Тексты и задания для аудирования. Сборник практических заданий по предмету «Английский язык» для учащихся 5-6 классов

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Тексты и задания для аудирования. Сборник практических заданий по предмету «Английский язык» для учащихся 5-6 классов

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ТЕКСТЫ И ЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ АУДИРОВАНИЯ Сборник практических заданий по предмету «Английский язык» для учащихся 5-6 классов

Алчевск 2018

Допущено к использованию в образовательных организациях (учреждениях) Луганской Народной Республики (приказ Министерства образования и науки Луганской Народной Республики от 20.11.18 № 1059-ОД)

Тексты и задания для аудирования. Сборник практических заданий по предмету «Английский язык» для учащихся 5-6 классов / Л.И. Волобуева. – Алчевск: ГБОУ ЛНР «АИТГ», 2018. – 27с. Пособие содержит тексты для аудирования и задания для проверки (контроля) понимания учащимися содержания прослушанных текстов, и предназначено для учащихся 5-6 классов. Тексты небольшие по размеру с интересным сюжетом и тематикой. Это пособие может пригодиться учителям Луганской Народной Республики, особенно молодым учителям, работающим в 5-6 классах, при проведении как семестрового, так и поурочного аудирования. Учитель может очень легко и быстро подсчитать баллы (оценки) учащихся, что даст ему возможность сэкономить время. В пособии используется лексика, которая изучалась ранее и изучается учащимися по программе в 5-6 классах. Пособием могут также воспользоваться и родители, знающие английский язык, для тренировки и развития у ребёнка навыков и умений аудирования. Учащимся также полезно пособие. Ведь тексты и задания могут быть использованы не только для аудирования, но и для чтения с целью накопления новой лексики. Одобрено решением научно-методического совета ГБОУ ЛНР «Алчевский городской методический кабинет», протокол № 2 от 14.06.2018 г.

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ .......................................................................................................... 4 Text 1 “Story about car-drivers” and tasks ………………………………….….....5 Text 2 “The modern Indian” and tasks……………………………………………..6 Text 3 “All’s well that ends well” and tasks …………….………………………...7 Text 4 “Edison’s first invention” and tasks ……………….……………………….8 Text 5 “The shirt” and tasks …………………………………………………….....9 Text 6 “A little bird” and tasks …………………………………………………...10 Text 7 “A very clever dog” and tasks………………………………………......…11 Text 8 “The bellboy” and tasks…………………………………………………...12 Text 9 “The hare and the nut” and tasks………………………………….…..…...13 Text 10 “The lion and the mouse” and tasks…………………………………...…14 Text 11 “Tom and his friends” and tasks……………………………………..…..15 Text 12 “The crow and the fox” and tasks………………………………………..16 Text 13 “Palm – reading” and tasks………………………………………………17 Text 14 “Martin and Gogo” and tasks……………………………………………18 Text 15 “Two frogs” and tasks……………………………………………………19 Text 16 “Why the hare has a short tail” and tasks………………………………...20 Text 17 “Why he did not run about” and tasks…………………………………...21 Text 18 “A legend about the Tongue” and tasks………………………………….22 Text 19 “Primary school in England” and tasks…………………………………..23 Text 20 “A funny story” and tasks………………………………………………..24 Keys……………………………………………………………………………25-26 Список использованной литературы……………………………………...……27


ВВЕДЕНИЕ Говорение и аудирование являются двумя взаимосвязанными сторонами устной речи. Аудирование подготавливает говорение, говорение помогает формированию восприятия речи на слух. Оно тесно связано и с другими видами речевой деятельности. Аудирование является наиболее сложным видом речевой деятельности, вследствие того, что учащийся не только должен услышать, но и воспринять англоязычную речь. Известно, что школьный возраст примерно до 12 лет является наиболее благоприятным для усвоения любого иностранного языка. Причиной тому служит любознательность в познании нового, кроме того, приобщение школьника к иной культуре позволяет ему осознать себя как личность, принадлежащую к определённой социокультурной общности людей, а также воспитать в нем уважение к другому образу жизни. Цель обучения аудированию - развить слуховую память и слуховую реакцию, формировать определенные речевые умения, обучить умению общаться. Для достижения успешного восприятия аудирования и используются различные тексты и задания. Данное пособие предназначается для проведения аудирования в 5-6 классах. В текстах и заданиях знакомый учащимся лексический и грамматический материал. Используются грамматические явления, изучавшиеся школьниками ещё в 4 классе. Это сравнительные степени прилагательных, множественное число существительных, предлоги, числительные, времена глагола the Present Simple Tense, the Present Continuous Tense, the Past Simple Tense, неправильные глаголы. О значении незнакомых лексических единиц учащиеся легко могут догадаться по контексту. Настоящее пособие поможет учителю качественно провести аудирование с минимальной затратой времени. Тексты небольшие по объёму с интересными сюжетами. Каждый текст сопровождается тремя видами заданий. Специфика заданий позволяет эффективно работать в таких аспектах обучения иностранному языку, как аудирование, чтение, письмо, а при желании учителя и наличии времени – и говорении. Задание №1 (truefalse) и задание №3 (выбор правильного слова) можно провести в форме тестов, что позволит сэкономить время на уроке. В общей сложности на аудирование затратится не более 10-12 минут. Все тексты и задания для аудирования можно использовать при изучении практически всех тем программы 5-6 классов. Например, текст «The old Indian is quite modern» и задания к нему можно использовать при изучении темы «Путешествия». Тексты «The hare and the nut», «The crow and the fox», « Why the hare has no tail» - при изучении темы «Окружающий мир». Тексты «All’s well that ends well» и «Why he did not run about» относятся к теме «Свободное время». Тексты «Tom and his friends» и «Martin and Gogo» помогут при изучении темы «Мои друзья». А текст «Primary school in England» познакомят учащихся с начальной школой Англии. 4

Text 1 Story about car-drivers Listen to the text and do the tasks. All people like to travel and to spend a lot of their time travelling by car. People like to go to interesting places where they haven’t been to before. If the weather is fine, going by car is a very pleasant holiday. All car-drivers must know all the rules of the road. But there are some people who forget about the rules and that’s why something may happen. There are a lot of stories and anecdotes about people driving cars. Here is a joke about two car-drivers. Two men were driving and met in a very narrow street in London. Neither of them wanted to make way for each other. The first driver took out a magazine and began to read it. Some time passed. Then the second man asked politely, “When you finish reading, will you give the magazine to me?” They both had a sense of humour, and this story had a happy end. I. True or False. 1) Some people like to spend a lot of their time travelling by car. 2) People don’t choose places of interest where they haven’t been. 3) Something may happen on the road if you don’t know the rules. 4) There are people who forget about the rules. 5) Three car-drivers met in a street in London. 6) The street was very broad. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) They didn’t want to go back with his car. 2) The first driver began to read a magazine. 3) Sometimes car-drivers forget about the rules. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) Some people like travelling by… a) train b) car c) plane 2) If the weather is fine, people have … holiday. a) pleasant b) funny c) boring 3) Two drivers met in a very …street in London. a) wide b) beautiful c) narrow 4) The first took out … a) а book b) a sandwich c) a magazine 5) There are a lot of …about car-drivers. a) stories b) novels c) poems (5 points) 5

Text 2 The modern Indian Listen to the text and do the tasks. One day a small group of tourists from Great Britain came to a part of America where there were neither villages nor people. They were walking through these places for many days. At last they met an Indian. He was very old but he knew a lot about forests, animals, people, the weather and many other things. He knew English well. “Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?” One of the tourists asked him if he knew what the weather would be like during the next days. The Indian smiled and said. “It will be raining tomorrow. There will be snow the day after tomorrow, but then the sun will sine again and the weather will be very good. It will be very warm even hot.” The tourists were very surprised. The Indians don’t go to school, but they are very clever, they know a lot. One man turned to the Indian. He asked, “How do you know the forecast?” The Indian answered, that he heard it on the radio. I. True or False 1) A big delegation came to America. 2) They saw many people, villages and children. 3) They met an old Indian man. 4) The Indian couldn’t speak English. 5) There will be snow tomorrow. 6) The Indian heard the forecast on the radio. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) A small group of tourists came to America. 2) The Indian knew everything about the forest and animals. 3) It will be very hot. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) The Indian knew a lot about… a) the weather b) the city c) the books 2) … is coming. a) snow b) rain c) his friend 3) I heard it … a) from my brother b) on the radio c) over the telephone 4) The Indian could speak … a) French b) German c) English 5) These old Indians don’t go … a) to school b) shopping c) to their friends (5 points) 6

Text 3 All’s well that ends well Listen to the text and do the tasks. One afternoon, some friends of Jane and Tom telephoned them and invited them to go for a walk in the evening. They did not see one another for a long time. But Jane and Tom had tickets to the theatre for that evening. However, they decided to meet their friends before the theatre. They all met, went to the park, sat down on a bench and talked for an hour. When they got up, Jane couldn’t find her handbag. She was very sorry because there was a lot of money in it. She remembered that the theatre tickets were in the handbag too. Tom had some money, so they went to a café to have supper and later went to the nearest police station. They wanted to tell about Jane’s handbag there. To their surprise her bag was there with everything in it. A child picked it in the park and the child’s parents took it to the police station. The friends were very happy. They went straight to the theatre and saw the interesting play. I. True or False 1) The friends of Jane and Tom invited them to go to the theatre. 2) They talked for an hour in the park. 3) Jane had a lot of money in her handbag. 4) Jane could find her handbag under the bench. 5) A man picked the handbag in the park. 6) They went to a café after the theatre. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) One afternoon some friends telephoned Jane and Tom. 2) They wanted to see the play very much. 3) The friends decided to go to the theatre. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) One evening Jane and Tom decided to go to the… a) cinema b) theatre c) museum 2) They agreed to meet their friends … the theatre. a) after b) at c) before 3) When Jane got up, she couldn’t find her …. a) money b) handbag c) book 4) They went to a café to have … a) lunch b) breakfast c) supper 5) The child’s parents took Jane’s handbag to … a) their home b)the police station c) school (5 points) 7

Text 4 Edison’s first invention Listen to the text and do the tasks. When Edison was a boy of fifteen, he worked as a telegraph operator. He was on duty at night, from seven o’clock p.m. till seven o’clock a.m. But at night there wasn’t much work and the telegraph operators usually slept. When the boss knew about this, he ordered each operator to give a signal every hour to show that he didn’t sleep. Edison’s signals always came at the same time, at the beginning of each new hour. That surprised the boss. So one night he sent an inspector to see how well the boy was working. When the inspector opened the door, he saw Edison sleeping in his chair. The inspector was going to shake the boy when he saw a clock with a mechanism on the table near the telegraph apparatus. He waited to see what would happen. When the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the mechanism began to work and sent a signal. I. True or False 1) Edison worked as a shop-assistant. 2) He worked from seven o’clock in the evening till seven o’clock in the morning. 3) He gave a signal every two hours. 4) The inspector saw Edison watching TV. 5) The boy was sleeping all day long. 6) When the hand of the clock pointed to the hour, the mechanism began to send a signal. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) Edison worked as a telegraph operator. 2) The boss ordered to give a signal every hour. 3) The inspector saw Edison in his chair. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) Edison was a boy of … a) fourteen b) sixteen c) fifteen 2) He worked from … a) 7 o’clock a.m. b) 7 o’clock p.m. c) 8 o’clock p.m. 3) One night the boss sent … a) an inspector b) a director c) a manager 4) When the inspector opened the door, he saw Edison ... . a) reading a book b) sleeping in his chair c) eating a cake 5) When the hand of the clock pointed to …, the mechanism began to work. a) two o’clock b) three o’clock c) the hour (5 points) 8

Text 5 The shirt Listen to the text and do the tasks. Many years ago there lived a king. He was very rich. His country was strong and famous, but the king was not happy. So one day he went to a wise old man and asked him how to become happy. The wise man listened to him and then said, “It’s very easy,” answered the old man. “You have only to put on the shirt of a happy man.” The king thanked the old man and began to look for a happy man. He visited most of the capitals of the world. He met kings, barons and other aristocrats, but they were not happy. At last he came back to his country. One day, he saw a poor farmer who worked in a field. He was singing and there was a happy look on his face. The king went up to the farmer and asked, “My good man, are you happy?” “Very happy,” answered the farmer. “Well, then, sell me your shirt, please.” “My shirt?” said the farmer in surprise. “But I haven’t got a shirt.” I. True or False 1) Once upon a time there lived a queen. 2) This country was powerful and famous. 3) The king went to a wise woman. 4) One day he saw a poor farmer. 5) The farmer was working in a field. 6) “I have a very beautiful shirt,” said the farmer. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) The king began to look for a happy man. 2) The farmer was singing in the field. 3) There was a happy look on his face. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) There lived … a) a queen b) a king c) a young man 2) You have to put on … of a happy man. a) the cap b) the hat c) the shirt 3) The king visited many … of the world. a) villages b) towns c) capitals 4) He saw a poor farmer working in … a) a shop b) a field c) a farm 5) The farmer was … and there was a happy look on his face. a) singing b) dancing c) playing (5 points) 9

Text 6 A little bird Listen to the text and do the tasks. One Sunday when the sun was bright, the sky was blue and it was very warm my friend and I went to the wood. We sat down under a tree in the wood. We looked at the trees and at the sky. Suddenly I saw something brown and yellow near the tree. It was a little bird. It fell out of the nest. It couldn’t fly. I took it into my hands. I gave it to my friend. When we went home, we took the bird with us. At home I showed it to my sister. We put the bird into a big box and took hare of the little bird. In October my friend and I went to the wood again. We took the little bird with us. We put the bird near a tree and went home. I. True or False 1) One Saturday two friends went for a walk. 2) The weather was very warm. 3) The friends were sitting and looking at the trees. 4) Suddenly one boy saw a little kitten. 5) The bird was black and white. 6) In October the friends went to the wood again. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) The sun was shining brightly. 2) The boys sat down under a tree in the wood. 3) The little bird couldn’t fly. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) One day two friends went …. a) for a walk b) to the forest c) to another village 2) One of the friends saw something brown and yellow near the …. a) bush b) tree c) bench 3) At home the boy showed the bird to his …. a) mother b) sister c) brother 4) The bird was put into ….. a) a big box b) a little box c) a little cage 5) … the friends went to the wood again. a) in September b) in October c) in November (5 points)


Text 7 A very clever dog Listen to the text and do the tasks. Mr. Black and Mr. Bell live in England. They are old friends. Mr. Black likes dogs very much. But his friend doesn’t like dogs. Mr. Black has a very clever dog. They often go for a walk in the park. They go there every day at five p.m. One day Mr. Bell came to Mr. Black’s house. They sat down in the room and began to talk. Mr. Black said that dogs understand everything and some of them even could speak but Mr. Bell smiled. At five o’clock the dog ran into the room. He wanted to go for a walk. But Mr. Black could not tell his friend to go home. Mr. Black looked at his dog, then at Mr. Bell. The dog understood everything. He ran out of the room, but he came back quickly with Mr. Bell’s hat in his mouth. The dog sat down in front of Mr. Bell. The two friends began to laugh. I. True or False 1) Two friends live in Britain. 2) Mr. Bell likes dogs very much. 3) They go for a walk in the park at 5 o’clock in the evening. 4) One day Mr. Black came to Mr. Bell’s house. 5) Dogs understand everything. 6) The dog came back with Mr. Bell’s cap in his mouth. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) One friend has a very clever dog. 2) He came to his friend’s house. 3) The dog sat down in front of Mr. Bell. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) One Englishman liked … very much. a) cats b) dogs c) horses 2) The dog could play, run, jump in the …. a) park b) street c) yard 3) They go for a walk at …. a) six p.m. b) five p.m. c) four a.m. 4) The friends were sitting in the …. a) room b) yard c) kitchen 5) The dog wanted to go …. a) shopping b) for a walk c) home (5 points)


Text 8 The bellboy Listen to the text and do the tasks. Mr. Smith is American. He likes to travel very much. He visited a lot of countries and cities. He was in Russia, in France, in Germany, in Spain. One day he came to London. He wanted to walk along its famous streets and squares, to see its places of interest. The traveller stayed at the hotel. The time passed very quickly. He had to come back home. The American had just 15 minutes to pay his bill and go to the station. He went down to the receptionist. But suddenly he remembered, “I left my bag in my room.” He asked the bellboy and said, “Look here, boy, run up to Room 40 and look if there is my bag there. Be quick!” The boy ran upstairs. Five minutes passed and the traveller became very angry. At last the boy came down. “Yes, sir,” he said, “your bag is there, near the table in your room.” I. True or False 1) Mr. Smith is from the USA. 2) He didn’t visit any countries. 3) The man stayed at his friend’s house. 4) He wanted to see the places of interest in Paris. 5) His room was number forty. 6) The traveller left his bag in the room. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) Mr. Smith likes to travel very much. 2) The traveller stayed at the hotel. 3) The boy ran upstairs. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) The man was from …. a) Spain b) the USA c) Russia 2) One day he came to …. a)London b) Madrid c) Paris 3) He had just …. minutes to pay his bill and go to the station. a) ten b) twelve c) fifteen 4) The bellboy ran up to Room …. a) thirty b) forty c) fifty 5) The man went down to the receptionist …. a) to take his ticket b) to pay his bill c) to buy some food (5 points)


Text 9 The hare and the nut Listen to the text and do the tasks. A little grey hare lives in the wood. The hare is sleeping under a big nut-tree. Suddenly a nut falls on his head. The hare jumps and runs as fast as he can. A bear sees the hare and asks him why he is running so fast. The hare answers that the sky is falling. When the bear hears this, he runs after the hare. Then a fox sees them and asks why they are running so fast. The hare answers that the sky is falling near the nut-tree. But the fox wants to see it himself. So the fox goes to the nut-tree. The hare and the bear go with him. The fox sees the nut under the nut-tree and begins to laugh. He says that the sky is not falling. He says that it is only a nut. And the fox laughs, and laughs, and laughs. I. True or False 1) A little white hare lives in the wood. 2) The hare is sleeping under a little tree. 3) The sky is falling near the nut-tree. 4) But the fox doesn’t want to see the falling sky. 5) The fox sees the nut under the nut-tree. 6) And the hare laughs, and laughs, and laughs. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) Suddenly a nut falls on his head. 2) The hare runs as fast as he can. 3) The hare answers that the sky is falling near the nut-tree. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) … is sleeping under a big nut-tree. a) The bear b) The dog c) The hare 2) A bear sees the … and asks him why he is running so fast. a) fox b) hare c) wolf 3) A fox sees them and asks why they are … a) jumping b) eating c) running 4) But the fox wants to see it …. a) herself b) themselves c) himself 5) The fox goes to the …. a) river b) nut-tree c) wood (5 points)


Text 10 The lion and the mouse Listen to the text and do the tasks. One morning a big lion meets a little mouse. The lion wants to kill the mouse. The little mouse asks the lion not to kill her. And the lion doesn’t kill the mouse. The mouse is very happy. She says to the lion that some day she can help him. But the lion laughs. One day a man wants to catch the lion. He puts up a net. The lion does not see the net and falls into it. He begins to roar. The little mouse lives not far from that place. She runs out of her house. She sees the lion in the net. The mouse wants to help the lion. But the lion thinks that the little mouse cannot help him. The mouse begins to bite off the net. At last the lion can get out of the net. So the little mouse helped the big lion. I. True or False 1) One evening a big lion meets a little mouse. 2) The mouse says that she can help the lion. 3) Two men want to catch the lion. 4) A man puts up a net. 5) The lion falls into the net. 6) The mouse doesn’t want to help the lion. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) Once a big lion meets a little mouse. 2) The mouse is very happy. 3) One day a man wants to catch the lion. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) A big … meets a little mouse. a) tiger b) cat c) lion 2) And the lion doesn’t … the mouse. a) speak to b) kill c) look at 3) But the lion …. a) laughs b) smiles c) sings 4) The little mouse lives … that place. a) far from b) near c) not far from 5) The lion thinks that the little mouse …help him. a) cannot b) will c) can (5 points)


Text 11 Tom and his friends Listen to the text and do the tasks. Tom and his friends lived in New York. Tom was a good friend and all the boys and girls liked him. One day the boys played in the schoolyard. Tom was sitting near the window in the classroom. One boy threw a stone at the window. A piece of glass from the window got into Tom’s eye. Tom’s friends took him to the doctor. They ran to Tom’s mother and told her about Tom. She came to the doctor too. Tom needed an operation. But the operation was very expensive. Tom’s family was poor, and Tom’s mother began to cry. Then Tom’s friends decided to help the boy. They began to work. They sold newspapers. When the children had enough money, they ran to the doctor. And the doctor saved Tom’s eye. I. True or False 1) Tom and his friends lived in London. 2) One day the boys played in the schoolyard. 3) One boy threw a ball at the window. 4) Tom’s friends took him to his mother. 5) The operation wasn’t expensive. 6) The children sold magazines and newspapers. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) Tom was a good friend. 2) All the boys and girls liked him. 3) A piece of glass from the window got into Tom’s eye. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) The children lived in …. a) London b) Paris c) New York 2) The boys … in the schoolyard. a) played b) jumped c) ran 3) A piece of glass from the window got into Tom’s …. a) ear b) eye c) mouth 4) The doctor … Tom. a) examined b) gave him medicine c) took his temperature 5) Tom’s family was … a) poor b) rich c) friendly (5 points)


Text 12 The crow and the fox Listen to the text and do the tasks. A fox was going through the forest looking for food. He was very hungry. Suddenly he saw a crow sitting on a tree. The crow had a piece of bread in its beak. The fox wanted to eat very much. So he began to think, “How can I get that bread?” The fox was very clever. He said to the crow, ”Oh, Mr. Crow, you are so nice, you have such a sweet voice! Can you sing a song for me, please?” The crow liked the fox’s speech very much. The crow was very foolish; he was pleased by the words of the fox. He decided to sing. As soon as he opened his beak to sing a song, the bread fell out. The fox saw the bread and caught it. He ran away with the bread in his mouth. The foolish crow was left without any bread. I. True or False 1) A fox was looking for food. 2) Suddenly he saw a cat sitting on a tree. 3) “How can I get that cheese?” 4) The crow was very clever. 5)”Oh, Mr. Crow, you have such a sweet voice!” 6) The fox ran away with the bread in his mouth. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) The crow had a piece of bread in its beak. 2) The fox saw the bread. 3) A fox was going through the forest. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) The fox was very …. a) angry b) hungry c) happy 2) The crow was sitting on the…. a) tree b) ground c) bench 3) The fox wanted to … very much. a) play b) sing c) eat 4) The crow was very …. a) stupid b) funny c) clever 5) The foolish crow was left without any …. a) cheese b) fruit c) bread (5 points)


Text 13 Palm – reading Listen to the text and do the tasks. Palm – reading is many thousand years old. They say it can tell about man’s talents and his future. A palmist looks at man’s hand and studies it. A person with clear and strong hand’s lines is quiet and careful. A person with many short lines on his palm will have many talents and hobbies. Look at your palm. You can see four main lines. They are the head line, the heart line, the life line and the steering line (fate line). A person with strong head line will be very clever and will have a good job. A person with strong heart line will be loving. A person with weak heart line will be cool (cпокойный, невозмутимый). A person with long life line will live a long life. A person with clear and long fate line will be very lucky. I. True or False 1) Palm – reading is many hundred years old. 2) Palm – reading can tell about man’s future. 3) A person with clear and strong hand’s lines is calm and careful. 4) We can see three main lines on our palm. 5) A person with strong head line is very intelligent (smart). 6) A person with weak heart line is very calm. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) People started palm-reading a long time ago. 2) A palmist studies man’s hand. 3) A person with long fate line will be very lucky. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) People began to study … a lot of years ago. a) medicine b) facts c) palms 2) These lines can tell about person’s …. a) talents b) family c) friends. 3) There are … main lines on our palms. a) three b) four c) five 4) If you have many short lines on your palm, you will have a lot of …. a) relatives b) hobbies c) money 5) The steering line tells about your …. a) fate b) house c) life (5 points)


Text 14 Martin and Gogo Listen to the text and do the tasks. My name is Martin. I have a pet gorilla. Some gorillas are big and black, but my gorilla is big and pink. I call him Gogo. Gogo lives in my house. He has his own room. There are a bed and many toys there. Sometimes Gogo and I play in my room with my toys. Every morning Gogo comes into my room and wakes me up. So we can go for a walk before school. One Saturday Gogo put on his big straw hat and we went to the circus. It is not a big circus. They have an elephant, two bears and three clowns. But the performance was not funny. Suddenly one of the clowns saw Gogo. He said, “Pink gorilla, come here and show us your tricks” Gogo jumps up on the elephant’s back. The elephant begins to walk. Gogo makes two bears get up on chairs and do tricks. He jumps in and out of boxes. All children laugh and laugh. I. True or False 1) The boy’s name is Michael. 2) The boy’s gorilla is big and pink. 3) Every morning Gogo goes for a walk in the park. 4) One Sunday Gogo put on his big straw hat and we went to the circus. 5) One of the clowns invited Gogo to the arena. 6) All children laugh and laugh. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) The circus is not big. 2) Gogo comes into my room and wakes me up. 3) There are many toys in Gogo’s room. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) Gogo lives in … a) the circus b) in the zoo c) the boy’s house 2) The friends sometimes … together. a) run b) sing c) play 3) One day the friends went to …. a) the cinema b) the park c) the circus 4) There are … bears there. a) two b) three c) four 5) Gogo jumps up on the …. a) chair b) horse’s back c) elephant’s back (5 points) 18

Text 15 Two frogs Listen to the text and do the tasks. Once upon a time there lived two frogs. They were good friends. They liked to play, to jump together. But they were very naughty frogs. One day they saw a pot of cream. They decided to look into it and fell into a pot of cream. At first they got scared. The frogs tried to get off the pot, but they could not do that. So they swam round and round in the cream. “Oh, this is the end of my life” says one of them. It was very weak. So it stopped to swim and died. But the second frog did not want to die. It swam and swam. The frog bit the cream with its little feet. The cream became a ball of butter. The frog jumped on the ball of butter and got out of the pot. I. True or False 1) Three frogs were good friends. 2) They were very naughty frogs. 3) They liked cream very much and one day the frogs fell into a pot of cream. 4) The frogs swam and swam and at last they got off the pot. 5) One of the frogs was very weak. 6) The frogs bit the cream with their little feet. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) Two frogs lived together. 2) They were very naughty frogs. 3) The frogs swam in the cream for a long time. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) The frogs liked to … together. a) live b) go for a walk c) play and jump 2) One day they saw … on the table. a) a pot of cream b) a piece of bread c) some cheese 3) The frogs fell into a pot of cream and …. a) were happy b) got scared c) were drowned 4) One of the frogs was very … and stopped to swim. a) brave b) naughty c) weak 5) The other frog … a) swam and swam b) ate the cream c) cried (5 points)


Text 16 Why the hare has a short tail Listen to the text and do the tasks. Long, long ago the animals had no tails. One day the lion asked all animals to come to him to get good tails. It was cold that day and it was raining. The hare didn’t like the weather. The hare had only a short little tail. But he didn’t want to leave the house. So he asked animals to bring him a tail. Some time later the animals came back. And each animal had a beautiful tail. But nobody brought a tail for the hare. Some of them forgot about the hare, some had no time, some could not find a good tail for the hare. But I know this: if you must do something, don’t ask other to do it for you. Don’t forget about the hare with his short little tail! I. True or False 1) Many years ago the animals didn’t have any tails. 2) The lion decided to give good tails to all animals. 3) The hare liked a bad weather. 4) The hare asked the lion to bring him a tail. 5) All the animals had beautiful tails. 6) But nobody brought a tail for the hare. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) It was raining and it was cold. 2) The hare had a short little tail. 3) Somebody could find a good tail. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) … had to come to the lion to get good tails. a) the hare b) all animals c) the bear 2) The hare didn’t like…. a) such a weather b) wild animals c) a lion 3) He … to leave the house. a) wanted b) didn’t want c) decided 4) Some animals forgot about …. a) the lion b) the bear c) the hare 5) You must do something …. a) ourselves b) himself c) yourselves (5 points)


Text 17 Why he did not run about Listen to the text and do the tasks. It was a fine spring day. The sun was shining brightly. The sky was blue with some little clouds. The trees were covered with green leaves. The park was beautiful. There were not many people there. A man sat on a bench in the park enjoying the spring day. He was watching the people passing by. Suddenly the man noticed a boy near him. The boy lay on the grass, looking at him. The man was very surprised. He didn’t know this boy. “What’s the matter, sonny?” asked the man. “Why don’t you go and play?” “I don’t want to play,” the boy answered. “But why? The weather is good, the park is nice. Why don’t you run about?” the man repeated his question. “Oh, I’m just waiting,” answered the boy. “I’m just waiting till you get up. A man painted that bench about fifteen minutes ago.” I. True or False 1) A man sat on a bench in the garden. 2) It was spring. 3) A boy was standing near the bench. 4) The boy didn’t want to speak to this man. 5) The man was enjoying the spring day. 6) The bench was painted. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) A man was sitting on a bench in the park. 2) A boy lay on the grass and looked at him. 3) Somebody painted that bench. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) It was the …day. a) winter b) autumn c) spring 2) A man was sitting on a … a) bench b) chair c) sofa 3) A boy was on … a) the bench b) the chair c) the grass 4) The boy didn’t want to … a) play b) lie on the grass c) walk 5) The bench was painted … minutes ago. a) five b) fifteen c) twenty five (5 points) 21

Text 18 A legend about the Tongue Listen to the text and do the tasks. Once a king asked one of his servants to bring him the best meat from the market. The servant brought him a tongue. The next day the king asked the servant to bring him the worst meat from the market. The servant brought a tongue again. “What?” the king says. “When I asked for the best meat, you brought a tongue and then you brought the same thing for the worst meat”. The king was very surprised and got angry. But the servant explained, “Sometimes a man is very unhappy because of his tongue. And sometimes his tongue makes him very happy”. The king thought and at last said “You are right”. Let us be masters of our tongue! I. True or False 1) Once a queen sent for one of her servants. 2) The servant had to bring some milk. 3) The servant went to the market to buy some meat. 4) Sometimes the person’s tongue makes him very happy 5) “You are hungry” says the king. 6) People must be masters of their tongue. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) A king asked his servant to go to the market. 2) The next day the servant bought some meat. 3) The king was very surprised. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) The servant had to buy some … in the market. a) cheese b) fruit c) meat 2) The servant went to the market … times. a) two b) three c) four 3) The king was very …. a) happy b) hungry c) angry 4) But the servant …. a) explained b) jumped up c) told 5) Let us be masters of our …. a) words b) tongue c) thoughts (5 points)


Text 19 Primary school in England Listen to the text and do the tasks. In Great Britain school begins at the age of five. Children usually leave school at the age of sixteen. Children going to school on their first day don’t have any bags or books with them. Classes usually begin at nine a.m. Pupils have a glass of milk or a glass of orange juice at eleven. At one o’clock they usually have lunch – meat, pudding, juice, an apple or a cake. They often sit on the carpet on the floor and listen to their teacher. English pupils often play outdoors. English pupils have classes five days a week. Classes are usually over at four p.m. Schools in England have names, not numbers. They often get the name after the place where they are or after some famous or important people. In some primary schools children wear uniforms, but in many primary schools they don’t. I. True or False 1) In the UK children begin to go to school at the age of five. 2) They go with bags on their first school day. 3) Lessons at school usually start at half past nine. 4) English pupils often play in the school yard. 5) Children go to school five days a week. 6) Some English schools have the names of famous people. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) Children usually leave school at the age of sixteen. 2) At one o’clock they usually have lunch. 3) In some primary schools children wear uniforms. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) Lessons usually begin at … a) nine o’clock in the morning b) nine o’clock in the evening nine 2) Pupils have a glass of milk or a glass of orange juice at … a) ten b) eleven c) one o’clock 3) In the classroom children sit … a) at their desks b) on their chairs c) on the carpet 4) Classes are usually over at … a) three p.m. b) four p.m. c) five p.m. 5) Each English school has its … a) number b) building c) name (5 points)


c) half past

Text 20 A funny story Listen to the text and do the tasks. Once a Frenchman travelled in England. He didn’t know English very well. He knew only some English words. Nobody understood him. One day the Frenchman walked in the country when it began to rain. He was hungry. He went to a restaurant to have lunch. He wanted to eat some mushrooms. He spoke French with a waiter. But the waiter didn’t understand him. The Frenchman had a good idea. He drew a mushroom on a piece of paper and showed the waiter the picture of it. The waiter looked at the picture of a mushroom and went away. A few minutes later he came back with an umbrella in his hands. I. True or False 1) One day an Englishman travelled in England. 2) No one understood the man. 3) One day the weather was bad and it began to rain. 4) The traveler was very angry. 5) He spoke French with the waiter. 6) The waiter showed him a nice picture. (6 points) II. Ask questions to the underlined words 1) One day the Frenchman walked in the country. 2) He wanted to eat some food. 3) The man had a good idea. (4 points) III. Choose the correct word 1) The traveler did not know … very well. a) French b) German c) English 2) He went … to have lunch. a) to a restaurant b) to a café c) home 3) He wanted to eat some …. a) eggs b) mushrooms c) apples 4) The man took … and drew a mushroom on it. a) a piece of paper b) a newspaper c) a copy-book 5) The waiter came back and brought … . a) some food b) a plate with some soup c) an umbrella (5 points)


Keys Text 1 Task 1 Task 3

1 T B

2 F A

3 T C

4 T C

5 T A

6 F

Text 2 Task 1 Task 3

1 F A

2 F B

3 T B

4 F C

5 F A

6 T

Text 3 Task 1 Task 3

1 F B

2 T C

3 T B

4 F C

5 F B

6 F

Text 4 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 T B

3 F A

4 F B

5 F C

6 T

Text 5 Task 1 Task 3

1 F B

2 T C

3 F C

4 T B

5 T A

6 F

Text 6 Task 1 Task 3

1 F B

2 T B

3 T B

4 F A

5 F B

6 T

Text 7 Task 1 Task 3

1 T B

2 F A

3 T B

4 F A

5 T B

6 F

Text 8 Task 1 Task 3

1 T B

2 F A

3 F C

4 F B

5 T B

6 T

Text 9 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 F B

3 F C

4 F C

5 T B

6 F

Text 10 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 T B

3 F A

4 T C

5 T A

6 F

Text 11








Task 1 Task 3







Text 12 Task 1 Task 3

1 T B

2 F A

3 F C

4 F A

5 T C

6 T

Text 13 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 T A

3 T B

4 F B

5 T A

6 T

Text 14 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 T C

3 F C

4 F A

5 T C

6 TC

Text 15 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 T A

3 T B

4 F C

5 T A

6 F

Text 16 Task 1 Task 3

1 T B

2 T A

3 F B

4 F C

5 T C

6 T

Text 17 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 T A

3 F C

4 F A

5 T B

6 T

Text 18 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 F A

3 T C

4 T A

5 F B

6 T

Text 19 Task 1 Task 3

1 T A

2 F B

3 F C

4 T B

5 T C

6 T

Text 20 Task 1 Task 3

1 F C

2 T A

3 T B

4 F A

5 T C

6 F


СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 1. Примерная программа для образовательных организаций (учреждений) Луганской Народной Республики. Английский язык. V-IX классы Базовый уровень. Луганск , 2016. 2. Все уроки английского языка. 5 класс / А.Л. Мирошниченко, И.М.Булгакова, О.О. Матяш – Х.: Изд. группа «Основа»,2006. 3. Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам: Пособие для учителя М.: АРКТИ, 2004. – С.175–181. 4. Гладкая И.А., Момот Е.П. “Welcome to the world of fiction”. Киев. «Лебедь», 2001. 5. Елухина Н.В. Речевые упражнения для обучения аудирования // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2009. – №4. – С. 9–19. 6. Мосолова Е.М. Проблема аудирования на уроках иностранного языка как вида речевой деятельности // Психология и педагогика: современные методики и инновации, опыт практического применения. – 2015. – №9. 7. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. М.: Просвещение, 2006. – С. 112–125. 8. http://www.coolreferat.com/Обучение аудированию иноязычного текста на среднем этапе обучения.