Webster's dictionary & thesaurus with computer reference section. 9781571221452, 157122145X

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Webster's dictionary & thesaurus with computer reference section.
 9781571221452, 157122145X

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Table Of Contents Dictionary


5 -763


Pg. 765 - 1004

Computer Terms

Pg. 1006- 1024

Rules of Spelling 1. The most common way to form the plural of a noun is to add an s. (Example: girl, girls: town, towns; hall,halls.) 2. The plural of nouns which end in y following a consonant are formed by dropping they anci adding ies. (Example: country, countries; baby, babies; family, families.) 3. The plural of nouns which end in y following a vowel are formed bv adding an 5. (Example: toy, toys: boy, boys; family, families) Each entr\r and phonetics are in bold type followed by the part of speech in italics. Subentries are in bold type after the main definition.

Edited and proof read by Carol Suplicki Gina Molino Cover design by: MJ Studios

ISBN 1-57122-145-X


ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DICTIONARY abbr. adv. aeron anal. anat. araha. arch. astron. Bib. biochem. biol. bot. Brit. chem. conj. elect. figgeol. gram. inteij. math. mech. med.

abbreviation adverb aeronautics analogy anatomy arahaic architecture astronomy Biblical biochemistry biology botany British chemistry conjunction electricity figuratively geology grammar interjection mathematics mechanics medical

meteor. milit. mus. mythol. n. naut. orig. omith. pathol. photog. phys. physiol. prep. pron. psychol. psychi. suf. syn. theatr. usu. V.

var. zool.

PRONUNCIATION SYMBOLS USED IN THIS DICTIONARY space ware father abridge hem herd spree hip smile angry cob collect movie rose cut amuse turn

a a a a e e e I A


9 o o

0 6 u u u in

meteorol military music mythology noun nautical original ornithology pathology photography physics physiology preposition pronoun psychology psychiatry suffix synonym theatrical usually verb variant zoology

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transcribed in any manner without written permission of the copyright holder.

© Text copyright 1996 V. Nichols


A, a

A, a (a) n. The first letter of the English alph¬ abet; the highest grade, meaning excellent or best. aah (a) v. To exclaim in joy. AAR abbr. Against all risks, aard-vark (ard'vark") n. A burrowing African ani¬ mal, which resembles the anteater and feeds on ants and termites, aard-wolf (ard'wiilf) n. A hyena-like mammal, feeding chiefly on car¬ rion and insects. Aar-on’s-beard (ar' om berd') n. A dwarf evergreen shrub, having conspicuous hair¬ like stamens and yellow flowers. AB abbr. One of the major blood types. One who possesses it may donate blood to type AB and receive blood from types A, B, AB, and O. AB. abbr. Bachelor of Arts; academic de¬ gree. a-ba (a ba) n. A striped fabric, woven of goafs or camel's hair; an outer garment made from this fabric or silk, worn by Arabs. a-ba-ca (a"ba ka) n. A plant from the Philippines whose leafstalks are the source of Manila hemp. a-back (a bak) adv. Unexpectedly; by sur¬ prise; startled; confused, a-bac-te-ri-al (a bak tir' e al) adj. Not caused by bacteria, ab-a-cus (ab' a kas) n. A frame holding parallel rods with beads, used for manual computation, especially by the Chinese, a-baft (a baft') adv. On or toward the stem, aft, or hind part of a ship, ab-a-lo-ne (ab"a lone) n. A member of the genus of gastropod mollusks that will cling to rocks and have a shell which is flat and lined with mother of pearl, a-ban-don (a ban'd^n) v. To yield utterly; to desert; to forsake; to withdraw protec¬ tion, support, or help, to give up all rights or interest, abandonment n.



a-ban-doned (a ban'dond) adj. To be de¬ serted; to be forsaken, a-ban-don-ee (a ban"don e) n. The person to whom a thing is abandoned, a-ban-don-ment (a ban'd6>n m^nt) n. The state of being abandoned; or the act of abandoning; to surrender, relinquishment; free from constraint. a-base (a bas) v. To lower in rank, prestige, position, or estimation; to cast down, to humble. a-base-ment («a bas'm^nt) n. A state of depression, degradation, or humiliation, a-bash (a bash') v. To embarrass; to dis¬ concert; to make ashamed or uneasy, a-bash-ment (a bash'm^nt) n. The state of something being abashed, a-bate (a bat') v. To deduct; to make less; to reduce in quantity, value, force, or in¬ tensity. abater n. abatable adj. a-bate-ment (a bat'm^nt) n. The process of abating something; the amount which is abated. ab-a-tis (ab'a te) n. The collection of felled trees of which the smaller branches have already been cut off. A battery n. A type of battery used for the purpose of heating the filaments of elec¬ tron tubes. ab-at-toir (ab"a twar ) n. The public slaughterhouse. ab-ax-i-al (ab ak'setfl) adj. To be posi¬ tioned or situated out of the axis of something. abb (ab) n. A type of low' grade w ool that is from the inferior parts of a fleece. Ab-ba (ab a) n. The ecclestical title that is used in some Eastern churches, ab-ba-cy (ab a se) n. A jurisdiction or an office of an abbot. ab-ba-tial (a ba'shtfl) adj. To be pertaining or related to an abbey or abbot, ab-be (a ba') n. A French title given to a priest; one who devoted himself to divin¬ ity, or w ho had pursued a course of study in a theological seminary, ab-bess (ab'is) n. The female superior of an abbey of nuns and possessing the same

abbey authority as an abbot, ab-bey (ab'e) n. An abbey church, a mon¬ astery, or convent. ab-bot (ab'tft) n. The male head of a mon¬ astery. ab-bre-vi-ate (a bre've at") v. To make briefer; to abridge; to shorten; to reduce to a briefer form, as a word or phrase, ab-bre-vi-a-tion (a bre"ve as turn) n. A shortened form of a word or phrase, used to represent the full form, abbreviator n. abbreviatory adj. ABC (a'be"se') n. The rudiments of writing, reading, and spelling, ab-di-ca-ble (ab'd/ ka bl) adj. To be per¬ taining to the one that may renounce, ab-di-cate (ab'd/ kat") v. To relinquish power or responsibility formally; to re¬ nounce. abdication n. ab-di-ca-tor (ab'd/ ka"ter) n. Person who abdicates. ab-do-men (ab'do men) n. That part of the human body that lies between the thorax and the pelvis; it contains the stomach, spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder, pancreas, and the intestines, abdominally adv. ab-dom-i-nal (ab dom'i nal) adj. Having to do with the abdomen; in, on, or for the abdomen. ab-dom-i-nous (ab doin'/ nus) adj. Ab¬ dominal; having a large belly, ab-du-cens nerve n. The 6th cranial motor nerves that supply the eye muscles, ab-du-cent (ab du's^nt) adj. Pulling back, or drawing away. abducent muscles n. Muscles that pull back certain parts of the body from the mesial line. ab-duct (ab dukt') v. To carry away wrong¬ fully, as by force or fraud; to kidnap; to draw aside or away. ab-duc-tion (ab duk'shan) n. An action of abducting. Med. Descriptive of the move¬ ment of a limb or part of a limb away from the midline of the body, ab-duc-tor (ab duk'ter) n. A person who or that which abducts; Med. muscle that moves certain body parts from the axis of


abigail the body. a-beam (a bem') adv. At right angles to the keel of a ship. a-be-ce-dar-i-an (a"be se dar e an) n. A person who teaches the letters of the alphabet, or a person learning the letters. A beginner in any area of learning, a-be-ce-da-ry (a be se'da re) adj. Formed by or pertaining to the letters of the alphabet. a-bed (