USSR: 100 Questions and Answers

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USSR: 100 Questions and Answers

Table of contents :
The Reading Generation [A note in Sindhi]

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Oucr1tion1 and


Novosti Press Agency Publishing House Moscow, 1977


I. THE SO\.lET ST.\TE, THE CO.\\.\\L\IST ,\\D THE TR.\DE L'.\:101\JS . . . . . . . II. ECO\O.\\ICS, PL\\\l'.\G, L\IPLQY,\iE\T

III. \\TL'R,\L lffSOL RCES :\\D SCIE\CE I\".Ll\l\CiST\\D.\RDS . . , . . \'. SOC! ETY c\\D Cl\ IL RIGHTS . . YI. EDL'C.\TIO'\ .\'\D .\RT . . . . . . \'II. l\TER'\.HlO\.\L CO-OPERATlO:\


Novosti Press Agenc)' Pu'·lhhing House, 1977

Editing completed on June, 1977

P.\RTY G 28 47

G8 C)Q


This is a boak about a cf!untrv \1 :1ich occup:cs haii c.i Euro;;e and o third ol .-\,ia, ·alto'.'dhcr a sixth of the c:irtli·, l:'ild surfacL'- It ,lre'.cl1c:; O\L';:'lllore Uwn 172 degrees uf lrn1gitude, and CUHT' aimo'il ilie c;dire \\'idth of tile norlhern lw111isphcn:. ILs f;irthe';t li111its to cast a11c\ \\C'l are so far apart that \\·hen d;l\\11 i;; ri~ing in 011e, du~k j.; ialling in the other. ll takes an express trZ1!11 11:ore thrn a \\lclk to trd\el 2crne


8Ct c.r1ch on h'.::-,

\\j1hout ,',1-'ndin(~tio:1~ "'.Le;e



co,o;1no11:111t". \\ ilich i" tur1wcl on by a 11wre 111m·c111e11t oi tlw eye, j, 110\\ in u~c fnr operati11g the 1110\lik chair oi ;1 p:1r;ily-,cd p;it ie11t. Tlw 111011e\ iil\t•,kd i11 'i1F('lli! ";J!y 40 pn cent of ih i1,rn11;c on \\hale\< r it ;weds, tl:c uthcr 60 per cent lwin.c: rn1>11111ed by >Itel; 1!.i11r'· as LL\t''. 'Ocial i11,urancc p~1\ llil'll\'-. doctor,' fn "· l :;t:on, rent. clc. Jn the SO\ ict l '11i1111, ;m mn;1gc i;,;qi:\ i~ free' to 'J'i_'J'd 80 per crnt of it" i1"'(1n1c ju~t a~ it \Ii-!_,,_ The concept of .. ,L111dard of liYi :, ;i c11\. l•ut also thr pa:-;t and the fult!re. Po·,,iLI,, 1i1:ctuc1\ion' iil illco111c.,, price' ;rnd r::1.c, ;1n· of the ~:r«1il -ct i1:.pcrL111n'. h one ::1ble to lcl'I 'l'\'t:n· ;1i1out lhe fu\L:r;. er i.~ it 11t\'e'>•, lj,h.:'-'..':Jl,\I.._' 11,J'-:'-"': ,d





,·u11t111u111;.':. a]tl!ougll :;011w llllilgs


nre still hnrd to cct 11 lhe L SSf< whether VOLi ha\(.' the mo11ey (Jr 1;ot. It ·is nut btcau,c· Uw;_ 2;re not sold, but becau:,e tl1(·1·e is not enougJ; (1ia!L1rni lur, s2y) tu sati:;fy the dc111and. How much do Soviet citizens pay in rent?

By for the greater prorortion oi SoYiet citiz1:11s Jin' in tlals and houses proYidcd by the state, the renl for \\ liich, together \\·ith the charge.; for electricity, gas, central heating and water, does 110t exceul an average 4-5 per cenl of lhe family budget. [:or rwlf a crniury-since 19:!8-it has not changed, althour~h huu-,ing has been much improvc•d. Eighty-~eyen Jlats in )()(J ha\ e running\\ ;!ler, 80 h;we central heating, 86 han' 1lu:-;l1 toilets, 74 hme bathrno111:' and 88 ha\·e ,gas laid on in their kitchens. :\ot rnan\· coUJ1tr1\.'S have Sill'h J high percentage of homes equippc;d 'Yilh al! t11odern comcnienc:s. A1id the rate of ~a.sification-­ a/iout fi\c million ilat~ a \ear -is rnore than' t11·ice as fast as lhe rate (lf hou~ing c01is!rucliu11. I11 tile CSSR hou out. Th.\L·d b\ u,.; a'. a l'la~'. but onlv as a stratu:11 u[ ,;o,·il'l\ · The 'c!as::; di~tinction, t!i:1t ;till t-xist in the L'.SSR ·in the d1:1racter oi \\ork :rnd lik ~~\ \e", in income leveb ;mil 68

1lie like f:ir from dl·l·l'l lli.ig, are, on tl1e conir ,,11 u1,·L·cl 1D \'ariou:-:- ler:::~ o'.· :1,·~Li~);~ oi' liberty lor or,~:~!!: zing and licti\·fl: pcr1i·-~ip:1~. !,.; i11 ~:ror1!) (l~'t!;Jns \"io\.1ting public ]a\\' ~ind order J:td for ~-r. For worne11 needing sjll:cial Il'cdical supcn ision, tile LSSR has sµeciill Si.lnatoriums and 111aternit~· homes that pro\'ide progrrformed only in clinics and hospitals under the same conditions as all operations.


What sort of r,n education does the Soviet young person get?

A lllli\'crsal ten-ye~ir s~ stem of :-;ccrn1Jary schooling, \Yhicl1 is now cumpulscn fur all both in to\\11 and cou11try, was put into ef':cd in 1~i/(). While one ca1i choose \\·hi ch type of secot1dan· cJucaticncd cst;1blish:11c11t to ;:i:tcnd--a [!cneral educati~m 'chool, a \ r:cati011~;] or teclmic:ll tralninr,i: school-all of them includl' i11 lhcir curriculum th~· SL·rn11dary school programme \\ hich ctiablc::: f,radu~itcs to cnler, if they desire, any instit11tio11 of hight•r education. By January 1, 1917. the L'SSR h2d a population of 258 million. Attendance at ,Qc11cral education schools was 46.G million, \ocational schuob, technical training schools and other specialized sec011dan· ec\L;cational C'bblishments l.o mili'ion and -1:.6 million respectin-ly, and institutions of higher learning, ft\c million. The best eclucatccl :::e11cr~1ti()11 in So\ iet histon· i~ currently embmking on their careers. · Is a uninrsal secondary education a status symbol or an objective necessity?

An economic and social


Econornicalh·, it is needed, e\Tn .demanded, b\· the current scientific aiid technologic;il re\ol1:tion, \\·hoo:e achic\'ements \\·ill not be put to efficient u~e unless the Jkr-on applying them is sufficiently \\ell educated. It is a fact that factory\\ orker::, \'.ho lid\ ca 'Ccomlary 'Choo I edurntio11 90

take half the lime to master new equipn;ent as against those whc han· on!; SC\l'JJ years of schooling Y el, in pre~c'n t-cl production, not en>ryone needs the knowledge gaine::d irorn a iu!I secondary ten-year schooling; many could cope \\'iih their jobs \\·ithout it. So considering this point \\'hy has ihe USSR introduced a uniyersal secondary education? The charactn oi work is rapidly changing and jobs which require a relatiYely lm\' educatio1ial Jeni are growing less. The \\'orker who may not be making full use of all he has learned in his iob toda\' \\'ill do so tomorrO\v. This is not the only point. We han' newr yieY>ed education from a purely coi1sumer angle, or the human being as only a participant in production. \Ve regard as equally important the social aspect, the fad that education broadens a person's horizons, makes him socially more active, extends his opportunities of participating in management and administration, helps him to choose the right career, and develops a creative attitude io work. The harmonious development of the individual, which is what we are striving for, is inconcei\·able without a broad general education.



What do you think of "mass culture"?

We repudiate both the practice of dividing people into such categories as the "select" and the "masses" and the consequen-t division of cultures into "mass" and "elite". Socialist culture is one entitv, and in this sense it is indeed of the people and for the people. As we see it, '·mass culture" which is so prevalent in capitalist society, though outwardly democratic, has a serious negative effect 011 aesthetic standards, and with its stereotype artistic methods reduces all of art's functions to simply providing mindless entertainment. In effect, "mass culture" has become a cultural com modity heavily dosed with violence and sex. "Culture" of this nature not only cli\•erts a person from appreciating genuine art and seeking solutions to the crucial issues that face society, but also thwarts the development of cultural distinctions of a nation. Why cannot art be apolitical? Though some artists have iried and will probably try to "evade" politics, nobody has succeeded so far.


Of cutir,c, an ar\i't n1if!hl thi11k hi:; sr\. apu1 it ic;l. ! !C\'.·this i.~ mereh an i!lu~io11. as e\en· 1.il1ic l>c 'w;;ks to th~' reader, \ ie\\er: or , i ''mer, he take~ a pol:tic.i'l onal i ties, e\ en· one of \\'horn would adorn am countn in the We\t. . . , Here lies the authentic po\\ er of socialist real ism. How free are avant-garde artists to create what they would like to? Are they able to exhibit?

Beh\een 1974 and 1976 \\'e had six exhibitions of wliat are known in the West as a\ ant-garde or non-conformist artists. The interest the\' at first attracted \\·ancd noticeably later ..\lost exhibitors \~ere :o,e(·11 !J,· \·isitors-as comments in the Visitors' Books sllm\-a.-; ···hungry for sensational fame'', "ayid for attention", "unsuccc~.-;fulh· and blind]\· imitating Kandinsky, Sahador Dali, or Chagall''. Of cc>urse, there were also fa\ourable reactions. Some of these painters. the minority, show real talent. Among lhcsc artists who are searching for their own style and technique are Dmitry Plavi11sky, Vladimir Nemukhin, Vyacheslav Kalinin, Dmitry Krasnopedse\', Alexander Kharitono\', and :\ikolai Vechetot110\", each of whom has his U\\'Jt method. Some of tlreir works ha\·e been purchased by the L'.SSR Ministry of Culture. 93

Who defines the standards in Soviet art and how is this done?

Anv aciC11rnt lo ((j\ crn adislic crc,~:_•::d>:~:l. Lu ;:Hl1nirc, .'t~•:akc:n >~kv and ig.nore Bled~. i;; 1.\ rc 1 !'..~,· !-~ry.:,·1.:\ 0r, it L: iblC and dcs-irablc to look for tllt-: L:~'~;t \.,:,.Lt~~~ i11 6rt lit1._Tpicrnrnted by the American side. Then there arc the c1dmi11is1ru!ic(' rcstrictil)/15 impo~ed on exporb of American goods to the Sodet Cnion ..\\any goods 111ay be sold onl: under an i11di\·idual export licence issued b\· the CS au1horitics. And tlll' regulations applying to sucl1 exports are c.o \ ) . Ts it out of cornrncrcial i111.cresP :lrcng1l1rni1;g th" anti-imperialist force' and e:0L1bL:-:h:11g ;1 just order in in:c-rnational c·conomic rcl;1tionc. ,·;1n1101 lw accornpli~hcd \\ illiout the participation of the dn l·lnping countries