^'^ Additionally, it has been suggested that certain biosynthetic components are restricted from entering the mature axon due to the tight bundling of uniformly oriented microtubule polymers, achieved through axon-specific microtubule-associated proteins. ' ' ' Consequendy, localization of the majority of axonal proteins must be achieved through targeted delivery of proteins initially synthesized within the soma.^' ^' ' ' ' ^' For dendrites, however, mRNAs and polyribosomes readily accumulate at postsynaptic sites underlying dendritic branches, suggesting a role for local protein synthesis in response to physiological cues.^^' ' ' Due to the microtubule orientation differences that arise between developing axonal and dendritic domains, fully differentiated neurons display an asymmetrical distribution of cytoskeletal elements, cytoskeletal-associated stabilizing proteins, molecular motor proteins, organelles and vesicles, mRNA, cytoplasmic and cell-surface proteins, and plasma-membrane components. ' ' As a consequence, mature neurons are equipped to produce local responses to microenvironmental cues that are essential for generating appropriate neuronal branching morphology and for modulating synaptic plasticity.^'^^' ' Mechanisms that produce local differences in molecular and cytoskeletal constituents are necessary both for generating neuronal polarity and for triggering branching morphogenesis, processes that are similarly initiated through symmetry breaking.^' '^^''^^ First applied to biological systems by Alan Turing''^ as a theoretical construct to explain embryonic


Branching Morphogenesis

morphogenesis, spontaneous symmetry breaking describes the emergence of asymmetry from initially symmetric but unstable conditions, through internal dynamic processes. Accordingly, when a dynamic system, such as a neuron, reaches an internal state of biochemical or structural instability, the small irregularities that are produced through stochastic fluctuations, such as protein synthesis, turnover, or localization, become increasingly amplified. As a consequence, subcellular symmetry is typically abolished, leading to a new and stable state that, in the case of neuronal morphogenesis, typically produces neurite extension or search conducted to determine what changes in cellular or molecular constituents are both necessary and sufficient to trigger neuronal symmetry breaking have tmcovered critical roles for mitochondria and Ca'^^ homeostasis, actin depolymerization, microtubule dynamics and motor protein activity, selective organelle localization, and directed membrane insertion, all of which can be affected by changes in the microenvironment of a developing neuron.^'^' '^^'

Mechanisms of Axonal Branching Morphogenesis Immediately after the commencement of neuronal morphogenesis triggered by symmetry breaking, significant cytoskeletal changes begin to sculpt the developing neuronal form. The earliest of these modifications involve rapid reorganization of the actin matrix that establishes dynamic membranous specializations termed growth cones.^'^^' Significant progress has been made toward describing axonal and dendritic growth cones at the ultrastructural level, and in characterizing physiological fiinctions mediated by axonal growth cones during axonal elongation or retraction, pathfinding, and target recognition."^'^^'^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^'^^ The mature axonal growth cone is distinguished by a thin fan-like morphology, consisting of membranous sheets largely filled with a filamentous actin meshwork, termed the lamellipodium, interspersed with microspikes of bundled actin fibrils, or filopodia, arrayed with their growing tips extending distally. '^ ' '^^'^^ Well-differentiated growth cones can be ftirther subdivided into two distinct domains on the basis of key structural and ftmctional attributes. Accordingly, the most peripheral region, termed the P-domain, represents the dynamic leading edge, comprising both actin monomers and a filamentous actin (F-actin) matrix, but few associated orcontrast, the growth cone region closest to the neuronal soma, or central (C)-domain, constitutes a complex and dense network of actin, neurofilaments, polarized plus-end distal microtubules, mitochondria, endosomes and clear vesicles, membrane-bound vesicle stacks, and polyribosomes. Thus, the C-domain alone provides cellular machinery critical for energy production and the local synthesis or transport of proteins required for ongoing axonal growth and maturation.^^'^^'^^'^^'^^ As neuronal differentiation proceeds, axonal growth cone morphology changes dynamically as attractive and repulsive interactions between local microenvironmental cues and the underlying cytomatrix guide axons toward appropriate synaptic targets.'^^'^ '^^'^ ,100-107 (Complex growth cone shapes emerge at decision points during encounters with a target-rich extracellular environment, ' ' and the most simple shapes appear as growth cones fasciculate and extend rapidly along other axons of long-distance projections.^ ' ^ '^^^ Throughout the developing axonal fascicles of long-distance projections and short-distance tracts alike, nascent branches begin to extend and retract. Early studies of neuronal branching morphogenesis suggested that axonal branches could arise either through the simple bifurcation of a growth cone tip, or through filopodial outgrowth from an axon shaft to form collateral branches well behind an extending growth cone (Figs. 3, 5). In fact, most vertebrate neurons establish connections with multiple targets through this process of collateral branching, in which a neuron initially extends a pioneer axon to a primary target and only after a prolonged delav then generates secondary branches along the axon shaft to innervate secondary targets."^'^ ' '^^^ Once the focus of controversy, the interrelationship between axonal growth cone bifurcation and collateral branching has been gradually clarified through a number of ongoing investigations. ' ' Initial studies by O'Leary and collaborators, beginning in the 1980s, generated important data that began to advanced the understanding of collateral branch

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Figure 3. Schematic illustration of mechanisms proposed to underlie neuronal branching morphogenesis. A) Axonal branching produced through simple growth cone bifurcation, in which local microenvironmental cues stimulate cytoskeletal reorganization culminating in the formation of a second active growth cone. B) Dendritic branching produced through simple growth cone bifurcation. C) Axonal branching produced through growth cone pausing followed by collateral branch outgrowth, or "delayed interstitial branching," in which a side shoot extends from the axon shaft well after the primary growth cone has continued to elongate. D) Axonal branching produced as repellent molecule exposure (green neuron and vertical pink cells) triggers primary growth cone collapse (turquoise axon) and the subsequent sprouting of lamellipodia and filopodia from the axon shaft (turquoise axon branch). In addition, defasciculation of bundled axons (blue axon) often accompanies this form of branch induction. Figure reprinted with permission from K.M. Kollins, constructed from data presented in references 2, 15, 36, 38, 7Gy 79, 90, 98, 101, 106, 114, 115, 144, 279, 565, 636 and 637. formation.^'^ ' ' '^^'^^ '^ Examination of the axonal connectivity of corticailayerV neurons revealed that their stereotypical connections with the basilar pons in the hindbrain were not formed through simple growth cone bifurcation, but rather through "delayed interstitial branching," in which a side shoot is extended from the axon shaft well after the growth cone has continued to extend.^'^^'^ '^^'^^ '^^^ Similar delayed interstitial branching also underlies the establishment of a variety of developing neuronal circuits, including the collateral projection from the hippocampal formation to the mammillary bodies, the dorsal root ganglia projection to the spinal cord, and the retinal projection to the lateral geniculate nucleus and optic tectum. ' ' ' 5 ^Qj-e recent in vitro observations by Kalil and coworkers suggest that extension of branches from the middle of an axon shaft may result from bifurcation-related structural changes generated by an active growth cone that does not immediately bifurcate, but instead continues to elongate. ^^ '^^ Another series of recent observations indicate that de novo branches can sprout from a developing axon in response to collapse of the primary growth


Branching Morphogenesis

cone,^^^ or at positions along the axon shaft demarcating points where growth cones paused in response to microenvironmental cues.^ '^^^'^^^ For example, collapse of retinal gangUon cell (RGC) growth cones, produced either through mechanical manipulation or contact with repellent molecules, can trigger lateral extensions of lamellipodia and filopodia from an axon shaft in addition to promoting defasciculation of bundled axons. In vivo, local induction of this interstitial back-branching may be critical for establishing appropriate connectivity between RGC axons and their target optic tectal neurons during topographical mapping of the developing visual system. Although several types of axonal branching have been identified, it remains unclear whether simple growth cone bifurcation, delayed interstitial branching, and collapse-induced branching arise through separate mechanisms or are instead achieved through a common pathway. Thus, the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for generating and stabilizing axonal branches are a current focus of intense study. To this end, the recent work of Kalil and collaborators has proved particularly significant in clarifying the sequence of de novo branching during development. ' ' ' For example, direct observation of living cortical brain slices revealed that, after reaching their synaptic target regions, axonal growth cones paused, flattened, and enlarged as microtubules formed robust loops characteristic of slow-growth states. ' During these periods, paused growth cones demonstrated repeating cycles of collapse, retraction, and extension without overall forward growth, shown to be necessary for demarcating the sites of future axonal branch points.^^^' ^^ Once the primary growth cone resumed steady forward growth several hours to days after pausing, filopodial and lamellipodial remnants remained along the axon shaft as varicosities that began to elongate into interstitial branches tipped with active growth cones. Initiation of branching strictly at those points where complex growth cone behaviors occur suggests that specific microenvironmental cues trigger the pause in growth cone migration, local modification of the underlying cytomatrix, and the establishment of a nascent branch point through localized targeting of subcellular components. ^^^'^^ '^^^ According to this novel model of branching morphogenesis, Kalil and colleagues argue that delayed interstitial branching actually represents a form of target-induced growth cone bifurcation, since the original growth cone resumes forward advance while contributing to the formation of new growth cones along the trailing axon shaft (Fig. 3).^^^'^^^ Microtubule reorganization is a critical component of this axonal branching process, involving the splaying apart of looped microtubules within the underlying axon shaft, accompanied by local microtubule fragmentation that allows short microtubules to begin invading the nascent branch.'^'^^'^'^'^^'^^'^'^^^^^'''^^^ Indeed, studies characterizing microtubule dynamics during cortical neuron axonogenesis demonstrated that when microtubules within an axon remain bundled, branches fail to form even when transient filopodia invested with microtubules arise along the axon shaft. Moreover, only those filopodia that capture sufficient numbers of invading short microtubules are able to develop into stable branches.2'80'81'85-87,104.106,119,120

Coincident with dynamic changes in microtubule arrangement, redistribution of F-actin is necessary for ongoing branching morphogenesis. For example, recent studies provided evidence that focal accimiulation of F-actin is coordinated with microtubule splaying but precedes microtubule penetration into forming branches (Fig. 4).^ '^^ In fact, time-lapse imaging of interactions between microtubules and F-actin within branching cortical axons revealed that co-localization of these cytoskeletal elements reflects their coordinated polymerization and depolymerization within an active growth cone, or at branch points. ^^^ Significantly, the inhibition of dynamic changes in either microtubule or F-actin polymerization abolishes branching, while allowing continued axonal elongation. Thus, bidirectional signaling between these cytoskeletal elements provides an essential pathway for regulating axonal growth and branching morphogenesis. ^^^'^"^ Following the initiation of stable axonal branches, ongoing morphogenesis is characterized by the transport of microtubules and organelles into growing branches, which may elongate differentially through a process termed sibling bias. For example, hippocampal neurons

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Figure 4. Schematic illustration ofa model proposed for cytoskeletal reorganization occurring during axonal branching morphogenesis. A) The earliest cytoskeletal modifications during branching morphogenesis involve the splaying apart of microtubules (MTs) (blue tubules) within the underlying axon shaft, accompanied by local MT fragmentation and focal F-actin accumulation (turquoise filaments). B) Coincident with the emergence of an F-actin-enriched lamellipodium along the axon shaft, C) individual fragmented MTs begin to explore this nascent process through rapid cycles of extension and retraction. D) Short MTs continue to penetrate the nascent branch, while stabilized MTs already within the growing branch elongate through ongoing polymerization. As axonal branches mature, the colocalization of F-actin and MTs reflects their coordinated polymerization and depolymerization within active growth cones at branch points. Arrows indicate direction of axonal growth. Figure reprinted with permission from K.M. KoUins, constructed from data presented in references 2, 36, 52, 104-106, 108, 143, 156 and 157.


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 5. Examples of vertebrate neuronal branching. Branches can sprout from a developing axon in response to collapse of the primary growth cone, or at positions along the axon shaft demarcating points where growth cones paused, while dendritic branches arise through simple growth cone bifurcation. A) Temporal RGC axons encountering posterior optic tectal neurons in vitro exhibit growth cone collapse and sprouting of lateral extensions from the axon shaft. Scale bar =10 |J,m. B) Temporal RGC axon sprouting lateral extensions in vitro was fixed and prepared for EM. The micrograph image reveals a kinked portion of the axon shaft filled with looped microtubules and associated organelles, characteristic of nascent branch points. Scale bar = 1 |Xm. C-E) Cerebellar granule neurons developing with chronic neurotrophin stimulation establish complex axonal and dendritic arbors in vitro. Granule neurons were maintained as high cell-density monolayer cultures seeded with lipophilic DiICl8(3) dye labeled neurons, fixed, and visualized with confocal microscopy. The digital montage comprises multiple low-magnification high-contrast confocal fields of mature granule neurons. Images are saturated to reveal thin neurites and branches, with axonal branches pseudo-colored green, dendrites pseudo-colored red, and dendritic branches pseudo-colored blue. Scale bar = 10 |lm. Figure constructed with data obtained from K.M. Kollins and R.W. Davenport, unpublished observations, and references 36, 254, 446 and 565. display characteristic patterns of alternating growth for separate branches extending from a single axon, presumably reflecting changes in the preferential transport of subcellular materials into one of several branches. As a consequence of the balance between various epigenetic influences and cell-autonomous constraints, axonal branch morphology retains some degree of plasticity throughout development and maturation, allowing ongoing sculpting of synaptic circuitry.

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Mechanisms of Dendritic Branching Morphogenesis For most vertebrate neuronal populations, axonal morphogenesis occurs under electrically silent conditions, or with low levels of spontaneous activity, whereas dendritic development instead proceeds in the context of various forms of neuronal activity. Consequendy, a neuronal cell-type-dependent balance of specific forms and patterns of electrical activity is important for sculpting the architecture of dendritic branches. ' ' ' ' Vaughns synaptotropic dendritic branching hypothesis, formulated in response to static EM observations, proposes that branches form at regions of dendritic contact with afferent partners, and that these nascent branches are successively stabilized through synapse maturation. ^^'^'^'^'^ More recendy, a number of live-cell imaging experiments achieved through two-photon microscopy provided direct support for this hypothesized mechanism of dendritic branching. For example, in zebrafish tectal neurons, new dendritic filopodia, the putative precursors to stable branches, are the favored sites for synapse formation, and dendritic filopodia that fail to make stabilizing synaptic contacts eventually retract. ^ Similarly, during hippocampal neuron development, branch formation is induced only in those dendrites receiving direct synaptic contact through afferent innervation, ^'^^'^^^ and for ciliary ganglion cells the extent of dendritic arborization is direcdy proportional to the number of axonal contacts received. ^'^'^'^^'^^^ It follows then, that dendritic branches associated with immature, unstable, or weakly-active synaptic connections may retract passively through insufficient structural stabilization, or actively through neurotransmitter-based competition. ^^'^^ ' In fact, global activity blockade can influence the overall spread and branching pattern of developing dendritic arbors, while more local changes in neurotransmitter signaling can modulate the stabilization or retraction of individual dendritic branches. ' For example, selective elimination of excitatory input to the ventral dendrites of chick nucleus laminaris results in retraction of these dendritic arbors, while innervated dorsal arbors are maintained. ^^^'^^^ Clearly, for numerous neuronal populations, the number of presynaptic contacts made with developing dendrites stimulates local dendritic branching and determines the resulting arbor complexity, while failure to establish mature and active synaptic contacts variously stunts neuronal differentiation or elicits dendritic arbor retraction.^^'^^'^^^'^^^ Dendritic arborization is a highly dynamic process for most differentiating neurons, characterized by filopodial-driven branch addition and retraction that is rapid during early developmental periods, but decreases with progressive neuronal maturation as arbors increasingly stabilize. ^^'^^'^^'^ ^'^ Neurotransmission plays a significant role in modulating these rapid changes in arbor remodeling. Consequendy, the direction of dendritic filopodial extension is biased toward maximizing the number of contacts made with presynaptic axons from target neurons that display physiologically appropriate activity patterns or neurotransmitter TC^Iease.i5'3^'i2^'i^4,i45,i46 ^^^ sequence of subcellular reorganization within actively branching dendritic filopodia was recendy characterized, facilitated by important technical advances in live-cell microscopy. These time-lapse observations initially revealed that dendritic branching typically involves the bifurcation of an active growth cone, leading to the emergence of two similar, though smaller, growth cones that extend in divergent paths (Figs. 3, 5). ' Additional developmental studies demonstrated that, during this process of dendritic branching, nascent branch points are first invaded by membrane-bound vesicles, forming membranous cisternae, and then successively by actin fibers and microtubules.^^'^^ In fact, the molecular basis for cytoskeletal modifications underlying dendritic branching, similar to axonal branching, involves regulation of both the synthesis and stabilization of actin and microtubule networks.^^'^^'^^'^'^^'^^' Interestingly, ultrastructural observations have revealed that no microtubule nucleation sites are present within the bifurcation points of developing dendritic branches, suggesting the contribution of other regulatory processes in directing branch elongation. Indeed, during the maturation of dendritic arbors, nascent actin-based branches are stabilized and lengthened through the proximo-distal invasion of microtubules, bent in relation to the orientation of microtubules within the primary dendrite shaft. ^^'^^'^ ^ It remains


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unclear whether the growth cone bifurcation mechanism initiating dendritic branching is followed by localized microtubule debundling and splaying to allow elongation, similar to that observed for developing axonal branches. Given the relative disparity between branch lengths achieved by dendrites as compared to axons, in combination with characteristic differences in underlying microtubule polarity, it is likely that significant differences in cytoskeletal reorganization are also produced for arborizing axons and dendrites. Closely related to dendritic branching in the CNS is the formation of small, highly-motile protrusions termed dendritic spines. Receiving the majority of excitatory synaptic input in the mature cerebral cortex, dendritic spines display both structural and functional heterogeneity that ultimately influences neuronal signaling properties. ' For this reason, the initial formation and ongoing morphological plasticity of dendritic spines has been a focus of intense study. Structurally, dendritic spines comprise a bulbous actin-rich head attached to the dendrite shaft through a narrow neck, and each of these elements exhibits tremendous variation among spines.^^^ Morphologically, dendritic spines can be subdivided into two groups: small spines, characterized as fUopodial or thin, and large spines, characterized as stubby, fenestrated, or mushroom-like. ^^^' Although the regulation of dendritic spine formation is yet unresolved, the sequence of spine outgrowth is well characterized. During cortical neuron development, dendrites initially generate long, thin, filopodial protrusions, but as differentiation proceeds, these labile dendritic filopodia are replaced first with polymorphic *protospines' and then with knobby actin-rich spines containing postsynaptic density (PSD-95) clusters.^ 1.553,642- 8 ^J^^5^ Qj^g significant area of investigation has centered on clarifying the relationship between morphological changes in dendritic filopodia and the onset of spine formation during synaptogenesis. Tremendous progress in clarifying the mechanism of spine formation has been achieved through an elegant series of EM imaging and three-dimensional structural analysis studies, and recent live-cell observations performed with two-photon time-lapse imaging. ' ^ ' ^ Together, these investigations revealed that exploratory dendritic filopodia grow into the neuropil, locate suitable axonal partners, and typically consolidate these initial contacts into stable synapses while transforming into mature spines, although shaft synapses also arise. Thus, spine formation appears to follow the initial stages of synapse formation. Indeed, within a short interval after contacting appropriate axonal partners, but before spine formation, dendritic filopodia begin to accumulate active vesicles and subsequendy PSD-95 clustering occurs. ^ A critical role for afferent activity in ongoing dendritic spine formation is evident from observations that, for an individual neuron, spine density is significantly greater in regions of the dendritic arbor receiving high levels of innervation as compared to uninnervated dendrites. '^ Taken together, these findings suggest that neurotransmission may be necessary to trigger the morphological and physiological transformation of dendritic filopodia into dendritic spines. Interestingly, in these recent studies a second population of dendritic filopodia was observed to persist as stable branches throughout tectal neuron development, suggesting that additional controls may be involved in determining which filopodia become branches or spines. Ultimately, the ultrastructural changes within dendritic filopodia that produce branches or spines are critical for triggering physiological changes thought to underlie fast synaptic transmission and the consolidation of learning and memory.

The Regulation of Neuronal Branching Morphogenesis through Intrinsic Mechanisms and Epigenetic Cues Defining Intrinsic and Epigenetic Regulation of Branching Morphogenesis The variation in neuronal morphology evident throughout the nervous system is generated by patterns of differentiation unique to each population, reflecting those structural specializations that allow particular physiological properties to emerge. While many of the developmental mechanisms underlying morphogenesis are likely to be conserved among

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neuronal populations, the tremendous diversity in neuronal cytoarchitecture suggests that cell-type-specific differences in the regulation of axonal and dendritic structure must also arise. Significant advances have been made toward characterizing the numerous genes, molecules, and cell-cell interactions that regulate early stages of axonal and dendritic outgrowth. However, much less is understood about the mechanisms involved in initiating and regulating the subsequent process of neurite arborization. In fact, the degree to which variation in branching architecture among neuronal populations reflects fundamental differences in the control of arborization, or instead represents cell context-dependent modulation of common regulatory pathways, remains largely unclear. Therefore, one essential aim of current research is to determine the relative contributions of cell-intrinsic and epigenetic regulation throughout branching morphogenesis.^'«'26-29,38,49,50.54.85-87.i56-i63 Generally, morphological characteristics that consistently appear during neuronal development, both in situ and in reduced culture conditions, are thought to represent invariant cell-type-specific attributes established through intrinsic regulation.^ In one such pathway, a largely cell-autonomous program of gene expression can control intracellular signaling cascades and, in turn, the synthesis of molecular effectors and cytoskeletal components that generate neuronal form. In addition, intrinsic regulation of neuronal morphogenesis also reflects constraints imposed by cellular dimensions, the biophysical properties of microtubule polymers and the actin cytomatrix, and the corresponding exertion of various biomechanical forces upon changing neuronal ,^,^^,^,^^^^.26-2'>S^M.^o.^.76.77.mM%x4AA6A-m i„ ^^„„^^_ ^^^^_

netic influences on the pattern of neuronal morphogenesis arise from temporally or spatially constrained microenvironmental cues including homotypic and heterotypic cell-cell interactions, substrate-bound and diffusible chemoattractants and chemorepellents, hormones and growth factors, and patterns and levels of electrical activity.^'^^'^^'^^ Although the distinction between intrinsic and epigenetic control of neuronal morphogenesis is a useful construct for examining certain stages of differentiation, in practice it is often difficult to separate cell-autonomous regulation from instructive or permissive effects induced by the environment. In fact, the weight of current evidence suggests that the structure attained by a mature neuron is largely determined by differential gene expression, produced by a combination of intrinsic developmental programs and epigenetic cues. Ultimately, set against a background of constitutively expressed genes and cell-autonomous transcription factor activity, cascades of gene induction are stimulated by an array of extrinsic cues. As such, the differentiation of each neuronal cell type reflects stereotyped transcriptional changes triggered by a sequence of epigenetic interactions, constituting developmental subroutines. ' . / . / j^foUows that the complement of signals within the local microenvironment of a given neuron may influence the order in which these subroutines are induced during development. One important result of this type of regulation is that the onset of any given subroutine can limit the ability of a neuron to respond to other extrinsic cues, leading to progressive restriction of developmental potential.^' '^^^ As a consequence, the spatiotemporal control of exposure to individual epigenetic cues can orchestrate a unique program of branching morphogenesis for each developing neuronal population.

Controlfromthe Inside Out: Intrinsic Regulation of Branching Morphogenesis Intrinsic regulation of neuronal branching morphogenesis arises through a combination of structural constraints imposed by cellular dimensions, biophysical properties of intracellular cytoskeletal elements, and cell-autonomous control of arbor topology and branching probability (Fig. 6). At the gross structural level, the size of the neuronal soma intrinsically delimits the number and area of primary axons and dendrites and associated branch projections, which can be described as the total amount of cross-sectional process area allowed.^ Indeed, a direct correlation between the soma diameter and the combined cross-sectional dendrite area has been observed consistently within populations of motoneurons, hippocampal pyramidal cells, and both

Branching Morphogenesis


H i Branching Taper (+/-) flSi

Microtubule Arrangement

^ ^ 5 Microtubule Number ^ ^ Microtubule Number " Microtubule Polarity y^

Soma Diameter, Surface Area

1 v v Cross-Sectional Neurite Area oV Branching Angle 1 tar^. Branch Segment Length 1 MMM Gene Expression

Figure 6. Intrinsic factors affecting the morphological differentiation of vertebrate neurons. The size of the neuronal soma dictates the total cross-sectional process area allowed to be partitioned into axons or dendrites (curving black arrow). The total cross-sectional area of the axonal domain may increase through increased branching proximally, or progressive proximo-distal enlargement of the axon (area symbol). In contrast, the cross-sectional area of dendrites may be conserved or instead decrease successively through partitioning into segments of decreasing diameter following the 3/2 power scaling law (area symbol). Neurite branching is constrained by the total cross-sectional process area, which may be partitioned into successive branch segments until a limiting size is met, representing the minimum number of microtubules required to maintain structural stability (blue circles). Developing neurites and their associated branches exhibit a characteristic projection orientation, termed the vector or branching angle, that results in the increased spread of the arbor through successive bifurcations along the neurite (angle symbol). Although the distance between branch points, or segment lengths, may vary for a given neuron, each neuronal cell-type exhibits a characteristic range of segment lengths for dendrites and the axon (segment length symbol). When the cross-sectional area decreases between branching segments, negative taper is produced, with positive taper instead resulting from increasing cross-sectional area between neurite branch points (gradient). The characteristic taper is established by the proportion of microtubules compartmentalized into successive branch segments, achieved in part through microtubule-associated protein binding and differential microtubule spacing or orientation (blue tubules). An additional form of intrinsic control over neuronal morphology during the development of polarity is produced through the background complement of genes expressed, independent of extracellular cues. Inset schematic represents an enlarged view of the typical cytoskeletal organization within a granule neuron dendrite. Figure reprinted with permission from K.M. Kollins, constructed from data presented in references 3, 8, 9, 26-29, 36, 49-54, 134, 164, 174-176, 189-191, 195, 196 and 343. Purkinje cells and granule neurons of the cerebellum.^^'"^^ Further, the relative diameter, or caliber, of axons and dendrites differs significantly at their point of origin from the soma, and changes in cross-sectional area arising through subsequent branching follow distinctly different trends for these separate classes of neurites. For example, the total cross-sectional area of the axonal domain may increase either through net increases in branching, progiressive proximo-distal enlargement of the axon, or a combination of both parameters. ' ^^'^^'^\In contrast, the total

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


cross-sectional area of the dendritic domain is either conserved between branch points, or is successively partitioned into segments of decreasing diameter following the 3/2 power scaling law, described as: P ^'^ = Dx ^''^ + D2 ^'^. where P and Z) represent the diameters of the parent and daughter branches, respectively. ' ' ^' ^" In fact, measurements across various neuronal populations reveal that the exponent of this descriptive branch power equation actually varies between 3/2 and 2, suggesting some degree of plasticity in the intrinsic regulation of branching.^ The arrangement of neurites arising from the soma may take the form of a single large process or multiple smaller-caliber processes, producing the characteristic arborization pattern observed for each neuronal population.^'^ ^"^^'^^'^ Thus, while cerebellar basket/stellate interneurons produce up to five dendrites and an average of two branches per dendrite, Purkinje cells, the sole output neuron of the cerebellum, instead extend one or two dendrites but may develop over 100 secondary and tertiary branches and more than 80,000 dendritic spines.^'^^'^'^ It is likely that the strict intrinsic control of neurite area reflects the limited plasma membrane surface area, and metabolic constraints on the rate and number of microtubules produced, together establishing the architecture of emerging processes.'^ For example, analysis of the cytoskeletal structure of rat Purkinje cell dendritic arbors has revealed that a consistent maximum number of approximately 800 microtubules are extended from the soma into the primary dendrite, which are then distributed into branches as this stem process arborizes. '^^ Indeed, an essential property of neuronal branching is that the total amount of cross-sectional process area is partitioned into successive branch segments until a limiting size is met, which represents the minimum number of microtubules required to maintain structural stabilj ^ ^ 8,29,159,160 p^j. (lendritic branches, sufficient stability is maintained to a minimal diameter of 0.5-1.0 jLlm, indicating a viable limit of three microtubules at distal dendritic segments. ^'^^'^^^'^'^^^ Regulation of microtubule partitioning at axonal branch points appears to be accomplished, in part, through competition between regions of an extending filopodium within stimulatory or permissive regions of the microenvironment, leading to differential microtubule distribution. However, the lower limit of microtubules required to maintain axonal branch stability has not been adequately characterized 8,26,29,86,87,106,181 While it is generally accepted that neurite branching is mediated through complex interactions involving epigenetic cues within the microenvironment, each neuronal population is predisposed to develop particular arbor characteristics through cell-type-specific constraints on branching."^'^^'^^'^ '^ '^ 5,182,183 Consequendy, a surprising degree of similarity in mature arborization patterns has been observed within homogeneous populations of spinal cord neurons, ^^ cortical neurons, ^^^ or hippocampal pyramidal neurons, allowed to develop on patternless substrates in reduced culture conditions. Moreover, the characteristic arbor pattern developed by each neuronal cell type in vitro largely recapitulates the branching pattern observed for the corresponding population in situ. ' ^2-185 ^j^-^ cell-autonomous control of neuronal arbor topology is evident in the angle of branch extension, the average distance between branches, and the trend toward increasing or decreasing branch diameter between branch segments. '^^''^'^^"^'^^^ Further, each of these structural parameters can be regulated differendy for developing axons and dendrites as neurons gradually attain cell-type-specific arbor characteristics. Developing neurites exhibit a characteristic projection orientation, often described as a vector or branching angle, resulting in increasing arbor spread through successive bifurcations along the neurite length.2^'i6i'i^^Interestingly, axons and dendrites differ fixndamentally with respect to their outgrowth patterns and branching angles, possibly reflecting intrinsic differences in cytoskeletal composition.^^' '"^ Thus, in an essentially patternless microenvironment, axons tend to grow in straight paths and form minor bends of less than 17°, as measured through fractal analysis, attributed to the inherent "stiff elastic" properties of microtubule polymer bundles.'«2.i83.i86-i88 Significantly, the presence of local epigenetic cues during axonogenesis in situ allows regulated axon pathfinding through regions of complex topology, and consequendy


Branching Morphogenesis

axons have been observed to form angles of 90° or more.^^^'^^^'^^^ Similarly, axonal branch extension is generally characterized by obtuse angles.^ ,26-29, o j^^ contrast, dendritic outgrowth generally does not entail the long-distance pathfinding characteristic of axonogenesis, and while the range of dendritic branch angles varies across neuronal cell types, branching typically produces acute angles.^ ' ^ A second morphological parameter useful for characterizing developing neurons is the distance between successive branches, or segment length. Typically, segment lengths are greater in axons than dendrites, and greater between secondary branches than tertiary or higher order branches, although tremendous variation is evident within the developing nervous system. ' ' ' In fact, segment lengths between successive axonal or dendritic branches also can vary significandy within the arbor of a given neuron.'^^'^^^ Remarkably, despite such plasticity in branch distribution, each neuronal population exhibits a characteristic range of segment lengths, with the greatest dendritic segment lengths observed in hippocampal pyramidal neurons?'''80 An additional morphometric parameter that describes changes in neurite structure through successive branching is the taper, which is characterized as positive when the cross-sectional area increases between segments, and negative when the cross-sectional area decreases between branch points. '"^^'^^ In fact, both positive and negative taper may develop along the extent of a given axon or dendrite, such that cross-sectional area can be differentially distributed between each of the branch segments generated."^ '^^'^^ The specific direction of neurite taper is established by the relative proportion of the microtubule population compartmentalized into successive branch segments, in combination with microtubule-associated protein (MAP) molecules that space these microtubule bundles.^^' 9,50,53,190-193 Furthermore, by virtue of the differing subcellular complement of plus- and minus-end distal microtubules, and the segregation of various MAP isoforms, axons and dendrites demonstrate intrinsic constraints on the degree of taper which may result.^^'^9'50,59,65,i56,i57.i90,i9i,i93-i98 j^^j^^j^ ^j^^ reorganization of various cytoskeletal elements throughout branching morphogenesis is critical for generating those structural and functional characteristics that define well-polarized neurons. During neuronal development, dendritic trees expand through a cell-type-specific pattern of branching and branch elongation or retraction.^ '^^^'^^^'"^^^ Accordingly, the overall rate of dendritic arborization depends on both the total number of dendrites and the branching probability for each dendrite as a function of time. In fact, the rate of individual dendritic growth cone branching events may not remain constant during development, as limited intracellular constituents are increasingly partitioned among a growing number of branch segments.^ '^^^ For example, recent examination of dendritic branching in rat cortical neurons revealed that the branching probability for an individual dendritic segment decreases with increasing numbers of dendritic branches, likely reflecting increased competition for cytoskeletal elements. ^^^ Indeed, a variety of earlier studies demonstrated that cortical neurons display a pattern of robust dendritic branching during the earliest stages of development, followed by a protracted period of branch elongation without increases in branching. This rapidly decreasing baseline branching rate suggests that the largest drive for dendritic branching occurs during the first phase of differentiation for at least one neuronal population, possibly reflecting significant developmental events. ' Two non-mutually exclusive scenarios may account for these observations: first, cell-autonomous regulation, or exposure to certain epigenetic factors, may inidate a program of biochemical changes that gradually restricts neuronal sensitivity to branching cues; second, the progressive stabilization of individual branches may bias ongoing microtubule transport into these more mature processes. Similar analysis of axonal branching probability will be necessary to determine whether changes in the rate of branching morphogenesis follows stereotyped developmental trends for both neurite classes. In addition, since neurons employ a variety of cell-autonomous constraints on morphogenesis, it will be interesting to determine whether the rate and probability of branching are regulated differently in separate neuronal populations.

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


Figure 7. Epigenetic factors affecting the morphological differentiation of vertebrate neurons. While the more general morphological characteristics of developing neurons are regulated in large part though intrinsic mechanisms, attainment of mature neuronal morphology and appropriate physiology requires complex epigenetic interactions. Such epigenetic factors include: extracellular matrix components (blue plane) and cell adhesion molecules (yellowplane), secreted long-range chemoattractant and chemorepellent molecules (multi-color gradient), secreted local chemotropins (textured plane), cell-cell interactions (neurite matrix), hormones and hormone-like factors (red spheres), secreted bone morphogenetic proteins (green stars), various secreted neurotrophic factors (orange spheres), and neurotransmitters and distinct forms of neuronal activity (action potential symbol). Inset schematic illustration of the spatiotemporal sequence of cerebellar granule neuron differentiation depicts one representative neuron for each successive stage of morphogenesis. Figure reprinted with permission from K.M. Kollins, constructed from data presented in references 3, 8, 9, 18, 36, 38, 39, 44, 85, 86, 106, 125, 164, 201-203, 279, 324, 333, 360, 370, 484 and 638-641.

Controlfrom the Outside In: Epigenetic Regulation ofBranching Morphogenesis Since the phenotype attained by a neuron is partly determined through signaling cascades triggered by extracellular cues, recent studies have sought to characterize the epigenetic factors involved in regulating branching morphogenesis. Experimental evidence suggests that many of the extracellular cues known to serve early developmental functions during neurite outgrowth and pathfinding may also modulate the more advanced stages of neuronal arborization. Such epigenetic factors include: extracellular matrix factors and cell-surface adhesion molecules, secreted long-range chemoattractant and chemorepellent molecules, hormones and hormone-like factors, bone morphogenetic proteins, neurotrophic factors, and n e u r o n a l a c t i v i t y (Fig. 7).2.8,18,38,39,44,76.85-87,106,P25.144.16S.201


Branching Morphogenesis

Extracellular Matrix and Cell-Surface Adhesion Molecides Morphological changes that accompany the development of branches involve dynamic cytoskeletal reorganization, in part regulated through interactions between neuronal cell-surface receptors and the local extracellular matrix. ' ' Indeed, recent structural comparisons of neuronal populations maintained in the presence of soluble or substratum-localized extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules have implicated differential adhesion as an early mechanism underlying neurite outgrowth and arborization.^ ,201,211-219 Within an active growth cone, actin filaments respond to a variety of secreted ECM substrate components through direct interactions with cell-surface adhesion molecules.^"^'"^^^'"^^^'^^^ As such, axonal outgrowth, guidance, and the establishment of appropriate neuronal connectivity, are critically dependent on the spatial distribution of ECM cues within the extracellular milieu. In fact, activation of cell-surface receptors through local or global exposure to ECM components can produce distinctly different regulatory effects on neurite extension and arborization.^' '^^ ' ^^ For example, a local source of collagen IV promotes the outgrowth of rat superior cervical ganglion cell axonal arbors, while a substrate of the complex combination of ECM molecules in the basement membrane protein extract, matrigel, stimulates axonal elaboration and also increases the production of dendrites.^'^^^'"^^^ Most recently, the Kallmann syndrome gene product, KAL-1, was shown to mediate axonal branching for C elegans sensory neurons through a novel regulatorv pathway involving binding with heparin sulfate proteoglycans thought to localize to the ECM.^ Classic cell and substrate adhesion molecules (CAMs and SAMs) were originally characterized as cell-surface molecules that mediate both cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions.2^^'2^^-2^^'215,216,223,231-239 j^^ f^^^^ accumulating evidence has implicated CAM/SAM activity in regulating diverse aspects of neuronal morphogenesis including stimulation of axonal and dendritic arborization.^^'^^^''^^^'^^^''^^^'^^^'^^^ Cell-surface adhesion receptors fall into four separate families: the integrins, the immunoglobulin gene superfamily, and the cadherins, all of which influence branching morphogenesis, and the selectins, which do not.^^^'"^^^'^ ^'^ ^ Although these CAM/SAM families are united by similar functions in regulating cell adhesion during the establishment of neuronal morphology, the specific developmental actions mediated by each adhesion molecule are quite distinct and cell context-dependent. Integrins Integrins constitute membrane-spanning noncovalently-bound heterodimers that facilitate local transmembrane linkages between the ECM and underlying cytoskeletal structures, such as are generated in focal adhesion complexes.'^^^''^'^^''^^^''^^^''^^^''^^^''^^'^''^^^ Expression of individual integrin receptor subunits can be selectively compartmentalized to a particular subcellular domain, such as the concentration of a 5 integrin within the primary apical dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neurons, and exclusion from basal dendritic arbors. ^^'^^^-^ ^'^^^ In this way, morphogenetic changes also can be selectively compartmentalized to particular axonal or dendritic domains. For example, the apical and basal dendritic arbors of hippocampal neurons generate strikingly different morphologies in response to local adhesive cues, due to the differential distribution of integrin receptors.^^^'"^^^ Immunoglobulin Gene Superfamily Members of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily (IgSF) of cell adhesion molecule/ECM receptors are widely expressed throughout the nervous system, and mediate their diverse functions, in part, through their specific membrane-linkages and cell-surface distributions. '206-209,254-259 typically, IgSF members are plasma membrane-spanning molecules differentially localized to the axonal domain, such as LI, or the somatodendritic domain, as evidenced by the neural cell adhesion molecule 180 isoform (NCAMigo).^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ However, several IgSF members instead are tethered to the noncytoplasmic surface of the neuronal plasma membrane through a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor, suggesting the potential for unique cell-surface localization and downstream signaling properties.'^^^' 56,259,260

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


In the case of transmembrane NCAM family members, recent studies have demonstrated that corticospinal axons elaborate interstitial branches in response to polysialic acid (PSA) modification of NCAMs that normally promote fasciculation. ^ Interestingly, PSA follows a characteristic spatiotemporal distribution pattern during development, initially restricted to distal axon segments in parallel with the onset of collateral branching, and expanding along the axon shaft in conjunction with increased branching. Analysis of the physical properties of PSA during branching morphogenesis suggests that PSA modification attenuates cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions direcdy mediated by NCAMs, thereby reducing axonal fasciculation and enhancing axonal exposure to local branching cues. Cadhetins Cadherins comprise a superfamily of Ca^^-sensitive adhesion proteins, widely distributed within the adult CNS, but characterized by distinct region-specific expression patterns for certain isoforms during nervous system development. "^ At least 80 members of the cadherin superfamily have been identified to date, including classic cadherins, desmogleins, desmocoUins, protocadherins, cadherin-related neuronal receptors. Fats, seven-pass transmembrane cadherins, and Ret tyrosine kinases. ' ' Indeed, the combinatorial expression and localization of cadherin superfamily members allows tremendous variation in the adhesive affinities of developing neurons during branching morphogenesis and the establishment of functional connectivity. ' ' Within the developing cerebellum, for example, N-cadherin indiscriminately stimulates Ca^^-dependent cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth among various neuronal populations. However, M-cadherin instead produces changes in neuronal adhesive affinity that selectively mediates the formation of synaptic glomeruli between granule neuron dendrites and mossy fiber axonal termini.^^'^''^^''^^^ Secreted Long-Range and Local Chemoattractants and Chemorepellents Members of the ephrin, semaphorin, and Slit chemotropic families mediate neuronal morphogenesis through direct chemoattraction or chemorepulsion of axonal or dendritic processes in a cell-type-specific manner. Originally characterized for their fiinction as guidance cues during axonal outgrowth, additional roles for these regulatory molecules have been described recendy, including stimulation of axonal and dendritic branching morphogenesis.'^'^^'^^^''^^'^' '^'^^ Indeed, Kalil and colleagues suggest that axon guidance and interstitial branch formation might be similarly regulated by chemotropic molecules that modulate growth cone dynamics,^ implicating these molecules in a variety of morphological pathways necessary for establishing fiinctional neuronal circuits. Ephtins Ephrins comprise a family of multifiinctional chemotropic signaling molecules, some of which serve critical roles in establishing appropriate topographic patterning of retinotectal connections during visual system development. ' ' In addition to their well-characterized functions in the visual system, particular ephrins also have been implicated in axon repulsion within the developing hippocampus, thalamus, midbrain dopaminergic system, striatum, and olfactory cortex, ^'283,28 eiJianced neurite outgrowth for sympathetic ganglion neurons,'^^^''^ and stimulation of axonal and dendritic branching for a variety of neuronal populations. ' ' ' ' Taken together, such findings demonstrate that chemotropic ephrin molecules can function bi-directionally as either attractive or repulsive signals in a cell-type-specific manner during nervous system development.•^^^'''^'^^' Ephrin proteins are ligands for the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases,^'^^'^^^' '"^^^ currently known to comprise 14 receptor isoforms.'^^'^''^^^' '•^^^ Ephrin ligands can be subdivided into two distinct classes based on their particular membrane linkages and Eph receptor binding affinities, which are thought to confer specific functional properties during neuronal development.^^^'"^^^'"^^^ While ephrin-A ligands are GPI-anchored, binding preferentially to the EphA class of receptors, ephrin-B ligands


Branching Morphogenesis

instead are transmembrane proteins, and bind preferentially to cognate EphB receptors. Interestingly, only GPI-anchored ephrin-A signaling stimulates morphological changes that do not direcdy contribute to initial axon guidance. ^^' -279,288 p^j. example, ephrin-A5 signaling has been found to produce local changes in cortical neuron adhesion by activating pi integrin expression, in turn stimulating changes in morphology consistent with the initial stages of neurite branching."^^^'"^^"^ In contrast, EphA3 receptor activity stimulated by GPI-linked ephrin ligands decreases both apical and basal dendrite branching for developing cortical pyramidal neurons."^^^'"^^^'"^^^ In combination, these recent studies demonstrate that ephrins serve numerous roles during neuronal morphogenesis, collectively regulating axonal or dendritic outgrowth, fasciculation, and arborization. Semaphorins Semaphorins constitute a large family of secreted and transmembrane proteins variously involved in growth cone collapse (CoUapsin-l/Semaphorin IIIA ^), axon guidance through chemorepulsion (CoUapsin-l/Semaphorin IIIA, HID '•^^^), stimulation or inhibition of axonal arborization (Semaphorin IILA85-87,29 ^^ ^j^j neuronal apoptosis (Semaphorin IIIA^^^). Semaphorin-mediated signaling occurs in a cell-type-specific manner through the differential activation of neuropilin (NP) family receptors. Consequently, the multifunctionality of semaphorin activity may be determined chiefly through the complement of available NP receptors and downstream effector molecules as a function of neuronal development. ^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^5,298-300 ^i^hin die mammalian cortex, Semaphorin (Sema) IIIA activity serves as a chemorepellent cue for cortical axons and inhibits branching morphogenesis, mediated by localized NP-1 receptor signaling."^^^ In contrast, RGC axons in the developing J(>«^ptis visual system respond to SemaIIIA/NP-1 activity with transient growth cone collapse followed by robust axonal branching upon recovery. ' ' In fact, specific RGC growth cone collapse, turning, or branching responses are age-dependent and produced through varying levels of cGMP second messenger signaling, indicating changing neuronal sensitivity to SemalllA activity. ' When immature Xenopus RGCs are aged in culture, they develop SemalllA responsiveness in parallel with age-matched RGCs developing in vivo, corresponding with the onset of NP-1 expression. Expression of Plexin family receptor molecules, also critical for NP-1 signaling, follows a similar developmental time course both in vitro and in vivo.^^ '^^^ Therefore, an intrinsic "molecular clock" mechanism has been postulated to regulate RGC growth cone sensitivity to SemalllA, which may be critical for confining the growth cone collapse-associated branching effects mediated by this molecule to the correct terminal position within the optic tectum.^^ Ongoing constitutive expression of SemalllA observed in mature populations of olfactory neurons, cerebellar Purkinje cells, and both cranial and spinal motoneurons, may indicate an additional function for this molecule in regulating branching plasticity within die adult CNS.^^^'^^^'^^ Slit Proteins Slit proteins are secreted factors with multifunctional roles during neuronal development, including growth cone chemorepulsion at the CNS midline during axon pathfinding, stimulation of axonal elongation in some cell contexts, and the recently characterized promotion of branching. ^ ' ^ 305-311 ^^ixl is a mammalian homolog o{ Drosophila Slit, encoding a large (190-200 kDa) secreted protein that is proteolytically cleaved into two bioactive fragments, the 140 kDa amino terminus and the smaller carboxyl terminus.'^'^^''^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ Mammalian Slit protein signaling is mediated in turn by homologs of Drosophila Robo receptor proteins, Robol-3, which demonstrate an expression pattern complementary to that of Slit isoforms during CNS development. "^^^ Similar to ephrin and semaphorin signaling, the morphoregulatory effects produced through Slit/Robo signaling are also cell-type-specific and depend on the developmental context of each neuronal population. For example, the purified amino-terminal fragment, Slit2-N, but not the full-length molecule, Slit2, stimulates axonal arborization for dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory neurons by increasing both the number of branchpoints

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


and individual branch lengdis."^'^^'^^^ Recent studies indicate that full-length Slit2 may actually function as an antagonist of Slit2-N in many contexts,^^"^ suggesting that the competing processes of axon guidance and axonal arborization may be developmentally regulated through post-translational enzymatic cleavage of Slit proteins.^^ However, in certain cell contexts full-length Slit proteins also stimulate branching morphogenesis. For example, early exposure to Slit2 induces premature arborization for central trigeminal axons entering the brainstem, and generates robust axonal arborization for maturing neocortical interneurons.^^'^'^^ In addition to Slit activity during axonal morphogenesis, recent studies have demonstrated a role for Slitl in stimulating robust dendritic growth and branching for cortical neurons developing in vitro.^^ ^ Together, these findings indicate not only that Slit proteins serve multifunctional roles, but also that the nature of the morphoregulatory response appears to be dependent on the neuronal cell type and developmental stage, potentially allowing individual populations within the same cortical environment to pursue separate developmental programs. Hormones and Hormone-Like Factors Hormonal influences on neuronal morphogenesis have been examined extensively, revealing dendrite-specific regulatory effects for both gonadal hormones and glucocorticoids, and pleiotropic actions for thyroid hormones. Collectively, hormones and hormone-like factors produce numerous cell-type-specific modifications to neuronal structure and function, often exhibiting a developmental critical period or characteristic periodic time course for these effectstoemerge.3«'3^^03.3i5-3i9 Gonadal Hormones Gonadal steroid hormones serve various morphoregulatory roles during neuronal development, and mediate synaptic connectivity within the adult central nervous system.^^^'^^^ Through these pathways, gonadal hormones have been found to influence the circuitry of vertebrate neuronal populations within the arcuate nuclei, the lateral septum, the medial amygdala, the hypothalamic ventromedial nuclei, the preoptic area, and the hippocampus. ' Examination of dendritic structure in CAl hippocampal pyramidal neurons has revealed that significant morphological changes are produced through cyclic fluctuations in estradiol, estrogen, and progesterone.^ '^^^'^'^^ For example, in adult hippocampal slice cultures estradiol promotes dendritic elaboration and spine outgrowth,^"^^'^"^"^ estrogen increases dendritic spine density, but progesterone reduces both dendritic arborization and synaptic contacts.^^^' The functional significance of such striking gonadal hormone-mediated control of dendritic morphology in CAl hippocampal neurons remains largely unclear, however. Given the role of the CAl neuronal population in memory storage, it is possible that these structural changes may critically link reproductive processes with learning and memory. Similar effects on dendritic elaboration induced through estradiol stimulation also have been reported for slice cultures of mature hypothalamus or preoptic area cortex, indicating that a variety of CNS neuronal arbors retain a great degree of plasticity not only throughout development, but also into adulthood.^^^' ' Glucocorticoids In contrast to the largely stimulatory effects of gonadal hormones on dendritic morphology, glucocorticoids instead appear to chiefly inhibit morphogenesis, producing a range of structural and physiological deficits including diminished dendritic plasticity.^ ^^^^ For example, chronic or acute Cortisol administration during a critical developmental period reduces dendrite numbers and limits dendritic arborization for stellate neurons in the embryonic chick telencephalon. Similarly, late embryonic adrenalectomy results in dendritic arborization failure for slow developing hippocampal granule neurons within the rat dentate gyrus, although rapidly developing pyramidal neurons within the CAl and CA3 regions remain unaffected.^"^^ As such, it is likely that glucocorticoids affect dendritic branching morphogenesis most significantly during developmental stages characterized by the greatest degree of neuronal plasticity, representing a transient period of enhanced sensitivity to epigenetic perturbations.


Branching Morphogenesis

Thyroid Hormones Appropriate levels of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are essential for regulating a wide range of developmental processes within the CNS.^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^'^ Consequently, regions of the brain characterized by postnatal differentiation, including the hippocampus, olfactory bulbs, and cerebellum, demonstrate significant defects in both neuronal proliferation and morphogenesis with restricted thyroid hormone exposure.^^^'^^"^'^^"^'^^^ For example, neuronal populations developing in hypothyroid animals generally exhibit reduced axonal and dendritic arbors, contrasting with gready enhanced dendritic arborization produced for neurons developing within hyperthyroid animals. '^^^'^^ Interestingly, treatment of normal neonatal rats with thyroid hormone rapidly stimulates dendritic arborization for hippocampal pyramidal neurons; however, adult hippocampal neurons exposed to thyroid hormone display only moderate dendritic spine extension. ^^'^^^ Thus, it is likely that a critical period exists during which developing neurons are maximally responsive to the influence of thyroid hormone activity on branching morphogenesis. Bone Morphogenetic Proteins Members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) subfamily of the transforming growth factor-p (TGF-p) superfamily are secreted morphogens originally characterized for their role in osteogenesis.^^^'^ ' More recently, BMPs have been implicated in regulating various aspects of dendritic morphogenesis for PNS and CNS neuronal populations.^ Similar regulation of axonal morphogenesis has not been reported, however, suggesting that BMP-mediated morphogenetic effects may be dendrite-specific. The particular effects these proteins exert upon dendritic differentiation appear to be independent of the extent to which the target neurons rely upon intrinsic or epigenetic cues during development. Thus, for PNS populations, in which dendritic arborization critically depends on extrinsic factors, and for CNS populations, which elaborate dendrites in reduced conditions, BMPs similarly mediate robust increases in dendritic length or branching.^^^'^'^^ For example, BMP-7, also called osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1), has been reported to stimulate both dendritic elongation and branching for populations of hippocampal pyramidal neurons developing in vitro. ' Within the cerebellum, BMP-5 expression is sustained at high levels throughout development, suggesting a possible role for this factor during dendritic branching morphogenesis in early-differentiating Purkinje cells and basket/stellate neurons, as well as for later-differentiating granule neurons. ^'^ ^ The regulatory effects of BMP activity during branching morphogenesis are mediated through long-range signaling as gradient morphogens, and through short-range cell-cell communication. Both forms of BMP-mediated signaling are initiated through ligand-dependent association of hetero-oligomeric complexes of type I/II serine/threonine kinase receptors.^ '^ ^ These heteromeric receptor complexes act in a combinatorial manner to induce distinctiy different signaling responses, depending on the identity^ of the associated type I and II receptors. ' To date, however, those molecular mechanisms downstream of BMP activity that mediate aspects of dendritic differentiation remain largely uncharacterized. Interestingly, OP-1 has been found to regulate expression of the cell adhesion molecules L-1 and N-CAM in a neural cell line, suggesting that one important pathway affected by BMPs during dendritic morphogenesis may involve modulation of neuronal adhesion."^^^'^ Members of the TGF-P family regulate synthesis of homeodomain-containing transcription factors; therefore, it is possible that the morphoregulatory signaling mediated by diverse BMPs also converges at the level of differ««^:^l ^^r,^ ^^«..^o.;^« 339,341,350,351 ential gene expression." Neurotrophic Factors Neurotrophic factors, a family of structurally related homodimeric proteins originally identified through their ability to sustain neuronal survival, also regulate diverse aspects of neuronal differentiation and morphogenesis. These epigenetic proteins, widely expressed throughout both the developing and mature PNS and CNS, include the prototypic neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3),

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5), and novel neurotrophins recently cloned from fish (NT-6 and NT-7).^^^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ In many regions of die mammalian CNS, neurotrophin expression is developmentally regulated, producing a characteristic pattern of maximum NT-3 synthesis and release during embryonic periods, with BDNF availability instead largely restricted to periods of postnatal differentiation. ^^^'^^^ In mrn, both the synthesis and release of neurotrophins can be upregulated dynamically through positive feedback signaling triggered either by additional neurotrophin stimulation, or by various forms of neuronal activity. '^'^'^^'^^^'^^ Thus, precise spatiotemporal control of neurotrophin signaling through regulated expression and release may underlie distinct stages of neuronal morphogenesis. Signal transducing receptors for the neurotrophins constitute two distinct classes: the solitary low-aiFinity p75 receptor (p75 ^), a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor/fas/ CD40 superfamily, and a structurally related group of high-affinity proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinases, collectively referred to as Trk receptors. These include TrkA, the cognate receptor for NGF, TrkB, which binds both BDNF and NT-4/5 with high affinity and NT-3 with low affinity, and TrkC, the high-affinity receptor receptor signaling influences neuronal differentiation by eliciting both short-term changes in protein phosphorylation, and long-term changes in gene expression through the activation of transcription faaors such as cydicAMP-response-element-bindingprotein (CREB).i^3.i68353366,384,399/oo,405.407^i2 The modulation of particular aspects of differentiation by neurotrophin activity appears to depend on the cell-surface distribution of Trk receptor isoforms, the activation of individual transduction pathways, the availability of downstream signaling substrates, and the developmental context of exposed neurons. In this way, neurotrophins can regulate neuronal precursor proliferation and initiate neurite outgrowth, as well as stimulating processes associated with terminal differentiation, including branching morphogenesis and synapse formation 19,125,166-169,397,402-404,413,414 The numerous structural changes underlying axonal and dendritic branching morphogenesis ultimately arise through the combined effects of differential gene induction and reorganization of specific cytoskeletal proteins, processes known to be downstream targets of neuiotrophins.^^'^^5'^^^'^^ For example, actin, micrombules, and numerous microtubule-associated proteins have been reported to be regulated by NT-3 and BDNF at the level of both transcription and post-translational modification. ^^ Despite their ability to exert similar influences on the cytomatrix of axons and dendrites, neurotrophic factors also can produce separate and distinct structural changes for each of these neurite classes during branching morphogenesis. Neurotrophin Modulation of Axonal Branching Throughout the nervous system, target-derived neurotrophins regulate axonal outgrowth and branching morphogenesis during neuronal development, and mediate aspects of cytoskeletal reorganization that imderiie presynaptic plasticity changes in mature neurons.^^'^^'^^^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^'^'^^^These effects are particularly well charaaerized in the vertebrate visual system. ' ^' ^^' ^^' ^ For example, BDNF promotes rapid and prolonged changes in both the complexity and dynamic state of Xenopus RGC axonal arbors in vitro, with similar effects induced through neurotrophin microinjection or delivery through microspheres localized to the optic tectum in vivo. ' ' ^ Interestingly, this role for BDNF in preferentially stimulating RGC axonal arborization is achieved, in part, due to the localization of TrkB receptors to the axonal cell-surface domain of these neurons.^^^'^^^'^"^'^^^ Within the primary visual cortex, infusion of BDNF or NT-4/5 into layer IV blocks the appropriate formation of ocular dominance columns during mammalian visual system development, presumably through exuberant branching of axonal terminals arising from the lateral geniculate nucleus, the functional counterpart of the non-mammalian optic tectum. ' Similarly, chronic BDNF exposure during cerebellar granule neuron development in vitro stimulates atypical early increases in axonal branching and branch elongation. Thus, the strict spatiotemporal regulation ofTrk receptor expression, and neurotrophin release, is likely to impose direct local control on axonal branching morphogenesis necessary for the formation of appropriate circuitry during CNS development.



Branching Morphogenesis

Neurotrophin Modulation of Dendritic Branching Neurotrophic factors act on dendrites in a cell-type-specific manner to modulate the initial extent of arborization, regulate branch stabilization or retraction, and mediate ongoing dynamic changes in branch structure that underlie synaptogenesis.^^'^'^^' ^^ While neurotrophic factors influence dendritic branching morphogenesis throughout the developing nervous system, these effects are often manifested differendy for PNS and CNS populations, partially reflecting differences in the complement of neurotrophins and Trk receptors expressed. ^^'^'^^' ^^' For autonomic ganglion cells of the PNS, there is a clear correlation between the number of afferent inputs received through the process of preganglionic convergence, and the maximum dendritic arborization achieved, suggesting a critical role for limiting levels of target-derived neurotrophin. ^' ^ . 55 Consistent with this model, increased NGF signaling in sympathetic ganglion cells acts instructively to induce rapid increases in both the number and length of primary dendrites, and enhance dendritic arborization. ^^'^^^' ^ ' ^^ Within the CNS, each morphological attribute of dendritic arbors, including the number and length of primary and higher-order branches, can be differentially regulated by separate neurotrophic factors>''25,4i8.-?58.459 ^he range of dendritic branching responses elicited by individual neurotrophins has been particularlv well described for pyramidal neurons developing within the visual cortex. ^'^^' ' '^' ^^' ^^' ^' ^ In this system, each neurotrophin produces distinct structural changes in either the apical or basal dendritic arbors of pyramidal neurons as a function of their laminar position within the cortex. ^^^ Thus, for pyramidal neurons developing within cortical layer IV, basal dendritic branching is stimulated with exogenous BDNF and NT-4, but not NT-3, while in layer VI, NT-4 increases dendritic arborization, NT-3 elicits no changes, and BDNF instead decreases dendritic branching. ^^ Significantly, these lamina-specific responses demonstrate exquisite local control of instructive morphological changes within functional groups of neurons. It is likely that this degree of autonomy is necessary for pyramidal neurons to develop phenotypically appropriate dendritic arbors, allowing the establishment of particular synaptic input patterns. In contrast to the segregated activity of particular neurotrophins within the developing visual cortex, other CNS popidations instead require combinatorial neurotrophin signaling during branching morphogenesis. For example, establishment of appropriate dendritic arbors within the cerebellum necessitates cooperative BDNF and NT-3 signaling for Purkinje cells,^^^'"^^'"^^^ although BDNF alone mediates dendritic elongation and branching for their synaptic partners, the stellate/basket cells and granule neurons 179,370,414,424,446.?63-471 Endogenous neurotrophins also produce antagonistic effects on dendritic branching in a cell context-dependent manner. ' ^' ' In fact, neurotrophins are thought to serve as potent triggers for dendritic branch retraction under certain conditions, possibly by inducing a requirement for stabilization of nascent branches, mediating destabilization of actin or tubulin polymers, or upregulating expression of repellent molecules. '^^^' For example, BDNF stimulation of developing Xenopus RGCs significantly increases axonal arborization, but paradoxically reduces dendritic branching through local inhibition of both branch formation and stabilization.««-^34,443 These antagonistic branching effects are especially interesting given the cell-surface concentration ofTrkB receptors along the axon, ' ' ' ^ ^ suggesting that changes in dendritic structure might arise indirecdy through downstream signaling cascades triggered at the axonal domain. Alternatively, low-level BDNF signaling achieved through sparsely distributed TrkB receptors within immature dendrites might generate a distincdy different complement of downstream events. It is also possible that, in certain neuronal populations, neurotrophin signaling alternately stimulates or inhibits branching depending on the changing developmental context in which axons and then dendrites are elaborated. Such differential effects could arise through changes in the association of particular neurotrophins with ECM microdomains, through localized neurotrophin delivery by target axons, through changes in Trk receptor expression or cell-surface distribution,^^^' ' ^^' ' ^^' or through changes in downstream signaling substrates or background gene expression.

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons Consistent with this developmental model, recent data suggests that distinct morphological effects elicited by neurotrophin activity are partly contingent upon the unique ontogenetic history of each neuron.^ ' ^^' ^^ For example, BDNF-mediated TrkB signaling is required during early stages of cerebellar Purkinje cell development to allow complete dendritic differentiation during much later stages of maturation. » ' ^' In fact, phenotypically mature dendritic arbors fail to develop in postnatal Purkinje cells cultured in the absence of BDNF-secreting granule neurons, and appropriate dendritic differentiation is not rescued with supplemental BDNF. ^^'^^^'^^^ Instead, exogenous BDNF selectively increases dendritic spine density for these Purkinje cells, demonstrating that individual aspects of dendrite arbor structure may be independently regulated by neurotrophins during development. ^^'^^^ When considered together, recent findings indicate that a variety of pathways contribute to the spatiotemporal regulation of neurotrophin signaling, enabling the local control of dendritic branching that is necessary for establishing appropriate circuitry during nervous system development. Neurotransmitters and Neuronal Activity Within the developing nervous system, a variety of neurotransmitter classes directly regulate morphological differentiation, and organize local circuit connections, by generating specific patterns and levels of electrical activity.^^'^^'^"^^'^ ' ^^' ^ In tandem, neuronal activity can variously enhance or restrict the expression of numerous epigenetic molecules implicated in branching morphogenesis, modulating the physiological effects produced by these cues.^^'"^^^*^^^'^^^' ^^' ' ^^ As such, a limited number of active signaling pathways can generate a complex array of effects during neuronal differentiation, contingent upon the complement of molecular effectors recruited.'^^''^''^^'^^^''^^^'^^^'^^^ Collectively, the processes regulated or modulated by neuronal activity that influence branching morphogenesis involve: selective induction of downstream second messenger signaling cascades, regulated changes in intracellular Ca ^ levels, posttranslational protein modifications, and differential gene expresgj^j^ 2,1838,39,44,76,106,125,144,164,195,196,480-482,484,486,487

For most CNS populations, axonal differentiation occurs under electrically silent conditions, or with low-levels of spontaneous activity, whereas dendritic development proceeds in the context of specific forms and patterns of electrical activity."^'^^'^^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^ Not surprisingly, electrical activity serves important roles in sculpting dendritic architecture at the earliest stages of neuronal development, and both establishing and refining synaptic connections at maturity.^^'^^'^'^'^^''^ In fact, individual neuronal populations can respond to various sources of electrical activity in a cell context-dependent manner, illustrating some degree of cell-autonomous control during dendritic branching morphogeneisis.'^'^^' ' ' '^ For example, tetanic electrical stimulation increases both the rate and number of dendritic filopodia extended from hippocampal pyramidal neurons developing in slice cultures, while excitatory iV-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor signaling instead abolishes filopodial dynamics. ' In contrast, NMDA-mediated activity is necessary for appropriate extension of RGC dendritic filopodia. ^^'^^'^^^'' Significantly, inhibitory y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor activation reverses the effects of glutamatergic signaling during dendritic morphogenesis for a number of neuronal populations, suggesting that physiological sculpting of neuronal architecture may occur through variable patterns of excitatory and inhibitory ac^—^2,15,38,125,144,164,203,484,491,492

During later stages of neuronal development, the processes of dendritic arborization and synaptogenesis are closely linked, such that appropriate patterns and levels ofactivity serve to stimulate or i^tria branching and synapse fonnation in pa«Uel3'5^"'3«>i°^'i25-i27.i35,i44.346,493^95 Accordingly, Vaughns synaptotropic hypothesis proposes that dendritic outgrowth and branching may be modulated direcdy by synaptic contacts, with arborization occurring preferentially in target regions retaining the greatest availability of presynaptic elements. ^^ ' ' * ^^' ^ Indeed, developmental studies have shown that increasing the number of axonal contacts made with



Branching Morphogenesis

dendritic filopodia increasingly stimulates dendritic branching and arbor complexity, while activity blockade variously stunts branching or elicits dendrite retraction.^^'^^'^"^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ Moreover, activity-mediated enhancement or maintenance of dendritic arbors is often localized to the discrete regions of contact between presynaptic axonal termini and postsynaptic dendritic branches or spines.^^'^^'^^^'^ Another important observation is that the direction of dendritic arborization is governed by a tendency toward maximizing the number of contacts made with presynaptic axons from specific target regions that display physiologically relevant activity patterns.^^' '^^^'^^ '^ For example, in the developing visual system, ocular dominance columns are established and maintained through the segregation of eye-specific afferent inputs that are characterized by distinct patterns of electrical activity. In this way, the dendritic growth properties for neurons positioned within individual columns can be differentially regulated as a function of location, generating eye-specific circuits.^^'^"^^'^ 5,146,437,438 Consequently, dendrites near an ocular dominance column border region elongate and branch only within the confines of that discrete functional unit, and do not extend inappropriate arbors into the adjacent column.^^'^"^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ It has been postulated that nascent branches may "test" the local microenvironment for appropriate target axons displaying particular patterns or levels of activity, with initial contacts developing into synapses only when physiological activity is maintained, in some contexts triggering stop-growing pathways.^ ^ ' B e c a u s e specific activity patterns also have been found to direct selective pruning of dendritic arbors, neuronal activity is thought to regulate the overall degree and rate of dendritic branch additions and retractions as \ r


IS ^8 12S 144

neurons mature and rorm synaptic contacts. ' ' ^^'^^^ Throughout the developing nervous system, dendritic branches unable to compete successfully for limiting amounts of neurotransmitter, or axonal surface area, are often stunted or eliminated through pruning. For example, during cerebellar development, Purkinje cell dendrites that fail to establish functional synapses with granule neurons differentiate incompletely, suggesting a critical role for glutamatergic activity in the morphogenesis of these arbors.^^^' '^^^''^^^''^^^''^^^'^^^ Although eliminating endogenous electrical activity prevents dendritic branching for immature Purkinje cells, their dendrites continue to elongate, suggesting that functional synapses may be required to switch from a default pathway of linear growth to a developmental pattern of branching. ^3''^' -^ Interestingly, such alterations in dendritic growth patterns occur in parallel with changing intracellular Ca ^ regulation, indicating that the onset of electrical activity may produce shifts in Ca^^ homeostasis, thereby stimulating various forms of Ca'^^-dependent cytoskeletal remodeling important for dendritic arborization.^^'^^'^'^^'' Since embryonic exposure to BDNF is also necessary for subsequent elaboration of Purkinje cell dendrites, ' the chief role of neuronal activity in modulating branching morphogenesis may be to integrate or amplify downstream signaling cascades stimulated by a range of epigenetic cues. Alternatively, early neurotrophin signaling may be required to prime developing neurons to respond appropriately to subsequent electrical activity by inducing selective gene expression or stimulating post-translational protein modifications. Context-specific morphological responses also are produced through activity-dependent targeting and translation of TrkB mRNA within stimulated dendrites for a variety of neuronal populations, providing a complementary mechanism for dynamic local control of arbor plasticity.^^^'"^^'^^^'^^ Taken together, these findings indicate that the onset of neuronal activity during later stages of dendrite maturation may enable a greater degree of control over arbor development, and the orchestration of synaptogenesis, through the activation of diverse signaling pathways. As neuronal development continues, specific forms and patterns of activity are thought to mediate the stabilization of dendritic arbors by inhibiting dynamic cycles of branch elongation and retraction, and strengthening nascent synaptic contacts.^^'^^'^^^' '^^^'^^"^'^^^ One mechanism thought to underlie this activity-dependent control of arbor maturation is the differential expression of particular combinations of glutamate receptors as a function of development.^^^'^^^ For example, in the visual system, nascent contacts between RGCs and optic tectal neurons are characterized by a large proportion of silent synapses that are exclusively mediated by NMDA

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


receptors, potentiating dendritic arbor expansion. However, as these initial contacts are strengthened and mature as synapses, a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-niethyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA)-type receptors are additionally recruited, resulting in more robust activity and the corresponding stabilization of dendritic arbors. ^^'^ 4,508,509 sij^Uarly, during hippocampal pyramidal neuron development, synaptically-released glutamate stabilizes dendritic spines through AMPA receptor activation, and failure to recruit sufficient AMPA receptors results in dendritic branch retraction.^^' In conjunction with changing glutamate receptor populations, certain cytoskeletal elements, channel proteins, and vesicular proteins, appear to be initially targeted to dendritic arbors by activity-independent mechanisms, with subsequent retention in functionally significant microdomains regulated by the onset of synaptic activity. ^^'^'^^^'^^^ Thus, a number of important subcellular modifications are triggered by emerging neuronal activity as development proceeds, collectively promoting dendritic branching morphogenesis. When considered together, the various roles served by neuronal activity demonstrate exquisite spatiotemporal control over the arborization of individual dendrites, allowing the establishment of physiologically appropriate circuitry.

Molecular Regulation of Branching Morphogenesis Since neurons differentiate as part of a developing circuit, instructive cues provided within the local microenvironment, and through cell-cell signaling, are critical for synchronizing the progression of branching morphogenesis among neuronal parmers.^'^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^"^^'^^^'^^'^^^ Ultimately, these complex signaling pathways converge at the level of the cytoskeleton, with the structural changes characteristic of neuronal branching arising through dynamic regulation of the actin cytomatrix, microtubules, and a variety of micro tubule-associated proteins. Within the last decade, tremendous progress has been made toward identifying molecular mechanisms that orchestrate the cvtoskeletal reorganization underlying both axonal and dendritic branching.^'^^'^^'^^'^^'^^"^'^^^' ^^'^^^ These recent studies have revealed that persistent morphological remodeling may arise in one of two ways: as the consequence of a short-duration signaling event that stimulates local post-translational modifications to certain cytoskeletal proteins, or one that activates an epigenetic sequence of long-term changes in gene expresSion.i5'38>i25,i44,i63,i72,399,46o,?ii-516 g^^j^ ^^^^^ ^f morphological regulation involve rapid changes in local intracellular free Ca'^^ levels that subsequently produce downstream changes in protein phosphorylation. In this way, multiple epigenetic cues may be integrated through Ca ^-mediated signaling pathways acting on different time scales to influence branching morphogenesis.

Calcium Signaling During neuronal development, rapid changes in intracellular Ca ^ levels can be achieved through several non-mutually exclusive pathways. First, signaling through molecular asymmetries within the microenvironment can stimulate local Ca ^ influx or release from intracellular stores. Second, with a relatively homogeneous distribution of ECM molecules, or secreted and substrate-bound factors, local Ca ^ signaling can result from a cell-surface gradient of receptors and ion channels, or subcellular asymmetries in signal transduction molecules. Third, in a related mechanism, preferential membrane insertion at the growth cone leading edge through exocytosis can serve an active role in morphogenesis through the local insertion of voltage-gated or ligand-gated Ca ^ ion channels. Finally, the onset of depolarizing electrical activity can stimulate Ca^^ influx through NMDA-type glutamate receptors and other voltage-gated Ca"^^ chanj^gjg 2,8,16,45,76,77,164,196,220,221,517,518

Endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria have been reported to localize at nascent branch points in developing neurons, suggesting that these organelles are spatially oriented to mediate dynamic Ca^^ release or uptake necessary for branching morphogenesis, in addition to regulating metabolic processes.^^' '^ '^^^'^"^^ For branching achieved through simple growth cone bifurcation, induction of a local intracellular Ca"^^ gradient can trigger F-actin depolymerization


Branching Morphogenesis

and also increase microtubule protrusion into the growth cone, in tandem with the activation of Ca^^-binding proteins that modulate microtubule stability7^'^^'«5-87,i65,i96,244,245,52i-527 Thereafter, the rate of branch elongation is inversely proportional to the intracellidar accumulation of free Ca'^^, requiring the establishment of a cytosolic Ca"^^ gradient with the lowest levels underlying developing neurites.^'^^'^^'^^'^5,76,77,i^4,i96 ^^^^\^ i^^al Ca^" influx and sequestration mechanisms are likely to underlie the formation of interstitial collateral branches, which also arise through coordinated dynamic changes in actin and microtubule polymerization.2'85,87.106 Downstream of rapid intracellular Ca"^^ elevation, the activation of specific Ca'^^-dependent proteins can produce a wide range of cytoskeletal modifications that drive branching morphogenesis.'5''«'^'3'''^5.i44.i64,i95.i9&27,22i528 p„^ ^^^\^^ studies examining developing hippocampal neurons indicate that activation of cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinases or Ca ^/calmodulin-dependent serine/threonine kinases (CaMKs) is required for both axonal and dendritic branching, while increased protein kinase C (PKC) and protein kinase A (PKA) activation enhance dendritic arborization alone.^'^^'^^^ This redundancy in molecular control of branching morphogenesis suggests that cell context may critically determine downstream cytoskeletal changes, owing to developmental shifts in the complement of specific protein kinases expressed, the availability of second messengers, and background gene expression. In addition to regulating branching morphogenesis through direct control of cytoskeletal plasticity, the activation of Ca^^ signaling cascades also provides an important pathway for modulating neuronal structure through selective changes in gene transcription.^^^'^ '^^^'"^^^'^^^'^^^ For example, elevation of intracellular Ca^^ is essential for activating cAMP-response-element-binding protein (CREB), a transcription factor involved in regulating long-term chanjges in gene expression through activation of die cAMP-response-element (CRE) DNA target.2'^^'^^^'^^2'5^^'552,534 As such, a variety of extracellular molecules can induce specific immediate-early genes, such as C'fos and c-jun^ and subsequendy upregulate late-response genes, together orchestrating the differential protein expression required for structural and fimctional changes underlying branching morphogenesis.

Rho'Family GTPases The earliest epigenetic control of neuronal branching appears to trigger rapid local modulation of the actin cytomatrix through one pathway, while inducing differential gene expression through a more protracted downstream signaling cascade. Recent findings suggest that at least one class of molecular effectors, the Rho-family GTPases, commonly mediates dynamic actin remodeling during these early stages of branching, induced by a variety of extracellular cues including: ECM interactions, secreted and substrate-bound chemoattractants and chemorepellents, neurotrophins, and electrical activity.^^'^^^'^ Through Rho GTPase signaling, significant changes in the local microenvironment may be rapidly translated into specific patterns of cytoskeletal remodeling which drive the competing processes of branch extension and retraction during development.^ 0,538-5 Rho-family GTPases are members of the Ras superfamily of small GTP-binding proteins, and include: RhoA, RhoG, Racl, Rac2, Cdc42, and the recendy identified Rnd proteins Rndl, Rnd2, and Rnd3/RhoE.^^^'^ ^ Acting as molecular checkpoints during neuronal development, each of these Rho-family GTPases serves a distinct function in regulating branching morphogenesis by transducing a complex array of extracellular signals into specific changes in actin polymerization.^^^'^ Typically, while Rho activity increases neurite retraction or abolishes branch outgrowth, Rac and Cdc42 instead stimulate robust neurite extension and arborization.^'^5,77,8^,312,313,536,545-549 p^^. example, dm'mgXenopus RGC development, Racl and Cdc42 promote robust dendritic branching whereas RhoA functions as a strong negative regulator for branch induction.^^^ Axonal arborization also is regulated in a cell non-autonomous manner by Rho-family GTPase signaling, with high levels of Rac activity required to stimulate appropriate branching geometry for a variety of neuronal populations.^^^ Characteristically,

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


the majority of Rho-family GTPases involved in early axonal morphogenesis demonstrate overlapping roles in regulating similar aspects of dendritic differentiation during successive stages of neuronal development. Rho-family GTPase signaling efficacy is regulated in turn by GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) and guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), which accelerate the process of GDP/ GTP exchange.^^^'^^'^'^ ^'^ ^ For example, Trio is a newly characterized GEF that selectively activates the Rac pathway via RhoG through one binding domain, GEFDl, and instead activates the RhoA pathway through the separate GEFD2 binding domain.^ Recent studies also have identified a novel effector protein specifically involved in modulating the activity of Rnd GTPases, called Rapostlin.^^"^ Binding to activated brain-specific Rnd2 in a GTP-dependent manner, Rapostlin next binds directly to neuronal microtubules from the amino-terminal region, which has been observed to induce rapid neurite branching for PC 12 cells. Characterization of the developmental role of Raposdin will be necessary in order to understand the functional consequences of this unique pathway for affecting multiple cytoskeletal elements in tandem. Numerous effector molecules that fiinction downstream of Rho-family GTPases have been identified, including molecules of the p21-activated kinase (PAK) family of serine/threonine kinases, Racl- and Cdc42- specific LIM domain-containing protein kinases, and IQGAP, Cdc42-specific neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP), and Rho kinases (ROCKs).^^^'^^ '^^^'^^^ Downstream signaling through activated Rho-family GTPases begins with stimulation of Rho-dependent kinases (such as p65 ^ or pl60ROCK) that phosphorylate one of the two isoforms of LIM kinase (LIMkl and LIMk2), which subsequendy phosphorvlate cofilin and actin-depolymerizing factor to regulate the state of actin polymerization. '^'^^^'^ In addition, recent reports suggest that RhoA-dependent inactivation of myosin phosphatase may enhance the early myosin-actin interactions that ultimately drive retrograde actin flow during filopodial extension, while RhoA-induced growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) activity instead promotes later stages of neurite stabilization.556-558,56i-564 Q-^^^^ ^ ^ antagonistic effects produced by Rho GTPase signaling cascades, recent investigations have focused on context-dependent recruitment of separate Rho effectors and the interplay between individual Rho GTPases. Significantly, these studies have suggested that the actin-reorganizing effects of Rac and Cdc42 GTPases are either dominant over the stabilizing actions of RhoA in actively growing neurites, or instead downregulate RhoA activity, thus potentiating outgrowth. '^^''^'^'^^^^^ Considered together, the ability of each Rho-family GTPase to effect distinct changes in the actin cytomatrix suggests that sequential expression, or activation, of these molecules may orchestrate specific stages of neuronal branching morphogenesis. In the early stages of neuronal branch formation, nascent F-actin enriched filopodia extend from developing neurites, and these protrusions enlarge as they are subsequendy invested with microtubules."^' '^^ '^^ ,125,537 j ^ -^ jjj^giy ^g^^ epigenetic cues which trigger local changes in actin polymerization during branching may do so by activating or inactivating particular Rho GTPases, allowing subsequent redistribution of microtubules and providing multiple pathways for reinforcing cytoskeletal changes. ' ' Several alternative scenarios may account for these regulatory interactions throughout neuronal development. First, branch-inducing cues localized to the ECM could direcdy activate Rac and Cdc42 GTPases accumulated within the underlying cytosol, thereby overriding Rho and allowing microfilament depolymerization and the commencement of neurite outgrowth. Second, cues present within an extracellular microdomain could instead indirecdy modulate the efficacy of Rho-family GTPase signaling by direcdy regulating the expression, localization, or activation state of GAPs or GEFs. Third, simultaneous activation of Rho-family GTPases and other actin-regulating effectors could destabilize the cortical actin cytoskeleton through independent but parallel pathways.^^'^^^'"^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ Through these mechanisms, it is possible for the combined effects of multiple actin-regulatory molecules to reinforce key signaling cascades that underlie branch formation, while also allowing precise spatiotemporal control of the dynamic actin changes produced.


Branching Morphogenesis

In order to clarify the regulation of Rho-family GTPase activity during branching morphogenesis, recent studies have examined interactions producing actin reorganization during axonal and dendritic arborization in a variety of neuronal populations.^^^' "^'^ 6,550-560 j ^ ^ . , ing development of the visual system, physiological branching of RGC axons has been shown to be a critical event in retinotectal mapformation,^^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^and may be induced through repellent optic tectal cell signaling.'^^^'^^^'^^'^'^^^'^^^ In vitro, chick temporal RGC axonal growth cones rapidly collapse and retract after encountering repellent cues presented by posterior optic tectal cells.^^^'"^^ '"^^^'^ '^^^ Subsequendy, lateral extensions appear along the RGC axon tract, reflecting a combination of nascent interstitial branches and defasciculating trailing axons separating from the pioneer axon. " , o , 79, 96, 97,565 ^pj^^^ g^gj.gQ_ typed collapse-induced branching is associated with depolymerization and redistribution of actin filaments both within the growth cone and along the axon shaft, mediated through Rho-family GTPase activity. For example, inhibiting RhoA or the RhoA effector, pl60ROCK, inhibits the generation of lateral extensions from cultured chick RGC axons,^ while overexpression of RaclB stimulates robust axonal branching. ' Rho-family GTPases also have been shown to play a role in SemalllA-induced growth cone collapse for chick DRG neurons, and in ephrin-A5-induced collapse of chick RGC growth cones, although it is unclear whether these triggered actin redistributions are necessarily linked to the formation of interstitial branches.^'^^ Further support for a model of axonal branching in which inhibitory stimuli initiate actin rearrangement has been provided by recent experiments revealing functional interactions between Rho-family GTPases and the Plexin class of chemorepellent semaphorin receptors. In these studies, active GTP-bound Rac was found to interact direcdy with the cytoplasmic domain of mammalian Plexin-B 1, allowing localized signal transduction to the underlying cytoskeleton.^^^'^^^'^^^ Despite advances in characterizing Rho-family activity during branching morphogenesis, it remains unclear whether axonal growth cone collapse, retraction, and the formation of interstitial branches are inherendy regulated independently of each other, or may be linked via the same molecular mechanisms. In contrast to the wealth of data describing Rho GTPase activity during axonal morphogenesis, the regulatory roles of Rho-family GTPases during dendritic branching have only recently begun to be characterized.^ ''^^^''^^^'^^^ An elegant series of studies in the developing Xenopus visual system initially revealed that early dendritic morphogenesis for both tectal neurons and RGCs involves downstream activation of Rac 1 or Cdc42 to stimiJate dendritic branching, and activation of RhoA to restrict subsequent dendritic growth.^ 0,150,550 Si^^il^j-ly^ direct time-lapse imaging of developing chick RGCs demonstrated that constitutively active Racl or Cdc42 GTPases promote exuberant dendritic branching, while RhoA signaling instead suppresses branch formation.^ ^ Constitutively active RhoA has additionally been shown to reduce both dendritic growth and arborization for developing hippocampal neurons in slice cultures.^ '^^^ Considered together, these recent findings suggest that selective activation of particular Rho-family GTPases may constitute a conserved molecular mechanism important for dendritic remodeling and synaptic pruning as dendrites mature. Moreover, the correlated activation of specific combinations of Rho GTPases in presynaptic axons and postsynaptic dendrites is likely to be necessary for orchestrating plasticity changes that underlie synapse formation. Since branching morphogenesis involves the dynamic redistribution of a variety of cytoskeletal elements, as axonal and dendritic branches elongate, the protruding sites of concentrated actin become engorged with microtubules.'^'^^'^^'^^'^'^ Recent studies describing a regulatory interaction between microtubule dynamics, Rho-family GTPase activity, and actin reorganization, revealed that the various cytoskeletal changes underlying neurite branching may, in fact, be interdependent. ' ^'^ '^^^ For example, continuous growth of microtubule polymers provides a positive feedback mechanism for Rac GTPase activation, and dynamic changes within the actin matrix of developing fibroblasts. ^For these cells, tubulin monomers preferentially associate with Racl -GDP, and tubulin polymerization activates Racl, in turn allowing Racl -GTP

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


to dissociate from a growing microtubule and interact with the local actin matrix.^ '^ If this regulatory mechanism is recapitulated in differentiating neurons, the presence of growing microtubule polymers within the region of destabilized actin might be expected to amplify or potentiate filopodial dynamics produced through Rac GTPase activity. In turn, cycling between periods of microtubule growth and depolymerization would be expected to regulate the activity of Rac and Rho GTPases, respectively, modulating local actin polymerization and providing a vector for orienting the protrusion or retraction of growth cones.^ Several recendy discovered functions for RhoA, Racl, and Cdc42 are novel activity-based roles, likely involved in regulating ongoing axonal and dendritic maturation during synaptogenesis. For example, Cdc42 expression is induced within the CNS following the onset of several forms of neuronal activity,^^ and in turn modulates voltage-dependent Ca -currents in vitro, as does active Racl.^^^ In yet another study, excitatory NMDA receptor-mediated signaling was shown to reduce RhoA activity in developing optic tectal neurons, thereby increasing dendritic branching and branch elongation. ^^ In fact, establishment of appropriate neuronal arborization is likely to involve the dynamic regulation of RhoA-GTPase activity, allowing early robust branch outgrowth followed by cytoskeletal stabilization as synaptic contacts are initiated. According to this model, local modulation of dendritic branching could be achieved through spontaneous glutamatergic activity at the onset of synaptogenesis, leading to exuberant branching through increased Racl and Cdc42 activity and downregulated RhoA signaling. However, as initial synaptic contacts mature, and AMPA-type glutamate receptors are recruited,^^^'^^^ RhoA-GTPase expression or signaling may be upregulated relative to Racl and Cdc42, and contribute to the stabilization of both axonal and dendritic arbors. In parallel, individual branches that fail to receive appropriate stabilizing synaptic contacts may be stunted and subsequendy retract through persistent RhoA stimulation.^ '^^ Alternatively, the physiological activity of RhoA may predominate during the earliest stages of neurite morphogenesis, serving as a developmental *block' to branch outgrowth, with the onset of Racl and Cdc42 activity then sculpting arborization that is ultimately stabilized through synapse formation. Clearly, strict spatiotemporal control of Rho-family GTPase expression and activation is necessary, both for neuronal morphogenesis and for the establishment of appropriate circuitry within the developing nervous system.

Microtubule-Associated Proteins and Microtubule Affinity-Regulating Kinases The development of neuronal branches involves a number of processes acting at the level of the cytoskeleton, including regulation of actin assembly, microtubule polymerization, and microtubule transport?''5'38*.56^52.77.85-87.l04-l06,l25,l40.l44p^^^^iJ^g ij^.j.^ actin-based stages of branching morphogenesis, modulated in large part through Rho-family GTPase activity, later stages involve the combined effects of structural and motor microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), microtubule afFinity-regulating kinases (MARKs), and Ca'^^/calmodulin-dependent kinases (CaMKs) and phosphatases (caldneumi/PP2B)3«-^->5.i6.39.44,45.53,54.i90,i9i,4i8,506,5r4,5i5,588.589 As nascent branches begin to fill with microtubules, ongoing morphogenesis involves a combination of branch segment lengthening and further partitioning of these segments into smaller diameter branches until a limiting size is met.^'^^'^^^'^ ^ Structural MAPs bind to microtubules in a reversible but static manner to perform a number of important roles during these later stages of arborization, which include: promoting microtubule assembly through enhanced tubulin polymerization, stabilizing new microtubules through the formation of polymer bundles, regulating the spacing between individual bundled microtubules, and regulating the overall plasticity or stability of developing branches. ' In turn, structural MAP activity is regulated chiefly through the actions of specific MARKs, which trigger phosphorylation changes in response to localized epigenetic cues. Enhanced phosphorylation at most sites along a structural MAP protein serves to weaken binding interactions with microtubules, which become more widely spaced, while dephosphorylation instead limits dynamic instability by


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promoting ongoing tubulin polymerization and bundling.«''^'^5,53,i64.i90.i9i.i95,i96,590.59i j ^ . cent studies indicate that the phosphorylation state of structural MAPs may play a critical role in regulating neuronal arborization through significant changes in microtubule spacing, with MAP phosphorylation increasing the probability of branching, while dephosphorylation instead favors neurite elongation.^'^ ,529,550,588,592 Ug^j^g ^j^jg experimental data to generate a computational model of branching, Hely and colleagues showed that the rate of dendritic elongation or branching can be determined theoretically from the ratio of phosphorylated to dephosphorylated MAP isoforms alone.^^^ These findings suggest that the wide variation in arborization geometries displayed by neuronal populations is likely to develop, in part, due to significant differences in the subcellular localization or activation of specific MAPs and MAP kinases or phosphatases. Ultimately, such asymmetries may arise through purely stochastic fluctuations in molecular components, or through targeted signaling produced by cues within the local microenvironment. Individual structural MAP isoforms have been categorized primarily according to their molecular weight, with high molecular mass MAPs including MAPI A, MAP IB, MAPIC, and neuron-specific MAP2A and MAP2B, and lower molecular mass proteins comprising MAP2C, MAP2D, and tau. ' '^ In addition, structural MAPs can be classified into functional groups with respect to characteristic differences in their subcellular distribution between phenotypically mature axonal and dendritic domains. For example, mature axons are enriched with the dephosphorylated form of microtubule-associated tau protein, while mature dendrites instead localize MAP2 isoforms and exclude tau.^'^' '^ ,590,593-595 Q^^ important consequence arising from this asymmetrical MAP distribution is the emergence of directional organelle and vesicle transport due to differences in microtubule spacing, and thus steric hindrance, between the axonal and dendritic Jomains.^'^''^^'^^'^^'^^^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ As a result, axonal and dendritic branches attain significantly different subcellular compositions, allowing functional specializations to develop in parallel with branching morphogenesis.^'^'^'^^' ' ' '^^^ Despite retaining separate classes of MAP isoforms and organelles, presynaptic axons and postsynaptic dendrites regulate the relative degree of microtubule plasticity through similar means as development proceeds. For developing axons, specific microenvironmental cues are thought to trigger a pause in growth cone migration, local modification of the cytoskeletal matrix, and the establishment of a nascent branch point through localized targeting of subcellular components. ' Microtubule reorganization is a critical component of this branching process, requiring localized microtubule fragmentation, or debundling, concomitant with actin accumulation.^ Consequendy, when microtubules within an axon remain bundled, stable branches fail to form even when transient filopodia invested with microtubules arise along the axon shaft. ' Recent observations of cerebellar granule neurons developing in vitro suggest that the modifications in microtubule bundling required for axonal branch formation may be selectively mediated through changes in tau MAP phosphorylation. ' As such, the dephosphorylated form of tau is enriched for portions of the axon shaft with tighdy bundled microtubules, but in discrete regions of splayed microtubules, presumably representing areas of nascent branch formation, the phosphorylated form of tau predominates. ' It remains unclear whether the growth cone splitting mechanism underlying branching in dendrites similarly requires microtubule splaying, although the reported increase in dendritic branching with MAP2 phosphorylation suggests that this may be the case.".322.530.588.597-599 Providing an additional level of complexity to the regulatory interactions underlying microtubule dynamics is the recent finding that MAP phosphorylation varies significantly as a function of development for some neuronal populations.^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ Moreover, separate MAP phosphorvlation sites can be regulated independently as neuronal maturation proceeds. 5,597-599 5^^J^ characteristic developmental changes in MAP phosphorylation reflect, in part, the regulatory activity provided by the onset of neurotrophin signaling cascades and neuronal activity. For example, administration of exogenous BDNF and NT-3 rapidly

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increases both the expression level and phosphorylation state of several MAP2 isoforms for early embryonic cortical neurons developing in vivo. ^^ Glutamate receptor activation also efFiciendy regulates the phosphorylation state of various MAP isoforms.5«'505.600.60i i^^^.^^. ingly, the ability of certain neuronal populations to couple glutamatergic activity to changes in MAP2 phosphorylation differs with maturation, largely established by the specific glutamate receptor subtypes expressed at particular developmental stages. "^^"^ For example, neonatal hippocampal pyramidal neurons respond to glutamate receptor stimulation with MAP2 phosphorylation, whereas dephosphorylation of MAP2 is only inducible in mature neurons. '^^^ Thus, for at least some neuronal subtypes, aspects of branching morphogenesis may be regulated indirecdy as immature neurons gradually attain a mature complement of biochemical machinery and the competence to dephosphorylate MAPs, prolonging arbor plasticity. ' Since phosphorylation of tau and MAP2 is also regulated by exposure to certain epigenetic factors, the unique developmental functions performed by these MAPs reflects a dynamic combination of cell-autonomous regulation and direct control exerted through the changing microenvironment. In vivo, the degree of neuronal MAP phosphorylation is tightly controlled by a number of protein phosphatases and kinases, including MARKs.^^ MARKs comprise a spatiotemporally regulated gene family including MARKs 1-4, each of which may occur in several splice variant forms. Structurally, these proteins possess a highly conserved N-terminal catalytic domain containing two activating phosphorylation sites, a region near the C-terminus thought to represent a membrane-targeting motif, and an extended spacer domain which is also thought to contribute to membrane localization.^^ Functionally, all MARKs are activated through phosphorylation at their catalytic domain by upstream kinases, in turn promoting MAP activation and the modulation of microtubule organization and stability that underlies the establishment of neuronal branches.^^ The physiological importance of regulated MARK activity is evident from striking observations of increasing cytoskeletal disorganization and cellular dysfunction with MARK overexpression, presumably residting from diminished microtubule stability following the dissociation of MAPs.^^'^^^'^^^ These results have prompted the hypothesis that differential MARK activity may serve as a 'molecular switch' for developmentally relevant changes in the microtubule-based transport of microtubule polymers, vesicles, or membranous organelles. According to this theory, MARK-induced depletion of MAPs within a localized region could decrease steric hindrance and in turn promote microtubule-based transport, potentially driving branch elongation. Ultimately, dynamic regulation of branch stability or plasticity during neuronal development may be mediated through the complement of particular MAP isoforms expressed, the subcellular localization of these MAPs, or dynamic changes in the MAP phosphorylation state.^^'^^^'^^^ Several additional regulatory molecules that link microenvironmental cues with rapid cytoskeletal reorganization through changes in MAP phosphorylation include cAMP dependent kinases, CaMKs, and the Ca'^^/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase, calcineurin.'5.38.39.i25.i44,i95.i96.227.228.409,4io,53i.532.588 j ^ j ^ ^ j ^ many of the morphological changes that occur during neuronal development are mediated through changing Ca ^ levels, and thus CaMK or calcineurin aoivity.^^' '^ '^^^'^ ' For example, recent smdies revealed the fundamental role for Ca^Vcalmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in dendritic branching by demonstrating a 30% reduction in branching with CaMKII inhibitors and greater than a 200% increase in branching when CaMKII activity was enhanced.^^^ CaMKII mRNA is targeted to dendrites, and both translation and activation of CaMKII are enhanced by various forms of activity, ' providing a mechanism for the local dynamic regulation of dendritic arbor plasticity during synapse formation.i^^'50^'507>529,530,5^8,606-6ii j^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ CaMKII is inactive, but increased Ca^^ influx through voltage-gated or ligand-gated Ca^^ channels, or triggered Ca ^ release from intracellular stores, results in rapid kinase phosphorylation and activation.^^ ' ' Consequently, multiple neuronal inputs, ranging from diffusible neurotrophins and local membrane-bound molecules to patterns and levels of activity, can be


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integrated through these Ca^^-dependent padiways?20.22i.409.4io.5i4,5i5,53i,532.6i2^i6 p^,i„^. ing branch outgrowth and the development of phenotypically appropriate arborization geometry, neuronal branches are typically stabilized during synaptogenesis to allow the maturation of functional neuronal circuits.^^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^^'^^ In the developing retinotectal system, the transition from dynamic tectal cell dendritic arbor growth to structural stabilization is mediated through local increases in aCaMKII,^^^ which similarly restricts the outgrowth of presynaptic RGC axonal arbors. ^^'^ ,506,608 ^^ order to enhance the formation and stabilization of appropriate synaptic connections in this maturing circuit, patterns of activity both restrict and maintain dendritic arborization by modulating MAP-binding interactions through changing CaMKII activity. Ultimately, as functional connectivity develops within the nervous system, dynamic regulation of branching morphogenesis requires a cell-type-specific balance of microtubule stability and plasticity modulated through rapid changes in MAP phosphorylation.

Gene Expression Changes during Branching Morphogenesis Many of the molecular signaling cascades that underlie neuronal branching morphogenesis ultimately produce long-term changes in gene expression. Converging at the level of the cytoskeleton, various forms of epigenetic regulation allow both short- and long-term modifications in the transcriptional or translational level of immediate-early genes (lEGs) and late-response genes (LRGs). While LRGs constitute a wide array of gene types, lEGs instead comprise two classes, the transcription factor genes and the effector genes, both of which are involved in neuronal morphogenesis and the modulation of synaptic plasticijy 15.18.38,125,144,163.164.196,409,410,491,492.ri5,5?l,532.534.617-620 ^^ ^ j j i ^ j ^ ^ ^^ w e l l - c h a r a c t e r i z e d

changes in the expression of various cytoskeletal element genes that occur in parallel with neuronal branching, significant changes in effector genes also have been recendy identified. Of the novel effector genes known to be direcdy involved in neuronal branching morphogenesis, the best characterized include: the activity-regulated cytoskeletal-associated {Arc) gene, the closely related neuronal activity-regulated pentraxin (Narp) gene, and a variety of candidate plasticity genes73''5i-i55.502.508i09.Si-624 Developmental regulation of gene expression within the CNS often begins with excitatory glutamatergic signaling, providing one important pathway for modulating structural and functional plasticity changes through the activation of particular second messenger cascades.^^'5i5'533,5^4,6i2,6i§'-620,625-627 p^^ example, activity-mediated elevation of intracellular Ca^^ through voltage-gated ion channels is essential for inducing CREB, a transcription factor involved in generating long-term changes in gene expression through a Ca^^/calmodulin-dependent kinase (CaMIOV) regulated pathway^^^^^^'^^^'^^^ In fact, recent findings indicate that the activity-dependent regulation of protein synthesis and protein targeting necessary for neuronal morphogenesis can occur through several independent pathways. First, certain physiologically relevant patterns or levels of activity can induce transcription factor genes, such as CREB^ in turn stimulating mRNA transcription and translation within the soma for transport to diverse neuronal sites. '^ ' -"8,70-75,510, 2 ^^^^QJ^J^ appropriate patterns or levels of activity can target newly transcribed mRNAs toward remote domains for local translation at their site of function, as occurs with dendritic y4rc 2S\ANarp genes.'^^'^^'^^'^'' Third, the onset of physiologically relevant activity can selectively enhance the translation of mRNA previously localized to a particular subcellular region, as recendy described for Arc and also certain neurotrophic factors. '^ ' ' ' ^' ^ In combination, these activity-mediated pathways allow rapid and selective induction of lEGs, and subsequent regulation of downstream LRGs, collectively producing the differential protein expression required for branching morphogenesis M410,531,53Z534,618-620 The molecular control of activity-dependent dendritic remodeling critically involves Arc and Narp 2,Q.nQSy both of which are present at low levels basally and induced by strong electrical activity. ' ^^ Following robust excitatory stimulation, newly synthesized Arc mRNA is targeted specifically to those regions of the dendritic arbor receiving strong activity, aggregating at

Branching Morphogenesis in Vertebrate Neurons


postsynaptic sites. In tandem, Arc mRNA is depleted from neighboring unstimulated dendrite segments, suggesting that electrical activity may trigger the redistribution of a preexisting pool of mRNA, in addition to stimulating gene transcription. ^^' '^' ' In fact, recent findings suggest that strong electrical stimulation effectively 'tags' a synaptic site for preferential accumulation of newly synthesized Arc mRNA. ' Thereafter, translated Arc protein remains localized to the actin-rich matrix beneath the plasma membrane of activated dendrite segments, which may establish a spatially-regulated pathway linking robust NMDA-mediated activity with local cytoskeletal modifications.^^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^'^^^'^^^ Although the precise function of Arc protein during dendritic branching morphogenesis and synapse formation remains unclear, recent findings support a role for rapid Arc gene induction in memory consolidation. Accordingly, dendritic targeting and translation oiArc mRNA is associated with the stabilization of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus, a specific inducible form of synaptic Similar to Arc^ the Narp immediate-early gene is induced by excitatory glutamatergic activity during synaptogenesis, and also modulates ongoing changes in dendritic arbor plasticity. ^^'^^^'^^'^^^'^^'^^'^^^ Widely expressed within the developing nervous system, Narp protein is one member of the pentraxin family of secreted Ca ^-dependent lectins, and forms N-terminal covalendy-Unked complexes with NPl pentraxin.^^^'^^'^^^ In fact, recent studies indicate that the ratio of these aggregated pentraxins depends on both the developmental and electrical history of a neuron, with Narp rapidly induced by robust activity and subsequently integrated into N P l assemblies at excitatory synapses. ^^' ' ^^ Once these mixed pentraxin assemblies form, their homologous C-terminal domains promote AMPA-type glutamate receptor clustering, effectively increasing synaptogenic activity within the stimulated dendrite segment. Further, as a direct consequence of localized Narp-mediated changes in glutamate receptor distribution and activity, the potentiation of excitatory signaling drives dendritic branching morphogenesis and synapse strengthening in tandem.^^'^ '^^^'^^^'^^'^^^'^^^'^^^ For example, nascent contacts between RGCs and optic tectal neurons are initially characterized by a large proportion of silent synapses, mediated by NMDA receptors, which subsequently recruit AMPA-type receptors as activity increases and synapses are stabilized.^^'^ Since active Narp/ NPl assemblies co-cluster AMPA-type receptors with pre-existing NMDA receptors at these developing excitatory synapses, reinforcing intracellular signaling cascades can efficiendy promote ongoing structural and functional maturation of neuronal circuits. A third key group of immediate-early genes activated through glutamatergic signaling comprises the candidate plasticity genes (CPGs), which encode transcription factors important for establishing functional CNS circuits and modulating structural plasticity during synaptogenesis. ' Of the CPGs identified to date, the most completely characterized is CPG15, or neuritin, encoding a small activity-regulated protein anchored to the extracellular cell surface by a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) link^e. Because of this structural motif, CPG15 is highly mobile within the plasma membrane, allowing it to act as a local cell-surface growth-promoting molecule for closely apposed neurons. ^ ' ^ ' ^ CPG 15 is widely expressed by neuronal populations within the visual, auditory, and olfactory systems during the sequential stages of dendritic branching, afferent innervation, and synaptogenesis.^^^'^^^' For example, during visual system development, CPG 15 is expressed by presynaptic RGCs and also by postsynaptic optical tectal neurons, suggesting a regulatory pathway which may coordinate thedifferentiationof multiple neuronal structures that comprise functional synapses. ^ ' ^ ' ^ Indeed, the current understanding oi Xenopus visual system maturation proposes that visual activity induces local expression of CPG 15 within the developing RGC axonal domain, in turn stimulating dendritic differentiation for target optic tectal neurons.^^'^'^^^ In parallel, CPG 15 expressed by optic tectal neurons is transported to their axonal domains, and is thought to influence dendritic arborization for postsynaptic target neurons in a cell non-autonomous manner. ^^"^'^^^ Moreover, postsynaptic tectal neuron expression of CPG 15 has been observed to


Branching Morphogenesis

reciprocally enhance the elaboration of presynaptic RGC axons, promoting the formation and maturation of functional retinotectal synapses through the recruitment of non-NMDAglutamate 154

receptors. Considered together, the various developmental roles served by activity-induced lEG expression demonstrate a similar high degree of spatiotemporal control. It is likely that such regulation is critical for orchestrating the local progression of branching morphogenesis and synaptogenesis through the integration of complex intracellular signaling cascades.

Future Directions Within the developing vertebrate nervous system, strict control of morphogenesis is essential since the geometry of neuronal arbors critically influences the establishment of physiologically appropriate circuitry. As such, one aim of intense study within recent decades has been to identify and characterize the specific molecules and cellular mechanisms underlying spatiotemporal control of neuronal branching. Tremendous progress has been made toward identifying extracellular cues that stimulate or inhibit branching, and intracellular pathways leading to cytoskeletal reorganization as branching proceeds. However, many aspects of neuronal branching morphogenesis remain poorly understood. In the future it will be important to determine: (1) the relative importance of developmental critical periods versus spatiotemporal restriction of neuron exposure to epigenetic cues in producing appropriate arborization patterns, (2) the different subcellular effects stimulated by local versus global neuron exposure to epigenetic cues known to affect branching, (3) the role of cell-autonomous programs of background gene expression in conjunction with gene induction triggered by changing epigenetic cues, (4) the combinatorial branching effects generated by multiple cues within the extracellular milieu, and the mechanisms involved in integrating these complex signaling cascades, and (5) the pathways involved in synchronizing axonal and dendritic arbor plasticity changes throughout synaptogenesis, first as the CNS develops and later during learning and memory consolidation. Facilitating these studies, recent advances in high-resolution real-time imaging of living neurons will allow direct observation of the formation and maturation of neuronal arbors. In this way, delayed interstitial branching and collapse-induced branching can be examined under a variety of conditions that enhance, perturb, or direct branch outgrowth. In addition, recent developments in microcontact printing and magnetic patterning techniques, designed to control the positioning of individual neurons forming cellular circuits in vitro, ^ may prove to be a powerful tool for studying cell-cell interactions involved in triggering or abolishing branching. The ability to employ green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged protein constructs, or inject fluorescent dyes and molecular probes, will gready enhance visualization of the interplay between microtubules, MAPs, molecular motor proteins, and actin filaments throughout branching morphogenesis. Moreover, real-time imaging of these cytoskeletal elements will be imperative for unraveling the precise sequence of subcellular reorganization underlying discrete stages of branching morphogenesis. In combination with this technique, neurons undergoing behaviors of interest will need to be fixed and prepared for EM imaging and 3-D reconstruction in order to characterize the full complement of ultrastructural changes occurring during successive stages of branch formation. Elucidating the complex combination of molecular pathways regulating branching morphogenesis will be greatly aided by advances in proteomics and recombinant gene technology, together with the availability of a wide array of genetic mutants. One of the greatest challenges in the field of developmental neuroscience is first to identify the molecules and mechanisms both necessary and sufficient for regulating branching in all neuronal cell-types, and then to determine the relative importance of cell context and ontogenetic history in sculpting cell-type-specific arbors. Future studies in these underrepresented areas of investigation will be critical for a more complete understanding of neuronal branching morphogenesis.

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Branching of Single Cells in Arabidopsis Daniel Bouyer and Martin Hiilskamp Abstract


ranching of single cells is controlled by intracellular or extracellular cues that lead to the establishment of a polarity axis and subsequendy to the local activation of growth activity. Three model cell types in Arabidopsis^ that elucidate different mechanisms of branch formation in single cells, are considered in this review. Trichomes serve as a model to study how multiple branches are formed in a predictable manner. Epidermal pavement cells enable study of pathways that integrate extracellular signals and facilitate coordinated growth within a tissue. The analysis of root hairs reveals information about how branch formation can be inhibited. The mechanisms involved in branch formation at the level of single plant cells seem to be entirely different from those leading to branching at the level of tissues or the whole organism. Whereas the latter ultimately control the temporal and spatial coordination of cell divisions, at least in plants, branching at the single cell level regulates localized cell growth or expansion. This is achieved in several steps. Initially, the integration of external and internal cues creates the positional information for the proper initiation of branches. This information is best understood in three epidermal cell types \n Arabidopsis (Fig. 1): leaf trichomes, leaf pavement cells and root hairs. Leaf trichomes exemplify a cell type in which the spatial orientation of the branches is strictly correlated with respect to the leaf axis indicating the existence of a three-dimensional prepattern. Leaf pavement cells are initially round or square and then initiate branches to adopt the shape of a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Where these branches form is not predictable but their formation is always coordinated with morphogenesis in neighbouring cells. Arabidopsis root hairs, which are also composed of single cells, are normally not branched but certain mutants and drug treatments lead to their branching. Root hairs therefore serve as a model to study how branching is suppressed. In this chapter we will summarize the current view of how branch formation is controlled in these three cell types.

Branching of Trichomes Leaf trichomes m Arabidopsis are single polyploid cells with a stereotyped branching pattern (Fig. 1).^' The orientation of the three branches is highly predictable not only with respect to each other but also with respect to the leaf axis. ^' The two branches of the lower branch point are coaligned with the leaf axis and arranged in an angle of approximately 120 degrees. Only the branch pointing to the leaf tip continues to branch. The plane of the second branching event is parallel to the leaf plane and the two branches are arranged in an angle of about 90 degrees. The branching pattern is laid down during the ontogenesis of the trichome.^'^ Trichomes originate from protodermal cells. Concomitant with the decision to become a trichome, the cell stops dividing but continues to replicate its DNA (by endoreduplication). After four endoreduplication cycles the mature trichome cell has a DNA content of 32 C. During this process, the incipient trichome cell increases in size and begins to grow out of the leaf surface. Branching Morphogenesis, edited by Jamie A. Davies. ©2005 and Springer Science+Business Media.

Branching ofSingle Cells in Arabidopsis


Figure 1. Model cell types to study single cell branching. Schematic drawings to illustrate the branched phenotype of trichomes (A), epidermal pavement cells (B) and root hairs (C). When the cell reaches a DNA content of about 8C, the first branching event occurs. Shortly thereafter, the second branching event becomes visible as a small bulge on that branch that points towards the leaf tip. After branch initiation is completed, the trichome cell undergoes rapid cell expansion.

Trichome Branching Mutants The facts that trichomes can be monitored very easily and that trichomes are not essential for the good health o^Arabidopsis plants under laboratory conditions gready facilitate a genetic approach, by which genes involved in trichome branching can be identified based on their mutant phenotype. More than 15 branching genes have been identified that fiinction either as suppressors or activators of branch initiation (Fig. 2).2'^-i^ Among diese genes, one class of genes appears to control branch number indirectly as a consequence of altered ploidy levels. ^^ Mutants with a reduced DNA content such zsglabra3 or constitutive pathogene response5 (cprS) have smaller and less branched trichomes. Trichomes with a higher ploidy level as found in triptychon {try), kaktus {kali),polychome (pym)y spindly {spy) and rastafari {rp) mutants are larger and exhibit more branches. ' ' As such a correlation between the ploidy level and branch number is also observed when treatments with DNA replication inhibitors reduce the DNA content and branch number (Schwab and Hulskamp, unpublished observations), and in situations in which higher ploidy levels in tetraploid plants lead to overbranched trichomes, it is conceivable that the branching phenotype in endoreduplication mutants is caused indirecdy.

Branching Morphogenesis




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Figure 2. Trichome branching. A) Wild-type trichome with three branches. B) Triptychon mutant trichome with increased pioidy levels and increased branch number. C) Glabrad mutant trichome with lower ploidy levels and fewer branches. D) Distortedmxitant trichome. Extension growth is irregular, compare with Figure 3C. E) Angustifolia mutant trichome with two branches. F) Unbranched stichel mutant trichome. The second class of branching mutants comprises mutants exhibiting trichomes with a reduced or increased branch number but with a normal ploidy level. Only one such mutant, noeck {nok)y is known, that has an increased number of branches—of up to seven.^ All other mutants—stichel{sti), angustifolia (an), stacheX {std), zwicheX (zwi)yfiircal (fi'cl),frc2,frc3yfrc4, tubulin folding cofactorA {ifcA), tfcCy spike {spkl), fragile fiher2 (fral) (allelic to ectopic root hairs 3, boterol, fat root) ^xAfasshonneau2 (ton!)—^have two or no branches.^'^^'^^'^^'"^^' '^^'^'^^ In addition, three mutants, suppressor of zwichel-1 {suzl)-, suz2 and suz3y were found that suppress the branching phenotype of zwi-3 in allele specific manner. Except for suz2, all of these mutants display no trichome phenotype in a wild-type background. In a thorough genetic analysis, most of these genes have been placed into one interaction network. ^^ From this analysis two major conclusions could be drawn: (1) Most branching genes act in parallel pathways. (2) Three genes, ANy ZWIznd FRC4, act in the same pathway as the endoreduplication mutants. The molecular analysis of most of the branching genes has revealed a number of different processes participating in branch initiation.

Trichome Branching: The Cell Division/Endoreduplication Pathway The genetic finding that three genes are required to mediate the function of the endoreduplication genes suggests that branch initiation might be mechanistically linked to the cell division machinery. This hypothesis is supported by the molecular analysis of two of these genes, ZWI and ANy and some other indirect evidence. The ZWTgene was shown to encode the biochemically well-characterized calmodulin-binding KCBP gene '^^ which is a member of the kinesin superfamily of motor proteins. ^^ Kinesins are microtubule-based motors that are important in transport processes and microtubule

Branching of Single Cells in Arabidopsis


organization. The biochemical function of ZW7, however, is still unclear. Although zwi mutants appear to have no obvious cell cycle defects, two lines of evidence suggest that the function o£ZWI is linked to the cell cycle. First, it was shown that ZWI protein is localized to the preprophase band and the phragmoplast, two structures that mark in plants the division plane.^^ Second, the injection of ZWI antibodies in multi-cellular stamen hair cells of Tradescantia cause metaphase arrest and abnormal cell plate formation."^^ The AN gene encodes a protein that shows sequence similarities to brefeldin A-induced ADP-ribosylated substrate (BARS) proteins and C-terminal binding proteins (CtBP) that act as transcriptional cofactors.*^^'^^ BARS were biochemically identified in rats as proteins that become ADP-ribosylated upon treatments with fungal toxin brefeldin A which is known to block Golgi dynamics. ' CtBPs are corepressors that directly bind to the zinc-finger transcription factors Kriippel, Knirps and Snail. Despite the quite different biochemical functions, these proteins appear to be homolog proteins as they can take over each other s function such that the rat BARS can bind to transcription factors such as the C-terminus of adenovirus protein El A, and CtBPs become ribosylated after brefeldin A treatments. '^ The biochemical function of the Arabidopsis K^ protein is still unknown. That the function of AN is linked to cell cycle function is suggested by three observations. First, the AN protein was shown to interact with ZWZin yeast two-hybrid assays suggesting that AN has a similar function to ZWI in cell cycle regulation. In addition, the AN protein has a PEST motif close to a consensus sequence for mitotic cyclin binding, suggesting that the stability of AN protein is regulated in a cell cycle dependent manner. ^'^'^ Finally, the an mutant phenotype includes changes in leaf shape that are pardy due to reduced cell numbers in the leaf width axis suggesting that cell division number is regulated by AN.'^^'^^ The above data indicate that A/V and ZW7 can function in cell cycle regulation and suggest that also their role in branch initiation might be linked to the cell cycle. On the first glance this is difficult to understand, but the recent identification of the Siamese {sim) mutant suggests a very attractive mechanistic explanation. In sim mutants, trichomes are multicellular and contain up to 15 cells.^^ The fact that one mutation can change the polyploid \xmcj^\A'ai Arabidopsis trichomes into multicellular hairs suggests that unicellular trichomes are evolutionarily derived from miJticellular trichomes. It is known from other species, for example Verbascum, that branching of multicellular trichomes is caused by a defined cell division pattern. It is therefore speculated that the positional information underlying branch formation in Arabidopsis trichomes is based on the cell division machinery, such that the morphogenetic events of cytokinesis take place in the absence of actual cell division. In this scenario, A/V and ZW7 would be important for the control of cell divisions and as a consequence also for branching.

Trichome Branching: Dosage Dependent Regulation by STICHEL The strongest branching phenotype is observed in sti mutants; leaf trichomes are unbranched. Two sets of experiments suggest that STI regulates branching in a dosage dependent manner: The characterisation of a large number oisti alleles has shown that strong sti-alleles have fewer branches than weak sti-alleles.^^ This indicates that the number of branches is correlated with the amount of STI activity. Consistent with this, overexpression of STI, under the control of the strong 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus, leads to extra branch formation.^^ The biochemical function of STI is still unclear. The cloning of the STI gene revealed that the protein contains a domain with sequence similarities to eubacterial DNA-polymerase III subunits. ^^ However, as no replication defects were found in sti mutants, it is not very likely that STI functions as a DNA-polymerase subunit. Further studies are needed before biochemical function of STI in branch initiation will be understood.

Trichome Branching: Role of the Microtubule Cytoskeleton That the microtubule cytoskeleton but not the actin cytoskeleton is important for trichome branching was demonstrated by drug inhibitor experiments. Drugs interfering with


Branching Morphogenesis

the function of actin resulted in grossly abnormal cell shapes, but did not affect trichome branching.^ '^^ By contrast microtubule specific drugs resulted in reduced branching and isotropic cell growth. The molecular analysis of several branching mutants enabled a more detailed analysis of microtubule function during trichome formation. Two trichome branching genes, FASSl T0NNEAU2 and SPIKEl, are likely to be involved in the spatial regulation of microtubules. The fiiss/tonneau2 mutants are characterised by spatially randomised cell divisions and reduced trichome branching and the organization of microtubules was found to be randomised.^^'^^ The recent cloning revealed that FASSl TONNEAU2 encodes a protein with sequence similarity to a novel protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit suggesting that it regulates microtubule organisation by protein phosphorylation.^^ Mutations in the SPIKE1 gene result in a pleiotropic phenotype including defective polarized growth of cotyledons and epidermal cells as well as reduced trichome branching. The organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton was also abnormal in several cell types. The SPIKE1 gene encodes a protein with sequence similarity to CDM family adapter proteins (C elegans CED-5; human DOCK180; Drosophila mvoblast city) that are believed to integrate extracellular signals and microtubule organization. In principle microtubule organization could be achieved by shifting already existing microtubules to new positions or by severing them and de novo polymerisation. The latter appears to be the case as mutations in the KATANIN-P60

gene [ectopic root hairs 3 , hoterolyfat rooty fragile

fiber!) lead to a reduced trichome branch number phenotype. The function of katanins is to cut existing microtubules into smaller fragments. ^ A second line of experiments supporting the idea that branch formation involves de novo synthesis of microtubules comes from the analysis of tubulin folding cofactor mutants tfca and tfcc!^^^'^ TFCA and TFCC associate with a and (3 tubulin monomers after translation and help to form assembly competent a/p tubulin dimers. Strong tfia and tfic mutants are lethal, whereas weak alleles display a range of phenotypes including a swollen and underbranched trichome phenotype. The microtubules, however, are intact and normally orientated in most cell types. Only in trichome branches that did not grow properly does the reorientation from a transverse to a longitudinal orientation fail to take place. Given the function of the TEC genes in creating assembly competent a/p dimers this finding suggests the mutant phenotype is due to a failure in de novo synthesis rather than the reorganisation of already existing microtubules. ' ^

Branching in Epidermal Pavement Cells Young protodermal pavement cells are regularly shaped. During differentiation epidermal pavement cells begin to branch in a random way, thus forming lobes leading to their final puzzle-shape appearance. A number of mutants are known in which branches are not formed and the emerging picture is that both the actin as well as the microtubule cytoskeleton are important for their formation. Several of the mutants that affect microtubule organization and trichome branch formation also cause failure of branching in epidermal pavement cells. These include the spikel mutant,^^ the katanin-P60 mutant ^ and the angustifi)lia mutant (Fig. 3).^^ Because the position of microtubule bands correlates with the position of cell wall thickenings, it is believed that microtubules define the nonexpandable regions of the cell wall. ' The regions in between remain more extensible and would give rise to a branch. The role of actin in branch formation of pavement cells is evident from the mutant phenotype displayed by mutants in the components of the Arp2/3 complex. The Arp2/3 complex is a conserved modulator of actin polymerisation ' that plays a role in membrane protrusion and in the motility of vesicles and entero-pathogenic organisms.^ The complex is able to initiate F-actin nucleation and branching of already existing actin filaments thereby generating a local fine actin meshwork.^ '^^ In Arabidopis, mutations in components of the Arp2/3 complex exhibit unbranched pavement cells and an aberrant actin organization.^^'^^ Current data indicate that the regulation of the activity of the Arp2/3 complex is to some extent conserved

Branching ofSingle Cells in Arabidopsis



Figure 3. Pavement cells in wild type, angustifolia and distorted rmxtdints. A) Surface view of a wild-type epidermal pavement cells. Note, that cells have many branches. B) Angustifolia mutant epidermal cells. Here, cells exhibit only very litde branching. C) Distorted mutant. Cells exhibit reduced branching. between plants and yeast and animals. One regulation pathway known in other organisms is based on small Rho-like GTPases that control the activity of the Arp2/3 complex. In plants the homologs of CDC42, Racs and Rhos are missing but a small group of Rho-like proteins called ROPs ('Rhos of plants') exist and appear to carry out a similar function. ' As revealed by GFP fusions, ROP2 localizes to the extending branches of epidermal pavement cells. Constitutive expression of constitutive or dominant negative form of this small GTPase interferes with lobe formation and causes aberrant accumulation of fine actin in the lobes. Although not specifically shown in Arabidopsis, the pathway linking the regulation of the ROPs to the Arp2/3 complex appears to be conserved in plants too. From other organisms it is known that the binding of Rac to the HSPC300 complex causes its dissociation producing a HSPC300/ WAVE dimer. This dimer activates ARP2/3.^^ In maize three mutants, the BRICK mutants, cause the production of nonbranched epidermal cells. BRICKl encodes a protein with sequence similarity to the human HSPC300 gene. This suggests that the whole pathway is conserved in plants though it is likely to be rather different \vi Arabidopsis as no WAVE orthologues appear to be present in the Arabidopsis genome.

Root Hairs Root hair growth takes place exclusively at the very tip of the cell and the cells are therefore called tip-growing cells. Although root hairs in Arabidopsis normally do not form branches, two situations in which branch formation is triggered in these cells reveal principles by which branch formation is controlled in plant cells. One situation in which root hairs are branched is when one of the above mentioned small GTPases, ROP2, is overexpressed. It is known, that several ROPs including ROP2, ROP4 and ROP6 are involved in root hair growth and that ROP2:GFP is localized to the growing tip.^ Here they are involved in increasing the density of fine actin filaments that in turn trigger local growth of the cell. The observations that overexpression of ROP2 leads to an increase of fine actin and the initiation of new branches strongly suggests that the activation of this signalling cascade is sufficient to initiate new growth points. Branching of root hairs can also be induced by treatments with microtubule inhibitors or when the expression of a-tubulin is genetically reduced. Distortions of the actin cytoskeleton, by contrast, lead to a reduction of growth but not to the initiation of new growth points. These observations indicate that microtubules function to direct growth to the tip of the cell. A more detailed analysis revealed that microtubules even hinder the formation of new branches: It is known that cytosolic Ca'^^ is highly concentrated at the very tip or root hairs.^^


Branching Morphogenesis

Photoactivation of caged calcium or the local application of Calcium ionophores allows experimenters to make the Ca^^ influx asymmetrical which, in the tip region, leads to a reorientation of growth. Other regions of the root hair do not respond to these treatments. If, however, the same experiments are done after treatments with drugs affecting the microtubules, localized Ca^^ influx is sufficient to induce a branch. ^' Only when more details of these three branching mechanisms are better understood will it be completely clear to what extent they share morphogenetic and regulatory mechanisms with each other and with other examples of branching by single cells.

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Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues: Growing Mycelia in a Desktop Computer David Moore, Liam J. McNulty and Audrius Meskauskas Abstract


n mycelial fungi the formation of hyphal branches is the only way in which the number of growing points can be increased. Cross walls always form at right angles to the long axis of a hypha, and nuclear division is not necessarily linked to cell division. Consequendy, no matter how many nuclear divisions occur and no matter how many cross walls are formed, there will be no increase in the number of hyphal tips unless a branch arises. Evidently, for the fiingi, hyphal branch formation is the equivalent of cell division in animals, plants and protists. The position of origin of a branch and its direction and rate of growth are the crucial formative events in the development of fungal tissues and organs. Kinetic analyses have shown that fungal filamentous growth can be interpreted on the basis of a regular cell cycle, and encourage the view that a mathematical description of fungal growth might be generalised into predictive simulations of tissue formation. An important point to emphasise is that all kinetic analyses published to date deal exclusively with physical influences on growth and branching kinetics (like temperature, nutrients, etc.). In this chapter we extrapolate from the kinetics so derived to deduce how the biological control events might affect the growth vector of the hyphal apex to produce the patterns of growth and branching that characterise fungal tissues and organs. This chapter presents: (i) a review of the published mathematical models that attempt to describe fungal growth and branching; (ii) a review of the cell biology of fungal growth and branching, particularly as it relates to the construction of fungal tissues; and (iii) a section in which simulated growth patterns are developed as interactive three-dimensional computer visualisations in what we call the Neighbour-Sensing model of hyphal growth. Experiments with this computer model demonstrate that geometrical form of the mycelium emerges as a consequence of the operation of specific locally-effective hyphal tip interactions. It is not necessary to impose complex spatial controls over development of the mycelium to achieve particular morphologies.

Introduction During the life history of many fungi, hyphae differentiate from the vegetative form that ordinarily composes a mycelium and aggregate to form tissues of multihyphal structures. These may be linear organs (that emphasise parallel arrangement of hyphae): • strands, • rhizomorphs • fruit body stipes,

Branching Morphogenesis, edited by Jamie A. Davies. ©2005 and Springer Science+Business Media.


Branching Morphogenesis

or globose masses (that emphasise interweaving of hyphae): • sclerotia • fruit bodies and other sporulating structures of the larger Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. In microscope sections, fungal tissue appears to be composed of tighdy packed cells resembling plant tissue but the hyphal (that is, tubular) nature of the components can always be demonstrated by reconstruction from serial sections or by scanning electron microscopy. Clearly, hyphal cells do not proliferate in the way that animal and plant cells do. Plants, animals and fungi are distinct eukaryotic Kingdoms and there are fundamental differences between the three Kingdoms in the way that the morphology of multicellular structures is determined. A characteristic of animal embryology is the movement of cells and cell populations. In contrast, plant morphogenesis depends upon control of the orientation and position of the daughter cell wall, which forms at the equator of the mitotic division spindle. Fungi also have walls, like plants, but their basic structural unit, the hypha, exhibits two features which cause fungal morphogenesis to be totally different from plant morphogenesis. These are that: • hyphae extend only at their apex, and • cross walls form only at right angles to the long axis of the hypha. One consequence of these "rules*' is that fungal morphogenesis depends on the placement of hyphal branches. Increasing the number of growing tips by hyphal branching is the equivalent of cell proliferation in animals and plants. To proliferate, the hypha must branch, and to form an organised tissue, the position of branch emergence and its direction of growth must be controlled. Another way in which fungal morphogenesis differs from that in other organisms is that no lateral contacts between fungal hyphae analogous to the plasmodesmata, gap junctions and cell processes that interconnect neighbouring cells in plant and animal tissues have ever been found. Their absence suggests that morphogens used to regulate development in fungi will be communicated through the extracellular environment. Since published kinetic analyses deal exclusively with external influences (like nutrient status, culture conditions, etc.) on growth and branching kinetics, this encourages our view that a mathematical description of fungal vegetative growth might be generalised into predictive simulations of tissue formation, leading to better understanding of the parameters that generate specific morphologies.

Kinetics of Mycelial Growth and Morphology Kinetic analyses show that fungal filamentous growth can be interpreted on the basis of a regular cell cycle, and in this section we review published mathematical models that attempt to describe fungal growth and branching in the vegetative (mycelial) phase.

Measurement Methodologies Measurements of hyphal diameter, hd, and hyphal length, hi, allow hyphal volume, hv, to be calculated, which when multiplied by the average density of the composite hyphal material, p, gives an estimate of biomass, X, Taking these measurements over a series of time intervals enables hyphal extension rate, E, and the rate of increase of biomass to be calcidated. Currendy, automated image analysis systems permit real-time analysis of these microscopic parameters, and some of these analyses suggest that hyphal tips grow in pulses,^ although this is debatable,^ particularly because the observations use video techniques and the pixelated images generated by both analogue and digital cameras will cause pulsation artefacts. The most important macroscopic parameter is total biomass. Total hyphal length is proportional to total biomass, if hd and p are assumed to be constant, but measurement can be difficult. Nondestructive mass measurement is rarely feasible and in most cases separating the mycelium from the substratum is difficult (and sometimes impossible). Acufia et al developed a neural network that they trained to correlate colony radius with colony biomass. However,

Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues


this relationship is only relevant to circiJar mycelia and measurements in two dimensions. More general relationships with biomass have been suggested for particular chemical compounds, the most promising of which is ergosterol, a sterol characteristic of fungal membranes.

Modelling Branching A germ-tube hypha will grow in length exponentially at a rate that increases until a maximum, constant extension rate is reached. Thereafter, it increases in length linearly. The primary and subsequent branches behave similarly. Trinci^ offered a solution to the riddle of how biomass (proportional to total hyphal length) can increase exponentially when individual hyphae extend linearly by proposing that it was due to the exponential increase in tips due to branching. Katz et al^ studied the growth kinetics o£Aspergillus nidulans on three different media, each with a distinct specific growth rate. From these observations they proposed a number of general relationships that are conveyed in equation (1), elucidated by Steele andTrinci: B = lim^G


where E is the mean tip extension rate, jUmax is the maximum specific growth rate, and G is the hyphal growth unit. G is defined as the average length of a hypha supporting a growing tip according to equation (2): G = -^


where L^ is total mycelial length, and Nf is number of tips. The hyphal growth unit is approximately equal to the width of the peripheral growth zone (more accurately, the volume of the hyphae within that zone), which is a rine-shaped peripheral area of the mycelium that contributes to radial expansion of the colony. '^'^ Hyphal tips growing outside this zone will only fill space within the colony. G is an indicator of branching density; Katz et al^ postulated that a new branch is initiated when the capacity for a hypha to extend increases above £ , thereby regulating G ~ 1 unit. Prosser andTrinci^^ described a model that successfully accounted for exponential growth and branching, constructed on the premise that tips extend by the incorporation into the tip membrane of new material that arrives packaged in vesicles. This mechanism was modelled in two steps: (i) vesicles were produced in hyphal segments distal to the tip and were absorbed in tip segments; (ii) vesicles flowed from one segment to the next, towards the tip. Apical branching initiated when the concentration of vesicles in the tip exceeded the maximum rate that the apex could absorb the new material. Varying the ratio of these steps produced different flow rates and branching patterns. The model also incorporated the concept of the 'duplication cycle'. This was achieved by increasing the number of nuclei in the model mycelium at a rate proportional to the rate of biomass increase. Septa were then assumed to form in growing hyphae when the volume of the apical compartment per nucleus breached a threshold level. This provided for initiation of lateral branches by assuming that vesicles accumulated behind septa to a concentration comparable to that which initiated apical branching. This model achieved good agreement with experimental data for total mycelial length, number of hyphal tips, and hyphal growth unit length in Geotrichum candidumP In an adaptation of this model, Yang et al used a stochastic element to account for the branching process, branching site and direction of branch growth being generated by probability functions. This gave rise to a much more realistic mycelial shape.

Describing Branching Patterns Leopold examined the generality of natural branching systems in trees and streams. Based on the classification system of Horton, she labelled each branch of a tree or river network depending on how many tributary branches it supported. First-order branches have


Branching Morphogenesis

no tributaries; second-order branches support only first-order branches; a third-order branch supports only first and second-order branches; etc. She also measured the lengths of each branch to obtain an average value for each order of branching (the length of an «-order branch includes the length of its longest («-l)-order tributary). She found that straight-line plots resulted when branch order was plotted against the logarithm of (i) the number of branches of a given order, and (ii) the average length of a branch of a given order. The gradient of these lines was interpreted as (i) the branching ratio (BR = the average number of w-order branches for each («+l)-order branch); and (ii) the length ratio (LR = the average length of each /x-order branch as a multiple of the average length of each («-l)-order branch). Observations suggest that the values of these ratios showed little variation over a range of tree species (BR = ^.1 - 6.5; LR = 2.5 - 3.6) and river networks (BR = 3.5; LR = 2.3).

Analysing Fungal Mycelia GulP^ applied Leopolds analysis to the branching characteristics of mycelia of the filamentous fiingus, Thamnidium elegans, and observed branching and length ratios of 3.8 and 4.0, respectively, for a third-order system and 2.6 and 2.7 for a fourth-order system. Though it gave no biological insight into the mechanisms of branching. Gull's work demonstrated that mycelia employ branching as a strategy for colonising the maximum area of space using the minimum total mycelial length, and indicate that the values obtained can be interpreted as a quantification of branching frequency. Another approach to quantifying branching frequency relies on the mathematics of fractal geometry. In the box-counting method of fractal analysis a grid of boxes, each with side length e, is placed over the pattern, and the number of boxes, Nhox^ that are intersected by the pattern is counted. If a pattern is fractal, it will be 'self-similar* at all scales. This means that a true fractal pattern has an infinite length. However, the geometry of the pattern limits the degree to which it can fill the plane. This is quantified in terms of the fractal dimension, Z), according to the formula:

N^{e) = Ce-''


where C is a constant. A straight line has a fractal dimension, Z) = 1, and a completely filled plane has D = 2. By looking at higher and higher resolutions (i.e., in the limit £ —> 0) the repeating pattern will be revealed to cover a limited proportion of the plane. When the logarithm of Ni,ox is plotted against the logarithm of (1/e), a straight line is obtained with gradient equal to D. When applied to fimgal mycelia, £ is limited by the hyphal diameter microscopically and by the mycelial diameter macroscopically. Thus, mycelia are not true fractals. However, this range is sufficient to allow reasonably accurate regression analysis for Z), and thus quantification of the space filling capacity, or branching frequency, of mycelia can be obtained. Obert et al applied this method to mycelia ofAshhya gossypii. They found that mycelia did indeed behave as fractals, and calculated a fractal dimension, D = 1.94. Such a high value for D indicates a mature mycelium whose centre has been almost homogenously filled by branching hyphae. For the edge of mycelia they calculated D=l .45. Thus, as a mycelium develops its fractal dimension converges towards 2 when the whole mycelium is considered and towards 1.5 when only the edge is considered. Ritz and Crawford and Jones et al corroborated these findings. Matsuura and Miyazima used a different form of fractal analysis to quantify the *roughness' of the edges of mycelia grown at different temperatures and on different media. Unfavourable conditions (e.g., low temperature, low nutrient concentration or stiffs media) were found to produce rough edges corresponding to a lower branching frequency. The above analyses result in a mathematical expression of the ecological description of the dual function of the fimgal mycelium: that it serves to explore, and to capture resources. A rapidly growing, sparsely branched mycelium is emphasising exploration. One in which branching density increases towards homogeneity is maximising resource capture.

Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues


Generating a Circular Mycelium This is all well and good, but the findings could apply to a mycelium of any shape, yet the fundamental morphogenetic truth about fungi is that a germinated spore on a surface (like an agar plate) will soon produce a circular colony. Testing how circularity arises requires kinetic analyses to be elaborated into simulations and this involves more demanding calculations. The models so far described are relatively simple kinetic descriptions that, for the most part, lend themselves to manual calculation. Cohen pioneered computer analysis by devising a program that was able to generate a range of branching patterns found in the natural world from a set of simple growth and branching rules. In his model, growth occurred only at the tip and branching was only initiated behind the tip. Thus, it is directly applicable to mycelial growth of most fiingi. In this model, growth proceeded with respect to local density fields, calculated with reference to 36 sample points spaced 10° apart around the circumference of a circle centred on a growing tip, and quantifying the pattern density in the locality. Local density minima were key parameters that directed growth into unoccupied space. Branching probability was also made a function of local density minima. A random trial incorporated into the program decided, independendy, if branch initiation should occur. Finally, the direction of both growth and branching were dependent on a 'persistence factor' that quantified to what degree they continued in the same direction in spite of gradients in the density field. The persistence factor acts rather like inertia on a moving body—changes in direction are gradual rather than instantaneous. When these rules were iterated, with the persistence factor for growth nullified (i.e., growing tips proceeded in a straight line), a circular branching pattern emerged. Hutchinson et al^ developed this work further by applying it direcdy to mycelial colonies oiMucor hiemalis. They determined the variability of tip growth rate, distance between branches, and branching angle throughout the colonies. They were then able to fit these data to known distribution curves with defined probability density functions. Tip growth rate was found to follow a half-normal distribution, distance between branches followed a gamma distribution, and branching angle followed a normal distribution. This formed the basis for a model in which values for the three specified variables were generated from the respective probability density functions over a series of time intervals. This model generates a circular mycelium. This came as something of a surprise because the model includes no allowances for tropic interactions between hyphae. Yet, it seems a reasonable assumption that the readily-observed fact that growing hyphae actively avoid each other (= negative autotropism, observed by Robinson, '^^ Trinci et al'^^ and Hutchinson et al^^ among others), plays a role in determining spatial organisation in mycelia, especially colony circularity. Indermitte et al constructed models of mycelial growth with the specific intention of answering the question "How does circularization happen?" Variants of the model considered cases in which behaviour was completely random; where hyphae were forbidden from crossing other hyphae; where hyphal growth direction depended on diffusion of inhibitory substances from the mycelium into the medium; and where, in addition to diffusion of inhibitory substances, growth rate depended on the rank of the branch. All variants generated circularity. Although the method by which simulations were made is not described in the paper, the authors claim that experimentation with their model indicated that tropism increased the growth efficiency, where the latter was judged by the occupation of the surface (the ratio of biomass used to area of medium covered). It is highly significant that a purely stochastic approach can generate realistically circular colony morphology, but it does not follow that tropisms and hyphal interactions are irrelevant to modelling hyphal growth. In real life, hyphae certainly do use autotropic behaviour (positive and negative) to control spatial organisation in particular regions of the mycelium; and where the hyphal density is high, as in fungal tissues, interactions are inevitable. However, we are not convinced that the rule "crossing of hyphae is not allowed" is realistic, though it is a crucial feature of the Indermitte et al^^ model. Even a casual glance at most fungal mycelia and tissues will reveal numerous interweaving hyphae. Even the commonly-applied informal description "hyphal mat" implies a woven texture.


Branching Morphogenesis

Tropism and Hyphal Interactions Edelstein considered such interactions, but her approach diflfered from the above by considering the mechanisms operating in the mycelium as a whole rather than in discrete hyphae. She assumed that growth occurred at a constant rate throughout the mycelium. This she set at ^imax and so also limited her model to a tangential abstraction of the growth curve. Her model owes something to Cohen in that it considers the density of the mycelium with respect to space as a key feature. Two density parameters were defined: p = p(x,t) the hyphal density per unit area n = n(xyt) the tip density per unit area and the model was then based on two partial differential equations: ^=nE-S dt


dn _ dnE dt dx


where 8= dip) is the rate of hyphal death, C = C7{n,p) is the rate of tip creation, and nE can be considered as tip flux. Edelstein^^ also defined, in mathematical terms, all the hyphal interactions that affect the parameter «, and which are contained in the function (J. These included both branching mechanisms, as well as tip death and tip-tip and tip-hypha anastomoses. She then used phase plane analysis to determine which of various combinations of hyphal interactions, expressed mathematically in the function O", had bounded non-negative solutions of equations (4) and (5). These represented combinations that yielded spatially propagating colonies. Her results showed that when 5 = 0 , only colonies that branched dichotomously and formed tip-hypha anastomoses could propagate. However, when 5 > 0, most combinations of hyphal interactions yielded propagating colonies. Thus, hyphal death was shown to be an important feature of mycelial growth; in addition to the density-dependent distribution which was an initial criterion of the model. Ferret et al^^ adopted a similar approach to Edelstein,^^ using two partial differential equations that considered parameters defined in dimensions of density. However, they sought to apply their model to bulk cultures by adjusting mean tip extension rate (E) with respect to biomass, X. This adjustment was done by collecting data that quantified how E varied when two hyphae came into close proximity with each other. This effect was incorporated into the differential equation concerned with the rate of change of biomass density (proportional to hyphal-density) so that it was more likely to be applied in regions where the density of biomass was high, and had a greater effect on regions where the density of tips was high. Thus, E decreased as the mycelium grew and biomass increased. Such an approach provides an alternative to incorporating hyphal death into the model that has the advantage of also affecting E, thus limiting growth in a manner typical of batch culture, and, we speculate, perhaps also hyphal masses that contribute to fruiting bodies. All of the published work on fungal growth kinetics has been devoted to growth of mycelium, and particularly biomass production in fermenters. It is especially important that models of mycelial growth can form the foundation for modelling pellet formation in liquid media ' as this can impact on the design of bioreactors, but we do not wish to examine models primarily intended for application to bulk cultures at this time. Another approach to the subject we will not deal with here considers substrate utilisation as a means of describing and quantifying the growth process, as pioneered by Monod.^^ Edelstein and SegeP and Mitchell,^^ amongst others, have pursued this approach successfully. This also has obvious biotechnological significance.

Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues


Opinions In many respects, the mycelium is the least interesting growth form. It is the 'default' growth mode of the fungal cell and any changes that occur in it are imposed by external forces (nutrients, environmental conditions, etc.). Of much greater biological interest is the way in which the 'default' growth mode might be altered by internal (that is, self-imposed) controls to generate the numerous differentiated cells that hyphae can produce and the native interactions between hyphae that cause them to cooperate and coordinate in the morphogenesis of fungal tissues. Although some attempt has been made to extend the vesicle supply centre model of apical growth^ into 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional models of apical growth and differentiation,^ '^'^ we are not aware of any kinetic analysis of fungal mycelial growth in three dimensions that might contribute to understanding fungal tissue morphogenesis. It is certain, though, that the equation E = jiG (Equation 1) is fundamental to understanding branching kinetics and that the ratio E/|I can tell us a lot about mycelial morphology, as it relates to the hyphal growth unit length, G, which can also be expressed as a volume.^^ Observation has shown that temperature increases do not affect G in some species. However, paramorphogens have been identified that do alter this ratio and hence G and morphology.^ In our vector-based Neighbour-Sensing mathematical model, which is introduced below, the inclusion of certain tropism vectors is also able to alter this ratio by affecting the parameter E and results in a striking array of different morphologies, some of which seem to surest a morphogenetic process that goes beyond mycelial growth and towards differentiated tissues. In the next section, we describe briefly the sorts of tissues and hyphal interactions that must be explained eventually, and in the final section of this chapter we will describe progress in modelling key morphogenetic processes.

Construction of Fungal Tissues Development of any multicellular structure in fiingi requires modification of the normal growth pattern of a vegetative mycelium so that hyphae no longer characteristically diverge, but grow towards one another to cooperate in forming the differentiating organ. ^ The hyphal tip is an invasive, migratory structure. Its direction of growth after initial branch emergence must be under precise control as it determines the nature and relationships of the cells the hyphal branches will form.

Linear Organs: Strands, Rhizomorphs and Stems Formation of parallel aggregates of hyphae (= mycelial strands and cords) is common as they provide the main translocation routes for the mycelium. They are formed in mushroom cultures to channel nutrients towards developing fruit bodies; they are also formed by mycorrhizal fungi, gathering nutrients for the host. Some fungi produce rhizomorphs, which have highly differentiated tissues and show extreme apical dominance. There is often a gradation of increasing differentiation between strand, cord (or rhizomorphs) and fruit body stipe (= stem). Linear organs arise when young branches adhere to, and grow over, an older leading hypha. From the beginning, some of the hyphae may expand to become wide-diameter but thin-walled hyphae, whilst narrow hyphal branches ('tendril' hyphae) intertwine around the inflated hyphae (Fig. 1).

Globose Structures: Sclerotia and Fruit Bodies Sclerotia are tuber-like, with concentric zones of tissue forming an outer rind and inner medulla, with a cortex sometimes between them. They pass through a period of dormancy before utilizing accumulated reserves to 'germinate', often producing fruiting bodies immediately. Fruiting bodies are responsible for producing and distributing spores formed following meiosis. In ascomycetes, the sexually produced ascospores are enclosed in an aggregation of hyphae termed an ascoma. Ascomata are formed from sterile hyphae surrounding the developing asci.


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 1. Two scanning electron micrographs of wide and narrow hyphae intertwined in the stem tissues of the smallfieldmushroom, Coprinus cinereus. Presumably this pattern of growth is produced by positive autotropisms which ensure that the hyphae that expand to become wide diameter initially grow parallel with one another, and other tropisms that allow the narrow hyphae to grow around and intermingle with inflated hyphae. and occur in nature in forms such as truffles and morels. The fruit-bodies of basidiomycetes, the mushrooms, toadstools, bracket fungi, puff-balls, stinkhorns, bird's nest fungi, etc., are all examples of basidiomata which bear the sexually produced basidiospores on basidia in the spore-bearing hymenial layers. These hymenia are constructed from branches of determinate growth in a precise spatial and temporal arrangement. A hyphal tip in the 'embryonic' protohymenium has a probability of about 40% of becoming a cystidium. Cystidia are large, inflated cells which are readily seen in microscope sections. When a cystidium arises, it inhibits formation of further cystidia in the same hymenium within a radius of about 30 )lm. The distribution pattern of cystidia is consistent with the activator-inhibitor model that suggests that an activator autocatalyses its own synthesis, and interacts with an inhibitor that inhibits synthesis of the activator. As a result, only about 8% of the hymenial hyphal branches actually become cystidia; the rest become basidia, which proceed to karyogamy and initiate the meiotic cycle (which ends with sporulation) (Fig. 2). Sterile packing cells, called paraphyses, then arise as branches of sub-basidial cells and insert into the hymenium (Fig. 3). About 75% of the paraphysis population is inserted before the end of meiosis, the rest insert at later stages of development. There is, therefore, a defined temporal sequence: probasidia and cystidia appear first and then paraphyses arise as branches from sub-basidial cells. Another cell type, cystesia (adhesive cells), differentiate when a cystidium grows across the gill space and contacts the opposing hymenium (Fig. 2).

Simulating the Growth Patterns of Fungal Tissues Most models published so far simulate growth of mycelia on a single plane. However, two-dimensional space has some specific peculiarities that can affect the conclusions: forbidding crossings between hyphae in the Indermitte et al models^^ being a case in point. In a real three-dimensional world a large number of points can be connected without the need for the connection paths to cross; whereas the nimiber of such points is limited on a fiat plane. The need to cross will also have effect on models where patterning is based on a hyphal density field.

Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues


Figures 2 and 3. Light micrographs of glycolmethacrylate sections of immature hymenia of the small field mushroom, Coprinus cinereus. Figure 2 is the younger of the two stages shown, and the large cell in that Figure is a cystidium. Only a minority of the hyphal tips that make up the hymenium differentiate into cystidia because each cystidium establishes an inhibitory morphogenetic field around itself Figure 3 shows that the densely-stained branches that can be seen inserting between the basidia in Figure 2, rapidly difierentiate into inflated paraphyses, and in fact arise as branches from the bases of the basidia. Note also that extension growth of these hyphal tips is halted in a coordinated way so that the basidia remain as projections above the paraphyseal pavement. Overall, these images show that to construct hymenial tissue the normal divergent growth ofthe vegetative colony is modified to become determinate, positively autotropic, with distincdy differentiated hyphal tips of the same generation (basidia and cystidia) and distincdy different developmental fates for branches of different ranks (basidia and paraphyses). generated by all parts of the growing mycelium, as suggested by Cohen.^ Growth in this case is regulated by the absolute value of this field and is directed by its gradient (equivalent to negative autotropism). In two-dimensional space, turning up or down is not an option, so a tip approaching an existing hypha must go across the latter, moving against a large (possibly infinite, as the distance approaches zero) value of the density field. Cohen's original model produced polarized tree-like structures, quite difiFerent from the typical spherical fungal colonies, and while the Indermitte et al models"^^ succeeded in forming circular colonies, their analysis remained in two dimensions. Consequently, knowing how the circular colony arises on a flat plane is not enough; it is crucial to understand the formation of a spherical colony in three dimensional space. O u r purpose here is to suggest a model, which we call the Neighbour-Sensing model, that, whilst being as simple as possible, is able to simulate formation of a spherical, uniformly dense fiingal colony in a visualisation in three dimensional space. Following Indermitte et al^^ we gauge our success on the basis that our model successfidly imitates the three branching strategies of fungal mycelia illustrated by Nils Fries in 1943.

Verbal Description of the Neighbour-Sensing Model T h e process of simulation is defined as a closed loop. This loop is performed for each currently existing hyphal tip of the mycelium and the algorithm: 1. Finds the number of neighbouring segments of mycelium (N). A segment is counted as neighbouring if it is closer than the given critical distance (R). In the simplest case we did not use the concept of the density field, preferring a more general formulation about the number of the neighbouring tips. 2. If N < Nbranch (the given number of neighbours required to suppress branching), there is a certain given probability (Pbranch) that the tip will branch. If the generated random number


Branching Morphogenesis

(0.1) is less than this probability, the new branch is created and the branching angle takes a random value. The location of the new tip initially coincides with the current tip. This stochastic branch generation model is similar overall to earlier ones^^'-^^'^^ in which distance between branches and branching angles followed experimentally measured statistical distributions. This, however, was not required to reach the desired shape of the colony in our model. Rather, we used a uniform distribution, as did Indermitte et al.^^ We assumed that all hyphal tips in mycelia grow at constant speed. This assumption was sufficient to get the desired shape and structure of the colony. In the simplest version, the growth direction is defined during branching and is not altered subsequendy. In other words, the initial model does not implement tropic reactions (to test the kind of morphogenesis that might arise without this component). Later versions of the model tested how implementation of the density field hypothesis would affect colony growth. The density field features were made analogous to an electricalfield."^ Implementation of a negative autotropic reaction requires the concept of the density field, as the growth must be directed by the gradient of this field. We also implemented the suggestion^^ that the tip shoiJd change direction gradually (the so-called persistence factor; see earlier section "Generating a Circular Mycelium"). In our implementation, the growth speed remained constant and the density gradient alters only the growth direction. Otherwise, a high gradient, if formed accidentally, would cause unreliably fast growth in some parts of the mycelium. With low values of the persistence factor, the model is able to form small linear structures. This is because, with such a parameter set, immediately after branching the hyphal density field tends to orient the new tip stricdy in the opposite growth direction from the old tip. That is, the new hypha is directed to grow parallel with the old hypha but in the opposite direction. If we suppose that the hyphal density field is generated just by tips and branch points, this direction remains optimal until the tip goes sufficiently far from the branch point to start interacting with other hyphae. Changing parameters while the colony is still nearly linear can produce ellipsoidal or tubular structures. We have experimented with a variety of extensions of the model (see illustrations in section "Conclusions", below): for example, growth being suppressed by a high number of neighbouring tips; or allowing the growing tip only to be active for a fixed time before it stops growing and branching. Such changes can result in more optimal packing of the hyphae, but are not required to form a spherical colony. Real fungal colonies are rarely uniform in structure, so the question arises whether any smaller new structures can form in a virtual colony growing in accordance with this model. We found that this could happen following abrupt changes of the model parameter set (especially R and Nbranch)-

Mathematical Description Let, at the time te Z+, the mycelium contain n growing hyphal tips. Let y\ and gi be position and growth vectors, respectively, of the i-th growing hyphal tip at time te Z+. Let Y be a set, containing other points of the mycelium that are sensed as neighbouring tips and/or branch points. Now, let Ni=iW|yi-yj|-^)+i:o(|yi-^-/?)


where O is a Heaviside fiinction. Let i

Vi :

a, P. Vl-a?-P? P< Vl-a?-p? Pt Vl-a?-P? a, a,

-|Ngrowth- To implement these extensions, let us define the age array S(S'i = Sj+l, S'n+k = 0) and the length array L (L'i = LVa, L'n+k= 0). Then y'i must be redefined as ^giO(Si-Sniax) ^(Li-Lmax)^(Ngrowth-Ni) and the condition for the value, i, to join the array b must be extended to S\ < S^ax- In the density field version of the model, (6) must be replaced by (9): n(j^i)

Ni =





Also, Njnax changes the biological meaning to the maximal value of the density field. Negative autotropism was implemented using Cohens approach.^ In this case, Vi should be replaced by:

d v; = norm] k' gi—\l — ky norml


Ni Ni


d Ni dy^ Vi) where norm{x)= \x\.

Again, (6) must be replaced by (9). In (10), the parameter ^ is a model parameter, defining a particular coefficient of persistence, which is used to ensure that branches change direction gradually; and it operates on the previous growth vector gj. The derivatives are computed by numeric differentiation. The function norm{x) ensures that the density gradient alters the direction but not the speed of the growth.

Implementation Both versions of the model were implemented in Java together with the simple visualiser: Vk G (yiUY)3{yr'"=ak2, x r ' ' " = a ( k o s i n a + kicosa)} yi and Y being contained in a tree-like data structure. Interactive adjustment of Ge [O..oo[, and OE: [-71..7l] enabled experimental observation of the growing colony and visual appreciation of its shape. To permit examination of the internal structure of the colony, the application will display a slice of chosen thickness across the colony. This complete interactive application is available for personal experimentation at this URL: http://


Branching Morphogenesis

Figures 4-9. Comparison of three diflFerent colony types described by Fries ^ (Figs. 4-6) with visualisations produced by the computer model (Figs. 7-9); Figures 4 and 7 show the Boletus type, Figures 5 and 8 the Amanita type, and Figures 6 and 9 the Tricholoma type.

Conclusions A random growth and branching model (i.e., one that does not include the local hyphal tip density field effect) is sufficient to form a spherical colony. The colony formed by such a model is more densely branched in the centre and sparser at the border; a feature observed in living mycelia (see earlier section "Analysing Fungal Mycelia"). Models incorporating local hyphal tip density field to affect patterning produced the most regidar spherical colonies. As with the random growth models, making branching sensitive to the number of neighbouring tips forms a colony in which a near uniformly dense, essentially spherical, core is surrounded by a thin layer of slightly less dense mycelia. Using the branching types discussed by Fries as our paradigm, the morphology of virtual colonies produced when branching (but not growth vector) was made sensitive to the number of neighbouring tips was closest to the so-called Boletus type (Figs. 4, 7). This suggests that the Boletus type branching strategy does not use tropic reactions to determine patterning, nor some predefined branching algorithm (of the sort suggested by Hogeweg and Hesper ). Following Occam's rule that a simpler model must be preferred if it explains the experimental data equally well, we conclude that hyphal tropisms are not always required to explain "circular'' (= spherical) mycelia. When our model implements the negative autotropism of hyphae, a spherical, near uniformly dense colony is also formed, but branching is still regulated by the number of neighbouring tips (not by the density field). However the structure of such a colony is different from the previously mentioned Boletus type, being more similar to t\iG Amanita rubescens type, ^ characterised by a certain degree of differentiation between hyphae (Figs. 5, 8). First rank hyphae tending to grow away from the centre of the colony; second rank hyphae growing less

Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues


Figures 10-15. Some of the colony types obtained by varying the parameters of the model. Figure 10) Ellipsoid: Run for 200 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and the density field hypothesis of branching regulation applied, where the density field threshold for branching is set at 0.1 and branching probability at 80% per time unit. Figure 11) Mycelium with exploratoryfilaments:Stage 1: Run for 100 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and the density field hypothesis of branching regulation applied, where the density field threshold for branching is set at 0.06 and branching probability at 40% per time unit (Tricholomas parameter set). Stage 2: Run for 100 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and branching and growth limited to localities where there are less than 8 and 15 neighbouring tips, respectively, in a radius of 20 length units around the growing tip, and branching occurring with a probability of 80% per time unit. Furthermore, growth and branching of tips are each stopped when the tips reach an age of 10 time units. Figure 12) Spider. Stage 1: Run for 200 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and the density field hypothesis of branching regulation applied, where the density field threshold for branching is set at 0.1 and branching probability at 80% per time unit. Stage 2: Run for 100 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and branching and growth limited to localities where there are less than 50 and 80 neighbouring tips, respectively, in a radius of 50 length units around the growing tip, and branching occurring with a probability of 80% per time unit. Furthermore, growth and branching of tips are each stopped when the tips reach an age of 20 time units. Figure 13) Parent and daughter mycelia: Stage 1: Run for 200 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and the density field hypothesis ofb ranching regulation applied, where the densityfieldthreshold for branching is set at 0.06 and branching probability at 40% per time unit (Tricholomas parameter set). Stage 2: Run for 100 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and growth limited to localities where there are less than 135 neighbouring tips in a radius of 100 length units around the growing tip, and branching occurring with a probability of 0.1% per time unit. Stage 3: Run for 100 time units at a growth rate of 0.5 length unit per time unit, with 10% negative autotropism implemented, and branching and growth limited to localities where there are less than 100 and 150 neighbouring tips, respectively, in a radius of 100 length units around the growing tip, and branching occurring with a probability of 80% per time unit. The figure legend is continued on the next page.


Branching Morphogenesis

Figures 10-15, continued. Figure 14) Doughnut: Stage 1: Run for 90 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with no negative autotropism implemented, and the densityfieldhypothesis of branching regulation applied, where the densityfieldthreshold for branching is set at 0.1 and branching probability at 80% per time unit. Stage 2: Run for 110 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with no negative autotropism implemented, and the density field hypothesis of branching regulation applied, where the density field threshold for branching is set at 0.005 and branching probability at 20% per time unit. Furthermore, branching is stopped when the tips reach an age of 50 time units. Stage 3: Run for 30 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with no negative autotropism implemented, and the densityfieldhypothesis of branching regulation applied, where the densityfieldthreshold for branching is set at 0.5 and branching probability at 80% per time unit. Furthermore, growth is stopped when the tips reach an age of 25 time units. Figure 15) Rod-. Run for 1000 time units at a growth rate of 1 length unit per time unit, with no negative autotropism implemented, and the density field hypothesis of branching regulation applied, where the densityfieldthreshold for branching is set at 0.005 and branching probability at 80% per time unit. regularly, and filling the remaining space. In the early stages of development such a colony is more star-like than spherical. We wish to emphasise that this remarkable differentiation of hyphae emerges in the visualisation even though the program does not include routines implementing differences in hyphal behaviour. In the mathematical model, all virtual hyphae are driven by the same algorithm. By altering the persistence factor, it is possible to generate the whole range of intermediate forms between Boletus and Amanita types. Finally, when both autotropic reaction and branching are regulated by the hyphal density field, a spherical, uniformly dense colony is also formed. However, the structure is different again, such a colony being similar to the Tricholoma type illustrated by Fries (Figs. 6 and 9). This type has the appearance of a dichotomous branching pattern, but it is not a true dichotomy. Rather the new branch, being very close, generates a strong density field that turns the older tip. In the previous model a tip nearby has no stronger effect than a more distant tip as long as they are both closer than R. Hence the Amanita rubescens and Tricholoma branching strategies may be based on a negative autotropic reaction of the growing hyphae while the Boletus strategy may be based on the absence of such a reaction, relying only on density-dependent branching. Differences between Amanita and Tricholoma in the way that the growing tip senses its neighbours may be obscured in life. In Amanita and Boletus types, the tip may sense the number of other tips in its immediate surroundings. In the Tricholoma type, the tip may sense all other parts of the mycelium, but the local segments have the greatest impact. Our models show that the broadly different types of branching observed in the fungal mycelium are likely to be based on differential expression of relatively simple control mechanisms. We presume that the "rules" governing branch patterning (that is, the mechanisms causing the patterning) are likely to change in the life of a mycelium, as both intracellular and extracellular conditions alter. We have imitated some of these changes by making alterations to particular model parameters during the course of a simulation. Some of the results are illustrated in Figures 10-15, and they show that the Neighbour-Sensing model is capable of generating a range of morphologies in its virtual mycelia which are reminiscent of fungal tissues. These experiments make it evident that it is not necessary to impose complex spatial controls over development of the mycelium to achieve particular geometrical forms. Rather, geometrical form of the mycelium emerges as a consequence of the operation of specific locally-effective hyphal tip interactions. We hope that further experimentation with the model will enable us to predict how tissue branching patterns are established in real life.

Acknowledgement LJMcN thanks the British Mycological Society for the award of a Bursary that enabled his contribution to this chapter.

Branching in Fungal Hyphae and Fungal Tissues


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Branching in G)lonial Hydroids Igor A. Kosevich Abstract


nidarians are primitive multi-cellular animals whose body is constructed of two epithelial layers and whose gastric cavity has only one opening. Most cnidarians are colonial. Colonial hydroids with their branched body can be regarded as a model for the whole phylum and are the most- studied cnidarian group with respect to developmental biology. Their colonies are constructed by repetition of limited number of developmental modules. The new modules are formed in the course of activity of terminal elements—growing tips of stolons and shoots. The growing tips of cnidarians, in contrast to those of plants, lack cell proliferation and drive morphogenesis instead by laying down and shaping the outer skeleton and formation of new colony elements. Cell multiplication takes place proximally to the growing tips. Branching in colonial hydroids happens due to the emergence of the new growing tip within the existing structures or by subdivision of the growing tip into several rudiments. Marcomorphogenetic events associated with different variants of branching are described, and the problems of pattern control are discussed in brief. Less is known about genetic basis of branching control.

Introduction Cnidarians are generally considered to be the basic primitive group of multi-cellular organisms. The main feature of their general body plan is a two-layer body in a form of a blind sack with only one mouth opening; the body is composed of two tissue layers, ectoderm and endoderm, separated by extracellular matrix—the mesoglea. One of the most distinctive features is the presence of the nematocytes—epithelial cells containing sting capsules (cnidae or nematocysts) that are used for defence, capture of prey and temporary attachment. Cnidarians remain at the epithelial level of organisation—they have no real tissues or organs. The ectoderm and endoderm are composed of several cell types, namely epithelia-muscular cells with contractile processes at the base, several types of gland cells, nerve cells, nematocytes, and multipotent interstitial cells (i-cells). The whole diversity of cells types is maintained by the presence of three independent and self-supporting cell lineages—ectodermal epithelia-muscular cells, endodermal epithelia-muscular cells and i-cells that give rise to the nerve cells, different gland cells, nematocytes and germ cells. ^ It is believed that these cell lineages are determined during early stages of embryogenesis and show no ability for reciprocal trans-differentiation under normal conditions. ^'^^ The phylum Cnidaria is composed of four classes: Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa and Cubozoa.^^'^^ Widi respect to the question of branching morphogenesis, I will discuss the representatives of the class Hydrozoa, which have received most attention from developmental biologists. This group of cnidarians is characterised by metagenetic life-cycle: the larva undergoes metamorphosis into the polyp stage (mostly sessile and attached) and this stage sheds the motile planktonic medusae.^ Polyps multiply asexually through different variants of budding. Branching Morphogenesis^ edited by Jamie A. Davies. ©2005 and Springer Science+Business Media.


Branching Morphogenesis

while medusae generally reproduce sexually. The ability of polyps to produce buds was the basis for the development of colonial (or modular) organisation within the polypoid stage of cnidarians and hydroids in particular.

Organisation of Hydroid Colony The main parts of hydroid colony are the creeping hydrorhiza and the hydranths, or shoots, that protrude into surrounding water (Fig. 1). The hydrorhiza is composed of a net of the tube-like stolons. Hydranths are either located direcdy on the stolons (sessile hydranths) or have a pedicel. The shoots have a different structural organisation: they may have a stem and lateral branches of successive orders, and may bear numerous hydranths. Modular organisation of the organism implies that the its body is constructed by the repetition of the limited number of definite elements (modules). In the case of colonial hydroids, these modules are: stolon internodes, shoot internodes, hydranths, and growing tips of stolons and shoots. Commonly, the stolon internode is a section of the stolon tube between two adjacent bases of the sessile polyps or shoots (Fig. 2A). The organisation of the shoots is more complex in most cases. The simplest variant is repetition of almost identical shoot internodes (Fig. 2A,B). The branches and the shoot stem in that case are organised similarly. In more highly-integrated shoots, the internodes within the stem and branches may differ and are frequently complicated by formation of secondary (complex) internodes (Fig. 2C,D). Schematically, a hydroid colony may be imagined as a system of branching tubes with hydranths at one end and growing tips at the others. The nongrowing terminus of the shoot either is occupied by the hydranth or has no specific structure. The nongrowing end of the stolon is a blind end of the tube without any specific structure either. The hydranths are organised more or less as a solitary polyp Hydra with one exception—they lack the foot structure and are connected to the tube of the colonial body tissue—the coenosarc. The coenosarc is a two-layer tube with practically unvarying organisation along its length. From the outside the coenosarc is covered with the outer rigid skeleton—the chitinious perisarc. The perisarc is used for tight attachment to the substrate along the stolons, gives some protection against predators, and provides mechanical support for soft tissue for development of the elevated structures of the shoots (Marfenin, Kosevich, in press). The presence of the hard skeleton (perisarc) and branching points along the colony limit the mode of elongation of the colony. Growth of the colony can be achieved only by the extension of tubes at their termini. The terminal part of the stolon tube is occupied by a

Figure 1. Scheme of the hydroid colony organisation. A) Stolonal colony with sessile hydranths. B) Stolonal colony with hydranth with pedicels. C) Colony with sympodial shoots, s—stolons, h—hydranths, p— hydranth pedicels.

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


Figure 2. Main elements of hydroid colonies. A) Colony widi sympodial shoots. B) Colony with monopodial shoots with terminal hydranth. C,D) Parts of highly-integrated shoots with complex shoot internodes. b—shoot branch, h—hydranths, s—stem ofthe shoot, shi—shoot intern ode, sht—^shoot growing tip, sti— stolon internode, stt—stolon growing tip. growing stolon tip. T h e termini of the shoots are occupied either by shoot growing tips (Thecate hydroids) or by terminal hydranths (Athecate hydroids). T h e growing tip in colonial hydroids is a morphogenetic element whose job is to shape new colonial elements by laying down new portions of perisarc and to move ahead by repetitive growth pulsations—the series of elongation-contractions of the growing tip—^with a periodicity of several minutes. Morphologically, the growing tip differs from the rest of the coenosarc: its tissue has permanent contact with the perisarc tube and the cells of the growing tip have a characteristic organisation. T h e soft tissue extends within the part of the stolon or shoot between the growing tip and the

Figure 3. Scheme of the terminal part of the colony stolon showing the relative organisation of the outer skeleton and soft tissue. Only one tissue layer is marked, gt—growing tip, p—perisarc (outer skeleton), sh— shoot base, st—stolon, t—tissue tube. The region of the tissue extension is shadowed.


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 4. Place of the tissue and skeleton extension in shoots with terminal hydranths. A) Photo of the terminal hydranth with part of the shoot. B) Magnified view of the hydranth base marked by the rectangle in A—^whitefluorescencecorresponds to the newly laid perisarc (staining with Calcofluor White), h— hydranth, np—newly laid perisarc (skeleton), p—old perisarc, sh—part ofthe shoot, t—soft tissue (coenosarc). last branching point (Fig. y)?^'^^ In those shoots where the termini are occupied by the hydranth, the soft tissue and new perisarc are added just under the hydranths base (Fig. 4). The material for elongation of the coenosarc tube comes from more proximal regions of the colony. ^^ The growing tip completely lacks cell divisions and has relatively permanent cell composition. Proliferation has been observed in cells just behind the growing tip and proliferation is distributed more or less evenly, at least along the nearest 3-5 internodes. Direct observation of the ectoderm revealed that single cells and entire tissue sheets move towards the growing tip. The speed of such migrations decreases with distance from the growing tip coming to nought within the third or forth internode. But within the most distal uncompleted internode just behind the tip, the speed of ectoderm cells' migration can even be higher than the movement of the tip itself. ^^

Branching in Colonial Hydroids Each node within a stolon or a shoot is a branching point. This node can be formed either as a result of the appearance of a new growing tip upon the already formed structure, or in a form of the subdivision of the growing tips into two or more parts during the course of their growth. The first case is characteristic for stolon branching in most species, for the growth and branching in sympodial shoots and for other types of shoots with irregular mode of branching (Fig. 5A,B). Subdivision of the tip into several parts (rudiments) is an attribute of a monopodial type of the shoot growth with a regular mode of branching (Fig. 5C).

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


Figure 5. Zones of branching within different types of colonies. A) Colony with sympodial shoots and irregular branching. B) Colony with monopodial shoots, terminal hydranth and irregular branching. C) Terminal part of the monopodial shoot with terminal growing tip and regular branching, h—^hydranths, hr—hydranth rudiment, t—growing tips. Zones of branching are shadowed.

Emergence of a New Growing Tip T h e branching in stolons and shoots starts with the appearance of a new growing tip. In stolons and sympodial shoots, the new tip emerges from the coenosarc tissue which is similar in composition and is characterised by flattened ectodermal and loosely organised endodermal cells. T h e first visible changes are associated with formation of a plate of columnar ectodermal cells at the point of branching. It is very likely that this reorganisation of the ectoderm is linked with the simultaneous reorganisation of underlying endoderm cells, including their vacuolisation. Later, the plate starts to pulsate and forms out-folds (Fig. 6). During the course of the initial steps of growth, the new tip reaches its final dimensions and form and gradually gains the highest speed of its growth.


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 6. Scheme of the new growing tip emergence upon the stolon, ect—ectoderm layer, end—endoderm layer of coenosarc, p—perisarc (skeleton), pi—plate of ectodermal cells, t—new growing tip. Arrows indicate direction of growth pulsations of the tip. Emergence of a new tip requires that the existing perisarc tube must 'open. Unfortunately the biochemical mechanism of this process is not known. No chitinase activity capable of digesting the chitinious matrix of the perisarc has been detected during new tip emergence (personal observations). From the outside view, it seems that in stolons and at least some of the species with monopodia! shoots, the existing perisarc at the point of the new tip emergence 'melts' over the surface of the new tip. This process may be similar to the growth and budding of fungal cell walls: new portions of the polymers are added to the existing ones that constitute the matrix of the cell wall and this causes extension the surface of the cell wall which itself is not elastic. ^^ If this is the case in such cnidaria, there would be no need for rupture of the old perisarc. In the sympodial shoots oi Laomedea flexuosa Hincks (Campanulariidae, Thecathora), the perisarc 'opening' is achieved in a different manner, but the basic biochemical machinery may be the same. At the very first moment of the tip emergence, when the ectodermal plate is just forming, the circular set of ectodermal cells start to release amorphous chitin, the precursor of the perisarc matrix. The release has been visualised by staining with Calcofluor White (Fluorescent Brightener 28) (Sigma) (Fig. 7), which stains various carbohydrate fibrils, including amorphous chitin. Later, the entire apical surface of the growing tip releases the amorphous chitin and after the new tip has emerged one can see that the plate of the old perisarc is pushed out like the lid of a tin (Fig. 8) and the growing tip itself is covered by new perisarc. The model proposed for the mechanism of the tip growth due to pulsations^^' implies that the growing tip has a mechanical support from the hard (already hardened and practically

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


Figure 7. Staining for the amorphous chitin with Calcofluor White during the initial moments of the new tip emergence upon the shoot internode in Laomedeaflexuosa. White fluorescence corresponds to the places of the amorphous chitin release. A) Initial moment of the tip appearance—formation of the ectodermal plate (see Fig. 6B). B) About an hour later—new tip is formed but had not yet opened the old perisarc. C) The new growing tip get out of the old perisarc. t—new growing tip. not stretchable) perisarc that surrounds its circumference. In the course of growth, new soft perisarc is released by the tip tissue at its spherical apex. As soon as it is left behind by the advancing apex, the perisarc quickly hardens. So the growing tip forms the perisarc tube by itself and simultaneously uses it as a mechanical support for forward movement by growth pulsations. Initially, the new tip on the sympodial shoot internode is supported by the old perisarc on only one side, the outer surface of the internode. T h a t is why, after the onset of the pulsation and before the ^opening' of the maternal perisarc, the new tip has to form additional perisarc wall from the inside of the existing perisarc tube (Fig. 9A). This way, it obtains sufficient mechanical support along its circumference.

Subdivision of an Existing Tip T h e same is true for morphogenesis by subdivision of the growing tip into several parts (rudiments). For example, the growing tip of the monopodial shoot in Dynamena pumila L. (Sertulariidae, Thecaphora) has a morphogenetic cycle that includes the formation of a pair of


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 8. New growing tip emergence upon the shoot internode in Laomedeaflexuosa.A-D) Sequence of events during new tip emergence (video microscopy - dissecting microscope). E) Scanning electron micrograph of the newly emerged tip (corresponds to D). Scale bar—100 mkm. p—perisarc, pc—perisarc covering, st—^soft tissue, t—new growing tip, tp—ectoderm plate at the beginning of the tip organisation. oppositely- located hydranths with a growing tip between them. In the course of this cycle, the tip starts as a practically spherical bulb that later becomes oval in the plane of the shoot due to greater growth in the dimension of this plane. The apical surface of this growing tip then divides into three parts; lateral ones, which will form the hydranths, and the central one will produce the growing tip for the next cycle of shoot grov^^h.^^' ' Subdivision of the entire growing tip is accompanied by formation of additional perisarc walls between the rudiments. These walls are formed not only along newly-grown lengths of the rudiment, but also by in-growth of the perisarc as the apical tissue divides (Fig. 9B). Such additional walls support the development of the rudiments without decreasing the speed of grov^^h, and perhaps play certain role in determining the fate of the rudiment.

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


Figure 9. Formation of the additional perisarc walls from inside of the existing perisarc tube during new tip(s) emergence. A) Scheme of the additional perisarc plate formation in sympodial shoots. A grey line shows the tissue. Perisarc is shown in black. B) Formation of the perisarc walls by ingrowth during the subdivision of the growing tip into 3 parts. Only perisarc is shown. Dashed line shows the primary level of the tip subdivision, h—hydranth, int—shoot internode, nt—new tip, pw—additional perisare wall, t—growing tip.

Interaction of a New Tip with Adjacent Structures In the majority of colonial hydroid species studied to date, the emergence of new growing tips is spatially connected to existing growing tips or to the bases of the hydranths (hydranth pedicels). T h e tip of a new shoot appears on the stolon just at the proximal part of the stolon tip. ^' T h e new tip of the sympodial shoot (e.g., in Laomedea flexuosa^ Gonothyraea bveniy Obelia longissimd) emerges at the border of the smooth part and the hydranth pedicel. '^^'^^ T h e lateral branches of the shoots in highly-organised species of the Sertulariidae family begin as a part of a morphogenetic cycle of the shoot growing tip in which the tip subdivides into several rudiments (Marfenin, Kosevich, in press). T h a t means that the condition of the surrounding tissue is not homogenous along the circumference of the tip base. From the proximal side (along the axis of the maternal internode) the tissue is more stretchable in comparison with the tissue layer distal to the new tip base. Morphogenesis could be regulated simply by the extensibility of this tissue layer. New tips mechanically interact with one another, competing for the tissue and, because of the synchronous pulsations that take place just after subdivision, these daughter tips pull the same small portion of tissue connecting them. This may cause new tips to bend towards the existing one (Fig. lOA).^^ Later on, the distance between the daughter tips increases and they practically cease interacting mechanically.

Branching Morphogenesis




Figure 10. Schematic explanation of the bending of the growing tip due to interaction with adjacent tip. A) Initial bending towards the adjacent tip due to synchronous pulsations. B) Outward bending of the tip in the case of asynchronous pulsations, et—existing growing tip, nt—new growing tip. Arrows inside the rudiment indicate the direction and magnitude oftissue movement during growth pulsations; arrows outside shows the direction of simultaneous growth pulsations. Dashed lines indicate primary axes of the tip growth. In certain situations there could be additional mechanical interaction between adjacent tips. For example, during the morphogenetic cycle of Z). pumila, hydranth rudiments are forced to bend towards the central rudiment initially. After several growth pulsations, however, the parameters of pulsations change and instead of being synchronous they gradually switch so that the central rudiment pulsates in antiphase with the lateral rudiments. This means that as the central rudiment retracts and the tissue on its sides shifts disto-proximally, the lateral tips move forward pulling the tissue behind them. The tissue between the rudiments is therefore practically pushed in the direction of the hydranth's tip by the central retracting rudiment. As a result the tissue on this side moves forwards more than on the opposite side and causes the tip itself to bend (Fig. lOB). This might explain why the orifices of the hydrothecae in complex shoots with ^sunken hydrothecae are always directed outwards, away from the axis of the shoot. The mechanical interaction between adjacent tips explains why the axis at the base of a shoot is always bent towards the stolon tip. This is never seen in the primary shoots that develop from the settled planula larvae of frustules (small stolon-like pieces of the coenosarc separated from the colony for asexual reproduction). In primary shoots, the new growing tip is the only one and emerges in the centre of the structure, so the tissue state is symmetrical at the point of the tip emergence.

Branching Control The question of the branching morphogenesis in colonial hydroids is inseparable from the problem of pattern formation: what controls the distance between the adjacent structures (hydranths, shoots, branches)—the length of the internode, and how the fate of the new tip is determined?

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


Necessary Conditions An important condition for new tip initiation is that there must be sufBcient 'excess' production of new cells over and above that required by the colony for replacement of spent cells and maintenance of growth of existing tips. If the quantity of new cells exceeds these needs, then there will be sufficient for the initiation of a new tip. The presence of such condition is obvious but can be illustrated by the ratio between the number of growing tips and the length of the coenosarc (where the cell divisions take place) in the colony under different nutrition levels. For Gonothyraea loveni^ Obelia longissima and Dynamena pumiLzy even under most favourable conditions, the value of this ratio never exceeds 0.3. With decrease of nutrition the ratio diminishes. ^'^ '^^ Under starvation the branching and growth of the tips within the colony stops,^ although the cell proliferation can still take place, as in Hydra, '^ to replace spent cells.

Control of Branch Spacing We will discuss the determination of branching points within the stolon and shoots separately. Branching of a Stolon Emergence of the lateral stolon tips is the least regular branching process, at least for the majority of colonial hydroids. It strongly depends on the nutrition of the colony. In most athecate species, there is no exact spatial preference for the appearance of a new stolon tip. Generally, the new stolon tips appear in peripheral parts of the colony near the base of the sessile hydranths or shoots. When nutrition increases, however, or when there is a lack of free substrate, new stolon tips can emerge in the old part of the colony too.^^' There appears to be only one rule: a lateral stolon branch will never be formed very close to the apex of existing tip. The smallest distance diflFers between species but approximately is about 200-300 micrometers. This could be explained by the inhibitory effect from the existing tip according to the predominant model of local activation and lateral inhibition. When the general arrangement of a colony is more regular, the stolon branching is too. This regularity is demonstrated by the appearance of points within the stolon at which branching is more probable. The simplest rule is that lateral stolons emerge close to the base of the shoots; but other positions remain possible (e.g Laomedeaflexuosay Gonothyraea loveni, Obelia geniculata (Campanulariidae)—species with smooth tube-form perisarc of the stolons). It is difficult to explain such predominance. One possibility is that it is somehow is connected with the peristaltic waves of the coenosarc contractions that provide the gastro-vascular flow within the colony. ' At the base of the shoots the oppositely directed peristaltic waves could meet to produce a "standing wave" and therefore cause prolonged pressing of the coenosarc over the perisarc from inside. This may initiate the emergence of a new tip. The possible role of mechanical pressure upon the initiation of the new tip is supported experimentally. ' Another possibility is that tip initiation is driven by an accumulation of 'free' cell material which arises from migration of cells into the stolon from the shoot. In highly-integrated species (e.g., certain species of Campanulariidae, Sertulariidae, Plumulariidae families) the branching points are 'preformed' during the growth of existing stolon. Each stolon internode (segment between adjacent shoots) ends with formation of the wide plate at the base of the next shoot. In the simplest case, this consists simply of a widening of the stolon but in many species it becomes plate-like and the inner space is subdivided into regular pockets by perisarc partitions (Fig. 11). These pockets are the potential points of initiation of new stolon branches. Within one shoot base not all pockets will be used, which ones perhaps being determined by chance. In these species, stolon branching is restricted strictly to bases of the shoots.


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 11. Schematic sketch of the variants of stolon shape at shoot base in different species of colonial hydroids. Left column—^view from above, left column—cross section through shoot base. Only the perisarc is shown. A) Laomedeaflexuosa (Campanulariidae). Thicker line indicate the region of predominant stolon branching. B) Obelia longissima (Campanulariidae). C) Dynamenapumila (Sertulariidae). D) Sertularia mirabilis (Sertulariidae). pi—^stolon plate at the shoot base, pp—perisarc partitions, s—stolon, sb—shoot base, stbr—stolon branch, sw—stolon widening. Appearance o f t h e N e w Hydranths or S h o o t s o n the S t o l o n New hydranths or shoots appear in a regular way during stolon growth. T h e emergence of the new tip on the upper side of the stolon takes place close to the stolon tip. Sometimes it appears that the stolon tip buds oflFthe new hydranth tip on its upper side (Fig. 12A). In some simple colonies of athecate species, however, the stolon tip raises itself up from the substrate and transforms into the hydranth bud and, as it does so, a new stolon tip emerges from the point of bending up to continue the growth of the stolon (Fig. 12B-E). In these species, a stolon clearly has its own morphogenetic cycle that starts with tip emergence and ends with formation of a hydranth/shoot tip. In most of the colonial species, this sequence is secondarily modified and the stolon tip has the appearance of a permanent element. T h e distance between two adjacent hydranth/shoots is stricdy controlled in most of colonial hydroids. It can vary under different nutrition conditions and can also be altered artificially by surgical operations. ^'^^ In the predominant hypothesis about how spacing works—a reaction-diffusion model which includes local activation and lateral inhibition in different

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


Figure 12. Appearance of the new hydranth/shoot tip on the stolon. A) Scheme of the emergence of the new tip upon upper side of the existing stolon growing tip. B) Transformation of the stolon growing tip into the hydranth rudiment (video microscopy - dissecting microscope), h—hydranth, hr—^hydranth rudiment, nst—new (next) stolon tip, nt—new tip, p—perisarc, st—stolon tip, t—former stolon tip. modifications ^'^i-"^'^^"^ —the distance is controlled by some inhibitory effect from the existing hydranth/shoot that diminishes with distance from that shoot. When the concentration of inhibitor has fallen below some threshold level, a new hydranth/shoot tip can be initiated on the stolon. The main problem with this model is that no molecules responsible for it have been identified. One proposal is that the changes in the value of ROX potential could play a decisive role.^^'^^ At first glance the results of experimental perturbations and measuring of potential in colonial hydroid Hydractinia support this hypothesis, but it is difficult to separate the effect and the result. As most chemicals affect numerous targets the question remains: does the ROX state alter the colony proportions, or it is just the result of the altered colony composition.'' There are models other than the reaction-diffusion one. One feature that could play a role in determining the distances between adjacent hydranths/shoots might be the cell density immediately behind the stolon tip. As has been shown by several different approaches'^^' the speed of cell movement towards the stolon tip is higher than the speed of the tip growth itself. This can only mean that the density of cells must rise behind the tip, and it has been suggested that this increase provides both the signal and the raw materials for new tip initiation. The problem with this model is that the distance between the hydranth/shoots remains approximately constant regardless of the nutrition of the colony and, even under starvation conditions when the stolon itself ceases its growth, this distance is not affected.


Branching Morphogenesis

Branching of the Shoots Branching of shoots includes at least three processes: regular appearance of growing tips that continue elongation of sympodial shoot; subdivision of the tips into separate rudiments (with different fates in shoots with monopodial growth); and emergence of the lateral branches over the shoot stem. In many cases, elongation of the shoot is complicated by the general complexity of shoot morphogenesis (Marfenin, Kosevich, in press), and it becomes difficult to separate these processes. But the main rules seem to be the same, so we will examine several examples. Emergence o f t h e N e x t T i p i n S y m p o d i a l S h o o t s In all cases, a new tip appears after the maternal shoot internode has been formed. T h e completion of the internode is defined by formation of the hydranth. In some groups (e.g., the Campanulariidae, Campanulinidae families), the hydranths have an annulated pedicel, the distal portion of the internode below the hydrotheca. In others, the hydranth lacks such a pedicel and the internode perisarc gradually turns into the hydrotheca. In all cases, the new growing tip emerges close to the base of the hydranth (Fig. 13): in species with a hydranth pedicel this occurs at the border of the smooth part of the internode and the pedicel.

Figure 13. Places of the next shoot growing tip emergence in different hydroids with sympodial shoots. A) gg.Ohelia, Campanularia, Gonothyraea, Laomedea^ Calicella, etc. Dots indicate the place of the next tip appearance. B) g.Halecium. C) g.Sertuiaria (Scanning electron micrograph. Arrow indicates the level of the hydranth diaphragm. Scale bar—100 \im). bt—branch tip, h—^hydranth, hd—hydranth diaphragm, hp hydranth pedicel, nt—next tip, sit—shoot internode tip.

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


At least two hypothetical explanations can be proposed to account for this pattern. One is based on the hypothesis of positional information. Briefly, it proposes that during the course of internode formation, the positional value of the tip tissue gradually increases from a basal value and causes the transition from development of one part of the internode to development of the other. Once the positional value reaches its highest possible value, the growing tip initiates the hydranth formation. The next tip of the shoot has an innate tendency to be form within the tissue with highest positional value, but it is opposed in this by an inhibitory signal emerging from the hydranth. These two opposing tendencies result in the next tip being initiated at the border between the hydranth pedicel and the rest of coenosarc tissue. The other hypothesis is mechanical rather than biochemical. It is based on the observation that the tissue and cells actively migrate towards the growing tip, and the coenosarc tube shows peristaltic-like waves of contraction and expansion. As the shoot internode develops, the tip moves forward to shape new parts of the perisarc and directs and uses cell material for formation of the new coenosarc. When the hydranth bud at the distal terminus of the internode reaches its final dimensions it ceases to consume cell material and therefore results in an accumulation of cell material still being delivered. If the conditions are favourable, the dense accumulation of cells forms a new tip. The initial stimulus that determines the general location of tip emergence therefore comes from the asymmetry in mechanical forces within the tissue layer during interaction between the coenosarc and perisarc. Periodically the coenosarc is pressed over the perisarc from inside, and the border between the hydranth pedicel and the rest of the perisarc is the most curved region of the internode. This curvature will cause local mechanical stress, and fixes the precise place of tip emergence (Fig. 13A). Experimental alteration of the position of maximal curvature of the perisarc results in emergence of a new tip at the new position of maximal curvature, providing strong support for this hypothesis.^^ Subdivision of a Shoot Tip The best hypothesis for growth, morphogenesis and subdivision of the tip into several rudiments in monopodial shoots with terminally located tips, was proposed by L.Beloussov.^ '^ The central idea of this hypothesis is that the transition from one form to the other in thecate hydroids is based of the shifts of the region of the maximal active stretching of the rudiment (tip) surface in basicoapical direction within one growth pulsation. These shifts cause symmetric or asymmetric narrowing or widening of the tip. In the case of successive widening the tip would subdivide into several parts according to mechanical properties of such structures. The forms of the rudiments predicted from this theory fit well with the main types of branching actually seen in thecate hydroids (Fig. 14). The relative activities of the ectoderm and endoderm in the tip are considered to be the main mechanism of such shifts,^^ and the ^physical' properties of the tissue layers—quasi-elasticity and mechanical cell-cell interaction—are used as the main varying parameters of the model. An additional condition of the model is that the successive changes in the shape of the developing tip have to be ftxed by the perisarc and changes in tip form are possible only during growth pulsation.^^ If the border between the already-hardened and still-sofi: perisarc (which is released on the apical surface of the growing tip) shifts closer to the tip apex, the tip becomes narrower. If the border shifiis away from the tip instead, the tip expands in width. Spherical tips become intrinsically unstable as the tips enlarge, ^^ leading to the splitting of the tip into several rudiments. Alternatively it is possible that asymmetry in the local rate of hardening of the perisarc would provoke subdivision of the tip. Emergence of the Lateral Branches There are two main variants of branching in colonial hydroids: (1) the process of branching is not regular and the branches appear on an already-formed stem; (2) the branching is regular and the next branch tip is formed by subdivision of the stem tip in the course of shoot internode development. In the latter case, the cyclic morphogenesis of the shoot becomes


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 14. Schematic illustration of the different fates of the tip growth and development in the case of the basicoapicai shifts of the regions of the maximal active stretching of the tip surface (shown by second contour) during growth pidsations. A,B) Symmetric tips (rudiments). C,D) Asymmetric tips (rudiments), hi—first hydranth, h2—second hydranth, t—growing tip. (Modified after Belousov, 1975.) more complicated by inclusion of branch tip formation into the growth cycle: the secondary morphogenetic cycle now includes formation of several internodes and one branch (Marfenin, Kosevich, in press) (Fig. 15). If the branch is started later, the main rules will perhaps be the same as those for the appearance of a new growing tip in sympodial shoots. T h e branching point is close to the base of the hydranth and the relative state of the soft; tissue and the outer skeleton provide necessary conditions for initiation of the new tip (Fig. 16A). There are still many unanswered questions. For example, in most species with a compact shoot stem and no regular branching, the bases of branches are localised on one side of the stem rather than being symmetrical with respect to the axis of the shoot (Fig. 16B). Nothing is known about why.

Control of Developmental Fate W h e n a tip subdivides into rudiments that give rise to different structures, such as hydranth, lateral branch, stem etc., some system must act to regulate the developmental fate of each. T h e models that seem most reasonable are based o n the variations of the hypothesis of

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


Figure 15. Microphotograph of the terminal part of Abietinaria abietina (Sertulariidae) shoot illustrating complex shoot internodes that include obligatory lateral branch formation, b—branch, bt—branch growing tip, h—hydranth, st—shoot stem, stt+h—shoot tip in the course of subdivision into the shoot stem tip and hydranth rudiment. Arrows indicate the boarders of the internodes (marked by light furrows). local activation and lateral inhibition. O'80.90,99,ioo f j^g^g models describe the determination of the rudiment fate on the bases of distance control, and are founded on the interaction of three mutually dependent 'players'; one activator and two inhibitors. This models fit most of the observed data and experimental results on branching processes in cnidaria and in plants and they set out an agenda for experimental identification of their molecular components. The models do have various problems, however, in the case of certain highly-integrated species of colonial hydroids and will require improvements or introduction of additional parameters.

The Genetic Basis of Branching in Cnidarians The genetic and molecular basis for branching in cnidarians remains unclear, mainly because cnidarian genomes have not yet been studied in detail. In HydrUy the Wnt signalling pathway has been shown to control formation of head structures. ' The budding that results in the organisation of a second axis and head structures in Hydra can be compared with


Branching Morphogenesis

Figure 16. Places of the lateral branches formation upon shoot with irregular branching. A) Part of the shoot oi Diphasiafallaxyfit)[v the base of the lateral branch. Shadowed area shows relative position of the soft: tissue within the skeleton. B) Cross-section through the shoot stem at the level of the branches bases displaying their asymmetric position, bb—branch base, h—hydranth, hw—relative position of the inner walls of the upper hydrothecae, st—shoot stem. branching in colonial forms. Some conserved genes are expressed at early stages of bud formation. ' I n Hydractinia the gene budheady 2ifork / ^ ^ ^ homologue, seems to be involved in the earliest stages of the polyp head determination during larva metamorphosis. Some genetic information is now being obtained for the fate control between stolon and shoots (or hydranths); in Hydractinia, the gene Cn-ems, an empty-spiracle homologue, is expressed in the head region of gastrozooids (feeding polyps) and not in blastostyles (reproductive polyps); Cnox-2 expression differs between polyp types and between polyps and stolons, implying possible specificity in expression during development of different elements within the colony. ^^'^^^ Nevertheless, the really important genetic questions remains open: what is the primary signal

Branching in Colonial Hydroids


that starts the whole sequence of events leading to the initiation of the new tip (new axis) formation? What determines the fate of a new axis? The expression patterns of all of the genes studied to date are simply consequences, and not causes, of these unknown regulatory events.

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How Is the Branching of Animal Blood Vessels Implemented? Sybill Patan The Blood Circulatory System: Tree Analogy versus Network Concept


or centuries, the cardiovascular system of animals has been described as a branching tree with the heart in its very centre.^ Although this description dates back to Galen^ (c. 130-200 A.D.), and structural similarities with trees are obvious, it has to be emphasized that, unlike a tree, the animal blood circulation does not contain blind ending branches. The discoveries of Harvey (1578-1657) and Malpighi (1628-1694) demonstrated that the blood circulation, especially when studied at light microscopic dimensions, forms a "closed system" of circuits in which every single blood vessel is continuous with another one. Arterial vessels leave the heart, branch, and connect through a capillary network to corresponding veins that drain the blood back to the heart. It is therefore more appropriate to understand the circulatory system as a network of conductive units of varying sizes. Given the structural similarities with branching trees, it has been suggested that the growth of the cardiovascular system follows a mode in which tiny tubules in the size range of capillaries "sprout" from existing "mother" vessels. These sprouts, which form new vascular branches, then grow in length until they meet another vessel to which they connect. This process allows for the establishment of flow between both preexisting vessels.^'^ It is, however, still not clear how the growth of sprouts is directed towards one another so that their fusion is possible. The sprouting mechanism can thus only be of physiological benefit within a network in which the distribution of blood vessels is already quite dense. If the sprout deviates only a few degrees from its closest vessel, the chances for a successful connection are minimal. In addition, since the critical step for the elongation of sprouts is mitosis of endothelial cells, it will take time until a sprout invading an avascular region of tissue meets another vessel to establish the circulation. Only after the onset of the blood perfusion will the nutritional supply of the previously avascular compartment begin. Does an alternative mechanism exist to allow faster and more efficient expansion of the vascular network? To answer this question, we have to review current concepts of vascular morphogenesis in general.

Mechanisms of Blood Vessel Formation, Network Growth, and Remodeling What Is Their Relationship to the Branching Process? The cellular mechanisms that are responsible for the establishment, growth, and functional organization (remodeling) of the circulatory system in animals (a) cause the de novo formation of a network pattern and (b) are suited to expand and adapt this network to match the physiological needs of growing tissues and organs. In the embryo, a simple uniform network of tubes of similar sizes is formed initially by the mechanism of vasculogenesis. Endothelial- and blood cells differentiate in situ from mesodermal precursor cells in a pattern of islands (termed "blood Branching Morphogenesis^ edited by Jamie A. Davies. ©2005 and Springer Science+Business Media.

Branching Morphogenesis








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Figure 1. Sprouting- versus intussusceptive concept of vascular morphogenesis. Network expansion by insertion of a new blind-ending tubular branch (sprout, long arrow) inside a branching point (tissue between branches) by out-migration of endothelial cells from the wall of a "mother" vessel. Sprouts thus randomly divide branching points inside the network. Network expansion by insertion of a new pillar (branching point) inside an existing branch, which divides the latter into two segments (branches) according to intussusceptive microvascular growth (short arrow). The pillar has a constant distinct ultra-structure ("pillar core") to guarantee for the stabilization of the network. Branching points within the network and pillars, white areas; blood vessel lumens, grey areas. islands"). The endothelial cells line these blood islands (the 3-dimensional organization of which is one of connected tubular branches), while the free blood cells fill their lumens. The latter will begin to circulate after the heart has started to function.^' Because primitive vascular networks grow denser and become more extended to reach so-far nonvascularized tissues and organs during subsequent development, new tubular branches have to be added to the system. This process is referred to as angiogenesis. The existence of angiogenesis implies that new branching points between these tubular segments must be established. Angiogenesis by endothelial sprouting involves migration of single endothelial cells to leave the wall of the "mother" vessel, endothelial proliferation to replace the migrating cells, and finally assembly of the latter to form new tubes, which consequently "branch out" of existing ones. ' Branching points thus refer to tissue remnants between the growing and forming sprouts. On the other hand, network expansion and remodeling can also be achieved by the insertion of new branching points within the tubular branches of the network. The analysis and reconstruction of serial sections has revealed that these branching points correspond to tissue columns and possess a specific ultra-structure that is important for the stabilization of the network. ^^'^ This process permits growth "within itself", i.e., it follows an intussusceptive* mechanism. One important difference between the sprouting- and the intussusceptive concept of angiogenesis is therefore the formation of branches versus branching points to accomplish vascular network growth and remodeling (Fig. \)}^'^^ Simultaneously with its growth and expansion, the network has to remodel to achieve an adaptation to the physiological needs of the tissue that it supports. Network remodeling means the differential growth of the uniform branches formed during vascidogenesis to establish a network that contains segments of different sizes (the process is also termed "pruning" ^^) and * Intussusception refers to "growth by deposition of new particles among the existing particles" (Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, New York, Portland House, 1989).

How Is the Branching of Animal Blood Vessels Implemented?


exhibits a nonuniform distribution of the latter. The addition and deletion of segments (branches) is another important characteristic of the remodeling process and is largely achieved by intussusceptive growth.'^^'^^ The importance of network remodeling is emphasized by the fact that the main intra-embryonic blood vessels, as the dorsal aortae and the cardinal veins, arise from plexuses established by vasculogenesis.'^ Remodeling based on intussusception occurs while vasculogenesis is still proceeding. This has been confirmed by the discovery of tiny tissue columns, the landmarks of intussusceptive growth, in the yolk sac circulation of the chicken embryo at an extremely early stage, on day E4.0, during vasculogenesis (Patau, unpublished data).

What Are the Cellular Mechanisms That Lead to the Fortnatioii of Branching Points According to Intussusceptive Microvascular Growth? Intussusceptive microvascular growth (IMG) is a mechanism of network formation, growth and remodeling that forms an alternative concept to the sprouting model of angiogenesis. It is based on the idea that the vascular system expands by dividing the blood vessel lumen into subordinate segments (branches) through the insertion of columns of tissue, termed interstitialor intervascular tissue structures (ITSs, diameter >2.5 |Xm) and tissue pillars or posts (diameter ). 18. De Moerlooze L, Spencer-Dene B, Revest J-M. An important role for the Illb isoform of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) in mesenchymal-epitheUal signaling during mouse organogenesis. Development 2000; 127:483-492. 19. Ohuchi H , Hori Y, Yamasaki M et al. FGF 10 acts as a major ligand for FGF receptor 2 Illb in mouse multi-organ development. Bioch Biophys Res C o m 2000; 277:643-649. 20. McKeehan WL, Wang F, Kan M . T h e heparin-sulfate fibroblast growth factor family-diversity of structure and function. Prog Nucl Acid Res Mol Biol 1999; 59:135-176. 2 1 . Ornitz D M . 2000. FGFs, heparan sulfate and FGFRs. Complex interactions essential for development. Bioessays 2000; 22:108-112. 22. Ornitz D M , Itoh N . Fibroblast growth factors. Genome Biol 2002; 5:1-12. 23. Szebenyi G, Fallon J. Fibroblast growth factors as multifunctional signaling factors. International Review of Cytology 1999; 185:45-106. 24. Brunet A, Bonni A, Zigmond MJ et al. Akt promotes ceU survival by phosphorylating and inihibiting a forkhead transcription factor. CeU 1999; 96:857-868. 25. Chen Y, Li X, Eswarakumar VP et al. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling through PI 3 kinase and AKT/PKB is required for embryoid body differentiation. Oncogene 2000; 19:3750-3756. 26. Guo L, Degenstein L, Fuchs E. Keratinocyte growth factor is required for hair development but not for wound healing. Genes Dev 1996; 10:165-175. 27. MacArthur CA, Lawshe A, Xu J et al. FGF-8 isoforms activate receptor splice forms that are expressed in mesenchymal regions of mouse development. Development 1995; 121:3603-3613. 28. Ornitz D M , Xu J, Colvin JS. 1996. Receptor specificity of the fibroblast growrth factor family. J Biol Chem 1996; 271:15292-15297.




29. Miller DL, Ortega S, Bashayan O et al. Compensation by fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGFl) does not account for the mild phenotypic defects observed in FGF2 null mice. Mol Cell Biol 2000; 20:2260-2268. 30. Fiore F, Planche J, Gibier P et al. Apparent normal phenotype in Fgf6-/- mice. Int J Dev Biol 1997; 41:639-642. 3 1 . Colvin JS, Feldman B, Nadeau J H et al. Genomic organization and embryonic expression of the mouse fibroblast growth factor 9 gene. Dev Dynam 1999; 216:72-88. 32. Deng CX, Wynshaw-Boris A, Shen M M et al. Murine FGFR-1 is required for early postimplantation growth and axial organization. Genes Dev 1994; 8:3045-3057. 33. Hajihosseini MK, Lalioti M D , Arthaud S et al. Skeletal development is regulated by fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 signaling. Development 2004; 131:325-335. 34. Hoffman M P , Kidder BL, Steinberg ZL et al. Gene expression profiles of mouse submandibular gland development:FGFRl regulates branching morphogenesis in vitro through BMP- and FGFdependent mechanisms. Development 2002; 129:5767-5778. 35. Beer H - D , Vindevoghel L, Gait MJ et al. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 1-IIIb is a naturally occurring functional receptor for FGFs that is preferentially expressed in the skin and the brain. J Biol Chem 2000; 275:16091-16097. 36. McMahon AP, Ingham PW, Tabin C. Developmental roles and clinical significance of hedgehog signaling. Curr T o p Dev Bio 2003; 53:1-114. 37. Kenney AM, Cole M D , Rowitch D H . N-myc upregulation by sonic hedgehog signaling promotes proliferation in developing cerebellar neuron precursors. Development 2003; 130:15-26. 38. Lowry JA, Stewart GA, Lindey S et al. Sonic hedgehog promotes cell cycle progression in activated CD4(+) T lymphocytes. J Immunol 2002; 169:1869-1875. 39. Chiang C, Litingtung Y, Lee E et al. Cyclopia and defective axial patterning in mice lacking Sonic Hedgehog gene fimction. Nature 1996; 383:407-413. 40. Ahlgren SC, Thackur V, Bronner-Fraser M et al. Sonic Hedgehog rescues cranial neural crest cells from cell death induced by ethanol exposure. Proc Natl Acad Scienc 2002; 99:10476-10481. 4 1 . Monreal AW, Zonana J, Ferguson B. Identification of a new splice form of the EDAl gene permits detection of nearly all X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia mutations. Am J H u m Genet 1998; 63:380-389. 42. Srivastava AK, Pispa J, Hartung AJ et al. T h e Tabby phenotype is caused by mutation in mouse homologue of the EDA gene that reveals novel mouse and human exons and encodes a protein (ectodysplasin-A) with collagenous domains. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1997; 94:13069-13074. 4 3 . Yan M, W a n g L-C, Hymowitz SG et al. Two-amino acid molecular switch in an epithelial morphogen that regulates binding to two distinct receptors. Science 2000; 290:523-526. 44. Kumar A, Eby M T , Sinha S et al. The ectodermal dysplasia receptor activates the nuclear factor K B , J N K , and cell death pathways and binds to ectodysplasin A. J Biol Chem 2001; 276:2668-2677. 45. Pinheiro M, FreireMaia N . Ectodermal dysplasias: A clinical classification and a causal review. Am J Med Genet 1994; 53:153-162. 46. Sundberg J. 1994. The Downless (dl) and Sleek (Dl sleek) mutations. Chromosome 10. In: Maibach H, ed. Handbook of Mouse Mutations with Skin and Hair Abnormalities. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 4:7. Moon AM, Capecchi MR. FgfS is required for outgrowth and patterning of the limbs. Nat Genet 2000; 26:455-459. 48. Frank D F , Fotheringham LK, Brewer JA et al. An FgfS mouse mutant phenocopies human 2 2 q l l deletion syndrome. Development 2002; 129:4591-4601. 49. Aoto K, Nishimura TEK, Motoyama J. Mouse GLI3 regulates FgfB expression and apoptosis in the developing neural tube, face and limb bud. Dev Biol 2002; 251:320-332. 50. Taya Y, O'Kane S, Ferguson M W . Pathogenesis of cleft palate in TGF-beta3 knockout mice. 1999; 126:3869-3879. 51. Zhao J, Chen H , Wang YL et al. Abrogation of tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme inhibits embryonic lung morphogenesis in culture. Int J Dev Biol 2 0 0 1 ; 4:623-631. 52. Sarkar L, Cobourne M, Naylor S et al. Wnt/Shh interactions regulate ectodermal boundary formation during mammalian tooth development. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000; 9:4520-4524. 53. Macatee TL, H a m m o n d BP, Arenkial BR et al. Ablation of specific expression domains reveals discrete functions of ectoderm- and endoderm-derived FGF8 during cardiovascular and pharyngeal development. Development 2003; 130. 54. Pahl HL. Activators and target genes of Rel/NF-kappaB transcription factors. Oncogene 1999; 18:6853-686652.

Salivary Glands


55. Kashimata M, Sayeed S, Ka A et al. The ERK-1/2 signaling pathway is involved in the stimulation of branching morphogenesis of fetal mouse submandibular glands by EGF. Develop Biol 2000; 220:183-196. 56. Marin MW, Dunn A, Grail D et al. Characterization of tumor necrosis factor-deficient mice. Pro Nad Acad Sci USA 1997; 94:8093-8098. 57. Peschon JJ, Torrance DS, Stocking KL et al. TNF receptor-deficient mice reveal divergent roles for p55 and p75 in several models of inflammation. J Immunol 1998; 160:943-952. 58. Rothe J, Mackay F, Bluethmann H et al. Phenotypic analysis of TNFRl-deficient mice and characterization of TNFRl-deficient fibroblasts in vitro. Cir Shock 1994; 44:51-56. 59. Cross MJ, Claesson-Welsh L. FGF and VEGF function in angiogenesis: Signaling pathways, biological responses and therapeutic inhibition. Trends Pharm Sci 2001; 22:201-201. 60. Kodaki T, Woscholski R, Fiallberg B et al. The activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase by Ras. Curr Biol 1994; 9:798-806. 61. Lu H-C, Swindell EC, Sierralta WD et al. Evidence for a role of protein kinase C in FGF signal transduction in the developing chick limb bud. Development 2002; 128:2451-2460. 62. Klint P, Kanda S, Kloog Y et al. Contribution of Src and Ras pathways in FGF-2 induced endothelial cell differentiation. Oncogene 1999; 18:3354-3364.


Branching Morphogenesis of the Prostate A ^ Thomson and P.C. Marker Introduction


he prostate is a male sex accessory organ whose development is regulated by androgens and mesenchymal/epithelial interactions. The organ comprises branched epithelial ducts within a stroma consisting of fibroblasts and smooth muscle as well as other components such as vasculature and nerves. The function of the prostate is to produce secretions that make up part of the seminal fluid, though it is not certain if these are essential for fertility or sperm fixnction. There has been considerable interest in the identification of molecules and pathways that regulate prostatic growth, due to their relevance in prostatic disease. Few studies have focussed direcdy on prostatic branching though some have identified factors or pathways that play a role in prostatic growth and branching morphogenesis. Several pathways have been identified that appear to influence growth of the prostate and the process of branching morphogenesis simultaneously. However, genetic evidence suggests that prostatic growth and prostatic branching morphogenesis are processes that are independently regulated. The prostate is not one of the organs widely used for studies of branching morphogenesis, though this seems unfortunate as there are many factors which suggest that this organ would be an excellent model for the study of branching. These are: the ease with which these organs can be grown in vitro, the fact that the prostate is not required for viability, and the late genesis and growth of this organ relative to others during organogenesis.

Anatomical and Endocrine Aspects of Prostate Development The prostate is an organ that is found only in male mammals and surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder. The function of the prostate is to add various components to the seminal fluid, and these are emptied direcdy into the urethra. The contraction of smooth muscle within and surrounding the prostate leads to the expulsion of products made in the branched secretory acini through a branched ductal system and thence the urethra. The secretory epithelia show a tall columnar morphology while epithelia of the ducts show a more flattened morphology. The formation of the prostate occurs relatively late in gestation when compared to the genesis of most organs. In humans the prostate starts to form between 10-12 weeks of gestation while in mice prostatic development begins at El6.5 and in rats at El7.5. At present, the onset of prostatic organogenesis is defined by the induction of epithelial buds from the urethra, however, it is likely that formation of a condensed mesenchyme involved in organ induction precedes this. During prostatic bud induction and subsequent branching morphogenesis, epithelial buds grow as solid cords which later differentiate and undergo canalisation. Androgens are required for prostatic development, and it is important to note that the androgen receptor (AR) is not expressed in epithelia during organ induction but is expressed in the mesenchyme.^ This indicates that essential components of bud induction (in response to androgens) are found within the mesenchyme, though the identity of these signals is presendy Branching Morphogenesis, edited by Jamie A. Davies. ©2005 and Springer Science+Business Media.

Branching Morphogenesis of the Prostate


unknown.The importance of mesenchymal to epithelial signalling was established many years ago using tissue recombination studies, which clearly demonstrated that AR was required in the mesenchymal compartment for prostate development. AR is expressed in prostatic epithelia at later stages of prostatic growth and in adulthood, though epithelial AR is neither necessary nor sufficient for normal organ growth.^ This data also indicates that any involvement of the AR in branching is likely to be restricted to androgen signalling in the mesenchyme. Further details of genetic studies implicating androgens and the AR in prostatic development are described in the section on mutations that alter prostatic branching morphogenesis. The dependence of prostatic growth and branching upon androgens might make the prostate an excellent system in which to study branching, since the ability to inhibit or augment growth and branching allows for thorough examination of different pathways in these processes. Another important issue is that, while it is clear that androgens stimulate the growth and branching of the prostate, it is not known if androgens act upon growth or branching independently. Thus, the effects on branching may be mediated via general effects upon growth and it remains to be determined whether branching is directly affected by androgens. In rodents, the prostate consists of anatomically distinct lobes (termed dorsal, lateral, ventral and anterior) while in humans it is more compact and composed of different zones that differ subtly in their histology. The different lobes of the rodent prostate exhibit functional differences in terms of the secretory proteins that they make and also differ in their branching patterns. This has allowed for some characterisation of how the separate branching patterns arise, using tissue recombination studies. This work has shown that aspects of epithelial identity (such as secretory protein profile) are specified by mesenchymal signals and suggests that the distinct branching patterns are also mesenchymally defined.'^'^ Signals from the mesenchyme play a key role in defining branching pattern, however in some circumstances there are limitations of the epithelial response to inductive mesenchyme. For example, the mesenchyme of the seminal vesicle will induce prostatic branching in urethral or bladder epithelium. The seminal vesicle shows an epithelial architecture which is both highly folded as well as branched, yet the mesenchyme of the seminal vesicle will elicit a true branching pattern with a heterologous epithelium (such as bladder). It is worth noting that the seminal vesicle epithelium is derived from the mesoderm (pronephric/wolffian duct) while the urethral and bladder epithelium are endoderm derived. There are two important conclusions to be drawn from this work. Firstly, that some elements of branching pattern can be defined by the epithelium and secondly that instructive branching interactions can occur between tissues of different germ layer origin (mesoderm and endoderm).

Epithelial Bud Induction Prostatic bud induction from the epithelia of the urethra may be regarded as the initial branching event of prostatic growth and it is emerging that bud induction and subsequent growth and branching may have significant differences. For example, fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGFIO) is required for the formation and growth of the prostate, but there is induction of a few prostatic buds in FGFIO null mice.^ This suggests that FGFIO may be required for prostatic growth but is not essential for bud induction, even though fewer prostatic buds are apparent in the FGFIO null mouse. Similarly, the sonic hedgehog pathway has recently been shown to be important for prostatic growth and branching, but is not required for prostatic bud induction. ^^ While bud induction versus subsequent branching morphogenesis have been clearly separated in other systems, these processes have only recently been separated in prostatic organogenesis. Signals from the mesenchyme are essential for the induction and growth of the prostate but there is little information regarding the identity of these molecules or how they are regulated. Recent work has shown that smooth muscle may play an important role in regulating prostatic induction.^ During prostatic induction it appears that a layer of smooth muscle forms between the mesenchyme and epithelium, and that the formation of this layer

Branching Morphogenesis


Prostatic Bud Induction

Prostatic Brandling Morpliogenesis / Lumen ^ ^ Urethral ^ epithelium Smooth^ muscle Inductive. mesenchyme

NKx3.1 p63 Shh

AR HoxA10.A13,D13 Foilistatin Activin

Figure 1. Schematic representation of ventral prostatic induction and subsequent growth and branching morphogenesis. On the left side bud induction in males is illustrated, and the role that smooth muscle plays in regulating interactions between nascent buds and inductive mesenchyme is shown. Androgens delay the development of the smooth muscle allowing organ induction to take place in males. In females, the smooth muscle layer forms more rapidly which precludes organ induction. On the right side, early branching events of the prostate are shown. It is proposed that smooth muscle also plays a role in regulating growth and branching as epithelial buds are direcdy juxtaposed to the mesenchyme whereas maturing ducts are surrounded by a layer of smooth muscle. Developing prostatic buds grow and branch as solid epithelial cords made up of undifferentiated epithelia. The cords undergo epithelial differentiation and canalisation after branching. Examples of factors involved in prostatic growth and branching are shown, in relation to their pattern or expression in mesenchmye, epithelium, or both compartments. is sexually dimorphic. In females, the smooth muscle layer develops but in males testosterone inhibits the formation of this layer. The inhibition of the smooth muscle layer is proposed to allow continued signalling between the mesenchyme and epithelium, and instructive interactions leading to bud stabilisation and growth. A schematic diagram of prostatic bud induction and subsequent growth is shown in Figure 1. Additionally, it is possible that smooth muscle also plays a role in branching morphogenesis, as growing epithelial buds lack adjacent smooth muscle but mature ducts are surrounded by layers of well differentiated smooth muscle. ^^ Such a pattern of discontinuous smooth muscle distribution is also observed in the developing lung.^ '^^ At present it is not known precisely how smooth muscle might affect mesenchymal/epithelial interactions though there are several possibilities. As mesenchyme differentiates into smooth muscle it is very likely that there is a change in the expression of growth or branching regulatory molecules and it is also possible that the smooth muscle acts as a barrier to the diffusion of regulatory molecules from the mesenchyme. Additionally, it is possible that smooth muscle is a source of molecules that are inhibitory to growth or branching. It is also possible that there is a combination of these mechanisms active which are involved in the mediating the effects of smooth muscle.

Growth Factor Signalling in Prostate Branching Morphogenesis Various studies have examined the function of growth factor signalling in prostate branching morphogenesis, and this section will discuss those that have used organ culture studies of prostatic rudiments grown in vitro. This is a highly tractable system which allows for the addition of growth factors, blocking antibodies, or small molecules that activate or inhibit receptor signalling. Figure 2 shows an example of day-of-birth rat prostatic organs grown in vitro. Testosterone clearly stimulates growth and branching morphogenesis, and in this example the

Branching Morphogenesis of the Prostate





+T+Cy ^^j^^'^ *

Figure 2. An organ culture system for testing pathways involved in prostatic growth and branching. The system uses day-of-birth (0 day old) rat ventral prostate, although other ages, species and lobes ofthe prostate can be used. Cultures are grown in defined media under serum free conditions, and recombinant proteins, antibodies, or small molecules can be added to examine their effects upon prostate morphogenesis. Comparison of panels A versus C shows the effect of testosterone (T) on ventral prostate growth and branching, while panels B and D show similar conditions but with the addition of a steroidal alkyloid (cyclopamine, Cy) which inhibits signalling of Shh and related ligands. Effects upon branching can be examined by counting tip numbers at the periphery of the organ (described in detail in Freestone et al 2003). hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathway has been blocked using a small molecule (cyclopamine) in either the presence or absence of testosterone. T h e advantages of the organ culture system are the ability to perform a functional test of a given pathway, however a significant problem is that inhibition or stimulation are applied throughout the organ and are not restricted to sites of active branching morphogenesis within the organ. Most studies have not examined branching in detail but have looked at effects on the whole organ, though a few have studied branching direcdy. These limitations notwithstanding, growth factor pathways studied have included fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), Transforming Growth Factors betas (TGFjis), activin and inhibins, and sonic hedgehog (Shh). T h e effects of F G F 7 (also known as KGF) and FGFIO have been examined in ventral prostate rudiments grown in vitro. ^ '^^ Both of these factors are made by the mesenchyme and act via a receptor which is restricted to the epithelium (FGFR2IIIb) and act as paracrine factors. Addition of recombinant F G F 7 or 10 stimulated the growth of the prostate and did not appear to result in any distortion of branching pattern. In contrast, addition of T G F p results in the inhibition of prostatic growth as well as changes in the branch number. ^^ Addition of T G F p resulted in a decrease in ductal tip number, when the total number of branch tips were counted. Fiowever, it is quite diflficult to define individual tips in the whole organ, and it is possible that T G F p may have differential effects at the periphery of the organ versus the middle. It appears that, when T G F P is added to organ cultures of ventral prostate, there is an increase


Branching Morphogenesis

in epithelial tip number at the periphery and an overall reduction in size (D. Tomlinson and AAT, unpublished observations). Another member of the TGPP superfamily which inhibits prostatic growth is activin. Cancilla et al showed that addition of activin A inhibited the growth of the prostate, and led to little branching morphogenesis. Addition of foUistatin (an antagonist of activin signalling) led to organ growth and branching in the absence of testosterone. These data suggest that activin signalling may be a modulator of growth and branching of the prostate. Shh signalling has been studied in relation to prostatic growth and recent studies indicate that this pathway is involved in branching and epithelial differentiation. Initial studies suggested that Shh was required for the formation of the prostate, ^^ but more recent data indicate that formation of the prostate is not dependent upon Shh signalling. ^^ In addition, inhibition of Shh signalling causes an increase in epithelial tips at the periphery of the organ, suggesting that Shh may be an inhibitor of the branching process (Fig. 2).

Genetic Analysis of Prostatic Branching The phenotypes created by spontaneous and engineered mutations in mice and humans have provided direct evidence for the roles of several genes in prostatic branching morphogenesis. In humans, mutations affecting the prostate were identified because they result in androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) and pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias (PPSH). In mice, spontaneous mutations affecting the prostate were identified because of external phenotypes at other anatomical locations. These mutations include Testicular feminization (Tfm) and Hypodactyly (Hd). The remaining mutations affecting prostatic branching morphogenesis were engineered in mice using homologous recombination and transgenic approaches. A clear advantage of using a genetic approach to define the roles of particular genes in prostatic branching morphogenesis is that genetics can prove that a gene is required for branching morphogenesis in the context of the intact mouse or human. A potential disadvantage of using a genetic approach is that many mutations cause defects in other organ systems that can complicate the interpretation of prostatic phenotypes. The prostatic phenotypes created by spontaneous and engineered mutations in mice and humans are summarized in Table 1 and discussed in greater detail in the sections that follow.

Mutations That Affect Endocrine Signalling Several circulating hormones regulate prostatic development. The most important of these are the androgens."^^ Cellular response to systemic androgens is mediated by nuclear androgen receptors that are activated by testosterone or dihydrotestosterone. The requirement for the androgen receptor (AM) gene in prostatic epithelial budding and branching morphogenesis is shown by the phenotypes caused by AIS mutations in humans and the Tfm mutation in mice.'^^''^^ These mutations are recessive, loss of function mutations in the A/?. The prostatic phenotypes caused by the AIS and Tfm mutations include the absence of epithelial budding and branching morphogenesis, and the absence of organ-specific cellular differentiation. The phenotypes caused by inactivating mutations in the steroid 5-alpha reductase 2 {Srd5a2) gene further clarify the roles of specific androgens. Mutations in this gene include the pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias (PPSH) mutations in humans and a mouse knockout allele created by homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem {ES) cdXs}^ Srd5a2 encodes the enzyme A -3-ketosteroid-5ot-reductase (5(X-reductase) type 2 that converts testosterone to the more potent androgen receptor agonist dihydrotestosterone. During prostatic development, testosterone is the major androgen in circulation. Srd5a2 is expressed in the mesenchyme of the developing prostate. Thus, testosterone could activate androgen receptors in the prostate through direct binding to androgen receptors, or through local conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone that could subsequently bind androgen receptors. When conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone is blocked in the prostate by mutations in Srd5a2, the urogenital sinus is specified as prostate but prostatic growth and

Branching Morphogenesis of the Prostate


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