An Analysis and Appraisal of the Women’s Intramural Sports Program at the College of William and Mary, 1945-1950

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An Analysis and Appraisal of the Women’s Intramural Sports Program at the College of William and Mary, 1945-1950

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sponges m sm rn


wm m i m m m m m m i m > m m , x u s - w m

by 3$OS5$ tM%B- BEIW

ProQuest Number: 10632166

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uest, ProQuest 10632166 Published by ProQuest LLC (2017). Copyright o f th e Dissertation is held by th e Author. All rights reserved. This work is p rotected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States C o d e Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346




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Statement of tie p m T g & m * * * ♦ .* * * * # » * * ♦ * *


Scope and limitations


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Sendees of data

fr o e e te e

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tas SOUSSM of VIJXM AND MMf t X945-X960 Selected Ofcleetives of t ie Program




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statement of Organisation

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A o tifitie e





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Criterion I

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criterion III

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Criterion W



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Original l i s t of Selected Objeotlfes of the foimm* e Intramural Sports program at the College of William and IImp as Submitted to the lury * * . * * * .* * * - * ♦ * . * , . * » . *


A&PW&XX. $

Borised Mat o f SeXeoted Objectives



istudeut ^uestioimaire # Women*s Intramural Sports Program, College of William and Mary,

* * # , *

A pril, 1950



Instructions for Giving Out Questionnaire .


literatu re Used in Populating criteria for the study


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IgM M t

$ , Persons and Organisations- Involved iaPlan&img and Sxeeuting the Intramural Program «#«.«**** II*


A c tiv itie s Offered In th e Required, physloa! .

Bdueation Program and ’th e Intramural Sports Pro.gram for Women at the College of William m& Mary, 19451950

* « « * * # #*■#****(**-*## * * * •


fhe w riter wishes to express her grateful appreciation toj The members o f her graduate committee, Dr. Caroline B. S in cla ir, Chairman, Dr* George J. O liver, and Dr* R. le e Martin, fo r th e ir guidance and helpful suggestions during the w riting of t h is project^ Dr. Katharine R. J e ffe r s, Dean o f Women, fo r her continued encouragement; and Miss M ilie u Comart fo r typing the manuscript.

CB&PXER I IMODBCflOH In 1918 when the College o f William and Mary became coeducational, physical education fo r women became a necessary part o f the c o lleg e curriculum,

.from th is beginning, intramural

a c t iv it ie s have assumed an important role in the program of physical education*

fo r a period of three decades these a c t iv it ie s

have undergone evolution and have hem modified in terms o f experience and present practices*

Since up to the present time

no complete evaluation has been made of the intramural sports program a t the College o f William and Mary, th is seems an appro­ priate time to analyse and appraise the present program and to propose plans for the fu tu re. Statement of th e problem* I t i s the purpose of th is study to appraise the women* s intramural sports program a t fhe College o f William and Mary in terms of formulated c r ite r ia and, in lig h t of th is appraisal, to make recommendations fo r the future program. Scope and lim ita tio n s.

The study deals with the f iv e -

year period, September* 1945 to June, 1950.

I t is concerned only

with the intramural sports program fo r womeaj reference to the in te r c o lle g ia te program or required physical education fo r women

was made only when considered necessary towards the solu tion of the stated problem* The main problem was in se ttin g up t i e c r ite r ia ,


t i f f le n ity was determining those c r ite r ia which were neither too narrow nor too broad in scope and those which were practicable and p ossib le to measure. Significance of th e problem,

The national trend in

women’ s a th le tic s i s toward a broad intramural program* and only as t h is affords opportunity fo r a l l students to participate should i t be extended to a v a rsity program* The N.s.W.A.,


which i s the recognized standard-setting

body in women’ s a th le tic s , sta te s that one of i t s major purposes is , To encourage and promote expanded sports programs for g ir ls and women, in the b e lie f that participation in such a c t i v i t ie s contributes to to ta l f it n e s s , enjoy­ able use of le isu r e tim e, and to the development of the most desirable and a ttra ctiv e ph ysical, mental, and so c ia l q u alities* In order that th ese ends may be achieved emphasis should be on participation by many rather than by the few who are erpert, in a variety o f sports conducted so as to promote health, sa fe ty , and the all-round w ell-being and enjoyment of a l l p a r tic i­ pants. 2 i

^N.S.W.A* national Section on Women’ s A th le tics, of the American A ssociation fo r Health, Physical Bdueation and Recreation. ^Introduction to the Standards fo r Guiding Competition by G irls and Women In Various Sports. (Washington» D.C., national Section on Women’ s Athletics"'of the American A ssociation for Health, Physical Bdueation and Recreation), p. 2.


ft*© amJot emphasis in the extracurricular s ta r ts program fo r women a t fhe College o f William aad Mary i s on th e intramural lev el*

Since thin involves a m joy percentage of women students,

o ffe r s more a c t iv it ie s than any other phase o f the physical education program, and functions throughout the academic year i t I s important th a t the program should he as worthwhile as. p ossib le. foward t h is ©m#t I t seems- both desirable end necessary that the intramural program he analysed and appraised, and that reeommenda•bioas ;he mad© fo r the future program* .D efin itio n o f tern*

The tern intramural was used -in i t s

broadest interpretation In th is study.

I t Includes not only

^ a th letic con tests -and sports involving only students of the sen© in stitu tio u " ,


but Includes a lso those a c tiv it ie s sponsored by the

Women* a A th letic A ssociation and. the. department o f Physical Education f o r Women, such ass

swimming d u b , fencing club*

ten nis dub* modern dance group*, and swimming plunge periods* jounces of. data. The selected ob jectives, organisation* i and- outcomes of th e program were obtained ant derived from -the intra­ mural program fo r the years 1948-49 and 1949-50 as kept by,the Act­ ing fa cu lty Head of Women* s Intramnrals, /the reports, o f the facu lty Advisors o f Women* s mtr&rnurals as found in the Depart­ ment*® annual reports to the president.


..Agreement as to the

^Carter V. Good, ed ito r, Dictionary of Education {Hew McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1945)* p. 36.

4 program’ s ob jectives was obtained from a selected jury consistin g Of tb s currant facu lty o f the Department o f Physical Education fo r Women, the A ssistan t Dean o f Women* who i s Chairman of the Joint Committee,4 and four students a c tiv e in the W.A.A.

A question­

naire pertaining- to the .intramural program, distributed in April, IPSO, to a l l women students, was used a lso where the data were pertinent.* The c r ite r ia were derived in terms o f common agreement o f a u th o rities in the field * • The sp ec ific and d eta iled procedure describing the methods used in formulating these c r ite r ia w ill be explained fu lly la Chapter 111, Procedure* The women’ s intramural sports program at the College o f William, and Mary, as i t has existed fo r the past fiv e »

years* was analysed in terms o f selected objectives* organization, and outcomes.

A questionnaire pertaining t o the intramural pro­

gram was distributed to the women students#

C riteria were derived

from authority and formulated and the current program was appraised# Conclusions were formulated and recem endations were made. Statement o f organization* The remaining, portion o f th is study i s presented as follow s: Chapter 11 I s a description and an alysis o f the program '^Joiiit Committee - The governing'body o f the Women’ s A th letic A ssociation i s composed of three student members, elected by the women’s student body, three fa cu lty members, one of whom serves as chairman, appointed by the President of the College, and the Chairman of the Women’ s Physical Education Department, the Faculty Head o f Intramurals, and the Student Head o f Jhtramurals who serve a s e x -o ffic io members without vote*


as I t lias existed fox the past f i f e years i s terms o f selected o b jectives, organization, and oatcomes. Chapter I I I i s a. presentation of c r ite r ia -and th eir valid ation . Chapter IT presents an appraisal of the present in tra­ mural sports program at The College of William and Mary in terms Of th e established criteria#The f i f t h 'and f in a l chapter i s devoted to find in gs, conclusions and recommendations fo r th e future program#

m & Pfsra x i

mums m mm o f tbm mimim w scsxvss o f the W0WBSf-& INTRAMURAL SEORXGt FS0GRAM AT THE 60UJK» OF WILUAM AND MARY 1945-1950

nssoBxracn and

Selected obiectivest o f the program.

Intramural sports,

as a part of the to ta l f i e l d , assume some contributions to the t o t a l education o f the individual along with other phases of physical education#

But, by the very nature of th e ir being ju st a part of

the whole, they a lso assume some unique contributions which no other part o f th e t o t a l f ie ld o f physical education assumes,

Since d is ­

cussion of these shared contributions are considered in connection with the appraisal of the program in Chapter IT, the ob jectives set fo rth here are concerned only with the unique contributions of intramural a c tiv itie s # Sine© a complete statement of ob jectives of the intramural program at the Qolle®© o f William and Mary could not be found, i t was necessary to derive them#

F ir s t, the objectives o f th e program

which could be found in pertinent m aterial of th e Department of Physical Education and Women* s A th letic A ssociation were recorded# Supplementing th ese, a l l those ob jectives which applied to the particu lar situ a tio n were stated#

These were derived from general

reading o f related lite r a tu r e together with the experience of the w riter as an extensive intramural participant fo r four undergraduate years and a s Acting Faculty Head of Women* a Intramurals fo r two years


at William and Mary.

The completed l i s t m s then d istrib u ted to a

selected jury con sistin g of the current facu lty o f the Department o f Physical Education f o r Women, the A ssistant Scan o f Women, who I s the Chairman o f the f o is t Committee 'of the Women’s A th letic Associa­ tio n , and four students; the President o f the W.A.A* t the President** ©loot o f the W»A*A#f the Student Head o f Intramurais, and th e Intramural S oftb a ll Manager*

They reviewed "the l i s t and revised i t

by adding to and d eletin g from the ob jectives stated and then returned them to the in v estig a to r with such comments as they wished to make,

from th ese revised l i s t s the f in a l group of ob jectives was

derived by combining th e -dements o f a l l the l i s t s . Appendix A shows the o rig in a l l i s t as submitted to the selected Jury.

Objective Humber 6 was d eleted , s i x of the jury

supporting t h is deletion* reworded*


Objectives Humber 5, 10, and 11 were

Objective Humber 7 (revised l i s t ) was added to the l i s t

a t the suggestion of one member o f the jury, and Objectives Humber 8 and 9 (revised l i s t ) were suggested by another member of the jury. The revised l i s t was resubmitted to ■the jury fo r f in a l approval,

lb s l i s t below which Is th e f in a l l i s t does not purport

to present the o b jectiv es in order of importance,

The order was

determined a r b itra r ily with the section on outcomes in mind* Those ob jectives which had common elements were grouped together. %hese numbers r efer to th e f in a l l i s t , numbers in the o rig in a l l i s t are 1, 7, and 8.

The corresponding


$ e l ected Objectives of the Women* s Intramural Sports Ingram at tb s Coliege o f William and Mary ia fe m e o f the Unique Contributions of Intramural A c tiv itie s According to the judgments of the jury to whom the l i s t was submit ted* the intramural sports program was d e s ig n e d : 1,

fo serve as a voluntary continuation o f th e physical education program;


fo provide an opportunity f o r the students to p a r tic i­ pate in those a c t iv it ie s which they lik e and enjoy and yet may not he taking in a physical education c la ss;


fo provide an opportunity fo r the students to use in intramural competition the s k ills and knowledges learned in physical education classes;


fo provide an opportunity fo r the students to p a r tic i­ pate in a variety o f sports on a voluntary b a sis in c o lleg e so that they may want to p articip ate os th is same b asis a fte r m ay leave co lleg e;


fo provide an opportunity fo r a form o f recreation for the student as


fo a s s is t the students to use le isu r e time w isely;


fo conduct a program of organised a c t iv it ie s through which the students .may become fa m ilia r with d esirab le standards o f competition in a th le tic s fo r g ir ls and women;


fo find and develop leadership since the program i s la rg ely student operated;


fo provide (esp e c ia lly through in te re st and club groups) fo r th e acquisition of expertness through successive years o f practice in one a c tiv ity ;


fo help the students develop a fe e lin g o f organiza­ tion al unity and cooperation;


fo provide an opportunity for the students to g et to know each other better and to extend th e ir range of acquaintance.


Organisation* The women’ a '-intramural program la a v it a l part o f the Women’ s A th letic A ssociation and i s subject to the ju risd ictio n o f th e Joint Committee,

the Department of Physical

Bdueation fo r Women functions in clo se cooperation with the W.a .A. and a l l the A ssociation’ s a c t iv it ie s are under the supervision o f the Department*

Scheduled con tests la the -various sports are

administered by a Faculty Head of Xntramurals, - appointed annually by the Ohairman of the Women’ s Physical Bdueation Department, .and a Student Seed o f Intramurals, appointed annually by the Joint Committee,

these two worfc cooperatively and are c h ie fly respon­

sib le fo r th e conduct of the intramural program* Bach dormitory and sorority group e le c t s a member to serve on the intramural council*

These rep resen tatives, besides

being responsible fo r th e participation and conduct of th e ir organisations in intramurals, act with the Faculty and student Head of Intramurals in planning and carrying out the program and the p o lic ie s of th e W.a j u with reference to the Intramural program* In addition to th e above-mentioned council, a manager of each sport i s appointed by the Joint committee each year upon the recommendation of the previous manager and fa cu lty advisor of th at sport*

I t i s the duty of each manager to a s s is t the Faculty and

Student Head of Intramurals with th e planning and execution of intramurals in her sport, to be responsible fo r the equipment in her sport, to have the necessary equipment on hand before each contest,


P orp>itor^ f t NO





and to submit an accurate report with ree HI

t IS


rt9 S l S S

o» H



IS 0*

t.h© 'participant, and a c la s s ific a tio n o f fitn e s s ,j l ’ determine p a r tic l^ tlo a . Jv ■'fi1

th e p olicy a t the C ollege o f William and Mary I s to adm inister to a l l new students a medical .and p h ysical examination


upon entrance,

fhe c o lle g e physician g iv es the m teteal 'examination

ted the fa cu lty o f th e Bepartmenb o f Physical Education for Women give© the physical examination*

fb ese examinations are a c t repeated

annually* however, a medical reefeeek i s adm inistered to a participant when deemed necessary by th e c o lle g e physician before p a rticip a tio n in ten n is, hockey, or b ask etb all, and before the' sta r t o f th e ©eases ■ o f th e tennis club, swimming clu b, fencing clu b, and dance clu b. Before th e f i r s t game o f each o f th e above ■ a ctiv ities a l i s t o f ..participants .is obtained#

f b ls l i s t i s then given to- the department

member in charge o f health counseling, 'She m ates comments n est t# th e names, o f those students.whom she thinks should n ot compete or who should have lim ited, com petition according to ■th e ir m etical ant .physical eram lnatios cards*

the l i s t i s then tea t be .the c o lle g e

infima-ary where the c o lle g e physician review s i t , paying p articu lar a tten tio n to th e comments made*' A ll those students Whom th e physician thinks should be re-examined are given a recheok and f i t e l Judgment i s mad# a© to the amount and extent o f p a rticip atio n which i s perm issab l#. In the remaining a c t iv it ie s , ’the student© may p articip ate w ithout th is check*

th e members of, the Department are., however,

fa m ilia r w ith those students who have physical handicaps and lim ita ­ tio n s :and are always on the a le r t fo r students who 'Should not be competing*

'these students are required to obtain permission from the

c o lleg e physician to compete*

A fter a seriou s illn e s s a particip an t

6 8

I# required ho hare a reeheek before competing. From the above d iscu ssio n , it may be sa id h h a t the i»tra** mural program meets p a r tia lly the y e fu iim e sb i o f C riterion ? , lumbers 1 and &* tu t th a t adequate p f ovi sloa needs to b# mad# fo r annual m edical examinations* Griterio& T* lumber 3* ■ the intramural program should maintain a h ea lth fu l, safe* sanitary playing enrironment. la determine -whether 0 f ; not tM r c r ite r io n ie.h etag. oa$» each playing area w ill to evaluated eepyabely* 1 * ffes gpmasium?

$!###■ the. gpm esiua la sm all, i t : i s neeesiKiry

t o ,a s# .one w all a s a boundary* ffe# players are pretested from. Injury by w all mats, .fb ie allow s fo r a- omsfeioaei .and sa t# J o lt i f an y.of the players ran in to the w all*' fhe equipment cabinets a t on# #M o f th e gymnasium #r# ■fa r enough hash -to allow «a$lgb apace beyond the bomdary iia e a t o p r e ~ ■fast, Injury*

fo h a lf inany# tM # th e dobrt o f th e m b ln ets

are kept closed*

M the other 'mi m e ith e r sid e of the w all

m n t U m i aboveare two alcoves in which th e piano, indoor standards, a n d g y m a stie © faipieht are kept*1■fh&m are • pushed f« r enough hack so a s n d t t o eoastitut© a hatard* the- flo o r has a peraaaeab fin is h , which i s not s lic k and i s swept d a ily by the janitor* .th e r e -are enough windows la the gynmasium and la "the balcony to insure adequate v e n tila tio n ,

and the lig h tin g system. allow s to r good U lm ia a tio n . f i r s t a lt oqmipmnb and running water'are. a v a ila b le .In th e of fle a adjoining the gymnasium.

f o r each stu&ent who

re e e im s m f so rt o f an Injury* m Injury blank la f i l l e t out and kept ©a f ile *

Mmept.iom minor bruises in© injured

Student. la y ^ srfed ' to the Infirmary ant a ©heck Is m ho to see th a t alt© a c tu a lly go©#*, .In ©as© o f eerletis Injury th e sbndeab i s bakfh to th e InfIm -sry i« e d ia te ir » the ©quipsmb i s always kept In gnat © edition*'

fa u lty

■©fdipnat I# e ith e r repaired or, i f beyond rep air, discarded. \


m m protfotiir© afuipael^ i s needed* such a s la fencing or fo r basketball players who-’wear glass©© *



not perm ibtedto compete 'Unless they are a tetu ately and properly protected. S o ftb a ll diamonds ant hockey fie ld s?

sine© bber©'i s su ffic ie n t

space outdoors fo r th e se , th e only- hazard which need©' to b#' considered in r e la tio n to the f ie ld s them selres Is th e oonditlo n o f th e playing areas*

fh© grass i s kept out and rolled*

th is ’.presents ^ jtan gl«© n ts and 'ruts* -tbs student© are 'not' perm itted to play I f th e grass i s too wet o f th e diamonds so muddy as to make them 'sllp p ry*. f ir s t , aid' ©amplest, and running water are ©raiXebl© in the f ie ld house which i s a short distan ce from., the playing areas*

A f i r s t aid k it I s kept on the scorer* s ta b le during

a l l hockey games* The same procedure fo r injuries*, th e same

m rule# and regulations concerning. p rotective e%uijs»m%$ and the Bom m m of equipment la adhered to horn a e l a the gymnaslum * $•* ‘ l i e archery range i

Bseepb fo r th e fa c t th a t s t r ic t ebeerraae#

o f th e ru les fo r W hiting ^ead .r a tfiw to s arrows la maiatalnad here a t - a ll tim es th e .procedure i s th e m m a sd iscu seed previou sly. #4

'lbs; te n e ts courts? .■ Both fo r th e sa fety o f th e Individual and fe y th e ir preservation, the courts mast to dry ■and properly ro lled before the stu d en ts may use them*

The procedure fo r

everything e ls e i s the .same m at ore. $*

ft© swiiamliag p oolsi smlamiig a c tiv itie s #

.Slow fo o l i s mod f o r a l l intramural The .only u etiv ib y ta rried

Jefferson Bool la the piuag© period# the

mm. and



Blow Bool i s under

ju r isd ic tio n of th e U sa's Department.


acceptable procedure prelim inary to swimming I s adhered to in both p o o ls.

Each student mast take ■a shower and stop

through-, the fo o t hath before she en ters the pool# wearing str e e t shoes may walk m th e pool tech#

Bo one Jefferson

'fo o l i s Kept Clean by .the ja n ito r and th e .water i s whanged ■when deemed n ecessaiy by the Chairman: o f th e toman* s P hysical Education Department., 'she B iology Department takes a 'bacterial count regularly#

Blessing sad tower fa c ilities!

to- tossin g room tad

.tow er-facilities la feffsrsea- apmtsiti® are todequabb* 'to r t mm as regular tad p&mmmt dressing -rooms profited and t o only towers are tos© la lefter-soa fool* t o participants who- lif e m m m esmpns or o ff eaaapis bars no place |a w&ieh to keep tbeir gymnasium salts or playing eaalpmeat , nor do to y baye t o proper fa c ilitie s la wbleb to t o s s *


from t o a lt o discussion, It may be said t o t t o iatra~ mara| .program meets to ' retirement of Criterion f , lumber'$ satisfactorily inregard to Sts playing areas, but t o t it does aot , meet t o req.alremeat satisfactorily is regard to tossin g and •

Corner to iiiti© % Criterion f g t o r f l .

. . j . t o toramural program Should .

pt0.{0®M. should prorlt# an opportunity for a f *m of relaxation

for t o students

Bomber I t . t o in tra n t* ! program should ■ aa opportmity for a form of .reoreatioa fo r ike students* fbe iatraaaral program does proride aa opportunity for a form of relamitioa; and recreation for t o students* for a discussion which shows bow th is is achiered, see pages 22*-24* from t o references cited., I t may be said t o t t o Intramural program meets tbs retairemmts of Criterion f t , Bumbers X and 2 satisfactorily*



In th is study the women1© intramural sports pro­

gram at the College o f William and Mary was appraised in terms of c r it e r ia , based on the opinions of auth orities in the fie ld *


were s ix general c r it e r ia , and each one o f these was sub-divided in to s p e c ific criteria *

In a l l , eighteen s p e c ific c r ite r ia were considered.

In view of the findings the present women*© intramural sports program a t the College o f William and Mary seems to meet the requirements of ten c r ite r ia s a t is f a c to r ily , but can be improved in the requirements o f eight c r ite r ia .

IS i s important to note that among th e c r ite r ia

which are not met s a tis fa c to r ily a l l o f these .are met p a r tia lly . In general, the program, as i t now e x is ts , meets the needs, in t e r e s ts , and most of the a b ilit ie s o f the ph ysically able students.


A modified program f orythe p h ysically handicapped students needs to be evolved.

As evidenced from the r ep lies to the questionnaire, a large

percentage of the women students lik e the program as i t now e x is t s , the a c tiv it ie s offered are numerous and varied 5 the program i s la rg ely student conducted, and supervised by w ell q u alified women teachers, who adhere to N.S.W.A. standards, p r a ctices, and r u le s. I t may be said , from a l l the evidence presented, that the women*s intramural sports program a t the College of William and Mary, appraised in terms of the formulated c r ite r ia , i s in general a s a t is ­ factory program.


The c r ite r ia which are met s a tis fa c to r ily are! 1.

The i n t r a m u r a l p ro g ra m should offer a v a r i e t y -of activities to

Interest as many students as possible* 2*

the intramural program should provide competition that stresses the

enjoyment of playing*


The intramural program should be conducted by w ell qu alified

leaders * 4,


The intramural program should adhere to the desirable standards

and practices for each sport as s e t up by the N,S,W,A, 5*

The intramural program should use the

rules developed or authorized

b y the ?I*3*W.A.


The Intramural program should provide the opportunity for broad

s o c ia l contacts* 7,

% e intramural program should foster good sportsmans hip,


The intramural program should provide

an opportunity for student



The intramural program should provide an opportunity for a form

o f relaxation for the students, 10,

The intramural program should provide an opportunity for a form

of recreation for the students.

The c r ite r ia which are not met s a tis fa c to r ily arei 1,

The intramural program should o ffer a c t iv it ie s for those physi­

c a lly able and for those with physical d is a b ilit ie s .

The program

should make more adequat e provision for th e'p h ysically handicapped stu d en ts,



the intramural program should o ffer both com petitive and non-com*

petitive activities o r a voluntary basis.

The program needs to be

improved and expanded In the area of club activities*


^he intramural program should promote educationally sound p u b licity .


The intramural program should o ffer a chance for p articipation to

a l l le v e ls o f a b ilit y .

The intramural program meets t h is requirement

s a t is f a c t o r ily with reference to competitive a c tiv it ie s but can be improved with reference to club a c t iv it ie s . 5.

The intramural program should make provision for*

p e titio n .

The intramural program meets th is requirement with reference

to team conducted a c tiv it ie s but not with reference to open tourna­ ments. 6.

The intramural program should provide for medical examinations

before dach year of p articip ation and for medical rechecks whenever necessary. ?.

The Intramural program should take into account a comprehensive

and reliable evaluation of the health of the participant, and. a classi­ fication of fitness to determine participation.

Without yearly

medical examination the intramural program cannot do this adequately.


Y he intramural program should maintain a healthful* safe* and

san itary playing environment .

The intramural program meets the

requirements of t h is c riter io n in regard to playing areas and equip­ ment but i t needs to be improved with reference to dressing rooms and shower f a c i l i t i e s . Eecommeindations.

In view of the above findings the follow ing

recommendations are made* X*

I t i s recommended that the p h ysically handicapped students he

urged to p articip ate in those a c t iv it ie s in which they can compete and th a t they be urged to take part,, more, in the intramural program by assuming non-playing r e s p o n s ib ilitie s , 2.

I t i s recommended that- a comparable point system to that o f a c tiv e

■participants be established for the ph ysically handicapped, so that they may have a chance to earn an intramural monogram* 3,

I t i s recommended that a junior club be organised in the club

a c t i v i t ie s for those students who wish to take part, but, who cannot meet the standards and requirements for admission to the already established clubs* 4*

It i s recommended that the intramural program promote more and

b etter p u b licity for dissemination o f routine announcements and schedules and for the presentation of other in terestin g m aterials and items dealing with the intramural program* 5*

I t i s recommended that a medical examination be given to a l l

participan ts before each year o f p articip ation . 6*

It i s recommended that adequate dressing room and shower f a c i l i ­

t i e s be provided in Jefferson gym*

I f th is can only be done through \ th e construction o f a new women’s gymnasium, a gymnasium should be b u ilt* From the outcomes of the program determined by analysis o f the selected objectives' o f the program i t i s further recommended that more and b etter orientation be given to the freshmen women students


c o n c e rn in g t h e

i&t&maanX p rogram *

fit® re c o m m e n d a tio n s ,

m- p ro p o s e d

v e r y s i m i l a r t o t h e o n e s s u g g e s t e d fey

by th e t a r e s i i g a i o r * & r#

th e s t u d e n t s *

o f t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e t h e s tu d e n t© w e re a s k e d t h in k th e in tra m u ra l



w h a t w ays d o you

program eon. he- i m ^ w e i f 11 t h e r e e o w i e n d a t i o n s

r e c e i v i n g t h e l a r g e s t num ber o f v o t e s * i n o r d e r * w e re ? 1*

question 14

M ore a n d b e t t e r p u b l i c i t y *

2U lo r e adequate gym end dressing fa c ilitie s* 3 * _ la c o u r a g ® f re s h m e n

and t r a n s f e r s t o p a r tic ip a te *


Promote more Interest*


Better system of notice distribution*




Cassidy, Rosalind, New D irections la Physical Education fo r the Adolescent G i r l l a H ighSchool and C ollege. Mm fork s AT’ar^meTend^ompanyT^ Good, Carter V*, ed ito r, Dictionary o f Education. JgeGraw H ill Book Company, ''1945, 495 p p .,......

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Hughes, W. 1 . , Administration o f Health and. Physical Education in. C olleges. New York: A. s . Barnes and Company, 1935, 348 pp. la Forte, W* t . , Ihe Physical Education Curriculum, M lrd edition; le a Angeles: ~ I t e Nniyersity of tnem C alifornia P ress, • 1943, 8 # pp. l e a r it t , Norma and Bartley P rice, Intramural and Recreational Sports fo r Men and Women. New 'forks' A. s . Barnes and Company, 1949, 323 pp. l e e , Mabel, The Conduct o f Physical Education. and Company,’ 1937, '361 pp.

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Somers, F. a #, Principles of Women*s A thletics» New York} A* S* Bames .and Company, 1930,' 151 pp. Voltner, Carl, 1&>m Scott, and Veraon Lapp, The Intramural Handbook. Minneapolis} Burgess "Publishing Company, 1944," W pp." Wayman, Agnes, Education through.physical Education* Third edition ; Philadelphia} le a and -FebigsJvTSSI, 356 pp. W illiams, J . F ., and w* i« Hughes, A th letics in Education. Second edition s .Philadelphia} ' W. E. Saunders Company, 1937, 472 pp.

B* P eriod ical A rticles Ainsworth, Dorothy, "Recreation and C o lle g e ;life ," Journal of ; ths American Association fo r Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 3:136, March, ’1936 *; • 'rT*r:“ Christenson, L* B ., "Building Good Intramural Sports Programs,» School Management* 13}86, November, 1943. DeWitt, R, 0 . , "Developing an Intramural .Program^* Journal of the American...A ssociation fo r Health. Physical Education, and ,T 11 J ^ e r e a tl^ r'iyidfir^O ctober, 1946. ie a v lt t , N ., and M. Duncan, "The statu s of Intramural Programs fo r Women, * Research Quarterly of the Amsrleaa A ssociation for Health, Physical Education., and Recreation; ' 8 1 68 . .torch, 1957. McDonough, T. E», "The College Intramural Program," Journal of the American A ssociation fo r Health. Physical Eduoation. and^ 1 Recreation. 171471. October, 1946. ’ Midwest A ssociation o f College Teachers of Physical Education fo r Women, "P olicies fo r sports Days and intramural A th letics for College Women, * Journal o f the American As so elation for Health Physical Bducatio'h¥T&d Recreation. X3sB95* May, 'ISAS*' N.S.W.A., "Desirable P ractices in A th letics fo r Girls and Women," Journal of the American Association fo r Health. Physical Education. and Recreation. “r12}428r .

Schriver, Alice,"Competitions N.S.W.A. Face the Issue," Journal of the American A ssociation foa* Health, physical Education, and Recreation. 20:451, September, 1949 .................. Wagner, M«, "Intramurals and the W.A.A., * Research Quarterly of the American A ssociation for Health. Physical Education and Recreation, 11:806, January, 1936.-.................... Washke, P. R ., "Some O bjectives of Intramurals,* Journal o f the American A ssociation fo r Health. Physical Bdaeation, and Recreation. 10:87, February, 1939. ' ” ~ wwe Wayman, .Agnes, "Women’ s D ivision , N.A.A.F. ,* Journal of the American Association fo r Health. Physical Education, and Recreation. 3:3, March. 1932, ’



Department o f Physical Education, The Woman’ s College of the University o f North Carolina.,. Physical Education' Greensborl: University o f North Carolina, 19477 Department of School Health and .Hygiene o f the National Bducatlon ' A ssociation, A th le tics -f o g -G irls. Washington, D«0»* National Bducatlon AssoclatTon7~1933* N*S,W*A., Introduction to the Standards fo r Guiding Competition ■ by G ir lf and'Women ln ¥ a r lo u s SportsT 'Washington, B.C. s N.S.W.A# ^

_ . . .. Standards in A th letics fo r G irls and Women. Revised ed itio n , Washington, B.C. jTfTs.W.A., 19487*54 pp.

Report of the Second Workshop fo r College Women Teachers o f Physical Bducatlon*' ’ Bates Park,: O o lo S o ; National As so c i a t i o n f orP h ysic al Education of College Women, 1947. S in clair,C arolin e, Chairman,, "The.Physical Education Program fo r Women." Unpublished committee report, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, firgin ia* June, 1948.

,, Chairman, "Womens Physical Education ©apartment ' Reports- to the President*" Unpublished reports, College of William ant Mary, Williamsburg, V irginia, June> 1945 * 1950* W.A.A. > "Constitution o f the Women’s A th letic Association*" Unpublished con stitu tio n , College of William .and Mary, Williamsburg, V irginia.

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