Warming the Climate for Women in Academic Science 0911696636, 9780911696639

Paper presented as a lecture at the University of Washington's School of Oceanography. This book updates discussion

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Warming the Climate for Women in Academic Science
 0911696636, 9780911696639

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Warming the Climate for Women in Academic Science

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Angela B. Ginorio

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Warming the Climate for Women in Academic Science Angela B. Ginorio

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l1J'J'ue1ate P~ufe.s'J'u~ d c__Q,,_ _ ___.Q., J-b

M€U Association of American Colleges and Univcrsitie~ Program on the Status and Educarion of Women Washington. D.C. KENT STATE UNIVEhSITY STA"t< CAMPUS I M>DAOV

Publbhcd by the t\ssociation or ;\mcncan Cotkgt·s and Vuivtr:,:,i ie:t. IS 18 R Street. NW, Wash ington. DC 20009 0 1995 by lhc Assor 10 deny rha11he climale- o r t uh urc-of science has

been ,·hilly 10 women. ethnic minori tic,. and peple with d isabilities. This p~p,'r mnti111.1 es and updares 1he disni ssio11 Wi j)art o f their life goals: s1uderns of color also include

involvement with their conununi· ties.' · To the degree that for some 51U· dents these are current respousibllimajors inflt1~nccd hy the demes ot sigmficant prnplc in their lives such as parenls and 1tadlt"rs, lhey leave or sta}' in Si\-H.: majors for tht:ir own rea-

sons-this thoi..

responsibilities and

ries of Fiften 111u/ d~ nm fed ,911ilty about it. 11 you are one o r the a women in youJ d'Omt•n's ,1rgan11,ation ,~t.,.e Lhe li-ii or organ i·1a lionrob~bilit y IJ[ success lor any underrepresen wd lloquium committee lnvilt·~ vvoml'n ,;;;pe will ar, fitlt" (1hou1 rhr pl;im-.. 2. The dwpuu1 ral~ for White tage minm il\1 dropout s,1t~ in engint'~1i11g l,f \"/omen and Girl'- in Sci..-1u..:e. M,Hht·matics an:,' lor \VonK·n in Srn:ru:l". ·· Sdennt 266 ~ l 994): 51-54

3. Lmcta Gram and Ka1hyt11 Tl, \A/Jr-d, Ml!nlarm,,J (;tnder and PuNiwhcm Amcm,q Sc,cial. Ntteurai am! .t'hysUa( Sn'enlJM:i (Wai,hington. O.C. · U.S, Di:-par1mcn1 of Educcltion. Offire o( Bdur~uioual R1..'.!>t'~ 1·... ti ,rnd lmf"rovt11w11t. 1992). 4. Kart'llll!!., \.Vellt's!ey, Ma,;~ .. M.iy 1994>. 12: Cuo1 1Jollemhe.,d e1 al., --rnHuences on Women C'ti!dllafn ... e, M,11h("1fli'ltk, And Engineering. Welksk~·. Mih$ .. May 19q4>, 5 2. ri.-fa 1C'la CI.inn "'Gender, Ma1hcmalics and Sdt.'ncc: Trl'nt>, final rer~,n. LO 1J1c AUn:U P. SJo~u

F," :;111wit1 'fable> 12 Jtui Tnt•le I \ 8. Su7,tnnt G. Br11inard Tit~ Fres.hm.:w l1t1uvemi.:m Prog,~m fin..11 •Y•rnn rn 1!w Alfll¾i P Sh.>d11 hJLmdr1tion (Scaulc Univcrr.it}· 11f Washington I 904) l ablr :>. 9. Sc:ym,>ur and Hi:wiu, 113. I ~). B rctln-lr,;}, Th.: Pr~hman lmervrn:ion Prt19um;, I L Dd•bit- VViegc.mJ, Ang:t'hi B . 393~-1 JA. thi~ is lhc- ~Ludy quot«! hy V.lidnall m hn I W\~ prr'.>tde111ial ki.'LLirr lt'line.' \.Vhe.r.ever l hc1ve n~en l l:Jtic:tl 1lu:\ :;tud)' in the comt-xt of diS(fils1ng i~~uc--·; 1,n \,\>lci (fonhc1111ngJ. A El7kowiu t'I al.. ·Gt'mln lt1 1plosion The P.u.:ido:.. (If ·Cri1io:ll \\fNf lor \VlitlWll in S..:1cnL1;;" cma1111St ripL. 199..J). t', , St'c no1e 2 in "Clhn,ne as .1 Ddini ng b :>uc." 9 . .Jo n.ith.in Cole, Fair S,wmt: lVcmt'n m riu .'-dt nu/i.: ,~,}11:mur.:!y tSev..· York: Free Press. 1979}: Gerh..1ro1 Sonnen, "C..ueer,; til Women ..md Men Posu1vdoral Pdlm -v , l11 Scic-ncc," (p.:,pcr prt'!-t'llh:'d al nwt-lings o ( the American SodologicaJ Assodation. August 1990 ); "'011 'f.11"ge1. "quo1ed In Young Suentfsts' Network t.··mail m·1wofk, 2. Tht· study ia chc.·mistry -.lid not ..-umrol £or uth~r £actors, lhc unc in 1,harmacy did. ,'U Fm.: u1.-lkf,; de Jr, ll10$l contn1Ju1i1111, ru public·ations an.· madL~ l>v a. kv,• pt of 1he origLDal ..... .-t1ph· i)I ,cience .and ...·ni,1.m,rrH:rH ;ind Bia.:.;, r:hr:midF c,f H;,.:;l1er l:.'ductJti(Jrt 13 Febrn,ry 199 L see A, p, 11 .H .Erk Dq. Lm1lct S.:lx, aur pc,wetlut l~irpli,1'lalf1ry n1odel ..ir 1h\: indivhiual kv,.,.! i,; 1'1,11 ,"):' -r1111ibuu(•11 1he most pertinent rcscdrcb 1k·d lO 1bJs I•, sh ows th.:it worrnm mtcn1;iiize faUurcs \attributing it rn their kvd of .:ibHny or e-ffort1 &ud externalize: suC('t"~'> HHtrib11tlr.JL ii to 1tu: nature oi the ra-;k or to luck, Most resrarch rcp-ons th:11 mrn in:emahze success ~n'rt:" arc- .11'"1 an.idl!s h} Shirley )tak--olm. Rosalyn Pdllcr~)n fvrlyn BO}'d

CratWillt; and OL!u.-rs. Rle1cr, Ru1h. Scienu tmu Gendtr. J\ ,-rdque 1,t n:o!c_qy .:;-;,z.1 lt; ThM":t5 an l-Vottten. Elmsford NY.: Pergamon, lYS-1. Bkier lot,,l st~ ,1n lb1.: rok of :;d MlHfl'1 h.-1 i 10 hi~het t's\ Cultures. 1hc..~~c: 1lm:milfl~m .ind Sriente Bluominglon. l.nd. Unh ·e rshy 11f lndi;ma Pit's,. 1989. Thb ed.iled volumt': 1,,"'011 1~i11, t''\,(lY$ ,1hou1 how St.1cnn· ts allcxtcd by and reinforces ~tOHal ..>rganizauoo. A\VIS promo1c.-s the partk.ip,11io11 of tit.·,;nreri in -.ci.~n('t'· o pt·rt co all l ocal d1aptcrs exist thro ug hout lht>

United Staces 'i'' lth a n acii"e men.:ori,,g program.

Conunfssioo on ri-ofe,~~iomtl.,; i-n Sdencc .tnd Tt-clmolugy I 'i00 Mas!>achuseus Ave1m r. N\Y ~,11,~ /.l~ l \\'ashJngwn DC 20005 Plh,ne: 2021223 -t/1tJ group prod uce~ u p -to•date .ind compte1t-doutmt'nt.;;1 lon on the. partjdpation and s.1a1us marhew.auc~. awl eugmrcrmg.


wumt"a and m m orities in srle 11llt"gt·\ and univtrshigrnups . A«1u.:r '.'illrdks ar;d phi!v·,ophicc1I 1·mlk,nills. Von ng S.;ic11tin~ Net work (VSN)

vs~~rcqur:.:~ rcn.salk.c-du YS~J is .1 11el\'S d1g~t (or di..,cu551m, 0 1 i~S\J(:.S iJn:oCvn,g Oie twpk>}l':.1t!nl 0 1 ~rienfr;ts.. c=sptXidlly lho-;,c- _iust bcj?iumng Lhc11 careers W