Watching the Whale (Teachings of Daskalos) 9781631738869, 9963774024

Daniel Joseph, the student of Daskalos (Stylianos Atteshlis)

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Watching the Whale (Teachings of Daskalos)
 9781631738869, 9963774024

Table of contents :
Cover Page
Watching the Whale: The Transformation Meditations of Daskalos & The Researchers of Truth by Daniel Joseph
Chapter One: Prayer & Breathing
Chapter Two: Observation, Concentration & Visualization
Chapter Three: Walking Meditation with Observation
Chapter Four: Etheric Doubles
Chapter Five: Visualizing the Body
Chapter Six: Etheric Arms & Hands
Chapter Seven: Etheric Hands & Colored Balls
Chapter Eight: Candle Flame Exercise
Chapter Nine: Healing with Balls of Light
Chapter Ten: Balls of Light and Healing Hands
Chapter Eleven: Creating Balls of Healing Light
Chapter Twelve: Balls of Light for Self-Healing
Chapter Thirteen: Shell of Light Protection Exercise
Chapter Fourteen: Good Health Exercise
Chapter Fifteen: Health & the Subconsciousness
Chapter Sixteen: Introspection & the Common Selfhood
Chapter Seventeen: Learning to Love an Enemy
Chapter Eighteen: Three Suns
Chapter Nineteen: Creating Peace
Chapter Twenty: Community Prayer for Peace
Chapter Twenty-One: Circles of Possibilities & Probabilities
Chapter Twenty-Two: He was Lost & Now is Found
Chapter Twenty-Three: Conclusion
Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Ways to God

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WATCHING THE WHALE By Daniel Joseph First Edition

An Independent Companion Study Guide to The Transformative Practices of The Researchers of Truth as presented in the Esoteric Practices book by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis AKA Daskalos

Copyright Daniel Joseph 2020 All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Published by Uriel Group Softcover ISBN: 978-1-63173-886-9

eBook ISBN: 978-1-63173-890-61

No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Swimming with the Whale – Miracles, Wonders and Healings with the Mystic Daskalos & the Researchers of Truth, Diving with the Whale, What is Love? and other related printed books, eBooks, audios, and videos are available at: More information on the teachings and practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth are available at: the archive site

Watching the Whale is an independent companion study guide and exploration of The Esoteric Practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth as understood by Daniel Joseph from his 30-year study and training with Daskalos and everexpanding engagement with the teachings of the Researches of Truth. Rather than reiterating the text from The Esoteric Practices (ISBN-10: 9963774024) by Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis, also known as “Daskalos”, the reader should consult that volume as we proceed through the exercise contained within it. The Esoteric Practices can be purchased from Cyprus at:


It is with deep love, respect and gratitude that I acknowledge Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis (Daskalos) and his great body of works that he freely gave to interested seekers who came to his public lessons over a 75-year span of time, as well as his personal guidance all of which serve as an inspiration for the Swimming with the Whale series books. The Swimming with the Whale series presents the teachings and practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth as understood by Daniel Joseph from his training with Daskalos, his over 30-year study and his ever-expanding engagement with the teachings and practices.

Daniel Joseph A Researcher of Truth



Chapter One: Prayer & Breathing

Chapter Two: Observation, Concentration & Visualization

Chapter Three: Walking Meditation with Observation

Chapter Four: Etheric Doubles

Chapter Five: Visualizing the Body

Chapter Six: Etheric Arms & Hands

Chapter Seven: Etheric Hands & Colored Balls

Chapter Eight: Candle Flame Exercise

Chapter Nine: Healing with Balls of Light

Chapter Ten: Balls of Light and Healing Hands

Chapter Eleven: Creating Balls of Healing Light

Chapter Twelve: Balls of Light for Self-Healing

Chapter Thirteen: Shell of Light Protection Exercise

Chapter Fourteen: Good Health Exercise

Chapter Fifteen: Health & the Subconsciousness

Chapter Sixteen: Introspection & the Common Selfhood

Chapter Seventeen: Learning to Love an Enemy

Chapter Eighteen: Three Suns

Chapter Nineteen: Creating Peace

Chapter Twenty: Community Prayer for Peace

Chapter Twenty-One: Circles of Possibilities & Probabilities

Chapter Twenty-Two: He was Lost & Now is Found

Chapter Twenty-Three: Conclusion

Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Ways to God


Dear Seekers, I am very happy to hear of your interest in participating in this group focusing on the Exercises and Practices in our System for the Research of Truth. “Heading to the Salt Mines” was a phrase Daskalos used to describe the necessity of working with the exercises and practices of the Researchers of Truth so that we may have our own direct experiences of the Truth of these teachings. Each of us must taste Salt ourselves in order to know what Salt tastes like. As a Researcher of Truth each of us has made a promise to examine our behaviors, thoughts and feelings with the daily practice of Introspection and to begin to live as the Inner Self. This is the Most Important practice to do and it is done by beginner and master alike – so it never stops. The practicing Researcher, will in time, become the master of the circumstances found in their life – whatever they are. This means that we can control and put our life circumstances in order by dissolving what is not helpful and good, while simultaneously replacing that with new and better things. As soon as you start acting like that you are on your way to find the Inner Self. On this way you will come to realize that the self you thought you were is nothing more than the entire collection of you own elementals, your thoughts, feelings, desires and behaviors. And that you really are something so much greater than the assortment of your elementals. Now maybe for the first time you come into conscious contact with your real Self. So, here is the call to action: Cast out your personal egoism and practice unconditional love for God, the people in your life and all human beings. Do that and your personality will gradually approach and be assimilated by your Inner Self. Simply using your mind as thought following along the lessons will not take you the full distance. You must experience the truth and then live it. In other words, the truth revealed in these teachings must be translated into the terms of your daily life. Every human being has a way, which is best suited to him or her, to find the Inner Self. Let the power of your Inner Self shine through your

personality self, and you will come to know the truth and be set free. When we reach to the center of our Inner Self, the heart of life and creation, we all know the true way to act… which of course is to Love unconditionally. God Bless you all and your good works! Daniel

Chapter One PRAYER AND BREATHING The Esoteric Practices book page 47 – 49

Before we begin any lesson, meditation, or healing work it is best to say a prayer. As this cleans the environment of negative influences and prepares us for our work. For a prayer to work properly you must keep your attention on the meaning of the words you are praying. Just reiterating works of a prayer while you mind wanders to other things is not real prayer and it is not real effective. Here is the fundamental prayer of the Researchers of Truth which when properly spoken purifies the environment and prepares us for our work. Of course, God does not need us to make prayers to Him. But we need to make prayers to God to attune with Him. Proper prayer also invokes the help of the Higher Powers without whose help nothing can be achieved.


Our Father Who Art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our transgressions as we forgive those who transgress against us.

And lead us while in temptation and deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, Forever.

Absolute Infinite Beingness, God; Everlasting Life, Love and Mercy; Manifesting Yourself in Yourself, as the Total Wisdom and the Almightiness.

Enlighten our minds to understand You as the Truth. Clean our hearts to reflect Your Love towards You, and towards all other human beings. Amen.


Most people breathe shallowly, and this influences our material body’s health.

Never force the breath. Just breathe in and out in a rhythm that is comfortable to you. As we approach breathing practices, we do not want to hold the breath between inhalation and exhalation. Nor do we ever leave the lungs empty after exhalation. We want steady balanced inhalation and exhalation in a rhythmic Pattern. Many breathing techniques from the East can be harmful so be careful. The breathing patterns offered by Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth are safe, proven and effective techniques that anyone, anywhere in the world can do with confidence. The patterned breathing technique we suggest has been used for millennia. All our practices and meditations will be super charged by this kind of breathing. And by doing patterned breathing regularly we will have increase amounts of energy, better heath, and extra energy to share with others. Although given as a basic exercise, pattern breathing is done regularly by beginner and advanced Researchers of Truth. Please follow the description of patterned breathing found in the Esoteric Practices book at the top of page 49.

D: I am hearing some feedback about the patterned breathing exercises and would like to address some of the questions. I want to say this exercise is important because it is the foundation of virtually all the exercises to follow. Also, we all from time to time, feel low on energy. So, this most simple and basic of exercise, when done properly, can recharge your bodily energy supply with only four or five breaths. This breathing patterned exercise is not something to be done continuously so it is not about creating a discipline to do it throughout the day but developing the skill to do it well when you need to recharge. The etheric counter part of each atom of our material body is like a little tiny battery. And so, when we do this breath in addition to feeling your entire etheric double being charged with light, try to see, and feel each particle of your body being over filled with etheric vitality. Think of your etheric double absorbing etheric vitality like a sponge absorbs water – for that is what is happening. We have over 50 different etheric breathing exercises in our system. And etheric breathing is one of three different kinds of breathing we can do. This kind is best done during the day when the sunlight floods the planet with abundant etheric

vitality. The second kind of breathing is the psychical breath and it is already occurring without us knowing it. But when we consciously do the psychical breathing captures higher vibrational levels of energy it is so powerful; we only take one breath during that exercise.

Then Noetical breathing is the third kind. This one can be done anytime night or day and it brings in even higher vibrational rates of energy. But we must master the basic etheric breathing first before we move on to theses higher breathing techniques. This is the reason we are emphasizing this essential practice.


Q: What is the best position for these practices – sitting up or lying down? D: We can do these practices and exercises either lying down or sitting up. It does not matter. What matters is the way it works best for you.

Q: “Inhale through your nostrils a breath measuring three counts of the heart.” I don’t understand the “three counts”, does this mean three heartbeats? D: The 3: 3 count breathing means breathe in for three heartbeats and breath out for three beats of the heart. It is the same with 4;4 count. Breathe in for four beats of the heart and out for four beats of the heart. It is the rhythmic coordination of our breath with our heart beats that connects us to the Pulse of Life coming from the Holy Spirit which is what makes our hearts beat. Connecting our breath with the energetic pulse causing the beats of our heart greatly empowers our breathing exercises and thus the

meditation we do.

Q: I want so desperately to do the advance breathing, but recognize its my over achiever-ism, my challenge is I must follow directions, I am so happy for this class!!! D: In the beginning it is best to find the breathing rhythm that is the most comfortable for you. Some like 3:3 others 4:4 and still others 6:6 Daskalos said he liked doing 7:7 or 8:8 for healing work. But the point is to find what is comfortable for you and then from there develop the skill of breathing slower or faster but in a comfortable natural way. Never strain or push.

Q: I am still wondering what about the forbidden 5-5 rhythm. Do You know why it’s bad? Has it something to do with the relation between the number five and the center nine in the Symbol of Life which represents the psychical body? D: You are right about the 5:5 count. It can open the gates to your subconsciousness and if you have unresolved negative feelings: hatred, jealousy, etc. it can awaken them, disturb you and cause nightmares. Q: Makes sense. So, is it also a way for experienced researchers to enter the psychical worlds? D: Yes, but not until you have purified your subconsciousness Until then it is safer to enter the psychical worlds from higher centers. Q: That seems complicated. D: Many things seem complicated until you understand how they work. For example, if there was a time bomb ticking away about to blow up you can have the most intelligent person try to disarm it, but he would have no idea how to do it, so it would seem complicated. Yet a twelve-year-old boy who knew the way to disarm that bomb could easily and simply do it. Likewise making a conscious out of body experience is not a matter using our intelligence to solve a complicated problem. It is simply a matter of learning

the correct way of doing it.

Q: Does it matter if eyes open or closed? D: Most find it easier to concentrate on exercises and meditation practices with your eyes closed.

Q: What is OBE? D: OBE means an Out of Body Experience... what we call Exosomatosis. But the kind we are aiming at is a conscious Out of Body Experience not a subconscious one. Q: Why do we breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth? D: Breathing in through the nose and breathing out through the mouth is a cleansing type breath. It also makes it a little easier for us to be able to separate the Etheric Vitality from the air in our lungs and keep it in the body as we let the air naturally release from the lungs. While breathing out keep your concentration on the retained Etheric Vitality in the lungs and let the air go out automatically. Later we will provide instruction on what to do with the retained Etheric Vitality for our good health and for using in healing work on others.

Q: I hope you can advise me about the patterned breathing. I’ve been doing this and at the same time visualizing and feeling breathing in light. I’ve been trying it from the feet thinking about a ray of sunlight shining across a lake and the light spreading upwards or the sun shining down on me and filling my heart and lungs with the light, but it does seem to take quite some time, 15 minutes or more until I can get a full sense of being completely filled with, and radiating light. Perhaps this is fine, but I wonder if I should try to be more disciplined in aiming to do it in just a few breaths, and if you have any suggestions about how best to use visualization in this. Thanks for your help.

D: All that is needed is fifteen minutes to really connect. Practicing it for 30 minutes will not make it better. Don’t worry with a bit more practice you will feel the energetic connection sooner. But time is not the important point. The important part is the quality of your connection to the light. So I would suggest you keep on with the way you are doing the practice and just observe how in time, the visualization will become clearer, brighter, and the connection to the light energy will come sooner and you will feel it stronger. Now that you feel it also try to feel you are storing it in your body. The solar plexus is the best area to store it in at the beginning and later you can try to feel the energy store in every atom of your body. The etheric counterpart of each material atom in your body is a battery that we can charge with energy.

Chapter Two OBSERVATION, CONCENTRATION & VISUALIZATION The Esoteric Practices book page 51 – 61

About the visualization of an object, recalling it to memory and drawing it: It does not matter what the object is but in the beginning the simpler the better. So, anything will do. This is one of the four recommended practices that over time leads to a conscious out of body experience OBE. Visualization also trains us in Observation and Concentration (all of which are Golden Keys to the Kingdom of the Heavens as Daskalos called them). At the same time, you are developing the skill of imprinting this image to memory. The point of drawing the visualized object is not about being an artist. No one needs to see your drawing. The point of drawing it is to develop the skill of recalling the memorized images. This helps not only in our spiritual work it also improves normal memory! When we visualize an image, we are creating real and lasting psycho-noetical images. “Psycho-noetical images are elementals constructed of Mind supersubstance at varying rates of frequency. Once created an image has a real, multidimensional existence that is far more durable than any gross material object.” (The Esoteric Practices book page 51) These visualized images are not to be confused with fantasy. Visualizing a real horse is one thing, visualizing an imaginary horse with wings is fantasy. As Daskalos often stated: “Visualization is used as a vehicle to expand our consciousness, as it is the language between the mundane and the Divine. By constructing specific forms and settings we allow for interaction with Divine energies – and visualization is indispensable in healing work for invoking images of health and perfection” The next four lessons (lemon, rose, dove and Landscape visualizations) in the Esoteric Practices book page 54 – 60 are training in how to create psychonoetical images. They may look simply, but these are particularly important skills to develop for creating better health, helping others, and preparing for

more advanced work.


Practicing these visualization exercises is an initial step towards the development of real Clairvoyance. Practicing visualization, we are automatically using the imprinting ether which leads to creative visualization which is different from fantasy or imagination, and you will start seeing yourself as a selfconsciousness. The imprinting ether is one of the natures of our etheric double which we will examine in these upcoming lessons. Developing the skill to visualize puts a great treasure in our hands. The treasure is in the ability to use the Mind in much higher ways. Unless we get the ability to use the Mind ourselves, just reading spiritual books or visiting gurus and masters won’t benefit us all that much. The point is that in developing our ability to use the Mind ourselves in the practices of Observation, Concentration and Visualization enables us to reach the Truth. The art of Visualization is a most important skill because the ability to visualize is the means of getting needed things; both in this world and the next. So, what do you think is more valuable: the material things we can obtain by visualizing or the having the skill of Visualization? Steady practice produces gradual changes that leads to a perfect transformation. In this process you will start to see the undesirable thoughts, emotions, desires, fears and anxieties of the lower self (personality) recede as the pure Inner Self is revealed. This is the point of unification/assimilation of the personality selfawareness with the Inner Self Awareness. Initially we touch this point, it holds for a time and then we come back to “normal” consciousness, and then again we touch it and come back to normal consciousness, and again and again... but each time we come back we stabilize at a bit higher level of consciousness than before and each time we touch it again we can manage to hold that state a little bit longer. Eventually this stabilizes in the unbroken state of full Self Realization – this is

the aim of a Researcher of Truth.


Comment: I love cactus, so I use my cactus for my drawing practice! D: Daskalos loved Cactus too he had many, many different kinds they naturally absorb negative elementals.

Q: My comment here is not fact but only what I’ve inferred from the reading of The Esoteric Practice: The ethers, creative, imprint, sensate and kinetic describe the substances that make up etheric vitality. This vitality is the life force that surrounds us and is the Mind super-substance. Creative ether is used by the Holy Spirit and Archangels to build and maintain functions of the body. Imprint ether shapes the etheric vitality into the thoughts/emotions and multi-dimensional images. Sensate ether provides feelings and we experience pleasure or pain. Kinetic ether is movement – conscious or subconscious or automatic like blood flow or breathing. If I can create a lemon and taste it, I’m getting closer to the whole etheric world. Help, please, with corrections. D: I will respond to this statement about the etheric vitality, its natures and use as well as “seeing & tasting” the ethereal vibrations of the lemon. This also applies to the practice about the Rose visualization and applies to all visualizations. First the etheric vitality is one. However, it has four natures or characteristics ... this does not mean we have four different ethers – One etheric substance with the four natures: kinetic, imprinting, senate, and creative natures. The first three we are using sub consciously mostly, but these exercises train us to use it consciously. The 4th, the creative is not under our control but will be when we master the first three. (there are really seven different natures but the higher three only concerns us in the most advanced work).

Remember when we create an image like the lemon or rose or anything we are working simultaneously with the etheric vitality of our material body, psychical substance & its ethers (this is the feeling we have about what we are visualizing) and noetical substance & its etheric vitality (this is the image and thoughts we have about the object of our visualization) So all visualizations and all elementals are composed different proportions of these three:- etheric, psychical and noetical substances. When we “see, smell, hear or taste” a visualized thing such as a lemon or an apple, we can do it with our etheric senses or still higher we can do it with psycho-noetical senses. But does our psycho-noetical body have two psychical or noetical eyes to see with? Or do we “see” psycho-noetically in a different way? In appearance if we meet someone in the psycho-noetical world we will see them as we knew them with eyes, nose and mouth, hair color, size and everything. But in our psychical or noetical bodies we see, smell, taste and hear with every single particle of these bodies and not with just two organs called eyes in the psycho-noetical head. The perceptions of our super senses in the higher worlds is much greater and more marvelous than you can imagine. Colors are richer, tastes and smells much more powerful and sensitive than what we have on earth. These practices we are doing in this course help us develop the skills needed to master the conscious use of these three natures of the etheric vitality and to be able to enter consciously into the kingdom of the heavens within. We are in these heavens all the time, but we are in them sub consciously and feel little benefit. The esoteric practices along with the esoteric teachings train us to approach and enter these kingdoms consciously with knowledge and understanding and feel the benefit.

Q: Is it permissible to share these lessons with others? D: Yes, if they show an interest but don’t force them on others.

Q: You talked about eyes and that we see with every single particle of our

higher bodies. I had an experience where I saw from a point of my temporary personality mask other than my physical eyes. Where does the mask sit? In the etheric double of the physical body? Or is it in the etheric double of the psycho-noetical bodies? How is the temporary personality different from the etheric doubles? Are they separate aspects that are connected? Or is the temporary personality the consciousness of or in the etheric double? D: It is not a mask but the entire psychical (and noetical) body that sees with every particle of its psychical or noetical substance. The personality is the psycho-noetical body composed of feelings, desires and thoughts. This means that a person who is awake in the higher psychical planes (above the lower 14 planes) can see behind them without turning around. It means that in the higher world seeing happens in a much more wonderful way. The colors are so much more vibrant and radiant. Of course, seeing in the material, psychical or noetical world is really a reception of ethereal vibrations from that environment. But in the material world, material light is imprinted with the image of the thing the light falls on which is then reflected to our material eyes, gets turned into minute electrical (etheric) impulses that travel along the optic nerve (but there is no material light traveling in the optic nerve) then it is reaching the visual cortex in our material brain (again there is no material light in the brain only etheric impulses) and we say we see. In the psycho-noetical worlds it is not like that because in the higher planes we do not have organs called the eyes and brain. Here every particle of our higher bodies can receive ethereal vibrations which again are interpreted by us as sight. The etheric double of the material body is the mold in which the material body is built up and sustained. You as a self (personality self or Inner Self) have a material body to live in and express yourself through in the material world, but you, as a self, are not the material body or its etheric double. And it is the same with the higher bodies and their etheric doubles. These are for you to live in and express yourself through in the corresponding higher worlds. They are all yours, but they are not you. When your material body dies and you as a personality self-awareness pass over to the psychical planes of existence, your material body and its etheric double dissolve. If your personality was the materiel body and/or its etheric double then

you as a personality would dissolve and this does not happen nor could it ever happen. Yet we as a personality use the etheric double (mostly subconsciously but sometimes consciously) in the creation of thoughts and emotions and behavioral patterns. These are the elementals, which are dressing/covering the ray of our Soul Self (our Divine Nature) that now present a temporary time and place personality (our human nature) It is our particular quality and quantity of elementals which we create that determines if this created personality is what we call a saint or a criminal. Q: I am wondering when you say you in that context, who are you speaking about? What you is that? D: by the term you I mean you as a self-awareness at any level. From a sleepy present-day personality self-awareness to a fully awakened SelfAwareness or what is generically referred to as the Inner Self or Higher Self. And as a self-awareness, at any level, we are using our three bodies and their corresponding etheric doubles to live in and express ourselves through.

Q: I’d like to ask about housework. I understand that spiritual unfoldment is accelerated by service to others. Are doing household chores as a housewife and to take care of my mother who gets amnesia equivalent to service to others? I use most of my time to do housework for my family not for an unrelated person, so I’d like to know about that. D: Daskalos was always pointing out to us that what truly matters is the sincerity and quality of service and not the size or quantity of service. So yes, your housework can be done as a form of service to your family, your mother and God. What did Christ say? “Whatever you do for/to the least of my brethren (which means any human being) you do for/to me”. So, whatever we are doing (good or bad) to any other human being we are doing to them and to God

Q: I have a question regarding the breathing exercises. Why is the fivecount breath not recommended? Why does it have negative consequences? Thank you! D: the 5:5 count can open the gates to the psychical worlds and if your subconsciousness is not been purified yet then you can have negative experiences and nightmares. Q: How will we know if our subconscious is cleansed enough to use the 5:5? D: We really do not suggest using the 5:5 count at all. Because even when you think you have a clean subconsciousness, a slight change in circumstances can reveal many hidden things you did not realize were hidden there.

Q: Is there a specific color at a specific place you can visualize when having a cold? D: The recommended exercise is to visualize a bright orange ball of light in and around your thyroid no bigger than a tennis ball. Hold this visualization for a short time a few minutes at most. The reason behind this exercise is all the blood in our body passes through the thyroid about ever twelve minutes. The brilliant orange light of etheric vitality burns viruses and microbes harmful to our material body. This exercise is easiest to do as preventative treatment or as a cold/flue first starts to show symptoms. But we are not suggesting that you not go to see a doctor if your symptoms persist or get worse. We do not undervalue medical science.

Q: What is the meaning of that involuntary deep breath that occurred when I was visualizing my dove alive? This involuntary deep breath occurred, sometimes, when I am applying Reiki. It varies with people that receive it. Sometimes people ask me if it was difficult to apply Reiki because of my breath. But it is totally involuntary. D: It is an instinctual attempt of your body to draw in more etheric vitality needed for your practices you are doing in that moment.

Q: Is vitamin D (in our bloodstream) related to etherical energy in some way? D: Blood is a carrier and a distributor of etheric vitality. The nervous system is a carrier and distributor of etheric vitality and for sure Vitamin D is needed by the nervous system to maintain its health, regenerate nerves. The lack of Vitamin D can result in nerve damage and physical disease. Vitamin B is also good for the enhanced functioning of the nervous system and its retention of Etheric Vitality. Daskalos advise to take Vitamin B or Brewer’s Yeast because it helped with retaining the etheric energy in the nervous system. Vitamin B was the only kind of supplement I ever know of Daskalos recommending to all the students. Q: Can you say which type of B vitamin is recommended? D: B 12

Q: If we have created elementals based on worries and stress at home for some reason is there a way, we can clear the space recommended by the Researchers of Truth D: Once an elemental is created it cannot be destroyed even by a master like Daskalos. All we can do is dis-empower them to kill the energy in them. And the only way to do that is to withdraw our attention from them. We feed elementals, good or bad by the attention that we give them by thinking about them. It is in this way we are feeling them and making them get stronger. If on the other hand we stop attending to them, stop thinking, feeling and acting on them we weaken them, and they go away (back to the cosmic consciousness). So, our elementals our own responsibility to keep or to dis-energize.

Q: I wonder what I should be focusing on with myself. If I am even ready to be doing these exercises? Or, should I be focused on something even more

preliminary. Such as working out the kinks in my personality. If you have any intuitions of my path, I’m open to any criticism. D: We must do both. We train ourselves by doing these exercises to become masters of our energy, masters of our material body, our emotions and thoughts. This is very important work but to start we only need fifteen to twenty minutes a day. And typically, we do these in the morning. Then at night we do the introspection practice. This is the practice where we work out the “kinks” in our personality. And it is like kinks or knots in the personality that cause the problems. But take heart for it is as Rumi said – “I came with many knots in my heart,” yet “Even when tied in a thousand knots, the string is still but one.”.

Q: I was treating a client from me last week a man who is very angry when I came to his head if felt the strangest sensation on my one please helps me to understand thank you. D: As you probably know thoughts are things called elementals. Every elemental has a form, (even though we cannot see them with our material eyes we can feel them). Elementals are not beings, but they have a living existence, a form of certain shape and color. They have a purpose and a power. Their purpose and power are given to them by the one who created it. And the power has to do with the number of times the thought form (elemental) has been expressed and the degree of intensity of those expressions. Thus, in the case of a very angry person, they end up harboring a massive group of elementals, which as mentioned have power. It is this power, the energy, the quality of these elemental that you are feeling. We can classify elementals in two groups – the ones that are mostly composed of thought and the ones that are mostly composed of emotion or desire. You cannot have a thought without some emotion about it nor can you have an emotion, desire or feeling without some thought associated with it. The fact that you felt the strange sensation when you reached the patient’s head would suggest that what you felt would have been the vibrations of his thoughts.

Chapter Three WALKING MEDITATION WITH RECALL The Esoteric Practices book page 61 – 63

This is a practice to develop in our human nature, our Divine Nature of observation by taking a mindful walk with observation. This is a walking meditation type practice but with the addition of recall. In this practice we will use the golden key of visualization to recall in detail all the things we just saw on our walking meditation. By concentrating on the things observed during the walk we will be able to recall the colors, the shapes, the smells, the sounds and the feelings more perfectly each time we do this practice. It is vital that we become more aware of our environment and what is happening in and around us here. For you will never be more conscious or aware on the higher planes during an Out of Body experience, or in sleep than you are on right now. All these practices wake us up, bring us to an alert state of consciousness which automatically translates into a more alert state of consciousness when you are outside of your body. Being fully alert means we have succeeded in activating and developing the Aesthetic, Imprinting, and Kinetic Ethers in all three bodies. The material, psychical and noetical. Being un-alert means very little of the Aesthetic, Imprinting, and Kinetic Ethers are vibrating in the psycho-noetical body. In each incarnation we are the same Soul but endowed with a different noetical, psychical and material body. This means that in every incarnation we, as a present-day personally, must self-consciously recreate/rebuild our versions of the psychical and noetical body picking up where we left off in our last incarnation. For our material body to be healthy and work properly we must get to know it and give it at least some exercise. So too with the psychical and noetical bodies, we must get acquainted with these existing bodies, work with them, develop them and build them up more by using these three ethers. Afterwards we will be able to make use of the creative ether. In doing all these different kinds of practices we develop within us the ability to

know and use our etheric double as imprinting ether, aesthetic ether, kinetic ether. One of our primary goals is to develop a degree of mastery of the ethers. Awareness of and ability to begin to use our etheric double is vital for our progression along our spiritual path and is a prerequisite for entering into the advanced parts of the teachings and practices of a Researcher of Truth. Just reading in a book or just following along and listening to a lecture or practice is not enough. To really advance we need to penetrate the meaning of what we are reading, what we are hearing and what we are doing in order to connect deeply. If we can do that; then our spiritual progress will greatly accelerate, and we will move more quickly along our spiritual path.


Q: Feel like a sleepwalker in this world after very real spiritual experiences. Not sure I agree with for you will never be more conscious or aware on the higher planes during an Out of Body experience, or in sleep than you are on right now. D: Yes, people on earth are like sleepwalkers or let’s say most go through life like a sleepy child with only a vague notion of who they are, where they are or even their purpose for being on earth. My comment was about the personality’s awareness only. But we are much more than just a personality. When you have a high-level spiritual experience like you mention you are approaching and connecting with your Inner Self or call it your Higher Self. This Self is your Real Self that knows everything. But then what happens? After a time in the high spiritual experience you come back down to consciousness of the personality again. So, I was describing what happens when you as a personality crosses over to the other side in an out of body experience, during a dream or during the change we call death: we do not automatically become enlightened. When you find yourself in the psychical planes no matter how you got there you will be the same personality with the same strengths and the same weaknesses you had on earth. But why? Because death of the material body is

not affecting your psychical body - the body of your emotions nor does the death of the material body affect your noetical body - the body of your thoughts. This also means that however conscious you are on earth is the exact degree of consciousness you take with you to the worlds beyond earth. Of course, in the worlds beyond earth, just like here on earth we are free to raise our consciousness to higher and higher levels.

Q: I was wondering if you could describe the relationship between the etheric vitality and its qualities (aesthetic, kinetic etc...) with the so called "kundalini" and also the yin and yang forces that exist in the centers 7 and 8 (I think). I ask because in the east it seems like it is taught that you must consciously try and harness these energies where as Daskalos seemed to have taught that they should be left alone. Thank you. D: The polarity of the energy referred to in the Chinese systems as yin and yang, and in the Hindu system as the two currents of energy called Ida and Pingala. In our system Daskalos did not want us to think of these two forces as Positive and Negative energies - they are not. He taught them as two different currents he called Positive A and Positive B. And we must master these two before we concern ourselves about the so-called Kundalini energy. Which is the larger central current of energy around which these other two currents spiral upward (see the medical symbol called caduceus of Hermes which depicts these three currents). The kundalini for now rest slumbering at the base of the spine. And even before the kundalini is awakened (which is never tried without being in the presences of a master who knows the safe way) rhythmically distributes the creative ether regulated like clockwork to the entire material body. The kundalini is often referred to a serpent. It is not a snake but a ribbon of energy with a bulbus head that moves in a serpentine way like a snake. A warning, the premature release of this energy or the upward uncontrolled movement of this energy can cause permanent damage; leading to sometimes to Schizophrenia and even suicide. At this point in your development the seekers of truth should not concern themselves with the Kundalini. There are so many other wonderful, uplifting and beneficial works to attend to, which are prerequisites to beginning the training with these three most powerful currents of etheric vitality.

Q: I am experiencing clarity in this exercise. I walk just a short distance, maybe fifteen yards along a sidewalk with grass, bushes, rocks and a tree. Then I recall as much detail just as I saw, felt and heard. The images in my memory feel like how a dream is. Does memory exist on all three universes, the physical, psychic and noetical? Is memory an elemental whose clarity is based on awareness? D: The images you recall of the walk are really no different in any way that the image we recall from a dream, from yesterday, from a year ago, 20 years ago or 20 lifetimes ago. Just contemplate this. What does all that mean? It really is pointing to the truth that: now, the present moment, is the only reality. Everything that came before now has been reduced to a memory. The past only exists now as a memory that tends to fade away. Memory exists in all the three worlds of existence: material, psychical and noetical. And as a present-day personality our clarity of the memory of an image (which has become an elemental) is affected by how conscious and long we observed the image. But that does not mean every image is stored imperfect. It means our ability to retrieve the stored image is not perfectly developed. This image itself is perfectly stored in detail. Now think, does memory stop at the noetical? Do we not have memory beyond the worlds of existence? Yes of course, but it is not our personality doing the remembering at this level it is the Permanent Personality that remembers. The Permanent Personality, the Inner Self knows everything because it is part of the Soul and at the same time it is the total of all the present-day personalities from all incarnations. This means it has the distilled and correctly understood memories of all the past life personalities we have ever expressed. Think again, is there memory beyond the Permanent Personality. Yes of course the Spirit Soul knows and remembers everything from each journey into incarnation and what happened in between incarnations. The problem is as a present-day personality we must raise our consciousness to very high levels to be able to access this level of memory which is in our own Divine Nature. Is there such a thing as memory beyond our present-day personality self, the Permanent Personality Self or even the Spirit-Soul SELF? Yes, that is called the universal memory, the memory of God, the Cosmic Consciousness or more commonly

known as the Akashic Records.

Q: I have been struggling to practice concentration. My mind is very monkey like, I can never focus with quality for longer than a minute. I have an issue at getting bored easily. What exercises do you suggest? Recommendations? D: This is the first challenge in doing esoteric practices or any meditation/concentration exercise - silencing the thoughts and emotions arising from our subconsciousness. When we start a practice silencing out emotions and stilling our thoughts is the first job. And yes, that lower mind activity behaves like a monkey jumping here and there ... first doing this then doing that it is never steady. Some people have this kind of monkey mind. But in other people it is like their lower mind is more like a barrel of monkeys. And yet in other people their lower mind is more like a barrel of drunken monkeys! Especially in our hectic modern world. The only solution is to discipline the lower mind and by lower mind. And by discipline, I mean gaining mastery of our thoughts and emotions. And by mastery - I do not mean masochistic control, suppression or harshness. By mastery I mean skillful control. We must be able to still this monkey mind, at will, through practice. You must use your will for it to happen for you too. It is like we are all training for the spiritual Olympics. Mastering the lower mind means 1st - training it not to disturb you when you decide to meditate, concentrate or make a prayer. 2nd - it means to be able to hold noetical images in your mind for a period of time you choose and then to dissolve the image in your mind at will, and then to retrieve the image again whole and perfect into your conscious mind.

Q: Is it more important to try to remember as much as possible or to observe as much as possible? I mean if it is better to rest for a longer time on each object I come across so I will remember it better or is it better to see as much as possible, even if it is for a very short time because there are so many details to see. During the walk I try to observe as much as possible and with many things I think "ah yea I will remember this, this house has a nice color" But when I try to remember all the details after the walk I

barely get a few of all of them together or I remember how it looked but not where it was. But when I do the walk again and see the thing again, I remember that I have seen it before. I find it especially difficult with "boring" looking things. What is so different with the things I find more interesting. Do they get more energy? Or do the "boring" ones get stored in some kind of group elemental that encompasses all of this kind and its more difficult to recall the exact thing I saw out of it because I already have many, many similar of this kind in me? Also, will at some point the Archangels help in reconstructing the whole image and which point is that? D: We tend to recall those things we noticed, that caught our interest during the walk. Still all the other things we did not pay attention to but saw with our eyes are stored perfectly in the subconscious too, but it is like we do not have a conscious connecting link to pull the details of every memory back out. It is not because you have many similar boring images that you do not recall those images and it is not that it is impossible to retrieve the memory of things that did not catch our interest that our eyes fell on and was automatically recorded in the sub consciousness, but it is just we are not used to doing that. It is possible to do it. You may get help from your Guardian in reconstruction the images. When this happens, you see the images much brighter, and in more detail.

Chapter Four ETHERIC DOUBLES The Esoteric Practices book page 65 – 76


By now each of you is aware that there is an energy double, associated with your material body that provides the necessary energy for the body to move, function, grow, and renew. It is clear our material body moves but can you imagine something moving without an energy supply? No. All Movement requires an energy source. And so, it is in the energy double, the etheric double of the material body that is supplying the energy that facilitates movement of the body and movement within our material body. This lesson is about the etheric vitality and a simple practice that starts to train us in how we, as a personality-self, can begin to interface with this etheric vitality, learn how to master and use the first three states of this etheric vitality – kinetic, aesthetic (sensate) and imprinting.


This practice is good for anyone wanting to master their etheric, use this energy for hands on healing, remote healing and really for anyone who needs or wants to develop skills using their hands and fingers. It is a simple exercise that leads to more and more advanced work. It is a basic exercise, but it will take good concentration and training on your part for success. The chapter begins on page 65 of The Esoteric Practices book with basic background information on the etheric double, etheric centers and the etheric

vitality. And the actual Finger Concentration practice begins on page 72 through 73 in the book. In the next practice we will learn more about the importance of the sensate (aesthetic) and kinetic ethers and engage in a simple training practice, that Daskalos included in most all his daily Stoa Lessons.


Q: I experience the presence of the Spirit as very feminine, like a divine Mother, and yet Joshua ("Jesus") refers to the Holy Spirit exclusively with the masculine pronoun. This is a little confusing to me. Is it that only the indwelling presence, the Shekinah, is the feminine, where the "outer" sort of general or practical presence is inherently masculine? I have been trying to reconcile this one for a while. D: The term “he” is just a convenient pronoun used in the teachings. You are right the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah, is the Universal Feminine Principle. The Logos, the Son of God is the El Shaddai which is the Universal Masculine Principle. And one of the Holy Spirit’s emissaries is our Guardian Archangel who protects, guides and teaches us. The Guardian Angel is neither male nor female but has the capacity to express both. Yet we still refer to our guardian as he. The Guardian’s relationship with us is exactly like a mother and child relationship. Just think how a newborn baby learns of its mother. 1st it feels the warmth and comfort of its mother 2nd it soon recognizes its mothers voice even before the baby can see, 3rd then once the baby eye's adjust and can see then it recognizes the face and form of its mother 4th it is only much, much later when the child grows up does it start to understand who the mother really is. And these are the same four stages we go through as a personality in learning about the Holy Spirit's emissary - our Guardian Angel. So, it is quite natural to feel the Divine Feminine aspect of the Holy Spirit. Q: This exercise asks us to observe sensations in our bodies as we concentrate on different fingertips. My sense is that this refers to the flowing currents of etheric vitality through the body talked about on page

66 in The Esoteric Practices book. Can you explain some about the flow of etheric vitality between the fingertips and the body? Is there a pattern for us to explore? Are the sensations from the etheric double of the physical body? D: You are right. What you are feeling are the currents of etheric vitality (energy). More specifically you are feeling the aesthetic nature of the etheric vitality that courses through the etheric counterpart of the body (etheric double). The sensations are felt through the etheric double. In time you will learn to see this energy - try it now. Once you feel it strongly between the fingers try pulling the forefingers slightly apart about 1/4 inch, make your physical eyes go soft (very slightly out of focus) and observe that space between the fingers in front of a solid color background.

Q: Daskalos was able to take away the feeling giving ether from some parts of a body of another person and some of his students also learned to do it on their own bodies. I was wondering how exactly this is done, only by concentrating somewhere else? I can’t really believe that, because how is one able to move for example his arm if he takes all the concentration from it? Or is there some kind of visualization needed as well? D: It is not exactly like that. Daskalos would slightly cup his hand and draw it over a persons' arm, for example, that he wanted to remove the feeling giving ether (aesthetic ether). The reason that he could do this is because he had developed full mastery over the aesthetic ether in his own body. This is what these training exercises are doing for us. They slowly and steadily training us how to master/control the three primary natures of etheric vitality (kinetic, imprinting and aesthetic ether) in our own body. If you can't control it in your body, you will never be able to control it in someone else's body. Q: I really meant how it is done in my own body so I can try to test it out. I wasn’t sure if there is some component missing or if in time with these practices the aesthetic ether will just obey my will when I say "go out of my arm" and I also was wondering if it is maybe possible to only turn out the pain giving aspect of it so that the arm can otherwise still be felt and is not numb like after a classical anesthesia. I would like to practice making a

small part of the body painless to confirm it for myself. D: The Exercises we are posting train you in this regard, but you need to practice until you get the skill of using the ethers. Once you know, connect with and uses each of the etheric natures separately then you can try removing the aesthetic ether from a part of your body - using the ethers separately is the subject of our next Lesson. With this training and your real will power you will be able to move the aesthetic ether from one location in the body to another. The etheric is a current of energy so it has a flow. It is hard to put this in words but once you gain mastery of the various states of ether you will be able to direct these currents anywhere in your body, or outside of your body using your real Will Power.


The practice on page 74 of the Esoteric Practice book trains us in how to use different natures of the Etheric Vitality in the Etheric double of our Material Body. In this practice we will not be Visualizing and thus not be using the Imprinting Ether. Thus, we will not be "seeing" any colors or light within the body. Instead we will only concentrate and work with the aesthetic (sensate) & kinetic ethers. The Etheric double is part of the physical body. Because it exists in the same dimension (3rd) as the material body. It is only visible to clairvoyants, but we can learn to feel it and use by will power. Not unlike how we cannot see air, which also is of the 3rd Dimension but we can feel it. It is very important to remember that If we detach the physical body ‘s etheric counterpart, the physical body immediately dies and begins to dissolve. The etheric double is a part of the physical body, but we can send off part of the etheric double in the form of sensate, imprinting and kinetic ether. But in a way, you are already doing this subconsciously. Each day, part of this radiance (energy) is detached from our Etheric double and projected with feelings and thoughts, which we call elementals. These elementals return to the one who projected them, and this is how the human subconscious is created. This has been described in detail in the Swimming with the Whale book. And we will speak about the human

subconscious and its connection to the double etheric other lessons. The aesthetic (sensate) ether is how stimuli (excitations) from the surface of the skin are transmitted to the point where impressions are received in the brain. This is done by the sensate property of the ether in the etheric double of the material body. It is through this sensate property of the ether that we feel physical pleasure or pain. The movement within the human body, and the movement of the body itself, depends on the kinetic, the second property of the ether. The kinetic ether within the nerves circulates etheric vitality, just like electricity through wires. But also, it can and does flow currents of this energy through the entire etheric double of the of the material body much faster than the blood moves through the body. The organs, bones and other physical components of the material body do not hinder movement of the kinetic ether. Why Do This Exercise? When we become capable of consciously using the properties of ether then we will be able to intervene and contribute into the curing of diseases of the physical body. There will be more information given about this in future lessons. With more theory given in our future lessons, we will also do more exercises on our double etheric body. You must know and keep in mind that every organ of your material body is maintained by the relation that exists between the atoms of that organ’s etheric counterpart by the sensate and kinetic ether, which can be felt but not seen by you but only to the Holy Spirit.


Q: You said in this practice we don’t use the imprinting ether. My experience is, that going through the body I unconsciously use the imprinting ether and sometimes see the part of the body I am in now. Should I actively try to not use it, is it even possible to not use it in some way or another because how can one have orientation in the body without it? D: In this week's practice, using our will we do not want to activate any

imprinting ether by see or visualizing any body part. The orientation in the body can easily be accomplished by using the aesthetic or sensate ether (the feeling giving ether). In other words, you do not have to see or visualize your feet to feel them!

Q: I have a pain in my right-side shoulder that limit its movements. What does it happen with the kinetic ether in this point? About the lesson, after moving my attention thru the points up and down, I started feeling a pulsation in each point that I focused. D: Good, feeling that pulsation indicates the enteric vitality is building up in that area. That pulsation is initiated from the Pulse of Life that is coming to the material body from the Holy Spirit. Pain is caused by an overabundance of the aesthetic (the feeling giving ether) ether and not enough of the kinetic ether. It is good to move kinetic ether through and area affected by pain and at the same time remove your attention from the aesthetic ether in that area.

Q: I understand that etheric vitality flows through the body in a kinetic way. When I concentrate on the sensations of a certain part of the body, does the etheric vitality stop moving through that area so that I can focus on it? I would think not, but how can moving etheric vitality seem stationary for the sensation? Is the aesthetic ether stationary by nature? Or are the bodily sensations in the subconscious? Then is moving the sensations from one part of the body to another a matter of redirecting our conscious awareness within the subconscious? D: The vitality does not completely stop when you concentrate on a part of your body but there is a buildup, an accumulation of aesthetic ether in the area you concentrate on. Moving the sensations from one part of the body to another is accomplished by redirecting our conscious awareness to any part of the body. But this is a conscious movement within the etheric double of your body. But Since you are doing this on purpose consciously, we cannot refer to it as sub conscious.

Q: you said above that pain comes from an overabundance of feeling giving ether. Is that the only reason? If so, does it mean, that if I have pain, let’s say real strong pain in a body part, that I could just remove some of the feeling giving ether until the amount is like when it is normal. So that I then will feel no pain anymore but can still feel this body part as it would feel normally? D: If what caused the pain also caused residual damage to the body then just restoring the normal balance of the aesthetic ether is not enough. But in general, reducing the aesthetic ether and increasing the kinetic helps remove pain. But it is not just a matter of telling the aesthetic ether to move in your mind. You must feel the connection with it so you can consciously withdraw that ether to reduce pain.

Chapter Five VITALIZAING THE BODY The Esoteric Practices book page 76

In the last lesson we used the aesthetic (sensate) and Kinetic properties of the ether in the Etheric double of our material body alone. As we observe our daily life it is clear we can use our emotions, and they are not at all the time counterproductive or evil. They may be good and kind emotions. But realize that in using the emotions (for good or bad) we are using a substance of the Mind in a lower rate of vibration as aesthetic or the feeling-giving ether. As we observe our daily life, we can also see that we use another nature of our etheric double, which is an electro-magnetic energy, and we call it kinetic ether which facilitates movement: it is motion. It takes energy to stand up and start walking. You use the kinetic ether to get up and walk. And everybody is using all these forms of ether but, subconsciously. However, the lessons in The Esoteric Practices book train us how to use them consciously and know what we are doing while we are using these ethers. Last weeks practice trained us in the use of aesthetic and the Kinetic Ether only. Now this week we will not use those two but a third and most important nature of the Etheric Vitality called the Imprinting Ether. We use this nature of the Super Substance of the Mind when we visualize. We must gain the knowledge about the nature of the etheric double of our material body and its imprinting ether, this is in the whole etheric double, and its nature are the vibrations of the formless Mind Super-substance in a higher rate of vibration than the Aesthetic Ether. We don't receive ready-made thoughts from the brain. Thought takes place when we get this Super-substance and we formulate it into forms or energize with it the already existing elementals of forms. By visualizing we are really using the Super-substance of the Mind in a more powerful way. Each day we received thousands and thousands of vibrations, which are all recorded in our sub consciousness thanks to the imprinting quality of the Ether.

Everything we see, even subconsciously without consciously noticing, is imprinted in your sub consciousness. Let’s go deeper…and say: the material light includes both, the psychical and the noetical light. However, the imprinting on the consciousness is not accomplished by the material light, but by the psychical and the noetical light, which leave images in the consciousness. Everyone is visualizing all the time but not consciously we do it subconsciously. We are visualizing what we need to have. What we desire to have. And, we do this visualizing very well, when our Present-Day-Personality strongly wants something. Just knowing about the Aesthetic ether theoretically is not enough. We must use it practically. At the beginning, it is not possible to see the etheric double. But, by starting to use it, we will get the feeling and working knowledge that it truly exists. And then - we can use it. We will use it as the imprinting ether (visualizing). It is not difficult because we are doing this kind of thing all the time subconsciously, serving our personality's interests. Now, we must use it consciously. When we say: “I want to do this thing or that thing”, make sure you also visualize it for a certain time to empower the process of manifesting what you need. But refrain from using visualization just to create a mass of lower desire elementals. The initial problem when visualizing, meditating or concentrating is that when you start, even meditating before visualizing, a stream of uncontrolled thoughts will come to distract you and capture your attention. In is just at this point, you must become the master of situation – you must get the ability to concentrate on one thing for a length of time you want to; not allowing any other thought or any other emotion to take capture attention and distract you from your intended purpose. This is a most difficult part of your exercises. However, this is also the way we gain mastery of our thoughts and feelings!

Comments and Questions:

Q: What would happen if we had to ask? What would happen if we didn't have to ask? What would not happen if we had to ask? What wouldn't happen if we didn't have to ask?

D: nothing comes from nothing

Q: When we visualize the spheres, do we see our self externally as observers or we visualize the centers internally? Don't know if my question is clear. D: Your question is clear, and the answer is both. In the beginning we see the spheres in our belly from the perspective of being inside our body - this is enough for now. But as you get more skill you will also start to see it from the perspective of being outside of the body looking back on the body sitting there. You can even move your perspective outside of the body slowly around your body seeing the exercise from all points of view. even from straight above the body. But it is not necessary to try hard to do that at this point. Yet, if you continue this practice it will happen for you. When it does for a time you maybe feel like you are double. You see the exercise and your body from within it and sometime from without. So, it creates the sense of being double, but of course we are not double it is just our observation point can shift from within the body to outside of it.

Q: When moving the feeling giving ether, how does one feel something that is out of the body? Because part of the sphere is outside the body, right? And, should I try with the imprint ether to hold one image from one point of view steady? Or should I visualize from the point of view of being on the periphery of the sphere where I move around? D: We practice feeling the Aesthetic ether and noticing the movement of Kinetic ether in our body. Then the next step is to be able to feel the Aesthetic ether and notice the movement of Kinetic ether as it moves in the Aura around our whole material body in a large circle (this is a practice we will do later) And once mastered then we learn to feel the Aesthetic ether and notice the movement of Kinetic ether beyond the material body completely in a state of expansion or in an out of body experience (OBE). You ask "how does one feel something that is out of the body? " How does a healer know what is going on inside the body of a patent? How does a

Researcher of Truth know what is going on in some distant location on the planet? How does and advanced mystic know what is taking place in the worlds beyond earth? Or let’s make it personal.... occasional when we think of someone far away very often, we get a phone call or email from them. people call it ESP but how does that really work? It all has to do with making use of the properties of the Ether, consciously or sub consciously, [Note -what people call "psychic abilities" ESP, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Remote viewing and so on, are definitely Not Psychical abilities. All of these are phenomena produced by the etheric double of the material body] All our practices lead somewhere... we are not going through all this work in vain. They lead us to higher, and higher levels of experiences with our higher bodies (psycho-noetical) in the higher worlds (psycho-noetical). In the beginning you learn to visualize seeing things from one point of view say the whole solar plexus including the movement around the circumference of the disk. But later you can and will move your observation point to completely outside the body looking back on it as you see the centers and movement around the circumference around the centers. But this is not necessary now. The most important thing now is to see things simply, clearly and steadily.

Q: I have a moral question. I have a business partner in another country who is a little sick in the mind. She is a very confused person, who does not intend to do harm, but is not honoring her part in our contract. Is it ok for me to sue her with a clean heart? D: Of course I cannot say if you should sue anyone or not - But since you believe she is not intending to do harm, do you think you might be able to have a reasonable conversion with her and explain calmly you position to see if she might understand your position and needs and try to cooperate first before filing legal action against her?

Q: Do we have to put the circle at constant motion, or do we just have to move our focus toward the clockwise direction? When we start next circle

do, we must maintain the first one? I did this exercise seated and with my hands over the thighs. I felt alternating pulsation between right and left hands and forearm. D: While working in each center we see this clockwise movement. We do this circular movement while working on that center such as the Solar Plexus. When we move to the Heart Center, we do not concentrate on the circular movement in the Solar plexus anymore and just make the movement on the circumference of the entire heart center. Later when you get more skill you can see and keep both circles moving, but it is not necessary at this point. With your hands on the thighs it is a bit easier to feel the etheric vitality that pulsates and circulates through your etheric double faster that your blood circulates through your body via your veins and arteries.

Q: I noticed skin conditions are mentioned often in the bible as something people were afflicted with and healed from. I have eczema and it is a very interesting affliction, I have had since teenage years, it comes and goes in intensity and lately I have seemed to become more aware that it flares up when I have certain anxious thoughts, it also seems to have daily, almost like clockwork, episodes that could perhaps be exactly equated to elementals that trigger a flare-up. It happens in certain places, usually at home, in a certain place in a room. I mention this, also because I wonder if the condition could be looked at in a positive way, in that it is teaching me some things. Lately, I feel as if I am learning about sub-conscious elementals that I before thought I didn't have (e.g. anxiety, etc.). I think also this will help me become more aware of the etheric double -- I try to visualize healing, I will keep working on it. And the elementals in the room, I'll try to not give them attention. Do you have suggestions? Would it be best if I ask others for healing? D: Good - Through your observation you have managed to find a causal relationship. We can never "cure' or fix anything unless we understand what is causing it and remove the cause. Unfortunately, our current medical system seems more interested in maintaining the symptom with expensive pharmaceuticals instead of finding the true underlying causes and removing

them for a lasting cure. Now think about this symbolically. Eczema a physical manifestation of a kind of irritant affecting the skin. Isn't anxiousness a kind of psychical (emotional) irritant? People would sometimes come to Daskalos and say, "Sir I am ill." He would ask, "What kind of illness do you have?" They would say, “I have anxiety." Daskalos said: "I hear about this modern illness from people everywhere, but really I do not understand it unless I see it as a kind of stupidity" He would ask them, "what kind of illness is anxiety" They would tell him: “We do not know but we definitely FEEL it". To which he would reply, "Why don't you get rid of it? You are creating it. Why should you create it?” Sometimes they would say: "It gives me insomnia; I cannot sleep at night." Daskalos reply was, “That's your doing. Find a way to get out of this trouble”. Sometimes when people would tell him they were anxious he would say, " You have borrowed this word from the Greeks; We Greeks have given you this bad word. In Greek, it is αγωνία, from it they made the word agony, and you make it to Angst or Anxiety, but what is that? In the Aramaic language used at the time of Christ, they did not even know this word. If Daskalos would ask them who was responsible for their anxiety? Most everyone would blame the people or the circumstances around them as the cause…. the family, the children, the husband, the wife, the father, the in-laws, everybody except themselves! So yes, you can see this the physical manifestation of Eczema as a positive thing, alerting you to the underlying cause called Anxiety. But don’t stop there. Now continue your research to find the real CAUSE of your anxiety - then you will be able to dismantle the chain of causation that precipitates out physically as Eczema. Anxiety creates elementals so yes; it is

driven by certain undesirable elementals you are harboring.

Q: I am working hard every day with my feelings of grief, anger, and shock over the election of Trump in our country. I have been using all the meditations we have learned so far. I am totally aware of giving my etheric vitality to fear, anger, and grief. I am sure we, in the US, are plugging into an old elemental that is feeding on our etheric energy and growing. This Elemental is an evil spirit (as it is referred to in the bible) and serving this evil spirit is not what I want to do. I need to build a shield of protection - to protect and bank my etheric energy. I have been praying to Daskalos and Archangel Michael and wishing that there was someone in a body to bless and protect us. Daniel, you mentioned that you received such a metal of protection from Daskalos. These are my burning questions. Thank you & God speed. D: Good - you understand the working dynamic of undesirable Elemental (what some call evil spirits) This is a very important accomplishment. Because how can we fix or correct something undesirable unless we come to understand how it works and especially understanding how it works in us (these things do now work in the exact same way in everyone). Of course, there are ways to create protective elementals, shield elementals and guardian angel elementals for our self and our loved ones. There is a lot of information about that in Swimming with the Whale.

But that will not help very much if we ourselves keep opening and acting on the misleading suggestions coming from the elementals, we seek protection from. This means losing interest in feeling all that unnecessary grief, anger and fear over the election (or anything else that troubles you). But also it is good to create a protective talisman type elemental for yourself such as and act positively by praying for America and our brother/sister nations around the world.

Chapter Six ETHERIC ARMS AND HANDS The Esoteric Teachings Book page 79 - 81

Last lesson we begin the serious work developing our etheric arms and hands to be able to use them in healing work and offering comfort to our loved ones. Keep in mind that Etheric Vitality, what others simply call energy, has electromagnetic properties like found in normal electrical energy. But in addition to electromagnetic power, the Etheric Vitality of our Etheric double has more properties… It also has the creativeness… the Creative nature of the Etheric Vitality, which is something normal electricity does not have. Most healers and many body workers will declare they are using this energy by passing it through their hands when working on patients. However, most do it sub consciously without understanding much about what this energy is, how it works and how to control it inside the body of the patients. And they may even tell you, “I have healing hands”, which is true, but it is not enough. To be more effective healers we need to do this work more and more consciously. So, we need to learn and train ourselves in this branch of study. And that is what this week’s practice does. Something more, you do not always need to put your hands on the patient or even be in the same locality as the patient. Sometimes it helps the patient to see you and feel your touch however, we also teach absent healing methods where you do not need to the physical mechanism of direct touch. It is not unlike the telephone. In the beginning, it was necessary to have a physical wire connected to a telephone for it to work. But now we have wireless telephones that no longer needs the physical wire to transmit and receive. Likewise, in the beginning of this healing work you may need to put your hands on the patient. But in time, with dedicated training, you will learn to send this healing energy instantaneously over great distances without it losing any of its power. Next week’s lesson will introduce the initial exercise for remote healing. So first we learn the natures of the Etheric Vitality in our Etheric double, which is the Mind at a lower rate of vibration, still it is a Holy Substance – which

means Etheric Vitality. Using this Holy Substance, any healing work should be approach with reverence. Next, we need this training to learn how to move the Etheric Vitality in our body and into the body of the patient as well as to learn how to store it in our body and learn to retrieve it later for patients. (the Solar Plexus is a safe location to store this energy) Again, we need to train ourselves, to qualify ourselves to be a fit conduit for the use this Holy Substance. And if at this point you are wondering exactly how you can do this the answer is through Visualization and Believing. If you have no belief, it will not be possible for you to become a healer. If you cannot visualize you will not be as effective of healer as you could be. Note: Creative Visualization is not imagination, it is not fantasy, which are simply images that rise from your sub conscious mind to the surface of your conscious mind. As we get skill with this practice, we develop our etheric arms and hands, learn how to use them; we also want to implant an elemental of intent that “in time, our hands will become healing hands”. And that anytime we start to use them for healing that they be automatically filled with healing energy and power. By this we are ordering our sub conscious mind to obey and fill them with the healing power of Etheric Vitality. And for those of you who will follow this healing branch of study in our system, you can also implant a wish that the blessings of Joshua Emmanuel the Christ be in your hands when you start to heal and comfort. Or as our guide, father Yohannan, said: “Blessed be your hand when you make it the means to express your real self.” When you visualize your arm from the shoulder down to the fingertips full of radiant light, set your intent that the blessings of Christ or God, be in your hand so that it will heal whatever it touches, and that it will relieve pain and give comfort. But that it shall never, ever be use in anger or to strike anyone.


Q: I have a question which I'll try to express accurately: we use our own etheric double's energy to penetrate and help the other person; however, is it possible to tap into THEIR etheric double energy to heal them? Related question, does using our own etheric energy drain us, or is it limitless? I can't imagine the interaction with the etheric energy of the person who we are trying to heal -- is it sitting by passively or does it combine with our energy to heal? D: In the beginning we supply extra etheric vitality into the body of a patient for the Archangels to use to help heal that person. In the beginning we do not really know much what to do (latter we will learn what we can do and cannot do) So we turn the extra Etheric Vitality we flood into the patient over to their Archangels to work with ... and the Archangels within our body combine/cooperate with the Archangels in their body and work on the patient too. Their Archangels are already working with the available etheric vitality in the body of the patient - so we are just providing them more healing energy to work with. Can't their Archangels simple provide more etheric to the patient? Yes of course but they are working under the law of Karma for that patient - so they can only do what is Karmically permitted – what is allowed by the Law of Cause & Effect. But when we show kindness by sending more etheric vitality into a suffering person then their Archangels can use this extra vitality to help the patient. Let’s say that a person is ill and their energy supply (etheric vitality) is low and contaminated. Now we are feeling strong and full of vitality and are filled with compassion for the person suffering - so we pass this good clean high vibrational etheric vitality into the person to help them. In this case, if it is accepted (subconsciously or consciously) then that vitality enters and helps raise the vibration of their etheric vitality... .so ours and their vitality combine. However, you will have experiences where the person wants your help and you try to send this energy into them, and it bounces off like a rubber ball and is not accepted. And you try again, and the same thing happens. So, you try one more time and if the energy is returned to you it means it is not the right time for that person. Then we wait some time (weeks... months it depends) and they try again. Our Etheric double receives a certain amount of vitality each day. This is our Daily Bread that we pray for. Pray for it or not it is given to each of us by the Holy Spirit. Thus, our reserves are limited, measured in this sense. But through our breathing and other practices a trained Researcher of Truth can replenish and

charge it back up themselves. With further training we can connect with the Etheric Vitality of the planet, which is an inexhaustible resource. If we can do that then we just pass this vitality into the bodies of the patients we work on without depleting our energy reserves. If you can’t do this then you will only be able to work on a few patients a day without becoming tired.

Q: In the Introduction it is said that first the arms and hands you visualize are an elemental and in time get replaced by the etheric double. Does that mean when this happens the etheric double in the material arms and hands kind of splits into two so that one remains in the arms and hands and one goes out? Also, I don’t really understand the difference between the Elemental and the etheric double? Don’t the elementals we create consist of our etheric double anyway? D: We have an etheric double of our material body... we did not create our material body or its etheric double. But when We visualize an etheric arm and hand, we are creating an elemental of them. When we create an elemental consciously or sub consciously imbue it with etheric vitality that does not mean we are creating an etheric double of our material body. We do not create our etheric double of our material body we find it ready, perfect, incorruptible. And yes, all elementals have an etheric component along with a Psychical & Noetical counterpart.

Q: Is there a limit to how much Etheric Vitality one can store in the solar plexus? And if so, is that limit expandable with practice or does it stay the same? D: Our etheric double is like a sponge. It can and does absorb etheric vitality from surrounding environment. But, using the esoteric practices we can consciously charge up our energy reserves in the Etheric double of the material body to overflowing with just five to ten minutes of proper practices, we can store this vitality in the Etheric double as a whole or in a safe area like the Solar Plexus. You can learn to charge the etheric double with more and more etheric vitality up to a point of saturation. The capacity

for storing it is increased with practice. Once mastered we move on to working with the Etheric double and Vitality of our Psychical Body and then the Etheric double and Vitality of the Noetical body.

Q: Is there a way to test the degree of success one has with this practice… something like trying to put out a candle with the etheric hand? Or something easier where one doesn’t have to semi materialize it? D: The first and most easy proof is that you can feel the etheric arm and hand like you do your material arm and hand. This means developing your awareness and use of the Aesthetic ether to feel this extended part of your Etheric double. - So first you will feel it as real and move within the Etheric Arm and Hand, then in time you may come to see it as well. If you can manage to semi materialize it - then well done! You have become a master of the Etheric double of your material body.

Q: Recently, I start to give my family and friends of mine massage by using aroma essential oils (aroma treatment therapy). When I do that, I always feel so happy and get never tired. Here's a first question: While doing aroma therapy, am I using my etheric arms and hands? And, here's another question: Should I do treatment without a fee or have friends of mine pay a little fee Now I receive no charge, though I always rent a room for aroma treatment about thirty US dollars at each time. Of course, this is from my love for my friends. As a researcher of the truth, I should do without a fee. D: As you are using your material hand, you also use its etheric counterpart subconsciously. But we aim for conscious use of our etheric hands. And it certainly is important when you consciously use your Etheric Arm and hand to flood them and the patient with Etheric Vitality. It will make your work more effective. I cannot say whether you should charge money for what you do. Daskalos never

charged money using the etheric vitality to heal and edify because as he pointed out the Etheric Vitality is not ours. Working as a personality we are Borrowing this Etheric Vitality from the Holy Spirit and transferring it into the patients. But Daskalos advised that when we have an expense like renting a room for our work, that cost can be divided by the people who use this room. In other words, if you paid $100 to rent a room and you had 5 patients it is ok to ask each of the 5 to contribute $20. Please remember that Aroma Therapy makes also use of the Etheric Vitality. Because like material light, which is a certain range of etheric vibrations capable of registering in our material eye and then to our brain as sight, so too, material odors are also a certain but different range of etheric vibrations that can be detected by the nose and then our material brain interprets those vibrations as different kinds of smells.

Q: Do we have to remove all attention from the flesh of the arm? During the exercise I continued feeling pulsation in my hand and arm. Is this a signal that I did not project my etheric hand/arm? In almost all book lessons, Daskalos recommends daily practice. Are these exercises cumulative? D: In time with practice you will be able to ignore the material arm/hand and concentrate just on the Etheric Arm/Hand. The pulsation you feel is simply the etheric vitality starting to gather and collect in your arm and hand... this is good. In time you will notice that pulsating is going on throughout your material body. If you get very quiet and concentrate on this, it will start to sound like your body is murmuring. This is the Etheric Vitality coursing through your Etheric double distributing energy to various parts of your body. Yes, all the practices are cumulative - just like practicing Piano, as you practice different exercises it accumulates into more and more skill. So yes, daily practice with different exercises will have cumulative effect as more and more awareness of and in skill using your etheric arm/hand. Highly skilled Artist, musicians, writers, all practice virtual every day and so do highly skilled healers and psychotherapists.

Q: I would like to ask what is created first, the physical body or the etheric double? Also, is a cut on the physical body also seen on the etheric double? I am trying to understand if it is possible that a cut happens first on the etheric double and then on the physical body which I suppose would imply that healing should happen first on the etheric double. D: Good question... The Etheric double is the perfect incorruptible mold in which the material body is built, which means the Etheric double comes before the material body. But what about the psychical body and the noetical body and their etheric doubles? All of creation, the universes and everything in them, including our bodies comes from the top down. For example, our human material body gets its form, definition and existence from an eternal Archetype in the Divine Plan called the Human Idea which a ray of our Spirit Self passes through for humanization. This perfect archetype of the human Idea is reflected into the Lower Noetic as a reflection only. Lowering its vibration more that Human Idea takes on a bodily form dressed in noetical substance - this is our noetical body - which is built with its Etheric double. The Archangels lower the vibration still further for the formation of our psychical body composed of psychical substance within its own Etheric double too. Lowering the vibrations still further the material body is built of solid Mater Substance within its Etheric double which is composed of Etheric Vitality. The etheric double is not capable of being damaged or having a cut or scar. However, if you have a scar or birth mark on your material arm you will typically see that on your psychical body - but there are ways to remove it from the psychical body if desired.

Chapter Seven ETHERIC HANDS AND COLORED BALLS Esoteric Practices book page 83

This week’s practice is very important for those who wish to become good therapists, which requires them to work more with the Imprinting Ether now and eventually the Creative Ether later. With this practice, we learn to collect the ethers in our hand using our real will power. But remember we are using different kinds/natures of ether simultaneously in harmonious combinations to facilitate healings. This means we are working to develop our mastery of the different qualities of the ethers and at the same time cleaning and purifying our personality so that one day we may become a qualified conduit for the Holy Spirit. Then, by permission of the Holy Spirit we will be able to transfer the Creative Ether into the body of a patient for healing. The Etheric Vitality is the power and the force in our material body. Christ was teaching his inner disciples about how to use this energy in healing, but also, he was teachings them how they could embed it into spoken words of power. This means implanting a directive, an order into the elementals we create, while imbuing the elemental with Etheric Vitality and extending blessings and comfort to the suffering person. So, it is not only Etheric Vitality that nourishes, comforts and heals material bodies but it is also a word (spoken or unspoken) aligned with the Will Pleasure of God that does this work too. But how can we claim to know something about the Will of God? By Observation! God’s will is for everyone to be whole and healthy and that is proven as we observer how cuts and broken bones will tend to mend given a little time. And this happens no matter if one is a Saint or a great criminal, which shows that God’s will for all of us is to be whole and healthy. And it is by our training and practice that we qualify ourselves to be able to cooperate with this Will of God in hands on healings. However, when we advance, we discover we do not always need to use our material hands to transfer Etheric Vitality. And this week’s practice shows us what is required to be able to create Etheric Hands and extend it outside of the

material hand. Now once properly created this Etheric Hand has its own Etheric Vitality separate from the Etheric Vitality remaining in the material hand. It is also quite possible to create many etheric arms and hands. This can be seen in the depictions of the statues of deities found in India and elsewhere. Over time this is possible, but for now it is not necessary. Now it is much better to practice creating only one set of etheric arms and hands so to become skillful using those first. By this practice we are learning to create etheric hands, extend them outside of the material hands and receive Etheric Vitality from the atmosphere. We must make this exercise enough times until we can FEEL that we are in the Etheric Hand when it is outside our material hand. Similarly, we create the bright spheres, fill them fully with the Ethers, implant their directive, their orders, their programming as we feel we are in the bright sphere and then send them to people no matter where they are on Earth. Distance is not an obstacle to these healing balls of light. When you send them, they travel in an instant to the recipient no matter how far away physically they are. We can also call them back, charge them with more vitality and send them again. We did not create the Etheric Vitality in our body, we did not create the Etheric Vitality in the atmosphere. But through our practices we learn how to tap into this abundant energy resource. Since we did not create it, we cannot claim it is ours just because we learn how to draw it into us and use it. Thus, we should not claim any responsibility if a person receives a healing facilitated by our skill and use of the Etheric Vitality. Learning to properly use this vitality for comforting and facilitating healings will one day show us that this work is not just being done by our personality, it is God in us doing the work in us. The personality imitates this work and that is good for our personality to become engaged in the process and cooperate in this way. Yet again, it is the God in us doing this work… Note: It is God IN us, not God OUTSIDE us. Because these great works are performed through our Inner Self.

Comments and Questions:

Q: What is the significance of the colors used. In the lesson where we meditated with blue at the solar plexus, rosy pink at the heart and golden light at the crown? I have been told that green is the Christ color. I have also been told not to wear dark colors - rather bright colors in my clothing choices. I know we want to see clear (no dark spots) when we meditate. Nature has dark clouds that gather. Thank you for your response. D: The sky-blue light used in the Solar Plexus brings calm and tranquility to the material body. In many there is too much of the fire element in the Solar Plexus, so the sky-blue light bring calm, stability and strengthens our material body. Sky blue and all the range of blue colors are emanated by the Archangel Gabriel, the messenger, the most loving (in expression) Archangel. The Rosy Pink color used in the heart center is the color of the Love of the Christ Logos which calms and cleans our emotions allowing the love of the Christ Logos to reflect better to our fellow human beings and to God. The Canary yellow color is used in the head to clean our thoughts making them clearer and more creative. The Green light is the color of the emanations of Archangel Kamael Green light is used in healing work to reduce pain in the material body. The Golden Light is the Color of Christ and is used in healing to dissolve illnesses. Of course, ultimately, we could say all colors belong to the Christ Logos Daskalos had a similar question about dark colors and his reply was...."There are no bad colors"

Q: I have done this exercise with faith, believing that my etheric hands were there, because I do not see or feel them. Is there some kind of sensation that may help us to know if we are doing this exercise in right manner? D: In the beginning we have to practice in faith... creating first an elemental of the hands that as you practice over times become more and more tangible...which means you will start to Feel them first and later see them.

The sensation is that you start to feel them as something real as something that is yours like your material hands. The initial problem is that we have never used etheric hands before... no one told us this was possible or how to do it and so it is difficult in the beginning to lift them out of the material hands. But just think... if you lived your whole life with your material arms and hands tied to your side and you never used them. Then someone untied them, and you tried to use them - you could not. It would take time and effort to train yourself how to lift them and use them. So, it is the same with our etheric arms and hands

Q: I am currently at a seminar of a guy called aaravindha himadra. Maybe you have heard of him. He seems to have some kind of siddhi which is called drishti saumedika and is a special sight. It goes far beyond mere clairvoyance. He says he has met some immortal (amartya-) masters in the Himalayas and is bringing long forgotten meditation techniques back that work much faster, than the techniques known until now. So, the thing is I actually think this guy is for real at least for the most part, but they seem to not really use any visualization in their work but much with mantras. He says many of the real sounds of creation were forgotten and he is bringing them back now with his saumedhika sight. He explained to me that first comes hearing, then feeling and then sight. Which means that hearing is closest to the source, which means, that this is the best and fastest way to transcendence and enlightenment. And that you can’t reach there with visualization. So, I am wondering what you could say to that, and why Daskalos never used mantra work. Or did he in his inner circles? D: In the US we have a saying the proof is in the pudding. Meaning it does not matter if someone tells you something is good what matters is your own direct experience of it. First, the Hindus do not know much about the power and capacity of visualization. Secondly the power of mantra comes from the Universal Law of repetition. Which is the real power in Mantra Mediations and even mundane things like going to the gym and doing repetitions of

certain exercises. Steady, rhythmic repetitions build up and create whereas irregular rhythms tend to breakdown things. Just think about going fast down a road with a tire that is badly out of balance - if you go fast enough the irregular rhythms of the out of balance tire can damage the suspension of your car. Daskalos advised us against using foreign mantras saying words we do not understand. Also, mantras tend to put one in a subconscious kind of trance. Where in our system we do not want to go subconscious. Our aim is for full alert Self Awareness. Instead of using foreign words, he suggested using the one Christ taught his inner most disciples. And that was alleluiah (this is not the same as halleluiah). Alleluiah means "God look down with Mercy upon us - or more simply "God have mercy on us". And Christ taught them to make this practice more powerful and effective by visualizing what they needed as the silently repeated this Christian repetition. Yes, there is some benefit from the physical vibration of those foreign words but if you do not really understand them then the benefit stops there. But the greater benefit comes when we can enter the meaning of the word we are intoning, which means to enter the psychical feeling (resonance) and noetical (mental) meaning of the word you are repeating. But neither visualization, meditation nor saying mantras alone will alone take you all the way to the goal. What takes you to the goal of Self Realization is the purification of the present-day personality self-awareness so that it can be transmuted into the Soul Self Awareness. Daskalos gave us hundreds and hundreds of meditations which are safe, effective and most necessary but he said for him Meditation was low. But we must master the meditations to be able to reach the higher methods. What are these higher methods for spiritual advancement? Attunement and AtOne-Ment!

Chapter Eight A CANDLE FLAME EXERCISE Esoteric Practices book page 85

This exercise is very straight forwards and does not need much explanation. Because this week’s practice again gives us yet another exercise to develop our self-conscious mastery over the Kinetic, Ascetic and Imprinting Ethers of our Etheric double. And we will also develop our skills of observations as we study a virtual or a material candle flame. First observe that the wick in this flame, the dark area at the base of the flame. You are looking at a snow-white candle bathed within the golden light of this flame. Notice the flame’s shape and how the outer edge of this flame is a different color the main body of the flame. And if you gaze softly at a material candle flame in a totally dark room you may start to notice several etheric radiations forming subtle spheres of refined emanations around the flame. But this practice will also lead us into how to use fire/flame to purify our personality of troubling thoughts, unnecessary or impure desires as well as any toxic feelings of hatred, jealousy and anger. When Daskalos created a special protective talisman by drawing a double sixpointed star and placing a candle in the middle [see Chapter 25, Initiation and Protection in Swimming with the Whale], he used this type of practice he was able to drive negative elements into the flame and burn them off. As we all have been instructed, “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” and let it burn brightly, invincibly and in complete and Total Love. Of course, this not just instructions on how to chase away material darkness using material light. It means we should light a candle in our hearts and use its etheric light, through visualization, to cast off fear, anxiety, doubt, depression, mental confusion and emotional contaminations. Have you ever received some material thing that somebody gave you, or your bought used and it did not feel right or clean? So maybe you throw it away or maybe you want to de-energize all elementals from that thing. Can we do that?

Yes, when you get it, say a prayer, the prayer you prefer the most. Then light a candle and pass that thing through the fire. Say firmly: “I want to de-energize every hostile elemental connected with that thing”. Now you can de-energize any elemental through fire. But to do that, you should attune to Michael, he is the Archangel of fire in you. The flame must obey you. When you are attuned to the Michael in you, then all the Michaels are in tune with you in love. And in our system for the Research of Truth, a flame means a lot, it symbolizes many things for the seeker of truth. In Eastern Orthodox churches, many people go to the church to light a candle and pray for something they want. That is ok, Christ said ask it will be given, so it is ok to ask for something we truly need. But we should not ask for petty things. And we must be careful that by lighting this candle and making this kind or prayer that we are not subconsciously wanting to dominate over God and his Archangelic emissaries, bargaining for a desired item. We hear that we should “Live by God” - what does that mean? For sure, we do not mean to become fanatical to an imagined deity we and everyone else is calling God. Living by God means to give love all around us and to feel the joy of love given to us. Living “by God” means to overcome our outdate notions, dead ideas unproductive behaviors. The term “Living by God” in the middle ages was often used to justify behaving like a great criminal in burning people alive, because of their different beliefs. This is not what “Living by God” means. Living by God, for the Researchers of Truth means living a simple, good, innocent and pure life. It is good to light a candle and make a sincere prayer to God, to the Infinite Beingness, which is the Eternal Reality as Life. But do not confuse God’s expressions of life (all the living forms of life we see everywhere around us on Earth and in the worlds beyond) with THE LIFE. This is the Everlasting, Eternal Life, the nature of God. Comparing THE LIFE with the expressions of Life is like comparing the material Sun to a candle flame. Even though they are both fire there is a big difference between them. And in a similar way we can compare our personality-self to that of our real Inner Self as being that of a candle flame compared to the material Sun. The ray

of our divinity is like the backbone of our personality upon which we dress with the clothing of our mundane emotions, desires and thoughts. But at its core our personality is divine, it is like a flame. It's a fire. But this divine ray, this flame is like the fire of a candle it is not the fire of the entire Sun. it is only a ray from the Sun. Still its nature is fire like the fire of the Sun but the expressions of these two kinds of fire is not anything like each other. But do not underestimate the fire from a simple candle flame. Because even in its limited expression as a candle flame, it is possible to set fire to large areas of forests and cities. Or you can take one small flame and light tens of thousands of other candles without diminishing the flame of the first candle. So, it is not the size of the candle flame, it is the quality of the candle flame that can do all this. Similarly, it is the quality of that divine flame in a human being that is providing each human being his or her self-consciousness. Again, one ray of our Real Self becomes unified with one ray our Guardian Angel at the moment of our Humanization. Again, we use the image of flames to help give meaning to this great, great unification which Daskalos referred to as the being “Egofied” with our Guardian Angel. And to help us understand this he gives us this example: “I have two candles. I light them both and I see two flames. I put them together. I have one flame. This is the way this Archangel is egofied with us, becoming one flame, one expression of life. But, if you move the candles, you have two flames. And one of the flames is our Spirit-Soul-Ego. And the now visible second flame is our Guardian Archangel. So, by being egofied with he becomes a part of our existence”. “Egofied means the Guardian Angel attaching itself to the Spirit-Soul, which is going to be incarnated, becoming one with it yet having its own identity. This Archangel, from the orders of the Metathrons, retains its unification with God, yet is now egofied with our Spirit-Self, to be humanized. But it keeps its original nature and yet is also getting all the experiences of the humanized Spirit-SoulSelf. So now, our Spirit-Soul (our Real Self) and the Metathronius are one, God.” If we can realize this Truth, first we should be grateful to these Holy Brothers of ours. They are our true elder brothers because as Spirit-Soul each one of us is like them. Not as the candle flame, but as a Sun, as a god within True God. It

takes long contemplations and deep meditations to experience this realization. All the good teachings from any of the sincere spiritual books, scriptures, systems, and teachers serve only as a guide as to what WE need to practice in order to reach some degreed of enlightenment about these subjects. Because in any of these good teachings from any sincere spiritual books, scriptures, systems, or teachers all we get is an unlit candle and instructions how to use it. But if you leave it a dead unlit candle is really nothing to us – there is no lasting benefit. The benefit only comes when YOU light the candle and use its light to light your way as you proceed up the spiritual path back home to your Real Self. Even in reading the teachings of the Researchers of Truth, you still must practice them yourself to have the real benefit. This is where many fails in their spiritual efforts. Too often spiritual seekers and really most people in general, want and expect everything to presented to them ready made. But to experience Real Spiritual upliftment we ourselves must work for it. May God bless your good efforts on these esoteric practices with clear, unmistakable direct experiences of the Truth of them. We are well advised to follow Daskalos guidance as to what qualities we must develop in our personality to reach our aim of Self Realization: “The first quality is love. The second quality is sincerity with your own self. And the third is to banish laziness with this sincerity”

Comments and Questions:

Q: My questions are related to the system in general but not so much to this current exercise. I have really wanted to practice the exercises but due to either my illness/medication or a biological issue, I am not able to visualize, almost nothing, and cannot even recall a visual image in my mind after looking at something intently and observing it for a while. I have been discouraged by this, since Daskalos says that visualization is the most important key to the kingdom of the heavens. So, my questions are:

1) I want to know if there are exercises, I can consistently practice which do not require visualization? (I know there is introspection and etheric breathing exercises. I have started to more consistently do introspection.) How central is visualization in raising consciousness on this path? Are there perhaps meditation and contemplation exercises that can be done? If so, where could I find these exercises? If I cannot visualize, would you suggest that I look elsewhere for my spiritual path? 2) What are Daskalos' comments on the exoteric path? Compared to the esoteric path, is it much less self-conscious and much slower and difficult to reach Theosis? What are some of the important differences in terms of raising our consciousness on these two different paths? And two questions on the theoretical part: 3) Do we as human beings have a unique Spirit-Soul in God? Or are we all the same as Spirit? Do we have a unique purpose in each incarnation and how can we find out and unfold it? What is the primary difference between a human existence and an archangelic existence? I have read on this topic by Daskalos, saying the angels do not understand past and future, only the Eternal Now, and they only understand emotions as the elements they are composed of, but not with the perspective we have. And that we are different in Theosis, but I don't have a clear understanding of this point. D: You have been studying with us a long time, please do not give up on visualization It is said that if you can remember and see the things in your own bedroom then you are able to visualize. If you can see a thing you want very much in your mind's eye - then you are visualizing. It takes time to become highly proficient at visualizing. Why not double your efforts and spend 15 minutes each day on this for a few weeks and see if that does not improve your skill? It is like playing a piano - if you do not dedicate yourself and practice every day then you will not get proficient. There are other practices where we just work with the aesthetic and kinetic ethers and do not use the imprinting ether which is used for visualization. But ultimate we must develop skills at using all three. The Exoteric path is slow because you are always looking outside yourself for

answers. Whereas the truth is was and will always be in us, in our divine nature. Seek that and when you find it everything form the Exoteric world will come to you automatically. As Spirit we are all very similar to each other and all the Archangelic beings, and God. But there are subtle differences, which are result from how each serve in the Divine Plan. Yes, we all have a purpose for each incarnation... slated lessons to be learned in different ways. In general, these lessons are all about learning to love properly which gives us the proper understanding and value of people, places and things. But you must find the specifics of your purpose or mission in this lifetime yourself through introspection, observation and one can tell that to you. The human being gets to experience the fullness of God creation which means Existence, which means the concepts of good and evil, as well as time. The archangels only know goodness, they do not understand time they only know the now (the eternal present moment) and they do not understand the duality of the worlds of existence because they never left the oneness of God. And as such they do need or have a soul because they do not need one being in the oneness of God.

Q: this exercise was very real to me. The only question I have is if there is a certain visualization we should with "our enemies", should we see them just happy or within a circle as we do this exercise, and pass them through the fire as well. Also, sometimes I felt the negative elementals taking over and it was difficult to make them go through the candlelight. D: The visualization practice for those who consider us their enemy is given on page 112 in Daskalos’ Esoteric Practice book and there is one in the Swimming with the Whale book. Of course, Researchers in our system are not allowed to have people we consider as enemies. They are really brothers and sisters suffering under illusion and ignorance (Ignorance means Ignoring the truth) Never, Never, Never Ever visualize passing Any person through a flame. Not only is this wrong at every level it will not have the effect you are hoping for….

It might well have the opposite effect. We only pass undesirable negative elementals through the flame, which de-energizes them and sends them into the darkness of the Cosmic Consciousness. Elementals are living, they are not a living being but have a living existence. And like all living things have the prime directive hard wired into them to preserve their own existence. When you try to pass them through the flame, they do not go quietly. They will fight against you. They will attack you. But just keep insisting until you are successful.

Q: I have a question to the exact execution: It is said to visualize a candle and light in with the flame in the heart. And then to put that flame back in the end in the heart before dissolving the candle. I don’t know what about the putting back of the flame because isn’t the flame in the heart constantly burning even if I light another candle with it. And is there only a flame without candle in the heart? I would feel better to do the practice this way: to see a candle in the heart, take it out of there and do the practice and in the end put it back without dissolving the candle. Is that also ok? D: Yes, it is ok to do it like that... and we also have a practice given by Christ where we place an oil lamp in our heart and once we light it, it will stay light from one incarnation into the next.

Q: Visualization is an important part of the practices and I love it. But sometimes I don’t understand the science behind some practices. It makes sense to visualize certain colors because of the frequency they have, and it also makes sense to give an elemental a certain form to fulfill a wish. But I don’t understand the science behind many of the practices where one visualizes triangles and pyramids and six and five-pointed star etc. Can you say something about that? Or for example standing in a triangle and doing certain movements with the etheric arms. I would like to understand what is going on in these practices and how they work. D: At one level I can say: Is it necessary for you to understand that your car’s transmission’s Bevel Gears to get the benefit of them? They are a kind of gearset employing gears shaped like slices of a cone, which allows the

axes of the gears to be nonparallel and transmit motion at an angle; in order for you to put your car in gear and drive forward and get the benefit of Bevel Gears. In a similar way it is something like this with the mediations. Maybe this not the best analogy but the point is we can get the benefit of things without knowing all the details of how and why. they work. Having said all that, still there is nothing wrong with knowing what you ask and much information about this has been given in the books and audio mediations practices. We are Researchers of Truth after all and you are seeking the truth behind these practices which is good. And there is a lot of truth behind what we are practicing. In general visualizing ourselves in triangles and pyramids are symbolic and it also creates a boundary in which we do the practice and thus containing the energy. If I ask you to practice a formless meditation – how can you do that? We need forms to work with and work within as boundaries. When God created the universe, it is said that he first created the dimensional boundaries in which to manifest everything to be created in that dimensional universe. The five-pointed star represent our personality, the six-pointed star represents our Soul Self. And if you have practiced the advance meditations, we teach you will have done one where we put the 5-pointed star within the 6-pointed star – Why? The symbol of it represents our present-day personality self in full union with our Soul self. This is a symbol for Self-Realization Moreover, the elemental created by strong clear visualization of that symbol works to give you a initially a short direct experiences of you feeling being your Soul Self, which with practice over time will last longer and longer. Self-Realization is the aim of the researchers of Truth. Even more deeply the reason we use the two-dimensional three, four, five and six pointed stars is because they are the geometric out picturing of Divine Laws. But we live in a three-dimensional world, so to engage in these laws we turn these stars into pyramids in our exercises. These three, four and five sided pyramids.

Q: I was just thinking, that when I understand the working of practices better, I can better know when I do something right or wrong and also be more able to see the big picture and decide which practice is best at the moment. There are many practices which are pretty like me and I do not understand if they have different effect or if they just build on each other or why they even exist in so many different forms. For example, with the archangelic form practice or the three suns or the different ways to create healing balls. Also understanding helps me believing until I have the actual experience. The question is: When you say the pyramids and so on are symbolic, does that mean that in another cultural background another geometrical form could be used for the same benefit? So that it’s just the meaning behind these symbols? Because I remember you saying that the six-pointed star is really in our heart which to me means something more than that it is just a symbol. The mantras as I understand it are also not just symbolic but real creation sounds and if you say something else which has the same meaning to you it is not as effective right? Providing you are connected to the spirit of it in both cases unlike in the story you told. So, are these symbols the same way as they are "creation symbols" or how I should call them? And I was actually wandering the same thing for the Keh Kau, the words of power, are they actual creation sounds and symbols or do they only have power because they were used many times in the past, got loaded with much energy and though are connected to powerful group elementals which are invoked by using them? D: Yes, it is ok to try to understand more with your mind but that is not enough try also to understand these with your heart, but also understanding practically, energetically with the Consciousness of your body. But even then, you will soon come to a place where you must go beyond understanding with your mind. Words and mental connotations can only take you so far. Try to go beyond your thinking mind to get higher understandings. There are 2 level of symbolic understanding about this. one is the common culture overlays each of us has depending on our culture and our experience in that culture. For example, to a Hindu the symbol of a cobra snake could be a symbol of the Kundalini which is positive for them. But to a Christian the symbol of a snake could be a symbol of the devil deceiving Eve in the garden. So that symbolic meaning depends on a person's cultural overlays.

But in Divine Mathematics, these forms are concrete expressions of the Divine numbers which come from the Principles. For example, the #3 becomes a triangle, and then a three-sided pyramid all of which represents Life itself and its three natures of God or Life Itself – Total Love, Total Power and Total Wisdom. This is not a cultural overlay. See also the answer to the question preceding this one. The words of power, Khe Kau, mean a lot. These are invoked to empower certain visualization we do. They invoke higher intelligence that come to our aid in visualization.

Q: What do you mean with going beyond understanding with the thinking mind? Do you mean connecting with the meaning of it in the noetic state? And what does it mean to understand something with the heart? D: Yes, it means understanding through the noetic light, not just through the mental construction of meanings from mundane thinking. Christ said: “Blessed are those with a pure heart - they will see God.” Christ did not say those with an intelligent mind will see God. So, this is telling us it is a pure heart that sees so perfectly it can see God -. this is understanding with the heart.

Q: Can you please give a small summary if it’s possible how the four Kabbalistic worlds relate to our three Bodies and the 7 heavens? Thank you D: we teach the Symbol of Life and not the Kabbalistic Tree of Life...both of which have their common source in the ancient Egyptian Symbol of Life. In our system these four worlds are called the material, psychical, noetical and noetic which correspond to our material, psychical, noetical and Noetic Body (but the Noetic Body and Noetic World are not in forms as understood in the noetical, psychical and material world as bodies). At this very high level the Noetic World and Noetic Body are reflections but of higher states beyond the words of existence and as such are not formulated into a body form as we typically understand. These four worlds have three etheric counterparts

connecting them. From our point of view in existence, these three along with the 4 worlds just mentioned comprise the 7 heavens – looking at things from the microcosm.

Q: When was the time created, how and why D: It is written that: Time is too slow for those who wait, Time is too swift for those who fear, Time is too long for those who grieve, Time is too short for those who rejoice, But for those who really love, time is not. Which means at best time is relative as Einstein once affirmed. And as Daskalos often declared "Time is an Illusion". It is simply the marking of passing events - on earth as convenient sequential intervals - seconds, hours days, years. In the next world, the psychical world, there is still the passing of events but what we call time is very different there. What might take two hours on earth to unfold, there it could corresponds to five minutes on Earth. And what may seem like a day in the psychical world could last for centuries of time as measured on Earth. This is a conditional world it is all relative. And time in the lower noetical planes of the noetical world is even less real. And rising in the higher noetical planes time is obliterated as you are approaching the threshold of the Eternal Now, the doorway door to the Noetic State. Something else. We understand time in a couple of ways. One as just stated is the passing of events and is experienced differently in the different worlds of existence. But what about the realm of Being-ness in the Eternal Now is there no sense of time there?

At this level there is no experience of time at all. Here we understand time in a second way is as a concept but not as an expression. A concept that "began" at the point of the Manifestation of God as the Logos which is was and always will be Eternal. So even with the idea of a "beginning" of time is not right. It takes a lot of mediation and contemplation to enter the meaning of what is descried above to even slightly comprehend all this.

Chapter Nine HEALING WITH BALLS OF LIGHT Esoteric Practices book page 87

In this exercise, we train ourselves both in our mastery of the Aesthetic, Kinetic and Imprinting ether by formulating the Super-Substance of Mind into Balls of Healing Light and by the development of our skills as absent healers. The formulation is made possible by visualizing the correct color, which is important because specific colors have very specific frequencies of vibration that help in the healing (balancing) of certain conditions in a suffering person. The colors we want to visualize are not to be flat opaque colors like that of a painted surface. These healing balls are made of light so they should be a glowing colorful nebula, that strongly radiates a certain color of light. For those who may not be able to visualize these colors one can do the best they can to visualize a ball of white light and hold in themselves the thought and vibration of what that color imparts as described in this practice in the Esoteric Teachings. For example, a ball of red light gives strength so one can concentrate on the idea/meaning of strength and implant that vibration into their ball of light even though they cannot “see” the proper color of red. The most accurate colors to visualize are like the rainbow colors you see from sunlight hitting a crystal. It is that level of quality and purity we want in our visualizations. So, get a crystal put it in the rays of direct sunlight and look at the rainbow colors it reflects on a white wall or a white sheet of paper (don‘t look directly in to the light on the crystal as that could harm the retina in your eyes). Another point. Daskalos mentions is not to attempt sending these healing balls of light (or any other specific healing method) to someone without having their request for help first. But why?

Because at this stage of our spiritual unfoldment we are all working as a personality with various levels of skill. And as a personality we can’t see or understand perfectly what is going on in another person. This means we want to be careful about influencing another person’s free will – even slightly. Also, when we attempt to help someone, it is vital for that person to both want a healing and to participate/cooperate in their own healing. Illness and accidents are not happening outside of Gods law, they come to a person to balance and offset a transgression of the Divine Law that the person has done in the past. The past in this lifetime or even in a distant past lifetime. However, anyone can make a prayer for God to help someone who is in need, without that person‘s permission, because in this case it is God we are asking to help the person and God is not in danger of making any mistakes. But even when we have a person ‘s permission to attempt an absent or a handson healing, we always finish with “Thy Will Be Done”. So always we are surrendering our will to the Divine Will. Which means if a healing occurs it is not our personality doing the healing. And the corollary is that if we do not see a healing it is not the fault of our personality. It is the Holy Spirit that decides whether a healing happens or not. Yet as we advance far enough to reach to the level of the Soul Self Awareness we are permitted to work in the behalf of others without their permission. Again Why? Because the Soul Self is also not in danger of making any mistakes. You will most likely experience this difference as the difference between when you feel you are Working Spiritually as a personality and when you feel that as a personality you are being Spiritually Worked. But until you for sure know the difference between when you are working as a personality self and when it is the Soul Self that is doing the work, you must get permission from the person who wants and asks for help. While qualifying yourself in long training of these practices which is necessary to facilitate a healing, by itself it is not enough. We need another higher qualification and that is real love for the people we try to help. Without this you will not have much success in hands on healing or absent healing (which is often more effective than hands on healing). It depends. Sometimes people need to see and feel you put your hands on them physically to help them generate the believe and faith in a healing.

Again, we first must help the patient with our love and try to make the analysis of the conditions affecting them to help them relieve their personality of any guilt or remorse. And if you noticed, it is what Christ did immediately before healing people. He said things like your sins are forgiven, your faith has healed you. This lift the heavy feelings of guilt or remorse over faults and mistakes.

This is what a real psychiatrist must do, and it is what a good priest should do during a confession made by someone in a church. In saying, your sins are forgiven, your faith has healed you, He was relieving the guilt of the suffer and strengthening their faith in the healing. We are not Christ, so we do not have authority to forgive all the transgressions of others. But for sure we can and should forgive those who sin against us. And we should not look upon the transgression/mistakes of others as great crimes and our own transgressions/mistakes as insignificant trifles. We should endeavor to use fixed standard, the same measure for others as we do for ourselves. Again, it is our love and our strong, strong wish along with the relief of guilt that sets the stage for healing. And this is true for physical healing or mental and emotional ones. One of the first and greatest Church fathers (before Christianity was made the official religion of Rome) was named Origen the bishop of Alexandria (185— 254 C.E.). Origen didn’t believe in an eternal hell as a locality full of suffering of sinners. For him (and Saint Paul), all souls, including the fallen ones and their projections the true demons, will eventually achieve salvation/restoration, but it takes ages to accomplish. Origen believed that God's love is so complete and perfect as to soften even the hardest heart so that restoration is made possible. He taught: Hell is an internal condition caused by guilt, remorse and shame. And that each person kindles their own flames of this internal hell fire and the duration of a person’s hell last exactly if their remorse, shame, or guilt does. So, the removal of guilt is a necessary step in healing the mental-emotional wounds that are keeping a person in a psychological hell. All this takes steady effort over time, we must train ourselves for this line of work. We must learn how to make a good analysis to help relieve the guilt of the suffering person, and we should become masters of the aesthetic, kinetic and imprinting natures of etheric vitality. All this is done by seriously engaging in

the practical work of the exercises found in The Esoteric Practices book and elsewhere in our teaching system.

Comments and Questions

Q: Could you explain a bit more why one has more power when out of the body? And is it possible to get in conscious contact with Daskalos when one can do Exosomatosis? D: The farther we get away from the material body, the closer we are to feeling ourselves as the Soul Self, which is a powerful experience. So out of the material body in the psychical body we are stronger but not as strong as when we are out of the psychical body and in our noetical body only. Beyond the noetical we enter the Noetic State where we are completely free of our 3 bodies and feel ourselves to be the Soul Self in full power.

Q: 1. Question: When creating Light Balls to help someone there is the possibility of either using a specific color or take white light. I was wondering the following: For example, if a red light would be the right color to help a person, but because I don’t know that I create a white ball. Since in the white light there is only a portion of red let us say 1/3. Is then the white ball I create only 1/3 as powerful and effective to help that person, as if I would have sent a red one? Q:2. In The Esoteric Practice book on page 113 (German version) title: “Creating healing balls of light”, it says: in order to create an orange ball you have to combine the red light in your heart center with the yellow light in the head center. In other practices like in this week’s there is no word about combining anything but just visualizing the color. Is this combining process then done unconsciously? And why should one practice the combining when it also works without doing it? Q:3 When I visualize a ball in my hand or anything else. Is the first an elemental created at the root of my nose which then goes to my hands to get

more energy? Because as I understood it, new elementals can only be projected from the root of the nose and all the other centers are just like refilling stations. D: It is best to follow the directions given in The Esoteric Practices book when it comes to sending colors to someone. I would suggest you do not mix them. If you can visualize a pure orange light without combining red and yellow... it is ok do that. Sometimes it helps some people to mix the colors visually like a painter does with paint to get a certain color. Do it the way it works best for you. The point is to end up with the correct color. When we visualize, we are using the imprinting ether which takes the form (in this case) that we give it.... for example, a blue radiant nebula. But it is not necessary that you visualize this coming from the root of your nose and into your hands. It is really getting more energy by your attention to it and concentration on it. Just see the color of the etheric vitality you want for the ball filling and collecting in first your arms and hands and then forming into a ball between your palms as described in The Esoteric Practices book.

Q: I feel quite shaky when I have an out of body experience is this common? D: It is not uncommon to experience it that way. Because your vibration is changing as you pass into the etheric and on into the psychical planes you vibrate in harmony with. When we first come out of our body it is best to stay inside your home until you get used to the experience and feel stronger. So, if you find yourself out of your body in your home... try walking around and observing everything inside the home – don’t try going outside until you get strong at this.

Q: What did Daskalos say regarding caring for the physical body in relation to a more highly spiritual life? Did he recommend any diet? Thank you in advance.

D: As Christ said "it is not what goes in the mouth that defiles a person, it is what comes out of a person's mouth that defiles them" The point being that you could have the most pure organic diet in the world but if you are still expressing hatred, jealousy fear either by thought, word or deed, then that diet is not helping you live a "more highly spiritual life". This means the real power that helps us have a more highly spiritual life is in the mastery over our negative, emotions, desires, thoughts, words and actions. Of course, a good healthy diet can help in that effort, but diet is not the primary factor determining the quality of our spiritual life. And so Daskalos taught and stressed the teachings on how to clean and purify our personality so as to raise the consciousness of the personality so it can be assimilated with the Soul Self Awareness - now that is the more highly spiritual life we are seeking!

Q: I've only become aware of these Esoteric Christianity Teachings/Practices in the last several months. I'm just blown away by the shear scope of this system. The broad framework that's been laid down seems about as all-encompassing as I'm ever likely to find. I look forward to doing the practice every day. I've been doing a rare, temple style of Qi Gong for the last decade or so. I was wondering if you could help me reconcile some of these far eastern teachings with this seemingly more western system. For instance, in my Taoist-based system rather than seven chakras they have three Dan Tiens (lower, middle, & upper). And they'd have us store extra energy in Lower Dan Tien (roughly three inches below the naval & three inches inside you), rather than in the solar plexus region as prescribed by Daskalos. The aim of the system is to raise the vibration of your Jing energy to convert it into Qi in lower Dan Tien. Then convert Qi energy into Shen (spirit) energy in middle Dan Tien (heart area). And finally elevate Shen energy into the vibration of Tao in the upper Dan Tien (head). Plus, they are big into yin and yang aspects of energy and how it moves through the meridian system. So, I'm wondering how best to assimilate all these relative truths to help me climb the proverbial ladder of relative truth. D: Yes, ours is a vastly deep and broad system. I have spent over 45 years to

date studying this matter and can tell you conclusively there is no other system available in the world with such an abundant amount of integrated knowledge and resources. This does not mean other systems are not good. Many are good, but many are not. The different sincere systems cover a certain portion of the distance to the goal (Self-Realization). So, you want to study the one that you resonate with and the one that covers the most distance to the goal. What the public currently has assess to is probably only 10% of What Daskalos left us.

About the apparent differences between systems and teachings. Different explores draw different looking maps of the same territory they are describing. But try to understand all this energy not only described by Qi Gong but even the more obvious energies from radiant heat, magnetism, electricity, light, all the way up to the cosmic Rays scientists are trying to work with are Ethereal Energy in a vast range of different frequencies. Rikei, Qi Gong, Wilhelm Reich's Orgon energy, and all the alternative healing methods of energy medicine, energy therapy, energy healing, or spiritual healing are what is known to the mystics as etheric vitality. They are ethereal vibrations at different frequencies. Yes, the point of Qi Gong, Rikei and the energy branch of study in our system, and all such systems is to learn how to access and consciously use this energy for the benefit of ourselves and others. The Taoist are not wrong about the three Dan Tiens (lower, middle, & upper) and it is safe to concentration on the lower one. Really these are practices that are concerned with the three central chakras on the spinal cord – the solar plexus which is the same as the Lower Dan Tien (it is just behind the navel and around the entire solar plexus), the heart chakra which is the same as the middle Dan Tien and the head center which is the same as the upper Dan Tien. The other centers will develop properly and automatically when we balance these three on the spinal cord.

Q: When you say the public only has access to 10% of what Daskalos left us,

I can't help but feel a little sadness that more isn't accessible in some way. While I completely understand the necessity of keeping many of the deeper and the deepest teachings away from the general public, for fear of misuse, what happens when those who do are no longer incarnated? I feel much of value might temporarily be lost to those who would benefit from them. D: This other material is being made available slowly. Some of it must be translated from the Greek language, organized, and transcribed. Daskalos daughter makes these practices available on Then the more advanced teachings are given in seminars. The sincere researcher who pursues this line of study over time. Will be able to study this after passing over – if there is a strong interest to do so. And nothing we truly learn on earth is lost when we pass over. It is retained and passes with you into your future incarnations. Whether you can access that stored information is another matter. But the more advanced teaching will not make sense unless you have studied, trained and understand the vast amount of material that is available to the public. It is like Physics; it does no good to study subatomic physics if you do not really understand how an atom works. And as Daskalos often said there is enough material in two or three lessons to study a lifetime. So, it is not the quantity of the teachings that makes the difference it is how well you understand it. Another analogy - it is not a matter of how much food you can eat that counts - it is how well you assimilate the food you eat into your body that counts. So too it is about how well we assimilate (understand) the teachings we take in and not the quantity we take in.

Chapter Ten BALLS OF LIGHT & HEALING HANDS Esoteric Practices book page 90

This lesson teaches and trains us for more self-conscious healing work by developing our ability to control the vibrations in our hands by visualizing and feeling the energy of specific colors of light. This practice is a must for those who want to train themselves as healers. We first start this training with these exercises using the etheric vitality in our etheric double and by now we should be certain from our practice that this vitality is electromagnetic. This means it has two basic expressions Electric which is the active aspect of this energy and used in the transmission of this energy. Whereas the magnetic which is a more of a passive receptivity of this same energy. But do not think of these as positive and negative. Think of these two modes of energy like positive A and positive B aspects of this same etheric vitality. This is the true "principle of life” on earth but it is not “LIFE Itself”

If anyone examines a dead body, it is obvious that its life force has left. Where did it go? We call this life force etheric vitality. Again, it is not The Life, it is not the source of Life, but it is under the authority of the source of Life and of the Archangels. Material etheric vitality (not the psychical or noetical etheric vitality) is one of the lowest vibrational frequencies of The Mind. This level of etheric vitality is vibrating just a little higher than the vibrations of what we call solid mater. The Researches of Truth must study, know and use this vitality in their work. We all have this etheric vitality abundantly available, so anyone can do this work. Most who work as a “healer” are using this energy subconsciousness. And they will tell you that they have healing hands, but that is not enough. A good healing should know what this etheric vitality is and how to use it. This week ‘s practice is the continued training that will enable us to use the

absent and hands on healing methods given in our system. So, it is not always necessary or in some cases possible to put your hands on the patient. To be a good bodyworker or a good psychotherapist we should have this specific training, which is found in The Esoteric Practices book and in the other Researchers of Truth books. The first thing we should know that this Mind Substance, this etheric vitality is Holy. It is Holy because it emanates from God. What comes from God is Holy what is God is Divine. So, we must always keep in mind that this energy is Holy, which means we should approach using it with reverence! And by our ability to use the Mind, we will come to understand that we are not the Mind. The Mind is an instrument in our hands that we use. Yet, it needs special training to be able to use this energy of the Mind, which we have been describing. This means Visualization - being able to see this energy mentally but simultaneously believing in what we are doing. This kind of creative visualization is not just ordinary Imagination. We must understand that visualization is not imagination or fantasy. With, imagination and fantasy we are just entertaining those images, thoughts, feelings and desires that are coming from our subconscious to the surface of our consciousness. So now we must learn what is our subconsciousness, enter bravely into our subconsciousness and clean it! When we talk about healing most people think of physical healing but the pain and illnesses of our psychical body (our emotional body), which is not the Soul (the Soul doesn't feel pain), is much worse than the pain on the material body and much harder to heal. When we talk about being a good psycho-therapist is not only that we learn to store etheric vitality or what the Hindus call prana in us and to release it on another person‘s body to relieve their material pain. To be psychotherapist means to also be a good psychoanalyst too. In truth, to cure a psychical (emotional) wound is more holy than treating a wound on the material body, because - sooner or later, a physical wound will close and be healed by the Archangels. Physical wounds, that are kept clean and uncontaminated, will be cured automatically. But, can the Archangels close psychical (emotional) wounds and heal them? No. It takes a good psychoanalyst to explain, to get the patient cooperate, understand

the situation, and then it will be possible for a psychical wound to be cured. The psychotherapist must teach the one with the emotional problem the right way of thinking and living in order to remove the CAUSE behind the emotional illness. Then the illness, which is the EFFECT can be eliminated, which results in a lasting cure. If you only remove the effect and not the cause, then the effect will be re-manifested by the cause. A good psychotherapist should know the reasons, the laws behind the phenomena we call psychical illnesses so that he or she can work successfully with emotional wounds. Still it is good to train yourself to store up the etheric vitality in your material body and give it to a patient whose material body is ill. But, succeeding in becoming a good psychoanalyst is much greater work. To become good psychoanalysts we must know the Truth of what is the Mind, what are the desires, what are the emotions, what are the weaknesses, what is the personality (not just the psycho-analysts own personality but all the personalities of those around them). This means Introspection. So, these are important elements to keep in mind and add to your weekly practice using the kinetic, aesthetic and imprinting ether in the form construction found in The Esoteric Practices book.

Comments and Questions

Q: I have a question towards dealing with traumatic experiences, such as divorce, heartbreak, and other difficult memories. Do the Researchers have an exercise for helping get over sorrow and other negative emotions? I understood the Flame of the Candle is not meant to use with the image of people, so what can be done? D: Do you remember the exercise given the last day of the Awakening Slumbering Gods seminar - the one where used the oil lamp in our heart to dissolve troubling emotions, thoughts and desires? This is the fastest most effective method. We do not put others in this flame just the undesirable things we wish to be free from are put in the flame

Q: I'm now in trouble with something (about my husband's brother). I don't know how to cope with my negative emotion. But as you're saying above, I try to get rid of my negative feelings. D: I do not know what this trouble is but, the important thing for you to do is not to feed the trouble with the energy of your attention to it. Do you know what I mean? I know it is hard to control our emotions sometimes... but this is our training and this training does not waste your time. It gives you real power over emotions. Which at times are like psychical volcanoes erupting burning up our etheric vitality and robing us of inner peace. The only way to master our emotions is in using a reasoning mind. Emotions do not control themselves we must use the Mind as a higher noetical reasoning tool to control the lower emotions that get us into trouble and then they trouble us. By using the reasoning mind, I mean to think things through calmly. Look to see what is reasonable for you to do under these circumstances and do them. Also see what is not reasonable for you to do and avoid doing them because as your reasoning mind and direct experience will tell you - unreasonable responses never ever, ever help.

Q: When I practice creating balls of light, I practice this using my etheric arms to create the balls of light (combing 2 exercises at once). Is this an acceptable approach? D: Yes, this is good - most of the time the beginning exercises are combined as we get into the intermediate exercises and advanced exercises. We need to practice with the individual elements of the beginning exercises first otherwise it is not so easy to do the more advanced ones.

Q: is this practice done with eyes open? Or is it not important, because it does not say as in the other practices to close them. And second: in this practice we create the three suns in our etheric bodies, so does that mean it is not necessary to practice the three suns practice separately when already done this one?

D: It is easier with your eyes close to do visualizations at first but as you advance you will find it can also be done with eyes open. Once we master a visualization like this it is not necessary to continue to do them incrementally. You can just restore the visualization whole and complete. By restoring I mean the restoration of the noetical visualization from your subconscious mind (where it is always stored) to the surface of your conscious mind. But there is great benefit in being able to control the construction of a visualization and its deconstruction. These practices give you much control over your visualizations.

Chapter Eleven CREATING BALLS OF HEALING LIGHT Esoteric Practice book Page 92

This lesson continues our training on the creation of spheres of luminous light of various colors we send to help others in absent healing. This week we will get more skill and mastery over creating these most powerful noetical images. It is a must that you start learning to really feel the different vibrations associate with the different colored balls of light. And It is equally important to get comfortable creating, holding and sending healing balls of light and so we are advised to practice with the luminous sky-blue ball by tossing it and catching it in our etheric hands. Do it in a similar way as you would with a material basketball to gain skill in controlling the basketball. Something to consider is that when we say concentrate in the tips of the fingers and palms as we create these balls it is not the same kind of concentration as we are suggesting for the head. When we say concentrate in and around the head forming a golden nebula the interpenetrates and surrounds the head – we do not want to create any feeling of tension, or a sense of compacting the energy there through effort. That kind of concentration in the head can give you a headache. Instead when we say concentrate in and around the head you concentrate without any effort whatsoever. That may sound oxymoronic but there is a great difference between these concentrations. When you succeed you will notice this difference. Feel in and around the head as a spacious spherical shaped area using the Aesthetic Ether. And using the Imprinting Ether, see it as a misty golden nebula of light that is in the head and all around the head. If you do it correctly, you will automatically start feeling the heart center without any effort on your part. This means you are activating the reasoning faculty of the higher mind in conjunction with the Logoic expression in the heart. Something else you should notice at the end this exercise as explained in The Esoteric Practices book. Daskalos says “sense when the balls are received [by the recipient] and what other help you can offer”. What this means is in addition to creating the healing balls, which are elementals, we also can and should implant a directive in that elemental to report back to us what happens in the

patient. This will give us vital information that will help us to know better how to help that person. We must realize that up to this point, we are not much in control of the elementals we create. Why? Because unless we have brought down, de-energized, or let’s say killed the egoism in our personality, our egoism can and does cause our elementals to revolt against us. But after unseating the egoism, you will find that the elementals are much easier to control because we have become the true master of our home by ending the egoism’s unreasonable reign over us. This is really a great, great accomplishment and opens the doors for much greater advancement than you currently understand is possible for you. Now you will be a true psychotherapist which is blessed. It is a blessing to become channel for love, life and mercy as a psychotherapist. This is achieved by simply learning how to use the elements correctly - by creating elementals correctly and giving them power. But not just any kind of elemental. I mean consciously and self-consciously creating pure and purposeful thought-emotion type of elements and not illogical emotional-thought elementals. What a good psychotherapist should do is to treat the personality of a man or a woman which is suffering. Not just the material body. Of course, the material body has illnesses which are a result of the disturbance in the nervous system and transgressions of the Divine Laws. But, the first thing a good psychotherapist must do is to see and to detect the reason for the illness in that personality. It is better for the psychotherapist to work with the personality instead of dealing with the material body, because, if one can cure the personality of a man, the effect will come on the material body. Always remember that a psychotherapist is not giving something of his own towards a healing except his time. What is being given is the etheric vitality which is Gods. It is given freely by the Holy Spirit and is not the property of the psychotherapists. Christ says, "Freely you have received; freely give". Which is why the Researchers of Truth do not charge for their healing efforts.

Comments and Questions

Q: How do we dissolve an image created intentionally or unintentionally D: We see it disappearing as the image dissolving. It is not unlike in the Star Trek movie when they beam someone up (or down). That is a Hollywood depiction of dematerialization.

Q: Are all the healing balls the same size, and if so, what size are they (Grapefruit? or Basketball or much bigger). And does the size of the healing balls matter-- bigger - more energy? D: In most exercises we give the healing ball is the size of a tennis ball. But on some we make it the size of a soccer ball. It is the quality of the visualization and not the size that is important.

Q: I felt a title discomfort in create a ball of light from my solar plexus or from my heart to send to someone. it seems personal energy and not holy energy. D: The ball starts as Mind Super Substance passed through your selfawareness which formulates it into the colored ball of light. When you do it as a personality self-awareness the filters of your personality affects the quality of the visualization. We unavoidable put something of our personality in that visualization. But we should try not to make it personal. The more training and practice, the more we raise our consciousness higher and higher less of the personality is affecting this work. Therefore, when we try to help or heal as a personality with these methods, we should get the person's permission first. But when you do this practice as the Inner Self you do not have to ask for permission because the Inner Self is not in danger of making mistakes.

Q: My question is about Daskalos. If Daskalos is part of the brotherhood of mercy and they chose to incarnate at will then do you know why Daskalos

choses to no longer incarnate in the material world? D: In his incarnations the Spirit Soul of Daskalos came with a very important mission to advance humankind's knowledge and understanding in various disciplines - Art, Literature, Philosophy and especially maters of the Spirit. In this incarnation he completed his work in systematizing the perennial teachings that have been handed down through the ages and disclosed much more about them than any master before him dared to do. This is because during at this time on earth it became permitted to reveal more. As we understand he now has taken the seventh initiation and now can work Self Super-Consciously which allows him to work in many places and times perfectly and simultaneously. In other words, the state he has attained he can do his service much more freely and effectively than he could from a material body living on earth. In this incarnation he was able to touch and work Self Super Consciously for a while, but he could not stay in that high state all the time. Precious few who live on earth have even touched this state - But no one living in a material body can hold this the highest state of Consciousness all the time.

Q: I was wondering what exactly an initiation is. And what you mean when you say Daskalos received his seventh initiation. These are probably something else than the reiki initiations where you just must pay 500 bucks to get initiated. D: Yes no one charged Daskalos for his initiations – they are given by Life freely when it is time. As we unfold spiritually, we encounter different initiations on our path - it is not the outer ritual of initiation that is important. The importance is in what it symbolizes, the transmission it confers, and what a mystic must gain as experience and truth from the initiation. There are many tests one must undergo to receive the initiations. There is not just one but many initiations into the wisdom and the teachings.

Q: The balls that I envision are very bright, blazing like the sun. I find comfort in that kind of light. Is that ok? Or too bright? D: Perfect!

Q: I find it hard to really feel and see the ball and to toss it around like a real ball. Also is it supposed that in the suggested fifteen minutes one practices every color? I only get one or at most two because it takes so long to really feel and see. D: It takes practice. Some find this easier than others. When we do a visualization exercise, we seldom practice longer that fifteen to twenty minutes. Longer is not better. Fifteen minutes is all we need to grow properly in this regard. If you were told to plant a seed in good soil in the sun and give that seed one glass of water each day, but you gave it three glasses of water each day would the seed grow better? NO in fact it could cause it to rot and never grow. It is something like that in these practices Q: you said that fifteen minutes of visualization is enough, and more might even be detrimental. But what if one does for example a labor of Heracles. Before that one does the preliminary med for let’s say ten minutes, then building the pyramid and the archangelic form maybe ten minutes and then the labor maybe also ten or more? That’s at least 30 minutes of visualization. Isn’t that not so good then? Or is one practicing a single esoteric practice separately until one can just bring the whole image from the subconscious at once so that each esoteric practice only takes less than five minutes? And, what is about practicing three times a day for fifteen minutes visualization is that too much? And what is with the practices with the kinetic and aesthetic ether? Does the same rule apply there? D: When we visualize a certain image like a star, it does not make it better to do it for 30 minutes. Fifteen is enough. But in the Labors of Hercules we are not focused on one image, we are moving forward through a serious of a consecutive sequence of images. Actually, that is Daskalos' definition of meditation: "Meditation is the successive formation of mind in interrelated thoughts that lead to knowledge and perception."

Q: Within my palms I could feel streaming energy. But it was always white. I had to bring much concentration in visualizing the colors in the ball and in my hands/arms. And I couldn't feel then a difference of vibration in my hands because of my efforts to visualize the colors. What would you recommend? D: It does take the development of the golden key of Concentration to be successful with these practices. But do not try too hard and over concentrate. We want a tension-less kind of concentration. We are working with light not solid rocks, so we do not need to strain to do it. With calm, relaxed and steady concentration it is easier to do and feel this exercise. Also, it takes practice to get this skill to see and feel all this. Be patient with yourself and keep practicing and you will slowly start to have this experience.

Q: When I sit quietly and begin to concentrate and create the balls of light to help heal others, I always ask that the Holy Spirit be with me to facilitate any healing. My question would be about the color of the light balls. Often, I envision a very bright white ball like the sun. Other times I begin by thinking of the white ball and then other colors will begin to stream in and mix. Sometimes gold sometimes blue sometimes yellow mixed with the white. These colors tend to come in once I concentrate on the person who I am sending it to. So, I am wondering if the Holy Spirit is assisting with those colors as that may be what the person needs, not just pure white light alone. Thoughts? D: I would trust your intuition on this if I were you. And at the same time keep in mind what Daskalos teaches about the use of colors for certain kinds of needs. Intuition and true Rational thinking (not rationalization) support each other.

Q: Is it important that the person that we are sending the ball to knows we are sending it to him/her? D: It is important they agree for your help but typically we do not disclose what we are doing or what we find out. It is not necessary to tell them about the balls of light you are sending them for example.

Q: Why do we start the light and the balls from within this time. D: We are building these balls of light out of the etheric vitality of our Etheric double, which is slightly around and in the material body. So, all the time we are creating visualizations like this we are really doing it from within us.

Q: When I start concentrating in my palms, mostly in my right hand first, I also start bringing awareness to my head and around forming a golden nebula, then without tension or effort while creating a blue ball size of a tennis ball size, I normally start seeing the client’s face with that light ball who I intend to send ball to. It is kind of natural happening but am I mixing the process of absent healing? Like, maybe I may should create the light ball first completely, then seeing the person's face or sending the ball to that person's direction? Also, when I practice tossing the blue ball and catch it am, I allowed to move my physical arm slightly or not at all because I am practicing using my etheric hands? D: This way is ok too. The important thing is not to get over attentive to the details of the practices recommended, but to follow the practices and truly feel it. Really connect with what you are doing. This is what really empowers the exercise. If you feel the need at first to move the physical hands a bit that is ok but feel also the etheric hands moving simultaneously Then once you get accustomed with doing that, then just use your etheric hands.

Keep being sincere with your efforts with these practices; they have their reward for the one who masters them.

Chapter Twelve BALLS OF LIGHT FOR SELF-HEALING Esoteric Teachings book page 94

Now in this lesson we will use the healing balls of light for self-healing of physical, emotional or mental issue. It is ok to use this Holy vitality for keeping ourselves whole and healthy. We need to be well ourselves to help others. If we become weakly and sickly then we will need to rely on the help of others, so keeping our heart, mind and body in good shape is necessary. For example, if you have stomach troubles, then visualizing the sky-blue ball, filling it to over-flowing with etheric vitality and seeing it enter your solar plexus is very good to do. Or if you have a thyroid problem, then visualizing the bright orange ball, filling it to over-flowing with etheric vitality and seeing it enter your thyroid, should be done. But with these practices do not overdo it. It is better to have a short ten-minute clear, steady visualization than a long 30 minute unstable, unclear one. In creating balls of healing light and absorbing them into certain centers in/on our Etheric doubles we are contributing to the good health and functioning of each body – material, psychical and noetical. When we do this, our etheric doubles radiate health and beauty. The researchers of truth who develops their mastery of the etheric will be an absolute blessing to their family, friends and environment in general. They will extend and invisible radiance and others will sense it, want to be in their company, to be close to them and even sometimes they want to touch you. Why do they want to come so close and sometimes touch? Because subconsciously they are drawing energy from your radiance – healing energy! Remember in the Bible the story of Christ as he passed through a crowd of people, He said: “Who touched me, I perceive virtue [power] has gone out of me.” The disciples were looking at him curiously and said we are in a crowd of people pushing on you, what do you mean someone touched you. There was a sick woman near Christ who had been bleeding for many years, believed if she could touch Christ’s robe she would be cured and she was (this healing came

about because of her belief and faith that she could be cured – this is a clue for anyone wanting to be healed of anything). So, in addition to us sending this etheric vitality to others, this etheric vitality in our bodies can and does get drawn out of us. It tends to happen subconsciously, but when the energy draw is too much, the one losing energy can become uncomfortable, irritated and very ill at ease around the person sub consciously drawing on them. But the most common problem is that so many people are wasting their etheric vitality in creation thousands upon thousands of useless elementals that are using this Holy substance for the prolongation of their questionable existence. But the Researchers of Truth knows how to collect, store and use this Holy substance. This is what you are learning to do now. They know it, respect it and use it correctly. This is what gives that magnetic radiance. Something else, this week’s practice and the other similar exercises give you control over your etheric double. And it is not unlike how you learn to control your material body. If you had not used your legs or hands until now in your life and I asked you to a deep knee bend or a pushup would you be able to do it – No. However, those are certainly in the material bodies abilities. So, when we talk about gaining control over the etheric double of the material body it is similar. It is just not possible for you to have immediate mastery over an invisible part of the material body you have never used. But when you do start gaining control over the etheric double, you will see it is like gaining control of the material body through regular exercise. It will be not be any harder for you to move your etheric arm than it is to move your material arm. What produces more obvious results is when this control becomes a matter of habit. These practices to gain control over your etheric double are very important and useful at this stage you are working on now. They should be very important to everyone reading this, because it is through these practices you will learn how to keep your material body completely healthy. Then you will learn how use the skills developed by the practices to live consciously having control over your psychical body, the body of your emotions, and one day with training you can use it as a separate body which may seem like an interesting a theory to you now but one day will be your practical experience as you discover you can have command over it in Exosomatosis (OBE). But today with these practices you will be cleaning and keeping your psychical body completely health.

These practices will teach you how to safely open the psycho-noetical centers which become like sense organs to you giving you clairvoyance and clairaudience. This is a very great gain and one no one can take away from you. When you reach, this stage it is of course great, but you will go beyond this stage and eventually gain control over your lower noetical body. And likewise, you will be able to use this noetical body independently from the psychical (and material body) and express yourself even more fully. All these experiences give you the realization of just how inhibiting the material body and brain are as a tool of receiving impressions. Because you will have the direct experience of how your thinking is not nearly as clear when you are in the material body using the material brain. You will see that the vibrations of the etheric double and the psychical body are much faster than in the material brain. The material brain “deadens” such vibrations. An example Daskalos gave is like having a great violinist but asking him to perform with a glove on. How well will he be able to play music with a glove on his hand? But when he takes the glove off, he can play faster and much, much better. In Daskalos’ analogy the glove has the same effect on the violinist’s playing as using the material brain has on the process of thinking. And you will discover this too when for the first time you experience meditation and gain knowledge while in your noetical body (outside your material and psychical body). Then you come to know by direct understanding (just as you have been taught), that within the noetical light, is clear thought and real knowledge that leads to wisdom. In this state you don’t need words associated with meanings. These are the esoteric practices which lead us to a different state of understanding, in which, you ARE the knowledge and knowledge is NOT something outside yourself.

I wish you all have this experience.

Comments and Questions

Q: This week’s practice we will create light balls in our hands to put them into our etheric double. Last week you said that when we create balls outside in reality we first create them in ourselves so I don’t really understand why pretend to create something outside to put it inside where in reality it has already been created inside in the first place, if that makes sense. And what is the difference to the three suns practice where we create the balls directly in the etheric double? D: visualizing creating the balls outside and putting them inside us, or other exercises where we create the balls and they come out of us and leave our aura and extend beyond us, as well as the three suns exercise train us, develop our skill in using the natures of the etheric double. this is necessary training for the advanced work in our system. It is all about training to create, see, feel and move these etheric forms with skill and ease. Everything is in us… in us how? In us as a Spirit Soul. We say as a personality we live on this planet but as a Spirit Soul the planet lives in us!

Q: When doing these practices and for example visualizing a ball in the hands, would you advise to also visualize everything else like the surrounding etc.? Up until now I only see the hands and the balls D: It not necessary or advisable to do that. Just concentrate on your hands and the balls.

Q: If we are sending healing balls of light to say someone’s solar plexus for a problem they have, what happens at the psychical and noetical levels? Should we be sending the balls there as well? D: When we create an elemental of a ball of light or any elemental it is not only composed of the etheric energy we feed into it but also we also implant thought and feeling into it so in addition to its etheric component from the material plane it automatically has a psychical and noetical component, which automatically touches the psycho-noetical part of the patient we send the ball to. It is your thought/intent when you create an elemental that is giving it its noetical

character and it is your feelings and wish for good health that is giving the psychical component.

Q: When sending these balls to the centers, are we interfering with the good work of the archangelic elementals that are working in the body or the karma that has resulted in the problem? I understand that not all things will heal according to other factors relating to that individual and their choices/progress etc. D: That is right we are not going to force anything we are only trying to help lift the karma to whatever level is permitted. So if we are allowed by the Law of Cause and Effect, or let's call it God’s Providence, to ease the suffering of someone with the karma to suffer then we are not interfering with the Archangels work we are cooperation with them - and in truth: They Love to see us cooperate with them!

Chapter Thirteen SHELL OF LIGHT EXERCISE Esoteric Practices book page 97

[First read “Protecting Our Bodies Introduction” page 95] This practice is a vital one to teach us how not to let our etheric vitality seep out of us subconsciously. And it is a particularly important skill to develop so that we are not badly affected or harmed by any negativity we may encounter in our relationships and in our daily interactions in the world. It is natural for water to flow from higher areas into lower areas, or for heat to escape from a heated room into a colder outdoor environment if a door is open. In a similar way this is how our energy, the etheric vitality in our etheric double works too. This is all due to the Universal Laws of Balance and Order governing all three worlds of existence. Which means if you have a high level of energy and you connect with someone with low levels of energy the etheric vitality automatically flows from you (most times without your awareness) into the one with lower energy levels. Most often this is not a big loss of energy but a small trickle. But we all have had the experience of being around an “energy vampire” where the withdraw of energy is so excessive you just want to get away from them as fast as you can. When the energy withdrawal (consciously or sub consciously) becomes very disproportionate; agitation, irritation and sometimes even feelings of hatred arise in the one losing the energy. But this exercise helps you become more self-conscious about your own energy reserves and gives you more control of your vital energy reserve. And in time, you gain self-mastery of the different natures of etheric vitality. As Researchers of truth our etheric double and its energy must become a reality for us. Now we will go beyond theory and know it practically, because we can use it at will. We have named these natures of the etheric counter part of our body: imprinting ether, aesthetic ether and kinetic ether. There are four other higher natures of the ether – but it is not necessary to be concerned about these until you can use the other three mentioned above.

The etheric as a substance is all the same but with different characteristic. By now everyone should know these three main characteristics of the ether: imprinting, aesthetic, and kinetic. If you are not quite sure of the difference, then please review page 67 and 68 in The Esoteric Practices book by Daskalos. We have done some exercises using these three natures of the ether which in time give us direct experiences of them through our concentration and will. The etheric vitality of the etheric double of our material body is invisible like air. But like air it can be felt. And like air it is part of the third dimension - the material world. Each etheric atom has all the seven different natures of the ether: imprinting, aesthetic, kinetic and the higher four. It is not possible to have even a single cell, molecule or atom in your material body that does not have an etheric, psychical and noetical counterpart. Every cell, molecule and atom of your body has been created in, is sustained and maintained through its etheric counterpart. Take note: This means that gross matter is only an EFFECT and not the CAUSE. Matter is the puppet not the puppeteer. Again, within the material body is the etheric double and it radiates outside of the material body. And the light radiating off the etheric double takes on an oval shape. This light radiation from the etheric double is what people call the human aura. In a healthy person, it is brighter, in a sick person it looks dull and is visible to a clairvoyant or someone with developed intuition. A person’s state of health in its entirety is reflected in this aura. But even a better diagnostic method is to concentrate on the etheric counterpart of an organ in the body. Being able to do this gives an initial level of intuition. In this lesson practice we are becoming aware of this oval of light, starting to work with it and to use it for our protection and wellbeing. Although a clairvoyant can see all colors on the etheric double, the most dominate color seen is white. Now try to visualize an egg-shaped oval of white light in and around the etheric double, extending two to three feet around your material body in all directions. This is the etheric aura of the material body. Please note: The egg shape has its wide end above the head and the narrower end below the feet. But the etheric double itself in and around the material body only extends a few inches beyond the material body and it shape is exactly that of the material body. A clairvoyant who is developed enough, will see the etheric vitality of this

etheric double, denser around the body than the etheric light emanations composing the egg-shaped oval called the aura. As we mentioned before, this etheric aura gives a white color but not exactly pure white; it is slightly off-white. But the colors mentioned before are on/in the etheric double and are colored according to the emotions of the person. Accordingly, the same synthesized colors also radiate and appear in the etheric double of our psychical body too. These main colors in all their shades, revels the nature of the emotions, the thoughts and the conditions creating them. When we do the preliminary meditation, the three suns exercise, we visualize a sky-blue sun in and around the solar plexus area, a rosy pink sun in and around the heart center and a canary yellow or gold sun in and around the head. And the radiations of these three suns pass through the egg-shaped nebula of white light. And conversely the radiations from the aura of white light also pass into the three suns making them brighter. Later in more advanced practices you will learn to breathe through this eggshaped aura of light drawing more powerful radiations of etheric vitality into your material body. One of the purposes of this aura is to expel certain etheric substances unnecessary for the body, as well as to take out other substances excreted through the pores in the skin (not physical sweat). But through these pores in the skin, these tiny chakras, we will with training be able to breathe in higher frequencies of etheric vitality to keep our etheric double clean and bright and serve as the link connecting the etheric double of the material body and the etheric double of the psychical body. We have certain meditations, for this kind of breathing where we use the kinetic and aesthetic ether of the material body’s etheric double. But do not make the mistake to think this means the psychical body has a need to breathe in and out as the material body does. Breathing in the higher psychical and noetical bodies means absorbing ether in only, there is no breathing out of this ether in the higher bodies. So for this lesson I encourage you to begin your work with the Shell of light exercise most seriously because it is very important in safely and effectively raising one's consciousness to higher levels and it protecting ourselves from negative influences coming to us from others.

Chapter Fourteen GOOD HEALTH EXERCISE Esoteric Teachings book page 99

This week we will work on creating good health physically and a profound sense of wellbeing mentally and emotionally. This is one of these basic exercises that both beginners and masters do daily. We have a nice flash animation of this exercise at So please also refer to this as you try this practice. Of course, colors on a two-dimensional computer screen cannot come close to the clarity and vividness of the colors in a good visualization, but this will give you an idea of the colors, size and locations for this exercise. We suggest that everyone, wherever you are and whatever level you find yourself now, to learn to live by the principles of our teachings and not continue with the habits everyone has been living by up to now. The disease and illness are caused by disturbing the Law of Harmony can been seen everywhere in our society from the wealthiest mansions and gated communities to the poorest homes and neighborhoods. Illness, disease and accidents are an effect of a cause. And we see the results of the Law of Cause and Effect everywhere in the material world, but when we change the causes naturally the effect changes too. Which means for example where there is egoism, wounded feelings and aggression, let’s replace them with love, tolerance and acceptance. This means, it is not our time and space locality we must change. The change must take place within each person, whether you live in a poor house or a palace, whether you are a peasant or a prince. Therefore, the change must take place within them; not a change in their social behavior but a real change within the personality. This gives us better results, first in the material body, which is a divine gift bestowed on all of us and secondly better results and experiences in your home, work and environment. And in this way, you will see improvements in all these areas by this simple way,

which is very effective if we only desire it and make the effort necessary. Then you will see you yourself can turn a hellish environment/situation into a paradise. And we will be the first ones to benefit from this paradise and then those around us. This change within the personality will put you in a position to make better use of your divine gifts of reason and love making you the master of situations, through the proper use of your thoughts and will. And as you practice these exercises using the etheric vitality which will first bring you better physical health because now you are co-operating with the Holy Spirit in your use of this energy. But also, you will create healthier conditions within your psychical world, the world of your emotions. Here you will remove hatred, jealousy, the feeling of being hurt and you will replace them with rational thought and create constructive conditions within the boundaries of love. Along with the theory provided in our teachings we equally need the practical exercises which will result in the benefits just mentioned. You and your teachers and guides in this system have a right to expect you to have a healthy body – this expectation of good health has been made quite clear in our system. And the same for your psychical and noetical health. And this is the point of this week’s Good Health Meditation. To keep all three bodies in good health and complete harmony. Of course, the Holy Archangels and the Holy Spirit work non-stop in the bodies of all of us in doing their best to keep the body in good health and order. But what is the male or female personality doing while living in these bodies? Often, people express disharmony, discord, turbulent emotions while over taxing the mind, emotions and body’s energy which deprives these Archangels of the necessary vitality they need to build up the bodies. And the result is illness. God has given each of us a material body in good condition (unless we interfere by our behavior) all we need to do is to wash it, exercise it a bit and feed it – the real creative work keeping our bodies alive is in the hands of the Archangels. Good health in our material body is natural if we do not un-wisely interfere with the Archangels work by exhausting that energy necessary for them to keep the body healthy. Which is really saying that every illness in our body is due to our irresponsibility in the way we are living (or have lived in a previous incarnation). So, the material body and its good health should be one of the branches of our study in this system. We have the great advantage of the work of the Researchers of Truth from previous centuries who have worked very hard to find out these truths concerning the material body that we present our lessons today.

You may want to say a prayer asking God and his Archangelic emissaries for good health by saying: “I Want Perfect Health to be in my material body”. This prayer brings an inner smile to your Archangels because that is what they are doing all the time – you do not have to ask. But it is ok to say this prayer because in saying it, you are ordering your sub consciousness not to counter act the work of the Archangels and this helps them. Say it like this now and mean it – “I will cooperate with the Holy Archangels of the Elements for the good health of my material body." This is a very powerful elemental you have just created. It is a purely noetical elemental and the only emotional desire you give it is the wish to live in good health. By doing this we are storing an elemental of good health in our subconscious that continues its work long after we have forgotten about this prayer. All our Archangels are loving us, even if a person is a criminal, prostitute, or murderer. They are working in all these bodies just as perfectly as they work in the body of a saint. They keep on insisting that our bodies be in perfect health, watching and waiting for the time when we will wake up and start to cooperate with them in this regard. This reveals that it is not just our real Self they love they love even its shadow the personality with its egoism. And pay attention, they do not interfere with force but inspire us with persuasion and prayer. And God entrusted to each of us a material body, which as Christ rightly said- “is the Temple of the living God”. If we know and believe this great truth, then we must eventually conclude that most people while living in their body are transgressing the Divine Laws all the time. And we see illnesses on their material bodies and sufferings in their personality because of these transgressions. While simultaneous the Logos, the Holy Spirit and the Archangels work tirelessly to keep the bodies healthy. So, who is causing the illnesses? As we said we all are. We cannot blame God, or the Devil (people have a bad habit never accepting a fault as their own but instead laying the fault at the feet of others). So as of today, let’s make a greater effort not go against the unceasing work of the Archangels in keeping our bodies healthy. Please help them do that by practicing the Good Health exercise every day.

Comments and Questions

Q: when doing a certain visualization, for example light balls in my body. Is it important to see my body in the position it is in now of the practice? Or can I also see myself standing in a room? D: You will see it both ways. which gives you a sense of being double, which of course you are not. When you see yourself from outside yourself always see yourself from the front - facing you. Q: You said that we should always visualize seeing us from in front of us. Why is that? D: It helps you give what the Greeks call Hypostasis to the etheric elementary of yourself. Hypostasis of the image means you substantiate it. Hypostasis in spirituality is defined as the underlying reality of something.

Q: When you say to concentrate on an image, does that mean to hold one specific picture? Or can an image be a whole scene that is dynamic? Like seeing the balls from different perspectives. D: We need to get the skill of holding an image steady stable for a period of time we choose. But then we take that skill further to visualize a succession of related images. But first you must get the skill of visualizing a single image very well.

Q: In the last radio show I asked what I could do to be able to study osteopathy. And you suggested to visualize myself finishing. I also thought of that but was hesitant because I don’t want to create an elemental that fulfills this dream but does things, I don’t want on the way to achieve the goal. So, I don’t want it to stand in my way in the end. Is there a way to program it that it doesn’t do anything that’s bad? I always think of the example you gave of the guy who visualized a new car in his garage and in the end got separated from his wife and her new boyfriend parked the very car he visualized in the garage. I don’t want something like that to happen

D: I was not suggesting you just use visualization alone. You must work for it too. Just visualizing you becoming an osteopath is not going to make that happen. You must go to school, study hard, pass the tests and train yourself. But if you visualize you being successful at that, it will greatly help. But for sure you want to give that visualized elemental a true purpose with a directive to simply be your helper in your pursuit of becoming a good osteopath. But you might also want to introspect on why you want to become an osteopath Keep in your mind, and thus in the elemental, that you want to accomplish this for the right reasons and in the right way.

Q: What are the three spheres? They seem to be more than chakras. In Chinese tradition, they have the three same spheres called Jiao in the same locations of the body. There are Qi Gong exercises where the hands move around them. Are these spheres part of the etheric double egg-form? Do they distinguish centers of conscious and sub-conscious? Do they represent the Christ, Holy Spirit and Soul-self? The Chinese would say they represent Heaven, Earth and the blending of Heaven and Earth with the six Essences in the Heart-center. How deep is the mystery of these three spheres? D: The "mystery” of that is as deep as you want and can go. The words of the teachings can only go so far and can only say so much, but experientially one can go deeper and deeper and deeper into the experience of these things. It is best if you do not mix the teachings of other systems with this. These spheres are situated in and around the three main chakras on the spinal column – they are centers of consciousness and self-awareness. Consciousness in the Solar Plexus, Consciousness and Self Awareness in the heart center and pure Self Awareness in the head center. To a clairvoyant (The vast majority of clairvoyants only see the etheric double and its aura of the material body not that of the psycho-noetical) they appear as discs on the etheric double, they do not appear as spheres until the etheric double of the psychical and noetical body. Which is giving you a clue that when you do this practice with only the spheres you are working on the etheric doubles of the psycho-noetical body and not just the etheric double of the material body. The light creating the egg-shaped aura is simply the light emanations of the etheric double. The lights from the three centers radiate out to and sometimes through the egg-shaped aura. The light of

the egg-shaped aura also emanates light to the three centers strengthening them.

Q: Here's something I don't understand. If the Archangels only know goodness, having never left the one-ness with "God the father" to experience "evil" in the worlds of duality/separateness/existence...then how can there be such a thing as a fallen Archangel or angel? D: When we are talking about the Archangels not leaving the oneness of God, we not talking about the Fallen Ones who have by free will chose to leave the oneness of God and wrap themselves in various degrees of illusion and ignorance which cover them in veils and they fall (drop) down to the etheric counterpart of the three worlds of duality. But this all happens prior to their Spirit Ray passing through the Archangelic Idea, so technically they are not Fallen Archangels we just call them the Fallen Ones. It is not possible for any Archangel to “fall” once they have become classified as Archangels. But they have left the oneness and now know very well the dual forces of good and evil in these worlds of separateness and align with the dark side of things. Just as there are seven degrees of luminosity of the light there are seven shades or veils of darkness. The worst of the worst Fallen Archangels have all seven veils of darkness wrapping them.

Q: I've run across two different numbering systems of the seven "heavens". It may have been in the Swimming with the Whale book where they were listed as: (1) Gross Material Plane, (2) Its Etheric double, (3) Psychical Plane, (4) Its Etheric double, (5) Noetical Plane, (6) Its Etheric double, (7) Higher Noetic State [formless]. Then as I was re-reading "The Esoteric Teachings" pg. 122 Daskalos lists heavens one thru four as the Gross Material, Psychical, Noetical, & Noetic. Then says there are three higher ones that are too difficult to even describe. I was wondering why we have two different numbering systems. Assuming all these different heavens exist, should we think of them more like Heavens 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 7? Or something like that? D: The answer is they are both right. It is a paradox. In the Christ book by Daskalos he quotes Christ describing them the way they are described in the

Swimming with the Whale book, which is to count the etheric counterparts of each world And in the Esoteric Teaching page you mention he does not count the etheric counter parts. They are both right depending on your perspective. But Why? Looking up from our perspective the etheric counterparts of the different worlds seem like a different heaven than that world for which it is a counterpart. If you consciously come out of your material body and as a self-awareness experience the etheric counter part of earth, you would be amazed. It is such an exotic world, with many of the things (plants, animals) that exist on earth but also many more that no longer exist on earth. And yet the etheric counter part of anything material is still in the 3rd dimension. We have not left the 3rd dimension when we enter the etheric counterpart of the material plane. From the higher perspective it is understood that the etheric counter parts of each dimension are part of that dimension and so the counting of the heavens does not include them.

Q: do you know how the decision is made as to where on earth a person might come for their first incarnation? When you compare various places and various families on earth, we can see that some are much nicer than others. For example, is it possible for a first incarnation to be born into a family or environment that is very poor like a third world country surrounded by violence or abuse? D: For the first incarnation it must be in a stone-age like primitive group. Because in a person’s first incarnation they come at the beginning level of human consciousness (instinctive) which is not any different than the animals. It takes many, many incarnations in the instinctive level of consciousness before reaching the subconscious level and even more incarnations in the subconscious level before reaching the awakening consciousness level and beyond. When it is time for reincarnation the Soul Self project a ray of itself down to be dressed in a noetical body and the projection continues and is dressed in a psychical body and then there is a pause before being born on earth. Daskalos describes it symbolically like having a colander (a container with holes in it) The

holes are of different sizes. And each of those dressed in their psychical bodies waiting for material incarnation are like balls of different sizes. The different sizes of the balls represent the uniqueness of each incarnate, with different lessons already learned and different lessons still to be learned. The holes in the Colander are the potential opportunities to incarnate in different families under different circumstances offering certain lessons, experiences and opportunities. So, the balls travel around the colander until they find the hole that fits their size the best and pass through. Thus, the one incarnating pauses on the psychical plane in like a fourth dimensional waiting locality until the best incarnational opportunity opens and then incarnate into that absolute best situation for them to get their next lessons. It is so perfect. Of course, most everyone wants to be born in a loving family that is very rich. But it is the Lords of Karma following the Law of Karma that places you in the family and conditions that are best suited for your spiritual unfoldment. Interestingly there is no one on the planet now that are in there first incarnation. But there are some in their early incarnations.

Chapter Fifteen HEALTH AND THE SUBCONSCIOUS The Esoteric Practices book page 101

In this week’s practice, we will expand on the Good Health exercise from last time and begin to work with our subconsciousness to create health both in our material body as well as our personality. Most people do not realize the major role our subconsciousness plays in healing. The subconsciousness is a vast storehouse of energy but also a vast storehouse of all our elementals and it has three chambers. One chamber, the most important is that of the Logos and Holy Spirit which is totally pure. Our personality is not allowed to access or effect this chamber. The second chamber is the storehouse of life-giving etheric vitality used every day. The final chamber of the sub consciousness is a wild and confused jungle in most people. It is the chamber that contains all the elementals composing our personality. Day after day Week after week, year after year our revitalized elementals steadily sink into and are stored in the subconsciousness. And from time to time the more active ones rise to the surface like fish in the ocean and feed. Feed on what? They feed on the energy of our attention, sometimes burning excessive amounts of etheric vitality needed for the health of our body. When they return to the surface our consciousness, they draw their own strength and they (elementals) and then again submerge back into the dim recesses of our subconsciousness to continue their life. And the ocean is a great metaphor for our sub conscious and conscious mind. In this analogy, the surface of the ocean represents the conscious part of our mind. Everything under the surface represents our subconscious mind. And like the ocean the deeper you go in the subconsciousness, the bigger and stranger the creatures you find there. And this is the work of Introspection – to examine the quality and quantity of those elementals lurking beneath the surface of our awareness. And then to eliminate the negative ones and accentuate the positive ones.

Something more, inside your subconsciousness are all the lessons you have learned and those you have not learned from previous lifetimes. All this plus the elementals created and harbored in this lifetime creates your character as well as your current situation in life. If you do not want to believe in past incarnations, it is ok. But at least look at what you are today as a personality with all your strengths and weaknesses and work on that. To develop a better character, it is not necessary to remember or even believe in past lifetimes to overcome anger, fears, jealousy, etc. Really it does not mean much to believe in past lives because you have as the state of your subconsciousness, your character as it is today but you must work on it and go forward. It is not necessary to look behind. Now the bad news or good news, depending on your point of view, is the subconsciousness does not reason, it only obeys. This is the reason, suggestions and auto suggestions produce such good or disastrous results. Because any negative or fearful elementals about ourselves that get stored, our subconsciousness just accepts without question. And what gets stored becomes part of who we are as a personality. Likewise, any good, positive elementals that gets stored about us are uncontestably accepted and that too becomes part of who we are as a personality. It is like they say about computer programing: Garbage in, Garbage out. The resulting outcome is directly related to the quality of that which has been inputted. And so, it is with our subconsciousness. Our practice this week, will show you how to program your subconsciousness in the right way that produces good health in the material body, in your emotions and in your thoughts.

Comments and Questions

Q: What was Daskalos orientation towards sex? Did he suggest refraining our sexual urges or any regimen on this area of human experience? D: Daskalos was for moderation in all things. But he never said we should not have sex. But always said if the physical union of a marriage or marriage like relationship was not also a union of love at the emotional/heart and mental level then for him it was prostitution even if the marriage was sanctioned by the Church. He echoed Christ idea on the

sacred marriage as a union of heart, mind and material life.

Q: Toward the beginning of this exercise, we're expanding blue light until our entire body glows with the blue light. As we continue the exercise, we have different colors appear in our chest, thyroid, & head. I wanted to make sure that we don't need to hold onto the blue light in our upper regions throughout the entire exercise. The way it's written, it makes it sound like the blue gets replaced by the other colors. The blue is only a constant in the legs and abdomen area, yes? D: It is best if you hold the image of all balls of light at the same time. They overlap but the colors do not mix in the fourth dimension like colors do in the third dimension. Thus, we see them overlapping but without blending colors.

Q: When we're visualizing the five and six-pointed stars, are they solid? Or are they just the intersecting lines that make the shape of the stars like the stars that are in the centers on the Symbol of Life, where the background color(s) can be seen between the drawn lines? D: They can be done both ways. but it is good in the beginning to do the lines, so you get use to creating perfect shapes. Once you master creating the stars no need to keep drawing them slowly. We store the completed star in our sub consciousness and bring it back whole and complete in an instant either as a line image or one filled in with the light.

Q: I was wondering what is your day to day attitude toward this life? I often find myself with the attitude of doing everything that I can to enhance my awareness so that I can transcend and never have to incarnate into the material world again. I know this seems negative. It's like I'm in prison and all I'm doing is trying to be as good as I can to bide my time till the day when I get released. What kind of attitude did Daskalos have? D: That is more of the Eastern view: "Earth is horrible, an illusion so I got

to get out of here and never come back" And so they seek personal liberation. Sort of a "every man for himself" kind of thing. Nothing wrong in seeking your own liberation but not at the expense of leaving behind those in need. Daskalos, the Invisible Helpers, certain other Researchers of Truth and myself hold a different attitude. Our goal is to be a Brother of Mercy who stays in the worlds of separation to help others free themselves. Daskalos said: “I will be the last one to take liberation. I will stay here until the last person achieves their liberation.” Of course, by "here" he did not just mean earth but in all the worlds of separation. He often said: “I want to stay here to be the handkerchief to wipe the tears from the suffering people’s eyes.” So, the goal of a brother of mercy is to raise their consciousness to as high a level as possible and turn around and come back down using their achievements to help those in need materially, emotionally, and/or mentally. I know what you are saying about it being like a prison for you - But I ask you to think: what exactly is it that is creating the sense of a prison for you? What could it be?

Q: I am wondering where the Akasha element is in the pyramid. Could you say something about that? D: it is everywhere! All the other elements come from the Ethereal (notice I am not saying Etheric but Ethereal). But if you want to consider it in terms of a locality in the pyramid as a symbol then can be seen as the peak of the pyramid. But it is not really like that because it is everywhere. That is the very nature of the Akasha.

Q: Is this week’s practice partly creating the Symbol of Life on our etheric double? So, is it like a pre exercise for creating the whole symbol on the etheric? D: In a way it is like a pre practice because we must get used to holding

simple visualization clear and steady before we will ever be able to do all the ones for the Symbol of Life.

Q: On several occasions throughout The Esoteric Teachings book, Daskalos quotes lines from the Nicene Creed. I recite this creed every week during Sunday service. However, there's a line in the creed that states Jesus Christ "...will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead." Did Daskalos ever talk about Jesus returning ever, for any reason? I feel like this one particular line of the creed doesn't seem to jive with Daskalos' writings very will - especially the idea of God judging us. D: Hi Steven the judgement of God part is not right - Christ does not Judge us. Actually, we judge ourselves by our actions which are reflected in the truth of Christ. And come to us as consequences. Whenever someone asked if Christ would come back Daskalos replied strongly that "He never Left" The truth about the second coming is that He eventually will come "back", but in each one of us - fully at the moment of our SelfRealization.

Q: Do energy vampires exist? And if yes, what is the mechanism behind it and how can we protect from those people? D: Yes, they existed as personalities with very low energy and they subconsciously (in most cases) seek others with more energy to draw from to make up for their lack of energy. But you see there is "something" on them that depletes their normal energy supply that makes them seek more energy from other. That something, in most cases, are their own destructive elementals. Energy always flow from the one who has more to the one who has less. Unless you become conscious of your own energy field and do not allow that to happen. Best protection in this regard is being vigil – alert and awake. And protective Talismans help too. There are also non-physical energy vampires who can come through the etheric

and draw great quantities of energy from people on earth - but this is rarer. And Always there is something (negative) in the living person that allows this connection. But without that correspondence negativity, this does not happen. As Daskalos always said the Best protection is a pure heart!

Q: what is the correct attitude concerning elementals that surface from the subconscious? if we recognize them as such , either negative or positive, should detached observation be the best way to neutralize them? or if strong enough that they send a wave of emotions or sweep ones awareness away , do we ride it out, or just fight to bring our awareness back D: Never fight back that only energizes them. We de-energize them by removing our attention from them. It is the energy of our intention that is empowering them. Detached observation enables us to recognize them, but then we must remove unhealthy and dead ones from our home (sub consciousness) by never reenergizing them again. We remove them from of our home, out of the noetical body through the brain and forget them. Before going to sleep, we must take out every unnecessary and dangerous thought. We do it just before sleep when our sub consciousness is more porous. It is easier to imprint good programming at that very moment. Q: I have come across a few different opinions on where the soul resides in relation to the material body. Would appreciate your insights. D: The Pure Soul resides in the Noetic State which is everywhere. So, in this regard the Soul of everyone is everywhere. but the Soul sends out only a single ray of itself to be incarnated. That ray enters the worlds of existence the noetical, psychical and material worlds. That ray of the Soul is like the backbone of the personality in all these worlds of existence. As a personality in the material world we are in the Soul all the times because it is

everywhere. But we do not often experience the truth of that. But in terms of "where" as a locality we can say the field of activity of the ray of the Soul is in the luminous egg-shaped oval of light surround our body that is known as the Aura. This is our main contact point for the Soul.

Q: I have a question about what Daskalos said are the aims of a Researcher of Truth. On one of the lessons given on the website, it has that there are three aims. (I have included the summary in his words below). I understand the third aim, which is to study the present-day personality and to eliminate our egoism. But I am not sure what is the meaning of the first two... The first one is to find out the origin and nature of phenomena of life around us by using Mind (meditating). What does this mean? That we contemplate about plants, animals, the creation? It makes me think of science, but I am not sure how this is done through meditation. Or does this mean contemplating the Creator in the creation, etc.? For the second one, Daskalos says: "This is the second and the most important branch of our study: using the Mind as reason, we ourselves personally, by personal experiences will definitely come, to know the truth about Life, our personality, our relation to the other phenomena of life and our relationship with the Absolute Infinite Reality, with God." Again, I am not sure how one arrives at this using reason... Just by contemplating, can we arrive at certain conclusions? Do you have some examples of these two tasks? Summary in Daskalos words: “We mentioned the first interesting branch of study: to find out the origin and the nature of the phenomena of life around us by using the Mind (meditating). The second branch is to study the reality concerning us as human beings now. As divine immortal Spirit-Ego-Souls? For the time being no need to engage ourselves with that introspection. We will that find out. So, we mentioned also the second branch of our study as the Seekers of the Truth.” Why is the third one now (as important as the previous ones)? To study seriously the nature of our present-day personality as human beings. To study seriously and sincerely the causes of all this confusion and misery in our life in this material world. D: The overall aim Of the Researchers of Truth is Self-Realization - to

realize we are the Soul Self and not only the personality Self. To that end the other three aims lead to the main aim. All the forms of Life - plants, animals, the phenomena of Life, have life by they are not The Life. There is something behind their appearance on the material plane. And that something are the Archetypal ideas of all these forms of life in the Divine Plane. And the Holy Spirit's emissaries the Archangels use these eternal Archetypes in manifesting these temporary forms of Life. But to really understand that you must meditate and contemplate what all that means. The other one about using reason means we must think all this through logically to come to an understanding of not only who we are as a personality but also what we are as a Spirit Soul. You cannot really understand something about what God is if you do not understand what you are. You cannot understand what you are without understanding something about what God is. You cannot understand what the phenomena of life is compared to what you are without understand something about yourself. All this works together in crescendo. As you penetrate the meaning of one it gives you understanding about the other. For example, when you come to understand the animals cannot use the mind to create thoughts Then you realize the what a privilege humankind has because they can and do use the Mind to create thoughts and change their way of life dramatically. No animal can do that.

Q: Why is there a distinction between our subconscious mind and the elementals in the subconsciousness? For me the whole description of the subconscious mind sounds just like elementals of the subconsciousness fulfilling their orders without reasoning if it is good or bad. So why the separation? Or do i miss something here? D: Your Subconscious mind is that area of your mind in which your elementals are stored. There is a big distinction between the conscious part of your mind and the subconscious part of your mind. The conscious part of your mind which is aware of your elementals (the thoughts, feelings and desires you express). The subconscious part of your mind is that part which is not aware of your elementals (the thoughts, feelings and desires you

harbor. Think of the subconscious mind like a storehouse for all your elementals and your subconsciousness is that state of consciousness created by those elementals.

Chapter Sixteen INTROSPECTION AND THE COMMON SELFHOOD The Esoteric Practices book page 105 - 109

This Lesson is again on working with your subconscious mind and faith and relates to the Common Selfhood. We all share equally in the Common Selfhood of God. As a Self-Aware Soul, we are as cells in the Absolute Selfhood of God. Unfortunately, as small self-aware personalities we feel a very strong sense of being different and separated from one another and from God. In this week’s practice, we will consider all that and use the Golden Key of Introspection and our subconsciousness to close the gulf between us and others. We will introspect on our feelings, words and actions, particularly as it pertains to others. This is the most important of the exercises of the Researchers of Truth. But most people do not give much effort to do this or if they do, they often say they do not see anything wrong. This is because the elementals associated with our errors hide like cockroaches at night when you turn the light of introspection on. Nonetheless, please persevere and you will find the errors and your weaknesses that burden your life. And that is a great benefit not only to yourself but to the others around you. Because through this process you'll reach the understanding that your errors, weaknesses and burdens are also the errors, weaknesses and burdens of all human beings and so in this regard they are yours too, because of the Common Selfhood. If you can manage to free yourself from them, then you will be able to help free the others from theirs too. That's what Joshua the Christ has done: He had shouldered the vices of humanity; this is the real meaning of the cross that he shouldered, is shouldering and will continue to shoulder. However, you will not be able to come to that understanding unless you first find and admit through your own study and Introspection, that each and every human being is a child of our father God just like you are… and so you must love them “as yourself” just like Christ was advising. That was Joshua’s instruction to everyone: Love your fellow Human beings around you as you love yourself…. Not less! Why?

Because in truth they really are yourself – this is the Common Selfhood. And you cannot in good faith claim you love God unless you love the other human beings around you. This does not just mean love your neighbor as yourself, that was a miss translation. Christ was not advising us only to love those who live in our same social-economic neighborhoods. The advice was to love all our fellow human beings. And the promises of the Researchers of Truth further this point with their fifth promise: “To love and serve my fellow human beings sincerely from the depths of my heart and Soul no matter what their behavior may be towards me”. In spiritual circles, everyone talks (and talks and talks) about, and wants to raise their consciousness to higher and higher levels. But did you know that there is no more effective way to do that than through the sincere application of the fifth promise. By applying this promise, we will come to find our place in God, not only as an Eternal Spirit Being but as a purified personality. Because at the core, as the backbone of the personality we are a god – an offspring of God. And even if that child’s behavior is bad, a naughty child of God is still a child of God. So, when Christ was saying all are sons and daughters of the Almighty, addressing the people of Israel (even the members of the Sanhedrin who condemned him to the most-cruel death) he was not only speaking to their Spirit-Soul Selves. He was speaking to them as human beings. So even as human beings we are part of the divine Common Selfhood. Even though it takes real effort to reach to a solid understanding of the Common Selfhood and to see the difference between an individual self and the Common Selfhood - we must try! And when we reach that high and enter the Common Selfhood, we all have a common name. What is your name then? It is “I” – that is the Spirit. We can even say “I Am” - that is the Spirit and the Soul together. In the Common Selfhood that is the name of all of us. And realizing that “I” is what is what we seek. That “I” is what we are trying to find through meditation and other spiritual practices. It is only when we leave/lose our awareness of the Common Selfhood that we start saying, I am Vera, I am Chuck, or I am Dave. So even feeling as a separate personality saying I am and then adding your given name you are saying the whole truth without knowing it. And looking back at all your previous incarnation you had a series of names added to that “I Am”. And not one of them could even begin to dream of who

you are today and the life you are living today. Likewise, you will have a series of future incarnations adding new names to that “I Am”. And the one you consider yourself to be today cannot even begin to dream of the life you will be living in the future. Turn your attention away from the constantly changing personality you are expressing now, the one you think you are today and find that changeless I Am in the Common Selfhood! Eventually we all will have an experience of the Common Selfhood and have the first-hand realization. There is no such thing as them and us. everyone is us. But to reach there we must make and effort at real Introspection to weed out all the them and us thoughts, words, feelings and actions that we habitually do each day. Look at your hand Daskalos would sometimes say. When your attention is on the different fingertips, it is like they are separate from one another. But if you trace back each finger to the palm of your hand you realize the hand is one. The Common Selfhood is something like that. In doing so you will be able to control your emotions and thoughts. You will come to know what they really are, and you will realize that you can change them. This means you have shifted your identification from all your thoughts and emotions, which constantly change, to the one who can change them (That’s you). And this is a quantum leap forward in your spiritual unfoldment. Now you have become the master of your life, the master of your destiny.

Comments and Questions

Q: Is the permanent personality and the “I Am” the current expression – the temporary personality? D: No. The Permanent Personality is the expression of the Soul in the Worlds of Existence. The Am, that is expressing the Permanent Personality and that is expressing the temporary or present-day personality of this lifetime. The I, is the Spirit. The Am, is the Soul, the pure Soul in the nondual realms of Beingness and the Soul’s expressive part in the worlds of existence is called the Permanent Personality, which is also sometimes called the Soul Personality or the Seat of the Soul.

Q: When you say first comes feeling then hearing then seeing what, does it mean when you do for example a visualization of a colored ball that you also hear the color? Though I have the feeling my visualizations are getting slowly, slowly better I don’t really experience sounds in any way. D: We gave that description in terms of how we first become aware of your Guardian Angel and your Inner Self, the Permanent Personality. But yes, eventually you will be able to hear the sounds of a visualization. For example, in our exercises when we are visualizing drawing the triangle on the snow-white floor, we visualize golden light coming from our hand to draw the lines of the triangle. This light has a certain sound when it comes from your hand. With enough practice, over time, we will come to hear the sounds of the colors we visualize.

Q: A little while ago you were mentioning Daskalos and how he was saying that he will be the last one to enter in full Theosis because he chooses to become one of the brothers of mercy. This got me thinking, will there ever be a time when every single one of us will enter full Theosis? If so, then will that mean that humans will no longer incarnate to the material world? I had the thought that maybe part of life is that there will always be humans at different stages of spiritual unfoldment and therefore there will always be humans incarnating to the material world. What are your thoughts? D: Actual that was a reference to liberation not Theosis (becoming one with God – deification). Daskalos was referring to being liberated from the earthly cycles of incarnation. After everyone on the planet earth becomes Self Realized, and some other work in creation, then all will be liberated from incarnating on earth. Yet there is much, much more to come after liberation from incarnation but before everyone from earth will enter Theosis. But yes, all are destined to return to God in Theosis. But even then, we retain our human I-ness and we can come back out of the oneness with God and incarnate as a human or the logos of a heavenly body at any time if we choose to. And theoretically in Theosis anyone could chose to no longer incarnate because of Free Will. But being one with

God in Theosis we are also one with the purpose of the Divine Plan and so Theosisized Beings choose to return help others achieve the purpose of the Divine Plan wherever they are needed anywhere in the Universe.

Q: I was wondering if you will teach more about the Symbol of Life with these lessons. D: A public Facebook page is not a permitted venue to have an advanced discussion about the Symbol of Life. But we are working on a teaching and training course on the Symbol of Life which will be presented in future workshops.

Q: can you tell me please something about blessing? Many people I know say "bless you/it" to almost everything. I guess it is something like wish to multiply person good luck in his activity, doesn't matter if it is good or bad. But I have not a complete picture about it. Plus, how to do it correctly? D: When a human being creates a prayer or a kind and loving thought for or about someone it creates and human in nature angel – it is an elemental, but it is an angelic one. And as it is sent to that loved one or someone calling themselves an enemy, we are extending a blessing to that person. It is more powerful if we put the intention that this angelic elemental blesses the person it is sent to. Thus, a blessing creates a human in nature angel, but a negative thought/wish is a curse that creates a human in nature demon. This must always be kept in mind and considered as we formulate our thoughts and feelings about other. Because blessings & curses always, unerringly come back home to the sender. For every negative thought we have, it creates a kind of self-punishment to our personality. It is a psycho-noetical poisonous toxin that first must come through our heart and mind before it is sent to the other person. And after striking that person’s aura it comes back to you enriched 7 times, as Christ says, and enters our subconsciousness making things worse for us. And it works the same for blessing but the resulting harvest for you is beneficial. This shows it is in our own best interest to never hold or send negative thoughts but create and send blessings of love. Blessings and curses are governed by the

immutable Law of Cause and Effect: what you sow so shall you reap. This is the law of Karma or what the Researchers of Truth call the Law of Destiny. So, the first thing we need is to learn how to create these angelic elementals in the correct way for our own good, for others and for our general environment. Extending these kinds will be a blessing for those in our homes and daily environments. We should never miss an opportunity to send our blessings. You can do it when you send an email, a text message or when you exchange money with a cashier – literally any interactions with outers is an opportunity to extend Blessings!

Q: As I'm reading and listening about the level of consciousness called SelfConsciousness, I want to ask about how it is experienced. Is this described as the level which is Self-Realization. Also, how does it feel like to know yourself as the Soul? Is this describable in any way? For example, is it a feeling you have that you are life itself? How does this happen (or how would you know if you have reached the state)? D: Definitely you will know when you experience it. Most people have felt/experienced that they are something greater than just their personality with their idiosyncrasies, weaknesses and strengths. But Currently, common people live mostly subconsciously. So, our intention is to come out of that unacceptable subconscious condition and become conscious. This level of alert consciousness has a vast range of degrees: somewhat conscious, more conscious, even more conscious until we reach the level of True Self Consciousness, which is to say Soul Self Awareness. True Self Consciousness (with a capital “S”) has no levels. However, self-consciousness as a personality (with a small “s”) has many, many levels. But this is not the Self Consciousness we refer to as Self-Realization. Real Self Consciousness is realizing yourself as the Soul and not the change personality. Yet we must start with this first level of self-consciousness of our personality in knowing who we are as a personality with all our strengths and weakness. This is what introspection is for. To help us disentangle the Real Self from its shadow self, which is the personality. Then we can distinguish and make comparisons between our expressions as a personality-self and our nature as the Soul Self…

we only really learn by comparison. Yes, you are right The Soul is Life. Whereas the Soul’s expression as a personality is only a phenomenon of life. As a phenomenon of life our personality with its bodies had a beginning and will one day come to an end. Our personality is always changing and never steady. However. as The LIFE our Spirit-Soul Self everlasting and is not changing. It is the steady center point of receiving impressions in us, no matter what level of self-consciousness you are expressing now. Find that immovable point within you and you will have found your Soul Self. What does that feel like? You feel Self Sufficient – nothing needs to be added to you and nothing can be taken away. You have everything because you are everything. It is not all that possible to describe this in words. It must be experienced. Sometimes it is said that as a personality we live on Earth but as a Soul the earth lives in us. That is true but are those true words strong enough to be able to convey the real meaning of it? Can words of any language communicate what that feels like? No! You must have the direct experience to really understand it. Once you have the experience you will not need any words to describe it. But we cannot have that experience as along as we are identified with the shadow of the Soul Self, our personality self. That is why we must sincerely make the effort to practice introspection, observation, contemplation and meditation to distinguish our personality self from the Soul Self. Both are active simultaneously but because as a personality we are always looking outside ourselves for everything using or material senses (the five foolish virgins) we do not look within to find and recognize the steady point of Soul Self Awareness which is as the backbone of the personality.

Q: I was wondering if I'm doing the candle concentration exercise correctly. Essentially, I'm focusing my gaze and attention on a flame (or any object really), doing relaxed patterned breathing with the intent of not allowing any thoughts or emotions to swim up from my subconsciousness to disturb me. Does that sound about right?

D: Yes, that is the correct way.

Q: In Daskalos' book about Joshua Immanuel, he said that Jesus went around teaching lessons from the Old Testament & the Sepher Yetzirah. And even expanded on those teachings give explanations on how the Archangels are constantly working within our bodies - healing & maintaining them. It's got me wondering if there's a reason why Christ's teachings about the Archangels do not appear in the New Testament. Did Daskalos ever discuss this point? D: It says very little about this subject. As Daskalos and other masters have said much was taken out of the New Testament. But there are 108 references to angels in the Old Testament and 175 in the New Testament. Most in the New Testament mostly in Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and the letters from Paul. Here is one where Christ said, "I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repented" As we said in the Sedona seminar, the original meaning of Greek word sin was "To miss the mark" in other words - to error or make a mistake. And repenting does not mean lamenting or beating yourself up and feeling guilty. The original Greek word for repent was metanoia which means a change of heart, mind and behavior.

Chapter Seventeen LEARNING TO LOVE AN ENEMY The Esoteric Practice book page 110 - 113

This is a most important lesson and a most powerful practice. We do this practice on an individual basis but just think how powerful it would be if done collectively by a large group of people. We could prevent wars and calm down regional & global conflicts. Everyone has noticed that it is much easier to make an enemy than it is to make a friend. But as Researchers of Truth we are not allowed to have enemies. We may have others who consider themselves our enemies, but we should never, ever consider others as our enemy. At worst, someone who considers you as their enemy is nothing more than a brother or sister who is under illusion… shrouded by the dark clouds of ignorance and burdened by the strong sense of separation. So, in this regard, this person is more in need of our prayers and love than our friends are. As we said in before, we all are part of the Common Selfhood of humanity. So, as Researchers we must resist the temptation of polarizing others as enemies. Because God is making the heart of every other person beat just like yours, even an enemy is a beloved offspring of God just as you are. In this regard, you cannot possibly be an enemy to another human being without first being an enemy to God in you. But if you are wise and look past the tendency to polarize the situation into a “them and us” downward spiraling attitude, you will be amazed at how you can be benefited. For example, often it can start with someone accusing you, attacking you will words complaining and maybe even insulting you. What do we do? Or better yet what should we do? First don’t allow yourself to be affected by what they say. Try to get into a detached witness state of mind. Honestly think it over. Maybe they are completely wrong or maybe they see something you don’t see and are to a degree right, although expressing it wrongly. If you argue back it will not help,

it will just make the person become more aggressive. So just think about what he or she is saying and ask yourself if they are right or wrong. Of course, your egoism will be quick to jump up and say he is wrong and try to turn the attention on their faults and not yours. But do not let the egoism interrupt your search for the truth. No need to quarrel with them if they are wrong or no need to humiliate yourself and feel guilty if you are wrong. All we want is to research the situation and find the truth. Not being affected by what they say but looking objectively to see if what they are saying is wrong or right. Sometimes they are telling us (in a disagreeable way) something right that we can change for our own betterment. So, in this case the person behaving like an enemy is helping us see something we did not notice before. Just listen to what is being said but do not allow yourself to be affected by the attack. In this way, our so-called worst enemy can be turned into our best friend. Daskalos tells a personal story about loving your enemies that is worth including in this conversation. He narrated this story: “Do you think if you love, and you know how to love (not just egoistically but impersonally) - do you think anyone can injure you and become an enemy? When I was young, I had a fellow working at my workplace. Poor fellow, he thought that I was an obstacle in his progress, he was seeing me being benefited in the promotions at work. I was laughing. When there were promotions, I took him and said, ‘Come, you go on and take the promotion. I don't care about it.’ Well, I behaved in this way many times and one time he came to me and said, ‘Why can I not hate you? I want to hate you, but I cannot hate you.’ I said, ‘But you don't love me, either but try to do it.’ He said, ‘No’, he replied, ‘I'll never love you.’ I continued, ‘Then try to hate me.’ He said: ‘I cannot hate you.’ I said, ‘Then don't hate me. And we became friends.’

Yes, making friends is better than making enemies. And to make friends and stop making enemies, fight egoism in you. You can never be an egoist and know how to love properly. Something else. Evil is fighting against evil and good. Goodness is only strengthening goodness. Now, choose in which side you go”. In conclusion; to focus and identify others as our enemy is a trick of our own egoism distracting us from our true enemy. In truth, the greatest enemy of a human being is all the devilish elementals (negative thoughts and emotions) created in their personality and in their subconsciousness. These as a group often presents itself as an angel of light as Christ said. It does not matter what it presents, because egoism is always a devil, a collection of all the elementals of ill will we harbor and express. Unless we get rid of these egoistic thoughts and feelings, we will never be able to awaken up our real Self-Consciousness, the Soul-Spirit Self. So, please give due attention to this week’s practice of loving enemies. It is so important to our aim of Self Realization.

Comments and Questions

D: When we say we are to love our enemies... what does it really mean? It means we find real love for them in our heart. If we say we loved them from our head, it means we are not really loving them but only tolerating them.

Q: Now, I cannot recall a thing from any of my previous incarnations. It makes me wonder, what if in the next life I don't remember any of these teachings? Is that likely? Can one backslide after significant progress has been made in a previous life, or is that doubtful? D: Everything you truly learn is never lost - it becomes part of your Permanent Personality. But in the next incarnation if you as your next personality do not have a connection to the Permanent Personality in that lifetime you will not remember it. It may come through as a talent, predisposition or just an inner sense of knowing, but to remember it you

would need to raise the consciousness of that future incarnation to the level it can access what is stored in the Permanent Atom held by the Permanent Personality.

Q: I want to help a friend find a new flat. I am wondering how I could do the visualization since I don’t know how the perfect flat for that person looks like. Do I limit the capacity for that elemental to help if I visualize a specific room when the best flat that is good for the person looks different? I also thought of combining this with the alleluia mantra. Is that a good Idea and how is it done? Should I lay it on the breath as the Sufis call it or say it loud? D: Teach him how to do it for himself. You can strengthen his work by visualizing him in a new flat smiling and feeling satisfied - but in this case you do not need to visualize the details of the flat - just see your friend happy with his new home. The alleluia mantra can be done either way you mention. The important thing is to keep in mind and visualize the solution as you say it.

Q: You say that in the beginning fifteen minutes practice plus introspection is enough. I am wondering what the outlook for intermediate and advanced work is. Are the practices longer or just more often? Or both? And one time in question session sixteen you answered a question of mine with this answer: "As you advance you will find you will be effective meditating longer by just visualizing a single image. Fifteen minutes is enough" I just wanted to make sure I understood the meaning of it correctly. Do you mean that I will realize that I will be most effectively by just visualizing one single image for fifteen minutes? Thank you! D: it does not make it better to do it for 30 minutes - ten to fifteen is enough especially for the beginner. Yes, our advanced meditations are longer but that is because they have many more consecutive parts or elements that lead someplace so you are not concentration on just one part of the exercise for longer than ten to fifteen minutes.

Q: This is a question of a friend who is not in the group: I recommended her the three suns mediation, but she said after she has done the practice in the morning, she is even more unconcentrated, confused and jittery than before. I have suggested to not do it too long, but she is already only doing ten to fifteen minutes max. My thought was that her concentration may be too week, so that her elementals overwhelm her during and then after the practice, but she said she feels quite concentrated during it. So, what are your thoughts on that, and do you have suggestions what to do? Because as for now the practice seems to not really help her and do the opposite. D: For this to meditation or any meditation the person must learn to silence the thoughts and emotions coming from the subconsciousness and instead of meditating the person just ends up thinking with their eyes closed. In this case the elementals will be strengthened and that makes the person feel weaker.

Q: Can we use the five-pointed star elemental we draw around ourselves to deflect elemental's coming back toward us. The ones we create. D: The best practice for that is the double ix-pointed star - this one protects us from external negative elementals and the negative elementals coming from our own sub consciousness.

Q: I'm curious and wanting to understand more about the lessons surrounding the physical body. Daniel, you explained before something to the effect that the lessons of the noetical body have to do with wisdom, mental development, (probably willpower as well), the lessons of the psychical body have to do with emotional maturity and also probably awareness, and virtue/interior silence, then are the lessons of the physical body something to do with survival in the world and exercise/body awareness, work and practical skills? I wonder if this is a good way to categorize or talk about some of the lessons, we all must learn in each incarnation. And of course, the spiritual lessons of loving God, others (including loving our enemies or those who consider themselves our enemies, which is the focus of this lesson), and to tolerate, be patient and

kind, and to seek the Truth and live it. I am guessing that The Esoteric Practices can help in all the aspects, but I am weak in the physical aspect and want to see if it is very important for the seeker as well. Thanks for your answers D: We all come to earth with lessons to learn - but ultimately the lesson is the same for everybody and at all three levels - material- psychical or noetical (lower noetical) and that lesson is to love purely - unselfishly. If you love someone and expect something in return, then is a business deal and not real unselfish love. The lessons to love at the physical level is not about sex. But to express love in the form of care materially which means we try to relieve suffering by giving physically what is ours to give... just like with emotional suffering we give comfort and counsel to the best of our ability And the same with mental suffering,( when asked,) we offer guidance intellectually or spiritually... again to the best of our ability. To be whole and healthy we must balance all three bodies, material, emotional and mental. So, if you are feeling like your material body is weaker than the other two, then work on that one a little more to bring it back in balance using the sky-blue light.

Q: If images pop in during the three suns meditation, would it also mean elementals trying to disrupt the exercise? How do we create the six-pointed star to protect from the elementals, all around our physical body? Thank you again. D: Yes, it is just elementals rising from your subconscious mind to your conscious mind to feed, which distract and disempower your meditations. We must learn to silence these and learn to seal off this unwanted entry. This is one aspect of what Daskalos means when he says we must learn to control our elementals. or master our mind

Actually it is the double six-pointed star visualization the protects us from undesirable elementals coming from outside us and from the ones that rise from our sub conscious mind. see this practice in the Gates to the Light book.

Q: If someone is crying and I also want to start to cry - that is attunement, right? If I am crying, God also feels that vibration. D: It is a level of attunement made possible by the sensate ether in your etheric double of your psychical body. But it speaks of an even higher truth associated with the Universal Law of One. As personalities we feel separate from others even those in our own family. But each of us is like a cell in the common Selfhood of God as we said before. This Common selfhood is what Christ was trying to teach in his sheep and goats parable That whatever happens to one of us is really happening to all of us. When you hear and see about the suffering in Syria by the poisons gas attacks on the people don't you suffer a bit too? This is due to the Law of One.

Chapter Eighteen Three Suns The Esoteric Practices book page 114 – 117

The Three Suns exercise is a basic but very important practice for both beginner and advanced researcher. The exercise like most of the others is vital training for the mastering of the three natures of the etheric vitality that we are entrusted with: The imprinting, the kinetic, and the sensate. With the imprinting ether, we visualize the colored light. With the kinetic ether, we expand the size of the three suns and with the sensate ether we can feel the ether inside our body or outside as the suns expand beyond our material body. In this and other exercises we see the three suns overlapping but the colors do not mix, as described in the book. How is that possible? In the three-dimensional material world when two colors come together, they mix and make a third color. For example, blue and red colored paints or blue and red colored lights mix and make the violet color. But in the fourth and fifth dimensional psychical and noetical worlds the colors do not mix. So, for example in this visualization the blue and rosy color suns overlap but the colors remain separate and distinct. This because each is vibrating at a different frequency and so they do not combine. It is like how different radio station broadcast exist in the same room without mixing. It takes a lot of practices to come to be able to see this distinction clearly. An additional element of this practice is our wish to extend the light color radiances out into the general psycho-noetical environment for the benefit of others. Along with the extension of these beautiful radiances we implant in these angelic elementals a kind of programing, which is our wish that others be benefited with peace and understanding. As we become skillful and competent at this exercise, we can become creative in its expression. For example, let’s say you are sitting in a chair waiting in some public (and probably boring) place like a dentist office, an airport, BMV or the like. So instead of feeling board or impatient, do this exercise. And you can take it further by specifically creating an elemental of light all around you and filling

it with peace while you are waiting. Then when it is your time to go, deliberately leave that elemental in the chair as a blessing for the next person who comes to sit in the chair. Another expression. Let’s say you are riding in car as it passes through an economically depressed or troubled area of a city. You can extend any one or all the enlarged three suns into the areas you pass through with the wish that the people in this area be benefited with peace and understanding. These radiations connect your consciousness from subconscious to more and more alert levels of consciousness. With practice a dedicated Researcher of Truth can extend the light radiations of their aura of the etheric double of their material body for miles and miles and miles. This is called projection/extension and gives us the ability of “feeling at a distance”. This is only a phenomenon of the etheric double of the material body and not a psychical phenomenon as most people think. The aura of the psychical and noetical body extends much further but remember they are beyond the sense of space found in the third dimension. With further practice one can even extend their perceptive ability all the way to Super-Consciousness. Super Consciousness means the range of receiving impressions is not limited giving you the ability to not only receive impressions but also interpret specific frequencies of vibrations of the ether coming from great distances (if you choose to). Again, this is what researchers call projection, but in a very high degree. But really it is not enough just to sit there receiving impression coming from a distance and watching them as you watch the scenes of a movie. It might be very fascinating to your personality, but it is not of much use, it is not what we are trying to achieve by raising our consciousness. What we are trying to accomplish is to reach Self-Super-Consciousness, which means being aware of what you are while in this state of Super-Consciousness. The difference between Super Consciousness and SELF Super Consciousness is the difference between sitting and getting these impressions coming from afar and being there at the source of these impression.

Comments and Questions

Q: I am wondering why the topic of elementals has never really been a major part of spiritual teachings until recently. Living my life with the awareness of elementals has benefited me tremendously and it seems kind of sad that only in recent times has it come to light. Was this done intentionally? D: Christ taught about them calling them deaf & dumb spirits, unclean spirits and evil spirits. And the Sufi's have for a long time taught about them, they call them Muwakkals, to the Buddhist and Hindus in the ancient Sanskrit language are called Vasanas. Even behavioral psychologists theorized about them calling them Memes, which they considered as cultural, behavior and ideational elements passed from one person to another in society. We call them elementals. An Internet meme can be an image or video of a person or animal with a clever caption that typically spreads through social media almost as fast as human thought forms (elementals) travel around the world. So, this is not a new teaching at all, it is just most spiritual groups today really don't know much about them, so they do not teach much about them - at best they are generically called thought forms by certain groups.

Q: I was wondering, which other planets in our solar system are currently inhabited & on which planes? Is every other race in our solar system an "E.T.I.", or are there some human beings in a more advanced stage of evolution? D: All of planets are inhabited if you count the planetary logos of each planet, which is from the Archangelic order called Dominions. They in charge of the psychical phenomena of the planet and of any being living on their planet physically, psychically or noetically. On some, the material planet does not support life as we think of it but can have so called ETI living in the psycho-noetical counter part of that planet. Human beings are an Archangelic expression and so are what we call ETI. Just think - the physically universe is estimated to be 13.8 Billion years old and our planet is estimated to be 4.6 Billion years old. So, a race living on a 4.7-billion-yearold planet could have had an advancement over humans on earth by a

Million years. Can you imagine what we as a race will be like in a million years? More we cannot reveal in this public forum.

Q: What are the planetary Logi of the planet from the Order called Dominions? What are they in charge of? Also, a question I asked before was if the archangels of different Orders signify simply that they oversee different tasks? Or are they on different levels of evolution? Are the archangels on the higher orders more advanced in some way? D: Each Logi is an Eternal Spirit Being overseeing its entire planet and the population of its planet. The logos of the planet Earth is in full attunement with each of us. Yes, the Archangels are programed with specific task to perform. All the Archangelic Orders have a different programing to accomplish its task which is different than the task of other Archangelic Orders. The archangels are all the same there are no degrees of evolution the only differences in the work they perform. In the sense that some work behind the Divine Laws and some work on the Divine Laws in their creation of the universes and everything in them. We might consider some as higher and lower, but it is not really like that because all orders are in full At-OneMent with God the only differences in the work they perform.

Q: You said in this exercise we do what the Researchers of Truth call projection. What then do you call expansion? Because for me it feels like expansion in this exercise. Thank you! D: Projection and expansion are different words for the same process which is not to be confessed with Exosomatosis.

Q: When projecting energy onto areas in despair, should we also use sensate ether? I feel when I also use sensate ether it is like I am projecting my energy, like opening my field to the targeted object or objects, risking losing energy. Makes sense? D: We use the sensate ether in all cases like this - that is not your problem

the problem comes when you do not disconnect the sensate (aesthetic) ether in the projection from the sensate in your body. That is why we create balls of light fill them with the power of the sensate, kinetic and imprinting ethers then send them and they disconnect from you before going to the trouble area or person. Or in the case of this exercise once you project it into such an area, be decisive and terminate the exercise consciously so you do not stay subconsciously connect with the projection and pick up undesirable things and energies. Make sense?

Q: I have some kind of "tick" where I feel pressured to do small movements with some body parts like squinting with the eyes or grunting of shaking with the head. You will probably have seen people do this. I see others who have a similar problem all the time. I am wondering what it is and what I could do to get rid of it. It gets stronger when I have stress but even in full relaxation in meditation it is there... I can control it to some decree and in what body part it expresses for some degree, but it is never not there... Some psychologists say it is because there is too much dopamine in the system and less serotonin, so I have tried it with orange light in the thyroid. Some who I have talked to say I have an aggression problem and don’t express my aggression enough... I have the feeling it is true in the sense that I have difficulties in asserting myself but expressing aggression is bullshit I think... What are your thoughts on this thing and where this elemental comes from and how to get rid of it? D: I agree with you, this is not coming from not expressing aggression. It is driving by elementals. But ultimately It doesn't really matter where this elemental driven behavior came from our its cause because the solution to it would be the same. It is the same solution as for every other undesirable elemental driven physical, emotional or mental behavior. Firstly, you must come to an un-conflicted decision to eliminate it (unconflicted is the important part). Of course, not by fighting it but by taking your attention away from it. The problem in this case is that you have let’s say "subconsciously" authorize/allowed this tick to directly access to your body through it etheric double anytime it wants. And you accepted it. Which means there is no guard at the door to prevent this from happening. You do not mention how long you have had this problem but the fact that it is exerts it influences during meditation when the Master (you) should be in charge

of his home. Secondly the Master (you) must claim your home, which means you consciously must start dialing down this behavior to regain control. Slowly, slowly reduce the amount of time you let this happen. This might be hard at first but if you can do it even a little tiny bit at a time you can regain control. The final step is to replace it with another behavior. For example, instead of grunting say a mantra like "Alleluia" Instead of squinting try consciously smiling.

Q: Would Daskalos have advised against seeing scary/horror movies? D: Definitively - but why? all image seen by the eye get stored in the subconsciousness. Confused, horrifying images turn your subconsciousness into a frightening jungle marshland. And the research of truth is doing practices to drain those foul-smelling subconscious swamps. So, in this regard you are making you job much, much harder by letting these image get implanted. And it does not matter if you say to your self - it is only a movie; it is not real. There have been many high-level studies done that prove the effect on the subconscious and nervous system is the same if it is virtual or “real”. for example, a solider in war and someone playing the first-person shooter games. The sub consciousness just accepts and stores it is not capable of rationalizing such things. And the neurological test shows the same reactions in the brain of a solider fighting in war and a person fighting in a first-person shooter game.

Q: What was Daskalos' opinion on national armed forces? His teachings are so anti-nationalism and anti-violence of any kind - which I couldn't agree with more. We've got to drop all our many different "us vs. them" mentalities. So, I don't know how to reconcile my beliefs with supporting our troops. I feel like I could never be a soldier. At any moment they could be ordered to kill some enemy. As researchers, we know that we should call no one our enemy, & moreover we should love anyone who calls themselves our enemy. But at the same time, I want people to be defended against all dangers foreign & domestic. There's a bunch more to say on this, but the

point is it's a confusing issue for me. D: He was not for anything that created division. And it is the current world system of them vs us that causes this division. So, I know he would think it better to work for reconciliation that for one side to beat the drums of war which only causes the other side to rattle their sabers in defiance. He was caught up in the local Turkish invasion of Cyprus and the Greek government put him in charge of a local district and gave him a machine gun. But of course, he never shot anyone. Moreover, he once he tried to negotiate a peace to stop armed Greeks and Turks from shooting each other in a small local skirmish and a Turk shot him with a shotgun. Also, he said when had to shoot he shot over the heads of the Turks to scare them. The self-preservation imperative is hardwired in every living thing. So, it is natural to defend one’s self, family and non-combatants when threatened with harm or death. We have that right. But to go off to war and kill others for “God and Country” is not the self-preservation imperative.

Q: Can you elaborate on how this exercise relates to the parable of the unclean spirit in taking responsibility of our own thought-forms while not absorbing the projections of others? D: When we do this exercise the light from the suns burns off the unclean spirits which mean you are taking responsibility for your own elementals and choosing to purify them through the light of this exercises. It also feeds and energizes all three bodies with etheric vitality and keeps them healthy. Simultaneous when you work with the light, shape it and empower it in and around you create a protective shield that prevents you from the projections of other from entering and harming you.

Chapter Nineteen CREATING PEACE The Esoteric Practices book page 118

Clean our hearts to reflect God’s Love toward God and towards all other human beings. Because our love is God’s Love. This week’s lesson is a practice which enables each of us to do something tangible about the troubling world conditions around us. As you may know Daskalos lived and taught on the Greek Island off Cyprus, 65 miles of the coast of Lebanon where the clash between the different sects of the Muslims and Christians destroyed the city of Beirut and much of its population. Daskalos had eight Circles for the Research of Truth with over 200 students there at the time and at the end of the conflict only two of these students were still living and that is because they left. In 1974, Muslims from Turkey invaded Cyprus killing and chasing the GreekCypriot Christians from their homes on the north side of the island to the south before UN troops halted the invasion. This left a UN controlled neutral zone called a green line dividing the capitol city of Nicosia – Daskalos’ home. Daskalos lost friends, family and students to this invasion and knew all too well the cost of nationalistic conflict. This forced division between Turkish-Cypriot Muslims and Greek-Cypriot Christians continues to this day on Cyprus. Daskalos often warned about the danger of creating us versus them nationalistic elementals and how, if energized by a great many people become the driving mechanism that has caused wars, bloodshed and so much suffering on our home planet earth. Rather he advised we should put aside national egoism (which he called a real devil) and check to make sure we are giving real love for the other side, which is the gift our Soul and that we are not giving curses that come from our personality. There is so much suffering in our material world and we cannot ignore that and only seek our own personal experiences in higher worlds. In the worlds of separateness, we live under the powerful forces of duality. In this condition, it is

very easy for us to fall into a “them and us” mindset and polarize groups or individuals into pairs of opposites. You can see the “them verses us” attitude between peers, professions, family members, religions, and between races. Nowhere is this shortsighted view more dangerous than at the national level. When one nation diametrically polarizes against another nation, very strong and dangerous conditions are created. So, this week’s practice is a call to all our like-minded brothers and sisters around the world to rise above the lure of conflict and create powerful prayers of peace. True peace is not the opposite of war. True peace has no polarized counterpoint. It is a peace that the world itself cannot give. But this kind of peace can be invoked in God and from our own Divine nature. By visualizing, while praying for peace we are consciously creating angelic thought-forms full of love and understanding for all humanity. These prayers empower the vibrations of harmony and infuse reason into insane situations. Transcending the “them verses us” mentality and restores our personal peace and leads us into greater realizations.

The Buddha taught: “Hatred does not cease hatred at any time; Hatred ceases only by Love”

Joshua Immanuel the Christ taught: “To hate those who love you is devilish To love those who love you is human To love those who hate you is Divine”

Daskalos taught: “We belong to one family, the human family, and all human beings inhabit the planet, our common home. And our home is not in need of boundaries and wars of shame (or green lines which should go away). What our heart should express is only love. Something else: Do you think if you love, and you know how to love (not just egoistically but impersonally) – do you think anyone can injure you, become an enemy? So, it's very easy to make enemies, it is more difficult to make friends.” “There has been recent recognition of communal prayer in affecting positive change over a given population. Tests have proven that if one per cent of a population collect in unison prayer a sharp change in behavior can be scientifically measured within that population. Such is the power of thought; such is the strength of love”. “There is too much pain, sorrow and strife in the world. Many want to contribute to the amelioration of the wounds of humanity yet feel helpless. Across the globe there is a network of researchers who synchronize their prayers for world peace and harmony. You are welcome to join this community”.

Comments and Questions

Q: About the Symbol of Life. I was wondering what the best way is to visualize it. Do you begin at center #10 and progress through each center spending some time on each center individually? Or do you try and visualize it all at once on the etheric double? Also, with the visualization are you trying to just keep your mind quiet and still or are you intentionally trying to think of certain things? D: You will do both. In the beginning try to do it complete but you will initially not be able to see the details of each center. But you can add those details later. The most important thing is to see the image in its entirety proportionally and be able to hold that image. It is easier if you build the image in front of you a few feet and when you get it clear and stable, then see yourself turning around and step back into it binging it into your etheric double, like putting on a coat.

Initially you keep the mind still and quite until you can hold it steady. Then you can try visualizing the sacred symbols in the centers and do the invocations accordingly and enter deeply into the meaning of them.

Q: I was wondering what your thoughts are on the Dalai Lama? Is he in fact who the Tibetans say he is? D: Yes, indeed he is who the Tibetans say he is his Spirit-Soul is the 14th reincarnation of all the previous 13 Dali Lamas.

Q: I have a question that regards an experience I had here in Brazil, and I am curious for I have seen Daniel practicing similar habits. A friend of mine invited me to go to a mystic circle connected to the White Brotherhood. There I met their leader and she invited me to have a "balancing of chakras" and later a "purge of the sensitive body" at a different date. Once at the purging session, she and other mystics all dressed in white, saw in my aura a past life person still connected to me: she had suicided and therefore was stuck in limbo, for she suicided after my death in a previous life and we had been lovers. One mystic channeled her presence, they talked with this energy and directed her to the light, the mystics claimed the invisible helpers were there to help her on the other side. After this they blessed me, and told me to not eat meat not alcohol for a week, and not wear black but preferably white. I am curious on what Daniel can comment on this, for I noticed he does wear white a lot. D: These recommendations have an effect. Not eating meat or taking alcohol keeps your vibration higher so if you did have a spirit (elemental) of a past suicide stuck and attached to your etheric double, and these people were

trying to free this elemental from you - then that recommendation of raising your vibrations and wearing white would help prevent it from re-attaching to you. But the real person from the past lifetime, not the elemental of them, has already moved on. In certain cases, the psycho-noetical body of a deceased person who had very strong earthly attachments can get attached to people, places and things but not for long. It is like the are swimming at the edge of a waterfall, sooner or later such a person can’t hold it and are delivered to the sub plane of the psychonoetical world. This is the Divine Plan and people can temporarily struggle against it, but they cannot override the Divine Laws governing these things.

Q: Not really a question. Hurricane Patricia in 2015 threatened the coast of Mexico with winds over 200 miles an hour. There was a post on a website requesting that a wall of white light be setup to keep the hurricane from damaging Mexico. The hurricane dissipated without much damage. The power of prayer? Hard to know or not know. D: The power of pray can and does produce such effects in the real world. There are many, many accounts like this.

Q: Recently during the three suns exercise I felt like simultaneously seeing the white five-pointed star in the solar plexus, a golden six-pointed star in the heart and a golden triangle around the head. Is that ok to do or should that be done in a separate practice? D: If you see it spontaneously then go into it and see what it offers you. Those are the correct positions for these symbols.

Q: I have started to do yoga, with the permission of the priest in my Orthodox Church. But he said not to do the mantras or anything that involves the gods of Hinduism. However, in the pranayama and meditation classes, this may be difficult. So, I just want to know, did Daskalos say anything about Christians engaged in other religious practices such as yoga,

or even Kabbalah? In the case of yoga, if I chant to Shiva, does that mean I am denying Christ in some way? Even if I am not denying Christ, would it mean I am connecting to an elemental of some sort and it could be harmful? How does one determine what is good and what is bad in terms of these practices? For example, is the Kabbalah potentially problematic, since I remember you mentioned that Moses placed the name of some negative elementals in the Etz Chayyim? But how would a regular person like me know that? In the past I was involved in new age practices and made the mistake of practicing some things which were harmful. I stay away now but I don't know what else is harmful. I know that it wouldn't be very necessary to learn the Kabbalah as we have the Symbol of Life from the Researchers of Truth. But it would be very helpful for me to know what your understanding is on this. D: There is no prohibition in seeking the truth. Which means we are free to study other systems. However, as Daskalos recommends we do so as a comparison to our system. We only learn by comparison. So his says "the bees in his behave are free to taste the flowers in the garden of other systems but to always return back home to the hive."

The Hindu gods are anthropomorphic gods which means they are elementals made by humans who ascribe certain human in nature aspects on to them. They become quite powerful as they have been energized by great numbers of people over a long time. I would say that Shiva is the oldest of the elemental gods that is still active today. So, this one is very strong and does help those who believe and pray to Shiva.

But what does Shiva represent? In Christianity, Hinduism and even the ancient Egyptian religion there is a trinity. Those great ones in each of these systems who have raised their consciousness high enough and encounter the Godhead experience it as a Trinity. In Christianity it is the father, son and Holy Spirit. In Egypt it was Ra, Osiris and Isis. In Hinduism this trinity is known as the Trimuti - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. So, seeing Shiva as a principle/power like the Holy Spirit and not an elemental with human inscribed attributes you are not denying Christ. Daskalos did not recommend us to study the Kabbalah or Tree of Life.

Instead he gave us the pure version of that teaching and practice in the Symbol of Life works.

Chapter Twenty COMMUNITY PRAYER FOR PEACE The Esoteric Practices book page 120

The power of prayer is well known, and miraculous stories abound as to the effectiveness of prayer particularly when it is done as a collective effort. Recently, I spoke with Quantum Biologist Dr. Glen Rein, who measures the results of healing prayers on human DNA. He reports that from his own research (and others) that is quantifiable and proves prayer, can and does produce changes in the length of human DNA strands. Many may already know about Masaru Emoto from Japan who was in the movie “What the Bleep do we know?" From his research, he claimed that human consciousness has a molecular effect on mater. Mr. Emoto exposed water in glasses to different words and music and then froze that water to observe with microscopic photography the shapes of the frozen crystals, which showed a marked difference between ones exposed to positive words and sounds which look beautifully harmonious, from the ones exposed to negative influences which revealed ugly crystal formations. As shown in his photos, water when exposed to different qualities of thought and intention, when froze, produced different shaped water crystals. It also shows crystals of the same water before and after Buddhists prayed over the water. Perhaps this effect has something to do with the age-old practice of praying over your food before you eat. The effect of prayer is well known. But what is prayer? A sincere prayer is an inward approach to our real Self and God. In real prayer, we ascend to higher and higher rungs on the ladder of relative truth. In one form of prayer, called concentric prayer, there is a focused concentration and meditation with the intent to know something. However, reciting some memorized words of a prayer mechanically while we are thinking of other things is not real prayer and it is not real effective. That is not concentration. For prayer to be effective we must be able to enter in the meaning of the words we are saying. It is a focused meditation with understanding…understanding what we are doing. This means we need concentration to make these kinds of effective prayers.

Also, we can say a prayer is a higher and higher meditation on a subject. Thus, prayer is a concentrated meditation with observation. Concentration, meditation and observation are real powers that the researcher is on the road to mastering. What does this mastery do for you? The gain is great as it will broaden and deepen your life. It gives you the experience of living in a much more meaningful way. And it gives you the power to understand that which you concentrate on in a continually deeper way. Then, over time, your personality’s self-consciousness will unfold itself into your true Self-Super Consciousness. A real prayer leads us in to higher and higher understanding of the Absolute Reality. Aimless mechanical prayers lead us nowhere. Self-centered prayers feed and increase your own egoism. Not that is wrong to make a prayer for what you need – that is good. But just check yourself first and make sure it is something good and not just some foolish desire. Making a prayer to the universe for harmful desires to be fulfilled for you, will not produce results. That is like a small child asking his father for a sharp knife – a sharp knife will not be given to a small child. Should we go to a special place to pray, like a church, temple, or mediation room? If you would like to, then definitely do it. But whatever locality we are in, the real “place” to pray is in our heart. Our heart is the inner sanctum in which to pray. But before you enter the heart to pray, make sure it is clean. Which means, make sure you do not have ill feelings towards others. If you hold ill feelings it will contaminate your prayer and not produce results. What kind of prayer should we make? For sure you want to make a warm prayer that you resonate strongly with. Fill that prayer with the fire of Spirit and release it to the universe completely to do its work. Often the most effective prayers come spontaneously from the heart. Just a simple prayer of your own creation is much more effective than reciting words of an official prayer that mean nothing to you. We can also ask our Inner Self to make the prayer we need. But in all cases, we must say the prayer with our heart not just our lips or in our mind only. Which means we not only create elementals with our words and actions but with our heart too. Every thought, desire, word, and action create what are called elementals – thought forms. Thoughts are not nothing, they are things. These thought-things for most are not visible to the material eye, but the strong ones can be felt by anyone. These thoughts have a form, power and purpose given to them by the

intention and motivation of the person expressing the thoughts, desires, words or actions. Which means that good prayers create constructive, angel-like elementals for the health and help of others. Just like expressing negative thoughts of dislike, hatred, jealousy, or of taking revenge about others creates destructive, demon-like elementals that curse and harm others. We must be careful not to create and send negativity, for after it harms others it returns to the one who initially expressed it and harms him or her too. Knowing all this, we will join collectively at 9 PM in your local time every evening and make a prayer for our community which is humanity itself. Make one of your own creation or use a known one from your own culture. At that time sit in silence for a few moments to center yourself and then make your prayer clear and strong while visualizing peace in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. As we said our prayer creates an elemental. And in this week’s practice each of our prayer elementals merge into one large group elemental created and empowered by the network of other researchers engaged in this practice. Do not underestimate the power of consciously created group thought forms – elementals. Godspeed to your good prayers!

Comments and Questions

Q: What a mystery that water understands, Tibetan, English, French, German. D: Water does not understand language it understands the universal idea/meaning behind the words from any language. It is similar with the archangels - If I say water and someone else says aqua the same universal idea/meaning is projected and that is received and understood by the Archangels.

Q: In a very silent night I sat down quietly myself in the darkness and went to my deep heart. I saw the alter there and I kindled a fire in the candle with the name of God and his holy Angels. It keeps me so alive. Sometimes when things get difficult, I go back to my heart and this alter to see this unbreakable fire. Now I must not flicker this light it is perfect fire, the power of God. At that moment I focus on my local community where I am physically located, and people there, my neighbors, local schools, next towns and next to that towns and whole Bristol then cover United Kingdom with the elementals of peace and love. And I extend them to Europe, Africa, and whole earth.

We are experiencing many terrorisms in United Kingdom, if you may already know, within last three months we had three terrorism and many people were killed. Fears/tears/sorrows/frustrations/even anger are being voiced daily at this time. D: That was a beautiful meditation you did. It is good to start visualizing locally and then extended it to your entire country and then to the world. Yes, we are aware of the increase in UK Terrorism in the last three months and we ask all who read this to join in this prayer for the UK and her inhabitants. But we can also see and understand these unfortunate painful evens like birth pains. The old world has begun its labor to give birth to a new world. And it is like Christ said: "A woman when she is in labor she hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, and only the joy that a child is born into the world."

Q: Did Daskalos ever discuss the Solar Logos? Did he mention any kind of connection between It and Christ? D: All Logi (planetary, solar, and galactic) are like cells in the body of the Christ Logos. This means our Solar Logos - or any Logi are servants of

Christ's Love and Grace. This means they are expressing themselves Logoically in the Worlds of existence but not as complete as the Christ Logos. A Planetary Logos oversees the physical phenomena on its planet. The Planetary Logos (which results from Spirit Self Realization and not just the Soul Self Realization) offers help to every human being on its planet through a specific group of incarnated beings. All Logi (planetary, solar and galactic) are eternal Spirit Beings that have reached the Self Realization of their Inner-Most Self as a Holy Monad (Theosis) and are now able to project a spark of their Life-Light as the Logos of a planet, solar system or Galaxy as a governor. (the heavenly bodies need governors!) As such the planetary Logos of earth is attuned and assimilate with all human beings. Q: This really seems to be complicated, and then I have a lot of follow up questions. I wonder if this kind of information will be available in book format or workshop format at some time? For example, just looking at your response, I have questions about the planetary Logos, which you say offers help to every human being on its planet. Is the planetary Logos possibly a human being in the past who has reached Theosis? Or is it an Archangel? Or are there Beings other than Archangels and Human beings, which would mean ETs that are not considered Human beings and do not evolve in the same way? Or is the Planetary Logos a group of Beings? And just to clarify, Spirit Self Realization is Theosis/God Consciousness/SelfSuper-consciousness and Soul Self Realization is full Self-Consciousness? The projection as a spark of Life-Light, is that kind of like the choice to "reincarnate" after Theosis? I have difficulty really understanding the concepts clearly. Perhaps I don't need to and am asking redundant questions. But hopefully my questions can clarify some points for others too. I do have the curiosity to know more and to approach the Truth, but I wonder if I should be this inquisitive about the details. Also, I know that you are busy. Would you have any suggestions about my search Daniel?

D: A planetary Logos is a human being not an Archangelic Being that has reached Theosis – oneness with God. A Theosized Being is not just SelfSuper-Consciousness achieved at-one-ment with the Absolute Consciousness of God. At which point nothing is impossible for that Being and so by their own free will they choose to re-enter the worlds of existence to serve as a planetary, solar or galactic logos. But this does not mean they need a physical human body for incarnation. Their body is the planet or sun or galaxy. They serve in this capacity using only the Higher Noetical body. It is not so much complicated but what we call reality is so much greater than what most people realize. It is not necessary to know these kinds of high, high details. Knowing these things does not advance us as much as studying the basic Researchers of Truth teachings, engaging in the practices and making both a part of your life. It is not so much about knowing truths intellectually it is mostly about living these truths to the best of our ability. Which just means expressing more love and wisdom. The approach to truth has been very well presented in the basic teaching of the Researchers of Truth. Q: Is this what happened to Daskalos? D: No Daskalos has not become a Planetary Logos - his is a different mission that is serving the planetary Logos and its works.

Q: Did Daskalos ever talk about ancient humans as naturally having more clairvoyant faculties than we have right now in our current state of evolution? Seeker’s Comment: I remember Daniel mentioned that in the case of ancient civilizations they had more control over certain ethers. And will still have written accounts about them being able to call down hail or fire during war and Elijah also called down fire on the prophets of Baal in the bible. But due to their misuse, humans in general have been deprived of the us of those ethers and now they can only be accessed by the most advanced one who have been entrusted with it by the Holy Spirit. And then only for healing purposes. I am not sure about clairvoyance specifically. (I hope it's ok that I chime in, just my two cents...) D: That comment is correct. But there were also pre-Egyptian civilizations

where humans were more clairvoyant.

Q: It is mentioned several times how when one attains Soul Self-Awareness, they will realize certain abilities. Most notable is the ability to help heal others but others you've mentioned are things like clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, etc. It seems like a prerequisite for these higher abilities is Soul Self-Awareness however there is also talk about certain individuals calling themselves dark magicians who seem to have abilities, but they are obviously not Soul Self Aware. Could you speak a little about that? D: We do not have to wait until Self-Realization. We can start to gain a bit of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, in the awakening conscious level of our evolution but we do not have mastery of it. Master of these things comes during the super-conscious level. These abilities are often incorrectly referred to as psychic abilities. But they are not psychic abilities at all, these are all phenomena associated with the etheric double of the material body. Psychical abilities/powers are much greater. Spiritual unfoldment that leads us through what Christ called the "Straight Gate" is where we proceed in the purification of the personality which raises our consciousness to high levels where clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, etc. are by-products and certainly not the aim of our effort. Dark Magicians work in the darkness of their personalities and not in the light of Soul Self Awareness. These are ones who have not passed through the straight gate and are not developing a better and better self. So, their attainments of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, etc. are achieved through a technical means only, helped by certain classes of elementals that are best left alone. Their achievements are not a result of Selfless Love. Their achievements theirs are self-centered. And as Christ says, "Anyone who does not enter by the [straight] gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber." And ultimately, they are cast out into the "outer darkness" as Christ put it. Which means their achievement in this way are short lived and come with undesirable consequences.

Q: you mention the Law of One as one of the most important laws: What are other laws you can mention to us? D: We have Law of Duality, the Law of Continuous Change, the Law of Attraction, Law of Balance, the Law of Life, Law of Cause and Effect, (Law of Karma) also known as the Law of Destiny, The Law of motion - all the phenomenal of Life are under this law, the Law of Existence (Dual in One) The Law of Love which manifested on the psychical plane as the law of cohesion...and many more. Q: Man, maybe we should have a seminar only on these! D: Yes ... It is of great advantage to study the Universal Laws, to come to a firm understanding of them and why it is in our own best interest not contradict them. But to cooperate with them.

Q: I have yet another question on breathing: During Panayiota’s seminar, she enforced the importance of never breathing in through the mouth - but when I sleep, I do breathe with my mouth. She mentioned great loss of etheric vitality. Does that mean we need to breath in through the nose even when we are asleep? D: In the beginning as you learn how to do Etheric Breathing Daskalos taught to breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. This is because it is a little easier to let the air go out of your mouth automatically while you concentrate on retaining the etheric vitality in your lungs that you took in through the in breath. And it is considered a cleansing type of breath. Runners are taught the best way to breath is through the mouth because you can take in more oxygen that way than through the nose. Oxygen is of course loaded with etheric vitality, the more conscious you are about breathing in and out the more etheric vitality we can take in, retain, and store. I assume she is referring to unconsciously breathing through the mouth. Since you are unconscious during sleep you are not able to consciously retain the

etheric as the used air goes in and out your mouth. Would it be better to breathe through your nose while sleeping? - Yes.

Chapter Twenty-One CIRCLES OF POSSIBILITY & PROBABILITIES, The Esoteric Practices book page 123

This lesson including the Almond Tree and Rosebush meditations are so useful in helping us come to a clear understanding of the course of life for everything existing (e.g. atoms, plants, animals, planets, suns or galaxies) as well as the human being. This means that everything is living even a rock or grain of sand is living because it is composed of atoms spinning with orbiting electrons flawlessly in motion - in some cases for billions and billions of years. Motion (movement, vibration, tremor), is the prime characteristic of life in the worlds of existence. It is a Universal Law that cannot be violated. Within Absolute Beingness, God everything is living! All through past times and places, the enlightened ones, the masters and the adepts have, by using the Mind as reason and logic, discovered the relative truth about the lifeforms around them. And the truth they found was and is that all forms of life, including the human being, are governed by their unique Circles of Possibilities. They obey their fixed Circle of Possibility for their form of life. This is a line of study that will never end as we can, with effort, always detect finer and finer details concerning these cycles. It is called a “circle” or” cycle” because a cycle has a beginning and an end. The end becomes the beginning of another cycle but always the same Cycle of Possibilities. This all means that Circles of Possibilities are giving us the sense of motion and time – the sense of past, present and future. Time is an illusion; but the underlying reality is the eternal now which is not an illusion. The Circle of Possibilities is a reality, as it plays out in the worlds of existence over the course of time and place is an illusion. This is so hard for us to understand because we are living in a material body, and so we are also under the illusions of time and place. We will not be able to fully understand this illusion if we are part of the illusion. This means that if we are living in the illusionary worlds of time and place, we will not be able to fully enter the absolute Circle of Possibilities that is in the Total Wisdom of God.

Studying the Total Wisdom of God or simply call it the Super Intelligence it is not hard to see that the lives of all the members of the Plant and Animal Kingdom are governed and controlled by something. That something is the Laws, Causes, Principles and Ideas in the Divine Plan, which have their reflection in the living forms of life. For something to exist in the Words of Existence, the Worlds of Illusion, it must have a form. And each form is in strict obedience to its Circle of Possibilities and no phenomena of life can escape its unique Circle of Possibilities. For example, never will you plant an apple seed and get a tree that produces cherries. Likewise, a lion will always beget another lion, and an ape will always beget an ape, and so on. This means that it is not possible for a human being to be born from as another species. There cannot be a transmutation of an animal into a human being or vice versa. No exceptions. Never has this happened and never will it happen because the Circle of Possibilities governing mankind is uniquely different from all the Circle of Possibilities governing other animals all of which is perpetually under the control of the Almightiness of the Holy Spirit. In time and place everything has proceed through its Circle of Possibilities and in observing this we begin to understand the sense of time, which could be moments, minutes, days, weeks, years, or eons. The Circles of Possibilities are in all the temporary Worlds of existence and beyond in the eternal realms of Beingness. But in the worlds of existence we come to another circle governing everything existing – the Circle of Probabilities. The Circles of Probabilities are only found in the worlds of existence, not in the Realms of Being-ness and there are billions and billions of these Circles of Probabilities. And still all these billions and billions of possibilities for all the various life forms are supervised and controlled by the Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent nature of the Absolute. The Circles of Probabilities are the result of Universal Law of Cause and Effect in the worlds of existence. And thus, it allows for a break in the progression of the Circle of Possibilities. For example, a child is born and due to some past Karma, which exists as a Circle of Probability for that person, it may pass over at a young age and not fully complete the Circle of Possibility of its earthly life. In this lesson, Daskalos explains all these circles as they relate to the plant kingdom. Now let’s trace the material Circle of Possibilities for the body of a

human being, which starts as a spermatozoon, fertilizing the egg, then cell division and cell growth, the embryo, the fetus, birth, infant, child, teenager, young adult, adult, old age and finally death of the material body and we come to the end of the Cycle of Possibilities for the material life of a human body. Now the Circle of Possibilities for the human being begins a new expression in their psycho-noetical life. Can we say the full and complete Cycle of Possibilities for a human being going out from the timeless realms of Absolute Infinite Being-Ness, entering into the time and place three worlds of existence, gaining his or her experiences and returning back in full Self Realization in fact is the Journey of the Prodigal son? Yes, these two are the same!

Comments and Questions

Q: One point of clarification. I thought the gross world was just time and space. In the higher world space is replaced by place. I thought I read that in one of Markides books. D: In the psychical worlds the sense of space is replaced by the sense of place but still there is a sense of time (passing events) but not like we measure it on Earth. Then in the Noetical the sense of time is annihilated as we approach the threshold of the eternal now in the Noetic State. Q: So, with time being an illusion, we are already there, we've already achieved Theosis, everything happened. Is that all? Are we just only witnessing a possibility out of an infinity of possibilities, in full 3D cinematic experience? Or do we actually have a say on this, does our power lie within our conscious ability to alter the "end" result - manipulate the circumstances to change how the story progresses? Because yet again, that would be yet another possibility picked out of an unending combination of possibilities. It must happen in some way. Right?

So, what is our role here? Since we cannot escape the Circle of Possibilities, are we just watching the same movie, told in an infinite amount of ways? Or are we more than that, are we constant co-creators/directors/actors forever? I’m sorry if it appears as if I’m rambling, I hope my question made sense. D: In the fixed circles of possibilities we choose how we respond to the billions and billions of Circles of Possibilities - all this gives us our experiences. If we choose wisely it will accelerate the Circle of Possibilities which is fixed and destined. If we choose poorly it delays the eventual fulfillment of our Circle of Possibilities. But no, we start from that state of one-ness with God, but we have not realized our Individuality. In other words, we are not Self Realized, so we go through the Circles of Possibilities to get our experiences and return to where we started but Self Realized. Once Theosis is achieved by someone they can come back out any time they want but they are no longer obligated too. They do it to help fulfill the Divine Plan. Q: I was wondering if you could talk about the influence that Lilith has on us and what is the best way to free ourselves from her influence and to keep her away. D: Remove your attention from the lower chakras and focus on the higher ones - it is a choice as to where we put our attention. If you are in the heart chakra for example, no elementals from Lilith can influence you because you are not vibrating at the same frequency with them. It is like a TV. When we are tuned to channel 30 on a TV, we do not receive signals from channel 20. Q: What is the effect of an active physical life (gym, etc...) to our spiritual development, if there is any? Thank you in advance. D: Physical exercises affects the etheric double of your material body mostly subconsciously but if you exercise and consciously connect to your etheric double it is more powerful and beneficial as it develops one's ability to use the kinetic and sensate ethers of the etheric double.

Q: How do you consciously connect to the etheric double? By focusing on breathing as we do it and using sensate ether?? D: Focusing on our breath, is charging the etheric double and consciously using this charge to empower the muscular workout. It is all about being conscious of what is happening.

Chapter Twenty-Two HE WAS LOST & NOW IS FOUND, The Esoteric Practices book page 134

In this lesson, we will continue where we left off last time with the Circle of Possibilities for the human being, saying that the full and completed Circle of Possibilities for the human being is the Prodigal son parable. The Logos, the Holy Spirit and its emissaries, the Archangels, originate and develop each form of life by acting on the Circle of Possibilities for that form. The circle of possibilities is an Archetypal Principle that defines an array of potential experiences for each living form. For the human beings, the circle of possibilities outlines the entire cycle of expression starting from our decent from the divine, through the process of many, many incarnations and back home to the Divine again. This is a complete cycle that intertwines all our successive incarnations together as our consciousness undergoes its expansion and purification. Each individual incarnation is like a small cycle within the full and complete Circle of Possibilities for a human being. The prodigal son, of course represents all human beings as they leave the oneness of their home in the Absolute Beingness (God), enter the duality of the worlds of existence, have their experiences and then return home to their source. All that is the complete Circle of Possibilities of a human being, whereas each individual incarnation is a small circle within the complete Circles of Possibilities. But now we see an advantage for having undergone the prodigal son’s journey because now the son carries with him, the experiences in the illusions of Time, Space and Place but properly understood. This means he now rightly understands the illusions of time as experienced in the three worlds of existence. So, when he returns to his Divine Nature in the Eternal Now of Beingness he understands both time and Eternity (which is symbolized by the father putting a ring on his finger). This is something none of the Archangels know. Because they never left the oneness of God in the Eternal Now, they do not understand what time is. As Daskalos reports he has asked various Archangels: “What’s Time?”. All they answer and all they can answer is: “NOW”.

Currently, human beings are behaving mostly subconsciously living a prodigal life. But there comes a time either through reason, or through suffering karmically by the whip of destiny we reach a turning point in our lives where we begin the journey to return home. Even through suffering like the prodigal son as a personality suffered it still takes reason to reach that turning point and come out of the suffering and return to our Divine Nature which never suffers. For as it states in the parable, the son finds himself starving and only eating the husks he is feeding the pigs (low vibration elementals) just to survive. At this point he begins to reason and decides to return home. This is a clue for us on how to come out of our suffering. We must use reason to come out of sufferings. The prodigal son leaves his heavenly father’s house, goes to a far-off country (incarnation on earth) and squanders the inheritance his father gave him, making many mistakes that leads to him suffering very much. The question is: Couldn’t his (our) heavenly father prevented the son (us) from going out and making all these mistakes? Yes of course he could but then there would not be free will. God would never do that because the first gift of our heavenly father to all the infinite number of beings in him is freedom. Likewise, we should never selfishly deny or prevent those around us (children, spouses or anyone) from expressing their free will even when you know it is going to result in a mistake. We can advise them but not force our view upon them. Remember most mistakes are not crimes. Everyone is making mistakes only God is not making mistakes. But you can correct mistakes and miscalculations. It is by making mistakes we learn, maybe we learn even better than by reasoning to avoid mistakes. That is why God allowed the prodigal son to go out into the world, make his mistakes, realize the mistakes, and then return home edified. The whole parable is about the cycle of going out and returning. We should all stop and ask our self: "Where are we on this cycle?" We are all prodigal sons/daughters, though some live more prodigally than others. Yet, if we study our own conditions in life deeply, we will find ourselves at some point in this common journey. There are some of your brothers and sisters who are just entering the ignorance of a prodigal material life, chasing the illusionary/transitory happiness it seems to offer. There are others, who are starting to come to their senses and using reason, are starting their journey home to their own Divine Nature in God the father. There are others who have made their steps to return and are feeling the embrace and kiss of their heavenly father.

And there are those brothers and sisters who have returned home and experienced the Oneness with God called Theosis. But once they reach Theosis do they stay there? This parable is also the whole process of Self Realization, which occurs in stages. • The first is the self-realization of your personality self, which means we have introspected and discovered the strengths and weaknesses of our personality and come to an understanding of who we are as a personality. This is a necessary first stage, but it is not true Self-Realization and not our aim. • The next Stage is the Self Realization of the Inner Self (Permanent Personality, which is the expressive part of the Soul in the worlds of existence. After reaching this stage the seeker still does not cross from the dual worlds of existence into the non-dual realm of Beingness, which is the home of the pure Soul. • The following stage is Soul Self-Realization. This occurs with the mastery over the Material, Psychical and Noetical bodies, which is the shaping of these three amorphous bodies to match their perfect Archetype of the Heavenly Man. But this reshaping happens on the higher two bodies and not the gross material body itself, but we do need to learn to reshape the energy distribution in the etheric double of our material body. • The final stage is the full and complete Self Realization of our Spirit Being Self. This is Spirit Self-Realization and the completion of the prodigal son’s journey. Sooner or later, whether we want it or not, all of us are destined to complete the journey of the prodigal son and return to our Divine Nature. If we drag our feet in life, so to speak, we slow that process down. If we want to speed that process up, we must make the effort to uplift our self-awareness and raise our consciousness higher. Nothing will be automatically given to us; we must work for it!

Comments and Questions

Q: I was wondering: In the exercise for the center in front of the forehead. In the first part you must move on the periphery of the disk on front of the forehead. Do you always synchronize the movement with the breath? Or is there a stage where you do the movement faster than the breath because you want to make the disk rotate faster. Or maybe you change from going along the periphery to seeing the whole disk route at once like you do in the other centers? Also, in the second part where you do a spiraling in movement while breathing in, how exactly should I Visualize it? Like being a particle in the vortex that spirals in? Or is it enough to feel and see the whole funnel spiraling and going in without feeling to be a moving particle that is in the funnel? D: The disk can move faster than it is possible to synchronize your breath. But it is ill advisable to forces the speed of the disk, that will come naturally with your development. It is more important to learn how to attune to its movement than for you to take control of the speed.

You are observing the spiraling come the center of the head not but not as a particle in that spiral. It is enough to See & Feel the spiraling as a whole. Q: I know this subject was brought up in the past but I just wanted to ask if you think it’s a good idea to engage ourselves in trying to understand or interpret the book of Revelations or do you think that this may cause confusion more than anything else? After letting it be for some time, I felt like going back and re reading it again and with the knowledge I have gained from the Researchers of Truth there definitely seems to be some parallels. For example, as you mentioned before the seven churches and the seven lampposts are the seven prime energy centers in the material and psychical bodies. The war and plagues etc. that are mentioned in Revelations could be when the personality begins to awaken and is attempting to weaken the negative elementals that exist in the subconscious (earth). Good elementals vs bad elementals. The lamb seems to be the soul self. The great whore could perhaps be the influence of lustful elementals. The twelve pearls being connected by the gold river sounds like the Symbol of Life. Not sure what the 24 elders or the four creatures might be. In any

case how much importance do you put on the book of Revelations? D: People often asked Daskalos about the meaning of Revelations. Most times he would ask them back - "Is it time for this to be revealed?"

He followed that with statements like it cannot be understood until its time. A few things he did reveal for example exoterically speaking what was written in revelation would come to pass but not everyone would experience each and every thing mentioned in Revelations. Esoterically, Revelations is the Christian Initiation process. The book is very important and it is good to read and contemplate - Intuitions may come as to the meaning of its elements. But do not try to force understandings or just take what others have written on the Internet about it. Read it, having in mind it is describing the Inner Initiation Q: Peeling away the layers of this parable in order to apply it to life, in the present. There are three vital characters in the Prodigal Son parable: the father and the two sons. in one layer of the story, it's clear that the protagonist, the namesake, is each one us. Yet, in the mediation associated with this parable we are guided to see before us a threefold mirror: the material, the psychical and the noetical bodies. We ask: "Can I see this self of mine clearly reflected so as to know who and what I really am?" What can you share of the deeper meaning here and the relation to the SpiritSoul? D: Mind in any of its rates of vibration (Noetical, Psychical, Etheric and Material) can be and should be used as a mirror to see our self in. That means to see our expressions in the material world of gross mater, in the world of our emotions and the world of our thoughts. However, in these mirrors we only see our personality self that is very distorted compared to our Real Self, the Spirit-Soul. What we see is not a perfect reflection of the Real Self. What we see looks more like reflections from Fun House Mirrors. In these mirrors we see the reflection of our physical behaviors, our emotional and mental expressions. We need to see this so we have some understanding of who we are as a personality and can compare it to our Real Self (What we Are).

In the 3 Worlds of existence we can only learn by comparison. We need to research all this, and we start by researching who we are as a personality using these three mirrors. And we do this in our practices of Introspection and Observation using comparison. There is no other way. Now just imagine you are standing in front of a three-panel mirror like they have in dressing rooms. In one panel you see your physical behavior in the material world, in another panel you see your emotional expressions as feelings, desires and motivations. Finally, in the last mirrored panel you see your mental expressions as thoughts and intentions. There you stand seeing your three reflections. Now what if you break all the mirrors? Who are you now? You did not cease to exist just because the mirrors you see yourself in were broken. Incarnation is like that. From time to time God is breaking the mirrors the personality sees itself in, through the processes of death. One mirror is broken with the change called death of the material body that is the first death. The second mirror is broken by God at the death of the psychical body this is the second death as mentioned in Revelations. And finally, at the third death of our noetical body and we pass from the worlds of existence completely and enter the Noetic State. Who are we now? Where are we now? Now we have dropped the personality from this lifetime completely and return to our Divine Nature as Soul in Beingness, which is not under limitations, or under any illusions. The Soul is never bound and is forever free. Now we have reached the level of that mysterious Inner Self and await a new projection, new incarnation as a new and different personality. In each incarnation the personality is new and different, but the Spirit Soul is always the same. Q: Is it God that breaks the mirrors or ruling councils (hierarchies) that break the mirrors? A gift for you - by Rumi “You've no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring you. Nothing seemed right. What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the Ocean? So- I've brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me. What happens when the mirrors are all broken, and you are left with that which is beyond all human understanding?” D: It is God as the Logos that decides about the breaking of the mirrors, but God's Archangelic Emissaries play a part. For example, it is Raphael the cuts the Silver Cord between the material body and the Permanent

Personality at the time of physical death, which were refer to metaphorically as breaking the first mirror.

Chapter Twenty-Three CONCLUSION The Esoteric Practices book page 145

The final pages in the Esoteric Practices book are teachings, contemplations and observations that really need no further explanation. So, in conclusion let’s speak about the Esoteric Practices in general remembering that the teachings provide the theory, but they must also be accompanied by practice to be actualize. In truth, gaining the knowledge provided by the teachings without implementing the associate practices and really living the teachings is outright dangerous. Why? Because it can and most often does feed egoism. You will see seekers of truth collecting such knowledge and telling others about it imagining this means they spiritually advanced. This only feeds their egoism. So really, they have been deceived by their own egoism. They have the knowledge but lack the direct experience of that knowledge which makes what they have like a flower that has been picked and pressed between the pages of a book. This pressed flower is beautiful but lacks the vitality of a living flower. As you know our teachings and practices are called the esoteric. Esoteric is generally thought to mean knowledge understood by only a few people. While this may be true, the word esoteric is from the Greek language and refers to the knowledge that comes from within us. Conversely, exoteric knowledge means knowledge we get from outside us, like from a school or church. You have probably noticed that as you concentrate, meditate and study the teachings something clicks and makes total sense to you. You have the feeling that you always knew it, that what you learned is not exactly new to you. Noticing that, you as a personality self may even wonder, “How is it that I already know this?” It is because you as a Soul individuality already knows this and everything. We have the two points, the Soul Self and the personality self. Now think, when you meditate, which of these two is meditating? It is the personality self that is yet to know or the Self that already knows? It is both. When the connection is

made between them, the personality self comes to know something and often feels that it already knew it. When this happens for you it means you have accessed the pre-existing knowledge within you, within the Soul Self. This experience comes to those who sincerely practice meditation and use observation to see what is going on in their meditations. Meditation means concentrating, observing and knowing. Now this presents a similar question: “Who is it that is doing the work to transmute our personality self-awareness into our Soul Self Awareness?” Who makes the effort to help a small child learn how to walk? Of course, the parent as well as the child make this effort. The mother cannot teach a child to walk if the child does not make the effort to walk too. Similarly, it is our personality self under the guidance of the Soul Self, so both must make the effort to awaken the personality self. We are only one Self but with two points. One is the Soul Self, our true individuality, and the other is the small personality self. For those who want to progress in this work, it is imperative to practice visualization in the construction of forms, all kinds of forms; circles, triangles, spheres, pyramids, flames, and so on. As you progress you will see these forms in your mind’s eye more clearly and brightly, and later you will see them to be even more real. This is because they are real and can even be materialized by a skilled mystic. However, that is not our aim. We are only allowed to use these powers for healing. This requires three things – practice, practice and more practice. But exactly why are we practicing? What is the motivation for studying these teachings and doing these practices? Of course, we first are trying to come out of our illusions and sufferings. Which means we are working to become a better personality self, cleaning and purifying our emotions, desires, thoughts and intentions. In each step we make in this regard we come nearer to Soul Self Realization which is the aim of a Research of Truth. This means knowing our self not just who we are as the changing personality self but, knowing what we are as the Soul Self. All our sufferings, all our illusions, all our troubles in life stem from the lack of awareness of what we really are the Soul. The Soul does not suffer as the personality does and is never lost or confused. The personality seeks pleasure without finding true and lasting happiness. Full and lasting happiness is only reached in knowing what we really are. It is the

Soul who dons the mask our personality. The word personality comes from the Latin word persona which literally means mask. Our completely unique personality is in truth the mask we wear while playing our part on the stage called life. It is different from the masks and parts you played in previously lives and is different that the masks and parts you will play in future incarnations. You are the same Soul Self all the time but playing different roles over the course of your incarnations to get different experiences. It is the role an actor plays but it is not the actor. The problem is that in playing this part we have become totally identified with the role we play in life. It is the practices and teachings of the researchers of truth that slowly and safely help us disentangle ourselves from the illusion that we are only the role in life we are playing and lead us to realizing what we are beyond the role we are playing. We ourselves must develop the skill to be of more and more help to people. To do this it is vital to practice mastering the etheric double of your material body, which is the healing energy. But that is not all; simultaneously we should develop the ability to really understand those we try to help. This means understanding their emotions, desires and their unique ways of thinking and feeling. Understand the condition they are in and help that person. But do not try to bring to the surface of their consciousness those things that have tortured them. Each one of you is a full and complete Self-Aware Soul eternally free and never bound. But you will eventually discover that as the personality itself you are only a result of desires, feelings and thoughts. As a personality self, you are constantly changing in time, space and place. But we are something much, much greater than just that limited personality. Gradually we will become free of all that and move on to higher knowledge and mastery. The self you mistakenly believe yourself to be is not even the entire personality self. That self cannot be relied on, because it is fragile and behind it there is always a vague, ill-defined kind of fear. But with effort over time that self can find the True Self and then “the perishable will become imperishable…the mortal will become immortal”. This is the assimilation of the perishable personality self with the imperishable inner self. How does this happen? Again, it will be achieved with practice. When will it happen? At some point in the future. Unfortunately, most people do not make much of an effort to understand themselves. So, their lives continue in a habitual manner. Well Daskalos called it an “idiotic manner.” The common person does not check to determine if what

already exists in his or her subconsciousness is good, bad, useful or harmful. So, their life continues in an unsupervised way. But those who have planted their feet on the path of truth do not allow their ways of living to continue in this unexamined subconscious way. A Researcher of Truth has made a promise to examine his behaviors, thoughts and feelings with the daily practice of introspection and to live as the Inner Self. The researcher becomes the master of the circumstances found in his life whatever they are. This means that we can control and put our life circumstances in order by dissolving what is not helpful and good, while simultaneously replacing that with new and better things. As soon as we start acting like that, we are on our way to find the Inner Self. Everyone reading this is on their way. On this way you will come to realize that the self you thought you were is nothing more than the entire collection of you own elementals, and that you really are something so much greater than the assortment of your elementals. Now, you start to come into conscious contact with your Real Self and you shift your identification from the living images of your desire thought and thought desire forms, which are the elementals residing in your subconscious mind. I wish you all much success in your continuing deeper engagement with the teachings and practices of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth!


D: Please know, I do not consider myself your teacher. I am your brother guide only, here to walk with you and help lead you into deeper and deeper understandings of the teachings of Daskalos and the Researchers of Truth.

Comment: Apart from the economic recession in Nigeria, and the Islamic insurgency, which have been largely curtailed, we are moving on. Most importantly I am having a big spiritual leap forward based on the teachings of the Researchers of Truth!

D: Good to hear of your good attitude and leap forward. The world if full of trouble as you know, so what is the advice on how to deal with such troubling times? What did Christ say: "Be of Good Cheer for I have OVERCOME the world". Notice he did not say I fixed the world. With such large worldly issues that we can have little effect on as a personality, such as you mention, all we need is to find a way to overcome it. Which in most cases means we overcome the negative influence of such things on us and in us. It is obvious that as individual personalities we cannot resolve the big worldly problems alone. What we can resolve is the part we contribute to the big worldly problems. For example, find what you can do to reduce any way you contribute to environmental problems where you are living, e.g. your carbon footprint. Find what you can do to reduce any way you contribute to emotional disharmony in yourself, in your home in your workplace. Find what you can do to reduce any way you contribute to mental angst in yourself, in your home in your workplace. Or try paying it forward e.g. go out and work to clean up litter where you live. Try going expressing more love in little acts of kindness to others in your home and workplace. Working microcosmically, we can make our world a better place mesocosmically.

Q: I'm in trouble, went to bed angry, didn't sleep much, woke up wondering why, oh why, I am on the planet. Not a great morning. I have the audio book Swimming with the Whale by Daniel Joseph. I am recording the meditations and practicing but this US election has challenged me. Daniel suggested that I not give this any energy, but it seems that I need to look at what is happening to my country. I am sure like many Americans I'd like to run away, turn away from this. Here is the inner struggle that is happening: when I hear how wonderful the other realms (psychical & noetical) are then I wonder why do I need to be on the physical realm now or ever? I am in a spiritual crisis. This is a burning question for me currently. What is so great about being in this dense physical realm? My whole world is turned upside down. Please talk to me. D: Christ said: The world has hates those who are not of the world them,

because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. and further he advised that we should, "be in the world but not of the World". Meaning we should cultivate an attitude of Detachment from the worldly things as we live our life on Earth. It is this polarity that causes your crisis, you are getting caught up with these troubling worldly conditions and this drags you down into a polarization against what you see and that makes you part of this world. You sense earth is only your temporary home while you are in this world. And you know that there are many better places in the higher worlds (psycho-noetical planes) with easier conditions than earth. But it is earth where we make the most spiritual progress as we make our effort to grow and overcome challenges. In the higher worlds we live in our own unique paradise, even though one person’s paradise could be a hell for someone else (and vice versa) it is our paradise. Which means we will not experience the hard challenges we face on earth. We could still make the effort to grow and advance but would you when your psycho-noetical paradise contains all the things you like and none of the hard-challenging things? You me and everyone are here on earth to get our lessons, to balance our past Karma and bring light to this world of shadows. So, when we get too involved in the worldly troubles, like the political craziness we become caught in the world. This distracts us from our real purpose, and we suffer emotionally and/or mentally. So, cultivate a sense of detachment from this world of sorrows and yet, work to make this a better world. The Buddhist call this approach: “The joyous participation in the sorrows of Life”!

Comment: Today is a special day because its Daskalos’ birthday day. D: Yes Daskalos' birthday was December 12, 1912, (12/12/12) which is very auspicious as December 12th is the Greek Name Day for Saint Spyridon of Cyprus who lived 270 – 348 AD. Spyridon was a previous incarnation of Daskalos' Spirit-Soul. Saint Spyridon was a bishop and given the title of Wonderworker by the Church for the many miracles he performed. He played a major role in the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325 AD in the acceptance of Christ as a direct incarnation of God and one with God,

winning over the counter argument of the a priest name Arius who proposed Christ was subordinate to God. To underscore his position on Christ, Spyridon held up a brick before all the bishops at this council and squeezed it. It miraculously burst into flames and water ran down his hand leaving only the dry clay left in his hand. He did it to demonstrate that the one “body” of God was a trinity; composed of the Father, the Son (Christ) and the Holy Spirit just as the one brick was compose of three elements: fire, water and earth (clay). This won the argument that Christ, the Son of God was also co-substantial with God. Upon his return from this Ecumenical Council of Nicaea his daughter, Irene had died, and he brought her back to life. Interestingly the Spirit Soul of Irene incarnated as Daskalos daughter in his lifetime and he gave her the name Irene again!

Comment: I asked earlier today about developing concentration by looking at an object illuminated by light in the darkness for 10 minutes. I want to add to this the Holy of the Holies. In Daskalos' book of Jesus' life, he mentioned that Jesus would go into the Holy of Holies every day and honor the father. This is the inner space in a temple behind a curtain. Daskalos mentions the curtain in his book. In this space, there was darkness with a consistently burning flame. Someone was authorized to keep the flame always burning. There was incense and other flames in the area just outside the Holy of Holies. But imagine walking into that space behind the curtain. You would see strong darkness with one flame burning very still in the still air. No movement to the flame. A very erect and still flame. The space of the Holy of Holies inspired one to concentrate awareness on the eternal Divine Light because of the darkness around the flame. The space itself concentrates darkness around the light. Concentration is an essential golden key. D: Daskalos talked about the three divisions of the temple. The outer, the inner and the inmost which is the Holy of Holies. But Daskalos was not only teaching us about a physical temple. This was also symbolic. Daskalos was giving Christ’s teaching which was that our body was the temple, the temple of the living God, which has these same three divisions.

The outer is the part of our body from the feet to the pelvis. The inner is the part of our body from the pelvis to the sternum The Holy of Holies is our heart center, where we are taught how to build an altar and put a lamp on the altar, light it and do many other things there. Those who advance deeper into Daskalos’ teaching will be taught more on this very subject. Daskalos called the different levels of his teaching the outer, the inner, the in more and the in most and they corresponded to the same different levels of his circles who studied in them; the outer, the inner, the in more and the in most. So, there is so much, much more teachings that has been revealed to the public and presented in the publicly available books, audios, and videos. These must be learned in the presence of a circle leader who knows them. And it takes real dedication over time to learn and assimilate these teachings. And it takes even more time to truly learn how to live by them! Q: I have been told (and read) that Daskalos was into Theosophy in his youth and that he left this interest before he was about thirty. (Some of his concepts like elementals, etheric, astral/psychic and mental/noetical bodies etc. seems to point to the same also.) Do you know how actively involved Daskalos was in Theosophy? Did he for example visit Theosophical teachers / seminars like Leadbeater (who apparently predicted the birth of Daskalos in the book "Inner Life")? Or did he simply read Theosophical books? Comment: Please if you can point us out where in the book "inner life" Leadbeater predicts the birth of Daskalos.

Comment: This quote that “he would be born on Cyprus in two years” was apparently written in the first addition of the "The Inner Life" originally from 1910 while the one currently available is from the revised book in 1922, which could explain why it is rephrased as “… was born on Cyprus…”. It is in the very first chapter "The Great Ones". I should add that it doesn't name Daskalos (or any other adept) but indicates the place where he was born and the year 1912. From what I have been told, Daskalos was contacted by Leadbeater who wanted Daskalos to join the Theosophical

Society. D: Daskalos was and still is one of the Ascended Masters who in this lifetime started teaching and healing at age seven and continued nonstop until he passed over. He did not learn or need to learn from the Theosophical Society he was one of the Ascended Masters that gave them their information before he incarnated on Cyprus. Around page ten in the revised Ledbetter Inner Life book Ledbetter states that one of the Ascended Masters was born on Cyprus - that was Daskalos. He was born on Cyprus in 1912 Comment: I haven't seen anything indicating that Daskalos was teaching members of the Theosophical Society before he incarnated. Could you please help me with where this is stated in books or recordings? D: This information has not been put in books or presented to the public these kinds of things Daskalos only spoke about privately. So, there are no public references I can refer you to. Comment: This means that Daskalos is much more closely connected to Theosophy than I thought. Did he mention who in the Theosophical Society he inspired, or which books his influence is shown? It also seems quite strange to me that he wouldn't join the Theosophical Society if he was one of the inner sources. D: A person who graduated college with a PHD does not join the class in high school he is teaching. The Theosophical Society had nothing to teach Daskalos, but Daskalos had much to teach the Theosophical Society. His influence is here and there in all the books by Blavatsky and Leadbeater. Not that they understood it or presented it perfectly. Daskalos once commented on Blavatsky's book The Secrete Doctrine saying. "It was like a basket of straw with a few diamonds in in it". I believe it was in 1937 when leaders from the Theosophical Society (Not Leadbeater) came to the young Daskalos on Cyprus. At this time Rudolf Steiner had already distanced himself from the Theosophical Society and created his own organization, the Anthroposophical Society because they were mixing up the true teaching with false beliefs from Hinduism, like that animals could incarnate as humans and humans as animals. This has not happened nor could it happen because it would be a gross violation of the Divine Laws governing the

Circles of Possibilities of animals and of human beings, which is impossible. At this time the young J. Krishnamurti, who had been presented to the public by the Theosophical Society as Christ reincarnated also broke with the Theosophical Society and returned to India and continued to teach in his own name. So, the Theosophical Society was looking for a replacement for Krishnamurti and came to Cyrus to recruit Daskalos. The offered to take him to London and present him to the world. Daskalos listen quietly and Rudolf Steiner, who had already passed over, came into the room in his astral body and strongly told Daskalos: “Don’t do it! Send them away”! Daskalos hand no intention of going with them. He had already advised Krishnamurti to leave them and return to his homeland, which Krishnamurti did. Daskalos continued to listen and politely thanked them but refused there offer.

D: Just to be clear on the term ego. Today the word ego is generically used for what is really the egoism. But in our system, egoism or egotism is the constantly change shadow of our Real Self which is the EGO (written in capital letters). EGO is our I-ness, our Individuality, our Spirit Soul Self and that is eternal it never changes.

Comment from Daniel after some discussion about the teachings: Hi everyone... I am very happy to see everyone communicating with each other. But I am also somewhat concerned to see post about Daskalos and his teachings that are completely wrong or at best, poor understandings. It is noble and good you try to help each other but please refrain from stating things you only heard from others or read on the Internet. When you want to help each other by sharing the teachings please make sure what you say comes from Daskalos' own books or his audio and video lectures. Thank you and God bless your good works.

D: Just to clarify about the work with the Five Golden Keys practices. Daskalos gave the most importance to nightly introspection exercise as he has stated over and over. Introspection is the only mandatory requirement he gave students following these teachings Next was the strong recommendation to practice visualization using the three suns mediation each morning. The rest of the practices are offerings to those interested in a means and methods for accelerating their spiritual unfoldment in the many different branches of study of our system., As Daskalos always reminded, take your time, go slowly study things from many different angles to know the truth of them more fully. In actual practice we are using these five keys simultaneous. For example, in introspection we are to review and see events of our day. This means we are also using visualization to see these events. And is it possible to visualize anything without using the key of concentration? No of course not. And in introspection is it possible to review our day and catch a mistake without using observation? Again no. And is not all this a Meditation? Yes, it is. So, you see we use all these together and sometimes having a good observation will lead you into a great meditation or visa verse and it is the same with others Golden Keys. So please do not imagine the Golden keys are practiced in on type of sequential order. Also, we must always remember that our ultimate destination is the same for all of us. However, our own unique experiences we have on the way to the common destination are never the same for everyone. And as Daskalos taught no one does the basic practice of Introspection the same. Same with the other Golden Keys We all start with his suggestions, but we all end up practicing it over time in our own way. And there are other kinds of introspection practices we will do as we advance. Below are some excerpts by Daskalos on his teachings about the Golden keys I hope will help all come to a more complete understanding.

FROM DASKALOS: “There is only one royal way. The Golden Keys that I am giving you. What are

the golden keys? Visualization, and observation, which are your own inner Spirit-Soul nature. So, it is not something impossible. Is it difficult? Of course, it is, if all the time you have the suggestions of the egoism interfering, then it is difficult. But when you decide to hear your inner voice as a Spirit-Soul-Self, it is very easy. I give much importance to meditation, introspection, and visualization which, of course, lead to more attention. The most important of the exercises, and most people do not give much attention to it, is the introspection, looking within and analyzing that kind of self we call our personality. Looking at it with sincerity and an open mind. So, there is much work to do. In this kind of introspection, you have two purposes: observing, seeing, understanding, then the will power of purifying and getting control. I repeat it: First is serious observation, exercising the will power. Now you work as the Soul and not as the sinful personality. Seeing, exercising your power, and then getting control and mastery over the lower plane. And then you will find entrance to the higher planes, to the psychical planes. What is one of the Golden Keys for us? Visualization and conscious creation of forms, not imagination! You must separate imagination from constructing consciously what you want as forms. Practicing and becoming master of visualization, you gain everything. Get the art of visualization, and you become rich, because getting the art of visualization is your richness. So, the art of visualization is most precious to everyone, because thinking, constructing by thought means having. And you will find that out after practicing visualization! So, what is more important? We attach great importance to the perfection of our personality-self through introspection before starting the exercises. At least, these two introspection and visualization should be done at the same time. In your introspection, you must study the different degrees and each side of what we call the world of opposites.”

Q: What are some methods you all use to keep track of your heartbeat/pulse for the basic breathing exercise? Every time I do it, I tune into my heartbeat internally, or put my finger on my

wrist for the pulse, or my hand on my chest for the beat. but after a few moments I can no longer feel it. If my fingers are on my wrist I'll move it and find it in a new spot, but then it disappears there too - same on my chest or even registering it internally, which in that case I'll have to stop breathing to find it again. What I usually end up doing is trying to find the basic rhythm and then try to keep counting to (usually) 4 in and 4 out hoping that I stay in sync with the beat by spacing out the seconds as uniformly as I can. What has helped you? D: In the beginning if you can't feel the heartbeat then count like you are saying. If you slow your heart beat down to a 6:6 count it is easier to hear the beats of your heart. Do not stress about it just try to keep it the regular during the in an out breaths.

Q: There are different authors like Yogananda and others of esoteric Christians who speak of the reincarnations of Jesus, but I understood Daskalos as Jesus never had reincarnations. Can you explain this divine mystery to me? D: If you trace down the source of all these stories (and I have) about Christ's previous incarnation they all come from one man who wrote a book after he visited Tibet in the 1800's. There he claims he heard this story about Christ learned his teachings from them. The book was a great success, but unfortunately as it happens all the time, other writers read such a book and then put it in their books, and it gets repeated and repeated over time in other books and becomes gospel in the people’s minds. We refer to this kind of imprinting as a cultural overlay, and this cultural elemental gets adopted and spread to other cultures too like with the story of a reincarnating Christ. Christ was an immaculate ray of the Logos perfect God and perfect Man. Daskalos called him the God-Man So there was no need for previous incarnations to reach to this perfect state as does with human beings ascending the latter of consciousness to become what Daskalos called Man-Gods.

Q: Many spiritual teachings and/or teachers advocate for celibacy. What is a Researcher of Truth's relationship with physical intimacy? For the curious

Researcher, see the details that inspired this question and some speculations about it below: I have not come across any mention of this topic in Stylianos' (Daskalos’) literature yet, and I am curious. Personally, I have found several mentions in other teachings which I find credible that say sex is for procreation and any other use of it is a misuse of our creative ability, and that doing so can or will fill the higher levels of the subconscious with elementals that make spiritual-related interaction less plausible or even impossible because the focus becomes at the bodily level instead of the Spirit – and you cannot serve two masters. I personally have a strange relationship with my own sexuality. I notice that I am torn between desire for physical intimacy with a specific person on one level, and on another level I have ONLY desire for the love of Spirit, so my mind is split or torn and this creates a fear of committing to one or the other because of the inherent sense of loss or sacrifice in doing so. I imagine teetering on this tension is probably more damaging than indulging in either one, but for some reason I see that they are probably mutually exclusive, at least according to what I have understood from other teachings (you cannot serve two masters)... and aside from any teachings: I do notice in my own experience that succumbing to such desire often if not always leaves me with a subtle feeling of sadness in my heart – maybe because it does actually shift perception to the bodily level and therefore to the world of separation, so then a feeling of disconnection and loneliness results. These are just some speculations of my own: People often say that sexuality is a way to express love, but it seems more like mutual masturbation to me because real connection doesn't happen at the bodily level because the body is not intelligent nor creative – it responds to the driver, but isn't the driver, and therefore it isn't loving, but a vessel for love in the worlds of separation, so unless the intent or focus really is to produce a child, which is a creative act (and creativity is an expression of love), then it is simply empty/not-loving and therefore misplaced or misused... and maybe even selfish or satanic? And that misuse does stimulate feelings of pleasure and desire and who knows what else, which are usually rather intense, so I presume it does affect the psyche by producing strong elementals that feed increased desire for pleasure and connection, however if I really am just using someone else's body to masturbate

when there isn't the loving intent for creative action (conception) then that will never result in real deepening of connection, so it becomes a vicious cycle of desire and disappointment. Which I suppose the disappointment can be denied and projected outward, which results in misperceiving or judging the partner (insecurity/possession) instead of acknowledging its real cause or the real feeling within oneself. Basically, sex really seems pointless to me unless I wanted to create children, which I don't, at least not now, if ever – yet I still desire this specific someone's body as a sexual partner. It's confusing. I have no desire for sexuality itself, but I do have desire for this person in a sexual way, or rather find myself profusely attracted to them in a sexual manner and if they weren't in the picture, or at least not in physical proximity to me, I would not feel desire to sexually express myself. Curious, isn't it? I am not sure what else to say at this point. Anyways, I am wondering what the thoughts of fellow Researchers are about physically intimate relationships, or if Stylianos himself ever addressed it? Thank you in advance for your willingness to share on this vulnerable subject. D: There is a story about two friends. One of them wanted to go to a temple to pray, but the other one wanted to go to a whorehouse to have sex. Since neither could agree, one went to the temple to pray and the other went to the whorehouse. The fellow at the whorehouse kept thinking about the temple the whole time. And the fellow at the temple kept thinking about the whorehouse all the time. So, the question is who got the most spiritual benefit? The Researchers of Truth way is a middle way. nether advocating celibacy or over sexual indulgence. We are not against sex between a man and a woman, but there must be also real love (not lust) between them in the heart and real understand between them in the mind. Then it is good and balanced in all three bodies (material, emotional and mental). Then both partners will be benefited. But as Daskalos said, without real love and understanding between the couple, then for him sex between them is like prostitution.

D: As science tells us each cell in our material body is replaced every seven years. And in our modern life in the material world with its ever-accelerating

speed we are replacing our behaviors, thoughts and emotions all the time too. And it seems that a seven-year long relationship today is giving us more experience and change than our grandparents had in their entire life. So, we are constantly changing our personality (our behaviors, feelings, desires and thoughts) too. But during your effort to spiritually unfold using the practices of the Five Golden keys you will hit upon that which is a steady point in you. When you do, it means you are touching that mysterious Inner Self of yours. Now the work become about staying in that steady point of Self Awareness. Something more about your relationship to the visible or invisible brother/sister guides in our system, we mentioned before that in eastern spiritual systems, most will tell you that you need a Guru to reach to the other shore of the spiritual ocean. But the job of a true Guru is to introduce you to the inner Guru - your own Inner Self. Once we find the inner Guru, we do not need the outer Guru. A true Guru is someone who leads you from darkness to light. But today we find too many of these spiritual leaders acting more like a Rugu and leading followers away from the light of truth into the darkness with false ideas. Most Gurus, even with the ones with the best intentions, often tell you that without a Guru you cannot reach Self-Realization you cannot reach to God without them. This statement is coming from the cultural beliefs of their country. Please do not accept this outdated notion. You will find many of these kinds of spiritual leaders in the shallow end of the spiritual ocean. But if you investigate the deep end of the spiritual ocean you will find the real spiritual giants. Not one of these true guides will ever accept being your master, because that would mean you were surrendering yourself to his/her will and this is so inadvisable. In truth, a Daskalos, Master, Guru or call them a teacher is only a guide nothing more. It is enough for him/her to love you and help show you the way they understand. One way they help you is by creating an elemental that connects with you with them. Their duty is to help you, their will is to help you. Which means he/she is expressing real love in his self to you. Correspondingly the only reward a true guide, master or a Daskalos will accept is your love, which he will give back to you hundredfold.

Q: I need clarification between images and forms... what is the difference? And in creating the various etheric healing balls are they just images

without form? Comment: I understood it this way: There exist forms in the plane of the Ideas, Causes and Archetypes. When we visualize, we want to create images that correspond to these, but it’s not us that create them, they were there before, we only draw on the forms that already exist. What is also possible but what we should not do is for example mix some existing things up in the visualization like a violet horse with a burning tale, because that then is fantasy and not creative visualization. So far, my explanation for that part, but I was also always wondering what exactly he means. So, I am interested in what Daniel has to say to that too. D: That is incorrect. In the Noetic State there are eternal Archetypal Ideas, but they are formless in this Noetic State. None of the Archetypal Ideas take what we understand as a bodily form until the 5th dimensional world which is the Noetical world. It takes deep contemplation to truly understand the meaning of Ideas, images and forms. But let’s say some things that can initiate this contemplation in us. It all starts from the top down. In the realm of Beingness, in the Noetic State, there are found eternal Archetypal Ideas but not forms. Because there are no forms, pictures or images in this realm. There are no objects with shape, it is all light vibrations. Take For example, the Human Idea. This is not an image, it is not a form but a formless everlasting Archetypal Idea in the Divine plan, in the Mind of God. There is only one Human Idea Archetype, yet from it all Spirit rays that are to be Humanized (created as human beings) pass through this Archetype at which point the Soul is formed. From this point it is now a Spirit-Soul ray that descends from the non-dual realm of Beingness into the duality of existence. Entering existence Spirit-Soul ray is dressed in noetical, psychical and material bodies -these are forms as we typically understand them. Now it says in the bible at this point, God says, “let us create man to our image” So the human being is in the image of God. What is this image of God in which we have been created? It means we are expressing a self, becoming selfconscious entities. What is an image. An image is a copy of something. For example, a photo with

your face is an image of your face. It is not the form of your face but an image of it. Likewise, a statue of someone is an image of the person but it is not that person. But in this case the image also has a form – the form of the statue. Healing balls of light we create are psycho-noetical forms in the image of the Archetypal Idea of a sphere. So, forms are in the image of an idea. But not all images are forms. For example, a sculpture of you is a form which bears your image. However, the image of yourself reflected in a mirror is not really a form it is just an image. Noetical images are created from the super substance of Mind. These noetical images can be “deaf and dump spirits” they can be hostile, destructive demons, massive legions of them. Or they can be human in nature angels. They are living images of desire thought and thought desire forms which are asleep in our subconscious. However, they can wake-up and instantly rise to the surface and they crush us, make us suffer or give us pleasure. The Researcher of the truth studies these conditions, that’s what we are doing in introspection. We are constantly these creating psycho/noetical forms which are the elementals. We even create them in our sleep. They are living their own kind of existence and the Archangels are also creating their own elementals, but these kinds are endowed with the creative ether which means the Archangel’s elemental forms (the plants and animals) can reproduce and make more of their kind. But because humankind has been deprived of being able to use the creative ether (at his current level of consciousness) our elementals cannot reproduce. This is the difference. So, we cannot create life forms that can reproduce but humankind for sure creates a massive amount of psycho-noetical forms. These are our elementals. Even when we create a material form like a chair, we simultaneously create a psycho/ noetical counterpart, an elemental of that material chair. Q: But we do create forms not just images, correct? "healing balls we create are psycho-noetical forms" as you state, not psycho noetical images, correct? D: A psycho-noetical form is also an image of some Archetypal Idea. So, in our visualization we are creating forms in the image of Ideas. But we can and do have images of Archetypal Ideas that are not expressed in a form.

The Image of an Archetypal Idea does not take form until they reach the noetical world. Q: Thank you, I understand better now. I was equating the Noetic and noetical worlds. But the Noetic is higher than the noetical. So, the elementals we shape/create are in which world? We cannot give them form in the psycho-noetical world, as we can only invoke the Divine forms from the psycho-noetical world. Are the forms we create strictly in the psychical world? D: Yes, the Noetic is higher, in terms of vibration, than the Noetical. The forms we create are in all three worlds of existence if we build that from physically like a chair. However, we can create elementals that only have a psycho-noetical existence as a psycho-noetical form, which is also an image of something.

Comment: From the gospel of John 4:23-24 (Yohannan) Jesus says, "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” D: Daskalos explained that the word originally used that is now handed down as "worship" originally meant "to approach" So this good quote is saying to approach God we need to do so in Spirit and in Truth. It is not about how to praise God but about how to come nearer to God.

Comment: Faith works. It’s a fact. D: Blind faith does not last long; it does not really work. Only faith that has a solid foundation can last. And it is our own experiences that provide the solid foundation.

Q: Does the cremation of a material body affect the Permanent Personality

adversely as it is an immediate loss of the etheric double, as opposed to when the material body remains whole and is left to disintegrate on its own and the etheric double then dissolving slowly? It's got me wondering if a body left to dissolve on its own transitions more peacefully. Or does it matter? D: It does not matter at all to the Permanent Personality if the material body is cremated or buried. But there is a difference. Because when the body is cremated its etheric double is dissolved all at once whereas with the decay of the body the etheric double dissolves within 40 days. The burning of the candles around the dead body is an old Greek custom that helps accelerated this process and protects the energy of the etheric double from being mis-used by those who know how. But if you decide to be cremated or have a loved one's body cremated it is recommended you wait at least 72 hours after the death of the body because the departed can still have a sense of the cremation fire if done before 72 hours. However, they do not experience intense heat the experience intense coldness. Now in India, most everyone is cremated but the yogis sages and saints are often not cremated but burred sitting up, because the Hindus believe the yogi can use their material body as kind of an anchor helping them to stay connected to the material plane to help. Whereas with cremation there is an immediate disconnect from the material plane allowing the departed to ascent easier. It is a little like the story attributed to the conquistador Cortes. It is said that up his arrival in South America on his voyage to subdue the natives and take their gold, he unloaded his ships and burnt them. He did this so his men would not consider retreat as an option and thus be far more determined to go forward and be successful in their new location. In a way, cremation has the same effect on the departed, it is like burning their earthly ship. There are those unfortunate ones who have extremely strong attachments to people, places and things in their earth life and resist departing. And they are sometimes able to use their dead body with its slowly dissolving etheric double as an anchor to stay in the etheric counterpart of Earth and their old house. And an advanced black magician can do this and cause many problems. Daskalos had a couple of cases like this.

This also gives rise to the phenomena of Ghost (what is usually identified as a Ghost are the elementals of the departed and not their personality), These people can hold on like this for a while but not forever, because the Divine Law is exerting a constant pull drawing the departed away from the Earth plane and into the sub planes of the psychical world they are in harmony with.. Think of it like a good swimmer swimming on the edge of a waterfall - if they are strong swimmer, they can do this for a while but sooner or later the pull of the current takes them over the edge, And so it is with the departed. Q: Question re: suicide, no worries about me, it's a general nonspecific question: a) if we all end up eventually in the noetic world, merged with our Permanent Personality before we are re-incarnated again, what are the psycho-noetical and noetical consequences of the sin of suicide? b) as you obviously can't pay the karma in this incarnation for suicide, what is the typical karma for taking your own life? I assume it's severe. I would appreciate the Researchers of Truth insight on this sin and associated questions. D: A deserter always is returned to exact same place they left. This is true for a suicide case as well as those who just try to escape difficulties but do not commit suicide. But in the case of suicide it is more serious. Because we did not create our material body. The Holy Spirit did via the Archangels of the Elements for us to live in and live through. If you earned money and use it to create a house, then you can stupidly destroy it because it is yours. But since we did not create our body then we do not have the right to stupidly destroy our body. In doing so we create much karma which will return us to the exact experiential point where we aborted the material body to continue on with their lesson. So, we have a primary karma to pay off that concerns the killing of the material body. But also, we have secondary karmas, for example if a son or daughter suicides they also have the karma of having deprived their parents of their child, or if a parent suicides they also get the karma of depriving their child of their parent. But the karma does not stop there because there are tertiary karmas, for example for depriving others like a wife or a sibling of the family member who suicided. Then entire subject of suicide is very deep and complex no one can claim to

understand another's karmas completely. In general, the extent of the karma has much to do with the circumstances of the suicide. But for those who are tortured by their thoughts and emotions to the point of killing their material body just to escape. Daskalos said that suicides sometimes reincarnate lame, blind or with Down Syndrome. But the typical suicide who is avoiding the torturing consequences of conditions they face have ignorantly destroyed, in most cases, a good and working material body, must learn by the whip of destiny to value their material body which is truly a gift from God. And in the higher sense killing one’s own body is not different than killing the body of another person both carry the same karmic weight, but the karmas get played out differently.

Q: Is it possible and acceptable to cast a legion of negative elementals (demons) out of someone without their consent? I cannot get consent because their entire personality is dominated by this legion. I worry that I would be seeking to violate Divine Law by going against the will of a brother, even though his will is trapped and it is for his own good and the safety of others around him. I am feeling especially concerned about people's safety regarding this circumstance. Is it okay or even possible to override this? Or must I just love the Real Him from afar and pray that he changes his mind? Comment: This is my opinion, based upon personal experience, having dealt with someone who was possessed. I can tell you that they are aware of what is going on, enjoy it and agree with it. So, it's their chosen path for their present state of existence. As unnatural as it seems, you really should respect their free will. This doesn't mean to stand idly by if you see that person on a course of harming someone else in some way. At the same time, helping an intended target can be done in a way that avoids the possessed person in most cases. D: I would also add that if you get in too close in your attempts to free someone from this kind of affliction, those forces afflicting them will attack you because they are hosting on the person and your help will threaten their existence. they can and do attack those trying to wake that person up. So,

prayers and visualizations sent from a distance often have better results. But really is the free will of the real person being tormented or is it their tormentors’ obstinacy that their affliction is not released? Of course, Christ and certain Self-Realized masters have done it. Q: I was reading in Esoteric Teachings about how at certain times the psychical world of our planet comes into contact with the psychical world of the moon. When that happens, there are certain entities that can cross over to our planet and this negatively impacts us. I was wondering how often this phenomenon occurs and for how long? Who or what are these entities and how exactly do they affect people living on earth? I hope Daniel sees this question. D: Actually, it is not the psychical bodies of the earth and moon that touch it is the etheric doubles of their psychical bodies that touch and allows for this negative transfers of the influences of these entities and not the entities themselves. Hospitals and Police stations get noticeably higher incidents during this time proving practically what Daskalos wrote in the Esoteric teachings is the truth. The entities are certain human beings who do great harm to their fellow human beings. It is like how sometimes children can get too rebellious and aggressive to play with others and need a time out to calm down. So, to, certain humans like Hitler and psychopaths must be given this Cosmic Time Out to allow for the violent vibrations of their evil predilections to calm down. So, they are put in something like a psycho-noetical maximum security hospital in the psychical counterpart of the moon after they pass over. Yet during this short period of this moon cycle some manage to escape for a while and cross through the etheric and from the etheric counterpart of earth, they try to get possession of people with a weak connection between their material body and psycho-noetical body. They do this through their etheric double of that person. And when they do the persons material body spasms and it tries to automatically throw off the invader. Physical pathology aside this what often happens in the case of epileptics. The ancient Greeks knew this and called epilepsy seleniasmos which means coming from the moon. In Greek selene is the word for moon. The moon’s closest approach to the moon is called perigee and it happens every 27.5 days Interestingly the moon only has to get something like 26,000 miles closer to earth for this to occur and this reveals that the etheric double of the

psychical body of our planet extends to something around 224,000 miles from the center of the earth.

Q: I've heard it said over and over that elementals, once created, cannot be destroyed. And yet, I'm pretty sure that I read in one of the "Magus" books that Daskalos could destroy them. If I remember correctly, he was working with a candle at the time. So, my question is, am I right about that? Could Daskalos destroy or disintegrate negative elementals? This is way out of my league and not something I would set a goal of being able to do, etc., but it has been a recurring question regarding the ultimate reality of such a thing at Daskalos' skill level, vs. it being simply impossible. D: Not even Daskalos can destroy an elemental as a form. But he could destroy the power in it by driving through a flame which de-energizes and removes its connection to the person and sends it back to the cosmic consciousness. This is something we all do subconsciously when we get tired of something or some behavior and forget about it completely which automatically takes the power out of it and renders it harmless to us.

Q: In past lives is possible to have been a different gender then your present incarnation? Every time I have heard someone speak of past lives they are always the same gender, but this makes no sense to me because our SoulSpirit-Ego Self is genderless and I would imagine that it would not limit itself to one or the other throughout its many incarnations here on earth. Can any of you provide experience or knowledge that breaks this trend I've witnessed? D: Very, very few people incarnate in the same gender every time. because we must learn the lessons of both the female and male experience. In fact, Daskalos was the only one I know who did only incarnate as a male. Daskalos confirms that in the Garden of Eden (in Earth's etheric double) prior to humankind's 1sr physical incarnation the Adams (there was more than one) were hermaphrodites.

Q: In the 7 promises of the researchers, all our thoughts, desires, words and actions are to be in absolute harmony with the Divine Will. It then follows that wisdom will guide our words and actions. What is wisdom? How is it different from feelings and knowledge? How can we recognize wisdom apart from a learned principle like, "Love others as thy own self"? How do we know that the 7 promises embody wisdom? How can we make that wisdom the guiding force in our lives? D: We are advised to "Know the truth and the truth will set you free from the illusions and lead you to knowledge and then to wisdom." Christ is not teaching us to believe with closed eyes and blindly. Knowledge is not wisdom, but it can lead to wisdom. with knowledge we are still in the duality. With knowledge we have two points Me and the knowledge I have acquired. With wisdom the knowledge and you are one thing. You are it. We start with the Personality (of a man or a woman), developing slowly, slowly, and going up the ladder of knowledge leading to wisdom. This raises their consciousness. So, our self-consciousness is the light: knowledge, conception and understanding that directs us to wisdom.

Q: Can I receive your views on the three spheres in lesson 20 above? Here are my thoughts. Blue sphere is the center of the physical body, rosy sphere is the center of the emotional body, yellow sphere is the center of the mental body. Daniel said that each body has its own permanent atom, which are connected by etheric bonds. Are the permanent atoms of each body located in the corresponding spheres of the Good Health exercise? Yet wouldn't the sphere at the heart center be for the Noetic state, and not the emotional body? Where would the other permanent atoms be located? Could we work with the permanent atom of the physical body apart from the other permanent atoms? If the permanent atoms are not at the center of those spheres, do they all exist in the same matrix together at the heart center? Then what would we find at the center of the three spheres? And how would those centers differ from other sacred centers like the ones over the spleen, liver and shoulders?

D: briefly, the spheres are on the etheric centers: the chakras. The blue sphere is the center for the material body and its etheric double. But it is also a gateway to the psychical. Likewise the sphere in and around the heart center is the center for the psychical body but also serves as a gateway to the Noetical. Likewise, the sphere in and around the head is the center for the Mind body the Noetical body but also serves as a gateway to the Noetic which is not a body but clear reflection of the Human Form. And yes, each permeant atom is located in those etheric centers but also connected back to the one Permanent Atom in the Permanent Personality. Q: About being guilty for not having time to meditate. D: I have heard people say similar things about not having time to practice. What I noticed is that when someone said that they maybe were feeling a little bit guilty they did not do the practices as suggested. But the first thing Daskalos, a good healer or a good psychotherapist should do is try to remove guilt. So Daskalos would tell such people things like: “Its ok to go slowly, take your time, don't be in a hurry. You are living your life and Life is the greatest teacher of all”. Christ would do something similar telling people their sins were forgiven to help that person drop their guilt over sinning and receive a healing. Also when we pass over in the change called death, if you have this interest you will continue your study in the Psychical Planes there is no hard labor to make money, so you can buy food, make car payments or mortgage payments. So, without those earthly responsibilities it is easier to practice and pursue our spiritual interests. Still it is good if we learn and practice as much as we can on this side, because when we do cross over to that world, it will give us a very big advantage.

Q: Now I have a question, when we practice the three suns meditation, we imagine a blue sun in the solar plexus region, but normally these chakras have other colors. The first is red, second orange and third orange. Why do we put here blue light in? And what should it do? Doesn’t it damage the chakras? Although we put on the throat chakra orange light its normally

blue and on the heart chakra pink light, but it should be green. I don t understand that. Can you explain why we do this? What is the effect? D: when you say, "normally these chakras have different colors" you are referring to the images strewn across the internet showing red at the bottom chakra and violet at the crown which is following the order of the spectrum. We are not saying that is wrong. Certainly, the vibration of red is at a lower frequency than violet. But do not limit yourself into that old depiction. Perhaps a better way to view the chakras (etheric centers) would be to consider them like a clear glass spheres which we chose to fill with certain color light to create certain effects. For example, the chart you mention shows orange in the solar plexus but in our beginning exercises we do blue - Why? One reason is that solar plexus in most people is already too fiery and so to bring it into balance we need to calm that center down. That center is associated with the health of the material body, so the sky-blue light brings tranquility and health to the body. But in other practices we visualize that center in emerald green or golden light. It all depends on what effect we need to create. Because different colors of light are vibrating at different frequencies and these different frequencies create different effects in us.

Comment: I often wonder why I am so blessed as to have found Researchers of Truth, and then I wonder why it took so long and think of the time wasted, does anyone else have this thought? Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the amount of information I want to absorb. Why doesn’t the whole world know about these teachings? D: It is a super abundant system Daskalos left to all humanity. We all have a lot to be grateful for. I hear in both of your comments the connection you feel with the with the Teachings. This is because the teachings Daskalos tirelessly worked to bring in and present to the world are the perennial teachings. These teachings are a clear refection of the Truth concerning God Man and the Nature of Reality and the Soul of each of us. This Truth already resides complete and perfect with our Inner Self. When we start to access this truth, it has a familiarity about it, like you knew it all the time. That is because as a Soul you did know it all the time. So, in this

regard Spiritual unfoldment is an awakening or a rediscovering of the Truth rather than learning truth. And therefore, we feel such a connection and since of belonging. Daskalos often said: "These teachings are not mine but those of Saint John and that the truth does not belong to anyone - rather we belong to the Truth" And if you spoke to Saint John, he would tell you these teachings do not belong to him they belong to Christ. And if you would speak to Christ, he would say these teachings are from God. Nothing happens by accident, we come to teachings and teachers when we are ready. So, it doesn't matter so much when you come, it matters what you do next after you have come.

Q: On the Archangels: I was reading one of Daniel's virtual circle lessons on the Archangels and he mentions seven Archangels of the Elements: Four that are spoken of frequently, and three seldom mentioned. In fact, I don't recall seeing the three names anywhere else. The four common ones: the Michaels (Ma-ha-els), the Gabriels (Kha-vir-els), the Raphaels (Ra-pfa-els), and the Uriels (Yiu-ra-els). In the lesson he also mentions the Kha-ma-Els, Ra-mi-Els & Yiopfaels. I was wondering if anyone had heard or seen the names of the other three before and could provide any information on them or tell me where to find more information. I would also be grateful if Daniel could chime in on this subject. D: The other 3 do not concern us now they will come into play much later. The only public information Daskalos released about these three are in his book on Christ. So, for now we talk about the five that are the most accessible to us - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. And of course the Guardian Archangel that bears your name. I can say something general about the others. Kha-ma-Els, color is Orange and is associated with dissolution ... Ra-mi-Els color is Green and is associated with manifestation & Yiopfaels color is silvery blue and is associated with extension of consciousness. Q: Thank you so much for the additional information. Once more I'm

reminded that as much as I think I know of the System for the Research of Truth, it is so much deeper and broader than I imagine. Daniel: Yes, I know what you mean. The 4 archangels of the elements and the Guarding Archangel are the only ones we can approach at this stage. The Yiophaels the Kamaels, and Ramaels are for later. As well as the Cheraphim and Seraphims which await us to reach the level of Self Realization (not personality self-realization but Inner Self Realization) to communicate with us.

Q: What do you mean about the Guardian Archangel bearing our name? Does everyone have a spiritual name? (I am thinking of the white stone in the Book of Revelation) Or do you simply mean the Guardian Archangel that accompanies us? D: Everyone's Guardian Archangel bears the given name of the person they are guarding, and they look like the best version of them. But Why? Because they are egofied (in complete unbroken unification) with each person they protect both as a Soul and as a personality. Q: The best version of me in this current lifetime? D: Yes

Q: One question is: there is a chapter on the Circle of Possibilities and Probabilities of a human being. The part about the material body is discussed that we go from spermatozoon onwards, till we reach old age and die. However, I wonder if the circle of possibilities includes the psychical and noetical bodies? If so, what is the cycle? Another question is: it is written in the book that the Archangels work in the Eternal Now, contemplating "all points of development" of each life form. I don't really understand this couldn't they just contemplate the part of the life cycle when it appears in the life form, as it is happening? (perhaps I don't have the right idea of what the Eternal Now is). Third question is: it says in the book that the form of the psycho-noetical body is identical with the material body, but it also says that it is an oval amorphous mass in most people due

to underdevelopment. I am confused about these seemingly contrasting statements. D: Yes, these same circles exist in the psychical world and noetical world in the psychical world. But is not a matter of our psychical (emotional) body aging. Here the growth of this body in its psychical Circle of Possibilities is in maturing emotionally. In the noetical (mental) body the growth in its noetical Circle of Possibilities is again not in aging in a bodily form but in the growth or ripening of our understanding. Working on all points of any of the circles of possibilities means for example they work on it in the embryo, the new born baby, the infant, the child, the adult and the elderly material body of a human being Simultaneously - which is only possible in the eternal now. From our perspective in time and space it is hard to understand that. Yes, the psycho-noetical form of a human being is perfect because it is the perfect Archetypal Form. It is the Human Idea in the Divine Plan which is Held by the Guardian Angel as a blueprint. But our current psycho-noetical body is composed of the quality of our emotions and thoughts which are not perfect. So, in the beginning it is unshaped or let’s say so poorly shaped and it does not match the perfect Archetypal Form of the Human Idea. It is our duty to shape our psycho-noetical body until it matches the perfect psycho-noetical Archetypal Form held by our Guardian Archangel. How do we do that? By being more loving, tolerant, kinder and being more understanding of our fellow human beings.

Q: my husband is a massage therapist and works doing long massage about 80 minutes with each person and he is exhausted after. What can he do that he does not loose his own vital energy or that he does not pick up the energy from the clients? It is an energetic massage he does, but afterwards he feels bad. D: This is because he is only using the etheric vitality within his body to do this work. To not feel exhausted, he needs to learn how to consciously draw in more and more etheric vitality from the surrounding atmosphere and he

needs to learn how to keep connected to that as he works on a patient. How? first by practicing the exercises in The Esoteric Practices book. Once he gets skillful at that he can learn how to connect to the etheric double of the Earth which is an inexhaustible supply. Q: It will be hard to convince him to practice out of the Daskalos book. I just wanted to give him advice how he can avoid being exhausted. D: Can you teach him the basic breathing exercise? Filling his lungs from the bottom then the middle and then the top and then exhaling from the bottom of the lungs then the middle and top and Doing it to four beats of the heart on the in breath and four beats of the heart on the out breath. If he can do that for about five minutes before and after he see a patient it will help a lot.

Q: I often read: once you do this and then "more information will be given”. Who is giving it and how? Do you mean the Archangels will tell or how does the information come? D: We are giving it in the seminars. But also, your Archangels can and do give that information to you when they see you are truly ready for it.

Q: How do we count the beating of the heart while at the same time doing the breathing? D: The slower your breathing the easier it is to hear/feel your heart beats. In the beginning we need to count along with the breath but after you set that breathing pattern (3:3, 4:4 or 6:6) at the beginning of a mediation, then you can stop counting and concentrate on the mediation itself. With practice this will become more natural.

Q: is it correct to say that the elementals have self-awareness and are living entities, having the ability to choose and to act with similar intelligence than its creator... then what's the difference between a human being, who is a

Soul, and an elemental? Of course, human beings can use Mind to create these elementals, and their personalities can reach oneness with God. But in that case, what exactly does it mean to be a Soul? I had previously thought that being a Soul means we can choose our thoughts, create elementals, express ourselves in three bodies, evolve their personalities and reach high states of consciousness, etc... but I realize now I have no idea what it means to be a Soul. I thought that when we are Souls and therefore exist and can say and know "I am," it means that we have a kind of self-awareness and know that I exist, and that this means to be a Soul. If it's not just that, then what does it mean to be a Soul? D: Definitely neither desire-thought nor though desire elementals are selfaware because they do not have a self at any level. But they do have a degree of intelligence - the exact degree of intelligence as the person creating or revitalizing them. We can call them a living entity, but they are not a Being like Human Being or an Archangelic Being. Beings are eternal. Our Elementals have a limited active life span from a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks years some lasting most of your lifetime and others follow you from one lifetime into the next and the next until they are fulfilled or de-energized. Think of them as a robot with a certain programming that serves as their prime directive governing their behavior they do not have free will to do what they choose. They have a degree of awareness but definitely not self-awareness. As a personality self we are the sum total of the elementals we harbor and express dressed on the "backbone" (so to speak) of the ray of the Soul. The Soul Self on the other hand is not composed of elementals of any kind. Elementals cannot reach to the Higher Noetical Planes let alone the Noetic State - the home of the Pure Soul...which is never bound and forever free. Referring to the desirethought type elementals Christ called them deaf and dumb spirits which means they the lack logic and reason. Our Soul is fully Self-Aware, our personality has a kind of limited selfawareness. It is not possible to say in words what it is like to feel yourself as the Soul. This must be experienced to know.

D: Hello Everyone, there has been some discussing about channeling. We

need to make this perfectly clear because there is so much dis-information and false notions in new age groups about this. Channeling is NOT super-consciousness as someone asked. Comparing Super consciousness to channeling is like comparing a rocket ship to roller skates. Daskalos was and is 100% opposed to channeling. During my time with him on Cyprus certain students from time to time would claim they were channeling Daskalos. When asked, he would often laugh and say, "they are mistaken", Or "this is their imagination" Or they are deceived I hope all can understand Daskalos' important points below as to why this is illadvisable and why channeling is not a method to be used by Researchers of Truth. To help clarify I am reposing from below teachings directly from Daskalos about his views on showing the phenomena of channeling, medium-ship and other such displays.... Daskalos would declare emphatically: "Nothing more stupid than to open yourself up to unverified sources and unknown energies as done in channeling. We have had students who had advanced to a certain point and they started creating phenomena, and to my great disappointment I was forced to stop them from attending our classes. I want to make one thing clear to you. I will not hesitate to turn away anyone with such inclinations. I will not hesitate, not even for a second. But I am also telling you that I won’t’ hesitate for a minute either to give you the power you need in order to help your fellow human beings. One thing must be clear to you. The purpose of our research is not to create phenomena or become mediums or spiritualists. These are foolish things if not dangerous at times, because instead of the beneficial spirits which supposedly are called to come and give this or that advice given by completely foolish and thoughtless spirits that come (most of the times elementals come). These elementals are spirits whom you can approach. Call them earthbound, if you like. They are influencing people living in the gross material world. The phenomena of spiritualism I don't approve of. So, what are the mediums? Are there sincere and real mediums who can come in touch with high vibrations? Are there mediums on earth? Yes! Of course, there are. Those who by nature, or by practice (striving for development as they say), become self-conscious of their etheric double (because, that's the in-between connecting link), can be in

attunement with entities OR beings. Entities or beings? I'll explain that. By entities living in the psychical world I mean the elementals. By beings I mean the beings of those who have departed from the gross material body and now living in the psychical world. They are living in the psychical or in higher worlds. The higher they are living, the more powers they must descend to the lower worlds (that means development). So, why don't I approve of this kind of spiritualism? Because, as people are using these mediumistic powers now, coming in touch with the psychical world, they are not self-conscious of that world. How can they know if they came in touch with an entity or with a being? (By entity I mean an elemental.) So, there is much deception. They (mediums, channelers) may be quite sincere, but elementals could come and masquerade as high beings. That's why I am against spiritualism until one is awakened, one is self-conscious, to distinguish and understand, 'This is an elemental, and this is a being'. Yet, if one can do that, why should he come in touch with these beings or elementals on the lowest plane?" D: Actually, what Daskalos was doing to bring Saint John’s teaching through him was not done by channeling but by Attunement, which is a higher means of knowing. Daskalos said St Johns vibrations were too strong to maintain At-one-ment he used the power of attunement for that. At-one-ment is different that attunement. With attunement there are 2 different things you and the person, place or thing you are attuned to and harmonized with. But with At-one-ment you become one with the person or object - so there is no longer the subject - object distinction found in attunement.

Q: In one of Daniel's podcasts called Cave and Archetypes, Daniel explains that there are archangels of higher orders who project a governing angel over a species of plants/animals, and then a nature spirit over each individual plant/animal. Are the governing angels and nature spirits elementals? He says that these nature spirits have self-awareness and can love. Does that mean they have a Soul? Also, are these nature spirits the same as the plant/animal itself or are they simply controlling the plant/animal? I am quite confused because I thought that plants and animals have no Soul and that they are acting out of sensitivity, sensibility,

and instinct, which means they don't really have conscious choice like human beings do. So then, what is the connection between the plant/animal and its Nature Spirit? And about love, what life forms are capable of love? D: The main Archangel creating and governing any plant or animal is a Being... it is a Self but has forgone the ability to express its expression as a separate self like the Human beings. Instead it forms the common selfhood of a specific Archangelic order. No Archangel "has" a soul... they do not need one because they have not left the oneness of God. The governing angels and the nature spirits over the plants and animals are all elementals projected from an Archangelic Being. I did not say these are a self or a soul. They are elementals but endowed with the creative ether unlike 99.9% of the one’s humans create. Neither the Archangels or governing angels or the nature spirits have free will.... they simply govern the plant or animal with Instinctive consciousness. The body of the plant or animal is just an outer sheaf like our human body is.

D: There are so many (too many) spiritual systems offering methods to advance spiritually. Some are good, some are weak some are misleading and dangerous. But there is a common element in all good spiritual teachings that states that at the core of every mortal personality is the immortal Spirit – the true Self, the Inner Self or call it the Higher Self. This does not mean we have two selves! We are one self, with dual natures: a higher and a lower - our human nature and our divine nature - our mortal personality’s existence and our immortal Spirit Self’s Being. It is this Spirit Self we seek. There is also a common piece of advice in all good spiritual teachings and Socrates said it best: “Know Thy Self”. But to know this True Self, which does not change, we first must separate & disentangle our identification from the constantly changing personality self which is often in confusion and switch our identification to that stable Inner Self that knows. Then its light, love and wisdom can shine through our aligned personality self, raising its consciousness and blessing those around us. D: That fact that we are here logically implies we were someplace before we came here because nothing comes out of nothing. There must be a source, a

cause of everything existing – this both a spiritual and scientific fact. And thus, it is logical that we will be going someplace when we leave our material body in the change called death. Where we are going is common to all however our experiences along the way will be unique to each of us. And our experiences, how we react to our experiences and everything we do will determine, with exact precision, the condition we will find ourselves in when we leave this material world.

D: To find an answer to any personal, partner relationship, family, vocational or societal problem we must first learn and then practice the art of becoming still within. This is done by calming your body, silencing your emotions and stilling your thoughts at will. Learn to become as calm as the surface of a lake without the slightest wind to disturb it. Symbolically this lake is yourself, the wind represents your thoughts, emotions and physical agitations. When the surface of a lake becomes calm, it immediately reflects the truth of the environment around it un-distorted. So too when you manage to still your “lake”, which is emotions, desires and thoughts, automatically the truth concerning your surrounding problems will automatically become clearer and give insight on what to do. When we still our self, the voice of truth speaks to us. Really the voice of truth is speaking to us all the time, but the trumpets of our desires, fears and tribulations drown it out. Therefor to hear the truth, to receive its most needed guidance we must learn to become still and allow the truth to be reflected within us. However, if we are stubbornly seeking guidance and answers according to our own less than noble desires, the answers we receive will be just as distorted as the surface of the lake when the wind blows. And there will be no peace or comfort in any of the answers received. Peace and Good Will to All

Q: I'd like to know what the significance of baptism is. Why did Jesus (or Joshua) put so much emphasis on baptism? Is it necessary? Is it just symbolic? D: There are different kinds of baptisms - The baptism of water as given by

John the Baptist is for the remission/repentance of sins. But remember he said, "the one who comes after me" (Christ) will baptize in Spirit and Fire" this is a whole other level. The baptism of water can be done by a priest and last but a few minutes. Whereas the baptism of Spirit and Fire is only done by Christ and it can last for centuries. Yes, they are necessary and a required passage in attaining the highest levels of consciousness.

D: What are we in relation to the Mind? We are not the Mind; however, we are using the Mind. We are not our thoughts; we are not our emotions and we are not the bodies. They are ours but we are not them. And In our course of study we must learn to how to control the material body. We must study everything possible about the material body and the work of the Holy Archangels. We must also study our etheric doubles. We must control it and use it. And we must study our emotional body, which is can torture us through uncontrolled desires and emotions. We must know them and control them. Then, we find out that we are not our emotions, but our emotions are our expressions. The problem is we have made our thoughts subservient to our emotions. We enslave the super substance of the Mind and formulate it into elementals, there is a mixture of emotions and desires and thoughts behind them to serve these elementals. So we must study how we create elementals that compose our personality. Then we find out, that we are not the bodies of emotion, thought and desire, and we come to realize that we have a kind of time and place self, our personality. This personality is double also. The life of the personality (its nature) is the soul, and its expressions are the elementals. Q: What does it mean to control our material body? We practice breathing, but to what extent do we control the body? D: This is a reference to controlling the primitive urges of the body - the urges of sleep, sex, sustenance (food), survival. Nothing wrong with any of these urges unless we lose control over them. If we do, for example we could become gluttonous by overeating, or lethargic by sleeping too much and so on.

By conscious breathing we are filling our body with etheric vitality for good health. And yes, illnesses can come to us when we overuse this vitality. They can also come to us when we contaminate ourselves with negative emotions, thoughts and less than noble desires, which inhibit the amount of etheric vitality than reaches the material body. And illness can come to our body by interference - Interference from past negative karma that comes to bring balance.

Q: A question for everyone to consider: In the last talk with Daniel, he mentioned the metaphor of the lampshades as the bodies which we need to cleanse in order to reveal more of the light of our inner soul self. He explained this as raising our consciousness. I always confuse myself with the term of "raising" consciousness, because it gives the sense that an upward struggle is required. While it may not be best to use this term, is raising one's consciousness not so different from saying revealing our inner self? And, Daniel mentions that there are no levels in self-consciousness (I mean selfconsciousness in terms of subconsciousness, waking consciousness, selfconsciousness, Self-Super-Consciousness). Why is that? D: Actually, what I said was there are no levels of Self Awareness only degrees of expressions of Self Awareness. There many levels of consciousness; sensitivity, sensablity, instinctive, subconsciousness, awaking consciousness, super-consciousness and Self-Super-Consciousness. As a personality we have many levels of what we call self-consciousness… less conscious, more conscious and more and more conscious. But the Real Self is not like that ... It is one. it maintains a continual Attunement with God. That is real Self Consciousness. That Soul Self is within everything and everything is within it. So, in realizing that Self, there are no levels of degrees of consciousness like in a personality’s self-consciousness. Notice we are using only small letters when we refer to the self-consciousness of our personality and capital letters when referring to the Self-Consciousness of the Inner Self. Q: I see. so, I think once we reach rea Self-Consciousness our personality is "saved" according to the Christian tradition? Then the difference between Self-Consciousness and Self-Super-Consciousness. is that a level or how is that understood? Or could we say that we have reached the level of the Soul

at that point and it is a matter of getting deeper? And for someone who is very, very advanced, like Daskalos, what is the difference as he progresses? Does he still progress at all? Thanks again. sorry for my questions which seem a bit technical. D: Super-Consciousness is that consciousness enjoyed by the Holy Archangels which gives them the ability to work perfectly, simultaneously on and in all points of a given circle of possibility for a human being or any other phenomena of life... plant, animal, insect but they work as a collective Selfhood so it is not what we call Self Super Consciousness only Super Consciousness. But when a human being raises his consciousness to true Self Consciousness then he or she as a Self, Logoic in nature can unite the Logoic with the Holy Spiritual natures and experience true Self-SuperConsciousness. However, no one living in a material body can hold that state of conscious for long.

Q: I want to know how cautious or open we should share Daskalos teachings with others? I Especially want to ask Daniel Joseph and others in the group who may be Christians in the Church, how do we share it without having others suspect that it is something weird, because Daskalos knew about and taught about reincarnation, with nontraditional practices like visualization? I find it hard to share it lest my Christian friends think I'm into the occult. Also, I wonder if it's possible for someone to practice this on their own and bring themselves harm. Not that the system has any problem, but rather the individual may not be ready. Do we need a lot of discernment? D: It is now and always will be a matter of discernment - No matter what orientation someone is coming from (Catholicism, Hinduism or any other ism.... or if they are atheists or agnostics) we must develop our ability to sense if what we are saying is being considered, accepted or if the person is resisting what you are say. If they are then stop, never force anything or go too far. So, we must learn who to speak to about this, how much to say, and when to say it and how much to reveal. When Daskalos would talk to someone from the Jewish religion he would frame his answers to reveal the truth of these teachings from within the framework of the Jewish religion. And upon hearing it they would ask him if he was a Jew....

and he would reply yes. When talking to a Muslim Daskalos would speak the truth of the teachings within the framework of the teaching of Islam...and they would sometimes ask him if he was Muslim.... and he would reply: "Yes, I am Muslim, a Christian a Jew a Hindu...Why not? A Good Muslim is a Good Christian and a Good Christian is a Good Buddhist. Christianity is a religion of Love so anyone who believes in and tries to live in Love is in this sense a Christian no matter what religion they belong to." We must understand that all sincere religions offer a path to God. Some cover a certain amount of the distance between humankind and God, Others cover more of this distance. So for a Researcher of Truth all sincere spiritual systems and religions should be respected. Out of all the different types of people Daskalos spoke to about these teachings... people from orthodox religions to Orthodox Sciences or people from New Age movements to common people with no spiritual or scientific orientation...Who do you think Daskalos like to have conversations with about the teachings the most with? It may surprise you be he said - the Atheists! This is because he found them more willing to listen and think about what he was saying through logically. Whereas those highly invested in their Christian, Jewish or other religious viewpoint could not. The Buddhist are different, because the viewpoint of certain Buddhists is- There Is No Viewpoint, - everything ultimately dissolves/resolves into nothingness. They realized that the personality "self" everyone thinks is so real is not real and lasting at all and so in this sense the personality is a false self. And so, they imagined there is not any Self behind that false personality self at all. Daskalos used to laugh when Buddhist would come and say to him, "Really, do I have a Self?" And he would reply, "Yes just because you realize the personality is illusionary and ultimately not real it does not mean you are not a Self.” As Daskalos mentioned that false notion of nothingness comes from the advanced monks who could raise their consciousness high enough to come to the threshold between the worlds of forms (3 worlds of existence) and the formless states of Beingness and they stopped there. They did not cross over into the formless states of Beingness (noetic and super noetic states) and so without crossing over to experience the formless states directly they imagined that beyond the world of forms was nothingness, when in fact it is every thingness.

Everything existing in the worlds of forms (Material, Psychical and Noetical worlds) is based on, and thus has its source in the eternal Archetypal Ideas found in the noetic state in the formless realm of Beingness.

Q: In the glossary of both Esoteric Teachings and - Practice the subconscious is described having three "chambers": one contains all the elementals of the personality, one is the storehouse of etheric vitality and one is that of the Logos and Holy Spirit. It seems to me that Daskalos is referring to the solar plexus regarding the first, and the third refers to heart center, however, I am a little uncertain about the chamber of etheric vitality. It could very well be the solar plexus too, but this implies that we are talking about two chambers in the solar plexus. Anyone who knows what Daskalos is pointing to here? D: It is not so much a matter of locality he is describing with the threechamber analogy, but he is describing more of the nature of the subconsciousness. We can say the sub-consciousness may have its seat at the solar plexus and it is most easily contacted there but the entirety of the subconscious is everywhere in the etheric double of the material body. The entire subconsciousness of a person can be contacted in a single drop of their blood. But it does not stop there. The subconsciousness is also found in the etheric doubles of our psychical and noetical bodies. Our subconsciousness also contributes to and makes up a tiny part of the planetary sub consciousness as well as the Cosmic Subconsciousness (there is a difference between the Cosmic Consciousness and the Cosmic Sub Consciousness). Consider center number nine. the solar plexus, as both a "place" in our body and as a condition. Even though the whole psychical body is everywhere in our material body, we should see things from the two points of view of first locating it and then working on it as a place as well as a condition.

D: If anyone examines a dead body, it is so Obvious the life force is no longer in the body. That Life Force is the etheric vitality. But it is not the Source of Life, yet it is under the authority of the Source of Life. It is the

holy vitality, it is Mind vibrating at one of the lowest rates of vibration, a little above the rate of vibration of the material body.

Q: Daskalos and Rudolph Steiner: I'm looking for some clarification/feedback on this point. Did Daskalos know of or study Steiner's work? I thought I had read in one of the Markides books that the author (Markides) came to Daskalos with a Steiner book and Daskalos said something like I don't know him. I don't read books. (I'm paraphrasing here). Can anyone confirm/deny that point? But then I found this interesting article claimed to be written by "Günther Zwahlen: From the Goetheanum No.34 December 3, 1995". It describes that Leadbeater (early Theosophical leader) predicted the birth of Daskalos. It also says that the Theosophical society approached Daskalos later in life and Rudolph Steiner appeared to Daskalos and told him "don't do it." so Daskalos declined. D: Daskalos knew very well about both Steiner and the Theosophist... and of course Daskalos read books. Leadbeater did write of Daskalos birth in Cyprus 4 years in advance, Daskalos even mentioned that. We must be careful about what others say. Markides accidentally and at times purposefully misstated things...he was not in the Researchers Circles but only an observer who Daskalos allowed to write about what he witness, but when the first book Magus of Strovolos was about to come out, When Daskalos saw it, he told him not to publish without changing the Title and some other things in the book. Yet, Markides did not change anything so Daskalos wrote him again and asked him not to write any more books about him but of course he did anyway. What I can say about your questions I learned directly from Daskalos. Leadbeater did indeed tell of Daskalos birth time and place. Daskalos was one of the Ascended master helping the Theosophist Society before they went astray. I do not know if Markides came to Daskalos with his book but I do know that Daskalos knew Steiner (not that they met in the flesh) After Steiner's death, Steiner’s people came to Daskalos with a book on black magic and Steiner appeared to Daskalos saying get that book. So Daskalos did and burned in his

back yard in a wood fired beehive oven. However, in his Fire in the heart book, Markides greatly changes the story. Just before Daskalos passed over he said "Don't let happen to my teaching what happened to Steiner’s" What happened was some of Steiner’s students who did not comprehend the depth of it presented it as they understood it which was not a full understanding and that unintentionally distorted certain parts of the teachings. Comment: I want to make a correction here. The people who approached Daskalos were the Theosophists, not "Steiner's people." Steiner was a member of the Theosophical Society but left for the very reasons he warned Daskalos about them. He founded the Anthroposophical Society, and the Anthroposophist’s as far as I know did not approach Daskalos. Steiner is said to have appeared to Daskalos to warn him to reject the offer the Theosophists made (which was, in part, to declare Daskalos a specific Holy Being and to bring him into Theosophy - the book was a doctrine). Daskalos rejected the Theosophists. Steiner's work continues through the Anthroposophical Society. I don't mean to dismiss your version the events, especially if Daskalos expressed them to you; I am just correcting here the conception that the people who approached Daskalos were Steiner's followers (even though they may have had a tangential connection to him), or that the people that carried out Steiner's mission were related to the people Daskalos seemed to be mentioning. I don't want people confusing Rudolf Steiner's Christian mission or anthroposophy - which are very much aligned with Daskalos - with the Theosophists. D: We have it directly in Daskalos writings that early on he was against the Theosophists for taking the young Krishnamurti around on tour presenting him as the Christ and trying to convince Krishnamurti to say he was the Christ. However, Daskalos had great respect for Krishnamurti because he really was able to get the messages of the high masters and present them purely - especially the Master Hilarion. It was in fact Daskalos who went directly up to Krishnamurti in Athens when Annie Besant and the others had him on tour; and speaking to Krishnamurti in his native Indian language so Besant and the others could not understand, told him to "Leave these people and go back to your native country". It was a message Krishnamurti took to heart and he broke with them and return to India

and continued his good work without the Theosophists. Daskalos told many details about the Theosophists group - their strengths and weaknesses. So, it does not appear Daskalos needed Steiner or anybody else to warn him about the Theosophists he knew them well - even before his Spirit Soul incarnated as Daskalos. Q: It seems odd that Daskalos would spend so much time with Markides after he published the first book to his dissatisfaction? D: It is called disobedience others at the time called it betrayal. As Daskalos told, he had opened his teachings up to Markides under the agreement he would focus on the teachings not on sensationalize Daskalos. When Markides did it anyway, Daskalos told him to stop writing and told Markides not to come back anymore. So it is more a matter of how the readers perceives the relationship between Daskalos & Markides from Markides writing than how it really was. As Daskalos told me directly “Markides presented me [Daskalos] as he wanted to see me not as I really am, however the events Markides witnessed and wrote about were true.” Still Markides did a great service of introducing Daskalos to the world and we wish him well Comment: it is interesting reading the books after the Magus and how Markides tone begins to change and, in his writings, he begins to raise Kostas up to the level of Daskalos. It's a bit of a sad commentary but, still amazing books and very glad to have gotten this inside look at Daskalos' life. But we need to use some discretion when reading all those books. D: Yes I know what you mean... in his first book the Magus of Strovolos, Markides describes the one called Kostas (not his real name) as "Light years behind Daskalos" Then by the third book he presents Kostas and the succor to Daskalos who was now too old to continue. When we were with Daskalos he used to laugh at this statement and say "This is not like being a king of a country where you can pass down the leadership, instead each person has to do their own work to reach these high levels of consciousness" But the parts where Markides is quoting Daskalos directly in his books are

very good pieces of the teachings.

Q: Are there any women who were born enlightened and mystical like Daskalos? D: No one is born spontaneously enlightened. If it seems that way it is only because they have worked for and have been successful in this line in previous lifetimes and so they bring it forward in another lifetime. The ultimate enlightenment is Self-Realization/God Realization. This is a characteristic of our Inner Most nature and as such it is not something we have to make or develop ourselves rather our work it to uncover it! No spiritual abilities are given to us as a present. We all must work to find and uncover these our self. Although I did not meet her personally - it seems Anandamayi the "joypermeated one" was born very advanced and became one of India's greatest saints. Ammaji the "hugging saint" also from India was born very advanced and as a young child hugged people to relieve their suffering - even against her parents’ disapproval. In a cathedral in NY City I watched her hug an endless stream of thousands of people from 9 in the morning until about 2 AM and she was just as fresh and strong at the end as when she started at 9 am. In some ways I could say she was even more powerful at the end. Q: I remember going there with Joe Roffolo to see Ammaji, that was some experience. She knew my legs were bothering me from waiting on floor and sent someone to call our row early. Joe said it was no accident that she could sense things even while busy with a full cathedral. D: Yes - No accident at all.

Comment: Daskalos had a Doctorate. I am sure he read books at some point, maybe just not metaphysical books from a less 'correct' perspective. After all, he didn't need to read-- he already knew. D: Yes, he read books. He had many earthly degrees. And I recall seeing books on the Essenes he had.

Q: Does all sickness have the potential to be healed? Or is it possible that some can remain sick as some sort of character-building experience? Personally, I prefer the former over the latter. D: Yes, all disorders and illness have the potential to be healed because of the Mercy of God which is beyond human understanding. But we must realize that accidents and illnesses do not happen outside of God's providence. There are different reasons why accidents and illnesses come to us. The most common is because we (either in this lifetime or some previous lifetime) have transgressed a Universal Law. When we transgress a physical law such as the law of gravity there is an immediate consequence ... call it instant Karma. So, too with the transgression of the higher laws. Everything is governed by the immutable law of what you sow so shall you reap, the Hindu's call it the Law of Karma, the Scientist call it the Law of Relativity it is the Law of Cause and effect. And never do we see an effect greater than its cause. As typical personality we are not able to trace the effects we experience in this lifetime to other lifetimes, but we can be sure of one thing: There is no punishing God. Thus, the suffering we experience is not a punishment from God because we have transgressed a law. The suffering is a consequence that we have transgressed a law. E.g. breaking your leg because you jumped from a high roof is not a punishment from God it is a consequence from transgressing the law of gravity. It does no good to blame God for our broken leg, or for the law of Gravity. It does no good to ask God to suspend the law of Gravity just for us. What is good is to learn what the Divine Laws are and not violate them. One of the most transgressed higher laws is the Law of One. This is the teaching on the Common Selfhood that the enlightened masters of the past and today have spoken about. At the personality level we each feel separated from everyone else - even members of our own family. But as the Soul Self we partake in the Common Selfhood of humanity where we are as cells in the larger body of humanity. Thus, whatever we do to someone else we are really doing to ourselves. So, when we transgress this law we will in this lifetime, or some future lifetime reap a consequence exactly proportionate to the degree of the violation.

There are other reasons why we get accidents and illnesses, and this is when we shoulder the karma of our loved ones.... we take on a piece of their karma to help them. Another reason accidents and illnesses can come to us is when we are tested during trials of initiations. But no matter what comes to us in the way of accidents and illnesses there is a precious lesson in it. Unfortunately, many miss the precious lesson and pay of the Karmic debt by just suffering blindly through it. It takes real sincere effort to contemplate and meditate to understand that precious lessons. And for sure the greater the suffering the more precious the lessons. Comment: I wish people would think of me as a young child suffering with an incurable disease and come together in compassionate love and prayer. Because as an adult with an incurable disease, friends and lovers leave, family becomes resentful and we feel like a study guide for drug companies trying new medications. My body is poisoned more everyday by the meds. And I've lost everything material that ever mattered to me. My career of over 20 years of social work, gone overnight like I never existed. I pray for Mercy every day, that I can be cured or leave this decrepit body and go to heaven where there will be no more pain or suffering. I would give anything to run and play with my grandchildren and enjoy life on earth, I’ve repented of my sins, I’ve tried all western/Eastern strategies, there’s no rhyme or reason for such an affliction, but here I am not even 50 and life is over, barely able to complete my own ADL's. Don't take your health for granted! So once again I ask God/Lord have mercy on me, cure me or take me! And if all of you could ask the same for me, maybe God will shine some light on all these questions we all have. D: So sorry to hear of your suffering, we (including those inclined to in this group) will pray for relief for you. Suffering has such a way of breaking down illusions, clarifying life's priorities, separating what is not so important from what is important, which in effect is raising your consciousness faster than reading any spiritual book ever could. I might suggest you take that process just as far as you can. Study it at the psychical level, at the emotional level, at the material level and at the spiritual level there are real jewels of understanding awaiting.

D: A point to be considered: What we are given in terms of knowledge from

the teachings and by the practices of the Researchers of Truth is the knowledge that has come from the direct experience of researchers who have gone before us. It is knowledge that has been proven. They are like "Kitchen Tested" recipes. Today are advantaged. We do not have to try to work out a new pathway by our self. But we do have to do our work and, make our own progress on this pathway. This means we need to work on the knowledge given by the teachings through introspection, contemplation and implementation to find the reason for it and be able to live it. A Researcher of Truth must always be moving forward. If we only collect spiritual knowledge and do not work on it, we are at best stagnating. Because it is not enough to learn these great teachings and to recite it to others or write posts about them - in fact it can be dangerous. For such a one, this good knowledge will then have the opposite effect than what is hoped for (raising their consciousness) as it will only strengthen egoism in them, making their personality think it "knows". This is not what we seek and this leads from stagnation to a spiritual fall. Comment: Thanks, Daniel. I hope I have understood it. For me I have given up reading all the esoteric things and try to learn from real life and learn from introspection and I try to find my way. Hope that is right so. D: Introspection done correctly will help you more than reading esoteric things. But even reading esoteric things if done correctly can initiate a good introspection.

Q: Does anyone know how concentric prayer is done? It was mentioned earlier. Also want to know about the prayer meditation which Yohannan the Baptist did in the wilderness. if anyone know what that is and if these two are connected D: Concentric prayers are those were we focus or concentrate on something or some process which can when developed fully reach to complete one pointed awareness, which is a non-dual state where there is no subject and no object. We also have expansion types of meditations where we spread our awareness over vast areas like a city, country or the entire planet.

A concentric prayer just means concentration on the specific subject of your prayer. An Expansive prayer is one you send out in all directions

Q: My understanding from the Gita and other sources is that the samadhi is like merging with brahman or becoming one with the logos? The Vedanta state this in their literature. Trying to build a bridge for myself from East to west. I am trying to reconcile my finding with teachings found here. D: There are many types of samadhis. In our system the ultimate samadhi is becoming one with God which in Christianity is called Theosis

Q: I was watching one of those shows on UFO' s last week. It was one with retired military men who were 'breaking their vows of secrecy' about things they have seen. I was wondering what Daskalos thoughts or experiences were with such phenomena? Anyone recall reading anything he said? Daniel? D: We have much information on ETs Not from books but from direct experiences. But really, they should be called ETI Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. Comparing their intelligence with the greatest human intelligence would be like comparing the intelligence of Einstein to that of a toddler. I cannot say much in this public forum on this subject but one of the classes in the October seminar in Indiana will disclose information on this subject in some detail

Q: In Gates to the Light, Daskalos says "Crystals provide a medium to work gently, as present-day personalities, with the Archangels of the Elements". This exercise is for visualization, but did Daskalos work with physical crystals? Were there certain kinds he worked with for specific functions? D: No Daskalos did not work with physical crystals. This exercise and

practice in general are about developing our skills with the imprinting ether and aesthetic ether.

Q: I have a question about skepticism. At the risk of alienating myself, I am new to these teachings and while much of it seems to compute, occasionally I come across something that seems to contradict or makes me feel skeptical that its accurate. And while I know that I haven't put in even a fraction of the years of study and practice that Daskalos and Daniel have, skepticism is still an issue that I must address. Is it an elemental? Do I dismiss it? Is there such a thing as healthy skepticism? I come from a background where I was taught to trust my teachers and spiritual leaders and never question them. And that proved to be a mistake. So now I'm more cautious. I hope this question comes across respectfully and with a sincere intent to find truth. D: Doubt creates negative elementals. Sometimes when Christ was healing, he would not allow all the disciples to come with him. When he went to raise a child from the dead, he only allowed Peter, John and Jacob to be present and he made the family of the dead child leave too. But why? It is because doubt creates negative elementals which interfere with the positive healing elementals. It was the same with Daskalos. He would allow certain students to be present during a healing because their positive elementals wishing for the person to be healed help the healing. So, as psychotherapist it is sometimes better to see the patient alone without their family. If you have other researchers with you that want to help and believe in what we are teaching, then their presence might help. So as researches we do not want to doubt, nor do we want blind faith. What we should do is to be a burning question mark... seeking the truth of things. Seek "why" things are the way they are and why they happen the way they do. This is a much healthier, proactive and positive way to get to the truth rather than doubting or being skeptical about something, or someone. And another thing we stress. Never doubt other people because that sends them a negative elemental that actually is pushing them to do what you are doubting or suspecting them of doing. Another point we sometimes get inspiration to do something but then we doubt

ourselves and do not follow the guidance of inspiration which is most often coming from your guardian angel. And so, we never do what we are guided to do because we doubt our ability to do it and think we might fail. Just think, what would you do in your life right now if you thought you could not fail? Introspect on this! So it is best to replacing doubting with researching. On our journey we must listen to those trustworthy teachers who have gone before us and research the truth of what they say. But we should not blindly accept what they say without proving it for ourselves. Christ said - seek the truth and the truth will set you free. He did not advise us to blindly believe what others tell us the truth is, but to seek it for our self. Q: I wonder if this also applies to discernment. When seeking for the truth in different systems we may encounter falsehoods. How can we prevent ourselves from falling into false systems without doubting? Shouldn't we be cautious? In healing there are also many charlatans. How can we just believe them? I don't disagree with what you said but perhaps you could explain further what is the difference between questioning and doubting in these cases? D: With doubting you first assume that the thing you doubt is untrue. Questioning or researching means you start with an open mind and then do the work, the research, to find out if it is true or not. You do not want to start researching something with a foundation of doubt. With time and experience you will learn to discern the voice of truth from the voice of falsehood that masquerades as truth. It’s like this: Once you have tasted wholesome food - is it hard to distinguish it from junk food?

Q: I'm feeling stuck in a rut, difficult to focus on business success and work on developing spiritually at the same time. At the same time, I feel "pushed" back to the spiritual focus if I stray too far/too long, etc.

At some point, even though growth is largely up to us, as far as how far and how quickly, we progress, do we get "prodded" if we become complacent or stagnant? And if so, who or what is doing the prodding? D: It is all about balance. In the worlds of existence, it is all about balance. In the worlds of Beingness it is all about harmony. Incarnated on Earth is the lowest of the worlds of existence and we find ourselves a citizen of two worlds - the material world and the spiritual world. To be in balance we should be a good citizen of both worlds. Thus, we have to learn how to keep this balance, this means you must find your way of keeping the balance in your life. But the balance should not be achieved by swinging intensely in one direction and then to achieve balance swinging intensely into the opposite direction. Instead of swinging like a pendulum try to go to the middle to maintain equilibrium between your material and spiritual life. There are prods (pushes and pulls) we get that draw us spiritually upward. Most noticeably is the draw on us as a personality towards enlightenment exerted by our Guardian Archangel. And simultaneously your own Soul Self is expressing this pull on its expression (your personality self). And of course, the entire Divine Plan is exerting this pull for the prodigal son to return home after he/she gets his/her experiences in the worlds of existence. And speaking in a state of At One Ment with God, Christ said, "I shall Draw all men to me" (the "me" part means the Christ Principle - God manifested as Total Love and not just the personality of Jesus) Even in the psychology of Carl Jung, he speaks of this prodding and pull calling it the Transformational Impulse. You are not alone. All of us have this balancing act to some degree. Even Daskalos, to make ends meet worked a second job at night at a certain point in time. Even the highest Master that reach the highest states of Consciousness, they choose not to enter full liberation because their fellow human beings are suffering; and they choose instead to come back into incarnation to help others by relieving pain, providing comfort and guidance and they must inter the limitations of the material life to do this.. Which means they work, pay the bills, taxes, and all that. If you were to meet one - they look and behave as good citizens of the material world, but they are not caught by the worldly

entrapments. However, these ones typically live very simply and have not bought into the "upwardly mobile" financial drive most people are enslaved to.

Q: Hi all. In the Lord's prayer we say, "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" and in the Seven Promises, promise number six is asking us to coordinate ourselves with the divine will. So, I ask what is God's will? D: When we make the Worship prayer written by Christ when he was sixteen, we say: "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" When we say that it means His will be done in us. If you look around, everything in the nature kingdom is expressing His will just fine (except for where humans interfere). So, we are not asking for his will to be done in the nature kingdom because it already is being done there. It is in the Human kingdom we ask for His will to be done. Because, it is only humankind that goes out of harmony with God's Will. So, we are asking his will to be done in us while on Earth. What is his will? Just look around and you will see His will expressed in every form of life, in every phenomena of Life. And we can know what it is for every life form by studying its Circles of Possibilities which are fixed, immutable and perfect. Now if we study the Circles of Possibilities (which we discussed in Lesson 26 above) for the Human beings we will also understand something of God's will. But inseparable from God's Will is God's Pleasure to manifest Its Self within Its Self as and in the unfathomable realms of Beingness and the understandable worlds of existence. So, it is not just is just as much God's Pleasure for the Manifestation and the Creation (these are two different things). We have the Will-Pleasure as a prime characteristic of God, which is only possible because of another prime characteristic of God called Self-Sufficiency. And in God's Manifestation we now see the Total Wisdom, Total Love and the AllMightiness. In the Manifested realms of Being-Ness we also find God’s will and pleasure as the Laws, Causes, Ideas and Principles, which are reflected in the created Worlds of existence as all the living forms of life all around us...on Earth and in the Worlds Beyond. So, these Laws, Causes and Principles are God’s will. However,

now they are expressed in the trillions of individual life forms. To have the created worlds of existence we need the means for creation of all the worlds of existence and everything in them. And that means is the Mind. The Mind is not God but an expression of God, Absolute Beingness as well as an expression of all the Infinite Holy Monadic Beings composing Absolute Beingness. Because the vibration of God's Will & Pleasure to manifest resonates in them as their own Will Pleasure to Manifest. This means, that when we reach the level of our Spirit-Soul-Self, then our will-pleasure will cause the emanation of the Mind from us also. Because we are not different to the other beings in Absolute Beingness. They are immortal gods; we are also immortal gods. Now we find (and subconsciously use) Mind in a vast range of vibrations. From the highest Formless Super-substance of the Noetic, to Super-substance of the higher noetical world, noetical Substance, Psychical Substance, The Etheric and finally Gross matter. Is the Mind is the Will of God? Yes, for sure. A prime characteristic of Mind is motion, and because the Mind is used by God and his Archangelic emissaries, we can see the movement of the expression of His will in all of creation. Without this movement over time, space and place as seen in the created worlds how would it be possible for us to understand anything of God's Will? As we ascend the ladder of Relative Truth we will discover that "our" will as a personality often is in direct opposition to God's will. What passes for Will in the material world is often accompanied by stupidity. This combination results in an obstinacy that masquerades as real Will. But as we ascend this ladder, raising our consciousness higher and higher we will make a remarkable discovery - that the Will of our Inner Self is Identical with God's will!

Q: Is healing dangerous for healer? I was told to stop sending energy to others as I may get their illness. Is it true? D: As Daskalos always advised. A pure heart it the best protection. But still it is good to know what we are doing when it comes to sending healing energy. That is why when we send healing energy to anyone, we send it as a freestanding ball of energy and not a stream that connects the giver and receiver.

Create a beautiful ball of healing light, program it for its specific work (healing work) detach it from your aura and send to the appropriate center of energy on the patient's body and release it completely with the prayer "Thy Will Be Done" And you will be protected.

D: How did we as an Eternal Spirit Being become humanized? Were we selected to be humanized from all those other Eternal Spirit Beings who would become the Archangels? No one selected us to be humanized or insisted for us to be humanized. It is the same with the Archangels no one forced them to become Archangels. The Spirit rays from our Holy Monadic Self simply passed through God’s Total Wisdom and Almightiness and Will Pleasure to be expressed according to their own nature. This means it was always in and will always be in our Divine Nature to be human. We as Eternal Spirit Beings are just cooperating with the Divine plan.

Q: Do you know if Daskalos ever treated anyone for Dementia or Alzheimer's at all? We all know that this disease is on the rise and with devastating consequences for so many people, globally. I wonder if the teachings and exercises of Daskalos perhaps can help to prevent this developing in some people. I have often wondered if meditation can prevent it. D: At the time Alzheimer's was not mentioned but Daskalos I did witness him successfully treat many mental disorders such as these. Yes, the exercises in our system work with the sensate, kinetic, and imprinting ethers which facilitate memory and brain functioning. In practicing the exercises, we are improving our mental abilities, functioning and at the same time general good health for the physical brain. Not long-ago scientist tested Buddhist Monks brains during meditation and found that meditation actually stimulated the formation of new neuro pathways

in the brain. So, we have evidence that meditations, the right kinds of meditations, can help in this regard.

D: At the highest level All Spirit Beings, both those destined to be Human and those destined to be Archangels are a Self, which is in a constant state of At-One-Ment with God. The Archangels never come out of the oneness with God in the realms of Beingness. The Human race as it descends into the worlds of existence passes through the “River of Forgetfulness” as Plato called it or the Law of Oblivion as we call it and undergo a temporary, seeming real but not ultimately real sense of separation from God. However, in truth, it is not possible for us to be separate from God or we would not exist at all. Q: Is it at the point of soul self-awareness that we will have the choice for reincarnation? Also, at that point if we do reincarnate do, we do so while maintaining our Soul Self-Awareness or will we still incarnate through the law of oblivion? D: Once you reach Self Realization - Self Realization you continue to incarnate by choice (love for your fellow human beings) but not by obligation under the law of karma as is the case with 99.9% of the population of earth. Then when we reincarnate we retain degrees of Soul Self Awareness but not full Soul Self Awareness because we must leave the eternal realm of the pure Soul in its full Attunement with God to again enter the worlds of existence and undergo limitations in order to be of service to others in these worlds. We cannot shoulder the burdens of others incarnating in the worlds of existence unless we return here to be with them. Q: If we look at self-realization in a non-dual context - the understanding that this physical person or "me" is simply a focal point in time and space for God's own awareness to experience itself - what role do angels and Archangels play in this context? D: first, the "me" you speak of is not really a physical person - not the material body. When you say 'me' it means your personality and your

personality is not the material body. The material body is simply a vehicle used by our personality during its journeys on Earth. Your personality is really your psycho-noetical body, the body of your thoughts, desires and emotions. It is your thoughts, feelings and desires that are driving your physical behaviors. Yes, you and everyone are an offspring of God, but most have not realized that reality So a main role of the Archangels that travel with you is to wake you up to that glorious reality! But you must raise your consciousness and try to reach them and ask to receive this help - don't expect them to come to coax you to wake up without trying yourself. Q: Once you have been reached by an Archangel, how would you suggest working with them? Does it depend on which one has been reached? D: They will lead You in this regard. They will work with you. They know everything about you. Follow their guidance they know exactly what you need. Q: I have never been able to contact any "one" higher or Archangelic Being, but I feel the love of the Divine and the guidance of Archangels I think in my way. D: if you "feel" their love that is a contact! And that is way it first happens. First you feel them ... then you hear them ... then you see them and much later you begin to understand who and what they are. It is very much like the same process as a newborn as it starts to know its mother. First it feels the warm of the mothers body, then is learns to recognize its mother's voice, then when the newborn’s eyes come into focus it learns to recognize its mother's face when it sees it and much later it starts to comprehend who its mother really is.

Q: Just wondering how much time people on here tend to spend daily on the esoteric practices? And for how long you have been doing so, and whether you have made any progress? D: As Daskalos often said to those in the outer circles - meditating 15 minutes at a time is enough - more is not better. In fact, it can be harmful because until well trained, most people cannot hold the focus of a

meditation for extended periods of time without thoughts and feelings arising from their sub-consciousness to distract them from their purpose. So, short clear stable visualizations and meditations are by far more effective than longer ones. Also, in longer meditations there is a danger of just entering your subconsciousness and entertaining these thoughts, emotions, desires elementals that surface from your subconsciousness to be fed by your attention. This is not what we want - this is not really meditation and it is not effective. So, as we engage ourselves in the meditations of the Researchers of Truth please understand the ones that are given and the order they are given (from the simple beginning ones to the most advanced) are the most important. They are cumulative and are given in this order for a reason. They are like a recipe, a "kitchen tested" recipes. If you follow them as directed you will get the results, which are being whole and healthy in body heart and mind. The practices of Meditation, Observation, Introspection, Concentration and Visualization, when properly done, shapes and balances these three bodies. This means shaping them to match the perfect Archetypes held by our Guardian Angel. When they match the Archetypes perfectly - it means we have reached Self Realization which is the Aim of the Researchers of Truth. But we must realize that our application of these teachings and practices have one Prime Directive: Making our personality better and better for the purpose of helping our fellow human beings. Nothing more than that. We are not just trying to do all this only for our own benefit. As we reach higher levels the Researchers of Truth always turn and bring what they find it back down to help others who are trying to come up and out of their illusion and sufferings. So, in this regard the Researchers of Truth have the same motto as the US Marines - No man (or woman) left behind! Practicing and most importantly, living the teachings over the course of five, ten, twenty years or more you will be amazed and the changes. Your understanding of God, man and the nature of reality will blossom exponentially giving you a deep sense of peace and certainty as to who and What you are and your place in the Divine Plan. Automatically you will find that those things that were big obstacles in your development some years ago, become trifles that you can now easily overcome them. Things that used to really upset you no longer bother you as you come out of illusions and into the Light!

Q: After reading all the material over the past several years it is still not entirely clear to me as to which exercises are for beginners, which are intermediary, and which are advanced. Also, it’s not completely clear when it's the proper time to progress from one exercise to another D: Simple exercises of working with the kinetic, aesthetic and imprinting ethers in your body are the exercises Daskalos gave to the outer circle. (Three Suns, Good Health, five-pointed star, etc.) Those along with the "Who am I and What am I' contemplations are the beginning ones. A sampling of which I put in the Swimming with the Whale book. The rest are only available if you order the CDs of Daskalos' Stoa Lessons that Daskalos’ daughter sells. The next level you will find available are the Gates to the light meditations book. The next levels appear chronologically in the meditations she has released over the years. And finally, the Symbol of Life meditation contain very advanced practices. All of these are only available by ordering on her web site. But without mastery of the basic practices they do not help much. The proper time to progress to the next levels is when you have mastery over the previous level. By mastery I mean you can use the kinetic, aesthetic and imprinting ethers in your body at will. You will be able to separate and use each one individually and in combinations. These natures and the etheric vitality itself must not be just a theory for you - you should be able to use it before moving on. And as Daskalos advises it is not wise to start to practice the Symbol of Life meditations until you can create clear, accurate visualizations, hold the visualization stable for a definite period of time, dissolve the image and store it in your subconsciousness and then be able to retrieve it whole and complete anytime you like. There are real dangers if you try to run before you can walk.

Comment: I am new to this group and am happy to see such a thriving community of Researchers of Truth. I am going through some difficulties now and have realized that this is of my own making. I have been working with the exercises to get my life back into balance. However, this is tough on my own, so I hope to connect with some of you individually to get some help

as I get up to speed with the rest of the group. Thanks! D: Really in the worlds of duality in which we find ourselves it is all about balance. When things in our inner world or in our outer world become unbalanced the Universal Law of Balance inevitably comes to effect to restore balance. When the imbalance is significant enough the restoration of balance usually involves pain and difficulties. If the imbalance is physical the restoration involves physical difficulties & pain If the imbalance is emotional the restoration involves emotional suffering & pain if the imbalance is mental the restoration involves mental anguish & pain. But rather than the balance being resorted in this difficult way can willingly restore balance proactively with reason.

Q: wondering if you could help with a few questions. I wanted to know what Daskalos usually would do to help people suffering from psychical or noetical wounds. Besides sending healing elementals through visualization, how would he approach such cases? Also, on this group, I have raised the question about the Enneagram and Hypnotherapy and various modalities for psychological healing. Some members suggested Daskalos would be against these methods. Just wondering what your experience with this is. Is there anything that Daskalos suggested, and anything that Daskalos did not recommend (and if you could briefly explain the reasons as well)? In my experience these modalities can really help, as well as things like music and art. I am interested in doing some work in related areas in the future so would like to know Daskalos' view on these things. Thank you very much for your input. D: First before sending visualizations we must try to understand the nature of the patient's emotional (psychical) and mental (noetical) wounds and approach the patient and not approach from the top down like we are in a position of authority and they are under us, but from their side as a real friend and guide. Of course, Daskalos could also remove the torturing thoughts and emotional elementals from the person... but you will not be able to do that until you can

control and remove your own troubling elementals. However just removing them without curing their cause in the personality, the patient could easily just reenergize them. It is important to get the personality to cooperated in the cure in this regard by addressing the cause of the illness and not just the symptom. His most effective method (which only worked if the personality cooperated) was to prohibit the patient from talking, thinking, feeling or otherwise engaging with the elementals torturing them. With that method alone he was able to facilitate a healing even on serious cases in mental hospitals. Because that is the fastest and the most effective way to de-energize unwanted elementals. Someone, a longtime person in the system for the Research of Truth, became interested in the Enneagram and wanted to teach it. Daskalos was so strong in forbidding that person from teaching the Enneagram, that it appeared he was truly angry with her, but of course Daskalos had killed anger in him and so he was only putting on the lion's head and growling for the sake of this person. Things like Music and Art are not like that - to work in music or art you work with harmonies (colors and sounds) which are not created from the minds, hearts, and hands of human beings but from high, high Laws and Principles in the Noetic State. The artists expression in music and art do come from their minds, hearts and hands. But the practices, attune us with these higher laws and principles.

Q: Hi everybody, I had today a client and she said that she is scared because her adult son said he want to kill himself - suicide. I ask you now is there anything written or in YouTube what can she show her son that he understands that dead not exist and the consequences about it? Is there a prove or a story or is there a book I can recommend? The family has no knowledge with God or with anything about that. What you can recommend that he never ever thinks in an act like that? D: Sorry to hear about this – we are seeing more and more of these kinds of cases. You do not mention any contributing factors like loss of romantic love, dissatisfaction with life or drugs and by drugs, I mean the legal pharmaceutical drugs who's listed side effects are thoughts of hurting oneself and/or suicidal thoughts. More and more of these cases we find legal

drugs are involved. Without knowing the particulars of this cases I will only make some general comments here. These are more for you and this group and not necessarily intended for your client. We have all kinds of elementals good elementals, very good elementals, bad & very bad elementals and a class called destroying elemental it is this class that exerts destabilizing influences on personalities that lead them to try to commit suicide and destroy what they consider themselves to be (their material body) in order to stop their anguish. So, let’s break this down. A person tortured to the point of committing suicide is usually not tortured by pain in their material body. The pain is coming from their thoughts and emotions not the material body. But unfortunately, they do not know this and kill their material body which they themselves have not made. The Holy Archangels have built it and are sustaining it. So, what right do we have to destroy their holy work in which we live in more by grace than by right? If you build a house and pay for the house yourself, you have the right to call it yours and live in. You can even stupidly destroy it if you like. But we did not build the house of our material body in which we live. Christ rightly called it the temple of God. So, is it ok to destroy this temple of God? Why are more people in rich countries like Switzerland and America committing suicide than in poor countries? Perhaps it is because they have everything and yet they do not respect life. People living materialistically and subconsciously find no satisfaction in life because they do not understand what life is and what living in a material body is and this leads to so much confusion, so many suicides, so much pain and psychological illnesses. Life is precious and we must understand the value of life. Today we hear of so many people living in agony. The word agony comes from the Greek word angst. Did this word exist in the ancient languages like Aramaic or Egyptian langue? They did not have this word – they did not have this condition like we do today. It did not exist thousands of years ago. It is a modern psychological condition but not a physiological disease. People committing suicide live without feeling pleased with life. Which means they are under the influence of elementals of dissatisfaction. And if you ask people who is responsible for their dissatisfaction, they report the cause is always someone or something outside of them. They will blame a family

member, their in-laws, an acquaintance, a spouse, their parents or maybe their children everybody except themselves. Therefore, Daskalos called dissatisfaction the worst disease. Do they ever consider their dissatisfaction as a wakeup call from God? To wake up the personality, to exert an influence on the personality to find their Inner Self and not to kill their material body? A body that the Holy Archangels are working day and night to build and maintain for us! So, let’s say such a person tortured by his or her elementals of dissatisfaction does kill their body. As you know they cannot kill their Real Self or even their personality self. What happens. That person will only find themselves on the other side, in a lower sub plane of the psychical world in their own private shell. You cannot ultimately get rid of these torturing elementals by killing the body. And you cannot kill an elemental. Those who bring an end to their life on earth will not escape the consequences. A deserter always is returned to the place they desert. We are where we are, having the experiences we are having to learn certain very valuable lessons. We cannot abort this valuable learning experience no matter how painful, we cannot take the Divine Law into our own hands and do as we please. But what if someone does anyway? What happens next? The result, Daskalos confirms, is they will be sent back, to be reborn, deft, dumb, blind, lame, with down syndrome or something of that order, just to learn to appreciate life. To learn that life cannot be despised in this way. Is this degraded re-birth a punishment from God, punishing them for destroying their material life? No of course not, this is nothing more than a consequence of their own action. Which leads to the question: wouldn’t it better to tolerate our life as it is, learn the lesson and learn to respect life and our place in it than to kill the material body and suffer these consequences? So, what can we do to help a potential suicide? We are told a commandment of God is: Thou shall not kill. This means we should not kill others or our self. Killing oneself is the same as killing somebody else – there really is no difference. The potential suicide should seriously think about this. A method the researchers of truth uses is to de-energize and not focus on those torturing elementals that drive one insane or to suicide. When they focus on them, especially repeatedly, it greatly destabilizes the personality causing a great

imbalance that can lead to the mental hospital if not to suicide. But God’s mercy is boundless, so for one who does not find help in this world, help will come forward in the psycho-noetical worlds after the death of their material body. What can you do as a psychotherapist? What can any of us do who has a case like this one? When we find a person, who is not believing in God or themselves or even life and is thinking of committing suicide; we make a luminous sphere of brilliant canary yellow light and send it to them. See it enter through the center of their head and assume the shape of a sphere inside and slightly around their head. See them calming down and wish them good mental health and clear thinking. Canary yellow is the color of the Logos, and the Logos will help that person become more logical and start seeing things in a better more reasonable way. What happens is that this elemental of canary yellow light will go to that person and attach to their aura. It may not really activate until that person becomes at least subconsciously receptive, however. Q: So, we can send yellow light to everybody...does it matter if he believes in god or not? D: Right we can send the canary yellow to those who believe or do not believe in God, themselves or life. This is also a good color to send to the head center of those who are acting illogical as well as the depressed. As I said the canary yellow (and golden) are the colors of the Logos. Sometimes we call it the Christ light and it tends to absorb illness unless that person is under the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma) that requires them to get a certain lesson. When we work like this, we are not trying to over rides God's Laws, we are trying to invoke God's Mercy to forgive the cause and bring about a healing - but in the end it is "Thy will be done"!

Q: Is fasting a thing? Is it beneficial to awakening and healing? Why did Jesus fast for 40 days? D: It is a great tool for spiritual advancement - The Essene community from

which Christ came was big on fasting as a purification technique. And you can read about in their ancient book called the Gospel of Peace: Daskalos had this book. And of course, Christ told his disciples the some of the more difficult evil spirits (destructive elementals) Can only be cast off by prayer and fasting.

Q: I still find that when I am doing exercises and practices, I get very sleepy and often pass out. I have been working with the exercise for good health and many times I will find myself asleep before I ever get to the first ball (nebula) of light around my torso. I think this is the Holy Spirit and the Archangels taking over my body to do some healing work on me. It feels like a powerful ether that comes over me quickly and I feel so heavy. It seems like the experience I had when I received anesthesia during a recent medical procedure. I feel as though I am physically weak and getting healthier each day, I do these exercises. I am eager to get on to more ‘interesting’ exercises, however, I realize I must be patient and just keep taking baby steps for now. D: This sleepiness is just a sign of the accumulating aesthetic ether but not everyone experiences it the same way. Some may sense it as a tingling, others feel it as warmth, others as a heaviness. But if you stay with the practice, this feeling soon passes, and you will feel strong.

Q: I am also new and just starting to work through the material. I find myself re-reading and revisiting concepts and sentences a lot. I know this takes time and it is a process unique to everyone, so I am prepared to be patient. My question is about karma. In the faith I grew up in, grace was the magic wild card. You could do anything but faith in Christ and his grace assured that you would be removed from your sins as far as the east is from the west. I now see that mercy and grace may be given but the consequences of sin are still with us in the form of karma and elementals. How does one assess and correct the damage of a lifetime of episodes of wrong thinking and living? The daily introspection practice is helpful, but the past is well- in the past, without much opportunity to undo wrong thinking that

occurred five, ten, twenty or more years ago. D: Introspection is not done on past years but on the past hours of the day. Leave the past in the past - as Christ said, "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Just think about this. if a plowman keeps looking backwards definitely the rows his making in the moment will be crooked. In a similar way if we keep looking back at mistakes, we made in the past we will not be present in the here and now and so mistakes will continue to be made. Having said that we still must learn to introspect over the day’s events to see where we could have done better and resolved to do better in the future. It is like a sculptor carving a piece of stone - if they do not observe carefully the results of the each stroke how can they learn how hard to strike their hammer, and what angle to hold the chisel to have the best outcome for the particular kind of stone they are carving. Their effort must be examined careful to get the desired outcome. Likewise, our thoughts, words, actions and deeds must be examined. As Saint Antony said: "An Unexamined life is not worth living" And Introspection with Observation are the most effective tools for examination and correcting wrong thinking and living. It is rightly said that Christ and the father may forgive your transgressions but that does not necessarily mean the consequence will be removed. For example, if a teenager breaks out a window in the church, gets caught by the priest who tells the child's father and they confront the teenager who repents and says he is sorry. His father may forgive him, the priest may forgive him, but somebody still must fix the broken window. Maybe his father takes on the teenager's karma and pays for the window repair or maybe the teenager shoulders the burden of his own karma and pays for the window from his/her allowance. But one way or the other the karma of breaking the window must be paid off. It is something like that when we transgress God's laws which upsets the balance and creates the very exacting karma that comes back to balance the transgression. This is Law of Karma, we call it the Law of Destiny, Christ called it - What you sow, so shall you reap. It is all the same. And we can pay this imbalance of through the whip of destiny just blindly just suffering through the consequences or by using reason we can learn the Divine Laws, the Universal Laws, and proactively not break them.

Q: Which color would you suggest for fibromyalgia? D: Pure luminous white light - make it clear and strong

Q: I have a question that may be a bit controversial, but it's come up for me many times over the years. It is about the Old Testament "God", vs. New Testament God. My feeling is that the Old Testament "Lord God" was an impostor, possibly extraterrestrial. And I wonder if Daskalos ever had anything to say about that subject. My reasons for questioning this are many, including Genesis (I believe, 13), where Abraham recognizes "Lord God" and three angels, invites them in for food, etc., "Lord God" needing a communication device (Ark of the Covenant) that was fatal to touch (high electrical current running through it), which had to be carried by people wearing special insulated clothing and using wooden poles, "Lord God" becoming angry and ordering entire tribes wiped out, including children and animals, and "Lord God" deciding that man was too ambitious and becoming too capable and... perceiving that as a threat... supposedly "divided them by language", etc. (My feeling is that the real way to divide groups of people and set them against each other, would more likely be by giving them differing religions and telling each group that it was "chosen".). So, I'm wondering what, if anything, Daskalos might have had to say about such a thing. D: It does not take a Biblical Scholar to see the angry, jealous vengeful god of the Old Testament is not at all the merciful, forgiving and loving God of the New Testament as presented by Christ and the Essene community. The Old Testament god was/is not an extraterrestrial. It was an anthropomorphic god like the jealous gods of Greek mythology. Anthropomorphic means this god was given human characteristics by human beings. Of course, this means it is a group elemental given great power by masses of people who worshiped this god over thousands of years. Anthropomorphic gods do help those that worship them. Daskalos specifically spoke of the god of the Old Testament calling it "A group elemental

dressed in Jewish sentiment." And saying. "Because the people that created this god had jealousy, anger and the feeling of taking revenge on others the people imagined this god to have the same sentiments." But God does not have such human weaknesses. There is only One True God and this God is most loving and merciful. Q: Thank you for this explanation. So, if I understand you correctly, people created their own god (elemental) and in a way it became real because of the energy thousands of people put into this group elemental? D: It is real in the sense that it is a living elemental and can have real effects on its followers but it is not "Real" in the sense that it is an Eternal Being like and Archangelic Being or Absolute Beingness (God). Often these kinds of Elemental gods like the Aztec had called for human sacrifices just as this Hebrew elemental god did - you can find this human sacrifice mentioned in the Old Testament.

Q: I've been struggling with my visualization practice. When trying to visualize balls of light, I just can't seem to make them luminescent. They usually appear as something solid and dull. Also, I'm not sure where to place my point of view. Or to put it another way, I don't know where to set up the camera. Should it be outside of my body looking back at me? Or inside the body so I can see bones and organs inside? Or should it just be located right where my eyes are and imagine myself looking down or wherever the light should be? D: When we visualize these are psycho-noetical images we are creating - so it needs practice to see them clear and perfect - just keep trying. No one expects you to immediately visualize perfect images when you first try. Just like no one expect a person who first picks up a violin and sheet music to immediately start playing the violin like an accomplished master. In Visualization we are using the imprinting ether from our Noetical body. This ether is not from the material body and now you are trying to use it consciously. However, you have been using it subconsciously all your life. In imagining things, you want and remember visually things from the past or from dreams and

even when you fantasize about anything. This ability to see in this way has nothing to do with the material sense of seeing with physical eyes. In visualization we are using one (Clairvoyance) of the five super senses. As we have five ordinary senses, we also have five super senses. These are the sense of the Psycho-Noetical body. Just think when you are out of your body in a sleep state and you see a beautiful dream or a bad nightmare you are not using your psychical eyes are you? You are using this psycho-noetical super sense. It is the same with "seeing" in an out of body experience or after the death of the material body we "see" with this super sense. And our practices train us to use these latent senses consciously by working with the imprinting ether, the aesthetic ether, and the kinetic ether. As far as your point of view when visualizing your body, Frist you will see it in front of you. but view it as looking at the front of your body and not from behind it. Then as you practice further you shift your vantage point of being in the body. In the beginning you may feel you are flipping between these two points of view and it gives you the impression that you are double. But in time you will learn to control that and transfer your self-awareness between the two viewpoints at will. Once you get the skill of this you can even get the vantage point of a moving point of observation that can move 360 degrees around your body as if hovering in a tiny drone. But you must work at it. It takes practice; and this means mastering the imprinting ether. All this goes hand in hand with reshaping your amorphous psycho-noetical body to match its perfect Archetype held by your Guardian Angel.

Q: I have a question re: The Lord's Prayer. Jesus specifically guided us on the prayer in Matthew 6:13. The disputed part that Markides mentioned in one of his books, and Panayiota also seems to follow, has to do with temptation. In the official text, Jesus instructs us to pray to God to "lead us not into temptation". Daskalos indicated to Markides that this was transcribed incorrectly by Matthew. And the correct Lord's prayer is "lead us while in temptation" because we cannot avoid temptation - a life without temptation is meaningless, it's what we do while in temptation that matters. The official Greek by the way more correctly translates "let us not FALL

into temptation" which is more in accordance with being led while in temptation, because fall means to sin. What is puzzling therefore is in Daskalos' New Testament-- Joshua Immanuel The Christ" on page 99, in Daskalos' own handwriting, he reverts to the originally transcribed version of the Lord's Prayer. Why didn't Daskalos write it the way he believes Jesus instructed us to pray? Or is Matthew correct and Markides wrong? D: This was brought up to Daskalos in a Stoa lesson on Cyprus I attended so I have it firsthand. Of course, it is not God that leads humans into temptation, so we have no need to pray to him "please don't lead us into temptation" Leading humans into temptation is the job of others..."the shadows of the light." Daskalos work was not to change what was written in the Bible and so the prayer was often but not always given by him as it is written in the bible. But as Daskalos told us it was really "lead us while being in temptation" Because we are in temptation all the time - it is all around us. So, we are asking him to lead us, so we do not fall into an evil temptation. You say fall means sin, the original word that is translated to us in English as sin is literally translated meant "To miss the mark" In other word sin is an "error." Now then consider the next line of the prayer..."and deliver us from evil" Now in this line we are asking God's help to come out of any evil temptation we may have succumbed to. Regarding what was written in Daskalos own hand on page 99 - what he wrote was this line in the Aramaic and Greek language of the time spoken by Christ. I don’t read the ancient Greek or ancient Syrian Aramaic so I cannot confirm what the literal translation is. Maybe the translation of his handwriting in Greek is "let us not FALL into temptation" as you noted. The Chapter verse quote you mention in Daskalos’ book was added by the book’s editors from today's Bible. They published his handwritten work after he passed over.

Q: Daniel wrote in another message about the prayers that a prayer what is

only spoken with words without concentration does not work. But what I learned that every word has an energy. Look to Masaru Emoto, and Indian teachers say always if you repeat hundreds of times a mantra, does not matter if you understand the words or not... it has an effect because it’s used thousands of years and then its powerful. So I really would beg Daniel to explain what sentence is correct...and which not. And the different between old prayers and prayers from the heart D: See my answer about the lead us not into temptation question above. But the vibrations of the words alone are not the real power of the word because they are only physical vibrations, which do have some beneficial effect. But as Daskalos taught us it is even more powerful if the word starts to resonate in your heart as its meaning. Because then in addition to physical vibration of the word in the etheric double of the material body, with the meaning the vibration will also resonate in your psychical body, making the effect more powerful. But even more powerful still is if you can enter the understanding of the word. Because then you have engaged your mind and the word now resonates in your noetical body... this is the most powerful of all. That is why Daskalos did not think much of western people reciting eastern Sanskrit mantras without knowing the meaning and true understanding of the word then the result of doing this did not have as much effect as people imagined it did. As Daskalos said: “And what's the use of reciting a mantra without knowing what it means? Vibrations? Mysteries? - Stupidities! Hindus coming here, who are practicing mantra and meditation for years and years and years and didn't succeed even to conquer those psychic vibrations called anger. With least provocation we see them excited and getting angry. I tell them, ‘Look, you have done nothing until now.’ Well, this kind of prayer (mantras and such) they do work on the subconsciousness and we have to many of them even in our Christian system. What is the phrase “Kyrie Eleison” (God have mercy on us) in our churches? It’s a mantra. No need to run to the East just to repeat the words of another language we do not understand. Christianity also has mantras, but they are only crutches. This is not what we should use. We use prayer, which means meditating with understanding as we extend our prayer. It is making good use of the Mind and

appreciating what is behind - the God of Life. That's prayer.” Just think if you told an African Zulu who did not know English to chant the world Love ... without understanding or entering into the meaning of the behind the word love - how much real benefit would it have on him?

Q: I have a question about the Bible. For most of my life, I've been told that there is only one version of the Bible. I know this is untrue. When I consider Constantine and the removal of all "non-blessed" versions of the Bible, I wonder which Bible we should believe? Is there a "true" version of the Bible that includes the books regarding reincarnation? I would appreciate your thoughts. D: There were something like 254 bible versions at the time the English King James Version was created. But the fellow who did the English translation only had access to one of those, so his version came from one source. Still I prefer that one and one that has been directly translated from the Aramaic. Then we have those books that we're band from the Bible- these came from the Nag Hammadi library. But some of these are not good. But the Gospel of Thomas and of Mary are worth studying.

Q: Did Daskalos say anything about eclipses? D: Not to my knowledge

Q: How important are dreams to the Researchers of Truth? I've been writing mine down for the last year, I'm not sure if this is good use of my time or not. This morning I had a lucid dream, so I did the walk exercise, which is where I am on the exercises of the Esoteric Practice book now. The only thing I could make out in sharp detail was the flowers from my walk, they all popped into my vision, the rest was blurry. Maybe this is a good

indication of how much work I need to do on concentration/visualization. D: As Daskalos always firmly declared there are no such things as dreams these are real experiences on the psychical planes but on these inner planes the elementals from our subconscious materialize as people places and things just as they do after the death of our material body. So, to study them is a good kind of introspection. In this case, we are studying the thoughts desires and feelings stored in our own subconsciousness in other words our elementals. But to really understand this elemental circus called dreams we have to understand our own mythology. For example, if you dream of a snake and you are a Christian there may be a negative association with it. But if you were a practicing Hindu the snake could be associated with the positive association of the Kundalini. So much of our dream images has personal meaning. When you dream of a relative or anything you must ask yourself what does that person or thing represent to you. Yes, these are real experiences we live within our own personal psycho-noetical shell, but they are rich in meaning and guidance when you learn how to decipher them. Some dreams will provide glimpses into events about to happen soon (some days). Other dreams are opposite dreams where there is a kind of mental imprint like left on a film - a reverse impression. But this is a phenomenon coming from an original reality. Then we have dreams where others come and visit us in our shells and sometimes we go inside other people’s shells and visit them - these kind can be very, very bazar because now we enter their shell world composed of their elementals which are quite foreign to us. Of course what the researcher of truth is really aiming at is to awake from their shell world and experience the reality of the psychical plane they are in when their material body lies sleeping on the bed I wish this kind of experience for you. Q: So when we pass from the material plane to the psychical after what we call "death", if we haven't made efforts to live more consciously then our life in the psychical will be just like it is in our dreams? D: yes exactly. The moment after death of our material body we are the same as we were before our death. Death of our material body does not change our personality. the moment after the death of your material body you are no more conscious than you were the moment you were before your

death - you just do not have a material body. You are still you, but now existing, living in a higher more refined body in a higher more refined world. Q: I understand. That makes sense, thanks. I imagine that it might be to our advantage to learn to live more consciously in the material world and have it carried over to the psychical, rather than to bring our illusions with us to the psychical. There must be some sort of advantage to making certain strides in the material world. D: yes, if you can live more consciously here on earth - you will find yourself in a more privileged position on the other side.

Q: Can anyone tell me what color of Light ball should be sent to a person with sickle cell, A small deep orange ball to around the area of thyroid is this correct? D: The orange ball at the thyroid is primarily for killing viruses and microbes harmful to the body. For blood diseases such as leukemia or sickle-cell which are weaknesses in the blood we use strong red light. And you can always send the white light. Do you have this person's permission to work on their sickle cell problem? We can do prayers and send general healing balls to help others but if we are to work very specifically like this it is best to have permission from the person we work on. Also, this helps set up the condition in them to be receptive to the healing. Q: Yes, I have a permission to work on a person. She has also Infections. And that is why also I felt it is safe to send orange light ball. Is this correct? Sickle cell is a condition inherited and red cell weakness although I understood it is allocated in blood problem. Is there anything I should do, or I should not do now? D: Yes, if there are also infections the orange light can help. Pray as deeply as you can for healing - visualize as clearly and perfectly as you can petition God with all your heart to intervene to allow this person to be relieved from their problem. And then release it to God and say: "Thy Will be Done" And really mean it. If they are healed is not your success at doing

the healing if they are not healed, it is not you that have failed. It is all the Will of God. They are under the Law of Cause and Effect according to the Divine Plan. All we can do is send the necessary healing balls and prayers and petition God that this karma be lifted from them if it is permissible.

Q: Question about dreaming & the Guardian Angel. Daniel Joseph has said that after material death while we are in the psychical world (where dreams occur), the Guardian Angel reflects to us who we are. We may see a monster or something else, but it is really the Guardian Angel as a mirror reflecting to us something about ourselves. The Guardian Angel also oversees our psychical and noetical experiences. Now dreams have images that reflect to us things (elementals) in our subconscious. There is also a consciousness behind dreams creating the dream experience and responding to our intents in the dreams. One can talk with this consciousness behind the dreams, as one can talk with the Guardian Angel. The question is the consciousness guiding the reflections of the dream experience the Guardian Angel? D: The images you see are the elementals which are surfacing from the subconscious but at other times there can be a consciousness (it’s actually a super consciousness) directing it, which can be that if our guardian or Soul Self. Q: Dreaming is one of my favorite experience yet in my understanding I am not be able to bring back all memory into physical brain. I experience everyday traveling to many different places/country/time space and talking to people who tells me they wants to die or feeling so sad. Recently I was stood in the middle of battlefield of war I saw many injured solders dying and needing help, there were fire everywhere, smoke and blood, screaming and I only knew why I was there. I started to talk to each one of solders and I took care of them, I wanted to let them know that God is with them and his Love, so I talked to them and said do not worry. Many were dying in pains and told me their names and if I can hold their hands. I met many other healers being there doing the same. I used my hands beaming blight green light of healing ray (I don’t know why it was green) and I was there with my purest heart.

It often is a chaotic place to be although it seems I experience more those darkest of dark places in dream space. Although I don’t have fully understanding of those experience as whole. And yet I am fully aware that I am needing more and more faithful practice to bring full consciousness, how to swim on our own in the dream space. Indeed, it reminds of Daniel Joseph's Swimming with the Whale book!! D: there is much to say to you about your battlefield "dreams". I will write you about it when I get back to the US. But for now, I will just say the green light is used to reduce pain – so you are being guided to use that colored light.

Q: My understanding is that we should send a ball of light for a specific purpose or cause (a healing, or world peace etc.) only once and then the Archangels and Angels take it and work on it with the blessing of the Holy Spirit. Is that correct? So, for the North Korea issue for example, we formulate a light blue ball and send to the leaders for peace and clear thinking once or can we send repeatedly? Or for healing a person, my father for example, the white ball once for his ailment? D: The color and repetition depend on the situation - I did it more than once on your father because it entered his aura but was not being absorbed by his body. One thing that is most important is not to keep thinking about it after you send the healing energy. If you send it once or if you send it multiple times don't keep thinking about it. Give it time to work. But a Self-Realized person who sends healing elementals typically just does it once.

Q: Planning for Success in the Gross Material World! I was reading in ‘Swimming with the Whale’ about the psychical worlds where “clear strong thought creates – immediately” (Chapter 17). Those who can create things with this strong thought (visualization) can be very successful. It dawned on me that there must be a similar analogy in the gross material world. Since I have been struggling recently, I have been giving some thought to how I could use the holy super substance of mind to get a job, pay my bills, grow spiritually, and then transition more fully into a life of service to the Divine Plan. However,

I do not wish to ‘manipulate’ others in using my mind to visualize things to happen for my benefit. I guess the trick is to constantly visualize and ask on the condition of ‘Thy will be done’. Please share your experiences of using visualization and mind to get the things you have needed. I am curious also about the ethics and want to avoid any spiritual pitfalls in doing this. D: Nothing wrong with asking and visualizing what we need. Christ said ask and it will be given. This is not the same as visualizing something that manipulates others to do what we want. This is not permitted. This is not the same as using this technique to get petty things. Having right livelihood that provides the money you need is necessary. Otherwise we must depend on others and can become a burden to them. Seriously introspect and contemplate what you need then visualize having it. and then give it to God and say thy will be done. Often when I do this the outcome is so much better than I could have arranged myself. I recently had a young heart doctor and Researcher of Truth in Bucharest ask about her job. She is a very caring person and like to take time with her patients. But it did not fit the hospital administrator’s revenue model and they did not like this. They told her she had to limit her time with each patient to 10-15 minutes. She did not agree to do this. So, the hospital firmly told her that either she will do what they want, or she would lose her job and not even get paid for the previous three weeks work. They gave her a few days to think it over and come back with her decision She asked me what to do. I asked, what do you want to happen? She said she would like to continue working at this hospital but take time and really listen and talk with the patients and comfort them because it helped them. I advised her to visualize this happening every day for 3 days. She did. The day of the meeting came, and they asked what was her decision? She told them she wanted to continue to work there but take time with her patients. They immediately fired her! The next day a call came to her about another job possibility. The following day another opportunity came to her. The next day the original

hospital administrators called her and offered her job back saying she could take time with her patients. It turned out that her patients complained to the hospital and wanted her to treat them and were not happy she was gone. She did this visualization very purely and in a state of surrender to God's will - not complaining - not manipulating the administrators to act against their will - not fighting against anything - she only visualized the desired outcome. This case is a perfect example of how to Properly use the power of visualization!

Q: I am wondering about the phenomenon of split personalities. How does it work from an elemental point of view? And why does it happen? D: If a person energizes two or more group elementals in them long enough, they can become so strong as to dominate that personality and thereby temporarily and interchangeable "posses" the person. When the case is extreme enough it can and is clinically diagnosed as a split personality, or more often today it is called Bi-polar and in very extreme cases it becomes schizophrenia. But in almost everyone we see a mild version of this where they have created conflicting elementals that get stored in their subconsciousness. As it is written To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind (thinking mind). In mild cases they can be at war with each other and create a subtle or not so subtle sense of Anxiety and disease without the person really understanding where this Angst is coming from. This another reason why Researchers of Truth do introspection: To discover and resolve such sub conscious conflicts and keep their mind harmonious. Conflicting elements residing in the sub conscious mind burn etheric vitality that you need through their conflict. It is like you are a store owner and two men come in your store and start a physical fight, knocking over things and breaking things as they fight. Who is the loser? You are! So if you want to be at peace inwardly and outwardly don't create strong elementals for or against anything. Because they are of the worlds of opposites

and what we seek is unity.

Q: One day we were praying and suddenly I felt like an angel presence and immediately I felt strong electric like power in both my palms, I want to relate that situation to the language here, is it the feeling ether and if so can it be used in healing(only it) without others? D: The sensation of electric power in your palms is what we call etheric vitality. You are feeling it by the senate or aesthetic either – the feeling giving either. Yes, it should only be used for healing and comforting our fellow human beings as well as keeping our bodies healthy and strong. This was a beautiful spontaneous experience in the presence of your Angel (Archangel). I would suggest you try to work with this consciously from time to time to develop your ability to use this vital energy at will and connect with your Archangelic guide. To do that pray and ask your Angel to help you develop your ability to use this energy to help others and at the same time try to feel that same sensation in your palms. Feel it, and visualize it as a pure, radiant white light in and around your hands. And then make this prayer "Blessed be my hands for healing and comforting my brothers and sisters" Once you get that ability then try laying your hands on those who want healing and comfort and try visualizing this energy going in their bodies and helping them as needed. and always finish with the prayer "Thy will be done." Always keep in mind this is God's energy and not yours. You are not using this from your own energy supply. But rather you are just a conduit, a clean and open pipeline, that God as the Holy Spirit is using to help others. That way you will not be drained of energy but filled and thrilled with this Holy Spiritual power. Q: I have read about storing etheric vitality in the solar plexus, can someone help me with an exercise for this issue and to direct it from there to the hands then to the patients. I will be glad. D: Please see the link below: with the part on the solar plexus. Once you build up the charge of etheric vitality then you learn

to move it up and out your arms into your hands and then pass it into the patient’s body. As you do this movement learn to feel it as it moves upward into your upper arms and then lower arms and then your hands. Also learn to see it as white light moving in this way and visualize it passing into your patient. Practice this over and over and soon you will be able to do this easily. Q: Can trees benefit from the balls of light too? Is there a way to help trees recover? D: Yes. It is a well-known fact that if you talk to your plants they grow better. But when you talk or send energy to individual plants or animals it is really the Archangels/Angels behind the plants and animals that you are communicating with.

Q: Can you please clarify for me what is ego? What is egotism? How do we develop it and how to minimize its impact on our lives? D: In our System the word ego does not mean egoism. EGO (capital letters) for us is our I-ness our Divine Nature, our Soul-Self; whereas egoism is its shadow. We do not have to develop our EGO - it is, was and always will be perfect, and incorruptible. What we must do is to uncover our EGO, our Divine Nature (What we really are). We do this by cleaning up and purifying our personality self from egoism (anger, jealousy, fear and other such negative thoughts, desires and emotions) so the light of our Divine Self (EGO) can shine through and be realized. This is a common underlying current found in all our teachings

Q: I dreamt I was running to a hall where a lot of people were watching a video session of the man Daskalos (I perceived it was him) and he had placed a man (white in complexion, bald) on like an altar and fire was beneath and Daskalos was smearing Him with something golden in color like an ointment and the man was glad. The man on the altar said something I don’t recall while looking at Daskalos, but he was glad. To me this could mean some kind of refining a man is going through and he is glad to pass through it ,as well as being honored by the man Daskalos, but your opinions and interpretations are welcome and if it ministers to someone I

will be glad. D: I would say you correctly interpreted your dream. The Work of a Researcher of Truth is about purifying their personality so that the light of the Soul can shine through unobstructed. Our in our meditation we visualize noetical flames of fire in and around us that do not burn but purify. We do this to make a better self so that we enjoy life more and is of more benefit to those around us. Also, as we raise our consciousness higher, we will encounter higher vibrations of energy and Archangels. Archangels are of Fire and Light and unless we purify ourselves, we remain as straw and wood. In meeting these higher vibrations of energy and the Archangels there is a danger that we will be burned. Thus, purification is necessary. This is what your dream is showing you.

Q: In your book Diving with the Whale you talk about the etheric centers. You mention how the last center we should try and awaken is the sacral center. I was wondering what exactly do you mean by awaken, what does it feel like when a center has been awakened? Also, this gives us the impression that the centers are to be awakened in a sequential order from one to another. Is this correct? I was under the impression that the centers develop and awaken at the same time. Perhaps at a certain point we need to start focusing on one center at a time. Is this correct? Also, how can we tell if a center has been "awakened" and it is time to move on to another? D: The Kundalini is a force a power that resides at the bottom of the spine. It is under the control of the Holy Archangels. It is already rhythmically distributing the creative ether to your body. It is most unwise to concentrate on it to awaken it. Serious and irreparable damage can come to your body and mind by premature efforts to awaken this center. By awaken I mean to energizes it - try to make it become more active. In our system we do not concentrate on it or on the center at the genitals. We work first in our subconsciousness to purify our personality - this means we are working on the center at the solar plexus to clean it - but not to awaken it. The next center we work on is the heart which is a center of consciousness and self-awareness. Again, we work to purify the heart center of harmful feelings

and desires. This is a safe center to awaken. Next we work on the head center to clean our thought and intentions from negativity and impurities. This is also a safe center to awaken Beginner & Master alike work in each of these centers each day with the Three Suns or Good Health Exercise. See:

Q: In the exercise where we take on the archangelic form, we visualize a silvery white "serpent" above our head coming down to the forehead. Panayiota says it’s a power that will someday be awakened in us. I would like to know more about it. Does someone know more? Has it something to do with the kundalini or what is it? D: Yes, it is the Kundalini - the Serpent of wisdom but there are dangers in concentration on this prematurely. So do not pay attention to it now but just know that is what it is. First, we must become masters of our emotions and thoughts, subdue our egoism then we can proceed safely. Otherwise serious damage can be done to your nervous system. Do not try exercises you see on the internet or in books about this. This is only to be done in the presence of a Master, but not before mastering the two side currents called Ida and Pingala in Hinduism. It takes a lot of training over a long period of time. The Ida and Pingala together with the Kundalini are called the Caduceus of Hermes in the west and associated with healing ...that is why we see this symbol used in the medical profession.

Q: I would like to ask a few questions related to the meditations on the seminar in Indiana. Why we first create a white cubic room-why the room is needed (what is the meaning of it), why cubic and why white? What is the meaning of the sizes of the white room 10x10meters and the pyramid 3x3x3meters? What is the difference between meditating in a four or threesided pyramid? Is there a specific purpose for each of the pyramids? Is there a meditation where the currents of light coming from the left and right are crossing in the Solar plexus?

D: when God created the universe the boundary of it (which is a vibration rate and not a measurable distance) was created first. Always there is boundary created first and then the activity happens within that boundary. so too for our exercises we often create a boundary in which we work. Sometimes it is a large 4-sided pyramid like the one we were in psychically or a square room approximately the size of that pyramid. Not only does it give us a boundary to work within it also serves as a protection for undesirable influences coming from outside. As we used it in the workshop, the four-side pyramid is a tool that helps us attune with the four main Archangelic orders that accompany the personality... Michaels, Gabriels, Raphaels and Uriels. By this attunement we are initially helped to come to understand where we are really at in our spiritual development and not just how we imagine we are but how we really are. We get a lot of help by the Archangels. As mentioned in the Indiana workshop the 4-sided pyramid is a symbol of the four elements. Earth Air (Etheric) Fire & Water which are under the control of these four Archangels. So, our work in this pyramid helps us gain mastery over the four elements and raise our consciousness to rise to the top of the pyramid to complete it. The three-sided pyramid is not representing the four elements but three higher elements which are qualities of Life itself. It is these three higher qualities that gives life to the other four - without the three the other four would be dead. So, the four plus the three makes seven. Seven is the holy number of creation in Divine Mathematics. You can download a version of that exercise with the currents at

Q: The three suns Exercise is one of the most important exercises. Now there is the exercise where you go around the whole body in a circle. In the first part of the exercise there is also the work on the solar plexus and the work on the heart center with the respective color lights. But not the golden light in the Head. I would like to know if the moving around the whole body is already enough work on the noetical body or why is there no golden light

in the head before that? And should I do an extra golden sun exercise or is it no necessary? D: there are many versions of this exercise. In some we do not do the golden sun and others we do. So, it is ok to do them either way. The point of tracing a circle around your body is not about the noetical. It trains you to be able to move in the ethers outside your body. This will help in having a conscious Out of Body Experience. First, we must learn to be able to consciously move the ether in our body. Next, we learn how to move the ether outside our body in a circle around the body. Then we learn how to project the ether to any distance and receive impression from afar in the process we call Expansion, which is not the same as Exosomatosis (Out of Body Experience). But all these practices are preliminary training to have a conscious out of the body experience. Q: Do the dual currents of Ida and Pingala reside in centers seven and eight? D: No. Those two currents come from the sacral center at the tailbone. We gave the exercises on how to approach these two powerful currents in the seminar in Indiana. It takes much training to master these currents and this must be done before giving any attention to the so-called Kundalini. Also, I see posts on this thread about the center numbers and locations giving conflicting information. In our System for the Research of Truth center's seven is over the spleen on the left side of the body and center eight is over the liver on the right side of the body. We are not talking about the Hindu diagram of seven chakras going directly up the spine. The Hindus do not know about these other chakras. But other systems such as Jewish mysticism and the ancient Egyptian mystery schools do. But the Jewish system numbers the centers differently than we do and does not correspond with the numbering system given by Daskalos. So be careful when studying these things from other systems so as not to become confused. There are no prohibitions for researching the truth. Researchers of Truth are free to study any system. Just be careful not to mix them up, become confused and stagnate in your progress. Over time what we find is that the system for the research gives us the ability to understand the truth or illusions presented by

other systems. Not only by our intellectual, theoretical knowledge but by our own direct experiential knowledge with cannot be taken away from us.

Q: Are the fallen archangels still carrying on their assigned duty in the divine plan or Absolute Beingness, God assigns others to take their place, what I mean is if Michael God forbid was fallen who would work as the God of light and fire D: The Fallen ones are eternal spirit beings who have willfully chosen not to follow the divine plan to pass through the Archangelic Idea to "become" Archangels. Fallen Ones are not fallen Archangels or Angels because the Fallen Ones did not pass through the Archangelic Archetype before they fell. So do not consider these Fallen Ones as Archangels learning certain lessons. True Archangels stay in the Oneness of God and are not in need of learning anything. Since God gave free will to all the Spirit Beings the fallen ones have the ability not to follow the divine plan. But think...How is this any different than what humans do? Don't humans reject the divine plan, preferring to serve selfish interests too? Yes of course we do. Then what is the difference between humans and the Fallen Ones? The human beings go against the divine plan by Ignorance. The Fallen ones are not ignorant of the Divine plan they willfully refuse to submit to it. And by rejecting the divine plan the Fallen Ones drop or fall in terms of vibration down to the etheric counterparts of the planet. Fortunately, as Saint Paul noted: "The Restoration of all Things" is in the Divine Plan. So even the darkest of the Fallen Ones (eventually) come to redemption though the Archangels of Mercy. About the other questions concerning the nature of true Archangels. Archangels & Angels do not "have" a soul and express no free will. As an eternal spirit being they are a Logoic Self who has by their own choice passed through the Archangelic Idea archetype and abandoned the need to express itself as a separate individual selfhood in favor of serving the Divine Plan as one within the Holy Spiritual system of a particular Archangelic Order. Once they pass through the Archangelic Idea, they forgo expressing free will. Instead they

gain a kind of programming that directs their work in perfect alignment with the Divine Plan. They cannot change their pre-programmed work, go beyond it, or enter the works of Archangels with a different programming. They serve flawlessly, monolithically and super-consciously (not Self Consciously) in the work that they do. They do not "evolve", they do not want to or need to come out of their super-consciousness or their Oneness with God. The Spirit Ray of the human being has passed through the Archangelic Idea too, but continued further, passing through the Human Idea archetype, where this Ray of their Spirit Being Self, now becomes humanized. Now upon our return to our first form, the Archangelic Form, we are free to enter any of the other Archangelic Orders and experience what they experience. At this level we are the Masters of Time and Space which means we understand what time is. Freedom and this understanding are something that the Archangelic orders cannot know. Q: It is difficult to imagine being in full awareness of the Divine Plan and then choosing not to cooperate. Do these beings become demons? What do they become and how do they differ from the demons created by shamael? D: Yes, it is difficult to imagine and yet that becomes possible by giving them free will. Yet it is just as hard to imagine that we as an eternal Spirit Being, (in the oneness and full awareness of God and his divine plan) coming into incarnation would ever choose not to cooperate either. But that is exactly what happens with every human being. Which means that the possibility of counteracting the Divine Plan is part of the Divine Plan. Shamael is not a demon. He does not create demons. He is not evil, but he can be aggressive and hostile to people. But why should he be hostile to people? Because people have been hostile to his work in his domain; the natural environment. We egoistically destroy his work in the nature kingdom in our endless pursuit to create more and more buildings, parking lots and possessions. This is the reason we do not want to focus on him or try to contact him. If we still have egoism in us there is a danger to make contact. Once you have killed your egoism, shamael is no danger to you. The spirit beings who have become the so-called fallen ones create the True demons (not the human in nature demons created by humankind's hatred, jealousies, destructive thoughts and emotions) The true demons are the

elementals projected from the fallen ones. But be of good cheer! The true demons cannot touch or possess a human being ever. They cannot influence a human being unless that human harbors and expresses negative human in nature demons (destructive elementals), which are of a similar vibration to the true demons. What we must concern our self with are the qualities and quantities of our human in nature demons - our negative thoughts, feelings, and desires. These are what allow us to be influenced by the true demons. This is a very good reason why in our system our effort is made is to clean and purify our personality. To become a better self for us and our loved ones. In doing this we close our self, off from the harmful influences of the true demons and the human in nature demons as well. And we simultaneously open ourselves up to the beneficial influences of higher intelligences!

Q: Back when I was studying herbal medicine, I remember my teacher talking about one of his teachers. This man was a Native American shaman and one time he demonstrated how he was able to manipulate fire. The Shaman held a branch in his hand and after some time it lit on fire. My teacher told me this story and I have no reason to doubt him. There is also a video on YouTube a master called John Chang. There was a book written about him called The Magus of Java. My question is; did these individuals come into conscious contact with Archangel Ma Ha El? They are not religious people and they didn't even have knowledge of Ma Ha El s existence so how were they able to develop the ability of pyrokinesis? D: The ones who can truly manifest physical fire do it by using the etheric vitality in a certain way. Daskalos could do this and certain of his students could do this. But Daskalos prohibited anyone from doing this to show others. He insisted that the amount of the Holy Etheric Vitality to do this could have been used to cure a serious illness. The Etheric Vitality is Holy and should only be used on healing and not as he said "just to impress" people who do not understand how this works. Once on Cyprus a very good person learned this technique from Daskalos but

ignored Daskalos warning not to show it to others. He showed it to a few close associates - and later one of them wrote a book on this fellow saying that he was the devil because he could make fire. While this may sound laughable in our culture at this time. Under the orthodox religious beliefs of old-world Cyprus this was a serious charge that could get you excommunicated from the church and shunned by society. But the main point is that the amount of energy make fire could and should be used to help relieve the suffering of those around us as opposed to do some impressive feat. So, in this regard we must check ourselves to what is our motivation for learning these esoteric practices. Q: Can you please give me an assistant. Because of the condition of atrial fibrillation, experience an abnormal heart rhythm and because of this other health issues my friend is struggling with symptoms such as tiredness and short breathing also high anxiety. In my understanding of medical ground, heartbeat is controlled by electrical signals in the heart. The sinus node sends electrical signals to the rest of the heart. And these signals cause the heart to contact and pump blood. Normally the heart contracts and relaxes at regular rate. With atrial fibrillation sinus node does not start the electrical signal, signal come from other spots in the right or left atrium and this cause the heart to beat irregular and at time very fast. Who is ruling this holy electrical signal the most in the heart? Is it Sham-A-El or Ra-Fa-El? Surely, all Archangels holds contact and attunement to work together continuously. It came into my mind to question in order to be able to become a good pipe and work together as part of them in the heart particularly for sinus node and its electrical signals. I would go with white light ball. Does that sound appropriate? Also, there is another person with cancerous tumor in the heart about four cm. Is white light ok to send to heart or not directly to heart? D: It the Holy Spirit that causes the Pulse of Life that makes the heartbeat. Shamael has nothing to do with the beats of the heart. He only supplies gross matter to the other Archangels, and they work with this material he supplies. Raphael, whose domain is the etheric vitality is also closely associated with center.

Do not concentrate directly on the heart instead send white light for both cases to the heart center (then entire area of the chest) and make your prayer. See the heart pumping quietly and normally but do not send light directly on to the heart organ itself. Q: I understand now that I should not directly send the light ball to the heart organ itself. So, I should avoid seeing the heart organ (for sending light ball). Can you explain little more why I should not send the light ball to organ heart if anything you think of I need to understand please? Is this reply valid for all organs of human body such as kidney or brain? Avoiding sending the light ball to the organs directly but to the entire center associated with that organ? I think it is little difficult for me not to see organs or its image when I send the light ball. D: the two prime factors that keep us from having perfect health in our material body are “contamination and interference”. In this case you mention the problem is an interference. But who is interfering with the perfect health of a material body and why? This interference is nothing more than how karma from a previous life or earlier in this lifetime gets paid off in a current lifetime. This is under the complete control and direction of the Holy Spirit, the Logos and can manifest physically in the creation, development and maintenance of a material body. For example, if a child is born with only one hand it does not mean that the Archangels who build the body have made a mistake. It means that because of past karma the amount of let’s say "material" to build that body has been reduced by the Logos and Holy Spirit to bring a lesson to that person due to their past karma. So, the Archangels can only work with the quality and quantity of material provided them which again is governed by the Logos and Holy Spirit and due to the result of the unerring, universal Law of Cause & Effect (Karma). And thus, the same kind of process is going on in the case you mention. We so often want to heal the symptoms without penetrating to find the causes and so there is not much success until we eliminate the cause. What could be the cause of an irregular heartbeat? Could the symptom of an irregularity of the heartbeat in this life be associated with an irregular or unsteady "hot & cold" expression of love in a previous life?

Whatever is the cause it is safe to send white light to the heart center (not directly to the organ itself) But do not try to interfere specifically with the sinus node or material heart) But also implant in this elemental of light the wish the person becomes calm and steady and finish with "thy will be done". And white light is good to use for the tumor case as well. Q: Can I understand your explanation as sending the light ball to organs (heart) directly is the act of interfere the Holy Spirit and Logos work because of its complete control and direction, development and maintenance of a material body? In the process of sending the light balls of healing/prayer for a person to be well and healthy, that image of organ comes up to me. I see myself very close to it or the person. I question myself if these thoughts come from my ego. I am still little confused. But I do understand what you explained about importance of finding out the true cause of illness as to be a good psychotherapist and that is the most hard and divine work. Today I sent a healing white ball to a person with cancer. I did not send to her heart directly although I couldn't control not to see the heart. I saw the most beautiful smile on her face. D: For the majority it is best to use only white light. Sending strong energy to the heart organ can interfere with the Holy Spiritual work but it also can cause an increased blood flow to the physical organ and that can cause physical problems - this is not what we want. In general, just see the ball of luminous white light enter the person's chest area. Having said that, in your case, if you yourself are not purposefully visualizing the organ but you see it automatically then it is ok.... you are getting training. Finish with seeing the person's face smiling and feeling relieved then say the prayer - Thy Will be Done!

Q: You say unselfish love is without any conditions. But if somebody who you love harms you, then you need to withdraw yourself and finish the relation. Because we must love our fellowman like we love ourselves. We can go on pray for them, send them light but we must protect ourselves! Explain please exactly what real love is. I know what unreal love is, but an

explanation of truelove would be great D: Thank you regarding your question about people we love that hurt us. When people who we love, hurt us, we should not stop loving them, but, it does not mean we have to be around them. To allow someone to hurt or abuse you over and over is not wisdom… it is stupidity. So, it is alright not to have contact with them as a last resort. But again, we never stop loving them. This is the 5th promise of a Researcher of Truth "To love and serve my fellow human beings sincerely from the depths of my heart and Soul no matter what their behavior may be towards me". If you can truly love those who hate and oppose you - that is real Unselfish Love. This is what Christ advised too. He said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” Beyond the obvious spiritual reasons for loving our enemies, there is a super practical reason for doing this. What happens (automatically) when people hate us, curse us or mistreat us they are sending very harmful and destructive elementals. If we engage their dislike of us by letting it bother us or if we send negative feelings/thoughts back to that person what do you think happens with the destructive elemental sent to us and strikes on our Aura? Often it splits into two elementals and both have the exactly the same power and purpose as the original. There is no difference between the second one from the original. You cannot tell them apart. After striking someone’s aura then one of these elementals enters that person who is hating back and makes their condition worse. The other identical elemental returns to the sender and enters them making their condition worse too. If this is repeated it becomes like downward spiraling ping pong match causing much damage to both people. Sometimes times this process turns into a prolonged feud lasting years, or even a lifetime and sometimes many lifetimes. Can you imagine how much damage is done to both people in these kinds of cases over time?

But when we love, when we truly love those who do not like us and cause us problems, it creates a powerful protection. It is well known that it is the truth that sets us free, but it is our love that protects us. Now what happens to the destructive elemental when it strikes a loving person who does not hate back? That elemental finds no entry, creates no effect on them, does not split into two and returns full force back to the sender making their condition much, much worse. OK, that is what happens naturally. But a trained Researcher of Truth does not even want that destructive elemental to return to the person who considers them their enemy. A prime directive of a Researcher of Truth or anyone seeking spiritual unfoldment is Do No Harm. So, in knowing how this works we do not let the destructive elemental enter us and cause harm nor do we let the destructive elemental return to the sender and cause them harm either. This is real Unselfish Love. Thus, a trained Researcher of Truth learns the way to completely neutralize the harmful elementals sent to them and immediately/automatically extend blessings back to the one who sent it. This is the attitude and action of real unselfish Love. D: Continuing with the tread on loving those who consider themselves your enemies. Who needs our love more than those who hate us, abuse us or mistreat us? Q: for me it is easy to love an animal, even though what it is doing. To love a human being, it is for me not easy. I can accept their way to live, even if it is a murder. I am thinking if I would go in their shoes, I would do the same. But I have no feeling of love. I have no feeling of hate or something else, but I do not think I love them, and I do not know how I can feel love for them. D: I understand and have certainly felt this way in the past but as Daskalos points out this kind of feeling means we are only tolerating them and not really loving them (as you have observed). To love them it is helpful to consider that is some distant past lifetime - we were where they are now. Conversely when we encounter a spiritually advanced person like a Daskalos consider that they are where we will be one day. We are all on the same incarnation journey which is so completely illustrated in the parable

of the prodigal son. Like the Prodigal son we too will one day return home to our Real Nature and Source. Q: Since love is a bit more abstract than light, the question: "Who needs light more than the ones who are in darkness" which kind of means the same, helps me to dive deeper into it. D: At the highest-level… Love and Light are the same. Q: I don’t think it’s Love at all if there are conditions placed on it. D: You bring up a good point. Can we call it love if conditions and terms are placed upon it? If we compare love to light, then can we say the light coming from a smokey wood fire is the same as light coming from the Sun? In both cases it is light. But the quantity, the quality (purity) of the light coming from the Sun is so infinitely greater than the light coming from a smokey wood fire. Yet both are light. Selfish love is like the light of a campfire, while unselfish love is like the light of the Sun.

D: Someone mentioned the need to take care of and love one's own self first. And I wanted to say a few things about that. First, we must be clear what we mean by self. If we mean the Soul Self - Yes, of course we are to love the Soul of our Self. What about the personality - should we love our personality? Yes. As it has been said the personality is a Precious Pearl to God. So, we should love our temporary personality for what it is but not be enamored with it or over value it. To think too highly of your personality greatly limits your ability to perceive your Soul Self. And thus, we do not overvalue it or undervalue it. Rather we purify the personality self so that it can ascend and be assimilated with the Real Self or what most call the Inner Self. What about the egoism of the personality - should we love egoism? We are in the worlds of duality everything has a dual nature. So too with egoism.

A careful study of egoism reveals that its dual nature exerts influences on us. On the one hand we have the positive pull of the egoism, which is connected to the pulse of Life in us. This positive side is exerting a pull towards our Soul Self and God. It is this positive pull that starts us on the spiritual journey. We start the search for truth, or God initially from influence of this positive side. We want to stop suffering, we want to come out of troubles and illusions, we want to know the truth and live freer, so we start seeking, studying, meditating to raise our consciousness higher and higher - which means from sub-consciousness to alert consciousness, and finally to Self-Super Consciousness which is SelfRealization. Countering the upward pull of the positive side there is a downward pull of the negative side of our egoism. Its influence counteracts the positive influence, by distracting, discouraging and otherwise trying to thwart our efforts to raise our consciousness and become a better self. Do not undervalue the strength of this negative side, for as you make your good plans to unfold spiritually to become a wiser more loving person, it is always calculating how to thwart your efforts that will in the end its existence. But be happy, the light is always stronger than the shadow so just keep on keeping on with your good works and you will succeed spiritually.

Q: Wondering if you could speak about the idea of the Shadow, as per Carl Jung. This piece which resides in each of us which is capable of “darkness.” I’m thinking about how working with this piece of ourselves and waking up to this piece is also a path to our Soul Self. As you say not to undervalue this. By acknowledging this, I’m not suggesting we fall prey to it, but notice it, respect it, perhaps use it to fortify and enrich of spiritual progress? D: Shadows are illusions. Shine the light on it and the illusion disappears. In the valley of Kings in Egypt I once saw an archaeologist open the underground tomb of the Pharaoh Ramses. It was a brilliant sunny day and the tomb had been in absolute darkness for maybe 3000 years.

The moment it was open the light entered and the darkness was gone. Where did the darkness go? It did not go anywhere. Darkness and shadow are the absence of Light. The Light is real. Whereas darkness is an illusion that phonemically exists in the worlds of duality. In a similar way the Light of our Soul Self can instantly dispel its shadow called egoism. The trouble is most personalities cannot reach to the light of the Soul and are entangled with the shadows in the worlds of illusion. That is why we need to try to disentangle ourselves from the shadows of illusions through introspection and observation and raise our consciousness to the level of the Inner Self through the means of concentration and meditation. No need to respect that egoism, it is not real. the Inner Self is the true reality of what we really are. For a shadow to exists we need 3 things. A light source, a surface for the shadow be cast upon and something between the light and the surface to cause the shadow. In our case, the light is the light of our Spirit Self. The surface is the worlds of duality of which Earth is the lowest of these worlds. The "something" in between is The Archetypal Human Idea and egoism is the shadow.

Q: I started to read your book, Swimming with the Whale. In the book it is written that Daskalos when he was seven years could speak without any accent all languages what he spoke in his previous lives before! But he never was English? Because he has a strong Greek accent. What languages he could speak Latin, Greek, Aramaic and Russian too, but not German and not English? I was wondering. D: actually what I wrote in Swimming With The Whale, was "At his age of seven he could speak all the languages of his past incarnations, and he consciously communicated with great intelligences that guided him from the worlds beyond." I did not say he could do that "without any accent". I am not aware of all Daskalos past incarnations - thus I cannot say if he had an English incarnation before or not. The languages he could speak that I am personally aware of are, Lemurian, ancient Egyptian (both High Egyptian and

common Egyptian 1370 BC), Hebrew, Aramaic, Ancient Greek, Inca, Mayan, Aztec, Sanskrit, Italian, Native American, Russian, Modern Greek (both the High Greek and common Greek). He seemed to know Arabic, and he did speak a few German words in his lectures. But perhaps most importantly, he knew the language of the Archangels [great intelligences] very well. Q: I never knew that there was a Lemuria language. Interesting. Wondering what it sounded like. Was it like Sanskrit? D: Lemurian, Atlantean, Ancient Egyptian, Sanskrit and others were the original language (based on the vibrations of the thing itself that the advanced mystics could hear by Clairaudience as opposed to some made up name given by man). Thus, they were all similar and understandable by the others. This was before the so-called separation of languages mentioned in the Bible. Some of these words still are in use today. Take for example the Sanskrit the word Akasha as in Akashic Records. A, Al and El meant God. Kha or Ka meant expression and Sa or Sat or Sathya meant truth. So, A-Ka-Sa literally meant Truth is the Expression of God. You will see today Akasha defined as Ethereal, which is correct as it is the highest vibration of Mind Super-substance, whereas Ether itself is a much lower vibration of the Mind. Q: Ka was also the name for the etheric double in ancient Egyptian which is the expression of Ba the soul by Ra , isn't it speaking to us more to use Ba ra ka in one word to express all the meaning enclose and to be grateful for the wisdom of the ancient mystics that still reach us today ? D: Yes D: Today, 12.12.2017 as you may know is the anniversary of Daskalos' birthday which we celebrate with joy and reverence. It is wonderful to celebrate the birthday of our friend and brother guide. Perhaps even more meaningful is to celebrate the day that Daskalos was born into our life! D: Daskalos would give a Stoa lessons in the morning just down the street from his home and at noon the students would walk back with him to his home asking personal questions and seeking advice. I took this picture just outside his home.

Q: Love the rapt attention of the man listening to Daskalos. D: When he addressed your questions almost everyone would have this level of attention to his answers. Notice his hand... he would create well-crafted elementals for a person that would stay with them and continue to help them. He often released elementals with this hand movement. Much was communicated with his hand movements when he talked to you or gave his lessons.

Q: How can we starting the work with the Symbol of Life? Can you talk about this Here? D: I can say something general in this forum about the Symbol of Life. Macrocosmically the Symbol of Life is the Matrix of Creation and as a symbol represents both the timeless states of Beingness as well as the three-time, place, and space Worlds of existence. (The Noetical World, The Psychical World and the Material World). Microcosmically the Symbol of Life is the Matrix of a human being and depicts the descent for incarnation of the ray of each Eternal Spirit Being destined to be humanized, which passes through the eternal Logoic Archetype, the Human Idea, where the Soul is formed and where the ray continues its projection into the three worlds of existence. Microcosmically the Symbol of Life also depicts our spiritual ascent back home to God and the labor require to reach our Inner Most Spirit Being Self. Everything we teach in the System for the Research of Truth relates to and is symbolically encoded in the Symbol of Life. Simply put the Symbol of Life is the greatest Law and all the other laws are contained within it.

Chapter Twenty-Four TWO WAYS TO GOD

Over 2000 years ago on the night that Christ was born, from God our heavenly father, blessed Archangels came. And to certain shepherds brought good tidings. What were those tidings? The tidings were the prayers of the Archangels, which they were not reciting but singing. And they continue to sing these prayers to this day. The prayers were “Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men (humankind)”. Archangels sing when they rejoice and express themselves. It is often mentioned in our teachings that the Archangels of the Elements work in our bodies. But how? Have you ever considered what this means and how they are working? They sing, which means they send out beautifully harmoniously vibrations that produce sounds and when you hear them with the super sense of clairaudience it first sounds like very fine resonances. As you tune, in become more consciously aware of these sounds, you realize it is like the signing of as celestial symphony of melodious tones. When the Archangels do their constant and great works in our bodies they sing and blend their vibrations together. For example, Michael and Gabriel harmonize their vibrations which create sound that materializes as the warm red blood in our material body. And Raphael, blends his vibrations to enrich our blood with vital energy. So, on the night the Christ was born, Archangels were singing and rejoicing. Why were they so joyful? Many, many reasons but one of the greatest was the humankind had reached the level of development where they were ready to receive the expression of the Pan Universal Christ Principle on earth. Jesus Christ is the Pan Universal Christ Principle in expression; came into the created worlds of existence to show the way towards the freedom of SelfRealization, which means the same as reaching Christ Consciousness. As Christ declared: “Seek the truth and the truth will set you free”. Free from the darkness of ignorance and suffering. But it is not just Earth the Christ Logos visits. He

visits human beings on any planet they exist to guide them when they reach a certain level of development. Human beings must reach a certain level of awareness first so that the expression of the Pan Universal Logos can begin to be understood. Where is the expression of Christ Logos now? Everywhere, not just on earth but on countless other planets, guiding other human beings throughout the galaxies. The expression of the Universal Christ Logos is everywhere in all the worlds of existence and within everything in those worlds. And of course, Christ Logos is within all human beings. This is only possible due to the nature of God called the Multiplicity. In the State of Beingness (Not Existence) the Pan Universal Christ Logos, the Absolute Beingness (God), Love, Light & Life are synonymous. Multiplicity is the very nature of Life. In Beingness, Life simply IS. The expression of Life, however, begins within Creation, within the created worlds of existence. So, the multiplicity of God is expressed in the worlds of existence in all the countless different forms of life. But why would the expression of the Pan Universal Christ Logos need to come to earth as a baby – growing into a man? It is so that the human beings can understand Him as one of them and be guided by what he taught. To do this He had to appear like everyone else in order not to be rejected. Christ Logos in expression needed to appear like everyone else and to be able to communicate with those incarnated in a way they could understand. Otherwise He would not have been able to guide them. But when those in authority who were controlled by egoism, saw Christ presenting higher knowledge and light, they rejected him. Their shadow-self was afraid, offended and jealous of Him, so they tried to harm him and silence him. This has always happened throughout history and continues to happen. In Christ’s time stoning, stabbing or crucifixion was the preferred method of harming others. Today different methods are used. Today those in authority in religions, politics, business, and spiritual systems use gossip and slander to harm someone’s character in other people’s eyes in order to silence those they are afraid or jealous of. Now of course, Christ could have communicated through higher means such as the five super-senses, but how precious few on earth at that time (or this time)

consciously used the five super-senses? Christ could have communicated through even higher means such as attunement, but again who at that time on earth (or this time) can reach the level of communicating by attunement? Very few indeed. Thus, to be understood by others, he had to be physically on earth and mostly use the five ordinary senses to reach the masses who could only use the five ordinary senses. In a lesser way it is the same with a psychotherapist or a brother/sister guide. To really help others we need to be with them and stand by their side as a helper and not to appear to stand over them as one in authority, someone better than them or knowing more than them. To help “Shoulder the Burdens of others” as Christ advised, we need to be incarnated in a material body and be with those we wish to help materially. Those helpers who are not incarnated can only help by guiding us. Your departed love ones would like to be able to help those they left behind on earth but cannot do much. They know not how to reach across the division between the 3rd and 4th dimension, between earth and the physical planes in which the departed dwell. Of course, real love keeps the departed connected with their loved ones on earth and is a great blessing. But to be of concrete material help they need to be incarnated with the ones they are to help materially. Thus, to give material help Christ incarnated on earth, but even appearing and acting like one of them, very few humans at that time really understood or accepted the Universal Christ Logos in His expression as Jesus Christ. Those in authority wanted to stop him and so found excuses to kill Him and did by crucifixion. And all throughout history up to this very moment we and every other human being has, are and will continue to crucify Him until we reach a much higher level of consciousness. When have we ever crucified Christ? We do it in every moment. How do we crucify Him? By the way we treat our fellow human beings. As Christ declared: “I am in you and you are in me… What you do or don’t do to the least of your brethren (fellow human beings) you do or don’t do to me”. So, humans are crucifying him now. Also, the Invisible Helpers (not the Archangels) are being crucified in their service as brother or sister guides. And it is similar with psychotherapists. In our work to help others we help carry a small portion of their burdens, which means a small part of their cross of their

sufferings. Likewise, those who do healing work carry a small portion of the sufferings of the ones they work on. You often hear this from those who are engaged in healing work. They say they pick the illnesses and the symptoms of the patient. And it is in this way we are crucified too but in a much lesser way. But a true helper/healer does this out of love and mercy for others – never with the sense they are sacrificing themselves for others. Yet in this process it is Christ that is carrying 90 % of every person’s burdens, their cross of suffering. We only carry 10%. And as a brother/sister guide, as a psychotherapist or in attempting healing work we pick up only a small portion, maybe 10% of the cross others are carrying. But then Christ Logos again picks up 90% of the burdens of others that we have picked up. Thus, in fact, we carry very little of the burdens of others. Still for a healer or helper to be effective over time they must learn how to burn up the remaining karma that they pick up from others they try to help. Again, on earth or on any planet in any other galaxy that supports human life, the human beings must reach a level of awareness before the Pan Universal Christ Logos is able to come to them. And we see long ago, prior to the birth of Christ, there were those who knew this time was at hand and were expecting the coming of the expression of the Universal Christ Logos as Jesus Christ – the son of God. These were the prophets of the old testament and these were the Essenes of that time. These were the three wise men; the Magi lead by Ham-ElKhior (Melchior) from the east knowing well in advance of the coming of Christ. Having raised their consciousness higher than most at that time, the three kings were the first to know about, to come to and to recognize the Christ child. And this feeling, this expectation, this esoteric knowledge they had that the expression of God (Christ Logos) would be born on Earth, was not coming from outside of them. It was coming from within them – from their own inner Divine Nature. Even King Harrod exoterically knew of the prophecy and was expecting Christ to come at that time. That is why he had all the male babies and infants killed in that area. He was afraid of the coming of Christ would threaten his rule as an earthly king. So, Christ came, but only some accepted him as the Messiah who

was prophesied to come, others did not then or today. Today there are fundamentally two approaches being used in spirituality. Two ways to God. The oldest approach is through some technical means which produced powers and abilities in the practitioner which enabled them to do great feats… such as the construction of Stonehenge, the massive Pyramids of Egypt or casting of fire as the Old Testament prophet Elijah did, and the ancient Greeks and other adepts did. Unfortunately for them, they abused the great powers associated with the Creative Ether for fighting and destroying. Today the power developed by modern civilizations such as lazars, pulse weapons and atomic power pales in comparison to the power of Creative Ether. And you will notice how often these powers of the ancients were accompanied by misuse and abuse of the power of the Creative Ether accessed through these technical means. Why? Because their technical efforts were not accompanied by psycho-noetical development (purifying the personality). They did not care about becoming a kinder more loving personality. Most of them cared about attaining powers or destroying enemies. Because they did not purify their heart and mind, they did not bring down the egoism of their personality, instead they empowered it and thus eventually fell spiritually and received a lot of unpleasant Karma for it. And you see this on a lesser degree today. Sometimes you may find a yogi, a so-called mystic that is really behaving like a magician to access what are clearly very high meditative states and knowledge, without purifying their personality, without killing their egoism. But, when they not in that state they fall prey to their egoism and impower very bad expressions. The combination of these high and low expressions destabilizes the personality and if left to continue sooner or later results in a spiritual fall. The second approach we have is through psycho-noetical development which is the way of the Researchers of Truth. Killing the egoism and purifying the personality automatically will bring great and lasting abilities and powers as a by-product. To seek only powers, to seek only advanced abilities is to go astray. The ancients only had the way of technical means. But when Christ incarnated, the rules changed. As the Pan Universal Christ Logos, one with God the father, he removed the human’s ability to use the Creative Ethers that produces these phenomena people called miracles. But once a human being has purified their personality, killing their egoism completely, raising their consciousness to very

high levels, the right to use the Creative Ethers is restored. But it will only be allowed for the benefit of others as in healing. Before Christ was born, bringing the Ray of Love to earth with him, the idea of loving even your neighbor was virtually non-existent… let alone loving your enemy as Christ emphasized. I am not criticizing the ancients for using technical means that is all they knew. But this way alone did and still does destabilizes personality which results in a spiritual fall. And yet, even the misuse of the technical ways served by giving the unpleasant “whip of destiny” kinds of experiences to those individuals which in the end helped their development. Today we have much better, more direct and faster ways to advance. These ways are well laid out in the teachings of the Christ, the teachings of the Researchers of Truth and the teachings of any sincere spiritual teaching that understands this point. This way not only raises our consciousness and personality’s self-awareness safely to the level of Soul Self-Realization, it also greatly shortens the number of incarnations necessary to reach that goal. Soul Self-Realization is the aim of a Researcher of Truth and any sincere seeker. However, don’t’ think the Soul SelfRealized leaves the worlds of existence at this point. Soul Self-Realization is not Theosis as some may think. The Soul Self-Realized one keeps incarnating not because they need to, not because are required by the Law of Cause and Effect (Karma). They come back into incarnation out of real love for their fellow human being to help them attain their Soul Self-Realization. Understand the spiritual development of the ancients was not a straight way. It was a trial and error way that had many twists and turns, ups and downs and took a long time. Then Christ came to show the straight way. What is the straight way? The path of Real Love. This path is depicted on the Symbol of Life by the central column: path 10 > 9 > 6 > 1. This safe path to God is the straight and narrow gate mentioned by Christ. Simply put, this is the path of forming a more perfect expression as a personality so that it can be assimilated with the Soul Self which occurs in center six as depicted on the Symbol of Life. As wonderful it is to become skillful in meditation and visualization, these technical means must be accompanied in a balanced way with psycho-noetical development: the purification of our emotions and thoughts.

Our material body is shaped by the Archangels perfectly according to the form of the Human Idea – Karma permitting. So, we do not need to shape it. But we also have another mass we need to work with as well: the mass of energy in the etheric double of the material body. The etheric double itself is not a body, but it is perfectly shaped already, according to the Human Idea Archetype. But the distribution of the energy to the material body is not always so perfect. Therefore, we do exercises, and visualization associated with the prime centers of consciousness and self-awareness on path 10 > 9 > 6 > 1 on the Symbol of Life. We do not concentrate directly on center 10 we leave it to the wise control of the Holy Spirit. But we do work safely on the other centers. On man’s first descent these centers were functioning perfect until coming into the material world for the initial incarnation where the law of Cause and Effect (Karma) governed flawlessly. But then according to this law any harmful behaviors, harmful feelings or harmful thoughts contaminated these centers of vitality and inhibited the distribution of energy from the perfect etheric double to the material body and its organs, which lead to weaknesses, illnesses and deformities. And this is one reason we do certain exercises with these centers to clean them, which restores proper energy distribution and results in perfect health – Karma permitting. We most assuredly do not do these exercises just as technical means to attain powers and abilities. For herein lies the danger. We also do our meditations and visualizations to purify the personality, to bring down the different faces of egoism depicted in the twelve Labors of Hercules (our exercises on the inside path of 10 > 8 on the Symbol of Life).

How can we tell if these efforts are resulting in a real progress, a standstill or a backslide? It is easy to tell this. Because with the correct practice of our teachings, one becomes a better and better personality self. We become more helpful to others and our self. Things that used to bother us no longer do. Other people’s behaviors, right or wrong, no longer disturb us and we stop reacting poorly. Instead theirs or our wrong behaviors are seen for what they are – ignorant expressions of an undeveloped personality and this creates a feeling of compassion for our self and others. Now we are expressing more love and wisdom.

Compassion for others, because we realize where they are, we have been in the past… maybe it was a distant past lifetime we do not remember. But all of us have passed this way at some point. Compassion for ourselves because we are all on the same journey from the darkness of ignorance to the light of truth. We should not hate our personality or the personality of others for ignorant expressions. Personalities are to be redeeming not hated and destroyed. So, it does not matter so much if we can reach very high/deep states of meditation. What matters most is how we treat our fellow man, which is of course the greatest meditation of them all. And thus, a Researcher of Truth’s aim in meditation, visualization and introspection is really to become a more loving, understanding and compassionate person. What does that look like? The perfection of it looks exactly like the expression of Christ on earth. He is the living Archetype of the Heavenly Man the most perfect example of a human being. We have this perfect model to follow and do not need to rely only on technical means for spiritual advancement. Unfortunately, we have minimized the perfect model of Jesus Christ to our level of comprehension, which is incomplete at best. We have locked him in a golden cage and made Him bend to our idea of religion, and there are an estimated 33,000 Christian denominations. These subgroups were created by certain narrow-minded religious leaders of the past. Daskalos rightly referred to these kinds of leaders as “dignitaries of dogma”. Fortunately, we do not have to take the long, arduous and convoluted way they ancients did. Today we have better ways. And today we also have a good wind behind our back, which means that today there is an acceleration of humankind towards Self-Realization by The Life itself! May Peace reign on Earth and may Good Will be increase in Man (humankind) this Christmas. ~ Daniel