Augmented Reality for Food Marketers and Consumers 9086862993, 978-90-8686-299-3, 978-90-8686-842-1, 9086868428

'Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers' starts with an explanation of what augmented reality is a

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Augmented Reality for Food Marketers and Consumers
 9086862993, 978-90-8686-299-3, 978-90-8686-842-1, 9086868428

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Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers edited by: Leanne W.S. Loijens

Wageningen Academic P u b l i s h e r s

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers edited by: Leanne W.S. Loijens

Wageningen Academic P u b l i s h e r s

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EAN: 9789086862993 e-EAN: 9789086868421 ISBN: 978-90-8686-299-3 e-ISBN: 978-90-8686-842-1 DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-842-1

This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned. Nothing from this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a computerised system or published in any form or in any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publisher, Wageningen Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 220, 6700 AE Wageningen, the Netherlands, [email protected]

First published, 2017

The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the responsibility of the authors.

© Wageningen Academic Publishers The Netherlands, 2017

The publisher is not responsible for possible damages, which could be a result of content derived from this publication.

This book has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union ‘Food Quality & Consumer Studies’ (Strategic partnership Erasmus + Nr. 2014-1-SK01-KA203-000464). The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Book reviewers: Doc. Ing. Zuzana Palková Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovakia Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Fritz-Gerald Schröder University of Applied Sciences, Dresden, Germany

Table of contents Preface 11

1. What is augmented reality? 13 L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath Abstract 13 1.1 Definition 14 1.2 What senses can be addressed? 15 1.3 Technical requirements – how does augmented reality work? 19 1.4 Popular applications 22 1.5 Companies developing augmented reality technology 25 References 27

2. Augmented reality technology planning and assessment 29 M. Petz and R. Haas Abstract 29 2.1 Augmented reality as appropriate technology for the food industry: making the business case 30 2.2 Augmented reality assessment methodology and a practical method of assessment 39 2.3 Conclusion 50 References 50

3. Augmented reality in retailing 55 B. Borusiak and B. Pierański Abstract 55 3.1 The essence of augmented reality 56 3.2 The specificity of using augmented reality in retailing 58 3.3 Augmented reality in retailing – examples 61 3.4 Final remarks 64 References 64

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


4. Consumer food related applications: food retail sector and services 65 E. Horská, J. Paluchová, P. Šimončič and J. Berčík Abstract 65 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Advantages of augmented reality marketing 66 4.3 Disadvantages of augmented reality marketing 68 4.4 The use of augmented reality in retail and services sectors 70 4.5 Augmented reality applied in services 71 4.6 Practical application of augmented reality in restaurants business 72 4.7 Augmented reality applied in retail 79 References 85

5. Challenges of augmented reality in the food sector 87 L.W.S. Loijens and K. Grunert Abstract 87 5.1 Technical challenges 88 5.2 Ethical challenges 91 5.3 Financial challenges 93 References 95

6. Future trends of augmented reality 97 D. Brohm, N. Domurath, V. Glanz-Chanos and K.G. Grunert Abstract 97 6.1 Consumer applications 98 6.2 Industry applications 100 6.3 Current problems and challenges 102 References 103


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

Preface This book is the outcome of the FOODCOST project, an international 3-year project with nine partners from eight EU countries. The project has been co-funded by the ‘Food Quality and Consumer Studies’ Erasmus+ program of the European Union. In addition to the ‘Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers’ book, three other books have been published entitled ‘Neuromarketing in food retailing’, ‘Consumer trends and new product opportunities in the food sector’ and ‘Sensory and aroma marketing’. The aim of the FOODCOST project was to modernize and improve the quality of university education in the field of food science, food marketing and consumer studies. University education represents the highest form of formal education. Universities have to prepare professionals for the job market who can implement innovative solutions into the practice. For this purpose, universities should have access to quality and modern curricula and methodologies, reflecting the developments in the society, research and industry. Augmented reality is a new topic, even the term itself is unknown to most people. In this book the authors explain what augmented reality is and how it is/can be applied in the food sector. The authors also address the challenges that augmented reality has to overcome in order to meet its potential. There is still a lot of research to be done before augmented reality is ready for the general public but all the major technology companies are working on augmented reality. According to Apple CEO Tim Cooke, augmented reality is a core technology and will be a big technological step forward, similar to the release of the smartphone. Leanne W.S. Loijens Editor

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


1. What is augmented reality? L.W.S. Loijens1*, D. Brohm2 and N. Domurath2 1Noldus Information Technology B.V., Nieuwe Kanaal 5, 6709 PA Wageningen, the Netherlands; 2INTEGAR – Institut für Technologien im Gartenbau GmbH, Schlüterstr. 29, 01277 Dresden,

Germany; [email protected]

Abstract This chapter explains what augmented reality (AR) is and how it works. It gives examples of AR for each of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch). The chapter also explains the difference between AR and other realities. It lists the technical requirements and gives and overview of popular applications. Keywords: definition, technical requirements, applications

Leanne W.S. Loijens (ed.) Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers  DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-842-1_1, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2017


L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath

1.1 Definition Augmented (or enhanced or supplemented) reality (AR) is a technology that adds an extra layer of virtual information on top of the perception of the real world, in real-time. AR technically can be used to enhance all five senses, but its most common present-day use is visual. Usually the virtual layer consists of 3D objects or 3D scenes, with or without sound. Sometimes only textual info is added. Everyone from tourists, to soldiers, to someone looking for the closest subway stop can now benefit from the ability to place computergenerated graphics in their field of vision. The Dutch company Layar developed an application for smartphones (also called Layar) which uses the phone’s camera and GPS capabilities to gather information about the surrounding area. Layar then shows information about restaurants or other sites in the area, overlaying this information on the phone’s screen. You can even point the phone at a building, and Layar will tell you if any companies in that building are hiring, or it might be able to find photos of the building on Flickr or to locate its history on Wikipedia (Bonsor 2001). Layar is not the only application of its type. In August 2009, some iPhone users were surprised to find an AR ‘easter egg’ hidden within the Yelp application. Yelp is known for its user reviews of restaurants and other businesses, but its hidden AR component, called Monocle, takes things one step further. Just start up the Yelp app, shake your iPhone 3GS three times and Monocle activates. Using your phone’s GPS and compass, Monocle will display information about local restaurants, including ratings and reviews, on your cell phone screen. You can touch one of the listings to find out more about a particular restaurant (Bonsor, 2001). Unlike virtual reality (VR), AR allows the user to see the real world with virtual objects superimposed upon or composited with the real world. AR supplements reality, rather than completely replacing it. AR can also be used to remove real-world information, not only add to it (Kipper and Rampolla, 2013). AR has the following characteristics: ▶▶ AR combines real and virtual information; ▶▶ AR is interactive in real-time; ▶▶ AR operates and is used in a 3D-environment. An example is the ‘first down’ line that helps football viewers watching the game on TV know how far the offensive team needs to go to get a first down. Another example is a heads14 

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

1. What is augmented reality?

up display used by a fighter pilot. A heads-up display gives the pilot a digital overlay that shows an artificial horizon, the digital altitude, digital speed, and other information while looking out the cockpit window (Kipper and Rampolla, 2013). There are more than enough examples of digitally enhanced media, however, it does not necessarily mean that all of them constitute AR. An image altered in Photoshop, or any other 2D overlay, is not AR. It also does not include film or television. While movies such as ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘Avatar’ feature photorealistic virtual objects blended with a real environment in 3D, they are not interactive and thus not AR (Kipper and Rampolla, 2013).

Example 1 This example is a first little exercise to use your mobile device and get more information…

Download a QR-Code reader App to your mobile device and scan the QR-Code above. The App will lead you to a classic YouTube music video. Beside others the App ‘Scan’ available for Apple and Android is recommended for this little exercise. Just scan the Code and see what happens.

1.2 What senses can be addressed? The digital information that is added to the real world environment is often visual information, but AR is not restricted to one sense only. AR can potentially apply to all senses, augmenting sight as well as hearing, smell, taste and touch. 1.2.1 Sight One of the earliest ways that AR was distributed was through computer webcams. Programs running on the computer use the webcam to recognize a certain ‘target’ – usually a printed code or special image, although it could also include body parts such as a hand or face – and then display digital content atop that target on the computer screen. Examples include virtual ‘try-on websites’ that allow consumers to see themselves on-screen wearing products Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath

like eye glasses or clothes or with a new hairdo. Most AR available today exists of apps available for download and use on a mobile device. Digital eyewear, however, is the real holy grail of visual AR. While early models can perform basic tasks, such as just serve as a front end display for a remote system, modern ‘smart glasses’ are effectively wearable computers which can run self-contained mobile apps. Some are hands-free and can communicate with the Internet via natural language voice commands, while others use touch buttons (Kipper and Rampolla, 2013). 1.2.2 Hearing One of the earliest examples of aural AR was Sony’s Walkman, the first device that allowed people to have their own personal sounds with them all the time (Martin, 2013). Museums and other public attractions use audio tours that customize what a visitor hears. Smartphone applications can offer personalized choice of language, length of content and level of detail. By placing QR-codes next to exhibit items, visitors can easily trigger any desirable action by scanning it (Dohi, 2011). Intelligent Headset from the Danish audio specialist GN combined with the app UrbanX allows tourists to meander through a city, using the buttons on the headset to prompt information about the point of interest they are currently looking at. The Intelligent Headset uses built-in sensors that relay information to a smartphone or tablet and allow the headset to know where and what you are facing at any time. The headphones do not obviously look like a piece of wearable smart technology, unlike smart glasses like Google Glass. The only sign that they are more than Bluetooth headphones is a small lump in the headband that contains the extra sensors and electronics (Gibbs, 2014). Half a dozen apps have currently been prototyped, some based on partnerships with Clio Online and HearPlanet for educational and tourism content. The educational app KnowledgeX simulates different immersive backdrops, engaging the user through 3D audio soundtracks. UrbanX allows tourists to meander through a city, using the buttons on the headset to prompt information about the point of interest they are currently looking at. Third-party apps will also be important. Intelligent Headset recently opened its developer portal and gave access to a snap-on module which approximates the real device for programming purposes (Hoopes, 2013). As the ear is a much better location on the body for taking physical health measurements than the wrist where most present-day fitness devices are worn, it may spur manufacturers to sell, and consumers to wear, more ear-based devices. It is logical to expect that this will increase the demand to give these devices additional capabilities that actually effect, and augment, our hearing.


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

1. What is augmented reality?

Example 2 The iOS-App ‘Inception’ is an exceptional example for audio based AR. It was released together with the movie of the same name in 2010 which broach the issue of multidimensional dream realities. The app perceives the hearable environment by using the microphone of the headset. Together with the knowledge about daytime and the location of the user it modifies single sounds and combines it with different background sounds like waves or melodies into a mystic soundscape. Different so-called dreams are available.

1.2.3 Touch Technology that enhances the sense of touch is better known as ‘haptic’. The Finnish company Senseg has been developing technology to turn touch screens into ‘feel’ screens by using touch pixels or ‘Tixels™’. By using an ultra-low electrical current, ‘Trixels’ create a small attractive force to finger skin. Modulating this attractive force generates artificial sensations (Wassom, 2014). Scientists at the university of Tokyo have gone one step further and developed ‘a plastic sensor thinner than plastic wrap and thinner than a feather’. When overlaid on human skin it creates an ‘e-skin’ that is as persistent and imperceptible as modern AR eyewear is to the eye (Innovation Toronto, 2015). Smart shoes ( are another example of augmented haptic reality. The shoes (insoles) sync with the Google maps app for smartphones. They vibrate to give users the information of when and where to turn so they can reach their destination. The insoles are removable, can be easily washed and fit with any shoes. 1.2.4 Smell and taste Smell and taste are the least explored areas in AR because: (1) these senses usually require chemicals; (2) timing and intensity are crucial; and (3) culture and individuality play significant roles in the way a person perceives a given smell/food item. Smell is even more difficult than taste because of unpredictable air flows and the complexity of smells (Meyer, 2013). However, smell and taste are important because they can directly affect emotions, mood and memory, even in a subconscious way (Wassom, 2014). For taste and smell to be part of AR, it would help if the transfer of signals can be done digitally. Researchers in Japan have developed an electric taste machine. It works by using electric current and temperature to communicate the taste. The device in its current form is a small box with two protruding metal strips, between which you insert your tongue to Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath

experience a variety of tastes (Martin, 2013). So while developments like these tend to cause lots of laughs, and raised eye brows, the work is important. If the technology were perfected for commercial use, advertisers might include the taste of a product in an add on your computer or television. Movies could become more interactive, allowing people to taste or smell the food an actor is eating. People with diabetes could taste sugar without harming their actual blood sugar levels. And video game designers could offer their players taste-based reward and penalties in response to gamer’s performance (Wassom, 2014). 1.2.5 Comparison to other realities In addition to AR there are other terms that may suggest something similar (Schuurmans and Schuurmans, 2011). With augmented virtuality the user adds physical aspects to a virtual world. A good example is Microsoft Kinect, an addition for the Xbox 360 which responds to gestures and movements of the players. A camera and depth and movement sensors visualize the player as a skeleton with twenty movement possibilities. The virtual environment reacts to the movements. The user plays a physical game but the environment is virtual. VR replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. VR environments are mostly displayed on a computer screen or with special stereoscopic displays. The simulated environment can be similar to the real world in order to create a life like experience (for example, in simulations for pilot or combat training) or it differs significantly from reality, such as in VR-games. Alternate reality is a term which is used in the world of computer games. In alternate reality a number of players (two or three up to a few thousand) are simultaneously online and try to solve a mystery or problem which cannot be solved by one player alone. The game may last a few weeks or months. Alternate reality is increasingly used as marketing or promotion instrument, for instance as a game with an open end which the user can play or a TV series with extra directions which are provided online. In warped reality the world is real but the time is not linear. This type of reality is applied in numerous books and films and lets you travel in time and have a look in the future.


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

1. What is augmented reality?

1.3 Technical requirements – how does augmented reality work? There are a number of necessary components to make AR work (Kipper and Rampolla, 2013). 1.3.1 Hardware ▶▶ a computer, either a PC or a mobile device; ▶▶ a monitor or display screen; ▶▶ a camera; ▶▶ tracking and sensing systems (GPS, compass, accelerometer); ▶▶ a network infrastructure; ▶▶ a marker: markers are physical objects or places where the real and virtual environment are fused together. This is what the computer identifies as the place where digital information is to be presented. 1.3.2 Software ▶▶ an app or program running locally; ▶▶ web services; ▶▶ a content server. 1.3.3 Positioning the virtual images Applications generally use one of two approaches: marker-based and location-based. Markers work by having software recognize a particular pattern, such as a barcode or symbol, when a camera points to it, and overlaying a digital image at that point on the screen. If the image is three-dimensional or animated, the effect is of a digital experience unfolding on the surface upon which the pattern is printed (Totaljobs, 2017). AR markers should not be confused with QR codes, which are scanned by barcode applications and send the user to a web page. AR markers can lead to a website, but are more powerful. They can be used to trigger or display rich media content such as images, videos, 3D objects or environments and animations. This is far more compelling than the QR code model. Another key point is that markers do not have to be black and white squares. Almost any 2D image can be used as marker. This includes contextual images such as maps or photographs that appear on interpretive panels in existing displays. These are less intrusive than traditional markers (Museum Identity, 2017).

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath

Example 3 This example shows how 3D models can be used in the food sector. Here the packaging manufacturer TYLER Packaging Ltd from England uses AR to bring drafts of a later product closer to their customers.

Download the Augment8™ App from Apple App store or Google Android. Launch the app and tap the SCAN QR CODE button. Scan the code on this page, select a model and point your device at the printed marker above! You now can see the selected model in 3D. Move the camera around and see all sides of the model. Go back to the start menu and tap OPEN LIBRARY. Browse the different models of the app.

Location-based applications use the ability of a particular device to record the position in the world and then offer data that is relevant to that location: finding your way around a city, remembering where you parked your car, naming the mountains around you or the stars in the sky. This method uses a combination of an electronic device’s accelerometer, compass and location data (such as GPS) to determine the position in the physical world, which way it is pointing and on which axis the device is operating. This location data can then be compared to a database to determine what the device is looking at, and thus allows computer data/graphics to be displayed on-screen. Recent innovative applications include an iPhone app allowing lost Londoners to determine which Underground station is closest (Totaljobs, 2017).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

1. What is augmented reality?

Example 4 The Austrian App ‘Wikitude’ for iOS and Android is a very good implementation of location-based AR. It shows the directions of close points of interest (POI’s) on the camera screen, even if the places are not visible in real. By moving the camera around its axis all POI’s can be seen. Different POI’s are put to the disposal of the user in countless relevant databases. So it is possible to quickly get information about the nearest ATM, bus station or sights. The distance is always given. By clicking the location symbol additional information and a map can be loaded.

In addition to the marker-based and location-based approach, a third, and far more complex method is being worked on: markerless AR or AR based on natural features. In markerless AR systems, any part of the real environment may be used as a target that can be tracked in order to place virtual objects. To experience AR there are only three main requirements you need: (1) a smartphone with a camera to capture reality; (2) a connection to the Internet for receiving information; and (3) software on your smartphone to bring the first two requirements together. It helps to have a smartphone with GPS and a compass so it knows which direction you are facing (ARLab, 2017). The virtual layer that is added to the real world with AR usually consists of 3D objects or 3D scenes. 3D images can be created with 3D drawing programs such as AutoCad, Cinema 4D, Studio Max or Blender. There are also free 3D model libraries, such as GrabCad (AR Lab, 2017). 1.3.4 Display types ▶▶ Screen-based AR: – AR can be displayed on a smartphone or tablet using an app such as Layar or Aurasma. It can also be displayed on a computer monitor. Smartphones are common nowadays, are relatively cheap and have a number of built-in sensors (GPS, accelerometer, etc.). Disadvantage is that the display is small. ▶▶ AR-glasses: – A far more sophisticated, but not yet user-friendly method uses AR glasses or an HDM, a head-mounted display, also known as head-up display. With this device the extra information is mixed with your own perception of the world. The virtual images appear in the air around you, and are not projected on a screen. One sees ‘ghost images’. While not yet common, AR-enabled glasses do exist and are available for purchase. There are two ways of mixing the real world with the virtual world: (1) Video see-through: the real world is captured by a camera and the virtual images are mixed with the video images in the AR glasses; (2) Optical see-through: the real world is perceived directly with your eyes and the AR glasses display the appropriate virtual images on top of your own view (AR Lab, 2017). Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath

▶▶ Projection-based AR: – This type of AR does not augment onto a screen or device but onto the real object or real physical dummy. This is ideal for virtual prototyping and design reviews without building new hardware prototypes.

1.4 Popular applications 1.4.1 Gaming AR allows gamers to experience digital game play in a real world environment. In the last 10 years there has been a lot of improvements of technology, resulting in better movement detection. AR makes the game action more engaging and closer to reality. Game consoles such as Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Kinect follow this approach, as do ‘social games’ such as Google’s collaborative hacking game Ingress. In 2016 game developer Niantic Labs released Pokémon Go. It quickly became a global phenomenon and was one of the most used and profitable mobile apps in 2016, having been downloaded more than 500 million times worldwide. 231 million people engaged in 1.1 billion interaction that mentioned Pokémon Go on Facebook and Instagram in the month of July ( Johnson, 2016). Numerous media outlets referred to the surge in popularity as ‘Pokémon Go Mania’ or simply Pokémania (Isaac, 2016; Zinn, 2016). Pokémon Go is a location-based AR game. In the game, players use a mobile device’s GPS capability to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokémon, who appear on the screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player. Pokémon Go was released to mixed reviews, with critics praising the game’s concept and the incentive to be more active in the real world and helping local businesses grow by way of increased foot traffic (Gepner et al., 2016). However, it also attracted controversy for contributing to various accidents, as well as becoming a public nuisance at some locations. 1.4.2 Manufacturing and repair Another category of AR applications is the assembly, maintenance, and repair of complex machinery. Instructions are easier to understand if they are available, not as manuals with text and pictures, but rather as 3D drawings superimposed upon the actual equipment, showing step-by-step the tasks that need to be done and how to do them. These superimposed 3D drawings can be animated, making the directions even more explicit (HealthTech Event, 2014).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

1. What is augmented reality?

Researchers at ARAT Lab at the National University of Singapore have combined AR and RFID for tasks like AR-assisted assembly of objects with embedded RFID tags, showing people which order parts go together and how (Gallagher, 2015). Lockheed uses AR glasses to build fighter jets. Until recently, Lockheed Martin needed a team of technicians with years of training to build its 100 million dollar planes. But now, in the advanced factory where the company is building the F-35, engineers are using AR glasses and educational software that provide real-time visuals during the plane’s assembly, ensuring that every part on the warplane is in the right place (George, 2015). The system may also provide safety information. Parts that are hot or electrified can be highlighted to constantly remind the mechanic of the danger of touching them (Breen, 1996). The BMW smart glasses make it possible to spot and fix a car engine just by looking at it. When a mechanic looks at an engine of a BMW, a 3D colourful display is laid over the top of the original engine view. The glasses are used to diagnose where the fault is and will take the wearer through step-by-step instructions to fix it. At each point the relevant engine part is highlighted and a written instruction is displayed in the top left-hand corner of the screen. The glasses additionally come with headphones that can read the instructions out loud. A 3D animation will then play to demonstrate to the mechanic how to remove the relevant part. In the bottom left-hand corner, the glasses also show a picture of the tool needed to carry out the job (Woollaston, 2014). 1.4.3 Medicine AR has been transforming medicine and healthcare sectors significantly. AR can facilitate medical training. AR medical applications are being developed that allow students to have a better understanding of the human body and how it functions. For instance, while teaching body anatomy, an AR app can help overlay digital information in the form of video, audio or 3D models onto human skeletons to offer a better understanding. Similarly multimedia information can be augmented on textbooks as well (HealthTech Event, 2014). It is also possible to use AR when conducting complex surgeries. Whether it is a dental or liver surgery, precision is of prime importance and AR can help surgeons become more efficient at this. Whether it is conducting a minimally invasive procedure or locating a tumor, AR healthcare apps can help save lives and treat patients seamlessly (HealthTech Event, 2014).

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden discovered that AR can help alleviate phantom pain. Phantom pain is pain that people often feel after they have lost an arm or a leg, as if the missing limb is still there. Fourteen patients missing one or both arms participated in the test. In the past these patients tried several other methods to fight the pain but none of them worked. After 12 AR sessions the pain had decreased considerably. The patients also experienced less problems with their daily activities and with sleeping. Six months after the sessions, the effects were still noticeable. The test participants were equipped with sensors on their stump which recognized the signals from the muscles. Artificial intelligence algorithms translated the signals into movements of a virtual arm in real-time. Via a webcam the patients saw themselves on a screen with a virtual arm in the place of the missing arm and they could control it as they would control their biological arm (Ortiz-Catalan et al., 2016). 1.4.4 Education AR is not only useful to help mechanics do their job or train medical students, it can be used in education in general. When instructing a hands-on course that requires equipment, proper demonstration is key for success. But with expensive, inaccessible equipment, or on the scene situations difficult to reproduce, AR can be a solution. Each student can have his own unique discovery path through real-life immersive simulations, with no time pressure and no real consequences if mistakes are made during skills training. 1.4.5 Forensic research The Dutch national police is testing AR in forensic research. Digital information can be added to pictures of a crime scene via a smartphone app. A special camera system is tested together with the Dutch Forensic Institute and Delft Technical University. A smartphone is attached to the police officer’s shoulder and films what the officer sees. Another smartphone is attached to the wrist showing the camera view. The police officer can mark certain objects on the camera view or make notes. By using cameras experts can watch the scene in their office and can, for instance, indicate where samples should be taken (Revell, 2016). The national police also tests Hololens, Microsoft’s AR glasses. The glasses project holograms on the real world. In this way police officers can follow arrows, indicating the route to the crime scene (Bosnjak, 2016). It is not clear yet when the national police will use AR in practice.


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

1. What is augmented reality?

1.5 Companies developing augmented reality technology There are essentially four types of AR companies: ▶▶ AR platform companies. These companies provide the toolbox for experiences software developers working to create AR solutions. Some of these companies build and market their own products, or provide custom services on the side (for instance, Apple, PTC, Total Immersion). ▶▶ Self-service AR companies: These companies offer content management tools and a limited menu of basic AR effects. With self-service AR tools you can create simple experiences like launching a video or simple animations. AR DIY companies are great for publishers, educators, students and others who want to test or create a simple AR experience without investing in a custom branded app experience. Some DIY companies also offer AR viewers. Companies in this space include Layar. Aurasma, DAQRI and Zappar. ▶▶ Custom branded app development companies: These companies work directly with brand marketers and agencies to build custom AR solutions for major advertising campaigns, trade shows and live events, for instance Appshaker, Gravity Jack and Marxent. ▶▶ AR product and game companies: These companies develop and market their own exclusive AR products such as books and games for consumer retail sale. In February 2013 Google X, the facility within Google devoted to technological advancements (now called X) released the first prototype of Google Glass. The price was 1500 US dollars. Google Glass was an optical head-mounted display designed in the shape of eye glasses. Google Glass displayed information in a smartphone-like hands-free format (Albanesius, 2012). Wearers communicated with the internet via natural language voice commands (Newman, 2012; Bilton, 2012). In May 2014 Google Glass became available to the public (Gadget cluster, 2014). The headset received a great deal of criticism and legislative action due to privacy and safety concerns. In January 2015 Google announced that it would stop producing the Google Glass prototype. In March 2016 Microsoft released the Development Edition of HoloLens for 3,000 US dollars, targeted to developers in the United States and Canada. In October 2016 Microsoft announced global expansion of HoloLens. HoloLens is a pair of mixed reality smartglasses connected to an adjustable headband with a visor to tilt in front of the eyes. In the front is much of the sensors and related hardware, including the cameras and processors. Enclosed in the visor is a pair of transparent combiner lenses, in which the project images are displayed in the lower half. The HoloLens features an inertial measurement unit which includes an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, a depth camera with a 120×120 angle of view

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


L.W.S. Loijens, D. Brohm and N. Domurath

and a video camera. The HoloLens must be calibrated to the interpupilliary distance or accustomed vision of the user. The American startup Osterhout Design Group (ODG) presented two new versions of its AR (optical see-through) glasses at the consumer electronics tradeshow in Las Vegas in January 2017. In 2016 the company raised 58 million US dollars (55 million Euros) from investors to develop the new generation AR and VR glasses (Takahashi, 2016). The price of the cheapest model is less than 1000 US dollars (960 Euro). It has a field of view of 40 degrees and a resolution of 1,280×720 pixels. There are two full HD cameras on the front that can record a 3D video. The glasses weigh around 125 grams and will be available for developers in the second half of 2017. The more expensive model (1799 US dollars) has a field of view of 50 degrees and a higher resolution (1,920×1,280 pixels). These glasses are designed for commercial customers and will be available in small numbers in the second quarter of 2017. The ODG glasses are not for constant wearing but, for instance, for playing games or for car or airplane mechanics to see instructions. Apple CEO Tim Cooke commented favourably on AR. In an interview with The Independent Cooke remarked that AR will be a big technological step forward, similar to the release of the smartphone. The Apple CEO called AR a core technology but he also warned that there is still a lot of research to be done before the technology is ready for the general public Apple has many patents after it took over the AR company Metaio but so far it did not announce any news about its AR activities. However, Cooke’s remarks may suggest that the company is exploring AR. According to Business Insider, Apple wants to add AR techniques to its camera app, making it possible to recognize objects that are filmed. Recognizing and manipulating faces may also be possible, similar to the ‘filters’ in Snapchat. There are also rumours that Apple is working on the development of AR glasses. According to Business Insider, a former manager of ODG is now working on this technology for Apple (Business Insider, 2016).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

1. What is augmented reality?

References Albanesius, C., 2012. Google Project Glass replaces the smartphone with glasses. PC Magine, April 4, 2012. Available at: AR Lab, 2017. What is augmented reality. Available at: ARLab, 2017. Markerless augmented reality. Available at: Bilton, N., 2012. Behind the Google Goggles, Virtual reality. The New York Times, April 4, 2012. Available at: http:// Bonsor, K., 2001. How augmented reality works. Available at: Bosnjak, D., 2016. Dutch police to start using Microsoft HoloLens headset. Android Headlines, December 8, 2016. Available at: Breen, D., 1996. Augmented reality for mechanical maintenance and repair. Available at: Business Insider, 2016. Apple is betting on augmented reality. Business Insider, November 8, 2016. Available at: http:// Dohi, 2011. Augmented audio. Gadget Cluster, 2014. Here’s your chance to get Google glass. Gadget Cluster, April, 2014. Available at: http://tinyurl. com/md7p7kh. Gallagher, S., 2015. Augmented reality gets to work and gets past the ‘Glassholes’. ARS Technica. Available at: http:// George, A., 2015. Lockheed is using these augmented reality glasses to build fighter jets. Popular Mechanics. Available at: Gepner, A., Rosa, J. and Rosenbaum, S., 2016. There’s a Pokémon in my restaurant and business is booming. New York Post, July 19, 2016. Available at: Gibbs, S., 2014. Smart headphones could be the smartglasses for the rest of us. The Guardian, April 18, 2014. Available at: HealthTech Event, 2014. Augmented reality: revolutionizing medicine and healthcare. Available at: http://tinyurl. com/kmlu5fu. Hoopes, H., 2013. Intelligent Headset aims to immerse users in augmented reality of sound and space. New Atlas, September 12, 2013. Available at: Innovation Toronto, 2015. E-skin and pocket-sized diagnostic machines give patients the power back. Available at: Isaac, M., 2016, Times reporter descends into Pokémania. The New York Times, July 19, 2016. Available at: http:// Johnson, L., 2016. 231 million people talked about Pokemon Go on Facebook and Instagram in July. Adweek, August 11, 2016. Available at: Kipper, G. and Rampolla, J., 2013. Augmented reality: an emerging technologies guide to AR. Syngress, Elsevier Inc., New York, NY, USA, 208 pp. Martin, R., 2013. The next step in augmented reality: electrify your taste buds. Available at:

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Meyer, D., 2013. How technology is slowly developing its sense of smell. Gigaom, 13 April 2013. Available at: http:// Museum Identity Ltd., 2017. British museum: augmented reality: beyond the hype. Available at: ll86p3r. Newman, J., 2012. Google’s Project Glass teases augmented reality glasses. PC World, April 4, 2012. Available at: Ortiz-Catalan, M., Gudmundsdottir, R.A., Kristoffersen, M.B., Zepeda-Echavarria, A., Caine-Winterberger, K., Kulbacka-Ortiz, K., Widehammar, C., Eriksson, K., Stockselius, A., Ragno, C., Pihlar, Z. and Burger, H., 2016. Phantom motor execution facilitated by machine learning and augmented reality as treatment for phantom limb pain: a single group, clinical trial in patients with chronic intractable phantom limb pain. Lancet 388(10062): 2885-2894. Revell, T., 2016. Dutch police use augmented reality to investigate crime scenes. New Scientist, November 21, 2016. Available at: Schuurmans, U. and Schuurmans, R., 2011. Augmented reality. Van Duuren Media, Culemborg, the Netherlands, 246 pp. Takahashi, D., 2016. Osterhout Design Group raises 58 million dollars for augmented reality smart glasses. Venture Beat, 1 December 2016. Available at: Totaljobs, 2017. The 10 things you need to know about augmented reality. Available at: Wassom, B., 2014. Augmented reality law, privacy, and ethics: law, society, and emerging AR technologies. Syngress, Elsevier Ltd., New York, NY, USA, 356 pp. Woollaston, V., 2014. End of the mechanic? BMW smart glasses make it possible for anyone to spot and fix a car engine fault just by looking at it. Mail Online, January 21, 2014. Available at: Zinn, J., 2016. Pokémania is back! Bridging the generational divide between Pokémon Go. Saanich News, July 19, 2016. Available at:


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

2. A  ugmented reality technology planning and assessment M. Petz and R. Haas* Institute of Marketing & Innovation, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien), Feistmantelstr. 4, 1180 Vienna, Austria; [email protected]

Abstract A general contextualization of augmented reality (AR) is given. The current institutional environment, relationship to mediated reality and assessment of AR at the human machine interface or human computer interface in a manufacturing environment is given. Human factors regarding health and safety are explored. Some AR wearables are discussed. A practical method of assessing AR tech in the firm is then provided. It makes use of the analytical hierarchic process (AHP), with data provided for AHP via task technology fit, technology acceptance model, customer satisfaction model, consumer products questionnaire, performance measurement method in the form of measuring usability of systems in context, subjective mental effort questionnaire, NASA task load index, subjective workload assessment technique, workload profile technique and the software usability measurement inventory. Also covered is test team selection and user profiling and dynamics with A and T competencies, common ground, relational capital and rich personal interaction. Artifact-centric, context-centric and quality of use views in respect to usability research approaches are clarified. Keywords: analytical hierarchical process, usability research, wearables

Leanne W.S. Loijens (ed.) Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers  DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-842-1_2, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2017


M. Petz and R. Haas

2.1 Augmented reality as appropriate technology for the food industry: making the business case 2.1.1 The institutional environment Augmented Reality (AR) is a subset of mediated reality (MR) (Mann and Fung, 2002). MR also includes diminished reality and it could be argued virtual reality (VR), as the extreme of a spectrum from reality; as seen with telepresence (Lombard and Jones, 2013) to AR to VR (Mammano, 2015). There is a need for this technology to be regulated to protect consumers, producers and retailers from costly mistakes that may arise from: clumsy, such as picking navigation coordinates that are unfamiliar to a particular user sub-culture (Percivall, 2011); or inappropriate application of the technology, for example in confusion marketing, maybe by information overload on offers (Baines and Fill, 2014) or too great a similarity to other offerings on the market (Marsh, 1996). Regulation is related to standard setting, which gives business confidence to invest and innovate within defined boundaries (Blind, 2013). AR standard setting is being carried out by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Web3D Consortium, Open Geospatial Consortium and World Wide Web Consortium. Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards have drafted an AR Charter. Elsewhere in the world applicable regulation in part exists: in the USA under Federal Communications Commission regulations; and in the Commonwealth of Independent States Free Trade Area under privacy law when it comes to wearables. Although AR may not be regulated per se, it falls under the remit of marketing and advertising regulation and when it comes to food related usage it also falls under the aegis of the food regulatory agencies. At the European level this is the European Food Safety Authority, when it is as a food standards matter and the European Commission, as a trade matter. These bodies set the institutional framework with the EU Parliament, member states and member states’ appropriate enforcement and monitoring bodies. Enforcement of aspects may fall to a national level body like Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto in Finland or even to the local level such as the Trading Standards offices found in Austria and Great Britain. The institutional environment is shaped further by civil society through non-governmental organizations and consumer protection organizations such as Which?: The Consumers’ Association ( Lastly business has an impact: directly, via lobbying; or indirectly, via the revolving door, which brings experts into direct governance roles in chambers, secondments and joint projects such as living labs (www.openlivinglabs. eu/livinglabs) and the European Technology Platform: Food for Life (etp.fooddrinkeurope. eu). 30 

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2. Augmented reality technology planning and assessment

The history of many technologies and their use shows how their usage developed in society and possible future development paths. From the Industrial Revolution onward, technology often emerged from an engineering approach, with engineers more interested in fixing a problem or solutioning a perceived one without awareness or consideration of the full implications of the transformative aspects of the technology they were implementing (Brown et al., 2009). As more widespread use of a technology occurred downsides were noted, modification and regulation of it occurred. In many cases moral panics, rather than science led policy, influenced regulation. Today engineers are more trained in ethics and to consider the implications both bad and good of any technology (Airaksinen, 2003). While corporate social responsibility has not necessarily put a break on rush to market pressures, it highlights that the bottom line is dependent on a process of testing, limited release and full release. This is common in the food industry and helps to avoid expensive marketing, costly static advertising and legal expense which hasty implementation of a new technology may bring. 2.1.2 The rise of technology A particular technical application of AR maybe developed: for consumer application, known as B2C (Business to Consumer); for corporate use known as B2B (Business to Business); or the government sector B2G (Business to Government), which consists of, part services and part regulatory functions. With the rise of social media, big data approaches and open government a technological utopianism is in the ascendant and AR has been treated favourably, though now it is in heading into ‘The Trough of Disillusionment’ in Gartner’s Emerging Technology Hype Cycle, which means a more critical view of the technology is being taken (Levy, 2015). Nevertheless, implementations are currently being developed for smart cities, personally tailored tech and monitoring/regulating in B2B and B2G. Large corporations that make money from MR are arguing for AR’s positives. This is led by those in the USA and Japan. The institutional context is developing around broader aspects of the technology’s use. There have been challenges to the march of technology and the intrusive presence of aggressive marketing which careless use of AR’s, commonly visual nature, may easily lend itself to. All this means there is a greater prevalence, of usable AR in our society. Thus its potential use in industrial food production is increasing in reality not just perception. As regards the food manufacturing supply chain the possibility to bring in allied industrial use of the technology, for example bespoke formulations of products from the pharmaceutical industry (Signorelli et al., 2014); or from use in logistics (http://www.webcitation. org/6fybwpOg3) and manufacturing industries do exist (Ong et al., 2008). Various complex processes, production processes, training of new staff and even verification that health and Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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food hygiene procedures have been properly followed can all benefit from implementation of appropriate AR. AR could be useful in all stages of the food chain, though at the moment most applications of AR are being made in marketing, which is mostly directed at the end consumer. It is important to make a proper assessment of a given technology that it is fit for purpose, before it is implemented in a given situation and position along the supply chain, not just a simple transfer from consumer focused usage to industrial implementation. This can be done with proper roll-outs, within the context of the business culture and operating environment. Justification must be based not only on initial costs, but discounting based on cost forecasts on technology purchase price in the near future too. 2.1.3 Health assessment of augmented reality tech So far we have considered assessment on a general level, which could also be applied to any new: technology, such as use of robots; process, for example lean manufacturing; or philosophy of production, like appropriate technology. Now we must consider what makes assessment of AR different. The biggest difference is that AR is explicitly for use by humans. So ergonomics must be considered both in the work environment and also externally. Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) are examples of where poor ergonomics have caused large business expenses (Yassi, 1997). Sick building syndrome, low back pain and many psychological disorders can be directly related to the work environment and the wider practices within it. With AR as a new technology the long term impacts are not known, but can be approximated by analogy to similar technologies. The approximation is a best guess and means a new technology should be kept under surveillance and cannot be said to be totally safe. Following appropriate usage guidelines from the manufacturers by users can reduce the chance of problems. The introduction and enforcement of such health and safety requirements in factories, the building industry and for forestry has led to steep drops in the number of injuries and thus costs. These changes have been particularly important in work-life, but changes in such workers’ leisure time practices have had beneficial effects too. Regulatory bodies and civil sector organizations, such as the British, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, may help through professional associations to make these evaluations from a health and safety point of view. It is better to do your own verification and checks, than to wait till problems arise with the equipment you just spent thousands on. This can be done via simple feedback by verbal interview, or a more involved monitoring and evaluation program involving social scientists, professional chambers, manufacturing consortia, civil sector organizations and unions. It is important to document this to avoid medico-legal issues in the future. If a worker was to make a financial claim it might be difficult to disprove negligence or liability without records. This could also make sure any claim was paid from company insurers and not company profits. And if people are being 32 

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damaged by work practices you would want to know about it to change the damaging practice to a non-damaging one. 2.1.4 Human factors in augmented reality use – people-tech in the work place A factor that needs consideration, related to ergonomics, is the fitting of wearable AR clothing to the size of workers. That women are generally smaller than men is a significant difference to be accounted for. Some ethnic or religious minorities might have issues with wearing certain clothing, but careful consideration and involvement in the planning phase can often prevent this becoming problematic. 2.1.5 Glasses If the wearable is a pair of glasses, then proper fitting of the glasses by an optometrist can be a good idea, as the height of the arms, the viewing points found via the inter-pupillary distance, do vary with individuals and any underlying condition must be taken into account. There are many types of glasses and at the moment glass design is at the point of innovation explosion. This means choosing particular smart glasses is difficult for the corporate sector. There are issues about software updating, availability of hardware replacement, repair and mostly about ownership. Often models are not sold with open licenses. There may be restrictions on what for, where and by who the glasses can be used. A big concern with glasses is not so much from the user, but from others that may be recorded by those using glasses. Here training in law and ethics, which has been labelled ‘augmented legality’, is important and thus that others in the environment of the glasses are comfortable in how the glasses are used (Wassom, 2014). It is important that a good data retention and usage policy is followed. When data is no longer useful, especially if it identifies individuals’ disposal of that data in a legal way is important too. Here openness can go a long way to removing fears people may have about cameras. In the EU the right to privacy also extends to the work environment and accidentally collected data and metadata (Privacy International, 2016). For example, a record of someone being in an area they are not expected to be in would not be admissible in disciplinary proceedings if incorrectly collected and stored. Someone using the technology that alarmed others, could put the user at risk of assault or the glasses being broken, which happed to AR pioneer Steve Mann (Mann, 2014). Manufacturers of the hardware may recall the models as they choose, or introduce charging models that work on licensing rather than owning the technology. For some office and retail operations that renew regularly with 3-5 year turn around operations the changeable supplier situation can be a minor inconvenience. However, for food manufacturers that may Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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invest in plant that is expected to have 20-30-year life spans this is majorly inconvenient and a big disincentive to invest in the technology as it exists now. Small footloose companies acting as start-ups are riskier than multinationals, they may be bought out or fail to raise enough venture capital to develop further a promising product or be out competed by a larger rival with an inferior, but better marketed or industry standard product. Google Glass ( is a wearable which did not reach the market and is now replaced with an Enterprise Edition available only for testing by selected Glass at Work partners ( Another is the Rift (, originally made by Oculus as a gaming device as VR goggles. Oculus focuses on VR and not AR (Kamen, 2015), though hardware hackers are already moving the Rift toward AR use (Mammano, 2015). Another product not yet available is Microsoft’s HoloLens ( which is marketed as MR. The Enterprise Edition, Rift and HoloLens all have audio capabilities as well as visual. Some companies, for example the start-up Augmate (, make software platforms that can run smart glasses made by other companies than Google. In Augmate’s case it is called Wearable Environment. Vuzix ( makes a range of hands free smart glasses. Some are marketed as smart glasses, which appear to have only one camera and screen for one eye. Some in their AR range have stereo vision and audio playback and recording capabilities too. Their most technologically advanced products are Iwear Video Headphones which are total immersion VR goggles with headphones. When considering which one to select, safety considerations are paramount. Motion sickness is an issue that has been considered with the Rift glasses. While fashion would appear to be not so important for manufacturing use, the market is driven by consumers and prosumers (casual business users and hobby users that want business level capabilities). These professionals that are using technology also outside of work are influenced by the look of technology. So for business continuity reasons some consideration should be given to the aesthetics of the glasses or it may be that a model sells poorly and is discontinued. This also presents an opportunity as a poor selling model may mean a company has lots of spare inventory that does the job and can be picked-up for a bargain price if buying a job lot. 2.1.6 Helmets Sometimes these are called heads up displays (HUDs). Strictly a HUD came from aviation when head down display was the controls in the cockpit that needed to be looked down upon. With the possibility of facing and looking in the direction of flight projecting the info so it could be seen on screen came to be called HUDs, so glasses and viewers could also


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be described as HUDs. These are more often being described as Optical Head-Mounted Displays (OHMDs): HMDs are wearable video displays shaped as a helmet, a pair of glasses or in any other shape, projecting a separate video stream into each eye of the user. OHMDs are wearable displays with a semitransparent optical element reflecting the projected images into the user’s eyes as well as allowing the user to view the surrounding physical environment through it. (Fridental, 2015) Refresh rates and screen calibration needs to be considered for any HUD, devices or items that need to be looked through. Helmets at the moment are largely not connected closely to brain waves. However, the possibility of better devices that do connect close enough that thought can control them do exist in labs. Here the ethical issues are very many. How much does someone control their thoughts and how much does a company control them? What if there is a random thought that is not wanted? Can thoughts be recorded and monitored? Does everyone think the same? We know that people do not see the same, some women having different visual receptors than men. We also know that people are also not uniform individuals in every occasion (Kramer and Bressan, 2015) and thus there are implications for AR tech that interacts with the human superorganism. 2.1.7 Headsets Headsets can be very cheap and operate as holders for mobile phones to give the interface with cyberspace. Google Cardboard viewer is one ( This viewer works with Google Cardboard apps and so is designed and tested for a particular platform. However, cardboard is not very durable as a material. The viewer does not stay attached to the head and so must be held in the hand which is a pain to use. There are a variety of different designs made from different materials and it would be easy to copy the design for 3D printing or even print actual cardboard and then cut out / score it to assemble a viewer. Similarly, your own adaptation of attachment could be made with hardware hacking. Google encourages this for manufacturers or makers (individuals that like making things) by free open source downloadable specs. In common with glasses and HUDs ambient lighting is a concern. Lighting remains a big issue, as it is poorly considered in many work-places. Often lighting itself is poorly directed, not bright enough and often wrongly colour balanced. Flicker and peripheral effects make things worse. If these aspects are combined with ill thought out AR in a lighting situation they may cause fatigue, eyestrain and contribute to increased accidents inside and Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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outside of work. However, AR may also provide an opportunity to work in poor visibility environments such as cleaning inside a large machine in a meat-packing plant or where caustic cleaning materials need to be applied. Imagine sensors on the end of a long arm and virtual glasses that represented where the arm was, when the end was used for scrubbing, a virtual cleaning measure could result so that the visual representation would show a cleaner that they had covered all the spaces that needed cleaning. For reading text everyone has an optimum text colour and page colour combination. For some it is yellow on black, for others black on dark brown and for a few black on white. 2.1.8 Other items Other items that may meet the broad definition of AR wearables are: Rings, Pendants (Hasan and Yu, 2015) Watches (Hasan and Yu, 2015), Jackets / Tabards like VJacket (Hook, 2013; Zingerle and Freeman, 2011); Boots. Footware (N.B. ware spelling rather than wear) might seem as not so useful for AR, but it can be used for navigation. Artist Dominic Wilcox created a pair of shoes called ‘No place like home shoes’. The shoes could tell your location via Global Positioning System (GPS) and were designed with light-emitting diodes to light up and guide to a given direction (Schirmer et al., 2015). Such shoes could be used in an AR environment to access order picking. In combination with glasses showing what orders items were required they could serve a training function. They could also ensure stock rotation and guide to older product that was needed in a formulation rather than newer. Such shoes could also help to structure different workers in different places, by monitoring time and motion and then directing workers to take part in training or rest periods as appropriate. On their own such shoes do little to augment reality, but further developments in footware can do this. Such reassignments of workers to new jobs on the fly already exists with some maintenance engineers in cars, for example for lifts, and can be used on large farms for harvesting a product like cauliflowers, where different parts of a field may have different ripening times due to variation in watering, soil and treatment regimes. Adidas have made some sneakers under their Adidas Originals branding and here the shoes are linked to 3D virtual worlds ( The shoe has to be held up for the coded shoe tongue to be read. Combined with different environments and the idea of location software and hardware in the shoe such shoes could serve a broader function in some environments. Harvesting of certain crops or evaluation of likely storage places could be colour coded. Say with environmental data. Sensors in the shoes could indicate if a place was too warm or cold or other important storage metrics. Locally based sensors could also feed information back by wireless to shoes when on an inspection, such info could then be transferred in suitable places which would also be then location coded. This could then be used to find again exact places where the data came from, such as a specific pallet or shelf. 36 

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What would be important with choosing such a shoe would be durability of course, as the feet undergo a more impactful life than other AR technology. But also how this interacts with other aspects of technology, so the interaction with environments and other wearables or devices. Keeping shoes or boots clean in a production environment can be a major challenge. When this comes to the food industry the standard white wellingtons would need adaptation so that they could be steam cleaned without damaging the technology within them. Shoes that monitor where someone walks can also be used for hygiene tracing if there is a food contamination or health incident. If linked to AR, then it might be possible to recreate virtually a given date and delivery for accurate back tracing of staff and any product ingredient. This could be done remotely, removing the need to store data as video, but instead as lower bandwidth demands and time-stamp codes. Sizing, colour and clothing design are also issues with these items. Implants are possible and may also augment reality. So far the use in the food industry is not even conceived of. But the possibility of medical adaptations playing a role in food production exists. For example, contact lenses, thought controlled prosthetics and monitoring for health reasons are all proposed as of now (Hasan and Yu, 2015). Extending that to post-human cyborgs is mainly science fiction or conceptual art, though Steve Mann has done it (Mann, 2014), but conceivable for a wide range of applications such as sensory monitoring, worker protection, training, maintenance, and quality auditing, where enhancements of natural capabilities may be desired. Haptics are based on the sense of touch (Hasan and Yu, 2015). They could make sense for training: if trying to feel the texture of a food product such as pizza dough consistency, the trainee could have it replicated via AR gloves. Similarly, perhaps freshness of vegetables could be assessed by squeezing and prodding and the force transferred to a computer by wireless and later cross-referencing this with taste texture. What is the effect of touch on a person? There is certainly a psychological impact, already a product using touch for a psychological effect is on the market with an AR blanket being used to cuddle an autistic child remotely (Lombard and Jones, 2013). As of now this technology is not reliable enough. Even further development than touch tech is needed if electronic noses and tongues are to be practically used. 2.1.9 Environments Our taxonomy of AR splits the technology into devices, environments and wearables. Examples are of: a device, a phablet; of an environment, an enhanced room; and wearables, a jacket. A broad definition of AR means that we must include the use of sound and chemicals. Using them to augment reality is controversial in marketing where people feel they are being Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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tricked. However, in production this feeling of being misled is not such an issue. More the issue is: What is the effect of breathing in a chemical every day for thirty years while working in a field, factory or shop? After asbestos people are rightly wary of a supposedly wonder materials, proper regulation of which may not be timely (Bartrip, 1998). More recently nanotech and graphene have been questioned as to their safety both to humans and the wider environment (Kaplan and Woloschyn, 2014). Perhaps some potential does exist for AR chemicals, as a warning, much as natural gas is augmented by the addition of ethyl mercaptan so that people can smell leaks and get away from danger. Perhaps a product could have a chemical that decomposes based on degree days so that unfit for human consumption would be readily detectable as a part of traceability, identification and health marking. Any such chemical would have to be considered in concert with other common exposures such as to cigarette smoke, food additives, cleaning materials, etcetera that a worker might reasonably come into contact with. EU law is more stringent now with these wider aspects and novel usage. This legislation falls under the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals. Sound is fairly well assessed in terms of noise pollution and also if heard through headphones and so this noise can be more easily accommodated when using it in an AR app. Noise assessment works on total noise accrued over a period of time as well as absolute noise levels. So noise accrued over time could be measured with a dosimeter, which stores sound level over time and can be linked to make a sound map in time and space. Absolute levels would be measured by a sound level meter and it would measure the sound intensity at a given time. Correct placing of the meters is important regarding the person being measured for exposure. Commonly in the food industry ear defenders are issued and individual workers are responsible for correct fitting. Some of the ear plug type, are inserted into the ear canal and can be difficult to fit and adjust (commonly made of sponge or rubber), but effective if correctly fitted. Others are the ‘headphone type’, properly called ear muffs (as they muffle the sound rather than inputting sound which phone would suggest), which are more expensive to purchase, often not so close fitting, however they can be made for a special use and cover a bigger area of the ear, all of which is used in hearing and so can be more effective. There are other options such as total coverage with a helmet, silicon putty that cover the ear canal but do not enter it and design such as roll-up flat sheets and wax plugs. Here design, evaluation and testing are important. Women usually have smaller ear canals than men, so what may suit a man may not properly fit a woman’s body. In many factories it is 38 

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mostly women working on the line so a gendered aspect should be considered in purchasing decisions. In some noisy environments, such as where sawing or drilling takes place no sound is wanted and so defenders can be good, but in others higher frequency sound such as voice is still needed so inserting flange rubber type plugs may be better. Monitoring of hearing and hearing loss can mitigate any damaging use early on, and allow minor hearing damage to the hairs in the ear to heal by temporarily removing a worker from exposure to sound. Making the equipment so that it is not possible to inadvertently make it too loud with a limiter is good design practice. This can be done at the hardware and the software level. With our AR technology we have now looked at the institutional and international standards and seen that it is available to us. We have considered the business case and evaluated the appropriateness for a given technological item in context with our team in terms of culture, gender, cost and strategy. And latterly we have considered the human factors so that the technology is safe, comfortable and practical for the users. Now we must consider how to assess and evaluate the human machine interface of AR technology.

2.2 Augmented reality assessment methodology and a practical method of assessment In the previous section information was given on what should be considered when planning for AR and specifically long term, strategic AR technology use in the firm. Here we talk about the analytical hierarchic process (AHP; Saaty, 1980) and a connected methodology for practical assessment of AR as a decision support system (DSS) over whether to adopt a piece of AR technology or not. AR assessment comprises three elements that make up the human machine interface: 1. Software, which is the program that is running on the AR technology, and needs to interface with humans, the AR technology and also the existing information storage and retrieval systems in a firm. 2. Hardware, which is the technology itself and it needs to operate in the physical environment and work in concert with the software and the socio-cultural context. 3. The social-cultural context, covers the people that will use the hardware, software and must interact with the wider corporate culture, other individuals and ways of being in the firm. Assessment of these three elements can be carried out alone, or best of all in concert and can be further dis-aggregated to sub-features. Awareness that emergent properties can only be seen in combination is needed. Assessment is best done before, during and after implementation for continuous improvement. The proper documentation and accessibility

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of the data from these processes can help improve business processes and save time and money for new technology as well as that already existing (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991). One way to record assessments is a database of problems, which the program HEAT ( or systems Bugzilla ( and SourceForge (sourceforge. net) do. However, this is problem focused and is not designed to allow graduations nor comparisons, but is most useful once a technology has been selected. Another way would be by using a software that works on modules. Each module can be looked at and evaluated as required, so perhaps a module would look at navigation on a device, but another one would look at speed of data transfer and another might look at appearance and how cool a device looks for the wearer. Perhaps the appearance module is of minor interest so it could be weighted low or even at 0 and so not considered at all in an overall assessment, whereas data speed rendering is more important than navigation, which could be partially compensated for by training and the weighting thus altered. A modular process can also be applied when using a usability testing or any other aspect of interest. The actual assessment can be carried out by various methods. One method is AHP. AHP is ‘a method for structuring and solving complex decision problems’ (Haas, 2004), which was developed in the 1970s by mathematician Thomas L. Saaty (Saaty, 1980) and can be done by use of the Expert Choice software, which was designed for AHP by Forman (Forman et al., 1983). AHP is relatively simple and well understood. It has been widely applied including for technological testing (Golden et al., 1989): The applications range from business issues such as location decisions, resource allocation, cost-risk-benefit analysis of investment projects, selection of new product development (Calantone et al., 1999), SWOT analysis (Kurttila et al., 2000) macroeconomic, medical, military or political issues such as conflict analysis or the prognosis of election outputs … [and] for decision problems within the agri-food industry … (Haas, 2004) Thus AHP could be used for evaluating a piece of AR tech in a Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) (50-250 staff ) (EC, 2015). Though it can be too laborious for a simple testing in a micro firm (? These are different, if inventorying and you want to know how many empty boxes there are in a cold storage. Empty boxes actually have to be counted, not just full boxes and then an assumption made that the storage is full. It may be that there are only full boxes in the storage, but it maybe that empty boxes were put there by a new, inexperienced worker or an error in the logistics software. Knowing that difference could be important, and break testing would see if boxes are recorded even if no carrot boxes were there. AHP can incorporate data from different methods. ‘The use of a quantitative analytical method should … always be done in combination with a ‘classic’ qualitative method such as observation’ (Haas, 2004). Several methods should be applied over the technology testing, design and implementation phases. These can conform to what is called concurrent engineering (CE), ‘the basic factors [of which] include common goals, complete visibility of design parameters, mutual consideration of all decisions, collaboration to resolve conflicts, teamwork and continuous improvement’ (Hauptman and Hirji, 1999). This is more representative of a peer 2 peer learning environment, with a flatter management structure than a hierarchical management tier. CE works with the different phases going on simultaneously not sequentially (Clark and Fujimoto, 1991).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

2. Augmented reality technology planning and assessment

Models can be applied for evaluation rather than just observation and experiments and the data for them used with AHP. One of these is called task technology fit (TTF; Figure 2.1). TTF works on the idea that a task is accurately described, for example 20 packets of biscuits fill a box and the box is bar code labelled and put into logistics storage. The task of traceability requires accurate scanning at several points and that data being stored and made accessible to human eyes. The technology could be a pen and paper, bar code scanner and computer system. The best fit based on the modelled characteristics of the technology alternatives suggest what should be implemented. Here it can be seen that the evaluation method can be a trial, with observation by the user. The user perception is a subjective proxy for how well the technology fits, as other factors may make it more or less successful in implementation. In our example light levels in the production environment, mounting of the technology, etc. Or it can be a model based on the data provided by a manufacturer as to how it should work. In such a case the technology becomes a black box with an assumption that the technology works properly. As inputs can be variable so can outputs. Also with new technology it may in itself not be consistent, for example the specifications on the machine may not be accurate and it is not suitable for industrial application. e.g. flimsy components, needed down time for battery recharging/ cooling, etc. These internal aspects must not be overlooked in an over-reliance on the marketing hype of the supplier. In order to account for this, TTF relies on 12 dimensions: lack of confusion, degree of data accuracy, importance of data, localization of the data, access to data, user-friendliness, system reliability, accuracy of data, compatibility of data, timeliness of data, output display of data, and performance (Goodhue, 1995). Goodhue (1995) found that: 1. the specific features of technology affect the user evaluation 2. the specificity of the task affects the user evaluation 3. the individual user skills impact on the user evaluation 4. the interaction between task and technology and individual skills

Technology alternatives

Evaluation method

Pen and paper

AR glasses Bar code reader

Task Traceability of individual bar codes on a packet of biscuits to time and location path of production.

Figure 2.1. The task technology fit process. Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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and technology have an impact on the user evaluation. This can lead to problems in using the TTF method. Further problems arise from large enough sample size being required to perform multiple regression analyses on the data where SMEs ‘with small numbers of employees do not have sufficient sample size in order to get meaningful results’ (Haas, 2001). That TTF is ‘specifically developed for management information systems’ and ‘… there is a significant cost in respondent time to fill out long questionnaires’ (Goodhue, 1995). Maybe thus a tester that can recognize errors and report them back in context requires a scientific literacy aspect, meaning trained scientists and food workers need to be employed so that they recognize and accurately describe the results. Here considering out-sourcing makes financial and practical sense. A positive criticism of TTF is that it can combine with other models, for example the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which ‘was developed to explain and predict computer-usage behaviour. It has its theoretical grounding in Fishbein and Ajzen’s (1975) theory of reasoned action (TRA) which stated that beliefs influence attitudes, which lead to intentions, and finally to behaviours’ (Klopping and McKinney, 2004). TAM would deal with some of the user related variables that TTF on its own does not assess so well. Another model that is similar in purpose to TAM is the Customer Satisfaction Model. There are three approaches to see if ‘satisfaction’, an emotional result of a cognitive comparative process, is reached (Homburg and Rudolph, 1997): 1. Confirmation/disconfirmation paradigm (C/D Paradigm): a comparative standard is expected before use. Actual experiences either Confirm or Do not confirm, that standard which leads directly to satisfaction or dissatisfaction. e.g. a wearable ring will be visible and readable in the low light conditions of my mushroom factory. If I thought it would be as all the other watches /devices I had heard about for use in dim factories were, and it was that would confirm my paradigm of a fit for purpose watch. It is like a confirmation bias. 2. Equity theory: satisfaction is judged based on the interpretation of fairness. A costs and benefit analysis based on how much resources have been invested and the results that come out based on that. e.g. I spent €300 and one week with my wearable-shareable watch to link in with the server and it still does not update in real time. I would need to spend a month debugging the software and integrating it with our current IT systems (this is called inter-operability) – therefore it is not satisfactory. Compared with: I put the €300 watch on and it synchronized with our Apache server straight away and after an hour it was fully updating real time with logistics movements that others implemented on their wearables, laptops and standalones on the fly – therefore it is satisfactory. 3. Attribution theory: customers search for grounds for the success or lack of success of a purchase order and causes for this by reference to a multi-dimensional schema. 48 

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Satisfaction after a consumptive experience depends on the identified causes. e.g. I can get good pictures of AR showing where the stock is located in the warehouse when I look through my augmented goggles, this is because the technology is well-designed rather than because my warehouse happens to have good radio-transmission properties without black-spots. Another user may say that the goggles give poor pictures because of the technology not being very good rather than because the warehouse happens to have blackspots in radio-transmission. It is critical when a user is asked about satisfaction, that it is done before, during and after initial usage. Asking at these different phases can give different results and identify what the subjective perspectives are based on. Bailey and Pearson (1983) identified five important characteristics within the satisfaction construct for a computer: the correctness of the output, reliability of the output, the speed of work performance, the relevance of the information provided, and confidence in the computer system. These are readily transferable to application cases of AR software and hardware. Another alternative to assess an ‘electronic consumer product’ is the consumer products questionnaire which assesses ‘efficiency, helpfulness, and transparency’ (McNamara and Kirakowski, 2011) and works if the professional user is the consumer and the application is the business context. So we have analysed the technology (with TTF and checked its tolerances with break testing) and the users (with TAM and user profiling and testing team composition has accounted for the variables we may find between individual users), but to analyse the task to get data for our AHP we can use the Performance Measurement Method. This measures the effectiveness, the quality and quantity of a task and how complete it is. Different technologies can be tried and compared with a standard task. One version has been adapted for use in product analysis in a commercial setting under the acronym MUSiC (measuring usability of systems in context) (Bevan et al., 1995; MacLeod et al., 1997). Users can provide biometric indicators when performing a task by use of techniques used in neuromarketing research such as EEG or observation and analysis of video recordings. Performance can also be assessed by the Subjective Mental Effort Questionnaire (SMEQ) (Foglia et al., 2008), the NASA task load index, subjective workload assessment technique or workload profile technique (Stanton et al., 2012) (Rubio et al., 2004). The ISO standard ISO-9241 refers to Quality of Use and the software usability measurement inventory (SUMI) is based on that standard and aims to measure that Quality of Use for ‘desktop applications’ (Kirakowski et al., 1998). This supposedly works if there are 12 subjects that are tested ( Jordan et al., 1996). There are several criticisms of SUMI: subjective judgements are used for rating; there is poor comparability between users; and too many factors are conflated for meaningful objective comparative conclusions to be drawn. However, practice Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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by a number of users in a firm would allow quality of use to be adapted and compared on the basis of the tacit knowledge embodied as common ground within that context. This qualitative aspect could then be converted, perhaps with a Likert type scale (Wuensch, 2005) so comparisons can be made.

2.3 Conclusion The analytical hierarchical process is a method that can be applied to the datasets collected by the qualitative and quantitative methods outlined above for evaluating AR. There would be enough reliability for practical use when assessing between wearables for application in a food industry environment to make a decision on if and what to / what not to implement. Other methods and additional data collection can supplement this process, but ultimately it is only over a longer period of use that any AR technology can prove its worth in implementation. AR technology is so new that properly evaluated, long term application cases in the food industry do not exist. So you should be wary about localizing and adapting them to your particular situation. This method here can be followed in lieu of proven worth. Alternatively, you can make use of a consultancy service, such as Noldus (, which has been involved in the writing of this book and helps implement technology within its portfolio in the food industry. Though they may have a good approach and experts to guide you, even such companies cannot yet have the evidence to have a high level of confidence in a given AR technology.

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Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

3. Augmented reality in retailing B. Borusiak* and B. Pierański Poznań University of Economics and Business, Department of Commerce and Marketing, al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland; [email protected]

Abstract The technology of augmented reality (AR) has been used for some time in such fields as medicine, tourism and education. In the area of retail trade, the use of AR can be described as being in an initial phase. Therefore, it is still uncertain whether this technology will become a permanent part of retailing; resulting in increased customer satisfaction, an increased volume of purchases, greater customer loyalty, and thus an increase in retailers’ profits; or will turn out to be a passing fad, quickly replaced by other solutions. This chapter consists of three parts. The first part describes the essence of AR; the second presents the specificity of applying AR in the retail trade; and the third, final part contains examples in the use of AR by retailers. Keywords: retailing, augmented reality, personalization, innovation

Leanne W.S. Loijens (ed.) Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers  DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-842-1_3, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2017


B. Borusiak and B. Pierański

3.1 The essence of augmented reality Augmented reality (AR) is a technology in which computer-generated images (sometimes sound and textual info is also added) are imposed on reality. Thus, AR does not replace the real world but coexists with it in a particular place and time, enriching it with, among other things, additional information or objects (Azuma, 1997). Reality enriched in this way is available only to people using appropriate devices equipped with specific software. In view of the fact that sight is the principal human sense, the vast majority of the information processed by AR is presented in graphical form; less frequently in the form of sound or tactile stimuli. In other words, AR can be defined as a technology with the following characteristics (Wróbel, 2013): ▶▶ it combines the real world with virtual reality (VR); ▶▶ it is interactive in real time; ▶▶ it allows freedom of movement in three dimensions. The essence of AR can also be represented by a diagram of the so-called Reality-Virtuality continuum, on the basis of which the concept of mixed reality (MR) was developed. MR, in turn, shows the relationships between the real and the virtual worlds (Figure 3.1). On the reality-virtuality continuum, AR is located far closer to the real world. This is because, as already mentioned, it is a technology whose reference point (anchorage) is the real world, with the virtual elements only being added to it. In this sense, AR should not be equated with VR. This is because VR is not necessarily linked with the real environment. On the contrary, in VR any images can be created regardless of the place or context; whereas AR does not create a new, full virtual 3D world, but only extends and complements the real world (Pardel, 2009). Nevertheless, it should be noted that these two concepts, these two realities, are in fact connected. AR is therefore a hybrid concept that combines both the real and the virtual environments. A similar hybrid technology is augmented virtuality, as shown in Figure 3.1. In this case, the reference point is VR, which is enriched with material elements.

Mixed reality

Real environment

Augmented reality

Augmented virtuality

Virtual environment

Figure 3.1. Reality-virtuality continuum (Milgram et al., 1994).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

3. Augmented reality in retailing

The technology of AR, which may vary slightly depending on the provider, requires four closely related elements: ▶▶ The marker, which enables the display of virtual objects; markers can be, for example, product logos, product packaging, bar codes, or arbitrarily chosen graphical symbols or signs. ▶▶ The hardware, which enables an analysis of the real environment, and in particular for locating markers. Such devices include smartphones and tablets (i.e. devices with built-in cameras) or special eyeware. ▶▶ The software, often taking the form of applications installed on mobile devices, whose task is to first search for and identify markers, and then perform the programed actions (depending on the marker) to create the AR. ▶▶ The content, which augments reality once the appropriate marker has been located. Reality can be augmented by static images, animations, videos, text, etc. Generally, two basic types of AR technology can be distinguished (Wróbel, 2013): ▶▶ See-through, in which virtual objects are placed (displayed) on a transparent screen through which the user watches the real environment. This is how devices such as goggles work. A person wearing them can without difficulty move around a specific area (e.g. a store), drive a car or pilot an aircraft, while at the same time observing reality enriched with the information that is necessary in a particular situation. ▶▶ Video-mixing, in which the picture of reality from a camera is supplemented with computer-generated elements and the combined image is displayed on an opaque screen. In this way Augmented Reality can be generated on smartphones or tablets owing to the built-in cameras and appropriate applications installed. Also, virtual fitting rooms are based on a similar manner of generating AR (this will be discussed later in this chapter. Work on the development of AR began in the 1960s. In the 1970s and 1980s the technology was tested by the military and space agencies. The term ‘’augmented reality’’ was for the first time used by the American company Boeing to describe a tool which it created for its employees to facilitate work on the construction of complex systems installed in aircraft. The current sharp rise in the interest in and use of AR is caused by the proliferation of mobile technology. A manifestation of this trend is a significant increase in the number of smartphones used (Karr, 2016). Smartphones have proved to be excellent devices for generating AR based on the technology of video-mixing. They have built-in cameras, screens and enough memory to store the software in the form of applications. These applications are commissioned by companies (e.g. retailers) that are eager to enrich the shopping experience of consumers. Smartphones seem to be much more convenient devices for implementing the AR technology than tablets, which are considerably larger and less popular, or goggles, which are completely impractical for everyday activities such as shopping. Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


B. Borusiak and B. Pierański

3.2 The specificity of using augmented reality in retailing AR has a wide range of applications. It is used, among others, in the following areas (Pardel, 2009): ▶▶ navigation devices; ▶▶ the military and security services; ▶▶ hydrology and geology (e.g. geological visualisations); ▶▶ architecture (e.g. project simulation); ▶▶ tourism; ▶▶ education (e.g. realistic interactive teaching aids); ▶▶ medicine (e.g. 3D-imaging of the human body). Significant opportunities, though as yet not very well examined or verified, can be offered by applying the AR technology to the retail sector (Zhu et al., 2006). Regardless of which type of technique for creating AR a retailer opts for (see-through or video-mixing), the use of this technology is intended to make shopping easier and, above all, to turn it into a form of entertainment. However, the use of AR by retailers does not stem from altruistic motives. AR has the potential to increase sales by means of, for example, informing customers about special price offers on the products which they most frequently buy, or offering complementary products. Moreover, a feature that is particularly emphasized is that AR provides customers with an opportunity to see how a product works before they purchase it. This reduces the perceived risk associated with buying an unsuitable product (Klein, 1998), thus increasing the chances of its acquisition (Rowley, 2009). An extremely important issue connected with the use of AR in general, and its use in retailing in particular, is determining the type, form and amount of information which will be transmitted to the customer within AR. If shoppers are overloaded with information, AR is likely to fail in its task and instead discourage them from making purchases. Therefore, the scope of information reaching the customer should be clearly defined, limited and, most importantly, adjusted to the individual client in three aspects (Zhu et al., 2006): ▶▶ the customer’s previous shopping history; ▶▶ the customer’s location in the store; ▶▶ product context (complementary products associated with the focal product). Adjusting the scope of the provided information to the customer’s purchase history, first of all requires collecting data on the purchases made by them. Useful tools which can be used for this purpose are loyalty cards; both those that are issued in a physical form (plastic) and those that have the form of smartphone applications. The data collected should relate to such issues as the type and amount of products bought, the amount of money spent, the frequency 58 

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3. Augmented reality in retailing

of shopping, etc. This data can then be combined with the demographic characteristics of the customer, such as their gender or age. An analysis of the data collected by means of statistical techniques such as, for example, data mining should provide information about the customer’s preferred brands within specific categories; their sensitivity to price changes; or propensity to buy products on special offer. Constructing a customer’s profile based on their purchase history makes it possible to use AR to provide the customer with adequate information about those products which they are most likely to buy every time they visit the store. One drawback of providing information about the products that a customer usually buys is that these purchases tend to be restricted to a certain permanent list of items. This state of affairs can be altered by providing the consumer with information on products which are complementary to those which they customarily purchase. Complementary products can be selected based on the following criteria (Zhu et al., 2006): ▶▶ functionality; ▶▶ aesthetics; ▶▶ sociocultural factors. When consumed together, products which are complementary, in terms of function, help to satisfy specific needs. Thus, if in the context of AR a customer views a lamp, they should also receive information about the light bulbs offered by the shop; and viewing a bottle of shampoo should be a marker for triggering information about hair conditioners, etc. An extension of functional complementarity is aesthetic complementarity. This involves selecting products based on their appearance, style, colour or shape so that together they form a stylistically coherent whole. Based on this principle, accessories for a dress can be selected by virtual fitting rooms (smart mirrors), or furniture can be suggested to match the style of the sofa chosen by the consumer. Finally, complementarity based on sociocultural factors involves selecting products in a manner which helps create a certain image for the customer. Thus, for example, when buying an expensive watch, the customer should receive information about the offering of a luxury hotel or a golf club. The location of the shopper in the store (and more specifically, the location of the device on which the appropriate application is installed) can be a reference point for determining the products about which the customer should be informed. Therefore, the location should be a kind of filter which prevents the delivery of information about all the products that are of potential interest to the customer. Instead, for example, when the customers enters the Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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alley with dairy products, the most frequently purchased products only from this category should appear in AR, possibly enriched with complementary products. The selection of appropriate information depending on the location of the buyer in the shop can be possible only if highly accurate systems for determining the position of objects in three-dimensional space are used. Due to insufficient accuracy and the difficulty of using it indoors, GPS technology it is not helpful in this respect. Therefore, ultrasound or infrared technologies are utilised for this purpose (Zhu et al., 2006). The ability to determine the scope and type of information delivered to the customer makes AR technology a tool for personalizing the contacts between customers and retailers; or, in other words, for personalizing the buying process inside the store. This is possible even in the case of mass-purchased products such as groceries and goods used every day. Personalization consists in creating unique solutions tailored to the unique needs of individual consumers (Bardakci and Whitelock, 2003). In more figurative terms, personalization is defined as providing every consumer with exactly what they want at a specific time and place (Hart, 1995). From a retailer’s perspective, the consequence of this is using various forms of personalization. Firstly, personalization can involve offering unique, inimitable and tailor-made products to individual customers. Secondly, it can also consist in offering virtually identical products to different customers who express identical needs. It should be noted, however, that retailers individualize their offer not by modifying the physical form of individual goods, but by providing consumers with ready-made buying combinations. This means that the customer does not need to browse (view) all the products in the assortment: in AR they are presented with only a specific selection which corresponds to their current and/or potential needs. The development of modern information technologies, which are the basis of AR, has also significantly enhanced the possibilities of personalizing retailers’ offers. The breakthrough primarily concerns the methods for collecting and analysing gargantuan amounts of data relating to consumers, which leads to more precise consumer profiling. The range of data that can be acquired and processed is so vast that it has been named Big Data. New technologies have also resulted in changing the role of the customer in the personalization process. As mentioned above, the comprehensive range of data on customers (Big Data) available to companies and the possibility of their appropriate interpretation (analytical algorithms) make it possible to implement personalization without involving customers. This means that they do not have to define their needs or communicate them to the retailer (Lekakos and Giaglis, 2002). It can therefore be assumed that personalization can be achieved without any active or, above all, conscious participation of the customer. All 60 

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that is necessary is that a consumer is active and uses loyalty cards as well as the smartphone applications which make AR possible. Any such activity will supply data which can be used to create (automatically) an accurate customer profile1.

3.3 Augmented reality in retailing – examples AR technology can be used by both online as well as bricks-and-mortar stores. AR technology can fundamentally change the way online stores operate, especially as regards fashion industry products. It is highly probable that the possibility of trying on items will improve the conversion rate, i.e. increase the percentage of those who make purchases among the people who visit a store’s website and reduce the level of returns. A significant role may also be played by the ease of consulting friends before buying a product: customers can easily share photos on their profiles and receive comments. The possibility of using AR by bricks-and-mortar stores is associated with the previously mentioned popularity and proliferation of mobile technologies. The use of AR by retail enterprises is largely dependent on the product assortment and the adopted form of customer service. AR can be useful, for example, in the case of products for which it is important to obtain a visual match to a certain real situation (e.g. clothing, furniture and jewellery). With regard to clothing, for example, a very promising solution is a virtual fitting room, also referred to as a smart mirror. The body of a person standing in front of the mirror is scanned, which creates the possibility of ‘trying on’ clothes. It is this ‘trying on’ that is the essence of AR in this case because in fact it is not necessary to put any clothes on. Instead, in the mirror (which is basically a large screen) a 3D image is generated of the person standing in front of it dressed in their chosen item of clothing. A smart mirror enables instant changes in the size or colour of the clothes, or the selection of complementary accessories. In a more advanced version, a virtual fitting room automatically suggests the colour of clothes which will match the colour of the hair, eyes and skin, as well as suggesting complementary products. Selling furniture can also be assisted by AR technology. A forerunner in this area is the Swedish retailer IKEA. The essence of AR in this case is the ability to view a threedimensional image of an item or items of furniture selected from the catalogue against the background of the actual room. In order to use this technology, two things are necessary: the free IKEA application installed on the smartphone and, optionally, the IKEA catalogue. This catalogue acts as a kind of marker in relation to which the computer-generated furniture 1

The continuous collection of data on Internet users (often without their knowledge) and using it as a basis for creating customer profiles raises a number of legal and ethical objections. However, these will not be discussed in this article. Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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is oriented. The application also offers the opportunity to obtain additional information about the selected items in the form of, for example, animations or video clips. As regards retailers offering food products, AR can be used in several areas (http://tinyurl. com/mdho7ws): offering help in searching for specific products, providing additional information about products for a customer (such an application has been developed by IBM) (Figure 3.2). In both cases, AR will be revealed by looking at the surroundings (e.g. the coffee aisle in a grocery store) through a smartphone, and more specifically through the camera built into the smartphone. Appropriately placed markers will then indicate, for example, the products of a specific manufacturer, those free of certain substances (e.g. gluten), coming from local suppliers or from a specific country. In turn, the markers placed on the packaging of specific food items can in AR take the form of a detailed description of the product’s composition, a set of recommended complementary products, or a recipe in which a given product is a key ingredient. AR can also be used for delivering personalized coupons. In the more advanced (personalized) forms of AR, one can imagine that the kinds of dishes which the recipes will suggest or the amounts of the necessary ingredients will depend on the size of the customer’s family or their lifestyle. Another advantage of AR is that because the markers are placed on products (products themselves can also be markers), information

Figure 3.2. An example of information augmented reality application can provide to a customer. 62 

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about them will be available to the customer even after doing their shopping; for example when they want to use the products at home. AR application can be used not only by customers but also by store employees (Figure 3.3). In this case they can get an easy and constant access to the information on stock availability or the expire date of offered products, for example. The most spectacular undertaking to date with regard to using AR technology is the creation of entire virtual stores which can be accessed via smartphones or special eyeware (of which there are many versions, the most advanced being the Oculus Rift headset). Virtual stores can be located in a public space, as was done by, the owner of China’s largest online store, offering a product range similar to that of a supermarket. During one night, on 15.10.2012, Yihaodian created 1000 virtual stores throughout China, mainly close to business centres but also in some very non-standard locations such as the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the car park of a Carrefour hypermarket (very much real). A mobile application (available for Android and iOS devices) directs the user to a store and enables them to see it in a place where no real shop in fact exists and do their shopping. Although virtual, the stores have an area of about 1,200 m2 (Potter, 2012). The area aspect may seem paradoxical in relation to a virtual store, but the idea was to create a store that would be as real as possible (Advertising Age, 2012).

Figure 3.3. An example of an information augmented reality application can provide to a shop-assistant. Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


3.4 Final remarks Being a new technology, AR is in the early stages of use in retailing. Therefore, at present it is difficult to judge whether it will become commonly accepted and used by customers or how profitable it will turn out to be for retailers. To date, there have been no reliable studies diagnosing issues related to the impact of AR in terms of increasing customer satisfaction, the volume of purchases, or retailers’ revenues.

References Advertising Age, 2012. Chinese Retailer Yihaodian Launches 1000 ‘Stores’ Overnight. Available at: http://tinyurl. com/l2ksdgb. Azuma, R., 1997. A survey of augmented reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 6(4): 355-385. Bardakci, A. and Whitelock, J., 2003. Mass-customization in marketing: the consumer perspective. Journal of Consumer Marketing 20(5): 463-479. Hart, C.W.L., 1995. Mass-customization: conceptual underpinnings, opportunities and limits. International Journal of Service Industry Management 6(2): 36-45. Karr, D., 2016. What is Augmented Reality and will it impact marketing? Available at: Klein, L.R., 1998. Evaluating the potential of interactive media through a new lens: search versus experience goods. Journal of Business Research 41(3): 195-203. Lekakos, G. and Giaglis, G.M., 2002. Delivering personalized advertisements in digital television: a methodology and empirical evaluation. Workshop on Personalization in Future TV. Malaga, Spain. Milgram, P., Takemura, H., Utsumi, A. and Kishino F., 1994. Augmented Reality: a class of displays on the realityvirtuality continuum. Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies 2351: 282-292. Pardel, P., 2009. Przegląd ważniejszych zagadnień rozszerzonej rzeczywistości. Studia Informatica 1(82): 35-64. Potter, D., 2012. China: Yihaodian to open 1000 virtual stores. Available at: Rowley, J., 2009. Online branding strategies of UK fashion retailers. Internet Research 19(3): 348-369. Wróbel, K., 2013. Stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju systemów rzeczywistości rozszerzonej w zastosowaniach przemysłowych. Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni 82: 129-136. Zhu, W., Owen, Ch. B., Li, H., Lee, J.-H., 2006. Design of the PromoPad: an automated augmented reality shopping assistant. 12th Americas Conference on Information Systems. August 4-6, 2006. Acapulco, Mexico.


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

4. Consumer food related applications: food retail sector and services E. Horská*, J. Paluchová, P. Šimončič and J. Berčík Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Marketing and Trade, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76, Nitra, Slovakia; [email protected]

Abstract Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information and the user´s environment in real time usually realized with a movie, app, mobile devices, etc. For AR you usually need a computer, a camera, a processor and a screen. The excitement of being in a restaurant or a coffee/ tea house lies heavily in the constant state of activity nowadays. AR recognizes a visual picture or film, blends new information, and displays the virtual result. Those who are early adopters of new marketing technologies seem to gain several distinct benefits. Nowadays, with over 30% of mobile users using this technology, the total statistics revenue expected to be generated from AR in 2016-2017 is €524 million ($ 600 million). Having an AR app for a restaurant, coffee or tea house helps owners engage more with customers, add effective value and bring higher revenue by changing conventional paper based menu system. After studying this chapter, the reader will be able to imagine the process, how the AR could be implemented into the restaurant/ coffee/ or tea service segment as well as in retail. In the final part of chapter, we shortly describe basic apps implemented in the retail sector and practical examples, how to use AR in the practice of retail. Keywords: augmented reality, restaurant segment, technologies, visualisation, virtual reality

Leanne W.S. Loijens (ed.) Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers  DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-842-1_4, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2017


E. Horská, J. Paluchová, P. Šimončič and J. Berčík

4.1 Introduction Economists theorize, that the world currently finds itself in the ‘experience economy’ (Yuan and Wu, 2008). Experiential consumption is based more on a holistic experience, recognizing both the emotional and rational motives of consumption (Schmitt, 1999) and customers do not always focus on products, because their ‘functional utility is either taken for granted or seen as irrelevant’ (Denegri-Knott and Molesworth, 2010). Augmented reality (AR) is strongly supporting the creation of a unique experience; therefore it is increasingly being used in creative ways for apps, games, and shopping experiences. It works by projecting computer-generated data and three-dimensional graphics into the real world. A computer or cell phone essentially becomes consumers’ eyes and their entree into a multi-layered, three-dimensional experience (Azuma, 1997; Virágh et al., 2015) the visual combination of what´s captured real-time in the physical environment with that which is ‘augmented’ creates very interesting results with many applications and possibilities. Some are more useful while others are simply fun.

4.2 Advantages of augmented reality marketing It is still early days regarding the benefits of using this technology as a marketing tool but here are a few potential contenders: ▶▶ Personalisation: the customer can upload their own content to create a personalised form of media which is marketed at them only. ▶▶ Novelty: AR is considered to be the ‘latest thing’ on the technology front so there is still that drive to be an early adopter. ▶▶ Socialisation: there is the opportunity for customers to share their personalized content with others, i.e. viral AR marketing. ▶▶ Accessible: it enables customers who do not have the technical skills or know-how to create their own multimedia product. There is also customer experience to consider: AR can inject a playful, fun element into an everyday product. It adds a sense of excitement to the process which appeals to a greater number of customers. This is the aim of marketing (Virtual Reality, 2009). To show customers, that AR is not only a fancy trend right now, which will soon fall into oblivion, but it is a valuable marketing tool with future potential companies present customers excerpt of a research article published by Hidden Creative (http://www. Hidden Creative is an immersive marketing and training company, they


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act as a brand butler for clients, bridging the gap between the business and the ‘virtual’ or ‘digital’ world. Following we take a look at some examples of how companies can benefit from the use of AR in their promotion and marketing activities as well as some disadvantages and risks that come with its use. 4.2.1 Demand generation: augmented reality used to enhance websites, advertising and/or events A good website should be part of a digital strategy to acquire new customers or generate leads. When AR is used on websites, it increases dwell time and there is a proven correlation between the dwell time on site and conversions (e.g. sales, visits to the contact us page). Advertising is changing and savvy advertising agencies are incorporating interactive elements into their artwork. Brands can incorporate an AR experience into an advert which then drives the user through to a website or provides them with a coupon or offer attention point’s in store. The events’ industry is in decline and old fashioned; an exhibition is no longer as central to marketing budgets as it once was. Successful events and exhibitors are increasing interactivity at events which can increase dwell time on the stand and directly help with lead generation (Trubow, 2011). 4.2.2 Qualifying: augmented reality used to demonstrate product or credential presentations Too many sales and marketing professionals underinvest in sales and marketing collateral. Some innovative companies are choosing to invest in the sales process and make a good first impression by using AR to bring a presentation to life. Sales collateral can be static too but at the end of an AR experience it is possible to add data capture forms or refer people into a website or contact page, thus supporting the sales process. Clearly an interactive web experience will not only captivate attention but as research shows, AR gives businesses a chance to put products into the hands of customers helping increase the likelihood to buy. Product demonstrations might not be as high pressure as a pitch situation but it is still a selling opportunity. If it is impossible to demonstrate the real product then an AR experience can make an engaging alternative (Trubow, 2011). 4.2.3 Proposing: modelling designs and products There are some businesses that need to strip back costs from the sales process. For example, engineering firms spend hundreds of thousands of euros on 3D product models. There are Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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a number of leading engineering and construction firms who are investing in AR modelling instead which can be much more cost effective and take much less time to complete. Again for some organisations modelling products for clients can be a major part of the job. Make the process quick impactful with AR (Trubow, 2011). 4.2.4 Delivering: reporting and updating clients on projects Selling does not stop when a client has been acquired. Most businesses are constantly trying to convince clients that their strategy is right or that their product design is the best solution. An augmentation of a proposed solution can be a sophisticated and persuasive way to communicate its benefits. Truly global businesses come with their own challenges. Sometimes it is not feasible to fly out to clients to visit a project site in China or Australia, or perhaps a project is being coordinated with teams which are located in different time zones. AR demonstrations can prove to be the death of distance and reduce the need for expensive international travel (Trubow, 2011).

4.3 Disadvantages of augmented reality marketing AR, just like any other technology will have some incredibly beneficial uses and some absolutely useless ones. However, all forms of AR will likely be accompanied by some risks. Here are just five potential problems we can expect in the years ahead: 4.3.1 Privacy issues The biggest issue with AR is definitely the privacy. With the use of facial recognition technology, combined with geo-location and augmented data will lead to a seamless integration of our online and offline lives. As a result of these developments, a person walking around in the physical world will no longer be just a physical body, but will be enhanced with a digital profile and other information that either the person itself or others make available online. We seem to not have anything holding us back to uploading everything about ourselves; where we live, who we hang around with, and even what we are doing at the weekend (Larkin, 2011). Imagine getting refused a loan in a bank or other institution; because they would find out from your personal social media page that you were just fired from your job. Or imagine being picked out and harassed for additional security screening at the airport because of a blog, found on the internet showing religion preference, etc. (Behind the Spin, 2011)


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

4. Consumer food related applications: food retail sector and services

4.3.2 Unauthorized augmented reality advertising Advertisers and tech companies are very excited over the possibilities of monetizing objects and spaces in the physical world by augmenting digital ads onto them in real-time. ‘We think virtual advertising is a fascinating topic and potentially poised for high growth,’ says Anna Bager, vice president of the IAB Mobile Marketing Centre of Excellence and just as the IAB helped define the taxonomy of web advertising via banners, companies will be ready to work with industry leaders to provide a value-added vision for the virtual future. While this is an exciting new advertising medium for brands, consumers will only want messages on an opt-in basis. Once the general public gets used to navigating their physical environment with tools like Glasses, all of what is seen and shared will become searchable data. And at that point, it could be combined by consumer preference with predictive technology. Google will be able to serve visual experiences that benefit consumers and advertisers because of their unique specificity (Havens, 2011). Think of the physical and intellectual property rights implications if the technologies that drive augmented advertising do not come with inbuilt controls that would prevent advertisers from augmenting their marketing messages on building surfaces and other physical objects (including private or public property or other trademarked or copyrighted material) without adequate permission. 4.3.3 Augmented behavioural targeting The intention of behavioural targeting is to track users over time and build profiles of their interests, characteristics, such as age and gender, and shopping activities (European Network and Information Security Agency, 2012). With the emergence of smartphones, many applications record users’ locations and movement. Location information enables many useful services such as driving directions, knowing where their friends are or recommendations for nearby restaurants. However, this information is also collected by marketers to improve profiling. While the benefits provided by these systems are indisputable, they unfortunately pose a considerable threat to location privacy, as illustrated by the recent iPhone and Android controversies (Raphael, 2011). With targeting based on real world behaviour using a combination of geo-location data and publicly self-disclosed information via social media services the following example is not a very distant future. Let’s assume the consumer lives in New York, travels a lot and has been checking into the local airport via services like Sky scanner, Pelikan or some other search servers every time he leaves town. Let’s also assume he/she has been checking out websites selling home security systems lately. Thanks to his/her online activities and eagerness to share, he/ she gets served an ad that states ‘Given your busy travel schedule and the rising crime rate in New York, don’t you think it’s high time you installed a home security system?’ (Actually this example may not be that distant future considering sites like Please Rob Me have emerged). It does raise questions Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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though. Who would have to provide privacy notice and choice in this scenario and how would you control what information is collected and how it is used for advertising that blurs the boundaries between your physical and virtual worlds? (Zacharias, 2010). 4.3.4 Physical danger Like mobile phones or any other mobile media technology, AR devices also pose some real physical threat. There are threats not only in form of an electromagnetic field generated around the devices but also the problem of distractive effects. If you think mobile phones are currently a distraction while driving a car, think of an augmented windshield feeding you driving directions, along with more data about your surroundings than you may need. Or imagine crossing a busy street in an unfamiliar neighbourhood, while simultaneously using an AR interface to look for that hot new restaurant, checking out what people are tweeting about it and being bombarded with ads through it all. (Zacharias, 2010). 4.3.5 Spam sending Where there is a marketing opportunity, there will be spam, deceptive advertising techniques and social engineering tricks to dupe gullible consumers into paying for things they do not really need. If you think too many legitimate Internet companies (that are sensitive to your privacy concerns) are harvesting all the data you publicly share on the Internet, there are even more scammers out there doing the very same thing. Be ready to be tricked and duped by too good to be true augmented offers in the real world and offers that will lure you in ways that unsolicited email from online pharmacies or belly-fat banner ads only wish they could (Zacharias, 2010). The AR technology, as we mentioned, has a great potential in the future not only in the marketing field but in all aspects of our lives. As such it cannot be let to coincidence to decide into what it will evolve. Responsible people should decide whether it will be a useful tool, which will help us in our lives, or it will become a source of harassment and abuse from companies, hackers and even our fellow surrounding.

4.4 The use of augmented reality in retail and services sectors Marketing experts and observers say AR is much more than fun and games (Bulearca and Tamarjan, 2010). It offers an entirely new avenue for direct mail, an eye-catching and meaningful way to ensure that mail continues as a mainstay in multichannel communications, as shown in Figure 4.1. As shown on Figure 4.1, the majority of AR users use it with connection to traditional marketing channels like print, event marketing, etc. As a general rule, it is better to use it 70 

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Pithces & tenders 16%

Online campaigns 6%

Online content Product manuals

2% 19%

Brochures 16%

Events & conferences 5%

Tourism & leisure GPS location bases searches

3% 7%

Try before you buy


Point of sale 0%





Figure 4.1. The use of augmented reality in marketing (by Hidden Creative Limited).

with another supportive channel. AR can shine at best, where it can bring inanimate objects to life or where the provider needs to provide more information than can fit on his/her medium. That is the main advantage of AR for consumers, to get current, nice and relevant information anytime they want. In the following paragraph we will focus more on the topics of AR use in retailing and services together with some real life examples of how it works.

4.5 Augmented reality applied in services AR began to be one of the more recent trends in restaurant marketing too. In case of coming to the restaurants, it can have an interactive dining experience also with AR. AR could also help in translating the language of a menu to the ones that the guests could read easily, and then provide them with the option to see how a dish would look like. Some ways to use AR to get the best out of restaurant business are illustrated in Figure 4.2.

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It can have an interactive menu which comes alive when diners point their device’s camera at any particular product. 3D pictures of the dishes and drinks can be offered using AR.

Augmented displays

It can be used in sharing the thinks and show feature of visitors’AR app, an provide guests customers a video showing the chefs in action or testimonials of other diners.


The AR experience for the users will be better when social sharing can be done right from the AR app.

Sharing in social media

Promotional offers

With menu specials or happy hours in the restaurants, guests will be more than happy to receive the notifications directly in their smartphones.

Figure 4.2. Augmented reality ways effective in restaurant segment.

4.6 Practical application of augmented reality in restaurants business Here are some possibilities of AR restaurant marketing examples that can have a practical application for restaurant marketers: 4.6.1 QR code scanning applications QR codes are designed to be scanned by any QR code-scanning app (Figure 4.3). For AR, each device will need to have a dedicated app (Burns, 2016). QR codes are created with free online generators, are usually used in picture formats (web pages, POS materials on the tables, menu design, etc.), and can contain far more information than traditional bar codes (Murphy, 2012). Why should restaurant business use QR codes: (1) they are free; (2) they give restaurant owners fast feedback on their marketing; (3) customers and potential customers respond to them; (4) they make guests‘ life easier (Winter, 2010). QR code can provide in a restaurant: (1) product/ food information (ingredients country-oforigin, allergens, nutritional information, organic/ natural food status, recipes, date of expiration, etc.); (2) transportation (navigation); (3) entertainment (new release, songs, 72 

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Figure 4.3. QR code scanning applications (

quiz, etc.); or lead to (4) vending machines (food, beverage, etc.); (5) business cards of restaurant; (6) DVD or CD (music tracks, reviews, etc.); (7) retail businesses (website, discount coupons, special sales, list of products or services, etc.); (8) tour information (maps, sights, attractions) (Winter, 2010). The ways of QR codes can be effectively leveraged in a restaurant environment to improving the overall dining experience in mobile ordering, links to photos and social media, different restaurant – different QR code applications, a world about aesthetics. Highlight menu items by allowing a customer to point at an item on the menu with their cell phone and see 3D pictures of your drinks or dishes. 4.6.2 Feedback and reviews Create surveys or questionnaires to get feedback from customers. Businessmen can also post reviews from other customers for everyone to see. Directly in point of sale (as in restaurant, coffee or tea houses), the visitors could react on service providing from ordering, serving, food visualization to the paying and then leaving. The applications could be configured with the connection of QR code for example as the part of feedback, which could be visible for customers or could be seen on social networks as well. An example: Unlock the Box: With games and giveaways, AR makes the wrappers so fun customers will buy tacos whether or not they’re hungry. Taco Bell and Sony teamed to create a smartphone game app that gave customers the chance to win the new PlayStation Vita (Aaron Allen and Associates, 2016).

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4.6.3 Virtual menu The restaurant menu is the most important tool inside the restaurant. It should make the menu is clear, and easy to read with a simple front, clear, descriptions and clear pricing (Figure 4.4). Restaurant customers generally remember the first and the last items listed in the menu, so put the best food in these premium slots. Another trick is to show off the three most profitable items in a box ( Jacobsen, 2015). For example, the app made by Ericsson allows guests to view images, ingredients, and nutritional information for any menu item. 4.6.4 Foodie photos The very best way to visually promote food is high quality, mouth wateringly setup photos (Figure 4.5). Taking great food photos can be more difficult than it seems. Providers use these time and again in publicity, menus, websites and online, and a good picture is worth a thousand words. It can also be helpful for people who do not speak English to have something they can see when ordering. ( Jacobsen, 2015). The BlippAR app can see more. In restaurant segment, the guests can see the location of nearby restaurants/pubs, etc., nutritional information and top-rated recipes. This adds digital content (name of meal in menu) to physical objects (visual menu in host ‘mobile phone or tablet) (BlippAR, 2016).

Figure 4.4. Virtual menu example (Augmented reality restaurant virtual menu, 2016). 74 

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Figure 4.5. Applications for foodie photos in practice (Augmented Reality for Restaurants, 2016).

Another practical implication of AR is through Foodie a new camera app. Foodie offers a cornucopia of features with a singular goal: to make food pictures more delicious. Its 24 types of food filters include ‘Meat,’ ‘Sushi,’ ‘Cake,’ and other cuisine-specific filters for mouthwatering results (Android Application and IOS, 2016). 4.6.5 Ingredients visualisation Besides, a multi-media menu allows them to see ingredients and nutritional information for any menu item in the form of 3D images (Credencys, 2014). Diners coming to the restaurants can have an interactive dining experience with the help of an AR app (for example: Future food app, Eat for app, Depict app, etc.). They could be able to select from different available seats and customize their tables. (Credencys, 2014). Video visualisation could spend time for food waiting; how the chefs preparing special dish or guest have other requests. The Food tracer could be used an AR app that traces the origin and production of our groceries. It can direct customers to organic venues and let eco-aware consumers know whether packaging is recyclable. 4.6.6 Loyalty programs In restaurant marketing; it considers a part of marketing plan as join online restaurant sites, deal sites like and sign up for food apps. Online apps help visitors by giving them Access to discounts, deals and loyalty programs. It also helps visitors to offer a discount for visiting restaurant a certain number of times ( Jacobsen, 2015). Promote menu happy hour, menu specials, and much more directly to your customer’s mobile phone. Starbuck’s Holiday Cups: Classic Christmas animation? Charlie Brown, Rudolph, Frosty, last December’s Venti Mocha … Starbucks’ AR app brings coffee cups to life with sledding polar bears, ice skaters, Christmas trees and more. Starbucks plans cartoon-cups for more holidays as Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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part of their digital commitment which brought 26 million patrons to purchase with their phones in 2011. In order to promote its holiday beverage line and Holiday Starbucks Petites dessert line at its coffeehouses in the United States and Canada, Starbucks has developed a Starbucks Cup Magic app. By scanning an AR code on one of Starbucks’ red cups (Figure 4.6), coffee packages or other signage, customers can come across several animated holiday scenes. The characters included in the app are carol singing, an ice skater, and a boy and his dog sled riding (Credencys, 2014). Use your phone to make the red cups come alive: (1) tap the characters for more fun; (2) find all Starbucks holiday characters directly in coffee houses, or on the cups; (3) share what can be found with friends; (4) bring your red cup to life wherever your holiday takes you (Credencys, 2014). 4.6.7 Preparing food An AR game gets people to cook, as envisioned in the short fiction video ‘sight’ (Figure 4.7). Front cooking, known as the visible cooking of a meal directly next to the guest; AR options through mobile phones bring to customers the option to see the preparing of their food via their mobile phone. While waiting for the food, visitors can see the conditions in the kitchen, the face of the cooker, the style of cooking or hygiene conditions (Vietoris, 2015).

Figure 4.6. Scanning an AR code on one of Starbucks’ red cups (Credencys, 2014).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

4. Consumer food related applications: food retail sector and services

Figure 4.7. How to see the preparing of food directly in restaurant ( m2qxnzk).

4.6.8 Location of restaurant AR navigation can be naively thought to have a high degree of similarity with real world navigation. AR browsers enable the presentation of large amounts of geo-located digital information (e.g. restaurants, bars, etc.) over the real world through a GPS-based AR handheld platform. Beyond these standard cases, AR provides a more seamless way to bridge and access other worlds, like 3D Virtual Environments, 2D digital maps, or simply the real world (Grasset, Mulloni, Billinghurst, Schmalstieg, 2011). AR technologies display layers of digital information over the view of real-world objects and places through the lens of mobile applications. Mobile AR applications use three features of a mobile device: its camera, location as determined by its GPS chip, and accelerometer or similar device that determines the direction it is pointing (Murphy, 2012). For example Yelp’s Monocle app (Figure 4.8) is a local user review service. Using a smartphone’s camera, GPS, and compass, Monocle overlays markers of nearby businesses and services on the customer screen. Just tap on any marker to see more details, such as full reviews of your favourite restaurant or maps to restaurants that you have yet to discover. Other popular tools with location attributes are: ▶▶ AcrossAir: this is an AR browser with an amazing 3D navigator to help reach location easily. Hold your smartphone upright and look around with the camera to view restaurants, hotels, landmarks, cinemas and other geotagged entries. Floating image balloons on the screen display information of the chosen picture. ▶▶ Wikitude World Browser: Use the camera to browse at surroundings and get information on landmarks, restaurants and other places. Find ATMs, hotels with favourite cuisine from Qype, Yelp, Trip Advisor (Chandra, 2013). ▶▶ Twitter allows optional addition of location metadata to tweets, ▶▶ Bizzy is a social recommendation engine that provides nearby suggetstions based on input. Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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Figure 4.8. Yelp’s monocle in restaurant (Wikihow, 2016).

▶▶ Google location products are Latitude and Google Places. ▶▶ Loopt, Brightkite, Whrrl, SCVNGR, InCrowd, Neer, etc. location-based services. ▶▶ Group messaging applications with location features include GroupMe, Yobongo, textPlus, and Beluga (Murphy, 2012). Another example of a location app is the Fast food reality app (Figure 4.9). It projects restaurant locations and information over real-time images. McDonald’s has used AR in different ways in its various outlets. While there is a McMission AR App which lets users play mini puzzle games and win prizes, there is another TrackMyMacca app which lets users in Australia view what’s inside their meal even before opening the meal box (O’Mahony, 2013).

Figure 4.9. Yelps´monocle app and fast food reality app (WikiHow to Do Anything. Aaron Allen and Associates, 2016).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

4. Consumer food related applications: food retail sector and services

4.6.9 Create interactive outdoor ads in 3D Domino’s used the creative outdoor ad interaction for a racing home, feeling of a hunger, no dinner waiting, pass a bus stop ad, tell it to send a pizza home, meet the delivery guy at the front door, etc. Domino’s Pizza in the UK, using the Blippar App (Figure 4.10), is using AR too. Customers view the menu, special offers, and order with a quick scan of a phone.

4.7 Augmented reality applied in retail Today, there are several technologies that enable retailers to monitor the customer, evaluate his purchase decisions, give him a targeted personalized offer, ensure assistance when buying, and better planning of marketing activities (Güven, 2006). As the Point-of-Purchase Advertising Institute’s research shows, 70% of purchasing decisions are made in the store (Armata, 1996), therefore a good e-commerce system (which does not only provide passive information) should also be able to trigger impulse purchase decisions. AR powered dynamic contextualization presents 3D visualizations registered to actual products in the store and in the proper context for impulse decision-making (Barlow et al., 2004; Zhu et al., 2004). The dynamic contextualization can be blended to reproduce consumption situations that can affect shoppers’ perception of a brand and affect the purchase decision (Azuma, 1997). There are already several patent solutions in this area such as ‘AR assisted shopping’. The ability of mobile devices to interact with the physical world of the user, as well as to do it remotely through networks, means that many new previously unimagined applications

Figure 4.10. Pizza goes augmented (Creativity, 2013).

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will emerge with a combination of these capabilities. Especially commercial activities that effectively utilize the ability of such device to determine facts about its current environment may be useful to vendors and service providers that operate via the Internet or other data networks (Arrasvuori, 2006). In Germany or in Switzerland, on the one hand there are retailers who experiment with new technologies (e.g. chains distributing foodstuff ), on the other hand, the thinking of retailers in the region is primarily focused on profit, not on the customer (Minárik, 2015). The advantage of using AR in business is that when applying markers on product package usually no modification is required, it is widely available for users (everyone owns a mobile device), and the retailer only covers the costs of creating the application. An example is the company Lego, which enables customers to see the animated model kit with the help of stands in front of which the customer holds the box (Ziemacka, 2016), or an application for ice cream producer Ben & Jerry´s, in which the user may play a simple game after scanning the lid (Kerekes, 2017). The possibilities, how to use the some business practices of AR techniques in retailing is presented in the following examples (Future of Retail, 2015; Minárik, 2015): 4.7.1 Beacon technologies Beacon is basically a small computer that has its own processor, Bluetooth, heat and motion sensor. It is battery powered, therefore can last in some cases a few years and it is a ‘plug and play’ device that can be implemented quite quickly. This technology provides several benefits for retailers, e.g. in connection with the application or loyalty program they can effectively target marketing campaigns for customers who are close to a store or a specific product as they can automatically send notifications to them (e.g. ‘buy this product with 30% discount’, etc.). When implementing multiple beacons even the movement of the customer in the store and the occupancy of different areas can be monitored. Currently there are more than 570 million devices worldwide capable of receiving a BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) signal, which is also used by beacons, and more than half of the top 100 US retailers is testing and experimenting beacon technology now. Experts consider beacon technology the most important technology that will change retail. The technology can target the customer and his location and offer the right product at the right time, e.g. when the customer strolls around the store, he can access the information on his smartphone that his favourite wine is discounted. Beacon technology is not far from the market (e.g. in marketing campaigns). In this context, also the term micro-moment is used, as a general term for how a customer receives information about the store which he just passed by.


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

4. Consumer food related applications: food retail sector and services

4.7.2 3D printing Some electronics manufacturers already calculate in long-term plans that customers will print the spare parts and components at home with a 3D printer. The manufacturing and sale of jewellery is a retail segment which already regularly uses 3D printing. Jewellers prepare a prototype using a 3D printer and together with the customer adjust the details before final production. Selling and testing through internet sales are becoming simpler. 3D printing possibilities are unlimited and e.g. cosmetics (eye shadow or lipstick) can be printed. Within a few years, the reality will be that instead of the product the customer will bring a code from the store that he will print to a 3D printer at home. Retailers will be able to have a much broader product portfolio and customers many more options to choose from. 4.7.3 Integration of systems and data sources It is the key to quality information. In the implementation of systems such as beacons or mobile applications the importance is multiplied. Integration here covers also the integration of Internet and the physical selling within a ‘limitless’ experience. Today there is no single or multichannel retail, but omnichannel, where the customer expects that he can buy goods online and pick them up in the store, i.e. combining the online and offline world. 4.7.4 Click & collect To linking the online and offline world, i.e. ordering online and picking up in the store. Many retailers now integrate the Click & Collect service, where customers can order goods online and pick them up directly in the store. It is used by FMCG chains, and it is predicted that by 2017 up to 70% of online orders will be picked up thanks to the Click & Collect service. 4.7.5 Business intelligence; the power of data The retail environment today is developing extremely quickly and is highly competitive, which is why it is important to implement a business intelligence solution before it is too late. Nevertheless, there are companies which underestimate data and their importance. Quality and easily accessible data can save hundreds of euros for some stores, not to mention the thousands of euros in the case of medium and large ones and chains. Retailers often share data with their suppliers and enable better planning of orders or marketing campaigns by the supplier.

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4.7.6 Wearables Wearables started recently as a trend. According to surveys, until 2020 each person will own on average more than four devices connected to the Internet, among which there will be at least one wearable device. In connection with e.g. a beacon technology or a loyalty program, the customer would have his loyalty card in his watch or the retailer could send him a discounted coupon that appears directly on the screen of the smart watch. 4.7.7 Loyalty program differently The future is in mobile applications that will gather loyalty cards and combined with e.g. a beacon technology can work without the customer pulling out the phone. Amidst various loyalty models remuneration must be simplified, as customers appreciate much more the precisely targeted advertising and products than a percentage discount. 4.7.8 Augmented reality Retailers are experimenting with AR to bring customers even greater shopping experience, from experiments with virtual booths or personalized shopping windows which did not engage the attention too much, to advanced and more sophisticated solutions such as Project Tango from Google, which is currently available for the US market for testing. With the help of AR it will be easy to stroll around the supermarket, find the product that the customer needs, or to oversee the complementary or replacement product. Tango is a technology platform developed and authored by Google that uses computer vision to enable mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to detect their position relative to the world around them without using GPS or other external signals. This allows application developers to create user experiences that include indoor navigation, 3D mapping, physical space measurement, environmental recognition, AR, and windows into a virtual world. This has three types: (1) motion-tracking, to use the camera to track the visuals of the environment as well as the accelerometer and gyroscope data to track where you are in a room; (2) area learning, where it will take information it has had; (3) it enhances with other elements such as notes or points of interest in a location (Peckham, 2016). 4.7.9 Webrooming vs showrooming The customer will primarily want to shop online; however, he will want to pick up the goods in the store. Webrooming means finding products online and purchasing offline, i.e. the customer will not stay long in the store, let alone come for direct purchase. If this would happen, technology and applications would enter the process that would discourage him 82 

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even at the moment when the goods are already added to the shopping cart. Showrooming is the future of in-store shops, which will serve as showcasing or as the place where the customer comes to pick up the goods. 4.7.10 Neither the stores nor the e-shops The primary drawback to online shopping is that many of the sensory elements that customers use to make their purchasing decisions are often lost. When shopping online, a customer cannot touch or feel an item, see how it works, or know how it will fit in their home or life. Purchasing in the future will not take place in in-store stone shops or e-shops, but somewhere in between. It is about the future of retailing and how customers will buy and how to attract them to the store. However, there are three main driving forces of buyer uncertainty in shopping: 1. Lack of proximity, presence, and interaction in the buying experience (AR technology helps overcome this online buyer’s challenge by transforming an imagination into a reality. For example, by using an AR-powered app on their smartphone, a customer who is shopping for home furnishings can launch models of a bed or lamp to see how the item would actually look and fit (to scale), rather than playing a guessing game.). 2. Inability to modify or customize selections (AR shows how big appliances work through animations, open and close the refrigerator door to see if there is enough space for it to fit comfortably). 3. Inability to visualize or understand products and features (AR elevates this idea and can bring a product to life right before the customer’s eyes with stunning, realistic 3D holograms) (The future of AR and online shopping, 2016). 4.7.11 Customer fun clubs The greatest value will not be the customer who buys, but the person who buys although in smaller quantities, but will tell about his purchase to his friend who will also make a purchase. In response to this trend e.g. the Fagg system was created, which is used to build a fan club through social networks. It is to help distinguish a fan of the shop from a nonfan. It is important especially when other benefits are to be offered to those who are only entering the store. If a fan pays, he receives the benefit of the club while his visit will appear on his Facebook (check-in), thus informing his friends about his purchase. 4.7.12 Mobile applications are pushing the price down The situation when the customer comes but does not buy will not be a problem, just the opposite. Developers are racing who will create a better mobile application that provides as Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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much information about the products that are in the store as possible. The most common applications are used to direct the customer’s attention on where to find goods more cheaply. Examples of useful applications are: ▶▶ Shutl: a system that enables delivery of shopping orders to the customer in 90 minutes or in a chosen one hour time slot at a time convenient for the customer. It can be used in case the customer needs to quickly deliver a gift. If a customer buys in the e-shop, he can be offered a bonus, e.g. extra fast delivery. It is appropriate to use shuttle delivery option where a standard delivery option is offered, i.e. in the step after ordering and before the payment for goods. If the customer has the installed application, he can track his package through GPS, get notifications about its movement, and also leave feedback. ▶▶ Shopadvisor: a mobile application that aims to advise the customer when the best time to buy the goods is he has selected. It promises the customer the possibility to choose the exact time and place (in-store or e-shop) he should purchase the goods. Thanks to its system it can map up to 200 million products from fashion to technology from over 16,000 sellers. The application can determine where they are currently located and the smartphone notifies about the product and sales. The application ShopSavvy works on a similar principle. ▶▶ Try-before-you-buy: a service launched by Google. Customers can borrow the goods for 10 days, try it at home, and decide whether they want it or not. The first step is to install the Try Button to Google Chrome browser. Then it depends on the retailer, whether he will become a partner of Try-before-you-buy and enable his customers to borrow the product. If he does so, then in his e-shop the Try Button appears right next to the shopping cart. In order to make borrowing more attractive, the customer receives the goods with an already prepaid label, which can be used when returning the goods. ▶▶ PriceGrabber: a service for price sensitive customers. It enables to scan the barcode of the product in the store and subsequently generates where the product is available for a better price. In the application the customer can see the recommendations of other customers or add the product to the list of future purchases. It allows setting the price the customer is willing to pay for the product. If the price is reduced to the required sum, the customer is notified. Competition is the application RedLaser. ▶▶ Shopkick: in-store application that rewards customers for entering the store. It rewards him by points (‘kicks’) for visiting the store, scanning the barcode of a product, or for purchasing in the store. The collected points can be exchanged e.g. for a gift voucher. The logistics company DHL in cooperation with Ricoh and Ubimax successfully implemented a pilot project to test smart glasses and Virtual Reality in the Netherlands. In order to accelerate order picking and reducing errors the employees in the warehouse were navigated through graphical illustrations on the smart glasses. The pilot project demonstrated the added value of Virtual Reality for logistics and achieved a 25% increase in productivity 84 

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in the process of order picking without additional evidence. The technology helps not only employees, but also offers value to the customer. During three weeks the warehouse employees in Bergen were provided Google Glass and VuzixM100 head displays. Displays informed about the task during the order picking process, including the corresponding aisle, location, and product quantity. The equipment was used by 10 employees who picked 20,000 items, thus executed 9,000 orders. The Virtual Reality (which is today provided by Sony with SmartEye Watch, Facebook, which bought Oculus glasses, and Google, which changes the strategy of selling ‘ugly’ Google Glass, or Microsoft with HoloLens, which are criticized for looking like ski goggles), is complemented recently by the Taiwanese manufacturer HTC with its own headset for Virtual Reality (Pavlík, 2015).

References Aaron Allen and Associates, 2016. Global restaurant consulting 2016. Available at: Android Application and IOS, 2016. Foodie: line’s new camera app for food photos. Available at the App Store. Armata, K., 1996. Signs that sell. Progressive Grocer 17(21). Arrasvuori, J., 2006. U.S. Patent Application No. 11/523, 162 pp. Augmented Reality Restaurant Virtual Menu, 2016. Available at: Azuma, R.T., 1997. A survey of Augmented Reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 6(4): 355-385. Barlow, A.K., Siddiqui, N.Q. and Mannion, M., 2004. Developments in information and communication technologies for retail marketing channels. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management 32(3): 157-163. Behind the Spin, 2011. Advantages and disadvantages of Augmented Reality. Available at: BlippAR, 2016. Available at: Bulearca, M. and Tamarjan, D., 2010. Augmented Reality: a sustainable marketing tool. Global Business and Management Research 2: 237-252. Burns, M., 2016. Deeper learning with QR codes and Augmented Reality: a scannable solution for your classroom. SAGE, CA, USA, 104 pp. Chandra, S., 2013. Top 20 Augmented Reality apps for Android and iPhone/ iPad users. Available at: http://tinyurl. com/k8ybgz5. Creativity, 2012. Domino’s Pizza: Augmented Reality billboards. Available at: Credencys, 2014. The role of Augmented Reality in a restaurant’s prosperity. Available at: Denegri-Knott, J. and Molesworth, M., 2010. Concepts and practices of digital virtual consumption. Consumption Markets and Culture 13(2): 109-132. European Network and Information Security Agency, 2012. Privacy considerations of online behavioural tracking. Heraklion: European Network and Information Security Agency. Available at: Future of Retail, 2015. Customer´ value will be changed thanks technologies. Obchod Journal 5: 10-11. Grasset R., Mulloni, A., Billinghurst, M. and Schmalstieg, D., 2011. Navigation techniques in augmented and mixed reality: crossing the virtuality continuum. In: Furht, B. (ed.) Handbook of Augmented Reality. Springer, New York, NY, USA. Pp. 379-409 pp. Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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Güven, S., 2006. Authoring and presenting situated media in Augmented and Virtual Reality. PhD-thesis, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. Havens, J., 2011. Who owns the advertising space in an Augmented Reality world? Available at: http://tinyurl. com/3jb5ewq. Jacobsen, R.M., 2015. Restaurant marketing. Tips and strategies to win in the food business. Guide to grow your restaurant. BoD, Copenhagen, Denmark, 64 pp. Kerekes, Z., 2017. 8 tips to make your augmented reality marketing campaigns succeed. Available at: http://tinyurl. com/lc3k2ar. Larkin, F., 2011. Advantages and disadvantages of Augmented Reality. Available at: Minárik, D., 2015. Technologies change the retail. Obchod Journal 4: 6-7. Murphy, J., 2012. Location-aware services and QR codes for libraries. ALA TechSource, Chicago, IL, USA, 125 pp. O’Mahony, J., 2013. McDonald’s app reveals cow your burger came from in transparency drive. The Telegraph, 17 June 2013. Available at: Pavlík, E., 2015. Virtual Reality in logistics. Obchod Journal 3: 29. Peckham, J., 2016. Project Tango: everything you need to know. Available at: Raphael, J.R., 2011. Apple vs. Android location tracking: time for some truth. Available at: Schmitt, B., 1999. Experiential marketing. Journal of Marketing Management 15(1-3): 53-67. The Future of Augmented Reality and Online Shopping, 2016. Available at: Trubow, M., 2011. How to use Augmented Reality as a sales tool. Available at: Vietoris, V., Zajac, P., Capla, J., Mendelova, A. and Krizanova, K., 2015. Comparison of coffee species by sensory panel and electronic nose. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 5(3) 234-237. Virágh, R., Henneyeyová, K. and Šilerová, E., 2015. Evaluation of information security and use of ICT in selected agro sector enterprises of the Slovak Republic. ICABR, Brno, Czech Republic, pp 1091-1098. Virtual Reality, 2009. What is Augmented Reality marketing? Available at: WikiHow to Do Anything, 2016. How to use the Augmented Reality monocle on the yelp for iPhone app. Available at: Winter, M., 2010. Scan me. Everybody´s guide to the magical world of QR codes. Barcodes, mobile devices and hyperlinking the real to the virtual. Westsong Publishing, CA, USA, 144 pp. Yuan, Y. and Wu, C., 2008. Relationships among experiential marketing, experiential value, and customer satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 32(3): 387-410. Zacharias, N., 2010. 5 Real problems in an Augmented World. Available at: Zhu, W., Owen, C.B., Li, H. and Lee, J.H., 2004. Personalized in-store E-commerce with the promopad: an Augmented Reality shopping assistant. Electronic Journal for E-commerce Tools and Applications 1(3): 1-19. Ziemacka, A., 2016. LEGO education WeDo 2.0 Core set – the ultimate review by RoboCAMP team. Available at:


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

5. Challenges of augmented reality in the food sector L.W.S. Loijens1* and K. Grunert2 1Noldus Information Technology B.V., Nieuwe Kanaal 5, 6709 PA Wageningen, the Netherlands; 2Aarhus

University, Depart of Business Administration, Bartholins Allé 10, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; [email protected]

Abstract This chapter explains the challenges that Augmented Reality has to overcome in order to meet its potential. The authors look into technical challenges, as well as ethical and financial challenges. Keywords: commercial potential, ethics, technical issues

Leanne W.S. Loijens (ed.) Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers  DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-842-1_5, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2017


L.W.S. Loijens and K. Grunert

5.1 Technical challenges Augmented Reality (AR) has a great deal of commercial potential in many different application areas but solutions urgently need to be found to overcome the challenges which include the rendering of virtual objects, battery and computer power, the availability of data networks and apps, data protection and user-friendliness. 5.1.1 Internet AR adds digital information to the real world. The information normally comes from the Internet and one requires a live (wireless) connection to that information for AR to work. The connection is either over a local network to a router, via Wi-Fi in a more controlled environment and probably (if AR is really going to kick off in a big way), it needs to be something further reaching and more ubiquitous in the shape of a mobile broadband network, such as HSPDA, LTE or Wi-Max. The downside is that the user is relying heavily on coverage and speed of connection for a consistent AR experience as well as the servers at the other end being in good shape too. All of this is getting better as time goes on and although it might seem like the weak link at the moment, it is not, in fact, the area that is holding AR back ( 5.1.2 Rendering virtual objects Perhaps one of the hardest tasks of all is to render the virtual objects correctly in 3D so that the user can move through the environment while still receiving accurate annotations of that which they see. To do that without so much as having the overlay a centimeter off, in real time and with the correct perspective, really is a challenge. Computer vision applications have enormous difficulties in precisely identifying the exact location, edges, depth and identity of a three-dimensional object in uncontrolled environments. This is not a minor hurdle. Some of the best computer vision scientists in the world have been working on this problem for decades, and the technology still has an awfully long way to go (http://tinyurl. com/m2r774a). 5.1.3 Smartphone AR The model of smartphone AR is not good enough at the moment. You have to switch the smartphone on, go to an app, wait for the GPS to kick in, hold the smartphone up at arms’ length, get tired and when it finally kicks in, the camera’s field of view is not right anyway. The camera of a smartphone is just that. It brings a certain degree of distortion to your surroundings. Something which adds yet another problem to the large pile of issues getting 88 

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the real and the virtual to line up on demand and in real time ( The GPS system is not good enough either. With an accuracy of 5 meters outdoors it is far from ideal to use as a positioning system, especially because it does not work indoors. Newer devices use near-field communication or bluetooth low-energy sensors to detect location more precisely (Wassom, 2014). AR eyewear may be the future if it is sufficiently light weight, comfortable, visually appealing, high quality enough and at the right price that people will want to wear it while walking around. It has to be socially acceptable and desirable ( 5.1.4 Batteries Batteries are still a big issue. AR requires large batteries. So there is a balancing act between batteries embedded in a wearable headset and form and fit of the industrial design (http:// Significant progress still needs to be made with regard to the battery and computing power of end devices before the technology is fit for everyday use by the general public. Although one of the features of AR is real-time interaction, the necessary data is not always computed or made available quickly enough (Heng et al., 2015). While processors are getting smaller, more powerful, and less power hungry, battery technology still has a long way to go. The speed of advancements in processors technology far exceeds that of battery technology. We may end up getting to a point where processors become so small that the majority of the industrial design can be taken up by the batteries that power them. We’re still a long way from that point, so for the foreseeable future, you either have to recharge during the day (for heavy users) or use an external battery to keep you operational all day long ( 5.1.5 AR apps An AR app is only as reliable as the database management of the agencies from which the app will draw data. All integrated database systems presume a fully-functional capacity on the part of the contributing databases (that is, that they are up-to-date, complete and error-free). A ‘Fastest route’ app depends on a real-time system that records construction sites, traffic obstructions, etc. Some of that may require input from the Department of Public Works, which in turn requires the creation of both a mechanism for relaying the information and a responsibility for seeing that it is entered and removed with alacrity. And the real hazard lies less in the malfunction of the technology than in human over-reliance upon the AR system, to the exclusion of normal caution and common sense (

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5.1.6 Human component While it seems likely that the remaining technological barriers outlined above will be surmounted, lingering questions remain about the human component. Only a handful of individuals in a small handful of places have much experience with AR at this time. AR might produce long-term health problems (especially applications with direct retinal display) that have not yet been manifested by limited exposure under controlled conditions, or it may prove to be fundamentally harmless for all but a few individuals. Clinical tests would need to be conducted (and the results verified by systematic replication) as part of the overall adoption process which would delay the application of AR. Even if clinical tests are likely to be short-term, it will take at least a decade of use to understand the long-term implications of AR interaction with the human neurological system ( h6gmk75). Another prime issue of concern is the vulnerability of wireless technologies to unauthorized intrusion and possible criminal use. Unauthorized wireless surfing over WiFi networks provides anonymous access to strangers’ internet accounts through the WiFi ports. All that is required is that a wireless laptop be within the signal range of a WiFi system transmitter. The major concerns include intercepting data for counterintelligence purposes, and introducing counterfeit data or overload ‘spikes’ into the data streams, shutting down the AR system at the critical moment ( 5.1.7 User-friendliness The need for user-friendliness is particularly important as far as control and image display are concerned. Smartphones, tablets and smart watches are often used for AR. It is more user-friendly to show the image directly within the user’s natural field of vision. The potential in this area lies not only in smart glasses but also in AR contact lenses. The success of AR also hinges on how the interaction between man and machine is controlled. Particularly promising types of control appear to be those that rely on people’s intuitive, natural body movements (especially gesture control) in order to interpret commands (Heng et al., 2015). And wearable tech needs to address a fundamental human instinct: vanity. Those of us in technology need to understand that and work towards integrating technology with industrial designs that are acceptable to those who wear it ( The hardware should be sufficiently light weight, comfortable, visually appealing, high quality enough and at the right price that people will want to wear while walking around. It has to be socially acceptable and desirable ( And it is all very


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

5. Challenges of augmented reality in the food sector

well having the kit and the infrastructure in place but making it usable, understandable, helpful and non-intrusive is a whole other task (

5.2 Ethical challenges AR devices have much promise for both consumers and the food industry. Consumers can finally get access to the information they want when they want, both in the shop, in the kitchen and while eating. Food chain actors can get feedback from consumers in real time and can use these insights to develop new products and reformulate existing ones in a way that will correspond to consumer preferences. However, there are challenges. A range of negative effects could accompany the introduction of AR devices, and if they become widespread and are not contained in time, this may delay the application of AR technology considerably. AR can be viewed as a persuasive technology and the argument has been brought forward that AR can be a more efficient persuader than humans (Pase, 2012), because AR can switch between various techniques more efficiently and because the persuasive attempt may not be as clear-cut as, for example, in classical advertising. However, consumers are generally rather good at screening out persuasive attempts, at least in the context of daily shopping. But there exist challenges regarding the sheer proliferation of messages the consumer is exposed to, and with regard to the transparency and credibility of the information source. A first challenge is related to information overload, clutter and spam. There is today no lack of information to which consumers are exposed. Much of the information reaching consumers today is undesired by consumers, and is consequently perceived as spam and something that makes it more difficult to concentrate on and get access to the information that is regarded as relevant. AR provides additional information channels, and since many AR devices are interactive and hence allow the tailoring of information to recipients, they are attractive marketing channels. However, the fact that a recipient is a potentially attractive customer for a seller does not necessarily imply that the message that the seller wants to conceive is regarded as relevant by the potential customer. When consumers perceive AR channels mainly as sources of spam, they will eventually try to avoid them. Addressing this challenge is therefore tightly linked to the necessity to tailor information to the recipient in such a way that the information will be regarded as relevant and that all other information is screened out. This involves both technical issues and marketing strategy issues – the flow of information back and forth between consumer and information provider must be analysed in ways that ensures growing mutual adaptation of the information flows, and sellers must realize that engaging consumers by means of AR only is possible when there are value propositions that are relevant for the consumer. Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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A second challenge relates to the provision of misleading and deceptive information. This, of course, applies to all market communication channels, and the general issues regarding the regulation of market communication will therefore not be addressed here. However, there may be issues that are more problematic here than otherwise. One is the issue of source effects. We know that source credibility has a huge impact on communication effects, and that advertising has a generally low source credibility. In AR applications, the source may not be clear – if additional product information is superimposed on physical products (as was done in the future supermarket at the world expo in Milan, Italy), the source could be the retailer, could be the manufacturer, or could be an independent or even state-endorsed database provider. Also, the information carrier – like a smartphone – can add credibility, if the carrier itself enjoys a positive reputation (Pase, 2012). Another issue is that the personalization of the information may increase credibility, because – or to the extent – it achieves higher personal relevance. Both issues can be addressed by creating transparency on where information streams originate. Both of these challenges relate to effects of information on consumers. But there are also challenges regarding the data generated by AR. Because many AR devices work location-dependent, they generate tracking data (Roesner et al., 2014). Tracking data can be valuable to food chain actors, for example to retailers aiming to optimize their store layout. But they do create a privacy issue. Consumers may not realize the implications of giving access to location information, and may be surprised to find out that a third party was able to follow their movements. They may even find the use of locational data for marketing purposes a misuse of the data, even when they at an earlier stage have approved the creation and transfer of such data. The other issue about data generation and use is about the content of the information streams generated. Even when the consumer only provides structured information requests, the data generated this way provides insight into consumer preferences. Such data is valuable to many, and can be resold and used in other contexts. Even when the consumer signs some form of informed consent statement when starting to use a device, the consumer may not have the imagination to see the potential range of uses and may later disapprove especially third party uses of the data. The last challenge refers to data linking. AR devices may access information publicly available somewhere, and make them accessible somewhere else. This issue is discussed especially in the context of face recognition (Roesner et al., 2014). An AR device may scan the consumers’ face and then match the scan with publicly available information and use this information for adapting the information sent to the consumer. For example, many Facebook profiles are 92 

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5. Challenges of augmented reality in the food sector

public, and with the proliferation of text mining devices can be used for making inferences about product preferences and lifestyle. When consumers sense that this type of information is used in a shopping-related AR device, consumers may nevertheless feel that their privacy is invaded, because the information is used in a context different from the context in which it originally was made public. Addressing ethical challenges in AR is a multi-stakeholder issue. The whole area is emerging, and it is inevitable that regulation will be mostly reactive as concrete issues are coming up. It is important that food chain actors already in the adoption phase of AR technology develop and adhere to clear guidelines, and that all actors in the food sector, including consumers, participate in the process of forming the right framework for the use of this promising technology.

5.3 Financial challenges The global market for AR is expected to increase from its current (2015) EUR 500 million to EUR 7.5 billion by 2020 and the number of users from 60 million to around 350 million within five years ( This growth forecast is far from certain. It is only possible if prices for the IT hardware and state-of-the-art data transfer (particularly via mobile technology) continue to fall sharply in parallel with a rapid improvement in capability (Heng et al., 2015). The EU has numerous programs aimed at promoting AR, for instance, the European Commission’s ICT program which provides financial support for AR projects for industrial and medical equipment applications. As with many other technologies, financial motives will determine AR’s survival. The big question is how to make money with AR. Where marketers hope to use AR is by placing products or ads as part of the search features used on mobile phone applications. How far will ads go? Will small business and local shops lose out to big companies who can pay AR developers to exclude those companies? Instead of an unbiased search of city restaurants, will it be flooded with McDonalds and Subways. Hopefully this would not be the case but AR applications are dependent on developers who must tag digital data to make it meaningful and useful for the user ( For AR to really take off, we need early adopters. It is a chicken-and-egg problem, requiring advancements of both hardware and software before the technology can go truly mainstream. People are not going to buy a new piece of hardware unless there is some great software for it but the biggest and best software makers are unlikely to embrace a new platform if it only has 100,000 units on the market. This a common problem in all industries. The home computer industry was all enthusiasts and then eventually there was enough functionality developed Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


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that their friends would come over and see that they could play Mario or some other game on the computer so they bought one for themselves ( In a recent sector research document, the Deutsche Bank (a German global banking and financial services company) states that business success does not come by itself and that policy should continue to be aimed at strengthening basic research and creating an environment that favours innovative forms of finance (e.g. private equity) in order to provide greater stimulus for developing products and bringing them to market. Representatives from the technology sector, finance and politics must come up with concrete answers to the many different questions surrounding the issue as soon as possible (Heng et al., 2015). 5.3.1 Oculus rift A good example of a success story is Oculus Rift, developed by Oculus VR (http://tinyurl. com/mwqvhjs). The company was started by Palmer Luckey, who around the age of 15, became interested in the concept of Virtual Reality and started collecting Virtual Reality headsets. He also started building headsets of his own while studying journalism and working as an engineer at USC’s Mixed Reality lab, experimenting with VR and head-mounted displays. And then, after a random crossing of digital paths Palmer found himself chatting with John Carmack, the co-founder of id Software and lead programmer of computer games like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D and Quake. Carmack was interested in Palmer’s headsets and demonstrated one of his prototypes at E3 (the Electronic Entertainment Expo), a hulk of duct tape and whatever components were available. And suddenly the internet was on fire with talk of ‘Carmack’s new Virtual Reality project’. Within weeks, just past halfway to his journalism degree, Palmer dropped out of college and started OculusVR, in June 2012. In August 2012 Oculus launched a Kickstarter’s campaign with the goal to raise 250,000 US dollars. Within 24 hours they raised 670,000 dollar from 2,750 people. Within three days it was more than a million dollars. In June 2013 Oculus raised its first big traditional venture capital (as opposed to Kickstarter) round of funding. They raised 16M US dollars from Spark Capital and Matrix Partners. In December 2013 Oculus raised 75M dollars from Andreessen Horowitz, Spark Capital, Matrix Partners, and Formation 8. In March 2014 Oculus was acquired by Facebook for 2 billion US dollars. 5.3.2 Magic leap A similar success story is coming up for Magic Leap. The startup raised 1.4 billion US dollars from a list of investors including Google and China’s Alibaba Group. As of December 2016 the company has not released a product to market, while Forbes estimated that Magic Leap was worth 4.5 billion dollars (Ewalt, 2016). Magic Leap made demo videos showing glasses 94 

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that combine the real world with virtual objects in a completely new way. However, former employees rumoured that the company has development problems and also CEO Rony Abovitz admits that there is a backlog. One of the demo videos was found to be fake. It has been animated by Weta Workshops, a company which specializes in visual effects for movies. In one of its earlier prototypes a PC the size of a fridge was used. A later prototype showed a bulky helmet attached to a desktop computer followed by glasses connected to a backpack. The current prototype is said to consists of two modules attached to the user’s belt, one with the battery and one with the computer.

References Ewalt, D.M., 2016. Inside Magic Leap, the secretive 4.5 billion startup changing computing forever. Available at: Heng, S., Hörster, A.-K. and Karollus, A., 2015. Augmented Reality. Deutsche Bank Research. Available at: http:// Pase, S., 2012. Ethical considerations in Augmented Reality applications. In: Proceedings of the 2012 EEE International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government. July 16-19, 2012. Las Vegas, NV, USA. Roesner, F., Denning, T., Newell, B.C., Kohno, T. and Calo, R., 2014. Augmented Reality: hard problems of law and policy. In: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. September 13-17, 2014. Seattle, WA, USA, pp. 1283-1288. Wassom, B., 2014. Augmented Reality law, privacy, and ethics: law, society, and emerging AR technologies. Syngress, Elsevier Ltd., New York, NY, USA, 356 pp.

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


6. Future trends of augmented reality D. Brohm1, N. Domurath1, V. Glanz-Chanos2 and K.G. Grunert2* 1INTEGAR – Institut für Technologien im Gartenbau GmbH, Schlüterstr. 29, 01277 Dresden,

Germany; 2Aarhus University, MAPP Centre – Research on Value Creation in the Food Sector, Bartholins Allé 10, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; [email protected]

Abstract Augmented reality (AR) in its different manifestations has the potential to be an inherent part of our everyday life in the future – in the working world as well as in the private life. A lot of technical requirements are fulfilled. Beside optical information, sounds and even smell will enrich our senses. Beside common uses like navigation, architecture, games and others, consumer focused AR applications will be a big issue, especially in the marketing sector. With a look into the future, the question arises, if it will be necessary to really walk into a physical supermarket, or if we just bring the store to us and walk inside without leaving home. The development of so called smart glasses and other AR devices is in progress to get our hands free of any device. This can cause that a lot everyday equipment (tv, lights, kitchenware, etc.) will be controllable by hand gestures if it is connected to the AR environment (https:// But beside enticing possibilities the use of AR devices also carries risks, especially in relation with privacy. Keywords: smart glasses, OHMD, food packaging, virtual supermarkets, IPS

Leanne W.S. Loijens (ed.) Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers  DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-842-1_6, © Wageningen Academic Publishers 2017


D. Brohm, N. Domurath, V. Glanz-Chanos and K.G. Grunert

6.1 Consumer applications Currently augmented reality (AR) supply is mostly limited to applications outside of the food sector. Common uses are architecture, navigation, 3D presentations, games and more. But there are some examples that involve the food packaging to connect AR information and content. Most popular is an energy drink from a big soft drink producer. Basically the implementation of food packaging makes sense to transfer more information about the product itself. That kind of information can be provided by the producer and by consumers. Similar functions already exist in available mobile apps, which are able to scan the barcode of a product. The app then shows collected information about the item. This could be detailed product description, ingredients, availability in the web or the local area, comparison of prices and costumer ratings. The development of AR applications in this field could even enable a lot more possibilities. One of the main advantages of using AR together with packaging is the simplification of handling. The whole product is the marker. Scanning a barcode or a QR code is only necessary if the product itself cannot be detected which may be the case if the product appearance is not stored in a database. Furthermore AR makes it possible to have a virtual look inside the packaging without opening. But not only the content can be visualised and all the information described above, but also advanced content like 3D serving suggestions and recipes, the current commercial, a virtual game or even the product’s smell, if a smell unit is connected to the AR device (Figure 6.1). If a recipe suggestion is available, of course further needed ingredients will be added automatically to the virtual shopping list if wanted and if they are not already on hand at home. A part of the deposited product information certainly will be provided by the producer. But also consumers will be able to add content or connect the product with some online objects. One possible scenario could be a producer who provides a deceptive package. There would not be a look inside the package provided by the producer, but a disappointed costumer could add pictures, comments and a low rating. Like any other content AR objects and their connected information can be shared online. So a product itself will become a kind of junction or anchor within the social community where consumers, producers and organisations are in the position to connect any kind of content. Of course the place of AR information request is not limited to the point of sale. It makes more sense to recall a connected recipe at home in the kitchen. Furthermore recipes will not 98 

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6. Future trends of augmented reality

Figure 6.1. Possibilities of additional product information visualised by an augmented reality application on a mobile device (INTEGAR GmbH).

only be pure text, pictures or video in the future. AR will support the user in a virtual and interactive way. It will supervise the workflow and even recognise mistakes. Furthermore it could be possible to enable health warnings about potential food intolerances, allergens or other critical ingredients. An accidentally use could be avoided. So the use of AR is able to make our life safer. But will AR also be able to be used in the food sector if no packaging is present, for instance for loose items like fruits and vegetables? The answer is yes! There is already an existing technology that can detect fresh food by image recognition. Some progressive supermarkets use cameras on their scales. The scales recognise the type of good exactly by form, size and colour and generate a price tag according to the weight. An implementation of this kind of technology into a mobile AR app should be possible without any difficulty. Beside a detailed description of the fruit, the consumer could also get useful information about health value, preparation and origin (combined with a virtual map). It is also possible to get knowledge about an appropriate storage or about the identification of the perfect ripening stage of the items. (Figure 6.2). The more information is present, the higher is the transfer of knowledge and finally the bigger is the benefit for consumers. With a look into the future, the question arises, if it will be necessary to really walk into a physical supermarket. Currently the online shopping and home delivery of fresh products becomes more and more popular especially in bigger cities. Nevertheless, of course, there are major differences between shopping on a website and in a real supermarket.

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Figure 6.2. Fruit identification by a mobile app and additional information provided by augmented reality (, adapted by INTEGAR GmbH).

But there are existing projects that can place a virtual 3D supermarket at any imaginable place (Millward, 2012). Currently a smartphone or tablet computer is required for this kind of shopping. The shelfs with all the items just appear in front of the user and it is possible to walk through. In the future so called smart glasses will make this kind of shopping even more realistic and convenient. Also restaurants are a potential AR application possibility. By scanning the menu and pointing at a meal a 3D illustration of the dish could pop up on the display. Also the smell of the dish could be provided to make the dish more palatable.

6.2 Industry applications Most AR applications surely will be created for entertainment, orientation and education in the private sector. As soon as the technology becomes less expensive the more applications will be available. But also industry will use AR to support personnel or for advertisement – and they do already. Beside mobile devices, companies prefer optical head-mounted displays (OHMD) or smart glasses to be able to work freehand. These tools are quite expensive yet, but on many workplaces it is not necessary to be mobile. So the devices can be connected to power supply, network and computers. (Krevelen and Poelman, 2010) There are numerous examples of possible industry applications. For architects AR is very interesting. They now can project buildings and landscapes that actually are not real onto places. It will also be possible to walk through such a virtual building or to project the whole building on a desk like a 3D model. Turning, zooming, removing facades and layers, changing colours and more could be done just by hand gestures. More than one person will be in the position to work on such a model at the same time but at different places (Chi et al., 2013).


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

6. Future trends of augmented reality

Car industry and engineers of other complex facilities are using AR as a support in the developing, assembling and maintenance stage of their engines already. So workers can see for instance which part must be fixed on which place (Stanimirovic et al., 2014). But the technology will also be a part of the car itself in the future. As a part of the driver assistance system AR will play a major role in navigation, night vision, warnings and supervision (Lorenz et al., 2014). In the medical sector 3D applications based on AR are a big chance. Education and training of students could be much more effective. Making diagnosis on the base of projected models of real persons could be done faster and more precise. And also during surgeries a virtual assistance will increase security. AR devices will also be in the position to help handicapped people, e.g. as a support for visually impaired persons. But also the food producing sector can benefit from the AR trend. An important topic in big agriculture companies is the herd management of livestock. To find an individual within a flock of farm animals is a challenge for farmers. Depending on the method, individuals could be identified by image recognition or by personal tracking devices that are connected to a localisation system (Figure 6.3). Another issue will be the optical transfer of field information, e.g. about pests and diseases, directly to the AR device of a tractor operator at work.

Figure 6.3. Animal identification by a mobile augmented reality app as an assistant tool for herd management in the field of agriculture. (, adapted by INTEGAR GmbH). Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers 


D. Brohm, N. Domurath, V. Glanz-Chanos and K.G. Grunert

6.3 Current problems and challenges Why AR is not very popular yet? Actually the most technical requirements are fulfilled. Possibly the handling is not sophisticated enough to the users. Holding a smartphone or tablet computer with hands prevents a totally freehand acting and makes tired arms. Also the visual field is limited by the size of the display. But a major problem can be the multitude of different providers for AR content on mobile devices, even if the competing developments lead to more innovations. Usually it is necessary to load a specific app or a program to use a specific content. This also leads to the problem that the existence of AR content has to communicate before in common ways (e.g. printed, online). Afterwards the application has to be loaded. Maybe a big market leader could centralise most AR content or even create a general map of existing content. So it would be easier to find AR projects and objects. On the other side it surely is meaningful to have very specific solutions (hardware and software) for certain application especially in industry. For the success of AR on the mass market the displacement of the whole application and content into the cloud could be a big accelerator for this technology and it would follow a general trend at the moment. That would mean the AR content can be loaded in every bowser on every mobile device, independent from end device, app or provider. A browser based application of course requires a reliable and fast internet connection. But this will be state of the art in the near future. Wireless LAN could accelerate applications inside buildings (e.g. supermarkets). Another problem is the poor availability of affordable smart glasses and the bad performance of existing models. Main challenge is to implement all the necessary components (eyeprojector, camera, battery, processor, memory and GPS) in such a small device like glasses are. It surely will last a couple of years to realise this in a satisfying way. But there are some scenarios to master it in the medium term. On the one hand the display of a smart phone itself could be used; by mounting it directly in front of the eyes (special holders are available). Now the camera catches the view and the display adds AR content to the display. This solution is also usable for Virtual Reality applications. A disadvantage is the hefty size and weight of it. On the other hand it is possible to use real smart glasses as a so called wearable. It would be an extension of a present device e.g. a smart phone. A connection between both devices can be realised by cable or radio link. All the processing power must be done by the smart phone. The glasses only have the functions of camera and projector.


Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers

6. Future trends of augmented reality

A more general problem is the exact location of positions inside buildings. The current exactness of the global positioning system (GPS) actually is only 1 to 50 meters, caused by atmospheric variations of the satellite signals. Inside buildings the satellites signal is additionally interrupted. But for best AR experiences an exactness of at least 3 cm is needed. A so called indoor positioning system (IPS) is currently under development, but there is no standardisation for it yet. IPS technologies use a combination of sensors within the mobile devices e.g. signals of cellular networks (GSM, 3G, 4G, LTE), Wireless LAN, compass, barometer, accelerometer, Bluetooth and GPS. The usage of additional stationary anchor nodes is necessary to enable indoor applications like AR supermarkets or so called indoor routing solutions. Another very important aspect to care about is privacy. Even today it is very difficult to prevent hidden data transmissions when using the internet independent if it is done on a stationary computer or a mobile device. Beside the user’s behaviour mobile AR devices and applications usually use the position of the user at any time. Also the camera is active continuously. So it could be able to relate the movement profile of a person to all the things he or she sees. But also the general public is affected, because there is always the risk of clandestine and unauthorised recording of the device’s camera. The main issue for commercial exploitation is advertisement. If smart glasses will be an inherent part of our life AR will cause a revolution in individual marketing and a big change in manipulation of consumer’s behaviour. Every location (streets, shopping centre, etc.) and every item (e.g. newspapers, buildings, landmarks, etc.) could be used to tag personalised virtual advertisements.

References Chi, H.L., Kang, S.C. and Wang, X., 2013. Research trends and opportunities of augmented reality applications in architecture, engineering, and construction. Automation in Construction 33: 116-122. Krevelen, D.W.F. and Poelman, R., 2010. A survey of augmented reality technologies. Applications and limitations. International Journal of Virtual Reality 9(2): 1-20. Lorenz, L., Kerschbaum, P.L. and Schumann, J., 2014. How does augmented reality support the driver to get back into the loop? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58(1): 1681-1685. Millward, S., 2012. China’s Yihaodian plans 1000 virtual AR supermarkets where you’ll shop with your smartphone’s camera. Available at: Stanimirovic, D., Damasky, N., Webel, S., Koriath, D., Spillner, A. and Kurz, D., 2014. A mobile augmented reality system to assist auto mechanics. 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), September 10-12, 2014. Munich, Germany. Available at:

Augmented reality for food marketers and consumers