Trakų Šv. Mikalojaus Vyskupo bažnyčios ir Bernardinų vienuolyno statybos istorija

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Stanislovas Miku/ionis

Trak4 Sv.Mikalojaus Yyskupo ba.Znycios ir bernardin4 vienuolyno statybos istorija

Stanislovas Mikulionis

Tiakq Sv.Mikalojaus Vyskupo baznycios ir bernardiml vienuolyno statybos istorija





Stanislovas Mikulionis

Trakq Sv.Mikalojaus Vyskupo baznyCios ir bemardinq vienuolyno statybos istorija

Vilnius 1993


Redakcine kolegija: A.AleksandraviCiiite, A.Butrimas (pirmininkas) R.Janoniene, A.Zvilius


Meno istorija tarp jvairitt praeiries palinimo sncrtt unnw nepaprastai svarbitl vietq kaip vienas is kra.~to kulturq - tautos gyFybingumo pagrindq ryrinejanCi~ moksi!J. TaCiau Lietuvoje nero gausu jos problematikai skirttt specializuoiLf: /eidiniLf:. Paiintis su naujausiais nni.~t.t meno isturik4 darhais, atspindinCiais paCias jvairiausias mokslinit.t tyrinejim4 kryptis, buvo gana epizotli.~ka. Vildamasi sukurti .Sit.t tyrinejimlf puhlikavimo centrq. Vilniaus dailc;s akadcmija pradeda leisti t~stinf leidinf "Vilniaus daili:s akademijos darbai" (Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis), kuri4 pirmqjq knygq ir pateikiame skaitytojams. Vilniaus daili:s akademija. tpia XIX a. pirmojoje puseje Vilniaus universitete vcikusitJ dailes katedrt~ (vad. Vilniaus meno mokyklos) tradicijas. Kaip 1ik siose katedrose formal'osi profesionaliosios licltlvitt dailcs ir menotyros pagrindai. Siemet A kademiia pradcda ren~inilJ: ciklq. skirt,{ savo gyvavimo 200 me114 sukakCiai pamineti. Manome, kad miistt leidiniai ne tik prisides prie jubi/iejini4 rengini4, bet nuolat sklcis menotyrus iinias. "Vilniaus daili:s akademijos darbt~" knygos bus skirtos Lietuvos dai/i:s ir architektiiros isrorijai paCia plaCiausiu chronolugine ir dalykine prasme. Jose bus skelbiami straipsniui bei monografijos apie atskirus dailes ir archilekuiros pamink/us. menininkus, mcnines kl)'ptis. Ne1ruks di:mcsio VOA ir kitt1 Lietuvos dailes mokyklq isroriiai. Planttojame puhlikuoti tyrinetojams svarbit[ arc/zyvin~ dailes bei arclzirekttiros istorijos mct.lfiagq, nevengsime ir plaresnes kulturos istorijos problematikos.


Stanislovas Afikulionis (1935 - 1992) 19tMu"). To paties auk.~to koridoriaus langl! stiklai buvo svino remeliuosc, jtvirtintuose mctaliniuosc rcmuose. Bet konc visur viskq reikcjo remontuoti. Suremontuot4 vienuolyno daliq S(!rase minimi pirmojo au ksto 4 koridoriai su 16 langq, antrojo - 3 koridoriai ir 16 patalp4. Antrojo auk.~to rytiniame ir siauriniamc koridoriuose 9 langeliai jrengti su svino juostclemis ("ocaJKeHhi s cslt~-eL('). Vicname vakariniame refektoriumo langclyje jrengtos langines. TaCiau toliau rasoma, kad rytiniamc koridoriuje buvusiose 1-5 ir 7-8 patalpose naujai padaryti langai su langinemis, pa'itatytos naujos koklines krosnys, perklotos lentq grindys, suremontuotos ar naujai padarytos durys. 6-oje patalpoje buvo vienuolyno archyvas ir jo sandeliu nepaverte. Thliau pastabose nurodoma, kad aprasytame koridoriuje, 2-ojc patalpoje (skaiciuojant nuo ba:lnycios) nuo svorio sienoje ir skliautuose atsirado plysys. Plysiq taip pat atsirado ir pirmajame aukstc esanCioje zakristijoje bei gfetimose patalpose. Sios vienuolyno dalies rcmontas brangiai atsiejys. Gvardijono D.Latukeviciaus skundas vidaus reikalq ministrui turejo fataliskq pasekmiq. Mat jis, idkodamas teisybes, nurode, kad vienuolynas neturtingas. Buvo pareikalauta duomenq, kick jamc gyvcna vienuoliq ir koks jq pragyvenimo saltinis. ISsigand~s gvardijonas 1840 m. kovo 17 d. rase vyskupui Klangeviciui ir klause, ar vicnuolynas biiSiti ne tik matininkas, het ir apskrities bajofl! vada'>. Jis nurode, kad dviauk.~iame vicnuolyno pastate galima jkurti apskritics valstybines jstaigas, teismq ir rotust;. Mincjo, kad Trak4 miesto scni archyviniai dok:umentai saugomi mediniuose pastatuose ir gali sudegti. Matyt, tuo vadovaudamasis tuomctinis gubernatorius pavcde gubernijos statybos komisi_jai sudaryti nauj(! projektl}, numatant vienuolyno pastatuose jkurdinti zandar4 komand~, apskrities ir zemstvos teismus, bajont glohos jstaigq ir miesto rotusc;-. Visi vicnuolyno pcrplanavimo darbai ir s~ma­ tos sudaryrnas pavesti civiliniam inzinicriui Gromovui. Projektavimo darbai vis. ISnyko nuo zcmcs pavirsiaus Trak4 bernardin4 vienuolyno baznyCia. Ji savo architcktiira gal ir ncbuvo puosni, taciau vaidino ypating£! vaidmcnj Trak1.1 miesto panoramoje ir apylinki4 krastovaizdyjc. Nc be reikalo j jq atkreipc demcsj ll"akus pies~ dailininkai (6 pav.). Vienas is j4 - Peterburgo dailcs akadcmijos auk!Ctinis Sokratas Vorobjovas, kuris 1855 m. atliko Cia picsimo praktik(!. {Mikulionis S.. 1982. R 22-23} (7 pav.). Liko vicn kalcjimu pavcrsti vicnuolyno milrai (8-9 pav.). Archyvincs zinios apie Trak4 hernardinq miirinio vicnuolvno ir baznvcios pastatus baigiasi 1883 m. Bet iki ansamblio galutinio s~griovimo Pi;._ mojo pasaulinio karo metu, t.y. 1915 m., praejo nemazai Iaiko, ir to laikotarpio jvykiai, rcmonta.11. AKTbl llnToBcJColl MeTpiiKIL Baprnasa, 1897.T.l. OcsJI~eHne ... , 1863 OcsJI~eHne HOBOYCTpOOHHOfi npaBOCJ13BHOlt 1..\epKBU B ye3AHOM ropoAe TpoKax BHlleHcJColt ry6epmm. BHllbHa, 1863. 'lal!TypuH B.A., 1969 - 'laHTYPIDI B.A. J1CTopmr apxHTeKTyphl EenopyccuH. MllHCK, 1969.

HISTORY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ST.MICHAEL:S EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE BERNARDINE MONASTERY IN TRAKAJ SUMMARY Trakai has always played an important role in the life of the Lithuanian state. No wonder that there had been houses of worship of various confessions in this small town, standing on the hills and on the shores of the lakes surrounding it. There must have been pagan shrines or places related to ancient religion in Trakai or its surroundings. E.Kulvietis in this guide to Tfakai published in 1939 writes that Odynec, Uztrakis' manager, built a small church (an orthodox church) on the site on an ancient pagan shrine in 1791. V.Sirokomle, who studied the history of the cult buildings' construction, noted in 1857 that the bernardine church was probably standing on the foundation of some pagan temple as well. However, this site remains unstudied even by the archeologists. At the close of the 15th ccnture Christian buildings began to appear, the orthodox churches in the first place. The Nativity of Our Lady Church is the oldest among them. It is supposed that it was funded in 1384 by' Vytautas, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, together with a monastery. There were at least five orthodox churches in Trakai in the 15-20th centuries. St.Mary's Visitation and St.John's Catholic Parish Church was also funded by Vytautas in 1409. There had been two Catholic monasteries and one Catholic cloister. Some buildings or their fragments remained of the monasteries (the Bernardine and the Dominican). The Benedictine cloister and the wooden church were short-lived. The nuns were transfierred from Orsha to Trakai around 1666, and already in 1688 the Dominicans were brought to this place by M.Oginskis. Cult buildings of other confessions were constructed in Trakai, too. They include a Tatar mosque (destroyed in 1o09 and never rebuilt), a Jewish synagogue (destroyed in 1966}, and a Karaim kenessa which is still there. R6

It should be noted that the foundation of the Trakai town, its development and the history of constmction of individual buildings so far were studied only episodically.detailed studies on individual buildings and on their relationship do not exist, and the relation between the parish church and other churches, monasteries and cloisters is still unclear. The history of Bernardine monastery in Trakai has been studied only episodically, too. When the issue of reconstruction of the district hospital arose, the Cort'itruction and Repairs Department of the Trakai District Board placed an order with the Institute of Monuments Restoration and Design to make a historical-architectural evaluation of the Bcrnardine hill and its surroundings in 1991. The present history of construction wa'i written within the framework of this order. The author collected and summarized all the historical-iconographical material on this monastery stored in the archives of the Republic of Lithuania. Part of this material was found and this fragments were published by the explorers of Trakai and its architecture A.Baliulis, R.Firkovicius and A.Vojevodskaite. The author of the present study made use of the signatures of the archival sources referred to in their works, however, all the historical sources and the iconography were additionaly studied. Since complex research on the Bernardine monastery and the church has not been carried out yet, the study is based on historical sources only. The following stages of construction on the Bernardine hill can be traced: 1) from the end of 15th c till 1617 - the period of existence of St.Michael's episcopal church built by the Gostautas family; 2) from 1617 till now - the period of existence of the Bernardine monastery, which can be divided as follows: a) from 1617 till the middle of the 18th c- initial period of construction carried out by the Bernardines; b) from the middle of the 18th c till 1845 - the period of the brick buildings of the monastery and the church as well as wooden buildings of the household sector, i.e. the principal period of construction; c) from 1g45 till World War I - the period when the dwelling-house of the monastery was reconstructed and the church was pulled down following the closing of the monastery; the reconstructed building was destroyed by the German artillery during World War I; 87

d) from World War I till our times - the period of the final ruin of the Bcrnardinc buiklin~rs. The above chronological scheme is kept to in the present study. The Bcrnardinc monastery and St.Michael's church were set up on a rather high hill. which is now called the Bernardine Hill. Dwelling and household buildings of the monastery were situated at the foot of the hill on its northern and northeastern side. The whole estate belonging to the monastery occupied a triangle plot bordered by present Vytauto, Birutes and Banelio streets. There are only a few facts known about the first period of construction on the Bernardine Hill. The construction of the church was funded by the voivode of lrakai Martynas Gostautas. However, the 12-year period between Gostauta