Type & Typography: Highlights from Matrix, the review for printers and bibliophiles 0971568766

Logic, lucidity, and Mr. Morison / Brooke Crutchley -- The typographical importance of Maximilien Vox / John Dreyfus --

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Type & Typography: Highlights from Matrix, the review for printers and bibliophiles

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Type &' Typography


Highlights from Matrix the review for printers and bibliophiles

Thomas J. Bata library


MARK BATTY PUBLISHER•LLC West New York, New Jersey 2003



,A /



The articles in this book are collected from the first 20 years of the annual publication Matrix: a Review for Printers and Bibliophiles

The Introduction for this edition © 2003 John D. Beny ‘The Genesis of Matrix’ © John Randle

Matrix 1981 - 2003 © The Whittington Press Lower Marston Farm, Risbury, Herefordshire, U.K.

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be used, reproduced, stored, transmitted or copied in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission, except in the case of brief excerpts embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Every effort has been made to trace accurate ownership of copyrighted text and visual material used in this book. Errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions, provided notification is sent to the publisher.

Special thanks to Adobe Systems for assistance with type for this book. Special thanks to Tim Johnson, Special Collections

Rare Books Department; and Chuck Thomas,

Digital Collections Unit, who with Erin Bender, Ahn Na Brodie, and Phil Dudas supplied digital materi¬ als used in the design of the book. The Whittington Press archives are housed at the Elmer Anderson Library at the University of Minnesota Libraries, Minneapolis, MN. Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data:

Type S-ioyi by John R,mJle 4 Joseph Bluiueudial, 1897-1990 hy Jerry Kelly 4 Book Reviews 4 Private Press Books *790 by David Clumbers 4 The U790 Fine Press Book Pair by Dermis Hull 4 Art Workers' Revels by Alan I'ovXrs

inside; Joan Ellis (d6our), Morris, El Llssityky, Rogers, Folio, Golden Cockerel, Vox, Ungut ^Stanislaus, Hammrc, Caslon, Arts & Metiers Grap/rtcjorj, Van Krimpen, Mtrkcr, Zapf and many otfiers...

'A Nice Young Man'-Viscount Carlow & the Commit I’reas by A. J. Raw// W/W/hiNath ib TheCiulttibcrgKidubjdoo 11 Cambridge, 1940/7 franhr Cmiriiy yy Dcdiui Cohen A The Grescct Ptret by Jtbu Dntfiu » Harry Gage-Cole, Prejfliun, 1877-194 lhy/_A/. Nrvuan ft Amcrian Iron Hand F'roror hr Job, R*dl, * Reynold’*Janitor hy flan Sievrm The Type* ofJan van Krimpen by V And m Carter dp Tlic Origina of Union Pearl hy Jstm A. Lav Chiyo^rni by Taya SdmetUr # Tlic Corar Prcli b brwrd J. SesjrJ dh Folie Starts and an Alteration of Inihrocn hy Ruierttl Cm dh The Colum Qlk- Iroh Type hy Uoim .IfttiWow dh Tlte Ililtliogtaphy ofTItcSaint Domuiir’t Preao hy MuW Taper dh Fairtte Hall and The SruartotiPren hy Jam Ssarrm dh Tin: irop MiUe Takes Lunger - Oompiling a Bibliography ofThe Stanlnnok Abbey Pna* hy Oavrd Baltrrr dh PrrialrPreaa Books 1991: a Review by DertJCbmkn dh Gognugog and Morris Cos by Radtnri Can dh Book Reviews dh Journeyman by Hilar Partnlp dh Punthcutring by I land: a Ikasueript >7 Sawn 7W7 dh Chris Skdtoo and Alan Hanan hy Jalm Hath


Tha Pstir Psdtsri af Richard Krmdy hy 7akn RnndZi

Ttwx^toa oa Ward hy Rn

die frlntlnr Methods ei chr Galdaa CoWare! Ptvu hy A G Coapar M, Cua« In MMldna hy Robert (JlMUga GlhhUnp and Oil!: Artndy In Berkaklta hy Ftmo MncCnrthy AUua.toCnlumhyRahm Qlhhtnga •> S» Oreayoodasn batenrn Rnhart OINnop and Thomas Italnan hy yohn Drryftu TU Rnbeil OUilnnp Cnlleedao In Rending l-nlvaotl. library hy MleAnal Hart Retwrt Glbbtng. ^1 tb. Unlorslty at Raadlag hy MloLsd Bau tri Gibhlnga utd thr Willow' hy Am WoU* ri Martin Andorra no by Droair Cmtdiiry tr DaUJ Mr Amend Ward and Men ■n Pro h, .ttlrfo, Jawo Thn W.legmn WWWah hy IVW.W Jtunrc end Jaaafh 11'Ajnhr^ •> Sonlay Unatsai nd Jen nn Krtafa.- a Sneer, nf dub nuhteanlTypc to Dylul Ueuefnou ly IW> Rru m * ThaUrkku of lb.'Vigil


A Type for All Seasons by Alan Dodson C Iptnal i Imagerle hy frier Allen dies Images d’LpIruL by Perer Allen CThe Vine Press. io4’-iod; bpjolm DmjJiij C Fhe Cation Type foundry In too* by James Mosley C Memories of a Dilchling Chlidltood hy Suurn f altner C John Johnson and the Treyford T ype ty Pelrr hsien f The Mereymount Fress hy Jerry kelly IIA Cancelled Performance ly Roderick Cor C Paper Make* Money Makes Paper hy Maureen SlchardiMi 0 Creating Primer's Flotuer* by Dowd Bethel f My Justification by Nicolai ku and Colin Bonks {Type. Inking, Impression ly Phil Abel ff John Petls and The Caseg Press ty Alison Smirh li Architecture and Typography In Denmark by Alan Pourrr C A Printer's Dilemma ly -Seboifian Corler C A lYlnler's Dozen by Philip Gallo li A Stickful of Nonpareil ly George Sevefield C Ceremonul Papers of the Chinese by Rodriek Caue ff Tlic Oxford University Press and Robert Pnxior's Greek Type* (y I F. Coalley ff Rlehard Wood and I he Talbot Press ly Mark Arman {James Gulhrie. Che Pear Tree Press and Iducud Thomas ly Rlehard Emesy CThe Bengali Types of Vrneenl Hgglm ly Plana Rou f Private Press Books 190;, a Review ly Dowd Chomben ff Book Reuleuit ff A Bibliography of Ihc Vine Press ly Dowd IVncher



Arrifi and Ptintn: a Problem of the Cranach Press 'Hamlet' Resolved h L-M Neurnet 3A Odcy and dje ^Ttarfedale Printiog Press by Paul WotJ Pctonng for Pleasure at the John Robots Press byCBmurJiHgem Sfi 'Any Fool Can Cut a Punch..Jy S/a Nekm 9p| Greek Types and Van Knmpcn s Anngonc by Michael Mitchell 96» The Development of the Monotype Machmc bf Jehni'RexMe 9ft The Monotype in America byj-feraii Berber 9ft Chinese Paporcuo by DevaL‘Butcher Sft CobdenSandenon to Homby: Some Letters Transcribed hyJRghd SahanJ Money to Bum: Joss Papes - and a Centenary byjfai; ScbnuBer Money to Bum: An Afterword by I'Ralerkh Cave 9ff The Cambridge Univetsity Press in the Early “jos by iTbwk? Cnublry Sft The Private Press Revisited JyfRg&rah Cane 9ft Lcnice Sandfotd's Engravings iy Davil Cbaobm 9ft The Making of The Engravings of Eric Gill" iy Chiifbfher Skdion @ft Joaah Wade and the Anglo-American Arab Pros by Qesffrey Oshsme 9ft Some Notes on the Design of Poetry by Sebeffian Carter 9ft The Setting of Plainchaiu by SiHer VeJnkCryer 9ft Will Ridler, 1909 - 1980; a Private Man and his CollctSioQ by Dorotby A.jJoref John R- Biggs and The Hampden Press by John (~Rm£e 9ft St Dominic’s Press a Supplement to the 1979 Check-list byiBrtsanl Sewell 9ft Private Press Boob 1983: a Review by Mxherl Teylea 9ft The Intoxicating Pleasures of The Private Press’ by Dtvii tHateber

Matrix f ^ b by 'T vi A REVIEW ton

Matrix 6


.v,. *“tuW.TrT** '* jvA" > llatvht Otrwsa, htwlir FltsB r a


1 twloteau

v I- ’XNvTiLro’,^ u^t^twZ'rZ.^ w. rYiiNT.rX VVnrW. htaila tktu>itty;l>' Sk&aMttoa Canlf v 1 Ik Iww.vw and OwFrintuia u ,J V.‘v 'T;"' TT v ■ 4', '""T "v. w,T-'i \ n-nee- (GnocMry -> lt*,e,ti tfatidu]Htt«iiia til SVfcd v.flf;fuvlii^

AtiVharu’ k'tfiaoXt ■->* rho ItottUop.al sVtof.tu^jtuTtnaai’V Grn/ntv* H'd/uva. aa ALbuj MtB. tt4S7-'l)"t hr Muwt Omler at TV IVI llu.tto.it t.f th. /euiutd IMtUla I'.W. Ar ilwAutr* (To, > IV KIOJ; i'fog.Utt So— litoJAa-W .* k.-..,Kl I .vtl'itif, 1,. lu.uk.u.0, lull tarts M Hmeey K lm,Aini


Uctttlyn xml Tbwdart by Robert Gibbiap f9- IT urn Comity Cork to Cl titwici and Cockerel by ReAeriet Cow fa Some Pom] Rcuiinbcciicci of a Roy Pooler at the Caulo Pren by Vantt Gerry ft}- 'file Early Years of the Double Cxoe.ll Club by John Deryfui [p 'Seerai toSee with bit Fingera': the rnnting of Joyce'* TUfiarV by Glean Glerkee/C 19- Patrick Resell. Printer by Gena Frenld fa Weeds in my Cord™ by Miriam .Uuigrcjm (9- Pajier-doiiiig with Hans by Tm\n Srhmelltr fa Pietrcil of (be Wood-engraver in Uidrlic Age by Peter Fenter fa- Paper as an Art Pune by Maureen Riekrtrrben fa- Private P ruses in the John Johnson Collection by Anne FleiyR fa- John Juhnson Ay Babi.tl/lr* fa- II) lire Look olkbj Robert b'tOy 'Ami itSolil die MuffinsUeilectinra on Jobbing Printing h .Srleuriap Carter flue Printing hi Catililruia and England: the Clark Library Oillectioo by John Dutoxll fa- Mcioarirj n( T. E. Laurence and Grtgyuvg fry MifhaA lleiebbu On Hieroglyphic Type* In tkufd Hobart fa- Woodeut Pattern Papers, and the pmpareit Wtnl nf John DrPrtl kr Rrw f. IFrtsr fa 'Congeniality' in tltc Typography of llouks 6r Ornate L'rMtbby fa- The UaUatl or Paul Hayden Ducitring by / in star Hanley fa- A Collaboration. Leuen between joint O’CiiioorautVChriatupbtr Sandfonl by ReJerirb Cm fa- Purlin! Thoughts on the Uleroture of Lerterplva Printing by Gevjfrv, IVabettan fa- The Mori Dnrlcnatesl of Typograldrcrs' lp Rrrrtrr Ifefeon fa Private Ihvjs Books IMS. a Review by UariA Chamber, fa Uatla Sri,uvJki> iAuitrilruticosto Matrix by John Ratable fa Too Pwouirr PUSf GrJfo


Matrix 14


Ouniden Chasing trrcasui Guido MorrU utd Anthony Frothroj tr Anita tlerje, Leuen are Thing, i the Wcodwograved Inlttal, of Erie GUI ty ifbealee Conor William Morrir I the Building of 4 Book by time MeeCenby Igl Meadow. . by fW Mel Sjslney Craekerell ar J die Kelmsentt Pren by muumi.trneme afa* Typography “d Panama ty Bonn Brian. Jgl* The CmnporUor ai Publisher The., ami dr. Popular Hooka of Robert Cthhtogs by Heme Aetrrei

ionic MiKm. Crimuu, Tattone. (Jibbing*. AcKn, Dw^cr, RaTiUcm*, Cbae, Bore'. Merhaon, Margaret W-IU.Dihbai Cockerell. (•'■>«. »«• Cae&e*. Oodeawrod. OtPe.1. Craig, C.ummag . lb.' proper texture ami ■•colour" of the

/ /(. «. lira illwaruliuHs 'him .xirrmrs »f ,l*eehpm*iit in III, I. .1,1,„l „u,l.,„.I„n,;l„„ r"i ',liul ilii. nhn „l li,, mill,rial Tlu mvili. rnl unit i> icihu^IiI/1, nriiuin. iiliiliniitiii irith Tin niuih'rn in, i„l rasini; i> doiisW h\ ■m .inllihri si„i„l„r,l mmhh l,\ I„l murhinr /,ainrlrn Iwth iirxlhrlii lippctl/irig In

degree ..I pre. i.iusiie., i, i lie u.iia) one. They non


*ds«» be considered a- either natural product, of the



be gronpeil in various Way.-

become respectable - unjustified lines and ragged right, which he

Cl MKT \l WUIIK Metal- max

Typography. One at least has since

from rnek-.rystal). but even'd.-






adopt in the Golden Cockerel Four Gospels. The so-called New Typog¬ 6. Herbert Read, Art and Industry, ‘innocuous enough’.

raphy, introduced into Britain by

Logic, Lucidity, and Mr Morison


Jan Tschichold, tailed to make any immediate impression so far as books were concerned and Tschichold himself had abandoned it by 1947, when he became responsible tor the design of Penguin books. It was not until after the War that asymmetric layouts became at all common. Francis Meynell and Morison had come together when they were both in their early twenties, first at Burns