Toxic plants of North America [2nd edition] 9780813820347, 9781785393921, 1785393928

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition is an up-to-date, comprehensive reference for both wild and cultivated tox

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Toxic plants of North America [2nd edition]
 9780813820347, 9781785393921, 1785393928

Table of contents :
1. Introduction --
2. Adoxaceae --
3. Agavaceae --
4. Aloaceae --
5. Amaranthaceae --
6. Anacardiaceae --
7. Annonaceae --
8. Apiaceae --
9. Apocynaceae --
10. Aquifoliaceae --
11. Araceae --
12. Araliaceae --
13. Asteraceae --
14. Berberidaceae --
15. Boraginaceae --
16. Brassicaceae --
17. Calycanthaceae --
18. Campanulaceae --
19. Cannabaceae --
20. Caprifoliaceae --
21. Caryophyllaceae --
22. Celastraceae --
23. Chenopodiaceae --
24. Convolvulaceae --
25. Coriariaceae --
26. Crassulaceae --
27. Cucurbitaceae --
28. Cupressaceae --
29. Cycadaceae --
30. Dennstaedtiaceae --
31. Ebenaceae --
32. Equisetaceae --
33. Ericaceae --
34. Euphorbiaceae --
35. Fabaceae --
36. Fagaceae --
37. Fumariaceae --
38. Gelsemiaceae --
39. Ginkgoaceae --
40. Hypericaceae --
41. Iridaceae --
42. Juglandaceae --
43. Juncaginaceae --
44. Lamiaceae --
45. Lauraceae --
46. Liliaceae --
47. Linaceae --
48. Malvaceae --
49. Meliaceae --
50. Nitrariaceae --
51. Oleaceae --
52. Oxalidaceae --
53. Papaveraceae --
54. Phyllanthaceae --
55. Phytolaccaceae --
56. Pinaceae --
57. Plantaginaceae --
58. Poaceae --
59. Polygonaceae --
60. Primulaceae --
61. Pteridaceae --
62. Ranunculaceae --
63. Rhamnaceae --
64. Rosaceae --
65. Rubiaceae --
66. Rutaceae --
67. Sapindaceae --
68. Scrophulariaceae --
69. Solanaceae --
70. Taxaceae --
71. Thymelaeaceae --
72. Urticaceae --
73. Verbenaceae --
74. Viscaceae --
75. Zamiaceae --
76. Zygophyllaceae --
77. Families with species of questionable toxicity or significance --
78. Identification of toxic plants --
Appendix A. Plant taxa listed by their principal adverse effects and main organs affected --
Appendix B. Plants of concern for dogs, cats, and other pets --

Citation preview




A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publication

This edition first published 2013 © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. First edition published 2001 © Iowa State University Press Wiley-Blackwell is an imprint of John Wiley & Sons, formed by the merger of Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical and Medical business with Blackwell Publishing. Editorial offices: 2121 State Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50014-8300, USA The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that the base fee is paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by CCC, a separate system of payments has been arranged. The fee codes for users of the Transactional Reporting Service are ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-2034-7/2013. Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Burrows, George E. (George Edward), 1935– Toxic plants of North America / George E. Burrows, Ronald J. Tyrl. – 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8138-2034-7 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Poisonous plants–North America. QK100.N6B87 2013 581.6'59097–dc23 2012015386

I. Tyrl, Ronald J.

II. Title.

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Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Introduction Adoxaceae Agavaceae Aloaceae Amaranthaceae Anacardiaceae Annonaceae Apiaceae Apocynaceae Aquifoliaceae Araceae Araliaceae Asteraceae Berberidaceae Boraginaceae Brassicaceae Calycanthaceae Campanulaceae Cannabaceae Caprifoliaceae Caryophyllaceae Celastraceae Chenopodiaceae Convolvulaceae Coriariaceae Crassulaceae Cucurbitaceae Cupressaceae Cycadaceae Dennstaedtiaceae Ebenaceae Equisetaceae Ericaceae Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae Fagaceae Fumariaceae Gelsemiaceae Ginkgoaceae Hypericaceae Iridaceae Juglandaceae Juncaginaceae Lamiaceae Lauraceae

3 11 15 24 28 35 50 53 81 127 131 145 150 257 266 282 308 311 315 319 323 333 338 365 376 380 387 395 402 410 423 430 434 450 491 675 690 700 705 710 717 722 727 731 743

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

Liliaceae Linaceae Malvaceae Meliaceae Nitrariaceae Oleaceae Oxalidaceae Papaveraceae Phyllanthaceae Phytolaccaceae Pinaceae Plantaginaceae Poaceae Polygonaceae Primulaceae Pteridaceae Ranunculaceae Rhamnaceae Rosaceae Rubiaceae Rutaceae Sapindaceae Scrophulariaceae Solanaceae Taxaceae Thymelaeaceae Urticaceae Verbenaceae Viscaceae Zamiaceae Zygophyllaceae Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance 78 Identification of Toxic Plants

751 808 812 825 830 836 840 844 860 864 870 878 888 998 1010 1017 1022 1055 1064 1095 1100 1110 1125 1130 1177 1186 1192 1198 1209 1215 1221 1234 1280

Appendix A. Plant Taxa Listed by Their Principal Adverse Effects and Main Organs Affected


Appendix B. Plants of Concern for Dogs, Cats, and Other Pets





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Chapter One


We humans have an intimate relationship with the plants that surround us. We take them for granted as we use them for food, clothes, and shelter. We use them medicinally; indeed, more than one-third of our modern pharmacopoeia has its origins in plant products. We please our senses, decorate our living spaces, and express our feelings for one another with them. Plants are an essential part of many of our religious and social rites. Paradoxically, some of the plants we prize for these varied uses may also pose a threat to us or to our domesticated animals. Toxic plants are very much a part of our environment. Until their effects, ranging from mild irritation or discomfort to rapid death, become apparent, they are often ignored or simply overlooked. Because of their ubiquity, there is a need for a comprehensive treatment of toxic plants likely to be encountered in North America, north of the Tropic of Cancer, growing wild or cultivated. The first edition of this book was written in response to that need.

OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF THE FIRST EDITION The objective of this undertaking was to write a comprehensive treatment of toxic plants that brought together the currently available information on (1) their morphology and distribution, (2) the disease problem or problems associated with them, (3) their toxicants and mechanisms of action, (4) the clinical signs and pathologic changes associated with their toxicity, and (5) the principal aspects of treatment. The perspective of the first edition was primarily veterinary science. Compilation of the information presented in the first edition began in the 1980s as a series of articles for the Oklahoma Veterinarian and an agricultural extension publication, Poisonous Plants of Oklahoma and the Southern Plains. Well received, these publications dealt primarily with native plants and their toxicity for livestock. Initially, the present book was anticipated to do the same for the

United States. Gradually, however, its scope and depth of coverage evolved—larger area, more plant families, and greater detail than first envisioned. These changes came about in part because of the increasing popularity of ornamental plants for both house and garden. There has been a corresponding increase in awareness of toxicity problems associated with some of them.

OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF THE SECOND EDITION In the 11 years since publication of the first edition, a wealth of toxicologic information has been compiled— unknown toxicants identified, mechanisms of intoxication elucidated, and additional reports of problems published. In addition, there has been a corresponding increase in taxonomic knowledge with significant changes in the classification of plant families and genera and associated changes in nomenclature. Because of this almost exponential increase in our knowledge of toxic plants, work on a second edition was initiated in 2009. In addition to compiling and presenting the literature of the last decade, we have also slightly altered the perspective of this edition. We have included information about four additional aspects of plant toxicology; they are summarized in the following subsections.

Intoxications in Humans—The first edition focused primarily on veterinary science because of our professional backgrounds and the need for such a book in the discipline. In this second edition we have attempted to place increased emphasis on human intoxications because the information acquired about both humans and other animals is often interrelated and supportive. For the most part, plant intoxications in humans, while not uncommon, do not pose the lethal risk (with the exception of Datura and Cicuta) seen with livestock and other animals, but they nevertheless may be numerous and sometimes serious as revealed in annual

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

reports from Poison Control Centers (Litovitz et al. 2001; Bronstein et al. 2007). It may be expected that in most instances similar disease problems will occur in both humans and animals with a few exceptions. For some taxa, we have included information about problems associated with herbal products as examples of their intoxication potential but a comprehensive discussion of adverse reactions to these products is beyond the scope of this book. In addition we have included some information about potential bioterrorism threats because of the serious problem presented by the extreme toxicity of some plants such as those possessing type 2 ribosomeinactivating proteins—most notably Ricinus communis and species of Adenia (Pelosi et al. 2005; Stirpe and Battelli 2006; Monti et al. 2007; Stirpe et al. 2007; Ng et al. 2010). Considerable information on the mechanisms of intoxication is emerging because of the interest in effects of plant toxicants as models for various human disease problems such as Huntington’s disease, ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease (Tukov et al. 2004; Bradley and Nash 2009; Cox 2009; Pablo et al. 2009; Tunez et al. 2010). Treatments for humans are given in very general terms because physicians and medical institutions may have different treatment protocols. General references for specific procedures include Greene and coworkers (2008) and Lee (2008) for gastrointestinal decontamination and use of ipecac, and Froberg and coworkers (2007) for plant poisonings specifically in humans.

Intoxications in Wildlife and Captive Animals—In this edition, a special effort has also been made to document the effects of poisonous plants on wildlife, both free roaming and captive. References for specific information about particular genera and species are included throughout the book. General references to be consulted include Fowler (1981, 1999) and Van Saun (2006). The reader should keep in mind that in general most wild herbivores respond similarly to plant toxicants as do our domesticated animals, with a few exceptions such as those compounds produced by Quercus (oak), Centaurea (star thistle), Acroptilon (knapweed), and Pinus (pine). Some plants are invariably toxic to most wild animal species, for example, cardiotoxic and cyanogenic plants as well as species of Lantana (lantana) and Nicotiana (tobacco) (Basson 1987). Other plants, however, may affect wild animal species quite differently as illustrated by responses to tannins, especially those produced by species of Quercus (the oaks). With respect to toxic plants, species of wildlife are not necessarily immune to their effects, but avoid problems associated with their toxic secondary compounds by ignoring some plants, eating only small

amounts, and/or exhibiting natural gastrointestinal/ hepatic degradation/detoxication of these noxious compounds (Fowler 1981; Laycock 1978). Unfortunately, captive or domesticated wild species may have access to toxic plants with which they have not coevolved or which they have not encountered previously. In some instances, boredom of captive animals may lead to ingestion of toxic plants in their enclosures. Such problems have been reported in a variety of herbivores ranging from elephants to tortoises. There are also other reasons for ingestion of toxic plants by wild animal species, including poorly nourished, hungry animals which may be nonselective in their eating habits or to seasonal variations in palatability or acceptability of otherwise noxious plants in their environment. Thus management plays a vital role in animal intoxications (Pfister et al. 2002). Additional reviews regarding the role of secondary plant compounds on nutritional toxicology of birds and herbivores are available (Cipollini and Levey 1997; Dearing et al. 2005; Torregrossa and Dearing 2009).

Role of Plant Secondary Compounds in Plant Intoxications—An additional problem given increased attention in this second edition is the role of secondary plant compounds as toxicants in honey and or their affect on bees. A number of general reviews on these subjects are available: Patwardhan and White (1973), White (1981), Detzel and Wink (1993), Faliu (1994), Adler (2000), and Kempf and coworkers (2010). Some attention has been given to the problem of milk and meat tainting but without exhaustive discussion. Reviews are available but this is a subject not given great coverage with respect to noxious noncultivated plant species (Richter 1964; Armitt 1968a,b). Methyl sulfide is clearly a factor in tainting and probably many plants that have sulfur-containing constituents are likely culprits (Patton et al. 1956; Gordon and Morgan 1972).

Role of Fungal Endophytes in Plant Intoxications— Great interest is now directed toward the role of fungal infections of plants as contributors to the synthesis of toxicants in host plants. The fungi involved in these infections may be endophytes or epiphytes. In some instances the toxins may be produced exclusively by the fungus, whereas in others the toxicants may be produced by both the plant and the fungus (Wink 2008). Examples of these situations are the presence of an endophytic fungus in Hypericum perforatum, which produces hypericin similar to the host plant, and an endophyte in Podophyllum peltatum, which produces podophyllotoxin again similar to the host plant. In contrast, an endophytic strain of the


fungus Fusarium oxysporum also produces podophyllotoxin but in Juniperus recurva, a totally unrelated species (Eyberger et al. 2006; Kour et al. 2008; Kusari et al. 2008). Because these fungi, especially the endophytes, are in many instances clearly beneficial to the host plant, there is good reason to expect that more of these symbiotic relationships will be identified in the future (Rodriguez et al. 2009; Rudgers et al. 2009). Likewise, there are probably many fungi–plant–toxicant relationships yet to be demonstrated. Although at present most involve the Poaceae (grasses), other plant families are increasingly being associated with toxin-producing fungi. In some instances, these endophytes are exploited to promote grass protection and production and as potential sources of beneficial natural products (Easton 2007; Kuldau and Bacon 2008; Belesky and Bacon 2009; Aly et al. 2010). Numerous endophytes have been isolated from some plant species, for example, 183 different fungi from Catharanthus roseus in India (Kharwar et al. 2008). For additional discussion of this relationship see the treatment in Poaceae (Chapter 58).

COMPILATION OF INFORMATION The information presented in this treatise on toxic plants is based upon reports extracted from the toxicological, veterinary, human, agronomy, chemical, biochemical, and physiological literature and from our personal observations. References are numerous. In the past, descriptions of intoxication problems were sometimes poorly documented, and a large amount of unsubstantiated anecdotal information was incorporated in earlier publications in such a form that it eventually became accepted as fact. Experimental studies have since confirmed or rejected much of this information. An effort has been made to document each point selectively to avoid being excessive, but it is anticipated that the incorporation of many references provides starting points for readers to delve more deeply into any topic. The information presented is intended to be of interest to veterinarians, agricultural extension agents, horticulturists, animal scientists, botanists, personnel at poison control centers, physicians, pharmacists, agronomists, range scientists, toxicologists, wildlife biologists, ecologists, farmers, ranchers, students, and the general public. The book may be used as a textbook for graduate-level courses or as a general reference. The incorporation of tables associating the clinical signs and pathology of intoxications with specific plant genera and species permits its use in applied situations. As always with a book such as this one, the caveat that it is not complete must be stated. As investigations of plants progress, there will be the discovery of new toxic


species and the reassessment of the intoxication problems caused by known ones.

ORGANIZATION AND FORMAT In this edition, the plant family continues to serve as the organizational unit for the toxicological data compiled. Each chapter is devoted to the toxic taxa of one family. To facilitate access and review, the information is organized into seven sections: “Taxonomy and Morphology,” “Distribution and Habitat,” “Disease Problems,” “Disease Genesis,” “Clinical Signs,” “Pathology,” and “Treatment.” Embedded in these sections are boxes with salient points of information, photographs, line drawings, distribution maps, and illustrations of chemical structures and toxicologic pathways. With respect to the taxonomy of the toxic plants being described in this work, concepts of families, genera, and species are based on current classifications. When significant changes in classification and/or nomenclature have occurred, older names are given as synonyms in parentheses below the currently accepted names. Readers, especially those who used the first edition, may discover that “new” scientific names are used for several familiar species, genera, and families in this edition. The majority of these changes reflect the accumulation of additional taxonomic data by taxonomists and thus revised interpretations of character importance and phylogenetic relationships. In some instances, these name changes are mandated by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2006), and a few changes were made to make the names in this book consistent with those appearing in the Flora of North America North of Mexico (Flora of North America Editorial Committee 1993+) and the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). These two works are becoming the standard references for taxonomy and nomenclature in North America. Abbreviated explanations of the reasons for these changes are presented in the “Taxonomy and Morphology” sections. The common names cited are those based on our experience and their citation in floristic works and standardized lists such as the PLANTS Database and the Weed Science Society of America’s (2010) Composite List of Weeds. Author citations (name or abbreviation of name of person or persons who published the taxon’s name) are taken from Brummitt and Powell’s (1992) Authors of Plant Names. The descriptions given for each family describe the range of morphological variation for only its North American species. When a range of values is given for the numbers of genera and species in a family, differences in opinion among taxonomists are indicated. Unless otherwise attributed, information about the taxonomy and


Toxic Plants of North America

biology of each family was compiled primarily from Cronquist (1981), Kubitzki (1990+), Flora of North America Editorial Committee (1993+), Heywood and coworkers (2007), Mabberley (2008), Judd and coworkers (2008), and Bremer and coworkers (2009). To avoid repetition and conserve space, morphological features of the genus that are the same as those given for the family are generally not repeated; rather, those features that are characteristic of or unique to the taxon are used. If a genus is monotypic or represented in North America by a single species, its morphological description is based on the species’ appearance. The morphological descriptions of the genera and species are composites of those appearing in state and regional floras encompassing the distributional ranges of the taxa. Principal sources are listed in the references. Should exact identification of a plant suspected to be toxic be needed, it is anticipated that the reader will use floras specific for his or her locale to determine or confirm identification. Perhaps, as some taxonomists predict, plant identification may become almost as simple as reading a universal barcode in the grocery store as technology evolves and we make progress in determining DNA sequences in plants (Bruni et al. 2010). Line drawings, distribution maps, and chemical structures are based in part upon those appearing in the references cited below. Original line drawings are primarily the work of Bellamy Parks Jansen and Sheryl Holesko. Other drawings were obtained from the government publications listed in the references and were prepared by Regina Hughes and numerous other artists. Drawings have also been used with permission from Flora of Missouri, by J.A. Steyermark (1975). The maps and chemical structures are composites of the information available in both the references cited and the general literature. In addition to the 76 chapters presenting the toxicologic problems associated with each plant family, a chapter is included describing 44 families with species of questionable toxicity or significance, a glossary, diagnostic synopses of the most important families, tables cross-referencing disease syndromes and clinical signs, and a comprehensive index.

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE We would be remiss in this endeavor if we did not recognize those who have gone before us and whose work has served as a foundation for this book. There are many individuals who should be recognized, and it is with some trepidation that we list them, because many who will not be included have also made substantial contributions to our understanding of toxic plants. Certainly L.H. Pammel and J.M. Kingsbury have been instrumental in providing a foundation and model upon which to write a book on

toxic plants. Their efforts contributed greatly to our understanding of the effects of plants on livestock. Their work is especially significant because of the meager information they had in many instances upon which to base their conclusions about toxicity. Also of great importance were the efforts of early investigators and observers such as V.K. Chesnut and C.D. Marsh. The remarkable, astute observations of Marsh continue to be the basis for our understanding of the effects of many toxic plants as will be illustrated by the number of literature citations to his work throughout this book. When reviewing those who have had great impact on our present state of knowledge of plant-caused problems, we cannot fail to recognize the personnel of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA, ARS) Poisonous Plants Research Laboratory at Logan, Utah. These ARS scientists, both past and present, have had an immense impact on our understanding and ability to deal with the ever-present problems of plant intoxications in livestock. Many individuals have been involved in the lab’s work, and the references throughout the book attest to their extensive efforts. With the passage of time, we are becoming increasingly indebted to workers in Australia, Brazil, India, South Africa, and other countries for their vital contributions to our understanding of the effects of toxic plants. We are also indebted to the many personnel at state experiment stations who have contributed to the body of knowledge on the toxicity of plants, especially those in the western states. Worthy of particular note is the exceptional work conducted in Texas. Names that appear repeatedly in the toxicological literature and our references include I.B. Boughton, W.T. Hardy, and F.P. Mathews. Dr. Mathews was instrumental in opening the Locoweed Research Laboratory in Alpine, Texas, in 1930 and was responsible for many years for investigating the plant-related livestock problems in West Texas and surrounding areas.

DEDICATION Following in the footsteps of Dr. Mathews was Dr. James W. Dollahite, a young veterinarian from west central Texas and an individual who had a profound influence on the discipline of toxicology. His life and contributions were eloquently summarized by E.M. Bailey (1998) and are excerpted here with permission. Born in 1911, Dr. Dollahite was raised near Johnson City, Texas. He received his DVM. in 1933 from the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. He worked for the U.S. government and practiced until World War II, when he served as an army veterinarian, later retiring as a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve. Following the war, he went back into veterinary practice in Marfa, Texas, but developed an


interest in toxicology. Dr. Dollahite combined his practice and a part-time position with the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in Alpine to further his interests in plant toxicology. He also worked for a time at the USDA research facility in Beltsville, Maryland. In 1956 he started a full-time experiment station position and was responsible for moving the Alpine Research Station, begun by Dr. Mathews, to Marfa, where it became the Marfa Toxic Plant Research Station. During this time he drove many miles over West Texas and southern New Mexico, investigating toxic plant problems and conducting his toxic plant research. He closed the Marfa station in 1958 and moved his research endeavors to College Station, where he was a member of the veterinary research section of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Because there was no formal toxicology program at the time, he received his MS in veterinary physiology in 1961. He became an associate professor of pathology in 1964 and a professor in 1965. In 1968 he transferred to the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, where he was instrumental in establishing a doctoral program in toxicology in 1969. Dr. Dollahite was a charter and founding diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Toxicology (1966– 1967). He continued his research until his retirement from Texas A&M in 1975. He continued to work on toxic plants at the USDA, ARS Veterinary Toxicology and Entomology Research Laboratory until his full retirement in 1980. He died in 1984. Dr. Dollahite played a very important role in the development of veterinary toxicology in Texas, especially toxic plant research, and in the development of veterinary toxicology as a specialty within the American Veterinary Medical Association. However, these facts, dates, and accomplishments are but one aspect of the real man. One of us (GEB) had the opportunity to spend a week in 1979 traveling with him in a review of the toxic plants of Texas. It was this time that provided a glimpse of the person of whom others had long been aware. The respect paid to him by those with whom he had been associated in the field was impressive. He was truly a remarkable individual, not only for his powers of observation of clinical signs in diseased animals and contributions to our knowledge of toxic plants but also for his personal attributes. The legacy of his life was much more than professional success. He was an exemplary individual in many ways. We are sure that he would like to be remembered as a man of great faith in God, who made every effort to deal with others with respect, kindness, and gentleness. He had great integrity and was a gentleman in every sense of the word. He is truly a worthy role model. It is with this in mind that we dedicate this book to Dr. J.W. Dollahite.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writing of both editions of this book have been conducted as traditional academic endeavors, that is, reviews of the literature and an attempt to synthesize in a readable fashion the wealth of information accumulated. Initially the effort involved just the two of us, but as the writing of each edition progressed, more and more individuals volunteered encouragement, support, time, and expertise. It is therefore necessary and certainly most appropriate to recognize formally their contributions at this point. Thanks are expressed to Gayman Helman for critically reviewing all aspects of each chapter in the first edition and making valued suggestions as to what additional information might be included, especially as pertains to the pathologic descriptions. Special thanks to Drs. Zane Davis, Ben Green, James Pfister, and Kevin Welch of the Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory (USDA, ARS) at Logan, Utah for constructive comments on portions of chapters in their specific areas of interest in this second edition. To our wives, Connie Burrows and Lynda Tyrl, special thanks are given. Their tireless assistance with the odious and tedious editorial tasks, especially in the later stages of writing of the first edition, was invaluable. Their words of encouragement represented vital contributions. Their patience and understanding during the writing of this second edition is especially appreciated. Likewise, completion of work on the first edition was facilitated by the technical assistance of Sheryl Holesko and Paula Shryock, staff members of the Department of Anatomy, Pathology, and Pharmacology and the Department of Botany at Oklahoma State University. Thanks to each are extended. Completion of both editions could not have been accomplished without the support provided by the science and loan librarians in the Edmon Low Library of Oklahoma State University. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Vicki Phillips, Jimmy Johnson, Helen Clements, Steve Locy, Kevin Drees, Kiem Ta, Lynne Simpson, Heather Moberly, Suzanne Reinman, and John Phillips who helped us locate the many obscure or ambiguous technical papers or decipher the ambiguous literature citations. Special thanks are due the individuals and organizations, in particular the Smithsonian Institution, Oklahoma State University, the Oregon State University Jed Colquhoun Photo Collection, the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, and the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, who kindly granted us permission to use their striking photographs; their names appear below their photos. Photos not attributed are our own. We definitely must acknowledge the many publications of the various agencies of the United States Department of Agriculture that


Toxic Plants of North America

were the source of the many line drawings that appear throughout the book. The financial assistance provided by the College of Veterinary Medicine via its long-term support of George E. Burrows’s research on toxic plants is gratefully acknowledged. Long-term access to the library and herbarium collection at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK for Ronald J. Tyrl is also treasured. Finally, the individuals responsible for the transition of our manuscripts to the two editions of this book certainly must be recognized. With respect to the first edition, our profound thanks to Gretchen Van Houten and Judi Brown of Iowa State University Press for their patience and ability to understand our vision of the book’s final form. A special thanks to Rosemary Wetherold, our editor, whose careful work ensured accuracy, consistency, and clarity throughout the book. We also gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Nanette Cardon, our indexer, who organized in a most logical fashion the plethora of names and terms that appear in this book. A final thanks to Fred Thompson, our production editor, whose editorial and organizational skills facilitated the entire production process. Completion of this second edition was facilitated by the staff at Wiley-Blackwell and Toppan Best-Set Premedia Ltd. Our thanks to our editorial program coordinator Susan Engelken for her words of understanding and encouragement during the last stages of our writing and compiling illustrations; to our production editor Erin Magnani for translating our vision of the appearance of this second edition into reality; to project manager Stephanie Sakson for her assistance in the production phase; and to our commissioning editor Erica Judisch who thoughtfully considered our requests for deviations from the traditional Wiley-Blackwell style. Special thanks is due to our copy editor Maria Teresa M. Salazar who so carefully reviewed our manuscript and corrected our many inconsistencies, mistakes, and ambiguities.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Adler LS. The ecological significance of toxic nectar. Oikos 91;409–420, 2000. Aly AH, Debbab A, Kjer J, Proksch P. Fungal endophytes from higher plants: a prolific source of phytochemicals and other bioactive natural products. Fungal Divers 41;1–16, 2010. Armitt J. The farm weed taint story. Qld Agric J 94;2–7, 1968a. Armitt J. The farm weed taint story-2. Qld Agric J 94;96–101, 1968b. Bailey EM Jr. A tribute to Dr. James W. Dollahite. In Toxic Plants and Other Natural Toxicants. Garland T, Barr AC, eds. CAB International, New York, pp. 17–18, pp 1998. Baldwin BG, Goldman DH, Keil DJ, Patterson R, Rosatti TJ, Wilken DH, eds. Jepson Manual II: Vascular Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2012. Basson PA. Poisoning of wildlife in southern Africa. J S Afr Vet Assoc 58;219–228, 1987.

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Chapter Two

Adoxaceae E.Mey.

Elderberry or Moschatel Family Sambucus Widespread in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, the Adoxaceae, commonly known as the elderberry or moschatel family, comprises 4 or 5 genera and 225–245 species, of which 3 genera and approximately 29 species are present in North America (Judd et al. 2008; Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). The two largest genera Viburnum (about 220 species) and Sambucus (about 20 species) were originally classified in the Caprifoliaceae. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies, however, indicated a closer phylogenetic relationship to the genera of the Adoxaceae, thus their repositioning (Donoghue et al. 1992; Eriksson and Donoghue 1997; Bremer et al. 2009). It must be noted that the USDA PLANTS database (USDA, NRCS 2012) does not yet reflect this change in classification, however the forthcoming volume 18 of the Flora of North America will. Intoxication problems have been associated only with Sambucus. erect herbs, shrubs, small trees; stems ill scented when bruised; leaves simple or pinnately compound; cymes; flowers 5-merous; ovaries inferior; fruits berry-like drupes with 1 or 3–5 stones. Plants small trees or shrubs or perennial herbs. Leaves simple or 1-pinnately compound; opposite; venation pinnate; margins entire or serrate; stipules present or absent. Inflorescences cymes; terminal. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; fused; reduced. Corollas radially symmetrical; typically rotate. Petals 5; fused. Stamens 5; epipetalous. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3–5; stigmas 1–3, capitate; styles absent or short; ovaries wholly or partially inferior. Fruits drupes or berry-like drupes with 1 or 3–5 stones.

SAMBUCUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 20–25 species, Sambucus, commonly known as elderberry or elder, is a cosmopolitan genus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Judd et al. 2008). Species are sources of wine and jelly, several are cultivated ornamentals, and the wood of some is used to make musical instruments. Native Americans and settlers used the plants medicinally for a variety of ailments. In North America, 5 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012):

S. ebulus L. S. nigra L. (= S. caerulea Raf.) (= S. canadensis L.) (= S. mexicana C.Presl ex DC.) (= S. neomexicana Woot.) S. racemosa L. (= S. callicarpa Greene) (= S. microbotrys Rydb.) (= S. melanocarpa [A.Gray] McMinn) (= S. pubens Michx.)

dwarf elderberry common elderberry, black elder European elderberry, bourtree American elder, sweet elder Mexican elder, tapiro, blueberry elder red elderberry, European red elder, stinking elderberry

Although long recognized as distinct species, the American taxa S. canadensis and S. caerulea are now classified as subspecies of the European S. nigra (Bolli 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). Bolli treats S. mexicana as a synonym of S. nigra subsp. canadensis. Early toxicologic reports used S. canadensis. Because the morphological features of Sambucus are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from Adoxa and Viburnum by differences in habit, leaf dissection, and fruit features (Figures 2.1 and 2.2).

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 2.3. Distribution of Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis.

Figure 2.1. Line drawing of Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.4.

Distribution of Sambucus nigra subsp. caerulea.

Figure 2.5.

Distribution of Sambucus racemosa.

Photo of Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis.

moist soils; cultivated ornamentals

Distribution and Habitat—Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis is the elderberry commonly encountered in moist sites of fields, borrow ditches, and woods of eastern North America. Populations of subsp. canadensis formerly called S. Mexicana occur in montane regions of Mexico and south into Central America (Bolli 1994). Subspecies caerulea is found in valleys and on slopes in the open woodlands of western North America from British Columbia to Durango, Mexico (Bolli 1994). Ornamental introductions from Europe, S. nigra and S. ebulus, occasionally escape from cultivation (Figures 2.3–2.5).

Adoxaceae E.Mey.

low risk of digestive disturbance, all plant parts; low risk of abrupt neurologic cyanide effects

Disease Problems—Species of Sambucus are used for food and medicines. The edible drupes are used to make pies, wine, and jelly, and the numerous medicinal uses of the genus have caused some individuals to consider it a complete pharmacy in itself (Millspaugh 1974). The leaf buds were considered to be potent cathartics and the sap a laxative. Despite its widespread use and therapeutic reputation, the genus causes problems. Tinctures made from the leaves and flowers have caused diuresis and circulatory problems, terminating in exhaustion and profuse sweating (Millspaugh 1974). An Asian species has been shown to be highly lethal in mice, 20% in feed causing 80% mortality and 10% in feed causing 10% mortality (HongLi et al. 2004). However, repeated i.p. administration of methanol extracts of S. ebulus to rats were lethal only at exceptionally high dosage and generally caused only anorexia and lethargy (Ebrahimzadeh et al. 2007). In another case, European plants of S. nigra were identified as a cause of sudden death in two Jardine’s parrots on the basis of finding the leaves in the stomachs and crops (Griess et al. 1998). Although it is clear that species of Sambucus contain bioactive constituents, they are uncommon causes of disease. Ingestion of the roots and/or stems has been associated with digestive tract problems (Cooper and Johnson 1984). The roots and stems produce purgative effects, and the drupes, when eaten raw, may produce similar results, including nausea and vomiting (Pammel 1911). In a case in the 1800s, a boy in Scotland developed severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea after eating leaves of Sambucus. A second child exhibited mild neurologic signs after eating the flowers (Pammel 1911). In another episode, 11 of 25 people who drank elderberry juice made 2 days previously developed nausea and vomiting (Kunitz et al. 1984). Other signs seen in some individuals included abdominal pain, weakness, dizziness, and numbness. One individual became stuporous and required hospitalization. The severity of signs was directly correlated with the amount of juice consumed. Cyanide was not detected in the blood of those affected. In some circumstances the leaves of Sambucus are cyanogenic, and the stems have been associated with accumulation of nitrate, but these conditions have not been demonstrated to pose a substantial risk to livestock.

irritant terpenoids present; cyanogenic glucosides present but low risk


Disease Genesis—The toxicants responsible for the digestive tract problems have not been identified, although triterpenoids, such as oleanolic acid, are present in the leaves of S. nigra and S. nigra subsp. canadensis (reported as S. canadensis; Inoue and Sato 1975). The stones/seeds contain a heat-labile resinous substance (Frohn and Pfander 1984). Lectins or hemagglutinins are present in both the bark and fruit of S. nigra (Kaku et al. 1990; Mach et al. 1991). Any of these types of toxicants could be responsible for irritation of the digestive tract. Species of Sambucus have traditionally been thought to be toxic because of the presence of cyanogenic glucosides in the foliage and fruit. Sambucus nigra contains several phenylalanine-derived glucosides, including holocalin, prunasin, sambunigrin, and zierin (Jensen and Nielsen 1973; Seigler 1977). Presumably other species contain a similar array of these compounds. The risk of intoxication, however, is quite low but cannot be entirely ignored. In this respect, there are occasional reports of cyanide intoxication in cattle confirmed by serum and plant HCN analysis (Meiser 2001). For the most part, the propensity to produce adverse effects of any type is lost when the berries are cooked or fermented to make jellies or wine (Pogorzelski 1982; Cooper and Johnson 1984). The digestive tract problems are not consistent with cyanide intoxication (Figures 2.6 and 2.7). Of unknown significance are the presence of type 2 ribosomal-inhibiting proteins (RIPs) of no apparent toxicity potential. These are 2-chain RIPs similar to those of Ricinus referred to as nigrins and ebulin (Girbes et al. 2003). In contrast to those of ricin, these RIPs have single amino acid substitutions at the high affinity sugar-binding sites of the facilitator B chain. humans: rarely: abrupt onset: vomiting, colic, profuse salivation, diarrhea

livestock: rarely: abrupt onset: weakness, apprehension, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures

Figure 2.6.

Chemical structure of prunasin.

Figure 2.7.

Chemical structure of sambunigrin.


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs—In cases involving irritation of the digestive tract, there is abrupt onset of vomiting, colic, excess salivation, and diarrhea. These problems may be accompanied by increased heart and respiratory rates, tremors, and paralysis. When cyanide intoxication occurs in livestock, the clinical signs typically appear soon after consumption of plant material and include weakness, apprehension, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, and tetanic seizures. A more detailed discussion of the signs and diagnosis is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64). no lesions; activated charcoal; sodium thiosulfate

Pathology and Treatment—There are few if any distinctive pathologic changes. A few scattered, small hemorrhages on the heart and visceral surfaces may be present. Prevention of toxicant absorption via activated charcoal and relief of any persistent vomiting are important considerations in treatment. For cyanogenesis, the standard, well-established response employing sodium thiosulfate with or without sodium nitrite is appropriate. A complete discussion of this approach is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

REFERENCES Bolli R. Revision of the genus Sambucus. Diss Bot 22;1–223, 1994. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Cooper MR, Johnson AW. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1984. Donoghue MJ, Olmstead RG, Smith JF, Palmer JD. Phylogenetic relationships of Dipsacales based on rbcL sequences. Ann Mo Bot Gard 79;333–345, 1992. Ebrahimzadeh MA, Mahmoudi M, Karami M, Saeedi S, Ahmadi AH, Salimi E. Separation of active and toxic portions in Sambucus ebulus. Pak J Biol Sci 10;4171–4173, 2007. Eriksson T, Donoghue MJ. Phylogenetic relationships of Sambucus and Adoxa (Adoxoideae, Adoxaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences and preliminary morphological data. Syst Bot 22;555–573, 1997.

Frohn D, Pfander HJ. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Plants. Wolfe Science, London, 1984. Girbes T, Ferreras JM, Arias FJ, Munoz R, Iglesias R, Jimenez P, Rojo MA, Arias Y, Perez Y, Benitez J, Sanchez D, Gayoso MJ. Non-toxic type 2 ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) from Sambucus: occurrence, cellular and molecular activities and potential uses. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) 49;537– 545, 2003. Griess D, Rech J, Lernould JM. Diagnosis of a peracute poisoning by common elder leaves (Sambucus nigra L.) in Jardine’s parrot (Poicephalus gulielmi). Rev Med Vet (Toulouse) 149; 417–424, 1998. HongLi Z, ChongXuan H, XueJun Y, MingChun W, Qing EY, ShuHai B. Study on chemical constituents and rat-killing activity of Sambucus williamsii. Acta Bot Boreali-Occidentalia Sin 24;1523–1526, 2004. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Inoue T, Sato K. Triterpenoids of Sambucus nigra and S. canadensis. Phytochemistry 14;1871–1872, 1975. Jensen SR, Nielsen BJ. Cyanogenic glucosides in Sambucus nigra L. Acta Chem Scand 27;2661–2685, 1973. Judd WS, Campbell CS, Kellogg EA, Stevens PF, Donoghue MJ. Plant Systematics a Phylogenetic Approach, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2008. Kaku H, Peumans WJ, Goldstein IJ. Isolation and characterization of a second lectin (SNA-II) present in elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) bark. Arch Biochem Biophys 277;255–262, 1990. Kunitz S, Melton RJ, Updyke T, Breedlove D, Werner SB. Poisoning from elderberry juice—California. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 33;173–174, 1984. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Mach L, Scherf W, Ammann M, Poetsch J, Bertsch W, Marz L, Glossl J. Purification and partial characterization of a novel lectin from elder (Sambucus nigra L.) fruit. Biochem J 278; 667–671, 1991. Meiser H. Cyanide poisoning by elderberry in pastured cattle. Tierarztl Umsch 56;486–487, 2001. Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover Publications, New York, 1974 (reprint from 1892). Pammel LH. A Manual of Poisonous Plants. Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1911. Pogorzelski E. Formation of cyanide as a product of decomposition of cyanogenic glucosides in the treatment of elderberry fruit (Sambucus nigra). J Sci Food Agric 33;496–498, 1982. Seigler DS. The naturally occurring cyanogenic glycosides. In Progress in Phytochemistry, Vol. 4. Reinhold L, Harborne JB, Swain T, eds. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 83–120, 1977. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012.

Chapter Three

Agavaceae Endl.

Agave Family Agave Nolina Comprising 17 or 18 genera and approximately 550 species native to warm, mostly arid regions of both the Old World and the New World, the Agavaceae is commonly known as the century plant or sisal family (Verhoek and Hess 2002). The first common name reflects the monocarpic habit of some of the species of Agave. Because of the harsh growing conditions occupied by most species, plants grow vegetatively for many years or even decades. They are acaulescent, with a rosette of fleshy, firm leaves that may become quite massive. When flowering does occur, a flowering stem bearing a massive terminal inflorescence is quickly produced. The plant subsequently dies as the seeds mature. The second common name, sisal, reflects the family’s economic importance. Strong, durable fibers for cordage and matting are extracted from the leaves of a number of species. Species of both Agave and Yucca are frequently used in landscaping, especially in xeric sites. Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to the circumscription of the family and even whether it should be recognized as a distinct taxon. Verhoek (1998) and Seberg (2007a) narrowed its circumscription to encompass only 8 or 9 genera and about 300 species. Originally described by Endlicher in 1841, Cronquist (1981) submerged it in the Liliaceae, Bogler and Simpson (1996) in the Amaryllidaceae, and Bremer and coworkers (2009) in the Asparagaceae. However, phylogenetic analyses of morphological, cytological, and molecular characters support the family’s recognition as distinct (Bogler and Simpson 1995, 1996; Bogler et al. 2005). We therefore employ in this treatise the Verhoek and Hess (2002) treatment of the Agavaceae in the Flora of North America. subshrubs or herbs; leaves simple and typically long

Plants subshrubs or herbs; perennials; from caudices or crowns; evergreen; caulescent or acaulescent; succulent or not succulent; bearing perfect flowers or polygamodioecious. Leaves simple; alternate; basal or cauline and crowded; sessile; spreading or reflexed; fibrous or fleshy; blades linear or lanceolate or oblong; venation parallel; apices acute, often spine tipped; margins entire or serrate; stipules absent. Inflorescences spikes or racemes or panicles; bracts absent or present. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar; perianths in 1-series or 2-series; radially or slightly bilaterally symmetrical; campanulate or tubular or funnelform. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; in 1 or 2 whorls; free or fused; greenish white to white to cream or yellow to orange. Stamens 6. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3; stigmas 3; styles 1 or 0; ovaries superior or inferior; locules 3 or appearing to be 6; placentation axile. Fruits capsules or berries. Seeds numerous or 3; flattened or globose. Yucca used as emergency stock feed; saponins in the leaves and seeds Because they are found mainly in dry desert-type ranges, members of the Agavaceae are well recognized for their value as emergency stock feeds (Wooton 1918; Forsling 1919). Especially valued are species of Yucca, commonly known as Spanish bayonet or soapweed. Members of the genus Yucca are also known as sources of steroidal saponins, which are composed of two groups, varying mainly in the glycosidic ether linkages. The spirostanols (monodesmosidic) have spirostan aglycones with mainly C-3-linked sugars, whereas the furostanols (mono-, di-, or tridesmosidic) are typically 26-C aglycones with glycosidic linkages at C-3 and C-26 and are composed of 2–5 or even up to 11 sugars (Hostettmann and Marston 1995). Although saponins are generally considered to be irritants of the digestive tract, the use of these forages for feed is not accompanied by noteworthy digestive disturbances (Wooton 1918; Forsling 1919). Even when chopped and fed to cattle at up to 9 kg/day, Yucca

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

produced only mild diarrhea. Bloat was a more serious problem. Best results were obtained when cottonseed meal was given in addition to the chopped Yucca. Nolina and Agave lecheguilla were not as useful for feed.

AGAVE L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising some 200 species, Agave, commonly known as agave or maguey, is the largest genus of its family and certainly the most important (Reveal and Hodgson 2002). Its name comes from the Greek agavos, meaning “admirable,” and presumably refers to the showy appearance of the plants in flower (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In addition to being a source of fiber, Agave is the source of popular Mexican beverages and food (Gentry 1982). The sap, consumed fresh, is known as aguamiel; fermented, it is the source of pulque, and of mescal or tequila when distilled. Archaeological evidence indicates that species of the genus have been used for food for at least 9000 years. Humans consumed, both raw and boiled, the soft, starchy, white meristems of the short stems; the white bases of the leaves; the immature flowering shoots; and the flowers of some species. In the 1960s, thousands of tons of leaves were fed to herds of dairy cattle in northeastern Mexico; and in Baja, California, panicles of flowers were cut and fed to range cattle (Gentry 1982). Various species of the genus are also grown as ornamentals, especially for architectural effect, and are now propagated worldwide. In North America, some 30 species are present. Only 1 is of toxicologic importance: A. lecheguilla Torr.

Figure 3.1. Line illustration of A. lecheguilla.


succulent perennial herb; basal rosette of long and spiny leaves; flowers yellow, borne on elongated stalk Plants succulent herbs; perennials; from small, suckering, few-leaved rosettes, 30–50 cm in diameter and 40– 60 cm high. Leaves 30–50 cm long; ascending to erect; light green to yellow green; stiff; blades linear lanceolate; adaxial surfaces concave; abaxial surfaces convex; apices spine tipped; margins easily separated from blade when dry, coarsely serrate, teeth retrorse. Inflorescences spikes or racemes or rarely panicles; flowers borne in 2s or 3s; peduncles 2.5–3.5 m long; bracts present. Flowers perfect; funnelform. Perianth Parts yellow or tinged with red or purple; linear; ascending. Stamens clasped by perianth parts after anthesis. Pistils 1; ovaries inferior, fusiform. Capsules oblong to pyriform; short beaked. Seeds flattened; black (Figures 3.1 and 3.2). deserts; open sites; rocky soils

Figure 3.2.

Photo of Agave lecheguilla.

Distribution and Habitat—All species of Agave are native to the Americas and generally occupy open, arid sites and a variety of soil types. One of the most abundant species in terms of numbers of rosettes, A. lecheguilla, also has one of the most extensive ranges (Gentry 1982). A common component of different desert communities, it is found in rocky sites, especially limestone, often as the dominant plant. Where locally abundant, it may provide a captivating sight of desert beauty when numerous plants are in bloom (Figure 3.3).

Agavaceae Endl.


Disease Genesis—Early studies indicated the presence of

Figure 3.3.

Distribution of Agave lecheguilla.

mainly sheep and goats; abrupt onset; liver disease with photosensitization after eating leaves for several weeks

two toxicants: a photodynamic agent and a hepatotoxic saponin (Mathews 1937, 1938b). It is now clear that sapogenins such as smilagenin are also capable of causing hepatogenous photosensitization (Kellerman et al. 1991) (Figure 3.4). The destructive effects of the toxins appear to affect the liver in a manner that renders it incapable of eliminating a photodynamic agent, presumably phylloerythrin. Whether an additional photodynamic factor is present is not resolved, but it is probably of only academic interest, because the action of smilagenin can account for all the observed disease effects (Figure 3.5). Similar-appearing bile duct crystal structures and the accompanying lesions are now recognized to be present in hepatogenous photosensitization caused by taxa from other families such as Panicum (see Chapter 58) and Tribulus (see Chapter 76). Interestingly, although these are diverse genera, they share a potential to cause disease through saponins (Kellerman et al. 1991). For A. lecheguilla, not only is smilagenin considered the cause, but

Disease Problems—The spines on the leaf margins and the tips appear so menacing that it is difficult to comprehend that A. lecheguilla is eaten. As is so often the case in arid environments, problems due to ingestion usually occur in late winter or spring when there is little other forage available. Affecting primarily sheep and goats, the disease, known as lecheguilla fever, goat fever, or swellhead, is a type of hepatogenous photosensitization with jaundice (Schmidt and Jungherr 1930; Jungherr 1931). Cattle are affected much less commonly. In years when the plant is browsed extensively, morbidity rates may be as high as 30% in sheep and goats. Interestingly, during the same winter–spring period, mule deer may subsist extensively on lechuguilla without apparent ill effects (Brownlee 1981). The toxic potential of other species of Agave is essentially unknown; they may be mechanically injurious and/ or contain irritants causing a purpuric dermatitis (Ricks et al. 1999). In Mexico, the young, tender flowering stems or quiotes of A. americana are cooked. They become sweet and juicy and are eaten like stalks of sugar cane. If the fibrous pulp is not spit out, phytobezoars rarely may form in the stomach and require surgical removal (Villarreal et al. 1985).

saponins, crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy, calcium salts of a sapogenin

Figure 3.4.

Chemical structure of smilagenin.

Figure 3.5.

Chemical structure of phylloerythrin.


Toxic Plants of North America

hepatic changes are severe, regeneration and recovery may require an extended period. During this time, animals otherwise appearing normal will be susceptible to stresses that may precipitate the onset of signs of intoxication (Burrows and Stair 1990).

mucoid discharge from eyes and nose; swelling of head and ears; edema of face, lips, jaw; pruritis; weakness; emaciation

elevation of serum bilirubin, hepatic enzymes

Figure 3.6. Chemical structure of the Ca2+ salt of epismilagenin β-d-glucuronide.

the biliary crystals are also now known to be calcium salts of a sapogenin, probably smilagenin rather than cholesterol (Camp et al. 1988) (Figure 3.6). In addition, smilagenin has been shown to have abortifacient potential when given intravenously (Dollahite et al. 1962). Saponins are much like cardenolides: they are composed of a steroid sapogenin nucleus (the genin or aglycone) and one or more sugars attached at C-3 (Shoppee 1964). Thus smilagenin may be found with several different combinations of sugars to give various saponins. Lechuguilla leaves have about 1% (up to 2%) sapogenin, almost exclusively smilagenin (Wall et al. 1962). The concentrations are similar in dead leaves, but up to 2-fold higher in the plant’s center, generally known as the heart or cajolla, which is selectively eaten by deer and livestock. The fruits and seeds contain lesser amounts of other sapogenins. Concentrations are quite consistent from site to site but may vary slightly during the year (highest in September and October) (Wall et al. 1962). Smilagenin is also found in A. vilmoriniana of Mexico, the consequences of which are not known (Wall et al. 1954). Agave sisalana contains high concentrations of the sapogenins, hecogenin, and tigogenin (Teixeira et al. 1989). Limited feeding studies on sisal residues following extraction revealed few indications of any toxicity potential, although the toxicants may have been leached out (Figueiredo 1975). Species of Yucca also contain similar concentrations of sapogenins but mainly sarsasapogenin rather than smilagenin (Wall et al. 1954). Agave americana is reported to accumulate unique 6-sided calcium oxalate raphides (Wattendorff 1976; Kellerman et al. 1988). It should be pointed out that as with other disease problems involving the liver, animals need not be eating agave plants at the time of appearance of clinical signs. If

Clinical Signs—After feeding upon A. lecheguilla for several weeks or more, the animal may be listless and not inclined to keep up with the flock. A stringy, thick mucoid discharge may hang from the eyes and nose. Close examination will reveal icterus of the sclera and visible mucous membranes. In some cases the head and ears will be swollen, and when the head is handled, edema of the face, lips, and underside of the jaw may be readily detected. The edema may cause the animal to rub and scratch its head for several days. These are manifestations of photosensitivity and will likely be accompanied by purplish discoloration of the coronary bands. There will be progressive debilitation, weakness, and emaciation, and the urine may be a clear dark yellow or brown. Death may occur several days to a week or more after onset of signs. Cattle exhibit more diffuse skin changes. Clinicopathologic changes during the course of the disease include marked elevation of serum bilirubin and hepatic enzymes. gross pathology: thickened skin, head, especially ears; crusty, ulcerative areas

Pathology—In instances where photosensitization occurs, the most obvious changes will be in the skin of the head. There may be marked thickening of the skin and ears, with a gelatinous appearance extending into the deeper corium. Sloughing of patches, cracking, and even sloughing of an ear are features occasionally observed. Crusty and ulcerative or proliferative areas may be present, especially around the lips, eyes, and nose. The kidneys may be swollen and greenish black, with numerous gray foci. Typically the liver is brownish yellow. microscopic: liver moderate necrosis, bile duct clefts or crystals; renal tubules dilated, with flattened epithelium

Agavaceae Endl.

Microscopically, edema of the skin will be accompanied by necrosis and a polymorphonuclear infiltrate in the deeper corium. The renal tubules will be distended with albumin and casts of pigment and cellular debris. Individual epithelial cells may show fatty degeneration and necrosis, with some tubules dilated and lined by a flattened epithelium. In the liver, fatty change, zonal necrosis, and bile pigment in macrophages are readily apparent, but the most distinctive lesions are the crystals or clefts in bile ducts. They may be surrounded by a brownish amorphous material filling the ducts or granuloma formation with necrosis of the biliary epithelium. Crystals may also be present in bile canaliculi and Kupffer cells. Originally the birefringent, acicular crystals were thought to be cholesterol, which they closely resemble (Mathews 1937, 1938a,b). They are now known to be calcium salts of a sapogenin. The crystals are best retained when acetone is substituted for alcohol to dehydrate tissues during processing for microscopic examination.

supportive care, provide shade

Treatment—Recovery from the disease is based upon general supportive care to allow the animal to regain adequate liver and kidney function. The animal may be protected from sunlight, but this is not generally necessary for survival. A discussion of the use of zinc salts for prevention of intoxication is presented in the following treatment of Nolina.

subshrubs or herbs; forming tussocks; leaves simple, long, narrow Plants subshrubs or herbs; from large, woody, subterranean, or aerial caudices; tussock appearing. Stems present or absent. Leaves simple; alternate; numerous; basally clustered; sessile; spreading or arching; thick or thin; fibrous or fleshy; blades narrowly linear; apices often spine tipped; margins entire or serrate; stipules absent. Inflorescences panicles; pedicels jointed; bracts present. Flowers small; numerous; perfect or imperfect, similar; campanulate or funnelform. Perianth Parts 6; free; white. Stamens 6. Pistils 1; ovaries inferior. Capsules ovoid; 3-lobed or 3-winged. Seeds 1–3; globose; grayish white or brown to blackish (Figures 3.7 and 3.8). deserts; open sites

Distribution and Habitat—All species of Nolina are native to the southwestern United States and the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts of northern Mexico. They occupy a variety of soil types and habitats. Some species may be used occasionally as ornamentals in the southern states (Figures 3.9–3.11). sheep and goats eating flower buds, open flowers, and ripe fruits for several weeks; abrupt onset; liver disease with photosensitization,

NOLINA MICHX. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the southwestern United States and Mexico, Nolina comprises approximately 30 species and is closely related to Dasylirion (Hess 2002). The genus has also been positioned in the Nolinaceae by Bogler (1998) and Seberg (2007b); in the Ruscaceae by Judd (2003); and in the Asparagaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). Although molecular phylogenetic studies do suggest the separation of Nolina from Agave and Yucca (Duvall et al. 1993), we here continue to follow Hess’s (2002) positioning in the Agavaceae, until generic and familial relationships are fully resolved. Nolina honors P.C. Nolin, an eighteenth-century French agriculturalist. Of the 14 species in North America, 3 are of toxicologic concern: N. bigelovii (Torr.) S.Watson N. microcarpa S.Watson N. texana S.Watson (= N. affinis Trel.)


Bigelow’s beargrass sacahuista, small-seed nolina sacahuista, bunchgrass

Figure 3.7.

Line drawing of Nolina bigelovii.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 3.10.

Distribution of Nolina microcarpa.

Figure 3.11.

Distribution of Nolina texana.

Figure 3.8. Photo of a single plant of Nolina bigelovii. Courtesy of Stan Shebs.

Figure 3.9.

Distribution of Nolina bigelovii.

Disease Problems—Although animals are seldom in situations where they are forced to eat Nolina species, these plants are considered useful forage in some parts of their ranges (Mathews 1940). The value of Nolina as forage is probably reflected in its crude protein concentrations: 19% in the buds but only 5–6% in the leaves (Huston et al. 1981). Only the flower buds, open flowers, and ripe fruit present a significant hazard of the occurrence of photosensitization similar to that from Agave lecheguilla.

This apparent localization of toxicant in Nolina minimizes problems, because large numbers of flowers are not produced each year, but rather only every 5 or 6 years, depending on the species (Mathews 1940). In years when flowers are not so abundant, plants may indeed be useful as forage. However, when flowers are profuse, Nolina lives up to its reputation as the most common cause of photosensitization in New Mexico (Hershey 1945). Sheep and goats relish the buds and flowers but disdain the leaves. In contrast, cattle eat the leaves in the winter but seldom consume the toxic buds and flowers. Thus, sheep and goats are at considerable risk, whereas cattle are typically seldom affected (Mathews 1940; Hershey 1945; Norris and Valentine 1954). In some localities the leaves are harvested for making brooms and the trimmings are fed to cattle (Nabhan and Burns 1985). When the outer

Agavaceae Endl.

leaves are removed, they are replaced with succulent new growth, which is readily grazed by cattle.

crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy; sapogenins suspected but not confirmed as cause of disease

Disease Genesis—The toxicant in Nolina is unknown, but the similarities in effects produced to those caused by other photosensitizing plants favor sapogenins. Nolina and several other genera cause a hepatotoxicity characterized by the presence of crystalloid material in the bile ducts. It now appears that most of these other genera contain toxic sapogenins (Kellerman et al. 1991). Thus, it is likely that similar toxins account for the effects produced by Nolina. Early studies failed to show sapogenins in the genus, but only leaves and whole plants were evaluated (Wall et al. 1954). Because it is the buds and flowers that are toxic, the negative results of the leaf analyses may have been misleading. An additional observation of interest is that the toxicant seems to be somewhat volatile, given that oven-dried plant material, originally used in toxicity experiments, was reported to be considerably less toxic after storage for 2 years (Samford et al. 1991). Whatever the identity of the toxin, it appears to affect the liver in a manner that renders it incapable of eliminating a photodynamic agent, presumably phylloerythrin. Photosensitization is reported to be worse when animals eat Nolina in pastures of green grass rather than in hay (Mathews 1940). At present it seems reasonable to consider Nolina intoxication from eating buds and flowers as hepatogenous photosensitization. A more detailed discussion of photosensitization is given in the treatment of Poaceae, in Chapter 58. As little as 0.5% body weight (b.w.) of dry N. microcarpa can cause serious disease (Rankins et al. 1989). Nolina texana is similarly toxic but may require a slightly higher dosage, in excess of 1% of b.w. (Mathews 1940). Although we know little of the toxicity potential of the many other species in this genus, it seems prudent to regard them with suspicion. In contrast to the liver derangement produced by ingestion of the buds and flowers, a wasting disease developed in rats and partridges that were fed seeds (Rankins et al. 1986; Smith et al. 1992). This may be indicative of a different toxin in the seeds or a difference in absorption and site of action of the toxin.

head swollen; edema of ears, lips, and face; pruritis; icterus; dark brown urine


Clinical Signs—The disease appears sporadically in sheep and goats that have been eating Nolina for a week or more. Initially their appetite is much reduced, and then in another day or two the animals become depressed and reluctant to move about. Pruritis, with rubbing of the head and ears, may be noted for several days, and the urine may be dark yellowish brown. Upon close inspection, there is very obvious icterus; the sclera and mucous membranes are intensely yellow. The ruminal contents become quite dry because of dehydration, and there is a marked increase in fluid passage through the digestive tract (Rankins et al. 1989). By this time the head is quite swollen and the ears, lips, and face reddened and edematous—hence the name bighead. Most of the time, the animals stand in any shade available. Debilitation is progressive, with a copious sticky discharge from the eyes and nose and with death following in 1–2 weeks (Mathews 1940). The swelling and sloughing of the skin may be severe enough that the ears may be lost, even in animals that eventually recover (Hershey 1945). In some instances, animals referred to as “fevered” may become ill and die without signs of photosensitization. It is of interest to note that Nolina given to rats readily produced severe illness and death, but there was no evidence of liver involvement. The disease appeared to be of a metabolic wasting type without elevation of serum hepatic enzymes, for example, GGT and AST, and was readily reversible by eliminating Nolina from the feed (Rankins et al. 1986). This implies considerable variation among species in the signs of intoxication.

elevation of serum bilirubin and hepatic enzymes

Clinicopathologic changes during the course of the disease include elevation of serum calcium, decrease of potassium and phosphorus, and marked elevation of bilirubin and serum hepatic enzymes. Alkaline phosphatase is elevated during the early phases (Rankins et al. 1988).

gross pathology, edema, skin of head

Pathology—The gross lesions, which are essentially the same as those produced by A. lecheguilla, are limited to the skin of the head and to the liver and kidney. The skin of the head may be thickened with a gelatinous, subcutaneous edema and areas of shallow ulceration. The kidneys may be swollen and dark greenish brown to black, whereas the liver will be a light yellowish brown, perhaps with a greenish sheen.


Toxic Plants of North America

microscopic, liver, moderate necrosis with bile duct clefts or crystals

Microscopically, there will be distortion of the hepatic cords and fatty degeneration of centrilobular cells. The characteristic lesions are thickened bile ducts filled with debris and crystalloid material or with clefts apparently left from previous crystals (Mathews 1940). The last change seems typical for several of the hepatogenous photosensitizing plant genera.

supportive care, provide shade; possible preventive effects of zinc, mixed grazing with sheep and cattle

Treatment—The most obvious approach to alleviating distress of the disease is to remove the animals from sunlight. However, even where this is possible, it does little for the underlying and much more serious problem of liver disease. Typically, the case fatality rate is high, especially if browsing of Nolina continues after signs of disease are manifested. Good nursing care to allow the liver to recover, often difficult to do under range conditions, is the primary approach. A more specific approach is suggested by observations of the beneficial effects of zinc in preventing facial eczema due to the fungus Pithomyces chartarum (Smith and Towers 1985). Because facial eczema is somewhat similar to Nolina intoxication, the preventives might be expected to be interchangeable. The value of zinc oxide for therapeutic use after disease onset is questionable, but when given intraruminally at a daily dose of 30 mg/kg b.w., it seems to provide some benefit (Rankins et al. 1988, 1993). Additional studies are needed to clearly delineate treatment conditions and the response. However, zinc supplementation appears to be of promise, at least as a preventive if not as a therapeutic. If it is used, care must be taken to avoid toxic amounts; 1 part zinc oxide to 3 or more parts water (w/v) to provide 20–30 mg/kg b.w. daily by oral drench is protective against facial eczema (Smith and Towers 1985). It may be given less often, provided the dose is increased proportionately. The foregoing recommendations are for zinc oxide; zinc sulfate is more toxic. In addition to drenching, zinc may also be effective when given in the drinking water or by spraying it on the pasture. It must be emphasized that zinc is not a proven treatment for Nolina intoxication at present. Grazing systems employing a mixture of cattle, sheep, and goats together is an effective means of reducing disease losses, especially when combined with a pasture ration program (Merrill and Schuster 1978).

REFERENCES Bogler D. Nolinaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol III: Flowering Plants: Monocotyledons Lilanae (except Orchidaceae). Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 392–397, 1998. Bogler DJ, Simpson BB. A chloroplast DNA study of the Agavaceae. Syst Bot 20;191–205, 1995. Bogler DJ, Simpson BB. Phylogeny of Agavaceae based on ITS rDNA sequence variation. Am J Bot 83;1225–1235, 1996. Bogler DJ, Pires JC, Francisco-Ortega J. Phylogeny of Agavaceae based on ndhF, rbcL, and its sequences; implications of molecular data for classification. In Monocots Comparative Biology and Evolution (excluding Poales). Columbus JT, Friar EA, Porter JM, Prince LM, Simpson MG, eds. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA, pp. 313–328, 2005. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Brownlee S. Desert Mule Deer Nutrition on the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area of Western Texas. Tex Parks and Wildl Dept Rep W-109-R-3, Big Game Invest, 1981. Burrows GE, Stair EL. Apparent Agave lecheguilla intoxication in Angora goats [letter]. Vet Hum Toxicol 32;259–260, 1990. Camp BJ, Bridges CH, Hill DW, Patamali B, Wilson S. Isolation of a steroidal sapogenin from the bile of a sheep fed Agave lecheguilla. Vet Hum Toxicol 30;533–535, 1988. Cronquist A. An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, New York, 1981. Dollahite JW, Shaver T, Camp BJ. Injected saponins as abortifacients. Am J Vet Res 23;1261–1263, 1962. Duvall MR, Clegg MT, Chase MW, Clark WD, Kress WJ, Hills HG, Equiarte LE, Smith JF, Gaut BS. Phylogenetic hypotheses for the monocotyledons constructed from rbcL sequence data. Ann Mo Bot Gard 80;607–619, 1993. Figueiredo LJC. Experimental studies of the toxicity of residues of Agave sisalana perene in cattle. Arq Esc Vet Univ Fed Minas Gerais 27;391–392, 1975. Forsling CL. Chopped Soapweed as Emergency Feed for Cattle on Southwestern Ranges. USDA Bull 745, Washington, DC, 1919. Gentry HS. Agaves of Continental North America. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, 1982. Hershey AL. Some poisonous plant problems of New Mexico. N M Agric Exp Stn Bull 322;10–12, 1945. Hess WJ. Nolina. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 26. Flora of North America Editorial Comm, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 415–421, 2002. Hostettmann K, Marston A. Saponins. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1995. Huston JE, Rector BS, Merrill LB, Engdahl BS. Nutritional Value of Range Plants in the Edwards Plateau Region of Texas. Tex Agric Exp Stn Bull B-1357, 1981. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Judd WS. The genera of Ruscaceae in the southeastern United States. Harv Pap Bot 7;93–149, 2003.

Agavaceae Endl. Jungherr E. Lechuguilla fever of sheep and goats; a form of swellhead in West Texas. Cornell Vet 21;227–242, 1931. Kellerman TS, Coetzer JAW, Naude TW. Plant Poisonings and Mycotoxicoses of Livestock in Southern Africa. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 1988. Kellerman TS, Erasmus GL, Coetzer JAW, Brown JMM, Maartens BP. Photosensitivity in South Africa. 6. The experimental induction of geeldikkop in sheep with crude steroidal saponins from Tribulus terrestris. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 58;47–53, 1991. Mathews FP. Lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla) Poisoning in Sheep, Goats, and Laboratory Animals. Tex Agric Exp Stn Bull 554, College Station, TX, 1937. Mathews FP. An experimental investigation of lechuguilla poisoning. Arch Pathol 25;661–683, 1938a. Mathews FP. Lechuguilla (Agave lecheguilla) poisoning in sheep and goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 93;168–175, 1938b. Mathews FP. Poisoning in Sheep and Goats by Sacahuiste (Nolina texana) Buds and Blooms. Tex Agric Exp Stn Bull 585, College Station, TX, 1940. Merrill LB, Schuster JL. Grazing management practices affect livestock losses from poisonous plants. J Range Manage 31; 351–354, 1978. Nabhan GP, Burns BT. Palmilla (Nolina) fiber: a native plant industry in the arid and semi-arid U.S./Mexico borderlands. J Arid Environ 9;97–103, 1985. Norris JJ, Valentine KA. Principal livestock-poisoning plants of New Mexico. N M Agric Exp Stn Bull 390;66–67, 1954. Rankins DL, Smith GS, Ross TT, Caton JS, Kloppenburg P. Characterization of toxicosis in sheep dosed with blossoms of sacahuiste (Nolina microcarpa). J Anim Sci 71;2489–2498, 1993. Rankins DL Jr., Smith GS, Ross TT. Rat study of beargrass (sacahuiste) toxicity. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 37;224– 226, 1986. Rankins DL Jr., Smith GS, Ross TT, Caton JS, Miller PR, Khan MF. Nolina microcarpa toxicosis in sheep. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 39;218–221, 1988. Rankins DL Jr., Ross TT, Kloppenburg PB, Smith GS. Effects of intra-ruminally dosed sacahuista inflorescences on serum bilirubin and digesta kinetics of lambs fed alfalfa hay. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 40;461–463, 1989. Reveal JL, Hodgson WC. Agave. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 26. Flora of North America Editorial Comm, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 442–465, 2002. Ricks MR, Vogel PS, Elston DM, Hivnor C. Purpuric agave dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol 40;356–358, 1999.


Samford MD, Ross TT, Edrington TS, Gentry PC. Toxicity of beargrass blossoms diminished during storage. Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 42;54–57, 1991. Schmidt H, Jungherr E. Swellhead of sheep and goats. Texas Agric Exp Sta Ann Rep 43;9–11, 1930. Seberg O. Agavaceae: agave family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 339–340, 2007a. Seberg O. Nolinaceae. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, p. 384, 2007b. Shoppee CW. Chemistry of the Steroids, 2nd ed. Butterworths, Washington, DC, 1964. Smith BL, Towers NR. Pithomycotoxicosis (facial eczema) in New Zealand and the use of zinc salts for its prevention. In Plant Toxicology, Proceedings of the Australia/NUSA Poisonous Plants Symposium. Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, Keeler RF, eds. Queensland Poisonous Plants Committee, Yeerongpilly, Australia, pp, 70–79, 1985. Smith GS, Zornes ML, Schemnitz SD, Edrington TS, Stavanja M, Velastegui W. Toxicity of seeds of Nolina microcarpa (sacahuiste, beargrass) to chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar). Proc West Sec Am Soc Anim Sci 43;394–396, 1992. Teixeira Z, Marco A, Azzini A, Salgado ALB, Ciaramello D. Steroidal sapogenins in sisal. Bragantia 48;21–25, 1989. Verhoek S. Agavaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol III: Flowering Plants: Monocotyledons Lilanae (except Orchidaceae). Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 60–70, 1998. Verhoek S, Hess WJ. Agavaceae Dumortier: agave or Century Plant family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 26. Flora of North America Editorial Comm, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 413–465, 2002. Villarreal R, Martinez O, Berumen U. Phytobezoar from the stem (“Quiote”) of the cactus Agave americana: report of a case. Am J Gastroenterol 80;838–840, 1985. Wall ME, Krider MM, Krewson CF, Eddy CR, Willaman JJ, Correll DS, Gentry HS. Steroidal Sapogenins 13. Supplementary Table of Data for Steroidal Sapogenins 7. US Dept Agric Res Serv AIC-363, 1954. Wall ME, Warnock BH, Willaman JJ. Steroidal sapogenins. 48. Their occurrence in Agave lecheguilla. Econ Bot 16;266–269, 1962. Wattendorff J. A third type of raphide crystal in the plant kingdom: six-sided raphides with laminated sheaths in Agave americana L. Planta 130;303–311, 1976. Wooton EO. Certain Desert Plants as Emergency Stock Feed. USDA Bull 728, Washington, DC, 1918.

Chapter Four

Aloaceae Batsch

Aloe Family Aloe

Native to Africa, Madagascar, and Arabia, with greatest diversity in southern Africa, the Aloaceae, commonly known as the aloe family, comprises 5 genera and 700 species, many of which have been brought into cultivation (Holmes and White 2002). As with the Agavaceae, there have been differences in taxonomic opinion as to whether the family should be recognized. Described in 1802 by Batsch, it is clearly related to the Liliaceae, and some taxonomists prefer to position its members in that family. However, other taxonomists, on the basis of molecular phylogenetic analyses, classify its genera in the family Asphodelaceae (Chase et al. 2000; Seberg 2007) or in the family Xanthorrhoeaceae (Bremer et al. 2009). However, classification of the Agavaceae and several other small liliaceous families as distinct indicates that the Aloaceae be recognized as well. In this treatise we continue to use Aloaceae to be consistent with the treatment of Holmes and White (2002) in the Flora of North America and the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). Only Aloe, the largest genus of the family, is associated with problems of intoxication.

terminal or lateral spikes or racemes or panicles; bracts present. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series; radially or sometimes slightly bilaterally symmetrical. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; in 2 whorls; free or fused; of various colors. Stamens 6. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3; stigmas 3-lobed; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 3; placentation axile. Capsules dry or fleshy. Seeds numerous; flattened; usually winged.

ALOE L. Taxonomy and Morphology—With greatest diversity in Africa, Aloe comprises 300–446 species (Holmes and White 2002; Mabberley 2008). Its generic name is derived from the Greek allal or Arab alloch, meaning bitter. Exhibiting extraordinary diversity of form, many species of the genus are cultivated as ornamentals. In addition, they are prized for their medicinal properties, the bestknown species being A. vera, the aloe vera plant, which is also used in cosmetics and shampoos. Two species are most commonly encountered as ornamentals and medicinals: A. arborescens Mill. A. vera (L.) Burm.f.

candelabra plant, torch plant, candelabra aloe, octopus plant aloe vera, Barbados aloe, burn plant, medicinal aloe

(= A. barbadensis Mill.)

evergreen perennials; leaves in rosettes; inflorescences spikes, racemes, or panicles; flowers perfect; 3-merous; fruits capsules

Plants herbs or shrubs or small trees; perennials; evergreen; from caudices or rhizomes or fibrous root systems; caulescent or acaulescent; succulent or not succulent. Leaves simple; alternate; sessile; crowded in basal rosettes or dense rosettes at stem ends; blades of various shapes; venation parallel; stipules absent. Inflorescences

Because the morphological features of Aloe are the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here (Figure 4.1).

cultivated ornamental in warm areas

Distribution and Habitat—Aloe arborescens is native along the eastern coast of Africa from Mozambique to

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Aloaceae Batsch


effects of the aloes, including A. vera. It is the possible purgative effect, electrolyte imbalance, and renal dysfunction with oral exposure that are of concern as a toxicologic risk (Boudreau and Beland 2006). Several other African species of Aloe are considered to cause hemorrhagic gastroenteritis with diarrhea and dehydration, and possibly nephritis or acute renal failure (Steenkump and Stewart 2005; Vivekanand and Rathi 2008). purgative anthracene glycosides in leaves; crude extract aloin, containing barbaloin, homonataloin

Disease Genesis—The component responsible for the

Figure 4.1.

Photo of Aloe vera.

the Cape. Easily propagated, it is possibly the most widely cultivated of the genus. Aloe vera, sometimes still known by the illegitimate name Aloe barbadensis, is native to North Africa or Arabia but is now widely cultivated in many parts of the world, especially the West Indies (van Wyk and Smith 1996). In North America, both species are cultivated as houseplants or tub plants and are grown outdoors in selected warm areas. Aloe vera may escape cultivation in southern Florida.

reputed beneficial effects of Aloe is not known, but various compounds and their activity have been described—for example, bradykinase activity and modulation of host defense mechanisms (Fujita et al. 1976; ’t Hart et al. 1988). Species of the genus also contain anthraquinone or anthracene glycosides, which act as potent purgatives (Fairbairn 1949). The crude extract is called aloin, which is a complex mixture of anthracene glycosides, the most important of which are the potent purgatives barbaloin and homonataloin. Aloe ferox and A. candelabrum have been the usual sources of the purgative of commerce known as bitter aloes or cape aloes, but many species, including all of the foregoing, contain barbaloin in significant concentrations (Watt and BreyerBrandwijk 1962; Groom and Reynolds 1987). The concentrations of anthracenes are greatest in the young leaves, reaching levels as high as 30% d.w. of the exudate in some species (Groom and Reynolds 1987) (Figures 4.2–4.4).

irritation, digestive disturbance, severe diarrhea

Disease Problems—Exudates from leaves of aloes have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. Alexander the Great reputedly conquered the island of Socotra off the horn of Africa to gain control of the main supply of aloetic medicine (van Wyk and Smith 1996). Although aloes have been used for a great many problems, the plants are perhaps most well known for treatment of skin problems, from burns to frostbite (Ship 1977; Grindlay and Reynolds 1986; McCauley et al. 1990). Both A. arborescens and A. vera have been used for burns (Sato et al. 1990). At present, aloe vera juice remains popular for treatment of a variety of problems, through oral, i.v., topical, and intramammary routes of administration (Anderson 1983). Morton (1961) offers an extensive account of the uses, medicinal and otherwise, and the

Figure 4.2.

Chemical structure of anthraquinone.

Figure 4.3.

Chemical structure of barbaloin.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 4.4.

Chemical structure of homonataloin.

Barbaloin itself has only limited purgative activity; however, it is metabolized by intestinal bacterial glycosidases to the more potent genin or aglycone anthrone or further to the anthraquinone form, aloe emodin (Thomson 1971; Hattori et al. 1988; Robinson 1991). The variation among animals in their capacity to metabolize barbaloin is possibly a basis for the considerable interspecies variation in the observed toxicity potential of aloes. increased mucous and water secretion into colon The purgative effect has been attributed partially to stimulation of prostaglandin production and increased activity of colonic mucosal adenyl cyclase (Capasso et al. 1983). Purgation is related to an increase in mucous secretion and water content of the colon; the increase in water precedes an increase in peristalsis (Ishii et al. 1994a,b). Consumption of the leaves of any of the species may result in a severe purgative effect. Aloe also has a reputation as an abortifacient (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962), and in vitro studies suggest that some of the anthracenes may be carcinogens (Wolfle et al. 1990). In vitro studies of crayfish muscle show reversible depression of action potential generation and conduction, thus suggesting the possibility of neuromuscular effects with large oral exposure (Friedman and Si 1999). diarrhea, colic; fluids and electrolytes

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Intoxication by species of Aloe will result in abrupt onset of moderate to severe diarrhea and possibly abdominal pain. In some instances there may be vomiting. The signs will be of moderate duration and are unlikely to be lethal. Treatment is aimed at relief of the increased intestinal activity and fluid loss.

REFERENCES Anderson BC. Aloe vera juice: a veterinary medicament. Compend Contin Educ 5;S364–S368, 1983.

Boudreau MD, Beland FA. An evaluation of the biological and toxicological properties of Aloe barbadensis (Miller), Aloe vera. J Environ Sci Health C 24;103–154, 2006. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Capasso F, Mascolo N, Aulore G, Duraccio MR. Effect of indomethacin on aloin and 1,8-dioxianthraquinone–induced production of prostaglandins in rat isolated colon. Prostaglandins 26;557–562, 1983. Chase MW, DeBruijin AY, Cox AV, Reeves G, Rudall PJ, Johnson MAT, Equiarte LE. Phylogenetics of Asphodelaceae (Asparagales): an analysis pf plastid rbcL and trnL-F DNA sequences. Ann Bot (Lond) 86;935–952, 2000. Fairbairn JW. The active constituents of the vegetable purgatives containing anthracene derivatives. J Pharm Pharmacol 1;683– 694, 1949. Friedman RN, Si K. Initial characterization of the effects of Aloe vera at a crayfish neuromuscular junction. Phytother Res 13;580–583, 1999. Fujita K, Teradaira R, Nagatsu T. Bradykinase activity of Aloe extract. Biochem Pharmacol 25;205, 1976. Grindlay D, Reynolds T. The Aloe vera phenomenon: a review of the properties and modern uses of the leaf parenchyma gel. J Ethnopharmacol 16;117–151, 1986. Groom QJ, Reynolds T. Barbaloin in Aloe species. Planta Med 53;345–348, 1987. Hattori M, Kanda T, Shu YZ, Akao T, Kobashi K, Namba T. Metabolism of barbaloin by intestinal bacteria. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 36;4462–4466, 1988. Holmes WC, White HL. Aloaceae batsch: aloe family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 26. Flora of North America Editorial Comm, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 410–412, 2002. Ishii Y, Tanizawa H, Takino Y. Studies of aloe. 4. Mechanism of cathartic effect. Biol Pharm Bull 17;495–497, 1994a. Ishii Y, Tanizawa H, Takino Y. Studies of aloe. 5. Mechanism of cathartic effect. Biol Pharm Bull 17;651–653, 1994b. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. McCauley RL, Heggers JP, Robson MC. Frostbite. Methods to minimize tissue loss. Postgrad Med 88;67–77, 1990. Morton JF. Folk uses and commercial exploitation of aloe leaf pulp. Econ Bot 15;311–319, 1961. Robinson T. The Organic Constituents of Higher Plants. Cordus Press, North Amherst, MA, 1991. Sato Y, Ohta S, Shinoda M. Studies on chemical protectors against radiation. 31. Protection effects of Aloe arborescens on skin injury induced by x-irradiation. Yakugaku Zasshi 110;876–884, 1990. Seberg O. Asphodelaceae: aloe family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 351– 3352, 2007. Ship AG. Is topical aloe vera plant mucus helpful in burn treatment? J Am Med Assoc 238;1770, 1977.

Aloaceae Batsch Steenkump V, Stewart MJ. Nephrotoxicity associated with exposure to plant toxins, with particular reference to Africa. Ther Drug Monit 27;270–277, 2005. ’t Hart LA, van Enckevort PH, van Dijk H, Zaat R, De Silva KTD, Labadie RP. Two functionally and chemically distinct immunomodulatory compounds in the gel of aloe vera. J Ethnopharmacol 23;61–71, 1988. Thomson RH. Naturally Occurring Quinones, 2nd ed. Academic Press, London, 1971. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012.


van Wyk BE, Smith G. Guide to the Aloes of South Africa. Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa, 1996. Vivekanand J, Rathi M. Natural medicines causing acute kidney injury. Semin Nephrol 28;416–428, 2008. Watt JM, Breyer-Brandwijk MG. The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa, 2nd ed. E & S Livingston, Edinburgh, UK, 1962. Wolfle D, Schmutte C, Westendorf J, Marquardt H. Hydroxyanthraquinones as tumor promoters: enhancement of malignant transformation of mouse fibroblasts and growth stimulation of primary rat hepatocytes. Cancer Res 50;6540– 6544, 1990.

Chapter Five

Amaranthaceae Juss.

Amaranth or Pigweed Family Amaranthus

Commonly known as the amaranth or pigweed family, the Amaranthaceae comprises about 65–70 genera and 900–1000 species, with greatest abundance in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, in particular the Americas and Africa (Townsend 1993; Culham 2007). In North America the family is represented by 12 genera and 80 species, both native and introduced (Robertson and Clemants 2003). In this treatise, we recognize the Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae (Chapter 23) as separate families as was done by Robertson and Clemants (2003) and Welsh and coworkers (2003) in the Flora of North America, and by the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). Molecular and morphological phylogenetic analyses do support the inclusion of the Chenopodiaceae in a broadly circumscribed Amaranthaceae as is done by some taxonomists (Rodman et al. 1984; Rodman 1990; Judd and Ferguson 1999; Bremer et al. 2009). The two families have indeed long been recognized to be closely allied and positioned side by side in almost all classifications (Cronquist 1981). However, other phylogenetic analyses indicate that although the two families form a monophyletic clade, their relationship to each other is not fully resolved (Kadereit et al. 2003; Müller and Borsch 2005). Until this relationship is elucidated, we feel it best to continue to recognize the two families as distinct. Amaranthus (pigweed) and Alternanthera (chaff flower) are the largest genera; most North American genera are relatively small, with 1–5 species each. Economically, the family is noted for both its weeds and its ornamentals. Prolific seed producers, many Amaranthus species are considered to be among the most noxious of weeds. In contrast, species of Celosia (cockscomb), Gomphrena (globe amaranth), and Iresine (bloodleaf) are prized for their beauty as pot or bedding plants. A few members of

the family are eaten as potherbs or vegetables, and at one time the edible seeds of Amaranthus were an important component of the diets of pre-Columbian cultures in South and Central America. herbs or shrubs; leaves simple; bracts present; flowers perfect or imperfect; petals absent; fruits capsules or utricles Plants herbs or rarely shrubs; annuals or perennials; armed or not armed with spines; bearing perfect flowers or dioecious or monoecious or polygamomonoecious. Stems prostrate to erect. Leaves herbaceous; simple; opposite or alternate; blades linear to ovate or obovate; venation pinnate; indumentum pubescent or stellate or absent; margins entire or sinuate; stipules absent. Inflorescences glomerules or spikes or panicles or heads or solitary flowers; terminal or axillary; bracts present, membranous or scarious; bracteoles present. Flowers perfect or imperfect, perfect and imperfect similar; perianths in 1-series. Calyces radially or rarely bilaterally symmetrical. Sepals 2–5; in 1 or rarely 2 whorls; free or fused; reddish green to white; scarious or membranous. Petals absent. Stamens 5 or 1–3; free or fused by filaments. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 2 or 3; stigmas 1–3, linear or capitate; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation basal; ovules 1–several. Fruits capsules or utricles; circumscissile. Seeds 1–several. Intoxication problems associated with this family are related primarily to ingestion of Amaranthus and are of three types: myocardial degeneration, renal disease, and nitrate intoxication.

AMARANTHUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A cosmopolitan genus of some 70 species, Amaranthus is represented in North America by 38 taxa (Robertson and Clemants 2003). The most commonly encountered are:

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Amaranthaceae Juss. A. albus L. A. blitoides S.Watson A. hybridus L. A. palmeri S.Watson A. powellii S.Watson A. retroflexus L. A. spinosus L. A. tuberculatus (Moq.) J.D.Sauer

tumble pigweed, white pigweed prostrate pigweed, matweed smooth pigweed, green pigweed, careless weed, quelite morado Palmer pigweed, Palmer amaranth, carelessweed Powell pigweed, Powell amaranth redroot pigweed, rough pigweed, common amaranth, quelite spiny pigweed, quelite espinoso, hogweed, stickerweed tall water hemp


fields, gardens, farm lots, and waste areas. Seed production is prolific, and the seeds long lived. Amaranthus albus, A. blitoides, and A. retroflexus occur across the continent; A. hybridus and A. spinosus occur in the eastern half from Canada to Mexico; A. palmeri occurs across the southern half; A. powellii is in the southwestern quarter from Oregon to southern Minnesota and south to Texas and Mexico; and A. tuberculatus is also in the eastern half, with the exception of the southeastern coastal

Because the morphological features of Amaranthus are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from other North American taxa by differences in habit, phyllotaxy, and sexuality of its flowers (Robertson and Clemants 2003). Identification of species is complicated by their morphological similarity and frequent hybridization. Likewise, their ecology, reproductive biology, and potential toxicity are similar (Figures 5.1–5.3). noxious weeds; disturbed soils across continent

Distribution and Habitat—Considered one of the most noxious weeds of row crops, plants of the genus quickly colonize disturbed sites with raw soil, for example, tilled

Figure 5.2. Photo of inflorescence of Amaranthus retroflexus.

Figure 5.1. Line drawing of Amaranthus retroflexus. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 5.3. Photo of the upper part of Amaranthus retroflexus.


Toxic Plants of North America

states from Virginia to Florida. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

nutritious grain; high protein and lysine levels

4 Types of Problems myocardial degeneration renal disease nitrate accumulation rarely polioencephalomalacia

Disease Problems—Species of Amaranthus generally are prolific seed producers; some are capable of producing 1 kg of seeds per plant. The seeds are highly nutritious and readily digested when cooked. They have protein levels of 12–15% and exhibit an excellent balance of amino acids (Pedersen et al. 1987). Especially rich in lysine, the seeds of Amaranthus were used by prehistoric humans 5000 years ago in Central and South America and were a staple of the diet of the sixteenth-century Aztec and Mayan civilizations (Feine et al. 1979). When Cortez entered Mexico in 1519, he found warehouses with tons of stored amaranth seed. Spanish priests advocated suppression of its use in favor of corn and beans because the Aztecs mixed the seed with human blood to make idols in their religious ceremonies (Tucker 1986). Thereafter, the use of amaranth as a food crop declined. Recognition of its high lysine content, high productivity, and drought tolerance has led to an increase in the popularity of Amaranthus as a food staple, especially in developing countries. Its cultivation in Pennsylvania yielded 1680 kg per hectare. The foliage also has considerable protein, commonly in excess of 20%, and concentrated leaf meal may have 16–24% (Feine et al. 1979; Cheeke et al. 1981).

pigs fed grain: degeneration




Although Amaranthus has desirable properties in terms of nutrition, several toxicity problems are associated with it. Experimental feeding of concentrated leaf meal to rats was associated with poor feed intake and weight gain, an effect attributed to the presence of phenolics or saponins (Cheeke and Carlsson 1978; Cheeke et al. 1981). Both the foliage and the grain have caused more severe problems in livestock. Sudden death due to myocardial

degeneration has been reported for pigs fed large amounts of the grain of A. caudatus (tassel flower) for 5–7 weeks (Takken and Connor 1985). renal disease in pigs, cattle, sheep; on pasture in late summer

The pigweeds also cause a disease of pigs, cattle, and sheep, referred to as perirenal edema because of characteristic pathologic changes. It develops in animals that consume large quantities of fresh plants for 5–10 days in the summer and fall, generally July until the first frost (Buck et al. 1965, 1966; Osweiler 1966; Brown 1974; Sanko 1975; Stuart et al. 1975; Wohlgemuth et al. 1987; Casteel et al. 1994; Rae and Binnington 1995; Kerr and Kelch 1998; Zadnik et al. 2008). In a typical case, 150 yearling cattle were placed in a corn field with abundant Amaranthus and 8 days later some were showing signs of ataxia, knuckling, and recumbency. Ventral, perirectal, perineal, and subcutaneous edema was severe. The next day 8 animals were found dead and eventually 47 died (Last et al. 2007). Although in most cases fewer animals are at risk, the signs are representative. In another instance, cattle had been placed in a small pasture dominated by A. retroflexus in the seeding stage (Torres et al. 1997). The Amaranthus was grazed extensively, and after 3 days the cattle were moved to a large grassy pasture free of the weed. However, between 8 and 14 days after being put in the grassy pasture, 14 of 45 cows died, with signs and pathology consistent with the typical renal disease. Pasture fertilization may play a role in increasing the likelihood of development of renal disease (Peixoto et al. 2003). Amaranthus retroflexus is the species most commonly associated with the disease, but others, including A. hybridus and A. spinosus (Peixoto et al. 2003; Last et al. 2007), have been implicated as well, and all members of the genus probably should be considered toxic (Salles et al. 1991; Reit-Correa et al. 1994). The disease has been reported to occur in pigs, cattle, and sheep, and there is little reason to exclude horses and other species as susceptible, although Schamber and Misek (1985) were unable to produce symptoms in rabbits fed A. retroflexus. Intoxication may occur when animals are introduced into a weedy pasture with an abundance of Amaranthus or when dense local populations of the plants occur in an otherwise good pasture. Some animals seem predisposed to seek out and readily eat the plant (Jeppesen 1966). Appearance of the disease may occur with ingestion of mature plants or regrowth after cutting. Most intoxications are associated with fresh green plants. It is not known whether dried plants in hay represent a risk for renal effects (Spearman 1989). There are a number of

Amaranthaceae Juss.

changes in serum chemistry consistent with renal failure, and death appears to be due to excess serum potassium and its effects on cardiac function as reflected in electrocardiographic changes (Osweiler et al. 1969). nitrates, especially with plants in hay; oxalates not a problem In addition to the problems of myocardial degeneration and perirenal edema, species of Amaranthus accumulate nitrates and oxalates (Marshall et al. 1967; Pingle and Ramasastri 1978; Hill and Rawate 1982). Deaths due to nitrate intoxication are generally limited to ruminants, especially cattle (Brakenridge 1956; Egyed and Miller 1963; Duckworth 1975; Abbitt 1982; Aslani and Vojdani 2007). Nitrate intoxication may be seen when animals eat fresh plant material, but as with the grasses, it is more likely when dried plants of Amaranthus occur in hay from well-fertilized pastures. An additional factor contributing to the disease problem is that Amaranthus may be found as an abundant contaminant in hay composed of nitrateaccumulating plants (Hibbs et al. 1978). Heretofore, oxalate accumulation has not been a significant problem, based on the lack of reports of abrupt onset disease typical of these toxicants and the absence of oxalate crystals in urine and renal tissues in the presence of perirenal edema. rarely polioencephalomalacia An additional disease problem caused by species of Amaranthus may be the rare possibility of polioencephalomalacia as indicated by 2 cases in sheep with signs and pathology consistent with the disease and elevation of fecal thiaminase after consuming prostrate pigweed (Ramos et al. 2005). cause of myocardial degeneration and renal disease unknown; not due to oxalate salts

Disease Genesis—Knowledge of the potential toxicants in Amaranthus is limited, and the causes of the grainassociated myocardial degeneration and renal toxicity are not known. Although there are challenges in accurately determining oxalate content of forages (Honow and Hesse 2002), there is little doubt that Amaranthus spp. in general are significant accumulators of oxalates (Prakash and Pal 1991). Levels of 2–5% oxalic acid are reported for A. retroflexus (Hill and Rawate 1982). Much higher levels of 12–30 or more are sometimes encountered (Marshall et al. 1967; Mejia et al. 1985; Libert and


Franceschi 1987). Of the total oxalate, probably 75% is present as insoluble calcium oxalate and the remaining soluble portions are mainly potassium and some magnesium salts (Srivastava and Krishnan 1959; Singh and Saxena 1972; Vityakon and Standal 1989; Gelinas and Seguin 2007). Oxalate levels are high in leaves, moderate in the grains, and low in stems. In this respect, oxalate levels are opposite those of nitrate, which are highest in the stems and lowest in leaves and grain. The effects of plant maturity and increased soil fertility on accumulation are not consistent, although in some reports there is somewhat of an increase in both instances (Schmidt et al. 1971; Singh and Saxena 1972; Marderosian et al. 1980; de Troiani et al. 1993; Siener et al. 2006; Gelinas and Seguin 2007). Although oxalates are suspected of causing the renal effects, the clinical signs and pathology of the disease are not consistent with this cause. For example, there are no typical hypocalcemic-type tremors or tetany, and few, if any, oxalate crystals are present in the tubules (Osweiler et al. 1969; Casteel et al. 1994; Torres et al. 1997; Last et al. 2007). There may be an apparent initial response to calcium therapy, but this is only of short duration (Stuart et al. 1975). The disease can be produced experimentally when animals are fed Amaranthus. Interestingly, Cho and Lee (1984, 1986), while able to readily reproduce perirenal edema in pigs fed A. retroflexus, were only able to cause the disease with oxalate and nitrate when calcium was given as well. The relationship of calcium and magnesium may play a contributing role because about 25–30% of magnesium oxalate is in the soluble form and a hypermagnesemia is present in some cases of perirenal edema (Gonzalez 1983). However, a role for compounds with numerous hydroxyl groups such as the tannins in oak intoxication should not be ruled out. The course of the renal disease is also much different from that produced by typical oxalate accumulators, which cause tubular injury within 24 hours of plant consumption (Sizelove et al. 1988). This is in contrast to the type produced by Amaranthus or the polyphenolicinduced renal injury caused by oak, both of which require ingestion for several days and present with similar symptoms and pathology. When oxalate ingestion is spread over several days, the ruminal microflora adapt by degrading the oxalates to usable, nontoxic carbonates (Allison et al. 1977). Another point that must be considered when evaluating the relationship between Amaranthus and this disease is that perirenal edema is not specific for the genus but may also be produced by ingestion of other genera that cause kidney disease. nitrate, nitrite; Hb to MHb, decreased oxygen transport


Toxic Plants of North America

Under certain conditions, some plants are predisposed to accumulate nitrates into their tissues from the soil. Once concentrations in plants exceed 10,000 ppm, they are considered to be dangerous. Thus, species of Amaranthus, which may have concentrations of nitrate in the range of 15,000–40,000 ppm, present a risk under some conditions (Wilson 1943; Berg and McElroy 1953; Hill and Rawate 1982). Nitrate concentrations and risk may be temporarily increased by application of herbicides such as 2,4-D (Berg and McElroy 1953). While pigs ingesting high-nitrate plants may develop digestive tract problems, the lethal problem of nitrate intoxication is limited to ruminants, especially cattle, because of the reduction of nitrate to nitrite by ruminal microorganisms and the potential for accumulation and absorption of nitrite from the rumen. Absorbed nitrite may then oxidize iron in hemoglobin to the ferric form, resulting in formation of methemoglobin (MHb) from hemoglobin. The resulting MHb is incapable of oxygen transport, and the animal literally starves for oxygen. Problems with Amaranthus related to nitrate and nitrite are similar to those with other forages, and there is a higher risk with stems. Signs are accompanied by an increased incidence of abortions in cattle (Duckworth 1975; Abbitt 1982). Dried plant presents a greater danger because reduced moisture content allows more rapid consumption, on a dry-matter basis, of large amounts of nitrate. For a more complete discussion of nitrates, see the section under Sorghum in the Poaceae family (Chapter 58).

consumption of the forage, and may be fatal within minutes or a few hours. The primary effect is weakness, ataxia, jugular distension, aggressive behavior, foamy salivation, and possibly dark-colored mucous membranes.

renal, late summer, pasture, onset of signs over 1–2 days, weakness, ataxia, recumbency, death; increased BUN and serum K+

With nitrate intoxication, there are few distinctive lesions at necropsy. The blood and tissues may be dark or chocolate colored, but this is not consistent. There may also be scattered, petechial to ecchymotic hemorrhages and increased foamy fluid in the terminal airways of the lungs, but these changes are not usually extensive.

Clinical Signs—After ingestion of Amaranthus for several days or more, the signs of renal disease appear over a period of several hours and progressively include weakness, trembling, unsteadiness when standing, ataxia, knuckling of the pasterns, recumbency, almost flaccid paralysis, coma, and then death in 1–2 days. In some instances there may be diarrhea with or without blood. The case fatality rate is likely to be in excess of 50%. Changes in serum chemistry include a marked increase in urea nitrogen (BUN, 90–200+ mg/dL) and elevation of potassium. nitrate: ruminants, especially with plants in hay; abrupt onset; weakness, ataxia, aggressive, dark mucous membranes, death in minutes to hours The signs of nitrate intoxication typically occur only in ruminants, with abrupt onset several hours after

renal: gross pathology, widespread edema, especially perirenal microscopic, renal tubule dilation, flattened epithelium

Pathology—At necropsy, there is widespread edema, especially around the kidneys and rectum and the omentum in general, and there is excess pale yellow, free fluid (perhaps blood tinged) in the abdominal cavity and other areas. The kidneys are pale and either normal in size or swollen. There may also be edema, reddening, and ulceration of the mucosa of segments of the digestive tract. Microscopically, there are distinctive changes in the kidneys, including interstitial edema and scattered hemorrhages, plus tubular epithelial degeneration and necrosis. The proximal tubules are more affected than the distal. Some tubules will be dilated and filled with casts or proteinaceous material. In animals that do not die quickly, interstitial fibrosis of the kidneys may be present.

nitrate: no lesions, tissues dark

renal: nursing care to allow recovery of kidney function

nitrate: methylene blue

Treatment—As with other causes of renal failure, the basic goal of treatment is to assist the affected animal by symptomatic treatment and general nursing care in order to allow recovery of tubular function. Recovery will require several weeks or more, and the animal’s prognosis generally must be considered poor because of the possibility of developing chronic renal failure.

Amaranthaceae Juss.

With respect to nitrate intoxication, treatment is similar to that generally prescribed for other causes of the disease. The onset of signs requires the immediate use of 20 mL/100 kg b.w. of a 1–2% solution of methylene blue i.v.

REFERENCES Abbitt B. A case of nitrate-induced abortion in cattle. Southwest Vet 35;12, 1982. Allison MJ, Littledike ET, James LE. Changes in ruminal oxalate degradation rates associated with adaptation to oxalate ingestion. J Anim Sci 45;1173–1179, 1977. Aslani MR, Vojdani M. Nitrate intoxication due to ingestion of pigweed red-root (Amaranthus retroflexus) in cattle. Iran J Vet Res 8;377–380, 2007. Berg RT, McElroy LW. Effect of 2,4-D on the nitrate content of forage crops and weeds. Can J Agric Sci 33;354–358, 1953. Brakenridge DT. Nitrate poisoning caused by turnips and red root. N Z Vet J 4;165–166, 1956. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Brown CM. Chronic Amaranthus (pigweed) toxicity in cattle. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 69;1551–1553, 1974. Buck WB, Preston KS, Abel M, Marshall VL. Perirenal edema in swine: a disease caused by common weeds. J Am Vet Med Assoc 148;1525–1531, 1966. Buck WM, Preston KS, Abel M. Common weeds as a cause of perirenal edema in swine. Iowa State Univ Vet 1965;105–108, 1965. Casteel SW, Johnson GC, Miller MA, Chudomelka HJ, Cupps DE, Haskins HE, Gosser HS. Amaranthus retroflexus (redroot pigweed) poisoning in cattle. J Am Vet Med Assoc 204;1068– 1070, 1994. Cheeke PR, Carlsson R. Evaluation of several crops as sources of leaf meal: composition, effect of drying procedure, and rat growth response. Nutr Rep Int 18;465–473, 1978. Cheeke PR, Carlsson R, Kohler GO. Nutritive value of leaf protein concentrates prepared from Amaranthus species. Can J Anim Sci 61;199–204, 1981. Cho SW, Lee CS. Histopathological observations on the natural case and experimental occurrence of perirenal edema in pigs. Korean J Vet Res 24;173–182, 1984. Cho SW, Lee CS. Pathogenesis of perirenal edema in pigs and rabbits administered oxalate, nitrate and calcium. Korean J Vet Rese 26;139–148, 1986. Cronquist A. An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, New York, 1981. Culham A. Amaranthaceae amaranths, celosias, and cockscombs. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 28–29, 2007. de Troiani RM, Sanchez TM, de Ferramola LA, Vaquero J. Comparative analysis of Amaranthus cruentus and Amaranthus mantegazzianus. Turrialba 43;151–159, 1993.


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Chapter Six

Anacardiaceae Lindl.

Cashew Family Anacardium Mangifera Metopium Schinus Toxicodendron Questionable Rhus Commonly known as the sumac or cashew family, the Anacardiaceae comprises some 69–82 genera and 700– 850 species of trees, shrubs, and vines (Heywood 2007; Mabberley 2008). Distribution is primarily tropical and subtropical, with equal representation in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. A few genera are native to temperate North America and Eurasia. In North America the family is represented by 12 genera and about 40 species, both native and introduced. The largest genus is Rhus (sumac), which is found in forests, grasslands, and deserts across the continent. Prized for their edible fruits are species of Mangifera (mango), Anacardium (cashew), and Pistacia (pistachio). Commonly grown as ornamentals are species of Rhus (sumac), Pistacia (pistache), Cotinus (smoke tree), and Schinus (pepper tree) (Heywood 2007). Other species of the family are sources of tannins for the leather industry, and the resin of a Chinese species of Rhus is the basis of lacquer (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). shrubs, vines, and trees; petals 5, yellow, green, greenish white, or red; fruits drupes Plants trees or shrubs or woody vines; evergreen or deciduous; solitary or colonial and thicket-forming; polygamous or dioecious; sap viscous. Leaves 1-pinnately compound or simple; alternate or rarely opposite; venation pinnate; resin canals present; stipules absent. Inflorescences panicles or compound cymes; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect or imperfect, perfect and

imperfect similar; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5, rarely 3 or 7; free or fused. Corollas radially symmetrical; imbricate. Petals 5, rarely 3 or 7; free; yellow or green or greenish white or red. Stamens 5 or 10, or 1 with 6–9 staminodia. Pistils 1–5; compound or simple; carpels typically 5; stigmas 1 or 3; styles 1 or 3; free or fused; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation basal. Drupes fleshy or dry; often resinous or waxy. Seeds 1. humans: contact allergic dermatitis The Anacardiaceae is perhaps the most infamous of all plant families as the cause of allergic dermatitis in susceptible individuals coming in contact with the sap. The allergic manifestations are almost exclusively a problem in humans, although experimentally some laboratory animal species, such as guinea pigs, can be sensitized. Most notorious and most commonly encountered in North America are species of Toxicodendron, commonly known as poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac. Other genera, such as Metopium (poisonwood), are even more potent. Pistachio and cashew nuts are likewise capable of producing dermatitis but are made edible by roasting. Susceptible individuals eating mangos may develop a “Florida grin” by inadvertently touching the rind to their cheeks and chin and subsequently developing a broad U-shaped blistering and reddening. resorcinols or catechols with long, unbranched side chains; cross-reactivity between genera of the family and with Ginkgo Dermatitis-causing genera of the family contain mixtures of mono- or dihydric phenols, resorcinols, or catechols, each with an unbranched and unsaturated side chain of 15, 17, or 19 carbons (Mitchell and Rook 1979). Potency of the compounds increases with the extent of unsaturation. These compounds may be distributed

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

throughout the plant body, as in poison ivy, or concentrated in a particular organ, as in the fruit wall of the cashew and pistachio or the rind of the mango. The resin canals that contain the allergens do not open to the surface; thus, sensitization occurs only when the surface of the plant is disrupted. Cross-reactivity between the allergic responses solicited by various genera is common (Keil et al. 1944; ElSohly et al. 1986). There may also be cross-reactivity with the allergen of Ginkgo. In addition to the allergenic compounds present, members of the family also contain various terpenoids that may act as immediate contact irritants. Although rare, anaphylactic reactions may be caused by most genera of the family including cashew, mango, pistachio, and poison ivy/oak (Dang and Bell 1967; Miell et al. 1988; Garcia et al. 2000; Porcel et al. 2006; Hegde and Venkatesh 2007; Schram et al. 2008).


and Morphology—Comprising 8–11 species native to the Americas, Anacardium is naturalized throughout the tropics of the world (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008). It is the source of cashews, and an oil used in lubricants is also extracted from the fruit. A gum from the wood is used in inks, dyes, and varnishes. In North America the genus is represented by a single species: A. occidentale L.

Figure 6.1.

Line drawing of Anacardium occidentale.

Distribution and Habitat—Commonly planted as a shade and ornamental tree, A. occidentale is restricted in distribution to the warmest portions of North America, southern Florida, southern California, and Mexico, where the temperature rarely falls below 15°C. It is also planted as a crop for the fruits, but it does not produce as well as it does farther south.

cashew, maranon, acajou, pajuil

irritation and allergic dermatitis from handling raw fruit; affecting skin, eyes, and digestive tract evergreen trees; leaves simple; fruits dry drupes

Plants trees; evergreen; trunk rarely straight; polygamomonoecious; sap white. Leaves simple; obovate to broadly elliptic; coriaceous; glabrous. Inflorescences panicles; bracts present. Flowers perfect or staminate. Sepals 5; fused. Petals 5; pale green, striped with red, becoming entirely red or pink. Stamens 10; 1 much longer than others. Pistils 1; compound. Drupes dry; reniform; graybrown. Seeds 1; reniform (Figure 6.1). Although commonly called a nut, the cashew is actually the seed of a dry drupe. As the drupe matures, the receptacle at its base enlarges rapidly to form a fleshy, clubshaped structure popularly known as the fruit. This enlarged receptacle is thin skinned, juicy, spongy textured, slightly acidic, and edible. Albeit very astringent when green, the flesh is yellow when mature and can be eaten raw or in preserves.

ornamental, warm areas

Disease Problems—Although the seed, or cashew, and the enlarged, fleshy receptacle, or “fruit,” are edible raw, the tissue surrounding the cashew may cause problems. Cardol oil, the thick, black, very acrid oil present in the shell of the drupe is caustic and can be irritating and allergenic to the skin (Allen 1943). The delayed allergenic reactions are most troublesome. Problems are experienced mainly by agricultural workers exposed to raw nuts and kernels. Less common are episodes of contact dermatitis associated with contamination of cashews with shell fragments (Aber et al. 1983). Very rarely, the nut shell oil may contaminate other products such as cashew nut butter and cause a severe dermatitis (Rosen and Fordice 1994). Ingestion of leaves or bark poses low risk. Low to moderate dosage of these plant parts in rats gave no evidence of toxic effects (Konan et al. 2007), whereas higher dosage in dogs resulted in moderate increases in serum hepatic enzymes and repeated higher dosage in mice caused some renal and hepatic pathology (de Melo et al. 2006; Tedong et al. 2007).

Anacardiaceae Lindl.


caustic and allergenic oil with 15-C side chains

Disease Genesis—The caustic oil of Anacardium is composed of approximately 82% anacardic acid, 13.8% cardol, 2.6% 2-methyl cardol, and 1.6% cardanol (Tyman 1976). The irritant and allergenic potency ranges in descending order from cardol to anacardic acid and anacardols (Keil et al. 1945a; Wasserman and Dawson 1948). Cardol is a resorcinol derivative, and anacardic acid and the anacardols are phenolic-type derivatives. All have 15 carbon monoene or diene side chains, which, as is typical of the family, are closely related chemically and allergenically to the catechol-derived urushiols in Toxicodendron (poison ivy) (Keil et al. 1945b; Mitchell and Rook 1979). Anacardol is a mixture of several phenol derivatives— more appropriately termed cardanols—that vary in degree of unsaturation of the side chain (Wasserman and Dawson 1948). These derivatives are referred to as cardanol 15:0, 15:1, and 15:2, based upon the number of side chain carbons and double bonds. Species of Anacardium, Schinus, and Toxicodendron share similar toxicants, and there is considerable allergic cross-reactivity among them (Keil et al. 1945a; ElSohly et al. 1986). Thus individuals sensitive to one can be expected, more often than not, to be sensitive to the others. This type 1 hypersensitivity extends weakly to nuts from other plant families, but is quite strong among members of the Anacardiaceae (Jansen et al. 1992; Fernandez et al. 1995; Goetz et al. 2005). Contact with the combination of the oil’s constituents, especially cardol, may cause immediate or direct irritation of the skin, eyes, and digestive tract, as well as a delayed or indirect allergic skin response (Figures 6.2–6.4).

Figure 6.2.

Chemical structure of cardol.

Figure 6.4.

Chemical structure of cardanol (15:2).

The direct vesicant action of the oil is demonstrated by the natural protection that it appears to provide against insect damage to the plant and also by its reported antiseptic, anthelminthic, and molluscicidal properties (Sullivan et al. 1982; Moraes 1993). As with the effects on the skin, the antiparasitic potency increases with the degree of unsaturation of the side chains (Sullivan et al. 1982). The oil has also been used for treatment of other skin diseases.

skin, reddened, blistered, and cracked

Clinical Signs—There is gradual development of reddening, blistering, roughness, and cracking of the skin following contact with the caustic oil of Anacardium. Although clinical signs may appear immediately, they are often delayed for 1–2 days in sensitized individuals or up to 1–2 weeks in those exposed for the first time.

topical, protective lotions before exposure, washing skin after exposure; drying agents after lesions develop

Treatment—Direct-contact irritant effects on the skin, eyes, or digestive tract may be treated with agents aimed at relief of the pain, itching, or inflammation. In many instances, treatment may not be required. Prevention or treatment of the more troublesome allergic dermatitis caused by Anacardium is essentially the same as that recommended for Toxicodendron: application of protective lotions to prevent penetration of the oil, prompt removal of the oil following contact to reduce penetration, and application of drying agents to pustules and blisters formed. Severe cases may require the use of topical and/or systemic corticosteroids.


Figure 6.3.

Chemical structure of anacardic acid (15:2).

Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 40–60 species native to tropical India, southern China, and islands of the southwestern Pacific (Mabberley 2008;


Toxic Plants of North America

Mukherjee and Litz 2009), Mangifera is represented in North America by a single species: M. indica L.


large evergreen trees; leaves simple; petals 5, greenish white, yellow, pink, or red; fruits fleshy drupes Plants large trees, up to 20 m tall; evergreen; trunk stout; polygamomonoecious; sap white. Leaves simple; oblong elliptic or oblong lanceolate; subcoriaceous or papery; glabrous; red or yellowish when young. Inflorescences panicles; bracts present. Flowers perfect or staminate; small; fragrant. Sepals 5; fused. Petals 5; usually free; greenish white to yellow or pink to red. Stamens 5; 1 longer and fertile, 4 shorter and sterile. Pistils 1; compound. Drupes fleshy; ovoid oblong; yellow or green or red; flesh yellow, juicy. Seeds 1; large; flattened; enclosed in thick and fibrous endocarp (Figure 6.5). cultivated for fruit and shade, warm areas

Distribution and Habitat—Possibly native to Myanmar (Burma), M. indica has been grown in India for at least 4000 years and subsequently carried throughout tropical Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America (Mukherjee and Litz 2009). With hundreds of cultivars, it is considered to be the most popular fruit of the Orient. Widely cultivated as a fruit and shade tree, M. indica is restricted in distribution to the warmest portions of North America, Mexico, southern California, and southern Florida. Mexico is one of the top two exporters of its fruits. weakly allergenic sap, reddening of lips and cheeks

Figure 6.5.

Line drawing of Mangifera indica.

Disease Problems—Although the mango is one of the most popular fruits consumed in the tropics and its flesh and juice do not cause a problem even in susceptible individuals, other parts of the plant are capable of causing allergic dermatitis (Mitchell and Rook 1979). Sap from the stems, leaves, and fruit exocarp (peel) and base is allergenic. Green fruits and even pollen are also allergenic for sensitive individuals. Thus care in preparation of the fruit before eating is advisable to avoid contaminating the fruit flesh. Inadvertent contact with sap from the peel while eating the fruit is a concern. Reddening and blistering of the lips, cheeks, and chin produces the conspicuous condition known as the Florida grin, a condition experienced by many first-time visitors to the tropics.

allergenic urushiol-type compounds

Disease Genesis—The sap of M. indica contains alkylenylresorcinols, compounds similar to, but less potent than, urushiol, the allergen of Toxicodendron or poison ivy (Oka et al. 2004; Knoedler et al. 2007; 2009). Concentrations are high in mango peels but quite low in the pulp. These resorcinols, which cause reactions in mangosensitive individuals, are cross-reactive with urushiol. Individuals sensitive to one or another of the Anacardiaceae may react to exposure to other members of the family and possibly to those of other allergen sources such as the pollen of Artemisia (mugwort), Betula (birch), and even the fruit of Gingko (gingko) (Keil et al. 1946; Geller 1989; Lepoittevin et al. 1989; Paschke et al. 2001; Hershko et al. 2005). Thus people sensitive to allergens may react on first exposure to mangos. Although rare, cutaneous reactions may occur from exposure to the flesh of the mango itself (Weinstein et al. 2004; Thoo and Freeman 2008). The plants additionally contain numerous terpenoid cycloartenes, which may contribute to a direct-contact irritant effect, but a complete understanding of their toxicologic significance is not clear (Anjaneyulu et al. 1985, 1989; Connolly and Hill 1991a,b). Some people develop severe reactions to the sap, but allergic responses are not as common as with poison ivy (Morton 1982). Rarely has anaphylaxis been reported following exposure to mangos (Dang and Bell 1967; Miell et al. 1988; Hegde and Venkatesh 2007) (Figure 6.6).

mouth and cheeks reddened, blistered

Anacardiaceae Lindl.

Figure 6.6.


Chemical structure of terpenoid cycloartene.

Clinical Signs—Mangifera indica is a weak allergenic sensitizer, but contact with the mouth, cheeks, and chin may result in reddening and formation of blisters.

treatment generally not needed

Treatment—The dermatitis caused by M. indica typically does not require treatment, but when needed, it is essentially the same as that recommended for Toxicodendron: application of drying agents. Likewise, prevention is much the same as for Toxicodendron: avoidance of the sap and prompt removal of it following contact, to reduce the possibility of penetration. Unusually severe cases may require the use of corticosteroids.

METOPIUM P.D.BR. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising three species native to the West Indies, southern Mexico, and southern Florida (Mabberley 2008), Metopium is represented in North America by a single species: M. toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urban

poisonwood, doctor-gum, coral sumac, poisontree

evergreen trees; leaves pinnately compound; petals 5, greenish white or yellowish; fruits fleshy drupes

Plants trees; evergreen; dioecious or rarely polygamodioecious; sap watery; turning black when drying. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; leaflets 3 or 5 or 7, ovate, coriaceous, apices acuminate or obtuse, margins entire, bases

Figure 6.7.

Line drawing of Metopium toxiferum.

obtuse or subcordate; petioles terete. Inflorescences panicles; axillary; bracts present, minute. Flowers imperfect; small. Sepals 5; fused. Petals 5; greenish white or yellowish, with darker markings. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; compound. Drupes fleshy and resinous; oblong or oblong ovoid; apiculate; glabrous; dull orange or scarlet. Seeds 1; enclosed in parchmentlike endocarp (Figure 6.7).

black tarlike spots on leaves and bark from sticky sap

A distinctive feature of poisonwood is that there are often tarlike black streaks, patches, or dots on the bark and/or leaves of injured trees caused by the sticky sap’s turning black on contact with air.

southern Florida

Distribution and Habitat—Native to and common in the pinelands and hammocks along the east coast of southern Florida, M. toxiferum also occurs in the Keys, the Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Mona, Puerto Rico, and Anguilla in the Leeward Islands. Typically growing in sandy soils, the trees are sometimes maintained as ornamentals in Florida when they have survived removal of the original forest.

irritation and allergic skin reaction following contact with wood or sap


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems—The common names poisonwood and poisontree are derived from the dermatitis that follows contact with the tree’s wood (Morton 1982). The dermatitis is similar to that caused by other members of the family such as Anacardium, Mangifera, and Toxicodendron.

allergenic catechols and urushiols

Disease Genesis—Allergens responsible for the dermatitis produced by Metopium are a complex mixture of 15carbon mono- and dienes and a few 17-carbon mono-, di-, and triene catechols or urushiols similar to those of Toxicodendron (poison ivy) (Gross et al. 1975).

skin reddened, blistered, sometimes with black stain

Clinical Signs—Following contact with M. toxiferum, signs are those characteristic of other allergenic members of the Anacardiaceae: reddening and blistering of the skin. The sap also stains the skin black.

relief of pain and itching; often not needed

Treatment—Direct-contact irritant effects on the skin, eyes, or digestive tract may be treated with agents aimed at relief of the pain, itching, or inflammation. Treatment may not be required in some instances. Prevention or treatment of the more troublesome allergic dermatitis caused by Anacardium is essentially the same as that recommended for Toxicodendron: application of protective lotions to prevent penetration of the oil, prompt removal of the oil following contact to reduce penetration, and application of drying agents to pustules and blisters. Severe cases may require the use of topical and/or systemic corticosteroids.

S. longifolius (Lindl.) Speg. S. molle L.

S. polygamus (Cav.) Cabrera S. terebinthifolius Raddi

longleaf peppertree Peruvian peppertree, molle, Peruvian mastic tree, California peppertree huigen Brazilian peppertree, Florida holly, false pepper, Christmas berry

evergreen shrubs or trees; leaves pinnately compound, bad odor when crushed; flowers small; petals 4 or 5, white or yellow

Plants trees or shrubs; evergreen; dioecious; sap resinous. Leaves malodorous when crushed; 1-pinnately compound; leaflets 5–15 or more, coriaceous, margins entire or dentate; petioles with prominent abscission ring. Inflorescences panicles or racemes; axillary or terminal; bracts present. Flowers imperfect; small. Sepals 4 or 5; fused. Petals 4 or 5; white or yellow. Stamens 8–10; unequal in length. Pistils 1; compound; stigmas 3; styles 3. Drupes fleshy; pea sized; lavender to deep red. Seeds 1; enclosed in hard endocarps (Figure 6.8). ornamentals; warm areas

Distribution and Habitat—Native to South America, species of Schinus have been naturalized through much of Mexico. The same has happened in southern Florida. Originally introduced in the early 1900s, plants of S. terebinthifolius have been dispersed by birds, and the species has become alarmingly abundant in various localities (Morton 1978). Its aggressive growth and allelopathic

SCHINUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 30 species native to south Central America (Mabberley 2008), Schinus is represented in North America by 4 introduced species:

Figure 6.8. Photo of Schinus terebinthifolius. Courtesy of Forest and Kim Starr.

Anacardiaceae Lindl.


may cause a severe asthma-like problem. There may be swelling of the eyelids, headache, and respiratory distress (Morton 1978).

irritant terpenoids and allergenic catechols

Figure 6.9.

Distribution of Schinus terebinthifolius.

effects have facilitated spread. Plants of all four species are grown as ornamentals and street trees in Florida, southern Arizona, and southern California. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( (Figure 6.9). contact irritation, mildly allergenic; possible asthmalike problem when aerosolized

Disease Problems—Exposure to the sap or trimmings of S. terebinthifolius causes severe irritation of the skin and eyes or produces an asthma-like condition (Morton 1982). Irritant effects range from a persistent rash and mild itching to burnlike lesions with exudation of serum and severe itching. Ingestion of fruits produces a hot taste, hence the common name pink pepper, which has sometimes led to their use as a pepper substitute in small amounts. However, ingestion of large amounts of the fruits and seeds may result in severe irritation of the digestive tract, with subsequent vomiting and abdominal pain in both animals and humans (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Morton 1978; Fuller and McClintock 1986). The adverse effects of S. molle and other less common species are less severe than those due to S. terebinthifolius. Ingestion of plant material may result in severe digestive tract irritation. Colic in horses and bird kills have been related to the genus (Morton 1978). There have been reports of deaths of large numbers of birds ingesting berries of one of the 2 species of Schinus, although the precise cause of the deaths was never definitely determined (Britt and Howard 1984). In addition to the contact-type reaction, aerosolized components of Schinus, like those of Toxicodendron,

Disease Genesis—There appear to be two major classes of toxic compounds present in Schinus—terpenoids and phenol/catechols. Numerous monoterpenes and several triterpenes are present in the sap, leaves, and fruits (Paivo Campello and Marsaioli 1974; Lloyd et al. 1977). The immediate contact irritation that is produced may be related to the array of these terpenoids and especially to the monoterpenoid hydroperoxides. αPhellandrene may pose a problem because it may form a stable toxic peroxide after contact with the skin (Stahl et al. 1983). In addition to the direct irritant action, there are delayed effects similar to those caused by exposure to Toxicodendron (poison ivy) and Anacardium (cashew). The toxicants of Schinus are of the same type as those in these genera, and thus it is not surprising that susceptible individuals exhibit considerable cross-reactivity (Keil et al. 1945a; ElSohly et al. 1986). The specific toxicants are phenol or catechol derivatives with unsaturated 15-C side chains at C-3. Cardanol 15:1 (15 carbons and 1 double bond) seems to be the toxicant of most concern because it may be present at concentrations up to 0.05% d.w. of the fruit of S. terebinthifolius (Stahl et al. 1983). It is irritating but less potent than the cardol and anacardic acid found in cashew nut oil. Thus the delayed allergic response to Schinus, while of some concern, is typically less severe than that produced by Anacardium and Toxicodendron.

skin rash, itching, vomiting, colic, possibly death in birds

Clinical Signs—Contact with sap or foliage of Schinus may result in a delayed but persistent rash with itching, reddening, and swelling at the points of contact. Considerable discomfort and distress may result in both animals and people. Ingestion of fruits or foliage produces more immediate effects, including retching and vomiting, colic, and less commonly diarrhea, which may last a day or more.

topical relief of itching


Toxic Plants of North America

Treatment—When significant, the effects of directcontact irritation on the skin, eyes, or digestive tract may be treated with agents aimed at relief of the pain, itching, and inflammation. The delayed allergic-type reaction may be treated in a manner similar to that recommended for Toxicodendron. This includes application of drying agents to pustules and blisters and, in severe cases, the use of steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


and Morphology—Comprising 6–10 species, Toxicodendron is native to North America and eastern Asia. Its name is derived from the Greek toxicos meaning “poisonous” and dendron meaning “tree” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Toxicodendron is represented in North America by 5 species: T. diversilobum (Torr. & A.Gray) Greene T. pubescens Mill. T. radicans (L.) Kuntze T. rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene T. vernix (L.) Kuntze

poison oak, western poison oak eastern poison oak, three-leaved ivy poison ivy, poison mercury western poison ivy poison sumac, poison elder, poison ash

The common names poison ivy, poison oak, and, to a lesser extent, poison sumac, are applied almost interchangeably for the five species. Each individual person often has his or her own concept of what these poisonous plants are, depending upon where he or she has lived or has read or heard. The reason for this ambiguity is that species of the genus are morphologically quite variable and very similar. Plants can grow as herbs arising from rhizomes, climbing woody vines with aerial rootlets, thicket-forming shrubs, or small ill-shaped trees. Their leaflets can be large or small, toothed or lobed, and glossy dark green or pale yellow-green. Further complicating identification is the tendency for hybridization between some species. Taxonomists, however, have related the common names to specific species and their geographical distribution. An excellent comprehensive treatise on recognition of the various species of Toxicodendron has been written by Guin and his coworkers (1981). In terms of botanical nomenclature, a plethora of names for the North American species have been published. Synonyms of T. pubescens, for example, include T. quercifolium, T. toxicarium, and T. toxicodendron. In addition, members of the genus were originally classified in the

genus Rhus, and thus there is another suite of names in the older literature for these taxa. herbs, shrubs, vines, or trees; leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 3 (7–13 for poison sumac), turning bright red or yellow-red in fall; flowers small; petals 5, greenish white; fruits drupes, white or gray-white Plants herbs or shrubs or trees or woody vines; deciduous; dioecious. Stems of woody vines bearing masses of adventitious roots. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; leaflets 3 or 7–13; margins entire or variously toothed or lobed; young leaves red or reddish green; petioles typically red. Inflorescences panicles or racemes; axillary; bracts absent. Flowers imperfect; small. Sepals 5. Petals 5; greenish white. Stamens 5; equal in length. Pistils 1; compound. Drupes fleshy; white or gray-white. Seeds 1 (Figures 6.10–6.12). Recognition of species of Toxicodendron in their many forms is not difficult for the wary individual. The distinguishing characteristics—three leaflets, with the central one having the longest petiolule or stalk; one leaf per node; and white drupes (popularly but incorrectly referred to as berries) arising laterally along the stems—should prompt immediate attention. In the fall, plants undergo color change earlier than other species and typically become conspicuously bright red or yellow-red. Color also is useful in early spring when plants first begin to

Figure 6.10. Line drawing of Toxicodendron radicans. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Anacardiaceae Lindl.


decide quickly whether to touch them or to run for water with which to wash. across continent; variety of habitats

Distribution and Habitat—True, or western, poison

Figure 6.11.

Photo of the leaves of Toxicodendron radicans.

oak, T. diversilobum, occurs in open woodlands only along the Pacific coast. In contrast, the two species of poison ivy, T. radicans and T. rydbergii, occur over much of the remainder of North America. In Oregon and Washington, T. diversilobium and T. rydbergii come together and apparently hybridize. The two species of poison ivy are found in a diversity of habitats: woods, thickets, bluffs, ridgetops, gravel bars in streams, and especially disturbed areas. The shrubby eastern poison oak, T. pubescens, has a distribution similar to that of viny T. radicans but occurs only as far west as the eastern edge of the Great Plains. Despite its common name of western poison ivy, T. rydbergii likewise has a similar range. However, it is typically found at higher latitudes and occurs across Canada in sunny open areas. The distribution of poison sumac, T. vernix, is essentially east of the Mississippi River. Greatest abundance is in the southeastern quarter of the United States, where it is characteristically found in swamps under shade. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( allergic reaction, reddened skin, watery blisters, severe itch; increased risk for sensitization in late childhood

Figure 6.12.

Line drawing of Toxicodendron vernix.

produce leaves; the branchlets and young leaves then are typically a shiny red or reddish brown. Additional aids for identification may be (1) the presence of a black enamel-like coating or deposit on injured leaves or (2) the quick darkening of sap upon exposure to air when the leaves have been crushed (carefully) and sap allowed to stain white paper(Guin 1980). The nontoxic Acer negundo (box elder) and Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper) are sometimes mistaken for poison ivy or poison oak. Observation of the box elder’s two leaves per node or Virginia creeper’s palmate arrangement of leaflets, however, allows one to

Disease Problems—Appearance of reddened skin and watery blisters accompanied by itching and an almost overpowering urge to scratch the inflamed region typically heralds the onset of a case of poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac. These three species are responsible for more cases of allergic contact dermatitis than all other plants, household chemicals, and industrial compounds combined. The dermatitis is a very significant cause of occupational injury, especially in forestry workers and fire fighters (Epstein 1994). The mere mention of poison ivy may evoke apprehension in some individuals because this is a problem that has affected a great many people (Benedix 1944). Approximately 80% of the population of North America is sensitive to poison ivy or poison oak, and an appreciable number (18–20%) of those afflicted require a physician’s care or bed rest (Turner 1947; Vietmeyer 1986). Most individuals become sensitized in late childhood, and once they are sensitized, there is considerable cross-reactivity to contact with other members of the Anacardiaceae, as well as to Ginkgo (Epstein 1994).


Toxic Plants of North America

In spite of the widely appreciated concern for its toxic effects, members of the genus have been employed for a variety of “useful” purposes. As reviewed by Senchina (2006), these include use in cooking, for medical purposes, as textile products, and in religious rites. Allergic reactions are essentially a problem restricted to humans and possibly some higher primates, although guinea pigs and laboratory rodents can be sensitized by topical exposure (Watson et al. 1983; Walker et al. 1995). Other animal species are generally considered to be nonaffected but in at least one instance an apparent sensitization has been reported in a dog exposed to the wood of the Japanese lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) (Roberts 1997). oily mixture of catechols (urushiol) composed of 15-C and 17-C side chains, present in all plant parts

Disease Genesis—The allergic reaction occurs when a susceptible individual comes in contact with the plant’s oily resin (oleoresin), which contains a mixture of 3-alk(en) ylcatechols such as mono-, di-, and trienes (Symes and Dawson 1954; Gross et al. 1975). As with other genera in the family, this mixture of compounds is generally referred to as urushiol. The different species of Toxicodendron contain different mixtures of these catechol derivatives. For example, the 3-position side chains are mainly 17 carbons long, and a few 15 carbons long, in T. diversilobum and T. pubescens. In contrast, T. radicans and T. rydbergii have mainly 15-carbon chains and only a few chains with 17 carbons (Corbett and Billets 1975; Gross et al. 1975). Toxicodendron vernix contains a slightly different mixture of 3-n-pentadec(en)ylcatechols (Figures 6.13 and 6.14). allergic reaction requires direct contact with plant or contact with oily deposits on animal fur or inanimate objects

Figure 6.13.

Chemical structure of 15-C urushiol catechols.

Figure 6.14.

Chemical structure of 17-C urushiol catechols.

The oil is present in leaves, stems, roots, and immature fruits of all species, and readily adheres to humans, pets, and objects upon contact. Thus, exposure can be via direct contact with the plant or indirect contact when one strokes the fur of a pet, wears tainted clothing, or touches contaminated tools, toys, athletic equipment, and so on (Turner 1947). may present severe risk when sap is aerosolized Smoke from burning poison ivy plants has long been considered a risk from aerosolized urushiol. However, studies indicate that while the smoke itself is not allergenic, the large particulate matter such as soot and leaves in the smoke may carry urushiol when plants are burned and subsequently may cause problems in sensitive individuals. (Shelmire 1941; Howell 1944). Kollef 1995). Although not confirmed as the specific culprit, urushiol is suspected as the cause of lethal acute respiratory distress syndrome in an individual exposed to smoke of T. radicans (Gealt and Osterhoudt 1995; Kollef 1995). In winter, when foliage is absent and plants dormant, the contact risk is somewhat reduced (Guin 1983), but twigs may unwittingly be collected for fires. Exposure may also occur via lacquered wood or other products (lacquerware) produced using lacquer prepared from the Japanese lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) (Etter 1951; Robin et al. 1985; Kabashima et al. 2003). Sap of this tree is conditioned by removal of most of the water and the clear liquid is called oriental lacquer (Vogl 2000). Heat-treating the lacquerware eliminates the allergenic risk (Kawai et al. 1992). The sap from poison ivy does not cure effectively enough for use as a lacquer. Sensitization to poison ivy and its relatives requires one or more exposures to urushiol or the catechol compounds of other members of the Anacardiaceae (Keil et al. 1944; Vietmeyer 1986). Initial exposure results in a response within 5 days (Mitchell and Rook 1977). The components of urushiol differ in their allergenic potency. Decreased

Anacardiaceae Lindl.

saturation of the side chain of the pentadecylcatechol is associated with increased antigenicity (Johnson et al. 1972). The allergen penetrates the outer skin layers and, after oxidation to a quinone form, chemically binds with ε-amino and thiol groups in cell proteins (at this point it is no longer easily removed by washing) to form an antigen that elicits a cell-mediated immune reaction (Dunn et al. 1986; ElSohly et al. 1986). This likely occurs via macrophages or Langerhans cells as presenter cells for the T lymphocytes, resulting in skin damage (Byers et al. 1979; Dunn et al. 1984). Reddening, swelling, blisters, and welts are typical lesions. Individuals differ genetically in their sensitivity to urushiol. Some react to contact with amounts as small as 0.001 mg, whereas others are “immune” as long as the intensity of exposure does not exceed their higher levels of tolerance. Anyone can develop a sensitivity. The severity of the response varies with the individual, the extent of exposure to urushiol, the size of the exposed area, and the thickness of the outer layer of skin. There are many horror stories and almost as many myths related to unique exposures to these plants. Perhaps one of the best, or worst, is the episode in which a student participating in a Shakespearean play, clad only in a loin cloth, draped himself with vines from a local woodland. Two days later he was hospitalized with a debilitating localized rash (Jaret 1988). There have been occasional instances in which skin problems appear to be accompanied by systemic signs related to effects on the kidneys (Rytand 1948; Devich et al. 1975). However, experimental studies in rats and guinea pigs indicate that systemic effects of urushiol are low, and even oral dosage of 4 mg urushiol/kg b.w. given 3 times per week was without apparent adverse consequences other than sensitization to skin testing (Murphy et al. 1983). However, in humans, oral exposure may result in sensitization with cutaneous lesions and general symptoms of internal effects (Park et al. 2000; Oh et al. 2003). The estimated LD50 in mice of urushiol given i.p. was quite high, approximately 74 mg/kg b.w. many myths about problems and remedies; blister fluid does not spread rash There are many myths that have been disseminated over the years about poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac: for example, scratching and breaking the blisters spreads the rash; an “immune” person will never get poison ivy or poison oak; or a sensitive person can get poison ivy simply by standing near a plant (Turner 1947; Vietmeyer 1986). Contrary to popular belief, fluid from ruptured blisters does not spread the dermatitis; it is simply serous fluid from the tissue. Appearance of a rash


away from the primary site of inflammation may be due to unsuspected contact with contaminated clothing or other articles. In addition, although signs typically begin 24–72 hours after exposure, new lesions may develop over the next 2 weeks, giving the appearance of spread from the initial eruptions. One folk remedy that seems to have some validity is the belief that drinking the milk of goats or cows that have eaten poison ivy will desensitize a person. A variation of this approach has been used with limited success, with repeated i.m. or oral administration of urushiol over a prolonged period to reduce the allergic reactions of highly sensitive people (Abramowicz 1981; Vietmeyer 1986). This is similar to the hardening effect described for workers subjected to continuous exposure in a cashew nut oil factory (Reginella et al. 1989). There has been considerable research effort to prevent or modify the allergic response (Epstein 1974; Watson et al. 1981; Vietmeyer 1986; Williford and Sheretz 1994). This has included development of vaccines or immune modulants. Extracts of Toxicodendron have been used in homeopathic medicine to attenuate the effects of osteoarthritis, with questionable results (Gibson et al. 1980; Shipley et al. 1983). reaction 1–5 days after contact; skin reddened, watery vesicles, blisters, intense itching, peaking at 4–5 days, resolution in 2–3 weeks, rarely accompanied by black spots on skin

Clinical Signs—In humans and some higher primates, signs develop in about 5 days on first exposure or in 24–72 hours in sensitized individuals. Initially, the skin shows mild reddening and swelling at the contact site accompanied by intense and intolerable itching. These are followed by more intense reddening and formation of vesicles that rupture and lead to fluid exudation, crusting, and scaling of the skin. New lesions may continue to develop for several days. In severe cases, there may be systemic signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Without treatment, the dermatitis normally peaks in 4–5 days and resolves in 10–21 days. black-spot poison ivy, uncommon reaction An uncommon but quite distinctive type of reaction is the so-called black-spot poison ivy. This occurs with exposure to large amounts of sap causing direct irritant effects. When the sap dries it forms within hours a black lacquer-like spot. Approximately 24 hours later the spot increases in size and may continue to do so up to 72


Toxic Plants of North America

hours. The spot is not easily removed by washing or peeling, but it eventually sloughs away and the area heals (Shelmire 1941; Mallory et al. 1982; Hurwitz et al. 1984; Mallory and Hurwitz 1986; Kurlan and Lucky 2001; Schram et al. 2008). On biopsy the spots appear as yellow amorphous deposits on the stratum corneum with the subjacent epidermis necrotic (Mallory and Hurwitz 1986). Black spot is different from the hyperpigmentation which sometimes occurs when the typical cutaneous lesions heal especially with dark-skinned individuals.

immediate washing of contact site, soap, water, commercial solutions

Treatment—Recognition and avoidance of species of Toxicodendron are the best prevention. However, if contact is made, prompt removal of the urushiol may reduce the chances of developing dermatitis. About 10–15 minutes are required for urushiol to penetrate the skin. Thus it is possible to prevent the reaction by washing the affected area well with soap and water within this time period (Fisher 1996). Other approaches may extend the time. If used within 2 hours, dishwashing soap (Dial Ultra®, Dial Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ), commercial hand-washing oil/grease removal products (Goop®, Critzas Industries, St. Louis, MO), or an over-the-counter product labeled to prevent or reduce poison ivy dermatitis (Tecnu®, Technu Laboratories, Albany, OR) may markedly reduce or prevent the occurrence of effects on the skin (Stibich et al. 2000). Another commercially available product, Zanfel® (Zanfel Laboratories, Clive, IA), also appears to be effective in diminishing the cutaneous response (Davila et al. 2003).

application of drying agents to affected areas; severe reactions may require corticosteroids

The vesicles are typically treated by application of drying agents such as calamine lotion, which may provide some relief. Numerous other palliative or folk remedies have been used at one time or another, including dripping the juice of a green tomato over the area, applying a combination of buttermilk or vinegar and salt to the rash, rubbing the inflamed area with the inner surface of a banana peel, rubbing wild touch-me-not (Impatiens) on the blisters, or applying hair spray, mouse ear herb (Cerastium), horse urine, or crushed plantain leaf to provide relief from the itching and weeping dermatitis (Duckett 1980; Jaret 1988; Zarrow et al. 1991). Herbal

anti-inflammatory products often used as tinctures have been reported to be beneficial, possibly partially the result of the alcohol drying effect (Canavan and Yarnell 2005). In some instances, allergic responses to topical medications complicate the overall disease manifestations (Williford and Sheretz 1994). Severe swelling and distress may require the use of corticosteroids. Except for the most potent types, topical corticosteroids (unless with occlusion) are of limited value. Systemic corticosteroid therapy is much more effective. Typically, in severe cases these are given orally (such as prednisone 30–60 mg/day), in tapered dosages over a 2- to 3-week period (Williford and Sheretz 1994; Guin 2001). In exceptionally severe cases, i.m. administration of potent corticosteroids may be necessary.

prevention with protective barrier creams and lotions; desensitization of questionable value

Prevention of allergen penetration of the skin and subsequent oxidation and binding after contact with plants of the genus have been attempted in a variety of ways. A number of protective or barrier creams or lotions have been formulated, a few of which are of apparent effectiveness (Grevelink et al. 1992). Topical application of polyamine salts of a linoleic acid dimer provides a protective barrier in the majority of instances, as long as the skin is washed within 8–12 hours after contact (Orchard et al. 1986). A protective lotion of quaternium-18 bentonite is effective experimentally in guinea pigs and humans (Marks et al. 1995; Fisher 1996). Prophylactic desensitization is possible for some individuals through i.m. injections or tablets of dilute urushiol extracts, but the effectiveness of this approach is questionable (Abramowicz 1981; Marks et al. 1987; Fisher 1996). Furthermore, it can take a prolonged time to accomplish and may be of short-lived effectiveness, that is, only a few months. Use of urushiol analogs, such as diacetate esters or other forms, seems to hold some promise for immunization (Walker et al. 1995). Skin patch test kits are available for testing sensitivity to urushiol. Some individuals simply may become desensitized by continuous exposure to urushiol such as Japanese woodworkers who repeatedly use lacquer from T. vernicifluum in lacquerware production (Etter 1951; Robin et al. 1985; Kabashima et al. 2003). Likewise, factory workers continuously exposed to oil of cashew nut shells containing the allergenically similar cardanols exhibited hyposensitivity (Reginella et al. 1989). Treatment and prevention of Toxicodendron dermatitis has been extensively reviewed by Gladman (2006).

Anacardiaceae Lindl.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Rhus L. Distributed in temperate and subtropical North America, South Africa, and eastern Asia, Rhus, commonly known as sumac or sumach, comprises some 200 species. In North America the genus is represented by 13 species and 2 named hybrids prized for their brilliant fall leaf colors of deep reds and purples or yellow and commonly cultivated in gardens. Plants of the genus are shrubs or small trees, often forming thickets, with 1-pinnately compound leaves and fleshy, red drupes. At one time, the genus included those species—poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac—that cause allergic contact dermatitis, but are now classified in the genus Toxicodendron as described above. Species of Rhus normally do not cause the allergic contact dermatitis that is characteristic of other members of the family. Some individuals do, however, experience a short-term rash or reddening of the skin upon contact with the milky sap.

REFERENCES Aber R, Marks J, DeMelfi T, McCarthy MA, Witte E, Moore E, Hays CW. Dermatitis associated with cashew nut consumption—Pennsylvania. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 32;129–130, 1983. Abramowicz M. Desensitization to poison ivy. Med Lett 23;40, 1981. Allen PH. Poisonous and injurious plants of Panama. Am J Trop Med 23(Suppl.);1–76, 1943. Anjaneyulu V, Prasad KH, Ravi K, Connolly JD. Terpenoids from Mangifera indica. Phytochemistry 24;2359–2367, 1985. Anjaneyulu V, Ravi K, Prasad KH, Connolly JD. Terpenoids from Mangifera indica. Phytochemistry 28;1471–1477, 1989. Benedix JA. The gremlin of the woods. Appalachia 10;127–130, 1944. Britt JO, Howard EB. Pepper tree berry poisoning in a flock of wild cedar waxwings. Avian/Exotic Pract 1;11–13, 1984. Byers VS, Epstein WL, Castagnoli N, Baer H. In vitro studies of poison oak immunity. 1. In vitro reaction of human lymphocytes to urushiol. J Clin Invest 64;1437–1448, 1979. Canavan D, Yarnell E. Successful treatment of poison oak dermatitis treated with Grindelia spp. (gumweed). J Altern Complement Med 11;709–710, 2005. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 1, Mono Terpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991a. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 2, Di- and Higher Terpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991b. Corbett MD, Billets S. Characterization of poison oak urushiol. J Pharm Sci 64;1715– 1718, 1975. Dang RWM, Bell DB. Anaphylactic reaction to ingestion of a mango. Hawaii Med J 27;149–150, 1967.


Davila A, Laurora M, Fulton J, Jacoby JL, Heller MB, Reed J. A new topical agent, Zanfel, ameliorates urushiol-induced Toxicodendron allergic contact dermatitis. Ann Emerg Med 42;S98, 2003. de Melo AFM, Albuqueque MM, da Silva MAL, Gomes GC, de Souza Vera Cruz I, Leite VR, Higino JS. Evaluation of the subchronic toxicity of the crude dry extract of Anacardium occidentale Linn to dogs. Acta Sci Health Sci 28;37–41, 2006. Devich KB, Lee JC, Epstein WL, Spitler LE, Hopper J. Renal lesions accompanying poison oak dermatitis. Clin Nephrol 3;106, 1975. Duckett S. Plantain leaf for poison ivy [letter]. N Engl J Med 303;583, 1980. Dunn IS, Liberato DJ, Castagnoli N, Byers VS. Induction of suppressor T cells for lymph node cell proliferation after contact sensitization of mice with a poison oak urishiol component. Immunology 51;773–781, 1984. Dunn IS, Liberato DJ, Castagnoli N Jr., Byers V. Influence of chemical reactivity of urushiol-type haptens on sensitization and the induction of tolerance. Cell Immunol 97;189–196, 1986. ElSohly MA, Adawadkar PD, Benigni DA, Watson ES, Little TL Jr. Analogues of poison ivy urushiol: synthesis and biological activity of disubstituted n-alkylbenzenes. J Med Chem 29;606– 611, 1986. Epstein WL. Poison oak and poison ivy dermatitis: an occupational problem. Cutis 13;544–548, 1974. Epstein WL. Occupational poison ivy and oak dermatitis. Dermatol Clin 12;511–516, 1994. Etter RI. Dermatitis caused by Japanese lacquer. U S Armed Serv Med J 11;505–507, 1951. Fernandez C, Fiandor A, MartinezGarate A, Quesada JM. Allergy to pistachio: crossreactivity between pistachio nut and other Anacardiaceae. Clin Exp Allergy 25;1254–1259, 1995. Fisher AA. Poison ivy/oak dermatitis. Part 1: prevention-soap and water, topical barriers, hyposensitization. Cutis 57;384– 386, 1996. Fuller TC, McClintock E. Poisonous Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1986. Garcia F, Moneo L, Fernandez B, Garcia-Menaya JM, Blanco J, Juste S, Gonzalo MA. Allergy to Anacardiaceae: description of cashew and pistachio nut allergens. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 10;173–177, 2000. Gealt L, Osterhoudt KC. Adult respiratory distress syndrome after smoke inhalation from burning poison ivy. J Am Med Assoc 274;358, 1995. Geller M. Poison ivy, mangos, cashews, and dermatitis. Ann Intern Med 110;1036–1037, 1989. Gibson RG, Gibson SLM, MacNeill AD, Buchanan WW. Homeopathic therapy in rheumatoid arthritis: evaluation by a double blind clinical therapeutic trial. Br J Clin Pharmacol 9;453–459, 1980. Gladman AC. Toxicodendron dermatitis: poison ivy, oak, and sumac. Wilderness Environ Med 17;120–128, 2006. Goetz DW, Whisman BA, Goetz AD. Cross-reactivity among edible nuts: double immunodiffusion, crossed immunoelectrophoresis and human specific IgE serologic surveys. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 95;45–52, 2005.


Toxic Plants of North America

Grevelink SA, Murrell DF, Olsen EA. Effectiveness of various barrier preparations in preventing and or ameliorating experimentally produced Toxicodendron dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol 27;182–188, 1992. Gross M, Baer H, Fales HM. Urushiols of poisonous Anacardiaceae. Phytochemistry 14;2263–2266, 1975. Guin JD. The black spot test for recognizing poison ivy and related species. J Am Acad Dermatol 2;332–333, 1980. Guin JD, Gillis WT, Beaman JH. Recognizing the Toxicodendrons (poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac). J American Academy Dermatology 4;99–114, 1981. Guin JD. Poison ivy dermatitis in winter with an example of filial contact dermatitis. J Indiana State Med Assoc 76;184, 1983. Guin JD. Treatment of Toxicodendron dermatitis (poison ivy and poison oak). Skin Therapy Lett 6;3–5, 2001. Hegde VL, Venkatesh YP. Anaphylaxis following ingestion of mango fruit. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 17;341–344, 2007. Hershko K, Weinberg I, Ingber A. Exploring the mango-poison ivy connection: the riddle of discriminative plant dermatitis. Contact Dermatitis 52;3–5, 2005. Heywood VH. Anacardiaceae cashew, mango, sumacs, and poison Ivy. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 30–31, 2007. Howell JB. Poison ivy smoke-experiments demonstrating that poison ivy smoke is not a cause of clinical ivy dermatitis. Arch Derm Syphilol 50;306–307, 1944. Hurwitz RM, Rivera HP, Guin JD. Black-spot poison ivy dermatitis. Am J Dermatopathol 6;319–322, 1984. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Jansen A, Deraadt JD, Vantoorenenbergen AW, Vanwijk RG. Allergy to pistachio nuts. Allergy Proc 13;255–258, 1992. Jaret P. The big itch. Hippocrates 1988;76–81, 1988. Johnson RA, Baer H, Kirkpatrick CH, Dawson CR, Khurana RG. Comparison of the contact allergenicity of the four pentadecylcatechols derived from poison ivy urushiol in human subjects. J Allergy Clin Immunol 49;27–35, 1972. Kabashima K, Arima Y, Miyachi Y. Contact dermatitis from lacquer in a “go” player. Contact Dermatitis 49;306–307, 2003. Kawai K, Nakagawa M, Kawai K, Miyakoshi T, Myashita K, Asami T. Heat-treatment of Japanese lacquerware renders it hypoallergenic. Contact Dermatitis 27;244–249, 1992. Keil H, Wasserman D, Dawson CR. The relation of chemical structure in catechol compounds and derivatives to poison ivy hypersensitiveness in man as shown by the patch test. J Exp Med 80;275–287, 1944. Keil H, Wasserman D, Dawson CR. The relation of hypersensitiveness to poison ivy and to cashew nut shell liquid. Science 102;279–280, 1945a. Keil H, Wasserman D, Dawson CR. The relation of hypersensitiveness to poison ivy and to the pure ingredients in cashew nut shell liquid and related substances. Ind Med 14;825–830, 1945b. Keil H, Wasserman D, Dawson CR. Mango dermatitis and its relationship to poison ivy hypersensitivity. Ann Allergy 4;268– 281, 1946.

Knoedler M, Berardini N, Kammerer DR, Carle R, Schieber A. Characterization of major and minor alk(en)ylresorcinols from mango (Mangifera indica L.) peels by high-performance liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 21;945–951, 2007. Knoedler M, Reisenhauer K, Schieber A, Carle R. Quantitative determination of allergenic 5-alk(en)yl-resorcinols in mango (Mangifera indica L) peel, pulp, and fruit products by highperformance liquid chromatography. J Agric Food Chem 57;3639–3644, 2009. Kollef MH. Adult-respiratory distress syndrome after smokeinhalation from burning poison-ivy. J Am Med Assoc 274;359, 1995. Konan NA, Bacchi EM, Lincopan N, Varela SD, Varanda EA. Acute, subacute toxicity and genotoxic effect of a hydroethanolic extract of the cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.). J Ethnopharmacol 110;30–38, 2007. Kurlan JG, Lucky AW. Black spot poison ivy: a report of 5 cases and a review of the literature. J Am Acad Dermatol 45;246– 249, 2001. Lepoittevin JP, Benezra C, Asakawa Y. Allergic contact dermatitis to Ginkgo biloba L. relationship with urushiol. Arch Dermatol Res 281;227–230, 1989. Lloyd HA, Jaouni TM, Evans SL, Morton JF. Terpenes of Schinus terebinthifolius. Phytochemistry 16;1301–1302, 1977. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Mallory SB, Hurwitz RM. Back-spot poison-ivy dermatitis. Clin Dermatol 4;149–151, 1986. Mallory SB, Miller OF, Tyler WB. Toxicodendron radicans dermatitis with black lacquer deposit on the skin. J Am Acad Dermatol 6;363–368, 1982. Marks JG, Trautlein JJ, Epstein WL, Laws DM, Sicard GR. Oral hyposensitization to poison ivy and poison oak. Arch Dermatol 123;476–478, 1987. Marks JG Jr., Fowler JF Jr., Sheretz EF, Rietschel RL. Prevention of poison ivy and poison oak allergic contact dermatitis by quaternium-18 bentonite. J Am Acad Dermatol 33;212–216, 1995. Miell J, Papouchado M, Marshall AJ. Anaphylactic reaction after eating a mango. Br Med J 297;1639–1640, 1988. Mitchell J, Rook AJ. Diagnosis of contact dermatitis from plants. Int J Dermatol 16;257–266, 1977. Mitchell J, Rook AJ. Botanical Dermatology: Plants and Plant Products Injurious to the Skin. Green Grass, Vancouver, BC, 1979. Moraes SM. Properties and pharmacological activities of cashew nut shell liquid, its constituents, and derivatives. Rev Bras Farm 74;87–90, 1993. Morton JF. Brazilian pepper—its impact on people, animals, and the environment. Econ Bot 32;353–359, 1978. Morton JF. Plants Poisonous to People in Florida and Other Warm Areas. Morton, Miami, FL, 1982. Mukherjee SK, Litz RE. Introduction: botany and importance. In The Mango, 2nd Edition: Botany, Production and Uses, 2nd ed. Litz RE, ed. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 1–18, 2009.

Anacardiaceae Lindl. Murphy JC, Watson ES, Harland EC. Toxicological evaluation of poison oak urushiol and its esterified derivative. Toxicology 26;135–142, 1983. Oh SH, Haw CR, Lee MH. Clinical and immunologic features of systemic contact dermatitis from ingestion of Rhus (Toxicodendron). Contact Dermatitis 48;251–254, 2003. Oka K, Saito F, Yasuhara T, Sugimoto A. A study of crossreactions between mango contact allergens and urushiol. Contact Dermatitis 31;292–296, 2004. Orchard S, Fellman JH, Storrs FJ. Poison ivy/oak dermatitis. Arch Dermatol 122;783–789, 1986. Paivo Campello J, Marsaioli AJ. Triterpenes of Schinus terebinthifolius. Phytochemistry 13;659–660, 1974. Park SD, Lee SW, Chun JH, Cha SH. Clinical features of 31 patients with systemic contact dermatitis due to the ingestion of Rhus (lacquer). Br J Dermatol 142;937–942, 2000. Paschke A, Kinder H, Zunker K, Wigotzki M, Steinhart H, Wessbecher R, Vieluf I. Characterization of cross-reacting allergens in mango fruit. Allergy 56;237–242, 2001. Porcel S, Sanchez AB, Rodriguez E, Fletes C, Alvarado M, Jimenez S, Hernandez J. Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis to pistachio. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 16;71–73, 2006. Reginella RF, Fairfield JC, Marks JG Jr. Hyposensitization to poison ivy after working in a cashew nut shell oil processing factory. Contact Dermatitis 20;274–279, 1989. Roberts DL. An outbreak of contact dermatitis from Japanese lacquer tree. Contact Dermatitis 37;237, 1997. Robin J, Fromental A, Beltzer-Garelly E, Binet O. Contact dermatitis caused by Japanese lacquer. Ann Dermatol Venereol 112;987–988, 1985. Rosen T, Fordice DB. Cashew nut dermatitis. South Med J 87;543–546, 1994. Rytand DA. Fatal anuria, the nephrotic syndrome, and glomerular nephritis as sequels of the dermatitis of poison oak. Am J Med 5;548, 1948. Schram SE, Wiley A, Lee PK, Bohjanen KA, Warshaw EM. Black-spot poison ivy. Dermatitis 19;48–51, 2008. Senchina DS. Ethnobotany of poison ivy, poison oak, and relatives (Toxicodendron spp., Anacardiaceae) in America: veracity of historical accounts. Rhodora 108;203–227, 2006. Shelmire B. Nonallergenic nature of poison ivy smoke. Ann Dermatol Syphiligr (Paris) 43;384–384, 1941. Shipley M, Berry H, Broster G, Jenkins M, Clover A, Williams I. Controlled trial of homeopathic treatment of osteoarthritis. Lancet 1;97–98, 1983. Stahl E, Keller K, Blinn C. Cardanol, a skin irritant in pink pepper. Planta Med 48;5–9, 1983.


Stibich AS, Yagan M, Sharma V, Herndon B, Montgomery C. Cost-effective post-exposure prevention of poison ivy dermatitis. Int J Dermatol 39;515–518, 2000. Sullivan JT, Richards CS, Lloyd HA, Krishna G. Anacardic acid: molluscicide in cashew nut shell liquid. Planta Med 44;175– 177, 1982. Symes WF, Dawson CR. Poison ivy “urushiol”. J Am Chem Soc 76;2959, 1954. Tedong L, Dzeufiet PDD, Dimo T, Asogalem EA, Sokeng SN, Flejou J-F, Callard P, Kamtchouing P. Acute and subchronic toxicity of Anacardium occidentale Linn (Anacardiaceae) leaves hexane extract in mice. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med 4;140–147, 2007. Thoo CHF, Freeman S. Hypersensitvity reaction to the ingestion of mango flesh. Australas J Dermatol 49;116–119, 2008. Turner CE. Rhus dermatitis as a public health and health education problem. Am J Public Health 37;7–12, 1947. Tyman JH. Determination of the component phenols in natural and technical cashew nut-shell liquid by gas-liquid chromatography. Anal Chem 48;30–34, 1976. Vietmeyer N. Science has got its hands on poison-ivy, poisonoak, and poison-sumac. USDA Forest Serv Fire Manage Notes 47;23–28, 1986. Vogl O. Oriental lacquer, poison ivy, and drying oils. J Polym Sci [A1] 38;4327–4335, 2000. Walker LA, Watson ES, ElSohly MA. Single dose parenteral hyposensitization to poison ivy urushiol in guinea pigs. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol 17;565–576, 1995. Wasserman D, Dawson CR. Cashew nut shell liquid. 3. The cardol component of Indian cashew nut shell liquid with reference to the liquid’s vesicant activity. J Am Chem Soc 70;3675– 3679, 1948. Watson ES, Murphy JC, Wirth PW, ElSohly MA, Skierkowski P. Immunological studies of poisonous Anacardiaceae: production of tolerance in guinea pigs using 3-n-pentadecylcatechol– “modified” autologous blood cells. J Pharm Sci 70;785–789, 1981. Watson ES, Murphy JC, ElSohly MA. Immunologic studies of poisonous Anacardiaceae. Oral desensitization to poison ivy and oak urushiols in guinea pigs. J Invest Dermatol 80;149– 155, 1983. Watt JM, Breyer-Brandwijk MG. The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa. E&S Livingston, Edinburgh, UK, 1962. Weinstein S, Bassiri-Tehrani S, Cohen DE. Allergic contact dermatitis to mango flesh. Int J Dermatol 43;195–196, 2004. Williford PM, Sheretz EF. Poison ivy dermatitis: nuances in treatment. Arch Fam Med 3;184–188, 1994. Zarrow S, McVeigh G, Rao L. Reader-tested home remedies. Prevention 1991;33–35, 100–105, 1991.

Chapter Seven

Annonaceae Juss.

Custard-Apple or Sweet and Soursop Family Asimina

Commonly known as the custard-apple or sweet and soursop family, the Annonaceae comprises about 128 genera and 2300 species of primarily trees and shrubs (Kessler 1993; Heywood 2007). Distribution is chiefly tropical, especially in the lowland evergreen forests of both the Old and New World. In North America, 3 genera and 12 species are present, including the common Asimina (pawpaw) of the eastern deciduous forests and Annona (custard apple, or bullock’s heart) of southern Florida (Kral 1997). The common names for the family are related to the edible, fleshy fruits produced by its members. Intoxication problems are limited to dermatitis problems associated with species of Asimina.

Although known primarily for its edible fruits, some species are occasionally cultivated for the conspicuous yellow, autumn foliage (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Various tribes of Native Americans ate the fruits either fresh or sun or fire dried (Moerman 1998). They also used the inner bark to make string or rope. Eaten only after the first frost, the oblong, pulpy berries typically contain several large flattened seeds. The custard-like flesh, though sweet and somewhat banana-like in flavor, is characterized as delicious by some individuals and insipid by others. Two species are widespread and commonly encountered: A. parviflora (Michx.) Dunal A. triloba (L.) Dunal

dwarf pawpaw common pawpaw, poor man’s banana, false banana, American custard apple

shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate; flowers axillary; berries fleshy

deciduous shrubs or trees; leaves aromatic; berries pulpy

Plants shrubs or small trees; bark aromatic. Leaves simple; alternate; venation pinnate; margins; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary or fascicles of flowers in leaf axils. Flowers perfect or rarely imperfect; perianths in 2-series, radially symmetrical; receptacles typically enlarging. Sepals 3 or rarely 2 or 4; free or fused. Petals 6–15; in 1 or 2 whorls; free. Stamens 10–20 or many; spirally arranged. Pistils 1–many; simple; styles short; ovaries superior. Fruits berries or syncarps. Seeds 1–many.

Because the morphological features of Asimina are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from the 2 other North American genera by differences in the appearance of their perianths, the fusion of their pistils, and the nature of their fruits (Kral 1997) (Figure 7.1).


Distribution and Habitat—Asimina parviflora occurs in pine or oak woods along the Atlantic and Gulf coast from Virginia to Florida and eastern Texas. In contrast, A. triloba is found in rich, moist soils of the forests of eastern North America (Kral 1997) (Figure 7.2).

Taxonomy and Morphology—A North American genus. Asimina comprises 8 species and 1 named hybrid (Kral 1997). Its name is a French derivation, asiminier, of the Native American name assimin (Quattrocchi 2000).

fruit; allergic dermatitis, digestive disturbance

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Annonaceae Juss.


the same potential for dermatitis exists for A. parviflora. Irritation of the digestive tract was perhaps the basis for medicinal use of pawpaw at one time. A tincture made from seeds was used as an emetic (Millspaugh 1974).

specific toxicant unknown; acetogenins and alkaloids present

Disease Genesis—The specific cause of the dermatitis

Figure 7.1.

Photo of leaves and fruits of Asimina triloba.

Figure 7.2.

Distribution of Asimina triloba.

Disease Problem—Although generally considered to produce an edible fruit, A. triloba may rarely cause dermatitis after the fruit is handled or irritation of the digestive tract after it is eaten (Mitchell and Rook 1979). Barber (1905) reported his own urticarial response to eating ripe pawpaw. Although he had eaten pawpaw previously without harm, a severe response ensued about 6 hours after he ate ground-ripened fruit on one occasion. Fruit eaten by another person at the same time evoked no adverse effects. Thereafter, Barber suffered the same response each time he ate pawpaw, that is, severe nausea and hives that lasted for several hours. It is assumed that

caused by Asimina is not known. However, studies of chemical constituents reveal the presence of two types— acetogenins and alkaloids—that may have toxic effects. Asimina contains numerous bioactive compounds that share structural similarities with those of the Anacardiaceae (sumac family), well known for its contact allergens such as those in poison ivy. Chief among these compounds in the Annonaceae are cytotoxic acetogenins, long-chain 35- to 38-C compounds found in seeds and bark of various genera and species. Acetogenins can be subdivided into several groups based upon the arrangement of the tetrahydrofuran (THF) substituents. Arranged in order of increasing potency, they include mono-THF, nonadjacent bis-THF, and adjacent bis-THF (Gu et al. 1995; Alfonso et al. 1996). There also are a few tri-THF compounds. These cytotoxic compounds may be responsible for the allergic dermatitis experienced by some individuals after becoming sensitized to the fruit. Some acetogenins, called annonins, are also noteworthy for their potential as cytotoxic antineoplastic agents, especially the extensive series found in Annona bullata A. Rich., native to Cuba (Rupprecht et al. 1990; Hui et al. 1992; Gu et al. 1994; Zhao et al. 1994, 1996). The principal mechanism of their action is inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation, specifically through competitive inhibition of NADH : ubiquinone oxidoreductase of complex I (Londershausen et al. 1991). Because complex II is not affected, succinate has been proposed as a likely antidote should intoxications occur (Gu et al. 1995). A secondary toxic effect is inhibition of NADH oxidase in the plasma membrane. Acetogenins of A. triloba’s bark and seeds—asimin, asimicin, asiminacin, bullatacin, trilobin, and trilobacin—are potent adjacent bis-THF types (Rupprecht et al. 1990; Zhao et al. 1992; Gu et al. 1995). Bullatacin is generally accepted as the compound with which the others are compared. It markedly inhibits complex I (Alfonso et al. 1996). Trilobin and asiminacin are of equal or greater potency. Albeit their roles in disease are not clear, acetogenins produce a range of other effects; for example, asimicin is cytotoxic, antimalarial, and pesticidal (Rupprecht et al. 1986) (Figure 7.3).


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 7.3.

Chemical structure of asimicin.

Asimina also produces alkaloids: asimicilone in A. parviflora, asimilobine in A. triloba, and others such as isocorydine, mainly in woody portions of plants (Tomita and Kosuka 1965; Ratnayake et al. 1992). Crude seed oil extract from A. triloba is acutely toxic to rats; it can be rendered nontoxic by refining but not by heating (Matsui 1980). sensitized humans, urticaria (hives), possibly nausea, vomiting, 24–48 hours duration

Clinical Signs and Treatment—Intoxication due to Asimina is apparently a problem only in humans. In sensitized individuals, 3–12 hours after ingestion of the fruits, there is rapid onset of urticaria, or hives, on the face, and it then spreads to other areas. This is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and chills. Complete recovery usually occurs in 24–48 hours. Intoxication in some instances may be characterized by marked overall weakness, and treatment may be directed toward counteracting this effect, possibly with a parenteral source of succinate.

REFERENCES Alfonso D, Johnson HA, Colman-Saizarbitoria T, Presley CP, McCabe GP, McLaughlin JL. SARs of annonaceous acetogenins in rat liver mitochondria. Nat Toxins 4;181–188, 1996. Barber MA. Poisoning due to the papaw (Asimina triloba). J Am Med Assoc 45;2013–2014, 1905. Gu Z-M, Fang X-P, Hui Y-H, McLaughlin JL. 10-, 12-, and 29-hydroxybullatacinones: new cytotoxic annonaceous acetogenins from Annona bullata Rich. (Annonaceae). Nat Toxins 2;49–55, 1994. Gu Z-M, Zhao G-X, Oberlies NH, Zeng L, McLaughlin JL. Annonaceous acetogenins, potent mitochondrial inhibitors with diverse applications. Recent Adv Phytochem 29;249– 310, 1995.

Heywood VH. Annonaceae sweetsop and soursop. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 33–34, 2007. Hui Y-H, Wood KV, McLaughlin JL. Bullatencin, 4-deoxyasimicin, and the uvariamicins: additional bioactive annonaceous acetogenins from Annona bullata Rich. (Annonaceae). Nat Toxins 1;4–14, 1992. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Kessler PJA. Annonaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. II: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families. Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 93–129, 1993. Kral R. Annonaceae jussieu: custard-apple family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 3. Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 11–20, 1997. Londershausen M, Leicht W, Lieb F, Moeschler H, Weiss H. Molecular mode of action of annonins. Pestic Sci 33;427–438, 1991. Matsui T. Studies on the utilization of pawpaw seeds a source of seed oil. Meiji Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku 52;43– 53, 1980. (Chem Abstr 93;237238, 1980). Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover, New York, 1974 (reprint from 1892). Mitchell J, Rook A. Botanical Dermatology—Plants and Plant Products Injurious to the Skin. Greengrass, Vancouver, BC, 1979. Moerman DE. Native American Ethnobotany. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1998. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Ratnayake S, Fang XP, Anderson JE, McLaughlin JL, Evert DR. Bioactive constituents from the twigs of Asimina parviflora. J Nat Prod 55;1462–1467, 1992. Rupprecht JK, Chang CJ, Cassady JM, McLaughlin JL, Mikolajczak KL, Weisleder D. Asimicin, a new cytotoxic and pesticidal acetogenin from the pawpaw, Asimina triloba. Heterocycles 24;1197–1201, 1986. Rupprecht JK, Hui Y-H, McLaughlin JL. Annonaceous acetogenins: a review. J Nat Prod 53;237–278, 1990. Tomita M, Kosuka M. Alkaloids of Asimina triloba. Yakugaku Zasshi 85;77–82, 1965. (Chem Abstr 62;11863d, 1965). Zhao G, Hui Y, Rupprecht JK, McLaughlin JL, Wood KV. Additional bioactive compounds and trilobacin, a novel highly cytotoxic acetogenin from the bark of Asimina triloba. J Nat Prod 55;347–356, 1992. Zhao G-X, Miesbauer LR, Smith DL, McLaughlin JL. Asimin, asiminacin, and asiminecin: novel highly cytotoxic asimicin isomers from Asimina triloba. J Med Chem 37;1971–1976, 1994. Zhao G-X, Chao J-F, McLaughlin JL. (2,4-cis)-Asimicinone and (2,4-trans)-asimicinone: two novel bioactive ketolactone acetogenins from Asimina triloba (Annonaceae). Nat Toxins 4;128–134, 1996.

Chapter Eight

Apiaceae Lindl.

Carrot Family Aethusa Ammi Cicuta Conium Cymopterus Heracleum Sphenosciadium Questionable Daucus Commonly known as the carrot, parsley, or celery family, the Apiaceae comprises 400–450 genera and 3500–3700 species and is among the best-known families of flowering plants because of the economic importance of its genera and species as food, condiments, ornamentals, and as poisonous plants (Heywood 2007a). Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to the circumscription of the family. Although Judd and coworkers (1994, 2008) and Bremer and coworkers (2009) have enlarged the circumscription of the Apiaceae to include the Araliaceae or ginseng family (Chapter 12) as a subfamily, Cronquist (1981), Heywood (2007a,b), and others continue to recognize the two families as distinct as we do here. Future systematic work will hopefully elucidate phylogenetic relationships. source of many spices: anise, caraway, coriander, dill, and fennel Familiar important members of the family include dill, chervil, caraway, coriander, anise, fennel, angelica, eryngo, water hemlock, and poison hemlock. Seeds of several of these genera have been employed as abortifacients in the traditional medicine of ancient Persia (Madari and Jacobs 2004). Although members of the family are widely appreciated for their economic importance, two members are among the most hazardous of all plants for humans. Water hemlock and poison hemlock accounted for nearly

40% of human fatalities related to plants in North America between 1985 and 1994 (Krenzelok et al. 1996). Although early explorers were quite familiar with the usefulness of many plants, especially the pleasant-flavored roots of water parsnip (Sium suave), Hudson Bay Company employees and other explorers were well advised by members of local Indian tribes to take great care in identifying the plants before eating the roots so as to avoid the deadly effects of the very similar water hemlock (Fernald and Kinsey 1958). Widespread in distribution, the family is most common in northern temperate regions. In North America it is represented by 75–94 genera and 380–440 species, both native and introduced. An alternative family name permitted by the rules of botanical nomenclature is Umbelliferae and typically encountered in older and European publications. herbs; flowers small, in umbrella-shaped clusters; petals 5; fruits schizocarps Plants herbs; annuals, biennials, or perennials; foliage typically aromatic. Stems usually hollow or with soft pith. Leaves variable, but usually deeply lobed or dissected; herbaceous or cartilaginous; cauline or forming a basal rosette; 1-pinnately, 2-pinnately, or palmately compound or rarely simple; alternate; petioles typically sheathing; surfaces rugose, smooth, or punctate; terminal leaflets of compound leaves present; venation pinnate or a single vein; stipules absent. Inflorescences umbels or heads; umbels compound or simple; terminal or axillary; bracts present, subtending umbels and forming involucres; bracteoles present, subtending umbellets, and forming involucels. Flowers perfect, perianths in 2-series or 1-series. Calyces radially symmetrical. Sepals 5 or 0; free. Corollas radially symmetrical or occasionally outermost flowers of umbels or umbellets bilaterally symmetrical. Petals 5; small; caducous; free; white, yellow, green, red, purple, or blue; spreading; apices usually inflexed. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 2; stigmas 2; styles 2; stylopodia

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

present; ovaries inferior, lobed in cross section, lobes 2; locules 2; placentation apical; ovules 1 per locule. Nectaries forming disk at bases of styles. Fruits schizocarps; mericarps with at least 5 primary ribs. Seeds 1 per mericarp. photosensitization, neurotoxic, teratogenic

DISEASE PROBLEMS Genera of the Apiaceae are causes of photosensitization, neurotoxicosis, reproductive/teratogenic, and possibly mutagenic/carcinogenic effects. Photosensitization, due to both direct contact and ingestion, is caused by several genera (Table 8.1), and because its genesis, pathology, and treatment for all taxa are essentially the same, it will be described here in a general sense. Aspects of the disease unique to particular genera will be elaborated upon in the genus treatments. Most of the other effects, including the neurotoxicoses, seem to be associated with acetylenic compounds, except for a few instances in which alkaloids, generally sparsely represented in the family, prevail. numerous taxa contain acetylenic compounds of unknown toxicity risk It is estimated that at least 75% of the species of Apiaceae contain acetylenic compounds, especially falcarinol, falcarinone, and/or derivatives, some of which are neurotoxic (Crosby and Aharonson 1967; Bohlmann 1971; Yates and England 1982; Avalos et al. 1995). Even the common Apium (celery), Daucus carota (wild carrot), Berula erecta (cutleaf or narrow-leaved water parsnip), and species of Torilis (the hedge parsleys) contain measurable falcarinol or falcarinone. These compounds are known as potent irritants and contact allergens from the Araliaceae, Hedera helix (Hausen et al. 1987). Berula is also suspected as a cause of death losses in cattle (Kingsbury 1964) (Figures 8.1 and 8.2). Table 8.1.

Figure 8.2.

Chemical structure of falcarinone.

Although intoxication problems in livestock are not reported, species of Angelica that contain acetylenic compounds have been used for suicidal purposes by members of American Indian tribes of Canada (Millspaugh 1974). Only fresh root was used. When dried, other effects such as diuresis prevailed. Fruits of Angelica contain high (up to 2.5%) concentrations of furanocoumarins such as imperitorin, isoimperitorin, and bergapten (Ceska et al. 1987). An Old World species Chaerophyllum temulum (rough chervil) contains falcarinone and a glycoalkaloid, chaerophylline, possibly similar in effect to coniine (Raffauf 1970; Bartik and Piskac 1981). Experimentally, aqueous extracts of seeds of Petroselinum crispum (common parsley) caused resorption of one-half of the embryos of 5 rats and minor developmental effects in the surviving fetuses (Nath et al. 1992). As its common name implies, Sanicula bipinnata (poison sanicle) has a reputation of toxicity of unknown origin. Sium suave (water parsnip), which is common through much of North America, contains falcarinone and other toxins, but reports of intoxication are questionable (Pammel 1911; Kingsbury 1964; Bohlmann 1971). As reported for a European species, signs would be limited to mild neurologic signs and possibly digestive tract irritation (Bartik and Piskac 1981). Species of Thaspium (meadow parsnips), also widely distributed in North America, contain acetylenic compounds and are reported to be similar to Aethusa cynapium in toxicity (Bohlmann 1971; Millspaugh 1974). A number of species in the family contain the hallucinogen myristicin, but in such low concentrations that there is little risk (Hallstrom and Thuvander 1997). Conium is probably the only member of the family in which alkaloids are of toxicologic significance (Fairbairn 1971). The various genera, including Cicuta and Conium, are discussed individually. Conium has also been associated with teratogenic effects.

Genera known to cause photosensitization.

primary photosensitization, limited severity Ammi Cymopterus Heracleum Sphenosciadium

Figure 8.1.

Chemical structure of falcarinol.

bishop’s weed spring parsley cow parsnip whiteheads

Sensitization to light, which may affect any animal species, including birds, has been related to formation of transient reactive radicals in the peripheral circulation and their subsequent effect on surrounding tissues. In a now considered classic treatment on the disease, Clare (1952) described three types: type I, primary photosensitivity; type II, photosensitivity due to aberrant pigment synthesis; and type III, secondary, or hepatogenous,

Apiaceae Lindl.

photosensitivity. Only types I and III are caused by plants. Type I is caused by several genera and many species of the Apiaceae (Table 8.1) The effects of photosensitization are seldom lethal, but large numbers of animals may be affected and the economic losses serious. Disease from these taxa is more akin to sunburn than is the disease caused by other photosensitizing genera. Systemic effects may also be noted, even in the absence of sunlight and in dark-skinned animals (Shlosberg et al. 1974; Egyed et al. 1977; Johnson 1983). Some genera of the Rutaceae produce a similar intoxication, as do a few taxa of the Leguminosae, Moraceae, and Orchidaceae (Pathak et al. 1962; Scott et al. 1976).


(psoralens), the most noteworthy of which are trimethylpsoralen, psoralen, xanthotoxin (8-methoxypsoralen), and bergapten (5-methoxypsoralen). Angular furanocoumarins such as angelicin may also be present, but these are of little consequence as photosensitizers (Murray et al. 1982) (Figures 8.3–8.6). In addition, there are about two dozen other compounds of lesser importance (Pathak et al. 1962; Abu-mustafa et al. 1975). The toxins are in highest concentrations in seeds, but leaves may also have appreciable concentrations under some conditions (Berenbaum 1981). These toxins are present in plants presumably as deterrents to insect feeding (Yajima and Munakata 1979; Downum and Rodriguez 1986).

toxicity variable by season and other factors There is considerable variation in toxicity of plants, with a wide range of seasonal, climatic, insect predation, and other conditions affecting toxicant levels in leaves (Zangerl 1990; Zobel and Brown 1990a,b; Zobel 1991; Trumble et al. 1992). Because of this variation, many of the plants of the family are toxic only under unusual circumstances or following ingestion for several days. There seems to be an increased likelihood of sensitization following contact with wet plants.

furanocoumarins activated by UV light (320–380 nm), contact topical injury, or secondary to ingestion Furanocoumarins are activated by long wavelength UV light (320–380 nm) and undergo type I anaerobic reactions with excitement of electrons to a transient higher orbital energy state and subsequent interaction of the product directly with DNA, without oxygen interaction.

plant fungal infection increases the toxicity risk Fungal and bacterial infections of plants may also be involved in the occurrence of photosensitization. Leaves of Pastinaca (common garden parsnip) and Apium (celery) may become toxic under certain conditions, for celery most notably when it is subjected to fungal infection (Sclerotina sclerotiorum) or bacterial infection (Scheel et al. 1963; Karasawa et al. 1990; Avalos et al. 1995). The blistering action of celery is well known among those handling it, from harvesters to grocery store workers. A vesicular disease in white-skinned pigs has also been observed in the field and reproduced experimentally by feeding or rubbing parsnip or celery leaves on the snouts and feet (Montgomery et al. 1987a,b).

Figure 8.3.

Chemical structure of psoralen.

Figure 8.4.

Chemical structure of bergapten.

Figure 8.5.

Chemical structure of xanthotoxin.

Figure 8.6.

Chemical structure of angelicin.

photosensitization: extensive series of furanocoumarins

DISEASE GENESIS The type I photosensitizing genera of the family contain members of a series of furanocoumarins and furanochromones and are able to elicit disease through topical or oral exposure and by single or repeated doses. The primary offenders are a series of linear furanocoumarins


Toxic Plants of North America

There is cross-linking of DNA strands by linear furanocoumarins and monoadducts formed with angular types because of stearic misalignments (Scott et al. 1976; Song and Tapley 1979; Dodge and Knox 1986; Ivie 1987). Additional systemic effects occur by similar adduct formation with RNA and various cellular sites. The typical tissue injury accompanying photoactivation may in some measure be due to formation of covalent adducts with fatty acids followed by lipid membrane alterations (Specht et al. 1988). Furanocoumarin transfer to the skin may occur by topical contact with oil ducts of the leaf surface or following ingestion of the plant. Sunlight subsequently initiates the reaction, with the skin remaining sensitive for up to a week following exposure to the plant. The term phytophotodermatitis has been suggested to describe the topical contact disease (Klaber 1942). minor therapeutic uses for some taxa Some taxa have long been recognized for their therapeutic value, most notably to stimulate pigmentation in cases of vitiligo, a disease of patchy depigmentation of the skin. Some species, such as Ammi majus, are used as a source of xanthotoxin for photochemotherapy of psoriasis (de Wolff and Thomas 1986). Referred to as PUVA (psoralen UVA) treatment, xanthotoxin (8-methoxypsoralen) administration is combined with controlled exposure to ultraviolet A light (320–400 nm) in treatment of psoriasis (Menter et al. 2010). Under these conditions psoralen-DNA crosslinkages increase the risk of development of squamous cell carcinomas and possibly melanomas with long-term high dosage (Stern et al. 1997; Stern and Lunder 1998; Stern 2001). Thus this use is no longer recommended for treatment of psoriasis (Ceska et al. 1987; Weatherhead et al. 2007; Ceovic et al. 2009; Menter et al. 2010). An additional complication with PUVA is the possibility of reproductive effects. Experimentally, psoralens decrease fertility in mice and possibly may cause low birth rates when given during pregnancy in women (Gunnarskog et al. 1993; Diawara and Kulkosky 2003). It is suggested that these effects may be due to increased metabolism of 17βestradiol. Taxa containing furanocoumarins such as psoralen and xanthotoxin are also known to inhibit mitosis by disrupting spindle function and have been employed as abortifacients in some cultures (Podbielkowska et al. 1995; Keightley et al. 1996; Madari and Jacobs 2004). However, the possibility of direct adverse fetal outcomes still remains in question (Weatherhead et al. 2007). In cattle and sheep, the ingested furanocoumarins undergo ruminal O-demethylation and hepatic oxidation and ring cleavage with glucuronide and sulfate conjugation. As a result of apparent metabolism upon first passage through the liver, the half-lives of these compounds are

Table 8.2. Genera containing linear furanocoumarins and potentially photosensitizing. Angelica Apium Cicuta Conium Pastinaca Sium

angelica cultivated celery water hemlock poison hemlock common parsnip water parsnip

quite short; however, binding to cellular constituents such as DNA extends their biological effects for a much longer period (de Wolff and Thomas 1986). As shown in dogs, methoxsalen, a representative compound, is metabolized by opening of the furan ring and excreted almost equally in urine and bile. However, there is persistence for several weeks of the compound via protein binding (Kolis et al. 1979). There is very little public health risk, because there is little of the toxicants in milk or eggs (Ivie et al. 1986; Pangilinan et al. 1992). Other genera that are known to contain linear furanocoumarins have not as yet been associated with disease (Table 8.2). Additional genera containing a variety of furanocoumarin types that are of unknown toxicologic significance include Ligus ticum (lovage), Lomatium (wild parsley), Petroselinum (parsley), Glehnia (= Phel lopterus, wavewing), Pimpinella (burnet saxifrage), and Seseli (seseli). livestock, skin, erythema, edema, especially the muzzle, ears, and udder, moderate itch; eye, reddening of cornea, conjunctiva

CLINICAL SIGNS Similar signs are produced by all the photosensitizing taxa. In livestock, these signs include erythema and edema of the skin of the muzzle, ears, udder, teats, and vulva and scratching of affected areas. In some cases lesions may be limited to areas of contact with the plants, or they may be more widely distributed in less protected and minimally pigmented skin areas. Blisters may form in the skin, with exudation and subsequent ulceration. Involvement of the eyes is common, with sensitivity to light and inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva, sometimes with corneal opacities. In poultry, similar effects occur in unfeathered areas, leading to serious deformities of the beak, legs, and feet; loss of comb, wattles, and feathers of the head; and increased pigmentation of the skin. Pigmentary retinopathy may accompany the other ocular effects. humans, skin, erythema, blistering, 1–2 days after topical exposure

Apiaceae Lindl.

In humans, whether on first or subsequent exposures, reddening and blistering of the skin occurs about 48 hours after exposure (Mitchell and Rook 1977). Residual hyperpigmentation of the skin may develop and persist for several months.

in vitro assay available to aid diagnosis

Diagnosis or incrimination of a specific genus or species may be aided by the use of an in vitro microbiological assay of photosensitivity that utilizes the fungus Candida albicans and is especially useful with the furanocoumarins (Rowe and Norman 1989).

Plants annuals. Stems erect; freely branching; 20–70 cm tall. Leaves 2- or 3-pinnately dissected, the terminal segments narrow. Umbels compound; open; bracts of involucres absent or few; bracteoles of involucels 2–5. Sepals absent. Petals white. Schizocarps broadly ovate; nearly terete in cross section; with prominent corky ribs (Figure 8.7).

Distribution and Habitat—A native of Eurasia, A. cynapium occurs as a weed in disturbed sites, primarily in the northeastern quarter. Populations have also been reported in Alabama. Flowering is from June to August (Figure 8.8). generally unpalatable, neurotoxic, vomiting, seizures

gross pathology: skin lesions; microscopic: mild renal tubular and liver lesions

PATHOLOGY Skin and eye changes as described above constitute the most prominent lesions. In addition, in some cases systemic lesions may be apparent, albeit usually only minor in degree. These include mild renal tubular dilation with flattened epithelia and mild hepatic fatty change and necrosis (Egyed et al. 1977; Witzel et al. 1978). skin lesions are usually mild and require no specific treatment

TREATMENT The photosensitization is typically mild and treatment generally is not required. Prevention of access to the offending plants is sufficient to allow recovery. In severe cases, recovery may require several weeks. Nursing offspring may require supplemental feeding.

Figure 8.7.

Line drawing of Aethusa cynapium.

Figure 8.8.

Distribution of Aethusa cynapium.

AETHUSA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus, Aethusa is native to the Old World (Mabberley 2008). The single species in North America is: A. cynapium L.

fool’s parsley, dog’s parsley, dog poison, garden hemlock, lesser hemlock, small hemlock

erect, freely branching annuals; leaves pinnately dissected; petals white



Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems—Little is known of the toxicity of A. cynapium; the rarity of problems is perhaps related to its weedy nature, unpalatability, and occurrence in habitats not typically grazed by livestock. There is considerable disagreement about the toxicity of the species, and some workers view it as an innocuous plant. This may be an indication of markedly differing toxicity among varieties in diverse geographical locations (Millspaugh 1974). Extracts of leaves, when administered to a dog in which vomiting was prevented by esophageal ligation, caused dilated pupils, decreased arousal and heart rate, and seizures (Millspaugh 1974). The animal died in 1 hour. In a situation where a sow and her pigs were abruptly allowed access to a weedy pen dominated by A. cynapium, there was rapid onset of ataxia of the pelvic limbs and death of the sow and 3 piglets in 2–3 hours (Barr and Davies 1963). A few hours later, 3 more piglets died. It was suspected that in this situation, plants were eaten because the animals were allowed access to green forage after being indoors for a prolonged period. Swart (1975) describes a case involving goats, in which there was ataxia and digestive problems. Aethusa cynapium is also reputed to have produced numerous intoxications in humans when mistaken for parsley, with death in some instances (Kingsbury 1964; Millspaugh 1974).

neurotoxic, 10- to 13-C polyacetylenic compounds

Disease Genesis—Aethusa cynapium is reputed to contain cynapine, a coniine-like alkaloid, but this is questionable (Bohlmann 1971; Bartik and Piskac 1981; Scatizzi et al. 1993). This species does contain large amounts of numerous (at least 25) polyacetylenic compounds, including aethusin; most have 13-C side chains, and a few have 10-C and 11-C chains (Bohlmann 1971). The persistent vomiting and tonic–clonic picrotoxin-like seizures are consistent with polyacetylenic-type toxins (Frohne and Pfander 1984) (Figure 8.9).

livestock: digestive upset; seizures; paralysis

Figure 8.9.

Representative acetylenic compounds.

humans: diarrhea





Clinical Signs—Ingestion of large amounts of the tops of plants is said to cause stupor, digestive tract upset, pupillary dilation, seizures, and paralysis in horses, cattle, and sheep (Cary et al. 1924; Bartik and Piskac 1981). In children there is nausea, stomach cramps, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and, in a few instances, seizures.

administer activated charcoal

Treatment—Activated charcoal may be beneficial if given early in the course of the disease; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of the specific signs. Rarely, control of seizures with diazepam may be indicated.

AMMI L. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus of 3 or 4 species, Ammi occurs primarily in the Mediterranean region (Mabberley 2008). It is represented in North America by 2 species (USDA, NRCS 2012): A. majus L. A. visnaga (L.) Lam.

bishop’s weed, greater ammi bisnaga, bishop’s weed, toothpick ammi, khella, chellah

erect, branching annuals; leaves pinnately compound or dissected; petals white

Plants annuals or biennials. Stems erect; branching; 20–80 cm tall. Leaves 3-pinnately compound or pinnately dissected, the terminal leaflets linear to lanceolate. Umbels compound; open or compact; bracts of involucres numerous; entire or divided; bracteoles of involucels entire. Sepals minute teeth. Petals white; wide; apices 2-lobed. Schizocarps oblong to ovate (Figures 8.10 and 8.11).

Distribution and Habitat—Of Eurasian origin, both species have inadvertently been introduced into the southeastern part of the continent. Occurring sporadically, plants are typically found in disturbed sites such as rightsof-way and waste areas. Seed is now available from wildflower seed producers (Figures 8.12 and 8.13).

Apiaceae Lindl.

Figure 8.10.

Figure 8.11.

Figure 8.12.

Distribution of Ammi majus.

Figure 8.13.

Distribution of Ammi visnaga.


Illustration of Ammi majus.

Photo of Ammi visnaga. Courtesy of Penarc.

photosensitization: skin, eyes, in all livestock, including poultry

Disease Problems and Genesis—Species of Ammi cause photosensitization; A. majus is the more toxic of the two,

and its seeds are more toxic than its foliage. Furthermore, it is readily eaten, whereas A. visnaga is quite unpalatable (Shlosberg et al. 1974). Seeds of A. visnaga were toxic but not lethal in 1-week-old chicks at 10% of the diet (Ibrahim et al. 2004). Disease problems have been reported for cattle, sheep, and poultry (Egyed et al. 1977; Dollahite et al. 1978; Witzel et al. 1978; Mendez et al. 1991). Among poultry, ducks seem most susceptible, geese intermediate, and chickens and turkeys least sensitive (Egyed et al. 1975a). The photosensitizing furanocoumarins bergapten (0.2– 0.3%), imperatorin (0.7–0.8%), and xanthotoxin (1– 1.5%) have been isolated from A. majus seeds (Karawya et al. 1970). In one instance, eight 100-kg calves grazing wheat stubble infested with A. majus developed typical signs (Lopez and Odriozola 1987). Total furocoumarin content was 1.4% in plants with ripe seeds (Figure 8.14).


Toxic Plants of North America

effects on liver pyranocoumarin




In addition to photosensitization, there are systemic effects, even in the absence of sunlight and in dark-skinned animals (Shlosberg et al. 1974; Egyed et al. 1977). Systemic effects, including kidney and liver degeneration, appear to be due to the furanochromones khellin and visnagin and to the pyranocoumarin visnadin, which have been identified in A. visnaga. Visnadin, a dilator of smooth muscle, appears to be the most potent constituent causing systemic effects, especially of coronary vessels and possibly bronchioles but having little effect on other systemic vessels (Anrep et al. 1949; Bagouri 1949). Some of its effects appear to be due possibly to Ca2+ channel inhibition (Rauwald et al. 1994). Because of these effects, dried fruits of A. visnaga have been used for medicinal purposes in Middle Eastern countries (Anrep et al. 1949) (Figures 8.15 and 8.16).

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Following ingestion of Ammi by poultry, initial signs include: erythema and vesicles on the comb, eyelids and conjunctiva, and photophobia. These photosensitization effects eventually lead to

deformed beaks, stunted combs, mydriasis, irregularly shaped pupils, and weight loss (Shlosberg and Egyed 1978). Ocular effects in ducks and geese are severe and may be accompanied by fundic pigmentation and temporary loss of sight (Eilat et al. 1974; Egyed et al. 1975b). Dairy cattle ingesting alfalfa and clover contaminated with Ammi majus for about 7 days developed typical skin lesions mainly on the muzzle, teats, udder, and vulva, and exhibited a 20% drop in milk production, with recovery requiring about a week (Egyed et al. 1974). In another situation, Yeruham and coworkers (1988) observed three phases of signs in merino lambs eating Vicia hay contaminated with A. majus. Initially there was s.c. edema of the head and neck and then vesicles and erosions of the mouth and tongue. Eventually crusts appeared around the nostrils and mouth. prevent access to plants; provide shade

Treatment—Treatment is similar to that for other taxa producing photosensitization but in general, for poultry it is limited mainly to preventing access to the plants and providing shade to avoid exposure to direct sunlight if possible.


Figure 8.14.

Chemical structure of imperatorin.

Taxonomy and Morphology—The genus Cicuta, traditionally known as water hemlock, is now considered to comprise 4 species in North America (Mulligan 1980; USDA, NRCS 2012): C. bulbifera L. C. douglasii (DC.) C. maculata L.

C. virosa L.

Figure 8.15.

Chemical structure of khellin.

bulbous water hemlock Douglas water hemlock, J.M.Coult. & Rose, Western water hemlock water hemlock, beaver poison, snakeweed, spotted cowbane, children’s bane, death-of-man, musquash root, poison parsley, spotted water hemlock Mackenzie’s water hemlock, northern water hemlock

Other species names—for example, C. bolanderi S. Watson (salt marsh hemlock)—are encountered in the older literature; these taxa are now recognized to be only varieties of the morphologically variable, widespread C. maculata.

Figure 8.16.

Chemical structure of visnadin.

erect perennials, stout hollow stems; lower stem and roots chambered with oily yellowish liquid; leaves pinnately compound, veins extending to sinuses or notches between teeth; umbels; petals white

Apiaceae Lindl.

Plants perennials; from thickened tuberous bases. Roots clustered; fleshy tuberous. Stems erect; stout; smooth; hollow; sometimes purplish streaked; up to 2.5 m tall; primary rootstocks and lower portion of stems chambered, the chambers containing an oily yellowish liquid that turns reddish brown upon exposure to air. Leaves 1- or 2- or 3-pinnately compound; leaflets lanceolate, margins serrate, veins extending to sinuses between teeth. Umbels compound; large; open; bracts of involucres absent or few, narrow; bracteoles of involucels few or several, narrow. Sepals well developed; triangular. Petals white. Schizocarps oval to orbicular; pale brown; with conspicuous ribs (Figures 8.17–8.20). Cicuta maculata, or common water hemlock, is the most commonly encountered species. It is readily recognized by its typically solitary occurrence along waterways, tall stature, and large hemispheric inflorescence. Plants have a strong parsniplike odor, and the extensions of veins to the sinuses between the teeth of the leaflets are different from those of most other genera of the family, such as Sium, whose veins extend to the apices of the teeth. The other species differ in minor features and are difficult to distinguish.

Figure 8.18.

Photo of plant of Cicuta maculata.

Figure 8.19.

Photo of stem chambers of Cicuta maculata.


in or near water

Figure 8.17.

Line drawing of Cicuta maculata.

Figure 8.20. Photo of flowers of Cicuta maculata. Courtesy of George M. Diggs Jr.


Toxic Plants of North America

Distribution and Habitat—Of the 4 species, C. maculata has the greatest geographical distribution, occurring across the continent. Cicuta bulbifera also extends across the continent. Cicuta douglasii is a species of the northwestern corner of the continent, whereas C. virosa is found in the far north. All species are typically restricted to wet habitats along streams, near ponds, or in marshy areas, and plants sometimes may be found growing in water. Unlike Conium, Cicuta seldom grows in dense stands, more often occurring as scattered, solitary plants (Figures 8.21–8.24).

neurotoxic, humans and animals, vomiting, seizures, minutes after eating

Disease Problems—Species of Cicuta are well recognized to be extremely potent toxic plants that quickly act on the central nervous system. There are numerous recorded cases of intoxications in children and adults who have mistakenly eaten plants of the genus, thinking them to be wild carrots or wild parsnips (Starreveld and Hope 1975; Heath 2001). Plant parts with high levels of toxins are apparently not distasteful to cattle. Likewise, humans eat the roots without reservation although there are differences in perceived taste; some individuals report a turpentine-like taste and others a taste of sweet wild anise (Costanza and Hoversten 1973; Carlton et al. 1979; Panter et al. 2007). Intoxications in humans are typified by abrupt violent onset of illness with vomiting and severe intermittent seizures. Nausea, sweating, and copious salivation are also common (Starreveld and Hope 1975;

Figure 8.21.

Distribution of Cicuta bulbifera.

Figure 8.23.

Distribution of Cicuta maculata.

Figure 8.22.

Distribution of Cicuta douglasii.

Figure 8.24.

Distribution of Cicuta virosa.

Apiaceae Lindl.

Mitchell and Routledge 1978; Knutsen and Paszkowski 1984). Death, which occurs within a few hours after eating the roots, occurs in the midst of violent muscular activity. It may take only a few bites to produce severe signs. A classic example is the case of six college students and two guides who were white-water rafting the Owyhee River in eastern Oregon (Landers et al. 1985). Six of the men tasted roots of what was called wild parsnip but in reality was C. douglasii. Four experienced only discomfort; however, one individual who ate two roots and another who ate one root developed grand mal-type seizures within 1 hour. The man who had eaten two roots experienced six severe intermittent seizures and died of cardiopulmonary arrest 2.5 hours later. The other individual, who had eaten one root, had five seizures of 2 minutes duration each over a period of 3 hours. He subsequently recovered without any lasting effects. A second illustration of the potency of only a few bites of the roots is the tale of two brothers who, while searching for wild ginseng, mistakenly ate roots of C. maculata. One brother ate three bites, and the second brother ate one bite (Sweeney et al. 1994). Within 30 minutes, the first brother vomited and had a seizure and within another 15 minutes was unresponsive and cyanotic. Despite resuscitation efforts, he died about 3 hours after ingestion of the three bites of root. The main signs were profuse salivation and severe tonic–clonic seizures with apnea. The second brother developed seizures and delirium 2 hours after his single bite of the root but subsequently recovered with conservative treatment. It is of interest that humans who recover from Cicuta ingestion may have no memory of the intoxication events, despite the violence of the seizures and muscular activity (Gompertz 1926; Starreveld and Hope 1975; Landers et al. 1985). An extensive review of cases in humans is provided by Schep and coworkers (2009). highly lethal Toxicity of the rootstocks is somewhat variable but probably can be considered lethal at dosages of 0.5% b.w. or less (Kingsbury 1964; Panter et al. 1988a). Dosage of 2 g/kg b.w. of tubers to sheep resulted in death in 1–2 hours, whereas 1–1.5 g/kg b.w. caused subacute intoxication. The sheep recovered partially within 12 hours and completely in several days to a week (Panter et al. 1996). Consumption of only a few rootstocks by a cow may quickly produce clinical signs (Hedrick 1897; Pammel 1917, 1921; Fleming et al. 1920). There are occasional episodes of intoxication in livestock eating the roots while feeding in particularly wet areas. Typically, few animals will be involved, although on occasion, circumstances will prevail that result in larger losses, as is typified by a report


of illness in 17 bull calves in a group of 62; 10 of the 17 eventually died (Volker et al. 1983). In most instances, animals are found dead, sometimes with indications of a violent terminal struggle. While most serious and lethal intoxications involve eating rootstalks, high concentrations of the toxins may also be present in green seed heads (mature umbels and fruits), with deaths reported for cattle consuming them (Panter et al. 2007). oily liquid in roots contains acetylenic alcohols

Disease Genesis—There are two genera—Cicuta in North America and Oenanthe in Europe and several species—that contain similar toxins and produce nearly identical effects. An indication of the respect given these plants lies with the common names dead men’s fingers and five-finger death, which refer to the appearance of the roots of O. crocata (Cooper and Johnson 1984). The poisonous principals are acetylenic alcohols present in the oily yellowish liquid that accumulates in high concentrations in the rootstock chambers and lower stem as well as in the inflorescences (Anet et al. 1953; Panter et al. 2007). Cicuta produces cicutoxin, cicutol, isocicutoxin, virols A, B, and C, and falcarindiol and the similarly toxic Oenanthe yields oenanthotoxin, oenanthetol, and oenanthetone (Hill et al. 1955; Konoshima and Lee 1986; Uwai et al. 2000). All are similar 17-C complex linear structures containing two trienes and three dienes in differing orders. Cicutoxin and oenanthotoxin are diols, oenanthetone is a ketone, and the others are alcohols. Cicuta virosa has been shown to contain at least 11 acetylenic compounds, some novel, but no keto types (Wittstock et al. 1995) (Figures 8.25–8.27). mechanism of action? possibly ion channel block and/ or GABA inhibition

Figure 8.25.

Chemical structure of cicutoxin.

Figure 8.26.

Chemical structure of cicutol.

Figure 8.27.

Chemical structure of oenanthotoxin.


Toxic Plants of North America

The specific mechanism of action of these acetylenic toxicants is uncertain. They are known, however, to inhibit electron transport in plants (Roshchina et al. 1980). Cicutoxin also is cytotoxic, with potent antileukemic activity (Konoshima and Lee 1986). Possibly of greater significance in animals are the toxin effects on Na+ and K+ channels, depending on the specific neuronal preparation. In early studies using oenanthotoxin, there was reversible blockade of Na+ and/or K+ currents mainly via action on closed channels (Dubois and Schneider 1982; Louvel et al. 1982). The outward current was most strongly affected. With the patch clamp technique and proliferation assays, cicutoxin produces reversible K+ channel block in lymphocytes (Strauss et al. 1996). In contrast to other polyacetylenes of the family, cicutoxin causes an increase up to 6-fold in duration of repolarization of giant cells of snail parietal ganglion (Wittstock et al. 1997). Various workers have suggested that prolongation of the action potential at excitatory synapses would promote increased excitatory activity (Louvel et al. 1982; Wittstock et al. 1997). The effects of cicutoxin are also noted to be very similar to those produced by picrotoxin, a noncompetitive inhibitor of GABA (Mitchell and Routledge 1978). Cicuta toxins strongly bind to GABAgated chloride channels (Uwai et al. 2000). This suggests that there may be an alternative mechanism of intoxication. The toxins appear to act on the GABA agonist site and on the chloride channel of the GABA receptor channel complex, thus depressing inhibitory modulation of activity in the central nervous system (Uwai et al. 2001). This possibility is given further credibility by the similarity of some of the signs to those of strychnine, an antagonist of glycine spinal inhibitory pathways, and the effectiveness of diazepam, a GABA enhancer, in controlling the neurologic effects (Gompertz 1926; Nelson et al. 1978).

neurologic effects, severe but generally of only a few hours’ duration

Cicutoxin is not only a convulsant but also seems to produce cardiopulmonary effects. Early observations suggested effects on the brain stem, with direct cardiac actions (Grundy and Howarth 1956). This is consistent with clinical observations on the disparity in duration of the convulsant effects and those involving blood flow and pressure, such as the flushing of the skin, which lasts 1–2 days (Robson 1965; Withers et al. 1969). Duration of neurologic effects is usually limited to 3–4 hours because the toxins are rapidly eliminated or neutralized.

toxicity variable by season and geographical location

Toxin concentrations vary considerably with season and geographical location (Fleming et al. 1920; Anet et al. 1953). For the European species C. virosa, there appear to be quantitative but not qualitative variations in acetylenic profiles among plants from different locations and seasons (Wittstock et al. 1995). The same is probably true for the other three species in North America with differences in concentrations among them; for example, highest concentrations in C. maculata and lowest in the much less toxic C. bulbifera (Mulligan and Munro 1981). It has been our observation that the amount of oily yellowish liquid exuding from the root of C. maculata when cut is an indication of toxin concentration and toxicity of the plants. Plants with little liquid have been of low toxicity. Plants are said to be most toxic when dormant and least toxic when actively growing (Pammel 1911). The first new leaves and stems in early spring are particularly dangerous because they may be avidly eaten (Fleming et al. 1920). However, other studies indicate that cicutoxin concentrations in the plant may be high throughout the growing season (Payonk and Segelman 1980). The tuberous roots are apparently not too distasteful—cattle will sometimes eat them readily (Pammel 1917). Toxin levels, which are lowest in the upper leafy parts, decline as the leaves mature and dry. However, the concentration of toxin in roots is sufficient to pose a serious hazard throughout the year. This presents a particular problem if plants are pulled up and allowed to remain lying on the ground where livestock can eat the roots or when the ground becomes wet enough to allow entire plants to be easily pulled up and the roots eaten. all animals, violent muscular activity Sequence of Signs 1. uneasiness, muscle twitching 2. jaw champing, frenzied activity 3. bellowing, violent seizures

Clinical Signs—Signs of Cicuta intoxication are very consistent among all animal species, including humans. The predominant sign is increasingly violent muscular activity. The toxin is a potent, rapidly fatal convulsant that seems to act both on the central nervous system and on skeletal muscle. Three stages of intoxication in animals may be recognized (Jacobson 1915; Fleming et al. 1920). During the first hour after consumption, there is nausea; vomiting; uneasiness and twitching of the muscles of the lips, nose, face, and ears; ataxia; and perhaps mydriasis. Thereafter, seizures become increasingly evident, with champing of the jaws, grinding of the teeth, throwing of the head and neck grotesquely backwards, and sometimes frenzied activity. Peculiar, spasmodic diaphragmatic

Apiaceae Lindl.

contractions accompanying the incipient seizures have also been noted (Marsh and Clawson 1914; Panter et al. 1988c). Subsequently, seizure episodes may become more frequent and prolonged, so that the animal falls with kicking or running, tonic–clonic seizures. There may be accompanying bellowing, frothy bloody salivation, and bloat, and the tongue may be severely lacerated by the jaw’s champing. Pigs may vomit and in particular may be prone to run about haphazardly (Hansen 1928). In miniature horses, circling and then seizures were noted with death within 2 days (Takeda et al. 2007).

death due to cardiopulmonary arrest; prognosis improved with survival for more than a few hours

Death may occur within 1–8 hours of ingestion due to anoxia and cardiopulmonary arrest. Survival beyond 8 hours is a good indicator for eventual recovery if no complications from the convulsions ensue. In those who survive, there may be significant increases in serum LDH, AST, and CK enzymes 1–2 days after ingestion. In some instances, animals may eat only a small amount of plant material, sufficient to cause muscular twitching but not the violent convulsions. Many of the signs have been likened to those of acute grass tetany in cattle (Dijkstra and Falkema 1981).

humans: nausea, sweating, grand mal seizures with bizarre twitching of shoulder muscles

In humans, some of the more distinctive signs are nausea, sweating, excess salivation, weakness, dizziness, chewing movements, slightly bulging eyes, a clamped jaw, grand mal tonic–clonic seizures, and bizarre twitching of the muscles of the face, neck, and shoulders, and perhaps even opisthotonus (Jacobson 1915; Fleming et al. 1920; Gompertz 1926; Starreveld and Hope 1975; Mitchell and Routledge 1978; Knutsen and Paszkowski 1984). Signs may begin within 30 minutes after ingestion. The severe muscular activity may result in rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinuria, hyperthermia, coagulopathy, and renal failure. As in animals, death is due to cardiopulmonary arrest. The first 24 hours are key to survival, although in some instances serious signs with seizures may persist for several more days. Complete recovery may require additional time and in some instances there may be residual muscle soreness for days and possibly neurologic abnormalities for months (Costanza and Hoversten 1973; Knutsen and Paszkowski 1984).


gross pathology: bruises on skin from muscular activity; plant fragments in stomach; analysis of extracts of stomach contents

Pathology—There are no consistent gross lesions with this rapidly fatal disease. Bruises and lacerations may be evident on the skin, in muscles, and on the tongue and lips. Scattered small hemorrhages may be apparent in various tissues, especially in the heart. Microscopically, there may be granular myocardial fiber cytoplasmic degeneration even in those animals dying within a few hours after ingestion of the roots (Panter et al. 1996). Diagnosis may be aided by careful examination of the stomach (rumen, reticulum, and omasum in the case of ruminants) for root fragments of Cicuta. In addition, extracts of the encountered fragments and/or the entire contents of the stomachs may be analyzed for cicutoxin and cicutol using gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (Smith and Lewis 1987; Panter et al. 2007; Takeda et al. 2007). sedation, barbiturates, or diazepam to control seizures; atropine to control the cardiac effects

Treatment—There is no specific therapy, but sedation to control the convulsions is indicated. Experimentally, when administered early, treatment with 30 mg/kg b.w. of pentobarbital and 75 mg of atropine prevented development of signs, lesions, and death in sheep given an otherwise fatal dose of rootstocks (Panter et al. 1996). Administration of fluids and electrolytes and possibly respiratory support are appropriate as needed. In some instances, rumenotomy and flushing with water to remove the root fragments may be appropriate (Wilcox 1899), but with onset of signs, the plant material may already be beyond the reticulum/rumen. Generally recommended for seizure control in adult humans is i.v. use of diazepam (10–20 mg), lorazepam (4–8 mg), or phenobarbital (15–20 mg/kg) initially, repeated as needed, but anticholinergics should not be used (Schep et al. 2009). Thiopentone infusion i.v. has also provided effective control of the muscular activity in a human intoxication (Starreveld and Hope 1975). Activated charcoal may be helpful at a dosage of 50–100 g in 8 oz water for adults and 25–50 g in 4 oz water for children (Froberg et al. 2007). However, inserting a stomach tube for administration of the slurry can precipitate or worsen the convulsions. Hemodialysis and hemoperfusion, in combination with diuresis—a muscle relaxant— and mechanical ventilation, have also been used with success in an intoxication in a man (Knutsen and Paszkowski 1984).


Toxic Plants of North America

CONIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus comprising about 6 species (Mabberley 2008), Conium is represented in North America by a single species (USDA, NRCS 2012): C. maculatum L. poison hemlock, spotted hemlock, stinkweed, St. Bennett’s weed, poison parsley, fool’s parsley, carrot fern, winter fern

The leaves of poison hemlock resemble those of carrot, parsley, and dill, and identification of immature plants is thus sometimes difficult. The species flowers from late April through June (Figures 8.28–8.30).

Distribution and Habitat—Conium maculatum is widely distributed throughout North America and absent only in the southwestern deserts. It is particularly abundant in the Great Plains and less common northward. Although plants may be found along stream banks, they

erect annuals or biennials, stout hollow stems, large white taproot; leaves 2- to 4-pinnately compound, finely dissected leaflets; compound umbels; petals white Plants annuals or biennials; from large, white taproots. Stems erect; stout; hollow; finely longitudinally ridged; to 3 m tall; often profusely splotched with purple and, when crushed, have a strong disagreeable odor sometimes described as “mousy.” Leaves large; broadly triangular; 2–4 pinnately compound; leaflets ovate to oblong; pinnately incised. Umbels compound; large; open; bracts of involucres few, ovate to lanceolate; bracteoles of involucels few, resembling bracts but smaller. Sepals absent. Petals white. Schizocarps oval; pale brown; with conspicuous wavy longitudinal ribs.

Figure 8.28.

Line drawing of Conium maculatum.

Figure 8.29.

Photo of plants of Conium maculatum.

Figure 8.30.

Photo of mottled stem of Conium maculatum.

Apiaceae Lindl.

Figure 8.31.

Distribution of Conium maculatum.

are not restricted to such habitats and often occur in roadside borrow ditches and other disturbed areas with sufficient soil moisture. Often, large dense stands are established (Figure 8.31).

neurotoxic; early mild stimulation, later depression

Disease Problems—Conium maculatum produces two types of intoxications: depression of the central nervous system in a variety of animals and teratogenicity primarily in cattle and pigs. Neurotoxic effects associated with this species are of classical interest because it is believed to be the plant from which a fresh juice decoction was prepared as a Grecian state poison. It is reputed that old men often gave one another these decoctions at “farewell” banquets, and it seems probable that Socrates drank such a potion (Millspaugh 1974). Because there appear to be problems correlating some of the clinical signs described by Plato as Socrates died with those typically associated with Conium, questions remain about whether it was indeed the plant. However, the peaceful death described may be accounted for if dosage of Conium was very large or if opium was used with the Conium (Daugherty 1995; Dayan 2009). Decoctions were apparently employed to provide a regal exit for ancient Greek philosophers such as Theramenes and Phocion (Baskin 1967). Several biblical incidents have been interpreted by some scholars as possibly related to Conium. Toxicity of European migratory quail, known since ancient times and referred to in the Bible (Numbers 11:32–34), has been ascribed to consumption of C. maculatum seeds by the birds. This has now been largely discounted because the seeds are known to be quite toxic to quail (Kennedy and Grivetti 1980;


Frank and Reed 1987, 1990). Davies and Davies (1994) have suggested that Conium may have been used to contaminate the incense involved in the deaths of Aaron’s two oldest sons while they were offering “unholy fire” (Leviticus 10:1–2). Intoxications in humans are uncommon, although there are occasional occurrences (Fuller and McClintock 1986). Rizzi et al. (1991) describe 17 cases, including 4 deaths that occurred over a number of years. The most common finding was a curare-like effect resulting in reduction of muscle tone and leading to flaccid paralysis, including paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Fatalities were also associated with muscle degeneration and renal tubular necrosis secondary to myoglobin deposition. In other cases, the victims, sometimes children, became sleepy after ingestion and could not be aroused after eating the green plant tops (Drummer et al. 1995; Frank et al. 1995). Cases are reported from Italy in which people became intoxicated apparently after eating migratory birds on their return in late spring. Again the signs were mainly of a narcotic type, with muscle paralysis, muscle degeneration, and myoglobin-induced renal tubular necrosis (Scatizzi et al. 1993). In most cases there was also some vomiting, excess salivation, and other signs related to the digestive tract. Interestingly, Conium was suspected as a cause of secondary intoxications in trappers in northwestern North America. During the 1819 trapping expedition of Donald Mackenzie, men became ill after eating beaver harvested from a river in southwestern Idaho. These observations were subsequently confirmed by similar experiences of Alexander Ross in 1824, Peter Skeene Ogden in 1826, and John Work in 1830 (Ross 1855; Ogden 1909; Work 1912; Warner 1982). The river was thereafter known as the sickly river or Riviere aux Malades and eventually as the Malad River. The Raft River, also in Idaho, had a similar reputation. In this treeless area, the illness was attributed to consumption by beaver of the roots of hemlock plants, and indeed the signs reported by Ross (1855) are consistent with those produced by Conium—within 2 hours, frothy salivation, pain in the stomach, neck, and back, and eventually severe weakness and inability speak. Although there were no deaths, afflicted individuals were ill for several days and in a few cases full recovery required a month (Ogden 1909; Work 1912; Warner 1982).

generally unpalatable, immature leaves are most likely to be eaten; green chopped feed poses a risk, hay less so

Acute neurotoxic disease in livestock rarely occurs and then usually only when animals are forced to consume large amounts of plant material. Such unusual circumstances have on occasion resulted in the loss of a large


Toxic Plants of North America

number of animals—for example, several dozen deaths among cows given Conium in green chop alfalfa, cows given heavily contaminated hay, and elk forced to subsist on Conium in late winter (Kubic et al. 1980; Jessup et al. 1986; Galey et al. 1992). Fresh young leaves are apparently not distasteful to pigs and perhaps sheep but are usually highly unpalatable when fully mature. There are also indications of an acquired taste for the plant (Gress 1935; Copithorne 1937; Jessup et al. 1986). Cases involving swine appear to be most frequent during winter when plant growth is just beginning, with the root and young foliage being readily eaten. Because the plant forms dense stands along edges of cultivated fields, intoxication problems may occur when Conium contaminates freshly cut (green chop) alfalfa or Sudan grass used for feeding penned livestock. Ingestion of fresh green plant material may quickly produce intoxication, with signs developing within an hour and lasting for several hours. Experimental results indicate that cows are most susceptible, and pigs, ponies, and sheep less so (Keeler et al. 1980; Panter et al. 1988a). Lethal doses are in the range of 0.2–0.5% of b.w. for cattle and 0.6–0.8% b.w. for pigs and sheep (Keeler and Balls 1978; Panter et al. 1983, 1988a; Tokarnia et al. 1985). Dosage of 10 mg/kg b.w. may be lethal in sheep with signs of excess salivation, colic, tremors, ataxia, and eventually breathing difficulty (Knight 2004). Seeds are more toxic. Generally, dried plants are much reduced in toxicity (Keeler and Balls 1978; Tokarnia et al. 1985), but caution is warranted when Conium is found in particularly high proportions in hay (Galey et al. 1992). The role of Conium in animal and human health has been reviewed by Vetter (2004).

Disease Genesis—Conium contains a series of volatile pyridine alkaloids of which coniine, N-methylconiine, and γ-coniceine are predominant (Cromwell 1956). Others of lesser importance include conhydrine, pseudoconhydrine, conhydrinone, N-methylpseudoconhydrine, and 2-methylpiperidine (Panter et al. 1988c). The relative proportions of these alkaloids change as the plant grows, with a general increase in total concentrations and toxicity as it matures. The alkaloids are synthesized in the vegetative portions of the plant and translocated to be stored in the developing fruits (Fairbairn 1971). The Conium alkaloids have been extensively reviewed by Lopez and coworkers (1999) (Figures 8.32–8.34). γ-Coniceine, which is considerably more toxic than coniine, is in highest concentration in early growth and appears to be the precursor alkaloid, being readily and rapidly reduced to coniine. Caution is needed when evaluating toxicity based simply on alkaloid levels, because their total concentrations as well as their relative proportions may change markedly with growth, season, moisture, temperature, and even time of day (Cromwell 1956; Fairbairn and Suwal 1961; Reynolds 2005). Furthermore, since the (−) enantiomer of coniine is considerably more toxic than the (+) enantiomer, the respective proportions of these may also be important factors (Lee et al. 2008). γ-Coniceine may markedly increase under wet conditions (Fairbairn 1971). Perhaps of even greater concern are the striking differences in toxicity, perhaps due to changes in alkaloid ratios, among varieties from different geographical locations (Panter et al. 1985b). Insect herbivory may also play a role in toxin levels. Plants from New York and

teratogenic, bone deformities in pigs and calves Field intoxications have been described for a broad range of species, including cattle, elk, goats, horses, pigs, poultry, and rabbits. Although Conium is of limited toxicity, plants were present and used as fish poisons by members of western tribes of Native Americans by the time of settlement of the West (Ebeling 1986). Although acute disease has been the primary concern, an equally serious problem is teratogenicity, the effects involving bone deformation in piglets and calves (Keeler 1974; Dyson and Wrathall 1977). These appear to be the only animal species at substantial risk for teratogenic intoxication. Even laboratory animals such as rats and rabbits appear to be little affected based upon limited experimental studies, although rabbits may be susceptible to neurotoxic effects (Short and Edwards 1989; Forsyth and Frank 1993). pyridine alkaloids

Figure 8.32.

Chemical structure of coniine.

Figure 8.33.

Chemical structure of N-methylconiine.

Figure 8.34.

Chemical structure of γ-coniceine.

Apiaceae Lindl.

Washington subject to considerable predation by a specific caterpillar were shown to contain much higher toxin levels than plants from Illinois with low levels of predation (Castells et al. 2005). Variation in toxin levels may account for the reputed edibility of the roots in some of the colder regions of the world (Millspaugh 1974). mechanism not entirely clear, appears to block nicotinic cholinergic receptors with mild stimulation due to initial depolarization The mechanism of action of the alkaloids has not been clearly elucidated, but based on preliminary studies in laboratory animals, chemical structural similarities, and the clinical signs observed, the toxins appear to act in a manner similar to nicotine. Based on studies in mice, γ-coniceine is the most toxic of the three major alkaloids, with coniine one-eighth and N-methylconiine one-sixteenth as toxic (Bowman and Sanghvi 1963). In small doses, the alkaloids block spinal reflexes in a manner antagonistic to strychnine, without stimulant actions. They also stimulate and block autonomic ganglia, the predominant action varying with the specific alkaloid; γconiceine is mainly stimulatory, coniine is mixed, and N-methylconiine is primarily a blocker. At larger doses, nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade is seen. Autonomic ganglia stimulation leads to some early signs of vomiting, increased salivation, and perhaps diarrhea and later depression of gastrointestinal motility and pupillary dilation. The narcotizing effects and neuromuscular blockade are preceded by only mild, if any, early signs of stimulation except for the muscular weakness. Death occurs due to respiratory failure. teratogenic effects occur with ingestion of plants during the first trimester of pregnancy Coniine and γ-coniceine are also teratogenic, with their effects most likely to be manifested in cattle and pigs eating the plant for an extended period during the first trimester of pregnancy (Keeler 1974). The susceptible period for pigs ranges from days 30 to 60, with days 43–53 the period for severe skeletal malformations and the earlier period for cleft palate (Panter et al. 1985a,b). The susceptible period for cattle ranges from 50 to 75 days of gestation (Keeler and Balls 1978). Sheep may be affected, but deformities are likely to be minor and probably outgrown by several months of age (Panter et al. 1988a). Structural requirements for piperidine alkaloids to cause teratogenesis have been hypothesized, and they include a propyl or longer side chain—α to the nitrogencontaining ring—on a saturated or partially unsaturated


ring (Keeler and Balls 1978; Keeler and Crowe 1985). In addition to or rather than actual malformation, fetal deformities may be due to depressant effects of the alkaloids on the fetus during or after tissue formation as demonstrated by the strong correlation between impairment of movement of the fetus and increased severity and permanence of the deformities (Panter et al. 1988b, 1990a; Bunch et al. 1992). The unusually long period of fetal susceptibility also supports this hypothesis. livestock: signs occur shortly after ingestion; nervousness, tremors, weakness, depression, paresis, recumbency, respiratory depression; low dosage may cause milk taint

Clinical Signs—Early signs that may occur within an hour after ingestion of the plant are, sequentially, slight nervousness and tremors, muscular weakness, ataxia, excess salivation and lacrimation, groaning, increased frequency of urination, and colic. If sufficient plant material has been eaten, the early stimulation phase is followed by severe depression and/or narcosis, progressive paresis leading to recumbency, bradycardia, hypothermia, and respiratory depression. Interestingly, horses seem not to fight the loss of locomotor control, going down relatively quietly (Macdonald 1937). Typically, the signs will subside, and the animal recovers in 6–8 hours, but in some instances the animal may become comatose and remain so for several hours or days, before death occurs from respiratory paralysis. Animals surviving can be depressed and appear “tucked up in the flanks” for several days. Because of the variability in plant toxicity, severe signs or death are rare; tainting of milk may be a more likely threat (Penny 1953). Although seizures are not typical, they may occasionally be seen, especially in poultry (Frank and Reed 1990). Of particular interest are the bulging eyes in mice and temporary blindness in cattle and pigs due to the third eyelid’s extending across the eye (Bowman and Sanghvi 1963; Panter et al. 1983; Tokarnia et al. 1985). humans: paralysis





In humans, intoxication produces initial mild signs of excess salivation, nausea, vomiting, dry mucous membranes, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Later, more pronounced muscular weakness/tremors, myoglobinuria, and flaccid paralysis appear. Death is due to respiratory failure. There may be significant increases in serum creatine phosphokinase and lactic dehydrogenase and stiff


Toxic Plants of North America

and swollen muscles in survivors and, less commonly, renal failure.

fetal effects, carpal flexure, joint rotation, vertebral curvature, rib cage anomalies

Teratogenic effects of Conium have been observed in pigs, goats, and cattle, whereas horses and sheep are quite resistant. In most instances, teratogenic effects are preceded by systemic disease in the dam, but this is not invariably true (Edmonds et al. 1972; Widmer 1984; Hannam 1985; Markham 1985). In a suspected case of Conium ingestion by sows, there were 6 litters of piglets with arthrogryposis and 1 sow which exhibited signs of trembling and collapse (Barlow 2006). Exposure early in gestation results in deformities such as severe carpal flexure that eventually may prevent sufficient extension for weight support, forelimb rotation with joint malalignment, elbow joint rigidity, rib cage anomalies, and vertebral curvature (Panter et al. 1990b). Arthrogryposis and forelimb deformities may become progressively worse with age, eventually becoming of such severity that the animal is forced to walk on its carpal joints (Keeler and Balls 1978).

no lesions

Pathology—At necropsy there may be reddening of the gastric and duodenal mucosa; however, these effects are not consistently produced. Nonspecific vascular congestion of the abdominal viscera and pulmonary emphysema are more consistently seen. A “mousy” odor is commonly reported upon opening of the rumen. Confirmation of intoxication may be accomplished by analysis of plasma employing LC-MS methodology (Beyer et al. 2009).

been detected in the liver and muscle of poultry dying from intoxication and for up to 7 days in survivors (Frank and Reed 1990).

CYMOPTERUS RAF. Taxonomy and Morphology—A western North American genus of approximately 32–36 species (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012), Cymopterus has only 1 species clearly recognized to be toxic: C. ibapensis M.E.Jones (= C. watsonii [J.M. Coult. & Rose] M.E.Jones) (= C. longipes S. Watson var ibapensis [M.E.Jones]) Cronquist

spring parsley

perennials; leaves 2- to 4-pinnately dissected, basal rosettes; flowers white Plants perennials; nearly acaulescent; from deep stout taproots. Stems absent or short. Leaves forming a basal rosette; 2–4 pinnately parted or dissected; segments oblong or linear. Umbels compound; small; dense; bracts of involucre absent; bracteoles of involucels large. Sepals small or absent. Petals white. Schizocarps large; oblongovate; flattened; ribs conspicuously winged (Figures 8.35 and 8.36). Utah; dry brush sites

Distribution and Habitat—Cymopterus ibapensis is common in dry soils of the brush and juniper areas of southern Utah, and its distribution extends westward. photosensitization, mainly sheep

activated charcoal; stimulants if severe

Treatment—Acute intoxications may be alleviated through administration of stimulants and activated charcoal, which is an effective absorbent of the toxic alkaloids. Although the signs are suggestive of organophosphate depression of acetylcholine esterase, atropine alleviates only the excess salivation and lacrimation, with little overall benefit (Jessup et al. 1986; Galey et al. 1992). Public health is a concern when dealing with intoxicated animals because of the possibility of alkaloid residues in meat. Although the alkaloids are volatile and thought to be cleared rapidly from the body, significant residues have

Figure 8.35.

Line drawing of Cymopterus ibapensis.

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is represented in North America by 1 native and 2 introduced species (USDA, NRCS 2012): H. mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier H. lanatum Michx. H. sphondylium L.

giant hogweed cow parsnip hogweed, common cow parsnip

Taxonomists differ in their interpretations of species boundaries in the genus and the binomials to be used for the taxa recognized. For example, some treat H. lanatum and H. sphondylium as conspecific, whereas others use H. maximum Bartr. instead of H. lanatum.

Figure 8.36. Photo of Cymopterus ibapensis. Courtesy of Trent M. Draper.

Disease Problems, Genesis, and Clinical Signs— Although C. ibapensis is the only member of the genus clearly recognized as a cause of photosensitization, others may also be causes under appropriate conditions. The specific toxins are the linear furanocoumarins xanthotoxin and bergapten, which are in particularly high concentrations in seeds (Williams 1970; Stermitz et al. 1975).

sheep: inflamed udders; poults: photophobia, keratoconjunctivitis, erythema

erect, unbranched perennials from large taproots; leaves large, pinnately compound; flowers white

Plants biennials and perennials; from large taproots. Stems erect; unbranched; stout; deeply furrowed hollow; to 2.5 m tall. Leaves large; pinnately compound; leaflets 3 or 5–9, coarsely toothed or cleft. Umbels compound; open; large. Sepals minute or absent. Petals white. Schizocarps elliptic to obovate; strongly flattened; ribs broadly winged (Figures 8.37 and 8.38).

meadows and brushlands

As the common name implies, this is a parsley-like plant, relished by sheep and flourishing in the spring when other forage is limited. Up to 30% of a flock may be affected, but deaths are few, except for lambs that starve to death because ewes refuse to allow them to suckle their inflamed and highly sensitive udders (Binns et al. 1964). The disease has also been produced experimentally in chickens and is identical with that produced by Ammi majus (Williams and Binns 1968; Van Kampen et al. 1969). In 2-week-old broiler chicks and turkey poults, as little as 0.4% b.w. of seeds or whole plants caused photophobia, keratoconjunctivitis, and erythema of the beaks, combs, and feet (Egyed and Williams 1977). Use of the herbicides 2,4-D and/or picloram appears to decrease toxicity in contrast to effects of these compounds on toxins in other plant species (Williams 1968; Williams and James 1983).

HERACLEUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Primarily an Old World genus of some 65 species (Mabberley 2008), Heracleum

Figure 8.37.

Line drawing of Heracleum lanatum.


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems and Genesis—Very closely related to the garden parsnip, H. lanatum has long been suspected of causing photosensitization and otherwise being toxic to livestock (Irish 1889; Gress 1935; Reynard and Norton 1942). It is now known that while there is a risk of photosensitization in sheep recently sheared and that there are effects on the oral mucosa of both sheep and goats, plants of Heracleum may provide useful nutritive forage (Buttenschon and Nielsen 2007). Sheep and goats readily eat the young lush foliage as do cattle and pigs; horses, however, do not. There may be some tainting, both odor and taste, of milk, and if very large amounts are eaten, bloat is a possible risk.

humans: direct contact photosensitization

Figure 8.38.

Photo of Heracleum lanatum.

In contrast, direct contact photosensitization in people due to H. mantegazzianum is a well-recognized problem, especially in Europe (Jones and Russell 1968; Drever and Hunter 1970; Gunby 1980; Cooper and Johnson 1984; Frohne and Pfander 1984; Andrews et al. 1985; Harwood 1985; JaspersenSchib et al. 1996; McCue 2007). Many subspecies of H. sphondylium have been found to be positive for phototoxic activity when tested by the Candida albicans in vitro fungal assay (Weimarck and Nilsson 1980). Fruits, both mature and immature, are especially potent, but leaves and roots may also be hazardous. photosensitization due to furanocoumarins

Figure 8.39.

Distribution of Heracleum lanatum.

Distribution and Habitat—Native to North America, H. lanatum occurs across the continent in wet meadows, brushlands, and open woodlands. Greatest abundance is in the north. In contrast, both H. mantegazzianum and H. sphondylium are introduced from southwest Asia and Eurasia and have limited distribution in the Northeast in waste sites (Figure 8.39).

animals: minor risk, tainting of milk, bloat

Species of Heracleum contain toxic furanocoumarins, mainly xanthotoxin and lesser amounts of others, including psoralen, bergapten, and imperatorin in the oil canals and secretory ducts of leaf tissue and on plant surfaces (Kavli et al. 1983; Ceska et al. 1987; Zobel and Brown 1990a,b; Hattendorf et al. 2007). Toxin levels increase under stress from attack by numerous agents such as insects, fungi, and viruses (Hattendorf et al. 2007). humans: initially reddening and blistering, possible long-term hypersensitivity

Clinical Signs and Pathology—People who handle foliage of Heraculum, especially when it is wet, exhibit skin reddening within 24 hours after exposure and blistering of the epidermis and hypodermis thereafter at 48 hours. The effects last a few days but there may be residual pigmentation and possibly hypersensitivity to UV light

Apiaceae Lindl.


lasting for months or years. Stems and foliage may also cause contact irritation of the skin and oral ulcerations (Andrews et al. 1985). Dogs are also at risk of developing severe erythema, itching, alopecia, and dermal scaling following contact with the plants (Hintermann 1967; Dolowy 1996).

Treatment—It is advisable for individuals to wear gloves when handling plants and to avoid grazing lactating animals where appreciable numbers of the plants are present. The dermatitis is readily responsive to topical corticosteroids

SPHENOSCIADIUM A.GRAY Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus of western North America (Constance and Wetherwax 2012), Sphenosciadium was described by Asa Gray in 1865. The single species of toxicologic interest is the following: S. capitellatum A.Gray

Figure 8.40.

Line drawing of Sphenosciadium capitellatum.

whiteheads, swamp white-heads, ranger’s buttons, woollyhead parsnips

erect perennials, tuberous roots; leaves pinnately compound, margins toothed or lobed; flowers white

Plants perennials; from tuberous, strong-scented roots. Stems erect; 50–180 cm tall; branched; surfaces generally scabrous. Leaves 1- or 2-pinnately compound; leaflets lanceolate, margins toothed or cut or lobed; sheaths conspicuously inflated. Umbels compound; tomentose; umbellets headlike, spherical; bracts of involucre absent; bracteoles of involucels many, linear, or bristles. Sepals absent. Petals white or purplish; obovate. Schizocarps obovate; flattened; ribbed; primary ribs 3, winged (Figures 8.40 and 8.41).

moist areas Figure 8.41. Photo of Sphenosciadium capitellatum. Courtesy of Jane Shelby Richardson.

Distribution and Habitat—Sphenosciadium capitellatum is found along streams, in swampy areas, and in meadows from 900 to 3000 m elevation, in coastal Oregon, California, and Baja, California. Populations also occur in the Sierra Nevada and the Great Basin area of California, Nevada, and Idaho (Figure 8.42).

cattle: severe pulmonary edema; horses, mild respiratory disease of slow onset; photosensitization

Disease Problems and Genesis—Sphenosciadium capitellatum is rarely a cause of intoxication because it is seldom eaten (Hickman 1993). However, in some circumstances it may cause severe pulmonary edema and respiratory distress in cattle grazing mountain meadows (Fowler et al. 1970; Fuller and McClintock 1986). Experimentally, the disease appears within a few hours after ingestion of 10 mg of plant material, either fresh or dried, per kilogram b.w. Death may occur within a few hours to a day


Toxic Plants of North America

gross pathology: froth in airways; microscopic: pulmonary alveolar and interstitial edema

Pathology—Grossly, there is abundant froth in the airways and scattered splotchy hemorrhages on abdominal visceral surfaces. Microscopically, there is extensive pulmonary alveolar and interstitial edema. treatment generally ineffective; avoid stress

Figure 8.42.

Distribution of Sphenosciadium capitellatum.

or more. In contrast to cattle, horses develop only transient signs of respiratory disease 4–6 days after ingestion of the plants. Signs of primary photosensitization with photophobia and corneal opacity are also seen. Generally these signs disappear in several weeks to months without serious complications. The specific cause of the toxic effects of S. capitellatum is not known, but it may be surmised that the photosensitizing effects are due to furanocoumarins similar to those present in other members of the family. cattle: labored open-mouth respiration with neck extended; weakness

Clinical Signs—The signs in cattle are mainly indicative of respiratory distress. The neck is extended, with open mouth breathing, and respiration is labored. There is a slight increase in salivation, evidence of abdominal pain, coughing, expiratory grunt, cyanosis, weakness, bulging eyes, and ataxia of the pelvic limbs. In severe cases, death may occur within a few hours. horses, mild and transient increase in respiration rate and depth; photosensitization In horses, respiratory signs are mild and transient, with animals exhibiting some sweating. Several days later there is evidence of photosensitization, including erythema of the eyelids, nose, and other areas with thin or lightcolored hair. Ocular discharge, corneal opacity, photophobia, and blindness also occur. Skin changes are predominantly in less pigmented areas and are not accompanied by evidence of liver involvement.

Treatment—Because the disease appears and progresses so rapidly primarily in grazing animals, it may not be recognized soon enough to allow treatment. Otherwise, therapy is directed toward relief of the respiratory distress.

GENUS WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Daucus L. Comprising some 20 species around the world, Daucus is represented in North America by D. carota L. (Queen Anne’s lace, or wild carrot) and D. pusillus Michx. (small wild carrot, or rattlesnake weed) (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). Derived from the Greek work daukos, the genus name is one of the oldest, being used by Theophrastus in the third-century b.c. (Radford et al. 1974; Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Plants are annuals or biennials and are recognized by their stout or slender taproots, 2-pinnately compound leaflets, and large open compound umbels. A native of Eurasia, D. carota is now a naturalized weed in disturbed sites throughout most of North America. The cultivated carrot, with its massive orange taproot, is a variety or race. Daucus pusillus is native to North America and widespread in dry, open habitats, especially those somewhat disturbed (Figure 8.43). slight neurotoxic effects especially in pigs Daucus is reputed to be mildly neurotoxic to horses and cattle in Europe, but there are few actual reports to indicate a risk in North America (Kingsbury 1964). There are, however, anecdotal reports of neurologic problems when pigs are allowed to forage on the plants. Ingestion of large amounts of leaves may cause irritant effects on the digestive tract (Pammel 1911). There may also be some potential for reproductive problems. Indeed, the seeds have

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possibly indications of digestive tract irritation. Treatment would be based upon relief of the signs. Phototoxic linear furocoumarins are present in extremely low to nil concentrations (Ivie et al. 1982; Ceska et al. 1987).


Figure 8.43.

Line drawing of Daucus carota.

been used for millennia for a multitude of medicinal purposes but mainly for contraceptive and early-stage abortifacient purposes (Maurya et al. 2004; Kumarasamy et al. 2005; Vasudeva and Sharma 2006). They were chewed dry or mixed with a drink. Experimentally in rats, aqueous extracts of seeds of D. carota have been shown to prevent implantation and to have abortifacient effects (Garg and Garg 1970). Intoxication problems associated with consumption of aerial portions are probably most likely with mature plants in late flowering or seed stages. falcarinol, myristicin, phototoxic linear furocoumarins; all in low concentrations

Similar to other members of the family, Daucus contains falcarinol (carotatoxin) in low concentrations: up to 40 ppm but often in the 10–20 ppm range (2 mg toxin in 1 kg of carrot root). However, there is considerable variation in acetylene content among carrot cultivars (Mercier et al. 1993). Myristicin is also present in roots but in concentrations too low to cause problems: 17 ppm for cultivar “imperator” to nil for other common varieties (Wulf et al. 1978; Hallstrom and Thuvander 1997). Luteolin and some of its derivatives are also present (Kumarasamy et al. 2005). In spite of the presence of toxins, risk of intoxication is generally minimal because the LD50 in mice, even when given parenterally, is only 100 mg/kg b.w. (Crosby and Aharonson 1967). In instances of intoxication there may be neurologic signs and

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Chapter Nine

Apocynaceae Juss.

Milkweed or Dogbane Family Apocynum Asclepias Calotropis Catharanthus Cryptostegia Nerium Plumeria Strophanthus Thevetia Questionable Acokanthera Adenium Allamanda Alstonia Angadenia Araujia Cynanchum Echites Funastrum Haplophyton Hoya Mandevilla Ochrosia Pentalinon Periploca Prestonia Rauvolfia Rhabdadenia Sarcostemma Tabernaemontana Urechites Vinca As presently circumscribed, the Apocynaceae includes the Asclepidaceae (Mabberley 2008; Bremer et al. 2009). Although long considered to be morphologically similar and closely related, these two families were recognized as distinct because of differences in their androecium, pollen,

and fusion of stamens to the stigma of the pistil (Bramwell 1978; Wilkinson 1978; Cronquist 1981). Phylogenetic analyses encompassing both molecular and morphological information, however, indicate that the most natural classification is to treat the two taxa as a single family with 5 subfamilies, 355–424 genera, and 3700–4600 species (Endress and Bruyns 2000; Endress and Stevens 2001; Goyder 2007). The family’s defining characters are its milky sap and a highly modified bicarpellate pistil with separate ovaries and highly modified stigma. Numerous plant species are characterized by a milkywhite, viscid sap that exudes from broken leaves or stems. Although many such plants are often called milkweeds, taxonomists typically recognize only members of the subfamily Asclepiadoideae (formerly the Asclepidaceae) as the true milkweeds. Most of the species in the other subfamilies of Apocynaceae likewise have a similar white latex sap. Although this distinctive sap is characteristic of numerous toxic species in the family, it is not always associated with toxicity. Some latex-producing taxa are not toxic and are even purposefully used for their nutritional value (Morton 1982). Widespread in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate regions of the world, the Apocynaceae includes tall rain-forest trees, shrubs, many vines, and perennial herbs. It is noted for its many showy ornamentals, including frangipani, allamanda, wax plant, periwinkle, stapelia, butterfly milkweed, and the infamous oleander, which has been recognized as a deadly toxic plant since antiquity. Edible species such as Natal plum also are in this family, and several species are medicinally significant. Rauvolfia or serpentwood is a source of the drugs reserpine and rescinnamine and Madagascar periwinkle produces alkaloids that are used to treat leukemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and other cancers. As described by Omino and Kokwaro (1993), many species of the family are used medicinally in Kenya. Medicinal emetics and purgatives were prepared by American Indians from species of milkweed (Krochmal and Krochmal 1973; Moerman 1998). In addition, some species appear to be of value as

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

mosquito larvacides (Evans and Kaleysa Raj 1988), while others have been a source of fiber and oils (Goyder 2007). In North America, the Apocynaceae is represented by nine native genera, of which Asclepias (milkweed) and Apocynum (dogbane) are the most common. Introduced taxa are encountered primarily in the warmer, frost-free, southern portions of the continent, with Nerium (oleander) being the most common. Farther north, they are typically grown as tub plants. A few taxa, such as Vinca (periwinkle), have escaped cultivation and are established in the wild. herbs, shrubs, vines, trees; leaves simple, opposite or whorled; petals 5, fused; many species with white latex-like sap Plants trees or shrubs or vines or herbs; perennials; sap typically white, viscous. Leaves simple; opposite or subopposite or whorled; venation pinnate; margins entire; stipules absent or reduced and inconspicuous. Inflorescences solitary or paired flowers or compound cymes (often racemose or umbellate); terminal or axillary; bracteoles present or absent. Flowers perfect; often large, showy, and fragrant; perianths in 2-series. Calyces radially symmetrical. Sepals 5; fused. Corollas radially symmetrical; rotate or salverform or campanulate or funnelform; convolute or valvate. Petals 5; fused; of various colors; spreading or reflexed. Coronas present or absent; if present, petaloid, arising from filament bases and/or petals. Stamens 5; epipetalous; anthers fused to stylar head. Pistils 1; exhibiting various degrees of carpel fusion; compound; carpels 2; stigmas 1; styles 1 or 2; ovaries 1 or 2; superior or partly inferior; locules 1 or 2; placentation parietal. Fruits follicles or berries or capsules or drupes. Seeds numerous; usually comose. Fusion of the anthers, and in some taxa the filaments, to the style forms a central column called the gynostegium, a structure specialized for mass transfer of pollen by insects and unique to the subfamily Asclepiadoideae.

3 types of effects: cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, digestive disturbance

There are three general types of intoxications caused by members of the Apocynaceae: cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, and digestive tract irritant. Two, and possibly three, distinct types of toxicants are present in the family (Table 9.1). cardiotoxic cardenolides

Table 9.1. Types of toxic compounds in the Apocynaceae and their effects. Genus

Type of toxin

Predominant effect

Acokanthera Adenium Araujia

cardenolide cardenolide unknown



Allamanda Alstonia

terpenoid alkaloid



Apocynum Calotropis Catharanthus Cryptostegia Cynanchum Echites Haplophyton Hoya Nerium Ochrosia Pentalinon

cardenolide cardenolide alkaloid cardenolide unknown unknown alkaloid unknown cardenolide alkaloid cardenolide

Periploca Plumeria Prestonia Rauvolfia

cardenolide terpenoid unknown alkaloid

Rhabdadenia Sarcostemma Strophanthus Tabernaemontana Thevetia Urechites

unknown unknown cardenolide alkaloid cardenolide cardenolide



cardiotoxic cardiotoxic digestive tract irritation, neurotoxic digestive tract irritation, neurotoxic digestive tract irritation neurotoxic, cardiovascular digestive tract irritation, cardiotoxic cardiotoxic digestive tract irritation neurotoxic digestive tract irritation neurotoxic digestive tract irritation neurotoxic neurotoxic cardiotoxic neurotoxic digestive tract irritation, cardiotoxic cardiotoxic digestive tract irritation digestive tract irritation neurotoxic, cardiovascular digestive tract irritation neurotoxic cardiotoxic digestive tract irritation cardiotoxic digestive tract irritation, cardiotoxic neurotoxic

Many of the most toxic species of the Apocynaceae produce steroidal cardiotoxic glycosides or cardenolides (Ode et al. 1976). Interestingly, those of the subfamily Apocynoideae are the generally more toxic 5-β-series typical of the glycosides in Digitalis in the distantly related Scrophulariaceae rather than the 5-α-series of the subfamily Asclepiadoideae (Shoppee 1964; Singh and Rastogi 1970). These glycosides are composed of a genin or aglycone portion, in which resides the cardiac activity, and one or more sugars, responsible in large part for potency of the toxin. Several genera may have the same aglycone but differ in the sugars present and, therefore, differ in toxicity. inhibition of conduction





Apocynaceae Juss.

Cardioactivity of the glycosides is due to their ability to inhibit transport ATPase and increase myocardial contractility in the same manner as digitalis glycosides (Kupchan et al. 1967; Singh and Rastogi 1970; Natochin and Lavrova 1972; Jortani et al. 1996). The primary effect is the result of cardenolide binding to the cell membrane, resulting in a conformational change in the Na+,K+ATPase on the internal surface and subsequent alteration of Na+ and K+ movement and concentration balance across the cell membrane. This promotes an increase in intracellular Ca2+ (Hoffman and Bigger 1990). The toxic effects are primarily attributable to cardiac conduction alterations and other electrical activity changes. A-V block is one of the most common manifestations of toxicity, and death is typically due to ventricular fibrillation (Hoffman and Bigger 1990). In addition, cardenolides are cytotoxic against human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells (Kupchan et al. 1964, 1967; Kelly et al. 1965). There appears to be a good correlation between cardiac and cytotoxic potencies. Ruminants are reported to be somewhat resistant, presumably because of degradation of the glycosides by ruminal microorganisms (Craig and Kehoe 1925; Brander et al. 1991). For a more detailed discussion of the mechanisms of cardiac activity, see the discussion of Digitalis in Chapter 57. Members of this family that produce these cardenolides have been used for a variety of purposes: arrow poisons, “trial-by-ordeal” potions, emetics, and cathartics. Closely akin to the cardiotoxic glycosides are neurotoxic pregnane-type glycosides present in taxa of the Asclepiadoideae such as some species of Cynanchum and possibly the verticillate-leaved species of Asclepias. These types of compounds may have some minimal cardiac actions, but are mainly neurotoxic. neurotoxic alkaloids A second group of genera in the Apocynaceae produce an extensive array of biologically active, indole iridoidtype alkaloids. Nearly 1000 alkaloids have been isolated from species in the family (Raffauf 1996). Examples include the well-known reserpine, rescinnamine, and yohimbine. These compounds have neurologic, cardiovascular, and other systemic actions. Rauvolfia species native to India, containing reserpine-type alkaloids, have long been used for medicinal purposes (Sen and Bose 1931). Reserpine causes loss of adrenergic neuronal catecholamine storage vesicles, thus inducing a prolonged decrease in sympathetic activity in the central nervous system and elsewhere (Gerber and Nies 1990). The result is sedation, depression, and decreased heart rate and blood pressure. Medicinally, reserpine has been used primarily to lower blood pressure. Yohimbine acts to produce somewhat


opposite effects, causing selective and competitive α2adrenergic receptor antagonism and thereby increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and motor activity in the brain, resulting in generalized tremors (Hoffman and Lefkowitz 1990). irritant terpenoids The third group of toxins present in the Apocynaceae are potential irritant-type compounds. They are triterpenoids, mainly pentacyclic alkyliridoid and ursane types, which are poorly absorbed and typically produce irritation of the digestive tract. In some instances they may be found in combination with cardenolides, and the problems observed may be due to effects of both types of toxicants. Overall, the effects are seen primarily as a diarrhea. A fourth group of plants, represented by Echites, Prestonia, and Rhabdadenia, are of unknown toxin type. However, these three genera are closely akin taxonomically with Angadenia and Pentalinon, being included in the same subtribe Echitinae of the tribe Echiteae, subfamily Apocynoideae (Leeuwenberg 1994). Because of this close taxonomic kinship, it may be reasonable to assume some similarity in chemotaxonomy and the presence of cardenolides in all these species. The complex indole alkaloids typical of other members of the family are not a feature of members of this subfamily and tribe (Kisakurek et al. 1983; Raffauf 1996). Only a simple indole has been reported for a South American species of Prestonia (Snieckus 1968). Various compounds such as terpenes, sterol glycosides, and others have been identified from Echites, but their toxicological roles are not clear (Chien et al. 1979). Other compounds identified as being present in the family include steroidal alkaloids, aminoglycosteroids, and nonpeptide kinin antagonists (Atta-ur-Rahman and Muzaffar 1988). Their significance with respect to intoxication is unknown. It is of interest that a few tropical African species of Apocynaceae produce alkaloids of the coronaridine group—for example, ibogaine from Tabernanthe iboga—that have potent CNS activity (Bisset 1985, 1989a).

APOCYNUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Occurring in both temperate and tropical regions of both the Old and New World, Apocynum comprises some 70 species. In North America, it is represented by two species and one hybrid, albeit as many as seven species were recognized at one time because of the complex variation pattern the genus exhibits. The North American taxa are these:


Toxic Plants of North America

A. androsaemifolium L.

A. cannabinum L.

A. ×floribundum Greene

spreading dogbane, bitterroot, colicroot, flytrap dogbane, American ipecac, wild ipecac, honey bloom, rheumatism wood Indian hemp, Indian dogbane, glabrous hemp, bowman’s root, hemp dogbane, American hemp, wild cotton, rheumatism root, prairie dogbane, clasping-leaved dogbane western dogbane

Now treated as synonyms of these names, the binomials A. sibiricum, A. medium, A. pumilum, A. scopulorum, A. suksdorfii, A. jonesii, and A. milleri appear in older literature.

perennial herbs; leaves simple, opposite; flowers small, white, pinkish, or greenish; follicles long, curved

Plants herbs; perennials; often forming colonies by root sprouts. Leaves simple; opposite or rarely whorled; margins entire; stipules absent. Inflorescences compound cymes; terminal or axillary. Flowers small. Sepals fused only at bases. Corollas campanulate or urceolate or tubular. Petals white or pinkish or greenish. Stamens borne at bases of petals; connivent and attached to stigmas. Pistils 1; stigmas 1; styles 2; ovaries 2, superior. Fruits follicles; elongate; curved; held together at stigma or rarely separate. Seeds numerous; comose (Figure 9.1).

Distribution and Habitat—Both A. cannabinum and A. androsaemifolium are distributed throughout North America, whereas A. ×floribundum is encountered primarily in the western half of the continent, but with populations occurring along the Mason–Dixon Line in the East. Apocynum androsaemifolium is typically found in dry thickets and along the edges of woods, whereas A. cannabinum prefers moist soils in ditches, along waterways, and in open woodlands and fields. Apocynum ×floribundum may be found in a variety of dry or moist sites, usually rocky. Because they spread prolifically by horizontal roots, plants of all three taxa may form dense stands. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. digestive disturbance, diarrhea, impaction

Disease Problems—As is implied by the common name hemp, mature stems are tough and fibrous. They were used by American Indians to make fishing nets and lines

Figure 9.1.

Line drawing of Apocynum cannabinum.

and for twine used in basket making. David Douglas (1959) recorded in his journal the use of fishing nets made of stems of species of Apocynum for salmon fishing in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. There is little doubt that this genus is toxic, but the hazard is probably much exaggerated. Besides being very fibrous, the foliage is apparently quite distasteful and is generally ignored by livestock. As a result, although the species are common and often very abundant, they are seldom associated with disease. Early reports attributing high toxicity potential to Apocynum are false because of misapplication of results of initial work conducted on Nerium oleander (oleander) (Wilson 1909; Johnson and Archer 1922). There is little if any experimental work to verify the toxicity potential of Apocynum and confirm it as the likely cause of the few cases reported (Durrell and Newsom 1939). Marsh and coworkers (1928) were unable to produce adverse effects in cattle given 1% b.w. daily or

Apocynaceae Juss.

sheep given up to 5.6% b.w. of leaves of Apocynum. In a few instances, adverse effects seem to be present. For example, a cooked concoction of Indian hemp eaten by an 84-year-old woman produced digestive disturbances and marked ECG changes, including prolongation of the PR interval (Bania et al. 1993). In another instance, two horses were reported to have died from hay containing Apocynum (Fuller and McClintock 1986). However, we have given 2.5 kg of wilted A. cannabinum via ruminal fistula to a 48-kg sheep over a 54-hour period and observed only diarrhea and a rumen distended with fibrous, stemmy plant material. There were no obvious effects on general demeanor or discernible effects on the heart. The same animal later given 75 g of partially dried oleander leaves died in less than 16 hours. cardenolides, typically low toxicity potential

Disease Genesis—Toxicity of Apocynum is due to cardiotonic glycosides such as cymarin, the glycoside of apocynamarin or cynotoxin, and glycosides of strophanthidin (Finnemore 1908; Moore 1909; Couch 1937; Kupchan et al. 1964). These cardenolides are also known from other sources, for example, cymarin from Strophanthus (corkscrew flower) in this family (Shoppee 1964). Several other compounds have been reported to be present in Apocynum, but they may simply be artifacts of the isolation procedures, that is, breakdown products of the glycosides. Because the cardiotoxins are similar in structure to digitalis glycosides, the toxic effects may, in severe cases, include various arrhythmias as well as inhibition of cardiac conduction and function. In addition to being cardioactive, these glycosides, some of which are reported to be intensely bitter, have emetic and diuretic activity (Moore 1909). risk increased when plants contaminated hay fed to horses All parts of the plants are probably toxic but are likely to be a hazard only when tender new shoots are eaten or when dried and baled with hay. Because of their low toxicity potential, an appreciable amount must be eaten, thus posing a problem only to herbivores. They are probably most hazardous for horses, inasmuch as the low toxicity potential would represent a threat only to the most susceptible species. Ruminants are reported to be somewhat resistant, presumably due to degradation of the glycosides by ruminal microorganisms (Craig and Kehoe 1925; Brander et al. 1991). diarrhea, weakness


Clinical Signs—The earliest and most consistent sign is diarrhea, with blood in some cases. Other less consistent but nevertheless important effects are manifestations of cardiac insufficiency and include weakness, cold extremities, bradycardia, and arrhythmias. There may be mydriasis, sweating, and a compensatory increase in heart rate in some animals. Because of the very fibrous nature of the plants, impaction and/or constipation may on occasion occur.

no distinctive lesions; plants in stomach

Pathology—There are unlikely to be any distinctive lesions at necropsy. There may be scattered ecchymotic or petechial hemorrhages on the surfaces of the heart and digestive tract and perhaps some pale streaks in the myocardium in a few instances. Because of the relatively large amount of plant material required for intoxication, it is likely that the fibrous stems and leaves will be identifiable in the stomach. symptomatic treatment, administer charcoal

Treatment—Symptomatic treatment as for other cardiotoxins is indicated and may be augmented by oral administration of activated charcoal, 2 g/kg b.w. (Joubert and Schultz 1982a,b). Digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments such as those used in treating intoxications caused by Nerium may be used if available (Bania et al. 1993). Because the most likely source of plant material is as a contaminant in hay, hay should be examined before feeding and discarded if Apocynum is present.

ASCLEPIAS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Its name derived from Asklepios, the name of the Greek god of healing (Morse 1985), Asclepias is primarily a New World genus comprising 120–150 species, of which 76 occur in North America (Morse 1985; M. Fishbein, pers. comm.). In the first monograph of the North American species of the genus, Woodson (1954) recognized 9 subgenera, 108 species, and numerous subspecies. Their identification is based primarily on features of the gynostegium and corona and is somewhat complicated because of the potential for hybridization (Kephart et al. 1988). In addition, some species form complexes of morphologically intergrading taxa. Of the numerous species in North America, several are particularly important toxicologically. The following are


Toxic Plants of North America

representative of the two types of disease problems characteristic of Asclepias: A. asperula (Decne.) Woodson A. brachystephana Engelm. ex Torr. A. eriocarpa Benth. A. fascicularis Decne. A. A. A. A. A. A.

labriformis M.E.Jones latifolia (Torr.) Raf. mexicana Cav. pumila (A.Gray) Vai speciosa Torr. subulata Decne.

A. subverticillata (A.Gray) Vail A. syriaca L. A. tuberosa L.

A. verticillata L. A. vestita Hook. & Arn. A. viridis Walter

antelope horn short-crown milkweed woolly-pod milkweed narrow-leaved milkweed, Mexican milkweed labriform milkweed broadleaf milkweed Mexican whorled milkweed plains whorled milkweed showy milkweed desert milkweed, yamate, ajamete western whorled milkweed, horsetail milkweed common milkweed butterfly milkweed, silkweed, orangeroot, pleurisy root, chigger flower, Indian nosy, orange swallowwort, rubber root, windroot, butterfly weed eastern whorled milkweed, spider milkweed woolly milkweed green milkweed, spider milkweed, Ozark milkweed

Figure 9.2.

Line drawing of Asclepias flower.

It is important to note that early reports on the toxicity of A. mexicana and A. galioides were based on misidentified plants and confusion among early American taxonomists as to species boundaries among the whorled-leaved milkweeds. These plants are now considered to be A. fascicularis and A. subverticillata, respectively. Asclepias mexicana is primarily a species of the central Mexican uplands that extends northeastward into our area (Woodson 1954). The taxon described as A. galioides by Kunth in 1819 is merely a variant of A. mexicana and not a distinct species (Woodson 1954). Figure 9.3. Line drawing of Asclepias viridis. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

herbs, sap white, latex-like; leaves opposite or whorled; flower morphology diagnostic; fruits follicles

Plants herbs; sap white and viscous, rarely thin and colorless. Stems decumbent to erect; 4–150 cm tall; branched or not branched. Leaves opposite or whorled; herbaceous; decussate; sessile; blades of various shapes. Inflorescences umbellate clusters or solitary; terminal or extra-axillary. Flowers rotate. Sepals fused at bases. Petals fused; of various colors; spreading or reflexed. Coronas conspicuous; petaloid; hood shaped; erect or incurved; horns present or absent. Follicles globose to fusiform or

ovoid; smooth or spiny; pedicels erect or recurved. Seeds large; flat (Figures 9.2–9.9).

Distribution and Habitat—Adapted to a broad range of environmental conditions, species of Asclepias occur across the continent in almost all vegetation types. Greatest abundance is southward; relatively few are found in Canada. Woodson (1954) described six centers of species concentration, which he designated as Antillean, Floridian, Appalachian, Ozarkian, Mexican, and Californian. Illustrative of this pattern are the distributional maps of the representative species. Habitats occupied include open

Apocynaceae Juss.

Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.6.

Photo of Asclepias labriformis.

Figure 9.7. Fishbein.

Photo of Asclepias latifolia. Courtesy of Mark


Line drawing of Asclepias verticillata.

woodlands, prairies, rocky plains, sand dunes, marshes, seeps, canyon bottoms, dry washes, and desert flats. Some species are weedy and form small or large dense populations along roadsides or in overgrazed pastures. Distribution maps of the individual species of Asclepias can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// source of arrow poisons; food

Figure 9.5.

Photo of Asclepias fascicularis.

Disease Problems—Species of Asclepias have been used as a source of poisons, food, and medicines. Containing cardenolides, they have long been used as arrow poisons in Africa. In North America, roots of A. tuberosa were


Toxic Plants of North America

may represent a useful livestock feed. Species of Asclepias may also be used as a source for the manufacture of paper (Adams et al. 1984). In the early 1900s, devastating losses of hundreds of sheep in western portions of the United States focused attention on Asclepias as one of the most toxic plants in North America (May 1920; Couch 1937). Illustrative are losses of 350 and 750 ewes from flocks of 1700 and 1400 animals, respectively, held for 24 hours or less in fields containing large populations of what is now known to have been A. subverticillata (May 1920). Because of such losses and subsequent experimental work, this species came to be recognized as one of the most toxic. Its infamy led to the study of other species of the genus and an eventual elucidation of their toxicity potential, an effort greatly aided by information generated by entomologists interested in ecological relationships between plants and insects. Figure 9.8.

Figure 9.9.

Photo of Asclepias speciosa.

Photo of Asclepias subverticillata.

used extensively for ceremonial and medicinal purposes by members of American Indian tribes and early settlers (Kindscher 1992). Infusions or teas of the plant, which is sometimes called pleurisy root, were employed as a dewormer and a diuretic, although in excess they might cause nausea and vomiting. These uses and others were listed in the U.S. Pharmacopeia published in the late 1800s. More recently, other uses have been proposed for some of the more common species. The potential for a favorable comparison of extractable yields of liquid fuels with coal for energy was explored (McLaughlin and Hoffman 1982; Adams et al. 1984). In addition, when extracted with methanol to remove toxins, the residue

toxic to all animals; two types of effects, neurologic, digestive disturbance/cardiac Milkweeds appear to be toxic to all animals, although some species such as mice and quail are reported to be much less sensitive. In general the clinical signs that appear are similar in all animals, including birds. There are two distinct types of signs associated with species of Asclepias: a neurologic type and a digestive tract/cardiac type (Fleming et al. 1920; Marsh and Clawson 1921a,b; Campbell 1931). Despite the well-known toxicity potential of many of the species cited above, only two verticillateleaved taxa—A. fascicularis and A. subverticillata— appear to be responsible for most of the problems in livestock, including chickens. There are several apparent reasons for this disparity in hazard among species of the genus. Foremost is the likelihood of plants being eaten. Animals typically are very reluctant to eat milkweeds, especially the cardiotoxic species, many of which are quite fibrous in addition to being unpalatable (Nelson and Dexter 1945; Ogden et al. 1992b). In contrast, verticillateleaved species seem to be eaten when green by some animals and are even more readily accepted when dried and mixed in hay. Their toxicity is not appreciably reduced by drying. Typically, leaves of cardiotoxic species are more readily distinguished in hay and are easier for animals to avoid in contrast to the fine leaves of verticillate-leaved species. Thus the hazard is greater with verticillate-leaved species because of increased likelihood of consumption. verticillate-leaved species, somewhat palatable, difficult to avoid when dried in hay, toxicity not diminished by drying

Apocynaceae Juss.

An additional factor enhancing the hazard is the tendency of A. fascicularis and A. subverticillata to form very dense and extensive stands. Once a population is established, plants typically spread via an extensive network of rhizomes. Thus, not only are they likely to be eaten, but there is also often an abundance of plant biomass available. This is of particular importance with A. subverticillata because it is often found in great abundance along ditch banks of irrigated pastures and may be incorporated in large quantities in hay from such sites. Because of its fine stems and leaves, it is not conspicuous in either grass or alfalfa hay. None of the other verticillate-leaved species typically grow in sufficient abundance to be as serious problems as A. fascicularis and A. subverticillata. It appears that for verticillate-leaved species, all stages of growth and all plant parts are toxic, with leaves of greatest hazard. neurotoxic; A. fascicularis and A. subverticillata form dense populations, greatest risk The cardiotoxic species, some of which may also form dense stands—for example, A. speciosa and A. syriaca— are unlikely to be eaten, fresh or in hay, unless animals are forced to do so in unusual or dire circumstances. In some instances species may be quite common and abundant yet almost never cause problems. Although all animals are probably at risk, most reports involve sheep or cattle (Fleming et al. 1920; Marsh and Clawson 1924; Tunniclif and Cory 1930; Vail 1942; Rowe et al. 1970; Sperry et al. 1977; Ogden et al. 1992a,b; Smith et al. 2000). Similar signs are produced by all species, although the disease is generally more severe when the more toxic A. labriformis, A. eriocarpa, and A. latifolia are eaten. Typically, there are no convulsive episodes. Examples of the occasional episodes of intoxication include the death of 250 sheep from hay contaminated with A. eriocarpa in California and of 11 heifers over a 6-day period following ingestion of large amounts of A. syriaca in Hungary (Seiber et al. 1985; Salyi and Petri 1987). With respect to cardiotoxic milkweeds, all plant parts are toxic; fruits and seeds are most toxic, and the lower leaves and roots the least. Dried plants may remain toxic for 2 months and individual animals may develop a limited degree of tolerance to the toxicants (Tokarnia et al. 2001). cardiotoxic species may be quite toxic but are generally unpalatable Initial toxicity studies of Asclepias led toxicologists to divide the species into a “narrow-leaved” group and a “broad-leaved” group with blades wider than 3.5 cm. Based on clinical observations, it was originally believed


that the broad-leaved group was cardiotoxic and the narrow-leaved was group neurotoxic (Pammel 1917; Fleming et al. 1920; Radeleff 1970). However, it was later discovered (Ogden et al. 1992a,b) that this delineation is inappropriate. Several narrow-leaved species produce cardiotoxic effects. Furthermore, among the narrow-leaved taxa, only the verticillate-leaved species produce neurotoxic effects. Verticillate-Leaved Species A. fascicularis A. mexicana A. pumila A. subverticillata A. verticillata Verticillate-leaved species were classified by Woodson (1954) in the subgenus Asclepias and series Incarnatae. The series comprises 16 species, 5 of which are distinctly verticillate leaved—A. subverticillata, A. fascicularis, A. verticillata, A. pumila, and A. mexicana—and 1 of which appears nearly so, A. incarnata. These 6 taxa form a complex of intergrading species across the western half of the United States and Mexico and were hypothesized by Woodson to be derived from the easternmost A. incarnata. The neurotoxic effects of A. subverticillata have been described in sheep, cattle, horses, and poultry (Marsh et al. 1920; Stiles 1942; Sperry et al. 1977; Clark 1979; Sprowls 1982; Ogden et al. 1992a,b). Effects produced by A. fascicularis, A. pumila, and A. verticillata are similar (Glover et al. 1918; Fleming et al. 1920; Marsh and Clawson 1921a; Tehon et al. 1946; Sperry et al. 1977; Ogden et al. 1992a,b). In addition, there is the possibility of irritant effects on the eye following inadvertent contact with the latex sap similar to that described for Calotropis. cardiotoxic species have emetic activity; exploited by butterflies; larval feeding on plants protects butterflies from bird predation

Disease Genesis—As early as the mid-1800s, naturalists had observed that birds avoided eating certain butterflies, such as monarchs (Danaus plexippus), whose larvae fed primarily on Asclepias species. It was proposed and later confirmed that feeding larvae sequestered, by active regulation, emetic cardenolides that were retained and in some cases concentrated, in all stages of development, as a defense against vertebrate predators (Brower 1969; Rothschild and Ford 1970; Seiber et al. 1986). These cardenolides were recognized as very potent emetics (Brower et al.


Toxic Plants of North America

1982). Birds eating butterflies containing them vomited shortly thereafter. Observations of this behavior led to the so-called gourmand–gourmet hypothesis, which proposes that a “naïve” bird, initially accepting a wide range of foods, learns by conditioning to exercise judgment in selection on the basis of taste and eventually by the more efficient recognition of the visual characteristics of the insects. This in turn led to extensive studies on butterfly mimicry (Sheppard 1959; Rothschild 1967). Additionally, work was conducted to identify plant species containing emetic cardenolides and to characterize the compounds chemically. At present, 27 species of milkweed are recognized to be fed upon by butterfly larvae; the more toxic milkweed species are generally preferred (Malcolm and Brower 1986; Malcolm et al. 1989). Larvae accumulate much higher cardenolide concentrations when feeding on the more toxic species (Cohen and Brower 1983). Milkweeds are hosts for many other insects, herbivores, nectar seekers, and predators (Isman 1977; Cohen and Brower 1983; Morse 1985). steroidal glycosidic cardenolides The digestive tract/cardiotoxic effects are typical of those produced by cardenolides and have been extensively studied (Roeske et al. 1976; Benson et al. 1978, 1979; Seiber et al. 1983, 1985; Joubert 1989). The basic cardenolide aglycone is a 23-C steroidal genin with a 5-membered, singly unsaturated lactone ring at C-17, a hydroxyl group at C-14, and methyl groups at C-10 and C-13. Glycosidic linkage usually occurs at C-3 to one or more sugar moieties but can also involve C-2, creating a cyclic bridge to a single sugar. The sugars present include glucose and others such as rhamnose and thevetose. Additional methyl, hydroxyl, and carbonyl groups can be attached at other carbons of the genin, their presence further influencing lipid solubility as well as protein binding. These cardenolides inhibit Na+,K+-ATPase, and the structure–function relationship is believed to reside in the unsaturated lactone ring at C-17 and the hydroxyl group at C-14 (Joubert 1989) (Figure 9.10). In the Asclepiadoideae, the cardenolides are steroids with 5–chair/chair trans-A/B ring fusion conformation, in contrast to the 5–boat/chair cis-A/B ring fusion of most other cardiotoxic genera. This may portend a slightly different activity potential, which may be the reason for the limited use of species of Asclepias for medicinal purposes. Differences among the various cardenolides of the Asclepias include a double bridge at C-2 and C-3 between genin and sugar, an epoxide rather than a double bond at C-7/C8, and methyl derivatives at C-10 (Seiber et al. 1983). Cardenolides of more than one type may be present in the same plant (Seiber et al. 1985). Except for configurational

Figure 9.10.

Chemical structure of cardenolide.

changes, the glycosides are similar to the medically more useful cardenolides from other members of the Apocynaceae and Scrophulariaceae (Seiber et al. 1983). Some of the asclepiad cardenolides are quite potent: labriformidin is 2 times more potent than the well-known ouabain (Benson et al. 1978). Even the minimally toxic A. tuberosa contains cardenolides such as a diglucoside of coroglaucigenin. The asclepiad cardenolides affect the heart in a manner similar to that of the digitalis glycosides; there is inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase and increased movement of sodium and calcium into the cells (Benson et al. 1978). Additional cytotoxic and neurotoxic effects have been ascribed to some of them (Kupchan et al. 1967; Piatak et al. 1985) (Figure 9.11). cardenolides inhibit Na+,K+-ATPase, increase calcium in cells

cardiotoxic risk highest in early growth Cardenolide content may vary quantitatively and qualitatively with plant part, geographical location, and growing season (Roeske et al. 1976; Nelson et al. 1981; Brower et al. 1984; Moore and Scudder 1985). Concentrations of total cardenolides as digitoxin equivalents in leaves and other organs are typically 0.01–0.5%, but in some extreme instances they may be up to 14.7% (Roeske

Figure 9.11.

Chemical structure of syrioside.

Apocynaceae Juss.

et al. 1976). The most potent types are not necessarily present at these higher levels. Concentrations in the latex sap may be as much as 10 times higher (Nelson et al. 1981). Even species such as A. asperula, A. speciosa, and A. viridis, which have rarely been associated with intoxications, may have high cardenolide concentrations of 0.3–0.8% (Brower et al. 1984; Lynch and Martin 1987, 1993). Cardenolide concentrations in A. eriocarpa, which may exceed 0.5%, are highest in sap, less in pods and seeds, lower in stems, lower still in leaves, and lowest in roots (Duffey et al. 1978; Nelson et al. 1981; Brower et al. 1982). Stem concentrations are highest in early stages of growth and then decline steadily during the growing season to low levels in the fall. In leaves, concentrations are highest in midsummer and decline markedly between October and December after they die (Nelson et al. 1981). This may account for the reputed decrease in toxicity of A. latifolia after the first frosts in the fall (Sperry et al. 1977). Typically, there seems to be an inverse relationship between polarity of the cardenolide and toxicity (Seiber et al. 1986; Lynch and Martin 1987). A single species may contain more than a dozen similar but different cardenolides; a few may be rather novel ones, and the remainder the same as those present in other species of the genus (Brower et al. 1982; Jolad et al. 1986). Several species— for example, A. speciosa and A. syriaca—may share an almost identical array of cardenolides (Seiber et al. 1986). Cardenolides are biotransformed by hepatic microsomal mixed-function oxidases, hydroxylated at various sites to form more polar derivatives, and excreted as glucuronide conjugates (Singh and Rastogi 1970). Larvae feeding on Asclepias containing high amounts of these toxins have increased activity of mixed-function oxidases in the midgut and fat body (Marty et al. 1982; Marty and Krieger 1984). This may portend a similar response in vertebrates, inducing biotransformation by hepatic mixedfunction oxidases and hastening xenobiotic disposition.

Early research indicated that A. subverticillata, thought to be one of the most toxic plants in North America, contained an alcohol-extractable, glucosidal, resinoid neurotoxin called galitoxin (Couch 1937). However, these observations remain unconfirmed. Although neurotoxins have yet to be identified in Asclepias, studies in China and South Africa on Cynanchum and Sarcostemma, other genera of the Apocynaceae, have identified specific neurotoxicants. These generally lack cardenolides (Ritland 1991) and instead contain neurotoxic pregnane glycosides, for example, the cynafoside series (Zhang et al. 1985; Tsukamoto et al. 1985a,b, 1986; Qui et al. 1989; Steyn et al. 1989; Lou et al. 1993). There is also the possibility that the neurotoxicants are structurally very similar to the cardiotoxins. Known to cause both cardiac and neurotoxic effects, the action of bufotoxins from toads can be altered to increase spastic activity at the expense of cardiac activity by removal of the C-14 hydroxy group or by converting it to an oxido group. There is evidence to indicate that the neurotoxicants are cinnamic ester pregnane glycosides (Robinson et al. 1998). Based on mass spectrophotometry data, the existence of one such compound—verticenolide—has been proposed (Robinson et al. 1998) (Figures 9.12 and 9.13). a pregnane glycoside structure has been proposed for the neurotoxin in verticillate-leaved species, verticenolide Substantial information (Table 9.2) has been accumulated about the toxicity of verticillate-leaved species and several of the cardiotoxic species, including A. brachystephana, A. eriocarpa, A. labriformis, A. latifolia, and A. speciosa. For most of the remainder, estimates of toxicity are based on concentrations of cardenolides or anecdotal reports. A wide variety of animal species are reported to

neurotoxins isolated from other family members similar to cardenolides Neurotoxic effects produced by verticillate-leaved species of Asclepias appear to be caused by toxins other than the typical cardenolides. As noted above, Woodson (1954) classified these taxa together into the series Incarnatae in the subgenus Asclepias. Toxicologically, they appear distinct from other species of Asclepias in that they contain little or no cardenolides and produce neurotoxic rather than cardiotoxic effects (Seiber et al. 1983, 1985; Burrows et al. 1990, 1992; Ogden et al. 1992a,b). Surprisingly, although these species are considered to possess negligible cardenolide content, they are reported to produce some cardiac effects, albeit of a minor nature (Ogden et al. 1992b).


Figure 9.12.

Chemical structure of cynafosides.


Toxic Plants of North America

Table 9.2.

Toxicity and cardenolide content of species of Asclepias.


Leaf arrangement and width

Cardenolide Contenta

Toxicity estimateb

A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.

opposite, broad opposite, broad opposite, narrow opposite, broad opposite, broad opposite, medium opposite, broad opposite, broad opposite, broad whorled, narrow opposite, medium opposite, broad opposite, medium opposite, narrow opposite, broad whorled, narrow opposite, broad opposite, broad whorled, narrow opposite, broad opposite, medium whorled, narrow opposite, medium opposite, broad opposite, broad

very low very high very high high lowd very high very high intermediate low very low highc very high very lowd very high highc very lowc intermediate very high very low intermediate very low very low very high very low high

– >1% 0.5% – >2% – 0.2% – – 0.5–1% 1% – 2% or > 0.05–0.2% 0.2–0.4% 1% 1–2% – 0.2–0.4% 1–2% >2% 0.4–1% – – 1%

amplexicaulis asperula brachystephana californica cordifolia curassavica eriocarpa erosa exaltata fascicularis hirtella humistrata incarnata labriformis latifolia pumila speciosa subulata subverticillata syriaca tuberosa verticillata vestita viridiflora viridis

Very low ≤ 0.25, low = 0.25–1, intermediate = 1–2, high = 2–4, very high ≥ 4 mg/g plant. Estimate of the amount of the plant (green or dry) causing death, expressed as percentage of b.w. of the animal. c Estimated, based on toxicity data. d Field test results indicate high concentrations. a


as well as many mammalian species are quite susceptible to the neurotoxins. Additional toxicants in A. speciosa and A. syriaca include α- and β-amyrin (Brower et al. 1982).

Clinical Signs—As would be expected by the presence of two apparent classes of toxicants in Asclepias, the clinical signs appearing after ingestion of plants are quite different. cardiotoxic; depression, weakness, reluctance to stand, diarrhea, labored respiration, possible cardiac arrhythmias Figure 9.13. structure).

Chemical structure of verticenolide (proposed

be affected, including chickens, turkeys, rabbits, horses, cattle, and sheep. Chickens appear to be less susceptible than mammals to the cardiotoxic species (Sperry et al. 1977; Ogden et al. 1992a). Mice and quail are also reported to be little affected by the cardenolides (Rothschild and Ford 1970). In contrast, chickens and turkeys

As discussed above, disease due to consumption of cardiotoxic species may occasionally occur, typically only in unusual circumstances. The animal becomes very depressed, often lying down and reluctant to stand. Abdominal pain with odontoprisis and diarrhea may also be evident. The most distinct and characteristic change occurs with respiration; it is often irregular, but typically difficult and with a peculiar and distinct groaning grunt,

Apocynaceae Juss.

almost as if it were painful. It is important to note that even though cardiotoxic species contain cardiac glycosides, arrhythmias as conspicuous as those produced by the glycosides of Digitalis are seldom seen. Death usually occurs without obvious signs of struggle. There are no convulsive episodes. A field test with a detection threshold of 0.057% is available for detecting cardenolides in those instances when species of unknown toxicity are encountered (Sady and Seiber 1991). neurotoxic; especially horses, depression, trembling, weakness, ataxia, seizures with flexed thoracic limbs when down, paddling leg movements; death due to respiratory failure Neurotoxic effects are cumulative, and signs may occur immediately after a single feeding of 1% b.w. or more of plant material, although there may be a delay of 12 or more hours between ingestion and onset of obvious signs. Horses display signs of colic and marked uneasiness; they periodically lie down. Ataxia and weakness of the pelvic limbs almost to the extent of paresis follows. Because of this weakness, they become even more apprehensive and try to move about or fight their weakness. This leads to trembling; falls, some of which may produce serious injury; mydriasis; and profuse sweating. The animal’s temperature often increases during this time. Finally, the weakness and ataxia progress into actual seizures, which may result in an inability to stand. Initially the seizures are tetanic and appear to be very agonizing; the animal falls with neck bowed and thoracic limbs flexed. These tetanic seizures may give way to clonic types with paddling movements that occasionally become violent. The occurrence of violent seizures, while of great concern, does not necessarily signal impending death, because the animal may recover even after such severe signs (Marsh 1929). Death is apparently due to respiratory failure. Intoxication of an adult horse (approximately 450 kg) may occur with ingestion of as little as 1 kg of plant material. Recovery from the acute disease may be followed by the presence of some neurologic signs for several or more days. Sheep are intoxicated by doses similar to those for horses, whereas cattle require substantially more, that is, approximately two times as much. Signs in cattle are similar to those in horses and commence 12 or more hours after ingestion. They begin with depression, muscle fasciculation, and progressive weakness. They progress to ataxia and then to seizures, which cause collapse, opisthotonus, and flexed thoracic limbs. Between seizure episodes, bloat, groaning, and excess salivation may be prominent. Initially, the episodes are sufficiently separated to allow periods of uncoordinated standing, but they


eventually become almost continuous and terminate in death in several hours. If the animal survives, it will be weak for several or more days. In sheep, as in cattle and horses, neurotoxic signs are prominent. Weakness and pelvic limb ataxia are marked. The animal stands with a humped-up appearance and with head held in an elevated position. When the animal is forced to move, an exaggerated jackrabbit-like gait with the head up has been described (Clark 1979). Convulsive episodes with opisthotonus, champing of the jaws, twitching of the eyelids, ears, and lips, head shaking, head pressing, and eventually death are common progressive stages of the disease. neurotoxic, poultry, bizarre posturing Intoxication in poultry seems to be a particular problem when chicks or poults gain access to young green plants. Within a few hours of ingestion there are obvious signs, including loss of muscular control, excitement, bizarre posturing, and periodic violent seizures with backward flips. After several more hours these subside to less dramatic tremors, torticollis, inability to stand, and running movements. With exhaustion and gasping dyspnea, death eventually supervenes. cardiotoxic; gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa microscopic, mild cardiac lesions

Pathology—Although changes produced by the cardiotoxic species are not conspicuous, they are consistent and typically associated with the gastrointestinal tract. There is reddening, with or without hemorrhage, of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine, sometimes extending into the omasum and/or cecum. Mild to moderate pulmonary congestion, edema, and emphysema are not uncommon. Microscopically, acute ischemic-type glomerulopathy with tubular nephrosis and pulmonary atelectasis with mucoid plugs may be seen. Interestingly, mild nonsuppurative myocardial cellular degeneration and mononuclear infiltration may be observed with both the neurotoxic and the cardiotoxic species. Similarly, increases in serum creatinine kinase may be seen with any of the Asclepias. neurotoxic; gross pathology, few changes, may have mild cardiac lesions Few specific pathological changes occur with ingestion of the neurotoxic species. There are often hemorrhages in the trachea, in the lungs, and on the various heart


Toxic Plants of North America

surfaces. The urinary bladder is usually empty. Externally there may be obvious evidence of traumatic damage to the skin due to the sometimes violent seizures. activated charcoal; cardiotoxic, atropine; neurotoxic, sedation

Treatment—Treatment of intoxications caused by the cardiotoxic species may be approached in a manner akin to that for the similar digitalis glycoside intoxications— activated charcoal, atropine for AV block, and/or antiarrhythmic drugs. There are no specific, effective means of treatment for the neurologic effects, although symptomatic therapy, including the use of sedatives for control of the convulsions, has been used with limited success. Chloral hydrate administered orally has been reported to be effective in sheep prior to onset of severe seizures (Clark 1979).

Plants shrubs; evergreen; sap viscous and white. Stems 100–250 cm tall; freely branched. Leaves opposite; sessile or subsessile; thick; gray-green; blades oblong. Inflorescences umbellate clusters borne in axils of upper leaves. Flowers campanulate; glaucous. Sepals fused. Petals purple or white with purple-tinged corona; erect. Coronas of 5 fleshy scales. Follicles usually paired; gray-green; apices acute to acuminate (Figures 9.14 and 9.15).

Distribution and Habitat—Calotropis procera is native to southwestern Asia and northern Africa. Capable of withstanding drought without stress, it is grown as a houseplant and sometimes as a planted ornamental in Mexico, California, and Florida. It has apparently naturalized in the West Indies and South America.

prevention of consumption In most instances, prevention of plant consumption is the only effective means to reduce animal losses. It is very important to guard against feeding hay contaminated with milkweed. This is especially important when feeding alfalfa hay produced in areas within the range of A. subverticillata. Very close scrutiny is required to detect this species, even when hay contains a high proportion of the plants.

CALOTROPIS R.BR. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 3 species

Figure 9.14.

Line drawing of Calotropis procera.

Figure 9.15.

Photo of Calotropis procera.

native to the Old World, Calotropis is closely related to Asclepias and is often called giant milkweed or crown flower (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek roots kalos and tropis, meaning “beautiful” and “keel,” respectively, and alluding to the flowers, which are made into leis in Hawaii and considered sacred to the Hindu god Shiva (Quattrocchi 2000). Fibers are extracted from the bark and seeds of some species. In North America, only 1 introduced species is of toxicologic concern: C. procera (Ait.) Ait.f.

calotrope, rubber tree, king’s crown, St. Thomas bush, wild down, wild cotton

evergreen shrubs with white, latex-like sap; leaves opposite; petals purple or white with purple tinge

Apocynaceae Juss.

mild digestive tract irritation; possible cardiotoxic effects


steroidal cardenolides

Disease Genesis—In an extensive series of studies, Hesse Disease Problems—Decoctions and other preparations made from species of Calotropis have been widely used for medicinal purposes, mainly as purgatives and caustics (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). In areas where C. procera is native, it has traditionally been used to promote wound healing, to treat infertility, malaria, and ulcers, and given as an analgesic, antidiarrheal, anthelmintic, and antibacterial (Qureshi et al. 2008). The milky sap may cause contact irritation of skin in addition to cardiotoxic and digestive tract effects similar to the potent cardiotoxic species of Asclepias (Perkins and Payne 1978; Seiber et al. 1985). Even though these plants are recognized as cardiotoxic, there is considerable disagreement as to the risk they represent. The foliage is generally considered to be unpalatable. In experimental studies in Sudan, sheep and goats that were fed leaves of C. procera at 1% of b.w. became intoxicated but only after several or more weeks of daily ingestion (Mahmoud et al. 1979a). Administration of the milky sap produced similar effects in a much shorter period of time. It was lethal in a few hours at a dose of 1.2–1.6 mL/kg b.w. (Mahmoud et al. 1979b; El Sheikh et al. 1991). In rats, sap from C. procera has also been shown to produce high mortality or fetal loss when fed for several days (Bhima Rao et al. 1974; Pahwa and Chatterjee 1988). Similarly, crude water extracts are highly lethal in guinea pigs (Das et al. 2003). In contrast, because of its high crude protein (19%) and general availability during unfavorable times, C. procera is used as dry-season livestock feed at up to 50% of the diet for prolonged periods in Sudan without apparent adverse effects (Abbas et al. 1992). In Brazil, few effects were noted in goats fed plants at up to 60% of the diet for 40 days (Melo et al. 2001). Furthermore, experimental results from northern Australia indicated no adverse effects when sheep were fed the species at 0.5–1% b.w. for 3 months and cattle at up to 1% b.w. for 84 days (Radunz et al. 1984). This further substantiates earlier reports of cattle eating the plants without harm (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Everist 1981). The presence of other plants in the diet that might stimulate processes of hepatic biotransformation may play a role in attenuating the toxicity, because dieldrin given experimentally to goats reduced toxicity of Calotropis (El Sheikh et al. 1991). Inadvertent ingestion of C. procera poses some risk for horses and perhaps pets but is unlikely to be a problem in ruminants. The milky latex sap represents some risk to the eyes causing conjunctivitis and corneal edema with possible corneal endothelial cell loss (Al-Mezaine et al. 2008).

et al. (1939, 1950, 1960) chronicled the numerous cardenolides of Calotropis. Some have unique sulfur-containing sugars (Crout et al. 1964). These potent cardenolides include calactin, calotoxin, calotropin, uscharidin, uscharin, and voruscharin, all glycosides of the unique, cyclicbridged calotropagenin (Figure 9.16). This array of cardenolides is shared with some of the potent cardiotoxic species of Asclepias such as A. curassavica (Seiber et al. 1985). As measured immunologically and expressed as apparent digoxin concentration, cardenolide activity/content is estimated to be as high as 4.9μg/g of plant material (Radford et al. 1994). Although it has long been known as an arrow poison, some of its cardenolides are recognized for their use in treatment of cancer (Philippe and Angenot 2005). Two are protected by patents, uscharin and 2-oxovoruscharin, for that purpose. Other constituents, probably proteinaceous, are used for other purposes. The numerous other compounds present are reviewed by Qureshi and coworkers (2008). depression, weakness, diarrhea; possibly signs of cardiac insufficiency

Clinical Signs—Typical of cardenolide effects, signs include colic and diarrhea, depression, weakness, loss of appetite, slow heart rate, exercise intolerance, and collapse. Careful auscultation may reveal cardiac arrhythmias. gross pathology, mild reddening of gut mucosa

Pathology—The gross changes are also typical of cardenolides—mild to moderate reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine; scattered splotchy hemorrhages, especially on heart surfaces; and excess

Figure 9.16.

Chemical structure of calotropin.


Toxic Plants of North America

fluid in the chest and around the heart. Pale and friable foci may be present in heart muscle, and microscopic examination may reveal myocardial degeneration and necrosis. activated charcoal

Treatment—Treatment will generally be limited to controlling the digestive tract disturbance, and only rarely is intervention for cardiac disturbances required. Activated charcoal given orally at 2 g/kg b.w. may be beneficial in limiting expression of the disease. The corneal edema responds well to a 2-week course of topical corticosteroids (Al-Mezaine et al. 2008).

CATHARANTHUS G.DON Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to Madagascar, Catharanthus comprises 8 species (Mabberley 2008). In North America, it is represented by 1 cultivated taxon: C. roseus (L.) G.Don

Madagascar periwinkle, pink periwinkle, old maid, cayenne jasmine, rose periwinkle

The binomials Vinca rosea and Lochnera rosea are encountered in the older literature.

herbs; leaves simple, opposite; flowers large, showy; petals rosy purple, pink, red, or white, with red centers

Figure 9.17.

Line drawing of Catharanthus roseus.

it is perennial and has escaped to grow wild in a few areas of California and Florida and along the Gulf coast. It is naturalized in Sinaloa and scattered elsewhere in Mexico. hypotensive, neurotoxic

Disease Problems—Catharanthus rosea has long been used in folk remedies, including as an anthelmintic, diuretic, emetic eyewash, and as a laxative (Farnsworth 1961; Morton 1977). With respect to toxicity, the species appears to produce hypotensive and neurotoxic effects with continued exposure (Farnsworth 1961; Selva Raj and Ganapathy 1967; Morton 1977). Selva Raj and Ganapathy (1967) described distinctive neurologic signs for intoxication of cattle and sheep. Experimentally, ingestion of 0.1% of b.w. for several days caused similar signs in both species, including ataxia, tremors, and hematologic changes. reserpine-type alkaloids

Plants herbs or shrubs; perennials or annuals; erect; foliage dark green. Leaves simple; opposite; oblong; margins entire; apices mucronate; bases tapered; petioles short. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes of 2 or 3 flowers, borne in axils of leaves. Flowers large, showy. Sepals fused; narrow. Corollas salverform. Petals rosy purple, pink, red, or white, typically with red centers. Stamens borne just inside throats of corolla tubes. Pistils 1; stigmas 1; styles 2; ovaries 2, superior. Fruits follicles; short; indumented; held together at stigma or rarely separate. Seeds numerous (Figure 9.17).

Distribution and Habitat—Although C. roseus is endemic to Madagascar, it has been carried throughout the tropics because of its horticultural use as a ground cover or bedding plant. It has naturalized in these areas. In temperate regions, it is generally cultivated as an annual from seed or cuttings. In frost-free areas of North America,

Disease Genesis—Catharanthus roseus is noted for its array of dozens of alkaloids, including alstonine, reserpine, vinblastine, vincristine, yohimbine, and others of yohimbinoid and strychnoid bases (Taylor 1965). For many of these alkaloids, such as alstonine and reserpine, the predominant effects are blood pressure reduction, sedation, and slowed heart rate (Wakim and Chen 1947; Schlittler 1965) (Figures 9.18 and 9.19). antineoplastic, neurotoxic alkaloids Catharanthus roseus was originally studied because of its reputed efficacy as an herbal treatment for diabetes, but the benefits of its hypoglycemic effects were overshadowed by discovery of its effects on bone marrow (Noble

Apocynaceae Juss.


Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Following continued ingestion of the foliage of C. roseus, animals exhibit a loss of appetite with abrupt onset of ataxia, lateral flexure of the neck, tremors, and seizures, followed by coma and death in 1–2 days. There may also be anemia. Few pathologic changes occur other than visceral congestion. Treatment is nonspecific and includes sedation and perhaps oral administration of activated charcoal. Figure 9.18.

Chemical structure of alstonine.

CRYPTOSTEGIA R.BR. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the tropics of Africa, Madagascar, and India, Cryptostegia comprises three species (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek kryptos and stego, meaning “hidden” and “scale,” respectively, which refer to the corona scales covering the anthers (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Two species have been introduced in North America: Figure 9.19.

Chemical structure of reserpine.

1990). Some of its alkaloids are potent antineoplastic agents (Farnsworth 1961; Farnsworth et al. 1962). Particularly noteworthy are vinblastine, used for treatment of lymphomas, and vincristine, for treatment of leukemias (Noble 1990). Both bind tubulin protein, preventing microtubule assembly and resulting in metaphase arrest of mitosis (Sartorelli and Creasey 1969). In addition, these alkaloids produce other effects, including hypoglycemia and bone marrow hypoplasia (with severe leukopenia). They are also neurotoxic and teratogenic in laboratory rodents (Johnson et al. 1963; Svoboda et al. 1964; Keeler 1983; Zimmermann et al. 1991). Neurotoxicity is associated with inhibition of axoplasmic neuronal transport due to axon microtubular disruption (Gerzon 1980; Anthony and Graham 1991). This causes axonal degeneration and a dying-back axonopathy (Riopelle et al. 1984). These effects, however, are of concern only with medicinal use of these alkaloids and indeed severe intoxications have occurred with excess dosage of purified alkaloids or crude herbal products (Wu et al. 2004; Klys et al. 2007). Catharanthus rosea is host to numerous fungal endophytes representing 13 fungal taxa. The role of these fungi in the possible production of any of the numerous alkaloids present in plants of this species is not known (Kharwar et al. 2008).

C. grandiflora R.Br. C. madagascariensis Bojer ex Decne.

rubber vine, palay rubber vine, pink allamanda rubber vine

shrubs and woody climbers; sap latex-like; leaves opposite; petals pink or rose-purple

Plants shrubs or woody climbers; sap viscous and white. Stems arching or trailing; 100–200 cm tall. Leaves opposite; petiolate; thick; glossy dark green above; blades oblong elliptic; apices obtuse. Inflorescences terminal cymes; branches typically trichotomously forked. Flowers large; 5–8 cm in diameter; funnelform-campanulate. Sepals large. Petals pink or rose-purple or rarely white. Coronas of 5 scales. Follicles usually paired; 3-angled or winged (Figure 9.20).

Distribution and Habitat—Both species are cultivated in the warmer, frost-free areas of North America and have escaped in Florida, but they are relatively rare. Cryptostegia grandiflora is also naturalized in Sinaloa, Mexico.

digestive disturbance; cardiotoxic

ataxia, tremors, seizures

activated charcoal; sedation

Disease Problems—Although cardiotoxic plants are typically considered to be unpalatable, species of Cryptostegia are said to be palatable under some circumstances


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs—Typically there are mild to moderate cardenolide effects; the signs include colic and diarrhea, depression, weakness, loss of appetite, slow heart rate, labored respiration, exercise intolerance, cyanosis, and eventual collapse. Careful auscultation may reveal cardiac arrhythmias. Death, which is due to ventricular fibrillation, rarely occurs.

gross pathology: moderate reddening of gut mucosa microscopic, possible myocardial lesions

Figure 9.20.

Line drawing of Cryptostegia grandiflora.

(Seawright 1989). Occasional intoxications are seen in horses: for example, death following brief exercise of a pony and a donkey in Florida due to ingestion of C. madagascariensis, and death of several horses in Australia after eating dried leaves of C. grandiflora (Morton 1982; Cook et al. 1990). Everist (1981) estimated the lethal dosage to be 0.03–0.06% of b.w. in horses and 0.1–0.5% or higher in ruminants in Australia where Cryptostegia is of some concern. Young leaves appear to be most toxic. The milky sap may cause contact irritation of the skin in addition to its cardiotoxic and digestive tract effects (Perkins and Payne 1978). Inadvertent ingestion of Cryptostegia, like that of Calotropis procera, may be a risk for horses and perhaps pets but is unlikely to be a problem in ruminants.

steroidal cardenolides

Pathology—The gross changes are typical of those caused by cardenolides, with mild to moderate reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine; scattered splotchy hemorrhages, especially on the heart surfaces; and excess fluid in the thorax and around the heart. Pale and friable foci may be present in heart muscle, and microscopic examination may reveal myocardial degeneration and necrosis.

administer activated charcoal; atropine

Treatment—Treatment will generally be limited to controlling the digestive tract disturbance and only rarely will intervention for cardiac disturbances be required. Activated charcoal given orally at 2 g/kg b.w. may be beneficial in limiting expression of the disease.

NERIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Old

Disease Genesis—Quite similar to those of Nerium, the very potent cardenolides present in Cryptostegia are glycosides, mainly rhamnosides, of digitoxigenin, oleandrigenin, and other genins (Sanduja et al. 1984). These include cryptograndosides A and B, plus a saponin (Morton 1982). As estimated from immunologic determination, cardenolide content is high: 0.6 and 2.1 μg digoxin equivalents per gram of plant material of C. grandiflora and C. madagascariensis, respectively (Radford et al. 1994).

digestive disturbance, diarrhea; possible mild cardiac signs, slow heart rate, arrhythmias, weakness

World, Nerium is now believed to comprise 1 polymorphic species with more than 400 cultivars (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008): N. oleander L.

oleander, laurel rosa, laurel blanco, laurel colorado, rosa laurel

The binomials N. indicum and N. odorum are used in the older literature.

evergreen shrubs; leaves simple, whorled or opposite, leathery; flowers fragrant, funnel like, 5-lobed; petals white, pink, purple, or yellow; follicles long

Apocynaceae Juss.

Plants evergreen shrubs or small trees; perennials; 2–6 m tall; branches spreading to erect. Leaves simple; in whorls of 3 or 4 or rarely opposite; oblong or lanceolate; glossy dark green above, sometimes variegated; pale green below; with prominent midrib and secondary veins; apices acuminate; margins revolute; bases tapered; petioles short. Inflorescences dense compound cymes; terminal. Flowers fragrant. Sepals fused. Corollas funnelform; deeply 5-lobed; tube slender; throats dilated, with 5 cleft or ragged segments at apex. Petals white to pink or purple or yellow. Stamens attached within corolla tubes; anthers connivent and adhering to stigmas, with long apical appendages. Pistils 1; stigmas 1, styles 1; ovaries 2. Fruits follicles; elongate. Seeds numerous; comose (Figures 9.21 and 9.22).


ornamental, naturalized in warmer areas of North America

Distribution and Habitat—Native from the Mediterranean region to western China, oleander is now widely naturalized throughout the warmer parts of the world, including North America. It is widely planted as a drought-tolerant ornamental in southern states and Mexico. It is cold hardy to temperatures as low as 15– 20°F. It is widely used in roadside plantings, for hedges, and for specimen yard plants. rarely eaten, digestive tract irritation, cardiotoxicity

Disease Problems—Because N. oleander was well

Figure 9.21.

Photo of Nerium oleander.

known in antiquity as a medicinal and toxic species, there is little doubt concerning its deadly toxicity. It is mentioned in the writings of early Greeks and Romans such as Theophrastus, Pliny, and Galen. It produces cardiotoxic problems and, as with Digitalis, disturbances of vision and color perception (Langford and Boor 1996). The potency of oleander is shown by the death of two budgerigars given 250 mg of leaves in comparison with the lack of adverse effects in other birds given up to 1 g of Digitalis leaves (Shropshire et al. 1992). Even though oleander typically is not eaten or only reluctantly so, there are numerous reports of intoxications in a variety of animals, including humans. Species affected include dog, cat, sloth, monkey, bear, ducks, geese, swan, goat, cattle, sheep, camelids, ratites, budgerigar, mule, and horse (Wilson 1909; Szabuniewicz et al. 1972; Miller 1973; Schwartz et al. 1974; Fowler 1981; Mayer et al. 1986; Alfonso et al. 1991; Shropshire et al. 1992; Langford and Boor 1996; Galey et al. 1998; Soto-Blanco et al. 2006; Kozikowski et al. 2009). Rats, mice, and chickens are somewhat resistant to the cardiotoxic effects of the species but display neurotoxic effects at high dosage (Szabuniewicz et al. 1972; Glendinning 1992). This disparity in effects has been reported for other cardenolides (Glendinning 1992) and may, in some way, be related to preferential effects on brain rather than heart ATPase. risk in humans via exposure to honey, teas, smoke, wood

Figure 9.22.

Photo of flowers of Nerium oleander.

In humans, intoxications have been ascribed to individuals eating honey derived from oleander blossoms, inhaling smoke from its burning branches, holding flowers or stems in the mouth, and using the plant as a medicament or as an ingredient in herbal tea (Shaw and Pearn


Toxic Plants of North America

1979; Morton 1982; Haynes et al. 1985; Fuller and McClintock 1986; Blum and Rieders 1987; Wasfi et al. 2008). When oleander branches were used to stir soup or for roasting meat, considerable loss of life occurred in several instances (Wilson 1909). Clearly there is a risk of the toxins solubilizing in water as shown by immobilization of fish (Singh and Singh 2002, 2005). An interesting case of intoxication due to ingestion of a toxic stew made from snails collected from a garden containing oleander gives greater credibility to some of the strange anectodal reports of problems with this plant (Gechtman et al. 2006). Leaves are also used for suicidal purposes but in spite of its reputation, relatively few deaths are reported (Shumaik et al. 1988; Langford and Boor 1996). The greatest risk seems to lie with children but even there, severe signs and death have been the exception rather than the rule, as shown for intoxications in children in Queensland, Australia, where oleander has escaped cultivation and become well established (Shaw and Pearn 1979). In instances of intoxication, the prognosis with prompt medical attention is generally favorable (Gupta et al. 1997). livestock, risk from dried leaves, especially horses, greater than 50 mg/kg b.w. of leaves may be lethal; ruminants, lower risk In experimental studies (Wilson 1909), 20–30 g of leaves was sufficient to cause death in horses, while 18 g in a cow and 1–4 g in sheep was lethal. In sheep, 250 mg/ kg b.w. was deadly (Kellerman et al. 1988). Dosage of 250–500 mg fresh leaves/kg b.w. was lethal to cattle (Tokarnia et al. 1996; Pedroso et al. 2009). A single dose of 50 mg/kg was lethal in 3 calves, as was the same dose divided into 3 potions given 24 hours apart (Oryan et al. 1996). Galey et al. (1998) reported minimum toxic doses in horses and cattle of 26 and 45 mg/kg, respectively. Steep response curves were apparent, because doses of 20 and 40 mg/kg, respectively, were without obvious adverse effects. Typically dried leaves, discarded in a manner allowing access to them by livestock, are the greatest hazard, because fresh, green foliage is, for the most part, quite disagreeable and rarely eaten unless mixed into feed. Galey and coworkers (1996) reported that of 37 cases of Nerium intoxication in livestock in California over a 7-year period, most were due to ingestion of clippings or dried leaves. Goats are clearly quite susceptible to the effects of Nerium (Barbosa et al. 2008). Dosage as low as 0.1 g/kg b.w. of dried leaves may be lethal to sheep and goats (Adam et al. 2001; Aslani et al. 2004, 2007). Compost containing or even composed totally of oleander retains the toxins for only a few weeks with a half-life of 15 days and loss of 90% within 50 days of aerobic

composting (Downer et al. 2003). Increased intoxication problems following unusually severe cold weather are presumably the result of ingestion of the more palatable dried leaves (Reagor 1985). dogs at risk Dogs and cats are at considerable risk because even a few dried leaves can cause vomiting, weakness, depression, diarrhea, and cardiac arrhythmias lasting for several days (Reagor 1985; Kovacevic et al. 2004; Milewski and Khan 2006). It is of interest that, as with digitalis glycosides, the female animal appears to be less sensitive to the toxic effects of oleander than the male (Grinnell and Smith 1957; Schwartz et al. 1974). high levels of potent steroidal glycosidic cardenolides in all plant parts

Disease Genesis—Nerium oleander contains numerous steroidal glycosidic cardenolides composed of several genins linked with various sugars or combinations of sugars (Jager et al. 1959; Kingsbury 1964; Shoppee 1964; Chen and Henderson 1965; Coffey 1970; Yamauchi et al. 1975; Joubert 1989; Paper and Franz 1989). Identified glycosides and their genins include the following: adigoside adynerin deacetylnerigoside neriantin nerigoside neritaloside odorosides A, D, F, G, H odorosides B, K oleandrin (= oleandroside)

adigenin adynerigenin gitoxigenin neriantogenin oleandrigenin oleandrigenin digitoxigenin uzarigenin oleandrigenin

All of these steroidal genins are 23-C except for oleandrigenin, which is acetylated gitoxigenin. Other similar glycosides such as odorobiosides and odorotriosides may be present. They contain sugars such as diginose, digitalose, glucose, oleandrose, and sarmentose (Figures 9.23 and 9.24). Plants of N. oleander should be considered to have high cardiotoxic potential because they have high concentrations of these cardenolides—about 0.5%, as measured by a TLC-colorimetric assay or estimated as the equivalent of 3.4 μg of digoxin/g of plant as measured by immunoassay (Karawya et al. 1973; Radford et al. 1994). All plant parts have appreciable concentrations of cardenolides, especially the root, fruit, and seeds (Karawya et al. 1973). Differences in the array of cardenolides represented in

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Figure 9.23.

Chemical structure of nerigoside.


ring at C-17 are not active as cardiotoxins but may irritate the digestive tract and exhibit hemolytic activity typical of saponins (Shoppee 1964). Even though some of the cardenolides are of low potency, the cardenolides of Nerium as a group are probably among the most toxic of the cardiac glycosides; some are almost as potent as ouabain (Chen and Henderson 1965; Coffey 1970). Other biological effects of these compounds include cytotoxicity of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and inhibition of brain transport ATPase (Kupchan et al. 1967). Nerium also produces several ursane-type pentacyclic terpenoids such as kaneric and oleanderolic acids (Connolly and Hill 1991b). They may contribute to the digestive disturbances associated with the cardenolides. all animals, depression, excess salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias Humans, lethargy, pallor, vomiting, ataxia, cardiac arrhythmias

Figure 9.24.

Chemical structure of odoroside A.

various parts may indicate a difference in risk. The leaf and flower have been shown to contain considerable oleandrin, whereas roots have much less. Although peak concentrations were seen at flowering, differences at other times were not marked. In one evaluation, a red-flowering cultivar had slightly higher cardenolide concentrations than a white-flowered type (Karawya et al. 1973). Numerous other cardenolides have been reported to be present in Nerium. In some instances, these compounds are chemically the same as those listed above, but because of nomenclatural confusion, they have been given different names. In other instances, they are artifacts of the isolation procedure, that is, degradation products of the listed compounds mainly due to cleavage of sugar linkages. Even though they are artifacts, they may be significant because their parent compounds may undergo similar degradative processes in the digestive system of the animal and yield the same products. To some extent, degradation increases potency; monosides are typically more potent than the biosides and triosides (Chen and Henderson 1965). Not all of the glycosides are active or potent; for example, adigoside, adynerin, neriantin, and odoroside K have low toxicity (Chen and Henderson 1965; Hoffman et al. 1966). Compounds lacking the 5-membered lactone

Clinical Signs—Signs of Nerium intoxication vary somewhat depending on the species involved. Typically there is depression, anorexia, excess salivation, and varying degrees of diarrhea. Vomiting is common in dogs and cats. Diarrhea (with or without blood) is a consistent sign in all animals, including cattle. In horses, colic, weak pulse, decreased GI motility, congested mucus membranes, and slow capillary refill may be initial signs. As the disease progresses, direct evidence of cardiac involvement emerges, for example, bradycardia (in many but not all), paroxysmal tachycardia, ST segment depression, and various arrhythmias, including AV block, ectopic beats, and gallop rhythm with dropped beats. These signs may be accompanied by cold extremities, irregular weak pulse, increased apical beat, tremors, mydriasis, polypnea, and a marked increase in heart rate with mild exertion (West 1957; Szabuniewicz et al. 1972; Miller 1973; Schwartz et al. 1974; Mahin et al. 1984). An accompanying sign on occasion is flaring and soreness around the mouth (Wilson 1909; Ansford and Morris 1983). male animals at increased risk Signs are reported to be most severe or most likely to occur in male animals (Grinnell and Smith 1957; Schwartz et al. 1974). In some instances the disease progresses gradually, with clinical signs appearing several hours or more after ingestion of plant material. In other cases, however, the intoxication is so severe and the disease progresses so rapidly that premonitory signs are not observed and the animal is found dead. In cattle and


Toxic Plants of North America

sheep, onset of signs may be delayed for 12 hours or more and then be prolonged for several days or more before death or recovery ensues. While the effects in dogs and cats may persist for several days they are typically not lethal. In horses and other animals signs may linger for several days or more and be complicated by renal failure (Hughes et al. 2002; Smith et al. 2003). Signs in humans are similar to those of animals, including nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, mental confusion, bradycardia, AV block, T wave changes, ST depression, various arrhythmias, and terminal ventricular fibrillation (Froberg et al. 2007). Because of cross-reactivity among cardenolides, antibody-based digoxin assays may be used for detection of a variety of cardenolides including those from Nerium (Gupta et al. 1997). Commercial immunoassay kits to detect cardenolides in serum are available (Dasgupta and Datta 2004; Dasgupta et al. 2008), and in most instances of intoxication, serum levels have been in the 1–10 ng/mL range (Osterloh et al. 1982; Haynes et al. 1985; Shumaik et al. 1988; Safadi et al. 1995; Gupta et al. 1997). Because of discrepancies between results using the relatively easy to perform immunoassays and more conventional and specific HPLC methodology, some caution is warranted to avoid overinterpreting results (Pietsch et al. 2005). A result in the 1–2 ng/mL range should be considered positive, but does not necessarily indicate the seriousness of the cardenolide exposure. Using the more specific HPLCMS/MS methodology, fatal blood concentrations in humans are reported to be approximately 10 ng/mL (Arao et al. 2002; Tor et al. 2005; Wasfi et al. 2008). In animals, diagnosis may be facilitated by twodimensional TLC of digestive tract contents extracted with dichloromethane—a more sensitive and reliable assay than radioimmunoassay (Galey et al. 1996). Although extracts of urine can be used, those from the rumen and the small and large bowel are preferred. An HPLC method using fluorescent detection on extracts from the digestive tract has also been developed (Tor et al. 1996). gross pathology: cardiac hemorrhages, reddened gut mucosa; microscopic: myocardial necrosis and fibrosis

Pathology—In instances when animals die quickly after ingestion of Nerium, there are few distinctive changes observable at necropsy. There may be subepicardial and subendocardial hemorrhages, a pale myocardium, increased pleural fluid, hemorrhages on the abomasal mucosa, pulmonary congestion and edema, congestion and hemorrhages of the abdominal viscera, and reddening of the gastroenteric mucosa. The changes are seldom

severe and are not specific for Nerium (Thimnah 1972; Schwartz et al. 1974; Mahin et al. 1984; Oryan et al. 1996). Lesions, which are more likely in animals that live for several days, include a soft, flabby heart; scattered foci of myocardial necrosis with mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrates, edema, and some fibrosis; and congestion, hemorrhages, and emphysema of the lungs (Newsholme and Coetzer 1984; Galey et al. 1996; Oryan et al. 1996). There may also be some degree of hepotocellular necrosis and renal tubular necrosis (Aslani et al. 2007). Serum chemistry changes are limited to inconsistent hyperkalemia, which is occasionally marked. no distinctive lesions; may find the tough distinctively veined leaves in stomach or cardenolides in gut content extracts Nerium’s tough, leathery leaves and their venation are particularly distinctive and useful when examining stomach contents to determine if the plant has been ingested. The secondary veins are almost perpendicular to the midvein, are uniformly spaced, and become indistinct near the curled margin. Tertiary veins are indistinct. The leaves thus have a conspicuous ribbed appearance reminiscent of a trout skeleton (Galey et al. 1996). activated charcoal, atropine, propranolol, lidocaine, procainamide, or phenytoin, cardiac pacing

Treatment—Because cardenolide intoxication is typically acute, treatment may be directed toward prevention of further absorption of the toxicants from the digestive tract, reduction of serum concentrations of the toxins, and/or therapy for their deleterious effects. Treatment is the same for humans and animals. As has been demonstrated for other cardenolide-producing plants, oral administration of 1–2 g of activated charcoal/kg b.w. (including commercial products which contain additional compounds) soon after onset of signs of intoxication may be effective in limiting absorption and disease severity (Joubert and Schultz 1982a,b; Tiwary et al. 2009). This treatment may enhance biliary excretion and reduce enterohepatic recycling (Langford and Boor 1996). Absorbed cardenolides may be rendered inactive by complexing them with antibody fragments. Oleander cardenolides are cross-reactive with digoxin-specific antibodies (Shumaik et al. 1988; Cheung et al. 1989; Jortani et al. 1996). Thus, digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments such as Digibind® (GlaxoSmithKline, London) are effective in reversing the cardiotoxic effects in a manner akin to that for digoxin toxicity (Schmidt and Butler

Apocynaceae Juss.

1971; Smith et al. 1976; Zucker et al. 1982; Shumaik et al. 1988; Safadi et al. 1995; Dasgupta and Emerson 1998; Froberg et al. 2007). Fab antibody fragments are effective in all animals but cost may be a limiting factor to their use (Clark et al. 1991). Therapy for the deleterious cardiac effects may be accomplished with a combination of atropine and propranolol, repeated several times or with atropine and cardiac pacing (Froberg et al. 2007). Dosage will vary somewhat, depending on the animal species; in dogs, 0.04 mg/kg of atropine and 1 mg/kg of propanalol i.m. or i.v. are suggested (Szabuniewicz et al. 1972). With such treatment, recovery may take several days. Alternatively, initial administration of lidocaine at 1.5 mg/kg b.w. i.v. followed by slow i.v. infusion, infusion of procainamide at 1 mg/kg b.w./min for up to 20 minutes, or phenytoin 7.5–10 mg/kg b.w. i.v. slowly, followed by oral dosage twice daily, has been used in horses (Wijnberg et al. 1999; Smith et al. 2003). Fructose-1,6-diphosphate has been reported to be effective in attenuating the cardiac effects of cardenolides (Markov et al. 1999). The deleterious effects of intracellular calcium in the heart have been attenuated by using dipotassium EDTA i.v. to replace some of the calcium in blood with potassium (Langford and Boor 1996). Flunixin is useful against the colic-type signs in horses (Galey et al. 1998).

elliptic; glossy dark red-green; conspicuously pinnately veined, the secondary veins joined to a nerve running parallel to margins; petioles long. Inflorescences large cymes; terminal, borne on bare branches. Flowers sweetly fragrant; showy. Sepals fused; tips with glands. Corollas funnelform or salverform. Petals white or yellow or pink or mixtures of these colors; centers often yellow. Stamens attached near bases of corolla tubes. Pistils 1; stigmas 1; styles 1; ovaries 2. Fruits follicles; elongate; typically paired; leathery. Seeds numerous; winged (Figures 9.25 and 9.26). ornamental, frost-free areas

Distribution and Habitat—Because they are frost sensitive, these introductions from tropical America are grown as specimen plants only in the southern part of the continent, areas with temperatures usually above 25°F.

PLUMERIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8 species, Plumeria is a genus of tropical America (Mabberley 2008). In North America, 3 introduced species are present: P. alba L. P. obtusa L. P. rubra L.

West Indian jasmine, white frangipani Singapore plumeria frangipani, graveyard plumeria, nosegay, pagoda tree, temple tree, flor de mayo, rose-pink frangipani

Figure 9.25.

Line drawing of Plumeria rubra.

Figure 9.26.

Photo of Plumeria rubra.

These species are quite showy, and P. rubra was highly prized by the Aztecs. Some taxonomists recognize populations of P. rubra in northern Mexico as a distinct species and use the binomial P. acutifolia Poir.

small deciduous shrubs or trees; leaves alternate at ends of branches; flowers showy, sweet scented; white, yellow, or pink, with yellow centers

Plants deciduous small trees or shrubs; perennials; branches candelabriform, cylindrical, thick, fleshy, graygreen; leaf scars conspicuous. Leaves clustered at ends of branches, simple; alternate; oblong or oblanceolate



Toxic Plants of North America

Elsewhere, they are grown as tub plants. Plumeria rubra is native to the Mexican states of Baja, Sonora, and Chihuahua. Both P. alba and P. rubra may be encountered as escapes in southern Florida. contact irritation, skin, digestive tract

Disease Problems—The viscid, milky sap of Plumeria is quite irritating and causes reddening of the skin and digestive tract upon contact or ingestion, respectively (Blohm 1962). irritant iridoids, terpenoids

Disease Genesis—Similar to Allamanda, species of the Plumeria genus produce several purgative iridoids such as allamcin, allamandin, plumericin, isoplumericin, and plumieride (Blohm 1962; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Coppen and Cobb 1983; Kardono et al. 1990; Connolly and Hill 1991a). Although all parts of the plant are considered toxic, these compounds are found primarily in bark; very little is present in leaves and flowers. Plumieride given orally to pregnant rats caused postimplantation embryotoxicity (Gunawardana et al. 1998). Stem bark extracts caused diarrhea, decreased appetite, and lowered body weights. In addition to the iridoids present, several ursane-type pentacyclic terpenoids such as obtusin, obtusidin, obtusilin, and obtusinidin are present (Connolly and Hill 1991b). Cardenolide-type cardiotoxic activity is quite low (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Radford et al. 1986, 1994) (Figure 9.27).

foliage or flowers causes nausea and diarrhea, which are not likely to be severe unless large amounts of plant material are consumed. The disease is not severe enough to be fatal, and treatment is not generally needed.

STROPHANTHUS DC. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus of some 38 species, Strophanthus is represented in North America by 1 cultivated species (Mabberley 2008): S. speciosus (Ward & Harv.) Reber

corkscrew flower

shrubs; leaves simple, whorled; flowers showy; petals cream yellow, red spotted; follicles long Plants erect or rambling shrubs; perennials; branches olive green; glabrous. Leaves simple; whorled, 3 or 4 per node; oblong lanceolate to lanceolate; leathery; apices acute or obtuse; bases cuneate; petioles short. Inflorescences few to many flowered cymes; terminal or axillary. Flowers showy. Sepals fused. Corollas funnelform or salverform; lobes typically twisted; with 10 clawlike scales in throats of tubes. Petals cream yellow; red-spotted. Stamens attached near throats of corolla tubes; converging into cone around stigma. Pistils 1; stigmas 1; styles 1; ovaries 2. Fruits follicles; elongate. Seeds numerous; spindle shaped; comose at both ends (Figures 9.28 and 9.29).

pain, reddening of skin, eyes, and mouth; diarrhea

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Contact with the sap may cause pain and reddening of the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes. Ingestion of

Figure 9.27.

Chemical structure of plumericin.

Figure 9.28.

Line drawing of Strophanthus speciosus.

Apocynaceae Juss.

Figure 9.30.


Chemical structure of strophanthidin.

nausea, vomiting, excess salivation, diarrhea, weakness, cardiac arrhythmias

Figure 9.29.

Photo of Strophanthus kombe.

ornamental, frost-free areas

Distribution and Habitat—Cultivated in frost-free areas of North America, S. speciosus, and possibly other species of the genus, may be encountered as tub plants. Although the plants are strikingly attractive ornamentals, they have never gained popularity in North America.

Clinical Signs—In humans, clinical signs generally involve the digestive tract and include nausea, excess salivation, retching, vomiting, diarrhea, and extreme weakness. Death, however, is unlikely from ingestion of plant material. The same signs are observed in household pets when amounts ingested are small. In unusual situations in which livestock gain access to plants of Strophanthus, the signs are again similar except for the greater likelihood of cardiac effects. Signs observed in livestock include weakness, decreased appetite, excess salivation, colic, diarrhea with or without blood, cardiac arrhythmias, and cyanosis. Death in all animals is due to ventricular fibrillation or failure.

digestive disturbance, diarrhea; cardiac insufficiency gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa

Disease Problems and Genesis—Plants of Strophanthus produce cardiotoxic problems similar to those caused by Nerium oleander. In Africa, various species of the genus have been favored as a source of toxicant for trialby-ordeal potions (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Although quite toxic, plants are apparently not palatable and thus seldom eaten. All parts of the plant are toxic (Joubert 1989) (Figure 9.30).

steroidal glycosidic cardenolides

Species of Strophanthus contain a series of very potent cardenolides from the genin strophanthidin; for example, S. gratus produces the deadly G-strophanthin (ouabain) and S. kombe contains K-strophanthin (Shoppee 1964; Singh and Rastogi 1970).

Pathology—Distinctive changes due to ingestion of Strophanthus are minimal. There may be frothy edema fluid in the airways, reddening of the mucosa of the digestive tract, and visceral splanchnic congestion with scattered splotchy hemorrhages.

activated charcoal, atropine

Treatment—Symptomatic treatment as for other cardiotoxins is indicated and may be augmented by administration of activated charcoal, 2 g/kg b.w. (Joubert and Schultz 1982a,b). Digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments as for Nerium may be used if available (Bania et al. 1993).


Toxic Plants of North America

THEVETIA ADANS. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8 species of evergreen trees and shrubs, the genus Thevetia is represented in North America by 3 species (Mabberley 2008): T. ovata (Cav.) A.DC. T. peruviana (Pers.) K.Schum.

T. thevetioides (Humb. Bonpl. & Kunth) K.Schum.

narciso amarillo yellow oleander, lucky nut, be-still tree, tiger-apple, trumpet flower, friar’s elbow, codo de fraile giant thevetia, yoyote

Synonyms of T. peruviana that appear in the older literature are T. neriifolia and Cerbera thevetia.

evergreen shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate, leathery; flowers showy, fragrant, funnelform; petals saffron yellow, orange, or yellow-pink; drupes black

Plants evergreen shrubs or small trees; perennials. Leaves simple; alternate; linear or elliptic oblong to oblanceolate; leathery; glossy dark green above; venation pinnate, midnerve conspicuous; apices acute or rounded; margins revolute; bases cuneate; petioles short. Inflorescences few-flowered compound cymes; terminal. Flowers large; showy; fragrant. Sepals fused at base; bearing glands inside. Corollas funnelform; lobes twisted; with downy scales in throats of tubes. Petals saffron yellow to orange or yellow-pink. Stamens attached at throats of corolla tubes. Pistils 1; stigmas 1; styles 1; ovaries 1. Fruits drupes; angular; red and then black. Seeds 1 (Figures 9.31 and 9.32).

ornamental, warmer areas of North America

Distribution and Habitat—Thevetia is a genus of tropical America and the West Indies. Thevetia peruviana, native to the Gulf coastal area of Mexico from Tamaulipas south through San Luis Potosí, is the most commonly encountered species and is used sparingly as an ornamental in the southern part of the continent. Thevetia ovata is found along the west coast of Mexico from Sinaloa south. The genus is not as cold-hardy as Nerium and thus is not widely cultivated.

rarely eaten, digestive tract irritation; cardiotoxicity

Figure 9.31.

Line drawing of Thevetia peruviana.

Figure 9.32.

Photo of Thevetia thevtioides.

Disease Problems—Ingestion of Thevetia produces both gastrointestinal and cardiotoxic effects. Intoxication signs are similar to those of Nerium, except that gastrointestinal effects predominate and cardiac effects are reduced (Kakrani et al. 1981; Everist 1981; Chopra et al. 1984). The seeds are sometimes eaten by people attempting suicide (Saraswat et al. 1992; Ahlawat et al. 1994). In reported cases, ingestion of more than 4–8 seeds or delay of treatment for more than 4 hours resulted in death. However, when four or fewer seeds were eaten and/or treatment was immediate, the prognosis for survival was good. As with Nerium, the risk of eating Thevetia may be exaggerated. A 7-year study in Australia revealed few serious problems of intoxication despite the common presence of the plants (Shaw and Pearn 1979). However, it can be a serious problem in countries where it is abused in intentional self-poisoning (Eddleston et al. 1999). In

Apocynaceae Juss.

such instances the seed kernel is crushed and eaten or drank (Saravanapavananthan and Ganeshamoorthy 1988). Studies in Brazil indicated that a dose of 14 g fresh foliage/kg b.w. of T. peruviana was lethal to cattle (Tokarnia et al. 1996). However, in sheep, up to 20 g/kg caused only minor signs of intoxications (Armien and Tokarnia 1994). It is interesting that, as with Nerium, neurotoxicity— in addition to or sometimes rather than cardiotoxicity— appears when seeds or other plant parts of Thevetia are given to rats, with signs such as tachycardia, arrhythmias, ataxia, and disorientation (Szabuniewicz et al. 1972; Pahwa and Chatterjee 1990; Oji et al. 1993; Oji and Okafor 2000). Ground seeds have potential for use as rodenticides. Plant extracts are also toxic to fish (Sambasivam et al. 2003). Significant hepatic and renal disease is apparent in rats after ingestion of Thevetia.

steroidal glycosidic cardenolides

Disease Genesis—Species of Thevetia contain several cardenolides composed of digitoxigenin linked with thevetose alone, neriifolin, or thevetose plus glucose and thevetins A and B (Shoppee 1964). As with other members of the Apocynaceae, various isomers and breakdown products have been identified, complicating the nomenclature of the compounds present. All of these digitoxigenin glycosides are very similar in action to the cardenolides of Nerium, albeit probably less potent (Chen and Chen 1934a; Elderfield 1936; Joubert 1989; Radford et al. 1994). Although toxins of Thevetia are, overall, considerably less potent than ouabain, concentrations in seeds are high enough to pose a serious hazard (Chen and Chen 1934a,b; Saravanapavananthan and Ganeshamoorthy 1988). Toxin concentrations are considerably lower in other plant parts, with a reduced risk (Thorp and Watson 1953). The cardenolides impart a bitter taste to the plants, rendering them unpalatable especially when green (Chopra et al. 1984) (Figure 9.33). all animals, depression, excess salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias

humans, vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia or tachycardia, AV block, T wave flattening or inversion, ST depression

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Ingestion of Thevetia produces clinical signs and pathologic changes as a consequence of both its gastrointestinal and cardio-

Figure 9.33.


Chemical structure of neriifolin.

toxic effects, similar to those produced by Nerium (Everist 1981; Chopra et al. 1984). Thus, vomiting, diarrhea in some individuals, and various cardiac arrhythmias/ECG changes are the primary signs. activated charcoal, atropine with caution, fluids and electrolytes, or further as for Nerium

humans: atropine with caution, activated charcoal, cardiac pacing, lidocaine, fluids and electrolytes, digoxin-specific Fab fragments Aspects of treatment are the same as for Nerium, including the use of activated charcoal per os, electrolyte monitoring and correction, atropine with caution, or lidocaine or perhaps propranolol (Rajapakse 2009). Although 1 to 4 courses of treatment with anti-digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments will provide rapid resolution of the arrhythmias, cost can be a limiting factor in animals (Eddleston et al. 2000; Eddleston and Persson 2003). A single dose of activated charcoal can reduce the half-life of the cardenolides and may be appropriate, but it is not clear that multiple doses are justified (de Silva et al. 2003; Roberts et al. 2006; Eddleston et al. 2008; Peiris-John and Wickremasinghe 2008).

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Acokanthera G.Don An Old World genus of 5 species, Acokanthera is represented in North America by 2 cultivated species: A. oblongifolia (Hochst.) Codd and A. oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd (Mabberley 2008). The common names bushman’s poison, poison bush, poison tree, and poison arrow are


Toxic Plants of North America

used interchangeably for the two species. These are evergreen shrubs or small trees with simple, opposite, leathery, glossy dark green leaves. Native to tropical East Africa and South Africa, both species are cultivated to a limited extent as attractive hedges and specimen plants in frostfree areas of North America. They may be encountered as tub plants elsewhere.

arrow poisons; insufficiency



cardiac Figure 9.35.

Taxa of Acokanthera are probably the most infamous of the plant species that produce arrow poisons; they are widely used in eastern and southern Africa (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). African arrow poisons often contain cardenolides common to the genus, and the effects following their ingestion are typical of those with other cardiotoxic plants (Neuwinger 1974). With severe intoxication, there may be digestive tract problems, marked cardiac insufficiency, and possibly death due to ventricular fibrillation. All plant parts are toxic, with leaves most potent, followed by fruits and then bark (Steyn 1934). Young leaves seem to be especially toxic (Joubert 1989). Although problems may occur when house pets or livestock eat the plants or discarded trimmings of the plants, the genus is of little risk in North America because of its limited cultivation. Chemistry of the compounds of Acokanthera has been described in detail by Reichstein (1965). Plants of the genus contain several potent cardenolides of various genins, including gitoxigenin (Shoppee 1964; Singh and Rastogi 1970). Reichstein reported appreciable quantities of ouabain in some species. As demonstrated using immunoassay, estimated cardenolide concentrations are quite high, 8.7 μg digoxin eq/g of plant (Radford et al. 1994) (Figures 9.34 and 9.35).

Chemical structure of gitoxigenin.

In humans, clinical signs generally involve the digestive tract and include nausea, excess salivation, retching, vomiting, diarrhea, and extreme body weakness. Death from ingestion of this plant is unlikely unless large amounts of the plant are consumed. These signs are similar in pets when amounts of plant material ingested are small. In unusual situations in which livestock are exposed, signs are similar except for the greater likelihood of severe cardiac effects. Signs include weakness, decreased appetite, excess salivation, colic, diarrhea with or without blood, cardiac arrhythmias, and cyanosis. Death is due to ventricular fibrillation or failure. Distinctive pathologic changes due to intoxication by Acokanthera are minimal. There may be frothy material in the airways, indicative of pulmonary edema; reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine; visceral splanchnic congestion; and scattered serosal hemorrhages. Symptomatic treatment as for other cardiotoxins is indicated (see Nerium, in this chapter) and may be augmented by administration of activated charcoal, 2 g/kg b.w. (Joubert and Schultz 1982a,b). Digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments such as those used in treating intoxications caused by Nerium may be used if available (Bania et al. 1993).

Adenium Roem. & Shult.

Figure 9.34.

Chemical structure of ouabain.

Native to Arabia and tropical and southern Africa, Adenium is now believed to comprise a single, morphologically variable species with several subspecies—A. obesum (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. (Mabberley 2008). Common names include impala lily, desert rose, mock azalea, kudu lily, sabi star, and desert azalea. The binomial A. multiflorum Klotzsch, now considered to be a synonym, has been used in the toxicological literature. Plants of the species are succulent shrubs or small trees up to 2 m tall from enlarged or swollen, sometimes almost entirely subterranean stems that taper above and divide

Apocynaceae Juss.

irregularly into a crown of thick branches. The fleshy, leathery leaves are simple, lanceolate to obovate, and spirally clustered at the branch apices. Producing corymbs of showy flowers, A. obesum is a beautiful, novelty-type plant that is most likely to be encountered as a tub plant or houseplant. Outside, it survives only in the frost-free areas of North America. It is thus of low risk.

digestive disturbance; cardiac insufficiency

Although rarely a cause of disease, A. obesum is capable of producing cardiotoxic effects—cardiac insufficiency and ventricular fibrillation—similar to those of species of Acokanthera. As demonstrated in mice, even the root and stem bark are toxic (Bala et al. 1998). Some 30 glycosides produced by A. obesum have been identified (Yamauchi and Abe 1990). Many are found in other members of the family, and several are moderately potent derivatives of digitoxigenin and oleandrigenin (Shoppee 1964; Singh and Rastogi 1970). Most abundant is oleandrigenin-βgentiobiosyl-β-d-thevetoside (Yamauchi and Abe 1990). This array of glycosides is the basis for the use of African plants of the species as arrow and trial-by-ordeal toxins (Bisset 1989b). Clinical signs and pathological changes appearing as a result of Adenium intoxication are similar to those produced by other cardiotoxic plants of the family, such as Nerium. Symptomatic treatment as for other cardiotoxins is appropriate.

Allamanda L. Native to tropical America, Allamanda comprises about 14 species (Mabberley 2008). It is represented in North America by two cultivated taxa: A. blanchetii A.DC. (purple allamanda, violet allamanda) and A. cathartica L. (yellow allamanda, golden trumpet, trompeta de oro). The binomial A. violacea was formerly used for purple allamanda. Several varieties and cultivars of A. cathartica have been described. Plants of both species are evergreen, typically climbing shrubs with simple, whorled, leathery, oblong or obovate leaves; and large, showy, funnelform, golden yellow or rose-purple flowers. Introduced from tropical South America, A. cathartica is frost sensitive and grown mainly as a tub plant except in the frost-free areas of North America, where it is planted as a specimen plant. Allamanda blanchetii is also from South America and cultivated as an ornamental. It is often grafted to A. cathartica. Because of their restricted distribution in North America, they are of lower risk.


digestive disturbance; purgation; terpenoids

Allamanda cathartica is widely used medicinally in the tropics (West 1957). All parts are toxic, especially the fruits. The principal effect following ingestion is, as the specific epithet implies, catharsis or severe purgation (Thorp and Watson 1953; Blohm 1962). At one time, the plant’s milky latex sap was used as a purgative; however, the effects were so drastic that it is now little used (Morton 1982). The lethal dose of fresh foliage for cattle is approximately 30 g/kg b.w. (Tokarnia et al. 1996). However, the limited toxicity of Allamanda is shown by the difficulty in producing intoxication in sheep, in which a dosage of 15–20 mg/kg caused only slight to moderate effects of several days’ duration (Armien and Tokarnia 1994). There is very little cardiotoxic effect. Based on analyses of A. cathartica (Kupchan et al. 1974; Connolly and Hill 1991a), species of Allamanda contain a series of alkyliridoid-type terpenoids such as allamdin, allamandin, and allamandicin. Concentrations are highest in roots (Coppen and Cobb 1983). The purgative iridoids plumericin and plumieride also are present, the former in roots and the latter throughout the plant. Alkaloids are present but of unknown significance (Raffauf 1996). Cardiotoxin concentrations are negligible (Radford et al. 1994) (Figure 9.36). Following ingestion of plant material, there may be indications of irritation of the digestive tract with signs such as nausea, excess salivation, ruminal atony, diarrhea, and indications of pain. These effects are usually of short duration and limited severity. However, as noted above, the sap produces severe purgation. Typically, cardiotoxic effects are not observed. Ingestion of Allamanda is highly unlikely to cause an intoxication problem leading to death. In those rare instances when a very large amount is eaten, there may be reddening and edema of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Treatment is not likely to be necessary, but conservative use of antidiarrheal medications may be useful.

Figure 9.36.

Chemical structure of allamandin.


Toxic Plants of North America

Alstonia R.Br. Comprising approximately 45 species in Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, Australia, and islands of the western Pacific, Alstonia is represented in North America by 2 species (Mabberley 2008): A. macrophylla Wallich ex G.Don and A. scholaris (L.) R.Br. (scholar tree, devil’s potato). These are evergreen shrubs or trees, with simple, whorled, or occasionally opposite leaves. Indigenous to Australasia and India, plants of Alstonia are cultivated in the nearly frost-free areas of North America for their fragrant flowers.

Figure 9.37.

Chemical structure of echitamine.

Figure 9.38.

Chemical structure of urechetin.

neurotoxic; alkaloids with cardiac activity Although intoxication problems have not been reported for A. macrophylla or A. scholaris, the potential for such should be considered. An Australian species, A. constricta, has been associated with a neurologic disease in cattle and sheep (Everist 1981). Ingestion of large amounts of plant material for 2–3 weeks precipitates strychnine-like tonic seizures. Species of Alstonia contain a number of alkaloids of unknown toxicity risk. Alstonine and echitamine are predominant, but there are many others, including macralstonine, nareline ethers, picrinine, reserpine, and villalstonine (Saxton 1965a; Govindachari 1968; Kam et al. 1997). Ajmaline, a similar alkaloid from a European species, inhibits atrioventricular conduction and has been widely used to treat cardiac arrhythmias, even though it has a slow onset and a short duration of action (Creasey 1983; Ban et al. 1988). Alstonine, which is also known from Rauvolfia and Catharanthus roseus, is hypotensive and adrenolytic and inhibits gut peristalsis (Wakim and Chen 1947). At high doses it causes a variety of effects, including cardiac arrhythmias. Echitamine is sympathomimetic at low dosage and antagonistic and somewhat curare-like at higher dosage (Creasey 1983). Likewise, the North American species of Alstonia contain many of these complex indole alkaloids. Some are tryptamine-like (5-OH-tryptamine) and have been used extensively for medicinal purposes. Also used by some societies, the bark of A. scholaris contains estrogenic substances, as determined in immature female mice (Biswas and 1996) (Figure 9.37).

Angadenia Miers Presently interpreted to be a genus of 2 species, Angadenia is represented in North America only by A. berterii (A.DC.) Miers, commonly known as pineland allamanda (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). An alternative spelling of the specific epithet berterii sometimes encountered is berteroi. Angadenia is one member of a complex of closely related genera of shrubby vines, including Echites,

Prestonia, and Rhabdadenia. Generic boundaries are tenuous, and individual species typically have been repeatedly moved from genus to genus by different taxonomists. A synonym of A. berterii, for example, is Rhabdadenia corallicola Small. This species is an evergreen shrubby vine with simple, opposite, elliptic to oblong lanceolate leathery leaves and large, showy, yellow, funnelform flowers. Its distribution is the frost-free pinelands of southern Florida, the Keys, and the West Indies. Plants are sometimes cultivated in tubs. Because of its limited distribution and rare use an ornamental, it poses little risk. irritant digestive disturbance; cardenolides The viscid, milky sap of Angadenia is irritating, causes reddening and increased mucous production by the mucosa of the digestive tract when ingested, and, as is characteristic of other species of the Apocynaceae, most likely causes reddening of the skin upon contact. Other intoxication problems have not been reported. Plants of Angadenia contain oleandrigenin cardenolides such as urechitin and the bioside urechitoxin (Chen and Henderson 1965; Pina Luis and Fanghaenel 1972) (Figure 9.38). Ingestion of A. berterii causes irritation of the mucosa of the digestive tract, and clinical signs include nausea, excess salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea. Any one animal, however, may not exhibit all of these signs. It is unlikely that sufficient plant material will be consumed to cause

Apocynaceae Juss.

arrhythmias and/or other systemic effects. Because ingestion of A. berterii does not result in death, pathological changes have not been described. Treatment is unlikely to be necessary but could include the conservative use of antidiarrheal medications.

Araujia Brot. A South American genus of 2 or 3 species, Araujia is represented in North America by A. sericifera Brot., commonly known as bladder flower or cruel plant (Mabberley 2008). Introduced from Brazil, it can withstand light frosts and has become a noxious weed in citrus groves and disturbed sites in California; it is also present in Georgia (USDA, NRCS 2012). It is an evergreen, twining, woody climber with stems up to 12 m long. Its ovateoblong leaves are glossy, dark green above, and white pubescent below, with acute apices and cordate to hastate bases. Borne in short, axillary racemes, the fragrant, waxy, campanulate, or funnelform white or pink flowers bear anthers with small, inflexed horns and a pistil head with 2 erect lobes. The follicles are coriaceous, deeply grooved, and 10–12 cm long. digestive and neurologic problems; toxin unknown Although it has not been a problem in North America, A. sericifera is reported to cause neurologic and digestive tract problems elsewhere (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Its leaves and stems contain up to 0.1% serotonin and 0.13% 7-O-d-glucoluteolin. Smaller amounts are in the fruits, and none are in seeds (Federici et al. 1988). Cardenolides do not seem to be important constituents of the genus, as is indicated by the negligible digoxin equivalents estimated for the Australian species A. hortorum E.Fourn., using immunologic methodology (Radford et al. 1994). This species, although rarely eaten, causes neurologic disease in poultry (Everist 1981). Dosage of 0.3–0.6% b.w. of mature seeds produced ataxia and seizures. If sufficient amounts of A. sericifera are eaten, abrupt onset of nausea, uneasiness, diarrhea, and ataxia may be expected, as well as seizures in severe cases. Treatment of this nonfatal disease should be directed toward relief of the digestive tract problems. Rarely would sedation for the neurologic effects be required.

Cynanchum L. Comprising about 300 species in both the Old and New World, Cynanchum, commonly known as sand vine, vine milkweed, or honeyvine milkweed, is represented in North America by approximately 16 native and introduced


species (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). Representative is C. laeve (Michx.) Pers., which ranges through the southeastern quarter of the United States in low, moist sites in woodlands, thickets, floodplains, and fields. Also known as blue vine or climbing milkweed, the species is a perennial vine with branched or unbranched stems from thickened rootstocks. The sap is milky, and the petiolate leaves are triangular to broadly ovate. Borne in axillary umbels or cymes, the flowers have green or purple-tinged sepal lobes and whitish to cream-colored petals and corona lobes. The prominent follicles are fusiform and smooth.

possibly neurotoxic; toxins unknown

Species of Cynanchum are not generally considered hazardous in North America, but Asian, Australian, and African taxa are toxic (Everist 1981; Kellerman et al. 1988; HongLi et al. 2007). The disease in Africa, called krimsiekte or cynanchosis, follows ingestion of C. africanum and other species of the genus. As little as 0.2% b.w. causes problems in horses, while 5–10 times that amount is required in ruminants (Steyn 1934). Signs of this disease are very similar to those produced by neurotoxic species of Asclepias in North America. Steroidal pregnane and modified pregnane glycosides have been isolated from Asian and African species of Cynanchum (Zhang et al. 1985; Tsukamoto et al. 1985a,b, 1986; Steyn et al. 1989; Konda et al. 1990). In some, called cynafosides (A–H), the lactone ring is absent at C-17 and occurs in the linkage of a phenyl group at C-12. Cynafosides are composed of cynafogenin and different combinations of sugars, mainly d- and l-cymaroses (Zhang et al. 1985; Tsukamoto et al. 1985a,1986; Steyn et al. 1989; Konda et al. 1990). Other compounds with different substituents at C-12 and C-17 (wilfosides) and glycosides of glaucogenin are also represented in some Asian species of Cynanchum (Nakagawa et al. 1983; Tsukamoto et al. 1985b; Qui et al. 1989). The comparative toxicologic significance of these compounds is not clear, but cynafosides are neurotoxic, causing paddling, tetanic seizures, and opisthotonus, often of several days’ duration and eventually resulting in terminal paralysis (Kellerman et al. 1988). Neurologic signs reported for the African species are ataxia, trembling, and seizures beginning as clonic types but later becoming tonic, with head held backward (opisthotonus). There is an increase in respiratory and heart rates, and residual effects may be apparent for a few days after an intoxication episode. However, it is not certain whether the same signs are produced by the North American species of Cynanchum. There are few gross lesions and no specific treatment other than administration of sedatives.


Toxic Plants of North America

Echites P.Browne Comprising 9 tropical American species, Echites is represented in North America by E. coulteri S.Watson (rubber vine) and E. umbellata Jacq. (rubber vine, devil’s potato) (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). Echites is one member of a complex of closely related genera of shrubby vines, including Angadenia, Prestonia, and Rhabdadenia. Generic boundaries are tenuous, and individual species typically have been repeatedly moved from genus to genus by different taxonomists. Taxa originally described as species of Echites, for example, are now placed in Angadenia and Rhabdadenia. Evergreen shrubby vines, Echites are infrequent in the frost-free pinelands of southern and central Florida. Echites coulteri occurs from Coahuila to San Luis Potosí. Plants are sometimes cultivated in tubs.

possible irritation of skin and gut mucosa Other than anecdotal reports, little is known about the toxic potential of E. umbellata and other members of this complex of shrubby vines. But because of their apparent close relationship, it has been suggested that we may be able to extrapolate somewhat from one species to another (Hardin and Arena 1974; Perkins and Payne 1978). Possessing the viscid, milky sap characteristic of the family and the closely related Angadenia, E. umbellata probably causes inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive tract when ingested and reddening of the skin upon contact. The toxins are not known; however, oleandrigenin cardenolides such as those isolated from Angadenia may be present. Alkaloids seem unlikely because they are poorly or not at all represented in the genus (Raffauf 1996). Clinical signs following ingestion of E. umbellata probably would be those associated with mucosal irritation. Because ingestion of Echites does not result in death, pathological changes are not likely to be observed. Treatment is probably not necessary but could include the conservative use of antidiarrheal medications.

Funstrum Fourn. See treatment of Sarcostemma in this chapter.

Haplophyton A.DC. Native to southwestern North America, Haplophyton is now circumscribed to encompass a single species, H. cimicidum A.DC., commonly known as the cockroach plant or Mexican cockroach plant (Mabberley 2008). The binomial H. crooksii is used in the older literature and by the editors of the PLANTS database (USDA, NRCS 2012). A much-branched perennial shrub, H. cimicidum occurs in

Figure 9.39.

Chemical structure of haplophytine.

populations on dry rocky slopes of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. digestive disturbance? neurotoxic? indole and bisindole alkaloids present Although the plant has not been reported to cause disease, extracts of dried leaves of H. cimicidum are mixed with molasses or cornmeal to kill flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and other insects, hence the common name (Correll and Johnston 1979). Extracts are also used in lotions for parasite control. The species, therefore, possibly has the capacity to cause adverse effects. Closely related taxonomically to the Alstonia, H. cimicidum contains many alkaloids of similar structure, including an extensive series of a dozen or more indole or unique bisindole alkaloids such as akuammicine, akuammidine, cimicidine, cimicine, crooksidine, crooksiine, eburnamine, haplocine, haplophytine, lanceomigine, and tubotaurine (Saxton 1965b; Adesomoju et al. 1983; Mroue and Alam 1991; Mroue et al. 1993, 1996). Most of these have mild to moderate acetylcholinesterase activity; the most potent (such as cimicidine, crooksidine, and tubotaurine) are about 10- to 50-fold less potent than are medicinally used esterase inhibitors. Haplophytine, the major alkaloid, and probably others are active as insecticides; however, specific toxic effects, if any, are not known (Cordell 1983). Yohimbine, β-yohimbine, and crooksiine, a unique bisindole alkaloid, have also been isolated from H. crooksii (Mroue and Alam 1991). Crooksiine has moderate anticholinesterase activity, equal to about one-tenth that of neostigmine. Intoxication problems have not been reported. Because indole alkaloids are present, one might expect that if effects are ever observed, they will most likely be related to irritation of the digestive tract and/or neurologic dysfunction. Any treatment necessary should be based upon relief of the signs (Figure 9.39).

Hoya R.Br. Native to eastern Asia and Australasia, Hoya, commonly known as waxflower or porcelain flower, comprises

Apocynaceae Juss.

200–230 species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008). Representative of the genus is the popular ornamental H. carnosa (L.f.) R.Br. or wax plant. A succulent, evergreen, woody-stemmed vining climber up to 4 m long, it has opposite, glabrous leaves with ovate-oblong, shortpetioled, dark green, thick blades that are red when immature. Borne in short-peduncled umbels, the fragrant flowers are creamy white, with pink-tinged centers, and produce glabrous, acuminate follicles. Native to India, Burma, and southern China, H. carnosa and most of the other introduced species are frost sensitive and are grown as houseplants. Only in the extreme southern parts of Florida, California, and Mexico are they grown outside. possibly neurotoxic Although species of Hoya are generally not a problem in North America, an Australian species, H. australis R.Br. ex Traill, causes a neurologic disease with tetanic seizures in cattle (Everist 1981). The toxic dosage of green plant material is 0.2–0.8% b.w. for calves and sheep. Cardenolide concentrations, estimated as digoxin equivalents from immunologic data, are minimal for the species (Radford et al. 1994). Clinical signs produced by H. australis include ataxia, especially of the pelvic limbs, which causes the animals to knuckle over or squat. There are tremors, collapse, and struggling, with primarily tetanic-type seizures. There also may be constipation or diarrhea, but no indications of cardiotoxicosis. Gross pathologic changes are of a general nature, including scattered splotchy hemorrhages, especially on the heart surfaces, and mild pulmonary emphysema. There may also be reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Sedation is the primary treatment.

Mandevilla Lindl. Native to Central and South America, Mandevilla comprises approximately 130 species (Mabberley 2008). In North America, only one species is cultivated in greenhouses or as a tub plant out of doors in warm regions. It is M. laxa (Ruz & Pav.) Woodson, commonly known as Chilean jasmine. Synonyms appearing in the literature are M. suaveolens and Echites laxa. Plants are tall climbing vines with milky sap and simple, opposite, cordateoblong, glossy green leaves. The highly fragrant flowers are borne in racemes and have white to ivory funnelform corollas. Because of its limited use as ornamental, it poses little risk. irritant effects; cardenolide glycosides present


There is little information as to the potential for intoxications with Mandevilla. However, numerous cardenolide glycosides have been identified from roots of a South American species M. pentalandiana (Cabrera et al. 1993). At the very least, irritation effects on the skin and mucus membranes may be expected.

Ochrosia Juss. With greatest diversity in Australasia, Ochrosia comprises some 40 species of trees or shrubs (Mabberley 2008). In North America, the genus is represented by 2 introduced species, O. compta K.Schum. and O. elliptica Labill. (kopsia, ochrosia plum). Of the species, only O. elliptica is typically encountered. The genus name is derived from the Greek ochros, referring to the pale yellow color of the flowers (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). A small tree with sweetly scented flowers, O. elliptica is planted in southern Florida, where temperatures are normally above 25°F. Likewise, O. compta is found only in the warmest parts of the continent. irritant or neurotoxic effects; indole alkaloids Although intoxication problems have not been reported, the attractive red drupes of Ochrosia are considered hazardous (Thorp and Watson 1953; Morton 1974; Perkins and Payne 1978). In contrast, foliage is of little concern. Based on the compounds present, it is most likely that problems would involve irritation of the digestive tract or neurologic dysfunction. Ochrosia contains several monoterpenoid indole alkaloids of the heteroyohimbine, strychnos, and apparacine types (Pawelka and Stoeckigt 1986). They include ellipticine, holeinine, powerine, reserpine, reserpiline, and ochrelline (Raffauf 1970). Ellipticine is capable of causing a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, of β-adrenergic origin, because its effects can be antagonized by propranolol (Creasey 1983). At present, there are no descriptions of intoxications caused by species of Ochrosia. It is anticipated that clinical signs and pathology would reflect the genus’s potential for irritation of the digestive tract or neurological dysfunction. Treatment would be based upon relief of the signs exhibited (Figure 9.40).

Figure 9.40.

Chemical structure of ellipticine.


Toxic Plants of North America

Pentalinon voigt Native to Central America, the West Indies, and southern Florida, the genus Pentalinon is monotypic . Commonly known as wild allamanda, nightsage, or yellow nightshade, P. luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & Wunderlin is the single species. It has long been known as Urechites lutea, and toxicological references use this binomial. On the basis of recent studies, however, taxonomists now combine the genera Pentalinon and Urechites. The latter lacks nomenclatural priority and should no longer be used. In addition, U. pinetorum Small is now considered to be conspecific with P. luteum (USDA, NRCS 2012). Plants of the species are evergreen shrubby vines with simple, opposite, glossy leaves. The yellow, goblet-shaped flowers of P. luteum are very similar to those of Allamanda, but smaller. Plants occur in the coastal hammocks, pinelands, and mangrove thickets of southern Florida and the Keys. Because of its restricted distribution and the habitats it occupies, it is considered to be of low risk. cardiotoxicity; hemorrhagic diarrhea; steroidal glycosidic cardenolides However, in Cuba, where the plants of P. luteum are locally abundant, two disease syndromes, sudden death and hemorrhagic diarrhea, have been described in cattle (Marrero et al. 1983; Infante et al. 1984; Faz 1996). In the sudden death syndrome, repeated ingestion of plant material in small amounts seems to cause cardiac damage, and when the animal subsequently is stressed, fatal ventricular fibrillation occurs. In contrast, hemorrhagic diarrhea, which occurs when a large amount of plant material is consumed in a short time, is associated with the feeding of chopped hay with P. luteum as a contaminant. Plants of P. luteum contain oleandrigenin cardenolides, for example, the biosides urechitoxin (l-oleandrose + dglucose) and urechitin, which is also present in Angadenia (Chen and Henderson 1965; Pina Luis and Fanghaenel 1972). The disease syndromes have been reproduced using cardiotoxic extracts (Angulo 1942; Marrero et al. 1982). A day or two after animals begin to eat P. luteum, there is onset of mucoid diarrhea that changes to a bloody diarrhea. This is accompanied by depression and labored respiration. Following these changes, typical cardiotoxic signs may develop, including decreased heart rate, arrhythmias, lethargy, and intolerance to exercise (Marrero et al. 1983; Fax 1996). With ingestion of small amounts of plant material, there may be few signs of digestive disturbance, while cardiotoxic signs, including cardiac failure, may be elicited with exercise.

Consistent with the changes effected by other cardenolides, there are few distinctive pathologic changes other than reddening, ulceration, and hemorrhages of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Hemorrhages may also be apparent on surfaces of the myocardium. Microscopically, there may be mild degenerative changes in the heart, liver, and renal tubular epithelium (Infante et al. 1984). Symptomatic treatment as for other cardiotoxins is indicated and may be augmented by oral administration of activated charcoal, 2 g/kg b.w. (Joubert and Schultz 1982a,b). Digoxin-specific Fab fragments, as for Nerium, may be used if available (Bania et al. 1993).

Periploca L. An Old World genus of about 14 species, Periploca is quite different from other members of the Asclepiadaceae in the appearance of its pollinia and thus is segregated by some taxonomists in its own family, the Periplocaceae (Mabberley 2008). The genus is represented in North America by one naturalized species, P. graeca L., commonly known as silk vine. It is a perennial vine or trailing shrub with milky sap; woody, glabrous, branched or unbranched stems; and simple, opposite, lanceolate to ovate, glossy dark green leaves with acuminate apices and entire margins. Its flowers are borne in axillary, longpeduncled corymbs and are malodorous, rotate, and 2.2–2.7 cm in diameter. The petals are adaxially maroon to dark brown and adaxially yellow-green, and the corona is a ring of five pairs of broad lobes. The narrowly cylindrical, acuminate follicles lack tubercles and indumentum. A native of southern Europe, P. graeca occurs in open woods or thickets along streams in the southeastern quarter of the continent (USDA, NRCS 2012). mild digestive disturbance; steroidal cardenolides There is little doubt that species of Periploca are cardiotoxic, but the risk of intoxication appears to be quite low. Various cardenolides are present, mainly glycosides of periplogenin in P. graeca and strophanthidin in P. nigrescens Afzel, an African species (Abisch and Reichstein 1962; Berthold et al. 1965a,b; Komissarenko and Bagirov 1969; Marks et al. 1975). Disease problems caused by these species is likely to be limited to mild to moderate digestive tract disturbance, such as nausea, increased salivation, and diarrhea, with little need for treatment.

Prestonia R.Br. Comprising some 55 tropical American species, Prestonia is represented in North America by P. agglutinata (Jacq.)

Apocynaceae Juss.

Woods (rubber vine) (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). Prestonia is one member of a complex of closely related genera of shrubby vines, including Angadenia, Echites, and Rhabdadenia. Generic boundaries are tenuous, and individual species typically have been repeatedly moved from genus to genus by different taxonomists. Prestonia agglutinata, for example, was originally described as a species of Echites. Occurring in frost-free areas of southern Florida, plants of P. agglutinata and other species also occur on the southern edge of our range near the Tropic of Cancer in Mexico. possibly irritation of skin and gut mucosa Other than anecdotal reports, little is known about the toxins or toxic potential of P. agglutinata and other members of this complex of shrubby vines. Because of their apparent close relationship, it has been suggested that we may be able to extrapolate somewhat from one species to another (Hardin and Arena 1974; Perkins and Payne 1978). Possessing the viscid, milky sap characteristic of the family and the closely related Angadenia, P. agglutinata probably causes irritation and reddening of the mucosa of the digestive tract when ingested and reddening of the skin upon contact. Alkaloids are not reported for this genus except for a simple indole that has been isolated from a South American species (Snieckus 1968; Kisakurek et al. 1983; Raffauf 1996). Oleandrigenin cardenolides such as those isolated from other members of the complex, Angadenia and Pentalinon, possibly may be present, but this has not as yet been shown. Members of the genus have some local reputation for toxicity, including hallucinogenic activity, in tropical America (Schultes 1969). Signs following ingestion of P. agglutinata probably would be those associated with irritation of mucosal surfaces. Because ingestion of Prestonia is not likely to result in death, actual gross lesions have not been described. Treatment is probably not necessary but could include the conservative use of antidiarrheal medications.

Rauvolfia L. Comprising some 80 species in both the Old and New World tropics and subtropics, Rauvolfia is represented in North America by four species: R. nitida Jacq. (palo amargo, bitter ash), R. serpentina Benth. ex Kunz (serpentwood, snakeroot), R. tetraphylla L. (be still tree, American serpentwood, devil pepper), and R. viridis Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. (bitterbush) (Mabberley 2008). The genus name also has been spelled Rauwolfia. Plants of these species are evergreen shrubs or small trees with simple, whorled or opposite, ovate to elliptic


to oblanceolate leaves and bear small salverform, white to ivory or pink flowers borne in few-flowered cymes. As with other topical members of the family, species of the genus are cultivated in frost-free parts of North America. Rauvolfia tetraphylla is most commonly encountered (USDA, NRCS 2012). Other species occur on the southern edge of our range near the Tropic of Cancer in Mexico. Because of their limited cultivation, they are considered to pose little risk.

irritation of skin and gut mucosa; numerous alkaloids present

The viscid, milky sap of Rauvolfia is irritating and causes reddening of the skin upon contact or inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive tract when ingested. Other intoxication problems have not been reported. The genus is perhaps best known as the source of reserpine, initially extracted from the Asian species R. serpentina and used to reduce blood pressure and treat mental disorders. Other preparations and decoctions of plants of Rauvolfia have been used in herbal preparations as emetics, anthelmintics, diuretics, expectorants, laxatives, and sedatives and for treating problems such as high blood pressure, epilepsy, and snakebite (Sen and Bose 1931; Morton 1977). Rauvolfia is well known for its production of many alkaloids, including reserpine, rescinnamine, reserpinine, serpentine, and yohimbine (Schlittler 1965; Morton 1977). These alkaloids are found throughout the plants. Reserpine-type effects predominate, causing blood pressure reduction, sedation, and slowed heart rate (Schlittler 1965). The alkaloids have been suggested as a possible cause of teratogenic changes as well (Keeler 1983). Of the New World species, the tropical R. tetraphylla is the principal source of reserpine (Blohm 1962) (Figure 9.41). Contact with the sap may cause pain and reddening of the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes. Ingestion of foliage or flowers may cause nausea and diarrhea, which are not likely to be severe unless large amounts of plant material are consumed. Because other signs of

Figure 9.41.

Chemical structure of reserpine.


Toxic Plants of North America

disease have not been described for Rauvolfia, the possible toxic effects of the alkaloids present can only be surmised. The disease is not severe enough to be fatal, and treatment generally is not needed.

Rhabdadenia Müll.Arg. Comprising 4 tropical American species, Rhabdadenia is represented in North America by native R. biflora (Jacq.) Müll.Arg. (rubber vine) and introduced R. paludosa (Vahl) Miers (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). Rhabdadenia is another member of the complex of closely related genera of shrubby rubber vines with showy flowers, including Angadenia, Prestonia, and Echites. Generic boundaries are tenuous, and individual species typically have been repeatedly moved from genus to genus by different taxonomists. Rhabdadenia biflora, for example, was originally described as a species of Echites. Common at the margins of mangrove swamps and in thickets in coastal hammocks of southern Florida and the Keys, plants of R. biflora also occur in the West Indies, Central America, and South America. Plants are sometimes cultivated in tubs. Rhabdadenia cordata occurs in Tamaulipas, Mexico, and R. paludosa is found in southern Florida. possibly irritation of skin and gut mucosa Other than anecdotal reports, little is known about the toxic potential of R. biflora and other members of this complex of shrubby vines. But because of their apparent close relationship, it has been suggested that we may be able to extrapolate somewhat from one species to another (Hardin and Arena 1974; Perkins and Payne 1978). Possessing the viscid, milky sap characteristic of the family and the closely related Angadenia, R. biflora probably causes irritation and reddening of the mucosa of the digestive tract when ingested and of the skin upon contact. The toxins are not known with certainty, but alkaloids seem not to be present in the genus (Raffauf 1996). Oleandrigenin cardenolides such as those isolated from Angadenia may be present. Clinical signs following ingestion of R. biflora probably would be those associated with irritation of the mucosa. Because ingestion of Rhabdadenia does not result in death, gross lesions have not been described. Treatment is probably not necessary but could include the conservative use of antidiarrheal medications.

Sarcostemma R.Br. Commonly known as climbing milkweed or twinevine, Sarcostemma as circumscribed by Holm (1950) was a genus of worldwide distribution with approximately 50 species. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic

analyses, however, indicated that the genus is polyphyletic and supported the narrowing of its circumscription to only Old World taxa; New World species are placed in the genus Funastrum (Liede 1996; Liede and Täuber 2000). Five species are present in North America, primarily the Southwest, with F. cynanchoides (Decne.) Schltr., fringed twinevine, being the most commonly encountered (USDA, NRCS 2012). It is a trailing or climbing, suffrutescent, profusely branched vine with petiolate, ovate to lanceolate, hastate, or cordate leaves. Borne in axillary umbels, the rotate-campanulate flowers are greenish white to pinkish or purplish and bear a short, white corona. The follicles are narrowly fusiform and puberulent. Typically occurring in sandy or rocky soils and trailing across or climbing in shrubs, the species is found along watercourses, in desert washes, in thickets, and at the edges of woodlands throughout the southwest quarter of the continent from Texas and Oklahoma west to Utah, Nevada, and California, and south into central Mexico. It is reported to be a pest in gardens and cultivated fields in Arizona. toxicity in neurotoxic





Although the toxicity of Sarostemma in the Old World is well documented, that of the New World species, now placed in Funastrum, is unknown. Because there is the potential for problems here, we describe those associated with Sarcostemma. Species in Australia and Africa are toxic (van der Walt and Steyn 1939; Everist 1981; Kellerman et al. 1988). Livestock, however, are said to become somewhat tolerant of them (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). The toxicity of some species appears to be variable, and plants may be eaten at times with apparent impunity. In some areas of western and southern Australia, S. australe R.Br. is used as forage, while in eastern Australia it causes neurologic disease in livestock during the dry season (Everist 1981). The lethal dose of green plants is 0.1–0.2% b.w. The milky sap is irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. The toxic effects of Sarcostemma appear to be due to glycosides that are similar to cardenolides of Asclepias but lack the lactone ring at C-17. These glycosides are neurotoxic rather than cardiotoxic (Kellerman et al. 1988). Cardenolide activity is negligible as measured immunologically in S. australe (Radford et al. 1994). When intoxication does occur, species of Sarcostemma produce an abrupt onset of restlessness or anxiety, staggering, ataxia, and collapse, followed by violent paddling seizures with champing or clamping of the jaws and rigidity of the neck muscles. Respiration and heart rates are increased. There may be constipation or diarrhea, and the seizures may be followed by paralysis. There are few

Apocynaceae Juss.

changes visible at necropsy other than fluid accumulation in the chest and heart sac. The effects of irritation of the digestive tract are not typically prominent. In terms of treatment, there is little that can be done other than administration of sedatives to provide comfort.

Tabernaemontana L. Comprising some 110 species of shrubs and small trees, Tabernaemonta, commonly known as milkwood, is represented in North America by two species, T. alba Miller (white milkwood) and T. divaricata (L.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult. (crepe jasmine, rosebay, East Indian rosebay, Adam’s apple, coffee rose, waxflower plant, paper gardenia, crepe gardenia, Nero’s crown) (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). Appearing in the older literature, the binomials T. coronaria, Ervatamia coronaria, and Nerium divaricatum are synonyms of T. divaricata. These evergreen shrubs bear showy, nocturnally fragrant flowers with doubled petal number and have become popular ornamentals in recent years. Because they are frost sensitive, these introductions from tropical Southeast Asia and the West Indies are restricted in distribution to areas with temperatures above 25°F. They are grown elsewhere as tub plants.


addition to being weakly estrogenic (Creasey 1983). There is some interest in coronaridine-type alkaloids because of their affinity for opiate receptors and possible use as antiaddictive drugs (Deecher et al. 1992; O’Hearn and Molliver 1993). They also have some activity features similar to harmaline (as in Zygophyllaceae), including causing Purkinje cell degeneration in the cerebellar vermis. Plants of closely related genera, such as Tabernanthe iboga from West Africa, are of special interest because of their content of coronaridine-type alkaloids. These plants are widely used in counteracting fatigue and in mystical and religious rites (Bisset 1989b). The alkaloids (ibogaine) are neurostimulants and hallucinogens. They have anticholinesterase effects while concurrently decreasing catabolism of serotonin and increasing that of norepinephrine. Although the species of Tabernaemontana are of unknown toxicologic significance, it may be anticipated that effects related to the digestive tract will be foremost. If sufficient plant material is eaten, neurologic signs may also develop. Treatment will be symptomatic, that is, based upon relief of the signs exhibited.

Urechites Müll.Arg See treatment of Pentalion in this chapter.

toxicity not cardiotoxic





Specific intoxication problems caused by species of Tabernaemontana have not been reported. However, seeds of T. divaricata are said to be narcotic and to cause delirium, and leaves are purgative (Chopra et al. 1984). Studies by Ratnagiriswaran and Venkatachalam (1939) and Thorp and Watson (1953) indicated that the species has limited cardiotoxicity. Experiments with other species of the genus failed to show toxic effects in calves at oral doses up to 9 and 13.2 g/kg b.w. (Thorp and Watson 1953; Tokarnia et al. 1979). Juice from foliage has been applied to warts for their removal. Tabernaemontana members contain a large number of alkaloids such as apparicine, vaophylline, and O-acetylvallesamine. Plants of the genus also contain two dozen or more alkaloids at lower concentrations, including affinine, coronarine, dregamine, montanine, tabernaemontane, vincamine, and the bisindole voacamine (Raffauf 1970; Southon and Buckingham 1989; Clivio et al. 1991; Dagnino et al. 1991). In one species, T. corymbosa, 33 alkaloids have been isolated from the leaves and root bark (Clivio et al. 1991). Although at least 2 of these alkaloids, coronarine and dregamine, are reported to be cardiotoxic (Chopra et al. 1984), their effects generally are not clinically manifested. Experimentally, apparicine at low dosage causes seizures in mice, and coronaridine types are tremorgenic in

Vinca L. An Old World genus, Vinca comprises 6 species, with 2 commonly encountered in North America: V. major L. (greater periwinkle, blue periwinkle) and V. minor L. (common periwinkle, running myrtle) (Mabberley 2088; USDA, NRCS 2012). Two other species, V. herbacea and V. difformis, are occasionally cultivated. Noted as a source of alkaloids used in cancer treatment, the Madagascar periwinkle, at one time known as Vinca rosea, belongs to the related genus Catharanthus. Native to southern Europe, both V. major and V. minor are widely cultivated as trailing evergreen ground covers in North America. They have become naturalized in woodlands in many areas, especially the eastern and southeastern states and as far west as central Texas. digestive disturbance; neurotoxic; indole alkaloids Like the closely related Catharanthus rosea (Madagascar periwinkle), species of Vinca have a long history of medicinal use (Farnsworth 1961). However, in spite of their widespread cultivation, there have been practically no reports of intoxication associated with their ingestion by livestock or pets. When they are ingested, a digestive disturbance may be anticipated, and the alkaloids, when given medicinally as antineoplastics for a prolonged time, are neurotoxic.


Toxic Plants of North America

Plants of Vinca contain an extensive array of alkaloids, especially indole types (Farnsworth 1961). They also contain saponins and various other compounds but appear to be devoid of constituents with cardenolide activity (Farnsworth et al. 1962). Their alkaloid content seems to vary from region to region, especially between areas where they grow as annuals rather than perennials (Farnsworth 1961). Vinca minor mainly contains alkaloids with tryptophan bases such as vincadine, vincamine, and vincorine (Mokry and Kompis 1964; Taylor 1965). It is also reported to contain very low concentrations of reserpine (Taylor 1965). The overall effects of these compounds are a reduction in blood pressure and a possible curare-like action (Farnsworth 1961; Taylor 1965). Some of the alkaloids such as vincamine are convulsive at higher dosage (Farnsworth 1961). Vinca major also contains numerous alkaloids, several of which are common to V. minor, that is, vincamine and vincadifformine (Taylor 1965). Many of the alkaloids of V. major, including akuammine, perivincine, reserpinine, and vinine, are hypotensive, although of variable duration. Their overall effect is a transient hypotension and possibly a ganglioplegic and sympatholytic action as well (Farnsworth et al. 1960; Farnsworth 1961; Taylor 1965). Akuammine is also a weak cholinesterase inhibitor and may, under some circumstances, potentiate sympathetic activity (Creasey 1983).

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Chapter Ten

Aquifoliaceae Bartl.

Holly Family Ilex Commonly known as the holly family, the Aquifoliaceae is now circumscribed to comprise the single genus Ilex with about 400 species (Thorne 2001; Mabberley 2008; Bremer et al. 2009). Widely distributed in both temperate and tropical regions, Ilex is especially common in eastern North America and eastern Asia but poorly represented in Africa and Australia. It is economically important for wood and cultivated ornamentals (Heywood 2007). In North America, older taxonomic accounts cited 2 genera as present: Nemopanthus, with 2 species commonly known as the mountain hollies, and Ilex, with about 25 native species. Phylogenetic analyses of molecular data, however, reveal that the species of Nemopanthus should be classified as species of Ilex as well (Powell et al. 2000). Reports of intoxication problems in the family involve only Ilex. shrubs or trees; deciduous or evergreen; leaves simple, alternate; petals 4–6, white, greenish white to yellow; drupes black, yellow, red, or orange, with multiple stones Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; dioecious or rarely polygamodioecious. Stems with terminal buds absent. Leaves simple; alternate; coriaceous or herbaceous; venation pinnate; apices acute or obtuse or spinescent; margins crenate or spinose; stipules present, caducous. Inflorescences of 2 types, staminate and pistillate different; axillary. Staminate Inflorescences compound cymes. Pistillate Inflorescences small clusters or solitary flowers. Flowers imperfect or perfect, staminate and pistillate similar; perianths in 2-series; radially symmetrical; rotate. Sepals 4–6; fused. Petals 4–6; free or fused; greenish white to yellow. Stamens 4–6; androecial rudiments present in

pistillate flowers. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 4–6; stigmas 4–6, capitate; styles absent; ovaries superior; placentation axile; gynoecial rudiments present in staminate flowers. Fruits drupes; falsely resembling berries because of multiple stones. Seeds 1–6.

ILEX L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 400 species, Ilex is prized for its wood, foliage, and fruits (Heywood 2007). Its hard, white wood is used for carving, inlays, veneer, and paneling. Many of its species are cultivated as ornamental shrubs for their attractive foliage and colorful yellow, red, or orange fruits, which are very conspicuous in the fall and winter. Holly has long been symbolic of Christmas, and the common name is believed by some to be a corruption of holy (Galle 1997). Numerous cultivars, for example, yaupon and Burford holly, have been developed. In South America, yerba mate, a popular tea, is made from I. paraguariensis. Because of the resemblance of the leaves to those of the Mediterranean holly oak, the generic name is believed derived from the ancient Latin name for Quercus ilex. In North America, 39 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012), of which the following are representative: I. I. I. I. I. I. I. I.

aquifolium L. cornuta Lindl. & Paxton crenata Thunb. glabra (L.) A.Gray myrtifolia Walter opaca Aiton verticillata (L.) A.Gray vomitoria Aiton

English holly, Christmas holly Chinese holly Japanese holly inkberry, gallberry myrtle holly, myrtle dahoon American holly, white holly winterberry, black alder, feverbush yaupon, cassena

Morphological features of the genus are those of the family and thus are not repeated (Figures 10.1 and 10.2).

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

aquifolium has naturalized in coastal California from San Francisco northward. Many varieties of these 3 species are hardy only in the southern United States. ingestion of drupes produces digestive disturbance; vomiting, diarrhea

Figure 10.1.

Line drawing of Ilex verticillata.

Figure 10.2.

Photo of Ilex opaca.

Distribution and Habitat—With an apparent center of distribution in Central and South America, Ilex is common in the eastern forests of North America and Asia. Native North American species have similar geographic ranges. Ilex glabra occurs in low sandy pinelands, swamps, and bogs of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain. Ilex opaca inhabits sandy soils of moist woods, stream banks, and swamps, especially in coastal areas of the Southeast. Ilex verticillata is present in swamps and wet woods of the Northeast. More tolerant of alkaline soils than other species, I. vomitoria occurs in low woods and sandy pinelands in the southeastern states. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( Ilex aquifolium, I. cornuta, and I. crenata are ornamental introductions from Europe, China, and Japan. Ilex

Disease Problems—Foliage and drupes of Ilex are eaten by a variety of wildlife species (Gill and Healy 1973). Humans likewise have used the genus for food and medicine, as Galle (1997) described in extensive detail in his monograph. In addition to all-purpose yerba mate, or Paraguay tea, which is drunk by millions of people in South America, a drink known as guayusa is used as a coffee or tea substitute by Indian tribes in the Andes. The “black drink,” or “cassena,” brewed from roasted leaves of I. vomitoria, was used in ceremonies by Native Americans of the southern United States to restore lost appetites, enhance health, and promote courage and agility in war (Moerman 1998). The medicinal value of Ilex has also long been recognized. In the Northeast, cases of intermittent fevers were treated with fruits and bark of I. verticillata. Its bark was also used to treat gangrene and skin eruptions. Ilex cassine, a southeastern species, was mixed with lard as an ointment for smallpox. It was additionally employed to render coastal swamp water fit to drink. Since the 1700s, drupes of various species of Ilex have been recognized to possess emetic and laxative properties and have been used medicinally as emetics. Millspaugh (1974) recorded an incident in which an individual ate 25 fruits, became nauseous, vomited, and had diarrhea but did not exhibit colic. There have been numerous reports, mainly in the eastern United States, of children eating fruits (O’Leary 1964). The disease is usually mild to moderate in severity and limited to vomiting and diarrhea; rarely is there narcosis (Arena 1979). In reports to American Poison Control Centers, the most common signs were vomiting and abdominal pain and perhaps nausea but few other effects (Mrvos et al. 2001). Rodrigues and coworkers (1984) described a case of 2-year-old twins eating a handful of drupes of I. opaca. After treatment with syrup of ipecac, vomiting persisted for several hours. Later, one child had green, watery diarrhea plus several more episodes of vomiting. Rarely, digestive tract problems are reported for horses or other animal species (Finance 1987). Effects in pets are usually limited to apparent irritation of the gastrointestinal tract with salivation, vomiting, and perhaps diarrhea in some cases (Volmer 2002). Feeding trials in young calves fed frozen I. myrtifolia every third day over 16 days or daily for 35 days produced no adverse clinical or pathologic effects (Pence et al. 2001).

Aquifoliaceae Bartl.

leaves: caffeine, theobromine, saponins; drupes, main risk, saponins

Disease Genesis—Ilex contains an array of potential toxicants, including glucosidic saponins in leaves and fruit (West et al. 1977); the methylxanthines caffeine and possibly theobromine and theophylline in leaves (Willaman and Schubert 1961); lactones (Thomas and Budzikiewicz 1980); and in some instances, a novel cyanogenic diglucoside, dihydromandelonitrile, in leaves of I. aquifolium, I. glabra, and I. verticillata (Gibbs 1974; Willems 1988). However, even though this array of toxicants is present, most adverse effects appear to be due to irritant effects of the saponins. These compounds, a series of glycosides of oleanolic acid and α-ilexanolic acid genins, also exert other actions, such as inhibition of histamine release from mast cells and deterrence of insect feeding on the leaves (Connolly and Hill 1991). (Figure 10.3)

weakly cyanogenic, little risk

Cyanogenic potential seems to be quite variable in these species. It was reported to be highest in fruits of I. aquifolium—0.28% fresh weight and 0.71% d.w. (Willems 1989). In another report, seeds were negative and fruit pulp positive for cyanogenesis (Barnea et al. 1993). Using the picrate paper test (see Rosaceae, in Chapter 64), we have found foliage of a number of species and cultivars to be generally negative for cyanogenesis. In addition to the methylxanthine stimulatory effects, digitalis-like strengthening of cardiac contraction and even ventricular arrest in frog and rabbit hearts in vitro have been shown, using water and/or alcohol extracts (Waud 1932).

transient vomiting, diarrhea

Figure 10.3.

Chemical structure of oleanolic acid.


Clinical Signs and Pathology—In most instances of Ilex intoxication, the signs will be indicative of mild to moderate dysfunction of the digestive tract and include vomiting, salivation, and diarrhea, which last only a few hours. In more severe cases there may be some degree of narcosis. A lethal outcome is not likely.

activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Treatment—In the event that signs are severe enough to warrant intervention, treatment is primarily relief of the digestive effects, especially chemical control of the persistent vomiting and replacement of fluids and/or electrolytes. Activated charcoal given orally may provide adequate treatment in many instances.

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Chapter Eleven

Araceae Juss.

Arum Family Alocasia Arisaema Arum Caladium Calla Colocasia Dieffenbachia Epipremnum Monstera Philodendron Pistia Spathiphyllum Xanthosoma Zantedeschia Questionable Lysichiton Symplocarpus Commonly known as the arum family, the Araceae comprises about 105 genera and more than 3000 species, the vast majority of them occurring in tropical and subtropical regions (Mayo et al. 1998; Seberg 2007). Although Seberg (2007) and Bremer and coworkers (2009) have enlarged the family’s circumscription to include the Lemnaceae or duckweed family, we employ the treatment of Mayo and coworkers (1998) and Thompson (2000) in this treatise and maintain them as distinct. Many species of the Araceae sensu stricto are cultivated in North America, and some are commonly recognized as toxic. In regions with warm winter climates, they may be used as outdoor ornamentals; however, in most parts of North America, they are grown as indoor ornamentals or used as cut flowers. Familiar ornamentals include Philodendron, Caladium, Zantedeschia (calla or arum lily), Spathiphyllum (white sails), Anthurium (painter’s palette), and Dieffenbachia (dumb cane). Flowering in the early spring, species of Arisaema such as A. dracontium (green

dragon) and A. triphyllum (jack-in-the-pulpit) are encountered in moist soils of our eastern deciduous forests. Although most of the genera grown as houseplants rarely flower, all have the characteristic inflorescence of the family, which consists of numerous tiny flowers borne on a prominent fleshy axis (spadix) and subtended by a large bract (spathe). Typically quite conspicuous, the spathe is usually white, red, yellow, or pink. popular ornamentals; some used for food, taro, tanier In addition to their use as ornamentals, members of the Araceae are economically quite important for food. Colocasia (taro, dasheen) and Xanthosoma (tanier) are commercially cultivated in some parts of the world for their starchy, tuberous corms. The starch grains of Colocasia are small and easily digested, thus making it a good food for infants and individuals with digestive problems. Also eaten are the corms of species of Alocasia, Amorphophallus, and Cyrtosperma. An unusual, free-floating aquatic, Pistia, is used as an aquarium or fishpond ornamental but readily escapes and becomes so abundant as to clog irrigation canals and slow-moving streams. herbs or vines; leaves alternate; flowers in spadices; fruits berries Plants herbs or vines; perennials; typically from rhizomes or corms or tubers; foliage typically fleshy. Leaves simple or compound; alternate; often all basal; venation parallel or pinnate or palmate; petioles sheathing at bases; stipules absent. Inflorescences spadices almost always subtended by conspicuous, often brightly colored spathes. Flowers perfect or imperfect; when imperfect, staminate flowers borne above pistillate; small; numerous; perianths in 1-series or absent. Perianth Parts 4 or 6 or 8 or 0; free or fused. Stamens 4 or 6, or rarely 1 or 8; free or fused by filaments. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 3; stigmas 1;

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America Table 11.1. problems.

Commonly encountered aroids causing toxicologic

Alocasia macrorrhiza Arisaema triphyllum Arum italicum Caladium bicolor Calla palustris Colocasia esculenta Dieffenbachia spp. Lysichiton americanus Philodendron spp. Pistia stratiotes Spathiphyllum spp. Symplocarpus foetidus Xanthosoma X. sagittifolium X. violaceum Zantedeschia aethiopica

Figure 11.1. Line drawing of Spathiphyllum as representative arum with a spadix subtended by a spathe.

styles 1; ovaries superior, typically not lobed; locules 3 or 1; placentation axile or parietal. Fruits berries; fleshy or sometimes leathery; entire spadix ripening as a multiple fruit in some taxa (Figure 11.1). irritation of the mucous membranes, mouth, eyes, digestive tract, skin; rarely internal systemic effects

DISEASE PROBLEMS The most commonly reported intoxication problem associated with the genera of the Araceae is swelling, and irritation and edema of the oral mucous membranes following chewing of leaves or stems (Mrvos et al. 2001). An intense burning sensation occurs immediately after the first bite. Species with fleshy, starchy rhizomes, corms, or tubers used for food are dried or heated to destroy their burning and toxic properties. Typically, the disease is selflimiting and is associated with acute, temporary painful discomfort (Mrvos et al. 1991). However, in some instances, secondary complications may cause more serious problems and rarely even death (McIntire et al. 1990). Dieffenbachia and Philodendron are the two genera most commonly reported to be ingested in both Europe and North America (Mrvos et al. 1991; JaspersenSchib et al. 1996; Krenzelok et al. 1996; Pedaci et al. 1999), in part because they are so common as houseplants. Dieffenbachia is the genus most often associated with occasional severe oral or corneal injury. Other problems may also be caused by aroids. Contact with wet foliage of Philodendron and perhaps other genera, for example, may cause contact dermatitis in

giant elephant’s ear, giant taro jack-in-the-pulpit arum caladium wild calla, water arum taro, dasheen, cocoyam dumb cane, American arum yellow skunk cabbage philodendron water lettuce, shellflower white sails, peace lily skunk cabbage tannia, yautia blue tannia, blue taro calla lily, arum lily

sensitive individuals (Dorsey 1958; Hammershoy and Verdich 1980; Knight 1991). Neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity have been reported but not confirmed following ingestion of Philodendron, and more recently chronic renal failure in a guinea pig possibly due to ingestion of Spathiphyllum has been described (Holowaychuk 2006). The spadices or berries of other genera of the family when eaten may cause different problems, as described below. Because several species are employed as contraceptives or abortifacients by folk societies, systemic effects appear also to be factors of some concern (Plowman 1969). Commonly encountered taxa of the family that cause similar toxicological problems are listed in Table 11.1. Plants of these genera are undoubtedly hazardous for pets and other animals but seem to be a greater problem for humans, especially small children; however, there are few serious intoxications (Krenzelok et al. 1996; Pedaci et al. 1999). calcium oxalate crystals; aggregated in raphides and druses

DISEASE GENESIS The toxicants produced by members of the Araceae have not been completely characterized. However, the primary toxic effects, known to be associated with a heat-labile fraction, have long been thought to be due to calcium oxalates in the plant tissues. Raphides, aggregations of elongated crystals of calcium oxalate, have been a recognized feature of the family since the first observations of cell components via microscopy by Leeuwenhoek in 1675 (Arnott and Pautard 1970). Later observations disclosed that raphides were one of several forms of intracellular,

Araceae Juss.

highly birefringent, solitary or compound, monohydrate crystals (Frey-Wyssling 1981). Although calcium oxalate crystals are common among many plant families, the only types associated with toxicity are raphides and less commonly druses (Doaigey 1991). raphides contained in idioblasts; extruded when mucilage in cell swells or when external pressure is applied Crystals of calcium oxalate monohydrate typically occur in idioblasts, specialized cells that differ markedly in appearance from surrounding cells. This is true of both raphides and druses. Raphides are long, individually distinct, needlelike crystals of equal size tightly bundled in an orderly parallel arrangement and held together by protoplasmic threads. They may occur in large idioblasts that are filled with mucilage that swells when it comes in contact with water, for example, as when plant material is chewed. The ends of the cell wall are thin, and when the mucilage swells, the wall ruptures, and raphides are forcibly extruded en masse into the mouth of the individual. Biforines, termed defensive raphides, are the main ones of interest (Keating 2004; Cote 2009). They are contained in spindle-shaped idioblasts with thin-walled terminal papillae through which the crystals may be extruded by external pressure, either en masse or a few at a time. Raphides not contained in idioblasts seem to be less predisposed to cause irritant effects, as shown for those of Impatiens, which are found floating free or in large thin-walled cells (Rauber 1985). Druses, or sphaerocrystals, are large irregular crystalloid aggregations of an indistinct nature typically contained within a vacuole in a cell that is alive and functional at maturity (Price 1969) (Figure 11.2). Both druses and raphides are present in aroids, located mainly in the subepidermal mesophyll layer in both the photosynthetic palisade and loosely arranged spongy layers (Genua and Hillson 1985; Doaigey 1991). However, in a study of 14 genera of the Araceae, idioblasts were

Figure 11.2. crystals.

Line drawing of idioblast with calcium oxalate


present in only 7, and these were filled exclusively with raphides rather than druses (Genua and Hillson 1985). The types of crystals, numbers of idioblasts, and their distribution in the plant vary from taxon to taxon and even among varieties and/or individuals of a species. The potent biforine raphides are present only in Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, Zantedeshia, Alocasia, Colocasia, Caladium, and Xanthosoma (Keating 2004). Other genera such as Symplocarpus and Calla have crystals of special interest. Studies of the raphide idioblasts of Alocasia, Colocasia, and Xanthosoma show that all three genera share common features of general shape and the presence of barbs and grooves on the crystals (Sakai et al. 1972; Sakai and Hanson 1974; Sunell and Healey 1979). The length of the crystals ranged from 60 to 130 μm, with one end tapered to a point and the other end blunt. Each crystal has two longitudinal grooves on opposite sides, thus giving it an H shape in cross section. This appearance is characteristic of the raphides in members of the Araceae (Franceschi and Horner 1980). Along the sides of the grooves are numerous barbs, 0.75 μm long, with their tips oriented away from the tapered end. It is hypothesized that the morphology of crystals enhances the penetration of the tissues of the mouth and prevents subsequent dislodgment once embedded. It has been suggested that crystals may serve as a defense against herbivory (Haberlandt 1914; Sakai et al. 1972). Toxicity is believed to be due, at least in part, to the insoluble crystals of calcium oxalate, and in particular the raphides, acting as mechanical irritants upon contact with the mucous membranes (Ladeira et al. 1975; Kuballa et al. 1981). The crystals are also responsible for the acrid taste of the plants (Black 1918). When crystals are washed free of all other plant materials, the contact irritation is not reduced (Black 1918). Similarly, conjunctivitis may be induced in rabbits from juice pressed from the stem of Dieffenbachia (Ellis et al. 1973). When crystals are filtered out of the juice, inflammation is reduced. Crystals may persist in the cornea long after clinical signs have disappeared. Studies of raphide-containing taxa in other families confirm the importance of the crystals. For example, it has also been shown with the fishtail palm (Caryota mitis: Arecaceae) that contact irritation of short duration may be elicited by raphides alone (Snyder et al. 1979). Studies with kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa: Actinidiaceae), in which extraction procedures were used to eliminate other sources of activity, also show that raphides alone are capable of causing mild mechanical irritation (Perera et al. 1990). possible additional effects from chemical mediators of inflammation


Toxic Plants of North America

The barbs and grooves of the raphides are unique to members of the Araceae (Franceschi and Horner 1980). Grooves may serve as channels to conduct compounds into the wound that act in concert with the mechanical irritation (Sakai et al. 1972; Sakai and Hanson 1974; Gardner 1994). Numerous studies support this hypothesis. Drying or cooking (as for taro) seems to prevent the active ejection of crystals (Rauber 1985) but does not necessarily always eliminate the risk. Thus, inadvertent inclusion of raphide-containing plants in buffet entries is suspected as a possible cause of multiple cases of oral stinging and burning and dysphagia lasting several weeks in some individuals (Watson et al. 2005). Although the irritant effects are typically lost with boiling of plant material, distillates retain some toxicity, indicating that full expression of aroid toxicity does not lie solely with the crystals (Osisiogu et al. 1974). In addition, in other studies, severity of the irritant effects did not appear to be directly proportional to raphide or calcium oxalate content (Choudhury and Hussain 1979; Saha and Hussain 1983). Other compounds possibly involved include prostaglandins, histamine, trypsinlike proteolytic enzymes that might cause release of other mediators of inflammation, and glycosides such as of 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (Walter and Khanna 1972; Suzuki 1980; Saha and Hussain 1983). The other compounds have not been conclusively identified, and it is possible that no one factor is dominant. A role for histamine has been proposed; however, reports are contradictory. Rizzini and Occhioni (1957) proposed that a toxic proteinaceous substance produced by aroids caused histamine release in tissues of the animal. The presence of this additional compound was indicated by effects on heart and respiration rates, the presence of tonic seizures, and development of tolerance to effects of the plant that could not be accounted for by mechanical damage alone (Barnes and Fox 1955). Fochtman et al. (1969) observed a 2-fold increase in histamine levels in rats given the juice of Dieffenbachia. Pretreatment with diphenhydramine, an antihistamine, attenuated the rats’ reaction to the juice. They and Walter (1967) suggested that the juice may have trypsinlike activity, causing noxious effects directly and/or releasing other agents such as endogenous histamines in the animal. This interpretation is supported by isolation of l-asparagine and a proteolytic trypsinlike enzyme from the genus (Walter and Khanna 1972). In some studies, however, there has been a lack of protection afforded by pretreatment with either antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine or antihistamine/ antiserotonins such as cyproheptadine (Ladeira et al. 1975; Kuballa et al. 1981). Yet, an antiprostaglandin, indomethacin, was protective (Kuballa et al. 1981). Occurrence of systemic reactions is also shown by the lethal effects caused by oral administration of material from several aroid genera to mice at 100 mg/35 g b.w.

These effects were attributed to alkaloids, glycosides, biogenic amines, and/or saponins identified as being present by screening tests (Willaman and Schubert 1961; Der Marderosian et al. 1976). contact irritation, lips, tongue, mouth; swelling, pain; rarely lower digestive tract effects, vomiting, diarrhea

CLINICAL SIGNS Primary signs are those associated with contact irritation of the tissues of the upper digestive tract; immediate swelling of the lips, tongue, and oral cavity; and excess salivation. There may also be vomiting and throat irritation. In most instances, signs are mild, but there will be a few severe cases in which swelling and intense pain will render the individual unable to eat for several days. Contact with plant juices may produce severe conjunctivitis. In most instances, involvement will be restricted to areas of the mouth and eyes, but in severe cases, it may extend to the glossopharyngeal area, esophagus, and stomach. The effects, though painful, are usually temporary. More serious intoxication with airway obstruction and even death is possible but very unlikely, in large measure because of the rapid onset of pain and swelling of the lips and tongue, which promptly terminate interest in eating more of the plant. treatment generally not needed but control of pain and inflammation may be useful

TREATMENT The most important considerations in treatment of aroid poisoning are alleviation of pain and reduction in swelling. Antihistamines are of limited value. Sedation and administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or phenylbutazone are appropriate in most cases. Soft palatable foods are also desirable. Topical application of ointments or salves is probably of limited value, although lime juice is reported to be more effective than milk, water, or ice in relieving the swelling and pain (Lawrence and Schneider 1987). Eugenol, an essential oil herbal product from Syzygium aromaticum or clove tree in the family Myrtaceae, seems to provide effective relief (Dip et al. 2004). Rarely, respiratory difficulties due to oropharyngeal edema may require surgical airway management (Cumpston et al. 2003; Loretti et al. 2003). Conjunctivitis and corneal defects are usually of short duration with gradual resorption of the needlelike crystals over several days. Topical steroid ointments may provide relief of inflammation of the eyes.

Araceae Juss.

ALOCASIA (SCHOTT) G.DON Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 70–75 species, with greatest abundance in tropical Southeast Asia, Alocasia is represented in North America by cultivated ornamentals, most commonly as houseplants (Mayo et al. 1998; Mabberley 2008). The genus name is a variant of the closely related genus Colocasia (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The species of toxicologic interest is: A. macrorrhiza (L.) G.Don

giant elephant’s ear, giant taro

herbs from tubers or rhizomes; leaves simple, very large, on long petioles

Plants herbs; from rhizomes or tubers; stems erect or ascending; thick. Leaves simple; up to 100 cm long; dark green or strikingly colored and/or variegated; blades erect or deflexed, cordate to sagittate, venation conspicuous; petioles long, cylindric. Inflorescences solitary or clustered; spathes yellow or green, margins overlapping to form tubes; spadices shorter than spathes; terminating in sterile appendage. Flowers imperfect; staminate flowers separated from pistillate by band of rudimentary sterile flowers. Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 3–8; fused. Pistils 1; compound; stigmas 1, 3- to 5-lobed; locules 1. Berries red or orange.

Distribution and Habitat—Native to tropical Southeast Asia, A. macrorrhiza has escaped cultivation and occurs occasionally in wet disturbed thickets in southern Florida, but apparently individual plants persist only for short periods (Thompson 2000).

contact irritation of the mouth, numbness, pain, excess salivation

Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family, species of Alocasia cause contact irritation and the need to dry or cook the tubers to make them edible, as is done with the closely related taro (Colocasia esculenta), is well recognized. Based on poison control center reports, ingestion of one or more mouthfuls of leaves or tubers of A. macrorrhiza causes oral numbness, pain, excess salivation, and rarely ulcers. These effects last for a few days, except for the numbness, which may persist for a week (Lin et al. 1998). These effects are illustrated by those produced by C. esculenta. A 2-year-old boy who ate a leaf


of taro exhibited the characteristic excessive salivation plus dysphagia, repeated swallowing, and difficulty speaking (Mihailidou et al. 2002). Likewise, the sap of Alocasia may cause problems upon contact with the eyes as does sap of C. esculenta. This is illustrated by a case in which an individual splashed the sap of C. esculenta in his eye. A central corneal defect developed with needlelike whitish-yellow crystals in the corneal subepithelium to deep stroma (Tang et al. 2006). Healing was complete in a few days with visual acuity returning to normal in a week, following therapy with topical steroid/antibiotic combination. A different disease has been reported to be caused by ingestion of the fruit of an Asian species, A. cucullata, commonly known as Chinese taro (Goonasekera et al. 1993). After eating the berries, one child died 20 hours later, and another child, 5 days afterward. Cyanide was thought to be involved, but the presence of zonal hepatocellular necrosis and the protracted nature of the signs are not consistent with cyanide toxicosis.

ARISAEMA MART. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 170 species of tropical and temperate regions of both the Old and New World, Arisaema is represented in North America by 2 species (Thompson 2000): A. dracontium (L.) Schott A. triphyllum (L.) Torr.

green dragon, dragon root Indian turnip, jack-in-the-pulpit, parson-in-the-pulpit

Arisaema triphyllum is morphologically quite variable, and 3 subspecies are now recognized. Previously described species such as A. acuminatum, A. pusillum, A. quinatum, A. atrorubens, and A. stewardsonii are now submerged in A. triphyllum.

herbs; leaves palmately compound; spathes, outer surfaces green or white, inner bronze or purple; berries orange red, clustered

Plants herbs; from corms or rhizomes; acaulescent. Leaves palmately compound or pedately divided; leaflets 3–13; petioles long, emerging from several bracts. Inflorescences solitary; arising on elongate peduncles adjacent to leaves; spathes green or white, typically purple or bronze within, margins overlapping to form tubes, apices erect or forming a hood over spadix; spadices shorter or longer than spathes; terminating in an elongate sterile appendage. Flowers imperfect; borne at bases of spadices.


Toxic Plants of North America

adverse effects, based on their response to experimental administration of Dieffenbachia (Armien and Tokarnia 1994).

CALLA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic, circumboreal genus, Calla is native to wetland habitats in temperate North America, Europe, and Asia (Mayo et al. 1998; Thompson 2000). Recognized by the Roman natural historian Pliny, the genus derives its name from the Greek root kallos, which means beauty (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Because of the similarity in common names, care must be taken not to confuse Calla with calla lilies, which are species of the genus Zantedeschia, or with black calla, which is a species of Arum. Of limited toxicologic importance, the single species is: C. palustris L.

Figure 11.3.

Line drawing of Arisaema triphyllum.

Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 1–5; fused. Pistils 1; compound; stigmas 1, peltate or capitate; locules 1. Berries orange red; borne in conspicuous clusters 1–2 cm in diameter (Figure 11.3).

moist or shaded sites; eastern deciduous forests

Distribution and Habitat—Both A. triphyllum and A. dracontium are understory plants of the moist woodlands, thickets, swamps, and bogs of the eastern deciduous forests. Flowering in the early spring, the fruits of A. dracontium are especially conspicuous in the fall. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Flora of North America (http://www.

contact irritation

Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family, both species of Arisaema cause contact irritation, and the corms are a favorite of boy scouts and field biologists who offer portions to the unsuspecting. The plants apparently are seldom eaten by livestock and are of little toxicologic importance. Sheep are probably the most likely species to eat the plants; however, they are also less likely to show

water arum, bog arum, wild calla, water dragon

herbs, prominent leaf scars; leaves simple, basal, 2-ranked; spathes white; berries bright red Plants herbs; evergreen or deciduous; acaulescent; from rhizomes. Rhizomes horizontal; sparsely branched; leaf scars prominent. Leaves simple; basal; 2-ranked; glossy dark green; long petiolate; blades broadly ovate to reniform; venation pinnate; apices acute; bases cordate. Inflorescences solitary; spathes white; apices involute; margins overlapping to form tubes; spadices shorter than spathes; not enclosed; not terminating in sterile appendage. Flowers perfect or uppermost staminate. Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 6. Pistils 1; stigmas 1, broad; locules 1. Berries bright red; seeds 4–10, surrounded by gelatinous material. moist sites; bogs, swamps, seeps

Distribution and Habitat—A vigorous and rapidly growing aquatic, C. palustris occupies a variety of wetland habitats—marshes, swamps, alder bogs, seeps, and lakesides. It is occasionally grown for its glossy dark green foliage and white spathes as an ornamental in aquatic gardens (Figure 11.4). rarely contact irritation

Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family, C. palustris is capable of causing contact irritation; however,

Araceae Juss.


ovate, midrib and venation conspicuous; petioles long, sheathing stems. Inflorescences solitary; spathes green, margins overlapping to form tubes; spadices shorter or longer than spathes; terminating in sterile appendage. Flowers imperfect; staminate flowers separate from pistillate by band of rudimentary sterile flowers. Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 3–8; fused. Pistils 1; compound; stigmas 1, 2- or 3-lobed; locules 2 or 3. Berries red or orange red (Figures 11.5 and 11.6). contact irritation from chewing stem or leaf; may be severe; both pets and humans

Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family, Figure 11.4.

Distribution of Calla palustris.

it is seldom eaten by livestock and thus is of limited toxicologic importance.

DIEFFENBACHIA SCHOTT Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising some 30 species with greatest abundance in tropical America, Dieffenbachia is represented in North America only by cultivated ornamentals, most commonly as houseplants (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mayo et al. 1998). Grown for their lush, tropical-appearing foliage, numerous named cultivars are in commercial trade. Especially prized for the mottled or herringbone variegation of their leaves, the 2 species most commonly encountered are morphologically similar: D. maculata (Lodd.) G.Don D. seguine (Jacq.) Schott

species of Dieffenbachia cause severe contact irritation and are the subject of many inquiries to poison control centers, especially for cases involving small children (Schilling et al. 1980). In the Caribbean, D. seguine has been used since the 1600s to render people incapable of speaking by means of the severe swelling and edema that follows the chewing of its leaves and stems—hence, the common name dumb cane (Barnes and Fox 1955). Juice of the stems was rubbed in the mouths of slaves as punishment, the severe reaction lasting up to several days. The species also had a reputation among Caribbean and Pacific Islanders as a contraceptive that lasted for 1–2 days (Barnes and Fox 1955; Plowman 1969). Experiments with animals and humans in Nazi Germany during

dumb cane dumb cane, American arum, poison arum

Unfortunately, some horticulturalists apply the common name mother-in-law’s tongue to Dieffenbachia, a name usually associated with the genus Sansevieria in the Agavaceae. The binomial D. picta, which appears in the older literature, is a synonym of D. maculata.

ornamental herbs, stout erect stems; leaves simple, often variegated; seldom flowers indoors

Plants herbs; stems erect; to 2.5 m tall; thick; bearing leaves to apices; leaf scars prominent. Leaves simple; green, but typically mottled or variegated in various shades of yellow, red, green, or white, the lighter colors occupying the spaces between veins; blades oblong to

Figure 11.5.

Line drawing of Dieffenbachia maculata.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 11.6.

Photo of Dieffenbachia maculata.

World War II also indicated such an effect. Atrophy of the gonads and permanent sterility in rats were noted after daily oral administration of the juice for 1–2 months. In addition, female rats given extracts for 4 days experienced decreased ovulation and hormonal disruptions (Costa de Pascuale et al. 1984). The various uses and abuses including the well-known reproductive effects have been reviewed by Arditti and Rodriguez (1982).

irritation of the mouth and tongue, swelling, pain, excess salivation; may last hours or rarely days; may appear like a burn

The stem is the most potent portion of the plant, followed by the petiole, and blade of the leaf (Ladeira et al. 1975). Dieffenbachia differs from other members of the family in having raphides present in epidermal as well as mesophyll layers, which may account in part for its greater irritant potency (Genua and Hillson 1985). Although in the great majority of exposures, no signs or only mild signs were observed, there are a few reports of individuals biting stems or leaves and subsequently suffering more severe injury (Mrvos et al. 1991; Pamies et al. 1992; Krenzelok and Provost 1995; Krenzelok et al. 1996). Inflammation and edema of the lips and tongue or cornea lasts for several hours to days (Schilling et al. 1980; Gardner 1994; Seet et al. 1995). There are instances

of intense pain, inflammation of the mouth, and laryngeal edema with subsequent superficial necrosis of the tongue and cheeks, which may give the appearance of a caustic burn (Drach and Maloney 1963; Wiese et al. 1996; Snajdauf et al. 2005). Injury may be severe even when the plant is spit out and not swallowed. Similarly, severe inflammation of the surface of the eye may follow exposure to juice of stems and leaves. Recovery may take several days, and crystals may be present in the cornea for an even longer time (Ellis et al. 1973; Seet et al. 1995; Chiou et al. 1997). Livestock are at some risk, although in North America, there is little opportunity for exposure because plants typically are grown inside or in gardens. In regions where livestock may be exposed to Dieffenbachia, cattle, sheep, and goats may be affected with signs of excessive salivation, tongue edema, colic, hemorrhage, diarrhea, dehydration, and possibly death (Da Silva et al. 2006; Dantas et al. 2007). Cattle administered 3.7–4.8 g of plant material/ kg b.w. developed moderate signs of intoxication, including increased salivation, and sublingual and submandibular edema (Tokarnia et al. 1996). Sheep exhibit similar responses to 2.9–10 g/kg b.w. dosage (Armien and Tokarnia 1994). Typical oral irritation effects were noted in canaries, but the outcome was lethal (Arai et al. 1992).

EPIPREMNUM SCHOTT Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8 species with greatest abundance in tropical Southeast Asia and the western Pacific, Epipremnum is represented in North America only by cultivated ornamentals (Mabberley 2008). The following species is perhaps the most common of all houseplants: E. aureum (Linden & André) Bunting

ivy arum, devil’s ivy, golden pothos, hunter’s robe

(= Pothos aureus Linden & André) (= Scindapsus aureus [Linden & André] Engl.) (= Rhaphidophora aurea [Linden & André] Birdsey)

Some toxicologic reports unfortunately use the binomial Raphidophora aurea (an orthographic variant of the correct Rhaphidophora aurea) for golden pothos. Currently, taxonomists recognize Rhaphidophora and Epipremnum as distinct genera and golden pothos as a species of the latter (Bunting 1963; Mabberley 2008).

herbaceous vines with adventitious roots from stems; leaves simple, often variegated; seldom flowers indoors

Araceae Juss.

Plants herbaceous vines; evergreen; with adventitious roots arising from stems. Leaves simple; dimorphic, with juvenile and adult forms; dark green or variegated; blades ovate to lanceolate or oblong, coriaceous, margins entire or pinnately lobed, venation parallel convergent; petioles long, sheathing at bases. Inflorescences solitary; spathes yellow to green or purple, margins not overlapping to form tubes; spadices shorter than spathes. Flowers perfect. Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 4; fused. Pistils 1; compound; stigmas 1, locules 1. Berries red or orange. This species is morphologically very similar to the viny philodendrons and is often mistakenly called one (Figures 11.7 and 11.8).

contact irritation


Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family, Epipremnum is capable of causing contact irritation. In our experience, this common ornamental has occasionally caused vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. However, experimentally, even very large doses in the range of 32–40 g/kg b.w. failed to cause adverse effects in cattle and sheep (Tokarnia et al. 1996).

MONSTERA ADANS. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 40 species of the America tropics, Monstera is represented in North America only by cultivated ornamentals, most commonly as houseplants (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mayo et al. 1998). Morphologically very similar to the viny philodendrons, species of the genus are often mistakenly called philodendrons. Most commonly encountered is this species: M. deliciosa Liebm.

split-leaf philodendron, ceriman, Swiss cheese plant, windowleaf

This species is one of the most popular houseplants and at one time was cultivated for its spadix of berries, which are said to have the taste of pineapple and banana combined. When completely ripe, they were used in salads, drinks, and ices (Plowman 1969).

Figure 11.7.

Line drawing of Epipremnum aureum.

vines, long adventitious roots; leaves simple; seldom flowers indoors Plants herbaceous vines; evergreen; stems ascending or sprawling, stout, with long adventitious roots. Leaves simple; dimorphic, with juvenile and adult forms; dark green or variegated; blades ovate to lanceolate or oblong, coriaceous, up to 1 m long and 0.75 m wide, margins entire or typically pinnatifid, venation pinnate; petioles long, sheathing at bases. Inflorescences solitary; spathes white or cream; margins not overlapping to form tubes; spadices shorter than spathes. Flowers perfect. Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 4; fused. Pistils 1; compound; stigmas 1, locules 2. Berries white; fused together to form conelike structures; aromatic; seeds soft (Figure 11.9). contact irritation

Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family,

Figure 11.8.

Photo of Epipremnum aureum.

Monstera is capable of causing contact irritation. However, it does not appear to be a significant risk, because dosage of 16.5–26 g/kg b.w. fresh foliage failed to produce adverse effects in cattle, and only mild to moderate signs were


Toxic Plants of North America

Leaves simple; usually dark green; blades cordate or sagittate or ovate to oblong, coriaceous, up to 1 m long, margins entire or pinnately lobed, venation pinnate, petioles long, sheathing at bases. Inflorescences solitary or fascicled; axillary; spathes white to green and yellow, often marked with red and purple, margins overlapping to form tubes; spadices shorter than spathes. Flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate contiguous. Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 2–5; fused. Pistils 1; compound; locules 2-many. Berries white to orange or red (Figures 11.10 and 11.11).

contact irritation mouth, tongue; rarely renal disease; possibly neurotoxic

Figure 11.9.

Line drawing of Monstera delicosa.

seen with up to 20 g/kg in sheep (Armien and Tokarnia 1994; Tokarnia et al. 1996).

PHILODENDRON SCHOTT Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising more than 500 species of the American tropics, Philodendron is represented in North America only by cultivated ornamentals, most commonly as houseplants or in glasshouses (Mayo et al. 1998; Mabberley 2008). The genus name comes from the Greek roots phileo and dendron, which allude to the climbing or epiphytic habitat of many of the species of the genus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Morphologically quite diverse, Philodendron comprises a variety of forms; however, some of the cultivated plants called philodendron have never flowered and their classification is uncertain. Adding to the ambiguity is that commonly cultivated species of other genera, for example, Epipremnum and Monstera, are also referred to as philodendrons. Because of the diversity of cultivated taxa in the genus and the attendant problems of identification and classification, a list of species is not presented here. If identification is needed, horticultural treatises should be consulted.

Figure 11.10.

Line drawing of Philodendron.

Figure 11.11.

Photo of Philodendron.

ornamental climbing herbs or shrubs; leaves simple, many shapes; seldom flowers indoors

Plants climbing herbs, shrubs, or small trees; evergreen; stems stout, internodes short, with adventitious roots.

Araceae Juss.

Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family, species of Philodendron cause contact irritation. Dermatitis is a continuing problem for nursery workers who come in repeated contact with wet leaves (Dorsey 1958). Despite the detrimental effects, a variety of medicinal uses have been found for various species of the genus. One is used as a contraceptive by indigenous tribes of Columbia, another is used as an abortifacient, and yet another is used topically to treat testicular inflammation. Interestingly however, if used for too long, the testicles shrink. In Brazil, the species’ common name is capa homen, which means “castrated man” in Portuguese (Plowman 1969). In addition to the same irritant effects described for Dieffenbachia, philodendrons are purported to be nephrotoxic and possibly neurotoxic, the latter problem confined to cats (Greer 1969; Brogger 1970; Pierce 1970). Based on a few retrospective case evaluations prompted by lesions of severe tubular nephrosis, signs of nephrotoxicity do not begin to appear until several days after ingestion of plant material by the animal. Although these two syndromes have been described clinically, experimental efforts to produce them have not been successful (Sellers et al. 1978). Furthermore, few instances of neurotoxicity have been reported. Experimentally, the effects have been variable in sheep and cattle given 6–20 g/kg of plant material, no signs in some individuals, and moderate in others (Armien and Tokarnia 1994; Tokarnia et al. 1996). irritation of the mouth, tongue swelling, pain, excess salivation, may last a few hours

Clinical Signs—The signs associated with the contact irritation are the same as those produced by Dieffenbachia and other members of the family: immediate swelling of the lips, tongue, and oral cavity, and excess salivation. In most instances, signs are mild, but there may be a few severe cases in which the swelling and pain will be intense. Contact with the plant’s juices or sap may produce conjunctivitis.

ZANTEDESCHIA SPRENG. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8 species native to southern Africa and naturalized elsewhere, Zantedeschia is represented in North America only by cultivated ornamentals, most commonly as houseplants (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mayo et al. 1998). Most commonly encountered is this species: Z. aethiopica (L.) Spreng.

calla lily, calla, arum lily

herbs; leaves simple, on long stalks or petioles

Plants herbs; perennials; evergreen or deciduous; from fleshy, branched rhizomes. Leaves simple; dark green; coriaceous; blades lanceolate to ovate cordate or hastate, erect or spreading, margins undulate, venation pinnate; petioles long, sheathing at bases. Inflorescences solitary; spathes white or yellow, margins overlapping to form tubes; spadices shorter than spathes. Flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate flowers contiguous. Perianth Parts absent. Stamens 2 or 3; free. Pistils 1; compound; locules 3. Berries orange or red orange; beaked (Figures 11.12 and 11.13).

contact irritation

Disease Problems—As is characteristic of the family, Zantedeschia is capable of causing contact irritation. In addition, Ladeira and coworkers (1975) reported that eating the spathes or spadices of Z. aethiopica was the

renal failure a week after ingestion; increased frequency of urination, depression, marked increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) When nephrotoxicosis occurs, an increase in urine production and frequent urination are observed. They may be accompanied by severe depression and ataxia, with death a likely sequela. Renal disease can be monitored or verified by urinalysis, determination of BUN levels, and histopathologic evidence of tubular nephrosis.


Figure 11.12.

Line drawing of Zantedeschia.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 11.13.

Photo of Zantedeschia sp.

cause of death in children in Brazil. In one instance, an 8-year-old girl was comatose for 12 hours after eating a spadix; she recovered after 24 hours.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Lysichiton Schott A monotypic genus, Lysichiton is native to western North America (Thompson 2000). The single species L. americanus Hulten & St. John is commonly known as yellow skunk cabbage or skunk cabbage. Unfortunately, the latter common name is also frequently applied to another species of the family, Symplocarpus foetidus, which occurs in the northeastern quarter of the continent. Plants of L. americanus are found in bogs primarily west of the Cascade Mountains. In the older literature, the genus name is often incorrectly spelled Lysichitum. Plants of the genus are perennial herbs from short, stout, vertical rhizomes. Their dark green, long leaves are simple, borne in large rosette-like clumps after flowering, and malodorous when bruised or crushed. The inflorescences are solitary with conspicuous yellow or white spathes. The perfect flowers have 4, erect, connivent perianth parts and 4 stamens. Embedded in the white, pulpy spadices, the berries are green at maturity. As is characteristic of the family, L. americanus is capable of causing contact irritation; however, it is seldom eaten by livestock and thus is of limited toxicologic importance.

Symplocarpus Salisb. ex Nutt. Native to North America and Asia, Symplocarpus comprises a single species, S. foetidus (L.) Salisb. ex Nutt.,

commonly known as skunk cabbage, fetid pothos, Midas’s ears, or poison-in-the-pillory (Thompson 2000). A binomial for skunk cabbage that is encountered in older literature is Spathyema foetida. Unfortunately, the common name skunk cabbage is also used for L. americanus, which occurs along the west coast from Alaska to northern California. Lysichiton americanus is more properly called yellow skunk cabbage. Plants of the genus are perennial herbs from short, stout, vertical rhizomes. Their dark green, long leaves are simple, borne in large rosette-like clumps after flowering, and malodorous when bruised or crushed. The solitary inflorescences consist of yellow-green, spotted, and/or striped with red and purple spathes that are longer than the spadices. The perfect flowers have 4, erect, connivent perianth parts and 4 stamens. Embedded in the enlarged, spongy spadices, the berries are dark purple green to dark red brown at maturity. Plants of S. foetidus occupy swamps, bogs, and low, wet soils of woodlands throughout the northeastern quarter of the continent. Because of its ability to flower when the soil is frozen and snow covered, it is one of the first plants to flower in the spring. As is characteristic of the family, S. foetidus is capable of causing contact irritation; however, it is seldom eaten by livestock and thus is of limited toxicologic importance. Sheep are probably the most likely species to eat the plants, but they are also less likely to show adverse effects. Plants exhibit the crystals of calcium oxalate that are characteristic of the family. In addition, leaves are reported to contain serotonin (Willaman and Schubert 1961).

REFERENCES Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM. Evaluation of selected plants for their toxic effects in canaries. J Am Vet Med Assoc 200;1329–1331, 1992. Arditti J, Rodriguez E. Dieffenbachia: uses, abuses and toxic constituents: a review. J Ethnopharmacol 5;293–302, 1982. Armien AG, Tokarnia CH. Experiments on the toxicity of some ornamental plants in sheep. Pesqui Vet Bras 14;69–73, 1994. Arnott HJ, Pautard FGE. Calcification in plants. In Biological Calcification: Cellular and Molecular Aspects. Schafer H, ed. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1970. Barnes BA, Fox LE. Poisoning with Dieffenbachia. J Hist Med Allied Sci 10;173–180, 1955. Black OF. Calcium oxalate in the dasheen. Am J Bot 5;447–451, 1918. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Brogger JN. Renal failure from philodendron [letter]. Mod Vet Pract 51;46, 1970.

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Twelve

Araliaceae Juss.

Ginseng Family Hedera Questionable Aralia Schefflera Commonly known as the ginseng family, the Araliaceae comprises 41–50 genera and about 1450 species of tropical and temperate trees, shrubs, vines, and perennial herbs (Heywood 2007b). Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to the circumscription of the family. Although Judd and coworkers (1994, 2008) and Bremer and coworkers (2009) treat the family as a subfamily of the Apiaceae or carrot family (Chapter 8), Cronquist (1981), Heywood (2007a,b), and others continue to recognize the two families as distinct as we do here. Future systematic work will hopefully elucidate phylogenetic relationships. Distribution is cosmopolitan, with greatest abundance in the tropics of Indo-Malaysia and tropical America. In North America, the family is represented by about 15 genera and numerous species, both native and introduced. Familiar taxa include Panax (ginseng), the introduced Hedera helix (English ivy), and species of Schefflera (umbrella plant) and Polyscias (Ming aralia). herbs, shrubs, vines, trees; flowers in umbels or heads; petals 5 or 3, white or greenish white; fruits berries or drupes Plants trees, shrubs, woody vines, or herbs; perennials; from tubers or with perennating organs not apparent; deciduous or evergreen; armed or not armed with prickles. Leaves simple or palmately or 1-pinnately or 2-pinnately or 3-pinnately compound; alternate or whorled; stipules present. Inflorescences umbels or heads; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar; perianths in 1-series or 2-series. Sepals 5 or 0; small, fused at bases. Corollas radially symmetrical; valvate. Petals 5

or rarely 3; caducous; free; white or greenish white. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 2–5; stigmas 1; styles 2–5, free, stylopodia present; ovaries inferior; locules 2–5; placentation axile; ovules 1 per locule. Nectaries present; forming a disk at bases of styles. Fruits berries or drupes. Seeds 2–5. Although the Araliaceae is noted for its ornamental ground cover and houseplants, perhaps the best known genus of the family is Panax, commonly called ginseng. Its species have been used medicinally in Asia for thousands of years and by Native Americans in North America. Considered of value for a wide variety of afflictions from nervous conditions, fevers, headaches, and rheumatism and as a female contraceptive, the plants are most sought for their perceived qualities as aphrodisiacs. However, they can produce adverse effects such as the ginseng abuse syndrome with nervousness, hypertension, sleeplessness, and diarrhea; but these effects are mainly with high dosage (Chan and Fu 2007). Dosages up to 15 mg/kg b.w. were without detrimental effect on mice and dogs. The ginsengosides are steroidal saponins that may be involved with regulation on GABAergic neurotransmission (Attele et al. 1999). Unfortunately, exploitation by collectors has extirpated populations of the North American Panax quinquefolius in parts of its range in the eastern deciduous forests. Medicinal extracts have also been obtained from species of Aralia. primarily irritation of the digestive tract; other effects The toxicological potential of the members of the Araliaceae is not fully understood. Though some members have long been considered to be toxic, actual reported cases of intoxication are few and involve primarily species of Hedera. Their primary effect appears to be irritation of the digestive tract; however, respiratory depression and paralysis, cytotoxicity, suppression of hepatic biotransformation enzymes, cyanogenesis, and allergic contact dermatitis have also been observed, either in experimental

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

studies or in rare clinical cases. Compounds similar to those found in Hedera have also been identified in other taxa, including Aralia, species of Polyscias, and Schefflera actinophylla (umbrella tree).

HEDERA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 11–13 species native to the Old World and numerous horticultural varieties (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008), Hedera is the genus perhaps most widely used for ground cover. Frequently encountered taxa include the following: H. canariensis Willd. H. colchica (K.Koch) Hibberd H. helix L. H. hibernica (Kirchn.) Bean H. nepalensis K.Koch

Canary Island ivy Persian ivy, colchis ivy English ivy, common ivy, poet’s ivy Atlantic ivy, Irish ivy Nepal ivy, Himalayan ivy

climbing woody vines; leaves simple, alternate; petals 5; berries

Plants woody vines, climbing or creeping; perennials; evergreen; adventitious roots present or absent. Leaves simple; alternate; of 2 forms, juvenile and adult; blades ovate or cordate; venation palmate; apices acute or obtuse; margins lobed or entire; bases rounded or cordate or cuneate; upper surfaces glabrous; lower surfaces stellate or scaly; acute or broadly rounded to cordate. Inflorescences umbels; solitary or clustered; terminal. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5. Petals 5. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; compound; styles 1. Berries black or orange or yellow or cream. Seeds 3–5 (Figures 12.1 and 12.2). ornamental ground cover; naturalized

Figure 12.2.

Photo of Hedera helix.

Distribution and Habitat—Species and varieties of Hedera are planted extensively throughout North America to cover ground, walls, sheds, and tree stumps. They are capable of growth in dense shade as well as sunny habitats. In addition, short-stemmed individuals are used as houseplants. In some wooded areas, plants have escaped cultivation and naturalized.

irritation, digestive disturbance

Disease Problems—Members of this genus have long been considered to be toxic, although there are few reported cases of intoxication. Their primary effect seems to be irritation of the digestive tract to produce vomiting and/or diarrhea. An individual who intentionally chewed one berry experienced a burning sensation in the throat that lasted about 15 minutes (Frohne and Pfander 1984). The most common signs in humans as reported to poison control centers are vomiting, cough, and oral irritation (Mrvos et al. 2001). There may also be systemic effects. Bromel and Zettl (1986) reported an instance in which neurologic signs were observed in a roe deer that died and subsequently was discovered to have ivy leaves in its rumen. In humans, contact allergic dermatitis is a rare consequence of contact with H. helix.

irritant pentacyclic terpenoids, especially in fruits

Disease Genesis—Hedera helix contains a variety of

Figure 12.1.

Line drawing of Hedera helix.

potentially noxious compounds, foremost of which are pentacyclic terpenoids. These terpenoids can be grouped under three classifications: the genins or aglycones, hederagenin and oleanolic acid; their respective monodesmo-

Araliaceae Juss.

sides, α-hederin and β-hederin, which are glycosides at C-3; and their respective bidesmosides, hederacoside C (hederasaponin C) and B, which are further glycosidic via esterification at C-20 (Connolly and Hill 1991; QuentinLeclercq et al. 1992; Hostettmann and Marston 1995; Bedir et al. 2000). α-Hederin is sometimes referred to as sapindoside A. Sometimes the mixture of genins, monodesmosides, and bidesmosides is referred to generally as saponins or simply as hederin. The confusion in nomenclature complicates understanding of the toxicologic role of the various types of compounds. Terpenoids are most commonly associated with the fruits. Barnea and coworkers (1993) found unripe fruits to be negative for α-hederin and positive for hederagenin-3-α-arabinoside. In contrast, α-hederin was present in both the seed and pulp of mature fruit (Figures 12.3 and 12.4). irritant terpenoid mixture called hederin; also other actions Very early, Moore (1913) isolated a compound called hederin from the leaves of H. helix that was quite bitter and seemed to limit ingestion by animals. It was very irritating to the mucous membranes and, when administered parenterally, caused marked depression of respiration and eventually respiratory paralysis. It also caused hemolysis and was considered to be a saponin. Harshberger (1920) reported signs of neurointoxication

Figure 12.3.

Chemical structure of β-hederin.


in addition to effects on the digestive tract. It is now apparent that the hederin originally referred to was most likely a mixture of many terpenoids. The specific compounds causing the toxic effects are not clear, but the presence of glycosidase activity in plants and digestive tracts assures exposure of the animal to the full range of terpenoids. α-Hederin, which has greater hemolytic activity than the bidesmosides, appears to be of limited concern, given that oral dosage of 500–800 mg/kg of b.w. failed to cause adverse effects in sheep (Julien et al. 1985). However, it does appear to be the most cytotoxic (QuentinLeclercq et al. 1992). α-Hederin binds to proteins such as bovine serum albumen, which may account for some of its effects (Danloy et al. 1994). Although direct toxicity seems to be limited for α-hederin, it is absorbed into the systemic circulation when given orally, as evidenced by its potent effects on liver flukes of sheep (Julien et al. 1985). Given parenterally, it also causes marked suppression of cytochrome P450 and a number of P450-associated hepatic biotransformation enzymes (Liu et al. 1995). In vitro, α-hederin and hederagenin have significant smooth muscle relaxant activity (Trute et al. 1997). other compounds of unknown significance; acetylenic and cyanogenic compounds In addition to the terpenoids, H. helix, at least in some cultivars, also produces acetylenic compounds, cyanogenic precursors, and other toxins. Acetylenic compounds such as falcarinone, falcarinolone, falcarinol, and falcarindiol are found consistently in various parts of the plant (Hansen and Boll 1986). These compounds, such as the neurotoxic falcarinol, may play an additive role, but this is not clear at present. Falcarinol and other acetylenics are also likely to be factors in causing the allergic contact dermatitis associated with H. helix (Hausen et al. 1987; Garcia et al. 1995; Jones et al. 2009). In some instances, fruit pulp, especially when unripe, has shown cyanogenic potential (Barnea et al. 1993). Some varieties of H. helix in Egypt also appear to contain the alkaloid emetine (Mahran et al. 1975) (Figure 12.5). vomiting, excess salivation, diarrhea; treatment not generally needed

Clinical Signs and Treatment—The main clinical signs of intoxication are related to irritation of the digestive

Figure 12.4.

Chemical structure of hederacoside B.

Figure 12.5.

Chemical structure of falcarinol.


Toxic Plants of North America

tract: vomiting, excess salivation, oral irritation, abdominal pain, and perhaps diarrhea. Except for depression, neurologic signs such as seizures are unlikely. Treatment generally is not required, although symptomatic relief of the irritant effects may be desirable in some instances. Allergic dermatitis is seen as a rash on the face, hands, or arms 1–3 days post exposure (Jones et al. 2009).


It is of interest that a type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP), aralin, is present in A. elata, Japanese angelica tree (Tomatsu et al. 2004; Stirpe and Battelli 2006). There is little risk for intoxication because of the lack of potency of the facilitator B chain compared with ricin produced by Ricinus in the Euphorbiaceae (Chapter 34). However, aralin may have some potential as an antineoplastic agent. Because of the presence of the same types of toxicants, the clinical signs and treatment will be similar to those for Hedera.

Aralia L.

Schefflera J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.

Commonly known as spikenard or sarsaparilla, Aralia comprises some 40–68 species in both the Old and New World (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008). In North America, the genus is represented by 9 native and introduced species (USDA, NRCS 2012), A. spinosa L., commonly known as Hercules’ club or angelica tree, is the most commonly encountered species. Plants of the genus are deciduous trees or shrubs typically armed with stout prickles. Their alternate leaves are 2- or 3-pinnately compound, with lanceolate to ovate or obovate leaflets. The perfect, 5-merous flowers are borne in terminal umbels. At maturity, the berries are purple or black. In eastern North America, plants of Aralia are typically found scattered through deciduous forests. Some species occupy dry, sandy soils, whereas others are found in moist loamy or silty soils of stream terraces. In the West, plants of the genus are found in shade along streams in canyon bottoms.

Comprising 600–700 species in warmer regions, especially the American tropics, Schefflera is a genus of many ornamentals, especially potted houseplants (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008). As presently circumscribed, it includes the genus Brassaia. Quite diverse in habit, plants of the genus may be trees, shrubs, subshrubs, and vines. The leaves are characteristically palmately compound with 3–20 leaflets and petiole bases that more or less form sheaths at their bases. The flowers are borne in paniculate or umbellate compound inflorescences. Commonly encountered species include S. actinophylla (Endl.) Harms or umbrella plant or octopus tree; S. digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. or seven-fingers; and S. arboricola (Hayata) Merr. or dwarf umbrella plant.

digestive disturbance; terpenoids and acetylenic compounds present

Species of Schefflera are apparently of low toxicity although there is a report of adverse effects in a dog that ate the leaves and stems and several hours later stopped eating, vomited sporadically, and exhibited moderate ataxia (Stowe and Fangmann 1975). In experimental studies, rats at dosages up to 1 g/kg b.w. orally for up to 28 days did not show adverse effects (Witthawaskul et al. 2003). However, in another study, gastrointestinal hemorrhage was noted in mice given a diet composed of 50% S. actinophylla for several days (Quam et al. 1985). Species of the genus contain polyacetylenes such as falcarindiol (see the Apiaceae in Chapter 8), and some compounds present bind to various receptors such as opiate and adrenergic types (Muir et al. 1982; Zhu and Li 1997). In general, this genus is of low risk.

The toxicologic potential of this genus is not clear, but the seeds and foliage of A. spinosa produce severe irritant effects (Reynard and Norton 1942). Plants contain several potential irritants, including terpenoids and acetylenic compounds (Hansen and Boll 1986). This indicates the potential for problems similar to those noted for species of Hedera. The acetylenic compounds include falcarinone, falcarinolone, falcarinol, and falcarindiol. The main pentacyclic terpenoids are a series of bidesmosidic aralosides (or elatosides), derivatives of oleanolic acid (Connolly and Hill 1991). Because of the presence of glycosidases in the plants, an array of monodesmosides and aglycones may also be present under varying circumstances. Experimentally, the aralosides cause a lowering of blood sugar when given orally to rats (Yoshikawa et al. 1996). This effect is suggested as the probable basis for use of the plants in Chinese traditional medicine.

mixed reports, but apparent low risk; polyacetylenes present

REFERENCES Attele AS, Wu JA, Yuan C-S. Ginseng pharmacology multiple constituents and multiple actions. Biochem Pharmacol 58;1685–1693, 1999.

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Julien J, Gasquet M, Maillard C, Balansard G, Timon-David P. Extracts of the ivy plant, Hedera helix, and their antihelminthic activity on liver flukes. Planta Med 53;205–208, 1985. Liu J, Liu Y, Bullock P, Klaassen CD. Suppression of liver cytochrome P450 by α-hederin: relevance to hepatoprotection. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 134;124–131, 1995. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Mahran GH, Hilal SH, El-Alfy TS. The isolation and characterization of emetine alkaloid from Hedera helix. Planta Med 27;127–132, 1975. Moore B. The chemical and pharmacological properties of hederin, sapo-glycoside contained in the leaves of common ivy (Hedera helix). J Pharmacol Exp Ther 4;263–275, 1913. Mrvos R, Krenzelok EP, Jacobsen TD. Toxidromes associated with the most common plant ingestions. Vet Hum Toxicol 43;366–369, 2001. Muir AD, Cole AIJ, Waller JRL. Antibiotic compounds from New Zealand plants. Planta Med 44;129–133, 1982. Quam VC, Schermeister LJ, Tanner NS. Investigation for toxicity of a household plant—Australian umbrella tree (Brassaia actinophylla Endl.). N D Farm Res 4;15–17, 1985. Quentin-Leclercq J, Elias R, Balansard G, Bassleer R, Angenot L. Cytotoxic activity of some triterpenoid saponins. Planta Med 58;279–281, 1992. Reynard GB, Norton JBS. Poisonous plants of Maryland in relation to livestock. Md Agric Exp Stn Bull A10;249–312, 1942. Stirpe F, Battelli MG. Ribosome-inactivating proteins: progress and problems. Cell Mol Life Sci 63;1850–1866, 2006. Stowe CM, Fangmann G. Schefflera toxicosis in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 167;74, 1975. Tomatsu M, Kondo T, Yoshikawa T, Komeno T, Adachi N, Kawasaki Y, Ikula A, Tashiro F. An apoptotic inducer, aralin, is a novel type II ribosome-inactivating protein from Aralia elata. Biol Chem 385;819–827, 2004. Trute A, Gross J, Mutschler E, Nahrstedt A. In vitro antispasmodic compounds of the dry extract obtained from Hedera helix. Planta Med 63;125–129, 1997. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Witthawaskul P, Panthong A, Kanjanapothi D, Taesothikul T, Lertprasertsuke N. Acute and subacute toxicities of the saponin mixture isolated from Schefflera leucantha Viguier. J Ethnopharmacol 89;115–121, 2003. Yoshikawa M, Murakami T, Harada E, Murakami N, Yamahara J, Matsuda H. Bioactive saponins and glycosides. 7. On the hypoglycemic principles from the root cortex of Aralia elata Seem.: structure related hypoglycemic activity of oleanolic acid oligoglycoside. Chem Pharm Bull 44;1923–1927, 1996. Zhu M, Li RC. Biological test on Schefflera glycosides and ginseng glycosides by radio-ligand receptor binding assays. In Advances in Plant Glycosides, Chemistry and Biology. Proceedings International Symposium on Plant Glycosides. ChongRen Y, Tanaka O, eds. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 87–90, 1997.

Chapter Thirteen

Asteraceae Martinov

Sunflower Family Acroptilon Ageratina Artemisia Baccharis Baileya Centaurea Flourensia Gutierrezia Helenium Heliomeris Hymenoxys Hypochaeris Isocoma Iva Jacobaea Oxytenia Packera Parthenium Picrothamnus Psathyrotes Psilostrophe Rudbeckia Sartwellia Senecio

Solidago Tetradymia Verbesina Viguiera Xanthium Xylorhiza Questionable Achillea Ageratum Ambrosia Anthemis Chrysothamnus Cichorium Conyza Erechtites Ericameria Eupatorium Florestina Helianthus Lactuca Laënnecia Silybum Tanacetum Vernonia

Generally considered to be the largest family of flowering plants, the Asteraceae, commonly known as the sunflower or aster family, comprises about 1600 genera and 24,000– 25,000 species (Anderberg et al. 2007; Hind 2007). Cosmopolitan in distribution with the exception of the Antarctic, the family exhibits greatest diversity in semiarid regions of the tropics and subtropics, in temperate regions, and at higher altitudes in the tropics. Only in tropical rain forests is it poorly represented. As the native vegetation of most areas is cleared, its members typically appear and dominate the early stages of succession. Most species of the family are herbaceous—only about 2% are woody—and exhibit considerable diversity in life form,

mode of pollination, and seed dispersal. Unifying them is their inflorescence, all composites, as these plants are commonly called, possess a head—a structure consisting of one to many small, sessile flowers borne on a common receptacle and subtended by one to several series of bracts. This dense aggregation of flowers is sometimes mistaken by the novice for a single flower. Ecologically, the Asteraceae is considered to be relatively important. It is a major contributor to the diversity, and thus the stability and productivity, of grasslands, shrublands, and woodlands throughout the world. In addition, its fruits are an important component of the diet of many birds and small mammals. Economically, however, it is of relatively little importance when compared with other large families such as Poaceae, the grass family, or Fabaceae, the pea or legume family. It includes a few food and seasoning plants; a few medicinal plants, especially those used in folk remedies; several noxious weeds; and numerous garden ornamentals. Lettuce, endive, artichoke, tarragon, sunflower, and safflower are consumed by humans. Yarrow, coltsfoot, arnica, silibum, and chamomile are used medicinally. Widespread noxious weeds include Canada thistle, horseweed, ragweed, groundsel, dandelion, cocklebur, and star thistle. Representative ornamentals are marigold, zinnia, dahlia, daisy, and chrysanthemum. As described in detail below, other species of the family are toxic to both humans and livestock. Recognized as a distinct plant group since the time of Theophrastus in the third century b.c., the Asteraceae is divided into 12 subfamilies and 43 tribes based on extensive phylogenetic analyses of morphological, palynological, anatomical, biochemical, cytological, and molecular data (Anderberg et al. 2007; Funk et al. 2009a,b). In North America, the composite flora comprises 418 genera and 2413 native and introduced species (Barkley et al. 2006). The major subfamilies and tribes in North America with commonly encountered toxic plants are presented in Table 13.1. Recent phylogenetic analyses have also resulted in the reevaluation of generic boundaries within the family. In a few instances, genera have been

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Asteraceae Martinov


Table 13.1. Major subfamilies and tribes of the Asteraceae in North America. Subfamily


Common name(s)


Anthemideae Astereae Coreopsideae Eupatorieae Gnaphalieae

sagebrushes, yarrows asters, daisies, goldenrods tickseeds, beggar ticks eupatoriums, bonesets pussytoes, everlastings, cudweeds sneezeweeds, bitterweeds sunflowers, ragweeds stinkweeds groundsels, ragworts thistles, knapweeds dandelions, hawkweeds ironweeds

Carduoideae Cichorioideae

Helenieae Heliantheae Plucheeae Senecioneae Cardueae Cichorieae Vernonieae

stigma stamens disk flower ray flower receptacle bract pappus involucral bracts receptacle

Source: Funk et al. (2009b).

redefined and the names of some familiar toxic plants have been changed. In the following genus treatments, explanations of these changes are given. An alternative family name permitted by the rules of botanical nomenclature and commonly used, especially in Europe, is Compositae.

specialized terminology, florets, phyllaries

A rather specialized terminology has evolved to describe the distinctive morphology of the composite head. Many of the terms are those used for other families of flowering plants, but several important differences do exist. Most notable is the use of florets rather than flowers and phyllaries rather than bracts.

herbs or shrubs; flowers in heads, most commonly yellow, white, blue, or reddish purple; fruits achenes (Figure 13.1).

Plants herbs or rarely shrubs; perennials or annuals or biennials; from rhizomes or tubers or caudices or crowns or fleshy roots; terrestrial or emergent aquatics; caulescent or acaulescent; strongly aromatic or not aromatic; bearing perfect flowers or monoecious or dioecious or polygamous. Stems armed or not armed with spines or thorns or prickles. Leaves cauline or basal or forming basal rosettes; simple or 1- to 3-pinnately compound; alternate or opposite or alternate above and opposite below; venation pinnate or palmate or a single vein; stipules absent. Inflorescences heads; solitary or borne in racemes, corymbs,

Figure 13.1.

Line drawing of the composite head.

panicles, or clusters; terminal or axillary; bracts present; of 2 types—phyllaries and receptacular bracts. Phyllaries subtending heads, 4 to numerous, borne in 1 to several rows or fused into a hardened structure surrounding flowers. Receptacular Bracts (pales) present or absent, 1 per floret. Heads with disk florets only or both disk and ray florets or ligulate florets only. Flowers termed florets; fragrant or not fragrant; perfect or imperfect or neutral; of 3 forms—disk, ray, and ligulate. Disk Florets 2 to many per head, borne in the center of receptacles, perfect or functionally staminate or pistillate, corollas radially symmetrical. Ray Florets 3 to many per head, borne at periphery of receptacles, pistillate or neutral; corollas bilaterally symmetrical, typically reflexed. Ligulate Florets 3 to many per head, borne both in the center and at periphery of receptacles, perfect, corollas bilaterally symmetrical; perianths in 2-series or 1-series or absent. Calyces present or absent; termed the pappus; highly modified; consisting of bristles or scales or awns or teeth. Corollas radially or bilaterally symmetrical; tubular or ligulate or bilabiate. Petals 5 or 0; fused; of various colors, most commonly yellow or white or blue or reddish purple. Stamens 5; epipetalous; fused by anthers; anthers basifixed. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 2, borne on inner surfaces of style branches, variously shaped; styles 1, divided, typically emerging laden with pollen from ring of fused anthers as florets mature, exserted beyond perianths; ovaries inferior; locules 1; placentation basal. Fruits achenes; wings absent or present. Seeds 1.


Toxic Plants of North America Table 13.2. Species of unknown risk that contain sesquiterpene lactones of possible toxicologic significance.

Figure 13.2. Chemical structure of helenanolide, a pseudoguaianolide.

evolutionary success due to defensive chemicals, bitter sesquiterpene lactones and polyacetylenes in most taxa As noted above, the Asteraceae is the largest family of flowering plants, with tremendous evolutionary radiation of genera and species in a variety of habitats. Its success throughout the world has been attributed by Cronquist (1981) to the presence of a defensive chemical combination of bitter sesquiterpene lactones and polyacetylenes in almost all taxa. In different tribes and genera, they are augmented by other compounds (Hegnauer 1977; Heywood et al. 1977). As might be expected, the family has a large number of toxic and potentially toxic genera that possess a variety of toxicants. An overview of these compounds and their distribution in the family is presented in the following paragraphs. sesquiterpene lactones, pseudoguaianolides Of greatest interest are the sesquiterpene lactones that are represented in all tribes of the family (Hegnauer 1977; Herz 1978) (Figure 13.2). These compounds, of which there are several skeletal types, are known to produce an array of biological effects: antimicrobial, antineoplastic, cytotoxic, insect deterring, phytotoxic, and toxic to livestock (Rodriguez et al. 1976; Picman 1986). Although identification of actual intoxication problems caused by these lactones is limited to a few genera—Baileya, Helenium, Hymenoxys, and Psilostrophe—future work may reveal the toxic potential of other species that contain the same or similar compounds (Table 13.2). This possibility is particularly true for genera containing pseudoguaianolides. Intoxication by them may simply be a matter of unusual circumstances when sufficient plant material is eaten. acetylenic compounds, some may be phototoxic Acetylenic compounds with 9–17 carbons are distributed throughout the family except for the tribes Senecioneae and Lactuceae (Hegnauer 1977) (Figure 13.3).

Achillea spp. Ambrosia spp. Arnica A. chamissonis A. longifolia A. montana Balduina angustifolia Gaillardia G. aristata G. ×grandiflora G. pulchella Helianthus spp. Heliomeris spp. (=Viguiera) Inula spp. Picradeniopsis spp. (=Bahia) Rudbeckia spp.

yarrows, milfoils ragweeds leafy arnica, chamisso seep-spring arnica mountain arnica honeycomb heads blanket flower hybrid blanket flower Indian blanket, Mexican firewheel, rose-ring gaillardia sunflowers goldeneyes yellowheads, elecampanes bahias coneflowers, brown-eyed Susans

Sources: Romo and deVivar (1967); Herz (1968); Gill et al. (1980); Krisken and Willuhn (1982); Seaman (1982).

Figure 13.3. Chemical structures of representative acetylenic compounds.

They are structurally similar to those present in the Apiaceae (carrot family) and Araliaceae (ginseng family), and some contain sulfur (Sorensen 1968). Phototoxicity due to polyacetylene and thiophene derivatives is a suggested but not confirmed possibility for a number of genera in the Asteraceae, including Artemisia, Bidens, Centaurea, Dahlia, Echinops, Solidago, and Tagetes (MacLachlan et al. 1986). In vitro evaluation revealed the presence of photoactive antimicrobial compounds in genera from the southwestern deserts such as Dyssodia, Nicolletia (N. trifida), Pectis (P. canescens), Porophyllum (P. scoparium), and Thymophylla (Downum et al. 1989). nitrate accumulation A few genera of the family are nitrate accumulators and in some circumstances pose a toxicologic risk for livestock (Table 13.3). This risk is especially true for the thistles that are likely to be sprayed with herbicides, some of which—for example, 2,4-D—cause the plants to accumulate higher levels of nitrates for a few days (Berg and McElroy 1953; Harradine 1990).

Asteraceae Martinov Table 13.3. Genera and species of confirmed or potential concern as nitrate accumulators. Ambrosia spp. Carduus nutans Cirsium arvense Gnaphalium spp. Helianthus annuus Heliomeris spp. (=Viguiera) Lygodesmia spp. Silybum marianum

ragweeds musk thistle Canada thistle (to 4.8% NO3) cudweeds annual sunflower goldeneyes skeleton plants milk thistle (to 10% NO3)

Source: Clawson et al. (1935).

other toxicants: selenium, cyanogenic glycosides, terpenoids, bitter principles

A variety of other toxicants have been identified in various genera of the Asteraceae. For example, species of Machaeranthera are secondary selenium accumulators and may contain dangerously high concentrations in seleniferous areas. Other species, such as those of the genera Osteospermum (African daisies) and Picradeniopsis, contain cyanogenic glycosides and have caused animal losses (Deem et al. 1939; Watt and BreyerBrandwijk 1962). Although Balsamorhiza sagittata is known to contain a series of tricyclic cycloartane terpenoids and suspected to be toxic, large amounts fed to horses and sheep failed to cause adverse effects (Chesnut and Wilcox 1901; Connolly and Hill 1991). Numerous genera have also been considered as imparting bitterness to milk (Pammel 1911; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). These genera include Achillea, Anthemis, Bidens, Cichorium, Dyssodia, Erigeron, Helenium, Lactuca, and Lygodesmia.

ACROPTILON CASS. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to eastern Europe and western Asia, Acroptilon, a member of the tribe Cardueae, is a monotypic genus with a single introduced species of considerable toxicologic and economic concern: A. repens (L.) DC.

Russian knapweed, creeping knapweed, Turkestan thistle

(=Centaurea repens L.) (=Rhaponticum repens [L.] Hidalgo) (=Centaurea picris Pallas ex Willd.)

Russian knapweed was originally described by Linnaeus in 1763 as C. repens. This is the binomial that has long been used in most American floras and more importantly in almost all toxicologic reports. The species,


however, does differ in several morphological characters from other species of Centaurea, and in 1838, De Candolle placed it in Acroptilon, a segregate genus described by Cassini in 1827. Molecular phylogenetic studies by Susanna and coworkers (1995) supported Cassini’s segregation of the two genera, and Keil (2006a) in his treatment of the knapweeds in the Flora of North America and the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) today use A. repens for Russian knapweed. A different classification, however, was proposed by Hidalgo and coworkers (2006). On the basis of analyses of DNA sequence data, they inferred that Acroptilon and several other genera should be submerged in the genus Rhaponticum and used the binomial R. repens. In this book, we use A. repens in order to be consistent with the Flora of North America and the USDA’s PLANTS Database; these two treatises are becoming the standard references for taxonomy and nomenclature in North America. perennial herbs from creeping roots, often forming dense stands; leaves alternate; heads numerous; disk florets only, blue to pink or white. Plants herbs; perennials; from creeping roots and often forming dense stands. Stems erect; 30–100 cm tall; openly branched above; typically archinoid tomentose. Leaves simple; alternate; oblong to oblanceolate; margins of lower cauline leaves pinnately lobed or coarsely dentate; margins of upper cauline leaves entire to serrate dentate. Heads numerous; borne at branch ends; ovoid to subspheric; phyllaries many in 6- to 8-series, imbricate, ovate to lanceolate, apices of innermost ciliate or plumose; receptacles flat. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 15–36; outer not enlarged; corollas blue or pink or white. Pappus of setiform scales, some distally plumose. Achenes obovoid; slightly flattened; attached subbasally (Figures 13.4 and 13.5). introduced; aggressive invader; allelopathic; severely limits growth of desirable pasture and range forages

Distribution and Habitat—Believed to be native to Eurasia—Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia, Iran, and Mongolia—and introduced, as a contaminant in alfalfa seed, into North America in the late 1890s or early 1900s, A. repens is now classified as an extremely invasive weed, with numerous states and Canadian provinces requiring its control (Watson 1980; Jacobs and Denny 2006). Typically forming dense colonies by adventitious shoots from widely spreading roots, the species is distributed across the continent except for the extreme southeast


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.6.

Figure 13.4.

Line drawing of Acroptilon repens.

Figure 13.5.

Photo of Acroptilon repens.

and northeast. It is most abundant in the intermountain states and provinces. Tolerating a variety of ecological conditions, populations are encountered in rights-of-way, waste areas, waterways, cultivated fields, pastures, and open rangeland. Both allelopathic and vigorously competitive, dense stands of A. repens suppress native species, reduce livestock carrying capacity, and degrade wildlife habitat (Sheley et al. 1993; Jacobs and Denny 2006). Control is expensive and difficult (Maddox 1979; Strang et al. 1979) (Figure 13.6).

Distribution of Acroptilon repens.

Disease Problems—As discussed above, although A. repens is now used for Russian knapweed, Centaurea repens is the binomial used in almost all toxicologic reports. In North America, A. repens produces in horses a neurologic disease known as nigropallidal encephalomalacia following continuous long-term ingestion of large amounts of the species (Young et al. 1970a,b). The same disease is produced by Centaurea solstitialis, yellow star thistle, albeit A. repens is apparently more toxic (Young et al. 1970b). It is of interest that although A. repens is considered to have no adverse effects on ruminants and to be useful forage for sheep in the United States and Australia (Cordy 1954; Gard et al. 1973), in other areas of the world, it has been described as toxic to them (Steyn 1933a,b; Dil’bazi 1974). In Azerbaijan, A. repens, commonly called choking mustard, is reported to have caused severe disease problems in buffalo (Dil’bazi 1974). The disease described for buffalo is similar to that appearing in horses; bizarre lip and tongue movements, ataxia, twitching, circling, and diarrhea are observed. However, no distinctive neuropathology was noted, as it is with horses. In South Africa, A. repens given in a dosage of 600 g to sheep for 1–2 days was lethal. It caused acute digestive disturbance and fluid accumulation in the lungs and body cavities (Steyn 1933a,b). Interestingly, when it was given in gradually increasing doses over a week or more, tolerance developed.

same disease as produced by Centaurea solstitialis horses only; neurologic disease affecting prehension by lips and tongue; continuous, long-term ingestion of large amounts of plant material

Because the same disease is produced by Centaurea solstitialis, aspects of nigropallidal encephalomalacia—

Asteraceae Martinov

genesis, clinical signs, pathology, and treatment—will be presented in the treatment of Centaurea later in this chapter.


disease whereas A. adenophora produces a respiratory disease. Because of their conspicuous differences, the two species are treated separately with a complete description for each.

AGERATINA SPACH Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the New World and comprising approximately 250 species, Ageratina, a member of the tribe Eupatorieae, was considered by some taxonomists for many years to be only a section or subgenus of Eupatorium. On the basis of extensive taxonomic work, however, Eupatorium has been redefined as a genus comprising only about 40 species. Ageratina and other genera traditionally included in a broadly circumscribed Eupatorium are now excluded (King and Robinson 1987; Anderberg et al. 2007; Robinson et al. 2009). Of the 14 species present in North America, only 2 are of toxicologic interest: A. adenophora (Spreng.) sticky eupatorium, sticky R.M.King & H.Rob. snakeroot, crofton weed (=Eupatorium adenophorum) A. altissima (L.) R.M.King & white snakeroot, white sanicle, H.Rob. richweed, fall poison, whitetop, thoroughwort, boneset, poolwort, squaw-weed (=Eupatorium rugosum Houtt.) (=Eupatorium ageratoides L.f.) (=Eupatorium urticaefolium Reichard)

METABOLIC DISEASE: AGERATINA ALTISSIMA Taxonomy and Morphology—Ageratina altissima has long been known as E. rugosum, the binomial used in almost all toxicologic studies. It is an herbaceous perennial from fibrous rooted crowns or short rhizomes. Its puberulent stems are 30–150 cm tall and bear loose hemispheric or flat-topped clusters of white heads at the ends of short branches, hence the common names whitetop, white sanicle, and white snakeroot (Figures 13.7 and 13.8).

shaded or wooded sites

Distribution and Habitat—Distributed throughout the eastern half of North America, A. altissima is usually found in low, moist, partially shaded sites such as wooded stream banks and terraces. Large dense stands may develop, and it may become the dominant understory species in the area. Plants cannot withstand cultivation,

erect, perennial herbs or subshrubs; leaves simple, opposite, conspicuously 3-ribbed; heads numerous, small, disk florets only, white Plants herbs or subshrubs; perennials. Stems erect; 30– 220 cm tall; often branched; puberulent or conspicuously stipitate glandular. Leaves simple; opposite; blades ovate to lanceolate; conspicuously 3-ribbed; margins serrate; petioles long. Heads numerous; small; borne in loose hemispheric or flat-topped clusters at the ends of branches; obconic or campanulate; phyllaries in 2- or rarely 3-series, subequal; linear; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 15–25; perfect; fertile; corollas white. Pappus of capillary bristles. Achenes cylindrical; 5-ribbed; blackish. metabolic disease, A. altissima; respiratory disease, A. adenophora Although classified in the same genus, these two species are quite different morphologically, ecologically, and toxicologically. Ageratina altissima produces a metabolic

Figure 13.7. Line drawing of Ageratina altissima. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.8.

Photo of Ageratina altissima.

Figure 13.9.

Distribution of Ageratina altissma.

and thus, populations are most abundant in shaded areas that remain uncultivated. Growth begins in May or June, and flowering occurs in the fall (Figure 13.9). milk sickness in humans and trembles in animals; historical interest, death of many animals and humans in late 1700s and early 1800s

Disease Problems—The diseases called milk sickness in humans and trembles in animals are of considerable historical interest because they caused great suffering and panic among early nineteenth-century settlers in the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. Sometimes decimating

populations of villages, these diseases reached a peak in the early 1800s and then declined as cultivation and settlement progressed (Christensen 1965; Duffy 1990). In some areas of Indiana and Ohio, one-fourth to one-half of the deaths in the early 1800s were attributed to milk sickness, and the ravages of the disease were especially severe in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, and Tennessee (Wolf et al. 1918; Doyle and Walkey 1923; Couch 1933). An epidemic of milk sickness in 1818 in the area of Pigeon Creek, Indiana, is reputed to be the cause of death of Abraham Lincoln’s mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, and several of her relatives, neighbors, and their livestock (Sandburg 1926; Duffy 1990). An example of the severity of the havoc wrought by this plant occurred in Indiana in the early 1800s (Hansen 1928). Several pioneer migration routes from the populous East to the middle West converged at a beautiful site on the White River in southern Indiana known as Hindustan Falls, and eventually, the thriving community of Hindustan developed at the site. However, within a few years, a mysterious malady of unknown cause had killed much of the livestock and eventually a substantial portion of the human population as well. The town was abandoned to the cause, at the time unknown, leaving the remnants of habitation and a luxuriant stand of A. altissima along the riverbanks. During the 1800s, numerous causes for milk sickness, including the bacterium Bacillus lactimorbi, were proposed. Many astute observers, such as “nurse–physician” Anna Pierce and farmer John Rowe in the 1830s, reported a clear association between A. altissima (reported as E. rugosum) and the disease, but their findings were either ignored or dismissed (Snively and Furbee 1966). Following extensive studies of the hypothesized causes—work that included traveling in the areas of greatest problems—the noted physician, Daniel Drake concluded in 1841 that poison oak rather than white snakeroot was the most likely cause of the disease (Niederhofer 1985). Even by the beginning of the twentieth century, when there was reasonable experimental evidence to incriminate A. altissima, the role of the plant and whether it was the sole cause continued to be disputed. It was not until the early 1900s that A. altissima was confirmed unequivocally as the culprit (Moseley 1906; Marsh and Clawson 1917; Wolf et al. 1917, 1918). Milk sickness continues to be a rare, sporadic problem for rural people even as we enter the twenty-first century (Pammel 1911, 1919b; Richardson 1931; Nielsen and Eveleth 1941; Doyle 1947; Hartmann et al. 1963). cumulative effect, large amounts of plant for a few days or smaller amounts for several weeks; metabolic derangement; cardiotoxic in horses; hepatotoxic or myotoxic in goats

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Consumption of green plant material equivalent to 5–10% of the animal’s b.w. is required to produce intoxication. Because the toxicant’s effects are cumulative, small amounts ingested for several weeks may be almost as toxic as a large amount eaten in several days (Marsh and Clawson 1917, 1918). There is slow loss of toxicity with heat and/or drying of the plant; however, this is variable, but dried plants in hay and even frost-damaged plants are reported to remain toxic for some time (Doyle and Walkey 1923; Smetzer et al. 1983). Although all livestock species are susceptible, the disease has been of greatest concern in dairy cattle, and occasional episodes are still reported (Stotts 1984). There are many similarities in clinical signs among various animal species, but there also are some notable differences in horses and goats. As noted in early descriptions, swallowing difficulties, sweating, and cardiac pathology are distinctive in horses (Doyle and Walkey 1923; Graham and Boughton 1925; Smetzer et al. 1983; Olson et al. 1984; White et al. 1984; Thompson 1989). Goats given white snakeroot from Illinois demonstrated classical clinical signs of white snakeroot toxicosis including weakness and trembles after 5–7 days of dosage with plant material at 2% b.w. per day (Stegelmeier et al. 2010). However, goats given large amounts of white snakeroot from central Texas had severe, acute hepatic necrosis accompanied by photosensitization in animals that lived for several days (Reagor et al. 1989). Experimentally, the single-dose LD50 for fresh plants from central Texas was about 5 mg/kg b.w. for Angora and Spanish goats. There was severe centrilobular hepatic necrosis, with head pressing, paddling seizures, depression, and anorexia. Muscle tremors were rarely seen.

crude toxin mixture; tremetol; composed of methyl ketone benzofuran derivatives; metabolic impairment; inhibition of the TCA cycle

Disease Genesis—Tremetol, an extract of the viscous oily fraction of the plant, originally was associated with the toxic effects and named after the predominant clinical sign of muscular trembling (Couch 1927). An aromatic with an odor similar to that of clovers or nutmeg, tremetol is actually a complex mixture of sterols and derivatives of methyl ketone benzofuran such as tremetone, dehydrotremetone, hydroxytremetone, desmethylencecalin, and other chromene compounds (Bonner and Degraw 1962; DeGraw and Bonner 1962; Zalkow and Burke 1963; Zalkow et al. 1977; Lee et al. 2010). With very low aqueous solubility, these ketones are similar in chemical structure to the insecticide and piscicide rotenone, and most are likewise toxic to fish. Although tremetone is one of the predominant ketones, oftentimes accounting for


nearly half of the ketone content by weight, its toxicity has been questioned. Administration of the crude tremetol was reported to be toxic to chickens; however, synthesized tremetone was not toxic using the same bioassay (Bowen et al. 1963). Additionally, a more recent study found that an extract (60% tremetone and dehydrotremetone) from white snakeroot did not cause the same lesions in goats as dried plant material even though both the extract and plant material contained the same concentration of tremetone and dehydrotremetone in the dose (Stegelmeier et al. 2010). However, other studies seem to substantiate the importance of tremetone as a possible toxic component (Beier and Norman 1990; Beier et al. 1993). Tremetol causes marked metabolic alterations in chickens, seemingly focused on impairment of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and decreased utilization of glucose (Wu et al. 1973). There is an initial increase in blood glucose and free fatty acids, and then a decrease in concert with inhibition of citrate synthase activity. This selective enzyme inhibition results in acidosis and ketonemia characterized by sustained, marked elevation of serum β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. A hypoglycemia develops without significant alteration of liver glycogen. Based on in vitro experiments, it appears that some effects are due to hepatic biotransformation of tremetone and perhaps other constituents of the tremetol mixture to the ultimate reactants and further to nontoxic metabolites such as dehydrotremetone (Beier et al. 1987, 1993). There are also indications that biliary elimination and intestinal reabsorption (enterohepatic recycling) may play a significant role (Smetzer et al. 1983) (Figure 13.10). disease occurrence mainly in the central and southeastern portions of the plant’s distribution Toxicity appears to decrease slowly when the plant is dried, but intoxications have still occurred following consumption of hay. Tremetone and dehydrotremetone content and toxicity potential vary considerably among plants from different areas (Lee et al. 2009). Probably for this reason, there is considerable difference among distributional ranges for the species and the disease. Ageratina altissima is widespread throughout the eastern half of North America and is often very abundant locally; yet the

Figure 13.10.

Chemical structure of tremetone.


Toxic Plants of North America

occurrence of disease is much more restricted, occurring mainly in the central and southeastern portions of its range including but not restricted to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, and northern Arkansas. In other regions, where plants are common and abundant such as in the southernmost portion of its range, few cases of disease are encountered. fat-soluble toxins excreted in milk; may cause illness in calves or humans without signs in the cow One of the most important aspects of the disease in cattle is the excretion of tremetol and/or one of its metabolites in milk. Although this protects the lactating animal, it places calves and humans at risk. Both may develop clinical signs of intoxication prior to or without signs appearing in the cow. The toxin is not necessarily destroyed by pasteurization. Fortunately the commercial practice of mixing milk from numerous sources reduces and almost eliminates the hazard for humans. However, as organic farming becomes more popular, the risk to humans may become more significant. Because the toxin is fat soluble, butter is also toxic. Although experimental evidence is lacking, there are anecdotal indications of toxicant transmission via consumption of muscle or internal organs of affected animals by carnivores (Wolf et al. 1918; Marsh 1929). many descriptive names for the disease: trembles, sick stomach, tires, slows, swamp sickness, river fever, puking fever, stiff joints, colica dementia

Clinical Signs—The disease syndrome in livestock is known by many descriptive names, although trembles is the most common. The colorful vernacular names, many dating from the 1700s and 1800s, exemplify many of the clinical signs, for example, sick stomach, tires, slows, swamp sickness, river fever, puking fever, stiff joints, paralysis intestinalis, colica dementia, caeconemia lacemesis, mukosoma, morbeo lacteo, and ergodeleteria. In some instances, these names apply to humans as well where listlessness, leg pains and cramps, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, cold extremities, a white coating on the tongue, persistent thirst, and an acetone odor to the breath are typical signs. gradual onset, depression, weakness, stiffness, constipation, tremors, acetone odor to breath, collapse The disease may vary from acute or subacute to chronic depending on the amount and toxicity of the plants ingested. In cattle, chronic toxicosis, characterized by

marked weight loss, is most common. Initial signs, which develop after several days to weeks of plant ingestion, are listlessness and a reluctance to move. Weakness— evidenced by the animal lying down most of the time— and muscular tremors, when the animal is forced to stand, develop later. Tremors are prominent and are consistently elicited by forced movement. Later these signs may be accompanied by constipation, apparent joint stiffness, and occasional belligerence. An acetone odor to the breath may be apparent. Terminal collapse and coma occur several days to weeks after clinical signs appear. Signs may appear in nursing calves even in the absence of signs in the cow. Elevations of serum enzymes associated with cardiac and skeletal muscle damage (CPK, AST, and LDH) may be expected. sheep and pigs, prominent weakness Sheep develop similar signs but usually suffer a shorter disease course, with death occurring several days after onset of signs. Grinding of the teeth and a peculiar jerky type of respiratory difficulty are early signs. Weakness is very prominent; the animal often lies with its head extended and jaws resting on the ground. Signs in pigs are similar. horses, disease more acute; sweating, labored respiration, trembling, weakness, cardiac irregularities Horses appear to be particularly susceptible to effects of A. altissima, often dying 1–2 days after onset of signs. Swallowing difficulties with slobbering and dyspnea are common. A weak unsteady gait, constipation, profuse patchy sweating, and perhaps some trembling (but much less than with cattle) are also seen. Weakness may be very noticeable, with the head held in a low drooping position and ventral neck edema. Cardiac effects are diagnostically important. There are marked irregularities of cardiac rhythm, jugular vein distension and pulsation, and ventral edema. ECG examination may reveal AV block, premature ventricular contractions, ST segment elevation, and other indications of myocardial damage. These effects may be accompanied by appropriate changes in serum muscle enzyme activities, that is, a marked increase in LDH and CPK (Smetzer et al. 1983; Olson et al. 1984; White et al. 1984). Even with the possible development of chemical assay procedures, diagnosis remains dependent on the observation of appropriate clinical signs and evidence of animal access to the plants and their consumption (Thompson et al. 1983). goats, large amounts of plant, depression, head pressing, seizures, photosensitization

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Upon ingestion of large amounts of plant material by goats, there may be loss of appetite with depression and, in some animals, head pressing, paddling seizures, and photosensitization.

horses, myocardial necrosis; goats, hepatic necrosis; otherwise few distinctive lesions

Pathology—In most animal species, gross and microscopic changes of acute intoxication may not always be distinct. There may be nonspecific passive congestion of the brain, liver, and kidneys, with some degree of fatty liver and subepicardial hemorrhages. However, at most dosages, obvious changes in cardiac and skeletal muscle such as swelling, palor, and occasional streaking are readily apparent. In a suspect intoxication, prominent skeletal and myocardial necrosis was reported in a 3-month-old calf (Webster et al. 2009). It has been suggested that in the horse, skeletal and especially cardiac muscle involvement is more prominent than in other animal species. Pale grayish myocardial streaks with ventricular dilation may be observed grossly. Microscopically, there may be massive myocardial degeneration and necrosis and possibly some degree of skeletal muscle degeneration. In goats dosed with white snakeroot from central Texas, severe centrilobular hepatic necrosis was observed (Reagor et al. 1989), while goats dosed with plants from other areas had skeletal muscle degeneration of the large appendicular muscles (Stegelmeier et al. 2010).

RESPIRATORY DISEASE: AGERATINA ADENOPHORA Taxonomy, Morphology, Distribution, and Habitat—Ageratina adenophora is a perennial subshrub with conspicuously glandular stems 50–220 cm tall that bear flat-topped clusters of white heads at the ends of the branches. The binomial E. adenophorum also appears in numerous toxicologic reports. Native to southern Mexico and Central America, this species is found in disturbed sites such as ditches and road embankments as far north as central California, especially in coastal areas. It is also adventive and naturalized elsewhere in the world (O’Sullivan et al. 1985) (Figures 13.11 and 13.12).

Australia, long-term ingestion by horses, respiratory disease; of questionable concern in North America

Disease Problems—Although native to Central America, A. adenophora causes problems primarily in the areas in which it has been introduced. It is apparently eaten only by horses, and the disease produced is known as blowing disease. It was reported in the 1920s in Hawaii, the 1940s in Australia, and the 1970s in New Zealand (O’Sullivan et al. 1985). Following sustained long-term ingestion of primarily flowering plants, there is gradual onset of apparently permanent, severe respiratory difficulty and exercise intolerance (Everist 1981; Seawright 1989). Experimentally, 10–15 g green, flowering plants/kg b.w. daily (2–3 kg) fed to horses for 44 days, or often much

good nursing care, high-quality feed, parenteral glucose, activated charcoal

Treatment—Therapy is nonspecific and entails good nursing care, symptomatic treatment, and provision of high-quality forage to sustain the animal for the protracted recovery period. The most important consideration is alleviation of the severe ketosis and acidosis (Couch 1928; Hartmann et al. 1963). This may be tied to administration of parenteral carbohydrates for control of the low blood glucose levels. Activated charcoal should be given (2–3 g/kg b.w. orally) to reduce absorption of the toxin, including that eliminated in bile (prevention of enterohepatic cycling). It is imperative to prevent access to plants during the growing season. In the rare case of disease in humans, recovery is quite slow and there may be frequent relapses (Nielsen and Eveleth 1941).


Figure 13.11.

Line drawing of Ageratina adenophora.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.13. Chemical structure of 9-oxy-10,11dehydroagerophrone.

Clinical Signs—The initial clinical sign is coughing, espe-

Figure 13.12.

Distribution of Ageratina adenophora.

longer, caused signs of severe, persistent respiratory disease. In some instances, many months of feeding were required for the disease to appear. The closely related A. riparia, also introduced from Central America, produces a similar problem. In North America, there is little likelihood of intoxications occurring, because of the large amounts of flowering plant material required. In most areas, insufficient numbers of plants will be present.

toxin, derivative of agerophorone that is converted to the ultimate pulmonary toxicant; pulmonary edema and emphysema

cially with exercise. This is followed by the gradual onset of other signs such as exercise intolerance, difficult respiration (heaving when breathing), colic, and a decrease in animal condition. Upon auscultation, respiratory rales and even cardiac arrhythmias may be noted. A “heave line” along the lateral abdominal musculature may slowly develop.

gross, lungs do not collapse; microscopically, interstitial fibrosis and proliferation of alveolar lining cells

Pathology—At necropsy, the lungs do not collapse normally, because of pulmonary edema, emphysema, and interstitial and subpleural fibrosis. There is excess fluid in the thorax and pericardial sac, and the heart is dilated. In some instances, abscesses have been present in the lungs. Microscopically, interstitial fibrosis and proliferation of alveolar lining cells are prominent.

Disease Genesis—The toxin is 9-oxy-10,11-dehydroagerophorone, which is biotransformed to the ultimate toxicant (Oelrichs et al. 1995, 1998). The site of action varies with the animal species. Experiments with mice administered single large doses and repeated smaller amounts in their feed produced effects on the liver rather than the lungs (Sani et al. 1992; Oelrichs et al. 1998). The effects included hepatic necrosis and bile duct hyperplasia. This is also apparent in rats given extracts resulting in hepatic changes (Kaushal et al. 2001). This difference in tissue affected suggests reactions similar to those occurring in Perilla in the Lamiaceae and Myoporum in the Scrophulariaceae (see Chapters 44 and 68). As happens to the perilla ketone, biotransformation to form the ultimate toxicant may produce lesions in the lungs of some animal species and in the livers of others (Figure 13.13).

initially coughing; gradual onset of other signs

reduction of exercise stress, general supportive care

Treatment—Because the lung lesions are persistent, there is little likelihood of correcting the problem with treatment. Reduction of exercise stress and general supportive care are indicated. The basic changes are in the terminal air exchange units; therefore, improving airflow elsewhere will have only limited beneficial effects.

ARTEMISIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 522 species distributed primarily throughout the Northern Hemisphere, Artemisia, a member of the tribe Anthemideae, is commonly known as sagebrush, wormwood, or mugwort and is one of the genera most often associated

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with “the West” (Anderberg et al. 2007). Shrubby A. tridentata is the sagebrush that is one of the dominants of the cold desert of the Great Basin. The generic name commemorates both Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and Artemisia, a botanist and medical scholar, who was queen of ancient Caria, a part of modern Turkey, in about 400 b.c. (Shultz 2006a). The genus is important for herbalists; its various aromatic species are used in a variety of medicinal infusions and are the source of absinthe and tarragon. In the Middle Ages, branches were typically spread on floors to keep fleas and other insects at bay. A number of species are cultivated as ornamentals for their foliage, particularly those with white, gray, or silvery dissected leaves. In North America, approximately 50 species and innumerable subspecies and varieties are present (Shultz 2006a). Some species are distinct and easily identified, whereas others intergrade and form complexes. Polyploidy and hybridization have been important aspects of the genus’s evolution. Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether Artemisia should be broadly circumscribed with subgenera or narrowly circumscribed with some of its subgenera and species segregated as distinct genera (Bremer and Humphries 1993; Anderberg et al. 2007; Oberprieler et al. 2009). Illustrative of this difference is the treatment of the toxic budsage. It has been classified as A. spinescens (Cronquist 1994; Oberprieler et al. 2009) and as Picrothamus desertorum (Shultz 2006b; Anderberg et al. 2007; USDA, NRCS 2012). Although morphologically somewhat distinct, molecular phylogenetic studies by Oberprieler and coworkers (2009) suggest that it is closely related to the other species of Artemisia. We, therefore, use A. spinescens, the name also used in previous toxicologic reports. The following are representative species of toxicologic significance: A. filifolia Torr. A. ludoviciana Nutt.

A. spinescens D.C.Eaton (=Picrothamnus desertorum Nutt.) A. tridentata Nutt. (=Seriphidium tridentatum [Nutt.] W.A.Weber)

Plants herbs or shrubs; annuals or perennials; from rhizomes or woody caudices or taproots; herbage aromatic; glabrous or glandular or indumented, often tomentose or sericeous tomentose. Stems erect or ascending; 30–200 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; blades of various shapes; margins entire or lobed or pinnately dissected. Heads numerous; small; borne in spikes or racemes or spicate panicles; urceolate; phyllaries in 2 to several series, linear lanceolate, densely tomentose; receptacles flat to hemispheric; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 3–20; perfect or functionally staminate or marginal ones pistillate; corollas tan or yellowish white. Pappus absent or rarely short coroniform. Achenes small; glabrous or resinous glandular or indumented (Figures 13.14–13.18). mainly open, dry soils; sometimes abundant

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Artemisia are characteristically encountered in a variety of soil types in drier habitats in the Northern Hemisphere. A few species are present in South America. Morphologically distinct and not readily confused with other taxa, A. filifolia occurs in sandy soils of the Southwest. Artemisia ludoviciana is widely distributed throughout much of North America. Artemisia spinescens is a species of mesas, plains, and dry alkaline sites throughout the intermountain west. Artemisia tridentata favors open dry plains, hills, and valleys from the Great Plains westward. It is

sand sage, sand sagebrush, old-man sagebrush white sage, western mugwort, prairie sage, sagewort, Louisiana wormwood bud sage, button sage, spring sage

sagebrush, big sagebrush

herbs or shrubs; herbage aromatic; heads small, numerous, tan or yellowish white; disk florets only


Figure 13.14.

Line drawing of Artemisia filifolia.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.17.

Photo of the habit of A. tridentata.

Figure 13.18.

Photo of the leaves of A. tridentata.

Figure 13.15. Line drawing of Artemisia ludoviciana. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

valued winter browse when animals adapted to it

Disease Problems—Many species of Artemisia are

Figure 13.16.

Line drawing of Artemisia tridentata.

very common and abundant, often forming extensive dense communities (Figures 13.19–13.21). Distribution maps of the other species of Artemisia can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Flora of North America (

valued browse for wildlife and livestock (Parker 1936). New growth of A. spinescens is relished and extensively browsed by range livestock (Cook et al. 1954). Artemisia filifolia, readily eaten by sheep in the winter, is also of some forage value for horses and more so for deer and antelope (Looman 1983). Artemisia tridentata may be of lesser palatability, but nevertheless, it is a highly valued winter range plant for mule deer and livestock, especially sheep and goats (Cook et al. 1954; Welch and Pederson 1981; Wood et al. 1995). abrupt subsistence on large amounts, digestive disturbance; neurologic disturbance, sage sickness, horses

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Figure 13.19.

Distribution of Artemisia filifolia.


However, adverse effects may occur when livestock are abruptly forced to subsist on or otherwise eat large amounts of these species. When sheep or calves were given 4.3–5.7 kg of green A. spinescens in daily divided doses over a week or more, no adverse effects were noted (Fleming 1920). A smaller amount, 2 kg or more, in a single dose was lethal to yearling calves. Abrupt ingestion of 0.75% b.w./day of A. tridentata leaves by sheep was lethal in 2–4 days (Johnson et al. 1976). The same dosage given after preconditioning did not produce adverse effects. A similar effect appeared in horses introduced into a range containing A. filifolia and suddenly eating large amounts of the species (Beath et al. 1939). The disease, called sage sickness, causes alarming signs, but the animals are able to continue to eat and drink normally. Nervousness and foreleg ataxia gradually subside, and animals seem to acquire a tolerance to the plant. Studies of the effects of A. filifolia and A. tridentata on reproduction indicate that there is little reason to associate the genus with reproductive abnormalities (Johnson et al. 1976). There is little information about the toxicity of A. ludoviciana and its numerous subspecies.

variety of volatile aromatic monoterpene compounds and sesquiterpene lactones

Disease Genesis—Species of Artemisia possess an array

Figure 13.20.

Distribution of Artemisia spinescens.

Figure 13.21.

Distribution of Artemisia tridentata.

of irritant, aromatic monoterpenes. Artemisia tridentata contains 1–3% d.w. monoterpenes, mainly camphor and thujones, but also others such as the pinenes and camphene (Welch and Pederson 1981). Both α- and β-thujones block GABAa receptors as shown in experimental preparations and thus may be expected to cause neurologic effects (Schmandke 2005). Terpenes, such as the pinenes and geraniol, have been associated with irritant effects when large amounts of a North African species, A. campestris, were eaten by goats and camels (El Bahri et al. 1997). Digestive disturbances associated with the genus appear to be the result of the presence of these aromatic components and volatile oils, which exert antibacterial effects on ruminal bacteria (Nagy and Tengerdy 1968). These effects can be significant with high dosage of plant material because adaptation of the ruminal flora is minimal at high concentrations of the oils. Also present and of significance are sesquiterpene lactones; scintonin is common to many species. These compounds exert a variety of effects. Crude extracts of the Brazilian A. verlotorum produced sedative/analgesic effects in mice (de Lima et al. 1993). Various species of Artemisia also seem to exert influences on the processes of hepatic biotransformation, inhibiting microsomal dealkylating activity and possibly inducing other types of activity (Jennings


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.22.

Chemical structure of thujone.

et al. 1978; Eissa et al. 1995, 1996). These effects may be a consequence of the wide array of sesquiterpene lactones present (Seaman 1982) (Figure 13.22). Other types of bioactivity may be produced by the compounds present in Artemisia. Illustrative of this is the historical use of the classical dewormer santonin extracted from seeds of the Old World A. pauciflora, commonly known as santonica or Levant wormseed (Hall 1921). Similarly, absinthe from A. abyssinica, wormwood, was also used as a dewormer. It is, however, better known for its use and abuse as a distilled alcoholic beverage. With excessive or chronic consumption, it causes various neurologic signs and even seizures; the suite of signs being called absinthism. It is speculated to be a cause of the visual and mental disturbances exhibited by Van Gogh and other painters of his time (Arnold 1988; Woolf 1999). Following the work of Valentin Magnan, a French psychiatrist who studied the effect of absinthe in the late 1800s, absinthe fell into disrepute with its prohibition by European countries beginning in the early 1900s (Lachenmeier et al. 2006; Eadie 2009). Although thujone was initially thought to be responsible for the alleged harmful effects of absinthe, it now appears that the effects are not entirely due to this compound (Lachenmeier et al. 2006). Other compounds discovered in various European, Asian, and African species of Artemisia appear to be of minimal toxicity except for some adverse effects shown in rats with long-term administration (Amos et al. 2003; Vishnevets 2004; Almasad et al. 2007; Mukinda and Syce 2007). One compound artemisinin, used as an antimalarial, seems to produce sedative effects possibly via dopamine receptors (Amos et al. 2003).

irritant digestive disturbance, depression, anorexia, ruminal stasis; neurologic effects, apprehension, ataxia

treatment not needed

Clinical Signs and Treatment—Because of the irritant effects on the digestive tract, the animal exhibits loss of

appetite, ruminal inactivity, and depression. Such signs are to be expected mainly when sheep are forced to consume large amounts of plant material abruptly. The neurologic effects—apprehension, nervousness, and ataxia—also resolve in a few days as animals adapt to eating Artemisia. Treatment in either instance is generally not necessary. In humans, the acute signs of wormwood ingestion are vomiting, restlessness, delirium, and seizures, whereas chronic ingestion may result in gastritis, pica, tremors, and seizures (Woolf 1999).

BACCHARIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native only to the New World, Baccharis, a member of the tribe Astereae, comprises about 360 species distributed primarily in tropical and warm-temperate regions (Sundberg and Bogler 2006). The generic name reputedly refers to the god Bacchus and alludes to the spicy odor of the roots (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 21 species are present. The following are representative of the genus and implicated in toxicologic problems: B. angustifolia Michx. B. glomeruliflora Pers. B. halimifolia L. B. pteronioides DC.

baccharis, false willow, silverling, narrowleaf baccharis baccharis, silverling, groundsel tree, southern baccharis, groundsel bush eastern baccharis, sea myrtle, consumption weed, groundsel tree yerba manza, yerba del pasmo, yerba de pasmo, hierba del pasmo

(=B. ramulosa [DC.] A.Gray)

subshrubs or shrubs; leaves simple, alternate; heads numerous; florets disk only, white, pinkish, or yellowish brown

Plants shrubs or subshrubs; perennials; herbage sometimes aromatic, glabrous or glandular resinous; dioecious. Stems 50–400 cm tall; branchlets striate, angled or subterete. Leaves simple; alternate; reduced to bracts above; deciduous or evergreen; sessile or petioled; blades subulate to obovate; nerves 1 or 3; margins entire or serrate or dentate. Heads numerous; small; borne in racemes or panicles or corymbs; hemispheric to cylindrical; phyllaries imbricate, in several series, linear to lanceolate or ovate; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts absent or rarely present. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets numerous; staminate tubular to funnelform; pistillate filiform; corollas white or pinkish or yellowish brown.

Asteraceae Martinov

Figure 13.23.


Line drawing of Baccharis pteronioides.

Pappus of long capillary bristles; barbed or plumose. Achenes cylindrical; 4–10 ribbed; glabrous or hispid (Figures 13.23–13.25).

Figure 13.24. Photo of the habit of B. halimifolia. Courtesy of Bruce W. Hoagland.

moist sites, often saline or alkaline soils

Distribution and Habitat—Although occupying a variety of habitats and soil types, Baccharis is commonly associated with wet sites—marshes, washes, stream beds, stream banks, and ditches. Many species are tolerant of saline or alkaline soils and salt spray. Baccharis angustifolia and B. glomeruliflora are uncommon species of salt marshes and swamps along the southeastern coasts. Baccharis halimifolia occupies open, sandy coastal sites of the East and Southeast. Populations also occur inland in Oklahoma. Baccharis pteronioides is locally abundant between 1300 and 2300 m elevation in the Southwest (Figures 13.26 and 13.27). digestive disturbance; stiffness; trembling and other neurologic signs Figure 13.25. Photo of the leaves of B. halimifolia. Courtesy of Bruce W. Hoagland.

Disease Problems—In the Southwest, B. pteronioides causes problems in cattle when they are forced to subsist on it in autumn and early winter (Huffman and Couch 1942). Affected cattle walk as if sore and stiff. They lie down and, if forced to move, tremble and exhibit seizures (Marsh et al. 1920). The acute lethal dose in sheep is

about 1% b.w. Plants are not palatable, but local abundance and absence of other forage lead to potential problems. In the eastern United States, B. halimifolia similarly causes problems in cattle, producing digestive disturbances, weakness, trembling, and death (Perkins and


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.26.

Distribution of Baccharis halimifolia.

Disease Genesis—Baccharis contains digitalis-like, cardiotoxic glycosidal saponins that cause both digestive and cardiac adverse effects (Duncan et al. 1957; Poisonous Plants 1980). Baccharis glomeruliflora is reported to be the most toxic, and B. angustifolia the least (Duncan et al. 1957). Signs reported for B. cordifolia and B. megapotamica are also somewhat consistent with cardiotoxic saponins. These Brazilian species, however, contain a variety of trichothecene mycotoxins, which may, in large measure, account for their toxicity because the effects are consistent with those from these toxins in other instances (Busam and Habermehl 1982; Habermehl 1994). The concentrations are especially high in pistillate plants, 5- to 10-fold higher at flowering (Jarvis et al. 1996). Plants are seemingly resistant to these toxins, almost as if they had synthesized them. Also present in B. pteronioides are pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) of unknown toxicologic significance. anorexia, diarrhea, stiffness, trembling, seizures

redding and edema of gastrointestinal mucosa

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The signs

Figure 13.27.

Distribution of Baccharis pteronioides.

Payne 1978; Manley et al. 1982). There are few lesions other than scattered hemorrhages on the surfaces of the heart and digestive tract. Experimentally, dosage of P. pteronioides at 200 mg orally 2× daily to Syrian hamsters caused diarrhea, inappetance, and reluctance to move accompanied by multiple hemorrhagic hepatic infarctions (Stegelmeier et al. 2011). Two Brazilian species, B. cordifolia and B. megapotamica, cause severe digestive disturbance, weakness, tremors, constipation, and hepatic necrosis in cattle and sheep (Tokarnia et al. 1992). Problems with these species seem to be mainly in animals newly introduced to a pasture with Baccharis present; high death rates are to be expected (Driemeier et al. 2000; Rissi et al. 2005; Rozza et al. 2006). possible involvement of cardiotoxic saponins and trichothecene mycotoxins

produced by ingestion of Baccharis include ruminal stasis, loss of appetite, excess salivation, diarrhea, weakness, trembling, staggering, and prostration. There are few distinctive lesions other than reddening and edema of the mucosa of the digestive tract, which is most pronounced in the abomasum, where there may be ulceration. Experimentally, in hamsters given high dosage for 8 days of B. pteronioides, the main lesions were hemorrhagic enteritis, hemorrhagic hepatic infarcts, extensive vasculitis and thrombosis, and lymphoid tissue necrosis (Stegelmeier et al. 2009). The gastrointestinal effects and lymphoid tissue necrosis (affecting both B and T lymphocytes) are strikingly similar to those effects seen in cattle, sheep, and experimentally in mice with the Brazilian species of Baccharis (Varaschin and Alessi 2003, 2008; Rissi et al. 2005; Rozza et al. 2006). Treatment should be directed toward relief of the diarrhea and other symptoms, but may not be effective by the time affected animals are seen in the field.

BAILEYA HARV. & A.GRAY Taxonomy and Morphology—Named for Jacob W. Bailey, an early American microscopist and phycologist who studied diatoms, Baileya is a member of the tribe Heliantheae and is endemic to deserts of North America (Turner 2006). The three species present are as follows:

Asteraceae Martinov B. multiradiata Harv. & A.Gray

(=B. perennis [A.Nelson] Rydb.) B. pauciradiata Harv. & A.Gray B. pleniradiata Harv. & A.Gray


desert marigold, desert baileya, many-rayed baileya, paperflower baileya baileya

Although Turner recognized B. multiradiata and B. pleniradiata as distinct species in his treatment in the Flora of North America and discussed their morphological similarity and how they can be differentiated, the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) combine them. We employ Turner’s treatment here.

herbs; leaves simple, alternate; heads showy; disk and ray florets yellow

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; from taproots or branching caudices; herbage floccose or tomentose. Stems erect or ascending; 10–50 cm tall; sparingly branched. Leaves simple; alternate; primarily basal or mostly cauline; petioled; blades oblong to oblanceolate; margins entire to pinnatifid. Heads showy; 1–3 per long or short peduncle; campanulate to hemispheric; phyllaries in 2 or 3 subequal series, linear lanceolate, woolly; receptacles flat or slightly convex; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets 4–60; pistillate; fertile; corollas yellow; becoming reflexed and papery; persistent on achenes. Disk Florets 8 to many; perfect; fertile; yellow; corollas gland dotted. Pappus absent. Achenes cylindrical or clavate; terete or slightly angled; ribbed; glabrous or hispidulous; gland dotted (Figures 13.28 and 13.29).

Figure 13.28.

Line drawing of Baileya multiradiata.

Figure 13.29.

Photo of B. multiradiata.

dry, open, sandy or gravelly desert sites

Distribution and Habitat—Quite showy, the three species of Baileya are encountered in dry, open, often sandy or gravelly sites in the southwestern deserts. All are weedy, with populations appearing along roadsides and in severely overgrazed ranges. Baileya multiradiata is locally abundant in sandy valleys, desert flats, washes, and plains. It is one of the dominant spring flowers of Chihuahua and Coahuila in northern Mexico.

digestive disturbance, gradually increasing in severity; less commonly regurgitation of ruminal contents; death in a few days to a week or more

Disease Problems—First noted as a problem in Texas in the early 1930s, extensive animal losses were associated with ranges where little forage other than B. multiradiata was available (Mathews 1933a,b). Death rates were as high as 25% in some flocks of sheep (Dollahite 1960). Palatability seems to vary. Normally plants are not eaten, but in some instances, sheep relish flowering and fruit heads, even when other forages are plentiful (Dollahite 1960; Hakkila et al. 1987). Sheep are much more prone to eat plants of this genus than are goats or cattle. Because the heads are more toxic than leaves, the risk is greater with increased plant maturity. Experimentally, about 1% b.w. of dried plant material fed to sheep for 1 week or


Toxic Plants of North America

5–6 weeks produced severe digestive and metabolic disease and death (Dollahite 1960).

pseudoguaianolide sesquiterpene lactones

Disease Genesis—Paucin, a pseudoguaianolide glucoside, is found in concentrations as high as 0.04% in B. pauciradiata and B. pleniradiata (Waddell and Geissman 1969a,b). Hymenoxon and several other pseudoguaianolides have been identified in B. multiradiata (Hill et al. 1977; Seaman 1982). The presence of these compounds suggests that toxicity due to ingestion of species of Baileya is most likely another expression of the disease so commonly associated with species of Helenium and Hymenoxys.

anorexia, weakness, stiff gait, arched back; sometimes frothy, green saliva on lips

Clinical Signs—The signs of Baileya intoxication are very similar to those produced by Helenium and Hymenoxys. After the animal has consumed plants for several weeks, there is decreased appetite, stiff gait, weakness, and reluctance to stand or move. Upon arising, there is trembling and the animal stands with an arched back. When forced to move, its heart rate accelerates, and there is a tendency for it to regurgitate, so that frothy, green ruminal contents accumulate on the lips, nares, and mouth. There is slow development of the disease, with accompanying marked weight loss, sometimes inhalation pneumonia, and death after a week or more.

no specific lesions

Pathology—Lesions are not distinctive. There may be a few ecchymotic hemorrhages on the heart and diaphragm. Microscopically, there may be mild renal tubular epithelial flattening with proteinaceous casts and indications of myocardial and hepatocellular degeneration. supportive, nursing care

Treatment—When intoxication occurs, the animal should be removed from the forage and given supportive nursing care. At present, range management to control plant growth or prevent exposure of animals to the plants

is the only known method for reducing losses. Alteration of diet and administration of various drugs prior to appearance of signs may be beneficial. A complete discussion of treatment and prevention is presented in the treatment of Hymenoxys in this chapter.

CENTAUREA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 500 species, Centaurea exhibits greatest diversity in the Mediterranean region. A few species are native to the Americas and Australia. The genus name comes from the Greek kentaurieon, for Chiron, a centaur famous for knowledge of medicinal plants (Keil and Ochsmann 2006). Commonly known as star thistles or knapweeds, many of the species are cultivated as ornamentals, whereas others are noxious or invasive weeds. In North America, 20 species are present. Most have been inadvertently introduced, the consequences of which have been disastrous for much of our range, especially in the Northwest and northern Great Plains. Only 1 or perhaps 2 species pose toxicologic risk: C. melitensis L. C. solstitialis L.

Maltese star thistle, Napa thistle, tocalote yellow star thistle, St. Barnaby’s thistle

Centaurea exhibits considerable morphological, cytological, and palynological variation, and taxonomists have differed in their opinions as to its classification. Some, in particular Europeans, divided the genus into a number of poorly differentiated segregate genera, whereas others have recognized one large variable genus. Phylogenetic studies incorporating morphology, cytology, palynology, and molecular data support a narrowing of the circumscription of Centaurea and the recognition of several segregate genera (Susanna and Garcia-Jacas 2009). Most notable in terms of toxic plants is the renaming of Russian knapweed from Centaurea repens to Acroptilon repens (as described earlier in this chapter). Because all aspects of the disease produced by A. repens are the same as produced by C. solstitialis, toxicological information accumulated about A. repens is included here.

annual herbs; herbage white tomentose; leaves leaves simple, alternate; heads ovoid; phyllary apices with stout spines; florets yellow

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots; herbage tomentose. Stems erect or ascending or spreading; 10–100 cm tall; branched or not branched. Leaves simple; alternate; upper ones usually smaller; blades linear to oblanceolate;

Asteraceae Martinov

margins pinnately lobed or dissected. Heads 1 to numerous; borne at branch ends; ovoid; phyllaries in several series, imbricate, apices spine tipped with stout yellow spines 5–25 mm long; receptacles flat; receptacular bristles present. Ray Florets present, but not well differentiated from the disk; sterile. Disk Florets numerous; perfect, fertile; corollas yellow. Pappus of many stiff bristles. Achenes all alike or of 2 forms; elliptic oblong; glabrous or puberulent (Figures 13.30 and 13.31). introduced; aggressive invaders of rangeland, pastures, and waste areas; highly competive; severely limits growth of desirable pasture and range forages


Distribution and Habitat—Both C. solstitialis and C. melitensis are native to the Mediterranean region and apparently were introduced into North America in 1848 and late 1700s, respectively (Gerlach 1997a,b). They quickly naturalized and invaded millions of acres of rangelands and are now classified as invasive or noxious weeds in 11 western states and 2 Canadian provinces (Keil and Ochsmann 2006). Although most abundant in the West, scattered populations of both species occur across the continent and appear to be increasing in abundance and range. The two species have broad ecological tolerance and readily infest roadsides, waste areas, and other sites with disturbed soils. Once established, C. solstitialis spreads aggressively because it is a prolific seed producer (Figure 13.32). Disease Problems—Species of Centaurea are prized both for the beauty of their heads and despised for their ability to invade sites as noxious weeds. Centaurea solstitialis was apparently known to the ancients, and its possible medicinal value is implied by discovery of its composite heads among other plants in a Neanderthal grave in Iraq (Lietava 1992). Other species of the genus in Europe have long been used medicinally, for example, C. ornate for gastrointestinal disturbances, to promote wound healing, and for various other ailments (Gurbuz and Yesilada 2007; Vallejo et al. 2009). In addition to the neurotoxic effects of some species of Centaurea (Fowler 1965), their introduction has been an agronomic disaster in the western states and provinces with millions of acres of rangeland and pasture degraded. Introduced in the mid-1800s to early 1900s, probably as contaminants in alfalfa seed, they have spread vigorously and proven very difficult to control by conventional means

Figure 13.30.

Line drawing of Centaurea solstitialis.

Figure 13.31.

Photo of Centaurea solstitialis.

Figure 13.32.

Distribution of Centaurea solstitialis.


Toxic Plants of North America

(Maddox 1979; Strang et al. 1979). They are particularly noxious because they are allelopathic, thus further limiting the productivity of grasslands. It is difficult for grasses and other forages to compete with them (Sheley et al. 1993). The worst offenders have been C. diffusa, C. maculosa, C. solstitialis, and A. repens. From 1958 to 1985, the acreage in California alone infested by C. solstitialis increased by 6-fold to 7.5 million acres (Maddox and Mayfield 1985). By 1985, C. solstitialis was found in 209 counties in 23 states and was continuing to spread, while A. repens was present in 412 counties in 21 states (Maddox et al. 1985). Because C. solstitialis is considered to be the more serious problem, various biological control methods are being used to control its infestations (Maddox 1979). Numerous strategies for control of these noxious and toxic weeds have been proposed (Aslan et al. 2009). Biological control using various insects, flies/weevils (Chaetorellia, Eustenopis, Urophora) have shown considerable promise, some over a long period of use (Gutierrez et al. 2005; Beck et al. 2008; Pitcairn et al. 2008; Story et al. 2008; Myers et al. 2009). Even a rust fungus (Puccinia) is being utilized (Fisher et al. 2007; Woods et al. 2009). Grazing strategies using conditioned nonsusceptible animal species is also being attempted (Whitney and Olson 2006). Combination approaches also hold promise, grazing or herbicides plus biological control (Pitcairn and Di Tomaso 2000; Wallace et al. 2008). only horses; neurologic disease affecting prehension by lips and tongue; continuous, long-term ingestion of very large amounts of plant material In North America, C. solstitialis and A. repens produce in horses a neurologic disease known as nigropallidal encephalomalacia following continuous long-term ingestion of large amounts of the species (Larson and Young 1970; Young et al. 1970a,b). Acroptilon repens appears to be the more toxic of the two (Young et al. 1970b). Centaurea melitensis is suspected of producing the disease, but as yet its toxicity has not been confirmed experimentally. Recognition of problems only with these species may simply reflect the large amount of plant material that must be eaten to cause disease and the low palatability of the genus in general, rather than restriction of toxicants to these specific species. In addition, intoxications occur only in horses; thus, it is difficult to evaluate experimentally other species of the genus for toxicity. Involvement of horses has also been reported as a problem in South America and Australia (Martin et al. 1971; Gard et al. 1973; Perdomo et al. 1978). interruptions of several weeks or more in eating the plant may be protective

Intoxication problems appear mainly during the dry summer and fall, when animal subsistence is dependent on grazing these plants. Problems do not occur on improved or irrigated pastures. Toxic effects are apparently not cumulative, given that prolonged feeding periods interrupted at 1- or 2-week intervals do not result in disease (Young et al. 1970a). There seems to be cumulative storage of the toxins rather than cumulative effect or damage. Thus, 60% of b.w. of A. repens and 100% of b.w. of C. solstitialis may be eaten without deleterious effect if not consumed on a continuous basis. equine parkinsonism, rapid development of basal ganglia lesions

Disease Genesis—Since its first description as a disease in 1954, studies on the pathogenesis of Centaurea and Acroptilon intoxication have been limited by the lack of reproducibility of the disease in species other than the horse (Cordy 1954, 1978). However, the specificity of degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia has prompted more investigations in concert with attempts to unravel the mysteries of human diseases associated with dopaminergic pathways, for example, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and tardive dyskinesia. This renewed interest has prompted the development of in vitro techniques where limitations of in vivo species susceptibility are not apparent (Riopelle and Stevens 1993). This is a rather unusual disease in that it occurs almost as an all-or-none event. Lesions develop quickly and completely. Progressive stages of degeneration are not apparent in affected areas, except for some changes in neurons adjacent to necrotic foci in the globus pallidus and the pars reticularis of the substantia nigra (Cordy 1954). The disease, which is sometimes called equine parkinsonism, is typical of those involving the basal ganglia, with loss of inhibitory input producing involuntary movements such as tremor, writhing movements, chorea, and persistent postural effects such as dystonia (Cote and Crutcher 1991). several guaianolide sesquiterpene lactones of possible significance; numerous volatile compounds of unknown significance There are dozens of volatile compounds and scopoletin in various species of Centaurea and A. repens, but the components of most intense interest are the guaianolide sesquiterpene lactones, of which there are likewise dozens (Stevens 1982; Stevens and Merrill 1985; Bubenchikova 1990; Binder et al. 1990a,b; Kaij-a-Kamb et al. 1992). It

Asteraceae Martinov

is suggested that many of them may be artifacts of the isolation procedures, for example, some of the chlorohydrins (Hamburger et al. 1993). In spite of the possible artificiality of some, they give an indication of the types of toxicants that may be present in the plants or formed during or after absorption in the digestive tract. Some of the lactones appear to be responsible for enhancing plant growth and to be allelopathic. Lactones cytotoxic against neuronal cells in vitro include repin, subluteolide (an epimer of repin), janerin, cynaropicrin (0.04% in C. repens), 13-O-acetylsolstitialin, and acroptilin (Stevens 1982; Wang et al. 1991; Cheng et al. 1992; Riopelle et al. 1992). The epimers repin and subluteolide are unique in that they are highly reactive epoxides. Thus, it is tempting to consider them as the culpable toxins because they are found mainly in the two confirmed neurotoxic species A. repens and C. solstitialis. Their toxicity was ranked by an in vitro assay as repin > subluteolide > janerin > cynaropicrin > acroptilin > solstitialin (Riopelle and Stevens 1993). Repin, a highly reactive electrophile has been shown to attenuate dopaminergic function both in vivo (mice and rats) and in vitro (in rat pheochromocytoma cells) (Robles et al. 1997, 1998). Repin-induced GSH (reduced glutathione) depletion precedes attenuation of mitochondrial function in vitro, thus indicating a possible cause and effect relationship (Tukov et al. 2004a). The sequence of effects seems to be repin reducing GSH, increasing the activity of reactive oxygen species, creating oxidative stress, resulting in attenuation of dopaminergic function, nigral degeneration, and other neurotoxic effects (Robles et al. 1997, 1998; Tukov et al. 2004a,b). The effects seem to be quite location specific acting in the striatum and hippocampus (Robles and Choi 1995; Choi et al. 1998) (Figures 13.33 and 13.34). Both cynaropicrin and solstitialin A-13-acetate have been shown to be toxic in primary cultures of fetal rat substantia nigra cells (Wang et al. 1991; Cheng et al. 1992). These sesquiterpenes are also quite unstable, and it is suggested that they may be precursors of the ultimate neurotoxicants (Hamburger et al. 1993). Aspartic and

Figure 13.33.

Chemical structure of solstitialin.

Figure 13.34.


Chemical structure of repin.

glutamic acids, neuroexcitatory amino acids, and also the biologically active tyramine (see guajillo wobbles in Chapter 35) are also present but in relatively low concentrations (Roy et al. 1995; Moret et al. 2005).

abrupt onset of impaired eating and drinking; apprehension, depression, hypertonicity, and rhythmic movements of the lips and tongue

Clinical Signs—Following ingestion of plants for several months or more, there is abrupt onset of impaired eating and/or drinking. This may be accompanied by apprehension, excitement, and apparent confusion. Within a day or two, there is pronounced depression and, upon close examination, hypertonicity (not flaccid paralysis) of the lips and tongue. The increased tone may produce a fixed facial expression and/or constant chewing almost as if there was a throat obstruction—hence the use of the name chewing disease. The mouth may be held open or tightly closed, with tongue protruding. The increased tone of the tongue causes it to be curled to form a groove or V shape. Rhythmic and/or writhing movements of the tongue and lips may also be seen. Other neurologic signs such as locomotor difficulties, aimless walking, and drowsy inactivity with head held very low are also seen. In most cases, the ensuing disease is permanent, but not progressive, after the first few days. In a few cases, there may be some apparent but not complete recovery, and animals may survive with limited ability to eat and drink. More often, the disease leads to dehydration and starvation, with the animal exhibiting bizarre behavior such as submerging its head to allow water to flow into the esophagus. Typically, confirmation of a diagnosis is made only postmortem with gross and/or microscopic pathology. However, when facilities are available and the situation is appropriate, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to confirm the presence of the specific brain lesions antemortem (Sanders et al. 2001).


Toxic Plants of North America

gross pathology, softening and/or cavitation of globus pallidus and substantia nigra

Pathology—Although there may be traumatic lesions in the mouth, distinctive changes are limited to the brain. Involvement is primarily in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra, where distinct pale yellowish to buff-colored foci of softening and/or cavitation up to 1 cm in diameter are seen. They are typically bilateral and symmetrical. Microscopically, there is locally extensive necrosis of neurons, glia, and capillaries within sharply defined margins. Occasionally, lesions may be seen in other sites of both gray and white matter.

of leaves on short curved peduncles; campanulate; phyllaries in 3-series, imbricate, linear, resinous glutinous, apices often spreading; receptacles flat or slightly convex; receptacular bracts present, partially enfolding florets and dropping with them. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets numerous; perfect; fertile; corollas dull yellow. Pappus of 2 ciliate, unequal awns. Achenes oblong cuneate; slightly flattened; silky glabrous (Figure 13.35).

Distribution and Habitat—Flourensia cernua inhabits dry, gravelly or sandy soils of the deserts and plains of the Southwest (Figure 13.36).

general nursing care

Treatment—For the most part, treatment is limited to general nursing care, providing good feed and easy access to water, and giving supplemental vitamins. If the animal is promptly removed from the area containing the offending plants, there may be some apparent improvement, but permanent impairment should be expected. In Argentina, horses with obvious signs caused by C. solstitialis have been treated with reported success using glutamine synthetase and a bovine brain ganglioside extract given daily i.m. for a month (Selfero et al. 1989).

FLOURENSIA DC. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 30

Figure 13.35.

Line drawing of Flourensia cernua.

Figure 13.36.

Distribution of Flourensia cernua.

species in the Americas, Flourensia is a member of the tribe Heliantheae and whose name honors Marie Jean Pierre Flourens, a nineteenth-century physiologist and secretary of the Académie des Sciences in Paris (Strother 2006d). In North America, 2 species occur, but only 1 is of toxicologic importance: F. cernua DC.

tarbush, blackbrush, hojase, hojasen, varnish bush

aromatic shrubs; leaves simple, alternate, margins entire; heads small, axillary; disk florets only, yellow

Plants shrubs; perennials; herbage aromatic with an odor of tar, resinous glutinous. Stems erect or ascending; 100–200 cm tall; highly branched; branchlets puberulent. Leaves simple; alternate; blades elliptic; apices acute; margins entire; bases acute. Heads small; borne in axils

Asteraceae Martinov

Disease Problems—Causing extensive winter losses of sheep and goats, F. cernua became a serious problem in far West Texas in the 1930s and early 1940s (Mathews 1944). Cattle are at risk as well (Dollahite and Allen 1975). The risk of problems appears to be increasing as rangelands deteriorate and Flourensia increases in abundance. Fredrickson and coworkers (1994) described the ongoing increased dominance of F. cernua in the Chihuahuan Desert. Decline in quality of grasslands likewise favors it. In the 1960s, there was an extensive die-off of pronghorn in West Texas, caused by severe range depreciation due to drought and overgrazing (Hailey et al. 1966). Typically, little F. cernua is browsed by these freeranging herbivores, but during the drought, those pronghorn that had subsisted almost entirely on the species were readily detected because of the resulting limitations in their locomotion. Postmortem examination revealed tarbush to make up more than 94% of the ruminal contents. Animals also exhibited lesions of excess fluid accumulation, typical of disease caused by F. cernua.

heads and fruits are most toxic; mainly eaten only by very hungry animals; digestive disturbance; metabolic derangement

Buds, heads, green achenes, and especially mature achenes are the main problems. Dollahite and Allen (1975) speculated that leaves were probably toxic as well, but that it would be difficult for animals to eat enough to cause intoxication. Experimentally, in sheep and goats, 1% b.w. of mature achenes produced severe digestive disturbance and other signs of illness and death within 1–2 days (Dollahite and Allen 1975). A lower dose was of little consequence even if given for several days. Thus, size of the first dose seems to be quite important. Under normal conditions, animals do not eat enough of the mature achenes, whereas hungry animals may feed extensively on them for the 12–24 hours needed to produce severe effects. When ingested over a long period, leaves may also cause disease, but in a somewhat different form from that caused by the fruit. In experimental studies, female lambs fed 15% F. cernua foliage in their diet for 120 days developed hepatic damage with elevation of serum GGT, AST, LDH, CK, and AP activity (Fredrickson et al. 1994). Consumption of foliage for this long period seems to deter eating the plants in the future (Fredrickson et al. 2000). Larger amounts of plant material, up to 30%, in the diet for only 28 days did not cause problems (King et al. 1996). Consistent with the serum enzyme changes, detrimental effects on skeletal muscle were apparent, as well as increased deaths from other causes.


Interestingly, dried leaves and heads of F. cernua have been used as an herbal treatment for indigestion in humans (Pesman 1962).

specific toxin unknown; possibly polyphenolics; sesquiterpenes present; other compounds?

Disease Genesis—The specific cause of the disease produced by F. cernua is not known. Although crude protein levels are high (>18%), there are substantial amounts of polyphenolics in leaves: 54 mg/g total phenolics and 4 mg/g condensed tannins. These types of compounds may play a significant role when eaten in large amounts. There also are sesquiterpenes present (Kingston et al. 1975). Using in vitro bioassay with seed germination and growth, several phytotoxic compounds have been identified: dehydroflourensic acid, flourensadiol, and methyl orsellinate (Mata et al. 2003). In addition, these compounds have inhibitory effects on the regulatory protein calmodulin (using bovine brain).

abrupt onset, anorexia, depression, labored respiration, reluctance to move

Clinical Signs—Following ingestion of fruits, typical signs are loss of appetite, listlessness, depression, labored respiration, and groaning. The animal stands with an arched back and “tucked-up abdomen.” It is reluctant to move but also avoids lying down. Death occurs within 24 hours, or the animal exhibits severe illness for a week and then makes a rapid recovery. Long-term ingestion of foliage may result in a milder response, mainly loss of appetite and lethargy. Serum enzymes suggestive of liver and muscle involvement (GGT, AST, LDH, CK, AP) may be elevated.

gross pathology, reddened and ulcerated gut mucosa

Pathology—With intoxication due to ingestion of the fruits, reddening and ulceration of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine are prominent and may be severe enough to result in perforation. There may also be hemorrhagic effusions in the lungs and hydrothorax. Microscopically, most noteworthy is the endothelial degeneration of pulmonary blood vessels. Long-term ingestion of leaves may cause liver and skeletal muscle damage.


Toxic Plants of North America

Treatment—Aimed at relief of the signs, treatment is mainly nonspecific nursing care.

GUTIERREZIA LAG. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 16–28 species, Gutierrezia, a member of the tribe Astereae, is a New World genus native to the western United States, southern Canada, Mexico, and temperate South America (Nesom 2006b; Anderberg et al. 2007). The generic name is believed to honor Pedro Gutierrez de Salceda, a Spanish botanist working in Mexico (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Taxonomists have differed in their interpretation of the boundaries of the genus and its relationship to the genera Xanthocephalum and Amphiachyris (Nesom 2006b). Thus, most species have more than one scientific binomial. Species of the genus are primarily weedy, invading overgrazed prairies and pastures and often increasing enormously in abundance (Pieper 1993). The annuals are often referred to as broomweeds and the perennials as snakeweeds or matchweeds. Only the perennial species are of toxicologic significance, and the following 2 species are of greatest interest: G. microcephala (DC.) A.Gray (=X. microcephalum [DC.] Shinners) G. sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby

fertile or sterile; corollas yellow. Pappus of 8–10 white scales. Achenes small; obpyramidal; multinerved; glabrous or puberulent. Early in the growing season, the foliage of both species has a distinctive bright green appearance and is quite aromatic. Late in the growing season, the foliage is a dull tan or gray brown. The common name matchweed reflects the ease and quickness with which the resinous herbage burns (Figures 13.37 and 13.38). open plains, dry ranges

threadleaf snakeweed, small-headed matchweed, small-headed matchbrush, sticky snakeweed

snakeweed, broom snakeweed, matchweed, matchbrush, turpentine coyaye, perennial broomweed, slinkweed, hierba de vibora, hierba de San Nicolas

(=X. sarothrae [Pursh] Shinners) (=G. longipappa Blake) (=G. tenuis Greene)

Figure 13.37. Line drawing of Gutierrezia sarothrae. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

subshrubs and shrubs; leaves simple, alternate; heads small, numerous, terminal; ray and disk florets yellow; foliage bright green early in season Plants subshrubs or shrubs; perennials; flat-topped or corymbiform; from woody rootstocks; herbage usually glutinous, glabrous or scabrous puberulent. Stems tufted; erect or ascending; 10–60 cm tall; profusely branched above. Leaves simple; alternate; blades linear to oblanceolate; often punctate; margins entire. Heads numerous; small; borne singly or in small glomerules at ends of branches; cylindrical or campanulate or obconic; phyllaries in 3- or 4-series, imbricate, linear lanceolate, glutinous; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets 1–13; pistillate; usually fertile; corollas yellow. Disk Florets 1–13; perfect or functionally staminate;

Figure 13.38.

Photo of G. sarothrae.

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Distribution and Habitat—Gutierrezia microcephala occurs mainly in the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts of the Southwest, whereas G. sarothrae is more widespread, throughout the western half of the continent (Figures 13.39 and 13.40). reproductive disease, abortion, weak calves or lambs; impaired reproduction; generalized systemic disease, especially with plants growing on sandy soils

Disease Problems—Gutierrezia has had a reputation for causing abortion and premature calves in West Texas since the early 1900s—hence the common name slinkweed. In addition, mature animals may also show signs of disease. However, there were many inconsistencies in disease occurrences. On many ranges, species of

Figure 13.39.

Distribution of Gutierrezia microcephala.


Gutierrezia are an increasingly dominant forb but are typically little eaten (Rosiere et al. 1975; Hakkila et al. 1987; Harrington and Pieper 1993). In addition, experimental reproduction of the disease was difficult, and early studies in which the plant was given at low dosage for 50–60 days were negative (Schmidt 1931; Boughton and Hardy 1933). Producers, however, continued to experience problems that they attributed to this genus, but only from specific locations; in other areas where the plant was plentiful, adverse effects were not common. There was also considerable variation in disease occurrence from season to season and year to year. The reality of the perceived difference in disease incidence between years was subsequently borne out in experimental studies in which results were negative in 1933 but distinctly positive in 1934 (Mathews 1936). In these studies, 3–10% b.w. of green plant given over 3–5 days was lethal in sheep and cattle. Follow-up studies in the 1950s not only confirmed the acute toxicity but also clearly established an association between G. microcephala and abortion and/or birth of small, weak calves (Dollahite and Anthony 1955, 1956, 1957). At least some of the variability in occurrence of disease was accounted for by the apparent increased risk from plants growing in sandy soils as opposed to those from loamy soils, although this may be too broad a generalization. Pregnant cows given about 0.5 kg/day of the plants for several weeks delivered small, weak calves or aborted small, near-term fetuses. In many instances, plants were eaten for 2–3 months prior to evidence of reproductive effects. However, stage of pregnancy may be a factor as well as duration of dosage. The same or slightly larger dosage was associated with acute disease and sometimes death of the cow. Even small amounts of the plant, 10% dry matter intake results in some changes suggestive of adverse hepatic and renal effects (Strickland et al. 1998). Sheep and cattle seem to be at greatest risk and goats somewhat less so. Other species, including pigs and laboratory animals, are also susceptible (Mathews 1936; Dollahite and Allen 1959). McDaniel and Ross (2002) have extensively reviewed the variability and difficulties of clearly demonstrating the intoxication potential of these species. heavy plant infestations, up to 16% abortions; calf crop down to 60%

Figure 13.40.

Distribution of Gutierrezia sarothrae.

Although generally considered to be highly unpalatable and imparting a harsh burning taste, Gutierrezia is sometimes eaten by livestock (Gates 1930b; Pieper 1990; Harrington and Pieper 1993). The magnitude of the problem is illustrated by results of a survey of 148 counties in central and West Texas in 1984 (McGinty and Welch 1987). About one-third of the rangeland was infested


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with G. microcephala and/or G. sarothrae, and nearly half of these infested rangelands were associated with disease losses. The High Plains and Trans-Pecos were areas of especially severe problems. Losses due to death and abortion were estimated at 21,120 and 24,550 for cattle and 12,270 and 13,900 for sheep, respectively. The economic significance is further illustrated by a study of the effects of G. sarothrae on cow–calf operations in the southern plains (Carpenter et al. 1991). With heavy plant infestations, abortion rates were as high as 16.6% and weaning weights decreased as much as 20.6%. In the typical cow–calf operation, the percentage of calf crop at birth was reduced from 85% to 71.9% with medium infestation and to 59.1% with heavy infestation; medium infestation was about half the number of plants of heavy infestation. Similarly, weaning weights were decreased from 198.5 to 176 kg for medium and to 157.5 kg for heavy infestations. Cow deaths increased only with heavy infestations, from 1% to 4.7%. No adverse effects were detectable when plant infestations were light (plant number 20% of heavy). Lack of effect of low infestations is consistent with experimental studies in which dried herbage of Gutierrezia at 20–30% of the diet did not impair reproduction in sheep or cattle (Martinez et al. 1993). That there may be economic considerations even in the absence of distinct reproductive and acute intoxication effects is borne out by the small but significant decrease in weight gain in breeding-age heifers with small amounts (0.58–1.16 kg/day) of G. microcephala in the diet (Williams et al. 1992). This seems to occur because of some factor other than simply a decrease in feed intake. Ruminal pH is decreased somewhat, but there is little apparent effect on ruminal volatile fatty acids (Edrington et al. 1993c). Studies evaluating factors affecting occurrence of disease confirm variation in toxicity and importance of soil type, and increased risk with new growth (Edrington et al. 1991a, 1992; Williams et al. 1992). Plant population cycles may also contribute to fluctuations in occurrence of intoxication problems over several years (Ralphs and Sanders 2002). In spite of obvious disease-causing effects of the plants, in reality, the most significant problem lies with the serious deterioration of rangeland condition. Infestation by these species results in markedly reduced production of perennial shortgrass forage and depletion of soil moisture (Ueckert 1979). Thus, nutritional deficiency is probably a major player leading to animals in poor body condition and either to animals eating more of the plants or perhaps even causing some of the problems ascribed directly to their ingestion (McDaniel and Ross 2002). Control of the disease may be accomplished by burning, herbicides, or even forced grazing although the latter is not a solution on rangelands (McDaniel et al. 2000; Ralphs and Wiedmeier 2004; Ralphs et al. 2007). Other

forms of biological control of plant populations may also be possible (Cordo 1985).

toxicants unknown: steroidal effect of saponins? monoterpenes? diterpene acids as found in Pinus?

Disease Genesis—A number of different types of possible toxicants have been isolated from species of Gutierrezia. Early studies indicated that saponins might be responsible for the reproductive effects observed. Following parenteral administration of a crude saponin extract from G. microcephala, it was noted that periodic vulvar swelling and marked mammary swelling preceded abortions (Dollahite et al. 1962). The extract contained an unsaturated triterpenoid sapogenin with one or more hydroxyl and carboxyl groups (Shaver et al. 1963). This saponin extract was given orally to mice and rabbits and tested in vitro on uterine smooth muscle. It produced abortions in rabbits but failed to increase uterine weight in mice, as would be expected with an estrogenic toxicant. In addition, it induced or promoted uterine contractions, in contrast to the commercially available saponin, which produced abortion when given parenterally. Thus, the investigators concluded that there was reasonable evidence to suspect saponins as the cause of Gutierrezia’s toxicity and that saponins produced their effects by a mode other than estrogenic action. Structural similarities of saponins to steroids has led to continued speculation about a role for the latter in causing abortion or premature parturition. This led to an extensive series of studies at New Mexico State University employing rats and sheep (Flores-Rodriguez et al. 1989; Edrington et al. 1990, 1991b, 1993a,c). In rats, which appear to be very sensitive to Gutierrezia, there are effects on both the male and female. In the male, when fed plant material for more than 20 days, the number of abnormal sperm increased and fertility decreased. In the female, progesterone at mating decreased, ovulation decreased, and the number of live births decreased, while numbers of dead embryos increased. Although decreased feed intake and malnutrition resulted from Gutierrezia intake, they were not factors in the embryonic mortality in rats. Uterine weight also decreased, a finding that supports earlier reports noting a lack of estrogenic activity with Gutierrezia extracts (Shaver et al. 1963; Edrington et al. 1993b). There seem to be no residual effects on rat pups born of dams fed Gutierrezia, as shown by subsequent reproductive trials (Staley et al. 1995). Suppression of steroid production may occur because of the hypocholesterolemic activity of the toxicant similar to that shown for saponins in general (Sidhu and Oakenfull 1986). Furthermore, marginally toxic doses of Gutierrezia for 30

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days in ewes resulted in slightly increased estrous cycle length and in decreased estrus detection and breeding by rams (Oetting et al. 1990). In contrast to the effects in rats, levels of blood progesterone were not decreased in ewes. In spite of the association of disease with saponins and considering the ubiquitous nature of these compounds in plants, the search has continued for alternative possibilities as the definitive toxins. An array of volatile monoterpenes have been identified in Gutierrezia (Molyneux et al. 1980; Epstein and Seidel 1989). There seem to be marked seasonal, yearly (1.24–2.7% dry weight), and site variations in monoterpene content and composition. In some instances, pinenes are quite low, whereas in others, they are the predominant types. It is suggested that site variations may be due to the occurrence of ecotypes that could also be a factor in expression of disease. Labdane resin acids and furano-diterpene acids are present. Reminiscent of the bioactive compounds of Pinus, several diterpene acids, including polyalthic acid, have been isolated from exudate from trichomes of G. sarothrae (Roitman et al. 1994). There is considerable intersite variation for these compounds as well. Numerous highly oxygenated flavonals are also present, some of which have biological activity (Roitman and James 1985). The role of these or other alternative toxicants remains to be clarified. Interestingly, the sesquiterpene lactones so common among the genera of this family are not present in Gutierrezia (Seaman 1982).

acute systemic disease, nasal discharge, weakness, anorexia; reproductive disease, vulvar swelling and mammary development long before expected parturition, abortion, stillborns, birth of small weak calves or lambs

Clinical Signs—The acute disease produced by Gutierrezia in the adult is manifested as a crusting of the nasal pad, mucopurulent nasal discharge, decreased appetite, weakness and listlessness (head low and back arched), and sometimes hematuria and icterus. A stringy mucoid secretion from the vulva may be seen, even in nonpregnant animals. Diarrhea and/or constipation with foulsmelling mucus-containing feces is also common. Clinical chemistry changes include a decrease in serum cholesterol and iron and increased creatinine and bilirubin (both direct and indirect). There also may be a mild increase in serum hepatic enzymes (AST, GGT, AP). These signs may terminate in death within a few days. The more typical reproductive effects of Gutierrezia are preceded by vulvar swelling and mammary development


several weeks or months prior to expected parturition. Within a few days there follows abortion, stillbirth, or premature birth of small weak calves, that often survive less than 48 hours. Typically, calves of 12–20 kg b.w. are seen. Retention of placental membranes is common.

gross pathology, icterus, mild reddening of gut mucosa

Pathology—In the cow, grossly there may be icterus, swollen, pale yellowish-brown kidneys, a mottled yellowish liver, few scattered splotchy hemorrhages, and mild to moderate reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Microscopically, there will be mild renal tubular flattening and dilation, interstitial hemorrhage, hepatic necrosis, and myocardial degeneration.

general nursing care

Treatment—There is no specific treatment. Good nursing care remains the appropriate approach. A high level of nutrition may provide protection or alleviation of many of the adverse effects associated with ingestion of Gutierrezia (Williams et al. 1992; Smith et al. 1994; Staley et al. 1996). Experiments in rats demonstrated a lack of protection for progesterone but fortuitously revealed a beneficial effect for the carrier, safflower seed oil, when administered parenterally (Chambers et al. 1993; Smith et al. 1993). The benefit may in part be due to the nutritional value of the oil. The possible use of this discovery via incorporation of the oil in livestock feeds remains to be elucidated. Activated charcoal (1–1.5 g/kg b.w.) may be of value in preventing toxicosis when fed as a supplement (Poage et al. 2000). Administration of progesterone or vitamin A is not effective in alleviating the reproductive effects.

HELENIUM L. & HYMENOXYS CASS. As members of the tribe Helenieae or tribe Heliantheae sensu lato, Helenium and Hymenoxys are morphologically and toxicologically similar genera. Because they both produce sesquiterpene lactones and essentially the same disease problems, clinical signs, and pathological changes, we describe them together.

Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 32 species native to the New World, Helenium contains both weeds and popular ornamentals cultivated for their showy heads with a range of bright colors (Bierner 2006a). The generic


Toxic Plants of North America

name is from the Greek helenion and is believed to honor either Helen of Troy or Helenus, son of Priam, the last Trojan king (Huxley and Griffths 1992). Species are generally known as sneezeweeds. Of the 18 species present in North America, 5 are commonly encountered and of toxicologic significance (Bierner 2006a). Also exclusively a New World genus, Hymenoxys comprises 25 species classified in 7 subgenera that have been regarded by some taxonomists as distinct genera (Bierner 1994, 2006b). The generic name is derived from the Greek roots hymen and oxys, meaning “membrane” and “sharp” and alluding to the pointed pappus scales (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Of the 17 species present in North America, most are of little toxicologic significance; some were used as chewing gum by Native Americans. Intoxication problems have been associated with 5 species: Helenium L. He. amarum (Raf.) H.Rock He. autumnale L.

He. flexuosum Raf. (=He. nudiflorum Nutt.) He. microcephalum DC. He. quadridentatum Labill. Hymenoxys Cass. Hy. hoopesii (A.Gray) Bierner (=Helenium hoopesii A.Gray) (=Dugaldia hoopesii [A.Gray] Rydb.) Hy. lemmonii (Greene) Cockerell Hy. odorata DC. Hy. richardsonii (Hook.) Cockerell Hy. subintegra Cockerell

bitter sneezeweed, Spanish daisy common sneezeweed, autumn sneezeweed, sneezewort, staggerwort, staggerweed, yellow star, oxeye, false sunflower, swamp sunflower purplehead sneezeweed, southern sneezeweed smallhead sneezeweed rosella orange sneezeweed, owl’s claws

alkali hymenoxys, Lemmon’s hymenoxys bitterweed, bitter rubberweed Colorado rubberweed, pingue Arizona rubberweed

It must be noted that although orange sneezeweed is now classified as Hymenoxys hoopesii, Helenium hoopesii and Dugaldia hoopesii are the binomials used in almost all of the toxicologic literature.

herbs, typically aromatic; stems often winged; leaves simple, alternate; heads globose or hemispheric to cylindrical; ray florets when present 3-lobed, yellow, orange, or reddish brown; disk florets yellow to brown or purple

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; from fibrous roots or taproots or crowns; herbage often aromatic when crushed. Stems erect or ascending; 10–150 cm tall; branched or not branched; winged or not winged. Leaves simple; alternate or appearing fascicled; sessile or subsessile; blades of various shapes; margins entire to pinnatifid or laciniate. Heads showy; numerous; borne solitary or in corymbs at the ends of elongate peduncles; globose or hemispheric or cylindrical; phyllaries in 2- or 3-series, all alike or of 2-forms, reflexed or spreading to erect at anthesis; receptacles conical to spherical; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets absent or present; 5–35; typically reflexed at maturity; pistillate or neutral; fertile or sterile; corollas 3-lobed, yellow or red to reddish brown or orange at base. Disk Florets numerous; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow or yellow green or brown or purple. Pappus of 5–10 scales or rarely absent; scarious or hyaline; typically aristate or awn tipped. Achenes obpyramidal; 4- or 5-ribbed; sericeous (Figures 13.41–13.46). Helenium and Hymenoxys are readily distinguished by the suite of characters presented in the following key modified from one written by the Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2006): 1.


Phyllaries reflexed at anthesis. Receptacles spherical. Corollas of disk florets urceolate to campanulate; abruptly dilated; tubes conspicuously shorter than throats. Corolla lobes of disk florets shaggy pubescent; hairs typically moniliform . . . . . . . . Helenium Phyllaries spreading to erect at anthesis. Receptacles flat to hemispheric or conical. Corolla of disk florets funnelform to cylindrical; slightly dilated; tubes equal to or shorter than throats. Corolla lobes of disk florets not shaggy pubescent; hairs not moniliform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hymenoxys

across continent; variety of habitats and soil types

Distribution and Habitat—Species of both Helenium and Hymenoxys are adapted to a variety of habitats and soil types. Occurring in the eastern half of the continent with greatest abundance in the southeast quarter, He. amarum is a dominant of the early stages of secondary succession and a classic indicator of disturbed soil and overgrazing. It often forms large populations. Helenium flexuosum is likewise distributed in the eastern half of the continent in moist and disturbed sites. Typically abundant in overgrazed areas, He. microcephalum is a southwestern species, whereas He. quadridentatum is found in the Gulf coastal states from Texas to Alabama. Occurring across the northern half of the continent in moist or low wet sites, He. autumnale has the broadest distributional range.

Figure 13.41.

Line drawing of Helenium autumnale.

Figure 13.42.

Photo of Helenium flexuosum.

Figure 13.43.

Photo of Helenium amarum.

Figure 13.44. Line drawing of Hymenoxys odorata.

Figure 13.45. Photo of Hymenoxys odorata.

Figure 13.46. Photo of Hymenoxys hoopesii. 179


Toxic Plants of North America

The center of distribution of Hymenoxys is in the Rocky Mountains and plains, with species distributed from southwestern Canada southward to the state of Veracruz in Mexico. A second center is in Peru and Bolivia in South America. Typically occurring in soils derived from limestone or igneous formations, most species are widely distributed and often dominate extensive local areas. Hymenoxys lemmonii is a species of moist or wet alkaline meadows up to 2700-m elevation. Hymenoxys richardsonii is a forb of higher elevations, to 3100 m, in dry desert sagebrush communities. Hymenoxys subintegra is limited in distribution to dry meadows and openings in the pine forests of southern Utah and northern Arizona. A weed of overgrazed plains, rangelands, and roadsides, Hy. odorata occurs throughout the Southwest. It does not compete well with grasses. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America ( metabolic derangements; digestive disturbance; neurologic and cardiotoxic effects; milk taint

Disease Problems—Species of both Helenium and Hymenoxys are generally unpalatable and rarely eaten except when alternative forage is not available (Rowe et al. 1973). However, when eaten both genera produce similar disease problems of metabolic derangement, digestive disturbance, and neurologic and cardiotoxic effects. Aspects of the recognition and understanding of these problems are presented in the following paragraphs. Helenium autumnale was the first species to be associated with biological effects. In the 1800s, it was recommended for a variety of medicinal purposes, for example, as a tonic, a cold remedy, and a control for fever (Millspaugh 1974). Its use in colonial times for decoration was associated with sneezing and irritation of the nose and mouth. Because it was rarely eaten, the species was seldom a toxicologic problem in livestock, although there are a few reports of neurologic problems in horses, mules, and sheep (Phares 1889; Lamson 1913). Experimentally, when given orally to dogs, it caused diarrhea (with straining), vomiting, and death (Lamson 1913). There were also effects on the heart—in vitro studies showed paralysis of the heart muscle. spewing disease; also caused by Hymenoxys By the early 1900s, a disease of high-altitude summer ranges in the Rocky Mountains began to be recognized as a serious problem in sheep. It was called spewing disease because of the purported regurgitation and

vomition (Marsh et al. 1921). Originally attributed to Zigadenus, in the lily family, the effects were later shown to be caused by Hy. hoopesii (reported as D. hoopesii and He. hoopesii), and regurgitation and vomition were discovered to be an atypical sign occasionally seen in the later stages of the subacute or chronic form of the disease. These findings were made in the first investigations conducted at the newly established USDA experiment station at Salina, Utah, in 1915. By the 1940s, the disease was estimated to cause 8000 deaths per year and to reduce significantly productivity of sheep grazing the 1.5 million acres infested with Hy. hoopesii in Colorado (Doran and Cassady 1944). It was of similar seriousness in Utah. serious losses mainly in sheep due to Hy. odorata During the time of recognition of spewing disease in the mountains, a similar disease problem was emerging in Texas related to grazing conditions. In the early 1900s, a serious problem of range deterioration developed in Texas that was related to the marked increase in the number of grazing livestock. Between 1913 and 1928, there was a 3-fold increase in sheep and a 2-fold increase in goats (Hardy et al. 1931). As the range deteriorated, Hy. odorata flourished. The first losses due to Hy. odorata were reported in the early 1920s, and thereafter, the problem became very serious, with exceptional losses in 1925 and 1926 (Clawson 1931; Rowe et al. 1973). At about the same time, Hy. richardsonii emerged as a problem in the Southwest (Pammel 1919a; Parker 1936). Of lesser importance, Hy. lemmonii was recognized as a problem in the same region (Fleming et al. 1934a,b). Although containing the same toxicants, Hy. subintegra is less abundant and does not pose the same risk as the other three species. Hymenoxys odorata has since been recognized as the most important of the pseudoguaianolidecontaining species because of devastating losses it causes year after year in the Edwards Plateau area of Southwest Texas, where annual losses are estimated to be in millions of dollars (Rowe et al. 1973). The magnitude of the problem is exemplified by the continued efforts directed toward developing treatment and prevention protocols to reduce ongoing losses. large dosage, acute disease; low dosage, cumulative action with abrupt or gradual onset in up to several weeks Toxic effects of species of Helenium and Hymenoxys are cumulative; 1.5–2% b.w. or more of green Hy. hoopesii daily for several weeks results in illness and sometimes death (Marsh et al. 1921). Although dosage below 1.5%

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b.w. did not result in disease, it is not clear that there is a dose below which cumulative effects do not eventuate. A similar amount is required of He. amarum, given for several days to produce intoxication (Dollahite et al. 1973). Helenium quadridentatum was thought to be of low toxicity (Phares 1889), but plants in Cuba produced acute toxicity when 3–4% b.w. of the plants were given experimentally to 45-day-old calves (Alfonso et al. 1986). All species are unpalatable and are eaten only under special circumstances. Thus, those species that grow in situations where alternative forage is limited or where animals become less selective pose a risk. This accounts for the extensive losses from Hy. hoopesii, which is of relatively low toxicity but is grazed under circumstances sometimes encouraging ingestion. Because of this relatively low toxicity potential, disease control is amenable to management. Prevention of the disease can be accomplished by open, quiet herding, slow grazing, uniform range use, careful selection of bed grounds, and careful use of salt to avoid indiscriminate feeding (Cassady 1940; Doran and Cassady 1944). It is also very important to limit range use to times of plentiful fresh forage. Because of the similarity in diseases caused by He. autumnale and Hy. hoopesii (at the time thought to be a Helenium), other species of Helenium were carefully evaluated for toxicity. Helenium microcephalum appears to be the most toxic; a dose of 0.125% b.w. of mature green stems and leaves causes illness, and a dose of 0.25% b.w. is lethal, whether given as a single dose or divided into two doses given 24 hours apart (Boughton and Hardy 1939, 1940; Dollahite et al. 1964). Leaves of winter rosettes seem to be less toxic than stems and leaves of mature plants. Helenium autumnale and He. flexuosum are intermediate in toxicity, and He. amarum is lowest (Phares 1889; Marsh et al. 1921; Dollahite et al. 1973). Helenium amarum is of concern mainly because it is a cause of bitter-tasting milk, butter, and meat. The bitterness of meat has, on occasion, prompted charges of attempted food poisoning. Paradoxically, it had, at one time, a reputation as a tonic for promoting digestion when taken in small amounts (Phares 1899). Species of Hymenoxys are generally unpalatable, but animals may eat them in the absence of preferred forage and even may develop a taste for them under such conditions (Rowe et al. 1973). They are said to be most toxic at or near the time of flowering, which occurs in the spring for Hy. odorata and summer for Hy. richardsonii and Hy. lemmonii. Losses are primarily in winter or early spring for Hy. odorata and spring or fall for the others. Sheep and goats are at greatest risk, but cattle and horses may also be affected, whether plants are eaten fresh or dried in hay (Camp 1985). The acute LD50 of green plants for sheep is 1.3% of b.w. (or 0.3–0.8% d.w.), but during times of drought, this may drop to 0.5% b.w. (Clawson


1931; Boughton and Hardy 1937; Rowe et al. 1973). This difference seems to be related to physiological condition of the plant rather than the animal’s nutrition. Level of nutrition, excluding protein levels, is considered not to be a factor, although ensuring that the animal has adequate calcium and phosphorus has been suggested as a nonspecific preventive of the disease (Parker 1936; Rowe et al. 1973). The estimated LD50 for subacute repeated ingestion of smaller amounts of whole dried plant in sheep ranges from 2.9% to more than 8.5% b.w. (Rowe et al. 1973). Goats are less susceptible, requiring nearly 2 times more plant material. Hymenoxys richardsonii and Hy. lemmonii are of similar toxicity; 1.5% and 1% b.w. of green plant, respectively, cause toxicity in several days or weeks (Fleming et al. 1934a; Aanes 1961). Depending on the rapidity of plant consumption, three forms of the disease are observed. Relatively uncommon, the acute form causes severe clinical signs and death in 24–48 hours. In the more common subacute form, signs are less severe and death occurs in 4–15 days. In the third, more chronic form, there are few distinct clinical signs, but eventual death due to starvation and dehydration is seen when small amounts of Hymenoxys are consumed over a prolonged period of time. pseudoguaianolide sesquiterpene lactones

Disease Genesis—Sesquiterpene lactones are implicated as a cause of disease for a number of genera in the Asteraceae, including Helenium (Picman 1986) and Hymenoxys (Herz et al. 1970). Seaman (1982) listed 1350 sesquiterpene structures from all but two tribes of the family. These compounds, accumulating in glandular trichromes, have considerable taxonomic value. The toxic types found in the tribe Helenieae (now considered to be part of the Heliantheae by some taxonomists) are pseudoguaianolides of complex structure, closely related to furanoeremophilanes (Herz et al. 1963; Herz 1968). Helenium; trans-fused helenanolides




Those present in Helenium are the trans-fused helenanolides and seco-helenanolides. Helenalin, one of the more common of the toxic types, is found in the following species: He. amarum, He. aromaticum, He. autumnale, He. campestre, He. chihuahuensis, He. laciniatum, He. mexicanum, He. microcephalum, He. puberulum, He. quadridentatum, He. scorzoneraefolia, and He. vernale (Romo and deVivar 1967; Herz 1978; Seaman 1982). Additional helenanolides are found in most species of


Toxic Plants of North America

Helenium, and in a few species, these may be present without helenalin, for example, neohelenalin (mexicanin D) and flexuosins A and B in He. flexuosum, and carabone and linifolin in He. integrifolium (Vivar et al. 1987). Helenium microcephalum contains an array of the lactones, including a novel dimeric type, microlenin acetate (Imakura et al. 1980). Tenulin is also common to many species, but only in He. amarum is it the major helenanolide responsible for the toxic effects. In addition to being toxic, tenulin is very bitter and is excreted in very small amounts (>0.1%) in milk; it imparts a bitter taste lasting for several hours after the milk is ingested (Ivie et al. 1975b) (Figure 13.47). Helenanolide concentrations in most species are in the range of 0.5–3% d.w. of plant material. Typically, concentrations are highest in flowers, except for tenulin concentration, which is highest in leaves (Kim et al. 1987). Based on intraperitoneal LD50’s in mice, mexicanin E (microhelenalin D) is most toxic (3.1 mg/kg b.w.), compared with helenalin (9.9 mg/kg b.w.) and tenulin (184.6 mg/kg b.w.) (Kim et al. 1987). In vitro assays of cytotoxicity show the helenanolides and mexicanins to be apparently of similar potency (Beekman et al. 1997). For livestock, the lethal doses for helenalin (100–125 mg/kg b.w.) and hymenoxon (75–100 mg/kg b.w.) are similar, in contrast to that for tenulin, which is 1 g/kg b.w. or more (Ivie et al. 1975a,b; Witzel et al. 1976; Terry et al. 1981). Thus, it is not surprising to find a similar range for lethal doses of plants containing these toxicants. In spite of the differences in toxicity, with sufficient dosage, the signs produced by the various helenanolides are similar to one another, including those caused by hymenovin. nonspecific alkylation of biological macromolecules leading to deactivation of vital cellular functions The majority of adverse effects caused by sesquiterpene lactones of either Helenium or Hymenoxys are related to nonspecific alkylation of biological macromolecules leading to deactivation of vital cellular functions (Schmidt 1999). The highly reactive α-methylene and cyclopentanone groups of helenanolides cause a variety of effects.

Figure 13.47.

Chemical structure of helenalin.

Sesquiterpene lactones with the α-methylene group inhibit smooth muscle contractility (Hay et al. 1994). Some helenanolides are potent cytotoxins, and their potential antineoplastic effects have provided insights into mechanisms of action. Cytotoxicity appears to be directly related to alkylation of sulfhydryl groups by O=CC=CH—reactive sites provided by the exocyclic α-methylene-γ-lactone and/ or cyclopentanone moieties of the helenanolides (Kupchan et al. 1970, 1971; Lee et al. 1971; Hall et al. 1977). Reaction with cysteine and other thiol compounds markedly reduces activity (Hall et al. 1989). The α-methylene-γlactone group is also involved in degranulation of mast cells and inhibition of adenylate cyclase caused by these compounds. Tenulin, which lacks this moiety, has low activity relative to the activities of helenalin and hymenoxon (Elissalde et al. 1983; Elissalde and Ivie 1987). Variations in structure may account for some of these differences in activity. Helenalin contains both reactive sites, tenulin only the cyclopentanone, and hymenoxon the exocyclic methylene plus a reactive dihemiacetal in place of the cyclopentanone (Manners et al. 1978). In vivo systemic mechanisms are similar in that toxicity due to helenanolides is accompanied by depletion of glutathione. Artificial elevation of glutathione protects against toxicity for a few hours (Merrill et al. 1985, 1988). Moreover, as discussed in the treatment section, thiols are intimately involved with prevention. However, effects are not limited to thiol binding, because sulfhydryl inhibitors do not diminish hymenoxon binding in erythrocytes, and mutagenicity is apparent only for hymenoxon, presumably due to the reactive dihemiacetal (Manners et al. 1978; Hill et al. 1980). Furthermore, hymenoxon is a more potent degranulator of mast cells than helenalin, perhaps due to the influence of the dihemiacetal (Elissalde et al. 1983). The overall action of helenanolides seems to be directed mainly toward inactivation of essential metabolic enzymes as reviewed by Schmidt (1999). Cytotoxicity does not appear to be due to lipid peroxidation (Merrill et al. 1985). Key enzymes affected include phosphofructokinase, hexokinase, glycogen synthetase, aldolase, phosphorylase A, glucose-6-phosphatase, and succinic dehydrogenase (Lee et al. 1977; Hall et al. 1978; Gaspar et al. 1986). Thus, there are marked effects on both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. There are additional effects on many other enzymes, including those involved with nucleotide synthesis and function (Lee et al. 1977; Page et al. 1987). There also are effects on mitochondrial ATPase activity and oxidative phosphorylation (Narasimhan et al. 1989). Helenanolides containing the exocyclic methylene interfere with cyclic AMP function by inhibiting adenylate cyclase (Elissalde and Ivie 1987). Of interest is that cardiac effects with high dosage are also related to cyclic AMP;

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however, in this situation, there is an elevation resulting in increased calcium influx into the myocardium and a positive inotropic effect (Willuhn and Rottger 1982; Takeya et al. 1983; Itoigawa et al. 1987). Although the underlying mechanism of intoxication seems to be related to enzyme inhibition, there are substantial contributions from other actions. Calcium entry in other cells is facilitated at lower dosage and inhibited at higher dosage, but not via an effect on protein kinase C (Powis et al. 1994). In acute intoxications, cholinergic and cardiovascular derangements are important (Lamson 1913; Szabuniewicz and Kim 1972). Treatment directed at the cholinergic stimulation, neurologic depression, and cardiac depression and arrhythmias may provide some immediate relief. These other effects are of lesser importance in more chronic cases, in which the insidious effects of metabolic disturbances predominate. The influence of mixed-function oxidases (MFOs) and other biotransformation pathways on toxicity potential is not clear. Most of the toxic effects are due directly to parent helenanolides, including the mutagenic activity of hymenoxon (MacGregor 1977). Inducers and inhibitors of biotransformation reportedly have little influence on toxicity, although pretreatment with carbon tetrachloride, which would affect other pathways, does afford some protection (Jones and Kim 1981). The lack of effect on these pathways occurs in spite of the dependence on biotransformation in the liver and excretion in urine for clearance of these toxicants (Hill et al. 1980; Terry et al. 1983). However, even if toxicant disposition is not influenced by alterations in these processes, there is the potential for helenanolides to act on and alter biotransformation of other compounds. This is borne out by the decrease in P450 content or activity and in MFO pathways such as alkylresorufin O-dealkylation reported for Helenium and helenalin (Dalvi and McGowan 1982; Chapman et al. 1988; Eissa et al. 1995, 1996). Thus, helenanolidecontaining plants may have profound effects on the disposition of other toxicants. Hymenoxys; seco-helenanolides, hymenoxon As in Helenium, the toxins in Hymenoxys are a series of pseudoguaianolide sesquiterpene lactones, including hymenoxon, hymenoxynin (a glucoside), hymenolide, vermeerin, paucin, and floribundin (Herz et al. 1970). Some of these lactones are quite novel. The glandular trichromes of some species such as Hy. richardsonii and Hy. subintegra contain nearly a dozen lactones (Ahmed et al. 1995). Similar lactones are found in many other genera closely related to Hymenoxys (Spring et al. 1994). The seco-helenanolide, hymenoxon, is the principal toxin. It is one of several dihemiacetals epimeric at C-3 and C-4,


the mixture of which is referred to as hymenovin (Ivie et al. 1975a; Petterson and Kim 1976; Herz 1978; Hill et al. 1979). The oral toxic dose of hymenoxon is about 100 mg/ kg, causing death in 2–4 days, with signs and pathology the same as those produced by the plants (Ivie et al. 1975a). Hymenoxon concentrations in Hy. odorata may vary considerably between locations regardless of climate. Concentrations may be high in both leaves and flowers throughout the season, but in some instances are reported to be highest (up to 4% d.w.) early in the season, that is, late winter or early spring, and then gradually declining, with a sharp drop after plants have gone to seed (Kim et al. 1987; Pfeiffer and Calhoun 1987). It is of interest that while Hy. hoopesii was long included with the Helenium, the numerous lactones isolated from it are exclusively of the type characteristic of the Hymenoxys (Ivie et al. 1976; Urbanska et al. 2004). Hymenoxon is found in Hy. hoopesii in low concentrations but sufficient to cause intoxication with sustained ingestion (Ivie et al. 1976; Hill et al. 1977; Bohlmann et al. 1984) (Figure 13.48). inhibition of essential metabolic enzymes

mutagenicity due to alkylation and cross-linking with DNA As with those of Helenium, the toxins of Hymenoxys appear to act by inhibition of essential metabolic enzymes (Witzel et al. 1974; Calhoun et al. 1981). The effects are due to the exocyclic methylene, given that hymenoxon, the principal toxin, lacks the cyclopentanone moiety. The effects are cumulative; thus, animals may become intoxicated either acutely, by quickly eating large amounts of plant material, or chronically, by eating small amounts over a period of several weeks (Clawson 1931; Boughton and Hardy 1937; Witzel et al. 1977; Calhoun et al. 1981). There may be a threshold level below which toxicity does not develop, but that level is not known. Additional effects from alteration of ruminal microflora may also contribute, because some sesquiterpenes are potent antimicrobials (Ivie et al. 1975a). The presence of the dihemiacetal moiety in hymenoxon produces direct alkylating

Figure 13.48.

Chemical structure of hymenoxynin.


Toxic Plants of North America

effects on nucleic acid bases and thus alkylation of DNA and induction of mutations by DNA cross-linking; effects that are not apparent for helenanolides (Manners et al. 1978; Sylvia et al. 1985; Schmidt 1999). acute and subacute disease, depression, anorexia, decreased ruminal activity, cough, walk with difficulty; exercise intolerance; regurgitation of ruminal contents giving appearance of foamy green excess saliva

chronic disease, weight loss, dehydration

Clinical Signs—The various species of Helenium and Hymenoxys produce signs that are similar to those produced by species of Baileya, Psilostrophe, and Sartwellia. Signs of the uncommon acute disease may appear within 4 hours of consumption of large amounts of plant material for 1–4 days. Early signs include depression, decreased appetite, ruminal atony, and mild bloat. The animal may stand with an arched back, walk with difficulty, and grind its teeth. A serous nasal discharge, coughing, and wheezing are common, and there may be some evidence of slight regurgitation such as green stains of the muzzle and repeated swallowing movements. Gradually, fine muscular tremors develop, as well as dyspnea with an expiratory groan. Terminally, head pressing develops, then recumbency with clonic and tonic convulsions, and finally death in 24–48 hours. Hymenoxys hoopesii is less likely to produce an abrupt onset of the disease than are the other species. In these acute cases, prominent changes in the animal’s chemistry include hypoglycemia (blood sugar down to about one-half normal), metabolic acidosis (to pH 7.0), and elevation of blood lactic acid (15-fold) and pyruvic acid (2-fold) (Witzel et al. 1974). Hemoconcentration and an increase in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine may also occur. A clotting defect associated with a factor X deficiency and an increase in prothrombin time to approximately 20 seconds and partial thromboplastin time to approximately 30 seconds, respectively, may also be seen (Steel et al. 1976). If insufficient plant material is consumed to produce the acute disease, the more typical form may prevail following a few weeks’ ingestion. Signs are milder than in the acute form, and death occurs in 4–15 days. Vomiting or regurgitation is more likely to occur with slower onset of disease, and perhaps with less toxic plant species, but is not seen in all instances. With this clinical form, changes reported for Hy. hoopesii include a 10-fold increase in AST activity (Buck et al. 1961). Ingestion of small amounts of plant material over a prolonged time may produce the disease form in which

there are few clinical signs other than gradual deterioration, weight loss, and dehydration. Death is due to dehydration and starvation.

few if any distinctive lesions

Pathology—Neither the gross nor the microscopic lesions are particularly distinctive. The primary gross lesions are associated with the gastrointestinal tract and the lungs. Gaseous distension of the gut may be marked. Edema and congestion of the abomasal mucosa and various areas of the forestomach are common. These changes may include the proximal portion of the small intestine. Mucosal hemorrhage with free luminal blood, renal tubular degeneration with proteinaceous casts, and some hepatic degeneration may also be evident. Quite commonly there are congestion, edema, and hemorrhage in the lungs. Additional changes include subendocardial and epicardial petechial hemorrhages, as well as excess pericardial fluid (Rowe et al. 1973; Witzel et al. 1977; Camp 1985). general nursing supplementation




prevention, supplementation with proteins? sulfur amino acids? antioxidants? or good feed

Treatment—Treatment protocols and recommendations for control of the disease due to Helenium and Hymenoxys also are applicable to Baileya, Parthenium, Psilostrophe, and Sartwellia. With acute intoxication, the animal should be removed from the forage and given supportive nursing care. This care may involve administration of anticholinergic, antidepressant, and antiarrhythmic drugs, although these remedies may provide only temporary relief (Szabuniewicz and Kim 1972). Protection is afforded by administration of parenteral l-cysteine but is not effective once clinical signs occur (Ivie et al. 1975a; Rowe et al. 1980; Merrill et al. 1988). Protein supplementation with or without methionine, soybean meal, and sodium sulfate, or other dietary changes to increase thiols in the animal, have proven beneficial in some studies, contrary to reported producer experiences (Bridges et al. 1980; Rowe et al. 1980; Calhoun et al. 1989; Hall et al. 1989; Post and Bailey 1992). Feeding activated charcoal mixed in a protein supplement appears to be of value in avoiding signs of intoxication while maintaining bitterweed consumption (Poage et al. 2000). Antioxidants such as ethoxyquin, preferably in combination with methionine, are

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of value as preventives, but they must be given prior to and concurrently with consumption of bitterweed (Kim et al. 1982, 1983; Calhoun et al. 1989). Of interest is that ethoxyquin has been of no preventive value against intoxication caused by a South African species of Geigeria, also a member of the tribe Inuleae, which contains similar sesquiterpene lactones (van Heerden et al. 1993). At present, range management to control plant growth or to prevent exposure of animals to the plants is the only known method for reducing losses. This becomes particularly important as the plants approach flowering, with respect to both pasture use and hay production. Combining cattle, sheep, and goats in a grazing program with moderate stocking rates is also helpful in reducing losses. This can be further augmented using a system of pasture rotation. These approaches reduce losses, but they do not eliminate the problem entirely (Merrill and Schuster 1978). There does not appear to be any benefit to management practices that either expose or prevent access to the plants early in the life of the animals (Frost et al. 2003). Providing sorghum silage or even quantities of spineless cactus pads has proven to be of benefit as alternative forage (Dameron and Carpenter 1938).

Plants herbs or shrubs; annuals or perennials; from compact caudices or taproots. Stems erect or ascending; 15–130 cm tall; branched; surfaces strigose. Leaves simple; opposite below and alternate or opposite above; blades linear to lanceolate linear; margins entire or sparsely toothed. Heads showy; borne on elongate peduncles; hemispheric; phyllaries in 2- to several-series, imbricate, linear to lanceolate; receptacles flat to convex; receptacular bracts present, clasping achenes, 3-lobed or not lobed. Ray Florets 8–16; neutral; sterile; corollas yellow, apices 3-toothed. Disk Florets numerous; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow. Pappus absent or of 2 awns and several short scales. Achenes turbinate or oblong; somewhat flattened; glabrous; black (Figure 13.49). seasonally dry, arid uplands

Distribution and Habitat—Heliomeris is characteristically encountered in seasonally dry, arid, elevated areas (Schilling 2006b). Populations of H. longifolia occupy gravelly or sandy soils in desert shrub and pinyon-juniper communities at elevations between 600 and 2700 m. Plants are sometimes found along roadsides and in other disturbed sites and are especially locally abundant in

HELIOMERIS NUTT. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 5 species distributed in the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico, Heliomeris is a member of the tribe Heliantheae and its species commonly called goldeneyes because of the appearance of their heads that are morphologically quite similar to those of Helianthus (Yates and Heiser 1979; Schilling 2006b). The genus has typically been submerged in the genus Viguiera; however, morphologic, cytologic, and molecular phylogenetic data indicate that it should be recognized more appropriately as a distinct genus (Schilling and Panero 2002). Two species are of toxicologic interest: H. longifolia (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) Cockrell var. annua (M.E.Jones) W.F.Yates (=Viguiera annua [M.E. Jones]) S.F.Blake H. multiflora Nutt.

annual goldeneye, resinweed, talloweed, southern goldeneye

showy goldeneye, perennial goldeneye

(=V. multiflora [Nutt.] S.F.Blake)

herbs or shrubs; leaves simple, opposite below, variable above; heads terminal; ray and disk florets yellow; ray 3-toothed


Figure 13.49.

Line drawing of Heliomeris multiflora.


Toxic Plants of North America

1989). Concentrations range as high as 4% KNO3 or more, especially in the stems. abrupt onset, labored breathing, weakness, trembling, collapse, quick death

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Within a few hours of plant ingestion, signs become abruptly apparent: labored respiration, trembling, weakness, and eventual collapse. If not treated immediately, most animals showing these signs die within minutes or an hour. A complete discussion of nitrate/nitrite intoxication, including the use of methylene blue for treatment, is presented in the treatment of Sorghum in Chapter 58. Figure 13.50.

Distribution of Heliomeris longifolia.

HYMENOXYS See treatment of Helenium in this chapter.

HYPOCHAERIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 60 species native to the Mediterranean region and South America, Hypochaeris, a member of the tribe Cichorieae, is commonly called cat’s ear or swine’s succor (Bogler 2006). The genus name, sometimes incorrectly spelled Hypochoeris, was used by Theophrastus and Pliny (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Its European species are sometimes grown in wildflower gardens and are attractive to bees and butterflies. Four introduced species are present in North America (Bogler 2006), only one of which is of possible toxicologic significance: Figure 13.51.

Distribution of Heliomeris multiflora.

southern Arizona. Heliomeris multiflora is most frequently encountered in montane habitats up to 3200-m elevation. It is often associated with sagebrush (Figures 13.50 and 13.51). abrupt onset, cellular oxygen deficiency due to the presence of MHb secondary to formation of nitrite from nitrate accumulation in plants

Disease Problems and Genesis—Sporadic but significant cattle losses are reported for animals eating H. longifolia when it forms large, dense stands following abundant germination of the achenes after autumn rains (Schmutz et al. 1968; Williams 1989). It and H. multiflora accumulate nitrate when growing in areas with excess nitrogen due to fertilizers or animal excreta (Williams

H. radicata L.

spotted cat’s ear, hairy cat’s ear, gosmore, flatweed, rough cat’s ear

herbs with milky, viscid sap; leaves simple, alternate, in basal rosettes; heads showy, borne on elongate scapes; ligulate florets bright yellow

Plants herbs; perennials; acaulescent; from caudices and several large roots or occasionally fibrous roots; sap viscid, white. Stems absent. Leaves simple; alternate; in basal rosettes; blades oblanceolate; surfaces hispid; margins pinnately toothed or lobed. Heads 1–3; showy; borne on elongate scapes; scapes 1 to several per plant, 15–60 cm long, branched or not branched, bracteoles present or absent; heads cylindrical to obconical; phyllaries in 2-series, imbricate, linear lanceolate, glabrous or midribs hispid; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts present, membranous scales. Ligulate Florets numerous;

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perfect; fertile; corollas 5-toothed, bright yellow. Pappus of 1–2 rows of plumose bristles. Achenes terete; 10ribbed, barbellate, beaked (Figures 13.52 and 13.53).


lawns, and fields in the Pacific states, mainly west of the Cascades. It is especially abundant as an invader of the eruption area on Mount St. Helens. It is also widely scattered in eastern North America (Figure 13.54).

weedy invader species

Distribution and Habitat—A native of Eurasia, H. radicata is a weedy invader of disturbed sites, roadsides,

Figure 13.52.

Line drawing of Hypochaeris radicata.

Figure 13.53. Photo of Hypochaeris radicata. Courtesy of Oregon State University Jeb Colquhoun Photo Collection.

horses, possible but unconfirmed cause of reversible stringhalt; mainly late summer or fall

Disease Problems—Hypochaeris has been linked to a neurologic disease of horses known as stringhalt. This disease causes selective degeneration of peripheral nerves (Cahill et al. 1986). Apparently recognized for centuries, this disease was mentioned in Henry VIII by Shakespeare, who referred to it as springhalt. In the 1860s, a type of stringhalt emerged as a serious problem in Australia (Pemberton and Caple 1980). It also appeared in New Zealand and much later and less commonly in the western United States and now in Europe and South America (Gouy et al. 2005; Araujo et al. 2008; Schultze et al. 2009). Characteristically occurring in the form of outbreaks without predisposing leg injuries, this type is now referred to as Australian stringhalt or in Europe as Harper disease. It also differs from the ordinary form of stringhalt by being reversible (Pemberton and Caple 1980). It occurs in late summer and autumn of drier years as a neurologic problem of exaggerated hock flexion with varying degrees of severity. It is characterized by hypermetria and hyperflexion in the pelvic limbs. Backward movement becomes very difficult. The disease may develop quickly, with severe signs prominent within 2–3 weeks. Although the disease is described here, association of H. radicata with it has not been conclusive. It now appears that the species is a probable but not the only cause. In

Figure 13.54.

Distribution of Hypochaeris radicata.


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several cases in North America, the plant has been present and its involvement suggested (Galey et al. 1991; Gay et al. 1993). Likewise, the disease in Australia has often been associated with the species, but in many instances, plants were not present in the outbreak area and other plant species or factors seemed to be involved (Huntington et al. 1989). Furthermore, some investigators have been unable to reproduce the disease experimentally with H. radicata (Cahill et al. 1985). However, in a case in Brazil, Araujo and coworkers (2008) were able to reproduce a readily reversible form of the disease by feeding plants collected from one pasture on a farm but not with plants obtained from a neighboring farm. In another case, affected animals improved when moved out of a pasture heavily infested with Hypochaeris, but when returned to the pasture exhibited a quick decline and worsening of the signs (Gardner et al. 2005). In three outbreaks in Chile with signs typical of stringhalt, H. radicata was not always present and available to all affected animals (Araya et al. 1998). The cases all occurred in the summer or fall, during particularly dry years. toxin unknown; mainly degeneration of large myelinated nerves; jerky rear-leg action

Disease Genesis—Stringhalt is a disease of unknown cause. Flavonoids and several sesquiterpene lactone guaianolides of unknown toxicologic significance have been isolated from H. radicata (Bohlmann and Bohlmann 1980). The lactones are hyporadiolide cinnamate and methylacrylate esters (Seaman 1982). A mycotoxin has also been suggested as the possible cause, although a specific fungus has not been incriminated (Pemberton and Caple 1980). The effect of the unknown toxin is primarily peripheral nerve and axonal degeneration, resulting in neurogenic atrophy. Large myelinated nerves, especially their distal portions, are most severely affected (Cahill et al. 1986). Axonal degeneration precedes that of myelin; it occurs first in the nerves of the pelvic limbs and then in those of the thoracic limbs, although the left recurrent laryngeal nerve, the longest nerve in the body, is typically the most severely affected. Electromyographic activity of the long digital extensor is exaggerated, even at rest; peroneal nerve conduction velocity is decreased, as is response to repetitive stimuli (Huntington et al. 1989). The jerky pelvic limb action is very similar to that reported to occur in some intoxications in horses due to ingestion of Lathyrus and Pisum (Mayhew 1989). It is suggested that the problem may ultimately be due to an aberration in the reflex arc from muscle spindles in distal muscles of the pelvic limb, perhaps mediated through the red nucleus (Pemberton and Caple 1980; Cahill and Goulden 1992).

abrupt onset, exaggerated flexion and delayed extension of pelvic limbs; hopping gait; recovery in weeks or months

Clinical Signs—There is typically abrupt onset of sudden and involuntary flexion and delayed extension of the hocks, usually bilateral. These effects are especially noticeable when the animal is backing or turning. In severe cases, the legs strike against the abdomen during flexion. There may be a peculiar gait, typically described as a bunny hop. The thoracic limbs may be affected, with decreased flexion, stumbling, toe scuffing, and carpal knuckling. There may also be considerable atrophy and spontaneous electrical activity (EMG) of some limb muscles (Gardner et al. 2005). Sometimes accompanied by laryngeal hemiplegia, stringhalt usually exhibits an outbreak type of incidence. It is a disease of some duration but is not necessarily permanent. Recovery may occur spontaneously weeks, months, or even years later.

microscopic, peripheral nerve degeneration, peroneal, sciatic, recurrent laryngeal; hypertrophy of extensor and flexor muscles

Pathology—Few gross changes are observed in animals affected by stringhalt. Microscopically, there is Wallerian degeneration, especially of the large-diameter myelinated fibers of the peripheral nerves, including the peroneal, sciatic, and recurrent laryngeal (Cahill et al. 1985; Robertson-Smith et al. 1985; Slocombe et al. 1992; Gardner et al. 2005). There may also be lower spinal axonal degeneration. This leads apparently to atrophy of some muscle fibers, fatty replacement, and hypertrophy of the long and lateral digital extensors and lateral deep digital flexor muscles, among others.

spontaneous recovery; limited success with drug treatment

Treatment—Because stringhalt is a disease of spontaneous recovery, it is somewhat difficult to evaluate therapeutic approaches. Surgery, involving tenotomy of the lateral digital extensors of the pelvic limb, has been used for many years with some success, but this technique really only modifies the expression of the disease. Various other approaches, including use of tranquilizers, sedatives, relaxants such as mephenesin, and thiamine, have

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also been used, with little or limited success. Phenytoin (15 mg/kg b.w.) given orally as a paste mixed with feed and given daily for 2 weeks seems to be of value in improving the gait and attenuating the electromyographic changes (Huntington et al. 1991; Gardner et al. 2005; Gouy et al. 2005; Schultze et al. 2009). Additional benefit was noted with a second daily dosage of 10 mg/kg given each evening of the second week. However, in some instances, there is abrupt recurrence of signs when phenytoin treatment ceases. Baclofen may also be of potential benefit (Cahill and Goulden 1992).

ISOCOMA NUTT. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 16 species, Isocoma, a member of the tribe Astereae, is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Since its original description in 1840 by Thomas Nuttall, there was considerable taxonomic debate as to whether it should be treated as a distinct genus or merely as a section of Haplopappus. The treatment of Nesom (1991, 2006c) is followed here. Of the 10 species in North America, 3 are of toxicologic importance: I. coronopifolia (A.Gray) Greene (=Haplopappus fruticosus [Rose & common goldenbush Standl.] Blake) I. pluriflora (Torr. & A.Gray) Greene (=I. wrightii [A.Gray] Rydb.) (=H. heterophyllus [A.Gray] Blake) (=I. heterophylla [A.Gray] Greene) I. tenuisecta Greene (=I. fruticosa Rose & Standl.) (=H. tenuisectus [Greene] Blake)

Figure 13.55.

Line drawing of Isocoma pluriflora.

Figure 13.56.

Photo of Isocoma pluriflora.

common jimmyweed

southern jimmyweed, rayless goldenrod, southern goldenbush


perennial subshrubs; profusely branched; leaves simple; disk florets only, yellow Plants subshrubs; perennials; from woody rootstocks; herbage glutinous, glabrous. Stems erect or decumbent ascending; 30–120 cm tall; profusely branched. Leaves simple; alternate or fascicled; blades oblanceolate or linear oblanceolate; glandular punctate to stipitate glandular; margins entire or pinnatifid or serrate. Heads numerous; small; borne in flat or hemispheric corymbs; turbinate or campanulate; phyllaries in 3- or 4-series, imbricate, linear lanceolate, glutinous; receptacles convex, alveolate; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 8–25; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow. Pappus

of bristles; coarse; unequal; brownish white; barbellate. Achenes obpyramidal; 4- to 10-ribbed (Figures 13.55 and 13.56). dry, open sites, alkaline soils

Distribution and Habitat—Isocoma coronopifolia is found in dry, open, calcareous or igneous sites in southern Texas and Nuevo León. The other two species are of the Southwest. Isocoma pluriflora occupies dry, open sites and may be locally abundant in alkaline areas. Isocoma


Toxic Plants of North America

Presumably, the same effects may be expected with horses similar to those with A. altissima. These effects are in contrast to the hepatotoxicosis described for goats given A. altissima from central Texas. Increased incidence of the disease following frosts appears to be related to increased palatability of Isocoma (Marsh et al. 1926). Both I. coronopifolia and I. tenuisecta have been suspected of causing the same disease syndrome (Buehrer et al. 1939).

crude toxin tremetol, a mixture composed of methyl ketone benzofuran derivatives; metabolic impairment, inhibition of the TCA cycle

Figure 13.57.

Distribution of Isocoma pluriflora.

tenuisecta is present in sandy soils of grasslands and Larrea stands, plants typically occurring up to 1700-m elevation (Figure 13.57).

alkali disease, milk sickness; same disease as trembles caused by Ageratina altissima

cumulative effect, large amounts of plant for a few days or smaller amounts for several weeks; metabolic derangement

Disease Problems—In the early 1900s, a disease called alkali disease or milk sickness was noted in cattle and horses in the Pecos Valley of New Mexico. The disease, which seemed to be encountered more often after the first frosts, was characterized by violent trembling induced by exercise. Problems in humans fortunately were minimal because of early recognition of the disease’s similarity to the milk sickness of the eastern states, caused by Ageratina altissima (reported as Eupatorium rugosum). In one case, the disease was diagnosed by a physician based on a description of “milk sick” made by his father, also a physician, many years earlier in Indiana (Couch 1926). Subsequent experiments confirmed I. pluriflora (reported as I. wrightii) to be the cause of the disease in cattle, horses, and sheep when green plants were given in daily dosage of 1–2% b.w. for 1 to several weeks. The disease also appeared in nursing young. Its clinical signs were essentially identical to those caused by A. altissima. Experimentally, 20 mg/kg b.w. or more of I. pluriflora given orally for 7 days produced prominent skeletal and myocardial necrosis in goats (Stegelmeier et al. 2010).

Disease Genesis—Shortly after its identification in A. altissima, tremetol, a complex mixture of benzofuran ketones, was confirmed to be present in I. pluriflora (Couch 1929, 1930). A number of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes of unknown toxicologic significance have also been isolated from the species (Zalkow et al. 1979). The seriousness of the disease problem caused by I. pluriflora in the 1930s prompted several studies on tremetol and development of a useful chicken model, which was subsequently used for further studies on the disease (Butler 1945). With the use of the chicken model, tremetol has been shown to cause metabolic alterations, including impairment of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and glucose utilization (Wu et al. 1973). Isolatable even from dried plant material, tremetol was shown to be a complex mixture of four or more benzofuran ketones such as tremetone, dehydrotremetone, hydroxytremetone, and 3-oxyangeloyl-tremetone (Lathrop 1939; Dermer and Cleverdon 1943; Zalkow et al. 1962; Lee et al. 2009). The essential oil, composed of various terpenes, was nontoxic, whereas the higher-molecular-weight fractions of the crude tremetol extract were the most toxic portions; toxicity in cell culture was apparently induced by biotransformation products of the extracts (Beier et al. 1993). Extracts of I. pluriflora, which contained tremetol, caused trembles (cf. A. altissima in this chapter). The extract mixture contained dehydrotremetone, subsequently shown to be an isolation artifact of tremetone (Burke 1966; Cabat 1968; Beier et al. 1993). Interestingly, although intoxication was readily induced using 1 g/kg b.w. of the extract, lesser amounts were associated with tolerance rather than toxicity (Butler 1945). This may be an important consideration in accounting for the infrequency of disease in many situations. There is also considerable variation in concentrations of the benzofuran ketones, the putative toxins, among different plant populations, which may account for lack of disease in some areas (Lee et al. 2009). The toxicants are passed in milk and butter and represent a risk for suckling offspring and

Asteraceae Martinov

Figure 13.58.

Chemical structure of tremetone.

humans (Couch 1941). Of unknown significance is the presence of pyridine (2% of dry plant material) reported to occur in other species of Isocoma (Buehrer et al. 1939) (Figure 13.58).

gradual onset, depression, weakness, stiffness, constipation, tremors, acetone odor to breath, collapse

Clinical Signs—Isocoma produces signs similar to those of A. altissima. They include depression, muscular weakness, a humped stance in sheep and goats, foreleg stiffness, constipation with some blood in the feces, and labored respiration in the late stages. Experimentally affected goats had increased heart rates and prolonged recovery time following exercise (Stegelmeier et al. 2010). There were also significant increases in serum enzymes such as CK, LDH, AST, and ALT along with increased troponin I in goats with significant cardiac lesions (Stegelmeier et al. 2010). The most characteristic feature of the disease is trembling of variable intensity, especially of the legs, induced by exercise. The prognosis is poor if animals become recumbent. no distinctive lesions in some animals or others with skeletal and cardiac muscle degeneration and necrosis

Pathology—In many instances, there may be few distinctive changes grossly except perhaps for a pale liver and a gall bladder distended with thick, dark bile. Microscopically, there may be mild to moderate renal tubular degeneration and hepatic fatty change. However, with prominent signs of intoxication in goats, there may be more distinctive pathologic changes. A recent study (Stegelmeier et al. 2010) demonstrated that goats dosed with rayless goldenrod had swelling and palor of nearly all skeletal muscles. However, there was no distinct pattern or muscle group consistently damaged. The large appendicular muscles (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, gluteus medium, quadriceps femoris, and triceps brachii)


were most often affected. The hearts of many affected animals had soft, pale streaks throughout the myocardium with degeneration and necrosis especially of papillary muscles. Skeletal muscle necrosis was typically segmental characterized by loss of striation, hypereosinophilia, clumping, and disruption of sarcoplasmic contents; inflammation with macrophages/phagocytosis of debris; and increased numbers of myocyte nuclei seen as prominent nuclear rowing.

good nursing care, high-quality feed, parenteral glucose, activated charcoal

Treatment—Similar to treatment for intoxication due to A. altissima, therapy is nonspecific and entails good nursing care and provision of high-quality forage to sustain the animal during the protracted recovery period. The most important consideration is alleviation of the severe ketosis and acidosis (Couch 1928; Hartmann et al. 1963). This may be tied to administration of parenteral carbohydrates for control of the low glucose levels in blood. To prevent enterohepatic recycling, activated charcoal may be given orally (2–3 g/kg b.w.) to reduce reabsorption of the toxin, including that eliminated in bile. It is imperative to avoid overgrazing and to prevent access to plants during the growing season during times of shortage of quality forage (Panter et al. 1992).

IVA L. Taxonomy

and Morphology—Native to North America, Iva, a member of the tribe Heliantheae, comprises approximately 9 species (Strother 2006e). Toxicologic problems have been associated with 1 species: I. angustifolia Nutt. ex DC.

narrowleaf sumpweed

Intoxication problems reported for copperweed, previously known as I. acerosa, are described in the treatment of Oxytenia in this chapter.

herbs; leaves simple, linear; heads small, numerous, axillary; disk florets only; achenes black

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots. Stems erect or arching upward; 40–100 cm tall; strigose pubescent. Leaves simple; opposite below and alternate above; blades linear to linear lanceolate; margins entire to serrate; conspicuously strigose. Heads numerous; small; subsessile;


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.61.

Distribution of Iva angustifolia.

and in moist disturbed sites in the south-central United States (Figure 13.61). Figure 13.59.

Photo of the plant of Iva angustifolia.

late gestation, abortion, stillbirth, premature births of small weak calves

Figure 13.60. Photo of the branch and heads in leaf axils of Iva angustifolia.

borne in axils of linear bracts; prismatic turbinate; phyllaries 3–9, fused, herbaceous; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts linear. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 5–7; marginal one pistillate, fertile, corollas absent or minute; central ones functionally staminate, sterile, corollas translucent. Pappus absent. Achenes obovoid; black (Figures 13.59 and 13.60).

Disease Problems—Iva angustifolia causes reproductive problems in a number of species. Although all stages of growth appear capable of causing reproductive effects, the seedling stage is responsible for most field problems (Murphy et al. 1983). Intoxication requires several weeks of ingestion and is a problem during the last half of gestation. Reproductive effects produced in rabbits and cows include premature, small, weak, or stillborn offspring and probably abortions (Murphy et al. 1983). These effects are preceded by early mammary development and, in some instances, lactogenesis with dripping milk. Placental retention is not a prominent feature, but excess placental mineralization is common. The toxicity potential of other species in not known; however, dried foliage of I. annua has been administered at 25% of the diet to pregnant rats throughout pregnancy without causing adverse effects on the fetuses (Burrows et al. 1998). An Asian species I. xanthifolia has also been fed to pregnant rabbits with no apparent adverse effects (LiJuan et al. 2007). specific toxin unknown; low reactive sesquiterpene lactones present

Distribution and Habitat—Iva angustifolia is typically

Disease Genesis—The specific toxicant has not been

found in well-drained, upland areas in the eastern part of its range and along drainage ditches, along creek beds,

identified. Using rat embryo cultures, plant extracts were shown to inhibit DNA synthesis (Irvin et al. 1986);

Asteraceae Martinov O. acerosa Nutt. (=Iva acerosa (Nutt.) R.C.Jacks.) (=Euphrosyne acerosa [Nutt.] Panero)



subshrubs or shrubs; leaves simple, alternate, filiform to linear, canescent; heads small; numerous; disk florets only. Figure 13.62.

Chemical structure of ivangustin.

however, this system excludes the possibility of metabolic activation. Two pseudoguaianolides––sesquiterpene lactones, a xantholide, and ivangulin, an ambrosanolide— are present in I. angustifolia (Herz 1968; Connolly and Hill 1991). However, because these compounds are of low reactivity, they seem to represent minimal risk (Figure 13.62). time breeding to avoid plants in late gestation

Plants subshrubs or subshrubs; perennials. Stems erect; 50–200 cm tall; branched above. Leaves simple; alternate; blades filiform to linear; margins entire or pinnately lobed with 3–7 filiform lobes; canescent. Heads numerous; small; borne in panicles or glomerules in axils of leaves or bracts; hemispheric; phyllaries free, in 2- or 3-series, ovate; receptacles convex; receptacular bracts spathulate to cuneiform. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 5–25 or more; marginal ones pistillate, fertile, corollas absent; central ones functionally staminate, sterile, corollas whitish. Pappus absent. Achenes obovate or compressed or 3- or 4-angled; smooth; villous (Figures 13.63 and 13.64).

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Premature mammary development, dripping milk, and excess vaginal mucus precede abortion or birth of premature and/or weak calves. Placental retention is not a prominent feature. Placental mineralization is common and may be useful in diagnosis, although it is not a specific diagnostic feature. Disease control has been accomplished by delaying breeding so that consumption of seedlings, if unavoidable, does not occur during the last half of gestation.

JACOBAEA See treatment of Senecio in this chapter.

Figure 13.63.

Line drawing of Oxytenia acerosa.

Figure 13.64. M. Andre.

Photo of Oxytenia acerosa. Courtesy of James

OXYTENIA NUTT. Its name derived from the Greek oxytenes meaning “sharp and drawn-out,” and thus perhaps reflecting its rigid, narrow leaves, Oxytenia is a monotypic genus of the southwestern United States (Strother 2006h). Taxonomists differ in their opinions with respect to the circumscription of the genus. Jackson (1960) submerged it in a broadly circumscribed Iva, whereas Miao and coworkers (1995a,b) and Strother (2006h) maintained it as a distinct genus. More recently, Panero (2005) and Anderberg and coworkers (2007) submerged it in the genus Euphrosyne. Until the classification of copperweed is fully resolved, we continue to use O. acerosa to be consistent with the Flora of North America (Strother 2006h) and the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). The single species of toxicologic concern is:


Toxic Plants of North America

anorexia, depression, weakness, nervousness, collapse; no distinctive lesions; no specific treatment

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Loss of appetite, depression, weakness, and coma are consistently seen. In some instances, there may be signs of struggling, nervousness, or excitement. The lesions are not distinctive and include small hemorrhages of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine and congestion of the liver. Microscopically, there are mild degenerative changes in the liver, including cloudy swelling and fatty change. There is no specific treatment.

Figure 13.65.

Distribution of Oxytenia acerosa.

PACKERA See treatment of Senecio in this chapter.

Distribution and Habitat—Oxytenia acerosa is found in moist alkaline seeps, springs, and dry washes and on stream banks of the Southwest (Figure 13.65). metabolic derangement; digestive disturbance

Disease Problems—First recognized as causing a disease in the early 1920s, intoxication due to O. acerosa is a sporadic problem of southwestern ranges, affecting cattle and, to a lesser extent, sheep. The plant is eaten only when other forage is scarce. Cattle are most likely to eat it when they are trailed from summer range in the fall. Foliage is especially toxic, and dry fallen leaves remain a hazard for sheep in fall and winter (James et al. 1980). Approximately two-thirds of animals affected die in 30 minutes to 10 hours after ingesting the plants. The remainder die in 7–10 days (Thorp et al. 1940a). Affected animals rarely recover. The lethal dose in cattle is about 0.5% b.w. In lambs, administration of 200 g or about 1% b.w. is lethal (Thorp et al. 1940b; James et al. 1980).

specific toxins unknown; possibly sesquiterpene lactones?

Disease Genesis—The specific toxicants of O. acerosa have not been identified, but pseudoguaianolide sesquiterpene lactones are well represented in species of the related genus Iva, and the clinical signs are consistent with the effects of these types of compounds; thus, their involvement in the disease cannot be excluded (Seaman 1982).

PARTHENIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 16 species, Parthenium, a member of the tribe Heliantheae, is a New World genus. The generic name is derived from the Greek parthenos meaning “virgin,” reputedly alluding to the production of achenes only by the ray florets (Strother 2006i). One species, P. integrifolium, was used by some tribes of Native Americans to treat burns, and P. argentatum, commonly known as guayule, has been grown as a source of rubber. Of the 7 species present in North America, only 1 is of toxicologic interest: P. hysterophorus L.

Santa Maria, false ragweed, cicutilla, Santa Maria feverfew

aromatic herbs; leaves simple, alternate, in basal rosettes; ray and disk florets white or cream colored

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; from taproots; herbage hirsute, aromatic. Stems erect; 30–100 cm tall; branched above; longitudinally striate. Leaves simple; alternate; both basal and cauline, basal forming a rosette; lower subpetiolate, upper sessile; blades oblong; margins entire or pinnatifid or bipinnatifid. Heads numerous; small; borne in open panicles or corymbs; hemispheric; phyllaries in 2- to 4-series, imbricate, papery; receptacles convex to flat; receptacular bracts present, scales. Ray Florets 5; inconspicuous; pistillate; fertile; corollas white or cream, persistent on achenes. Disk Florets numerous; functionally staminate; sterile; corollas white or cream colored. Pappus of 2 petaloid scales. Achenes obovate;

Asteraceae Martinov

Figure 13.68. Figure 13.66.


Distribution of Parthenium hysterophorus.

Line drawing of Parthenium hysterophorus.

as far north as Michigan and Massachusetts (Figure 13.68).

digestive disturbance; metabolic derangement

Figure 13.67. Photo of Parthenium hysterophorus. Courtesy of Larry Allain at USDA, NRCS PLANTS Database.

flattened; black; fused to adjacent receptacular bracts, disk florets, and phyllaries, the aggregation dropping as a unit at maturity (Figures 13.66 and 13.67).

Distribution and Habitat—The native species of Parthenium are most abundant in the southern United States and Mexico. Naturalized from tropical America, P. hysterophorus is locally abundant in waste areas and other disturbed sites throughout the southeastern onefourth of the United States but is occasionally adventive

Disease Problems—Of little apparent problem in North America, P. hysterophorus has been associated with disease in India, where it has inadvertently been introduced and naturalized, and is now popular as a medicinal plant in some areas (Singh and Singh 2003). Problems appear when it is eaten in substantial amounts for several weeks (Narasimhan et al. 1977a,b). In the field, it is reported to be readily eaten by goats but sparingly by cattle and water buffalo. In experimental studies, however, it is eaten without much reluctance by cattle and buffalo calves. It causes both systemic toxicity and contact dermatitis (presumably allergic) in some animals and in humans (Prakash et al. 2002a). Development of signs of intoxication has been variable. When constituting 5–10% of the diet for cattle, it resulted in deaths in a few weeks, whereas 50% in the diet caused deaths in a few days (Narasimhan et al. 1980). However, in another study in which buffalo and crossbred beef calves were fed 50% green P. hysterophorus in their diet for 4 weeks, there were no adverse effects in the beef calves and only dermatitis and digestive tract problems (diarrhea and poor weight gain) in the buffalo calves (More et al. 1982). In a suspect case in dogs chewing stems of P. hysterophorus, there was dehydration due to vomiting and profuse watery diarrhea, and mild elevation of serum hepatic enzymes and creatinine (Ananda et al. 2008). Experiments with short-term feeding of rabbits have also


Toxic Plants of North America

shown mild elevations of serum hepatic enzymes and creatinine as well as a delayed type of hypersensitivity with changes in the dermis and sloughing of the superficial layer of the dermis (Prakash et al. 2002a,b). A study carried out in India indicated that about 4% of humans exposed to P. hysterophorus as an occupational hazard developed a delayed type of hypersensitivity with contact dermatitis and intense itching (Subba Rao et al. 1977).

sesquiterpene lactones; ambrosanolide; disease not totally typical of others caused by these lactones

gross pathology, few distinct lesions; possibly ulcerations along the digestive tract

Pathology—The most consistent lesions are those of apparent irritation: ulcerations of the digestive tract from the muzzle, dental pad, tongue, palate through the esophagus, abomasum, and small intestine. Microscopically, there is moderate renal tubular and hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis. general nursing care

Disease Genesis—The disease appears to be associated with sesquiterpene lactones, principally the ambrosanolide parthenin, which is found in concentrations up to 3.5% d.w. in the plant. However, the signs are not entirely consistent with those caused by other taxa containing the lactones—there is considerably more digestive tract involvement with Parthenium. Interestingly, when ensiled for 5 weeks, P. hysterophorus no longer contained detectable parthenin and was not toxic when fed for as long as 12 weeks (Narasimhan et al. 1993). An array of sesquiterpene lactones other than parthenin are present in the other species of Parthenium. They are cytotoxic or otherwise bioactive but are not necessarily intoxication risks (Picman 1986) (Figure 13.69). transient diarrhea; loss of condition; muscular twitching; increasingly excitable

Clinical Signs—Following consumption of the plant, a mild or moderate diarrhea develops and then subsides in 2–3 days. In the following 1–3 weeks, the animal’s general condition progressively worsens. During the last 1–2 days before death, muscular twitching and excitability may be apparent. Skin changes in the neck, thoracic, and abdominal areas include loss of hair, intense itching, and reddening.

Treatment—There is no specific treatment for the problems produced by P. hysterophorus, but possible approaches are discussed in the treatment of Hymenoxys in this chapter.

PICROTHAMNUS See Artemisia spinescens in this chapter.

PSATHYROTES A.GRAY Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 3 species native to the western United States and northwestern Mexico, Psathyrotes was traditionally placed in the tribe Senecioneae, but is now positioned in the tribe Helenieae or tribe Heliantheae sensu lato (Strother and Pilz 1975; Strother 2006j). Its generic name is derived from the Greek word for “brittleness” and is perhaps indicative of the brittle stems of the species (Quattrocchi 2000). Only 1 species is of toxicologic interest: P. annua (Nutt.) A.Gray

desert velvet, mealy rosettes, velvet rosettes,velvet brittlestem

scurfy herbs; leaves simple, alternate; heads axillary; disk florets only, yellow to purplish red

Figure 13.69.

Chemical structure of parthenin.

Plants herbs; annuals or short-lived perennials; forming loose mats or low mounds to 30 cm in diameter; herbage scurfy. Stems decumbent to ascending; 5–15 cm tall; freely branching; brittle. Leaves simple; alternate; gray green; sparsely tomentose; nerves 3; blades suborbicular to rhomboidal; margins sparely serrate crenate. Heads borne singly in axils of leaves or in forks of stems; turbinate; phyllaries 13 or 18; in 2-series, imbricate, outer erect or

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recurved; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 13–16; perfect; fertile; corollas light yellow, sometimes purplish red, distally arachnoid villous. Pappus of 35–50 bristles; in 1-series; coarse; red brown; smooth to barbellate. Achenes cylindrical or obconic; 10-ribbed; covered with antrorse tawny or reddish brown hairs (Figure 13.70).

Distribution and Habitat—All species of Psathyrotes are restricted to the western United States and adjacent northwestern Mexico. Psathyrotes annua is characteristically found in dry sandy scrub and alkali flats (Figure 13.71).


Disease Problems and Genesis—Although not palatable, P. annua under dire conditions is eaten and produces a serious, acute disease and death. Experimentally, acute disease can be reproduced with a dose of 0.2% b.w. or repeated daily doses of 0.05–0.1% b.w. of d.w. plant material. The liver seems to be the organ affected in either instance (Binns et al. 1962). Feeding dried plant material to ewes for 10 days in gradually increasing dosage (0.125– 0.25% b.w.) resulted in a 20-fold increase in serum AST by day 3 and a 40-fold increase by day 8 (Buck et al. 1961). The specific cause of intoxication is not known, but sesquiterpene lactones may be a factor. Desacetylisotenulin has been isolated from P. ramosissima and shown to be molluscicidal (Kubo and Matsumoto 1984).

acute hepatotoxicosis; toxin unknown abrupt onset, weakness, depression, ataxia, icterus; marked increase in serum hepatic enzymes

gross pathology, liver friable;microscopic, hepatic necrosis

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Following

Figure 13.70. Photo of Psathyrotes annua. Courtesy of Gary A. Monroe at USDA, NRCS PLANTS Database.

ingestion of P. annua, there is abrupt onset of weakness, depression, ataxia, and icterus, terminating in death in a few days. Heart rate may be increased, and there may be arrhythmias. A marked increase in serum hepatic enzymes can be expected, and BSP clearance will be markedly prolonged. Grossly, the liver is swollen and friable and has a nutmeg appearance. Microscopically, there is hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis, and the bile ducts are distended with bile. Treatment is directed toward relief of the signs.

PSILOSTROPHE DC. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 7 species native to the western United States and northern Mexico (Strother 2006k), Psilostrophe, a member of the tribe Helenieae or Heliantheae sensu lato, is closely related to Baileya (Heiser 1944; Brown 1978; Baldwin 2009). Commonly known as paper daisy or paperflower because of the appearance of its dried ray florets, its generic name is derived from the Greek roots psilos and strophe, meaning “naked” and “twist,” or “turn” (Quattrocchi 2000). The following species are of toxicologic interest:

Figure 13.71.

Distribution of Psathyrotes annua.

P. bakeri Greene P. cooperi (A.Gray) Greene P. gnaphalodes DC.

Colorado paperflower white-stem paperflower cudweed paperflower


Toxic Plants of North America

P. mexicana R.C.Br. P. sparsiflora (A.Gray) A.Nelson P. tagetina (Nutt.) Greene P. villosa Rydb. (=P. tagetina var. cerifera [A.Nelson] B.L.Turner)

Mexican paperflower green-stem paperflower woolly paperflower, marigold paperflower hairy paperflower

herbs or subshrubs; leaves simple, alternate; heads showy, terminal; ray and disk florets yellow or yellow orange Plants herbs or subshrubs; perennials or biennials; from woody taproots; herbage sparsely pilose to densely woolly or floccose. Stems erect; 1 to many; 10–60 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; upper smaller, sessile; lower larger, petioled; blades linear to oblanceolate or spathulate; margins entire to pinnately lobed. Heads showy; borne solitary in corymbose clusters at ends of branches; cylindrical; phyllaries 5–10; in 1- or 2-series, outer 1–7 sometimes scarious and smaller; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets 2–8; pistillate; fertile; corollas 3-lobed, broad, yellow or yellow orange, reflexed and papery when mature; persistent on mature achenes. Disk Florets 5–25; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow or yellow orange, lobes glandular papillose or puberulent. Pappus 4–6 hyaline, lanceolate scales. Achenes linear; terete or slightly angular; conspicuously striate; glabrous to villous (Figures 13.72 and 13.73). dry, open sites in semiarid regions

Figure 13.73.

Photo of Psilostrophe villosa.

Distribution and Habitat—Growing in the semiarid region of the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico, species of Psilostrophe are often conspicuous roadside weeds in addition to occupying a variety of soil types in dry, open sites in desert, grasslands, woodlands, and shrublands. Psilostrophe cooperi is a species of the Mojave and northern Sonoran deserts. Occurring at elevations of 1350–2000 m, P. bakeri is restricted to rocky, often somewhat alkaline slopes in western Colorado. A species of the Chihuahuan Desert, P. gnaphalodes occurs in southwestern Texas and the northern third of Mexico. Psilostrophe sparsiflora is present in sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities in the Great Basin Desert. Psilostrophe mexicana is also a species of the Chihuahuan Desert and is found in southern Chihuahua and northern Durango. The morphologically variable P. tagetina is the most widespread. Psilostrophe villosa is the easternmost species of the genus. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America ( metabolic and digestive derangement, gradual onset, especially in sheep; large amounts of plant material required

Disease Problems—Scattered losses of sheep due to Psi-

Figure 13.72.

Line drawing of Psilostrophe tagetina.

lostrophe were reported in the early 1930s (Mathews 1934). In some instances, the morbidity rate of a flock was as high as 50%, with death losses of up to 20% of affected animals. The disease problem is primarily one of sheep, mainly in spring and fall when other forage is scarce and plants of the genus are eaten (Huffman and Couch 1942). Cattle and goats are at lower risk because of lower susceptibility and/or because they are less likely to eat the plants. A very large amount of plant material

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is required for intoxication, and because of this, early feeding trials were generally negative or inconclusive. Eventually, P. tagetina at a dosage of nearly 100% of b.w. given over many days was shown to produce disease and in some instances death (Mathews 1934). Appearance of disease with P. gnaphalodes required a somewhat higher dosage. Although a large amount of plant material is required, that is not always a limiting factor. Even though plants are apparently not relished, they may be eaten without great reluctance, especially the putatively more toxic younger forms.


to do so, they stumble and quickly become exhausted, with heart and respiration rates markedly elevated.

no distinct lesions; general nursing care

Pathology and Treatment—Few obvious changes other than poor body condition are associated with Psilostrophe intoxication. Microscopic changes are limited to mild renal tubular and hepatocellular degeneration. There is no specific treatment, but approaches are described in the treatment of Helenium and Hymenoxys.

sesquiterpene lactones, helenanolides

Disease Genesis—All of the species contain helenanolides such as helenalin, vermeerin, floribundin (psilotrophin or psilotropin, a C-8 epimer of vermeerin), and derivatives of hymenoxon (de Silva and Geissman 1970; Seaman 1982; Herz and Bruno 1987). Several other helenanolides, and a novel enol-type pseudoguaianolide, cooperin, have been isolated from P. cooperi (Stuppner et al. 1988). Thus, toxicity of Psilostrophe is essentially that for Helenium and Hymenoxys. A complete discussion of aspects of the disease genesis is presented in the treatment of these two genera in this chapter (Figure 13.74).

RUDBECKIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 23 species native to North America, Rudbeckia is a member of the tribe Heliantheae (Urbatsch and Cox 2006). Its name honors Olaus Rudbeck, professor of botany and Linnaeus’s mentor at the University of Uppsala in Sweden (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Among the showiest of wildflowers, its species are cultivated widely as garden ornamentals for their showy heads. The following species are representative of the genus and of toxicologic significance:

gradual onset, depression, weakness, loss of body condition, coughing, sometimes frothy, green saliva on lips

R. grandiflora (Sweet) C.C.Gmel. ex DC. R. hirta L. R. laciniata L.

Clinical Signs—Following ingestion of Psilostrophe,

R. maxima Nutt. R. mollis Elliot R. occidentalis Nutt.

onset of the disease is gradual, with depression and weakness being observed. Affected animals become sluggish in their movements and lag behind the remainder of the flock. As the disease increases in severity, emaciation, coughing, and sometimes regurgitation of greenish ingesta that accumulates on the lips and nasal area are seen. Animals are not disposed to move about, and when forced

Figure 13.74. Chemical structure of vermeerin.

R. subtomentosa Pursh

rough coneflower brown-eyed Susan, black-eyed Susan cutleaf coneflower, green-headed coneflower, golden glow great coneflower softhair coneflower blackhead, western coneflower, black coneflower sweet coneflower

herbs; leaves simple, alternate; heads large, showy, terminal; ray florets yellow, orange, or orange brown; disk florets purplish black or brown or yellowish or greenish

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; from taproots or fibrous roots or rhizomes or woody caudices. Stems erect; 30–300 cm tall; branched or not branched; terete; ribbed. Leaves simple; alternate; basal and cauline; petiolate or sessile; blades of various shapes; glabrous or variously indumented; margins entire or toothed or lobed. Heads showy; few; large; borne singly at ends of peduncles terminating stems and branches; hemispheric to


Toxic Plants of North America

tosa occupies prairies and low areas in the Midwest. Present only in the extreme Southeast, R. mollis is found in sandy, open woods. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

intoxication potential not clear; possible neurologic effects; digestive disturbance

Figure 13.75. Line drawing of Rudbeckia hirta. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

subglobose; phyllaries in 2- or 3-series, imbricate, linear to lanceolate, herbaceous, spreading or reflexed; receptacles enlarged, hemispheric to conical or columnar; receptacular bracts oblong, folded about achenes. Ray Florets 5–30 or rarely absent; neutral; sterile; corollas yellow or orange or dark orange brown, apices entire or 3-toothed. Disk Florets numerous; perfect; fertile; corollas purplish black or brown, or yellowish or greenish. Pappus absent or coroniform. Achenes oblong; 4-angled; glabrous (Figure 13.75).

variety of habitats

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Rudbeckia occupy a variety of soil types and habitats, both disturbed and undisturbed, across the continent. Forming large populations in overgrazed prairies, along roadsides, and in waste areas, R. hirta is found across the continent, with greatest abundance in the East. Rudbeckia laciniata occurs in moist areas and along stream banks throughout the eastern three-fourths of the continent. In contrast, R. occidentalis is a western species found in meadows and open woods from Washington to Wyoming and Colorado. A south-central species, R. maxima favors moist, open sites, as does R. grandiflora. Rudbeckia subtomen-

Disease Problems—Anecdotal information indicating the toxicity of Rudbeckia, and especially R. laciniata, is abundant. In one report, 27 sheep that ate plants of the species for 2 days became ill, and 7 of them subsequently died (Chesnut and Wilcox 1901). In another case, pigs foraging in a field containing almost entirely R. laciniata became ill, with signs said to be suggestive of belladonna, including dry mucous membranes and convulsive seizures (Gates 1930a). A number of the pigs died. The disease was reproduced in a pig that died after being fed R. laciniata. Rudbeckia is also reported to be toxic to cattle (Chesnut 1898; Pammel 1911, 1921). Rudbeckia maxima has long been considered to be a toxic species and continues to have this reputation. Experimental efforts to reproduce intoxication by R. laciniata revealed that although it caused acute adverse effects, these were only transient (Skidmore and Peterson 1932). Attempts to cause intoxications in pigs and sheep fed about 3% b.w. of green plant material resulted in transient signs, but continued feeding was accompanied by resolution and no further problem. These observations suggest limited toxicity potential. However, rabbits and cavies fed plants for 4–5 days or more became paralyzed and died. Part of the difficulty in evaluating the species lies with the unpalatability of the plants; they have a very disagreeable odor and taste. Animals must be very hungry before they will eat even a limited amount.

toxins unknown; bioactive sesquiterpene lactones are consistently represented

Disease Genesis—Bioactive ambrosanolide sesquiterpene lactones are reported to occur in R. grandiflora, R. mollis, and R. subtomentosa but not in R. hirta or R. laciniata (Gutierrez and Herz 1990). Similar derivatives of alantolactone and ivangustin are present in R. laciniata, while rudmollin and rudmollitrin occur in R. mollis (Seaman 1982).

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depression, anorexia, ataxia, no lesions; treatment, general nursing care

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs of Rudbeckia intoxication include depression, loss of appetite, ataxia, and increased respiration rate. There are no distinctive pathologic lesions. Treatment is based on relief of the presenting signs.

SARTWELLIA A.GRAY Taxonomy and Morphology—A small genus of only 3 or 4 species native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, Sartwellia is a member of the tribe Tageteae (Baldwin 2009) or tribe Heliantheae sensu lato (Turner 1971; Strother 2006l). Only 1 species has been implicated in toxicologic problems: S. flaveriae A.Gray

Figure 13.76. Photo of Sartwellia flaveriae. Courtesy of Charles R. Hart, Texas AgriLife Extension Service.

threadleaf sartwellia, downy sartwellia

annual herbs; leaves simple, opposite, margins entire; heads woolly, terminal; ray and disk florets yellow

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots; herbage glabrous. Stems ascending; several from the base; 10–40 cm tall; branched above. Leaves simple; opposite; sessile; blades linear filiform; alternate; of various shapes; margins entire. Heads numerous; small; borne in corymbose cymes at top; campanulate to turbinate; phyllaries 5, in 2-series, broadly oval or oblong to elliptic; yellowish; keeled below; linear lanceolate, densely tomentose; receptacles flat to convex; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets 3–5; pistillate; fertile; corollas yellow, ovate, apices truncate or 2- or 3-toothed. Disk Florets 6–15; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow. Pappus of 5 scales and 5 bristles, fused basally; stramineous. Achenes cylindrical; 10-ribbed; hispidulous; black (Figure 13.76).

Distribution and Habitat—Plants of Sartwellia are characteristic of gypsum soils of desert flats. Other species of the genus are encountered infrequently in the northern states of Mexico (Figure 13.77).

metabolic disturbance; generally requires long-term ingestion; toxins not known, sesquiterpene lactones suspected

Figure 13.77.

Distribution of Sartwellia flaveriae.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Sartwellia flaveriae causes a systemic disease in goats, typically after they have consumed plants for 2–3 months (Mathews 1940). Observed effects vary, depending on the duration of ingestion. Consumption for a short time produces renal and hepatic effects, whereas longer-term consumption results in a chronic syndrome, with fluid accumulation in the chest cavity. In addition to producing systemic toxicity, this species has also caused a photodermatitis in individuals collecting it. The toxins in Sartwellia have not been identified, but the signs are consistent with those caused by sesquiterpene lactones. A complete discussion of these compounds is presented in the treatments of Helenium and Hymenoxys in this chapter.


Toxic Plants of North America

gradual loss of body condition, listlessness, exercise intolerance gross pathology, fluid accumulation in the chest treatment, general nursing care

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—After a prolonged period of eating Sartwellia, animals exhibit a gradual loss of appetite, a decline in general body condition, listlessness, and a degree of exercise intolerance. With forced movement, there is an undue increase in respiratory rate. When ingestion is short term, the principal changes are mild to moderate focal necrosis of the kidneys and liver. In the chronic form, the changes are those of fluid accumulation—excess fluid in the chest and extensive pulmonary edema. There may also be renal and hepatic degeneration without distinctive focal necrosis. There is no specific treatment, but approaches as described for Helenium and Hymenoxys may be appropriate.

SENECIO L. & PACKERA Á.LÖVE & D.LÖVE Cosmopolitan in distribution and comprising 1000–1300 species, Senecio, a member of the tribe Senecioneae, is one of the largest genera of flowering plants, and extraordinarily diverse in growth form and habitat (Barkley 2006b; Anderberg et al. 2007). Species are commonly referred to as the groundsels, ragworts, or butterweeds. Historically, the genus was more broadly circumscribed (with as many as 3000 species) on the basis of its distinctive head and floret morphologies (Jeffrey et al. 1977). Extensive biosystematic studies indicate that the genus is polyphyletic, and in recent years, taxonomists have proposed its division into as many as 19 genera (Barkley et al. 1996; Vincent 1996; Pelser et al. 2007). Most notable of these segregates is Packera, a genus of 64 species that encompasses many of the common prairie and woodland species of North America. It possesses a suite of morphological, cytological, palynological, and molecular characters that warrants its segregation as a distinct genus (Barkley 1999; Trock 2006b). Also notable is the resurrection of the western Eurasian genus Jacobaea with approximately 35 species and reclassification of the infamous tansy ragwort, S. jacobaea, as J. vulgaris based on DNA sequence data (Pelser et al. 2002, 2006, 2007; Nordenstam 2006; Anderberg et al. 2007). However, because Senecio, Packera, and Jacobaea produce essentially the same disease problems, toxicants, clinical signs, and pathological changes, we describe them

here together. We also continue to use S. jacobaea for tansy ragwort in order to be consistent in nomenclature with the Flora of North America and the USDA’s PLANTS Database; these two treatises are becoming the standard references for taxonomy and nomenclature in North America.

Taxonomy and Morphology—Its name derived from the Latin senex, meaning “old man,” a presumed allusion to the white or gray pappus hairs, Senecio in North America is represented by 55 native and introduced species (Barkley 2006b). Some are members of stable plant communities, whereas others readily establish themselves in disturbed sites. Other species, including S. confusus (Mexican flamethrower vine), S. ×hybridus (florists’ cineraria pot plant), and S. mikanioides (German ivy, or parlor ivy), are cultivated as ornamentals for both their foliage and showy heads, and are not of known toxicologic risk. Seventeen species are of toxicologic importance or known to contain toxic, unsaturated PAs. Essentially a North American genus (1 or 2 species reported from Siberia), Packera comprises 64–75 species distributed from subtropical Mexico to the Alaskan and Canadian Arctic (Trock 2006b; Anderberg et al. 2007). Eight species are of toxicologic importance or known to contain toxic, unsaturated PAs. Senecio L. S. ampullaceus Hook. S. bicolor (Willd.) Viviani (=S. cineraria DC.) S. candidissimus Greene S. congestus (R.Br.) DC. S. eremophilus Richardson S. flaccidus Less. (=S. douglasii DC.) (=S. longilobus Benth.) S. fremontii Torr. & A.Gray S. integerrimus Nutt.

S. jacobaea (=Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn.) S. pseudoarnica Less. S. riddellii Torr. & A.Gray S. serra Hook. S. spartioides Torr. & A.Gray

Texas groundsel dusty miller

swamp ragwort, northern swamp groundsel desert groundsel, dryland ragwort threadleaf groundsel, woolly groundsel

Fremont’s groundsel, dwarf mountain butterweed western groundsel, gauge plant, wet-the-bed, one-stemmed butterweed tansy ragwort, stinking willy

seaside groundsel sand groundsel, Riddell’s groundsel tall butterweed, saw groundsel, butterweed groundsel broom groundsel, narrow-leaved butterweed

Asteraceae Martinov S. S. S. S.

squalidus L. triangularis Hook. viscosus L. vulgaris L.

Packera Á.Löve & D.Löve P. aurea (L.) Á.Löve & D.Löve (=S. aureus L.) P. dimorphophylla (Greene) W.A.Weber & Á.Löve (=S. dimorphophyllus Greene) P. glabella (Poir.) C.Jeffrey (=S. glabellus Poir.) P. plattensis (Nutt.) W.A. Weber & Á.Löve (=S. plattensis Nutt.) P. sanguisorboides (Rydb.) W.A.Weber & Á.Löve (=S. sanguisorboides Rydb.) P. subnuda (DC.) D.K. Trock &

T.M. Barkley (=P. buekii D.K.Trock & T.M.Barkley) (=S. cymbalarioides H.Buek) P. tomentosa (Michx.) C.Jeffrey (=S. tomentosus Michx.) P. werneriifolia (A.Gray) W.A.Weber & Á.Löve (=S. werneriifolius [A.Gray] A.Gray)

Oxford ragwort arrowleaf groundsel sticky groundsel common groundsel, old-man-inthe-spring golden ragwort, squaw-weed, heart-leaved groundsel splitleaf groundsel Payson’s groundsel

butterweed, yellowtop

prairie ragwort, prairie groundsel, Platte groundsel burnet ragwort


in terminal corymbs or rarely singly; campanulate or obconic or urceolate; phyllaries 12–25, in 1- or 2-series, linear, outer when present short, curled, setaceous, inner erect, equal in length; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets present or rarely absent; pistillate; fertile; corollas yellow to orange red or white, or rarely purple. Disk Florets numerous; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow, or rarely white or purple. Pappus of numerous capillary bristles; soft; white or gray; smooth or minutely barbellate. Achenes cylindrical or prismatic; 5–10 ribbed; glabrous or hispidulous. Precise and relatively rapid identification of Senecio and Packera, and their species is best accomplished by using local floristic treatments. It must be noted that hybridization in Senecio and Packera is common with many intergrading species, thus rendering species boundaries imprecise (Barkley 2006b; Trock 2006b) (Figures 13.78–13.85).

variety of vegetation types and habitats cleftleaf groundsel, alpine meadow groundsel, alpine meadow butterweed, fewleaved ground

Distribution and Habitat—Senecio and Packera exhibit exceptional environmental diversity, and their species are encountered in a variety of diverse plant communities, habitats, and soil conditions. Often for convenience,

southern woolly groundsel, woolly groundsel, woolly ragwort

rock butterweed, montane groundsel, hoary groundsel

herbs or shrubs; leaves simple, alternate; heads numerous, terminal; ray florets yellow to orange red or white, rarely absent; disk florets yellow, or rarely white or purple

Plants herbs or shrubs or subshrubs; annuals or biennials or perennials; from woody rootstocks or hizomes or taproots or fibrous roots. Stems erect or ascending; 10– 200 cm tall; branched or not branched. Leaves simple; alternate; cauline and/or basal; basal rosettes present or absent; blades of various shapes; margins entire or toothed or lobed or pinnately dissected. Heads numerous; borne

Figure 13.78. Line drawing of Senecio flaccidus. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 13.79.

Figure 13.80.

Photo of Senecio flaccidus.

Figure 13.82.

Line drawing of Senecio vulgaris.

Figure 13.83.

Photo of Senecio vulgaris.

Line drawing of Senecio riddellii.

North American taxa are informally described as either prairie or woodland species. Representative of the prairies and of particular interest because of their role in livestock losses are: S. flaccidus S. integerrimus

S. riddellii

Figure 13.81.

Photo of Senecio riddellii.

widespread in dry plains and deserts of the Southwest; plants perennials prairies and open woods of western half of continent; plants biennials or short-lived perennials widespread in sandy soils of the western part of the Great Plains; plants perennials

Asteraceae Martinov S. spartioides

P. plattensis

dry, open, rocky sites to 3700-m elevation from the Great Plains westward; plants perennials prairies, roadsides, and other dry places from the Great Plains; plants biennials or short-lived perennials

The following species are representative of the woodlands and also of particular interest: P. aurea

P. glabella

moist woods and swampy sites in eastern half of continent, especially in the Midwest; plants perennials moist or wet soils, often weedy in the low fields of the southeastern quarter of the continent; plants annuals

Figure 13.84.

Line drawing of Senecio jacobaea.

Figure 13.85.

Photo of Senecio jacobaea.


The other species of toxicologic interest have localized distributions. At times, they form dense populations, especially in mountain meadows. The two important introduced species, S. jacobaea and S. vulgaris, may be found in open pastures, waste areas, and open woodlands. Senecio jacobaea is especially common along highway and railway rights-of-way, power lines, fencerows, and unused cutover timberland left for grazing. It is a serious problem in the Pacific Northwest (from northern California to British Columbia and eastward to Idaho and Montana). It is also present in the Northeast, especially Nova Scotia (Barkley 2006b). A vigorous seed producer in a wide range of growing conditions, S. vulgaris occurs across the continent and is a serious problem in the inland valleys of California (Robinson et al. 2003) (Figures 13.86–13.89).

Figure 13.86.

Distribution of Senecio flaccidus.

Figure 13.87.

Distribution of Senecio riddellii.


Toxic Plants of North America

2002). In some instances, species of Senecio are mistakenly collected instead of the intended Gnapthalium for herbal tea (Fox et al. 1978). Bah and coworkers (1994) have pointed out the serious risk of liver disease with use of the Mexican medicinal plant, S. candidissimus, which is widely used as an anticancer herbal product. A South American species employed as a cough remedy has also been associated with adverse effects—a veno-occlusive liver disease (Tomioka et al. 1995). There is also a suggestion that Senecio species are responsible for primary liver neoplasia in areas of South Africa (Huxtable 1989), but this association is questionable because of the high potential for exposure of the study population to aflatoxins and other mycotoxins.

Figure 13.88.

Distribution of Senecio vulgaris.

risk from species with long growing seasons, abundant herbage, and/or locally abundant

of greatest concern: S. flaccidus, S. riddellii, S. vulgaris, S. jacobaea

Figure 13.89.

Distribution of Senecio jacobaea.

Distribution maps of the other species of Senecio and Packera can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

liver disease in both livestock and humans

Disease Problems—Species of Senecio and Packera are of great economic importance as causes of liver disease in livestock. In addition, humans appear to be highly susceptible, and the plants have been responsible for severe intoxications, especially in infants and older adults (Huxtable 1980, 1989; Stegelmeier et al. 1999). Exposure has often been via consumption of herbal teas and dietary supplements for medicinal purposes (Zuckerman et al.

Species of toxicologic interest for livestock are those in areas with long growing seasons, those producing abundant herbage, and/or those that are locally abundant. These factors become more important as one considers the large amount of plant material required to induce toxicosis. Many species are spring flowering and represent a hazard only during the brief period they flourish; they are often of low palatability. Thus, many factors influence the likelihood of intoxication. Of the numerous species native to or naturalized in North America, four pose the most distinct threats to livestock: S. flaccidus, S. riddellii, S. vulgaris, and S. jacobaea. These species persist for longer periods, often blooming in summer or fall, and in some cases may readily be eaten in hay or cubes if not fresh. Invading alfalfa fields seriously afflicted by the alfalfa weevil, S. vulgaris has been particularly troublesome. The species inhabiting the drier western ranges, S. riddellii and especially S. flaccidus, may be eaten throughout much of the year, particularly when alternative forage is scarce or dry. Senecio flaccidus is most hazardous because it is evergreen and foliage is present throughout much of the year, whereas S. riddellii, although a perennial, dies back and loses its leaves during winter. The season of heaviest livestock loss for most species varies somewhat with the geographic area but typically is late spring or summer. Species of short season and/or sparse foliage cannot be entirely dismissed as disease threats; even the small P. plattensis may occasionally present problems for livestock (Lilley 1980; Johnson et al. 1985a). For additional details on the ecology and biology of various species of the two genera, the reader is referred to the treatises of Sharrow

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et al. (1988), Coombs et al. (1991), and Robinson et al. (2003) and their respective coworkers. mainly horses and cattle; more resistant species such as sheep or goats used to control plant populations In rare instances, an animal might eat plants equivalent to 5–10% of b.w. in a few days or weeks and thus develop acute liver disease. However, most cases are due to ingestion of smaller doses or a total dosage of 25–50% of b.w. over several months, which results in a more chronic type of disease (Clawson 1933; Mathews 1933a; Dollahite 1972). Thus, palatability, access to large amounts of plant material, and availability of other forage are of great importance. During the early years of awareness of disease associated with Senecio (including Packera), it was recognized that sheep were useful in controlling plants of the genus while suffering little from overt illness (Pethick 1906; Pethick and Rutherford 1907; Rutherford 1909). The validity of this observation has been borne out subsequently, and it is now recognized that although all animal species are susceptible, the required toxic doses differ considerably among them. Horses and cattle are most often poisoned, whereas sheep and goats are much less sensitive, especially to chronic exposure (Hooper 1978). Intoxication in sheep requires about 10–15 times greater dosage of S. jacobaea than for cattle. Interestingly, although sheep and goats are resistant to intoxication from chronic exposure, they are also more predisposed to eat the plants than are cattle and horses; thus, they are useful for controlling the growth of the plants (Dollahite 1972; Cheeke 1989). Cattle may eat the two genera when other feed is scarce or following storms (Fowler 1968; Dollahite 1972). Horses are similarly reluctant to eat the plants, although they will do so to some extent when plants contaminate hay, especially alfalfa hay cubes/wafers, as does S. vulgaris. Even in the latter instance, there is decreased feed intake. Domestic poultry are also at risk and develop the typical liver lesions (Gopinath and Ford 1977). The most devastating problems associated with the two genera were a consequence of the inadvertent introduction of S. jacobaea into North America in the 1860s. It has a long flowering period and is a prolific seed producer. By the 1950s, it had become well established from Northern California to British Columbia, occupying millions of acres and causing serious livestock losses. The magnitude of the problem has been reduced considerably through the use of biological controls and possibly because of the natural cyclic nature of plant populations (Tilt 1969; Cheeke 1989). An insect herbivore, the cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae), specific for tansy ragwort was introduced into northern California in 1959 and into other areas thereafter. This resulted in partial control of the


weed, especially the flowering stages (Harris et al. 1976; Isaacson 1976). However, even better control was attained by using pests feeding on the sequential stages of plant growth; the cinnabar moth on the summer foliage and the flea beetle (Longitarsus jacobaeae) on the stems, roots, and petioles in winter (Hawkes and Johnson 1976; McEvoy 1985; James et al. 1992b; Roberts and Pullin 2007). The ragwort seed fly (Pegohylemyia) has also been used to reduce populations, along with cleaning of equipment prior to movement, to reduce the likelihood of transporting seeds from one area to another (Coombs et al. 1991). A rust fungus, Puccinia lagenophorae, is also a possible biological control agent (Robinson et al. 2003). The species has been controlled but not eliminated. The presence of rosettes and vegetative reproduction favor persistence. Thousands of acres continue to be infested and to be a threat to livestock populations (Coombs et al. 1991). However, populations may be reduced sufficiently to increase markedly growth of perennial grasses and to minimize the likelihood of animals eating sufficient S. jacobaea to cause disease. PAs, free and N-oxides; unsaturated and esterified; the most toxic are 12-membered retronecine macrocyclic diesters

Disease Genesis—Intoxications are due to a group of alkaloids collectively known as PAs found as either the free base or the N-oxide, both of which are hepatotoxic (Molyneux et al. 1991). The disease pyrrolizidine alkalosis is known from most areas of North America but is not always caused by Senecio and Packera. Other genera and families, including Crotalaria in the Fabaceae and genera in the Boraginaceae, also contain toxic PAs. These hepatotoxic PAs, of which there are numerous examples, are unsaturated at the 1–2 position of the necine nucleus and esterified (usually with branching) at the CH2OH side chain group at the C-9 position. Alpha unsubstitution and esterification further increase toxicity, and most of the more toxic members are retronecine-type 12-membered macrocyclic diesters such as jacobine, retrorsine, riddelliine, senecionine, and seneciphylline. There are nearly 100 of these types of compounds (Hartmann and Witte 1995). There are even more numerous nontoxic types lacking the requisite 1–2 unsaturation, including bulgarsenine, macrophylline, nemorensine, platyphylline, procerine, and rosmarinine (Robins 1982) (Figure 13.90).

flower and upper leaves, high risk; variability in alkaloid content, some populations may have very low levels of toxic PAs


Toxic Plants of North America

Considering S. vulgaris to be representative of the genus, the PAs are synthesized in the roots and translocated to the aerial portions in the form of N-oxides (Hartmann et al. 1989; Hartmann and Witte 1995). The inflorescences are the major sites of accumulation, followed by the upper stems, leaves, and lower stems. The same general order of PA distribution seems to be true for the perennials, although synthesis also seems to occur in the aerial portions of S. flaccidus and S. riddellii (Johnson et al. 1985b; Birecka et al. 1988). In general, aside from the inflorescences, the highest concentrations of PAs are found in the youngest tissues. Some variation among species may be expected because there are annuals, biennials, perennials that die back to their subterranean crowns in winter, and perennials that retain their foliage throughout the year. The PA concentrations of the perennials varies by 10-fold or more during the course of the growing season, with lowest concentrations during winter dormancy and highest just before flowering (Johnson et al. 1985a). The annual S. vulgaris and perennial S. jacobaea seem to have more constant PA levels through the course of the growing season, again with the highest concentrations during budding and flowering. Thus for all species, the onset of flowering heralds the period of greatest risk. However, considering that in many instances

Figure 13.90.

Table 13.4.


Chemical structure of retrorsine.

ingestion will occur over long periods, there is risk anytime the plants are available for consumption. There is considerable variation in total unsaturated PA content as well as variation in the alkaloids represented and in the proportion of alkaloids present as the free base or N-oxides (Table 13.4). Even though there is considerable variation in the proportions of free base to N-oxide forms, some of it may be an artifact of the extraction procedures. It is suggested that the N-oxide form should be viewed as the dominant form in the vegetative parts of plants containing PAs, including most species of the two genera (Hartmann and Witte 1995). The unsaturated PAs in P. plattensis have not been specifically identified; all of the remaining species except S. riddellii and S. serra contain senecionine and other retronecine-type PAs. Senecio riddellii contains retrorsine and riddelliine in common with other species. Plants of highly toxic species are not invariably a risk. In some instances, the array of alkaloids present in a species may vary from one location to another (Skaanild et al. 2001). For example, senecionine is present in S. triangularis collected from California but not in plants collected in Canada (Rueger and Benn 1983). Some populations of S. flaccidus, one of the most hazardous species, have been shown to be devoid of toxic PAs (Ray et al. 1987). There also remains the possibility of threshold dosage, but because of variation in PA content and animal sensitivity, almost any daily dosage must be considered a risk if continued long enough (Johnson and Molyneux 1984). Packera dimorphophylla is an example of a toxic species of low hazard because plants are widely dispersed at high elevations and are unlikely to be eaten in quantity by livestock. Similarly, P. glabella contains senecionine and is nearly equal in toxicity risk to S. jacobaea and S. vulgaris, but the plants are so bitter and unpalatable that they are almost never eaten (Adams and Van Duuren 1953; Goeger et al. 1983).

Alkaloid content and approximate toxic dosages for species of Senecio and Packera.


PA % d.w.

Free base/N-oxide ratio

Toxic dose (mg PA/kg/day for cattle)

S. candidissimus S. flaccidus S. jacobaea S. riddellii S. serra S. spartioides S. vulgaris P. dimorphophylla P. plattensis

0.36% 1–3 (8.7)a 0.1–0.9 2–9 (18)a 10, 20+ days 2.5, 20 days; 1.3, 60+ days 15–20, 20 days ? ? 1–2, 3–17 days; 1–2, 100 days (horse) ? ?

Extreme value. Sources: Molyneux et al. (1979, 1991); Johnson (1982); Johnson and Smart (1983); Johnson and Molyneux (1984); Johnson et al. (1985a,b); Mendel et al. (1988); Craig et al. (1991); Stelljes et al. (1991).

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PA metabolism, ester hydrolysis, and metabolism in liver to either nontoxic products or highly reactive pyrroles Upon ingestion, the N-oxide PA is reduced to the more lipophilic free base in the digestive tract (Mattocks 1986; Molyneux et al. 1991). Any of the N-oxide PA present in the systemic circulation may also be converted in liver to the parent PA (Muller et al. 1992; Couet et al. 1996; Wang et al. 2005). Both free base and N-oxide PAs are toxic, but toxicity of the latter is several times less (Culvenor et al. 1976; Chou et al. 2003). Free base PAs derived either from the N-oxide or directly from the plant may be further reduced to less toxic metabolites in the digestive tract or absorbed into the systemic circulation. PAs are detoxified in the liver by ester hydrolysis and/or Noxidation via cytochrome P450–MFO and subsequent dehydrogenation (Mattocks and White 1971; Guengerich 1977; Hirono 1981; Mattocks 1986; Ramsdell et al. 1987; Williams et al. 1989). By an alternative independent MFO pathway, 1–2 unsaturated PAs are dehydrogenated to form short-lived but toxic chemically reactive pyrroles and possibly other metabolites that act as biological alkylating agents (Jago et al. 1970; McLean 1970; Mattocks 1986; Winter and Segall 1989; Stegelmeier et al. 1999). The metabolic activation pathways and mechanisms have been extensively reviewed by Fu and coworkers (2004). Parent PAs are essentially unreactive themselves, whereas PA pyrroles and their respective pyrrolic esters are hypothesized to form highly electrophilic C-9 carbonium intermediates capable of reacting with and forming adducts with proteins, DNA, DNA–protein cross-linking, and other cellular nucleophiles (Hsu et al. 1975; Wickramanayake et al. 1985; Buhler and Kedzierski 1986; Reed et al. 1988). Stable products of pyrrolic thioester alkylation may persist for long periods, thus the possibility of hepatocarcinogenic activity (Fu et al. 2001; Chou et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2005; Yan et al. 2008). PA pyrroles are also subject to ester hydrolysis to form the reactive dehydroPA product (DHP) or pyrrolic ester either before or after conjugation at the 7 position with glutathione (White 1976; Buhler et al. 1991; Reed et al. 1992). Senecio PAs are particularly potent in DHP-derived DNA adduct formation (Xia et al. 2008). Toxicity of closed-ring diester PAs is enhanced by steric hindrance to ester hydrolysis. Pyrroles in liver peak at about 2 hours and then gradually decline over the next 1–2 days. Attempts have been made to correlate toxicity with rate of pyrrole formation, and in some instances, there is good correlation. However, this is fraught with difficulty because toxicity is determined by a balance of all the foregoing pathways rather than any individual one (Winter and Segall 1989). Thus, increased esterase activity may counteract the increased rate of

Figure 13.91.

Steps in PA metabolism.

pyrrole formation (Dueker et al. 1992b). Species differences in activities of various pathways may well account for the variation in responses to the many PA combinations in plants (Lame et al. 1991; Miranda et al. 1991; Dueker et al. 1992a). In addition, there may be considerable difference in rates of formation of toxic pyrroles from various parent PAs (Yan et al. 1995) (Figure 13.91). Although the liver is central to both toxicant formation and detoxication, the role of induction of MFO activity is not clear. In guinea pigs, pyrrole formation and/or toxicity of the alkaloids is increased by phenobarbital pretreatment, whereas in sheep, there is no effect at dosages that increase cytochrome P450 and activity of aminopyrine N-demethylase (White et al. 1973; Swick et al. 1982, 1983a; Chu et al. 1993). Changes in toxicity are correlated with changes in concentrations of pyrroles bound in the liver (White et al. 1973). Animal species sensitivity to the various alkaloids seems to correlate with rate of pyrrole formation, which is high in laboratory rodents and horses and low in chickens and sheep (Shull et al. 1976; Mattocks 1986; Winter et al. 1988). The order of sensitivity in males is hamster > rabbit > mouse > rat > steer > bull > lamb > chicken > quail, which may be compared with the order of acute toxicity for retrorsine of rat > mouse > hamster and chicken > quail > guinea pig (Mattocks 1986). However, the order of susceptibility to plant material may vary from that of individual alkaloids, as was shown for chickens and guinea pigs (Hooper 1978). In general, of the livestock species, pigs seem to be the most susceptible, and sheep and goats the least. As is so clearly pointed out by Blythe and Craig (1994) and Duringer et al. (2004), the apparent resistance of sheep and goats to the toxic effects is likely the result of biotransformation of the cyclic diester PAs by ruminal bacteria and differences in rate of pyrrole production and/or rate of hydrolysis (Lanigan and Smith 1970; Swick et al.


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1983b; Craig et al. 1986, 1992; Wachenheim et al. 1992a,b). pyrroles react to alkylate DNA, alter RNA and protein synthesis; impairment in cell division leads to slowgrowing cells that cannot divide; cell and nucleus become very large; hepatocytomegaly, karyomegaly The reactive metabolites interact with various tissue components, resulting in a severe decrease in DNAmediated RNA and protein synthesis and an increase in nucleolar segregation and lysosomal enzyme activity (McLean 1970). Interaction with cell components may produce necrosis, hepatocyte degeneration and slow replacement, and/or impairment of cell division due to alkylation of DNA (Bull et al. 1968). Closed diesters are especially potent in cross-linking DNA strands to each other and to proteins and in exerting antimitotic effects, presumably as a result of greater pyrrole production (Petry et al. 1986; Hincks et al. 1991; Coulombe et al. 1992). With chronic exposure, there are increases in rough endoplastic reticulum, number of centrioles (>2), and apparent cellular reproductive activity. Some cells continue to grow even though they are unable to divide. Both the nucleus and cytoplasm increase, sometimes as much as 10- to 20-fold, resulting in hepatocytomegaly and karyomegaly. Cell size is magnified most in horses and least in chickens (Hooper 1978). Impairment of cell division is superimposed on a stimulus for regeneration. The eventual disease manifestations are due to hepatic insufficiency resulting from parenchymal necrosis, atrophy, fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, and hepatocytomegaly. In spite of their cytotoxic effects, DNA interactions, genotoxic effects in mice, and apparent embryotoxic and teratogenic effects in laboratory rats, the PAs of Senecio have not been shown to be direct reproductive toxins in livestock, presumably because of the short-lived and localized effects of the pyrroles (Johnson and Smart 1983; Mirsalis et al. 1993). Under some conditions, dietary supplements affecting the liver, such as cysteine and other thiol agents and/or the antioxidants and glutathione-S-transferase inducers, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and ethoxyquin, have shown promise in protecting laboratory animals and chickens, but the results have not been consistent (Buckmaster et al. 1976; Kim and Jones 1982; Garrett and Cheeke 1984; Kim 1984). In addition, the results have not been as promising upon direct application to target species such as ponies (Garrett et al. 1984). Increased protein in the diet is somewhat protective, mainly because of the presence of sulfur amino acids (Cheeke and Garman 1974). Experiments with chickens indicate that protection provided by BHA is associated with changes other than a

decrease in pyrrole formation (Dickinson and Braun 1987). Although there is little reason to favor use of antioxidants, the role of zinc as for hepatotoxic mycotoxins (see Lolium in Chapter 58) remains to be clarified (Cheeke 1989). Cheeke (2011) has reviewed the numerous studies on the nutritional implications and interactions of PA intoxication carried out over many years at Oregon State University. gradual increase in insult to liver leads to hepatic insufficiency and neurologic manifestations in weeks, months, or years; stress such as pregnancy or malnutrition may be a factor in precipitating onset of signs PAs typically produce their effects over many weeks; continued exposure to the toxicant produces increasing injury to the liver. From the original work of Nencki and Pavlov in 1863, it is now reasonably clear that failure of the liver to clear metabolic products from the gut results in an excess of ammonia in the circulation and tissues (Shawcross et al. 2005). The hyperammonemia and resulting glutamine load plus other factors such as inflammatory cytokines lead to increased uptake in the brain where ammonia is detoxified by astrocytes via glutamine synthetase (Haussinger and Schliess 2008; Jalan and Lee 2009). The ensuing osmotic swelling of astrocytes leads to cerebral edema and with other complicating factors induces oxidative stresses and eventual development of hepatic encephalopathy (Maddison 1992; Mair 1997; Haussinger and Gorg 2010). With the slow development of hepatic cirrhosis, the low-grade cerebral edema leads to disturbances of cognition and fine motor systems with derangements of neurotransmitter systems (Haussinger and Schliess 2008). Within a short period, there is development of signs typical of hepatic encephalopathy. In addition, an important feature is the potential for progressive liver disease to result eventually in hepatic failure, months or a year or more after exposure to the toxins ceases (Molyneux et al. 1988). Thus, it may not be sufficient to look for plants in the animal’s forage or environment at the time clinical signs are seen. Pregnancy, lactation, transport, nutrition, and other forms of stress may precipitate onset of disease-related signs produced by ingestion of plants several months previously (Johnson and Smart 1983; Synge and Stephen 1993). In addition, in those individuals recovering from the hepatotoxic effects, there may be continued and perhaps permanent debilitation, which may in some measure be due to the long-term presence of sulfur-bound pyrroles in the body (Lessard et al. 1986; Mattocks and Jukes 1990; Seawright et al. 1991a). Depression of vitamin A levels in plasma and liver secondary to chronic PA ingestion may also be a factor in animal health (Moghaddam and Cheeke 1989).

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Because PAs from Heliotropium, in the Boraginaceae, are reported to predispose sheep to accumulate copper in the liver, there is concern that the same factors may be true for those alkaloids of Senecio and Packera. This is all the more important because of the use of sheep for biological control of the two genera. Although copper accumulation in laboratory animals given PAs has been reported, it has not been clearly demonstrated that Senecio predisposes accumulation in sheep (White et al. 1984b; Cheeke 1989). However, there is a report that copper accumulation resulted in hemolytic crisis in two horses that consumed S. jacobaea in New Zealand (Dewes and Lowe 1985). There is evidence that intoxication by Senecio, presumably because of its PAs, causes considerable oxidative stress to erythrocytes, thus contributing to the likelihood of hemolysis in some cases (Bondan et al. 2005). public health concern due to mutagenic and carcinogenic potential of pyrroles As DNA-reactive mutagens and carcinogens are capable of causing chromosomal damage, the PAs are of considerable public health concern (Schoental 1968; Clark 1976; Yamanaka et al. 1979; Mattocks 1986; Huxtable 1989; Rubiolo et al. 1992; Bah et al. 1994). Of greatest concern is direct consumption of plant products. PAs of Senecio have produced severe intoxications in humans when consumed in herbal teas or when achenes contaminate cereal grains and are eaten in bread products and other foods. Some of the herbal products are especially popular in Mexican American communities. For example, S. candidissimus is used as an anticancer medication but contains significant amounts of 12-membered macrocyclic PAs (Pereda-Miranda 1995). The PAs are readily absorbed from the intestine and pass to the liver via the portal circulation. They pass the placenta and are also excreted in milk and urine. Thus, they pose a limited hazard to the fetus and neonate (Dickinson et al. 1976; Deinzer et al. 1982; Goeger et al. 1982; White et al. 1984a; Cheeke 1989; Candrian et al. 1991; Stegelmeier et al. 1999). In a rare case, liver lesions typical of PAs were found in a 2-month-old foal from a mare that grazed Senecio-infested pasture during pregnancy (Small et al. 1993). Sulfurbound pyrroles were identified in fixed liver tissue from the foal. limited risk with PA excretion in milk The hazard with milk is limited by the low dosage potential. Even with continuous high dosage of S. jacobaea (1% b.w./day), an amount toxic to the lactating cow


or goat, concentrations in the milk are less than 1 ppm and probably in most instances are on the order of 1–10 ppb. In the rat, intoxication via milk requires continuous exposure for 6 months (Goeger et al. 1982). Experimentally although chickens may be affected by feeding PA-containing plants, there appears to be little risk of eggs serving as secondary sources of PAs (Eroksuz et al. 2003). However, PAs may be found in honey from mixed sources and in concentrations up to 3.9 ppm in honey from bees feeding in areas with large populations of S. jacobaea (Deinzer et al. 1977; Kempf et al. 2008). The potential for problems in humans, however, is reduced by the bitter taste and atypical color of such honey. Pollen directly from flowers as well as bee pollen may also be a PA risk even with heat drying (Boppre et al. 2008). Because of the possibility of combining exposure from several sources, there remains the continued risk of direct PA intoxication in humans although the role of PAs as carcinogens in humans remains in some doubt (Chan et al. 1994). Wildlife, especially free-ranging ruminants, seem to be at little risk from PAs when these plants are browsed. They are at least as resistant as sheep to the effects (Dean and Winward 1974; Basson 1987). This may be related to coevolution of wildlife with the plants in their environment (Laycock 1978). The same resistance does not necessarily hold for captive or relocated species, as illustrated by the appearance of disease in captive Père David’s deer when S. jacobaea was consumed (Fowler 1981). PAs also seem to play a role in influencing insect, especially butterfly, associations with flowering plants. In some instances, PAs promote, and in other cases they deter, nectar feeding (Pliske et al. 1976; Masters 1991). They may play a role in protecting the host insect and in ensuring reproductive success with involvement in sexual communication and development (Boppre 1986, 1990). There may also be a slight risk of PAs affecting bee populations via a threat to larvae due to an accumulation of PAs in the honeycomb (Reinhard et al. 2009).

depression, anorexia, weight loss, increase in serum hepatic enzymes; rarely photosensitization

Clinical Signs—Although the intoxication mechanisms are essentially the same in all animals, there are important differences in signs and their onset and duration, within and among animal species. These differences depend on the rate of toxin ingestion. Depression and loss of appetite and weight are typical of early signs in most cases, regardless of animal species. Icterus is a less consistent early sign. As the disease develops, marked elevation of serum


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hepatic enzymes and abnormalities in tests of hepatic function will become apparent in all animal species. Photosensitization is not typically seen. In some instances, intoxication may occur within days or weeks of ingestion, especially with S. riddellii or S. longilobus. The more typical onset is after months of eating the plant and perhaps several or more months after exposure ceases, especially with S. jacobaea and S. vulgaris. Death may occur in some instances without being preceded by distinctive signs. horses, abrupt onset; head pressing, aimless pacing, ataxia, chewing, yawning, intermittent drowsiness, rectal straining, and either constipation or diarrhea In horses, onset of signs is typically abrupt, regardless of the length of time of plant ingestion. Terminal signs are consistent with and suggestive of hepatic encephalopathy and include head pressing, incessant or aimless walking or pacing, persistent chewing of fences, yawning, drowsiness, tenesmus, ataxia, ascites, and diarrhea or constipation. Increased thirst and hemoglobin in urine are also seen occasionally. The many vernacular names associated with the various plants containing PAs—for example, Walla Walla walking disease, sleepy staggers, and walkabout— attest to distinctiveness of the neurologic signs. Horses may recover after many months, but there may be residual, perhaps permanent effects such as exercise intolerance (Lessard et al. 1986; Seawright et al. 1991a). Laryngeal or pharyngeal paralysis has been reported as an uncommon sign in horses exhibiting hepatic encephalopathy due to S. jacobaea (Pearson 1991). cattle, slower onset; weight loss, weakness, less pronounced neurologic signs, rectal straining with or without prolapse Similar signs occur in cattle, but the disease is typically subacute, with less striking manifestations. A decrease in appetite and milk production is followed by marked weight loss and an emaciated appearance and finally by weakness leading to recumbency. This course of events may occur in several days or take a week or more and may terminate in neurologic signs and mania. Tenesmus is common and is often associated with prolapse and either diarrhea or constipation. In Brazil, based on an epidemiological study of 20 outbreaks involving cattle, duration of signs ranged from 1 day to 1–2 months, mainly 1–2 weeks with a 90%+ case fatality rate Karam et al 2004). Occasionally, photosensitization was seen in cases of long duration. In some instances, signs may be quite vague and diagnosis based almost exclusively on

pathology findings (Walsh and Dingwell 2007). In such instances of uncertainty in diagnosis, excess abdominal fluid accumulation as determined by auscultation or by ultrasonography may be a helpful aid (Braun et al. 1999). In other animal species, signs will be similar to those seen in cattle except for less obvious tenesmus. However, in a presumptive case in an ostrich, the primary clinical signs were limited primarily to severe lethargy and weakness with some icterus (Cooper 2007a,b). Furthermore, the main pathologic findings were extensive areas of hemorrhage under the skin, around the heart, in the diaphragm, and through the small and large intestines. In addition, there was excess fluid in the body cavities and the liver was swollen and soft. diagnosis, increase in serum hepatic enzymes; slow BSP clearance; liver biopsy; increase in serum bile acids; plasma amino acid ratio changes; test for PAs in plant or animal tissues; test for sulfur-bound pyrroles in animal tissues Diagnosis is aided by determination of a composite of serum hepatic enzyme activities. Unfortunately, these serum enzyme changes are not always sustained throughout the course of disease. This seems to be true especially for GGT, which may increase as much as 5- to 10-fold in early stages but not necessarily later; thus, it is of limited value for prognosis (Craig et al. 1978a, 1991; Lessard et al. 1986). Evaluation based on a composite of GLDH, GGT, AP, and AST appears to represent the most reliable approach, keeping in mind that in some instances, declines in activity may be apparent terminally. SDH and LDH appear to be less consistently markedly elevated. Because severe histopathologic changes precede appearance of signs, hepatic function tests such as clearance rate of serum bromsulfophthalein will be markedly decreased, but this is often late in the course of the disease. Use of serum hepatic enzymes for both diagnosis and prognosis can be augmented by determination of plasma bile acids and amino acids. Elevation of levels of bile acids above 50 μmol/L is indicative of a poor prognosis (Mendel et al. 1988). Many amino acids are also increased in terminal liver disease, with the exception of the branched-chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are little affected (Gulick et al. 1980). A ratio of the sum of these branched-chain amino acids divided by the sum of phenylalanine and tyrosine of 3 or less is suggestive of but not specific for PA intoxication, and a value of less than 2 indicates a poor prognosis (Gulick et al. 1980; Garrett et al. 1984). Alternatively, plasma tyrosine greater than 120 nmol/mL and phenylalanine greater than 95 mol/mL can be used. To this may be added ornithine greater than 160 mol/mL to ensure reliability of the prognosis tendered

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(Gulick et al. 1980). Diagnosis may be aided by determination via gel electrophoresis of changes in equine plasma protein profiles, aggregates presumably from pyrrole– fibrinogen cross-linking (Moore et al. 2008). PA intoxication is rare in humans in North America. In adults, it is typically a hepatic veno-occlusive disease of insidious onset with nonspecific signs such as abdominal pain, icterus, and possibly evidence of fluid accumulation in various tissues including ascites (Tomioka et al. 1995). In infants and children, it is more acute, and there may be distinctive hepatomegaly and possibly splenomegaly (Stillman et al. 1977; Fox et al. 1978; Roulet et al. 1988). Liver failure with hepatic encephalopathy is unlikely but would be manifested by a variety of neuropsychiatric abnormalities and motor disturbances (Eroglu and Byrne 2009). If it were to occur in adults, there would likely be minimal hepatic encephalopathy with cirrhosis and impaired visual perception, attention, and concentration, and memory loss. Because the microscopic lesions of PA intoxication are quite suggestive in all animal species as well as in humans, hepatic biopsy is a very useful aid in diagnosis (Takeuti et al. 2011). Furthermore, it may provide a basis for prognosis. Diagnosis may be further aided by the use of various tests for the presence of PAs in the plant, liver, or other animal tissues. A rapid colorimetric field test for plant tissues is available that employs nitroprusside to convert the parent PA to a pyrrole and Ehrlich’s reagent for color development (Mattocks and Jukes 1987). The test is reasonably specific for unsaturated PAs. Enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) and HPLC methods can also be used to detect specific PAs in plant tissues (Roseman et al. 1992; Langer et al. 1996; Schaneberg et al. 2004). In some cases, the ELISA test may be used to determine both free base and N-oxide forms of the alkaloids in plant or animal tissue (Lee et al. 2001). Animal tissue levels of pyrrolic metabolites may be determined using a GC/MS/ MS assay for fresh blood or liver but not formalin fixed material (Schoch et al. 2000). Crews and coworkers (2010) have extensively reviewed the various sample preparations and appropriate analytical methods for PAs including LC-MS- and GC-MS-based approaches. gross pathology, liver small and firm, edema of the omentum, increased fluid in the abdomen

Pathology—Although not always present, the most striking features seen grossly following chronic ingestion of the toxicant are a firm, fibrotic, shrunken, grayish blue to yellowish liver, with marked accentuation of the lobular pattern; a thick, bluish gray, edematous omentum; and/or an edematous appearance of the viscera. There may be


abundant ascitic fluid; distension of the gallbladder, with thickened walls; and scattered hemorrhages over the intestinal serosa. Other changes of interest include patchy and mild gastroenteritis. In rare instances, where large amounts of the plants are eaten in a few weeks, the liver may be enlarged and congested due to hepatocellular necrosis and intralobular hemorrhage. microscopic, liver, centrilobular necrosis; bile duct proliferation and portal fibrosis; megalocytosis and karyomegaly; central vein fibrosis Microscopically, four types of hepatic changes are considered representative of exposure to PAs: centrilobular necrosis, bile duct proliferation and portal fibrosis, megalocytosis/karyomegaly up to 20 times the normal size, and fibrosis around and within central veins. Early in the course of disease, there may be random small foci of necrosis, but this is usually minimal late in the disease in comparison with the severe disruption in lobular architecture due to bile duct proliferation and extensive portal fibrosis. In cattle, prominent and sometimes numerous intranuclear inclusions due to cytoplasmic invagination are seen as an early change (Craig et al. 1991). A ring appearance of the nuclei is seen with margination of chromatin, leaving a pale pink center. Megalocytosis, which is especially prominent in horses, is not an exclusive feature of PA toxicosis, given that other toxicants, including aflatoxins, may also be a cause (Jago 1969). Binucleated hepatocytes may also be seen. In instances of long-term but interrupted exposure, there may be regenerative nodules. Diagnostically noteworthy are the megalocytosis and the distinct fibrosis within central veins. Whereas the unreacted pyrroles are short lived, those that have reacted with sulfur-containing amino acids and become sulfur bound are long lived and may be extracted from the liver, either fresh or formalin fixed, and identified chromatographically (Mattocks and Jukes 1990, 1992; Winter et al. 1990, 1992). PA exposure can also be monitored by identification of sulfur-bound pyrrolic metabolites in other tissues such as hemoglobin in RBCs (Bryant and Osterman-Golkar 1991; Seawright et al. 1991a,b; Winter et al. 1993). In humans, the disease is known as veno-occlusive disease because of fibrosis and occlusion of hepatic vein branches. This leads to congestion and extensive fibrosis around the central veins (Huxtable 1989). The restriction in hepatic blood flow results in fluid accumulation in tissues and in the abdomen. minimal extrahepatic lesions; mild renal and rarely pulmonary lesions


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Extrahepatic lesions with Senecio and Packera are not common, although myocardial necrosis, colonic edema and hemorrhage, and adrenal cortical hypertrophy are reported (Mendel et al. 1988). Occasionally, mild to moderate nephrosis with megalocytosis may be apparent. Lung changes are more likely with other sources of PAs such as Crotalaria in the Fabaceae. Microscopic changes in the brain with hepatic encephalopathy are restricted to astrocytes as the site of ammonia detoxication (Hazell and Butterworth 1999; Jalan et al. 2003; Johns et al. 2007). Astrocytes undergo Alzheimer type II degeneration with a swollen shape, large pale nucleus, prominent nucleolus, and margination of chromatin. Similar astrocyte degeneration has been noted in the fetus of a mare with hepatic encephalopathy (Johns et al. 2007).

general nursing care; sedation, fluids, high-quality and high-energy feeds with low but high-quality protein; supplementation with sulfur amino acids is of questionable value

Treatment—It is important to keep in mind that the effects of these toxic alkaloids are cumulative, at least until compensatory hepatic regeneration occurs. Because of this, prevention is important especially with respect to exposure via hay. Treatment in animals as outlined by Divers (1996) and Johns and coworkers (2007) for liver failure and hepatic encephalopathy is supportive and typically includes sedation, parenteral fluids, and dietary management to supply energy needs while keeping protein levels low to reduce the ammonia load to the liver. Energy needs may be met with molasses, corn, and sorghum, in conjunction with grass hay or beet pulp. However, treatment is generally of little value in most cases because, by the time signs appear, hepatic changes are extensive and severe. Although decreasing protein in the diet may be used in treatment once liver disease is apparent, this may not be appropriate for prevention, given that increased toxicity is apparent with protein deficiency (Mattocks 1986). Sulfur-containing amino acids such as cysteine and methionine have been reported to be of some value in treatment, but this has not been confirmed experimentally (Shull et al. 1976). Although the branched-chain amino acid/phenylalanine– tyrosine ratio is altered, therapy with branched-chain amino acids has not been proven of value (Mendel et al. 1988). Possibly any approaches that increase hepatic glutathione content may be helpful. In humans, therapy for veno-occlusive disease is mainly supportive to allow restoration of liver function. Hepatic encephalopathy due to plants is quite rare and in this

instance involves the use of mannitol and cautious use of hypertonic saline and perhaps hemofiltration (Jalan and Lee 2009). N-acetylcysteine or silybum (milk thistle) may also be of benefit early in the course of liver disease. Alkaloid concentrations can be reduced appreciably by ensiling the forage rather than making hay, but the PAs are not entirely eliminated (Candrian et al. 1984). Silage with a particularly high percentage of Senecio should be fed with caution because intoxications have been reported (Donald and Shanks 1956). Supplementation with minerals, especially phosphorus, copper, and cobalt, which has been advocated for reducing Senecio intake, has not proven to be of value experimentally (Johnson 1982). Because of the resistance of sheep to the effects of PAs, efforts are under way to develop a probiotic using bacterial isolates from sheep to increase the breakdown of these compounds in the rumen of cattle (Rattray and Craig 2007). The public health hazard should be considered, especially for cattle, because the alkaloids are potential carcinogens and can be present in low levels in milk and possibly liver.

SOLIDAGO L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A mainly North American genus of about 100 species, Solidago is member of the tribe Astereae and is commonly encountered across the continent as a constituent in a variety of plant communities, as an ornamental, and as a weed (Semple and Cook 2006; Anderberg et al. 2007). Its name comes from the Latin solidus and ago, meaning “to make whole,” alluding to its reputed healing properties (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Paradoxically, its pollen is often mistakenly thought to be the cause of hay fever. The pollen is not wind-borne, but because Solidago’s showy heads are in full bloom at the time individuals begin to suffer, it is blamed. The actual culprits are species of Ambrosia, the ragweeds, which have inconspicuous heads but produce copious amounts of windborne pollen. Of the 77 species of Solidago present in North America (Semple and Cook 2006), the following are of toxicologic interest: S. S. S. S.

flexicaulis L. hispida Muhl. ex Willd. juncea Aiton missouriensis Nutt.

S. mollis Bartl. S. rigida L. (=Oligoneuron rigidum [L.] Small)

broad-leaved goldenrod hairy goldenrod early goldenrod golden goldenrod, Missouri goldenrod ashy goldenrod, velvety goldenrod, soft goldenrod rigid goldenrod, stiff-leaved goldenrod

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S. spectabilis (D.C.Eaton) A.Gray


basin goldenrod, Nevada goldenrod, western goldenrod

Although the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) position the flat-topped species of Solidago in the genus Oligoneuron and use O. rigidum for stiffleaved goldenrod, we follow the treatment of Semple and Cook (2006) in the Flora of North America in which these species are maintained in Solidago on the basis of anatomy and DNA studies. perennial herbs; leaves simple, alternate; heads small, numerous; ray florets yellow or rarely white; disk florets yellow Plants herbs; perennials; from rhizomes or caudices. Stems erect or ascending; 10–200 cm tall; branched above. Leaves simple; alternate; primarily cauline or both cauline and basal; blades of various shapes, commonly oblanceolate or obovate; margins entire or serrate or dentate. Heads numerous; small; borne in panicles or corymbs or axillary clusters; secund or not secund; subcylindric to narrowly campanulate; phyllaries in several series, imbricate, linear to lanceolate, bases chartaceous; receptacles flat or slightly convex, alveolate; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets 3–25; pistillate; fertile; corollas yellow or rarely white. Disk Florets 3–60; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow. Pappus of capillary bristles; usually white. Achenes cylindrical; terete or anular; many ribbed; glabrous or indumented. Species of Solidago are notorious for their hybridization and introgression of characters; thus, identification of individual plants can be difficult (Figure 13.92). variety of habitats

Distribution and Habitat—Solidago exhibits the greatest diversity in the eastern half of the continent, with numerous species occupying a variety of soil types in dry or moist, open sites in the eastern forests and grasslands from Canada south to the Gulf of Mexico. Solidago spectabilis is one of the relatively few species found in the western half. It occurs in saline marshes and seeps of the Great Basin area. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America ( acute to subacute expression




Figure 13.92. Line drawing of Solidago canadensis. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Disease Problems—In the late 1800s and early 1900s in Wisconsin, a chronic disease problem in horses was described (Pammel 1911). Animals exhibited depression, emaciation, ataxia, pale mucous membranes, and edema of the extremities. Death occurred in 2–8 weeks. Circumstantial evidence indicated the cause to be an unidentified species of Solidago, but other observations revealed the presence of fungi on suspect plants in some instances (Scott 1895; Rusby 1896). Subsequent observations in other areas revealed that some species of the genus may indeed be toxic, although an uncommon cause of problems. Species of Solidago are of limited palatability, but when eaten in early summer, they may provide useful forage. Reports indicate that they are mainly a problem in the fall and winter while they are still green, succulent, and attractive to hungry sheep (Fleming et al. 1931; Welch and Morris 1952). They are also toxic when dried in hay (Fleming 1918). Solidago spectabilis is the species most often implicated. Lockett (1917) reported a number of instances of neurointoxication in sheep involving this species. Typically, there was hyperesthesia, excitement, head shaking, excess salivation, seizures, and then death. Sedation was effective in relieving the signs and preventing lethality. The disease was reproduced experimentally; 500 g of plant material given to a 6- to 7-month-old lamb produced similar clinical signs and death about 15 hours after the plant was eaten. However, in another study, sheep and calves given 1.25 and 3.4 kg, respectively, of S. spectabilis showed little or no adverse effects (Fleming


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1918, 1920; Fleming et al. 1920). In contrast, S. mollis and S. missouriensis (reported as S. concinna) are reported to have caused death of sheep in 12 hours when given two 0.45 kg doses of partially air-dried plant material 4 hours apart (Beath et al. 1939). Smaller amounts of these species in the feed of sheep caused weight loss. These apparent differences in toxicity may be partially accounted for by changes in growth, given that Beath and coworkers (1953) suggested that dwarfed types of various species were most toxic. They are also suspect as a possible cause of colic in horses with ingestion of excessive amounts as a contaminant in hay (Chizzola and Brandstatter 2006).

TETRADYMIA DC. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as horsebrushes or cotton-thorns, the 10 species of Tetradymia, a member of the tribe Senecioneae, are all native to the western half of North America (Strother 1974, 2006m). The generic name is derived from the Greek tetradymos, meaning “four together,” a reference to heads with four florets, which are characteristic of some species of the genus (Quattrocchi 2000). Of greatest toxicologic interest are the following species: T. canescens DC.

toxin unknown; possibly related to block of GABA inhibitory activity

T. glabrata Torr. & A.Gray

Disease Genesis—Specific toxicants have not been iden-

T. spinosa Hook. & Arnold

tified in Solidago, but the clinical signs are suggestive of a GABA inhibitory effect. Unlike so many other genera of the family, sesquiterpene lactones have not been identified as toxic compounds in Solidago (Seaman 1982). However, intraperitoneal administration of aqueous or alcoholic extracts of eight species of the genus to mice caused illness and, in some instances, death (Worthley et al. 1967). In this assay, the more potent species were S. flexicaulis, S. hispida, and S. juncea. Species of Solidago continue to be suspected as neurotoxic, particularly for sheep. abrupt onset, excess salivation, bizarre lip and jaw movements, muscle quivering, back arched, seizures

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Animals affected by Solidago exhibit excess salivation, constant lip and jaw movements, and quivering of their muscles that begins about the ears and head and progresses to other areas. Spasms cause shaking of the entire body. These seizures may be induced by noise or touch. Animals stand with back arched and legs up under the body. They stand or wander about in a dazed manner. Just before death, they fall and have seizures.

T. stenolepis Greene

spineless horsebrush, common horsebrush, little gray horsebrush littleleaf horsebrush, lizard shade, ratbrush, dogbrush, skinkbrush, spring rabbitbrush, coal-oil brush shortspine horsebrush, catclaw horsebrush, thorny horsebrush, cottonclaw horsebrush, cotton-thorn horsebrush Mojave horsebrush, Mojave cotton-thorn

profusely branched shrubs; leaves simple, alternate; heads numerous, single or in pairs; disk florets only, yellow to cream colored

Plants shrubs; perennials; armed or not armed with spines. Stems erect or ascending; 10–150 cm tall; profusely branched; typically canescent tomentose. Leaves of 1 or 2 forms; simple; alternate, small and all alike or small leaves fascicled in axils of spinose leaves; small leaves linear to oblanceolate, glabrous to tomentose or canescent; margins entire. Heads numerous; borne singly or in pairs on axillary peduncles, forming racemose or corymbose clusters; cylindrical to hemispheric; phyllaries 4–6, in 1- or 2-series, oval elliptic to lanceolate, canescent tomentose to glabrous; receptacles flat; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets 4–8; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow to cream colored. Pappus absent or of numerous bristles or scales. Achenes obconic or fusiform; terete or angled; obscurely 5-nerved; glabrous or long pilose (Figures 13.93 and 13.94).

no distinctive lesions; treatment of symptoms Upon necropsy, there are no distinctive or specific lesions. Treatment is primarily symptomatic in response to signs that appear. Sedation to prevent or reduce severity of the seizures may prevent death in some instances. Animals should be allowed to rest with minimal stress during their recovery.

often open dry sites

Distribution and Habitat—Flowering in the spring and summer, species of Tetradymia are common, sometimes conspicuous elements in several vegetation types in the

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Figure 13.93.

Figure 13.94.

Figure 13.95.

Distribution of Tetradymia canescens.

Figure 13.96.

Distribution of Tetradymia glabrata.


Line drawing of Tetradymia glabrata.

Photo of Tetradymia canescens.

intermountain region from British Columbia to Baja California. Tetradymia canescens is the most widespread, occupying barren, rocky/sandy plains, brushy sites, and open pine and aspen woods of mountain foothills. Tetradymia glabrata is almost as wide ranging. Tetradymia stenolepis is a species of the Mojave Desert of California. Scattered populations of T. spinosa occur in the Great Basin (Figures 13.95 and 13.96).

liver disease and hepatogenous photosensitivity, especially in sheep, bighead; bud stage of plant in spring or early summer

Disease Problems—At one time, species of Tetradymia were among the most devastating of the phototoxic plants, causing, for example, losses up to 1000 sheep in a single episode (Fleming et al. 1922). The most toxic is T. glabrata, which becomes green early in spring and is eaten in the bud stage at that time. Thus, for a few weeks in early spring, it poses a serious hazard. Tetradymia canescens becomes green during the summer when there is an abundance of other forages and is not so likely to be eaten. It also appears to be less toxic. Geographic distribution of the disease corresponds generally to the range of these two species, but other species of the genus in the area also should be considered potentially toxic (Clawson and Huffman 1936). Tetradymia stenolepis is suspected of causing intoxications of sheep in California (Fuller and McClintock 1986).


Toxic Plants of North America

problems possibly due to ingestion of combination of Artemisia and Tetradymia species Although the acute disease originally was attributed to Tetradymia alone, it now appears that there are complicating factors (Fleming et al. 1922; Jennings et al. 1978; Johnson 1978). It was difficult experimentally to consistently produce all features of the disease when only plants of the genus were fed. However, when preceded by ingestion of Artemisia nova or A. tridentata, Tetradymia was much more likely to cause severe disease, including photosensitization. Fleming et al. (1922) described an acute disease with liver involvement following ingestion of 1% b.w. or more in a single dose or 0.3–0.4% for 10 days or more. Later studies implicated large doses as causing severe acute disease and smaller doses (0.5%) causing illness accompanied by photosensitization (Clawson and Huffman 1937). Similarly, in the original studies, it was thought that only fresh, green plants were toxic, but later work revealed that not only are all stages of growth toxic but also toxicity was retained to a large extent following drying (Clawson and Huffman 1936; Johnson 1974a). Occurring in sheep, the disease is called bighead because of swelling of the skin of the face, ears, and lips. This swelling may be so severe that tissues crack and serum exudes from the skin. In some instances, animals become permanently blind (Johnson 1974a). There is distinct and severe liver damage accompanying onset of skin lesions; thus, the disease is one of hepatogenous or secondary photosensitization. In addition to liver involvement, Welch and Morris (1952) described an apparent paralysis associated with abrupt onset of signs of intoxication. Severe liver disease and death are likely with the more toxic T. glabrata, whereas with T. canescens, there is greater opportunity for development of photosensitization (Johnson 1974b). As a practical matter, this disease is restricted to sheep, although it is not necessarily the only species susceptible. Furthermore, because of numerous factors such as decreasing numbers of sheep grazing public lands, altered management practices, and invasive annual weeds (cheatgrass), which provide alternative spring forage, the disease has become quite uncommon (Wagstaff 2007).

toxin not clearly established but possibly furanoeremophilane derivatives such as tetradymol, which may be biotransformed to a toxin causing liver disease with accumulation of photodynamic phylloerythrin

Disease Genesis—Although not definitely confirmed, toxicity seems to be due to furanoeremophilane derivatives, which are structurally closely related to

Figure 13.97.

Chemical structure of tetradymol.

sesquiterpene lactones. Tetradymol, which is hepatotoxic in laboratory animals and sheep, is the most abundant of these derivatives (Jennings et al. 1974, 1978). Tetradymol is a lipid-soluble, type 1 MFO binder that weakly uncouples oxidative phosphorylation. Toxicity of tetradymol is enhanced by biotransformation inducers and inhibited by blockers. The supposition is that toxicity is therefore due to products of hepatic biotransformation (Jennings et al. 1978). This is consistent with Tetradymia’s apparent interaction with Artemisia, because species of the latter genus seem to influence activity of the hepatic MFO pathway (Eissa et al. 1995, 1996). The overall effect is a debilitating liver disease; the cause of the photosensitivity, and presumably like that occurring with Tribulus (a member of the Zygophyllaceae, in Chapter 76), is the inability of the liver to clear the photodynamic chlorophyll derivative phylloerythrin. This photodynamic derivative is activated by UV light in those body areas most susceptible to exposure (Figure 13.97). abrupt onset; anorexia, depression, uneasiness; conspicuous swelling and erythema of skin of the head

Signs—When large amounts of Tetradymia are eaten, there is abrupt onset of loss of appetite, lethargy/ depression coupled with uneasiness, tremors, ataxia, and labored respiration. In some instances, the signs—for example, head pressing and icterus—are more directly associated with liver disease. A few animals may die in 24–48 hours, some may do poorly for several weeks before recovery, and others may only develop swelling and erythema of the nose, ears, lips, and skin around the eyes. This leads to peeling and sloughing of the skin in the affected areas and in some cases loss of ears or eyes. Signs in the latter instance are those typical of photosensitization. The disease seems to be clearly the hepatogenous type, because serum hepatic enzymes (AST, SDH, GGT) are elevated 10–20 times and BSP clearance time is increased 10-fold. gross pathology: liver tan and friable microscopic: hepatic necrosis

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Pathology—Grossly, the liver is tan and friable and the gallbladder is distended with bile. There may also be reddening of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine, with isolated small hemorrhages. Emphysema of the lungs may also be prominent. Microscopically, there is marked centrilobular hepatic necrosis.

general nursing care

Treatment—In instances of intoxication due to Tetradymia, there is little to be done other than good nursing care to enable the animal to survive long enough for regeneration of hepatic function. It is not clear whether limiting intake of green forage to reduce the chlorophyll load is directly helpful.

VERBESINA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 200 species occurring primarily in the New World, Verbesina, a member of the tribe Heliantheae, is a morphologically diverse genus of herbs, shrubs, and trees (Strother 2006n). Of the 16 species in North America, only 1 is of toxicologic significance: V. encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook.f ex A.Gray

Figure 13.98. Line drawing of Verbesina encelioides. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

golden crownbeard, butter daisy, cowpen daisy, American dogweed

annual herbs; leaves simple, alternate below, opposite above; heads terminal; ray and disk florets yellow; ray apices 3-toothed

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots; herbage strigose canescent; gray green. Stems erect; 20–100 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate above and opposite below; blades ovate to deltoid; margins coarsely dentate; petioles present or absent and bases clasping stems. Heads large; borne singly or in clusters of 2 or 3 at the ends of peduncles; hemispheric; phyllaries in 2-series, imbricate, oblong to lanceolate, strigose; receptacles convex; receptacular bracts present, folded. Ray Florets 10–15; pistillate; fertile; corollas yellow, apices 3-toothed. Disk Florets numerous; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow. Pappus absent on ray achenes and of 2 awns on disk achenes. Achenes of 2 forms; ray achenes small, obconic, rugose; disk achenes obovate, flattened; winged; hirsutellous (Figures 13.98 and 13.99).

Figure 13.99. Photo of Verbesina encelioides. Photo by W.L. Wagner, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

Verbesina encelioides is readily distinguished from other members of the genus by its annual habit and taproot system; the others are perennials with a fibrous root system. Two varieties are generally recognized. Occurring primarily in the eastern half of the continent, especially in the Southeast, var. encelioides has leaves with


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clasping bases and longer phyllaries. Occupying drier sites in the western part of the continent, var. exauriculata has petioled leaves and shorter phyllaries.

a period of 3 days to a sheep failed to produce adverse effects (Boughton and Hardy 1941). toxin is galegine; also found in Galega of Fabaceae

invader of disturbed sites

Disease Genesis—In V. encelioides, the toxicant is Distribution and Habitat—Believed to be native to Mexico and the southwestern United States, V. encelioides is found across the southern half of the continent. Adapted to a variety of soil types, it often forms large populations in disturbed sites. It is adventive and naturalized in other parts of the world (Figure 13.100).

rare problem in North America; marked fluid accumulation indicative of cardiac insufficiency

Disease Problems—Although V. encelioides is native to western North America, it has proven to be a much more serious problem for sheep and cattle in areas where it has naturalized in Australia (Oelrichs et al. 1985). Because it is not readily eaten, it is mainly a problem during times of drought or when hungry animals being moved from one area to another are allowed to browse along the way. A dose of 0.5% b.w. of green plant material is lethal in 1–2 days; sheep are at greatest risk. The signs are suggestive of a cardiovascular problem, but this has not been confirmed. Intoxication has also been experimentally reproduced in sheep in Argentina with a dose of 5 g/kg b.w. (Lopez et al. 1996). Dosage of 6.3 g dried plant material/kg b.w. produced a disease with signs and pathology similar to those seen in Australia. Force feeding of 4.5% b.w. of another species of the genus, V. nana, over

galegine, 3-methyl-2-butenylguanidine, the same compound found in Galega officinalis, of the Fabaceae (see Chapter 35), and in Schoenus asperocarpus (poison sedge), a member of the Cyperaceae found in western Australia (Eichholzer et al. 1982; Oelrichs et al. 1985; Huxtable et al. 1993). There may also be nitrate accumulation. The toxin is not cumulative—small amounts ingested daily do not produce adverse effects. A cardiovascular effect for galegine is supported by the observed effects of a structurally similar but more complex compound, caracasanamide, from V. caracasana, a shrubby South American species (Delle Monarche et al. 1993). Caracasanamide, a dimethoxyphenyl compound linked via an ethylene amide side chain to a galegine moiety, causes positive inotropic effects, vasodilation, and respiratory stimulation at low dosage. However, overdosage results in respiratory depression and cardiac failure (Figure 13.101). Toxin concentrations are quite variable, but in general, they increase with plant maturity up to 0.25% d.w. Concentrations of galegine are low in Verbesina, averaging about 0.08%, relative to 0.46% for Galega, but the broader distribution of V. encelioides in North America makes it a greater potential risk for livestock (Keeler et al. 1992). abrupt onset, depression, listlessness, frothy nasal exudates; exercise intolerance; death in 1–2 days

Clinical Signs—Animals ingesting V. encelioides typically die in 1–2 days. In some instances, signs such as depression, listlessness, frothy nasal exudate, and markedly elevated heart and respiratory rates may be observed. gross pathology, fluid accumulation throughout body, pulmonary edema and froth in airways; microscopic, pulmonary edema and hepatic necrosis

Figure 13.100.

Distribution of Verbesina encelioides.

Figure 13.101.

Chemical structure of galegine.

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Pathology—Gross changes are very distinctive and are suggestive of cardiac failure, with accumulation of fluid in the thoracic cavity and around the heart, and considerable froth in airways coupled with congestion and edema of the lungs. There may also be congestion of the liver. Microscopically, there is hepatic fatty change, hepatocellular degeneration, and hemorrhage and edema of the lungs.

Treatment—In instances in which a diagnosis can be made based on clinical signs, diuretics and treatment to relieve the respiratory distress may be of value.


Staminate Heads borne in clusters, terminal or in upper leaf axils; hemispheric; phyllaries absent or in 1–3 series, free; receptacles conical; receptacular bracts present. Pistillate Heads borne singly or in clusters in middle and lower leaf axils; phyllaries fused and completely enclosing florets to form a bur with hooked prickles. Ray Florets absent. Disk Florets numerous in staminate heads, 2 in pistillate heads; corollas absent or white to cream colored; stamens 3–6, filaments united, anthers free. Pappus absent. Achenes remaining within burs; fusiform; black. Burs ellipsoidal; brown or yellowish brown; prickle bases pilose or glandular (Figures 13.102–13.104).

VIGUIERA See treatment of Heliomeris in this chapter.

XANTHIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A member of the tribe Heliantheae, Xanthium is apparently native to both the Old and New World. Its generic name is from the Greek xanthos, meaning “yellow,” and possibly refers to the yellow dye extracted from its burs (Quattrocchi 2000). Although more than 50 species have been recognized in the past 100 years, there is now a general agreement among taxonomists that the genus comprises only 2 or 3 species with 2 occurring in North America (Strother 2006p): X. spinosum L. X. strumarium L.

spiny cocklebur, clotbur common cocklebur, burweed, abrojo, sheep bur, Bathurst bur, bur thistle, buttonbur, hedgehog bur, ditchbur

The third species X. ambrosioides Hook. & Arn. is native to the central Argentine plains of Patagonia and its occurrence and persistence in North America is questioned. Strother (2006p) did not list it, and the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) specifically excluded it.

Figure 13.102. Line drawing of Xanthium strumarium. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

annual herbs; leaves simple, alternate; heads staminate or pistillate; florets inconspicuous, borne in prominent prickly burs

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots; herbage scabrous; armed or not armed with spines; monoecious. Stems erect or ascending or decumbent; 20–200 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; blades lanceolate or obovate or ovate to deltoid; margins entire or toothed or lobed or pinnatifid; petioles long. Heads of 2 types, staminate and pistillate different.

Figure 13.103. strumarium.

Photo of the leaves and burs of Xanthium


Toxic Plants of North America

rapid acting; seasonal metabolic derangement due to ingestion of seeds or new sprouts or cotyledons

Disease Problems—Ubiquitous in distribution, Xan-

Figure 13.104. strumarium.

Photo of the seedling of Xanthium

The plethora of species names that have been published apply for the most part to X. strumarium. Now recognized to be an extremely variable species both morphologically and ecologically, it was historically divided into numerous species primarily on the basis of differences in bur morphology. Variation, however, has been determined to be continuous among the described forms, and intergradation so complete that even recognition of varieties is tenuous.

weedy invaders; disturbed sites, especially abundant in sandy floodplains and on shorelines

Distribution and Habitat—Adapted to a variety of clay, loam, and sandy soils, species of Xanthium are now distributed throughout warmer parts of the world as weeds of disturbed sites. They are classic indicators of damp soils and often form large, dense populations in floodplains, along shorelines of ponds and reservoirs, and in highly disturbed soils of feedlots. They are often present in almost pure populations because of the presence of inhibitors to prevent the growth of other plants. Xanthium strumarium is now believed to be an Old World species, whereas X. spinosum and X. ambrosioides are of the New World. It has been hypothesized that X. spinosum originated in South America. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

thium is also cosmopolitan in consistently causing intoxication problems. At one time, mechanical injury from spines of the burs was considered of prime importance (Hansen 1920). Creation of sores about the face and mouth, irritation and blockage of the throat and digestive system, tangles in the throat and digestive system, and tangles in wool or hair were said to be the most likely consequences of animal contact with the burs. Subsequently, it became apparent that the plants were toxic. In the early 1900s, cocklebur toxicity became a particularly serious problem in the Great Plains and Mississippi Valley; losses were especially severe in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas (Marsh et al. 1923). The disease continues to be a significant seasonal problem. It is encountered mainly in spring and early summer when both moisture and warm temperatures are conducive to massive sprouting of the burs. This typically occurs in floodplains or other areas subject to seasonal flooding. Pigs and calves are most commonly involved but probably all animal species, including sheep, horses, chickens and even humans, although rarely affected, are also at risk (Reynard and Norton 1942; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Martin et al. 1986; Turgut et al. 2005; Fazekas et al. 2008).

all animal species, especially pigs and calves; about 1% b.w. of sprouts causes disease; almost always fatal; lower dosage typically causes no apparent effects

Disease is most likely to occur with animal access to the cotyledonary stage of growth before true leaves form, but may also develop when animals are fed hay with a large number of burs present or when ground burs or seeds are incorporated in feed. In a rare case in humans, 8 children and 1 adult consumed cocklebur seeds while sorting wheat (Turgut et al. 2005). Although all developed some signs such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating and general malaise, the 3 youngest became critical and eventually died despite treatment. The toxic dose in both pigs and calves is about 1% b.w. (10 g/kg) of fresh green sprouts (Marsh et al. 1923; Stuart et al. 1981; Martin et al. 1992). Sheep appear to require a higher dosage, 1.5–2% b.w. (Mendez et al. 1998). Even the 4-leaf stage remains toxic, but the dosage required is several times higher and thus the risk is much reduced. Seeds or burs may also be of concern but are less often

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associated with losses. A dose of 0.14–0.2% b.w. of seeds is reported to be toxic in calves, but feed concentrations of 5% seeds were without effect in poultry (Bierer and Rhodes 1960; Witte et al. 1990; Colodel et al. 2000). Ground burs, which may be present in feed, are also a risk. Both cattle and sheep have been intoxicated with 0.5% and 0.2% b.w., respectively, of ground burs (Loretti et al. 1999; Colodel et al. 2000). Burs themselves are seldom a problem but are reported to cause mechanical injury in chicks and may cause systemic intoxications in pigs and calves on the rare occasions when the diet consists of 20% ground burs or 30% whole burs either in grain or hay (Bierer and Rhodes 1960; Stuart et al. 1981; Witte et al. 1990). It is of interest that in toxicity due to burs in hay, no masses or clusters of burs were seen in the digestive tract of calves (Witte et al. 1990). The two species of Xanthium are much alike and probably cause similar adverse effects (Sampson and Malmsten 1935). Seeds have been suspected to be a cause of spiking mortality in chickens, but this has not been confirmed experimentally with a dosage of 25% of feed concentration given for 21 days (Goodwin et al. 1992). Decreased weight gain but not liver necrosis or hypoglycemia was observed. These results are not unexpected, because studies in pigs indicate that intoxications occur from large single doses but not from repeated administration of smaller ones. Although quite rare in humans because of lack of exposure to the appropriate plant parts, intoxications are reported for 3 adolescents in China who confused cocklebur (reported as X. sibiricum) with other edible plants and ate the seed-stage fresh or as a cookie/small cake (Yi-gu and Guang-zhao 1988). All 3 boys died 2–6 days after ingestion with signs such as nausea, vomiting, periodic tonic spasms, and renal and hepatic necrosis. Although it is unlikely that individuals would consume enough of the new growth stages to cause intoxication, these plants may appear to be attractive substitutes for bean or alfalfa sprouts.

disease due to a series of novel diterpene glycosides; CAT and others


gummifera, and CAT was subsequently shown to be responsible for the hypoglycemic effects of X. strumarium (Danieli et al. 1972; Kupiecki et al. 1974; Craig et al. 1978b). The full range of toxic effects was eventually related to CAT, which is concentrated in embryonic and cotyledonary tissues. It is thus found only in seeds within the bur (0.46%) and in the two-leaf seedling stage (0.12%) (Cole et al. 1980). By the time the first foliage leaves appear (four-leaf stage), CAT concentrations in those portions are negligible. It is of interest that species of the composite genus Wedelia—W. glauca and W. asperrima— in South America and Australia (also devoid of hydroquinone) cause clinical signs and pathologic changes very similar to those of Xanthium (Klingenberg et al. 1985; Seawright 1989; Oelrichs et al. 1992; Collazo and RietCorrea 1996; Tapia et al. 1996). These species contain atractyloside, wedeloside, and other toxins very similar to CAT, but in tissues of the mature plants rather than in seeds or seedlings (Schteingart and Pomilio 1984; Oelrichs et al. 1992). Wedeloside and its congeners differ from CAT in that the aglycone portion is hydroxylated at C-13, and a complex amino sugar is present rather than a sulfated sugar. The complexity of the situation is further underscored by the finding of two additional analogs of wedeloside that are rhamnosyl biosides (MacLeod et al. 1990a,b). Further studies showed additional diterpene kaurene glycosides in X. pungens and X. spinosum, which share the carboxyatractylogenin but differ in that the glycoside is nonsulfated (MacLeod et al. 1990a). Thus, it appears that the toxins should be considered a series of diterpene glycosides of which CAT is a prototype. The respective roles of the aglycone and glycoside in determining toxicity, and the effect of the glycoside and influence of substituent groups on configuration of the carboxyl groups of the aglycone on translocase binding, are yet to be clarified (Vignais et al. 1966; Allmann et al. 1967a; Klingenberg 1984) (Figure 13.105).

inhibition of ADP translocase on cytosolic side of mitochondrial membrane; inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP formation

Disease Genesis—The toxin in Xanthium was originally thought to be hydroquinone (Kuzel and Miller 1950), but later studies failed either to demonstrate its presence or to replicate signs of the disease when it was administered. In addition, it produced hyperglycemia instead of hypoglycemia (Cole et al. 1980; Stuart et al. 1981). In the meantime, the novel diterpene glycosides, atractyloside and carboxyatractyloside (CAT, or gummiferin), were isolated from the Old World composite Atractylis

Figure 13.105.

Chemical structure of carboxyatractyloside.


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Intoxication is the result of a unique interaction in cellular bioenergetics. Much of our understanding of the actions of CAT date back to the 1800s and to recognition of atractyloside as a powerful tool in the biochemistry laboratory. Atractyloside was eventually shown to inhibit oxidative phosphorylation by blocking transport of phosphoryl groups across the mitochondrial membrane, effects antagonized by ADP (Bruni et al. 1964; Allmann et al. 1967a,b). The target translocase is a membrane-bound protein that binds ADP on the cytosolic side and undergoes a conformation change to facilitate passage of charged ADP through the inner mitochondrial membrane and to promote an exchange of the outward diffusion process for ATP (Vignais et al. 1973, 1985; Brandolin et al. 1974). Transmembranal exchange of ADP/ATP is driven by membrane potential to neutralize the excess charge to the cytosol. CAT binds to translocase from the cytosolic side to block ADP binding and transport. CAT is much more potent than atractyloside, probably because it is little affected by ADP concentrations (Luciani et al. 1971). Because the ADP translocase step is rate limiting in phosphorylation and serves as the exclusive link between energy production inside mitochondria and energy utilization in the cytosol, CAT produces profound effects on cell function and viability (Akerboom et al. 1977; Klingenberg 1984). Other enzyme systems, such as fatty acid oxidation, are also affected and may contribute to the overall effects. Thiols antagonize some of these additional actions of CAT; however, cysteine and glutathione are not protective against the lethal inhibition of ADP/ATP translocase (Allmann et al. 1967a; Hatch et al. 1982). These toxins are not cumulative, and the effects seem to be almost all-or-none, with some animals developing an apparent tolerance (Marsh et al. 1923; Stuart et al. 1981; Mendez et al. 1998). Although hepatotoxicity is a common sequela to intoxication, it is not necessarily the direct cause of death. Animals may die without these lesions, and a few may develop liver lesions without dying (Stuart et al. 1981; Martin et al. 1992). In addition, experimental studies revealed that protection against the liver effects did not directly influence lethality (Hatch et al. 1982). variety of tissues affected, brain, liver; signs not all due to liver disease but develop concurrently with it The toxin also serves as a plant growth inhibitor insuring dense, often monotypic stands of Xanthium with little competition from other plants in an area (Cutler 1983). Intoxication with atractyloside is essentially the same as that with CAT. Plants such as Atractylis, Wedelia, and Callilepis containing atractyloside have long been used for both medicinal and nefarious purposes. Unfortunately,

there are numerous incidents of intoxication involving medicinal/herbal preparations containing atractyloside. An example of the effects is illustrated by the case of a 7-year-old boy given an extract of the root of Atractylis gummifera (Georgiou et al. 1988). Within 2 days after ingesting the decoction, he became severely ill and died. There was marked elevation of serum AST, ALT, and bilirubin; diffuse hepatocellular necrosis; and disruption of the hepatic architecture. It is also of interest to note that hepatorenal injury has been reported secondary to cutaneous exposure to A. gummifera (Bouziri et al. 2010). In this instance, a 30-month-old child was treated for a burn on the arm using application of the cooked plant under an occlusive bandage. There are several extensive reviews of the biochemistry and toxicology associated with Atractylis and atractyloside (Obatomi and Bach 1998; Stewart and Steenkamp 2000; Daniele et al. 2005). Species of Xanthium also contain sesquiterpene lactones, some of which are biologically active against insects but are of unknown consequence as toxicants (Deuel and Geissman 1957; Picman 1986). Xanthatin and xantholides are cytotoxic in vivo but are of low toxicity, with an LD50 of 800 mg/kg b.w. in mice (Roussakis et al. 1994). abrupt onset, depression, weakness, ataxia, vomiting, seizures, and sometimes hypothermia; sharp decrease in blood glucose, increase in hepatic enzymes

Clinical Signs—Within a few hours of sprout consumption, signs in pigs appear and include depression, weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting, a tucked-up appearance, ataxia, spasmodic muscular activity, and recumbency. The disease may progress to convulsive paddling, coma, and death within a few hours or may take several days. Hypothermia has been noted in some cases. A peculiar gait or posture, with head held in an erect manner, seems to be typical in pigs but not calves. Signs in calves are similar to those in pigs, occurring in about 12 hours with excess salivation, tremors, ataxia, clonic and tonic seizures occasionally accompanied by vomiting or regurgitation, and sometimes aggressiveness. Onset of signs is slightly delayed in older calves with a functional rumen, in some cases for a day or more. In horses colic, rolling on the ground, and dyspnea have been noted as the most prominent signs (Fazekas et al. 2008). In humans, the initial signs are nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, and dyspnea. Shortly thereafter, cardiac arrhythmias, irregular breathing, and seizures may develop. Finally, evidence of generalized systemic signs develop with icterus, renal failure, hypotension, and coagulation abnormalities (Turgut et al. 2005). Clinical pathologic changes are very distinctive and similar in all species and are present in concert with the

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development of observable clinical signs. These include a 10-fold or greater increase in serum hepatic enzymes (AST, SDH). Blood glucose levels decline markedly (to as low as 10 mg/dL), especially in calves and less so in humans. Unfortunately, these changes are most discernible when the animal is close to death, because the disease often proceeds quite rapidly. The initial rise in blood glucose is short lived and seldom seen in clinical situations. gross pathology: fluid accumulations, edema of the gallbladder wall and surfaces of the liver and gut; liver swollen; microscopic: hepatic necrosis

Pathology—The most prominent gross changes associated with Xanthium intoxication are extensive accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the abdominal cavity and, to a lesser extent, in the pericardial sac and thoracic cavity. There is also gelatinous edema of the gallbladder wall, hepatic capsule, and subserosa of the small intestine, with fibrin clots/tags on visceral surfaces. The liver is typically swollen and has accentuated markings, especially on the cut surfaces. Scattered splotchy hemorrhages may be present on the surfaces of the heart and intestines. Microscopically, the most distinctive lesion is a severe, diffuse centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis involving almost entire lobules. In some instances, few cells or plates remain. Neuronal degeneration and cerebral edema are inconsistent findings. Similar changes are seen in all animal species. Because of the acuteness of the disease, it is likely that plant fragments or intact sprouts will be discernible in the stomach contents. As with all such diseases in pigs, dehydration due to reduced water intake may complicate the diagnosis because of similarities to sodium intoxication and water deprivation. diagnosis aided by plant fragments in stomach; assay of urine or stomach contents for CAT Diagnosis may be aided by assay for carboxyatractyloside by using thin-layer chromatography. Concentrations of 100–200 ppm in the rumen and 0.1 ppm in urine are reported for intoxicated calves (Witte et al. 1990). There is also potential for the use of an ELISA based on a diterpene glycoside–protein conjugate for diagnostic purposes (Bye et al. 1990). An HPLC/MS procedure has also been developed for plant tissues and subsequently modified for animal tissues (Steenkamp et al. 2006). activated charcoal, parenteral glucose, but poor prognosis; neostigmine or physostigmine helpful but not curative


Treatment—It should be stressed that these toxicants are very potent disrupters of cellular function and are poorly amenable to therapeutic intervention. At present, there is no specific treatment to counteract the ADP/ATP mitochondrial imbalance. Parenteral glucose and bicarbonate are reported to be helpful but not curative (Santi 1958). The value of these and other parenteral sugars such as fructose remains to be fully evaluated. However, supportive treatment with fluids and electrolytes, and sedation are appropriate and measures can be taken to reduce continued absorption of the toxin. Because fatty diets— that is, milk or lard—were noted to be protective in pigs eating the sprouts, they have been recommended for treatment, with some measure of success (Marsh et al. 1923). Activated charcoal may also be useful in decreasing toxin absorption, but it should not be used concurrently with the fatty substances. Neostigmine or physostigmine given intramuscularly may provide temporary alleviation of muscular problems and improvement of overall attitude, but these drugs are not curative and are probably mainly of diagnostic benefit. Experimentally, glycyrrhizic acid from licorice (Glycyrrhiza spp.) is protective in vitro against the effects of a cocklebur extract on rat and human hepatocytes (Yin et al. 2008). There is the possibility of the development of Fab antibody fragments against atractyloside, which may be of value against CAT but the expense may make them of limited value at least in animals. Silymarin should also be considered for treatment, although it has not been specifically evaluated for this particular malady and in those animal species typically affected.

XYLORHIZA NUTT. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 10 species of small shrubs and herbs of xeric regions of the western United States and Mexico, Xylorhiza is a member of the tribe Astereae (Nesom 2006d). Its generic name is sometimes erroneously spelled as Xylorrhiza. Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether it should be recognized as a distinct genus or as a section of Machaeranthera or Aster, but Watson (1977) presented convincing evidence for its recognition as a distinct genus. Only 1 species is of toxicologic concern: X. glabriuscula Nutt. (=Machaeranthera glabriuscula [Nutt.] Cronquist & D.D.Keck) (=Aster parryi A.Gray) (=Aster xylorhiza Torr. & A.Gray)

smooth woody aster, parry aster, woody aster


Toxic Plants of North America

perennial herbs; leaves simple, alternate; heads terminal; ray florets white or blue; disk florets yellow

Plants herbs; perennials; from branched caudices and woody taproots; herbage densely puberulent villous to glabrous. Stems erect; several from caudices; 10–40 cm tall; usually not branched. Leaves simple; alternate; blades linear to lanceolate or oblanceolate; margins entire or rarely sparsely toothed. Heads borne singly at the ends of branches or stems; broadly campanulate or hemispheric; phyllaries in 2- or 3-series, imbricate, linear or lanceolate, glabrous to densely villous; receptacles convex; receptacular bracts absent. Ray Florets 12–30; pistillate; fertile; corollas white or pale blue. Disk Florets 35–125; perfect; fertile; corollas yellow. Pappus of capillary bristles; barbellate; often brown. Achenes linear or clavate; slightly compressed; velutinous sericeous (Figure 13.106).

barren, open, alkaline sites

Distribution and Habitat—Xylorhiza glabriuscula occupies barren, open, alkaline sites of the northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountains principally in Wyoming. Populations also occur in Montana, South Dakota, Colorado, and Utah (Figure 13.107).

Figure 13.107.

Distribution of Xylorhiza glabriuscula.

animals are very hungry, for example, by sheep immediately following shearing when they have been penned for some time without feed (Beath 1920; Marsh 1924). Plants also seem to be more readily eaten at senescence when they begin to dry; they are also less toxic at this time (Prien and Raiford 1911). A high proportion of acutely affected animals die, especially lambs and older pregnant ewes. Consumption of 0.5 kg b.w. of green plant material by sheep is reported to cause illness (Huffman and Couch 1942), and dosage of 0.3% b.w. of green plants/day for 3–4 days or a single dose of 0.875% b.w. is lethal in sheep (Beath et al. 1939, 1953).

abrupt onset, apparent cardiac failure

Disease Problems—Plants of X. glabriuscula have a dis-

selenium accumulator; sheep eating young plants are especially at risk

agreeable odor and bitter taste. They are eaten only when

Disease Genesis—Disease is due to high levels of selenium accumulated in the plants. Xylorhiza glabriuscula is considered to be an indicator species for the mineral (Beath et al. 1939; Trelease and Beath 1949). Concentrations are highest in young plants and decline with the onset of flowering and advancing maturity (Beath 1920). A more complete discussion of aspects of selenium intoxication is presented in the treatment of Astragalus in Chapter 35. abrupt onset, weakness, depression, frothy nasal discharge, exercise intolerance

Figure 13.106. Photo of Xylorhiza glabriuscula. Courtesy of Richard Spjut, World Botanical Associates.

Clinical Signs—Because Xylorhiza is eaten mainly by sheep, it is most likely to produce an acute disease. There is severe muscular weakness, with head held down and ears drooping. Onset seems to occur within a few hours

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of ingestion. Colic, bloat, frothy and bloody discharge from the nose, stiffness and staggering when walking, and marked elevation of the heart and respiration rates are other features of the disease. Prostration and coma follow, with death in a few hours or in 3–4 days. gross pathology: excess fluid accumulation throughout the body; microscopic: renal and hepatic necrosis; no specific treatment

Pathology and Treatment—Grossly, there is mild reddening of the digestive tract, marked visceral congestion, excess fluid in the thoracic cavity and pericardial sac, and pulmonary edema. Microscopically, degeneration and necrosis of the renal tubular epithelium and liver parenchymal cells are likely to be present. There is no specific treatment other than good nursing care. The abrupt onset in sheep and peracute disease course make treatment in general of little benefit.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Achillea L. Comprising about 115 species native primarily to the Northern Hemisphere of the Old World, Achillea is a member of the tribe Anthemideae (Trock 2006a). In North America, A. millefolium L., popularly known as yarrow or milfoil, is most commonly encountered. As presently circumscribed, it includes taxa formerly recognized as A. lanulosa Nutt. and A. borealis Bong. Plants of this species are aromatic, herbaceous perennials with erect stems; pinnately dissected, fernlike leaves; and numerous, small heads with white or pinkish white ray florets borne in flat-topped or hemispheric corymbs. The indumentum of the herbage ranges from glabrous to woolly villous. A highly variable, circumboreal species, it occurs in a variety of habitats and vegetation types across the continent, with greatest abundance in grasslands, open woods, and pastures of the Great Plains. folk remedy; variety of ailments, especially control of bleeding

achillein and monoterpenes One of the most widely used folk remedies, A. millefolium is recognized as an antioxidant, antispasmodic, and

Figure 13.108.

Chemical structure of achillein.

anti-inflammatory, and is believed to be good for a variety of ailments and especially bleeding disorders and other problems involving blood vessels (Woolf 1999; Nemeth and Bernath 2008). Its leaves contain achillein, an Nmethyl glycoalkaloid that has hemostatic activity in rabbits (Miller and Chow 1954). The foliage also contains a bitter astringent that causes irritation of the digestive tract. Large amounts when eaten by sheep produce digestive disturbance (Pammel 1911; Millspaugh 1974). These effects may be caused by the array of monoterpenes present, such as camphor, cineole, and thujenes (Falk et al. 1974; Seaman 1982; Hanlidou et al. 1992). Choline is present but in very low concentrations, 0.025% d.w. (Bauer et al. 1956). When administered subcutaneously in mice, an unknown alkaloid that has been isolated from an Old World species, A. santolina, causes neurologic manifestations, including pelvic limb paralysis and rigidity of the tail (Etman et al. 1987). Experimental studies in rats are inconclusive, with only an increase in abnormal sperm reported (Dalsenter et al. 2004) (Figure 13.108). possible cause of digestive disturbance; diarrhea and colic; milk taint Achillea millefolium also contains several sesquiterpene lactones, achillin and its hydroxy and acetoxy derivatives, and desacetyl matricarin (Seaman 1982). Although not specifically associated with disease, they may represent a risk if sufficient plant material is eaten. Some sesquiterpene guaianolides, such as α-peroxyachifolid, cause allergic contact dermatitis in humans (Hausen et al. 1991). Foliage of some cultivars yields a very strong positive picrate reaction because of the presence of the cyanogenic prunasin (Fikenscher et al. 1980). The astringent-related digestive disturbances may result in diarrhea and colic and perhaps milk tainting. Treatment should be directed toward relief of the signs and in most instances will not be needed.

Ageratum L. An American genus of some 40 species, Ageratum, a member of the tribe Eupatorieae, is morphologically very similar to Eupatorium and is perhaps the most widely


Toxic Plants of North America

known genus of the tribe (Johnson 1971; Nesom 2006a). This familiarity is due to extensive cultivation of the ornamental A. conyzoides L., commonly known as billy-goat weed, and A. houstonianum Mill. (bluemink). Both species are adventive throughout the world. Two other species, A. corymbosum Zuccagni (cielitos, mota morada, or flattop ageratum), and A. littorale A.Gray occur in North America. All 4 are found in Mexico and the extreme southern portion of the United States. Plants of the genus are annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs with branched stems; opposite, simple, leaves; and clusters of small heads with white, blue, or lavender disk florets borne at ends of branches. Ray florets are absent. Morphologically very similar to Eupatorium, Ageratum is distinguished primarily by having a pappus of five awns rather than capillary bristles. not known to cause disease in North America; liver disease with hemorrhage and photosensitization in Cuba and India Forage contaminated with A. houstonianum is reported to cause an acute hemorrhagic disease and subacute photosensitization in cattle in Cuba (Alfonso et al. 1989). Plants in an area are eaten mainly by newly introduced animals and/or under adverse nutritional conditions. Aqueous extracts of A. conyzoides given orally to rats and mice produced anti-inflammatory and sedative-type effects (Yamamoto et al. 1991; Moura et al. 2005). Various species of the genus are reported to cause livestock intoxication problems in India (Sharma 1994). In instances of intoxication of cattle in India and Cuba, the main effects were hemorrhagic involving various tissues including joints, muscle, liver, heart, and kidney (Singh et al. 2000; Noa et al. 2004). There are also problems in India for people working in infested fields. Ageratum, however, has not yet been implicated in disease problems in North America. Studies with rats administered high dosage of extracts of A. conyzoides did not reveal any adverse effects and thus indicate that lethal dosage is quite high (Moura et al. 2005; Igboasoiyi et al. 2007). In Cuban intoxications, triterpenes, alkaloids, and coumarin were found in both plant tissues and ruminal/ intestinal contents. The role of these compounds is not known although one might speculate that coumarin is the primary cause. Ageratum houstonianum also contains compounds— precocenes I and II—that act as hormones regulating insect growth and cause extensive hepatocellular necrosis in rats in experimental studies (Hsia et al. 1981; Ravindranath et al. 1987). It is thought that they are bioactivated in liver to reactive metabolites. Because the dosage required for toxicity is in the range of 200–300 mg/kg b.w.

and the compounds are of limited concentration in plants, a role for them as toxicants for livestock is unlikely.

AMBROSIA L. A predominantly American genus consisting of some 40 species, Ambrosia, a member of the tribe Heliantheae, is one of the most notorious genera of the Asteraceae (Strother 2006a). Even though its generic name means “nectar of the gods,” its allergenic, wind-borne pollen causes misery and even danger for millions of hay fever sufferers in late summer and early fall. Of the 22 species in North America, the more common species such as A. artemisiifolia L. (common or short ragweed) and A. psilostachya DC. (western ragweed) may be eaten in some circumstances and possibly pose a toxicologic risk. Species of the genus are herbaceous or woody annuals or perennials from taproots or woody rhizomelike roots. Their leaves are opposite or alternate or opposite below and alternate above, simple, and with entire to variously toothed or lobed or dissected margins. Plants are monoecious, and the disk florets inconspicuous. Ray florets are absent. The staminate heads are borne in terminal racemes on short recurved peduncles, and the pistillate heads form hardened burs in the axils of upper leaves. Occupying a variety of soil types in a variety of vegetation types, species of the genus are classic indicators of land abuse. Present across most of North America, A. artemisiifolia is most common. Ambrosia psilostachya is characteristic of prairies and dry pastures across the continent except in the high mountains and mid-Atlantic coastal states. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Flora of North America ( possible cause of digestive disturbance and primary photosensitization due to sesquiterpene lactones, polyacetylenes, thiophenes Although toxicity of these species of Ambrosia has not been confirmed, there is the possibility of photosensitization and/or digestive disturbances. They contain polyacetylenes and thiophenes that are phototoxic for a variety of bacteria, in some instances even more potent than 8-methoxypsoralen, which is one of the phototoxic compounds of the Apiaceae (Marchant and Cooper 1987; Downum et al. 1989). In this instance, the interaction is with cell membranes rather than with DNA, as occurs with furanocoumarins. Species of the genus also contain pseudoguaianolide sesquiterpene lactones such as coronopilin, parthenin, psilostachyins, ambrosin, and parthenolide (Romo and deVivar 1967; Seaman 1982). These

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compounds may account for toxicity in the rare event that large amounts of plants are eaten. Some species are very bitter and have strong irritant properties (Millspaugh 1974). Thus, the possible signs of intoxication due to species of Ambrosia range from skin necrosis to nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Anthemis L. An Old World genus with 175 species, Anthemis, a member of the tribe Anthemideae, is commonly known as chamomile. In North America, 2 morphologically variable species are naturalized (Watson 2006a). Common and widespread in fields and waste areas across the continent are A. arvensis L., commonly known as scentless chamomile or corn chamomile, and A. cotula L., known variously as mayweed, dog fennel, dog daisy, dog’s chamomile, or stinking chamomile. Both are aromatic, herbaceous annuals with erect stems and alternate, incised dentate to pinnately dissected leaves. Borne singly at ends of branches or peduncles, the heads have yellow or white ray florets and yellow disk florets subtended by subequal, imbricate phyllaries. possible contact irritation and milk taint Species of Anthemis contain irritant substances that affect the skin and mucous membranes and taint milk and possibly meat (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Whitson et al. 1991). Anthemis altissima, known only from Washington (USDA, NRCS 2012), has tested strongly positive for cyanogenesis in some studies, but it has not been a clinical problem (Fikenscher et al. 1980). Clinical signs, if they occur, reflect contact irritation and include skin rash, and soreness and blistering of the mouth and lips. Treatment involves topical preparations for relief of the irritation and pain.



perennial 30–170 cm tall, with erect, deeply grooved stems, the upper branches of which are essentially leafless. Its sap is a milky latex, and the alternate leaves are generally pinnatifid below and entire or toothed above. The showy, sessile, primarily axillary heads consist of only ligulate florets with azure blue or rarely white corollas. Various parts of the plant have been used widely for food and drink. Leaves are eaten in salads, and roots are used as a substitute for coffee or an adulterant to enhance its flavor (Millspaugh 1974). Because of its tolerance to poor soils, the species has also been promoted as alternative forage for livestock, with use of aerial portions either fresh or dried for all livestock species and roots for pigs (Kains 1898). However, consumption of leaves or roots has been occasionally associated with acute disease and death in livestock (Bubien et al. 1962; Wachnik 1962; Cooper and Johnson 1984). Effects seem to be primarily on the digestive tract. Cattle fed almost exclusively on roots for 5 days developed severe digestive disturbances. A few animals died, but the remainder recovered quickly after feeding of roots was discontinued. Large quantities fed to dairy cattle or goats may result in bitter milk (Kains 1898). Chicory root extracts given orally to rats for 28 days at up to 1 g/kg b.w. produced no apparent adverse effects (Schmidt et al. 2007).

large amounts may cause digestive disorder until animals adapt; milk taint? effects may be due to sesquiterpene lactones

Cichorium intybus contains lactucin and lactucopicrin, the same bitter sesquiterpene lactones found in Lactuca (Seaman 1982; Picman 1986). At the very least, these lactones should be considered milk tainters, and when eaten in large amounts, they may cause loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Pathologic changes are limited to irritative reddening of the digestive tract. In most cases, signs will be of short duration and will not require treatment.

See treatment of Ericameria below.

Conyza Less. Cichorium L. A member of the tribe Cichorieae and native to the Mediterranean region, Cichorium comprises 6–9 species of weeds, ornamentals, and salad greens (Strother 2006b). In North America, only 2 introduced species are present, the cultivated C. endivia L. (endive) that sometimes escapes and C. intybus L., commonly known as chicory, succory, witloof, wild chicory, blue chicory, or bluesailors. Now a cosmopolitan weed of roadsides, abused fields, and waste areas, C. intybus is a deep-rooted

Primarily tropical and subtropical in distribution, Conyza, a member of the tribe Astereae, comprises more than 25–45 species. Of some toxicologic interest are C. canadensis (L.) Cronquist (=Erigeron canadensis), commonly known as horseweed, mare’s tail, and Canada fleabane, and C. coulteri A.Gray, or Coulter’s conyza, now classified as Laënnecia coulteri (A.Gray) G.L.Nesom (Nesom 1990; Noyes and Rieseberg 1999) but described here because it appears to cause the same toxicologic problem as C. canadensis.


Toxic Plants of North America

Both species are annuals with taproots and erect, branched, stems 30–175 cm tall. Alternate, simple, and numerous, the leaves are linear to oblanceolate, with entire to toothed margins and clasping or nonclasping bases. The numerous, small, campanulate heads, with inconspicuous or absent white ray florets and yellow disk florets subtended by phyllaries in 2- or 3-series, are borne in terminal panicles. The obovate achenes bear a pappus of capillary bristles at their apices. A classic indicator of barren, recently disturbed soils, C. canadensis is found in waste areas and abused pastures, prairies, and woodlands throughout most of North America. Widespread in northern Mexico, L. coulteri occurs on ditch banks, dry stream beds, and disturbed sites.

rare intoxication; not confirmed experimentally

Conyza canadensis and L. coulteri force-fed to a lamb at 3% b.w. were lethal in 3 days (Boughton and Hardy 1941). In a case involving cattle, plants were suspected to be the cause of blindness, increased salivation, depression, nervous twitching, circling, and reluctance to move 7–8 days after animals were moved to new pastures containing plants (Dollahite 1978). Morbidity reputedly reached 90%, and mortality was 50%. The disease has been reported on several occasions from Texas; however, attempts to reproduce the disease experimentally were negative. The disease may be a form of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) as the signs are consistent with this disease (Hart et al. 2000). In this respect, thiamine may be appropriate for treatment. Foliage has generally been negative for cyanogenesis in our experience. Of unknown clinical significance, several phenypropanoyl esters have been isolated from C. canadensis that inhibit catecholamine secretion from bovine adrenal medullary cells under some conditions (Ding et al. 2010).

Erechtites Raf. Comprising 15–25 species, Erechtites, a member of the tribe Senecioneae, is native to the Americas and Australasia (Barkley and Cronquist 1978; Barkley 2006a). In North America, only three species are present: E. hieracifolius (L.) Raf., commonly known as eastern fireweed or American burnweed; E. glomeratus (Poir.) DC., cut-leaved coast fireweed or cut-leaved coast burnweed; and E. minimus (Poir.) DC., toothed coast fireweed or toothed coast burnweed. Although traditionally treated as feminine, the genus name should be treated as masculine according to the rules of botanical nomenclature and thus the specific epithets should be written in the masculine gender as well rather than the long used feminine endings.

These three species are annual, often malodorous herbs from taproots with stems 60–200 cm tall that bear alternate simple lanceolate or oblanceolate leaves with entire or coarsely and irregularly double serrate to pinnately lobed or dissected margins and clasping bases. Borne in elongate or flat-topped panicles or corymbs, the numerous cylindrical or urceolate heads have phyllaries in 2-series and only disk florets yellowish white or light yellow corollas. The pappus comprises numerous, white, capillary bristles; and the achenes are cylindrical; 5-angled or 10- to 20-ribbed. Erechtites glomerata and E. minima are Australasian species that have naturalized in woodlands and grasslands of the Pacific Coast states. Erechtites hieracifolia is native and common in open woods, especially muddy sites, of the eastern half of North America. It is adventive in the west. hepatotoxicity; closed diester retronecine-type PAs Closely related to Senecio, E. hieracifolia causes pyrrolizidine-type hepatotoxicity characteristic of that genus (Riet-Correa et al. 1998). It contains the closed diester retronecines; senecionine and senecicannabine, which represent a risk when sufficient plant material is eaten which, however, is unlikely due to typically low plant densities. The presence of these compounds is consistent with occurrence of senecionine, seneciphylline, and retrorsine, mainly as N-oxides, in the Australian species E. quadridentata (Culvenor and Smith 1955). A complete discussion of pyrrolizidine compounds and aspects of their hepatotoxicity is presented in the treatment of Senecio in this chapter.

Ericameria Nutt. The rabbitbrushes or goldenbushes have long been classified in the genus Chrysothamnus, a member of the tribe Astereae. Most commonly encountered and cited in the toxicologic literature is C. nauseosus (Pall.) Britton, generally known as bitter rabbitbrush, rubber rabbitbrush, chamisa, gray horsebrush, or common horsebrush. On the basis of detailed systematic and molecular studies, the circumscription of Chrysothamnus has been narrowed and that of Ericameria enlarged (Nesom and Baird 1993; Roberts and Urbatsch 2003, 2004). Bitter rabbitbrush is now known as E. nauseosus (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & G.I.Baird., a morphologically and ecologically variable species with 21 described varieties in North America (Urbatsch et al. 2006). Plants are profusely branched shrubs with erect or upward-arching stems. The branchlets are distinctively white tomentose. The simple, alternate leaves are sessile and linear to

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oblanceolate with entire margins. Borne in terminal cymose clusters, the cylindrical heads have only yellow disk florets subtended by imbricated phyllaries. The pappus is of numerous capillary bristles. Occupying a variety of soil types and tolerating alkaline conditions, E. nauseosus is found in open, dry habitats of deserts, plains, canyons, and mountains in the western half of the continent. Increasing in abundance with overgrazing, plants sometimes form dense stands of several acres to a few square miles.

eaten as winter forage; under some conditions when large amounts are eaten without prior adaptation, may cause digestive disorder

The specific epithet nauseosus is indicative of the strong odor of the foliage. However, in spite of this odor, plants are valuable winter forage for deer and less so for sheep and other livestock, with good palatability and nutritive value (Bhat et al. 1990). Very little plant material is eaten in the summer. This is perhaps a reflection of the high concentrations of secondary volatile compounds at this time, in contrast to low levels in winter (Halls et al. 1994). Thus, risk of intoxication may be greater in summer. Some investigators believe the species to be toxic only under some circumstances, as when, for example, animals are forced to subsist almost entirely on them without a prior acclimation period (Sampson and Malmsten 1935). Ericameria nauseosus has also been suggested as a cause of abortion (James et al. 1992a).

Eupatorium L. Principally a genus of eastern North America, eastern Asia, and Europe, Eupatorium, commonly known as thoroughwort, was for many years a broadly circumscribed genus comprising 600–1000 species. Based on the work of King and Robinson (1987), the genus’s circumscription has been narrowed dramatically with several genera traditionally included within it once again recognized as distinct. With respect to toxic plants, the most notable change in classification is the segregation of Ageratina as a distinct genus. As described at the beginning of this chapter, A. altissima is the cause of trembles in animals and milk sickness in humans. Eupatorium now comprises about 45 species, of which 24 occur in North America (Siripun and Schilling 2006). The genus name is taken from Mithridates Eupator, who was a king of ancient Pontus, a part of modern northeastern Turkey. Eupator is reported by Pliny to have used one species of the genus as an antidote for poison. Plants of Eupatorium are perennial herbs from fibrous rooted


crowns or short rhizomes. The erect, often branched stems are 30–150 cm tall and bear simple, opposite leaves with blades that are consipicuously 3-ribbed, serrate, and long petioled. Borne in loose hemispheric or flat-topped clusters at the ends of branches, the numerous, small, obconic heads have only disk florets with white corollas. The pappus comprises capillary bristles and the mature achenes are cylindrical, 5-ribbed, and blackish. Species of the genus are encountered primarily in the eastern half of the continent (Siripun and Schilling 2006). digestive disturbance; neurotoxic effects; sesquiterpene lactones present; little threat Extracts of Eupatorium species have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, especially as tonics and vermifuges (Pammel 1911). Eupatorium perfoliatum and E. purpureum are among the most widely used plants for medicinal purposes; decoctions are especially popular as tonics. In large doses, they are reported to cause digestive disturbance with colic and also neurotoxic effects (Millspaugh 1974). Although an array of sesquiterpene lactones with cytotoxic or other biological activity are reported for several species (Picman 1986), it appears, however, that the genus poses little threat to either livestock or humans.

Florestina Cass. A Mexican and Central American genus of 8 species, Florestina, a member of the tribe Heliantheae, is represented in North America by a single species F. tripteris DC. formely known as Palafoxia tripteris (Strother 2006c). Commonly known as sticky florestina or sticky palafoxia, it is an erect, single stemmed, annual herb 10–60 cm tall with opposite leaves below and alternate leaves above. Its turbinate heads are borne in a dichotomously branched cyme and bear only white disk florets subtended by purple-tinged phyllaries in 1-series. Comprising 8–10 scales, the pappus is present at the apex of obpyramidal, 4-sided achenes with either smooth or 3-ribbed faces. possibly cyanogenic The species is distributed in the plains of northern Mexico. Boughton and Hardy (1939) conducted feeding trials and found that foliage equivalent to 0.5% b.w. caused death in sheep in 33 minutes. The foliage was positive for cyanide when tested via the picrate test, and the clinical signs appearing were consistent with cyanide as the cause of death.


Toxic Plants of North America

Helianthus L.

Lactuca L.

An American genus of some 50 species and numerous hybrids, Helianthus, a member of the tribe Heliantheae, is one of the most commonly encountered and readily recognized members of the family (Schilling 2006a). Representative species include H. annuus L. (annual or common sunflower), H. maximiliani Schrad. (Maximilian’s sunflower), H. mollis Lam. (ashy sunflower), and H. tuberosus L. (Jerusalem artichoke). Many of the species, especially H. annuus, are cultivated for their oil, achenes, rhizomes, and beauty. Distributed across the continent from southern Canada to Mexico, they are also an important resource for wildlife. Species of the genus are herbaceous annuals and perennials, from either taproots or thickened rootstocks. The erect stems, 60–300 cm tall, bear simple leaves that are opposite or opposite below and alternate above, of various shapes, and variously indumented. The large showy heads are borne on long or short peduncles at ends of the branches or in axils of the leaves. They have yellow, pistillate but sterile ray florets and dark brown to perfect, fertile, purple-black disk florets subtended by phyllaries in 2- to 4-series and receptacular bracts. Two typically caducous awns and often 2 small scales compose the pappus. The achenes are obovoid and flattened.

The many cultivated varieties of cultivated lettuce, L. sativa, are probably the best-known members of the Old World genus Lactuca, a member of the tribe Cichorieae, which comprises approximately 75 species and hybrids (Strother 2006f). The generic name is derived from the Latin lac, for “milk,” which reflects the milky sap present in all species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In addition to the cultivated taxa, several species are common weeds in disturbed soils of waste areas, roadsides, rights-of-way, and abused pastures. In North America, 10 introduced species are present (Strother 2006f). Representatives are L. canadensis L. (wild lettuce, trumpetweed, tall lettuce) and L. serriola L. (prickly lettuce). Plants of the genus are herbaceous annuals, biennials, and perennials with a milky sap. The erect stems, 20– 250 cm tall, bear both basal and cauline, alternate, simple leaves with blades of various shapes and marginal dissection. Borne in terminal panicles, the cylindrical or urceolate heads contain 5–35 yellow, blue, white, or lavender ligulate florets that are subtended by imbricate phyllaries in 2- to several series. The pappus is of capillary bristles, and the achenes are flattened with a long or short beak.

commonly eaten; in some circumstances may present a risk due to nitrate accumulation or presence of bioactive sesquiterpene lactones

Although palatable and readily sought out by livestock, species of Helianthus are of low nutritional value. Young plants have been considered by some to be toxic. Ataxia, excitement, circulatory problems, and eventually collapse occur 3–4 hours after young plants with immature achenes are eaten (Cooper and Johnson 1984). Because the disease is accompanied by dark-colored blood and the signs are acute, nitrate is suspected to be the cause of intoxication. Helianthus annuus is quite saline tolerant, and under appropriate conditions where soil sulfates are high, the plants may accumulate up to 800 ppm sulfur (Mayland and Robbins 1994). Species of Helianthus also contain sesquiterpene lactones such as orizabin and pinnatifidin derivatives, which are of unknown toxicologic significance (Seaman 1982). Experimental studies on insects suggest that they produce neurotoxic effects via picrotoxinlike GABA/chloride channel antagonism (Mullin et al. 1991). Such effects could also account for the observed clinical signs; however, they have not been confirmed in higher animals.

unsubstantiated narcotic effect in humans attributed to the milky sap; possible pulmonary emphysema in cattle Reports of intoxications due to Lactuca are largely anecdotal with few authenticated incidents. Since the 1700s, the milky sap has had a reputation as a substitute for opium (Coxe 1799). Large doses of sap extracts were reported to produce narcotic effects in frogs. However, this reputation has been questioned for more than 100 years, and it now appears that it has no chemical basis; it is now viewed as a psychotropic drug fraud (Tyler 1980; Der Marderosian and Liberli 1988). The action is psychological rather than physiological, and Tyler (1980) has termed modern promotion of the use of Lactuca sap a hoax. Mullins and Horowitz (1998) reported of severe adverse effects associated with i.v. administration of a lettuce powder “tea” but no narcotic activity. In one of the few instances of field observations in animals, Gregory (1997) associated consumption of a butterhead variety of lettuce with transient narcosis in a duckling. Beath and coworkers (1953) reported the occurrence of what appears to be tryptophan-type pulmonary emphysema (atypical interstitial pneumonia) in cattle moved from dry summer range to irrigated fall pasture containing abundant L. serriola. sesquiterpene lactones, lactucin, and lactucopicrin; digestive disorder or milk taint

Asteraceae Martinov

Lactuca does contain several toxicants: lactucoral, lactucrin, lacturin, lactucol, and a small amount of hyoscyamine (Pammel 1911; Millspaugh 1974). Two cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactones, lactucin and lactucopicrin, are also present in the milky sap in concentrations of approximately 2% and 3.5%, respectively (Schmitt 1940; Seaman 1982; Picman 1986). Some of these compounds are intensely bitter, and they may react with oxidants to cause unusually colored and bitter milk from cows eating the plants. Except for the labored respiration associated with the pulmonary emphysema, there have been no distinct diseases with which to associate signs, pathology, or therapy. A complete discussion of the type of pulmonary emphysema characteristic of Lactuca is presented in the treatment of Brassica in Chapter 16.

Laënnecia Cass. Comprising about 18 species distributed primarily in the New World, Laënnecia is a member of the tribe Astereae and morphologically quite similar to the genus Conyza (Nesom 1990; Noyes and Rieseberg 1999; Strother 2006g). Its 6 North American species were long placed in Conyza. Of these six, only L. coulteri (reported as C. coulteri) has been reported to be toxic to livestock (Boughton and Hardy 1941; Hart et al. 2000). A discussion of its morphology, distribution, and toxicity is given in the treatment of Conyza in this chapter.

Silybum Adans. Comprising only 2 species and native to the Mediterranean region, Silybum, a member of the tribe Cardueae, is represented in North America by S. marianum (L.) Gaertn (Keil 2006b). Commonly known as milk thistle, blessed milk thistle, or St. Mary’s thistle, it is an herbaceous annual or biennial, 100–200 cm tall, with glabrous or slightly tomentose herbage. The erect stems bear large, simple, alternate, spiny dentate, often pinnately lobed leaves that are dark green, blotched with white. The leaves typically are petiolate below, becoming sessile and auriculate above. Borne singly at the branch ends, the large heads contain numerous purple to pink disk florets that are subtended by imbricate phyllaries in several series, the outer of which are spinose. Ray florets are absent. The pappus is of numerous flat, barbellate, capillary bristles. The achenes are glabrous and slightly flattened. Plants are encountered infrequently across the continent as weeds along roadsides, in abused pastures, and in waste areas. They are sometimes cultivated as ornamentals, and the achenes have been used as a coffee substitute.


toxicity not reported, but plants may accumulate nitrate and cyanogenic glycosides

Both nitrate and cyanogenic glycosides may be accumulated by S. marianum; however, they have only rarely been shown to cause disease problems (Kendrick et al. 1955). Because of the propensity to accumulate nitrates, care should be taken to avoid grazing pastures infested with S. marianum for 1 week following application of herbicides such as 2,4-D, which may cause a temporary increase nitrate levels (Harradine 1990).

silymarin protects against liver injury

The plant also contains silymarin made up of silybin (silybinin), the main component, silychristin, and silydianin which are referred to as the silymarin–flavonoid complex or flavanolignans. These compounds, especially silybin, act to stabilize membranes by preventing or inhibiting peroxidation processes (increasing glutathione levels and free radical scavenging) and also inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis (Rui 1991; Fraschini et al. 2002; Negi et al. 2008). Presumably these effects are factors in the protection afforded by silymarin against liver injury such as that induced by the algal toxin microcystin-LR, Aminita or deathcap mushroom intoxication, and a variety of other liver disease problems (Mereish et al. 1991; Saller et al. 2001; Wellington and Jarvis 2001; Pradhan and Girish 2006; Tamayo and Diamond 2007). Silymarin’s use has been suggested for dogs with liver disease, and experimentally, it has been shown to be protective against gentamicin nephrotoxicity in dogs (Minton 2004; Varzi et al. 2007). It has also been shown to be effective against aflatoxicosis in broiler chicks (Sujatha et al. 2003; Tedesco et al. 2004). Adverse reactions to herbal products containing Silybum are rare and typically limited to gastrointestinal disturbances and allergic skin reactions (Fraschini et al. 2002; Negi et al. 2008). Dosage of 140–150 mg 3 times per day for prolonged periods produced no relevant side effects (Pares et al. 1998; El-Kamary et al. 2009). In one instance, episodes of sweating, nausea, colic, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse occurred in a woman each time following ingestion of the product (Anon 1999). The oral LD50 is 10 g/kg b.w. in rats and even higher in mice where 20 g/kg is well tolerated and in dogs where 1 g/kg was without adverse effects (Fraschini et al. 2002). The i.v. LD50 is approximately 400 mg/kg b.w. in mice and rats and 140 mg/kg in rabbits and dogs. The achenes have been fed with success to cattle as a preventive against ketosis (Vojtisek et al. 1991).


Toxic Plants of North America

Tanacetum L. Comprising 160 species of the Northern Hemisphere, Tanacetum, a member of the tribe Anthemideae, is represented by 4 species in North America (Watson 2006b). The introduced and commonly cultivated T. vulgare L. (tansy or common tansy) is most commonly encountered throughout much of the United States and Canada. It is a coarse, aromatic, herbaceous, glabrous perennial, 40– 150 cm tall, from a stout rhizome. The simple, alternate leaves are glandular punctate and pinnately dissected with a broadly winged rachis. Numerous heads are borne in flat-topped or hemispheric corymbs and have numerous yellow disk florets. Ray florets are absent. The pappus is absent or present as a short crown, and the achenes are 4- or 5-ribbed. rarely eaten; large dosage possibly neurotoxic or cardiotoxic Although T. vulgare is used extensively as a folk remedy tonic, there are several instances of fatal overdoses of the tea or oil. Neurointoxication and cardiac/respiratory depression are the predominant effects (Millspaugh 1974). However, an acute and chronic toxicity study revealed adverse effects only at high oral dosage with no adverse effects until dosage reached 9 g/kg b.w. (Lahiou et al. 2008). A toxicant has not been identified; sesquiterpene lactones are poorly represented and appear not to be important factors in the toxic effects (Seaman 1982).

Vernonia Schreb. Comprising about 20 species occurring primarily in central and eastern North America, Vernonia, a member of the tribe Vernonieae, is commonly known as ironweed. The genus is characterized by extensive hybridization, hybrid swarms are common, and numerous named hybrids are present (Strother 2006o). Among the most commonly encountered are V. baldwinii Torr. (western ironweed), V. gigantea (Walter) Trel. (=V. altissima Nutt.; tall ironweed), and V. noveboracensis (L.) Michx. (New York ironweed). Plants of the genus are herbaceous perennials with tough, fibrous stems; simple, alternate leaves with entire or toothed margins; and numerous heads borne in flat-topped or hemispheric clusters at the ends of the branches. The heads contain only purple, pink, or white disk florets, which are subtended by imbricate phyllaries in several series. The pappus is in 2-series, with long bristles and short bristles or scales. The cylindrical achenes are ribbed. Flowering in late summer and fall, species of the genus are found in prairies and open woods. They are often weedy in overgrazed pastures and disturbed habitats.

toxicity not confirmed in North America; sesquiterpene lactones present; South American species cause disease similar to that caused by Xanthium Although Vernonia has not been incriminated as toxic in North America, V. mollisima in South America has been shown to cause disease in cattle, sheep, goats, and rabbits (Dobereiner et al. 1976; Tokarnia et al. 1986). Experimental administration of 1–2% b.w. of the species produced muscular tremors, labored respiration, and paddling seizures accompanied by severe hepatocellular necrosis and finally death over the course of 48 hours in 4 of 7 cows. Similarly in South America, V. rubricaulis also produces severe centilobular hepatic necrosis in cattle eating 3 g/kg b.w. of fresh green sprouting plant (Brum et al. 2002). Clinical signs included blindness, excess salivation, and ataxia. Studies with other species in other areas of the world failed to demonstrate toxic effects (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Monteiro et al. 2001; Ojiako and Nwanjo 2006). North American species contain cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactones similar to those of the South American species (Catalan et al. 1986; Jakupovic et al. 1986; Picman 1986). Vernolepin from an African species, V. hymenolepis, is a cytotoxic αmethylene-γ-lactone that reacts with thiol groups to inhibit tumors. It also inactivates various enzymes by thiol interaction (e.g., glycogen synthase), has antihistaminic activity, and inhibits platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid (Smith et al. 1972; Laekeman et al. 1983). Although plants are not known specifically to cause disease, the possibility of occurrence of intoxications should not be entirely dismissed, given intake of sufficient plant material.

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Chapter Fourteen

Berberidaceae Juss.

Barberry Family Berberis Mahonia Nandina Podophyllum

Widespread in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and the Andes of South America, the Berberidaceae comprises about 15 genera and species in both the Old and New World (Loconte 1993; Culham 2007). Commonly known as the barberry family, it is prized economically for its many ornamental shrubs, with some 100 species and 9 genera offered in the horticultural trade. Related to the Ranunculaceae (buttercup family) and Papaveraceae (poppy family), and sharing the common alkaloid berberine, the family is characterized by having groups of genera so closely related that generic boundaries are tenuous, as illustrated by the relationship of Berberis and Mahonia, described below (Loconte 1993). In North America, 8 genera and 33 native species are present (Whittemore 1997). Intoxication problems are associated with 3 genera.

perennial herbs or shrubs; flowers small; petals 6 or 9, in 2 or 3 whorls; fruits berries

Plants herbs or shrubs; perennials; evergreen or deciduous; rhizomes present or absent. Stems armed or not armed; glabrous. Leaves simple or 1- to 3-pinnately compound; alternate or opposite or whorled; venation palmate or pinnipalmate or pinnate; glabrous; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or panicles or racemes or umbels; axillary or terminal. Flowers small; perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 6; caducous or persistent; in 2 whorls. Corollas radially symmetrical; bowl or saucer shaped. Petals 6 or 9; in 2 or 3 whorls; free. Stamens 6

or 12 or 18. Pistils 1; simple, carpels 1; stigmas 1; styles 1 or 0; ovaries superior, ovoid in longitudinal section; locules 1; placentation parietal or basal. Fruits berries, may rupture and release drupe-like seeds. Seeds numerous or 1 or 2.

BERBERIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as barberry, Berberis comprises some 500 species. Its name is derived from berberys, from the Arabic name for its fruits (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Prized for its many ornamental shrubs, it is also of economic importance because some species, in particular B. vulgaris, serve as hosts for Puccinia graminis, the black stem-rust of wheat. Taxonomists and horticulturalists have strong opinions about division of the genus into two genera—Berberis and Mahonia (Whittemore 1997). Species with simple leaves and spiny stems are positioned by some individuals in Berberis, and those with compound leaves and nonspiny stems are placed in Mahonia (Loconte 1993). There are also differences between the two taxa in terms of morphology of the stems, appearance of the inflorescences, and susceptibility to Puccinia. However, numerous species in other parts of the world exhibit intermediate combinations of these characters and molecular phylogenetic analyses support a single taxon (Whittemore 1997; Kim et al. 2004; Culham 2007), and others typically recognize one large genus, as is done in this treatment. Species of the genus are also quite similar toxicologically. In contrast, horticulturalists continue to recognize two genera. In North America, more than 25 native and introduced species are present (Whittemore 1997). The following are representatives: B. aquifolium Pursh (=Mahonia aquifolium [Pursh] Nutt.) B. canadensis Mill.

Oregon grape, holly leaved barberry

American barberry

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

B. fremontii Torr. (=M. fremontii [Torr.] Fedde) B. julianae C.K.Schneid. B. koreana Palib. B. repens Lindl. (=M. repens [Lindl.] G.Don) B. ×stenophylla Lindl. B. thunbergii DC. B. vulgaris L.

desert mahonia, Fremont’s mahonia

wintergreen barberry Korean barberry creeping barberry, trailing mahonia

rosemary barberry, coral barberry Japanese barberry common barberry, berberry, European berberis

shrubs; leaves simple or 1-pinnately compound, alternate; flowers small; petals 6, yellow, dark orange red or white; berries yellow red or black blue

are adapted to a variety of soil types, often those that are shallow and dry. Most of our native species have relatively restricted distributions; diversity is greatest in the Pacific Coast states. Introduced ornamentals include B. julianae (China), B. koreana (Korea), and B. thunbergii (Japan). Also naturalized and widespread in the same region is B. vulgaris from Eurasia; it is susceptible to Puccinia graminis and has been subjected to eradication efforts in wheatgrowing areas in an attempt to interrupt the rust’s life cycle. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www. and the Flora of North America (http://

foliage or berries, bitter and unpalatable; rarely irritation, digestive disturbance, possibly urinary system Plants shrubs; evergreen or deciduous. Stems 10–450 cm tall; armed or not armed with spines; spur branches present or absent. Leaves simple or 1-pinnately compound; alternate; blades elliptic or lanceolate or orbicular or oblanceolate or obovate. Inflorescences terminal racemes or umbels or rarely solitary flowers. Flowers small. Sepals 6; yellow. Petals 6; yellow to dark orange red or rarely white. Stamens 6. Berries globose to ovoid or cylindrical; yellow red or black blue; typically glaucous. Seeds 1–10; tan to red brown or black (Figure 14.1).

shallow, dry soils, also ornamentals

Distribution and Habitat—Native to the woodlands of northern Asia, Europe, and America, species of Berberis

Disease Problems—Berberis is perhaps best known for its numerous ornamental shrubs, but it also provides food and, in the past, medicines. Its berries are sour but edible and used for jams and jellies (Hart 1992). Roots were used by Native Americans and settlers to make medicinal tinctures for stomach trouble, hemorrhage, tuberculosis, and eye trouble. Berberis vulgaris and other species are used around the world for therapeutic purposes such as a liver and heart tonic in traditional medicine (Janbaz and Gilani 2000; Imanshahidi and Hosseinzadeh 2008). Pharmacologic effects include endocrine, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, immune system, central nervous system, renal, and antibacterial actions (Imanshahidi and Hosseinzadeh 2008). Berberis aquifolium is used to treat psoriasis (Hansel 1992). As early as 1911, Pammel reported that B. aquifolium contains irritant principles that cause inflammation of the digestive tract. Irritation of the kidneys was also reported (Millspaugh 1974). These irritant effects and deaths have also been reported for 2 bantengs (a species of wild cattle from southeastern Asia) eating the young sprouts of B. aquifolium (reported as Mahonia aquifolium) (von Lahde 1973). Plants of the genus, however, are generally bitter and unpalatable and thus typically represent little hazard.

numerous protoberberine alkaloids, berberine, canadine, low risk; high-dosage neurotoxic

Disease Genesis—Several species of Berberis have been Figure 14.1. Line drawing of Berberis aquifolium.

shown to contain an array of isoquinoline protoberberine alkaloids (Bhakuni and Jain 1986; Imanshahidi and

Berberidaceae Juss.

Hosseinzadeh 2008). These alkaloids include berberine, berberamine, canadine, columbamine, corypalmine, jatrorrhizine, and palmatine. Berberine is identical with umbellatine and chemically related to hydrastine. Hydrastinine is a decomposition product of either berberine or hydrastine. Although these alkaloids are similar in structure, they differ in the effects they produce. In general, protoberberine alkaloids relax smooth muscle, causing a transient decrease in blood pressure and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (Southon and Buckingham 1989). Berberine may cause seizures in higher dosage and also inhibits enzymes such as tyrosine decarboxylase and tryptophanase. The specific agent responsible for the therapeutic action of B. aquifolium on psoriasis is not known (Hansel 1992). Studies in rats indicate hepatic effects such as protective actions against liver damage from acetaminophen and inhibition of cytochrome P450 microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes (Janbaz and Gilani 2000). Prolongation of pentobarbital sleeping time and increased strychnine intoxication effects suggest the potential for interaction with the activity of a variety of drugs and toxicants (Figures 14.2 and 14.3). nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; gross pathology, mild reddening of the digestive tract; treatment not needed; use of berberine products during pregnancy may cause uterine contractions

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs of Berberis intoxication reflect mild to moderately severe irritation of the digestive tract and include nausea,

Figure 14.2.

Chemical structure of berberine.


vomiting, and diarrhea. Additionally, there may be decreased blood pressure and dyspnea. The results of ingestion are generally mild, not lethal; thus treatment, if needed at all, is limited to temporary relief of the diarrhea. Usage of berberine or related products should be avoided in pregnancy because of their potential for causing uterine contractions and possibly miscarriage (Imanshahidi and Hosseinzadeh 2008).

MAHONIA See treatment of Berberis in this chapter.

NANDINA THUNB. Taxonomy and Morphology—Nandina, a monotypic genus native to China and Japan, gets its name from nandin, the Japanese common name for the species or the Chinese name meaning “plant from the south” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Whittemore 1997). With more than 60 highly esteemed cultivars, the single species is as follows: N. domestica Thunb.

heavenly bamboo, nandina, Chinese sacred bamboo

erect shrubs, reddish branchlets; leaves 3-pinnately compound, alternate, red purple in winter; flowers numerous, tiny, cream to white; berries red to purple red in winter

Plants shrubs; evergreen or semideciduous. Stems erect; clumped; typically not branched; 100–200 cm tall; branchlets reddish. Leaves 2- or 3-pinnately compound; alternate; leaflet blades elliptic to lanceolate to ovate, turning red purple in winter; margins entire; petiole bases clasping. Inflorescences terminal or axillary panicles; erect or arching. Flowers small; numerous. Sepals and Petals intergrading; cream to white. Stamens 6. Berries globose; red to purple red. Seeds 1–3; grayish or brownish (Figures 14.4 and 14.5).

Distribution and Habitat—Very common and widely cultivated throughout North America, N. domestica is quite tolerant of a variety of environmental conditions and is prized for its winter foliage of reddish purple leaves and red berries.

Figure 14.3.

Chemical structure of corypalmine.

cyanogenic glycosides, peracute intoxication, ruminants, pets, rare; protoberberine alkaloids; serotonin antagonist, nantenine


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 14.4.

Illustration of Nandina domestica.

Figure 14.6.

Chemical structure of p-hydroxymandelonitrile.

Figure 14.7.

Chemical structure of nantenine.

tyrosine, respectively. Under the appropriate conditions in the plant or rumen, they subsequently are hydrolyzed to the aglycone or sugar-free glycone and then to free HCN (Seigler 1977) (Figures 14.6 and 14.7). Several protoberberine alkaloids are present in various tissues of N. domestica, including berberine, domesticine, dometine, nandinine, and protopine (Manske and Ashford 1954). A serotonin receptor antagonist, nantenine (Omethyldomesticine), is also present in the fruits (Shoji et al. 1984). The role of these compounds as toxicants following ingestion of a few berries is not known. For most cultivars, cyanogenesis is the more important intoxication factor.

abrupt onset, apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures, rapid sequence

Figure 14.5.

Photo of Nandina domestica.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Many but not all cultivars of Nandina are strongly cyanogenic and represent a hazard to ruminants that gain access to them. Occasionally, other animals, such as puppies, may be at risk (Bradley et al. 1988). Cyanogenesis is due to the glucosides p-hydroxymandelonitrile and p-glucosyl-oxymandelonitrile, which are derived from phenylalanine and

Clinical Signs—Typical of cyanide intoxication, abrupt onset of apprehension and distress occurs within a few minutes of the animal’s browsing the foliage of Nandina. This is quickly followed by weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration. If intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency, with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur in a 5- to 15-minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time. Complete recovery may require several hours to overnight.

Berberidaceae Juss.

no lesions treatment: ruminants, sodium thiosulfate; sodium nitrite with sodium thiosulfate



Pathology and Treatment—There are few distinctive changes. For the most part, they are limited to congestion of the abdominal viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages. The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite, 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment except in dogs. A more complete discussion is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae in Chapter 64.


Figure 14.8.

Line drawing of Podophyllum peltatum.

Figure 14.9.

Photo of the leaves of Podophyllum peltatum.

Taxonomy and Morphology—One of the classic harbingers of spring in the deciduous forests of eastern North America, Podophyllum comprises 2–5 species native to both the Old and New World (O’Rourke George 1997). Its name is derived from the Greek roots podos and phyllon, meaning “foot” and “leaf” alluding to the shape of the leaves (Quattrocchi 2000). Taxonomists differ in their opinions of the taxon’s circumscription, some preferring to position the Asian species in separate genera. In North America, 1 species is present: P. peltatum L.

mayapple, American mandrake, Indian apple, wild lemon, duck’s foot, ground lemon, vegetable calomel, podophyllum, podophyllin, devil’s apple, vegetable mercury, umbrella leaf

erect herbs; leaves simple, solitary or paired, opposite; petals 6 or 9, white or pink; berries yellow, orange, red or maroon

Plants herbs; rhizomes present, segmented, producing 1 leaf or flowering shoot per year. Stems erect; 20–60 cm tall. Leaves simple; solitary and basal or paired and cauline; opposite; venation palmate; glossy green; blades reniform orbicular; peltate; margins palmately 5- to 7-lobed or parted; margins of lobes or parts entire or dentate. Inflorescences solitary flowers; arising in angle between petioles. Flowers fragrant or malodorous; nodding. Sepals 6; caducous; white or pale green. Petals 6 or 9; white or rarely pink. Stamens 6 or 12 or 18. Berries ovoid to ellipsoid; yellow or orange or red or maroon. Seeds 20–50; yellow or orange or red or maroon (Figures 14.8–14.10).

rich, moist woods

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Podophyllum occur in the forests of eastern North America and eastern Asia. Adapted to the shaded, rich, moist soils of the forest floors, P. peltatum is distributed throughout the eastern half of the continent. One of the first species to begin growth in the spring, it typically forms dense stands and thus is conspicuous in the otherwise leafless woods. Flowering occurs before the canopy closes (Figure 14.11). roots well-known emetic, used commercially as podophyllin; all plant parts, irritation, digestive disturbance, uncommon


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 14.10.

Photo of the flower of Podophyllum peltatum.

Figure 14.11.

Distribution of Podophyllum peltatum.

Disease Problems—Although called American mandrake, P. peltatum is not related to the legendary mandrake of Eurasia, Mandragora officinarum in the Solanaceae, which so captivated Shakespeare. Recounting some of the ancient tales surrounding the use of the European mandrake, Mack (1992) pointed out that Podophyllum has quite different effects. The plant was used as an emetic in the 1700s. The roots were well known to Indian tribes and colonists alike as effective purgatives (Harshberger 1920). In small dosage, they caused bile-stained, liquid feces. With larger dosage, intestinal muscular activity and pain increased considerably. The purgative effect

is transmitted in milk to neonates (Harshberger 1920). The root has been officially recognized as a cathartic and cholagogue in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. The resin extract called podophyllin has been similarly used, and in the 1900s, it was incorporated in proprietary medicines such as Carter’s Little Liver Pills (Graham and Chandler 1990). It continues to be used extensively in traditional medicine (Arora et al. 2008) and is now commonly used topically for wart removal, especially for condylomas or venereal warts (Miller 1985). Even the edible fruits, with their attractive strawberry-like flavor, can be a problem. This risk is illustrated by Medsger (1940), who related that, as a boy, he experienced a severe but short-lasting colic when he ate excessive numbers of the fruits. Podophyllum peltatum is not a common cause of intoxication, but occasionally, it causes irritation of the digestive tract in livestock when rhizomes and young shoots are eaten in the early spring (McIntosh 1928; Hansen 1930). Intoxications are more likely to be seen in humans from accidental or suicidal ingestions than from the plant’s use as an herbal remedy or from prolonged topical application (West et al. 1982; Holdright and Jahangiri 1990; Kao et al. 1992). In an example case, a man mistakenly consumed a Podophyllum decoction that produced vomiting, diarrhea and lower abdominal pain, thrombocytopenia, deteriorating renal and hepatic function, and coagulation problems (Holdright and Jahangiri 1990). The illness resolved over the next 10 days following symptomatic therapy. In other instances, neurologic problems such as a sensory peripheral neuropathy with spreading numbness of the limbs and a loss of proprioception and vibration sense may develop after the initial signs (O’Mahony et al. 1990; Chang et al. 1992b,c; Rudrappa and Vijaydeva 2002). These signs may last for days or weeks. An additional concern is the potential for teratogenic effects, which have been documented experimentally in mice and rats, and anecdotally in humans (Miller 1985). The major concern is with respect to embryocidal effects. Although the species is generally of limited importance toxicologically, it is of considerable interest experimentally because of its unique effects on cells.

toxic lignans, podophyllotoxin

Disease Genesis—Use of podophyllin or its derivatives without proper medical supervision has led to serious adverse effects in humans and even death in a few instances. Most of these effects of P. peltatum result from the activity of a series of toxic lignan genins and glycosides, of which the genin podophyllotoxin and its stereoisomer picropodophyllin, an artifact formed during extraction, are the most well known. Podophylloresin is

Berberidaceae Juss.

Figure 14.12.

Chemical structure of podophyllotoxin.

the crude product containing these compounds. Concentrations of podophylloresin and podophyllotoxin are highest when the plant is in flower and decline as the fruit matures. In addition, the same compounds are produced by fungal endophytes found not only in P. peltatum but also in diverse other plants as well (Eyberger et al. 2006; Kour et al. 2008) (Figure 14.12). These lignans bind with the protein tubulin of the microtubules, preventing polymerization and arresting cell division in metaphase (Jardine 1980). Axonal flow of nutrients is also disrupted. These effects are almost identical to those of colchicine, and their respective binding sites on tubulin are in proximity. Inhibition of RNA, DNA, and protein synthesis occur almost independently and may be responsible for effects on the liver and gastrointestinal epithelium (Yang et al. 1994). Additional effects include inhibition of axoplasmic transport and, at higher dosages, inhibition of intracellular nucleoside transport (Jardine 1980). Because of the variety of effects and tissues affected, a wide range of clinical manifestations may be anticipated during episodes of intoxication. One of the most prominent effects, severe purgation, is due mainly to podophyllin or podophylloresin rather than to any type of polyphenolic effect on the digestive tract (Chatterjee 1952). The resin extract has been used topically for wart removal. It is especially effective against the venereal warts caused by Condyloma acuminatum and is officially approved for prescription use for this purpose under the name podofilox (Condylox®, DPT Labs, San Antonio, TX) (Hartwell and Schrecker 1958; Mack 1992; Bonnez et al. 1994; Ferenczy 1995). Because of its high lipid solubility, podophyllin is readily absorbed from topical application, and thus, it is not unexpected that, when used repeatedly for the removal of genital warts, toxic systemic effects may occur. Such effects include bone marrow depression, liver dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy,


depression of the central nervous system, and pancytopenia, including thrombocytopenia and leukopenia (Chamberlain et al. 1972; Stoehr et al. 1978; Moher and Maurer 1979; Rate et al. 1979; Filley et al. 1982). Intrauterine fetal death or mild teratogenic effects have also been reported (Chamberlain et al. 1972; Karol et al. 1980). Less commonly, exposures to large amounts of podophyllin or the purified products are accompanied, after a delay of 8–10 hours, by neurologic problems, including loss of reflexes, seizures, coma, and gradual onset of a delayed peripheral neuropathy (McFarland and McFarland 1981; Cassidy et al. 1982; Filley et al. 1982). Experimentally, podophyllotoxin, given daily orally to rats for 1 week, caused typical irritation of the digestive tract. It also caused severe degenerative changes in the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and testes (Chang et al. 1992b). A single i.p. injection of podophyllotoxin to rats caused neurotoxic effects that included degenerative changes in the dorsal root ganglion. This is possibly indicative of a cause of the clinical sensory aberrations noted in humans (Chang et al. 1992a). Podophyllin has also been shown to be effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis, although toxicity limits its use for this purpose (Larsen et al. 1989).

livestock, anorexia, profuse salivation, colic, diarrhea, rarely neurologic signs

Clinical Signs—The effects of ingestion of P. peltatum by animals are limited to the irritant effects: loss of appetite, profuse salivation, colic, and diarrhea. There may be edema of the skin of the muzzle, face, submaxillary area, and around the eyes. Rarely there may be nervous signs such as excitement, ataxia, and peripheral numbness and/ or tingling. Recovery is generally uneventful.

humans, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea; long-term use, pancytopenia, especially decreased platelets; difficulty standing or walking

In humans, the most common signs are nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, which may be severe and protracted. Pancytopenia with notable reduction in granulocytes and platelets and with peripheral neuropathy may be of concern. Less commonly, cerebral neurologic manifestations such as confusion, disorientation, difficulty walking, and visual or auditory hallucinations may develop. There may be a marked increase in cerebrospinal fluid protein concentrations during the first week or so. The signs generally resolve over several weeks.


Toxic Plants of North America

However, a delayed peripheral neuropathy may develop and persist for several months or more.

livestock, gross pathology, reddened mucosa of stomach and intestines; microscopic, liver necrosis, numerous cells with mitotic figures

Pathology—In animals, intoxication due to P. peltatum is normally a self-limiting disease of short duration following ingestion of plant parts. In humans, fatalities are not common but have nevertheless occurred from either medicinal use or accidental or intentional ingestion of large amounts of podophyllin. A wide variety of pathologic changes may be apparent, especially reddening and edema of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Microscopically, there may be hepatocellular necrosis, and a high number of cells with mitotic figures may be apparent in various tissues such as those of the liver and gut. activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Treatment—Treatment should be directed to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. Unfortunately, the lipid solubility and rapid gastrointestinal absorption limit the value of emetics and lavage, but charcoal may provide some benefit. In humans, hemoperfusion may be helpful in eliminating the toxin.

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Chapter Fifteen

Boraginaceae Juss.

Forget-Me-Not Family Amsinckia Cynoglossum Echium Heliotropium Symphytum Questionable Borago Hackelia Mertensia Myosotis Cosmopolitan in distribution but especially diverse in western North America and the Mediterranean region, the Boraginaceae comprises 100–150 genera and 2000– 2700 species (Cronquist 1981; Brummitt 2007a). Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to the boundaries of the family. Mabberley (2008) and Bremer and coworkers (2009) expanded its circumscription to include the Hydrophyllaceae and Lennoaceae, whereas Cronquist (1981) and Brummitt (2007a,b) adopted a conservative stance and kept the two families separate. R. Patterson (pers. comm.) maintained the Hydrophyllaceae as distinct in his forthcoming treatment of the family in the Flora of North America, as we do in this treatise. Known as the borage or forget-me-not family, the Boraginaceae is of little economic importance. Some 30 genera are cultivated as ornamentals, for example, heliotropes, forget-me-nots, and hound’s-tongue. Several species are sources of dyes—for example, alkanet to color cosmetics, medicines, wood, marble, and wines—or are eaten as a potherb (comfrey) or used as medicines by Native Americans and settlers. Decoctions of the western Lithospermum ruderale have contraceptive action, and knowledge of its effect is said to have inspired the development of modern oral contraceptives (Cronquist 1981). The traditional garden herb Borago officinalis, or borago, has been used since the Middle Ages for its reputed culinary and medicinal value.

In North America, the family is represented by approximately 38 native and introduced genera and about 400 species (Kartesz 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). Of these, the species of 11 genera may pose a toxicologic risk. herbs, shrubs, or trees; leaves mostly alternate; petals 5, fused; fruits nutlets Plants herbs or shrubs or trees; annuals or biennials or perennials; herbage typically scabrous or hispid. Leaves simple; alternate or occasionally alternate above and opposite below; venation pinnate or a single vein; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or simple cymes or helicoid (scorpioid) cymes; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; fused or free. Corollas radially or bilaterally symmetrical; tubular or salverform or funnelform. Petals 5; fused; of various colors. Stamens 5; exserted beyond or included within perianths; epipetalous. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 1, not lobed or 2-lobed; styles 1; ovaries superior, 4-lobed or terete in cross section; placentation axile. Fruits nutlets 4 or rarely 1–3; attached laterally or vertically; smooth or rugose or tuberculate or echinate or prickly. Seeds 1. pyrrolizidine alkaloids, risk varies with type Many genera of the Boraginaceae contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs); however, only a few have been associated with clinical disease. This lack of disease in large measure is due to the relatively low toxicity potential for many of the PAs. The structural influences on PA toxicity include unsaturation of the 3-pyrroline ring; the presence of one or two hydroxy groups attached to the rings at C-7 and C-9; esterification of the hydroxy groups; and branching of the ester chain. The potency of the PA structures, arranged in general order of descending potency, is macrocyclic “closed” diesters > open diesters > monoesters

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Boraginaceae Juss.

with a 7-OH group > monoesters (Peterson and Culvenor 1983; Mattocks 1986; Kim et al. 1993). A somewhat confusing variety of PAs is represented in the Boraginaceae, although in general, the PAs are of lesser toxicity than the closed-diester macrocyclic PAs of Senecio in the Asteraceae and Crotalaria in the Fabaceae. They are confusing in part because of the many stereoisomers that are present. For example, echiumine and symlandine, lycopsamine and intermedine, and symphytine and myoscorpine are 3′ epimer pairs, and echimidine and heliosupine are 2′ epimers. Some genera contain primarily the less potent structural types, and therefore, large amounts of plant material would be required for intoxication—in some instances much larger amounts than are likely to be eaten, considering plant availability and palatability. In addition to ingestion of foliage, excretion of the toxins in milk also represents a risk. A complete discussion of PA toxicity is presented in the treatment of Senecio (see Chapter 13) and in a review by Peterson and Culvenor (1983). In addition to the genera described below, Lappula, Lithospermum, and Plagiobothrys may be similarly toxic.

(= A. arizonica Suksd.) (= A. echinata A.Gray) (= A. intactilis J.F.Macbr.) (= A. micrantha Suksd.) (= A. microphylla Suksd.) (= A. nana Suksd.) (= A. rigida Suksd.) (= Echium menziesii Lehm.) A. tesselata A.Gray


devil’s lettuce, rough fiddleneck

(= A. gloriosa Suksd.)

Although the binomial A. intermedia is most commonly encountered in earlier toxicologic reports, the taxon is now considered, on the basis of cytological and genetic data (Ray and Chisaki 1957), to be conspecific with A. menziesii and treated as variety intermedia by the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). This trinomial has appeared in some recent toxicologic papers. Unfortunately, it has not yet been formally published (Kelley and Ganders 2012). To facilitate correlation with the historical literature and describe the toxicologic differences between the two putative varieties, we use A. intermedia in the following discussion.

AMSINCKIA LEHM. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as fiddleneck because of its distinctive cymes resembling the abdomen of a scorpion, Amsinckia comprises 14 species native to western North America, and South America (Kelly and Ganders 2012). Some taxonomists expand the circumscription of the genus and consider it to occur in the Old World as well. Hybridization among species is common, and identification is typically difficult. Well known as toxic are the following species: A. lycopsoides Lehm. (= A. barbata Greene) (= A. hispida [Ruiz & Pav.] I.M.Johnst.) (= A. idahoensis M.E.Jones) (= A. parviflora A.Heller) (= Benthamia lycopsoides [Lehm.] Lindl. ex Druce) A. menziesii (Lehm.) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.

(= A. intermedia Fisch. & C.A.Mey.)

tarweed fiddleneck, bugloss fiddleneck

Menzies fiddleneck, smallflowered fiddleneck, yellow tarweed, tarweed, coast fiddleneck, yellow burweed, medium fiddleneck, fingerweed, fireweed fiddleneck, yellow forget-me-not, yellow burweed

annual herbs; inflorescence in the shape of the neck of a fiddle; petals yellow or orange; nutlets trigonous

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots. Stems erect or rarely decumbent; 15–120 cm tall; branched or not branched. Leaves both basal and cauline; sessile or short petiolate; surfaces hispid; blades linear to narrowly ovate; margins entire or occasionally dentate. Inflorescences helicoid cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts absent. Flowers tubular or salverform. Sepals 5, but sometimes appearing 2–4 due to fusion; hispid or pilose. Petals yellow or orange. Nutlets 4, trigonous; tubercles round or sharp (Figures 15.1 and 15.2).

dry, open sites

Distribution and Habitat—In North America, greatest diversity in the genus occurs in the southwestern United States and Mexico. Eastward, 3 species reach the Great Plains. Typically occupying dry, open sites, Amsinckia is adapted to a variety of soil types. Also adapted to disturbance, some species are weedy and encountered in


Toxic Plants of North America

given other common names that also typified its features, for example, hard liver disease, Walla Walla hard liver disease, protein poisoning, or winter-wheat poisoning. The disease was also seen in pigs and cattle. Intoxication problems are mainly associated with hepatic fibrosis, the result of contamination of feed grain, or screenings with A. intermedia seeds (10–25%) (Woolsey et al. 1952; Kennedy 1957). Based on experiments with a limited number of subjects, chickens and sheep appear to be somewhat resistant to the effects, given that the 10–25% contamination rate produced only a decrease in weight gain (McCulloch 1940; Muth 1941). moderate intoxication risk due to open-diester PAs such as echiumine

Figure 15.1.

Line drawing of Amsinckia menziesii.

Disease Genesis—Species of Amsinckia contain a mixture of open diesters and monoesters of retronecine; the potency is low to moderate, and the toxic dosage requirements high. Amsinckia intermedia contains the open-diester echiumine and the monoesters intermedine, lycopsamine, and sincamidine. Total PA concentrations in the seeds of A. intermedia are erratic, in some instances being undetectable. In the leaves, they may be as much as 0.25% d.w. (Johnson and Molyneux 1985). Amsinckia lycopsoides also contains echiumine, intermedine, and lycopsamine, whereas A. menziesii contains intermedine, lycopsamine, and several open-diester lycopsamine derivatives (Roitman 1983). There are at least 6 PAs and their acetylated derivatives present in A. tesselata, including lycopsamine and tessellatine, which account for 90% of the total (Roitman 1983; Kelley and Seiber 1992) (Figures 15.3 and 15.4).

Figure 15.2. Photo of Amsinckia menziesii. Courtesy of Gary A. Monroe at USDA, NRCS PLANTS Database.

rights-of-way and along roadsides. Amsinckia lycopsoides is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental in the East. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://

Figure 15.3.

Chemical structure of echiumine.

Figure 15.4.

Chemical structure of intermedine.

hepatic disease, caused mainly by eating seeds; may be accompanied by neurologic manifestations

Disease Problems—The cause of aimless wandering in horses, a disease eventually known as walking disease was first noted in Washington (Kalkus et al. 1925). Produced by the consumption of the nutlets of A. intermedia, it was

Boraginaceae Juss.

signs most distinctive in horses; abrupt onset, head pressing, aimless pacing, ataxia, chewing, yawning, intermittent drowsiness, rectal straining, either constipation or diarrhea

Clinical Signs—Signs of Amsinckia intoxication are most distinctive in horses and begin with the animals’ refusal of grain and the appearance of icterus and oral ulcers. Thereafter, they may be observed to be unthrifty, sluggish/sleepy, and emaciated and perhaps have abdominal distension due to fluid accumulation. They may yawn and lean on solid objects. Often, there are episodes of furious delirium or restlessness with incessant and aimless walking, even through fences and other obstructions. They eventually become comatose and die. Other species are less likely to show the nervous signs. The disease in cattle may escape notice until the livers are examined after slaughter. Anemia and hemoglobinuria are additional signs noted in pigs. Pathology and Treatment—A complete description of the disease’s pathology and treatment is presented in the following treatment of Cynoglossum.

CYNOGLOSSUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 50–60

Plants herbs; biennials or perennials; from taproots; herbage typically hispid. Stems erect; 30–120 cm tall. Leaves basal and/or cauline; petiolate or sessile; blades oblanceolate to elliptic; margins entire. Inflorescences terminal helicoid cymes; bracts absent. Flowers funnelform or salverform; with conspicuous crests or scales in throats. Sepals enlarged in fruit. Petals blue or purple or white or pink. Nutlets 4; attached laterally; prickly, forming burs (Figures 15.5 and 15.6).

dense stands in moist sites

Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from Eurasia, C. officinale has now spread throughout much of North America, including all provinces of Canada except those of the extreme east. It forms dense stands and is a particularly troublesome weed in the intermountain area and the western Great Plains. As an introduced plant, it seems to be continuing to expand its range of infestation. It is shade tolerant and tends to favor more moist sites, even in rocky areas. Cynoglossum amabile from eastern Asia is also naturalized in many areas of North America. The native C. grande is found on the dry, wooded slopes of the Pacific Coast states and British Columbia.

species distributed widely in the temperate regions of the world, Cynoglossum is characterized by its prickly nutlets, which readily become entangled in hair, fur, wool, or clothing, hence the colloquial names beggar’s-lice, sheeplice, and sticktight (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008). Its generic name is derived from the Greek roots kyon, for “dog,” and glossa, for “tongue,” which is indicative of the similarity of the basal leaves to a dog’s tongue and the basis for the common name hound’s-tongue. A few species are cultivated as ornamentals for their intense blue petals, which often exhibit a range of colors as they mature. Representative of the genus are the following: C. C. C. C.

amabile Stapf & J.R.Drumm. grande Douglas ex Lehm. occidentale A.Gray officinale L.

Chinese forget-me-not Pacific hound’s-tongue western hound’s-tongue common hound’s-tongue, beggar’s-lice, dog woolmat, dog’s-tongue, sheep-lice, sticktight, glovewort

erect herbs; leaves basal and/or cauline; inflorescence in the shape of the neck of a fiddle; petals blue or white or pink; nutlets prickly


Figure 15.5.

Line drawing of Cynoglossum officinale.


Toxic Plants of North America

type of disease (Greatorex 1966; Mandryka 1979). Acute digestive tract disease is not inconsistent with the findings of Stegelmeier and coworkers (1996) in horses. Several species are thought to be toxic, but only C. officinale has been associated with clinical disease—primarily due to contamination of hay, because fresh plants have a noxious odor and are seldom eaten. monoesters and open diesters (heliosupine); low to high risk

Figure 15.6.

Photo of Cynoglossum officinale.

Cynoglossum occidentale favors pine forests of California and Oregon. Distribution maps of the species of Cynoglossum can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( As a biennial, C. officinale typically develops only a rosette in the first year after seed germination and then flowers the second year. In the southern parts of its range, it may behave as an annual and flower in one season.

mainly contaminated hay; acute digestive disturbance or, with long-term ingestion, liver fibrosis and insufficiency, accompanying neurologic manifestations

Disease Problems—The species of primary toxicologic interest, C. officinale, is a serious weed problem in some areas of North America. Dispersal is facilitated by the propensity of the prickly nutlets to become entangled in hair or wool, permitting grazing animals to become transporters of the species on rangelands (Upadhyaya and Cranston 1991; DeClerck-Floate 1997). The nutlets occasionally cause eye irritation. Despite having been introduced into North America in the early 1900s, the toxicity problems caused by the species were not really recognized until C. officinale was associated with a liver disease in Colorado (Knight et al. 1984). The disease occurs naturally in calves and has also been experimentally reproduced (Baker et al. 1989, 1991). Reports of Old World occurrences describe an acute ruminal/abomasal irritation and severe diarrhea, as well as a subacute/chronic wasting

Disease Genesis—Species of Cynoglossum contain a mixture of open diesters and monoesters of heliotridine and supinidine. Cynoglossum amabile contains amabiline (supinidine) and echinatine (heliotridine), which are both monoesters and therefore of quite low hazard. Cynoglossum officinale contains the more toxic open-diester heliosupine (heliotridine), acetylheliosupine, and several monoesters, including echinatine; it is of considerably greater hazard than are other species of the genus. Concentrations of PAs are present in both seeds and leaves; those in leaves are highest early in the growing season of the plant’s first or second year (Baker et al. 1989; Pfister et al. 1992). Developing young leaves may have 10–50 times greater total PA concentrations than older leaves, in large measure due to translocation of the alkaloids to them, presumably as protection against herbivorous insects (van Dam et al. 1994). Total alkaloid concentrations are typically 0.5–2% d.w., with about two-thirds being heliosupine. The N-oxide form predominates over the free base form by a ratio of 3:1 or more (Knight et al. 1984; Baker et al. 1989, 1991; Pfister et al. 1992) (Figure 15.7). PA levels high in seeds and young leaves; serious risk to horses, ingestion of a few plants each day for a few weeks may result in liver disease The typical effects attributed to PAs, hepatic fibrosis and biliary hyperplasia, are produced by C. officinale when the dosage is low and protracted. These plants represent a very serious risk, especially for horses. Dosage of 15 mg total PAs/kg of b.w. to horses daily for 1 week resulted in severe acute hepatic necrosis with high activity of serum hepatic enzymes, but with few of the typical

Figure 15.7. Chemical structure of heliosupine.

Boraginaceae Juss.

lesions (Stegelmeier et al. 1994, 1996). Lower dosage (5 mg PA/kg) produced little effect on enzyme activity, and the detrimental effects of weight loss and alteration of behavior were resolved in 2 months. It was suggested that ingestion of as few as 1–2 plants per day may represent a serious risk for horses (Stegelmeier et al. 1996). Similarly, 680 g of green plant may be lethal for a 300-kg cow (Baker et al. 1991; Stegelmeier et al. 1996). In some instances in horses, hepatic effects may lead to the development of hepatic encephalopathy (see discussion of Senecio in Chapter 13). Although chemical evidence is lacking, C. grande and C. occidentale may also contain PAs because they serve as alternative host plants for Gnophaela latipennis, a moth known to feed on plants containing PAs and to sequester the alkaloids as a defensive mechanism (Godfrey and Crabtree 1986; L’Empereur et al. 1989). poor body condition, weight loss, and especially in horses, abrupt onset; head pressing, aimless pacing, ataxia, chewing, yawning, intermittent drowsiness, rectal straining, and either constipation or diarrhea

Clinical Signs—Signs are typical of those associated with ingestion of PAs. Occasionally, the disease is acute, but most commonly it is chronic. Poor body condition and weight loss are the most consistent signs among the various animal species. Additional signs in horses include icterus, red (hemoglobin-containing) urine, and neurologic manifestations such as yawning, pacing, and licking of objects. Less commonly, abrupt onset may be associated with liver necrosis and fulminant failure, a hemogram indicating a degenerative left shift, and occasionally the necrotizing dermatitis of photosensitization (Stegelmeier et al. 1996). Serum hepatic enzymes, for example, AST, GGT, AP, and other tests of hepatic function and integrity, may be altered, but these changes are not striking in all stages of the disease. They will be most severely changed with abrupt onset of hepatic necrosis. As with toxicity due to PAs from other genera, diagnosis may be facilitated by the determination of the activity of the serum hepatic enzymes and by the isolation and identification of sulfurconjugated pyrroles in blood (bound to hemoglobin) or the detection of pyrroles in fresh or fixed liver tissue (Mattocks and Jukes 1992; Stegelmeier et al. 1996). Crews and coworkers (2010) have extensively reviewed the various sample preparations and appropriate analytical methods for pyrrolizidine alkaloids including LC-MS- and GCMS-based approaches. gross pathology: liver shrunken and firm; edema of the omentum; increased fluid in the abdomen


Pathology—Although not always present, the most striking features seen grossly following chronic ingestion of the toxicant are a firm, fibrotic, shrunken, grayish blue to yellowish liver with a marked accentuation of lobular pattern; a thick, bluish gray, edematous omentum; and/or an edematous appearance of the abdominal viscera. There may be abundant ascitic fluid; distension of the gallbladder, with thickened walls; and scattered hemorrhages over the intestinal serosa. In rare instances when large amounts of the plants are eaten in a short period, the liver may be enlarged and congested because of hepatocellular necrosis and intralobular hemorrhage, and there may be scattered small, splotchy hemorrhages of the serosal surfaces of the gut mucosa and viscera. Cecal and ileal infarctions may also be present in horses having the acute disease. microscopic: liver, centrilobular necrosis; bile duct proliferation, portal fibrosis; megalocytosis, karyomegaly; central vein fibrosis Microscopically, there will typically be mild, diffuse necrosis, hyperplasia of the portal bile duct, severe disruption of cord architecture, and an increase in cell and nuclear size of hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells. In cattle, enlarged renal tubular epithelial cells may be noted. Microscopic changes in the brain are restricted to astrocytes as the site of ammonia detoxication (Hazell and Butterworth 1999; Jalan et al. 2003; Johns et al. 2007). Astrocytes undergo Alzheimer type II degeneration with a swollen shape, large pale nucleus, prominent nucleolus, and margination of chromatin. Similar astrocyte degeneration has been noted in the fetus of a mare with hepatic encephalopathy (Johns et al. 2007). general nursing care; sedation, fluids, high-quality and high-energy feeds with low but high-quality protein; supplementation with sulfur amino acids is of questionable value

Treatment—It is important to keep in mind that the effects of the toxic PAs are cumulative, at least until compensatory hepatic regeneration occurs. Because of this, prevention of further animal access to the plants is important, especially with respect to exposure via hay. Sulfurcontaining amino acids such as cysteine and methionine have been reported to be of some value in treatment, but this has not been confirmed experimentally (Shull et al. 1976). Although there is a disturbance of the branchedchain amino acid/phenylalanine–tyrosine ratio, therapy with branched-chain amino acids has not proven to be of value (Mendel et al. 1988). It is possible that any


Toxic Plants of North America

approaches to increase hepatic glutathione content may be helpful. Treatment is supportive and typically includes parenteral fluids and a low-protein diet to reduce the ammonia load to the liver. However, these measures are generally of little value in most cases because, by the time distinctive signs appear, the hepatic changes are extensive and severe. Although decreasing the protein in the diet may be used in treatment, this may not be appropriate for prevention, because increased toxicity is apparent with protein deficiency (Mattocks 1986). The public health hazard should be considered, especially for cattle, because these alkaloids are potential carcinogens and can be present in low levels in milk and possibly the liver.

ECHIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Important as a cause of toxicity in other parts of the world, Echium comprises 40–50 species native to the Old World (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008). Commonly known as viper’s bugloss, its name was used by Dioscorides and comes from the Greek root echis, for “viper.” Of the 7 introduced species that have naturalized in North America, only E. vulgare is widespread and commonly encountered (USDA, NRCS 2012): E. E. E. E. E.

candicans L.f. creticum L. italicum L. lusitanicum L. plantagineum L. (= E. lycopsis L.) E. pustulatum Sm. E. vulgare L.

Figure 15.8.

Illustration of Echium vulgare.

pride of Madeira Cretan viper’s bugloss Italian viper’s bugloss violet-vein viper’s bugloss Paterson’s curse, salvation jane blue devil blueweed, blue thistle, blue devil, common viper’s bugloss

erect herbs or shrubs; leaves in basal rosettes and on stems; petals blue, pink or white; nutlets tuberculate

Plants herbs or shrubs; annuals or biennials or perennials; herbage hispid to strigose or canescent. Stems erect; 30–80 cm tall; not branched or rarely so. Leaves both basal and cauline; basal leaves forming rosette, oblanceolate, petiolate; cauline leaves linear or elliptic or oblong, sessile or subsessile. Inflorescences terminal panicles of helicoid cymes; bracts small or foliaceous. Flowers radially to bilaterally symmetrical; funnelform. Sepals fused. Petals blue or pink or white. Stamens exserted beyond corollas. Nutlets 1–4; ovoid; trigonous; attached vertically; tuberculate (Figures 15.8 and 15.9).

Figure 15.9. Photo of Echium vulgare. Photo by William S. Justice, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

Distribution and Habitat—Echium is native to the Canary Islands and Mediterranean region. Echium vulgare is widespread across the continent, including southern Canada, and is especially abundant in the Great Lakes region (Klemow et al. 2002). The other species, for the most part, have fairly restricted distributions (USDA, NRCS 2012) (Figure 15.10).

Boraginaceae Juss.

Figure 15.10.

Distribution of Echium vulgare.

little problem as yet in North America; if plant populations become large, liver disease is a risk with longterm ingestion, especially in horses

Disease Problems—Although species of Echium have been documented as causes of disease in other parts of the world, as yet they have not proven to be other than troublesome weeds here in North America. Illustrative of the field problems that they may cause is a Spanish case (Moyano et al. 2006). One-year-old bulls grazing a pasture, with forage comprising 80% E. vulgare and 15% Senecio vulgaris, developed clear signs of PA intoxication with a subsequent loss of 10 of 700 animals. The lack of field cases here in North America may be due to too little plant material of Echium available and/or conditions not favoring its consumption.

open-diester PAs, heliosupine

Disease Genesis—Species of Echium contain mainly open diesters of retronecine and heliotridine; thus, the hazard is moderate to high. Echium italicum contains echimidine, an open diester of retronecine. For E. plantagineum, echimidine, acetyllycopsamine, and acetylintermedine account for 75% of the PAs, with lesser amounts of echiumine, lycopsamine, and uplandicine present. Total PA concentrations are typically about 0.1% d.w. but may range as high as 0.9% (Peterson 1985). Echium vulgare contains asperumine, heliosupine, and acetylheliosupine,


all open diesters of heliotridine. Disease problems in horses have been described in Australia, another area where the genus is naturalized (Sharrock 1969; Seaman 1978). In general, monogastrics appear to be at greatest risk because detoxication of PAs is favored in ruminants (Peterson 1985). As with other PA-containing plants, such as Senecio in the Asteraceae, there is marginal risk in sheep, as shown in experimental studies where extensive consumption affected only a few animals (Culvenor et al. 1984). In sheep, the primary risk seems to be increased susceptibility to chronic copper intoxication and subsequent hemolytic crisis predisposed by the effects of the PAs (St George-Grambauer and Rac 1962; Seaman et al. 1989; Seaman and Dixon 1989). In general, the disease is similar to that produced by other members of the family containing toxic PAs (Seaman and Walker 1985; Seaman 1987).

in general: weight loss, depression; horses: abrupt onset; head pressing, aimless pacing, ataxia, chewing, yawning, intermittent drowsiness, rectal straining, and either constipation or diarrhea

Clinical Signs—Decreased appetite, depression, weakness, diarrhea or constipation, tenesmus, rectal prolapse, and icterus are common in both the acute and the more typical chronic form. In horses, neurologic signs include ataxia, head pressing, and incessant walking or pacing. These signs are accompanied by the elevations in serum hepatic enzymes and other chemistry changes typical of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Giesecke 1986).

Pathology and Treatment—A complete description of the disease’s pathology and treatment is presented in the preceding treatment of Cynoglossum.

HELIOTROPIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 250–350 species distributed primarily in tropical and warmtemperate regions of the world, Heliotropium is noted for its ornamentals widely grown as both border and specimen plants (Mabberley 2008). Its generic name is derived from the Greek roots helio and tropos, meaning “sun” and “turn,” which reflects an older misconception that the inflorescences turned with the sun (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Numerous species are recognized as toxic. In North America, 28 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). The following are of known toxicity:


Toxic Plants of North America

H. amplexicaule Vahl H. arborescens L. H. convolvulaceum (Nutt.) A.Gray H. curassavicum L.

H. europaeum L. H. indicum L.

violet heliotrope, blue heliotrope common heliotrope bindweed heliotrope Chinese pulsey, quail plant, seaside heliotrope, salt heliotrope, cola de mico European heliotrope India heliotrope, Turnsole

herbs or shrubs; inflorescence often in the shape of the neck of a fiddle; petals white, purple, blue or rarely yellow; nutlets separate or paired

Plants herbs or shrubs; annuals or perennials; herbage typically villous or scabrous or hispid. Stems erect or prostrate to ascending; 20–200 cm tall. Leaves alternate or rarely subopposite; generally cauline; sessile or petiolate; blades linear to ovate deltoid or obovate. Inflorescences helicoid (scorpioid) cymes or solitary flowers; terminal or axillary; bracts present or absent. Flowers small; funnelform to salverform. Sepals free or nearly so; persistent or deciduous. Petals white or blue or purple or occasionally yellow. Stamens included within corolla tubes. Nutlets 4; separate or united in pairs; attached vertically; ovoid; smooth or rugose or tuberculate (Figure 15.11).

typically dry, open sites; H. curassavicum also in moist, saline soils

Distribution and Habitat—With the exception of H. convolvulaceum, which is native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, the toxic species of Heliotropium are naturalized introductions: H. amplexicaule from Argentina, H. arborescens from Peru, H. indicum from Brazil, H. curassavicum from Central America, and H. europaeum from Europe and central Asia. All characteristically occupy dry, open sites and are especially common in sandy soils. Succulent H. curassavicum occurs in damp saline soils in dry marshes or along the seashore—hence, its common name. All are somewhat weedy but do not occur in large populations and thus do not appear to represent a significant toxicologic hazard.

little problem as yet in North America; if plant populations become large, liver disease is a risk with longterm ingestion, especially in horses

Disease Problems—The genus is of considerable importance as a naturalized taxon in Australia but has yet to be incriminated in intoxications in North America. As with Echium, there simply may be insufficient plant material available in any given area, and/or conditions may not favor its consumption. If very large populations eventually become established, clinical disease may become a more real threat. Plants pose a risk either fresh or dried. Even contamination of straw bedding with 20% H. europaeum caused death in preruminant calves after several weeks of illness (Harper et al. 1985). In addition to the foliage, the seeds may pose a risk as contaminants in grains or their screenings. Contamination of 4980 seeds/ kg of wheat caused death of cattle in a feed yard (Hill et al. 1997). elsewhere in the world, seeds and herbal products are a risk to humans

Severe veno-occlusive liver disease occurs occasionally in humans following inadvertent consumption of the seeds or from teas and herbal products made from species of Heliotropium (Mohabbat et al. 1976; Culvenor et al. 1986). In an incident in Tadjikistan, 4000 people became intoxicated and a few died when wheat contaminated with the seeds of H. lasocarpum was used for making bread (Chauvin et al. 1994). The hepatic lesions are primarily vascular oriented and are termed heliotrope hepatoangiopathy (Mansurov 1995).

Figure 15.11.

Line drawing of Heliotropium curassavicum.

open-diester PAs, lasiocarpine

Boraginaceae Juss.

Disease Genesis—Species of Heliotropium contain esters of retronecine and mainly heliotridine (O’Dowd and Edgar 1989). Heliotropium amplexicaule contains only indicine, a monoester of retronecine and thus is of little hazard. Heliotropium arborescens, H. curassavica, and H. indicum contain lasiocarpine, an open diester of heliotridine, and monoesters of heliotridine. Greater risks are posed by H. europaeum, which contains lasiocarpine and acetyllasiocarpine, as well as monoesters such as heliotrine and europine, and by the Old World species H. supinum, which contains lasiocarpine, other diesters (including heliosupine), and several monoesters. These alkaloids occur mainly as Noxides and typically decrease with plant maturity. The relative proportions of diesters and monoesters may vary with environmental conditions; increasing rainfall seems to increase the proportion of the diesters (O’Dowd and Edgar 1989). In Australia, intoxications occur occasionally in cattle, but primarily sheep are affected; the plants are not palatable to most livestock species (Bull et al. 1961). Seeds are also a hazard, especially for chickens and ducks (Pass et al. 1979). In Australia, sheep eating Heliotropium for sustained periods are predisposed to accumulate copper in the liver, and the signs of disease are a composite of those associated with the PAs and chronic copper intoxication (Bull et al. 1956). Symptoms include megalocytosis, elevated liver copper, and large amounts of free hemoglobin in the blood and urine. It is of interest to note that most of the PAs in Heliotropium are degraded in the sheep rumen and that manipulation of the ruminal flora, such as with chronic iodoform administration, to decrease methane production attenuates the toxicity risk (Lanigan et al. 1978; Peterson et al. 1992). Furthermore, there seems to be a genetic predisposition either for or against PA susceptibility. The slower action of repeated ingestion of small doses of plant material tends to produce the typical PA response of fibrosis and biliary proliferation. In contrast, consumption of large amounts of plant material may pose an acute toxicity risk, as shown by the rapid onset of neurologic signs, respiratory difficulties, and death in mice given i.p. doses of aqueous extracts from the African species H. scottae (Wahome et al. 1994). Other pharmacologic effects are attributed to the PAs of Heliotropium, such as lasiocarpine and heliotropine (Bull et al. 1968). There may be blockage of oxidative phosphorylation, as shown in magnesium-deficient systems, but this appears to be of little consequence toxicologically (Gallagher 1968). Developmental skeletal anomalies have been induced in rats given a large i.p. dosage of heliotrine in the second week or dehydroheliotridine on the 14th day of pregnancy (Green and Christie 1961; Peterson and Jago 1980).


These alkaloids may be present in honey at concentrations not exceeding 1 mg/kg. The risk is not clear, but honey has not been associated with disease or any adverse effects in humans. As with other PA-containing genera, the alkaloids of Heliotropium are transferred to eggs without any apparent observable adverse effects on the hen except for a decrease in egg production; thus, there is the possible risk of cumulative effects (Eroksuz et al. 2008). in general, weight loss, depression; horses: abrupt onset, head pressing, aimless pacing, ataxia, chewing, yawning, intermittent drowsiness, tenesmus, and either constipation or diarrhea

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—In the event that livestock intoxications occur in North America, the clinical signs will be similar to those associated with Cynoglossum—weight loss, depression, ataxia, weakness leading to recumbency, and in some instances, episodic aggression. Gross lesions include a hard, yellow-brown, fibrotic liver, ascites, and edema of the mesenteries, while microscopically, in the liver, megalocytosis, bile ductile hyperplasia in portal triads, periportal fibrosis, and a few regenerative nodules are seen. humans: veno-occlusive disease The signs of hepatic veno-occlusive disease in humans are divided into four stages (Chauvin et al. 1994): stage 1—signs indicative of effects on the digestive tract, such as nausea, colic, vomiting, and weakness, predominate; stage 2—digestive tract signs, plus the appearance of a swollen, tender liver; stage 3—the previous signs, plus accumulation of fluid in the abdomen; stage 4—sedated appearance or coma. Treatment of livestock exhibiting intoxication due to Heliotropium is similar to that presented in the preceding treatment of Cynoglossum. In humans, treatment is mainly supportive because serious liver disease is unlikely.

SYMPHYTUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as comfrey, Symphytum comprises about 35 species native to Europe and especially the Mediterranean region (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek roots syn and phyton, meaning “together” and “plant,” presumably referring to the healing properties of the genus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Rich in essential minerals, S. officinale is grown for green manure in Europe, as an


Toxic Plants of North America

ornamental, and as a medicinal plant. In North America, 4 species are naturalized or adventive: S. asperum Lepech. S. officinale L. S. tuberosum L. S. ×uplandicum Nyman (= S. asperum × S. officinale)

rough comfrey, prickly comfrey common comfrey tuberous comfrey Russian comfrey

officinale is a garden escape found in the eastern half of North America and on the Pacific Coast. Symphytum tuberosum is reported to be adventive in New England.

not a livestock problem; humans: possibility of liver disease with long-term or excessive herbal use

Disease erect, perennial herbs; petals blue, pink, white, or rarely yellow white; nutlets tuberculate

Plants herbs; perennials; from taproots or rhizomes; herbage typically hispid. Stems erect; 30–200 cm tall; branched or not branched; winged or not winged. Leaves alternate or uppermost crowded and opposite; basal or cauline; basal leaves petiolate; cauline leaves sessile or subsessile; bases decurrent or not decurrent. Inflorescences short 1-sided cymes; terminal or axillary; often branched; bracts absent. Flowers urceolate or campanulate; throats with 5 scales. Sepals fused. Petals blue or pink or white or rarely yellow white. Stamens inserted within corolla tubes. Nutlets 4; attached vertically; smooth to rugose; tuberculate; bases with thickened collar-like rings (Figure 15.12).

Problems—Symphytum officinale and S. ×uplandicum are widely revered for medicinal use, and S. officinale is sometimes cultivated as a garden herb. These species are described as having nearly universal healing powers and are considered by some individuals to be “wonder medicaments.” They are commonly used in the form of teas, poultices, and extracts (Tyler 1993). There are few reported cases of actual intoxication in humans, and the risk is probably low (Ridker et al. 1985; Weston et al. 1987; Ridker and McDermott 1989; Yeong et al. 1990). In most instances, the affected individual was using an herbal product that was assumed to be the cause of the problem. In these cases, the development of hepatic veno-occlusive lesions strongly implicates PAs in the diet. Pulmonary hypertension may also be associated with the use of these products (Gyorik and Stricker 2009). Symphytum asperum and especially S. ×uplandicum are reported to be useful forages in their countries of origin, but clearly, as indicated by their chemical constituents, they can be hazardous in some situations.

all species adventive or naturalized; weeds in disturbed and waste area extensive array of open-diester PAs; variable PA concentrations in herbal products; moderate risk

Distribution and Habitat—All species of Symphytum are adventive or naturalized from Europe primarily in the northern half of the continent. Symphytum asperum and S. ×uplandicum are found in waste areas from British Columbia to Quebec as occasional weeds. Symphytum

Figure 15.12.

Line drawing of Symphytum officinale.

Disease Genesis—Species of Symphytum contain a variety of open diesters of heliotridine and retronecine and are of moderate to high risk. In addition to the monoester echinatine, S. asperum contains asperumine, acetylechinatine, heliosupine, and acetylheliosupine, all open diesters of heliotridine. Symphytum officinale also contains a series of open diesters, including echimidine (the most toxic), heliosupine, acetylheliosupine, lasiocarpine, and symphytine (Peterson 1985). Alkaloid concentrations are highest in the roots, at 1000–8000 ppm; concentrations are less than 100 ppm in the leaves under some conditions (Couet et al. 1996). Symphytum ×uplandicum contains a similarly impressive array of open diesters of retronecine, including echimidine, acetylintermedine, lycopsamine, acetyllycopsamine, uplandicine, and symlandine and its isomer symphytine, as well as a few monoesters. Although these species are toxic, the risk is low for livestock because of the low likelihood of animal access

Boraginaceae Juss.

to significant amounts of the plants. However, the risk for humans due to ingestion of herbal products is substantial (Ridker et al. 1985). In a survey of commercial comfrey products from health food stores, Betz and coworkers (1994) found up to 400 ppm of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Couet and coworkers (1996) reported PA concentrations up to 5200 ppm for tablets of comfrey, clearly a health risk. The greater risk, however, is when an individual simultaneously ingests PAs from comfrey and other PAproducing genera in mixtures such as those of herbal teas and other products (Pearson 2000; Rode 2002). However, various degrees of hepatotoxic effects occasionally occur with many herbal products, and comfrey is not among the most common causes (Pittler and Ernst 2003). Although herbal products, in most instances, can safely be used, there are strong opinions that comfrey should not be used in any form; its use is banned in a number of countries in Europe and elsewhere (Stickel and Seitz 2000). The alkaloids of S. officinale are genotoxic when present as a group but are not necessarily genotoxic individually (Couet et al. 1996). Other pharmacologic effects are reported for PAs of Symphytum, but they appear to be of little consequence toxicologically (cf. Heliotropium). PAs cause hepatic veno-occlusive disease in humans; 4 stages, not necessarily progressive—(1) digestive disturbance, nausea, colic, vomiting; (2) enlarged tender liver; (3) abdominal fluid accumulation; (4) sedation or coma

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Intoxication due to species of Symphytum is not likely to be a clinical problem, but if it occurs, the clinical signs and pathologic changes will be the same as those produced by Cynoglossum in livestock and Heliotropium in humans. Likewise, treatment will be the same.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Borago L. Comprising 3 species native to the Old World, Borago is represented in North America by B. officinalis L., commonly known as borage or tailwort (Mabberley 2008). Long used in herbal medicines as a demulcent and diuretic, plants are rich in potassium and calcium and are cooked as a potherb or sometimes put in salads. It is an herbaceous, taprooted, hispid-setose annual 20–60 cm tall, with petiolate, broadly elliptic or ovate to oblanceolate lower leaves and smaller, sessile, clasping upper leaves. Its blue


flowers are borne in loose, terminal, few-flowered cymes and produce 4 obovoid, rugose-tuberculate nutlets. monoester PAs; potential low risk Introduced by the Spanish in the 1500s, B. officinalis has naturalized sparingly in the West and more abundantly in the northeastern part of the continent (Nuez and Hernandez Bermejo 1994). Although it has not yet proven to be a toxicologic problem, it contains a mixture of the monoesters intermedine, lycopsamine, and their diester acetylated derivatives, in addition to amabiline, a monoester lacking the C-7 hydroxyl (Dodson and Stermitz 1986). The hazard is low, and B. officinalis is not likely to cause clinical problems, but if so, the clinical signs and pathologic changes will be the same as those produced by Cynoglossum in livestock and Heliotropium in humans. Likewise, treatment will be the same.

Hackelia Opiz A genus of about 45 species widespread in both the New World and the Old World, Hackelia exhibits greatest diversity in the western United States (Gentry and Carr 1976). Plants are taprooted perennials or biennials with stems typically arising from much-branched caudices and bearing both basal and cauline leaves. The small blue or white flowers are borne in sympodial cymes (false racemes) and bear glochidiate-prickly nutlets. higher elevations in the west Species of toxicologic interest are H. californica (A.Gray) I.M.Johnst., commonly known as California stickseed, and H. floribunda (Lehm.) I.M.Johnst., commonly known as many-flowered stickseed, showy stickseed, or biennial forget-me-not. Both species occur in thickets, meadows, and stream banks at higher elevations in western mountains. as yet not a problem in livestock; possible risk from open-diester PAs Species of Hackelia have a reputation for toxicity among the Navajo (Hagglund et al. 1985) but have not been associated with adverse effects in livestock. However, because of the presence of toxic alkaloids in them, they should be considered to be toxic under appropriate circumstances. The potentially toxic PAs in these species are open diesters and monoesters of retronecine, present primarily (90%) as N-oxides. Hackelia floribunda contains


Toxic Plants of North America

the open-diester latifoline (0.4% d.w. in buds and flowers); H. californica contains two diester analogs of latifoline and serves as a host plant for a moth that sequesters PAs as a protective mechanism (Hagglund et al. 1985; Godfrey and Crabtree 1986; L’Empereur et al. 1989). If intoxications occur, the clinical signs and pathologic changes would be similar to those produced by Cynoglossum.

Mertensia Roth Commonly known as bluebells or lungworts, species of Mertensia are native to both North America and temperate Eurasia. There are 35–40 species in the genus, of which 18 are present in North America, mostly in the West (Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). All are perennial herbs arising from woody, branched caudices. The glabrous to strigose or hirsute leaves, both petiolate basal and sessile cauline, arise from erect stems 40–150 cm tall that terminate in small bractless cymes, which may also arise from the axils of the uppermost leaves. The blue or rarely white or pink flowers are cylindric or funnelform and produce 4 rugose nutlets. monoesters PAs; potential low risk Of possible toxicologic interest are M. ciliata (James ex Torr.) G.Don, commonly known as streamside bluebell, and M. lanceolata (Pursh) DC., or mountain bluebell, which now includes 5 previously recognized species. These 2 taxa contain only monoesters of retronecine, intermedine, and/or lycopsamine as N-oxides and thus are probably of little hazard (Li and Stermitz 1988); concentrations of 0.3% for M. ciliata and 1.7% for M. lanceolata (cited as M. bakeri) are reported. Species of Mertensia serve as host plants for moths that sequester PAs as a defensive mechanism (Godfrey and Crabtree 1986).

Myosotis L. Comprising 50–100 species in temperate and boreal regions, Myosotis (forget-me-not, scorpion grass) is represented in North America by approximately 12 native and naturalized species (Mabberley 2008; Kelley and Joyal 2012; USDA, NRCS 2012). Plants of the genus are annual or perennial, glabrous to hirsute herbs with alternate, entire, mostly cauline leaves borne on slender stems 10–60 cm tall and terminating in bractless helicoid cymes. With blue or less often pink or white petals, the flowers produce 4 smooth, shiny nutlets, each with a distinctive raised encircling margin. open-diester PAs; potential moderate risk

Introduced from Eurasia as garden ornamentals and now naturalized across the continent, M. scorpioides L. (common forget-me-not) and M. sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm. (garden forget-me-not, wood forget-me-not) have not been implicated in disease problems, but the potential exists because of the presence of mono- and open diesters of retronecine. Myosotis scorpioides contains the opendiesters symphytine, acetylscorpioidine, and myoscorpine and the monoester scorpioidine. Myosotis sylvatica contains the two diesters heliosupine and acetylheliosupine and a retronecine monoester. Species of Myosotis serve as host plants for moths that sequester PAs as a defensive mechanism (Godfrey and Crabtree 1986). In the event that intoxications occur, the clinical signs and pathology would be similar to those produced by Cynoglossum.

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Ridker PM, Ohkuma S, McDermott WV, Trey C, Huxtable RJ. Hepatic venoocclusive disease associated with the consumption of pyrrolizidine-containing dietary supplements. Gastroenterology 88;1050–1054, 1985. Rode D. Comfrey toxicity revisited. Trends Pharmacol Sci 23;497–499, 2002. Roitman JN. The pyrrolizidine alkaloids of Amsinckia menziesii. Aust J Chem 36;769–768, 1983. Seaman JT. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning of horses. Aust Vet J 54;150, 1978. Seaman JT. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning of sheep in New South Wales. Aust Vet J 64;164–167, 1987. Seaman JT, Dixon RJ. Investigations into the toxicity of Echium plantagineum in sheep. 2. Pen feeding experiments. Aust Vet J 66;286–292, 1989. Seaman JT, Walker KH. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning of cattle and horses in New South Wales. In Plant Toxicology— Proceedings of the Australia-USA Poisonous Plants Symposium. Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, Keeler RF, eds. Animal Research Institute, Yeerongpilly, pp. 235–246, 1985. Seaman JT, Turvey WS, Ottaway SJ, Dixon RJ, Gilmour AR. Investigations into the toxicity of Echium plantagineum in sheep. 1. Field grazing experiments. Aust Vet J 66;279–285, 1989. Sharrock AG. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning in a horse in New South Wales. Aust Vet J 45;388, 1969. Shull LR, Buckmaster GW, Cheeke PR. Factors influencing pyrrolizidine (Senecio) alkaloid metabolism: species, liver sulfhydryls, and rumen fermentation. J Anim Sci 43;1247–1253, 1976. Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ, Pfister JA, James LF. The clinicopathologic changes of Cynoglossum officinale (houndstongue) intoxication in horses. In Plant-Associated Toxins: Agricultural, Phytochemical, and Ecological Aspects. Colegate SM, Dorling PR, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 297–302, 1994. Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, James LF, Molyneux RJ. Pyrrole detection and the pathological progression of Cynoglossum officinale (houndstongue) poisoning in horses. J Vet Diagn Invest 8;81–90, 1996. St George-Grambauer TD, Rac R. Hepatogenous chronic copper poisoning in sheep in south Australia due to the consumption of Echium plantagineum L. (salvation jane). Aust Vet J 38;288–293, 1962. Stickel F, Seitz HK. The efficacy and safety of comfrey. Public Health Nutr 3;501–508, 2000. Tyler VE. Honest Herbal: A Sensible Guide to the Use of Herbs and Related Remedies, 3rd ed. Pharmaceutical Products Press, New York, 1993. Upadhyaya MK, Cranston RS. Distribution, biology, and control of hound’s-tongue in British Columbia. Rangelands 13;103– 106, 1991. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. van Dam NM, Verpoorte R, van der Meijden E. Extreme differences in pyrrolizidine alkaloid levels between leaves of Cynoglossum officinale. Phytochemistry 37;1013–1016, 1994.

Boraginaceae Juss. Wahome WM, Muchiri DJ, Mugera GM. An acute toxicity study of Heliotropium scottae Rendle in mice. Vet Hum Toxicol 36;295–297, 1994. Weston CF, Cooper BT, Davies JD, Levine DF. Veno-occlusive disease of the liver secondary to ingestion of comfrey. Br Med J 295;183, 1987. Woolsey JH, Jasper DE, Cordy DR, Christensen JF. Two outbreaks of hepatic cirrhosis in swine in California, with


evidence incriminating the tarweed, Amsinckia intermedia. Vet Med 47;55–58, 1952. Yeong ML, Swinburn B, Kennedy M, Nicholson G. Hepatic veno-occlusive disease associated with comfrey ingestion. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 5;211–214, 1990.

Chapter Sixteen

Brassicaceae Burnett

Mustard or Crucifer Family Berteroa Brassica Descurainia Erysimum Sinapis Thlaspi Questionable Crambe Raphanus Stanleya A large, well-defined family of major economic importance, the Brassicaceae comprises about 337 genera and 3350 species (Appel and Al-Shehbaz 2003; Heywood and Culham 2007). Cruciferae is an equally acceptable, older, alternative name, commonly used in European publications. Taxonomists differ in their interpretations of the family’s circumscription. Judd and coworkers (2008) and Bremer and coworkers (2009) submerged both the Cleomaceae and Capparaceae within it, a classification that has been rejected by Seberg (2007), Tucker (2010), Tucker and Vanderpool (2010), Al-Shehbaz (2010a), and others. Although the three families are in the same evolutionary clade and sister to each other, each is monophyletic and can be continued to be recognized as distinct (Al-Shehbaz 2010a). Members of the Brassicaceae are commonly called mustards or crucifers and are distributed primarily in the temperate regions of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (Heywood and Culham 2007). Very few taxa occur in the tropics. The greatest concentration of genera and species is in central Asia and the Mediterranean region. In North America, 97 genera; 744 species; and numerous subspecies, varieties, and cultivars are present (Al-Shehbaz 2010a). Of these, 430 species are endemic to the continent. Greatest abundance of the native taxa is in the western third of the continent (Rollins 1993).

valued for food, animal feed, ornamentals; some species noxious weeds

Many species are cultivated for food, for animal feed, and as ornamentals. Others are noxious weeds. For humans, members of the Brassicaceae are more important as vegetables, condiments, and garnishes than as dietary staples, as is characteristic of members of the Poaceae (the grasses) and the Fabaceae (the legumes) (Heywood and Culham 2007). Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, mustard, horseradish, watercress, and radishes are cruciferous crops. For livestock, crucifers provide forage in the field, silage, seed meal, and root/stem fodder. In some European countries, up to 30% of the vegetable acreage is dedicated to growing members of the family. With about 50 genera in horticultural trade, familiar ornamentals include sweet alyssum, wallflower, candytuft, dame’s rocket, and honesty. Unfortunately, weedy species are present in the family as well. Especially troublesome are the mustards, tansy mustards, peppergrasses, false flaxes, and shepherd’s purses. Toxicologic problems are associated with several genera, which are discussed collectively and individually below.

herbs; flowers cross-like; petals 4 or 0, yellow, white, lavender, or purple; fruits siliques or silicles

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; caulescent or acaulescent; strongly aromatic or not aromatic. Leaves simple or 1-pinnately compound or rarely palmately compound; alternate or rarely opposite; basal or forming a basal rosette or cauline; petiolate or sessile; clasping or not clasping; venation pinnate; margins entire or dentate or incised or pinnately lobed or pinnatifid; stipules absent. Inflorescences racemes; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2- or 1-series. Sepals 4;

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Brassicaceae Burnett

free. Corollas radially or rarely bilaterally symmetrical. Petals 4 or 0; persistent or caducous; free; clawed or not clawed; of various colors, but commonly yellow or white or lavender or purple. Stamens 6 or 4 or 2; tetradynamous or of equal length. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 1, often 2-lobed; styles 1 or 0; ovaries superior; locules 2; placentation parietal. Fruits siliques or silicles; dehiscent or indehiscent. Seeds 2 to numerous. Quick identification of the members of the Brassicaceae is facilitated by the cruciform (cross) arrangement of the four petals—hence the older family name; the presence of racemes; the six stamens, four long and two short; and the distinctive silique or silicle fruits, which normally dehisce, leaving a central, thin partition. Disease Problems Associated with Family ARDS digestive nitrate accumulation photosensitization PEM thyroid antinutritional liver blindness anemia reproductive milk taint

DISEASE PROBLEMS A wide array of disease syndromes has been associated with the Brassicaceae. Some are of a general nature and not unique to the family or to the toxicants present, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), nitrate accumulation, photosensitization, digestive disturbance and bloat, and polioencephalomalacia. Other diseases somewhat specific for the family are thyroid enlargement/ goiter, antinutritional effects, liver hemorrhage, blindness, hemolytic anemia, reproductive problems, and tainting of eggs, milk, and meat. many problems specific to Brassica, especially when almost entire food source; other problems nonspecific as to genus Some of these diseases are almost exclusively caused by the genus Brassica and its many varieties because large amounts are eaten and because of the exclusiveness of the toxicants present. Because they are mainly cool-season


crops, the brassicas often compose nearly the entire diet during periods when most other forages are dormant. Thus, the toxicants are likely to be ingested in large quantities. Many of the diseases characteristic of the family are discussed in the treatment of Brassica. Other problems caused by members of the family include tainting of eggs, milk, or meat, and photosensitization, both of which may occur alone or together with the irritant effects. The occurrence of peculiar flavors or taint is mostly correlated with feeding the seed products but has also been reported for various forages, including those of Coronopus, Lepidium, and Thlaspi (Park 1969; Park et al. 1969; Fenwick et al. 1989). The mustards are well known as anticarcinogens, but remarkably they also exert some neoplastic promoter activity (Stoewsand 1995). The two most significant disease problems caused by members of the Brassicaceae are digestive disturbance and thyroid enlargement; aspects of each are summarized in the following subsections.

Digestive Disturbance Common to many genera in the family is irritation of the digestive tract. It is most often seen with inadvertent consumption of wild species. Such situations sometimes occur because the wild species often predominate when stressful growing conditions, such as lack of moisture, prevail. In most instances where death is the outcome of intoxication, seeds are involved. Severe problems have occurred in cattle when seeds of various species were dumped, intentionally or otherwise, in pastures (Mason and Lucas 1983; Kernaleguen et al. 1989; Semalulu and Rousseaux 1989). Most members of the Brassicaceae are probably capable of causing severe digestive disturbances, but Sinapis arvense is one of the more common causes (Hughes 1924; Eaton 1941; Holmes 1965). Others that are of concern as possible digestive tract irritants are listed in Table 16.1. Digestive tract problems may be accompanied by signs of neurologic involvement, as has been

Table 16.1. Genera and species of the Brassicaceae that may cause digestive tract irritation. Armoracia rusticana Barbarea vulgaris Camelina sativa Capsella bursa-pastoris Cardaria draba Lepidium virginicum Lesquerella spp. Sisymbrium S. altissimum S. officinale

horseradish yellow rocket, winter cress false flax shepherd’s purse pepperwort, hoary cress large peppergrass bladderpod hedge mustard, rocket tumbling mustard common hedge mustard


Toxic Plants of North America

described in cases involving Barbarea vulgaris (Hansen 1930).

include a transient rise in serum thyroxin (T4), an increase in serum glucose, and a decrease in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and urea.

anorexia, salivation, colic, diarrhea Clinical signs indicative of irritation of the digestive tract in any animal species are usually abrupt in onset occurring quickly after ingestion with evidence of abdominal pain. The effects occur before adaptation develops. In cattle fed on a diet of 100% Brassica juncea, several died within a few days (Katamoto et al. 2001). Horses may be up and down, kicking at their abdomens, and may lack a desire to eat. In cattle, the irritant effects may be indicated by colic, mouth kept open with the tongue out, and a marked increase in salivation. The occurrence of diarrhea, with or without blood, is variable. There may also be neurologic signs such as circling, staggering backward, recumbency, and opisthotonus. gross pathology, sloughing of ruminal epithelium, reddened mucosa, stomach, small intestine Upon necropsy, the most obvious effects of irritation are on the stomachs and intestines: ruminal epithelial degeneration and sloughing, and reddening of the mucosae of the abomasum, small intestine, and sometimes the caecum and large intestine. Edema and hemorrhage may also be present, as well as mild renal tubular and hepatic necrosis. nursing care, pain relief Symptomatic relief of the pain and inflammation is the primary aim of treatment. In most instances, the disease can be prevented or reduced by a gradual introduction to the feed or by preventing animal access to the seed products.

Thyroid Enlargement/Goiter

microscopic: hypertrophy of thyroid follicular epithelium; supplement with iodine

Thyroid enlargement is associated with hypertrophy of the epithelia lining the follicles from low cuboidal follicular to tall columnar cells. The amount of colloid is reduced, and in some instances, lumens of the follicles are quite small. In most instances, thyroid effects are readily attenuated or prevented by administration of or supplementation with iodine during the grazing period.

two general types of sulfur-containing toxicants: glucosinolates (mustard oil glucosides) and S-methyl-lcysteine sulfoxide (SMCO)

glucosinolates: sinigrin, gluconapin, glucobrassicin

DISEASE GENESIS Two types of sulfur-containing toxicants are found in the Brassicaceae—glucosinolates and SMCO (Stoewsand 1995). The glucosinolates, formerly known as thioglucosides or mustard oil glucosides, are found in all members (Fenwick et al. 1989). Three of the parent compounds (based on the hydrolysis products) are sinigrin or prop-2enyl glucosinolate; gluconapin or but-3-enyl glucosinolate; and glucobrassicin or 3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate (also grouped with glucosinalbin which has a methoxybenzyl constituent rather than an indole). The trivial names are a derivation often employing the prefix glucoin combination with the genus name of the species from which the compound was originally isolated (Fenwick et al. 1983) (Figures 16.1 and 16.2).

weight loss, poor neonate survival Occurring when livestock graze cruciferous crops or eat seed products or meals containing crucifers for prolonged periods, inhibition of thyroid gland function is a disease somewhat specific for the Brassicaceae. The most noticeable clinical sign is enlargement of the thyroid. In severe cases, there is loss of weight or decreased weight gain, and in cases of grazing throughout pregnancy, neonate mortality may increase. Changes in serum chemistries of lambs

hydrolysis yields isothiocyanates (mustard oils), oxazolidinethiones, thiocyanates

Figure 16.1.

Chemical structure of gluconapin.

Brassicaceae Burnett

Figure 16.2.

Chemical structure of glucobrassicin.

Figure 16.3. thiones.

Hydrolysis pathway producing cyanates and

There are numerous parent glucosinolates of the same basic structure. They are hydrolyzed by myrosinase, an enzyme in the plant tissue or in the ruminal microenvironment (Majak et al. 1991). In the short term, ruminal pH may favor increased hydrolysis to produce some types of irritant glucosinolates (Shires et al. 1982; Smith and Crowe 1987). The three main classes of hydrolysis products are isothiocyanates (mustard oils), oxazolidinethiones, and thiocyanates, which form the basis for the three groups of parent compounds given above (Virtanen 1965; Fenwick et al. 1989). The side chain on the parent compound determines the potency of the product of enzyme hydrolysis; these products are largely responsible for the pungency and flavor of many condiments. Typically, the glucosinolate is hydrolyzed to an allylisothiocyanate that imparts the mustard-like odor. In contrast, in a few species, the hydrolysis product is an allylthiocyanate that imparts a garlic-like odor to the plant (Gmelin and Virtanen 1959; Majak et al. 1991) (Figure 16.3). The indoles of the glucosinolates are mainly nitriles rather than carbinols and are thought by some to play a major role in modifying biotransformation enzyme activity and in other beneficial biological effects (Pantuck et al. 1976; Wall et al. 1988). potent, pepper-like irritants; concentrations vary with taxon and plant part


The glucosinolates in low concentrations are appetite stimulants, but at higher levels are potent irritants, which, when applied to foods, make them very hot to the taste, as illustrated by the effects of the condiments white and black pepper. Because of their potent effects, the mustards have long been used as topical irritants in humans or to make blisters for treatment of various locomotor ailments in horses. Digestive disturbances due to glucosinolates may be caused by either cultivated species or wild species present in the pasture or range. Concentrations of total glucosinolates are usually low to moderate in foliage, high in some roots, and quite high in seeds (Fenwick et al. 1989). Concentrations are typically about 1000 ppm for foliage; 30,000+ ppm for horseradish root; 40,000 ppm for rapeseed; and 20,000– 60,000 ppm for mustard and pepper seeds. Brussels sprouts have unusually high levels of glucosinolates, sometimes 2000–3000 ppm. Concentrations are markedly reduced by ensiling, for example, decreasing 10-fold in rape, from 0.3% to 0.03%, in 30 days (Fales et al. 1987). Drying also seems to appreciably reduce glucosinolate concentrations in seeds (Knight and Stegelmeier 2007). Although glucosinolates are present in all members of the family, some genera and species seem to be more likely to be involved in intoxications. They are treated individually here. Neither the glucosinolates nor their products are passed in milk in appreciable amounts (VanEtten and Tookey 1978; Papas et al. 1979). Although not passed in milk in quantities sufficient to cause thyroid effects, they may nonetheless be important in causing “off” tastes in milk and perhaps meat. Some of the glucosinolate products have antibacterial and antifungal activity (Virtanen 1965). in general, digestive tract irritants; in poultry, decreased growth, liver problems; in livestock, thyroid inhibition

problems rare in North America because long-term ingestion required The glucosinolates are probably responsible for several disease problems, both experimental and clinical, in addition to irritation of the digestive tract. Stoewsand (1995) listed thyroid enlargement, embryonal death, decreased fetal weights, adrenal enlargement, and liver, pancreatic, and renal lesions as consequences of experimental administration of glucosinolates to rats. Of the clinically significant problems, growth retardation, liver hemorrhage, and egg taint are seen in poultry given feeds containing Brassica seeds. Digestive disturbances also occur with inadvertent ingestion of wild plants or seeds with high levels of


Toxic Plants of North America

glucosinolates. Thyroid enlargement is of importance only in those instances in which livestock graze cruciferous crops or eat various seed products/meals for prolonged periods, because a long period of ingestion is required to produce the adverse effect. Ruminants appear to be less susceptible to the long-term detrimental effects of glucosinolates than are pigs and other monogastrics, based on the results of feeding rapeseed and crambe meals (Lambert et al. 1970; Bell 1984). Adaptation of ruminal microorganism degradation of glucosinolates in sheep develops within a few days after feeding the Brassicaceae diet (Duncan and Milne 1992). In most instances, thyroid problems are of little significance. As an example, Rapistrum rugosum (turnipweed), fed in the preflowering stage to sheep for 11 weeks, failed to cause any increase in thyroid size (Stocks et al. 1984). thyroid effects: block of tyrosine iodination, inhibition of T4 formation, inhibition of iodine uptake Effects on the thyroid range from noniodine responsive block of tyrosine iodination and inhibition of T4 formation—due to goitrin, the breakdown product of thiooxazolidine—to simple iodine-responsive inhibition of thyroid iodine uptake due to thiocyanate formed from the indole glucobrassicin or the benzyl glucosinalbin (Virtanen 1965; Paxman and Hill 1974b). Goitrogenesis in kale varieties is mainly due to thiocyanate (Paxman and Hill 1974a). In many instances, the effects on the thyroid are not an impediment to weight gains, but under some circumstances, neonate survivability may markedly decrease (Sinclair and Andrews 1961; Russel 1967). Under some dietary conditions, especially with marginal iodine levels in the diet, there may be an augmented effect on the thyroid (David 1976). Although impairment of iodine availability may not reduce growth, iodine supplementation may improve wool growth (Barry et al. 1983).

low in glucosinolates and their subsequent genetic manipulation to reduce erucic acid levels led to the development of the now widely acclaimed canola oil and meal products (Bell 1982, 1984). The oil has less than 5% erucic acid and less than 3 mg/g of common glucosinolates, and the meal about 38% protein (Campbell 1984). Similar low glucosinolate varieties are available in other countries (Lajolo et al. 1991). It is desirable to have minimal amounts of erucic acid because experimental evidence links it with cardiomyopathy in rats (McCutcheon et al. 1976). In a unique case in dairy cattle following ingestion of spilled canola oil, there was evidence of peracute myocardial injury in 1 of 4 cows that died (Clark et al. 2001). Although there was no obvious cause of death in any of the 4, there were foul greasy feces, dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and some degree of renal tubular necrosis perhaps secondary to the dehydration (Clark et al. 2001). Soaking mustard oil cake in water may be useful in reducing the potential for adverse effects; when it was soaked for 2–6 hours, signs of glucosinolate activity were reduced by 36% (Tyagi et al. 1997).

metabolic products of SMCO; oxidant effects, primarily hemolysis (Figure 16.4)

The other sulfur-containing toxicant, SMCO is metabolized by lyase or in the rumen to dimethyl sulfide, which produces oxidant effects serving primarily to hemolyze RBCs in a manner similar to the oxidants of Allium (onions) in the Liliaceae and Acer rubrum (red maple) in the Aceraceae (Benevenga et al. 1989). Thus, ruminants are the only species at risk. Hemolysis is seen after consumption of the plants for several weeks and is typically not a life-threatening disease. This problem is caused by various species of Brassica and Raphanus. In contrast to the glucosinolates, ensiling results in only minor reduction

high sulfur in plants may limit copper absorption An additional effect of considerable importance with the high content of sulfur-containing compounds in plants of the family is the potential for long-term ingestion to limit copper absorption and to predispose to deficiency of the mineral. This factor is discussed specifically in the treatment of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) due to Brassica. Perhaps the most important products associated with the glucosinolates and their adverse effects are rapeseed seed, oil, and meal derived from Brassica napus, B. campestris, B. juncea, B. sarson, and other species (Hill 1979; Campbell 1984). The discovery of cultivars of rapeseed

Figure 16.4. sulfide.

SMCO and lyase pathway producing dimethyl

Brassicaceae Burnett


of SMCO concentrations (Fales et al. 1987). Closely akin to sulfur as a toxicant is selenium, which is of lesser overall significance in the family. It is mainly a potential problem in the genus Stanleya. For the family in general as determined in B. juncea, sulfur is consistently accumulated as sulfoxides in contrast to the selenium oxides of Stanleya (Feist and Parker 2001).

BERTEROA DC. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to temperate Eurasia, Berteroa comprises 5 species (Rollins 1993; AlShehbaz 2010b). Its name honors an Italian botanist of the early 1800s. In North America, only 1 species occurs. A second species, B. mutabilis, is known only from historical collections and has not been collected for more than six decades and thus is not considered to have naturalized (Rollins 1993). A single species is of toxicologic importance: B. incana (L.) DC.

hoary alyssum, hoary false alyssum

Figure 16.5.

Line drawing of Berteroa incana.

Figure 16.6. Elisens.

Photo of Berteroa incana. Courtesy of Wayne J.

stiffly erect annuals; leaves simple; flowers small; petals white

Plants annuals or biennials; caulescent. Stems stiffly erect; 10–70 cm tall; branched above. Leaves simple; cauline; sessile; blades elliptic to oblanceolate; apices acute to obtuse; margins entire. Racemes terminal; elongating in fruit. Flowers small. Sepals equal; ascending. Petals white; apices deeply bifid. Stamens 6; tetradynamous. Fruits silicles; elliptic; slightly flattened, sides convex. Seeds 3–6 per locule; round; brown; narrowly winged (Figures 16.5 and 16.6).

Distribution and Habitat—Berteroa incana occupies disturbed sites, waste areas, and hay meadows across northern North America (Figure 16.7).

horses: rapid onset: limb edema, laminitis, transient most cases; cause unknown

Disease Problems and Genesis—Berteroa incana has been associated with severe edema of the distal limbs and less often with laminitis in horses in the upper Midwest (Becker et al. 1991; Geor et al. 1992). As yet problems have been seen only in horses eating the seeds of plants in heavily infested pastures or hay contaminated with 20–30%, or perhaps as little as 10–15%, of the species (Ellison 1992; Geor et al. 1992). Within 36 hours of

ingestion, there may be increased body and foot temperature, and edema, which may disappear in 2–4 days (Murphy 1997). The morbidity rate may be higher than 50%, but most animals recover readily if exposure to the plants is stopped immediately (Hovda and Rose 1993). If animals are allowed to continue to eat the contaminated hay or pasture after signs develop, the disease may result in debilitating laminitis and or severe digestive disturbances. The foliage is typically of low palatability and is


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 16.7.

Distribution of Berteroa incana.

eaten reluctantly (Becker et al. 1991). In one instance, mares foaled either weak or premature foals (Ellison 1992). Abortion at 9–10 months of gestation has also been reported (Hovda and Rose 1993). The cause of the edema and other systemic signs is not known. They are not typical of those caused by glucosinolates, which are so prevalent in the family. Horses intoxicated by other taxa, for example, seeds of Raphanus raphanistrum, exhibit predominantly colic and other evidences of digestive tract irritation (Eloire 1922).

foot temperature increases; abrupt onset of pitting edema of limbs, rarely severe colic, diarrhea, increased capillary refill time and heart and respiration rates, dark urine, laminitis

Clinical Signs—The earliest sign of intoxication due to B. incana is increased foot temperature in 24 hours and edema a few hours later. In most instances, the temperature increase will not be noticed, and the most prominent effect will be the abrupt onset of pitting edema of the distal portions of one or more limbs. In most cases, this is the extent of the disease.

following ingestion of large amounts; colic, diarrhea, increased capillary refill time, increased heart and respiration rates, dark urine, laminitis

In a few animals, when large amounts of plant material are eaten or when the hay contains 50% or more B.

incana, other signs develop such as colic, bloody diarrhea, slow capillary refill time, fever to 40°C, increased heart and respiration rates, dehydration, and red discoloration of the urine. Within a day or two, obvious mild to severe laminitis may become apparent, the horse standing with its forelegs extended forward, and its weight borne on the rear legs. In a few instances, the disease may be of such severity that euthanasia may be necessary. The onset of signs may correlate with a change in hay source or pasture in the previous 24 hours. Hematologic changes include evidence of hemolysis and dehydration; the packed cell volume may increase substantially to greater than 50% in spite of the lysis of RBCs. Serum chemistry changes are also indicative of dehydration, with elevation of creatinine, urea nitrogen, and total protein. Serum hepatic enzymes and serum phosphorus may be mildly elevated.

gross pathology: s.c. and pulmonary edema; ulceration of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine

Pathology—Grossly, there is subcutaneous edema, pulmonary edema, and edema of the kidney interstitium. The mucosa of the stomach and small intestine may be ulcerated, and small splotchy hemorrhages may be apparent on the mucosal and serosal surfaces. Unusually large amounts of calcium carbonate crystals are seen in the bladder.

diuretics, pain relief, anti-inflammatory drugs

Treatment—No specific agents are known to reverse the disease process. Typically, therapy is directed toward relief of pain, inflammation, and edema, and includes the use of phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine, and furosimide or other diuretics.

BRASSICA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus of 35 species and numerous cultivars, Brassica is commonly known as mustard, cabbage, turnip, and cole (Warwick 2010a), The genus name was used by Pliny, and species of the genus have been cultivated since antiquity for both food and animal fodder (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). As illustrated in the list given below, many of our common vegetables are members of this taxon. Some of them have escaped cultivation, naturalized, and lost the traits

Brassicaceae Burnett


relished by humans. Some have become troublesome weeds in other crops. In North America, 8 introduced species are commonly encountered: B. elongata Ehrh. B. fruticulosa Cirillo B. juncea (L.) Czern. B. napus L. B. nigra (L.) W.D.J.Koch B. oleracea L. var. acephala var. alboglabra var. botrytis var. capitata var. gemmifera var. gongylodes var. sabauda B. rapa L. var. chinensis var. olifera var. pekinensis var. perviridis var. rapifera B. tournefortii Gouan

elongated mustard Mediterranean cabbage India mustard, brown mustard, oriental mustard canola, rape, colza, oilseed, rutabaga, swede, rapeseed black mustard wild cabbage kale, collards Chinese kale, Chinese broccoli broccoli, cauliflower cabbage brussels sprouts kohlrabi savoy cabbage field mustard, bird’s rape pak-choi, Chinese cabbage turnip rape pe-tsai tendergreen, spinach mustard turnip Sahara mustard, Asian mustard

erect, branched, smooth herbs; leaves simple; petals conspicuous yellow or yellow white

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or rarely perennials; caulescent. Stems erect; 30–150 cm tall; branched; glabrous. Leaves simple; basal and cauline; petiolate or sessile; blades of various shapes; margins entire or margins of lower leaves pinnatifid or dentate. Racemes terminal; elongating in fruit. Flowers usually conspicuous. Sepals erect or spreading; saccate. Petals obovate; clawed; yellow or rarely yellow white. Stamens 6; tetradynamous. Fruits siliques; subterete or angled; beaked; often torulose. Seeds numerous; in 1 row; subglobose (Figures 16.8 and 16.9). Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether white mustard and charlock should be placed in Brassica or segregated in the genus Sinapis. Following the treatments of Rollins (1993), Tsunoda and coworkers (1980), and Warwick (2010b), the two species are positioned in Sinapis in this treatment. Extensive hybridization in the genus often makes positive identification of individual plants difficult. The reader is encouraged to use a taxonomic key covering the plants in his or her geographical area.

Figure 16.8.

Line drawing of Brassica nigra.

Figure 16.9.

Photo of Brassica nigra.

Distribution and Habitat—All species of the genus are native to Eurasia. Most have naturalized as weeds in fields, waste grounds, roadsides, and other disturbed sites; some are troublesome in cultivated fields.


Toxic Plants of North America

Serious Disease Problems anemia ARDS blindness bloat PEM reproductive Problems of Low Risk photosensitization nitrate and oxalate accumulation

Disease Problems—Species of Brassica produce a variety of adverse effects. Cote (1944) initially recognized four types—respiratory, digestive, neurologic, and urinary— and noted that an animal could exhibit signs of two or more at the same time. Other types have been described since then. In the following subsections, five very different disease problems—anemia, acute respiratory distress (ARDS), blindness, polioencephalomalacia (PEM), and adverse effects on reproduction––are discussed separately. Problems of lesser importance—taint, photosensitization, nitrate and oxalate accumulation, and other syndromes ––are also reviewed. Increased rainfall and early frosts seem to be conducive to a special risk (Cote 1944; Evans 1951). In South Africa, Jersey cattle grazing for 5–6 months on B. oleracea with high sulfur content developed poor body condition, Heinz body anemia, and poor reproductive performance, mainly of poor conception rate and a few abortions (Taljaard 1993). In another report, liver dysfunction, shown by an increase in GGT and glutamate dehydrogenase, was prominent in dairy cattle that were fed fresh rape (Barnouin and Paccard 1988). In general, rape and kale are the most common causes of adverse effects, in part because they are the most often used for feeding livestock.

Stewart 1953). The anemia is most severe in cattle but is seldom life threatening. Onset is typically heralded by the occurrence of Heinz bodies in RBCs 2–3 weeks after consumption of rape, kale, turnips, or other brassica forage begins. In some instances in cattle, the packed cell volume (PCV) may decline 30% in 6 weeks and then stabilize or perhaps return to nearly normal. In most instances, however, even with consumption of as much as 40–70 kg of the offending forage per day, the hemolysis is less severe. Most commonly, PCV and Hb decrease mildly (Grant et al. 1968a; Backgren and Jonsson 1969; Tucker 1969; Young et al. 1982). The response in sheep is less severe, and in goats, it may be severe but not sustained as long as in cattle (Penny et al. 1964; Grant et al. 1968b; Greenhalgh et al. 1969). The onset of hemolysis is often manifested as a dark discoloration of the urine due to the presence of free hemoglobin, but a decline in PCV is usually hardly noticeable. The hemolysis is generally of older RBCs, accompanied by a decreasing myeloid/erythroid ratio in the bone marrow as destruction becomes balanced by erythropoiesis (Tucker 1969; Young et al. 1982). Recovery occurs within a few weeks of the animal’s ceasing to eat Brassica; there may be partial recovery even with continued ingestion. Although in some instances economic losses may be substantial, the disease is often rather mild. In a 4-year experiment, lambs grazed kale, turnips, or Chinese cabbage for prolonged periods during the fall and winter. All experienced good gains, as good as or better than those experienced by animals eating grass or clover forages (Reid et al. 1994). Heinz body formation increased markedly, but RBC packed cell volumes decreased only slightly (Cox-Ganser et al. 1994). Serum thyroxin (T4) decreased initially but only temporarily, and thyroid weights increased modestly. Rape with purple-tinged foliage is thought to be more likely to cause toxicity problems (Cote 1944; Perrett 1947).

hemolysis, effects of oxidant sulfides derived from SMCO; SMCO itself inactive hemolytic anemia; Heinz bodies at onset; typically transient, seldom serious; cattle on rape, kale, turnips; sheep less severe

Anemia Disease Problems—The most consistent problem in ruminants grazing species of Brassica for prolonged periods is the development of hemolytic anemia (Clegg and Evans 1962; Penny et al. 1964). It may occur even when grazing is only for a restricted time (Stamp and

Disease Genesis—The toxicants that are responsible for hemolysis are derived from SMCO in the plant (Smith et al. 1978). When the plant is macerated, a lyase enzyme much like alliinase in onions is liberated. This results in the breakdown of SMCO and the formation of methyl methane thiosulfinate and then various sulfides, disulfides, trisulfides, and thiosulfonates (Smith 1977; Marks et al. 1992). These reactions are pH dependent, inhibited in an acidic medium, and favored by an alkaline environment (Whittle et al. 1976). SMCO is relatively inactive, and

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most adverse effects are associated with dimethyl disulfide or its oxide (Smith 1980). Blood concentrations of dimethyl disulfide peak at the time of high Heinz body presence and maximal hemolysis, while there is no detectable SMCO (Earl and Smith 1982). The formation of the toxic end products in ruminants is due to the action of the enzyme produced by the plant tissues or by ruminal microorganisms (Smith et al. 1978; Smith 1980). Formation does not occur in the acidic environment of the stomach of monogastrics. Toxic effects have been observed in sheep, goats, cattle, and roe deer (Schoon et al. 1989). Whether from fresh or dried kale or from silage, SMCO is equally toxic (Pelletier and Martin 1973). The various reaction products, when absorbed, exert oxidant effects on RBCs in much the same manner as npropyl disulfide from onions; they react with SH groups on hemoglobin to cause lysis directly or an agglutinating or denaturing action manifested as Heinz bodies, which are then subject to splenic removal. Reduced glutathione (GSH) is protective against these effects. The hemolytic effect and the decrease in weight gain depend on the dose of SMCO. Dosage of 100 mg/kg b.w. results in low-grade anemia, and 150–200 mg/kg causes acute hemolysis (Smith et al. 1978). Smith (1980) suggested that the dosage of SMCO be limited to 100 mg/kg live weight to avoid depression of weight gain. SMCO levels variable; increase with plant maturity; highest in flowers Concentrations of SMCO are variable in Brassica. They increase with plant maturity. For example, in B. oleracea, they increase from 6000 ppm in October to 9000– 12,000 ppm in winter, and the concentrations are highest in flowers (Whittle et al. 1976; Giovanni et al. 1989). Concentrations of SMCO also vary with the species and variety of Brassica and in general are about 10 times greater than glucosinolate levels (Young et al. 1982; Marks et al. 1992). Concentrations of SMCO can be manipulated by nitrogen and sulfur fertilization practices, because it appears to function as a sulfur storage form (McDonald et al. 1981). Low levels of soil sulfur result in as much as a 50% reduction of SMCO in the plant (Barry et al. 1984). The effects of Brassica are not necessarily devastating. Even in the presence of substantial amounts of SMCO (4000–7000 ppm dry matter) and thiocyanate (400– 500 ppm dry matter), lambs may experience good growth rates (Young et al. 1982). Anemia also occurs in freeroaming roe deer (Onderscheka et al. 1987; Schoon et al. 1989). In general, contamination of feed with up to 20% Brassica seeds does not appear to represent a serious risk (Shires et al. 1982).


no signs in most instances; with moderate severity, decreased appetite, weakness, dark urine

Clinical Signs—Signs related to RBC lysis include loss of appetite, weakness, dark-colored urine, decrease in milk production, increase in heart and respiratory rates, and sometimes diarrhea. The RBC numbers will be reduced as reflected in decreased packed cell volume (PCV), blood hemoglobin, and RBC count.

gross pathology: spleen enlarged, kidneys dark metallic color; microscopic: hemosiderin, liver, kidneys, mild renal tubular necrosis

Pathology—Typically, with hemolytic anemia, the spleen is enlarged, the kidneys are dark metallic in color, and the liver is slightly enlarged. Microscopically, there is iron and hemosiderin accumulation in the liver and kidney and mild renal tubular degeneration, with epithelial necrosis and pigment in the tubules.

Treatment—Seldom is the anemia severe enough to require therapy. Removal from the Brassica forage will usually result in a return to normal RBC numbers.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) ruminants; presumably from sudden increase in tryptophan in rumen, metabolized to 3-MI, absorbed and further metabolized in the lungs to the ultimate pulmonary toxin

Disease Problems and Genesis—Brassica produces the same disease as do members of the Fabaceae and Poaceae, presumably a result of a sudden increase in ruminal tryptophan levels, predisposing formation of excess 3methylindole (3-MI) (for a more detailed description of the disease, see Chapters 35 and 58). The original descriptions of the disease were prompted mainly by the continuing problems occurring in cattle when they were first allowed to graze rape or kale in the fall of the year (Schofield 1948).

seven to ten days after animals begin grazing rape, kale, or turnips; abrupt onset, respiratory distress, open-mouthed breathing, head extended, increased heart and respiratory rates


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs—Typically, signs occur 7–10 days after animals begin to graze rape, kale, or turnips. Rarely cases may be seen as early as 5 days or as late as 4 weeks. The animals are in great distress, with labored, open-mouthed breathing with heads extended and a noticeable expiratory grunt. The heart and respiratory rates are increased, and there may be either constipation or fetid diarrhea. Evidences of emphysema are often accompanied by subcutaneous accumulation of air along the back and over the ribs. gross pathology: lungs wet, rubbery, distended; froth in airways; microscopic: alveolar distension and rupture, edema and air pockets in septa

Pathology—The lungs are wet, heavy, rubbery, and distended, with pockets of air in the interlobular septa. On cut surfaces, the lungs are dark red and firm, with numerous irregular sections divided by interlobular emphysema. There is edema and congestion throughout the lungs, and frothy exudate in the trachea and bronchi. The liver may be pale, friable, and mottled; the gallbladder, distended with bile; and the kidneys, pale. Microscopically, rupture, collapse, and filling of the alveoli with serous exudate are evident, along with edema and air pockets in the interlobular connective tissue. There may be extensive areas of degeneration and necrosis around the central veins of the liver. avoid stress; prevent by gradual pasture change, limit grazing time; ionophores

Treatment—It is very important to minimize stress during the period of severe respiratory distress. Numerous drugs have been used, including corticosteroids, antihistamines, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, atropine, diuretics, and antibiotics, but therapy appears to be of limited value. Often, handling the animal for treatment causes stress and death due to acute respiratory embarrassment. The disease can be prevented by management techniques aimed at more gradual changes in pasture quality. Such recommendations include cutting the forage and allowing it to wilt before turning the animals onto a new lush pasture; limiting grazing time on the new pasture; and gradually introducing a new pasture by rotating the animals every few days between a lush pasture and a dry pasture or drylot with hay (Potchoiba et al. 1992). When these approaches are not possible, diet supplementation with 200 mg/animal of an ionophore such as monensin or lasalocid may be used to prevent or at least attenuate the severity of the disease. The ionophore should be fed

beginning a few days before and continuing for 10 days following the change in pasture (Hammond et al. 1980; Nocerini et al. 1985; Potchoiba et al. 1992). This is a sustained protective effect, but it is not invariably preventive for all animals (Honeyfield et al. 1985).

Blindness cattle: temporary blindness several weeks after beginning grazing; nonlethal; cause unknown

Disease Problems and Genesis—Temporary blindness has been reported in cattle several weeks after they begin grazing rape. Recovery was gradual and complete within 6 weeks after cessation of grazing (Dalton 1953). The pupils were dilated and not responsive to light, and no changes were apparent upon ophthalmoscopic examination (Perrett 1947; Crawshaw 1953). In other instances, corneal opacity was a problem (Michael 1953). The blindness, which is of unknown cause, does not appear to be due to polioencephalomalacia, because it is transient and not associated with lethality. aimless walking, aggression; symptom relief

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The blindness is typically temporary, lasting a few weeks. It may be accompanied by aimless wandering and sometimes belligerent or violent actions in which inanimate objects are battered. In roe deer, the effects are more extensive, with distinct pathologic changes, which include myocardial degeneration, cerebral hyperemia and edema, and necrosis of the cerebrum. Treatment is for relief of the symptoms.

Bloat free-gas or frothy bloat in the first few days of grazing

Disease Problems and Genesis—This disease may occur at any time while grazing Brassica forages, but often it occurs shortly after grazing begins (Morton and Campbell 1997). The type of bloat that develops is apparently related to the type of forage. Bloat associated with grazing turnips is the free-gas type rather than frothy type (Wikse et al. 1987). This may be due to a rapid rate of fermentation and production of gas. It is readily treated if observed early but can progress rapidly to respiratory compromise and death. In contrast, grazing Chinese cabbage produced the froth type. In a case in India, 17 cows that had fed heavily on the cabbage subsequently died overnight (Kataria et al. 2004). Bloat as seen in roe

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deer grazing rape is also of the frothy type (Onderscheka et al. 1987).

abdominal distension, labored respiration

Clinical Signs—Regardless of whether the bloat is free or frothy, there is noticeable distension of the abdominal area, especially in the left flank area. Respiration is labored, and the rate is increased markedly.

head and neck tissues congested with blood

Pathology—Grossly, congestion and hemorrhage of the tissues of the head and neck are evident. The thoracic esophagus may be pale, while the cervical portion is congested, producing a characteristic “bloat line” at the thoracic inlet. release free gas, tube or trocar; administer surfactants; pasture management

Treatment—The free gas is readily discharged by passage of a stomach tube or by cannulation of the rumen through the left flank just posterior to the last rib. In the latter case, a cannula can be allowed to remain in place to correct the problem in chronic bloaters. Frothy bloat requires administration of a chemical to reduce surface tension of the liquid and break up the bubbles. The primary aim is to relieve the distension. This is accomplished by mechanical release of the gas and destabilization of the ruminal foam in which the air bubbles are trapped. The surface activity can be reduced effectively by the use of oils, fats, detergents, and other surface active agents given by drench. The use of oils and fats is limited because they are subject to rapid degradation. Pluronic surfactants are commonly used, of which the polyoxypropylene–polyoxyethylene types are the best examples. All of these antifoaming agents can also be used prophylactically to lower surface tension, but they require continuous daily administration. Poloxalene (Bloatguard®, Phibro Animal Health, Ridgefield Park, NJ) is water soluble and can be given in a variety of ways, including in liquid molasses or in mineral and other types of blocks that are licked. Monensin and lasalocid are partially protective against both frothy pasture bloat and bloat due to a high-grain diet (Bartley et al. 1983). Pasture management and grazing control are other ways to prevent the occurrence of bloat. Pastures with a mixture of productive high-bloat forages and low-bloat


types such as sainfoin or bird’s-foot trefoil are especially useful if they can be maintained as true mixtures.

Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) rare, affecting few individuals in herd soon after feed change, often fatal

Disease Problems—In rare instances, cattle, sheep, or other ruminants grazing species of Brassica will develop a neurotoxicosis or die suddenly with little warning (Wikse et al. 1987; Schoon et al. 1989; Hill and Ebbett 1997). Sometimes termed polio (PEM) or cerebrocortical necrosis (CCN), the disease often follows a change in feed to lusher forage or larger amounts, for example, turnips for cattle and rape for roe deer (Wikse et al. 1987; Schoon et al. 1989). It is very similar to PEM caused by high dietary sulfate and is quite often fatal (Raisbeck 1982; Gooneratne et al. 1991; Gould 1998). Fortunately, the disease is of low and sporadic occurrence. A peculiar form of neurologic disease, perhaps comparable with polio in cattle, occurs in free-roaming roe deer, in which they undergo a marked behavior change, lose their fear of humans, and become oblivious to their environment, with no reaction to sound or sight (Onderscheka et al. 1987; Schoon et al. 1989). Some recover after a few weeks. probably related to high sulfur in plants and water

Disease Genesis—The specific cause of these neurotoxic effects has not been definitely identified in all instances, but a likely factor is the high sulfur content of Brassica plants. Species of the genus with sulfur concentrations as high as 8500 ppm (0.85%) have been associated with blindness, ataxia, and sudden death in ruminants and with pathologic changes typical of PEM from other causes (Gooneratne et al. 1991, 1992; Hill and Ebbett 1997). These levels are consistent with levels of sulfate (0.63%) that cause experimental dietary-induced PEM (Gould et al. 1991; Rousseaux et al. 1991; Olkowski et al. 1992). Because of this relationship, the National Research Council (2005) recommendations are for a maximum of 0.4% dietary sulfur as sodium sulfate. The neurotoxic effects of sulfur are shown by PEM that occurred in a flock of 2200 ewes grazed on an alfalfa pasture shortly after it had been sprayed with a 35% suspension of elemental sulfur (Bulgin et al. 1996). Two percent of the animals developed signs or had specific brain lesions consistent with PEM. Similar problems have been reported for other high sulfur feeds such as corn gluten (Niles et


Toxic Plants of North America

al. 2000, 2002) processed sugar cane and distiller byproducts (Kul et al. 2006). sulfur reduced to sulfide in rumen; direct effects or via thiaminase activity in rumen; not clearly thiamine responsive In the ruminal bacterial environment, sulfate is reduced to sulfide (Lewis 1954; Olkowski et al. 1992; Cummings et al. 1995). Presumably, the organic sulfur compounds in Brassica serve as similar substrates for reduction. Once reduced, the sulfide may interact with sulfite and may serve as a thiaminase (Leichter and Joslyn 1969; Gooneratne et al. 1989b), but the neurotoxicosis is more likely due to additional causes, possibly direct effects on the brain via lipid peroxidation. Not only are the pathologic changes produced by both Brassica and high dietary levels of sulfur quite similar, but with both, there are minimal changes in tissue thiamine levels. In neither instance is the disease clearly thiamine responsive, as with other causes of PEM (Thomas 1986; Gooneratne et al. 1992; Olkowski et al. 1992; Hill and Ebbett 1997). The sulfur from plants may be acting in concert with that in water or other sources to increase the risk of development of PEM. In areas with minimal sulfate in the water, PEM due to Brassica may be a rare disease. sulfur also interferes with copper bioavailability An additional factor of concern with long-term ingestion of high-sulfur forages is the potential for copper deficiency (Taljaard 1993). The detrimental effects of decreasing bioavailability of copper in ruminants due to dietary sulfur are well documented (Gooneratne et al. 1989a). Sulfur from various sources may be reduced in the rumen to sulfide, which reacts with copper, or sulfur may interact with molybdenum to form poorly absorbed copper thiomolybdate complexes (Suttle 1974, 1991; Qi et al. 1993). abrupt onset; ear twitching, champing jaws, salivation, circling or aimless wandering, blindness, recumbency, seizures

Clinical Signs—PEM is a disease of abrupt onset. Initial signs are twitching of the ears and muscles of the face and champing of the jaws, which are accompanied by profuse salivation. Animals stand motionless in an apparent stupor, circle, or wander aimlessly forward or backward. Blindness and/or lack of awareness of surroundings and

inability to eat properly are consistent features of the disease. Once animals become recumbent, especially if there are also seizures, the prognosis is unfavorable for recovery, even with treatment.

gross pathology: brain, edema, flattened gyri, compressed sulci, parietal cortex yellowish gray, fluorescence with UV light; microscopic: neuronal necrosis

Pathology—Grossly, severe cerebral edema causes flattening of the gyri and compression of the sulci. The accompanying malacia of gray matter is obvious in the cerebral cortex as well as other areas, including the basal ganglia, the thalamus, and the cerebellum. The parietal cortex may be yellowish gray in color. The areas of cerebral cortical malacia often fluoresce under ultraviolet light, especially at white and gray matter junctions. Microscopically, there is prominent laminar necrosis and a lack of inflammatory response. Shrunken and eosinophilic neurons with pyknotic nuclei are scattered in multiple foci with perivascular hemorrhage and edema and with necrosis of some small arterioles. In roe deer, the lesions include myocardial degeneration, cerebral hyperemia and edema, and necrosis of the cerebrum.

parenteral thiamine, may not always give complete relief

Treatment—Although parenteral administration of 10 mg/kg b.w. of thiamine HCl may provide some minor beneficial effect or be preventive, it does not eliminate the signs. Symptomatic treatment and control of the cerebral edema may also be of benefit.

Reproductive Effects marginally decreased fertility, even without thyroid effects; possibly effects of glucosinolate

Disease Problems and Genesis—Decreases in fertility in both cattle and sheep have been marginal and sometimes difficult to detect (Boyd and Reed 1961). The effects, which are accompanied by evidence of hematologic changes, are seen after animals graze kale for 2 or more months. Conception rate decreases, so an increase in the number of services is required (Melrose and Brown 1962; Williams et al. 1965). Some of the reproductive

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effects appear to be secondary to thyroid enlargement; increased gestation period and decreased birth weight are reported for ewes (Sinclair and Andrews 1958). Mallard (1981) reported the birth of weak and stillborn kids, and gestation was prolonged 1–2 weeks in goats wintered on a daily diet of 4–6 kg kale. In an epidemiologic study in France, an increase in perinatal calf mortality was noted when rape or kale were fed to dams during the last 90 days of pregnancy (Barnouin et al. 1992). Lambing difficulties with weak labor, uterine inertia, and stillborns were also reported for a flock of sheep fed for 5–6 weeks on forage composed mostly of Sinapis arvensis and smaller amounts of Capsella bursa-pastoris and Raphanus raphanistrum (Mihalka 1982). Further studies suggested the potential for mustard glucosinolates’ predisposing sheep to Chlamydia infection, with subsequent reproductive losses (Mihalka 1983). The cause of the reproductive effects is not clear. Experimental administration of acetone or alcohol extracts of kale orally or subcutaneously to rats revealed no evidence of estrogenic activity (Pickard and Crighton 1967). The occurrence of difficulties produced by genera other than Brassica may be an indication that this is indeed a glucosinolate-related effect. That this is the case is substantiated further by studies demonstrating delayed sexual maturity in gilts, attributable to glucosinolate goitrogenic activity (Fenwick et al. 1989).

Other Disease Problems and Genesis taint of milk, photosensitization





Undesirable odors and flavors of meat have been noted in animals fed rape (Wheeler et al. 1974). Similarly, a fishy odor of eggs, especially brown eggs, due to accumulation of trimethylamine, and liver hemorrhage have been problems in poultry fed rapeseed meal (Fenwick and Curtis 1980; Butler et al. 1982). Odor and flavor problems seem to accrue from the glucosinolates and have been markedly reduced or eliminated by selection programs to reduce glucosinolate concentrations in the plants. Photosensitization is a rare adverse effect associated with rape in North America. In Australia, however, the primary type apparently has been a common problem in dairy cattle grazing various brassicas (Morton and Campbell 1997). Case (1957) reported a type with little pigment correlation. A mild form with typical head distribution in sheep has also been described (Vermunt et al. 1993). Species of Brassica are prone to accumulate toxic concentrations of nitrate and oxalate under appropriate conditions. Mejia et al. (1985) reported concentrations of oxalate of 0.6–7.9% d.w. for B. napus.


DESCURAINIA WEBB & BERTHEL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 40–47 species in both the Old and New World, Descurainia is commonly known as tansy mustard (Rollins 1993; Goodson and Al-Shehbaz 2010). In North America, 14 native and introduced species are present, only 2 of which are of toxicologic concern: D. pinnata (Walter) Britton

D. sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl

tansy mustard, western tansy mustard, green tansy mustard flixweed, herb sophie

erect annual herbs; leaves simple, in basal rosettes that whither; cauline leaves pinnatifid; flowers small; petals yellow or whitish

Plants annuals or biennials; caulescent; herbage bearing branched hairs. Stems erect; 20–80 cm tall; canescent; branched above. Leaves simple; cauline and forming basal rosettes that wither as plants mature; upper leaves gradually smaller; blades ovate or oblong to oblanceolate; margins 1- to 3-pinnatifid into linear segments. Racemes terminal; elongating in fruit. Flowers small. Sepals ovate; green or yellow, sometimes rose tinged. Petals obovate or spathulate; clawed; yellow or whitish. Stamens 6; tetradynamous. Fruits siliques; linear or clavate; terete or subterete. Seeds numerous; elliptic; yellowish to reddish brown (Figures 16.10–16.12).

Figure 16.10.

Line drawing of Descurainia sophia.


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems—Descurainia pinnata was first reported as toxic in the early 1940s, when it was associated with a disease of the tongue called wooden tongue or tongue paralysis (Hershey 1945). This disease has been described as a field problem that appears in years with an overabundance of winter moisture; it has not been experimentally reproduced (Hershey 1945; Rosiere et al. 1975; Staley 1976). The plants appear to be toxic prior to and when in bloom in the late winter or early spring but not thereafter. This time of toxicity also coincides with the period in which they are likely to be eaten. In two studies evaluating forage utilization by cattle on New Mexico ranges, 25–31% of the diet was composed of D. pinnata (Rosiere et al. 1975; Hakkila et al. 1987). Thus, because of its moderate palatability and likelihood of being eaten, D. pinnata is a substantial risk, although few animals develop signs of intoxication. Descurainia sophia is a reduced risk because it appears to be less likely eaten (Pfister et al. 1990).

Figure 16.11.

Line drawing of Descurainia pinnata.

goitrogenic effects, D. sophia?

Although D. sophia does not appear to be a substantial problem with respect to tongue paralysis, it has been associated with a goitrogenic problem as indicated by a case in which 24 of 59 kids from 28 Boer goats were either born dead or died shortly after birth (Knight and Stegelmeier 2007). Many of the animals affected were hairless with obvious enlarged thyroids and large birth weights. Removal of the contaminated hay containing 10–15% D. sophia and iodine supplementation prevented further occurrence of the problem.

hepatogenous photosensitization? Figure 16.12.

Photo of Descurainia pinnata.

Distribution and Habitat—Occupying a diversity of

Like other genera of the Brassicaceae, D. pinnata in Montana is suspected to cause hepatogenous photosensitization (Pfister et al. 1989, 1990). Photosensitization has also been observed in eastern Colorado with prolific growth of D. sophia (Knight 1996).

sites, including dry open prairies, roadsides, fields, and waste areas, D. pinnata is native to much of North America, especially the western half. Descurainia sophia from Eurasia is also widespread in fields and waste areas except for the southeastern states.

neurologic effects: cause unknown; possibly sulfur in plant; not highly lethal as with PEM; selenium levels not high

dry, open sites; weedy

livestock: wooden tongue disease; neurologic; tongue paralysis; flowering plants especially toxic; toxicity not confirmed experimentally

Disease Genesis—Because the disease caused by Descurainia is of such sporadic occurrence, only limited efforts have been expended to determine its cause. It has not been

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experimentally reproduced, and the specific toxin is unknown. Although many of the signs are suggestive of blind staggers (or PEM), tested selenium levels were only in the 1–3 ppm range, and thus selenium appears not to be a cause (Hershey 1945). It may be a serious disease, but typically, the signs are slowly reversible when the animal stops eating the plants. However, in some instances, animals are said to become permanent “space-gazers” (Staley 1976). Sulfur may play a role in the cause of neurologic disease due to D. pinnata. Under some conditions, plants may accumulate high concentrations of sulfur, up to 1% d.w. of plant, mainly as nonprotein organic forms (Mayland and Robbins 1994). This circumstance may be complicated when drinking water contains appreciable sulfur. However, the neurologic signs attributable to D. pinnata are not entirely consistent with typical PEM. With respect to goiter in the case involving the Boer goats, levels of gluconapin were high in stems and pods and especially so in fresh seeds (65 μmol/g) (Knight and Stegelmeier 2007).

anorexia, blindness, circling, difficult to drive, tongue paralysis, weight loss, weakness, tremors, head bobbing

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Initially, there are varying degrees of blindness, and the animals walk in circles until they are exhausted or they encounter an obstruction; their behavior is much the same as with hepatic encephalopathy. The animals become difficult to drive. Later, tongue paralysis develops, and the animals are unable to eat or drink properly, the rumen becomes atonic, and they lose weight and are weak and dull. There may also be spasms of the muscles of the head, ears, and neck, leading to tremors and head bobbing, suggestive of lead poisoning in cattle; however, these signs are most common in the goat and horse. Some cattle develop a persistent attitude of appearing to gaze into space. Pathological changes in affected animals have not been described. Enlarged thyroids characterized the Boer goats that had eaten D. sophia (Knight and Stegelmeier 2007).


ERYSIMUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Most numerous in eastern Europe and southwestern Asia, Erysimum comprises 150–200 species and is now circumscribed to include species placed in the genera Cheiranthus and Cheirinia (Rollins 1993; Al-Shehbaz 2010c). Its name was used by Hippocrates and comes from the Greek root eryo, meaning “to draw out”; some species produce skin blisters (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Diverse in habit and occurring in a variety of habitats, species of the genus are grown as ornamentals primarily for the beauty of their flowers. Some, however, are grown for their scent or their attractive evergreen foliage. In North America, 19 native and introduced species occur. Of toxicologic interest are the following: E. asperum (Nutt.) DC. E. capitatum (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene E. cheiranthoides L. E. cheiri (L.) Crantz (= Cheiranthus cheiri L.) E. hieraciifolium L. E. repandum L.

western wallflower western wallflower, prairie rocket wormseed mustard, treacle mustard, wormseed wallflower English wallflower Siberian wallflower spreading wallflower, bushy wallflower

erect herbs; leaves simple, basal rosettes; petals orange, bright yellow, white, rarely other colors

Plants annuals or biennials or perennials; caulescent; herbage with appressed branched hairs. Stems erect; 10– 100 cm tall; branched or not branched above. Leaves simple; cauline and forming basal rosettes; petiolate or sessile; blades linear to oblanceolate; margins entire to dentate or pinnatifid. Racemes terminal; corymbose; elongating in fruit. Flowers small or large; narrow. Sepals erect; linear or oblong. Petals obovate or spathulate; clawed; orange to bright yellow, or white or rarely pink, purple, red, brown, or lavender. Stamens 6; strongly tetradynamous. Fruits siliques; linear; terete or 4-angled; smooth or weakly torulose. Seeds numerous; oblong; terete or compressed (Figures 16.13 and 16.14).

good feed; provide water by stomach tube open sites, plains, prairies; some weeds

Treatment—Water should be given by stomach tube, 2–3 gal twice daily in cattle. There is usually a favorable response to maintaining water balance and providing good feed. The ruminal atony may be treated with 100 mL of ethanol/450 kg b.w. diluted in 500 mL of Ringer’s solution, a dose that should provide mild ataxia (Staley 1976).

Distribution and Habitat—The native species of Erysimum are adapted to a variety of soil types and open habitats. Erysimum capitatum, with 5 varieties, is more commonly encountered in the western half of the


Toxic Plants of North America

Northeast; and E. cheiri is a prized showy ornamental popularly planted in rock gardens and terraces for its fragrant spring display of colorful flowers.

mainly digestive disturbance; cardenolides, glycosides of uzarigenin, strophanthidin, especially in seeds, flowers

Figure 16.13.

Line drawing of Erysimum asperum.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Species of Erysimum are not well known as toxic plants, and few problems have been attributed to them. A few anecdotal accounts, such as a loss of pigs in Canada, suggest their potential as toxicants, but there is otherwise little information about their toxicity (Lewis and Elvin-Lewis 1977). For the most part, it is their toxicant content that portends potential for problems. Species of Erysimum contain an array of potent cardenolides. Cheirosides A, C, D, E, F, and G are glycosides of uzarigenin, whereas cheirotoxin, deglucocheirotoxin, alliside, erysimoside, and helveticoside are strophanthidin derivatives, some of which are quite potent (Shoppee 1964; Coffey 1970; Singh and Rastogi 1970; Belokon and Makarevich 1980; Makarevich et al. 1980; Joubert 1989; Park et al. 1989a,b) (Figure 16.15). Most species contain several to as many as 13 cardenolides (Kowalewski 1960; Fursa et al. 1984). Cardenolide concentrations are very high in seeds, intermediate in flowers, low in leaves, and very low in stems and roots. The concentrations range, for example, from 1.4% in seeds to 0.03% in roots for the Old World species E. wahlenbergii (Kortus and Kowalewski 1977). Their distribution in the plant probably accounts for the lack of clinical problems, but should the plants be eaten in large quantities, the signs would be similar to those of other cardenolide-containing plants, for example, Nerium oleander in the Apocynaceae (see Chapter 9).

Figure 16.14. Photo of Erysimum asperum. Photo by J.D. Ripley, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

continent, whereas E. asperum is more common in the Great Plains. Erysimum cheiranthoides occurs across the continent; unresolved is whether it is native or introduced (Rollins 1993). Of the definitely introduced species, E. repandum is a weed in disturbed soils across the continent; E. hieraciifolium is weedy primarily in the

Figure 16.15.

Chemical structure of strophanthidin.

Brassicaceae Burnett


SINAPIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—The genus Sinapis comprises 7 species native to the Mediterranean region (Rollins 1993; Warwick 2010b). Two species are introduced weeds in North America: S. alba L. (= Brassica alba [L.] Rabenh.) (= Brassica hirta Moench) S. arvensis L.

white mustard

charlock, wild mustard, crunchweed

(= Brassica kaber [DC.] L.C.Wheeler)

Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether these two species should be placed in Sinapis or Brassica. Cytogenetic and biochemical, and molecular data indicate that they are different from species of Brassica (Tsunoda et al. 1980; Al-Shehbaz 1985; Warwick and Black 1993). Following the treatment of Rollins (1993) and Warrick (2010b), the two are positioned here in Sinapis.

erect annuals; leaves simple; petals yellow; fruits linear to oblong lanceolate, beaked

Plants annuals; herbage glabrous or indumented with unbranched hairs. Stems erect; 20–60 cm tall; branched or not branched above. Leaves simple; cauline only; lower petiolate, upper sessile; blades elliptic or obovate; margins entire to pinnatifid or lyrate. Racemes terminal; corymbose; elongating in fruit. Flowers small or large. Sepals linear or oblong; spreading; not saccate; yellowish. Petals obovate; yellow. Stamens 6; tetradynamous. Fruits siliques; linear or oblong lanceolate; terete or angled; conspicuously beaked. Seeds 1–12; globose; yellow or brown or black (Figure 16.16).

weeds; across continent

Distribution and Habitat—Both species of Sinapis occur across the continent in disturbed soils of grain fields, orchards, roadsides, and waste areas. Sinapis alba is cultivated but escapes. Sinapis arvensis is well known as a seed contaminant.

severe digestive tract irritation from seeds; glucosinolates, profuse salivation, colic, diarrhea, acute nitrate intoxication

Figure 16.16.

Line drawing of Sinapis alba.

Disease Problems, Genesis, Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Sinapis alba is quite toxic, and animals eating its seeds or grazing plants in fruit may suffer severe distress and die in a few days (Hughes 1924; Eaton 1941; Gallie and Paterson 1945; Holmes 1965; Kernaleguen et al. 1989). They may give off a conspicuous mustard odor. Other clinical signs and the pathologic changes are typical of the disease caused by the glucosinolates. Treatment is likewise the same. In some circumstances, S. arvensis will occasionally accumulate toxic concentrations of nitrate. Troxler (1981) reported a case in which 19 of 48 cows died about 2 hours after being fed the species. The plants had been harvested in the preflowering stage and fed to the animals because of the onset of cold weather and snowfall. Nitrate concentration was 6.2% d.w.

THLASPI L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Once broadly circumscribed to encompass about 75 species with greatest diversity in central Europe and western Asia (Rollins 1993), Thlaspi, commonly known as pennycress, has been divided into 12 genera on the basis of morphological, palynological, anatomical, and molecular data (Koch and Mummenhoff 2001). Its name is from the Greek roots thalo and aspis, meaning “to flatten” and “shield,” alluding to the appearance of its silicles (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus is represented in North America by 2 introduced species, only 1 of which is of toxicologic interest: T. arvense L.

fanweed, field pennycress, Frenchweed, stinkweed


Toxic Plants of North America

erect annuals; leaves simple, blades clasping; racemes elongate; flowers small; petals white; fruits flattened, winged, notched Plants annuals; herbage glabrous, malodorous. Stems erect; 10–50 cm tall; branched or not branched. Leaves simple; primarily cauline; sessile; clasping; blades lanceolate or oblanceolate; margins dentate or sinuately lobed. Racemes elongate. Flowers small. Sepals erect; not saccate; green, often purple tinged. Petals spathulate; clawed; white. Stamens 6; tetradynamous. Fruits silicles; orbicular to broadly elliptic; flattened; winged; apices notched. Seeds 2–8 per locule (Figure 16.17).

Distribution and Habitat—Naturalized from Europe and now distributed across the continent, T. arvense is a troublesome weed of grain fields, pastures, gardens, roadsides, and open waste areas. irritant effects, digestive disturbance; photosensitization, unknown type

Disease Problems—Consumption of substantial quanti-

problems, which are mainly due to irritation (Smith and Crowe 1987). Clinical signs occur within a few hours after ingestion. In severe cases where fanweed has composed nearly 100% of the diet, the signs may not disappear entirely for some time after the animals discontinue eating the plants. Ingestion of smaller quantities by lactating cattle is associated with bitter or noxious-flavored milk. Typical of the family, Thlaspi is also reported as a cause of photosensitization in cattle and pigs (Case 1957; Martin and Morgan 1987). Case (1957) considered it to be a common cause of the disease, with seemingly increased potential for several days after a summer rain. Photosensitization was produced experimentally in guinea pigs fed the seeds of T. arvense as 20% or more of their diet (Baksi and Case 1971). In these instances, it appeared to be secondary to liver disease. However, in another instance of photosensitization of cattle on a pasture of Bermuda grass with heavy infestation of T. arvense, only serum LDH was elevated and not GGT, AP, or bilirubin (Martin and Morgan 1987).

glucosinolate, allylthiocyanate, from sinigrin, high in seeds, flowers

ties of fanweed by cattle causes serious digestive system

Disease Genesis—Irritation of the digestive tract is presumably due to the release of the irritant glucosinolate allylthiocyanate, enzymatically from its precursor, sinigrin. In this instance, in contrast to most other members of the Brassicaceae, the allylthio compound is almost the only glucosinolate present (Gmelin and Virtanen 1959; Shires et al. 1982; Majak et al. 1991). Hydrolysis to form the allyl compound is favored at the pH of the rumen and is markedly reduced as the pH drops to 5 or below (Smith and Crowe 1987). Thus, there is limited risk of irritant release at the pH of the monogastric stomach, as shown experimentally when seeds were fed to mice (Shires et al. 1982). The greatest risk lies with seeds because glucosinolate concentrations are highest in seeds, intermediate in flowers, and lowest in vegetative parts or when plants are in the rosette stage (Majak et al. 1991). There may be considerable variation from year to year in both thiocyanate content and enzymatic release. Photosensitization due to allylthiocyanate is consistent with the effects of glucosinolates as described for other genera of the family (Figure 16.18).

Figure 16.17.

Line drawing of Thlapsi arvense.

Figure 16.18.

Chemical structure of allylthiocyanate.

Brassicaceae Burnett

diarrhea, colic, blood in urine

Clinical Signs—Depending on the amount and toxicity of the plants eaten, the signs will range from mild digestive irritation and colic and bloody urine to severe debilitating colic and perhaps even abortion or other manifestations of systemic disease. gross pathology, abomasal reddening

Pathology—In rare instances of T. arvense ingestion, the disease may be fatal. Grossly, there are indications of digestive irritation, with marked reddening and submucosal edema of the abomasum. In the case of photosensitization, extensive skin necrosis is found, especially in the less pigmented areas. In addition, in some instances, there will be hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis. nursing care, rumen acidifiers, vinegar

Treatment—For the digestive disturbance, the most common approach is directed toward relief of the pain and irritation. Early in the course of disease, lowering of the rumen pH to 5 or below will reduce the enzymatic release of additional irritant. The use of piperazine to react with and inactivate the allylisothiocyanate has also been suggested (Smith and Crowe 1987). Treatment of the skin necrosis involves providing shade or protection from sunlight and perhaps application of some type of skin ointment such as carron oil or charcoal in a liquid medium (Case 1957).

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Crambe L. Native to the Abyssinian highlands and plains of northern Africa, C. hispanica L. subsp. abyssinica (Hochst. ex R.E.Fr.) A.Prina, long known as C. abyssinica and commonly called Abyssinian kale or crambe, is occasionally cultivated in North America for its seed (Prina 2000). It is a glaucous annual with large pinnately lobed or pinnatisect leaves arising from an erect stem that terminates in an elongate, corymbose raceme. The white flowers bear hard, globose, indehiscent silicles, each with only 1 large seed. seed meal good in small amounts, especially if glucosinolates removed


Crambe seeds and the pericarps of the silicles are processed into oil and a high-protein meal. Similar to that of rapeseed, the oil has a high erucic acid content and has been of considerable interest as a lubricant (Mustakas et al. 1968). Meal made from the seeds typically has greater than 40% crude protein and is considered a useful substitute for soybean meal (Anderson et al. 1993). Its palatability is markedly improved by treatment with heat and sodium carbonate (Mustakas et al. 1968; Lambert et al. 1970). Containing up to 4% glucosinolates, the meal can be fed to feedlot cattle at up to 4.2% of their rations (Price et al. 1993). The thioglucosides present can be removed by various processes to improve its usefulness as animal feed (Tookey et al. 1965). Toxicity is not a problem as long as the correct proportion of the meal in the supplement is maintained.

Raphanus L. Believed to be native to the Mediterranean region, Raphanus comprises 3 species, 2 of which are present in North America (Rollins 1993; Warwick 2010c). Weedy R. raphanistrum L.—commonly known as wild radish, jointed charlock, or white charlock—has naturalized across the United States and southern Canada. Raphanus sativus L., the cultivated radish, occasionally escapes cultivation and may hybridize with R. raphanistrum to form hybrid swarms (Rollins 1993). Both species are annuals or biennials from stout or thickened taproots typically with basal rosettes of leaves. Their erect stems 30–80 cm tall bear obovate to oblong lower leaves with coarsely pinnatifid margins. Their upper cauline leaves are smaller, lanceolate to oblong, with typically dentate or entire margins. Bearing white flowers and then beaked, linear, indehiscent siliques, the racemes are elongate.

seeds, digestive tract irritation, colic, diarrhea

Although these species have been of little problem, the seeds of R. raphanistrum are capable of irritating the digestive tract in the same fashion as the other members of the family. Reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and intestine and death followed experimental administration of the seeds to rabbits (Steyn 1933). Horses developed colic after eating feed contaminated with 25–30% Raphanus seeds for several days (Eloire 1922). Polioencephalomalacia (PEM) has been reported in cattle grazing almost exclusively on R. raphanistrum where the total dietary sulfur content was 1.01% dry matter (McKenzie et al. 2009). Fresh juice or methanol extracts of R. sativa have been shown to have an apparent protective effect in rats against liver injury caused by carbon tetrachloride or


Toxic Plants of North America

paracetamol (Chaturvedi et al. 2007; Rafatullah et al. 2008).

Stanleya Nutt. Commonly known as prince’s-plume, Stanleya comprises 6 or 7 species, all native to the western half of North America (Rollins 1993; Al-Shehbaz 2010d). Three species are of some toxicologic interest: S. albescens M.E.Jones, S. pinnata (Pursh) Britton, and S. viridiflora Nutt. Stanleya albescens is an herbaceous biennial; the other 2 are subshrubs. The herbage of all species is glabrous or indumented with unbranched hairs. Their cauline leaves are petiolate or sessile and clasping with entire to highly dissected margins. The dense, plumose racemes bear white or yellow flowers, which give rise to linear siliques. selenium accumulators, unpalatable but possibly increase selenium availability to other nearby plants Because they favor selenium-rich soils, species of Stanleya are generally considered to be indicators of readily available soil selenium (Trelease and Beath 1949). Selenocystathionine and Se-methyl-selenocysteine are synthesized and present in appreciable concentrations in S. pinnata (Rosenthal 1982). There is considerable variation in selenium accumulation among both different populations and plant organs during the growing season, for example, with highest levels in leaves in the spring but high in buds and flowers in the summer (Feist and Parker 2001; Galeas et al. 2007). However, plants of the genus are of little toxicity risk because the dimethylselenides in their foliage typically render them unpalatable. Thus, selenium accumulation seems to serve as a deterrent against microbial, insect, and mammalian herbivory (Hanson et al. 2003; Freeman et al. 2007; Quinn et al. 2008). The plants may pose a problem by increasing the availability of selenium in the surface soil for passive accumulators, such as corn, wheat, and other grains, that may be growing nearby and are likely to be eaten (Trelease and Beath 1949).

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Seventeen

Calycanthaceae Lindl.

Strawberry-Shrub Family Calycanthus Comprising 3 genera and 11 species native to temperate North America and China, the Calycanthaceae, or strawberry-shrub family, is of little economic importance other than for the ornamental value of its species, which are grown for the aromatic fragrance of their showy flowers (Nicely 1965; Johnson 1997; Heywood 2007). The family resembles the Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae in its spirally arranged perianth parts and its numerous stamens and pistils. In North America, the family is represented by the native genus Calycanthus, which contains a strychnine-like alkaloid. Occasionally cultivated is the Asiatic shrub Chimonanthus, commonly known as wintersweet. aromatic shrubs; flowers with strawberry or pineapple scent; perianth parts, stamens, pistils numerous, spirally arranged; fruits achenes Plants shrubs; deciduous; rhizomatous; aromatic; branchlets terete or 4-angled. Leaves simple; opposite; petiolate; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers; borne at the ends of short, leafy branches. Flowers aromatic, with strawberry or pineapple scent; perfect; perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical. Perianth Parts 15–30; petaloid; fleshy; spirally arranged; linear to oblanceolate or spathulate; maroon or reddish brown or green tipped. Stamens 10–20; spirally arranged; linear to oblong; ribbon shaped; staminodia 10–25, inside stamens. Pistils 5–35; simple; spirally arranged; stigmas 1, decurrent; styles 1, filiform; ovaries superior; locules 1; ovules 2; placentation parietal. Hypanthia urceolate or campanulate. Fruits achenes; 1–35; cylindrical; dark reddish brown; enclosed within fleshy hypanthia. Seeds 1.

CALYCANTHUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as strawberry shrub, sweet shrub, or spicebush, Calycanthus comprises only 3 species, 2 of which occur in North America (Johnson 1997). Its name is derived from the Greek roots kalyx and anthos, meaning “covering” or “cup” and “flower,” and is believed to reflect the uniseriate perianth (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, plants of the genus were frequently grown in gardens for their pleasant scent. Both species are of toxicologic interest: C. floridus L. C. occidentalis Hook. & Arn.

Because the morphological features of Calycanthus are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here (Figures 17.1 and 17.2).

wooded sites

Distribution and Habitat—Both species of Calycanthus occupy ecologically similar habitats along streams and at the edges of woods. Calycanthus floridus occurs in the eastern third of the continent, whereas C. occidentalis is found on the coast and in the Sierra–Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Coast states (Figure 17.3).

neurologic disease: tetanic seizures, strychnine-like, mainly from eating fruits

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Carolina allspice, sweet shrub, strawberry shrub California allspice, California sweet shrub

Calycanthaceae Lindl.


Disease Problems—Various tribes of Native Americans

Figure 17.1.

Line drawing of Calycanthus occidentalis.

used the 2 species of Calycanthus to treat urinary problems and severe colds. In the late 1800s, a disease problem involving C. floridus was described (Chesnut 1898). Limited mainly to the southern Appalachian Mountain region of Georgia and Alabama and adjacent Florida, it was reputed to have caused the death of hundreds of cattle and sheep when the animals ate 5–10 fruits (Sterns 1888). Anecdotal information indicated that only ruminants were affected, mainly after drinking water. Although the plants were not normally eaten, animals were believed to acquire a taste for plants of the species (Sterns 1888; Dayton 1931). Animals were said to die suddenly or to be ill for several weeks before dying. It is now known that intoxication is related primarily to ingestion of the fruits, which cause a neurologic disease characterized by tetanic seizures, protrusion of the third eyelid, hyperesthesia, and, in general, signs reminiscent of strychnine intoxication (Bradley and Jones 1963).

alkaloids, calycanthine; indole alkaloids, folicanthine, neurotoxic, CNS stimulant, exaggerated reflexes

Figure 17.2. Buck.

Photo of Calycanthus floridus. Courtesy of Paul

Figure 17.3.

Distribution of Calycanthus floridus.

Disease Genesis—The toxicants of Calycanthus have long been known to be alkaloids, but it was not until the 1950s and 1960s that their structures were resolved. The principal alkaloid is calycanthine, a very complex nonindole structure (Manske 1965). The remaining three toxins are the closely related indole alkaloids chimonanthine, calycanthidine, and folicanthine. They differ only in the presence of an increasing number of methyl groups—two, three, and four, respectively (Figures 17.4 and 17.5). Calycanthine in many ways acts in a manner similar to strychnine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system and causes exaggerated reflexes; thus, it was considered to have strychnine-like action (Chen et al. 1942). In the cockroach’s nervous system, although not changing preor postsynaptic transmission directly, it does depress excess acetylcholine depolarization and thereby decreases the efficiency of synaptic transmission (Adjibade et al.

Figure 17.4.

Chemical structure of calycanthine.


Toxic Plants of North America

Pathology—Gross lesions are few, and those present are limited to scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages, suggestive of an agonal death. Examination of the animal’s ruminal contents may reveal portions of the plant’s fleshy hypanthia and cylindrical fruits.

sedation; quiet environment

Treatment—The seizures require administration of sedaFigure 17.5.

Chemical structure of folicanthine.

1991). Unlike strychnine, it lacks potassium channel effects on the axonal membrane. In vitro experiments show inhibition of contraction of tracheal strips from hypersensitized guinea pigs, suggesting inhibition of histamine release (Bertrand et al. 1989). McGuigan and von Hess (1912) evaluated the effects of isocalycanthine, a compound named because of its slight differences in melting point and other points from a previously isolated fraction of calycanthine. At low dosage in frogs, it caused tetanic spasms, and at high dosage, the result was paralysis. In cats, it caused increased response to stimuli, markedly increased muscle tone, spasticity and tremors, and, in some instances, clonic-type seizures. It also caused cardiac ventricular depression. Epinephrine provided some protection against lethality. Plants also contain small amounts of the β-carboline harmine (Allen and Holmstedt 1980).

abrupt onset; muscle tremors, hypersensitivity, ataxia, rigidity, tetanic seizures, protrusion of the third eyelid

Clinical Signs—The signs of Calycanthus intoxication are abrupt in onset and include muscle fasciculations, increased sensitivity to touch or other stimuli, ataxia that is especially noticeable when running, and seizures. The seizures are tetanic or rigid in nature and quickly render the animal unable to stand, after which the seizures worsen and the animal lies in lateral recumbency with legs rigid and the head twisted back. The third eyelid may protrude somewhat. Serum chemistries and hematology are both normal.

no lesions; may have visible plant material in rumen

tives in a manner similar to that of the general treatment of strychnine intoxication. It may also be helpful to keep the animal in a quiet, dark area to reduce external stimuli and their inducement of seizures.

REFERENCES Adjibade Y, Hue B, Pelhate M, Anton R. Action of calycanthine on nervous transmission in cockroach central nervous system. Planta Med 57;99–101, 1991. Allen JRF, Holmstedt BR. The simple carboline alkaloids. Phytochemistry 19;1573–1582, 1980. Bertrand C, Adjibade Y, Gies JP, Kuballa B, Landry Y, Anton R. Pharmacological effects of calycanthine hydrochloride in guinea-pig airways. Planta Med 55;648, 1989. Bradley RE, Jones TJ. Strychnine-like toxicity of Calycanthus. Southwest Vet 14;40, 71, 73, 1963. Chen AL, Powell CE, Chen KK. The action of calycanthine. J Am Pharm Assoc 31;513–516, 1942. Chesnut VK. Preliminary Catalogue of Plants Poisonous to Stock. USDA Bur Anim Ind 15th Annu Rep, pp. 387–420, 1898. Dayton WA. Important Western Browse Plants. USDA Misc Publ 101, 1931. Heywood VH. Calycanthaceae carolina allspice, strawberryshrub. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 80–81, 2007. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Johnson GP. Calycanthaceae lindley—strawberry-shrub family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 3. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 23–25, 1997. Manske RHF. The alkaloids of Calycanthaceae. In The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Physiology, Vol. 8. Manske RHF, ed. Academic Press, New York, pp. 581–589, 1965. McGuigan H, von Hess CL. Isocalycanthine and its quaternary base. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 3;441–454, 1912. Nicely KA. A monographic study of the Calycanthaceae. Castanea 30;38–81, 1965. Sterns EE. The fruit of Calycanthus L. Bull Torrey Bot Club 15;205–209, 1888.

Chapter Eighteen

Campanulaceae Juss.

Bellflower Family Lobelia Comprising 84–90 genera and 2400–2500 species, the Campanulaceae, or bellflower family, is cosmopolitan in distribution (Brummitt 2007; Lammers 2007). Three to five subfamilies are recognized, with the two major ones, the Campanuloideae and the Lobelioideae, differing in the symmetry and orientation of their flowers and the fusion of their anthers. Because of these differences, taxa of the Lobelioideae are segregated by a few taxonomists into their own family. Producing generally large, showy flowers, more than 140 species are cultivated as easy-togrow ornamentals, especially in rock gardens. They are particularly prized for their many shades of blue. Representatives are Canterbury bells, harebells, lobelias, Scottish bluebells, and cardinal flowers. In North America, approximately 25 native and introduced genera and 240 species are present (Kartesz 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). Toxicologic problems are associated with only one genus. herbs; leaves simple alternate; corollas radially or bilaterally symmetrical; fruits capsules Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials. Leaves simple; alternate; primarily cauline; venation pinnate; stipules absent. Inflorescences spikes or racemes or panicles or solitary flowers; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2- or 1-series. Sepals 5 or 3 or 4; fused. Corollas radially or bilaterally symmetrical; bowl shaped or bilabiate, with 2 petals above and 3 below. Petals 5 or 0; all alike or of 2 forms; fused; blue or red or white or purple. Androecia radially or bilaterally symmetrical. Stamens 5; of equal length or of 2 lengths; free or fused by filaments or by anthers. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 2–5, capitate; styles 1; ovaries inferior; locules 2–5; placentation axile or parietal. Nectaries present; staminal or borne on pistils at bases of styles. Fruits capsules; poricidal or loculicidal. Seeds numerous.

pyridine alkaloids in Lobelia; toxic calystegins in some species of Campanula Toxicologically, the family is known mainly for the toxic pyridine alkaloids in Lobelia, but some species of Campanula contain the toxic glycosidase-inhibiting calystegins. However, an association with disease has not been shown for Campanula, in contrast to the effects of the calystegins in Solanum (Nash et al. 1998).

LOBELIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Primarily a genus of the Southern Hemisphere and comprising more than 400 species, Lobelia was introduced to European botanists in the early 1600s (Lammers 2007). Its name honors Matthias de l’Obel, a sixteenth-century Flemish botanist (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Quite diverse in form and habitat, species vary from montane trees to small herbaceous weeds; ours are all herbaceous. Many are cultivated as edging plants, in window boxes, or as trailing vines in hanging baskets. Approximately 50 native and introduced species and named hybrids are present in North America (USDA, NRCS 2012). Of toxicologic interest are the following: L. L. L. L.

berlandieri A.DC. cardinalis L. inflata L. siphilitica L.

Berlandier lobelia cardinal flower, Indian pink Indian tobacco great lobelia, blue lobelia, Louisiana lobelia, blue cardinal flower

Because the morphological features of Lobelia are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from other North American genera of the family by differences in corolla symmetry, stamen fusion, carpel number, and dehiscence of the capsules (Gleason and Cronquist 1991; Lammers 2007) (Figures 18.1 and 18.2).

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

wet soils, shaded sites

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Lobelia are most abundant in the eastern half of the continent and are typically encountered in the wet soils of stream banks, gravel bars, bogs, and swamps. Lobelia cardinalis occurs across the continent. Lobelia siphilitica extends westward

to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. A western species, L. berlandieri is present in south Texas and adjacent Mexico, while L. inflata is encountered primarily in the northeastern and extreme eastern part of the continent. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// humans: neurotoxic, well-known antidepressant, mood-lifting effects, especially L. inflata

Disease Problems—Species of Lobelia are noteworthy mainly because of their use for medicinal and recreational purposes. Used in a manner similar to tobacco as well as for homicidal intent, L. inflata is best known for these purposes (Millspaugh 1974). In part, its popularity is based on its mood-lifting or antidepressant effects (Subarnas et al. 1992). Its use for medicinal purposes is much reduced since its classification as poisonous by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Ballentine et al. 1985), which has led to seizure of herbal products by FDA officials. As its name implies, L. siphilitica was once used in the treatment of syphilis. livestock: only L. berlandieri; neurotoxic; digestive disturbance

Figure 18.1.

Line drawing of Lobelia cardinalis.

Species of Lobelia seldom cause problems in livestock, with the exception of L. berlandieri. It intermittently causes extensive cattle losses in southern Texas and Nuevo León and Tamaulipas in northern Mexico (Dollahite and Allen 1962; Dollahite 1978; Williams et al. 1987; Lopez et al. 1994). Intoxications occur mainly in late winter to early spring. In some cases, losses due to death are extensive, while in others, the disease is mainly one of incapacitation rather than death. Experimentally in sheep, a dosage of 0.6–2.2% of b.w. causes the development of signs of intoxication in 1–2 days and death in 3–9 days (Lopez et al. 1994). pyridine alkaloids, three groups—lobelines, lelobines, lobinines; nicotinic ganglionic stimulation, blockade, less potent than nicotine; neurotoxic, decreased blood pressure

Disease Genesis—An array of pyridine alkaloids some-

Figure 18.2.

Photo of Lobelia cardinalis.

what akin to nicotine is responsible for the medicinal and toxic effects produced by Lobelia. They are divided into three groups: the lobelines, lelobines, and lobinines. Lobeline is the major alkaloid in L. inflata; maximum concentrations are attained before and during flowering, at

Campanulaceae Juss.

which time, they may reach 0.4% in the leaves and 1% in the flowers and fruits (Marion 1950). Total alkaloid concentrations reported for leaves are 0.58% in L. inflata, 0.44% in L. cardinalis, 0.54% in L. siphilitica, and 0.08% in L. berlandieri (Marion 1950; Dollahite and Allen 1962; Krochmal et al. 1972). The number of alkaloids present in a species seems to increase with plant maturity (Lopez et al. 1994). In addition, their relative proportions differ among the species. In contrast to L. inflata, L. siphilitica and probably L. berlandieri contain pyridines other than lobeline (Marion 1960; Williams et al. 1987). They are typically of lesser potency than lobeline (Curtis 1926) (Figures 18.3 and 18.4). In the early 1800s, the Thompsonian movement in herbal medicine, which advocated the extensive use of natural products for numerous maladies, promulgated the use of lobeline as a general cure-all. In several instances, overdosing caused disastrous effects, including death (Locock 1992). It later attained some reputable use as a general stimulant, a respiratory stimulant, and an antiasthmatic, but its use for these purposes has now been abandoned. It has been used as a smoking deterrent, with little if any demonstrable benefit (Kozlowski 1984). Not only is lobeline a potent nicotinic ganglionic stimulant, but it also has atropinic activity (Barlow and Franks 1971). As with nicotine, the overall effects on nicotinic ganglionic receptors are stimulation at low dosage and blockade or paralysis at high dosage (Mansuri et al. 1973). Lobeline is a carotid body stimulant, decreasing heart rate and sometimes causing irregularities in beat (Korczyn et al. 1969). The effects are similar to but less


marked than those of nicotine in reducing heart rate and blood pressure experimentally in rats (Sloan et al. 1988). Lobeline effects on the central nervous system are also much diminished relative to those of nicotine. In ponies, lobeline administration causes a transient increase in respiratory rate and tidal volume (Art et al. 1991). Lobelia inflata also contains β-amyrin palmitate, which may in part be the basis for its antidepressant action (Subarnas et al. 1993a,b).

livestock: diarrhea, weakness, depression, anorexia, ataxia, labored respiration, coma, death, cardiopulmonary collapse

Clinical Signs—The following clinical signs, pathology, and treatment relate primarily to intoxication due to L. berlandieri. After an animal has eaten plants for several days, there is diarrhea, excess nasal discharge, extension of the neck, and drooping of the ears. These signs are followed in a few hours by depression, loss of appetite, pupillary dilation, labored respiration, and ataxia. During this period, there may be marked elevation of serum hepatic enzyme activity (AP, AST). The signs worsen over the next few days and terminate in coma and death, probably due to cardiopulmonary collapse. In instances when sublethal amounts are eaten, there may be prolonged narcosis.

gross pathology, hyperinflated lungs, excess peritoneal fluid; rumen and abomasum mucosal ulcers microscopic, mild necrosis, liver, kidney tubules

Pathology—Grossly, there is hyperinflation of the lungs, Figure 18.3.

Chemical structure of lobeline.

congestion of the brain and lungs, scattered splotchy hemorrhages, distension of the gallbladder with bile, and excess reddish peritoneal fluid. In some animals, ulceration of the mucosa of the rumen and abomasum has been prominent. Microscopically, the ruminal, reticular, and abomasal ulcerations are distinctive, with severe parakeratotic hyperkeratosis of the mucosa. There may also be necrosis of the mucosa of the small intestine and ileum. Degeneration and necrosis may also be apparent in the liver and kidney tubules. Neuronal degeneration and spongiosis may be present in some instances.

Treatment—Good nursing care, as well as hand feeding Figure 18.4.

Chemical structure of lobinaline.

and watering, may promote survival in animals exhibiting prolonged narcosis.


Toxic Plants of North America

REFERENCES Art T, Desmecht D, Amory H, Lekeux P. Lobeline-induced hyperpnea in equids: comparison with rebreathing bag and exercise. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 38;148–152, 1991. Ballentine C, Hecht A, Janiger H, Maifarth S. Pretty but poisonous. FDA Consum 19;41, 1985. Barlow RB, Franks F. Specificity of some ganglionic stimulants. Br J Pharmacol 42;137–142, 1971. Brummitt RK. Campanulaceae bellflower and lobelia family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 82–84, 2007. Curtis FR. Action of lobeline. Lancet 211;1255–1258, 1926. Dollahite JW. Research and Observations on Toxic Plants in Texas 1932–1972. Tex Agric Exp Stn Tech Rep 78–1, 1978. Dollahite JW, Allen TJ. Poisoning of cattle, sheep, and goats with Lobelia and Centaurium species. Southwest Vet 15;126–130, 1962. Gleason HA, Cronquist A. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd ed. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY, 1991. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Kartesz JT. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland, 2nd ed., Vol. 1—Checklist. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1994. Korczyn AD, Bruderman I, Braun K. Cardiovascular effects of lobeline. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 182;370–375, 1969. Kozlowski LT. Pharmacological smoking deterrents. Can Pharm J 117;152–155, 1984. Krochmal A, Wilken L, Chien M. Lobeline content of four Appalachian lobelias. Lloydia 35;303–304, 1972. Lammers TG. Campanulaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VIII: Flowering Plants: Eudicots, Asterales. Kubitzki K, Jeffrey C, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 26–56, 2007. Locock RA. Lobelia. Can Pharm J 125;33–34, 1992. Lopez R, Martinez-Burnes J, Vargas G, Loredo J, Medellin J, Rosiles R. Taxonomical, clinical, and pathological findings in

moradilla (Lobelia-like) poisoning in sheep. Vet Hum Toxicol 36;195–198, 1994. Mansuri SM, Kelkar VV, Jindal MN. Some pharmacological characteristics of ganglionic activity of lobeline. Arzneimittelforschung 23;1721–1725, 1973. Marion L. The pyridine alkaloids. In The Alkaloids, Vol. 1. Manske RHF, Holmes HL, eds. Academic Press, New York, pp. 165–269, 1950. Marion L. The pyridine alkaloids. In The Alkaloids, Vol. 6. Manske RHF, ed. Academic Press, New York, pp. 123–144, 1960. Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover, New York, 1974 (reprinted from 1892). Nash RJ, Watson AA, Winters AL, Fleet GWJ, Wormald MR, Dealler S, Lees E, Asano N, Molyneux RJ. Glycosidase inhibitors in British plants as causes of livestock disorders. In Toxic Plants and Other Natural Toxicants. Garland T, Barr AC, eds. CAB International, New York, pp. 276–284, 1998. Sloan JW, Martin WR, Bostwick M, Hook R, Wala E. The comparative binding characteristics of nicotine ligands and their pharmacology. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 30;255–267, 1988. Subarnas A, Oshima Y, Sidik, Ohizumi Y. An antidepressant principle of Lobelia inflata L. (Campanulaceae). J Pharm Sci 81;620–621, 1992. Subarnas A, Tadano T, Nakahata N, Arai Y, Kinemuchi H, Oshima Y, Kisara K, Ohizumi Y. A possible mechanism of antidepressant activity of beta-amyrin palmitate isolated from Lobelia inflata leaves in the forced swimming test. Life Sci 52;289–296, 1993a. Subarnas A, Tadano T, Oshima Y, Kisara K, Ohizuma Y. Pharmacological properties of beta-amyrin palmitate, a novel centrally acting compound, isolated from Lobelia inflata leaves. J Pharm Pharmacol 45;545–550, 1993b. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Williams HJ, Ray AC, Kim HL. Δ3-Piperideine alkaloids from the toxic plant Lobelia berlandieri. J Agric Food Chem 35;19– 22, 1987.

Chapter Nineteen

Cannabaceae Endl.

Hemp Family Cannabis Commonly known as the hemp family, the Cannabaceae comprises 2 small, sharply delimited genera of substantial economic importance (Kubitzki 1993; Small 1997; Wilmot-Dear and Brummitt 2007). Humulus, with 3 species native to northern temperate regions, is the source of hops used in brewing beer. Cannabis, with 1 polymorphic species, is the well-known source of hemp and psychotropic drugs. Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to the family’s circumscription and relationship to other families. Its circumscription has been expanded to include Celtis (hackberry) normally positioned in the Ulmaceae or elm family (Judd et al. 2008; Mabberley 2008). It has also been submerged in the Moraceae (mulberry family) and Urticaceae (nettle family) (see Zomlefer 1994 for a review). Phylogenetic analyses, however, support their recognition as different families (Bremer et al. 2009). Cannabinaceae, an illegitimate spelling of the name, appears in some older books.

Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 2, linear; styles 1, short; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation apical. Fruits achenes; enclosed by subtending bracts. Seeds 1.

Cannabis: psychoactive effects in humans and pets; Humulus: hyperthermia-like reaction in dogs

Although the family is known mainly for the effects of Cannabis, the genus of primary toxicologic interest, spent hops (Humulus lupulus) from home-brewed beer have been reported to cause a potentially lethal malignant hyperthermia-like reaction in dogs, especially greyhounds or hybrids thereof (Duncan et al. 1997). Several hours after ingestion, signs such as panting, elevated heart and respiratory rates, brown urine, persistent whimpering and body temperature well in excess of 40°C may develop and require immediate aggressive medical attention. Treatment is nonspecific and directed toward decontamination and alleviation of the clinical signs.

CANNABIS L. odoriferous, erect herbs or vines; leaves simple or palmately compound, alternate above, opposite below; staminate and pistillate inflorescences different; flowers imperfect; 5-merous; fruits achenes Plants herbaceous vines or herbs; annuals; strongly aromatic; dioecious; wind pollinated. Leaves simple or palmately compound; alternate above and opposite below; venation pinnate; stipules present. Inflorescences of 2 types; staminate and pistillate different; axillary; bracts present. Staminate Inflorescences panicles. Pistillate Inflorescences spikes or clusters; bracts foliaceous, enclosing flowers and fruits. Flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate different; perianths in 1-series. Calyces radially symmetrical. Sepals 5; free or fused. Petals absent. Stamens 5.


and Morphology—Although several species were originally described, the current taxonomic consensus is that Cannabis consists of a single, highly variable species that has diversified under cultivation into a more northern subspecies cultivated primarily for fiber and a more tropical subspecies cultivated primarily for its drug content (Small 1997; Mabberley 2008). The generic name is derived from the Greek kannabis, which is believed to come from the Arabic kinnab, for “hemp” (Small 1997). The following is the single species: C. sativa L.

hemp, Indian hemp, marijuana, cannabis, kif, hashish, dagga, ganja, pot

Because the morphological features of Cannabis are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

repeated here. The genus is distinguished from Humulus by differences in their habits, dissection of leaf blades, and appearance of pistillate inflorescences (Small 1997) (Figures 19.1 and 19.2).

neurotoxic; fresh or dried plants or resin products; all animal species; impairment of reaction time, motor coordination, and visual perception, plus effects on other systems

Distribution and Habitat—Believed to be native to central Asia, C. sativa is now naturalized throughout the world. Adapted to a variety of soil types, populations are encountered in disturbed sites or in illegal, clandestine cultivation. In the upper Midwest, it is a common roadside weed in some areas.

Figure 19.1.

Line drawing of Cannabis sativa.

Figure 19.2.

Photo of Cannabis sativa.

Disease Problems—Cannabis sativa has been used medicinally for millennia. Believed to have been first grown in China about 6000 years ago, it is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Historically, it was used in the treatment of insomnia, asthma, migraine headaches, and depression; today, it is employed to treat glaucoma and relieve the side effects of modern cancer therapies (Simpson and Conner-Ogorzaly 1995). It was introduced into Europe in the early 1500s and was cultivated in colonial North America for its tough and durable fibers (hemp), which were used to make ropes, cordage, sails, mats, and sacks. Escape and establishment in disturbed sites likely account for its present naturalized distribution on the continent. In the twentieth century, primary interest has been in its psychoactive effects, and its use is regulated by federal and state acts. A plethora of colloquial names are used for C. sativa. Typically, hemp is used for the plant and the fibers extracted from it, while marijuana, hashish, ganja, and others are related mainly to its illicit use (Small 1997). Intoxications involving Cannabis are primarily related to its use for psychoactive experiences by humans and either inadvertent or intentional exposure of pets. Most animal species are probably susceptible. Intoxications have been reported for cattle, horses, dogs, and ferrets (Cardassis 1951; Frye 1968; Meriwether 1969; Clarke et al. 1971; Silverman 1974; Jones 1978; Godbold et al. 1979; Crow and Sokolow 1980; Jain and Arora 1988; Valentine 1992). Pets may eat fresh plants, dried plant products, for example, brownies or cookies, or the more refined resins and related products. The overall effects of Cannabis include impairment of reaction time, motor coordination, and visual perception. In humans, these effects cause emotional disturbances. It also affects respiration, endocrine function, and the activity of other systems. A diagnosis may be made more difficult by the understandable reluctance of some animal owners to admit to exposure of pets to an illicit drug. Surprisingly, this reluctance is not always apparent (Schwartz and Riddile 1985; Smith 1988). Schwartz and Riddile (1985) commented on the common practice of teenagers blowing smoke into the nostrils of pets for amusement. Recovery of the pets was prompt, but a few cases were serious enough to warrant medical assistance. Cases in pets almost always involve dogs, and police and customs dogs are at particular risk. Generally, the

Cannabaceae Endl.

problems are not serious; of the 250 cases reported to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, there were only 2 deaths, and these were probably due to other causes (Donaldson 2002; Janczyk et al. 2004). In an example case, a dog ingested a marijuana baggie (plastic bag) and 2 hours later was semistuporous with hyperesthesia, ataxia, urine dribbling, mydriasis, and slow papillary response (Gwaltney-Brant 2004). The dog’s behavior returned to normal within 72 hours.

cannabinoids Δ-9-THC, Δ-8-THC, cannabinol; highest in flowers and leaves

Disease Genesis—Numerous chemical compounds are present in Cannabis, but the most important toxicologically are the cannabinoids. Of the more than 60 present, the most important is Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Of lesser importance are Δ-8-THC, cannabinol (a metabolic product of THC), and cannabidiol (Mason and McBay 1985). THC concentrations, highest in the flowers and leaves, vary considerably among the various cultivars (Figure 19.3). The cannabinoids are absorbed rapidly (minutes) from smoke and more slowly and erratically (few hours) following ingestion (Mason and McBay 1985). They are metabolized rapidly by the mixed-function oxidase system in the liver, and Δ-9-THC is subject to first-pass effect via the liver, resulting in the formation of 11-hydroxy-THC. The form and dosage of THC have a marked influence on the severity and duration of the intoxication. Inhalation of smoke by pets from that exhaled by people generally results in an intoxication problem of only a few hours’ duration. Problems following ingestion of leaves may last a little longer but are still of short duration. Consumption of more purified products such as resins will result in more severe signs and much longer duration because of the higher dosage of THC. The cannabinoids clearly produce positive effects in humans by controlling nausea and emesis following cancer chemotherapy, increasing appetite, and controlling

Figure 19.3.

Chemical structure of Δ-9-THC.


pain in some situations (Carlini 2004). They are analgesic, control spasticity, and decrease intraocular pressure (Watkins et al. 2008). In contrast, these compounds impair time and space distance discrimination, vigilance, memory, and the capacity for mental work. They may also produce panic reactions, delusions, alterations in perception, and hallucinations (Carlini 2004). These actions are apparently related to binding of the cannabinoids to specific receptors on neural cell membranes in various regions of the brain (CB-1) and elsewhere in the immune system (CB-2) (Watkins et al. 2008). These sites are also targets for endogenous cannabinoids. The distortion of sense of time, which seems to be one of the most desired effects by users/abusers, may be associated with effects on the brain’s circadian clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (Acuna-Goycolea et al. 2010). In spite of the presence of moderate signs at low dosage, the overall toxicity of the cannabinoids is low. Experimentally, lethal effects could be shown in rats at around 1 g/kg orally with THC or Cannabis extracts, but lethality was not observed in beagle dogs or rhesus monkeys at 3–9 g/kg b.w. (Thompson et al. 1973). Massive doses produced depression and prostration and other neurologic signs in dogs, and huddled posture and anesthesia in monkeys, but not lethality. With nominal dosage, recovery typically occurred within 24 hours, but with very large doses, it was prolonged up to 120 hours.

depression, drowsiness; periodic hyperactivity tremors; may appear dizzy, disoriented

Clinical Signs—The signs of Cannabis intoxication occurring 30–90 minutes after ingestion are quite variable, but in general, the dominant effect is depression and drowsiness interspersed with periods of arousal, ataxia, increased heart rate, sometimes with bizarre actions, including hyperactivity, tremors, and hyperresponsiveness to touch and sound. Animals may appear to be glassy eyed, dizzy, or disoriented. Vomiting and, to a lesser extent, diarrhea are seen but are not usually of a serious nature. Other effects that have been observed include increased salivation, compulsive eating, bumping into furniture, agitation, biting objects, shivering, decreased body temperature, nystagmus, photophobia, and a rigid sawhorse stance. In cats, signs of stimulation and hyperactivity are more likely in contrast to depression in dogs. Recovery usually occurs within 24 hours or sometimes 72 hours. In humans, as described above, there are problems related to time and distance perception, decrease in vigilance, decreased ability to inhibit responses and difficulty in performing arithmetic tasks (Carlini 2004).


Toxic Plants of North America

no treatment, or activated charcoal in severe cases

Pathology and Treatment—Cannabis does not generally produce fatal disease, and pathologic changes are not anticipated. Mild intoxication requires only careful observation or perhaps some sedation of the affected individual. In more severe cases, induced emesis, activated charcoal given orally, bowel evacuation, and/or purgatives may be helpful in limiting the severity and duration of the effects. It is important to maintain body temperature with a covered heating pad, and stimulants may also be appropriate.

REFERENCES Acuna-Goycolea C, Obrietan K, van den Pol A. Cannabinoids excite circadian clock neurons. J Neurosci 30;10061–10066, 2010. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Cardassis J. Poisoning of horses by Cannabis indica. Rec Med Vet (France) 127;971, 1951. Carlini EA. The good and the bad effects of (-) trans-delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta9-THC) on humans. Toxicon 44;461–467, 2004. Clarke EGC, Greatorex JC, Potter R. Cannabis poisoning in the dog [letter]. Vet Rec 88;694, 1971. Crow SE, Sokolow V. Marijuana intoxication [letter]. J Am Vet Med Assoc 176;388, 1980. Donaldson CW. Marijuana exposure in animals. Vet Med 97;437–439, 2002. Duncan KL, Hare WR, Buck WB. Malignant hyperthermia-like reaction secondary to ingestion of hops in five dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 201;51–54, 1997. Frye FL. Acute Cannabis intoxication in a pup. J Am Vet Med Assoc 152;472, 1968. Godbold JC, Hawkins BJ, Woodward MG. Acute oral marijuana poisoning in the dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 175;1101–1102, 1979. Gwaltney-Brant SM. Ataxia and depression in a Newfoundland dog. NAVC Clinicians Brief, October 29–30, 2004.

Jain MC, Arora N. Ganja (Cannabis sativa) refuse as cattle feed. Indian J Anim Sci 58;865–867, 1988. Janczyk P, Donaldson CW, Gwaltney S. Two hundred and thirteen cases of marijuana toxicoses in dogs. Vet Hum Toxicol 46;19–21, 2004. Jones DL. A case of canine Cannabis ingestion. N Z Vet J 26;135–136, 1978. Judd WS, Campbell CS, Kellogg EA, Stevens PF, Donoghue MJ. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2008. Kubitzki KL. Cannabaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. II: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families. Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 204– 206, 1993. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Mason AP, McBay AJ. Cannabis: pharmacology and interpretation of effects. J Forensic Sci 30;615–631, 1985. Meriwether WF. Acute marijuana toxicity in a dog (a case report). Vet Med/Small Anim Clin 64;577–578, 1969. Schwartz RH, Riddile M. Marijuana intoxication in pets [letter]. J Am Vet Med Assoc 187;206, 1985. Silverman J. Possible hashish intoxication in a dog. Am Anim Hosp Assoc J 10;517–519, 1974. Simpson BB, Conner-Ogorzaly M. Economic Botany: Plants in Our World, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995. Small E. Cannabaceae endlicher: hemp family. In Flora of North America, Vol. 3, Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 381–387, 1997. Smith RA. Coma in a ferret after ingestion of Cannabis [letter]. Vet Hum Toxicol 30;486, 1988. Thompson GR, Rosenkrantz H, Schaeppi UH, Braude MC. Comparison of acute oral toxicity of cannabinoids in rats, dogs, and monkeys. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 25;363–372, 1973. Valentine J. Unusual poisoning in a dog [letter]. Vet Rec 130;307, 1992. Watkins JA, Fraser J, Rubine JA. Marijuana and disease treatment: benefits and toxicity. In Botanical Medicine in Clinical Practice. Watson RR, Preedy VR eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 738–745, 2008. Wilmot-Dear MT, Brummitt RK. Cannabaceae cannabis and hop family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 84–85, 2007. Zomlefer WB. Guide to Flowering Plant Families. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 1994.

Chapter Twenty

Caprifoliaceae Juss.

Honeysuckle Family Lonicera Questionable Symphoricarpos Exhibiting greatest diversity in northern temperate regions, the Caprifoliaceae, commonly known as the honeysuckle family, now comprises 33–36 genera and 810– 900 species (Judd et al. 2008; Mabberley 2008). On the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses, the family’s circumscription now includes the Dipsacaceae, Morinaceae, and Valerianaceae and excludes the genera Sambucus (elderberry) and Viburnum (viburnum or arrowwood) (Brummitt 2007). The family is economically important because of the numerous species of ornamental shrubs; more than 100 species and innumerable varieties of 13 genera are in the horticultural trade of North America. Two genera have been implicated in toxicologic problems that are more likely to involve humans than livestock. shrubs or woody vines; leave simple, opposite; 5merous flowers borne in cymes; corollas bilaterally symmetrical, ovaries inferior; berries or berrylike drupes with 2 stones

2-lobed, capitate; styles 0 or 1; ovaries inferior; locules 1–5; placentation axile. Fruits berries or berrylike drupes. Seeds 1 to numerous.

LONICERA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 180 species distributed primarily in the temperate and subtropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Lonicera, commonly known as honeysuckle, was named for Adam Lonitzer, a sixteenth-century German naturalist and author of a popular herbal in the mid-1500s (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Mabberley 2008). The genus is prized for both its attractive foliage and its showy, sweet-scented flowers that are attractive to birds and insects. Numerous cultivars have been developed. In North America, approximately 53 native and introduced species and named hybrids are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Commonly encountered and representative of the genus are the following: L. involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Spreng. L. japonica Thunb. L. periclymenum L. L. sempervirens L.

L. tatarica L.

Plants shrubs or woody vines or small trees or rarely herbs; perennials. Stems often twining or climbing or trailing. Leaves simple; opposite; venation pinnate; blades elliptic to lanceolate or obovate; margins entire or serrate; stipules absent. Inflorescences cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts present or absent; bracteoles present or absent. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Calyces rotate or tubular. Sepals 5; fused. Corollas bilaterally symmetrical; rotate or tubular or bilabiate. Petals 5; fused; frequently gibbous; of various colors. Stamens 5; epipetalous. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 1–3, not lobed or

black twinberry Japanese honeysuckle, gold-andsilver flower woodbine, common honeysuckle trumpet honeysuckle, coral honeysuckle, evergreen honeysuckle Tartarian honeysuckle

shrubs or vines, erect or twining; leaves simple; flowers with upper lip 4-lobed, lower lip not lobed; petals yellow, red, pink, orange, or white; berries red, blue, or black

Plants shrubs or woody vines. Stems erect or twining or trailing. Leaves simple; often coriaceous. Inflorescences verticils of 6 flowers on terminal or axillary rachises or

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

pairs of flowers borne on axillary peduncles; bracts present. Flowers radially or bilaterally symmetrical; tubular or bilabiate with a 4-lobed upper lip and an unlobed lower lip. Petals yellow or red or pink or orange or white. Pistils 1; stigmas capitate; styles 1, elongate. Fruits berries; globose; red or blue or black. Seeds few (Figures 20.1 and 20.2). woodlands; L. japonica invasive

sites across Canada and throughout the western United States, while the latter is the common species of open woods of the eastern states, especially the Southeast. Introductions from Europe and Asia, L. japonica, L. tatarica, and L. periclymenum are ornamentals that have escaped at various sites throughout eastern North America. Lonicera japonica is well established in the Southeast and is a troublesome weed in some areas. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.

Distribution and Habitat—Lonicera involucrata and L. sempervirens are natives. The former is found in moist

humans: berries, digestive disturbance; livestock, little risk

Disease Problems—Although the berries of some species,

Figure 20.1.

Line drawing of Lonicera japonica.

for example, L. involucrata, are known to be edible, those of others have been associated with digestive tract disturbances when eaten by children in Europe (O’Leary 1964; Frohn and Pfander 1984). In the United States, their ingestion by children prompts numerous telephone calls to poison control centers, but clinical signs are seldom seen (Lawrence 1989). European species appear to be slight toxicity risks, but only when large numbers of berries are consumed (Frohn and Pfander 1984; Lamminpaa and Kinos 1996). Toxicity in livestock does not appear to be a problem. Ferguson (1929) reported three instances of digestive disturbance in cows due to ingestion of wild honeysuckle, presumably L. sempervirens, in North Carolina. However, Hansen, in the same reference, disputed that Lonicera was the cause. He further stated that although honeysuckle may occasionally cause problems in horses, it was not a problem in cattle. The twigs and bark of L. tatarica are eaten and provide sustenance for deer, without causing problems (Gill and Healy 1973).

irritant terpenoid saponins, lonicerosides

Figure 20.2. Photo of Lonicera japonica. Courtesy of Jeff McMillian at USDA, NRCS PLANTS Database.

Disease Genesis—Although the specific toxicants of Lonicera have not been definitely identified, L. japonica has been shown to contain carotenoid tetraterpenoids such as webbiaxanthin and loniceraxanthin, and triterpenoid saponins of hederagenin called lonicerosides A and B (Son et al. 1994). Similar to the terpenoids of Hedera in the Araliaceae (see Chapter 12), these compounds may have the potential to irritate the mucosa of the digestive tract, but this has not been confirmed. There are also one or more iridoid glucosides of limited potency as mild purgatives, which may contribute to the irregularly

Caprifoliaceae Juss.

Figure 20.3.

Chemical structure of lonicerocide B.

occurring digestive tract disturbances (Inouye et al. 1974). A role for saponins is given further credibility by reports of a correlation between the foam index of an extract and its toxicity with high dosage in mice (Frohn and Pfander 1984). Repeated oral administration of high dosage of ethanol extracts of leaves of L. japonica for up to 14 days failed to elicit evidence of intoxication in rats (Thanabhorn et al. 2006) (Figure 20.3). nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; treat with activated charcoal, fluids

Clinical Signs and Treatment—Seen mainly in children, the signs are related to irritation of the digestive tract and include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Treatment is aimed at prevention of toxicant absorption via activated charcoal and toward relief of any persistent vomiting.

GENUS WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Symphoricarpos Duhamel Comprising some 17 species worldwide, Symphoricarpos, commonly known as snowberry or coralberry, is a familiar sight across the continent in a variety of vegetation types and in cultivation as an ornamental (Mabberley 2008). Commonly encountered species are S. albus (L.) S.F.Blake (snowberry); S. orbiculatus Moench (coralberry or buckbrush); S. occidentalis Hook. (wolfberry); and S. oreophilus A.Gray (mountain snowberry). All species of the genus are low, bushy shrubs that are colonial by root sprouts. The stems typically have exfoliating bark and bear opposite, short, petiolate, simple leaves. In the leaf axils are borne verticils of small, 5- or 4-merous, white to pink, campanulate to subsalverform flowers, which in turn give rise to white or purple-red or red berrylike drupes with 2 stones. humans, digestive disturbance, low risk


The foliage and fruit of various species of Symphoricarpos have long been suspected by some individuals to be mildly toxic to children and livestock, but Marsh and coworkers (1928) were unable to cause adverse effects in sheep given the fruits of S. oreophilus (reported as S. vaccinoides) up to 4% b.w. of the animal per day in two feedings. Most instances of intoxication have been reported from Europe involving children ingesting the fruits of S. albus or unspecified species. In the United Kingdom, 4 children after eating the fruits experienced vomiting, purging, and delirium, effects that were serious in one child (the genus name misspelled as Lymphoricarpos) (Amyot 1885). Several reports from Poland, Finland, and the Czech Republic described in some children signs such as dizziness, somnolence, and mydriasis, and that hospitalization was occasionally required (Szaufer et al. 1978; Lamminpaa and Kinos 1996; Vichova and Jahodar 2003). However, even in Europe, the risk is considered questionable (Frohn and Pfander 1984). Most ingestions are asymptomatic (Cooper and Johnson 1984). In North America, instances of intoxication are rare, and in one such case, a child ingesting the fruits of S. albus experienced only vomiting of the fruits (Lewis 1979). Experimentally, extracts of the drupes caused only slight sedative effects (Szaufer et al. 1978). The foliage of S. albus cultivated in Poland has been shown to contain small amounts of the alkaloid chelidonine, which appears to be of little consequence toxicologically although it may contribute to the sedative effects (Szaufer et al. 1978; Lewis 1979). This species and others are used as a food source by wildlife, the drupes by birds, and the foliage by deer and elk (Kingery et al. 1996). In summary, intoxications are rare, at least in North America, and probably of minimal severity. Clinical signs are likely to be limited to those of mild digestive tract upset such as vomiting and possibly mild sedation.

REFERENCES Amyot TE. Poisoning by snowberries. Br Med J 1;986, 1885. Brummitt RK. Caprifoliaceae honeysuckle family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 86–87, 2007. Cooper MR, Johnson AW. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, pp. 75–77, 1984. Ferguson GA. Three cases of honeysuckle poisoning. North Am Vet 10;18–19, 1929. Frohn D, Pfander HJ. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Plants. Wolfe Science, London, 1984. Gill JD, Healy WM. Shrubs and Vines for Northeastern Wildlife. USDA Forest Service, Gen Tech Rep NE-9, 1973.


Toxic Plants of North America

Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Inouye H, Takeda Y, Uobe K, Yamauchi K, Yabuuchi N, Kuwano S. Purgative activities of iridoid glucosides. Planta Med 25;285–288, 1974. Judd WS, Campbell CS, Kellogg EA, Stevens PF, Donoghue MJ. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2008. Kingery JL, Mosley JC, Bordwell KC. Dietary overlap among cattle and cervids in northern Idaho forests. J Range Manag 49;8–15, 1996. Lamminpaa A, Kinos M. Plant poisoning in children. Hum Exp Toxicol 15;245–249, 1996. Lawrence RA. Common “red berry” calls to the poison control center [abstract]. Vet Hum Toxicol 31;361, 1989. Lewis WH. Snowberry (Symphoricarpos) poisoning in children. J Am Med Assoc 242;2663, 1979. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008.

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Roe GC. Four Species of Range Plants Not Poisonous to Livestock. USDA Tech Bull 93, 1928. O’Leary SB. Poisoning in man from eating poisonous plants. Arch Environ Health 9;216–242, 1964. Son KH, Jung KY, Chang HW, Kim HP, Kang SS. Triterpenoid saponins from aerial parts of Lonicera japonica. Phytochemistry 35;1005–1008, 1994. Szaufer M, Kowalewski Z, Phillipson JD. Chelidonine from Symphoricarpos albus. Phytochemistry 17;1446–1447, 1978. Thanabhorn S, Jaijoy K, Thamaree S, Ingkaninan K, Panthong A. Acute and subacute toxicity study of the ethanol extract from Lonicera japonica Thunb. J Ethnopharmacol 107;370– 373, 2006. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Vichova P, Jahodar L. Plant poisonings in children in the Czech Republic. Hum Exp Toxicol 22;467–472, 2003.

Chapter Twenty-One

Caryophyllaceae Juss.

Pink Family Agrostemma Drymaria Saponaria Vaccaria

Comprising 86 genera and about 2200 species, the Caryophyllaceae, or pink family, is widespread in distribution, but with greatest diversity in the temperate and warmtemperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Bittrich 1993; Culham 2007). The Mediterranean region is a principal center of distribution. In North America, 37 native and introduced genera and 286 species are present (Rabeler and Hartman 2005). The family is divided into 4 distinct subfamilies— Alsinoideae, Silenoideae, Paronychioideae, and Polycarpoideae—which differ in the presence of stipules and fusion of sepals (Rabeler and Hartman 2005). Because of these differences, taxa of the Alsinoideae and Paronychioideae are segregated by a few taxonomists into their own families, the Alsinaceae and the Illecebraceae. Because their unifying characters are more significant, a single large family is recognized in this book, as is the case in most of the recent taxonomic treatments (Rabeler and Hartman 2005).

popular ornamentals; lawn weeds

The Caryophyllaceae is noted for its large number of ornamentals, both for the garden and as cut flowers (Culham 2007). Most familiar are Dianthus (carnation), Gypsophila (baby’s breath), Lychnis (Maltese cross), and Silene (catchfly or campion). Also familiar are the numerous annual weeds, such as Cerastium, Arenaria, and Stellaria, commonly known as the chickweeds, which are found in lawns, flowerbeds, and other disturbed sites in

the early spring. Species of a few genera are used as fodder and green manure in the Old World (Bittrich 1993). mostly herbs; leaves simple, typically opposite; corollas radially symmetrical; petals typically 5, white to red; ovaries superior; free-central or basal placentation; styles 2–5; capsules or utricles Plants herbs or rarely subshrubs; annuals or perennials; nodes often swollen. Stems not branched or dichotomously branched. Leaves simple; opposite or whorled or fascicled; herbaceous or indurate; cauline or basal or forming a basal rosette; sessile or petiolate; connate or not connate or connected by a transverse line; blades linear to lanceolate to elliptic; venation pinnate or appearing parallel veined or with a single vein; margins entire; stipules absent or present. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes or umbellate clusters; terminal or axillary; bracts present or absent. Flowers perfect or rarely imperfect; perianths in 2- or 1-series. Sepals 4 or 5; free or fused. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 5 or 0; free; clawed or not clawed; typically white or pink to red. Stamens 1–10. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 2–5; styles 2–5; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation free central or basal. Hypanthia absent or present; cup shaped. Fruits capsules or utricles; dehiscent or indehiscent; valvate. Seeds numerous or 1. The Caryophyllaceae is distinguished by the combination of opposite leaves with bases connate and sheathing or connected by a transverse line; the 2–5 carpellate, 1-locular ovaries with free-central or basal placentation; and the capsules dehiscing by valves or teeth at their apices. steroidal saponins primary toxicants; type 1 ribosomal inactivating present in some genera Four genera in this family are known to cause intoxication problems. They contain steroidal saponins that are

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

glycosides of pentacyclic oleananes. Gypsogenin (githagenin) is the genin typical of the family (Wedekind and Schicke 1929, 1930; Kon and Soper 1940; Abubakirov and Amanmuradov 1964). Saponins similar to those present in the known toxic genera are also found in a few other genera, for example, Dianthus and Gypsophila (Connolly and Hill 1991). Although species of these taxa have not been reported to be toxic, they may in unusual circumstances cause adverse effects when large amounts of them are ingested. In addition, type 1 ribosomalinactivating proteins (RIPs) are present in some genera (Gasperi-Campani et al. 1985).

AGROSTEMMA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to Eurasia and comprising 2 species, Agrostemma is naturalized throughout much of North America (Thieret 2005). Reflecting the showy appearance of the flowers, its name is derived from the Greek roots agros and stemma, meaning “field” and “wreath” or “garland” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Of toxicologic interest are the following species: A. githago L.

Figure 21.1.

Line drawing of Agrostemma githago.

corn cockle, common corn cockle, corn campion

erect annual herbs; herbage conspicuously hairy; flowers solitary; petals 5, red, reddish purple, or white

Plants annuals; from taproots; herbage with whitish, appressed hairs. Stems erect; 30–100 cm tall; not branched or with a few branches; often 4 angled. Leaves cauline; sessile; veins typically 1; blades linear to linear lanceolate; apices acute or long acuminate. Inflorescences solitary flowers; borne on elongate peduncles; bracts absent. Flowers large; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; fused; tubes 10-ribbed; lobes long, linear, green. Petals 5; clawed; red or reddish purple or rarely white; lobes obovate to oblanceolate; apices emarginate. Stamens 10. Styles 5. Capsules ovoid; dehiscent; apices 5-toothed. Seeds black; tuberculate (Figures 21.1 and 21.2).

Figure 21.2. Photo of Agrostemma githago. Photo by William S. Justice, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

naturalized weed; garden ornamental livestock: seeds in feed; irritant digestive disturbance; rarely neurologic effects

Distribution and Habitat—Now naturalized, A. githago is widely distributed across the continent in grain fields and waste areas. Also cultivated as a garden ornamental, it is especially abundant in the northern half. Once a common weed, its abundance in fields has declined with increased use of herbicides and improved seed cleaning (Figure 21.3).

Disease Problems—Agrostemma githago is a plant with a considerable history in traditional medicine and folklore in Europe (Hebestreit et al. 2003). The primary problem occurs when the seeds of A. githago contaminate stocks of wheat, other cereal grains, or soybeans. Animals eating

Caryophyllaceae Juss.

Figure 21.4.

Figure 21.3.

Distribution of Agrostemma githago.

large amounts of contaminated feed are likely to develop an irritated digestive tract and occasionally die. The species is particularly a problem when contaminated feeds are ground and fed to poultry. Birds typically avoid eating whole seeds, but if force-fed, they can be toxic (Quigley and Waite 1931; Heuser and Schumacher 1942). As little as 0.25% ground seed was toxic to newborn chicks, whereas 6-week-old chicks tolerated up to 5% in their feed, adjusting over several weeks to any slight adverse effects (Quigley and Waite 1931; Heuser and Schumacher 1942; Bierer and Rhodes 1960). Larger amounts in the feed result in marked reduction of feed intake. Intoxications are also suspected in cattle consuming contaminated forage and having Agrostemma seeds in their rumens (Ballarini 1985). Hay containing the capsular fruits and seeds has also been associated with disease in cattle (Smith et al. 1997). The roots are suspected to cause death in pigs (Hansen 1924). All animal species, including poultry, ducks, geese, and even foxes, are at risk mainly from seeds (Kotz 1965).

seeds, irritant steroidal saponins, glycosides of githagenin

Disease Genesis—Steroidal saponins, characteristic of the family and referred to by various names such as agrostemmin, githagoside, githagin, sapotoxin, smilacin, or simply agrostemmasaponin, have long been considered to be the cause of the irritant effects produced by this species. Concentrations of them in the seeds up to 6% were reported (Harshberger 1920; Wedekind and Krecke 1926). In addition, several additional gypsogenin triter-


Chemical structure of githagenin.

penoid saponins have been identified in the seeds (Siepmann et al. 1998) (Figure 21.4). However, in vitro cell culture studies reveal limited cytotoxic activity for these saponins alone (Hebestreit and Melzig 2003). The seeds also contain type 1 RIPs, such as agrostin, a nonpermeable lectin-like single-chain protein (Stirpe et al. 1983; Barbieri et al. 2004). These type 1 RIPs differ from the type 2 RIPs such as ricin in that they lack a cell entry facilitator B chain and have little cytotoxic activity themselves, thus the requirement of some compounds to serve the role of promoting cell entry. Agrostemma saponins fill that role and rather specifically enable agrostin to penetrate through the cell membrane to release adenine and inactivate the ribosome (Hebestreit and Melzig 2003; Hebestreit et al. 2006). Thus full expression of toxicity appears to result from the synergism between these compounds. The effects of the saponins themselves may be restricted to irritation of sensitive tissues such as mucus membranes.

depression, anorexia, increased salivation, bloat, colic, diarrhea; rarely tremors, paralysis

Clinical Signs—In chicks, the effects produced by A. githago are primarily on the upper digestive tract and include depression and a very pronounced drop in appetite. In other species signs are a pronounced drop in appetite, increased salivation, bloat, colic, and diarrhea. A decrease in rumen motility accompanies the drop in appetite in cattle. Systemic signs such as muscle spasms and tremors and paralysis may also be present. In severe cases the animals may die in 1 or 2 days.

gross pathology, reddened mucosa digestive tract


Toxic Plants of North America

Pathology—Ingestion for a few days by chicks results in the development of severe reddening of the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, and pharynx, erosions of the gizzard, and fluid accumulation around the heart. In other species there is reddening of the mucosa of the lower digestive tract, with hemorrhage possibly occurring.

fluids, electrolytes

Treatment—In cases of A. githago intoxication, the main consideration in treatment is maintenance of hydration with fluids and electrolytes. Control of the diarrhea may not be necessary in all instances. Figure 21.5.

Line drawing of Drymaria arenarioides.

DRYMARIA WILLD. & SCHULT. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 48 species, all but 2 of which are American, Drymaria, commonly known as drymary, is primarily a subtropical genus and thus somewhat different from most other members of the Caryophyllaceae (Hartman 2005). Occurring from the southwestern United States to Argentina and Chile, its species are often conspicuous elements of the herbaceous vegetation in some areas (Duke 1961). Some species are planted as ground covers, and others are used in folk remedies to cure a variety of ailments. Of toxicologic importance are the following: D. arenarioides Willd. ex Schult. D. pachyphylla Wooton & Standl.

alfombrillo thickleaf drymary, inkweed

Figure 21.6. Photo of Drymaria pachyphylla. Courtesy of Charles R. Hart, Texas AgriLife Extension Service.

spreading herbs; leaves opposite or appearing whorled; petals 5, white desert stream beds, gravel bars Plants annuals or perennials; from taproots. Stems prostrate or spreading to erect; 10–25 cm long or tall; branched or not branched. Leaves opposite or appearing whorled; cauline; sessile or long petiolate; somewhat fleshy; blades linear to elliptic or suborbicular; stipules present or absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or umbellate cymes; terminal or axillary. Flowers small; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; free; fused; green; margins scarious. Petals 5; white; obovate or oblanceolate; bifid or 1- or 2-cleft. Stamens 5. Styles 3. Capsules ovoid or globose; dehiscent; 3-toothed. Seeds 1 to many; of various shapes; tuberculate (Figures 21.5 and 21.6).

Distribution and Habitat—Drymaria pachyphylla is found in barren alkaline sites where water collects seasonally, that is, gravel bars and silty stream beds across the Southwest from Texas to Arizona and into Mexico. There is a strong tendency for plants to proliferate after summer rains (Little 1937). Drymaria arenarioides favors acid, sandy soils in the same types of habitats in the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts in the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Sonora, Durango, Zacatecas, and San Luis Potosí (Dollahite 1959). It tends to be a toxicologic problem mainly in heavily overgrazed sites. Plants have been

Caryophyllaceae Juss.

Figure 21.7.

Distribution of Drymaria pachyphylla.


cattle, D. arenarioides caused losses of 25–40% of affected herds (Sperry and Walker 1957). Livestock losses due to D. pachyphylla are related in part to an increase in the abundance of the species in the early 1920s (Little 1937). Although relatively unpalatable, plants of this species, which wilt somewhat in the heat of the day, are more turgid and succulent in the early morning hours, when they are more likely to be eaten. They are toxic whether green or dry, even after frosts. Drymaria pachyphylla is more likely to cause problems during the summer, whereas D. arenarioides is a problem mainly in the fall and early winter. The toxicity of fresh foliage of D. arenarioides is 0.1– 0.5% b.w. in sheep and cattle and slightly more (0.3–1%) in goats (Dollahite and Anthony 1956; Jacoby and Morton 1974; Larios and Jabalera 1976, 1983; Williams 1978). Animals quite often die in less than 24 hours. Toxicity is similar (0.5–0.8%) for either the foliage or flowers and seeds of D. pachyphylla (Lantow 1929; Mathews 1933). In chicks, 2–3% in the diet is toxic (Williams 1978).

irritant saponins, typical of the family

Disease Genesis—The disease appears to be due to sapo-

Figure 21.8.

Distribution of Drymaria arenarioides.

reported to occur within a few miles of the U.S. border and the species is on the Federal Noxious Weed List (Hartman 2005) (Figures 21.7 and 21.8).

livestock, seldom eaten, digestive disturbance, from foliage green or dry, neurologic effects also

Disease Problems—Both species of Drymaria have been recognized as causing digestive and neurologic disease since the early 1900s in Mexico and southern New Mexico (Lantow 1929). The foliage is quite unpalatable and is eaten only under adverse conditions, which, however, are not unusual in the hot, dry areas where these taxa grow. In some episodes involving hungry and thirsty

nins found in all parts of the plant of both species. Williams (1978) discovered at least six saponins to be present, with a total concentration of 3% in D. arenarioides. This is consistent with the toxicity of aqueous extracts and the lethality of saponin extracts given to sheep in amounts equivalent to the 3% level in plants (Lantow 1929; Williams 1978). The exact structures of the saponins are not known, but they are likely to be glycosides of githagenin, which is the characteristic genin of the family (Kon and Soper 1940; Abubakirov and Amanmuradov 1964). Saponin concentrations in D. arenarioides are lowest in January and rise thereafter to reach high points in late summer and early winter, varying from a low of 2.8% to as high as 6% (Williams and Fierro 1980). Chicks can be used for bioassay: if chicks are killed by 2 g or less, plant toxin levels exceed the lethal 3% for sheep. Experimentally, the plant is toxic to mice at 15% in the diet and causes hepatic disease and possibly abortions. Commercially obtained saponin was similarly toxic but not clearly abortifacient (Ocampo 1972).

abrupt onset; restlessness, diarrhea, colic, trembling, salivation; hypothermia; later labored respiration, violent seizures


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs—Following consumption of Drymaria, there is abrupt onset of restlessness, diarrhea, colic, trembling, increased salivation, and hypothermia. These signs are followed by depression, labored respiration, increased heart and respiration rates, prostration, and coma. Late in the course of signs, the head may be twisted backward and violent muscular contraction seizures occur; however, some animals may die with little evidence of struggle. Death may occur within a few hours of the onset of signs or 12–24 hours after ingestion of the plants.

gross pathology: reddening, edema, mucosa of abomasum, small intestine; microscopic: mild necrosis renal tubules, liver

Pathology—Grossly, there is congestion of the lungs, liver, and spleen and splotchy hemorrhages on the surfaces of the heart, lungs, and diaphragm. Edema and possibly small hemorrhages of the wall of the gallbladder may also be apparent and may extend some distance up the bile ducts. The mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine may be reddened and edematous, with blood in the lumens. Free fluid may also accumulate in the abdomen. Microscopically, there is necrosis of the mucosa of the digestive tract and epithelium of renal tubules, and hemorrhage and necrosis around the central veins of the liver. In some animals a yellow pigment is apparent in the myocardium. Intestinal mucosal infarcts are sometimes apparent in goats, possibly because of the animals’ longer survival time.

and Griffiths 1992). Some members are cultivated as ornamentals. In North America, 2 introduced species are present. Only 1 is of toxicologic significance: S. officinalis L.

bouncing bet, soapwort, Fuller’s herb

erect perennial herbs, little branched; leaves prominently 3-veined; flowers large; petals 5, white or pink; capsules ovoid

Plants herbs; perennials; colonial from rhizomes; herbage typically glabrous. Stems erect; 30–90 cm tall; not branched or sparsely branched above. Leaves cauline; short petiolate or sessile; connected by a transverse ridge; veins 3, prominent, parallel; blades ovate to lanceolateelliptic; apices acute or acuminate. Inflorescences capitate or condensed cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts present. Flowers large; perianths in 2-series; cylindrical. Sepals 5; fused; tubes not ribbed; lobes triangular; green or purple tinged. Petals 5, sometimes 10; long-clawed; with 2 small appendages; white or pink; lobes oblong to obovate; emarginate to retuse. Stamens 10; exserted. Styles 2. Capsules ovoid; dehiscent; apices 4-toothed. Seeds numerous; rotund reniform; dark brown; reticulate papillose (Figures 21.9 and 21.10). Saponaria is now circumscribed to include only perennial species. Saponaria vaccaria, an annual and the subject of several toxicologic studies, is now positioned in the genus Vaccaria, which is described below. Toxicants and toxicologic problems produced are the same for both genera.

nursing care

Treatment—Specific treatment is lacking, but attempts should be made toward relief of the predominant signs. However, in general, response to treatment of any type is poor. The low palatability of the plants is a major factor in control of the disease. In times of summer drought and scarcity of other forage, losses can be minimized by providing water and food. There is generally little problem with well-fed and well-watered animals.

SAPONARIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to Eurasia and Africa, Saponaria, or soapwort, comprises about 40 perennial species (Thieret and Rabeler 2005a). Its name is from the medieval Latin sapo, for “soap,” because the sap of some species makes a lather with water (Huxley

Figure 21.9.

Line drawing of Saponaria officinalis.

Caryophyllaceae Juss.


Disease Problems—The seeds of S. officinalis cause a disease of the digestive tract when eaten as a contaminant in grain feeds. Although rarely eaten, feeding studies conducted by Huffman indicated that sheep may be severely intoxicated when fed amounts equivalent to 3% b.w. (Kingsbury 1964). irritant saponins, glycosides of githagenin

Disease Genesis—The seeds of S. officinalis are rich in

Figure 21.10.

Photo of Saponaria officinalis.

saponins such as the sapindosides. They are similar to those in Vaccaria and include glycosides of the pentacyclic oleanane diterpenoid gypsogenin (githagenin), the genin typical of the family (Kon and Soper 1940; Connolly and Hill 1991) (Figure 21.4). The seeds also contain saporin, an RIP that acts by removing an adenine residue from the 28s RNA. It acts in a fashion similar to the A-chain of ricin and abrin extracted from Ricinus in the Euphorbiaceae and Abrus in the Fabaceae. Saporin, however, lacks a facilitator or cell uptake peptide portion (Ippoliti et al. 1992). The presence of gypsogenin saponins serve that role and allow full expression of the cytotoxic effects of saporin, just as they did for agrostin in Agrostemma (Hebestreit et al. 2006).

depression, anorexia, excess salivation, bloat, colic, diarrhea, reddening of mucosa; treat with fluids, electrolytes

Figure 21.11.

Distribution of Saponaria officinalis.

naturalized ornamental; weedy

Distribution and Habitat—Cultivated for its showy flowers, S. officinalis is naturalized throughout most of temperate North America but is less abundant in the drier Southwest. It is weedy in grain fields, along roadsides, and in waste areas. Plants are especially abundant in the northwestern United States and the Canadian prairie provinces (Figure 21.11). livestock; seeds; rarely digestive disturbance

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Ingestion of the seeds of S. officinalis produces depression, a pronounced drop in appetite and rumen motility, increased salivation, bloat, colic, and diarrhea. These signs are accompanied by severe reddening of the mucosa of the digestive tract and possibly hemorrhage. The main consideration in treatment is maintenance of fluid balance with fluids and electrolytes. Control of the diarrhea may not be necessary in all instances.

VACCARIA WOLF Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Old World, Vaccaria comprises 4 species or 1 species with 4 subspecies; taxonomists differ in their opinions on how to describe its variation (Thieret and Rabeler 2005b). Its generic name is derived from the Latin vacca, for “cow,” presumably in reference to its use as fodder for cattle or its common occurrence in pastures. Originally positioned in the genus Saponaria, 1 species is present in North America:


Toxic Plants of North America

V. hispanica (Mill.)

(= (= (= (=

Rauschert cow cockle, spring cockle, cowherb, pink cockle, China cockle, dairy pink

Saponaria vaccaria L.) V. pyramidata Medik.) V. segetalis [Neck.] Asch.) V. vulgaris Host)

erect annuals, sparsely branched; petals 5, pink to reddish; capsules ovoid Plants annuals; from taproots; herbage glabrous, glaucous. Stems erect; 20–80 cm tall; not branched or sparsely branched above. Leaves cauline; lowest short petiolate, upper sessile, clasping or lower connate; blades lanceolate to ovate; apices acute. Inflorescences open cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts absent. Flowers small; perianths in 2-series; urceolate to cylindrical. Sepals 5; fused; tube 5-angled and winged; lobes triangular, acuminate; green. Petals 5; long clawed; appendages absent; pink to reddish; lobes obovate to oblanceolate; retuse. Stamens 10; exserted. Styles 2. Capsules ovoid; dehiscent; apices 4-toothed. Seeds numerous; globose; reddish brown to black; tuberculate (Figure 21.12).

Figure 21.13.

Distribution of Vaccaria hispanica.

Distribution and Habitat—Native to Europe, V. hispanica is a common weedy species throughout most of temperate North America. Plants occur in grain fields, along roadsides, and in waste areas. Plants are especially abundant in the northwestern United States and the Canadian prairie provinces (Figure 21.13). livestock; seeds in feed; digestive disturbance

naturalized weed

Disease Problems—Because of its favorable growth and other agronomic characteristics, Vaccaria has been evaluated as a possible feed seed (Goering et al. 1966). However, the seeds of V. hispanica (reported as Saponaria vaccaria) cause a disease of the digestive tract when eaten as a contaminant in grain feeds. irritant diterpenoid saponins, glycosides of githagenin, vaccaroside, vacsegoside

Disease Genesis—The seeds of V. hispanica are rich in saponins, 0.64% in the whole seeds and 0.96% in the seed coats (Mazza et al. 1992). These saponins, such as vaccaroside and vacsegoside, are glycosides of the pentacyclic oleanane diterpenoid githagenin (or gypsogenin), the genin typical of the family Caryophyllaceae (Kon and Soper 1940; Abubakirov and Amanmuradov 1964; Connolly and Hill 1991) (Figure 21.14).

Figure 21.12.

Line drawing of Vaccaria hispanica.

depression, anorexia, excess salivation, bloat, colic, diarrhea, reddening of gut mucosa; treat with fluids, electrolytes

Caryophyllaceae Juss.

Figure 21.14.

Line drawing of vaccaroside.

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Ingestion of the seeds of V. hispanica produces the same signs as caused by Saponaria officinalis: depression, a pronounced drop in appetite and rumen motility, increased salivation, bloat, colic, and diarrhea. Severe reddening of the digestive tract mucosa and possibly hemorrhage develop. The main consideration in treatment is maintenance of hydration with fluids and electrolytes. Control of the diarrhea may not be necessary in all instances.

REFERENCES Abubakirov NK, Amanmuradov K. Vaccaroside, a triterpene glycoside from Saponaria vaccaria. Zh Obshchei Khim 34;1661–1665, 1964. (Chem Abstr 61;8564, 1964). Ballarini G. Agrostemma githago poisoning in cattle. Atti Soc Ital Buiatria 17;187–190, 1985. (Vet Bull 56;2439, 1986). Barbieri L, Ciani M, Gribes T, Liu WY, van Damme EJ, Peumans WJ, Stirpe F. Enzymatic activity of toxic and non-toxic type 2 ribosome-inactivating proteins. FEBS Lett 563;219–222, 2004. Bierer BW, Rhodes WH. Poultry ration contaminants. J Am Vet Med Assoc 137;352–353, 1960. Bittrich V. Caryophyllaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. II: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families. Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 206–236, 1993. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 2, Di- and Higher Terpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991. Culham A. Caryophyllaceae carnation family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 89–91, 2007. Dollahite JW. Toxicity of Drymaria arenarioides for cattle, sheep, and goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 135;125–127, 1959. Dollahite JW, Anthony WV. Toxicity of Drymaria arenarioides for Cattle, Sheep, and Goats. Tex Agric Exp Stn Prog Rep 1911, pp. 1–4, 1956. Duke JA. Preliminary revision of the genus Drymaria. Ann Mo Bot Gard 68;173–268, 1961.


Gasperi-Campani A, Barbieri L, Battelli MG, Stirpe F. On the distribution of ribosome-inactivating proteins amongst plants. J Nat Prod 48;446–454, 1985. Goering KJ, Eslick RF, Watson CA, Keng J. Utilization and agronomic studies of cow cockle (Saponaria vaccaria). Econ Bot 20;429–433, 1966. Hansen AA. The poison plant situation in Indiana. 3. J Am Vet Med Assoc 66;351–362, 1924. Harshberger JW. Pastoral and Agricultural Botany. Blakiston’s Son & Co, Philadelphia, 1920. Hartman RL. Drymaria. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 5. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 9–14, 2005. Hebestreit P, Melzig MF. Cytotoxic activity of the seeds from Agrostemma githago var. githago. Planta Med 69;921–925, 2003. Hebestreit P, Melzig MF, Czygan F-C. The corn cockle: an exceptional flower species. Z Phytother 24;249–253, 2003. Hebestreit P, Weng A, Bachran C, Fuchs H, Melzig MF. Enhancement of cytotoxicity of lectins by saponinum album. Toxicon 47;330–335, 2006. Heuser GF, Schumacher AE. The feeding of corn cockle to chickens. Poult Sci 21;86–93, 1942. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Ippoliti R, Lendaro E, Bellelli A, Brunori M. A ribosomal protein is specifically recognized by saporin, a plant toxin which inhibits protein synthesis. FEBS Lett 298;145–148, 1992. Jacoby PW Jr., Morton HL. Alfombrilla. Ariz Coop Ext Serv Agric File Q-352, 1974. Kingsbury JM. Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1964. Kon GAR, Soper HR. Sapogenins. 8. The sapogenins of fuller’s herb. J Chem Soc 1940;617–620, 1940. Kotz J. Morphology and pathogenesis of corn cockle, Lychnis (Agrostemma githago), poisoning in poultry. 3 and 4. Med Wet 21;520–524, 730–734, 1965. (Vet Bull 36;2793, 1966). Lantow JL. The Poisoning of Livestock by Drymaria pachyphylla. N M Agric Exp Stn Bull 173, 1929. Larios F, Jabalera J. Gross lesions, haemogram, and blood chemistry in experimental acute Drymaria arenarioides poisoning in cattle. Tech Pecu Mex 30;111, 1976. Larios F, Jabalera J. Toxicity of Drymaria arenarioides (Caryophyllaceae) when fed to cattle. Tech Pecu Mex 44;86–91, 1983. Little EL. A study of poisonous drymaria on southern New Mexico ranges. Ecology 18;416–426, 1937. Mathews FP. The toxicity of Drymaria pachyphylla for cattle, sheep, and goats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 83;255–260, 1933. Mazza G, Biliaderis CG, Przybylski R, Oomah BD. Compositional and morphological characteristics of cow cockle (Saponaria vaccaria) seed, a potential alternative crop. J Agric Food Chem 40;1520–1523, 1992. Ocampo CL. Biomedical investigations of the toxic and abortifacient effects of saponins from Drymaria arenarioides, in pregnant mice. Vet Mex 3;94–97, 1972. Quigley CD, Waite RH. Miscellaneous feeding trials with poultry. 1. Effects of corn cockle on poultry. Md Bull 325;343– 354, 1931.


Toxic Plants of North America

Rabeler RK, Hartman RL. Caryophyllaceae jussieu: pink family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol 5. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 3–215, 2005. Siepmann C, Bader G, Hiller K, Wray V, Domke T, Nimtz M. New saponins from the seeds of Agrostemma githago var. githago. Planta Med 64;159–164, 1998. Smith RA, Miller RE, Lang DE. Presumptive intoxication of cattle by corn cockle, Agrostemma githago (L.) Scop. [letter]. Vet Hum Toxicol 39;250, 1997. Sperry OE, Walker AH. Alfombrillo causing heavy losses to livestock in Chihuahua, Mexico. Cattleman 43;36, 60, 1957. Stirpe F, Gasperi-Campani A, Barbieri L, Falasca A, Abbondanza A, Stevens WA. Ribosome-inactivating proteins from the seeds of Saponaria officinalis L. (soapwort), of Agrostemma githago L. (corn cockle) and of Asparagus officinalis L. (asparagus), and from the latex of Hura crepitans L. (sandbox tree). Biochem J 216;617–625, 1983. Thieret JW. Agrostemma. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 5. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 214–215, 2005.

Thieret JW, Rabeler RK. Saponaria. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 5. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 157– 158, 2005a. Thieret JW, Rabeler RK. Vaccaria. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 5. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, p. 156, 2005b. Wedekind E, Krecke R. Uber das githagenin, das endsapogenin aus Agrostemma githago. 1. Mitteilung uber die bestandteile des kornradesamens. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 155;122– 136, 1926. Wedekind E, Schicke W. Uber githagenin und githaginsaure. 2. Mitteilung uber die bestandteile des kornradesamens. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 182;72–81, 1929. Wedekind E, Schicke W. Uber githagosaure und githagonolsaure. 3. Mitteilung uber die bestandteile des kornradesamens. Hoppe Seylers Z Physiol Chem 190;1–14, 1930. Williams MC. Toxicity of saponins in alfombrilla (Drymaria arenarioides). J Range Manag 31;182–184, 1978. Williams MC, Fierro LC. Seasonal concentration and toxicity of saponins in alfombrilla. J Range Manag 33;157–158, 1980.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Celastraceae R.Br.

Bittersweet or Spindle-Tree or Staff-Tree Family Celastrus Euonymus

Comprising about 98 genera and 1200 species, the Celastraceae, commonly known as the bittersweet, staff-tree, or spindle-tree family, is primarily pantropical in distribution, with relatively few taxa in temperate regions (Simmons et al. 2001; Simmons 2004). With the exception of 8 genera widely grown as ornamental shrubs, the family is of slight economic importance as a source of carving wood, yellow dye, oil, and herbal teas (Brummitt 2007). In the Philippines, species of the genus Lophopetalum are used as arrow poisons (Wagner et al. 1984). In the Middle East and North Africa the leaves of Catha edulis (qat or khat) are chewed for their stimulatory effects, which are due to pseudoephedrine and similar compounds that are not present in other genera of the family. Of the 9 native and introduced genera and 27 species present in North America (USDA, NRCS 2012), 2 genera are of minor toxicologic importance because of the presence of cardenolides.

shrubs, vines, small trees; petals 4 or 5, white, greenish white, greenish purple, or dark purple

Plants shrubs or small trees or woody vines; bearing perfect flowers or dioecious or polygamodioecious. Stems erect or trailing or climbing. Leaves simple; opposite or alternate; herbaceous or coriaceous; venation pinnate; blades lanceolate to ovate; surfaces glabrous or puberulent; apices acute to acuminate; margins crenulate or serrate or entire; stipules absent or present, minute, caducous. Inflorescences compound cymes or panicles or solitary flowers; terminal or axillary; peduncles jointed. Flowers perfect or functionally unisexual; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 4 or 5; free or fused. Corollas radially

symmetrical. Petals 4 or 5; free; short clawed; ovate to orbicular; spreading or reflexed; white to greenish white or greenish purple to dark purple. Stamens 4 or 5; attached at edge of prominent nectar disk. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 1, not lobed or 2–5 lobed, capitate; styles 1 or 0; ovaries superior, often appearing partly inferior because of thickness of nectary disk; locules 2–5; placentation axile; ovules 2–6 per locule. Fruits septicidal capsules or berries or drupes or achenes. Seeds 2–10; with showy arils.

CELASTRUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Cosmopolitan in distribution, albeit mostly tropical, Celastrus comprises approximately 30 species (Hou 1955). Its name is from the ancient Greek vernacular name kelastros. Some species are occasionally grown as ornamental climbers. It is represented in North America by 2 species, both of which are of some toxicologic concern: C. orbiculatus Thunb. C. scandens L.

Oriental bittersweet American bittersweet, false bittersweet, waxwork, staff vine

climbing, woody vines; leaves alternate; petals 5, greenish; capsules globose, yellow or orange

Plants woody vines; spreading via root suckers; dioecious or polygamodioecious. Stems climbing; to 15 m long; branches slender, terete or angular, surfaces smooth or lenticels present, pith solid or chambered. Leaves alternate; blades elliptic to ovate or obovate or suborbicular. Inflorescences terminal panicles or axillary cymes. Flowers functionally unisexual; small. Sepals 5; fused. Petals 5; oblong ovate; greenish. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; carpels 3; stigmas 3-lobed, styles 1, short; locules 3; ovules 2 per locule. Fruits capsules; globose; yellow or orange. Seeds

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

3–6; ellipsoidal; reddish brown; arils orange to red (Figures 22.1 and 22.2). eastern forests; ornamental

Distribution and Habitat—As their common names indicate, C. scandens is native, whereas C. orbiculatus is introduced from eastern Asia. Celastrus scandens is found in woods and along streams throughout the eastern half of the continent. Introduced from Japan and China and widely used as an ornamental, C. orbiculatus has escaped

Figure 22.3.

Distribution of Celastrus scandens.

and occurs sporadically throughout the eastern half of the continent (Figure 22.3).

foliage and fruit: digestive disturbance; toxicity unknown; steroidal cardenolides and alkaloids present

Disease Problems and Genesis—There is little infor-

Figure 22.1.

Line drawing of Celastrus scandens.

mation regarding the toxicity potential of Celastrus. Although C. scandens is reported to contain cardenolides, specific information on toxicity is lacking (Cook et al. 1944; Bruning and Wagner 1978). Whether C. orbiculatus similarly contains cardenolides is unknown, but other Old World species are reported to have cardiac effects (Neogi and Baliga 1964/1965). Plants of these species should be considered capable of at least causing the digestive disturbances typical of cardenolides, especially with consumption of the fruits and seeds. Although the fruits contain these toxic compounds, some animals such as rabbits and squirrels are able to eat them without problem (Gill and Healy 1973). The alkaloids celastrine and paniculatine also have been shown to be present in Celastrus, but there are no indications that they play a role in intoxications (Basei and Pabrai 1946).

mild nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; no treatment needed

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—DependFigure 22.2. Photo of Celastrus scandens. Courtesy of Thomas G. Barnes (University of Kentucky) @ USDA, NRCS PLANTS Database.

ing upon the animal species involved, expected clinical signs would include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The effects are likely to be mild and not likely to elicit pathologic changes or require treatment.

Celastraceae R.Br.


EUONYMUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 129 species and widely distributed in both Old and New World, Euonymus is a genus of popular ornamentals grown for their attractive foliage and showy fruits (Simmons 2004). Some species are used as ground covers. The genus name is taken from an ancient Greek vernacular name for the European spindle tree (Quattrocchi 2000). In some publications, the spelling Evonymus is used, but this is incorrect. Taxonomists disagree as to whether the endings of the specific epithets should be -a or -us. For example, wahoo may be E. atropurpurea in one reference and E. atropurpureus in another. Because Euonymus is a masculine Latin noun, the -us ending is used here. In North America, 11 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). The native species include the following: E. americanus L. E. atropurpureus Jacq. E. obovatus Nutt.

Figure 22.4.

Line drawing of Euonymus atropurpureus.

Figure 22.5.

Photo of Euonymus atropurpureus.

strawberry bush, bursting heart, American burning bush wahoo, burning bush, arrowwood running strawberry bush

Ornamental species commonly encountered include the following: E. alatus (Thunb.) Siebold E. E. E. E. E. E.

bungeanus Maxim. europaeus L. fortunei (Turcz.) hamiltonianus Wall. japonicus Thunb. kiautschovicus Loes.

winged euonymus, burning bush, winged spindle tree winterberry euonymus European spindle tree, pegwood evergreen wintergreen Hand.-Mazz. Hamilton’s spindle tree evergreen euonymus spreading evergreen euonymus

moist soils; eastern deciduous forests shrubs to small trees; leaves opposite; flowers small; petals 4 or 5, greenish to purplish; capsules yellow, red, or brown

Plants shrubs or rarely small trees; deciduous or evergreen. Stems erect or prostrate or climbing; branches terete or angular. Leaves opposite; petiolate; blades elliptic to ovate or obovate; margins serrate or serrulate. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes in leaf axils. Flowers perfect or functionally imperfect; small. Sepals 4 or 5; fused. Petals 4 or 5; oblong ovate; greenish to purplish. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; carpels 3–5; stigmas 3–5 lobed, styles 1, short; ovaries embedded in nectary disks; locules 3–5; ovules 1–6 per locule. Fruits capsules; typically 3–5 lobed; yellow or red to brown. Seeds 1–6; yellowish brown or red or white or black; arils orange to red (Figures 22.4 and 22.5).

Distribution and Habitat—The three native species are characteristically encountered in moist soils of the deciduous forests of the eastern half of the continent. Typically plants occur in shade. The introduced Eurasian species have escaped cultivation and occur sporadically throughout the forests as well. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

foliage and fruits; cardiotoxic; digestive disturbance

Disease Problems—In spite of the popularity of this cardiotoxic genus as an ornamental, reports of intoxications have been surprisingly few. Euonymus europaeus,


Toxic Plants of North America

for example, has long been considered toxic, but few incidences have been recorded (Cooper and Johnson 1984). The clinical signs reported are consistent with those produced by cardiotoxins in general, although perhaps not as severe as those of other cardiotoxic genera. Indeed E. europaeus is reported to have been used as an emetic, a purgative, and a cardiotonic folk medicine (Smith 1977). A few instances of intoxication have occurred in horses as well as ruminant species, with signs related mainly to the digestive tract (Perkins and Payne 1978; Bartik and Piskac 1981; Cooper and Johnson 1984). Gastrointestinal involvement has varied from constipation in a case involving two horses to diarrhea in other animals. In a suspect case involving 8 sheep gaining access to trimmings of E. japonicus, 5 died with the only clinical sign being excess salivation (Baert et al. 2005). Upon necropsy, there were numerous leaves of the species in the ruminal contents and edematous lungs and evidence of hemorrhage into the pleural and peritoneal fluids.

cardenolides; alkaloids; methylxanthines (present in Old World species)

Disease Genesis—Several different types of potential toxicants, including both cardenolides and alkaloids, are present in the Euonymus. The similarity in their nomenclature, as illustrated in Table 22.1, has been a cause of considerable confusion.

cardenolides are glycosides of digitoxigenin; mainly digestive disturbance

Table 22.1. Representative cardenolides and alkaloids in species of Euonymus. Species



E. alatus

two types

E. atropurpureus E. europaeus

evatroside evatromonoside evonoside evomonoside evobioside

evonine, euonymine, wilfordine three types

E. hamiltonianus

euonymoside A

Most of the cardenolides, sometimes spelled with the prefix eu- rather than ev-, are glycosides of digitoxigenin (= evonogenin) and differ in the number and type of attached sugars (Shoppee 1964; Bruning and Wagner 1978; Joubert 1989). Euonymoside A is a glycoside of acovenosigenin or 1β-hydroxydigitoxigenin (Baek et al. 1994). Typically, these compounds have been isolated from seeds (ranging in concentration from 8 to occasionally 100 mg%), but more recent work indicates that the glycosides are present in all plant parts and that most species contain them (Fung 1986). Thus, although leaves may have a lower content, they nonetheless represent a hazard. In addition, many species contain several cardenolides; as many as a dozen are present in E. europaeus. Because of the large number of genera containing cardenolides, it seems reasonable to assume that these types of compounds are typical of the genus. All of the cardenolides have not yet been identified, and it has been suggested that those in the leaves may not contain the digitoxigenin nucleus (Fung 1986). However, it seems unlikely that the seeds and leaves would contain totally different genins (Figure 22.6). alkaloids are esters and diesters of nicotinic acid; toxicity unknown The alkaloids are esters and diesters of nicotinic acid, for example, evonine, often as complex, closed diesters or sesquiterpenes (Figure 22.7). They are found in the roots, bark, leaves, fruits, and seeds of many species (Smith 1977; Ishiwata et al. 1983). The role of these compounds in intoxications is not clear; the alkaloids are reported to be devoid of biological activity by themselves in rats, although they are insecticidal (Smith 1977). In addition, theobromine is present in seeds—and theophylline and caffeine in the leaves—of E. europaeus (Bohinc et al.

evorine, isoevorine evonoline, franganine frangulanine, frangufoline, isoevonine, evozine euonine, euonymine, evonine, isoevorine, neoevorine, neoeuonymine

Sources: Bishay et al. (1973); Smith (1977); Fung (1986); and Baek et al. (1994).

Figure 22.6.

Chemical structure of evonoside.

Celastraceae R.Br.

Figure 22.7.

Chemical structure of evonine.

vomiting, colic, chills, weakness, constipation, or diarrhea gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa treatment seldom needed

1976). Triterpenoids such as α-amyrin are also present in E. europaeus (Pasich et al. 1980).

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—In monogastric as well as in ruminant species, the signs include vomiting/regurgitation, colic, chills, and weakness. Gastrointestinal involvement ranges from constipation to diarrhea. Changes at necropsy will likely be limited primarily to the digestive tract. Treatment is symptomatic for alleviation of the digestive disturbance and in most instances will not be required. In severe cases, control of cardiac arrhythmias may be required.

REFERENCES Baek NI, Lee YH, Park JD, Kim SI, Ahn BZ. Euonymoside A: a new cytotoxic cardenolide glycoside from the bark of Euonymus sieboldianus. Planta Med 60;26–28, 1994. Baert K, Croubels S, Steurbaut N, De Boever S, Vercauteren G, Ducatelle R, Verbeken A, De Backer P. Two unusual cases of plant intoxication in small ruminants. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 74;149–153, 2005. Bartik M, Piskac A. Veterinary Toxicology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1981. Basei NK, Pabrai PR. Chemical investigation of Celastrus paniculata Willd. J Am Pharm Assoc 35;272–273, 1946. Bishay DW, Kowalewski Z, Phillipson JD. Peptide and tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloids from Euonymus europaeus. Phytochemistry 12;693–698, 1973.


Bohinc P, Colnaric M, Hidajat S, Primozic J. Xanthic alkaloids of the pegwood—Euonymus europaeus L. Farm Vestn (Ljubljana) 27;149–156, 1976. (Chem Abstr 86:103077k, 1977). Brummitt RK. Celastraceae spindle tree family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 92–94, 2007. Bruning R, Wagner H. Ubersicht uber die Celastraceeninhaltsstoffe: chemie, chemotaxonomie, biosynthese, pharmakologie. Phytochemistry 17;1821–1858, 1978. Cook DL, Parks LM, Dunker MFW, Uhl AH. Phytochemical study of the leaves of Celastrus scandens Linne. 1. A preliminary study. J Am Pharm Assoc 33;15–17, 1944. Cooper MR, Johnson AW. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Ref Book 161. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1984. Fung SY. Alkaloids and cardenolides in sixteen Euonymus taxa. Biochem Syst Ecol 14;371–373, 1986. Gill JD, Healy WM. Shrubs and Vines for Northeastern Wildlife. USDA Forest Service, Gen Tech Rep NE-9, 1973. Hou D. A revision of the genus Celastrus. Ann Mo Bot Gard 42;215–302, 1955. Ishiwata H, Shizuri Y, Yamada K. Three sesquiterpene alkaloids from Euonymus alatus forma striatus. Phytochemistry 22;2839–2841, 1983. Joubert JPJ. Cardiac glycosides. In Toxicants of Plant Origin, Vol. 2, Glycosides. Cheeke PR, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 61–96, 1989. Neogi NC, Baliga AK. Studies of Celastrus paniculata. J Sci Res Banaras Hindu Univ 15;135–141, 1964/1965. (Chem Abstr 64:5649f, 1966). Pasich B, Bishay DW, Kowalewski Z, Rompel H. Chemical investigation of Euonymus europeus. Planta Med 39;391– 395, 1980. Perkins KD, Payne WW. Guide to the Poisonous and Irritant Plants of Florida. Fla Coop Ext Serv Circ 441, 1978. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Shoppee CW. Chemistry of the Steroids, 2nd ed. Butterworths, Washington, DC, 1964. Simmons MP. Celastraceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VI: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 29–64, 2004. Simmons MP, Clevinger CC, Savolainen V, Archer RH, Mathews S, Doyle JJ. Phylogeny of the Celastraceae inferred from phytochrome B gene sequence and morphology. Am J Bot 88;313– 325, 2001. Smith RM. The Celastraceae alkaloids. In The Alkaloids. Manske RHF, ed. Academic Press, New York, pp. 215–248, 1977. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Wagner H, Habermeier H, Schulten HR. The cardiac glycosides of the arrow poison of Lophopetalum toxicum Loher. Helv Chim Acta 67;54–64, 1984.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

Goosefoot Family Bassia Beta Chenopodium Halogeton Kochia Salsola Sarcobatus Suckleya Questionable Atriplex Monolepis

Comprising about 100 genera and 1500 species, the Chenopodiaceae, commonly known as the goosefoot family, is cosmopolitan, but especially abundant in saline or alkaline habitats (Cronquist 1981; Welsh et al. 2003). Principal centers of distribution are the plains and deserts of North America, pampas of South America, the shores of the Red, Caspian, and Mediterranean Seas, the central Asiatic basin, the Karroo of South Africa, and the salt plains of Australia (Culham 2007). Although the Chenopodiaceae is recognized as a distinct family in this treatment, molecular and morphological phylogenetic analyses do support the inclusion of the family in a broadly circumscribed Amaranthaceae as is done by some taxonomists (Rodman et al. 1984; Rodman 1990; Judd and Ferguson 1999; Bremer et al. 2009). The two families have indeed long been recognized to be closely allied and positioned side by side in almost all classifications (Cronquist 1981). However, other phylogenetic analyses indicate that although the two families form a monophyletic clade, their relationship to each other is not fully resolved (Kadereit et al. 2003; Müller and Borsch 2005). We, therefore, continue to recognize

the two families as distinct as did Welsh and coworkers (2003) and Culham (2007). Economically important genera include sugar and forage beets (Beta), spinach (Spinacia), and Swiss chard (Beta). As noxious weeds of cultivated fields, likewise important are Russian thistle (Salsola), goosefoot (Chenopodium), and kochia (Kochia). Several genera, for example, shad scale (Atriplex), greasewood (Sarcobatus), and winter fat (Eurotia), are important elements of the continent’s desert flora (Vankat 1992). In North America, 27 genera and 168 native and introduced species are present (Welsh et al. 2003). Intoxication problems are associated with more than 10 genera.

herbs or shrubs or subshrubs; leaves simple; flowers inconspicuous, greenish and membranous; petals absent; fruits utricles or achenes

Plants herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; annuals or biennials or perennials; strongly aromatic or not aromatic; bearing perfect flowers or gynomonoecious or monoecious or dioecious. Stems fleshy or not fleshy; erect or decumbent or prostrate; not jointed or rarely jointed. Leaves simple; opposite or alternate; cauline or basal and forming a rosette; petiolate or sessile; blades flat or terete; fleshy or herbaceous; venation pinnate or pinnipalmate or not apparent; surfaces glabrous or farinose or indumented; margins entire or dentate or lobed or incised; stipules absent. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or cymes or glomerules; spicate or paniculate; axillary or terminal; bracts absent or present; bracteoles present or absent. Flowers inconspicuous; perfect or imperfect, perfect and staminate and pistillate similar; perianths in 1-series or absent; typically pentagonal. Calyces radially symmetrical; funnelform or campanulate or urceolate. Sepals 1–5 or 0; free or fused; appressed; usually green. Petals absent.

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Chenopodiaceae Vent.

Stamens 1–5; opposite the sepals. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 2 or 3 or rarely 5; styles 2 or 3 or rarely 5; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation basal. Fruits utricles or achenes; usually enclosed within persistent sepals; pericarps free or fused to seeds; indehiscent or dehiscent. Seeds 1.

Accumulation Problems Associated with Family oxalate selenium sulfur nitrate

DISEASE PROBLEMS Many genera of the Chenopodiaceae are considered facultative halophytes and grow in highly saline or alkaline soils (Chapman 1975). This tolerance involves uptake of sodium and magnesium salts, mainly as carbonates, chlorides, and sulfates. Because of this, some taxa have a propensity to accumulate one or more of the compounds oxalate, selenium, sulfur, and nitrate.

many taxa useful forage when amount limited; problems mainly in sheep eating plants exclusively

Growth in such soils may not be detrimental to forage quality and in some instances—as with Halogeton and Salsola, for example—may even improve it (Williams 1960; Fowler et al. 1992). Some species of Salicornia, grown in seawater, have been used with success as feed for livestock (Jefferies and Rudmik 1984). Intoxication problems typically arise only when these plants become a major part of the animal’s diet, and most commonly involve sheep that are subsisting exclusively on them.


leaves of Spinacia oleracea may have 1–8% soluble salts and up to 12% total oxalates d.w. (Libert and Franceschi 1987). However, care must be taken in interpreting values of oxalate concentration because they may vary considerably, depending upon the method of extraction used (Mathams and Sutherland 1952). In the Chenopodiaceae, soluble oxalates are present primarily as disodium and acid/sodium oxalate. The total of oxalates includes the insoluble salts such as calcium oxalate. Plants growing where there are high levels of nitrogenous runoff may pose a special risk because in conditions of high nitrogen, high potassium, and low phosphorus, oxalate accumulation may increase (Libert and Franceschi 1987) (Figure 23.1). selenium; Atriplex, Grayia Selenium accumulation is dependent upon the levels and form of the element in the soil (Trelease and Beath 1949). Aspects of these factors are described more fully in the treatment of Astragalus in the Fabaceae (see Chapter 35). Genera of the Chenopodiaceae noted for their accumulation of selenium are Grayia and Atriplex. Among the taxa that accumulate selenium, the amounts taken up vary considerably. For example, G. spinosa generally has low levels, whereas G. brandegei occasionally has high concentrations. Atriplex canescens has a tendency to accumulate selenium, primarily as selenate, in the range of 100–200 ppm. In contrast, A. argentea, A. confertifolia, and A. pabularis generally have less than 50 ppm even on soils high in selenium (Trelease and Beath 1949; Davis 1972). In general, selenium intoxication is not a significant risk with any of these plants.

oxalate: Atriplex, Bassia, Chenopodium, Salsola plus others; most consistent risk

Oxalate accumulation is the most consistent feature of the family and of greatest concern toxicologically. The disease produced is essentially the same regardless of the taxon. Species of Atriplex, Bassia, Chenopodium, and Salsola have been shown to be accumulators (Mathams and Sutherland 1952). In addition, Monolepis (povertyweed), Salicornia (glasswort), Spinacia (cultivated spinach), and Suaeda (seepweed) have the potential to be oxalate accumulators but normally do not represent threats to livestock because of other factors. For example,

Figure 23.1.

Chemical structure of oxalic acid and its salts.


Toxic Plants of North America

sulfur: Atriplex, Kochia, Salicornia, Sarcobatus

Taxa of interest as sulfur accumulators, up to 3.5% d.w., include Atriplex, Kochia, Salicornia, and Sarcobatus (Thomas et al. 1950; Mayland and Robbins 1994). These plants, however, are not necessarily a risk for disease unless large amounts of them containing high levels of sulfur are eaten for a week or more. Of these genera, only Kochia has proven to be a field problem, possibly contributing to the occurrence of polioencephalomalacia. nitrate: Beta, Chenopodium, Salsola

Genera noted for their accumulation of nitrate include Beta, Chenopodium, and Salsola (Gilbert et al. 1946; Case 1957). However, even spinach may accumulate considerable nitrate under the appropriate growing conditions. This is of concern with spinach fed to infants less than 6 months of age where the intestinal microflora may predispose to the reduction of nitrate to nitrite with the potential to cause methemoglobinemia (Simon 1966).

BASSIA ALL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 10 species all native to the Old World, Bassia is named for Ferdinando Bassi, an eighteenth-century Italian botanist (Mosyakin 2003a). Morphologically very similar to and easily confused with Kochia, European taxonomists generally combine the two genera. They can be distinguished, however, by the presence of a hooked spine or tubercle on each sepal of Bassia and their absence in Kochia. In North America, 2 introduced species are present: B. hirsuta (L.) Asch. B. hyssopifolia (Pall.) Kuntze

three-spined smotherweed, three-spined bassia five-horned smotherweed, five-hooked bassia

annual herbs; stems branched, villous, red at maturity; leaves alternate; flowers in spikes

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots; gynomonoecious. Stems erect; 20–100 cm tall; profusely branched at bases; surfaces tomentose and villous; branches terete or angled; often turning red with maturity. Leaves alternate; cauline; sessile; herbaceous or fleshy; blades flat or subterete, linear to oblanceolate; surfaces silky villous to appressed pilose; margins entire. Inflorescences solitary flowers or short spikes in axils of uppermost leaves or bracts. Flowers

Figure 23.2.

Line drawing of Bassia hyssopifolia.

perfect and pistillate, intermixed in spikes; perianths in 1-series. Sepals 5; fused; membranous; villous-lanate; bearing abaxial spine or tubercule; lobes incurved; enlarging in fruit. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; stigmas 2, exserted. Fruits utricles; enclosed in sepals; obovate; plano-convex; brown to black (Figure 23.2).

naturalized weeds

Distribution and Habitat—Both species are naturalized in North America. Bassia hyssopifolia occurs primarily in the western half of the continent and is especially common in the intermountain region where it is considered a noxious weed in irrigated fields. It is also present in the saline soils of beaches and salt marshes. Bassia hirsuta is ecologically similar, but occurs primarily along the beaches and marshes of the northeastern Atlantic coast (Figure 23.3).

sheep: if exclusive forage, digestive disturbance; neurologic effects

Disease Problems—Bassia hyssopifolia is a reasonable forage for sheep in areas where it does not constitute the sole food for a sustained period of time. It is readily eaten

Chenopodiaceae Vent.


Clinical Signs—Most likely to be seen as a disease problem in sheep, ingestion of Bassia typically results in abrupt onset of weakness, ataxia, tetany, and coma. In chronic cases, weakness and ataxia are accompanied by a hopping gait, sometimes photosensitization, and/or a bloody nasal discharge. In acute cases, serum calcium levels are markedly decreased to less than 4 mg/dL, serum urea nitrogen is little changed, and serum AST is increased about 2-fold. In the chronic cases, serum calcium is little affected, but AST is increased as in the acute disease.

microscopic: kidney: tubular epithelial necrosis, dilation Figure 23.3.

Distribution of Bassia hyssopifolia.

Pathology—Scattered splotchy hemorrhages are evident by sheep and is a good source of protein and phosphorus, but it is erratic in productivity, depending upon the summer rains in the dry, alkaline areas where it is most common (Cook et al. 1956). One drawback to its use is the occurrence of diarrhea in sheep that are sustained solely on it for more than 2 weeks. In addition, under some circumstances Bassia may also cause an acute neurologic disease that is often fatal (James et al. 1976).

cause of digestive disturbance unknown; perhaps due to excessive salts, sulfates; cause of neurologic effects soluble oxalates

Disease Genesis—The cause of the diarrhea is not known, but a similar effect is observed with the closely related Salsola tragus (= S. kali). The acute neurologic disease is most likely due to the presence of high concentrations of soluble (probably potassium) oxalates in the plant tissues. James et al. (1976) fed 7 sheep B. hyssopifolia with an oxalate content of 6.1% and caused death of all animals, 5 within 24 hours. The remaining 2 died 17 and 22 days later, respectively. Oxalates appeared to be the cause of death, at least in the 5 that died within 24 hours, but possibly not in those with the chronic disease. If oxalates are involved in the chronic cases, it indicates an obvious lack of microbial adaptation in the rumen, in contrast to animal response to other oxalate accumulators such as Halogeton.

diarrhea and/or weakness, ataxia, tetany, coma; decreased blood calcium

over the serosal surfaces of the rumen and kidneys. Most of the distinctive changes involve the kidneys, which are pale and slightly swollen. There may also be edema of various tissues, including the lungs. Microscopically, nephrosis with tubular epithelial desquamation and necrosis is seen along with dilated tubules.

parenteral calcium


administration of parenteral calcium solutions will generally result in immediate relief of many of the signs, and animals will become ambulatory within a few hours. Relapses may occur, requiring additional treatment, and some animals may eventually die of renal failure. Dilute lime water can also be given to bind the oxalates remaining in the digestive tract.

BETA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 6 species, Beta is native to the Mediterranean region and western Asia (Shultz 2003). Its name is derived from the Celtic word bett, meaning “red,” an obvious reference to the intense purple-red color of the taproots (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Cultivated for both its large taproots and its profusion of large leaves, 1 species is of economic importance as a source of food and sugar for humans and fodder for livestock: B. vulgaris L.

beet, beetroot, mangel, sugar beet, fodder beet, mangold, remolacha


Toxic Plants of North America

erect herbs from large taproots; leaves alternate; dark green with red petioles

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; from large taproots. Stems erect; 60–120 cm tall; branched above; surface usually glabrous; green or turning red with maturity. Leaves alternate; both basal forming large rosettes and cauline; petiolate; herbaceous to fleshy; blades flat, oval, or ovate oblong; surfaces glabrous; margins typically undulate. Inflorescences terminal spikes or glomerules in axils of leaves; bracts generally absent. Flowers perfect; perianths in 1-series; urceolate. Sepals 5; fused; becoming indurate in fruit. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; stigmas 2–5. Fruits achenes; enclosed in indurate shell formed by enlarging receptacle and sepal bases.

Distribution and Habitat—Native to southern Europe, B. vulgaris is widely cultivated. Plants occasionally escape but apparently do not become established. problems uncommon: diarrhea, decreased blood calcium, development of renal calculi, inhibited coagulation, ruminal acidosis

Disease Problems—Normally beet roots and tops are safe and valuable feeds. However, a variety of adverse effects may occur, although they are rare. They include digestive upset and decreased blood calcium. In some instances more than one type of intoxication may occur in the same herd (Chambers 1944). One of the earliest problems associated with beets was the development of renal calculi composed of uric acid, phosphoric acid, and lime (Pammel 1911). In an experimental study, calculi were found in the kidneys or bladders of sheep fed corn, hay, and either mangels or sugar beets. Steyn (1934) reported the occurrence of decreased coagulability of blood and excess bleeding due to a decrease in blood calcium when beet tops were eaten in large quantities. Pigs fed the tops became incoordinated and had tremors and spasms in addition to the inhibition of coagulation (Steyn 1934). Cows became depressed and developed diarrhea. Similar responses were noted for sheep, in which there was diarrhea (with or without blood), decreased coagulability of blood, bloody urine, and seizures that occurred over several days (Pammel 1919) in addition to signs typical of hypocalcemia (El-Khodery et al. 2008). There are even reports of horses dying several days after eating the frozen tops of sugar beets (Pammel 1919). One of the most consistent problems, a digestive disturbance creating ruminal acidosis, arises when large

amounts of beets are fed or there is a change from one type to another, especially a change to sugar beets. Beet pulp, which has proven toxic to pigs, may also be toxic when ensiled (Novy 1960). Beet pulp fed to bulls for 4 months was associated with but not necessarily proven to be a cause of optic nerve degeneration (Alibasoglu et al. 1973). In this instance a deficiency of vitamin A was considered a possible factor.

leaves; nitrates, oxalates, highly fermentable carbohydrates; acute or chronic disease

Disease Genesis—Beet tops serve as sources of both nitrate, up to 88,000 ppm KNO3, and oxalate, up to 12% (Everist 1981). Although not common, intoxications due to nitrate accumulation occur, primarily in cattle, sometimes under unusual circumstances such as after the tops are frozen and the NO3 concentration is 10,000– 60,000 ppm (Gilbert et al. 1946; Savage 1949). Inadvertent exposure of the beet tops to 2,4-D herbicide produced an increase in nitrate from 2200 ppm up to as high as 88,000 ppm (Stahler and Whitehead 1950; Whitehead and Moxon 1952). In addition, nitrites, formed from nitrates when beets are cooked at low temperatures or for a short time, may be a cause of intoxication in pigs (Cooper and Johnson 1984). Some of the more important problems posed by beets stem from the large amounts of soluble oxalates in the leaves and the presence of highly fermentable carbohydrates in the roots. In both instances the diseases are of abrupt onset and are acute in nature. A calcium-responsive disease may occur with consumption of either the leaves or the roots although the roots are, in general, probably considerably lower in oxalates than the leaves (Siener et al. 2006). The cause is presumably oxalates that cause a hypocalcemia-type disease much like milk fever which, at least in sheep, may occur in lactating, pregnant, or nonlactating and nonpregnant animals (El-Khodery et al. 2008). There is a marked drop in blood calcium, which is readily responsive to parenteral calcium preparations (Chambers 1944; Worden et al. 1954; El-Khodery et al. 2008). Although the upper limits of oxalate concentrations in beet leaves are generally about 10% soluble and 14% total, extremes of 30–33% total oxalates have been reported in Mexico (Mejia et al. 1985; Libert and Franceschi 1987). However, it is important to keep in mind that differences in assay methodology may cause large differences in reported values. As an example, pronounced hypocalcemia in 48 sheep was associated with beet tops with 3.5–4.6% total oxalates (El-Khodery et al. 2008).

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

Beet leaves may produce either an acute or a chronic type of disease (Gorisek 1962, 1963). In the latter there are bony changes with lameness, a decrease in serum phosphorus, and an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase. A role for saponins in addition to oxalates has been proposed. There is also the possibility of coagulation problems due to the lowered calcium levels (Steyn 1934; Gorisek 1960). There may be obvious digestive problems along with the hypocalcemia, or the digestive problems may occur without any abnormalities in mineral metabolism (Penny 1954; Scarisbrick 1954; Simesen and Konggaard 1970). The digestive disturbances related to carbohydrates often occur when there has been an abrupt increase in the amount of beets in the diet or a change to varieties with high dry matter content. Experimentally, in cows dosed with beet juice, rumen pH quickly dropped to less than 4.5 and blood lactate levels rose markedly (Williams and Coup 1959). The presence of a highly fermentable carbohydrate is important for other animal species as well. Pigs (35+ kg b.w.) fed 3+ kg/day each of pulped beets sans tops lost condition, developed diarrhea, and became quite nervous after about 1 month. These changes seemed to coincide with a change to beets with higher dry matter content, that is, sugar beets (Baxter 1956). diarrhea; acute oxalate intoxication with weakness, ataxia, tetany, coma, decrease in blood calcium; nitrate intoxication with depression, weakness, rapid respiration, ataxia, dark blood, and mucous membranes

Clinical Signs—Digestive disturbances are manifested by diarrhea, laminitis, a marked drop in ruminal pH, and an increase in lactate and volatile fatty acids. In some animals there are accompanying seizures. These signs may be seen in any animal species. Acute oxalate toxicity is most likely to be seen as a disease problem in sheep, typically resulting in abrupt onset of depression, decreased appetite, increased heart and respiration rates, dry mouth, decreased ruminal activity, weakness, ataxia, tetany, and coma. Nitrate intoxication occurs mainly in cattle and is indicated by dark mucous membranes, dark or brown blood, depression, rapid respiration, ataxia, and death in a short time. gross pathology: digestive disturbance, reddened and sloughing digestive tract mucosa; kidney lesions with oxalate; dark or brownish tissues sometimes with nitrate


Pathology—Digestive disturbances may result in degeneration and sloughing of the epithelium of the rumen and sometimes the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine. There will be few changes due to nitrate intoxication other than perhaps dark-colored or brownish tissues in some animals. In the event of acute oxalate intoxication, grossly the kidneys will be pale and swollen, and body cavities will contain excess fluid. There may also be edema of the abdominal viscera and pulmonary congestion and edema. Microscopically, renal tubular dilation and flattened, necrotic tubular epithelium will be noted.

ruminal alkalinizers, parenteral calcium, or methylene blue i.v.

Treatment—Oxalate intoxication can be treated with parenteral calcium/magnesium preparations, and nitrate intoxication with methylene blue i.v., 2–4 mg/kg b.w. Digestive disturbances may be responsive to ruminal alkalinizers. It has been recommended that beets be stored for several months or the tops allowed to wilt for several days to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of diarrheic-type digestive disturbances (Cooper and Johnson 1984).

CHENOPODIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Cosmopolitan in distribution, Chenopodium comprises about 100 species (Clemants and Mosyakin 2003). The characteristic shape of the leaves of most species is reflected both in its generic name—which is derived from the Greek roots chen, for “goose,” and pous, for “foot”—and in its common name goosefoot (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Although the name pigweed is also used for some species of the genus, it is more properly applied to species of Amaranthus in the Amaranthaceae. Many species are common but not especially noxious weeds. Several are gathered from the wild and cooked as potherbs, and a few are cultivated as culinary herbs or for their seeds, which have a low gluten content and are cooked like rice. Native Americans employed one taxon as a vermifuge. Of the 34 species in North America, most are introduced from Eurasia (Clemants and Mosyakin 2003). Representative species include the following: C. album L.

lamb’s quarters, white goosefoot, pata de ganso, quelite cenizo, nabo blanco, pigweed


Toxic Plants of North America

C. ambrosioides L. C. glaucum L. C. leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. ex S.Watson C. pumilio R.Br.

wormseed, Mexican tea, Spanish tea, American wormseed oak-leaved goosefoot narrowleaf goosefoot, slimleaf lamb’s quarters clammy goosefoot

herbs; herbage farinose or glandular; pentagonal flowers in numerous terminal or axillary glomerules

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; from taproots; herbage farinose or glandular. Stems erect or prostrate or decumbent; 10–300 cm tall; branched at bases or above or not branched; often turning red or maroon striped with maturity. Leaves alternate; primarily cauline; usually petiolate; herbaceous to fleshy; blades flat, linear to rhombichastate or deltoid; surfaces glabrous to farinose or puberulent or gland dotted; margins entire to sinuate dentate or sinuate lobed. Inflorescences numerous glomerules borne in spikes or panicles; terminal or axillary; bracts present or absent. Flowers perfect or rarely some pistillate; perianths in 1-series; pentagonal. Sepals 5 or rarely 2–4; fused; typically conspicuously farinose or gland dotted. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; styles 2 or 3 or rarely 4 or 5. Fruits utricles; enclosed by persistent sepals; pericarps free or attached to seeds (Figures 23.4 and 23.5).

Figure 23.5.

Photo of Chenopodium album.

Some individuals of the various species of Chenopodium are difficult to identify because many of their characters exhibit phenotypic plasticity and there is considerable intergradation due to hybridization. Mature fruits and lower cauline leaves are almost essential for precise identification. Use of taxonomic keys specific for the reader’s area facilitates identification.

Distribution and Habitat—Adapted to a variety of soil types and climatic conditions, species of Chenopodium are found throughout the world and across North America. Most are characteristically encountered in highly disturbed sites. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

leaves edible, rare problems when large amounts eaten, sheep and other ruminants, neurologic effects, tremors, ataxia, decrease in blood calcium

Figure 23.4. Line drawing of Chenopodium album. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Disease Problems—Species of Chenopodium are considered by many to be edible, although C. ambrosioides may have a noxious odor. The leaves of C. album are especially valued and have been used in many cultures as potherbs. The grain produced by some species has a high

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

protein content (15–19%) and has been exploited as a traditional food by people in the Andes (Mujica 1994). Very rarely are members of this genus a cause of intoxications, but under unusual circumstances they may cause or contribute to an abrupt onset of weakness, ataxia, and tremors, hypocalcemia-type signs, within a few hours after large amounts are eaten (Herweijer and Den Houter 1970). Problems are most likely to occur in sheep but may also be seen in cattle and other ruminants. There is also potential for milk taint with fresh goosefoot (Everist 1981). oxalates accumulated; nitrate accumulation and cyanogenic glycosides of less significance

Disease Genesis—Several potential toxicants are present in Chenopodium, including oxalates, nitrates, and cyanogenic glycosides. Oxalates are typically 1–2%. Concentrations, however, may be up to 7–10% soluble and 18% total oxalates, and extremes in the range of 30–33% total oxalates have been reported in Mexico (Herweijer and Den Houter 1970; Mejia et al. 1985; Libert and Franceschi 1987; Guil et al. 1996). Oxalate levels increase with plant maturation in the leaves while decreasing in the stems (Singh and Saxena 1972). The toxic role of oxalates is illustrated by the hypocalcemia-type disease produced in cows dosed with sodium oxalate. They developed tremors and seizures typical of the disease produced by C. album (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Nitrates may be 10,000–30,000 ppm or even as high as 70,000 ppm NO3 (Olson and Whithead 1940; Gilbert et al. 1946). Cattle have been intoxicated with wellfertilized hay containing 2500 ppm nitrate nitrogen (8250 ppm nitrate) and 11 ppm nitrite nitrogen (48.4 ppm nitrite) (Ozmen et al. 2003). Cyanogenic glycosides, although present, appear to be of little significance toxicologically, at least in C. album and C. ambrosioides (Everist 1981). Chenopodium ambrosioides is quite aromatic because of the presence of oil of wormseed, or oil of chenopodium, which contains an unsaturated terpene peroxide called ascaridole. This oil is a neurotoxin that causes vomiting, weakness, sleepiness, seizures, and cardiac irregularities (Pammel 1911; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962).


of signs from depression, weakness, tremors, weak pulse, and labored respiration to prostration, coma, and death in a few hours. Nitrate intoxication occurs mainly in cattle within minutes to a few hours after ingestion and is indicated by rapid and or labored respiration, muscle tremors, dark mucous membranes, dark or brown blood, depression, staggering and ataxia, and death in a short time.

microscopic: kidneys; tubular epithelial necrosis, dilation

Pathology—Grossly, the kidneys are pale and swollen, and excess fluid is present in the body cavities. There may also be edema of various tissues, including the lungs. Microscopically, there is nephrosis with tubular epithelial desquamation and tubule dilation and atrophy.

parenteral calcium

Treatment—Prompt administration of parenteral calcium solutions will generally result in immediate relief of many of the signs of oxalate intoxication, and the animals will become ambulatory within a few hours. Relapses may occur, and some animals may eventually die of renal failure. Nitrate intoxication should be treated with methylene blue i.v., 2–4 mg/kg b.w.

HALOGETON C.A.MEY. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Mediterranean region and central Asia, Halogeton comprises 5 species (Holmgren 2003). Reflecting its habitat, its generic name is derived from the Greek roots halos, or “salt,” and geiton, or “neighbor.” The genus is represented in North America by 1 species: H. glomeratus (M.Bieb.) C.A.Mey.

halogeton, saltlover

annual herb, herbage blue-green when young; leaves fleshy, bristle tipped; flowers inconspicuous in axillary glomerules

oxalate intoxication: depression, weakness, tremors, labored respiration

Clinical Sign—Signs of oxalate intoxication occur abruptly a few hours after consumption of plants, and animals may die within 12 hours. There is a progression

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots; polygamous; herbage dull green to blue-green when young and stramineous after frosts. Stems prostrate or decumbent to ascending; 10–50 cm long; profusely branched at bases; glaucous; glabrous or with tomentum in leaf axils; often


Toxic Plants of North America

red or purple. Leaves alternate; primarily cauline; sessile; fleshy; blades terete, linear, surfaces glabrous; apices spinose or bristle tipped. Inflorescences sessile glomerules borne in axils of leaves and 2–5, fleshy, sepaloid bracteoles. Flowers perfect or pistillate; perianths in 1-series. Sepals 5; fused; membranous winged or apiculate in some flowers. Stamens 3–5. Pistils 1; styles 2. Fruits utricles; orbicular; flattened; enclosed in sepals and bracteoles; pericarps attached to seeds (Figures 23.6–23.8).

Figure 23.7.

Photo of plant of Halogeton glomeratus.

Figure 23.8.

Photo of branches of Halogeton glomeratus.

aggressive invader, spreading in range

Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from central

Figure 23.6.

Line drawing of Halogeton glomeratus.

Asia in the early part of the twentieth century, H. glomeratus is a prolific seed producer and moisture absorber. It aggressively invades and forms dense stands, in some instances excluding all other species at a site. First collected near Wells in Elko County in northwest Nevada in 1934, it spread into the adjacent deserts of Utah and Idaho by 1940 and into northern California by 1946 and has since expanded its range into other western states, the northern Great Plains in Canada, and even east of the Missouri River (Bellue 1949; Vawter 1950; Stoddart et al. 1951; Pemberton 1986; Young et al. 1999; Young 2002). Continuing to spread, it occurs in desert saltbush and

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

sagebrush communities and pinyon-juniper woodlands up to more than 2000 m elevation and where annual precipitation is 7–50 cm. Fortunately the risk of intoxications in the Great Basin area has decreased with the decline in the range sheep industry and a decrease in Halogeton populations due to competition from other plants (Young 2002). Dispersal appears to be via sheep droppings along trails (Cook and Stoddart 1953; Blackwell et al. 1979). Halogeton glomeratus is considered an aggressive invader of depleted rangeland, where it can easily establish itself (Cronin and Williams 1966). It is particularly a problem along trails, railroad rights-of-way, on bare knolls with loose soil, and in sheep bedding areas. Because the seeds may remain viable for many years, it is difficult to eradicate (Cronin and Williams 1966) (Figure 23.9).

reasonable feed if eaten in moderation with good rumen fill; large amounts eaten in short period with empty rumen; abrupt onset; lethal neurologic effects; mainly sheep, less severe in cattle

Disease Problems—Recognition that Halogeton glomeratus was toxic to livestock occurred in the autumn of 1942 when a sheep herder near Wells, NV lost 160 sheep (Young et al. 1999). Additional losses caused by Halogeton continued to be discovered in the 1940s; in some instances devastating losses of 500 or more sheep occurred in a matter of hours (Cook and Stoddart 1953; Young 2002). The typical scenario of intoxication involved moving sheep to winter grazing and allowing them to rest and feed in a large stand of Halogeton. This is particularly a problem after frosts when plants are more palatable and

Figure 23.9.

Distribution of Halogeton glomeratus.


when the animals are hungry. Availability of water is a major factor in the occurrence of intoxication (James et al. 1970). Thirst decreases feed consumption, and when water becomes available, not only will the animals eat avidly but the empty rumen will also render them more susceptible to intoxication (Cook and Stoddart 1953). The disease in sheep is acute and highly lethal. Halogeton is less of a problem in other animal species, although it may cause a problem in cattle when they are moved from noninfested to infested range or when hungry animals are moved through infested areas (Bellue 1949). In cattle, the disease may be of abrupt onset, as in sheep, or may present as subacute locomotor difficulties unlikely to be lethal (James 1970; Lincoln and Black 1980). Again the problem is amplified when Halogeton is particularly abundant around watering areas. Thus, it is clear that feeding and watering management is very important in control of the disease. A list of 11 management practices— based upon proper range management, adaptation to oxalates, and preventing hungry animals access to dense stands of the plants—has been formulated to minimize the problem with Halogeton (James and Cronin 1974). soluble oxalates high, mainly sodium salts; deadly with rapid ingestion on an empty rumen, more severe neurologic effects than with typical oxalate intoxication, fewer muscular problems

Disease Genesis—Halogeton presents a major problem because it contains high concentrations of soluble oxalates, mainly as the sodium salt. These levels are generally quite high in early growth in early to midsummer, decrease slightly in the fall and in rainy conditions, and decline to low levels in late winter (Morton et al. 1959a,b; Williams and Cronin 1966). In a study in northern Idaho, soluble oxalate concentrations ranged from 20% in late summer to 5% in weathered winter plants (Morton et al. 1959b). When plants are snow covered or the winter remains dry, there is little leaching of the oxalates and their concentrations remain high through the winter. In addition, when the soil has high levels of sodium chloride, growth of Halogeton may be very vigorous, and its tissues may accumulate high levels of soluble oxalates (Williams 1960). Thus, under some conditions during the winter grazing season, the soluble oxalate levels may be up to 3.6% in stems, 28.1% in leaves, and 8.1% in seeds. That soluble oxalates are closely involved as a cause of the disease is demonstrated by the close similarity of the disease to that caused by i.v. infusion of sodium oxalate (James and Johnson 1970). The problem in sheep is almost an all-or-none phenomenon. It is difficult to get sheep to eat a diet composed entirely of Halogeton, and even a diet of up to


Toxic Plants of North America

36.1% Halogeton (16.6% soluble oxalate in the plants) for 100 days, if introduced gradually, causes few adverse effects other than decreased feed intake and weight gain (James and Butcher 1972). Experimentally in sheep, when the rumen is poorly filled following fasting, 12 oz of Halogeton (8.7% oxalate content) or 1 oz of soluble oxalate may be lethal. In contrast, with normal ruminal fill, the lethal dose increases to 18 oz of Halogeton or 1.6 oz of soluble oxalate (Cook and Stoddart 1953). If the plant is eaten during the course of a full day, tolerance increases by a factor of 4. Sheep can adjust to increasing amounts of oxalates in their diet because microbial degradation of oxalates to carbonates increases as the ruminal microflora adapts, so the major risk with Halogeton is that of abrupt exposure (Morris and Garcia-Rivera 1955; James et al. 1967; Allison et al. 1977; Duncan et al. 1997). The effects of the soluble oxalates are several and rather complex: digestive disturbances due to the irritation effects with large dosage; calcium interactions affecting blood calcium, blood coagulation, nerve and muscle function (tetany), and precipitates forming in the kidney tubules; and formation of urinary calculi with long-term low dosage (Rimington and Steyn 1933; Willson 1934). There are subtle differences among the diseases caused by various oxalate-containing plants. These differences in a large measure are due to variations in the form of the oxalate with its two carboxy groups. Thus oxalate may be present with various cations such as H+, K+, or Na+ or a combination of them. Halogeton with an acid sap of pH 6 and oxalates mainly in the disodium and acid/sodium forms appears to produce quite different effects than most of the other plants with acid sap of pH 2 or with other forms of oxalate (Dye 1956; Williams 1960; James 1972). Some contrast is provided by a comparison of the effects of ammonium oxalate used to model intoxication from Oxalis and sodium oxalate as a model for Halogeton toxicosis in which tetany is not a prominent feature (James and Johnson 1970; James et al. 1971). Clearly there are effects on calcium homeostasis. However, despite the precipitous drop in blood calcium typical of oxalate intoxication, there is, unique to Halogeton, little or no tendency for tetany, in contrast to disease induced by Rumex (James 1968). Furthermore, parenteral calcium preparations lack efficacy against Halogeton-induced disease. Although there are effects on the kidney—for example, calcium oxalate precipitates are formed—these do not appear to be primary factors in the development of the acute lethal effects (Shupe and James 1969). Metabolic disturbances secondary to inactivation of enzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase or succinic dehydrogenase may be more important factors (Emerson et al. 1964; Van Kampen and James 1969).

The cause of the differences in effects between various plants may be due to factors in addition to oxalate. Most of the oxalate in the plant is formed via a glycolate-toglyoxylate-to-oxalate pathway (Franceschi and Horner 1980). If, with extremely high levels of oxalate, an appreciable amount of glycolate and glyoxylate are present in the plant, perhaps influenced by feedback inhibition of glycolate oxidase, then these potent neurotoxins may contribute to disease development (Bove 1966; Bachmann and Goldberg 1971). sheep: within a few hours, dullness, head held low, anorexia, white froth from mouth; shortly, weakness, stiffness, rapid respiration, ataxia, comatose, extensor seizures

Clinical Signs—About 4 hours after ingestion of Halogeton by sheep, the initial signs appear: dullness, lowering of the head, loss of appetite, and reluctance to follow the flock. The animal may also cough and appear to drool, with white froth around the mouth. By 5–6 hours after ingestion, the signs increase in severity, with weakness and stiffness, ataxia of the pelvic limbs, and rapid/shallow breathing. With an obvious lack of coordination, the animal may repeatedly lie down and stand up. Eventually it becomes comatose, with jerky extensor rigidity and irregular respiration. Death may occur within a few hours or, less commonly, up to 24 or more hours after onset of signs. cattle: belligerence, subacute; with forced movement, stiffness, difficult movement evident; sharp drop in blood calcium In cattle, onset of signs may occur within a few hours after eating the plants and are similar to those seen in sheep; ataxia, apprehension, belligerence, excess salivation, recumbency, coma, bloat, cyanosis, and death. The subacute locomotor difficulties will be observed mainly when the animals are forced to move. Stiffness is apparent first in the forelegs and then progresses to all limbs, making movement difficult. They may become recumbent but will recover within a few days if given feed and water. Calves may exhibit more severe signs, including hypersensitivity to stimulation and seizures. Typically blood calcium sharply declines to as low as 1.4 mg/dL, during which time blood magnesium and phosphorus may double. Other changes in blood chemistry include moderate increases in serum lactate dehydrogenase (up to 2–3 times) and slight increases in blood urea nitrogen (up to 2 times).

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

gross pathology: excess free fluid in chest and abdomen; kidneys pale and edematous

Pathology—Grossly, excess free fluid is present in the abdominal and chest cavities and the heart sac. The lungs may be filled with blood-tinged froth, appearing red or purple rather than pink, and splotchy hemorrhages may be scattered on the surfaces of the heart, rumen, and other viscera. The kidneys will be pale and swollen/edematous and may yield birefringent crystals from scrapings of cut surfaces.

microscopic: kidneys, tubules dilated with proteinaceous casts, oxalate crystals, epithelium flattened; oxalate crystals in ruminal wall microvessels

KOCHIA ROTH Taxonomy and Morphology—Cosmopolitan in distribution, Kochia comprises 13–16 species (Mosyakin 2003b). Its name honors Wilhelm Koch, an eighteenthcentury German botanist. Although Kochia is typically thought of as a weedy genus in North America, some of its species are planted as ornamentals and for forage. Because it is morphologically very similar to and easily confused with Bassia, European taxonomists generally combine the two genera. However, they can be distinguished by the presence of a hooked spine or tubercle on each sepal of Bassia and their absence in Kochia. Four species of Kochia, 2 native and 2 introduced, occur in North America: K. americana S.Watson K. californica S.Watson K. prostrata (L.) Schrad. K. scoparia (L.) Roth

Microscopically, the renal tubules will be filled with proteinaceous casts and calcium oxalate crystals, and the epithelium flattened and necrotic. Even in animals dying within an hour or two of onset of signs, tubular degeneration and oxalate crystals may be apparent. There may also be edema and hemorrhage of the ruminal wall, and oxalate crystals present in the submucosa and in the walls of vessels.

parenteral calcium, effectiveness limited in sheep, better in cattle; increase rumen fill to reduce sudden ingestion of large amounts of plant

Treatment—For most oxalate plant intoxications, parenteral calcium (calcium borogluconate i.v.) is the standard treatment. With Halogeton, this approach seems to be somewhat beneficial for cattle, whereas in sheep it may delay deaths but not necessarily result in survival. Prevention of consumption by proper feed and water management is the most effective control. This approach may be aided by the use of calcium supplements, the most effective of which is a pellet of 83% alfalfa, 15% calcium carbonate, and 2% molasses (Cook and Stoddart 1953). Calcium chloride or dicalcium phosphate are also beneficial, but regardless of which is used, they are effective only when given shortly before the oxalate challenge; the protection is short-lived. Halogeton is easily controlled by 2,4-D herbicide in the first few months of growth, but the extensive distributional range of the plant now makes this an untenable approach to control its growth except in restricted areas.


red sage, red molly Mojave red sage forage kochia, prostrate summer cypress burning bush, summer cypress, fireball, fireweed, Mexican fireweed, belvedere, kochia, morenita, poor man’s alfalfa

In some early publications, plants of the native K. americana were misidentified as K. prostrata, a naturalized Eurasian species introduced for reclamation and forage (Keller and Bleak 1974; Welsh 1984; Mosyakin 2003b).

herbs or subshrubs, profusely branched, becoming red with maturity; leaves alternate; flowers small, axillary in leaflike bracts at branch ends

Plants herbs or subshrubs; annuals or perennials; from large taproots; polygamous. Stems prostrate or decumbent to erect; 8–200 cm tall; profusely branched at bases; branches spreading to ascending; at first yellowish green, then streaked with red, and finally red-purple at maturity. Leaves alternate; cauline; petiolate to sessile; herbaceous or fleshy; blades flat or subterete, linear to narrowly lanceolate, surfaces typically pilose or villous to hirsute. Inflorescences spicate; of solitary or clustered flowers borne in axils of leaflike bracts at ends of branches. Flowers perfect or pistillate; perianths in 1-series; pentagonal. Sepals 5; fused; membranous winged. Stamens 5. Pistils 1; styles 2 or 3, villous. Fruits utricles; orbicular; flattened; enclosed in sepals; pericarps not attached to seeds (Figures 23.10–12).

weedy invaders, disturbed sites


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 23.10. Line drawing of Kochia scoparia. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 23.12.

Photo of flowering branch of Kochia scoparia.

is a rare introduction from Eurasia, whereas both K. americana and K. californica are native to western North America. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Flora of North America (http:// good feed in moderation; especially useful in areas with saline waters

Figure 23.11.

Photo of stems and leaves of Kochia scoparia.

Distribution and Habitat—A native of Europe, K. scoparia is now common at the edges of cultivated fields and in waste areas, disturbed roadsides, and railroad rightsof-way throughout North America. It is particularly common in the Great Plains. It is also cultivated in drier areas of Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas, the immature plants providing valuable livestock forage with a high protein content. Occurring primarily in Utah, K. prostrata

Disease Problems—It is primarily the introduced K. scoparia that is of toxicologic interest. The native species are not sufficiently abundant to represent a risk. Since its introduction in the late 1800s, K. scoparia has generally been regarded as a crop weed to be controlled. In the 1940s its use as a potential forage in times of drought began to be appreciated. Following research in South Dakota (Erickson 1947), it was promoted as an alternative to the more traditional forages, especially when adverse conditions prevail (Burchard 1947; Montgomery 1947; Streeter 1947). Since that time its overall value has been somewhat ambiguous because it has been shown to have useful forage value, yet under some circumstances it can be quite toxic. It is very water efficient with exceptional salt tolerance. It has such tolerance to salinity that it is considered to be a prime indicator plant for identifying areas of exceptionally high salinity in the Great Plains,

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

such as saline seeps where groundwater may have 30,000 ppm sulfate (Brown et al. 1983). Experimentally, there was no decrease in growth of Kochia when irrigated with saline water of 14,000 ppm, an amount equivalent to 40% seawater. Yield was highest with water of 10,500 ppm salinity. Under such conditions, crude protein (20%) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) were not decreased (Fuehring et al. 1985). Kochia has been favorably compared with alfalfa as a forage, with similar protein content and digestibility and slightly lower gross energy (Sherrod 1971, 1973). Because of its obvious advantages it has been promoted as an arid-land forage, and efforts are under way to improve its nutritive value by selective breeding (Fuehring et al. 1986). if more than 50% of diet: poor weight gain, mild liver disease with photosensitization, PEM; oxalate and nitrate accumulation are of little problem In spite of Kochia scoparia’s useful characteristics, several problems are associated with its consumption. Poor weight gains have been continually reported as a disadvantage to its use as a forage and are the most common adverse effect (Rankins 1989; Thilsted et al. 1989). There is considerable variability in its effects on weight (Cohen et al. 1989). Dry-matter intake by beef cattle decreased markedly when Kochia exceeded 60% of the diet; this change was accompanied by a marked decrease in nitrogen retention. In addition to weight loss, liver disease with photosensitization and, less commonly, polioencephalomalacia (PEM) sporadically accompany the use of K. scoparia as a forage (Galitzer and Oehme 1978; Dickie and Berryman 1979; Dickie and James 1983; Thilsted et al. 1989). Aspects of these two most important disease problems are described separately below. There is also a propensity for accumulation of oxalate and/or nitrate, but this has not been a significant problem. In a series of experiments of feeding sheep and cattle for several weeks with K. scoparia hay, a number of changes in clinical chemistry were noted, including a decrease in serum prolactin from 12.4 to 1.5 ng/mL, a decrease in insulin from 0.53 to 0.23 ng/mL, and moderate increases in blood glucose, serum bilirubin, and hepatic enzymes (Rankins and Smith 1991; Rankins et al. 1991a,b,c). However, the changes were not statistically significant. The decrease in serum prolactin is similar to that seen with endophyte-infected fescue (see Chapter 58). However, in contrast to what might be expected with fungal infection, metoclopramide was not protective against the toxic effects. Other treatments such as zinc sulfate and N-acetyl-l-cysteine were also ineffective in preventing the chemical changes. The changes indicative


of mild hepatotoxicosis are consistent with the moderate but transient increases in serum GGT noted for sheep grazing K. scoparia pasture for about 10 weeks (Kirkpatrick et al. 1998, 1999). Early reports indicated that intoxication problems were associated with the flowering stage (Galitzer and Oehme 1978), but in subsequent studies rapidly growing, irrigated, vegetative Kochia also proved to be toxic (Thilsted et al. 1989). It should be emphasized that generally Kochia is not to be considered a toxic plant except in situations where it constitutes almost the entire diet and even under these circumstances may be a reasonable feed for sheep at least for a few weeks if not months. Farmers surveyed in Alberta typically considered Kochia to be a problem only when it constituted more than 50% of the diet (Cohen et al. 1989). Interest in the introduced K. prostrata for its forage value may prompt its use as a primary feed (Clements et al. 1997). If it is fed in situations where it is the main dietary constituent, it may have adverse effects similar to those of K. scoparia. Seeds have some detrimental effect but not for all animal species. They were toxic to rats and turkeys but not to chukar partridges in a 14-day trial (Coxworth and Salmon 1972; Smith et al. 1993). Seeds fed as a grain supplement may depress feed intake (Coxworth et al. 1969).

Photosensitization and Weight Loss weight loss most common adverse effect, possibly due to oleanolic acid genin saponins; cause of liver disease and photosensitivity unknown, possibly saponins

Disease Problems and Genesis—Kochia has been shown to contain several potential toxicants, including nitrates, oxalates, saponins, and alkaloids, and possibly to have thiaminase activity. Of these, nitrates and oxalates appear to be of little risk because the problems are related to consumption of plants for several or more weeks. Moreover, toxicity often does not correlate with the levels of these two toxicants in the forage (Thilsted et al. 1989). Oxalate concentrations are usually 2–6%, although occasionally may be as high as 11% (Sprowls 1981; Fuehring et al. 1986; Thilsted et al. 1989). However, most are present as insoluble calcium oxalate, with the soluble oxalates seldom exceeding 3% (Dickie et al. 1989). Kidney changes are not accompanied by oxalate crystals in the tubules. Although oxalates do not appear to be directly related to toxicity, they may play a role. In the diet of monogastrics they decrease calcium availability, and in ruminants the oxalates are apparently metabolized in the rumen to yield carbonates and bicarbonates in sufficient quantities to produce alkalosis and diuresis, with chronic alkalosis possibly affecting growth (Talapatra et


Toxic Plants of North America

al. 1948). Nitrate contents of 1.5% and 3.7% as NO3 are reported for K. americana and K. scoparia, respectively (Gilbert et al. 1946). That saponins are of importance is shown by the decrease in toxicity of the seeds to turkey poults when they are washed in sodium hydroxide (Coxworth and Salmon 1972). Furthermore, the liver lesions are somewhat similar to those produced by Agave (see Chapter 3) and other saponin-containing toxic plants. The saponins may also play a role in depression of feed intake and/or weight gain (Coxworth et al. 1969; Rankins 1989; Thilsted et al. 1989). However, their concentrations appear to vary considerably, inasmuch as the hemolysis potential of mature fruits may range from nil to marked. The saponins are glycosides of oleanolic acid, a triterpene sapogenin (Souto and Milano 1966; Kernan et al. 1973). The photosensitization has not been shown to be clearly either primary or secondary. Harman and harmine, toxic β-carboline alkaloids, have been isolated from Kochia but in such small amounts as to make them unlikely prospective toxicants (DrostKarbowska and Kowalewski 1978; Allen and Holmstedt 1980). In general, alkaloids, which are poorly represented in the family (Raffauf 1996), are of questionable significance. However, they cannot be excluded as possible complicating factors in causing disease. In some studies, crude measures such as the Dragendorff’s test showed an increase in alkaloid content with maturity (Fuehring et al. 1986). decreased appetite; skin erythema, edema, and sloughing, nonpigmented areas; increased serum hepatic enzymes, bilirubin

Clinical Signs—As indicated above, grazing of Kochia for 2 or more weeks may result in several adverse consequences. In many animals the only consequence will be diminished weight gain. More severe involvement will be reflected by greater impairment of appetite, depression, swollen eyelids, crusty areas of the nasal pad, erythema and epithelial sloughing of nonpigmented areas of skin, and necrosis of teat ends. These changes will be accompanied by changes in serum chemistry, including a mild to moderate increase in hepatic enzymes (GGT, AST, LDH, SDH, creatine kinase, AP) and a marked increase in both direct and indirect bilirubin. As the disease continues its course, icterus, depression, weakness, diarrhea, and dehydration may be noted. Additional serum chemistry changes seen are a mild to moderate increase in blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and calcium and a decrease in insulin and prolactin (Rankins 1989; Thilsted et al. 1989). These signs may occur in ruminants and horses, with a morbidity of up to 40% and an appreciable death loss (Sprowls 1981).

gross pathology: skin lesions; microscopic: kidney tubule dilation, flattened epithelium; liver, mild necrosis and fibrosis

Pathology—The most noteworthy changes will be of the skin, liver, and kidney. Changes typical of photosensitization are skin thickening and necrosis of the less pigmented areas. The kidneys may be swollen and pale. Microscopically, diffuse tubular dilation will be seen, with foamy, flattened or necrotic epithelial cells, tubular lumina with proteinaceous fluid, hyaline casts, cell debris, and hemoglobin casts. There may also be interstitial fibrosis and mononuclear cell infiltration, but no oxalate crystals (Thilsted et al. 1989). The liver changes are generally mild to moderate, with hepatocellular swelling (foamy/granular cytoplasm), bile stasis, and mild necrosis and/or fibrosis (Sprowls 1981). Of interest are the round golden brown concretions observed in bile ducts, which are birefringent with polarized light (Thilsted et al. 1989). general nursing care; provide shade; supplement kochia with other feeds

Treatment—Disease affecting kidney and liver function and accompanying photosensitization are treated with general nursing care. For the most part the disease will resolve with prevention of animal access to Kochia. Although the skin changes are related to problems of liver function, the kidney disease is typically an equally serious threat to survival of the animal (Thilsted et al. 1989). Prevention or treatment employing zinc sulfate as described for Nolina (Chapter 3) has not been effective. Similarly, N-acetyl-l-cysteine and trans-stilbene oxide to stimulate glutathione levels have also been ineffective (Rankins 1989). In most cases supplemental feeding with an additional forage to reduce the consumption of Kochia has been effective in minimizing disease problems.

Neurologic Disease PEM; few animals; high plant and water sulfates

Disease Problems and Genesis—The sporadic occurrence of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) with ingestion of Kochia appears to be the result of a complex interaction between the plant and sulfate. Like other members of the family, K. scoparia grows well on saline soils and under such conditions may accumulate high concentrations of sulfur (up to 0.9% total) as sulfates and organic compounds (Mayland and Robbins 1994). Experimentally,

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

high sulfur or sulfate levels in the diet and/or water have neurologic effects and appear to be important factors in the development of PEM, although the specific mechanism is not known (Olkowski et al. 1990, 1992; Rousseaux et al. 1991; McAllister et al. 1997). The neurotoxic effects of sulfur are demonstrated by the occurrence of PEM in a flock of 2200 ewes grazed on an alfalfa pasture that had been sprayed with a 35% suspension of elemental sulfur (Bulgin et al. 1996). About 2% of the animals developed signs of PEM or had the specific pathologic lesions. possible thiaminase activity but disease not very thiamine responsive In the ruminal bacterial environment, sulfate is reduced to sulfide (Lewis 1954; Gould et al. 1991) and presumably the organic sulfur compounds in plants serve as similar substrates for reduction. Once reduced, the sulfide may interact with sulfite and act as a thiaminase (Leichter and Joslyn 1969; Chick et al. 1989). There is, however, little decrease in blood thiamine, and the neurotoxicosis is more likely due to additional causes, such as direct effects on the brain via lipid peroxidation (Gooneratne et al. 1989b, 1992; Gould 1998). Thus it appears that in the saline conditions in which Kochia is often grown for forage, the presence of high levels of sulfur in the plants and probably in the animals’ drinking water have the potential in combination to cause PEM. In addition, Kochia may contain a thiaminase factor, although this has not been confirmed (Dickie and James 1983). Of considerable importance is the comparative toxicity of fresh forage, hay, and silage. Hepatic effects and weight loss are associated with hay as well as green forage (Rankins and Smith 1991), but as yet neurologic effects are known only with green forage. high sulfate levels may reduce Cu availability, deficiency High sulfur or sulfate levels in the diet may also have an effect on limiting the availability of copper in ruminants. Sulfate and/or its reduction product sulfide interact with molybdenum and copper to form a copper– thiomolybdate complex (Suttle 1974, 1991; Gooneratne et al. 1989a; Qi et al. 1993). Thus the potential exists for copper deficiency with long-term ingestion of high sulfate diets. ataxia, tremors, seizures





Clinical Signs—A small number of animals may show signs of neurologic involvement, including ataxia, muscle tremors, head pressing, blindness, circling, aggressive/ excitable behavior, neck twisting, and convulsive seizures. These signs are reported only for ruminants and usually end in death. Elevation of serum pyruvic acid and lactic acid are observed even in the absence of neurologic signs (Dickie and James 1983).

gross pathology, brain, soft gray cortex, flattened gyri; microscopic: edema, neuronal necrosis cerebrum, granular layer degeneration of cerebellum

Pathology—Changes associated with the neurologic effects of Kochia include herniation of the cerebellum into the foramen magnum; swollen, flattened, and edematous gyri; and softness and liquefaction of the cerebral cortex gray matter but not white matter. Microscopically, there will be edema, neuronal necrosis and gliosis in the cerebrum, and degeneration of the granular layers and Purkinje’s cells of the cerebellum (Dickie and Berryman 1979; Raisbeck 1982). Diagnosis may be aided grossly by examining the brain for fluorescence under ultraviolet light, a nonspecific test for cerebrocortical necrosis (Anderson 1984).

parenteral thiamine

Treatment—Neurologic disease will respond to some extent to parenteral thiamine HCl, 5–10 mg/kg b.w. In less severely affected animals, 1 g of oral thiamine per sheep or more in cattle may produce longer duration attenuation of the problem by inhibiting thiaminase I activity in the gut (Thomas 1986). Because of the apparent interrelationship between high sulfur and low copper levels in depletion of blood thiamine, it may be of value to supplement with copper as a preventive against polioencephalomalacia when feeding Kochia (Gooneratne et al. 1989a).

SALSOLA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Cosmopolitan in distribution but with greatest diversity in Eurasia, Salsola comprises approximately 130 species (Mosyakin 2003c). Its name is derived from the Latin salus, for “salty,” and refers either to the habitats characteristically occupied or to the taste of most species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992).


Toxic Plants of North America

Molecular phylogenetic studies suggest that the genus is a polyphyletic taxon with several currently recognized genera being partially included in its circumscription (Pyankov et al. 2001; Akhani et al. 2007). In his treatment for the Flora of North America, Mosyakin (2003c), however, used the broad, traditional circumscription of the genus until a comprehensive, worldwide study of the genus and its relatives is conducted. Likewise, the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) use the broad circumscription. We, therefore, use their treatments here. The 6 species present in North America are introductions from Eurasia. They are morphologically quite similar and possibly able to hybridize; and there has been considerable confusion among taxonomists as to their identities and origins. The identity of the weedy Russian thistle has been particularly troublesome; 6 species names have been used for it at one time or another. Salsola kali is the name most commonly used in the taxonomic and toxicologic literature. Unfortunately, it appears that this name was misapplied to plants of S. tragus and S. collina, 2 other Eurasian introductions. At present, the taxonomic consensus is that S. tragus is the correct name for the widespread Russian thistle, and S. kali should be used only for plants occurring at scattered sites along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts (Mosyakin 2003c). The almost indistinguishable S. collina is found primarily in the northern Great Plains. The 6 species are: S. collina Pall. (= S. kali L. misapplied) S. kali L. sensu stricto S. paulsenii Litv. S. soda L. S. tragus L. (= S. australis R.Br.) (= S. iberica Sennen & Pau) (= S. kali L. misapplied) (= S. pestifer A. Nelson) (= S. ruthenica Iljin) S. vermiculata L.

katune, tumbleweed, slender Russian thistle saltwort, common saltwort barbwire Russian thistle oppositeleaf Russian thistle Russian thistle, tumbleweed, prickly Russian thistle

Figure 23.13. Line drawing of Salsola tragus. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

30–100 cm tall; profusely branched at bases; branches arching upward to form globose shape; surfaces striate, turning purplish red with maturity. Leaves alternate; cauline; sessile; fleshy; blades linear to filiform; subterete; stiff; apices spinulose. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne in axils of leaflike bracts; bracteoles 2, spreading. Flowers perfect; perianths in 1-series; pentagonal. Sepals 4 or 5; fused; membranous winged. Stamens 5; exserted. Pistils 1; styles 2 or 3, exserted. Fruits utricles; enclosed in sepals; suborbicular; flattened (Figure 23.13).

Mediterranean saltwort, Damascus saltwort

(= Caroxylon vermiculatum [L.] Akhani & Roalson)

globose, erect, annual herbs or subshrubs, red with maturity; leaves alternate, stiff, apices spinulose; flowers axillary

Plants globose annual herbs or perennial subshrubs; from taproots; herbage glabrous or villous. Stems erect;

weedy invaders, disturbed sites

Distribution and Habitat—Adapted to a variety of soil types and tolerant of drought and saline conditions, species of Salsola occupy coastal mudflats, beaches, and open areas in salt marshes. Others are quite weedy and classic indicators of highly disturbed soils such as cultivated fields, construction sites, feedlots, rights-of-way, and waste areas. A noxious and perhaps the most

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

abundant weed of semidesert range and wheatland in western North America, S. tragus is a prolific seed producer. The globose growth form and abscission layer at the base of the primary stem facilitate seed dispersal as the entire plant breaks loose and blows before the wind as a tumbleweed (Bryson and DeFelice 2010).

reasonable forage when young and green; eaten in excess, diarrhea, rarely neurologic effects

Disease Problems—As noted above, Salsola is the name generally used in the toxicologic literature of North America rather than the binomials S. tragus or S. collina. In the following paragraphs, only the genus name Salsola is used to avoid confusion. Saline tolerant, Salsola flourishes in conditions that would cause problems for most other plants. Because of this, it is an arid-lands forage of considerable value (Fowler et al. 1992). When young and green, it is palatable and nutritious for sheep and cattle but not necessarily for horses (Cook et al. 1956; Hageman et al. 1988). In the later, more mature stages of growth, its stiff branches and spiny leaves discourage consumption. The spines may cause mechanical injury to horses and dogs. Although diarrhea may be a consequence when sheep subsist on Salsola for several weeks, the most important disease problem is a rare, acute neurologic/ metabolic problem following ingestion of large amounts in only a few hours. Although Salsola has not yet proven to be a problem in North America, it is worthy of note that at least 6 species of the genus in South Africa are associated with reproductive problems in sheep. When the leaves or stems are eaten in large quantities, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, gestation is prolonged; lambing is sometimes delayed for a month or more, with severe difficulties at birth (Basson et al. 1969; Joubert et al. 1972; Kellerman et al. 1988). There is an increase in serum cortisol and decreased mammary development, but the effects are apparently not related to estrogenic activity or lack thereof. The problem is more common when dormant plants are eaten during drought. rarely acute halogeton-like oxalate-induced neurologic effects

Disease Genesis—Salsola in some conditions may accumulate both nitrates and oxalates. Levels of nitrate may be about 5000 ppm as NO3 and rise with increased salinity (Fowler et al. 1992). Even higher levels may be produced experimentally; however, soil nitrates in areas


where the plant grows are seldom sufficient for this to occur (Gilbert et al. 1946; Berg and McElroy 1953). Concentrations of oxalate up to 15% d.w. total and 10% or more of soluble salts have been reported (Mathams and Sutherland 1952; Hageman et al. 1988), but levels of 2–3% are more likely (Fowler et al. 1992). Oxalates are reported to be highest before or early in flowering and decline thereafter. The neurologic signs seen are consistent with oxalate-induced toxicosis and are quite similar to those caused by Halogeton glomeratus. They are also exhibited by animals after ingestion of a species closely related to Salsola, Threlkeldia proceriflora (soda bush), which causes extensive sheep losses in Australia, with most deaths occurring a few hours after the species is eaten (Everist 1981).

diarrhea, abrupt onset, depression, weakness, labored respiration, prostration, seizures, coma

Clinical Signs—In sheep, diarrhea may occur as a consequence of subsistence on Salsola for several weeks. Signs of oxalate intoxication occur abruptly a few hours after consumption, and animals may die within 12 hours. There is a progression of signs in a few hours from depression, weakness, weak pulse, and labored respiration to prostration, coma, and death. Typically, levels of serum calcium will be markedly decreased.

microscopic, dilation





Pathology—Grossly, the kidneys may be pale and swollen, and there may be excess fluid in the body cavities. There may also be edema of the abdominal viscera and pulmonary congestion and edema. Microscopically, there will be some renal tubular dilation and flattened necrotic tubular epithelium.

parenteral calcium, response variable


administration of parenteral calcium solutions may result in immediate relief of many of the signs, and animals may become ambulatory within a few hours. Relapses occur, and animals may eventually die of the neurotoxic effects as well as renal failure.


Toxic Plants of North America

SARCOBATUS NEES Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 1 or possibly 2 species, Sarcobatus is native to western North America (Hils et al. 2003). Its name is derived from the Greek roots sarko, for “flesh,” and batus, for “bramble,” in reference to its stiff, spiny leaves and branches (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Only 1 of the 2 species has been implicated in toxicologic problems: S. vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr.

greasewood, black greasewood

Sarcobatus baileyi is apparently an endemic of the Lahontan Basin in Nevada and taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether it is a distinct species; a variety or form of S. vermiculatus; or simply a morphological or ecological variant not worthy of formal taxonomic recognition (Hils et al. 2003). The taxonomic relationship of Sarcobatus to other members of the Chenopodiaceae is also problematic. It differs from other genera in the family by a suite of characters—anatomy, morphology, palynology, and chloroplast DNA sequences—and Behnke (1997) proposed that it be placed in its own family in the order Caryophyllales.

Figure 23.14.

Line drawing of Sarcobatus vermiculatus.

Figure 23.15.

Photo of Sarcobatus vermiculatus.

erect deciduous shrubs; branches spine tipped; staminate flowers in terminal spikes; pistillate flowers in leaf axils Plants shrubs, often globose; perennials; deciduous; monoecious. Stems erect; 30–300 cm tall; profusely branched; branches spreading, stout, rigid, spine tipped; yellowish to light gray. Leaves opposite below and alternate above; cauline; sessile; succulent; blades semiterete, flat above, linear to linear filiform; glabrous or sparsely stellate; apices of some spinose; margins entire. Inflorescences of 2 types; bracts present or absent. Flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate different; perianths in 1-series or absent. Staminate Flowers numerous; borne in terminal spikes; spirally arranged; covered by peltate, rhombic scales; perianths absent. Pistillate Flowers 1 or 2 in leaf axils; perianths cuplike, winged, fused with basal portion of ovaries; styles 2. Fruits achenes; conical or turbinate; coriaceous (Figures 23.14 and 23.15). alkaline soils

Distribution and Habitat—Sarcobatus vermiculatus is quite tolerant of highly alkaline soils and high water tables. It occurs in the semiarid valleys of the Intermountain West (Figure 23.16).

reasonable forage unless eaten in excessive amounts, mainly sheep, cattle less risk

Disease Problems—Browsed extensively by sheep, the foliage of Sarcobatus has a salty, alkaline taste but without acidity (Couch 1922). It is typically eaten without problem. In the early 1900s it was the cause of extensive losses of sheep and sometimes cattle; for example, one episode involved the overnight deaths of 1000 of 1700 hungry sheep feeding exclusively on it (Marsh et al. 1923; Sampson and Malmsten 1942; Hershey 1945). Losses typically occur when animals that are very hungry and

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

microscopic: dilation






Pathology—Grossly, the kidneys are pale and swollen, and there is excess fluid in the body cavities. There may also be edema of the abdominal viscera as well as pulmonary congestion and edema. Microscopically, renal tubular dilation and flattened necrotic tubular epithelium are seen. In addition to numerous oxalate crystals in the tubules, crystals may also be seen in the walls of small arteries in the rumen and less often in the brain.

parenteral calcium, response variable Figure 23.16.

Distribution of Sarcobatus vermiculatus.

thirsty eat large amounts of Sarcobatus quickly, conditions similar to those that favor Halogeton intoxication (Fleming et al. 1928). About 1.5% b.w. is toxic if eaten quickly (Marsh et al. 1923). Fleming and coworkers (1928) found that when Sarcobatus was eaten exclusively, it was a problem, but when mixed with other forages, it was not. Even amounts up to 1.8 kg/45 kg b.w. were not a problem if given with other forage, but 2.5 kg/45 kg was lethal.


administration of parenteral calcium solutions may result in relief of many of the signs, and animals may become ambulatory within a few hours. Relapses occur, and animals may eventually die of neurologic effects and renal failure.

SUCKLEYA A.GRAY Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus,

soluble oxalates, neutral sodium and potassium salts

Suckleya is native to North America (Gelin 2003). The following is the single species: S. suckleyana (Torr.) Rydb.

Disease Genesis—Sarcobatus contains a mixture of neutral sodium and potassium oxalates—about 10–15% d.w. in leaves and smaller amounts in the stems and fruits (Couch 1922; Fleming et al. 1928). In exceptional cases oxalate concentrations may exceed 20% d.w. (Willson 1934). Oxalate concentrations reach a peak in early fall (Fleming et al. 1928). Aqueous extracts of the plant containing 40% oxalates, when given to a sheep, produced the same signs seen when the plant is eaten. Neither saponins nor cyanide were found in the species (Couch 1922).

abrupt onset; depression, weakness, labored respiration, prostration, seizures, coma

Clinical Signs—The signs appear abruptly a few hours after consumption, and animals may die within 12 hours. Signs progress from depression, weakness, weak pulse, and labored respiration to prostration, coma, and death in a few hours.

poison suckleya

annual fleshy herbs, often reddish; leaves alternate; imperfect flowers in axillary glomerules

Plants fleshy herbs; annuals; monoecious. Stems prostrate or ascending; 10–50 cm long; freely branched; terete; glabrous or farinose; often reddish. Leaves alternate; cauline; petiolate; blades orbicular to rhombic ovate; surfaces farinose when young, then glabrous; apices rounded; margins repand dentate. Inflorescences glomerules in axils of leaves. Flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate different; perianths in 1-series or absent. Staminate Flowers borne in upper leaf axils; bracts absent; calyces subglobose, 3 or 4 parted, 2 sepals larger and spathulate; stamens 3 or 4. Pistillate Flowers borne in lower leaf axils; bracts 2, conduplicate, ovate rhombic, fused below; sepals absent or reduced; styles 2. Fruits utricles; enclosed by bracts; compressed; pericarps free from seeds (Figures 23.17 and 23.18).


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 23.17.

Photo of Suckleya suckleyana.

Figure 23.19.

Distribution of Suckleya suckleyana.

in years when dense stands of plants are established around the edges of shallow stock ponds as the water slowly recedes. If livestock are allowed access to these areas, they may consume sufficient plants to cause intoxication, especially in years of limited forage due to drought or grasshopper invasion and predation (Berry and Gonzales 1986). However, in most instances there is little risk that significant problems will occur.

cyanogenic glycosides, dhurrin; risk highest in September and October

Disease Genesis—The acute onset of signs is due to the Figure 23.18. Kelly Allred.

Photo of Suckleya suckleyana. Courtesy of

edge of water; shallow ponds, lakes, water tanks

Distribution and Habitat—Suckleya is distributed primarily on the eastern front of the Rocky Mountains (Chu et al. 1991). Although not common, it may form dense populations in low areas such as around shallow ponds, dry lake beds, edges of lakes, and water tanks (Figure 23.19). abrupt onset; acute illness, death quickly; risk is generally low most years

Disease Problems—Suckleya suckleyana is of only minor toxicologic importance; only sporadically does it cause deaths in sheep and cattle. Episodes typically occur

presence of the cyanogenic diglucoside dhurrin in the foliage (Nahrstedt et al. 1993). The rapidity of generation of hydrogen cyanide from the foliage indicates the presence of a β-glucosidase as well. The cyanogenic potential is usually less than 100 ppm but in some situations may be in excess of 400 ppm, especially in September and October. Such levels are clearly hazardous, because greater than 200 ppm is considered to be the “break” for toxicity due to cyanogenic glycosides (Hindmarsh 1930; Thorp et al. 1937; Barr et al. 1939; Hershey 1945). Experimentally, intoxications occurred when sheep or cattle were dosed orally with chopped plants containing 364 ppm HCN potential but not with plants containing 110 ppm (Thorp and Deem 1939). The risk of intoxications seems to be increased if animals drink shortly before or after ingestion of the plant (Stout 1939) (Figure 23.20).

abrupt onset; distress, rapid respiration, ataxia, collapse, seizures; death quickly

Chenopodiaceae Vent.

Figure 23.20.

Chemical structure of dhurrin.

Clinical Signs—There is peracute onset of distress, muscular twitching, ataxia, licking of the lips, urine dribbling, staggering, and then collapse. Initially the respiratory rate increases, but within a few minutes it becomes slow and labored. The heart rate becomes rapid and irregular. When the animal is down, there are tonic seizures with leg paddling, the head held back, and death typically in a few minutes.

no lesions, plants in rumen

Pathology—There are no distinctive changes. For the most part the changes are limited to congestion of the abdominal viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages. The stems and leaves are readily identifiable when the rumen contents are examined postmortem.


annuals or perennials, herbs or shrubs, and monoecious or dioecious. The herbage of many is typically white or silvery gray due to matted bladderlike hairs. The foliage of other species may be mealy as is characteristic of many members of the family. The simple leaves are generally persistent and alternate to opposite. The somewhat inconspicuous flowers are borne in axillary glomerules or in terminal spikes or spicate panicles. The ebracteate staminate flowers have a 3- to 5-parted perianth and 3–5 stamens, whereas the pistillate flowers lack a perianth but are commonly enclosed by 2 foliaceous bracteoles that enlarge in fruit. Tolerant of high salt and alkaline content, Atriplex includes many desert, saltmarsh, and seashore species. In North America, greatest species diversity is in the western half of the continent, with some species being quite common, for example, A. confertifolia is one of the dominants of the shadscale community in the Intermountain or Great Basin Desert (Vankat 1992). Numerous species are edible; perhaps the best known is A. hortensis L., commonly known as red orache or mountain spinach (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Native Americans consumed 19 western species (Moerman 1998). Plants of the genus are also consumed by livestock, especially sheep, and are of value because of their high protein content and vitamin E levels (Al-Charchafchi 2001; Pearce and Jacob 2004; Sameni and Soleimani 2007). accumulates oxalate, selenium, sulfur; normally low risk

sodium thiosulfate, with or without sodium nitrite

Treatment—The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dosage of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite i.v., at a dosage of 10 mg/kg b.w., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment. A complete discussion of cyanogenesis and its treatment is presented in the treatment of Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Atriplex L. Typically known as saltbush because many of its species are halophytes, Atriplex is a cosmopolitan genus of about 250 morphologically diverse species of which 62 occur in North America (Welsh 2003). Plants of the genus are

Although normally not posing a threat to grazing animals, Atriplex does accumulate oxalate, selenium, and sulfur. Accumulation of oxalate and the disease produced is essentially the same as for other genera in the family (Mathams and Sutherland 1952). Based on studies of A. canescens (four-wing saltbush), selenium is accumulated primarily as selenate (Trelease and Beath 1949; Davis 1972). Species differ in the levels accumulated; for example, A. canescens accumulated 100–200 ppm, whereas A. argentea (silverscale saltbush), A. confertifolia (shadscale), and A. pabularis generally accumulated less than 50 ppm even on soils high in selenium (Trelease and Beath 1949; Davis 1972). Sulfur accumulation by Atriplex does not appear to be a risk unless large amounts of plants are eaten for a week or more (Thomas et al. 1950; Mayland and Robbins 1994).

Monolepis Schrad. Comprising 5 or 6 species in both the Old and New World, Monolepis is represented in western North


Toxic Plants of North America

America by 2 species of which only 1 may represent a problem (Holmgren 2003; Mabberley 2008). Commonly known as povertyweed or patata, M. nuttalliana (Schult.) Greene occurs in a variety of habitats from Alaska to northern Mexico throughout the West. It is a weed in disturbed soils in the Midwest. It is a fleshy, herbaceous, prostrate to ascending, much branched annual from a taproot. Its alternate leaves are short petiolate or subsessile and have lanceolate to triangular blades with a pair of divergent lobes toward the base. Clustered in the axils of the uppermost leaves, the perfect or pistillate flowers have 1 sepal, 1 stamen, and a 2-styled ovary. The utricles are ovoid and compressed, and their pericarps are pitted at maturity. possible nitrate accumulator Sometimes forming rather dense populations in disturbed soils, M. nuttalliana may contain up to 4.2% nitrate salts. Heretofore, it has not been a problem for livestock (Schmutz et al. 1968).

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Convolvulaceae Juss.

Morning Glory Family Convolvulus Ipomoea Questionable Cuscuta

Nearly cosmopolitan in distribution, but most abundant in tropical and subtropical regions, the Convolvulaceae, or morning glory family, comprises 52–56 genera and 1650–1840 species (Staples and Brummitt 2007; Mabberley 2008). It is economically quite important because sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), with hundreds of cultivars and an important staple in the tropics, is a member. The family is also noted for ornamentals, such as morning glory, wood rose, moonflower, and cypress vine, and for noxious weeds, in particular the bindweeds. In North America, approximately 17 genera and 140 species, both native and introduced, are present. Intoxication problems are associated with 3 genera.

herbs or vines; corollas funnelform, campanulate, salverform, or rotate; petals 5, fused, white or shade of blue, purple, pink, or red; fruits capsules

Plants herbaceous vines climbing by twining or herbs; annuals or perennials. Root Systems fibrous or with a central taproot; often fleshy. Stems typically climbing or trailing or occasionally ascending to erect. Leaves simple or palmately compound; alternate; petiolate or sessile; blades of various shapes, but typically cordate; venation pinnate or palmate; margins entire or sinuate or pinnately cleft or palmately lobed; leaflets of compound leaves 3–7; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or simple or compound cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts present, typically paired, sometimes forming an involucre. Flowers

perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; free or fused. Corollas radially symmetrical; funnelform or campanulate or salverform or rotate; convolute in bud. Petals 5; fused; white to shades of blue or purple or pink or red, colors often darker at bases or apices. Stamens 5; didynamous; exserted beyond or included within corollas. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2 or rarely 3–5; stigmas 1 or 2 or rarely 3–5, not lobed or 2-lobed, capitate or linear; styles 1 or 2 or rarely 3–5; ovaries superior; locules 2; placentation axile or basal. Fruits capsules; dehiscent or occasionally indehiscent; valvate. Seeds 1–4 or rarely 6 or 10. seeds well known for hallucinogenic activity; emerging interest as source of calystegins Heretofore, the Convolvulaceae has been known primarily for the hallucinogenic effects of the seeds of some species of Ipomoea. However, Convolvulus, containing different toxicants, is toxic as well. In addition, there is increasing interest in a new class of alkaloids known as the calystegins. These compounds, initially isolated from species of Calystegia, such as C. sepium (hedge bindweed), are present in other genera of the family (Tepfer et al. 1988). Also present in taxa of the Solanaceae and suspected as a possible cause of crazy cow syndrome (Molyneux et al. 1994), they have not yet been shown to cause disease problems in the Convolvulaceae.

CONVOLVULUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as bindweed because of the tendency of its twining stems to form tangles around other plants or vertical supports, Convolvulus comprises 200–250 species. Its name comes from the Latin convolvere, meaning “to twine” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Taxonomists differ in their opinion as to whether it should be broadly or narrowly circumscribed. Some include the genera Calystegia and

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Jacquemontia, while others keep the 3 taxa separate, an interpretation followed in this treatise. Because of this difference in opinion, some commonly encountered species have two technical names. For example, hedge bindweed may be Convolvulus sepium in one reference and Calystegia sepium in another. Many species of Convolvulus are showy ornamentals and others noxious weeds. Of the 8 native and introduced species in North America, only 1 is of toxicologic concern: C. arvensis L.

bindweed, European bindweed, obsession vine, field bindweed, binweed

perennial climbing or trailing vines; leaves simple; flowers showy; petals white or pink

Plants herbaceous vines; perennials; from deep taproots and spreading rhizomes. Stems trailing or climbing; up to 150 cm long. Leaves simple; petiolate; blades sagittate or hastate; margins entire or undulate; bases truncate or cordate. Inflorescences of 1–3 flowers borne at ends of elongate axillary peduncles. Flowers showy; funnelform or campanulate. Sepals fused. Petals white or pink. Pistils 1; stigmas 2-lobed, linear; styles 1; locules 2. Capsules ovoid to globose; valves 2–4. Seeds usually 4; ovoid; glabrous (Figures 24.1 and 24.2).

introduced; aggressive weed across continent

Figure 24.1.

Line drawing of Convolvulus arvensis.

Figure 24.2.

Photo of Convolvulus arvensis.

Distribution and Habitat—A native of Europe, C. arvensis is now an aggressive weed in cultivated fields, along roadsides, and in waste places throughout much of North America. Often forming tangled mats in grain fields, it can clog harvesting equipment and easily fulfill the expectations suggested by its common names.

seeds and foliage; mild digestive disturbance; possible neurologic effects

Disease Problems—Species of Convolvulus are not generally a problem, although the tangled mats of the stems of weedy species such as C. arvensis have been considered capable of causing a tangled obstructive mass in the digestive tract of ruminants. Occasionally ingestion of the whole plant causes problems. The roots are irritant laxatives and also have diuretic action (Millspaugh 1974). Seeds and foliage also have purgative activity (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Whole plants of C. arvensis, fed to mice as 100% of their diet for 4 days, produced excitement initially and then depression a few hours or a day later (Schultheiss et al. 1995). Residual effects persisted for 1 day after animals were returned to the control diet. In other studies, mice fed C. arvensis for several days developed ulcerative gastritis and or focal hepatic necrosis, whereas effects in rats were limited to a decrease in hepatic protein concentration and phase 1 drug metabolizing enzymes (Todd et al. 1995; Al-Bowait et al. 2006). The species was also suspected in a disease problem in horses with weight loss and colic apparently related to severe small intestinal fibrosis (Todd et al. 1995). digestive disturbance; resinoid? And possibly tropane alkaloids

Convolvulaceae Juss.

Disease Genesis—The purgative action of C. arvensis is reported to be due to a resinoid, convolvulin (Millspaugh 1974). However, some ulcerative effects on the digestive tract seen experimentally in mice are suggested to be due to anticholinergic effects of tropane alkaloids (Schultheiss et al. 1995). Tropane alkaloids identified in C. arvensis include pseudotropine and trace amounts tropine, tropinone, and others (Todd et al. 1995).

possible involvement of calystegins, significance unknown

It is of interest that although the species has not been associated with cerebellar disease, potent inhibitors of lysosomal carbohydrate metabolism have been isolated from roots (Tepfer et al. 1988; Molyneux et al. 1993). These compounds, calystegins A and B, also isolated from Solanum dimidiatum as a possible cause of crazy cow syndrome, are potent competitive inhibitors of βglucosidase and α-galactosidase. They act in a manner somewhat analogous to swainsonine in locoweed species of Astragalus (see Chapter 35) (Molyneux et al. 1994). As a cause of disease, plant ingestion for a prolonged period would be necessary.

IPOMOEA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A large and variable genus most abundant in tropical and subtropical regions, Ipomoea, commonly called morning glory, comprises 600–700 species (Austin and Huaman 1996). Its name comes from the Greek roots ips and homoios, meaning “worm” and “resembling,” respectively, an obvious allusion to the appearance of the stems (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Some taxonomists have attempted to divide it into 6–10 genera, but the taxa are essentially indistinguishable, and such a classification is impractical. The genus is valued for food, as ornamentals, and as soil binders. The large tubers of I. batatas (sweet potato) and several other species are an important carbohydrate source in the tropics. Prized for their showy flowers, several species with numerous cultivars are popular ornamentals and frequently used to hide or disguise the appearance of walls, fences, or dilapidated buildings. In North America, approximately 75 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Of toxicologic concern are the following: I. arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl ex Willd.) G.Don I. batatas (L.) Lam. I. carnea Jacq.

diarrhea, colic

Clinical Signs—Livestock grazing extensively on foliage of C. arvensis may develop manifestations indicative of changes in the digestive tract. With small to moderate amounts, diarrhea is likely, whereas with large amounts stomach and intestinal motility may decrease, especially in horses. Secondary ulcerative lesions may be present, as indicated by experiments in mice (Schultheiss et al. 1995).

mild reddening of gut mucosa; treatment not needed

Pathology and Treatment—Experimentally in mice, the lesions included dehydration; reddening of the stomach mucosa, with erosions and ulcerations; and some accumulation of fluid and gas in the small intestine. There were also multiple foci of liver necrosis. Because intoxication with this genus has not been a problem, specific treatments have not been reported. Relief of the main symptoms is indicated, whether diarrhea or decreased digestive tract motility.


(= I. fistulosa Mart.) (= I. crassicaulis [Benth.] B.L.Rob.) I. hederacea Jacq. I. pes-caprae (L.) R.Br.

(= I. brasiliensis [L.] Sweet) I. tricolor Cav. (= I. violacea L. in part)

tree morning glory, palo blanco sweet potato gloria de manana, pink morning glory, hierba de la India, shrubby morning glory, baros, palo santo de castilla

ivy-leaved morning glory beach morning glory, railroad vine, pata de vaca, goatsfoot morning glory, bay hops, soil morning glory, hierba de la raya numerous named varieties

Although the binomial I. violacea appears in some toxicological reports, the plants are actually I. tricolor. Ipomoea violacea is a name of disputed application and has been applied to plants of both I. tricolor, native to Mexico, and I. tuba, a species of the West Indies and the coastal United States.

herbs, vines, shrubs, small trees; flowers showy, usually large; capsules ovoid to globose


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems—Although Ipomoea is perhaps best known toxicologically for the hallucinogenic effects associated with consumption of seeds of some species, it is associated with three different disease syndromes— digestive, neurologic, and respiratory. Aspects of each of these problems are discussed separately in the following subsections. In addition to these three problems, there is the possibility of reproductive effects which have not yet been extensively investigated. However, studies in rats with I. carnea indicate possible effects on placental structure and function (Lippi et al. 2011).

Digestive Tract Effects some species; root and foliage; mild digestive disturbance, cause unknown

Figure 24.3.

Line drawing of Ipomoea hederacea.

Plants herbaceous vines or herbs or shrubs or small trees; annuals or perennials; sap sometimes milky. Stems climbing or prostrate to erect. Leaves simple or palmately compound; sessile or long petiolate; blades of various shapes; margins entire or toothed or lobed. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes; terminal or axillary. Flowers showy; usually large; salverform to funnelform or campanulate. Sepals imbricate, often unequal. Petals of various colors. Pistils 1; stigmas 2- or 3-lobed or capitate; styles 1; locules 1–4. Capsules ovoid to globose; valves 2–4. Seeds 1–4 or rarely 6; tan or brown to black; glabrous or tomentose (Figure 24.3). variety of habitats and vegetation types; many introduced ornamentals

Distribution and Habitat—With greatest diversity in the Americas (Austin and Huaman 1996), species of Ipomoea occupy a variety of habitats and vegetation types. Many are weedy and some are classified as noxious weeds by federal and state agencies. Ipomoea batatas, I. carnea, and I. pes-caprae are pantropical in distribution. Ipomoea tricolor and I. arborescens are native to Mexico and Central America. Ipomoea hederacea occurs from the eastern United States to Argentina.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Both the root and foliage of I. pes-caprae are reported to be purgatives (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Also considered toxic is I. arborescens (Standley 1926). However, many Ipomoea species are not toxic. For example, the large tuberous root of I. leptophylla (bush morning glory), the state flower of Montana, is reported to be sweet and crisp but tender whether eaten raw, boiled, or roasted (Ebeling 1986). The fruit of I. arborescens and leaves of I. purpurea are also eaten without harm. In contrast to the relatively low toxicity of leaves of North American species of Ipomoea, foliage of I. carnea is described as a cause of severe anemia and degeneration of multiple organs in livestock in North Africa. Necroses of livers and kidneys were especially notable after repeated dosage of leaves to sheep and goats (Damir et al. 1987). diarrhea

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—In the rare instance of intoxication due to ingestion of foliage, diarrhea is the most likely adverse effect. Ingestion of seeds by animals in quantities sufficient to cause adverse effects is unlikely. Such an intoxication would not be fatal, and treatment is not generally required.

Neurologic Effects humans: seeds long used in rituals, hallucinogenic

3 Disease Problems digestive disturbance neurologic effects respiratory distress

laboratory animals: large amounts, excitement; smaller amounts long term, diarrhea, weight loss, death

Convolvulaceae Juss.

Disease Problems—Two different types of neurologic disease are associated with species of Ipomoea, a hallucinogenic problem in humans associated with seeds and a neurologic/systemic problem in livestock from continued ingestion of the plant itself. Seeds of Ipomoea are of primary toxicologic concern whether consumed in single large or multiple lower dosages. They produce both neurologic and purgative effects (O’Leary 1964) and have been used ritualistically for centuries by the Native Americans of Mexico (Schultes 1969; Diaz 1977). Ololiuqui, which is obtained from the seeds of Rivea corymbosa, another member of the family, was the primary hallucinogen, but seeds of I. tricolor (including I. violacea) were used as well. They continue to be acclaimed and used as a hallucinogen in some communities. With respect to potency of the toxic varieties in humans, 20–50 seeds are considered a low dose, 100– 150 seeds a medium dose, and 200–500 seeds a high dose (Der Marderosian 1967). The effects can be devastating in some instances, as exemplified by a case in which a young man suffered repeated bizarre experiences after chewing 300 seeds of the variety “Heavenly Blue” and eventually committed suicide by intentionally crashing his car (Cohen 1964). Acute intoxication in mice is clearly neurologic and causes central excitation and motor dysfunction (Rice and Genest 1965). In contrast, long-term administration produces digestive rather than neurologic effects. A mixture of I. hederacea and I. lacunosa seeds fed to rats at 8% of the diet for 90 days caused a marked increase in mortality, diarrhea, lethargy, rough hair coat, and weight loss, but no distinctive changes in serum chemistry. The effects of 0.8% in the diet were minimal and those of 2.53% were perhaps marginal (Dugan and Gumbmann 1990). The large dosage required indicates that feeding grain contaminated with Ipomoea seeds is unlikely to cause intoxication in livestock. Continued ingestion of I. carnea and other species in South America, Africa, and Australia has been associated with neurologic manifestations typical of locoism from Astragalus (Fabaceae, Chapter 37) (Gardiner et al. 1965; de Balogh et al. 1999; Rodriguez-Armesto et al. 2004; Barbosa et al. 2006; Antoniassi et al. 2007; Armien et al. 2007; Oliveira et al. 2009). Most cases involve goats possibly because they may be more prone to eat the plants; however, sheep, cattle and buffalo also are at risk. In some cases the effects appear to be reversible. Risk is greatest during or following dry periods. The disease, with typical lesions, has been reproduced experimentally in sheep, goats, guinea pigs and rats (Gardiner et al. 1965; Hueza et al. 2003; Schumaher-Henrique et al. 2003; RodriguezArmesto et al. 2004; Barbosa et al. 2007; Rios et al. 2007, 2009; Araujo et al. 2008; Cholich et al. 2009). There are


significant effects on the cerebellum and many other organs. ergot-type neurotoxic indole alkaloids, lysergamide, elymoclavine, chanoclavine

Disease Genesis—The effects of ingestion of seeds are due to the presence of ergot-type indole alkaloids similar to those produced by members of the fungal family Clavicipitaceae (see Poaceae, Chapter 58). Co-occurrence of ergot or ergoline alkaloids (including ergovaline) with Clavicipitaceous fungi has now been shown for several members of the genus, I. violacea seeds and I. asarifolia (ginger-leaf morning glory of Florida) leaf buds (AhimsaMuller et al. 2007; Markert et al. 2008). In addition, another member of the Convolvulaceae, Turbina corymbosa (Christmas vine of Texas and the Gulf Coast to Florida), also has both alkaloids and fungi present. The fungi, not identical among plants but closely related, are endophytic in A. violacea and epibiotic in I. asarifolia and T. corymbosa. Those in the latter instance are visible as white layers on leaves. In this unique situation, the fungi occur on the leaf surface but the alkaloids are present within plant tissues (Ahimsa-Muller et al. 2007), thus suggesting the presence of a translocation system for transporting the alkaloids into the plant where they may serve a beneficial role for the plant in a mutualistic relationship (Markert et al. 2008). In seeds of I. tricolor, the compounds are primarily lysergic acid amide (ergine), isolysergic acid amide (isoergine), and chanoclavine (Hofmann and Tscherter 1960). Additional alkaloids found in seeds of other toxic species of Ipomoea include tryptophan, elymoclavine, penniclavine, ergometrine, and ergometrinine (Taber et al. 1963). The array of alkaloids is often greater in those species or varieties with higher total alkaloid content (Witters 1975). Neurotoxic varieties of I. tricolor such as “Pearly Gates” not only have higher concentrations of alkaloids but also the toxic dosage is lower than those with smaller amounts of alkaloids (Rice and Genest 1965). The effects are quite similar to those caused by pure LSD. The alkaloids are heat labile, and when they are baked for an hour at 121°C, losses may be 25–40% when mixed with wheat flour or up to 70% when alone (Friedman and Dao 1990). A complete discussion of the structural differences and effects of these various alkaloids is presented in the treatment of Festuca in the Poaceae (see Chapter 58) (Figure 24.4). Some species of Ipomoea have relatively low alkaloid content (Table 24.1), albeit there can be considerable variation among varieties of a species. Even though alkaloid content is low, this does not mean a lack of risk. Although both I. hederacea and I. lacunosa have low


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 24.4. amide).

Chemical structure of lysergamide (lysergic acid

Table 24.1. Species of Ipomoea with low total or hallucinatory alkaloid content. I. alba I. coccinea I. hederacea I. hederifolia I. lacunosa I. nil I. purpurea I. quamoclit I. ×sloteri I. trichocarpa I. wrightii

moonvine red morning glory ivy-leaved morning glory Texas red morning glory pitted morning glory Scarlett O’Hara tall morning glory cypress vine morning glory cardinal climber cotton morning glory palm leaf morning glory

Sources: Genest and Sahasrabudhe (1966) and Wilkinson et al. (1986, 1987).

alkaloid content, they are capable of causing intoxication when consumed long term as demonstrated in mice (Dugan and Gumbmann 1990). In addition, the array of compounds in a low-alkaloid species may be such that some of the more toxic alkaloids may be present in concentrations similar to those in toxic varieties. Such is the case with ergonovine, which in some instances is in concentrations in wild species equivalent to those in the “Heavenly Blue” variety of I. tricolor (Wilkinson et al. 1986). This may be significant because of the uterine stimulant effects of ergonovine. Some of the more toxic horticultural varieties of I. tricolor are “Heavenly Blue,” “Pearly Gates,” “Summer Skies,” “Blue Star,” “Flying Saucers,” and “Wedding Bells” (Der Marderosian 1967). These varieties differ from one another mainly in flower color. Conversely, varieties of other species low in alkaloid content include “Candy Pink,” “Crimson Rambler,” “Darling,” “Early Call,” “Giant,” “Imperialis,” “Imperialis Mixed,” “O’Hara,” “Royal Marine,” and “Scarlett O’Hara” (Der Marderosian 1967; Friedman et al. 1989). some Old World species; swainsonine, calystegins

A number of Old World species of Ipomoea contain significant levels of swainsonine, the α-mannosidase inhibitor present in locoweed species of Astragalus in the Fabaceae (Molyneux et al. 1994, 1995; Srilatha et al. 1997; de Balogh et al. 1998). However, while fungal endophytes have not yet been incriminated, they are likely to be the source of the toxicant as they are in Astragalus. Regardless of origin, the locoism-type effects produced by plants of Ipomoea in livestock can be ascribed to swainsonine (Ikeda et al. 2003; Stegelmeier et al. 2008). These effects are neurotoxic with signs such as ataxia, tremors, nystagmus, aimless walking, awkward stiff posture, and perhaps paralysis. The main pathologic lesions— degeneration and loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and less prominent cytoplasmic vacuolation-type degenerative lesions in the cerebrum, spinal cord, liver, and kidneys—are consistent with a lysosomal storage disease as may be expected with swainsonine from Astragalus (Molyneux et al. 1995; Srilatha et al. 1997; de Balogh et al. 1998). As may be expected from studies with Astragalus, a study in rats shows that the toxins of I. carnea are passed across the placenta and via milk (Hueza et al. 2007). Results of studies on the immunomodulatory effects are not clear and there may be an interaction between swainsonine and the calystegins also present (Latorre et al. 2007) (Figure 24.5). North American species of Ipomoea do not appear to present a significant risk to livestock. However, if swainsonine is truly a fungal associated toxin as appears with Astragalus, a fungal–toxin relationship with tropical species of Ipomoea may be logical and further opens the possible question of intoxication potential for other species and/or locations of the genus. These Old World species of Ipomoea also produce calystegins similar to those described in Convolvulus arvensis and isolated from Solanum dimidiatum (Dorling et al. 2001; Haraguchi et al. 2003; Barbosa et al. 2006, 2007; Cholich et al. 2007, 2009). These alkaloids are potent competitive inhibitors of β-glucosidase and α-galactosidase (Molyneux et al. 1994, 1995; Srilatha et al. 1997; de Balogh et al. 1998; Drager 2004).

humans: seeds; auditory and visual distortion, mood elevation, nausea, sluggishness

Figure 24.5.

Chemical structure of swainsonine.

Convolvulaceae Juss.

Clinical Signs—Because animal consumption of seeds in high dosage is unlikely and alkaloid levels are typically too low in foliage to cause neurotoxicity, clinical signs are not seen. Human consumption of seeds is generally intentional. Ingestion of low dosage of seeds of hallucinogenic species causes slight increases in awareness and other sensory effects without visual distortion. Medium dosage results in auditory and visual hallucinations with intense and/or distorted imagery and mood elevation. High dosage causes similar but more sustained effects and supposedly increased philosophical insight. Side effects include nausea, sluggishness, and coldness of extremities.

effects transient; nursing care

Pathology and Treatment—Neurologic effects produced by Ipomoea are not lethal, except for accidental death resulting from the individual’s behavior while hallucinating. Treatment is directed toward relief of neurologic signs.

Respiratory Effects


Disease Genesis—The respiratory syndrome is associated with a lung edema factor produced when sweet potatoes are infected with a mold such as Fusarium solani (Wilson et al. 1971; Peckham et al. 1972). The cause is a series of furanoterpenoids, mainly 4-ipomeonol (Wilson et al. 1970; Boyd and Wilson 1972; Boyd et al. 1974, 1975; Wilson and Burka 1983). In the infected tuber, ipomeamarone, a stress metabolite or phytoallexin, is formed initially by the tuber in the presence of the fungus. Ipomeamarone, which is hepatotoxic, is then biotransformed by the fungus to the pneumotoxic ipomeanol. Bioactivation of 4-ipomeanol, primarily in Clara cells and macrophages of the lung rather than in cells in the liver, results in formation of reactive metabolite intermediates (Boyd 1977). These reactive metabolites bind to proteins in the lungs and cause tissue destruction, especially of type I pneumocytes and epithelial cells (Boyd and Burka 1978). Under the stimulus of factors released by macrophages, type II pneumocytes proliferate to replace lost type I cells and in the process cause formation of foci with massive increase in cellularity. The disease and its pathophysiology are similar to those caused by Perilla ketone and 3-methylindole (Slaughter et al. 1983). An apparently identical disease is seen with scarlet runner beans infected with Fusarium semitectum (Linnabary and Tarrier 1988) (Figure 24.6).

livestock, especially cattle: acute respiratory distress, mold-damaged sweet potatoes

severe respiratory distress, open-mouthed breathing, head extended, often fatal

Disease Problems—A respiratory disease associated

Clinical Signs—Ingestion of mold-damaged sweet potatoes results in abrupt onset of labored, open-mouthed,

with rotten sweet potatoes has been recognized in the southeastern United States since the early 1900s (Hansen 1928), when it was common practice, especially in spring, to feed spoiled tubers to livestock. The disease also has been observed in other areas of the world (Hill and Wright 1992; Medeiros et al. 2001; Mawhinney et al. 2009). When ingested by cattle, mold-damaged sweet potatoes cause an acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) identical to that produced by Perilla frutescens in the Lamiaceae and by other forages such as rape, kale, grasses, and legumes (Hansen 1928; Monlux et al. 1953; Peckham et al. 1972). The disease is abrupt in onset and often fatal. Cattle are most commonly affected, but other livestock are also susceptible. A complete discussion of this disease is presented in the treatment of the Poaceae (see Chapter 58) and the treatment of Perilla frutescens (see Chapter 44).

furanoterpenoids, 4-ipomeonol, metabolized in lungs to destructive toxicants

Figure 24.6. Chemical structure of furanoterpenoid and pathway to toxic metabolite.


Toxic Plants of North America

head-extended respiration, with foamy saliva stringing from the mouth. Distress is obvious, and animals may become difficult to handle and are sometimes belligerent. Death often occurs within a few days after onset of signs. gross pathology: lungs heavy, wet, rubbery, distended; edema, frothy exudate in airways; liver pale, friable, mottled

Pathology—Death due to respiratory distress is associated with distended lungs that fail to collapse on opening of the chest and exhibit areas of firmness and froth-filled airways. The interlobular septa and subpleura may be distended with fluid or gelatinous edema and air bubbles. Cut surfaces will ooze fluid and reveal patchy marbled areas of firm and reddened lobules with prominent edema fluid in connective tissue and septa. microscopic: alveoli filled with serous exudate, edema, and air pockets in interlobular septa; alveolar epithelialization Microscopically, alveolar epithelialization and macrophage accumulation and hyaline membrane formation are typical. These conditions will be shown by alveoli lined by basophilic type II pneumocytes with numerous mitotic figures and thickened septal walls containing infiltrative mononuclear cells. The alveolar lumens will be filled with fibrinous exudate. avoid stress

Treatment—Severity of the respiratory distress may suggest therapeutic intervention with atropine or bronchodilators. It is important to avoid stressing animals when handling them.

GENUS WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Cuscuta L. Known by a variety of common names, including dodder, strangle vine, love vine, witches’ shoelaces, devil’s gut, or angel’s hair, Cuscuta, with about 145 species, is cosmopolitan in distribution but with greatest diversity in the New World (Mabberley 2008). Approximately 50 native and introduced species are present in North America (USDA, NRCS 2012). Because of its parasitic habit, the genus has been classified in its own family, the

Cuscutaceae by various taxonomists; however, molecular phylogenetic analyses support its inclusion in the Convolvulaceae (Stefanoviae et al. 2003). Members of Cuscuta are rootless, leafless parasites. They produce orange or white, sticky, filamentous stems that form tangled masses on and between their host plants. Seeds in the soil germinate to produce filaments that elongate until they come in contact with an appropriate host plant. The filaments coil tightly about the host stem and produce small extensions of tissue, interpreted to be haustoria, that penetrate host tissues and through which the dodder plant receives its nutrients. Proliferation of new filaments occurs, and eventually small, 5-merous flowers and capsules are produced. Species of the genus parasitize a wide range of woody and herbaceous taxa; some species are very host specific, whereas others are generalists. Representative species include C. pentagona Engelm. (field dodder), C. gronovii Willd. & Schult. (common dodder), C. indecora Choisy (collared dodder), and C. coryli (hazel dodder).

irritation of digestive tract; rarely liver disease and neurotoxicity

Some species of Cuscuta are suspected to cause purgative effects (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Cuscuta pentagona has been associated with severe digestive tract irritation when hay infested with up to 50% dodder was fed to cattle for a month (Movsesyan and Azaryan 1971). There were also signs of liver disease, which was substantiated by experiments in horses, cattle, and rabbits (Movsesyan and Azaryan 1973). Coupled with the appearance of neurologic signs, this suggests that hepatoencephalopathy may be a complicating factor. European species are also reputed to be neurotoxic when filaments are fresh, but not when dried (Bartik and Piskac 1981). Horses seem to be especially prone to digestive tract problems when fed substantial amounts of hay infested with Cuscuta (Pergat and Stolyarova 1961). If the range of toxic effects produced by Cuscuta seems to be unusually diverse, the cause may be due to the wide range of hosts parasitized by the genus. As with other parasitic plants, such as Phoradendron (mistletoe) in the Viscaceae, there seem to be significant differences in the chemical content of dodder plants depending on the host plant as indicated by the reaction of aphids feeding on Cuscuta filaments. When growing on host plants such as Allium or Amaranthus, Cuscuta becomes unsuitable for aphid growth (Harvey 1966). Species of Cuscuta seem to be particularly prone to accumulate alkaloids from a variety of host plants (Czygan et al. 1988). Although it is very unlikely for Cuscuta to be eaten in sufficient quantity

Convolvulaceae Juss.

to cause disease, hepatotoxic and neurotoxic effects are possible, depending on host plant alkaloids. The most likely signs are those related to digestive tract irritation, mainly diarrhea. Treatment should be directed toward relief of these effects.

REFERENCES Ahimsa-Muller MA, Markert A, Hellwig S, Knoop V, Steiner U, Drewke C, Leistner E. Clavicepitaceous fungi associated with ergoline alkaloid-containing Convolvulaceae. J Nat Prod 70;1955–1960, 2007. Al-Bowait ME, Barakat SEM, Al-Nazawi MH, Barri ME, Homeida AM. Effects of Convolvulus arvensis (binweed) on the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes in liver of rats. J Anim Vet Adv 5;729–731, 2006. Antoniassi NAB, Ferreira EV, Dos Santos CEP, de Arruda LP, Campos JLE, Nakazato L, Colodel EM. Spontaneous Ipomoea cornea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) poisoning of cattle in the Brazilian Pantanal. Pesqui Vet Bras 27;415–418, 2007. Araujo JAS, Riet-Correa F, Medeiros RMT, Soares MP, Oliveira DM, Carvalho FKL. Experimental poisoning by Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) in goats and sheep. Pesqui Vet Bras 28;488–494, 2008. Armien AG, Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Frese K. Spontaneous and experimental glycoprotein storage disease of goats induced by Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae). Vet Pathol 44;170–184, 2007. Austin DF, Huaman Z. A synopsis of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the Americas. Taxon 45;3–38, 1996. Barbosa RC, Gimeno EJ, Molyneux RJ, Gardner DR, Barros SS, Riet-Correa F, Medeiros RMT, Lima EF. Intoxication by Ipomoea sericophylla and Ipomoea riedelii in goats in the state of Paraiba, Northeastern Brazil. Toxicon 47;371–379, 2006. Barbosa RC, Riet-Correa F, Lima EF, Medeiros RMT, Guedes KMR, Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ, de Melo LEH. Experimental swainsonine poisoning in goats ingesting Ipomoea sericophylla and Ipomoea riedelii (Convolvulaceae). Pesqui Vet Bras 27;409–414, 2007. Bartik M, Piskac A. Veterinary Toxicology. Elsevier Scientific, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1981. Boyd MR. Evidence for the Clara cell as a site of cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidase activity in lung. Nature 269;713–715, 1977. Boyd MR, Burka LT. In vivo studies on the relationship between target organ alkylation and the pulmonary toxicity of a chemically reactive metabolite of 4-ipomeanol. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 207;687–697, 1978. Boyd MR, Wilson BJ. Isolation and characterization of 4ipomoenol, a lung-toxic furanoterpenoid produced by sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas). J Agric Food Chem 20;428–430, 1972. Boyd MR, Burka LT, Harris TM, Wilson BJ. Lung-toxic furanoterpenoids produced by sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) following microbial infection. Biochim Biophys Acta 337; 184–195, 1974. Boyd MR, Burka LT, Wilson BJ. Distribution, excretion, and binding of radioactivity in the rat after intraperitoneal


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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Coriariaceae DC.

Coriaria Family Coriaria A monogeneric family of warm-temperate regions, the Coriariaceae, or coriaria family, has been somewhat of a taxonomic enigma. Cronquist (1981) positioned it in the order Ranunculales and noted that in stem anatomy and seed coat morphology it somewhat resembled the Ranunculaceae, or buttercup family, while chemically it was like the Menispermaceae, or moonseed family. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses, it is now positioned in the order Cucurbitales by Bremer and coworkers (2009). The Coriariaceae also has an interesting, discontinuous geographical distribution; species are present in Central and South America, the western Mediterranean region, New Zealand, the Himalayan Mountains, eastern Asia, New Guinea, and Japan. The family is of little economic importance. Plants are rich in tannins and are used for curing leather and making indelible inks, and when crushed in water, the fruits of one species produce a fly poison. Plants of several species are planted as ornamentals. herbs, shrubs, trees; leaves simple, opposit anthrone > anthraquinone, the last which has greater absorption and systemic availability (De Witte 1993). The myotoxins of Senna are water soluble, but they have not been completely identified (Graziano et al. 1983; Hebert et al. 1983). Some of the anthraquinones, such as emodin, inhibit electron transport in muscle mitochondria (Graziano et al. 1983; Lewis and Shibamoto 1989), possibly through oxygen radical formation catalyzed by the semiquinone in a manner akin to that proposed for adriamycin (Davies et al. 1983; Nohl and Jordan 1983). This is consistent with observations of O’Hara and Pierce (1974a,b) of muscle mitochondrial damage and possible uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in experimental intoxication with S. occidentalis. Similarly, chronic intoxication in chickens due to S. occidentalis results in degenerative myopathy (Calore et al. 1997). In 1-day-old chicks given a diet of 4% S. occidentalis seeds for 11 days, many mitochondria were enlarged, with disrupted cristae, and contained lamellar structures (Cavaliere et al. 1997). The degenerative process was considered to be secondary to


Toxic Plants of North America

energy deficits. In addition to mitochondrial myopathy, extensive axonal damage and secondary myelin degeneration of peripheral nerves have also been shown in chicks fed seeds of S. occidentalis (Calore et al. 1998). The myotoxins are passed via the placenta to the fetus as shown for rabbits where lesions in pups were similar to those of the mothers (Tasaka et al. 2004). Alternative reactants may be produced by hepatic hydroxylation of emodin at various ring sites to yield highly reactive mutagens, for example, 2-hydroxy-emodin (Tanaka et al. 1987). Extracts of S. obtusifolia are highly mutagenic, suggestive of carcinogenic potential (Friedman and Henika 1991). typically rapid appearance; diarrhea, straining; with continued ingestion, anorexia, depression, muscle weakness, recumbent; signs of cardiac insufficiency may occur; dark-colored urine due to myoglobin

Clinical Signs—Disease produced by sennas is characterized by early digestive dysfunction and later by progressive muscular weakness. By the second day of plant consumption, mild to moderate diarrhea may be seen. Although this may be accompanied by tenesmus and evidence of abdominal pain, it often goes unnoticed unless animals are being observed regularly and carefully. In many cases in cattle, the disease is not detected until weakness and/or recumbency are evident. Appetite is decreased and depression develops, and by the fourth or fifth day, animals are weak and reluctant to move. At this time, they exhibit muscle fasciculations, stumble as they walk, and are unable to support themselves when turned sharply. They become recumbent and may not be able to stand even with assistance. Because they are bright and alert and continue to eat somewhat and drink, they may be considered to be “downer cows” due to metabolic dysfunction. They may die within a few hours or live for several days. Cardiac and respiratory distress and myoglobinuria may also be apparent. Death seems almost inevitable when the disease progresses to the stage of recumbency, lasting for several days. In some cases, sufficient quantities of plant may be consumed to produce death more rapidly, and occasionally animals may be found dead without premonitory signs. Alternatively, ingestion of smaller amounts of plant may result in a delay for a week or more of onset of milder signs. During the period of muscle involvement, marked elevations of serum AST and CK are common. gross pathology: reddening of gut mucosa; skeletal muscle, pale streaks, stippling; cardiac muscle, flabby, pale streaks; mild pulmonary edema

Pathology—Grossly, there will be reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestines. Skeletal muscles will be pale, especially those of the pelvic limbs. The presence of pale streaks and transversely banded stippling of various muscles in the pelvic limbs intermixed with normal-appearing muscles is common. Cardiac muscle may be flabby and have pale streaks in addition to hemorrhages on heart surfaces and excess fluid in the pericardial sac. Pulmonary congestion and edema with excess pleural fluid are also common findings. There is often passive congestion of the liver.

microscopic: mild renal and hepatic lesions, muscle lesions

Microscopically, in muscle, there is swelling and vacuolation of the sarcoplasm with degeneration and rupture of sarcolemmal membranes; degenerative and apparently normal myofibers are intermixed. The extent of myocardial involvement varies, but it may be similar to that described for skeletal muscle. Mild centrilobular hepatocytic vacuolation with necrosis, mild renal tubular epithelial degeneration, and pulmonary congestion and edema are also seen frequently. Hepatic and renal lesions are probably secondary to myocardial insufficiency.

general nursing care

Treatment—This is primarily symptomatic to alleviate the cathartic effects. Animals removed from plants at the earliest indications of problems may not develop the subsequent and more serious muscular effects. Although the muscular degeneration is similar to that seen with white muscle disease, vitamin E/selenium therapy is contraindicated because in experimental cases it resulted in increased muscular damage and higher death rates (O’Hara et al. 1970).

SESBANIA SCOP. Taxonomy and Morphology—Present in both the Old and New World, Sesbania, a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, comprises about 60 species and, as presently circumscribed, includes the formerly recognized genera Glottidium, Daubentonia, Daubentoniopsis, and Agati (Polhill and Sousa 1981; Isely 1998; Lavin and Schrire 2005b; Mabberley 2008). The past differences in taxonomic opinion regarding the relationship of Sesbania and the monotypic Glottidium are especially important

Fabaceae Lindl.

because the binomials S. vesicaria and G. vesicarium both appear in the toxicological literature. In North America, 8 native and introduced species are present. Several species have well-recognized toxicity potential: S. drummondii (Rydb.) Cory (= Daubentonia drummondii Rydb.) S. punicea (Cav.) Benth. (= Daubentonia punicea[Cav.] DC.) S. vesicaria (Jacq.) Elliott (= Glottidium vesicarium[Jacq.] R.M.Harper)

poison bean, coffee-bean, rattlebush, rattlebox, false poinciana, Drummond rattlebush

purple sesban, purple rattlebox, daubentonia, false Poinciana


oblong to elliptic; cylindrical or compressed or inflated; sometimes 4-angled or 4-winged; transversely septate between seeds; pericarp not differentiated or in S. vesicaria differentiated into exocarp, which falls, and papery endocarp, which persists around the seeds. Seeds 1, 2, 5, or numerous; oblong, subquadrate, or reniform (Figures 35.133–35.138). The legumes of Sesbania typically remain on the plants in winter. Especially conspicuous are those of S. vesicaria. The intact, yellow legumes and the papery endocarps of the dehisced legumes persist on the tall, naked stems of the plants long after the leaves have fallen. Their

bagpod, bladderpod, coffeebean, coffeeweed, bagpod sesbania

Other species are of little potential for intoxication: S. emerus (Aubl.) Urb. S. herbacea (P.Mill.) McVaugh (= S. exaltata [Raf.] Rydb. ex A.W.Hill) (= S. macrocarpa Muhl. ex Raf.) S. grandiflora (L.) Poir.

(= Agati grandiflora [L.] Desv.) S. sericea (Willd.) Link S. sesban (L.) Merr.

coffeeweed bigpod sesbania, hemp sesbania, coffeeweed, bequilla, sesban

corkwood tree, parrot flower; scarlet wistaria tree, vegetable hummingbird

Figure 35.133.

Line drawing of Sesbania vesicaria.

Figure 35.134.

Photo of green plant of Sesbania vesicaria.


herbaceous or woody; leaves 1-pinnately compound, leaflets 20–70; racemes axillary; flowers papilionaceous; petals yellow or scarlet or purple or multicolored; legumes linear to oblong, compressed or inflated Plants annuals or perennials; herbs or subshrubs or shrubs or small trees up to 10 m tall; evergreen or deciduous. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; leaflets 20–70; terminal leaflet absent; blades oblong to elliptic; margins entire; bases typically asymmetrical; stipules subulate, caducous or persistent. Inflorescences axillary racemes; bracts and bracteoles caducous. Sepals 5; fused. Corollas papilionaceous. Petals 5; yellow or dull scarlet or purple or multicolored or white; clawed; banners orbicular, ovate, or obovate to reniform, spreading or reflexed, auriculate; wings oblong or linear, falcate, auriculate; keels curved, rounded, apex obtuse or occasionally acuminate. Stamens 10; diadelphous; enclosed in keels. Legumes linear or


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 35.135.

Figure 35.136.

Photo of dried plant of Sesbania vesicaria.

Photo of legumes of Sesbania vesicaria.

appearance has been poetically likened to watchmen with lanterns in the bleakness of the winterscape.

southern; wet or moist habitats

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Sesbania are widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. Plants grow both wild and cultivated, being used for ground cover, windbreaks, shade in coffee and tea plantations, ornamentals, fiber sources, forage, fodder, food, and medicine.

Figure 35.137.

Photo of Sesbania drummondii.

Figure 35.138.

Line drawing of Sesbania punicea.

In North America, the genus is encountered primarily in the southern quarter of the continent, with adventive populations occurring farther north. Pants generally occur in seasonal or permanently wet habitats—for example, borrow ditches, sandbars, and gravel bars—and around springs. Sesbania vesicaria characteristically forms large, dense populations in low areas subject to flooding and along roadsides and sandy stream banks; Sesbania punicea is an ornamental that sometimes escapes cultivation and naturalizes along the Gulf Coast. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

Fabaceae Lindl.

severe irritation, digestive disturbance; S. drummondii, S. punicea, S. vesicaria most toxic; often lethal; green or ripe seeds

Disease Problems—Species of Sesbania, some of which are introduced from the West Indies or South America, are well known as causes of digestive tract irritation and diarrhea. Both green and ripe seeds are toxic, in contrast to the nontoxic foliage in most species (Duncan et al. 1955). Although toxicity may vary somewhat, intoxications for all plant species are quite similar. Sesbania punicea is the most toxic species, with 1–2 dozen seeds being sufficient to kill a chicken in 24–72 hours (Marsh and Clawson 1920b; Shealy and Thomas 1928; West and Emmel 1950; Terblanche et al. 1966). The lethal dose in sheep and cattle is less than 0.1% b.w., even when spread over several days. The lethal dose of S. drummondii for chickens is 1% b.w. and is even less for sheep, as low as 0.22% b.w. (Marsh and Clawson 1920b; Marsh 1929; Flory and Hebert 1984). Sesbania vesicaria (reported as Glottidium vesicarium) is the least potent of the three toxic species, the lethal dose being 1.1–2% b.w. or about 150 seeds for an adult chicken (Emmel 1935; Featherly et al. 1943; West and Emmel 1950; Duncan et al. 1955). However, Emmel (1944) later reported that immature seeds were 2–3 times more toxic than mature seeds. The lethal dose for cattle is 1–2% b.w. or less of mature seeds (Boughton and Hardy 1939a,b; Featherly et al. 1943; West and Emmel 1950). About a bushel of pods are sufficient to kill a calf weighing 250–300 kg. The more thoroughly the animal chews the seeds, the greater their effect. In sheep, 0.125% b.w. of seeds was rapidly fatal and 0.062% b.w. was fatal in 53 hours (Boughton and Hardy 1939b).

S. vesicaria eaten mainly by newly introduced animals in late fall or winter when foliage is absent and legumes with seeds hang on plants; leaves lower risk

Sesbania vesicaria, however, is the species most often encountered in the field and associated with intoxication problems. In late fall or early winter, animals newly introduced into an area containing large populations of the species may readily and perhaps avidly consume large numbers of seeds in a short time (Specht et al. 1973; Reagor and Jones 1980). As a consequence, they may develop clinical signs within a few days of being placed in an infested pasture. If beans are consumed slowly, they produce sufficient irritation of the animal’s digestive tract to limit subsequent intake to less than that required for


intoxication. After the first 3–4 days following introduction to infested pastures, the hazard declines rapidly because animals usually will no longer eat amounts sufficient to produce intoxication. Intoxications occasionally occur when animals are denied access to their normal forage for several days because of heavy snowfall or other factors. Green leaves and stems are of low palatability, and their toxicity is 1% that of seeds. They represent little hazard other than causing slight digestive discomfort. It is only during late fall and winter, when other forage is scarce and the fruits hang conspicuously and readily available from the starkly naked branches of the persistent stems, that the hazard of S. vesicaria becomes significant. Even under these conditions, cattle seldom eat the legumes and seeds. In contrast to the foregoing 3 toxic species, seeds of S. herbacea (reported as S. macrocarpa) have been fed at up to 10% of the diet in quail with little adverse effect (Flunker et al. 1991). Sesbania herbacea (reported as S. exaltata) is not only one of the least toxic of the indigenous Sesbania, but it also has crude protein levels up to 31% (Hoveland et al. 1986). Dosage of up to 7% seeds in the diet of hens causes only slight mortality. Lesser amounts (2–3%) depress food intake and egg production (Damron et al. 1988). However, seeds are little risk in the field because they readily fall from mature pods and do not persist on the plant as is the case with S. vesicaria. For most species, palatability of either leaves or seeds is poor and, unless they are quite hungry, animals typically do not eat much of them after initial exposure to the plants. They represent little hazard other than causing slight digestive discomfort, which is probably the major factor in limiting ingestion. However, because leaves are about 100-fold less toxic than seeds, they may under some circumstances be of value for forage, especially in those species with palatable leaves. Sesbania sesban is an example; it is viewed as a multipurpose fodder tree of considerable nutritional value for livestock in parts of Asia and Africa (Mekoya et al. 2008). Its leaves contain 24–30% crude protein and 2%+ calcium (Brown et al. 1987) and have been used in India as part of the diet for lactating cattle (Maity et al. 1997). Based on studies in lambs, it was concluded that use of S. sesban at up to 30% of the diet can improve feed intake and growth rate and lead to earlier onset of puberty and sexual development in both males and females (Mekoya et al. 2009). However, some caution as to dosage is warranted because in other studies, long-term (6 months) ingestion of leaves of S. sesban by goats was associated with some degree of seminiferous tubule degeneration and a decrease in spermatogenesis (Woldemeskel et al. 2001). In addition, significant mortality occurred when chickens were fed 20–30% S. sesban leaf meal (Brown et al. 1987; Shqueir


Toxic Plants of North America

et al. 1989a). In contrast to other species, leaves of the more toxic S. punicea are more hazardous; the lethal dose for sheep is 10 g/kg b.w. per day for 4–8 days (Terblanche et al. 1966). Occasionally, seeds of species of Sesbania are a problem in humans. Morton (1982) cited 2 boys, ages 2.5 and 6 years, who, after eating seeds of S. punicea, developed a severe digestive disturbance with diarrhea that required hospitalization. Seeds of S. sesban made into a paste and given daily are used as an herbal abortifacient in India (Mali et al. 2006).

possible toxicants: saponins, sesbanine, sesbanimides

Disease Genesis—Identification of the specific toxicants has been difficult because of the presence of numerous saponin-type compounds. Snyders and Pieterse (1968) were unable to isolate a toxin from S. punicea using methanol, and it appeared to be unstable in ethanol. Among the numerous saponins, which are present primarily in seeds of the various species (Foote and Gramling 1940; Nuessle and Lauter 1958; Hsu 1968; Shqueir et al. 1989a), three glucuronide saponins of oleanolic acid of some interest have been identified in S. sesban (Dorsaz et al. 1988). However, although the abundance of saponins in plants is unquestioned, the quest to associate toxicity with these compounds has been beset with difficulties, and often in the process of their isolation, toxicity was lost en route. Considerable taxonomic and chemotaxonomic confusion continues regarding the various species and their chemical constituents. Other constituents that have been isolated include the cytotoxic sesbanine (or sesbananine) from S. drummondii; sesbanimides (A,B and C) from S. drummondii, S. punicea, and S. vesicaria; and canavanine from S. sesban (Powell et al. 1979, 1983, 1990; Gorst-Allman et al. 1984; Shqueir et al. 1989a; Kim et al. 1992) (Figures 35.139 and 35.140).

Figure 35.139.

Chemical structure of sesbanine.

Figure 35.140.

Chemical structure of sesbanimide A.

Of the various constituents, the primary toxicants appear to be the sesbanimides. Experimentally, sesbanimide A concentrations correlate well with lethality of various species of Sesbania in mice (Powell et al. 1990). Concentrations of sesbanimide were highest in the highly toxic S. punicea (90–100 μg/g of seed), moderate (18– 52 μg/g of seed) in the less toxic S. drummondii, 18– 30 μg/g in S. vesicaria, and nil in species of low toxicity, S. herbacea and S. sesban (Powell et al. 1990). Because of the interest in their anticancer activity, the sesbanimides have been synthesized, providing further confirmation of their structures (Matsuda and Terashima 1988). Sesbanimides and plant extracts are also allelopathic, inhibiting germination and growth of adjacent plants (van Staden and Grobbelaar 1995), at least partly accounting for the dense stands of species of Sesbania. It is quite likely that although sesbanimides are the main toxicants, saponins and sesbanine may be contributing factors. Marceau-Day (1988) compared the effects of plant extracts with those caused by cyclohexamide and found that the effects associated with protein synthesis inhibition were similar but not identical. Furthermore, even those species without detectable sesbanimide have been associated with toxicity and occasional lethality. Heating seeds, autoclaving with ammonia, or adding 1–2% cholesterol minimizes any adverse effects of S. sesban (Foote and Gramling 1940; Shqueir et al. 1989b). sesbanimides, smooth muscle inhibition, vascular pooling, decreased gut motility and transport Extracts of seeds of the various species produce several effects. They augment or inhibit liver mixed-function oxidases, depending on the animal species, and they decrease plasma acetylcholinesterase activity (Flory and Hebert 1984; Banton et al. 1989). Perhaps the most consistent effect is decreased motility and transport of contents of the digestive system. There is also mild to moderate liver and kidney degeneration and congestion and edema of the lungs, possibly secondary to heart failure (Terblanche et al. 1966). The predominant mechanism underlying these effects is inhibition of smooth muscle—vascular, intestinal, and pulmonary (Venugopalan et al. 1984,

Fabaceae Lindl.


1987). The vascular effects are seen as vasodilation, leading to decreased peripheral circulation, pooling of venous blood, and weakness, as well as moderation of intestinal motility. The saponins are molluscicidal, spermicidal, and hemolytic (Dorsaz et al. 1988).

Treatment—Because the specific cause is unknown, treatment is symptomatic. Activated charcoal may be given orally to absorb the toxins, accompanied by supportive therapy with fluids and electrolytes for dehydration.

abrupt onset; severe watery diarrhea ± blood, anorexia, absence of ruminal activity, weakness, depression, colic; diarrhea may become mucoid


Clinical Signs—After an initial delay of 12–24 hours in onset, depression, ruminal inactivity, abdominal pain, weakness, and mucoid feces may be noted (with close attention) as the earliest signs. Within a short time, diarrhea becomes severe and the heart rate is increased and sometimes irregular. The animal stands with back arched, head down, and neck extended. Less commonly there is dyspnea and tremors. Most cases with S. vesicaria involve cattle deaths in December, January, or February with few premonitory signs other than loss of appetite and watery diarrhea. Neutrophilia, with many immature forms, may accompany the other signs. There may be a severalfold increase in blood urea nitrogen and hepatic enzymes, but these changes are generally not sufficient or even consistent enough to be confirmatory. In chickens, there is depression, purple comb, muscular twitching, and profuse diarrhea.

gross pathology: reddening of mucosa of abomasum and intestines, pulmonary congestion, seeds in stomach; microscopic: gut lesions, mild renal tubular necrosis

Pathology—Gross changes are limited to moderate to severe abomasal and intestinal reddening. Less commonly the reticulum, rumen, and omasum are also affected. There may also be a few ecchymotic hemorrhages on heart surfaces and pulmonary congestion. Microscopically, there is mild to moderate renal tubular degeneration and necrosis. In chickens, the dominant changes are a necrotic enteritis involving the gizzard and duodenum and fatty degeneration of the liver. The crop is fluid filled, the intestines are gas filled, and feathers pull out easily. In most cases there is little to indicate a specific cause of death, and the pathology often belies the severity of the disease. Intact or sprouted beans may readily be identified in ruminal contents.

administer activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Originally described by Linnaeus in 1753, Sophora, a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, has long been considered to be a morphologically and ecologically heterogeneous genus comprising several clusters of species that have been treated as either subgenera or distinct genera by different taxonomists (Heenan et al. 2004; Pennington et al. 2005). Phylogenetic studies employing morphological and molecular data confirm the polyphyly of the genus and support the recognition of additional genera (Käss and Wink 1996; Pennington et al. 2001). The most notable segregations involving toxic species in North America are (1) repositioning of the introduced, widely cultivated Japanese pagoda tree and the native Eve’s necklace in the genus Styphnolobium (Sousa and Rudd 1993; Pennington et al. 2005; USDA, NRCS 2012); and (2) repositioning the species commonly known as mescal beans in the genus Calia (Yakovlev 1968; Sousa and Rudd 1993; Pennington et al. 2005). Because species of these three genera are morphologically similar, produce quinolizidine alkaloids, and produce essentially the same disease problems, clinical signs, and pathological changes, we describe the three genera together.

Taxonomy and Morphology—As presently circumscribed, Calia is a North American genus of 4 species: Sophora is a genus of both the Old and New World primarily in the Northern Hemisphere and comprises about 50 species; and Styphnolobium is a genus of Central and South America with 9 species (Pennington et al. 2005). Most commonly encountered are the following: Calia C. arizonica (S.Watson) Yakovlev (= So. arizonica S.Watson) (= So. formosa Kearney & Peebles) C. secundiflora (Ortega) Yakovlev (= So. secundiflora[Ortega] Lag. ex DC.)

Arizona necklacepod

mescal bean, Texas mountain laurel, coral bean, frijolito


Toxic Plants of North America

Sophora So. davidii (Franch.) Skeels So. nuttalliana B.L.Turner So. stenophylla A.Gray So. tetraptera J.F.Mill. So. tomentosa L. Styphnolobium St. affine (Torr. & A.Gray) Walpers (= So. affinis Torr. & A.Gray) St. japonicum (L.) Schott

David’s mountain laurel, Shrub pagoda tree silky sophora, white sophora, white loco silvery sophora, blue sophora, Fringleaf necklacepod kowhai, yellow kowhai, four-wing sophora yellow sophora, yellow necklacepod Eve’s necklace, Texas sophora

Japanese pagoda tree, Chinese scholar tree

(= So. japonica L.)

herbs, shrubs, or trees; leaves 1-pinnately compound; racemes or panicles; flowers papilionaceous; petals 5, white, yellow, or blue-violet; legumes markedly constricted between seeds Plants perennials; trees or shrubs or herbs; deciduous or evergreen. Stems erect or ascending; 0.2–20 m tall. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; leaflets 5–61; terminal leaflet present; stipules minute, caducous. Inflorescences terminal racemes or panicles; bracts present or absent. Sepals 5; fused; lobes short. Corollas papilionaceous. Petals 5; white or yellow or blue-violet; clawed; banners orbicular or broadly ovate or obovate, erect or reflexed; wings oblique oblong; keels rounded or acuminate, petals overlapping or fused. Stamens 10; free; enclosed in keels. Legumes linear; terete; torose or torulose; 4-winged or not winged; fleshy or coriaceous or woody; indehiscent or dehiscent. Seeds few to many; oblong reniform or subglobose; often yellow (Figures 35.141–35.146). The three genera are distinguished by differences in habit, bracteoles, stipels, and legume dehiscence (Sousa and Rudd 1993). In flower, the widespread Sophora nuttalliana is often mistaken for a member of the genus Astragalus. However, its terminal inflorescences, free stamens, acuminate keels, and coherent keel petals distinguish it from Astragalus, which has axillary racemes, diadelphous stamens, rounded keels, fused keel petals, and constricted legumes. open areas of grasslands, deserts, coasts; introduced ornamentals

Distribution and Habitat—An evergreen shrub of rocky slopes and canyons, Calia secundiflora occurs in southwestern Texas, southern New Mexico, and south to

Figure 35.141.

Line drawing of Calia secundiflora.

Figure 35.142. secundiflora.

Photo of foliage and flowers of Calia

Puebla, Mexico. As its name implies, C. arizonica, also a shrub, is occasionally encountered in the desert washes, gullies, and canyons of Arizona (Isely 1998) (Figure 35.147). Species of Sophora occupy a variety of vegetation types and habitats primarily in the southwest corner of the continent (Isely 1998). Herbaceous So. nuttalliana is found in open grasslands of the Great Plains and foothills of the Rocky Mountains from South Dakota and Wyoming south to Mexico, with greatest abundance in southwest Kansas and the panhandles of Oklahoma and Texas. Also an herb, So. stenophylla favors open sandy areas of the Intermountain Desert. Widely distributed in warm coastal areas of the world, So. tomentosa is restricted to the

Fabaceae Lindl.

Figure 35.143.


Photo of legumes of Calia secundiflora.

Figure 35.145. Line drawing of Sophora nuttalliana. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen.

Figure 35.144. secundiflora.

Photo of legumes and seeds of Calia

coastal counties of Texas and Florida in North America. Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether it is native in North America. Two species are introduced and cultivated as ornamentals for their showy inflorescences and attractive foliage. Native to New Zealand, So. tetraptera is the country’s national flower. Sophora davidii is native to China and Korea (Figure 35.148). Also introduced from China, Styphnolobium japonicum is a deciduous tree widely grown as an ornamental in the southern half of the continent. At one time, it was important in the oriental batik and silk industries because of the yellow dye extracted from its legumes (Mabberley 2008). A native species, St. affine occurs in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana, occasionally becoming

Figure 35.146.

Photo of Sophora nuttalliana.

locally abundant in woodlands, floodplains, and pastures (Isely 1998). three genera—neurologic and cardiac effects

Disease Problems—The physiological effects, both medicinal and toxic, of species of Sophora, Calia, and Styphnolobium have been known and exploited for


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 35.147.

Distribution of Calia secundiflora.

produces dizziness, numbness, and weakness and is also reported to cause stupor and visions. However, the hallucinogenic potential is questionable, and the seeds are now little used for this purpose (Hatfield et al. 1977). The seeds, however, remain a toxicologic concern because of their continued use as ornamentation. Known as colorines, coral beans, mescal beans, red beans, red hots, or, in Spanish, frijolitos (“small beans”), the seeds are an attractive bright scarlet color. Their use in charms or musical instruments poses a risk to children and pets (Sullivan and Chavez 1981). A dog suspected of eating the seeds showed signs of exercise intolerance manifested by severe labored respiration and prostration (Knauer et al. 1995). Periodic seizures induced by exercise followed, and the dog would stiffen, tremble, and then collapse. There is also toxicologic concern because of recreational drug abuse. Life-threatening interactions may occur when seeds are mixed with neurotoxic drugs. A man intoxicated by a combination of 30–50 mescal beans, alcohol, and marijuana became wild and combative and subsequently developed myoclonic jerking and paralysis (Wells 1993). livestock and pets; foliage or seeds of Calia secundiflora; neurologic and cardiac effects; exercise-induced seizures

Figure 35.148.

Distribution of Sophora nuttalliana.

millennia. Early toxicologic reports typically cited the plants involved only as species of Sophora, whereas more recent publications employ all three genus names. For clarity in the following paragraphs, we give the currently accepted binomial and its synonym.

humans; seeds of Calia secundiflora; dizziness, stupor

In the New World, Calia secundiflora (reported as Sophora secundiflora) is among the most notorious of the supposed hallucinogenic plants. Its seeds are believed to have been used for thousands of years by Native Americans living in what is now Texas and northern Mexico (Schultes 1969; Diaz 1977). They were used in tribal ceremonies and as articles of trade. Their ingestion clearly

Foliage, especially mature leaves, as well as seeds, of Calia secundiflora pose a problem for livestock (Boughton and Hardy 1935; Sperry et al. 1977). Cattle are at greatest risk, with ingestion of less than 1% b.w. causing severe neurotoxic effects. The disease is typically acute, appearing after the animal has eaten plant material for a short time. Calves may die in a few hours or days. Small amounts ingested for a week or more are not cumulative in effect. Sheep and goats are less susceptible and seldom show other than transient signs. species of Sophora neurotoxic; S. nuttalliana teratogenic Producing the same quinolizidine alkaloids as Calia, some species of Sophora are likewise equally neurotoxic. The Old World species So. alopecuroides was considered by the USDA for use as a soil builder until it was discovered to be toxic at 1% b.w. and lethal at 2% b.w. (Radeleff 1970). However, not all species are hazardous; the foliage, flowers, and bark of So. chrysophylla in Hawaii are preferred browse for feral sheep and goats and Mouflon sheep even though they contain toxicants characteristic of the genus (Scowcroft and Sakai 1983).

Fabaceae Lindl.

Our native Sophora nuttalliana has long been suspected of being neurotoxic, but this suspicion has never been confirmed experimentally (Pammel 1911; Durrell et al. 1950; Sperry et al. 1977). This lack of confirmation may be a matter of dosage. However, teratogenic effects may be a more important concern. Studies with rats reveal that ingestion of the species may cause a delay of ossification and developmental problems of the skull when the fetus is exposed during early pregnancy (Burrows et al. 1998). Based on limited experimental results, So. stenophylla likewise appears to be teratogenic (Keeler 1972). Interestingly, Calia arizonica (reported as So. arizonica) was also.


of the tricyclic type (cytisine series) are primarily neurotoxic, but some are also cardiotoxic. Alkaloids of the tetracyclic type (sparteine series) are only neurotoxic, whereas those of the tetracyclic matrine series are both cardiotoxic and neurotoxic (Table 35.12; Figures 35.149–35.151). The diversity of alkaloids present in the genus is illustrated dramatically by those in the medicinally acclaimed, oriental species, Sophora flavescens (Ohmiya et al. 1974; Reyes et al. 1988). It contains methylcytisine, dehydrolupanine, anagyrine, and baptifoline of the cytisine series in combination with more than a dozen compounds of

quinolizidine alkaloids—2 types and 3 series

Disease Genesis—Species of the three genera contain an extensive array of quinolizidine alkaloids, which, although sometimes termed lupine alkaloids, actually differ considerably from those typical of Lupinus (Murakoshi et al. 1981, 1986). Because of the purported hallucinogenic properties of Calia secundiflora and the highly valued medicinal role of some of the oriental species of Sophora, the occurrence of these alkaloids has been determined for many species of the three genera, and the mode of action of a few has been studied extensively. Unfortunately, limited toxicological information is available for most of the species in North America. These alkaloids are classified into two types and three series based on their chemical similarity to cytisine, sparteine, and matrine. Alkaloids Table 35.12.

Chemical structure of cytisine.

Figure 35.150.

Chemical structure of lupanine.

Quinolizidine alkaloids present in native and introduced species of Calia, Sophora, and Styphnolobium in North America.


Tricyclic type

Calia arizonica Calia secundiflora

Sophora Sophora Sophora Sophora

Figure 35.149.

formosa nuttalliana stenophylla tetraptera

Sophora tomentosa

Styphnolobium affine Styphnolobium japonicum

Tetracyclic type

Cytisine series

Sparteine series

Matrine series

+ cytisine (+)11-oxocytisine allylcytisine methylcytisine + + + cytisine N-methylcytisine cytisine N-acetylcytisine N-methylcytisine − cytisine N-methylcytisine

– epilupanine dehydrolupanine anagyrine sparteine – ? ? baptifoline

– –

epilamprolobine anagyrine baptifoline − lupanine

matrine sophocarpine

– sophocarpine + matrine

− matrine

+, alkaloid type present but not identified; ?, alkaloid type possibly present but confirmation needed; −, alkaloid type not present.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 35.152. Figure 35.151.

Chemical structure of anagyrine.

Chemical structure of sophocarpine.

the matrine series, including sophocarpine, sophoridine, matrine, and oxymatrine (Bohlmann and Schumann 1967; Ueno et al. 1978; Aslanov et al. 1987; Saito et al. 1989; Jin et al. 1993). Even though a broad range of alkaloids may be present, one or two may predominate— for example, cytisine in Calia secundiflora (Izaddoost 1975, 1979; Keller 1975; Izaddoost et al. 1976; Hatfield et al. 1977; Chavez and Sullivan 1984), lupanine in Styphnolobium japonicum (reported as So. japonica) (Abdusalamov et al. 1972; Wink et al. 1983), and sophocarpine in So. nuttalliana (Khan et al. 1992). In addition, the array of alkaloids and, thus, signs of intoxication may change with maturation of plants (Keller and Hatfield 1979). In addition to quinolizidine alkaloids, bark of St. japonicum contains a series of tetrameric lectins similar to the bark lectin of Robinia pseudoacacia (Hankins et al. 1988; Ueno et al. 1991; Tazaki and Yoshida 1992). Cytisine is the most toxic of the tricyclic alkaloids. It produces nicotinic-like effects stimulating and then blocking ganglia (Barlow and McCleod 1969), in addition to producing oxytocic and positive cardiac inotropic effects (Reynolds 1955; Li and Chen 1986). Like nicotine, it causes rapid onset of ataxia, excess salivation, and shortlived seizures (Keeler and Baker 1990). In large doses, cytisine may also cause cardiac arrhythmias. It and other alkaloids produce neurologic effects in rats similar to those caused by known hallucinogenic drugs such as mescaline (Bourn et al. 1979). teratogenic anagyrine and baptifoline in some species

The tetracyclic quinolizidines all seem to have inherent cardiac activity. Sparteine and the lupanines decrease heart rate by increasing the refractory period, and they increase strength of contraction (McCawley 1955; Engelmann et al. 1974; Raschack 1974). In excess, they may cause arrhythmias. They, and sparteine in particular, are also neurotoxic, causing ataxia and muscular paralysis with tremors of the shoulder and neck, and a head bob (Couch 1926). Sparteine also has oxytocic activity possibly related to prostaglandins, given that it is blocked by indomethacin (Abtahi et al. 1978). The α-pyridone A-ring

tetracyclics like anagyrine, baptifoline, and thermopsine have neurologic and cardiac actions, but they are most well known as teratogens (McCawley 1955; Keeler 1976; Keeler and Baker 1990) (Figure 35.152). Quinolizidines of the matrine series, particularly matrine, allomatrine, and sophoridine, have strong cardiac effects, slowing the rate, prolonging the PR, QT, and other electrocardiographic intervals, and increasing contraction strength in a dose-dependent manner (Yin 1928; Yamazaki and Arai 1985; Cui and Zhang 1986; Li et al. 1986; Dai et al. 1987; Xin and Liu 1987; Kimura et al. 1989; B. Zhang et al. 1990; S.S. Zhang et al. 1990; Wang et al. 1992). The mechanism seems to be related to calcium channels, because there is increased myocardial calcium uptake that can be blocked by the calcium channel blocker verapamil. The increased force of contraction following matrine administration in the rat is also blocked by verapamil (Wei et al. 1985). Matrine and, to a lesser extent, oxymatrine inhibit excitatory synapses mediated by glutamate and quisqualate in crayfish, which is perhaps indicative of their general reactivity (Ishida and Shinozaki 1984). However, there is a distinct lack of effects on GABA-induced responses in crayfish. Matrine is also antipyretic (Cho et al. 1986). Bitter tea made partly of So. flavescens and containing large amounts of d-matrine was associated with neurologic impairment—dizziness, weakness, headache—in a family of four, one of whom developed progressive paralysis of one side of the body that persisted for several months (Tsai et al. 1993). Oxymatrine and sophocarpine also have cardiac effects but are more noteworthy as potent neurodepressants and hypothermics (Li and Chen 1986; C Yuan et al. 1987; H Yuan et al. 1986, 1987). The target organs of matrine, oxymatrine, and sophoridine experimentally in mice appear to be liver, kidney, and heart (Bing et al. 2009). Quinolizidine alkaloids undergo hepatic biotransformation, especially N-oxidation, and are eliminated mainly in urine with half-lives of one to several hours (Barlow and McCleod 1969; Liu et al. 1986; Song et al. 1986). Both sophocarpine and its N-oxide are eliminated rapidly, with half-lives of elimination in rabbits of approximately 60 and 30 minutes, respectively (Wang et al. 1992). Interestingly, about 5% of the human population cannot metabolize sparteine by N-oxidation, and thus the compound accumulates in the body, causing adverse effects

Fabaceae Lindl.

such as dizziness, blurred or double vision, and headache (Eichelbaum et al. 1979).

Calia secundiflora: stiffness, trembling, collapse; exercise-induced seizures

Clinical Signs—Because of the diversity in alkaloids present and their relative abundance, the different species of the three genera are likely to produce different clinical signs in the animal. However, neurologic signs generally predominate. Calia secundiflora is the only species for which signs are clearly known (Boughton and Hardy 1935; Sperry et al. 1977). Cattle exhibit the most severe signs, which begin with stiffness of the pelvic limbs and trembling of the rump and shoulder muscles. Animals may fall and be unable to rise. Sheep and goats may also be affected, but they are more likely to be able to walk after a brief period of somnolence. Forced exercise may precipitate occurrence of signs. Sophora nuttalliana is reportedly neurotoxic, with signs similar to those of locoism, but this has not been experimentally confirmed. pathology, no lesions; treatment involves sedation, general nursing care

Pathology and Treatment—No specific pathologic changes for this acute disease problem have been documented, although serum phosphorus concentrations are reportedly doubled. Treatment is nonspecific and is directed toward relief of the symptoms that appear.

SPARTIUM See treatment of Cytisus, in this chapter.


the Greek roots thermos, meaning “lupine,” and opsis, meaning “appearance,” which is indicative of the resemblance of its foliage and inflorescences to those of Lupinus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Plants of Thermopsis are cultivated to a minor extent for their silvery foliage and lupinelike racemes of showy flowers. Depending upon how the variation pattern within the genus is interpreted, 3–10 species are present in North America. Isely (1981, 1998) and Barneby (1989c) recognized 4 or 3 highly polymorphic species that encompassed taxa previously recognized as distinct species. In contrast, the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) treated many of these taxa as distinct. The treatment of Isely (1998) is employed here. Only T. rhombifolia is of toxicologic importance, with reports typically using the synonym T. montana. T. macrophylla Hook. & Arn.

(= T. argentata Greene) (= T. gracilis T.Howell) T. mollis (Michx.) M.A.Curtis ex A.Gray (= T. fraxinifolia M.A.Curtis) T. rhombifolia (Nutt. ex Pursh) Richardson

(= T. arenosa A.Nelson) (= T. divaricarpa A.Nelson) (= T. montana Nutt.) T. villosa (Walter) Fernald & Schub. (= T. caroliniana M.A.Curtis)

slender goldenbanner, golden pea, Santa Inez goldenbanner, silvery false lupine

Piedmont buckbean

round-leaved thermopsis, prairie buckbean, golden pea, yellow pea, golden banner, mountain thermopsis, mountain peas, false lupine

Blue Ridge buckbean, Aaron’s rod

erect perennial herbs; leaves palmately compound, leaflets 3; racemes elongate; showy flowers papilionaceous; petals 5, yellow or purple; legumes linear, flattened

STYPHNOLOBIUM See treatment of Sophora, in this chapter.




Taxonomy and Morphology—Most closely related to Baptisia and perhaps giving rise to it, Thermopsis, a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, comprises 19–23 species, with greatest diversity in central and eastern Asia (Isely 1998; Lock 2005a). Its genus name is derived from

Plants perennials; herbaceous; rootstocks woody, rhizomatous; herbage typically pubescent. Stems erect; 40– 100 cm tall; clustered; typically leafless at bases. Leaves palmately compound; leaflets 3, blades linear to elliptic to oblanceolate or obovate; stipules of 2 forms, distal leaflike, basal forming sheaths. Inflorescences terminal, elongate racemes; bracts present. Flowers showy. Sepals 5; fused; calyces 4-lobed, 2-lipped. Corollas papilionaceous. Petals 5; pale to vivid yellow or purple, sometimes brown or pinkish brown when dry; short clawed; banners


Toxic Plants of North America

suborbicular, margins reflexed; wings auriculate; keels rounded, straight or curved; petals adherent. Stamens 10; free; enclosed in keels. Legumes linear to oblong; straight or curved; flattened; slightly constricted between seeds. Seeds 1–10; oblong reniform (Figure 35.153 and 35.154). western grasslands, shrublands, and deserts

Distribution and Habitat—Adapted to a variety of soil types and habitats, including mountain meadows, desert shrub communities, and grasslands, T. rhombifolia is distributed primarily from the High Plains on the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains to eastern British Columbia, Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. Thermopsis macrophylla occurs in the Pacific Coast states and provinces. Thermopsis mollis and T. villosa are found in forest openings in the piedmont and mountains of the Southeast. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

livestock; skeletal muscle degeneration; foliage; plants most toxic when young and when mature with legumes

Figure 35.153.

Line drawing of Thermopsis rhombifolia.

Disease Problems—Ingestion of dry foliage of T. rhombifolia (reported as T. montana) by cattle at a dosage of 0.6–2.8 g/kg b.w. for several days or more produces severe muscle degeneration typified by persistent recumbency (Keeler et al. 1986a). Depending upon stage of growth, 300–400 g of dry plant material for 3–4 days will severely intoxicate cattle, and slightly more may be lethal (Chase and Keeler 1983). Toxicity potential is high in young plants, declines as they grow, and then reaches a peak at the time of seed formation (Keeler et al. 1986a). This pattern of toxicity is similar to that exhibited by species of Lupinus. If animals are fed and watered during the period of recumbency, they may recover.

humans; neurotoxic and digestive disturbance; seeds

Humans are also at risk. Children who ate a few seeds or flowers suffered digestive tract problems, weakness, and neurologic effects (Spoerke et al. 1988). The risk for humans is further illustrated by a report of 23 cases, mostly children, involving ingestion of 1 or 2 or more seeds or legumes or a handful of flowers (McGrath-Hill and Vicas 1997). However, plants were not positively identified in all cases. In most cases there was nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and drowsiness lasting up to 12 hours.

quinolizidine alkaloids

Disease Genesis—The myopathic effects of Thermopsis Figure 35.154. Photo of Thermopsis rhombifolia. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

are caused by a series of α-pyridone quinolizidine alkaloids, including, in decreasing order of relative

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Figure 35.155.

Chemical structure of thermopsine.

abundance in plant tissues, anagyrine, thermopsine, 5,6dehydrolupanine, cytisine, N-methylcytisine, lupanine, and 17-oxosparteine (Keller and Cole 1969; Cho and Martin 1971; Keeler et al. 1986a; Keeler and Baker 1990). Purified alkaloids cause the same signs of intoxication as the whole plant (Keeler and Baker 1990). Their concentrations mirror the toxicity potential of the plant: highest in young plants, declining, and then increasing again in flowers and legumes. Alkaloid concentrations are about equal among leaves, stems, flowers, and fruit (Keller and Cole 1969). Alkaloid dosage in the range of 1.1–11.3 mg/ kg per day for 2–3 days will cause the disease (Keeler et al. 1986a; Baker and Keeler 1989) (Figure 35.155).

high concentrations of anagyrine, teratogenic effects likely

The presence of high concentrations of anagyrine in Thermopsis suggests that it may cause teratogenic effects such as arthrogryposis, defects of limb rotation, and other terata similar to those caused by Lupinus. These effects have not been observed in clinical cases, but preliminary experiments in cattle fed Thermopsis indicated a risk (Keeler 1972).


Intoxications in humans have involved mainly children eating a few seeds or flowers. Protracted, intermittent vomiting for several hours after ingestion is the main problem. There may also be colic, weakness, headache, and, less commonly, dizziness or ataxia and drowsiness. The time from ingestion to signs is usually from 1 to several hours, with uneventful recovery in 6–12 hours.

gross pathology, pale muscles; microscopic, muscle necrosis, fibrosis

Pathology—Other than pale streaks in muscles, few gross lesions are associated with ingestion of Thermopsis. Microscopically there is hyaline degeneration and necrosis of skeletal muscle in acute cases that result in death. In animals less severely affected, degeneration of muscle fibers is followed by regeneration.

activated charcoal, nursing care; disease generally reversible

Treatment—No specific treatment is recommended, although in acute cases activated charcoal may be of benefit. Supportive nursing care to sustain the recumbent animal will provide good results. In humans, gastric lavage and oral administration of charcoal typically have been employed, but in most cases recovery readily occurs without treatment.

TRIFOLIUM L. livestock: onset 1–3 days; depression, anorexia, tremors, recumbency, elevation of serum CK, LDH

Clinical Signs—After the animal has ingested plant material for 3 or more days, depression, anorexia, arched back, tremors, rough hair coat, drawn-in flanks, and swollen eyelids may be seen. Shortly thereafter, the animal will become recumbent and may remain so for several days to a week or more. During this period, it will eat and drink if food and water are made available. Except for GGT, serum enzymes such as CK, LDH, and AST may be markedly elevated.

humans: shortly after eating seeds; vomiting, colic, headache, dizziness, ataxia

Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 250 species, Trifolium, a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, is almost a cosmopolitan genus, being found throughout the world with the exception of Australasia (Gillett 1985; Lock 2005b). Indicative of its palmately compound leaves, its generic name is derived from the Latin roots tres, meaning “three,” and folius, for “leaf” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Its members are commonly referred to as the clovers. It must be kept in mind that the name clover is applied to species of other legume genera as well—for example, Melilotus, Lespedeza, and Petalostemon—albeit a qualifying adjective is usually appended. The genus is important throughout the world for forage, green manure, and ground cover. Land reclamation often involves seeding with grasses and species of Trifolium. In addition, the genus is an excellent nectar source for bees. A few species are weedy.


Toxic Plants of North America

Of the more than 100 species, varieties, and cultivars in North America, 54–63 are native (Isely 1998; USDA, NRCS 2012). Most intoxication problems are associated with the perennials, many of which are introduced and naturalized. The numerous annuals that are widely cultivated for forage and as soil builders are seldom associated with disease problems. Of toxicologic interest are the following: T. T. T. T.

hybridum L. pratense L. repens L. subterraneum L.

alsike clover red clover, purple clover white clover, Dutch clover, ladino clover subterranean clover, subterranean trefoil

herbs; leaves palmately compound, leaflets 3; racemes or spikes; flowers papilionaceous; petals white, red, pink, yellow, or purplish; legumes 1- or 2-seeded, indehiscent

Plants annuals or perennials; herbaceous; sometimes stoloniferous. Stems erect or ascending or prostrate or creeping. Leaves palmately compound; leaflets 3, rarely 5 or 7; blades obcordate or obovate, margins entire or dentate; stipules fused to petioles. Inflorescences racemes or spikes; capitate or umbellate; axillary or terminal; sessile or peduncled; bracts present or absent. Sepals 5; fused; teeth equal or subequal; calyces 2-lipped, sometimes inflated in fruit. Corollas papilionaceous. Petals 5; white or red or pink or yellow or purplish; 4 or 5 fused to staminal tube; withering and turning brown rather than falling; banners oblong to ovate, straight or reflexed; not clawed, free or fused to staminal column; wings narrowly oblong, clawed, auriculate; keels oblong, rounded, clawed. Stamens 10; diadelphous; enclosed in keels; 5 or 10 filaments dilated distally. Legumes oblong or ovate; indehiscent; membranous or coriaceous; often protruding from calyces at maturity. Seeds 1 or 2, rarely 4–8; globose or ovoid oblong or reniform (Figures 35.156 and 35.157).

Figure 35.156. Line drawing of Trifolium repens. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen.

introduced crop plants Figure 35.157.

Photo of Trifolium pratense.

Distribution and Habitat—Especially abundant in the Northern Hemisphere, Trifolium is a genus of temperate and subtropical regions (Lock 2005b). Centers of diversity appear to be western Asia, the eastern end of the Mediterranean basin, and northwestern North America (Taylor 1985). Occurring predominantly in grassy habitats, the genus is adapted to a variety of soil types. The 4 species of toxicologic interest are native to Eurasia but have naturalized throughout North America (Isely 1998). Trifolium hybridum is cultivated and naturalized

primarily in the northern states and Canada. Trifolium pratense is widely cultivated and naturalized in much of the midwestern and eastern areas of North America. Especially common in lawns, T. repens occurs throughout North America in fields and moist roadsides. Trifolium subterraneum is encountered primarily in West Coast and southeastern states. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

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5 Disease Problems estrogenic slobbers bloat photosensitization cyanogenesis

Disease Problems—Species of Trifolium are commonly planted in combination with cool-season grasses and cereal grains to provide forage for livestock. If they make up 25% or perhaps even as much as 50% of available forage, they normally pose little toxicological risk. However, in certain circumstances, they are capable of producing five very different disease problems—estrogenic effects, slobbers, bloat, photosensitization, and cyanogenesis. Bloat, a disease caused by the animal’s inability to expel gases produced during ruminal fermentation, is most commonly associated with T. repens. Unlike the other diseases produced by the genus, it is due more to mechanically caused physical changes in the animal than to the presence of specific plant toxicants. A complete discussion of bloat is presented in the treatment of Medicago, in this chapter. Aspects of the remaining four problems are discussed separately in the present treatment. Of interest is a report from New Zealand that in red deer grazing T. repens, urine turned scarlet red upon standing for about an hour (Niezen et al. 1992). However, there was no apparent affect on animal health.

Estrogenic Effects “clover disease;” decreased conception in sheep, less risk in cattle

Disease Problems—In countries where species of Trifolium are used extensively as livestock forages, estrogenic effects are the most significant of the problems caused by the genus. Serious limitations in reproductive performance are produced. Most commonly associated with these estrogenic effects is T. subterraneum in Australia and T. repens in Scandinavia (Seested et al. 2000); less frequently, other species are involved. Species of Medicago also cause these same effects. In Australia, where both Trifolium and Medicago forages present serious problems in sheep, the disease is called clover disease (Moule 1961; Thain 1968; Cox 1978, 1985; Adams 1989). Manifestations include decreased conception rates, maternal dystocias, increased postnatal mortality, uterine prolapse and lactation in nonpregnant ewes, and


bulbourethral gland metaplasia in wethers. These signs occur in various combinations. Exposure of the dam may also predispose neuroendocrine problems in the developing female neonate (Bindon et al. 1982). Although suspected as a cause of abortions, estrogenic effects of clovers rich in phytoestrogens seem to be less important in cattle, even with long-term ingestion whether on pasture, hay, or silage (Rankin 1963; Lundh 1995). However, transient effects such as irregular estrus, cystic ovaries, and precocious mammary and genital development are reported for cattle grazing alfalfa or clovers (Adler and Trainin 1960; Thain 1965). In addition, vaginal prolapse has also been suggested as a possible sequelae of clover ingestion by cattle (Sarelli et al. 2002). In North America, decreased conception rates have been reported. Cattle grazing cultivar “Mt. Barker” of T. subterraneum were affected (Donaldson 1983), and sheep eating T. repens exhibited delayed onset of estrus and an increase in number of breedings needed in yearling ewes (Engle et al. 1957).

phytoestrogens—isoflavone glycosides and coumestans

Disease Genesis—The causes of the estrogenic effects are phytoestrogens; isoflavone glycosides in T. pratense, T. hybridum, and T. subterraneum; and coumestans in T. repens (Bickoff et al. 1969; Wong et al. 1971; Adams 1989). Phytoestrogens are not uncommon in plants in general, but in most instances they are of little toxicologic importance because they are in such low concentrations (Bergeron and Goulet 1980). All of the phytoestrogens are weak estrogens, as measured by techniques such as the uterine response assay or the uterine estrogen receptor binding assay. Depending on the procedure used, coumestrol, the most potent, has only about one-thousandth the potency of diethylstilbestrol or 17β-estradiol (Cheng et al. 1954; Bickoff et al. 1962; Wong and Flux 1962; Braden et al. 1967; Shemesh et al. 1972; Shutt and Cox 1972; Cox 1978; Livingston 1978; Welshons et al. 1990). The relative ranking of these compounds using other systems such as estrogenic receptors in human breast cancer cells also shows coumestrol (activity equal to that of zearalenone) to be more potent than genistein, and formononetin to be the least potent (Martin et al. 1978). Although they are not the most potent, isoflavones seem to be most important because they are found in highest concentrations, up to 2–4% d.w. (Rossiter 1970). Coumestans are of lesser importance even though they are of the highest potency (Cox 1978). The parent isoflavones in Trifolium are the glycosides formononetin, biochanin A,


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 35.158.

Chemical structure of formononetin.

Figure 35.159.

Chemical structure of coumestrol.

and genistin. The first is biotransformed to equol and the latter two to genistein. Coumestrol, the most important of the coumestans, is 2–10 times as potent as genistein and equol, depending on the assay system used. The glycosidic parent compounds are virtually inactive (Figures 35.158 and 35.159). Found in concentrations up to 1–2% d.w. in some cultivars of T. subterraneum and 0.5–1% in T. repens, formononetin is bioactivated by demethylation to daidzein in the rumen and, to a lesser extent, in liver and then further reduced to the estrogenic equol, which is absorbed, conjugated (90%+), and excreted in urine (Shutt and Braden 1968; Lindsay and Kelly 1970; Adams 1989; Lundh et al. 1990; Saloniemi et al. 1995). This sequence of changes occurs in sheep and probably cattle as well (Braden et al. 1967). Plasma concentrations of conjugated isoflavones several hours after ingestion may be in excess of 200–300 μg/dL and for total equol are in the range of 100–150 μg/dL at 24 hours. Coumestrol is also found mainly in the conjugated form in plasma (Bickoff et al. 1969). In most situations, formononetin is of greatest concern, and concentrations greater than 0.5% in the plant are considered to be potentially estrogenic in sheep. Biochanin A and genistin are metabolized in the rumen by demethylation and/or glycoside hydrolysis to genistein and thence to the nonestrogenic paraethylphenol. The sheep’s ruminal microflora are able to adapt within hours to cause ruminal reduction and inactivation of biochanin A and genistein (Nillson et al. 1967; Morley et al. 1969). However, in unusual circumstances when ruminal reduction is limited—for example, restricted food intake— estrogenic effects even from biochanin A and genistein may become apparent (Davies 1989). This is illustrated by the appearance of the disease in cattle eating cultivar

“Mt. Barker” of T. subterraneum, which is low in formononetin but high in genistein (Donaldson 1983; Davies 1989). As noted in the discussion of disease problems, the effects of these phytoestrogens are most pronounced in sheep and less so in cattle. Decreased susceptibility of cattle was thought to result from differences in metabolism of the phytoestrogens (Braden et al. 1967; Shutt et al. 1967; Shutt and Braden 1968). However, other studies indicate that there is little difference between sheep and cattle in ruminal degradation of formononetin. In fact, in spite of their increased susceptibility, conjugation activity is much greater in sheep and concentrations of unbound equol are much lower than in cattle (Lundh 1990; Lundh et al. 1990). Thus, the difference in activity seems more likely due to decreased sensitivity of estrogen receptors in cattle to these compounds (Lundh et al. 1990). estrogenic activity varies with cultivar, cutting, plant disease, soil phosphate, stage of growth, or combination of these factors Estrogenic activity varies with the cutting, stage of growth, disease, plant health, environment (drought), phosphate level, and genetic constitution of the forage. Of these variables, foliar diseases caused by fungi and viruses are especially noteworthy causes of increased phytoestrogen concentrations (Bickoff et al. 1969; Saba et al. 1972; Cox 1978). This is especially true for T. repens, which is usually of little risk (Wong et al. 1971). It is suggested that drought-induced increases in phytoestrogen concentrations may serve a regulatory or protective function in maintaining appropriate-sized populations of wildlife (Leopold et al. 1976). As an example, phytoestrogen levels may have an influence in reducing clutch size in California quail in dry years when food is limited. Phytoestrogen concentrations are also increased as much as 2-fold with phosphate deficiency (Rossiter and Beck 1966). Genetic makeup is also important, given that cultivars low in formononetin—for example, “Daliak,” “Northam A,” “Seaton Park,” and “Mt. Barker”—are available. These taxa, however, are usually high in biochanin A or genistein (Davies et al. 1970; Rossiter 1970). The effects of plant maturity on phytoestrogen level are unclear because experimental data are conflicting. The ambiguity is due in part to the superimposed effects of repeated cutting at various times. In some studies, the highest concentrations of the compounds are reported to be when the plants are in the vegetative stages, whereas in other studies, phytoestrogen concentrations seem to vary little with age (Pieterse and Andrews 1956; Kitts et al. 1959). Grazed T. repens is reported to have highest

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estrogenic activity in late fall and early winter (Saba et al. 1974).

risk with pasture, hay, or silage; difficult to predict toxicity potential

Because of all these variables, it is difficult to predict toxicity potential of either hay or silage made from toxic pastures. Generally, drying reduces the estrogenic activity of coumestrol forages but has less effect on those with isoflavones (Bickoff et al. 1960). In some instances, ensiling has appeared to reduce the problem for both sheep and cattle (Wright 1960; Austin et al. 1982). However, it is clear that under the appropriate circumstances, both hay and silage still represent some degree of risk (Cheng et al. 1953; Adler and Trainin 1960; Livingston 1978; Kallela et al. 1984; Adams 1989). Effects of varying severity may be noted. In the most serious cases in sheep that are grazed on pastures in which the isoflavones predominate, there may be permanent infertility due to long-term or persistent endometrial cystic glandular hyperplasia. Increased thickness of mucous secretions greatly limits sperm penetration of the cervix, and physiologic changes of the cervix make it more like the uterus. The number of estrogen receptor binding sites is increased in the cervix but not elsewhere, contributing to impaired sperm transport (Tang and Adams 1981). These signs persist long after the animals have been removed from Trifolium pastures (Lightfoot and Wroth 1974; Adams 1990). The effects are mediated by a complex series of events involving the neuroendocrine and reproductive tissues. Luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion is disturbed, and there appears to be interference with feedback regulation of estrogen by the hypothalamic– pituitary axis (Rodgers et al. 1980). There is a decrease in pulsatile release of LH and a lack of fluctuation in its secretion between breeding and nonbreeding seasons (Chamley et al. 1981). Binding of estrogen receptors results in variable effects on progesterone; however, duration of the corpus luteum and its secretion of progesterone are generally decreased (Shemesh et al. 1972; Adams et al. 1981; Kaplanski et al. 1981). A discussion of possible mechanisms of dietary phytoestrogens has been detailed by Hughes (Chapin et al. 1996). Eventually, there is decreased responsiveness or desensitization of the uterus to estrogens, which may lead to increased susceptibility of the uterus to infection and may predispose to low-grade endometritis (Tang and Adams 1982). The phytoestrogens have also been suggested as a possible factor in the etiology of ringwomb in sheep (Ward 1975). In contrast, short-term grazing of pastures with either isoflavones or coumestans in the forage may


result in temporary infertility that is evident only while the animals graze. In this situation, decreased fertilization results from irregularities in ova transport and/or implantation and possible neuroendocrine changes (Livingston 1978). Temporary infertility in ewes may be manifested as an increase in the number of animals requiring repeat breeding and of maiden ewes displaying mammary development before breeding (Maxwell 1979). In some instances, only marginal, difficult-to-confirm effects occur (Engle et al. 1957). There may also be developmental effects on the female reproductive tract of newborns. The milder, short-term grazing form of the disease problem is seen in cattle as well as sheep and appears to be the form likely to be seen in North America. The isoflavones are also suggested as a contributing factor in the incidence of buller cattle in feed yards (Edwards 1995). Pigs may be at considerable risk of adverse effects when grazing phytoestrogenic forages, because although formononetin is rapidly absorbed and biotransformed, there seems to be a decreased capacity to conjugate equol (Lundh 1995). An increased risk is also suggested by the high sensitivity of pigs to the effects of zearalenone. Other effects of phytoestrogens include uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by biochanin A and formononetin, about one-tenth that caused by 2,4dinitrophenol. These isoflavones also inhibit the respiratory chain and electron transport at the same site as rotenone (Lundh and Lundgren 1991). Genistein, which is also found in bacteria, is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (Akiyama et al. 1987) and is also cytotoxic by virtue of its inhibition of DNA topoisomerase (Markovits et al. 1989). Metabolic and carcinogenic effects are also reported (Adams 1989). effect mainly temporary, increased number of services for conception; especially sheep, cattle less affected

Clinical Signs and Pathology—In sheep, a wide variety of reproductive disorders caused by the phytoestrogens of Trifolium occur. They include abnormal development of genitalia, infertility, abnormal estrous cycles, follicular cysts, endometrial hypoplasia, uterine prolapse, and dystocia of maternal origin. Manifestations of the disease in North America, where forages are likely to contain only low concentrations of the phytoestrogens, will mainly be restricted to low-grade infertility problems, perhaps with abnormal estrous cycles. The lambing season may be abnormally prolonged, with an overall decrease in birth rate as well. Effects in cattle are only marginal. Because of the rarity of this disease, it should not be considered the cause of infertility problems until exhaustive efforts have been made to eliminate more common infectious or nutritional causes.


Toxic Plants of North America

Diagnosis can be aided by chemical assay of the suspect forage for phytoestrogens. However, because of various constraints with the chemical assay, bioassays measuring the change in DNA induced in breast cancer-derived MCF-7 cells or the increase in weight of the mouse uterus generally may be more useful (Welshons et al. 1990; Galey et al. 1993). However, some care must be taken, because the results of the mouse uterine assay may not be representative of effects in livestock (Saba et al. 1974).

reversible when forage changed

Slobbers may be seen in cattle, sheep, and horses that ingest large amounts of infected forage, either fresh or as hay or silage, for several days or more. In those areas where red clover is a typical forage, it is not uncommon to see excess salivation as a rather innocuous finding in horses. The disease is not usually of life-threatening severity in any animal species but rather is primarily of economic importance because of weight loss and decreased milk production.

fungus produces alkaloid, slaframine; metabolized in liver to cholinergic quaternary ketoimine

Treatment—As indicated above, many of the effects caused by phytoestrogens of Trifolium are readily reversible with removal of the animal from the offending forage. Another promising experimental approach is to control expression of the disease through immunization to provide antibodies against phytoestrogens (Livingston 1978; Cox 1985). Prevention of the disease may be accomplished through use of newer improved cultivars low in phytoestrogens (Davies et al. 1970).

Slobbers excessive salivation; ingestion of fungal-infected T. pretense; black patch disease of clover; cholinergic effects in all livestock; not lethal, decreased productivity

Disease Problems—Among the diseases caused by Trifolium is one that is associated with infestation of T. pratense by the fungus Rhizoctonia leguminicola, which causes black patch disease of the plant. The disease name is derived from the bronze to black spots or rings, 1–10 mm in diameter, that appear on leaves and stems. Consumption of infected plants in hay or in pasture produces an intoxication characterized by excessive salivation and generally called slobbers (Aust 1974). The fungus persists from growing season to growing season in both vegetative tissues and seed. Thus, once it occurs in an area, it is likely to be a continuing problem, primarily on second cuttings of hay when the weather is cool and moist. Mowing and allowing regrowth of pastures may reduce the amount of infection if moisture is not excessive. Other forages, including alsike and white clovers, lespedeza, and medics, may also be parasitized by the fungus, but usually only when they are growing adjacent to red clover. These other forages, however, are seldom a cause of the disease (Broquist 1985).

Disease Genesis—The disease slobbers, resulting from ingestion of T. pratense infected with black patch disease, is caused by the alkaloid (1S,6S,8aS)-acetoxy-6-aminooctahydroindolizine. It is produced by the fungus and is commonly referred to as slaframine, rhizotoxin, or simply the slobber factor (Broquist 1985). After absorption in the digestive tract, slaframine is biotransformed by flavoprotein oxidase in the liver to an acetylcholine-like quaternary amine, or ketoimine, capable of cholinergic stimulation of exocrine glands (Aust 1974; Guengerich and Aust 1977). Concentrations of slaframine may range as high as 50–100 ppm (Figure 35.160). In addition, swainsonine, a competitive inhibitor of α-d-mannosidase and a major toxicant in Astragalus (treated in this chapter), has been detected. Concentrations up to 2.5 ppm occur, but their toxicologic significance in T. pratense is unknown (Broquist 1985). profuse salivation, lacrimation, diarrhea, bloat, stiffness, anorexia

Clinical Signs and Pathology—After the animal has eaten the fungus-infested stems and leaves for several days, excessive salivation with stringy, clear, viscid saliva hanging from the mouth may be seen. Although excess salivation is the predominant sign, other changes primarily referable to the parasympathetic nervous system may also be an important part of the disease syndrome. These

Figure 35.160.

Chemical structure of slaframine.

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additional signs include hypothermia, excess lacrimation, diarrhea, bloat, increased frequency of urination, stiffness, and inappetence. The most consistent clinical signs in horses include excessive salivation and lacrimation, colic, and diarrhea. Abortion in mares has been attributed to slaframine and has been experimentally reproduced in laboratory rodents. Because slobbers is not a lethal disease, but rather one of economic impact due to physiologic changes in the animal, pathological changes are not distinctive.

1982; Nation 1989). An association between T. hybridum and liver disease was hypothesized, but the relationship has not been confirmed. The disease has been proposed to be a mycotic disease rather than a disease caused directly by the plants (Nation 1989). Infection of clover with the fungus Cymodothea trifolii has been associated with hepatogenous photosensitization in horses in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and mice that were fed infected foliage for 3 weeks had an increase in serum SDH (Murphy 1997).

no treatment needed; signs readily reversible with change of feed

skin, erythema, swelling, edema, sloughing, pigmented areas; with or without elevation of serum hepatic enzymes

Treatment—Slaframine intoxication may be at least partially responsive to atropine. Removal of contaminated forage is usually followed by prompt alleviation of signs of toxicosis, although a return to full milk production may be delayed. No effective means to detoxify contaminated feeds are known.

Photosensitization “trifoliosis,” both primary and hepatogenous, the latter possibly due to mycotoxin

Disease Problems and Genesis—In some instances with T. hybridum and T. repens, photosensitization may be seen that appears to be a primary or direct type because it is readily reversible (Pammel 1920; Hansen 1928b; Fincher and Fuller 1942; Morrill 1943). However, some caution is warranted because it has not been specifically confirmed to be this type. Commonly referred to as trifoliosis or dew poisoning, it may be seen in any animal species but seems to be most common in horses and in young animals of other species. It may appear to be a contact dermatitis, but its expression is clearly correlated with the pigmentation pattern of the skin (Byrne 1937). It has been seen primarily in the wet season on warm, bright, sunny days. It is an acute disease with rapid recovery after animals are removed from the pasture. The cause of this sporadic photosensitization is not known, but it is quite similar in nature to that caused by other primary photosensitizers such as Hypericum and Brassica. Another more chronic type of cutaneous disease has also been reported to occur in horses grazing pastures of T. hybridum. This requires long-term ingestion—a year or more—and the skin changes appear to be due to hepatogenous photosensitization secondary to bile duct proliferation and periportal fibrosis (Schofield 1933; Traub et al.

in severe cases: head pressing, ataxia, other signs of neurologic disturbance

Clinical Signs—Signs include erythema, swelling, edema, and sloughing of skin in lightly pigmented areas. Often the extent of these signs is clearly demarcated at the edge of darker areas. There may be accompanying pruritis, restlessness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. In the case of the hepatogenous type, marked elevation of serum hepatic enzymes (SDH, AST, AP) and blood ammonia may be expected, and in some cases icterus of the sclera and other mucous membranes is seen. There may also be signs of hepatoencephalopathy, such as incessant walking, head pressing, ataxia, depression alternating with excitement, coma, and death. In other situations, a more chronic form may prevail, with weakness and weight loss. gross pathology, skin lesions, hepatogenous form, liver firm, nodular; microscopic, liver necrosis, fibrosis, bile duct proliferation

Pathology—In addition to the crusty, ulcerative, and proliferative skin changes, there may be obvious liver involvement. In those instances the liver will be enlarged, firm, and nodular. Microscopically, some hepatocellular degeneration, vacuolation, and necrosis will be seen, but the most distinctive and dominating lesions are bile duct proliferation and periportal fibrosis. There may also be mild renal tubular nephrosis.

nursing care, provide shade


Toxic Plants of North America

Treatment—Preventing the animals from having access to the forage is usually sufficient to initiate recovery. The clinical signs of the disease regress slowly during healing of the skin. Liver involvement may result in slower resolution of skin lesions and may require special dietary considerations.

Figure 35.161.

Chemical structure of linamarin.

Cyanogenesis cyanogenic glycosides, linamarin, lotaustralin

Disease Problems and Genesis—Although several species of Trifolium are reported to be cyanogenic (Table 35.13), cyanogenesis is a rare consequence of ruminants grazing T. repens late in a growing season when rainfall has been poor or erratic (Coop 1949; Vickery et al. 1987). low cyanogenic glycosides concentrations; very low risk

The cyanogenic glucosides lotaustralin and linamarin are present in ladino clover in ratios ranging from 2:1 to 4:1, in addition to linamarase, a β-glucosidase, which, under certain environmental conditions or when the plant is mechanically damaged, is free to hydrolyze the glucosides (Conn 1979). Hydrolysis of the two glucosides results in formation of a cyanohydrin, which can then dissociate to form hydrogen cyanide. The reaction is catalyzed by hydroxynitrile lyase. Levels of these cyanogenic glycosides up to 1% fresh weight may be present in high HCN genotypes of T. repens (Collinge and Hughes 1982). Expression of cyanogenesis is quite variable and is markedly influenced by environmental factors such as temperature and moisture stress. A complete discussion of these factors and cyanide toxicity is presented in the treatment of Sorghum in the Poaceae (Chapter 58) (Figure 35.161). Trifolium repens exhibits considerable polymorphism for cyanogenesis. Populations are designated negative or positive with respect to their cyanogenetic potential. The negative types, or “sweet” types, seem to be more abundant, but positive populations, or “bitter” types, may be Table 35.13. Cyanogenic species of Trifolium. T. T. T. T. T.

hybridum nigrescens pratense repens uniflorum

alsike clover ball clover red clover, purple clover white clover, Dutch clover, ladino clover one-flower clover

Source: Seigler et al. (1989).

more productive and persistent (Rogers and Frykolm 1937). However, even in positive populations, concentrations of cyanogenic glucosides are seldom high enough to represent a risk. Unique circumstances are required for cyanide intoxication to occur. In one instance, fresh minced white clover with a CN content of 230 μg/g leaf tissue resulted in death of 2 cows with rumen levels of 22 μg/g fluid (Gurnsey et al. 1977). A unique neurologic problem in New Zealand has also been associated with T. repens. In this case, a flock of 250 sheep (ewes and cross-bred lambs) were moved onto a pasture of 80% white clover in full flower; 24 developed central blindness, ataxia, and difficulty chewing 10–14 days later (Scholes et al. 2008). Two lambs that were examined had no menace reflex, slow papillary light reflex, mild ataxia, and tremors. Histological examination revealed cerebrocortical neuronal necrosis, moderate white matter vacuolation, vestibular and red nuclei degeneration, and Wallerian-type degeneration of long fiber tracts. Although most white clover cultivars are potential problems, in this instance the cultivar was the highly cyanogenic “Alice” (Crush and Caradus 1995). However, it is not clear that CN had a role in this situation although some of the histologic changes may be consistent with this etiology. The polymorphic nature of T. repens is a function of the genes responsible for the synthesis of the two cyanogenic glucosides, as well as those for the hydrolytic glucosidase linamarase. Cyanogenic risk generally requires the presence of both dominant alleles of both genes. Possession of the dominant allele Ac produces moderate cyanogenesis; homozygous individuals lacking it are noncyanogenic (Corkill 1942). It is, therefore, a relatively straightforward task to breed selectively for low cyanogenesis. However, if, as hypothesized, cyanogenesis is a defensive strategy against herbivory, then Trifolium populations lacking cyanogenesis protection may not be as durable (Jones et al. 1978). Even populations with glucoside concentrations too low to be a cyanogenic hazard may present a risk. In rare instances of prolonged ingestion of T. repens, formation of thiocyanate may present a goitrogenic risk. It has also been noted that lambs born of ewes grazing high-cyanide T. repens had markedly reduced erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase levels, suggesting a possible increased risk of nutritional myopathy (Lehmann et al. 1991).

Fabaceae Lindl.

abrupt onset of distress, apprehension, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures

Clinical Signs—In the rare event of toxicosis, abrupt onset of apprehension and distress will occur within a few minutes of the animal’s grazing the offending forage. This is quickly followed by weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration. If the intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency, with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur over a 5- to 15minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time.

Pathology—Few distinctive changes are seen. For the most part, the changes are limited to congestion of the viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages.

sodium thiosulfate with or without sodium nitrate

Treatment—The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite, given at 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment. A more complete discussion of treatment for cyanogenesis is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae ( Chapter 64).

VICIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as vetch, Vicia, a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, comprises about 160 species, occurring primarily in the northern temperate zone (Lock and Maxted 2005). Its generic name is derived from the Latin vincire, meaning “to bind,” which reflects the clasping tendrils of most species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Vicia is also the classical Latin name for tare. Species of the genus are economically important as cover crops in orchards, erosion control along roadsides, green manure, livestock forage and silage, and wildlife food. One of the oldest cultivated crops, V. faba (broad bean), is used for food (Mabberley 2008). In North America, some 23–29 native and introduced species are present (Isely 1998; USDA, NRCS 2012). Intoxication problems have been associated with 3 species: V. faba L.

broad bean, horse bean, fava bean, Windsor bean

V. sativa L. (= V. angustifolia L.) V. villosa Roth


common vetch, spring vetch, narrowleaved vetch hairy vetch, winter vetch

The binomial V. angustifolia appears in many toxicologic reports; however, the taxon is now submerged in V. sativa ssp. nigra (Isely 1998).

herbs, vines; leaves 1-pinnately compound, tendrils rather than terminal leaflets; racemes or 1 or 2 flowers in axils; flowers papilionaceous; petals blue, violet, purple, white, or yellow; legumes linear, flattened

Plants annuals or perennials; herbaceous; typically vines by means of tendrils. Stems climbing or trailing, or erect and short in a few species; terete or angular. Leaves subsessile; 1-pinnately compound; terminal leaflet absent; leaflets 4–20; blades linear or oblong, petiolules absent; rachises ending in tendrils; stipules small, leaflike, semisagittate. Inflorescences axillary racemes or 1 or 2 flowers in axils of leaves; bracts minute, caducous. Sepals 5; fused; calyces radially symmetrical or 2-lipped. Corollas papilionaceous. Petals 5; blue or violet or purple or white or yellow; clawed; banners obovate or oblong, emarginate, reflexed; wings oblique oblong, auriculate, adherent to keels; keels oblong, curved, obtuse. Stamens 10; diadelphous; enclosed in keels. Legumes linear to oblong; sessile or short stipitate; flattened or somewhat terete. Seeds 2 to many (Figures 35.162 and 35.163). Classified in the same tribe, Vicia and Lathyrus are closely related and morphologically quite similar. The two genera differ in the appearance of their styles and winging of their stems. In Vicia, the style typically is terete and either pubescent all the way around or only on the abaxial or outer surface, whereas in Lathyrus, the style is flattened and pubescent only on its adaxial or inner surface. The stems of Vicia are never winged, whereas those of Lathyrus are typically so.

introduced crop plants; naturalized; weedy

Distribution and Habitat—Circumboreal in grassy and woodland habitats, Vicia has centers of diversity in the Mediterranean basin and eastern Asia (Lock and Maxted 2005). The 3 species of toxicologic interest in North America are native to Europe. Vicia villosa and V. sativa are widely cultivated alone or with small grains such as rye and wheat. They have escaped and naturalized in


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems—Although the foliage of all species of Vicia is edible and palatable to livestock, three disparate types of disease problems have been associated with the genus; the toxins in seeds apparently differ from those in foliage. Two types—a neurologic disease and a dermatopathy—are described separately in the following subsections. A third, not reported to occur in North America, is favism, or fabism, an acute hemolytic anemia produced by seeds of V. faba, especially when undercooked, in persons with the genetic trait of low levels of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Watt and BreyerBrandwijk 1962; Kosower and Kosower 1967). Interestingly, these genetically unusual individuals also develop the disease upon inhalation of the species’ pollen. Seeds of V. faba, when fed uncooked, may cause small intestinal inflammatory lesions similar to those caused by lectins in species of Phaseolus, treated below in this chapter (Rubio et al. 1989).

Neurologic Disease livestock, rare disease from eating large amounts of seeds; poultry growth depression Figure 35.162.

Line drawing of Vicia americana.

Figure 35.163.

Photo of Vicia villosa.

abandoned fields, along roadsides, and in waste areas, often forming dense stands and readily reseeding. Vicia faba is occasionally cultivated in vegetable gardens and rarely escapes (Isely 1998). Distribution maps of these and other species of the genus can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

3 types of disease—neuropathy, dermatopathy, favism; favism generally not a problem in North America

Disease Problems—Ingestion of large amounts of the seeds of Vicia may result in a neurologic disease. In cattle, small amounts of V. villosa seeds caused signs similar to those of rabies, including bellowing and seizures, and in some instances, sudden death (Claughton and Claughton 1954; Panciera 1978). Incorporation of seeds of V. sativa or V. villosa in poultry rations produces growth depression and death in the birds. However, the effects are markedly attenuated by heating, similar to the heat-labile actions produced by lathyrogens (Thayer and Heller 1946; Harper and Arscott 1962; Kienholz et al. 1962; Arscott and Harper 1964). Seeds of V. sativa (reported as V.angustifolia) are also neurotoxic in ducks and monkeys (Anderson et al. 1924). In a reported ingestion of 50 or more seeds of V. tetrasperma by a 3-year-old child, no adverse effects were noted other than protracted vomiting from administration of syrup of ipecac (Wine and Johnson 1993). possible causes, neurotoxic, β-cyanoalanine and its derivative

Disease Genesis—Two types of toxicants have been identified in the seeds of Vicia. Cyanogenic glycosides— vicianine, a benzaldehyde type, and l-mandelonitrile-vicianoside, an unusual diglucoside—have been isolated from V. sativa (Bertrand 1906; Roseveare 1948). However,

Fabaceae Lindl.


there was little to incriminate cyanide as a cause except for a positive picrate test for muscle collected 4 days after necropsy. Figure 35.164.

Chemical structure of β-cyanoalanine.

Dermatopathy cattle and horses, mainly V. villosa in black cattle; foliage grazed for several weeks; often lethal

Figure 35.165. cyanoalanine.

Chemical structure of γ-glutamyl-β-

experimental studies with rats failed to verify that these compounds are hazardous (Ruby et al. 1955) (Figures 35.164 and 35.165). Seeds of these two species also contain β-cyano-lalanine and its bound form, γ-l-glutamyl-β-cyano-lalanine (Ressler et al. 1963). Given orally, they are most toxic in poultry. Typically, a diet of 50% seeds is lethal in chicks but produces little effect in rats (Ressler et al. 1969). These two toxins cause excitement, ataxia, respiratory distress, seizures characterized by head retraction and arched back, and death when fed for several days to poultry (Harper and Arscott 1962; Ressler 1962; Arscott and Harper 1963). The bound form is only about half as toxic as the free amino acid (Ressler et al. 1963). Levels of the toxins vary considerably, and in some cases they are low enough that seeds can be fed safely to poultry without problems from cyanide (Darre et al. 1998; Tatake and Ressler 1999). However, in these instances, low concentrations of toxins may accumulate in the animal tissues. Seeds can be detoxified by cooking and washing (Ressler et al. 1997). β-Cyanoalanine given parenterally to rats is highly lethal but, when administered orally, causes only increased irritability, some overall increase in mortality, and an elevation of excretion of cystathionine in urine. β-Cyanoalanine inhibits cystathionase and interferes with transsulfuration, thereby increasing the dietary requirements for sulfur amino acids (Pfeffer and Ressler 1967; Darre et al. 1998). Although these effects are similar to those of a pyridoxine deficiency, pyridoxine HCl is not clearly protective (Ressler et al. 1964, 1967). Pyridoxal HCl, but not pyridoxine HCl, is protective against parenterally administered β-cyanoalanine in rats, but not against the effects induced by oral doses in either rats or chickens (Ressler et al. 1967). Although seeds of V. villosa can cause an acute, rapidly fatal disease in cattle, they have been shown to contain only small amounts of bound and no free β-cyanoalanine (Claughton and Claughton 1954; Panciera 1978). Occasionally cyanide intoxication is suspected as a cause of sudden death in ruminants ingesting Vicia forage as in a case in Australia with hay from V. sativa (Suter 2002). This is highly unlikely especially with well-cured hay, and in this instance

Disease Problems—Although seeds of Vicia produce neurologic effects, its foliage is associated with one or more subacute cutaneovisceral diseases when consumed in pastures (Panciera et al. 1966; Panciera 1978). The most consistently produced is a syndrome of dermatitis and visceral granulomatous disease appearing primarily during periods of vigorous plant growth (Panciera et al. 1992). Many cases have been from Oklahoma and Texas and involve V. villosa, which is commonly used as spring forage with or following grazing of winter wheat pasture. However, the disease has been seen in other states and countries and is associated with other species and hybrids, for example, V. dasycarpa and V. benghalensis (Burroughs et al. 1984; Peet and Gardner 1986; Odriozola et al. 1991; Johnson et al. 1992; Harper et al. 1993). It continues to be a problem of low morbidity and high case fatality rate in regions of cattle grazing throughout the Americas (Fighera and Barros 2004; Miranda Ariel et al. 2005; Washburn et al. 2007). The occurrence of this disease is very sporadic, often appearing in pastures where Vicia has been grazed for many years without incident. Furthermore, the incidence of appearance is quite low relative to the vast acreage planted with vetch for forage. Most cases involve mature black cattle, such as Angus or Holstein, although horses may also be affected (Anderson and Divers 1983; Woods et al. 1992). Clinical signs appear 3–4 or more weeks after pasturing. The morbidity is usually low, approximately 10%, but may be as high as 40–50%. The case fatality rate typically exceeds 50%. unknown cause; difficult to reproduce; possibly immunologic mediated

Disease Genesis—The toxicant producing this dermatopathy is unknown, as are the factors that contribute to the disease’s sporadic appearance. Experimental information is likewise limited. The disease has been experimentally produced in an Angus cow afflicted by the disease 1 year earlier, but not in her 1-year-old calf. It was suggested that the disease may be due to a type IV hypersensitivity reaction, with a granulomatous response and


Toxic Plants of North America

multinucleated giant cell formation (Panciera et al. 1992). T-lymphocyte activation by Vicia lectin is a possible alternative mechanism.

abrupt onset; progressive; papular swellings, plaques, thickening, exudation, crusting of skin, independent of pigmentation; weight loss, diarrhea, anorexia, febrile; may appear to improve but relapse and die

Clinical Signs—Manifestations of this vetch pasture disease begin as a rapidly progressive dermatitis with papular swellings, plaques, and thickening of the skin. This leads to an exudative dermatitis, with matting of the hair by a yellowish fluid and development of crusts covering areas of epithelial sloughing. Accompanying signs are pruritis and eventual loss of hair. A thickened and fissured or folded, lichenified appearance of the skin results. The changes occur initially on the neck, tailhead, escutcheon, udder, and teats and subsequently progress to the face, trunk, and limbs, independent of the animal’s pigmentation pattern. As the skin changes progress, keratoconjunctivitis and/or diarrhea with or without blood may develop. The temperature is often elevated, and other signs such as cough and rapid breathing may also be seen. Animals usually have a diminished appetite and rapidly lose considerable weight, so that they are in poor condition by the time skin lesions are prominent. There may be a transient period of apparent recovery, with a renewed interest in eating after several days, but the usual outcome is death in 10–14 days. The disease may present a similar appearance to subacute to chronic streptothricosis caused by Dermatophilus congolensis or to severe primary photosensitization; however, the morbidity and case fatality rates, lack of therapeutic response, and accompanying pathology readily differentiate these diseases.

gross pathology: skin lesions, gray streaks in many tissues microscopic: macrophage, lymphocyte, plasma cell infiltrate in liver, kidneys, spleen, lymph nodes, thyroid

Pathology—At necropsy, in addition to obvious skin lesions, a yellowish gray infiltrate is commonly seen in the dermis, adrenals, myocardium, and renal cortex extending from the surface of the kidney. Less commonly, this infiltrate may be seen in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and thyroid. Microscopically, the infiltrate is composed of macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and multinucleated giant cells (Panciera 1978).

It is of interest and not unexpected that in a group of affected dairy cattle in Brazil, in addition to the expected lesions, a granulomatous meningoencephalitis was observed with typical mononuclear-type cellular infiltrates, especially with perivascular cuffings (Rech et al. 2004). There were no neurologic signs noted.

nursing care, no specific treatment

Treatment—Treatment is nonspecific and similar to that for primary photosensitization. The prognosis must be considered poor. Recommendations for prevention of the disease are difficult to formulate because it is so sporadic in appearance and may not be seen again in the same pasture. However, all animals should be removed immediately from the pasture when skin abnormalities are noted.

WISTERIA NUTT. Taxonomy and Morphology—A member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, Wisteria comprises 5 or 6 species in eastern North America and eastern Asia (Schrire 2005c). Although its name is generally considered to honor Caspar Wistar, a professor of anatomy at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1700s and early 1800s (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Quattrocchi 2000), it is more likely honoring Charles Wister, a close friend of Thomas Nuttall (Schrire 2005c). Vigorous climbers, the Asiatic species are commonly grown for their attractive foliage and quite showy racemes. In North America, 1 native, 2 introduced, and 1 hybrid taxa are typically encountered (Isely 1998; USDA, NRCS 2012): W. floribunda (Willd.) DC. W. ×formosa Rehder (= W. floribunda × W. sinensis) W. frutescens (L.) Poir.

(= W. macrostachya [Torr. & A.Gray] Nutt.) W. sinensis Sweet

Japanese wisteria

American wisteria, Atlantic wisteria, Kentucky wisteria, Mississippi wisteria

Chinese wisteria

In older reports, floras, and manuals. W. macrostachya is treated as a distinct species.

perennial woody vines; leaves 1-pinnately compound, leaflets 9–19, no tendrils; racemes pendulous; showy flowers papilionaceous; petals blue, violet-blue, purple, pink, or white; legumes flattened

Fabaceae Lindl.

Plants perennials; woody vines; without tendrils. Stems twining; high climbing; 3–15 m long; older stems becoming trunklike, gnarled; bark gray-brown, fissured. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; leaflets 9–19; terminal leaflet present; petiolules present; stipels present; stipules small, caducous, herbaceous, well developed or forming sheaths. Inflorescences pendulous racemes; borne at ends of short branches; elongate; bracts caducous. Sepals 5; fused; calyces 2-lipped. Corollas papilionaceous. Petals 5; blue or violet-blue or purple or pink or white; clawed; banners suborbicular, reflexed, with 2 hornlike lobes or appendages above claw; wings obovate, falcate, auriculate, apices coherent; keel petals free, curved, apices obtuse. Stamens 10; diadelphous; enclosed in keels. Legumes linear-oblong to clavate; flattened; slightly torulose; tardily dehiscent; pericarp coriaceous. Seeds 2–12; large; reniform (Figures 35.166 and 35.167). cultivated ornamentals; woodlands

Figure 35.166.

Line drawing of Wisteria floribunda.


Distribution and Habitat—Members of the genus are native to the mild temperate parts of China, Japan, and the United States (Isely 1998; Schrire 2005c). They are usually found in low, moist alluvial soils in woods and along stream banks, and are distributed primarily in the southeastern quarter of the continent. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

animals or humans, digestive disturbance

Disease Problems—Prized for their beautiful blossoms in large pendulous racemes, plants of Wisteria are commonly cultivated. Mixed in batter to make fritters, the flowers are also eaten (Fernald and Kinsey 1943). Although there have been few reports of toxicologic problems, seeds of the genus have a reputation for toxicity. A 4-year-old and 5-year-old brother and sister developed nausea and bloodstained vomiting within 30 minutes of eating several seeds (Jacobziner and Raybin 1961). In an Italian case, 2 youths each ate 5 or 6 seeds and developed digestive problems (Piola et al. 1983). In both cases, recovery was complete 2–3 days after ingestion. In another instance, a 50-year-old woman developed nausea and a severe headache 3.5–4.5 hours after eating 10 seeds (Rondeau 1993). At 6 hours, initial signs were followed by those of severe distress of the digestive system. She exhibited vomiting (with blood), diarrhea, colic, sweating, dizziness, and fainting. Her blood glucose was mildly elevated at 137 mg/dL, as was the number of polymorphonuclear white blood cells. The woman was treated in an emergency room and discharged, but signs of the problem persisted for 7 days.

proteinaceous lectin affecting mucosal cells of intestine; effects may be severe

Disease Genesis—Like the seeds of many members of this family, the seeds of W. floribunda contain a glycoprotein lectin, which in this instance binds to N-acetyl-dgalactosamine (Kurokawa et al. 1976). This binding prevents replacement of cells of the mucosal layer, especially in the small intestine, and is reflected in severe effects on the digestive system.

Figure 35.167.

Photo of inflorescence of Wisteria floribunda.

vomiting, diarrhea, colic, weakness, gross pathology, reddening of mucosa of intestine; administer activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes, antidiarrheal drugs


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—As illustrated in the case studies cited, signs of Wisteria intoxication reflect gastrointestinal dysfunction. Most commonly seen are vomiting, diarrhea, colic, weakness, and perhaps mild neurologic changes, signs apparent in animals as well as humans. Recovery may require several days. Necropsy lesions are usually restricted to reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Treatment is symptomatic, directed toward alleviating the pain and inflammation accompanying the gastroenteritis. When given early, activated charcoal may be beneficial.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Bituminaria See treatment of Psoralea, in this chapter.


Mimosa L. A member of the subfamily Mimosoideae, Mimosa is primarily a New World genus comprising about 400 species, which are commonly referred to as the mimosas (Luckow 2005). This common name also is used for several species of the genus Acacia and for the rather common ornamental tree Albizia julibrissin. The plant known to florists as mimosa is a species of Acacia. In North America, there are 13–20 native and introduced species (Isely 1998; USDA, NRCS 2012), including the ornamental M. pudica L. (sensitive plant, touch-me-not, shame plant, live-and-die plant, humble plant, or mimosa). Mimosa pudica is often cultivated as a novelty because it exhibits “sleep” and “shame” when its leaflets fold and its petioles droop at night, when they are touched, or when temperature or air pressure drops abruptly. This movement is due to rapid loss of turgor in the pulvinus cells or to action of contractile proteins. no reports of intoxication, but contains mimosine, willardiine, saponins

See treatment of Psoralea, in this chapter.

Desmanthus Willd. unconfirmed cause of colic; indole alkaloid of unknown significance extracted A relatively small genus of about 24 species in the predominantly woody subfamily Mimosoideae, Desmanthus is unusual because most of its species are perennial herbs (Luckow 2005). Native to the New World and generally regarded as nutritious and readily eaten by livestock (Phillips Petroleum Co. 1963), plants of this genus are not associated with intoxication problems with the exception of one report. A prairie and plains species from Texas to Kansas, D. leptolobus Torr. & A.Gray, commonly known as prairie or slender-lobed bundleflower, was suspected as the cause of severe colic in horses in Texas. However, subsequent experimental studies in 2 horses fed 4 g/kg b.w. (0.4%) of D. leptolobus for 9 days failed to confirm the species as a cause of the observed effects (Harvey et al. 1986). An indole alkaloid, 2-hydroxy-Nmethyltryptamine, has been isolated from the roots of D. illinoensis (Michx.) MacMill. ex B.L.Rob. & Fernald (Illinois bundleflower), but its toxicologic significance is not known (Southon and Buckingham 1989).

Hoita See treatment of Psoralea, in this chapter.

Although specific reports of intoxication problems caused by species of Mimosa are lacking, plants have been found to contain several potential toxicants. The genus is included here because there is the possibility that it could cause problems similar to those caused by Leucaena because of the presence of mimosine, and because of the application of its common name to Albizia and Acacia, which do cause significant problems. As with Leucaena, problems would occur only if the plant is a major component of the diet, an event unlikely in most instances because of the spiny or thorny herbage. The principal toxicant is mimosine (β-N-[3-hydroxy-4-pyridone]-αamino-propionic acid), which is degraded to the toxic 3-hydroxy-4-(1H)-pyridone (3,4-DHP) by enzymes in the plant when its tissues are macerated or by bacteria in the rumen (Hegarty et al. 1964; Lowry et al. 1983). Mimosine is a structural analogue and minor antagonist of enzymatic reactions requiring pyridoxine. Both mimosine and 3,4-DHP act as inhibitors of DNA and, to a lesser extent, of RNA synthesis, possibly by metal cofactor chelation (Tsai and Ling 1971). Goitrogenic effects are also attributable to DHP as discussed for Leucaena (in this chapter). Toxic effects of Mimosa have been reported for species from other areas of the world. A Brazilian species, M. tenuiflora, is teratogenic, causing malformations such as cleft lip, ocular abnormalities, and segmental stenosis of the colon in goats (Pimentel et al. 2007). In lambs, there was foreleg flexure, brachygnathia, cleft palate, and other head malformations (Nobrega et al. 2005). A species in

Fabaceae Lindl.

India has also been shown to cause adverse systemic effects in calves with depression, dyspnea, ascites, and death (Shridhar et al. 2007). In addition to mimosine, triterpenoid/steroidal saponins, known as mimonosides A, B, and C, are present (Anton et al. 1993). Also present is willardiine, a heterocyclic excitatory amino acid acting on kainate receptors in the cerebrum and also present in seeds of species of Acacia (Patneau et al. 1992). Bark extracts of the Central American species, M. tenuifolia Blanco, also contain alkaloids that have been shown experimentally to have an effect on smooth muscle in rats and guinea pigs, thus decreasing intestinal peristalsis and increasing gastric and uterine contractions (Meckes-Lozoya et al. 1990). These effects may in part be related to the presence of N-N-dimethyltryptamine and 2-methylcarboline in the seeds and leaves (Gardner et al. 2011).

Mucuna Adans. seeds with high levels of l-dopa used as charms; possibly neurotoxic?


Comprising 5 species in the New World tropics, Pachyrhizus is a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae (Schrire 2005d). Its generic name is derived from the Greek roots pachys and rhizon, meaning “thick” and “root,” which reflect its large, tuberous roots. In North America, the genus is represented by a single species, P. erosus (L.) Urb. (= P. angulatus Rich. ex DC., = P. bulbosus (L.) Kurz), commonly known as yam bean, chopsui potato, or jicama. This perennial, herbaceous vine has naturalized in disturbed pine-palmetto and ruderal areas of south Florida (Isely 1998), where it has been cultivated for its massive tuberous roots, which are eaten raw or cooked. The legumes are also eaten as a vegetable when thoroughly cooked beforehand. Ingestion of raw legumes or seeds causes irritation of the digestive tract and mild to moderate diarrhea of short duration, because of the presence of terpenoids. Typically, treatment is unnecessary, except in instances when dehydration is severe enough to require administration of fluids. Seeds are also reported to contain rotenone and pachyrrhizid and have been used as fish poisons and insecticides (Blohm 1962).

Pediomelium A tropical genus of approximately 105 species in both the Old and New World, Mucuna is a member of the subfamily Papilionoideae (Schrire 2005d). It is represented in North America by 2 introduced species limited in distribution to the extreme Southeast (Isely 1998; USDA, NRCS 2012). Most commonly encountered is M. pruriens (L.) DC. (velvet bean), a twining vine with trifoliate leaves and hispid legumes grown as an ornamental and a forage. Used as good luck charms, the large, brown seeds of M. sloanei Fawc. & Rendle (horseeye bean, ojo de venado, or eye of the deer), are purported to contain high concentrations (350 mg) of l-dopa, which may pose a hazard to children and pets (Sullivan and Chavez 1981). However, this risk has not been confirmed experimentally or clinically. Foliage of some species is used for livestock forage, but in some instances digestive disturbances occur (Blohm 1962). Beans of species in other areas of the world (M. cochinchinensis) in addition to M. pruriens have been evaluated for their potential as livestock feed and were found to be toxic when fed raw, and even when heated are nutritionally deficient for pigs (Ukachukwu et al. 1999, 2003; Emenalom et al. 2004).

Pachyrhizus Rich. ex DC. uncooked legumes cause digestive irritation and diarrhea; seeds contain rotenone and pachyrrhizid

See treatment of Psoralea, in this chapter.

Phaseolus L. A New World genus of the subfamily Papilionoideae, Phaseolus includes many of the cultivated bean plants (Isely 1998; Schrire 2005d). Problems are generally limited to P. lunatus L. (lima bean, Java bean, Burma bean) and P. vulgaris L. (kidney bean, black bean, pinto bean, navy bean). Two types of problems are observed. The first 2 species are cyanogenic under some conditions, and the third contains factors that alter animal growth and cause mortality. Rarely encountered in North America, seeds and foliage of P. lunatus contain up to 20 mg/100 g of linamarin, formerly known as phaseolunatin (Dunstan and Henry 1903; Pammel 1917a; Gibbs 1974). Seeds also contain lotaustralin. Of more importance is the occasional problem of cyanogenesis in foliage of P. limensis Macfad. Although probably of rare occurrence, foliage of cultivated lima beans has either caused death of livestock or been noted to have high cyanogenic activity (Pammel 1921; Reynard and Norton 1942; Fuller and McClintock 1986). This activity was noted a few hours after a frost or when plants were harvested for the beans while still green. However, cyanogenesis seems to be an unlikely problem with Phaseolus. Although in one instance deaths of pigs was reported, the specific cause was not reported, and cyanide intoxication from forage is not typically a problem in pigs.


Toxic Plants of North America

Problems with P. vulgaris are related to lectins in the seeds. Raw beans, when eaten by rats, pigs, and other species, produce antinutritional effects, limiting growth and increasing mortality (Jaffe and Vega Lette 1968; Banerjee and Hogue 1975; Hove et al. 1978; Bigbie and King 1981; Myer 1981). When the seeds are heated, toxicity potential is eliminated. In humans, consumption of kidney beans that have been allowed to soften for a prolonged period in water but not cooked may also cause acute digestive disturbances (Epidemiological Research Laboratory 1976; Noah et al. 1980). Adverse effects are caused by heat-labile hemagglutinins that bind to and destroy cells of the intestinal tract lining. Secretions from goblet cells increase, and absorption and digestion are impaired (Pusztai 1989). foliage and legumes of P. lunatus weakly cyanogenic; seeds of P. vulgaris have lectins in seeds, when eaten raw cause digestive disturbance When fed in moderate amounts to rats and pigs, there was mainly weight loss, with some deaths, among the rats. The tetrameric lectin (115–120 kilodaltons) from P. acutifolius (tepary bean) caused weight loss and low to moderate effects on the small intestine, spleen, and thymus of mice (Reynoso-Camacho et al. 2003). When humans eat large amounts, they may experience vomiting and diarrhea. Treatment is aimed at relief of the signs.

Psoralea L. and Related Genera A member of the subfamily Papilionoideae, Psoralea was long interpreted to consist of some 130 species present in both the Old and New World. Legume taxonomists, however, have divided the genus into 9 genera and restricted its circumscription to 20 species endemic to the Mediterranean area of Africa (Stirton 1981, 2005; Grimes 1990; Isely 1998). North American species no longer in Psoralea Commonly known as scurf peas or Indian breadroots, species occurring in North America, both native and introduced, are now classified in 8 genera: Bituminaria Heister ex Fabr., Cullen Medik., Hoita Rydb., Orbexilum Raf., Otholobium C.H.Stirt., Pediomelum Rydb., Psoralidium Rydb., and Rupertia J.W. Grimes (Grimes 1990). These genera are differentiated primarily on the basis of the nature of legume dehiscence and appearance of the calyces (Grimes 1990). Their species occupy a variety of habitats in open forests, grasslands, and desert shrub communities throughout North America.

furanocoumarins produced; pseudopsoralen, possible photosensitization

Because most toxicological reports have used the name Psoralea and the toxicants heretofore identified present are the same, we collectively treat these genera under the familiar Psoralea and cite the appropriate synonyms. The toxicologic potential of the species of these genera is not clear. Marsh (1929) considered Psoralidium tenuiflorum (= Psoralea tenuiflora) to be toxic to livestock but so distasteful that it was never eaten. Leaflets and young fruit of Pediomelium canescens and Pediomelium subacaulis (= Psoralea canescens and Psoralea subacaulis) fed to mice and chicks up to 2% b.w. failed to cause adverse effects (Duncan et al. 1955). However, Pediomelium subacaulis, Bituminaria acaulis (= Psoralea acaulis), Bituminaria bituminosa (= Psoralea bituminosa), Cullen corylifolia (= Psoralea corylifolia), Cullen drupaceum (= Psoralea drupacea), Hoita macrostachya (= Psoralea macrostachya), and Cullen plicatum (= Psoralea plicata) contain phototoxic furanocoumarins (Murray et al. 1982). The risk for livestock is generally low because these furanocoumarins are present mainly in the fruits and seeds except in Pediomelium subacaulis, in which the furanocoumarin psoralen is present in all plant tissues, and Otholobium glandulosum (= Psoralea glandulosa) and Hoita macrostachya, which contain the linear psoralen and toxic angular angelicin, respectively, in leaves (Scott et al. 1976; Innocenti et al. 1991; Cappalletti et al. 1992). Transfer of these furanocoumarins to animals may also occur by topical contact with glands on the surfaces of plants. Other reported effects include seminiferous tubular degeneration in rats from an extract of Cullen corylifolia (Takizawa et al. 2004) and acute cholestatic hepatitis with nausea, vomiting, and weakness in a 44-year-old woman following ingestion of a Chinese herbal remedy (Bu Ku Zi) made from seeds of Cullen corylifolia (SooWoo et al. 2005). Furanocoumarins are activated by long-wavelength UV light (320–380 nm). The interaction between them and DNA in cells of the animal results in tissue destruction due to alterations in the lipid portion of membranes. This leads to signs such as erythema and edema of the skin of the muzzle, ears, udder, teats, and vulva. In some cases, lesions may be limited to areas of direct contact with plants; in others, they may be more widely distributed in less protected and minimally pigmented skin areas. Blisters may form in skin, with exudation and subsequent ulceration. Involvement of eyes may also be seen, with sensitivity to light, cloudy corneas, and inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva observed. The disease is self-limiting, and treatment is not generally required.

Fabaceae Lindl.

Prevention of animal access to the plants is sufficient to allow recovery. However, recovery in severe cases may require several weeks. In the meantime, nursing offspring may require supplemental feeding. A compete discussion of the role of furanocoumarins is given in the treatment of genera in the family Apiaceae that cause photosensitization (see Chapter 8).

Psoralidium See treatment of Psoralea, in this chapter.

Tephrosia Pers. Comprising approximately 350 species, Tephrosia is a pantropical genus used as cover crops, livestock fodder, ornamentals, pisicides, insecticides, and medicines (Schrire 2005c). In Africa, for example, leaves, seeds, and roots of numerous species are employed across the continent as a source of fish poisons used in fishing (Neuwinger 2004). In some instances plants are cultivated for that specific purpose. In North America, roots of T. virginiana (L.) Pers., variously known as hoary pea, rabbit pea, catgut, goat’s rue, or devil’s shoestring, were likewise used by members of American Indian tribes in the southeastern states as a fish poison as well as a vermifuge (Pammel 1911; Sievers et al. 1938; Hudson 1976).

rotenone produced; toxicity potential unknown

Extracts of roots contain rotenone and related compounds, but levels appear to be quite variable, and in some locations biological activity is nil (Clark 1933; Sievers et al. 1938; Gard 2009). When fed to chicks at 1.6% b.w., T. virginiana was nontoxic, which is not surprising, considering the low toxicity of rotenone and variability in its concentrations (Duncan et al. 1955). In contrast, a species in Africa causes adverse effects on brain, liver, kidney, and digestive system when large amounts (1–5% b.w.) are fed to goats for 1–2 weeks (Suliman et al. 1982b). Toxicity of the remaining 14 or 15 native species of Tephrosia is essentially unknown, albeit some are anecdotally reported to be toxic to insects and fish. Introduced T. cinerea (ashen hoary pea), which has a limited presence in Alabama, is reported to cause lethal effects in sheep in Brazil (da Silva et al. 2006). The disease known as water belly (associated with liver disease and ascites) occurs after animals graze plants for several months or more (Riet-Correa et al. 2007; Santos et al. 2007). It is apparently eaten only by sheep when it dominates the forage available during prolonged dry periods. Because of these factors it does not represent a risk in North America.


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Chapter Thirty-Six

Fagaceae Dumort

Beech or Oak Family Fagus Quercus Comprising 7–9 genera and 600–970 species distributed primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, the Fagaceae, commonly known as the beech or oak family, is represented in North America by 5 genera, 97 species, and innumerable hybrids of oak (Nixon 1997; Jury 2007; Mabberley 2008). Species of Fagus (beech) and Quercus (oak) dominate most of the eastern deciduous forests (Vankat 1992). Before its almost complete extinction due to chestnut blight, Castanea (American chestnut) was also one of the most important trees in eastern North America. In the West, evergreen species of Quercus, Lithocarpus (tan oak), and Castanopsis (giant chinquapin) are encountered. Prized for its wood—for flooring, furniture, barrels, and ship decking—the family is also economically important as food for both wildlife and humans (Jury 2007). The fruits of Fagus (beechnuts) and Quercus (acorns) are a major component of the diets of many forest animals, and sweet chestnuts are roasted or included in purees, stuffings, and stews. Oil is also extracted from beechnuts. Members of the family, mainly chestnut, are occasionally the cause of allergy problems in humans (Zapatero et al. 2005). shrubs and trees; leaves simple, alternate; flowers imperfect, staminate in catkins, pistillate solitary or clustered; fruits nuts Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; monoecious. Leaves simple; alternate; blades entire to variously toothed or lobed; awns present or absent; venation pinnate; stipules present, caducous. Inflorescences of 2 types, staminate and pistillate different; axillary. Staminate Inflorescences catkins; pendulous; elongate or globose; bracts present or absent, caducous. Pistillate Inflorescences solitary flowers or clusters of 2–4; bracts

present, fused to form involucral caps or husks that completely or partially enclose flowers. Flowers produced before or simultaneously with or after leaves; imperfect, staminate and pistillate similar; perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical. Sepals 4–8; fused. Petals absent. Stamens 4–20. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3–7; stigmas 3; styles 3; ovaries inferior; locules 3–7; placentation axile; ovules 2 per locule; gynoecial rudiments occasionally present. Fruits nuts; subtended by involucral caps in Quercus (acorn) or enclosed in spiny or prickly husks that are dehiscent at maturity in Castanea and Fagus. Seeds 1.

FAGUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8–10 species in the Northern Hemisphere of the Old and New World, Fagus is one of the dominant trees of deciduous forests (Nixon 1997). Its name is probably derived from the Greek fagein, meaning “to eat,” and figos, meaning “an oak with edible acorns” (Nixon 1997). In North America, the genus is represented by 1 native and 1 introduced species: F. grandifolia Ehrh. F. sylvatica L.

American beech, beechnut European beech

massive trees, dense crowns; leaves in 2 rows, serrated appearance due to protrusion of secondary veins; nuts 3-angled

Plants massive trees; trunks stout; crowns dense, rounded. Stems 18–25 m tall; bark gray, smooth at tree maturity; twigs slender, slightly zigzag, bearing short lateral or spur branches; terminal buds elongated, narrow, golden brown, with numerous overlapping scales. Leaves borne in 2 rows or clustered on the spurs; blades ovate to lanceolate; secondary veins form conspicuous parallel ribs and protrude as teeth from margins, giving serrated

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

appearance. Staminate Flowers borne in globose catkins on pendulous peduncles; appearing as leaves emerge. Pistillate Flowers typically borne in pairs at ends of short stalks; enclosed by numerous bracts that form a reddishbrown, spiny bur. Nuts 3-angled; brown; smooth; dropping from involucral burs at maturity (Figure 36.1). eastern forests; ornamental

Distribution and Habitat—The native F. grandifolia is distributed throughout the deciduous forests of the eastern half of North America. Fagus sylvatica, introduced from Europe, is cultivated as an ornamental primarily in the East and, to a lesser extent, in the Midwest and the West (Figure 36.2). low risk of digestive disturbance or neurologic effects

Disease Problems—Neither species of Fagus has proven to be a problem in North America. Garner (1961), however, reported that there have been intermittent poisonings in Europe of humans and livestock following consumption of beechnuts or the cake after the oil had been extracted. The disease involves irritation of the digestive tract and, less commonly, tetanic-type seizures. In the rare instance of ingestion of the fruits of F. sylvatica by children or pets, there may be rapid onset of mild gastrointestinal upset of short duration (Campbell 2008). In a more severe situation, Wilkins and Cranwell (1990) described in detail an English case involving 2 ponies that gorged on the nuts of F. sylvatica following a windstorm. The disease was characterized by signs of a neurotoxicosis, including ataxia, muscle fasciculation, hyperexcitability, extensor spasms of the pelvic limbs, and self-mutilation. The severity was such that euthanasia was necessary. Postmortem findings were few, other than petechial hemorrhages of the serosa and mucosa of the stomach and small intestine, and the mass of beechnuts in the stomach.

toxicant unknown; possibly saponin-like irritant?

Disease Genesis—Because toxicity problems caused by

Figure 36.1.

Line drawing of Fagus grandifolia.

Fagus are very rare, little is known about its toxicants. The effects in part appear to be due to an irritant/corrosive saponin-like substance that acts on the digestive tract. The foliage of beech has high levels of polyphenolic compounds similar to those of Quercus, and if sufficient plant material were eaten, signs of oak-type intoxication might be anticipated. Fagus also shares with Quercus a correlation with a high incidence of adenocarcinoma of the nose in people repeatedly exposed to their wood dust (Kleinsasser et al. 1991; Maciejewska et al. 1993). Such a predisposition, if true, suggests some similarity in disease potential between the two genera, even though this carcinogenic effect is due to an alcohol extractable, nontannin fraction (Nelson et al. 1993). However, the neurotoxic effects, that is, the tetanic-type seizures, are not consistent with the action of polyphenolics (see next section). This suggests that Fagus may have a different array of toxicants from that of Quercus.

probably signs related to irritation of digestive tract

Figure 36.2.

Distribution of Fagus grandifolia.

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Because species of Fagus have seldom been clearly linked with a specific disease problem, clinical signs and treatment cannot be described in detail. Digestive tract derangement

Fagaceae Dumort

is the most likely problem and should be treated to relieve the signs observed.

QUERCUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 400–530 species and innumerable hybrids, Quercus is a genus of the northern hemisphere in both the Old and New World, albeit it has been planted almost worldwide as an ornamental (Nixon 1997; Mabberley 2008). In North America, approximately 90 native and introduced species and some 100 named hybrids are present (Nixon 1997; USDA, NRCS 2012). Quercus is one of the most important hardwood trees and is a familiar sight throughout North America. These woody perennials range in size from kneehigh shrubs to massive trees. Most are deciduous and easily recognized by the presence of multiple buds at the twig ends and the characteristic acorn. Species of Quercus implicated specifically in toxicoses include the following; all species, however, should be considered potentially toxic: Q. agrifolia Née Q. coccinea Muenchh. Q. douglasii Hook. & Arn. Q. durandii Buckley Q. gambelii Nutt. Q. garryana Douglas ex Hook. Q. havardii Rydb. Q. incana Bartram Q. marilandica Muenchh. Q. mohriana Buckley Q. prinus L. Q. robur L. Q. rubra L. Q. sinuata Walter var. (Torr.) C.H. Muell. (=Q. durandii Buckley) Q. stellata Wangenh. Q. turbinella Greene Q. velutina Lam.

coast live oak, California live oak scarlet oak blue oak, mountain white oak, iron oak (see Q. sinuata var. breviloba) Gambel oak, Utah white oak, Rocky Mountain white oak Oregon white oak, Garry oak, Oregon oak shinnery oak, shin oak, Havard oak bluejack oak, sand jack oak, upland willow oak, turkey oak blackjack oak, jack oak, blackjack Mohr oak chestnut oak, basket oak, rock chestnut oak, rock oak English oak, European oak, common oak, pedunculate oak northern red oak, red oak, gray oak bastard oak, bastard white breviloba oak, white shin oak, Durand oak, bluff oak post oak, iron oak Sonoran scrub oak, shrub live oak black oak, yellow-barked oak, yellow oak

shrubs or trees; leaves diverse in shape; staminate flowers in long catkins that appear as leaves emerge; nuts with scaly cap (acorns)


Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; trunks slender or massive; crowns of various shapes. Stems 1–40 m tall; bark light or dark, smooth or rough; twigs slender or stout, terminal buds multiple, of various colors and shapes. Leaves diverse; blades of various shapes, texture, and color; margins entire to serrate or deeply pinnately lobed. Staminate Flowers borne in elongate, pendulous catkins; appearing as leaves emerge. Pistillate Flowers borne singly or in clusters of 2 or 3; inconspicuous before fruit development. Nuts partially enclosed by prominent scaly caps at bases (acorns); subspherical to oblong; dropping in late autumn or early winter. In North America, three sections of Quercus— commonly known as the black/red oaks, the white oaks, and the golden/intermediate oaks—are generally recognized (Nixon 1997). In general, the black/red oaks (Quercus sect. Lobatae) have darker bark and acute, awned leaf lobes. The mature acorns occur on the previous year’s wood, because it takes 2 years for them to develop. In contrast, the white oaks (Quercus sect. Quercus) typically have lighter bark; rounded, awnless leaf lobes; and acorns that mature in 1 year on the current season’s wood. Species of both these sections are encountered across the continent. Occurring in Oregon, California, Arizona, and northwest Mexico, the intermediate or golden oaks (Quercus sect. Protobalanus) produce acorns that take 2 years to develop and thus are borne on the previous year’s wood. Their leaves are characteristically evergreen, leathery, and abaxially glaucous, and the scales of the acorn cups are embedded in a tawny or glandular tomentum with only the apices visible (Manos 1997). Identification of species is based on leaf and acorn features. Because of the large number of species in the genus and rampant hybridization producing numerous intermediate individuals, the reader is encouraged to use floras or manuals specific for his or her geographic area (Figures 36.3–36.6).

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Quercus occur across North America from Canada to Mexico. They occupy a variety of climatic and edaphic regimes and a plethora of habitats. Some species are rather broadly distributed, others more restricted. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

problem when large amounts of foliage or acorns eaten for 4 or more days; digestive disturbance and renal disease; otherwise, animals may eat considerable amounts of oak forage without adverse effects


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 36.3. Line drawing of Quercus stellata. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 36.6.

Figure 36.4. Line drawing of Quercus velutina. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 36.5.

Photo of Quercus marilandica.

Photo of young leaves of Quercus.

Disease Problems—Oak foliage and acorns provide valuable forage and mast for both livestock and wildlife during much of the year (Marsh et al. 1919; Ruyle et al. 1986). Oak toxicosis, a urinary and digestive tract disease, occurs, however, when animals are forced to subsist almost entirely on plants of the genus for several days or more because of a lack of grasses and other forage (Marsh 1924). For example, this disease usually occurs in the spring in the Southwest and intermountain region within the distributional ranges of Q. havardii and Q. gambelii. Although they are among the most important browse species for livestock in their ranges, these two species also cause the most problems (Dayton 1931). Quercus garryana is also a very important browse plant. Cornevin’s lucid descriptions in the 1890s revealed that oak buds and young leaves are the greatest risks and serve as the typical toxicant sources (Marsh et al. 1919). Occasionally in the late summer or fall, when poor weather and/or forage conditions prevail, the acorns, whether green or mature, also create a serious problem (Sandusky et al. 1977; Kasari et al. 1986). The most important factor is the dosage of oak required whether as leaves or as acorns. In early studies, disease was produced only erratically because of the difficulty in giving a large enough dosage of the leaves (Marsh et al. 1919). Interestingly, in some studies, the disease is more readily reproduced when a period of several days of feed restriction precedes the dosage of high levels of leaves (Perez et al. 2011). In the United Kingdom, long, hot summers and high winds have been major factors in decreasing alternative forage and

Fagaceae Dumort

assuring plentiful available acorns as a cause of intoxication in cattle (Wiseman and Thompson 1984). An excellent example of conditions forcing consumption of lethal quantities of oak foliage occurred in northern California in the spring of 1985, when an April snowstorm and cold weather forced cattle to consume oak buds rather than other forages (Spier et al. 1987). As a result, 2700 calves from 60 ranches in 3 counties died. At one time, some counties in west Texas experienced regular losses of more than 1000 head of cattle per year due to consumption of oaks (Dollahite et al. 1963). The more typical situation involves occasional, scattered losses of a few animals in an area. all oak species should be considered toxic All species of Quercus should be considered potentially toxic (Kingsbury 1964; Harper et al. 1988). Some species are particularly hazardous because of their growth form— for example, the rhizomatous low-growing Q. havardii— whereas others become so when brush-hogging or mowing results in large numbers of sprouts or bushy forms. hydrolyzable tannins problem; condensed tannins typically little problem

Disease Genesis—Intoxications caused by Quercus have been associated with the actions of tannins—polyphenolic complexes that interact with and denature proteins (Dollahite et al. 1962). The oaks are renowned for their tannin content, and historically these compounds have long been used throughout the world to “tan” animal skins into leather (Gustavson 1954). Acorns, despite their high tannin content, were a dietary staple of many tribes of Native Americans and early settlers. They were ground and the bitter tannins leached from the meal prior to cooking (Ebeling 1986). Tannins are divided into two major groups, condensed and hydrolyzable, based on their structure and their reactions with acids or enzymes (Haslam 1966,1989; Serrano et al. 2009). This may be an oversimplistic representation of a very complex array of compounds, and sometimes a third category representing more complex types is included (Kashiwada et al. 1992; Okuda et al. 1992). Hundreds of compounds are conveniently divided among the two or three groups. Vegetable tannins (500–3000 molecular weight), with numerous free O-dihydroxy and Otrihydroxy phenolic nuclei that project toward the outer surface of the molecule, interact with carbohydrates and precipitate proteins (Adzet and Camarasa 1988; Haslam 1989). Polyphenolics of less than 500 or greater than 3000


molecular weight are ineffective in protein precipitation and tanning (Salunkhe et al. 1990). The protein precipitation, or tanning effect, is due to the 1 or 2 hydroxyl groups per 100 molecular weight that are free to cross-link proteins with other macromolecules. The tannins or their polyphenolic products have an astringent effect on the mucosa of the small intestine (Adzet and Camarasa 1988). The condensed tannins contain phenolic nuclei that may have polysaccharides or proteins linked to them. These tannins are resistant to hydrolysis and tend to polymerize to yield amorphous compounds known as phlobaphens. Condensed tannins, or proanthocyanidins, as they are referred to, for the most part pass unchanged through the digestive tract and, with few exceptions, appear to contribute little to systemic disease problems (Haslam 1989; Oelrichs et al. 1994). They bind to and limit availability of some proteins, however, producing broad nutritional effects, including decreased dry matter digestion (Robbins et al. 1987a,b; Salunkhe et al. 1990; Butler 1992; Kumar 1992; Reed 1995). With exceptionally high dosages, they may cause gastrointestinal problems with little or no systemic effects (Hervas et al. 2003). Although they are not subject to microbial degradation under normal circumstances, under conditions of intestinal damage, condensed tannins may be absorbed and have some systemic effects (Makkar 2003) (Figure 36.7). hydrolyzable tannins broken down to various polyphenolics—gallic, digallic, and ellagic acids In contrast, the hydrolyzable tannins, which are mixtures of phenolic amino acids esterified with sugars, are readily hydrolyzed by gut esterases to their constituent phenolics and sugars—for example, gallic acid from gallotannins and ellagic acid from ellagitannins (Singleton

Figure 36.7. Example of condensed tannin: proanthocyanidin, made up of leucoanthocyanidin units.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 36.8.

Figure 36.9.

Chemical structure of gallic acid.

Figure 36.10. subunit.

Chemical structure of galloylglucose tannin

Figure 36.11.

Chemical structure of pyrogallol.

Chemical structure of ellagic acid.

and Kratzer 1973; McLeod 1974; Mehansho et al. 1987). Gallic acid may be further degraded to pyrogallol and other phenolics, which may then be conjugated in the liver with glucuronide (Murdiati et al. 1992) (Figures 36.8 and 36.9). Ellagitannins may be excreted as ellagic acid or metabolized to urolithins and excreted unchanged or conjugated in a manner similar to gallotannins (GonzalezBarrio et al. 2011). Although the gallotannins from varying sources have much in common, they differ considerably in the degree of galloylation of the constituent units. The numerous hydroxyl groups offer a great variety to linkages in forming the array of different tannins with glucose cores, as shown by the illustrated galloylglucose unit. Even though the basic building blocks are the same, hydrolysis products vary greatly because of the differing ester linkages (Haslam 1966; Okuda et al. 1992). Tannins in the Fagaceae are typically composed of three gallic acid units joined by C—C bonds, all esterified with a unit derived from glucose. In general, tannin absorption is poor because the opportunities for protein binding are so great in the digestive tract (Robinson and Graessle 1943; Oler et al. 1976). The smaller constituent phenolics are more favorably absorbed than the large-molecular-weight tannins. However, absorption probably increases for both when the intestinal epithelial barrier is somehow damaged. In addition to the high-molecular-weight tannins, lowmolecular-weight unsaturated phenolics with numerous hydroxyl and methoxy groups have also been identified in oak leaves (Ishimaru et al. 1987) (Figure 36.10). numerous phenolic, metabolic products; phenols, pyrocatechol, pyrogallol, phloroglucinol

Once absorbed, gallic acid is biotransformed to phenolic methoxy and polyhydroxy (catecholic) phenolic acids and conjugated for elimination (Booth et al. 1959; Tompsett 1959; Potter and Fuller 1968). Any tannic acid absorbed is probably biotransformed in the liver to phenolic subunits (Gupta and Dani 1987). Typically, phenolics may be hydroxylated, O-methylated, and/or conjugated with glucuronide or ethereal sulfate and subsequently eliminated by active tubular secretion in urine and bile (Williams 1959). Phenolics found in the urine of cattle exhibiting oak intoxication include p-cresol, hydroquinone, phenol, phloroglucinol, pyrocatechol, pyrogallol, and quinol; of these, only phenol is normally present (Lohan et al. 1983; Shi 1988). Experimentally, pyrogallol was found to be present in serum and urine only for the first few days after cattle began ingesting oak leaves (Plumlee et al. 1998) (Figure 36.11). It is of interest that while ellagitannins are metabolized to urolithins in most animal species, there are differences in the specific metabolites: urolithin A in most mammals and sheep as opposed to urolithin B, and isourolithin A in cattle (Gonzalez-Barrio et al 2011,2012). This may be a factor in the increased risk for disease in cattle. There is little question of the toxicity of tannic acid. However, it should be emphasized that the tannic acids of commerce are not uniform compounds and that they differ depending on source. In most studies, the source and type of tannic acid are not clearly specified; thus, ambiguity is considerable when comparing results. Given orally, tannic acids produce marked dose-dependent effects on the gut mucosa (Glick and Joslyn 1970; Mitjavila et al. 1977; Welsch et al. 1989). Tannins also markedly decrease ruminal urease and proteolytic enzyme activity

Fagaceae Dumort

(Lohan et al. 1981,1983). When tannic acids are given parenterally, renal and hepatic alterations ensue (Arhelger et al. 1965; Boler et al. 1966; Konstantinov and Ivanov 1973). Tannic acids were formerly used for treatment of burns and in barium enemas, but these uses were discontinued because of the risk of hepatotoxicosis (McLure et al. 1944; Rambo et al. 1966). In rats, both tannic and gallic acids are reportedly absorbed from the colon, with the tannin producing hepatic effects and the gallic acid producing renal tubular necrosis when given in high dosage (Harris et al. 1966). Tannins produce similar liver lesions whether given orally or parenterally, but a much higher dosage (3–20 times) is required orally (Cameron et al. 1943; Boyd et al. 1965; Oler et al. 1976; Filippich et al. 1991). Experimental results in sheep are variable; in some instances, there may be liver and/or kidney effects or neither, depending on the protocol (Tripathy et al. 1984; Zhu et al. 1992; Zhu and Filippich 1995). Zhu and coworkers (1995) administered tannic acid and various metabolites to sheep and concluded that liver and kidney lesions were caused by tannin rather than by the various metabolites, because the latter did not produce the lesions when given independently. A note of caution regarding experiments with commercially available tannins must be offered: in most studies, the tannin or tannic acid used is not necessarily representative of those in oaks. Many of the tannins are potent cytotoxins, as shown by their effects on various tumor cell lines (Kashiwada et al. 1992). Biotransformation products of tannin hydrolysates and other low molecular phenolics are also possible causes of disease (Shi and Hong 1992). These types of metabolites are considerably more toxic than their parent compounds, and some have proven to be toxic to renal tubules (Rayudu et al. 1970; Calder et al. 1971,1975). Moreover, many are quite susceptible to autoxidation, forming semiquinone and superoxide radicals (Marklund and Marklund 1979; Ames 1983; Hodnick et al. 1988). Although these metabolites and their reactive radicals are quite toxic, a specific role in either the renal or hepatic effects caused by oaks has yet to be identified. In contrast to the foregoing, there are indications of antioxidant activity for polyphenolics in low dosages as scavengers of superoxide radicals and inhibitors of xanthine oxidase (Hatano et al. 1990; Costantino et al. 1992). The metabolic products of the ellagitannins, the urolithins, are of considerable interest for their dietary beneficial effects (Quideau 2009). Events Leading to Disease ingestion of large amounts of oak tissue; formation of high levels of phenolic products; irritation of digestive tract increases absorption; increase in biotransformation products; damage to liver and renal tubule


Although the specifics for the pathophysiology of oak intoxication may be lacking, nevertheless, a plausible sequence of events can be formulated. Ingestion of oak forage in moderate quantities has little effect other than minor changes in the gastrointestinal epithelium. The absorbed phenolics are apparently eliminated without obvious detrimental effects on the host. Ingestion of large amounts of oak results in not only a considerable increase in the amount of phenolics present but also a greater likelihood of astringent effects on the gut mucosa, thereby increasing the potential for absorption. With a marked increase in the absorption of phenolics comes a concomitant rapid increase in biotransformation products. Tissue destruction occurs at the sites of highest toxin concentration—liver or kidney tubule—especially when conjugation capacity is exceeded. Variation among animal species as to the tissues affected seems to be considerable; however, the kidney is clearly the most susceptible tissue in ruminants. In many animals, there are marked effects on the gut, irrespective of the degree of renal involvement. From observations of colonic ulceration when tannic acid was used in barium enemas, and the consistency of effects on the gut in animal species exhibiting liver rather than renal disease, it appears that gut changes are likely caused directly by the oak polyphenolics. This does not preclude additive effects from uremia. The disease is not strictly dose dependent, given that a threshold dose seems to be required and that there is considerable variation in susceptibility among individuals animals, and possibly between young and old as well (Housholder and Dollahite 1963; Govindwar and Dalvi 1990). Other tannin effects of minor importance that have been reported include enhancement or depression in vitro of atrial contractility (Calixto et al. 1986); depression of the central nervous system (Takahashi et al. 1986); and competitive inhibition of catechol-O-methyltransferase by gallic acid, pyrogallol, and probably other related phenolics (Axelrod and Laroche 1959; Archer et al. 1960). There are variable vascular effects due to inhibition of nitrogen oxide synthase; depending on the circumstances, contraction or relaxation is produced (Chiesi and Schwaller 1995). Interestingly, in contrast to their toxic effects, some tannin phenolics have an apparent beneficial effect in chronic renal failure (Yokozawa et al. 1991). A variety of other effects has also been shown for tannins, including inhibition of mitochondrial respiration (Nishizawa et al. 1983), gastric H+,K+-ATPase (Murakami et al. 1992), and lipid peroxidation-induced lipolysis (Kimura et al. 1983; Okuda et al. 1983). The above generalizations are of questionable validity because commercial tannins often used experimentally may be quite different from the higher molecular weight compounds found in many higher plants (Hagerman et al. 1992).


Toxic Plants of North America

tannin content and type vary among oak species and with leaf age

Oak species exhibit marked differences in both their total tannin content and the proportion that are of the hydrolyzable or condensed types (Basden and Dalvi 1987; Kleiner 1991). However, these differences in tannin level or type have not been specifically correlated with toxicity potential. Age of the leaves is also of apparent importance. With increasing leaf maturity, toughness and condensed tannins increase, while moisture, hydrolyzable tannins, protein precipitation capacity, and proteins decrease (Feeny 1970; Makkar et al. 1991). In immature leaves, concentrations of tannins are high, and most are of the hydrolyzable type (Dawra et al. 1988; Faeth 1992). The risk change with maturity is illustrated by the levels of crude tannin observed in the foliage of shinnery oak, which ranged from 15.1% in young to 4.2% in mature leaves (Pigeon et al. 1962). Dried leaves may be expected to retain tannin levels and remain toxic for some time (Makkar 2003). Members of the black/red oak group are purported to have higher levels of tannins than white oaks. In some species, immature acorns have more tannins than mature acorns (Fleck and Layne 1990). Acorns of white oaks are said to be sweeter and more edible than those of the black/red oaks (Medsger 1939). Oaks may not be as unique in their chemical composition or phenolic content as they are in their likelihood of being eaten in large, potentially toxic amounts. Thus it is not surprising that tannins of some type are suspected as the toxicants in other plant families. In early studies, Marsh and coworkers (1919) found that new leaves of a number of trees were capable of causing problems similar to those caused by oaks, but the leaves were not eaten in sufficient quantities to cause disease. A hydrolyzable tannin, punicalagin (an ellagitannin), has been identified as one of the toxic principles in Terminalia oblongata, in the Combretaceae; it causes acute liver disease in cattle and sheep in Australia (Filippich et al. 1991). The effects of T. oblongata are an exception in that toxicity is apparently due to a combination of hydrolyzable and condensed tannins, the former causing liver disease and the latter causing kidney disease (Oelrichs et al. 1994). Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae) in Indonesia also causes liver and kidney disease (Murdiati et al. 1990). In Brazil, tannins similar to those in oak are found in Thiloa glaucocarpa (also in the Combretaceae) and are suspected as the cause of intoxication of cattle (Itakura et al. 1987).

many animals affected, but risk differs considerably; tannin-binding salivary proteins (TBSPs) play role

Although intoxications have been described for many animal species, risk differs considerably among them. Goats are able to use oak browse effectively, often subsisting on ranges where it composes the major part of their diet (Nastis and Malechek 1981; Villena and Pfister 1990; Dick and Urness 1991). Because of their apparent resistance, goats are often used to control brushy, oak-infested areas or are raised in place of cattle in high-risk areas. The apparent resistance is related to the presence of tannin-binding salivary proteins (TBSPs) and other tannin binding proteins in the lower digestive system. It has been estimated that up to 50% of dietary tannins may be bound by salivary and other proteins in goats (Provenza and Malechek 1984). Inducible tannase enzymatic activity in the rumen and ruminal mucosa of goats enables them to tolerate twice the tannin levels tolerated by cattle (Begovic et al. 1978). Nevertheless, goats may be affected, especially under heavy stocking rates or under conditions in which they are less able to be selective in diet (Merrill and Schuster 1978). many species have TBSPs that are proline-rich proteins (PRPs) In contrast, mule deer, also quite able to browse oak, have protective TBSPs that are proline-rich proteins (PRPs)—tannin-binding salivary glycoproteins with quite high affinity for tannins (Robbins et al. 1987b; Austin et al. 1989). The PRPs bind both condensed and hydrolysable tannins. The presence of PRPs as active tannin binders in goats remains in question (Distel and Provenza 1991; D’Mello 1992; Makkar 2003). The comparative tannin-neutralizing ability or protein-binding capacity is high in mule deer, and low to nil in sheep and cattle, seemingly related to eating habits of these species (Robbins et al. 1987b; Austin et al. 1989). It is theorized that the presence of PRPs is more likely in browsing rather than grazing herbivores (Shimada 2006; Lamy et al. 2008). PRPs are also reported to be present in numerous other animals such as moose, rabbits, monkeys, and humans but not in cattle, sheep, pigs, white-tailed deer, and carnivores (D’Mello 1992; Shimada 2006). The PRPs are inducible in rodents (Mehansho et al. 1992). The lack of PRPs does not leave animals defenseless against tannins because other types of tannin binding proteins may be present as in goats and white-tailed deer (Shimada 2006). Another group of TBSPs are histatins, 31–38 amino acid peptides with little or no proline, which are present in primates (Makkar 2003). In addition to the innate resistance of some animal species, there remains the possibility of increasing tolerance to tannins in otherwise susceptible animals by some adaptation in absorption regulation across intestinal cells, changes in sulfate or glucuronide conjugation, or ruminal

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microflora activity rather than via TBSPs (Dearing et al. 2005). In a series of experiments with increasing dosage over a 20-day period, sheep were able to tolerate up to 50% acorn powder in their diet with only mild renal and hepatic effects, although there was a consistent elevation of blood fibrinogen (Derakhshanfar et al. 2008). Some studies also leave open the possibility that animals in good body condition may be more tolerant of the toxic effects of oak (Frutos et al. 2007). It is possible that good body condition may allow the animal the flexibility to respond to the irritant effects by controlling intake or intermeal intervals (Torregrossa and Dearing 2009). However, while body condition may be a factor, it may be prudent not to rely too heavily on this factor in grazing management. This may be a factor in the observation of increased risk with short-term feed restriction preceding a diet of large amounts of oak leaves (Perez et al. 2011). Given that some animal species may exhibit resistance to the effects of oak, unless otherwise noted, most animals should be considered at risk, including ungulates in zoos. Intoxications are noted in poultry, tortoises, and even in a doublewattled cassowary (Kinde 1988; Barman and Rai 2000; Rotstein et al. 2003). cattle: abrupt onset: 1. anorexia, rumen stasis, constipation 2. diarrhea, increased urination, s.c. edema of the neck, brisket, abdomen, perineum 3. weakness, recumbency

Clinical Signs—Oak intoxication is typically a disease of cattle and less commonly sheep or goats. Rarely are horses affected. The initial signs begin after the animals have been consuming large amounts of oak forage for 2–3 days or, more commonly, a week or longer. Anorexia, listlessness, rumen stasis, and constipation appear first but are often overlooked, and concern by the producer may be evoked only upon the onset of diarrhea (which is sometimes bloody), dehydration, colic, and subcutaneous edema of the neck, brisket, abdomen, and perineum (Panciera 1978). Frequency of urination may increase. serum chemistry, increased blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, potassium; urine chemistry, low specific gravity At this time, there is usually evidence of altered renal function and metabolic acidosis; marked increase in blood urea nitrogen and creatinine; and alteration of serum electrolytes (Panciera 1978; Spier et al. 1987). The most consistent electrolyte changes are increased serum potassium and phosphate, and decreased sodium, chloride, and calcium. Typically, urinalysis will show low specific


gravity (1.010), proteinuria, glucosuria, and hematuria. The urine may be clear and colorless or, in some early cases, dark colored because of polyphenolic metabolites. Severe elevations of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine are indications of a very poor prognosis. During the course of the disease, animals may become recumbent because of weakness. Many animals either die within a few days from subacute disease or become chronically debilitated from varying degrees of renal failure (Fowler and Richards 1965; Cedarvall et al. 1973; Stober et al. 1976; Cockrell and Beasley 1979; Holliman 1985). However, protracted disease is not inevitable because regeneration of renal function may occur and animals that recover may experience a period of compensatory increased feed efficiency to offset the severe weight loss (Ostrowski et al. 1989). Those animals not experiencing a marked increase in blood urea nitrogen are likely to recover from the disease (Dixon et al. 1979). sheep and goats, less edema; horses, more digestive disturbances The clinical signs are similar for most animal species, the exceptions being sheep and goats, in which edema is apparently minimal (Dollahite 1961), and in horses, in which diarrhea (with or without blood), colic, and tenesmus are more consistent and severe (Duncan 1961; Broughton 1976; Daniels 1976). Renal effects also appear to be less severe in horses than in cattle (Anderson et al. 1983). Liver involvement may be apparent, possibly dependent on the animal species and/or the oak species. Involvement of both liver and kidney has been reported for rabbits (Camp et al. 1967), a cassowary (Kinde 1988), and horses (Broughton 1976; Warren and Vaughan 1985). Liver disease may also be seen on occasion in cattle, although of much less severity than the nephrosis (Garg et al. 1992). Because significant renal effects may be present prior to clinical evidence of disease, there is the possibility of signs of intoxication being delayed and only becoming apparent after some stress occurs, much as with the development of signs of hepatic failure following consumption of plants producing pyrrolizidine alkaloid (Senecio, in Chapter 13). Hume (2006) described a case of presumptive oak intoxication in cattle in which signs of renal problems appeared 6–18 days after prevention of access to oak trees. Consumption of acorns by children and household pets occurs occasionally and may be accompanied by mild gastrointestinal signs, with retching, vomiting, abdominal tenderness, and perhaps even diarrhea a few hours after ingestion (Campbell 2008). Recovery is usually uncomplicated.


Toxic Plants of North America

gross pathology: fluid accumulations, ascites; minor to major lesions of digestive tract, erosions, hemorrhage; kidneys swollen, pale

Pathology—The disease in cattle is characterized specifically by renal alterations, which are often accompanied by fluid accumulations and gastrointestinal tract pathology. Typically, the most striking gross changes are the fluid accumulations—ascites, hydrothorax, hydroperitoneum, subcutaneous edema, and edema of the mesentery (especially perirenal) and gut mucosa. In the gut, there is congestion and erosions of varying severity and location from the mouth to the colon; deep ulcerations and hemorrhage are possible. The kidneys are slightly swollen and pale, with petechiae on the surface extending into the cortex. The adjacent lymph nodes may be swollen and edematous. In chronic cases, the kidneys present a more roughened appearance.

1988; Meiser et al. 2000a,b; Rotstein et al. 2003). The levels associated with oak intoxication were 340 ppm tannin in gastric contents, 178–340 ppm gallic acid in liver and gastric contents, and ≥7 ng pyrogallol per gram of rumen contents and ≥9 ng in liver and kidney samples. Analysis for gallic acid, pyrogallol, and other phenolics may be accomplished using RP-HPLC or GC-MS methodology (Tor et al. 1996; Shahrzad and Bitsch 1998; Meiser et al. 2000a; Diez et al. 2008). Experimentally, pyrogallol concentrations in cattle dosed with oak were detectible in urine for less than 3 days after beginning dosing and less than that in serum and may not be reliable indicators of intoxication (Plumlee et al. 1998). However, care should be taken to avoid undue emphasis on any such analyses because tannins are not unique to oaks and ingestion of less than toxic amounts of these plants is common, and thus these phenolic compounds can be expected to be found in many instances in livestock grazing rangeland containing oaks. Furthermore, the presence of oak leaves together with the expected clinical signs and pathology themselves may be sufficient for a clear diagnosis.

microscopic: renal tubule dilation, epithelial cell necrosis nursing care; supplemental feeding Microscopically, there will consistently be diffuse renal tubular degeneration; necrosis of cortical tubular epithelial cells; and dilated tubules with flattened cells or with only the basement membrane sans cells. The dilated tubules often contain hyaline, granular, or cellular casts of epithelial cells, neutrophils, and cellular debris. The medullary tubules are not as consistently or severely affected. More chronic cases show nephron atrophy and interstitial fibrosis (Panciera 1978; Neser et al. 1982; Spier et al. 1987). In horses, the pathology is quite similar, but the gut lesions are often more severe, especially the edema of the cecal and colonic mucosa. Conversely, the renal disease may be less severe, and there may be some degree of hepatocellular degeneration (Broughton 1976; Warren and Vaughan 1985). In a cassowary, typical renal lesions were accompanied by less severe but nonetheless distinct hepatic degeneration (Kinde 1988). Acorns, leaves (especially the tougher, more mature ones), or leaf fragments with their stellate hairs may be identifiable in the rumen contents, but these have little significance in most instances, because many animals consume oak mast in the late spring or early summer (Ruyle et al. 1986). Only when very large amounts are eaten does disease occur. The distinctive lesions, combined with knowledge of animal access to oak, are sufficient to make a diagnosis. In some instances, analyses of stomach contents and other tissues for elevated levels of tannins, gallic acid, or pyrogallol has been used to confirm a diagnosis (Kinde

Treatment—The major factor in survival of the animal is the extent of renal damage, and accompanying fluid and electrolyte imbalances and acidosis. However, gastrointestinal changes cannot be discounted as important contributors to the illness, especially in horses. The basic goal is to assist the animal by symptomatic treatment to allow recovery of renal tubular function. This may require replenishment of fluid and electrolytes, although care must be taken because fluid leakage into body compartments may complicate organ function, for example, respiratory distress. Recovery will require several weeks or more, during which time there may be considerable weight loss and a few animals may die. Alternatively, the renal disease may become chronic, with little chance for complete recovery. The likelihood of recovery seems to be much better if the animals are young, and they may even exhibit compensatory weight recovery during recuperation (Ostrowski et al. 1989). The disease may be prevented to some extent by limiting continued consumption of oak buds and leaves, feeding supplements, or feeding some alfalfa hay. Supplements containing 5–10% calcium hydroxide appear to reduce the incidence of disease (Dollahite et al. 1963, 1966). Higher percentages may depress supplement intake. Studies with other animal species and plant genera support the value of this approach (Batu et al. 1978; Murdiati et al. 1990). The protective mechanism as shown

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for Terminalia in the Combretaceae and Clidemia in the Melastomataceae appears to be due to binding of calcium with formation of insoluble tannin complexes (Murdiati et al. 1990,1991). Lime water has also been used as a source of calcium but again care must be taken to avoid concentrations so high that intake is depressed (Liang 2000). Complex formation may be accomplished most effectively by calcium hydroxide, but activated charcoal, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and 3500–4000 molecular-weight polyethylene glycol (PEG) also appear to be of benefit against dietary tannins, especially the condensed type (D’Mello 1982; Pritchard et al. 1988; Kumar and Vaithiyanathan 1990; Murdiati et al. 1991; Landau et al. 2002; Makkar 2003). A dosage of 10–25 g per day of PEG added to the water or diet protected against the detrimental effects of oak forage (Silanikove et al. 1996). The value of alternative approaches based upon the use of more easily handled compounds such as magnesium oxide or calcium carbonate has not been evaluated. Keeping animals out of oak-infested areas or reducing grazing pressure to allow greater forage selectivity during the period of budding and early leaf growth is, of course, the most reliable method of preventing oak toxicosis.

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Fumariaceae L.

Fumitory Family Corydalis Dicentra Fumaria With greatest diversity in temperate Eurasia, the Fumariaceae, or fumitory family, comprises 19 genera and 400– 450 species (Stern 1997a). Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether it should be maintained as a distinct family (Ownbey 1947; Cronquist 1981; Kadereit 1993; Lidén 1993) or combined with the Papaveraceae (Chapter 53) and treated as a subfamily (Culham 2007; Bremer et al. 2009). Based on phylogenetic analyses of morphology and nucleotide sequence data (Hoot et al. 1997), there is no question that the two families are closely related. They both, for example, are particularly rich in similar isoquinoline alkaloids, compounds of considerable importance because of their medicinal promise. However, the genera of the Fumariaceae form a monophyletic group and differ from the genera of the Papaveraceae in floral symmetry, sap chemistry, and stamen number and fusion (Stern 1997a). Given the morphological distinctness of the family and the extensive toxicologic literature associated with it, we employ Stern’s (1997a) treatment in the Flora of North America as do the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). The family is of little economic importance except for a few ornamentals and a few agricultural weeds. In North America, 4 genera and 23 species are present (Stern 1997a). Three genera are of toxicologic interest. herbs; leaves alternate; inflorescences terminal or axillary; petals 4, in 2 whorls; stamens 6, in 2 fascicles; fruits capsules Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; from rhizomes or tubers or bulblets or taproots; caulescent or

acaulescent; strongly aromatic; sap watery. Stems brittle; erect or ascending or decumbent. Leaves 1- or 2-pinnately compound or rarely simple; alternate; cauline and/or basal; petiolate; terminal leaflet present; venation pinnate; surfaces glabrous or with crystalline vesicles; margins pinnately cleft; stipules absent. Inflorescences racemes or panicles or corymbs; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect; chasmogamous or rarely cleistogamous; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 2; caducous or persistent; free. Corollas bilaterally symmetrical in 1- or 2-planes. Petals 4; in 2 whorls, of 2 forms; the outer 2 free, 1 or both gibbous or spurred, keeled; the inner 2 fused at apices and covering stigmas; yellow or white or pinkish or purple-red. Stamens 6; free or fused by filaments; in fascicles; anthers of 2 forms, bilocular and unilocular, filaments spurred. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 1 or 2, 2- or 3-lobed, horned; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation parietal. Fruits capsules; dehiscent or indehiscent. Seeds 1 to numerous; small.

neurotoxic, possible cardiotoxic effects

6 Classes of Isoquinoline Alkaloids aporphines cularines phthalides benzophenanthridines protoberberines protopines

DISEASE PROBLEMS AND GENESIS Genera of the Fumariaceae are rich in isoquinoline alkaloids and have long been used in folk medicine; for example, drug fumitory (European Fumaria officinalis) is

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Fumariaceae L.

well known for its medicinal properties. A single species may contain a dozen or more alkaloids belonging to one or more of six classes or types. Playing a role in the medicinal and toxic effects, these six classes are known as the aporphines, cularines, phthalides (phthalideisoquinolines), benzophenanthridines, protoberberines, and protopines. aporphines, dopamine receptors, mainly inhibitory; cularines of low potency The aporphines—bulbocapnine, corydine, dicentrine, glaucine, isoboldine, isocorydine, magnaflorine—bind stereospecifically to dopamine receptors and for the most part are inhibitory (Seeman 1981; Neumeyer 1985). Bulbocapnine is also a noncompetitive inhibitor of tyrosine hydroxylase (Zhang et al. 1997). These alkaloids are most common in Dicentra, although they may be found in all of the genera. The effects of the individual alkaloids vary from cataleptic rigidity (especially at low doses) to strychnine-like seizures with tremors and twitching (Waud 1934, 1935, 1936). Bulbocapnine is especially noteworthy as a cause of the cataleptoid state (Katzenelbogen and Meehan 1933; Seeman 1981). Because of the variety of dopaminergic receptors, it is difficult to predict the specific effects of the various alkaloids and their differing actions. Cularines, which are common in Dicentra, are of low potency, but with high dosage may cause lethargy and sometimes clonic seizures (Reynolds 1940) (Figure 37.1).


intramolecular binding sites to prevent GABA activation of chloride channels, especially at the low affinity sites. Bicuculline has been particularly widely used for molecular studies, but it is not necessarily the most potent (Huang and Johnston 1990). All act as convulsants, causing strychnine-like effects but not invariably with increased sensitivity to touch and sound (Welch and Hendersen 1934). They are similar in action but bind to a site different from that for noncompetitive GABA inhibitors such as picrotoxin, chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides, and type II pyrethroids (Olsen 1982; Eldefrawi and Eldefrawi 1987). These alkaloids occur most frequently in Corydalis. Because of the stereospecific requirements and the presence of two asymmetric carbons, the spectrum of biological effects may vary considerably among some of the members of this group. This is illustrated by the contrast between adlumine and its stereoisomer corlumine. Adlumine has high cardiovascular and low convulsant potency; corlumine has the reverse (Rice 1938) (Figure 37.2).

benzophenanthridines, low potency protoberberines, cardiovascular, and neurologic actions protopines similar in effect

The phthalides (phthalideisoquinolines) have been of particular interest because some of the isomers of bicuculline, corlumine, hydrastine, and isocoryne are competitive inhibitors of GABAa binding (Curtis et al. 1970; Johnston 1978; Chernevskaja et al. 1990; Huang and Johnston 1990). The 1S, 9R configuration provides the appropriate

The benzophenanthridines are of little toxicologic importance, except for sanguinarine, which causes an increase in intraocular pressure/glaucoma and is reportedly passed in the milk (Hakim et al. 1961; Lindner 1985). The mechanism of action is unknown, although there are effects on cardiac Na+,K+-ATPase, resulting in positive inotropic actions. The protoberberines—capaurine, capauridine, scoulerine, palmatine, and tetrahydropalmatine—produce cardiovascular effects, increasing strength of contraction and decreasing heart rate and peripheral resistance (Lindner 1985). These alkaloids also have analgesic and hypnotic effects, especially palmatine and tetrahydropalmatine (Hsieh et al. 1989). Severe depression of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems of life-threatening

Figure 37.1.

Figure 37.2. Chemical structure of bicuculline (a phthalideisoquinilone).

phthalides, potent inhibitors of GABAa binding; convulsants

Chemical structure of isoboldine (an aporphine).


Toxic Plants of North America

CORYDALIS DC. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 100

Figure 37.3.

Chemical structure of tetrahydropalmatine.

species worldwide, Corydalis is represented in North America by only 10 species (Stern 1997b). Because of the resemblance of its flowers to the head of a crested lark, its name is derived from korydallis, the Greek name for the bird (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus name Capnoides was used for the taxon in earlier publications. A few species are grown as ornamentals, primarily in rock and wall gardens, for their lacy, fernlike foliage and tubular, spurred flowers. The following are representative species of toxicologic interest: C. aurea Willd.

C. caseana A.Gray C. curvisiliqua Engelm. C. flavula (Raf.) DC.

Figure 37.4.

Chemical structure of protopine.

magnitude is reported for tetrahydropalmatine (Feldhaus et al. 1993). The decreased heart rate and blood pressure appear to be due to dopamine D2 receptor antagonism (Chueh et al. 1995). Some such as berberine and palmatine have been shown to inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO) in mouse brain (Lee et al. 1999). The broad effects of these alkaloids on inhibiting various adrenergic, nicotinergic, muscarinergic, and serotonin receptors have been suggested to serve as chemical defense mechanisms against herbivores (Schmeller et al. 1997) (Figures 37.3 and 37.4). Protopines are similar in effect, although they have additional acetylcholine inhibitory actions similar to but much less potent than those of atropine (Shamma 1972; Zong et al. 1986). They are nonspecific cation channel inhibitors with antispasmodic and smooth muscle relaxant effects (Vacek et al. 2010). Many of the effects of these plants and alkaloids—that is, rigidity, difficulty in initiating movement, and postural abnormalities—are suggestive of a basal ganglia disease such as Parkinson’s disease (Cote and Crutcher 1991). Involvement of the extrapyramidal motor system would be expected with dopaminergic antagonists and may also be accentuated by GABA inhibitors at low dosage. At higher dosage, the poorly absorbed but potent convulsant GABA inhibitors may overwhelm the system. Other effects, such as antithrombotic actions and lipid peroxidation inhibition, have been described, but these are not clearly produced by a specific alkaloid type (Matsuda et al. 1988; Martinez et al. 1992).

C. lutea (L.) DC. C. micrantha

C. sempervirens (L.) Pers.

golden corydalis, scrambled eggs, golden smoke, golden fumeroot fitweed curvepod corydalis yellow corydalis, yellow harlequin, yellow fumeroot, pale corydalis yellow corydalis slender fumewort, slender corydalis (Engelm. ex smallflower, southern corydalis, A.Gray) A.Gray pink corydalis, rock fumewort

caulescent herbs; leaves pinnately compound; petals yellow, white, or pinkish, with median keel

Figure 37.5.

Line drawing of Corydalis flavula.

Fumariaceae L.

Plants caulescent. Stems erect or ascending or decumbent; 5–150 cm tall; solitary or clustered; branched or not branched. Leaves 1- or 2-pinnately compound or rarely simple; cauline and/or basal; glabrous or with crystalline vesicles. Inflorescences racemes or panicles; terminal or axillary. Flowers bilaterally symmetrical in 1-plane. Sepals caducous or persistent. Petals yellow or white or pinkish; outer dissimilar, each with median adaxial crest or keel, sometimes with marginal distal wing, 1 basally spurred, the other not spurred or gibbous. Capsules dehiscent; 2-valved. Seeds 3 to numerous; reniform to subglobose (Figures 37.5–37.7). variety of habitats; across continent

Distribution and Habitat—Most species of Corydalis in North America have fairly restricted distributions; C. aurea and C. sempervirens have the broadest. Occurring only sporadically, C. caseana is a western species with populations as far east as the Rocky Mountains.

Figure 37.6. aurea.

Photo of general growth form of Corydalis


Corydalis curvisiliqua occurs in the southern Great Plains, whereas C. micrantha is a species of the Midwest and southeastern coastal states. Corydalis flavula is present throughout the eastern half of the continent. Cultivated as an ornamental, Eurasian C. lutea is reported to be adventive in Oregon and New York. A variety of soil types and habitats are occupied by species of the genus. Populations are typically small, albeit sometimes large ones are encountered in disturbed sites. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

neurotoxic; cattle and sheep

Disease Problems—Species of Corydalis have long been used for medicinal and recreational uses. Extracts from C. cava are employed as herbal sedatives, and those from C. lutea have antispasmodic activity on intestinal smooth muscle (Schafer et al. 1995; Boegge et al. 1996). An Asian species, C. speciosa, is suspected as a possible cause of cholestatic hepatitis in a man repeatedly eating the plant as an herbal product (Kang et al. 2009). Species indigenous to North America were not perceived as hazardous until the 1900s. The neurologic problem appeared mainly in conjunction with grazing of the mountain rangelands of the West. Losses were never extensive; rather, there were sporadic, sudden deaths of only a few cattle or sheep at a time. The sparse, scattered populations of plants both limited the losses and facilitated confirmation of the association between animal losses and species occurrence (Fleming et al. 1931). The most toxicologically troublesome, C. caseana, is quite succulent, with a moisture content in excess of 95%. It is apparently relished by livestock and grazed extensively when populations are encountered. Plants are hazardous throughout the grazing season, with approximately 3–4% b.w. wet weight causing severe disease. Corydalis aureus is reported to be a particular problem in some areas in years with heavy spring rains or snows.

numerous isoquinoline alkaloids; effects mainly due to GABA antagonism by bicuculline and other phthalides

Disease Genesis—As is apparent from Table 37.1, the

Figure 37.7. Photo of flowers and leaves of Corydalis aurea. Photo by Doyle McCoy.

protoberberines exhibit the greatest diversity of types present in most species. Their role as toxicants, however, is not fully understood because neurologic effects are not generally regarded as characteristic of them. Phthalideisoquinolines, or phthalides, are present in most species and,


Toxic Plants of North America

Table 37.1.

Isoquinoline alkaloids present in species of Corydalis.






C. aurea


bicuculline cordrastine

capauridine capaurine corydaline dehydrocorydaline tetrahydropalmatine caseadine caseamine caseanadine corypalmine isocorypalmine scoulerine tetrahydropalmatine capauridine capaurine scoularine tetrahydropalmatine berberine coptisine

protopine allocryptopine

C. caseana


C. micrantha

C. sempervirens

C. ochroleuca

adlumine bicuculline capnoidine

glaucine isocorydine

adlumine bicuculline

corypalmine isocorypalmine scoulerine sinactine tetrahydropalmatine

protopine allocryptopine


adlumiceine adlumidiceine cryptopine protopine oxysanguinarine fumaramine ochrobirin protopine

Source: Preininger (1986).

as GABA antagonists, could account for the signs produced, perhaps acting in concert with other types, including the aporphines. Collections of C. sempervirens in British Columbia have been shown to contain appreciable— more than 0.3% dm—levels of isoquinoline alkaloids, including the potent GABA antagonist bicuculline (Majak et al. 2003). That the alkaloids are responsible for the disease is shown by the similarities among signs produced by the whole plant or crude alkaloid extracts of C. caseana (Miller 1931).

depression, increased respiratory and heart rates; twitching of lips, face, eyelids; staggering, collapse, seizures

Clinical Signs—Within several hours of ingestion of Corydalis, signs of intoxication appear and within 1 hour become severe. The animals initially appear depressed or dull, and then the respiratory rate becomes very high (greater than 100 per minute). Heart rate also increases but not as markedly. These changes are quickly followed

by the onset of neurologic signs: apparent disorientation; muscular twitching, especially of the lips, face, and eyelids; staggering; and collapse with seizures. While standing or lying down, the animal may bite or chew at objects such as sticks or the soil. Seizures, which may be precipitated by environmental stimuli, cause the animal to fall and display periodic episodes of paddling movements, which terminate in rigidity. As the seizures worsen, the respiration and heart rates become quite low. With C. aureus, a peculiar extreme stiffness, especially of the thoracic limbs, has been reported (Smith and Lewis 1990).

no lesions; sedation, activated charcoal

Pathology and Treatment—Because of the rapid progress of the disease, there are few distinctive pathologic findings, especially if the animal dies within a few hours. There may be a few scattered splotchy hemorrhages. Treatment involves the use of activated charcoal to limit absorption of the alkaloids, and sedation to counteract the stiffness or seizures.

Fumariaceae L.


DICENTRA BERNH. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 10–20 species native to both North America and Asia, Dicentra is a popular ornamental, with plants grown for their showy flowers and lacy, fernlike, often glaucous foliage (Stern 1997c; Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek roots dis and kentron, meaning “twice” and “spur,” an obvious allusion to the distinctive spurred, heart-shaped flowers (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus name Bikukulla was used for the taxon in older publications. In North America, 9 native and 1 introduced species are present (Stern 1961, 1997c). Of toxicologic interest are the following: D. canadensis (Goldie) Walp.

D. cucullaria (L.) Bernh.

D. eximia (Ker Gawl.) Torr.

D. formosa (Haw.) Walp. D. ochroleuca Engelm. (= Ehrendorferia ochroleuca [Engelm.] T.Fukuhara) D. spectabilis (L.) Lem. (= Lamprocapnos spectabilis [L.] T.Fukuhara) D. uniflora Kellogg

squirrel corn, turkey corn, turkey pea, staggerweed, little blue stagger, trembling stagger, olicweed Dutchman’s-breeches, soldier’s-cap, white hearts, butterfly banners, little staggerweed, pearl harlequin, kitten-breeches, wild bleeding-heart fringed bleeding-heart, staggerweed, wild bleeding-heart, turkey corn western bleeding-heart, Pacific bleeding-heart white eardrops

Figure 37.8.

Line drawing of Dicentra cucullaria.

Figure 37.9.

Photo of Dicentra eximia.

bleeding heart

longhorn steer’s-head

erect herbs; leaves 1- or 2-pinnately compound; flowers yellow, white, or purple-red

rich soils, moist woodlands Plants acaulescent or caulescent. Stems erect; 10–40 cm tall; solitary or clustered; branched or not branched. Leaves 1- or 2-pinnately compound; cauline and/or basal; glabrous; often glaucous. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or racemes or panicles or corymbs; terminal or axillary or extra-axillary. Flowers bilaterally symmetrical in 2-planes; cordate or oblong in outline. Sepals caducous. Petals yellow or white or purple-red; outer similar, spurred or saccate. Capsules indehiscent or dehiscent; 2-valved. Seeds 3 to numerous; reniform; tuberculate or reticulate (Figures 37.8 and 37.9).

Distribution and Habitat—Dicentra is mainly a woodland genus, preferring moist, rich soils of stream banks and floodplains. Species are present across the continent. Dicentra formosa, D. ochroleuca, and D. uniflora occur in the far West, whereas D. canadensis, D. eximia, and D. cucullaria are species of the East. Disjunct populations of the last taxon occur in eastern Washington and Oregon and adjacent Idaho. Old World D. spectabilis is widely cultivated and occasionally escapes but does not appear


Toxic Plants of North America

to establish itself (Stern 1961, 1997c). Distribution maps of the individual species of Dicentra can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Flora of North America (http://www. rare cause of neurologic effects

Disease Problems—Species of Dicentra were suspected to be toxic in the late 1800s and eventually shown to be the cause of livestock losses in Virginia and Indiana (Hansen 1924; Massey 1963). Although the plants are succulent and readily eaten, populations occur only sporadically, and the plants seldom are sufficiently abundant to cause disease. As a result, disease is rare and deaths most unusual. As some of its common names imply, Dicentra causes a short-term disease problem of trembling, staggering, and seizures (Harvey et al. 1944). Dicentra cucullaria seems to be the most toxic, requiring approximately 1.6 kg wet weight of plant per 100 kg (1.6%) b.w. to produce distinct signs of intoxication (Black et al. 1923). The other species seem to be less toxic (Eggleston et al. 1929; Black et al. 1930). All animal species are probably at risk, but cattle and sheep are more likely to be affected. numerous isoquinoline alkaloids; mainly aporphines, dopamine antagonism

array of alkaloids present in the different species. Although the cularines are common to most species, they are generally considered not to be of toxicologic importance. The aporphines, which are dopamine antagonists, are more important, but they are not common to all the toxic species. The relative paucity of potent isoquinoline types is probably reflected in the lesser toxicity of this genus as compared with Corydalis. Only the Asiatic species D. peregrina contains phthalideisoquinolines.

trembling, staggering, seizures; sedation

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs produced by Dicentra are mainly referable to the nervous system, the most prominent being trembling and staggering. The animal may be quite active, staggering around with its head held high and “spitting” frothy saliva and regurgitated ingesta. The trembling may quickly become more violent and lead to lateral recumbency and seizures, with the head held back and the legs rigidly extended. The entire episode may last less than 30 minutes in some cases; return to apparent normalcy is relatively rapid. There may be several of these episodes before the animal recovers completely or, in very rare cases, dies. Generally the animal is not able to eat enough of the succulent plants to cause severe signs.

FUMARIA L. Disease Genesis—Like Corydalis, species of Dicentra contain an array of isoquinoline alkaloids (Table 37.2). The variety of toxic effects presumably depends upon the

Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 50 species in Eurasia, Africa, and the Atlantic Islands, Fumaria is represented in North America by 3 introduced

Table 37.2. Isoquinoline alkaloids present in species of Dicentra. Species


D. canadensis D. cucullaria D. eximia

D. formosa D. spectabilis

Source: Preininger (1986).

corydine dicentrine glaucine



cancentrine dehydrocancentrine cularidine cularine cularimine cularine


ochotensine norprotosinomenine

cularine corydine

cheilanthifoline coptisine scoulerine

protopine chelilutine chelirubine chelerythrine sanguinarine dehydrosanguinarine

Fumariaceae L.

species (Boufford 1997). Other species of the genus are sporadically reported to occur, but apparently do not persist. Fumaria is derived from the Latin fumus, meaning “smoke,” believed to possibly to reflect the odor of its roots (Boufford 1997) or the whitish blue-green color of its foliage, which resembles smoke rising from the ground or because, according to Pliny the Elder, its sap causes the eyes to water as does smoke (Grieve 1931). Only 1 species is of possible toxicologic significance: F. officinalis L.

Flowering in the spring, plants are encountered in waste areas, cultivated or fallow fields, and open woods (Boufford 1997).

well-known herbal medicine; isoquinoline alkaloids; possible problems

drug fumitory, earth smoke, beggary, fumus

annual; leaves pinnately compound; racemes; petals bicolored, purplish pink or white at bases and reddish purple to maroon at apice; capsules 1-seeded.

Plants annuals; caulescent. Stems erect or ascending or decumbent; 10–70 cm tall; branched. Leaves 2- or 3-pinnately compound; cauline and sometimes basal; glabrous. Inflorescences racemes; terminal or opposite leaves. Flowers bilaterally symmetrical in 1-plane. Sepals peltate; Petals purplish pink or white near bases and deep reddish purple to maroon at apices; outer inconspicuously crested; 1 basally spurred, the other not spurred. Capsules indehiscent. Seeds 1. (Figure 37.10).

introduced; across continent

Distribution and Habitat—Native to Europe and northern Africa, F. officinalis occurs as scattered populations across North America (USDA, NRCS 2012).

Figure 37.10.


Line drawing of Fumaria officinalis.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Fumaria officinalis is well known for its medicinal properties and has been used for centuries in herbal treatments of skin diseases, rheumatism, hypertension, and infections (Sturm et al. 2006). It also has been prescribed in Germany specifically for biliary system and gastrointestinal problems (Hentschel et al. 1995). Extracts of other species such as F. indica are well appreciated for hepatoprotective effects as shown experimentally against carbon tetrachlorideinduced liver damage similar to the protection afforded by silymarin (Rao and Mishra 1997; Adewusi and Afolayan 2010). As with other members of the family and the Papaveraceae, isoquinoline alkaloids are well represented in Fumaria (Sturm et al. 2006). Among these alkaloids, protopine is found in high levels and there appears to be a role for it as a hepatoprotective, although monomethyl fumarate cannot be excluded as a factor (Rao and Mishra 1998; Rathi et al. 2008). Protopine, as with other isoquinoline alkaloids, has a wide variety of actions on multiple body systems (Vacek et al. 2010). It inhibits hepatic microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes, is a multiplechannel (Ca, Na, K) blocker with cardiac effects, has anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory actions, and may have a role in treatment of opioid abuse (Janbaz et al. 1998; Vacek et al. 2010). Although these plants and their extracts are generally considered safe for use, there are possible adverse effects. Rarely, liver problems may arise from their use (Stickel et al. 2005; Bonnet et al. 2007). Studies in rats indicate the possibility of hepatic necrosis and regeneration with high dosage of extracts of F. parviflora, but these adverse effects were less than those caused by similar dosage of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin (Heidari et al. 2004). Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Because of the rarity of reports of intoxication in humans, specifics cannot be given, but the signs and treatment would be those associated with hepatic dysfunction such as malaise, inappetence, elevated levels of serum hepatic enzymes, and perhaps icterus. Treatment would not likely be needed other than halting ingestion of the herbal product.


Toxic Plants of North America

In animals with large dosage of the plant, the effects and signs may be similar to those seen with other genera of the family and require the same approach to treatment.

REFERENCES Adewusi EA, Afolayan AJ. A review of natural products with hepatoprotective activity. J Med Plants Res 4;1318–1334, 2010. Black OF, Eggleston WW, Kelly JW, Turner HC. Poisonous properties of Bikukulla cucullaria (Dutchman’s-breeches) and B. canadensis (squirrel-corn). J Agric Res 23;69–80, 1923. Black OF, Eggleston WW, Kelly JW. Toxicity of Bikukulla formosa (western bleedingheart). J Agric Res 40;917–920, 1930. Boegge SC, Kesper S, Verspohl EJ, Nahrstedt A. Reduction of ACh-induced contraction of rat isolated ileum by coptisine, (+)-caffeoylmalic acid, Chelidonium majus, and Corydalis lutea extracts. Planta Med 62;173–174, 1996. Bonnet D, Mejdoubi S, Sommet A, Alric L. Acute hepatitis probably induced by fumaris and vitis vinifera var plant therapy products. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 31;1041–1042, 2007. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linnean Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Boufford DE. Fumaria. In Flora of North America, Vol. 3, Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 356–357, 1997. Chernevskaja NI, Krishtal OA, Valeyev AY. Inhibitions of the GABA-induced currents of rat neurons by the alkaloid isocoryne from the plant Corydalis pseudoadunca. Toxicon 28;727–730, 1990. Chueh FY, Hsieh MT, Chen CF, Lin MT. DL-Tetrahydropalmitineproduced hypotension and bradycardia in rats through the inhibition of central nervous dopaminergic mechanisms. Pharmacology 51;237–244, 1995. Cote L, Crutcher MD. Basal ganglia. In Principles of Neural Science, 3rd ed. Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM, eds. Elsevier, New York, pp. 647–659, 1991. Cronquist A. An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, New York, 1981. Culham A. Papaveraceae: poppy, fumitory, bleeding heart. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 241–243, 2007. Curtis DR, Duggan AW, Felix D, Johnston GAR. GABA, bicuculline, and central inhibition. Nature 226;1222–1224, 1970. Eggleston WW, Black OF, Kelly JW. A botanical and chemical study of Bikukulla exima, with a key to North American species of Bikukulla. J Agric Res 39;477–481, 1929. Eldefrawi AT, Eldefrawi ME. Receptors for ?-aminobutyric acid and voltage-dependent chloride channels as targets for drugs and toxicants. FASEB J 1;262–271, 1987. Feldhaus KM, Horowitz RS, Dart RC, Brent J, Gomez H, Moore L, Fulton B, Stermitz FR, Beck JJ. Life-threatening toxicity

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Gelsemiaceae (G.Don) Struwe & V.A.Albert

Jessamine or Carolina Jessamine Family Gelsemium Comprising 2 genera and 11 species in both the Old and New World, the Gelsemiaceae, commonly known as the jessamine or Carolina Jessamine family, occurs in both the Old and New World (Struwe and Albert 2004). Its 2 genera—Gelsemiaceae and Mostuea—were long positioned in the Loganiaceae (logania family) in their own tribe. On the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses, however, they appear to be more closely related to members of the Apocynaceae (milkweed family) than the Loganiaceae, hence their recognition as a distinct family (Struwe et al. 1994; Backlund et al. 2000; Bremer et al. 2009). Only Gelsemium is present in North America. evergreen, twining, woody vines; flowers showy, funnelform; petals 5, fused, yellow Plants woody vines; perennials; evergreen. Stems twining; climbing or trailing; up to 20 m long; wiry; reddish brown. Leaves short petiolate; blades lanceolate to elliptic; surfaces glabrous; apices acute or acuminate; bases rounded to cuneate; stipules reduced to inconspicuous ridge between leaves. Inflorescences 2- to 5-flowered cymes or solitary flowers; bracts of pedicels scalelike. Flowers showy; fragrant or not fragrant; funnelform. Sepals 5; free. Petals 5; fused; yellow. Stamens 5; anthers sagittate. Pistils with styles 4-lobed. Capsules ovoid or oblong; flattened; short-beaked. Seeds flattened; winged or not winged; dull brown.

GELSEMIUM JUSS. Taxonomy and Morphology—A small genus of only 3 species—2 in southeastern North America and 1 in eastern Asia and Indonesia—Gelsemium is commonly

known as yellow Jessamine (Brummitt 2007). Its name is a Latinization of gelsomino, the Italian name for the true jasmine (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The 2 North American species are the following: G. rankinii Small G. sempervirens (L.) W.T.Aiton

The morphological features of Gelsemium are those of the family and therefore are not repeated here (Figures 38.1 and 38.2).

Gulf Coast states; open woods, fields, swamps

Distribution and Habitat—Gelsemium sempervirens is found in a variety of sites—open woods, thickets, swamps, low areas, and open fields—of the southeastern United States to Mexico and Guatemala. It is also cultivated as a cover for porches, fences, or banks in the southeastern states. It is encountered elsewhere as ornamental in the southern half of the United States and along the Pacific Coast. Gelsemium rankinii is rare on the southeastern coastal plains (Figure 38.3).

neurologic; seizures; all animal species

Disease Problems—Gelsemium is well known as a neurotoxic genus, with all livestock species at risk (Shaw et al. 1943; West and Emmel 1952). Experimental work indicates that the typical signs are related to the neurologic effects with severe weakness, respiration shallow

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


evening trumpet-flower yellow jessamine, Carolina jessamine, wild jessamine, poor man’s rope, evening trumpet vine, woodbine, false jasmine, Carolina wild woodbine

Gelsemiaceae (G.Don) Struwe & V.A.Albert

Figure 38.3.

Figure 38.1. Photo of entire plant of Gelsemium semperiverens.


Distribution of Gelsemium sempervirens.

placed in their enclosure 5 days earlier (Thompson et al. 2002). Ingestion of the plants was promoted by malnutrition of the animals. Because these plants are evergreen, they are especially hazardous in the winter when other forage is limited. humans; historical medicinal use in Asia and Americas

Figure 38.2. Photo of flowering branch of Gelsemium semperiverens.

and labored, cardiac problems, tetanic seizures with opisthotonus, and finally, respiratory failure. Dosage of 180 g of fresh leaves (approximately 5–10% of the diet) fed to chickens for 15 days caused death 5–10 days after the feeding ceased. The effects of the toxicant(s) were apparently cumulative (West and Emmel 1952). Conversely, leaves and stems fed to young chicks and poults for 40 days at up to 10% of the diet failed to cause any adverse effects other than depressed weight gain (Williamson et al. 1964). Intoxication of several goats and a goose is reported associated with plant trimmings being

Although G. sempervirens is common in the southeastern United States and elsewhere as an ornamental, intoxications in humans due to the plant itself are unusual. However, in the 1800s, extracts of the roots were of such medicinal popularity for their analgesic and antispasmodic properties that the plant products were transported in barrels (Rehfuss 1885). Because of this popularity, numerous incidences of oral intoxication due either to misuse or mistakes in use were reported in the mid-1800s as reviewed by Rehfuss (1885). The extracts were so potent that in one instance the lurch of a carriage changed a tongue taste or sip into a swallow with serious consequences. The signs typically recorded in these many reports were feeble pulse and respiration (sometimes jerky), vision difficulties, drooping of upper eyelids, and eventually paralysis. Seizures were not consistently seen. A variety of treatments were employed including emetics, quinine, stimulants such as ammonium chloride or brandy, atropine, and even digitalis. In an interesting series of experiments on volunteers, the most common signs following administration of a root tincture were dimness of sight, giddiness, and dizziness (Ringer and Murrell 1876). The signs appeared quickly, accompanied by pain in the eyes, brow, and head; great heaviness of the upper eyelids; double vision; and general weakness.


Toxic Plants of North America

Interestingly, even with the documented problems of intoxication, an extract of Gelsemium was considered useful in ophthalmic procedures for its ability to produce mydriasis via paralysis of the circular fibers of the iris (Jones 1879). No longer in vogue, the plant and its extracts are employed now only in homeopathic treatments, if at all. As a result, intoxications in humans are now rare. In one reported case, a child who had ingested an estimated 5 flowers became unsteady, disoriented, weak, and depressed (Blaw et al. 1979). Within an hour, she had become semicomatose. Following decontamination therapy, and fluid and electrolyte administration, she gradually improved but during this time there were tetanic contractions and extensor spasm in the lower extremities following patellar tendon taps. The child was apparently normal within 10 hours. Serious intoxications continue to be a problem in Hong Kong with an Asian species, G. elegans, when the roots or leaves are mistaken for those of therapeutic herbs (Lai and Chan 2009). In these instances, the signs were identical to those of the child ingesting the flowers of G. sempervirens—dizziness; weakness, and loss of consciousness. Interestingly, the plant is used therapeutically as an analgesic as well as for suicidal purposes in areas of southeastern Asia (Rujjanawate et al. 2003; Myint et al. 2011). There seems to be little question of the toxicity of the genus because the Asian G. elegans was reportedly used in the 1800s to execute criminals in Hong Kong (Chesnut 1898). Even honey from the flowers of G. sempervirens was thought to be lethal based upon a report in the 1800s in which several children died; however, the accusation was never substantiated (Chesnut 1898; Patwardhan and White 1973). The pharmacological characteristics of the toxicants and roles of the various species of Gelsemium in alternative medicine have been reviewed by Dutt and coworkers (2010).

potent neurotoxic alkaloids, gelsemine; also indole sempervirine

Disease Genesis—Alkaloids originally identified to be present in the genus were gelsemine and gelseminine (Pammel 1911; Chou 1931; Schun and Cordell 1985). Gelsemine has been confirmed as the major alkaloid, whereas gelseminine has been discovered to be only an isolation artifact of gelsemine (Saxton 1965). Sempervirine, a complex indole, is also present and a significant component. Numerous minor alkaloids are also present, including gelsemicine (the most toxic) and gelsedine, both very complex indoles, and gelseverine (Schun and Cordell

Figure 38.4.

Chemical structure of gelsemine.

Figure 38.5.

Chemical structure of gelsemicine.

Figure 38.6.

Chemical structure of sempervirine.

1987). Steroids and coumarins are also present (Zhang et al. 2008) (Figures 38.4–38.6). These alkaloids are found in all organs—flowers, leaves, and especially the roots. Extracted from the roots, gelsemine was once used medicinally, but its misuse caused nausea, retching, laryngeal and pharyngeal spasms, and neurologic signs (Millspaugh 1974). Because the toxins caused paralysis of nerve endings, elixirs made from the roots were used to treat neuralgia. Root extracts of Gelsemium have also been used in homeopathic medicine to induce catalepsy, a hypertonic trancelike state similar to but less severe than that produced by Cannabis (Sukul et al. 1986). Based on in vitro studies with acetylcholine receptors from rat diaphragm and human muscle, gelsemine blocked the binding of cholinergic agonists (tubocurarine and bungarotoxin) to the peripheral nicotinic receptor similar to that of carbamycholine but did not inhibit acetylcholinesterase (Blaw et al. 1979). The inhibitory activity was not similar to that of neostigmine. There were also effects on central muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptor binding sites. In more recent studies using the synthesis of allopregnanalone model in the rat lumbar spinal cord,

Gelsemiaceae (G.Don) Struwe & V.A.Albert

Venard and coworkers (2008) were able to demonstrate a possible role for gelsemine in regulation of nervous system activity via glycine receptor binding. In this model, gelsemine and glycine had agonist and complementary effects opposite that of the structurally similar strychnine. Strychnine blocked the effects of gelsemine on the glycine receptor. The similarity of strychnine and gelsemine affinity in binding glycine receptors is consistent with the shared functional groups between these two compounds (Venard et al. 2008). Additional studies confirm anxiolytic and analgesic effects in rats via the limbic system (Venard et al. 2011). Other studies in laboratory rodents indicate anxiolytic effects and prevention of artificially induced seizures with extracts of G. sempervirens (Peredery and Persinger 2004; Magnani et al. 2010). In seemingly opposite results on inhibitory pathways, studies with G. elegans in mice, which demonstrated the value of pentobarbital and diazepam in reducing the intensity of seizures caused by the plant, were interpreted to suggest a possible role for suppression of the GABA inhibitory pathway (Rujjanawate et al. 2003). Because this species contains alkaloids similar to those of G. sempervirens, it thus seems likely that similar mechanisms are involved for all species of this genus (Yamada et al. 2008; Lai and Chan 2009). These studies also demonstrate the analgesic effects of G. elegans at 1/10th the LD50 dose but an effect less than with morphine. Thus there seems to be a combination of actions involving multiple receptors and pathways, blocking nicotinic and enhancing others by altering inhibitory pathways. Sempervirine also appears to interact and interfere with DNA replication by inhibition of DNA topoisomerase I (Zhang et al. 2008).

abrupt onset, weakness, clonic seizures, respiratory paralysis

Clinical Signs—Following continued ingestion of Gelsemium, there is abrupt onset of muscular weakness and clonic convulsive movements of the head, thoracic limbs, and pelvic limbs; a decrease in respiration rate and temperature; and eventually respiratory paralysis. Some animals may have considerable difficulty in swallowing. There may also be vision problems accompanied by pain. The appearance of clinical signs is usually indicative of a poor prognosis. In humans, as reviewed by Rehfuss (1885), the signs begin 10–20 minutes after ingestion of an extract and include weakness, staggering, mydriasis, drooping of the eyelids and jaw, feeble pulse, and possibly tetanic spasms in response to stimulation.


Confirmation of diagnosis can be aided by use of LC-MS methodology for detection of the alkaloids in urine (Lai and Chan 2009).

administer activated charcoal, sedatives, respiratory assistance

Treatment—No clearly effective treatment is known. A number of different approaches to treatment have been suggested but without confirmation of their effectiveness. These include morphine, atropine, electroshock, and administration of coffee or other stimulants (Rehfuss 1885; Chesnut 1898; Pammel 1911). The basic approach should be gastric decontamination by induction of vomiting, gastric lavage, and administration of oral activated charcoal. In severe intoxications, respiratory assistance may be necessary. While not generally needed, the use of drugs based upon a symptomatic approach such as with diazepam and/or physostigmine depends on the severity of the specific signs.

REFERENCES Backlund M, Oxelman B, Bremer B. Phylogenetic relationships with the Gentianales based on ndhF and rbcL sequences, with particular reference to the Loganiaceae. Amer J Bot 87;1029– 1043, 2000. Blaw ME, Adkisson MA, Levin DL, Garriott JC, Tindall SA. Poisoning with Carolina Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens [L. Ait.]). J Pediatrics 94;998–1001, 1979. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linnean Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Brummitt RK. Gelsemiaceae: jessamine family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 152–153, 2007. Chesnut VK. Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States. USDA Div Bot Bull 20, 1898. Chou TQ. The toxicity of Gelsemium. Proceedings Society Experimental Biology Medicine 28;789–790, 1931. Dutt V, Thakur S, Dhar VJ, Sharma A. The genus Gelsemium: an update. Pharmacognosy Reviews 4;185–194, 2010. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Jones HM. The use of dubosine, gelsemine, ersine etc. in ophthalmic practice. Br Med J 2(975);362–364, 1879. Lai CK, Chan YW. Confirmation of Gelsemium poisoning by targeted analysis of toxic gelsemium alkaloids in urine. J Anal Toxicol 33;56–61, 2009. Magnani P, Conforti A, Zanolin E, Marzotto M, Bellavite P. Dose-effect study of Gelsemium sempervirens in high dilutions


Toxic Plants of North America

on anxiety-related responses in mice. Psychopharmacology 210;533–545, 2010. Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover, New York, 1974 (reprinted from 1892). Myint KTY, Myint MMS, Than MA, Maw WW, Myint SS, Myint MM, Maw AA Zin T. Toxicity study, isolation and identification of gelsedine from toxic plant, Gelsemium elegans Benth. Myanmar Health Sciences Research J 23;84–88, 2011. Pammel LH. A Manual of Poisonous Plants. Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1911. Patwardhan VN, White JW Jr. Problems associated with particular foods. In Toxicants Occurring Naturally in Foods, 2nd ed. Committee on Food Protection, ed. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, pp. 477–507, 1973. Peredery O, Persinger MA. Herbal treatment following postseizure induction in rat by lithium pilocarpine: Scutellaria lateriflora (skullcap), Gelsemium sempervirens (Gelsemium) and Datura stramonium (jimson weed) may prevent development of spontaneous seizures. Phytother Res 18;700–705, 2004. Rehfuss EG. Gelsemium and its reputed antidotes, with experiments and collection of cases of poisoning. Ther Gaz 9;655– 666, 1885. Ringer S, Murrell W. On Gelsemium sempervirens. Lancet 107;661–663, 1876. Rujjanawate C, Kanjanapothi D, Panthong A. Pharmacological effect and toxicity of alkaloids from Gelsemium elegans Benth. J Ethnopharmacol 89;91–95, 2003. Saxton JE. Alkaloids of Gelsemium species. In The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Physiology, Vol. 8, Manske RHF, ed. Academic Press, New York, pp. 93–117, 1965. Schun Y, Cordell GA. Studies on the NMR spectroscopic properties of gelsemine—revisions and refinements. J Nat Prod 48;969–971, 1985. Schun Y, Cordell GA. Cytotoxic steroids of Gelsemium sempervirens. J Nat Prod 50;195–198, 1987.

Shaw AO, Biswell HH, Foster JE, Collins RW. Some StockPoisoning Plants of North Carolina. N C Agric Exp Stn Bull 342, 1943. Struwe L, Albert VA. Gelsemiaceae (Carolina Jessamine family. In Flowering Plants of the Neotropics. Smith N, Mori SA, Henderson A, Stevenson DW, Heald SV, eds. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, pp. 164–166, 2004. Struwe L, Albert VA, Bremer B. Cladistics and family level classification of the Gentianales. Cladistics 10;175–206, 1994. Sukul NC, Bala SK, Bhattacharyya B. Prolonged cataleptogenic effects of potentized homeopathic drugs. Psychopharmacology 89;338–339, 1986. Thompson LJ, Frazier K, Stiver S, Styer E. Multiple animal intoxications associated with Carolina Jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) ingestions. Vet Hum Toxicol 44;272–273, 2002. Venard C, Boujedaini N, Belon P, Mensah-Nyagan AG, PatteMensah C. Regulation of neurosteroid allopregnanolone biosynthesis in the rat spinal cord by glycine and the alkaloid anologes strychnine and gelsemine. Neuroscience 153;154– 161, 2008. Venard C, Boujedaini N, Mensah-Nyagan AG, Patte-Mensah C. Comparative analysis of gelsemine and Gelsemium sempervirens activity on neurosteroid allopregnanolone formation in the spinal cord and limbic system. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med (407617); 1–10, 2011. West E, Emmel MW. Poisonous Plants in Florida. Fla Agric Exp Stn Bull 510, 1952. Williamson JH, Craig FR, Barber CW, Cook FW. Some effects of feeding Gelsemium sempervirens (yellow jessamine) to young chickens and turkeys. Avian Dis 8;183–190, 1964. Yamada Y, Kitajima M, Kogure N, Yakayama H. Four novel gelsedine-type oxindole alkaloids from Gelsemium elegans. Tetrahedron 64;7690–7694, 2008. Zhang ZZ, Wang P, Yuan W, Li SY. Steroids, alkaloids, and coumarins from Gelsemium sempervirens. Planta Med 74; 1818–1822, 2008.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Ginkgoaceae Engl.

Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree Family Ginkgo

A monogeneric family, the Ginkgoaceae is commonly known as the ginkgo or maidenhair tree family (Whetstone 1993). It is classified in its own division, the Ginkgophyta, and has been present since the late Triassic or early Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era (Major 1967; Gifford and Foster 1989; Page 1990). trees deciduous, dioecious; leaves simple, fan shaped; pollen cones; seeds not enclosed, borne on stalks, drupelike, outer coat fleshy, malodorous, yellow to orange; inner coat hard, creamy white

Plants trees; perennials; deciduous; dioecious; resinous; trunks stout; crowns ovoid or obovoid, typically asymmetrical. Stems up to 30 m tall; bark gray, furrowed, ridges flattened; primary branches ascending; spur branches present, thick, knoblike; buds brown, globose. Leaves simple; alternate or in fascicles of 3–5; venation dichotomous; blades flabellate, striate; surfaces glabrous; apices cleft to truncate; margins undulate. Pollen Cones borne on spur branches; cylindrical; microsporophylls numerous; microsporangia paired. Seed Cones absent; ovules 2, borne at broadened apices of branched peduncles arising from spur branches, subtended by collar of 2 modified megasporophylls. Seeds 1 or 2 per peduncle; drupelike; obovoid to ellipsoid; yellow to orange; glaucous; rugose; outer coat fleshy, malodorous; inner coat hard; 2-angled; creamy white.

and moderately abundant in the Mesozoic, and then declined in the Cenozoic (Major 1967; Gifford and Foster 1989). The fossil record indicates that the single remaining species has been essentially unchanged for 200 million years. The plant is valued as an ornamental because of the graceful arching of the branches, striking butteryellow foliage in the fall, and resistance to disease pests and city pollution, and its wood is used to make chess pieces and oriental lacquer ware. Its seeds are prized as food and medicine. The generic name is a Latinization of the Chinese name yin-kuo and Japanese pronunciation ginkoh. The single species is the following: G. biloba L.

ginkgo, maidenhair tree, kew tree, silver apricot, ginko

Morphological features of the genus are the same as those of the family and thus are not repeated here (Figures 39.1–39.3).

ornamental; across continent

Distribution and Habitat—Native to China, G. biloba is now almost cosmopolitan in distribution. In North America it is cultivated as an ornamental throughout most of the United States and Mexico except for the harsh climates of the north. Botanists disagree as to whether it still exists in nature or only in cultivation. It is questioned whether isolated trees growing in the mountains of eastern and southeastern China are actually wild or merely escapes (Major 1967; Page 1990).

GINKGO L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Called a living fossil by Darwin, Ginkgo is the sole survivor of a group of plants that originated in the late Paleozoic, became widespread

inner coat of seeds; neurotoxic; gin-nan food poisoning

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 39.1.

Line drawing of Ginkgo biloba.

Disease Problems—As a gymnosperm, G. biloba produces seeds that are not enclosed in a ripened ovary, or fruit, at maturity, as is characteristic of flowering plants. Its “fruit” is actually a seed with a fleshy outer coat and a hard, angled, creamy white inner coat containing the gametophyte and embryo, which are edible. The “seeds” sold in markets as “silver almonds” or “white nuts” have had the outer coat removed (Whetstone 1993). Although these seeds are edible in small amounts, they can cause seizures and death when consumed in large numbers. The intoxication is called gin-nan food poisoning (Yagi et al. 1993). Known since the 1600s in Japan, it was of particular concern during and after World War II when food was scarce. A number of young children died after eating the seeds. It continues to be a sporadic problem in Asia. Illustrative of this problem are reports of 2-year-old children eating numerous (up to 50) roasted seeds and exhibiting vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, and clonic seizures lasting up to 5 minutes (Kajiyama et al. 2002; Hasegawa et al. 2006). Because G. biloba is dioecious, the relative scarcity in North America of pistillate trees bearing seeds limits the occurrence of intoxications of this type. outer coat of seeds; contact allergic dermatitis

Figure 39.2. Buck.

Photo of leaves of Ginkgo biloba. Photo by Paul

Figure 39.3. Photo of pollen cones on spur branches of Ginkgo biloba. Photo by Paul Buck.

The outer, fleshy layer of the seed has a foul odor and is astringent for the skin, the digestive tract, and, when its absorbed breakdown products are eliminated, the urinary tract. It is also hemolytic (Watt and BreyerBrandwijk 1962). The principal problem associated with G. biloba is a contact allergic dermatitis produced in some individuals (Mitchell and Rook 1979). This dermatitis is essentially the same as that caused by species of Toxicodendron (poison ivy, poison oak), in the Anacardiaceae (see Chapter 6), and is characterized by severe itching and a weeping skin rash (Bolis 1939; Sowers et al. 1965; Becker and Skipworth 1975). In North America, problems, in addition to the dermatitis, most commonly involve the use of ginkgo leaves in herbal products. Large doses of leaf extracts of G. biloba cause mild digestive upset with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (Tyler 1993). Other adverse effects include spontaneous hemorrhage directly or indirectly via interactions with other drugs and possible reproductive actions (Fessenden et al. 2001; Pinto et al. 2009). However, experimental studies in rats indicate that reproduction in both males and females is not adversely affected even by high dosage of extracts (de Castro et al. 2005). popular herbal medicaments; improve blood flow

Ginkgoaceae Engl.

In spite of ginkgo’s potential for toxicity, preparations from its various parts are widely used in herbal medicines. With an extensive array of benefits attributed to them, medicaments are popular in many areas of the world (Oberpichler-Schwenk and Krieglstein 1992). Standardized extracts of the leaves of G. biloba are among the most widely prescribed medications, especially in Germany, where they are used to promote blood flow (Tyler 1993). The extract is particularly favored for relief of cerebral insufficiency and seems to produce positive effects in moderating the severity of Alzheimer’s disease (LeBars et al. 1997). Although the mechanism of action is not known, it is suggested that reductions in free-radical activity and lipid peroxidation may be factors, as well as general enhancement of blood flow (Kleijnen and Knipschild 1992; Warburton 1993; Oyama et al. 1996). Many of these beneficial actions are consistent with experimental evidence that Ginkgo extracts are particularly active on the cardiovascular system, with effects on permeability, tone, blood viscosity, and cellular elements (Koch and Chatterjee 1993). Some of the cardiovascular actions of leaf extracts may be the result of inhibition of monoamine oxidase, which is in part responsible for limiting the action of neurohumoral biogenic amines (White et al. 1996). Chronic ingestion of Ginkgo has been associated with subdural hematoma (Rowin and Lewis 1996). The potential for adverse herbal–drug interactions has been reviewed by Kupiec and Raj 2005).

neurotoxin; 4-O-methylpyridoxine, antagonist of pyridoxine

Disease Genesis—The neurotoxin in the inner portion of the seeds that causes gin-nan food poisoning is of considerable importance (Yagi et al. 1993). This toxin, 4-Omethylpyridoxine (4-methoxypyridoxine), is found only in the seeds, not in the foliage (Wada et al. 1993). This toxin is not heat labile; therefore, cooking the seeds does not reduce the risk. It has been identified as the toxin also responsible for antagonism of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) in Albizia, in the Fabaceae (see Chapter 35) (Steyn et al. 1987). The toxin is thought to inhibit cerebral glutamate decarboxylase, which requires pyridoxal phosphate for the decarboxylation of glutamate to form γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This is consistent with the competitive inhibitory effects of the convulsant 4-deoxypyridoxine hydrochloride (Horton and Meldrum 1973). A related neurotoxicant, 4′-O-methylpyridoxine-5′-glucoside, is also present and may be high in heat-treated seeds; thus, it may be an important contributing factor in the development of the adverse effects (Kobayashi et al. 2011). Even though pyridoxine is involved with the synthesis and


Figure 39.4. Chemical structure of 4-O-methylpyridoxine.

metabolism of many neurotransmitters, seizure activity is thought to involve GABA (Dakshinamurti 1982). However, in the case of South African species of Albizia, pyridoxine is effective therapeutically but not pyridoxal or GABA (Gummow et al. 1992) (Figure 39.4).

allergen; ginkgolic acid, bilobol

The presence of ginkgolic acid and bilobol in the fleshy, outer layer of the seeds and leaves may account for the apparent contact allergic response of the skin and mucous membranes (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Becker and Skipworth 1975; Lepoittevin et al. 1989). However, urushiols in low concentrations are present and there is also cross-reactivity between the allergens of Ginkgo and those of Toxicodendron (Sowers et al. 1965; Schotz 2002). By employing appropriate manufacturing processes, the content of ginkgolic acids is reduced to levels insufficient to cause allergic effects from commercial leaf products (Schotz 2002, 2004). Various methods are available for analysis of ginkgo products including LC/MS/ MS, GC/MS and HPLC methodology (van Beek and Montoro 2009).

neuroprotective actions; bilobalide, ginkgolide A

Because of the history of Ginkgo’s medicinal uses, numerous studies have been undertaken to confirm its neuroprotective actions. Bilobalide and ginkgolide A, the terpenoids found in the leaves, have been shown to act as neuroprotectants in mice and rats (Krieglstein et al. 1995). They also shorten the sleep time associated with various injectable anesthetics, possibly by altering their biotransformation rates (Wada et al. 1993). Because of the intense medical interest, some of the compounds, such as ginkgolides, have been synthesized (Corey et al. 1988) (Figure 39.5).

abrupt onset; seizures; no lesions


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 39.5.

Chemical structure of bilobalide A.

Clinical Signs and Pathology—In humans, the signs of gin-nan food poisoning are abrupt onset of repetitive seizures, both clonic and tonic, and loss of consciousness. In acute disease, few if any distinctive changes are seen either grossly or microscopically. The allergenic effects are readily alleviated by topical lotions and are generally short-lived. Treatment—The periodic seizures may be controlled by diazepam, and toxin absorption may be reduced by oral administration of activated charcoal. Parenteral pyridoxine HCl, 2–25 mg/kg b.w. should be administered.

REFERENCES Becker LE, Skipworth GB. Ginkgo-tree dermatitis, stomatitis, and proctitis. J Am Med Assoc 231;1162–1163, 1975. Bolis M. Dermatitis venenata due to ginkgo berries. Arch Derm Syphilol 39;530, 1939. Corey EJ, Kang M-C, Desai MC, Ghosh AK, Houpis IN. Total synthesis of (±)-ginkgolide B. J Am Chem Soc 110;649–651, 1988. Dakshinamurti K. Neurobiology of pyridoxine. In Advances in Nutritional Research, Vol. 4. Draper HH, ed. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 143–179, 1982. de Castro AP, de Mello FB, de Mello JRB. Toxicological evaluation of Ginkgo biloba in rat fertility and reproduction. Acta Sci Vet 33;265–269, 2005. Fessenden JM, Wittenborn W, Clarke L. Ginkgo biloba: a case report of herbal medicine and bleeding postoperatively from a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Am Surg 67;33–35, 2001. Gifford EM, Foster AS. Morphology and Evolution of Vascular Plants, 3rd ed. W.H. Freeman, New York, 1989. Gummow B, Bastianello SS, Labuschagne L, Erasmus GL. Experimental Albizia versicolor poisoning in sheep and its successful treatment with pyridoxine hydrochloride. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 59;111–118, 1992. Hasegawa S, Oda Y, Ichiyama T, Hori Y, Furukawa S. Ginkgo nut intoxication in a 2-year-old male. Pediatr Neurol 35;275– 276, 2006. Horton RW, Meldrum BS. Seizures induced by allylglycine, 3-mercaptopropionic acid, and 4-deoxypyridoxine in mice and photosensitive baboons, and different modes of inhibition of cerebral glutamic acid decarboxylase. Br J Pharmacol 49;52–63, 1973.

Kajiyama Y, Fujii K, Takeuchi H, Manabe Y. Ginkgo seed poisoning. Pediatrics 109;325–327, 2002. Kleijnen J, Knipschild P. Ginkgo biloba for cerebral insufficiency. Br J Clin Pharmacol 34;352–358, 1992. Kobayashi D, Yoshimura T, Johno A, Sasaki K, Wada K. Toxicity of 4’-O-methylpyridoxine-5’-glucoside in Ginkgo biloba seeds. Food Chemistry 126;1198–1202, 2011. Koch E, Chatterjee SS. Experimental evidence for the therapeutic use of ginkgo extract. Haemostaseologie 13;1–6, 1993. Krieglstein J, Ausmeier F, El-Abhar H, Lippert K, Welsch M, Rupalla K, Henrich-Noack P. Neuroprotective effects of Ginkgo biloba constituents. Eur J Pharm Sci 3;39–48, 1995. Kupiec T, Raj V. Fatal seizures due to potential herb-drug interactions with Ginkgo biloba. J Anal Toxicol 29;755–758, 2005. LeBars PL, Katz MM, Berman N, Itil TM, Freedman AM, Schatzberg AF. A placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized trial of an extract of Ginkgo biloba for dementia. J Am Med Assoc 278;1327–1332, 1997. Lepoittevin J-P, Benezra C, Asakawa Y. Allergic contact dermatitis to Ginkgo biloba L.: relationship with urushiol. Arch Dermatol Res 281;227–230, 1989. Major RT. The ginkgo, the most ancient living tree. Science 157;1270–1273, 1967. Mitchell J, Rook A. Botanical Dermatology—Plants and Plant Products Injurious to the Skin. Greengrass, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1979. Oberpichler-Schwenk H, Krieglstein J. Pharmakologische wirkungen von Ginkgo biloba–extrakt und-inhaltsstoffen. Pharm Unserer Zeit 21;224–235, 1992. Oyama Y, Chikahisa L, Ueha T, Kanemaru K, Noda K. Ginkgo biloba extract protects brain neurons against oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide. Brain Res 712;349– 352, 1996. Page CN. Ginkgoaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. I: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Kramer KU, Green PS, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 284–289, 1990. Pinto RM, Fernandes ES, Borges LV, Peters VM, Guerra M de O. Recent advances in the reproductive and hormonal effects of Ginkgo biloba. In Chemistry and Medicinal Value. Singh VK, Govil JN, eds. Stadium Press, Houston, TX, pp. 403–416, 2009. Rowin J, Lewis SL. Spontaneous bilateral subdural hematomas associated with chronic Ginkgo biloba ingestion. Neurology 46;1775–1776, 1996. Schotz K. Detection of allergenic urushiols in Ginkgo biloba leaves. Pharmazie 57;508–510, 2002. Schotz K. Quantification of allergenic urushiols in extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves, in simple one-step extracts and refined manufactured material (ECb 761). Phytochem Anal 15;1–8, 2004. Sowers EF, Weary PE, Collins OD. Ginkgo tree dermatitis. Arch Dermatol 91;452–456, 1965. Steyn PS, Vleggaar R, Anderson LAP. Structure elucidation of two neurotoxins from Albizia tanganyicensis. S Afr J Chem 40;191–192, 1987. Tyler VE. The Honest Herbal, 3rd ed. Pharmaceutical Products Press, New York, 1993.

Ginkgoaceae Engl. van Beek TA, Montoro P. Chemical analysis and quality control of Ginkgo biloba leaves, extracts, and phytopharmaceuticals. J Chromatogr A 1216;2002–2032, 2009. Wada K, Sasaki K, Miura K, Yagi M, Kubota Y, Matsumoto T, Haga M. Bilobalide and ginkgolide A, isolated from Ginkgo biloba L., shortened the sleeping time induced in mice by anesthetics. Biol Pharm Bull 16;210–212, 1993. Warburton DM. Ginkgo biloba extract and cognitive decline [letter]. Br J Clin Pharmacol 36;137, 1993. Watt JM, Breyer-Brandwijk MG. The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa. E & S Livingston, Edinburgh, UK, 1962.


Whetstone RD. Ginkgoaceae. In Flora of North America. Vol. 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 350–351, 1993. White HL, Scates PW, Cooper BR. Extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves inhibit monoamine oxidase. Life Sci 58;1315–1321, 1996. Yagi M, Wada K, Sakata M, Kokubo M, Haga M. Studies on the constituents of edible and medicinal plants. 4. Determination of 4-O-methylpyridoxine in serum of the patient with gin-nan food poisoning. Yakugaku-Zasshi 113;596–599, 1993.

Chapter Forty

Hypericaceae Juss.

St. John’s Wort Family Hypericum Distributed primarily in temperate regions of both the Old and New Worlds, the Hypericaceae, commonly known as the St. John’s wort family, comprises 8 or 9 genera and 480–540 species (Stevens 2007; Mabberley 2008). Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to the circumscription of the family and its relationship to the closely related Clusiaceae. Cronquist (1981) and Robson (2007) merged the two families and treated the Hypericaceae as a subfamily of the Clusiaceae. In contrast, Stevens (2007), Bremer and coworkers (2009), and Robson in his forthcoming treatment for the Flora of North America (unpublished data) recognize 2 families on the basis of analyses of morphological and molecular data (Gustafsson et al. 2002). We employ the classification of these latter authors and here treat the Hypericaceae as a distinct family. Economically, the family is of minor importance. Several species of Hypericum are cultivated as ornamentals; some are noxious weeds and others used in local pharmacopeias and herbal medicines. In North America, the family is represented by 2 native genera and about 70 native and introduced species (USDA, NRCS 2012). Photosensitization problems are associated only with Hypericum. herbs or shrubs; leaves simple, opposite, gland dotted; petals 4 or 5, yellow or pink; stamens 9 to numerous Plants herbs or shrubs; perennials or annuals. Leaves simple; opposite or rarely whorled; sessile or subsessile; venation pinnate; surfaces with glandular punctations present or absent; margins entire; stipules absent. Inflorescences simple or compound cymes or solitary flowers;

terminal; bracteoles present. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 2 or 4 or 5; 5 in 1 whorl and all equal, or 2 or 4 in 2 whorls and of 2 sizes; free. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 3–5; free; usually yellow or sometimes red. Stamens 9 to numerous; fascicled in 3–5 groups; free or fused by filaments. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 2–5; styles 2–5; fused at bases; ovaries superior; locules 1 or 3–5; placentation axile or parietal. Fruits capsules. Seeds numerous.

HYPERICUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A morphologically diverse genus of about 420 species, Hypericum is commonly known as St. John’s wort (Stevens 2007). Used by Dioscorides, its name is of Greek origin, but of obscure meaning. In North America, approximately 65 native and introduced species are present in all types of vegetation (USDA, NRCS 2012). Some species are planted as ground covers and border plants, whereas others are noxious weeds. Representative of the few North American species of toxicologic importance are the following species: H. concinnum Benth. H. perforatum L.

H. pseudomaculatum Bush H. punctatum Lam. H. scouleri Hook.

Because the morphological features of Hypericum are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from the other

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


goldwire common St. John’s wort, Klamath weed, goatweed, goatsbeard, tipton weed, eola weed, penny john, herb john, rosin rose, cammock, grace of God, amber large spotted St. John’s wort, false St. John’s wort spotted St. John’s wort western St. John’s wort, Scouler’s St. John’s wort (= H. formosum Kunth)

Hypericaceae Juss.


North American genus Triadenum (marsh St. John’s wort) by differences in their inflorescences, corollas, and stamens (Figures 40.1–40.3).

open habitats; variety of vegetation types

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Hypericum occur in a diversity of generally open habitats in different vegetation types across the continent. Hypericum concinnum is strictly Californian. Also western, H. scouleri occurs in

Figure 40.2. Photo of flowers and branches of Hypericum perforatum. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

Figure 40.3. Photo of 2 flowers of Hypericum perforatum. Courtesy of Wayne J. Elisens.

Figure 40.1.

Line drawing of Hypericum perforatum.

meadows, brushy areas, and open pine or aspen woods at higher elevations as far east as the Rocky Mountains. Populations of H. punctatum and H. pseudomaculatum occur in moist or dry soils of fields and open woods in the eastern half of the continent. Native to Europe but now widely distributed around the world, H. perforatum is abundant as a weed across North America. Introduced in the mid- to late 1700s, it has become especially abundant in the Pacific Coast states and infests millions of acres. It is aggressive and quite competitive with native species; however, biological control via the Klamath weed flea beetles (Chrysolina quadrigemina and C. hyperici) has reduced its abundance (Huffaker and Kennett 1959; Simmonds 1967; Crompton et al. 1988). Not all areas are amenable to such control, because their climatic conditions may not favor survival of the beetles (Williams 1985). Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.usda. gov).


Toxic Plants of North America

humans: early medicinal and herbal uses; treatment for anxiety, depression

livestock: primary photosensitization, some systemic effects

Disease Problems—Although causing photosensitization when eaten by livestock in large amounts, species of Hypericum, and in particular H. perforatum, have a long history of medicinal use in the Old World, including use as an astringent, a diuretic, and a sedative (Mitich 1994; Sahare et al. 2007). Used extensively in Germany, where herbal medications are popular, it is approved for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders; 66 million daily dosage prescriptions were written in 1 year (De Smet and Nolen 1996; Linde et al. 1996). In recent years, Hypericum has gained considerable popularity as an antidepressant, and this use is extensively reviewed by Linde and coworkers (1996). This popularity has carried over for use in pets as well as humans (Means 2002). Relatively few adverse effects have complicated the use of Hypericum and those that have occurred are mainly due to interactions with other drugs given concomitantly (Knuppel and Linde 2004). Drug interactions may in large measure be due to the induction of hepatic enzymes, for example, a marked increase in cytochrome P450 activity, which thus reduces the activity of other drugs such as warfarin, theophylline, and ethinyloestradiol (Ernst 1999). There is very little risk of photosensitivity in humans even with quite high dosage. A single dose of 3600 mg of extract with 11.25 mg hypericin or repeated dosage of 600 mg of extract given 3 times per day with a daily dosage of 5.6 hypericin resulted in no or only marginally increased sensitivity to UV light (Brockmoller et al. 1997). However, a possible reaction of scalp hair loss lasting for a year has been reported for a 24-year-old woman taking St. John’s wort for 5 months (Parker et al. 2001). With nominal dosage in breastfeeding mothers there is only a slight increase in drowsiness and lethargy in an occasional infant (Lee et al. 2003). In a rare adverse reaction episode, excessive dosage of 15, 30 mg tabs per day for 2 weeks and a final 50 mg dose as a possible suicide attempt resulted in seizures and confusion with a spike wave EEG consistent with generalized epileptic activity (Karalapillai and Bellomo 2007). Following dosage cessation, there was rapid resolution of signs in a few days and no further problems. In rats, there may be an increase in motor activity with general depressant activity and increased response to thermal stimuli (Mendes et al. 2002). There were no

adverse effects on pregnant rats or on fetal development at a dosage of 36 mg/kg of hypericin extract (Borges et al. 2005). However, in another study in rats, there was evidence of liver and kidney damage in offspring of mothers fed high dosage of 100 and 1000 mg/kg, Hypericin during pregnancy and lactation (Gregoretti et al. 2004). Considerable mysticism is associated with Hypericum, beginning with references to it in Greek and Roman mythology. It was recognized as a potential problem for livestock, and in some regions of the world, black sheep were preferred because of the susceptibility of white sheep to photosensitization after eating these plants. Arabs are said to have darkened the white spots on horses with henna to protect them from the sun on occasions of exposure to the plant (Rogers 1914; Giese 1980). Most animal species may be affected, with severe blistering effects on the skin and, in some cases, accompanying systemic signs. Although the disease is seldom lethal, it markedly affects production of meat, milk, and wool, and often causes the affected animal considerable distress. In contrast to other animals, deer and goats seem to eat the plants readily and with considerable impunity (Sampson and Parker 1930). Although it seems clear that the effects on the skin are not due to a decreased ability of the liver to clear a photodynamic substance, systemic effects have been reported. Early medicinal uses of the genus may be related to the systemic actions. Sheep given 4–16 g/kg b.w. of H. perforatum exhibited a 9-fold increase in blood urea nitrogen, a rise in serum enzymes (AST, ALT, CK, LDH), and a decrease in blood glucose, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, and total protein (Kako et al. 1993). In contrast, calves suffering from photosensitization after being given 3 g/kg b.w. of dried plant material did not exhibit changes in levels of serum hepatic enzymes and other parameters of hepatic function (Araya and Ford 1981). Although this difference may simply reflect the larger dosage given to the sheep, it is consistent with more recent work showing cattle to be considerably less susceptible to hypericin toxicity than are sheep (Bourke and White 2004). This again is in contrast to early work by Marsh and Clawson (1930) comparing sheep with cattle and where dosage of 1% b.w. or 0.23 kg of plant material in 230–318 kg calves for several days produced prominent signs when the animals were exposed to sunlight, whereas sheep required 0.7– 0.9 kg for several days.

highly condensed quinone, hypericin, photodynamic, activated by UV light; in glands in leaves and flowers

Disease Genesis—The leaves, stems, and floral organs of most species of Hypericum have minute glands embedded in their surfaces. These glands contain either red

Hypericaceae Juss.

fluorescent pigments such as hypericin and pseudohypericin (which predominates) or their precursor protohypericin (Butterweck and Schmidt 2007). Glands containing hypericin and the other pigments appear black, whereas those containing the precursor are translucent or clear. The abundance of these glands varies from species to species. The most conspicuous attribute of the 5 species of toxicologic concern are the numerous black glands on the sepals and petals. In general, most other North American species of the genus lack these black glands and have relatively small amounts of hypericin. In contrast, more than 50% of the Old World species contain the pigment (Mathis and Ourisson 1963). In addition to glandular hypericin, an endophyte fungus is also present in the stems of H. perforatum which produces this compound as well as emodin (Kusari et al. 2008). This fungal association represents a valuable pharmaceutical source for these compounds.

concentrations increase with plant maturity, geographically variable

Hypericin is the toxicant responsible for photosensitization. In H. perforatum, the most extensively studied species of the genus, concentrations are low in young shoots (54 mg/kg); they increase to 1.2 g/kg as the plants mature and temperatures rise, to peak in midsummer at full flowering (Horsley 1934; Jensen et al. 1995; Southwell and Bourke 2001; Cirak et al. 2006; Couceiro et al. 2006; Xenophontos et al. 2007). However, this increase in toxin level may be offset by the apparent decrease in palatability of the plants to livestock as they mature (Horsley 1934; Gilkey and Dennis 1969). Hypericin levels also increase with rising elevation (Xenophontos et al. 2008) and in response to various chemical and biotic challenges such as attacks by generalist insect herbivores (Sirvent and Gibson 2002; Sirvent et al. 2003). There is considerable geographical variation in hypericin concentrations across North America, apparently related to the original Old World sources of these plant populations. Toxin concentrations averaged 195 ppm d.w. in Nova Scotia but were 2–3 times higher in plants from British Columbia (Jensen et al. 1995). As is so often the case, there is also marked intraspecific variation in toxin concentration. A considerable body of work has been reported from Australia and other countries with respect to hypericin concentrations and effects (Bourke and Southwell 1999, 2000; Bourke 2000, 2003; Southwell and Bourke 2001; Bourke et al. 2002; Bourke and White 2004). Narrow-leaved varieties are reported to have 2–3 times more hypericin than those with broader leaves (1000 vs. 400 ppm) (Southwell and Campbell 1991). (Figure 40.4).

Figure 40.4.


Chemical structure of hypericin.

Hypericin, a naphthodianthrone, is a highly condensed quinone with many hydroxyl groups (Pace and Mackinney 1941; Brockmann 1957; Brockmann and Sanne 1957). It is absorbed into the systemic circulation and is activated in the peripheral circulation in areas most readily penetrated by ultraviolet light of 540–610 nm wavelength. It undergoes a type II reaction and becomes a potent generator of singlet oxygen capable of reacting with amino acids, nucleic acids, and membrane lipids of the capillary endothelium and the adjacent perfused tissues (Pace 1942; Dodge and Knox 1986). Generally the reaction effects are limited to the skin, as opposed to type I reactions, from which more extensive changes may be noted. Although hypericin concentrations are reported to be much reduced when cut plants dry in the sun, intoxication may sometimes occur when hay containing them is fed (Marsh and Clawson 1930; Araya and Ford 1981; Kumper 1989). increased serotonin systemic activity

Other compounds present include the phloroglucinol derivatives hyperforin and adhyperforin, which are in highest concentrations at the end of flowering and when fruits are developing (Butterweck and Schmidt 2007). In addition, there are numerous flavonol glycosides and biflavonoids. While the dermatologic effects appear to be due exclusively to hypericin, systemic activity, probably in both humans and livestock, resides to a large extent with hyperforin and/or the entire mixture of compounds present. Hypericin probably plays only a limited role systemically since it apparently does not cross the blood– brain barrier (Muller 2003). While the mechanism of the antidepressant activity of H. perforatum extracts appears to be related to serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) activity, it is quite complicated involving changes in up- and downregulation of neurotransmitter receptors (Butterweck 2003). Plant extracts are potent inhibitors of serotonin


Toxic Plants of North America

uptake by synaptosomes, and it is suggested that this is a key factor in the neurologic activity (Perovic and Muller 1995). However, similar uptake changes occur with the other neurotransmitters: norepinephrine, dopamine, gamma aminobutyric acid, and L-glutamine (Muller 2003). Changes in serotonin receptors vary depending upon location. However, the overall effect is an increase in serotonin levels especially in the brain and a decrease in its precursor tryptophan (Bano et al. 2010). This is consistent with the occurrence of the serotonin syndrome— mental, autonomic, neuromuscular effects with headache, nausea, and shivering—as possible rare adverse effects of Hypericin usage (Parker et al. 2001).

skin erythema, edema, itching, sloughing, lightly haired or less pigmented areas; mild diarrhea, restlessness, anorexia

extending down into the deeper coriumm. Crusty and ulcerative or proliferative areas may be present, especially around the face. Microscopically, the edema of the skin will be accompanied by necrosis and a polymorphonuclear infiltrate in the deeper corium. treatment not needed, provide shade

Treatment—Prevention of animal access to the plants is usually sufficient for recovery to begin within a few days, although signs may regress slowly with reepithelialization of the denuded areas. In some cases, relief of pain may be helpful, in addition to soothing skin medications. If possible, keep animals in a shelter or provide shade for protection.

REFERENCES Clinical Signs—In cattle and most other species, the most striking effects of Hypericum-induced photosensitization are severe pruritis, reddening, swelling, edema, and sloughing of the skin of the teats, udder, escutcheon, and the less pigmented and lightly haired areas. There is often a striking demarcation in distribution of the lesions, coinciding exactly with the lighter colored areas of the skin and not extending into the darker areas. In addition to the obvious skin changes, there may be accompanying signs of diarrhea, restlessness, agitation, loss of appetite, and increased temperature and respiratory rates. Occasionally violent behavior during the onset of the disease may be a serious problem. In sheep, because of the protective effects of wool, the skin lesions may be limited to ears, eyelids, face, lips, and coronets. The signs may last for 2 weeks, and subsequent healing take 2 or more months. Adverse effects with herbal products in humans include gastrointestinal upset, agitation, and allergic reactions. In pets, especially dogs, there may be depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and rarely tremors or seizures (Means 2002).

gross pathology, skin crusty, ulcerative, proliferative areas

Pathology—Skin changes typically are limited to the lesser pigmented areas or to the head in sheep. Depending upon the amount of plant material eaten, the changes range from minimal reddening and blister-like effects to extensive areas of sloughing. In more severe cases, the skin will be thickened with a gelatinous appearance

Araya OS, Ford EJH. An investigation of the type of photosensitization caused by the ingestion of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) by calves. J Comp Pathol 91;135–141, 1981. Bano S, Gitay M, Ara I, Badawy A. Acute effects of serotonergic antidepressants on tryptophan metabolism and corticosterone levels in rats. Pak J Pharm Sci 23;266–272, 2010. Borges LV, Cancino JC do C, Peters VM, Las Casas L, Guerra M de O. Development of pregnancy in rats treated with Hypericum perforatum. Phytother Res 19;885–887, 2005. Bourke CA. Sunlight associated hyperthermia as a consistent and rapidly developing clinical sign in sheep intoxicated by St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum). Aust Vet J 78;483–488, 2000. Bourke CA. The effect of shade, shearing and wool type in the protection of Merino sheep from Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) poisoning. Aust Vet J 81;494–498, 2003. Bourke CA, Southwell I. Control of Hypericum perforatum L. (St John’s wort) by a grazing management system that uses Merino sheep. 12th Aust Weeds Conference 12;4–7, 1999. Bourke CA, Southwell I. Seasonal hypericin variation in the poisonous weed St John’s wort compared with hypericin tolerance levels in Merino sheep. Asian-australas J Anim Sci 13;202, 2000. Bourke CA, White JG. Reassessment of the toxicity of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort) for cattle. Aust Vet J 82;707– 710, 2004. Bourke CA, Southwell IA, Mayo GM. Sheep as biological control agents against St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.): factors affecting variation and hypericin tolerance. 13 Australian Weed Conference 13;398–401, 2002. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009.

Hypericaceae Juss. Brockmann H. Photodynamically active plant pigments. Proc Chem Soc Lond 1957;304–312, 1957. Brockmann H, Sanne W. Zur kenntnis des hypericins und pseudo- hypericins. Chem Ber 90;2480–2491, 1957. Brockmoller J, Reum T, Bauer S, Kerb R. Hypericin and pseudohypericin: pharmacokinetics and effects on photosensitivity in humans. Pharmacopsychiatry 30;94–101, 1997. Butterweck V. Mechanism of action of St John’s wort in depression—what is known? CNS Drugs 17;539–562, 2003. Butterweck V, Schmidt M. St.John’s wort: role of active compounds for its mechanism of action and efficacy. Wien Med Wochenschr 157;356–361, 2007. Cirak C, Saglam B, Ayan AK, Kevseroglu K. Morphogenetic and diurnal variation of hypericin in some Hypericum species from Turkey during the course of ontogenesis. Biochem Syst Ecol 34;1–13, 2006. Couceiro MA, Afreen F, Zobayed SMA, Kozai T. Variation in concentrations of major or bioactive compounds of St. John’s wort: effects of harvesting time, temperature and germplasm. Plant Sci 170;126–134, 2006. Crompton CW, Hall IV, Jensen KIN, Hildebrand PD. The biology of Canadian weeds. 83. Hypericum perforatum L. Can J Plant Sci 68;149–162, 1988. Cronquist A. An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, New York, 1981. De Smet PAGM, Nolen WA. St. John’s wort as an antidepressant. Br Med J 313;241–242, 1996. Dodge AD, Knox JP. Photosensitizers from plants. Pestic Sci 17;579–586, 1986. Ernst E. Second thoughts about safety of St John’s wort. Lancet 354;2014–2016, 1999. Giese AC. Hypericism. Photochem Photobiol Rev 5;229–255, 1980. Gilkey HM, Dennis LRJ. Livestock-Poisoning Plants of Oregon. Oreg Agric Exp Stn Man 1;75–76, 1969. Gregoretti B, Stebel M, Candussio L, Crivellato E, Bartoli F, Decorti G. Toxicity of Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) administered during pregnancy and lactation in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 200;201–205, 2004. Gustafsson MHG, Bittrich V, Stevens PF. Phylogeny of Clusiaceae based on rbcL sequences. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163;1045–1054, 2002. Horsley CH. Investigation into the action of St. John’s wort. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 50;310–322, 1934. Huffaker CB, Kennett CE. A ten-year study of vegetational changes associated with biological control of Klamath weed. J Range Manage 12;69–82, 1959. Jensen KIN, Gaul SO, Specht EG, Doohan DJ. Hypericin content of Nova Scotia biotypes of Hypericum perforatum L. Can J Plant Sci 75;923–926, 1995. Kako MDN, Al-Sultan II, Saleem AN. Studies of sheep experimentally poisoned with Hypericum perforatum. Vet Hum Toxicol 35;298–300, 1993. Karalapillai DC, Bellomo R. Convulsions associated with an overdose of St John’s wort. Med J Aust 186;213–214, 2007. Knuppel L, Linde K. Adverse effects of St. John’s wort: a systematic review. J Clin Psychiatry 65;1470–1479, 2004. Kumper H. Hypericum perforatum poisoning in sheep [Hypericismus bei Schafen]. Tierarztliche Praxis 17;257–261, 1989.


Kusari S, Lamschoeft M, Zuehlke S, Spiteller M. An endophyteic fungus from Hypericum perforatum that produces hypericin. J Natural Products 71;159–162, 2008. Lee A, Minhas R, Matsuda N, Lam M, Ito S. The safety of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) during breastfeeding. J Clin Psychiatry 64;966–968, 2003. Linde K, Ramirez G, Muldrow CD, Pauls A, Weidenhammer W, Melchart D. St. John’s wort for depression—an overview and meta- analysis of randomized clinical trials. Br Med J 313;241– 242, 1996. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Marsh CD, Clawson AB. Toxic Effect of St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) on Cattle and Sheep. USDA Tech Bull 202, 1930. Mathis C, Ourisson G. Etude chimio-taxonomique du genre Hypericum I. Repartition de l’hypéricine. Phytochemistry 2;157–171, 1963. Means C. Selected herbal hazards. Vet Clin Small Anim 32;367– 382, 2002. Mendes FR, Mattei R, Carlini EL de A. Activity of Hypericum brasiliense and Hypericum cordatum on the central nervous system in rodents. Fitoterapia 73;462–471, 2002. Mitich LW. Common St. Johnswort. Weed Technol 8;658–661, 1994. Muller WE. Current St. John’s wort research from mode of action to clinical efficacy. Pharmacol Res 47;101–109, 2003. Pace N. The etiology of hypericism, a photosensitivity produced by St. Johnswort. Am J Physiol 136;650–656, 1942. Pace N, Mackinney G. Hypericin, the photodynamic pigment from St. John’s wort. J Am Chem Soc 63;2570–2574, 1941. Parker V, Wong AHC, Boon HS, Seeman MV. Adverse reactions to St. John’s Wort. Can J Psychiatry 46;77–79, 2001. Perovic S, Muller WE. Pharmacological profile of hypericum extract: effect on serotonin uptake by postsynaptic receptors. Arzneimittelforschung 45;1145–1148, 1995. Robson NKB. Clusiaceae Mangosteen family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 103– 104, 2007. Rogers TB. On the action of St. John’s wort as a sensitizing agent for non-pigmented skin. Am Vet Rev 46;145–162, 1914. Sahare AY, Padgilwar SS, Chaudhari Y, Manwar JV. Hypericum perforatum: a medicinal plant. Plant Arch 7;463–468, 2007. Sampson AW, Parker KW. St. John’s Wort on Range Lands of California. Calif Agric Exp Stn Bull 503, 1930. Simmonds FJ. Biological control of pests of veterinary importance. Vet Bull 37;71–85, 1967. Sirvent T, Gibson D. Induction of hypericins and hyperforin in Hypericum perforatum L. in response to biotic and chemical elicitors. Physiol Mol Plant Pathol 60;311–320, 2002. Sirvent TM, Krasnoff SB, Gibson DM. Induction of hypericins and hyperforins in Hypericum perforatum in response to damage by herbivores. J Chem Ecol 29;2667–2681, 2003. Southwell IA, Bourke CA. Seasonal variation in hypericin content of Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John’s wort). Phytochemistry 56;437–441, 2001.


Toxic Plants of North America

Southwell IA, Campbell MH. Hypericin content variation in Hypericum perforatum in Australia. Phytochemistry 30;475– 478, 1991. Stevens PF. Hypericaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. IX Flowering Plants. Eudicots: Berberidopsidales, Buxales, Crossomatales, Fabales p.p., Geraniales, Gunnerales, Myrtales p.p., Proteales, Saxifragales, Vitales, Zygophyllales, Clusiaceae Alliance, Passifloraceae Alliance, Dilleniaceae, Huaceae, Picramniaceae, Sabiaceae. Kubitzki K, ed. SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 194–201, 2007. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Williams KS. Climatic influences on weeds and their herbivores: biological control of St. John’s wort in British Columbia. In

Proceedings of VI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds. Delfosse ES, ed. Agriculture Canada, Canadian Government Publ Centre, Ottawa, Canada, pp. 127–132, 1985 Xenophontos M, Stavropoulos E, Avramakis E, Navakoudis E, Doernemann D, Kotzabasis K. Influence of the developmental stage on (proto)hypericin and (proto)pseudohypericin levels of hypericin plants from Crete. Planta Med 73;1309–1315, 2007. Xenophontos M, Stavropoulos E, Avramakis E, Navakoudis E, Doernemann D, Kotzabasis K. Influence of habitat altitude on the (ptoto)hypericin and (proto)pseudohypericin levels of hypericin plants from Crete. Planta Med 74;1496–1503, 2008.

Chapter Forty-One

Iridaceae Juss.

Iris Family Gladiolus Iris Questionable Crocus Almost cosmopolitan in distribution, the Iridaceae, or iris family, comprises 65–78 genera and about 1800 species classified into 4 subfamilies (Goldblatt 2002; Seberg 2007). It is most abundant and diversified in southern Africa, the Mediterranean region, Central America, and South America. Most species occur in grasslands, open shrubland, or deserts, with the notable exceptions of the Sahara, center of Australia, and Indian subcontinent (Seberg 2007). Horticulturally one of the most important families, the Iridaceae contains numerous garden and indoor ornamentals, such as crocus, freesia, gladiolus, and iris. It is also the source of the cooking condiment saffron and the cosmetic additive orris root. In North America, 25 genera, 111 species, and numerous hybrids, both native and introduced, are present (Goldblatt 2002). Four genera pose a threat. Homeria and Moraea, rarely used ornamentals from South Africa, contain potent cardiotoxic bufadienolides, and are capable of causing digestive and cardiac problems similar to those produced by Bowiea and Urginea in the Liliaceae (Kellerman et al. 1988). Intoxication problems, however, are caused by members of 2 commonly encountered genera. herbs, from rhizomes, bulbs, or corms; leaves simple, alternate, margins entire, venation parallel; flowers terminal; fruits capsules Plants herbs; perennials or annuals; from rhizomes or bulbs or corms; caulescent or acaulescent. Root Systems

fibrous. Leaves simple; alternate; sessile; typically equitant; with open basal sheaths; blades linear to lanceolate or ensiform; venation parallel or parallel convergent; margins entire; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers, or spicate or racemose or paniculate cymes; terminal; spathes present, consisting of 2 foliaceous bracts. Flowers often large and showy; perfect; perianths in 2-series; radially or bilaterally symmetrical. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free or fused; clawed or not clawed; spreading or reflexed. Stamens 3; free or fused. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3; stigmas 3; styles 1, branched, sometimes petaloid; ovaries inferior; locules 3; placentation axile; hypanthia present or absent. Fruits capsules; loculicidal. Seeds numerous. The Iridaceae is distinguished from the morphologically similar Liliaceae by its three stamens and equitant leaves typical of most taxa.

GLADIOLUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising more than 250 species and innumerable cultivars, Gladiolus is one of the largest genera of the family and was named by the Romans (Goldblatt 1996, 2002). Its name is from the Latin gladiolus, which means “little sword,” alluding to the flattened, sword-shaped leaves characteristic of the genus. Almost all garden gladioli or those sold as cut flowers are hybrids, derived for the most part from 7 or 8 South African species (Goldblatt 1996). Collection of these African taxa was extensive in the late 1700s, and hybrids appeared in the 1820s. By 1900, thousands of cultivars had been developed. In North America, 4 introduced species occasionally escape cultivation (Goldblatt 2002). The following species are representative of the genus: G. cardinalis Curtis G. communis L. G. ×colvillei Sweet

waterfall gladiolus, new year lily false corn-flag, Turkish corn-flag Colville’s gladiolus

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

G. ×gandavensis Van Houtte G. italicus Mill. G. tristis L.

Clinical Signs—The signs, indicative of irritation of the field gladiolus ever-flowering corn-flag, marsh Afrikaner

digestive tract, include depression, loss of appetite, decreased motility of the stomach or rumen, increased salivation, hard black feces or diarrhea, and decreased body temperature. The animals may also be ataxic and anemic.

perennials, from corms, erect, stems unbranched; flowers funnelform gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa Plants perennials; from corms; caulescent. Stems erect; 50–100 cm tall; generally not branched; terete. Leaves with blades ensiform. Inflorescences spikes; branched or not branched; flowers secund. Flowers bilaterally symmetrical; funnelform. Perianth Parts fused; tubes curved; unequal, upper 3 larger than lower 3; of various colors. Stamens with filaments arching. Pistils with styles 1; stigmas 3. Capsules ellipsoid to oblong. Seeds brown; winged or not winged. introduced ornamentals; rarely escaping

Distribution and Habitat—An Old World genus, Gladiolus exhibits greatest diversity in southern Africa, with more than 150 species believed to occur there (Goldblatt 1996). In North America, taxa rarely escape cultivation, but are occasionally encountered in orchards, old fields, abandoned gardens, disturbed sites, and road rights-of-way.

digestive disturbance; specific toxins unknown

Disease Problems and Genesis—Intoxication problems are only occasionally caused by species of Gladiolus. In one group of cases in Italy, 3 herds with 166 cattle were affected; 44 became ill and 15 died (Meli et al. 1983). The signs reflected primarily severe digestive tract problems. Of the 15 fatalities, 2 animals died in the first 24 hours, 9 in 5–6 days, and 4 in 15–16 days. The toxic dosage of members of the genus is not well known, but a South African species caused acute congestive heart failure and death of rats in a dosage range of 3–6 g/kg of b.w., the corms being more toxic than the leaves (Van Dyk et al. 1994). The specific toxicants are not known, but digestive tract irritation is generally recognized as the primary feature of intoxication by species of this genus (Mendez et al. 1993).

depression, anorexia, excessive salivation, diarrhea

Pathology—Gross pathologic changes are related primarily to the digestive tract—reddening, edema, ulcerations, and hemorrhages of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine. There may be excess blood-tinged peritoneal fluid and multifocal hemorrhages in the kidneys, the liver, and the perirenal tissues.

fluids, electrolytes

Treatment—Dehydration is a main threat to the wellbeing of all affected animals and requires judicious administration of fluids and electrolytes. In most instances, other antidiarrheal treatment will not be required.

IRIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Horticulturally quite important, with a plethora of cultivars, Iris comprises about 280 species classified in 6 subgenera and 12 sections (Mathew 1990; Henderson 2002). Hybridization is common. The plants are commonly known as iris, flag, fleur-de-lis, or sword lily, and the generic name is indicative of the diversity of flower colors. It is derived from the Greek iris, meaning “rainbow.” In North America, 34 species and hybrids, both native and introduced, are present (Henderson 2002). The following are representative: I. douglasiana Herb. I. missouriensis Nutt. I. pseudacorus L. I. versicolor L. I. virginica L.

Douglas’s flag, Douglas’s iris western blue flag, Rocky Mountain iris yellow flag, yellow water iris, pale yellow iris northern blue flag, wild iris, blue flag, poison flag, harlequin blue flag southern blue flag, Virginia iris

erect, unbranched, perennials from bulbs or rhizomes; flowers showy, terminal

Iridaceae Juss.

Plants perennials; from rhizomes or bulbs; rhizomes horizontal or vertical, short or long; bulb tunicas netted or leathery or papery. Stems erect; 15–100 cm tall; typically not branched. Leaves chiefly basal; blades linear to ensiform. Inflorescences terminal clusters; flowers 1 to several. Flowers radially symmetrical. Perianth Parts fused; tubes long or short; of various colors; in 2 whorls; outer 3 parts (“falls”) reflexed or spreading, adaxial surfaces smooth or crested or ridged or bearded; inner 3 parts (“standards”) erect, clawed. Stamens with filaments arching. Pistils with styles 1, 3-branched, expanded, petaloid, colored, spreading, lobes covering stamens, bifid or crested at apices. Capsules ellipsoid to oblong; coriaceous or chartaceous; 3- or 6-angled; ribbed or smooth. Seeds in 1 or 2 rows per locule (Figure 41.1). variety of vegetation types and habitats

Distribution and Habitat—Iris is a genus primarily of the Northern Hemisphere and exhibits greatest diversity in Eurasia. In North America, species are present across the continent; some are widespread, and others, such as I. douglasiana, which is found near the coasts of northern California and southern Oregon, are restricted in distribution. The genus is especially abundant in the delta of the Mississippi River. Some Eurasian introductions, for example, I. pseudacorus, have naturalized. Distribution


maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America ( digestive disturbance; leaves and especially rhizomes; puppies especially at risk

Disease Problems—Iris is well known as a toxic genus in the Old World, and most of the rhizomatous species appear to be toxic to all animal species (Cooper and Johnson 1984). They are typically avoided by wild herbivores such as rabbits and deer. Small quantities of the rhizomes or large amounts of the leaves, even when dried, have a potent purgative effect and may even cause death (Bruce 1919; Boddie 1947). Harrington (1967) described the experience of an individual who tasted the peeled and cooked rhizome of I. missouriensis and said that it was sweet at first, but then terribly astringent and caused his throat to burn. In addition to the purgative effects, depression and respiratory problems have also been associated with ingestion of large quantities of iris leaves (Beath et al. 1953). Puppies and older dogs kept in a garage where the rhizomes might be stored temporarily are at special risk. The shallow rhizomes are easily dug up by the inquisitive animal. hopene-type missouriensin




Disease Genesis—Iris toxicity was thought to be due to a potent acrid resinous purgative called irisin, which also may be responsible for the relative unpalatability of plants, especially their rhizomes (Pammel 1911). However, a more likely cause of the toxic effects appears to be three closely related hopene-type pentacyclic terpenoids— missourin, zeorin, and missouriensin—plus quinines such as irisoquin, which have been isolated from the rhizomes of I. missouriensis (Wong et al. 1985, 1986a,b; Connolly and Hill 1991). Although these compounds are cytotoxic, they have not been confirmed as the equivalent of irisin nor as the cause of the purgation. Similarly, a series of iridal-type terpenoids different from the hopene types, are present in I. germanica, I. pseudacorus, I. versicolor, and other species (Connolly and Hill 1991). Again, the role of these terpenoids as toxicants has not been shown (Figure 41.2). colic; excess salivation; diarrhea

Figure 41.1.

Photo of cultivated iris.

Clinical Signs—Shortly after ingestion of Iris, there is increased salivation and abdominal pain, leading to profuse diarrhea, often with blood. There may also be


Toxic Plants of North America

longer than the stamens. Interestingly, the species is sterile; the capsules do not develop, and reproduction is via offshoots of the corms.

large amounts may cause digestive disturbance

Figure 41.2.

Chemical structure of missourin.

burn-like sores on the lips and muzzle. In most animals, however, the disease will be of only mild to moderate severity, lasting only a few hours to a day. When severe, dehydration occurs. gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa

Pathology—Intoxication caused by Iris results in pathologic changes similar to those produced by Gladiolus, that is, gross changes that include reddening, edema, ulcerations, and hemorrhages of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine. There may also be excess bloodtinged peritoneal fluid and a few hemorrhages in the kidneys, the liver, and the perirenal tissues. fluids, electrolytes, activated charcoal

Treatment—Dehydration is a serious threat to the wellbeing of all affected animals and will require judicious administration of fluids and electrolytes. In most instances, other antidiarrheal treatment will not be required.

GENUS WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Crocus L. Comprising about 80 species native to the Mediterranean region and southwestern Asia, Crocus is now widely cultivated and prized for the beauty of its late-winter and early-spring flowers (Mathew 1982). Its name is derived from the Greek name krokas for C. sativus L., commonly known as saffron (Quattrocchi 2000). Plants of this species are acaulescent perennial herbs from corms, which produce linear, grasslike leaves and 1–4 radially symmetrical, lilac or reddish purple or white flowers arising from sheaths composed of 3 bracts. The 3 aromatic, cuneate, toothed style branches are blood red and much

Cultivated since the time of the ancient Greeks, C. sativus is the source of saffron, at one time quite an economically important commodity, which is used for coloring and flavoring of food, liqueurs, and medicines. The chemical constituents and pharmacologic actions of C. sativus (Srivastava et al. 2010) and the medicinal uses and biological properties of saffron have been reviewed (Koocheki et al. 2007). When consumed in large amounts, it may cause a digestive disturbance especially in young animals (Frohne and Pfander 1984). Crocus sativus and other species of the genus occasionally escape cultivation in North America. They pose a minimal threat to grazing livestock, however, because they are seldom abundant.

REFERENCES Beath OA, Gilbert CS, Eppson HF, Rosenfeld I. Poisonous Plants and Livestock Poisoning. Wyo Agric Exp Stn Bull 324, 1953. Boddie GF. Toxicological problems in veterinary practice. Vet Rec 59;471–486, 1947. Bruce EA. Iris poisoning of calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc 56;72– 74, 1919. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 2, Di- and Higher Terpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991. Cooper MR, Johnson AW. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, pp. 134–135, 1984. Frohne D, Pfander HJ. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Plants, 2nd ed. Wolfe Science, London, 1984. Goldblatt P. Gladiolus in Tropical Africa. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1996. Goldblatt P. Iridaceae Jussieu: Iris family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 26. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 348–409, 2002. Harrington HD. Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM, 1967. Henderson NC. Iris. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 26. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 371–395, 2002. Kellerman TS, Coetzer JAW, Naude TW. Plant Poisonings and Mycotoxicoses of Livestock in Southern Africa. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 1988. Koocheki A, Nassiri M, Ghorbani R. Biological properties and medicinal use saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Acta Hortic 739;339–345, 2007. Mathew B. The Crocus: A Revision of the Genus Crocus (Iridaceae). Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1982.

Iridaceae Juss. Mathew B. The Iris. Revised ed. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1990. Meli F, Braca G, Richetti A, Catarsini O. Outbreak of spontaneous poisoning by Gladiolus segetum Ker Gawl in cattle at pasture. Atti Soc Ital Buiatria 14;365–377, 1983. Mendez MDC, Delgago PE, Santos R, Sechin A, Reit-Correa F. Experimental intoxication by Sisyrinchium platense (Iridaceae) in cattle. Pesq Vet Bras 13;77–81, 1993. Pammel LH. A Manual of Poisonous Plants. Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1911. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Seberg O. Iridaceae: Iris family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 374– 375, 2007.


Srivastava R, Ahmed H, Dixit RK, Dharamveer, Saraf SA. Crocus sativus L.: a comprehensive review. Pharmacogn Rev 4;200–208, 2010. Van Dyk S, Gerritsma-Van Der Vijver LM, Van Der Nest DG. The toxicity of Gladiolus dalenii van Geel. S-Afr Tydskr Natuurwet Tegnolog 13;125–134, 1994. Wong S-M, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Farnsworth NR. Isolation, structural elucidation, and chemical synthesis of 2-hydroxyoctadecyl-5-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone (irisoquin), a cytotoxic constituent of Iris missouriensis. J Pharm Sci 74; 1114–1116, 1985. Wong S-M, Oshima Y, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Farnsworth NR. Plant anticancer agents. 39. Triterpenes from Iris missouriensis (Iridaceae). J Pharm Sci 75;317–320, 1986a. Wong S-M, Pezzuto JM, Fong HHS, Farnsworth NR. Isolation and characterization of a new triterpene from Iris missouriensis. J Nat Prod 49;330–333, 1986b.

Chapter Forty-Two

Juglandaceae A.Rich. ex Kunth

Walnut or Hickory Family Juglans Comprising 8 genera and about 60 species distributed primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, the Juglandaceae, commonly known as the walnut or hickory family, is an important component of the eastern deciduous forests (Jury 2007). Its trees are major elements of the canopy, and their nuts are important to a variety of wildlife species. The family is also of considerable economic importance. With a beautiful grain and high polish, the wood is used for furniture, cabinets, paneling, gunstocks, and bowls (Stone 1993). In North America, 2 genera—Carya (hickory) and Juglans (walnut)—are present. Intoxication problems are associated with the latter genus. trees or rarely shrubs; leaves aromatic, 1-pinnately compound, alternate; staminate flowers in catkins, pistillate flowers solitary or clustered; fruits nuts Plants shrubs or trees; monoecious. Leaves aromatic; 1-pinnately compound; alternate; leaflets abaxially gland dotted, terminal leaflet present; venation pinnate; stipules absent. Inflorescences of 2 types, staminate and pistillate different; staminate inflorescences catkins, borne on previous year’s twigs; pistillate inflorescences solitary flowers or clusters, borne on current year’s twigs, bracts present, bracteoles 2 or 3. Flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate different. Staminate Flowers with perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical; perianth parts 2–6, fused, yellowish green to yellowish brown; stamens 3 to numerous. Pistillate Flowers with perianths in 1-series; bilaterally symmetrical; perianth parts 4, fused; pistils 1, compound, carpels 2 or 3, stigmas 2, styles 2, ovaries inferior, locules 1, placentation apical. Fruits nuts; surrounded by dehiscent or indehiscent, fibrous-fleshy husks derived from involucre and perianth parts. Seeds 1.

JUGLANS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 21 species, Juglans, commonly known as walnut or nogal, includes many familiar and economically important taxa (Whittemore and Stone 1997). Its name is derived from the ancient Latin name for the Persian walnut—Jovis glans, meaning “nut of Jove” or “nut of Jupiter,” alluding to the delicious taste of the nutmeat (Quattrocchi 2000). All species produce edible nuts, but quality is highest in commercial varieties of the English walnut. Native Americans prepared decoctions of the bark as emetics, infusions of leaves as washes for sores, and applications of sap and husk juice as treatments for inflammation and ringworm (Moerman 1998). In North America, 6 native and 4 introduced species are present (Whittemore and Stone 1997; USDA, NRCS 2012). Named hybrids also occur. Most commonly encountered are the following: J. cineraria L. J. nigra L. J. regia L.

trees; leaves large, yellow green, leaflets 5–25

Because the morphological features of Juglans are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from Carya by differences in the appearance of their pith, the relative size of the leaflets, stamen number, and nature of their involucral husk (Stone 1997) (Figure 42.1).

Distribution and Habitat—Juglans nigra and J. cinerea are widely distributed in the bottomlands of the eastern half of the continent. The other native species have

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


butternut, white walnut black walnut English walnut, Persian walnut, Madeira walnut, Circassian walnut

Juglandaceae A.Rich. ex Kunth

Figure 42.1.

Photo of Juglans nigra.


(True et al. 1979). The common factor among the farms was the presence of black walnut shavings. The resulting disease affected most exposed horses, causing limb edema and/or laminitis, especially of the thoracic limbs. The problem was limited to use of fresh shavings from new or old wood. Aged shavings, even those only 1 month old, presented little or no risk. Experimentally, the disease could not be reproduced in ponies exposed to the shavings. Further evaluation revealed that the shavings themselves, and not contaminant varnishes or glues, were involved. Shavings of various soft woods, such as pine, are commonly used for bedding, and occasional problems with inadvertent contamination with small amounts of black walnut shavings continues to present problems (Ralston and Rich 1983; Uhlinger 1989). As little as 20% contamination has proven to be a problem (Ralston and Rich 1983). Signs typically develop within 12–24 hours and in most instances are readily reversible within 1–2 days after removal from the offending bedding. However, in some instances, severe foot problems develop even with intensive therapy (Thomsen et al. 2000).

naphthoquinone, juglone, of unknown significance; more likely an aqueous soluble toxin

Figure 42.2.

Distribution of Juglans nigra.

restricted distributions in the West and Southwest. Native to southeastern Europe and adjacent Asia, J. regia is planted as an ornamental and a crop across the continent. It apparently has not naturalized. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America ( (Figure 42.2). horses: fresh shavings, new or old wood, stall bedding; laminitis in 12–24 hours

Disease Problems—Laminitis has been a problem in the management of horses probably for as long as horses have been domesticated. In most instances, it involves only solitary individuals. However, in the 1970s, several incidents of laminitis occurred in which large numbers of horses bedded on wood shavings in stalls were affected

Disease Genesis—Because signs were associated only with fresh shavings, it was assumed that the agent in the shavings was either volatile or subject to decomposition upon exposure to air (True et al. 1979). The most likely culprit appeared to be juglone (or jugalone), a naphthoquinone long known to be a constituent of black walnut tissues. Juglone had been incriminated as a possible cause of allelopathic effects of various species of Juglans whereby germination and growth of other plants within the root zone of the trees were inhibited (Massey 1925; Davis 1928). Juglone is released into the soil surrounding the tree and appears to interfere with mitochondrial function in newly emerging seedlings of competing plants (Hejl et al. 1993; Topal et al. 2007; von Kiparski et al. 2007). Although it is used in self-tanning products in low concentrations, it is also quite an irritant and responsible for an occasional instance of acute contact dermatitis with lamellar desquamation and hyperpigmentation in humans (Bonamonte et al. 2001; Neri et al. 2006). Juglone seemed to be particularly attractive as a factor in the development of laminitis, because it was known to be readily oxidized on exposure to air (Gries 1943). Experimentally, juglone administered to laboratory animals caused marked sedation but no changes suggestive of edema formation (Westfall et al. 1961). Attempts at reproducing the laminitis syndrome using either shavings or juglone have been rather unsuccessful with topical


Toxic Plants of North America

exposure and inconsistent with oral exposure (True and Lowe 1980). Also present is another naphthoquinone, plumbagin, that may be mainly of allelopathic and contact irritant significance (Inbaraj and Chignell 2004). Of major importance are aqueous extracts of black walnut heartwood, which contain an agent or agents capable of consistently causing the laminitis syndrome (Minnick et al. 1987; Uhlinger 1989; Galey et al. 1990b). It is still difficult to produce the disease with topical exposure; oral exposure remains the most consistent way to induce signs of laminitis. This finding is at odds with the original occurrences, which were of such magnitude and uniformity of onset as to be most likely due to topical exposure rather than ingestion. The aqueous extract appears to provide one of the most useful models for the study of equine laminitis. inflammation; dysfunction




Laminitis induced by orally administered extracts of the heartwood results in increased capillary pressure and perfusion, leading to transvascular movement of fluid and subsequent increase in tissue edema and fluid pressure (Eaton et al. 1995). There is a persistent dysfunction of the laminar microvasculature preferentially on the venous side with an augmented contractile response to inflammatory vasoconstrictive intermediaries (Adair et al. 2000; Peroni et al. 2005, 2006). Development of the microvascular dysfunction appears to be quite complex, and various degradation products and intermediary factors are postulated to be involved in the inflammatory process. Included are thromboxanes, isoprostanes, nitroxides, reactive oxygen species, and other factors generated from platelets, leukocytes, and mononuclear cells (Zhang et al. 1994; Black et al. 2006; Loftus et al. 2007; Noschka et al. 2009, 2010; Riggs et al. 2009; Robertson et al. 2009; Yin et al. 2009; de Pouyade et al. 2010; Mallem et al. 2010; Hurley et al. 2011a,b). The overall effect has been likened to a transient super inflammatory burst, which is not sustained long enough to cause organ failure (Belknap 2010a). Thus, with the release of chemokines and other components of inflammation, there is irreparable digital pathology with destruction of the epidermal/dermal laminar interface. For extensive reviews of black walnut laminitis, see Belknap (2010a,b) and Eades (2010a,b). There is a 20% decrease in central venous pressure but no change in overall blood pressure or capillary fragility. enhanced vasoconstrictive activity of epinephrine and norepinephrine, worsened by hydrocortisone, reversed by α1-adrenergic blockers, prazocin

The specific toxicant in the aqueous extract remains to be identified, but in vitro experiments indicate that it produces its effects by enhancement of the vasoconstrictive actions of circulating neurohumoral agents such as epinephrine (Galey et al. 1990a). Furthermore, in vivo results of γ-scintigraphy show a decrease in perfusion of the foot, which is reversible by selective α1-adrenergic blockade (Galey et al. 1990b). In vitro reversal of equine digital contraction induced by a combination of epinephrine, hydrocortisone, and the aqueous extract of black walnut was accomplished by prazocin, isoxsuprine, or nifedipine (Galey et al. 1989). Clinically, however, these drugs may not be effective at reasonable dosage. The various approaches to reversal of the vascular dysfunction laminar pathology have been reviewed by Belknap (2010b). In contrast to the vasoconstrictive effects of J. nigra, aqueous extracts of the leaves of J. regia have a vasorelaxant effect on rat aorta, inhibiting the contractile response induced by norepinephrine (Perusquia et al. 1995). depression, distress, edema of the limbs, warm hooves, stiff gait, reluctance to move, weight shifted to pelvic limbs

Clinical Signs—Over the course of a few hours, there is onset of depression, edema of the pelvic limbs, and signs of distress. Acute laminitis, most evident in the thoracic limbs, will be expressed as warm, sensitive hooves and the appearance of a myositis-like stiff gait or stance, reluctance to move, and weight bearing mainly by the pelvic limbs. Distress may be indicated by flaring of the nostrils and signs of abdominal pain. There may be edema of the ventral aspects of the neck and chest. Body temperature and respiration and pulse rates typically increase. rotation of a digit within the hoof

Pathology—Juglans produces a disabling rather than fatal disease. However, in the event of euthanasia of a suffering animal, rotation of the third digit within the hoof may be evident. administer phenylbutazone, flunixin meglumine; sedation; mineral oil orally; remove from new shavings; possible use of adrenergic blockers

Treatment—Although adrenergic blockers (prazosin) and calcium channel blockers (nifedipine) may appear promising, traditional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory

Juglandaceae A.Rich. ex Kunth

drugs remain a mainstay of treatment. They include at maximal recommended dosages, phenylbutazone (for a few days), flunixin meglumine, or ketoprofen i.v. at least initially. In addition, acepromazine may provide some relief by increasing digital blood flow (Belknap 2010b). Prostanoids such as prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2α) may have some value especially if given early (Noschka et al. 2010). Corticosteroids generally should be avoided because they may enhance the existing vasoconstriction (Eyre et al. 1979; Galey et al. 1990a). Lidocaine administered i.v. appears to be of questionable value in attenuating the inflammatory response (Loftus et al. 2010; Williams et al. 2010). Sedation may be necessary, and mineral oil may be helpful to relieve the abdominal discomfort and to aid in the elimination of any foreign material from the digestive tract. In most instances, removal of the offending shavings results in the alleviation of signs within hours. It may be advisable in those instances where complete avoidance is not feasible to stockpile shavings so that they are allowed to age for several weeks or more prior to use.

REFERENCES Adair HS III, Goble DO, Schmidhammer JL, Shires GMH. Laminar microvascular flow, measured by means of laser Doppler flowmetry during the prodromal stages of black walnut-induced laminitis in horses. Am J Vet Res 61;862–868, 2000. Belknap JK. Black walnut extract: an inflammatory model. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 26;95–101, 2010a. Belknap JK. The pharmacologic basis for the treatment of developmental and acute laminitis. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 26;115–124, 2010b. Black SJ, Lunn DP, Yin CL, Hwang M, Lenz SD, Belknap JK. Leukocyte emigration in the early stages of laminitis. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 109;161–166, 2006. Bonamonte D, Foti C, Angelini G. Hyperpigmentation and contact dermatitis due to Juglans regia. Contact Dermatitis 44;101–102, 2001. Davis EF. The toxic principle of Juglans nigra as identified with synthetic juglone, and its toxic effects on tomato and alfalfa plants. Am J Bot 15;620, 1928. de Pouyade GD, Riggs LM, Moore JN, Franck T, Deby-Dupont G, Hurley DJ, Serteyn D. Equine neutrophil elastase in plasma, laminar tissue, and skin of horses administered black walnut heartwood extract. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 135;181– 187, 2010. Eades SC. Overview of what we know about the pathophysiology of laminitis. J Equine Vet Sci 30;83–86, 2010a. Eades SC. Overview of current laminitis research. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 26;51–63, 2010b. Eaton SA, Allen D, Eades SC, Schneider DA. Digital Starling forces and hemodynamics during early laminitis induced by an aqueous extract of black walnut (Juglans nigra) in horses. Am J Vet Res 56;1338–1344, 1995.


Eyre P, Elmes PJ, Strickland S. Corticosteroid-potentiated vascular responses of the equine digit: a possible pharmacologic basis for laminitis. Am J Vet Res 40;135–138, 1979. Galey FD, Beasley VR, Schaeffer DJ, Davis LE. Antagonism in isolated equine digital vessels of contraction induced by epinephrine in the presence of hydrocortisone and an aqueous extract of black walnut (Juglans nigra). J Vet Pharmacol Ther 12;411–420, 1989. Galey FD, Beasley VR, Schaeffer DJ, Davis LE. Effect of aqueous extract of black walnut (Juglans nigra) on isolated equine digital vessels. Am J Vet Res 51;83–88, 1990a. Galey FD, Twardock AR, Goetz TE, Schaeffer DJ, Hall JO, Beasley VR. Gamma scintigraphic analysis of the distribution of perfusion of blood in the equine foot during black walnut (Juglans nigra)-induced laminitis. Am J Vet Res 51;688–695, 1990b. Gries GA. Juglone—the active agent in walnut toxicity. Annu Rep North Nut Grow Assoc 34;52–55, 1943. Hejl AM, Einhellig FA, Rasmussen JA. Effects of jugalone on growth, photosynthesis and respiration. J Chem Ecol 19;559– 568, 1993. Hurley DJ, Hurley KAE, Galland KL, Baker B, Berghaus LJ, Moore JN, Majerle RSK. Evaluation of the ability of aqueous black walnut extracts to induce the production of reactive oxygen species. Am J Vet Res 72;308–317, 2011a. Hurley DJ, Berghaus LJ, Hurley KAE, Moore JN. Evaluation of the in vitro effects of aqueous black walnut extract on equine mononuclear cells. Am J Vet Res 72;318–325, 2011b. Inbaraj JJ, Chignell CF. Cytotoxic action of juglone and plumbagin: a mechanistic study using HaCaT keratinocytes. Chem Res Toxicol 17;55–62, 2004. Jury SL. Juglandaceae: walnuts, hickories, pecan nuts. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 175–177, 2007. Loftus JP, Black SJ, Pettigrew A, Abrahamsen EJ, Belknap JK. Early laminar events involving endothelial activation in horses with black walnut-induced laminitis. Am J Vet Res 68;1205– 1211, 2007. Loftus JP, Williams JM, Belknap JK, Black SJ. In vivo priming and ex vivo activation of equine neutrophils in black walnut extract-induced equine laminitis is not attenuated by systemic lidocaine administration. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 138; 60–69, 2010. Mallem MY, Thuleau A, Noireaud J, Desfontis J-C, Gogny M. Evaluation of the role of superoxide anions in endotoxininduced impairment of β-adrenoceptor-mediated vasodilation in equine digital veins. Am J Vet Res 71;773–779, 2010. Massey AB. Antagonism of the walnuts (Juglans nigra L. and Juglans cinerea L.) in certain plant associations. Phytopathology 15;773–784, 1925. Minnick PD, Brown CM, Braselton WE, Meerdink GL, Slanker MR. The induction of equine laminitis with an aqueous extract of the heartwood of black walnut (Juglans nigra). Vet Hum Toxicol 29;230–233, 1987. Moerman DE. Native American Ethnobotany. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1998. Neri I, Bianchi F, Giacomini F, Patrizi A. Acute irritant contact dermatitis due to Juglans regia. Contact Dermatitis 55;62–63, 2006.


Toxic Plants of North America

Noschka E, Moore JN, Peroni JF, Lewis SJ, Morrow JD, Robertson TP. Thromboxane and isoprostanes as inflammatory and vascular mediators in black walnut hardwood extract induced equine laminitis. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 129;200–210, 2009 (special issue SI). Noschka E, Moore JN, Peroni JF, Lewis TH, Lewis SJ, Robertson TP. Evaluation of the possible role of prostaglandin F-2 alpha in laminitis induced in horses by nasogastric administration of black walnut heartwood extract. Am J Vet Res 71;186– 193, 2010. Peroni JF, Harrison WE, Moore JN, Graves JE, Lewis SJ, Krunkosky TM, Robertson TP. Black walnut extract-induced laminitis in horses is associated with heterogeneous dysfunction of the laminar microvasculature. Equine Vet J 37;546– 551, 2005. Peroni JF, Moore JN, Noschka E, Grafton ME, Aceves-Avila M, Lewis SJ, Robertson TP. Predisposition for venoconstriction in the equine laminar dermis: implications in equine laminitis. J Appl Physiol 100;759–763, 2006. Perusquia M, Mendoza S, Bye R, Mata R. Vasoactive effects of aqueous extracts from five Mexican medicinal plants on isolated rat aorta. J Ethnopharmacol 46;63–69, 1995. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Ralston SL, Rich VA. Black walnut toxicosis in horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 183;1095, 1983. Riggs LM, Krunkosky TM, Noschka E, Boozer Lam Moore JN, Robertson TP. Comparison of characteristics and enzymatic products of leukocytes in the skin and laminar tissues of horses administered black walnut heartwood extract or lipopolysaccharide. Am J Vet Res 70;1383–1390, 2009. Robertson TP, Bailey SR, Peroni JF. Equine laminitis: a journey to the dark side of venous. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 129;164–166, 2009. Stone DE. Juglandaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants. Vol. II Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons. Kadereit JW, Rphwer JG, Bittrich V, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 348– 359, 1993.

Stone DE. Carya. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 3. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 417–425, 1997. Thomsen ME, Davis EG, Rush BR. Black walnut induced laminitis. Vet Hum Toxicol 42;8–11, 2000. Topal S, Kocacaliskan I, Arslan O, Tel AZ. Herbicidal effects of jugalone as an allelochemical. Phyton 46;259–269, 2007. True RG, Lowe JE. Induced juglone toxicosis in ponies and horses. Am J Vet Res 41;944–945, 1980. True RG, Lowe JE, Heissen J, Bradley W. Black walnut shavings as a cause of acute laminitis. Proc Am Assoc Equine Pract 24;511–516, 1979. Uhlinger C. Black walnut toxicosis in ten horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc 195;343–344, 1989. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. von Kiparski GR, Lee LS, Gillespie AR. Occurrence and fate of the phytotoxin jugalone in alley soils under black walnut. J Environ Qual 36;709–717, 2007. Westfall BA, Russell RL, Auyong TK. Depressant agent from walnut hulls. Science 134;1617, 1961. Whittemore AT, Stone DE. Juglans. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 3. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 425– 428, 1997. Williams JM, Lin YJ, Loftus JP, Faleiros RR, Peroni JF, Hubbell JAE, Ravis WR, Belknap JK. Effect of intravenous lidocaine administration on laminar inflammation in the black walnut extract model of laminitis. Equine Vet J 42;261–269, 2010. Yin C, Pettigrew A, Loftus JP, Black SJ, Belknap JK. Tissue concentrations of 4-HNE in the black walnut extract model of laminitis: indication of oxidant stress in affected laminae. Vet Immunol Immunopathol 129;211–215, 2009 (Sp. Iss. SI). Zhang RL, Hirsch O, Mohsen M, Samuni A. Effects of nitroxide stable radicals on juglone cytotoxicity. Arch Biochem Biophys 312;385–391, 1994.

Chapter Forty-Three

Juncaginaceae Rich.

Arrowgrass Family Triglochin

Comprising 4 genera and 15 species, the Juncaginaceae is a family of perennial and annual marsh plants found primarily in the temperate and cold regions of both hemispheres (Seberg 2007). The common name arrowgrass family is indicative of the superficial grasslike appearance of the plants, which are of no economic importance other than some being cyanogenic. In North America, 2 genera occur of which only 1 is of toxicologic interest (Haynes and Hellquist 2000).

TRIGLOCHIN L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Almost cosmopolitan in distribution, Triglochin comprises about 12 species (Haynes and Hellquist 2000). Its name is derived from the Greek roots treis and glochis, for “three” and “point,” which alludes to the three-pointed fruits of some species (Quattrocchi 2000). The genus is represented in North America by 4 species: T. gaspensis Lieth & D.Löve (= T. gaspense) T. maritima L. (= T. maritimum) (= T. concinnum Burtt Davy) T. palustris L. (= T. palustre) T. striata Ruiz & Pav.

gaspe arrowgrass seaside arrowgrass, graceful arrowgrass, low arrowgrass

marsh arrowgrass, small arrowgrass three-ribbed arrowgrass, southern arrowgrass

(= T. striatum)

perennial grasslike herbs from rhizomes; leaves simple, basal, fleshy, crescent shaped in cross section; flowers in spikes or racemes

Plants cespitose herbs; perennials; acaulescent; from rhizomes; 20–80 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; basal; with basal membranous sheaths, margins overlapping; blades linear, elongate, fleshy, lenticular in cross section; ligules present. Inflorescences racemes or spikes; borne on elongate scapes; bracts absent. Flowers perfect; perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical. Perianth Parts 3 or 6; in 1 or 2 whorls; free; concave; greenish. Stamens 3 or 6. Pistils 1; carpels 3 or 6; stigmas 3 or 6, plumose or papillose; styles absent; ovaries superior; locules 3 or 6; placentation basal or apical. Fruits follicular schizocarps, the mature follicles separating from the persistent central axis. Seeds 3 or 6; 1 per carpel.

Although Haynes and Hellquist treat T. concinna as conspecific with T. maritima, the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) recognize it as a distinct species. In some taxonomic treatments, Triglochin is treated as a neuter noun—hence, the -um ending for the specific epithets. Haynes and Hellquist (2000) treated the genus as feminine in accordance with the international rules of botanical nomenclature; an interpretation followed in this treatise. Because the morphological features of Triglochin are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from Lilaea, the other North American genus, by differences in their inflorescences, flower sexuality, and number of pistils (Haynes and Hellquist (2000) (Figures 43.1 and 43.2).

marshy sites; edges of brackish waters, saline marshes

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 43.1.

Photo of the entire plant of Triglochin maritima.

Figure 43.3.

Distribution of Triglochin maritima.

Figure 43.4.

Distribution of Triglochin palustris.

Distribution maps of the other species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.usda. gov) and the Flora of North America (

Figure 43.2.

Photo of the flowers of Triglochin maritima.

Distribution and Habitat—Species of the genus grow in tufts, sometimes forming rather dense and/or extensive patches in marshy sites, along the edges of brackish waters, and in depressions in areas of wet saline marshland soils from coast to coast across the northern half of North America. Along the coasts, plants can be found as far south as lower California and Delaware. They begin growth early in the spring and flower in midsummer (Figures 43.3 and 43.4).

ruminants; fresh or poorly dried hay; abrupt onset of cyanide toxicosis

Disease Problems—Species of Triglochin have long been recognized as toxic in northern Europe. They became of concern in North America with the advent of the livestock industry in the northern Great Plains and the intermountain region. The toxicity problem was accentuated as harvesting native grasses for livestock production increased in importance. While the grasses readily dried and cured, the more succulent Triglochin remained in a semigreen state. When the hay was subsequently

Juncaginaceae Rich.

consumed, intoxications occurred. Regrowth after cutting may be even more toxic whether eaten fresh or consumed in hay (Marsh et al. 1929; Fleming et al. 1933). Realization of these problems prompted considerable interest in the genus (Fleming et al. 1920; Marsh et al. 1929). Both sheep and cattle readily eat fresh plants, although sheep are more likely to do so. Consumption may be fostered by the high salt content of the plants, especially by animals newly introduced to arrowgrass-infested saline marshlands and pastures (Looman 1976).

cyanogenic glycoside, triglochinin; little risk with wellcured/dried hay

Disease Genesis—Toxicity is due primarily to triglochinin, a tyrosine-derived cyanogenic glucoside that has been isolated from both T. maritima and T. palustris (Eyjolfsson 1970; Ettlinger and Eyjolfsson 1972). Other glucosides—for example, taxiphyllin in seedlings—are present, but relative to triglochinin, these are of little consequence (Ettlinger and Eyjolfsson 1972; Nahrstedt et al. 1979). Hydrolytic β-glucosidases specific for the glucosides are also present (Nahrstedt et al. 1979). Dry weight concentrations of triglochinin in T. maritima are reported to range from 1.3% to 3% or more in leaves and up to almost 7% in the flowering spikes (Majak et al. 1980). In studies by Fleming and coworkers (1920) and Beath and coworkers (1933), toxicity, expressed as HCN potential in the plant rather than as dosage, was up to 550 ppm wet weight or 2640 ppm d.w. Toxicity of T. palustris appears to be lower, only 135 ppm d.w. (Moran et al. 1940). Depending on plant HCN potential, the lethal dose of green T. maritima ranges from 0.5% to 2% b.w. in sheep and slightly less (to 1.5% b.w.) in cattle (Fleming et al. 1920; Marsh et al. 1929; Beath 1939; Moran 1954). When plants of low toxicity were initially dried, it took only 0.25% b.w. to cause death in sheep. This represented an apparent increase in toxicity, because the loss of 75–80% of its weight with drying would be expected to decrease the dose only to about 0.5% b.w. (Fleming et al. 1920; Beath et al. 1933) (Figure 43.5).

Figure 43.5.

Chemical structure of triglochinin.


The effects of Triglochin are not cumulative; thus, small repeated doses are of little risk. Hay gradually loses its toxicity potential, but it may retain some HCN potential for a prolonged period. Well-cured hay presents little problem, but when growing in swampy areas, the arrowgrass does not dry out well and may remain dangerous for an extended period of time (Fleming et al. 1928). As with other cyanogenic plants, new growth and that during moisture stress have increased triglochinin and toxicity (Clawson and Moran 1937; Beath 1939; Nahrstedt et al. 1979, 1984; Majak et al. 1980). Although increased salinity is associated with increased production of nitrogenous compounds, the toxicity potential seems to be greater in less alkaline environments (Majak et al. 1980; Jefferies and Rudmik 1984).

abrupt onset; apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures; rapid sequence

Clinical Signs—Ingestion of Triglochin produces clinical signs characteristic of cyanide intoxication, including increased respiration rate and anxiety. These typically occur quickly, within 5–30 minutes after ingestion. If death does not occur during the following few hours, the chances of recovery are high; however, it may take up to 24 hours for complete resolution of clinical signs.

no lesions; treat with sodium thiosulfate

Pathology and Treatment—Because of the peracute nature of the disease, pathologic changes are limited to scattered small hemorrhages on various organ surfaces. There are no distinctive changes. Treatment entails the use of sodium thiosulfate alone or in combination with sodium nitrite both given i.v. A complete discussion of treatment is presented in the discussion of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

REFERENCES Beath OA. Poisonous Plants and Livestock Poisoning. Wyo Agric Exp Stn Bull 231, 1939. Beath OA, Draize JH, Eppson HF. Arrow Grass—Chemical and Physiological Considerations. Wyo Agric Exp Stn Bull 193, 1933. Clawson AB, Moran EA. Toxicity of Arrowgrass for Sheep and Remedial Treatment. USDA Tech Bull 580, 1937. Ettlinger M, Eyjolfsson R. Revision of the structure of the cyanogenic glucoside triglochinin. J Chem Soc Chem Commun (9);572–573, 1972.


Toxic Plants of North America

Eyjolfsson R. Isolation and structure determination of triglochinin, a new cyanogenic glucoside from Triglochin maritima. Phytochemistry 9;845–851, 1970. Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, Young A. Poisonous Range Plants. Nev Agric Exp Stn Annu Rep 21–22, 1928. Fleming CE, Miller MR, Vawter LR, Young A. Poisonous Range Plants. Nev Agric Exp Stn Annu Rep 10–11, 1933. Fleming CE, Peterson NF, Miller MR, Wright LH, Louck RC. Arrow-Grass, a New Stock Poisoning Plant (Triglochin maritima). Nev Agric Exp Stn Bull 98, 1920. Haynes RR, Hellquist CB. Juncaginaceae Richard: arrow-grass family. In Flora of North America, Vol. 22, Magnoliophyta: Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in Part), and Zingiberidae. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 43–46, 2000. Jefferies RL, Rudmik T. The responses of halophytes to salinity: an ecological perspective. In Salinity Tolerance in Plants. Staples RC, Toenniessen GH, eds. Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 213–227, 1984. Looman J. Biological flora of the Canadian prairie provinces. 4. Triglochin L., the genus. Can J Plant Sci 56;725–732, 1976. Majak W, McDiarmid RE, Hall JW, Van Ryswyk AL. Seasonal variation in the cyanide potential of arrowgrass (Triglochin maritima). Can J Plant Sci 60;1235–1241, 1980.

Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Roe GC. Arrow Grass (Triglochin maritima) as a Stock-Poisoning Plant. USDA Tech Bull 113, 1929. Moran EA. Cyanogenetic compounds in plants and their significance in animal industry. Am J Vet Res 15;171–176, 1954. Moran EA, Briese RR, Couch JF. Some new cyanogenetic plants. J Wash Acad Sci 30;237–239, 1940. Nahrstedt A, Hosel W, Walther A. Characterization of cyanogenic glycosides and β-glucosidases in Triglochin maritima seedlings. Phytochemistry 18;1137–1141, 1979. Nahrstedt A, Kant J-D, Hosel W. Aspects on the biosynthesis of the cyanogenic glucoside triglochinin in Triglochin maritima. Planta Med 50;394–398, 1984. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Seberg O. Juncaginaceae. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 377– 378, 2007. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012.

Chapter Forty-Four

Lamiaceae Martinov

Mint Family Galeopsis Glechoma Lamium Perilla

Salvia Stachys Questionable Hedeoma

Cosmopolitan in distribution with greatest abundance in the Mediterranean region, the Lamiaceae, or mint family, comprises 233–258 genera and 6500–7173 species (Harley et al. 2004; Brummitt 2007; Mabberley 2008). An alternative name is Labiatae, one of eight family names not ending in -aceae. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses, the family’s circumscription has been enlarged to include many genera of the Verbenaceae or vervain family (Judd et al. 2008). Economically, the family is of considerable importance as a source of aromatic oils (lavender, rosemary, mint), culinary herbs (oregano, thyme, savory, sage, basil), and popular ornamentals (salvia, coleus, bugloss, skullcap). Also in the family are catnip (Nepeta cataria) and its close relative and popular ornamental catmint (Nepeta × faassenii). The former is well known as attractive and stimulating to cats, the latter less so. Catnip has rarely been a cause of concern as toxic, but significant behavioral changes in cats has been reported (Forslund and Stieger 2002). As now expanded, the family also includes important tropical timber trees such as teak, chaste tree, and gmelina (Brummitt 2007). The species of various genera were used extensively by Native Americans and early settlers (Moerman 1998) and are an important part of native pharmacopeias elsewhere in the world (Harley et al. 2004). In North America, approximately 70 genera and 500 species, both native and introduced, are present (Kartesz 1994). Seven genera have been implicated in toxicologic problems.

herbs or shrubs, stems 4-sided; corollas typically bilabiate; petals 5; fruits nutlets or drupes with 4 stones Plants herbs or shrubs or tropical trees; annuals or perennials; strongly aromatic or not aromatic. Stems 4-sided. Leaves simple or rarely compound; opposite or rarely whorled; typically decussate; cauline or forming a basal rosette; petiolate or sessile; venation pinnate or palmate; margins usually serrate; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or simple cymes or spikes or racemes or verticils; terminal or axillary; bracts present. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Calyces bilaterally or radially symmetrical. Sepals 5 or 4; fused. Corollas bilaterally or rarely radially symmetrical; typically bilabiate with 2-lobed upper lips and 3-lobed lower lips. Petals 5 or rarely 4; fused; of various colors. Stamens 2 or 4; didynamous or of equal lengths; exserted beyond or included within corollas; epipetalous. Pistils compound, carpels 2, each divided in half; stigmas 2; styles 1; gynobasic or rarely apical; ovaries superior; locules 4; placentation axile, often appearing basal; nectaries present, receptacular, annular. Fruits 4 nutlets or drupes with 4 stones (pits). Seeds 1 per nutlet or stone. The Lamiaceae is readily distinguished from all other flowering families, except the Verbenaceae, by its distinctive gynoecium of four nutlets with a gynobasic style or drupes with 4 stones. This attribute, combined with the characters of square stems, opposite leaves, and bilabiate corollas, is diagnostic.

GALEOPSIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to temperate Eurasia, Galeopsis comprises 10 species. In North America, 5 species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012); only 1 is of toxicologic interest: G. tetrahit L.

b rittlestem hemp-nettle

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

erect, branched, annual herbs; leaves petiolate; petals purple, pink, or white Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots. Stems erect; 15– 70 cm tall; branched; surfaces retrorsely hispid and setose. Leaves petiolate; blades ovate to lanceolate or rhombic; surfaces hirsute or strigose; apices acuminate; margins coarsely crenate serrate; bases cuneate; petioles hirsute. Inflorescences dense verticils; uppermost crowded, lower distant; bracteoles subulate. Calyces tubular campanulate; 10-nerved. Sepals 5; lobes spinose, hirsute. Corollas bilabiate; upper lips hooded and pubescent; lower lips 3-lobed with 2 conical protrusions at base. Petals 5; purple or pink or white, with darker markings. Stamens 4; didynamous; included within corollas. Nutlets trigonous; mottled brown (Figure 44.1).

Figure 44.2.

Chemical structure of galiridoside.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Although it affects

Distribution and Habitat—A native of Europe, G. tet-

other animal species, G. tetrahit has primarily been a problem when its seeds contaminate feed for horses (Cooper and Johnson 1984). Feed containing 1.1–2.5% seeds, fed for about 1 week, was fatal to 4 of 18 horses and 79 of 150 pigs (Frolkin 1965). The signs were typical of digestive tract irritation. The toxin is unknown, but it appears to be an irritant type such as galiridoside (Figure 44.2).

rahit has naturalized across the northern half of the continent. It occurs in both disturbed and undisturbed habitats. Populations are also encountered in California and Louisiana.

anorexia, sweating, tremors, constipation or diarrhea; reddened gut mucosa

primarily horses; irritation of the digestive tract; toxin unknown, possibly galiridoside

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Initially, there is loss of appetite, followed by abrupt onset of sweating and tremors. These signs are accompanied first by constipation and then diarrhea. The pathologic lesions are nonspecific and include reddening and hemorrhage of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. There may also be subcutaneous edema and icterus. Relief from the irritant effects may require the use of pain moderators as well as symptomatic treatment of the digestive disturbance.

GLECHOMA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 4–8 species, Glechoma is native to temperate Eurasia (Harley et al. 2004). Its name is a latinization of glechon, the ancient Greek name for pennyroyal (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Some taxonomists contend that Glecoma is the correct spelling according to the rules of botanical nomenclature. One species is present in North America: G. hederacea L.

Figure 44.1.

Line drawing of Galeopsis tetrahit.

gill-over-the-ground, creeping Charlie, runaway robin, field balm, alefoot, alehoof, ground ivy

mat-forming, branched, perennial herbs; leaves with long petioles; petals blue violet, white, or pink

Lamiaceae Martinov

Plants herbs; perennials; mat forming; from rhizomes or stolons; root systems fibrous. Stems lax; 10–40 cm tall; branched; surfaces glabrous to sparsely hirsute, pilose at nodes. Leaves long petiolate; blades suborbicular to reniform; surfaces glabrous or sparsely hirsute; margins coarsely crenate; bases cordate. Inflorescences axillary verticils; flowers 2–6, pedicelled. Calyces tubular to obconic; 15-nerved. Sepals 5; hirtellous scabrous; adaxial lobes longer. Corollas bilabiate; upper lips concave; lower lips 3-lobed, spreading, middle lobe larger. Petals 5; blue violet or occasionally white or pink. Stamens 4; didynamous; included within corollas. Nutlets brownish; smooth (Figure 44.3).

Figure 44.4.

Chemical structure of glechomanolide.

Figure 44.5.

Chemical structure of sapogenin.


Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from Europe by early colonists who used it in medicinal teas (Mabberley 2008), G. hederacea has naturalized across North America. It is considered a noxious lawn weed, sometimes forming dense mats, especially in the northern half of the continent. A variegated leaf form is cultivated for its trailing stems and used in hanging baskets and window boxes.

irritation of the digestive tract; toxin unknown, possibly glechomanolide or sapogenin

Disease Problems and Genesis—A problem mainly in Europe, G. hederacea when ingested by horses in large amounts, either fresh or in hay, causes irritation of the digestive tract (Cooper and Johnson 1984). The disease has been experimentally reproduced in horses with both fresh and wilted plant material. It also affects cattle, causing respiratory distress. Although the species is common, it is rarely a cause of disease in North America (Kingsbury 1964). The toxin is unknown, but it appears to be an irritant type (Figures 44.4 and 44.5).

abrupt onset; colic, sweating, excess salivation; reddened gut mucosa

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—There is abrupt onset of colic with labored respiration, sweating, excess salivation, and apparent dizziness. The disease may be fatal. Grossly, there is reddening, with some hemorrhage of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. There may also be pulmonary edema and emphysema. Relief from the irritant effects may require the use of pain moderators as well as symptomatic treatment of the digestive disturbance.

LAMIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Old

Figure 44.3.

Line drawing of Glechoma hederacea.

World and especially the Mediterranean region, Lamium, commonly known as dead nettle, comprises 17–30 species (Harley et al. 2004). Archangels is an old common name for the species of Lamium (Defelice 2005). Used by the Roman natural historian Pliny, Lamium gets its name from the Greek laimos, or lamos, meaning “throat,” which alludes to the tubular appearance of the corolla (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Quattrocchi 2000). Some species are cultivated as ground covers, and several cultivars have been developed. In North America, 5 species have been introduced (USDA, NRCS 2012). One is of toxicologic interest although others may be suspect:


Toxic Plants of North America

L. amplexicaule L.

henbit, henbit dead nettle

annual herbs; petals pinkish purple to red; nutlets trigonous, brown

Plants herbs; annuals; from short taproots; herbage glabrous to hirsute. Stems decumbent to ascending; 10– 40 cm tall; branched at bases. Leaves cordate to suborbicular or reniform; lower leaves petiolate; upper leaves sessile; apices rounded; margins coarsely crenate; bases cordate or truncate. Inflorescences axillary verticils; flowers 6–12, sessile. Calyces tubular to campanulate; 10-nerved. Sepals 5; hirsute; lobes equal. Corollas bilabiate; upper lips hooded, abaxial surfaces pubescent; lower lips spreading, 3-lobed, middle lobe larger and constricted at base. Petals 5; pinkish purple to red. Stamens 4; didynamous; included within corollas. Nutlets trigonous; brownish; smooth. The other 4 species, some of which are widely distributed weeds in North America, are generally distinguished from L. amplexicaule by their petiolate leaves and differences in longevity, leaf color, corolla color, and length of the upper lip of the corolla (Figures 44.6 and 44.7).

Distribution and Habitat—A Eurasian introduction that


Figure 44.6.





Line drawing of Lamium amplexicaule.


Figure 44.7.

Photo of the flowers of Lamium amplexicaule.

amplexicaule is a noxious weed of disturbed sites and infests lawns, gardens, and croplands in the spring.

problem with fresh but not dried plants; neurologic effects, mainly sheep; not yet reported in North America; toxicant unknown, possibly lamiol

Disease Problems and Genesis—Neurologic problems caused by L. amplexicaule have been limited to Australia (Everist 1981). Signs of intoxication become evident after consumption of fresh plants for several days and animals are forced to move some distance, such as being driven from one pasture to another. Experimental reproduction of the disease has not been consistent. One attempt required 128 kg of plant material to be fed for 13 days to a sheep before signs were observed. However, predisposition to develop the neurologic response when stressed lasted for almost 3 weeks after feeding Lamium ceased (Dodd and Henry 1922). Nursing lambs developed the signs when ewes were fed the species. Sheep appear to be more prone to develop the disease, although it has occurred in horses and cattle as well. As yet, the disease has not been reported in North America, although L. amplexicaule is a very common winter and spring annual and often develops immense populations in disturbed soils. Marsh and coworkers (1928) attempted to reproduce the disease identical to that caused by Lamium and Malva parviflora in Australia (Dodd and Henry 1922) but were unable to do so with 154% b.w. over 26 days, using the dried plant. Apparently, the dried plants are not a risk. The specific cause of disease is not known. Lamiol, which is similar in structure to galaridoside in Galeopsis in this chapter, is present but of unknown significance. Because of the uncertainty regarding their intoxication potential, the other species of Lamium should also be considered suspect as well (Figure 44.8).

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Figure 44.8.


Chemical structure of lamiol.

stilted gait, tremors, collapse; transient

Clinical Signs—After a period of stress, the animal exhibits a stilted gait with the head held high. Tremors begin in the shoulders and thighs, and eventually, the animal loses control of the limbs. When the animal is down, there is flaccidity and little response to stimuli or pain. It may recover after as little as 5 minutes’ rest in some instances. no lesions; treatment not needed

Pathology and Treatment—The disease produced by L. amplexicaule is rarely fatal, and there are no distinctive lesions. Typically, with rest, the signs are readily reversible without treatment.

PERILLA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 1 morphologically variable species or as many as 6 very similar species native to Southeast Asia (Harley et al. 2004; Mabberley 2008), Perilla is morphologically similar to Coleus and is sometimes mistaken for it. Like coleus, it is cultivated for its summer foliage, especially in southeastern Europe and eastern Asia (Mabberley 2008). Its name is either a latinization of a Hindu name for the species or derived from the Greek root pera meaning “pouch” and alluding to the appearance of the calyx in fruit (Quattrocchi 2000). In North America, a single species has escaped cultivation and naturalized: P. frutescens (L.) Britton

purple mint, perilla, Perilla mint, beefsteak plant, wild coleus, Joseph’s coat, rattlesnake weed, blueweed

erect, strongly aromatic, annual herbs; leaves often purplish, especially lower surfaces; corollas weakly bilabiate; petals purple, lavender, or white

Figure 44.9. Line drawing of Perilla frutescens.

Plants herbs; annuals; herbage strongly aromatic; often purplish. Stems erect; 20–175 cm tall; branched or unbranched above; surfaces glabrous or sparsely pubescent or pilose. Leaves petiolate; blades broadly ovate or elliptic, often purplish; apices acute or acuminate; margins serrate; bases cuneate to attenuate. Inflorescences elongate racemes; terminal or axillary; flowers solitary in axils of ovate to elliptic bracts. Calyces weakly bilabiate; campanulate; 10-nerved. Sepals 5; villous; lobes subequal. Corollas nearly radially symmetrical; lobes subequal, rounded. Petals 5; purple to lavender or white. Stamens 4; of equal lengths; exserted beyond corollas. Nutlets globose; areolate; reddish brown (Figures 44.9 and 44.10).

dense stands in partially shaded sites

Distribution and Habitat—Native to India, P. frutescens was later cultivated in China and Japan and subsequently brought by immigrants to the New World. It escaped cultivation and is now widely distributed throughout the southeastern United States. Forming dense stands, it is found in semishaded waste areas and damp woods, along open-wooded streams, and in seepage areas. In some areas, it competes very well with other forbs and grasses and may dominate, especially during years of limited moisture (Figure 44.11).

mature plants, in flower or seed, fresh or dried; eaten for 1–3 days, ARDS; all livestock


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 44.10.

Photo of Perilla frutescens.

linseed oil that is used in paints and inks and to waterproof paper and textiles (Mabberley 2008). After its arrival in the New World, P. frutescens became established in the Appalachians and the Ozarks, where it was used for a variety of culinary purposes (Potts 1996). Studies by Petersen (1965) in the 1950s established it as a probable cause of extensive cattle losses in Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma in the 1940s and 1950s. It is now recognized as a cause of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), most commonly in cattle but also in other ruminants (sometimes called bovine atypical interstitial pneumonia) and horses (Linnabary et al. 1977; Lindley 1978; Kerr and Linnabary 1989; Doster 2010). The hazard for developing this disease, also called panting disease, seems to be greatest in the late summer and early fall, and Petersen (1965) used the phrase “fair time to frost” to emphasize the time of highest risk. Dried plants in hay are also toxic, but the risk is low compared with that of green plants in flower and/or fruit. Although this mint has often been regarded to be of low palatability, it is readily consumed at times. This may account for the higher frequency of the disease in some years, especially when other forage is limited. The specific amounts of plant material required to cause intoxication are not known, but an animal may eat sufficient amounts of fresh plants in a day to cause disease. Experimentally, as little as 2.3 kg of fresh plant in 24 hours caused the death of a calf weighing 79 kg (Kerr et al. 1986).

volatile perilla furan ketones; form short-lived intermediates in the lungs; immediate damage to pneumocytes and endothelial cells; increased vascular permeability

Disease Genesis—Two cyanogenic glycosides, prunasin

Figure 44.11.

Distribution of Perilla frutescens.

Disease Problems—Perilla frutescens is an attractive, aromatic herb that has a long history of use in Chinese traditional medicine and as a popular condiment in Japanese cooking. A variety with nonwrinkled leaves is a common traditional vegetable throughout Asia where both the leaves and seeds are valued (Muller-Waldeck et al. 2010). In addition, it is the source of an oil similar to

and an isomer of amygdalin, have been identified in Perilla (Aritomi et al. 1985). Large amounts of perillaldehyde are also present and are readily oxidized in air (Tada et al. 1996). However, the respiratory effects are due to several volatile, aromatic 3-substituted furan ketones, which are readily absorbed into the systemic circulation (Wilson et al. 1977; Garst and Wilson 1984). Large dosage of the ketones may cause diffuse alveolar injury and an immediate increase in fluid (edema) in the lungs (Breeze et al. 1984; Abernathy et al. 1994). It is not certain whether the ketones are directly toxic or must be biotransformed to reactive intermediates. In some studies, it appears that the ketones are very quickly bioactivated at C-5 of the furan ring by the cytochrome P450 oxidase system in the lungs (Boyd 1980; Garst and Wilson 1985). However, in an in vitro study, perilla ketones also appeared

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Figure 44.12.

Chemical structure of perilla ketone.


toxicity (Koezuka et al. 1985). This is further shown in a study of 5 genotypes (or chemotypes) of varieties frutescens and crispa where perilla ketone was detectible in only two (Muller-Waldeck et al. 2010). Those with the ketones had nonwrinkled green leaves, one of which had leaves that were hairy with purple lower surfaces. Those with wrinkled green or purple leaves were devoid of the ketones as well as one type with nonwrinkled, hairy, green leaves similar to the first two types. Thus, there may be considerable variation in toxicity among populations of Perilla. abrupt onset: labored open-mouth respiration, foamy salivation

Figure 44.13.

Chemical structure of perillaldehyde.

to exert a direct action on endothelial cells, causing a reversible increase in permeability by disruption of actin microfilaments (Waters et al. 1993). In the case of bioactivation, the resulting short-lived reactive intermediates are potent edematogenic agents, causing immediate damage to the pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells and to the type I pneumocytes that normally form 95% of the alveolar surface (Guerry-Force et al. 1988). This leads to significant increases in vascular permeability but not to an increase in pressure (Abernathy et al. 1992). There is subsequent stimulation of type II pneumocytes to replace the destroyed type I cells and to restore the epithelial barrier. Excessive proliferation of type II cells quickly leads to a glandular appearance of the tissue in 12–24 hours (Figures 44.12 and 44.13). Most animal species are susceptible, although in the dog and pig, very high doses are required and the site of tissue destruction is the liver rather than the lungs (Garst et al. 1985). The bioactivation rate, which is subject to steric and other influences, exerts some control over expression of the toxic effects (Garst et al. 1985; Wilson et al. 1990). The ketones also have a direct action on the small intestine, increasing peristaltic activity (Koezuka et al. 1985). The ketones are in highest concentration in the flowers and seeds. Thus, the mint is most toxic when it is flowering or fruiting in August and September. Prior to this time, very large amounts are required for intoxication. There are also different chemotypes of P. frutescens, some containing the aldehyde forms of the toxin rather than the ketones, which may account for differences in

Clinical Signs—The disease is characterized by abrupt onset of labored respiration manifested by a loud expiratory grunt, open-mouth respiration, and excess frothy salivation. Harsh respiratory sounds are evident on auscultation. Subcutaneous emphysema may subsequently develop along the neck, shoulders, and back. Death often occurs 1–2 days after onset of signs. gross pathology, lungs heavy, wet, rubbery, distended; edema, frothy exudate in airways; liver pale, friable, mottled

microscopic, alveoli filled with serous exudate, edema, and air pockets in interlobular septa; alveolar epithelialization

Pathology—Grossly, when the chest is opened, the lungs fail to collapse completely and are heavy and firm, with froth-filled airways. Inflation of the lungs may be so severe that imprints of the ribs are apparent on the surfaces of the lungs. The interlobular septa are distended with fluid, fibrin, and air bubbles. Cut surfaces reveal a granular or mottled (glandular) appearance of patchy areas of firm, reddened to purple lobules, and prominent edema fluid in connective tissue and septa. Air bubbles and/or large bullae may be apparent, and the lymphatics are usually dilated. Microscopically, alveolar epithelialization, accumulations of alveolar macrophages, and hyaline membrane formation are commonly observed. The pathologic changes are the same as those produced by high levels of tryptophan and moldy runner beans or sweet potatoes. Analysis of plants for perilla ketone may be accomplished using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) methodology (Muller-Waldeck et al. 2010).


Toxic Plants of North America

avoid stressing animals; atropine

Treatment—Generally of very limited value, treatment with atropine may be beneficial, although it is important to avoid stressing the animals when handling them. This is particularly of concern when facilities are limited and/ or the animals are intractable. Grazing in areas infested with P. frutescens should be limited during the flowering and fruiting period.

SALVIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Cosmopolitan in distribution but with greatest abundance in tropical America and southwest Asia, Salvia is the largest genus of the family with more than 900 species (Walker et al. 2004). Used by the Roman natural historian Pliny, its name is derived from the Latin salveo, meaning “to save,” alluding to medicinal use of some species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). It is also the source of the important cooking herb sage and is among the most popular of ornamentals, with long-lasting displays of both foliage and flowers. In North America, approximately 90 species, both native and introduced are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Of toxicologic interest are the following: S. coccinea Buc’hoz ex Etl.

S. reflexa Hornem.

blood sage, tropical sage, red salvia, mirto, mejorana, scarlet sage, Texas sage lance-leaf sage, blue sage, annual sage, Rocky Mountain sage

(= S. lanceaefolia Poir.) (= S. lanceolata Willd.)

erect herbs or shrubs; petals blue, purple, lavender, white, or red

Plants herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; annuals or biennials or perennials; herbage often aromatic, glabrous to glandular or variously indumented. Stems erect or ascending; 20–175 cm tall; branched or unbranched above. Leaves petiolate or sessile; blades of various shapes; margins entire or toothed or lobed. Inflorescences verticils; 2- to 40-flowered; borne in racemes or panicles; bracts and bracteoles typically present. Calyces bilabiate; tubular to campanulate; 10- or 15-nerved; upper lips entire or 3-lobed; lower lips deeply 1-lobed. Sepals 5; villous; lobes small, often spinose. Corollas bilabiate; tubular; upper lips 2-lobed or entire, hooded or straight

Figure 44.14.

Line drawing of Salvia reflexa.

or arched; lower lips 3-lobed, spreading, middle lobe large, often emarginate. Petals 5; blue to purple to lavender or white or red. Stamens 2; exserted beyond or included within corollas. Nutlets globose or ovoid; slightly trigonous; smooth or minutely tuberculate (Figure 44.14).

sandy or gravelly soils

Distribution and Habitat—Occupying a variety of habitats in different vegetation types, species of Salvia are distributed across the continent. Salvia reflexa is common in dry sandy or gravelly sites of grasslands in the western half of the continent and adventive eastward. In contrast, S. coccinea occupies sandy soils in brushy areas or open woods in the southeastern United States. Distribution maps of these and other species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( nitrate intoxication when large amounts of plant material consumed

Disease Problems—Some species of Salvia—for example, S. azurea, the common blue sage of grasslands—are considered to be reasonable forages for livestock. Others are probably of value under most situations, but in unusual conditions, species such as S. coccinea and S. reflexa appear to be capable of causing acute nitrate intoxication

Lamiaceae Martinov

(Williams and Hines 1940; Everist 1981). In these situations, intoxication occurs when animals are forced to subsist almost entirely on Salvia for a day or more. However, nitrate may not be the only cause of intoxication; S. reflexa (reported as S. lanceolata) has been associated with an apparent problem of digestive tract irritation when present in alfalfa hay fed to cattle (Beath et al. 1953). The intoxication, also involving muscular weakness, was subsequently reproduced in sheep. In other areas of the world, different problems are associated with species of Salvia. An Asian species, S. leriifolia, has been shown in mice to inhibit fetal growth and produce teratogenic effects including spinal bifida (Moallem et al. 2008). A species in southern Mexico, S. divinorum (diviner’s sage), is well respected for its psychoactive effects (Bucheler et al. 2005). Originally used for healing and ceremonial purposes by shamans, it is now increasingly used as a drug of abuse worldwide. It contains salvinorin A, an opioid receptor agonist producing visual hallucinations (Babu et al. 2008). It should be noted that sage oil from S. officinalis, although a recognized beneficial herbal product, has been reported as a possible rare cause of seizures in infants (Halicioglu et al. 2011; Lachenmeier and Walch 2012).

nitrate accumulation, under conditions of elevated soil nitrogen

Disease Genesis—Nitrate concentrations may range as high as 25,000–30,000 ppm as NO3 (Williams and Hines 1940; Everist 1981). On some occasions, exceptionally high levels have been reported. For example, in an intoxication incident of goats in India involving S. coccinea, nitrate levels in leaves were 94,000 ppm d.w. (Pal et al. 1997). Abortions have been observed, but at least in one instance, the accompanying NO3 was less than 5000 ppm and may not have been a factor. Varshneya and coworkers (1995) reported an incident in goats of abortions, lethargy, and decreased appetite and ruminal activity. Nitrate concentration was 15,800 ppm, but the signs were not entirely consistent with this as a cause, especially considering the positive response to treatment with calcium borogluconate, metoclopramide, and magnesium sulfate. In most localities, it is unlikely that sufficient plant material will be available to allow the rapid consumption needed for nitrate intoxication to be a risk.

abrupt onset; weakness, increased respiratory rate, twitching, dark mucous membranes


Clinical Signs—Of abrupt onset several hours after consumption of Salvia, the signs are quite often fatal within minutes or a few hours. The primary signs are weakness, increased respiratory rate, muscle twitching, and possibly dark-colored mucous membranes.

few lesions

Pathology—Few distinctive lesions are seen at necropsy. The blood and tissues may be dark or chocolate colored, but this is not consistent. There may also be scattered, small, splotchy hemorrhages and increased foamy fluid in the terminal airways of the lungs, but these changes are usually not extensive.

Treatment—The primary antidote for treatment of nitrate intoxication is methylene blue, 2–4 mg/kg b.w., given as a 1–2% solution.

STACHYS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Cosmopolitan except for Australia and New Zealand and distributed primarily in temperate and warm-temperate regions, Stachys, commonly known as hedge nettle or betony, comprises about 300 species (Harley et al. 2004), some of which are cultivated as ornamentals. Its name is an ancient Greek one used by Dioscorides (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 37 species, both native and introduced, are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Of toxicologic interest is the following: S. arvensis (L.) L.

staggerweed, field hedge nettle, field woundwort

branched annual herbs; leaf margins coarsely serrate; flowers in terminal spikes; petals pale purple or white

Plants herbs; annuals; from taproots; herbage sparsely hirsute. Stems decumbent to erect; 10–60 cm tall; branched. Leaves at lower nodes petiolate; sessile at upper nodes; blades broadly ovate; apices obtuse; margins coarsely serrate; bases truncate to cordate. Inflorescences verticils; 2–6 flowered; borne in terminal spikes; bracts present. Calyces radially symmetrical to slightly bilabiate; campanulate; 5- or 10-nerved. Sepals 5; lobes lanceolate, acute or aristate, purplish. Corollas bilabiate; tubular;


Toxic Plants of North America

classified as a limb paresis with fetlock knuckling by Bourke (1995), appears to be in part an upper motor neuron dysfunction and peripheral neuropathy (Philbey et al. 2001). There may also be abortion, diarrhea, ataxia, and meningitis (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Plants may not be as toxic when dried. stilted gait, tremors, collapse; transient

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—There is

Figure 44.15.

Line drawing of Stachys arvensis.

upper lips entire or emarginate, straight or erect; lower lips 3-lobed, reflexed. Petals 5; pale purple or white. Stamens 4; exserted beyond or included within corollas. Nutlets oblong to ovoid; brown to black (Figure 44.15).

abrupt onset of staggering, stumbling, and shivering, and a tendency for dropping the hindquarters when moving and eventually collapse when animals are stressed. There may also be repeated short duration knuckling of the fetlocks. The predisposition for such a response may persist for several days. There are no distinctive lesions grossly and those histopathologically are mild and include Wallerian degeneration throughout the spinal cord white matter (Philbey et al. 2001). Typically, with rest, signs are readily reversible without treatment.


Distribution and Habitat—Of European origin, S.

Hedeoma Pers.

arvensis is now found worldwide. In North America, it is encountered occasionally along the East and West Coasts. Populations also occur in Texas and Louisiana (USDA, NRCS 2012).

A New World genus of approximately 42 species (Harley et al. 2004), Hedeoma is represented in North America by 17 native species (USDA, NRCS 2012). Describing the fragrant odor of many of its species, the genus name is derived from the Greek roots hedys and osme meaning “sweet smelling” (Quattrocchi 2000). Present in the eastern half of the continent, H. pulegioides (L.) Pers. is commonly known as American pennyroyal, squaw mint, or mosquito plant. A small annual herb 10–40 cm tall, it has branched stems that bear petiolate, lanceolate or elliptic to ovate or obovate leaves with entire or serrulate margins. The numerous, axillary, fewflowered verticils comprise small, blue, pedicelled flowers with flask-shaped, 13-nerved, 2-lipped calyces and slightly bilabiate corollas (Figure 44.16).

like Lamium; fresh but not dried plant material; neurologic effects; mainly sheep; not yet reported in North America

Disease Problems—Although S. arvensis has not yet been reported to cause problems in North America, it does so in Australia. It produces a disease very similar to that caused by Lamium (Everist 1981). It often occurs when sheep and horses are stressed or forced to move some distance after consuming plants of the species for several days or in some instances 40 or more days. Following prolonged ingestion recovery may be slow; otherwise, if the animals are allowed to rest for a few days after the appearance of the disease, recovery is rapid. In some episodes involving large flocks of sheep, 50–100% have been affected, with 20–40% severely so (Philbey et al. 2001). Mortality may be as high as 20–30% mainly due to misadventure. In one instance, plants had been sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate. The disease, which is

irritant oil, possible digestive disturbance The leaves and flowers of H. pulegioides are a source of pennyroyal, a volatile, irritating oil. The active chemical is pulegone, which is metabolized to menthofuran (Woolf 1999). Plants are generally not a risk to livestock, although Standley (1920–1926) reported that green plants or those dried in hay may cause slobbering, sweating, dilated pupils, and shortness of breath. A tea made from

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Figure 44.16.

Line drawing of Hedeoma pulegioides.

H. oblongifolia has long been used in Spanish New Mexico to stimulate menses or to induce abortion (Conway and Slocumb 1979). Similarly, H. pulegioides may be used, but some consider it too strong and dangerous for such use. Most instances of intoxication are in women using the oil for these purposes. Adverse reactions are typically associated with gastrointestinal signs including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, hematuria, and sometimes seizures (Anderson et al. 1996; Woolf 1999). Rarely, multiple organ failure including liver and renal dysfunction may develop with fatalities. In some cases, problems may be related to use of herbal teas with tragic results (Bakerink et al. 1996). Confirmation may be aided by analysis of serum for pulegone and menthofuran. It is not clear if these types of problems are a risk for livestock ingesting the plants.

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Pal B, Varshneya C, Prasad B, Kishtwaria RS. Nitrate bearing Salvia coccinea poisoning in Gaddi goats in Kangra Valley. Indian J Anim Sci 67;37–38, 1997. Petersen DR. Bovine pulmonary emphysema caused by the plant Perilla frutescens. In Proceedings of Symposium on Acute Bovine Pulmonary Emphysema, University of Wyoming, R1– R13, 1965. Philbey AW, Hawker AM, Evers JV. A neurological locomotor disorder in sheep grazing Stachys arvensis. Aust Vet J 79;427– 430, 2001. Potts LK. Perilla. Mo Conserv 57;21, 1996. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Standley PC. Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contrib U S Natl Herb 23;1–1721, 1920–1926. Tada M, Matsumoto R, Chiba K. An oxidative metabolite of perillaldehyde from Perilla frutescens. Phytochemistry 43; 803–804, 1996. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Varshneya C, Kishtwaria RS, Prasad B. Kali phool (Salvia coccinea) poisoning in Gaddi goats. Indian Vet J 72;616–618, 1995. Walker JB, Sytsma KJ, Treutlein J, Wink M. Salvia (Lamiaceae) is not monophyletic: implications for the systematic, radiation, and ecological specializations of Salvia and tribe Mentheae. Am J Bot 91;1115–1125, 2004. Waters CM, Alexander JS, Harris TR, Haselton FR. Perilla ketone increases endothelial cell monolayer permeability in vitro. J Appl Physiol 74;2493–2501, 1993. Watt JM, Breyer-Brandwijk MG. The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa. E & S Livingston, Edinburgh, 1962. Williams CH, Hines HJG. The toxic properties of Salvia reflexa. Aust Vet J 16;14–20, 1940. Wilson BJ, Garst JE, Linnabary RD, Channell RB. Perilla ketone: a potent lung toxin from the mint plant, Perilla frutescens Britton. Science 197;573–574, 1977. Wilson WC, Simon J, Garst JE. The effects of selected bulky substituents on the pulmonary toxicity of 3-furyl ketones in mice. J Anim Sci 68;1072–1076, 1990. Woolf A. Essential oil poisoning. Clin Toxicol 37;721–727, 1999.

Chapter Forty-Five

Lauraceae Juss.

Laurel Family Cinnamomum Persea

Questionable Cassytha Sassafras Umbellularia

With centers of diversity in Southeast Asia, Australasia, and tropical America, the Lauraceae, or laurel family, is pantropical in distribution and comprises about 50 genera and 2000–3000 species (Rohwer 1993; van der Werff 1997). It is economically important for timber, aromatic oils, food, and a few ornamentals. Avocado, cinnamon, camphor, sassafras oil, and bay leaves are obtained from its members (Heywood 2007). Although the family is not generally thought of as alkaloid producing, several alkaloids are present in low concentrations in various species. They are similar to some of those present in the Papaveraceae and include boldine, cassyfiline, cinnamolaurine, and laurotetanine (Southon and Buckingham 1989; Rohwer 1993). Their toxicologic significance is unknown. In North America, 9 genera and 13 species, both native and introduced, are present (van der Werff 1997). Toxicologic problems are associated with 2 genera.

aromatic shrubs or trees; leaves simple; staminate and pistillate flowers similar; petals absent; fruits drupes or 1-seeded berries

Plants trees or shrubs; evergreen or rarely deciduous; strongly aromatic; dioecious or polygamodioecious or bearing perfect flowers. Leaves simple; alternate, or rarely opposite or whorled; petiolate; blades typically coriaceous; venation pinnate or pinnipalmate; margins entire or pinnately lobed; stipules absent. Inflorescences panicles or racemes or umbels or cymes; axillary; produced before or simultaneously with leaves; bracts present or

absent. Flowers imperfect or perfect, staminate and pistillate similar; perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical. Sepals 6 or rarely 4; free; in 2 whorls; petaloid; yellow or greenish yellow or white. Petals absent. Stamens 9 or 12, or rarely 3 or 6; in 3 or 4 whorls; 1–3 whorls of staminodia typically present. Pistils 1; simple, carpels 1; stigmas 1, capitate or discoid; styles 1, short; ovaries superior; placentation apical. Hypanthia well developed, resembling calyx tube. Fruits drupes or berries; red or blue black; cupped or enclosed by hypanthium. Seeds 1; typically large.

CINNAMOMUM SCHAEFF. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 250–350 species, Cinnamomum is the source of cooking cinnamon and camphor oil (Rohwer 1993; Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek kinnamomum, a name used by Theophrastus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 1 introduced species is present: C. camphora (L.) J.Presl

camphor tree, camphor laurel, Alcanfor

dense-crowned trees; leaves alternate, primary veins 3; small, greenish white flowers in panicles; subglobose drupes bluish black Plants trees; crowns dense, oval, spreading. Stems up to 15 m tall; trunks stout; bark gray, rough, furrowed; twigs terete; bud scales orbicular, imbricated. Leaves alternate; blades ovate to elliptic or elliptic lanceolate; primary veins 3; adaxial surfaces glabrous, lustrous; abaxial surfaces glaucous or pubescent in vein axils; apices acute; bases rounded to cuneate. Inflorescences panicles; bracts absent. Flowers perfect. Sepals greenish white; adaxial surfaces pubescent; abaxial surfaces

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 45.2.

Figure 45.1.

Cinnamomum camphora.

glabrous. Stamens 9; staminodia 3. Fruits drupes; subglobose; bluish black; seated in small cupules (Figure 45.1).

Distribution and Habitat—Native to eastern Asia, C. camphora is cultivated in states along the Gulf coast. It has naturalized in various areas from North Carolina to Texas. Populations are also present in southern California (USDA, NRCS 2012).

irritation of the digestive tract; possible neurologic effects; camphor; also alkaloid cinnamolaurine of unknown significance

Disease Problems and Genesis—Few toxicologic problems have been associated with the genus. However, when a camphor tree was planted in an aviary, 49 budgerigars died within 24 hours, apparently from its noxious fumes (Fuller and McClintock 1986). As implied by its common name, all parts of the tree contain camphor, approximately 1.5% in the leaf and 0.6% in the wood (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). The toxicity of camphor has been known since the late 1800s and early 1900s, mainly from occasional nonfatal exposures generally associated with accidental ingestion of liniments containing the oil (Smith and Margolis 1954). Readily absorbed through the mucous membranes, camphor is a mild irritant, a cathartic, and a nervous system stimulant but is of low toxicity; the oral LD50 is 2 g/kg b.w. in rabbits and 1.8 g/kg in guinea pigs (Smith and Margolis 1954; Osol and Pratt 1973). The presence of camphor readily accounts for the deaths of the budgerigars, birds that are quite susceptible to noxious fumes. Also present are low concentrations of cinnamolaurine, an alkaloid very similar in structure to the alkaloids occurring in Eschscholzia in the Papaveraceae (see Chapter 53) (Figure 45.2). It is of interest that the seeds of C. camphora contain camphorin, a type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP),

Chemical structure of camphor.

and cinnamomin, a type 2 RIP (Ling et al. 1995; He and Liu 2003; Stirpe and Battelli 2006). As with most type 1 RIPs, there is little risk of toxicity because of the lack of a facilitator B chain. Type 2 cinnamomin does have a facilitator B chain. However, even though its A chain is similar to that of the infamous ricin produced by Ricinus in the Euphorbiaceae (Chapter 34), the B chain is of low efficacy; hence, the toxicity of cinnimomin is low. When the A chain of cinnamomin is linked with the B chain of ricin, toxicity is similar to that of ricin (Wang et al. 2006). However, even with the limited risk of toxicity, cinnimomum has some efficacy against carcinoma cells and some insects (Zhou et al. 2000).

nausea, vomiting, depression, seizures, spasticity

Clinical Signs—Signs will likely be limited to nausea, vomiting, and depression. In the most severe intoxications, systemic signs such as labored respiration, muscle twitching, tonic–clonic seizures, spasticity, and increased body temperature may be apparent.

reddening of the gut mucosa

Pathology—Most of the changes are nonspecific and include evidence of irritation of the digestive tract, visceral congestion, and edema of the brain. Microscopically, there may be widespread neuronal degeneration, sparing glia and blood vessels. Treatment—Generalized care to alleviate the clinical symptoms is the typical treatment. When neurologic signs are prominent, pentobarbital may be used.

PERSEA MILL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 150–200 species in both the Old World and the New World, Persea is represented in North America by 3 native species and several introduced species (Rohwer 1993; Wofford 1997).

Lauraceae Juss.


The best known and of toxicologic importance is the following: P. americana Mill.

avocado, alligator pear, aguacate

dense-crowned shrubs or trees; leaves alternate, primary veins 1; greenish yellow flowers in panicles; fruits berries with 1 large seed

Plants trees or shrubs; crowns dense, rounded. Stems up to 30 m tall; bark brown or gray, slightly furrowed; twigs angular, green becoming brown. Leaves alternate; crowded near the ends of twigs; blades ovate elliptic; primary veins 1; apices abruptly acute to acuminate or aristate; bases cuneate or truncate. Inflorescences panicles; rufous; bracts absent. Flowers perfect. Sepals greenish yellow; surfaces indumented. Stamens 9; staminodia 3. Fruits berries; ovoid to pyriform; pericarps thick, coriaceous, glossy dark green, tuberculate. Seeds large (Figures 45.3 and 45.4).

Guatemalan race, warty skin

The species comprises three ecological races, which are formally recognized as varieties by some taxonomists, and numerous cultivars (Table 45.1). These races differ in cold tolerance; the subtropical Mexican is the most cold tolerant, and the tropical West Indian the least (Samson 1986). The skin of the fruits ranges from smooth and thin for Mexican to warty for Guatemalan and leathery for West

Figure 45.4. Table 45.1.

Photo of the fruits of Persea americana. Races and cultivars of Persea americana.




‘Anaheim,’ ‘Benik,’ ‘Gwen,’ ‘Hass,’ ‘Nabal,’ ‘Pinkerton,’ ‘Reed,’ ‘Rincon,’ ‘Taylor,’ ‘Whitesell,’ ‘Wurtz’ ‘Duke,’ ‘Gottfried,’ ‘Jim,’ ‘Mexicola,’ ‘Pernod,’ ‘Santana’ ‘Black Prince,’ ‘Pollock,’ ‘Simmonds,’ ‘Waldin’

Mexican West Indian

Source: Samson (1986).

Indian races. They also differ in oil content, flowering time, and appearance of the pericarp. Hybrids exist between the races. ‘Fuerte,’ a hybrid between Guatemalan and Mexican, is the most popular cultivar. ‘Bacon’ and ‘Zutano’ are also hybrids between Guatemalan and Mexican.

Distribution and Habitat—Believed to have its origin in southern Mexico and Central America, P. americana is now extensively cultivated in Mexico, California, and Florida. Plants are also grown as ornamentals in areas along the Gulf coast. Guatemalan type toxic; leaves and seeds; mastitis and/ or cardiomyopathy

Figure 45.3.

Photo of the leaves of Persea americana.

Disease Problems—From the early 1900s, avocados were suspected of being toxic, but it was not until the 1940s that reports of intoxications began to appear (Hurt


Toxic Plants of North America

1942–1943; Appelman 1944). Finally, in the 1980s, detailed observations revealed the nature of the disease caused by P. americana. As yet, only the Guatemalan type and its hybrids such as ‘Fuerte’ have been shown to be toxic. Leaves, fruits, and seeds are toxic, and the leaves especially so. The toxins have a unique predisposition to affect the lactating mammary gland, and in lactating animals, this seems to serve as protection against other systemic effects. The goat seems to be particularly sensitive to these mammary effects. In lactating animals, the primary effect of low dosage of leaves is a noninfectious mastitis with substantially diminished milk production (Craigmill et al. 1984, 1989). Mastitis is also apparent in mice fed avocado leaves and probably would occur in any lactating animal with the appropriate dosage (Sani et al. 1994). In the nonlactating animal or at higher dosage of leaves in the lactating animal, other effects such as cardiomyopathy become of increased importance (Grant et al. 1988; Sani et al. 1991; Stadler et al. 1991). In lactating goats, 20 g of fresh leaves/kg b.w. is likely to cause severe mastitis, and as the dosage is increased up to 30 g/kg or more, edema and cardiac effects become apparent. It appears that lower single doses are most likely to result in mastitis, whereas higher or repeated doses often lead to cardiac pathology (Burger et al. 1994b). Grant and coworkers (1991) fed sheep fresh leaves of the ‘Fuerte’ cultivar for 5 days and those of other cultivars for differing periods of time. Dosage of 25 g/kg b.w. daily for 5 days caused acute cardiac failure, whereas dosage of 5.5 g/ kg b.w. for 21 days caused chronic cardiac insufficiency and 2.5 g/kg for 32 days caused less pronounced cardiac effects. With higher dosage, reversible myocardial degeneration is probably the main destructive effect in all animal species, with subcutaneous edema of the head and viscera sometimes present. Horses seem to be predisposed to edema of the head and chest (McKenzie and Brown 1991; Galey et al. 1993). fruits toxic to birds Birds—that is, canaries, budgerigars, cockatiels, and ostriches—suffer subcutaneous edema of the neck, chest, and pulmonary system (Hargis et al. 1989; Burger et al. 1994a,b). Experimentally, 1 g of avocado fruit caused agitation and feather pulling of short duration in budgerigars (Shropshire et al. 1992). Fresh or dried seed has been shown to be toxic and to cause death of mice in several days (Valeri and Gimeno 1953). Chickens and turkeys exhibit a lower order of sensitivity than most other birds. Many mammalian species are affected, including cattle, goats, horses, mice, rabbits, rats, and sheep. In some cultures, avocado plant parts have been used in herbal medicine for treatment of hypertension. The value

of this use seems to be confirmed in studies using aqueous extracts orally in rats, where in vitro, there is relaxation of the rat aorta, and in vivo, a decrease in both blood pressure and heart rate (Owolabi et al. 2005; Anaka et al. 2009). The extracts seem to be quite safe with few if any adverse effects in rats (Ozolua et al. 2009). Additional effects of the extracts include analgesic, anti-inflammatory activity in mice and rats (Adeyemi et al. 2002).

persin: necrosis of mammary glands and myocardium; cumulative effects

Disease Genesis—Necrosis of the mammary gland and myocardium is caused by the R-enantiomer of persin, a long-chain, unsaturated compound that has been isolated from the leaves (Oelrichs et al. 1995) and appears to function mainly as an antifungal protective (Carman and Handley 1999). Moderate oral dosage of persin to mice (60–100 mg/kg b.w.) causes mammary gland necrosis within a few hours (Oelrichs et al. 1995; Butt et al. 2006). In higher dosage, myocardial necrosis results; the same range of effects is produced by the leaves (Oelrichs et al. 1995, 1998). The long chain is necessary but not unsaturation. Following oral administration, persin reaches peak blood levels in 1–2 hours but is not detectable 24 hours later. Concentrations reach a maximum in the mammary gland 6–7 hours after administration and the effects are cumulative (Figure 45.5). Avocados also appear to have the potential to affect the human mammary gland. Based on in vitro tests against various human breast cancer cell lines it has been suggested that persin may be a possible chemotherapeutic for mammary carcinomas (Butt et al. 2006). Producing effects similar to those of the taxanes present in Taxus (Chapter 70), persin arrests the cell cycle at the G2-M phase, and causes microtubular bundling/stabilizing and cellular apoptosis. Aberrant metaphase actions have also been shown in human lymphocytes in vitro using methanolic extracts of the fruit and especially the leaves of Persea (Kulkami et al. 2010).

Figure 45.5.

Chemical structure of persin.

Lauraceae Juss.

Unrefined oil from avocados when fed to rats causes fatty livers and a marked increase in serum alkaline phosphatase but not other enzymes indicative of hepatic problems (Werman et al. 1989). The oil makes up 15–30% of the fresh weight of the fruit and is mainly oleic acid. Its relationship to the other effects of avocado leaves and fruit is unknown. Avocado leaves are also a natural source of the insecticidal diterpene ryanodol (Gonzalez-Coloma et al. 1993). Also present in avocado leaves are alkanols or aliphatic acetogenins other than persin, furanoids, and flavonoids such as quercetin, rutin, isorhamnetin and luteolin, which act as free radical scavengers and antioxidants (Ding et al. 2007; Owolabi et al. 2010). Many of the numerous types of compounds found in the leaves are of considerable interest because of their biological activities (Ding et al. 2007). The alkanols and flavonoids present are of special interest as possible antineoplastc drugs. Analysis of avocado leaves appears to confirm the toxicity potential of the Guatemalan type and its hybrids as the most toxic of the three races. In an evaluation of persin levels in various races and cultivars, Guatemalan types such as ‘Hass,’ ‘Plowman,’ ‘Reed,’ and ‘Wurtz’; and hybrids such as ‘Fuerte’ and ‘Pinkerton’ had levels above 2 mg/g while other Guatemalan, Mexican, and West Indian types and hybrids were lower and in some cases had negligible concentrations (Carman and Handley 1999). The ‘Hass’ cultivar seems to be consistently high and toxic as well as the ‘Reed’ cultivar (Burger et al. 1994a; Oelrichs et al. 1995; Carman and Handley 1999). However, there may be considerable variation among and within various cultivars. livestock: abrupt onset; hard swollen udder, marked decrease in milk, subcutaneous edema, weakness, cardiac arrhythmias


somewhat unique. There is severe edema of the head, neck, and ventral areas. The entire head is swollen, especially around the eyes, and the eyelids may be swollen shut, with the conjunctiva protruding. In one instance, the tongue was severely swollen and protruded rigidly from the mouth. In most animals, the signs appear within a day of ingestion of avocado.

gross pathology: mammary glands edematous; subcutaneous edema, excess fluid in body cavities

Pathology—Grossly, the mammary glands are edematous and reddened, with clots in the large ducts. In some individuals, edema is prominent in many tissues, especially the subcutis, and in the lungs. There is general congestion of the lungs, liver, and spleen; free fluid in the heart sac, thorax, and abdomen; and edema of the gallbladder and perirenal tissues. The heart is pale and flabby.

microscopic: heart, interstitial edema, myocardial necrosis; horses, myopathy, head and tongue

Microscopically, there is edema of the mammary gland and degeneration and necrosis of the secretory acinar epithelium. In the heart, there is interstitial edema and myocardial degeneration. Necrosis is especially noticeable in the ventricular walls and septum. In the horse, symmetrical ischemic myopathy of the head and tongue and ischemic myelomalacia of the lumbar spine have been reported (Galey et al. 1993).

Treatment—The approach to treatment is to relieve the Clinical Signs—Mastitis occurs within 24 hours after low dosage, as evidenced by a hard, swollen udder; an approximately 75% decrease in milk production; and watery, cheesy, curdled milk. As the dosage is increased, there is subcutaneous edema of the neck and brisket, an infrequent cough, weakness/depression, reluctance to move, respiratory distress, and cardiac arrhythmias. Serum hepatic enzymes such as LDH, CK, and AST will be elevated markedly. birds: listless; feathers ruffled; labored respiration Birds become listless, with feathers ruffled and respiration labored. The reaction in horses to large dosages is

signs using anti-inflammatories and diuretics. Antibiotics are sometimes added to control secondary infection in the mammary glands.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Cassytha L. Comprising 17–20 species in both the Old World and the New World, Cassytha is quite different in vegetative features from other members of the Lauraceae and has been classified by some taxonomists in its own family, the Cassythaceae (Weber 1981; Heywood 2007). It is represented in North America by C. filiformis L. (laurel-vine


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 45.7.

Figure 45.6.

Chemical structure of laurotetanine.

or woe-weed), which is a parasitic vine with yellowish or pale green threadlike stems and branches with a spicy odor. Its leaves are minute scales, and its spikes bear at irregular intervals, 1 to several perfect flowers subtended by minute bracts and bracteoles, which produce black, globose drupes. The morphology of the flowers unites the genus with other taxa of the Lauraceae. Cassytha filiformis, which can be confused with species of Cuscuta (dodder), parasitizes herbaceous and woody plants in coastal Texas and Florida (van der Werff 1997). alkaloids cassyfiline and laurotetanine present; toxic significance unknown Cassytha is of interest because of its ancient Hindu medicinal use. Alkaloids such as cassyfiline and laurotetanine are present in low concentrations, that is, only up to 0.1%. Laurotetanine can cause smooth muscle contractions and cramps. Cassytha filiformis, however, has not been incriminated as a problem, and there seems to be little likelihood of the occurrence of intoxications. The plant given in high dosage as an aqueous extract to rats produced few biochemical or pathologic changes. The oral LD50 was greater than 500 mg/kg b.w. (Babayi et al. 2007) (Figure 45.6).

Sassafras Nees Comprising 3 species, 1 in eastern North America and the other 2 in eastern China, Sassafras is perhaps best known for “sassafras tea” made by steeping the bark or roots (van der Werff 1997). The North American species is S. albidum (Nutt.) Nees. Numerous eastern tribes of Native Americans used it extensively, making infusions, decoctions, and poultices to treat a variety of ailments. In addition, teas were consumed as a general tonic (Moerman 1998). Flowering in the spring, sassafras is a dioecious shrub or tree with spicy aromatic bark and mucilaginous, pale green twigs. Its alternate, deciduous leaves are ovate

Chemical structure of safrole.

to elliptic, entire or more commonly palmately 1-, 2-, or 3-lobed, and have palmate or pinnipalmate venation. Borne in racemose or umbellate clusters, the imperfect, fragrant flowers are yellow or yellow green and produce blue ovoid drupes borne on clavate, reddish pedicels. It is a woodland species. source of American oil; safrole present; irritant; hepatotoxic Although used for food by wildlife (Gill and Healy 1973) and not a common cause of intoxication problems, S. albidum is the source of American oil, which is 80– 90% safrole (Osol and Pratt 1973). The oil itself may cause minor problems such as vomiting, shakiness, and elevation of the heart rate and blood pressure of a few hours’ duration (Grande and Dannewitz 1987). Safrole is an irritant and in low dosage causes fatty change in the liver (Wade 1977). It is of low toxicity potential, with an oral LD50 of 2350 mg/kg b.w. in mice and 1950 mg/kg b.w. in rats (Hagan et al. 1965). With repeated dosage, liver lesions and adrenal enlargement become evident. With increasing severity dependent on the duration of dosage, there is hepatic fatty change, necrosis, fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, and nodular hepatocellular enlargement. With chronic administration, safrole is a hepatic carcinogen in mice and rats (Hagan et al. 1965; Miller et al. 1983) (Figure 45.7).

Umbellularia (Nees) Nutt. Native to southern Oregon, California, and Baja California, Umbellularia is a monotypic genus (Rohwer 1993; van der Werff 1997). Umbellularia californica (Hook. & Arn.) Nutt. is commonly known as California bay, California laurel, California olive, Oregon myrtle, and pepperwood. An evergreen shrub or tree up to 45 m tall, its thin bark is dark reddish brown. The very aromatic, oblong to elliptic leaves are a deep yellow green. Borne in umbellate clusters enclosed in spirally arranged bracts, the perfect flowers with deciduous yellow sepals produce greenish, dark purple, globose drupes borne on small flat cupules. Plants are encountered in canyon and valley habitats. umbellulone, disturbance





Lauraceae Juss.

Figure 45.8.

Chemical structure of umbellulone.

Like Sassafras albidum, U. californica is not known as a cause of intoxications, but it does contain an irritating oil known as umbellulone (Fuller and McClintock 1986). Strongly aromatic, the crushed leaves may cause sneezing. The oil causes hepatic fatty change but is of low toxicity. California Indians used the roasted drupes for food and the leaves to repel insects (Ebeling 1986) (Figure 45.8).

REFERENCES Adeyemi OO, Okpo SO, Ogunti OO. Analgesic and antiinflammatory effects of the aqueous extract of leaves of Persea americana Mill (Lauraceae). Fitoterapia 73;375–380, 2002. Anaka ON, Ozolua RI, Okpo SO. Effect of the aqueous seed extract of Persea americana Mill (Lauraceae) on the blood pressure of Sprague-Dawley rats. Afr J Pharm Pharmacol 3;485–490, 2009. Appelman D. Preliminary Report on Toxicity of Avocado Leaves. Calif Avocado Soc Yearb 37, 1944. Babayi HM, Udeme JJI, Abalaka JA, Okogun JI, Salawu OA, Akumka DD, Adamu, Zama SS, Adzu BB, Abdulmumuni SS, Ibrahime K, Elisha BB, Zakariys SS, Inyang US. Effect of oral administration of aqueous whole extract of Cassytha filiformis on haematograms and plasma biochemical parameters in rats. J Med Technol 3;146–151, 2007. Burger WP, Naude TW, van Rensburg IBJ, Botha CJ, Pienaar ACE. Avocado (Persea americana) poisoning in ostriches. In Plant-Associated Toxins: Agricultural, Phytochemical, and Ecological Aspects. Colegate SM, Dorling PR, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 546–551, 1994a. Burger WP, Naude TW, Van Rensburg IB, Botha CJ, Pienaar AC. Cardiomyopathy in ostriches (Struthio camelus) due to avocado (Persea americana var. guatemalensis) intoxication. J S Afr Vet Assoc 65;113–118, 1994b. Butt AJ, Roberts CG, Seawright AA, Oelrichs PB, MacLeod JK, Liaw TYE, Kavallaris M, Somers-Edgar TJ, Lehrbach GM, Watts CK, Sutherland RL. A novel plant toxin, persin, with in vivo activity in the mammary gland, induces Bim-dependent apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther 5;2300–2309, 2006. Carman RM, Handley PN. Antifungal diene in leaves of various avocado cultivars. Phytochemistry 50;1329–1331, 1999. Craigmill AL, Eide RN, Shultz TA, Hedrick K. Toxicity of avocado (Persea americana [Guatamalan var.]) leaves: review and preliminary report. Vet Hum Toxicol 26;381–383, 1984. Craigmill AL, Seawright AA, Mattila T, Frost AJ. Pathological changes in the mammary gland and biochemical changes in


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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Forty-Six

Liliaceae Juss.

Lily Family Allium Amaryllis Amianthium Bowiea Clivia Colchicum Convallaria Cooperia Crinum Eucharis Fritillaria Galanthus Gloriosa Haemanthus Hemerocallis Hippeastrum Hyacinthoides Hyacinthus Hymenocallis

Leucojum Lilium Narcissus Nerine Ornithogalum Tulipa Urginea Veratrum Zephyranthes Zigadenus Questionable Aletris Asparagus Erythronium Melanthium Pleea Trillium

Exhibiting great diversity, the Liliaceae, or lily family, is one of the most familiar and economically important families known. There are more than 160 genera in the American horticultural trade alone; familiar ornamentals include lilies, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, and amaryllises. Food plants of the family include asparagus, garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, and chives. A variety of toxic species, some quite deadly, are also members of the family. Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to how to classify the tremendous morphological and biochemical diversity present. Some recognize a broadly circumscribed taxon of approximately 280 genera and 4200 species (Utech 2002a), whereas others prefer a narrow circumscription (16 genera and about 640 species) and divide the family into as many as 28 small families on the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses (Kubitzki 1998; Culham 2007; Seberg 2007h; Bremer et al. 2009; see Reveal and Pires [2002] for an overview

of the changes). Because the circumscriptions of these segregate families and their relationships to one another have not been fully resolved, we here continue to use the broad circumscription of the family employed by Utech (2002a) in the Flora of North America and by the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). However, one may encounter toxicologic reports in which our toxic genera are positioned in other families as summarized in Table 46.1. perennial herbs; leaves simple; flowers radially symmetrical, often large and showy; perianth parts 6 Plants herbs; perennials; from rhizomes or bulbs or tubers or corms or fleshy roots; caulescent or acaulescent. Leaves basal or forming a basal rosette or cauline; simple; alternate or whorled or rarely opposite; venation parallel or parallel convergent or pinnipalmate; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or spikes or racemes or panicles or umbels. Flowers typically large and showy; fragrant or not fragrant; perfect or rarely imperfect; perianths in 2-series or 1-series; radially symmetrical. Perianth Parts 6; all alike (petaloid) or of 2 forms (3 sepaloid and 3 petaloid); free or fused; coronas present or absent. Stamens 6 or rarely 3 or 12; fused to perianth parts or arising from receptacles. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 3, or rarely 2 or 4; stigmas 1 or 3; styles 1 or rarely 3; ovaries superior or inferior; locules 3; placentation axile or rarely parietal. Hypanthia absent or present; tubular. Fruits septicidal or loculicidal capsules or berries. Seeds 1 to numerous. Types of Problems cardiotoxic neurotoxic hemolytic teratogenic cytotoxic irritative

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Table 46.1.

Classification of North American toxic genera when the Liliaceae is narrowly circumscribed.

Alliaceaea Allium Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis Cliva Crinum Eucharis Galanthus

Haemanthus Hippeastrum Leucojum Narcissus Nerium Nothoscordum Zephyranthes

Asparagaceae Asparagus Colchiaceae Colchicum Gloriosa Convallariaceae Convallaria

Hemerocallidaceae Hemerocallis Hyacinthaceaeb Bowiea Hyacinthoides Hyacinthus Ornithogalum Urginea

Liliaceae Erythronium Fritillaria Lilium Tulipa Melanthiaceae Amianthium Melanthium

Trillium Veratrum Zigadenus Nartheciaceae Aletris Pleea

Sources: Kubitzki (1998); Seberg (2007a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j); Bremer et al. (2009). Family submerged in Amaryllidaceae by Bremer et al. (2009). b Family submerged in Asparagaceae by Bremer et al. (2009). a

Table 46.2.

Taxa of the Liliaceae containing phenanthridine alkaloids.


Common names

Examples of alkaloids present

Amaryllis belladonna Clivia C. miniata C. nobilis Crinum C. americanum C. asiaticum C. zeylanicum Eucharis grandiflora Galanthus nivalis Haemanthus H. coccineus H. multiflorus (=Scadoxus multiflorus) Hippeastrum H. puniceum H. vittatum Hymenocallis H. littoralis H. occidentalis Leucojum L. aestivum L. autumnale L. roseum L. vernum Narcissus spp. Nerine spp. Zephyranthes Z. atamasca Z. chlorosolena Z. drummondiib Z. simpsonii

belladonna lily, naked lady

lycorine, belarmine, ambelline, undulatine

kaffir lily

lycorine, clivonine, clivatine, miniatine, hippeastrine

Florida crinum, southern swamp, lily

lycorine, crinamine, haemanthamine

Amazon lily common snowdrop

lycorine lycorine, nivaline, tazettine, galanthamine, hippeastrine

blood lily powder puff lily

lycorine, coccinine, montanine lycorine, haemultine, chlidanthine, haemanthidine, hippeastrine

amaryllis Barbados lily, common amaryllis

lycorine, tazettine haemanthamine, hippeastrine, vittatine

spider lily, crown beauty, sea daffodil inland hymenocallis

lycorine, tazettine nivaline

meadow snowflake, summer snowflake autumn snowflake

lycorine, lycorenine, galanthamine

spring snowflake daffodil, narcissus nerine, Guernsey lily

lycorine, others neronine, lycorine, tazettine

atamasco lily, fairy lily, rain lily Brazos rain lily evening-star rain lily, prairie lily stagger grass, windflower, zephyr flower

lycorine, tazettine lycorine, γ-lycorine galanthine

Sources: Cook and Loudon (1952); Wildman (1960a, 1968); Fuganti (1975); Martin (1987). a Reported as Cooperia drummondii. b Reported as Cooperia pedunculata.

In addition to its horticultural importance, the Liliaceae is also of considerable toxicologic importance. Its genera produce several quite dissimilar types of disease problems— cardiotoxic, neurotoxic, hemolytic, teratogenic, cytotoxic, and irritative. The toxicants present are likewise dissimilar. Toxins with a steroid nucleus are common, especially

steroidal saponins—glycosides that form a soapy lather (Heftmann 1970; Mahato et al. 1982). Members of the family are important sources of saponins, which in some instances appear to be responsible for the toxic effects. At least a dozen different sapogenins are represented in the family (Okanishi et al. 1975). Closely akin are the

Liliaceae Juss.

steroidal alkaloids of Veratrum termed azasteroids. Also present is an extensive array of phenanthridine alkaloids found in numerous genera (Table 46.2). Some genera produce several types of disease. This variation is the result of subtle chemical differences in the toxicants present, which produce marked differences in activity. In other genera producing more than one syndrome, the primary toxicants are not at all similar.

Pistils with stigmas 3-lobed or not lobed; styles 1; ovaries superior; placentation axile. Fruits loculicidal capsules; globose ovoid; 3-lobed. Seeds numerous; angular or round or flat; black (Figures 46.1–46.3). When crushed, the bulbs, foliage, and flowers emanate the characteristic onion or garlic odor, a feature that is useful in distinguishing Allium from morphologically similar genera, in particular Zigadenus (death camas).

ALLIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, Allium comprises 550–700 species (McNeal and Jacobsen 2002). Derived from the Celtic word all meaning “hot,” its name is an ancient Latin one for garlic (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus has been positioned in the Alliaceae by Rahn (1998) and Seberg (2007a), a family that has been submerged in the Amaryllidaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). Several Old World species are cultivated for food or flavoring or as ornamentals. In North America, 96 species are present. Of toxicologic interest are the following: Cultivated Species A. A. A. A.

cepa L. porrum L. sativum L. schoenoprasum L.

garden onion garden leek cultivated garlic, garlic chive, cive, wild chives

Wild Species A. canadense L. A. cernuum L. A. validum S.Watson A. vineale L.

wild onion, Canada garlic, meadow leek, meadow garlic nodding onion, lady’s leek wild onion, Pacific onion, swamp onion wild garlic, field garlic, crow garlic, false garlic, stag’s garlic

Figure 46.1.

Line drawing of Allium vineale.

Figure 46.2.

Photo of Allium perdulce.

pungent aromatic herbs from bulbs; leaves basal, long, bases sheathing; 3-merous flowers in umbels; fruits 3-lobed capsules Plants from bulbs; acaulescent or caulescent; strongly aromatic, with odor of onions or garlic. Bulbs solitary or clustered; tunicas papery or fibrous. Leaves basal; blades linear to long lanceolate, flat or terete or grooved, solid or hollow; bases sheathing. Scapes erect; 10–150 cm tall; unbranched; solid or hollow. Inflorescences terminal umbels; flat-topped or hemispheric or globose; arising from scarious spathes of 1–3 bracts. Flowers few to many; perianths in 2-series; in some species replaced by bulb lets. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; white or pink or purple or greenish; withering and persisting. Stamens 6, fused to perianth parts; filaments wide, flat, fused or free.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 46.3.

Photo of the flowers of Allium perdulce.

The two genera are also distinguished by their inflorescences; Zigadenus has a raceme rather than an umbel. variety of habitats and vegetation types

Distribution and Habitat—Native species of Allium occur in a variety of habitats in different vegetation types across the continent. Some are widespread, others more restricted in their distributions. Allium schoenoprasum, for example, is circumboreal in North America. With numerous varieties, A. canadense is also one of the most widespread species, occupying prairies, meadows, open woods, and various disturbed sites throughout the eastern half of the continent. Allium cernuum also occurs in the eastern half but is not as abundant. Allium validum occurs mainly in moist sites, primarily in the Northwest. Native to Europe, A. vineale is naturalized as a noxious weed in lawns, playing fields, and meadows. Old World A. cepa, A. porrum, and A. sativum rarely escape cultivation, and although they may persist for a time, they do not naturalize. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Flora of North America (http://www. large amounts, hemolytic anemia, Heinz bodies, especially cats, dogs, horses; cattle and sheep less severe; cumulative effects

Disease Problems—Members of Allium have had important dietary and medicinal roles for millennia. Their use in early societies is probably best illustrated by discovery of onions associated with mummified human remains (Fenwick and Hanley 1985b). It is now known that species of the genus contain chemical constituents with a wide range of beneficial medicinal effects. They have

become the focus of intense interest as potential antineoplasia compounds, perhaps via their effects on biotransformation pathways (Sparnins et al. 1988; Dausch and Nixon 1990). Additionally, they exhibit marked effects on allergic reaction pathways (Dorsch et al. 1988). Disease most commonly occurs when cultivated onions are used as animal feed. This is typically a problem in areas where onions are an important crop. Onion waste— culls or excess production—is often fed to cattle or sheep. Whether harvested onions are fresh, spoiled, or cooked makes little apparent difference. Less commonly, wild plants may cause problems, especially in spring when leaves are most abundant. Problems may also develop when dehydrated onions, onion souffle, and onion soup are fed to pets (Fenwick and Hanley 1985d). The toxic effects are cumulative, and intoxication eventually ensues after repeated ingestion of large quantities of plants. Although there may be differences in relative toxicity potential among various cultivars, even the varieties of sweet onions or those grown under special conditions to render them sweeter of flavor and odor (Catalan spring onions) are also risks for intoxication (Guitart et al. 2008). All animal species appear to be susceptible to the disease, albeit not equally so. It is difficult to compare animals, but it seems clear that sheep and goats (especially younger animals) are much less susceptible than most other animals (Koger 1956; Van Kampen et al. 1970; Kirk and Bulgin 1979). Susceptibility may correlate with the animal’s relative propensity for Heinz body formation. Although cattle are said to be most susceptible (Fenwick and Hanley 1985d), it seems more likely that cats and then dogs in that order are the most susceptible species (Yamato and Maede 1992). Adverse effects also occur in pigs fed small amounts of onions (Ostrowska et al. 2004). Sheep and goats, which are quite resistant, may consume very large amounts of onions (10–20 lb/day) with only minimal signs developing (Kirk and Bulgin 1979). In one study, sheep fed a diet of up to 50% onions had weight gains similar to those fed a control diet (Fredrickson et al. 1995). However, feeding sheep entirely on cull onions (20 kg/day) produces some adverse effects, and in one report, there was development of Heinz body hemolytic anemia in 21 days but the effects stabilized at 28 days and there was no impact on pregnancy (Knight et al. 2000). It is therefore not surprising that sheep relish onions, both the bulbs and the leaves, in spring pasture and only rarely develop any adverse effects (Parker 1936; Stevens 1984). Cattle are also relatively resistant, as shown by lack of adverse effects on performance (weight gains) when up to 25% cull onions (on a dry matter basis, or 46% of the feed) were fed in a balanced ration for approximately 4 months (Lincoln et al. 1992). During the first month, there was a decline in red blood cells and hematocrit but

Liliaceae Juss.

no obvious clinical anemia. Heinz bodies were also apparent in amounts proportional to dosage. These effects moderated after the first month. The important factor seems to be incorporation of chopped onions in a balanced ration so that animals cannot selectively eat more of them. Problems are much more likely when cattle are fed onions free-choice, and some animals consume excessive amounts. For example, in an instance in which 85 calves and yearlings were given 1000 kg onions per day, signs of intoxication occurred in 22 animals in 5 days (Verhoeff et al. 1985). Some animals apparently ate very large amounts. There was only 1 fatality, although the hematocrit dropped to as low as 12% in some animals. There continue to be reports of intoxication in cattle and while most are mild to moderate, in one instance, the severity was such that abortions and retained placentas occurred (Carbery 1999; van der Kolk 2000). On pasture, the rarity of poisoning is in large measure due to the significant amount required over a sustained period, regardless of animal species (Pierce et al. 1972; Hutchison 1977; Stevens 1984). Horses are somewhat susceptible as shown by the response to daily administration of garlic resulting in typical hematologic effects including Heinz bodies and prompt recovery after cessation of treatment (Pearson et al. 2005; Valle et al. 2006). Both dogs and cats are very susceptible and have been intoxicated by cooked onions, whether boiled alone, included in soup, prepared as a souffle, or mixed with table scraps (Spice 1976; Kobayashi 1981; Stallbaumer 1981; Kay 1983; Yamato and Maede 1992; Houston and Myers 1993). Interestingly, onions were recognized for their toxic potential partly as a result of experiments in dogs to test their value against black tongue disease. Dogs were given a daily ration that included onions, and it was noted that those animals that were given more than 15 g/ kg b.w. of cooked or raw onions developed severe anemia (Sebrell 1930). In other experimental studies, dosages equivalent to 28–30 g/kg b.w. or more of raw onions fed once per day for 3 days have readily caused hematologic alterations in dogs and cats (Kobayashi 1981; Ogawa et al. 1986). In one instance, a male cat given onion extract orally equivalent to 3 g raw onion per milliliter developed mild hematologic changes after administration for 1–2 days (Kobayashi 1981). More pronounced changes occurred after 4 mL (12 g) and 5 mL (15 g) of extract were given on days 3 and 6, respectively. Weight of the cat was not given, but assuming a weight of 3 kg, it appears that dosage of onions as low as 5 g/kg b.w. may cause marked hematologic alterations. Dogs appear to require somewhat more for intoxication to occur, but for either dogs or cats, when intoxication does occur, nearly all circulating erythrocytes may contain Heinz bodies (Kobayashi 1981; Ogawa et al. 1986). During the same period, methemoglobin levels in blood are typically low, in the range of 5% or


less (Ogawa et al. 1986). The popularity of the use of baby food for sick cats has caused some problems because of the presence of onion powder in some instances. When fed baby food containing onion powder, cats may develop high numbers of Heinz bodies and reticulocytes, with decreased hematocrit (Robertson et al. 1998). Although perhaps not quite as susceptible as cats, some dogs may be profoundly affected by small doses of onions. A miniature poodle given a meal of discarded fried liver and onions developed dark red, coffee-colored urine 12 hours later and eventually a hematocrit of 20% and a moderate number Heinz bodies (Solter and Scott 1987). In another incident, 5.5 g/kg b.w. of minced dehydrated onions mixed with ground beef produced a marked reaction by the following day (Harvey and Rackear 1985). There were Heinz bodies, reticulocytes, and eccentrocytes, with a decrease in hematocrit to 20%. As indicated by records of the Veterinary Poison Information Center from 1994 to 2008 in the United Kingdom, onion intoxications, overall, are much more common in dogs with 69 cases compared to 4 in cats (Sturgeon and Campbell 2008). Furthermore, while in most instances the problems were not severe, 1 cat and 2 dogs died and 2 other dogs were euthanized. Birds are also susceptible to effects of species of Allium with anemia and evidence of erythropoesis but with minimal Heinz bodies present in the peripheral circulation (Crespo and Chin 2004; Lightfoot and Yeager 2008). Intoxications have been reported for white Chinese geese and a dusky-headed conure (Crespo and Chin 2004; Wade and Newman 2004). Because of the strong pungent odor imparted by Allium, milk taint is an important concern with lactating animals. In addition, a serious problem may also occur with meat. Even less potent members of the genus, such as leeks, may render to meat a strong, persistent, and unpleasant odor (Lund et al. 1991).

highly reactive oxidants formed from sulfur compounds, various disulfides and thiosulfates

Disease Genesis—Allium contains a large number of sulfur-containing compounds, especially alk(en)ylcysteine sulfoxides. Trauma to plant tissues allows enzymatic conversion of sulfoxides to less stable compounds, followed by nonenzymatic conversion to an array of sulfides, disulfides, trisulfides, and thiosulfonates. Disulfides and trisulfides are chiefly responsible for odors and flavor, whereas thiopropanol-S-oxide is the lacrimation factor (Whitaker 1976; Fenwick and Hanley 1985c). Further biotransformation may occur in the liver, for example, metabolism of allicin to diallyl disulfide, allyl mercaptan, vinyldithiins, and ajoenes in the isolated perfused rat liver


Toxic Plants of North America

(Egen-Schwind et al. 1992). Similar to the cysteine derivatives from species of Brassica, some Allium sulfides such as the abundant n-dipropyl disulfide, and possibly dimethyl, di-1-propenyl, and di-2-propenyl disulfides, interact in the animal’s body to form highly reactive oxidants (Gruhzit 1931a,b; Williams et al. 1941; Smith 1980; Fenwick and Hanley 1985a,c,d). The unsaturated 1-propylene appears to be a particularly potent hemolytic agent (Munday and Manns 1994) (Figures 46.4–46.6). A variety of additional oxidative compounds capable of causing hemolysis may be present, such as sodium npropylthiosulfate, sodium 1- and 2-propenylthiosulfates, various thiosulfinates, and sulfurous acid esters (Yuyama 1989; Miyata 1990; Yamato et al. 1994,1998,2003; Yang et al. 2003). Both in vitro and in vivo studies in rats indicate that a number of allyl and propyl sulfides, especially tetra and trisulfides present in Allium, are powerful hemolytic agents even more so than the disulfides (Munday et al. 2003). Thus, there are numerous compounds beyond the traditional n-dipropyl disulfide that are associated with effects on cell membranes and on hemoglobin. Depletion of the reductants of the glucose-6-phosphatedependent reducing system and/or effects on G6P dehydrogenase reduce the protective capacity of the blood glutathione-reductase system and permits elevation of reduced glutathione and oxidation of hemoglobin and erythrocyte membranes (Fenwick and Hanley 1985d; Ogawa et al. 1985, 1986; Ahluwalia and Mohindroo 1989). Subsequent denaturation of hemoglobin with Heinz body formation and deformation of erythrocytes results in hemolysis and increased phagocytosis of these erythrocytes by the mononuclear phagocyte system. As a result, considerable hemosiderin may be seen in the spleen and Kupffer cells of the liver. The oxidative process results in the generation of small amounts of MHb. However, MHb is not a necessary precursor to formation of Heinz

Figure 46.4.

Chemical structure of allicin.

Figure 46.5.

Chemical structure of n-dipropyl disulfide.

bodies (Kiese 1974). In the case of Allium-induced effects, the processes of formation of MHb and Heinz bodies appear to be parallel (Ogawa et al. 1986). In addition to the above effects, there are a host of other hematologic parameters that are altered in dogs and other animals ingesting onions (Ostrowska et al. 2004; Tang et al. 2008). The hematologic effects of onions fed for 15 days to sheep are reported to be augmented by ruminal bacteria (Selim et al. 1999). However, further studies indicate that sulfur-reducing bacteria and hydrogen sulfide increase in the rumen as sheep adjust to large amounts of onions (Knight et al. 2000). Beneficial antimicrobial and cancer protective effects of this genus are apparently due mainly to various allyl sulfides and thiosulfinates (Fenwick and Hanley 1985d; Weber et al. 1992; Munday et al. 2003; Muenchberg et al. 2007). Some reputed medicinal effects may be due to the ability of organosulfur compounds to modulate hepatic cytochrome P450 pathways; diallyl sulfide, diallyl sulfoxide, and diallyl sulfone influence such activities (Brady et al. 1991). It is of interest to note that some dogs in Japan (especially the Akita and Shiba Inu breeds) seem to have a hereditary predisposition to the hemolytic effects of onions (Maede 1977; Yamato and Maede 1992). Further studies in Japan indicate that dogs with erythrocytes high in potassium (HK phenotype) with or without elevated levels of reduced glutathione are particularly susceptible to hemolytic anemia (Yamato et al. 1999; TaeWon et al. 2001). However, even dogs with low erythrocyte potassium (LK phenotype) are susceptible to intoxication (WooSeok et al. 1999). This increase in susceptibility to oxidant effects is not necessarily associated with deficiencies in G6P dehydrogenase. Even high concentrations of glutathione in erythrocytes may not always be protective. Normally, it protects cells from toxic electrophiles formed by xenobiotics and participates with peroxidase to detoxify peroxides. These interactions are not always processes of detoxification, given that glutathione conjugation bioactivation of toxins has now been described (Monks et al. 1990). However, it is not clear that such a process is involved here.

abrupt onset, hemolysis, dark urine, depression, anorexia, weakness, Heinz bodies in RBCs

Clinical Signs—In most cases, onset of intoxication will

Figure 46.6. Chemical structure of sodium n-propenylthiosulfate.

follow a prolonged period of onion ingestion, the length depending on the amount eaten and the animal species. The disease may appear as a peracute hemolytic episode but more commonly occurs with increasing severity of signs over 1–2 days. Hemoglobinuria, indicated by

Liliaceae Juss.

dark- or coffee-colored urine is the sign that typically heralds onset. In some cases, dogs may be observed to be depressed and lacking an appetite a day or more prior to the hemolysis and hemoglobinuria; at which time, numerous Heinz bodies and eccentrocytes may be present in a blood smear (van Schouwenburg 1982). In some animals, all erythrocytes are affected. The presence of the easily detected eccentrocytes is suggested to be particularly useful in diagnosis (Lee et al. 2000; Yamato et al. 2005). However, eccentrocytes may be associated with other causes of oxidative stress such as drug reactions and various diseases (Caldin et al. 2005). Hemolysis will be accompanied by weakness, sometimes severe enough to result in tremors, and discoloration of the mucous membranes similar to but darker than the coloration produced with icterus. These signs may be noted in dogs, cats, cattle, and horses on occasion, but seldom will the full spectrum of signs be seen in sheep or goats (Sebrell 1930; Thorp and Harshfield 1939; Koger 1956; Van Kampen et al. 1970; Hothi et al. 1980). In most instances, diagnosis is not difficult, because the animal’s breath or body usually has a very strong onion odor. Recovery following removal of the source of onions is usually prompt and uneventful. In dogs, erythrocytes may be cleared of Heinz bodies within 7–10 days (Ogawa et al. 1986). However, in a few animals, this has not been the case. Chronic debilitation follows months of feeding low to moderate amounts of onions to sheep, and sloughing of tails and feet occurs occasionally in cattle (Koger 1956; James and Binns 1966). Onions appear to have no teratogenic potential, and even though milk may have a distinctive odor, nursing young of severely affected dams are not similarly affected (James and Binns 1966; Pierce et al. 1972; Kirk and Bulgin 1979). Laboratory findings are consistent with hemolysis and the accompanying response. Hematocrit will be decreased, marginally or in some cases to as low as 10–15%. However, even in the presence of what may appear to be severe hemoglobinuria, the hematocrit may be only slightly decreased. Within a few days, a regenerative response will be evident, with polychromasia, reticulocytes, nucleated erythrocytes, increased cell size and hemoglobin content, and increased neutrophils with numerous bands. The response depends on the animal species affected (Van Kampen et al. 1970; Spice 1976). Prior to or during the hemolytic period, large numbers of Heinz bodies will be readily seen with appropriate staining, except possibly in sheep. Blood urea nitrogen is often decreased, possibly because of the low protein and high moisture content of onions (James and Binns 1966; Van Kampen et al. 1970; Kirk and Bulgin 1979). Within a few days after onset of anemia, there is usually a marked increase in erythrocyte G6P dehydrogenase and reduced glutathione (Ogawa et al. 1986).


gross pathology: strong odor, plants in the stomach; microscopic: hemosiderin in the liver, spleen, kidney; renal tubular necrosis and tubular pigment casts

Pathology—The most striking gross pathologic feature will be the strong pungent odor emanating from the body. Also onions will likely be present in abundance in the ingesta. Tissues may have a yellowish discoloration, and the spleen may be slightly swollen. Significant color changes will be seen in the liver, which becomes pale tan to golden brown and perhaps mottled, and kidneys, which become brown to mottled black (Van Kampen et al. 1970; Pierce et al. 1972; Gill and Sergent 1981). Microscopically, hemosiderin in Kupffer cells of the liver, macrophages of the spleen, and possibly renal tubular cells may be striking. Mild to moderate hepatic necrosis, renal tubular nephrosis (pigment nephrosis) with tubular casts, and splenic hematopoietic foci may also be present, depending on duration of the disease. nursing care; blood transfusion when severe

Treatment—Unless there is a very severe anemia requiring transfusion, treatment is not required. Once onions are removed from the diet, the hemoglobinuria will subside in a day or two, and the erythrocyte mass will be replaced during the following weeks. During the period of anemia, it is important not to stress the animals unduly, because they will have greatly diminished reserve. Moving livestock from pastures or pens to examine or treat them may precipitate severe problems (Koger 1956; Lazarus and Rajamani 1968). The prophylactic feeding of various antioxidants such as ascorbate, vitamin E, or Nacetylcysteine does not appear to provide substantial protection against Allium intoxication in cats (Hill et al. 2001).

AMIANTHIUM A.GRAY Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus, Amianthium, commonly known as fly poison, is indigenous to the eastern United States (Utech 2002b). Its name is derived from the Greek roots amiantos and anthos, meaning “without spots” and “flower,” alluding to the glandless perianth (Quattrocchi 2000). The single species is the following: A. muscaetoxicum gray fly poison, crow poison, stagger (Walter) A.Gray grass, St.-Elmo’s-feather (=Zigadenus muscaetoxicum [Walter] Regel) (=Chrosperma muscaetoxicum [Walter] Kuntze)


Toxic Plants of North America

The genus is positioned in the Melanthiaceae by Tamura (1998b) and Seberg (2007i). Although morphologically similar to the genus Zigadenus and included within it at one time (Zomlefer 1997), Amianthium lacks tepal nectaries and can be readily distinguished from Zigadenus (Utech 1986). Subsequent phylogenetic analyses support its recognition as a distinct genus and indicate that it is closely related to Veratrum (Zomlefer et al. 2006). erect herbs from bulbs, not aromatic; leaves long, mainly basal; dense conical to cylindrical racemes; fruits 3-lobed capsules Plants from bulbs; caulescent; not aromatic. Bulbs solitary; thick; tunicas papery. Stems erect; 30–120 cm tall. Leaves primarily basal; cauline leaves reduced, bractlike; blades of basal leaves linear, 2–3 cm wide, 30–45 cm long. Inflorescences terminal racemes; dense; conical to cylindrical; bracts present. Flowers numerous; perianths in 2-series. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; white or pink; persisting and turning greenish; oblong obovate; several nerved. Stamens 6; filaments flat. Pistils with stigmas 3, small; styles 3; ovaries superior, deeply 3-lobed; placentation axile. Fruits septicidal capsules; 3-lobed. Seeds 3–6; oblong; purple brown (Figure 46.7).

Distribution and Habitat—Amianthium muscaetoxicum is found in moist, open woodlands of the eastern United States. Only rarely is it planted as an ornamental (Figure 46.8). Veratrum-type alkaloids; neurotoxic and teratogenic as with Zigadenus; mainly cattle

Figure 46.8.

Distribution of Amianthium muscaetoxicum.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Early anecdotal information indicated A. muscaetoxicum to be a considerable hazard to cattle but much less so to sheep, horses, and pigs (Marsh et al. 1918,1926a; Hoch 1969). Early spring seems to be the dangerous time, when green leaves are most conspicuous and attractive in contrast to the surrounding dormant forage. Both leaves and bulbs are neurotoxic; the latter, when diced and mixed with honey, are reputed to be an effective poison for insects and birds— hence the common names. Toxicity is due to several cevanine-type, Veratrum ester alkaloids, such as amianthine, and a teratogenic jervanine type, jervine (Neuss 1953; Smith and Smith 1963; Smith et al. 1964). The role of these alkaloids in Amianthium’s toxicity is indicated by the similarity of clinical signs it produces to those of Zigadenus and by observations of their effect on striated muscle—rapid fatigue and delayed relaxation (Alsberg 1912; Shaw et al. 1943). The toxic dose appears to be 0.1–0.2% b.w. of green plant for either sheep or cattle, and the lethal dose about 0.3% b.w.

excess salivation, vomiting, weakness, colic, ataxia, rapid and labored respiration; fetal deformities

Figure 46.7.

Line drawing of Amianthium muscaetoxicum.

Clinical Signs—A few hours after ingestion, profuse salivation and vomiting are seen as the early signs. As with Zigadenus, salivation is more prominent in sheep. During the following hours, there is colic, weakness, ataxia, and rapid and labored respiration. The signs, including periodic vomiting, may persist for 1–2 days, during which time appetite will be markedly depressed. If enough plant material is eaten initially, the animal may die of respiratory failure the first day.

Liliaceae Juss.


Although fetal deformities have yet to be reported in field cases, the presence of jervine in the plant indicates the potential for these effects (Neuss 1953). Malformations of the limbs would be expected (Keeler 1983,1984).

Pathology and Treatment—Distinctive pathologic changes are lacking, although small scattered hemorrhages may be expected. No effective treatment has been reported; an approach similar to that for Zigadenus intoxication may be appropriate.

BOWIEA HARV. & HOOK.F. Taxonomy and Morphology—Named for James Bowie, a dedicated nineteenth-century plant collector in South Africa, Bowiea comprises 2 species native to Africa (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Speta 1998). The genus has been positioned in the Hyacinthaceae by Speta (1998) and Seberg (2007g), a family that has been submerged in the Asparagaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). Regardless of its classification, it is a quite distinctive genus because the leafless, twining, photosynthetic stems arise from bulbs that are mostly exposed above ground. Of toxicologic interest is the following species: B. volubilis Harv. & Hook.f.

Figure 46.9.

Line drawing of Bowiea volubilis.

climbing onion

leafless vines from large bulbs; stems profusely branched, succulent, twining; flowers small, green white

Plants from bulbs; caulescent; not aromatic. Bulbs large; solitary or clustered; partially exposed above soil surface; tunicas papery, scales large, silvery green. Stems twining; 2–3 m long; profusely branched; succulent; photosynthetic. Leaves small; caducous. Inflorescences twisting racemes; borne at the ends of shoots; pedicels long; bracts absent. Flowers small; few; perianths in 2-series. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; fused, cleft to base; reflexed; persistent; green white. Stamens 6; filaments dilated. Pistils with stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; short. Seeds 3–9 (Figure 46.9).

Distribution and Habitat—This South African species is encountered occasionally as a houseplant or cultivated as an ornamental in the warmest parts of North America. cardiotoxic, bufadienolides, bovogenins, hellebrigenin

Disease Problems and Genesis—Because the bulbs are mainly above ground, they are readily accessible for an animal to chew. Bowiea volubilis as a houseplant poses a

Figure 46.10.

Chemical structure of bovogenin A.

special cardiotoxic risk for household pets because it contains monosidic cardiac glucosides. These cardiotoxins include bovosides A–E from bovogenins and other bufadienolides from genins such as hellebrigenin (has an additional OH group) (Steyn 1934; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Kellerman et al. 1988). Raphides of calcium oxalate in the bulbs may also have a role in some of the adverse effects (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Although the bulb is said to be more potent than foliage of Digitalis, plants are generally of limited risk except for pets (Figure 46.10). vomiting, excess salivation, decreased heart rate, cardiac arrhythmias

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Following consumption of B. volubilis, signs in dogs and cats are similar to those produced by other cardiotoxins. The initial signs indicate involvement of the digestive tract and include vomiting and salivation, but little diarrhea initially. More severe signs include diuresis, decreased heart rate, arrhythmias, and seizures. There may be congestion of the viscera and scattered splotchy hemorrhages, but in general, distinctive changes are few.


Toxic Plants of North America

activated charcoal; atropine

Treatment—Orally administered charcoal may be helpful; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of effects on the digestive tract. Only very rarely is treatment for the cardiac effects needed. Cardiac signs are for the most part responsive to atropine.

COLCHICUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus of temperate regions, Colchicum, commonly known as autumn crocus or naked ladies, comprises about 90 species and is positioned in the family Colchicaceae by Nordenstam (1998), Seberg (2007d), and Bremer and coworkers (2009). Its name is a latinization of Colchis, the ancient name of the region east of the Black Sea (Huxley and Griffiths 1992), or possibly derived from the classical Greek name Kolchikon for meadow saffron (Quattrocchi (2000). The common name crocus sometimes causes confusion because it is applied also to species of the genus Crocus, a member of the Iridaceae, or iris family. At first glance, members of the two genera indeed look alike, but close examination reveals that Colchicum has flowers with 6 stamens and a superior ovary, whereas those of Crocus have 3 stamens and an inferior ovary. Although there are exceptions, species of Colchicum typically flower in the autumn and those of Crocus in the spring. Of toxicologic interest is the following species: C. autumnale L.

autumn crocus, meadow saffron

herbs from corms; leaves basal; flowers solitary or in small clusters; perianth parts purple, white, or pink

Plants from corms; acaulescent; not aromatic. Corms ovoid to subglobose; apices extended into tubular pseudostems; tunicas membranous to coriaceous, dark brown. Leaves basal; blades linear lanceolate. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or clusters of 2–6; bracts 1, small. Flowers perianths in 2-series; campanulate. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; fused, tubes long; purple or white or pink; narrowly elliptic to oblong elliptic. Stamens 6; fused to perianth. Pistils with stigmas 3, decurrent; styles 3; ovaries superior; placentation axile. Fruits septicidal capsules; oblong ovoid. Seeds numerous; subglobose (Figure 46.11).

Figure 46.11. Photo of Colchicum autumnale. Photo by R.A. Howard, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

digestive disturbance, all plant parts

Disease Problems—Colchicum has been used for many centuries for treatment of gout and other medical problems. Because of the relative scarcity of the plants in North America, there has been little problem of toxicosis, except as a consequence of medical use. It is another matter in Europe and Eurasia, where C. autumnale and other indigenous species have caused numerous intoxication episodes, mainly digestive tract problems (Debarnot 1968; Tribunskii 1970; Chareyre et al. 1989; Yamada et al. 1998). In some instances, very high morbidity rates are observed, for example, a case in which many animals were affected in a nomadic sheep flock that was allowed to graze an infested meadow while hungry (Panariti 1996). All animal species are susceptible, and intoxication episodes have been reported for cattle, dogs, goats, horses, pigs, sheep, and even a hyena in a zoo (von Mayer et al. 1986). The lethal dose is approximately 6–10 g/kg b.w. of fresh leaves or less if capsular fruits are eaten (Tribunskii 1970; Chareyre et al. 1989). Colchicum is also toxic as a contaminant in hay (Kamphues and Meyer 1990). Occasionally, intoxications due to ingestion of the corms or flowers by humans occur (Spoerke and Smolinske 1990). In Europe, intoxications may occur due to Colchicum being mistaken for wild garlic (Allium) when collected in spring for use either cooked or raw in salads and causing vomiting and diarrhea (Gabrscek et al. 2004; Hermanns-Clausen et al. 2006). Full recovery may require many weeks (Brvar et al. 2004).

Distribution and Habitat—Colchicum autumnale is cultivated as an ornamental in North America, and even though it may escape, it represents little hazard for animals. It is more likely to occur in open sites.

numerous tropolonic alkaloids, colchicine, colchiceine; interferes with cell division

Liliaceae Juss.

Disease Genesis—Effects of Colchicum are ascribed mainly to colchicine, a tropolonic alkaloid. However, nearly three dozen other related alkaloids, including colchiceine and isocolchicine, are also present. These alkaloids have been used extensively in biochemical and biological investigations of cellular phenomena because of their very precise effects on mitosis. Colchicine interferes with microtubular-dependent cell functions by reversibly binding to tubulin protein and thus blocking polymerization. Chromosomal movement and transport of vesicles are prevented, arresting cell division in metaphase (Capraro and Brossi 1984). Another effect of this interference with microtubules is inhibition of migration and lysosomal degranulation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Microtubular effects in axons limit vesicle transport with consequent axonal degeneration and neuromuscular deficits (Anthony and Graham 1991). Other less well-known effects include conspicuous decreases in prolactin, insulin, catecholamine secretion, and glucose tolerance (Capraro and Brossi 1984). There may also be interrupted cardiac conduction and contractility and significant bone marrow suppression. The alkaloids of Colchicum are found in all plant parts, especially flowers and seeds, in which concentrations may exceed 0.2%. In one case involving an adult human, ingestion of 40 flowers was accompanied by significant but reversible signs of intoxication (Danel et al. 2001). Although the concentration in corms is much lower (0.05%), the mass of the organ is more than enough to provide sufficient amounts of alkaloids to cause problems. Storage of large amounts in corms occurs especially in spring (Wildman 1960b) (Figure 46.12). Colchicine is a lipid-soluble, rapidly absorbed toxin when given orally, reaching peak plasma concentrations in 1–2 hours (Murray et al. 1983). It is distributed widely throughout the body, especially to bone marrow, binding to tissues and the serum half-life in humans is 10–32 hours (Rochdi et al. 1992). Colchicine is biotransformed and eliminated mainly in and via the liver with a significant probability of interaction with numerous drugs (Finkelstein et al. 2010). There is also significant enterohepatic circulation (Chen et al. 2008). About 30% is eliminated

Figure 46.12.

Chemical structure of colchicine.


unchanged in urine over a prolonged period due to the large volume of distribution. High concentrations, in excess of 1 ppm, are present in breast milk and that from sheep, thus putting nursing young at risk (Cooper and Johnson 1984). The uses and effects of colchicines have been extensively reviewed (Finkelstein et al. 2010). Because of the great interest in its many effects, colchicine is available as a synthetic mainly for experimental use. Its toxic effects greatly limit its medicinal use except for treatment of gout. Thus, its use is mainly in humans. However, in an interesting case, a horse that had been treated with colchicine and dexamethasone developed severe chronic granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia with life-threatening hemorrhagic diathesis. Because of the grave prognosis, the animal was subsequently euthanized (Peek et al. 2007). Unfortunately, the drug is sometimes used with suicidal intent. As described by Stapczynski and coworkers (1981) and others, overdosage results in a sequence of three overlapping phases. Initial gastrointestinal effects are followed by a 2- to 3-day, or sometimes longer, period of life-threatening multiple organ involvement, and finally a recovery period (Valenzuela et al. 1995). Effects on organs, especially the liver and kidneys, may be manifested as cardiovascular, neuromuscular, hematologic, metabolic, and electrolyte alterations (Murray et al. 1983; Hood 1994; Valenzuela et al. 1995). In a review of 79 exposures—therapeutic, unintentional, and intentional—to colchicines in Texas for the years 2000 through 2005, most individuals had little to moderate effects (Levsky et al. 2008). There was only one fatality associated with a suicide. In most cases, only supportive care was required. Rarely, colchicine may be associated with peripheral myoneuropathy (Kuncl et al. 1987). Therapeutic dosage is typically 1.2 mg/day for acute gout and 0.5–0.6 mg/day 3–4× weekly for prophylaxis of gout (Finkelstein et al. 2010). Severe effects are noted with dosage of less than 0.5 mg/kg b.w. (Murray et al. 1983). It has been estimated that dosages of 0.5 mg/kg may be lethal and of 0.8 mg/kg b.w. are almost 100% fatal (Rochdi et al. 1992; Finkelstein et al. 2010). However, recovery even from dosage as high as 1 mg/kg b.w. may be possible with prompt vigorous treatment (Folpini and Furfori 1995). Intravenous administration of colchicines is much more of an intoxication risk and possible lethal outcome (Bonnel et al. 2002). With the use of antibodies directed against colchicine, patients may survive even higher dosage (Terrien et al. 1990). Use of goat-derived colchicine-specific Fab fragments (not available commercially) produces a dramatic reversal of clinical signs and recovery without the sequential phases of intoxication (Scherrmann et al. 1992; Baud et al. 1995). As shown experimentally in mice, other treatments such as administration of aspartic acid and other amino acids are of questionable value (Wang et al. 1997).


Toxic Plants of North America

depression, excess salivation, persistent vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, ataxia

Clinical Signs—Primarily indicative of the digestive disturbances, initial signs are depression, hypersalivation, vomiting, milky diarrhea (±blood) with rectal straining, and indications of severe abdominal pain. Shortly thereafter, weakness, inappetence, ataxia, weakness, hypothermia, and paresis or collapse will be noted, especially if large amounts of Colchicum are eaten (Debarnot 1968; Tribunskii 1970; Chareyre et al. 1989). In humans, multiple organ failure is a serious problem. The initial presenting signs are related to gastroenteritis, hypotension, lactic acidosis, and prerenal azotemia (Finkelstein et al. 2010). A host of severe complications, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, hematologic, metabolic, and neuromuscular disorders develop with acute intoxications (Murray et al. 1983). Marked elevation of serum enzymes such as LDH and CK, and evidence of coagulation problems such as an increase in prothrombin time, may be a consequence of the multiple organ involvement. Death may occur 1 to several days after ingestion. Although teratogenic effects have not been a field problem, they may be expected as cleft palate and craniofacial and other deformities have been noted in mice (Keeler 1972). Confirmation may be aided by GC-MS- and LC-MS-based methods for the determination of colchicine in serum and urine (Cheze et al. 2006; Beyer et al. 2009; Kupper et al. 2010). Bile preferentially and urine or gastric fluids secondarily are the preferred biological fluids for analysis, although even vitreous humor may be used (Deveaux et al. 2004; Cheze et al. 2006). gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa

Pathology—Few distinctive gross changes are evident at postmortem except for reddening of the mucosa of the digestive tract from tongue to stomach and small intestine. There may be considerable fluid accumulation in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Because death appears to be associated with a shocklike effect, there may be scattered small hemorrhages and congestion. Microscopically, experiments in calves indicate that necrosis may be present in the basal cell layer of the tongue, esophagus, and forestomachs; gastric glands and intestinal crypts; and epithelium of the renal pelvis and tubules and of the bladder (Yamada et al. 1998). Lymphocyte destruction in lymph nodes, spleen, and lymphoid follicles is also reported (Cooper and Johnson 1984). A special characteristic in humans is the presence of ring mitosis in the liver (Kamath et al. 2008). These are scattered mitotic figures arrested in metaphase in individual cells with the

condensed chromatin forming a ring in the center of the hepatocyte. activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Treatment—Activated charcoal should be given to reduce absorption of any alkaloid remaining in the digestive tract and possibly supplemented with gastric lavage. Otherwise, general supportive measures should be instituted, such as administration of parenteral fluids containing dextrose and calcium, and cathartics. Aspartate may be added to the fluids if given early in the course of the disease. Atropine is sometimes used to control both digestive tract and cardiac problems. In humans, granulocyte colony-stimulating cytokines may be required. Although unlikely to be used in animals, colchicine-specific antibodies/Fab fragments have been used with success experimentally and in at least one human intoxication in France (Eddleston and Persson 2003). Their use is similar to that of digoxin-specific antibodies (Terrien et al. 1990).

CONVALLARIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus, Convallaria is a popular ornamental with several cultivars exhibiting variation in flower color and leaf variegation (Utech 2002c). Its name is derived from the Latin convallis, meaning “valley,” which reflects the plant’s typical habitat (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Although 2 other species have been described, they are now considered to be localized variations. The genus has been positioned in the family Convallariaceae by Conran and Tamura (1998) and Seberg (2007e), a family that has been submerged in the Asparagaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). The single species is the following: C. majalis L. (=C. majuscula Greene) (=C. montana Raf.)

lily of the valley

herbs from rhizomes; leaves basal or subbasal, sheathing; flowers in 1-sided racemes, urn-shaped; perianth parts white Plants from rhizomes, typically forming dense colonies; acaulescent; not aromatic. Stems absent or short. Leaves 2 or 3; basal or subbasal, one above the other; blades broadly elliptic to oblong oval; bases sheathing. Scapes erect or ascending; 10–20 cm long. Inflorescences terminal 1-sided racemes; pedicels recurved; bracts small, lanceolate. Flowers 5–13; perianths in 1-series; campanulate. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; fused; lobes short,

Liliaceae Juss.

recurved; white. Stamens 6, fused to perianth parts. Pistils with stigmas 1, capitate, slightly lobed or not lobed; styles 1, elongate, straight; ovaries superior. Fruits berries; globose; red. Seeds numerous (Figures 46.13 and 46.14).

widely cultivated; native in Appalachians


Distribution and Habitat—Native to Eurasia and the southern Appalachian Mountains, C. majalis occurs in rich, moist soils of forests. Some taxonomists contend that North American populations are not native but rather early introductions from Europe. The species is now cultivated as an ornamental across the continent; it sometimes escapes or persists at abandoned homesites. cardiotoxic but problems rare

Disease Problems—In spite of the apparent cardiotoxic potency of C. majalis, surprisingly few intoxications have been reported. In a case involving a dog in which the plant species was identified postmortem in the intestine, there were few premonitory signs prior to death (Moxley et al. 1989). In another instance, a dog that had eaten C. majalis developed clear evidence of cardiotoxic effects with electrocardiographic evidence of third degree atrioventricular block (Atkinson et al. 2008). Problems occasionally occur in humans as shown by the inadvertent ingestion of Convallaria instead of Allium by a family, which resulted in marked decreases in blood pressure and heart rate, with severe weakness (Edgerton 1989). In spite of the apparent potent effects, serious intoxications are quite rare. Of 2639 exposures to C. majalis reported to poison control centers in a 10-year period, only 3 individuals exhibited serious signs, and there were no fatalities (Krenzelok et al. 1996). Figure 46.13.

Line drawing of Convallaria majalis.

extensive array of 23-C cardenolides; numerous glycosides of a few basic genins; cannogenin, periplogenin

Disease Genesis—Possibly the most potent of all cardio-

Figure 46.14.

Photo of Convallaria majalis.

toxic plants, Convallaria also contains the greatest array of 23-C cardenolides. At least 38 have been identified from the aglycones bipindogenin, cannogenin, periplogenin, sarmentogenin, 19-hydroxy sarmentogenin, sarmentologenin, nigrescigenin (=sarmentosigenin), strophanthidin, and strophanthidol, which vary mainly in hydroxy and methoxy side groups (Kopp and Kubelka 1982a,b). The array of potent cardenolides composed with differing sugars includes convallatoxin, convallatoxol, convallatoxoloside, convalloside, neoconvalloside, lokundjoside, locundeside, tholloside, and sarhamnoloside (Shoppee 1964; Singh and Rastogi 1970; Komissarenko and Stupakova 1986; Schrutka-Rechtenstamm et al. 1986; Joubert 1989). This diversity is in part due to interconversions among compounds in the plant as well as variation in the number of sugars; monosides, biosides, and triosides are present. The cardenolides are synthesized in leaves and translocated to rhizomes and roots,


Toxic Plants of North America

reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal, atropine

Figure 46.15.

Chemical structure of periplogenin.

Pathology and Treatment—Postmortem findings include scattered hemorrhages and reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and intestine. Plant parts, especially leaves, may be identifiable in the stomach or intestine. The cardiac signs are for the most part responsive to atropine. A more complete discussion of the signs, pathology, and treatment of cardenolide intoxication is presented in the treatment of Digitalis in the Plantaginaceae (see Chapter 57).

COOPERIA See treatment of Zephyranthes, in this chapter.

FRITILLARIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A genus of the north

Figure 46.16.

Chemical structure of sarmentosigenin.

where they are stored (Schrutka-Rechtenstamm et al. 1985a) (Figures 46.15 and 46.16). The array of cardenolides is most extensive at the end of the vegetative period. During fruiting, total concentration is lowest during this time (Schrutka-Rechtenstamm et al. 1985b). Cardenolide concentrations are highest in the roots, but all plant parts are of concern. Interestingly, not only is convallatoxin one of the more potent cardiotoxins, but it is also among the most cytotoxic cardenolides tested against nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells (Kelly et al. 1965). Also present in C. majalis are spirostanol saponins glycosidic at the C-1, C-3, and/or C-5 positions (Hostettmann and Marston 1995).

temperate regions in both the Old and New World, Fritillaria, commonly known as fritillary, comprises approximately 100 species (Tamura 1998a; Ness 2002). Unlike many of the other toxic genera in this treatment, its classification in the Liliaceae is unchanged. Its name is derived from the Latin fritillus, meaning “checkerboard,” and alludes to the shape and coloration of the mature capsule, which resembles a dicebox (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). With showy flowers, many species of the genus are prized ornamentals. Twenty species are present in the western third of the continent (Beetle 1944; Turrill and Sealy 1980; Ness 2002). The following are representative taxa: F. affinis (Schult.) Sealy (=F. lanceolata Pursh) F. atropurpurea Nutt.

F. camschatcensis (L.) Ker Gawl. F. pudica (Pursh) Spreng.

mission bells, rue-root, checker lily, rice-root fritillary checker lily, chocolate lily, leopard lily, spotted fritillary, purple-spot fritillary black lily, Indian rice, Kamchatka fritillary yellow bell, yellow fritillary

vomiting, excess salivation, decreased heart rate, cardiac arrhythmias

erect, unbranched herbs from bulbs; leaves alternate or whorled; large, showy flowers solitary or in racemes

Clinical Signs—In dogs and cats, the signs are similar to those produced by other cardiotoxins. The initial signs are indicative of the effects on the digestive tract and include vomiting and salivation but little diarrhea. More severe signs include diuresis, decreased heart rate, arrhythmias, and seizures.

Plants from bulbs; caulescent. Bulbs globose or ellipsoid; bulblets often numerous at bases; scales thick, fleshy; tunicas smooth. Stems erect; 10–150 cm tall; unbranched. Leaves alternate or whorled; sessile; blades linear to ovate. Inflorescences racemes or solitary flowers; bracts leaflike. Flowers typically large and showy; generally nodding;

Liliaceae Juss.

perianths in 2-series; campanulate to cup-shaped. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; deciduous; of various colors. Stamens 6; fused to perianth parts; filaments slender. Pistils with stigmas 1 or 3; styles 1, 3-branched or not branched; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; membranous; 6-angled or 6-winged or rounded. Seeds numerous; flat; brownish (Figures 46.17 and 46.18).

western; moist, ornamentals






Distribution and Habitat—In North America, species of Fritillaria occur primarily along the Pacific Coast from the Aleutian Islands to Northern Mexico (Beetle 1944; Ness 2002). About half of the species are limited to California. A few occur as far east as western Nebraska and the Dakotas. They generally inhabit moist open to semiwooded sites. In addition, some species, both indigenous and introduced, are cultivated as garden ornamentals. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Flora of North America (http://www. risk unknown, but similar to that of Veratrum; possibly neurotoxic and teratogenic

Disease Problems—This genus is known to contain toxic compounds, but the hazard it poses is not clear. Although the bulbs are apparently quite bitter, wild geese seek them out and avidly eat them (Beetle 1944). Bulbs and pods are also eaten by members of Indian tribes in Montana (Hart 1992).

Figure 46.17.

Line drawing of Fritillaria pudica.

Figure 46.18. Photo of Fritillaria pudica. Courtesy of Margaret Williams at USDA, NRCS PLANTS Database.

Veratrum-type alkaloids, jervanine, imperialine

Disease Genesis—All plant parts of many species of Fritillaria contain Veratrum alkaloids, including the C-nor-D-homo steroidal cevanine and jervane types (Brown 1970; Kaneko et al. 1985; Hu et al. 1993). Cevanines of Fritillaria, unlike those of Veratrum, are glycosides with few hydroxyl groups and thus are not extensively esterified. Fritillaria camschatcensis contains jervanine, solanidine, solasodine, and solanidanine group alkaloids (Ripperger and Schreiber 1981; Mimaki and Sashida 1990). The jervanine kuroyurinidine is very similar to jervine, but its teratogenic potential has yet to be assessed. The cevanines, of which imperialine (F. imperialis) and verticine (–OH rather than =O) (F. verticillata) are the best known, appear similar in activity to those from Veratrum. They decrease blood pressure and heart rate and have a marked if not explicitly clear effect on excitable cells (Chen et al. 1935; Narumi 1935; Mir and Ghatak 1966; Etissami and Kachefiolasle 1971) (Figure 46.19). Few of the Fritillaria species in North America have been studied for alkaloid content or physiologic activity. Fritillaria camschatcensis has been studied, and it appears to contain a potential teratogen but no hypotensive cevanine alkaloids (Mimaki and Sashida 1990).


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 46.19.

Figure 46.20.

Line drawing of Gloriosa superba.

Figure 46.21.

Photo of Gloriosa superba.

Chemical structure of imperialine.

possibly as with Veratrum, Zigadenus

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Instances of intoxication have not been reported; thus, clinical signs and pathologic changes cannot be described, but they might be expected to be similar to effects produced by extracts of the Asian species given parenterally in laboratory animals. Likewise, because of the similarity in their alkaloids, signs of acute intoxication might be anticipated to be similar to those produced by Veratrum and Zigadenus for some species of Fritillaria, whereas teratogenic effects may be caused by others. Complete discussions of clinical signs, pathology, and treatment are presented in the treatments of Veratrum and Zigadenus in this chapter.

GLORIOSA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A morphologically variable, monotypic genus native to tropical Africa and Asia, Gloriosa is positioned in the family Colchicaceae by Nordenstam (1998), Seberg (2007d), and Bremer and coworkers (2009). It is grown in North America as an ornamental for its exotic, brilliantly colored flowers. Their beauty is reflected in the genus name, which is derived from the Latin gloriosus meaning “splendid” or “full of glory” (Quattrocchi 2000). Although more than a dozen species have been described in the genus, they are are now treated taxonomically as cultivars of the single species (Nordenstam 1998): G. superba L.

glory lily, superb lily, climbing lily, creeping lily

climbing vines from red-brown tubers, tendrils present; flowers solitary, axillary; perianth parts yellow, red, purple, or bicolored

Plants vines, climbing by means of tendrils at leaf apices; from tubers; caulescent; herbage glossy bright green. Tubers irregularly cylindrical; V- or L-shaped, producing aerial stems from ends; red brown. Stems twining; up to 2.5 m long; 1–4 per tuber; slender; sparsely branched or unbranched. Leaves alternate or opposite or whorled; blades ovate lanceolate to oblong; apices tapering to a tendril 3–5 cm long. Inflorescences solitary flowers in axils of upper leaves; pedicels long, usually curved. Flowers showy; perianths in 2-series. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; spreading; lanceolate to spathulate; yellow to red or purple or bicolored; apices reflexed; margins crisped. Stamens 6; fused to perianth parts or arising from receptacles; filaments long, curved. Pistils with stigmas 3, filiform; styles 1, 3-branched, bent near base at right angles to ovary; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules. Seeds numerous (Figures 46.20 and 46.21).

Distribution and Habitat—Gloriosa superba is cultivated as an outdoor ornamental in the warmest areas of North America and as a houseplant elsewhere.

Liliaceae Juss. H. H. H. H.

altissima Stout esculenta Koidz. fulva (L.) L. lilioasphodelus L.

(=H. flava L.) H. minor Mill. H. thunbergii Baker

Figure 46.22.

Chemical structure of colchicine.


tall daylily edible daylily tawny lily, common orange daylily lemon daylily, tall yellow daylily, custard daylily grass-leaved daylily, small daylily Thunberg’s daylily, late yellow daylily

herbs from rhizomes; leaves numerous, long arching; flowers large, showy, funnelform; perianth parts yellow, red, orange, or magenta

digestive disturbance, colchicine, antimitotic activity

Disease Problems and Genesis—Seldom producing toxicosis in North America, G. superba elsewhere is sometimes used in suicides. In lower dosage, it causes digestive tract problems (Aleem 1992). Like Colchicum, it contains colchicine and other tropolone alkaloids; 19 have been identified (Dvorackova et al. 1984). The tubers contain up to 0.36% colchicine and have proven lethal upon ingestion by humans (Nagaratnam et al. 1973); however, they seem to be of little toxicologic consequence in animals (Figure 46.22). persistent vomiting, diarrhea, sweating; relief of adverse effects

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The signs produced by G. superba are essentially the same as those for Colchicum. Profound and persistent vomiting is the most distinctive feature of the disease. There may also be diarrhea, sweating, and, in younger children, seizures. The problem is an acute one, with few if any distinctive pathologic changes. Aimed at relief of the adverse effects, conservative treatment is generally effective.

Plants from rhizomes; typically forming dense clumps; acaulescent or caulescent. Roots fibrous or tuberous, often enlarged at the ends. Stems absent or present; short. Leaves numerous; basal or 2-ranked on short stems; sessile; blades linear, long, arching; bases flat or folded. Scapes erect; 1–2 m long; branched or unbranched. Inflorescences terminal racemes, bracts present. Flowers typically large and showy; each lasting for 1 day; perianths in 2-series; funnelform to campanulate. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; fused at base; spreading or recurved; of various shades of yellow, orange, red, or magenta. Stamens 6, fused to perianth parts at tube summits; filaments elongate. Pistils with stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; 3-angled. Seeds several; globose; black (Figure 46.23). popular ornamentals, naturalized in east

HEMEROCALLIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Prized for its ornamentals, Hemerocallis comprises 15–30 species and more than 38,000 registered cultivars (Munson 1989; Straley and Utech 2002b). Its name is derived from the Greek roots hemere and kallos, meaning “day” and “beautiful,” which allude to each flower’s lasting only for 1 day before withering. Its common name—daylily—likewise reflects the brevity of each flower, albeit the plants produce flowers for quite a long time in the summer. The genus has been positioned in the Hemerocallidaceae by Clifford and coworkers (1998) and Seberg (2007f), a family that has been submerged in the Xanthorrhoeaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). Representative of the genus are the following species:

Figure 46.23. Photo of Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus. Photo by Rusty Russell, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.


Toxic Plants of North America

Distribution and Habitat—Hemerocallis is native to eastern Asia, and many species have been introduced from China and Japan (Straley and Utech 2002b). Plants are hardy and tolerant of climatic extremes and thus are cultivated as ornamentals throughout most of North America. With more than 13,000 name clones, H. fulva, the most common species, was introduced in the seventeenth century and is now naturalized in roadsides, waste areas, open forests throughout the eastern half of North America, with populations encountered as far west as Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Washington (Straley and Utech 2002b).

roots possibly neurotoxic, blindness; as yet not known as toxic in North America

Disease Problems—Except for Lilium-type renal toxicosis in cats, species of Hemerocallis are not recognized as toxic in much of the world, and as yet, there have been no reports of other types of intoxication in North America. In addition to being prized as ornamentals, they have been used for food. In China, flower buds are eaten raw in salads, cooked in soups, and dried and used as a flavoring (Everett 1981). The rhizomes and roots or concoctions made from them are also used to treat certain diseases, such as schistosomiasis, and in some instances, adverse effects such as blindness, paresis, and even death have occurred (Shiao et al. 1962; Barlow et al. 1989). The disease in cats is quite similar to that associated with various species of Lilium. In a retrospective study of 22 cases reported to the Animal Poison Control Center between 1998 and 2002, the signs were mainly increased salivation and vomiting, some animals also exhibiting neurologic signs (Hadley et al. 2003). Acute renal failure developed in 7 cats with no survivors even with peritoneal dialysis. In addition, several species in other areas of the world, including H. altissima, H. esculenta, H. lilioasphodelus, and H. minor are reported to have caused death of livestock (Wang et al. 1989). In mice, the oral LD50 of rootstocks of H. thunbergii is 4.1 and 2.45 mg/g b.w. for the whole rootstock and its cortex, respectively (Shiao et al. 1962). When given orally to mice, extracts of leaves, flowers, and buds of H. lilioasphodelus were not toxic, whereas those made from rootstocks were lethal in 2 of 6 animals (Der Marderosian and Roia 1979). Because of the great popularity of these plants as ornamentals, it is possible that in a unique circumstance, livestock might gain access to rhizomes and roots of Hemerocallis. However, it is improbable that sufficient quantities would be available in most instances to cause intoxication.

binaphthalenic hemerocallin; brain edema, myelin disruption

Disease Genesis—The toxin responsible for the renal effects in cats is not known, but probably is similar to that associated with renal effects caused by Lilium. The toxin in the rhizomes and roots causing other effects appears to be a binaphthalene-tetrol, hemerocallin, which is identical with stypandrol produced by Stypandra imbricata, an Australian member of the Liliaceae (Wang et al. 1989; Colegate et al. 1992) (Figure 46.24). Hemerocallin has been identified specifically in rootstocks of H. lilioasphodelus and H. thunbergii. Disease caused by stypandrol in Australia is unique (Dorling et al. 1992; Huxtable et al. 1992). The acute paretic effects of this disease involve brain edema, Wallerian degeneration of optic nerves, and central myelin disruption. There appear to be direct effects on both the optic nerve and the retina, because animals surviving the acute effects exhibit resolution of the myelin damage but continued degeneration of the optic nerves and loss of retinal photoreceptors (Huxtable et al. 1980; Main et al. 1981). Hemerocallin appears to cause the same disease in sheep (Barlow et al. 1989). Experimentally, when mice are fed hemerocallin for several days, it causes transient degeneration of astrocytic processes, intralamellar myelinic edema, and white matter vacuolation (Barlow and Middleton 1989). Hemerocallin has also been shown to cause significant CNS, renal, and hepatic pathology in rabbits (Zhao et al. 2007). However, it is not yet known whether concentrations in rhizomes, roots, and aerial parts of the species present in North America are sufficient to represent a hazard. Furthermore, the amount of plant material available may limit risk. Animals must eat substantial amounts of Stypandra for several days before disease develops, a situation quite unlikely to occur in North America with Hemerocallis. ataxia, paresis, possibly blindness

Clinical Signs—When cats ingest Hemerocallis, there may be increased salivation and vomiting within a few hours followed by neurologic signs such as depression, ataxia, tremors and seizures. Some animals may develop polyuria or anuria with acute renal failure and a grave prognosis.

Figure 46.24.

Chemical structure of hemerocallin.

Liliaceae Juss.

In livestock species, using the disease produced by Stypandra as a model, the following signs can be anticipated. After several days of plant consumption, the animal will exhibit ataxia, paresis, and apparent blindness. Some animals may die in a few days. Following prevention of access to the plants, there may be gradual recovery except for the blindness. With chronicity, pupillary light reflexes are lost. Upon ophthalmoscopic examination, hypertrophy of pigmented epithelium, especially of the posterior pole adjacent to the optic disk, is apparent. With retinal degeneration, the tapetum becomes very bright colored. gross pathology: brain edema; microscopic: myelin vacuolation, optic nerve degeneration, retinal degeneration

Pathology—Lesions in cats with renal failure will generally be similar to those following intoxication with Lilium. In livestock, the most obvious acute lesion is edema of the brain. There are no gross lesions in the chronic form of the disease. Microscopically, three types of lesions are characteristic. Acutely, there is diffuse, spongy vacuolation of myelin in the brain and peripheral nerves. This change may resolve over several months, so various degrees may be observed, depending on the stage of the disease. There will also be severe focal or diffuse degeneration, atrophy, and sclerosis of the optic nerve. Chronically, there is retinal degeneration and atrophy of the rods, cones, and outer nuclear layers. These changes become more apparent as the acute changes resolve. cats, immediate treatment imperative; other species, administer general care

ceae by Speta (1998) and Seberg (2007g), a family that has been submerged in the Asparagaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). In North America, 1 introduced species is of toxicologic interest: H. non-scripta (L.) Chouard English bluebell, harebell, ex Rothm. bluebells, wild hyacinth (=Scilla non-scripta [L.] Hoffmanns. & Link) (=Endymion non-scriptus [L.] Garcke)

herbs from bulbs; leaves basal, fleshy, concave; flowers in drooping terminal racemes; perianth parts blue, violet blue, or white Plants from bulbs; caulescent. Bulbs globose; tunicas membranous, white. Leaves basal; blades linear to linear lanceolate, 25–45 cm long, fleshy; concave. Scapes erect; 20–50 cm long; fleshy. Inflorescences terminal racemes; somewhat 1-sided and drooping; bracts 2, linear lanceolate, blue tinged; bracteoles present. Flowers 6–12; perianths in 2-series; tubular to campanulate. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; erect or spreading; blue or violet blue or rarely white; 1-nerved. Stamens 6; fused to perianth parts. Pistils with stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1; ovaries superior. Fruits capsules; 3-angled. Seeds numerous; globose; black (Figure 46.25).

Distribution and Habitat—Native to western Europe and typically forming large populations in beech-oak forests, H. non-scripta is cultivated as an ornamental throughout North America (McNeill 2002). Plants occasionally escape. digestive disturbance and rarely cardiotoxic activity from bulbs or seeds; cardiotoxins similar to those of Urginea

Treatment—In cats with the potential for developing acute renal failure, it is imperative that treatment be instituted early and aggressively with decontamination, diuresis, and fluid/electrolyte therapy. General nursing and supportive care are appropriate for the acute disease in other animal species, but there is no specific approach for reversing the effects on the eyes.




Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to western Europe and northwestern Africa, Hyacinthoides, commonly known as English bluebells or Spanish bluebells, comprises 3–4 species, which were placed in the morphologically similar genus Scilla at one time (McNeill 2002). The generic name Endymion has also been used for the taxon. The genus has been positioned in the Hyacintha-


Figure 46.25.

Line drawing of Hyacinthoides non-scripta.


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems and Genesis—Toxicity due to Hyacinthoides is an unusual problem occurring occasionally in livestock or humans when the bulbs are mistaken for onions (Cooper and Johnson 1984). Ingestion produces clinical signs indicative of effects on the digestive tract and rarely the heart. They are similar to those caused by other bulb-bearing taxa of the family. Intoxications may also occur with ingestion of the seeds and capsules. The toxic effects appear to be due to cardiotoxins, compounds perhaps similar to the bufadienolides of Urginea, also a member of the family (see treatment of Urginea in this chapter). Affecting most animal species, the few reports describe signs very similar to those produced by cardiotoxins (Thursby-Pelham 1967; Cooper and Johnson 1984). In a case of apparent ingestion by cattle, there was depression, abdominal discomfort, hard/ dry feces, and an inclination to lie down, with recumbency and death in one animal (Cutler 2007). vomiting, colic, diarrhea; rarely, depression, weakness, slow and irregular heart rate

Clinical Signs—With low to moderate dosage, digestive problems occur quickly and include retching, colic, and later diarrhea with or without blood, or constipation with hard/dry feces. Larger dosage may result in depression, weakness, exercise intolerance, decreased peripheral perfusion with cold extremities, and slow/irregular heart rate.

and Muscari. The genus has been positioned in the Hyacinthaceae by Speta (1998) and Seberg (2007g), a family that has been submerged in the Asparagaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). It must be noted that the common name hyacinth is also applied to plants of several other genera, for example, Muscari and Camassia, also members of the Liliaceae, and to Eichhornia in the Pontederiaceae. The single species is the following: H. orientalis L.

hyacinth, Dutch hyacinth

herbs from large bulbs; leaves basal, long, thick; flowers in terminal racemes, strongly scented; perianth parts blue, white, or pink Plants from bulbs; acaulescent. Bulbs large; ovoid to depressed globose; tunicas papery membranous, purple or pearly white. Leaves basal; blades linear to lanceolate or ovate; thick; apices hooded; margins involute, then spreading. Scapes erect until fruiting, then prostrate; 15– 45 cm tall; thick; hollow. Inflorescences cylindrical terminal racemes; bracts small, 2-lobed. Flowers 2–40; typically waxy; strongly scented; perianths in 2-series; tubular campanulate. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; fused; lobes oblong to spathulate, spreading or recurved; of various shades of blue, white, and pink. Stamens 6, fused to perianth tubes; included within perianths. Pistils with stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1, short, filiform; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; globose; 3-lobed or 3-angled. Seeds numerous; black; winged (Figure 46.26).

reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal

Pathology and Treatment—Unlikely to result in death, the changes are confined to reddening of the gastric and small intestinal mucosa. Orally administered charcoal may be helpful; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of the digestive tract effects. Only rarely would treatment of the cardiac effects be indicated.

HYACINTHUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Now considered to comprise only 3 species, Hyacinthus is a familiar springflowering Old World genus (Speta 1998; Seberg 2007b). Cited by Homer, its name is one of the oldest unchanged plant names in use today (Stearn 1990). In mythology, its flowers are said to have sprung up from the blood of Hyakinthos, a youth accidentally killed by Apollo. Its circumscription has been narrowed considerably since it was first described by Linnaeus; its species have been segregated in other genera such as Hyacinthoides, Scilla,

Figure 46.26.

Line drawing of Hyacinthus orientalis.

Liliaceae Juss.

Distribution and Habitat—Native to the eastern Mediterranean region—Greece, Turkey, and Syria—H. orientalis is cultivated as a garden ornamental throughout North America. It is also a popular pot plant, often being forced to flower at Easter by florists. irritant effects; dermatitis and digestive disturbance, similar to effects caused by tulips


and numerous introduced species are present (Skinner 2002). The following are representative: Introduced Species L. L. L. L.

candidum L. lancifolium Thunb. longiflorum Thunb. pardalinum Kellogg

Madonna lily, white lily tiger lily, devil lily Easter lily, trumpet lily leopard lily, panther lily

Native Species

Disease Problems and Genesis—Problems caused by H. orientalis are very similar to those produced by Tulipa (tulip) and include both dermatitis and digestive disturbances. Few instances of intoxication have been reported, the best known being the severe diarrhea that occurred when hyacinth bulbs were fed to cattle in The Netherlands during the difficult times of World War II (Cooper and Johnson 1984). Although bulbs lack the onion odor, they may be mistaken for onions because of their similar appearance and inadvertently eaten. The causative factors for the skin and digestive problems have not been clearly identified, but raphides of calcium oxalate are present (Frohne and Pfander 1984). This may account, at least in part, for the irritant effects. retching, vomiting, diarrhea; reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Effects of Hyacinthus ingestion are indicated by digestive tract problems, including retching, vomiting, and diarrhea. Death is unlikely. Pathologic changes are confined to reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Orally administered charcoal may be helpful; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of the irritation of the digestive tract.

L. canadense L. L. catesbaei Walter L. superbum L.

wild yellow lily, Canada lily pine-lily Turk’s-cap lily

erect herbs from white, yellow, or purple bulbs; flowers showy; perianth parts erect, spreading, or recurved; of various colors Plants from bulbs; caulescent. Bulbs with scales; globose or elongate; large or small; scales imbricate, fleshy, white or yellow or purple. Stems erect; 30–250 cm tall; unbranched. Leaves alternate or whorled; sessile or subsessile; blades linear or lanceolate or elliptic. Inflorescences solitary flowers or racemes or umbels or verticils; flowers held erect or horizontal or inclined or pendulous; bracts present or absent. Flowers typically large and showy; perianths in 2-series; funnelform or cup-shaped or bowl-shaped. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; erect to spreading or recurved; bases clawed or narrow; shades of white, yellow, orange, red, or maroon; adaxial surfaces often spotted. Stamens 6; fused to perianth parts or arising from receptacles. Pistils with stigmas 1, 3-lobed; styles 1, elongate; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; oblong. Seeds numerous; flat (Figures 46.27–47.30). natives, introduced ornamentals

LILIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 100–150 species, numerous hybrids, and innumerable varieties, Lilium is a genus of the north temperate regions of both the Old and New World (Skinner 2002; Seberg 2007h). Its name is a latinization of leirion, the classical Greek name used by Theophrastus for the Madonna lily (L. candidum), which is illustrated on a Sumerian tablet from 3000 b.c. (Seberg 2007h). Patterns of variation within the genus are complex because of hybridization and morphological similarity of the species. It must be kept in mind that the common name lily is applied to species of other genera as well, for example, Convallaria, Fritillaria, Hemerocallis, and several others. Unlike many of the other toxic genera in this treatise, the classification of Lilim in the Liliaceae is unchanged. In North America, 21 native

Figure 46.27.

Line drawing of Lilium longiflorum.


Toxic Plants of North America

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Lilium occupy a variety of vegetation types and habitats in the Northern Hemisphere. In North America, they are present across the continent, with an abundance in the deciduous forests of the East and the various vegetation types in California (Skinner 2002; USDA, NRCS 2012). They are cultivated in all parts of our range as garden plants or houseplants. cats, renal failure, ingestion of flowers and leaves

Disease Problems—While information about the toxicFigure 46.28.

Line drawing of Lilium pardalinum.

Figure 46.29.

Photo of Lilium longiflorum.

Figure 46.30.

Photo of the flowers of Lilium longiflorum.

ity potential of Lilium is somewhat limited, it is known that L. longiflorum, L. tigrinum, L. speciosum, L. auratum, L. lancifolium, Asiatic hybrids, and possibly most other species of the genus cause acute renal failure in cats (Hall 1990; Gathings 1991; Carson et al. 1994; Milewski and Khan 2006). Serious intoxications continue to be reported (Brady and Janovitz 2000; Langston 2002; Berg et al. 2007). All parts of the plant represent a problem, stems, leaves, and flowers, and although the relative amounts needed are not yet fully known, ingestion of a single bloom may cause serious intoxication (Carson et al. 1994). Ingestion of multiple flowers may cause death within a few hours (Rumbeiha et al. 2004). Intoxications are often severe, with initial signs in a few hours and evidence of acute renal failure appearing 2–4 days after ingestion of flowers and/or other plant parts (Hall 1992; Volmer 1999). Animals quickly deteriorate, with death occurring within 5 days. Prompt aggressive treatment within a few hours of ingestion may markedly reduce severity of the disease and prevent onset of acute renal failure (Slater and Gwaltney-Brant 2011). It appears that most of the species of Lilium (or true lilies) and Hemerocallis (daylilies) are a risk of severe intoxication to cats but not dogs, rats, or rabbits (Hall 2007). This may simply be due to a relatively higher dosage required for other animal species. Problems in dogs are mainly limited to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Renal disease is not unknown in the Liliaceae. Narthecium ossifragum, commonly known as bog asphodel, in the United Kingdom and Norway and N. asiaticum in Japan cause digestive disturbances with erosions, diffuse renal tubular necrosis, renal failure, and sometimes liver necrosis in cattle (Suzuki et al. 1985; Malone et al. 1992; Flaøyen et al. 1995; Flaøyen 1998). Disease caused by these species is similar to that caused by Lilium. In both instances, risk of renal damage is greatest with ingestion of flowers (Malone et al. 1998). toxin unknown; possibly similar to furanone of Narthecium

Liliaceae Juss.

Disease Genesis—Found in aqueous rather than methanolic extracts, the toxicants present in Lilium have not been identified (Rumbeiha et al. 2004). Like so many other genera of the family, the genus contains several steroidal saponins of unknown toxicologic significance (Shimomura et al. 1989). The toxin in Narthecium that causes kidney disease appears to be 3-methoxy-2furanone, although tannin concentrations are also high (10%) (Suzuki et al. 1985; Flaøyen 1998; Langseth et al. 1999). Tubular damage due to oxalate crystals does not seem to be a problem, again similar to disease caused by Lilium. vomiting, depression, anorexia elevated BUN, creatinine, potassium

Clinical Signs—Onset of early signs, depression, anorexia, and vomiting occurs in a few hours, with more severe renal effects appearing 12 or more hours after ingestion. In some instances, paw and facial edema, disorientation, ataxia, or seizures following handling may develop. Blood chemistries are markedly altered, with elevated levels especially of creatinine (>10 mg/dL), and also blood urea nitrogen (>150 mg/dL), phosphorus, and potassium (Hall 1990; Gathings 1991; Milewski and Khan 2006). There may be proteinuria, glucosuria, and isosthenuria. gross pathology: excess fluid, throughout the body; microscopic: kidney, necrosis, dilation proximal tubules, flattened epithelium

Pathology—Grossly, there is excess yellowish fluid in the chest and abdominal cavities, edema of the lungs, and slight swelling of the kidneys. Microscopically, the most distinctive lesions are in the kidneys. There is degeneration and necrosis of the proximal tubules with eosinophilic granular casts in many of them. Some tubules are dilated, with tubular expoliation and cuboidal epithelial cells flattened. Renal interstitial edema may also be apparent. Less commonly, there are minor hepatic changes such as congestion; cellular vacuolation and biliary proliferation; and moderate, diffuse, cytoplasmic vacuolation of pancreatic exocrine cells (Rumbeiha et al. 2004).

activated charcoal with a saline cathartic, and fluid dieresis (130 mL/kg/day), possibly with mannitol or other diuretics have been effective in preventing renal failure (Hall 1992; Volmer 1999). Treatment initiated a day or more after onset of signs has been generally unsuccessful. With severe intoxications and delayed treatment, hemo or peritoneal dialysis may be helpful, but there is still a grave prognosis due to chronic renal failure (Langston 2002).

NARCISSUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, Narcissus comprises 40–60 species and a plethora of hybrids and cultivars (Meerow and Snijman 1998; Seberg 2007b). Its name was used by Theophrastus and is believed to be derived from narke, meaning “numbness” or “torpor,” alluding to its reputed narcotic properties (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). An alternative derivation is that its name comes from Narcissus in Greek mythology, who fell in love with his reflection in a pool and was turned into a lily by the gods (Straley and Utech 2002c). Narcissus has been positioned in the family Amarylloidaceae by Meerow and Snijman (1998) and Seberg (2007b). One of the earliest genera to flower in the spring, it is horticulturally one of the most important and popular bulb plants. The common names daffodil, narcissus, and jonquil are used interchangeably for its species, and there is often confusion as to the difference. Traditional usage in the cut-flower trade is to call cultivars with long coronas, or trumpets, daffodils and to call those with short, cupshaped coronas narcissi (or narcissuses). Although the name jonquil is used for cultivars with long coronas as well, it is more appropriately applied only to N. jonquilla and its hybrids. Simply treating the three vernacular names as synonyms is recommended. Horticulturalists classify members of Narcissus into 12 divisions based on appearance of the perianth (relative size, color, part number), number of flowers per scape, and origin (Jefferson-Brown 1991). Naturalized in North America and representative of the genus are the following: N. N. N. N.

jonquilla L. papyraceus Ker Gawl. poeticus L. pseudonarcissus L.

N. tazetta L.

immediate; emetic, activated charcoal, cathartic; otherwise, general nursing care

Treatment—The basic approach is supportive care for renal failure. If initiated within a few hours after ingestion, treatment consisting of administration of emetics,


jonquil paper-white narcissus poet’s daffodil, poet’s narcissus daffodil, Lent lily, wild daffodil, trumpet narcissus cream narcissus, polyanthus narcissus, bunchflower narcissus

erect herbs from ovoid brown bulbs; leaves basal; perianths salverform, corona long or short, yellow, white, or bicolored


Toxic Plants of North America

Plants from bulbs; acaulescent. Bulbs large or small; solitary or in clusters; ovoid; tunicas papery membranous, brown. Leaves basal; erect or spreading or prostrate; blades linear to narrowly lanceolate, flat. Scapes erect; 20–45 cm long. Inflorescences solitary flowers or umbels or clusters of 2–20 flowers; flowers held inclined or horizontal or declined, subtended by scarious spathe. Flowers typically large and showy; fragrant or not fragrant; perianths in 2-series; salverform. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; fused; coronas conspicuous, long or short, trumpet- or cup-shaped, margins entire or erose or crisped; yellow or white or bicolor with coronas different from perianth parts. Stamens 6, in 2 whorls; fused to perianth parts. Pistils with stigmas 1, 3-lobed; styles 1; ovaries inferior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; globose or ellipsoidal. Seeds numerous (Figure 46.31 and 46.32).

Distribution and Habitat—In cool-temperate climates of the Old World, species of Narcissus occupy a variety of habitats from coastal beaches to alpine sites. They are cultivated as ornamentals throughout North America. The 5 naturalized species in North America are encountered at abandoned homesteads or as waifs along roadsides or in waste areas (Straley and Utech 2002c).

digestive disturbance, eating bulbs; dermatitis from contact with bulbs, flowers, and stems of Narcissus and other genera; rarely neurologic effects

Figure 46.31.

Line drawing of Narcissus.

Figure 46.32.

Photo of Narcissus.

Disease Problems—Although species of Narcissus are widely cultivated and highly prized, several adverse effects have been associated with the genus and other genera formerly positioned in the Amaryllidaceae. Disease associated with Narcissus can be viewed as representative of other genera containing phenanthridine alkaloids (Table 46.2). Both contact and allergic skin problems of the hands, arms, and face are problems for people who continually handle the bulbs and aerial portions (Walsh 1910; Mitchell and Rook 1979; Gude et al. 1988). Contact dermatitis has also been reported in a dog (Willemse and Vroom 1988). Consumption of bulbs, flowers, or stems, even when cooked, results in digestive problems, typically of a transient nature (Wilson 1924; Litovitz and Fahey 1982; Vigneau et al. 1984; Goncalo et al. 1987). The most common adverse effect reported to poison control centers is vomiting, with nausea and oral irritation reported less often (Mrvos et al. 2001). In example cases, a dog ingesting flowers vomited and had diarrhea within an hour, and another eating bulbs became weak, vomited, had pale mucus membranes, decreased heart rate, and increased blood glucose, and both recovered with supportive care (Campbell and Chapman 2000). Similarly, a cat with a history of ingesting dried stems developed decreased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, and recovered in a few days following administration of atropine and fluid therapy (Saxon-Buri 2004). In contrast, a dog that ingested bulbs developed more severe signs with pale mucus membranes, excess salivation, colic, watery diarrhea, and elevated BUN and creatinine; was not responsive to therapy; and eventually was euthanized (Campbell and Chapman 2000).

Liliaceae Juss.

array of phenanthridine alkaloids in Narcissus and other genera; lycorine most common

Disease Genesis—An extensive array of hundreds of phenanthridine alkaloids of several types is found in Narcissus and other genera formerly positioned in the Amaryllidaceae (Table 46.2). Lycorine (=narcissine) is a glucosidic alkaloid common to most species (Cook and Loudon 1952; Martin 1987). Other alkaloids of common occurrence include galanthine, galanthamine, haemanthamine, ambelline, clivonine, oduline, and pluviine (Cook and Loudon 1952; Wildman 1960a, 1968; Fuganti 1975; Martin 1987). These complex alkaloids and their isomers can be divided among several types. Types and examples for each include lycorine (lycorine), the most abundant; crinin (hippeastrine and tazettine); and lycorenine (galanthamine and hippeastrine) (Figures 46.33–46.35). The same alkaloids are also found in leaves and flowers in lesser amounts (Vigneau et al. 1982). Total alkaloid concentrations may be up to nearly 0.5% in leaves and some portions of the bulbs (Moraes-Cerdeira et al. 1997). Levels are about half in flowers and bulbils. Although the

Figure 46.33.

Chemical structure of lycorine.

Figure 46.34.

Chemical structure of haemanthamine.

Figure 46.35.

Chemical structure of tazettine.


proportions of alkaloids may vary with the species and variety, in cultivar “Ice Follies,” galanthamine, haemanthamine, and lycorine were the major alkaloids, in that order (Moraes-Cerdeira et al. 1997). Numerous new alkaloids are identified each year, many of which are closely related to those of the South African genus Phyllobolus (=Sceletium) in the Aizoaceae (Chapter 77). Some of these alkaloids are of great interest for their possible medicinal use in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and neoplasia. New alkaloids and their biological effects are under continual review (Lewis 1994, 2001; Jin 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009). Because of the consistent presence of lycorine, problems associated with Narcissus can be viewed generally as representative of other genera containing phenanthridine alkaloids (Table 46.2). In the original description of the action of alkaloids in Narcissus, the flowering bulb was associated with anticholinergic-type effects and the nonflowering one with cholinergic actions (Ringer and Morshead 1879). However, in later studies by Laidlaw, the overall effects in the cat, attributed primarily to lycorine, were nausea, vomiting, excess salivation, and diarrhea (Ewins 1910). There was only a quantitative difference between the two growth stages with the flowering bulb about half as toxic. Lycorine is also a centrally acting emetic and an inhibitor of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells, by inhibition of peptide bond formation (Martin 1987; Ban et al. 1988). Other alkaloids may have different actions. Galanthamine is analgesic and cholinergic, with both central and peripheral reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, an effect that has been confirmed for these alkaloids in general and specifically in a European species of Zephranthes (Irwin and Smith 1960; Baraka and Harik 1977; Cahlikova et al. 2010). It has been promoted as treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, although it also causes a decrease in heart rate and some cardiac conduction abnormalities (Moraes-Cerdeira et al. 1997). Crinamine and ambelline are hypotensive and respiratory depressants, whereas coccinine is a convulsant at high dosage (Southon and Buckingham 1989). These alkaloids may be quite toxic, with their LD50s ranging from 5 mg/ kg b.w. s.c. in mice for ambelline, 10 mg/kg i.v. in dogs for haemanthamine and crinin and 11 mg/kg s.c. in mice for galanthamine to 41–71 mg/kg i.v. in dogs for others (Southon and Buckingham 1989). Many of the phenanthridine alkaloids are also cytotoxic (Abd El Hafiz et al. 1991). However, in spite of the different and sometimes divergent actions attributed to the Narcissus, the overall effects of most plants containing these phenanthridine alkaloids are most typical of those due to lycorine. Although the digestive tract problems observed are consistent with the results of experimental studies on effects of the alkaloids present, a role for calcium oxalate crystals or raphides cannot be dismissed entirely (Ewins 1910;


Toxic Plants of North America

Gude et al. 1988). Calcium oxalate raphides may be significant factors in causing contact dermatitis in horticultural workers, as well as swelling and edema of the mouth and lips upon ingestion (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Hjorth and Wilkinson 1968; Frohne and Pfander 1984). In very unusual instances where very large amounts of plant material are eaten, especially the bulbs, additional systemic effects may be seen (Steyn 1934; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). In this respect, toxicity potential among some of the genera and species appears to vary considerably. Some are clearly hazardous; for example, species of Clivia are used as rat poison (Watt and BreyerBrandwijk 1962). Similarly, some species of Haemanthus are considered quite toxic, but the fruit of others is readily eaten by some animals (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). vomiting, excess salivation, diarrhea; dermatitis, erythema, loss of hair; ataxia, seizures

Clinical Signs—Irritation of the digestive tract, whether in humans or animals, is manifested by vomiting, excess salivation, restlessness, pain, diarrhea, and dyspnea. Not all signs may be seen in one individual, and the outcome is rarely serious or even fatal. With ingestion of exceptionally large amounts of plant material, there may be depression, ataxia, seizures, paralysis, and various changes in cardiac function. The dermatitis may appear as diffuse erythema, alopecia, and perhaps some papular and pustular lesions in various areas of the body. reddened gut mucosa; control of vomiting and diarrhea

Pathology and Treatment—Lethal effects are rare, and even when they occur, few changes would be apparent other than reddening and edema of the mucosa of the stomach(s) and intestines, and perhaps ventricular dilation of the heart. Relief of the irritation of the digestive tract is the primary aim of treatment and includes antiemetics and antidiarrheals. Otherwise, treatment is based on relief of the signs. The dermatitis usually resolves promptly after exposure to the plant is eliminated.

ORNITHOGALUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus of 80–200 species, Ornithogalum is paradoxically prized for its striking ornamentals and despised for the invasive weedy nature of some of them (Speta 1998; Straley and

Utech 2002d; Mabberley 2008). Used by Dioscorides, its name is derived from the Greek roots ornis for “bird,” and gala for “milk,” possibly alluding to the egg-like color of the bulbs or flowers of some of its species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus has been positioned in the Hyacinthaceae by Speta (1998) and Seberg (2007g), a family that has been submerged in the Asparagaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). Taxonomists also differ in their opinions as to whether the genus should be narrowly or broadly circumscribed, hence the variation in numbers of species. The following are representative of the species cultivated in North America, 4 of which have naturalized (USDA, NRCS 2012): O. O. O. O. O. O. O. O.

arabicum L. caduatum Aiton lacteum Jacq. nutans L. pyrenaicum L. saundersiae Baker thyrsoides Jacq. umbellatum L.

star-of-Bethlehem false sea onion milk-white star-of-Bethlehem drooping star-of-Bethlehem Pyrenees star-of-Bethlehem giant chinkerinchee chinkerinchee, wonder flower star-of-Bethlehem, summer snowflake, nap-at-noon, sleepydick

erect herbs from bulbs; leaves basal, linear; flowers in racemes; perianth parts white, rarely yellow to red

Plants from bulbs; acaulescent. Bulbs ovoid or globose; solitary or clustered; producing numerous bulblets; tunicas white or brown, fleshy. Leaves basal; fleshy; blades linear. Scapes erect; 10–50 cm tall. Inflorescences racemes, elongate or corymbose; bracts present. Flowers 3–12; perianths in 2-series; campanulate. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; equal or unequal; spreading or recurved; oblong to lanceolate; white or rarely yellow to red; keels present or absent. Stamens 6; arising from receptacles; filaments flat. Pistils with stigmas 1, 3-lobed; styles 1; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; cylindrical to glabrous; 3-angled; yellow green or purple black or green black. Seeds numerous (Figures 46.36 and 46.37). introduced ornamentals, some naturalized

Distribution and Habitat—Principal centers of species diversity for Ornithogalum are the Mediterranean region and South Africa (Mabberley 2008). Most commonly planted in North America are O. umbellatum and O. nutans, which have escaped cultivation into roadsides, fields, and woods, especially in the Northeast and the Midwest (Hansen 1924; Straley and Utech 2002d). In some areas, O. umbellatum is considered a troublesome weed. Less commonly encountered, but considered by

Liliaceae Juss.

Figure 46.38.


Chemical structure of sarmentogenin.

extensive array of cardenolides, similar to those of Convallaria; mainly 4 genins—digitoxigenin, sarmentogenin, syriogenin, uzarigenin Figure 46.36.

Line drawing of Ornithogalum umbellatum.

Disease Genesis—Ornithogalum is similar in toxicity to

Figure 46.37.

Photo of Ornithogalum.

many individuals to be even more beautiful, are O. arabicum, O. lacteum, O. saundersiae, and O. thyrsoides. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Flora of North America (http://www.

Convallaria, and the two genera have several cardenolides in common (Mrozik et al. 1959; Smith and Paterson 1967). At least eight cardenolides have been identified, with four aglycones (genins) represented: digitoxigenin, sarmentogenin, syriogenin, and uzarigenin (Smith and Paterson 1967; Singh and Rastogi 1970; Ghannamy et al. 1987). As is typical of cardenolides, much of the variation is due to the number of sugars—monosides and biosides— represented (Figure 46.38). This potent array of cardiotoxins is found in all plant parts and especially in bulbs. It is important to note that cardenolide isolation has been accomplished from both the European and North American populations of Ornithogalum. The toxin or toxins responsible for disease associated with the African species have not been clearly identified, albeit many of the signs are consistent with those of cardenolides (Kellerman et al. 1988). Also present in Ornithogalum are a group of spirostanol saponins, 18-norspirostanol glycosides of unknown toxicologic significance (Hostettmann and Marston 1995).

digestive disturbance, rarely cardiotoxic effects diarrhea, anorexia, depression, colic

Disease Problems—Intoxications are rare in North America, although a loss of 1000 sheep is reported to have occurred during a rainy period in Maryland (Reynard and Norton 1942). It is mainly bulbs that are a cause of digestive disturbance and cardiotoxicity. Plants have been more of a problem in South Africa, where many species are found in sufficient abundance to be eaten by grazing livestock. Ornamental varieties likewise pose a threat.

Clinical Signs—The most characteristic effect is severe diarrhea—fetid, watery, and sometimes bloody. Accompanying signs include inappetence, depression, colic, and increased respiration and heart rates. Surprisingly, blindness is a common sign for the disease in South Africa, which is known as chinkerinchee poisoning (Kellerman


Toxic Plants of North America

et al. 1988). This is a physiologic blindness, because it is not accompanied by microscopic changes. Blindness commences a week or more after ingestion of the plants and may last for several weeks or become permanent. Obvious cardiac problems have not been reported, although on some occasions, deaths occur suddenly rather than in the more typical 2–5 days (Kellerman et al. 1988).

It must be kept in mind that species other than those of the genus Tulipa also have the common name of tulip, for example, species of Calochortus, Homeria (tulp), and Papaver. The following species are representative of the genus: T. fosteriana Hoog ex W.Irving T. gesneriana L. T. sylvestris L.

empress tulip common tulip Florentine tulip

reddened gut mucosa

Pathology—The most consistent finding is severe reddening and hemorrhage of the mucosa of the stomach and intestines. Other less distinctive changes include congestion and scattered hemorrhages on various other tissues (Breukink 1963; Kellerman et al. 1988). administer activated charcoal

Treatment—Directed toward relief of the cardiac problems, treatment may include the use of activated charcoal as with other plants containing cardiac glycoside (Kellerman et al. 1988). Unfortunately, onset of blindness, as seen in South Africa, seems to be unaffected by treatment.

TULIPA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Believed to have its origins in the Tien Shan and Pami Alai mountain ranges of central Asia, Tulipa now comprises about 150 species and a plethora of hybrids and cultivars (Tamura 1998a; Dash 1999). Its name is a latinized derivative of the Arabic word dulban, meaning “turban” and alluding to the shape of the flowers (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Unlike many of the other toxic genera in this treatment, its classification in the Liliaceae is unchanged. Apparently first cultivated extensively in Turkey during the Ottoman Empire, garden tulips were introduced into Europe in the 1550s (King 2005). They became so popular in the 1620s and 1630s that they were treated as a precious commodity. Fortunes were made as individuals speculated and then lost when the market collapsed in 1637. The phenomenon is referred to as “tulipomania” (Dash 1999). Standardization of tulip cultivar names began in 1913 under the auspices of the Royal Horticultural Society. The 1996 edition of the Dutch international register listed more than 3500 names (van Scheepen 1996). Horticulturalists classify members of Tulipa into 15 divisions based on flowering time, number of flowers per stem, and perianth characters (Brickell and Zuk 1990).

fleshy, erect herbs from ovoid brown bulbs; leaves thick; flowers large and showy; perianth parts of various colors Plants from bulbs; caulescent; herbage typically glaucous, fleshy. Bulbs ovoid; apices pointed; tunicas papery to coriaceous, brown, adaxial surfaces glabrous to coarsely ciliate or tomentose. Stems scapelike but bearing 2 or 3 smaller leaves; erect; 15–75 cm tall; unbranched; glabrous or pubescent. Leaves basal or cauline; thick; blades linear to oblong or broadly ovate. Inflorescences solitary flowers or clusters of 2–12 flowers. Flowers large and showy; perianths in 2-series; campanulate or cylindrical or cup-shaped. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; erect or ascending; of various colors. Stamens 6; arising from receptacles; filaments flat, narrow. Pistils with stigmas 1, 3-lobed; styles absent or short; ovaries superior. Fruits loculicidal capsules; globose or ellipsoidal. Seeds numerous; flat (Figures 46.39 and 46.40).

Distribution and Habitat—Wild species of the genus in the Old World occupy a diversity of habitats. Garden tulips are cultivated as ornamentals throughout North America. One or possibly two species are perhaps naturalized in North America. Tulipa sylvestris is occasionally found in fields, waste areas, and roadsides in the Northeast (Straley and Utech 2002e), whereas T. clusiana is reported to occur in California (USDA, NRCS 2012). dermatitis from handling bulbs; digestive disturbance from eating bulbs

Disease Problems—The very popular garden tulips, of which there are numerous cultivars, are of limited importance toxicologically. The most common problem is a dermatitis in individuals who handle the bulbs commercially (Maretic et al. 1978). It is similar to the dermatitis produced by handling hyacinths, daffodils, and narcissi, but apparently tulips are the worst offenders (Overton 1926; Hjorth and Wilkinson 1968). Ingestion of bulbs or to a lesser extent foliage may cause digestive disturbances, as is true of other genera. This is a problem in humans

Liliaceae Juss.


Disease Genesis—The cause of effects on skin and the digestive tract are the irritant and possibly allergenic lactones tulipalin A and B (Tschesche et al. 1968; Frohne and Pfander 1984; Spoerke and Smolinske 1990). Plant cells contain tuliposides A and B in their vacuoles. Other tuliposides have also been isolated (Christensen 1999). When the cells are ruptured, either chemical or enzymatic conversion of the precursors to the more toxic tulipalin lactones occurs (Beijersbergen and Lemmers 1972; Schonbeck and Schroeder 1972). Tulipa contains large amounts of the more toxic tuliposide A (Slob et al. 1975). Lectins are present and alkaloids have also been suggested as causes of problems, but their toxicologic significance is not clear (Leroux 1986; Oda and Minami 1986; Spoerke and Smolinske 1990) (Figure 46.41). nausea, vomiting, excess salivation; dermatitis, erythema, hair loss

Clinical Signs—Signs following ingestion of Tulipa are nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, labored respiration, and increased heart rate. These signs may persist for several days. Diarrhea is less commonly seen. The dermatitis may appear as diffuse erythema, alopecia, and perhaps some papular and pustular lesions in various areas of the body, including the hands. Figure 46.39.

Line drawing of Tulipa.

Figure 46.40.

Photo of Tulipa sp.

when the bulbs are mistaken for onions (Cooper and Johnson 1984). Likewise, in a situation where hay was scarce, cattle were fed tulip bulbs (thought to be onions) and hay, and 14 of 50 animals died within 6 weeks (Wolf et al. 2003). irritant and allergenic tulipins, formed from tuliposides

Figure 46.41. Chemical structures of sequence tuliposide A to tulipalin A to tulipalin B.


Toxic Plants of North America

reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal

Pathology and Treatment—Unlikely to result in death, the changes are confined to reddening and inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Orally administered charcoal may be helpful; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of the digestive tract effects.

URGINEA STEINH. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Mediterranean region and Canary Islands, Urginea is a small genus of some 50 species (Speta 1998). Its name is derived from the name of an Afro-Arab tribe, the Ben Urgin (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). It has been included in the genus Drimia by some taxonomists (Mabberley 2008). It has also been positioned in the Hyacinthaceae by Speta (1998) and Seberg (2007g), a family that has been submerged in the Asparagaceae by Bremer and coworkers (2009). One species is cultivated in North America and is of toxicologic interest: U. maritima (L.) Baker

squill, sea squill, sea onion, white squill, Mediterranean squill, mouse onion, crusader’s spears

erect herbs from greenish or reddish bulbs; leaves basal; flowers in terminal racemes; perianth parts white with green or purple keel Plants from bulbs; acaulescent. Bulbs massive, 10– 20 cm in diameter; with scales; ovoid globose; partially exposed above the soil surface; scales free, greenish or reddish. Leaves basal; fleshy; glabrous; glaucous; blades linear to oblong, 30–50 cm long. Scapes erect; 50–350 cm tall; terete; often red tinged. Inflorescences dense, elongate terminal racemes; bracts subulate, caducous. Flowers with perianths in 2-series; campanulate or star-shaped. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; spreading; oblong; white with green or purple keel. Stamens 6; filaments flat. Pistils with stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1; ovaries superior. Fruits capsules; oblong; 3-angled. Seeds numerous; flat; slightly winged; brown black (Figure 46.42).

Distribution and Habitat—Native to Portugal, the Canary Islands, and the Mediterranean Basin, U. maritima is frost sensitive and occasionally cultivated as a late summer or early fall ornamental only in the warmest parts of North America or as a houseplant. medicinal and rodenticidal use of bulbs; digestive disturbance; cardiotoxic effects from bulbs

Figure 46.42.

Line drawing of Urginea maritime.

Disease Problems—Well known to the ancient Greeks and perhaps even to the Egyptians, squill was discussed specifically by followers of Hippocrates after Theophrastus (Stannard 1974). By the first century a.d., its medicinal uses began to be described. For example, the Roman medical writer Aulus Cornelius Celsus referred to the sucking of boiled squill as a treatment for dropsy, while Dioscorides in his De Materia Medica, devoted a chapter to its preparation and uses (Stannard 1974). These early writers were also aware of the danger of using U. maritima as a medicament. In subsequent centuries, its medicinal use waxed and waned until resurgence in its popularity as a treatment for dropsy and as an expectorant occurred in the 1700s and 1800s (Cowen 1974). For dropsy, its use was compared with that of digitalis, although its cardiac effects were not clearly recognized until the 1900s (Gemmill 1974). The 1900s brought a decline in interest for medicinal uses but exploitation of its potential as a rodenticide (Gentry et al. 1987). These uses led to the isolation and identification of the toxicants. Red squill, U. indica, exhibits similar activity and potency and has been widely used in India and exported to Europe for similar therapeutic purposes (Deb and Dasgupta 1976). There are occasional occurrences of intoxication in humans from accidental or deliberate ingestions of U. maritima (Tuncok et al. 1995). In such cases, the clinical signs are typical of the effects of cardiac glycosides and include bradycardia and arrhythmias. Worldwide, species of Urginea are probably the most important cardiotoxic

Liliaceae Juss.


members of the Liliaceae; however, they are least important in North America, because of their limited presence here. They are a significant problem for livestock elsewhere—mainly South Africa—because of the widespread availability of numerous indigenous species. bufadienolide cardiotoxic glycosides; scillarens, all plant parts, especially bulbs

Disease Genesis—The toxicants of interest in Urginea are a series of bufadienolide glycosides. They are sometimes referred to as scilla toxins or red squill toxins because these were the original generic and common names applied to the taxon. Although there are a number of bufadienolides in the plants, the most abundant and therefore the one of primary interest is scilliroside (Verbiscar et al. 1986). Scillarens A and B are also present. The cardiotoxins of squill are less potent, more rapid in onset of action, and shorter in duration of action than digoxin, which probably accounts for the paucity of problems except where plants are particularly abundant (Gemmill 1974; Hakim et al. 1976) (Figure 46.43). There seems to be a renewed interest in squill as a commercial rodenticide, due in some measure to its very potent emetic effects, which help prevent toxicity in nontargeted animal species (Pahwa et al. 1982; Gentry et al. 1987). There is little doubt that all species of Urginea contain the same types of toxins and are capable of producing similar disease syndromes. In this respect, it is of interest to note that some bufadienolides have a propensity to produce neurologic rather than cardiac effects. This is similar to the situation in the families Apocynaceae (Chapter 9) and Crassulaceae (Chapter 26) (Kellerman et al. 1988). The toxins are found in all plant parts, although as with other members of the Liliaceae, highest concentrations are typically in the bulb (Verbiscar et al. 1986). Flowering stems are also reported to be of particular hazard (Kellerman et al. 1988). diarrhea, anorexia, ruminal inactivity; irregular cardiac rate

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Diarrhea, ruminal inactivity, and respiratory difficulty are the initial primary signs that appear 1–2 days after consumption of the plant (Nel et al. 1987; Kellerman et al. 1988). Subsequently, cardiac abnormalities such as arrhythmias (including AV block), increased heart rate, and fibrillation may occur. Signs indicative of effects on the nervous system—tremors and seizures—may be evident in the latter stages of the disease prior to death. There are few distinctive changes, although some scattered small splotchy hemorrhages may be present.

Figure 46.43.

Chemical structure of scillaren A.

activated charcoal

Treatment—Orally administered activated charcoal may be helpful; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of the digestive tract effects. Only very rarely is treatment of the cardiac effects indicated. Cardiac signs are for the most part responsive to atropine.

VERATRUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 25–30 species in temperate regions of both the Old and New World, Veratrum is commonly known as false or white hellebore (McNeal and Shaw 2002). Its name is derived from the Latin roots vere and aeter, meaning “true” and “black,” which reflect the dark black rhizomes (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus has been positioned in the family Melanthiaceae by Tamura (1998b) and Seberg (2007i). In North America, 5 species are present and of toxicologic interest: V. album L. V. californicum Durand

(=V. tenuipetalum A.Heller) V. fimbriatum A.Gray V. insolitum Jeps. V. viride Aiton

(=V. eschscholtzii A.Gray)

white false hellebore California false hellebore, corn lily, skunk cabbage, Colorado false hellebore fringed false hellebore Siskiyou false hellebore American white hellebore, bear corn, swamp hellebore, devil’s bite, green false hellebore, bugsbane, Indian uncus, Indian poke, meadow poke, puppet root, earth gall, itchweed, skunk cabbage, wolfsbane


Toxic Plants of North America

Four additional species—V. latifolium, V. parviflorum, V. virginicum, V. woodii—recognized by the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) as present in North America are now positioned in the genus Melanthium, also described in this chapter, by Tamura (1998b), McNeal and Shaw (2002), and Mabberley (2008). To avoid confusion, care must be taken when using common names. The name hellebore is also used for the genus Helleborus in the Ranunculaceae, poke for Phytolacca in the Phytolaccaceae, and skunk cabbage for Lysichiton in the Araceae. Also toxic, these taxa produce different problems described in their respective chapters. robust erect herbs from thick, black rhizomes; leaves numerous, alternate, some clasping; flowers in terminal panicles; perianth parts white, greenish, yellowish green, reddish brown, or purple Plants robust; from rhizomes; caulescent; andromonoecious. Rhizomes thick; short; black. Stems erect; 100– 200 cm tall; unbranched; hollow. Leaves numerous; alternate; cauline; sessile, often clasping; blades lanceolate to broadly ovate, typically plicate; multinerved. Inflorescences large terminal panicles; bracteoles present. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar; perianths in 2-series; campanulate to saucer-shaped. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; spreading; multinerved; oblong to obovate; white or greenish or yellowish green or reddish brown to purple. Stamens 6; arising from hypanthia; free or fused to perianths. Pistils with stigmas 3; styles 3; ovaries superior; hypanthia present, short. Fruits septicidal capsules; 3-lobed; membranous. Seeds numerous; flat; winged (Figures 46.44 and 46.45).

Figure 46.44.

Photo of Veratrum californicum.

Figure 46.45.

Photo of inflorescence Veratrum californicum.

moist meadows, swamps, marshes, and other waterway edges

Distribution and Habitat—Although Veratrum is distributed across the continent, all species occupy similar moist, open sites in alpine meadows, open woodlands, swamps, bogs, and marshes and along waterways and lake edges in mountain ranges, often at higher elevations (McNeal and Shaw 2002). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America ( digestive disturbance; hypotension; fetal deformities, especially cephalic in sheep with ingestion in early pregnancy

Disease Problems—Veratrum species have long been recognized for both their toxic and medicinal properties, especially the European species, V. album and V. nigrum. Extracts were used for hemorrhage, dropsy, intestinal parasites, and congestive heart failure. Unfortunately, the

Liliaceae Juss.

potent preparations had very unfavorable therapeutic ratios and occasionally were lethal. Even standardized mixtures of alkaloids (veriloids) were likely to produce nausea and vomiting along with the desired antihypertensive action (Kauntze and Trounce 1951). In the 1980s, so-called sneezing powders that contained pulverized root of V. album were marketed in Europe and inadvertently caused adverse effects (Fogh et al. 1983). Fortunately, salivation, nausea, vomiting, fainting, and other signs sometimes seen were only a few hours duration. Occasional incidents of toxicity in humans from V. album and V. viride continue to be reported, with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hypotension, slow or irregular heart rates, and occasionally transient neurologic effects as the predominant signs (Underhill 1959; Hruby et al. 1981; Kulig and Rumack 1982; Mulligan and Munro 1987; Courtemanche et al. 1989; Jaffe et al. 1990; Gilotta and Brvar 2010; Rauber-Luethy et al. 2010). Plants may be eaten accidentally because they are mistaken for other plants such as Phytolacca (poke), Symplocarpus (skunk cabbage), or Allium (ramps), all common in eastern North America (Crummett et al. 1985; Courtemanche et al. 1989). Yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea), which is made into a beverage, represents a similar risk of confusion with V. album in Europe (Zagler et al. 2005; Grobosch et al. 2008). Onset of vomiting may occur within 30 minutes of ingestion (Quatrehomme et al. 1993). A cupful of blanched stems and leaves of A. viride is sufficient to produce marked signs, including blurred vision lasting for 12 or more hours (Underhill 1959). In an example case, a man ingested a soup made from “wild leeks” collected while hiking and within 30 minutes began salivating profusely and vomiting (Prince and Stork 2000). Thereafter, he became confused with slurred speech, his blood pressure and heart rate dropped to 40 mmHg and 30 bpm, and cardiac abnormalities such as second or third degree AV block became apparent. Fortunately, the patient responded to atropine and dopamine and recovered within 3 days. Problems with ingestion of Veratrum are most likely to occur in sheep, particularly when animals are hungry and bedded in areas where Veratrum is abundant, which may predispose consumption of the plants when the animals feed during the night or early in the morning when they are less selective. Initially, it was noted that sheep feeding on V. californicum produced lambs with cyclopia and other types of cephalic malformations (Binns et al. 1963). This was subsequently shown to be associated specifically with consumption of the plant on the 14th day of gestation (Binns et al. 1965). The term monkey face was used to describe the cyclopic lambs. There was a single or double globe, with a reduced or nonexistent eye and a proboscis above or below the globe or entirely absent. Shortening of the maxilla/premaxilla was accompanied by

Table 46.3.


Embryonic development by day of gestation.


limb buds palate fusion primitive streak neural tube, open/close

Development (days) Horse




26 47 – –

24/26 56 18 19/23

20/21 38 13/14 15/16

16/18 34.5 12 13/16

Source: Evans and Sack (1973).

an upward curvature of the mandible. Cebocephalus (short snout), various degrees of limited cerebral development, a single optic nerve, and prolonged gestation due to the absence of a pituitary gland were other features of the disease related to ingestion on the 14th day (Binns et al. 1965; Keeler 1988). A ewe carrying a deformed lamb may appear to be approaching parturition but then undergo involution of the udder and external genitalia and carry the lamb for a prolonged time, subsequently producing a very large stillborn lamb or one that dies soon after birth (James 1977). Although uncommon, similar teratogenic effects may occur in calves and other animal species (Bourque 1984; Peng et al. 2002). Deformities are not limited to the head. Ingestion on days 19–21 results in embryonic death; on days 28–32, limb defects; and on days 31–33, tracheal stenosis that causes death at birth (Keeler et al. 1985,1986; Keeler 1987). Limb defects involve bilateral shortening of the metacarpals, metatarsals, and tibias; arthrogryposis of fetlocks, carpals, hocks, and stifles; and deformities or fusing of the articulating surfaces (Keeler and Stuart 1987). Congenital tracheal stenosis is due to lateral flattening of the entire length, obliterating the lumen. The cartilaginous rings are decreased in thickness and number, not uniform in size and shape, irregularly spaced, and distorted in orientation (Keeler et al. 1985). The observed effects coincide with reported periods of embryonic development, as indicated in Table 46.3. The critical periods of limb development are the middle of week 4 through week 6 in the horse and cow, week 4 in sheep, and the middle of week 3 to the middle of week 4 in the pig (Noden and deLahunta 1985). steroidal alkaloids; azasteroids; 5 groups—veratrines, cevanines, jervanines, solanidines, cholestanes and others

Disease Genesis—Species of Veratrum contain a series of nitrogenous steroidal alkaloids termed azasteroids (Fried et al. 1949; Tomko and Voticky 1973; Greenhill and Grayshan 1992). Some of these are very potent and


Toxic Plants of North America

produce marked biological effects. Their nomenclature can be quite confusing, in part because different names are used for the base alkaloids and the mono- and polyester natural products. Also confusing is the application of the name veratrine to alkaloid mixtures rather than to a specific alkaloid. In this treatise, the alkaloids are divided among five groups (Table 46.4). The first three groups are C-nor-D-homo steroids, so called because of the decrease in the size of ring C and the increase in ring D. They are of considerable toxicologic importance. Veratranines and especially cevanines, the most potent being the germine esters, are hypotensives, whereas jervanines are teratogens. The jervanines and veratranines are quite similar structurally and differ mainly in the ether bridge that forms ring E in jervanines and is apparently required for teratogenicity (Keeler 1983,1984). The cevanines contain numerous hydroxyl groups—thus the array of mono- and polyesters, such as acyl, angeloyl, methoxybenzoyl, methyl butanoyl, and others. They are commonly referred to as ester alkaloids and are the principal neurotoxicants and hypotensive agents. The jervanine alkaloids are not without neurologic effects. Jervinone and other jervine derivatives cause

Table 46.4.

a transient decrease in blood pressure not associated with adrenoreceptors (Atta-ur-Rahman et al. 1993). Experimentally in rats, the decrease in blood pressure induced by jervinone, but not that of other derivatives, was prevented by atropine (Figures 46.46–46.49).

Figure 46.46. veratranine).

Chemical structure of veratramine (a

Alkaloids of Veratrum.




verarine veratramine

cevanine (ceveratrum)


protoverine sabine veracevine veramarine zygadenine jervanine (jerveratrum)


cholestane and others


veratrosine (glycoside) Esters and C position germanitrine—C-3, -7, -15 germitrine—C-3, -7, -15 germitetrine protoveratrine A, B—C-3, -6, -7, -15 sabadine—C-3 cevacine—C-3 veratridine—C-3 zygacine—C-3 zygadenins—C-3

cyclopamine (11-deoxojervine) cycloposine (glycoside) jervine veratrobasine rubijervine isorubijervine solanidine veralobine etioline veralozidine veralozinine veralozine verazine

Sources: Fried et al. (1949); Shoppee (1964); Kupchan and Flacke (1967); Heftmann (1970); Tomko and Voticky (1973); Greenhill and Grayshan (1992).

Liliaceae Juss.


Na+ Extracellular Binding site for Veratridine

Intracellular Sodium Channel

Figure 46.50.

Figure 46.47.

Chemical structure of germine (a cervanine).

Figure 46.48.

Chemical structure of cyclopamine (a jervanine).

Figure 46.49. Chemical structure of rubijervine (a solanidanine).

veratrines and cevanines bind to sodium channels, delay closure, increase repetitive discharges and reflex responses (Figure 46.50) The neurotoxic Veratrum azasteroids act by binding preferentially to open Na+ channels, thus interfering with inactivation and delaying closure of the channels while

Sodium channel (after Catterall 1980).

allowing increased movement of Na+, Ca2+, and K+ through the membrane. Because they act on selected voltage-sensitive rather than ligand-gated Na+ channels, their effects are therefore modulated by action potentials and are blocked by tetrodotoxin (Catterall 1980). Brief but very potent binding and modification of Na+ channels lasts several seconds, followed by slow inactivation thereafter (Leibowitz et al. 1987; Strichartz et al. 1987; Nanasi et al. 1990). This results in delay of repolarization and increased repetitive activity, with a single stimulus producing multiple discharges. All excitable cells are affected but most particularly afferent nerve endings, resulting in increased sensitivity, intensified activity, or even paralysis at high concentrations. The most sensitive cells appear to be vagal afferent fibers and endings, such as epimyocardial receptors. Increased activity of the reflex response via these receptors results in slowing of the heart rate, peripheral vasodilation, and hypotension (Bezold—Jarisch reflex). Additional effects are mediated through the pulmonary stretch and thoracic receptors (increased reflex activity producing respiratory depression), and the aortic arch and carotid sinus baroreceptors. Typically accompanying the cardiovascular effects is an initial transient cessation of respiration, followed by faster and deeper breathing. The area of the nodose, or distal, ganglion of the vagus is very sensitive to the changes in sodium conductance, resulting in increased afferent input to the vomiting center in the medulla. Thus, vomiting is characteristic of any route of alkaloid administration. High dosage of the alkaloids may produce digitalis-like effects on the heart, including arrhythmias, increased blood glucose, and marked EEG alterations (Buck et al. 1966). At least some of the effects may be mediated through serotonin activity (Nagata and Izumi 1991). Several excellent reviews detail the alkaloid mechanisms and effects (cf. Kupchan and Flacke 1967; Nickerson and Ruedy 1975; Honerjager 1983; Schep et al. 2006). It is of interest that the protoveratrines appear to have marked beneficial effects in treatment of hemorrhagic shock (Bertolini et al. 1990). Chemical modification of specific alkaloids has reduced the potential for some side effects and allowed their use against neuromuscular


Toxic Plants of North America

disorders such as myasthenia gravis (Flacke et al. 1966). Although these alkaloids are no longer of great interest medicinally, they are still in use as insecticidal sabadilla preparations (Ujvary et al. 1991). Perhaps the azasteroids of greatest toxicologic importance are the teratogenic jervanines, most notable in V. californicum but also present in V. album and probably other species as well (Atta-ur-Rahman et al. 1991). For V. californicum, cyclopamine appears to be the most important of the jervanine alkaloids, because it is most abundant; it appears to be responsible for the cephalic if not the other deformities (Keeler and Stuart 1987). In this respect, V. album and others containing jervine should be considered capable of inducing fetal deformities other than cephalic (Keeler 1983; Atta-Ur-Rahman et al. 1991). Other alkaloid groups of Veratrum are not teratogenic (Keeler and Binns 1966; Keeler 1984). Affecting a broad range of animal species, albeit with varying types of deformities, the parent compounds are responsible for the effects of all alkaloid groups, the jervanines acting unchanged upon the conceptus (Keeler 1983). The presence of unsaturation at C-5 and C-6 has been suggested to be a prime factor in the teratogenicity of jervanines in addition to any role for the configuration of the nitrogen electrons (Gaffield and Keeler 1993). Eventually elucidated by Beachy and coworkers and others (Heretsch et al. 2010; Stanton and Peng 2010), the mechanism by which teratogenic effects are produced involves interruption of a complex series of events. The effects were initially shown to result from direct antagonism of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) transduction (Incardona et al. 1998) via binding to Smoothened (Smo) (Chen et al. 2002) and later the entire sequence has been mapped. The hedgehog pathway involves three unique proteins that serve as key signaling regulators of embryogenesis. One of these three, Sonic hh (Shh) is involved with the actions of cyclopamine. Signaling involves a transmembrane (cell membrane) protein called Smo, which exists in three forms, two inactive and one active. The two inactive, internalized SmoA and cilium-bound SmoB are in equilibrium. The active form SmoC is generated from SmoB via a conformational change from closed to open, which then downstream through Gli transcription factors results in stimulation of hh responsive genes. Cyclopamine and jervine interact with a specific site on Smo inhibiting the conformational change from the closed inactive SmoB to the open active SmoC, thus blocking activation of Gli factors and transcription of target genes. This results in specific types of organogenesis interruptions, including midline involvement and holoprosencephaly (cyclopia) and others. For an extensive review, see Heretsch and coworkers (2010) and Stanton and Peng (2010). Because of the involvement of hh signaling in cellular proliferation, the development of cyclopamine

analogs with enhanced Smo binding and minimized toxicity are of considerable interest in treatment of various neoplasias (Tremblay et al. 2009). Other mechanisms contributing to the effects of the jervine alkaloids have also been proposed such as neurohumoral interactions involving inhibition of acetylcholine receptors (Sim et al. 1985). Jervine also appears to act on prechondrogenic stem cells during the early phase of mesenchymal differentiation into cartilage (Campbell et al. 1985). In addition, cyclopamine has been shown in vitro to alter maturation of the preimplantation bovine embryo (Panter et al. 2002). For an excellent in-depth review of teratogenesis due to toxic plants, see Keeler (1988). All Veratrum species should be considered capable of causing acute intoxication, because these effects are typical of a large number of the alkaloids present in many species. Both V. viride and V. californicum cause similar physiologic alterations (Buck et al. 1966). Although leaves and stems are reported to be acrid and burning, they are sometimes apparently willingly eaten and pose a risk for all classes of livestock: sheep, goats, cattle, horses, and chickens (Chesnut 1898a,b; Chesnut and Wilcox 1901; Gress 1935). Fortunately, animals seldom eat sufficient plant material to cause toxic effects other than teratogenic and these can be prevented by limiting animal access to plants at the susceptible times. Alkaloid levels are highest in leaves from June through early July and then decline to lower levels in August, when roots attain their highest concentrations. Levels in stems seem to be intermediate between leaves and roots (Keeler and Binns 1971). Thus, like cardenolides in other members of the Liliaceae, alkaloids of Veratrum appear to be synthesized in leaves and subsequently translocated to the underground portions. After frosts, the toxicosis risk is much reduced because plants pose little attraction for animals (Keeler et al. 1986). The habitat of Veratrum is of considerable importance, because it also seems to be a preferred habitat for deer, range livestock, and the host snail for Fasciola hepatica (Loft et al. 1986). Disease due to fasciolosis is capable of diminishing the capacity of the liver to eliminate toxicants (Galtier et al. 1986; Tufenkji et al. 1988; Burrows et al. 1992). If Veratrum alkaloids undergo hepatic biotransformation, as seems likely from studies in insects, then animals infected with flukes and grazing in these areas for several months may be at greater toxicologic risk from the plants. abrup onset; excess salivation, vomiting, weakness, trembling, ataxia, recumbency; irregular heart rate and rhythm

Clinical Signs—The acute signs of intoxication are due, for the most part, to the neurotoxic cevanine alkaloids

Liliaceae Juss.

and are probably similar for all species of Veratrum. Signs are similar in all animal species and in humans. In humans, there is profuse salivation, vomiting, abdominal pain, and cardiovascular abnormalities such as decreased blood pressure and heart rate. Typical EKG changes include AV block, sinus bradycardia, and other conduction and rhythm abnormalities with ST segment depression. In sheep, signs are typically limited to excess salivation with froth around the mouth, frequent swallowing, and perhaps vomiting. In more severe intoxications, there may also be indications of marked hypotension with apparent weakness, trembling, ataxia, limb paresis, and recumbency. These signs may be accompanied by slow respiration, irregular heart rate and rhythm, and cyanosis. Signs may begin 2–3 hours after ingestion and persist for several hours in the case of mild intoxications or for 1–4 days for more severe problems (Binns et al. 1965; Keeler 1990). Fetal deformities, embryonic deaths, and prolonged gestations may occur in the absence of signs of acute intoxication, at least in cases caused by V. californicum (Binns et al. 1965). Experimentally, a dose of 0.88 mg/kg b.w. of ground root given twice on day 13/14 caused craniofacial malformations with only minor signs in the ewe (Welch et al. 2011a). The specific types of deformities will depend on the time of gestation. There is little or no risk of teratogenic effects after the sixth week of gestation in sheep and pigs and after the eighth week in cattle and horses. Diagnosis may be aided by analysis of blood/serum for Veratrum alkaloids employing ELISA for the teratogens or LC-ESI-MS-MS methodology for the neurotoxins (Gaillard and Pepin 2001; Lee et al. 2003; Grobosch et al. 2008).

Pathology—In acute intoxications, pathologic changes are limited to those characteristic of a shock syndrome, that is, scattered small hemorrhages and congestion of some organs. Fetal deformities vary from severe cephalic malformations and cerebral and pituitary deficits to the tracheal and limb abnormalities described above. activated charcoal, atropine

Treatment—Atropine will provide relief of the reduced heart rate, but sympathomimetics will be required to correct the hypotension. A more detailed discussion is presented in the treatment of Zigadenus in this chapter.

ZEPHYRANTHES HERB. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 70 species, Zephyranthes, commonly known as zephyr lily or rain lily, is a New World genus distributed in tropical, subtropical, and warm-temperate climatic regions (Flagg


et al. 2002). Its name is derived from the Greek roots zephyros, meaning “west wind,” and anthos, meaning “flower,” which reputedly reflect its origin in the Western Hemisphere (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus has been positioned in the Amaryllidaceae by Meerow and Snijman (1998) and Seberg (2007b). As circumscribed by Flagg and coworkers (2002) and Meerow and Snijman (1998), it includes the genus Cooperia, a treatment we follow here. The editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012), however, continue to recognize Cooperia as a distinct genus. Sixteen species occur in North America; three are of toxicologic interest: Z. atamasca (L.) Herb.

Z. chlorosolen (Herb.) D.Diet.

atamasco lily,Carolina lily, naked-lady, occidental swamp lily, Virginia lily evening rain lily, Brazos rain lily, prairie lily, cebolleta, evening-star rain lily

(=Z. brazosensis [Herb.] Taub) (=Cooperia drummondii Herb.) Z. drummondii D.Don (=Cooperia pedunculata Herb.)

erect herbs from bulbs; leaves basal, linear; flowers solitary or paired, spathes tubular; perianths funnelform or salverform, white, yellow, or red or purple tinged Plants from bulbs; acaulescent. Bulbs globose to ovoid oblong; with long or short neck; tunicas papery. Leaves basal; blades linear. Scapes erect; 10–35 cm long; hollow. Inflorescences solitary or paired flowers; spathes elongate, tubular, membranous. Flowers held erect or slightly inclined; perianths in 1-series; funnelform or salverform. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; fused; white, yellow, or red or purple tinged. Stamens 6; 3 long and 3 short; fused to perianth parts at mouths of tubes. Pistils with stigmas 1, 3-lobed; styles 1, filiform; ovaries inferior. Fruits capsules. Seeds numerous; flat; D-shaped; black (Figures 46.51 and 46.52). large populations; moist soils

Distribution and Habitat—Forming large populations, Z. atamasca is locally abundant in moist meadows and woods of the southeastern coastal plains and piedmonts, whereas Z. drummondii and Z. chlorosolen occupy a variety of soils and habitats in the south central United States and eastern Mexico (Flagg et al. 2002). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 46.53.

Figure 46.51.

Line drawing of Zephyranthes atamasca.

Chemical structure of lycorine.

Disease Problems and Genesis—The bulb of Z. atamasca is toxic but not often eaten, because it is quite acrid. Ingestion produces severe irritation of the digestive tract and possibly neurologic effects (Cary et al. 1924; West and Emmel 1952). About 0.5% of b.w. is lethal for cattle, 0.9 kg of bulbs having caused death of steers weighing 136–182 kg. The specific toxicants are not known; however, the species is known to contain irritating phenanthridine alkaloids such as lycorine and tazettine (Ghosal et al. 1986). In addition, cholinesterase inhibition has been associated with alkaloidal extracts of a European species of Zephyranthes (Cahlikova et al. 2010) (Figure 46.53)

diarrhea; reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal

Figure 46.52. Photo of Zephyranthes atamasca. Photo by William S. Justice, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

irritation of the digestive tract; possible neurologic effects; photosensitization

Disease Problems—Interestingly, two quite different disease problems are caused by these three species of Zephyranthes. Because of their conspicuous differences, the two problems are described separately.

Irritation of the Digestive Tract and Neurologic Effects: Zephyranthes atamasca specific toxin(s) unknown; phenanthridine alkaloids present

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—A few hours after ingestion, there is diarrhea, which may be bloody. The animal may become ataxic and stagger, collapse, and die with little struggle. Pathologic changes have not been described but might be expected to be similar to those produced by other members of the family. Orally administered charcoal may be helpful; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of the digestive tract effects.

dead leaves, disturbance




Photosensitization: Zephyranthes drummondii and Zephyranthes chlorosolen Disease Problems—Cattle in southern Texas have been observed to be affected by photosensitization from unknown causes since the early 1900s. Seldom fatal but responsible for severe decreases in productivity, most occurrences have been associated with rain and warm weather (Casteel et al. 1986). In vitro testing of various plants, employing the fungus Candida albicans as the test

Liliaceae Juss.

organism, revealed dead leaves of Z. drummondii (reported as Cooperia pedunculata) to be photoactive (Rowe et al. 1987). Further testing in mice demonstrated the species’ potential for photosensitization. Fresh green leaves or dry dead leaves were not toxic; only wet, dead leaves after spring and fall rains were toxic. In an attempt to reproduce the disease using forage from a pasture in which the problem had occurred, cattle were given a mixture of 75% green and 25% dead leaves (Casteel et al. 1988). A heifer given 10 g/kg b.w. on day 1 and 5 g/kg on day 2 developed photosensitization. Continued treatment at the lower dosage for several more days increased the severity of disease, and the animal died on day 23. Another heifer given 1.7 g/kg b.w. per day for 4 days developed mild skin problems. The syndrome appears to be one of primary or direct photosensitization, as indicated by profiles of serum chemistry and histopathologic evaluations (Casteel et al. 1986). Zephyranthes drummondii and Z. chlorosolen thus appear to be a cause of the photosensitization in cattle observed since the early 1900s in south Texas. photoactive toxin unknown, direct photosensitization; irritating phenanthridine alkaloids present

Disease Genesis—The specific photoactive toxin in these two species is unknown, but it appears to be direct acting and not associated with liver disease and retention of phylloerythrin. Zephyranthes chlorosolen (reported as Cooperia drummondii) is also reported to contain irritating phenanthridine alkaloids such as lycorine and γlycorine (see Table 46.2). Thus, ingestion of dead leaf residue may result in photosensitivity, whereas bulbs are likely to be associated with digestive tract disturbance. skin lesions; erythema, edema, serum crusting, sloughing; light-colored areas of the skin; itching; eyes reddened, conjunctiva and sclera

Clinical Signs—In cattle and most other animals affected by these 2 species of Zephyranthes, the most striking effects are severe pruritis, reddening, swelling, edema, exudation and crusting of the serum, and sloughing and peeling of the skin of the face, teats, udder, escutcheon, and less pigmented and lightly haired areas. Skin around the nose and eyes is especially likely to be involved. There will be increased lacrimation, the muzzle may be reddened and cracked, and ulcerations may even be present on the tongue. There is often a very striking demarcation in distribution of lesions, affecting lighter-colored areas right up to the edge of darker areas of the skin. The eyes may


also be affected with edema of the cornea, reddening of the conjunctiva and sclera, and increased sensitivity to light. In addition to obvious skin and eye involvement, there may be accompanying signs of diarrhea, restlessness, agitation, loss of appetite, and increased respiratory rate. Profiles of serum hepatic enzymes show little changes. The signs may last 2 weeks, while the healing process may take 2 or more months. gross pathology: crusty, ulcerative, proliferative skin lesions

Pathology—In more severe cases, skin will be thickened with a gelatinous appearance to the dermis. Crusty and ulcerative or proliferative areas may be present, especially around the face. Local lymph nodes may be enlarged. Microscopically, edema of the skin will be accompanied by necrosis and a polymorphonuclear infiltrate and areas of hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis. prevent access to plants; provide shade; treat skin

Treatment—Preventing animal access to plants is usually sufficient for recovery to begin within a few days, albeit signs may regress slowly with reepithelialization of denuded areas. In some cases, placing animals in shade and/or relief of pain may be helpful, in addition to soothing skin medications.

ZIGADENUS MICHX. Taxonomy and Morphology—With the exception of 1 species in Asia, Zigadenus, commonly known as death camas, is indigenous to North and Central America, where 18–22 species occur (Preece 1956; Schwartz 2002). Although perhaps orthographically preferable, the name Zygadenus, used in some publications, is incorrect according to the rules of botanical nomenclature. The generic name is derived from the Greek roots zygon and aden, for “yoke” and “gland,” alluding to the paired glands on the perianth parts (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Zigadenus has been positioned in the family Melanthiaceae by Tamura (1998b), Zomlefer and coworkers (2006), and Seberg (2007i). Its circumscription has also been extensively debated. Some individuals have recognized a broadly circumscribed genus, whereas others have preferred a narrower circumscription and divided the genus into 2–5 smaller genera on the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses (Tamura 1998b; Schwartz 2002; Zomlefer et al. 2006). Likewise, species boundaries have been subjected to considerable taxonomic revision


Toxic Plants of North America

(Preece 1956; Schwartz 2002). As a result, several taxa for which toxicologic information is available are no longer treated as species, but rather as varieties; for example, Z. gramineus, Z. intermedius, and Z. salinus are now varieties of Z. venenosus (Schwartz 2002). The generic names Anticlea and Toxicoscordion also appear in the toxicologic literature. Because the circumscriptions of Zigadenus and its segregate genera have not been fully resolved, we here continue to use the circumscription employed by Schwartz (2002) in the Flora of North America and by the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). Present in North America are the following: Z. brevibracteatus (M.E.Jones) H.M.Hall (=Toxicoscordion brevibracteatus [M.E. Jones] R.R.Gates) Z. densus (Desr.) Fernald

(=Z. leimanthoides A.Gray) Z. elegans Pursh

(=Z. glaucus Nutt.) (=Anticlea elegans [Pursh] Rydb.) Z. exaltatus Eastw. (=Toxicoscordion exaltatum [Eastw.] A.Heller) Z. fontanus Eastw. Z. fremontii (Torr.) Torr. ex S.Watson (=Toxicoscordion fremontii [Torr.] Rydb.) Z. glaberrimus Michx. Z. micranthus Eastw. (=Toxicoscordion micranthum [Eastw.] A.Heller) Z. nuttallii (A.Gray) S.Watson (=Amianthium nuttallii A.Gray) (=Toxicoscordion nuttallii [A.Gray] Rydb.) Z. paniculatus (Nutt.) S.Watson

(=Toxicoscordion paniculatum [Nutt.] Rydb.) Z. vaginatus (Rydb.) J.F.Macbr. (=Anticlea vaginatus [Rydb.] J.F.Macbr.) Z. venenosus S.Watson (=Z. gramineus Rydb.) (=Z. intermedius Rydb.)

desert death camas

Osceola’s plume, black snakeroot, crow poison, St. Agnes’ feather, black death camas, pine-barren death camas elegant death camas, white camas, alkali grass, mountain death camas

giant death camas

small-flower death camas chaparral death camas, star lily

(=Z. salinus A.Nelson) (=Toxicoscordion venenosum [S.Watson] Rydb.) Z. virescens (Kunth) J.F.Macbr. (=Anticlea virescens [Kunth] Rydb.)

green death camas

erect herbs from dark brown or black bulbs or thick black rhizomes; leaves basal, long; flowers in terminal racemes or panicles; perianth parts white to greenish yellow, sometimes purple tinged Plants from rhizomes or bulbs; caulescent; bearing perfect flowers or andromonoecious. Rhizomes thick; short; black. Bulbs ovoid or globose; tunicas dark brown or black.Stems erect; scapelike; 20–120 cm tall; unbranched. Leaves basal and cauline; basal leaves long, linear to linear lanceolate, keeled or conduplicate proximally; cauline leaves smaller, bractlike; glabrous. Inflorescences terminal panicles or racemes; pedicels recurved or ascending; bracts linear to ovate, scarious or foliaceous. Flowers perfect or staminate; perianths in 2-series; rotate or campanulate. Perianth Parts 6; all alike; petaloid; free; white to greenish yellow, sometimes purple tinged; ovate to lanceolate; glands 1 or 2, yellow or yellow green or yellow brown; persistent after withering. Stamens 6, arising from receptacles; filaments dilated basally. Pistils with stigmas 3; styles 3; ovaries superior; hypanthia present or absent. Fruits septicidal capsules; ovoid to conical; 3-lobed. Seeds few to numerous; fusiform to oblong; smooth; angled; light brown (Figures 46.54–46.56).

sand-bog death camas small-flower death camas

Nuttall’s death camas, poison camas

foothill death camas, panicled death camas, sand-corn

sheathed death camas, alcove death camas

meadow death camas, grassy death camas

Figure 46.54.

Photo of Zigadenus elegans.

Liliaceae Juss.


eastern quarter of the continent, Z. glaberrimus and Z. densus occur. In the western half, especially California, are Z. brevibracteatus, Z. exaltatus, Z. fremontii, Z. micranthus, Z. paniculatus, Z. nuttallii, and Z. venenosus. Ranging across the northern parts of the continent and southward in the Rocky, Appalachian, and Ozarkian cordillera are Z. elegans, Z. vaginatus, and Z. virescens. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Flora of North America (http://www.

digestive disturbance, hypotension, neurologic effects

Disease Problems—Early explorers, including Lewis

Figure 46.55.

Photo of Zigadenus nuttallii.

Figure 46.56.

Photo of the flowers of Zigadenus nuttallii.

variety of habitats; greatest abundance in the West

Distribution and Habitat—Zigadenus typically begins growth early in the season. It flowers and fruits, and the foliage withers by early summer, except for species in the high mountains or swamps. Species occupy a variety of habitats, including grasslands, alpine meadows, bogs, pinewoods, beaches, and shrublands. Some have wide distributions, and others more restricted. In general, there is a marked correlation between sections of the genus and geographical distribution (Preece 1956). In the south-

and Clark, went to considerable effort to avoid eating Zigadenus, because its toxic effects were well known from experiences of various Indian tribes who used bulbs and tubers of other genera for food. The common name death camas is used because the bulbs can be confused with the edible ones of Camassia. Occasional digestive disturbances and neurointoxication and, very rarely, deaths have been reported in humans who consumed bulbs, confusing them with those of other bulb-type plants including onions (Spoerke and Spoerke 1979; Wagstaff and Case 1987; Heilpern 1995; West and Horowitz 2009). In children, 1 or 2 bulbs may cause severe illness, and 4 or 5 possibly death, depending on the species eaten. In example situations, a 4-year-old boy ate a “wild onion” bulb and within 90 minutes vomited, was unable to walk, had depressed mental status, and was sleepy (Dunnigan 2002). Heart rate was 48 bpm and systolic blood pressure was 62 mmHg. He was responsive to dopamine and returned to normal in 36 hours. In another case, 8 individuals mistakenly ate bulbs of Z. paniculatus thinking them to be those of camas lily and shortly thereafter vomited and became nauseous (Peterson and Rasmussen 2003). Some had abdominal pain, hypotension, bradycardia, and dizziness, and felt faint. All recovered with supportive care. With livestock, early spring grazing before grasses begin to flourish represents the time of greatest risk. As with Veratrum, areas with abundant plants of Zigadenus may present a serious risk to sheep grazing at night or in early morning when animals are hungry and less selective. In one such instance, a herder experienced a 10% loss in a flock of about 2400 sheep (Panter et al. 1987). In the late 1800s and early 1900s, incidences of intoxications in livestock, although uncommon, were quite severe, for example, losses of up to 500 sheep in a single episode (Marsh et al. 1915). In 1900, more than 3000 adult sheep were estimated to have been poisoned in Montana alone (Chesnut and Wilcox 1901).


Toxic Plants of North America

Sheep eating leaves are most commonly affected, but there may be occasional losses of cattle that eat leaves and flowering stalks, and even horses and domestic chickens may be intoxicated (Niemann 1928; Smith and Lewis 1991; Collett et al. 1996). Losses of cattle due to Z. nuttallii have been a problem in the tallgrass prairies of Oklahoma and Kansas (Marsh et al. 1926b; Gates 1930). In some instances, where the soil is soft, animals may pull up and ingest the more toxic bulbs. Although it is probably not a major problem, toxic pollen from Zigadenus may present a risk to bees resulting in death of queens (Goolsbey 1998). cevanine-type Veratrum azasteroid alkaloids; monoand polyesters of germine, protoverine, and zygadenine, mixtures in various species

Disease Genesis—Zigadenus contains a series of cevanine-type Veratrum alkaloids. There are mono- and polyesters of germine, protoverine, and zygadenine, such as germidine, neogermidine, neogermitrine, protoveratridine, protoveratrine, vanilloyl zygadenine, veratroylzygadenine, and zygacine (Kupchan and Deliwala 1954; Kupchan et al. 1955a; Willaman and Schubert 1961). Although all of these alkaloids are not found in each species (Z. venenosus seemingly has the most extensive array), most species have an array sufficient to cause similar signs. The variety of possible combinations of alkaloids may in some measure be responsible for the considerable differences in potency among species (Figure 46.57). In addition to the direct effects of the foregoing alkaloids, there appears to be the possibility of an additive action with methyllylcaconitine when low larkspurs (Delphinium spp.) growing in the same area are ingested along with the Zigadenus (Welch et al. 2011b).

Figure 46.57.

Chemical structure of zygadenine.

Early experiments established the close relationship between the physiologic effects of Zigadenus and Veratrum alkaloids (Heyl et al. 1913; McLaughlin 1931; Kupchan and Deliwala 1953; Kupchan et al. 1955b). In dogs, there was marked hypotension, other effects on the heart and respiration, increased intestinal peristalsis, and, terminally, tetanic spasms, heart failure, and respiratory failure. Death was formerly attributed to heart failure but is now thought to be more closely associated with central respiratory depression (Mitchell and Smith 1911; Kupchan and Flacke 1967).

increased repetitive discharge and reflex activity; sheep especially at risk

Cevanine-type Veratrum alkaloids increase reflex activity and sensitize afferent pathway receptors seemingly in the absence of stimuli. They increase and extend the negative afterpotential and cause repetitive discharge in response to single stimulus in the nerve and muscle. A more detailed account of the mechanism of action is given in the treatment of Veratrum in this chapter. All species of Zigadenus should be considered toxic, albeit only a few represent a serious hazard for livestock. Zigadenus nuttallii, Z. venenosus, and Z. paniculatus are the most toxic, in that order. Because of variability in total and individual alkaloid levels with growth stage and the variation among plants from different locations, it is difficult to give a precise estimate of toxicity (Beath et al. 1933,1953). However, a conservative estimate of minimal lethal dose would be 1% b.w. of green plant in sheep for Z. paniculatus and Z. venenosus and slightly less for Z. nuttallii. In one episode, the lethal dosage for Z. paniculatus was estimated to be 5.3 g/kg b.w. (0.5% b.w.) dry matter basis in the field and confirmed experimentally to be about 0.6–0.7% b.w. (Panter et al. 1987). Dosage producing serious illness may be as low as 0.2–0.5% b.w. (Marsh and Clawson 1924; Beath et al. 1933,1953; Panter and James 1989). Any difference in toxicity between Z. paniculatus and Z. venenosus is more than offset by the larger size of the former and, thus, more toxin available per plant (Beath et al. 1933). Range sheep that eat 4–5 kg of green forage per day would have little difficulty eating the 0.1–0.4 kg necessary to produce disease (Fleming et al. 1921). This amount represents approximately 30–100 plants, depending on the toxicity of the species (Chesnut and Wilcox 1901). Three to four times as much, or even more, of other less toxic species, such as Z. elegans, is required to produce disease. This greatly diminishes the hazard for species with low population densities, relative to that for the three most toxic species, which are often found in dense populations with

Liliaceae Juss.

sufficient plant material to represent a hazard. All plant parts, including the bulb, are apparently quite bitter and are generally avoided by grazing animals (Marsh and Clawson 1924; Spoerke and Spoerke 1979). Typically in an area, all of the grasses and other forbs are grazed down, while few, if any, of the death camas are eaten. However, because death camas is an early-season forb, little alternative forage may be available. Indeed, plants may be very conspicuous in early spring in communities of dormant prairie grasses. Even the more toxic species may not always be such a risk. Nelson (1898) fed 0.457 kg of plant material to sheep of undisclosed body weight without causing adverse effects. However, the sheep had been fed smaller amounts the previous 3 days. Although cattle appear to be of equal or greater susceptibility, sheep are at highest risk because they are most likely to eat the forbs, especially if they are particularly hungry (Marsh et al. 1915). The larger body size for cattle is also an important factor because it may be difficult for larger animals to find and consume sufficient plant to cause serious disease. The exception to this is Z. nuttallii, which seems to be toxic enough to pose an equally serious threat to cattle and sheep (Marsh et al. 1926b). Hay containing the offending plants seems to be the most likely source of intoxication for horses (Marsh and Clawson 1922; Fuller and McClintock 1986). All animal species are at risk, but those that effectively vomit (pigs) are difficult to intoxicate. Toxicity varies somewhat with stage of growth; seeds and fruits are most toxic. However, leaves, which contain high concentrations of the alkaloids in early stages of growth, are the most serious hazard (Beath et al. 1933,1953). Distribution of the alkaloids among plant organs may vary during growth. Thus, under some conditions, especially in the fall after aerial portions have withered, bulbs, as storage organs, may become quite toxic (Marsh et al. 1926b; Beath et al. 1933; Reid and Smith 1956). Soil moisture stress may be associated with increased alkaloid levels (Majak et al. 1999). An additional factor of some importance is the response of plants to fire. Because Z. nuttallii is a forb of prairies, it is subjected to range fires. After a fire, regrowth may have increased nitrogen levels in the leaves (Knapp 1986). Whether it is more toxic under such conditions is not known, but it may be more readily eaten. Interestingly, although leaves and bulbs are quite bitter and reluctantly eaten by livestock, they are reported to be readily eaten— almost with impunity—by ground squirrels and other rodents (Fleming et al. 1921). abrupt onset; profuse salivation, depression, nausea, vomiting, retching, colic, grinding of teeth trembling, ataxia, severe weakness and depression


Clinical Signs—In humans, early signs such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain begin within minutes to a few hours after ingestion. These signs may be followed by slow heart rate and low blood pressure, weakness, and perhaps various cardiac conduction problems. In animals, signs typically begin several hours or as long as a day after ingestion of plants. Onset appears to be slowest and duration longest for Z. nuttallii (Marsh et al. 1926b). Onset is heralded by development of profuse frothy salivation; ropy strings of saliva hang from the mouth. This is apparent in all animal species, although it is reported to be less severe in cattle (Fleming et al. 1921). Depression, nausea, vomiting, retching, colic, and grinding of the teeth accompany the excess salivation. In many cases, especially in cattle and horses, this will be the extent of the disease, and recovery in a day or two is typical (Fleming et al. 1921; Marsh and Clawson 1922; Gates 1930). As the disease develops further, there is loss of appetite, trembling, ataxia (especially in the pelvic limbs), and severe depression and weakness, with the head held low, ears drooped, and back arched. These signs are typical in sheep (Marsh et al. 1915,1926b; Fleming et al. 1921; Marsh and Clawson 1922; Panter et al. 1987). There may be hypothermia of several degrees, and increased intestinal peristalsis with frequent defecation and urination. Heart and respiration rates vary during the course of the disease, but in fatal cases, respiration is usually increased and labored. In spite of the severe depression, sheep may be hyperexcitable. In one report, sheep after consuming Z. venenosus var. gramineus (reported as Z. gramineus) were laboriously moved about 1 km, which precipitated hyperexcitability. Animals had a stiff-legged walk or hop and would jump when touched, almost as if they had been touched with an electric prod (Avery et al. 1961). This case also illustrates the risk of forced movement in triggering onset or worsening of signs. A few hours after onset, weakness may become so severe that animals prefer to lie down, and then rise only with difficulty, if at all. Death is preceded by coma and spasmodic struggling for breath. The case fatality rate may be high in sheep but low in cattle and negligible in horses. Symptoms, especially those of the digestive disturbance, are reported to be more severe in lambs (Chesnut and Wilcox 1901). gross pathology: mild reddening gut mucosa

Pathology—Few distinctive lesions result from the disease caused by Zigadenus, even when animals are ill for several days before dying. Pulmonary congestion and edema with scattered small hemorrhages are most likely to be present, although there may also be reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Diagnosis


Toxic Plants of North America

may be aided by examination of ruminal contents for plant fragments and/or extraction of the contents for chemical identification of the alkaloids (Panter et al. 1987; Smith and Lewis 1991).

steroidal saponins, and an extract from A. farinosa L., also known as unicorn root, has been shown to depress uterine activity (Butler and Costello 1944). Otherwise, there is little evidence to implicate the genus in toxicologic problems.

administer activated charcoal, atropine

Asparagus L. Treatment—In humans, supportive therapy may be sufficient, but in some instances, atropine for the slow heart rate and fluids and sympathomimetics for the low blood pressure may be indicated (Adelman and Beyda 2002). Dopamine infusion has been used successfully to correct a persistent hypotension following an initial response to atropine and intravenous fluids (West and Horowitz 2009). Typically, recovery occurs within 24–48 hours. In animals, a combination of 2 mg atropine and 8 mg of picrotoxin has long been recommended for range sheep; preparations of this mixture were known in the past as death camas tablets (Beath et al. 1953). Atropine is administered to provide relief of the cardiovascular effects (mainly for the slow heart rate), although sympathomimetics are more effective for the hypotension. Picrotoxin to counteract the severe depression (including respiratory) may not be necessary. Activated charcoal may also provide considerable benefit.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Aletris L. Commonly known as colicroot or star grass, Aletris comprises about 25 species native to eastern North America and eastern Asia (Sullivan 2002). It is positioned in the family Nartheciaceae by Tamura (1998c), Seberg (2007j), and Bremer and coworkers (2009). All species produce narrow linear-lanceolate leaves in basal rosettes that arise from short rhizomes. Their erect, scapelike stems bear bractlike leaves and terminate in a spicate raceme of tubular to campanulate, white or yellow flowers. The 6, fused perianth parts are wrinkled and roughened and tend to persist after withering. The superior ovary with its 3-branched style and minutely 2-lobed stigmas gives rise to an ovoid, beaked capsule containing numerous seeds. The genus is distributed throughout the eastern half of the continent. possibly digestive disturbance from steroidal saponins The common name colicroot reflects the toxic properties of Aletris’s rhizomes. They appear to contain

Comprising about 170–300 species, Asparagus is an Old World genus (Straley and Utech 2002a). It is positioned in the family Asparagaceae by Kubitzki and Rudall (1998), Seberg (2007c), and Bremer and coworkers (2009). Native to the seacoasts of Europe and Asia, A. officinalis L., with numerous cultivars, is the edible asparagus grown for food. It has sporadically escaped from cultivation and naturalized. The common houseplant A. setaceus (Kunth.) Jessop (asparagus fern) is grown as an ornamental for its fine, feathery foliage, which is used in floral arrangements. Asparagus densiflorus (Kunth.) Jessop (emerald fern or emerald feather) likewise is extensively cultivated as a potted houseplant. Plants of the genus are rhizomatous with erect or spreading or climbing stems that bear small, scalelike leaves and awl-like or filiform cladophylls. The perfect or functionally imperfect, greenyellow or white flowers are relatively inconspicuous and borne singly, paired, or clustered. Spreading to erect, the 6 perianth parts are fused about a superior ovary that gives rise to a bright red, 1- to 6-seeded berry. berries; sapogenins present, possible mild irritant and other effects Because of their popularity as houseplants, A. setaceus and A. densiflorus when in fruit prompt numerous telephone calls to poison control centers when children and pets swallow the berries (Spoerke and Smolinske 1990). There is little risk of intoxication, although various toxic properties, including irritant, cardiac, sedative, and diuretic effects, have been attributed to the genus. In addition, the aerial parts and roots have been used for medicinal purposes (Oketch-Rabah 1998). Methanolic extracts of roots of a species in Africa (A. pubescens) have been reported to cause an increase in serum hepatic enzymes and to have contraceptive effects inhibiting fetal implantation in laboratory rodents and rabbits (Nwafor et al. 1998,2004). Some species contain significant concentrations of steroidal sapogenins in all plant parts (Pammel 1911; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962; Fuller and McClintock 1986; Kar and Sen 1986). These include those from diosgenin and sarsapogenin with protodioscin and rutin (Shao et al. 1997; Wang et al. 2003; Jaramillo et al. 2009).

Liliaceae Juss.

Erythronium L. With the exception of 1 species in Eurasia, Erythronium is a North American genus comprising about 27 species (Allen and Robertson 2002). Unlike many of the other toxic genera in this treatment, its classification in the Liliaceae is unchanged. It has several common names—dog’s-tooth violet, trout lily, fawn lily, glacier lily, and adder’s-tongue—which reflect morphological features of the corms and leaves. In plants of this genus, deep corms give rise to partially subterranean stems that bear 2 or 3 leaves at ground level, which thus appear basal or subbasal. Typically, the elliptic or lanceolate or oblanceolate blades are mottled, and the stem terminates in 1–5 large, showy, nodding flowers with white or yellow or pinkish, reflexed, free perianth parts. The fruits are loculicidal capsules, oblong to obovoid and 3-lobed. Species occupy a diversity of habitats across the continent, most frequently moist, shaded woodlands and rocky montane sites. possible digestive disturbance due to tuliposides With the exception of one report (Kingsbury 1964) citing E. oregonum as a possible cause of intoxication in poultry, Erythronium has not been reported to cause toxicologic problems in North America. Flowers are commonly eaten by mountain hikers. However, corms when eaten appear to cause effects similar to those produced by species of Tulipa (see treatment of Tulipa in this chapter). They include nausea, vomiting, increased salivation, labored respiration, and increased heart rate. Several species of the genus contain large amounts of tuliposides A and B (Slob et al. 1975). This indicates the possibility of the presence of the lactone tulipalin derivatives, which may cause mild contact irritation similar to that associated with tulips. Orally administered charcoal may be helpful; otherwise, treatment is directed toward relief of the digestive tract effects.

Melanthium L. Native to North America, Melanthium, commonly known as bunchflower, comprises 4 species (Bodkin and Utech 2002). Its name is derived from the Greek roots melas and anthos, meaning “black” and “flower,” alluding to the persistent perianth parts, which become dark after flowering (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus is positioned in the family Melanthiaceae by Tamura (1998b), Seberg (2007i), and Bremer and coworkers (2009), and its species have been placed in the closely related Veratrum by various taxonomists (cf. references in Bodkin and Utech 2002). Plants of the genus produce stout rhizomes that give rise to stems bearing primarily long basal leaves with linear to


oblanceolate blades. Panicles with indumented branches and pedicels terminate the stems and bear greenish, perfect and staminate flowers with free, clawed, spreading perianth parts, each with a pair of glands at the base. The superior ovary, bearing 3 spreading styles, gives rise to an ovoid, septicidal capsule subtended by the withered perianth and enclosing several elliptic, flat, winged seeds. All species of the genus typically occur in wet soils of marshes and moist woods in the eastern half of the continent. Most commonly encountered is M. virginicum L. possible digestive disturbance; similar to effects of Veratrum alkaloids, profuse salivation, depression Leaves and seeds of Melanthium, both fresh and in hay, are reported to pose a risk to sheep, cattle, and horses. Little is known, however, of the taxon’s toxicity hazard or the specific toxicant. The clinical signs indicative of its effect on the digestive tract are suggestive of a Veratrumtype alkaloid (Pammel 1911; Hardin 1973). The genus also has a reputation for use in poisoning crows. Signs include rapid but weak heart rate, labored respiration, severe weakness, increased salivation, and retching. Most of these signs last only a few hours, but depression may persist for several days. There have been no deaths and, therefore, no pathology reported. As with Veratrum and Zigadenus, congestion and a few scattered splotchy hemorrhages may be all that can be expected. Generally, treatment would be based upon relief of the signs, but atropine may be of some value against the systemic effects, as with Zigadenus.

Pleea Michx. Endemic to the southeastern United States, Pleea comprises a single species, P. tenuifolia Michx., commonly known as rush-featherling (Packer 2002). It is positioned in the family Nartheciaceae by Tamura (1998c), Seberg (2007j), and Bremer and coworkers (2009). It is reputed to be toxic but with little evidence offered (Hardin 1973). Locally abundant in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, plants of the genus occur in clumps arising from thick rhizomes. The equitant, evergreen, linear leaves are primarily basal, and the scapelike stems terminate in racemes with large, sheathing bracts subtending the flowers. The free, lanceolate, perianth parts persist in fruit about the ovoid to ellipsoid capsule derived from a superior ovary with 3 styles. The seeds are reddish black with wings.

Polygonatum Mill. Comprising 27 species in the temperate regions of both the Old and New World, Polygonatum, commonly known


Toxic Plants of North America

as Solomon’ seal, is represented by 2 native and 1 introduced species in the eastern half of the continent (Utech 2002c). The genus is placed in the family Convallariaceae by Conran and Tamura (1998) and Seberg (2007e). Cultivated as ornamentals, plants of the genus are perennials from long, knotty rhizomes. The typically unbranched, erect to arching stems bear simple, alternate, ovate or lanceolate to linear leaves. The nodding or pendulous flowers are borne in the leaf axils and give rise to dark blue to black or red fruits. steroidal saponins and glycosides present; some cardioactive Although eaten and used medicinially by numerous tribes of Native Americans (Moerman 1998), rhizomes of several species of Polygonatum are reported to contain steroidal saponins and glycosides, some of which are cardioactive (Li et al. 1992,1993; Hirai et al. 1997; Ahn et al. 2006; Yu et al. 2009). The effects are apparently related to increased sympathetic activity and not inhibition of NaK-ATPase as with digitalis-type glycosides. Intoxication reports are rare. In one case of suspected intoxication due to P. multiflorum in the United Kingdom, a puppy became depressed with persistent vomiting for 3 days but responded positively to supportive treatment with fluids (Baxter 1983).

Trillium L. Known as trillium, birthroot, or wake-robin, Trillium comprises 43–53 species native to North America and Asia (Tamura 1998d; Case 2002). Its name is derived from the Greek root tris, or “three,” which reflects the arrangement of leaves and perianth parts, which are borne in threes (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). It is placed in the segregate family Trilliaceae by Tamura (1998d) and in the Melanthiaceae by Seberg (2007i). Plants of the genus arise from short, stout rhizomes. The erect stems bear a single leaf or 3 sessile or petiolate, glossy leaves with blades that are elliptic to ovate, often mottled, and exhibiting net venation. The solitary flowers are terminal and, unlike most other members of the Liliaceae, have perianth parts of 2 forms. The 3 leaflike sepals are reflexed, and the 3 oblanceolate petals are green yellow or white or pink or maroon. The superior ovary produces a manyseeded berry. Species typically occupy moist soils of forests across the continent. They are also grown as ornamentals. digestive disturbance possibly due to irritant steroidal saponins from genins such as diosgenin, trillenogenin

Rhizomes of Trillium are potent emetics but have seldom been incriminated as causing problems. The causes of the toxic effects are not known, but most species contain steroidal saponins from sapogenins such as diosgenin and trillenogenin (trillin, trillarin) (Fieser and Fieser 1959; Nohara et al. 1975; Nakano et al. 1982; Yokosuka and Mimaki 2008). Some saponins are present as 18-norspirostanol glycosides of genins such as pennogenin. Dioscin is a representative trioside. Clinical signs, apparently due to irritation of the digestive tract, may include violent vomiting and severe diarrhea (Pammel 1911; Perkins and Payne 1978). Distinctive pathologic changes are not likely to be present. Relief of the irritation is the primary aim of treatment, which includes antiemetics and antidiarrheals.

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Linaceae DC. ex Perleb.

Flax Family Linum

Widely distributed but most common in temperate and subtropical regions, the Linaceae, or flax family, comprises 8 genera and approximately 180 species (Brummitt 2007). Economically, it is important for its fiber and oil. A few taxa are cultivated as ornamentals. In North America, 4 genera and about 50 species, both native and introduced, are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). One genus is of toxicologic interest.

herbs or shrubs; leaves simple; flowers solitary or in cymes, 4- or 5-merous; corollas radially symmetrical; petals caduceus, of various colors; fruits capsules

Plants herbs or subshrubs or shrubs; annuals or biennials or perennials. Root Systems with a central taproot. Leaves simple; alternate or alternate above and opposite below; sessile or subsessile; blades linear to ovate; stipules absent or present, glandular. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes; terminal and axillary. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series; radially symmetrical. Sepals 5 or 4; free or fused. Petals 5 or 4; caducous; free or fused. Stamens 5 or 4; fused by filaments; staminodia absent or present. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 2–5, linear or capitate; styles 2–5; free or fused at bases; ovaries superior; locules 4–10; placentation axile. Fruits septicidal capsules. Seeds 8–10.

LINUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 160 species in both the Old World and the New World, Linum, or flax, is best known for its stem fibers and seed oil

(Brummitt 2007). Used since prehistoric times, the durable fibers have high tensile strength and have been used to make linen, writing paper, and cigarette paper (Mabberley 2008). The Egyptians wrapped their mummies in linen cloths. Used for poultices in folk medicine, flaxseed is also the source of linseed oil used in paints, varnishes, and printing inks. About 25 species of the genus are grown as ornamentals in rockeries or as border plants. In North America, 35 species are present (Rogers 1963, 1968; USDA, NRCS 2012). Representative of the genus are the following: L. L. L. L. L. L. L.

catharticum L. grandiflorum Desf. lewisii Pursh neomexicanum Greene perenne L. rigidum Pursh usitatissimum L.

erect herbs; leaves sessile, with a single vein; flowers saucer-shaped; petals 5, yellow with or without orange to red center, or red or blue

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials. Stems erect; 20– 100 cm tall; branched or not branched. Leaves sessile; venation a single vein; margins entire or ciliate. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes. Flowers saucer-shaped. Sepals 5; free. Petals 5; caducous; free or fused; yellow or yellow with an orange to red center or red or blue. Stamens 5. Pistils with carpels 5; stigmas 5; styles 5; locules 5 or 10 by development of additional septa. Capsules dehiscent into 10 or 5 parts. Seeds flat; oily (Figures 47.1 and 47.2). Identification of Linum species is based on the appearance of the sepals, degree of style fusion, and nature

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


white flax, purging flax, fairy flax flowering flax Lewis flax, blue flax, prairie flax New Mexico yellow flax wild blue flax, prairie flax stiffstem flax, stiffstem yellow flax common flax, linseed

Linaceae DC. ex Perleb.


commercial flax, which has been cultivated for years and is now widely distributed across Canada and the northern United States. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://

possible cyanide intoxication

Figure 47.1.

Line drawing of Linum lewisii.

Figure 47.2. Photo of the flowers of Linum lewisii. Photo by Doyle McCoy.

of capsule dehiscence. Should exact identification be required, appropriate floras, manuals, or the treatments of Rogers (1963, 1968) should be employed. across continent; variety of vegetation types and habitats

Distribution and Habitat—Linum is distributed across the continent. Some species have fairly broad distributions; others are more restricted. Introductions from the Old World—for example, L. grandiflorum and L. rigidum—have naturalized, as has L. usitatissimum, the

Disease Problems—Flax has been cultivated for millennia for its fibers and oil (Steyn 1934). Linseed oil is derived by pressing the seeds of L. usitatissimum; the residue remaining constitutes linseed meal, which is used to make cakes to feed livestock. Cold screw-pressed linseed oil or flaxseed oil with a light yellow color (little odor or taste) is edible and is used as a dietary supplement by humans as well as sometimes for animals. In contrast, the dark-colored solvent/heat-extracted linseed oil is not edible (it has a strong odor and taste) and is not recommended for food use. So-called boiled linseed oil has drying agent additives and should never be used for internal purposes. Horses treated with raw linseed oil (2.5 mL/ kg b.w.) as a mineral oil substitute developed depression, anorexia, and mild colic (Schumacher et al. 1997). However, low levels (8%) in the feed over a 3-month period did not produce adverse effects and increased digestibility but not palatability of the feed (Delobel et al. 2008). Wild flax has been widely used by Native American tribes as a source of fiber, and the seeds are considered to be pleasant-tasting edibles (Ebeling 1986). In addition, they used various species of the genus medicinally to make infusions, decoctions, and poultices to treat a variety of ailments (Moerman 1998). Feeding the seeds of L. usitatissimum to 7-day-old chicks at 2% or 10% of their diet for 6 weeks produced good growth rates but also some adverse effects, such as fatty livers and mild neutrophilic infiltration in the renal cortex and the intestinal lamina propria (Bakhiet and Adam 1995). Wild flaxes have long been suspected to be toxic because of the presence of cyanide, but this belief was based on anecdotal reports, some of which are difficult to interpret (Eggleston et al. 1930). For example, plants of L. neomexicanum, growing in great abundance on the site of previous livestock losses were negative when tested for HCN potential (Eggleston et al. 1930). However, aqueous and alcoholic extracts of the plants were highly lethal in rabbits and mice. The toxic effects were not consistent with HCN, because the onset of signs was delayed and animals died in about 18 hours. It is of interest that like its extensive use as a nutritional supplement in humans, flaxseed is also used for its purported reproductive effects in dogs and cats (Lans et al. 2009).


Toxic Plants of North America

cyanogenic monoglycosides linamarin and lotaustralin in foliage; bisglucosides linustatin and neolinustatin in seeds

water or alcohol but not in typical organic solvents (Eggleston et al. 1930). lignans, metabolites of secoisolariciresinol possible estrogens

Disease Genesis—Although the risk of intoxication is typically low, members of the genus do contain appreciable amounts of cyanogenic glucosides, such as linamarin and lotaustralin in the foliage, and the glucosidase enzyme linamarase needed for their hydrolysis to HCN (Butler 1965; Gibbs 1974; Seigler 1977). The predominant glucosides in the seeds are linustatin and neolinustatin, which have been found at concentrations of 2000–3500 and 90–200 ppm, respectively, in Canadian cultivars (Smith et al. 1980; Oomah et al. 1992). Linamarin concentrations in plants were only 140–300 ppm. Linustatin and neolinustatin are bisglucosides of linamarin and lotaustralin, respectively (Smith et al. 1980; Fan and Conn 1985). Thus, the distribution of glycosides in Linum is similar to that in the Rosaceae, in which the bioside amygdalin occurs in seeds and the monoside prunasin in leaves. Although cyanide is present, only in certain conditions does it become a significant hazard. As with the grasses, HCN potential of Linum is very high in seedlings and the first few weeks of growth (1000+ ppm) but then declines rapidly (Trione 1960). Flax straw is said to be a particular risk if it is second growth or contains green, immature stems (Stevens 1933). Chaff or green leaves at harvest and late-season volunteer flax pasture are also considered to be risks. Little risk is associated with the grazing of wild flax plants, as their densities are seldom sufficient to represent a significant problem (Figure 47.3). Although rare, losses of both horses and calves has occurred when they have eaten linseed cake, especially when it was soaked in water at the time of feeding (Dunne 1924; Montgomerie 1924; Moore 1924). The clinical signs and their rapidity of onset were consistent with cyanide as the cause of death. The warm water apparently provided a medium for hydrolysis of the glucosides (Dunne 1924; Montgomerie 1924). In one instance, the meal contained 480 ppm HCN potential. It was suggested that heating to 100°C (boiling) would eliminate the risk. The toxicity described for L. neomexicana appeared to be due to a saponin-like glycoside that was soluble in

Figure 47.3.

Chemical structure of linamarim.

Flaxseed contains lignans that are biotransformed in the human intestinal tract to weakly estrogenic lignans (Phipps et al. 1993). Obermeyer and coworkers (1995) suggested the possibility that enterodiol and enterolactone— metabolites of secoisolariciresinol, the primary lignan in flaxseed—act as estrogens, such as diethylstilbesterol. This relationship has been demonstrated in studies of rat reproduction (Tou et al. 1998). This is of some concern for women, but there are no indications of any potential risk for grazing livestock (Figures 47.4 and 47.5). Interestingly, the glucosides in linseed meal, especially linustatin and neolinustatin, seem to provide a protective effect against selenium toxicity (Halverson et al. 1955; Palmer et al. 1980; Smith et al. 1980). abrupt onset, distress, weakness, ataxia, collapse, seizures

Clinical Signs—Abrupt onset of apprehension and distress occurs within a few minutes of the animal’s grazing the contaminated forage or the meal. This is quickly

Figure 47.4.

Chemical structure of secoisolariciresinol.

Figure 47.5.

Chemical structure of diethylstilbersterol.

Linaceae DC. ex Perleb.

followed by weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration. If the intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur over a 5- to 15-minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time. no lesions

Pathology—Few distinctive changes occur. For the most part, the changes are limited to congestion of the viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages. The coarse stems may be identifiable when the rumen contents are examined during necropsy. administer sodium thiosulfate

Treatment—The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite, 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment of ruminants. A more complete discussion of aspects of treatment is presented in the treatments of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

REFERENCES Bakhiet AO, Adam SE. Response of Bovans chicks to low dietary levels of Linum usitatissimum seeds. Vet Hum Toxicol 37;534–536, 1995. Brummitt RK. Linaceae flax family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 192–193, 2007. Butler GW. The distribution of the cyanoglucosides linamarin and lotaustralin in higher plants. Phytochemistry 4;127–131, 1965. Delobel A, Fabry C, Schoonheere N, Istasse L, Hornick JL. Linseed oil supplementation in diet for horses: effects on palatability and digestibility. Livestock Sci 116;15–21, 2008. Dunne GT. Poisoning in calves by nascent hydrocyanic acid evolved by cake in solution. Vet J 80;40–42, 1924. Ebeling W. Handbook of Indian Foods and Fibers of Arid America. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1986. Eggleston WW, Black OF, Kelly JW. Linum neomexicanum (yellow pine flax) and one of its poisonous constituents. J Agric Res 41;715–718, 1930. Fan TW-M, Conn EE. Isolation and characterization of two cyanogenic-glucosidases from flax seeds. Arch Biochem Biophys 243;361–373, 1985. Gibbs RD. Chemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, Vol. 3. McGillQueens University Press, Montreal, 1974.


Halverson AW, Hendrick CM, Olson OE. Observations on the protective effect of linseed oil meal and some extracts against chronic selenium poisoning in rats. J Nutr 56;51–60, 1955. Lans C, Turner N, Brauer G, Khan T. Medicinal plants used in British Columbia, Canada for reproductive health in pets. Prev Vet Med 90;268–273, 2009. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Moerman DE. Native American Ethnobotany. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1998. Montgomerie RF. Hydrocyanic acid generated from linseed cake meal: a case of poisoning in calves [letter]. Vet J 80;311–314, 1924. Moore J. Prussic acid poisoning from the use of linseed cake. Vet J 80;33–34, 1924. Obermeyer WR, Musser SM, Betz JM, Casey RE, Pohland AE, Page SW. Chemical studies of phytoestrogens and related compounds in dietary supplements: flax and chaparral. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 208;6–12, 1995. Oomah BD, Mazza G, Kenaschuk EO. Cyanogenic compounds in flaxseed. J Agric Food Chem 40;1346–1348, 1992. Palmer IS, Olson OE, Halverson AW, Miller R, Smith C. Isolation of factors in linseed oil meal protective against chronic selenosis in rats. J Nutr 110;145–150, 1980. Phipps WR, Martini MC, Lampe JW, Slavin JL, Kurzer MS. Effect of flax seed ingestion on the menstrual cycle. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 77;1215–1219, 1993. Rogers CM. Yellow flowered species of Linum in eastern North America. Brittonia 15;97–122, 1963. Rogers CM. Yellow-flowered species of Linum in Central America and western North America. Brittonia 20;107–135, 1968. Schumacher J, DeGraves FJ, Spano JS. Clinical and clinicopathologic effects of large doses of raw linseed oil as compared to mineral oil in healthy horses. J Vet Intern Med 11;296–299, 1997. Seigler DS. The naturally occurring cyanogenic glycosides. In Progress in Phytochemistry. Reinhold L, Harbone JB, Swain T, eds. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 83–120, 1977. Smith CR Jr., Weisleder D, Miller RW, Palmer IS, Olson OE. Linustatin and neolinustatin: cyanogenic glycosides of linseed meal that protect animals against selenium toxicity. J Org Chem 45;507–510, 1980. Stevens OA. Poisonous Plants and Plant Products. N D Agric Exp Stn Bull 265, 1933. Steyn DG. The Toxicology of Plants in South Africa. Central News Agency, Cape Town, South Africa, 1934. Tou JC, Chen J, Thompson LU. Flaxseed and its lignan precursor secoisolariciresinol diglycoside, affecy pregnancy outcome and reproductive development in rats. J Nutr 128;1861–1868, 1998. Trione EJ. The HCN content of flax in relation to flax wilt resistance. Phytopathology 50;482–486, 1960. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Malvaceae Juss.

Mallow Family Abutilon Gossypium Malva Modiola

Questionable Malvella Melochia Sida

Now broadly circumscribed to include 113–243 genera and 4300–5000 species, the Malvaceae, or mallow family, is cosmopolitan in distribution, but particularly abundant in the American tropics where more than 80 genera occur (Bayer and Kubitzki 2003; Fryxell 2004; Cheek 2007; Mabberley 2008). Of considerable economic importance, it includes a number of well-known ornamentals such as Alcea (hollyhock), Malva (mallow), Hibiscus (althea or rose of Sharon), Tilia (basswood or linden), and numerous cultivars of Hibiscus. Abelmoschus (okra), Theobroma (chocolate), and Durio (durian) are cultivated members, whereas Abutilon (velvetleaf) and Sida (sida) are quite troublesome weeds. Most important is the genus Gossypium, whose seed fibers provide cotton. In North America, about 50 genera and 266 species, both native and introduced, are present (Kartesz 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). The Malvaceae is of limited toxicologic importance, except for problems associated with the use of cottonseed meal as food for livestock. Three genera—Abutilon, Malva, and Modiola—produce disease problems of lesser importance, whereas other genera such as Malvella and Sida have only been suspected of causing disease.

lepidote; sap viscous, mucilaginous. Leaves simple; alternate; venation palmate; margins entire or crenulate or serrulate or palmately lobed or parted; stipules present. Inflorescences solitary flowers or simple cymes; axillary or terminal; bracts absent or present, often forming epicalyces. Flowers perfect or rarely imperfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; free or fused. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 5; free, but basally fused to the staminal tube; obovate; spreading to ascending; convolute; of various colors. Stamens numerous; fused by filaments into a tube. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 5 to numerous; stigmas 5 to numerous, capitate or decurrent; styles 5 to numerous; fused or free; ovaries superior, lobed or terete, lobes 5 to numerous; placentation axile. Fruits schizocarps or capsules or rarely berries; dehiscent or indehiscent; loculicidal or septicidal. Seeds 5 to numerous.

ABUTILON MILL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 160 species, Abutilon, commonly known as Indian mallow, is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of both the Old World and the New World (Bayer and Kubitzki 2003). Some South American species and their hybrids are cultivated for their showy flowers, whereas other species are noxious weeds. In North America, 18 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Only 1 is of possible toxicological interest: A. theophrasti Medik.

herbs, shrubs, or trees; leaves simple, alternate, palmate venation, stipules present; petals 5; stamens numerous, filaments fused into tube; styles 5 to numerous Plants herbs or shrubs or rarely small trees; perennials or biennials or annuals; herbage typically stellate or

The common names of this taxon reflect its minor economic value as a source of fiber and its morphological features. The large leaves are quite soft to the touch, and

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


velvetleaf, butter print, cottonweed, Indian mallow, pie marker, China jute, Tientsin jute, elephant ears, chingma, buttonweed, abutilon hemp, American jute

Malvaceae Juss.

the inflorescence in bud resembles the print mold used to stamp butter.

erect, velvety, annual herb; leaves malodorous; petals yellow; fruits villous to hirsute schizocarps

Plants herbs; annuals; from stout taproots; herbage velvety stellate. Stems erect; 100–200 cm tall; thick; sparsely branched. Leaves malodorous when crushed; long petiolate; blades ovate or cordate to orbicular; apices acuminate; margins entire or crenulate or dentate; stipules deciduous. Inflorescences small cymes in axils of upper leaves; bracts absent. Sepals fused; lobes acuminate to cuspidate. Petals yellow; apices truncate to retuse. Pistils with carpels 10–15, beaked, beaks divergent; stigmas capitate; styles clavate or filiform. Fruits schizocarps; mericarps villous to hirsute. Seeds 2–9 per mericarp; ovate; conspicuously notched; flat; black or gray brown (Figure 48.1).


noxious introduced weed; crops and waste areas; across continent

Distribution and Habitat—Native to southern Asia, A. theophrasti is now naturalized across North America (Bryson and DeFelice 2010). It is particularly common in waste areas, croplands, and pastures and along roadsides. It commonly occurs with Datura stramonium as an invading annual of cultivated fields.

possibly toxic, but type not clear

Disease Problems—Used in China as a fiber for making rope, bags, nets, and cordage, A. theophrasti was introduced into North America for the same purposes by colonists in the late 1700s or early 1800s (Spencer 1984). It soon became a troublesome weed, however, and is now considered a cause of extensive crop losses as an invader in corn, cotton, sorghum, and soybean plantings (Spencer 1984). Although Pammel (1911) thought A. theophrasti to be toxic, reported cases of intoxication are few, and even in its native India and China, it is not considered to be a problem (Chopra et al. 1984). In some countries, the seeds are eaten (Warwick and Black 1988). However, limited clinical observations by others, and preliminary feeding tests with its foliage, suggested that toxicity was a risk (A.A. Case, pers. comm., 1979). Sows allowed to forage in an area dominated by mature plants became ill in 1–2 days, and some of them died over a 5- to 10-day period.

toxin unknown; nitrate accumulator

Disease Genesis—Abutilon theophrasti is a nitrate accu-

Figure 48.1.

Line drawing of Abutilon theophrasti.

mulator, a characteristic that is amplified when the plants grow in livestock areas with ample soil nitrogen. However, the signs and lesions described for pigs were not consistent with nitrate as the cause of death (A.A. Case, pers. comm., 1979). Rather, they were more suggestive of those produced by gossypol. However, A. theophrasti seeds are reported to lack pigment glands, and the levels of gossypol are quite low (Schmidt and Wells 1990). Furthermore, 10% seed in the diet of rats for 90 days caused only a small drop in feed consumption (Dugan and Gumbmann 1990). It thus seems unlikely that the foliage contains appreciable amounts of gossypol.


Toxic Plants of North America

Among the other constituents present in A. theophrasti is linoleic acid, which is not likely to represent a problem unless its concentrations are high and thus cause reproductive problems (Hussain et al. 2005; Marei et al. 2010). Some Asian species, rarely encountered in North America, produce an array of other compounds, some of which are used medicinally, for example, β-sitosterol as a mosquito larvicide (Hussain et al. 2005; Rahuman et al. 2008).

depression, icterus

Clinical Signs—Rather indistinct, the signs of intoxication gradually appear over a period of 24–36 hours. There is depression, reluctance to move about, icterus, and the general appearance of unthriftiness. However, conspicuous abnormalities of any specific system are absent.

gross pathology: fluid accumulation in body cavities; microscopic: mild liver necrosis; general nursing care

G. G. G. G.

arboreum L. barbadense L. herbaceum L. hirsutum L.

Ceylon cotton, Chinese cotton, tree cotton sea island cotton, Creole cotton Levant cotton upland cotton

erect subshrubs or shrubs; leaves petiolate; flowers large, showy; petals yellow, cream, or mauve

Plants subshrubs or shrubs; perennials; herbage typically glandular punctate; glabrous or puberulent or hirsute. Stems erect; 50–150 cm tall. Leaves petiolate; blades ovate to cordate; margins entire to palmately lobed; lobes 3–7; stipules filiform or subulate; deciduous or persistent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or small cymes in axils of upper leaves; bracts of epicalyces 3–7, foliaceous. Flowers large; showy. Sepals fused; lobes long or short; often conspicuously punctate. Petals yellow or cream or mauve. Pistils with carpels 3–5; stigmas decurrent, 3- to 5-lobed; styles clavate or filiform. Fruits capsules (“cotton boll”); locules 3–5. Seeds 2 to several per locule; comose, hairs white or brown (Figure 48.2).

Pathology and Treatment—Gross changes include

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Gossypium occur

excess fluid in the abdominal and thoracic cavities, icterus, and perhaps a friable liver. Microscopically, there is mild to moderate hepatocellular necrosis and fibrosis. Because reports of toxicity are so few, a treatment protocol has not evolved. General supportive and nursing care is suggested as appropriate.

in both hemispheres. As their common names imply, G. arboreum is native to Asia and northeastern Africa, and G. herbaceum is native to Asia Minor and Arabia. Indigenous to tropical America, G. barbadense and G. hirsutum are the two species widely cultivated in North America.

GOSSYPIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Distributed primarily in the relatively arid regions of Africa, the Middle East, Australia, and North and South America, Gossypium is a genus of 49 species, some of which have been cultivated for millennia (Fryxell 1979, 1992). Its name is an ancient one used for an Arabic species. The genus provides cotton, the most important of the plant fibers. Each seed has attached to it long fibers called lint or floss and collectively referred to as the staple. Nearly pure cellulose, these fibers are used to make the fabric of commerce. In addition, a dense covering of short hairs, or linters, may be present; their presence and appearance are used in distinguishing species of the genus. Historical records indicate that cotton was cultivated in the Indus Valley of Asia as early as 3000 b.c. and introduced into Europe in the fifteenth century. Native Americans in Central and South America began cultivation of the New World species at about the same time. Representative of the genus are the following cultivated species:

seed products pose risk, cumulative effects; congestive heart failure

Figure 48.2.

Line drawing of Gossypium barbadense.

Malvaceae Juss.

Disease Problems—The genus Gossypium is well known for its economic significance as a source of cotton. Less well known, however, is its importance as a food for both humans and animals. Cottonseed oil is expressed from the seed and used as cooking oil or made into margarine, and cottonseed meal, the residue from the pressing process, is used as an animal feed. More than 364 kg of cottonseed is produced concurrently with the production of a 227 kg bale of cotton fiber staple (Berardi and Goldblatt 1980). Because of its availability and the economics of its production, cottonseed meal is widely used as a protein feed supplement for livestock, especially in regions of high cotton production. In addition, whole cottonseed, which is considered a high-energy (91% TDN), high-protein (23%), high-fiber (17–20%), and high-fat (23%) feed is often fed to cattle (Lusas and Jividen 1987).


heart, liver, and kidneys were consistent with this cause. In addition, the stomach contents of the dead animals contained 49 mg/kg gossypol and the bedding 1600 mg/kg free and 2800 total gossypol. The root bark of cotton plants causes ergot-like uterine contracture and abortion (Pammel 1911). These effects, not produced by ingestion of other parts of the plant, have been used medicinally. The bark was frequently used by Spanish New Mexicans who prepared it as a tea, with only nausea as the most likely side effect (Conway and Slocumb 1979).

binaphthalene gossypol






Disease Genesis—Problems with Gossypium are almost primarily pigs and young ruminants; other animals also at risk

Unfortunately, because of the variability in the quality of cottonseed meal and especially in gossypol content, toxicity problems occur, particularly in swine but also occasionally in cattle, especially young calves, and in lambs (Dinwiddie and Short 1911; Hollon et al. 1958). In an extensive series of experiments to isolate and/or eliminate the toxic effects of cottonseed, Dinwiddie and Short (1911) identified the lesions in swine as those of heart failure, but the combination of weakness and ocular lesions also suggested that vitamin A deficiency was a complicating factor. The toxic dosage of cottonseed meal was 6- to 7-fold greater for cattle than for swine. The toxic dose of cottonseed meal was later determined as 4.5% b.w. for swine (Withers and Carruth 1915). Cottonseed meal may represent a serious risk for pets and other animal species when fed for a prolonged period of time. Sprinkled daily on the feed for several months, it was associated with the death of 4 dogs, with signs suggestive of congestive heart failure in 2 (Patton et al. 1985). The pathologic changes were consistent with experimentally induced cottonseed meal intoxication in dogs and were composed of an enlarged and pale myocardium, thin left ventricular walls, interstitial edema, and granular myofiber degeneration (West 1940). The use of cottonseed seed/hulls for bedding or even garden mulch may represent a risk for dogs. In an unusual situation, cottonseed bedding was reported to be the cause of death in a 4-month-old puppy and possibly the cause of death in 5 other dogs eating the bedding (Uzal et al. 2005). Lesions of myocardial degeneration and necrosis with chronic passive congestion of the lungs,

exclusively limited to ingestion of seed meal and other seed products containing substantial amounts of gossypol. The toxic effects of the meal were recognized as early as 1911, and the pigment gossypol was reported as a toxic component several years later (Dinwiddie and Short 1911; Withers and Carruth 1915; Schwartze and Alsberg 1924). Its correlation with disease, however, was not widely accepted for many years, because of problems in distinguishing its effects from those of vitamin A deficiency, particularly in ruminants. Cottonseed is now recognized to contain low levels of vitamin A (Figure 48.3). Gossypol, unique to the cotton family and unknown elsewhere among the flowering plants, is a highly reactive polyphenolic binaphthalene derivative found primarily in the distinctive oil glands (generally termed gossypol

Figure 48.3.

Chemical structure of gossypol.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 48.4.

Photo of the seeds of Gossypium hirsutum.

glands) that are found throughout the aerial portions of the cotton plant and especially in the cotyledons of the seed (Lusas and Jividen 1987). The glands are spherical, usually black (varying from translucent yellow to dark red or purple), and appear to the unaided eye as small dark specks scattered throughout the seed tissue. They compose 2.4–4.8% of the seed weight and contain, in a watersoluble matrix, a mixture of toxic pigments, of which gossypol is the major constituent (Berardi and Goldblatt 1980; Yatsu et al. 1986). The seed content of gossypol may range from 0.4% to 1.7%, depending on a variety of factors such as the plant’s genetic constitution, the soil type, and the climate (Figure 48.4). Generally, two types of cotton are grown in North America, Upland (short staple) and Pima (for the Pima Indians) long staple (Zhang et al. 2007). Seeds of G. barbadense, Pima, are smooth with little lint; have higher fat, protein, minerals and gossypol; and have a higher proportion of the (–)gossypol isomer. In contrast, the seeds of G. hirsutum, Upland, are fuzzy with lint, have higher fiber, and are readily degradable in the rumen. As a consequence, they are fed unprocessed rather than cracked or milled as are those of Pima. The lower gossypol content of the seeds of Upland is not only due to fewer glands, but there is considerable variability in the distribution of the glands in some instances with many in the vegetative portions and few in the seeds (Bolek et al. 2010). Intensive breeding efforts have produced strains of the latter type that lack glands and contain low levels of gossypol (Lusas and Jividen 1987; Fisher et al. 1988). During the traditional extraction of cottonseed oil, the seeds are heated to high temperatures for a relatively long time before being mechanically pressed to expel the oil. During this process, the glands are ruptured and their

contents released. Some of the released gossypol is rendered nontoxic during the milling process by reacting with protein amino groups and is termed bound gossypol (Clarke 1928). The remainder in the meal, termed the free gossypol, is the portion associated with intoxication problems. The type of processing has considerable influence on the gossypol content of the meal. Concentrations of free gossypol are highest with solvent extraction because of the water-soluble nature of the glandular matrix, and lowest with the commonly used screw pressing procedure. The final free gossypol content is dependent on both the seed content and the processing conditions. In addition, when fed in a pelleted form, there may be a further reduction of gossypol content possibly as a result of the heat generated in the processing (Barraza et al. 1991). Purified cottonseed oil resulting from the processing is essentially free of gossypol. However, cottonseed hulls, if they contain large numbers of intact seeds or partial seeds, may contain toxicologically significant amounts of gossypol. Furthermore, gossypol is more readily available and absorbed when the seeds are cracked (Santos et al. 2005). Low dietary iron increases the effects of gossypol. Conversely, iron can be added to attenuate its toxic effects to a limited extent (Eisele 1986; Haschek et al. 1989; Santos et al. 2005). Iron appears to interact with the gossypol in the digestive tract to reduce its absorption and its accumulation in tissue. The disposition of gossypol has been studied in considerable detail in swine (Abou-Donia and Dieckert 1975). Free gossypol is readily absorbed from the digestive tract and is found in highest concentrations in the muscle, liver, adipose tissue, and red blood cells, respectively. It is metabolized in the liver to various compounds, conjugated as glucuronides and sulfates, and excreted in the feces (Abou-Donia 1989). Very little is eliminated in urine in any form. The half-life of elimination from the body is approximately 78 hours in pigs. In 3 lactating dairy cattle, the half-life ranged from 40.7 to 67.5 hours (Lin et al. 1991). As can be appreciated from its structure, gossypol and its metabolic quinone and other derivatives, for example, gossypolone, are very reactive, inducing electron transfer, and forming reactive oxygen species/free radicals. As reviewed by Kovacic (2003), there is, as a consequence, oxidative stress at numerous sites resulting in destructive effects in various tissues. Other mechanisms may be involved, and of course with binding of gossypol to proteins at free amino acid sites, it may be expected that there may be inactivation of those proteins with specific functions such as enzymes. free levels of gossypol >100 ppm a risk in pigs and young ruminants; high levels a risk in mature ruminants

Malvaceae Juss.

There is marked species variation in susceptibility, with rabbits, guinea pigs, and swine being much more susceptible than sheep and cattle. Experimentally, concentrations of 200–300 ppm free gossypol are highly lethal in swine. Mortality typically exceeds 50%, with signs that are consistent with cardiac insufficiency, including respiratory distress, elevation of serum CK and LDH, and depression of serum calcium, blood hemoglobin, and hematocrit (Haschek et al. 1989). Cattle are able to tolerate relatively high concentrations of cottonseed products (Withers and Carruth 1915; Jones et al. 1941). Adult cattle tolerated up to 6.2 mg/kg b.w. free gossypol per day for 100 days, but 8.8 mg/kg caused problems (Lindsey et al. 1980). Calhoun and coworkers (1991) fed crossbred heifers a diet of 30% cottonseed for 56 days during breeding. Each animal received 3 kg/day, equal to 16.6 g, or 11.4 mg/kg b.w., of gossypol. The only evidence of adverse effects was an increase in red blood cell (RBC) osmotic fragility at 28 and 56 days and an increase in serum AP activity at 56 days. No reproductive effects were apparent, and the pregnancy rate was 95%. In other studies, moderate amounts of gossypol in adult cows caused increased RBC fragility and lysis, resulting in a decrease in hematocrit (Jimenez 1980; Lindsey et al. 1980). Respiratory distress may also increase with high environmental temperature and depressed feed intake. Because of these effects, it has been recommended that cottonseed in feed be limited to about 2.7–3.2 kg/day (approximately 150 g/kg whole cottonseed) for adult cows when fed for prolonged periods such as is often done with dairy cattle (Jimenez 1980; Smalley and Bicknell 1982; Zhang et al. 2007). When fed for short periods, higher levels may be acceptable. Although the adult ruminant is considered more resistant to the toxic effects of gossypol, typical clinical signs may occur when exceptionally high levels of cottonseed meal are fed for long periods of time (Jimenez 1979; Lindsey et al. 1980; Smalley and Bicknell 1982; Edwards et al. 1984; Hudson et al. 1988). The low susceptibility of the adult ruminant is not due to microbial or enzymatic action but instead is due to rapid and permanent chemical reaction of free gossypol with soluble protein components, especially lysine and possibly other amino acids, in the rumen liquor (Lyman et al. 1959; Reiser and Fu 1962; Zhang et al. 2007). The role of the rumen in attenuating the response to gossypol is further shown by the enhanced susceptibility of the preruminant calf or lamb to the toxic effects of high dietary cottonseed meal (Hollon et al. 1958; Holmberg et al. 1988; Morgan et al. 1988). The response of these younger animals (and of swine) is similar to that in older individuals; the only difference is the dosage of gossypol required. Sudden death may be a prominent feature, especially for preruminant calves or lambs, as demonstrated in young dairy calves fed a ration with 1200 ppm free


gossypol and steers weighing 182–320 kg on a diet with 2200 ppm (Edwards et al. 1984). Lambs given a ration containing 900 ppm free gossypol for 3–4 weeks either died suddenly or died following signs of cardiac failure (Morgan et al. 1988). Similarly, dairy calves fed cottonseed meal with gossypol levels of 250–380 ppm for the first 10 weeks of life experienced high mortality (Holmberg et al. 1988). Little or no gossypol is eliminated in milk, so the newborn is not at risk from ingestion of cottonseed products by the dam (Lindsey et al. 1980). The adult goat may not be as resistant to the effects of gossypol as cattle. Daily intake of 250–300 mg of free gossypol/day for several months produced typical signs of intoxication (East et al. 1994). Gossypol was present at 270 and 390 ppm free gossypol in the concentrate and protein supplements. The resulting signs and pathology were similar to those in other species. reproductive effects: decreased fertility, male and female Of additional concern are possible reproductive effects associated with gossypol. Transient, dose-related male infertility has been reported for some animal species and humans and was the subject of investigative efforts in China to determine its potential for contraceptive use in humans (Abou-Donia 1989). However, because of serious side effects, this interest has apparently waned (Zhang et al. 2007). The effects are a decrease in testicular steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis and possibly direct action on spermatozoa (Lin et al. 1981; Saksena and Salmonsen 1982; Kramer et al. 1991; El-Sharaky et al. 2010). Although concentrations of gossypol are lower in testes than in most other tissues, some nonruminant animal species are apparently quite susceptible. In hamsters, a daily dosage of 10 mg/kg b.w. of gossypol causes degeneration of spermatocytes and marked decrease in fertility after 5–6 weeks (Hahn et al. 1981). Rats are only about half as sensitive. Recovery from the effects in both species occurs in a few weeks. Even a single dose of gossypol i.p. in rats caused rapid testicular degeneration with germ cell disorganization and fibrosis in hours (Thomas et al. 1991). Other species, such as mice and rabbits, are reported to have low susceptibility to the testicular effects (Hahn et al. 1981; Abou-Donia 1989). Overall, the effects on susceptible nonruminants include, in the female, altered estrous cycles, fertility, and embryo development (Randel et al. 1992). In the male, there is germinal epithelial and sperm damage, with decreased sperm counts and motility and some degree of infertility. Generally, the reproductive effects of gossypol in pigs are not of concern because of the sensitivity of pigs to their other actions, albeit there may be decreased


Toxic Plants of North America

conception and litter size (Eisele 1986). Of greater concern are the effects on reproductive performance of rams or bulls. Detrimental effects have been shown in the spermatogenic tissues of young bulls fed cottonseed meal or whole cottonseed for 4 months (Arshami and Ruttle 1988). In other instances, reduction in fertility with diets high in cottonseed meal was eliminated when the diet was changed (Jarrett 1983). Modest amounts in the diet may be acceptable inasmuch as 0.5 kg/day in the diet of adult male sheep for 120 days did not compromise spermatogenesis (Guedes and Soto-Blanco 2011). Overall, ruminants may have some inhibition of ovarian steroidogenesis and embryo development, and germinal epithelial damage in the male, although there may be no obvious effect on semen quality (Randel et al. 1992). High levels of gossypol while not affecting overall animal health on a short-term basis may have other consequences especially in the long-term, for example, impairing reproductive performance and possibly embryo/fetal development (Prieto et al. 2003; Santos et al. 2003; Zhang et al. 2007; Villasenor et al. 2008). Levels of 36.8 mg/kg b.w. but not 17.8 free gossypol fed for 70 days to Holstein heifers compromised early embryo development (Villasenor et al. 2008). Similarly cracked Pima cottonseed feed with 951 mg/kg d.m. free gossypol fed for 170 days resulted in reduced conception and pregnancy rates and some abortions but no overall health problem (Santos et al. 2003). This confirms previous observations of abortion as a possible effect of consumption of cottonseed meal where seven abortions occurred among 120 dairy cows fed cottonseed meal containing 9400 ppm gossypol (Edwards et al. 1984). This effect was not confirmed experimentally in rats; no adverse effects were noted on pregnancy or the fetus (Beaudin 1985).

abrupt onset; weakness, labored gasping respiration, generalized edema; in some instances, sudden death

Clinical Signs—Swine are most commonly affected. After consumption of a ration high in cottonseed meal by swine for 1–2 months or more, there is abrupt onset of signs, including muscular weakness, frothy salivation, generalized edema, and hypothermia. The most prominent sign is pronounced labored breathing characterized as a gasping or thumping respiration. Most of the signs are readily referable to cardiac insufficiency, and animals often die within several days to a week following onset. There are terminal cyanosis and seizures related to cardiac failure. In many instances, there is sudden death in apparently well animals. The disease in calves and lambs is much the same as in swine. Prolonged ingestion of cottonseed meal produces

abrupt onset of severe but vague clinical signs. Erratic appetite, muscular weakness, hypothermia, generalized edema, respiratory distress, and/or hemoglobinuria may be seen, but often the calves or lambs are found dead without prominent premonitory signs. Consumption of large quantities of cottonseed meal by adult cattle or functionally ruminant calves is less frequently associated with overt clinical disease; however, increased RBC fragility and occasional abrupt deaths without prominent clinical abnormalities may occur with diets of 3 kg or more per day of cottonseed meal. Disease manifestation has been reported during periods of heat stress after animals have been on highly supplemented rations for a prolonged period. Poultry are of intermediate sensitivity to direct toxic effects of gossypol, but they are very prone to lay eggs with olive green yolks because of the interaction between yolk iron and gossypol (Schaible et al. 1933). Horses appear to be of low sensitivity to gossypol. gross pathology: reddened mucosa, stomach, intestines; fluid in body cavities; heart flabby, dilated; liver, mottled

microscopic: heart, edema of the myocardium; liver necrosis

Pathology—Gross changes include widespread congestion and edema, and reddening and sloughing of the mucosal surface of the stomach and intestines. Discrete areas of ulceration are sometimes seen. There are usually large quantities of free fluid in the chest and abdominal cavities and pulmonary edema. The liver may have a mottled or nutmeg appearance, and the heart may appear dilated, flabby, and edematous. Microscopically in the heart, there is interstitial edema with separation and degeneration of the myofibers. Congestion and diffuse centrilobular necrosis of the liver and mild kidney degeneration are also typical. nursing care; limit level of free gossypol in feed for pigs, lambs, and calves to 100 ppm

Treatment—Proper dietary management is the most effective method for reducing the probability of livestock losses due to gossypol intoxication. Cottonseed products remain excellent components in feed rations as long as they are not used in excess. For swine and preruminant calves and lambs, the level of free gossypol in the diet must be less than 100 ppm to ensure safety. A general rule,

Malvaceae Juss.


based on the average gossypol content of commercial cottonseed meal, is that the meal may be added to swine feed if limited to less than 9% of the total ration. Elevated gossypol concentrations in feed may be partially counteracted by additional iron, as ferrous sulfate, in the ration. The total intake of cottonseed products for adult cattle should be limited to 2.5–3 kg per head per day. Because clinical signs usually do not appear for several weeks or months after cottonseed has been introduced into the diet, cattle feeders are advised to have feed samples analyzed for free gossypol content when rations high in cottonseed meal are utilized. Furthermore, it is important to note that because of the cumulative nature of the toxicant and the type of pathological changes, deaths will often continue for several days following cessation of feeding of the toxic ration.


Figure 48.5.

Taxonomy and Morphology—A Eurasian genus of about 20 species, Malva is represented in North America by 8 introduced taxa, most of which are naturalized weeds (Bayer and Kubitzki 2003; USDA, NRCS 2012). Its name is derived either from the Greek word malache for “mallow” or the root malakos, which means “soft” and presumably reflects the texture of the herbage of its species (Quattrocchi 2000). Common names are mallow and cheeseweed; the latter is indicative of the shape of the fruit, which resembles an old-fashioned wheel of cheese. Representative and commonly encountered are the following species: M. neglecta Wallr. M. nicaeensis All. M. parviflora L. M. pusilla Sm. (= M. rotundifolia L.) M. sylvestris L.

common mallow, cheeses, dwarf mallow bull mallow little mallow, cheeseweed, alkali mallow low mallow, roundleaf mallow, running mallow high mallow

Line drawing of Malva neglecta.

epicalyces 3, free, linear to ovate. Flowers small or large; inconspicuous or showy. Sepals fused. Petals white or pink or lavender to purple; obcordate; apices truncate to retuse. Pistils with carpels 6–20; not beaked; stigmas decurrent; styles filiform. Fruits schizocarps; depressed globose; mericarps smooth or corrugated; glabrous or indumented. Seeds 1 per mericarp (Figure 48.5).

introduced; weeds of disturbed sites; across continent

Distribution and Habitat—The North America species of Malva have been introduced, both deliberately and accidentally, from Eurasia. All are weedy; they readily escape cultivation and occupy disturbed habitats across the continent. Some, such as M. neglecta and M. sylvestris, are widely distributed, whereas others, such as M. nicaeensis, have more restricted distributions. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.

herbs; leaves long petiolate; flowers axillary; petals white, pink, lavender, or purple

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; herbage glabrous or sparsely stellate. Stems erect or decumbent to ascending or trailing; 20–300 cm tall; branched or not branched. Leaves long petiolate; blades orbicular to reniform; shallow to deeply lobed or dissected; margins typically crenate; stipules persistent. Inflorescences solitary or fascicled flowers in axils of upper leaves; bracts of

rare neurologic problem with large amounts of fresh forage coupled with vigorous exercise; as yet not a problem in North America

Disease Problems—The green, immature fruits of Malva have a somewhat acceptable taste, especially if the subtending bracts and sepals are removed. They were used by members of various American Indian tribes as nibbles


Toxic Plants of North America

for children and as a base for salads, soups, relishes, and tea (Ebeling 1986; Moerman 1998). Although the genus has been used as a food, there are indications of possible intoxication problems. An early report by Hester (1906) indicated a toxicity potential in cattle and horses that subsisted largely on a species of Malva and then were exercised heavily. The species was identified as M. nicaeencis (reported as M. borealis) but the identification may have been incorrect (Marsh et al. 1928; Kingsbury 1964). Because of such reports, Marsh and coworkers (1928) administered 5.2% b.w. of M. parviflora to a sheep for 11 days, for a total dose of 57.2% b.w. without causing adverse effects. They repeated this in another sheep at 5.9% of b.w. for 26 days, for a total of 154% b.w., again without causing adverse effects. However, they used dried rather than fresh plants. Subsequent studies in Australia revealed that sheep, cattle, and horses did indeed develop a staggers type of syndrome when exercised extensively following ingestion of large amounts of fresh M. parviflora for several days or weeks (Dodd and Henry 1922). Dried or even wilted forage did not cause a problem. Bourke (1995) has characterized the disease as a primary myopathy limb paresis syndrome. In an Australian report, the disease was observed in sheep grazing a pasture of 90% M. parviflora for some time (Main and Butler 2006). The disease began to appear en route when the animals had been driven about 1.5 km to another location 6 km distant. Initially, the animals lagged back and then collapsed. After a rest, they rose again, moved a short distance only to collapse, rest, and rise again. Some animals, however, were unable to rise; and eventually of the 100 animals affected, 16 died. Systemic effects are typically lacking; there is no depression or appetite depression. In the case described above, serum creatinine kinase and ALT were markedly elevated and histopathology revealed a myopathy and cardiomyopathy (Main and Butler 2006). However, Malva is generally of little consequence as a toxic plant because the special circumstances required are seldom met, that is, ingestion of large amounts of plant material coupled with extensive exercise. When poultry eat the foliage or seeds of M. parviflora, there are changes in egg quality. The egg whites are sometimes pink, somewhat similar to the discolorations caused by gossypol in cottonseed meal (Sherwood 1928; Lorenz et al. 1933; Schaible et al. 1933).

toxin unknown; some species accumulate nitrate

cattle, and sheep of all ages, but especially young animals, are affected. Elimination of the toxin in milk puts nursing young at risk but also reduces the effects in the mother (Dodd and Henry 1922). In addition, both M. parviflora and M. nicaeensis accumulate nitrate in the range of 3–8% NO3 d.w. (Shlosberg et al. 1975; Everist 1981), but this attribute has not proven to be a problem. Pink discoloration of egg whites appears to be the result of malvalic or sterculic acid (cyclopropene ring), which induces degeneration of vitelline membranes (Lorenz 1939; Shenstone and Vickery 1959). This allows diffusion of iron from the yolk to the white. when exercised, animals move stiffly and slowly, back arched; trembling, collapse, struggle; stand after rest

Clinical Signs—Sheep and cattle, especially lambs or calves, fed plants of the genus extensively for a week or more and forced to walk a considerable distance may become incapacitated. They tend to lag behind the other animals, move stiffly, and stand or move slowly, with back arched and head extended. The muscles of the shoulders and rump quiver or tremble. Eventually, the animals fall and struggle, sometimes regaining their feet but often are unable to stand. If allowed to rest for a while, they may be able to move away again without problem. The disease is much like the various staggers syndromes produced by Paspalum (Dallisgrass) and Lolium (perennial ryegrass) (see Chapter 58). In horses, sweating is marked and respiration is increased; otherwise, the signs are similar to those of sheep and cattle. no lesions; no treatment needed

Pathology and Treatment—Typically, there will be few lesions other than scattered splotchy agonal hemorrhages and a small amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity. However, if the animals are pushed hard, there may be evidence of a myopathy and cardiomyopathy as shown by serum enzymes and histopathology (Main and Butler 2006). Alleviation of the signs can be readily accomplished when animals are allowed to rest for several days to ensure that repeat episodes of distress do not occur.

MODIOLA MOENCH Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to tropical

Disease Genesis—The toxin present in Malva is not known but is apparently volatile, because it does not persist in dried plants. It is also passed in the milk. Horses,

America and possibly southeastern North America, Modiola is a monotypic genus (Mabberley 2008). The single species is the following:

Malvaceae Juss. M. caroliniana (L.) G.Don

Carolina bristlemallow, wheel mallow, bristly mallow, redflowered mallow, ground ivy

(= M. multifida Moench)

prostrate herbs; leaves palmately cleft with 3–7 lobes; flowers small, axillary; petals salmon to purplish red Plants herbs; perennials or rarely annuals; herbage hirsute. Stems prostrate or decumbent, 15–60 cm long; often rooting at nodes. Leaves petiolate; blades orbicular to reniform or triangular, margins palmately cleft, lobes 3–7, irregularly incised; stipules persistent. Inflorescences solitary flowers in axils of leaves; peduncles long; bracts of epicalyces 3, linear to obovate. Flowers small. Sepals fused; triangular ovate. Petals salmon to purplish red; obcordate; apices truncate to retuse. Pistils with carpels 15–30, 2-beaked; stigmas capitate; styles filiform. Fruits schizocarps; depressed globose; mericarps reniform; hispid; black. Seeds 2 per mericarp. naturalized weed; disturbed sites; southern half of continent


There are no distinctive lesions. The only known treatment is control of the neurologic effects by sedation.

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE RISK OR SIGNIFICANCE Malvella Jaub. & Spach Comprising 3 species in the southwestern quarter of North America, Malvella, commonly known as alkali mallow, is morphologically very similar to Sida, a genus in which its 3 species were positioned at one time (Fryxell 1988). Plants of the genus are prostrate, perennial herbs with stellate and lepidote pubescence. Their leaves are 2-ranked, asymmetrical, and reniform flabellate to triangular. The solitary flowers have pale yellow to pale rose petals and 7–10 styles with capitate stigmas. Of toxicologic interest is Malvella leprosa (Oretega) Krapov (reported as Sida leprosa). Commonly known as alkali mallow or whiteweed, it was thought to be the cause of death in an episode involving sheep (Fuller and McClintock 1986). In an early experimental study, Steyn (1934) gave a sheep 200 g of dried leaves, stems, and seeds of the species, but disease signs did not appear.

Sida L. Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from tropical America, Modiola has spread over much of southern North America, especially in waste areas and lawns. Plants also occur at the edges of salt marshes. Some taxonomists suggest that the species may be native to the southeast portion of the continent and occurred as far north as South Carolina and possibly Virginia before the arrival of European colonists (Gleason and Cronquist 1991). neurologic disease; toxin unknown

Disease Problems and Genesis—In the few reported instances of intoxication, consumption of an appreciable amount of Modiola caused a neurologic disease in goats, cattle, and sheep (King 1920; Fuller and McClintock 1986). The cause of these effects is not known. ataxia, collapse, seizures; no lesions; administer sedatives

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs begin with ataxia and then progress to prostration, seizures, and, in some animals, paralysis of the pelvic limbs.

Commonly known as fanpetals, Sida comprises about 100 species, of which 19 native and introduced species occur in North America (Fryxell 1985; Bayer and Kubitzki 2003; USDA, NRCS 2012). Plants of the genus are erect or prostrate herbs or subshrubs with ovate to linear, usually dentate leaves. Borne singly in the leaf axils or in cymes or panicles, the flowers have white, yellow, orange, rose, or purplish petals and 5–14 styles with capitate stigmas. With respect to toxicologic problems in North America, Sida cordifolia L. (heartleaf sida) and S. rhombifolia L. (arrowleaf sida or Cuban jute) have been suspected but not confirmed to be toxic. Pammel (1911) reported that chickens eating capsules of S. rhombifolia died; however, later feeding tests by Steyn (1934) were negative. The discovery of ephedrine and gossypol in the aerial portions of the plants, especially the seeds, does suggest the possibility of adverse effects (Chopra et al. 1984). Other species of Sida, such as S. spinosa L. (prickly fantails), however, do not have pigment glands, and gossypol is present in the seed tissues only at the same low levels (60 ppm) found in glandless cottonseed (Schmidt and Wells 1990). Although problems with species of Sida have not been documented in North America, a serious neurologic disease involving livestock grazing S. acuta Burm.f. (common wireweed; reported as S. carpinifolia) for


Toxic Plants of North America

prolonged periods occurs in South America, particularly Brazil. The disease has been diagnosed in cattle, sheep, goats, fallow deer, and horses, and experimentally reproduced as well (Driemeier et al. 2000; Colodel et al. 2002a; Loretti et al. 2003; Seitz et al. 2005; Furlan et al. 2008, 2009; Pedroso et al. 2009; 2011). Histopathologic findings of cytoplasmic vacuolation in the brain, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and thyroid are consistent with a swainsonine-like lysosomal storage disease. Swainsonine has been detected in the whole plants at a concentration of 0.006% d.w., which, based on the work with Astragalus, is sufficiently high to cause the disease (Colodel et al. 2002b). It may be expected that the presence of swainsonine is associated with infestation of the plants with a fungal endophyte. The lack of disease in North America considering the widespread presence of S. acuta in the Gulf Coast states may be due to the absence of the endophyte. In the event of toxicosis, the clinical signs would be similar to the neurologic abnormalities of locoism (see Astragalus in Chapter 35). Diagnosis may be aided by detection of urinary oligosaccharides by thin layer chromatography (Bedin et al. 2009). Other species such as S. cordifolia, also present in the southeastern United States, have been used for medicinal purposes in other areas of the world and have been shown to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antihepatotoxic activity (Rao and Mishra 1998; Kanth and Diwan 1999; Franzotti et al. 2000; Franco et al. 2005).

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Chapter Forty-Nine

Meliaceae Juss.

Mahogany Family Melia Comprising about 50 genera and 550 species, the Meliaceae, or mahogany family, is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions (Heywood 2007). Many species are common understory trees in the rain forests. Economically, the family is prized for the wood of Swietenia (mahogany) and Cedrela (West Indian cedar). Other genera are popular shade trees and sources of oils and biologically active compounds, and are used medicinally; for example, Munronia (vinkohomba) is used in the treatment of malaria and to reduce high temperatures associated with fevers (Heywood 2007). In North America, 3 introduced genera are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Intoxication problems are associated with 1 genus. shrubs or trees; leaves pinnately compound, alternate; flowers in panicles; petals 4–6

comprises 3–5 species (Heywood 2007; Mabberley 2008). Its name is an ancient Greek one for ash (Fraxinus), reputedly because of the similarity in leaves (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). One introduced species is present in North America: M. azedarach L.

chinaberry, Persian lilac, white cedar, pride-of-India, Indian lilac, China tree, syringa berry tree, Texas umbrella tree, bead tree, paradise tree, paráiso, piocha, cavelon, Ceylon mahogany

The common name chinaberry has also been used for Sapindus saponaria in the Sapindaceae. Also toxic (see Chapter 67), this species is more properly called soapberry. Because the morphological features of Melia are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from the other 2 introduced genera by differences in the leaves, flowers, and fruits (Figures 49.1 and 49.2).

Distribution and Habitat—Native to Asia, M. azedarPlants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; typically aromatic; bearing perfect flowers or rarely polygamous. Leaves 1- or 2-pinnately compound; alternate; stipules absent. Inflorescences panicles; axillary or extra-axillary. Flowers perfect or rarely imperfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 4–6; fused; imbricate. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 4–6; free; valvate or imbricate. Stamens 8–12; filaments fused to form erect cylindrical tube with slender teeth. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3–5; stigmas 1, capitate or discoid; styles 1 or absent; ovaries superior; locules 3–5; placentation axile. Fruits capsules or drupes. Seeds 1 to many.

MELIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Old World tropics and occurring from Asia to Australia, Melia

ach has been planted around the world as an ornamental. In North America, it is limited to the southern states and Mexico, where it has escaped cultivation and naturalized (Figure 49.3).

digestive disturbance; neurologic effects; fruits and flowers

Disease Problems—The medicinal properties of Melia are well known. Its drupes and bark or their extracts have been used extensively in horses as a tonic and to control intestinal parasites such as stomach bots (Gastrophilus spp.) (Standley 1920–1926). Leaves placed in books are said to repel insects, and the drupes have been used to

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 49.1.

Line drawing of Melia azedarach.

Figure 49.2. Photo of Melia azedarach. Courtesy of Larry Allain at USDA, NRCS PLANTS Database.

repel moths in closets and chests. Extracts of the fruits are effective anthelmintics against tapeworms and hookworms, better than some standard proprietary products such as piperazine (Szewczuk et al. 2006). However, toxicosis in humans and animals has also been reported. Serious intoxications in humans seem to be mainly associated with herbal use of the leaves or bark by adults or ingestion of the fruits by curious children (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1964). For example, a 3-year-old Venezuelan child reputedly died several days after eating the fruit of M. azedarach (Carratala 1939). That the species

Figure 49.3.

Distribution of Melia azedarach.

was definitely responsible was not confirmed, but aqueous extracts of the drupes subsequently given to rabbits caused digestive disturbance when given orally, and neurologic signs and death when administered subcutaneously. In another instance, a rare fatality was associated with a decoction of bark; an 18-year-old girl ingested the decoction and within 30 minutes became dizzy and fainted (Toh 1969). In 90 minutes, she was comatose with flaccid limbs and low blood pressure, and required respiratory assistance. She died 3 days later. However, in most cases, the adverse effects are much less serious. In 5 cases of herbal use, problems with abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, and generally benign neurologic signs of weakness, numbness, myalgia, headache, and drooping eyelids were described (Phua et al. 2008). Seizures were rarely noted. Apparently, numerous cases have been reported in the Chinese literature such that in general, 6–9 fruits, 30–40 seeds, or 400 g of bark are considered to be toxic doses. In 9 instances of intoxication reported from Taiwan, only gastrointestinal irritant effects were noted; mild in 6 and moderate in 3 (Lin et al. 2009). Intoxications in animals may involve dogs, pigs, ruminants, rabbits, and other species. Because of their incessant pecking activity, ostriches are at considerable risk (Cooper 2007). The disease may affect primarily the digestive system or there may also be a neurologic effect (Oelrichs et al. 1985). The potential of Melia azedarach to cause intoxications is quite variable, and in some areas where the species is common, disease problems may be rare or unknown. This is consistent with the reported variability in toxin content. The drupes and possibly the flowers are most commonly involved in appearance of the disease although all plant parts are toxic (Steyn 1934). The drupes are quite astringent when immature and green but become sweet when ripe and yellow. However, while

Meliaceae Juss.

not as palatable, the immature fruits are also toxic (AlKhafaji et al. 2001). The minimal lethal dose is estimated to be 200 g for pigs and 800 g for sheep or goats. Mendez and coworkers (2002a,b) estimated the LD50 to be about 15 g/kg for calves or pigs. Illness and death may follow consumption of the drupes in a few hours to a day or more (Kwatra et al. 1974). They are occasionally eaten by dogs; in a 10-year period (1987–1997), 24 cases were reported to the National Animal Poison Control Center (Hare et al. 1997). In most instances, the dogs died 24–48 hours after ingestion. Animals are often found dead with their stomachs full of drupes. Smith (1940) recorded a case in which pigs, put in a pen with numerous chinaberries on the ground, ate all of them and were found dead the next day. Experimentally, pigs given the fruits at 10–15 g/kg b.w. became ataxic, had tremors, and had difficulty standing (Mendez et al. 2006). Those given 20 g/kg died. However, pigs are said to be able, in some instances, to adapt to the toxicity of the drupes, eating a few and never developing the disease (Pammel 1921). Rats fed dried leaves at 25% of their diet developed weakness and loss of appetite by the 14th day and then paralysis and death in another 2–10 days. There was prominent skeletal myopathy, including hyaline degeneration, fiber fragmentation, and necrosis (Bahri et al. 1992). It is of interest that Melia has a reputation in Brazil as a rare tree that is not eaten by marauding grasshoppers (Mendez et al. 2002a). Because of the similarity in their names, M. azedarach has been confused with M. azadirachta in the toxicologic literature. Commonly known as margosa or neem, this evergreen tree is found in Indo-Malaysia. The taxon is now placed in its own genus and named Azadirachta indica. Used medicinally, it is also toxic when its leaves or drupes are eaten, but the toxicants are not necessarily the same (Ali and Salih 1982; Ali 1987). Both digestive and neurotoxic effects are apparent (Iyyadurai et al. 2010). Its fruits are the source of neem oil (azadirachtin) for topical and anthelmintic use, and the residue meal (neem cakes) was tested as a possible feed for lambs and chickens (Bhandari and Joshi 1974; Sadagopan et al. 1982; Chopra et al. 1984). The cakes produced detrimental effects, including severe degeneration of the digestive tract mucosa, growth depression, and death.

triterpene, epoxide meliatoxins; low dosage, diarrhea; high dosage, neurologic actions

Disease Genesis—Intoxications caused by M. azedarach appear to be due to several tetranortriterpenes called

Figure 49.4.


Chemical structure of meliatoxin A2.

meliatoxins A1, A2, B1, and B2, which have been isolated from the fruits (Oelrichs et al. 1983). A2 differs from A1 in having a side chain of OC(=O)CH(Me)2. B1 and B2 are isomeric with A1 and A2, respectively, but lack the epoxide structure and are suggested to be merely isolation artifacts (MacLeod et al. 1990). The epoxide group may be a determinant of maximal activity, because A2 is especially active in reducing insect herbivory. A1 differs from A2 in the side group being OOCC(CH3)CCH3. In addition to these compounds, there are numerous other havanensinclass limonoids with the acetal bridge as reviewed extensively by Zhao and coworkers (2010). Whereas the meliatoxins are the toxins of the fruits, the toosendanin types are those in the bark (Figure 49.4). Given orally, the meliatoxins (and toosendanins) cause signs similar to those of the natural disease, that is, muscular contractions, spasmodic quivering, collapse, and death. Sublethal dosage caused diarrhea, with or without blood, that lasted for 1–2 days. There is considerable variation in toxin content. In trees of some areas, the toxin is not present and the disease seems to be absent as well (Oelrichs et al. 1983; Bahri et al. 1992). There has been some doubt about the toxicity potential of the foliage (Steyn 1934). This may account for its use as livestock forage despite the occurrence of severe toxicity in the same area for humans who eat the drupes (Chopra et al. 1984). However, experiments in calves indicate toxic effects with the same signs at only slightly higher dosage of leaves compared with fruits (Mendez et al. 2002b). The mechanism of action for these toxins is not clear, but in vitro studies with toosendanin indicate that with prolonged exposure, there is an influx of Ca2+ into NG108-15 cells resulting in an overload possibly leading to a neurotransmission block (Li and Shi 2005; Shi and Li 2007).


Toxic Plants of North America

abrupt onset; retching, vomiting, excess salivation, diarrhea, weakness, trembling, ataxia, seizures

Clinical Signs—The disease may present with increased salivation, retching, vomiting, anorexia, tremors, and diarrhea. There may also be early excitement and then paralysis along with the digestive disturbance. Respiration is labored and irregular, and weakness, muscle cramps, ataxia, and tetanic- or clonic-type seizures indicate more serious signs. In ostrich, the signs were tremors, kicking due to distress, and respiratory distress. In some animals, abrupt onset of neurologic signs and death may occur without prominent digestive disturbance. Gaseous distension of the stomach often occurs later in the disease. Photosensitization has been seen in rabbits in which the disease was experimentally induced (Al-Khafaji and Al-Farwachi 2000). Signs in humans are similar to those in animals with initial gastrointestinal problems of nausea and vomiting followed closely in some instances by neurologic signs. Headache, weakness, numbness, and myalgia are generally mild, but in rare instances, may become serious with seizures also occurring.

Pathology—Grossly, there is focal edema and reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine and gaseous distension of the stomach.

administer activated charcoal; sedation

Treatment—Induced emesis prior to onset of signs, gastric lavage, and/or administration of activated charcoal are important aspects of treatment, especially in dogs and children. Sedation may also be required in the case of marked neurologic effects. Because of the possibility of shock, fluids and immediate-acting steroids may be valuable adjuncts to treatment (Hare et al. 1997).

REFERENCES Ali BH. The toxicity of Azadirachta indica leaves in goats and guinea pigs. Vet Hum Toxicol 29;16–19, 1987. Ali BH, Salih AMM. Suspected Azadirachta indica toxicity in a sheep. Vet Rec 111;494, 1982. Al-Khafaji NJ, Al-Farwachi MI. Experimental Melia azedarach (Sibahbah) intoxication in rabbits. Iraqi J Vet Sci 13;81–92, 2000. Al-Khafaji NJ, Al-Badrani BA, Al-Farwachi MI. Intoxication with fruits of Melia azedarach at mature and immature stages in rabbits. Iraqi J Vet Sci 14;95–107, 2001. Bahri S, Sani Y, Hooper PT. Myodegeneration in rats fed Melia azedarach. Aust Vet J 69;33, 1992.

Bhandari DS, Joshi MS. The effect of feeding deoiled neem cake on health of sheep. Indian Vet J 51;659–661, 1974. Carratala RE. Fatal intoxication by fruit from Melia azedarach L. Rev Assoc Med Argent 53;338–340, 1939. Chopra RN, Badhwar RL, Ghosh S. Poisonous Plants of India, Vol. 1. Academic Publishers, Jaipur, India, 1984. Cooper RG. Poisoning in ostriches following ingestion of toxic plants—field observations. Trop Anim Health Prod 39;439– 442, 2007. Hare WR, Schutzman H, Lee BR, Knight MW. Chinaberry poisoning in two dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 210;1638–1640, 1997. Heywood VH. Meliaceae mahogany neem. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 207– 208, 2007. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Iyyadurai R, Suekha V, Sathyendra S, Wilson BP, Gopinath KG. Azadirachtin poisoning: a case report. Clin Toxicol 48;857– 858, 2010. Kwatra MS, Singh B, Hothi DS, Dhingra PN. Poisoning by Melia azedarach in pigs. Vet Rec 95;421, 1974. Li MF, Shi YL. The long-term effect of toosendanin on current through nifedipine-sensitive Ca2+ channels in NG108-15 cells. Toxicon 45;53–60, 2005. Lin TJ, Nelson LS, Tsai JL, Hung DZ, Hu SC, Chan HM, Deng J-F. Common toxidromes of plant poisonings in Taiwan. Clin Toxicol 47;161–168, 2009. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. MacLeod JK, Moeller PDR, Molinski TF, Koul O. Antifeedant activity against Spodoptera litura larvae and [13C] NMR spectral assignments of the meliatoxins. J Chem Ecol 16;2511– 2518, 1990. Mendez MC, Aragao M, Elias F, Riet-Correa F, Gimeno EJ. Experimental intoxication by the leaves of Melia azedarach (Meliaceae) in cattle. Pesqui Vet Bras 22;19–24, 2002a. Mendez MC, Elias F, Aragao M, Gimeno EJ, Riet-Correa F. Intoxication of cattle by fruits of Melia azedarach. Vet Hum Toxicol 44;145–148, 2002b. Mendez MC, Elias F, Riet-Correa F, Gimeno EJ, Portiansky EL. Experimental poisoning by fruits of Melia azedarach (Meliaceae) in pigs. Pesqui Vet Bras 26;26–30, 2006. Oelrichs PB, Hill MW, Vallely PJ, MacLeod JK, Molinski TF. Toxic tetranortriterpenes of the fruit of Melia azedarach. Phytochemistry 22;531–534, 1983. Oelrichs PB, Hill MW, Vallely PJ, MacLeod JK, Molinski TF. The chemistry and pathology of meliatoxins A and B constituents from the fruit of Melia azedarach L. var. australasica. In Plant Toxicology, Proceedings of the Australia-USA Poisonous Plant Symposium. Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, Keeler RF, eds. Animal Research Institute, Yeerongpilly, Queensland, pp. 387–394, 1985. Pammel LH. China tree poisonous. Vet Med 16;47, 1921. Phua DH, Tsai W-J, Ger J, Deng J-F, Yang C-C. Human Melia azedarach poisoning. Clin Toxicol 46;1067–1070, 2008. Sadagopan VR, Johri TS, Reddy VR, Panda BK. Feeding value of neem seed meal for starter chicks. Indian Vet J 59;462–465, 1982.

Meliaceae Juss. Shi Y-L, Li M-F. Biological effects of toosendanin, a triterpenoid extracted from Chinese traditional medicine. Prog Neurobiol 82;1–10, 2007. Smith EV. Poisonous plants as a problem in southern livestock production. Assoc South Agric Work Proc 41;104–105, 1940. Standley PC. Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contrib U S Natl Herb 23;1–1721, 1920–1926. Steyn DG. The Toxicology of Plants in South Africa. Central News Agency, Cape Town, South Africa, 1934. Szewczuk VD, Mongelli ER, Pomilio AB. In vitro anthelmintic activity of Melia azedarach naturalized in Argentina. Phytother Res 20;993–996, 2006.


Toh KK. Melia azedarach poisoning. Singap Med J 10;24–28, 1969. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA,, April 21, 2012. Watt JM, Breyer-Brandwijk MG. The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa, 2nd ed. E & S Livingston, Edinburgh, 1964. Zhao L, Huo C-H, Shen L-R, Yang Y, Zhang Q, Shi Q-W. Chemical constituents of plants from the genus Melia. Chem Biodivers 7;839–859, 2010.

Chapter Fifty

Nitrariaceae Lindl.

Gabrancillo Family Peganum Presently circumscribed to include 3 or 4 genera and about 12 species, the Nitrariaceae is characteristically encountered in dry regions and deserts of both the Old and New World (Mabberley 2008; Bremer et al. 2009). In North America, it is represented by 1 genus and 2 species, 1 native and 1 introduced. Unlike most families, it lacks a generally accepted common name; we thus use the common name of our single indigenous species. The genera of the Nitrariaceae have long been positioned in the Zygophyllaceae, or creosote bush family. However, on the basis of morphological, anatomical, and molecular phylogenetic analyses (Gadek et al. 1996; Sheahan and Chase 1996), the circumscription of the Zygophyllaceae was narrowed by the segregation of these genera into 1–3 small families. Yet to be resolved are the boundaries of these families. Mabberley (2008) and Bremer and coworkers (2009) recognized 1 family, whereas Savolainen and coworkers (2000) recognized 2, and Brummitt (2007a,b,c) 3. We here recognize a single family, the Nitrariaceae, as does Porter (unpublished data) in his forthcoming treatment in Volume 13 of the Flora of North America. herbs; leaves simple, alternate; 2-lobed; flowers solitary in leaf axils; flowers 4- or 5-merous; stamens 12–15. Plants herbs; perennials; from woody rootstocks; foliage dense. Stems prostrate to ascending; to 90 cm long and 30 cm tall; profusely branched; pubescent or glabrous. Leaves alternate; somewhat fleshy; margins irregularly pinnatifid with linear lobes; stipules usually present, small. Inflorescence solitary flowers in leaf axils; pedicels present. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series.Sepals 4 or

5; foliaceous; margins entire or pinnatifid; persistent. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 4 or 5; subequal; free; white to yellow. Stamens 12–15; in 2 or 3 whorls, filaments linear, bases dilated. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3; stigmas 2–6; styles 1; ovaries superior, 2–4 lobed; locules 2–4; placentation axile. Fruits capsules; subglobose; beak as long as or longer than body. Seeds numerous; triangular; dark; curved.

PEGANUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A genus of 3 species occurring in both the Old World and the New World, Peganum, an ancient Greek name used by Theophrastus, is represented in North America by 1 introduced and 1 native species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Brummitt 2007b): P. harmala L. P. mexicanum A.Gray

Because the morphological features of Peganum are the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here (Figures 50.1–50.3).

semiarid rangelands of the Southwest

Distribution and Habitat—Both species are inhabitants of semiarid rangelands. Native to the Chihuahuan Desert, P. mexicanum is infrequently encountered in alluvial and gypsum soils of the deserts of the northern half of Mexico and southern Texas and New Mexico (Correll and Johnston 1970; USDA, NRCS 2012). Native to the eastern Mediterranean region, P. harmala is widely distributed in Central Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East. Introduced in the 1930s, it has become a weed in

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


harmal, African rue, harmal peganum, wild rue garbancillo, limoncillo, Mexican peganum

Nitrariaceae Lindl.


Figure 50.3. Photo of Peganum harmala. Photo by W.L. Wagner, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution. Figure 50.1.

Figure 50.2.

Line drawing of Peganum harmala.

Photo of Peganum harmala.

some localized areas of the western United States and designated as noxious (USDA, NRCS 2011). Its seeds are the source of the dye turkey red (Correll and Johnston 1970). Distribution maps of the 2 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.

neurotoxic; seeds used medicinally and for psychotropic effects

Disease Problems—Although P. harmala has long been recognized as a toxic plant in North Africa, it has not evoked great concern in North America, because of its limited distributional range. However, growing awareness of it as a noxious weed and a toxic plant has resulted in laws making its cultivation illegal in some states, including California (Fuller and McClintock 1986).

In the Middle East, the seeds are prepared as teas and used mainly as a menstrual stimulant and abortifacient (Frison et al. 2008). In low dosage, it is considered to have a calming effect whereas in higher dosage, stimulant actions prevail with psychoactive and mild hallucinogenic properties becoming evident (Yuruktumen et al. 2008). Use of the seeds as a stimulant is becoming more common because of information about the species on the Internet. They may be used in combination with other psychoactive plants to make infusions and decoctions with psychotropic effects similar to the ayahuasca preparations made from species of Banisteriopsis in the Malpighiaceae by shamans in South America (Bresnick and Levin 2006; Frison et al. 2008). Unfortunately, the use of these preparations represents a serious acute health risk because commercial sources of the seeds seldom indicate the risks involved with their use. In two cases involving self-made drinks, one individual developed neurologic problems lasting 1 day, while the second individual had cardiac and other systemic abnormalities with loss of consciousness, the effects lasting several days (Frison et al. 2008; Yuruktumen et al. 2008). In 4 individuals requiring intensive hospital care in Tunisia, the clinical signs were headache, drowsiness, visual hallucinations, slight hearing impairment, and numbness or tingling sensations of the skin (Hamouda et al. 2000). neurotoxic effects in animals; ingestion of large amounts required; seldom eaten because not palatable Experimentally, the seeds at a dose of 0.16% b.w. in a single feeding were lethal in a guinea pig, causing weakness, loss of muscular control of the pelvic limbs, and shaking several hours before death. Young leaves also caused clinical signs of disease but required higher dosage,


Toxic Plants of North America

whereas signs could not be induced with old leaves (Moran et al. 1940). In rats, a single dose of 2.5–4 mg/kg b.w. of seeds caused tremors and clonic/tonic seizures, while sublethal dosage of 2 mg/kg daily for 3 months caused hepatic degeneration and spongiform changes in the white matter of the CNS (Lamchouri et al. 2002). Mild disease symptoms were seen in a heifer given 0.31% b.w. as dry weight of seeds and leaves. Fresh foliage is extremely bitter and disagreeable to the taste, apparently because of a volatile oil. Thus, it is difficult to induce an animal to eat enough plant material to produce toxic effects (Mathews 1941). Peganum harmala is eaten more readily by sheep if it is allowed to dry for several days (Black and Parker 1936). The lack of early concern about this genus was in part due to the negative results of experiments, even though dosages used were quite low. Dosages of 44.5 g seeds/day for 4 days and 136.2 g young leaves/ day for 20 days in sheep of 27–40 kg b.w. were not sufficient to cause adverse effects. Similarly, in cattle of 355– 400 kg b.w., 250 g seeds/day for 29 days and 406 g young leaves/day for 15 days did not cause intoxication (Black and Parker 1936). A diet containing 10% leaves given for 2 weeks to chicks caused depression of growth and hepatic degeneration along with widespread congestion of hemorrhage (Qazan 2009). Disease signs have been reported for camels forced to eat the plant (El Bahri and Chemli 1991). However, in this study, signs related to the digestive system were seen, such as excess salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea, in addition to the predominant neurologic signs. Indeed, signs due to P. harmala are said to resemble closely cholinergic effects caused by species of Hyoscyamus in the Solanaceae (Chapter 69) (El Bahri et al. 1996). Early work by Boughton and Hardy (1938) indicated P. mexicanum to be nontoxic, but confirmation of this is needed because of the accumulation of more recent information about P. harmala.

β-carbolines principal toxicants

Disease Genesis—Peganum harmala contains two types of alkaloids, β-carbolines and quinolines. Those of primary concern are a series of related β-carboline indole alkaloids (harmala alkaloids): harman, norharman, tetrahydroharmane, harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmaline, harmol, harmalol, peganine, and deoxypeganine (Marion 1962; Kamel et al. 1970b; Puzii et al. 1980; Bourke et al. 1990; Frison et al. 2008; Herraiz et al. 2010). Exhibiting considerable seasonal variation, alkaloid concentrations are high in mature seeds and roots (4–6%), but quite low in flowers, leaves, and stems (1%)

Figure 50.4.

Chemical structure of harmine.

(Zayed and Wink 2005). The methoxy-containing harmine and its dihydro derivative harmaline account for 90% or more of the plant’s alkaloid content. In Egypt, ratios of harmine to harmaline are reported to vary from 1:2 in winter to 2:1 in the summer dry period (Kamel et al. 1970a). A decrease in total alkaloid concentration, in concert with a change in proportions favoring harmine, may result in a decrease in toxicity because harmaline is twice as toxic as harmine (Figure 50.4). alkaloids inhibit MAO, increase serotonin activity, excite inferior olivary neurons, causing tremors and spasticity The effects of these β-carboline alkaloids are the result of a combination of short-duration competitive inhibition of monoamine oxidase (MAO-A but little of B); interference with amine uptake, leading to increased serotonin activity; and excitation of the inferior olives, inducing tremors (Udenfriend et al. 1958; Lessin et al. 1967; Herraiz et al. 2010). The two compounds are hallucinogenic in humans (McGeer et al. 1978). Inhibition of MAO possibly augments dopaminergic and serotonergic activity in the nervous system. Hence, it is not surprising that both of these alkaloids cause spastic activity in rats at low parenteral dosages (0.01–0.02% b.w. s.c.) (Gunn and Simonart 1930; Gunn and MacKeith 1931; Puzii et al. 1980). However, the most intriguing mechanism involved with harmaline is its action on inferior olivary neurons. These neurons are part of the extrapyramidal system. Located in the lower medullary region near the pyramids, they connect with the cerebellum via olivocerebellar fibers. The climbing fibers allow interaction of the spinal cord, red nucleus, cerebellum, and basal ganglia with Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. The overall effect is on skilled, coordinated movements and involves increase tone and rigidity in the extremities. Harmaline causes a very characteristic generalized tremor by a central action transmitted through the inferior olive and olivocerebellar pathway to Purkinje cells in the cerebellar vermis (Lamarre and Mercier 1971; Llinás and Volkind 1973; Knowles and Phillips 1980). The olivary effects are due to hyperpolarization of neurons and facilitation of low-threshold conductance (Llinás 1991). It has been suggested that

Nitrariaceae Lindl.

harmaline causes selective degeneration of Purkinje cells, especially of olivocerebellar climbing fiber projections via excitatory amino acid release and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors (O’Hearn and Molliver 1993; Du and Harvey 1997; Du et al. 1997). Furthermore, various NMDA receptor antagonists and GABAa receptor agonists are protective against harmaline-induced tremors and neurodegeneration (Paterson et al. 2009; Iseri et al. 2011). Thus, the considerable interest in harmaline in elucidating tremorgenic neurologic mechanisms and interactions. β-Carbolines, especially harmine, bind both RNA (yeast) and DNA (calf-thymus), apparently inhibiting topoisomerases and interfering with DNA synthesis (Nafisi et al. 2010a,b). It is of interest that the stems and bark of Banisteriopsis caapi, a South American woody vine in the Malpighiaceae also contain harmala alkaloids and are generally combined with leaves from plants such as Psychotria in the Rubiaceae that contain N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in decoctions and infusions called ayahuasca or “vine of the souls,” a hallucinogen with profound consciousnessaltering action (Callaway et al. 2005; Bresnick and Levin 2006). The MAO inhibitory activity of P. harmala decreases breakdown of DMT, increasing its activity as a powerful serotoninergic agonist (Beyer et al. 2009). Thus, the inclusion of seeds of P. harmala in drug combinations is referred to as “ayahuasca analogs” and may enhance the effects of other psychoactive compounds via MAO inhibition. These effects may also be the basis of possible antidepressant actions of P. harmala (Herraiz et al. 2010). The other β-carboline alkaloids produced by Peganum contribute little toward toxicity because their concentrations are low and some such as harmol and harmalol are not convulsants (Gunn and Simonart 1930; Gunn and MacKeith 1931). Seeds and especially flowers and shoots also contain vasicine (= peganine), deoxypeganine, and vasicinone. These compounds are hypotensive and bronchodilatory, and appear to cause depression of cholinesterase activity; the significance of these effects with respect to the clinical toxicological signs is yet unknown (Zayed and Wink 2005; Frison et al. 2008). Because of its possible dopaminergic actions, harmalol has been tried, but with only limited success, in the treatment of parkinsonism. Alkaloidal extracts of P. harmala, however, are used i.v. for treatment of theileriosis in cattle and sheep with few adverse effects (Cooper and Gunn 1931; Puzii and Serov 1983). Much of the extract is eliminated in urine in the first 24 hours, but some remains in the animal’s tissues for a week or more.

tremors, ataxia, excitability, narcosis, weakness; no lesions; treat with supportive nursing care


Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—In most animals, the signs of Peganum toxicity will be mild and of short duration. They include tremors and mild ataxia, especially when animals are forced to move. In more severe cases, animals will be excitable at first and then have alternating periods of narcosis and obvious weakness of the pelvic limbs. There may be accompanying effects on the digestive system as well, including diarrhea and increased salivation. General supportive care is the most appropriate treatment. There may be congestion of some organs and a few scattered small hemorrhages, but there are no distinctive lesions. In humans, signs may range from vomiting and nausea with increased cardiac and respiratory rates to ataxia, tremors, agitation, visual hallucinations, difficulty standing, seizures, and unconciousness. The effects are serious initially but of limited duration and typically responsive to supportive care. The risk of fatal effects of harmala alkaloids is limited as shown by animal studies, which indicate that the lethal dose of the ayahuasca combination is more than 20 times the typical ceremonial dose (Gable 2007). Tissues and extracts can be analyzed using LC-MS or GC-MS methodology (Frison et al. 2008; Beyer et al. 2009; Mcllhenny et al. 2009; Salum Pires et al. 2009).

REFERENCES Beyer J, Drummer OH, Maurer HH. Analysis of toxic alkaloids in body samples. Forensic Sci Int 185;1–9, 2009. Black WL, Parker KW. Toxicity Tests on African Rue (Peganum harmala L.). N M Agric Exp Stn Bull 240, 1936. Boughton IB, Hardy WT. Suspected Plants. Tex Agric Exp Stn Annu Rep 51, 1938. Bourke CA, Carrigan MJ, Dixon RJ. Upper motor neuron effects in sheep of some β-carboline alkaloids identified in zygophyllaceous plants. Aust Vet J 67;248–251, 1990. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Bresnick T, Levin R. Phenomenal qualities of Ayahuasca ingestion and its relation to fringe consciousness and personality. J Conscious Stud 13;5–24, 2006. Brummitt RK. Nitrariaceae. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, p. 229, 2007a. Brummitt RK. Peganaceae. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 245–246, 2007b. Brummitt RK. Tetradiclidaceae. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 317–318, 2007c. Callaway JC, Brito GS, Neves ES. Phytochemical analyses of Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis. J Psychoactive Drugs 37;145–150, 2005.


Toxic Plants of North America

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Nitrariaceae Lindl. Savolainen V, Fay MF, Albach DC, Backlund A, van der Bank M, Cameron KM, Johnson SA, Lledo MD, Pintaud J-C, Powell M, Shehan MC, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Weston P, Whitten WM, Wurdack KJ, Chase MW. Phylogeny of the eudicots: a nearly complete familial analysis based on rbcL gene sequences. Kew Bull 55;257–309, 2000. Sheahan MC, Chase MW. A phylogenetic analysis of Zygophyllaceae R.Br. based on morphological, anatomical and rbcL DNA sequence data. Bot J Linn Soc 122;279–300, 1996. Udenfriend S, Witkop B, Redfield BG, Weissbach H. Studies with reversible inhibitors of monoamine oxidase: harmaline


and related compounds. Biochem Pharmacol 1;160–165, 1958. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Yuruktumen A, Karaduman S, Beng F, Fowler J. Syrian rue: a recipe for disaster. Clin Toxicol 46;749–752, 2008. Zayed R, Wink M. Beta-carboline and quinoline alkaloids in root cultures and intact plants of Peganum harmala. Z Naturforsch C-J Biosci 60;451–458, 2005.

Chapter Fifty-One

Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link

Olive Family Ligustrum Questionable Fraxinus Jasminum Nearly cosmopolitan in distribution, but with greatest diversity in southeastern Asia and Australasia, the Oleaceae, or olive family, comprises 25 genera and about 570 species (Brummitt and Green 2007). Based primarily on differences in fruit type, 3 subfamilies and 9 tribes are typically recognized. The family is of considerable economic importance and is a source of food (olive), high-quality oil, and wood for cabinetry, tools, and athletic equipment (Green 2004). Some members are popular flowering ornamentals—lilac, jasmine, and golden bells (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Some, such as privet, are important hedging plants, and others, such as the ashes, are shade trees. In North America, 12 genera and approximately 70 species, both native and introduced, are present (Kartesz 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). Intoxication problems are caused by species of 1 genus and possibly by those of 2 other genera. shrubs or trees; leaves simple or compound, opposite; flowers perfect or imperfect; fruits drupes, samaras, berries, or capsules Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; dioecious or polygamodioecious or bearing perfect flowers. Leaves simple or 1-pinnately compound; opposite or rarely subopposite; venation pinnate; stipules absent. Inflorescences paniculate or racemose cymes or glomerules; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect or imperfect, staminate and pistillate similar; perianths absent or in 1-series or 2-series. Calyces radially symmetrical. Sepals 4 or 6–12 or absent; persistent or caducous; fused.

Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 4 or 6–12 or absent; fused or free. Stamens 2–5. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stipitate or sessile; stigmas 1, 2-lobed; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 1 or 2; placentation axile; ovules 1 or 2 per locule. Fruits drupes or samaras or berries or capsules. Seeds 1–4.

LIGUSTRUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to eastern Asia and Australasia with the exception of 1 Mediterranean species, Ligustrum, commonly known as privet, comprises about 40 species, numerous cultivars, and several hybrids (Green 2004). Its species are important hedging or screening plants. In North America, 9 introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012): L. amurense Carr. L. japonicum Thunb. L. lucidum W.T.Aiton L. obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc. L. ovalifolium Hassk. L. quihoui Carr. L. sinense Lour. L. tschonoskii Decne. L. vulgare L.

California privet waxy-leaf privet Chinese privet Tschonosky privet privet, common privet, privet hedge

shrubs or small trees; leaves simple; petals 4, fused, funnelform, white; fruits drupe-like purple-black berries

Plants shrubs or small trees; deciduous or evergreen. Leaves simple; blades elliptic to oblong or ovate; margins entire. Inflorescences terminal paniculate cymes. Flowers perfect; small; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 4; fused, lobes

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Amur privet, Amur River privet, north privet Japanese privet glossy privet, tree privet, large-leaf privet border privet

Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link


digestive disturbance; leaves or berries; possible cardiotoxic effects

Figure 51.1.

Photo of the herbage of cultivated Ligustrum.

Figure 51.2. Photo of the inflorescences and leaves of cultivated Ligustrum. Courtesy of Wayne J. Elisens.

small; calyces campanulate. Petals 4; fused; funnelform; white. Stamens 2. Fruits drupelike berries; typically purple black. Seeds 1–4. Because of the extensive variation exhibited by the numerous cultivars and hybrids, horticultural manuals should be consulted if exact identification is required (Figures 51.1 and 51.2).

ornamentals, naturalized in woodlands; invasive

Distribution and Habitat—Although typically grown as ornamental hedging, Ligustrum has readily escaped cultivation, has naturalized in open woods or along roadsides, and is now considered invasive in several states, particularly those in the Southeast (Miller 2006). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.

Disease Problems—Reports of intoxication due to Ligustrum are not common, and there are few or no experimental data to confirm the risk it poses. The berries of various species have been considered a cause of purgation in children and animals since the late 1800s (Chesnut 1898; Harshberger 1920). In an anonymous report from New Zealand (“Yearling heifers,” 1939), 5 heifers died after eating the leaves from a privet hedge. A lamb that was given clippings of L. ovalifolium developed severe digestive disease but recovered in 24 hours (Parkinson 1986). Horses are reported to have died within a day or two after eating privet leaves (Turner 1904; Cooper and Johnson 1984). Kerr and Kelch (1999) reported an instance in which several cows that ingested what was probably L. amurense (reported as L. amurease) died following signs suggestive of a metabolic disease and with cessation of rumination, a greenish nasal discharge, ataxia, and then inability to stand. Leaves of an unidentified wild privet were associated with obvious discomfort in canaries that exhibited depression, drooping wings, orange/runny feces, and respiratory distress (Arai et al. 1992). Intoxications are rare but can be severe. All livestock species are probably susceptible. Leaves, trimmings, and berries are all toxic, the berries perhaps more so. In contrast to the reports of intoxication in livestock, L. sinense seems to be an important browse for deer in the southeastern United States, with extensive consumption in the fall and winter (Stromayer et al. 1998). In addition, no adverse effects were apparent when the fruit of L. vulgare was fed at up to 40% of the diet for domestic turkey poults (DeBates and Lindzey 1982). In contrast, the leaves and branches of this species when eaten by horses caused abrupt onset of acute colic with increased heart rate, which was successfully treated but was apparently followed thereafter by a severe progressive proprioceptive ataxia of all limbs, but more pronounced in the pelvic limbs (Matiasek et al. 2005). The horses were eventually euthanized 7 months later. The remarkable histopathology indicated a neuroaxonal dystrophy predominantly affecting the proprioceptive system. This association with Ligustrum has not been confirmed or reproduced experimentally, but it would be of considerable interest if it were to prove to be a type of peripheral neuropathy affecting the sensory system rather than the motor system as seen with Karwinskia (see Rhamnaceae in Chapter 63) and Urtica (see Urticaceae in Chapter 72). In children, lethality has been reported, but this has been questioned as an actual risk (Frohn and Pfander 1984). Case reports of the European Toxicological


Toxic Plants of North America

Information Center indicate that vomiting and diarrhea may occur with ingestion of only a few berries; fatalities were not reported. However, Kozlov and Gylyava (1983) reported an incident in Russia involving 4 boys of ages 4–6 years who had apparently eaten fruits of L. vulgare. In 3 of the boys, prominent signs of irritation in the digestive tract were successfully treated with charcoal and gastric lavage. However, 1 boy developed cardiac arrhythmia and circulatory deficit and died of cardiac arrest 3–4 hours after eating the berries. The pathologic changes were consistent with peracute death and included visceral congestion and scattered splotchy hemorrhages. Subsequently, aqueous extracts of the privet fruits were administered i.p. to mice and i.v. to rabbits (Kozlov and Gylyava 1983). The mice developed diarrhea and muscular twitching 30–40 minutes after administration but recovered within 24 hours. Two rabbits died of cardiopulmonary arrest within a few minutes after administration of the extract. irritant terpenoid glycosides, ligustrins

Figure 51.3.

Chemical structure of ligustrin.

or mild alveolar edema and emphysema in the lungs. In horses, the histopathology includes multiple axonal spheroids in long spinal tracts, and axosomatic synaptic buttons in vestibular accessory cuneate and cerebellar roof nuclei (Matiasek et al. 2005). Peripheral nerves were also mildly affected by a chronic axonal mixed fiber polyneuropathy. Treatment entails control of the purgation and fluid and electrolyte compensation for dehydration.

Disease Genesis—The primary toxic effect of species of Ligustrum appears to be due to a digestive system irritant; however, the toxic principle is not definitely known. Pentacyclic terpenoid glycosides of oleanolic acid, such as ligustrins, part of a series of complex glycosides that have been isolated from the leaves of L. japonicum and L. lucidum, have been suggested as the likely toxins (Harshberger 1920; Cooper and Johnson 1984; Connolly and Hill 1991b). Other glucosides are present that appear to represent portions of more complex structures (Inouye and Nishioka 1972). Derivatives of oleanolic acid are also found in the pericarp (Takemoto et al. 1955). Alkaloids, glycosides, and resins are present in the leaves (Ohta and Miyazaki 1953; Damirov 1960). Alcoholic extracts of the leaves have cardiac effects in vitro and in vivo that include augmentation of contractility and decreasing arterial pressure (Damirov 1960) (Figure 51.3). diarrhea, colic, vomiting, ataxia reddened gut mucosa; administer electrolytes


GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Fraxinus L. Valued for its lumber, flowers, and foliage, Fraxinus comprises 45–50 species of deciduous trees mostly native to North America, eastern Asia, and the Mediterranean (Green 2004). In North America, approximately 18 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Commonly encountered are F. americana L. (white ash), F. nigra Marshall (black ash), F. pennsylvanica Marshall (green ash), and F. quadrangulata Michx. (blue ash). Ashes grow to 40 m in height; bear opposite, 1-pinnately compound leaves; and produce small, perfect or imperfect flowers in racemose or paniculate cymes before the leaves appear. Petals may be present or absent, and the fruits are samaras with elongate wings.


Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs of Ligustrum intoxication include diarrhea, colic, vomiting (depending on the animal species), and incoordination. Paralysis of the pelvic limbs or a proprioceptive ataxia of all 4 limbs with emphasis on the pelvic limbs is reported for horses. Death may occur in some cases. The pathologic changes are limited to intense reddening of the mucosa of the stomach/abomasum and proximal small intestine and/

possible disease due to glycoside aesculin; monoterpenoid oleuropein present No experimental studies have confirmed the toxicity of ash foliage, but there are indications of minor problems associated with its ingestion by livestock. Reeves (1966) described a problem in cattle that ate the leaves and fruit from a fallen branch of an ash tree, possibly F. excelsior, the introduced European ash. By the second day after consumption, the animals were unable to stand without

Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link

assistance. They also exhibited abdominal pain and subcutaneous edema of the flanks and udder. The signs were almost resolved by the third day, and there appeared to be some response to administration of calcium borogluconate solution. The cause of the disease is not known, although glycosides such as aesculin and a monoterpenoid, oleuropein, are present (Cooper and Johnson 1984; Connolly and Hill 1991a). Ruminal impaction has also been considered as a problem with ingestion of the leaves by cattle (Cooper and Johnson 1984).

Jasminum L. Commonly known as jasmine or jessamine, Jasminum comprises about 200 species in tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World (Green 2004). Its name is a Latinization of the ancient Arabic name yasmin (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Now widely cultivated for their flower odor and color, plants of the genus are shrubs or woody climbers bearing opposite or rarely alternate, 1-pinnately compound leaves. Borne in terminal cymes or occasionally singly, their fragrant, salverform flowers have 4- to 9-lobed calyces and white, yellow, red, or pink 4- to 9-lobed corollas. The berries are 2-lobed and 2- to 4-seeded. In North America, 8 introduced species are present, including the familiar J. nudiflorum Lindl. (winter jasmine) and J. officinale L. (common white jasmine or poet’s jasmine). possible irritation of the digestive tract; numerous monoterpenoids present Although these species have not been incriminated in toxicity problems, they contain an extensive series of monoterpenoids and their glycosides—jasminin, jasminoside, jasmoside, and jasmolactones A–D—which may cause irritation of the digestive tract (Connolly and Hill 1991a).

REFERENCES Arai M, Stauber E, Shropshire CM. Evaluation of selected plants for their toxic effects in canaries. J Am Vet Med Assoc 200;1329–1331, 1992. Brummitt RK, Green PS. Oleaceae: Olive family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 234–235, 2007. Chesnut VK. Preliminary Catalogue of Plants Poisonous to Stock. USDA Bur Anim Ind 15th Ann Rep, 387–420, 1898. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 1, Monoand Sesquiterpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991a. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 2, Di- and Higher Terpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991b.


Cooper MR, Johnson AW. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 176–177, 1984. Damirov IA. Chemical and pharmacological study of leaves of the Japanese privet grown in Apsheron. Sb Tr Azerb Med Inst 8;342, 1960 (Chem Abstr 56;9376b, 1962). DeBates TK, Lindzey JS. Food preferences of eastern wild turkeys and toxicity of common privet berries. Res Briefs Pa Agric Exp Stn 15(2);8–10, 1982. Frohn D, Pfander HJ. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Plants, 2nd ed. Wolfe Science, London, 1984. Green PS. Oleaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VII: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Lamiales (except Acanthaceae Including Avicenniaceae). Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 296–306, 2004. Harshberger JW. Pastoral and Agricultural Botany. Blakiston’s Son & Co., Philadelphia, 1920. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Inouye H, Nishioka T. Uber die monoterpenglucoside und verwandte naturstoffe—XIX. Uber die struktur des nüzhenids. Eines bitter schmeckenden glucosids aus Ligustrum lucidum sowie Ligustrum japonicum. Tetrahedron 28;4231–4237, 1972. Kartesz JT. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland, 2nd ed., Vol. 1—Checklist. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1994. Kerr LA, Kelch WJ. Fatal privet (Ligustrum amurease) toxicosis in Tennessee cows. Vet Hum Toxicol 41;391–392, 1999. Kozlov VA, Gylyava TN. Poisoning by the fruit of privet hedge. Sud-Med Ekspert 26;56–57, 1983. Matiasek K, Ranner W, Deeg C, Wieczorek M, Pumarola M, Schmahl W. Hazardous hedges—neuropathology of privet poisoning in two horse. Vet Int Med 19;287, 2005. Miller JH. Nonnative Invasive Plants of Southern Forest: A Field Guide for Identification and Control. USDA, Forest Service, Southern Research Station General Technical Report SRS-62, Auburn, AL, 2006. Ohta T, Miyazaki T. Components of the fruit of Ligustrum japonicum. J Pharm Soc Jpn 73;621–623, 1953 (Chem Abstr 47;9563d, 1953). Parkinson SCJ. Suspected privet poisoning [letter]. Vet Rec 119;483–484, 1986. Reeves RJC. Cattle poisoning from ash leaves and fruits [letter]. Vet Rec 79;580, 1966. Stromayer KAK, Warren RJ, Johnson AS, Hale PE, Rogers CL, Tucker CL. Chinese privet and the feeding ecology of whitetailed deer: the role of an exotic plant. J Wildl Manage 62;1321–1329, 1998. Takemoto T, Yahagi N, Nishimoto N. Triterpenoids from the pericarp (with pulp) of Ligustrum japonicum. J Pharm Soc Jpn 75;737–739, 1955 (Chem Abstr 50;3492f, 1956). Turner TW. Some interesting cases: poisoning by privet. Vet Rec 45;319–320, 1904. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Yearling heifers poisoned by privet. N Z J Agric 59;430, 1939.

Chapter Fifty-Two

Oxalidaceae R.Br.

Wood Sorrel Family Oxalis Widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, the Oxalidaceae, commonly known as the wood sorrel family, comprises 5 genera and 800–900 species (Cocucci 2007). There is considerable diversity of growth form—from tall trees to diminutive herbaceous annuals—and because of it, some taxonomists divide the family into 2 or 3 separate families (Mabberley 2008). A broad interpretation is maintained in this treatise because of the similarity in all other characters (Cocucci 2004a, 2007). In North America, 2 genera are present. Represented by 2 species of evergreen trees introduced from tropical Southeast Asia, Averrhoa is grown for its edible fruits— starfruit or carambola—in southern Florida and southern California. The herbaceous Oxalis is the second genus present and has been implicated occasionally in intoxication problems. herbs or trees; leaves compound; petals 5; stamens 10; styles 5 Plants herbs or trees; annuals or perennials; from rhizomes or bulbs or stolons; caulescent or acaulescent. Stems erect or decumbent. Leaves palmately or 1-pinnately compound; alternate; cauline or basal; leaflets 3–many; stipules present or absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or simple cymes or umbels; axillary. Flowers perfect; chasmogamous or cleistogamous; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; free. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 5; free or coherent. Stamens 10; in 2 whorls; of 2 lengths; fused by filaments at bases; anthers dorsifixed. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 5; stigmas 5; styles 5, free; ovaries superior; locules 5; placentation axile. Fruits capsules or berries. Seeds numerous.

Morphologically similar to the Geraniaceae and Linaceae, the Oxalidaceae is readily distinguished by its 10 stamens in 2 distinct whorls, 5 styles, 5-locular pistil, and compound leaves.

OXALIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—The largest genus in the family, Oxalis encompasses about 500 species native to both the Old World and the New World (Cocucci 2004b). Its name is derived from the Greek root oxys, meaning “sour,” which reflects the acrid, sour taste of the leaves (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Economically, the genus is not of major importance. A few species are cultivated as garden or house ornamentals; a few are troublesome lawn and garden weeds; and a few are cultivated in South America, Europe, and North Africa for their edible tubers or bulbous stems (Cocucci 2007). In North America, approximately 30 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). There has been considerable taxonomic confusion about the origins and relationships of these species, and numerous names have been published. Names have been misapplied as well, causing considerable confusion. The treatment of Eiten (1963) is employed here. Of toxicologic interest are the following species:

O. corniculata L.

O. dillenii Jacq. O. pes-caprae L. (= O. cernua Thunb.) O. stricta L. (= O. europaea Jord.) O. violacea L.

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


creeping lady’s sorrel, creeping yellow wood sorrel, agrito, jocoyote southern yellow wood sorrel, slender yellow wood sorrel soursob, Bermuda buttercup, wood sorrel common yellow wood sorrel, European wood sorrel violet wood sorrel

Oxalidaceae R.Br.


sour-tasting herbs; leaves palmately compound, leaflets 3; petals yellow, yellowish orange, purplish pink, or white; fruits explosively dehiscent capsules

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; from rhizomes or scaly bulbs or taproots; caulescent or acaulescent; sap thin, sour. Stems erect or ascending or decumbent; 5–40 cm tall; surfaces glabrous or with septate hairs. Leaves palmately compound; cauline or basal; leaflets 3, obcordate, folding at night, venation pinnate. Inflorescences cymes or umbels or solitary flowers; bracteoles 2. Flowers campanulate. Sepals typically imbricate. Petals convolute; yellow to yellowish orange or purplish pink or white. Fruits loculicidal capsules; cylindrical to globose; explosively dehiscent. Seeds numerous; typically with basal arils and rugose surfaces (Figures 52.1 and 52.2).

Figure 52.2. Photo of Oxalis corniculata. Photo by G.A. Cooper, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

across the continent; variety of vegetation types and habitats; some troublesome weeds

Distribution and Habitat—Habitats occupied by species of Oxalis range from pristine natural ones in forests and grasslands to highly disturbed sites. Weedy species are encountered in lawns, gardens, waste areas, and greenhouses. The genus occurs across the continent, with some taxa exhibiting wide distributions and others narrow. Both O. violacea and O. dillenii are indigenous to the eastern half of the continent. Oxalis stricta is native to both eastern North America and eastern Asia, and O. pes-caprae, native to South Africa, is naturalized in California and Florida. Although described by Linnaeus from Italian specimens and generally cited as native to Europe, O. corniculata is almost cosmopolitan in distribution, and its origin best described as unknown (Eiten 1963). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. oxalate toxicosis; renal disease; metabolic tetany; ruminants, mainly sheep

Figure 52.1. Line drawing of Oxalis violacea. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Disease Problems—Species of Oxalis are typically rather innocuous and cause little problem in North America. In only rare instances of very large populations is there a risk of intoxication. The disease these species produce occurs worldwide in ruminants, mainly sheep. It may be acute, subacute, or chronic and occur after several days or months of grazing (Bull 1929; Smith 1951; McIntosh 1972; Rekhis and Amara 1990). The most typical effects,


Toxic Plants of North America

as reported in other areas of the world, are those of a subacute nephritis or chronic tetany, in some instances without a marked decrease in blood calcium. Experimentally, a number of changes were apparent in 6-month-old lambs fed exclusively O. pes-caprae for 6 weeks. There was a significant but not dangerous decrease in serum calcium, chloride, and albumen and an increase in phosphorus, magnesium, parathyroid hormone, and α- and γ-globulins (Manuta et al. 1985a,b). Ruminal pH decreased while urinary pH increased to 8, with increased calcium salts in urine and considerable oxalate deposition in the kidneys (Manuta and Floris 1984; Manuta and Naitana 1984). These changes for the most part were readily reversed or prevented by providing an acidogenic feed. With long-term ingestion of plants containing high levels of oxalate, the disease is one of progressive kidney injury, and clinical signs develop when the changes culminate in renal failure.

accumulation of acidic oxalate salts; interaction with calcium; formation of insoluble calcium oxalate

Disease Genesis—Species of Oxalis are notorious as oxalate accumulators—hence the genus name. The levels of oxalate in O. pes-caprae are reported in ranges of 3.7–14.9% soluble and 5.9–16.6% total, and in O. corniculata 4.1% soluble and 7% total (Libert and Franceschi 1987). In the plants, the sap pH is low, and the oxalate occurs as the free acid in the vacuoles and also as the acid/ potassium salt (Michael 1959; Ranson 1965; Oke 1969). In this respect, Oxalis is similar to Rumex in the Polygonaceae (see Chapter 59). Blood calcium concentrations are not invariably decreased precipitously, although renal lesions of oxalate crystalluria are typical (Figure 52.3). Disease is a rarity with these plants in spite of the frequency with which they are encountered (Dodson 1959). As with other oxalate-accumulating plants, the rarity of intoxication is likely due in large measure to the activities of the ruminal microflora, which imparts tolerance when animals are gradually introduced to the plants rather than when they are suddenly required to subsist on them. Oxalate toxicity is much more likely to be caused by members of the Chenopodiaceae and Polygonaceae. Although it may not have a role in field problems, an extract from O. corniculata has been shown to produce relaxant effects on smooth muscle and to cause hypotension in rats (Achola et al. 1995).

abrupt exposure to plants; depression, weakness, labored respiration, collapse

Figure 52.3.

Chemical structure of oxalic acid and its salts.

slow exposure to plants; weight loss, increased urination, elevation of BUN and creatinine

Clinical Signs—Abrupt exposure of hungry animals to large amounts of Oxalis may result in onset of signs a few hours after ingestion, and the animals may die in 1–2 days. Signs progress from depression, weakness, weak pulse, and labored respiration to prostration, coma, and death. With chronic intoxication, the signs begin with a loss of weight accompanied by signs of renal failure: loss of appetite, rapid loss of condition, polyuria, edema, and elevation of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine. Lack of urine-concentrating ability and the presence of oxalate crystals in urine sediment are also helpful aids to diagnosis.

gross pathology: kidneys pale and swollen or small and fibrotic; microscopic: kidney tubules dilated, epithelium necrotic and flattened, loss of tubules

Pathology—In the more typical acute intoxications, the kidneys are pale and swollen, and there is excess fluid in the body cavities. There may also be visceral edema and pulmonary congestion and edema. Microscopically, renal tubular epithelial degeneration and necrosis are seen. Other tubules are dilated and lined by a flattened epithelium.

Oxalidaceae R.Br.

Typically, in the chronic disease, the kidneys are small and fibrotic, exhibit a loss of tubules, and have scattered crystals in the remaining tubules. administer calcium i.v., i.p.; nursing care

Treatment—Prompt administration of parenteral calcium solutions will generally result in immediate relief of many of the signs, and animals will become ambulatory within a few hours. Relapses may occur, and some animals may eventually die of acute renal failure. In the chronic form of the disease, general nursing care to assist the animal to survive long enough for tubular regeneration is appropriate.

REFERENCES Achola KJ, Mwangi JW, Munenge RW. Pharmacological activity of Oxalis corniculata. Int J Pharmacognosy 33;247–249, 1995. Bull LB. Poisoning of sheep by soursobs (Oxalis cernua). Aust Vet J 5;60–69, 1929. Cocucci AA. Oxalidaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VI: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 285–290, 2004a. Cocucci AA. Oxalis. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VI: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 288, 2004b. Cocucci AA. Oxalidaceae: wood sorrel, bermuda buttercup, oca, starfruit family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 238–239, 2007. Dodson ME. Oxalate studies in the sheep. Aust Vet J 35;225– 233, 1959.


Eiten G. Taxonomy and regional variation of Oxalis section Corniculatae, 1: introduction, keys, and synopsis of the species. Am Midl Nat 69;257–309, 1963. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Libert B, Franceschi VR. Oxalate in crop plants. J Agric Food Chem 35;926–938, 1987. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Manuta G, Floris B. Experimental alimentary ovine oxalosis: behaviour of protein electrophoresis and alkali reserve of the blood. Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet 38;224–227, 1984. Manuta G, Naitana S. Experimental alimentary ovine oxalosis: hormonal and chemical changes in blood and urine. Atti Soc Ital Sci Vet 38;221–224, 1984. Manuta G, Naitana S, Floris B, Gallus M, Scala A. Parathyroid hormone, thyrocalcitonin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, alkaline phosphatase, chloride, and osseous modifications in sheep fed with experimental oxalosis. Clin Vet 108;185–206, 1985a. Manuta G, Naitana S, Floris B, Nieddu A, Gioi F, Scala A. Haematic electrophoretic picture, alkalotic state, renal deposition of calcium salts, and their lysis in sheep sorrel or maize fed. Clin Vet 108;207–218, 1985b. McIntosh GH. Chronic oxalate poisoning in sheep. Aust Vet J 48;535, 1972. Michael PW. Oxalate ingestion studies in the sheep. Aust Vet J 35;431–432, 1959. Oke OL. Oxalic acid in plants and in nutrition. World Rev Nutr Diet 10;262–303, 1969. Ranson SL. The plant acids. In Plant Biochemistry. Bonner JF, ed. Academic Press, New York, pp. 493–525, pp 1965. Rekhis J, Amara A. Two cases of food-poisoning by Oxalis cernua in goats. Rev Med Vet 141;8–9, 1990. Smith SW. Soursob poisoning in sheep. J Agric South Aust 54;377–378, 1951. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://, April 21, 2012.

Chapter Fifty-Three

Papaveraceae Juss.

Poppy Family Argemone Chelidonium Eschscholzia Glaucium Papaver Questionable Sanguinaria Stylophorum

Comprising 23–30 genera and 200–250 species, the Papaveraceae, commonly known as the poppy family, is cosmopolitan in distribution but is most abundant in the temperate and tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere (GreyWilson 1993; Kadereit 1993; Kiger 1997a). Western North America and eastern Asia are centers of diversity. Taxonomists differ in their opinions regarding the family’s circumscription, that is, whether it should be broadly circumscribed to include the Fumariaceae (Chapter 37) (Culham 2007; Bremer et al. 2009) or narrowly circumscribed and the two families recognized as distinct (Cronquist 1981; Kadereit 1993; Lidén 1993; Kiger 1997a). Based on phylogenetic analyses of morphology and nucleotide sequence data (Hoot et al. 1997), there is no question that the two families are closely related. They are both, for example, particularly rich in similar isoquinoline alkaloids, compounds of considerable importance because of their medicinal promise. However, the genera of the Fumariaceae form a monophyletic group and differ from the genera of the Papaveraceae in floral symmetry, sap chemistry, and stamen number and fusion (Stern 1997). Given the morphological distinctness of the family and the extensive toxicologic literature associated with it, we employ here Kiger’s (1997a) treatment in the Flora of North America as do the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). The Papaveraceae is perhaps best known for Papaver somniferum, the source of opium. It also contains species

that are used in herbal remedies, cultivated as ornamentals, or detested as noxious weeds. In North America, 17 genera and 63 species, native and introduced, are present (Kiger 1997a). Intoxications are associated with 5 genera. Two are of questionable toxicity. herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, or trees; sepals 2 or 3, quickly dropping; petals 4–16, in 2 or 3 whorls, free; fruits capsules Plants herbs or subshrubs or shrubs or small trees; annuals or biennials or perennials; caulescent or acaulescent; from taproots or rhizomes; armed or not armed with prickles; sap typically viscous, yellow or orange or red or colorless. Leaves simple; alternate or opposite or whorled; basal and/or cauline; sessile or petiolate; venation pinnate or palmate; blades pinnately or palmately lobed or parted; margins often spinose; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts present or absent. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 2 or 3; caducous; free or fused; usually obovate. Corollas radially symmetrical; bowl-shaped; imbricate and crumpled in bud. Petals 4–16; in 2 or 3 whorls; free. Stamens numerous or rarely 4–15; in 3 or more whorls. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2 to numerous; stigmas 2 to numerous; styles 1 or 0; ovaries superior; locules 1 to numerous; placentation parietal. Fruits capsules; poricidal or valvate or circumscissile. Seeds numerous; small. extensive array of isoquinoline alkaloids: morphinans, protoberberines, benzophenanthridines, protopines

DISEASE GENESIS The Papaveraceae contains the greatest array of isoquinoline alkaloids of all plant families, and some of its species have been extensively exploited for social and medicinal purposes for millennia. The most important of these

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Papaveraceae Juss.

Figure 53.1.

Chemical structure of codeine (a morphinan).

Figure 53.2. Chemical structure of palmatine (a protobebererine).

Figure 53.3. Chemical structure of chelirubine (a benzophenanthridine).

alkaloids are the morphinans (or morphinoids)—codeine, morphine, oripavine, and thebaine—but only one genus, Papaver, contains appreciable quantities of these compounds; thus, somnolence is often a feature of intoxication. It is of interest that some of the modern interest in these alkaloids stems from the use of a mixture derived from P. rhoeas (herba fumariae that has mainly protopine) promoted as a treatment for tremors by Stahl in his 1729 text (Rektor et al. 2004) (Figure 53.1). The most common alkaloids of the family are the protoberberines (berberine, coptisine, palmatine, and scoulerine), the benzophenanthridines (chelirubine and sanguinarine), and the protopines (allocryptopine and protopine), all of which are structurally quite similar (Figures 53.2–53.4). These compounds interact with a wide range of molecular and cellular targets throughout the body, especially

Figure 53.4.


Chemical structure of protopine.

monoaminergic sites (Schmeller et al. 1997; Cassels and Asencio 2008). Binding at dopaminergic, serotonergic, cholinergic, and adrenergic receptor sites or with various enzymes associated with natural agonists often results in antagonist effects. As an example, bulbopcapnine inhibits tyrosine hydroxylase, thereby decreasing dopamine synthesis (Zhang et al. 1997). Furthermore, there is a risk of formation of DNA adducts. As a result of these interactions, various effects are reported to result: positive inotropic and negative chronotropic cardiac actions, weak acetylcholine or cholinesterase inhibition, and increased intraocular pressure (especially by sanguinarine) (Hakim et al. 1961; Shamma 1972; Lindner 1985; Bhakuni and Jain 1986; Vacek et al. 2010). These alkaloids are widely recognized as toxic to insects, bacteria, fungi, and viruses, as well as vertebrates, and are present presumably as a chemical defense in plants (Schmeller et al. 1997; Vacek et al. 2010). It should be pointed out that some of these alkaloids occur in the quaternary form and thus are subject to exclusion by the blood–brain barrier. However, some of the quaternary N-methoxy derivatives have neuromuscular blocking activity (Gozler 1987). Plants containing these isoquinoline alkaloids are of limited toxicologic importance with respect to livestock because they are seldom eaten, possibly because of the antiherbivory protective nature of their potential toxicants (Schmeller et al. 1997). However, these plants do pose a considerable risk for humans. In addition to the well-recognized severe adverse effects of the morphinans of Papaver, many of the other alkaloids present in the family are potentially dangerous especially when ingested on a long-term basis. A prime example is sanguinarine as discussed in the treatment of Argemone. Great care and consideration should be given when using any herbal products containing these alkaloids. In contrast to the Fumariaceae, GABA-inhibitory phthalideisoquinolines are not present in the Papaveraceae, and dopaminergic inhibitory aporphines have only a limited presence (Blasko et al. 1982). A discussion of these isoquinoline alkaloid types is presented in the treatment of the Fumariaceae (see Chapter 37).


Toxic Plants of North America

ARGEMONE L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Americas, Argemone, commonly known as prickly poppy, comprises 32 species (Ownbey 1997). Its name is derived from the Latin root argema, meaning “cataract of the eye.” Species of the genus were reputedly once used as a treatment for the problem (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Although a few species are grown as border plants for their showy flowers and prickly, thistle-like foliage, most are weedy and indicative of soil disturbance. In North America, 15 species are present (Ownbey 1997; USDA, NRCS 2012). Of particular toxicologic interest are the following: A. albiflora Hornem. A. mexicana L.

A. munita Durand & Hilg. (= A. rotundata Rydb.) A. polyanthemos (Fedde) G.B.Ownbey (= A. intermedia auct. non Sweet)

white prickly poppy, bluestem prickly poppy Mexican prickly poppy, yellow thistle, yellow prickly poppy, devil’s fig, chicalote, cardo santo flatbud prickly poppy, armed prickly poppy, chicalote crested prickly poppy

Figure 53.5.

Line drawing of Argemone polyanthemos.

Figure 53.6.

Photo of Argemone munita.

herbs or subshrubs, prickles; white to orange viscid sap; leaves alternate; flowers conspicuous; petals 6, in 2 whorls, white, yellow, golden, bronze, or pale lavender

Plants herbs or subshrubs; caulescent; from taproots; herbage glaucous, armed with prickles; sap viscous, white to orange. Stems erect; 40–150 cm tall; branched. Leaves alternate; basal and cauline; sessile; blades pinnately lobed or parted; margins dentate, teeth spinose. Inflorescences terminal cymes; bracts present, often foliaceous. Flowers conspicuous. Sepals 2 or 3; smooth or prickly; each with hollow, prickle-tipped horn. Petals 6; in 2 whorls; white or yellow or golden or bronze or pale lavender. Stamens 20–250 or more. Pistils with 3–7 carpels; stigmas 3- to 7-lobed; styles 1, short; locules 1. Capsules 3- to 7-valved; sutures grooved; prickly. Seeds subglobose; minutely pitted; arils present (Figures 53.5–53.7).

typically sandy, disturbed soils

Distribution and Habitat—All species of Argemone are native primarily in the southern half of the continent. Most have relatively restricted distributions. Argemone

polyanthemos, however, is widespread. Likewise, A. mexicana is widely distributed and is now considered a pantropical weed. Plants are typically found along roadsides, on sandy creek banks, in floodplains, and in disturbed or waste areas (Ownbey 1997). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

cardiac insufficiency; mainly from seeds and seed oil products

Papaveraceae Juss.

Figure 53.7. Photo of the flower of Argemone polyanthemos. Photo by Doyle McCoy.

Disease Problems—Highly unpalatable, the foliage of Argemone is rarely eaten by livestock, and the seeds seem to represent the greatest hazard when they contaminate grains fed to livestock, especially poultry. The seeds are similar in appearance to those of black mustard, and plants are common weeds in various cereal grains. As little as 1% seeds in the feed of day-old chicks caused growth depression and substantial death loss after 2 weeks of feeding (Norton and O’Rourke 1980). A diet of 100% Argemone seeds given to rats for several days caused sedation, depression, ventral edema, and death (Pahwa and Chatterjee 1989). Pathologic observations included mild to moderate hepatocellular necrosis and other degenerative changes in the liver and kidney, and gastric mucosal ulcerations. Similar effects were noted in cattle fed for several months with alfalfa hay contaminated with Argemone (Kellerman et al. 1988). There was ventral s.c. edema, ascites, hydrothorax, and centrilobular and portal fibrosis. Although A. mexicana is reputed to have antifertility effects in folk medicine of India, experimentally, neither aqueous nor alcoholic extracts of the species had an effect on implantation in rats (Bodhankar et al. 1974). Much of our understanding of the intoxication problems associated with Argemone stems from the unfortunate inclusion of Argemone oil as a contaminant of cooking oil made from edible mustard seed in India. Oil extracted from the seeds of Argemone has emetic and cathartic activity, albeit milder than that of castor oil. Ingestion of contaminated oil for a prolonged period produces a disease called epidemic dropsy, characterized by gastroenteritis, pitting edema, erythema, tenderness, especially of the pelvic limbs, and oliguria (Shanbhag et al. 1968; Gomber et al. 1994; Sharma et al. 2002). There are widespread tissue effects associated with


capillary dilation and increased permeability as well as binding to the CYP1A family of cytochrome P450 (Reddy and Das 2008). Congestive heart failure occasionally occurs. Argemone oil given to rats in their diet for 30–60 days also caused detrimental effects on the liver and kidneys, as well as on the lungs and heart (Upreti et al. 1989). Antioxidants, such as riboflavin and tocopherol, added to the diet seem to protect against the development of the adverse effects of Argemone oil in rats and to decrease severity of some of the signs of epidemic dropsy (Upreti et al. 1991; Kumar et al. 1992). Contamination of wheat with Argemone seeds is also of concern for humans, because it has been associated with constipation, generalized edema, glaucoma, and rarely death (Concon 1988).

numerous alkaloids; reticuline, sanguinarine, dihydrosanguinarine

Disease Genesis—Alkaloids present in species of Argemone include protopines, protoberberines, and benzophenethridines. The protopine types are most common, although the berberines are also well represented (Stermitz 1968). In addition, A. mexicana contains reticuline, a simple isoquinoline, and A. munita has pavines (Preininger 1986). The seed oil contains mainly dihydrosanguinarine and lesser amounts of sanguinarine and berberine (Sarkar 1948; Fletcher et al. 1993). The toxic effects appear to be due to sanguinarine rather than to the much less toxic dihydrosanguinarine. These alkaloids act as enzyme inhibitors; they react with sulfhydryl groups and also probably cause oxygen free-radical lipid peroxidation (Sarkar 1948; Das et al. 1991; Upreti et al. 1991). In vitro studies indicate that sanguinarine inhibits Na+,K+ATPase activity and glucose transport across the small intestinal wall (Tandon et al. 1993). Sanguinarine and other alkaloids cause an increase in intraocular pressure, and it has been suggested that extensive culinary use of seeds of Argemone and some of the other species of the Papaveraceae may increase the risk of glaucoma (Hakim et al. 1961). Sanguinarine’s extensive cardiovascular effects and those on other cellular and molecular targets has been reviewed by Mackraj and coworkers (2008) (Figure 53.8). Isoquinoline alkaloids as a group appear to offer some promise in moderating opiate withdrawal (Capasso et al. 2006). Although sanguinarine has the potential for medicinal use (Mackraj et al. 2008), there are also potential problems. It was formerly incorporated in mouthwashes and toothpastes, but these products were withdrawn when they were linked to oral leukoplakia and the


Toxic Plants of North America


Figure 53.8.

Chemical structure of dihydrosanguinarine.

possibility of oral cancer (Mascarenhas et al. 2002). In addition, even a single i.p. dose of sanguinarine to rats caused adverse effects on the liver with elevation of serum hepatic enzymes and liver degeneration and necrosis (Dalvi 1985). There has been considerable interest in Europe in using isoquinoline alkaloid mixtures, especially with sanguinarine and chelerythrine, in animal feeds as alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters. Several toxicity and 90day feeding trials with rats, poultry, and pigs have demonstrated the efficacy and apparent safety of these alkaloids in these situations (Takken et al. 1993; Kosina et al. 2004; Vrublova et al. 2008; Zdarilova et al. 2008; Zdunczyk et al. 2010). However, this should not be construed as an indication of the long-term safety of these compounds in herbal products for humans.

sluggishness, passiveness, weakness, sedation

Clinical Signs—The primary sign of Argemone intoxication in poultry is growth depression. Additional signs present in poultry and other species include sluggishness, passiveness, sedation, and either constipation or diarrhea.

gross pathology, fluid accumulation

Pathology—The characteristic effect in all animals is fluid accumulation in the tissues. Thus, typical gross pathologic findings are edema of various tissues, including the subcutis, free fluid in the abdomen and chest, and congestion of the viscera. Hepatic fibrosis and erosions of the mucosa of the digestive tract are additional changes.

Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus, Chelidonium is native to Eurasia (Kadereit 1993). Its name was used by Dioscorides and is derived from the Greek root chelidon, meaning “swallow” (the bird) (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Natural historians differ in their opinions as to what the name indicates. Some contend that it reflects the blooming of the flowers when the swallows arrive in the spring and their withering when the birds depart. Others suggest that the name reflects the folklore, as reported by Aristotle, that mother swallows bathe the eyes of their young with the taxon’s sap (Kiger 1997b). This seems unlikely, however, because the sap is quite irritating and can cause blistering of the skin. It was once used as a cure for warts. The single species is the following: C. majus L.

celandine, greater celandine, poppywort, wartwort, rock poppy, swallowwort

erect herbs, branched, not armed, yellow to orange viscous sap turns red upon exposure to air; leaves alternate, 5- to 9-lobed; flowers small; petals 4, bright yellow

Plants herbs; biennials or perennials; caulescent; from stout rhizomes or taproots; herbage not armed with prickles; sap viscous, yellow to orange, typically turning red upon exposure to air. Stems erect; 30–100 cm tall; branched; ribbed; pilose villous. Leaves alternate; basal and cauline; petioled; blades 1- or 2-pinnately parted; lobes 5–9; margins dentate or crenate. Inflorescences umbellate; terminal or axillary; few-flowered; bracts present. Flowers small. Sepals 2; free; glabrous or indumented. Petals 4; bright yellow; obovate to oblong. Stamens 12 to many. Pistils with 2 carpels; stigmas 2-lobed; styles 1, short; locules 1. Capsules linear to narrowly oblong; 2-valved; dehiscing from base; glabrous. Seeds subglobose; black; pitted; arils present (Figure 53.9). In vegetative condition, C. majus is morphologically very similar to Stylophorum diphyllum, and the two species can be confused. Typically, C. majus has more leafy stems than S. diphyllum, which tends to have leafless stems except for 2 or 3 leaves subtending inflorescences. The flowers of the two taxa are quite different, and when they are present, identification is easy.

Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from Eurasia, Treatment—Treatment is focused on good nursing care and alleviation of the specific symptoms.

C. majus is naturalized in the northeastern quarter of North America. Scattered populations also occur in the

Papaveraceae Juss.

Figure 53.9.

Figure 53.10.

Distribution of Chelidonium majus.

Figure 53.11.

Chemical structure of berberine.

Figure 53.12.

Chemical structure of sparteine.


Line drawing of Chelidonium majus.

Northwest. Rather weedy, it is found in woods, thickets, fields, fencerows, railroad rights-of-way, roadsides, and waste areas (Kiger 1997b). Plants are occasionally cultivated in shady sites (Figure 53.10).

digestive disturbance; neurologic effects; alkaloids such as berberine, sparteine

Disease Problems and Genesis—Plants of C. majus have a fetid odor and an acrid taste, which make them disagreeable. As a result, they are not likely to be eaten by livestock in quantities sufficient to cause intoxications. However, a few cases have been reported, and the species is also used therapeutically to relieve bloat, nausea, and cramps due to intestinal spasms (Cooper and Johnson 1984). Herbal celadine or celandine products are also prescribed in humans for dyspepsia and biliary disorders (where increased bile flow is desired) especially in Europe (Greving et al. 1998; Benninger et al. 1999; Stickel et al. 2001; Hardeman et al. 2008). Similar use is also reported for dogs (Varshney et al. 2003). The therapeutic as well as adverse potential for C. majus has been extensively reviewed by Gilca and coworkers (2010). The effects are due to a wide array of aporphine, protoberberine, benzophenanthridine alkaloids, and sparteine (Preininger 1986). Chelidonium majus contains allocryptopine, berberine, chelerythrine, chelidonine, coptisine, protopine, sanguinarine, and stylopine (Häberlein et al. 1996). Spasmolytic activity is due to the effects of

alkaloids, such as protopine, on the GABAa receptor complex, causing interference with the binding of agonists (Häberlein et al. 1996). The other alkaloids present seem to provide cooperative effects via modulation of the chloride channel (Figures 53.11 and 53.12). While widely used for beneficial purposes, there is a risk for occasional adverse effects with herbal products, mainly acute obstructive or cholestatic hepatitis (Greving et al. 1998; Strahl et al. 1998; Benninger et al. 1999; Stickel et al. 2001; Hardeman et al. 2008; Tarantino et al. 2009). In most instances, the problems are readily reversed by discontinuing use of the herbal products. constipation, later diarrhea, excess salivation, drowsiness, ataxia; general nursing care


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—There may be signs of purgation, but early in the course of the disease, constipation is likely. This may be accompanied by increased salivation and urination, drowsiness, and ataxia. When the animal is touched or aroused, mild seizures may be elicited. There are no distinctive gross or histopathologic changes. Treatment is focused on nursing care and relief of the specific symptoms.

ESCHSCHOLZIA CHAM. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 12 species native to western North America, Eschscholzia is cultivated worldwide in warm-temperate regions as an ornamental (Clark 1997). Its name honors Johann von Eschscholtz, an Estonian physician and naturalist, who botanized along the Pacific coast in 1816 (Quattrocchi 2000). Most familiar and representative of the genus is the following species: E. californica Cham.

California poppy

Figure 53.13.

herbs from large taproots, sap colorless; leaves alternate, 1- to 4-pinnately lobed; flowers large, showy; petals 4, yellow to orange, often with orange spot at the base Plants herbs; perennials or annuals; caulescent; from large taproots; herbage glaucous, blue gray, not armed with prickles; sap colorless. Stems erect or spreading; 5–60 cm tall. Leaves alternate; basal and cauline; petioled; blades 1- to 4-pinnately lobed; lobes typically 3; margins deeply dissected. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes; terminal; bracts present. Flowers large; showy. Sepals 2; fused; forming a cap and deciduous as a unit; glabrous or glaucous. Petals 4; yellow to orange, typically with orange spot at base; obovate to oblanceolate. Stamens 12 to many. Pistils with 2 carpels; stigmas 4- to 8-lobed; styles absent; locules 1. Hypanthia present; receptacles expanded, forming flat or rimmed cup below calyx. Capsules cylindrical; 2-valved; dehiscing from base, often explosively. Seeds numerous; globose to ellipsoid; brown to black; reticulate; arils absent. The taxon is highly variable, and numerous infraspecific taxa and cultivars have been described (Figure 53.13). western; dry, sandy, open sites; widely planted

Distribution and Habitat—Distributed from the Columbia River south to northern Mexico and extreme southwestern Texas, E. californica occurs naturally in dry,

Line drawing of Eschscholzia californica.

grassy, open sites in upland areas. It is widely planted across the continent as an ornamental along roadsides and in wildflower plots. Sandy soils are preferred, and the species ranges into desert areas (Clark 1997). Distribution maps of E. californica and the other species in the genus can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

toxicity unknown; known to be analgesic, soporific, sedative

Disease Problems—Species of Eschscholzia, although widespread in areas where livestock graze, have not been associated with intoxication problems. As with other genera of the family, plants of this genus are probably quite disagreeable to the taste and thus are seldom eaten. They were known to Indian tribes in California to be soporific and analgesic and were eaten after being leached and cooked (Ebeling 1986). Extracts are used as herbal medicament sedatives (Schafer et al. 1995). Experimentally, aqueous extracts in large dosage i.p. produced sedation in mice (Hakim et al. 1961). These properties are borne out by other studies in mice in which a dose of 100 mg/kg b.w. of dried plant caused a decrease in activity and increased the sleep time of a given dose of pentobarbital (Rolland et al. 1991). Interestingly, low doses

Papaveraceae Juss.

Figure 53.14.

Chemical structure of escholinine.

Figure 53.15.

Chemical structure of eschscholtzidine. Figure 53.16.

produced an anxiolytic effect—increasing exploratory activity.

numerous alkaloids; some specific for the genus; escholinine, eschscholtzidine

Disease Genesis—Eschscholzia californica contains aporphine, pavine, a number of protopines (protopine, californine or eschscholtzine, escholinine, eschscholtzidine, and the isomers cryptopine and allocryptopine), protoberberine, benzophenanthridine, and simple isoquinoline alkaloids (Preininger 1986; Paul and Maurer 2003). It lacks the opioid morphinans and papaverine. The alkaloidal content of plants of this taxon indicates that they should be considered potentially toxic and substantiates historical suspicions about their toxicity (Everist 1981) (Figures 53.14 and 53.15).

GLAUCIUM MILL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as horned poppy, because of the distinctive appearance of its fruit, Glaucium comprises 20–25 species native to the Old World (Kiger 1997c). Its name is derived from the Greek glaukos, meaning “gray green,” which is indicative of the appearance of the herbage (Quattrocchi 2000). In North America, 2 introduced species occur and are of toxicologic interest:


Line drawing of Glaucium flavum.

G. corniculatum (L.) Rudolph (= Celidonium corniculatum L.) G. flavum Crantz

blackspot horned poppy yellow horned poppy, sea poppy

herbs with yellow sap; leaves alternate, 1- to 2-pinnately lobed; flowers showy; petals 4, yellow, orange, or reddish orange, often with blackish or reddish violet spot at base; capsules long, cylindrical, with 2-lobed apices

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; caulescent; from taproots; herbage glaucous, not armed with prickles; sap yellow. Stems erect or spreading; 30–90 cm tall; branched. Leaves alternate; basal and cauline; basal petiolate; cauline sessile; blades 1- to 2-pinnately lobed; lobes 7–9; margins serrate or incised; bases of cauline leaves clasping. Inflorescences solitary flowers; terminal or axillary; bracts present. Flowers showy. Sepals 2; free. Petals 4; yellow or orange to reddish orange, typically with blackish or reddish violet spot at base. Stamens numerous. Pistils with 2 carpels; stigmas 2-lobed; styles absent; locules 2. Capsules elongate; cylindrical; straight or curved; apices 2-lobed; 2-valved; dehiscing from base. Seeds numerous; dark brown; reticulate pitted; arils absent (Figure 53.16).

weeds of pastures and croplands


Toxic Plants of North America


and Habitat—Although sometimes planted as ornamentals in gardens, both species are more commonly encountered as weeds. Both have been introduced from Europe and become pests in pasture and cropland in the southern Great Plains, with G. flavum designated noxious (USDA, NRCS 2012); it may also be a particular problem in alfalfa fields. Distribution maps of both species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

toxicity unknown; numerous alkaloids with potential to cause adverse effects; glaucine

Disease Problems and Genesis—Little information is available about the toxicity of G. flavum, even though it has been used for medicinal purposes such as improvement of bile flow and alleviation of stomachache and ulcers (Grey-Wilson 1989). Plants contain protoberberines, protopines, aporphines (glaucine), and benzophenanthridines; the latter two types predominate (Preininger 1986; Daskalova et al. 1988). Reaching levels as high as 5.4% d.w., alkaloid concentrations are highest about the time of flowering and fruiting (Gasic and Popovic 1985; Gorunovic et al. 1985) (Figure 53.17). Glaucine, like other aporphines, nonselectively binds to dopaminergic, serotonergic, and adrenergic receptors producing mainly inhibition resulting in a variety of effects, including decreased blood pressure, depression of respiration, mild muscle relaxation, sedation, and seizures at high dosage (Southon and Buckingham 1989; Cassels and Asencio 2008). Similar effects are noted for some of the protopines (Abu-Ghalyun et al. 1997; Vacek et al. 2010). Glaucine, however, has been used for beneficial purposes such as to alleviate opioid withdrawal problems.

Figure 53.17.

Chemical structure of glaucine.

PAPAVER L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Primarily a Northern Hemisphere genus, Papaver, commonly known as poppy, comprises 70–100 species (Kadereit 1993; Kiger and Murray 1997). Numerous species are prized as ornamentals for their showy flowers; others are troublesome weeds in crops; and one, P. somniferum, is of considerable economic importance for its seeds and as the source of opium (Kiger and Murray 1997). Its name is derived from the Greek root pappa, meaning “milk” or “food,” an allusion to the thick, milky sap (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Others contend Papaver is the Latin for poppy and reflects the sound of poppy seeds being chewed (Grey-Wilson 1993). In North America, 20 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Of particular toxicologic interest are the following: P. P. P. P.

nudicaule L. orientale L. rhoeas L. somniferum L.

Icelandic poppy, Arctic poppy oriental poppy field poppy, corn poppy, Flanders poppy opium poppy, carnation poppy, white poppy

herbs with white, yellow, orange, or red viscous sap; leaves alternate; flowers showy; petals 4–6, white, yellow, red, or purple

Plants herbs; annuals or biennials or perennials; caulescent or acaulescent; from taproots; not armed with prickles; sap viscous, white or yellow or orange or red. Stems erect or ascending; 5–150 cm tall; branched or unbranched; typically indumented. Leaves alternate; basal and/or cauline; sessile or petiolate; blades unlobed or 1- to 3-pinnately lobed or parted; margins entire or toothed or incised. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes; borne on long scapes or peduncles; bracts present. Flowers showy. Sepals 2 or rarely 3; persistent; free. Petals 4 or rarely 6; caducous or persistent; white or yellow to red or purple. Stamens numerous. Pistils with 3–22 carpels; stigmas 3to 22-lobed, velvety; styles absent; locules 1. Capsules poricidal or valvate below stigma. Seeds numerous; minutely pitted; arils absent (Figures 53.18 and 53.19).

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Papaver occur across the continent. Of the native species, some have broad distributions, whereas others are quite restricted. Introduced Old World species have naturalized as crop weeds and roadside waifs. It is illegal to cultivate P. somniferum in the United States. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS

Papaveraceae Juss.


Disease Problems—Although various species of Papaver are cultivated and prized as ornamentals, the species of greatest economic importance is P. somniferum. Cultivated for millennia, it is considered either a blessing or a curse, depending on whether the opium derived from its sap is used to combat insufferable pain or abused as a soporific (Tippo and Stern 1977). The Greek word opium means “juice” and reflects use of the sap, and indeed, much of history is interwoven with this species. Records of ancient civilizations such as those of the Sumerians and Egyptians make reference to it, as do the writings of the Indians, Greeks, and Romans (Tippo and Stern 1977). Today, its cultivation and the physiological and mental addiction of thousands of individuals to its alkaloids is an apparently unresolvable societal problem. Another species, P. rhoeas, is immortalized as a symbol of World War I because so many soldiers died in European poppy fields.

digestive disturbance, neurologic effects Figure 53.18.

Line drawing of Papaver rhoeas.

The alkaloids of Papaver produce marked effects on the digestive tract as well as the nervous system. Severe miosis is a prominent autonomic effect mediated through the oculomotor nerve nucleus. The poppy most likely to be a problem for animals in North America is P. nudicaule. Almost invariably problems involve accidental or intentional disposal of refuse or trimmings into an area where they can be eaten by sheep, cattle, or horses (McLennan 1929, 1930; Terblanche and Adelaar 1964; Malmanche 1970). Fresh green plants seem to be completely unacceptable, whereas wilted plants are eaten more readily. Because of the many alkaloids present, all species of Papaver should be considered toxic if eaten in quantity.

morphinoid alkaloids; depressant neurologic actions

Figure 53.19. Photo of Papaver rhoeas. Photo by R.A. Howard, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

Database ( and the Flora of North America (

P. somniferum: a major historical influence as source of opium

Disease Genesis—Species of Papaver are renowned for their morphinoid alkaloids, which are agonists of the opioid receptor. In addition, numerous other isoquinoline types are present in the genus (Table 53.1). Opium, the residue of the sap from P. somniferum, is a crude alkaloidal mixture of codeine, morphine, thebaine, papaverine, and other compounds of lesser toxicologic importance. These alkaloids produce effects distinctive to P. somniferum and perhaps a few other closely related species (Figures 53.20 and 53.21). Most of the other species of the genus contain a much different array of alkaloids; they lack the morphinoids,


Toxic Plants of North America

Table 53.1. Isoquinoline alkaloid types present in four species of Papaver. P. nudicaule

P. orientale

P. rhoeas

P. somniferum

proaporphines benzophenanthridines isopavines protoberberines protopines promorphinans retroprotoberberines rhoeadines

aporphines proaporphines benzophenanthridines morphinans (thebaine) promorphinans protoberberines retroprotoberberines benzylisoquinolines

aporphines benzophenanthridines morphinans (thebaine) protoberberines protopines rhoeadines secophthalideisoquinolines

aporphines benzophenanthridines morphinans phthalideisoquinolines promorphinans protoberberines protopines benzylisoquinolines rhoeadines secophthalideisoquinolines

Sources: Guinaudeau and Shamma (1982); Preininger (1986).

Figure 53.20.

Chemical structure of thebaine.

Figure 53.21.

Chemical structure of papaverine.

except for a small amount of thebaine. However, most contain sufficient alkaloids to produce some neurotoxic effects, mainly depressant in nature. The seeds may not present a risk of intoxication from alkaloids, given that those of P. somniferum did not produce adverse effects when fed to rats for 10 days (Grant et al. 1995). Similarly, the petals of P. rhoeas appear to lack alkaloids. They may, however, have effects as shown by the sedative action of ethanolic/aqueous extracts administered i.p. to mice at 1/10th LD50 (Soulimani et al. 2001). Papaverine, a well-known smooth muscle spasmolytic found principally in P. somniferum, has been associated

with chronic hepatotoxicity when used on a long-term basis (Lindner 1985). It is metabolized by the hepatic cytochrome P450 system to conjugated phenolics, and glutathione depletion is suggested as a mechanism of intoxication (Davila et al. 1991). Although cultivation of the opium poppy and nonprescriptive use of its infamous alkaloids are forbidden in the United States, poppy seed toppings on cakes and breads may contain sufficient alkaloids to cause positive results in commonplace urine testing. The seeds do not contain the toxic sap, but they still contain the alkaloids due to surface contamination during harvesting especially when the capsule is crushed in seed extraction (Lachenmeier et al. 2010). While the seeds themselves are not typically a significant risk for intoxication, nonfatal problems have been reported with their use for promoting sleep in infants and as a food additive (Lachenmeier et al. 2010). The European Food Safety Authority has concluded that poppy seeds may represent some risk for children even with a single exposure (EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain 2011). Seed products may contain from 1 to 6 mg morphine per piece and based on the specific cutoff levels applied may produce a positive result in urine testing (Tenore 2010). As little as 25 g of poppy seeds are sufficient to cause a positive urine screening test for opiates when a concentration of 300 ng/mL opioids is used as the threshold level, as was recommended by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (Meneely 1992). When the higher U.S. Department of Defense level of 4000 ng/ mL morphine or 2000 ng/mL codeine was used, ingestion of poppy seed cake, bagels, muffins, or rolls was not sufficient to give a positive test, but Danish pastry or streusel with poppy seeds predisposed to a positive urinary test (Selavka 1991). Other studies indicate that with the Federal Workplace Drug-testing program cutoff level of 2000 ng/mL, urine was positive for morphine for 8 hours and oral fluid for 1 hour in volunteers ingesting poppy seed bagels (Rohrig and Moore 2003). In most instances,

Papaveraceae Juss.

ingestion of poppy seed products appears to result in urinary morphine levels less than 1000 ng/mL, but to complicate matters, false positives can occur as with the use of fluoroquinoline antibiotics as reviewed by Tenore (2010). In addition to urine and plasma, interest in the use of oral fluids for testing for various drugs including cannabinoids and morphinans is increasing as reviewed by Bosker and Huestis (2009). The use of testing for opiate drugs with respect to poppy seeds has been extensively reviewed by Lachenmeier and coworkers (2010). Generally, the highest risk of positive tests is with products with raw poppy seeds and the lowest with bakery products. These results should be taken as a warning against possible opioid intoxication in pets allowed to consume products with poppy seeds. Indeed, as little as 1 g of poppy seeds given orally to a horse resulted in detectible morphine levels for up to 24 hours (Kollias-Baker and Sams 2002). P. somniferum: restlessness in some instances, analgesia, drowsiness, decreased respiration and gut activity; later coma, miosis

Clinical Signs—Signs associated with the morphinoids include analgesia, drowsiness, mood alteration, decreased respiration, decreased gastrointestinal motility, and, in some cases, nausea and vomiting. Other signs may prevail with large dosage, inconsistent with the extent of exposure that might be expected to occur in animals. The triad of signs suggestive of opioid exposure in humans is coma, miosis, and decreased respiration. With suspected exposure in dogs, there was restlessness but with a preference for lying down, ataxia, a staring expression, and the appearance of being hypnotized (Odendaal 1986). Recovery was uneventful, although somewhat slow. In cattle, P. somniferum is reported to cause restlessness, loss of appetite, decreased temperature, and deep sleep. It was not fatal, but there was lingering debilitation (Cooper and Johnson 1984). P. nudicaule: restlessness, increased activity, ataxia, stiffness, twitching, limb spasms The signs with P. nudicaule are more suggestive of excitatory effects on the nervous system. Although in some cases animals are found dead, in others there is initial restlessness and increased activity followed by incoordination, stiffness, twitching, falling, and jerky limb spasms. The last sign may be of short duration but repeated frequently. Death is unlikely and rapid recovery


is the rule, but in a few animals, there may be lingering debilitation. no lesions; sedation

Pathology and Treatment—Few gross or microscopic changes are evident other than visceral congestion and some scattered small hemorrhages. Alleviation of the signs is based mainly on symptomatic treatment, including the use of tranquilizers or sedatives. Acepromazine has been used with positive results (Malmanche 1970).

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Sanguinaria L. A monotypic genus, Sanguinaria, commonly known as bloodroot or red puccoon, is native to North America (Kiger 1997d). Its name is derived from the Latin sanguis, meaning “blood,” which reflects the deep orange to red color of the sap (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The single species, S. canadensis L., lacks aerial stems and its leaves and flowering scapes arise from thick, branching rhizomes. The orbicular to reniform or cordate leaves are 5- to 7-palmately lobed with crenate margins. Arising at the ends of bractless scapes, the 1 or rarely 2 or 3 flowers are white to pinkish, with 2 free sepals; 6–12 unequal, oblong to oblanceolate petals; and numerous stamens. The 2-carpellate, 1-locular pistil has a distinct style and a 2-lobed stigma and produces an erect capsule that dehisces from the base. A perennial, the species is widespread in moist woods throughout eastern North America (Kiger 1997d). toxicity potential unclear; several alkaloids present known to cause adverse effects; sanguinarine Although S. canadensis is typically listed as a toxic plant, extracts from its rhizomes have long been used in folk medicines for a variety of ailments and as an ingredient in over-the-counter oral hygiene products (Mahady et al. 1993). Its use is somewhat controversial, and in the popular press, articles either extol its virtues or warn of its toxicity. Sanguinaria canadensis does contain protoberberines and benzophenanthridines (Preininger 1986), and sanguinarine is known to play a role in the toxicity of other members of the Papaveraceae, as described in other genus treatments above. It exhibits antibacterial, antitumor, and cytotoxic activity as well as suppression


Toxic Plants of North America

of collagenase, inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity, and inhibition of tubulin assembly (Hartwell 1960; Caolo and Stermitz 1979; Dzink and Socransky 1985; Tandon et al. 1993). It also increases intraocular pressure (Hakim et al. 1961).

Stylophorum Nutt. Comprising 3 species native to China and North America, Stylophorum is represented on this continent by a single species, S. diphyllum (Michx.) Nutt., which is commonly known as celandine poppy (Kiger 1997e). Derived from the Greek roots stylos and phoros, which mean “style” and “bearing,” its name reflects the long style, which is unusual in the Papaveraceae (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). At anthesis, the stems, which arise from rhizomes, are 30–50 cm tall. The leaves are both basal and cauline; the former are petiolate, and the latter sessile and subopposite. With irregularly dentate or crenate margins, the leaf blades are deeply 5- to 7-pinnately lobed. The inflorescences are umbellate, and leaflike bracts are present. The showy flowers have 2 free sepals; 4 yellow, obovate petals; many stamens; and a 2- to 4-carpellate pistil with 1 locule, an elongate style, and a 3- to 5-lobed stigma. The ellipsoid, pubescent capsules bear pale brown seeds. A native perennial in rich moist woods of eastern North America, Stylophorum is vegetatively very similar to the Eurasian introduction Chelidonium majus, and the two species can be confused. Typically, S. diphyllum tends to have leafless stems except for the 2 or 3 leaves subtending the inflorescence, whereas C. majus has leafy stems. The flowers of the two taxa, however, are quite different, and when they are present, identification is easy. toxicity unknown; contains numerous alkaloids Although S. diphyllum has not yet been associated with toxicosis, it should be considered a potential threat because it contains aporphines, protopines, protoberberines, and benzophenanthridines (Preininger 1986).

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Fifty-Four

Phyllanthaceae Martinov

Leaf-Flower Family Phyllanthus Reverchonia A diverse, cosmopolitan family with greatest diversity in the tropics, the Phyllanthaceae comprises about 60 genera and 2000 species (Hoffman 2007). Unlike most large families, it is not known by a particular common name, but perhaps it should be called the leaf-flower family to reflect the appearance of some species of Phyllanthus, its largest genus. Economically, the family is prized for its timber and fleshy edible fruits; some species are used as fish poisons, whereas others exhibit medicinal potential (Pammel 1911; Hoffman 2007). The Phyllanthaceae has long been treated as a subfamily of the Euphorbiaceae or spurge family; Phyllanthus and Reverchonia, for example, were included in the Euphorbiaceae in the first edition of this book. However, on the basis of molecular phylogenetic studies, the circumscription of the Euphorbiaceae has been narrowed with the exclusion of four families (Savolainen et al. 2000; Wurdack et al. 2004). The Phyllanthaceae is the largest segregate, and in terms of North American genera of toxicologic interest, the most notable change is the reclassification of the genera Phyllanthus and Reverchonia (Hoffman et al. 2006; Hoffman 2007), a repositioning that we employ here. annual monoecious herbs; leaves simple, alternate; flowers axillary paired or in clusters, small, staminate and pistillate different; sepals 4–6; petals 0; fruits capsular schizocarps; seeds 6 Plants herbs; annuals; monoecious; sap white or colorless, viscid or thin. Stems erect or prostrate; 10–50 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; 2-ranked; subsessile or petiolate; blades elliptic to linear oblong; apices obtuse or

emarginated or apiculate; bases cuneate to subcordate; stipules ovate to linear lanceolate. Inflorescences axillary; flowers paired or in cymose clusters; staminate flowers paired at proximal nodes; 1 staminate and 1 pistillate flower at distal nodes or 4–6 staminate flowers surrounding single pistillate flowers. Flowers small; staminate and pistillate different; perianths in 1-series. Sepals of staminate flowers 4 or rarely 5 or 6, fused; sepals of pistillate flowers 5 or 6, ovate or elliptic or obovate. Petals absent. Stamens 2; filaments free or fused; anthers connivent. Pistils with carpels 3; styles 1 or 3, divided. Fruits capsular schizocarps; yellowish or reddish and glaucous. Seeds 6; light brown; longitudinally ribbed or smooth.

PHYLLANTHUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 1750 species in tropical and warm-temperate regions, Phyllanthus, commonly known as leaf-flower, is native to both the Old World and the New World, with greatest diversity in the former (Webster 1970, 2007; Hoffman 2007). Quite diverse in habit, its species provide edible fruits, timber, and ornamentals. Medicinally, they, and especially P. amarus, are also well known for their pharmacological effects including antiviral, antibacterial, antihepatotoxic, and anticarcinogenic properties (Macrae et al. 1988; Blumberg et al. 1989; Unander et al. 1990; Joseph and Raj 2011). The generic name is derived from the Greek roots phyllon and anthos, for “leaf” and “flower,” alluding to the characteristic that flowers of some species appear to be borne on the margins of the leaves (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In reality, the leaves are absent, and the stems are flattened, leaflike structures termed cladophylls (Hoffman 2007). Extensive molecular phylogenetic analyses have been conducted on Phyllanthus (Wurdack et al. 2004; Hoffman et al. 2006). Some species have been segregated as their own genera, while those of other previously distinct

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Phyllanthaceae Martinov

Figure 54.1. abnormis.


Photo of the entire plant of Phyllanthus Figure 54.2. Photo of the flowers and branch of Phyllanthus abnormis. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

genera have been included. For example, the somewhat toxic Reverchonia, a monotypic genus indigenous to the Southwest of North America, is now included in Phyllanthus and treated here as such (Webster 2007). About 26 species, both native and introduced, occur in North America (USDA, NRCS 2012). Toxic effects have been associated with only 2 species: P. abnormis Baill. (= P. drummondii Small) (= P. garberi Small) P. warnockii G.L.Webster (= Reverchonia arenaria A.Gray)

leaf-flower, Drummond’s leaf-flower sand reverchonia

Because the morphological features of Phyllanthus are the same as the family in North America, they are not repeated here (Figures 54.1 and 54.2). Figure 54.3.

Distribution of Phyllanthus abnormis.

dry sandy soils liver disease; mainly cattle; fresh forage

Distribution and Habitat—Phyllanthus abnormis is a species of dry, sandy soils of western Oklahoma and Texas, New Mexico, and south to Tamaulipas, Mexico. There are also numerous populations in the coastal sand dunes of peninsular Florida. Typically encountered as localized populations, P. warnockii is also found in deep sandy soils of dunes and stream banks of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Chihuahua, Mexico (Figures 54.3 and 54.4).

Disease Problems—Extensively grazed by livestock, P. abnormis causes acute to chronic hepatic degeneration in cattle but apparently has less effect in sheep and goats. Reported from various locations in Texas, photosensitization is a prominent feature in cattle (Dollahite 1978). However, it may not be specific for ruminants, inasmuch as a suspect case has been encountered involving a horse


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 54.4.

Distribution of Phyllanthus warnockii.

with grazing restricted to a site with abundant P. abnormis. Drying is reported to decrease toxicity, so that disease is most likely to appear with consumption of fresh forage (Mathews 1945). Experimentally, 1–2% b.w. of fresh plant material fed daily for 4–15 days caused severe liver disease (Mathews 1945; Hart et al. 2000). Some African species are well respected for their toxicity potential; the leaves, bark, and roots pose a risk to both livestock and humans (Verdcourt and Trump 1969). Even the smoke from burning bark was considered to be highly toxic. Experimentally, an aqueous extract of the leaves of the African species P. amarus causes a decrease in RBCs and PCV and marked testicular degeneration in rats but no lethality at very high dosage (Adedapo et al. 2005; Adedapo and Abatan 2006). Little is known about the toxicity of P. warnockii (reported as Reverchonia arenaria) other than experimental evidence indicating a risk when fresh plants are fed to sheep or cattle at about 1% animal b.w. (Kingsbury 1964). The primary effects are on the liver and kidney, and the disease is apparently quite similar to that produced by P. abnormis. As noted above, other species of Phyllanthus are known for a host of medically useful biological effects, including hepatic antiviral and antineoplastic activity, but it is not known if the compounds associated with the beneficial effects are related to the toxicity of these two species.

toxin unknown

Disease Genesis—Both P. abnormis and P. warnockii lack the diterpenes characteristic of the Euphorbiaceae, the family in which Phyllanthus was long positioned. The

specific toxicant is unknown. There is some similarity of the disease it produces to that caused by species of Senecio, but pyrrolizidine alkaloids are not present. Other alkaloids have been reported to be present in other species (Mensah et al. 1988), but P. abnormis appears to contain little if any. Terpenoids have not been identified in species of Phyllanthus. Other compounds, such as phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin, have been identified in other species, but these compounds lack observable toxic effects experimentally in rats at high dosage (Khatoon et al. 2006; Sirajudeen et al. 2006). These are the acclaimed hepatoprotective lignans present in P. niruri from Central and South America (Negi et al. 2008). The effects are due to free radical scavenging. The toxicant is apparently passed in milk, because nursing calves are also affected. In some cases, secondary photosensitization may be a primary manifestation of the disease (Dollahite 1978). Antiviral and antineoplastic effects are attributable to a series of 6-phyllanthostatin glycosides and the related phyllanthoside from the roots of P. acuminatus, a Costa Rican tree (Pettit et al. 1984, 1985, 1990). These compounds have now been synthesized in the laboratory.

listless, anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, straining, icterus, photosensitization

Clinical Signs—Following the consumption of P. abnormis and P. warnockii, cattle are initially listless, have a poor appetite, and lose weight and condition rapidly. These signs are followed by onset of a clay-colored diarrhea with tenesmus, drop in milk production, and sometimes continuous walking or apparently frantic activity. There may be icterus and/or photosensitization.

gross pathology: liver yellow, gallbladder wall edematous; microscopic: liver necrosis, fibrosis and bile duct proliferation

Pathology—Typically, the liver will appear yellow and may vary from slightly swollen to small and firm, depending on the length of the disease course. The hepatic lymph nodes are usually enlarged, and the mesentery and gallbladder wall edematous. Microscopically, there is hepatocellular necrosis and regeneration, plus fibroblastic and bile duct proliferation without megalocytosis. Yellow lipoid pigment may be observed in reticuloendothelial cells of the enlarged hepatic lymph nodes. There may also be mild renal tubular degeneration.

Phyllanthaceae Martinov

nursing care

Treatment—Nursing care to allow hepatocellular regeneration is the primary concern. In many cases, this will not be feasible, because recovery requires several months.

REVERCHONIA See treatment of Phyllanthus, in this chapter.

REFERENCES Adedapo AA, Abatan MO. Determination of the lethal dose 50 (LD50) from aqueous extracts of the leaves of P. amarus and E. hirta in rats. Folia Vet 50;189–191, 2006. Adedapo AA, Adegbayibi AY, Emikpe BO. Some clinicpathological changes associated with the aqueous extract of the leaves of Phyllanthus amarus in rats. Phytother Res 19;971–976, 2005. Blumberg BS, Millman I, Venkateswaran PS, Thyagarajan SP. Hepatitis B virus and hepatocellular carcinoma—treatment of HBV carriers with Phyllanthus amarus. Cancer Detect Prev 14;195–201, 1989. Dollahite JW. Research and Observations on Toxic Plants in Texas—1932–1972. Tex Agric Exp Stn Tech Rep 78–1, 1978. Hart CR, Garland T, Barr AC, Carpenter BB, Reagor JC. Toxic Plants of Texas. Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 2000. Hoffman P. Phyllanthaceae. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 250–252, 2007. Hoffman P, Kathriarachchi H, Wurdack KJ. A phylogenetic classification of Phyllanthaceae (Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae sensu lato). Kew Bull 61;37–53, 2006. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Joseph B, Raj SJ. An overview: pharmacognostic properties of Phyllanthus amarus Linn. Int J Pharmacol 7;40–45, 2011. Khatoon S, Rai V, Rawat AKS, Mehrota S. Comparative pharmacognostic studies of three Phyllanthus species. J Ethnopharmacol 104;79–86, 2006. Kingsbury JM. Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1964. Macrae WD, Hudson JB, Towers GHN. Studies on the pharmacological activity of Amazonian Euphorbiaceae. J Ethnopharmacol 222;143–172, 1988.


Mathews FP. The toxicity of a spurge (Phyllanthus abnormis). Cornell Vet 35;336–346, 1945. Mensah JL, Gleye J, Moulis C, Fouraste I. Alkaloids from the leaves of Phyllanthus discoideus. J Nat Prod 51;1113–1115, 1988. Negi AS, Kumar JK, Luqman S, Shanker K, Gupta MM, Khanuja SPS. Recent advances in plant hepatoprotectives: a chemical and biological profile of some important leads. Med Res Rev 28;746–772, 2008. Pammel LH. Manual of Poisonous Plants. The Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1911. Pettit GR, Cragg GM, Suffness MI, Gust D, Boettner FE, Williams M, Saenz-Renauld JA, Brown P, Schmidt JM, Ellis PD. Antineoplastic agents. 104. Isolation and structure of the Phyllanthus acuminatus Vahl (Euphorbiaceae) glycosides. J Org Chem 49;4258–4266, 1984. Pettit GR, Cragg GM, Suffness M. Phyllanthostatin 1phyllanthoside orthoacid rearrangement. J Org Chem 50; 5060–5063, 1985. Pettit GR, Schaufelberger DE, Nieman RA, Dufresne C, Saenz-Renauld JA. Antineoplastic agents. 177. Isolation and structure of phyllanthostatin 6. J Nat Prod 53;1406–1413, 1990. Savolainen V, Chase MW, Hoot S, Morton CM, Soltis DE, Bayer C, Fay MF, de Bruin AY, Sullivan S, Qiu YL. Phylogenetics of flowering plants based on combined analysis of plastid atpB and rbcl gene sequences. Syst Biol 49;306–362, 2000. Sirajudeen KNS, Sulaiman SA, Madhavan M, Ismail Z, Swamy M, Ismail L, Yaacob M. Safety evaluation of aqueous extract of leaves of a plant Phyllanthus amarus, in rat liver. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med 3;78–93, 2006. Unander DW, Venkateswaran PS, Millman I, Bryan HH, Blumberg BS. Phyllanthus species: sources of new antiviral compounds. In Advances in New Crops. Janick J, Simon JE, eds. Timber Press, Portland, OR, pp. 518–521, 1990. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Verdcourt B, Trump EC. Common Poisonous Plants of East Africa. Collins, London, 1969. Webster GL. A revision of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) in the continental United States. Brittonia 22;44–76, 1970. Webster GL. Taxonomic and nomenclatural changes in American Euphorbiaceae sensu lato. Contr Univ Mich Herb 25; 235–239, 2007. Wurdack KJ, Hoffmann P, Samuel R, de Bruin AY, van der Bank M, Chase MW. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Phyllanthaceae (Phyllanthoideae pro parte, Euphorbiaceae sensu lato) using plastid rbcL DNA sequences. Am J Bot 91;1882–1990, 2004.

Chapter Fifty-Five

Phytolaccaceae R.Br.

Pokeweed Family Phytolacca

Widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, especially those of the New World, the Phytolaccaceae, or pokeweed family, comprises 4–18 genera and 31–135 species. As these extreme ranges in number of genera and species indicate, there is considerable debate over how the family should be circumscribed. Brown and Varadarajan (1985) and Culham (2007) divided it into 6 families, whereas Nowicke (1969) recognized 1 family with 6 subfamilies. Rohwer (1993) and Nienaber and Thieret (2003) recognized 2 families as do we in this treatise. Of minor economic importance, the family is a source of dyes, folk medicines in South America, food, and ornamentals (Rohwer 1993). In North America, 6 genera and 11 species are present (Nienaber and Thieret 2003). Only 1 genus is of toxicologic interest.

herbs, shrubs, vines, or trees; leaves simple, alternate; petals absent

Plants herbs or shrubs or trees or vines; perennials; from fleshy or woody roots. Leaves simple; alternate; venation pinnate; margins entire to undulate; stipules absent or minute. Inflorescences racemes or spikes or panicles or cymes; axillary or terminal or extra-axillary. Flowers perfect or imperfect; perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical. Sepals 5 or 4; free or fused. Petals absent. Stamens 4 to many. Pistils 1–16; simple or compound, carpels 1 to many; stigmas 1 to many; styles 1 to many; ovaries superior or inferior; locules 1 to many; placentation axile or basal. Fruits berries or drupes or achenes. Seeds 1 to many; winged or not winged.

PHYTOLACCA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 25 species, Phytolacca is native to both the Old World and the New World and includes herbs, shrubs, and trees (Nienaber and Thieret 2003). Its name is derived from the Greek root phyton, meaning “plant,” and the French root lac, for the color “crimson lake,” alluding to the purplered juice of the berries (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Introduced herbaceous species of the genus are sometimes grown as garden ornamentals. The arborescent evergreen P. dioica, commonly known as ombú, is occasionally cultivated in southern California and Florida (Nienaber and Thieret 2003). Only 1 native species is of significant toxicologic concern: P. americana L.

(= P. decandra L.) (= P. rigida Small)

Nienaber and Thieret (2003) suggested that the common name “poke” comes from the Algonquin words “pocan” or “puccoon” for a dye plant. Because the morphological features of Phytolacca are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from other North American genera by differences in the fusion of their carpels, inflorescence types, fruit types, sepal numbers, and style numbers (Nienaber and Thieret 2003) (Figures 55.1 and 55.2).

Distribution and Habitat—Phytolacca americana is native to the eastern half of the continent (Sauer 1952; Nienaber and Thieret 2003). It occurs sporadically farther

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


poke, pokeweed, pokeberry, inkberry, scoke, poke sallet, pigeonberry, garget, cancer root, crowberry, jalap, red ink plant, American pokeweed

Phytolaccaceae R.Br.

Figure 55.1.


Photo of vegetative Phytolacca americana.

west; populations are present in California, for example. Occupying a variety of clay, loam, and sand soils, it is typically associated with mounds of bulldozed soil and trees. It is a dominant of early serial stages of plant succession and is found in both prairies and open forests. A short-lived perennial, it is typically encountered as small localized populations (Figure 55.3).

Figure 55.2. Photo of the raceme and berries of Phytolacca americana. Courtesy of George M. Diggs, Jr.

foliage cooked as potherb; berries used as jellies, as dyes and coloring; historical medicinal use

Disease Problems—If properly cooked, the young shoots and leaves are edible and tasty; the famous native-plant enthusiast Euell Gibbons considered it a potherb par excellence. The new shoots are said to be asparagus-like in flavor. Hill-folk of the Appalachian and Ozark Mountains relish the plant and use it extensively (Thomas 1973). The ripe berries sans seeds are used to make jams and jellies and to provide coloring in cakes, candies, and beverages (Millspaugh 1974; Lewis and Smith 1979). Various tribes of Native Americans relished the leaves as food and used the berries to treat rheumatism and the roots to treat skin diseases (Ebeling 1986; Moerman 1998). In spite of its long-standing use as a potherb, Phytolacca should be used with some caution because incidents of serious illness occur even with careful preparation according to methods reputed to ensure edibility. The risk is exemplified by a policy statement issued by the Herb

Figure 55.3.

Distribution of Phytolacca americana.

Trade Association that, because of the plant’s toxicity, all products containing pokeroot should be labeled clearly as to their toxicity (Herb Trade Association 1979). Several species in other areas of the world—for example, P. dioica, P. octandra, P. decandra, and P. dodecandra— sometimes cause fatal digestive system effects (Storie et al. 1992; Spengel et al. 1995; Peixoto et al. 1997).


Toxic Plants of North America

digestive disturbance from leaves and roots; especially humans, rarely in livestock

Consumption of either leaves or roots typically produces a transient digestive disease in both monogastric animals and ruminants. Dairy cattle fed pokeweed in green chop developed severe diarrhea by the next morning and exhibited a drastic drop in milk production and a decrease in body temperature (Kingsbury and Hillman 1965). The disease was subsequently reproduced by feeding about 2 kg of the plants to cattle. In a suspected case of intoxication due to pokeweed berry ingestion by a goat, bloody diarrhea with mucosal shreds and occasional fine muscle tremors were the clinical signs observed (Smith and Constable 2002). Recovery was uneventful with supportive therapy, mainly fluids/electrolytes. The roots are apparently the most toxic parts, and serious intoxications have occurred when pigs have uprooted plants and consumed them. The pigs exhibited neurologic signs in addition to those indicative of digestive tract involvement (Hansen 1924; Patterson 1929). Experimentally, the roots caused retching, tonic seizures, and coma in pigs (Patterson 1929). Although the berries are eaten by a variety of birds, experimental work with turkeys indicates some adverse effects in very young poults when given feed containing 5–10% pokeberries (Barnett 1975). There was decreased weight gain, ataxia, and 33–43% mortality in those fed 10%. Poults 9 weeks or older were not affected by 5% pokeberries in the feed (Cattley and Barnett 1977). These effects are comparable with those of sheep fed the more toxic P. decandra in Brazil (Peixoto et al. 1997; Ecco et al. 2001). In the latter study, 20 g/kg b.w. of fresh leaves and sprouts caused death in about 5 hours, whereas those given 10 g/kg b.w. died in 9 hours. A variety of signs were seen, including ataxia, head pressing, vision impairment, hyperesthesia, tremors, rapid and labored respiration, and ruminal mucosal reddening and necrosis. Although animal disease is noted occasionally, in most instances, consumption of P. americana is very limited and seldom associated with overt signs of intoxication. More important considerations are the problems in humans eating the plant as a potherb. French (1900) recounted his experiences upon eating a small amount of the bitter root, which he had mistaken for horseradish. About 90 minutes after eating it, he experienced excess salivation, violent stomach cramps, retching, and vomiting that lasted for several hours and was accompanied at various times by tremors, prickly sensations, and prostration. A similar episode was reported for an individual ingesting the leaves mistaken for spinach, which resulted in severe distress and an emergency room visit and 3 days for

recovery (Stein 1979). There have been numerous reports from eastern North America of intoxications, mainly involving children (O’Leary 1964). In some instances, the effects are only a minor nuisance, as, for example, in the case of boy scouts who ate about 1.5 cups of pokeberries mashed and cooked in pancakes (Edwards and Rodgers 1982). Several scouts developed a mild to moderate transient diarrhea in 5–12 hours. However, in other situations, large numbers of people may be at risk. Callahan and coworkers (1981) reported an incident in which 61 people at a day camp were given poke as a potherb after it had been boiled, drained, and boiled again. Twenty-one became sick in 0.5–5.5 hours. Most had nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps, and a few had diarrhea, dizziness, and headache. The signs lasted up to 48 hours, and 4 people exhibited protracted vomiting and dehydration. Rarely other more serious signs, such as those of cardiac problems, are evident. A woman who chewed a raw root instead of a boiled one for relief of a cough and sore throat, exhibited electrocardiographic changes that included abnormal waves and ST-T segment depression in addition to ventricular fibrillation and hypotension (Roberge et al. 1986). Apparently, the root represents a more serious risk as a rare fatality is reported for a young man who consumed an excessive amount (Litovitz et al. 2001). Heart block was noted in a man who had eaten a few uncooked leaves as well as some that were boiled (Hamilton et al. 1995). Fortunately, the block resolved when the vomiting subsided after treatment with promethazine. The cardiac effects appear to be due to a vagal response (Froberg et al. 2007). Even the liquid from the boiled leaves can be hazardous. About 100 mL of tea made from initial boiling of the leaves caused sweating, tremors, and fainting in a man 10–15 minutes after he drank it (Jaeckle and Freemon 1981). The signs were suggested to be those of cholinergic stimulation.

numerous irritant saponins, glycosides of phytolaccagenin, phytolaccinic acid, pokeberrygenin; oxalate salts also present

Disease Genesis—Phytolacca contains several toxicants, including saponins and oxalates. The problems have generally been attributed to 28,30-dicarboxylene-12-ene (triterpene) saponins, such as phytolaccagenin, phytolaccinic acid, and pokeberrygenin, and their respective glycosides or phytolaccosides (Stout et al. 1964; Johnson and Shimizu 1974; Kang and Woo 1980; Yi and Wang 1989). Phytolacca dodecandra, a more toxic African species, contains the apparently more toxic monocarboxyl saponin types, oleanolic acid, hederagenin, and bayogenin (Spengel et al. 1995) (Figures 55.4 and 55.5).

Phytolaccaceae R.Br.

Figure 55.4.

Chemical structure of phytolaccagenin.


included plasmacytosis, eosinophilia, platelet phagocytosis, and thrombocytopenia (Barker et al. 1967). This mitogen appeared to peak in activity at the time of P. americana’s highest toxicity in August and October (Kell et al. 1982). Contact with a root extract of P. americana via the conjunctiva and a wound in the skin also apparently produced these hematological changes in two of the investigators studying the species (Barker et al. 1965). These changes were not accompanied by any visible clinical signs of irritation. It now appears that, rather than a single mitogen, several are present. Waxdal (1974) identified three major and two minor types from the roots of P. americana. Two, which are mitogenic for both B and T lymphocytes, contain a large number of disulfide bonds. One also acts as a hemagglutinin.

pigs, diarrhea, rarely ataxia, sedation, seizures; poultry, decreased weight gain, swollen hock joints

Clinical Signs—The primary and sometimes sole sign of Figure 55.5.

Chemical structure of phytolaccinic acid.

The saponins of P. americana irritate the mucosal surface of the digestive tract. Aqueous extracts, especially of the root, are very irritating and cause signs of severe digestive tract irritation and then paralysis (Macht 1937). When given parenterally to cats, there was impairment of liver function, respiration, and circulation, and, in large dosage, paralysis. Interestingly, these saponins are lethal to snails that are the intermediate host in schistosomiasis (Pezzuto et al. 1984). The roots of P. americana also contain small amounts of GABA (0.05%) and substantial amounts of histamine (0.13–0.16% histamine) (Funayama and Hikino 1979). Oxalates are also present and may contribute to intoxication signs.

mitogens present

Possibly the best known toxicant in the berries is a mitogen that is noteworthy for its widespread use in immunologic studies (Farnes et al. 1964). It was noted that ingestion of the berries was followed within a few days by lymphocyte transformations to plasmacytoid lymphocytes, lymphocytes with mitotic figures, and plasmacytes (Barker et al. 1966). Hematologic aberrations

Phytolacca intoxication is diarrhea that occurs 3–4 hours after ingestion by monogastric animals and humans, and 6–8 hours or more in ruminants. The diarrhea may be severe and may last 24 hours or longer. In cattle, it will be mild if the animals have not consumed large quantities of the plant. Some blood may be present, but in many cases, what appears to be blood is merely the purple-red juice from the berries. Fecal tests for occult blood may be negative. Normal levels of milk production will resume in about 1 week. The signs in pigs that ingest the roots are more severe and include ataxia, sedation, tonic seizures, paralysis, and death. Turkey poults 2–3 weeks old had decreased weight gain and swollen hock joints, and the birds were unsteady or unable to stand or walk.

gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa

Pathology—Gross lesions are limited to reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine with small focal erosions. In turkeys, there was ascites and enlarged gallbladders in addition to the swollen hock joints. administer activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Treatment—There is no specific remedy for intoxication. Treatment is based mainly on supportive care and relief


Toxic Plants of North America

of the symptoms. Fluids may be needed to correct dehydration. Activated charcoal may help to control absorption of the toxins. The patient should be monitored for hypotension and any other cardiac effects. Atropine has been of some value in alleviating the digestive as well as other effects.

REFERENCES Barker BE, Farnes P, Fanger H. Mitogenic activity in Phytolacca americana (pokeweed). Lancet 285;170, 1965. Barker BE, Farnes P, LaMarche PH. Peripheral blood plasmacytosis following systemic exposure to Phytolacca americana (pokeweed). Pediatrics 38;490–493, 1966. Barker BE, Farnes P, LaMarche PH. Haematological effects of pokeweed. Lancet 289;437, 1967. Barnett BD. Toxicity of pokeberries (fruit of Phytolacca americana Large) for turkey poults. Poult Sci 54;1215–1217, 1975. Brown GK, Varadarajan GS. Studies in Caryophyllales I: reevaluation of classification of Phytolaccaceae s.l. Syst Bot 10;49–63, 1985. Callahan R, Piccola F, Gensheimer K, Parkin WE, Prusakowski J, Scheiber G, Henry S. Plant poisoning—New Jersey. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 30;65–66, 1981. Cattley RC, Barnett BD. The effect of pokeberry ingestion on immune response in turkeys. Poult Sci 56;246–248, 1977. Culham A. Phytolaccaceae: pokeweed. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 252– 253, 2007. Ebeling W. Handbook of Indian Foods and Fibers of Arid America. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1986. Ecco R, de Barros CSL, Irigoyen LF. Experimental poisoning by Phytolacca decandra in sheep. Cienc Rural 31;319–322, 2001. Edwards N, Rodgers GC Jr. Pokeberry pancake breakfast—or— it’s gonna be a great day [abstract]. Vet Hum Toxicol 24;293, 1982. Farnes P, Barker BE, Brownhill LE, Fanger H. Mitogenic activity in Phytolacca americana (pokeweed). Lancet 284;1100–1101, 1964. French C. Pokeroot poisoning. N Y Med J 72;653–654, 1900. Froberg B, Ibrahim D, Furbee RB. Plant poisoning. Emerg Med Clin North Am 25;375–433, 2007. Funayama S, Hikino H. Hypotensive principles of Phytolacca roots. J Nat Prod 42;672–674, 1979. Hamilton RJ, Shih RD, Hoffman RS. Mobitz type I heart block after pokeweed ingestion. Vet Hum Toxicol 37;66–67, 1995. Hansen AA. The poison plant situation in Indiana, 3. J Am Vet Med Assoc 66;351–362, 1924. Herb Trade Association. Policy Statement 2. May 1979. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Jaeckle KA, Freemon FR. Pokeweed poisoning. South Med J 74;639–640, 1981. Johnson A, Shimizu Y. Phytolaccinic acid, a new triterpene from Phytolacca americana. Tetrahedron 30;2033–2036, 1974.

Kang SS, Woo WS. Triterpenes from the berries of Phytolacca americana. J Nat Prod 43;510–513, 1980. Kell SO, Rosenberg SA, Conlon TJ, Spyker DA. A peek at poke: mitogenicity and epidemiology [abstract]. Vet Hum Toxicol 24;294, 1982. Kingsbury JM, Hillman RB. Pokeweed (Phytolacca) poisoning in a dairy herd. Cornell Vet 55;534–538, 1965. Lewis WH, Smith PR. Poke root herbal tea poisoning. J Am Med Assoc 242;2759–2760, 1979. Litovitz TL, Klein-Schwartz W, White S, Cobaugh DJ, Youniss J, Omslaer JC, Drab A, Benson BE. 2000 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposure System. Am J Emerg Med 19;337–395, 2001. Macht DI. A pharmacological study of Phytolacca. J Am Pharm Assoc 26;594–599, 1937. Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover Publications, New York, 1974 (reprinted from 1892). Moerman DE. Native American Ethnobotany. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1998. Nienaber MA, Thieret JW. Phytolaccaceae R. Brown: pokeweed family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 4, Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, Part 1. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 3–11, 2003. Nowicke JW. Palynotaxonomic study of the Phytolaccaceae. Ann Mo Bot Gard 55;294–363, 1969. O’Leary SB. Poisoning in man from eating poisonous plants. Arch Environ Health 9;216–242, 1964. Patterson FD. Pokeweed causes heavy losses in swine herd. Vet Med 24;114, 1929. Peixoto P, Wouters F, Lemos RA, Loretti AP. Phytolacca decandra poisoning in sheep in Southern Brazil. Vet Hum Toxicol 39;302–303, 1997. Pezzuto JM, Swanson SM, Farnsworth NR. Evaluation of the mutagenic potential of endod (Phytolacca dodecandra), a molluscicide of potential value for the control of schistosomisasis. Toxicol Lett 22;15–20, 1984. Roberge R, Brader E, Martin ML, Jehle D, Evans T, Harchelroad F, Magreni C, Gesualdi G, Belardi C, Sayre M, Hartmann A. The root of evil—pokeweed intoxication. Ann Emerg Med 15;470–473, 1986. Rohwer JG. Phytolaccaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. II: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families. Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 506– 515, 1993. Sauer JD. A geography of pokeweed. Ann Mo Bot Gard 39;113– 125, 1952. Smith GW, Constable PD. Suspected pokeweed toxicity in a Boer goat. Vet Hum Toxicol 44;351–353, 2002. Spengel SM, Luterbacher S, Schaffner W. New aspects on the chemotaxonomy of Phytolacca dodecandra with regard to the isolation of phytolaccagenin, phytolaccagenic acid, and their glycosides. Planta Med 61;385–386, 1995. Stein ZLG. Pokeweed-induced gastroenteritis. Am J Hosp Pharm 36;1303, 1979. Storie GJ, McKenzie RA, Fraser IR. Suspected packalacca (Phytolacca dioica) poisoning of cattle and chickens. Aust Vet J 69;21–22, 1992.

Phytolaccaceae R.Br. Stout GH, Malofsky BM, Stout VF. Phytolaccagenin: a light atom X-ray structure proof using chemical information. J Am Chem Soc 86;957–958, 1964. Thomas F. The versatile poke plant. Ozark Highw 1973(2);22– 23, 1973.


Waxdal MJ. Isolation, characterization, and biological activities of five mitogens from pokeweed. Biochemistry 13;3671–3676, 1974. Yi Y-H, Wang C-L. A new active saponin from Phytolacca esculenta. Planta Med 55;551–552, 1989.

Chapter Fifty-Six

Pinaceae Lindl.

Pine Family Pinus Comprising 10 genera and about 200 species, the Pinaceae, or pine family, dominates the temperate, coniferous forests of the Northern Hemisphere (Thieret 1993). Only a few species are present south of the equator, principally in the Malayan archipelago (Page 1990). A few taxonomists broadly circumscribed the family and included within it the genera traditionally placed in the Cupressaceae (Chapter 28) and Taxaceae (Chapter 70). Page, Thieret, and most others, however, recognize 3 families, as we have done in this treatise, because of major differences in leaf and seed cone morphology. The family is of considerable economic importance. Its members are a source of timber, pulpwood, resins, and oils. They are also used extensively in landscape architectural designs. In North America, 6 genera and 66 species are present (Thieret 1993). Toxicologic problems are associated with 1 genus. resinous, aromatic trees, producing pollen and seed cones; leaves needlelike Plants trees; evergreen or deciduous; resinous; aromatic; producing pollen cones and seed cones; monoecious. Bark smooth to scaly or furrowed. Leaves needlelike; persistent for 2–12 years; simple; alternate; 1- or 2-ranked or fascicled; stipules absent. Pollen Cones produced annually; axillary; solitary or clustered; ovoid to ellipsoid or cylindric; microsporophylls spirally arranged; microsporangia 2 per microsporophyll. Seed Cones produced annually, maturing in 1–3 years; subterminal or axillary; solitary or clustered; ovuliferous scales overlapping; megasporangia 2 per scale. Seeds 2 per scale; wings present or absent.

PINUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 80–100 species distributed from the Arctic Circle to Central America, northern Africa, and Sumatra in southeastern Asia, Pinus, commonly known as pine, exhibits the greatest diversity in habit and distribution of needle-bearing conifers (Page 1990; Kral 1993). Its species may be both dominants of climax forests—for example, the oak– hickory–pine forests of the southeastern United States— or pioneers in early successional stages. A name used by the Romans, Pinus is most likely derived from the Latin roots pix or picis meaning “pitch” alluding to the resinous sap (Quattrocchi 2000). On the basis of needle anatomy, persistence of the scales of the fascicle sheaths, indumentum of the bud scales, and arming of the seed cones, 2 or 3 subgenera are generally recognized. In North America, 37 native and 1 widely naturalized species are present (Kral 1993). Reproductive problems are associated with ingestion of 4 species: P. contorta Douglas ex Loudon P. jeffreyi Grev. & Balf. P. ponderosa Douglas ex C.Lawson var. arizonica (Engelm.) Shaw var. ponderosa var. scopulorum Engelm. P. radiata D.Don

Because the morphological features of Pinus are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from other North American genera by having its needles borne in fascicles of 1–6 and sheathed in scales at the bases, the appearance of its seed cone scales (Thieret 1993) (Figures 56.1 and 56.2).

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


lodgepole pine, limber pine Jeffrey pine ponderosa pine, western yellow pine Arizona pine, Arizona ponderosa pine Pacific ponderosa pine mountain ponderosa pine Monterey pine

Pinaceae Lindl.

Figure 56.1.


Photo of Pinus ponderosa showing the branches. Figure 56.3.

Distribution of Pinus contorta.

Figure 56.4.

Distribution of Pinus ponderosa.

Figure 56.2. Photo of Pinus ponderosa showing the needles and an ovulate cone.

Distribution and Habitat—In his treatment of Pinus, Kral (1993) described P. ponderosa as typically occurring in drier mountainous sites and being distributed throughout the western half of North America, with populations ranging as far east as the Great Plains. As its varietal name implies, var. arizonica is found in Arizona. It extends into New Mexico and the mountains of Chihuahua and Nuevo León. Variety ponderosa is found along the Pacific Coast from California to British Columbia, while var. scopulorum ranges through the Rocky Mountains. Although widely grown throughout the world as an ornamental and apparently capable of naturalizing, P. radiata has a rather restricted natural distribution. Populations occur in three coastal areas of California and on the islands off the coast of Baja California in Mexico. Pinus jeffreyi is characteristic of high, dry montane forests of the Sierra–Cascade Mountains at elevations of 2000– 2500 m. With three varieties, P. contorta is found in the

Rocky, Sierra–Cascade, and coastal mountains at a variety of elevations. Distribution maps of P. radiata and P. jeffreyi can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Flora of North America ( (Figures 56.3 and 56.4).

reproductive disease in cattle; ingestion of green or dry needles of P. ponderosa

Disease Problems—Cattle producers in British Columbia had long suspected pine needles as a cause of reproductive problems in their animals (Bruce 1927), but it was not until the experimental observations of MacDonald


Toxic Plants of North America

(1952) that this association was confirmed. Cattle ate needles of P. ponderosa even though other feed was available, and 2.3–2.9 kg/day of fresh buds and needles caused the birth of dead calves or small weak calves, many of which died shortly after birth. These effects are consistent with folklore that Indian women in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington used pine needle teas to induce abortions (Tucker 1961; Stevenson et al. 1972; James et al. 1989). Ingestion of needles by pregnant cattle is now widely appreciated as a cause of serious losses estimated to be as high as $20 million per year (Miner et al. 1987). Lacey and coworkers (1988) estimated the value of the loss of 4300 calves and 74 cows per year to be $4.5 million. They suggested that such figures were probably underestimations of the problem. These losses are due in large measure to the extensive range of ponderosa pine and its dominance in western forests, an area estimated at 42 million acres (Burns 1983). Although toxicity may vary, all three varieties appear to pose a risk. The binomial name P. arizonica was used in early reports for individuals of var. arizonica (Gartner et al. 1988). Needles of any age, green or dry, intact or partially decomposed, are toxic, although green ones may be more readily eaten (Jensen et al. 1989; Panter et al. 1992; Short et al. 1994). Budding branch tips and bark are even more toxic than needles (Panter et al. 1990). Needles are commonly eaten but often in insufficient amounts to cause problems. Increased ingestion appears to be somewhat weather related; it is favored by low winter temperatures (Pfister and Adams 1993; Pfister et al. 1998, 2008). Significant snow cover may be a major factor when it prevents animal access to normal forage and favors ingestion of fresh needles. Recent access to needles after storms may also predispose their consumption (Stevenson et al. 1972). The role of stress in fostering consumption or effects is not clear, because early observations indicated that stress increased the effects, whereas later studies indicated that stress is actually protective (James et al. 1977; Short et al. 1994). Low body condition also appears to be a predisposing factor in increasing needle intake (Pfister et al. 2008). sheep and deer little affected Initially, sheep and deer were thought to be susceptible to the toxic effects of the needles, but this now appears not to be so (Call and James 1976; James et al. 1977). Experimentally, when needles made up 37% of the diet, sheep exhibited no indications of toxic effects other than a suggestion of bony malformations in lambs (Call and James 1976). However, in other experiments, pine needles fed to ewes markedly increased the number of dead lambs at parturition (Short et al. 1995). Deer appear to be

unaffected by pine needles, given that field observations have failed to reveal any effects even though needles may compose more than 50% of their diet at times (James et al. 1989). Reproductive effects are limited to cattle and bison, but the latter seem not to be predisposed to eat needles (Short et al. 1992). The cause of the difference between cattle and sheep is not clear, but it appears to be related to physiologic response rather than a difference in ruminal metabolism of the toxicants (Short et al. 1995). This is further shown by the lack of success in producing resistance to pine needle-induced abortion by transferring rumen microflora from elk (which are resistant) to cattle (Dehorty et al. 1999). risk increases in later stages of pregnancy, mainly last 2 months; intoxication requires more than 1 kg of needles Susceptibility in cattle increases with advancing stage of pregnancy; it begins about midgestation and reaches a zenith in the last month. Substantial amounts of needles are required; small amounts (0.1–0.3 kg/day) are not toxic and in fact may induce some degree of tolerance (Short et al. 1992). Amounts exceeding 1 kg are generally required for intoxication, but as little as 0.68 kg has proven troublesome. A much higher frequency of adverse effects is seen with dosages in the range of 1.35–1.8 kg or more (Short et al. 1987, 1989, 1992). Ingestion of more than 2 kg/day for 2 or 3 days is sufficient to cause premature parturition in 24 hours to 3 weeks (Panter et al. 1992). Ingestion of needles does not seem to affect overall fertility (Stevenson et al. 1972; Short et al. 1992). Calves are not directly affected by the toxins, and survival depends on their maturity at birth (Short et al. 1992). P. contorta and P. radiata also risks In addition to P. ponderosa, P. contorta, P. jeffreyi, P. koraiensis, and P. radiata are also considered to be reproductive risks for cattle. Pinus radiata is suspected as a cause of disease in New Zealand, where it has been cultivated (Knowles and Dewes 1980). Needles are readily eaten and are reported by producers to cause effects in the last 2 months of gestation. Dead newborn calves, small weak calves, and some ill cows have been observed. Likewise, P. koraiensis has been shown to cause mid- to late-term abortions in Korea (Kim et al. 2003). This latter species may be encountered as an ornamental in North America. Although field reports of reproductive effects caused by P. contorta are limited (Panter et al. 2002), its toxicity potential is clearly shown by the abortions produced in 2 cows after administration of 4.5–5.5 kg/day of needles for 8–10 days (Gardner et al. 1998a).

Pinaceae Lindl.

Systemic effects other than those on the fetus are also a serious consideration with consumption of pine needles. Ingested needles have marked effects on ruminal microorganisms. Dietary levels of 15–30% conspicuously alter fluid dynamics in the bovine rumen and also reduce volatile fatty acids and nitrogen retention and digestibility (Pfister et al. 1992). Needles have similar effects in lambs (Adams et al. 1992). The alterations in ruminal microflora permit the possibility of formation of metabolic products that might contribute to detrimental systemic effects.

changes in hormonal balances

Disease Genesis—The specific cause of the premature parturition in animals consuming pine needles appears to be related to disturbances in hormonal balance, but there are some inconsistencies in experimental results. Extracts of the needles show antiestrogenic activity, as measured by suppression of uterine weight increase and by competition with 17β-estradiol binding in the mouse uterus (Allen and Kitts 1961; Allison and Kitts 1964; Cook and Kitts 1964; Wagner and Jackson 1983). It seems apparent that although mice are susceptible to the embryotoxic effects of pine needles, these effects are not representative of those in cattle (Chow et al. 1972; Anderson and Lozano 1979; Cogswell and Kamstra 1980; Kubik and Jackson 1981). Nevertheless, these studies have proven useful in identifying the presence of antiestrogenic-type effects for the needles. Although it is clear that there are effects on estrogenic activity, changes in circulating estrogens and progesterone are not consistent; alterations of varying degree and direction are reported. Elevations of cortisol, 17β-estradiol, and progesterone have been noted during the last weeks of the shortened gestation period (Short et al. 1989). In cows fed 2.7 kg d.w. needles of P. koraiensis from day 91, serum β-estradiol levels were increased midgestation while progesterone levels decreased in late gestation (Kim et al. 2003). New-growth needles at branch tips cause even greater serum cortisol increases (Panter et al. 1990). In other studies, there was no apparent difference in serum estradiol and progesterone levels between control cows and those fed needles (Miner et al. 1987; Panter et al. 1990). However, in contrast, Jensen and coworkers (1989) fed needles to cows and observed increased necrosis of luteal cells, especially in the central zones of the corpus luteum, and a decrease in the number of progesterone-producing fetal binucleate placentome trophoblasts. Thus, there was a decrease in the number of placental and corpus luteal progesterone-producing cells, accompanied by a marked decrease in serum progesterone concentrations—changes incompatible with maintenance of pregnancy. Prostaglandins present in the


needles may also play some role in the reproductive effects (James et al. 1989). decreased uterine blood flow leads to decreased viability of the fetus Vascular impairment of uterine blood flow appears to be the significant factor in the development of reproductive effects. Plasma from needle-fed cows causes increased caruncular arterial smooth muscle tone in vitro (Christenson et al. 1992a). In vivo, there is a decrease in uterine blood flow, which eventually leads to parturition (Ford et al. 1992; Christenson et al. 1992b). The toxin in needles appears to prevent the normal progressive catechol/ estrogen-induced decrease in caruncular arterial tone or vasodilation, which is responsible for increasing blood flow with advancing pregnancy (Ford et al. 1997). It is suggested that the toxin causes failure of the block in potential sensitive calcium channel activity and subsequent calcium-mediated smooth muscle contraction, an effect normally moderated by estrogen metabolites (Christenson et al. 1993). These reproductive hormonal changes seem to be closely associated with the presence of isocupressic acid, a labdane diterpene, in pine needles (Zinkel and Magee 1991). Perhaps diterpene acids or their metabolites alter estrogen control of uterine blood flow. It appears that effects of pine needles are related more to modification of hormonal effects than to hormonal levels. diterpene acids and their esters extracted from needles Gardner and coworkers (1994a) isolated a number of diterpene acids, including isocupressic acid and imbricataloic acid, from methylene chloride extracts of pine needles. This solvent appears to be most effective in extracting the abortifacient toxin from needles (James et al. 1994). When administered orally daily, isocupressic acid alone caused abortion in 4 of 5 cows dosed for 2–8 days, beginning on the 250th day of gestation. Typically, abortion problems do not become apparent until midgestation or later. This is consistent with the results of Wang and coworkers (2004) who, using in vitro tests, were unable to show any effect of isocupressic acid on oocyte maturation/embryo preimplantation. Furthermore, treated blastocysts implanted in heifers resulted in normal pregnancies. This is in contrast with the results of Kubik and Jackson (1981), who induced embryo resorption on the first week of gestation by using resin acids extracted from needles. The discrepancy may be related to dosage of the toxins. Consistent with the lack of abortifacient action of pine needles in sheep and goats, isocupressic


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 56.5.

Chemical structure of isocupressic acid.

Figure 56.7.

Chemical structure of dihydroagathic acid.

Figure 56.6.

Chemical structure of succinylisocupressic acid.

Figure 56.8.

Chemical structure of isopimaric acid.

acid given orally or i.v. was without effect in goats (Panter et al. 2002) (Figures 56.5 and 56.6).

abietane diterpenes present; may also cause illness in the dam

The related diterpene esters of isocupressic, acetylisocupressic, and succinylisocupressic acids, which compose a major portion of the resin acids of pine needles, are also abortifacient in cattle (Zinkel and Magee 1991; Gardner et al. 1996). These esters are hydrolyzed in ruminal fluid to yield isocupressic acid, which is then further metabolized in the rumen and liver to agathic, dihydroagathic, and tetrahydroagathic acids, which may serve as the ultimate abortifacients (Lin et al. 1998; Gardner et al. 1999a,b; Garrossian et al. 2002). The marked variation in isocupressic acid concentrations, ranging from 0.5–2% to 13–15% of the total resin acids, suggests a considerable difference in toxicity of trees from different geographical locations (Zinkel and Magee 1991). Other abietane diterpenes—such as isopimaric, abietic, dehydroabietic, and neoabietic acids—that compose the resin gum residue of the needles produced systemic disease when administered orally, causing depression, anorexia, rumen stasis, tympany, respiratory distress, and peripheral neuropathy (Gardner et al. 1994b). These compounds may account

for signs of illness in the dam (Stegelmeier et al. 1996) (Figures 56.7 and 56.8). Appreciable concentrations of isocupressic acid have also been shown for P. contorta and P. jeffreyi (Gardner et al. 1997, 1998b), and it would not be surprising to find other pine species, including P. radiata, with toxicity potential, because resin acids are not unique to these species of pine. Gardner and James (1999) tested 23 species from the western and southern regions of the United States and found isocupressic acid in 15. Of these, the concentrations in 5 were such as to be considered significant risks including the 3 pines already discussed plus two species of juniper, Juniperus scopulorum and J. communis in the Cupressaceae (Chapter 28). Furthermore, measurable concentrations were also found in two species of pinyon pine, P. edulis and P. monophylla as well as in Engelmann spruce, Picea engelmanni. Intoxication may be a matter not only of species toxicity but also the likelihood of ingestion of the needles by cattle. A further complication is the finding of the presence of sufficient agathic acid in the bark of Juniperus osteosperma to cause abortion in cattle (Gardner et al. 2010). Thus, chewing on the bark of some species of Pinus may represent an additional risk. vasoactive alkanediols present An additional class of vasoactive compounds, including alkanediols esterified with lauric and myristic acids, has

Pinaceae Lindl.

been identified in pine needles, by means of an in vitro bioassay employing perfused late-term bovine placentomes (Al-Mahmoud et al. 1995). The most important of these vasoactive lipids is 1,12-dodecanedioyl-dimyristate (Ford et al. 1999). Vasoactive lipids may represent alternative or additional pathways for production of increased caruncular arterial tone. The abortifacient activity of fractions containing these compounds has been confirmed in guinea pigs; however, some difficulty has been encountered in producing abortions in cattle (Ford et al. 1994, 1999; Short et al. 1996). Mycotoxins and bacteria have been suggested as possible contributing factors, but they do not appear to be significant (Chow et al. 1974; Adams et al. 1979; Panter et al. 1991).

early vulvar swelling and mammary development; blood-tinged discharge from the vulva, delivery of dead or weak calves; placental retention, metritis, flaccid uterus

Clinical Signs—Within a few days or up to 3 weeks after ingestion of pine needles during the last trimester of gestation, typical signs of impending parturition appear, that is, swelling of the vulva, mammary development, and a blood-tinged mucoid discharge from the vulva. Delivery of a dead or weak calf follows within a few hours or days. In other animals, there may be little mammary development or milk letdown and few indications of an incipient birth. Retention of fetal membranes is common and is typically accompanied by infection and inflammation of the uterus. The uterus is flaccid, doughy, and fluid filled. Calves often die shortly after birth from starvation, bronchopneumonia, or other secondary causes.

dam: anorexia, stasis of the rumen, depression, weakness


necrotic placental fragments. Edema, focal ulceration, and splotchy hemorrhages of the endometrium, with prominent necrotic areas in the caruncles, are present; otherwise, the lesions are rather nonspecific. Edema and splotchy hemorrhages of the abdominal serosa, the subcutis, and tissues around the heart may also be present along with renal and skeletal myonecrosis (Stuart et al. 1989; Stegelmeier et al. 1996). Various analytical methodologies such as GC, HPLC, and ELISA are described for detection of isocupressic acid or its metabolites using various derivatives (Gardner and James 1999; Garrossian et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2003).

remove retained placenta; treat metritis; provide good feed

Treatment—If possible, the placenta should be removed and the cow treated for a uterine infection. It may also be necessary to treat the animal systemically to overcome dehydration and bacterial infection as well as to provide good nutrition. Although suggestions have been made promoting the value of vitamin A as a preventive, experimental studies have not substantiated its benefit (Short et al. 1992). Furthermore, protein, mineral, salt–sulfur, and bentonite supplements have no apparent protective benefit against effects of pine needles (Short et al. 1994). However, it appears that body condition may be a significant factor in prompting animals to eat needles. Thus, it may be possible to reduce the likelihood of ingestion in the coldest periods of winter by ensuring the best body condition possible under the circumstances by giving animals access to high-energy supplements (Pfister et al. 2008). The use of feed aversion conditioning has not been successful, possibly because cattle need to be averted to all forms of the needles to which they may have access (Pfister 2000).

REFERENCES In the dam, signs of illness are vague and include loss of appetite, lack of ruminal activity, depression, and weakness, and in some instances, dyspnea, paresis progressing to paralysis, and death (Stegelmeier et al. 1996).

gross pathology, cow, copious uterine exudate; edema, ulceration, hemorrhage of endometrium; necrosis of caruncles

Pathology—In cows that die after abortion or birth of a weak calf, there is copious uterine exudate that contains

Adams CJ, Neff TE, Jackson LL. Induction of Listeria monocytogenes infection by the consumption of ponderosa pine needles. Infect Immun 25;117–120, 1979. Adams DC, Pfister JA, Short RE, Cates RG, Knapp BW, Wiedmeier RD. Pine needle effects on in vivo and in vitro digestibility of crested wheatgrass. J Range Manage 45;249–253, 1992. Allen MR, Kitts WD. The effects of yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws) needle on the reproductivity of the laboratory female mouse. Can J Anim Sci 41;1–8, 1961. Allison CA, Kitts WD. Further studies on the antiestrogenic activity of yellow pine needles. J Anim Sci 23;1155–1159, 1964.


Toxic Plants of North America

Al-Mahmoud MS, Ford SP, Short RE, Farley DB, Christenson L, Rosazza JPN. Isolation and characterization of vasoactive lipids from the needles of Pinus ponderosa. J Agric Food Chem 43;2154–2161, 1995. Anderson CK, Lozano EA. Embryotoxic effects of pine needles and pine needle extracts. Cornell Vet 69;169–175, 1979. Bruce EA. Astragalus serotinus and other stock poisoning plants of British Columbia. Dom Can Dep Agric Bull 88, 1927. Burns RM. Silvicultural Systems for the Major Forest Types of the United States. USDA Forest Serv Handb 445, 1983. Call JW, James LF. Effect of feeding pine needles on ovine reproduction. J Am Vet Med Assoc 169;1301–1302, 1976. Chow F-HC, Hanson KJ, Hamar DW, Udall RH. Reproductive failure of mice caused by pine needle ingestion. J Reprod Fertil 30;169–172, 1972. Chow F-HC, Hamar DW, Udall RH. Mycotoxic effect on fetal development: pine needle abortion in mice. J Reprod Fertil 40;203–204, 1974. Christenson LK, Short RE, Ford SP. Effects of ingestion of ponderosa pine needles by late-pregnant cows on uterine blood flow and steroid secretion. J Anim Sci 70;531–537, 1992a. Christenson LK, Short RE, Rosazza JP, Ford SP. Specific effects of blood plasma from beef cows fed pine needles during late pregnancy on increasing tone of caruncular arteries in vitro. J Anim Sci 70;525–530, 1992b. Christenson LK, Short RE, Farley DB, Ford SP. Effects of ingestion of pine needles (Pinus ponderosa) by late-pregnant beef cows on potential sensitive Ca2+ channel activity of caruncular arteries. J Reprod Fertil 98;301–306, 1993. Cogswell C, Kamstra LD. Toxic extracts in ponderosa pine needles that produce abortion in mice. J Range Manage 33;46–48, 1980. Cook H, Kitts WD. Anti-oestrogenic activity in yellow pine needles (Pinus ponderosa). Acta Endocrinol 45;33–39, 1964. Dehorty BA, Grings EE, Short RE. Effects of cross-inoculation from elk and feeding pine needles on the protozoan fauna of pregnant cows: occurrence of Parentodinium africanum in domestic U.S. cattle (Bos taurus). J Eukaryot Microbiol 46;632–636, 1999. Ford SP, Christenson LK, Rosazza JP, Short RE. Effects of ponderosa pine needle ingestion on uterine vascular function in late-gestation beef cows. J Anim Sci 70;1609–1614, 1992. Ford SP, Farley DB, Rosazza JPN. Use of the late-pregnant guinea pig as a bioassay for the abortifacient in ponderosa pine needles [abstract]. J Anim Sci 72(Suppl. 1);103, 1994. Ford SP, Rosazza JPN, Short RE. Pinus ponderosa needleinduced toxicity. In Handbook of Plant and Fungal Toxicants. D’Mello JPF, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 219–229, 1997. Ford SP, Rosazza JPN, Al-Mahmoud MS, Lin S, Farley DB, Short RE. Abortifacient effects of a unique class of vasoactive lipids from Pinus ponderosa needles. J Anim Sci 77;2187–2193, 1999. Gardner DR, James LF. Pine needle abortion in cattle: analysis of isocupressic acid in North American gymnosperms. Phytochem Anal 10;132–136, 1999. Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ, James LF, Panter KE, Stegelmeier BL. Ponderosa pine needle-induced abortion in beef cattle:

identification of isocupressic acid as the principal active compound. J Agric Food Chem 42;756–761, 1994a. Gardner DR, Molyneux RJ, James LF, Panter KE, Stegelmeier BL. Studies on the abortifacient principle of ponderosa pine needles (Pinus ponderosa Laws). In Plant Associated Toxins: Agricultural, Phytochemical, and Ecological Aspects. Colegate SM, Dorling PR, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 339–344, 1994b. Gardner DR, Panter KE, Molyneux RJ, James LF, Stegelmeier BL. Abortifacient activity in beef cattle of acetyl- and succinylisocupressic acid from ponderosa pine. J Agric Food Chem 44;3257–3261, 1996. Gardner DR, Panter KE, Molyneux RJ, James LF, Stegelmeier BL, Pfister JA. Isocupressic acid and related diterpene acids from Pinus ponderosa as abortifacient compounds in cattle. J Nat Toxins 6;1–10, 1997. Gardner DR, Panter KE, James LF, Stegelmeier BL. Abortifacient effects of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and common juniper (Juniperus communis) on cattle. Vet Hum Toxicol 40;260– 263, 1998a. Gardner DR, Panter KE, James LF, Stegelmeier BL, Pfister JA. Diterpene acid chemistry of ponderosa pine and implications for late-term induced abortions in cattle. In Toxic Plants and Other Natural Toxicants. Garland T, Barr AC, eds. CAB International, New York, pp. 339–344, 1998b. Gardner DR, Panter KE, James LF. Pine needle abortion in cattle: metabolism of isocupressic acid. J Agric Food Chem 47;2891– 2897, 1999a. Gardner DR, James LF, Panter KE, Pfister JA, Ralphs MH, Stegelmeier BL. Ponderosa pine and broom snakeweed: poisonous plants that affect livestock. J Nat Toxins 8;27–34, 1999b. Gardner DR, Panter KE, Stegelmeier BL. Implication of agathic acid from Utah juniper bark as an abortifacient compound in cattle. J Appl Toxicol 30;115–119, 2010. Garrossian M, Gardner DR, Panter KE, James LF. Preparation of tetrahydroagathic acid: a serum metabolite of isocupressic acid, a cattle abortifacient in ponderosa pine. J Agric Food Chem 50;2235–2240, 2002. Gartner FR, Johnson FD, Morgan P. Cattle abortion from ponderosa pine needles: ecological and range management considerations. In The Ecology and Economic Impact of Poisonous Plants on Livestock Production. James LF, Ralphs MH, Nielsen DB, eds. Westview Press, Boulder, CO, pp. 71–93, 1988. James LF, Call JW, Stevenson AH. Experimentally induced pine needle abortion in range cattle. Cornell Vet 67;294–299, 1977. James LF, Short RE, Panter KE, Molyneux RJ, Stuart LD, Bellows RA. Pine needle abortion in cattle: a review and report of 1973–1984 research. Cornell Vet 79;39–52, 1989. James LF, Molyneux RJ, Panter KE, Gardner DR, Stegelmeier BL. Effect of feeding ponderosa pine needle extracts and their residues to pregnant cattle. Cornell Vet 84;33–39, 1994. Jensen R, Pier AC, Kaltenbach CC, Murdoch WJ, Becerra VM, Mills KW, Robinson JL. Evaluation of histopathologic and physiologic changes in cows having premature births after consuming ponderosa pine needles. Am J Vet Res 50;285–289, 1989.

Pinaceae Lindl. Kim I-H, Choi K-C, An B-S, Choi I-G, Kim B-K, Oh Y-K, Jeung E-B. Effect on abortion of Korean pine needles to pregnant Korean native cows. Can J Vet Res 67;194–197, 2003. Knowles RL, Dewes HF. Pinus radiata implicated in abortion. N Z Vet J 28;103, 1980. Kral R. Pinus. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 3737–3398, 1993. Kubik YM, Jackson LL. Embryo resorptions in mice induced by diterpene resin acids of Pinus ponderosa needles. Cornell Vet 71;34–42, 1981. Lacey JR, James LF, Short RE. Ponderosa pine: economic impact. In The Ecology and Economic Impact of Poisonous Plants on Livestock Production. James LF, Ralphs MH, Nielsen DB, eds. Westview Press, Boulder, CO, pp. 95–106, 1988. Lee ST, Gardner DR, Garrossian M, Panter KE, Serrequi AN, Schoch TK, Stegelmeier BL. Development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for isocupressic acid and serum metabolites of isocupressic acid. Agric Food Chem 51;3228–3233, 2003. Lin S-J, Short RE, Ford SP, Grings EE, Rosazza JPN. In vitro biotransformations of isocupressic acid by cow rumen preparations: formation of agathic and dihydroagathic acids. J Nat Prod 61;51–56, 1998. MacDonald MA. Pine needle abortion in range beef cattle. J Range Manage 5;150–155, 1952. Miner JL, Staigmiller RB, Peterson MK, Short RE, James LF. Montana pine needles cause abortion in beef cattle. Mont Agric Res 4(Winter);6–9, 1987. Page CN. Pinaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. I: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Kramer KU, Green PS, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 319–331, 1990. Panter KE, James LF, Molyneux RJ, Short RE, Sisson DV. Premature bovine parturition induced by ponderosa pine: effects of pine needles, bark, and branch tips. Cornell Vet 80;329– 338, 1990. Panter KE, Galey FD, James LF, Molyneux RJ, Pausch RD, Staigmiller RB, Short RE. Ponderosa pine needle induced parturition in cattle: analysis for presence of mycotoxins. J Agric Food Chem 39;927–929, 1991. Panter KE, James LF, Molyneux RJ, Short RE. Ponderosa pineinduced premature bovine parturition. In Poisonous Plants: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium. James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey EM Jr., Cheeke PR, Hegarty MP, eds. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, pp. 387–391, 1992. Panter KE, James LF, Gardner DR, Ralphs MH, Pfister JA, Stegelmeier BL, Lee ST. Reproductive losses to poisonous plants: influence of management strategies. J Range Manage 55;301–308, 2002. Pfister JA. Food aversion learning to eliminate cattle consumption of pine needles. J Range Manage 53;655–659, 2000. Pfister JA, Adams DC. Factors influencing pine needle consumption by grazing cattle during winter. J Range Manage 46;394– 398, 1993. Pfister JA, Adams DC, Wiedmeier RD, Cates RG. Adverse effects of pine needles on aspects of digestive performance in cattle. J Range Manage 45;528–533, 1992.


Pfister JA, Panter KE, Gardner DR. Pine needle consumption by cattle during winter in South Dakota. J Range Manage 51;551–556, 1998. Pfister JA, Panter KE, Gardner DR, Cook D, Welch KD. Effect of body condition on consumption of pine needles (Pinus ponderosa) by beef cows. J Anim Sci 86;3608–3616, 2008. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Short RE, Staigmiller RB, Bellows RA, Panter KE, James LF. Effects of various factors on abortions caused by pine needles. In Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Station, Miles City, Montana, 1987 Field Day. USDA/Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Miles City, MT, 1987. Short RE, James LF, Staigmiller RB, Panter KE. Pine needle abortion in cattle: associated changes in serum cortisol, estradiol and progesterone. Cornell Vet 79;53–60, 1989. Short RE, James LF, Panter KE, Staigmiller RB, Bellows RA, Malcolm J, Ford SP. Effects of feeding ponderosa pine needles during pregnancy: comparative studies with bison, cattle, goats, and sheep. J Anim Sci 70;3498–3504, 1992. Short RE, Bellows RA, Staigmiller RB, Ford SP. Pine needle abortion in cattle: effects of diet variables on consumption of pine needles and parturition response. J Anim Sci 72;805–810, 1994. Short RE, Ford SP, Grings EE, Kronberg SL. Abortifacient response and plasma vasoconstrictive activity after feeding needles from ponderosa pine trees to cattle and sheep. J Anim Sci 73;2102–2104, 1995. Short RE, Ford SP, Rosazza JPN, Farley DB, Klavons JA, Hall JB. Effects of feeding pine needle components to late pregnant cattle. Proc West Sect Am Soc Anim Sci 47;193–196, 1996. Stegelmeier BL, Gardner DR, James LF, Panter KE, Molyneux RJ. The toxic and abortifacient effects of ponderosa pine. Vet Pathol 33;22–28, 1996. Stevenson AH, James LF, Call JW. Pine-needle (Pinus ponderosa)induced abortion in range cattle. Cornell Vet 62;519–524, 1972. Stuart LD, James LF, Panter KE, Call JW, Short RE. Pine needle abortion in cattle: pathological observations. Cornell Vet 79;61–69, 1989. Thieret JW. Pinaceae. In Flora of North America, Vol. 3, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 352–398, 1993. Tucker JS. Pine needle abortion in cattle. Proc Am Coll Vet Toxicol 35–39, 1961. Wagner WD, Jackson LL. Phytoestrogen from Pinus ponderosa assayed by competitive binding with 17-beta-estradiol to mouse uterine cytosol. Theriogenology 19;507–515, 1983. Wang S, Panter KE, Gardner DR, Evans RC, Bunch TD. Effects of pine needle abortifacient, isocupressic acid, on bovine oocyte maturation and preimplantation embryo development. Anim Reprod Sci 81;237–244, 2004. Zinkel DF, Magee TV. Resin acids of Pinus ponderosa needles. Phytochemistry 30;845–848, 1991.

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Plantaginaceae Juss.

Snapdragon Family Digitalis Questionable Linaria Penstemon Veronica

Comprising 101–104 genera and 1820–1900 species, the Plantaginaceae, is an almost cosmopolitan family, with greatest diversity in temperate regions (Judd et al. 2008; Mabberley 2008). It was long considered to be a relatively small family of 3 genera, the majority of which were classified in the genus Plantago (Cronquist 1981; Brummitt 2007). However, on the basis of molecular phylogenetic analyses, its circumscription has been greatly expanded to include genera formerly positioned in the families Scrophulariaceae, Callitrichaceae, and Hippuridaceae (Olmstead et al. 2001; Tank et al. 2006; Bremer et al. 2009). Although the family has traditionally been called the plantain family, substitution of the common name “snapdragon family” is occurring (Judd et al. 2008; Freeman and Rabeler, unpublished data). It must be noted that not all taxonomists agree with this classification and continue to recognize a broadly circumscribed Scrophulariaceae (Brummitt 2007). With expansion of its boundaries, the Plantaginaceae contains numerous, well-known garden ornamentals including Antirrhinum (snapdragon), Digitalis (foxglove), Penstemon (beardtongue), and Veronica (speedwell). Although Plantago (plantain) is perhaps best known for its troublesome weeds, the seeds of some species have been used as a laxative and in the treatment of dysentery (Brummitt 2007). Likewise, other genera in the expanded family have been used extensively in poultices, infusions, and decotions by various tribes of Native Americans to treat a variety of ailments (Moerman 1998). Various taxa of the family produce phenolic glycosides, triterpe-

noid saponins, acylated rhamnosyl iridoids, and cardiac glycosides (Judd et al. 2008). Of the 46 native and introduced genera in North America, 1 introduced genus is well known for its cardiac glycosides and 3 genera are of questionable risk because of the compounds they produce. plants herbs; leaves simple, alternate or opposite or both; inflorescences spikes racemes or panicles; flowers 4- or 5-merous; radial or bilateral symmetry; stamens 2, 4, or 5; ovaries superior; capsules Plants herbs or rarely shrubs; annuals or perennials; caulescent or acaulescent. Leaves simple; alternate or opposite or rarely whorled; cauline, basal or forming rosettes; stipules absent. Inflorescences spikes or racemes or panicles; bracts and bracteoles present or absent. Flowers perfect or rarely imperfect; perianths in 2-series or absent. Sepals 5 or 4 or 0; fused. Corollas strongly or weakly bilaterally or radially symmetrical; typically bilabiate. Petals 5 or 4 or 0; fused. Stamens 2 or 4 or 5; of equal lengths or didynamous; epipetalous; staminodia absent or present, 1. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 1 or 2; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 2 or 4; placentation axile. Fruits capsules or rarely schizocarps splitting into 4 nutlets. Seeds 2–numerous.

DIGITALIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus from Europe, northwest Africa, and west central Asia, Digitalis, commonly known as foxglove, comprises about 22 species (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Latin digitus, alluding to the shape of the corolla (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 4 species have been introduced as ornamentals (USDA, NRCS 2012). Three have escaped and are occasionally encountered; one is widely naturalized. Of toxicologic interest are the following species:

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Plantaginaceae Juss. D. D. D. D.

grandiflora Mill. lanata Ehrh. lutea L. purpurea L.

yellow foxglove Grecian foxglove straw foxglove purple foxglove, common foxglove


garden ornamentals; naturalized in moist soils

Distribution and Habitat—Originally introduced from erect herbs; leaves alternate; terminal racemes elongate; bilabiate flowers showy, tubular campanulate; petals 5, purple, pink, bronze brown, yellow, or white, throat spotted or streaked; capsules ovoid

Plants herbs; perennials or biennials; caulescent; herbage glabrous or tomentose or villous. Stems erect; 30–180 cm tall; rarely branched. Leaves alternate; lower often crowded; blades lanceolate to oblong or ovate; margins entire to dentate. Inflorescences elongate racemes; terminal; usually secund; flowers pendant; bracts present. Flowers showy; tubular campanulate. Sepals 5; fused only at bases. Petals 5; lobes 4; upper lip shorter than lower; purple or pink or bronze brown or yellow or white; throat typically spotted or streaked. Stamens 4; didynamous. Pistils with stigmas 2; flattened. Capsules ovoid to conical (Figure 57.1).

Europe, D. purpurea has naturalized locally in the western third of the continent, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, and in the northeastern corner. Plants prefer moist areas along forest edges and roadsides, and in open pastures. They are frequently found along the perimeter of logged-over areas of Douglas fir. It is a common cultivated garden ornamental throughout North America but generally flourishes where summer temperatures are mild to moderate and moisture is assured. Digitalis grandiflora, D. lanata, and D. lutea are also European introductions but are encountered only rarely in the upper midwest and northeastern corner of the continent. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

cardiotoxic; long used to treat cardiac disease

Disease Problems—Digitalis has long been known to

Figure 57.1.

Photo of Digitalis purpurea.

have special curative powers. It has been used for hundreds of years for numerous ailments, particularly various types of edema (Hoffman and Bigger 1990). Although not the first plant to be used for cardiac disease, it is certainly the most well known, beginning in 1785 with the published work of William Withering (1941). His apt description of the toxic effects of large dosage still remains pertinent––vomiting, purging, giddiness, confused vision, objects appearing green or yellow, increased urine flow and frequency, slow pulse, cold sweats, convulsions, fainting, and even death. Although the genus had been used by the populace of rural England for centuries, it was Withering who developed its great medicinal potential (Estes and White 1965; Rahimtoola 1975). In the ensuing years, it became widely used as an herbal remedy for cardiac disease and remains a mainstay in the treatment of cardiac disease to the present day, albeit as a source of the purified individual cardenolides rather than a component of herbal preparations. Of course, during this lengthy period of therapeutic use, cardiotoxicity problems have been discovered or rediscovered; for example, repeated large dosage of the leaves sometimes causes a distortion of vision in which yellows are accentuated (Estes and White 1965). This discovery has led to the speculation that Vincent Van Gogh’s infatuation with yellows in his paintings may have resulted from the possible use of digitalis as a treatment for his epilepsy (Lee 1981).


Toxic Plants of North America

In North America, this is primarily a problem in humans, often associated with the use of the specific cardenolides therapeutically but also on occasion due to ingestion with suicidal intent. Although not a common toxicologic problem, there are periodic reports from various parts of the world related to mistaken identity of garden plants incorporated in salads, as vegetables or used as the basis of herbal tea (Dickstein and Kunkel 1980; Bain 1985; Colls 1999; Newman et al. 2004; Maffe et al. 2009; Lin et al. 2010). It seems to be most often mistaken for comfrey. In some instances, the plant is intentionally used for suicidal purposes or as a tonic (Jewett 2002; Ramlakhan and Fletcher 2007). In a few instances, digitalis-like properties have been associated with commercial herbal teas (Longerich et al. 1993; Barrueto et al. 2003). Intoxication in animals is quite unusual in North America in contrast to the more frequent episodes of problems due to other cardenolide-containing plants of the Apocynaceae (Chapter 9).

steroidal 23-C cardenolide glycosides

Disease Genesis—Both the medicinal and toxic effects of Digitalis are due primarily to a series, perhaps several dozen, of steroidal 23-C, C-17b-lactone, and C-5b-cardenolides (ring A/B cis). These cardenolides or glycosides contain one or more sugars linked at the C-3 position of the aglycone or genin. Much of the variety in these cardenolides is due to the different combinations of sugars with specific genins. The sugars are responsible in large measure for the distribution characteristics after absorption and the overall potency of the cardenolides (Shoppee 1964; Hoffman and Bigger 1990). In general, monosides are more potent than biosides or triosides. The best known of the cardenolides of Digitalis are digoxin and digitoxin and their respective genins, digoxigenin and digitoxigenin. Other genins of the genus include gitoxigenin, gitaloxigenin, and the numerous but inactive digitenolides. These genins differ from digoxygenin in the number and location of hydroxyl and other side groups. The main glycosides in D. purpurea are digitoxin, gitoxin, and gitalin, while in D. lanata, digoxin is present as well (Stoll 1959; Lugt and Noordhoek-Ananias 1974; Fujii et al. 1989, 1990a,b; Ikeda et al. 1995, 1996; Usai et al. 2007; Pellati et al. 2009). Lanatosides A, B, and C may be present as precursors of digitoxin, gitoxin, and digoxin, respectively. Purpurea glycosides A and B = lanatosides without an acetyl on the third digitoxose. The glycoside array in D. lutea is similar to that of D. purpurea with little or no digoxin and with lanatoside A and digitoxin the


CH3 CH3 OH O Digit Digit

Figure 57.2.


Chemical structure of digitoxin (digitoxigenin).

predominant compounds and concentrations highest in stem leaves (Schwartz and Gisvold 1957; Cole and Gisvold 1958; Wichtl et al. 1982; Fujii et al. 1994). Thus, intoxication is most likely due to digitoxin unless the plant species involved is D. lanata. The concentrations of the glycosides may vary 10- to 20-fold by geographic location, but the array is consistent (Pellati et al. 2009). Similar active cardenolides are well represented—albeit in differing sugar combinations—among the members of the Apocynaceae (dogbane or milkweed family; see Chapter 9) (Shoppee 1964; Coffey 1970; Singh and Rastogi 1970) (Figure 57.2). inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase, followed by increased intracellular calcium, resulting in conduction problems, AV block, ventricular fibrillation Because these cardenolides bind to the exterior cell surface, their primary effect is a conformational change in the Na+,K+-ATPase on the internal surface and subsequent alteration of Na+ and K+ movement (effectively a sodium pump) and concentration balance across the cell membrane. This fosters transmembranal movement and a secondary increase in intracellular sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ resulting in positive inotropic action (Hoffman and Bigger 1990). Adverse effects develop when Ca2+ overload occurs. However, the cardiac effects may not be due exclusively to this mechanism of action as there may be alternative Ca2+ movement processes (Ruch et al. 2003; Wasserstrom and Alstrup 2005; Arispe et al. 2008). At therapeutic dosages, there is improvement of myocardial function. However, higher dosages produce alterations in cardiac conduction and other changes in electrical activity. AV block is one of the most common manifestations of toxicity, and death typically occurs because of ventricular fibrillation (Detweiler and Knight 1977; Hoffman and Bigger 1990).

Plantaginaceae Juss.

The cardenolides are absorbed mainly in the proximal small intestine with 70–80% absorption of digoxin, a process which may be enhanced or inhibited by other P-glycoprotein transported drugs (Lisalo 1977; Igel et al. 2007). Widely distributed in the body, digoxin has a biological half-life of up to 2 days in humans and the more lipid-soluble and better absorbed digitoxin 5+ days (Okita et al. 1955; Okita 1967; Lisalo 1977; Doherty 2010). Elimination of digoxin is about 70–75% renal of the parent compound and 20–25% nonrenal (biliary), while that of digitoxin is similar but mainly metabolites in urine hence the concern regarding renal function and enterohepatic circulation. There are considerable differences in the disposition of cardenolides between animal species with the dog most closely akin to humans and laboratory rodents quite different (Okita 1967). all plant parts; fresh or dry; all animal species affected, including ruminants Cardenolides are present in all parts of the plants, especially the seeds, and toxicity is retained with drying (Everist 1981; Fuller and McClintock 1986). Concentrations of the toxins are highest in the fruits, flowers, and immature leaves, with up to 480 mg cardenolide/g d.w. in the mature capsules (Evans and Cowley 1972). Mature leaves of flowering plants typically have low cardenolide content (Braga et al. 1997). Although the cardenolides and their genins are of limited solubility in water, intoxications may nonetheless result when children or pets drink water containing cut stems of the plants. The cardenolides also pose a risk in herbal teas brewed from Digitalis intentionally or accidentally (Dickstein and Kunkel 1980; Ramlakhan and Fletcher 2007). As with other cardenolide-containing species, palatability is low, and rather unique conditions exist when intoxications occur. More likely to be eaten when in hay, the biennial plants may also be less objectionable in the first year’s rosette stage. However, in one case, cows were reported to have eaten preflowering Digitalis in preference to good green grass (Thomas et al. 1987). A change in feed might also encourage consumption, as happened in another case in which turkeys ate plants of the genus after a mash was substituted for pelleted feed (Parker 1951). Ruminants have long been considered to be somewhat resistant to the effects of digitalis, and therefore presumably to those of cardenolides, because compounds from different taxa are structurally very similar (Craig and Kehoe 1925; Brander et al. 1991). Indeed, experiments with concentrated digitalis preparations in vitro indicate the ability of ruminal microbes to reduce cardenolide activity (Westermarck 1959). This, however, has not been inevitably true for in vivo experiments with other


cardenolides (Wilson 1909). In addition, reports of intoxication in ruminants are as numerous as those in monogastric species. Thus, this possible resistance cannot be relied on. An additional factor of some relevance is the reported protective effects of estrogens against digitalis, thus reducing the vulnerability of the female animal to the toxins (Grinnell and Smith 1957; Grinnell et al. 1961). These observations have been substantiated for other cardenolides as well (Schwartz et al. 1974). In addition to the above factors that affect sensitivity to the cardenolides, there is considerable species variation. Rats and mice, especially some Peromyscus species, are quite resistant to cardenolide effects (Glendinning 1992).

marked weakness, stupor, vomiting, diarrhea, labored respiration, slow irregular heartbeat

Clinical Signs—In humans, prominent signs include weakness, nausea, dizziness, confusion, headache, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and visual disturbances (Lely and Van Enter 1970). A multitude of cardiac effects/dysrhythmias may be noted such as sinus bradycardia (or even tachycardia), ventricular premature contractions, junctional tachycardia, sinoatrial block, AV dissociation, and first-, second-, or third-degree AV block (Smith et al. 1984). Those conduction changes particularly noteworthy in diagnosis are a persistent sinus bradycardia, short QT interval (with normal serum Ca2+), ST segment depression, and first-degree AV block (Mobitz 1/ Wenckebach) with gradually increasing PR intervals, this along with nausea and vomiting in the presence of elevated serum K+ (Bhatia and Smith 1987; Newman et al. 2004; Goyal et al. 2005). Probably, most animal species are susceptible to these toxins; cardiotoxic effects typically predominate. The signs produced in general mimic those of the cardenolides of other families (Benson et al. 1979). The earliest signs, which may not be apparent until 12 or more hours after ingestion, include marked weakness and stupor, which are consistent among the various animal species. In dogs, vomiting and diarrhea are especially prominent (Detweiler and Knight 1977). Diarrhea (sometimes bloody) is common in most other animals as well. During this early period, weakness may be of such severity that a horse may almost be unable to raise its head from the ground while standing (Craig and Kehoe 1925). In sheep and possibly cattle and deer, colic and labored respiration with a peculiar forced expiratory sound may be quite noticeable (Maclean 1966; Benson et al. 1979). During the period of initial signs, the heartbeat may be loud and strong, but as the disease progresses during the following hours, it will slow and become irregular and almost imperceptible


Toxic Plants of North America

(Craig and Kehoe 1925; Maclean 1966; Corrigal et al. 1978; Bartik and Piskac 1981). Occasionally, the heartbeat may be very loud but irregular. Arrhythmias that may be noted include sinus bradycardia, ventricular extrasystoles, and supraventricular tachycardia, as well as heart block. In the horse, marked subcutaneous edema of the head, lips, and eyelids may accompany the drooping of the head and cardiac failure (Craig and Kehoe 1925). Other accompanying signs include increased frequency of urination, grinding of the teeth, and cyanotic/congested mucous membranes. It is interesting to note that in a report of intoxication in dairy cows, there was no residual adverse effect on milk production in spite of the occurrence of severe disease (Thomas et al. 1987). Death typically ensues in several days, resulting from ventricular fibrillation. In the event that small quantities of the plants are eaten daily, signs may be limited to poor body condition and weight loss.

neurologic signs predominant in some animals

Although cardiac effects are the typical manifestations, some animals may respond with neurologic signs predominating, because of either high cardiotoxin dosage or the vagaries of certain animal species (Gold et al. 1947). This phenomenon is similar to the effects observed in other cardenolide-containing genera, and it may be that mice and rats are generally more likely to display neurologic signs (Chen and Henderson 1965; Szabuniewicz et al. 1972). In turkeys, signs included drowsiness, inappetence, crop stasis, and seizures just prior to death (Parker 1951). Although the birds were not eating, their crops remained full but not impacted for several days. Poultry appear to be relatively resistant to the cardiotoxic effect of the cardenolides (Ogden et al. 1992). Diagnosis and prognosis may be facilitated by measurement of ATPase activity in tissues such as RBCs or by radioimmunoassay for digitoxin in serum or other tissues, although false positives may occur (Smith 1970; Aronson 1986). This is of particular concern with respect to other plants with steroidal-type constituents (Bechtel et al. 2010). Other methodology is available employing varying versions of LC-MS technology (Beyer et al. 2007; Vlase et al. 2009). In addition, a fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) method has been adapted to allow the determination of cardenolide levels in animal tissues and plants as well as in the plasma (Schultz et al. 2005). Digoxin blood/plasma levels in the 2–4 ng/mL range are consistent with intoxication and in many instances will be considerably higher. Levels for digitoxin may be in the range of 100–200 ng/mL.

gross pathology: reddened gut mucosa; leaf fragments in the stomach; microscopic: swollen, fragmented muscle cells

Pathology—In many instances, the disease will be of such brief duration that distinctive gross lesions will be absent. In such cases, there may be congestion of the brain and abdominal viscera, and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages, especially subepicardial and subendocardial. Typically, there will be reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and intestine and increased fluidity of their sometimes bloody contents (Craig and Kehoe 1925; Gold et al. 1947; Maclean 1966; Corrigal et al. 1978). The heart appearance is quite variable, but most likely it will be dilated. Surprisingly, microscopic myocardial degenerative changes may be quite evident in less acute cases. These changes range from mild myocardial degeneration to swollen and hydropic muscle cells, especially in the papillary muscle of the left ventricle; areas of hemorrhage with granular/lytic muscle fiber fragments; and leucocytic and lymphocytic infiltrates. There may also be areas of interstitial edema; proliferation of histiocytes and fibroblasts, which replace degenerative muscle cells; and foci of fragmented partly hyalinized muscle cells. Vascular changes in the heart include edema of the walls, contraction of the arteries, and dilation of the veins (Hueper and Ichniowski 1941). Similar changes have been ascribed to the cardenolides of other plant families (Newsholme and Coetzer 1984; Ogden et al. 1992). The leaves are readily digested and thus are difficult to recognize in the stomach. However, the upper leaf epidermis is less readily degraded and may be identified microscopically (Corrigal et al. 1978).

administer activated charcoal, atropine, phenytoin, propanalol, Fab fragments

Treatment—Similar to that in other acute cardenolide intoxications, the general treatment may be directed toward prevention of further absorption of the toxins in the digestive tract by oral administration of activated charcoal (2 g/kg b.w.) (Joubert and Schultz 1982a,b) or a compound such as cholestyramine (Caldwell and Greenberger 1971; Caldwell et al. 1971). If carried out early in the disease in humans, this approach may be quite effective (Smith 1991). To alleviate worrisome cardiac

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problems, the charcoal may be augmented by parenteral use of atropine to effect for the decreased heart rate associated with sinus bradycardia and AV block or with phenytoin, which is quite effective against the more severe ventricular arrhythmias induced by digitalis (Hoffman and Bigger 1990). Propranolol may also be used in some instances. Wijnberg and coworkers (1999) successfully treated a pony intoxicated from Digitalis, using phenytoin at 7.5 mg/kg b.w. i.v. and 10 mg/kg b.w. orally. In most instances of intoxication in animals, the use of activated charcoal and atropine will be sufficient. In particularly severe intoxications, digoxin-specific Fab fragment antibodies (Digibind®, GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK) can be given to rapidly inactivate cardenolides in the serum (Schmidt and Butler 1971; Smith et al. 1976, 1982; Zucker et al. 1982). The half-life and clearance for 50,000 daltons Fab in a 60–70 kg b.w. adult are 14–16 hours and 18–20 mL/min, respectively (Schaumann et al. 1986; Grene-Lerouge et al. 1996). Although there are clearly successful outcomes with conventional approaches using gastric decontamination and cardiac activity modifying drugs (Antman and Smith 1985), it has been recommended that in humans rather than waiting until after these other approaches have been tried initially that i.v. Fab antibody fragment therapy should be instituted as soon as possible where there is a strong reason to believe that digoxin/digitoxin intoxication has occurred (Antman et al. 1990; Lapostolle et al. 2008). Prompt early use in the presence of cardiac signs is more likely to give favorable results with a minimal amount of Fab fragment vials. This may involve a twostep process where 2 vials are given initially followed by 2 or more if the cardiac arrhythmia/signs have not regressed in 1 hour (Bilbault et al. 2009). In this study of severely intoxicated patients, 14 of 20 patients needed only the first 2 vials, thus economizing on the use of a valuable treatment commodity. In clearly life-threatening situations, a greater number of vials may be used initially. Because we are concerned mainly with digitoxin from plant parts specifically of D. purpurea, the most favorable treatment outcome may occur with the use of activated charcoal orally (repeated every 4–6 hours) to reduce additional absorption and possible enterohepatic circulation and Fab fragments to inactivate the cardenolide present in the circulation. Other drugs may then be used to control existing cardiovascular abnormalities. The lipidlowering or bile acid sequestrants cholestyramine or colestipol may be substituted for activated charcoal, but whether they are equally or reasonably effective is not clear (van Bever et al. 1976; Kilgore and Lehmann 1982; Lalonde et al. 1985; Henderson and Solomon 1988, 1989; Neuvonen et al. 1988; Neuvonen and Kivisto 1989).


GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Linaria Mill. Comprising approximately 150 Eurasian species, Linaria, commonly called toadflax or butter-and-eggs, is represented in North America by 15 introduced species (Alex 1962; Mabberley 2008; USDA, NRCS 2012). The 4 species native to North America are now segregated in the genus Nuttallanthus. Linaria is believed to be derived from the Greek root linon, meaning “flax,” an allusion to the flax-like leaves of some species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Closely related to Antirrhinum (snapdragon), plants of the genus are annual or perennial herbs with branched or unbranched stems 30–100 cm tall. The sessile, linear or oblong leaves are typically opposite or whorled below and alternate above. Bracteate spikes or racemes terminate the erect stems; rarely are the flowers solitary in the leaf axils. The most distinctive features of the genus are the long, tubular spur arising from a conspicuously bilabiate corolla with a 2-lobed upper lip; a 3-lobed lower lip; and a basal palate that closes the tube. Four stamens are included within the blue, lavender, purple, or yellow corollas, and the capsules are globose. These introduced species are typically encountered in disturbed soils of roadsides, waste areas, and overgrazed pastures across the continent. possible risk due to quinazoline alkaloids; flavonoid glycosides also present Representative species for which toxicologic information is available include L. dalmatica Mill. (Dalmatian toadflax), L. genistifolia (L.) Mill. (brown-leaved toadflax), L. purpurea (L.) Mill. (purple toadflax), and L. vulgaris Mill. (butter-and-eggs, wild snapdragon, or yellow toadflax). These species contain a series of quinazoline alkaloids: vasicine (peganine), vasicinone, and deoxyvasicinone (Openshaw 1953; Groeger and Johne 1965; Johne 1986). Vasicine lacks the double-bond oxygen side group. They also contain several flavonoid glycosides of unknown toxicologic importance, including linarin and linarasin (Pethes et al. 1974; Bartik and Piskac 1981). Intoxication problems have not been reported; however, vasicine causes bronchodilation, hypotension, and uterine stimulation (Johne 1986). Furthermore, extracts of L. vulgaris increase respiration rate; decrease heart rate, blood pressure, and intestinal tone; and alter EEG waveforms in cats, dogs, and rabbits (Karimova et al. 1967). Thus, should plants be consumed in sufficient quantity, signs attendant to the above effects may be possible (Figure 57.3).


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 57.3.

Chemical structure of vasicine.

Penstemon Schmidel With many species prized as garden ornamentals and others often offering spectacular displays when flowering in the wild, Penstemon, commonly known as beardtongue, comprises about 250 species exclusively North American (Wetherwax and Holmgren 2012). The generic name is sometimes incorrectly spelled Pentstemon. Exhibiting a diversity of growth forms, plants of the genus are herbaceous perennials, subshrubs, or small shrubs with deciduous or evergreen, opposite or whorled leaves, of which the lower are typically petiolate and the upper sessile and alternate. The inflorescences are terminal racemes or panicles or rarely solitary flowers. Showy and perfect, the flowers have a 5-parted calyx and a tubular to campanulate, bilabiate corolla with a 2-lobed upper lip and a 3-lobed lower lip. Petal color is most commonly shades of blue, ranging from purple to lilac, but may also be white to yellow. The most distinctive feature of the genus is the presence of a conspicuous staminodium, typically hirsute, in addition to the 4 fertile stamens—hence the genus’s vernacular name. The style is elongate and terminates in a capitate stigma. The majority of species occur in the western half of the continent and occupy a wide range of habitats in prairies, coniferous forests, deserts, and alpine tundra. pyridine monoterpene alkaloids in some species Little is known of Penstemon’s toxicity potential, because there have been no reports of problems. However, some species, including P. whippleanus A.Gray (Whipple’s penstemon) of the Rocky Mountains, are reported to contain several pyridine monoterpene alkaloids (McCoy and Stermitz 1983; Connolly and Hill 1991). Cardiac glycosides in significant concentrations have been identified in 4 species of Penstemon (Chang et al. 1971; Wang et al. 1976). These include lantosides A, B, and C; digitoxin; and digoxin. The significance of these glycosides is not clear as problems related to cardiac effects have not been reported.

Veronica L. Simultaneously prized for its ornamentals and detested for its weeds, Veronica, commonly known as speedwell,

comprises about 450 species distributed primarily in the Old World (Mabberley 2008). In North America, about 11 native and 20 introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). They are annual and perennial herbs or subshrubs with prostrate to erect stems that bear opposite leaves, although those immediately below the inflorescences may be whorled or alternate. The inflorescences are solitary flowers borne in the leaf axils or bracteate, terminal or axillary racemes. The almost radially symmetrical flowers have a 4- or 5-parted calyx, a rotate to campanulate 4- or 5-lobed corolla, 2 exserted stamens, and a generally obcordate capsule flattened perpendicular to its septum. The introduced species are typically weeds in disturbed sites, whereas the native species are found in a variety of habitats and vegetation types across the continent, generally at higher latitudes. In North America, species of Veronica have not been implicated in intoxication problems. However, an Old World species, V. nigrum is reported to slow the frog heart and increase amplitude of contractions in vitro (Karimova et al. 1967). These effects are probably due to compounds other than the flavonoid glycosides and monoterpenes reported to be present in the genus (Pethes et al. 1974; Connolly and Hill 1991).

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Chapter Fifty-Eight

Poaceae Barnhart

Grass Family Achnatherum Anthoxanthum Avena Cynodon Festuca Glyceria Hilaria Lolium Nasella Panicum Paspalum Pennisetum Phalaris

Schedonorus Setaria Sorghastrum Sorghum Stipa Triticum Urochloa Zea Questionable Bambusa Brachiaria Hordeum

The fourth largest family of flowering plants, the Poaceae comprises approximately 700 genera and 11,000 species (Clark and Kellogg 2007). An equally acceptable and commonly used alternative name for the Poaceae is Gramineae. Truly cosmopolitan in geographical and ecological distribution, its members, the grasses, occur from both polar regions to the equator, and from deserts and mountaintops into the oceans. In various parts of the world, especially tropical and north-temperate semiarid regions with seasonal precipitation, they dominate the landscape and form grasslands. Of all plants, grasses are the most important to humans. Indeed, the development of past civilizations and our present society is dependent on them. They provide our staple foods—the cereals—and the bulk of our caloric intake. Wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, barley, oats, rye, and millet are all grasses. In addition, they are the principal forage for both wild and domesticated animals. Animal husbandry, the principal source of our protein, could not exist in its present form without grasses to be grazed or cereal grains to be fed. In addition, they are, as lawns and ornamentals, an integral part of our living environment.

Genera of this ubiquitous family are traditionally grouped by taxonomists into 12 subfamilies and 38 or 39 tribes on the basis of their differences in gross morphology, anatomy, cytology, physiology, biochemistry, and molecular characters (Hodkinson et al. 2007; Seberg 2007). The North American subfamilies and tribes commonly implicated in toxicologic problem are presented in Table 58.1. specialized terminology—culms = stems spikelets = flowers and subtending bracts A rather specialized terminology has evolved to describe the distinctive morphology of grasses. Most terms are those used for other families of flowering plants, but several important differences do exist. Most notable is the use of the word culms rather than stems for the erect, aerial axes of grass plants. Spikelet is another term unique to the Poaceae. This structural unit, comprising flowers, their subtending bracts, and an axis, is emphasized in the classification and identification of grasses. Because of the extreme evolutionary reduction of the flowers, they are not as useful in identification as they are in other plant families. herbs or woody canes; root systems fibrous; leaves 2-ranked, with basal sheaths; flowers borne in spikelets; fruits caryopses Plants herbs or woody canes; annuals or perennials; from rhizomes or stolons or caudices or crowns; terrestrial or emergent aquatics. Root Systems fibrous. Culms (Stems) branched or unbranched; jointed; internodes solid or hollow, terete or slightly to strongly flattened. Leaves basal or cauline; simple; alternate; with basal sheaths, margins overlapping or rarely fused; 2-ranked; blades linear to ensiform to ovate; venation parallel or parallel convergent; ligules present or rarely absent; margins entire

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Poaceae Barnhart Table 58.1. Subfamilies and tribes of the Poaceae in North America commonly implicated in toxicologic problems. Subfamily


Common names


Cynodonteae Eragrostideae Andropogoneae Paniceae

gramas lovegrasses bluestems, sorghums panicums, panicgrasses, millets bromes, bromegrasses melics, mannagrasses bluegrasses, fescues, oats needlegrasses, speargrasses wheats, barleys, ryes



Bromeae Meliceae Poeae (including Aveneae) Stipeae Triticeae

Table 58.2.

Grasses commonly referred to as millet.

Echinochloa E. crusgalli E. frumentacea Eleusine coracana Panicum P. miliaceum

P. sumatrense Paspalum scrobiculatum Pennisetum glaucum Setaria italica

Sorghum bicolor

or scabrous. Inflorescences spikelets; borne in panicles or racemes or spikes or rames or enclosed in burs; terminal or axillary. Spikelets consisting of glumes and florets borne in 2 ranks on a shortened axis (rachilla); lowest bracts (glumes) 2, or rarely 1 or absent, subopposite, without flowers; florets 1 to many, borne above the glumes, consisting of paired bracts (lemmas and paleas), flowers typically present or rarely absent; lemmas enclosing paleas and flowers; paleas typically present or rarely absent. Flowers reduced; hidden by lemmas and paleas or glumes except at anthesis; perfect or imperfect; perianths in 1-series. Sepals (lodicules) 1–3; reduced to small appendages at bases of ovaries; free or fused. Petals absent. Stamens 3, or rarely 6 or 1. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2 or 3; stigmas 2 or rarely 3, plumose; styles 2 or 1; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation parietal. Fruits caryopses. Seeds 1. A problem of nomenclatural ambiguity that has toxicologic implications exists in the Poaceae. Nine species in 7 genera in 3 tribes and 2 subfamilies are commonly referred to as millet (Table 58.2). Because these grasses produce different disease problems, use of the common name alone when evaluating toxicologic risk or problem is ill-advised.

7 Major Disease Problems photosensitization acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) grass tetany nitrate accumulation cyanogenesis oxalate accumulation fungal toxicoses ergotism staggers endophyte infections


barnyard millet, sawa millet Japanese barnyard millet, sanwa millet finger millet, African millet common millet, proso millet, hog millet, Russian millet, browncorn millet little millet kodo millet pearl millet, spiked millet, bulrush millet, cattail millet foxtail millet, Italian millet, German millet, Hungarian millet great millet

DISEASE PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH GRASSES Although an essential part of our existence by providing food for us or forage for our domesticated animals, some genera of the Poaceae cause significant intoxication problems. These problems include photosensitization, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), grass tetany, nitrate toxicosis, cyanide toxicosis, oxalate toxicosis, and diseases due to fungal endophytes, including a tremorgenic syndrome known as staggers. Aspects of each of these diseases are described in the following subsections. When appropriate, additional information about the disease is presented in generic treatments that follow. Other problems characteristic of certain genera are described in treatments of those taxa. mechanical injury In addition to intoxications caused by ingestion, grasses with sharp and/or stiff organs or structures may also cause mechanical injuries to grazing animals (Table 58.3). Such injuries may result in obvious ulcerative to pyogranulomatous lesions of the mouth that may hinder the animal’s ability to graze, but usually not its ability to drink. However, in rare instances, these sharp grass organs may penetrate vital organs of the head, thorax, or abdomen and cause severe problems. This phenomenon is particularly characteristic of sheep where their wool traps these grass organs.

Photosensitization primary photosensitization, cause unknown; rarely hepatogenous photosensitization due to infection of grasses by fungus Pithomyces chartarum


Toxic Plants of North America

Table 58.3. Examples of grasses causing mechanical injuries to grazing animals. Injury due to presence of awns Aristida spp. threeawns Avena fatua wild oats Bromus tectorum downy brome Hordeum H. jubatum foxtail barley H. murinum wall barley H. secalinum little barley Setaria spp. bristlegrasses Stipa (sensu lato) needlegrasses, speargrasses Injury due to presence of spines Cenchrus spinifexa coastal sandbur, common sandbur Injury due to leaf margins Leersia spp. cutgrasses Spartina cynosuroides big cordgrass Sources: Pammel (1911); Bankowski et al. (1956); Rebhun et al. (1980); Peterson and Schultheiss (1984). a Reported as Cenchrus incertus.

Disease Problems—A number of grass species are associated occasionally with photosensitization, a skin disease involving light-induced formation of molecules in the peripheral circulation and the subsequent damage they cause to surrounding tissues. This problem generally occurs when animals are consuming lush, green growth. Sperry and coworkers (1955) correlated Texas plants with the disease and observed that it typically occurred a week or two after a rainy period following a drought. It often involved annual grasses used for forage (Table 58.4). Because icterus and other evidence of hepatic dysfunction do not accompany other clinical signs of photosensitization in most cases involving grasses, it has been assumed that the disease is the primary, or direct, type. The specific photodynamic agent is unknown, but the clinical signs indicate the presence of free-radical products that react with cellular membranes in a way much like that of hypericin from Hypericum (see Chapter 40). However, secondary, or hepatic, photosensitization does occur, caused by species of Panicum (panicgrass) and other grasses, such as Lolium (ryegrass) infected by the fungus Pithomyces chartarum.

necrosis, sloughing of the skin least protected from sunlight, areas with little pigmentation or hair/wool

Table 58.4. Grass forages associated with direct, or primary, photosensitization. Avena sativa Cenchrus spinifexa Cynodon spp. Echinochloa crusgalli Eriochloa contracta Hordeum H. murinum H. vulgare Secale cereale Setaria italica Sorghum spp. Triticum aestivum

oats coastal sandbur, common sandbur Bermudagrasses barnyardgrass, barnyard millet, sawa millet prairie cupgrass wall barley barley rye, annual rye, rye grain foxtail millet, Italian millet, German millet, Hungarian millet sorghum wheat, bread wheat, common wheat

Sources: Sperry et al. (1955); Rowe (1989); Horn and Burrows (1990). a Reported as Cenchrus incertus.

areas. However, in sheep, lesions are generally around the ears, eyes, mouth, and other areas of the body with less wool. Elsewhere, the dense wool prevents light from reaching the skin to activate the circulating photodynamic agent in the capillaries. In addition to skin involvement, there may be reddening of the cornea of the eye and increased sensitivity to light. When an animal exhibits these skin changes, it is important to conduct a careful examination to ascertain the presence of icterus or to use serum chemistry to evaluate for possible involvement of the liver. remove from forage; provide shade

Treatment—There is little to be done for animals exhibiting photosensitization except to remove them from the offending grass forage and, if possible, to reduce the amount of exposure to direct sunlight by providing shade.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) pneumonia-like but afebrile disease of ruminants, mainly cattle; appears 5–10 days after abrupt change from poor to lush forage; commonly in autumn

Disease Problems—Historically, pastured cattle experiClinical Signs—Appearance of the disease is manifested by the onset of necrosis and sloughing of the skin. Full expression of these signs may take several days. In most animal species, lesions are scattered in less pigmented

encing acute respiratory distress were typically described to be suffering from acute bovine pulmonary emphysema. This disease and other respiratory problems, such as fog fever and atypical interstitial pneumonia, are categorized here as types of acute respiratory distress syndrome

Poaceae Barnhart

(ARDS), as recommended by Pierson and Kainer (1980). The disease, known as early as the 1920s, causes considerable loss of livestock in North America (Schofield 1948). It is also of importance in Europe and other areas (Begg and Whiteford 1948). The important feature in appearance of the disease is an abrupt change in forage quality, which may occur when animals are moved from a poor pasture to a lush, green one, or when dry hay is replaced by lush, green forage. Less commonly, ARDS develops following a change from pasture to hay, such as occurred when a few steers in a group of 40 animals weighing 230 kg developed the disease about 1 week after being moved from low-quality pasture to hay of Old World bluestem (Bothriochloa spp.) (Phillips and Von Tungeln 1986). An acute pneumonia-like but afebrile disease appears in 5–10 days or more rarely as early as 2–3 days after the forage change (Raviolo et al. 2007). It most often affects mature cattle; the time of year varies with geographic location. The most common scenario involves movement of cattle in late summer and early fall from dry pastures or ranges to irrigated grass or alfalfa pastures (Schofield 1948; Mackey 1952; Hyslop 1969; Blake and Thomas 1971). The disease has been readily reproduced experimentally by modeling these conditions (Tucker and Maki 1962). However, it can occur at other times, as illustrated by its common appearance in April, May, and June in cattle grazing Cynodon dactylon (coastal Bermudagrass) in eastern Texas (Williams et al. 1977). The morbidity rate is usually low but occasionally may exceed 50%. The case fatality rate is typically 25–50%. ARDS cases in Mexico have involved a variety of irrigated grasses such as Pennisetum ciliare (buffelgrass), Cynodon sp. (African stargrass), Panicum coloratum (Kleingrass), and Cynodon dactylon (Bermudagrass) (Romero et al. 1993). No single grass genus is of special significance in the appearance of ARDS, and the disease is not discussed specifically in the following generic treatments. Other forages such as Medicago sativa (alfalfa), members of the Brassicaceae (rape, kale, turnip tops), and Perilla frutescens (purple mint) and the fungus Fusarium, when causing mold on sweet potatoes or runner beans, have been reported to cause ARDS (Peckham et al. 1972; Linnabary and Tarrier 1988; Kerr and Linnabary 1989).

tryptophan overload in rumen; metabolized to compounds toxic to the lungs, causing severe pulmonary emphysema and edema

Disease Genesis—ARDS associated with grasses is the result of a sudden change in forage quality that results in an abrupt increase of l-tryptophan in the rumen, where


Figure 58.1. Metabolic sequence from tryptophan to indoleacetic acid to 3-methylindole to ultimate toxicant.

it is converted by bacteria to indolepyruvate, indoleacetate, and then to 3-methylindole (3-MI) (Carlson and Dickinson 1978; Hammond et al. 1979). 3-MI is absorbed into the circulatory system and subsequently metabolized in the lungs to produce short-lived, reactive toxicants. In animals accustomed to lush grass forage, tryptophan is converted mainly to indole, which is not activated in the lungs to the toxicant (Kirkland and Bray 1984). Experimentally, ARDS can be reproduced by the oral administration of tryptophan or by oral or i.v. administration of 3-MI (Carlson et al. 1968, 1972, 1975). However, some closely related indoles, for example, tryptamine, are not subject to degradation to 3-MI (Yokoyama and Carlson 1974). The disease can be prevented by minimizing ruminal conversion of tryptophan to 3-MI via use of ionophores or polyether antibiotics such as lasalocid, monensin, narasin, nigericin, and salinomycin (Hammond and Carlson 1980; Hammond et al. 1980) (Figure 58.1). Once absorbed into the systemic circulation, 3-MI is biotransformed in the lungs by the cytochrome P450 pathway in Clara cells and macrophages and, to a lesser extent, in type II pneumocytes (Bray and Carlson 1979; Bray and Kirkland 1990; Nichols et al. 1990). This results in the formation of short-lived electrophilic intermediates. We are indebted to the extensive and elaborate studies of G.S. Yost and coworkers for elucidating details of the formation and action of the reactive metabolites of 3-MI.


Toxic Plants of North America

Their studies indicate that the reactive intermediate is an imine methide electrophile (Nocerini et al. 1985c). Specific imines identified include 3-methyleneoxindole, 3-methyleneindolenine, or 3-hydroxy-3-methylindolenine (Appleton et al. 1991; Ruangyuttikarn et al. 1992; Skordos et al. 1998a,b). Prevention of their formation by inhibitors protects the animal against the disease (Bray and Carlson 1979; Hanafy and Bogan 1982; Nocerini et al. 1984, 1985a; Smith et al. 1993; Thornton-Manning et al. 1993). Although the specific free radical has not been identified, formation of C-, O-, and N-centered radicals has been shown in vitro and in vivo (Chen et al. 1994). Smith and coworkers (1993) have identified nearly a dozen metabolites in urine as sulfate, glucuronide, or mercapturate conjugates. The major metabolic pathways of 3-MI biotransformation involve the formation of mono- and dihydroxy-3-methyloxindoles. Reactive intermediate or intermediates form adducts either with cellular proteins to produce toxic effects or with glutathione as a protective conjugation mechanism. 3-MI appears to be selectively toxic to the lungs rather than the liver because of more rapid biotransformation rates in the lungs (Nocerini et al. 1985a). Clara cells and type I pneumocytes are preferentially destroyed (Huang et al. 1977; Bradley and Carlson 1980). Type I cells are sloughed into the alveoli, and type II cells proliferate to restore the alveolar epithelium (Mason et al. 1977; Bradley and Carlson 1980). Proliferation of type II cells occurs quickly and accounts for the firmness and glandular appearance of the lungs when sectioned. During this period of proliferation, the ability of type II cells to synthesize and secrete functional surface-active phospholipids is decreased (Kirkland and Bray 1984, 1989). Surfactant produced no longer effectively lowers surface tension. Although sensitivity varies somewhat, experimental administration of 3-MI results in typical lesions in other species subject to biotransformational alterations (Turk and Thomas 1986). Experimental results in rats indicate the presence of inflammatory arachidonic acid mediators while alveolar septal injury is occurring (Woods et al. 1993). The role of prostaglandins in this inflammatory response is illustrated further by the partial protection provided by aspirin or indomethacin in goats exhibiting the disease after the administration of 3-methylindole (Acton et al. 1992).

abrupt onset; labored, open-mouth respiration; frothy salivation; severe distress

Clinical Signs—The disease is characterized by rapid onset of labored respiration with loud expiratory grunts and open-mouth breathing accompanied by frothy,

excessive salivation. Harsh respiratory sounds are evident on auscultation. The animal may subsequently develop subcutaneous emphysema along the neck, shoulders, and back. Death often occurs 1–2 days after the onset of signs. In a few cases, pastured cattle will be found dead without signs being observed. gross pathology: lungs distended, wet, heavy, froth in airways, marbled, with patchy firm, dark areas microscopic: alveolar epithelial proliferation, glandular appearance

Pathology—Grossly, a variety of minor changes may be evident, including a pale and friable liver and distension of the gallbladder, but these are of little significance in comparison with the effects on the respiratory system. The lungs are often remarkably distended to such an extent that imprints of the ribs persist on the surfaces. Upon opening the chest, the lungs fail to collapse completely and are heavy and firm, with froth-filled airways. The pulmonary lymphatics are usually dilated, and the interlobular septa are distended with edema fluid, fibrin, and air bubbles. Cut surfaces reveal an almost marbled appearance of patchy areas of firm, reddened to purple lobules, and prominent edema in connective tissue and septa. Air bubbles and/or large bullae may be apparent. Microscopically, alveolar epithelialization, accumulations of alveolar macrophages, and hyaline membrane formation are commonly observed. Changes in the alveolar epithelium are due to proliferation of type II pneumocytes, producing an almost glandular-like appearance. A few eosinophils may be present; otherwise, granulocytic inflammatory cells are rare. minimize stress; administer atropine, flunixin

Treatment—Because of the pathologic changes, ARDS is typically poorly responsive to treatment (Williams et al. 1977). It is very important to minimize stress during the period of severe respiratory distress. Numerous drugs have been used, including corticosteroids, antihistamines, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, atropine, diuretics, and antibiotics. Therapy, however, appears to be of limited value, although antiprostaglandin drugs such as flunixin meglumine may alleviate the severity of the inflammatory response (Selman et al. 1985). Handling the animal for treatment often causes stress and death due to acute respiratory embarrassment. prevent by management; gradual change to lush forage; use ionophore pretreatment

Poaceae Barnhart

ARDS can be prevented by management techniques aimed at ensuring gradual changes in pasture quality. Recommendations to accomplish this include (1) cutting the forage of a lush pasture and allowing it to wilt before permitting animals to graze; (2) limiting grazing time on new pastures; and (3) rotating animals every few days between lush and dry pastures or between lush pasture and a drylot with provided hay (Potchoiba et al. 1992). When these approaches are not possible, diet supplementation with 200 mg/day of an ionophore such as monensin or lasalocid may be used to prevent or at least attenuate the severity of the disease. Feeding of the ionophore should begin a week before the pasture is changed and continue for 10 days after the change (Hammond et al. 1980; Nocerini et al. 1985b; Potchoiba et al. 1992). This approach will provide a sustained protective effect, but it does not prevent the appearance of the disease in all animals (Honeyfield et al. 1985). Efficacy of the ionophore can be enhanced by combining it with the use of hay to reduce intake of lush grass forage (Potchoiba et al. 1992).

Grass Tetany cattle, less often in sheep; most commonly in lactating animals; associated with rapidly growing cool-season grasses

Disease Problems—In the 1880s, a tetany syndrome involving tremors and recumbency in pastured cattle and less commonly sheep was recognized in Europe, especially The Netherlands (Sjollema 1932). The syndrome was seen with increasing frequency in the 1900s, most likely because of changes in management practices of the time (Stewart 1954). The clinical signs exhibited are somewhat similar to those of the hypocalcemia of “milk fever,” and it has sometimes been called atypical milk fever. The two diseases differ in the presence of rigidity in the tetany syndrome. The tetany syndrome occurs mainly in older cattle that are consuming rapidly growing, lush, coolseason forages and is known commonly as grass tetany, spring tetany, grass staggers, or hypomagnesemic tetany. A distinction must be made between grass tetany, or spring tetany, and other types, such as winter tetany in animals overwintered inside or outside on hay or poor pasture (Stewart 1954). Common in some areas of North America, winter tetany is associated with consumption of dry winter rations rather than fresh plant material (Custer 1959; Horvath 1959; Leffel and Mason 1959; Marshak 1959). The two diseases are similar in appearance, but in this book, only aspects of grass tetany are discussed. Grass tetany must also be differentiated from tremorgenic


syndromes associated with species of Lolium (ryegrass) and Paspalum (paspalum) and described below. Typically but not exclusively appearing in spring, grass tetany occurs in various areas of North America under different circumstances. Significant factors in the appearance of the disease are lactation; cool, wet, cloudy weather; and new forage growth. Signs are most commonly seen in newly lactating cows, both beef and dairy, and in some instances occur as quickly as 1–2 weeks after animals are moved onto a new pasture (Sjollema 1932). A particularly devastating episode of grass tetany occurred in California during the winter of 1963–1964, when 4000–6000 cows died (Hjerpe 1964). Said to have been the most severe episode in the area for 75 years, losses occurred in October to March in pregnant and lactating cows wintered on native-grass pasture. The disease was especially common among recently calved older cows. Except for those recumbent at the time of treatment, animals were generally responsive to calcium/ magnesium therapy. Tetany has been associated with many grasses, especially the cool-season species that use the C3 photosynthetic pathway. No single genus is of special significance in appearance of the disease, and it is not discussed specifically in the following generic treatments. Representative genera and species are listed in Table 58.5, but it should be emphasized that the disease is not limited to these taxa. Of cereal grain forages, wheat seems to be the most tetany prone and rye the least (Mayland et al. 1976). Tetany is less often seen in pastures containing appreciable numbers of legumes or in poor pastures or when hay is fed (Muth and Haag 1945; Sleper 1979). Risk of disease seems to be greater for Holstein and Jersey cattle and less for Brahman (Green et al. 1989). A unique situation occurs in the southern Great Plains, where winter and spring grazing of wheat pasture is commonly practiced. Although wheat is highly nutritious, animal losses Table 58.5.

Grass forages associated with grass, or spring, tetany.

Agropyron spp. Avena sativa Bromus spp. Dactylis glomerata Elymus spp. Hordeum spp. Lolium perenne Phalaris spp. Phleum pratense Secale cereale Schedonorus spp.a Triticum aestivum

wheatgrasses oats bromes orchardgrass wildryes barleys perennial ryegrass canarygrasses timothy rye, annual rye, rye grain fescues wheat, bread wheat, common wheat

Sources: Grunes et al. (1970); Mayland and Grunes (1979); Sleper (1979). a Reported as Festuca spp.


Toxic Plants of North America

of 2–3% due to wheat-pasture tetany, or wheat-pasture poisoning as the disease is also known, are not uncommon. These losses typically occur from January to March or about 60–150 days after the animals begin grazing the pasture, and when they are in the last month of gestation or have calved within 2 months (Sims and Crookshank 1956). Figure 58.2.

complex metabolic disorder; mainly magnesium deficiency compounded by high potassium levels in plants and other factors, especially during rapid growth

Disease Genesis—The tremorgenic syndrome of grass tetany was eventually characterized as a hypomagnesemic tetany (Sjollema 1932). Decreased blood calcium (Ca), copper, potassium, phosphate, and other factors were subsequently shown also to be involved in some instances (Muth and Haag 1945; Singer et al. 1958). The disease came to be recognized as a complex metabolic disorder associated primarily with a magnesium (Mg) deficit that occurred under a variety of circumstances. When Mg alone was decreased, signs were often not severe, but when an Mg deficit was accompanied by a decrease in Ca, tetany and hyperexcitability prevailed (Blakemore and Stewart 1933; Muth and Haag 1945). Barker (1939) described a range of syndromes of metabolic disturbances from the simple hypocalcemia of milk fever to the multiple effects of low Ca and Mg serum levels in grass tetany. Increased Mg and decreased Ca resulted in paresis and narcosis; normal Mg and decreased Ca produced paresis, paddling/tetanic spasms, and coma; and when both Mg and Ca were decreased, there was abrupt onset of excitement, aggression, tetany, hyperesthesia, and recumbency. These same observations have been reaffirmed by others. Complexity of the disease is exemplified by the variable effects on animals grazing wheat pasture. In some instances, a decrease in both Mg and Ca seems to be primary, whereas in other situations, a decrease in Ca seems foremost (Crookshank and Sims 1955; Bohman et al. 1983a). Decreased Mg and Ca can occur without definite or with only marginal decreases of the elements in the forage. This does not mean that plant Mg is not of concern. Tetany is unlikely to be caused by forages that have Mg levels well above 0.25%, even though potassium and nitrogen levels are also high. When forage Mg is below 0.25%, then factors such as low levels of digestible carbohydrates and vitamin D and high levels of potassium may limit its bioavailability and cause hypomagnesemia (Fontenot et al. 1989; Grunes and Welch 1989). In tetanyprone pastures, high levels of nitrogen and fatty acids and a decrease in total soluble carbohydrates result in decreased bioavailability of Mg. Hypomagnesemic tetany

Chemical structure of transaconitic acid.

may thus be due to a conditioned or induced deficiency rather than reduced intake of Mg itself (Metson et al. 1966). The disease is typically prevented by the administration of Mg salt supplements (Blakemore and Stewart 1935). Although previously suggested as a possible cause, aluminum in the diet seems to have little apparent effect (Allen and Robinson 1980; Kappel et al. 1983) (Figure 58.2). Continued examination of tetany-prone pastures eventually resulted in a proposed role for organic acids, such as citric acid or transaconitic acid, perhaps in combination with potassium (Burt and Thomas 1961; Bohman et al. 1969). Transaconitic acid is also present in many forages, with concentrations in the range of 1–2.5% (Burau and Stout 1965). It is highest in young plants and in cold weather (Burau and Stout 1965; Stout et al. 1967). In the animal, transaconitic acid is a competitive inhibitor of the aconitase enzyme, thereby blocking the TCA cycle and causing a buildup of aconitic and citric acid, especially in the liver and kidneys (Saffron and Prado 1949). Daily administration of transaconitic acid i.v. or orally to cattle produced little response except for a decrease in serum Mg in one study and none in another (Camp et al. 1968; Kennedy 1968). However, when transaconitic acid was administered together with potassium chloride, a tetany syndrome was produced that was responsive to Ca/ Mg treatment (Bohman et al. 1969). Occurrence of tetany appears to be linked to growth spurts in the grass plant in which protein, potassium, digestibility, and transaconitic acid all increased suddenly and markedly (Bohman et al. 1983b). At these times, concentrations of Ca and Mg in the plant may not be altered, but their absorption is somehow modified by the formation of complexes so as to limit their availability to the animal, especially that of magnesium. It was originally thought that increased concentrations of aconitic and citric acids might account for binding of these divalent cations. However, this mechanism does not seem sufficient to cause such severe effects. An additional divalent cation binding factor is created by reduction of transaconitic acid to tricarballylate by an active bacterial reduction process in the rumen (Russell and Van Soest 1984; Russell 1985). There seems to be a complex set of interactions limiting Mg absorption from the rumen involving high potassium levels, binding to

Poaceae Barnhart

ruminal contents, or limitations due to pH changes (Martens and Schweigel 2000). Potassium intake itself may not always control Mg absorption (Holtenius et al. 2008). This further illustrates the role of these additional factors. Reduced Mg levels in the animal may reduce parathyroid hormone levels and sensitivity of its receptors, thus interfering with Ca homeostasis (Goff 2008). There may also be neuronal activation due to a decrease of Mg in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as Mg becomes more intracellular (Martens and Schweigel 2000). Thus, there may be central as well as peripheral neuromuscular effects of this Mg/Ca complex. In some studies, low CSF Mg seemed to fully account for the signs of tetany in both cattle and sheep (Allsop and Pauli 1975, 1985). Lowered CSF Ca resulted in tremors in sheep. The reduction of transaconitic acid to tricarballylate can be attenuated by inoculation of the rumen with fermenting bacteria such as Acidaminococcus, which represents a potential preventive measure against the development of magnesium chelation and the resulting tetany (Cook et al. 1994).


Clinical Signs—In mild cases of grass tetany, animals exhibit slight nervousness and some twitching. In more severe cases, these signs progress to excitement, stiffness and ataxia, decreased appetite, muscular twitching of the face and ears, excess salivation, and grinding of teeth. There is increasing nervous apprehension, with the head held high and ears erect. The animal may be noticeably aggressive. Later, it goes down, is unable to rise, and has contractions of the neck muscles that give the head a backward twist. The eyelids, including the third, may protrude and/or flicker. When the animal is prostrate, it exhibits thoracic limb paddling and general tetanic seizures. It is very responsive to stimuli, with noise and touch producing reflex seizures. Eventually, respiration becomes labored, the heart pounds, and the animal becomes comatose. The case fatality rate is high, and death may occur minutes to hours after onset of signs. Rarely, death may be delayed for a few days.

few lesions

danger level, plasma magnesium less than 1.7 mg/dL Because of the complex nature and seriousness of the disease, various indices and procedures have been developed as measures of the tendency of pastures to produce tetany (Mayland et al. 1974). Ratios of the various elements involved in the disease have been used (Metson et al. 1966; Allcroft and Burns 1968; Grunes et al. 1970; Bohman et al. 1983a). For example, when the ratio of potassium equivalents to Ca and Mg equivalents (K/[Ca + Mg]) exceeds 2.2, forage is considered to be tetany prone, a finding that has, for the most part, been consistent (Lewis and Sparrow 1991). Plasma Mg less than 1.7 mg/ dL indicates hypomagnesemia and less than 1 mg/dL warns that tetany is imminent (Monson 1963). Hartman’s nomograph, devised for dairy cattle, can also be used for determining plasma Mg and tetany danger based on forage levels of Mg, potassium, and crude protein (Mayland et al. 1976; Mayland and Grunes 1979). A complex approach to risk assessment based on several factors such as milk production and dietary and milk Mg levels has been proposed by Bell and coworkers (2006). Plant uptake of Mg from soil is controlled by numerous factors. It is thus difficult to increase, in an economical manner, levels of the mineral in plant herbage and its availability to the animal (Mayland and Wilkinson 1989). nervousness, twitching; progression to excitement, stiffness, ataxia, nervous apprehension, collapse, contraction of the neck muscles twisting the head backward; paddling and/or tetanic seizures

Pathology—There are few lesions other than scattered ecchymotic hemorrhages on the heart and other organs, distension of the gallbladder, and sometimes pulmonary emphysema. Determination of Mg and Ca concentrations in aqueous and vitreous humor may be helpful in confirming the diagnosis in deceased animals. Concentrations of less than 0.25 mmol/L and 0.55 mmol/L Mg in the aqueous and vitreous humor, respectively, are consistent with hypomagnesemia (McCoy 2004; Foster et al. 2007; Edwards et al. 2009). In sheep, the levels indicating hypomagnesemia are 0.33 and 0.65 mmol/L, respectively. Concentrations of less than 0.1 mmol/L Ca are consistent with hypocalcemia in either species (Edwards et al. 2009). The samples should be refrigerated, and analysis should be carried out within 48 hours for cattle. Pure fluid rather than the whole eye should be submitted for analysis. administer parenteral calcium, magnesium solutions, magnesium supplement in feed

Treatment—Grass tetany can be treated by i.v. administration of solutions of magnesium and calcium borogluconate. A favorable response may be expected in animals treated while still standing, but not necessarily in those that are recumbent. Although treatment of cases of grass tetany is possible, prevention of the disease is more feasible, because of the problem in treating cattle in the pasture. Prevention may


Toxic Plants of North America

be accomplished by magnesium supplementation in the form of magnesium oxide (10–30 g/day, or 1–2 oz) combined with dry molasses, cottonseed meal, alfalfa meal, or another ingredient to increase palatability (Grunes et al. 1970; Robinson et al. 1989). A dosage of 3.7 g/day is needed for sheep. When magnesium carbonate is used, double the amount is required. Administration of magnesium supplements must be conducted while animals are exposed to the tetany-prone pasture. Supplementation prior to, but not during, this time is not effective in preventing the occurrence of tetany (Ritter et al. 1984). Administration of magnesium in water, by boluses, or by foliar application is less effective, in part because of economic considerations. The value of administration of vitamin D is still open to question because of divergent effects on calcium and magnesium (Allcroft and Burns 1968; Moate et al. 1987; Robinson et al. 1989). Other preventive approaches include improvements to pasture to reduce the likelihood of the problem (Robinson et al. 1989). Coarse soils can be limed and fertilized, and fine soils can be amended by improved drainage. It is important to avoid excessive fertilization, especially in spring and summer; this is not so important in the fall. Specific cultivars of grasses are available that accumulate high concentrations of magnesium, such as the palatable endophyte-free tall fescue “HiMag” (Schedonorus arundinaceus, reported as Festuca arundinacea) (Shewmaker et al. 1997). This experimental tall fescue cultivar is well accepted by cattle and has many favorable characteristics, such as increased levels of calcium and magnesium and a lower K/(Ca + Mg) ratio relative to those of other fescue cultivars (Crawford et al. 1998). Mixed-legume pastures may be of some value, and supplementation with good hay or grain to increase digestible carbohydrates will be useful. For a discussion of the prevention of tetany, see Robinson and coworkers (1989).

plant species with a propensity to accumulate nitrate. Foremost among genera causing this problem are Sorghum (in this chapter) and Amaranthus in the Amaranthaceae (see Chapter 5). Both represent a potential problem, mainly in hay and, to a lesser extent, as fresh forage. Cereal grain hays and cornstalks likewise constitute a risk (Jonck et al. 2011). Although numerous other species also accumulate nitrate under certain conditions—for example, vines of Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato), with up to 25,000 ppm NO3—most represent little hazard in most circumstances (Olson and Whitehead 1940; Brady et al. 1955; Hanway and Englehorn 1958). Use of hormonal herbicides may increase accumulation of nitrate in many weedy plant species but does not seem to increase the problem with grasses and other cultivated forages (Berg and McElroy 1953). A number of excellent reviews on nitrate as a toxicant are available (Wright and Davison 1964; Bruning-Fann and Kaneene 1993), including many agricultural experiment station summaries and fact sheets (Whitehead and Moxon 1952; Hanway et al. 1963; Deeb and Sloan 1975; Strickland et al. 1995). A more complete discussion of all aspects of the problem is presented in the treatment of Sorghum in this chapter. The number of known nitrate-accumulating grass genera and species is so extensive that it seems futile to present such a list, especially because so few have been incriminated in actual toxicologic problems. Species that have actually been implicated in disease are listed in Table 58.6.

nitrate reduced to nitrite by rumen microflora, which causes oxidation of hemoglobin to methemoglobin

Disease Genesis—The problem of nitrate intoxication is limited to ruminants and camelids, especially cattle,

Nitrate Accumulation Table 58.6. Grass forages causing nitrate and/or nitrite intoxication.

many grasses accumulate nitrate, Sorghum greatest risk; climatic and management variables are important factors

Disease Problems—Extensive use of nitrogen fertilizers, use of forage species or varieties with a tendency to accumulate high concentrations of nitrate, and use of large bales to reduce labor have exacerbated problems associated with nitrate accumulation. Unusually dry growing conditions, such as during droughts, are also major factors in increasing the incidence of high nitrate concentrations (Pickrell et al. 1991). Nitrate intoxication constitutes a serious problem in part because of the large numbers of

Avena sativa Cynodon spp. Echinochloa frumentacea Hordeum H. jubatum H. vulgare Lolium spp. Pennisetum glaucum Sorghum spp. Triticum aestivum Zea mays

oats Bermudagrasses, stargrasses Japanese barnyard millet, sanwa millet foxtail barley barley ryegrasses pearl millet sorghums wheat, bread wheat, common wheat corn, maize, Indian corn

Source: Montgomery and Hum (1995).

Poaceae Barnhart

because of reduction of nitrate to nitrite by ruminal microorganisms and the potential for accumulation and absorption of nitrite from the rumen or forestomach. Absorbed nitrite oxidizes iron in hemoglobin to the ferric form, resulting in the formation of methemoglobin (MHb). The compound is incapable of oxygen transport, and the animal is literally starved for oxygen. abrupt onset; rapid respiration, ataxia, weakness, dark mucous membranes; no specific lesions

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Nitrate intoxication is characterized by abrupt onset of signs several hours after consumption of the forage. There is weakness, ataxia, rapid respiration, apprehension, and collapse. Recumbent animals remain so when approached or rise only with difficulty. Darkening of the mucous membranes may be seen upon close examination. Death may occur within minutes or a few hours. At necropsy, few distinctive lesions are seen. Blood and tissues may be dark or chocolate colored, but this change is not consistently observed. There may also be scattered ecchymotic hemorrhages and increased foamy fluid in terminal airways of the lungs, but these changes are not usually extensive. Diagnosis is often confirmed by testing the aqueous humor for nitrates/nitrites. treat with methylene blue

Treatment—The primary antidote for nitrate intoxication is i.v. administration of methylene blue, 2–4 mg/kg b.w. given as a 1–2% solution (Burrows 1980). Unfortunately, the rapid development of signs and quickness of death provides little opportunity for treatment of animals that are not observed frequently. As described in the treatment of Sorghum in this chapter, management strategies to minimize both accumulation of nitrate in the plant and animal consumption of high-nitrate forage are important.



treatment of the genus in this chapter. Other genera of some importance as cyanide sources are indicated as such in their treatments. The grass taxa in which cyanide has been detected are listed in Table 58.7. Most are not serious intoxication risks. Intoxications occur mainly in ruminants and camelids.

abrupt onset, apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures; no lesions

Clinical Signs and Pathology—There is abrupt onset of apprehension and distress, which occur a few minutes after the animal consumes the cyanogenic grass. These signs are quickly followed by weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration. If the intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency, with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur over a 5- to 15minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time. There are few distinctive changes. For the most part, changes are limited to congestion of various tissues and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages. administer sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrite

Treatment—Signs usually appear and progress so rapidly that treatment is seldom available soon enough to be effective. This is not because the treatment itself is ineffective, but rather because cyanogenesis is so rapidly fatal. Toxicosis due to marginally lethal dosages may be responsive to general supportive therapy, but more specific treatment is much preferred. The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite, 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment. Additional discussion of cyanogenesis is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

Oxalate Accumulation

Sorghum greatest risk primarily horses; oxalate-induced Ca/P imbalance; bony changes, osteodystrophy

Disease Problems and Genesis—An appreciable number of grass genera are cyanogenic, but few are serious risks. Because the sorghums represent the most serious risk, cyanogenesis is described in depth in the

Disease Problems and Genesis—Under some circumstances, various grasses represent a risk especially to

Table 58.7. Grasses determined to be cyanogenic and the principal glucosides present. Agrostis stolonifera Andropogon spp. Avena sativa Bambusa spp. Bothriochloa B. bladhiia B. ischaemum Bouteloua B. gracilis B. hirsuta Briza spp. Catabrosa aquatica Chloris C. truncata C. ventricosa Chrysopogon spp. Cortaderia spp. Cymbopogon spp. Cynodon C. aethiopicus C. dactylon C. nlemfuensis C. plectostachyus C. transvaalensis Dactyloctenium aegyptium Danthonia semiannularis Dendrocalamus spp. Digitaria eriantha Eleusine E. coracana E. indica Elymus spp. Glyceria G. canadensis G. grandis G. septentrionalis Holcus lanatus Hordeum vulgare Lagurus ovatus Lamarckia aurea Leersia hexandra Leptochloa dubia Lolium perenne Melica altissima Molinia caerulea Oryza sativa Panicum muticum Poa pratensis Schedonorus spp.b Secale cereale Sorghastrum nutans Sorghum S. xalmum S. bicolor S. halepense Stipa robusta Tridens flavus Triticum aestivum Urochloa maximac Zea mays

? dhur dhur tax

creeping bentgrass bluestems oats bamboos

? ?

Old World bluestem yellow bluestem, plains bluestem

dhur tri dhur dhur

blue grama hairy grama quakinggrasses brookgrass, water whorlgrass

tri dhur dhu tri dhur

Australian fingergrass, Australian windmillgrass Australian weepinggrass beardgrasses pampasgrasses lemongrasses

dhu dhur, tri dhur dhur dhur dhur dhur tax dhur

giant stargrass, Ethiopian dogstoothgrass Bermudagrass reuse kweekgrass, African Bermudagrass Naivasha stargrass, estrella, summer stargrass quickgrass, African dogstoothgrass Egyptian crowfootgrass oatgrass bamboos common finger grass

tri dhur dhur

African millet goosegrass, yardgrass wildryes

dhur dhur ? dhur epi dhur dhur dhur dhur dhur tri tri dhur dhur ? dhur dhur dhur

Canadian mannagrass American mannagrass eastern mannagrass common velvetgrass barley hare’s-tail grass goldentop clubhead cutgrass green sprangletop perennial ryegrass oniongrass, melic purple moorgrass rice paragrass Kentucky bluegrass fescues rye, rye grain, annual rye Indiangrass

dhur dhur dhur tri tri dhur dhur dhur

Columbusgrass sorghum, Sudangrass, shattercane, milo Johnsongrass sleepygrass purpletop wheat guineagrass corn, maize, Indian corn

Sources: Brunnich (1903); Pammel (1911); Leemann (1935); Moran (1940); Gibbs (1974a,b); Seigler (1976a,b, 1977, 1981); Haskins et al. (1979); Erb et al. (1981); Saupe (1981). a Reported as B. intermedia. b Reported as Festuca spp. c Reported as Panicum maximum. dhur, dhurrin; epi, epiheterodendrin; tax, taxiphyllin; tri, triglochinin; ?, specific glucoside not identified or not reported.

Poaceae Barnhart

horses by virtue of their calcium oxalate content. Reported mainly in Australia, oxalate accumulation is the cause of a chronic disease primarily of horses grazing lush pastures of Pennisetum, Brachiaria, Cenchrus, Digitaria, Panicum, and Setaria for prolonged periods (Everist 1981; McKenzie 1985; Seawright 1989). Associated with it are bone changes manifested as lameness and/or swellings of the face and jaw. Rarely is there a risk of acute oxalate intoxication from grasses in horses, sheep, and cattle. The disease has not yet been reported as a problem in North America. Concentrations of oxalates in plants may vary up to 3.5% total and 2.2% soluble salts; levels above 2.5% soluble oxalate are required for chronic intoxication (Bourke 2007). Oxalate is bound to calcium in the plants and is relatively unavailable for absorption or as a cause of direct oxalate intoxication. This binding causes a reduction in calcium availability and thus the possibility of a calcium/phosphorus imbalance. The subsequent parathyroid stimulation of resorption of bone calcium leads to fibrous osteodystrophy or nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, commonly called “big head” (McKenzie 1985). This is not a problem in ruminants because of the ruminal microflora breakdown of oxalates.

horses: lameness, weight loss, bony changes; treat with calcium supplements

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Characteristic signs of oxalate intoxication in horses are shifting lameness, stiffness, reluctance to move, weight loss, and prominent bony swellings of the mandibles and maxilla. Calcium supplementation in the diet will both prevent and alleviate the clinical signs.

Fungal Toxicoses 3 Types infection of flowers and ovaries ergotism staggers endophytic infection of stems, leaves, and roots

In addition to producing toxic compounds that cause the variety of disease problems outlined in this chapter, grasses are also hosts to disease/toxin-producing fungi. The types of fungal involvement described in this section are those that involve infection of the developing flower


and ovary (ergotism and staggers) and those in which other tissues of the grass plant are invaded (endophytic infection). Aspects of these three types are described below.

Infection of Flowers and Ovaries: Ergotism sporadic disease, of great historic importance in humans; at present mainly in livestock, rarely humans

Disease Problems—Ergotism occurs as a sporadic disease problem in livestock in various parts of the world, including the northern Great Plains and northwestern areas of North America (Burfening 1973; Munkvold et al. 1997; Schwarz and Neate 2006). It is a disease of considerable discomfort and, in its severe gangrenous form, causes loss of distal portions of the animal’s extremities because of constriction of blood vessels. Humans are affected as well (Scott 2009). Ergotism is an ancient malady that has sometimes affected large populations of humans and even entire societies. References to the disease and medicinal use of the involved alkaloids began with the Greeks, albeit these historical accounts did not directly associate the disease with the cereals being eaten (Bove 1970; van Rensburg and Altenkirk 1974). Because of extensive reliance on rye (Secale cereale) for flour, epidemics of gangrenous necrosis of the limbs were prevalent in Europe from 800 to 1350 a.d., especially in France where 40,000 people purportedly died in one epidemic alone. The disease, characterized by rotting of the flesh and screams of pain, became known as holy fire, St. Vitus’s dance, or St. Anthony’s fire. The connection with the legendary St. Anthony stems from the founding of the order of St. Anthony by Gaston in about 1090, after the recovery of his son from the disease, to care for victims of this gangrenous plague. However, these disease names were nonspecific and probably were applied to erysipelas as well (Carlton and Kunkel 1995). The gangrenous form was characterized by severe muscular pain in the limbs, followed in a few weeks by swelling, continued pain with unusual sensations, gradual numbing, and then sudden cessation of pain. The individual’s skin became cold, wrinkled, black, and then mummified (Lemberger 1978). In the 1500s, a convulsive form of the disease became more common, appearing either alone or with the gangrenous form. Its neurologic signs began with tingling/ crawling sensations of the skin, followed by itching, numbness, twitching, vertigo, headaches, muscular spasms, and very painful seizures of alternating flexion


Toxic Plants of North America

and extension of the limbs caused by spinal lesions. Less severe signs occurred in some individuals, together with mild vomiting and diarrhea. Linkage of the disease with ergot from cereal grains was proposed by Dodart in 1673, but this was not clearly demonstrated until 1853 by Tulasne. Because of this knowledge and efforts to avoid contaminated grain, outbreaks became fewer and fewer. Ergotism now appears only sporadically. Unfortunately, these episodes occur among the poorest peoples, groups generally subsisting in poverty and/or marginal conditions. These difficult circumstances are strikingly similar to those of historical times when the poor, relying heavily on rye grains as a staple of their diet, were more commonly affected. One percent ergot contamination of flour produces the clinical signs of the disease, and 7% causes seizures and death (Bove 1970; van Rensburg and Altenkirk 1974). In 1977–1978, an episode of gangrenous ergot occurred in Ethiopia, with more than 100 individuals affected (King 1979). Most suffered the loss of distal portions of the feet and legs, and many died. An outbreak of ergotism in India in 1975 was attributed to infestation of Pennisetum glaucum, or pearl millet (reported as P. typhoides), by the fungus Claviceps fusiformis (Krishnamachari and Bhat 1976). In contrast to the typical ergotism caused by Claviceps purpurea, the clinical signs were nausea, vomiting, and sleepiness, which appeared abruptly and lasted only 1–2 days. Although outbreaks involving bread and other grain foods with wheat and rye flours occurred scattered throughout Europe in the 1900s (Scott 2009), in general, human ergotism is becoming an increasingly rare disease. It is of interest that some researchers have retrospectively evaluated the possibility of ergotism being a factor in the witch trials in Norway during the seventeenth century and Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 (Caporeal 1976; Alm 2003). In Finnmark, Norway, the mainly psychological symptoms and lesser gangrenous effects exhibited by many of the 92 persons convicted seemed to be coupled with intake of magical powers with food or drink. However, even though the early colonists were dependent on rye flour there is scepticisim about the role of ergot as a cause of the psychological manifestations (Woolf 2000).

invasion of the grass ovary by Claviceps purpurea and formation of sclerotia containing ergot alkaloids

Ergotism is caused by ingestion of alkaloid-containing sclerotia produced by the fungal genus Claviceps, an ascomycete (sac fungus) and member of the family Clavicepitaceae. The genus comprises some 32 species, all of which

parasitize members of the Poaceae. Claviceps purpurea is the cause of typical ergotism (Bove 1970). It overwinters in the soil and releases ascospores at the time that grass flowers in the spring. When airborne spores land on stigmas of the flowers in the grass spikelets, they germinate and send hyphae into the flower ovary. A few days after infection, a copious sugary sweet exudate termed honeydew appears. Produced by the fungal mycelium, it is the site of abundant conidia formation and may serve as a secondary source of infection via insects that visit it and disperse the conidia. Fungal tissue of Claviceps gradually replaces the ovary tissue of the grass, hardens, and evolves into a dark brown or black structure known as the sclerotium, or ergot, which resembles the grass grain. The term ergot derives from the French l’ergot, meaning “cockspur,” because of the similarity in size and shape of the sclerotium to the avian appendage. It is the ergot that contains toxic alkaloids, as much as 1.2% d.w. Proliferation of the fungal mycelium forces open the bracts of the floret and spikelet, thus exposing the sclerotia, which mature at the same time as the uninfected grains; both are harvested together. The fungal life cycle is completed when sclerotia fall to the ground, overwinter, germinate, and again produce asci and ascospores. The number of spikelets infected varies considerably. Growth of the fungus is promoted by warm, moist conditions; thus, large numbers of spikelets are typically infected in wet or humid weather, and the likelihood of ergotism’s appearance increases. Traditionally, ergot has been associated primarily with Secale cereale (rye), a member of the Triticeae, but numerous other grasses may also be infected (Table 58.8). Although typically thought of as a problem of contaminated grain, cases in North America more often seem to be associated with animals that graze infected pasture grasses. In addition, problems may result from feed grain, silage, pasture, or even hay. It is important to note that the disease is not restricted to grasses as it has been reported to occur with infestation of Cyperus esculentus (nut sedge) in the Cyperaceae or sedge family causing Table 58.8.

Grass forages implicated in field problems of ergot.

Agrostis spp. Bromus spp. Dactylis spp. Elymus spp. Koeleria spp. Phalaris spp. Poa spp. Secale cereale Sorghum spp.

bentgrasses bromes orchardgrasses wildryes Junegrasses canarygrasses bluegrasses rye sorghum

Sources: Salmon (1884); Wilcox (1899); Coppock et al. (1989); Moss et al. (1999); Vinton et al. (2001).

Poaceae Barnhart

hyperthermia, and with species of Juncus (rush) in the Juncaceae or rush family, and involves gangrenous lesions of the extremities (Portugal and Figueiredo 1995; Naude et al. 2005).

rare outbreaks, gangrenous effects in cattle

Ergotism has been recognized as a disease of livestock in North America since the late 1800s. In an extensive treatise, Salmon (1884) described outbreaks of gangrenous ergotism in Illinois, Kansas, and Missouri following the 1883 growing season. In these instances, forages rather than feed grain were involved. The disease was of such severity that there was concern over possible confusion with foot-and-mouth disease. There were many deaths and numerous maimed animals, mainly cattle, which exhibited loss of digits, hooves, and tail tips. Some animals had reddening and erosions of the oral mucosa. Similar outbreaks were reported in Iowa (Stalker 1892). In 1996, an outbreak occurred in Iowa. It involved barley growing in wet weather at the time of heading and resulted in an estimated 1000 animals exhibiting decreased milk production and hyperthermia (Munkvold et al. 1997). Occasional outbreaks involving small numbers of animals may be expected to continue to occur sporadically in the central and northwestern United States and Canada (Schwarz and Neate 2006). In addition to livestock, ergotism has been reported in wild free-roaming ungulates such as moose and deer (Green and Rose 1995; Handeland and Vikoren 2005).

Several Forms hyperthermia reproductive gangrenous nervous

Ergotism affecting livestock occurs in several forms: (1) hyperthermia and production loss, (2) reproductive problems, (3) cutaneous and gangrenous disease, and (4) a nervous or tremorgenic form. The form involving hyperthermia and production loss is associated with a body temperature of >40°C secondary to feeding grains such as Hordeum vulgare (barley) contaminated with 0.5% ergots (Jessup et al. 1987; Ross et al. 1989; Peet et al. 1991; Schneider et al. 1996). This form of ergotism has not been seen extensively in North America, possibly


in part because of the limited use of small grains for fattening cattle. Reproductive problems such as lack of udder development and agalactia with pronounced drop in blood prolactin levels, small birth weights, and stillborns along with feed refusal seem to occur most commonly in pigs (Lopez et al. 1997; Blaney et al. 2000a,b). Abortions have been alluded to but are not typical of ergot effects (Mantle and Gunner 1965). In cattle, the gangrenous or cutaneous form is more common, although hyperthermia (with marked drops in milk production and weight gain) and reproductive problems may also occur (Woods et al. 1966; Coppock et al. 1989; Hogg 1991; Al-Tamimi et al. 2003; Ilha et al. 2003; Khalloub et al. 2007). Ergotism in sheep is typically mild and not often accompanied by gangrenous lesions at nominal dosages (Greatorex and Mantle 1973, 1974). Mares fed grain contaminated with C. purpurea within a few weeks of delivery lacked udder development and experienced postdelivery agalactia but recovered within 2 weeks (Copetti et al. 2001). However, many of the foals of these mares were born weak with no suckling reflex and died in a few hours.

nervous form questionable

Neurologic signs similar to those described for human ergotism in the epidemics of the 1500s seem to be a rare manifestation of ergotism in livestock. Often cited reports of such occurrences leave considerable doubt as to the specific cause of the problems observed (Dillon 1955; Clegg 1959). Because of the lack of verifiable field cases, there is skepticism regarding the actual occurrence of the neurotoxicosis in livestock (Bourke 1994a). At least in some instances, the signs appear more akin to the tremorgenic syndromes associated with Lolium perenne (perennial rye) and Paspalum dilatatum (Dallisgrass). In some instances, the association between manifestations and ergot as a specific cause is difficult, and only a presumption of relationship can be made. Wilcox (1899) described a neurologic disease in horses in Montana that was presumed to be caused by severe ergot infection of several grasses. The disease was of abrupt onset, progressing from swallowing difficulties to ataxia, and paralysis to death in 6–12 hours. In addition, the gangrenous form was noted in 2 other horses. The scarcity of neurologic episodes is perhaps a reflection of the large dosage required to cause these effects.

ergot alkaloids, clavines, peptides, carboxamides


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Table 58.9.

Representative ergot alkaloids.



Clavine Carboxamide Lysergic acid group Lysergic acid amide


Peptide Ergotamines Ergoxine


Lysergic acid Lysergic acid amide (=lysergamide) Ergonovine (=ergometrine, ergobasine) Ergovaline Ergosine Ergonine Ergostine Ergoptine Ergocornine Ergocristine Ergocryptine

Figure 58.4.

Chemical structure of lysergamide.

Figure 58.5.

Chemical structure of ergonovine.

Figure 58.6.

Chemical structure of ergovaline.

Sources: Berde and Sturmer (1978); Rutschmann and Stadler (1978).

Disease Genesis—Ergot alkaloids are a very complex group of compounds based on the ergoline ring system and derived from tryptophan (Rutschmann and Stadler 1978). They occur naturally in several fungal genera in addition to Claviceps and in a few flowering plants such as some members of the Convolvulaceae (morning glory family). All of the alkaloids of toxicologic importance are unsaturated at either the 8–9 position in the clavine types or the 9–10 position in the peptides and carboxamides (Table 58.9). The dihydro derivatives generally do not occur naturally. Only the 8-β-isomers are biologically active. The 8-α-isomers, identified by names ending in -inine, are not of toxicologic concern. A difference in the names used for one alkaloid exists; ergonovine is favored in North America, whereas ergometrine and ergobasine are preferred in Europe (Figures 58.3–58.6).

alkaloids with adrenergic vasoactivity; serotonin activity; oxytocic-like activity on the uterus

Figure 58.3.

Chemical structure of elymoclavine.

Ergot alkaloids are complex not only in their chemical structure but also in their biological effects, and a full appreciation of the structures and their uses was not accomplished until well into the twentieth century (Lee 2009b). As is apparent from their basic ergoline structure, these compounds are closely allied to the biogenic amines norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. The

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alkaloids are potent α-agonists at low concentrations, but their maximal effects are considerably less than that of norepinephrine (Berde and Sturmer 1978). Ergotamine, ergonovine, and N-acetyl-loline are all vasoactive in horses but are less potent than either norepinephrine or phenylephrine (Abney et al. 1993). Lysergic acid amide is vasoconstrictive in cattle, possibly via action on serotonin-2 receptors (Oliver et al. 1993). Ergovaline, the predominant alkaloid is also a potent serotonin-2 receptor agonist (Dyer 1993). However, these direct actions on the vasculature are complicated by competition at the receptor, which causes partial antagonism and prevention of norepinephrine activity. α-Adrenergic interactions are also evident with other systems, such as blockade of hepatic glycolysis induced by epinephrine. Vasoconstrictor effects vary with different vascular beds. Other effects include increase in body temperature, emesis, neurologic/ dopaminergic effects, and uterine stimulation. The rabbit is an especially sensitive model for the hyperthermic response; it is 10–20 times more sensitive than mice or rats (Griffith et al. 1978). Hyperthermic effects have also been noted in livestock fed large amounts of grain rations containing C. purpurea (Jessup et al. 1987; Ross et al. 1989; Peet et al. 1991). The alkaloids are acutely toxic in the range of 1–3 mg/kg b.w. i.v. in rabbits, but much less so when given orally. Medicinal uses of ergot alkaloids provide a view of some of their actions. Effects of ergopeptines include uterine and cardiovascular pressor actions and hyperthermia (Clark et al. 1978; Loew et al. 1978). Uterine effects of ergonovine (=ergometrine), which has fewer other effects, have been of considerable medicinal value. Frequency and amplitude of uterine contractions are increased at low dosage, and basal uterine tone is increased with higher dosage. This oxytocic-like effect is apparent with most of the 9–10 unsaturated peptides and a few of the others (Berde and Sturmer 1978). Vasoconstriction and ischemia are adverse effects, which in some instances may require therapeutic intervention with intra-arterial administration of vasodilators such as tolazoline, isoproterenol, or papaverine (Griffith et al. 1978). Other therapeutic uses include relief for migraine, antiserotonin activity, inhibition of lactation, and especially control of postpartum uterine hemorrhage (Lee 2009a). The last use is probably where the alkaloids have found their most beneficial lifesaving role.

but in an opposite manner. They are antagonistic to dopamine at D1 vasodilatory receptors and agonistic at D2 receptors in the anterior pituitary. The agonistic action at D2 receptors mimics dopaminergic tonic inhibition of prolactin secretion, which occurs through dopamine secretion via the hypothalamic–hypophyseal portal system. Experimental studies in rats indicate the possibility of increased striatal D2 receptor affinity (Mizinga et al. 1993). Rats fed 10–15% infected seed, with 325 ppb ergovaline, experienced a significant reduction of feed intake that was reversed when they were administered a D2 dopamine antagonist (Larson et al. 1994). There was also a decrease in whole-brain D2 receptor density. Inhibition of prolactin secretion has far-ranging effects on the body, and it may be one of the most sensitive indicators of exposure to ergopeptides (Jackson et al. 1988b; Stamm et al. 1994). Secretion of melatonin is also reduced, but thyroid-stimulating hormone, growth hormone, and ACTH are not affected (Berde and Sturmer 1978; Fluckiger and del Pozo 1978; Elsasser and Bolt 1987; Porter and Thompson 1992; Porter et al. 1993). Prolactin receptors are dispersed throughout the body in various tissues, including those of the liver, kidneys, and brain. In addition to the well-known effects of prolactin on mammary glands, it has also profound actions on lipid metabolism. Derangement of lipid metabolism secondary to the decrease in prolactin may be directly related to subsequent cholesterol changes and fat necrosis, as well as indirectly to body temperature regulation.

dopaminergic activity, inhibition of prolactin secretion

hyperthermia form, body temperature >40°C, salivation, increased respiration

Dopaminergic activity of ergot alkaloids is an important factor in their effects (Strickland et al. 1993). Of the five or more dopamine receptors dispersed throughout the body, the alkaloids interact with D1 and D2 types

reproductive action of ergopeptides, generally minor Reproductive effects of ergot are clearly demonstrable in laboratory animals and pigs. Ergopeptides are primarily responsible, but clavines are also active at high dosage. The alkaloids are mainly embryocidal, with only minor effects on skeletal formation (Grauwiler and Schon 1973; Witters et al. 1975; Griffith et al. 1978). Implantation may be prevented or early pregnancies terminated (Mantle 1969). Typically, there are a decrease in birth weights, an increased number of stillborns, and many piglets that die within 24 hours mainly due to lack of mammary development and available milk (Nordskog and Clark 1945). However, even with obvious ergot ingestion, there may be only minor reproductive effects (Campbell and Burfening 1972).

Clinical Signs and Pathology—As described above, ergotism comprises four forms. The clinical signs of each form are different. In cattle having the mild hyperthermia


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form, body temperature is elevated to >40°C, salivation and respiration are increased, appetite and milk production are decreased, and death occurs in a few animals. These signs are most noticeable in high summer temperatures. gangrenous form, lameness, sloughing of the skin of the distal portion of the limbs, tail, ears Clinical signs in the gangrenous or cutaneous form are more severe. Seen more often in winter, these signs include gradual onset of lameness, feet swollen and painful up to the coronet, decreased productivity, and in some instances diarrhea. Within 1–2 weeks, the feet become numb, skin dead, and a crack appears in the skin over a joint of the foot or along the coronary band. No suppuration or break in the skin occurs otherwise. Eventually, the skin sloughs and the tendons rupture, or the entire distal portion of the limb may be lost. The pelvic limbs are most often or more severely affected. There may also be loss of several centimeters of the tail. Other features that have been observed in cattle include reddening and erosions of the oral mucosa, and necrosis and sloughing of the skin over various areas of the body. In sheep, necrosis of the tip of the tongue may occur with an otherwise less severe manifestation of the disease. reproductive form, agalactia, decreased fertility; neurologic form questioned Reproductive effects include agalactia or decreased milk production, reduced fertility, decreased number of fetuses, and increased number of stillborns and perinatal deaths. As noted previously, signs of the neurologic form of ergotism are questionable and therefore are not elaborated upon here. Ergotism appears only sporadically in the northern Great Plains and northwestern areas of North America (Burfening 1973). If the possibility of the disease is of concern, inspection of the grain and/or inflorescences of grass forages and appropriate management practices may be warranted. Ergots in grain are easily distinguished by their black or purplish color. They are also generally larger than grass grains. When forage grasses are infected, close inspection of the spikelets with a magnifying lens is required to detect the ergotized flowers before sclerotia reach maturity. Determination of the alkaloids and their concentrations may be helpful in confirming an association with disease (Krska and Crews 2008). Ergot alkaloids are somewhat labile to thermal challenge and brewing processes (Friedman and Dao 1990; Schwarz et al. 2007).

Table 58.10. Grass forages associated with staggers syndrome due to fungal endophytes. Cynodon dactylon Hilaria H. jamesii H. mutica Lolium perenne Paspalum P. dilatatum P. distichum P. scrobiculatum Phalaris spp.

Bermudagrass galleta, curlygrass tobosa, tobosagrass perennial ryegrass Dallisgrass, large watergrass knotgrass, jointgrass Indian paspalum, monagrass, kodo millet canarygrasses

Infection of the Flowers and Ovaries: Staggers Disease Problem and Genesis—The tremorgenic syndrome, commonly known as staggers, is one of the most common disease problems associated with fungal infections of the flowers and ovaries. Although it may be more sporadic in occurrence than ergotism, we treat it as a separate syndrome because of the importance of the grass forages (Table 58.10) in which it occurs and the severity of the disease that it causes. There are 20 or more fungal tremorgens (Gant et al. 1987). It is important to note that similar tremorgenic syndromes are caused by mycotoxins in grains or other substrates infected with Penicillium, Fusarium, and Aspergillus. Zea mays (maize or corn) is a good example of this situation (Cole and Dorner 1986). It is also important to point out that tremorgenic disease caused by species of Phalaris differs considerably from that caused by the other grasses. Superficially, the signs may be similar, but the disease is more severe and there will be distinctive pathology and death losses. Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Aspects of the staggers syndrome are similar to those for the reproductive forms of ergotism. In the staggers syndrome, clinical signs usually appear several days after animals have been introduced into a pasture containing infected plants of Cynodon, Lolium, or Paspalum, and are essentially the same regardless of the specific grass. Initially, there is increased nervousness and tremors of the lips, face, and ears, which rapidly progress to the neck and shoulders. Ataxia is prominent, with animals exhibiting a swaying, stumbling, stiff-legged gait, the pelvic limbs spread and extended. Exercise markedly intensifies the signs and animals may be easily excited and/or belligerent. Animals may fall, but are usually able to stand again in a few minutes. Except for the most severely affected, they continue to eat and drink. Deaths are rare and usually through misadventure such as drowning or from dehydration and starvation.

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There are no distinctive pathologic changes in the central or peripheral nervous systems. If animals are moved from the infected pasture when signs are initially noted, the disease is usually readily reversible within a few days. Recovery may be facilitated by placing feed and water within reach. Aspects of this disease problem are described more fully in the treatments of each grass genus.

Endophytic Infection of Stems, Leaves, and Roots Disease Problems and Genesis—In addition to their occurrence in the flowers and ovaries of grass flowers, fungi may also occur as endophytes (from the Greek roots endo meaning “within” and phyto meaning “plant”) in the roots, stems, and leaves of grasses. This symbiotic relationship between fungus and grass is mutualistic— both symbionts benefiting—in contrast to the harmful relationship between grasses and familiar plant pathogens such as rusts and smuts. When present in tissues of the roots, this mutualism is known as a mycorrhiza or literally “fungus root.” When present in stems and leaves, these fungi are simply termed endophytes. Forming a systemic, usually intercellular association, they are contained entirely within the host plant’s organs for all or nearly all of their life cycle, are asymptomatic, that is, do not damage the host cells, exhibit mutalism, and often have profound influences on the biology of their host plants (Bacon and De Battista 1991; Sinclair and Cerkauskas 1996; Easton 2007). This symbiotic relationship between fungus and grass plant has also been termed defensive mutualism (Saikkonen et al. 2010). The fungus gains ready access to nutrients and a favorable environment for growth. In turn, because of the alkaloids produced by the fungus, the plant gains drought resistance, enhanced nitrogen uptake, and increased insect resistance (Powell and Petroski 1992; Siegel 1993; Clay and Schardl 2002). Interestingly, pastures comprising endophyte-free grasses are more difficult to maintain than those infected with an endophyte (Bacon 1995). The role of endophytes, in particular the clavicepitaceous type, has been exploited in the development of the so-called endophyte-enhanced turf grasses with improved disease resistance (Funk and White 1997). This use of endophytes to reduce or overcome both biotic and abiotic stresses in grasses and possibly other plants is considered most promising (Kuldau and Bacon 2008). There are numerous reviews of the nature of the grass– endophyte relationship (Thompson et al. 2001; Easton 2007; Belesky and Bacon 2009). By some estimates, almost all plants have fungal endophytes, with many of these fungi able to produce the same compounds that are produced by the host plants (Markert


et al. 2008; Rodriguez et al. 2009; Aly et al. 2010). There is currently great interest in these endophytes as sources of bioactive natural products (Verma et al. 2009; Aly et al. 2010). Fungal endophytes have been classified into 2 general groups: (1) the clavicepitaceous endophytes, which inhabit grasses and species of the Convolvulaceae or morning glory family (Chapter 24), and (2) the nonclavicepitaceous endophytes, which occur in other plant taxa (Rodriguez et al. 2009). In addition to Claviceps purpurea, which causes ergotism described above, the fungal family Clavicepitaceae includes several endophytic genera that also cause disease problems when associated with grasses. Knowledge of their biology and awareness of their importance in disease are increasing. As early as the 1970s, it was recognized that additional studies of these endophytes would undoubtedly reveal additional involvement in plant intoxication problems, and this has certainly been borne out (Bacon et al. 1975; Bacon 1995). Worldwide, at least 290 grass species have been confirmed to be hosts for clavicepitaceous endophytes, and it is estimated that the actual number of species infected is 25 times greater (Leuchtmann 1992). Species belonging to all grass subfamilies have been reported as hosts (Bacon and De Battista 1991). In North America, warm- and cool-season forages of a number of genera are well known as hosts (Table 58.11). Endophytic fungi of grasses are primarily species of the genera Epichloe, Balansia, Atkinsonella, and Myriogenospora and their anamorphic states Acremonium, Ephelis, and Typhodium (Bacon and De Battista 1991). Based on molecular data, Glenn and coworkers (1996) have proposed reclassifying the anamorphs of the polyphyletic Epichloe and closely related asexual grass endophytes in Table 58.11. Principal grass forages in North America known to host endophytic fungi. Achnatherum sp.a Agropyron spp. (sensu lato) Agrostis spp. Andropogon spp. Cynodon spp. Elymus spp. Glyceria spp. Holcus spp. Hilaria spp. Hystrix spp. Lolium spp. Paspalum spp. Poa spp. Schedonorus spp.b Sphenopholis spp.

sleepygrass wheatgrasses bentgrasses bluestems Bermudagrasses, stargrasses wildryes mannagrasses velvetgrasses hilarias, tobosagrasses, galletas bottlebrush grasses ryegrasses paspalums, watergrasses bluegrasses fescues wedgescales

Sources: White (1987); Leuchtmann (1992); TePaske et al. (1993). Reported as Stipa sp. b Reported as Festuca spp. a


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the new form genus Neotyphodium. New endophyte species are continually being recognized either as new taxa or hybrids (Moon et al. 2002, 2007). Even within a single species, there may be considerable morphological diversity (Ren et al. 2008) and perhaps even toxicologic significance. variety of alkaloids produced—ergot clavine and peptide types; lolines; lolitrems

A variety of alkaloids are produced by these endophytic fungi and are sometimes grouped into three major categories (Bacon and De Battista 1991): (1) ergot alkaloids, with both clavine and peptide types such as ergopeptine; (2) loline alkaloids, with pyrrolizidine bases and represented by loline; and (3) lolitrems, which are complex, isoprenoid-substituted indoles and are described in detail in the treatment of Lolium in this chapter. various syndromes caused by endophytic fungi— tremorgenic gangrenous reproductive physiologic

Disease syndromes associated with these endophytic genera of the Clavicepitaceae include those that are tremorgenic or gangrenous and those that cause alterations in reproductive or physiological attributes of the animal.

ACHNATHERUM P.BEAUV. & NASSELLA (TRIN.) E.DESV. As members of the tribe Stipeae in the subfamily Pooideae, Achnatherum and Nassella are morphologically and toxicologically similar genera. Because they both produce ergot alkaloids and essentially the same disease problems, clinical signs, and pathological changes, we describe them together.

Taxonomy and Morphology—Estimated to comprise about 100 cool-season species distributed throughout the world. Achnatherum is commonly known as needlegrass as are several genera of the tribe (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its name is derived from the Greek roots achne and ather meaning “scale” and “stalk” or “barb” alluding to the characteristic awned lemma (Quattrocchi 2000). Most species of the genus have long been positioned in Stipa and most toxicologic reports use this genus name. Although molecular phylogenetic analyses support separation of Stipa and Achnatherum, questions about the circumscription of Achnatherum are not yet resolved (Barkworth 1993; Jacobs et al. 2000, 2007). Achnatherum, however, is used in the Flora of North America

(Barkworth 2007a) and the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012), treatments we employ here. Of the 28 species present in North America, 3 are of toxicologic interest. Long interpreted to be a South American genus, Nassella, also commonly known as needlegrass, has been expanded to encompass North American species formerly positioned in the genus Stipa (Barkworth and Torres 2001; Jacobs et al. 2007). Of the 10 species in North America (Barkworth 2007b), only 1 is of toxicologic importance. Achnatherum P. Beauv. A. eminens (Cav.) Barkworth (=Stipa eminens Cav.) A. lobatum (Swallen) Barkworth (=Stipa lobata Swallen) A. robustum (Vasey) Barkworth (=Stipa robusta [Vasey] Scribn.) (=Stipa vaseyi Scribn.) Nassella (Trin.) E.Desv. N. viridula (Trin.) Barkworth (=Stipa viridula Trin.)

southwestern needlegrass lobed needlegrass, little-awn needlegrass sleepygrass

green needlegrass

perennials; leaves primarily basal; inflorescences panicles; spikelets with 1 floret; glumes longer than floret; floret round, hard, awned, base elongate, blunt or sharp Plants perennials; cespitose or occasionally rhizomatous. Culms 10–250 cm tall; erect; internodes hollow or rarely solid. Leaves primarily basal. Blades involute or convolute or flat. Ligules membranous or ciliolate membranous. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous or indumented; margins free. Inflorescences panicles; usually contracted, spikelets appressed against rachises. Disarticulation above the glumes. Spikelets all alike; lanceolate or ovate; compression lateral or terete; 3–12 mm long. Florets 1; terete or globose or fusiform; callus elongate, blunt to sharp, usually strigose. Glumes 2; equal or subequal; longer than the body of the lemma; lanceolate; membranous to hyaline; apices acute or acuminate; awns absent. Lemmas terete; involute, tightly or barely enclosing paleas and caryopses; indurate; awns 1, apical, elongate, twisted proximally, once or twice geniculate. Paleas convex or flat; hyaline or coriaceous; nerves 2 or absent; keels absent. Achnatherum and Nassella are readily distinguished by differences in the appearance of the lemmas and paleas. The margins of the lemmas in the former do not or just barely overlap to enclose the paleas and caryopses. The paleas are as long as or slightly longer than the lemmas. In contrast, lemma margins of Nassella tightly enclose the paleas and caryopses, and the paleas are only 1/4 to 1/2

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restricted in distribution (Barkworth 2007a,b). Distributed from British Columbia to the Midwest, Nassella viridula has the greatest distributional range. Plants occupy a variety of habitats—typically open—and vegetation types. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Grass Manual on the Web (

neurologic narcotic effects; horses and cattle become docile; effects may persist for several days

Disease Problems—In the late 1800s, there was consid-

Figure 58.7.

Line drawing of Achnatherum robustum.

Figure 58.8.

Line drawing of Achnatherum eminens.

the length of the lemmas. Indeed, these 2 character states distinguish Nassella from all other genera in the tribe (Barkworth 2007b). Illustrations and images of the species of the 2 genera can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( manual) (Figures 58.7 and 58.8).

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Achnatherum and Nassella are distributed in the western half of the continent; some are relatively widespread and others quite

erable interest in the narcotic effect of A. robustum (reported as Stipa robusta), widely known as sleepygrass (Havard 1891; Bailey 1903). Of the North American species of Achnatherum, only A. robustum has been reported to cause disease (Bews 1929). An Asian species, A. inebrians, and possibly other Asiatic species, encountered by missionaries in Mongolia in the 1870s, are also known to have a narcotic effect (Hance 1876). Likewise, only one species of Nassella in North America, N. viridula (reported as S. viridula) produces the disease (Bews 1929). The forage of A. robustum, either fresh or in hay, was recognized as a particular problem in horses, seemingly almost exclusively in the Sacramento and Sierra Blanca Mountains of New Mexico, whereas N. viridula was troublesome in the mountains of the state of Coahuila in northern Mexico (Palmer 1887; Marsh and Clawson 1929). Experimental results on plants of these 2 species collected in other areas were generally negative. The narcotic effect has apparently been used to advantage by “experienced” or unscrupulous horse traders to attenuate unruly behavior of unbroken or otherwise intractable horses (Green 1967). The animals remain docile or sleepy for several days, with all their movements reduced to “slow motion.” In some instances with inadvertent animal exposure to the plants, riders not only were exposed to dangers while riding but also were unable to escape pursuers when in a hostile country (Smalley and Crookshank 1976). Eaten primarily in the late fall and early spring, A. robustum, when present, prevents full utilization of some mountain grazing ranges. Horses are at greatest risk, but the effects are seen also in cattle and, to a lesser extent, in sheep. The grass seems to be equally toxic whether green or in hay (Marsh and Clawson 1929). Dosages of 1% b.w. of hay in horses and cattle, and 4% b.w. in sheep produce a narcotic effect. An observation common to all reports on the toxicity of sleepygrass is that animals will eat it


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only once and then avoid it thereafter (Palmer 1887; Smalley and Crookshank 1976). The effects may last several days to a week in horses. Although A. robustum may temporarily increase in abundance with overgrazing of more palatable forages, in the long run, it does not compete well with other grasses in an area (Wolfe 1979). It is generally of little importance as a toxic plant because it is limited in distribution to higher ranges and is of low palatability (Jones et al. 2000). Sleepygrass is now more of a toxicologic curiosity than a significant disease problem.

cause is probably fungal endophytes that produce ergot alkaloids, lysergic acid amide, ergonovine

Disease Genesis—The cause of the narcosis was originally thought to be extractable by either methanol or ethanol and to possibly be diacetone alcohol (Epstein et al. 1964; Smalley and Crookshank 1976). Experimentally, diacetone alcohol (1.2% d.w.), found in leaves, causes a narcotic effect and postural abnormalities in rats and mice. However, the likely cause of the problem are toxins produced by an endophytic fungus of the family Clavicepitaceae that have been isolated from several species of Achnatherum and consistently from A. eminens and A. robustum. Neotyphodium chisosum (formerly Acremonium chisosum), a fungus similar to that present in fescue and perennial ryegrass, appears to be the cause of the narcosis (White and Morgan-Jones 1987; Petroski et al. 1992; White and Halisky 1992; Glenn et al. 1996). Similar appearing fungi have also been observed in A. lobatum and N. viridula but less consistently. Neotyphodium chisosum produces a series of closely related ergot alkaloids, mainly ergonovine with lesser amounts of lysergic acid amide, isolysergic acid amide, and ergonovinine alkaloids (Faeth et al. 2006) (Figure 58.9).

Additional toxins include N-formyl-loline, chanoclavine, harman, and norharman, but these compounds are in such low concentrations as to be of little significance (Powell and Petroski 1992; TePaske et al. 1993). The effects of lysergic and isolysergic acid amides are consistent with the sedative effects of A. robustum in livestock (Fanchamps 1978; Petroski et al. 1992). It is of interest that while the endophyte is widely distributed and with a high infection rate in Arizona, northern New Mexico, and southern Colorado, only grass populations near Cloudcroft, New Mexico, in the Sacramento Mountains, had both the endophyte and alkaloids (Jones et al. 2000; Faeth et al. 2006). Another clavicepitaceous endophyte has been identified as the probable cause of the similar intoxication problem of livestock in Asia that consume A. inebrians, commonly known as drunken horse grass (Bruehl et al. 1994). Infection of the grass with this fungal endophyte, Neotyphodium gansuence also results in high levels of ergonovine and lysergic acid in the plant tissues (Miles et al. 1996; Moon et al. 2007).

animals become docile, sleepy, difficult to arouse, lasting up to several days

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Several hours after ingesting Achantherum, animals become quite docile. All movements are slowed, and animals drag their feet when walking. Horses are especially prone to the effects and are sleepy and difficult to arouse. Their heads are drooped low, their limbs are crossed, and if coaxed to move, they stagger weakly. With forced movement, sweating may be particularly noticeable. The narcosis may last several days in horses, and usually 24 hours or less in cattle and sheep. Signs in sheep are quite mild. Deaths are rare and probably most likely due to misadventure. Treatment—Because cattle and sheep would eat the forage only once, Smalley and Crookshank (1976) recommended feeding hay containing plants of the genus before taking animals to higher-elevation ranges, for example, while they are in pens awaiting release onto the range.

ANTHOXANTHUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 50

Figure 58.9.

Chemical structure of ergonovine.

cool-season species in both the Old and New World, Anthoxanthum, a member of the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Poeae, is prized for the distinctive sweet coumarin, or vanilla-like, fragrance of its herbage. It is now

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circumscribed to include the genus Hierochloë (Schouten and Veldkamp 1985; Allred and Barkworth 2007), albeit the editors of the PLANTS Database maintain the 2 genera as separate taxa (USDA, NRCS 2012). The genus name is derived from the Greek roots anthos, meaning “flower,” and xanthos, meaning “yellow,” which reflect the color of the mature spikelets (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 5 native and 2 introduced species are present (Allred and Barkworth 2007). Only 1 or possibly 2 species are of toxicologic significance. A. odoratum L. A. nitens (Weber) Y.Schouten & Veldkamp (=Hierochloë odorata [L.] P.Beauv.)

sweet vernalgrass vanilla sweetgrass, holygrass, sweetgrass

fragrant; ligules membranous; inflorescences panicles; spikelets with 3 florets, 2 neuter below 1 perfect

Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose; herbage fragrant. Culms 10–75 cm tall; erect or decumbent; straight or geniculate; branched or not branched above; nodes glabrous or pubescent; internodes hollow. Leaves both basal and cauline. Blades flat; 2–15 mm wide. Ligules membranous. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences panicles; contracted or spicate. Disarticulation above the glumes; neuter florets dropping attached to perfect floret. Spikelets all alike; lanceolate; compression lateral; 5–10 mm long. Florets 3; of 2 forms; lower florets 2, neuter; upper florets 1, perfect. Glumes 2; unequal; different; longer than lemmas; awns absent; lower glumes ovate, nerves 1; upper glumes lanceolate, nerves 3. Lemmas of Neuter Florets longer than perfect lemmas; lanceolate; abaxial surfaces appressed pilose; apices 2-lobed; awns 1, dorsal, straight or geniculate, twisted. Paleas of Neuter Florets absent. Lemmas of Perfect Florets broadly ovate to suborbicular; abaxial surfaces glabrous; shiny; awns absent. Paleas of Perfect Florets with nerves 1; backs rounded (Figure 58.10).

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Anthoxanthum occur across the continent and are especially common in the northern part (Allred and Barkworth 2007). They are generally found in open habitats such as meadows and dry grasslands. Introduced A. odoratum occurs in waste areas, roadside ditches, lawns, and meadows. Albeit not particularly good forage, it is sometimes planted in hay meadows to give a fragrance to the hay. It is also gaining popularity as a garden ornamental and a component of dried floral arrangements. Depending on the reference

Figure 58.10.

Line drawing of Anthoxanthum odoratum.

cited, Anthoxanthum nitens (or Hierochloë odorata) is an introduced, coastal species occurring only from Laborador to New England or a native species occurring across Canada (Allred and Barkworth 2007; USDA, NRCS 2012). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Grass Manual on the Web (

clotting deficiency, hemorrhagic disease, increased capillary fragility; hay; cattle, less risk with sheep

Disease Problems—Although producing a pleasant, vanilla-like fragrance, A. odoratum is bitter tasting and unpalatable. It is an unusual cause of hemorrhagic disease in cattle in Europe, where it is native, and has only rarely been associated with toxicity in North America (Kosuge and Gilchrist 1977; Pritchard et al. 1983; Bartol et al. 2000). It is most likely to be a problem in preserved


Toxic Plants of North America

forages, mainly hay, following its consumption for several weeks. Silage may also represent a risk (Cranwell 1983; Runciman et al. 2002). However, in some instances, even fresh forage may be a risk as observed in England where carcasses of lambs grazing the taxon exhibited a high incidence of “blood splash,” scattered areas of splotchy hemorrhages on the diaphragm, thoracic and abdominal walls, skeletal muscles, heart, and lungs (Restall 1980– 1981). However, other plants cannot be excluded as causes or contributing factors in this problem of apparent increase in capillary fragility. Because of the scarcity, relative unpalatability, and low dicoumarol potential of A. odoratum, it is most likely that the species will be associated with disease in North America, mainly as a contributing factor (Davies and Ashton 1964). coumarins, vanilla-like odor; formation of 4-hydroxycoumarin by fungi in stems, then to dicoumarol; inhibition of vitamin K regeneration, leads to coagulation factor deficiency

Disease Genesis—The vanilla-like aroma is due to the presence of coumarins, which under unique circumstances might predispose to a hemorrhagic disease. When the forage is cut for hay and not sufficiently dried, 4hydroxycoumarin may be formed from precursors by ring closure due to the action of fungi within the stems. A further condensation reaction leads to the formation of bishydroxycoumarin (dicoumarol) (Davies and Ashton 1964). Dicoumarol, because of its similarity to vitamin K, competes for and inhibits the epoxidase enzyme responsible for regeneration of the active vitamin. As a result, there is a deficiency of coagulation factors, including prothrombin (Figures 58.11–58.14). Dicoumarol may be passed to the fetus in utero, and as a consequence, the newborn may be at risk even when

Figure 58.13.

Chemical structure of 4-coumarin.

Figure 58.14.

Chemical structure of 4-vitamin K.

cows do not show overt clinical signs (Dwyer et al. 2003). There is an apparent difference in sensitivity between adults and newborns. In this instance, the serum dicoumarol level in an asymptomatic cow was much higher than in an affected calf, 14 and 3.1 ppm, respectively. For a more detailed discussion of this disease, see the treatment of Melilotus (sweet clover) in the Fabaceae (see Chapter 35). Anthoxanthum nitens (reported as Hierochloë odorata) also contains appreciable coumarin and may be similarly toxic. abrupt onset; hemorrhages, intractable bleeding; accumulation of blood in body cavities

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Typically, there is abrupt onset of hemorrhages at various sites under the skin, which produce large blister-like swellings, bleeding into and accumulation in body cavities, and intractable bleeding from surgical or accidental wounds. Development of lesions is dependent on the site of hemorrhage. Accumulations of blood in body cavities may be quite large and, in the case of abdominal masses, may cause signs of colic (Bartol et al. 2000). Treatment—Administration of vitamin K1 parenterally is

Figure 58.11.

Chemical structure of 4-hydroxycoumarin.

necessary, with the route depending on the seriousness of the disease. In the most severe intoxications, a blood transfusion may be needed (cf. treatment of Melilotus in Chapter 35).

AVENA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 29 cool-

Figure 58.12.

Chemical structure of 4-dicoumarol.

season species, Avena, a member of the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Poeae, is an Old World genus in temperate and cold regions (Baum 2007). Used by Pliny,

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Avena is the classical Latin name for oats (Quattrocchi 2000). There are 6 or 7 cultivated species, including the economically important A. sativa (oats), which was domesticated in central or northern Europe 2000–3000 years ago (Thomas 1995). Unfortunately, one of the world’s most invasive weeds—A. fatua (wild oats)—is also a member of the genus. In North America, 6 species are present. Only 1 is of toxicologic significance: A. sativa L.

oats, cultivated oats

annuals; ligules membranous; inflorescences open panicles; spikelets large; glumes longer than florets, membranous or papery Plants annuals; cespitose. Culms 30–120 cm tall; erect; nodes glabrous; internodes hollow. Leaves primarily cauline. Blades flat; 4–8 mm wide; surfaces scabrous or sparsely pilose. Ligules membranous. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous or pilose; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences panicles; open; pyramidal; branches ascending, spikelets borne on short bent pedicels. Disarticulation above the glumes or not occurring. Spikelets all alike; elliptic to lanceolate; compression lateral; 20–30 mm long. Florets 2–4; upper 1–2 occasionally rudimentary. Glumes 2; equal; alike; longer than lemmas; lanceolate; membranous or chartaceous; awns absent. Lemmas lanceolate; coriaceous to indurate; abaxial surfaces glabrous; nerves 7 or 9; awns absent or present, dorsal, straight. Paleas hyaline; nerves 2; keels 2, ciliate; backs rounded. Illustrations and images of the species of Avena can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web (http://

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Avena are most abundant in the Mediterranean region. They extend into northern Europe and are widely introduced in other temperate regions of the world. In North America, A. sativa is commonly cultivated. It may escape into nearby disturbed sites but does not persist. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Grass Manual on the Web ( webmanual). 2 Disease Problems direct photosensitization nitrate intoxication Avena sativa produces two disease problems of potential concern: (1) photosensitization from fresh forage following grazing for 1 to several weeks, and (2) acute


nitrate intoxication, primarily from consumption of hay. Aspects of each are described below.

Photosensitization Disease Problems and Genesis—Photosensitization caused by A. sativa is typical of that caused by most other grasses; it is the primary uncomplicated type not accompanied by icterus or other evidences of hepatic dysfunction (Schmidt 1931). Although there may be extensive areas of skin necrosis and sloughing, causing considerable discomfort, the disease is usually not a serious problem other than causing a temporary setback in productivity. The skin changes respond readily to elimination of the offending forage from the animals’ diet. The specific photodynamic agent or the factors involved in its formation are unknown. skin, necrosis, sloughing less pigmented areas; sheep, head around the ears, eyes, and mouth; reddened corneas

Clinical Signs and Treatment—After consumption of A. sativa, there is onset of skin necrosis and sloughing, which may require several days for full expression. In most animal species, the lesions are found scattered in the less pigmented areas of the skin. However, in sheep, because of the protective barrier of the wool, lesions are generally on the head around the ears, eyes, mouth, and other areas of the body with less wool. In areas where light can penetrate the superficial layers of the skin, the circulating photodynamic agent is activated in the capillaries. In addition to skin involvement, there may be reddening of the cornea of the eyes and increased sensitivity to light. When such typical skin changes are observed, it is important to examine animals carefully for the presence of icterus or to use serum chemistry to evaluate possible involvement of the liver. With respect to treatment, animals should be removed from the pasture containing A. sativa and, if possible, reduce exposure to direct sunlight by providing shade.

Nitrate Accumulation accumulation fertilization





Disease Problems and Genesis—Like other cereal grain forages, A. sativa is capable of accumulating excess concentrations of nitrates under certain circumstances. Because of the use of heavy nitrogen fertilization to


Toxic Plants of North America

promote high grain yields, its hay or straw may have especially high levels. For example, up to 4.4%, or 44,000 ppm, NO3 has been reported as associated with severe death losses (Newsom et al. 1937; Thorp 1938; Bradley et al. 1939). In one instance, 4 adult alpacas died and 1 aborted after consuming A. sativa hay with 3.2% KNO3 equivalents dm (Mckenzie et al. 2009). Aqueous humor nitrate levels were 25 mg NO3/L in 2 adults and 10 mg in the fetus. A more complete discussion of nitrate as a toxicant is presented in the treatment of Sorghum (in this chapter).

abrupt onset; membranes



C. aethiopicus Clayton & J.R.Harlan C. dactylon (L.) Pers. C. nlemfuensis Vanderyst C. plectostachyus (K.Schum.) Pilg.

giant stargrass, Ethiopian dogstoothgrass Bermudagrass reuse kweekgrass, African Bermudagrass Naivasha stargrass, summer stargrass, estrella

stoloniferous perennials; ligules ciliate; inflorescences 1-sided spikes, borne in 1 digitate whorl; spikelets laterally compressed with 1 floret


Clinical Signs—Onset of signs is abrupt and may appear several hours after consumption of A. sativa. Death may follow onset of signs within minutes to a few hours. The primary signs are weakness and possibly dark-colored mucous membranes. Abortions may also occur with or without signs in the cows.

gross pathology, dark-colored blood and tissues

Pathology—There are few distinctive lesions at necropsy. The blood and tissues may be dark or chocolate colored, but this is not consistently seen. There may also be scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages and increased foamy fluid in the terminal airways of the lungs, but these changes are not usually extensive.

Treatment—The primary antidote for nitrate intoxication is methylene blue, 2–4 mg/kg b.w. given as a 1–2% solution.

CYNODON RICH. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8–10 warmseason species, Cynodon, a member of the subfamily Chloridoideae and the tribe Cynodonteae, is a genus of the Old World tropics (Clayton and Renvoize 1986; Watson and Dallwitz 2011). The genus name is derived from the Greek roots kuon, meaning “dog,” and odous, meaning “tooth,” which reputedly refer to the sharp scale leaves of the rhizomes (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 1 naturalized and 6 cultivated (but apparently occasionally escaping) species are present (Barkworth 2003a). Of toxicologic importance are the following:

Plants perennials; stoloniferous, typically sod forming. Culms 4–100 cm tall; prostrate or decumbent to erect; branched; stolons flattened; rhizomes present or absent; nodes glabrous; internodes hollow. Leaves cauline. Blades flat or folded; 1–7 mm wide. Ligules ciliate. Auricles absent. Sheaths margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences 1-sided spikes; 2–20; borne in a single digitate whorl at peduncle apices. Disarticulation above the glumes. Spikelets all alike; ovate to lanceolate; compression lateral; 1.7–3 mm long. Florets 1; perfect; rachillas prolonged, bearing rudimentary floret. Glumes 2; equal or unequal; alike; shorter than or as long as lemmas; lanceolate; nerves 1; awns absent. Lemmas lanceolate to ovate; nerves 1 or 3; cartilaginous; awns absent. Paleas hyaline; nerves 2; keels 2; backs rounded. Illustrations and images of the species of Cynodon can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( (Figures 58.15 and 58.16).

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Cynodon are native to the tropical regions of Africa and Asia. An important lawn and pasture grass in the southern half of the United States, C. dactylon has naturalized throughout warm-temperate regions of the world. It can be a troublesome weed in cultivated fields. The taller species (star grasses) are used for forage (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). Distribution maps of the individual species of Cynodon can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Grass Manual on the Web ( (Figure 58.17).

5 Disease Problems cyanogenesis nitrate accumulation photosensitization staggers syndrome ARDS

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Figure 58.17.


Distribution of Cynodon dactylon.

Disease Problems—Several problems are associated Figure 58.15. Line drawing of Cynodon dactylon. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

with species of Cynodon, but all are of minor importance. They are rare in occurrence, although in certain circumstances they may present serious problems. Cyanide intoxication, photosensitization, and the staggers syndrome are discussed here. Aspects of other problems such as nitrate accumulation and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have been presented previously in the introductory remarks about disease problems in the family as a whole. It should be noted that nitrate accumulation is not a significant problem in Cynodon. Attempts to promote high levels in C. aethiopicus at a fertilization rate of 180 kg N/acre resulted in only 6500 ppm nitrate in the stems (Rudert and Oliver 1978).

Cyanogenesis cyanogenesis, erratic problem, risk low in North America

Disease Problems—Species of this genus are considered to be particularly troublesome as cyanogenic risks in South Africa (Steyn 1934). However, cyanogenesis has not proven to be a consistent problem in North America. In a large measure, this is probably due to management practices of grazing more mature stands of the grass. Figure 58.16. Photo of the inflorescences of Cynodon dactylon. Courtesy of Charles M. Taliaferro.

cyanogenic glycoside, dhurrin; main risk early stages of plant growth, ruminants


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Genesis—All six species of Cynodon are probably cyanogenic to some degree. As in other grasses, cyanide is present as the glucoside dhurrin, which yields hydrocyanic acid (HCN) when hydrolyzed in the plant or rumen. Some strains of C. plectostachyus have HCN potential up to 1000 ppm wet weight, a level exceeding that of the notoriously cyanogenic Sorghum halepense (Johnsongrass) grown under the same conditions (Van der Walt and Steyn 1941). As is true for the sorghums, HCN potential is high (550–750 ppm wet weight) in some varieties and strains of Cynodon in early stages of growth and then declines markedly to 200 ppm or less during the later stages (Schroder 1977; Mislevy et al. 1983). In comparison, HCN potential of grain sorghums, under the same conditions, is reported to be 240–480 ppm wet weight and 3000–6000 ppm d.w. in early stages of growth (Schroder 1977). However, such a precipitous decline is not observed in all varieties—for example, C. plectostachyus (summer stargrass)—and is not apparent in fall regrowth of many of the varieties. HCN potential increases with warm dry weather, with wilting, and with heavy nitrogen fertilization (Van der Walt and Steyn 1941; Rudert and Oliver 1978). HCN potential declines quickly after a hard freeze (Mislevy et al. 1983). Drying at air temperature for 5 days results in an 8-fold reduction in HCN potential, whereas at refrigerator temperature, the loss is about 2-fold for the same time period (Schroder 1977) (Figure 58.18). abrupt onset; apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures; no lesions

Clinical Signs and Pathology—Within a few minutes of grazing the toxic Cynodon, there is abrupt onset of apprehension and distress, quickly followed by weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration. If intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency, with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur over a 5- to 15minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time.

Figure 58.18.

Chemical structure of dhurrin.

There are few distinctive changes. For the most part, changes are limited to congestion of the viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages.

administer sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrite

Treatment—The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite, 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment. A more detailed discussion is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

Photosensitization direct photosensitization, cause unknown; hepatogenous photosensitization, possibly fungal toxins

Disease Problems—Both direct and hepatogenous types of photosensitization are reported for C. dactylon. The direct type is similar to that produced by other grasses; it is seldom fatal. The hepatogenous type occurs in Florida and perhaps adjacent states, primarily several weeks after the upper leaves have been killed by frost (Kidder et al. 1951, 1961). The disease may occur at any time of the year but is most severe in winter and early spring. There is a greater risk of mortality than with the direct type of photosensitization. There may be serious weight loss of as much as 50 kg in cattle and up to 20% mortality. A paralytic or so-called downer type of disease of high mortality has been associated with C. dactylon under similar circumstances in the same area. Even though it is referred to as “Bermudagrass poisoning,” it appears to be nonspecific and also produced with other forages (Gibbons 1953).

Disease Genesis—The cause of the hepatogenous skin effects appears to be related to fungal growth on the frostkilled leaves. When the plant is subsequently eaten after new growth occurs in a few weeks, the toxins are also consumed and signs are observed 1–2 weeks later. Several fungal taxa may cause the disease, one example being Periconia minutissima, a deuteromycete in the family Dematiaceae (Kidder et al. 1961). However, the disease has not been reproduced experimentally with the suspected fungi. The downer-type syndrome may be due to fungi that produce different toxins.

Poaceae Barnhart

abrupt onset; scratching, rubbing; skin reddened, blistered; dark urine; may be icterus with hepatogenous photosensitization

Clinical Signs—After animals graze C. dactylon for 1–2 weeks, there is depression, increased salivation and lacrimation, and diarrhea. The next day there may be licking and scratching of the skin. The skin irritation worsens, as indicated by incessant scratching, rubbing, and head shaking. White areas of the skin have a reddened, sunburned appearance. Other skin changes in white or thinskinned areas quickly become apparent, that is, blistering of the ears, udder, and scrotum and around the eyes, mouth, muzzle, and anus. The edges of the ears are scabby and curled under. Urine may also appear dark colored. Hoof wall distortions may become apparent several months after initial signs. gross pathology: skin lesions; microscopic: liver connective tissue and bile duct proliferation

Pathology—Grossly, in addition to the skin effects, the liver is granular in appearance and, depending on the duration of effects, may be enlarged or small and firm. Microscopically, the liver changes range from cloudy swelling and increased hepatocyte size to fibrosis and bile duct proliferation. prevent animal access to plants; sodium thiosulfate i.v. or orally may be useful

Treatment—Preventing animal access to C. dactylon will aid in recovery. Sodium thiosulfate, 65 g/100 kg b.w. i.v. or 130 g/100 kg orally, has been recommended (Kidder et al. 1961). Mowing after a frost may help to prevent the disease.

Staggers Syndrome rare problem in cattle; mature plants either fresh or in hay

Disease Problems—First reported during a particularly troublesome season in Oklahoma in 1950, the staggers syndrome is an uncommon problem associated with mature stands of common or coastal Bermudagrass. Occurring in the fall, cases have appeared erratically mainly in Oklahoma and Louisiana and more rarely from Texas to Florida (Whitehair et al. 1951). Affecting 25,000 cattle, a particularly serious outbreak in Louisiana occurred in the fall of 1971 (Fichte 1972; Strain et al.


1982). Both fresh forage and dry hay are toxic, retaining this capacity for several years or more. The disease affects cattle of all ages and may in some instances involve up to 75% of a herd. Typically, it follows the consumption of the forage for 7–10 days or as little as 2.7% b.w. of the green plants (Nicholson 1989). In a goat, 600 g/day of toxic hay produced signs in 8 days, with the severity of the disease peaking in about 13 days (Strain et al. 1982). Mainly cattle are affected, with only mild effects observed in horses and goats. The disease seems to be associated with mature Bermudagrass with caryopses/seeds present. There may be marked loss of productivity in dairy cows and perhaps abortions (Fichte 1972). Deaths from this disease are unusual and typically due to misadventure, dehydration, or starvation. possibly alkaloids from endophytic fungi; toxins not in milk

Disease Genesis—The cause of the staggers syndrome has been difficult to identify; the syndrome is so erratic in occurrence that little work has been carried out to determine the cause. It is not a mineral imbalance or deficiency, however. It had been suggested that the effects are associated with the destruction of B vitamins, and clinical signs in some animals seemed to be responsive to the administration of nicotinamide and riboflavin (Blohm 1962). Much about its occurrence suggested that fungi are involved. Porter and coworkers (1974) isolated a species of Claviceps producing ergot-type alkaloids from sclerotia obtained from common Bermudagrass that was responsible for a tremor problem in Mississippi in 1972. The major alkaloids isolated were ergonovine (30%) and ergonovinine (22%) in addition to penniclavine and chanoclavine. Sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea have also been identified on Cynodon dactylon in Oklahoma (Conway et al. 1992). However, the isolation of such fungi in other outbreaks has not been as successful. Because of the similarity of the syndrome to those caused by other tremorgenic grasses, paspalitrem-type indole alkaloids were considered to be prime suspects as the cause (Cole and Dorner 1986). These suspicions have been supported by isolations of Claviceps cynodontis from Cynodon dactylon in Oklahoma, Texas, and Mexico (Pazoutova et al. 2005; Marek et al. 2006). Furthermore, an association between Claviceps cynodontis in the inflorescences (seed heads) of Bermudagrass and the staggers syndrome has been shown in South Africa (Uhlig et al. 2009). In this instance, which was similar to infection of Paspalum dilatatum (Dallisgrass) with Claviceps paspali, the primary toxins were paspalitrems and paspaline-like indolediterpene, with minor amounts of ergonovine and lysergic acid amide (ergine) present. Paspalitrem B concentration


Toxic Plants of North America

was about 150 mg/kg in the seed heads. Thus, the disease appears to be consistent in signs and etiology with the staggers syndromes observed with Dallisgrass and Lolium (ryegrass). This is consistent with field observations, which have resulted in the suggestion that Cynodon dactylon in fruiting condition poses a greater risk and that mowing to remove the inflorescences may reduce that risk (Whitehair et al. 1951). The toxin is not transmitted in milk. Further discussion of the syndrome is presented in the treatment of Paspalum, in this chapter, because the signs and treatment approach are identical. An additional fungal endophyte, Rhizoctonia sp. has been isolated from C. dactylon in China (Ma et al. 2004). This fungus produces several compounds such as the benzophenone rhizoctonic acid and ergosterol, which are of unknown toxicologic importance.

increased nervousness, seizures with ears erect, fine tremor of the head and neck to shoulders; stiff, wobbly swaying movement of pelvic limbs; collapse, head twisted backward

Clinical Signs and Pathology—The disease, like that caused by Paspalum, is characterized by tremors, head shaking, muscle fasciculations, incoordination, and stiff thoracic limbs. Most importantly, death typically does not occur. This disease is not accompanied by any distinctive pathologic changes, even in the unusual fatality.

remove animals from pasture; sedation

Treatment—Prevention of animal access to the offending forage is usually sufficient to stop the syndrome, although in a few instances, sedation may be helpful in moving animals out of the pasture. In the event an animal falls and is unable to rise, food and water should be made available. Diazepam (0.8 mg/kg b.w. i.v.) is effective in providing sedation for several hours (Strain et al. 1982).


“sweet,” which possibly reflects the taste of the caryopses of some species of the genus, as do the common names sweetgrass and mannagrass (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Providing cover and food for birds and small mammals in wetland sites, species of the genus are highly palatable to livestock but are of little economic importance as forage because of their limited distribution in marshes or wetlands. In North America, 13 native, 3 introduced, and 3 named hybrid species are present (Barkworth and Anderton 2007). Representative of the genus and of toxicologic significance are the following: G. canadensis (Michx.) Trin. G. grandis S.Watson G. septentrionalis Hitchc.

G. striata (Lam.) Hitchc.

Canadian mannagrass, rattlesnake grass, Canadian glyceria American mannagrass, tall mannagrass, American glyceria eastern mannagrass, northern mannagrass, northern glyceria sweetgrass, floating mannagrass, floatgrass fowl mannagrass, fowl meadowgrass, ridged managrass, ridged glyceria

aquatic perennials, rhizomatous; leaves primarily basal; ligules membranous; inflorescences panicles; spikelets laterally compressed or terete; lemma nerves not converging at apices

Plants perennials; emergent aquatics; usually strongly rhizomatous. Culms 25–200 cm tall; erect or decumbent and rooting at nodes; not branched above; nodes glabrous; internodes hollow. Leaves primarily basal. Blades flat or folded; 2–20 mm wide. Ligules membranous. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous; margins fused. Inflorescences panicles; open or contracted; erect or nodding. Disarticulation above the glumes. Spikelets all alike; linear or oblong or ovate; terete or compression lateral; 2–35 mm long. Florets 3–16. Glumes 2; unequal; alike; shorter than lemmas; ovate; nerves 1; awns absent. Lemmas obovate or elliptic or oblong; backs rounded; nerves 7, or rarely 5 or 11, not converging at apex; apices rounded or obtuse; awns absent. Paleas hyaline; nerves 2; keels 2 (Figures 58.19 and 58.20).

See treatment of Schedonorus, in this chapter. wet areas, bogs, swamps, marshes, wet meadows

GLYCERIA R.BR. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 40

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Glyceria are

cool-season species, Glyceria, a member of the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Meliceae, is most abundant in the Northern Hemisphere (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). The generic name comes from the Greek word glykys, meaning

present in temperate and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere in both the Old and New World (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). Habitats include swamps, marshes, bogs, streamsides, and damp soils of meadows and wet

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cyanogenic, especially young plants

Disease Problems—Species of Glyceria are known to cause abrupt death in cattle when ingested rapidly in large amounts (Rainey 1946; Sharman 1967). Although cases are reported in North America, these grasses have not proven to be a major cyanogenic risk (Puls et al. 1978; Barton et al. 1983). There is the potential for problems when they are locally abundant, but more typically, the small, scattered populations are a limited risk. Toxicity seems to be increased when the leaves are infected by the smut Ustilago longissima, which causes rusty brown lines on the foliage (Sikula 1981). As with other cyanogenic plants, risk is greatest when livestock newly introduced into a pasture containing Glyceria consume the plants during periods of rapid plant growth. Figure 58.19. striata.

Line drawing of the entire plant of Glyceria

Figure 58.20. Line drawing of the spikelets of Glyceria septentrionalis.

woods. Glyceria striata and G. grandis occur across the continent, the latter restricted to the northern half. Glyceria septentrionalis occurs in the eastern half of the continent, and G. canadensis in the northeastern quarter. Plants of various species are sometimes planted in bog gardens. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://

glycoside dhurrin, especially high levels during rapid plant growth

Disease Genesis—Cyanogenic potential is appreciable in all species and in some instances may be in the range of 4000–10,000 ppm (Reynard and Norton 1942; Rainey 1946; Sharman 1968). HCN potential is associated with the glucoside dhurrin and appears to be subject to many of the same factors that influence cyanogenesis in the sorghums. HCN potential is highest in rapidly growing plant tissues, that is, in spring growth and fall regrowth. In a European study covering 2 years, HCN potential increased steadily from May, reached a peak in July, and declined thereafter to low levels in October (Cotrau et al. 1977). The potential is much reduced in dry grass or hay and is especially low in the caryopses/seeds. The risk of intoxications is correspondingly high during periods of active and productive growth (Barton et al. 1983). The high HCN potential in plants results in high blood HCN, 10 ppm in some instances, and readily detectable levels of HCN in the rumen (Puls et al. 1978). Because plants of Glyceria are coarse grasses, fragments of stems and leaves are typically evident when the rumen is examined postmortem (Barton et al. 1983). An additional discussion of cyanogenesis is presented in the treatments of Sorghum (in this chapter) and the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

abrupt onset; apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs—There is abrupt onset of apprehension and distress, which occur within a few minutes of grazing the offending grass. They are quickly followed by weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration. If intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur over a 5- to 15-minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time.

no lesions; plant fragments in the rumen

Pathology—There are few distinctive changes. For the most part, the changes are limited to congestion of the viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages. Stems and leaves are readily identifiable when the rumen contents are examined postmortem (Barton et al. 1983).

administer sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrite

Treatment—The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite, 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment. A more complete discussion is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

HILARIA KUNTH Taxonomy and Morphology—Strictly New World in distribution, Hilaria, a member of the subfamily Chloridoideae and the tribe Cynodonteae, comprises 9 warmseason species (Clayton and Renvoize 1986; Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its name honors Auguste St. Hilaire, a French botanist who collected in South America in the 1830s (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Resistant to heavy grazing pressure, all are important range species in the Southwest. In North America, 5 species occur (Barkworth 2003b): H. H. H. H. H.

belangeri (Steud.) Nash jamesii (Torr.) Benth. mutica (Buckley) Benth. rigida (Thurb.) Benth ex Scribn. swallenii Cory

curly mesquite galleta, curlygrass tobosa, tobosagrass big galleta Swallen’s curly mesquite

perennials; inflorescences spicate panicles; spikelets borne in clusters of 3; disarticulation below the glumes, clusters falling; spikelets of 2 forms

Plants perennials; rhizomatous or stoloniferous or cespitose. Culms 10–100 cm tall; erect or decumbent; stolons wiry; rhizomes short, woody, scaly; nodes glabrous or puberulent or villous; internodes solid. Leaves primarily basal or both basal and cauline. Blades flat or folded or involute; 1.5–5 mm wide. Ligules ciliate membranous or ciliate. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous or villous; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences spicate panicles; branches 2-ranked, short, appressed, deciduous, each bearing tight cluster of 3 spikelets; central axes zigzag. Disarticulation below the glumes; branches with attached spikelet clusters dropping. Spikelets of 2 forms; central 1 subsessile and almost hidden by lateral 2, compression lateral, florets 1, perfect or pistillate; lateral 2 sessile, compression dorsal, florets 1–5, staminate or neuter. Florets 1–5; perfect or pistillate or staminate or neuter. Glumes 2; unequal; shorter than or as long as lemmas; lanceolate or flabellate; chartaceous or coriaceous; nerves 5 or 7; apices acute or lobed; awns present. Lemmas lanceolate; membranous; apices 2-lobed; awns absent or present. Paleas hyaline; nerves 2; keels 2. Illustrations and images of the 5 species of Hilaria can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web (http:// (Figure 58.21). desert grasslands, shortgrass prairies

Distribution and Habitat—Most abundant in the shortgrass prairies and desert grasslands of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, species of Hilaria occur as far north as Wyoming and as far south as Guatemala (Barkworth 2003b). Plants are able to withstand prolonged droughts. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Grass Manual on the Web ( staggers syndrome, ergot alkaloids, similar to those of Paspalum

Disease Problems and Genesis—Species of Hilaria may cause an uncommon staggers syndrome identical to that caused by Paspalum or Lolium. Typically involving mature plants bearing fruiting spikelets, the incidence of this disease is promoted by increased local rainfall. The fungus C. cinerea invades the grass ovaries of several species of the genus and forms sclerotia that contain ergot alkaloids and are toxic when eaten by grazing livestock (Sprague 1950). A more complete discussion of the staggers syndrome is presented in the treatment of Paspalum in this chapter.

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Treatment—If animals are moved out of the infected pasture when clinical signs are first noted, the disease is usually readily reversible within a few days. In cases in which the animals are temporarily incapacitated, recovery may be facilitated by placing feed and water within reach. In severe cases, sedation may be helpful. Management practices that ensure that the animals eat young, growing grasses rather than mature plants with infected spikelets are effective in preventing the appearance of the disease. However, once a severe infestation of Claviceps occurs in a pasture, subsequent infestations are likely whenever environmental conditions are appropriate, because sclerotia continue to contaminate the soil.

LOLIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8 cool-

Figure 58.21. Line drawing of Hilaria mutica. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

tremors; may not be able to walk or stand; recover after brief rest; rarely fatal

Clinical Signs—The primary manifestation is tremors, which may be severe enough to prevent walking or even standing in more severely affected animals. Forced movement intensifies the tremors and may cause the animal to fall. In most cases, they are able to stand after a few minutes rest. The disease is rarely fatal, and in most instances, the signs quickly resolve after the animals are removed from the toxic pasture.

Pathology—There are no pathologic changes in the central or peripheral nervous systems. Observable effects are those related to the incapacitation caused by the toxin, that is, dehydration and starvation.

remove animals from pasture, sedation

season species, Lolium is a Eurasian genus that has been introduced deliberately and accidentally throughout the rest of the world (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its name, used by Virgil, is an old Latin name for “darnel,” reputed to be the tares sown by the enemy in the biblical parable (Quattrocchi 2000). Species of the genus are economically important as pasture and turf species and as noxious weeds and toxic plants (Terrell 1968). A member of the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Poeae, Lolium was originally classified in the tribe Hordeae, with wheat, barley, and rye, because of its 2-sided spike. Subsequent taxonomic work, however, revealed a closer relationship to Schedonorus—the 2 genera hybridize and have similar molecular features—and other members of the Poeae— thus its present classification (Darbyshire and Warick 1992; Soreng and Terrell 1997). In North America, 5 introduced species are commonly encountered (Terrell 2007): L. multiflorum Lam. L. perenne L. L. persicum Boiss. & Hohen. L. rigidum Gaudin L. temulentum L.

Italian ryegrass, annual ryegrass perennial ryegrass, English ryegrass Persian ryegrass, Persian darnel stiff ryegrass darnel, tares, flax darnel

Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether the annual L. multiflorum is a distinct species or merely an agricultural selection by early Europeans from the otherwise morphologically indistinguishable perennial L. perenne. The two taxa morphologically intergrade and are interfertile with hybrids being called L. ×hybridum (Terrell 2007).

annuals or perennials; ligules membranous; inflorescences 2-sided spikes; spikelets with lemma midnerves against rachises; glumes 1


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 58.23. Figure 58.22.

Photo of the spikelets of Lolium perenne.

Line drawing of Lolium perenne.

Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose. Culms 30– 100 cm tall; erect; not branched above; nodes glabrous; internodes hollow. Leaves both basal and cauline. Blades flat or folded; 1–10 mm wide. Ligules membranous. Auricles present or rarely absent. Sheaths glabrous; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences 2-sided spikes; spikelet attachment dorsal (midnerves of lemmas against rachises), somewhat sunken in rachises. Disarticulation above the glumes. Spikelets all alike; compression lateral; 7–26 mm long. Florets 2–25. Glumes 1; lower glumes absent except in terminal spikelet; upper glumes shorter or longer than lemmas; lanceolate; nerves 3 or 5. Lemmas lanceolate; backs rounded; glabrous; awns absent or present, 1. Paleas hyaline; nerves 2; keels 2. Illustrations and images of the species of Lolium can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( webmanual) (Figures 58.22 and 58.23). introduced for forage and turf; weeds of disturbed sites

Distribution and Habitat—All species of Lolium are introduced from Eurasia. Believed to be the first species to be cultivated as a pasture grass in Europe and certainly one of the most important forage grasses there, L. perenne is cultivated as a pasture and lawn grass across the northern half of North America. It is also used to provide immediate cover on graded embankments. In the South,

it is planted as a winter forage. The other species of the genus are characteristically encountered as weeds in disturbed soils. Distribution maps of the 5 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Grass Manual on the Web (

implicated in a variety of problems; especially important—disorientation syndrome, ryegrass staggers, secondary photosensitization

Disease Problems—As is apparent in this chapter’s introductory text and tables, Lolium has been associated with a variety of disease syndromes—grass tetany, cyanogensis, ergotism, staggers, and nitrate accumulation. Although occasionally occurring in some areas of North America, the last problem is not serious despite concentrations of up to 3.6% d.w. nitrate being reported (Everist 1981; Jonck et al. 2011). This lack of problems may be due at least in part to the limited use of Lolium as hay. In addition, endophyte-infected Lolium has been associated with toxicologic effects similar to those caused by Schedonorus (reported as Festuca) and described in detail in the treatment of that genus. Foote and coworkers (1994) have reviewed some of these effects, such as increased deaths in newborn lambs from ewes grazing ryegrass, decreased milk production in cattle, decreased

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productivity in sheep, and a summer-slump syndrome, with increased body temperature and respiration rate, in sheep. Ergotized inflorescences are also suspected of causing a fescue foot-like syndrome in Australia (Fraser and Dorling 1983). A summer-slump type of poor performance and reproductive problems have also been observed in horses (Powell 1996). The reproduction problems in horses appear to be very similar to those produced by Schedonorus forages and include poor udder development, agalactia, dystocia, weak foals, poor suck reflex, and retained placenta. These effects are responsive to dromperidone administration. As with fescue intoxication, there is a decrease in serum prolactin and weight gain although the changes are not always as consistently distinctive in cattle as they are with fescue (Fletcher and Barrell 1984; Bluett et al. 2003). Consumption of Lolium forage infected with Neotyphodium lolii may limit production because of heat stress at environmental temperatures in excess of 25°C, in much the same manner as does Schedonorus infected with Neotyphodium coenophialum (Fletcher et al. 1993). This is probably the cause of the reproductive problems in horses as well, because the effects are attenuated by dromperidone and metoclopramide, dopamine antagonists (Powell 1996; Lezica et al. 2009). The signs in horses are similar to those with fescue including agalactia, prolonged gestation, dystocia, decreased ovarian activity, and foals with numerous developmental problems and which fail to thrive (Lezica et al. 2009). Treatment is that for fescue intoxication. Lolium also causes 3 other significant intoxication problems: a disorientation syndrome known as tares, a staggers disease, and a hepatogenous photosensitization. Aspects of each are presented in the following subsections.

Tares drunken-like state; all animals; grain, foliage no risk

Disease Problems—Lolium temulentum is one of the most infamous of toxic plants because of the notoriety achieved from references to its noxious effects in various literary works, for example, the Bible (Matthew 13:25– 30) and Shakespeare’s Henry VI. Many of these references emphasize the marked similarity of darnel to wheat, as well as its dreaded reputation for affecting the eyes or causing a type of drunkenness (Long 1927; Leemann 1933). Known since ancient times, toxicity in humans is the result of contamination of grains with the caryopses/ seeds of darnel and subsequent ingestion of flour in baked products. The species’ common names in French and German, Ivraie (“drunken”) and Taumellolch (“giddiness”), are indicative of the type of disease produced


(Leemann 1933). Green foliage is apparently acceptable forage; it is only the caryopses/seeds that are toxic (Long 1927). Cases are reported from South Africa and Europe, but in many instances are poorly authenticated (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Even in South Africa, where L. temulentum is eaten in large amounts by many groups of people, instances of intoxication are few (Steyn 1933a). Although the species is worldwide, it does not seem to have become a toxicity problem in Australia or North America (Pammel 1920; Everist 1981). Furthermore, although it is reported to affect most domestic animal species, actual cases of intoxication are rare (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Long (1927) reported the toxic doses to be 30 g in humans, 7 g/kg b.w. in horses, 15–18 g/ kg b.w. in ruminants and poultry, and nil in pigs. Steyn (1933b) was unable to produce signs of intoxication with more than 3 kg fed over 38 days in rabbits, 1.25 kg over 10 days in rabbits, or 4 kg over 3 days in 7-month-old pigs. Deaths are rare, but Long (1927) reported that a horse was killed by 2 kg of seeds. toxin unknown; possibly from a fungal endophyte

Disease Genesis—Early studies by Hofmeister indicated the presence of at least two types of toxicants—oily substituents/fatty acids affecting the digestive system and temulin (Guerin 1899). The alkaloids lolium and temulentum, and temulentic acid, have also been reported to be present in the caryopses/seeds (Steyn 1933b). Although the identity of the specific toxicant is not certain, the source may well be the fungus Endoconidium temulentum, which has been isolated from the caryopses/seeds (Long 1927). In one study, this fungus was present consistently in samples from many areas of the world (Guerin 1899). It was also present in other species of Lolium but only rarely in L. perenne. Remarkably, it has been identified in seeds from the tomb of an Egyptian pharaoh constructed about 2400 b.c. (Leemann 1933). It has been suggested that temulin might be a fungal product, a mycotoxin perhaps. Thus, the disease appears to be an endophyte mycotoxicosis due to a heat-stable toxicant found mainly if not exclusively in the caryopsis/seed. The irregularity of effects is consistent with endophyte involvement. generally mild disease; humans: dizziness, headache, mental confusion, somnolence; rarely vomiting, colic, tremor, weakness

Clinical Signs and Pathology—In humans, the signs include dizziness, headache, mental confusion, somnolence, and difficulties of vision, hearing, and speech. More


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serious intoxications are accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, tremor, and pronounced weakness. If the disease does occur, it will probably only be mild. It is not fatal, and the effects are functional rather than morphologic.

Treatment—Elimination of the dietary source of the toxin will likely result in recovery without specific therapy. Otherwise, treatment is based on the signs.

Ryegrass Staggers uncommon in North America; comparable with paspalum staggers

Disease Problems—Lolium perenne has been associated with a tremorgenic disease problem in Australia and New Zealand for many years. Occurring mainly in the summer and fall during hot, dry weather, the disease has become quite common in certain areas and affects all livestock species including horses as well as camelids and wildlife species such as deer and rhinoceros (Mackintosh et al. 1982; Brooks and Cahill 1985; Smith 1987; Bluett et al. 2004; Nollet et al. 2007; Sampaio et al. 2008). There is a suggestion that alpaca may even be more sensitive than livestock species (Sampaio et al. 2008). In North America, it has been a rather uncommon disease, but nevertheless, significant episodes have been reported to be caused by consumption of fresh forage and possibly hay (Shaw and Muth 1949; Hunt et al. 1983; Galey et al. 1991). Periodic episodes of a staggers syndrome have occurred on the north coast of California, with serious problems in the 1980s (Humble 1996). The disease known as ryegrass staggers is essentially the same disease as paspalum staggers and Bermudagrass staggers, with few deaths reported. Ryegrass staggers is not the same syndrome as annual ryegrass toxicity, a devastating neurologic disease occurring mainly in Australia. This latter disease is caused by toxins produced by Clavibacter, a bacterium carried by the nematode Anguina agrostis to the spikelets of Lolium (McIntosh and Thomas 1967; Finnie and O’Shea 1988; Riley and Ophel 1992; Finnie 1994).

fungal endophyte; alkaloids; lolitrems, ergot-types ergovaline present

Disease Genesis—For many years, fungal infection of L. perenne has been recognized. It is now known that the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium lolii, formerly Acremonium lolii, and its toxic alkaloids, lolitrem B and, to a

Figure 58.24.

Chemical structure of lolitrem B.

lesser extent, lolitrems A, C, and D, are clearly associated with the disease (Neill 1940; Fletcher and Harvey 1981; Gallagher et al. 1981; 1984). Although lolitrem B is the major toxicant present, lolitrem A is similarly toxic (Munday-Finch et al. 1995) (Figure 58.24). There may also be a role for other indole-diterpene mycotoxins, that is, paxilline and lolitriol, which have been suggested as possible precursors to the lolitrems (Miles et al. 1992b). The effects of these alkaloids are clearly shown in sheep by the induction of tremors and electromyographic alterations for 24 hours following i.v. administration of 100 g/kg b.w. of lolitrem B, 2–4 hours following 2.2–7.5 g/kg b.w. of penitrem, or 1–2 hours following 0.66–1.5 mg/kg of paxilline (Smith et al. 1997b; Smith and McLeay 1998). Ergot-type alkaloids such as ergovaline are also represented and are likely to play some role in the adverse effects (TePaske et al. 1993). Because of the much higher levels of lolitrem B compared with those of ergovaline, the signs are mainly of the staggers type and rarely those typical of ergovaline as with the fescues. Based on the type of signs observed, including tremors, it has been suggested that these tremorgens may impair inhibitory pathways in the nervous system, especially those mediated by GABA or glycine (Mantle and Penny 1981). This possibility has been examined in detail, and it appears that fungal tremorgens inhibit GABA receptor function by binding close to the chloride channel (Gant et al. 1987). The tremorgens lolitrem B, paxalline, paspalitrems, and paspalinine all inhibit high-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, but there are questions as to whether this mechanism is associated with the tremors, because the nontremorgenic paspalicine is also

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cattle and sheep of 1.8–2.0 ppm lolitrem B, these forages represent some danger (Hovermale and Craig 2001; TorAgbidye et al. 2001). Thus, even straw from stands used for grass seed production may present a risk when fed to livestock (Pearson et al. 1996). However, there appears to be only moderate overall effects of the endophyte on animal production in the absence of overt neurologic disease or unusual stresses (Eerens et al. 1998b,c). The tremorgenic alkaloids are subject to liver biotransformation and excretion in the bile (Mantle 1986). endophyte and toxins, seeds, outer lower leaves

Figure 58.25.

Chemical structure of paspalitrem A.

an inhibitor (Knaus et al. 1994; Imlach et al. 2008). Studies with mice, however, indicate a clear association between potassium channels and tremors and ataxia (Imlach et al. 2008) (Figure 58.25). most common in cattle and sheep; decreased prolactin secretion The neurotoxic effects of lolitrem B are seen most commonly in cattle and sheep. Less commonly horses may be affected, as illustrated by a report of intoxication due to feeding of hay containing lolitrem B (van Essen et al. 1995). Lolitrem concentrations range from negligible in winter to highest in autumn (Rowan 1993). In some instances, toxin concentrations can be quite high as in France where levels of 2.9–4.9 ppm lolitrem B and 0.42– 0.57 ergovaline in ryegrass straw are reported (Benkhelil et al. 2004). Peak lolitrem B and ergovaline concentrations in ryegrass forage in New Zealand were reported to be 1.2 and 0.8 ppm, respectively (Eerens et al. 1998a). In other experiments with fresh frozen foliage, the levels were 2.29 ppm lolitrem B, 0.47 ppm ergovaline, and 16.2 ppm permine (Eerens et al. 1998c). The levels, however, can be manipulated by cultivar selection to increase ergovaline to 1.27 ppm and lower lolitrem B to 0.15 ppm. Alkaloid levels can be altered by mowing height, being reduced by close clipping (Salminen et al. 2003). Results with ryegrass straw in Oregon showed an even greater preponderance of lolitrem B compared with ergovaline with a typical ratio of 10 to 1 (Hovermale and Craig 2001). Of 459 straw accessions, 71 had in excess of 2 ppm lolitrem B and 4 with an excess of 0.4 ppm ergovaline, and only 5% lacked either toxin. Taking into consideration estimates of threshold intoxication risk for

Neotyphodium lolii, much like N. coenophialum, is found in the caryopsis/seed and in the outer, lower leaf sheaths. It is transmitted only via the caryopsis/seed and imparts increased resistance against insect herbivory (Smith 1987). The presence of the endophyte is important, in some circumstances, for sustaining productivity of ryegrass pastures, because peramine (a pyrrolopyrazine alkaloid) and lolitrem are a deterrent and a toxicant, respectively, to the Argentine stem weevil, which limits production of the grass (Rowan 1993). Many cultivars of L. perenne are infected by the fungus. Its presence is particularly favored in turf types because the presence of the endophyte confers vigor and pest resistance. However, there is a cost to the plant with decreased growth in some instances, especially during drought (Eerens et al. 1998b). Because of high fungal levels in the lower leaves, disease risk is also increased under conditions leading to grazing of the lower portions of the plants (Fletcher and Harvey 1981). In addition to leaves, caryopses/seeds from infected plants may also present a risk (Gallagher et al. 1982; Munday et al. 1985). Caryopsis/seed infection is lost with storage longer than 14 months. Other fungal species infecting L. perenne and/or other species may also be factors in causing intoxications. Grass pastures containing L. perenne with low to moderate infection rates (16–30%) of a Neotyphodium species other than N. lolii and N. typhinum are suspected to have caused hyperthermia of cattle in the northwestern United States (Wilson et al. 1992). signs similar to those produced by other tremogenic genera

Clinical Signs—The signs produced are the same as those of the staggers syndromes produced by species of Paspalum and Cynodon. When animals are at rest, they may exhibit no obvious signs or only a fine tremor of the head and neck. When forced to move or disturbed, they move with a stiff, staggering, uncoordinated movement of the pelvic limbs. They may collapse but are usually able


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to rise again after a few minutes of rest. Often, the head is twisted backward. If they rise again too quickly, the movements of the thoracic limbs are stiff and jerky, and the pelvic limbs weak and wobbly. Deaths are rare and due primarily to misadventure. Recovery is usually complete within a few days to a week. Occasionally, tremors are elicited in cattle several weeks later when they are handled. The signs are similar in most animal species. However, horses may be more likely to show signs of anxiety, ataxia, and hypermetria, in addition to muscle tremors (Nollet et al. 2007) perhaps because of the typical reaction of this species to loss of locomotor control.

continued falling, food and water may be supplied until recovery allows them to be moved in a day or two. Prevention of the disease without compromising the productivity of the forage appears to be a possibility based on the use of ryegrass cultivars selectively infected with an endophyte incapable of producing lolitrem (Clark 1992). For an extensive review of management prevention of ryegrass staggers, see the publication by Fletcher and coworkers (1993).

diagnosis confirmed by identifying fungal elements in plant tissue

primary photosensitization; rarely hepatogenous photosensitization due to infection of plants by Pithomyces chartarum

As with fescue infected by N. coenophialum, diagnosis can be accomplished by identifying the fungal elements in leaf sheath material, culturing for fungal growth, or using ELISA. Several methods have been described for staining and identifying the fungal elements (Smith 1987; Hignight et al. 1993). A quick method employing rose bengal is given in the treatment of Festuca in this chapter (Saha et al. 1988). Analysis of foliage or caryopses/seeds for the presence of lolitrem B and endophyte toxins may be used to help establish a diagnosis (Porter 1995). It is suggested that 20 grass samples be pooled for analysis and that a concentration of approximately 2000 ppb represents the threshold for risk (Tor-Agbidye et al. 1994). Considerable advancements in mycotoxin analyses have been made in recent years (Shephard et al. 2011,2012).

rarely microscopic lesions in cerebellum

Pathology—Grossly, there are no distinctive changes. In many animals, there are no microscopic lesions; however, in a few instances in cattle, sheep, and deer, changes in the granular layer of the cerebellum are seen (Munday and Mason 1967; Mason 1968; Mackintosh et al. 1982). They include degeneration of Purkinje cells, with rounded and elongated eosinophilic axonal swellings referred to as torpedoes. remove from pasture; provide food and water if unable to move animals

Treatment—If removed from the infected pasture, animals experience prompt and complete recovery. On some occasions when animals are unable to walk without


Disease Problems—Undoubtedly a direct, primary type of photosensitization is produced by L. perenne (perennial rye), in much the same fashion as caused by grain forages, but the more important type is the hepatogenous type produced as a result of infection of plants by the fungus Pithomyces chartarum. Known since the early 1900s as the cause of facial eczema in New Zealand and now in Europe, the fungus occurs in North America in Lolium and other grasses but has seldom been shown to be associated with disease (Mortimer and Ronaldson 1983; van Wuijckhuise et al. 2006). The disease is most commonly associated with, but not restricted to, species of Lolium (Alessi et al. 1994). There have been suspicious episodes with other forages (Monlux et al. 1963; Putnam et al. 1986), but they were not confirmed to be caused by the fungus and its toxin. A likely case involved lambs in western Oregon grazing perennial ryegrass with an exceptionally high concentration (600,000 spores/g) of P. chartarum in old growth (Hansen et al. 1994). There are apparently both toxin-producing and non-toxin-producing fungal strains; thus far, mainly non-toxin-producing strains are known in North America (Ueno et al. 1974; Rowe 1989). The fungus seems to be a problem primarily in warm-temperate and tropical areas. Thus, its occurrence in North America is most likely to be in the South or the Southeast. The fungus is especially prone to grow in dead leaf litter, and warm rains and high humidity are important factors in disease occurrence. The risk of disease is increased with close grazing.

sporidesmins; necrosis and bile duct injury; retention of photodynamic phylloerythrin, activated by ultraviolet light to cause tissue necrosis

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Figure 58.26.

Chemical structure of sporidesmin A.

Disease Genesis—The cause of the hepatogenous photosensitization is a series of 9 or more toxins, known as sporidesmins, which are produced by P. chartarum. Sporidesmin A accounts for about 90% or more and is among the most toxic. Sporidesmins E, G, and H are also quite toxic. These compounds are excreted in bile and, in the process, cause severe hepatocellular injury and necrotizing, obliterative cholangitis, and pericholangitis (Coetzer et al. 1983). Because of these effects on bile ducts, the affected animal exhibits a relative inability to excrete bilirubin and presumably phylloerythrin, which is formed in the digestive tract during microbial degradation of chlorophyll and normally eliminated by the liver via the biliary system and in urine (Ford and Gopinath 1974,1976). Phylloerythrin is a photodynamic compound that, when subjected to ultraviolet light penetrating the skin, causes tissue necrosis. The disease develops about 3 weeks after ingestion of the toxins. It is most severe in sheep, but other ruminants, rabbits, and guinea pigs and wild species such as fallow deer are also susceptible (Smith et al. 1997a). Some other animal species such as mice seem to be quite resistant to the effects of the toxin, suggesting perhaps differences in excretion pathways (Figure 58.26). The fungus is not exclusive to Lolium; other grasses, such as Brachiaria, may be infected and toxic amounts of sporidesmin may be formed (Alessi et al. 1994). abrupt onset; scratching, rubbing; skin, reddened, blistered; dark urine; may be icterus and elevated serum hepatic enzyme activity

Clinical Signs—There is abrupt onset of edema and swelling of areas of skin exposed to light or to less pigmented areas where light may penetrate more readily to the capillary beds. In sheep, these areas are the ears, eyelids, face, and lips. The skin will be reddened, warm, and inflamed. Irritation and accompanying pruritis are severe, with serum exuding from the sites and scab formation. Head and ear shaking may be almost violent. Rubbing of the sites produces excoriation and bleeding. There will often be distinct icterus of the mucous membranes of the mouth, vulva, and sclera, and dark


discoloration of urine. In other instances, evaluation of serum chemistry will reveal marked elevation of the serum hepatic enzymes, especially GGT. Fluorescence of plasma may be used to determine the presence of phylloerythrin, which causes emission peaks at 650, 670, and 710 nm (Schele et al. 2004). The disease is less severe in cattle and may be accompanied by intravascular hemolysis and hemoglobinuria in a few animals. Signs in fallow deer are less distinctive, with depression and weight loss but few outward skin changes save for ulcerations of the tongue. The disease is nonetheless severe with some fatalities. “beaker test” for the presence of mycotoxins Diagnosis may be aided by the use of various tests to identify the presence of the fungus or its spores on grasses (Percival and Thornton 1958), for example, the “beaker test” first described by Perrin (1959) and revised by Sandos and coworkers (1959). The test can be completed in 4 hours and involves extraction of dried, ground forage with acetone and eluted over an alumina column under slight pressure. When certain portions of the eluate, collected in beakers, are evaporated, a white deposit is positive for the nontoxic cyclic peptides pithomycolide and sporidesmolides, which indicate the presence of the fungus. It is a presumptive test that is strongly correlated with the presence of Pithomyces. Other tests, including bioassays in vitro employing cell culture, or in vivo using the rabbit cornea edema response or the whole animal response of guinea pigs, are also used. obvious skin lesions; gross pathology, liver, large and dark or small and firm; microscopic, liver necrosis, biliary proliferation, edema of walls of bile ducts

Pathology—Grossly, the liver may be dark and swollen in the early phase or pale, fibrous, and misshapen in longterm cases. There is also a mild to moderate cystitis and edematous thickening of the walls of the gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts. Some of the bile ducts may appear to be obliterated by scar tissue. Microscopically, there is hepatocellular necrosis, biliary hyperplasia and edema, and inflammatory cellular infiltrates around the interlobular bile ducts. The necrotizing cholangitis is associated with peribiliary fibrosis and necrotic debris occluding the intrahepatic bile ducts and impairing bile flow. There may also be adrenal cortical hyperplasia. general nursing care; prevention with zinc salts


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Treatment—Recovery depends on general nursing care to allow the hepatic inflammation to subside and the hepatocytes to regenerate. The disease may be prevented or the severity reduced by prophylactic administration of zinc salts, but these are toxic, so they must be used with care (Smith and Towers 1985). Zinc oxide is given as a slurry drench, 1:2.5 wt/vol with water, at about 20 mg/ kg b.w. per day in cattle. It can also be sprayed on the pasture. Zinc sulfate is administered in water at 30 g/cow per day. With either approach, administration can be daily to weekly. Zinc boluses for intraruminal use in cattle and sheep are available in New Zealand (Smith et al. 1998). Other studies have suggested a potential benefit for the administration of molybdenum and sulfur, but the results were not conclusive (Gooneratne et al. 1994).

PANICUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Depending on how it is circumscribed, Panicum, a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and the tribe Paniceae, is one of the largest genera of the Poaceae with 370–600 cool- and warmseason species. Commonly known as panicgrass or simply panicum, its generic name is derived from the Latin panus, for a type of millet (Quattrocchi 2000). It has relatively uniform spikelets but exhibits great variation in growth forms, with some species resembling woody shrubs and others diminutive pincushions. Leaf anatomy and photosynthetic pathways also vary considerably. Because of this variation, several classifications have been proposed. Some taxonomists recognize 1 broadly circumscribed genus with several subgenera, whereas others circumscribe the genus narrowly and treat some of the subgenera as distinct genera (Clayton and Renvoize 1986; Watson and Dallwitz 2011). This latter approach is used in the Flora of North America (Freckmann and Lelong 2003), the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012), and this treatise. As treated here, the genus comprises about 370 warm-season species (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Economically and ecologically, Panicum is quite important. Its members are important components of the grasslands of North America. They provide considerable forage and hay for wildlife and livestock, and their caryopses are also an important part of the diet of many birds. Of the 34 species present in North America, 25 are native, 7 are naturalized introductions, and 2 are adventives (Freckmann and Lelong 2003). Other introduced species are in cultivation. Representative of the genus and associated with toxicological problems are the following:

P. antidotale Retz. P. coloratum L. P. dichotomiflorum Michx. P. maximum Jacq. (see treatment of Urochloa) P. miliaceum L.

P. virgatum L.

blue panicum Kleingrass fall panicum, smooth witchgrass, fall panicgrass guineagrass, colonialgrass, Tanganyika grass common millet, broom millet, brown corn, hog millet, proso millet, Russian millet, broomcorn millet switchgrass

annuals or perennials; inflorescences panicles; spikelets dorsally compressed, with 2 florets; upper floret hard, shiny; glumes 2, unequal Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose or rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Culms 50–300 cm tall; erect or ascending or geniculate or decumbent; nodes glabrous or indumented; internodes hollow or solid. Leaves both basal and cauline or primarily cauline; not forming a distinct basal rosette in late summer and fall. Blades flat or folded or involute; 1–30 mm wide. Ligules absent or present; membranous or ciliate membranous or ciliate. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous or indumented; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences panicles; open or contracted. Disarticulation below the glumes; at spikelet bases. Spikelets all alike; ovate to lanceolate or elliptic or obovate; compression dorsal; 1.4–6.5 mm long. Florets 2; of 2 forms; lower florets staminate or neuter; upper florets perfect. Glumes 2; unequal; different; lower glumes one-fourth to two-thirds the length of spikelets, broadly ovate to triangular or lanceolate, nerves 1 or 3 or 5; upper glumes similar to lower lemmas, ovate to lanceolate, nerves 5 or 7 or 9. Lemmas of Lower Florets ovate to lanceolate or obovate; membranous; abaxial surfaces glabrous or indumented; awns absent. Paleas of Lower Florets absent or present; shorter than lemmas; hyaline. Lemmas of Upper Florets lanceolate or elliptic or suborbicular or obovate; indurate; abaxial surfaces smooth or rugose, glabrous, shiny. Paleas of Upper Florets present; as long as lemmas; tightly enclosed by lemma margins; indurate. Illustrations and images of the species of Panicum can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web (http://herbarium (Figures 58.27–58.29). native and cultivated introductions

Distribution and Habitat—Panicum is pantropical in both hemispheres. Its species extend into the temperate regions of North America and occupy a variety of habitats, both natural and disturbed. Of the species listed above, P. virgatum and P. dichotomiflorum are native; the

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Figure 58.29. Photo of inflorescence and spikelets of Panicum coloratum.

Figure 58.27. Line drawing of Panicum virgatum. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 58.28.

Photo of the habit of Panicum coloratum.

others are introduced from Africa or Asia. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Grass Manual on the Web ( webmanual). photosensitization; primarily lambs and kids; liver disease, crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy

Disease Problems—Species of Panicum are well known as causes of photosensitization in Australia and South Africa as well as North and South America. Now planted extensively as livestock forage in south Texas, P. coloratum (Kleingrass) was introduced from South Africa into the United States in the 1950s, and cases of photosensitization began to be noted in the 1970s. They involved primarily lambs and kids and, to a lesser extent, mature sheep, Angora goats, and horses. The disease has not been reported to occur in cattle (Dollahite et al. 1977; Muchiri et al. 1980). The disease appears after animals have been grazing the pasture for a week or more and seems more likely to occur when the mature grass is in flower or seed; thus, the highest incidence is from June to October. In horses, disease is reported to have occurred after animals have grazed Kleingrass for 1–3 years or experimentally been fed hay for 90 days (Cornick et al. 1988). The liver is clearly involved in the intoxication, but the lesions are not particularly severe or life threatening as in other types of liver disease. Other species of the genus produce similar effects. Field cases of apparent hepatogenous photosensitization have been reported for lambs and horses. In one instance, weaned and suckling lambs but not ewes were affected 12–35 days after beginning grazing of switchgrass. Of 104 lambs, 17 showed skin changes and 8 died (Puoli et al. 1992). This occurrence appeared to be related to an abnormally hot dry summer in West Virginia because no problems were observed in animals grazing in the pasture the previous year, which had more normal temperatures and rainfall. In another instance, 5 horses were affected while grazing switchgrass pasture in Nebraska, with 1 dying with liver disease and the remaining 4 with elevation of serum hepatic enzymes but recovering after removal from the pasture (Lee et al. 2009). Experimentally, P. virgatum caused loss of weight and condition in


Toxic Plants of North America

sheep, goats, and hoses when fed as hay for 90 days, but photosensitization and mild liver lesions developed only in the goats (Stegelmeier et al. 2007). Similarly, sheep fed P. miliaceum developed icterus, elevated serum liver enzymes with liver pathology and 1 of 5 had skin changes characteristic of photosensitization (Badiei et al. 2009). There was mild to moderate hepatic degeneration and necrosis with crystalloid material in bile ducts and renal tubules of 2 animals. Panicum dichotomiflorum has also been reported to cause liver disease with elevation of serum hepatic enzymes and patchy hepatic necrosis in sheep and horses (Johnson et al. 2006). It produced the typical changes of photosensitization in young sheep grazing pastures in which goats, cattle, and donkeys were also grazing but not affected (Riet-Correa et al. 2009). In this instance, morbidity was 22% and case fatality rate almost 50%. The pathologic changes in some instances are consistent with those caused by Agave lecheguilla and Nolina texana (Agavaceae) in North America; Tribulus terrestris (Zygophyllaceae) in Australia, South Africa, and North America; and Narthecium ossifragum (Liliaceae) and Urochloa decumbens (reported as Brachiaria decumbens) (Poaceae) elsewhere in the world. Photosensitization caused by all of these species is associated with crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy. This implies liver involvement, but a specific and clear relationship between the lesions and the clinical signs remains to be shown. Although plants of Panicum are sometimes cyanogenic, this is generally of little consequence.

presence of calcium salts of glucuronidated saponins precipitated in bile ducts

Disease Genesis—Photosensitization is associated with but not necessarily caused by saponins such as dichotomin. Various species of the genus seem to be capable of causing the characteristic liver and skin changes: P. coloratum and P. dichotomiflorum in South Africa and North America, and P. miliaceum and P. schinzii in Australia and South America (Clare 1955; Bridges et al. 1987; Button et al. 1987; Bedotti et al. 1991). These species also have in common the presence of saponins of the furostanol and spirostanol types composed of diosgenin and/or yamogenin plus the requisite sugars (Patamalai et al. 1990; Miles et al. 1993; Munday et al. 1993; Lee et al. 2001, 2004). In the North American species P. virgatum, saponin concentrations in 4 cultivars ranged from 0.1% to 0.12% (Lee et al. 2009, 2011). There were 3 main saponins with diosgenin as the major aglycone. The characteristic crystals in bile ducts have been shown to be calcium salts of saponins, but with a different structure

Figure 58.30.

Chemical structure of dichotomin.

Figure 58.31. Chemical structure of Ca2+ salt of epismilagenin β-d-glucuronide.

from that of the parent saponins in the plants, and probably epismilagenin based (Holland et al. 1991; Lancaster et al. 1991; Miles et al. 1991, 1992a). It has been proposed that the parent genin, mainly diosgenin, is biotransformed in the body to smilagenin and then to epismilagenin, which is then glucuronidated to form the saponin (Wilkins et al. 2003). The saponin reacts with calcium and precipitates as the insoluble calcium salt in bile ducts (Miles et al. 1992a). The precipitate is the calcium salt of epismilagenin β-d-glucuronide (Miles et al. 1992c) (Figures 58.30 and 58.31). The resulting disease is typified by characteristic needleshaped biliary saponin crystals, which may wash out with alcohol fixation, leaving artifactual clefts. The liver pathology ranges from mild to moderate, even so with some deaths, but is usually reversible in the remaining animals if they are removed from the pasture containing Panicum at the first signs of disease (Lee et al. 2009). Experimentally, diosgenin and smilagenin administered to rats resulted in icterus and crystalloid hepatopathy (Patamalai 1990). In sheep administered these compounds, 1 of 9 developed icterus, photosensitization, and

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crystals, while 3 of the 9 exhibited only crystals and a significant increase in serum GGT. Although a role for saponins in the disease seems definite, additional factors may be required to cause liver damage. Thus, a role for sporidesmin or other hepatotoxins has been considered but not yet confirmed (Flaoyen et al. 1993). Additional discussion of this point has been presented in the treatment of Tribulus (see Chapter 76). Even P. virgatum has been associated with photosensitization in lambs grazing it during an excessively hot, dry summer (Puoli et al. 1992). The disease was similar to that produced by other Panicum species. Skin and liver changes occurred, but crystalloid accumulations in the bile ducts were not observed.

focal myocarditis and hemorrhages of the heart, and more pronounced degenerative changes in the liver. In the liver, there is swelling and necrosis of some hepatocytes, inflammation of bile ducts, and numerous birefringent needlelike crystals or their artifactual clefts in small bile ducts, bile canaliculi, and Kupffer cells. Clefts rather than crystals may be observed, because the solubility of the crystals causes them to disappear from the slides in the mounting procedures. Some of the crystals or clefts are surrounded by phagocytes. Morphologically, the crystals resemble those of cholesterol (Bridges et al. 1987).

sheep, abrupt or gradual onset of skin lesions of the ears, eyelids, face near the lips and nose; loss of wool, serum oozing, sloughing, scabby crusts; depression, increased serum hepatic enzymes

Treatment—Signs abate readily if affected animals are removed from the offending forage. Placing the animals in shade and symptomatic relief of the discomfort that accompanies sloughing of the skin as well as pruritis are also helpful. There is little treatment for the liver disease other than providing general nursing care. Careful management to avoid grazing lambs or kids on Panicum has greatly minimized the problems associated with this forage (Bailey 1985).

Clinical Signs—The signs are related primarily to necrosis of tissues around the capillaries in the skin where UV light penetrates. Skin changes may develop quickly in 1–2 days or more gradually in a week or more. In sheep, most of the lesions are on the head and include swelling with marked loss of wool and sloughing of the skin on the ear tips, eyelids, around the eyes, near the lips and nose, and below the jaws. Serum oozes from these areas and dries, forming scabby crusts. There may also be reddening of the coronary bands, lameness, mild icterus, and depression. Serum hepatic enzymes such as GGT are elevated. If animals continue grazing the pasture, an extensive number of deaths may occur. If moved out of the pastures, almost all affected animals will recover. In horses, there is chronic poor appetite and weight loss. Rarely, there is hepatoencephalopathy with head pressing and periodic violent behavior. Serum GGT, blood ammonia, and total and direct bilirubin are markedly increased (Cornick et al. 1988). BSP clearance is slowed severalfold.

gross pathology: obvious skin lesions microscopic: mild renal tubular necrosis; liver cell necrosis; numerous birefringent needlelike crystals or clefts in small bile ducts

Pathology—Grossly, pathologic changes are limited to the skin as described above. Microscopically, there is mild necrosis of the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidneys,

general nursing care, provide shade if possible

PASPALUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 320–330 warm-season species, Paspalum, a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and the tribe Paniceae, is predominantly New World in distribution (Clayton and Renvoize 1986; Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its generic name is derived from the Greek paspalos, which means “millet” (Quattrocchi 2000). Common names used include paspalum, watergrass, and less frequently crowngrass. Several species provide excellent fodder and forage, others are weeds, and a few are cultivated as ornamentals (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). In North America, 43 native and introduced species are present (Allen and Hall 2003). With the exception of a few taxa, the native species are of little economic importance. Two species introduced from South America, however, provide considerable forage and are of toxicologic importance: P. dilatatum Poir. P. notatum Flüeggé

Dallisgrass, large watergrass Bahiagrass

annuals or perennials; inflorescences 1-sided racemes; spikelets planoconvex, with 2 florets; upper floret hard, shiny; glumes 1


Toxic Plants of North America

Plants perennials or annuals; cespitose or rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Culms 10–200 cm tall; erect or ascending or geniculate or decumbent; not branched above; nodes glabrous or indumented; internodes hollow or solid. Leaves basal and cauline. Blades flat or folded or involute; 1.5–20 mm wide. Ligules membranous or ciliate. Auricles present or absent. Sheaths glabrous or indumented; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences 1-sided racemes; racemes 1–20(60), borne at peduncle apices or attached laterally to an elongate axis. Disarticulation below the glumes; at spikelet bases. Spikelets all alike; planoconvex; ovate to suborbicular or obovate; compression dorsal; 1.1–5 mm long. Florets 2; of 2 forms; lower florets neuter; upper florets perfect. Glumes 1; lower glumes absent; upper glumes similar to lower lemmas, ovate to suborbicular or obovate, nerves 2 or 3 or 5. Lemmas of Lower Florets ovate to suborbicular or obovate; membranous; nerves 0 or 1 or 3 or 5; abaxial surfaces glabrous or indumented; awns absent. Paleas of Lower Florets absent. Lemmas of Upper Florets elliptic to suborbicular or obovate; indurate; abaxial surfaces smooth, glabrous; shiny. Paleas of Upper Florets present; as long as lemmas; tightly enclosed by lemma margins; indurate or coriaceous. Illustrations and images of the species of Panicum can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( (Figures 58.32–58.34).

Figure 58.33.

Photo of the habit of Paspalum dilatatum.

introduced for pastures; naturalized

Figure 58.34. Photo of the racemes and infected spikelets of Paspalum dilatatum.

Figure 58.32.

Line drawing of Paspalum dilatatum.

Distribution and Habitat—Paspalum is most abundant in the southeastern United States. Plants are characteristically encountered in damp or wet soils. Introduced from South America in the mid-1800s, P. dilatatum is now a valuable pasture grass throughout the south. It may also occur as a troublesome weed in lawns and moist disturbed sites. Also introduced into the southeastern states for forage and erosion control, P. notatum is native to Central and South America. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Grass Manual on the Web (

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staggers syndrome; primarily cattle; ingestion of mature plants with caryopses/seeds infected by Claviceps

Disease Problems—When infected with the endophytic fungus Claviceps paspali, species of Paspalum cause a tremorgenic syndrome known as staggers. This disease and the involvement of C. paspali have long been known to occur, from early reports in South Africa (Steyn 1933a). The disease is characterized by nervousness and tremors, increasing in severity within a few days to the point of incapacitation (Brown and Ranck 1915). Although sheep are susceptible, cattle are most likely to develop the disease (Mantle et al. 1977). This is due in large measure to their predisposition for eating the inflorescences, which are infected with the fungus and which are not ordinarily eaten by sheep and horses (Brown and Ranck 1915). The hazard increases with plant maturity and is greatest in late summer or fall, especially after rainy or humid weather. It has been noted that some cows become prone to eating the diseased plants and appear to select for them (Brown and Ranck 1915). Toxicity potential is not decreased with drying of the plants, and thus, hay is also a risk (Tyler et al. 1992). Onset of signs may occur within 1 to several days after cattle are introduced to a new pasture containing infected plants (Goodwin 1967; Noble 1985). Experimentally, 250 g of infected seed heads daily caused marked neurointoxication in cattle in 4 days (Lopez et al. 1986). Morbidity is low to moderate, with only occasional outbreaks exceeding 50%. With high dosage of the toxic forage, the effects may be lethal, but typically with onset of neurologic signs, ingestion of the infected forage ceases, or is much reduced. Thus, case fatality rates are negligible; most deaths are due to misadventures caused by the severe ataxia produced. The mere act of drinking seems to precipitate seizures, causing animals to sometimes fall into ponds (Brown and Ranck 1915). A case fatality rate of greater than 10% should prompt a search for other causes of intoxication, for example, lead poisoning.

Claviceps fungi invade developing plant ovaries and form sclerotia containing neurotoxic indolic tremorgens

Disease Genesis—Species of Paspalum are parasitized by members of Claviceps, a fungal genus that also contains C. purpurea, the cause of ergot of rye and the disease known as ergotism. Claviceps paspali infects Paspalum. The fungus overwinters in the soil and releases spores at the time Paspalum is flowering. Airborne spores lodge


among the flowers in the spikelets, germinate, and send hyphae into the ovaries. A few days after infection, a copious, sweet exudate termed honeydew appears; it is the result of abundant conidia formation. The fungal tissue gradually hardens and is transformed into a dark brown or black structure, known as the sclerotium or ergot, which resembles the caryopsis or grain of Paspalum. Proliferation of the fungal mycelium forces open the bracts surrounding the infected flowers, thus exposing the sclerotia. Sclerotia mature at the same time as the uninfected caryopses ripen, and both are harvested together. The fungal life cycle is completed when the sclerotia fall to the ground. The number of spikelets infected varies considerably; large numbers are typically affected in rainy or humid summers. paspalinine and paspalitrems inhibit GABA and glycine inhibitory pathways Although Claviceps is infamous for the production of alkaloids responsible for ergotism in humans (St. Anthony’s fire), it appears that paspalum staggers is caused by another group of neurotoxins (Groger et al. 1961). The sclerotia contain traces of the typical indole Clavicepstype toxins, but much larger amounts of indolic tremorgens, up to 1% d.w., are present (Mantle and Penny 1981). These indole derivatives include the nontremorgenic paspaline and paspalicine alkaloids (Gallagher et al. 1980b; Cole and Dorner 1986). Although not tremorgenic, paspalicine, like other indole alkaloids, inhibits high conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (Knaus et al. 1994). The tremorgenic paspalinine and its derivative paspalitrems A, B, and C are chemically very similar to the toxins causing ryegrass staggers (see treatment of Lolium in this chapter). Based on the type of clinical signs observed, including tremors, it has been suggested that these tremorgens may impair inhibitory pathways in the nervous system, especially those mediated by GABA or glycine (Mantle and Penny 1981). This possibility has been examined in detail, and it appears that fungal tremorgens inhibit GABA receptor function by binding close to the chloride channel (Gant et al. 1987). Peripheral nerve conduction seems to be unaffected by the alkaloids (Tyler et al. 1992) (Figure 58.35). The syndromes caused by Lolium, Cynodon, and overwintered, lodged Zea are essentially the same in appearance as the syndrome due to Paspalum. There may be some difference among these syndromes in duration of signs because some of the alkaloids are eliminated by both liver metabolism and biliary secretion whereas paspalinines appear to be eliminated only by bile excretion (Mantle 1986). This leaves open the possibility of enterohepatic recycling’s perpetuation of activity of the alkaloids.


Toxic Plants of North America

and meninges and a few small splotchy hemorrhages in the interstitium of the kidney. Observable effects are those related to the incapacitation caused by the toxin, that is, dehydration and starvation. remove from pasture, provide water if recumbent

Figure 58.35.

Chemical structure of paspalinine.

increased nervousness, seizures with ears erect, fine tremor of the head and neck to shoulders; move with stiff, wobbly swaying movement of the pelvic limbs; collapse, head twisted backward

Treatment—If animals are moved from the infected pasture when signs are initially noted, the disease is usually readily reversible within a few days. Although recovery is usually uneventful, signs may remain inducible for several days thereafter, but recovery will be complete in 7–10 days (Brownie and Prasad 1987; Galey et al. 1991). In cases in which animals are temporarily incapacitated, recovery may be facilitated by placing feed and water within reach. In severe cases, sedation may be helpful. Management practices that ensure that animals eat young, growing plants rather than mature ones with infected spikelets are effective in preventing the appearance of the disease. However, once a severe infestation of Claviceps occurs in a paspalum pasture, subsequent infestations are likely whenever environmental conditions are appropriate, because sclerotia continue to contaminate the soil.

Clinical Signs—Signs usually appear several days after animals have been introduced into a pasture containing infected plants. Initially, there is increased nervousness, a “wild” facial expression with the ears held erect, and tremors of the lips, face, and ears, which rapidly progress posteriorly to tremors of the neck, shoulders, and pelvic limbs. The neck tremors may be accompanied by nodding head movements. Ataxia is prominent, with the animals exhibiting a swaying, stumbling, stiff-legged gait. When animals are stationary, the pelvic limbs are typically spread and extended. Exercise markedly intensifies the head nodding and ataxia. Some animals may be easily excited and/or belligerent. The convulsive episodes may cause the animals to fall, but they are usually able to stand again in a few minutes. In more severe cases, animals remain recumbent and may hold the head back in a twisted posture. Except for the most severely affected, they continue to eat and drink. Deaths are rare and usually through misadventure such as drowning or from dehydration and starvation.

no lesions

Pathology—There are no distinctive pathologic changes in the central or peripheral nervous systems. In some animals, there may be prominent congestion of the brain

PENNISETUM RICH. Taxonomy and Morphology—A genus of about 80 warm-season species in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres, Pennisetum is a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and the tribe Paniceae (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its generic name is derived from the Latin words penna and seta, meaning “feather” and “bristle,” which allude to the plumose bristles of some species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Morphologically quite similar to Setaria (bristlegrass) and Cenchrus (sandbur), its generic boundaries have been debated by taxonomists (Wipff 2001). Several species are used for forage and fodder. Most important is P. glaucum (pearl millet), which has been cultivated for human food as well as fodder for livestock. The most drought tolerant of the tropical cereals, it is believed to have been domesticated in north central Africa about 4000–5000 years ago (Appa Rao and de Wet 1999). In addition, several species of the genus, commonly known as fountain grasses, are popular garden ornamentals as well as being used in dried floral arrangements. Three disease problems—oxalate accumulation, nitrate intoxication, and Kikuyu grass poisoning—are caused by species of the genus. In addition, long-term feeding of P. glaucum, reported as P. typhoides, to goats in Africa has

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been shown to cause goiter not prevented by iodate supplementation (Gadir and Adam 2007). The problem is seen mainly as hair loss, exophthalmia, and some neurologic signs. In North America, 18 species, all introduced, are present and cultivated for food and forage or as ornamentals (Wipff 2003). The following are those of toxicologic interest: P. ciliare (L.) Link (=Cenchrus ciliaris L.) P. clandestinum Hochst. ex Chiov. P. glaucum (L.) R.Br.

(=P. americanum [L.] Leeke) P. purpureum Schumach.

buffelgrass Kikuyu grass pearl millet, horse millet, bulrush millet, spiked millet napiergrass, elephantgrass

Two binomials—P. glaucum and P. americanum— continue to be used for pearl millet because of problems in Linnaeus’s original description of the species and disagreement among taxonomists as to how the problems should be resolved. Likewise, two binomials—P. ciliare and Cenchrus ciliaris—continue to be used for buffelgrass because of different taxonomic opinions as to how to divide the two genera. Numerous named cultivars of P. ciliare—for example, ‘Milgro,’ ‘Millex,’ ‘T-E Horsepower,’ ‘T-E Milgrazer’—have been developed. annuals or perennials; inflorescences spicate panicles; spikelets borne singly or clustered, subtended by bristles, with 2 florets; upper floret leathery or papery Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose or rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Culms 30–250 cm tall; erect or ascending or geniculate; nodes glabrous or indumented; internodes hollow or solid. Leaves cauline or cauline and basal. Blades flat or folded or involute; 3–50 mm wide. Ligules ciliate membranous or ciliate. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous or villous; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences spicate panicles; spikelets borne in fascicles of 1–3 on short pedicels or branches subtended by 20–60 bristles (sterile panicle branches); bristles equal to or longer than spikelets, barbellate or plumose. Disarticulation below the glumes; spikelets and subtending bristles separating from rachis and falling as a unit. Spikelets all alike; lanceolate to oblong; compression dorsal; 3–11 mm long. Florets 2; of 2 forms; lower florets staminate or neuter; upper florets perfect. Glumes 1 or 2; unequal; different; hyaline; abaxial surfaces glabrous; lower glumes absent or to half the length of spikelets, broadly ovate, nerves 0 or 3 or 5; upper glumes one-fourth to equal the length of lower lemmas, lanceolate to ovate, nerves 3 or 5. Lemmas of Lower Florets lanceolate; membranous; nerves 3 or 5

Figure 58.36.

Line drawing of Pennisetum glaucum.

or 7; awns absent. Paleas of Lower Florets absent or present; as long as lemmas; hyaline. Lemmas of Upper Florets lanceolate or oblong to elliptic; chartaceous to coriaceous; nerves 5 or 7; abaxial surfaces smooth, glabrous or scabrous or villous. Paleas of Upper Florets present; as long as or longer than lemmas; chartaceous to coriaceous. Illustrations and images of the species of Pennisetum can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( (Figures 58.36 and 58.37).

Distribution and Habitat—Pennisetum occupies a variety of habitats in savannas, woodlands, and disturbed areas. All North American species are introduced and typically encountered only in the southern states and Mexico because they are not conspicuously cold-hardy (Wipff 2003). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Grass Manual on the Web (

Oxalate Intoxication primarily horses; oxalate-induced Ca/P imbalance; bony changes, osteodystrophy


Toxic Plants of North America

lameness, weight loss, bony changes treat with calcium supplements

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The characteristic signs of oxalate intoxication in horses are shifting lameness, stiffness, reluctance to move, weight loss, and prominent bony swellings of the mandibles and maxilla. Calcium supplementation in the diet will both prevent and alleviate the clinical signs.

Nitrate Accumulation propensity to accumulate especially in dry weather

Disease Problems and Genesis—Pennisetum glaucum

Figure 58.37. Photo of Pennisetum glaucum. Courtesy of Charles M. Taliaferro.

Disease Problems and Genesis—Reported mainly in Australia, oxalate accumulation is the cause of a chronic disease primarily of horses grazing lush pastures of Pennisetum for prolonged periods (Everist 1981; Seawright 1989). This problem is not specific for Pennisetum as it has been reported for other grasses such as Brachiaria, Cenchrus, Digitaria, Panicum, and Setaria (McKenzie 1985). Associated with it are bone changes manifested as lameness and/or swellings of the face and jaw. Rarely is it a cause of acute oxalate intoxication in horses, sheep, and cattle. The disease has not yet been reported as a problem in North America. Concentrations of oxalates in the plants may vary up to 3.5% total and 2.2% soluble salts; levels above 2.5% soluble oxalate are required for chronic intoxication (Bourke 2007). Oxalate is bound to calcium in the plants and is relatively unavailable for absorption or as a cause of direct oxalate intoxication. This binding causes a reduction in calcium availability and thus the possibility of a calcium/phosphorus imbalance. The subsequent parathyroid stimulation of resorption of bone calcium leads to fibrous osteodystrophy or nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, commonly called “big head” (McKenzie 1985). This is not a problem in ruminants because of ruminal microflora breakdown of oxalates.

(pearl millet) is a widely cultivated annual forage of high nutritive value (Ball et al. 1991). It has gained favor in part because of its very low cyanogenic potential. However, this value is offset by its particularly hazardous propensity to accumulate nitrate (Selk et al. 1995). In an extensive field study, at three locations in Oklahoma over a 2-year period, pearl millet was observed to consistently accumulate nitrate to a greater extent than sorghum forages grown under similar conditions (Selk et al. 1995). The comparison included 35 sorghum-Sudangrasses, 21 sorgo-Sudangrasses, 7 Sudan-Sudans, and 11 pearl millet varieties all grown under stress conditions. Thus, the use of pearl millet requires careful attention to growing conditions to avoid disastrous intoxications. Following a prolonged dry period, forage should be harvested about 2 weeks after a substantial rain if possible (Strickland et al. 1995). Additional discussion of nitrate intoxication is presented in the treatment of Sorghum in this chapter. abrupt onset; weakness, labored respiration, dark mucous membranes; no lesions; treat with methylene blue

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs occur with abrupt onset several hours after the consumption of Pennisetum forage and quite often are fatal within minutes or a few hours. The primary effects are weakness, labored respiration, ataxia, and possibly dark-colored mucous membranes. Few distinctive lesions are seen at necropsy. The blood and tissues may be dark or chocolate colored, but this is not consistent. There may also be scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages and increased foamy fluid in the terminal airways of the lungs, but these changes are not usually extensive. The primary antidote is methylene blue, 2–4 mg/kg b.w. given as a 1–2% solution.

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Kikuyu Grass Poisoning digestive tract and possibly heart affected; not yet reported in North America

Disease Problem, Genesis, Clinical Signs, and Pathology—A disease of abrupt onset and highly fatal occurring primarily in cattle, but possibly in other ruminants as well, Kikuyu grass poisoning is reported mainly from New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa where P. clandestinum is widely grown for forage (Peet et al. 1990). It has not yet been reported in North America. In an extensive review of cases from these countries by Bourke (2007), the morbidity was 23% and case fatality rate was 70%. The primary effect is on the digestive tract and possibly the heart. Salivation, evidence of abdominal pain, dehydration, depression, ataxia, and recumbency are the presenting signs. The main abnormalities appear to be in the forestomachs with fluid and gas distension and segmental inflammation with separation of overlying strata from the stratum basale. The problem occurs with rapid grass growth with good moisture especially after a period of drought. The cause is not known, but similarities to ruminal acidosis and various possible etiologies are reviewed by Bourke (2007). Treatment is supportive.


P. minor Retz. P. paradoxa L.

littleseed canarygrass, lesser canarygrass hooded canarygrass

annuals or perennials; ligules membranous; inflorescences spicate panicles; spikelets laterally compressed, with 1 fertile floret; glumes 2, longer than lemmas

Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose or rhizomatous. Culms 10–200 cm tall; erect; not branched above; nodes glabrous; internodes hollow. Leaves cauline. Blades flat; 2–20 mm wide. Ligules membranous; entire or lacerate. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences spicate panicles. Disarticulation above the glumes; neuter florets dropping attached to perfect florets. Spikelets all alike; elliptic or oblanceolate; compression lateral; 3–10 mm long. Florets 2 or 3; of 2 forms; lower florets 1 or 2, neuter; upper floret 1, perfect. Glumes 2; equal or subequal; similar; longer than lemmas; nerves 3; backs keeled; wings present or absent; apices acuminate or acute; awns absent. Lemmas of Neuter Florets subulate or lanceolate; shorter than lemmas of perfect florets. Paleas of Neuter Florets absent. Lemmas of Perfect Florets lanceolate; coriaceous; nerves 5; abaxial surfaces sericeous or glabrous, shiny; awns absent. Paleas of Perfect Florets coriaceous; nerves 1 or 2; backs rounded. Illustrations and images of the 11 species of Phalaris can be accessed online via theGrass Manual on the Web ( webmanual) (Figures 58.38 and 58.39).

Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 22 cool-season species, Phalaris, a member of the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Poeae, occurs in temperate regions of both the Old and New World (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Commonly known as canarygrass, its generic name, used by Dioscorides, is derived from Greek phalaros meaning “shining” or “crested,” which may reflect the glossy lemmas or the winged glumes (Quattrocchi 2000). Species of Phalaris are cultivated for fodder, for birdseed, and as ornamentals. The inflorescences are often used in dried floral arrangements (Mabberley 2008). In North America, 5 native and 6 introduced species are present (Barkworth 2007c). Of toxicologic significance are the following: P. angusta Nees ex Trin. P. aquatica L. (=P. tuberosa L.) P. arundinacea L. P. canariensis L. P. caroliniana Walter P. coerulescens Desf.

timothy canarygrass hardinggrass, toowoomba bulbous canarygrass reed canarygrass, ribbongrass, gardener’s garters canarygrass, birdseedgrass, annual canarygrass Carolina canarygrass, southern canarygrass, Maygrass sunolgrass


Figure 58.38.

Line drawing of Phalaris canariensis.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 58.40. Chemical structure of N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT).

Figure 58.41.

Figure 58.39. Photograph of the inflorescence and spikelets of Phalaris caroliniana. Courtesy of Chuck R. Coffey and Russell L. Stevens.

pasture grasses

Distribution and Habitat—The Mediterranean region and California appear to be centers of species diversity for Phalaris (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). In North America, species of the genus are encountered across the continent in dry weedy sites or in moist soils of stream banks and low-lying areas of meadows; some species are widely distributed and others relatively restricted (Barkworth 2007c). Caryopses of P. canariensis provide the canary seed of commerce. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Grass Manual on the Web ( webmanual). 4 syndromes—motor neuron dysfunction/staggers, sudden death/polio-like, sudden death/cardiac, ARDS

Disease Problems and Disease Genesis—First reported as a problem in the early 1940s, species of Phalaris have proven to be important causes of disease in Australia where they are used extensively as forage (McDonald 1942; Gallagher et al. 1966, 1967a; Kerr 1972; Oram et al. 2009). They are much less of a problem in North America, although several of the species found here are clearly toxic (East and Higgins 1988; Nicholson 1989; Nicholson et al. 1989; Odriozola et al. 1991). Several different disease syndromes have been associated with livestock grazing Phalaris pastures (but not with hay) in Australia. As suggested by Bourke and coworkers (1988),

Chemical structure of β-carboline.

they seem to be resolvable into 3 types: a motor neuron dysfunction/staggers syndrome, a sudden death/polio-like syndrome, and a sudden death/cardiac syndrome. These syndromes are seen primarily in sheep, although cattle may also be affected. Horses may be affected by the sudden death cardiac syndrome. In addition to these syndromes, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) has also been associated with Phalaris. Phalaris contains a number of potentially toxic alkaloids: indole tryptamine types (bufotenin or 5-OH-N,Ndimethyltryptamine), including β-carbolines and gramine, oxindoles such as coerulescine and horsfiline, the furanobisindole phalarine, and tyramine types such as hordenine (N,N-dimethyltyramine) (Culvenor et al. 1964; Gallagher et al. 1966; Frahn and O’Keefe 1971; Anderton et al. 2000). A full array of these compounds is not present in all plants. Sometimes the tryptamines, including carbolines, are found alone, and in other plants both tyramine and tryptamine types are present (Gander et al. 1976). The oxindoles and phalarine are present mainly in P. paradoxa and P. coerulescens (Anderton et al. 1999b, 2000; Bourke et al. 2003c). The array seems to be consistent for all of the plants in a population (Marten et al. 1973). As is apparent from their structures, the tryptamine types are quite similar, and they may represent different steps in a synthesis sequence. The interrelationship is shown by the presence in the same plant of either dimethyltryptamine (DMT) or its 5-methoxy derivative (5-MDMT) and the respective carbolines or methoxycarboline (Simons and Marten 1971; Marten et al. 1973; Gander et al. 1976) (Figures 58.40 and 58.41). Ranging from 100 to 27,500 ppm, total alkaloid concentrations are quite variable (Simons and Marten 1971). Gramine may range from a mean of 2000 ppm up to 10,000 ppm for some populations (Coulman et al. 1977). Concentrations of 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine (5MMT) may be as high as 4000 ppm in some circumstances, yet sometimes under field conditions—for

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example, wet meadows in British Columbia—total alkaloid levels may be very low, with a maximum of 1000 ppm and a mean of 100 ppm (Majak et al. 1979). Tryptamine concentrations are high in young leaves, especially regrowth after harvest and after fertilization with ammonium salts. Levels typically decrease after frosts. The alkaloids in total seem to have a protective effect for the plants, given the strong negative correlation between alkaloid concentration and palatability (Simons and Marten 1971; Marten et al. 1973). Low or reduced alkaloid concentrations, especially in the range of less than 2000 ppm, are associated with improved weight gains, whereas higher levels may cause diarrhea (Marten et al. 1981).

Neuron Dysfunction/Staggers Syndrome acute or chronic disease; periodic seizures; seizures may begin after animals are removed from pasture

Disease Problems—Neuron dysfunction is the most common of Phalaris-associated problems and the most likely to be seen in North America. It may be acute or chronic; it may also begin as an acute disease and then persist as a chronic state (Gallagher et al. 1964). Intoxication may occur even when Phalaris forage makes up only half of the diet (Sousa and Irigoyen 1999). The syndrome is characterized by periodic seizures that may persist or, in some animals, begin weeks or months after removal from the pasture. Signs are variable and sometimes cyclic in intensity and may be more or less permanent. It is important to note that although the presenting clinical signs are quite similar to those of the typically nonfatal staggers syndromes associated with Cynodon, Lolium, and Paspalum, appreciable death losses will occur with Phalaris. Although problems are more common in sheep, cattle are also at risk, and in some instances, both have been affected on the same pastures (Lintott 1999). This form of Phalaris intoxication is preventable with cobalt administration. Cobalt appears to attenuate neurotoxin production or increase its destruction in the rumen (Lee and Kuchel 1953; Lee et al. 1956). tryptamine alkaloids, potentiate serotonin and catecholamine activity, cattle and sheep

Disease Genesis—The tryptamine alkaloids DMT, 5-MDMT, and possibly bufotenine appear to be the most likely causes of this neurologic syndrome, although involvement of the β-carboline alkaloids cannot be excluded (Bourke 1994b). Gramine and hordenine appear not to have sufficient potency to contribute appreciably to the overall toxic effects, although all of the alkaloid


types are capable of producing neurologic signs similar to those caused by the plants (Bourke et al. 1988). Tryptamine alkaloids, especially 5-MDMT, are serotonin receptor agonists, while the β-carbolines are generally regarded as monoamine oxidase inhibitors that thereby potentiate serotonin and catecholamine activity (de Montigny and Aghajanian 1977; McGeer et al. 1978). These mechanisms are consistent with those proposed for the neurologic effects of Phalaris (Gallagher et al. 1966). Signs produced in sheep are similar to the serotoninergic syndrome of tremors, rigidity, head weaving, and hyperreactivity produced in rats by the serotonin precursor l-tryptophan (Jacobs and Klemfuss 1975). Thus, both the signs and distribution of pathologic changes affecting specific nuclei are quite consistent with effects of the alkaloids on serotoninergic receptors in the brain and spinal cord (Gallagher et al. 1966; Bourke et al. 1990). The granular intracellular pigments appear to be a consequence of accumulation of the toxins and not the cause of the clinical signs (Bourke et al. 1990). The tryptamines and/or carbolines are also associated with mild diarrhea in sheep (Marten et al. 1981). A disease with similar signs and pathology has been observed in feedlot sheep without exposure to Phalaris but with low levels of tryptamine alkaloids in other feed materials (Lean et al. 1989). This is not unexpected because tryptamine, and related compounds are present in a large number of plants (Smith 1977). Tryptamine alkaloids are apparently unstable under some conditions, because they are not a problem in hay (Gallagher et al. 1966). They are also a problem only in sheep and cattle, not horses. Significant degradation of these alkaloids apparently does not occur in the ruminal environment, whereas in horses, 5-MDMT is converted to bufotenin and excreted (Bourke et al. 2003c). The preventive effect of cobalt supplementation in ruminants appears to involve increasing ruminal destruction of the alkaloids (Lee and Kuchel 1953; Lee et al. 1956). Alkaloid concentrations in the plants may be influenced by soil type and increased by nitrogen fertilization and probably other environmental conditions (Gallagher et al. 1966, 1967a). Alkaloid concentrations are also subject to genetic manipulation, given that some strains and cultivars may have levels as little as one-tenth those in others (Kennedy et al. 1986). In addition, the array of alkaloid types may vary; some strains have only one type, such as gramine, present (Marten et al. 1981; Wittenberg et al. 1992). The levels of these alkaloids in forages may be assessed by using various analytical chromatographic procedures (Anderton et al. 1999a). Because of the great interest in Australia in plant breeding to reduce toxicity of the Phalaris, ELISAs have also been developed for identification of dimethyltryptamines and N-methyltyramines (Skerritt et al. 2000; Culvenor et al. 2005).


Toxic Plants of North America

abrupt or slow onset, tremors, excitement, stiff gait, shaking, collapse; or recurrent episodes of head nod, ataxia, weakness; high case fatality rate

Clinical Signs—Onset of signs, usually after the animals have been grazing the pasture for several weeks, may be abrupt or may develop slowly. With abrupt onset, the signs are typical of other staggers syndromes in which the tremors are accompanied by excitement, a stiff hopping gait, shaking, and then collapse. When the animal is down, there may be seizures with extensor muscle rigidity and the head held in a backward flexed position. If allowed to remain undisturbed for a few minutes, it is usually able to stand. In addition, there may be exaggerated stepping, excitability, stiffness, continued chewing or abnormal lip and tongue movement, head nod, ear twitch, circling, incoordination, and excess salivation. Cardiac arrhythmias may also be noted. Forced movement or other forms of stress are factors in onset of signs. In contrast to other staggers syndromes, the case fatality rate for Phalaris staggers may be high, 30–40% or more. The signs are similar in both sheep and cattle. In the chronic form in sheep, signs persist after removal from the Phalaris pasture and include recurrent episodes of head nodding, ataxia, and weakness of the thoracic limbs. In addition, in some animals, signs may not appear until several months after removal from the pasture. Hematologic and serum chemistry changes are typically minimal except for mild changes in creatine kinase. Diagnosis may be aided by the examination of cerebrospinal fluid for increased levels of protein and numbers of small mononuclear cells and for the presence of greenish intracytoplasmic granules in macrophages (East and Higgins 1988).

gross pathology: focal, bilateral greenish gray-blue discoloration of various sites in the brain; microscopic: granular pigment in neurons of gray matter, spinal neuronal degeneration

Pathology—Grossly, in both sheep and cattle, there are numerous sites in the brain with focal, bilateral, and symmetrical greenish gray-blue discoloration. These include the cerebral cortex, thalamus, midbrain, pons, cerebellum, and medulla (Simpson et al. 1969; Hartley 1978; East and Higgins 1988; Bourke et al. 1990; Sousa and Irigoyen 1999). The pigment may also be present in the ventral gray matter horns throughout the spinal cord and in the renal cortex. The formalin tissue fixative may become pale blue after a few weeks (Hartley 1978).

Microscopically, there is intracytoplasmic lysosomal accumulation of a greenish brown, granular pigment in neurons of gray matter nuclei, including the dorsal root ganglia, motor vagal, red, oculomotor, vestibular, pontine, facial, and olivary nuclei (East and Higgins 1988). This granular pigment is also present in macrophages. There is additional neuronal degeneration in the spinal cord with axonal necrosis, demyelination, and fibrillar astrocytosis in the medial longitudinal fasciculus and in the ventral, lateral, and ventromedial areas of the white matter throughout the cord. no specific treatment; prevent with oral cobalt

Treatment—In general, treatment is of little overall value, because losses may continue for several days after animal removal from the pasture, or the disease may become chronic. Cobalt (7 mg/sheep) given as a drench of cobalt chloride or sulfate may be protective in animals not yet showing signs. In Australia, cobalt is given as intraruminal pellets.

Sudden Death/Polio-Like Syndrome primarily sheep; sporadic occurrence

Disease Problem and Genesis—This is a rapidly acting, highly lethal problem seen primarily in sheep and less commonly in cattle (Bourke et al. 2005). It is highly sporadic and uncommon in occurrence even in Australia where it is most prevalent. In one year in Australia, of 21 outbreaks, in which there was only a 7% morbidity rate, the case fatality rate was greater than 90% (Bourke et al. 2003a). Clinical signs develop within a few hours after animals are placed on a pasture and most deaths occur in the first 24–36 hours. Succulent new plant growth seems to present the greatest risk. A variety of different cultivars of P. aquatica are associated with the disease (Bourke et al. 2003a). The signs are quite similar to those of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) associated with other forages. However, there is no response to thiamine as either a treatment or preventive (Bourke et al. 2003b). It is not clear if pyridoxine has a role in the disease. Other studies indicate a possible role for alteration of nitrogen disposition in the brain resulting in a form of ammonia intoxication similar to that with hepatic encephalopathy (Bourke et al. 2005). These alterations are thought to act in concert with an as yet unknown toxicant. abrupt onset; patchy vacuolation of cerebellum; signs similar to those of PEM; supportive treatment

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Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—This syndrome is a peracute disease of abrupt onset of disorientation, weakness of the pelvic limbs, ataxia, aimless wandering, pushing against stationary objects, and terminal seizures. There are no distinct gross changes. Microscopically, there is moderate, patchy perivascular and perineuronal vacuolation of the laminae of the cerebral cortex (especially the deep), with shrunken and acidophilic neurons. Patchy vacuolation may be seen in other areas of the white matter. There is also cytoplasmic neuronal vacuolation of Purkinje and other cells of that layer of the cerebellum (Bourke and Carrigan 1992; Bourke et al. 2005). There may also be some degree of hepatic degeneration and necrosis in some animals. Because of the abrupt onset, short duration, and highly fatal nature of the disease, treatment is difficult and is mainly symptomatic and supportive. However, administration of parenteral pyridoxine (vitamin B6) may be of possible value (see treatment of Albizia in Chapter 35).

Sudden Death/Cardiac Syndrome sudden death a few days after grazing a new pasture or after a flush of new grass growth

Disease Problems—This syndrome is the rarest of the 3 forms of intoxication specific to the Phalaris. With few premonitory signs, the effects of cardiac failure quickly terminate in death within hours or 1–2 days after hungry sheep are turned into a canarygrass or mixed pasture. In some instances, the onset may occur within a few days after the pasture plants undergo a flush of growth following rains. Young growing grass seems to be the common factor. Death occurs due to ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest, and is not preventable by cobalt supplementation. This syndrome may also occur in cattle (Colegate et al. 1999). It may also occur in horses and linked specifically to P. paradoxa and P. coerulescens (Colegate et al. 1999; Bourke et al. 2003c). In horses, onset of the effects seem to be preceeded by exertional activity such as galloping followed by sudden collapse and death. toxicant unknown; role of indole tryptamine and tyramine alkaloids now questioned

Disease Genesis—Early studies indicated that the tryptamine alkaloids could possibly account for the cardiorespiratory effects and sudden death (Gallagher et al. 1964, 1966, 1967b). This now seems unlikely, because the syndrome is seen with low-alkaloid varieties and is otherwise


poorly correlated with alkaloid concentrations (Oram 1970; Kennedy et al. 1986). Although Gallagher and coworkers (1964) were able to show cardiorespiratory effects, such effects have subsequently proven difficult to reproduce experimentally with tryptamines (Bourke et al. 1988). Toxicants such as cyanide, nitrate, and other compounds may be contributing factors inasmuch as nitrate concentrations of 2920 ppm and HCN potential of 360 ppm are reported (Bourke and Carrigan 1992). In some animals, the polio-like sudden death syndrome may occur as a complicating factor. The tyramine alkaloids formerly thought to be major factors in the cardiorespiratory effects now appear to be unlikely culprits. Although N-methyltyramine, isolated from P. aquatica in pastures after an outbreak of sudden death, has been shown to cause serious cardiac effects in sheep with oral doses of 300–400 mg/kg b.w., deaths did not occur (Anderton et al. 1994). It was suggested, based on experimental findings, that inhibition of monoamine oxidase (from β-carbolines) such as might occur in the pasture, would potentiate and markedly worsen the animals’ response to tyramines. Thus, tyramine and the monomethylated N-methyltyramine, but not the dimethylated hordenine, seemed to be plausible factors in the development of cardiotoxicosis (Anderton et al. 1994). However, further experiments with high dosage of N-methyltyramine failed to elicit adverse effects even with forced exercise (Bourke et al. 2006). This of course does not mean that these compounds play no role but that they are probably not the primary factors.

in horses, indole/oxindole alkaloids possible toxicants

The disease in horses, although quite similar outwardly to that in sheep, may differ as to cause. As yet, it is only observed in animals grazing P. paradoxa and P. coerulescens; it has not been associated with P. aquatica. In these two species, several unique indole/oxindole alkaloids predominate over the tyramine/tryptamine types (Anderton et al. 1999a, 2000; Bourke et al. 2003c). Clinical problems have not as yet been associated with these alkaloids (phalarine, coerulescine, and horsfiline), but they are of considerable interest and have been synthesized as novel indole anticancer agents (Lizos and Murphy 2003; Deppermann et al. 2010). The lack of problems with P. aquatica in horses has been attributed to the ability of this species to detoxify the toxicant such as with conversion of 5-MDMT to the less active bufotenine (Bourke et al. 2003c).

cardiac arrhythmias; respiratory distress, collapse; rapid death


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—In this peracute sudden death syndrome, the primary signs are cardiac arrhythmias and insufficiency and respiratory distress, collapse, and death, all in a matter of a few hours. Death in many animals appears to be due to ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest. Signs are often precipitated by the stress of forced movement or during shearing.

few lesions; relief of symptoms; cobalt not protective

Few pathologic changes are seen, other than congestion of the lungs and other viscera and perhaps small hemorrhages on the surfaces of the heart. Treatment is directed at symptomatic alleviation of signs. It may be of preventive benefit to avoid grazing pastures with rapidly growing plants or at least not allowing hungry animals access to rapidly growing forage. Cobalt is not protective against the cardiac sudden death syndrome.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

S. giganteus (L.) Holub. (=Festuca gigantea L.) S. pratensis (Huds.) P.Beauv.

giant fescue meadow fescue, English bluegrass, Dovergrass

(=Festuca pratensis Huds.)

Species of Schedonorus have traditionally been included in the genus Festuca, and thus, most toxicologic reports and taxonomic publications used the binomials F. arundinacea and F. pratensis. Phylogenetic analyses using morphological and molecular data, however, have revealed a closer relationship to species of Lolium, the ryegrasses (Darbyshire and Warick 1992; Darbyshire 1993). Grass taxonomists, however, differ in their opinions as to whether Schedonorus should be submerged in Lolium because of this relationship or be recognized as a separate genus (Darbyshire and Warick 1992; Catalán et al. 2007). Because Schedonorus is treated as distinct in the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Soreng and Terrell 2003), the Flora of North America (Darbyshire 2007), and the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012), we likewise treat it here as a distinct taxon.

cattle on pastures with lush regrowth

Disease Problems and Genesis—It has been suggested, but not confirmed, that tryptamine alkaloids may account for the occurrence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (Parmar and Brink 1976). ARDS has been a problem in cattle grazing meadows in British Columbia, often when the meadows have been harvested for hay and the regrowth subsequently grazed (Clapp 1962). In most instances, P.arundinacea was the major forage species. However, tryptamine itself is not necessarily a factor, because it does not normally form 3-methylindole (Yokoyama and Carlson 1974). Aspects of ARDS are discussed under general syndromes of the Poaceae at the beginning of this chapter.

SCHEDONORUS P.BEAUV. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 17 cool-season species, Schedonorus, a member of the subfamily Pooideae and tribe Poeae, is a Eurasian genus (Mabberley 2008). Three introduced species—2 are of toxicologic significance—occur in North America (Darbyshire 2007): S. arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort. (=Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) (=Festuca elatior L.)

tall fescue, reed fescue, alta fescue

perennials; ligules membranous; inflorescences panicles; spikelets laterally compressed; glumes shorter than lemmas; lemma backs rounded

Plants perennials; cespitose; bearing perfect flowers or rarely dioecious. Culms 50–150 cm tall; erect; not branched above; nodes glabrous; internodes hollow. Leaves both basal and cauline. Blades flat or folded or involute; 2–15 mm wide. Ligules membranous; lacerate; erose. Auricles present or absent. Sheaths glabrous; margins free or fused. Inflorescences panicles; open or contracted. Disarticulation above the glumes. Spikelets all alike or of 2 forms; staminate and pistillate similar; lanceolate; compression lateral; 3–25 mm long. Florets 2–25. Glumes 2; unequal; lanceolate; shorter than lemmas; awns absent; lower glumes with nerves 1 or 3; upper glumes with nerves 3 or 5. Lemmas lanceolate; backs rounded; abaxial surfaces glabrous; awns absent or present, 1, apical. Paleas hyaline; nerves 2; keels 2 (Figures 58.42–58.44).

Distribution and Habitat—Introduced for forage, S. arundinaceus and S. pratensis have naturalized and are now found across the continent (Darbyshire 2007). Schedonorus giganteus, introduced as an ornamental, has also escaped but is only found at a few locations in the

Poaceae Barnhart


Figure 58.43. Photograph of the inflorescences of Schedonorus arundinaceus.

Figure 58.42. Line drawing of Schedonorus arundinaceus. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Northeast. Distribution maps of the three species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Grass Manual on the Web (

Disease Syndromes summer slump fat necrosis fescue foot reproductive problems

Disease Problems—Schedonorus arundinaceus, or tall fescue, is a cool-season perennial that is grown on more than 35 million acres and said to be the most important

Figure 58.44. Photograph of the spikelets of Schedonorus arundinaceus.

cultivated pasture grass in the United States (Ball et al. 1991). It has many valuable attributes and is especially favored when planted in combination with cool-season legume forages. It, S.pratensis, and our native fescues (species of Festuca in the strict sense) pose little risk for the typical problems associated with grasses, that is, nitrate accumulation, cyanogenesis, and photosensitization. Unfortunately, animals grazing fescue, especially tall


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fescue, are at risk of developing one or more of a group of rather unusual syndromes—summer slump, fat necrosis, fescue foot, or reproductive problems (Ball et al. 1995; Cross et al. 1995; Paterson et al. 1995). The syndrome produced is somewhat dependent on the environmental temperature and reproductive status of the animal (Jacobson et al. 1963). Diseases associated with the species of Schedonorus are among the most important toxicologic problems of livestock in North America. Losses among all livestock species have been estimated at nearly $1 billion per year (Hoveland 1993). It must be emphasized that these livestock losses are typically associated with the ingestion of the morphotype known as Continental tall fescue and not the Mediterranean tall fescue type (Malinowski and Belesky 2006; Hand et al. 2010). Presumbably originating in northern Europe and being cold tolerant and summer active, Continental tall fescue is the principal cultivated type in the northern temperate hemisphere and the type described in most toxicologic studies. The Mediterranean morphotype is partially summer dormant, is not cold tolerant, and has poor survival in the United States north of 36° N latitude (Malinowski and Belesky 2006). Endemic to northern Africa, parts of Italy, and the Middle East (Hand et al. 2010), it is of considerable interest worldwide, but has not been extensively grown in North America. summer slump: hot weather; cattle; less risk in other animals; decreased weight gain, may be accompanied by long-lasting necrosis of abdominal fat Occurring primarily in cattle in hot humid weather, the syndrome commonly known as summer slump, summer toxicosis, or summer fescue syndrome is the major problem and has the greatest economic impact. As the disease names imply, there is poor performance, mainly during the warm season when animals are likely to be heat stressed. This syndrome is reflected mainly as decreased weight gain and may occur to a lesser extent even without high temperatures (Beconi et al. 1995). Rats but not chickens appear to be good models of this syndrome (Hermes et al. 2004; Spiers et al. 2005). Similar but less prominent signs occur in sheep (Gadberry et al. 2003). In horses, systemic effects are less prominent than in cattle and are mainly seen as a slight diarrhea, increased sweating, and possibly a decrease in weight gain in young animals (McCann et al. 1991; Aiken et al. 1993; Cross et al. 1995). Endophyte infection also seems to result in an apparent decrease in feed intake and digestibility for horses (Redmond et al. 1991), whereas for cattle, there is a slight decrease in digestibility and a consistent decrease in palatability (van Santen 1992; Aldrich et al. 1993b). Even though summer slump is not a specific problem in

horses, there is some concern that there may be an effect on animals exercising at higher temperatures. Alterations in recovery from the cardiorespiratory effects of exercise in these conditions are not clear. Although there are conflicting experimental data, it appears that unless the exercise is quite demanding, there is little reason for concern (Pendergraft et al. 1993; Vivrette et al. 2001; Webb et al. 2008). necrosis of abdominal fat; cattle; may accompany summer slump The fat necrosis syndrome, seen in cattle, may accompany summer slump and may persist long after the period of heat/humidity stress subsides. Occasionally, fat necrosis may occur alone with prominent nodular masses throughout the abdominal cavity sometimes producing compression of organs with severe effects (Smith et al. 2004). fescue foot: winter; cattle; gangrenous effect on feet, tail, and ears In contrast to the summer slump syndrome, which is not life threatening and is readily reversible, the fescue foot and reproductive syndromes can be quite devastating. Fescue foot, which occurs during the winter and early spring, is a gangrenous condition of the distal extremities. Its manifestation is very erratic in occurrence depending on the severity of winter temperatures, and as such, it is especially uncommon in the southeastern United States (Thompson and Porter 1990; Tor-Agbidye et al. 2001). reproductive effects: primarily horses; commonly poor udder development and agalactia; when more severe delayed births, large foals, difficult birth, other complications Reproductive and endocrine effects are particularly severe in horses (Taylor et al. 1985; Monroe et al. 1988; Evans 2011). This is an important problem because of the large number of mares grazing fescue in the southeastern quadrant of the United States and the high percentage that will develop reproductive problems (Porter and Thompson 1992; Anas et al. 1998). Effects in early gestation up to 300 days are minor with the exception of decreased progesterone levels (Brendemuehl et al. 1996; Youngblood et al. 2004). With ingestion late in gestation, the primary effect is lack of udder development and poor lactation. There may be almost complete lack of milk production. As the disease’s severity increases, effects may range from abortions or agalactia and weak foals to other serious gestational problems (Cruz et al. 1997). In more

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severe cases, the delay in parturition, or prolongation of gestation for several weeks, will result in the birth of exceptionally large foals. As a consequence, there may be dystocia, uterine rupture and other complications, and high foal mortality, just before, during, or shortly after birth (Poppenga et al. 1984; Taylor et al. 1985; Monroe et al. 1988; Putnam et al. 1991). In mares exposed to endophyte-infected fescue after gestation day 300, there is likely to be prolonged gestation and an enlarged thyroid with flattened cuboidal epithelia (Boosinger et al. 1995). However, there is little effect on thyroid function in nonpregnant adult horses (Breuhaus 2003). Losses of both mares and foals may occur in the same herd, mainly due to delayed parturition and poor milk production. Reproductive effects in cattle and, to a lesser extent, in sheep are typically limited to decreased milk production and perhaps uterine effects with a decrease in conception rate (Petritz et al. 1980; Wallner et al. 1983; Siegel et al. 1985; Porter and Thompson 1992; Lehner et al. 2003). Some of the reproductive effects in cattle are also suggested to be related to the corpus luteum, with its degeneration leading to inability to maintain pregnancy (Porter and Thompson 1992). However, further studies revealed no apparent effect on follicular function even with a clear decrease in serum prolactin and body condition (Burke and Rorie 2002). Some pregnancy losses are reported mainly at 30–60 days’ gestation with high environmental temperatures (Burke et al. 2001). Effects on sheep are less apparent with a possible decrease in pregnancy rates in yearling ewes (Burke et al. 2002). Effects on male reproduction are not prominent, but there are negative effects on sperm quantity and quality, more so in cattle than sheep (Jones et al. 2004; Burke et al. 2006; Looper et al. 2009). There may be subtle male reproductive effects in horses, but they are not apparent experimentally (Fayrer-Hosken et al. 2008).

ergot-type alkaloids and the amine halostachine; produced by fungal endophyte Neotyphodium; transmitted only via seed; most pastures have level of infection 50% or more

Disease Genesis—Deleterious effects due to ingestion of the Continental morphotype of Schedonorus appear to be caused by ergot-type alkaloids produced by the endophytic fungus Neotyphodium coenophialum (formerly Acremonium coenophialum). A different endophyte is present in the Mediterranean type of Schedonorus, which does not produce ergot-type alkaloids (Tsai et al. 1994; Clement et al. 2001). Unless otherwise indicated, the following discussion focuses on the Continental morphotype


of Schedonorus. Formerly classified in the genera Epichloe and Balansia (Bacon et al. 1975, 1977), the fungus N. coenophialum grows entirely within stems, leaf sheaths, and spikelets of the grass and does not alter the appearance of the plant. The life cycle of the fungus is completed entirely within the plant’s tissues. There is no spore formation for external dissemination. Laboratory tests are required for the detection of the fungus. Transmission of the fungus is strictly vertical via the grass caryopsis/seed. Thus, the level of infection in a pasture is relatively stable unless additional seed is used. Although endophyte infection poses problems for grazing livestock, it does impart an advantage to the fescue. Increasing productivity, it confers stress and pest tolerance to the grass plant (Bacon and Siegel 1988; Bacon 1995; Lehtonen et al. 2005). A definite symbiotic relationship exists between the plant and the fungus (Hill et al. 1990). In the absence of the fungus, much closer management is needed to sustain a productive fescue pasture. The majority, and perhaps as much as 90% or more, of tall fescue plants in North America are infected with the fungus. In most instances, the infection level in an individual pasture is greater than 50%. This is quite significant, because low infection levels—that is, in the range of 10–20%—seem to produce little or no adverse effects in cattle (Bacon et al. 1977; Ghorbani et al. 1989). This may, however, not be true for the reproductive effects in horses. At levels of infection 20% or above, adverse effects such as increased water consumption begin to be noticeable in cattle (Aldrich et al. 1993a). There seems to be a strong relationship between level of endophyte infection and decreased daily weight gain (Jackson et al. 1988b; Aiken et al. 1993; Bransby 1997). It has been suggested that for each 10% increase in endophyte infection level, there is a 45 g/day or 10% reduction in weight gain (Stuedemann et al. 1985; Crawford et al. 1989; Ball et al. 1991, 1995). This has been confirmed in the analysis of data pooled from numerous studies over a 13-year period (Thompson et al. 1993). Effects on weight gain are not permanent; there may be compensatory weight gain in the feedlot following cessation of endophyte exposure (Ball et al. 1995; Beconi et al. 1995). Numerous alkaloids have been isolated from species of Schedonorus (reported as Festuca) as reviewed by Bush and Fannin (2009). Those produced by the plant itself include β-carboline, harman, halostachine, octopamine, and diazaphenanthrene alkaloids perloline and perlolidine (Bush and Jeffreys 1975; Blankenship et al. 2001). While these compounds may have biological activity, they are not the primary agents involved with intoxications due to fescues (Davis and Camp 1983). Of greater interest are the fungal endophyte-produced alkaloids. These include the pyrrolopyrazine alkaloid peramine; the saturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids such as the lolines; and the


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ergot alkaloids clavine, lysergic acid, ergopeptide, and ergopeptine (Bush et al. 1982, 1993; Hemken et al. 1984; Jackson et al. 1984; Yates et al. 1985; Bush and Fannin 2009). Some of these compounds may be associated with protection of plants against insect herbivory (Johnson et al. 1985; Siegel et al. 1985). Most of the signs associated with fescue toxicosis appear to be due mainly to various ergopeptides and, to a lesser extent, ergoclavine alkaloids typical of the Clavicepitaceae family. These findings are further strengthened by the observation that passive immunization of cattle by a monoclonal antibody developed in mice against the lysergic moiety of ergot alkaloids reversed the suppression of prolactin secretion (Hill et al. 1994). In addition to ergot-type alkaloids, halostachine, a vasoconstrictive sympathetic amine may have additive actions in decreasing peripheral blood flow, such as occurs in fescue foot (Davis and Camp 1983) (Figures 58.45 and 58.46). Total alkaloid concentrations may be as high as 14 ppm, of which almost half are usually ergopeptides (Lyons et al. 1986). Compounds present include ergovaline, ergovalinine, ergonovine, ergosine, ergosinine, ergonine, ergocornine, ergopeptine, ergotamine, ergocryptine, ergocrystine, and ergotaminine (Lyons et al. 1986; Yates and Powell 1988; Lehner et al. 2005). The ergotamine group of ergopeptides predominates in both the caryopses/seeds and other tissues (Yates et al. 1985). Ergovaline, levels of which may be as high as 5 ppm, and ergovalinine, the

Figure 58.45.

Figure 58.46.

Chemical structure of ergovaline.

Chemical structure of halostachine.

inactive α-isomer, typically account for the majority of the ergot alkaloids (Yates and Powell 1988; Hill et al. 1990). Threshold risk levels for disease are estimated at 0.3– 0.5 ppm ergovaline in horses, and for fescue foot at 0.4– 0.75 ppm in cattle and 0.5–0.8 in sheep (Tor-Agbidye et al. 2001). Concentrations of ergovaline in an outbreak of fescue foot (reported as F. elatior) in South Africa ranged from 1.7 to 8.2 ppm (Botha et al. 2004). In Oregon, when combined with temperatures well below freezing, levels even lower than 400 ppb resulted in a catastrophic outbreak of fescue foot (Blythe et al. 2003). Ergovaline has been considered to account for much of the toxic effect, because it causes adverse effects at concentrations as low as 0.15 ppm (Debessai et al. 1993). Clavine-type alkaloids are also represented—for example, elymoclavine—but they are not as significant as ergopeptides and cause mainly sedation (Fanchamps 1978; Porter et al. 1981). The role of ergopeptides and other alkaloids in intoxications is an important concern. The majority of the saturated pyrrolizidine alkaloids are reported to be metabolized in the rumen to loline, and similarly, only 50–67% of ergot alkaloids fed were recovered in the abomasal or duodenal ingesta while little was found in feces (Westendorf et al. 1993; Schumann et al. 2009). However, based on another series of studies, it appears that ergopeptides are almost entirely metabolized in the rumen to the lysergic acid or amide moiety which is absorbed and ultimately excreted mainly in urine (Moyer et al. 1993; Hill et al. 2001; Hill 2005; DeLorme et al. 2007; Stewart et al. 2008; Ayers et al. 2009). This is consistent with a rat study showing reduction of toxicity with ruminal incubation of toxic fescue seed (Westendorf et al. 1992) and the lack of residues in meat and milk of cattle receiving nominal dosages of alkaloids long-term (Schumann et al. 2007, 2009). Metabolism to lysergic acid also appears to be the situation in horses as well (Schultz et al. 2006). However, it is also clear that ergopeptides such as ergovaline and ergotamine are potent vasoconstrictors, much more so than lysergic acid based on both in vitro and in vivo tests in cattle (Klotz et al. 2006, 2007, 2008; Aiken et al. 2009). In addition, it appears that the mixture of alkaloids rather than any single type may account for the potent effects in some instances (Gadberry et al. 2003; Lehner et al. 2003). However, in some instances, individual alkaloids such as ergotamine and ergonovine are capable of causing effects on their own (Browning and Leite-Browning 1997). Thus, the role of the various individual alkaloids in causing the adverse effects is not clear —whether they serve as sources of lysergic acid or contribute either directly or in some other fashion. mainly ergovaline; highest concentrations and likely the cause of most effects; highest in seeds

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Concentrations of the endophyte and the ergot alkaloids are typically highest in the caryopses/seeds and leaf sheaths and considerably lower in leaf blades (Siegel et al. 1984a; Lyons et al. 1986). Ergovaline concentrations in the stems and sheaths peak in late June and then decline as levels in the caryopses/seeds increase (Rottinghaus et al. 1991; Rogers et al. 2011). Alkaloid concentrations are increased by nitrogen fertilization and seemingly decreased by heavy grazing pressure or close cropping (Gentry et al. 1969; Lyons et al. 1986; Bransby et al. 1988; Hill et al. 1990; Rottinghaus et al. 1991; Salminen et al. 2003). However, ergovaline concentrations are reported to decrease somewhat with application of poultry litter and its chemical equivalent (Rogers et al. 2010). The levels are particularly susceptible to large increases during periods of high temperatures and drought (West 1994; Adcock et al. 1997). The toxins are relatively stable, and fresh forage, or caryopses/seeds, and possibly hay are toxic, albeit effects are most pronounced with caryopses/seeds (Schmidt et al. 1982). Although the toxins are stable, the endophyte typically decreases in viability with time unless the plants are stored at low humidity and temperature (Siegel et al. 1985). Alkaloid concentrations decline sharply the first month following cutting for hay (Gentry et al. 1969; Roberts et al. 2009). Thereafter, levels gradually decline, and there is essentially complete loss of viability after 2 years. In addition to total alkaloid and ergovaline loss when pastures are cut for hay, a small additional loss occurs with ammoniation of hay or straw (Roberts et al. 2002, 2011). However, changes involving silage are variable. Roberts and coworkers (2011) reported an increase in total alkaloids and a decrease in ergovaline, whereas Jackson and coworkers (1988a) and Lean (2001) reported seemingly opposite results accompanied by pronounced toxic effects. Although ergot alkaloids are present in the Continental type of fescue with endophyte present, similar alkaloids apparently are not present in the Mediterranean type, which has a different endophyte (or none at all). Qawasmeh and coworkers (2011) reported that the Mediterranean type when infected with AR 542 N. coenophialum produced a 7-fold increase in pyrrolizidine lolines such as N-acetyl-norloline. In studies on the role of the endophytes in fescue, it appears that while they play a major role enhancing the resistance of the grass to various biotic and abiotic stresses, they do not account for the differences in resistance to temperature stress between the two morphotypes, which is rather genotype related and perhaps due to greatly increased proline production by the Continental type in contrast to the Mediterranean type (Dierking and Kallenbach 2012; Dierking et al. 2012).


summer slump: decreased blood flow to skin, impaired body heat dissipation

The clinical expressions of fescue toxicity are well explained by the various actions of the alkaloids. Ergotamine causes an increase in plasma cortisol and triiodothyronine in cows and an accompanying increase in metabolic rate and heat production (Browning et al. 2000). The alkaloids are clearly vasoconstrictive in vivo as measured via blood flow in the caudal artery of cattle (Aiken et al. 2009), and some of the ergopeptides specifically reduce blood flow to the skin (Solomons et al. 1989; Rhodes et al. 1991). The summer syndrome is associated with impaired ability to dissipate body heat because of the vasoconstrictive effects of the toxin. A role also for decreased prolactin in this effect has been suggested (Thompson et al. 1987; Schillo et al. 1988). However, while a d2-dopamine antagonist reversed the decrease in feed intake in endophyte-fed rats, similar treatment of cattle reversed the decrease in prolactin but did not protect against the decrease in feed intake or increase in rectal temperature (Larson et al. 1994; Samford-Grigsby et al. 1997). Other factors, which may enter into the development of hyperthermia, include a possible role for reduction of nitric oxide levels as a factor in hyperthermia as shown for rats (Al-Tamimi et al. 2007), and an alteration in hepatic mixed-function oxidase (MFO) to increase heat production (Zanzalari et al. 1989). An increase in hepatic cytochrome P450 activity has been confirmed in rats along with a decrease in antioxidant enzymes, which may tie in with nitric oxide levels (Settivari et al. 2008). Cimetidine, an MFO inhibitor, lowers rectal temperature in affected animals. Heat stress is most noticeable at environmental temperatures above 32°C (Hemken et al. 1979, 1981). Stress effects appear in some instances to be less of a problem in more heat-tolerant, Brahman-type cattle (Bos indicus); however, these breed differences have not been confirmed experimentally (Browning 2000). With respect to Bos taurus, differences have been noted in comparisons between heat-tolerant breeds such as Romosinuano and Senepol and less heat-tolerant Angus and Hereford cattle (Browning 2004; Burke et al. 2010). Conversely, during periods of cold temperatures, the vasoconstrictive effects are associated with dry gangrene of the extremities (fescue foot), which is similar to classical ergot intoxication. Consistent with heat and cold sensitivities, the effects of fescue foot seem to be more severe in Brahman-type cattle, which are considered to be less coldhardy than the European breeds. There is also a suggestion that the vasoconstrictive effects are associated with increased risk of laminitis in horses (Rohrbach et al. 1995).


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reproductive effects, decreased prolactin secretion, decreased milk production With affinities specifically for dopamine receptor sites (Goldstein et al. 1980; Strickland et al. 1994; Larson et al. 1995), the ergot alkaloids cause a decrease in prolactin secretion in cattle and a subsequent decrease in milk production (Wallner et al. 1983). These effects are not related to environmental temperature (Aldrich et al. 1993b). The horse is particularly sensitive to effects secondary to the decrease in prolactin secretion, probably the most sensitive indicator of intoxication. Experimental administration of bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist, causes the same reproductive effects in the horse (Ireland et al. 1991). Mink appear to be quite sensitive to the effects of ergot alkaloids in a manner similar to horses. A mixture of the alkaloids at levels of 3–12 ppm in their feed resulted in decreased serum prolactin, whelping and kit survival, and prolonged gestation (Sharma et al. 2002). edema in horses; ingestion of Mediterranean-type fescue; Australia The foregoing discussion applies only to the disease manifestations associated with the Continental morphotype typical of tall fescue widely grown in North America. An entirely different disease has been reported for pastures of endophyte-contaminated Mediterranean morphotype Schedonorus arundinaceus in Australia (Bourke et al. 2009). The disease was reported on six farms across the country with 48 affected of 56 horses at risk. The primary signs included pronounced edema of the head, neck, chest, and abdomen with 4 deaths. The endophytes in these instances were Max P and Max Q of N. coenophialum present in the fescue. In addition to species of Schedonorus, endophyte infection by Neotyphodium spp. is characteristic of many of our native species of Festuca sensu stricto, including F. arizonica, F. rubra, F. subulata, and F. versuta; Vulpia microstachys (reported as F. eastwoodiae and F. pacifica); and the introduced Eurasian species Lolium perenne (Leuchtmann 1992). summer slump: increased body temperature and respiration rate, decreased growth and reproductive performance

Clinical Signs—The summer slump syndrome is the most consistent effect of the ergopeptide toxins and can be readily elicited by feeding infected hay or transferring

animals to infected pastures. Signs are especially noticeable with temperatures exceeding 32°C and are indicative of a decreased ability to dissipate body heat. Signs include an increase in body temperature (0.5°C) and respiratory rate and a decrease in food intake, growth, milk production, and reproductive performance. Affected animals, particularly cattle, have a poor appearance because of weight loss and a rough hair coat that does not seem to shed. They tend to stand in shade or in water instead of eating. The greater the heat and humidity stress, the more severe the syndrome. These signs are seen primarily in cattle; they are minor in sheep and are negligible in horses (Hemken et al. 1979; Putnam et al. 1991). Many alterations in hematologic and serum chemistry parameters can be shown experimentally (Oliver et al. 2000; Brown et al. 2009). While these changes may be useful experimentally, they may be less useful and probably difficult to detect in the field (Oliver et al. 2000). fat necrosis: hard fat masses in the abdominal cavity

Fat necrosis is often seen in animals that have had the summer slump syndrome, although it may be seen alone. Of long duration, it is characterized by the appearance of numerous hard fat masses in adipose tissue of the abdominal cavity that are accompanied by a decrease in serum cholesterol and total lipids (Stuedemann et al. 1985). The effects are worse with increased nitrogen fertilization of the fescue. The firm masses may become large enough or occur in such numbers as to cause signs indicative of vascular or luminal obstruction in the intestine or urogenital system. fescue foot: weight loss, rough hair, reluctance to move, soreness of the limbs, most often pelvic

Fescue foot is the most striking of the fescue toxicity syndromes. There is usually weight loss and development of a rough hair coat. Slight diarrhea and a mild temperature increase may also occur. The animal typically stands with an arched back and is reluctant to move, because of soreness in one or both pelvic limbs. Swelling and reddening of the coronary band(s), especially in the area between the hoof and dewclaws, is apparent upon close inspection. Eventually, a clear line of demarcation develops around the limb just above the fetlock. The swelling below this line progresses to dry gangrene and eventual loss of the foot. These changes rarely occur in the thoracic limbs. Similar lesions may occur in the tail, with eventual loss of the switch. The syndrome is indistinguishable from the dry gangrene characteristic of ergotism. It has been

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estimated that feed levels of ergovaline of 400–750 ppb and 500–800 ppb for cattle and sheep, respectively, represent threshold values for risk of fescue foot (Tor-Agbidye et al. 2001). reproductive effects in horses: agalactia, decreased conception rates, prolonged gestation, weak foals, stillbirths, thickened placenta; large foals with overgrown hooves, long hair, poor muscling Reproductive effects in horses include agalactia, decreased conception rate, prolonged gestation, weak foals, stillbirths, abortion, and firm thickened placentas. Foals have overgrown hooves, irregular incisor eruption, long hair coats, and poor muscling. Prolongation of gestation results in a large fetus, causing, in some instances, a difficult delivery with increased risks to both fetus and dam. There is a marked decrease in serum prolactin in all species 3–4 days after ingestion of the toxin. Reproductive effects in cattle and sheep are generally limited to decreased reproductive efficiency, conception delay, and possibly decreased birth weights (Bond et al. 1988; Bolt and Bond 1989). laboratory tests: detect endophyte in plant tissues, stain and identify; ELISA for alkaloids As with Lolium, laboratory tests are available to detect endophyte presence in the tissues of Festuca. They include staining to permit observation and identification of fungal elements in plant tissues (Bacon et al. 1977; Smith 1987; Hignight et al. 1993). Most of these methods require overnight staining. However, a quick method employing rose bengal stain has been described for use with fresh forage (Saha et al. 1988). Fresh leaf sheath or stem pith is placed on a microscope slide, and 1–2 drops of a 0.5% solution of rose bengal in 5% aqueous ethanol are applied. A cover slip is then applied, and the excess stain is removed. The material is examined at 100–400× magnification, using a green filter; fungal elements stain pink or red. If dried plant material is used, overnight soaking in an alkaline rose bengal solution is required. Other methods and stains are available, including culture of tissue from the seed and use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Johnson et al. 1982; Welty et al. 1986). Arrangements to evaluate caryopses/seeds for the presence of the endophytic fungus by staining or by an ELISA test should be made through local agricultural extension personnel or area agronomists or through agencies such as the Fescue Testing Laboratory at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. Analysis of forage or seeds for the presence of ergovaline or other endophyte toxins may also be useful in


confirming the cause of intoxication (Porter 1995). Prolactin levels in serum may be used to assess toxin exposure, but because of its variability, urinary alkaloid analysis appears to be a more reliable approach (Hill et al. 2000). fescue foot: gross pathology, necrosis, sloughing of the skin and tissues, fetlocks and below

Pathology—Distinct pathologic changes are seen mainly with the fescue foot syndrome. There is sloughing and necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues distal to the line of demarcation above the fetlocks. Microscopically, the necrosis is accompanied by perivascular edema and thickened walls of blood vessels around the coronary band. In horses exhibiting the reproductive effects of Schedonorus, the placenta is thick and tough. Microscopically, there is edema, colloid deposition, vascular degeneration, and fibrosis of the placenta. summer slump: generally reversible with change in forage; possible benefit from use of thiamine, estradiol, ivermectin, metoclopramide

fescue foot: some effects reversible; use of dromperidone, perphenazine

Treatment—Treatment using vasodilator drugs has proven to be of limited value for both the summer slump and the fescue foot syndromes. Summer slump is reversible when alternative forages are provided. The summerslump peripheral vasoconstrictive and prolactin effects subside within about a week after exposure to the toxins ceases (Rhodes et al. 1991; Aiken et al. 2001). Some effects of fescue foot are also reversible, with the exception of well-developed lesions of the extremities, which cause almost permanent disability. Prophylactic and therapeutic selenium supplementation has been advocated, but experimental studies do not support its use (Taylor et al. 1985; Monroe et al. 1988). Copper oxide, supplemental protein, or progesterone-estradiol implants were not effective in preventing the effects of endophyte-infected fescue on animal performance and prolactin secretion (Coffey et al. 1992; Aiken et al. 2001). However, there are some apparent beneficial effects of implants when stocking rates are kept low (Aiken et al. 2006). In contrast, thiamine (1 g/day) has shown some potential as a protection against the increased temperature of summer slump (Dougherty et al. 1991). Of interest are the


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apparent protective effects of ivermectin in improving weight gains of cattle on high-endophyte-infected fescue, either alone or with concurrent use of implants of progesterone/estradiol benzoate (Bransby 1997). 17βEstradiol implants alone may provide partial reversal of weight gain depression, but not equal to gains seen with endophyte-free forage (Beconi et al. 1995). use of seaweed extracts and adsorbents to reduce effects Other approaches to attenuate the effects of the endophytes include the use of seaweed extracts and various adsorbents. Application of a seaweed-based product (Tasco, Acadian Seaplants, Nova Scotia, Canada) to fescue pastures had positive effects on immune function and reduced oxidative stress in cattle (Fike et al. 2001; Saker et al. 2001). Addition of seaweed extract to the diet reduced the hyperthermia associated with fescue in both rats and cattle (Spiers et al. 2004). Considerable effort continues in evaluating the use of various adsorbents as supplements to bind ergot alkaloids. Whereas the adsorbents typically used for aflatoxins such as aluminosilicate have not proven effective, yeast cell wall preparations such as esterified glucomannans (from glucose and mannose) (Mycosorb & FEB-200®, Alltech, Nicholasville, KY) appear to hold promise based on both in vitro and in vivo testing (Evans and Dawson 2000; Ely et al. 2002; Akay et al. 2003). These positive effects are apparent in cattle with respect to feed intake and prolactin levels, but not clearly so in horses (Orr et al. 2006; Merrill et al. 2007). Dopamine antagonists and other drugs have shown some promise as therapeutic agents. Metoclopramide, 15 mg/kg b.w. orally 3 times per week, increased prolactin secretion and weight gain in affected cattle and sheep (Lipham et al. 1989; Aldrich et al. 1993a). Simulation of the signs of fescue intoxication in mares with the dopamine agonist bromocriptine are reversible with perphenazine, 0.375 mg/kg b.w. orally twice per day for the last 30 days of gestation (Ireland et al. 1991). Perphenazine also increases prolactin secretion. Dromperidone daily 1.1 mg/kg b.w. orally was also effective in this model (Evans et al. 1999). Similarly, fluphenazine and dromperidone are effective in preventing or reversing the reproductive effects of the ergopeptides in horses (Redmond et al. 1992; Bennett-Wimbush and Loch 1997). Dromperidone at 1.1 mg/kg b.w. given orally a few days before expected foaling to a few days after in the presence of signs is reported to be nearly 95% effective in preventing or reversing all signs of intoxication in mares (Cross et al. 1999). Dromperidone supplementation also appears to be effective against at least some toxic effects in cattle (Jones

et al. 2003). Uterine vasoconstriction in cattle is reversed by serotonin-2 inhibitors, including phenoxybenzamine (Dyer 1993). Passive or active immunization against ergot alkaloids may also be of some benefit in preventing the effects of these toxins (Hill et al. 1994; Filipov et al. 1998). control difficult; use endophyte-free seed for new pastures; but difficult to maintain Avoidance or control of the fescue syndromes is difficult because the fungus is transmitted via the caryopsis/seed. Endophyte-free seed has been available since the early 1980s and may be used to develop new pastures. In addition, seed that has been stored for 1 or more years at room temperature, and in which the endophyte content has markedly decreased, may be used in establishing pastures. Unfortunately, while fescue pastures developed from fungus-free seed provide for better animal productivity, they represent a challenge to producers because they are less hardy and more susceptible environmental problems including insect damage (Coblentz et al. 2006). However, under favorable growing conditions, it may be possible to readily maintain endophyte-free pastures (Tracy and Renne 2005). Reliance on endophyte-free fescue for livestock grazing requires careful management because it is more readily eaten and thus subject to overgrazing. If the choice is made to use endophyte-free seed, it would be advisable to consult with local agricultural extension personnel for information on the most appropriate practices for pasture development and management. Planting other grasses and legumes to establish mixed pastures is also a possibility. Treatment of seed with fungicides has been used but is costly (Siegel et al. 1984b). These approaches represent long-term measures, however, and do not provide a solution to the immediate toxicity problems. possible use of genetically modified endophytes to reduce problems Increasing attention has been given to the use of replacing the wild-type alkaloid producing endophytes with novel strains, which lack these toxins. Fescue cultivar selection itself has not been shown to be promising (Bouton et al. 2001) but the use of novel endophyte strains to infect endophyte-free cultivars has been shown to be effective in maintaining pasture productivity (Bouton et al. 2002). The productivity of cattle and lambs grazing these pastures was much improved in comparison to animals grazing wild-type endophyte-infected pastures, and there was no evidence of adverse effects such as decreased serum prolactin even under high environmental temperatures (Hill et al. 2002; Parish et al. 2003a,b;

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Nihsen et al. 2004; Beck et al. 2008; Looper et al. 2009; Hopkins et al. 2010). The use of these fescue/endophyte combinations compares favorably with animal productivity of cool-season annuals especially when considered on a long-term basis (Beck et al. 2008). In a reverse approach, endophyte manipulation can be used to increase the toxicity potential for protective effects against insect predation and has also been exploited to reduce bird numbers at airports and sports fields where turf-type tall fescues are used extensively (Pennell et al. 2010).

reduce risk: supplement with other forages; increase stocking rates to keep plants at low height; remove mares from fescue pasture the last 2 months of gestation

At present, the best recommendation when using wildtype endophyte-infected fescue is to avoid relying entirely on it for any lengthy period of time. However, it is suggested that in the southeastern United States where fescue foot is not common, fescue may otherwise be stockpiled for winter grazing with little impact on animal performance (Curtis and Kallenbach 2007). Supplementation of fescue forage with hay from other grasses or legumes may help to avoid problems. Management procedures can be implemented to minimize the risk to cattle. For example, Bransby and coworkers (1988) have shown that high stocking rates, which result in maintaining the forage at low heights, produce improved weight gains and minimal signs of summer slump. They suggest that endophyte and toxin levels are lower in the leafier short grass, and thus, dosage to individual animals is lower. Therefore, producers may be able to develop ways to diminish the problems and utilize the favorable characteristics of fescue. Proper management is particularly crucial with brood mares. They should be kept out of fescue pastures for at least the last 45 days of gestation. It is best to avoid extensive reliance on fescue to maintain brood mares. Otherwise, it is satisfactory forage for horses. Infected forage harvested as hay may be rendered less toxic by treatment of the bales with anhydrous ammonia (Kerr et al. 1990; Roberts et al. 2011). The hay may be fed to cattle if animals are carefully monitored for endophyte effects, but it probably should not be relied on for use in horses. It is recommended that producers wait at least 1 month after cutting hay before feeding it to cattle or sheep (Roberts et al. 2009). Cattle should be fed hay and not allowed to graze fescue pastures in late fall and early winter when alkaloid levels are high, but they may be allowed access to the pastures in late winter when levels are lower (Rottinghaus et al. 1991; Kallenbach et al. 2003; Roberts et al. 2011; Rogers et al. 2011).


Either month-old hay or ammoniated forages may be used (Kallenbach et al. 2006; Roberts et al. 2011). Because of the previously described conflicting results in studies of silage, recommendations for feeding it cannot be proposed at the present time. Again, these approaches cannot be relied on for use in horses.

SETARIA P.BEAUV. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 110 warm-season species, Setaria, a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and tribe Paniceae, is a cosmopolitan genus that is most abundant in warm temperate and tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and South America (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its generic name is derived from the Latin seta, which means “bristle,” and is indicative of the bristlelike branches of the inflorescence that subtend the spikelets (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Economically and ecologically, the genus is quite important (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). Some species have been cultivated as cereals since prehistoric times. In general, palatable and nutritious, other species provide forage for livestock and are important components of range forage in the Southwest. Others are noxious weeds in crops and lawns. Some are cultivated as ornamentals for their foliage and their bristly inflorescences. The caryopses are a most important component of the diet of many birds (Martin et al. 1951). In North America, 15 native, 9 naturalized introductions, 2 adventive, and 1 cultivated species are present (Rominger 2003). Representative of the genus and associated with toxicological problems are the following: S. pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. (=S. glauca [L.] P.Beauv.) (=S. lutescens [Weigel] F.T.Hubb.) S. italica (L.) P.Beauv.

yellow foxtail, yellow bristlegrass, bristly foxtail, pigeon grass

foxtail millet, Italian millet, German millet, Siberian millet, Hungarian millet, Japanese millet

annuals or perennials; inflorescences spicate panicles; spikelets subtended by bristles, dorsally compressed, with 2 florets, upper perfect and hard or leathery Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose or rhizomatous. Culms 25–120 cm tall; erect or geniculate; internodes hollow or solid. Leaves cauline. Blades flat or folded; 2–25 mm wide. Ligules ciliate membranous or ciliate. Auricles absent. Sheaths with margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences spicate panicles; spikelets borne in fascicles on short pedicels or branches, subtended by bristles (sterile


Toxic Plants of North America

panicle branches). Disarticulation below the glumes; at spikelet bases. Spikelets all alike; lanceolate or ovate or elliptic; compression dorsal; 1.5–4 mm long. Florets 2; of 2 forms; lower florets staminate or neuter; upper florets perfect. Glumes 2; unequal; different; lower glumes onethird to one-half the length of spikelets, broadly ovate, nerves 1 or 3 or 5 or 7; upper glumes one-half to equal the length of lower lemmas, elliptic, nerves 5 or 7. Lemmas of Lower Florets elliptic; membranous or coriaceous; abaxial surfaces glabrous or indumented; awns absent. Paleas of Lower Florets absent or present; as long as lemmas; hyaline. Lemmas of Upper Florets elliptic; indurate or coriaceous indurate; abaxial surfaces smooth or rugose, glabrous, shiny. Paleas of Upper Florets present; as long as lemmas; tightly enclosed by lemma margins; indurate. Illustrations and images of the species of Setaria can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( (Figure 58.47).

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Setaria are found in a variety of habitats in grasslands and woodlands across the continent (Rominger 2003). Many readily occupy disturbed sites. Introduced from Eurasia, S. pumila is widely distributed and is considered a pernicious weed in crops (USDA, NRCS 2012). Believed to be native to central China and cultivated as early as 2700 b.c., S. italica is planted in the southern portion of the continent, but it is also a weed in the Northeast (Rominger 2003). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Grass Manual on the Web (http:// Disease Problems photosensitization myoarthropathy mechanical injury

Disease Problems—Several minor toxicologic problems are associated with species of Setaria. They include primary photosensitization, myoarthropathy, and mechanical injury due to the bristles, which subtend the spikelets. Occurrence of the first two problems is rare.

Myoarthropathy primarily horses; rare; degenerative arthritis; hay from mature S. italica, toxicant unknown

Disease Problems and Genesis—At one time, S. italica with mature inflorescences (headed out) was commonly

Figure 58.47.

Line drawing of Setaria pumila.

cut for hay and used as feed for horses and other livestock. Unfortunately, even when mixed with equal amounts of another forage, it caused an acute syndrome of joint and muscle pain, and diuresis (Hinebauch 1892, 1896). The degenerative arthritis was sometimes severe. Recovery, even during the early stages of the disease, required a week or more following prompt elimination of the hay from the animal’s diet. A glucoside from an aqueous extract of Setaria hay is reported to cause the characteristic signs, but this has not been confirmed (Pammel 1911).

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abrupt or slow onset; muscle and joint soreness, lameness, sweating

cartilage degeneration, renal tubular necrosis; administer anti-inflammatory drugs

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—There is abrupt onset of muscle and joint soreness and an increase in frequency and volume of urination. Body temperature is increased moderately. Sweating and constipation are also seen. Soreness may be of such severity that the animal will not stand. In other instances, the onset is slower, with gradual onset of lameness and all joints painful to the touch. If the initial period of Setaria consumption is of short duration, there may be few or minor pathologic changes. If prolonged, articular cartilage in the joints of the limbs is degenerated and the synovial fluid is dark colored, necrosis of the renal tubular epithelium may also be apparent. With repeated consumption, there may be softening of the bones and rupture of tendonous attachments to the bones. Directed toward the signs, treatment includes antiinflammatory drugs for relief of the joint pain and muscle degeneration.

Mechanical Injury bristles of mature inflorescences in hay

Disease Problems and Genesis—Most members of the genus have sharp and barbed bristles, which represent reduced, sterile panicle branches. They are particularly conspicuous in S. glauca and are capable of penetrating the mucous membranes and causing serious erosions of the mouth (Bankowski et al. 1956; Rebhun et al. 1980; Peterson and Schultheiss 1984). When Setaria is harvested before inflorescence maturity, good hay may be produced. Problems occur when the grass is cut late and a substantial number of panicles are present. Mechanical injury is a particularly serious problem in horses, dogs, and cats. The barbed bristles may penetrate the skin and migrate through the tissues causing fistulous tracts and deepseated infections. These effects are especially serious in the thoracic cavity. Even when restricted to the mouth and tongue, the fine bristles may have serious ulcerative consequences in any herbivore (Fava et al. 2000; Turnquist et al. 2001). painful ulceration, abscesses, caseation, especially of the mouth; remove the bristles and cleanse with hydrogen peroxide


Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs produced by Setaria depend on the site of penetration by the bristles. Lesions in the mouth will cause pain, resulting in a reluctance to eat and a loss of weight. There may also be an apparent increase in salivation and possibly fever if there is sufficient inflammatory response. The bristles cause deep ulcerations of the tongue, gums, dental pad, and cheeks, which may result in abscesses and caseation. Bristles may be present in the wounds. If possible, they should be removed and the site cleansed with a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution.

SORGHASTRUM NASH Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 20 warm-season species in the tropical and subtropical Americas, Sorghastrum is a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and the tribe Andropogoneae (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). It is believed to be closely related to Sorghum and its generic name is derived from Sorghum and the Latin suffix astrum, which means “poor imitation of” (Clayton and Renvoize 1986; Huxley and Griffiths 1992). It is represented in North America by 3 species, only 1 of which is of toxicologic concern (Dávila Aranda and Hatch 2003): S. nutans (L.) Nash (=S. avenaceum Nash)


perennials; inflorescences panicles; spikelets dorsally compressed, awned; glumes 2, longer than florets, leathery Plants perennials; cespitose or rhizomatous. Culms 90–200 cm tall; erect; not branched above; nodes glabrous or indumented; internodes hollow. Leaves both basal and cauline. Blades flat; 3–15 mm wide; bases tapered. Ligules membranous or ciliate membranous; frequently continuous with auricles. Auricles present. Sheaths glabrous or pilose; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences panicles of rames; open or contracted; narrow to broadly rhombic; pedicelled spikelets absent; pedicels present; hirsute. Disarticulation below the glumes; rachises disarticulating; sessile spikelet, pedicel, and rachis joint falling as a unit. Spikelets all alike; lanceolate, compression dorsal, 5–8 mm long, awns present. Florets 1; perfect. Glumes 2; equal or subequal; different; longer than florets; golden or dark brown; coriaceous; nerves 5 or 7, obscure; lower glumes hirsute; upper glumes glabrous or sparsely hirsute distally. Lemmas linear; hyaline; awns 1, apical, terete, twisted proximally, once or twice geniculate. Paleas absent or present; hyaline. Illustrations and images of the species of Sorghastrum can be accessed online via the Grass


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems and Genesis—Sorghastrum clearly represents a cyanogenic risk. The HCN potential varies in much the same manner as that of Sorghum. The potential is very high in the early stages of growth—up to 1000 ppm or more in seedlings—and declines steadily to safe, low concentrations by the time plants are typically grazed or cut for hay (Haskins et al. 1979; Vogel et al. 1987). In spite of the high dhurrin levels and hence high HCN potential, actual livestock losses are rare. This is probably due to management practices in which Sorghastrum is either fed when mature and minimally toxic or grazed in mixed pastures. The same factors determining toxicity in Sorghum appear to be important in this genus. abrupt onset; apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures

Clinical Signs—There is abrupt onset of apprehension and distress that occurs within a few minutes of grazing the plants. Weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration quickly follow. If intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur over a 5- to 15-minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time. Figure 58.48. Line drawing of Sorghastrum nutans. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

no lesions; administer sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrite

Pathology and Treatment—There are few distinctive Manual on the Web ( (Figure 58.48).

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Sorghastrum occupy habitats in grasslands, in savannas, and at the edges of woods (Dávila Aranda and Hatch 2003). Occurring across North America except for the extreme west, S. nutans is a dominant of the continent’s tallgrass prairies and thus a common constituent of wild or prairie hay. Distribution maps of the 3 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.usda. gov) and the Grass Manual on the Web (http://

cyanogenic, especially early growth, low risk in mature forage

changes. For the most part, they are limited to congestion of the abdominal viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages. The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. Sodium nitrite, 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment. A more complete discussion is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

SORGHUM MOENCH Taxonomy and Morphology—Its name derived from sorgo, the Italian vernacular for plants of the genus, Sorghum, a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and the tribe Andropogoneae, comprises about 30 warm-season species and is essentially an African genus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992; Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Only 1

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species, a Mexican endemic, is native to the New World. In North America, the genus is represented by 3 species of toxicologic importance (Barkworth 2003c; USDA, NRCS 2012): S. × almum Parodi S. bicolor (L.) Moench (=S. arundinaceum [Desv.] Stapf) (=S. ×drummondii Nees ex Steud.) (=S. vulgare Pers.) S. halepense (L.) Pers.

sorghum almum, Columbusgrass sorghum, shattercane, Sudan, milo, great millet, Sudangrass


annuals or perennials; inflorescences panicles of rames; spikelets dorsally compressed; glumes 2, equal, longer than florets, leathery

Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose or rhizomatous. Culms 60–300 cm tall; erect; not branched above; nodes glabrous or indumented; internodes solid or hollow below. Leaves cauline. Blades flat; 12–120 mm wide. Ligules membranous or ciliate membranous or ciliate. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences panicles of rames; open or contracted; narrow to broadly rhombic; branches whorled. Disarticulation below the glumes; rachises disarticulating; sessile spikelet, pedicel, and rachis joint falling as a unit. Spikelets of 2 forms, sessile and pedicelled different. Sessile Spikelets elliptic to ovate; compression dorsal; 4–6 mm long; awns present. Florets 2; of 2 forms, lower neuter, upper perfect; glumes 2, equal, different, longer than florets, coriaceous, flat to convex, glabrous or sericeous; lemmas and paleas of lower florets hyaline; lemmas and paleas of upper florets linear, hyaline, awns 1, apical, terete, twisted proximally, once or twice geniculate. Pedicelled Spikelets welldeveloped or reduced to a glume; shorter or longer than sessile spikelets; staminate or neuter; lanceolate. Lemmas hyaline. Paleas hyaline. Illustrations and images of the species of Sorghum can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( (Figures 58.49–58.52).

S. bicolor, numerous races now grouped by usage

Species of Sorghum are economically quite important for forage, hay, silage, and grain. A major tropical cereal, S. bicolor is believed to have been first domesticated in the Ethiopia/Sudan region of northeastern Africa

Figure 58.49. Line drawing of Sorghum halepense. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

about 3000 b.c. (Doggett 1988). Its wild progenitor was S. arundinaceum, which is now treated as one of its subspecies. As the use of S. bicolor spread through tropical Africa, into eastern Asia, and eventually throughout the world, scores of varieties, cultivars, races, and hybrids were developed (Table 58.12). Differences among these taxa are sometimes slight and/or primarily physiological; identification of them is thus sometimes tenuous. To deal with this complexity, several classification schemes have been developed. In 1936, J.D. Snowden, an eminent Sorghum specialist, proposed recognizing 31 “species” to encompass the range of variation in cultivated sorghums. His classification was revised by Murty and coworkers (Murty et al. 1967; Murty and Govil 1967), who proposed that the subgenus Bicolor (=Eusorghum) be divided into 8 “working groups” and 70 “groups.” Further simplification by Harlan and de Wet (1972) led to the establishment of 5 basic races and 10 intermediate/hybrid races based on the appearance of inflorescence, glumes, and caryopses. For convenience, these taxa can be grouped


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Figure 58.52. Figure 58.50.

Photo of the inflorescence of Sorghum bicolor.

Photo of the plants of Sorghum halepense.

because of the nomenclatural principle of priority and should not be used. In contrast to annual S. bicolor, S. halepense is a vigorously rhizomatous perennial that is considered both a valuable forage and a pernicious weed. It is categorized as a “grass sorghum.” It has hybridized with S. bicolor to produce S. ×almum.

crop plants

Figure 58.51.

Photo of the spikelets of Sorghum halepense.

into four categories based on general usage (Table 58.12). Of interest here is that the toxicologic potential differs considerably from taxon to taxon. Hybridization among members of the various categories has been extensive; for example, grain × grass hybrids and sorgo × grass hybrids are common. In the older agronomic and taxonomic literature, the binomial S. vulgare Pers. was used for sorghum. It is illegitimate, however,

Distribution and Habitat—Although S. bicolor is nominally a cultivated species, waifs occasionally occur along the roadsides. Sorghum halepense was originally thought to be deliberately introduced into North America about 1830 from the Mediterranean region as a forage and hay grass, but apparently, it arrived earlier, possibly as a contaminant in other seed stocks. Its vigorous rhizomatous growth facilitates rapid establishment of the dense stands desired by cattle producers. However, this same trait makes it a troublesome weed of roadsides, ditches, and other disturbed sites. Sorghum ×almum was originally described as a species in Argentina. It is generally treated as a distinct species rather than as a variety of either of its parents, because of its agronomic significance. It is used in the same way as S. halepense but is not a weedy pest. Distribution maps of the 3 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. and the Grass Manual on the Web (http://

Poaceae Barnhart Table 58.12.


Representative infraspecific taxa of Sorghum bicolor grouped by general usage.

Grass sorghums—plants grown for forage use; tall, slender stemmed, narrow leaved Varieties ‘Piper’, ‘Tift’, ‘Wheeler’ Hybrids (sweet Sudans) ‘All Tex’, ‘Grazer’, ‘Sweet Sudan’, ‘Greenleaf’, ‘Haygrazer’, ‘Hi Dan’, ‘Planter’s Pride’, ‘Rainbow Gold’, ‘Sordan’, ‘Sudax’, ‘Sugar Dan’, ‘Sugar Queen’, ‘Sweet Sioux’, ‘Trudan’, ‘Zulu’ Grain sorghums—plants grown for large, palatable grains and some forage Milo dwarf, dwarf yellow, ‘Redlan’, ‘Redbine’, ‘Plainsman’ Kafir ‘Blackhull’, ‘Dawn’, ‘Early Red’, ‘Pink’, ‘Sharon’, ‘Sunrise’ Hegari dwarf hegari Feterita spur feterita Hybrids especially milo crosses Others durra and guinea corn (Africa), shallu (India), kaoliang (China) Sorgos—plants grown for syrup, sugar, and forage; thick, juicy, and sweet culms, with up to 10% sucrose; grain of little value Varieties ‘Chinese Amber’, ‘Gooseneck’, ‘Honey’, ‘Sumac’, ‘Early Amber’, ‘Black Amber’, ‘Orange’, ‘Sourless’, ‘Sart’, ‘Sugar Drip’, ‘Planter’, ‘White Africa’ Hybrids (sweet Sudans) ‘Atlas’, ‘Early Sumac’, ‘Norkan’, ‘Leoti’, ‘Brandes’, ‘Rio’ Broomcorn sorghums—grown for broom bristles; panicle branches and pedicels long and stiff ‘Acme’, ‘Evergreen’, ‘Scarborough’, ‘Black Spanish’ Sources: Harlan and de Wet (1972); Doggett (1988); Purseglove (1988).

4 Disease Syndromes ataxia/cystitis/teratogenesis photosensitization nitrate accumulation cyanogenesis

Disease Problems—Valued for fresh forage, hay, silage, and grain, the sorghums historically have been associated with toxic effects in certain conditions. Extensive losses of cattle feeding on sorghum were recorded in India in the severe drought years of 1877, 1887, and 1895 (Vinall 1921). The toxic nature of S. bicolor was recognized in the late 1800s in Egypt, where it was grown as a protective shield around plantings of peanuts. In these circumstances, it was observed that water deprivation markedly increased the toxicity of young plants (Dunstan and Henry 1902). Various cultivated plants of this genus were also serious problems in the Great Plains in the late 1800s and early 1900s. There were sporadic losses of livestock with otherwise useful forages or grain crops, especially kafir corn (Peters et al. 1903; Slade 1903; Francis 1915). Again, it was noted that moisture stress markedly increased toxicity. It has since become well accepted that Sorghum is toxic in certain environmental conditions. In many instances, the risk of toxicity seems to be greater in times of drought, but this has not been a consistent finding. The genus produces four disease syndromes—ataxia, cystitis, and teratogenesis; photosensitization; nitrate accumulation;

and cyanogensis. The first of these occurs primarily in horses, whereas nitrate and cyanide intoxication appear mainly if not exclusively in ruminants and camelids. Each syndrome is described below. In addition, ergotism associated with Claviceps africana has also been reported as a problem in Australia. There was elevated body temperature and marked reduction of milk production in cows and pigs fed sorghum grain contaminated with up to 20% ergots (sclerotia) (Moss et al. 1999).


rare; primarily horse; several weeks of grazing; fetal deformities very rare; cattle susceptible?

Disease Problems—The disease syndrome of ataxia/ cystitis/teratogenesis, often called Sorghum cystitis, was first observed in the southern Great Plains in the early 1960s and has since been seen in horses of all ages and breeds (Romane et al. 1966). It occurs when animals graze any species of the genus or the hybrids. The offending plants may be in various stages of growth, ranging from young, rapidly growing individuals to those exhibiting mature second growth. The problem has also been seen in animals fed fresh-cut but not well-cured hay (Adams et al. 1969). It generally follows several weeks or


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months of grazing on sorghum pastures, although in rare instances, it is reported after only a single week. In Australia, the disease seems to be associated with drought, insect attack, or other stress on the plants (McKenzie and McMicking 1977). The disease was originally described as occurring only in horses; cattle in the same pastures were apparently unaffected (Adams et al. 1969). Since that time, however, several cases of what appears to be the same or a similar disease have been reported in cattle in Australia and possibly sheep in the United States (McKenzie and McMicking 1977; Bradley et al. 1995). Although episodes in cattle and sheep have not been shown conclusively to be the same disease as in horses, Sorghum seems to be the common factor in all cases, and the fetal deformities and spinal pathology are similar in all species. If horses are promptly removed from the forage, there may be apparent improvement, but the pathologic changes persist. The risk of occurrence of this disease seems to be rather low, given that only intermittent episodes are reported (Morgan et al. 1990; Botha and Naude 2002). Producers typically use sorghum varieties low in HCN potential, making the assumption that this will ensure avoidance of the ataxia and urinary tract effects, but the preventive value of this practice has not been confirmed. Closely associated with the disease are fetal malformations and abortions, both sometimes occurring in the same animal (Knight 1968; Adams et al. 1969). In one instance, both limb deformities and spinal pathology were seen in the same newborn calves (Seaman et al. 1981). These reproductive problems have been shown to occur after several weeks of grazing Sudan pastures either in horses in North America or cattle in Australia (Romane et al. 1966; Prichard and Voss 1967; Knight 1968; Adams et al. 1969; Seaman et al. 1981). cause unknown; cyanide unlikely; lathyrogenic nitriles?

Disease Genesis—The specific cause of this disease is unknown, but both cyanide and/or nitriles are suspected. The effects are related primarily to spinal cord pathology and are perhaps somewhat similar in nature to those caused by Lathyrus spp. in the Fabaceae. It seems unlikely that the effects are due to cyanide, because there is no link between toxicity and plant maturity. Experiments by one of us (G.E.B.) to evaluate the effects of chronic cyanide exposure by administration of a substantial daily i.m. dose of cyanide to ponies throughout pregnancy resulted in no observable detrimental effects. Furthermore, production of developmental defects in hamsters requires oral dosage of another cyanogenic glycoside, linamarin, sufficient to cause obvious signs in the dams (Frakes et al. 1985). Neuronal changes—axonal spheroids—observed

in sheep are considerably different from those of horses and cattle, and they have been suggested by Bradley and coworkers (1995) to be further evidence for the hypothesized lathyrogenic nature of Sorghum toxicity (Van Kampen 1970). gradual onset of ataxia; urinary incontinence, dribbling of urine; paralysis of the limbs and tail; teratogenic effects, arthrogryposis

Clinical Signs—In horses, signs develop gradually, beginning with ataxia and then urinary incontinence a day or two later, or both signs appear simultaneously. Occasionally, only the ataxia is seen. In particularly severe cases, flaccid paralysis of the tail and pelvic limbs may be seen within 24 hours after onset of signs. There may be considerable difficulty in walking. This is especially obvious when the animal is backed; it may sit down if it does not fall down. Abnormalities may not be apparent when the animal is standing, but the placing deficit of the rear feet becomes quite obvious with forced movement. In females, there is continual opening and closing of the vulva (as in estrus), with dribbling of urine. Scalds due to urine may be evident on the pelvic limbs. In the male, the penis is extended in a relaxed position, with continual dripping of urine. Body temperature and appetite are usually unaffected. Urinalysis may reveal that specific gravity and pH are in the normal ranges, but that occult blood, numerous cells, bacteria, and calcium carbonate crystals are present. This is not usually a fatal disease, but the subsequent limitations in performance often result in the animal being euthanized. Signs described for cattle are similar except for the inconsistency of the urinary incontinence. In sheep, as observed in feeder lambs, there was weakness, ataxia, head shaking, knuckling of the fetlocks, inability to rise, and opisthotonus (Bradley et al. 1995). Urinary tract effects were lacking. Reproductive effects may present as abortion at any time in gestation, as a difficult delivery due to malformation of the fetus, or as a deformed and weak newborn. In the latter instance, it may be difficult for the newborn to stand and suckle. The prominent deformity is arthrogryposis of both thoracic and pelvic limbs. gross pathology: bladder wall reddened, edematous, ±pus; microscopic: spinal demyelination, axonal degeneration

Pathology—Grossly, inflammation of the bladder is prominent. The bladder wall is reddened, thickened with edema, and sometimes ulcerated. The bladder may be

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filled with sticky, granular-appearing, yellowish urine containing considerable calcium carbonate, which also tends to adhere to the bladder mucosa. There is often copious semicongealed pus in the bladder. In more chronic cases, the bladder mucosa is convoluted and may have large ulcerations. The vagina may also be reddened and coated with calcium carbonate. In the most serious cases, there is evidence of an ascending urinary tract infection, sometimes with severe pyelonephritis. Microscopically, there are swollen degenerating axons, demyelination, and increased gitter cells in the lateral and especially ventral funiculi of all segments of the spinal cord. There may also be degenerative changes in the spinothalamic and pontocerebellar tracts. In affected newborn calves, there was extensive spinal involvement with Wallerian degeneration of spinal axons in all but the dorsal columns at all levels and even extending up into the cerebellar white matter and brain stem (Seaman et al. 1981). In the episode reported in sheep, the most distinctive changes were eosinophilic intranuclear and spheroidal axonal swellings in the medulla, cerebrum, midbrain, and ventral horn gray matter, with minimal Wallerian degeneration in the spinal cord.

Photosensitization primary photosensitization; rare; cause unknown

Disease Problems—A disease of very limited importance, photosensitization occurs only sporadically and is readily responsive to removal of animals from the offending pasture. It is a primary photosensitization, with no icterus. The toxicant responsible has not been identified. Episodes are reported in sheep grazing regrowth sorghum with or without irrigation (Howarth 1931; Mathews 1938).

Nitrate Intoxication serious problem in livestock; especially with highly productive plant varieties and with extensive fertilization

Disease Problems—Nitrate intoxication is one of the most serious intoxication problems for the cattle industry in North America, especially in regions where sorghums are used as a primary forage. High-producing sorghums are planted on approximately 18 million acres in the United States alone, and they represent a significant portion of the available livestock forage. They are used as silage, green chop, hay, bundle feed, and grazing forage. Although considerable research has been directed toward improvement of sorghums as forage and reduction of their cyanogenic potential, the problem of nitrate


accumulation has not been diminished and, in fact, may be enhanced by the development of higher-producing varieties (Clay et al. 1976). Death losses of 10–15% are not uncommon, especially in severe winters following dry summers, when conditions are favorable to both nitrate accumulation and expression of the disease (Dollahite and Rowe 1974; Haliburton and Edwards 1978). Losses may be devastating. Such was the case in an episode in Nebraska when, during severe December weather, 226 of 390 cattle died and an additional 42 cows subsequently aborted (Hibbs et al. 1978). This disaster was due to feeding weedy Amaranthus/Kochia hay with a level of 4.9% KNO3 and Sorghum hay with 8% KNO3. nitrates accumulated in a variety of conditions

Disease Genesis—Most plants extract nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates. Normally, their tissues contain relatively small amounts of nitrates because they are rapidly reduced to nitrites, which in turn are reduced further to ammonia and subsequently incorporated in the formation of amino acids and proteins (Wright and Davison 1964). In the process, nitrogen undergoes a valence change from +5 in nitrate to −3 in ammonia. Under certain conditions, plants accumulate nitrate in their tissues, especially those of the stems. This accumulation may result from an increase in rate of nitrate uptake or from interference in its reduction to nitrite. Uptake depends on the amount of nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus in the soil; plant maturity; and plant genotype. Reduction depends, in part, on light, moisture, temperature, concentrations of molybdenum and manganese, plant maturity, and plant genotype (Nason 1962; Wright and Davison 1964). Nitrate accumulation is markedly fostered by decreased soil moisture and light and attenuated by plant maturity (Whitehead and Moxon 1952). Factors that seem to predispose nitrate accumulation include plant diseases such as leaf rust, mildew, or root rot; plant damage due to hail, wind, or other forces; and application of 2,4-D (at least initially) herbicides (Whitehead and Moxon 1952; Swanson and Shaw 1954; Piening 1972; Hicks and Peterson 1976). In general, nitrate is increased by factors that inhibit photosynthesis and thus its utilization. Nitrate concentrations in plants may be expressed in several ways. The following conversion factors may be used in evaluating some of the different ways to express nitrate: KNO3 × 0.61 = NO3 NO3 × 1.63 = KNO3 NO3-N × 4.4 = NO3 NO3-N × 7.2 = KNO3


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Typically, nitrate concentrations, from highest to lowest, are distributed in the plant as follows: lower stems > upper stems > roots > leaves > flowers (Whitehead and Moxon 1952; Hanway et al. 1963). Nitrate concentrations in all plant parts generally decline appreciably after heading of the Sudangrasses (Mizukami et al. 1997). Because of all the factors involved in toxicity, it is difficult to establish a single critical level. Generally, a concentration of 10,000 ppm NO3 in the stem is viewed as close to the danger level. In some instances, lower concentrations present a risk, in contrast to other situations in which feeds with 20,000 ppm are safely fed. The 1%, or 10,000 ppm, level should be viewed as a level at which the risk of complicating factors supervening to cause toxicosis is much increased. It has been proposed that concentrations in the total ration greater than 1.5% cause overt disease, 1–1.5% cause abortions without other signs, and less than 1% may cause more insidious subacute to chronic effects (Case 1957; Johnson et al. 1994). The multitude of factors and their interactions result in considerable variation in plant nitrate levels from year to year, from field to field, and even from area to area within a field (Selk et al. 1995). Thus, it is difficult to predict actual nitrate levels in hay from a field unless all bales are analyzed each year. Because of the possibility of concentrating in a few bales many of the plants with high levels of nitrates in a field, the use of large hay bales becomes a significant factor in intoxication. This is illustrated by a range of nitrate concentrations from 7900 to 43,600 ppm at various locations within a 5-acre pasture (Strickland et al. 1995). Intoxication is also a serious problem with rotation of crops when high levels of nitrogen fertilizer are applied to a crop such as wheat and then a nitrate accumulator such as sorghum or millet is planted the following year (Kralovec and Frycek 1974). Forages that are produced with irrigation from ponds or are subject to drainage from penned cattle or other livestock may also represent a considerable risk (Antoine et al. 1993).

ruminants: nitrate converted to nitrite by ruminal microflora, involves mainly hay rather than fresh forage

Nitrate intoxication is a serious problem only in ruminants and camelids and particularly in cattle. The rate of feed intake in sheep is typically slower and is less likely to exceed the capacity of the ruminal microflora to utilize the nitrate and its reduction products. In addition, the half-life of nitrate is considerably longer in cattle than in sheep (Johnson et al. 1992). Although reported for horses,

intoxication other than digestive dysfunction is unlikely in monogastrics except from nitrite itself. The important factors in the development of toxicity have been grouped into four categories: (1) the amount of nitrate consumed, (2) the rate of intake, (3) the rate of nitrate release from the forage, and (4) the activity of the gastrointestinal microflora in reducing nitrate (Kemp et al. 1977a; Geurink et al. 1979). The role of nitrate availability is shown by the difference in the toxic dosage of nitrate for cattle of approximately 0.5 g NO3/kg b.w. when given as the salt and 1 g NO3/kg b.w. or more when in forage (Crawford et al. 1966). Intoxication is also more likely to occur from ingestion of hay than from ingestion of fresh forage, because intake of nitrate on a dry matter basis is more rapid, and release of nitrate from its intracellular sites is faster when the plant is dried (Geurink et al. 1979). The susceptibility of ruminants is due to the activity of ruminal microorganisms, which, like higher plants, rapidly reduce nitrate to nitrite and then to ammonia, with possible reaction intermediates such as hydroxylamine, nitroxyl, nitramide, and/or hyponitrous acid (Lewis 1951a; Nason 1962; Winter 1962). The reactions occur in the reduced oxygen atmosphere of the rumen as a form of nitrate respiration by denitrifying facultative anaerobes, and the reaction products are readily absorbed from the rumen. Hydrogen gas and/or other readily available compounds such as succinate, formate, dl-lactate, citrate, and d-glucose serve as hydrogen donors in these reduction reactions (Lewis 1951b). Thus, readily fermentable carbohydrates in the diet promote reductive activity (Sapiro et al. 1949; Holtenius 1967). This is illustrated by the protective effect of feeding corn-based supplements to cattle, thus reducing nitrite accumulation (Nakamura et al. 1979; Burrows et al. 1987). Intoxications may not always be entirely due to nitrate intake, because high nitrite concentrations are occasionally reported in feeds, indicating possible problems from nitrite directly (Smith and Suleiman 1991).

adaptation in several days to allow safe use of highnitrate hay may be lost quickly with lack of feed

The balance between nitrate and nitrite is also influenced by acclimation of the ruminal microflora, because administration of even large amounts of nitrate to cattle without immediate previous exposure results in slow conversion to nitrite (Kemp et al. 1977b). Denitrifying microorganisms must be abundant enough to allow sufficiently rapid nitrite formation for toxicosis to develop. Many instances of nitrate intoxication occur during winter when, because of a temporary lack of feed or adverse weather

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conditions, cattle become very hungry and voraciously consume nitrate-containing hay that otherwise would not cause problems when the animals are adapted to it. Acclimation occurs because, with increased amounts of nitrate in the diet, ruminal microflora begin to adapt in 2–3 days, with an increased ability to fully utilize nitrate as a source of nitrogen (Allison and Reddy 1984). Adaptation can be lost just as quickly or more so. Maximal adaptation is present by 6 days. Typically, both nitrate and nitrite reductions are increased, with nitrite reduction being at least as fast as that of nitrate. However, with high dosage of nitrate, its reduction rate exceeds that of nitrite, allowing accumulation of nitrite in the rumen (Allison and Reddy 1984). A prime example of some of these factors involved in accumulation is an episode in Kansas (Brown et al. 1990). A mix of heifers and older cows were being fed Sudan hay and, because of repairs being made on the feeder, were without feed overnight. The following morning, a bale was placed in the feeder, and a day later some of the heifers were dead. It was surmised that the dominant older cows ate the leafy portions of the hay at a reasonable rate and that the very hungry heifers followed, voraciously consuming the less desirable stems, which contained the highest nitrate concentrations. The time without feed was a likely contributing factor, significantly increasing the appetites. Erratic exposure to increased nitrate concentrations may cause special problems because, although reductive capacity is maintained to some extent, utilization of the reaction products is reduced. As in plants, many factors are involved in ruminal reduction of nitrate, including levels of copper, iron, and molybdenum; ruminal pH; and quality/energy of the rations (Lewis 1951b; Tillman et al. 1965; Holtenius 1967; Miyazaki and Kawashima 1976). Nitrate reductase is a molybdenum-containing enzyme, and either a dietary deficiency or antagonism by administration of sodium tungstenate greatly reduces the risk of nitrite accumulation (Tillman et al. 1965; Korzeniowski et al. 1980, 1981). Cyanide, cyanate, and copper sulfate inhibit nitrate reductase activity in vivo as well, but only copper sulfate and tungstate inhibit nitrite reductase (Bicudo 1986). Various other additives also seem to influence nitrite levels. Penicillin has been shown in vitro to reduce nitrite accumulation, whereas monensin in vivo appears to increase it (Holtenius 1967; Malone 1978). Furthermore, methylene blue, given orally, enhances nitrite reduction to ammonia (Nason 1962). Yeast cultures have been promoted as a preventive, but other studies do not substantiate these claims (Stone 1974, 1976; Horn et al. 1984). many factors influence nitrate reduction to nitrite in the rumen, mainly via changes in nitrate reductase activity; half-life of nitrite in blood is short


After the ingestion of plants containing high levels of nitrates, nitrites begin to increase in the rumen, peaking in 3–4 hours. Concentrations in blood similarly increase, but appreciable amounts of nitrite and other reaction intermediates such as hydroxylamine are of only fleeting existence in the serum (Lewis 1951a; Wang et al. 1961; Winter 1962; Ishigami and Inoue 1976; Kemp et al. 1977b). The small amount of nitrite that is absorbed is either oxidized to nitrate or eliminated directly; it is short lived in the systemic circulation (Kiese 1974; Vertregt 1977). During intoxications, there is a 100-fold or more differential in nitrate/nitrite balance, favoring the former. This portends a greater difference than the 2.5- to 10-fold increase in toxicity reported for nitrite over nitrate (Williams and Hines 1940). In vitro, nitrite is stable in plasma but not in blood (Watts et al. 1969). The half-lives of nitrate and nitrite are 4.2 and 0.5 hours, respectively, in sheep (Schneider and Yeary 1975). Nitrate half-life in cattle appears to be appreciably longer, about 9 hours (Johnson et al. 1992). Very little of the nitrate that is absorbed into the systemic circulation is reduced to nitrite. In the fetus, the half-life of nitrate may be longer than 24 hours (Johnson et al. 1992). nitrite, oxidation of hemoglobin to methemoglobin, MHb incapable of oxygen transport Under unusual circumstances and associated with high nitrate levels in plants, conversion of nitrate to nitrite may exceed the rate of nitrite conversion to ammonia in the rumen, resulting in substantial nitrite in blood. The nitrite ion is the culpable toxicant, causing vasodilation, and then, if blood concentrations become sufficiently high, there is direct oxidation of hemoglobin (Hb) to methemoglobin (MHb) (Haldane et al. 1897; Emerick 1965; Kiese 1974; Vertregt 1977). Appreciation of the nitrate–nitrite– MHb relationship as a problem in livestock is largely the result of the pioneering studies by Bradley and coworkers (1939, 1940). A dark discoloration of blood is noticeable when approximately 20% of the hemoglobin is oxidized to MHb (Kemp et al. 1977b). This sign is due to the color imparted directly by the presence of MHb rather than to a lack of oxygenation. MHb is not capable of oxygen transport in blood, and the clinical signs reflect the deficiency of tissue oxygenation. Signs of uneasiness and apprehension are reported for swine at 20% MHb (London et al. 1967). However, in most instances with cattle, tissue anoxia results in readily observed signs when MHb concentrations approach or exceed 50%. Although MHb% is used as a guide to severity, it alone is not entirely accurate in this respect, because it reflects only one portion of the overall sequence. The total functional Hb remaining is a truer measure (Dollahite and Holt


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1969). Vasodilation is an early response to the nitrite ion, but it does not seem to contribute significantly to the eventual overall intoxication response (Asbury and Rhode 1964; Holtenius 1967). If nitrite accumulation is not lethal, the MHb is slowly reduced to Hb; a naturally occurring NADH-dependent diaphorase or reductase system in red blood cells mediates this reaction. The half-life of methemoglobinemia in sheep is about 1.5 hours, and thus baseline values reappear in 12–24 hours (Crawford et al. 1966; Watts et al. 1969; Schneider and Yeary 1975; Froslie 1976). Therapeutically, a similar but 5 times more active NADPHdependent system can be utilized by administration of dyes such as methylene blue, which serve as electron carriers. Their administration results in prompt reduction of MHb levels and restoration of vital tissue oxygenation (Bradley et al. 1939; Bishop and Surgenor 1964; Kiese 1974; Burrows 1979). Fortunately, effectiveness of the catalytic acceleration of MHb reduction by methylene blue parallels the increased tendency for susceptibility to MHb formation in ruminants (Kiese 1974). Methylene blue was originally identified as an antidote for methemoglobinemia (Steele and Spink 1933; Williams and Challis 1933), and it was later confirmed as appropriate for treatment of nitrate/nitrite intoxication in most animal species; it is most effective in humans and ruminants (Campbell and Morgan 1939; Wendel 1939; Bradley et al. 1940; Scott 1941; Kiese 1974). MHb slowly reduced to Hb by natural system; reduction rate greatly increased by methylene blue via an alternative pathway Administration of methylene blue results in an almost immediate sharp drop in MHb in even the most severe cases (Crawford et al. 1966; Burrows 1979; Bhikane et al. 1990). The dosage may range from 1 to 2 mg/kg b.w. up to 10 mg/kg in particularly severe cases. The risk of toxicity with methylene blue is low because the LD50 is about 42 mg/kg b.w. in sheep, or approximately 10 times the typical dose (Burrows 1984). Its half-life in serum is about 1.5 hours; therefore, most is cleared in 7–8 hours, and the dosage can be repeated. However, much of the dye seems to be accumulated in tissues, and prolonged withdrawal times of 30 days or more should be adhered to following treatment. Other related dyes such as tolonium chloride (tolonium blue), which facilitate MHb reduction to Hb, are effective but have a much narrower therapeutic index (Burrows 1979; Gupta et al. 1992; Cudd et al. 1996). There is little to recommend their use instead of methylene blue. Experimentally, oxygen has been shown to provide an added benefit to methylene blue in mice, but it is not likely to

be available or economically appropriate in most instances (Sheehy and Way 1974). Alternative agents such as ascorbic acid and menadione may exert a slight beneficial effect on reducing MHb to Hb, but they are much too slow in action to reverse an acute life-threatening episode (Kemp et al. 1976; Van Dijk et al. 1983; Besong et al. 1994). Sodium selenite also facilitates MHb reduction, but only very slowly (Masukawa and Iwata 1979). reproductive effects may occur with acute intoxication; abortions; chronic exposure, effects unknown, weak calves An additional complication of nitrate intoxication may be abortion. There is little doubt that abortion is a serious problem with acute nitrate intoxication in pregnant cows. The effects are likely nonspecific and probably occur with all stages of gestation, although they seem to be most common in the last trimester, when fetal oxygen demands are highest. Abortion may be expected several days to weeks after the appearance of clinical signs in the dam. The risk of abortion in the absence of disease in the dam is probably also possible if there are appreciable nitrate levels in the plants or if the circulating levels of MHb are high, that is, about 50%, causing clinical signs (Winter and Hokanson 1964; Abbitt 1982; Johnson et al. 1994). The significance of ingestion of low levels of nitrates as a cause of disease is not clear. Much has been said about this possibility, and indeed in some instances, there has appeared to be a strong relationship between low levels of nitrates and reproductive effects such as abortion (Sund et al. 1957; Simon et al. 1958, 1959a,b; Kahler et al. 1975). Other effects suggested include interference with vitamin A and decreased milk and meat production (Case 1957). However, the bulk of the evidence as yet fails to confirm the reality of low nitrate consumption as a clear reproductive risk (Davison et al. 1964, 1965; Winter and Hokanson 1964; Emerick 1974; O’Hara and Fraser 1975; BruningFann and Kaneene 1993). In addition, there seem not to be any clinical effects on vitamin A, the thyroid, or animal productivity. Concentrations of 1.24% in oat hay given for 35 days did not produce abortion or reduce weight gains in pregnant heifers (Crawford et al. 1966). In spite of the lack of experimental evidence and the skepticism about nitrate as a cause of disease, there continue to be reports of sublethal effects such as depression of newborn calves and decreased milk production in cows (Johnson et al. 1994). Furthermore, weak calves with elevated ocular nitrate levels but no increase in MHb respond to methylene blue treatment (Johnson et al. 1983). The longer half-life of nitrate in cattle than in sheep indicates the possibility of cumulative effects in the former (Johnson et al. 1992). Cumulative effects may occur

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because of nitrate ingestion throughout the day, but even with ingestion restricted to brief periods, cumulative actions on MHb formation are apparent (Kemp et al. 1976). There is also the possibility of cumulative effects even at a dosage not associated with appreciable MHb formation, because effects other than via MHb formation may also be of importance (Case 1957; Setchell and Williams 1962). The likelihood of effects on the fetus are underscored by the persistence of nitrate in the body beyond 24 hours (Johnson et al. 1994), even though Malestein and coworkers (1980) reported MHb higher in maternal than fetal blood and low oxygen transfer across the placenta. Other studies indicate that the low PO2 in the fetus results from a marked reduction in oxygen transfer from maternal blood due to high levels of MHb and low perfusion pressures rather than from the minimal increases of MHb in fetal blood (Van’t Klooster et al. 1990). depression; increased respiration rate; ataxia; apprehension; recumbency

Clinical Signs—When 40–50% of the circulating Hb has been oxidized to MHb, mild clinical signs such as discoloration of the mucous membranes, depression, and a slight increase in respiratory rate may be seen upon close observation. It is generally not until MHb is increased to about 60% that distinct signs such as severe ataxia, rapid respiration, apprehension, and sometimes belligerence are seen. The animals may remain recumbent unless approached; they may be unable to rise or may only do so with much difficulty. Further increases in MHb are accompanied by a worsening of the signs until death ensues at approximately 75–80% MHb or more.

million in body fluids to 100 ppm or more in blood in the more obvious instances of intoxication. Nitrate concentrations in ocular fluid are about 65% of those in blood, declining gradually by about 50% over 48 hours (Boermans 1990; Johnson et al. 1994). If refrigerated, they remain high for about 1 week, and if frozen, they are high for about 1 month (Boermans 1990). Nitrate values in excess of 10 ppm in ocular fluid are suspicious and in excess of 20 ppm are indicative of toxicity. Newborn calves may present a special diagnostic problem because their levels of ocular fluid nitrate are typically increased in the first 24 hours after birth, in contrast to levels in the fetus or adult (Johnson et al. 1994). Nitrite in blood increases from nondetectable before exposure to nitrate up to nearly 1 ppm when signs of intoxication are observed. DPA test, reagent concentration must be proportional to the amount of nitrate present because excess required for 2-step reaction Several approaches are used to test for the presence of nitrate and/or nitrite on a qualitative rather than quantitative basis. The most commonly used is the diphenylamine (DPA) test (Table 58.13), which has been widely used for screening urine and ocular fluid samples. It is also useful for plasma and for pericardial and peritoneal fluids (Bhikane and Singh 1990). An easier method is the use of commercial reagent test strips commonly used to determine pH, glucose, and Table 58.13. 1.


diagnosis: determination of nitrate, in body fluids, ocular; in plants; testing with diphenylamine 3.

Diagnosis may be based on the evaluation of tissues in the animal or surmised from the signs and determination of nitrate concentrations in the plants. The toxicants can be measured in body fluids. Determination of nitrate level is generally most appropriate because nitrate has a longer half-life and remains elevated for a longer time than nitrite and is therefore easier to detect (Garner et al. 1960; Schneider and Yeary 1975). This is especially true in cattle, in which nitrate is detectable in blood for 24 hours, whereas nitrite is negligible after 2 hours. In many instances, ocular fluid (aqueous humor) is the most appropriate sample because it is easy to obtain and evaluate. Typically, nitrate concentrations are several parts per



The diphenylamine (DPA) test.

Preparation of stock solution of the reagent a. Dissolve 0.5 g of DPA in 20 mL of water. b. Add concentrated sulfuric acid to make 100 mL. Testing plant stems a. Use stock solution directly, or dilute to 0.25% or 0.1%. b. Apply 1 drop to cut surface of the lower stem. Testing body fluids a. Immediately prior to use, dilute 5 mL of stock solution with 40 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid to yield a 0.063% solution. b. Add 1 drop of a body fluid to 3 drops of diluted reagent. Results and interpretation a. Immediate formation of a dark blue color indicates the presence of toxic levels of nitrate—10,000 ppm in plant stem and 10 ppm in body fluid. b. The test does not distinguish between nitrate and nitrite. Chlorates, bromides, iodates, and selenites give a false positive test.

Sources: Hoffer (1926); Helwig and Setchell (1960); Householder et al. (1966); Feigl et al. (1972).


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nitrite produced by bacteria (Rodriguez et al. 1992; Montgomery and Hum 1995). This is a use not indicated on the label, but it appears to be useful in evaluating the presence of nitrites and indicative of exposure to toxic amounts of nitrate or nitrite. It may be used with urine or other body fluids, including aqueous humor. Another test that has been used is the diazotization test, which employs sulfanilic acid/α-naphthylamine in a color reaction for nitrite (Diven et al. 1962; Osweiler et al. 1985). This test is not as widely used as the diphenylamine test, but it can be used as either a qualitative or a quantitative test (Bhikane and Singh 1991). The presence of MHb can also be determined, but because it is labile, the test is not often done. MHb in blood samples can be stabilized for 48 hours by diluting 1:20 or 1:100 in 1/60 M phosphate buffer (Sleight and Sinha 1968; Watts et al. 1969). The diphenylamine test can also be applied to forage by placing a drop of the reagent directly on the stems. The DPA test is a two-step reaction that first involves nitrate oxidation of DPA to diphenylbenzidine. In the second step, additional nitrate oxidizes the colorless diphenylbenzidine to the blue quinone imonium ion (Feigl et al. 1972). Development of color requires an excess of nitrate to ensure completion of both reaction steps. The concentration of the reagent is different for stems and fluids in order to be roughly equivalent to the amount of nitrate present; otherwise, an excess of DPA would use up the nitrate, leaving insufficient for the second step. Under such conditions little or no blue quinone imonium ion will be generated (Monier-Williams 1931). Thus, high concentrations of DPA are required for the high nitrate levels in plants, whereas more dilute DPA solutions are appropriate for the low concentrations in body fluids. Sensitivity can be increased 10-fold by using diphenylbenzidine directly, but in most instances, this is not desirable because sensitivity needs to be reduced in order to have positive reactions reflect only those individuals with significant nitrate concentrations.

few lesions, perhaps dark-colored tissues

Pathology—Few distinctive lesions are evident at necropsy. The blood and tissues may be dark or chocolate colored, but this is not a consistent feature. There may also be scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages and increased foamy fluid in the terminal airways of the lungs, but these changes are not usually extensive.

methylene blue

Figure 58.53.

Chemical structure of methylene blue.

Treatment—When distinct clinical signs are evident, immediate treatment with methylene blue is imperative because the levels of MHb are very close to being lethal. The response to i.v. administration of a 2% solution of methylene blue at a dosage of 20 mL/100 kg b.w. results in alleviation of signs in several minutes. In severe cases, treatment with methylene blue can be repeated. Rapid development of signs and death several hours after feeding often results in animals’ being found dead without observation of premonitory signs and with little opportunity for treatment (Figure 58.53). 4 management approaches to reduce disease risk— careful nitrogen fertilizer application; harvest under appropriate conditions; manipulate ruminal microflora; manipulate feeding behavior

A number of approaches are available to reduce the risk of nitrate intoxication (Geurink et al. 1982). They can be grouped into three categories: those directed toward reducing nitrate accumulation in plants, those minimizing the likelihood of effects in the animal being fed highnitrate forage, and the possibility of reducing levels of nitrate already present in forage. With respect to forage production, several recommendations have been made. One is the judicious use of nitrogen fertilizer appropriate for the available soil moisture. This requires several applications throughout the growing season as appropriate for the moisture levels rather than application of a single large amount early in the season. For example, with sorghums, less than 100 lb of nitrogen per acre should be applied if less than 30 inches of rainfall is anticipated (Clay et al. 1976). A second recommendation is that harvesting of forages should be done when soil moisture is good and temperatures are warm. If necessary, hay should be cut late in the day. After a prolonged dry period, harvest should be delayed for 1 week after the first good rain if possible (Strickland et al. 1995). All of these recommendations are associated with effective nitrate assimilation by leafy plants rather than accumulation in the stems. In addition, the higher stem concentrations can be avoided somewhat by raising the cutter bar above 6 inches. Nitrate concentrations are decreased in the ensiling process but

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may still remain in the toxic range (Wilson 1943; Mizukami et al. 1997). In some years, hay bales, particularly those of sorghum, often contain 15,000–20,000 ppm nitrate, with some bales having 30,000–40,000 ppm and a few possibly as high as 100,000 ppm (Haliburton and Edwards 1978). The toxicity level is approximately 6000–10,000 ppm. Avoid the use of forages with greater than 25,000 ppm nitrate as the sole roughage; if necessary, dilute with other forages. As noted above, the disease cannot be controlled effectively by treatment, because of its abrupt onset and the short time period before death. However, the possibility of intoxication with forages with less than 25,000 ppm can be reduced. The toxicity potential can be reduced by supplementing high-nitrate forage with approximately 3 or more kilograms of corn per day per adult cow. Other approaches include dilution of the problem forage with hay containing low nitrate levels and/or feeding excessive amounts so that the animals are able to select the upper leafy stems, which typically contain less nitrate than the lower stems. In order to avoid significant changes in ruminal populations of microorganisms, hay should be tested for nitrate content and fed in such a manner as to avoid abrupt changes in nitrate concentrations. When testing hay bales, sampling should comprise 1 core from each of 20 small square bales; 2 cores from each of 10 large square bales; or 2 cores from the curved side of each of 10 large round bales (Strickland et al. 1995). Another approach to reducing the risk of intoxication is through manipulation of the ruminal microflora. The ability of ruminal bacteria to adapt by increasing their capacity to reduce nitrite as well as nitrate can be augmented by feeding supplements containing Proprionibacterium or by administration of the same as an oral ruminal inoculum paste (Bova-pro, FarMore Biochemical, Milwaukee, WI) (Swartzlander et al. 1993a,b). This supplementation should begin 1–2 weeks prior to the nitrate challenge. It should be noted that many of the same environmental factors are involved with nitrate toxicity as with cyanogenesis; however, the sites of accumulation and animal management practices differ. These differences are reflected in the recommendations for avoiding intoxication. With cyanide, high stocking rates are recommended, after test feeding with a few individuals, to force the animals to eat all portions of the plants, whereas with nitrate, light stocking rates are used to allow animals to selectively eat the leafy portions and avoid the more toxic stems.

Disease Problems—Cyanide intoxication is characterized by abrupt onset of severe neurologic signs of a peracute nature; they may begin within minutes of ingestion and become severe in a few more minutes. In cattle, signs may occur 1–2 hours after animals begin grazing a new Sorghum pasture or after weather changes such as a freeze or rain after a drought period. Many of the factors increasing the potential for intoxication due to cyanide such as rate of growth, stage of growth, moisture, and temperature were known in the 1800s (Leemann 1935). Chronic intoxication with long-term low levels is as yet an unrecognized problem, but there are pathological changes under such conditions as discussed with the Rosaceae (Chapter 64). cyanogenic glycoside, dhurrin; high levels in young plants, risk varies with type and variety of Sorghum

Disease Genesis—The cause of this syndrome is a cyanogenic glucoside, dhurrin, which is accompanied in the plant by a hydrolytic β-glucosidase (Dunstan and Henry 1902; Erb et al. 1981) (Figure 58.54). The glucoside and enzyme are separated in the plant under normal conditions; 90% of the dhurrin occurs in vacuoles of epidermal cells of the leaf blade, and the enzyme occurs in cells of mesophyll (Saunders and Conn 1978; Kojima et al. 1979; Conn 1991). When the plant is macerated or the tissues otherwise damaged, the glucosidase comes in contact with and hydrolyzes the glucoside to an α-hydroxynitrile aglycone and glucose. The aglycone further dissociates to p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and the toxicant hydrocyanic, or prussic, acid (HCN). The latter reaction is not necessarily enzyme dependent. Dhurrin is present mainly as the monoglucoside, plus a small amount of diglucoside (Selmar et al. 1996). There is little or no free HCN in the plant. It is only after ingestion that HCN becomes available for absorption, following hydrolysis due to the glycosidase activity of either the plant or the ruminal microflora. Onset of clinical effects may occur as soon as 10–15 minutes after ingestion, with a similar duration of signs before death in instances of ingestion of plants with especially high concentrations of

Cyanogenesis ruminants; abrupt onset and rapidly fatal


Figure 58.54.

Chemical structure of dhurrin.


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Table 58.14.

Examples of the cyanide potential of sorghums.

Low Potential Sudangrasses, common, ‘Wheeler’, ‘Piper’ some Sudangrass × sorghum hybrids, ‘Haygrazer’, ‘Trudan’, ‘Rancher’, ‘Horizon SP-110’ Intermediate Potential Sudangrass × sorghum hybrids sweet sudans, common, ‘Lahoma’, ‘Greenleaf’, various hybrids forage sorghums, ‘Amber’, ‘Black Amber’, ‘Dakota Amber’, ‘Leoti’, ‘Orange’ High Potential perennial grass sorghums, Columbusgrass, Johnsongrass sweet and grain sorghums, ‘Chiltex’, feterita, hegari Sources: Collison (1919); Couch et al. (1939); Nelson (1953); Gangstad (1959); Jung et al. (1964); Harrington (1966); Barnett and Caviness (1968); Easty et al. (1971); Harms and Tucker (1973); Eck and Hageman (1974); Gorz et al. (1977); Hedges et al. (1978).

dhurrin. There is considerable variation in dhurrin concentration between the various varieties or hybrids. In general, grain sorghums are highest in HCN potential, Sudangrass lowest, and hybrids intermediate (Table 58.14) (Menaul and Dowell 1920). In general, the low-potential types seldom exceed 50– 100 ppm d.w. HCN potential under any circumstances. Those of intermediate potential seldom exceed 200 ppm, but those of high potential may readily exceed 200 ppm under appropriate conditions. The mean d.w. HCN potential of 11 grain sorghum cultivars 27 days after planting was 4607 ppm (Eck 1976). In contrast, the HCN potential of Piper, a Sudangrass, was seldom greater than 50 ppm and never exceeded 200 ppm d.w. Piper and Rancher appear to be safe under almost all conditions, while Columbusgrass and Johnsongrass are often dangerous under similar conditions (Crawford 1906; Franzke 1945; Jung et al. 1964). Although some varieties and lines are generally of low risk, in the appropriate circumstances, as described in the following paragraphs, many of the sorghums may accumulate toxic concentrations of the glucosides. Conversely, even the more toxic varieties may be safe under most situations. cyanogenic potential reduced via selective breeding The genetic influence on HCN potential allows for selective breeding to reduce the problem; hybrids are generally intermediate to the parents in toxicity (Hogg and Ahlgren 1943; Eck et al. 1975; Wheeler et al. 1990). However, there are impediments to this approach because there may be a protective benefit against disease and predation afforded by the presence of dhurrin (Wheeler

1980). Genetic benefits are most pronounced in the young, high-glucoside, active growth stages (Eck et al. 1975). It is of interest that intravarietal variation in HCN potential with respect to plants grown in different geographic locations is considerable and is possibly due to differences in climate, soil, altitude, and other environmental factors (Vinall 1921; Leemann 1935; Couch et al. 1939). >750 ppm dhurrin dangerous; cattle may ingest lethal amount of plant in 15–30 minutes Essentially, all sorghums contain at least traces of dhurrin. The range of HCN potential is from 10 to almost 8000 ppm d.w., depending somewhat on which of the numerous assay methods is employed (Haskins et al. 1988). The danger breakpoint for cyanogenic glycosides in general has been variously estimated between 75 and 200 ppm (Hindmarsh 1930; Couch et al. 1939; Moran 1954; Singh et al. 1983). Above these levels, there is a risk but not necessarily a likely problem, because of the rapidity with which HCN is detoxified in the body. More specifically for sorghums, based on field studies, a higher risk scale of up to 500 ppm d.w. as generally safe and greater than 750 ppm as dangerous has been well accepted (Boyd et al. 1938). The toxic dose of cyanide in cattle is estimated at 0.6–1 g (Vinall 1921; Hindmarsh 1930; Boyd et al. 1938). Thus, for typical HCN potentials for sorghum of 164 ppm and Sudangrass of 66 ppm, it is estimated that 2–4.5 and 4.5–9 kg, respectively, are required for toxicity. However, the seriousness of the problem is underscored by the observation that under certain adverse circumstances, cattle are able to consume lethal quantities of S. halepense in as little as 15 minutes (Mathews 1932). dhurrin concentrations high in early growth; low when plants are >20 cm tall; very low when in seed Although genetic influences are important factors in the plant, numerous other factors are of equal or greater importance. Perhaps the most important is stage of growth. Peak dhurrin concentrations occur during the first week after caryopsis germination (Hogg and Ahlgren 1943; Akazawa et al. 1960; Loyd and Gray 1970; Singh et al. 1983). Because of the exceptionally high cyanide content of sprouts, serious risk is associated with their consumption by either humans or livestock (Panasiuk and Bills 1984; Ikediobi et al. 1988). The concentrations decline quickly over the next several weeks and then more gradually thereafter. This phenomenon occurs in both high- and low-dhurrin cultivars. The initially high levels in the 2- or 3-leaf stage decline to yield more even distribution between leaves and stems (Kim and Voigtlaender 1985). Even grain sorghums exceeding 4000 ppm d.w.

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early in growth may decline to less than 200 ppm 4 months after planting (Eck 1976). When plants are 2.5– 15 cm tall, risk is very high, but it declines markedly as height exceeds 20 cm (Vinall 1921; Mathews 1932; Boyd et al. 1938). However, in an episode in Brazil, plants 25–30 cm tall caused deaths in cattle with signs beginning 15 minutes after animals began grazing (da Nobrega et al. 2006). This was a special situation where grazing occurred 2 weeks after the first rains of the season. The danger is low when Sudangrass has gone to seed. risk increased with high nitrogen in soil and with moisture stress, frosts, insect damage; risk low with hay or silage Management factors, especially fertilization practices, are also important in determining cyanogenic potential. Numerous studies confirm the effects of nitrogen on increasing HCN potential, but studies of the action of phosphorus to decrease it are less consistent (Boyd et al. 1938; Nelson 1953; Patel and Wright 1958; Harms and Tucker 1973; Wheeler et al. 1980). Generally, promotion of growth increases the risk of high HCN potential. Thus, large amounts of phosphorus may be required to decrease HCN potential (Kriedman 1964). The risk of high HCN potential is markedly increased if nitrogen is applied when phosphorus is limited. Although nitrogen is clearly an important factor, Wheeler and coworkers (1990) have shown with forage sorghum that phosphorus, acute water stress, temperature, and light intensity do not significantly affect HCN potential. Although reports are conflicting, second growth after cutting seems to present a greater cyanogenic risk (Hogg and Ahlgren 1943). Herbicides are probably of little consequence in altering dhurrin concentrations (Wheeler 1980). HCN potential may be reduced in some instances in hay and silage, but this is not a consistent change (Vinall 1921; Boyd et al. 1938; Harrington 1966). Furthermore, HCN potential may actually increase in the first few days after drying (Harrington 1966). Generally, HCN potential decreases appreciably with slow, thorough drying (Dowell 1919a,b; Harms and Tucker 1973). Rapid or incomplete drying and baling are more likely to result in retention of considerable HCN potential (Pammel 1919). Perhaps the most important factor is that Sorghum forage should not be cut for hay until its height is more than 45–60 cm, which minimizes the HCN potential. All other things being equal, the risk of toxicity is much reduced by delaying grazing until forages are 60 cm high. light frost, marked increase in HCN potential for several weeks; heavy frost, moderate increase in HCN potential for a few days


It was noted very early, before the specific causes of intoxication were known, that environmental factors are very important. This is especially true for moisture stress. Periods of drought that wilt plants or delay growth so that they remain in the short, highly toxic stage may result in marked increases in HCN potential (Vinall 1921; Mathews 1932). Increased HCN potential is particularly evident when young plants are growing well and then become stunted when a lack of moisture interrupts continued development (Peters et al. 1903). On the other hand, long-term drought when plants grow poorly, if at all, may result in lower HCN potential (Rogers and Boyd 1936). Although high environmental temperature is typically associated with drought, it alone may have little effect or even lower plant cyanide (Kim and Voigtlaender 1985; Wheeler et al. 1990). Similarly, the effects of early frosts on Sorghum toxicity differ considerably. The effects are inconsistent and in some situations, as with S. halepense, seem to be almost nil (Mathews 1932). Light frosts in which the plant tops are frozen but the plants survive and regrow produce a serious increase in toxicity potential similar to that seen in newly germinated seedlings (Boyd et al. 1938; Wattenbarger et al. 1968). It may be several weeks before the HCN potential subsides. In instances of heavy frosts in which the plants are killed, the risk of increased HCN potential may be apparent while the plants remain frozen, but it is very short lived, typically several days after the plants thaw and die, or up to a week in some cultivars (Rogers and Boyd 1936; Harrington 1966; Haskins et al. 1984). A third factor in changes in HCN potential is insect damage. It is not a consistent problem, but both aphid damage and especially locust or grasshopper infestations have been associated with increased risk (Wheeler 1980). It is not clear whether higher HCN levels are a response by the plant to increase the concentration of protective toxicants or whether it is secondary to leaf structural changes and breakdown of the compartmentalized separation of the glycoside and glycosidase. All animal species are susceptible to the toxic effects of cyanide. However, ruminants appear to be more susceptible to cyanogenic glycosides in plants because the favorable conditions prevailing in the rumen or forestomachs of camelids facilitate rapid hydrolysis and absorption (Majak et al. 1990). On the other hand, preformed HCN or cyanide salts may be more toxic to monogastrics; for example, the lethal dose of HCN in horses is reported to be about 1 mg/kg b.w., or about half the toxic dose required for cattle and sheep (Couch 1932; Clawson et al. 1934). Although it has not been confirmed experimentally, there have been suggestions of differences among cattle breeds in susceptibility to cyanogenic pastures. This may


Toxic Plants of North America

be due in part to animal aggressiveness in consuming the grasses. Brahman cattle are said to be more prone to intoxication, and Herefords the least (Jones 1952). In addition to the acute toxic effects of cyanide, there may be long-term nutritional effects due to the possible decreased palatability of dhurrin-containing forage for sheep and cattle (Hedges et al. 1978). A loss of animal condition due to a possible deficiency of cystine, because of its role in detoxification of cyanide, and a subsequent decrease in tissue synthesis are also possible (Wheeler 1980). However, these effects are minimized when animals consume taller plants with the lower dhurrin concentrations. Additional discussion of cyanogenesis is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64). abrupt onset; apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures

Clinical Signs—There is abrupt onset of apprehension and distress, which occur within a few minutes of grazing the toxic Sorghum plants. These signs are quickly followed by weakness, ataxia, and labored respiration. If the intoxication is severe, the animal may be unable to stand and may lay in lateral recumbency with periodic paddling and tetanic seizures. The entire sequence of signs may occur over a 5- to 15-minute period, with either death or recovery at the end of this time.

Pathology—There are few distinctive changes. For the most part, the changes are limited to congestion of the abdominal viscera and scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages. administer sodium thiosulfate, sodium nitrite

Treatment—Signs usually occur and progresses so rapidly that treatment is seldom available soon enough to be effective. Toxicosis due to marginally lethal dosages may be responsive to general supportive therapy, but more specific treatment is much preferred. The primary antidote for ruminants is sodium thiosulfate given i.v. at a dose of 0.25–0.5 g/kg b.w. (Burrows 1981). Sodium nitrite, 10 mg/kg b.w. i.v., can be used to augment the effects of the sodium thiosulfate, but it is not required for effective treatment. Additional discussion is presented in the treatment of the Rosaceae (see Chapter 64).

STIPA See treatment of Achnatherum & Nassella, in this chapter.

TRITICUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Triticum, the classical Latin name for wheat, is native to southern Europe and western Asia and a member of the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Triticeae (Quattrocchi 2000; Watson and Dallwitz 2011). It is the principal cereal of temperate regions and the world’s most important and widely planted crop (Morrison 2007). Domesticated in 8000– 7500 b.c., it comprises about 10–20 cool-season species and countless cultivars and races (Clayton and Renvoize 1986). A classic example of diversification via polyploidy, its three ploidy levels, generally referred to as the einkorn, durum, and bread wheats, consist of both wild and domesticated species (Mabberley 2008). In North America, plants of 12 species may be encountered (Morrison 2007). Three—bread, durum, and spelt—are commercially cultivated and the remainder are adventive as escapes near agricultural research stations. One species is of toxicologic importance because of its use as winter forage for livestock: T. aestivum L.

wheat, bread wheat, common wheat

erect, cespitose annuals; ligules membranous; inflorescences 2-sided spikes; spikelets laterally compressed, with 2–5 florets; glumes and lemmas asymmetrical

Plants annuals; cespitose. Culms 50–120 cm tall; erect; not branched above; nodes glabrous; internodes hollow. Leaves both basal and cauline. Blades flat; 10–20 mm wide. Ligules membranous. Auricles present. Sheaths glabrous; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences terminal 2-sided spikes; spikelets 1 per node; attachment lateral (margins of lemmas against rachises); rachises continuous or disarticulating. Disarticulation above the glumes; mature caryopses dropping from florets. Spikelets all alike; compression lateral; 10–15 mm long excluding glumes. Florets 2–5. Glumes 2; unequal; shorter or longer than lemmas; asymmetrical; ovate; thick; indurate; nerves 3 or 5 or 7; keels present; awns absent or present. Lemmas asymmetrical; broadly ovate; keels present; awns absent or present, 1, apical. Paleas hyaline; nerves 2; keels 2. Illustrations and images of the other species of Triticum can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web ( (Figure 58.55).

Distribution and Habitat—In North America, T. aestivum is typically planted in the fall. A C3 photosynthetic species, it grows through the winter, and in the southern portion of North America, it commonly provides forage

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photosensitization. The specific photodynamic agent or the factors involved in its formation are unknown. Like other cereal grain forages, Triticum is capable of accumulating excess concentrations of nitrates under certain circumstances. Abundant nitrogen fertilization to promote high-grain yields is an important factor. Fresh forage is much less of a problem than hay or straw because its high moisture content makes its rate of intake slower than that of dry forage. Additional discussion of nitrate as a toxicant is presented in the treatment of Sorghum in this chapter. Dhurrin, a cyanogenic glucoside, may be present in Triticum, and under some conditions, its concentrations may be elevated, but the toxicologic significance is not clear (Erb et al. 1981).


Figure 58.55.

Line drawing of Triticum aestivum.

for cattle before flowering in late spring or summer. Waifs are found along roadsides and in fallow fields but do not persist.

Disease Problems tetany nitrate accumulation ARDS photosensitization sudden death

Disease Problems and Genesis—Several disease problems have been encountered in cattle on wheat pasture. These include grass tetany, nitrate accumulation, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and photosensitization, as described at the beginning of this chapter. In addition, sudden deaths unrelated to the foregoing problems occur occasionally (Hollis 1984). These deaths are associated with exceptionally high potassium levels in the serum. The photosensitization appears to be similar to that seen with Avena and other grasses, and is not unusual when animals are grazing lush winter wheat pasture (Schmidt 1931). Because the disease is not typically accompanied by icterus and other evidences of hepatic dysfunction, it is assumed to be a primary or direct

As presently circumscribed, Urochloa, commonly known as signalgrass and a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and tribe Paniceae, comprises about 120 warm-season species distributed primarily in the tropics and subtropics of both the Old and New World (Wipff and Thompson 2003a,b; Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its name is from the Greek oura and chloa meaning “a tail” and “grass” alluding to the awned spikelets (Quattrocchi 2000). Many of the species now included within it were originally positioned in the genera Panicum and Brachiaria. Phylogenetic analyses based on morphological and molecular data, however, supported repositioning of species of both genera in Urochloa (Torres González and Morton 2005). Several species of the genus are used as pasture or cultivated for grain throughout the world, whereas others are designated noxious weeds (Mabberley 2008). In North America, 6 native, 8 naturalized introductions, 2 adventives, and 3 cultivated species are present (Wipff and Thompson 2003b). Toxicologic problems have been associated with 3 species: U. brizantha (Hochst. ex A.Rich) (=Bracharia brizantha [Hochst. ex A.Rich] Stapf) (=Panicum brizanthum Hochst. ex A.Rich) U. decumbens (Stapf) R.D.Webster (=Brachiaria decumbens Stapf) U. maxima (Jacq.) R.D.Webster

palisade signalgrass

Surinam grass guineagrass, colonialgrass, Tanganyika grass

(=Panicum maximum Jacq.)

annuals or perennials; inflorescences panicles of 1-sided racemes; spikelets dorsally compressed, with 2 florets; upper floret hard, rugose; glumes 2, unequal


Toxic Plants of North America

Plants annuals or perennials; cespitose or rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Culms 5–500 cm tall; erect or geniculate or decumbent; nodes glabrous or indumented; internodes hollow or solid. Leaves cauline. Blades flat. Ligules ciliate or ciliate membranous. Auricles rarely present. Sheaths glabrous or indumented; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences panicles of 1-sided racemes. Disarticulation below the glumes; at spikelet bases. Spikelets solitary or paired or in 3s; all alike; ovate to elliptic; compression dorsal. Florets 2; of 2 forms; lower florets staminate or neuter; upper florets perfect. Glumes 2; unequal; different; lower glumes one-fifth to two-thirds the length of spikelets, broadly ovate to triangular or lanceolate, nerves 1–11; upper glumes similar to lower lemmas, ovate to lanceolate, nerves 5–13. Lemmas of Lower Florets ovate to lanceolate or obovate; membranous; abaxial surfaces glabrous or indumented; awns absent. Paleas of Lower Florets absent or present; shorter than lemmas; hyaline. Lemmas of Upper Florets lanceolate or elliptic or suborbicular or obovate; indurate; abaxial surfaces transversely rugose. Paleas of Upper Florets present; as long as lemmas; tightly enclosed by lemma margins; indurate. Illustrations and images of the species of Urochloa can be accessed online via the Grass Manual on the Web (http://herbarium.

introduced forage grasses; southern

Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from Africa as a forage grass, U. maxima is planted in the Gulf Coast states from Florida to Texas where it has escaped and naturalized in fields and waste areas, and along stream banks (Wipff and Thompson 2003b), Urochloa brizantha is known only from a few scattered counties in central Texas, and U. decumbens, although grown for pasture in many areas of the world, is not yet cultivated in North America (Wipff and Thompson 2003b).

variety of potential problems—colic-type disease, hepatogeneous photosensitization, kidney disease, decreased rumen motility

Disease Problems and Genesis—Only the 3 species of Urochloa have been associated with disease problems, and of the 3, only U. maxima is of potential concern in North America because of its use as forage in southern states. Both U. decumbens and U. brizantha have caused problems elsewhere in the world but not in North America. Although their limited use as forage reduces the likelihood of problems, we describe here problems linked to them.

Long known in the agricultural and toxicological literature as Panicum maximum, U. maxima has been reported to cause a colic-type disease in horses and mules grazing 3 cultivars in northern Brazil (Cerqueira et al. 2009). Severe colic and abdominal dilation were the main signs with hemorrhages and ulceration of the stomach through large intestine and mild hepatic degeneration. The severity of this disease is illustrated by the 34% morbidity and 37% case fatality rate. The plants were negative for diosgenin- and yamogenin-based saponins (Cerqueira et al. 2009). Urochloa maxima also produces the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin, albeit it has not been implicated in cyanogenic problems. Urochloa decumbens is the cause, elsewhere in the world, of several problems, including hepatogenous photosensitization, kidney disease, and decreased rumen motility (Abas Mazni et al. 1983; Salam Abdullah et al. 1988, 1989). It and U. brizantha cause crystal-associated or crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy (Graydon et al. 1991; Cruz et al. 2001; Brum et al. 2007; Riet-Correa et al. 2011). Neurotoxic effects including ataxia, head pressing, and circling, are seen occasionally, and are probably secondary to the liver problems (Salam Abdullah et al. 1989). These problems are similar to those produced by species of closely related Panicum, Tribulus in the Zygophyllaceae (Chapter 76), and Agave and Nolina in the Agavaceae (Chapter 3). There has been some uncertainty concerning the pathogenesis of the liver disease caused by U. decumbens, a plant that is an otherwise useful tropical forage (Mullenax 1991). Sporidesmin from the fungus Pithomyces chartarum has been suggested as a cause, and its presence has been confirmed in rare field cases (Mullenax 1991; Alessi et al. 1994). In most instances, however, sporidesmin has not been present in samples taken from forages causing liver disease. Furthermore, the crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy observed with Urochloa differs from the hepatocellular injury and necrotizing, obliterative cholangitis and pericholangitis caused by sporidesmin (Smith et al. 1993; Meagher et al. 1996). As do other genera causing crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy, U. decumbens contains large concentrations of a mixture of 3-spirostanol sapogenin isomers, mainly diosgenin and yamogenin (Meagher et al. 1996). These compounds are metabolized in the rumen to epitype genins—diosgenin to epismilagenin and yamogenin to episarsapogenin (Salam Abdullah et al. 1992; Lajis et al. 1993; Meagher et al. 1996). In addition, appreciable levels, greater than 2%, of the furostanol saponin, protodioscin (see Tribulus in Chapter 76), are reported for both U. decumbens and U. brizantha (Brum et al. 2007, 2009; Ferreira et al. 2011). Ruminal fluid from intoxicated sheep, but not the actual plants, caused liver and kidney

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degeneration in cattle (Noordin et al. 1989). Similarly, extracts of sheep ruminal fluid containing these sapogenins caused degenerative liver changes when administered intraperitoneally to mice (Salam Abdullah et al. 1992). It may be expected that biliary crystals associated with the disease are calcium salts of sapogenin glucuronides, as discovered in the crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy produced by Panicum and Tribulus. Saponins may also be a factor in causing poor performance of weaner cattle grazing regrowth of U. decumbens after it is burned (Low et al. 1994). As a result of the effects of the crystalloid material on the bile ducts, there presumably is a relative inability to excrete phylloerythrin. The latter is formed in the digestive tract during microbial degradation of chlorophyll and normally eliminated by the liver via the biliary system and in urine (Ford and Gopinath 1974, 1976). Phylloerythrin is a photodynamic compound, which, when subjected to ultraviolet light penetration in the skin, causes the tissue necrosis. In addition to the typical hepatocellular swelling and necrosis, colangitis with bile duct proliferation, and crystals within (Driemeier et al. 2002; Brum et al. 2007), multifocal accumulations of foamy macrophages in various internal organs are reported for cattle grazing U. brizantha (Riet-Correa et al. 2002). In an example report of a group of 280 calves grazing U. decumbens, 64% developed photosensitization and 16% of those died (Fagliari et al. 2003). The onset of signs occurred in weeks to months after beginning grazing. Castro and coworkers (2011) have reviewed the role of Brachiaria spp. in sheep production in Brazil. The clinical signs, pathology, and treatment are typical of other types of photosensitization, as described at the beginning of this chapter. In contrast to intoxication due to sporidesmin, zinc supplementation is not preventive and may worsen the disease (Zhang et al. 2001).


Z. mays L.


maize, corn, Indian corn

Although the common names corn and maize are quite familiar to us here in North America, it must be remembered that elsewhere in the world, they may be applied to other grasses. Corn may be used in a general sense for the predominant cereal grown in an area; for example, Triticum aestivum (wheat) is known as corn in England. Likewise, Avena sativa (oats) is called corn in Scotland. The name maize is also used by some individuals for cultivars of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum). robust annuals; staminate spikelets borne in terminal tassels; pistillate spikelets borne on axillary ears Plants robust annuals; culms solitary; monoecious. Culms 150–250 cm tall; erect; producing prop roots at lower nodes; not branched above; nodes glabrous; internodes solid. Leaves cauline. Blades flat; 30–70 mm wide; 35–60 cm long. Ligules membranous or ciliate membranous. Auricles absent. Sheaths glabrous or rarely indumented; margins free, overlapping. Inflorescences of 2 types, staminate and pistillate different; staminate inflorescences (tassels) terminal panicles of rames; pistillate inflorescences (ears) comprising 8–30 rows of paired spikelets borne on a thickened axis (cob) and subtended by bracts (husk). Disarticulation not occurring. Spikelets of 2 forms, staminate and pistillate different; compression dorsal. Staminate Spikelets sessile or short pedicelled; lanceolate to elliptic; 7–9 mm long; florets 2, staminate; glumes 2, equal, different, longer than lemmas, membranous, nerves 5 or 7; lemmas hyaline, awns absent; paleas hyaline. Pistillate Spikelets sessile; florets 2, of 2 forms, lower floret neuter or rarely perfect, upper floret perfect; lemmas hyaline; paleas hyaline; styles elongate, ends protruding from husks at anthesis; caryopses large, thick, protruding from florets at maturity (Figure 58.56).

Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to Mexico and

Distribution and Habitat—Although unable to exist

Central America, Zea, commonly known as corn or maize and a member of the subfamily Panicoideae and the tribe Andropogoneae, comprises 5 warm-season species (Iltis 2003). Although a New World genus and not known in the Old World before the late fifteenth century, its name is derived from the Greek zea or zeia, for a kind of grain, most likely a coarse barley or fodder for horses (Quattrocchi 2000). Apparently domesticated some 8000– 10,000 years ago, Z. mays is one of the most important and widely grown cereals (Iltis 2003). Innumerable varieties and races have been developed and are grown for grain, forage, fodder, oil, syrup, and alcohol. In North America, 4 species are present. Only 1 is of toxicologic significance:

without cultivation, Z. mays is unrivaled among the cereals in terms of distributional and ecological range. It is grown throughout the world in a plethora of environmental conditions. Caryopses dropped from grain trucks account for its occasional appearance along roadsides or in waste areas. disease problems mycotoxins






Disease Problems—Several potential toxicologic problems involve Zea mays. One is cornstalk disease, a problem apparently caused by nitrate accumulation and


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 58.56.

Line drawing of Zea mays.

possibly cyanide. Other problems are caused by mycotoxins. An additional complication associated with the use of corn-based feeds involves the presence of sulfur. Products such as corn gluten, corn distiller’s solubles (from ethanol production) used as livestock feed, and corn syrup may contain appreciable amounts of sulfur similar to molasses and represent a risk because of the potential for the development of polioencephalomalacia responsive to thiamine (Niles et al. 2000, 2002).

especially in seedlings, are observed with increased temperature and decreased light and soil moisture (Younis et al. 1965). Concentrations in stalks are 5- to 10-fold greater than those in leaves (Brady et al. 1955). Under certain conditions, especially in times of drought, corn represents a serious toxicologic risk as a nitrate accumulator. During the droughts of the 1890s, concentrations of 200,000 ppm KNO3 or more were noted in cornstalks associated with cattle deaths (Mayo 1895). Crystals formed on the cut surfaces, and the stalks burned with a sizzle in much the same manner as a fuse. Similar episodes have occurred in subsequent times of severe moisture stress. Numerous deaths of cattle occurred in the 1950s in Missouri when nitrate concentrations of up to 80,000 ppm KNO3 were recorded (Brady et al. 1955; Muhrer et al. 1955; Pfander 1955), and in Oklahoma in 1977 when KNO3 concentrations reached 100,000 ppm (Haliburton and Edwards 1978). In Missouri, where levels in stalks were 5- to 10-fold greater than in leaves, the problem was alleviated somewhat by ensiling the stalks, which decreased KNO3 levels by about 50%. The rate of nitrogen fertilization has a marked influence on nitrate accumulation in Z. mays. In an experiment carried out in 1985–1986, postharvest NO3 accumulation in lower stalks of corn left standing in the field varied from 6000 ppm (with 100 lb of nitrogen applied per acre) to 18,000 ppm (with 200 lb/acre) and 28,000 ppm (with 300 lb/acre) (Johnson et al. 1992). During the winter, the concentrations ranged from 100% to 60% of those at postharvest. By early spring, levels ranged from 70% to 50%. It was hypothesized that thawing caused soil water to move NO3 up the stalk, even long after senescence. Thus, high rates of nitrogen fertilization pose a serious risk of causing toxic levels of nitrate to accumulate.

Mycotoxicoses Nitrate Accumulation/Cyanogenesis high risk of nitrate accumulation and cyanogenesis, especially with high nitrogen fertilization, high temperature, low moisture

Fusarium or Aspergillus infections; leukoencephalomalacia of horses eating moldy corn; tremorgenic disease of cattle eating unharvested corn

Disease Problems—Corn has been implicated as one of Disease Problems and Genesis—Cornstalk disease has long been recognized as a risk when cattle are turned into cornfields after harvest. The animals may sicken and die abruptly in 1–2 days (Price 1904). The cause of these abrupt deaths has been attributed to either cyanogenesis or nitrate accumulation by the plants. Even though corn leaves are weakly cyanogenic and contain the appropriate glucosidase enzymes, the problem is more consistent with nitrate as a cause. Nitrate concentrations vary in Z. mays in the same fashion as in Sorghum, and most of the same factors are involved. Increased nitrate concentrations,

the primary hosts for various fungi, including Fusarium and Aspergillus, which under the appropriate circumstances produce mycotoxins. Infection of the caryopses occurs either in the field or in storage after harvest. First reported in the late 1800s, a serious neurologic problem of horses has been attributed to moldy corn (Schwarte 1938). Originally called moldy corn poisoning, it was later more specifically called equine leukoencephalomalacia. It was reproduced experimentally with administration of 1.5–1.75 lb of damaged corn daily for 5 weeks to a horse, which subsequently exhibited development of the

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typical softening of the white matter of the brain (Butler 1902). A less common disease is associated with allowing cattle to feed in unharvested cornfields in which the overwintered stalks have become lodged. In this instance, a tremorgenic or staggers syndrome results. Fusarium moniliforme produces fumonisins, which cause leukoencephalomalacia; Aspergillus flavus produces aflatrem, a tremorgen

Disease Genesis—The fungus Fusarium moniliforme is now well accepted as the cause of equine leukoencephalomalacia, and presumably the fumonisins are the specific toxins involved. In the case of the less common staggers syndrome, the cause appears to be infection of Z. mays with Aspergillus flavus (Gallagher et al. 1980a). In this instance, the toxins are tremorgens, aflatrem, and other alkaloids such as paspalinine. They are produced in a different part of the fungal life cycle than is aflatoxin, the well-known hepatotoxin (Cole and Dorner 1986). Except for an apparent shorter duration of action, as shown experimentally in mice, aflatrem is very similar in effect and structure to lolitrem from Lolium (Gallagher and Hawkes 1986). High-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels are inhibited, but this does not seem to be associated with tremors (Knaus et al. 1994). The signs and treatment are those of the other grass staggers syndromes, such as those produced by Lolium and Paspalum (treated in this chapter) (Figure 58.57).

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Bambusa Schreb. A tropical and subtropical genus of about 120 species, Bambusa, commonly known as bamboo and a member of the subfamily Bambusoideae and tribe Bambuseae, is represented in North America by more than 40 species introduced as ornamentals, 2 of which—B. vulgaris and B. multiplex—have naturalized in Florida and Texas (Stapleton 2007). As is characteristic of many bamboos, plants of Bambusa have woody culms and laterally compressed spikelets with 2–12 florets. low risk; rare neurological problem in horses Although shoots of Bambusa species are an important part of the diet of pandas and are commonly eaten by Asian elephants, several species, including B. vulgaris and B. arundinacea, have caused some problems in livestock. A field and experimental study in horses revealed a subacute to chronic neurologic problem associated with the consumption of B. vulgaris (Barbosa et al. 2006). Within 24–72 hours after eating the plant, animals developed ataxia, tongue paresis, somnolence, and had difficulty eating, chewing, and swallowing. There was no significant pathology and most animals eventually recovered. Given the erratic occurrence of problems, fungal endophytes may be involved but they have not as yet been identified. In this instance, the plants were negative for cyanide. In contrast, intoxication in calves was reported following the administration of an aqueous extract of B. arundinacea (an Asian species), which was positive by the picrate test and in which the signs were typical of cyanide (Shridhar and Narayana 2006). Because of the use of bamboo leaves as abortifacients in some cultures, experiments with rabbits have been conducted to test this potential (Yakubu and Bukoye 2009; Yakubu et al. 2009). Administration of aqueous extracts caused some alterations in serum biochemical parameters but no clinical signs or pathologic changes in the rabbits. However, there were clear effects on fetal survival especially at high dosage where there was a 100% loss. The risk of intoxication due to species of Bambusa, however, is low in North America, because of the limited distribution of the plants and low likelihood of availability to livestock.

Brachiaria Figure 58.57.

Chemical structure of aflatrem.


See treatment of Urochloa, in this chapter.


Toxic Plants of North America

Hordeum L. Distributed in temperate regions throughout the world, Hordeum, commonly known as barley, is a member of the subfamily Pooideae and the tribe Triticeae and comprises about 40 cool-season species (Watson and Dallwitz 2011). Its members include the economically important cereal H. vulgare L. (cultivated barley), good forage species in the West, and a number of weedy species distributed across the continent (von Bothmer et al. 2007). mechanical injury; photosensitization, nitrate accumulation; alkaloids of unknown risk present

Adverse effects, typical of the grasses in general, have been reported for H. vulgare and other species of the genus. They include mechanical irritation caused by the long bristles or awns of the spikelets, photosensitization, and nitrate accumulation. The latter two problems are relatively rare and generally of little economic importance. Mechanical injury may in some instances be quite serious when vital tissues or organs are penetrated. In one such instance, neurologic (vestibular) signs ensued following grazing of sheep on pastures with large populations of Hordeum murinum (Borque et al. 2007). In addition to nitrate and the toxicants that cause photosensitization, concentrations of gramine up to 1400 ppm and hordenine up to 350 ppm d.w. occur in Hordeum. Levels of these two alkaloids vary considerably with genotype or cultivar, but environmental factors are the most important determinants; for example, there is a marked increase of hordenine with decreased light levels (Lovett et al. 1994). However, there appears to be little risk of intoxication. In horses, i.v. administration of hordenine produces only transient, mild increases in respiratory and heart rates (Frank et al. 1990). In addition, its absorption is slow, and its elimination is rapid, as indicated by its half-life of 35 minutes; thus, systemic levels are negligible. In some instances, species of Hordeum, such as the European H. bogdani Wilensky and H. brevisubulatum (Trin.) Link, may be infected with endophytic fungi that produce small amounts of ergovaline and/or other similar alkaloids (TePaske et al. 1993). The toxicologic significance of these alkaloids is not known. An interesting and unusual problem associated with feeding barley developed when distiller by-products were used for feeding cattle. The practice of using sulfurous acid in the fermentation process resulted in high sulfur content of barley malt sprouts, which when fed caused polioencephalomalacia in a large number of cattle (Kul et al. 2006).

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Fifty-Nine

Polygonaceae Juss.

Buckwheat Family Fagopyrum Fallopia Persicaria Polygonum Rheum Rumex

Commonly known as the buckwheat family, the Polygonaceae comprises 43–49 genera and 1100–1200 species distributed primarily in the temperate region of the Northern Hemisphere (Brandbyge 1993; Freeman and Reveal 2005). Not of great economic importance, the family contains a few food species, such as Fagopyrum (buckwheat) and Rheum (rhubarb); a few ornamentals, such as Antigonon (mountain rose vine) and Polygonum aubertii (silver lace vine); and several noxious weeds, such as Polygonum aviculare (prostrate knotweed) (Culham 2007). The achenes of several taxa are eaten by wildlife. In North America, 35 genera and 442 species, both native and introduced, are present (Freeman and Reveal 2005). Intoxication problems have been associated with 6 genera.

herbs, vines, subshrubs; stems jointed, nodes swollen; leaves simple, alternate; stipules sheathing stems; petals absent; fruits achenes

Plants herbs or herbaceous vines or subshrubs; perennials or biennials or annuals; from fleshy roots or rhizomes or caudices or crowns; terrestrial or emergent or floating-leaved aquatics; bearing perfect flowers or dioecious or monoecious. Stems jointed; nodes typically swollen. Leaves simple; alternate or rarely opposite or whorled; petiolate or sessile; venation pinnate or a single vein or not apparent; stipules present, fused, sheathing

stems (ocrea), or absent. Inflorescences simple or compound cymes or spikes or racemes or clusters or glomerules or solitary flowers; bracts absent or present. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar; perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical. Sepals 2–6; in 1 or 2 whorls; fused or free; sepaloid or petaloid; of various colors except blue. Petals absent. Stamens 2–9. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–4; stigmas 2–4; styles 1–4, free or fused; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation basal. Fruits achenes; trigonous or lenticular. Seeds 1.

FAGOPYRUM MILL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 8–16 species native to Eurasia, Fagopyrum, commonly known as buckwheat, is represented in North America by 2 naturalized species (Brandbyge 1993; Hinds and Freeman 2005a). Its name is derived from the Latin root fagus, meaning “beech,” and the Greek root pyros, meaning “wheat,” which allude to the fruits being shaped like those of beech trees and yielding an edible flour (Quattrocchi 2000). Likewise, its common name reflects this; buche is German for “beech.” The buckwheat flour of commerce is obtained from F. esculentum. Wild buckwheat is derived from Eriogonum, another genus of this family. The following are the 2 introduced species: F. esculentum Moench (= F. sagittatum Gilib.) (= F. vulgare T.Ness) (= Polygonum fagopyrum L.) F. tataricum (L.) Gaertn.

Tartary buckwheat, green buckwheat, India wheat, Kangra buckwheat

erect annual herbs; leaves simple, alternate; flowers borne in racemes; sepals 5, petal-like

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


buckwheat, common buckwheat

Polygonaceae Juss.


Figure 59.2 Photo of Fagopyrum esculentum. Figure 59.1

Illustration of Fagopyrum esculentum. and the Flora of North America ( Plants herbs; annuals; bearing perfect flowers. Stems erect; 20–60 cm tall; longitudinal lines of pubescence present. Leaves simple; alternate; long petiolate; blades broadly triangular hastate to cordate; margins entire; ocreae obliquely truncate. Inflorescences clusters of flowers borne in racemes arising from axils of short bracts. Flowers perfect. Sepals 5; in 1 whorl; fused near base; unequal in width; petaloid; greenish or greenish white to pink. Petals absent. Stamens 8. Pistils with 3 carpels; stigmas 2, capitellate; styles 3. Achenes trigonous; shiny or dull; smooth or rough; longer than persistent perianths (Figures 59.1 and 59.2).

introduced; scattered occurrence across North America

Distribution and Habitat—As described by Hinds and Freeman (2005a), both species are native to central China and now naturalized in North America and elsewhere. They typically occur in disturbed sites, although they are infrequently encountered or not long persistent. They are sometimes planted as summer cover crops to prevent erosion, in addition to being cultivated for their grain. Both are good bee plants for the commercial production of honey. Distribution maps of the 2 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://

herbage and achenes; photosensitization; of little concern for livestock

Disease Problems—Both the herbage and intact achenes of F. esculentum have long been associated with photosensitization in a variety of animal species (Wender 1946). Flour made from the seed, however, poses no risk. This is a disease mainly of historical interest, because buckwheat has, for the most part, been supplanted by other forages for livestock.

dianthrones, fagopyrin, protofagopyrin; photoactive, by UV light, causing skin lesions

Disease Genesis—Called fagopyrism, the disease is due to the presence of naphthodianthrone derivatives, the most abundant of which are fagopyrin and protofagopyrin. These complex or extended quinone-type compounds are derivatives of hypericin and pseudohypericin, respectively, and are found in the flowers and achene pericarps. They were originally described as differing from hypericin and pseudohypericin by the presence of C6H11ON side chains on each of the two methyl groups (Brockmann


Toxic Plants of North America

darker areas. These obvious skin changes may be accompanied by signs of diarrhea, restlessness, agitation, loss of appetite, and increased respiratory rate. Occasionally, violent behavior during the onset of the disease may be a serious problem. In sheep, because of the protective effects of wool, the skin lesions may be limited to the ears, eyelids, face, lips, and coronets. The signs may last 2 weeks, and subsequent healing may require 2 or more months.

gross pathology: skin thickened, crusty ulcerative areas; microscopic: skin edema, necrosis, neutrophilic (PMN) infiltration Figure 59.3

Chemical structure of fagopyrin.

1957). This interpretation of the structure was later revised to the nitrogen-containing rings positioned between the two hydroxyl groups on each side at the opposite end of the molecule from the CH3 groups (Brockmann and Lachner 1979). These compounds may well be the same precursors found in Hypericum (St. John’s wort; see Chapter 40) (Figure 59.3). In both Polygonum and Hypericum, the parent compound is hydrolyzed to the active dianthrone. It is eliminated from the body only slowly and therefore has prolonged toxic effects. The dianthrone is activated by light wavelengths of 540–610 nm in the presence of oxygen to produce singlet oxygen as described for hypericin (Sheard et al. 1928). Further discussion of this phenomenon is presented in the treatment of Hypericum. Also present in substantial concentrations are rutin, quercetin, and their derivatives, which are reported to have numerous beneficial biological effects (Hagels 1999). Rutin has apparent medical potential by virtue of its action decreasing vascular permeability and lipid peroxidation as well as cutaneous vasoconstrictive effects.

less pigmented areas of the skin: pruritis, reddening, swelling, edema, sloughing

Clinical Signs—As in cases involving Hypericum, the signs begin within a day or so after consumption of Fagopyrum. In cattle and most other species, the most striking effects are severe pruritis, reddening, swelling, edema, and sloughing of the skin of the teats, udder, escutcheon, and the less pigmented and the lightly haired areas. There is often a very striking demarcation in distribution of the lesions; they coincide exactly with the lighter-colored areas of the skin and extend right up to the edge of the

Pathology—Skin changes are typically limited to the lesser pigmented areas or to the head in sheep. Depending on the amount of plant material eaten, the changes range from minimal reddening and blister-like effects to extensive areas of sloughing. In more severe cases, the skin will be thickened with a gelatinous appearance extending down into the deeper dermis. Crusty and ulcerative or proliferative areas may be present, especially around the face. Microscopically, the edema of the skin will be accompanied by necrosis and a neutrophilic infiltrate in the deeper dermis.

slow recovery prevented






Treatment—Prevention of animal access to the plants is usually sufficient for recovery to begin within a few days, albeit the signs may disappear slowly as reepithelialization of the denuded areas occurs. In some cases, relief of pain may be helpful, in addition to soothing skin medications.

POLYGONUM L. & PERSICARIA (L.) MILL. & FALLOPIA ADAN. Although the family Polygonaceae is well defined and confirmed to be monophyletic by molecular phylogenetic studies, taxonomists have debated generic limits, especially the circumscription of Polygonum, which, at various times, has been interpreted to comprise as many as 9 sections or divided into as many as 15 segregate genera. Phylogenetic analyses using morphological and molecular data support the recognition of Polygonum (in a strict sense), Fallopia, and Persicaria, which are of toxicologic

Polygonaceae Juss.

interest here (Ronse Descraene and Akeroyd 1988; Lamb Frye and Kron 2003). This classification is employed in the Flora of North America, but has not been adopted by the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). Because species of these 3 genera are morphologically similar; produce the same disease problems, clinical signs, and pathological changes; and were typically cited as Polygonum in the toxicological literature, we describe them together.

Taxonomy and Morphology—As presently circumscribed, Polygonum, commonly known as knotweed, comprises about 65 species, is native to both the Old and New World, and is represented in North America by 33 native and introduced species (Costea et al. 2005). Its name is derived from the Greek roots polys and gonu, meaning “many knees” or “many joints,” an allusion to the conspicuously swollen nodes (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Comprising about 100 species, Persicaria, commonly known as smartweed, is represented in North America by 26 native and introduced species (Hinds and Freeman 2005b). Reflecting the appearance of the leaves of some species, its name is believed to be derived from the Latin persicus for peach and suffix -aris meaning “resembling” (Quattrocchi 2000). Many of its species are characteristically encountered in aquatic and wetland habitats; many are also important wildlife species, and some are weedy (Bryson and DeFelice 2010). Native to the Old and New World, Fallopia, commonly known as false buckwheat, comprises about 12 species of which 8 native and introduced species are present in North America (Freeman and Hinds 2005). Some are designated noxious weeds (Bryson and DeFelice 2010). Representative of the 3 genera and implicated in toxicological problems are the following: Fallopia Adan. F. convolvulus (L.) Á.Löve

(= Polygonum convolvulus L.) F. japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decr. (= Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc.) Persicaria (L.) Mill. Pe. hydropiper (L.) Spach

(= Polygonum hydropiper L.)

wild buckwheat, black bindweed, ivy bindweed, Knot bindweed, dullseed, cornbind

Japanese knotweed, fleeceflower

marsh pepper, smartweed, water pepper, water smartweed

Pe. pensylvanica (L.) M.Gómez (= Polygonum pensylvanicum L.) Pe. maculosa A.Gray

(= Polygonum persicaria L.) Polygonum L. Po. aviculare L.


smartweed, pink smartweed, Pennsylvania smartweed, Pinkweed

spotted lady’s thumb, lady’s thumb, spotted smartweed, heart’s-ease, heartweed

prostrate knotweed, wireweed, doorweed, knotgrass, chivalry grass, dishwatergrass

herbs, vines, subshrubs; ocreae conspicuous; flowers in spicate or racemose panicles or axillary clusters; sepals 4–6, petaloid; achenes shiny, black, or brown

Plants herbs or herbaceous vines or rarely subshrubs; perennials or annuals; terrestrial or emergent aquatics. Stems prostrate to erect; 20–150 cm tall. Leaves alternate; petiolate or occasionally sessile; margins entire; ocreae conspicuous. Inflorescences terminal spicate or racemose panicles, or axillary clusters. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar; perianths funnelform or campanulate. Sepals 4–6; in 1 whorl; fused; petaloid; green or white or cream or pink or red. Petals absent. Stamens 3–9. Pistils with 2 or 3 or rarely 4 carpels; stigmas 2 or 3 or rarely 4, capitellate; styles 2 or 3 or rarely 4. Achenes trigonous or lenticular; shiny; black or brown; shorter or longer than persistent perianths. The three genera are distinguished on the basis of differences in the winging of the outer tepals and the texture, color, lobing, and disintegration of the ocrea (Freeman 2005a) (Figures 59.4 and 59.5).

across the continent; variety of vegetation types and habitats

Distribution and Habitat—Occupying diverse habitats, species of these three genera are adapted to a variety of environmental conditions. Some are aquatic and semiaquatic, whereas others flourish in dry, disturbed sites. Many are quite weedy and readily form dense populations. Polygonum aviculare, for example, is an annual commonly encountered as a weed in lawns across the continent (Bryson and DeFelice 2010). It is very tolerant of trampling and also occupies waste areas and weedy sites. Persicaria maculosa, Pe. hydropiper, and F.


Toxic Plants of North America

declared a noxious weed in several states (Freeman and Hinds 2005). Distribution maps of the individual species of each genus can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

possible abrupt death; more likely photosensitization

Disease Problems and Genesis—Although species of

Figure 59.4 Line drawing of Persicaria pensylvanica. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 59.5

Photo of Persicaria pensylvanica.

convolvulus are introduced annuals that are also found throughout North America. They typically occupy damp, disturbed soils. Fallopia japonica is an introduction from Japan that is cultivated as an ornamental, but occasionally escapes and is found along roadsides. It has been

the 3 genera are not commonly regarded as causes of intoxication, they have been suspected of causing an acute disease ending in death or less acute photosensitization. In Australia, several horses that ate large amounts of Po. aviculare became recumbent and died a few hours later (Knight 1979). Nitrite intoxication was suspected because species of the genus accumulate nitrates (Case 1957), but the clinical signs and pathologic changes were not consistent with this diagnosis. There is also a report of Fallopia japonica (reported as Po. cuspidatum) causing the death of a goat in the United Kingdom (Cooper and Johnson 1984). In Argentina, after 160 cows were moved into a field containing F. convolvulus (reported as Po. convolvulus), 10 were found dead within 24 hours (Cantero et al. 1990). Although the cattle were removed from the field after the first deaths, 20 more died in the following 5 days. Tonic convulsions, irritability, liver necrosis, and pulmonary edema were observed. One to 2 months later, 10 cows developed photosensitization. In other instances of intoxication involving the 3 genera, only skin changes similar to those caused by Fagopyrum are produced. In the Canadian prairie provinces, fresh plants of Polygonum (most likely species of Persicaria) eaten in the pasture are credited with causing photosensitization (Looman 1983). The disease is locally termed yellows or bighead. Plants eaten as hay do not produce the adverse effects. In these provinces, plants growing in water and cut after the areas dry up are considered to make nutritious hay. Experiments to confirm the toxicity of the 3 genera have yielded at best only increased suspicion. Large amounts of Pe. hydropiper and Pe. maculosa were fed without apparent adverse effects (Bruce 1917; McKenzie et al. 1988). Smaller amounts of Po. aviculare and Pe. punctatam (reported as Po. acre) also failed to produce changes. Some species are said to contain an acrid, irritating sap—hence, the common name smartweed. An Asian species, Fallopia multiflora (reported as Po. multiflorum) with limited presence in the bay area of California (tuber fleeceflower) has been associated with acute hepatitis when used as a Chinese herbal supplement (Panis et al. 2005; Laird et al. 2008; Cho et al. 2009). However, there are relatively few incidents, and it is

Polygonaceae Juss.


suggested that most of these could have been avoided with more rational use of the herbal preparations (Zhang et al. 2009).

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The clinical signs, pathology, and treatment for photosensitization are the same as for Fagopyrum.

RHEUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to temperate and subtropical Eurasia, Rheum, commonly known as rhubarb, comprises about 60 species (Freeman 2005b). Used by Dioscorides, its name is derived from rha, the ancient Greek word for rhubarb (Quattrocchi 2000). In addition to the species cultivated for food and wine, several others are propagated for their striking foliage and tall, showy inflorescences. A few Chinese species are used medicinally. Most commonly encountered and of toxicologic interest is this species: R. rhabarbarum L.

rhubarb, garden rhubarb, pie plant, wine plant

Figure 59.6

Line drawing of Rheum rhabarbarum.

may also persist in abandoned gardens but apparently does not spread (Freeman 2005b).

severity of problems questionable; oxalate toxicosis, irritation of the digestive tract; leaves not substantiated as a cause of intoxications

(= R. rhaponticum L.)

Some taxonomists contend that the cultivated rhubarb is an ancient hybrid and use the binomial R. ×cultorum. The common name rhubarb is also applied to several species of Rumex; for example, R. hymenosepalus is called wild rhubarb and R. alpinus is known as mountain rhubarb.

robust, perennial herbs; leaves large, primarily basal, on long stout petioles; flowers borne in terminal panicles; sepals 6, in 2 whorls; achenes trigonous, brown

Plants robust herbs; perennials; from thick roots. Stems erect; 50–150 cm tall; hollow. Leaves large; primarily basal; petioles long, stout, flat above; blades suborbicular to broadly ovate; margins entire to lobed; ocreae prominent. Inflorescences terminal panicles; branches appressed; pedicels jointed; flowers borne in fascicles at nodes; bracts absent. Flowers perfect. Sepals 6; in 2 whorls; free; petaloid; white or greenish white. Petals absent. Stamens 6 or 9. Pistils with carpels, stigmas, and styles 3. Achenes trigonous; winged; brown; longer than perianths (Figure 59.6).

Distribution and Habitat—Rheum rhabarbarum is cultivated throughout North America. In some areas, it has escaped cultivation and become sparingly established. It

Disease Problems—Rhubarb has somewhat of a reputation for being highly toxic to both humans and animals. Tallqvist and Vaananen (1960) recorded the unique but tragic death of a 4-year-old girl in an orphanage who so enjoyed the taste of the stalks that she ate the leaves as well when fed them by other children. She became sick, but was not treated for 2 days until following several periods of vomiting she fell into a coma-like sleep. Despite being given calcium and stimulants, she died on the fourth day. During World War I, because of dwindling food supplies, efforts were made in England to utilize alternative foods. Rhubarb leaves were tried as a spinach substitute, and several intoxications occurred. Perhaps the most noteworthy case involved the death of a minister who had eaten the leaves (“Poisoning,” 1947). Because oxalic acid (not crystals of calcium oxalate) was found in his tissues, it was thought that its presence was due to consumption of the rhubarb. Based on the soluble oxalate concentrations in Rheum, this conclusion is questionable. The man would have had to have eaten a kilogram or more of the cooked leaves to cause intoxication. At about the same time, the death of a woman who had eaten fried rhubarb leaves and boiled stalks was reported in the United States (Robb and Sippy 1919). The disease involved considerable colic and vomiting, and her blood failed to clot terminally. These and other reports fostered an atmosphere of considerable concern, and warnings were expressed about the dire consequences of eating


Toxic Plants of North America

rhubarb leaves (Jeghers and Murphy 1945; Jacobziner and Raybin 1962). These reports of toxicity are greatly exaggerated for the most part, and except for a risk to small children eating fresh stalks in the garden, it is now apparent that there is little risk involved in the accidental ingestion of small quantities of Rheum leaves (Barceloux 2009). However, intentional use of the leaves for culinary purposes cooked or otherwise is not recommended. In addition, there are some concerns regarding the overall increase in oxalate load in humans eating considerable amounts of rhubarb over a sustained period of time, especially in those individuals with a propensity for forming urinary stones (Hesse and Siener 1997; Grentz and Massey 2002). In contrast to these concerns, Chinese rhubarb is used to treat chronic renal failure in China and Japan, and its effects seem to be confirmed in studies with rats (Wang et al. 2009c). Furthermore, the dried roots of Chinese rhubarb have long been popular as a laxative (“All Bran of the Age of Reason”) and as a remedy to treat dysentery (Barceloux 2009). Several cases in animals have also been reported. For example, a sow that was observed to have eaten heartily of rhubarb leaves suffered a loss of appetite and was found dead 2 days later with her stomach still full of them (Buchanan 1933). There is, however, little or no direct experimental evidence to substantiate the toxic reputation of Rheum other than reports of oxalate concentrations in the plants. oxalates, risk for livestock; minimal risk for humans

Disease Genesis—All portions of the plant, but especially the leaves, contain oxalates. Both soluble—probably as acid (potassium) oxalate such as occurs in Rumex— and calcium oxalates are present (James 1972; Barceloux 2009). In an examination of 78 rhubarb cultivars, concentrations of total oxalate in the petioles or stalks were 3.4–9.5% dry matter, with an average of 5.8% d.w. or 0.4% wet weight (Libert and Creed 1985). The range for soluble oxalates was 1.8–5.7% (Libert and Franceschi 1987). If concentrations are much higher in the leaf blades, then indeed oxalates may pose a danger to livestock. Although there is little doubt that livestock consuming large amounts of forage are at risk with oxalate-accumulating plants, there is some doubt about the role of oxalate in human intoxications, because of the dosage required. Fassett (1973) has reviewed some of the reported serious human intoxications, and although the clinical signs are somewhat consistent with the irritating effects of oxalic acid, a role for other toxicants such as anthraquinones cannot be discounted (Cooper and Johnson 1984).

Figure 59.7

Chemical structure of rhein.

anthraquinones present; possible effects on the digestive tract

Emodin, chrysophanic acid, aloe-emodin, and rhein are anthraquinones that are present in the tissues of Rheum as reduced anthrone and bianthrone forms and as the more toxic glycosides (Thomson 1971; Robinson 1991; Agarwal et al. 2001) (Figure 59.7). These toxicants are clearly capable of causing marked effects on the digestive tract. In addition, long-term administration of anthraquinones to rats results in nephrotoxic effects (Yan et al. 2006). Furthermore, in vitro studies indicate a potential for drug interactions with rhein from rhubarb due to inhibition of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450 (CYP) activity (Tang et al. 2009). Single large doses of rhubarb extract to mice did not cause problems but repeated dosage for 2 weeks resulted in kidney and liver necrosis (Wang et al. 2009a). Interestingly, processing, especially steaming, attenuated the toxicity potential in mice presumably due to a reduction in the anthraquinones (Wang et al. 2009a,b). This would indicate a reduced potential for adverse effects when rhubarb is cooked as in preserves and pies.

oxalate toxicosis, typical signs; digestive tract irritation, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Aspects of these facets of the oxalate-associated disease are presented in the treatment of Rumex, which follows in this chapter. Rheum may also produce signs of mild to moderate anthroquinone-type irritation of the digestive tract, manifested as nausea, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. These are distinct from problems associated with oxalate salts.

RUMEX L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as dock or sorrel, Rumex comprises 190–200 species distributed primarily in the northern temperate regions around

Polygonaceae Juss.


the world (Mosyakin 2005). Its name was used by Pliny, the Roman natural historian (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The leaves of some species are valued for their tart taste and are eaten raw in salads or cooked like spinach. Other species are considered pernicious weeds, and a few are grown as ornamentals for the bronze red color of their autumn foliage. Although Rumex has been divided into 4 segregate genera—Acetosa, Acetosella, Bucephalophora, and Rumex sensu stricto—by Löve and Kapoor (1967) and others, this division has not been generally accepted. We here follow the traditional classification of the genus employed by Mosyakin (2005) in the Flora of North America. He recognized 63 introduced and native species. Exact identification of individual plants is sometimes troublesome because of the frequent hybridization. Representative of the genus and implicated in toxicologic problems are the following: R. acetosa L.

(= Acetosa pratense Mill.) R. acetosella L.

(= Acetosa acetosella [L.] Mill.) R. crispus L.

R. venosus L.

green sorrel, tall sorrel, garden sorrel, meadow sorrel, sour dock red sorrel, sheep sorrel, common sorrel, cow sorrel, horse sorrel, mountain sorrel, field sorrel, sour grass, sourweed

curly dock, curly leaf dock, yellow dock, sour dock, lengua de vaca veined dock, wild begonia, wild hydrangea, sour green, winged sorrel

The common name sorrel is also applied to species of Oxalis in the Oxalidaceae (see Chapter 52), a notorious oxalate accumulator, as is implied by its genus name.

herbs, often reddish green at maturity; ocreae prominent; flowers in terminal panicles or racemes; sepals 6, in 2 whorls, outer 3 small, inner 3 small; achenes trigonous

Figure 59.8 Line drawing of Rumex crispus. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

shredding with maturity. Inflorescences terminal panicles or racemes; flowers borne in verticillate clusters at nodes and typically persisting through winter. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar. Sepals 6; in 2 whorls, outer whorl small and becoming reflexed, inner whorl enlarging, each typically bearing a corky tubercule at the center or base; fused; sepaloid; green or reddish brown. Petals absent. Stamens 6. Pistils with carpels, stigmas, and styles 3. Achenes trigonous; enclosed by persistent perianths (Figures 59.8 and 59.9).

across the continent; disturbed sites; damp or wet sites

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Rumex occupy a Plants herbs; perennials or biennials or annuals; from taproots or fibrous roots or rhizomes; herbage typically becoming reddish green with maturity; bearing perfect flowers or dioecious or monoecious. Stems erect; 10– 150 cm tall; typically persisting through winter. Leaves alternate; both basal and cauline; petiolate; blades flat or crisped; apices acute or obtuse to rounded; margins entire or undulate or shallowly toothed; ocreae prominent, often

variety of habitats and environmental conditions in North America. Native to Eurasia but now naturalized throughout most of North America, R. acetosa and R. acetosella are found along roadsides and in lawns, waste areas, and open woodlands. Also introduced from Europe, R. crispus occupies similar disturbed habitats, especially wet sites. Native to the sand dunes and riverbanks of the grasslands and deserts of western North America, R. venosus is adventive in the Midwest and Northeast. Distribution


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 59.9

Photo of Rumex crispus.

maps of these and other species in the genus can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Flora of North America (

cattle when incorporated as 10% of the diet presumably due to the presence of condensed tannins (Waghorn and Jones 1989). Species of Rumex are eaten commonly by humans throughout the world as potherbs and in rare instances may cause intoxications, accompanied by oxalate crystals in blood vessels and the urinary system and by liver disease (Farre et al. 1989). In one instance, a family collected about 1 kg of R. crispus for culinary purposes and one individual apparently consumed an excessive amount (Reig et al. 1990). Within a few hours, he developed vomiting and diarrhea that later led to dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and eventually coma. Serum hepatic enzymes increased markedly along with urea and creatinine and a decrease in calcium. Despite treatment with calcium gluconate, sodium bicarbonate, and hemodialysis, he died 72 hours after eating the plants. In addition to the expected renal tubular necrosis, there was hepatic necrosis and pulmonary edema and congestion.

acid/potassium oxalate oxalate toxicosis; digestive tract irritation; intoxications uncommon

Disease Problems—Species of Rumex have had a reputation for toxicity in the Old World. Losses of sheep and horses due to R. acetosella was reported by Cornevin and by Muller (Craig and Kehoe 1921), and later for lactating ewes grazing the sprouting plants in Tasmania (Anon 1943). This prompted an investigation of the toxicity of another species, R. acetosa, a perennial widely distributed in Europe. Most animals would not eat the plants. However, one bullock ate it readily, consuming 2.7–4.5 kg daily for 3 weeks without adverse effect (Craig and Kehoe 1921). This is in contrast to a later report of a flock of 90 ewes and lambs readily eating the species, followed by illness of 12 ewes and death of 5 (Coward 1949). In Colorado, cattle subsisting extensively on R. venosus developed severe renal disease with copious fluid in the body cavities and oxalate crystals in the kidneys (Dickie et al. 1978). Similarly, abundant R. crispus was the apparent cause of disease in hungry sheep that had been held overnight in a small pasture with limited other forage (Panciera et al. 1990). In this case, the initial clinical signs were suggestive of hypocalcemia, eventually accompanied by severe tubular nephrosis. Rumex is suspected in The Netherlands as the cause of hypocalcemia in a 4-week-old foal exhibiting muscle rigidity and stiff gait (Laan et al. 2000). It is of interest that Rumex obtusifolia in New Zealand has been found to be useful for prevention of bloat in

Disease Genesis—As its tart taste attests, the sap of some species of Rumex contains soluble acid/potassium oxalate at an acidic pH of approximately 2 (Oke 1969; James 1972, 1978). Oxalate concentrations may be less than 1%, and it has been suggested that greater than 10% d.w. soluble oxalate is the danger level when large amounts of plants are eaten (James 1972, 1978; Guil et al. 1996). Indeed, in incidents of intoxication, oxalate concentrations for R. venosus in Colorado were reported to range from 9.2% d.w. in April to 13.9% d.w. in June (Dickie et al. 1978), and for R. crispus, the concentration of oxalic acid ranged from 6.6% to 11.1% d.w. (Panciera et al. 1990). In other situations not necessarily associated with intoxication, concentrations in R. acetosa have been reported to range up to 12.9% d.w. (Libert and Franceschi 1987). In Mexico, cultivars with exceptionally high concentrations (to 44% d.w.) have been reported (Mejia et al. 1985). Interestingly, in the case in which R. acetosa was seemingly eaten with impunity, oxalate concentrations of only 0.16% were reported (Craig and Kehoe 1921) (Figure 59.10).

anthraquinones of possible significance; oxalates seldom a problem because plants not eaten or else eaten slowly

In addition, nitrates and anthraquinone glycosides are suggested to be of possible concern (Cooper and Johnson

Polygonaceae Juss.


Clinical Signs—The onset is abrupt, perhaps 8–12 hours

Figure 59.10

Chemical structure of oxalic acid and its salts.

1984). Species of Rumex contain several anthraquinones— for example, rhein and aloe-emodin—as potent glycosides that may cause digestive tract problems related to the cathartic actions of these types of compounds (Thomson 1971; Robinson 1991). A more detailed discussion of these types of compounds is presented in the treatment of Aloe (see Chapter 4). It appears that only rarely are conditions appropriate for intoxication due to Rumex to occur. The concentrations of oxalate in the plants and the likelihood that large enough amounts of plant will be eaten must be high. Large amounts must be eaten in a relatively short period in order to exceed the capacity of the ruminal microflora to metabolize the oxalate (Morris and Garcia-Rivera 1955; James et al. 1967). In situations in which animals, especially goats, eat small amounts of the plant continuously, it may be difficult to exceed this capacity, because microbial adaptation occurs (Allison et al. 1977; Duncan et al. 1997). Thus, conditions for intoxication will seldom prevail. In most cases of acute oxalate intoxication, hungry animals have been placed in a new environment where they become rather nonselective in their eating. Although it has not been determined in Rumex, species of other genera tend to accumulate oxalates under conditions of high levels of nitrogen and potassium and low phosphorus (Libert and Franceschi 1987). Thus, plants growing in areas subject to high nitrogenous runoff may pose a special risk.

abrupt onset, depression, excess salivation, tremors, difficulty walking, collapse, labored respiration, elevated BUN, nitrogen, creatinine

after animals begin grazing a new pasture. Typically, there is depression, excess salivation, a staggering gait, and tremors of the head, neck, and legs. When forced to walk, they do so only with difficulty, repeatedly falling and struggling to rise. Respiration is labored, and prostration comes quickly. Animals may die within a few hours of onset of signs if not treated. Initially, blood calcium concentrations are markedly decreased, while blood urea nitrogen and creatinine are elevated. The latter two concentrations increase in magnitude as the disease progresses. In humans, the most likely signs will be mild gastrointestinal disturbance with nausea and perhaps vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea mainly due to the anthraquinones. In more severe intoxications, the effects of oxalates will prevail and the signs will be similar to those in animals with muscle twitching and cramps, tetany associated with electrolyte problems, and then renal failure indications.

gross pathology: kidneys pale, swollen; excess fluid in body cavities

microscopic: renal tubular dilation, oxalate crystals in kidney and ruminal vessels

Pathology—Grossly, the kidneys are pale and swollen, and excess fluid is present in the body cavities. There may also be edema of various tissues, including the lungs. Microscopically, there is renal tubular dilation and flattened degenerated tubular epithelium. Oxalate crystals are prominent in renal tubules and may also be seen in the walls of small arteries in the rumen and less often in the brain.

administer parenteral calcium

Treatment—Prompt administration of parenteral calcium solutions will generally result in immediate relief of many of the signs, and animals will become ambulatory within a few hours. Relapses may occur, and some animals will require treatment for acute renal failure. In humans, 10% calcium gluconate i.v. repeated as needed along with cardiac monitoring and fluid diuresis is appropriate when signs become apparent (Barceloux 2009). In the most severe situations, hemodialysis is effective in reducing blood oxalate levels. Lavage with 0.15%


Toxic Plants of North America

lime water (calcium hydroxide) to reduce oxalate absorption has been suggested, but its value has not been substantiated.

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Chapter Sixty

Primulaceae Vent.

Primrose Family Anagallis Cyclamen Primula

Comprising 13–21 genera and 600–900 species, the Primulaceae, or primrose family, is cosmopolitan in distribution but exhibits greatest diversity in the temperate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Anderberg 2004; Brummitt 2007). Despite a wealth of morphological and molecular information, taxonomists have yet to agree on the circumscription of the family and the phylogenetically closely related families Theophrastaceae and Myrsinaceae. Judd and coworkers (2008), Mabberley (2008), and Bremer and coworkers (2009) recognize one inclusive family, whereas Anderberg (2004), Brummitt (2007), and Cholewa and Kelso (2009) treat the three as separate families, but differ in their placement of genera in the three taxa. In this treatise, we continue to use the traditional circumscription of the Primulaceae (Cronquist 1981) until a taxonomic consensus is reached. The family is economically important only for ornamentals—for example, Primula (primula), Dodecatheon (shooting star), and Cyclamen (cyclamen)— which are grown in rock gardens or as potted plants. In North America, 11 genera and 82 species are represented in the flora (USDA, NRCS 2012). Intoxication problems are associated with 3 genera.

annual or perennial herbs; sepals and petals fused; fruits capsules with numerous seeds

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; terrestrial or emergent aquatics; caulescent or acaulescent. Leaves all alike or of 2 forms; simple; alternate or opposite or whorled; forming a basal rosette or cauline; venation pinnate;

surfaces often gland dotted or farinose; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or racemes or panicles or umbels or verticillate clusters; bracts present. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5, or rarely 4 or 6; fused. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 5, or rarely 4 or 6; fused; of various colors. Stamens 5, or rarely 4 or 6; opposite the petals; epipetalous; staminodia present or absent. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 5; stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1; ovaries superior or inferior; locules 1; placentation free central. Fruits capsules; valvate or circumscissile. Seeds numerous.

ANAGALLIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Widespread throughout the world, Anagallis, commonly known as pimpernel, comprises 20 species (Cholewa 2009). Its name, used by the ancient Greeks, is derived from anagelao, which means “to laugh” or “to delight” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The genus is placed in the Myrsinaceae by Stahl and Anderberg (2004) and Cholewa and coworkers (2009). Plants were fabled to disperse sadness. In North America, 1 introduced species is of toxicologic interest: A. arvensis L.

The common names alluding to the weather or time reflect the tendency of the flowers to be open only during fair weather. Darkness and cold temperatures cause them to close.

annuals from taproots; leaves opposite, sessile, gland dotted; sepals 5, nearly divided; petals 5, scarlet, white, or blue; capsules globose

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


scarlet pimpernel, poison chickweed, red chickweed, shepherd’s-weatherglass, poor-man’s-weatherglass, shepherd’s-clock

Primulaceae Vent.

Plants annuals; caulescent; from taproots; somewhat mat forming; herbage glabrous. Stems prostrate or decumbent or occasionally ascending, often rooting at nodes; 10–40 cm long; profusely branched; 4-angled. Leaves opposite; cauline; sessile; blades ovate to lanceolate; surfaces gland dotted; margins entire, scarious; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne in axils of upper leaves; pedicels slender, ascending, recurved in fruit. Flowers rotate; variable in size. Sepals 5; divided nearly to base. Petals 5; convolute; lobes ovate to elliptic, margins denticulate or crenulate; scarlet or white or blue. Stamens 5; filaments pubescent. Pistils with styles filiform; ovaries superior. Capsules circumscissile; globose. Seeds numerous; minute; papillose; brown (Figures 60.1 and 60.2).

Figure 60.1.

Line drawing of Anagallis arvensis.

Figure 60.2.

Photo of Anagallis arvensis.


Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from Europe, A. arvensis is now distributed across North America, especially along roadsides and in disturbed sites. It has become an especially noxious weed in wheat fields and other croplands (Bryson and DeFelice 2010).

digestive disturbance; renal disease, sheep and cattle

Disease Problems—Although Anagallis is no longer used for these purposes, it was employed therapeutically for centuries, its recorded use beginning with the ancient Greeks (Millspaugh 1974). Thus far, it has not been clearly identified as a disease risk in North America, albeit it was suspected to be the culprit in the deaths of horses in California and calves in Pennsylvania (Reynard and Norton 1942; Fuller and McClintock 1986). It has, however, been considered a cause of kidney disease in sheep and cattle in Australia since the early 1900s, and the disease has been experimentally reproduced (Pullar 1939; Schneider 1978). In one episode involving 90 sheep grazing a pasture consisting of about 90% A. arvensis, 12 animals died and about half of the remainder became ill (Pullar 1939). Experimentally, as little as 624–680 g of fresh and/or dry plant material was lethal in 48 hours. More typical of the disease in the field, 2% b.w. per day for 1–2 weeks produced severe kidney disease (Schneider 1978). In Brazil, marked weight loss, bloody diarrhea, and high mortality due to renal failure have been observed in cattle and sheep after ingestion of A. arvensis for several days or weeks (Riet-Correa et al. 1998). In Uruguay, similar outbreaks of renal disease with perirenal edema with up to 50% morbidity and almost 100% case fatality rates have been seen in sheep and cattle associated with Anagallis arvensis (Rivero et al. 2001). In India, an instance of renal necrosis has been reported in cattle and buffalo with signs similar to these previous reports (Harish et al. 2006). It thus appears that the same, or a very similar, disease has occurred on five continents—Australia, Asia, and South America—and likely in North America as well. Plants of the species, under some circumstances, seem to be toxic for only a short period. Experimentally, in one test, 907 g produced only a transient diarrhea, while in another, 2155 g fed in a 10-day period caused no untoward effects (Pullar 1939). This variability in toxicity is further demonstrated by observations that plant material was no longer toxic a few weeks after a clinical kidney disease problem had occurred (Rothwell and Marshall 1986). The disease seems to be more of a problem following excessive summer rainfall.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 60.3.

Chemical structure of arvenin I.

of effect is consistent with the disease as reported by others (Schneider 1978). In A. arvensis, there may be a combination of effects from the two types of toxicants present, and these effects are perhaps dependent on the amount of plant material eaten. Plant material associated with toxicosis in sheep was found to be negative for cyanogenesis (Pullar 1939). Experimentally in rats, an ethanolic extract of 1–2 mg of the saponins per kilogram of animal b.w. caused impaired growth and bone ossification, soft-tissue abnormalities, and fetal death and resorptions (El-Sayed et al. 1987). In another study with an alcoholic extract, rats developed renal necrosis with typical elevations of serum urea nitrogen and creatinine (Al-Sultan et al. 2003).

animals: rapid onset, weakness, diarrhea, ataxia, depression; decrease in blood calcium, marked increase in BUN; humans: headache, shivering, rheumatic pains

Figure 60.4.

Chemical structure of anagalligenin B.

unknown toxin or toxins; possibly terpenoid glycosides, anagalligenins, and oxalates

Disease Genesis—The diversity of clinical signs ranging from those indicative of a digestive tract disturbance to kidney problems is consistent with more than one toxin. A possible cause may be terpenoid saponins. These include the pentacyclic glycosides of anagalligenins A and B, such as anagalloside A, and of priverogenin B, such as anagalloside C. Both are acetates and pentaglycosides at C-3. Also present are arvenin I and arvenin II, glycosides of the quadricyclic cucurbitacin D (Connolly and Hill 1991; Shoji et al. 1994) (Figures 60.3 and 60.4). The crude saponin extract, when given to a dog, caused digestive tract irritation as well as other systemic signs (Millspaugh 1974). In addition to the irritation, the saponins have other effects, including increased intestinal spasticity and cardiac contractility, as revealed by administration of plant extracts to laboratory animals (Hilal et al. 1987). Oxalate concentrations, in the range of 9–13% oxalic acid, have been reported in association with acute tubular nephrosis (Sadekar et al. 1995). However, although oxalate crystals were found in the microvasculature of the brain, they were not present in the renal tubules. Furthermore, they have not been reported in field cases. This type

Clinical Signs—The signs of A. arvensis intoxication are of rapid onset and initially include weakness, diarrhea, and incoordination. Weakness and depression become of increasing severity, with the head held low and the ears drooping, and eventually the animals are unable to stand. The respiratory rate may increase noticeably. There may also be subcutaneous edema in the perineal area and along the ventral abdomen. Changes in serum chemistry may be diagnostic; blood urea nitrogen increased markedly (>74 mg/dL), magnesium increased, and calcium decreased. Death occurs 1–2 days after onset of the signs. In humans, there may be headache, trembling, shivering, and rheumatic pains of a temporary nature.

gross pathology: reddened gut mucosa, edema and free fluid abdomen and thorax; microscopic: necrosis of renal tubules

Pathology—The lesions are rather inconspicuous. Grossly, in addition to the reddened mucosa of the stomach and intestines, the lungs are congested, the liver is pale and friable, and the kidneys are small and pale. There may be scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages in the kidneys and a few on the heart. The renal effects are accompanied by subcutaneous, perirenal, and lung edema, with free fluid in the abdomen and thorax. Microscopically, there is degeneration and necrosis of the proximal convoluted tubules of the kidney. This damage is less

Primulaceae Vent.


severe in the distal tubules. Intratubular hemorrhage may also be present in the kidneys.

Treatment—Supportive administration of fluids and electrolytes may prolong life, but the prognosis is guarded at best with acute renal failure of this type.

CYCLAMEN L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A well-known and popular florist’s plant, Cyclamen comprises about 22 species native primarily to the Mediterranean region (Mabberley 2008). It is placed in the Myrsinaceae by Stahl and Anderberg (2004). Its name is classical Greek and derived from kyklos, meaning “circular,” which alludes to the spiraling of the scapes after flowering in some species (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Although several species are cultivated horticulturally, the most commonly encountered plants are those derived by repeated selections of the following species: C. persicum Mill.

Figure 60.5.

Line drawing of Cyclamen persicum.

Figure 60.6.

Chemical structure of cyclamigenin C.

florist’s cyclamen, cyclamen, Persian violet, alpine violet, sowbread

perennials from tubers; leaves basal, variegated; flowers showy, solitary, nodding; sepals 5; petals 5, reflexed, white, pale pink, or deep carmine red, often purple splotched at the base

Plants perennials; acaulescent; from depressed globose tubers. Leaves basal; folded when young; blades cordate or reniform to suborbicular, conspicuously variegated, greens and silver grays; petioles of varying lengths. Scapes 5–20 cm long; straight after flowering. Inflorescences solitary flowers; nodding. Flowers showy; not fragrant. Sepals 5. Petals 5; reflexed 90–180°; tubes short; white or pale pink to deep carmine red, often with dark purple blotches at the base. Stamens 5; rarely exserted beyond corolla tubes. Pistils with ovaries superior. Capsules dehiscent by 5 valves. Seeds numerous (Figure 60.5).

Distribution and Habitat—In their natural habitats, species of Cyclamen occupy rocky terrain in semiarid locations. Native to the eastern end of the Mediterranean region, C. persicum is extensively cultivated as a houseplant in North America.

digestive disturbance; irritant terpenoid glycosides of cyclamigenins, cyclamiretins

Disease Problems and Genesis—The introduced species of Cyclamen are not likely to be a serious toxicologic risk, but they occasionally may cause digestive tract and other disturbances (Spoerke et al. 1987). Like other members of the family, the genus contains a series of irritating, pentacyclic terpenoid saponins (Connolly and Hill 1991). They include cyclamin, isocyclamin, cyclaminorin, cyclacoumin, deglucocyclamin, and mirabilin. These saponins are mainly glycosides of cyclamiretins and cyclamigenins. They are especially abundant in the tubers and are the cause of the purgative effects (Frohne and Pfander 1984; Leroux 1986; Spoerke and Smolinske 1990). Cyclamin is piscicidal and a potent hemolytic agent (Hostettmann and Marston 1995; Hepper 2004) (Figure 60.6). These steroidal saponins have cardiac activity similar to that of the cardiac glycosides, decreasing the rate of and augmenting the strength of contraction, as shown for the Eurasian C. ibericum (Gladkikh 1966). In vitro studies also indicate that they are uterocontractile (Calis et al. 1997). Whether amounts sufficient to cause systemic types of effects are ever absorbed is uncertain.


Toxic Plants of North America

diarrhea, vomiting, colic; reddened gut mucosa; treatment not generally needed

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The primary effects are related to irritation of the digestive tract, including diarrhea with or without blood, vomiting, and colic. There may also be reddish discoloration of the urine due to hemoglobinuria and, with more severe intoxication, cardiac arrhythmias and seizures. Irritation of the digestive tract will be manifested as reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. The disease is not likely to be fatal. Treatment is based on relief of the diarrhea, but in most instances will not be necessary.

Figure 60.7.

Line drawing of Primula obconica.

PRIMULA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 400–500 species primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, Primula, commonly known as primrose, is native to both the Old World and the New World (Anderberg 2004; Kelso 2009). Alluding to its winter and early spring flowering, its name is the diminutive of the Latin primus, meaning “first” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). It exhibits considerable diversity of form, and several infrageneric classifications have been published; for example, Fenderson (1986) recognized 37 subgenera and sections. Numerous species with a multitude of cultivars are popular ornamentals as border, window box, greenhouse, and rockery plants. Twenty species in 2 subgenera and 6 sections are present in North America (Kelso 2009). Representative of the genus and of toxicologic interest are 2 introduced species: P. auricula Balf. P. obconica Hance

auricula, primrose, bear’s-ears German primrose, poison primrose, top primrose

perennials; leaves in basal rosettes; flowers showy; sepals 5; petals 5, spreading, yellow, orange, purple, white, rose, or bicolored

Plants perennials; acaulescent; typically from short rhizomes. Leaves forming a basal rosette; petioled or sessile; blades of various shapes; surfaces often farinose; margins entire or toothed or lobed. Scapes 15–30 cm tall. Inflorescences umbels or heads or verticillate clusters or rarely solitary; bracts present. Flowers showy; funnelform or salverform; often winter flowering. Sepals 5; calyces often angled or ridged. Petals 5; lobes spreading or rarely erect,

Figure 60.8. Photo of Primula sp. Photo by G.A. Cooper, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

entire or 2-lobed; yellow or orange or purple or white or rose; often bicolor. Stamens 5; included within corollas; filaments short. Pistils with styles filiform; ovaries superior. Capsules globose or cylindric; dehiscent by 5 or 10 valves. Seeds numerous (Figures 60.7 and 60.8).

Distribution and Habitat—Occurring in a variety of soil types, native species of Primula are characteristically found in rock crevices, on talus, along stream banks, or in moist meadows primarily in the northern half of the continent and at higher elevations in the mountains (Kelso 2009). Primula auricula is native to the Alps of Europe, and P. obconica to China.

skin irritation; possibly digestive disturbance

Disease Problems—The leaves of species of Primula bear glandular hairs that exude a noxious secretion that causes a contact dermatitis and eczematous reaction on the hands and face of humans; it is sometimes severe

Primulaceae Vent.

(Harshberger 1920). Of all the species of Primula, contact dermatitis appears to be most commonly associated with P. auricular and P. obconica (Aplin and Lovell 2001). Typically, the fingers and hands and less commonly the face are involved with linear erythematous lesions with bullae or vesicles; however, presentation may be quite variable, and sometimes, it is primarily the face that is involved, sometimes severely so (Tabar et al. 1994; Aplin and Lovell 2001; Lapiere et al. 2001). Rarely herpes simplex-like and lichenoid reactions are seen (Thomson et al. 1997; Lapiere et al. 2001). Even airborne contact dermatitis has been observed (Aplin and Lovell 2001). Actual intoxications with systemic effects are rare. In one of the few cases, P. auricula is reported to have caused vomiting in a child (O’Leary 1964). The role of Primula in animal intoxications is not clear, but studies of the compounds in plants of the genus indicate a strong potential for adverse effects.

skin irritation due to benzoquinone primin; digestive disturbance due to terpenoid glycosides of primulagenin, priverogenin

Disease Genesis—The dermatitis is caused by a benzoquinone, primin, which acts as a contact irritant or allergen (Mitchell and Rook 1979). However, there are indications of more than one allergen because reactions seem to occur even in the absence of primin in some plants. However, selective breeding has made cultivars of P. orbconica with reduced primin levels available in Europe, and there appears to be a decline in the incidence of the allergic reactions in the United Kingdom (Connolly et al. 2004). Of the likely additional allergens, primetin and the primin precursor miconidin are possibilities (Aplin and Lovell 2001) (Figure 60.9). Of potentially greater significance are the pentacyclic terpenoid saponins present in the foliage of various species of Primula and other genera of the family (Connolly and Hill 1991). The roots of Eurasian species used for medicinal purposes contain 5–10% saponin (Hostettmann and Marston 1995). In Old World species, the terpenoids

Figure 60.9.

Chemical structure of primin.


include glycosides of primulagenin and priverogenin, and the pridentigenins A–E (Usmanghani 1992). Some Primula species also contain glycosides of cyclamiretins similar to those of Cyclamen. Pridentigenin E is the same as cyclamiretin E, and pridentigenin C is a derivative of cyclamiretin C. Because of the presence of these terpenoid saponins, effects on the digestive tract may be seen following ingestion of appreciable amounts of foliage. However, severe or lethal effects have not been reported.

skin: rapid onset: reddened, swollen, itch, blisters, reddened conjunctiva, cornea

Clinical Signs—Following contact with the hairs and exudate, there is rapid onset of skin irritation. The affected area is pruritic and becomes reddened, swollen, and blistered with blotchy or linear discolored streaks. Contact with the eyes causes reddening of the conjunctiva, the cornea, and even the iris in severe cases.

Treatment—The dermatologic response may be alleviated by the immediate application (within 15 minutes) of a 25% solution of ammonia (Mitchell and Rook 1979).

REFERENCES Al-Sultan SI, Hussein YA, Hegazy A. Toxicity of Anagalis arvensis plant. Pak J Nutr 2;116–122, 2003. Anderberg AA. Primulaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VI: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 313–319, 2004. Aplin CG, Lovell CR. Contact dermatitis due to hardy Primula species and their cultivars. Contact Dermat 44;23–29, 2001. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Brummitt RK. Primulaceae primula family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 266– 268, 2007. Bryson CT, DeFelice MS. Weeds of the Midwestern United States and Central Canada. University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, 2010. Calis I, Santana ME, Yuruker A, Kelican P, Demirdamar R, Alacam R, Tanker N, Ruegger H, Sticher O. Triterpene saponins from Cyclamen mirabile and their biological activities. J Nat Prod 60;315–318, 1997. Cholewa AF. Anagallis. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae, Vol. 8. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 305–308, 2009.


Toxic Plants of North America

Cholewa AF, Kelso S. Primulaceae Batsch ex Borkhausen: primrose family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae, Vol. 8. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 257–301, 2009. Cholewa AF, Pipoly JJ III, Ricketson Jon M. Myrsinaceae R. Brown: myrsine family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae, Vol. 8. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 302–321, 2009. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 2, Di- and Higher Terpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991. Connolly M, McCune J, Dauncey E, Lovell CR. Primula obconica—is contact allergy on the decline? Contact Dermat 51;177–171, 2004. Cronquist A. An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia University Press, New York, 1981. El-Sayed MGA, Youssef SAH, Fahmy MFM, Kadri M. Embryotoxic effect and histopathological changes induced by Anagallis arvensis in rats. J Egypt Vet Med Assoc 47;427–437, 1987. Fenderson GK. A Synoptic Guide to the Genus Primula. Allen Press, Lawrence, KS, 1986. Frohne D, Pfander HJ. A Colour Atlas of Poisonous Plants, 2nd ed. Wolfe Science, London, 1984. Fuller TC, McClintock E. Poisonous Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1986. Gladkikh AS. Action of saponin from Cyclamen ibericum on some condition indicators in animal cardiovascular systems. Farmakol Toksikol 29;559–562, 1966. Harish BR, Naik BMC, Somashekar SH, Kumar RV, Jayakumar SR, Krishnappa G. Blue pimpernel toxicity in cattle and buffaloes. Indian Vet J 83;31–33, 2006. Harshberger JW. Pastoral and Agricultural Botany. Blakiston’s Son & Co., Philadelphia, 1920. Hepper FN. Two plant fish-poisons in Lebanon. Vet Hum Toxicol 46;338–339, 2004. Hilal SH, Youssef SAH, El-Sayed MGA, Shalaby MA, Aboutabl EA. A study of some pharmacodynamic actions of Anagallis arvensis. Assiut Vet Med J 18;146–155, 1987. Hostettmann K, Marston A. Saponins. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1995. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Judd WS, Campbell CS, Kellogg EA, Stevens PF, Donoghue MJ. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2008. Kelso S. Primula. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae, Vol. 8. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 286–301, 2009. Lapiere K, Matthieu L, Meuleman L, Lambert J. Primula dermatitis mimicking lichen planus. Contact Dermat 44;199, 2001. Leroux V. Intoxications des animaux de compagnie par les plantes d’appartement. Le Point Vet 18;45–55, 1986. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008.

Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover, New York, 1974 (original 1892). Mitchell J, Rook A. Botanical Dermatology: Plants and Plant Products Injurious to the Skin. Greengrass, Vancouver, BC, 1979. O’Leary SB. Poisoning in man from eating poisonous plants. Arch Environ Health 9;216–242, 1964. Pullar EM. Studies on five suspected poisonous plants. Aust Vet J 15;19–23, 1939. Reynard GB, Norton JBS. Poisonous Plants of Maryland in Relation to Livestock. Md Agric Exp Stn Tech Bull A10, pp. 249–312, 1942. Riet-Correa F, Rivero R, Dutra F, Timm CD, Mendez MC. Recently encountered poisonous plants of Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay. In Toxic Plants and Other Natural Toxicants. Garland T, Barr AC, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 1–5, 1998. Rivero R, Zabala A, Gianneechini R, Gil J, Moraes J. Anagalis arvensis poisoning in cattle and sheep in Uruguay. Vet Hum Toxicol 43;27–30, 2001. Rothwell JT, Marshall DJ. Suspected poisoning of sheep by Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimpernel). Aust Vet J 63;316, 1986. Sadekar RD, Bhandarkar AG, Udasi SD, Deshmukh PN, Phadnaik BS. Toxicity of a winter crop weed Anagallis arvensis (blue pimpernel) in cattle and buffaloes. Indian Vet J 72;1151– 1153, 1995. Schneider DJ. Fatal ovine nephrosis caused by Anagallis arvensis L. J S Afr Vet Assoc 49;321–324, 1978. Shoji N, Umeyawa A, Yoshikawa K, Arihara S. Triterpenoid glycosides from Anagallis arvensis. Phytochemistry 37;1397– 1402, 1994. Spoerke DG, Smolinske SC. Toxicity of Houseplants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1990. Spoerke DG, Spoerke SE, Hall A, Rumack BH. Toxicity of Cyclamen persicum (Mill.). Vet Hum Toxicol 29;250–251, 1987. Stahl B, Anderberg AA. Myrsinaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. VI: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. Kubitzki K, ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 266–281, 2004. Tabar AI, Quirca S, Garcia BE, Rodriguez A, Olaguibel JM. Primula dermatitis: versatility in its clinical presentation and the advantages of patch tests with synthetic primin. Contact Dermat 30;47–48, 1994. Thomson KF, Charles-Holmes R, Beck MH. Primula dermatitis mimicking herpes simplex. Contact Dermat 37;185–186, 1997. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda .gov, April 21, 2012. Usmanghani K. Characterization of chemical constituents and toxicity evaluation of some poisonous plants. In Poisonous Plants: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium. James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey EM Jr., Cheeke PR, Hegarty MP, eds. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, pp. 314–326, 1992.

Chapter Sixty-One

Pteridaceae Rchb.

Maidenhair or Cloak Fern Family Astrolepis Cheilanthes Questionable Pteris

mealy or not mealy. Sori borne on revolute margins or on abaxial surfaces; false indusia formed by margins. Sporangia all alike; annuli present, vertical. Spores all alike; tetrahedral to globose. Gametophytes all alike; green; obcordate to reniform.

ASTROLEPIS D.M.BENHAM & WINDHAM Cosmopolitan in distribution, the Pteridaceae, commonly known as maidenhair fern or brake family, comprises about 50 genera and 950 species (Lellinger 1985; Smith et al. 2006). Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to whether 1 large family or 5 smaller ones should be recognized (Tyron and Tyron 1982; Windham 1993; Smith et al. 2006). There is also disagreement about generic circumscriptions. In many publications, the family name Adiantaceae has been used rather than Pteridaceae. Thirteen genera and 90 species are present in North America (Windham 1993). Two genera are of specific toxicologic interest; however, other genera in the family have been identified as risks in other countries. Onychium contiguum, Pteris cretica, and P. stenophylla in Asia have been shown to contain ptaquiloside (the toxin in Pteridum aquilinum, bracken fern, see Chapter 30) generally in low to moderate but occasionally high concentrations (Saito et al. 1990; Somvanshi et al. 2006; Bhure et al. 2007). On the basis of these and other reports, Saito and coworkers (1990) hypothesized that carcinogenic constituents may occur widely in the Pteridaceae. perennial herbs from rhizomes; fronds pinnately compound; sori borne on revolute margins or on abaxial surfaces of fronds

Plants herbs; perennials; from rhizomes; producing sporangia in sori on abaxial surfaces of fronds. Fronds all alike; vernation circinate or erect; 1- to 5-pinnately compound; stipitate; abaxial surfaces green or white or yellow,

Taxonomy and Morphology—A New World genus, Astrolepis, commonly known as star-scale cloak or cloak fern, comprises 8 species, of which 4 are present in North America (Benham and Windham 1993). Indicative of the starlike scales on the abaxial frond surfaces, its name is derived from the Greek roots astro for “star” and lepis for “scale.” Its species traditionally were placed in Notholaena or Cheilanthes but are segregated into their own genus on the basis of biosystematic data (Benham and Windham 1992). Three species are of possible toxicologic interest: A. cochisensis (Goodd.) Cochise D.M.Benham & Windham (= Notholaena cochisensis Goodd.) (= N. sinuata var. cochisensis [Goodd.] Weath.) A. integerrima (Hook.) D.M.Benham & Windham (= N. integerrima [Hook.] Hevly) (= N. sinuata var. integerrima Hook.) (= Cheilanthes integerrima [Hook.] Mickel) A. sinuata (Lag. ex Sw.) D.M.Benham & Windham

jimmy fern, scaly cloak fern, Arizona scaly cloak fern, Chihuahua scaly cloak fern

hybrid cloak fern

wavy cloak fern, bulb cloak fern, long cloak fern, Mexican cloak fern

(= N. sinuata [Lag. ex Sw.] Kaulf.) (= C. sinuata [Lag. ex Sw.] Domin)

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Astrolepis cochisensis comprises 3 subspecies, and A. sinuata 2 subspecies. Believed to be a hybrid between A. cochisensis and a Mexican species, A. integerrima has 2 morphological forms that are not formally recognized as subspecies (Benham and Windham 1993). Astrolepis cochisensis and A. integerrima have long been treated as varieties of N. sinuata. evergreen herbs from short rhizomes; fronds densely clustered, leathery, waxy; sori separate, submarginal Plants evergreen; from rhizomes. Rhizomes short; erect or ascending; sparsely branched; scales linear attenuate, tan to dark brown, concolor or bicolor. Fronds densely clustered; erect to spreading; 7–130 cm long; 1-pinnately compound; blades linear oblong to ovate, leathery, adaxial and abaxial surfaces covered with stellate or ciliatemargined scales; waxy; pinnae stalked to subsessile, ovate or oblong or elongate deltoid; vein tips free; stipes stiff; dark. Sori separate; submarginal, often clustered near notches between pinna lobes; borne on vein ends; oblong to suborbicular; false indusia absent (Figures 61.1 and 61.2).

Figure 61.2.

Photo of Astrolepis cochisensis.

Figure 61.3.

Distribution of Astrolepis cochisensis.

Southwest; summits of limestone hills and mountains

Distribution and Habitat—Astrolepis cochisensis is a species of slopes and summits of limestone hills and mountains of the Southwest. Astrolepis integerrima

occupies similar habitats and has a similar distributional range but extends farther north into Oklahoma and Nevada and farther south to central Mexico. Astrolepis sinuata ranges from central Texas to California and southward through northern Mexico. It also occurs in the West Indies and Central and South America (Benham and Windham 1993). Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012, and the Flora of North America ( (Figure 61.3).

Figure 61.1.

Line drawing of Astrolepis cochisensis.

neurologic disease, jimmies; mainly sheep, goats and cattle less risk

Pteridaceae Rchb.

Disease Problems—Astrolepis cochisensis (reported as Notholaena sinuata var. cochisensis) causes a neurologic disease, commonly called jimmies, primarily in sheep and to a lesser extent in goats and cattle. It typically occurs in winter, especially late winter, when both severity and frequency are increased. Morbidity may be quite high, but the case fatality rate is typically low, especially if care is given to avoid undue animal stress (Mathews 1942). When fed to sheep or goats, A. cochisensis at 0.8–3% b.w. for 2–3 days proved to be toxic, whereas 6.5–12.7% N. sinuata (reported as N. sinuata var. sinuata) fed for 6–9 days did not produce adverse effects in either species (Mathews 1945). Thus it appears that risk is associated specifically with A. cochisensis. Dosage requirements for the other species may exceed that likely in clinical situations.

toxin unknown

Disease Genesis—Although many constituents of Astrolepis (reported as Notholaena) are known, the specific cause of the disease remains obscure (Murakami and Tanaka 1988). The toxicant appears to be eliminated in milk (Mathews 1942). Species do contain notholaenic acid, which affects electron flow in plants and inhibits photosynthesis in some situations (Gorham and Coughlan 1980). However, its effect in animals has not been reported.

when forced to move, abrupt onset: arched back, stilted gait, violent trembling, seizures; recovery in a few minutes, but tendency for seizures remains for 1–2 weeks

Clinical Signs—As its name suggests, the disease is characterized by violent trembling of the entire body. The animal is without symptoms while quietly grazing, but when moved to water, a corral, or another location, or when the animal simply attempts to keep pace with other animals as they move about, signs begin abruptly. At first there is an arched back, a few stilted steps, several steps backward, and then the seizure begins. The animal may die suddenly at the onset of the trembling seizure, or signs may subside after a few minutes rest, only to reappear if the animal is forced to move for a prolonged period. Recovery from this tendency to have seizures occurs in 1–2 weeks.


Pathology and Treatment—The disease is of such sudden onset and short course that there are no lesions except for a few hemorrhages in the lungs and some foam in air passages. There is no specific treatment, only supportive general nursing care.

CHEILANTHES SW. Taxonomy and Morphology—Adapted to xeric habitats, Cheilanthes, commonly known as lip fern, comprises about 150 species distributed primarily in the Western Hemisphere (Windham and Rabe 1993). Its name is derived from the Greek roots cheilos and anthus, meaning “margin” and “flowering,” which allude to the sporangia’s being borne at the margins of the fronds. Morphologically quite diverse and closely related to Notholaena and Pellaea, its circumscription has been revised several times (Windham and Rabe 1993). In North America, 28 species are present. Representative and most widely distributed are the following: C. C. C. C.

feei T.Moore gracillima D.C.Eaton lanosa (Michx.) D.C.Eaton tomentosa Link

slender lip fern lace fern hairy lip fern woolly lip fern

evergreen herbs from branched dark-colored rhizomes; fronds clustered, pinnately compound; sori borne on vein ends

Plants evergreen; from rhizomes. Rhizomes short or elongate; ascending or horizontal; usually branched; scales linear subulate to ovate lanceolate, brown to black or bicolor. Fronds clustered; erect to spreading; 4–60 cm long; 1- to 4-pinnately compound; blades linear oblong to ovate; abaxial surfaces green, not mealy, pubescent or rarely glabrous; vein tips free; stipes slender, wiry, dark, shining. Sori contiguous or separate; borne on vein ends; roundish; false indusia formed by margins of ultimate segments, greenish to whitish, narrow, often concealing sporangia (Figure 61.4). Cheilanthes is a morphologically heterogeneous taxon and identification of species can be problematic, thus the reader is encouraged to use floras or manuals specific for his or her geographic area.

across continent; rocky sites

Distribution and Habitat—Cheilanthes is distributed across the continent. Some species, such as the four listed, have relatively wide distributions; others are much more


Toxic Plants of North America

apparent in the liver, ileum and bladder, there were no preneoplastic changes observed in the bladder (Kumar et al. 1999; Sekaran and Somvanshi 2002; Sekaran et al. 2004). As with Pteridium, problems in horses are most likely to occur when they are fed contaminated hay. Risk with these plants is generally low except as possible contributing factors to intoxication caused by Pteridium.

neurologic, thiaminase; hemorrhagic, ptaquiloside

Disease Genesis—Both thiaminase I and ptaquiloside are present in species of Cheilanthes. Thiaminase activity is high, whereas ptaquiloside concentrations range from nil to about 0.3–0.4 mg/g, about half that in Pteridium (Chick et al. 1989; Smith et al. 1989; Agnew and Lauren 1991; Somvanshi et al. 2006). Figure 61.4.

Line drawing of Cheilanthes feei.

restricted. Plants of the genus are typically encountered in rock crevices of bluffs, outcrops, and ledges and generally exposed to intense sunlight. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

disease unknown in North America; elsewhere: neurologic disease in monogastrics; hemorrhagic syndromes in ruminants; risk low because of limited availability of plants

Disease Problems—Cheilanthes in North America has not been implicated in intoxications. Elsewhere, it is well recognized as a cause of disease problems. Perhaps best known is the Australasian species C. seiberi, which produces four syndromes: (1) a thiamine deficiency in sheep and probably monogastric species; (2) an acute hemorrhagic or radiomimetic syndrome in cattle (Clark and Dimmock 1971; Chick et al. 1985); (3) cystic hematuria or enzootic hematuria in cattle (McKenzie 1978); and (4) neoplasia of the bladder associated with the chronic cystitis. All of these problems also are produced by Pteridium aquilinum, in the Dennstaedtiaceae, and are described in depth in its treatment (see Chapter 30). In other studies in India where guinea pigs and rats have been fed C. farinose, while some degenerative changes have been

neurologic: unsteadiness, ataxia, yawning, difficulty chewing, oblivious of surroundings; hemorrhage from nose, mouth or internal

Clinical Signs—The signs associated with thiaminase activity in the horse are those of a neurologic disorder, including ataxia and unsteadiness, especially when the animal turns. There may be yawning or stretching of the mouth and difficulty chewing, with food falling from the mouth after a brief period of ineffectual chewing motions. Apparently blind or oblivious of its environment, the horse may walk in circles. After a few days it may lie down. At first it may rise with difficulty but soon is unable to do so. Death preceded by paddling seizures may occur shortly thereafter. The other syndromes reported for Australasian species —hemorrhagic, hematuria, and neoplastic—are described in depth in the treatment of Pteridium aquilinum in the Dennstaedtiaceae (see Chapter 30). For the acute hemorrhagic syndrome, following ingestion of plants by cattle for 2–4 weeks, platelets and neutrophils decline markedly, bleeding time increases, and capillary fragility is increased. Sheep seem to be little affected.

Pathology—In horses that have died as a result of thiaminase activity, the gross changes are not distinctive, but there may be moderate swelling of the brain. Microscopically, there will be extensive edema of the brain, with numerous hemorrhages, degenerating neurons, and an influx of glia.

Pteridaceae Rchb.

Treatment—As for other thiaminase-containing plants, treatment should include thiamine given parenterally twice a day for several days. With hemorrhage, blood transfusion is appropriate. Grain supplementation may be somewhat protective.

GENUS WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Pteris L. Comprising about 300 species distributed worldwide in warm and tropical regions, Pteris, commonly known as brake fern, is represented in North America by 5 species and 1 hybrid species (Nauman 1993). Plants of the genus exhibit features of the family and are distinguished from other genera by the appearance of their stipes, position of their sporangia, and presence of a false indusium (Windham 1993). Only introduced P. cretica L., commonly known as Cretan brake, is of possible toxicologic significance. It occurs as scattered population in Louisiana and Florida (Nauman 1993), and contains ptaquiloside in generally low to moderate but occasionally high concentrations (Saito et al. 1990). It has not been implicated in toxicologic problems in North America.

REFERENCES Agnew MP, Lauren DR. Determination of ptaquiloside in bracken fern (Pteridium esculentum). J Chromatogr 538;462– 468, 1991. Benham DM, Windham MD. Generic affinities of the star-scaled cloak ferns. Am Fern J 82;47–58, 1992. Benham DM, Windham MD. Astrolepis. In Flora of North America, Vol. 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 140–143, 1993. Bhure SK, Kataria M, Mohini S, Somvanshi R. In vitro and in vivo lymphocyte proliferation studies of toxins of bracken and Polystichum ferns. Toxicol Intern 14;153–157, 2007. Chick BF, McCleary BV, Beckett RJ. Thiaminases. In Toxicants of Plant Origin, Vol. 3, Proteins and Amino Acids. Cheeke PR, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 73–91, 1989. Chick BP, Quinn C, McCleary BV. Pteridophyte intoxication of livestock in Australia. In Plant Toxicology, Proceedings Australia-USA Poisonous Plant Symposium. Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, Keeler RF, eds. Animal Research Institute, Brisbane, Yeerongpilly, Australia, pp. 453–464, 1985. Clark IA, Dimmock CK. The toxicity of Cheilanthes seiberi to cattle and sheep. Aust Vet J 47;149–152, 1971. Gorham J, Coughlan SJ. Inhibition of photosynthesis by stilbenoids. Phytochemistry 19;2059–2064, 1980.


Kumar KA, Kataria M, Somvanshi R. Biochemical and histopathological changes due to Cheilanthes and bracken fern toxicity in guinea pigs. Indian J Vet Pathol 23;36–38, 1999. Lellinger DB. A Field Manual of the Ferns & Fern-Allies of the United States & Canada. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1985. Mathews FP. Fern (Notholaena sinuata, var. crenata) Poisoning in Sheep, Goats, and Cattle—The So-Called “Jimmies” of the Trans-Pecos. Tex Agric Exp Stn Bull 611, 1942. Mathews FP. A comparison of the toxicity of Notholaena sinuata and N. sinuata var. cochisensis. Rhodora 47;393–395, 1945. McKenzie RA. Bovine enzootic haematuria in Queensland. Aust Vet J 54;61–64, 1978. Murakami T, Tanaka N. Occurrence, structure, and taxonomic implications of fern constituents. In Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 54. Herz W, Grisebach H, Kirby GW, Tamm C, eds. Springer-Verlag, Vienna, Austria, pp. 1– 353, 1988. Nauman CE. Pteris. In Flora of North America, Vol. 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 132– 135, 1993. Saito K, Nagao T, Takatsuki S, Koyama K, Natori S. The sesquiterpene carcinogen of bracken fern, and some analogues, from the Pteridaceae. Phytochemistry 29;1475–1479, 1990. Sekaran DR, Somvanshi R. Electron microscopic studies of liver, ileum and urinary bladder in fern fed laboratory rats. Indian J Vet Pathol 26;77–80, 2002. Sekaran DR, Somvanshi R, Dawra RK. Clinical and haematological studies on Cheilanthes farinosa and Onychium contiguum, and their combined effects in laboratory rats. Indian J Anim Sci 74;11–14, 2004. Smith AR, Pryer KM, Schuettpeiz E, Korall P, Schneider H, Wolf PG. A classification for extant ferns. Taxon 55;705–731, 2006. Smith BL, Embling PP, Lauren DR, Agnew MP, Ross AD, Greentree PL. Carcinogen in rock fern (Cheilanthes seiberi) from New Zealand and Australia. Aust Vet J 66;154–155, 1989. Somvanshi R, Lauren DR, Smith DL, Dawra RK, Sharma OP, Sharma VK, Singh AK, Gangwar NK. Estimation of the fern toxin, ptaquiloside, in certain Indian ferns other than bracken. Curr Sci 91;1547–1552, 2006. Tyron RM, Tyron AF. Ferns and Allied Plants, with Special Reference to Tropical America. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1982. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Windham MD. Pteridaceae. In Flora of North America, Vol. 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 122–185, 1993. Windham MD, Rabe EW. Cheilanthes. In Flora of North America, Vol. 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 152–169, 1993.

Chapter Sixty-Two

Ranunculaceae Juss.

Crowfoot or Buttercup Family Aconitum Actaea Adonis Caltha Delphinium Helleborus Ranunculus

Questionable Anemone Clematis Hydrastis Thalictrum

Cosmopolitan, but distributed primarily in the boreal and temperate regions of both the Old and New World, the Ranunculaceae comprises about 60 genera and 2500 species (Tamura 1993; Culham 2007). In North America, 22 genera and 284 species, both native and introduced, are present (Whittemore and Parfitt 1997). A morphologically diverse but natural taxon, it is considered to be one of the more primitive families of flowering plants. Traditionally, 2–5 subfamilies and approximately 13 tribes are recognized (Tamura 1993; Culham 2007). Often quite showy, many genera are popular garden ornamentals, for example, Delphinium (larkspur), Clematis (virgin’s bower), Aquilegia (columbine), and Anemone (windflower). Some, such as Hydrastis (goldenseal), are used in herbal medicines, and others, such as Aconitum (monkshood), have long been recognized as extremely poisonous (Culham 2007). Members of the Ranunculaceae produce a variety of toxic effects. Two genera, Adonis and Helleborus, contain cardioactive glycosides with different structures but similar effects. Other genera produce toxicants of entirely different structure and action, for example, neuro- and cardiotoxic diterpenes of Aconitum and Delphinium, vesicants of Ranunculus, and the extensive array of alkaloids of Hydrastis and Thalictrum that are also present in the Fumariaceae and Papaveraceae (see Chapters 37 and 53). Several genera have been the basis for arrow poisons in western North America, including Alaska (Cheney

1931). These include several species of Aconitum, Anemone, and Delphinium.

herbs, vines, rarely shrubs; flowers with perianths in 1- or 2-series; stamens 5 to many; pistils typically many

Plants herbs or vines or rarely shrubs; annuals or perennials; terrestrial or emergent aquatics; caulescent or acaulescent; bearing perfect flowers, or rarely dioecious or polygamodioecious. Leaves simple or palmately or 1- to 3-pinnately compound; alternate, or rarely opposite or whorled; basal or cauline or both; venation pinnate or palmate; petioles often swollen and stipular like; stipules absent, or present and vestigial. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes or racemes or panicles or umbels; terminal or axillary; bracts and bracteoles present or absent. Flowers perfect or rarely imperfect, similar; perianths in 1- or 2-series; of various colors; receptacles typically elongate. Perianths in 1-Series: Parts radially symmetrical; 3–20; spiraled or whorled; free; sepaloid or petaloid. Perianths in 2-Series: Sepals 5 or 3 or 4; free; spurred or not spurred; sepaloid or petaloid. Corollas radially or bilaterally symmetrical. Petals 0–26; free or rarely fused; spurred or not spurred. Stamens 5 to numerous; spiraled or whorled; staminodia present or absent. Pistils 1 to numerous; spiraled or whorled; free; simple (compound in 1 genus), carpels 1; stigmas 1; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation parietal. Nectaries absent or present; petaliferous or sepaliferous. Fruits achenes or follicles or berries (capsule in 1 genus). Seeds 1 to numerous.

ACONITUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—A popular garden ornamental and long known as poisonous, Aconitum comprises 100–300 species (Culham 2007; Mabberley 2008).

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Ranunculaceae Juss.


Its name, used by Theophrastus and Dioscorides for a very poisonous plant, is possibly derived from the Greek akoniton, meaning “leopard’s bane” or “wolfsbane,” two of its common names (Brink and Woods 1997; Quattrocchi 2000). Also used are aconite and monkshood, which reflect the distinctive cowl-like appearance of the flower. In North America, 5 native and 3 or 4 introduced species are present (Brink and Woods 1997; USDA, NRCS 2012). The following are representative taxa: A. columbianum Nutt. A. delphiniifolium DC. A. maximum Pall. ex DC. A. napellus L.

A. reclinatum A.Gray A. uncinatum L.

monkshood, western monkshood, Columbian monkshood delphinium-leaved monkshood Kamachatka aconite, Kamachatka monkshood wolfsbane, aconitum, monkshood, helmetflower, garden aconite, Venus’ chariot white monkshood, trailing wolfsbane southern monkshood, wild monkshood, clambering monkshood, southern blue monkshood

Figure 62.1.

Line drawing of Aconitum columbianum.

Figure 62.2.

Photo of Aconitum columbianum.

perennial herbs; leaves simple, alternate, palmately lobed; flowers in terminal racemes; sepals 5, hoodlike, various colors; petals 2 or 5, concealed in hood; fruits oblong, beaked follicles Plants herbs; perennials; terrestrial; caulescent; from tubers or fascicled roots. Stems erect or reclining or twining; 10–250 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; basal and cauline; blades palmately lobed or cleft, lobes 3 or 5 or 7. Inflorescences racemes; terminal, sometimes also axillary; bracts foliaceous. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series; bilaterally symmetrical. Sepals 5; conspicuous; not spurred; petaloid; white or yellow or greenish to blue, violet, or purple; uppermost large, arched, concave, hoodlike, often beaked. Petals 2 or 5; free; concealed in hood; clawed; spurred. Stamens 25–50; filament bases expanded; staminodia absent. Pistils 3–5. Fruits follicles; oblong; beaked. Seeds numerous; deltoid (Figures 62.1 and 62.2). along streams, wooded areas

Distribution and Habitat—Circumboreal in distribution, Aconitum extends southward, via high-elevation habitats in mountain ranges, into northern Mexico and northern Africa (Tamura 1993). Plants typically are encountered in small populations along streams or in wooded areas. In their treatment of the North American species, Brink and Woods (1997) described A. columbia-

num as the most widespread species, occurring in moist sites along streams and in brushy or wooded areas to elevations of 2900 m from Mexico to southern British Columbia, but with disjunct populations occurring in the east. They reported A. delphiniifolium and A. maximum to occur in the far northwest corner of the continent, in


Toxic Plants of North America

meadows, thickets, forests, and tundra. Inhabiting rich woods, A. reclinatum and A. uncinatum have similar ranges in the eastern half of North America from Pennsylvania to the Carolinas, the latter occurring as far south as southern Georgia. A European introduction, A. napellus is a cultivated ornamental species that may persist in old gardens or occasionally escape; it is most commonly encountered in New England (Figures 62.3–62.5). well-known topical anesthetic; variety of effects, neurologic, digestive disturbance, cardiac, but low risk

Disease Problems—Potions of Aconitum have a history of use as a poison for humans and beasts that dates to Greek mythology. Similar to those of Conium maculatum (poison hemlock), decoctions of Aconitum were used to

Figure 62.3.

Distribution of Acontium columbianum.

Figure 62.4.

Distribution of Acontium reclinatum.

Figure 62.5.

Distribution of Acontium uncinatum.

terminate life in Aegean societies (Baskin 1967). It was such use and subsequent abuse that led the Romans to declare cultivation of the plants a capital offense in imperial Rome. In later centuries, roots were used as an arrow poison and for homicidal and medicinal purposes in Europe and Asia. The common name wolfsbane is a holdover from earlier times when decoctions were used to poison predators and rodents (Benn and Jacyno 1983). The genus was also widely respected as a poison and a natural drug in oriental medicine and remains in common use today in Asian communities (Natori et al. 1981). Attendant to its common use in these cultures, sometimes in combination with other ingredients, intoxications are a continuing problem (Tai et al. 1992; But et al. 1994; Chan 1994; Nagasaka et al. 1999). All portions of the plants are toxic. The most consistent features of Aconitum intoxication are numbness and tingling of the mouth and limbs, muscle weakness, problems of the digestive tract, and cardiac disturbances (Chan 1994). These effects, especially the cardiac problems and the prospect of ventricular fibrillation and cardiac failure, can be very serious and life threatening (Chan et al. 1994a,b; Pui-Hay et al. 1994). In North America, there are few reports of intoxication due to Aconitum. In a rare occurrence in Canada, a man ate a few flowers from A. napellus and within a few hours complained of nausea and abdominal pain with subsequent collapse and death (Pullela et al. 2008). In another case, use of an herbal product containing Aconitum as a therapeutic tea resulted in a woman developing typical signs with ventricular tachycardia not responsive to various treatment approaches, but she nevertheless eventually recovered (Lowe et al. 2005). In contrast to Delphinium, with which it has much in common, Aconitum is seldom eaten by livestock and very

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few instances of intoxication in livestock have been reported in North America (Knight and Pfister 1997). Fleming and coworkers (1920) noted signs of only slight toxicosis from 1 kg of green plant material fed to sheep. There seems to be little risk for animals, although death of cattle possibly due to Aconitum was reported in Switzerland (Puschner et al. 2002). In this instance, the animals had eaten plants of both Aconitum and Delphinium and the alkaloids aconitine, deltaline, and lycoctonin were identified in their tissues. It thus appears that the primary risk of Aconitum intoxication is due to the possible increase in popularity of herbal products containing the species for which there may be a narrow margin of safety.

diterpene alkaloids, aconitine type; bind to Na+ channel and interfere with closure, increased repetitive discharge and reflex activity

Disease Genesis—Species of Aconitum contain 18-C, 19-C, and 20-C diterpene alkaloids (Wang et al. 2010). The 19-C types predominate and are mainly of the aconitine type, with small and probably not significant amounts of lycoctonine, pyrodelphinine, and heteratisine types also present (Olsen and Manners 1989). Crude preparations of aconitine known as Bushi (Japanese) or Bachnag, Caowu, Chuanwu, and Fuzi (Chinese) may contain up to 0.6% of these 19-C alkaloids (Chan 1994; Chan et al. 1994b). These diterpene alkaloids are divided among several groups based on structure and activity (Ameri 1998; Gutser et al. 1998; Turabekova et al. 2008). Group 1, represented by 19-C aconitine and its numerous derivatives—for example, mesaconitine, jesaconitine and delphinine—have high affinity for site 2 of voltage-gated Na+ channels, resulting in both neurologic and cardiac effects. Aconitine shares affinity for this binding site with other plant toxins such as veratridine and grayanotoxin (Catterall 1988; Anger et al. 2001; Wang and Wang 2003). Group 2, represented by 18-C lappaconitine, have a much lower affinity for the Na+ channel and mainly produce channel block, thereby serving as natural antagonists of aconitine (Ameri and Simmet 1999). A third group have little affinity for Na+ channels and instead act as n-AChR antagonists, producing curare-like effects and are of greater importance in species of Delphinium (Turabekova et al. 2008). Other binding sites involve neurotoxins such as animal and algal toxins, anticonvulsants, local anesthetics, antiarrhythmics, and antidepressants (Anger et al. 2001; Wang and Wang 2003). With group 1 aconitine, the increased resting Na+ permeability and influx in excitable cells result in incomplete

Figure 62.6.


Chemical structure of aconitine.

inactivation of Na+ channels in nerves (persistent activation or hyperpolarization) and a decrease in ion selectivity (Strichartz et al. 1987; Ameri 1998; Fu et al. 2006). This produces depolarization of resting nerve and muscle and an increase in repetitive discharge. With low dosage, there is stimulation of medullary vagal centers, causing decreased heart rate and blood pressure (Stern 1954). Higher dosage predisposes to a variety of arrhythmias, including atrial flutter and fibrillation, due in part apparently to complex effects on the central nervous system, which in turn affect the adrenergic and cholinergic systems (Scherf 1947; Benn and Jacyno 1983) (Figure 62.6). In vitro studies indicate that cardiac effects of aconitine appear to be the result of disruption of calcium homeostasis, resulting in increased intracellular levels (Fu et al. 2007, 2008). This disruption can be reversed by treatment with ruthenium red, an inhibitor of sarcoplasmic ryanodine calcium receptors. The lethal dose of aconitine itself in humans is estimated to be about 2–3 mg (Jacyno 1996). However, lesser amounts may be lethal because other aconitine-type alkaloids may contribute significantly to the total effect. The various diterpene alkaloids differ in their substituent side groups (Wang et al. 2010). Group 1 aconitine types with high channel affinity have benzoylester side groups at C-8 and C-14, whereas group 2 types with much reduced affinity have only a single ester side group typically in the C-4 position. Group 3 types lack channel affinity and lack benzoylester side groups. Other groups seem to play little role in intoxications. As indicated by its early use as a topical anesthetic, aconitine is absorbed through intact skin or mucous membranes, affecting sensory perception and resulting in numbness, intense tingling, itching, and a feeling of warmth or burning (Stern 1954; Katz 1990). Other derivatives of aconitine, such as jesaconitine and lappaconitine, also have analgesic activity, with substituents at the C-3 and C-8 positions being important in determining activity (Ono and Satoh 1990; Mori et al. 1991). Effects on the mouth are said to impart a feeling of constriction (Baskin 1967). An additional cardioactive alkaloidal component,


Toxic Plants of North America

higenamine, has been reported to occur in Aconitum (Natori et al. 1981).

numbness, tingling of tongue and mouth; tingling and prickling sensations of body; vomiting, diarrhea; later, weakness, labored respiration, irregular heart rate, respiratory failure

Clinical Signs—In humans and probably animals, aconitine causes numbness and tingling of the end of the tongue, a burning sensation in the mouth, constriction of the throat, decreased respiration, tingling and prickling over the body, nausea, vomiting, and, rarely, diarrhea. Onset of signs is abrupt less than an hour after ingestion of plant material (Terui et al. 2008). Following these early signs, additional manifestations include muscle weakness, dyspnea, irregular heart rate (especially ventricular tachycardia and arrhythmias), and respiratory failure. Death may occur due to ventricular fibrillation or to respiratory failure. The signs appear within minutes or hours after ingestion of plants and are of short duration in most instances. Although the analytical turnaround times are not sufficient to direct immediate treatment, GC-SIM-, HPLC-, HPLC-DAD-, GC-MS-, and LC-MS/ MS-based methods are reported for analysis of aconitinetype alkaloids in blood and urine (Mizugaki et al. 1998; Ito et al. 2000; Elliott 2002; Moritz et al. 2005; Van Landeghem et al. 2007; Pullela et al. 2008; Beyer et al. 2009; Colombo et al. 2009). Aconitine levels may be in the range of 0.01–1 μg/mL in blood/plasma and perhaps 10-fold higher in urine than may be expected, with urine levels detectable for several days. Analysis for total aconitine-type alkaloid levels may yield considerably higher values.

Cardiac effects may be difficult to control in all cases, and various antiarrhythmics such as flecainide, procainamide, and lidocaine have been employed but with erratic results (But et al. 1994; Lin et al. 2004; Lowe et al. 2005; Chan 2009; Pellegrini and Scheinman 2010). Flecainide, a generic type 1 antiarrhythmic, may have particular value because it inhibits ryanodine receptor-mediated calcium release (Watanabe et al. 2009). Amiodarone (Cordarone®, Wyeth-Ayerst Labs, Malvern, PA) has also been used with success in some reports (Yeih et al. 2000; Lin et al. 2004; Chan 2009). In rats, flecainide was the most effective treatment, followed by lorcainide; propanolol; quinidine, lidocaine and diphenylhydantoin; and procainamide in descending order of effectiveness (Gutierrez et al. 1987). Amiodarone and the calcium channel blockers were poorly or not effective. In animals, magnesium sulfate i.v. may represent a possible readily available and inexpensive treatment (Tai et al. 1992).

ACTAEA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Occurring in temperate forests of both the Old and New World, Actaea, commonly known as baneberry, is now circumscribed, on the basis of phylogenetic analyses of morphological and molecular data, to include the genera Cimicifuga and Souleia and comprise 28 species (Compton et al. 1998). Actaea and Cimicifuga were treated as distinct genera by Ford (1997a) and Ramsey (1997) in the earlier Flora of North America. Actaea is derived from the Greek aktea, a name that was originally used for Sambucus (elderberry) in the Adoxaceae and possibly reflects the similarity in leaves of the 2 genera (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Of the 13 or 14 native and introduced species present in North America, only 4 are of toxicologic interest: A. pachypoda Elliott

no lesions; control of vomiting, diarrhea, and cardiac effects if present

Pathology and Treatment—Aconitum intoxication is an acute disease involving physiologic changes rather than anatomic changes; thus, there may be few or no distinctive gross or microscopic lesions. In many instances symptomatic treatment to control the vomiting may be sufficient, but care should be taken to evaluate for more severe effects such as the possible cardiac arrhythmias or respiratory problems. With ingestion of large amounts of plant material/extracts, gastric decontamination may be lifesaving. This includes emesis, gastric lavage, and administration of laxatives (Mizugaki et al. 1998).

(= A. alba auct. non [L.] Mill.) A. racemosa L.

(= Cimicifuga racemosa [L.] Nutt.) A. rubra (Aiton) Willd. A. spicata

white baneberry, toadroot, doll’seyes, necklaceweed

black baneberry, black cohosh, squawroot, rattle root, rattle weed, rattle top, bugbane, cohosh

red baneberry black baneberry, European baneberry, herb Christopher

Taxonomists have differed in their opinions as to whether A. pachypoda or A. alba should be used for white baneberry in North America. It appears that A. alba is based on an illustration of the Eurasian species A. spicata

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and is not applicable to North American plants; thus, A. pachypoda is the correct name for our plants (Ford 1997a). Likewise, taxonomists have differed in their opinions as to whether the North American A. rubra is conspecific with the European A. spicata; systematic work is needed to resolve their relationship (Ford 1997a). perennial, erect herbs; leaves alternate, 2- to 3-pinnately compound; sepals 2–6; petals 0–10, clawed, white or cream-colored; stamens 20-many; fruits red or white berries or follicles Plants herbs; perennials; terrestrial; caulescent; from rhizomes or vertical rootstocks; herbage typically odoriferous. Stems erect; 40–250 cm tall; unbranched below. Leaves large; 2- to 3-pinnately (ternately) compound; alternate, cauline or both basal and cauline; leaflets toothed; long petiolate. Inflorescences racemes; terminal or axillary; bracts and bracteoles present. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals (2) 3–5 (6); petaloid; greenish white to greenish yellow, sometimes pinkish or red tinged; ovate to obovate or orbicular. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 0–10; free; deciduous; spathulate to obovate; clawed; white or cream-colored. Stamens 15–110; filaments filiform or widened distally. Pistils 1–8. Fruits follicles or berries. Seeds 9–16; pale or dark brown or reddish brown (Figures 62.7 and 62.8).

Figure 62.8.

Photo of Actaea rubra.

Figure 62.9.

Distribution of Actaea pachypoda.

across continent; moist soils of woodlands

Distribution and Habitat—Native to North America, A. pachypoda and A. racemosa are found in moist soils of woods throughout the eastern half of North America. Also native, A. rubra is widely distributed in moist woods across the northern half of the continent. Occasionally cultivated, A. spicata is native to Eurasia (Figures 62.9 and 62.10).

Figure 62.7.

Line drawing of Actaea spicata.

foliage or fruit; digestive disturbance, neurologic and cardiac effects; toxicant unknown


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Actaea produces clinical signs and pathologic changes similar to those caused by Ranunculus, and a complete discussion of them is presented in the treatment of the genus, in this chapter.

ADONIS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to Europe and

Figure 62.10.

Distribution of Actaea rubra.

Disease Problems and Genesis—There is little question about the noxious nature of foliage and fruits of Actaea. When the foliage is chewed, there is initially little discomfort, but a bitter and nauseating aftertaste quickly follows (Chesnut and Wilcox 1901). In a self-administered trial of toxicity, Bacon (1903) reported berries to have a nauseous and bitter taste and to cause a burning sensation in his stomach. Large doses produced vague neurologic signs such as confusion, dizziness, and visions, in addition to colic, pain, and an increased and irregular heart rate. Actaea rubra, which is moderately toxic, is generally regarded as the most potent species (Jean-Blain 1981). Actaea racemosa, commonly known as black cohosh, has been widely employed in North American traditional medicine in the treatment of reproductive problems in women, and is available as an extract, Remifemin, especially for menstrual disorders and menopausal problems (McKenna et al. 2001). It is reported to contain triterpene glycosides, mainly xylosides such as actein and cimicifugoside and possibly N-methylcytisine. Although adverse reactions have not been considered to be a serious problem, a safety review of 30 cases related to the use of black cohosh indicates the possibility of hepatotoxic effects (Mahady et al. 2008). This must be tempered by the possible presence of other constituents in various herbal products and use of the name black cohosh for other plant species. Actaea reportedly contains berberin, but more likely the adverse effects are caused by irritants similar to those of other members of the family (Pammel 1911).

digestive disturbance similar to that produced by Ranunculus

temperate Asia, Adonis, commonly known as pheasant’seye or simply as adonis, comprises about 26 species, of which 3 are present in North America (Tamura 1993; Parfitt 1997). Its name comes from Greek mythology— the tale of Adonis, who was killed by a boar and changed by his lover Aphrodite into a plant with blood red flowers (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Because of their showy foliage and flowers, some species of the genus have been brought into cultivation as border or understory plants. Typically encountered in North America are these introduced species: A. aestivalis L. A. annua L. (= A. autumnalis L.) A. vernalis L.

summer adonis, summer pheasant’s-eye autumn adonis, flos adonis, bird’s-eye pheasant’s-eye, yellow oxeye, spring Adonis

erect herbs; leaves simple, alternate, pinnately dissected; flowers solitary, terminal; sepals 5–8; petals 5–20, yellow, red, or white; fruits achenes

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; terrestrial; caulescent; from taproots or rhizomes. Stems erect; 5–100 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; basal and cauline; blades 2 or 3 times pinnately dissected into linear segments. Inflorescences solitary flowers; terminal; bracts absent. Flowers perfect; perianths in 1-series. Sepals 5–8; deciduous; petaloid; colorless or green; obovate; apices more or less erose. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 5–20; free; oblanceolate; yellow to red or rarely white; with or without basal dark spot. Stamens 15–80; anthers yellow or purple-black; filaments filiform; staminodia absent. Pistils 20–50; spiraled; simple. Fruits achenes; aggregated; sessile; nearly globose; beaked. Seeds 1 (Figure 62.11).

introduced ornamentals, rarely meadows, open woods

Distribution and Habitat—Inhabiting mountain meadows and steppes, these Eurasian species were introduced into North America as garden plants; they are

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instance, similar but less severe cardiac effects were noted for horses fed contaminated hay (Stegelmeier et al. 2007). Experimentally, up to 1% b.w. fed to preruminant and ruminant calves for several weeks produced only mild transient gastrointestinal and cardiac effects (Woods et al. 2007). However, in another instance, 4 of 20 cattle fed contaminated hay died, with gastroenteritis and intestinal hemorrhage but no evidence of myocardial effects (Stegelmeier et al. 2007). Experimentally high dosage of A. aestivalis to hamsters produced effects similar to those of cattle with extensive hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (Stegelmeier et al. 2007). Thus, disease caused by Adonis may be a problem in most livestock species. Seeds are also of concern because pea screenings containing seeds of the European A. microcarpa caused complete feed refusal and vomiting when fed for several days to pigs (Davies and Whyte 1989).

mixture of cardenolide glycosides of adonitoxigenin, strophanthidin, strophadogenin; leaves and flowers

Disease Genesis—Species of Adonis contain a series of Figure 62.11.

Line drawing of Adonis aestivalis.

especially popular in rock gardens (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). All three species have escaped cultivation (Parfitt 1997). Adonis aestivalis and A. annua have naturalized in disturbed sites, prairies, and open forests. Adonis vernalis occasionally escapes in the Northeast. Distribution maps of the 3 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

digestive disturbance; low risk

Disease Problems—Considered unpalatable and seldom found in circumstances where livestock have access to them, Adonis rarely cause intoxications, and few cases have been reported in North America. In other areas of the world, severe digestive disturbances have been described in horses and sheep (Everist 1981). In sheep, death was caused by a dose of 450 g of plant material, whereas in cattle a dosage of up to 2.7 kg for several days was without consequence. The intoxication potential in horses has been confirmed in several instances in North America. In one situation in California involving 3 horses, myocardial effects were of such severity that the animals were euthanatized (Woods et al. 2004). In another

potent 23-C cardenolides: adonitoxin (a mannoside of adonitoxigenin; = 19-oxogitoxigenin), cymarin, and K-strophanthin (a mixture of glycosides of strophanthidin); and vernadigin (a glycoside of strophadogenin; = 16-hydroxystrophanthidin) (Shoppee 1964; Elkiey et al. 1967; Singh and Rastogi 1970; Joubert 1989; Kopp et al. 1992; Woods et al. 2004) (Figure 62.12). Concentrations of these cardenolides are highest in leaves and flowers, reaching levels of 1 mg or more of glycosides per gram d.w. of plant at the time of fruiting (Elkiey et al. 1967). Concentrations are lower in fruits and lowest in stems and roots. Because the primary intoxication problem is enteritis and accompanying diarrhea,

Figure 62.12.

Chemical structure of adonitoxin.


Toxic Plants of North America

the role of other toxins cannot be excluded; for example, protoanemonin has been reported to occur in A. annua (Cooper and Johnson 1984). diarrhea, colic, vomiting; reddened gut mucosa; treat for digestive disturbance

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Signs of Adonis intoxication are those related primarily to digestive disturbance: diarrhea with colic and vomiting. Gross necropsy changes are limited to reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. There may be mild cardiac hemorrhage in any animal species. In horses which survive for several days, myocardial degeneration and necrosis may be prominent (Woods et al. 2004). Confirmation of diagnosis may be aided by LC-MS/MS analysis (Woods et al. 2004). Treatment is directed toward symptomatic relief of the digestive disturbance.

CALTHA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as marsh marigold, Caltha comprises 10–12 species present in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and in the Old and New World (Smit 1973; Tamura 1993). Its name was used by Virgil and Pliny for a plant having strong-smelling yellow flowers (Quattrocchi 2000). In North America, 3 species are present (Ford 1997b): C. leptosepala DC.

(= C. biflora DC.) C. natans Pall. C. palustris L.

Plants herbs; perennials; terrestrial or emergent aquatics; caulescent or acaulescent. Stems decumbent to erect; floating or creeping; 10–80 cm tall or long; rooting or not rooting at nodes. Leaves simple; alternate; basal or cauline or both; blades cordate to oblong or orbicular reniform; margins entire to crenate or dentate. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts present, foliaceous. Flowers perfect; perianths in 1-series. Calyces radially symmetrical. Sepals 5–12; deciduous; petaloid; white or yellow or pinkish or orange; oval orbicular to obovate. Petals absent. Stamens 10–40; filaments filiform; staminodia absent. Pistils 5–55. Fruits follicles; aggregated; sessile or stipitate; linear oblong to ellipsoid; beaked. Seeds numerous; elliptic; brown; rugulose (Figures 62.13 and 62.14). moist woods, meadows, bogs, swamps

Distribution and Habitat—Emergent aquatics, plants of Caltha are characteristically encountered in open wet woods, meadows, marshes, swamps, bogs, ditches, and other shallow water habitats. Greatest abundance is in the northern half of the continent and at higher elevations farther south. Distribution maps of the 3 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www. and Flora of North America (http://

white marsh marigold, twin-flowered marsh marigold, broad-leaved marsh marigold, elkslip floating marsh marigold yellow marsh marigold, cowslip, kingcup, bull’s-eyes, cowflock, populage des marais

(= C. asarifolia DC.)

Both C. leptosepala and C. palustris are now recognized to be morphologically and ecologically quite variable. Included within them are taxa such as C. biflora and C. asarifolia, which were formerly treated as distinct species (Ford 1997b). The common name cowslip for C. palustris is used only in North America. In Europe, the same name is applied to Primula veris, in the Primulaceae (treated in Chapter 60). perennial herbs; leaves simple, alternate; sepals 5–12, white, yellow, pinkish, or orange; petals absent; fruits beaked follicles

Figure 62.13.

Line drawing of Caltha leptosepala.

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DELPHINIUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 320

Figure 62.14.

Photo of Caltha leptosepala.

digestive disturbance

Disease Problems—Caltha has a reputation as both a potherb and a toxic plant in Europe and is reputed to be toxic in hay in North America (Pammel 1911). However, in most situations it is of limited hazard at worst. Fleming and coworkers (1920) fed 0.5 kg of green plants to a sheep without causing adverse effects. Caltha palustris is reputed to cause digestive tract problems, agalactia, and possibly bloody urine (Harshberger 1920). toxicant unknown, low levels of protoanemonin

Disease Genesis—Caltha leptosepala (including plants formerly called C. biflora) contains small concentrations of senecionine (0.001–0.005%) and an aporphine alkaloid, probably magnaflorine, as well (Stermitz and Adamovics 1977). Caltha palustris contains small amounts of protoanemonin, less than 1 ppm, presumably as the inactive glycosidic precursor (Poulsson 1917; Bruni et al. 1986). Concentrations of these compounds are quite low relative to those in Helleborus and Ranunculus. These small concentrations probably should be taken as an indication of the questionable toxicity of this genus or that some other toxicant is responsible. The report of toxicity when dried further suggests involvement of other toxicants (Pammel 1911). signs similar to those of Ranunculus

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—A complete discussion of the clinical signs, pathology, and treatment is presented in the treatment of Ranunculus.

species and innumerable varieties and cultivars, Delphinium, commonly known as larkspur or delphinium, is distributed primarily in the Northern Hemisphere (Tamura 1993; Mabberley 2008). Only a few species in Africa occur south of the equator. In North America, 61 species are recognized (Warnock 1997). The genus name is a Latinization of the Greek word delphinion, which comes from delphis, meaning “dolphin,” a possible allusion to the resemblance of the flower buds of some species to the mammal (Quattrocchi 2000). It is a genus of considerable horticultural interest, with cultivation and hybridization of its species beginning in the early 1800s, albeit some individuals assert that work actually began two centuries earlier. Flowers are also important nectar sources for hummingbirds and bees. Interestingly, Delphinium is one of the few taxa in which all three primary colors are represented, as well as a plethora of other colors due to horticultural hybridization and selection. taxonomy and nomenclature confusing The taxonomy of the genus is somewhat troublesome because of differences in taxonomic opinion and confusion about the circumscription of species and varieties and subsequent misapplication of many names. For example, more than 200 names have been applied to species native to North America (Ewan 1945). Especially troublesome is the classification of one group of the “tall” larkspurs— D. barbeyi, D. glaucum, D. occidentale—because of their importance in causing livestock losses. Various taxonomists have treated D. occidentale as a distinct species and as a hybrid of the other 2 species (Ewan 1945; Warnock 1995, 1997). Subsequent analyses of morphology, alkaloid patterns, and nucleotide sequences revealed that the 3 taxa are distinct species and that D. occidentale is not a hybrid (Li et al. 2002a,b; Welsh and Ralphs 2002). informally divided into 3 types based upon plant size— low, intermediate, and tall In the toxicologic literature, species of Delphinium are often informally classified as “tall”, “intermediate,” or “low” larkspurs (Marsh et al. 1916). In addition to the implied differences in height, these designations also reflect differences in general growth form, root systems, and seasonal pattern of growth. The so-called tall species are more robust, are often taller, and have shoots that persist throughout the summer growing season. In contrast, “low” species are typically smaller in stature. They


Toxic Plants of North America

begin growth early in May, and the aerial portions are generally gone by early July. As would be expected, “intermediate” species exhibit traits of both “tall” and “low” taxa. For toxicologic considerations the “low” and “intermediate” types can be considered together. Representative toxic species of each type are as follows: Low (1 m or Less) D. andersonii A.Gray D. bicolor Nutt. D. hesperium A.Gray D. menziesii DC. D. nuttallianum Pritz. ex Walp.

(= D. nelsonii Greene) D. parryi A.Gray D. patens Benth. D. recurvatum Greene D. scaposum Greene D. tricorne Michx D. variegatum Torr. & A.Gray

desert larkspur, Anderson’s larkspur little larkspur, Montana larkspur, flathead larkspur western larkspur, foothill larkspur spring larkspur, Menzies larkspur, field larkspur upland larkspur, blue larkspur, Nelson’s larkspur, dwarf larkspur, meadow larkspur, slim larkspur, twolobed larkspur Parry’s larkspur, maritime larkspur, San Bernardino larkspur smooth larkspur, spreading larkspur, zigzag larkspur alkali larkspur, recurved larkspur, valley larkspur, Byron larkspur tall mountain larkspur dwarf larkspur royal larkspur

perennial herbs; leaves simple, alternate, palmately divided; flowers in terminal racemes or panicles, conspicuously spurred; petals of various colors; fruits curved, cylindrical follicles larger than cauline; blades orbicular to pentagonal or reniform, deeply palmately divided into 3 or 5 or 7 major lobes, each lobe often divided again; petioles of basal leaves long, of distal leaves short. Inflorescences terminal racemes or rarely panicles; bracts and bracteoles present. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series; bilaterally symmetrical. Sepals 5; deciduous; petaloid; ovate to elliptic; 1 spurred. Petals 4; paired; of 2 forms; upper 2 spurred, enclosed in spurred sepal; lower 2 not spurred, orbicular to ovate or elliptic, clawed; of various colors. Stamens 25–40; filament bases dilated. Pistils 3, or rarely 1 or 5. Nectaries present in petal spurs. Fruits follicles; aggregated; sessile; cylindrical; curved. Seeds 8–20; dark brown to black; rectangular to pyramidal (Figures 62.15 and 62.16).

Intermediate (about 1 m Tall) D. carolinianum Walter

(= D. virescens Nutt.) D. geyeri Greene

Carolina larkspur, blue larkspur, plains larkspur, prairie larkspur, white larkspur plains larkspur, Geyer’s larkspur, poisonweed

Tall (about 2 m Tall) D. barbeyi (Huth) Huth D. californicum Torr. & A.Gray D. exaltatum Aiton D. glaucescens Rydb. D. glaucum S.Watson

(= D. brownii Rydb.) D. occidentale (S.Watson) S.Watson D. robustum Rydb. D. trolliifolium A.Gray

tall larkspur, western larkspur, subalpine larkspur coast larkspur, California larkspur

Figure 62.15.

Photo of habit of Delphinium carolinianum.

tall larkspur waxy larkspur, smooth larkspur mountain larkspur, pale larkspur mountain larkspur, Brown’s larkspur, Hooker’s larkspur, giant larkspur, western larkspur, Sierra larkspur dunce-cap larkspur robust larkspur, Wahatoya Creek larkspur thin-leaf larkspur, Columbia larkspur, cow poison

Plants herbs; perennials; terrestrial; from fasciculate roots or rhizomes. Stems generally erect. Leaves simple; alternate; basal or cauline or both; basal leaves generally

Figure 62.16. Photo of close-up of flowers of Delphinium carolinianum. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

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Because of the tremendous number of species in North America and complexity of the variation pattern, taxonomic floras specific for the reader’s locale should be used if identification of a particular species is needed. However, because D. barbeyi, D. glaucum, and D. occidentale are so important in causing substantial livestock losses in the West, a taxonomic key, based on that of Welsh and Ralphs (2002) is given below. 1.


Lateral sepals 13–20 mm long. Primary racemes 4–7 cm wide; 9–25 cm long; 2–5 times longer than wide. Flowers typically fewer than 30 per raceme. Rachises and pedicels with long lustrous spreading glandular hairs. Follicles often glabrous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. barbeyi Lateral sepals 7–15 mm long. Primary racemes 2–6 cm wide; 5–51 cm long; 3–12 times longer than wide. Flowers typically more than 30 per raceme. Rachises and pedicels glabrous or with crisp puberulent curved or crinkled hairs or with sparse short glandular hairs. Follicles glabrous or crisppuberluent to glandular hirtellous. 2. Spurs 8–14 mm long. Follicles glabrous or rarely hirsute. Racemes 2–5 cm wide; 3–5(9) times longer than wide. Rachises glabrous. Pedicels glabrous or puberulent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. glaucum 2. Spurs 12–19 mm long. Follicles typically puberulent to strigose. Racemes 3–6 cm wide; 3–12 times longer than wide. Rachises puberulent or glandular hirtellous or rarely glabrous. Pedicels glandular hirtellous to crisp puberulent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. occidentale

variety of vegetation types and habitats; greatest abundance in West

Distribution and Habitat—The numerous species of Delphinium are distributed across the continent, but greatest diversity and abundance are in western mountain ranges (Warnock 1997). Some taxa form large stands and are locally abundant, whereas others are infrequently encountered as small, scattered populations. In general, the “tall” types are found at higher elevations in the mountains, especially in sheltered areas where snow


accumulates. In contrast, the “low” species tend to occur lower in the hills and plains, albeit sometimes at fairly high elevations (Table 62.1). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

major problem mainly in mountain ranges of western North America

Disease Problems—Although Delphinium was recognized in ancient Greece for its toxic and medicinal properties, it was not generally appreciated as a highly toxic genus in the Old World. In contrast to species of Aconitum, which are used extensively in herbal products and may thus cause adverse effects in humans, species of Delphinium pose risks primarily to livestock. In North America it was only when ranges of the western states began to be extensively used for grazing in the late 1800s that Delphinium emerged as a serious intoxication problem. In the Front Range of Colorado, larkspur was considered second only to locoweed as a dangerous plant in the 1870s and thereafter (Glover 1906; Cook and Redente 1993). It continues to be recognized as one the most serious hazards to cattle on rangelands of the mountainous west (Cronin 1971; Cronin et al. 1988; Nielsen and Ralphs 1988; Pfister et al. 1999). In spring and early summer “tall” larkspurs may lie protected under the snow in drift sites, ready to burst forth in a flush of growth. Subsequent grazing by cattle is associated with appreciable losses. In 1915–1916, it was estimated that 90% of plant-associated cattle deaths in national forests were due to “tall” larkspurs (Aldous 1917). Estimated cattle losses exceeded 5000 per year, with nearly 2000 deaths in Colorado, more than 1000 in Utah, and almost 1000 in Idaho. More recently, on U.S. Forest Service allotments in the western mountain states, death losses have ranged as high as 15% (Cronin et al. 1976; Pfister et al. 1993). Although in many instances they are not preferred forages, larkspurs, if not eaten in excess, are nutritious range plants with no apparent adverse effects on growth and production (Pfister et al. 1989). Although most livestock losses due to Delphinium are sporadic and involve only a few animals, devastating outbreaks may sometimes occur when grass growth is delayed and conditions foster growth of larkspurs. In 2002 this became a reality in Idaho. Two episodes were reported for cattle grazing D. nuttallianum in mid-May: losses of 34 of 285 and 43 of 450 animals (Pfister et al. 2003). In the first instance, intoxication was associated with high larkspur densities and exceptionally high MSAL alkaloid concentration of 8.26 mg/g. In the second case, resulting in the loss of 43


Toxic Plants of North America

Table 62.1.

General habitats and distributions of toxic species of Delphinium.

Low D. D. D. D. D. D.

andersonii bicolor hesperium menziesii nuttallianum parryi

D. patens D. D. D. D.

recurvatum scaposum tricorne variegatum

desert flats and talus in basins and mountain valleys edges of dry meadows and open woods of the northern Great Plains grassy slopes and clearings in open oak woods, grasslands, open pine woods, and coastal chaparral of California often abundant in early spring on open hillsides and clearings throughout the Pacific Northwest hillsides of prairies, open woodlands, or open pine woods locally abundant in oak woodlands, chaparral, and lower montane woods and on sand dunes in California and Baja California near streams of grasslands and open forests and at edges of thickets, chaparral, and woodlands of central California south into Mexico open fields, grasslands, scrublands, and brushy areas of California brushy ravines, grasslands, and pine clearings of Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico moist soils of prairies, woods, bluffs, and ravines in eastern half of continent as far west as Oklahoma open grasslands, chaparral, and oak woodlands of central and coastal California

Intermediate D. carolinianum D. geyeri

open sites in prairies, at meadow edges, in forest openings, and on rocky outcrops of eastern half of continent from Manitoba south to northern Mexico open plains of grasslands or shrublands and grassy or brushy slopes

Tall D. barbeyi D. californicum D. exaltatum D. D. D. D.

glaucescens glaucum occidentale robustum

D. trolliifolium

subalpine stream banks and timberline thickets of the Rocky Mountains forming dense stands in moist thickets, seeps, and creek bottoms in chaparral of coastal mountains in California primarily rocky calcareous slopes in open forests and barrens of east-central portion of continent as far west as Missouri uncommon, on rocky slopes and slides of subalpine coniferous forests in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana meadows, bogs, wet thickets, stream bottoms, and forest edges mountain brush, sagebrush, coniferous forests in Oregon, Utah, Nevada, Montana, and Colorado uncommon, in shaded pine forests, subalpine meadows, and along edges of aspen groves in Colorado and New Mexico moist sites in woods, along stream banks, and at pasture edges from California to Washington

Sources: Ewan (1945); Warnock (1997); and Welsh and Ralphs (2002).

animals, the larkspur species was not identified, but again plant density was observed to be unusually high (Pfister et al. 2003). Studies have shown a link between cool, wet spring weather and higher low larkspur plant density (Pfister and Cook 2011).

rapid neuromuscular incapacitation of cattle; sheep and horses lower risk

In the 1890s and early twentieth century, losses were reported for both cattle and sheep, especially the latter, when D. menziesii was eaten almost exclusively for several days early in the season before flowering (Wilcox 1897; Chesnut and Wilcox 1901; Marsh et al. 1916). Later it appeared that sheep were much less susceptible to neuromuscular incapacitation, as revealed by observations of

animals fed D. andersonii and other species (Marsh et al. 1916; Fleming et al. 1923). Nelson (1898) fed a sheep 11.25 kg b.w. of leaves, flowers, and fruits of D. menziesii over a 5-day period with no adverse consequences. It was eventually shown that the LD50 for D. barbeyi in prebud and bud stage was 4 or more times greater for sheep than for cattle (Olsen 1978). These observations seem to confirm the use of sheep as a management tool, because they may eat some species of Delphinium up to bud stage and yet seldom show signs of intoxication (Ralphs et al. 1991). Furthermore, while they may eat little of the plants themselves, sheep concentrated in patchy, dense areas of tall larkspur growth may trample and break the hollow stems advancing their senescence and thus making them unpalatable to cattle. It should be pointed out, however, that resistance of sheep to intoxication is not apparent when plant extract is administered subcutaneously (Olsen and Sisson 1991b). Horses are unlikely to be affected,

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because they are somewhat less susceptible and rarely eat the plants (Marsh et al. 1916). Laboratory animals are susceptible, showing signs similar to those seen in other species (Olsen and Sisson 1991b). Regarding these species, the mouse has been suggested as most representative of effects in cattle. Plant parts such as roots may be consumed by humans because of their reputation for producing “highs” (Tomassoni et al. 1996). For example, a 17-year-old male ate a small potion of immature Delphinium root called monk root. In about 4 hours he experienced seizures, ventricular fibrillation, and cardiac arrest requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation. He recovered, but 10 days later he described a floating feeling, which was suggested to be similar to older accounts of witches who used these toxins to “fly.” In this instance there may have been a mistake in identification of the specific plant involved since the signs are more consistent with Aconitum or monkshood.

Figure 62.17.

Chemical structure of methyllycaconitine.

Figure 62.18.

Chemical structure of lycoctonine.


19-C diterpene alkaloids, lycoctonine types; MLA, nudicauline

Disease Genesis—The principal toxins are diterpenoid alkaloids, although some species may contain small amounts of other alkaloids such as magnaflorine, an aporphine (Aiyar et al. 1979). On a worldwide basis, literally hundreds of diterpenoid alkaloids have been reported for species of Delphinium (Wang et al. 2010). The range of alkaloids present in North American species is also extensive; for example, some 27 compounds are found in D. nuttallianum alone (Kulanthaivel and Benn 1985; Kulanthaivel et al. 1986; Liang et al. 1991; Bai et al. 1992, 1995). These alkaloids have been grouped into three classes: the 19-C diterpenes, which are the most important toxicologically; 20-C diterpenes, of only limited importance; and bis-diterpenes, of least risk (Olsen and Manners 1989). The 19-C diterpenes can be divided into three or more types (Ameri 1998), of which only the group 1 aconitine (rarely) and group 3 lycoctonine types are present in Delphinium (Figures 62.17 and 62.18). The most important are lycoctonine types which are well represented in Delphinium and can be further divided into several groups, which for our purposes here include 3 types (Manners et al. 1993; Panter et al. 2002). The first are the basic structures, lycoctonine and browniine. The second type—deltaline, deltamine, dictyocarpine, and delpheline—differ in several substituent groups on the diterpene structure (especially methoxy or acetyl at C-14) plus a methyl providing a ring linking the OH groups of C-7 and C-8 (7,8 methylenedioxylycoctonine) and are referred to as MDL diterpene alkaloids. The third and most important type are those with the N-(succinimide)

anthranoyl group on the C-18 side chain, represented by methyllycaconitine, barbinine, bearline, and nudicauline, and designated MSAL-type diterpene alkaloids (methylsuccinimidoanthranoyllycoctonine). Intoxications are accounted for mainly by MSAL-type alkaloids such as methyllycaconitine (MLA). Experiments with 2 chemotypes of D. occidentale, one containing MSAL-type alkaloids and the other lacking these alkaloids, has shown that MSAL-type alkaloids are required to be present in the plant to elicit toxicity in cattle (Cook et al. 2011). Other diterpenes of lesser potency include browniine and two unique compounds, glaucerine and glaucenine, esterified with methyl butanoyl at C-14 of the 5-member ring (Pelletier et al. 1989; Manners et al. 1991, 1993, 1995; Gardner et al. 2000). In contrast to species of Aconitum, where group 1 19-C aconitum types predominate and produce Na+ channelmediated neurologic and cardiovascular effects, group 3 19-C lycoctonine types of Delphinium exert curare-like competitive neuromuscular blocking effects, inhibiting acetylcholine binding at nicotinic acetylcholine postsynaptic sites (Aiyar et al. 1979; Nation et al. 1982; Dobelis et al. 1999). These diterpenes can produce both a


Toxic Plants of North America

nondepolarizing blockade that leads predominantly to loss of motor function, particularly with respect to the diaphragm and esophagus and, at higher concentrations, direct ion channel blockade (Lape et al. 2009). Although there are prominent effects on postsynaptic sites, actions on other nicotinic receptor sites, including presynaptic sites, cannot be excluded as important contributors to intoxication. There is considerable diversity among the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of muscle, ganglia, brain (neuronal and nonneuronal), and autonomic neurons (Lukas and Bencherif 1992; Sargent 1993; Arias 1997, 2000). These receptors differ in subunit composition and ligand binding requirements. There are strong indications that lycoctonine alkaloids affect many of these receptor types, some with high affinity (Ward et al. 1990; Alkondon et al. 1992; Drasdo et al. 1992). Thus, there is the possibility for an array of effects from these alkaloids, some perhaps producing important sublethal effects in addition to or rather than acute neuromuscular dysfunction. In humans, TE-671 rhabdomyosarcoma cells which express a fetal muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, MLA, can act as a coagonist to increase the potency and efficacy of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists (Green et al. 2011b). Thus the mechanisms of intoxication due to diterpene alkaloids may be even more complex than previously thought as studies continue to unfold previously unrecognized avenues of action. Several structural prerequisites for toxicity have been proposed (Manners et al. 1995). These include a tertiary alkaloidal nitrogen and an anthranilic acid ester (orthoimide substituted C-18 benzoate ester). The tertiary nitrogen is suggested to be the primary binding site with the nicotinic receptor. Additional binding effects may occur with specific functional groups at C-14 and, to a lesser extent, at C-1 and C-16, decreasing in order of potency as follows: acetate > hydroxyl > methoxyl > carbonyl. Variations in binding affinity account for the differences in potency of the diterpenes (Kukel and Jennings 1994). alkaloids inhibit ACh nicotinic postsynaptic receptors; curare-like competitive neuromuscular blockade The lycoctonine alkaloids are especially potent on insect nicotinic cholinergic receptors (Jennings et al. 1986). Experiments with insect receptors confirm the special potency of alkaloids possessing the C-18 succinimide group, for example, MLA and glaudelsine (Kukel and Jennings 1994). The most potent of these alkaloids, methyllycaconitine, has about half the potency of tubocurarine in inhibiting cholinergic neurotransmission. Indeed, around the beginning of the twentieth century, alkaloidal extracts of species such as D. bicolor, D. menziesii, and D. nuttallianum were used as substitutes for curare in

laboratory experiments (Crawford 1907). A few species, especially the “low” types, contain small amounts of aconitine-type 19-C diterpenes such as delphidine and delphinine, but these compounds seem to be of little significance toxicologically. The toxic effects represent the sum of effects of all the alkaloids. The subcutaneous LD50 in mice for MLA and 14-deacetylnudicauline is approximately 32 mg/kg b.w., whereas it is 175–200 mg/kg b.w. or more for barbinine, the MDL types deltaline and deltamine, and lycoctonine and browniine (Olsen and Manners 1989; Manners et al. 1993). Similarly, the mouse i.v. LD50s of MLA, nudicauline, 14-acetylnudicauline, and grandiflorine, are 7.5, 2.7, 4.0, and 8.0 mg/kg b.w., respectively, in contrast to 200 mg/kg for many of the other types of alkaloids (Manners et al. 1995, 1998). The oral dose of MLA and 14-deacetylnudicauline (the alkaloids in D. barbeyi) that causes sternal recumbency in Holstein cattle is 21 mg/kg b.w. (Pfister et al. 1994a, 1997b). The estimated LD50 is 40 mg/kg b.w. Generally, MSAL-type alkaloid concentrations ≤3 mg/g are considered to be of low risk, 3–6 mg/g moderate risk, and ≥ 6 mg/g of high risk (Pfister et al. 2002b). However, in spite of these differences in toxicity, species containing only small amounts of MLA are occasional problems in the field. This may reflect differing potencies of the alkaloids on the various nicotinic receptors in the body. Furthermore, the less toxic MDLtype alkaloids, which are typically well represented in many Delphinium species and by themselves posing little risk, appear to have additive effects on the more potent MSAL types in causing intoxications (Welch et al. 2008, 2010;2011; Green et al. 2011a). This becomes important when considering that in one instance involving D. barbeyi, 41% of the total alkaloid content was MDL-type deltaline and 39% was MSAL-type MLA (Green et al. 2009b). In general, toxicity is considered to decrease only slightly with plant growth through flowering for “low” and “intermediate” species, although there are some differences among studies; for example, a marked decrease in toxicity of D. carolinianum (= D. virescens) with maturity is reported (Crawford 1907; Marsh et al. 1916; Beath 1919; Fleming et al. 1923; Marsh 1929; Majak 1993; Majak et al. 1999; Pfister and Gardner 1999). Delphinium nuttallianum contains up to 1.2% total alkaloids in its seeds and follicles, 0.87% in flowers, 0.38% in stems, and 0.07% in leaves (Bai et al. 1992). Of the specific alkaloids there may be as high as 0.3% d.w. MLA and smaller amounts of nudicauline in flowers and fruits and half as much or less in leaves and stems (Majak et al. 1987; Majak and Engelsjord 1988). Pfister and Gardner (1999) reported concentrations of 0.16% d.w. MLA and 0.07% nudicauline in whole plants of the same species. Delphinium bicolor, another “low” species, contains at least eight diterpene alkaloids, including methyllycaconitine (Kulanthaivel et al. 1986).

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risk mainly during flowering and early fruit formation, when plants are both toxic and palatable

The toxicity of “tall” species seems to be subject to greater variation during the growing season than that of “low” species. Toxicity is initially quite high, declines somewhat through flowering, and then dramatically drops thereafter (Marsh et al. 1916; Beath 1919; Williams and Cronin 1966). Delphinium barbeyi, an especially toxic species, contains at least 16 alkaloids, including MLA (Pelletier et al. 1989). During its growing season, alkaloid concentrations in leaves decline from a peak of 25 mg/g in June, to 8 mg/g at bud stage, to 3 mg/g at pod stage, and finally to 1 mg/g at drying back (Pfister et al. 1988a; Majak et al. 2000; Ralphs et al. 2000). Similar high levels occur with D. glaucum (with especially high MLA), and other studies with D. glaucum, D. barbeyi, D. glaucescens, and D. occidentale confirm the decline in toxicity with advancing stages of plant maturity (Manners et al. 1991; Ralphs et al. 1997b; Gardner et al. 2002). The relative degree of decline varied among species (Manners and Pfister 1993; Majak et al. 2000). A relatively steady decline in MLA concentration of 3% per day occurs with D. glaucum (reported as D. brownii) in the foothills of Alberta, Canada (Majak et al. 2000). Although diterpene levels are generally considerably lower at time of pod shatter, this may not be true for D. glaucescens, where concentrations may remain high enough to pose a moderate risk (Gardner and Pfister 2000). The typical decline may also not be consistent in some “low” and “intermediate” larkspurs as shown for populations of D. andersonii, D. geyeri, and D. nuttallianum (Majak et al. 1999; Gardner and Pfister 2007). There is considerable variation in alkaloid concentrations among geographical sites, with an apparent increase at higher elevations. Not only does total alkaloid content decline during the growing season, but the relative toxicity of the array of alkaloids present declines as well, as shown for D. occidentale (Olsen 1983). The best predictor of alkaloid levels may be the number of days of growth of plants after snow melts, and mathematical equations have been developed to utilize this approach (Majak et al. 2000; Ralphs et al. 2002). Overall the ranking of toxicity from highest to lowest among some species is D. glaucum, D. barbeyi, D. glaucescens, D. occidentale, and finally the “low” and “intermediate” larkspurs (Gardner et al. 2000). The relative toxicity of other species has not been reported. Alkaloid concentrations are not dependent on light, so there is little diurnal variation, but they may be higher with moisture deficiency, at least for the “low” larkspurs, as is typical for alkaloids in general (Gershenzon 1984; Ralphs et al. 1998b; Majak et al. 1999). However, this


may not be true for “tall” larkspurs as observed in studies of D. barbeyi and D. occidentale, where levels are higher in plants grown in the monsoon-watered southern Rocky Mountains than those grown in the northern Rockies with their drier summers (Ralphs and Gardner 2001). Furthermore, studies on factors associated with cattle consumption of D. geyeri reveal no apparent consistency based on plant growth or weather patterns (Pfister et al. 2002a). Ralphs and coworkers (1998b, 2000) have hypothesized that synthesis of alkaloids occurs mainly in the first few weeks of growth, peaking at 4–6 weeks, and that environmental influences on alkaloid levels are limited to the early growth period. They further speculated that alkaloids are probably translocated from vegetative to reproductive portions of the plant in later growth stages to account for higher levels in these portions. Levels in roots are high in early growth, thereafter increasing in leaves and stems and then shifting back to roots in later growth (Ralphs and Gardner 2003), this change perhaps to provide carryover to the following season in these perennials. Application of herbicides may temporarily increase intoxication risks. Silvex and 2,4,5-T (no longer available) temporarily increased toxic alkaloid levels up to 3 weeks (Williams and Cronin 1966). This same increase also occurs with metsulfuron treatment (Ralphs et al. 1998a). However, neither glyphosate nor picloram caused an increased amount of alkaloids. Thus, under some situations, cattle should not be allowed to graze larkspurs until they wither (Ralphs et al. 1998a). The “tall” larkspurs, such as D. barbeyi, D. occidentale, D. glaucum, and D. trolliifolium, are generally considered to be of most concern, but appreciable problems have also been attributed to “low” and “intermediate” species, such as D. andersonii, D. bicolor, D. geyeri, D. nuttallianum, and D. carolinianum (reported as D. virescens) (Wilcox 1897; Marsh et al. 1916; Beath 1919, 1925; Fleming et al. 1923; Marsh 1929). Even though MSAL diterpene levels are typically considerably lower in “low” versus “tall” larkspurs at the same stage of growth (Majak et al. 2000), it is clear that some “low” types still represent a hazard because they may contain a potent array of MSAL-type alkaloids (Gunn et al. 2007; Gardner and Pfister 2009), and 9–11 kg of leaves and flowers of D. andersonii is reported to be lethal to a 450 kg cow (Fleming et al. 1923). However, for those species with an appreciable content of MLA (ca. 1%), 2 kg may be lethal in an animal of the same size (Pfister et al. 1993). It has been estimated that an animal must eat about 20% of its diet as “low” larkspur to become intoxicated (Pfister and Gardner 1999). The dietary percentage is even lower for some “tall” larkspurs. Perhaps the most important factor is that the likelihood of an animal’s eating a toxic dose is greater for “tall” types because of the density of


Toxic Plants of North America

populations, size of the plants, and longer persistence of plants through the growing season (Glover 1906). Many “low” and “intermediate” types are rather infrequently encountered, and those that are abundant are short-lived (Beath 1919; Fleming et al. 1923). In addition to toxicity fluctuations, the question of palatability has always been paramount in determining when animals are at highest risk of intoxication. Palatability seems to be low early in plant growth, increasing during early flowering, and then again during fruiting (Majak and Engelsjord 1988; Pfister et al. 1988a; Pfister and Gardner 1999). In a study of mountain rangelands, cattle ate little or no D. barbeyi and D. occidentale until flowering stems had elongated (Pfister et al. 1997b). Thus, it is proposed that there is a toxic period (or window) of days to a few weeks for “low” larkspurs and 4–5 weeks or more for “tall” larkspurs during the flowering and early fruit stages, when plants are both highly toxic and readily eaten by cattle (Pfister et al. 1988a, 1997b; Sizelove et al. 1992). The risk for cattle on larkspur ranges is much reduced before (due to limited intake) and after the toxic period (because of low toxicity) (Pfister et al. 1997a). Because the decline in concentrations is not as distinct in some “low” and “intermediate” larkspurs, the window may not be as important. The toxic window occurs early in the grazing season—from late April to May for D. carolinianum (including D. virescens) in the southern plains, and May and June for D. bicolor and July into August for D. glaucum (reported as D. brownii) as far north as Alberta and Saskatchewan (Looman 1975; Majak et al. 2000). The high risk period for higher elevation “tall” larkspurs is typically in July and August, except for those areas with exceptional snowfall and delayed plant growth such as the Sierra Nevada, where the window may extend from August into September. These species are readily eaten by cattle; hence, they represent serious problems when they are abundant and constitute a significant portion of the available forage. Ingestion by sheep does not vary as much, because they seem more prone to eating “tall” larkspur species in all stages of growth (Ralphs and Olsen 1990). Intoxications in cattle are most likely with consumption of plants on successive days because there is a buildup in severity of signs, with repetitive doses each day up to 4 days (Marsh et al. 1916; Olsen and Sisson 1991a). This, coupled with the prospect of development of short-term aversion due to negative digestive consequences when increasing amounts of plant material are eaten, may lead to cyclical changes in intoxication risk due to reduced ingestion after bursts of plant consumption (Pfister et al. 1990, 1997c). Maximum serum concentrations of the two types of toxic diterpenes, MLA and deltaline, of 8.8 and 5 hours, respectively, and elimination half-lives of 20.5 and 8.2 hours, respectively, support observations of some

carryover and buildup effect from day to day (Green et al. 2009b, 2011a). This may not be true for animals in poor body condition where absorption and elimination may be altered to render them more susceptible to intoxication (Pfister et al. 2002a). There is some indication that glutinous feeding may be precipitated by cold rain showers or other types of stormy weather (Wilcox 1899; Glover 1906; Marsh et al. 1916; Pfister et al. 1988b; Ralphs et al. 1988, 1994). Experimentally, neither mineral supplementation nor chronic administration of carbachol influenced larkspur consumption by cattle, but cattle, however, eat less of the plant during drought (Pfister and Manners 1995).

management practices may reduce risk

Considering these various factors, some recommendations can be made with respect to ranges with appreciable populations of Delphinium. It would be prudent for the producer to identify the specific Delphinium species present on the range to be grazed. Because of difficulty in identifying species of the genus, it may be even more important that alkaloid levels of plants also be tested at the bud/flowering and pod formation stages at least for 1 year. This can be accomplished by consulting personnel at the USDA Poisonous Plants Laboratory at Logan, Utah. Generally, grazing of ranges with D. glaucum should be restricted until after pod shatter in late August because of prolonged high levels of alkaloids (Pfister et al. 2002b; Ralphs et al. 2004a). Ranges with D. barbeyi and D. glaucescens may be grazed until early flowering and then again after mid-pod maturity, when alkaloid levels drop below 3 mg/g. This will avoid the period when plants are both palatable and quite toxic. For D. occidentale and other “tall” larkspurs, the same recommendations are appropriate. However, 2 chemotypes of D. occidentale have been identified and one has only low levels of toxic MSAL-type alkaloids and may safely be grazed throughout the season (Gardner et al. 2002; Pfister et al. 2002b). In the latter situation, populations in southern Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah were of low toxicity, with mainly MDL and little MSAL-type alkaloids (Cook et al. 2009). Those of Idaho, Montana, and northern Wyoming were highly toxic, with high MSAL-type alkaloids, while mixed populations were present in southeastern Idaho and central Wyoming. These recommendations are based on the premise that cattle do not eat unpalatable high alkaloid-containing plants early and do not consume enough of palatable low toxicity plant in late growth. It is estimated that a 450 kg cow would need to eat 3 kg of larkspur (25% of diet) to be intoxicated when plant levels drop to 3 mg/g (Ralphs et al. 1997b).

Ranunculaceae Juss.

As with many other toxic range plants, biological control holds promise for reduction or elimination of problems due to larkspur infestations. Studies with the larkspur mirid (Hopplomachus affiguratus), which breeds exclusively on “tall” larkspurs, indicate that it serves as a deterrent to foraging by cattle (Ralphs et al. 1997a, 1998c; Jones et al. 1998). Plant alkaloid levels are slightly reduced with infestation by the mirid, but most importantly, feeding nymphs terminate reproductive development of the plant and decrease palatability (Jones et al. 1998; Ralphs et al. 1998c). Unfortunately, mirid populations are cyclic depending on moisture and temperature conditions the previous year and may not be consistent in their effects (Ralphs and Jones 2000). Use of herbicides—for example, tebuthiuron—may hold promise on private properties (Williams and Cronin 1963; Ralphs et al. 2004b), but use of such on public lands is questionable given that these lands are managed for multiple uses.

signs occur within 3–4 hours, maximal at 5–8 hours 6 Stages of Disease 1. slight tremors 2. lies down 3. unable to stand 4. sternal 5. lateral 6. death

Clinical Signs—The disease produced by consumption of Delphinium is generally described to encompass 6 stages. The animal in stage 1 exhibits slight tremors; in stage 2, cannot stand for long periods and thus periodically lies down; in stage 3, can lift body but cannot stand; in stage 4, remains sternal; in stage 5, is in lateral recumbency and unable to rise to sternal; and in stage 6, dies (Olsen and Sisson 1991a,b). In this scenario, clinical signs may appear 3–4 hours after ingestion and become fully developed in 5–8 hours. There is rapid onset of uneasiness, a wide straddle-legged stance, a stiff and staggering gait, repeated falling with kicking, tremors, ataxia, constipation, recumbency, and bloat, especially when the animal is down. There is usually an increase in heart rate (Green et al. 2009a). Respiratory difficulties are especially conspicuous, and death is eventually due to respiratory failure. This is an episodic weakness; the animal falls, struggles, rests, rises, and falls again. Signs develop rapidly and subside almost as quickly (within a few hours) on some occasions but may build up to longer periods of incapacitation with continued ingestion of the plants. There is great variation in response and animals may


show periodic signs (tremors and intermittent recumbency) for 24 hours or more after onset. Larkspur-induced bloat is a common but not inevitable consequence of intoxication. Because animals are more likely to fall when locomotor problems occur on uneven ground, fatal bloat will often develop rapidly if they are lying and facing downhill, even if the larkspur dose itself is not lethal. Indeed, if they can be moved to face uphill, recovery seems to be the rule if the animal has not ingested a lethal dose. There may be some clinical biochemical/enzymatic changes during intoxications (Shupe et al. 1968) but these are not likely to be of use in the typical situations of intoxication.

Pathology—Although there are no distinctive gross or microscopic changes associated with Delphinium intoxication, diagnosis may be aided by discovery of plants or plant parts in the rumen or assay of the ruminal fluid for the alkaloids.

treat with physostigmine; when animal is facing downhill, fatal bloat may occur quickly; turn animals to face uphill

Treatment—Because this is a disease primarily of cattle on rangelands, treatment is an infrequent option. Atropine has been used with some success; however, physostigmine is a more effective antidote. A mixture of 65 mg physostigmine salicylate, 130 mg pilocarpine, and 32 mg strychnine per 250 kg b.w. given s.c. to cattle has been recommended (Marsh et al. 1916). Physostigmine at a dose of 0.04 mg/kg b.w. given i.p. (when given i.v., use great care) or neostigmine at the same dose i.v. can reverse the neuromuscular signs in cattle even when the animals are in lateral recumbency (Pfister et al. 1994b; Green et al. 2009a). The dosage may need to be repeated in a few hours. Neostigmine at a dose of 0.02 mg/kg b.w. given i.m. can be a way to effectively treat unrestrained animals (Green et al. 2009b). Animals that fall facing downhill and are unable to rise should be turned to an uphill direction to facilitate movement of gases from the rumen and reduce the incidence of fatal bloat. It is important to avoid unduly stressing animals when moving them from larkspur pastures, inasmuch as exercise and stress greatly exacerbate clinical signs.

larkspur ingestion while grazing may be prevented by previous aversion training, but protection may be lost under some conditions


Toxic Plants of North America

Cattle may be conditioned to avoid eating larkspur through the use of noxious agents such as lithium chloride. This aversion may carry over from one season to another but is subject to interruption when averted cattle graze with nonaverted herd mates (Lane et al. 1990; Ralphs and Olsen 1990). A single training exposure of 200 mg/kg b.w. of lithium chloride together with some plant material will provide an aversion lasting several years (Ralphs 1997; Ralphs and Olsen 1998). Commercially available mineral salt supplements have been used in hopes of reducing larkspur consumption, but as yet there is no experimental evidence to support the effectiveness of this practice (Knowles 1974; Pfister and Manners 1991; Pfister et al. 1998). There is also no evidence to show that mineral-deprived cattle eat more larkspur (Knight and Pfister 1997). It is recommended that grazing management and supplement decisions be made on the basis of forage nutrients and cattle requirements rather than to alter larkspur consumption (Pfister et al. 2002a,b). With appropriate management, the apparent resistance of sheep may provide a means of protecting cattle from larkspur intoxication, because sheep may eat some species in early growth (Ralphs and Olsen 1992). However, even this technique is not without shortcomings because the sheep may instead reduce overall availability of forage (Aldous 1917). Furthermore, sheep do not reliably eat “low” larkspurs, and even with conditioning do not eat and eliminate early growth D. occidentale sufficient to reduce risk to cattle subsequently grazing the range (Ralphs 2005; Pfister et al. 2010). Some promising efforts have been made to develop diterpene-protein conjugate vaccines to protect against the field problems in cattle (Lee et al. 2003). Of perhaps even greater promise are investigations on heritable susceptibility in mice (Green et al. 2009b; Welch et al 2009). Thus in the future it may be possible to identify heritable variations in cattle as well. To assess risk for management decisions, reversedphase HPLC-MS analysis of plants for alkaloids may be utilized or plants may be collected and sent to the USDA Poisonous Plants Laboratory in Logan, Utah for analysis (Gardner and Pfister 2009). Over time such analyses can highlight toxicity patterns to guide grazing management decisions to reduce risk of losses.

toxicologic interest and encountered in cultivation or in the wild are the following introduced species: H. foetidus L. H. niger L. H. orientalis Lam. H. viridis L.

stinking hellebore, stinkwort, setterwort Christmas rose, Easter rose, black hellebore Lenten rose green hellebore, bear’s-foot

perennial herbs or subshrubs; leaves simple or palmately compound, alternate; sepals 5 or 6, larger than petals, white, green, purple, red, or yellowish; petals modified into nectaries, dropping quickly; fruits follicles

Plants herbs or subshrubs; perennials; terrestrial; caulescent or acaulescent; from short rhizomes or fibrous roots. Stems absent or present; erect; 12–60 cm tall. Leaves simple or palmately compound; alternate; basal or cauline or both; blades orbicular to reniform; lobes 3–11, long; margins entire or toothed; petioles long, bases sheathing. Inflorescences solitary flowers or small cymes; bracts present, often foliaceous. Flowers large; perfect; perianths in 2-series. Calyces radially symmetrical. Sepals 5 or 6; larger than petals; persistent; petaloid; white or green to purple or red or yellowish, turning green after anthesis. Petals 5–15; caducous; free; funnel shaped or tubular; modified into nectaries; clawed; green or yellow or pink or dark purple to black. Stamens numerous; longer than petals; filaments filiform. Pistils 3–10. Fruits follicles; aggregated; sessile; coriaceous; beaked. Seeds numerous; oblong to spherical; dark brown (Figure 62.19).

introduced ornamentals; northeast, edges of woods and thickets

HELLEBORUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 21–25 species, Helleborus, commonly known as hellebore, is an Old World genus (Tamura 1993; Ford 1997c). The name is Greek and was used by Theophrastus, although whether he was referring to this taxon or another is ambiguous (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The common name hellebore is also used for Veratrum in the Liliaceae. Of

Figure 62.19.

Photo of Helloborus niger.

Ranunculaceae Juss.

Distribution and Habitat—Helleborus is native to Europe and Asia (Tamura 1993). Several species have been planted in North America as ornamentals, but only H. viridis appears to persist after cultivation and is infrequently encountered in waste areas, on shaded roadsides, and along edges of woods and thickets primarily in the northeastern states (Ford 1997c).

digestive and cardiac disturbances

Disease Problems—Used medicinally for centuries, Helleborus is well known for its cardiac actions (Chen et al. 1950). Superstitions and myths are also associated with the genus, and it is reputed to be lethal (Baskin 1967). Like other cardenolide-containing plants, dry hellebore retains its toxicity. Although the plant is apparently distasteful, its potency is such that a relatively small amount of plant material is quite dangerous, with approximately 0.5 kg causing death of several steers (Johnson and Routledge 1971; Holliman and Milton 1990).

bufadienolides, protoanemonin





Disease Genesis—In contrast to Adonis, which contains the more typical 23-C cardenolides with a 5-member ring, Helleborus contains 24-C bufadienolides with a 6-member ring (Shoppee 1964; Bartik and Piskac 1981; Joubert 1989). It is of interest that hellebrigenin—the aglycone of hellebrin, helleborein, and other compounds—is more potent than the intact parent monosides or biosides (Chen et al. 1950) (Figure 62.20).


Interestingly, hellebrigenin is also found in several species of toads, including the common European toad (Shoppee 1964). Roots of Helleborus are particularly toxic and are the source of most isolations. The lack of consistency in bufadienolide content is an important consideration. Although the toxin has been readily isolated and identified from H. niger and other species, in at least one investigation, H. niger seemed to be devoid of the toxin (Karrer 1943; Wissner and Kating 1971). Concentrations up to 1% are reported in dry rhizomes of some species (Wissner and Kating 1971). Helleborus niger also contains protoanemonin, sometimes in high concentrations, that is, up to 0.58% wet weight (Bonora et al. 1985). Thus, effects on the digestive system may be due to a combination of the irritant effects of protoanemonin and those of bufadienolides.

diarrhea, vomiting, colic, irregular heart rate

Clinical Signs—The signs produced by Helleborus are similar to those for Digitalis, with severe manifestations 2–3 days following consumption of plants. The earliest signs are those associated with the gastrointestinal tract and include diarrhea (often with blood), vomiting (in pigs), and colic. The pain produced seems to be such that animals are reluctant to move and may even resist standing. With complete anorexia, less severely affected animals may not die for several days. Effects on the heart range from premature beats and prolonged PR interval to various degrees of atrioventricular blockade. Although a slow irregular pulse is typical, there may be a secondary tachycardia. Death is due to ventricular fibrillation and cardiac failure.

reddened gut mucosa

Pathology—In most animals the most distinctive change will be reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. There also may be subepicardial and subendocardial ecchymotic hemorrhages and petechia in other tissues. Because of the duration of effects, microscopic changes in the heart may be anticipated as described for Digitalis (see Chapter 57).

Figure 62.20.

Chemical structure of hellebrin.

relief of digestive disturbance; administer activated charcoal, atropine


Toxic Plants of North America

Treatment—Treatment is mainly directed toward relief of the digestive disturbances. In the event of appearance of cardiotoxic effects, treatment will include activated charcoal and atropine, similar to that for cardenolides in general (cf. Digitalis, in Chapter 57).

Naturalized Species R. arvensis L. R. bulbosus L. R. parviflorus L. R. repens L. R. testiculatus Crantz

RANUNCULUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Almost cosmopolitan in distribution but with greatest diversity in cold-temperate regions, Ranunculus, commonly known as buttercup or crowfoot, comprises about 600 species (Tamura 1995; Horandl et al. 2005). Used by the natural historian Pliny, the name is derived from the Latin roots rana and unculus, meaning “frog” and “little,” possibly alluding to the wet habitats typically occupied by plants of the genus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). A few species are cultivated as garden ornamentals, whereas others are weeds of wet or moist rights-of-way, other disturbed sites, and meadows. Large populations often develop and offer showy displays in early spring. Exhibiting considerable morphological and ecological diversity, the genus is taxonomically troublesome. Taxonomists differ in their opinions as to its boundaries and infrageneric relationships (Horandl et al. 2005). For example, the 9 subgenera recognized by Benson (1948) have been treated as separate genera by other workers. In addition, many species are quite polymorphic and numerous varieties have been described. Hybridization also plays a role in evolution of the genus. The treatment of Whittemore (1997) written for the Flora of North America and based on the treatment of Benson (1948) is used here. He recognized 77 native and introduced species as present. Representatives are the following taxa: Native Species R. abortivus L.

R. acris L. R. cymbalaria Pursh R. flammula L. R. hispidus Michx. (= R. septentrionalis Poir.) R. recurvatus Poir. R. sceleratus L.

smallflower buttercup, littleleaf buttercup, early wood buttercup, kidney-leaved buttercup tall buttercup, tall crowfoot, meadow buttercup, common buttercup shore buttercup, seaside buttercup, marsh buttercup, desert crowfoot spearwort, creeping spearwort, lesser spearwort, greater creeping buttercup creeping buttercup, bristly buttercup

hooked buttercup, blisterwort celery-leaf buttercup, blister buttercup, ditch crowfoot, cursed crowfoot, celery-leaved crowfoot, bitter buttercup

corn buttercup, corn crowfoot, field buttercup, hungerweed bulbous buttercup small-flowered buttercup, stickseed crowfoot creeping buttercup testiculate buttercup, curveseed buttercup, bur buttercup, hornseed buttercup

(= Ceratocephala testiculata [Crantz] Roth)

annual or perennial herbs; leaves simple or palmately compound, alternate; sepals 3–5, yellow or white; petals 0–22, yellow, white, red, or green; fruits achenes

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; terrestrial or aquatic; caulescent; from tuberous roots, caudices, rhizomes, or stolons. Stems erect to decumbent. Leaves simple or palmately compound; alternate; basal or cauline or both; basal leaves long petiolate; cauline leaves short petiolate or sessile; blades reniform to linear; margins entire or toothed. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes; terminal or axillary; bracts absent or present, large or small, foliaceous. Flowers perfect; perianths in 1- or 2-series, radially symmetrical or asymmetrical; inconspicuous or showy. Sepals 3–5 or rarely 6; deciduous or rarely persistent in fruit; green or sometimes purple, yellow, or white. Petals typically 5 (0–22); free; yellow or rarely white, red, or green; linear to orbicular. Stamens 5 to many; filaments filiform. Pistils 4–250. Nectaries present on abaxial surfaces of petals. Fruits achenes or rarely utricles; aggregated; sessile; lenticular or globose or obovoid or cylindrical; beaked or not beaked. Seeds 1 (Figures 62.21 and 62.22).

variety of vegetation types and habitats, typically in wet or moist soils

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Ranunculus occur across the continent in a variety of habitats and vegetation types. Moist or wet soils are typical, but some taxa occur in relatively dry sites while others are truly aquatic. Some species—for example, R. acris and R. abortivus—have broad distributions, whereas others are restricted to small geographical areas. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

Ranunculaceae Juss.

Figure 62.21. Folley.

Photo of Ranunculus sp. Courtesy of Patricia

Figure 62.22. Photo of Ranunculus acris. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

irritant digestive disturbance, sometimes severe; rarely neurologic problems

Disease Problems—With a long history of various medicinal uses, species of Ranunculus are now known to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antimutagenic effects (Seegal and Holden 1945; Misra and Dixit 1980; Minakata et al. 1983). Although irritation of the digestive tract associated with various species (e.g., R. acris, R. flammula, and R. sceleratus) has been reported, risk due to these early-season plants seems to be overrated for most of them, at least with respect to lethality (Shearer


1938; Harvey et al. 1944). Experimentally, in laboratory animals, R. repens seems to be rather innocuous, and R. acris is toxic only with very large dosage (Nicholson 1933). Ranunculus bulbosus and R. sceleratus are of considerably greater toxic potential, producing digestive tract problems as well as neurologic effects with large dosage (Shearer 1938; Gunning 1949; Piekarz 1981). Other effects on the urinary system (hematuria) and mammary gland (reddish and bitter milk) have also been reported. A rather unusual episode that differs from these problems was the reaction occurring in a dog seen eating R. acris and from which plant parts were subsequently identified in its vomitus (Winters 1976). Swelling of the face and head was very severe and accompanied by a few urticarial wheals. With conservative treatment, these effects were resolved within 24 hours without further problems. In another incident, Ranunculus was suspected as a cause of photosensitization (Kelch et al. 1992). In perhaps the most revealing study, R. acris at various stages of growth, including flowering, was fed as green chop or via strip grazing to cattle and sheep in very large amounts, with no apparent adverse effects other than decreased weight gains (Therrien et al. 1962; Hidiroglou and Knutti 1963). In contrast, in another instance involving death of 2 horses on pasture, plant parts of R. acris were identified in stomach contents (Griess and Rech 1997). In spite of the difficulties in substantiating disease experimentally, periodic clinical reports seem to confirm the capability for some Ranunculus species, when eaten in substantial amounts, to produce occasionally severe irritating effects on the digestive system. In most situations only a few animals are seriously affected. Occasionally, large numbers of deaths are seen, as happened with the loss of 150 sheep in a flock of 800 after they ate R. testiculatus (Olsen et al. 1982, 1983). In this case, hungry sheep were grazed in a pasture composed mainly of R. testiculatus. Over the next 3–4 days, severe watery diarrhea, weakness, dyspnea, recumbency, and death developed. Experimentally, the LD50 wet weight of green plants was shown to be 1.1% b.w. Deaths occurred 2–48 hours after administration. Unfortunately, plants of the species in early stages of growth are readily eaten by sheep, and although not the animals’ first choice, plants are eaten even when mature and fruiting. There are suggestions that some species of Ranunculus (R. acris and R. reprens) produce abortifacient effects, but these have not been confirmed (Pammel 1911; Morales 1989).

glycoside ranunculin hydrolyzed to irritant protoanemonin, which when dried forms nonirritant anemonin


Toxic Plants of North America

glycosides such as ranuncoside is of unknown significance (Tschesche et al. 1972). A complicating factor in this genus is the possibility that cyanogenic glycosides are present in some species. The cyanogenic glucoside triglochin is reported in R. arvensis and R. repens in their native Old World ranges (Tjon Sie Fat 1979).

erythema and swelling of muzzle, nose, lips, and face; vomiting, diarrhea, colic; rarely tremors, weakness, seizures

Clinical Signs—In the unusual situation when clinical

Figure 62.23. Chemical change from ranunculin to protoanemonin to anemonin.

Disease Genesis—Although alkaloids and low concentrations of cyanogenic glycosides are present in some species, toxicity appears to be due mainly to ranunculin, a glycoside that is hydrolyzed to protoanemonin when the plant tissues are macerated and then subsequently polymerized to form the inactive anemonin (Hill and Van Heyningen 1951). The identity of the glycosidic precursor to protoanemonin has been questioned, with ranunculin suggested to be only an artifact, but there is little question of the ultimate vesicant (Tschesche et al. 1972). Protoanemonin is a potent vesicant, but anemonin, which forms when the plant is dried, is inactive in this respect (Figure 62.23). Plants are said to be particularly irritating when flowering, with protoanemonin levels up to 1–2% d.w. (Hill and Van Heyningen 1951; Kingsbury 1964). The variation in toxicity among various species of Ranunculus is in large measure due to the great range in protoanemonin concentrations. Example concentrations of protoanemonin, as reported by Shearer (1938), are as follows: R. acris, 0.26% d.w./1.45% wet weight; R. arvensis, 0.54%/1.74%; R. bulbosus, 0.26%/1.45%; R. flammula, 0.54%/2.29%; R. parviflorus, 0.37%/2.0%; R. repens, 0.05%/0.27%; and R. sceleratus, 0.38%/2.5%. These values are in contrast to those reported by others: 0.78% wet weight for R. bulbosus and 0.13% for R. sceleratus, both species of more consistent vesicant effect, and 0.013% for R. repens, a species seldom, if ever, associated with toxicity (Minakata et al. 1983; Bonora et al. 1985). Concentrations of ranunculin in R. testiculatus of 0.5% wet weight or 2.3% d.w. at flowering decrease by about half with increasing maturity (Nachman and Olsen 1983). The presence of

signs develop, they are typically those associated with blistering of the skin, mouth, and digestive system. Thus, erythema and swelling of the muzzle, nose, lips, and face may be seen with or without further effects. In most animals, signs are related to the digestive system and include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and colic. However, neurologic signs such as tremors, seizures, persistent weakness, and paralysis are reported to be produced by R. acris and R. bulbosus (Nicholson 1933; Cooper and Johnson 1984; Fuller and McClintock 1986). Signs with R. testiculatus include weakness, depression, diarrhea, and dyspnea. Diagnosis may be aided by identification of plant fragments in the ingesta. Griess and Rech (1997) have described the microscopic identification of R. acris, R. arvensis, R. flammula, R. repens, and R. sceleratus using such fragments.

reddened gut mucosa

Pathology—There is edema of the serosa and reddening of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestines, moderate excess fluid in the chest and abdomen, congestion of the abdominal viscera, and a few splotchy hemorrhages on the serosa of the intestines and endocardium.

relief of irritant effects on digestive system

Treatment—This is primarily symptomatic relief of the irritation of the digestive tract and any accompanying neurologic or other signs. Inasmuch as allelopathic (suppression of competitive plant growth) effects of protoanemonin are attenuated by thiols like British anti-Lewisite

Ranunculaceae Juss.

(BAL), there may be a role for these compounds therapeutically (Thimann and Bonner 1949).

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Anemone L. Comprising about 150 species distributed primarily in north temperate and arctic regions of both the Old and New World, Anemone, commonly known as windflower, is represented in North America by 25 native and introduced taxa (Dutton et al. 1997). Many have broad distributions and occur in the eastern or western half of the continent. Plants of the genus are perennials from rhizomes, caudices, or tubers with petiolate, basal, simple, or palmately compound leaves. The showy, perfect flowers are borne singly or in 2- to 9-flowered umbels or cymes and are usually subtended by a leafy involucre. The radially symmetrical perianths are in 1-series, with the petaloid sepals ranging from white to purple, blue, green, yellow, pink, or red. Shorter than the sepals, the numerous stamens are borne in spirals on the typically elongated receptacle, as are the numerous pistils, which give rise to achenes.

possibly irritant effects due to protoanemonin

Little is known of the toxicity potential of this genus, although it had some reputation as such and was used as an astringent by Native Americans who also used it medicinally in a variety of ways (Moerman 1998). Foliage is very acrid to the taste and is rarely eaten (Chesnut and Wilcox 1901). Most species are reported to be very irritating, in a manner similar to that of Ranunculus, causing blistering of the skin or of the digestive tract, resulting in colic (Pammel 1911; Harvey et al. 1944). However, studies with species found in other areas of the world indicate protoanemonin concentrations to be low, in the range of 0.02%–0.05% wet weight (Minakata et al. 1983; Bonora et al. 1985). Thus, both the toxicity and/or mechanism of effect are in question. Plants also contain glycoside derivatives of oleanolic acid terpenoids (Connolly and Hill 1991). In the event of ingestion of large amounts of plant material, the signs, pathology, and treatment may be similar to those of Ranunculus.

Clematis L. One of the most prized garden ornamentals, Clematis, commonly known as virgin’s bower, leatherflower, or


simply clematis, comprises about 300 species of both the Old and New World; 32 native and introduced taxa are present in North America (Pringle 1997). The genus has long been cultivated in eastern Asia. In Europe in the middle 1500s, species were being introduced and cultivated. The first hybrid was produced in 1835, and in the mid-1800s, numerous species were being exhibited at flower shows. The generic name is derived from the Greek root klema, meaning “vine” or “tendril,” which reflects the genus’s characteristic growth form (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Plants of Clematis are deciduous or evergreen, more or less woody perennial vines climbing by means of tendrillike petioles and rachises, or are erect herbs from elongated rhizomes. The cauline, opposite, or rarely alternate leaves are simple or compound, with either entire or toothed margins. Perfect or imperfect, the radially symmetrical flowers are borne singly or in many-flowered cymes or panicles or fascicles. Bracts may be present or absent. The petals are absent and the 4 or 5 petaloid sepals are white, blue, violet, red, yellow, or greenish. They may be widely spreading, or erect and forming a campanulate or urceolate perianth. The numerous stamens have filiform or flattened filaments. Numbering 5–150, the pistils give rise to lenticular or terete achenes usually bearing long, persistent, feathery styles. Large-flowered taxa of gardens are typically hybrids and cultivars. Representative of the native species of the genus is C. virginiana L., commonly known as virgin’s bower or devil’s darning needle, which is the most abundant and widespread species of the genus in the eastern half of North America. possibly irritant effects due to protoanemonin In spite of the apparent potential for causing problems, few actual episodes have been described. In one of the few reported cases, involving an Old World species, a large amount of plant material was found in the rumen of a cow that died suddenly (Moore 1971). The disease was of short duration, with few signs other than scattered ulcerations of the muzzle and colic but no diarrhea. In spite of the lack of diarrhea, there was inflammation of the wall of the rumen, abomasum, and small intestine, and free fluid in the gut lumen. There was also pulmonary edema and congestion and excess fluid (with blood) in the thoracic cavity. Experimentally, 1 g of spring-growth leaves of a cultivated variety of Clematis caused intermittent vomiting in 2 budgerigars (Shropshire et al. 1992). The attributes ascribed to various species of Clematis in Africa also substantiate its reputation as an irritant, although specific experiments failed to confirm toxicity (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Thus, the disease


Toxic Plants of North America

problem appears to be similar to that produced by other genera of the family that cause irritant effects (Pammel 1911). The potent vesicant actions are similar to those of Ranunculus, but in the few species studied, concentrations of protoanemonin were low: 0.05% wet weight or less (Pammel 1911; Everist 1981; Bonora et al. 1985). Glycosidic derivatives of oleanolic acid terpenoids are also present in plants (Connolly and Hill 1991). In the event of ingestion of large amounts of plant material, the signs, pathology, and treatment may be similar to those of Ranunculus.

Hydrastis L. Known by a variety of common names—goldenseal, yellow puccoon, orangeroot, yellowroot, wild curcima, tumeric root, Indian dye, sceau d’or, or ground raspberry— Hydrastis is a monotypic genus represented in eastern North America by a single species, H. canadensis L. (Ford 1997d; Mabberley 2008). Taxonomists have differed in their opinions as to whether the genus should be placed in the Ranunculaceae, as is done here, or segregated in its own family (Hydrastidaceae) intermediate between the Ranunculaceae and the Berberidaceae, with which it shares several attributes (Tobe and Keating 1985; Hoot 1991). Flowering in the early spring, plants occur in mesic, shaded forest sites, often in clay soils from New England southwestward to Arkansas and Oklahoma. They are perennial herbs arising from thick, knotted, yellow rhizomes. The erect stems are unbranched and pubescent, bearing 2, alternate, cordate to orbicular, palmately 3- to 9-lobed leaves with serrate margins. Longpetioled basal leaves are present and resemble the cauline leaves. Solitary, perfect flowers terminate the stems. The radially symmetrical perianth is in 1-series and comprises 3, greenish white to creamy white sepals. Petals are absent. Fifty to 75 stamens surround 5–15 pistils. Each bearing 1 or 2 black seeds, the dark red berries are aggregated into a dense cluster. An ingredient in a number of herbal remedies, H. canadensis is an important drug plant. Its use began with American Indians who used it medicinally to treat a variety of ailments (Moerman 1998). They also used it as a dye plant. Although the species is grown commercially, the rhizomes of wild plants are still avidly sought. Wanton collecting has resulted in its extinction in many areas. alkaloids present; possible digestive or neurologic disturbances Although the genus is not known as a cause of intoxications, H. canadensis contains a number of alkaloids

Figure 62.24.

Chemical structure of hydrastine.

similar to those present in members of the Fumariaceae and Papaveraceae (Chapters 37 and 53). Perhaps the most noteworthy of these is hydrastine, a potent GABAa receptor competitive antagonist (Pammel 1911; Huang and Johnston 1990). With concentrations of hydrastine up to 2%, H. canadensis has the potential to produce striking convulsant effects like some Corydalis species (Figure 62.24). Other alkaloids present include the protoberberines such as berberine, canadaline, canadine, and corypalmine (Henry 1949; Manske and Ashford 1954; Bhakuni and Jain 1986). The quaternary berberine acts to augment tone and contraction of uterine muscles in some animals and also inhibits acetylcholinesterase. Primary concern is for irritation of the digestive tract, but based on the presence of biologically active alkaloids, neurologic and other systemic signs may also be expected.

Thalictrum L. Comprising 120–200 species, Thalictrum, commonly known as meadow rue, is almost worldwide in distribution but with greatest abundance in the northern temperate zones (Park and Festerling 1997). It is represented in North America by 22 native species and 1 introduced species that occasionally escapes cultivation. Occurring in a variety of habitats, some species have broad distributions, whereas others are quite restricted. Plants of the genus are perennial herbs arising from woody rhizomes, caudices, or tuberous roots. The short to tall stems bear alternate, 1- to 4-ternately or pinnately compound leaves, the distal ones being sessile and the proximal ones petiolate. Basal leaves are also present. Perfect or imperfect and borne singly or in terminal panicles, racemes, corymbs, or umbels, the flowers are radially symmetrical with the perianth in 1-series. The 4–10 petaloid sepals are whitish to greenish yellow or purplish. Petals are absent. The 7–30 stamens surround 1–16 simple pistils, which give rise to achenes. Plants of the genus have a reputation for use in herbal remedies. When used dried and smoked or sprinkled on

Ranunculaceae Juss.

a fire and inhaled, they effect purgation, diuresis, alleviation of stomach pains, and relief of headaches. The genus also has antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium (Wu et al. 1977). numerous alkaloids present, similar to those of Fumariaceae and Papaveraceae Although not known for their toxicity, species of Thalictrum are exceptionally rich in alkaloids, rivaling genera of the Fumariaceae and Papaveraceae (Chapter 37 and 53), with whom they share many compounds in common. Dozens of alkaloids are present in this genus, with at least some present in most species examined (Cieszynski and Borkowski 1965; Jeffs 1967; Bhakuni and Jain 1986). There are, for example, at least a dozen alkaloids in T. revolutum DC., especially in the roots (Wu et al. 1977). They include benzylisoquinolines, protoberberines, and aporphines (magnaflorine = thalictrine) (Figure 62.25). possible digestive hypotensive




Because of the complexity of the various possible alkaloid combinations, it is difficult to ascribe particular syndromes to the various species. Berberine, common to most species, weakly modifies digestive system activity, enhances uterine muscular activity, and depresses cardiac function, and magnaflorine is hypotensive through ganglionic block (Schiff and Doskotch 1970; Bhakuni and Jain 1986). Six alkaloids from T. revolutum are powerful hypotensives, moderated presumably through smooth muscle effects (Patil et al. 1963). They also depress the nervous system and have various effects on the uterus, depending on the animal species. Adding to the toxicological complexity are reports that several Old World species contain the cyanogenic glucoside triglochinin (Ettlinger and Eyjolfsson 1972; Tjon Sie Fat 1979). With such a rich array of alkaloids/toxicants, plants of Thalictrum are undoubtedly toxic, but they are apparently seldom, if ever, eaten in sufficient quantity to cause

Figure 62.25.

Chemical structure of magnaflorine.


intoxication. This is apparently due to low palatability and/or to the limited amount of plant material available in a given location. This lack of a significant problem is reminiscent of the situation with the Fumareaceae and Papaveraceae. As with other members of the Ranunculaceae, vesicant effects similar to effects of protoanemonin are ascribed to this genus. Whether these effects are due to some of the alkaloids listed above or other compounds is not clear. Although no disease has been described, the toxicants identified indicate possible digestive, neurologic, or cardiac effects.

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Chapter Sixty-Three

Rhamnaceae Juss.

Buckthorn Family Frangula Karwinskia Rhamnus Cosmopolitan in distribution but exhibiting greatest diversity in the tropics and subtropics, the Rhamnaceae, commonly known as the buckthorn family, comprises 52 genera and about 925 species (Medan and Schirarend 2004; Judd et al. 2008). It is a source of dyes, purgatives and other medicines, soap substitutes, and edible fruits, such as the jujube or Chinese date (Jury 2007). Species of the American genus Ceanothus (California lilac) are prized ornamentals. In North America, 15 genera and approximately 115 species and hybrids are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Intoxication problems are associated with 3 genera. woody vines, shrubs, or trees; leaves simple, alternate; petals typically clawed and hooded Plants trees or shrubs or woody vines; armed or not armed with thorns; bearing perfect flowers or polygamodioecious. Stems erect or twining or climbing by hooks or tendrils. Leaves simple; alternate; venation pinnate or palmate; stipules minute or spinose, caducous. Inflorescences simple cymes or panicles or corymbs or umbels or solitary flowers; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar; perianths in 2- or rarely 1-series. Sepals 5 or 4; free. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 5 or 4 or rarely absent; free; clawed or not clawed; spathulate or cucullate. Stamens 5 or 4; opposite the petals; anthers typically partially enclosed by petal hoods; epipetalous. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–4; stigmas 1, 2- to 4-lobed; styles 1; ovaries superior or inferior; locules 2–4; placentation axile; ovules 1 or 2 per locule. Hypanthia absent or present; tubular or cup shaped or annular. Fruits drupes or capsular schizocarps or septicidal capsules. Seeds 3–10; indurate or cartilaginous; often with dorsal groove.

FRANGULA MILL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to both the Old World and the New World, Frangula, commonly known as coffeeberry or buckthorn, comprises approximately 50 species (Mabberley 2008). Taxonomists have differed in their opinions as to whether the taxon is a subgenus of Rhamnus (Johnston and Johnston 1978; Medan and Schirarend 2004) or a distinct genus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses using nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences (Bolmgren and Oxelman 2004), however, support recognition of Frangula as a genus, a treatment we employ here as do the editors of the Plants Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). Members of the genus are planted occasionally as ornamentals and have been the source of dyes, medicine, and charcoal. The fruits are eaten by birds and small mammals. In North America, 6 species and 1 hybrid species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Representative and commonly encountered are the following: F. californica (Eschsch.) A.Gray (= R. californica Eschsch.) F. caroliniana (Walter) A.Gray (= R. caroliniana Walter) F. alnus Mill. (= R. frangula L.) F. purshiana (DC.) J.G.Cooper

California buckthorn, California coffeeberry, pigeonberry Carolina buckthorn, Indian cherry alder buckthorn, glossy buckthorn cascara, cascara sagrada, cascara buckthorn, chittam bark, sacred bark

(= R. purshiana DC.)

shrubs or trees; leaf venation pinnate; petals clawed, greenish or yellowish white; fruits purplish black, berry-like drupes, with 2–4 stones

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen. Stems erect; 1–10 m tall; branchlets glabrous or indumented; winter buds without bud scales. Leaves alternate or rarely subopposite; petiolate; venation pinnate; blades ovate to oblong or elliptic to obovate; margins entire or serrate or dentate; stipules minute, caducous. Inflorescences umbels or solitary flowers; axillary; sessile or peduncled. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; triangular. Petals 5; clawed; cucullate; greenish or yellowish white. Stamens 5. Pistils with carpels 2–4; styles 1; ovaries superior. Hypanthia cup shaped. Fruits drupes; globose; purplish black; stones 2–3. Seeds 1 per stone (Figure 63.1).

across continent; variety of vegetation types

Distribution and Habitat—Occurring across the continent in a variety of vegetation types and habitats, including coniferous forests, chaparral, and woodlands in the West and deciduous forests in the Southeast, some species of Frangula have broad distributions and others relatively restricted ones (USDA, NRCS 2012). Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( digestive disturbance, bark mainly, fruit and leaves less potent

Disease Problems—Species of Frangula, historically reported as species of Rhamnus in the toxicologic literature, are known mainly for their purgative effects. Their bark is an especially rich source of purgatives. Perhaps best known is F. purshiana, which yields cascara sagrada, or sacred bark, and has long been used as a cathartic for horses. The fruits and, to a lesser extent, leaves also have laxative properties. Because such a large amount of leaves is required to produce purgation, they appear to be of little hazard. However, when used as an herbal remedy, there appears to be slight risk of hepatocellular injury (Garcia-Cortez et al. 2008). glycosidic anthrones, anthraquinones, hydrolyzed to aloe-emodin; cascara sagrada

Disease Genesis—The purgative action of Frangula is due to anthrones/anthraquinones (Thomson 1971). The parent cascaroside glycosides are hydrolyzed to yield the active aglycone aloe-emodin and other compounds (Thomson 1971; Cooper and Johnson 1984). With the exception of F. alnus, little is known of the toxicity potential of other North American species of the genus (Figure 63.2).

nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea

Clinical Signs—The signs produced by Frangula are those expected with potent purgatives and include nausea, vomiting, colic, and watery/bloody diarrhea, which occur within a few hours after plants are eaten. reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Pathology and Treatment—In the rare event that the genus causes death, reddened mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract would be the main lesion expected. Treatment is symptomatic and includes the use of activated charcoal

Figure 63.1. Line drawing of Frangula caroliniana. Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Figure 63.2.

Chemical structure of aloe-emodin.

Rhamnaceae Juss.


and demulcents orally and fluids and electrolytes orally and/or parenterally.

KARWINSKIA ZUCC. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the New World, Karwinskia comprises 14 or 16 species distributed from the southwestern United States to Bolivia and the West Indies (Johnston 1966; Medan and Schirarend 2004). One species is present in our range: K. humboldtiana (Roem. ex Schult.) Zucc.

tullidora, coyotillo, buckthorn, capulín tullidor, capulincillo, wild cherry, cacatsi, callotio, coyotio, cayote, riventdore, margarita, cacachila, gallita bush, tanglefoot, negrito, pimientillo, palo negrito

Figure 63.3.

Photo of Karwinskia humboldtiana.

(= K. parvifolia Rose)

The Tropicos® Database of the Missouri Botanical Garden (2012) cites K. humboldtiana as a synonym of Rhamnus humboldtiana Willd. ex Schult., but does not provide documentation. In its absence and because of the extensive toxicologic literature using K. humboldtiana, we here continue to use the binomial as do the editors of the Plants Database (USDA, NRCS 2012). Johnston (1966) treated K. humboldtiana and K. parvifolia as distinct species, although noting that the 2 taxa appeared to intergrade morphologically.

shrubs or small trees; leaves with venation pinnate, small translucent glands; sepals 5; petals 5, clawed; fruits drupes, purple to black, with 2 or 3 stones

Plants shrubs or small trees; not armed with thorns. Stems erect 100–300 cm tall. Leaves alternate or subopposite; sessile or short petiolate; venation pinnate; blades ovate to oblong elliptic or oblong, with small translucent glands, abaxial veins with dark and light flecks; margins entire or rarely crenate. Inflorescences axillary cymes or umbels or rarely solitary flowers. Flowers perfect. Sepals 5; deltoid; deciduous or persistent in fruit. Petals 5; clawed; cucullate. Stamens 5; filaments subulate. Pistils with carpels 2 or 3; ovaries superior; locules 2 or 3; ovules 2 per locule. Hypanthia turbinate or cup shaped. Fruits drupes; ovoid to subglobose; purple to black; stones 2 or 3. Seeds 1 per stone (Figure 63.3).

Distribution and Habitat—The most widely distributed species of the genus, K. humboldtiana occurs in arroyos, bajadas, and rocky hillsides in west Texas and the northern states of Mexico (Johnston 1966).

seeds neurotoxic; progressive neuropathy with ascending paralysis, flaccid quadriplegia; all animal species but mainly a problem in children

Disease Problems—The toxicity of K. humboldtiana has been recognized for centuries, and some Indians of Mexico are reported to have made a practice of eating the sweet fruits while carefully avoiding the very toxic seeds (Marsh et al. 1928; Weller et al. 1980). Furthermore, it was recognized that signs of intoxication were delayed in onset, occurring several or more days after consumption of the fruit. The resulting paralysis, although not always permanent, was nevertheless a much feared debilitating disease. The name tullidora, which means “crippled” or “maimed,” refers to its overall effects (Weller et al. 1980). Interestingly, an extract from the roots is reputed to counteract the paralysis if given immediately upon onset of signs of intoxication (Pesman 1962). In Mexico, K. humboldtiana continues to be a very serious threat for humans, mainly because the fruits are sweet and very attractive to children who, unlike knowledgeable adults, eat the seeds with the fruit (CarradaBravo et al. 1983; Ascherio et al. 1992). Most cases are reported in the states of Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, and Tamaulipas, where there may be 8–10 cases annually; however, others report that the bush occurs throughout Mexico and there are about 20 cases per year in the country (Bermudez et al. 1986,1995; Ocampo-Roosens et al. 2007). In another study, 72 cases were reported from 1990 to 1994 mainly from arid regions of the Balsas River area and the dry central and northern areas of Mexico (Nava et al. 2000). A related species, K. calderoni, is the cause of similar disease in Central America.


Toxic Plants of North America

The disease is a progressive symmetric polyneuropathy with an ascending flaccid paralysis similar to the polyradiculoneuritis of the Guillain–Barré syndrome and possibly to the peripheral neuropathy associated with Urtica (Urticaceae, Chapter 72). The end result varies from death by respiratory arrest or bulbar paralysis to slow recovery (Bermudez et al. 1986). It is often a tragic situation whereby children of the poorest families in rural communities eat the tempting fruits without knowing to spit out the more toxic seeds. This is illustrated by cases where all siblings may be affected, thus devastating a family (Ocampo-Roosens et al. 2007). In one case, a 5-year-old girl exhibited gradual onset of flaccid quadriplegia and respiratory insufficiency several weeks after eating the fruit and seeds (Calderon-Gonzalez and Rizzi-Hernandez 1967). Even though there was loss of peripheral segmental myelin, suggestive of a primary Schwann cell effect, there was gradual recovery of limb function. In an apparent outbreak type of problem in Nicaragua, 10 children from rural areas developed signs of ascending symmetric paralysis despite being in general good health (Ascherio et al. 1992). Poliomyelitis was the initial diagnosis but was not confirmed by tests. Subsequently, it was discovered that all children had eaten the fruit of K. calderoni 1–3 weeks earlier. In experimental studies with goats using fruits, dosage at 0.025–0.15% b.w. produced, in addition to obvious neurologic effects, microscopic and serum enzymatic evidence of widespread muscular degeneration, including heart and all major skeletal muscle groups (Dewan et al. 1965; Dollahite and Henson 1965). In addition, renal failure accompanied by a significant decrease in renal ATP levels has been shown experimentally in rats given the fruits (Jaramillo-Juarez et al. 1995, 2005). These other adverse effects may help explain the rare cases in which large amounts of the plants are eaten and death occurs without the development of neurologic signs. The toxin appears to affect any animal eating the seeds—humans, goats, cattle, sheep, cats, rats, chickens, and monkeys (Marsh et al. 1928; Joiner et al. 1975).

series of complex anthracenones

Disease Genesis—The cause of the disease was initially isolated as a polyhydroxy aldehyde with a molecular weight of 544 (Kim and Camp 1972). It is now known that a series of four or more complex anthracenones is found principally in the seeds, especially when the fruit is immature (Dreyer et al. 1975). Based upon their molecular weights, the toxins have been designated T-496, T-514, T-516, and T-544 (tullidinol), differing mainly in OH, CH3, and OCH3 side groups. T-544 is generally the most abundant, with concentrations of 1% or more, and T-514

Figure 63.4.

Chemical structure of tullidinol (T-544).

is the most toxic, several times more so than the others (Bermudez et al. 1986; Flores-Otero et al. 1987; Guerrero et al. 1987). T-544 is a mixture of four isomers, one of which is karwinol A (Kim and Stipanovic 1998) (Figure 63.4). progressive degeneration of large motor peripheral nerves; dying-back syndrome The progressive paralysis characteristic of the disease is associated with degenerative changes in peripheral nerves. In an extensive series of experiments involving goats, segmental myelin and Wallerian-type degeneration were demonstrated in large and medium motor nerves, especially distal sites of long axons (Charlton and Pierce 1970a,b,c; Charlton et al. 1970, 1971). It was postulated that Schwann cell swelling and degeneration occurred first, leading to demyelination and axonal degeneration, although even at that time stasis of axonal flow was suggested. It was also noted that metabolic deficits, with mitochondrial degeneration and possibly a decrease in ATP production, were apparent, in addition to many obvious intra-axonal structural changes and decreases in neuronal conduction velocity. Further studies were supportive of the role of mitochondrial respiration deficits (with uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation) and the preeminence of Schwann cell injury (Wheeler and Camp 1971; Mitchell et al. 1978). However, in other studies, it became apparent that axonal changes were not necessarily coupled to or secondary to Schwann cell injury. disruption of axoplasmal transport, degeneration of distal axonal segment initially, followed by myelin degeneration

Rhamnaceae Juss.

A decrease in axoplasmal transport was suggested as an alternative mechanism that caused axonal degeneration (Munoz-Martinez and Chavez 1979). Experiments in cats demonstrated a 50% or more reduction in myelin protein in motor nerves and a 25% reduction in cutaneous nerves (Aoki and Munoz-Martinez 1981). Maximal reduction occurred in the distal portion of the sciatic nerve. It was concluded that the toxin entered through the motor nerve terminus, and degeneration began distally. Effects on neuronal synthesis and axonal transport of proteins in long axons were demonstrated in these and further studies (Aoki and Munoz-Martinez 1981; Munoz-Martinez et al. 1981,1984; Heath et al. 1982). In mice exposed to T-496 and T-544 from 48 hours to 14 days, the sequence of effects began with axonal changes, including focal swelling, axoplasmal disruption, Wallerian degeneration, and later myelin degeneration (Heath et al. 1982). Eventually, axons were shown to be affected first and myelin second, with axons and Schwann cells perhaps affected independently (Hernandez-Cruz and Munoz-Martinez 1983; Munoz-Martinez et al. 1983). Degeneration of the axon begins distally at the myoneural junction and extends retrograde to the proximal portion, resulting in a type of “dying back process.” The more highly branched, large motor nerves of the pelvic limbs seem to be more susceptible to the axoplasmal transport deficit. Small branched nerves of the diaphragm and those to the eye muscles are affected little, if at all. In some cases of long duration, there is impulse transmission, presumably between degenerated/demyelinated axons, resulting in multiple discharges and spontaneous firing (HernandezCruz and Munoz-Martinez 1984). Axonal regeneration and remyelination occur in some animals, apparently accounting for the reported recoveries from the disease (Charlton and Pierce 1970a; Joiner et al. 1975). Studies in rats given fruits at days 1, 3, 7, 10, and 14 show not only the typical progressive paralysis with segmental demyelination through 58 days but also remyelination by 112 days (Salazar-Leal et al. 2006). Also, as shown in rats, in addition to peripheral neuropathy, there are significant central nervous system changes in motor pathways from degeneration and loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and neuronal degeneration, but not necrosis in the motor cortex (Becerra-Verdin et al. 2009). Thus there are effects on the motor neural pathways from central to peripheral. Kinetics of T-514, as determined in rabbits, shows a moderately long half-time in serum of 3.5 hours, a volume of distribution of 5.61 l/kg b.w., and a clearance rate of 18.7 mL/min per kg b.w. (Adame-Reyna et al. 1994). The relatively rapid clearance suggests that either some of the toxin is strongly bound in neurons or that damage to the neuron is quickly initiated but takes several weeks for sufficient degeneration to occur to cause signs of


intoxication. Higher dosage then yields more rapid effects on other tissues where signs of degeneration occur more quickly. Although it was originally thought that the seeds were singularly toxic, it is now known that all plant parts are so—leaves the least, fruit pulp intermediate, and seeds the most (Marsh et al. 1928). In addition, there may be considerable seasonal and geographical variation in toxicant concentration (Guerrero et al. 1987). Interestingly, toxicity of seeds appears to decrease severalfold with maturation. This occurs in spite of relatively constant levels of T-514 and T-544 (Bermudez et al. 1986). The toxins are cumulative in effect, although a single dose of 0.1–0.2% b.w. of fruits and seeds may be lethal in cattle and sheep (Marsh et al. 1928). Goats, guinea pigs, and chickens require slightly higher dosage. Leaves, being less toxic, must be eaten daily for several weeks at approximately 1% b.w. to produce severe illness or death. Whether by single or repeated dosage, onset of signs of intoxication typically occurs 1–2 weeks after initial ingestion. Although the disease is primarily of neurologic importance because of axonal degeneration, there are other neurologic changes and important extraneural effects (Ortiz et al. 1992; Pineyro-Lopez et al. 1994). The toxins have marked effects on the liver and lungs in vitro and in vivo, and acute deaths following large doses may be due to hepatic or respiratory effects (Bermudez et al. 1986,1992; Garza-Ocanas et al. 1992). Both T-514 and T-544 cause hemorrhage and necrosis of the liver and death in a few days at dosages of the fruit of 2–5 mg/kg b.w. in mice (Bermudez et al. 1986). The toxins have also been shown to be teratogenic and embryotoxic in mice (Martinez de Villarreal et al. 1990). One-half of the LD50 of T-544, but not T-514, given at day 8 of gestation resulted in an increased incidence of fetal resorptions and malformations in mice (ValadezAlvizo et al. 1993). animals: gradual onset, days to weeks; increased alertness, hypersensitivity, tremors, weakness of limbs, loss of motor control, collapse

Clinical Signs—There is gradual onset of signs several days to weeks after initial ingestion of Karwinskia, beginning with increased alertness, hypersensitivity to touch and sounds, and tremors. These are followed by weakness of the legs with a stumbling/staggering gait, then dragging of the pelvic limbs, and finally loss of motor control and recumbency. In some animals, there may be spasmodic leg movements and a stiff/stilted gait with exaggerated leg actions. Although they may be paralyzed, sensory and autonomic functions are not compromised, and thus eating, drinking, rumination, urination, and defecation


Toxic Plants of North America

are not adversely affected. In monkeys there is abnormal high-stepping involving the pelvic limbs and rapid progression to flaccid paralysis (Joiner et al. 1975). Cerebrospinal fluid analysis results will be within normal values for protein and cells.

When large doses of Karwinskia are consumed and death occurs quickly, hepatic necrosis and pulmonary congestion are the most consistent findings.

general nursing care humans: ascending paralysis, tendon reflexes absent, sensory normal, decreased motor conduction, normal CSF

In humans, mainly young children, there is gradual onset of ascending systemic paralysis, beginning with the pelvic limbs and ascending to the upper body over 3–7 days. Tendon reflexes are absent in affected areas, but there are no sensory deficits and no cranial nerve involvement. Motor nerve conduction velocities will be markedly reduced. The hallmark of the disease is a progressive peripheral polyneuropathy with segmental demyelination, which can be demonstrated by electromyography. A telltale sign is said to be the presence of claw-like hands (Ocampo-Roosens et al. 2007). Cerebrospinal fluid examination will reveal normal values for glucose and proteins and a lack of cells. Diagnosis can be aided by peripheral nerve biopsy and especially by analysis of blood, using a thin-layer chromatographic method for detection of the toxins (T-514) (Bermudez et al. 1995; Martinez et al. 1998).

gross pathology: few lesions; microscopic: Wallerian degeneration, demyelination, Schwann cell swelling, and degeneration of large motor axons

Treatment—Little can be done to counteract the effects of the toxins, although daily administration of thiamine hydrochloride is reported to be of some benefit (Weller et al. 1980). This may be especially relevant because thiamine deficiency itself is reported to cause an acute axonal polyneuropathy (Ishibashi et al. 2003). The primary hope is to nurse individuals through the paralytic period to allow nerve regeneration and/or compensatory adjustment for a persisting neurologic deficit.

RHAMNUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to both the Old and New World, Rhamnus, commonly known as buckthorn, comprises about 70 species (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek name Rhamnos for the genus (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). On the basis of molecular phylogenetic analyses, its circumscription has been narrowed, with Frangula again recognized as a distinct genus (Bolmgren and Oxelman 2004). Species of Rhamnus differ from those of Frangula by having winter buds with bud scales, producing flowers that are 4- or 5-merous and perfect or more commonly functionally imperfect, and having flowers that appear before the leaves are fully developed. In North America, 7 native and 5 introduced species occur (USDA, NRCS 2012), of which 1 is toxicologically well known: R. cathartica L.

Pathology—There are few gross pathologic lesions other than scattered petechia and congestion of lungs, liver, and kidneys. Microscopically, there is mild renal tubular degeneration, myocardial degeneration, pulmonary congestion, and hepatocellular necrosis. The lesions of primary interest are those of the peripheral nervous system. Large motor axons (sciatic) are preferentially affected; Wallerian degeneration, demyelination, and swelling and degeneration of Schwann cells are the most pronounced changes. Swollen axons of white and gray areas of the spinal cord and swollen Purkinje’s cells of the cerebellum are also seen. There may also be evidence of remyelination and axonal regeneration. In addition to the peripheral neuropathy, there may be effects on the central nervous system, with varying degrees of degeneration and loss of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum and neuronal degeneration in pyramidal layers of the cerebral cortex.

common buckthorn, hartshorn, purging buckthorn

In some publications, the specific epithets of Rhamnus end in -us rather than -a, for example, catharticus; their authors contending that the -us ending should be used to make the specific epithet and generic name agree in gender. The rules of botanical nomenclature, however, provide for exceptional endings in Rhamnus and several other genera of familiar trees.

shrubs or trees; petals clawed, greenish or yellowish white; fruits drupes, brown, orange-red, purplish black, with 2–4 stones

Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; armed or not armed with thorns; bearing perfect flowers or

Rhamnaceae Juss.


anthraquinones as the species of Frangula (Thomson 1971). Although the effects of R. cathartica are well documented, little is known of the toxicity potential of the other species of the genus. same as for Frangula; nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea; reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The signs

Figure 63.5.

Photo of Rhamnus cathartica.

polygamodioecious. Stems erect; 1–10 m tall; branchlets glabrous or indumented; buds with bud scales. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite; petiolate; venation pinnate; blades ovate to oblong or elliptic to obovate; margins entire or serrate or dentate; stipules small; deciduous. Inflorescences umbels or solitary flowers; axillary; sessile or peduncled. Flowers perfect or imperfect; perianths in 2- or 1-series. Sepals 5 or 4; triangular. Petals 5 or 4 or absent; clawed; cucullate; greenish or yellowish white. Stamens 5 or 4. Pistils with carpels 2–4; styles 1, not divided or 2–4 divided; ovaries superior; locules 2–4; ovules 1 per locule. Hypanthia campanulate or cup shaped. Fruits drupes; oblong or globose; brown to orange-red to purplish black; stones 2–4. Seeds 1 per stone (Figure 63.5).

Distribution and Habitat—Native to Europe and western Asia and widely planted for centuries, R. cathartica was introduced as an ornamental (Little 1980). It has naturalized throughout the northern half of the continent in disturbed areas such as roadsides, fence rows, power line rights-of-way, and vacant lots, especially wet soils (Barnes and Wagner 2004). It is classified as a noxious species (USDA, NRCS 2012). Other species of Rhamnus, some restricted in distribution and others more widely distributed, are encountered across the continent. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants.

same as Frangula; digestive disturbance, bark mainly, fruit and leaves less potent; same

Disease Problems and Disease Genesis—As both its specific epithet and common name imply, R. cathartica has long been used as a purgative. Species of Rhamnus produce the same effects and have the same anthrones/

produced by Rhamnus are those expected with potent purgatives and include nausea, vomiting, colic, and watery/bloody diarrhea, which occur within a few hours after the plants are eaten. In the rare event that the genus causes death, reddened mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract would be the main lesion expected. Treatment is symptomatic and includes the use of activated charcoal and demulcents orally and fluids and electrolytes orally and/or parenterally.

REFERENCES Adame-Reyna M, Guerrero-Olazaran M, Belmontes-Hernandez R, Viader-Salvado JM. Pharmacokinetic design for use in preclinical phase: application to the study of anthracenone. Rev Invest Clin 46;53–58, 1994. Aoki K, Munoz-Martinez EJ. Quantitative changes in myelin proteins in a peripheral neuropathy caused by tullidora (Karwinskia humboldtiana). J Neurochem 36;1–8, 1981. Ascherio A, Bermudez CS, Garcia D. Outbreak of buckthorn paralysis in Nicaragua. J Trop Pediatr 38;87–89, 1992. Barnes BV, Wagner WH Jr. Michigan Trees Revised and Updated: A guide to the Trees of the Great Lakes Region. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 2004. Becerra-Verdin EM, Bermudez-Barba MV, Salazar-Leal ME, Rodriguez JA, Romero-Diaz V, Soto-Dominguez A, BallesterosEliozondo RG, Saucedo-Cardenas O, Lopez AP, SepulvedaSaavedra J. Karwinskia humboldtiana (buckthorn) fruit causes central nervous system damage during chronic intoxication in the rat. Toxicon 53;645–651, 2009. Bermudez MV, Gonzalez-Spencer D, Guerrero M, Waksman N, Pineyro A. Experimental intoxication with fruit and purified toxins of buckthorn (Karwinskia humboldtiana). Toxicon 24;11–12, 1986. Bermudez MV, Martinez FJ, Salazar ME, Waksman N, Pineyro A. Experimental acute intoxication with ripe fruit of Karwinskia humboldtiana (tullidora) in rat, guinea-pig, hamster, and dog. Toxicon 30;1493–1496, 1992. Bermudez MV, Lozano-Melendez FE, Tamez-Rodriguez VA, Diaz-Cuello G, Pineyro-Lopez A. Frequency of intoxication with Karwinskia humboldtiana in Mexico. Salud Publica Mex 37;57–62, 1995. Bolmgren K, Oxelman B. Generic limits in Rhamnus L. s.l. (Rhamnaceae) inferred from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence phylogenies. Taxon 53;383–390, 2004.


Toxic Plants of North America

Calderon-Gonzalez R, Rizzi-Hernandez H. Buckthorn polyneuropathy. N Engl J Med 277;69–71, 1967. Carrada-Bravo T, Lopez LH, Vasquez AG, Ley-Lopez A. Brote epidemico de poliradiculoneuritis por tullidora Karwinskia humboldtiana. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 40;139–147, 1983. Charlton KM, Pierce KR. A neuropathy in goats caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana) poisoning. 2. Lesions in the peripheral nervous system. Pathol Vet 7;385– 407, 1970a. Charlton KM, Pierce KR. A neuropathy in goats caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana) poisoning. 3. Distribution of lesions in peripheral nerves. Pathol Vet 7;408–419, 1970b. Charlton KM, Pierce KR. A neuropathy in goats caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana) poisoning. 4. Light and electron microscopic lesions in peripheral nerves. Pathol Vet 7;420–434, 1970c. Charlton KM, Pierce KR, Storts RW, Bridges CH. A neuropathy in goats caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana) poisoning. 5. Lesions in the central nervous system. Pathol Vet 7;435–447, 1970. Charlton KM, Claborn LD, Pierce KR. A neuropathy in goats caused by experimental coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana) poisoning: clinical and neurophysiologic studies. Am J Vet Res 32;1381–1389, 1971. Cooper MR, Johnson AW. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Ref Book 161. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1984. Dewan ML, Henson JB, Dollahite JW, Bridges CH. Toxic myodegeneration in goats produced by feeding mature fruits from the coyotillo plant (Karwinskia humboldtiana). Am J Pathol 46;215–226, 1965. Dollahite JW, Henson JB. Toxic plants as the etiologic agent of myopathies in animals. Am J Vet Res 26;749–752, 1965. Dreyer DL, Arai I, Bachman CD, Anderson WR Jr., Smith RG, Daves GDJ. Toxins causing noninflammatory paralytic neuronopathy: isolation and structure elucidation. J Am Chem Soc 97;4985–4990, 1975. Flores-Otero G, Cueva J, Munoz-Martinez EJ, Rubio-Franchini C. Spectrophotometric and chromatographic detection of Karwinskia humboldtiana (tullidora) toxin in rat serum after tullidora ingestion. Toxicon 25;419–426, 1987. Garcia-Cortez M, Borraz Y, Lucena MI, Pelaez G, Salmeron J, Diago M, Martinez-Sierra MC, Navarro JM, Planas R, Soria MJ, Bruguera M, Andrade RJ. Liver injury induced by “natural remedies”: an analysis of cases submitted to the Spanish Liver Toxicity Registry. Rev Esp Enferm Dig 100;688– 695, 2008. Garza-Ocanas L, Hsieh GC, Acosta D, Torres-Alanis O. Toxicity assessment of toxins T-514 and T-544 of buckthorn (Karwinskia humboldtiana) in primary skin and liver cell cultures. Toxicology 73;191–201, 1992. Guerrero M, Pineyro A, Waksman N. Extraction and quantification of toxins from Karwinskia humboldtiana (tullidora). Toxicon 25;565–568, 1987. Heath JW, Ueda S, Bornstein MB, Daves GD Jr., Raine CS. Buckthorn neuropathy in vitro: evidence for a primary neuronal effect. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 41;204–220, 1982.

Hernandez-Cruz A, Munoz-Martinez EJ. Distal reduction of the conduction velocity of alpha-axons in tullidora (buckthorn) neuropathy. Exp Neurol 82;335–343, 1983. Hernandez-Cruz A, Munoz-Martinez EJ. Axon-to-axon transmission in tullidora (buckthorn) neuropathy. Exp Neurol 84;533–548, 1984. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Ishibashi S, Yokota T, Shiojiri T, Matunaga T, Tanaka H, Nishina K, Inaba A, Yamada M, Kanda T, Mizusawa H. Reversible acute axonal polyneuropathy associated with WernickeKorsakoff syndrome: impaired physiological nerve conduction due to thiamine deficiency? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 74;674–676, 2003. Jaramillo-Juarez F, Ortiz GG, Rodriguez-Vasquez ML, FalconFranco MA, Feria-Velasco A. Renal failure during acute toxicity produced by tullidora ingestion (Karwinskia humboldtiana). Gen Pharmacol 26;649–653, 1995. Jaramillo-Juarez F, Rodriguez-Vasquez ML, Munoz-Martinez J, Quezada-Tristan T, Del Rio FAP, Llamas-Viramontes J, Ortiz GG, Feria-Velasco A, Reyes JL. The ATP levels in kidneys and blood are mainly decreased by acute ingestion of tullidora (Karwinskia humboldtiana). Toxicon 46;99–103, 2005. Johnston MC. Systematic studies in the plant genus Karwinskia in Mexico and Central America. Yearb Am Philos Soc 1966;351–357, 1966. Johnston MC, Johnston LVA. Rhamnus. In Flora Neotropica, Monograph 20, Organization for Flora Neotropica, New York, 1978. Joiner GN, Russell LH, Bush DE, Gleiser CA, Johnston TD, Fedigan L, Fedigan L. A spontaneous neuropathy of freeranging Japanese macaques. Lab Anim Sci 25;232–237, 1975. Judd WS, Campbell CS, Kellogg EA, Stevens PF, Donoghue MJ. Plant Systematics a Phylogenetic Approach, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2008. Jury SL. Rhamnaceae: buckthorn, jujube. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 277– 278, 2007. Kim HL, Camp BJ. Isolation of a neurotoxic substance from Karwinskia humboldtiana Zucc. (Rhamnaceae). Toxicon 10; 83–84, 1972. Kim HL, Stipanovic RD. Isolation of karwinol A from coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana) fruits. In Toxic Plants and Other Natural Toxicants. Garland T, Barr AC, eds. CAB International, New York, pp. 440–446, 1998. Little EL. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Trees Eastern Region. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1980. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Marsh CD, Clawson AB, Roe GC. Coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana) as a Poisonous Plant. USDA Tech Bull 29, 1928. Martinez HR, Bermudez MV, Rangel-Guerra RA, Flores LL. Clinical diagnosis in Karwinskia humboldtiana polyneuropathy. J Neurol Sci 154;49–54, 1998. Martinez de Villarreal L, Velazco-Campos R, Pineyro Lopes A, Gonzalez Alanis R. Effects of toxin T-544 from the Karwinskia humboldtiana (buckthorn) plant upon mouse embryos explanted at 11 days. Toxicon 28;449–452, 1990.

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Pesman MW. Meet Flora Mexicana. DS King, Globe, AZ, 1962. Pineyro-Lopez A, Martinez De Villarreal L, Gonzalez-Alanis R. In vitro selective toxicity of toxin T-514 from Karwinskia humboldtiana (buckthorn) plant on various human tumor cell lines. Toxicology 92;217–227, 1994. Salazar-Leal ME, Flores MS, Sepulveda-Saavedra J, RomeroDiaz VJ, Becerra-Verdin EM, Tamez-Rodriguez VA, Martinez HR, Pineyro-Lopez A, Bermudez MV. An experimental model of peripheral neuropathy induced in rats by Karwinskia humboldtiana (buckthorn) fruit. J Peripher Nerv Syst 11;253–261, 2006. Thomson RH. Naturally Occurring Quinones, 2nd ed. Academic Press, London, 1971. Tropicos® Database of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Missouri Botanical Garden,, April 12, 2012. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Valadez-Alvizo R, Rodriguez-Alvarado A, Martinez De Villarreal L, Gonzalez-Alanis R, Pineyro-Lopez A. Effect of toxins 544 and 514 from Karwinskia humboldtiana (buckthorn) plant upon fetal development of the mouse. Toxicon 31;1329– 1332, 1993. Weller RO, Mitchell J, Daves GD. Buckthorn (Karwinskia humboldtiana) toxins. In Experimental and Clinical Neurotoxicology. Spencer PS, Schaumburg HH, eds. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, pp. 336–347, 1980. Wheeler MH, Camp BJ. Inhibitory and uncoupling actions of extracts from Karwinskia humboldtiana on respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. Life Sci 10(2);41–51, 1971.

Chapter Sixty-Four

Rosaceae Juss.

Rose Family Amelanchier Cercocarpus Cotoneaster Heteromeles Malus Photinia

Prunus Pyracantha Rhodotypos Questionable Coleogyne Spiraea

Cosmopolitan in distribution but with greatest diversity in temperate and subtropical regions of eastern Asia, Europe, and North America, the Rosaceae, or rose family, is one of the larger families, comprising 85–100 genera, approximately 2000 sexual species, and 1300–1500 apomictic (asexual) microspecies (Kalkman 2004; Jury 2007). In North America, approximately 72 genera and 900 species, numerous hybrids, and a plethora of cultivars are present (Kartesz 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). Although exhibiting considerable variation in vegetative, floral, and fruit characters, the monophyly of the family is well documented (Potter et al. 2007). Its genera were long grouped, on the basis of fruit types, in 4 subfamilies and 8–18 tribes (Cronquist 1981). Phylogenetic analyses of molecular, biochemical, and cytological data (Potter et al. 2007), however, support recognition of only 3 subfamilies— Rosoideae (roses, blackberries, strawberries), Spiraeoideae (spiraeas, apples, peaches, pears, hawthorns), and Dryadoideae (chamise, jetbeads, mountain avens). erect herbs, shrubs or trees; corollas radially symmetrical; petals free; stamens typically numerous Plants trees or shrubs or herbs; annuals or perennials; armed or not armed with thorns or prickles. Stems erect or arching. Leaves basal to cauline; simple or 1-pinnately compound or palmately compound; alternate or rarely opposite; venation pinnate or palmate; leaflets of compound leaves 3–15, terminal one present; stipules present

or rarely absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or simple cymes or racemes or spikes or panicles or clusters; terminal or axillary. Flowers produced before or simultaneously with or after leaves; fragrant or not fragrant; perfect or rarely imperfect; perianths in 2- or 1-series. Sepals typically 5 or rarely 4; free or fused; herbaceous or rarely petaloid. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals typically 5, or rarely 4 or 10 or more; free; of various colors but predominantly white or pink or yellow. Stamens numerous or rarely 1; in 1 or more whorls; arising from receptacles or hypanthia. Pistils numerous or 1; simple or compound, carpels 1–5; stigmas 1–5; styles 1–5, free; ovaries superior or inferior; locules 1–5; placentation axile or basal. Hypanthia present or absent; cup shaped or saucer shaped or tubular. Nectaries absent or present; hypanthial. Fruits achenes or drupes or follicles or pomes or hips, or aggregates of drupelets or achenes. Seeds 1 to numerous. major disease problems—cyanogensis, neurotoxic; digestive disturbance, mechanical obstruction

DISEASE PROBLEMS The Rosaceae is of considerable economic importance and is especially well known in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere for its edible fruits and ornamental shrubs and trees (Jury 2007). Other species are valued as browse for wild ruminants and livestock (Dayton 1931). Cyanogenesis, however, is characteristic of many genera and is the predominant disease problem in the family. The potential toxicity of some species consumed as food is also known. For example, the poisonous nature of peach stones/seeds has been recognized for centuries. Blyth in 1895 indicated that toxicity of the seeds was well known to the Egyptians (Herbert 1979). Subsequently, they were used by the Romans as a suicide poison. Extracts used in trials and for execution purposes were known as the “penalty of the peach.” In recent years use

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Rosaceae Juss.

of apricot and peach seeds as natural flavorings has come into vogue with health food faddists. Unfortunately, there have been serious intoxications due to these products. In addition, the use of laetrile (a modification of amygdalin also known as Vitamin B17) for treatment of various ailments, especially neoplasia, resulted in serious intoxications (Herbert 1979; Chandler et al. 1984). In those instances, the signs are often of slow onset and persistent over several days. Although not confirmed as a risk, fruits of species of Crataegus (hawthorn) have been suggested to cause cardiotoxic effects (Turner and Szczawinski 1979). In addition to chemical intoxications, there is a potential for other problems from ingestion of large amounts of the fruit of some members of the Rosaceae. Mechanical problems and colic due to bowel obstruction similar to that caused by sand have been reported for horses that ingested large amounts of fruits of Crataegus crus-galli (Rook et al. 1991). Overeating of ripe fruits may also cause other types of digestive disturbance. cyanogenesis predominant problem; characteristic of many genera

DISEASE GENESIS Cyanogenesis is a consistent feature among many genera of the family. Although there are numerous examples of cyanogenic taxa (Table 64.1), few are serious risks to livestock. In the Rosaceae, Prunus laurocerasus, P. serotina, and P. virginiana are the most consistent cyanogenic threats. Most of the other cyanogenic taxa do not contain HCN potential of a hazardous magnitude or maintain it throughout the year. Representative species of those Table 64.1.


genera more specifically associated with serious toxicity problems are presented in the discussion of individual genera. Unless otherwise noted, the genera discussed individually can be considered to be cyanogenic. Cyanogenesis is an important feature of numerous genera in other families as well, mainly those of Berberidaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Juncaginaceae, Poaceae, Leguminosae, and Linaceae (Seigler 1976a,b). The ubiquitousness of the phenomenon in flowering plants is exemplified by the numbers of cyanogenic taxa given in various reports of its occurrence. For example, Seigler (1976b) identified 135 species in 46 families; Gibbs (1974a) observed a positive test for cyanide in 232 species of 135 genera and 58 families; and Saupe (1981) estimated that about 2000 species from 110 families were cyanogenic. Very low HCN potential has even been reported for the forages of barley, rice, and wheat (Conn 1979). Numerous reviews of this important toxicologic problem have been published, for example, Seigler (1977, 1981), Poulton (1983), and Tewe and Iyayi (1989). While cyanide intoxication in humans due to ingestion of cyanogenic plants themselves is rare, there is considerable concern regarding the role of chemical forms of cyanide as public health threats in environmental terrorism, thus the discussion of antidotes such as hydroxycobalamin in the treatment section (Sauer and Keim 2001; Busl and Bleck 2012). cyanogenic glycosides, hydrolyzed by glycosidases in plant tissues to HCN or cyanide Cyanide (CN) in plants occurs mainly as O-β-glycosides of α-hydroxynitriles, of which about 24 are synthesized by plants from amino acids (Seigler 1977). Most are

Genera and species of the Rosaceae for which cyanogenic potential is reported.

Species Adenostoma A. fasciculatum A. sparsifolium Amelanchier A. alnifolia A. arborea A. bartramiana A. canadensis A. humilis A. laevis Aronia A. arbutifolia A. melanocarpa A. ×prunifolia Aruncus A. dioicus (=Spiraea aruncus)

Compound and plant part

Common name(s)

lvs lvs

chamise, greasewood red shank

P, all/A, frs ? lvs P, all/A, frs sds sds, lvs

Saskatoon serviceberry Juneberry, shadberry mountain Juneberry shadblow serviceberry low serviceberry Allegheny serviceberry

lvs lvs lvs

chokeberry black chokeberry purple-fruited chokeberry


goatsbeard (Continued)


Toxic Plants of North America

Table 64.1. (Continued) Species Cercocarpus C. intricatus C. ledifolius C. montanus (numerous varieties) C. traskiae Chaenomeles C. speciosa (=C. lagenaria) Cotoneaster C. acutifolius C. adpressus C. apiculatus C. bullatus C. buxifolius C. congestus C. dammeri C. dielsianus C. divaricatus C. franchetii C. horizontalis C. “Hybridus Pendulus” C. integerrimus C. lucidus C. microphyllus C. multiflorus C. “Nan Shan” (=C. praecox) C. pannosus C. roseus C. zabelii Coleogyne C. ramosissima Crataegus C. chrysocarpa (=C. irrasa) C. coccinea (=C. pedicellata) C. crus-galli C. curvisepala C. flabellata (=C. iracunda) C. intricata C. monogyna C. phaenopyrum C. pruinosa Cydonia C. oblonga Docynia D. delavayii Eriobotrya E. japonica Exochorda E. giraldii E. serratifolia Heteromeles H. arbutifolia Kerria K. japonica Malus M. angustifolia M. baccata M. coronaria

Compound and plant part

Common name(s)

lvs lvs lvs lvs

dwarf mountain mahogany curl-leaf mountain mahogany mountain mahogany Catalina Island mountain mahogany

lvs, sds

flowering quince

lvs ? ? P/A sds, lvs P P P/A ? sds, lvs sds, lvs P P/A ? P, lvs P P/A sds, lvs ? ?

Peking cotoneaster creeping cotoneaster cranberry cotoneaster

Pyrenees cotoneaster bearberry cotoneaster spreading cotoneaster rock cotoneaster

hedge cotoneaster littleleaf cotoneaster many-flowered cotoneaster



lvs lvs lvs sds, lvs lvs sds, lvs frs lvs lvs

fireberry hawthorn scarlet hawthorn cockspur hawthorn hawthorn fanleaf hawthorn thicket hawthorn European hawthorn Washington hawthorn frosty hawthorn

P, lvs, sds/A


lvs A

loquat, Japanese plum

lvs lvs

redbud pearlbush

P, all

California holly


Japanese kerria

? sds sds

southern crabapple Siberian crab sweet crabapple

Rosaceae Juss. Table 64.1.




Compound and plant part

Common name(s)

M. pumila M. sylvestris Neviusia N. alabamensis Oemleria cerasiformis (=Nuttallia cerasiformis) Peraphyllum P. ramosissimum Photinia P. davidiana (=Stranvaesia davidiana) P. davidsoniae P. prionophylla P. serratifolia (=P. serrulata) P. villosa Porteranthus P. trifoliatus (=Gillenia trifoliata) Prunus P. alleghaniensis P. armeniaca P. avium P. brachybotrya P. caroliniana P. cerasus P. domestica P. dulcis (=P. amygdalus) P. laurocerasus P. lusitanica P. lyonii P. macrophylla P. myrtifolia P. nigra P. occidentalis P. padus P. pensylvanica P. persica P. pumila P. serotina P. serrulata P. spinosa P. tomentosa P. virginiana Pyracantha P. coccinea Pyrus sensu lato Innominate species Rhodotypos R. scandens Sorbaria S. kirilowii (=S. arborea) S. sorbifolia Sorbus S. americana S. aucuparia Spiraea S. japonica S. prunifolia


common apple common crabapple

lvs lvs

snow wreath Indian plum, osoberry


squaw apple

P, lvs lvs lvs A/lvs sds

Chinese photinia Oriental photinia


Bowman’s root

? P, lvs/A P, lvs lvs, frs lvs P/A lvs A P, lvs/A lvs lvs P, lvs sd shs sds P, lvs/A ? P/A lvs P, lvs P lvs lvs ?

Allegheny plum apricot sweet cherry, gean aguacatillo laurel cherry sour pie cherry European plum almond cherry laurel laurel, Portugal laurel Catalina cherry

European bird cherry bird or pin cherry peach sand or dwarf cherry black cherry flowering cherry blackthorn, sloe bush cherry chokecherry


pyracantha, firethorn


crabapple, pear



lvs lvs

false spiraea Ural false spiraea

? P, shs/A

American Mountain ash mountain ash, rowan tree

? lvs

Japanese spiraea bridal wreath

wild plum

Sources: Kingsbury (1964); Gibbs (1974a,b); Seigler (1976a,b, 1977); Fikenscher et al. (1981); Saupe (1981); and Barnea et al. (1993). A, amygdalin; P, prunasin; lvs, leaves; sds, seeds; frs, fruits; shs, shoots; ?, unknown; all, all plant parts.


Toxic Plants of North America

Table 64.2. Representative cyanogenic glycosides in Rosaceae and genera of other families. Glycoside

Examples of plant sources

acacipetalin amygdalin dhurrin holocalin p-hydroxy-mandelonitrile Linamarin + lotaustralin

Acacia Rosaceae only Sorghum, Juncus Sambucus Nandina, Thalictrum Phaseolus, Manihot, Linum, Thalictrum Trifolium Rosaceae, Eremophila, Eucalyptus, Linaria, Sambucus Sambucus Taxus, Phyllanthus Triglochin Vicia Zieria, Sambucus

lotaustralin + linamarin prunasin

sambunigrin taxiphyllin triglochinin vicianin zierin

Sources: McIlroy (1951); Gibbs (1974a); Seigler (1977).

monoglycosides of mandelonitrile or its hydroxy derivative, including dhurrin, prunasin, sambunigrin, taxiphyllin, and zierin (Table 64.2). Because CN is toxic to all living cells it is therefore present in vacuoles of plant cells in a nontoxic form—a glycoside—and normally maintained in that form. The concentrations of any free CN are regulated by various enzymatic pathways such as the mitochondrial βcyanoalanine synthase, which utilizes cysteine to form asparagine (Siegien and Bogatek 2006). CN functions as a defense against herbivory and also in regulatory/ signaling activity in the plant. Concentrations are increased as a protective mechanism during various types of stress in part via ethylene synthesis but the excesses are normally controlled by the above enzymatic pathways. However, herbicides such as 2,4-D, which stimulate ethylene biosynthesis, markedly increase plant CN levels as part of their mechanism of action (Grossman 2003; Siegien and Bogatek 2006). This may temporarily enhance the cyanogenic potential of herbicide-treated plants. Cyanogenic glycosides also play a role in allelopathic properties of plants. Production or release of cyanide is typically a two-step process. Initially there is hydrolysis by β-glycosidases (emulsin in the Rosaceae) to yield a sugar and an aliphatic or aromatic α-hydroxy nitrile aglycone (cyanohydrin). Subsequently there is formation of an aldehyde or a ketone—typically benzaldehyde—and the toxic hydrogen cyanide (HCN), or prussic acid (Conn 1979). The latter reaction may proceed with or without the enzymatic action of hydroxynitrile lyase. In the case of amygdalin and vicianin, diglycosides of mandelonitrile, there is a

three-step enzymatic pathway because of the necessity of hydrolysis of the second sugar to form the monoglycoside. Many of the β-glycosidases are specific for the individual glycosides with which they co-occur (Hosel 1981). In a few instances plant species or specific plant parts may contain cyanogenic glycosides but lack the appropriate glycosidase; these taxa are generally of minor importance toxicologically. In other situations glycosidase may be present only during certain stages of growth (Swain et al. 1992). In addition to cyanogenic glycosides, there are cyanide-containing lipids from Sapindaceae, but these compounds do not represent a source of HCN for animals. almost exclusively diglucoside amygdalin and monoglucoside prunasin Cyanogenesis in the Rosaceae is associated almost exclusively with amygdalin and prunasin; these glycosides are used as taxonomic characters in subdividing the family into subfamilies (Saupe 1981). Both are derived from phenylalanine and differ only in size; amygdalin is a diglucoside and prunasin is a monoglucoside. Amygdalin is found only in the Rosaceae, where it is present in seeds of some species (Seigler 1981). Prunasin is found in other families as well as the Rosaceae. Typically, cyanogenesis from ingestion of foliage is due to prunasin, and from seeds is due either to amygdalin or prunasin. Exceptions to the exclusiveness of these glycosides for Rosaceae are the leucine-derived (S)-cardiospermin-p-hydroxybenzoate present in Sorbaria kirilowii and the methylbut2-ene nitriles of Oemleria cerasiformis (Saupe 1981; Lechtenberg et al. 1994). For an extensive discussion of the chemotaxonomic relationships of the Rosaceae, see Hegnauer (1961, 1973, 1986, 1990) (Figure 64.1). cyanogenic glycosides and hydrolytic enzymes separated in outer plant tissues; released by chewing and other damage to plant tissues Under normal growing conditions, the glycoside in vacuoles and hydrolytic enzymes in the free diffusional space outside the plasma membrane are separated in the plant. This is clearly demonstrated in studies with Sorghum in the Poaceae, and with Phaseolus in the Fabaceae (Saunders and Conn 1978; Kojima et al. 1979; Conn 1991).

Figure 64.1.

Chemical structure of amygdalin.

Rosaceae Juss.

The specific sites may not be the same for all cyanogenic plant species, but in general the glycosides are located in the epidermis. The tendency for the highest concentrations of glycosides to occur in the outer portions is true for leaves, roots, stems, or tree trunks (Gomez et al. 1980; Reilly and Okie 1985). This distribution is exemplified by the marked difference in glycoside concentrations in different tissues of roots of cassava, Manihot esculenta, in the Euphorbiaceae. Concentrations are high in cortical tissue (50+ ppm in the peel) and low (10 ppm) in the middle of the tuber (Cooke 1978). This differential seems to be more so in cassava cultivars of low overall cyanogenic potential (Dufour 1988). In varieties with high potential, this difference is small. Distribution of the compounds in outer tissues is consistent with the hypothesis that cyanogenesis represents a defense against herbivory, even though it may not be consistently effective against all insect herbivores (Jones et al. 1978; Spencer 1988). Presumably when forage is damaged by maceration or crushing, barriers separating the storage sites are broken down, and the glycosides are exposed to the hydrolytic action of the glycosidases. Both HCN potential and glycosidase activity are polymorphic in nature, subject to genetic manipulation, as shown for several genera, including Sorbus of the Rosaceae (Jones et al. 1978; Conn 1979). There is little or no free HCN in plant tissues (Conn 1973; Cooke 1978). Therefore, results of tests generating and measuring HCN from plant material are traditionally referred to as “HCN potential.” Alternatively, amounts of the glycosides or aglycones may be measured and converted to HCN equivalents. In addition, concentrations may be expressed as dry or wet weight. Glycoside concentrations may be as high as 6% prunasin d.w. in leaves of Prunus virginiana (Majak et al. 1981) or 8% in Amelanchier alnifolia var. cusickii (Brooke et al. 1988). HCN potential in the range of 2000+ ppm is typical of immature leaves of either P. serotina or P. virginiana (Smeathers et al. 1973; Majak et al. 1981). Cyanogenic glycoside content may vary considerably among varieties of a species, as shown by peak concentrations of 5–8% prunasin in var. cusickii and 1–3% in var. alnifolia of A. alnifolia (Brooke et al. 1988). all plant parts may have cyanogenic potential, typically lowest in flesh of fruit; greatest risk for livestock eating foliage is during early growing season All parts of plants may have cyanogenic potential, even bark or fruit in some species. Prunasin content of buds, flowers, and fruits are 2.6, 2.5, and 0.9% d.w. for A. alnifolia and 3.6, 2.6, and 1.2% d.w. for P. virginiana, respectively (Majak et al. 1981). Prunus persica leaves are


generally of little concern because they are of low HCN potential (100 ppm wet weight), whereas seeds may be in excess of 450 ppm (Machel and Dorsett 1970; Herbert 1979). Prunasin content of 0.7–0.9% in twigs and 0.2– 0.3% in bark are reported for P. persica (Elberta peach) (Reilly and Okie 1985). Nevertheless, intoxications are reported occasionally for animals eating peach leaves as well as seeds (Hansen 1928). The relative concentrations vary not only between but also within tissues. The contrast between concentrations in the flesh and in the seed of fruits is marked, generally being quite low in the former. Cyanogenic glycoside concentrations in the plant are subject to many endogenous and exogenous influences, most of which have been well recognized since the early 1900s (Brunnich 1903). Growth stage or season of the year is very important. In some instances, concentrations are much higher in immature than in mature leaves. In Prunus serotina, concentrations expressed as HCN potential ranged from 2500 ppm in newly emerged leaves, down to less than 500 ppm by 6 weeks, and then gradually down to about 40 ppm after several months (Smeathers et al. 1973). The drop in cyanide concentrations may not be as abrupt in P. virginiana, but levels at the end of the growing season are nevertheless markedly reduced such that by late summer or early fall the amount of leaf material required for a toxic dose may have increased by 4–5 times (Fleming et al. 1926). This is about the time when the fruit is dark purple. However, a word of caution is in order because changes due to maturation are subject to environmental influences, and other investigators have noted the presence of reduced but still toxic concentrations of prunasin even at this late stage of growth (Majak et al. 1981). Deaths from ingestion of leaves of P. serotina occasionally occur even in the latter part of summer (Gough 1995). The variation among and between plant species and genera with respect to fluctuation of concentrations is exemplified by the differences between P. virginiana and Amelanchier alnifolia. In the former, concentrations of prunasin declined from a maximum 6.1% d.w. of leaves early in the season to 2.9% at the time of fruit ripening (much less than the drop of 4–5 times above). In the latter species, the decline was from a maximum of 3.2% d.w. early, down to 0.3% at maturity. Thus, in the one case there is substantial risk throughout the season, and in the other the risk is limited to 30–45 days early in the growing season (Majak et al. 1981). Amelanchier alnifolia may be useful forage later in the season. Prunus brachybotrya also has sustained cyanogenic potential, 1.6% in leaves in early March, up to 2% in May, and down to 1.2% in July (Lopez et al. 1992). Levels in fruits are more variable, ranging from a maximum of 1.7% early to nil at maturity. Moisture levels in the forage may be a significant factor as well.


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During dry periods, cyanide potential may increase. This has been shown for P. serotina, P. virginiana, and to a lesser extent A. alnifolia (Smeathers et al. 1973; Majak et al. 1981). However, a word of caution: this increase applies to dry periods within a season. When the entire year has been exceptionally dry, there may be diminished growth and development of foliage, with less overall glycoside available. typically cyanogenic potential is lost with drying but may be retained in plant trimmings in cool or moist weather

Because HCN is volatile, once it is formed following hydrolysis of a glycoside, there is a likelihood of continued loss with time. Air-dried leaves of A. alnifolia lose much of their HCN potential in 24 and 48 hours, dropping from 2500 ppm to less than 200 and 40 ppm, respectively. This is in contrast to the loss of only 15% of HCN potential from leaves or twigs, chopped and stored at 4°C for 24 hours (Majak et al. 1980). Occasionally, toxicity is retained, and livestock losses occur when plant trimmings are discarded in a pasture in a cool or moist environment where leaves remain green (Gill and McGregor 1928). Peach seeds from opened pits also lose considerable HCN with time (Machel and Dorsett 1970). There is generally marked loss of HCN potential following ensiling (Conn 1973). 200 ppm HCN potential in plant tissue hazardous, especially to ruminants

It is difficult to establish a specific concentration that is toxic because of differences among the glycosides, their rates of hydrolysis, and their rates of ingestion, but a plant tissue concentration of 200 ppm HCN potential has been suggested as the lower limit of hazard (Hindmarsh 1930; Couch, as quoted by Moran 1954). This level has continued to be the standard for evaluating toxicity potential (Kingsbury 1964), although a higher level of 500 ppm has been used more specifically for sorghums. Plant concentrations of 2–3% d.w. of prunasin could readily result in a lethal dose of cyanide for cattle (Majak et al. 1980). All animal species are susceptible to the toxic effects of cyanide. However, ruminants are more susceptible to cyanogenic glycosides in plants because conditions prevailing in the rumen facilitate rapid hydrolysis and absorption. On the other hand, preformed HCN or cyanide salts may be more toxic to monogastrics; the lethal dose of HCN for the horse is reported to be about 1 mg/kg b.w. or about half of the toxic dose required for cattle and sheep (Couch

1932; Clawson et al. 1934). The lethal dose for HCN in humans is estimated to be 0.5–3.5 mg/kg b.w. orally (Gettler and Baine 1938; Conn 1973; Way 1981). In mice, the lethal dose of KCN i.p. is in the range of 6–8 mg/kg b.w. (Norris et al. 1986; Moore et al. 1991), whereas in rabbits the LD50 of KCN is 3–3.3 mg/kg i.m. (Ballantyne et al. 1972). There is also concern regarding the effect of amygdalin on honeybees which are commonly used as pollinators in almond orchards. Levels of amygdalin in almond nectar and honey are reported to be low, in the range of 4.9–6.7 and 2–3 ppm, respectively (LondonShafir et al. 2003). However, based on a single test, the level in pollen was high, 1889 ppm. Amygadalin has been shown to be clearly toxic to honeybees but not at the low levels in nectar, and there is no clear evidence of adverse effects to honeybees in almond orchards (Kevan and Ebert 2005). Because of the susceptibility of ruminants, plantassociated HCN intoxication is essentially a livestock problem, although problems occur occasionally in other animal species and in humans, especially children. The threat in humans is mainly associated with consumption of seeds of species of Prunus. In the Middle East, where apricot seeds are eaten in various forms, periodic cases of intoxication in children are reported (Lasch and El Shawa 1981; Akyildiz et al. 2010). Ingestion of as few as 5 seeds may result in serious signs of intoxication. This also holds true for seeds of bitter almond (Shragg et al. 1982; Nader et al. 2010). Ingestion of apricot seeds by adults as a health food or for other purposes is rarely a problem, but acute cyanide toxicity can occur (Suchard et al. 1998; Cigolini et al. 2011). Reports of intoxication in humans due to plant parts other than seeds are rare in North America and mainly associated with Mannihot esculenta in the Euphorbiaceae (Geller et al. 2006). The unusual susceptibility of ruminants to the effects of the glycosides is shown by the similarity in lethal doses for cyanide salts and cyanide from glycosides (Leemann 1935). The lethal dose of cyanide when given as prunasin in plant material from A. alnifolia is 5 mg HCN/kg b.w. in cattle (Majak et al. 1980). When given directly as a salt, the dose is quite similar, 3–4 mg/kg b.w. as the sodium salt or 2.2 mg/kg as HCN (Hindmarsh 1930; Steyn 1934; Burrows and Way 1977). The toxic dose of plant material varies with the particular plant species. For Prunus and Amelanchier, the lethal dose for sheep or cattle ranges between 1 and 4 g plant material/kg b.w., depending on its prunasin content (Fleming et al. 1926; Majak et al. 1980). Neither tolerance nor immunity develops. The effects are not cumulative, and one-half the lethal dose can be given repeatedly during the course of a day such that a total dose of 4–5 times the single lethal dose can be tolerated. Interestingly, in a study in goats, a dosage equivalent of 2.5 mg HCN/kg b.w./day of chokecherry

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leaves and flowers was well tolerated except for signs at 4–6 days in one animal and at 6–9 days in another, with no further signs thereafter, for a total of 4 weeks (SotoBlanco et al. 2008). Because of the rapid disposition of cyanide, the minimum lethal dose is variable, depending on rate of intake. Whereas the single minimum lethal dose is 2 and 2.3 mg/kg b.w. for cattle and sheep, respectively, the daily grazing minimum dose is estimated at 15–50 mg/ kg b.w. (Clawson et al. 1934; Coop and Blakley 1950). In one study in horses, infusion of 12 mg/min sodium cyanide resulted in prominent signs of intoxication in 38 minutes (Dirikolu et al. 2003). wild ruminants such as deer are susceptible; birds also at risk, especially from preformed sources of cyanide

Wild ruminants are also susceptible. A dose of 1 kg wet weight of A. alnifolia per day was fatal to mature mule deer (Majak et al. 1978). It is estimated that when the diet of deer is composed of 35% or more A. alnifolia, there is risk of toxicity (Quinton 1985). This is of concern because at times deer forage heavily on this species; the danger is amplified if they consume new growth. Occasionally, intoxications from plant glycosides as well as from preformed sources of HCN are reported for horses and pigs (Hansen 1928; Enge 1939; Prodjoharjono 1974; Mosing et al. 2009). In a few instances, cyanogenic glycoside plants have been suspected as causes of death in dogs or cats (Stauffer 1970; Clay 1977; Bradley et al. 1988). Birds are also susceptible to cyanide, and flesheating species especially so. The LD50 of cyanide in vultures, kestrels, and owls is in the range of 4–9 mg/kg b.w., whereas in seed-eating quail, chickens, and starlings, it is 9–21 mg/kg b.w. (Wiemeyer et al. 1986). Cyanogenic glycosides may be occasionally responsible for wildfowl mortalities, as illustrated by an incident in British Columbia with gizzard tissue concentrations of 15–200 ppm HCN in dead birds (Cameron 1972). rapid glycoside hydrolysis may occur in rumen because of moderate pH and hydrolytic glycosidases from bacteria; hydrolysis slower in gut of monogastric animals

Prunasin is readily absorbed intact without hydrolytic cleavage of the glucose when given orally in rats (>50%), but amygdalin is essentially not absorbed until it is hydrolyzed to prunasin (Rauws et al. 1982, 1983; Strugala et al. 1995). Linamarin is also poorly absorbed (Barrett et al. 1977). The increased susceptibility of ruminants to plant cyanogenic glycosides is due to the relatively high pH of rumen fluids and the presence of microbial-derived


glycosidases capable of hydrolyzing the parent glycoside. Hydrolysis of amygdalin or prunasin proceeds in dilute acid only at temperatures exceeding 60°C (Conn 1979). Thus, free hydrolysis is of limited importance at the low pH characteristic of the monogastric stomach. More importantly, the glycosides are rapidly hydrolyzed by βglycosidases from a variety of ruminal bacteria; prunasin is hydrolyzed faster than linamarin, which in turn is hydrolyzed faster than amygdalin (Coop and Blakley 1950; Majak and Cheng 1984, 1987). There is also considerable, but slower and somewhat delayed, glycoside hydrolysis in the gut of humans and hamsters and lesser amounts in mice, rats, guinea pigs, and monkeys (Stavric and Klassen 1980; Adewusi and Oke 1985; Frakes et al. 1986). This hydrolytic activity is much influenced by diet and the presence of an active gut microflora (Carter et al. 1980). Activity of the microbial enzymatic degradation pathway and hydrolysis of the resulting cyanohydrin are strongly pH dependent. Both increase as the pH rises above 6 (Majak et al. 1990). Thus, ruminal pH and rate of hydrolysis are lowest immediately after eating, rising slowly thereafter, especially when the animal is feeding on fresh forages. High-grain diets attenuated the postprandial increase, suggesting a possible approach to reducing the intoxication potential of cyanogenic forages (Majak et al. 1990). Ruminal hydrolysis is also dependent upon the presence of sufficient fluid. In unusual situations, with sheep on range where water is limited, hydrolysis to yield the toxic HCN appears to be delayed until the animal drinks deeply. Thereafter, signs of intoxication appear quickly, or in a few instances the signs and resolution are slow and protracted (Fleming and Dill 1928). Except for taxiphyllin, these glycosides are not especially heat labile. Interestingly, the glycosidase specificity for glycosides by the microflora in hamsters differs from that of most other species, including ruminants, by being highest for amygdalin (Frakes et al. 1986). effect mainly due to inhibition of cytochrome oxidase pathway, especially in brain; action is quick and rapidly lethal; rarely delayed The effect of HCN is, predominantly, reversible inhibition of cytochrome oxidase (CcOX) in the mitochondrial matrix, which prevents electron flow through the respiratory chain to oxygen (Keilin 1930; Warburg 1931; Hogness 1939; Albaum et al. 1946). The block occurs mainly with the oxidized form (Fe3+) and the flow of electrons via cytochrome c to cytochromes a and a3 of the CcOX complex IV of the respiratory chain and results in histotoxic anoxia. Also of possible importance is the potential role of cyanide-induced mitochondrial generation of nitric oxide (NO). Depending on oxygen tension


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conditions, cytochrome c oxidase may be further inhibited or the binding of cyanide to CcOX reduced (Leavesley et al. 2008, 2010). Thus there is the potential for NO to contribute to antagonism of intoxication. However, many other enzymes, including those of the metabolic pathways, are inhibited as well (Solomonson 1981). CcOX is inhibited in cells throughout the body, but this is especially important in the brain because there is little rhodanese in this tissue. The effects on other tissues, including the heart, may contribute to the signs observed, but most of the nonneurologic effects are of little overall consequence, because of the overwhelming effects on the brain (Way 1984). Acute, subacute, and chronic neurologic effects can be reproduced experimentally or are associated with cyanide in clinical diseases of humans. Repeated or even single exposure seems to predispose to basal ganglia disorders that cause Parkinsonian-like signs and dopaminergic interference effects (Uitti et al. 1985; Carella et al. 1988; Grandas et al. 1989; Cassel and Persson 1992; Kanthasamy et al. 1994; Pentore et al. 1996; Albin 2000; Rachinger et al. 2002; Riudavets et al. 2005; Zaknun et al. 2005). These effects may be related to direct action of cyanide or to hypoxia or at least in part to some of the other effects of cyanide on transaminases, decarboxylases, and monoamine oxidase in addition to residual effects on neuronal structure (Cassel et al. 1991, 1994, 1995; Manzano et al. 2007; Soto-Blanco et al. 2009). Many of the neurologic effects involve alterations in calcium content or movement (Johnson et al. 1986). The wide variety of neurologic effects is not surprising because of the array of neurons affected, many with differing characteristics and functions (Rosenberg et al. 1989; Patel et al. 1992; Valenzuela et al. 1992). The areas of the brain most often involved are those with high metabolic demand such as the basal ganglia and the sensory motor cortex, where laminar or pseudolaminar necrosis may be evident (Rachinger et al. 2002; Riudavets et al. 2005; Zaknun et al. 2005). This differential susceptibility may involve differences in mode of cell death between the motor cortex and substantia nigra (Mills et al. 1999). Visual loss has also been reported possibly associated with the posterior visual pathway (Chen et al. 2011). Intoxication with HCN in animals is usually peracute, but there are exceptions. Under some conditions of limited ruminal fluid content, disease onset is slow and prolonged, apparently owing to slow hydrolysis of the glycosides (Fleming and Dill 1928). An unusual intoxication involving Prunus laurocerasus was reported in which, instead of the typical abrupt onset and rapid resolution of clinical signs, there was a delay in onset and then repeated episodes in the animal, even in the absence of continued plant consumption (Robb and Campbell 1941; Wilson and Gordon 1941).

chronic effects restricted mainly to humans from long-term ingestion of foods with high cyanogenic potential

In some instances in humans there is apparently slow hydrolysis and absorption such that signs occur over a more protracted time. Also in humans, chronic intoxication due to long-term ingestion of cyanogenic tropical foods is a serious problem. Several chronic neurologic syndromes are associated with HCN, including tropical ataxic neuropathy, tropical amblyopia, West Indian amblyopia, ataxic neuropathy of Nigeria, and tobacco amblyopia (Montgomery 1965; MacKenzie and Phillips 1968; Osuntokun 1968; Howlett et al. 1990). The foods most commonly associated with these problems are cassava and, to a lesser extent, tropical lima beans. The result is bilateral optic atrophy and nerve deafness, posterior column myelopathy (spinal), and sometimes polyneuropathy. There may be severe sensory deficit in the legs. It is not clear whether the neurologic effects are due solely to direct effects of cyanide or to depletion of cysteine and other sulfur compounds in the tissues or are complications caused by nutritional deficiencies. The role of cyanide as a cause of chronic intoxication in livestock is not clear. Such effects have not heretofore been recognized in the field as associated with cyanide, with the possible exception of the ataxia–urinary incontinence syndrome in horses on sorghum pastures. However, oral dosage of potassium cyanide for 2–5 months experimentally to goats, pigs, rats, and quail does produce degenerative changes with vacuolation in the liver, thyroid, and brain (Soto-Blanco et al. 2002, 2009; Sousa et al. 2002; Manzano et al. 2007; Rocha-e-Silva et al. 2010). Some thyroid function parameters were also affected in goats (Soto-Blanco et al. 2001a). Even short-term administration of several days produced mild hepatic and renal lesions and spongiosis of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord (Soto-Blanco et al. 2005). Long-term oral administration of cyanide salts to pregnant goats resulted in histologic changes in both fetuses and dams as well as in suckling kids but without clinical signs in any (SotoBlanco and Gorniak 2003, 2004; Soto-Blanco et al. 2009). There were possible malformation effects—prognata in two kids from one dam, two aborted fetuses from another—in 6 dams given 3 mg/kg b.w. potassium cyanide from day 24 of pregnancy to birth (Soto-Blanco and Gorniak 2004). Long-term administration did not produce diabetogenic effects in either rats, pigs or goats (SotoBlanco et al. 2001b). In light of the various neurologic problems, including spinal effects in humans, the role of cyanide as a chronic neurotoxicant in animals merits continued evaluation.

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A complicating factor is the tendency of thiocyanate to accumulate in the body because of its long half-life— about 2.7 days in humans (Schulz 1984). It is a goitrogen, and long-term cyanide exposure under some conditions may cause thyroxin deficiency and compensatory thyroid enlargement (Soto-Blanco et al. 2008). possible but not confirmed cyanogenic glycoside teratogenic potential An additional problem of importance is the potential for reproductive effects, mainly teratogenesis. Cassavas as well as laetrile are suspected to present a teratogenic risk in humans (Soto-Blanco and Gorniak 2004). This suspicion is supported by a report of limb deformities and agenesis of the tail and anus in pigs, apparently resulting from the dams’ eating leaves and bark of P. serotina (Selby et al. 1971). The previously referenced occurrence of prognata in 2 kids from a goat fed potassium cyanide also supports this concern (Soto-Blanco and Gorniak 2004). This potential has subsequently been confirmed by production of limb malformations and microcephaly when cassava is fed to rats (Singh 1981), and anterior neural tube and axial skeletal defects (encephaloceles and exencephaly) when amygdalin and, to a lesser extent, linamarin are given to hamsters (Willhite 1982; Frakes et al. 1985). Reproductive effects have not been consistently reproduced experimentally. Although goitre and deformities have been reported for goats and sheep fed cyanogenic grasses for prolonged periods (Rodel 1972), other studies have not shown clear effects (Soto-Blanco et al. 2009). However, with administration of linamarin, developmental effects were produced only with dosage that caused overt signs of intoxication in the dams. Sodium cyanide produced the same effects as amygdalin, and these effects were prevented by prophylaxis with sodium thiosulfate, which strongly implicates cyanide as a causative factor (Doherty et al. 1982). However, the potential for cyanide to cause these types of problems in the field is mitigated by the need for high dosage to produce effects, dosage typically of such magnitude as to cause signs and possibly lethality in the dams (Soto-Blanco and Gorniak 2004). An interesting interaction of questionable significance has been noted between cyanide and selenium. There seems to be a mutually protective action against intoxication between the two (Palmer 1981). Possibly, intoxication from cyanogenic plants may be less of a problem in areas of high soil selenium. rapidly absorbed from gut and appreciable levels are present in blood


Following hydrolysis, there is rapid turnover and absorption of HCN, beginning in seconds or minutes (Coop and Blakley 1950; Majak et al. 1980). HCN readily diffuses across mucous membranes and epithelial barriers and is widely distributed throughout body tissues (Halstrom and Moller 1945). In the horse, 98.5% of HCN is found in RBCs (Dirikolu et al. 2003). In humans, about 98–99% of the HCN in blood is bound to methemoglobin (Schulz 1984). Because of this, blood is the preferred tissue for analysis. Concentrations in liver and other tissues are lower and more variable (Gettler and Baine 1938; Egekeze and Oehme 1979). However, even when there is evidence of intoxication, a large amount of cyanide is likely to remain in the digestive tract (Gettler and Baine 1938; Finck 1969). Blood HCN concentrations in lethal intoxications in humans range from 0.3 to more than 3 ppm, but in most cases are 1 ppm or more (Gettler and Baine 1938; Sunshine and Finkle 1964). In a series of 21 cyaniderelated fatalities, blood concentrations ranged from 0.3 to 212.4 mg/L (with colorimetric analysis) (Rhee et al. 2011). In other reports, a dose of 6–10 mg/kg b.w. of KCN resulted in blood concentrations of 2 ppm at 12 hours and 1.6 ppm at 22 hours, while ingestion of 20–40 apricot seeds produced peak blood HCN concentrations of 3.2 ppm (Graham et al. 1977; Rubino and Davidoff 1979). In the case of large lethal doses of cyanide salts in humans, concentrations may be in the range of 7–8 ppm in blood and 150–200 ppm in the stomach (Finck 1969). Elevations in blood cyanide are not always as markedly increased, as, for example, in the case of an 11-month-old girl who ingested laetrile (amygdalin) and eventually died in spite of therapy. She had an early blood HCN of only 0.29 ppm (Humbert et al. 1977). Lethal blood concentrations in other species are similar—approximately 1 ppm in dogs, 1.5–2.6+ ppm for mice and rats, and 4.5 ppm for rabbits (Gettler and Baine 1938; Ballantyne et al. 1972; Egekeze and Oehme 1979; Carter et al. 1980; Moore et al. 1991). In the dog, it is estimated that 1 ppm in blood will cause respiratory arrest (Christel et al. 1977). Lethal blood concentrations in sheep are similar, 0.8–1.3 ppm (Burrows 1981). With storage of blood under some conditions, small amounts of cyanide may be formed without actual exposure to the toxin (Ballantyne 1977). rapidly detoxified; eliminated in urine and exhaled air and excreted as thiocyanate As is indicated by the large daily dose that is tolerated, cyanide is rapidly detoxified in the body. Small amounts are eliminated directly as CO2 and/or formate metabolites in the animal’s exhaled air or urine. The majority of the cyanide is detoxified to thiocyanate and excreted slowly in urine. Urinary elimination is slowed because of tubular


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reabsorption. Formation of thiocyanate is the result of the action of sulfurtransferases. These include 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase, which results in the formation of thiocyanate directly from cysteine or from thiosulfate as a sulfane sulfur. The other and the best known sulfurtransferase is rhodanese, a mitochondrial enzyme found throughout the body, which catalyzes formation of thiocyanate from thiosulfate (Westley 1981). Availability of sulfane sulfur is the rate-limiting factor in the body, and administration of exogenous thiosulfate markedly accelerates formation of thiocyanate from cyanide (Frankenberg and Sorbo 1975). However, it has also been suggested that administration of thiosulfate may result in the formation of sulfide (and sulfidomethemoglobin), an inhibitor of CcOX, thus complicating the effects of cyanide itself (Cambal et al. 2011). It has been suggested that HCN is detoxified to formic acid and ammonium chloride in the acidic environment of the monogastric stomach (Boyd et al. 1938). Because of the assumed slow action of the enzymatic thiosulfate-induced detoxification of cyanide, methemoglobin (MHb) formers, most notably nitrites, have been used for their initial beneficial effects of providing large amounts of available ferric iron (in MHb) for binding cyanide directly. However, the long-held assumption that nitrite acts only or primarily as an MHb former appears to be unjustified (Way et al. 1987). Although the rapidly acting MHb formers such as dimethylaminophenol and para-aminopropiophenone (Kiese and Weger 1969; Burrows 1981) are effective antidotes, some vasodilators such as chlorpromazine and phenoxybenzamine, when combined with sodium thiosulfate, also provide positive effects (Burrows and Way 1976; Way and Burrows 1976; Burrows 1981; Way et al. 1987). Thus, the effects of nitrite are not definitely or possibly totally due to MHb formation. Perhaps deficits in blood flow to the brain due to HCN are subject to alteration by some of these compounds (Wheatley 1947). There is also the possible role of nitrite generation of high levels of nitric oxide in attenuating CcOX inhibition (Leavesley et al. 2008, 2010). animals: rapid onset and progression; signs within 15–20 minutes

apprehension, distress, weakness, ataxia, labored respiration, collapse, seizures, death; if death does not occur in first hour, recovery is likely

CLINICAL SIGNS In animals, signs of HCN intoxication typically occur quickly, in many instances within 15–20 minutes after

ingestion of plants. There is a rapid progression of signs, beginning with apprehension and distress and quickly followed by severe weakness, ataxia, and rapid, labored respiration. The animal is barely able to stand, or it becomes recumbent and exhibits kicking and tetanic-type seizures. Prior to recumbency, attempts to urinate are common. Cessation of respiration and very slow heart rate with or without arrhythmias may be apparent, at least for an early brief period. Cyanosis is not an early sign; on the contrary, red, well-oxygenated venous blood is present because oxygen is used minimally by tissues (Manges 1935). The animal eventually becomes comatose and, terminally, there is a brief period of paddling convulsions. The entire sequence of signs may occur in 10–15 minutes or, in the instance of lower dosage, may take 45–60 minutes. In these situations, if the animal survives the first hour, the prognosis for recovery is usually favorable. Less commonly, signs develop more slowly, and resolution takes hours to occur. Development of labored respiration and seizures portends a grave prognosis. As in humans, elevations of blood lactate will be prominent and may help with diagnosis and evaluation of treatment response. humans: headache, rapid heart rate, vomiting, flushing of skin, problems of vision and sensory perception In humans, signs caused by cyanogenic sources (other than smoke inhalation) include headache, mydriasis, abdominal discomfort, rapid heart and respiratory rates, vomiting, dizziness, irritability, weakness, vision problems, flushing of the skin, confusion, strange sensory perceptions, red colored skin, and venous blood. In serious intoxications, collapse and the other signs seen in animals will be apparent. Because of the shift from aerobic metabolism with HCN, a prominent increase in blood lactate occurs with intoxication. Although it is not specific to this situation, levels of lactate in one report indicate a rise from normal of 9–18 mg/dL to as high as 477 mg/dL, with a median level of 168 mg/dL at the same time that the mean for HCN was 4.2 mg/L (Baud et al. 2002). Thus blood lactate levels may be helpful in the evaluation of response to therapy and possibly with diagnosis when immediate assay for HCN is not readily available. Following recovery from the initial signs, there may be indications of a Parkinson-like syndrome, with involuntary, slow, irregular twisting and writhing movements and speech disorder lasting for days or even weeks. Signs in birds are somewhat similar to those in mammals. In chickens there is panting, rapid eye blinking, excess salivation, and lethargy of abrupt onset and rapid development (Wiemeyer et al. 1986). Signs in vultures are similar, with ataxia, head bowing, wing droop, and

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terminal prostration and seizures accompanied by tail fanning, opisthotonus, and deep gasping respiration. The dose of cyanide that merely produces signs is very close to the lethal dose. Therefore, the presence of signs of intoxication should be viewed with concern and treatment promptly administered. diagnosis: based on history of exposure to toxic plants, rapid onset of signs, and response to treatment Diagnosis of cyanide intoxication is usually based on knowledge of the animal’s access to cyanogenic plants, clinical signs, and response to treatment. There may be an odor of almond extract or benzaldehyde in the rumen or intestine. Confirmation by quantitative determination of cyanide in plant or animal tissue is difficult and tedious. If it is attempted, blood is much preferred to plasma (Baar 1966; Ballantyne et al. 1972; Way 1984; Wiemeyer et al. 1986). Concentrations of 1 ppm or more are consistent with severe intoxication in mammals and birds. Proper handling of sample material is very important because of the volatile nature of HCN, and results are often otherwise questionable. There seems to be negligible loss of HCN from tissues with putrefaction (Gettler and Baine 1938), but blood should be kept in airtight containers at 4°C (Egekeze and Oehme 1979). Maintaining tissues at a pH of 10 or more may also be beneficial in preserving the cyanide. Storage of chopped leaves or twigs for 24 hours even at 4°C resulted in loss of 15% of the HCN potential (Majak et al. 1980). Plant tissues can be preserved in a 1% solution of mercuric chloride for months with minimal loss of HCN potential (Briese and Couch 1941). Confirmation of Plant Cyanogenic Potential: Guignard (picrate) and other tests

Confirmation of the cyanogenic potential of suspect plants may be helpful to ascertain the hazard of grazing or to incriminate them in the event of intoxication. The Guignard (1906) or picrate test for cyanide can be performed in the field to determine this potential (Table 64.3). Although it lacks absolute specificity, it remains a very useful presumptive test. The test can also be used to identify the presence of cyanide in the stomach or rumen if done soon after death. Under some conditions it may be necessary to add a β-glycosidase to facilitate release of the cyanide from plant material. The picrate test, and its various modifications, including the use of chloroform or toluene, has been described in numerous reports (Mirande 1909; Nowosad and MacVicar 1940; Hogg and Ahlgren 1942; Burnside 1954; Bergsten 1964). A note of caution:

Table 64.3. cyanide.


The picrate test for the presence or liberation of

Preparation of Paper Test Strips 1. Cut filter paper into strips measuring 1 × 5 cm. 2. Dissolve 0.5 g picric acid and 5 g sodium bicarbonate in 100 mL of distilled water. 3. Dampen one-half of each strip in the solution and allow to dry. 4. Store the strips in a dark, airtight container and keep container cool. The strips should be usable for a year or more when stored in these conditions. The Test 1. Cut or shred enough leaf material to fill the bottom one-third of a 15–30 mL test tube. 2. Add a few drops each of chloroform and water. 3. Suspend a strip of the prepared filter paper from the top of the tube so that it does not touch the leaves, and stopper the tube tightly. 4. Hold the tube vertically in the hand or place it in warm (37°C) water for up to 2 hours. Interpretation of Results 1. If HCN is released from the leaves, the yellow filter paper will turn brick red. 2. The rapidity of the change is indicative of the intoxication potential. 3. The potential is high if the color change occurs within 10 minutes of the beginning of the test. 4. The potential is minimal if little or no color change is apparent within 60–120 minutes. Source: Modified from Guignard (1906).

a solution of pure picric acid should not be allowed to crystallize and dry, because the crystals are unstable under some conditions and may detonate. This test has been modified to permit quantitative determination of the cyanogenic glycosides by aqueous extraction of the reacted picrate/filter paper strips and spectrophotometric determination of the isopurpurine produced by interaction of cyanide with picrate (Indira and Sinha 1969; Lucas and Sotelo 1984). Other quantitative spectrophotometric tests employ resorcinol and picrate (Drochioiu et al. 2008) and a more sensitive adaptation of the traditional picrate test (Bradbury 2009). Recent advances in colorimetric detection of cyanide are reviewed by Zelder and Mannel-Croise (2009). Other spot tests have been developed that are not necessarily exclusive for cyanide. One such test employs 1% copper ethylacetoacetate and 4,4′-tetramethyldiaminodiphenylmethane (tetra base) (Feigl and Anger 1966). The reagents, dissolved in chloroform, are spotted on filter paper, which is then suspended over the material to be tested. A blue color indicates the presumed presence of cyanide at levels of 1 μg or more. Assay of blood and urine for cyanide is probably not appropriate for most cases of acute intoxication in


Toxic Plants of North America

livestock even though methods are available (Hughes et al. 2003). In most instances, animals must be treated in the field before any confirmatory analysis can be carried out. However such analyses may be useful in a hospital setting for humans provided the tests are readily available in the institution. Microdiffusion/colorimetric methods have been the basic approach (Laforge et al. 1994). However, newer approaches based upon GC-MS methodology can be carried out in less than 30 minutes (Murphy et al. 2006; Lobger et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2009). Other approaches include ion chromatography/capillary electrophoresis with fluorescence detection (Chinaka et al. 1998, 2001), LC-MS/MS (Lacroix et al. 2011), and ESI-MS-MS or electrospray ionization–tandem mass spectrometry (Minakata et al. 2011). Of course, part of the problem of determination lies with the infrequency of cases of cyanide intoxication and the likelihood that not all hospitals will be set-up for the analysis. no specific lesions

PATHOLOGY For acute disease, there are no clearly incriminating pathologic changes, but only a few scattered, small splotchy hemorrhages scattered on the heart and other viscera. Mild congestion and edema of the lungs with froth in the airways are not uncommon. Microscopically, there may be degeneration and necrosis of the nervous system and heart in cases with more prolonged signs, but the changes are neither distinctive nor diagnostic. In subacute/chronic disease of humans or laboratory animals, there are distinctive microscopic changes in the optic and auditory nerves and spinal pathways. In humans following recovery from the initial symptoms of an acute episode, there may be MRI indications of basal ganglia structural damage (especially in the caudate nucleus and globus pallidus) with hemorrhagic necrosis and pseudolaminar or laminar necrosis of the sensory cortex (Rachinger et al. 2002; Riudavets et al. 2005; Zaknun et al. 2005). Experimental long-term (5 months) cyanide administration of high daily dosage (up to 3 mg/kg b.w.) to goats resulted in congestion, hemorrhage, and Purkinje cell degeneration in the cerebellum and spheroids, and spongiosis in the medulla (Soto-Blanco et al. 2002). In addition, some changes in thyroid function parameters may be expected (Soto-Blanco et al. 2001a). ruminants: sodium thiosulfate i.v., sodium nitrite may provide added benefit; other animals, combination of sodium nitrite and thiosulfate

TREATMENT In animals, unless they are under close observation, the disease usually occurs and progresses so rapidly that treatment is seldom available soon enough to be effective. This is not because the treatment itself is ineffective but because the disease is so rapidly fatal. Toxicosis due to marginally lethal dosages may be responsive to general supportive therapy, but specific treatment using nitrite to form methemoglobin and thiosulfate as a sulfur donor is much preferred. This approach has been recognized as effective since the early 1930s. It remains the mainstay of treatment for , livestock, dogs, and most other animal species (Chen et al. 1933; Bunyea et al. 1934; Clawson et al. 1934; Couch et al. 1935; Chen and Rose 1952; Berlin 1970; Burrows et al. 1973; Burrows 1981). It should be pointed out that because of the potential for generation of sulfide, an inhibitor of CcOX, there may be justification to using nitrite alone for its possible direct as well as indirect antagonism of cyanide actions. The antidotes are administered i.v. Sodium thiosulfate given orally is of little or no value, because it is poorly absorbed and therefore is not utilized as a sulfur donor for rhodanese (Schulz 1984). When administered i.v., thiosulfate is oxidized to sulfur or eliminated unchanged, with a half-life of 15–20 minutes, as measured in humans (Schulz 1984). Oral therapy with glucose, molasses, or glyceraldehyde may provide some benefit, probably by cyanhydrin formation (Haustein et al. 1969). However, a note of caution: this approach provides slow antagonism and should not be relied upon as a primary treatment. It should be used in conjunction with the traditional parenteral antidotes or possibly as a short-duration preventive (Fleming et al. 1926; Marsh et al. 1929). In contrast to other animals, sheep and possibly other ruminants can be treated effectively with thiosulfate alone. They should be treated with a 30–40% solution of sodium thiosulfate i.v. at a dose of approximately 25– 50 g/100 kg b.w. Early studies indicated a favorable response with doses as low as 2 g (20 mL of 10% solution), but the efficacy is much improved with the larger dosage. It is often stated that sodium thiosulfate is essentially nontoxic, but this is not necessarily true. Dosage of 3 g/kg b.w. given i.v. has proven lethal in dogs, in large measure because of hypernatremia and hyperosmolality (Dennis and Fletcher 1966). However, dosage of 1.5 g/kg was not accompanied by apparent adverse effects. Because of the large volume required, it is unlikely that toxic doses will be given in livestock. Sodium nitrite can be given concurrently, but it adds an additional risk that is probably not justified by the small increase in effectiveness. In humans, dogs, and probably most other animals, it is appropriate to use 10–20 mg/kg b.w. of sodium nitrate in combination with sodium thiosulfate (Burrows et al.

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1973; Baskin et al. 1992). In some cases, treatment may be effective several hours after intoxication, even in ruminants (Shaw 1986). This is especially true when plants with marginally lethal levels of the cyanogenic glycosides are eaten. Of even greater efficacy in treatment is the use of hydroxycobalamin (vitamin B12) as in humans. The combination of hydroxycobalamin with thiosulfate has been shown experimentally to be equal to or better than the nitrite/thiosulfate in treatment of cyanide toxicity in swine (Bebarta et al. 2010). The use of other therapeutic agents has been the subject of several reviews in the past (Burrows 1981; Way 1984; Salkowski and Penney 1994), and a number of such agents have been evaluated, including atmospheric or hyperbaric oxygen (Way et al. 1972; Burrows and Way 1977), chlorpromazine (Levine and Klein 1959; Way and Burrows 1976; Kong et al. 1983), naloxone (Leung et al. 1986), pyruvate (Cittadini et al. 1972), cobaltous chloride and various vasoactive drugs (Burrows and Way 1976; Burrows et al. 1977), and α-ketoglutaric acid (Hume et al. 1995). Although not all have been thoroughly evaluated, some increase the effectiveness of sodium thiosulfate or the classic nitrite/thiosulfate combination. However, in most instances the increase in effectiveness is not sufficient to justify their use, or, as with cobaltous chloride and the various MHb producers, there is an increased risk of toxicity (Way et al. 1972; Burrows and Way 1977). Methylene blue is an inappropriate antidote because it is not an effective producer of MHb (Couch et al. 1935; Manges 1935; Stossel and Jennings 1966). In humans, the standard approach has been to use MHb-forming nitrite such as amyl or sodium together with sodium thiosulfate as in the old cyanide antidote kits. This has been reasonably effective in many cases but nitrites pose a substantial risk in pediatric cases. There is also a problem of storage and availability of these antidotes and the cumbersome nature of the administration of large volumes of materials. More recently, the use of compounds which bind HCN directly such as hydroxycobalamin (the new Cyanokit [Meridian Medical Technologies, Columbia, MD], approved in 2006) at a dose of 5–10 g with or without sodium thiosulfate has become the more standard therapeutic approach, in part because of safety issues with nitrite and because of ease and rapidity of administration (Geller et al. 2006; Shepherd and Velez 2008; Hall et al. 2009). Hydroxycobalamin is well tolerated with possible side effects of headache, allergic reactions, skin and urine discoloration, and transient increase in blood pressure and reflex bradycardia (Barillo 2009). With thiosulfate the possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, and burning sensation and twitching at the infusion site (Hall et al. 2009). This combination is at least as effective as the traditional nitrite/thiosulfate combination and much safer for the pediatric patient. Research


continues for other compounds that bind HCN directly. Cobinamide, closely related to hydroxycobalamine but with two CN binding sites, has been shown in experiments with hamster cells and fruit flies and with rabbits to be an even more effective antidote (Broderick et al. 2006; Brenner et al. 2010). Studies in mice indicate that cobinamide given as the sulfite has the added advantage of being effective when administered intramuscularly with minimal toxicity risks (Chan et al. 2010). The previous cobalt compounds such as cobaltous chloride and dicobalt edetate are not appropriate for use because of toxicity problems.

dietary manipulation and supplementation to reduce or prevent intoxications

Although little has been done to formulate a preventive approach to cyanide intoxication, the possibility of doing so remains. One approach would be the use of a cobalt or other heavy metal bolus in the rumen to inactivate the cyanide as it is formed. Another, more recent development involves the use of infused erythrocytes as carriers of the enzyme rhodanese in combination with butanethiosufonate, an organic, lipid-soluble sulfur donor. This approach has been shown experimentally to be effective (Petrikovics et al. 1995). Another approach to reducing risk with cyanogenic forages involves dietary manipulation. Various dietary alterations have been suggested but not experimentally confirmed. This includes the use of starchy diets and/or manipulation to increase glucose content of the rumen (Peters et al. 1903; Vinall 1921; Couch 1932). Drenching with corn syrup or molasses may thus be useful as a preventive or in marginal intoxications (Peters et al. 1903). The role of pH on rate of hydrolysis of cyanogenic glycosides and the effect of grain supplementation on these factors may provide a management approach for reducing risk from cyanogenic forages. This is especially true when animals are newly introduced to pastures. Animals put on new grazing areas should be fully fed, preferably with a grain supplement, because both factors will provide protection by decreasing ruminal pH (Majak et al. 1990). Sulfur supplementation in salt to increase the availability of sulfur donors for rhodanese conversion of cyanide to thiocyanate has been suggested as a way to provide for an increase in the rate of detoxication and resistance (Steyn 1934; Wheeler 1980).

AMELANCHIER MEDIK. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 20 species distributed primarily in temperate North America and eastern Asia, Amelanchier is commonly known as


Toxic Plants of North America

serviceberry, shadbush, or Juneberry (Kalkman 2004). Its name is believed to be a Latinization of an old French name (Quattrocchi 2000). Hybridization, polyploidy, and apomixis are rampant, with intergradation of species common. Currently, 17 species and numerous varieties are recognized to be present in North America (USDA, NRCS 2012). Representative and of toxicologic interest are the following: A. alnifolia (Nutt.) western serviceberry, Saskatoon Nutt. ex M.Roem. serviceberry A. canadensis (L.) shadbush, eastern serviceberry, Juneberry, Medik. sugar pear, shadblow serviceberry

shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate, stipules quickly dropping; petals 5, white to pinkish; stamens 5, 10, or 20; fruits pomes, purple-black

Plants shrubs or trees; deciduous; not armed with thorns or prickles. Stems erect. Leaves simple; alternate; margins serrate or almost entire; stipules linear lanceolate, caducous. Inflorescences short racemes at ends of branches; bracts present. Flowers produced before or simultaneously with leaves; perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; erect to reflexed; persistent. Petals 5; white to pinkish. Stamens 10 or 15 or 20; shorter than petals. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; styles 2–5; free or fused; ovaries inferior; locules 2–5, typically divided by false septa; placentation axile. Hypanthia campanulate to urceolate. Fruits pomes; purple-black. Seeds 4–10 (Figures 64.2 and 64.3).

Figure 64.3. Photo of fruits and leaves of Amelanchier alnifolia. Photo by R.A. Howard, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution.

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Amelanchier are distributed across the continent. A shrub or small tree, A. alnifolia occurs in meadows, brushlands, prairies, and open woodlands from Alaska to New Mexico and northeastward. Amelanchier canadensis is a shrub of swamps, water edges, and moist woodlands of the East, especially on the coastal plain. Distribution maps of these 2 species and other species of the genus can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

browse for livestock; cyanogenesis risk early in growing season

Disease Problems and Genesis—Plants of Amelanchier are important browse for livestock and deer (Dayton 1931; Quinton 1985). However, under some circumstances, cyanogenesis may represent a serious hazard. The primary toxicant is prunasin in all plant parts, with amygdalin additionally present in the fruits (Majak et al. 1978). Prunasin concentrations are typically 2–3% d.w., but early in the growing season may be as high as 4% (Majak et al. 1980). A level of 2–3% d.w. prunasin is equivalent to about 200–250 mg HCN per 100 g of plant material.

CERCOCARPUS KUNTH Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to western Figure 64.2. Photo of flowers of Amelanchier alnifolia. Courtesy of Jeff McMillian@USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database.

North America and northern Mexico, Cercocarpus, commonly known as mountain mahogany, comprises 5 species (Kalkman 2004). Its name is derived from the Greek roots

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kerkos and carpos, for “tail” and “fruit,” which allude to the long, feathery styles that persist on the mature fruits (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Of toxicologic significance is the following: C. montanus Raf.

birchleaf, alder-leaf mountain mahogany, hairy mountain mahogany

(=C. breviflorus A.Gray)

shrubs or trees, bark smooth, grayish to brown; leaves simple, alternate, clustered; sepals 5, yellowish, villous; petals absent; fruits achenes, with plumose style

Plants shrubs or small trees; not armed with thorns or prickles. Stems erect; 1–7 m tall; spur branches present; bark smooth, grayish to brown. Leaves simple; alternate; typically clustered; blades lanceolate or oblanceolate to subrotund; margins entire proximally, serrate or dentate distally; stipules deciduous. Inflorescences solitary or clusters of flowers in axils of leaves at ends of spur branches. Flowers produced after leaves; perfect; perianths in 1-series. Sepals 5; yellowish; recurved; silky-villous or tomentose; deciduous. Petals absent. Stamens 20–40; arising from hypanthia; anthers pubescent. Pistils 1; simple, carpels 1; styles 1, exserted beyond perianth, plumose, persistent; ovaries superior; locules 1. Hypanthia salverform. Fruits achenes; terete; pilose-villous; bearing elongate, plumose style. Seeds 1 (Figure 64.4).

Figure 64.5.

Distribution of Cercocarpus montanus.

Distribution and Habitat—Occurring on dry rocky hillsides, cliffs, and mesas, C. montanus is a species of grasslands, sagebrush lands, chaparral, and open pine woodlands up to 2500 m in elevation throughout the western half of North America, including Mexico (Figure 64.5).

valuable browse; rarely a risk, but may be after first frosts in the fall

Disease Problems—Cercocarpus montanus is ordinarily considered to be a palatable and valuable browse for livestock, especially for sheep and goats (Dayton 1931; Chapline 1936). It is also extensively browsed by mule deer in winter, spring, and fall in some locations (Krausman et al. 1997). However, under some conditions it represents a cyanogenic risk, especially in the fall after the first frosts.

COTONEASTER MEDIK. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus of

Figure 64.4.

Line drawing of Cercocarpus montanus.

the Northern Hemisphere comprising about 260 species, many of which are apomictic, Cotoneaster is a horticulturally important genus (Kalkman 2004; Mabberley 2008). It is grown for its brilliant foliage in autumn, colorful fruits in winter, and profusion of small flowers in spring. Quite diverse in habit and hardiness, numerous cultivars have been developed. The generic name is derived from the Latin cotoneum, for “quince,” and the suffix aster, meaning “inferior,” which indicate the similarity of


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its leaves to those of quince (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Cotoneaster is closely related to Crataegus and is distinguished by the absence of thorns and by entire margins. Representative of the genus and possibly the most popular species are the following: C. divaricatus Rehder & E.H.Wilson C. horizontalis Decne.

spreading cotoneaster rock cotoneaster, rock spray

shrubs or small trees; leaves simple, alternate, small, stipules quickly dropping; flowers small; petals 5, white or light pink; stamens 10 or 20; fruits pomes, red, black, or yellow

Plants shrubs or small trees; deciduous or evergreen; not armed with thorns or prickles. Stems erect or spreading. Leaves simple; alternate; blades typically small; margins entire; stipules narrow, caducous. Inflorescences solitary flowers or corymbose clusters. Flowers small; numerous; produced after leaves; perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; persistent. Petals 5; white or rarely light pink. Stamens 10 or 20. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; styles 1–5; ovaries inferior; placentation axile. Hypanthia cup shaped. Fruits pomes; drupelike; red or black or rarely yellow. Seeds 2–5. Numerous species and cultivars have been introduced in North America. If exact identification is needed, appropriate horticultural treatments should be consulted. Taxonomists have differed in their use of masculine or feminine endings for the specific epithets of Cotoneaster. Because the genus name is masculine, the specific epithets are treated as masculine in this work. ornamentals; a few naturalized

Distribution and Habitat—The majority of species of Cotoneaster introduced into North America are from China. Their native habitats are typically rocky, calcareous soils. Tolerant of atmospheric pollution and a variety of soils, they are cultivated across North America. In some areas they have escaped and naturalized. For example in California, plants of C. franchetii and C. pannosus are encountered occasionally in disturbed sites near dwellings and in mixed-evergreen forests (Zika 2012). Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www.plants. potentially cyanogenic, but risk is low

Disease Problems and Genesis—HCN potentials vary considerably in Cotoneaster. For example, the potential of C. zabelii was 12 times higher than that of C. roseus, which had the lowest potential in a comparison of several species (Tidwell et al. 1970). Cyanide concentrations were about 1.5 mg/100 g in fruits and 17.5 mg/100 g in leaves of C. zabelii and C. divaricatus. These levels are almost at the threshold of toxicity of 20 mg/100 g as stated by Kingsbury (1964). Dosage of up to 6 g fruit/kg b.w. in the cat and 10 g fruit/kg b.w. in the dog were not toxic, whereas the LD50 of fruit in rats was 3 g/kg b.w. However, even considering the low toxic dose for rats as representative of the toxic dose in humans, a dosage of 0.5 g/kg b.w., which is equivalent to 78 fruits for a child weighing 15 kg, would not be toxic. In a case involving a circus llama that had been tied to or near a shrub later identified as C. integerrimus, signs of cyanide intoxication developed in several hours and death shortly thereafter despite treatment with nitrite/thiosulfate (Gruss and Priymenko 2009). The plant was identified in the C1 stomach, where 676 g of fruit and leaves were collected, giving a dose of 7 mg/kg for the 96 kg animal. Plant HCN concentrations were found to be between 1 and 10 mg/kg.

HETEROMELES M.ROEM. Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus native to California and Baja California, Heteromeles resembles the morphologically similar Photina and its single species was originally classified as P. arbutifolia. Molecular phylogenetic analyses, however, indicate that that the two taxa are distinct (Potter et al. 2007; Phipps 2012). Generally regarded as one of California’s most popular native shrubs, it bears bright red fruits, is widely planted as an ornamental, is used at Christmas for decoration, and is the likely source of the name “Hollywood” (Mabberley 2008). California tribes of Native Americans made infusions and decoctions of leaves and bark to treat a variety of ailments and consumed the fruits raw, cooked, or dried (Moerman 1998). Its name is derived from the Greek roots hetero and mela, for “different” and “apple,” alluding to its dissimilarity to the apple (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). It is distinguished from Photina by having 10 stamens rather than 20. The single species is the following:

H. arbutifolia (Lindl.) M.Roem.) (=H. salicifolia [C. Presl.] Abrams) (=Photina arbutifolia [Aiton] Lindl.)

Christmas berry, toyon, California holly, tollon

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evergreen shrubs or trees, bark grayish; leaves simple, alternate, thick, leathery, stipules deciduous; flowers in large flat-topped panicles; petals 5, white, spreading; stamens 10, borne in pairs; fruits pomes, bright red, ovoid Plants shrubs or trees; evergreen; not armed with thorns or prickles. Stems erect; up to 9 m tall; bark grayish; branchlets puberulent. Leaves simple; alternate; thick; leathery; blades elliptic to oblong, upper surfaces shiny dark green; margins serrate-dentate; stipules deciduous. Inflorescences large panicles; terminal; flat topped. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; persistent. Petals 5; white; spreading. Stamens 10; borne in pairs opposite sepals. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2 or 3; styles 2 or 3; ovaries inferior; locules 2 or 3. Hypanthia obconic. Fruits pomes; ovoid; bright red; pulp mealy; persistent sepals inflexed. Seeds 3–6; flattened; brown (Figures 64.6 and 64.7).


Taxonomists differ in their opinions with respect to the appropriate binomial for Christmas berry. Heteromeles salicifolia was used by Phipps (1992), Kalkman (2004), and Mabberley (2008), whereas H. arbutifolia is used by the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) and Phipps (2012, in press) in his forthcoming treatment of the genus for the Flora of North America, a treatment we employ here. A further nomenclatural complication yet to be resolved is that Heteromeles is a superfluous and thus illegitimate name; a proposal to conserve it has been made by Nesom and Gandhi (2009).

Distribution and Habitat—Heteromeles arbutifolia occurs in chaparral, oak woodlands, and mixed-evergreen forests up to 1300 m elevation in California and Baja California (Phipps 2012). It is widely planted as an ornamental in warmer climates, but is not very tolerant of environmental stress.

cyanogenic risk mainly in winter and spring

Disease Problems and Genesis—Heteromeles arbutifo-

Figure 64.6.

Line drawing of Heteromeles arbutifolia.

Figure 64.7.

Photo of Heteromeles arbutifolia.

lia is definitely cyanogenic (Dement and Mooney 1974; Dahlman and Johnson 1980). As is typical of other genera of the family, cyanogenic potential is highest in newly developing leaves. Peak concentrations of prunasin equivalents as converted from HCN potential are from 1.5 to 6+% d.w. of plant in early spring, April–May. These levels decline somewhat during the summer months and then drop markedly in the fall. The levels rise again after fall rains. Cyanogenic potential of the fruits is an interesting feature of this species. The pulp, but not seeds, of immature fruits exhibits low HCN potential. But at maturation, there is little or no potential in the pulp, and concentrations in seeds increase (Dement and Mooney 1974). Because of its evergreen nature, this species is a distinct hazard to grazing livestock during winter and spring, when its cyanogenic potential is high and there is likely to be limited alternative forage. In a case in California, goats were fed trimmings of a plant mistakenly thought to be an olive, became intoxicated, and 3 died within 4 hours. The plant was subsequently identified as H. arbutifolia (Tegzes et al. 2003). Cyanide concentrations were 345 μg/g CN in the plant and from 14 to 27 μg/g in the stomachs. Heteromeles may be more of a problem in wet years because of decreased foliage development in dry years. It is apparently not always hazardous, because its presence on Isle Guadalupe, off the west coast of Baja California, has almost been eliminated by foraging feral goats (Wiggins 1980).


Toxic Plants of North America

MALUS MILL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 30–50 species and numerous cultivars distributed in both the Old and New World, Malus is commonly known as apple or crabapple (Kalkman 2004). Its name comes from the classical Latin word for “apple” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Taxonomists differ in their opinions of the genus’s circumscription—treated as a subgenus of Pyrus (pear) and combined with the genera Macromeles and Eriolobus (3-lobed apple) (Kalkman 2004; Mabberley 2008). Species of Malus are prized as ornamentals (crabapples) as well as for their edible fruits (apples). The distinction between a crabapple and an apple is nontechnical; it is simply based on fruit diameter, with the latter typically being more than 5 cm. The apple of commerce, now with numerous pomological varieties, is derived from the Eurasian M. pumila and/or its hybrids with M. sylvestris, which is also Eurasian. Its origins have been traced to the Caucasus region of southwestern Asia as early as 6500 b.c. It was subsequently carried to the Middle East, then Greece, Rome, and eventually Europe (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, about 17 native, hybrid, and introduced species occur (Kartesz 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). The following are representative: M. M. M. M.

angustifolia (Aiton) Michx. coronaria (L.) Mill. ioensis (Alph.Wood) Britton pumila Mill.

(=M. domestica auct. non Borkh.) M. sylvestris (L.) Mill.

southern crabapple sweet crabapple prairie crabapple common apple, orchard apple, paradise apple

apple, common crabapple, European crabapple

(=Pyrus malus L.)

deciduous shrubs or trees, spur branches; leaves simple, alternate, stipules deciduous; flowers in corymbs at ends of spur branches; petals 5, white, pink, or carmine red; stamens 20; fruits pomes, red, yellow, or green

Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous; usually armed with thorns. Stems erect; much branched; spur branches present. Leaves simple; alternate; blades ovate to oblong or elliptic, rolled or folded in bud; margins serrate or occasionally lobed; stipules deciduous. Inflorescences corymbs at ends of spur branches. Flowers showy; produced before or simultaneously with leaves; fragrant; perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; persistent. Petals 5; white or pink or carmine red; obovate to orbicular.

Stamens 20 or rarely 15 or more; arising from hypanthia. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; styles 2–5, fused at bases; ovaries inferior; locules 2–5; placentation axile. Hypanthia ovoid to globose or urceolate. Fruits pomes; red or yellow or green and numerous intermediate shades. Seeds 2–10.

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Malus occur across the continent. The native species occur principally in woods of the eastern portion. The introduced species occasionally escape and persist. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

digestive disturbance, ataxia; cyanogenesis limited to low risk with seeds

Disease Problems and Genesis—Consumption of an excessive number of apples directly from the tree or as windfalls may produce a severe disease in about 24 hours. Animals give the appearance of being drunk. There is a marked reduction in milk production, digestive disturbance, and ataxia (Merrill 1952). The disease seems to worsen if animals are allowed to drink water after overeating apples, and it may be fatal in a few instances. Ruminal acidosis may be a factor with this or other disease manifestations (Teli et al. 1986). Fallen fruits also represent an additional risk if left on the ground to spoil. Under such conditions an episode of fatal toxicosis is reported in a dog with a blood alcohol level of 300 mg/ dL (Kammerer et al. 2001). Cyanogenesis is typically not a problem with Malus except for the seeds, which are of little risk. The specific toxicant causing the problems associated with excessive fruit consumption is not known. However, seeds, fruits, and leaves contain phloretin as its glucoside, phlorizin, at 1% in leaves and 300–400 ppm in fruits and seeds (Singleton and Kratzer 1973). Phlorizin blocks active transport of glucose in the kidney and intestine. It prevents transtubular reabsorption of glucose from urine to blood and small intestinal uptake, thereby producing pronounced glucosuria. Phlorizin is very potent, but because of hydrolysis and poor oral absorption, both it and phloretin are relatively inactive orally. Nevertheless, these compounds may play some role when large numbers of apples are eaten.

loss of appetite and milk production, diarrhea, weakness, colic, ataxia; nursing care, administer laxatives

Rosaceae Juss.


Clinical Signs and Treatment—There is marked reduction in milk production, loss of appetite, diarrhea, weakness, paresis, colic, and ataxia. Eventually coma and death follow in more severe cases. The specific cause is unknown, and treatment is symptomatic, including the use of laxatives.

PHOTINIA LINDL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to eastern Asia, Photinia, commonly known as chokecherry, Christmas berry, or simply photinia, comprises about 40–60 species (Nesom, 2012, in press). Indicative of its glossy leaves, its name is derived from the Greek root photeinos, for “shining” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The common names chokecherry and Christmas berry are also used for Prunus virginana and Heteromeles arbutifolia, respectively. Taxonomists differ in their circumscription of the genus. Robertson and coworkers (1991) included the North American genus Aronia in Photinia. Kalkman (2004) and Mabberley (2008) agreed with this change, but used the name Aronia because of nomenclatural priority. Molecular phylogenetic analyses (Potter et al. 2007), however, indicate that Photinia is distinct from Aronia and Heteromeles. The editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) and Nesom (2012, in press), Pankhurst (2012, in press), and Phipps (2012, in press), in their forthcoming treatments of the taxa in the Flora of North America, thus maintain them as distinct genera; a decision with which we concur. Plants of Photinia are prized for their attractive foliage—typically bright scarlet or bronze to coppery red—in the spring and their showy red fruits, which persist in the winter. They are grown as wall shrubs or as lawn specimens. Most commonly encountered in North America are the following: P. glabra (Thunb ex Murray) Maxim. P. serratifolia (Desf.) Kalkman P. villosa (Thunb.) DC.

Japanese photinia, Japanese Christmas berry Chinese photinia, Chinese Christmas berry, Chinese hawthorn oriental photinia, oriental Christmas berry

Figure 64.8.

Photo of Photinia serratifolia.

lateral branches present; branchlets glabrous or villous. Leaves simple; alternate; leathery; red when young becoming dark glossy green; blades ovate to elliptic to obovate; margins serrate; stipules foliaceous. Inflorescences showy terminal corymbose panicles. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; persistent. Petals 5; white or creamy white; spreading. Stamens about 20. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; styles 2 or rarely 1 or 3–5, fused at base; ovaries inferior; locules 2–4; placentation axile. Hypanthia obconic or globose. Fruits pomes; globose or ellipsoid or ovoid; red. Seeds 2–4 (Figure 64.8).

Distribution and Habitat—Native to eastern Asia, all three species are widely cultivated ornamentals found throughout our range except in the warmest and coldest portions. Photinia villosa is the hardiest in the North.

low risk of cyanogenesis; prunasin and amygdalin present shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate, leathery, dark glossy green, reddish when young; flowers in showy panicles; petals 5, white; fruits red pomes

Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; not armed with thorns or prickles. Stems 3–12 m tall; short

Disease Problems and Genesis—As is characteristic of other members of the family, leaves and seeds of different species of Photinia exhibit cyanogenic potential. Both prunasin and amygdalin have been detected.


Toxic Plants of North America

PRUNUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—With greatest abundance in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Prunus comprises at least 200 species, a number of named hybrids, and innumerable varieties and cultivars (Kalkman 2004; Mabberley 2008). Its name is an ancient Latin one for the plum and cherry (Quattrocchi 2000). Some species are prized as ornamentals for their leaf color, bark color, and spring displays of showy flowers. Wood is used for furniture and carved objects, and 1 species yields sloe. Of greatest importance are the stone fruits such as cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, almonds, and apricots. Some taxonomists divide the genus into several genera, and thus cherries are placed in Padus and Cerasus, almonds in Amygdalus, apricots in Armeniaca, peaches in Persica, and cherry laurels in Laurocerasus (Kalkman 2004). More commonly, as is done in this treatment, a broad circumscription of Prunus with 5 subgenera is used. In North America approximately 60 native and introduced species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Of particular toxicologic concern are these: P. P. P. P. P.

armeniaca L. brachybotrya Zucc. caroliniana (Mill.) Aiton dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webber fasciculata (Torr.) A.Gray

P. laurocerasus L. P. macrophylla Siebold & Zucc. P. pensylvanica L.f. P. persica (L.) Batsch P. serotina Ehrh. P. virginiana L.

apricot aguacatillo, cerezo laurel cherry, mock orange almond, sweet almond desert almond, California desert almond, desert peach cherry laurel

Plants trees or shrubs; armed with thorns; may or may not form thickets via root sprouts. Stems spur branches typically present; bark smooth or breaking into smooth plates; lenticels conspicuous, horizontal. Leaves simple; alternate; blades conduplicate in bud, of various shapes, typically glossy above; margins entire or serrate; 1 or 2 glands present at base of blades or on petioles; stipules deciduous. Inflorescences racemes or umbellate clusters or rarely solitary flowers; borne at ends of branches or on spurs. Flowers produced before or simultaneously with or after leaves; perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; spreading. Petals 5 or 10; spreading; white to pink or red or greenish; deciduous. Stamens 15 or 20; in whorls; arising from hypanthia. Pistils 1; simple, carpels 1; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 1. Hypanthia cup shaped or obconic or urceolate. Fruits fleshy drupes; endocarp hard. Seeds 1 per stone; round or flattened (Figures 64.9–64.11).

variety of vegetation types and habitats; cultivated

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Prunus occur across the continent in a variety of habitats, ranging from the rich moist soils of forests and floodplains in the East to the sandy or rocky soils of the prairies and deserts. Some, such as P. serotina, have relatively broad geographical and ecological distributions, whereas others are more restricted, for example, P. fasciculata. Introduced Old

bird cherry, pin cherry, wild red cherry peach black cherry, wild cherry, rum cherry chokecherry, western chokecherry, black chokecherry

(=P. demissa [Nutt.] Walp.)

Unfortunately, there are questions about the nomenclatural legitimacy of the binomials P. serotina and P. virginiana. Although a proposal to conserve the names of these two toxicologic important species has been made, a decision has yet to be made (Gandhi et al. 2009).

shrubs or trees, spur branches, bark smooth, horizontal lenticels conspicuous; leaves simple, alternate, glands 1 or 2 at blade bases or on petioles; petals 5 or 10, spreading, white, pink, red, or greenish; fruits fleshy drupes

Figure 64.9. Photo of Prunus serotina inflorescence. Courtesy of Wayne J. Elisens.

Rosaceae Juss.


seeds also pose a risk, especially apricots

Figure 64.10.

Photo of Prunus serotina leaves and fruits.

Figure 64.11.

Photo of Prunus virginiana.

World species often persist at old homesites or occasionally escape and appear to naturalize somewhat. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( cyanogenesis potential from foliage mainly in spring with P. brachybotrya, P. laurocerasus, P. serotina, and P. virginiana

Disease Problems and Genesis—During certain times of the year and in some localities, foliage of Prunus species is useful browse of moderate palatability (Dayton 1931). Many species are cyanogenic, but most are not a significant hazard. Foliage of P. brachybotrya, P. laurocerasus, P. serotina, and P. virginiana probably pose the most significant risks. They are also reasonably palatable (Dayton 1931; Chapline 1936). Although instances of intoxication in monogastric species due to Prunus are rare, young or wilted foliage of wild cherries poses some risk for dogs and horses (Hansen 1930; Stauffer 1970; Clay 1977; Mosing et al. 2009).

In some instances seeds within the pits are a greater risk than leaves. This is especially true for apricots and peaches; in contrast, seeds of cultivated cherries seem to have little cyanogenic potential at maturity (Swain et al. 1992). Apricot seeds, which are sold in health food stores, oftentimes without appropriate warnings, are a health risk. In one instance, a woman ingested 20–30 raw apricot seeds and within minutes became deathly ill (Wallace et al. 1996). She was revived by prompt treatment with sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate. In the Middle East, consumption of apricot seeds especially by children presents a periodic problem of intoxication. In one report, ingestion of 5–21 seeds resulted in clinical signs from 20 minutes to 3 hours (Akyildiz et al. 2010). Fortunately, all individuals responded favorably to treatment. In another instance, a mixture of soft hulls and apricot seeds from a bakery were fed to dairy cattle, resulting in illness in 5 of 12 cows and the death of 2 (Kupper et al. 2008). Each cow ingested about 2 kg of the mixture which contained in excess of 100 mg/kg in the hulls. Pulp of the fruit of peaches is not toxic, but the seeds have about 4 times more cyanide than leaves, 40+ mg/100 g and 10 mg/kg, respectively, whether an Elberta or Dixired type (Machel and Dorsett 1970). In the case of wild or bitter almonds, that is, P. fasciculata, leaves as well as seeds may have high cyanogenic potential, up to 1700 ppm (Moran 1940). Both black cherry and chokecherry are significant risks for intoxication of livestock, especially browsers like goats (Radi et al. 2004; Soto-Blanco et al. 2008). In one report, the distinctive appearance of the leaves in the rumen were noted and described in comparison with those of other cherry species (Radi et al. 2004). Wild black cherries (P. serotina) also pose some risk for humans, as do chokecherries (P. virginiana). Several cases of intoxication have been reported, in which individuals experienced sudden onset of peracute neurologic dysfunction and death following ingestion of very large amounts of chokecherries, including seeds (Pijoan 1942; Pentore et al. 1996). In addition to neurologic and respiratory effects, epigastric pain and vomiting were commonly seen as early signs.

PYRACANTHA ROEM. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as firethorn, Pyracantha comprises 3–17 Old World species native to southeastern Europe and Asia (Kalkman 2004; Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek roots pyr and acantha, for “fire” and “thorn” (Huxley


Toxic Plants of North America

and Griffiths 1992). Closely related to Cotoneaster and Crataegus, it is a popular ornamental used for hedging or screening, and numerous cultivars have been developed. Perhaps most commonly encountered is this species: P. coccinea Roem.

firethorn, pyracantha, fiery thorn, buisson ardent, everlasting thorn

evergreen shrubs, armed with thorns; leaves simple, alternate, glossy green; flowers in corymbs; petals 5, white; fruits pomes, orange, red, or scarlet

Plants shrubs; evergreen; armed with thorns. Stems up to 2 m tall; short lateral branches present; thorns leafy; young branchlets grayish pubescent. Leaves simple; alternate; blades narrowly elliptic, dark glossy green; apices acute; margins crenulate or serrulate; stipules small, deciduous. Inflorescences corymbs borne at ends of lateral branches; peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5; persistent. Petals 5; white; orbicular. Stamens 20; filaments fused at bases. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 5; styles 5; ovaries half inferior; locules 5. Hypanthia obconic to globose. Fruits pomes; globose or subglobose; orange to red or scarlet. Seeds 5.

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Pyracantha are cultivated as ornamentals throughout much of North America. P. coccinea occasionally escapes cultivation.

those of Rosa (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Plants are cultivated for their prolific production of showy flowers from spring to midsummer and for its shining jet black, pea-size fruits that remain on the plant in winter. The single species is the following: R. scandens (Thunb.) Makino (=R. tetrapetala [Siebold] Makino) (=Kerria tetrapetala Siebold)


deciduous shrubs; leaves simple, opposite; flowers solitary, showy; sepals 4, fused; petals 4, white; pistils 4, simple; fruits drupes, shiny jet black

Plants shrubs; deciduous; not armed with thorns or prickles. Stems 1–5 m tall; bark brown becoming reddish, glabrous. Leaves simple; opposite; blades ovate to oblong, rugose above; apices acuminate; margins doubly serrate; bases rounded; stipules linear, free, membranous, pubescent. Inflorescences solitary flowers at ends of leafy shoots. Flowers showy; perfect; perianths in 2-series; epicalyces present, bracts 4, linear. Sepals 4; fused, tubes short; persistent. Petals 4; white; orbicular. Stamens numerous. Pistils 4; simple, carpels 1; styles 1; ovaries superior. Hypanthia cup shaped. Fruits drupes; slightly ellipsoid; shiny; jet black. Seeds 1.

Distribution and Habitat—Introduced from Asia, R. scandens is cultivated as a border plant and in woodland gardens. It is tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions, shade levels, and temperatures.

prunasin present; cyanogenic risk low

Disease Problems and Genesis—Although prunasin has been detected in tissues of P. coccinea, the fruits have been used for pies. Generally considered nontoxic, digestive problems, ataxia, and rarely coma have been reported in children eating the fruits in Uruguay (Pronczuk de Garbino and Laborde 1984). At most, mild signs may follow ingestion of the tempting fruits, perhaps with vomiting and less likely diarrhea.

Disease Problems—Like other members of the Rosaceae, leaves of R. scandens exhibit cyanogenic potential, but the risk is low.


RHODOTYPOS SIEBOLD & ZUCC. Taxonomy and Morphology—A monotypic genus native to Japan and China, Rhodotypos is an unusual member of the Rosaceae in that it has opposite leaves and 4-merous flowers (Kalkman 2004). Its name is derived from the Greek roots rhodon and typos, for “rose” and “type,” which reflect the resemblance of its flowers to

A desert shrub, C. ramosissima Torr., commonly known as blackbrush, is the sole species of Coleogyne. Its thorny, much branched, more or less strigose stems are 30–200 cm tall and bear opposite fascicles of thick, linear-oblanceolate leaves with entire margins. Borne at stem tips and subtended by a linear 2-lobed bract, the solitary, generally yellow flowers consist of a campanulate, leathery hypanthium with a sheath at the top that encloses the single

Rosaceae Juss.


pistil. The 4 sepals are elliptic, erect, and persistent, and their outer surfaces are often reddish. Petals are absent, and there are 30–40 stamens. The pistil has a superior ovary and a persistent, laterally arising style bearing long hairs. The fruit is a brown, glabrous, more or less crescentshaped achene. high tannin content presents nutritional problem; very low cyanogenic risk Figure 64.12.

Coleogyne ramosissima is typically considered to be poor browse for livestock, but under some conditions it is somewhat useful for deer (Dayton 1931). The current season’s growth is of limited palatability, and older growth is preferred by animals. This preference may be the result of concentrations of condensed tannins being 2–4 times higher in new growth (Provenza et al. 1990). Such high tannin content limits the nutrient value of plants and represents a potential nutritional problem. Although cyanogenesis has been reported for the species, it is not likely to be a significant risk.

Spiraea L. Native to the north temperate zone of both the Old and New World, Spiraea, commonly known as spiraea or bridal wreath, comprises about 80 species of deciduous shrubs, many of which are considered valuable ornamentals (Kalkman 2004). Its name is derived from the Greek root speira, for “coil,” which is believed to reflect its use in garlands (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The common name spiraea is also used for species of Aruncus and Filipendula in this family and Astilbe in the Saxifragaceae. Species of Spiraea vary considerably in general growth form, but all have simple, alternate leaves, typically with serrate or dentate margins. Stipules are usually absent. The perfect, white, pink, or carmine flowers are borne in racemes, panicles, or corymbs. Borne on the rim of the cupulate or campanulate or obconic hypanthium are 5 persistent sepals; 4 or 5 petals (sometimes more in some cultivars); and 15–60 stamens. Within the hypanthium are 5 simple pistils (rarely 1–4) with superior ovaries and beaked styles that give rise to 2- to 10-seeded, indurate follicles. diterpenoid alkaloids, unknown toxicity potential; cyanogenic risk very low In contrast to other genera in the family, Spiraea contains a series of diterpenoid alkaloids in addition to cyanogenic glycosides. Found in S. japonica and S. koreana, these alkaloids include spiradine, spiramine, spirasine,

Chemical structure of spiramine C.

and spirajin (Yunusov 1991, 1993). They have analgesic and antinociceptive activity similar to that of alkaloids in Aconitum, in the Ranunculaceae (see Chapter 62), but their role as toxicants is not known (Figure 64.12).

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Chapter Sixty-Five

Rubiaceae Juss.

Coffee or Madder Family Cephalanthus The fourth largest family of flowering plants, the Rubiaceae, commonly known as the coffee or madder family, comprises about 615 genera and 13,150 species (Davis and Bridson 2007). Many of the genera are monotypic or quite small. Two or 3 subfamilies and 52 tribes are generally recognized. The majority of species are trees, shrubs, or woody vines in tropical and subtropical regions, whereas herbaceous species are more common in temperate areas. The family is economically quite significant (Davis and Bridson 2007). Coffee is the most important economic product. In addition, it is the source of quinine, ipecac, and dyes. Familiar ornamentals include gardenia, madder, and ixora. Known as bedstraw or cleavers, some species of Galium are troublesome weeds. In North America, 63–84 genera and about 320 species, both native and introduced, are present (Kartesz 1994; USDA, NRCS 2012). herbs or shrubs; leaves opposite or whorled, interpetiolar stipules present; corollas radially symmetrical; ovaries inferior; stamens isomerous, epipetalous Plants herbs or shrubs; annuals or perennials; from rhizomes or caudices or taproots. Leaves simple; opposite or whorled; venation pinnate or a single vein; stipules leaflike or triangular, or sheathing and bristly, free or fused to petioles. Inflorescences solitary flowers or cymes or glomerules or heads; axillary or terminal. Flowers perfect; perianths in 1-series or 2-series. Sepals 4 or 5 or absent; free. Corollas radially symmetrical; salverform or funnelform or tubular or rotate. Petals 4 or 5; fused; of various colors. Stamens 4 or 5; epipetalous. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 1–4, linear or capitate; styles 1; ovaries inferior; locules 2; placentation axile or

basal or apical. Fruits capsules or nutlets or schizocarps or berries. Seeds 2 to numerous. With the exception of the Caprifoliaceae, the Rubiaceae is readily distinguished from other families by its opposite or whorled leaves, interpetiolar stipules, radially symmetrical corollas, inferior ovaries, and epipetalous, isomerous stamens. The presence of stipules separates it from the Caprifoliaceae.

economically and medicinally important alkaloids present

Large and diverse, the Rubiaceae contains several genera of great economic and medicinal significance. Biologically active alkaloids of many structural types are present (Raffauf 1996). Foremost among them are the ubiquitous coffee products and methylxanthine alkaloids such as caffeine, obtained from species of Coffea. Also of considerable significance are cinchona (quinine-type) alkaloids obtained from a few genera, but mainly species of Cinchona and Remijia native to the eastern slopes of the Andes (Turner and Woodward 1953). Found in a number of genera, such as Cephaelis, the ipecac alkaloids, such as emetine, have been widely used as emergency drugs to induce vomiting (Janot 1953). These alkaloids, in addition to their emetic activity, have a wide range of effects on other organs, including the heart (Gibbs 1974; Fujii and Ohba 1983). Elsewhere in the world, the family also contains a number of important toxic plants. In North America, only 1 genus is occasionally responsible for intoxications.

CEPHALANTHUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 6 species native to both the Old World and the New World, Cephalanthus, commonly known as buttonbush, is one of the

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

few woody taxa of the family present in temperate regions (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek kephale, for “head,” and anthos, for “flower,” which reflects the dense, globose inflorescence (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 2 species are present: C. occidentalis L.

C. salicifolius Humb. & Bonpl.

buttonbush, button willow, honeyballs, globeflowers, Spanish pin-cushion Mexican buttonbush

Because the morphological features of Cephalanthus are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is readily recognized by its woody habit, glossy whorled and/or opposite leaves, flowers in globose heads, 4 white or cream-colored petals, and elongate styles with capitate stigmas (Figures 65.1 and 65.2).

Figure 65.2. Photo of Cephalanthus occidentalis. Courtesy of Terrence G. Bidwell.

edges of ponds, lakes, creeks, streams

Distribution and Habitat—Cephalanthus occidentalis is distributed throughout much of the eastern half of North America, with scattered populations also present in Arizona and California (USDA, NRCS 2012). It is a classic indicator of wetlands, being found at the edges of ponds, lakes, marshes, creeks, and intermittent streams. Capable of withstanding complete submergence for

Figure 65.3.

Distribution of Cephalanthus occidentalis.

several weeks at a time, it also occurs at the edges of reservoirs with fluctuating water levels. Cephalanthus salicifolius is encountered in extreme southern Texas and northern Mexico (Figure 65.3). neurologic effects; weakness, seizures; mainly cattle; uncommon

Figure 65.1. Line drawing of Cephalanthus occidentalis). Illustration by Bellamy Parks Jansen, courtesy of Oklahoma State University.

Disease Problems—Intoxication due to C. occidentalis is an uncommon problem that occurs mainly in cattle in part possibly due to the low palatability of the plant. It causes neurologic signs such as muscular weakness and convulsive seizures (Standley 1920–1926; Cary et al. 1924; Miller et al. 1980). Although the plant is described as toxic in several reviews and in most of the Agricultural Extension Service publications from the southeastern states, few actual clinical cases are reported (Hardin

Rubiaceae Juss.

1973; Freeman and Moore 1974; Sperry et al. 1977; Miller et al. 1980; Perkins and Payne 1980; Hart et al. 2000). In one of the few reports, Hansen (1930) reported illness in a horse but not death. Although apparently toxic and of limited palatability, the plants are browsed in Pennsylvania by white-tailed deer in the summer at about the same rate as Pyrus arbutifolia in the Rosaceae and Ilex verticillata (wintergreen) in the Aquifoliaceae (Bramble 1943). Native Americans, in particular the southeastern tribes, seeped the inner bark to induce vomiting and to treat fevers, bronchitis, dysentery, constipation, and veneral disease (Campbell 1951; Moerman 1998). toxicant unknown; variety of compounds present

Disease Genesis—Initial investigations of Cephalanthus in the late 1880s indicated the presence of cephalin, the glucoside of cephaletin, and cephalanthin, the glucoside of cephalantein (Claassen 1889a,b; Mohrberg 1893; King 1898). Although cephalanthin was reported to cause hemolysis, vomiting, spasms, and paralysis, these bitter glucosides have not been structurally characterized or subjected to further testing (Pammel 1911; Cary et al. 1924). More recently, indole and oxindole alkaloids have been isolated from both fresh and dried leaves, bark, and flowers of C. occidentalis and C. glabratus, a South American species. Compounds extracted from C. occidentalis include the tetracyclic oxindoles rhynchophyllin, isorhynchophyllin, and the indole hirsutine, whereas the pentacyclic oxindole mitraphyllin was obtained from C. glabratus (Phillipson and Hemingway 1974; Jorge et al. 2006). In addition, several triterpene saponins have also been isolated from C. occidentalis (Zhang et al. 2005). Because of the medicinal interest in the oxindoles, considerable effort has been expended to identify the biological effects of both of these alkaloids. Based on numerous studies in laboratory animals, rhynchophyllin and its derivatives have been shown to decrease blood pressure and motor activity, and to have sedative effects (Sakakibara et al. 1999; Shi et al. 2003; Zhou and Zhou 2010). These effects are apparently due to a block of calcium channels decreasing calcium influx, along with a block of sodium channels and opening of potassium channels, actions which may be secondary to inhibition of NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) glutamate receptors (Kang et al. 2003). There are also antagonistic effects on muscarinic M-1 and serotonin 2 receptors (Kang et al. 2004). The indole hirsutine also affects calcium channels with effects on cardiac muscle action potentials as well as possible interaction with opioid receptors (Yano et al. 1991; Horie et al. 1998; Masumiya et al. 1999).


Studies on plants of another genus in the Rubiaceae, Uncaria (cat’s claw), which contains similar oxindoles (mitraphylline), and is used for medicinal purposes, show similar actions on NMDA receptors as well as effects on dopaminergic receptors, which confirm its value for treatment of Parkinson’s disease-like tremors and as an antineoplastic (Lee et al. 2003; Shim et al. 2009; Gimenez et al. 2010). Although the indoles and oxindoles have a multitude of clear biological actions, there is still no obvious indications of intoxication potential based on studies of laboratory animals and the lack of adverse effects in humans using herbal products (Valerio and Gonzales 2005; Zhou and Zhou 2010). Thus, unless there is some unusual sensitivity in livestock, indole and oxindole alkaloids seem unlikely to be responsible for the adverse cardio- and neurotoxic effects observed in these animal species following ingestion of Cephalanthus. Although it may be prudent to accept C. occidentalis as a toxic plant, important questions remain as to the type of toxin present and its primary actions. In instances such as this, other toxic members of the family may serve for comparison, but in this case, no other members of the family are causes of intoxication in North America. However, it is of interest that important intoxication problems are caused by genera of the Rubiaceae in South America and South Africa. There are two in particular that cause serious losses of livestock due to cardiac failure. In South America, 4 species of Palicourea have caused sudden death in cattle, sheep, and goats (Tokarnia et al. 1981,1983,1986,1991). Pulmonary edema and myocardial necrosis and fibrosis due to monofluoroacetic acid were reported (Gorniak et al. 1994; Krebs et al. 1994; de Moraes Moreau et al. 1995). In South Africa, species of the genera Fadogia, Pavetta, and Pachystigma cause “gousiekte,” a form of acute heart failure (Kellerman et al. 1988; Pretorius et al. 1988; Prozesky et al. 2005). This disease of ruminants occurs with sudden onset 4–8 weeks after ingestion of large amounts of plant material and is due to the effects of a novel amine toxicant pavettamine (Fourie et al. 1995; Bode et al. 2010). This compound has two 5 carbon chains extending from a central nitrogen, with 4 hydroxy side groups and terminal nitrogens. abrupt onset, weakness, seizures, paresis, collapse

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Disease produced by C. occidentalis has not been well characterized. Based on the few descriptions from clinical cases, there is abrupt onset of weakness or paresis accompanied by seizures and eventually recumbency and perhaps paralysis. The disease may be fatal, but pathologic lesions are not described. Because little is known of the specific intoxication problem, treatment is general supportive care.


Toxic Plants of North America

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Rubiaceae Juss. Prozesky L, Bastianello SS, Fourie N, Schultz RA. A study of the pathology and pathogenesis of the myocardial lesions in gousiekte, a plant-induced cardiotoxicosis of ruminants. Onderstepoort J Vet Res 72;219–230, 2005. Raffauf RF. Plant Alkaloids: A Guide to Their Discovery and Distribution. Food Products Press, New York, 1996. Sakakibara I, Terabayashi S, Kubo M, Higuchi M, Komatsu Y, Okada M, Taki K, Kamei J. Effect on locomotion of indole alkaloids from the hooks of Uncaria plants. Phytomedicine 6;163–168, 1999. Shi J-S, Yu J-X, Chen X-P, Xu R-X. Pharmacological actions of Uncaria alkaloids, rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline. Acta Pharmacol Sin 24;97–101, 2003. Shim JS, Kim HG, Ju MS, Choi JG, Jeong SY, Oh MS. Effects of the hook of Uncaria rhynchophylla on neurotoxicity in the 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson’s disease. J Ethnopharmacol 126;361–365, 2009. Sperry OE, Dollahite JW, Hoffman GO, Camp BJ. Texas Plants Poisonous to Livestock. Texas Agricultural Experiment Service, Texas A&M University B-1028, 59 pp., 1977. Standley PC. Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contrib U S Natl Herb 23;1–1721, 1920–1926. Tokarnia CH, Dobereiner J, Silva MF. Intoxication by Palicourea grandiflora (Rubiaceae) of cattle in territory of Rondonia, Brazil. Pesq Vet Bras 1;85–94, 1981. Tokarnia CH, Dobereiner J, Couceiro JEM, Cordeiro Silva AC. Intoxication by Palicourea aenofusca (Rubiaceae), a cause of “sudden death” of cattle in the forest region of Pernambuco, Brazil. Pesq Vet Bras 3;75–79, 1983.


Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Dobereiner J. Experimental intoxication by Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae) in sheep. Pesq Vet Bras 6;121–131, 1986. Tokarnia CH, Peixoto PV, Dobereiner J. Experimental intoxication by Palicourea marcgravii (Rubiaceae) in goats. Pesq Vet Bras 11;65–70, 1991. Turner RB, Woodward RB. The chemistry of the cinchona alkaloids. In The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Physiology, Vol. 3. Manske RHF, Holmes HL, eds. Academic Press, New York, pp. 1–63, 1953. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Valerio LG Jr., Gonzales GF. Toxicological aspects of the South American herbs cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) and maca (Lepidium meyeni): a critical synopsis. Toxicol Rev 24;11–35, 2005. Yano S, Horiuchi H, Horie S, Aimi N, Sakai S, Watanabe K. Ca2+ channel blocking effects of hirsutine, an indole alkaloid from Uncaria genus, in the isolated rat aorta. Planta Med 57;403–405, 1991. Zhang ZZ, Li SS, Zhang SM. Six new triterpenoid saponins from the root and stem bark of Cephalanthus occidentalis. Planta Med 71;355–361, 2005. Zhou JY, Zhou S. Antihypertensive and neuroprotective activities of rhynchophylline: the role of rhynchophylline in neurotransmission and ion channel activity. J Ethnopharmacol 132; 15–27, 2010.

Chapter Sixty-Six

Rutaceae Juss.

Citrus or Rue Family Ruta Thamnosma Zanthoxylum Nearly cosmopolitan in distribution, but mostly tropical and subtropical with greatest abundance in South Africa and Australia, the Rutaceae, commonly known as the citrus or rue family, comprises about 155 genera and 930–1700 species (Brummitt 2007; Judd et al. 2008). The Rutaceae is of major economic importance. Most familiar are members of Citrus, the citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and tangerines, which are prized for their flavor and high content of vitamin C. Commercially, citrus fruits are grown in the “citrus belt” of the southern United States, Mexico, South America, the Mediterranean region, South Africa, and Australia. Lesser known but quite tasty is the kumquat, produced by the genus Fortunella. In addition, oils produced by several genera are used in perfumes and medicines, other species are used as ornamentals, and some yield timber and fuel (Judd et al. 2008; Mabberley 2008). Although the Rutaceae is well defined and monophyletic, relationships within the family are not completely resolved. Genera are classified into 4–7 subfamilies and numerous tribes (Brummitt 2007; Mabberley 2008). In North America, approximately 37 genera and more than 50 species, both native and introduced, are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Toxicologic problems are associated with 3 genera. aromatic shrubs or trees or rarely herbs; often armed with spines or thorns; flowers solitary or in cymes or panicles or clusters; petals 3–5, free or fused; fruits hesperidia or capsules or samaras Plants trees or shrubs or rarely herbs; deciduous or evergreen; strongly aromatic; armed or not armed with spines or thorns or prickles; bearing perfect flowers or

polygamous or dioecious or polygamodioecious. Leaves simple or 1-pinnately compound; alternate or opposite; conspicuously glandular punctate; terminal leaflet present; stipules absent. Inflorescences solitary flowers or simple cymes or clusters or panicles; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar, perianths in 2-series. Sepals 3–5; free or fused. Corollas radially or slightly bilaterally symmetrical. Petals 3–5; free or fused. Stamens 3–60; in 1 or 2 whorls; filaments free or fused at bases. Pistils 1–5; compound or simple; carpels, stigmas, styles, and locules 1 to many; ovaries superior; placentation axile. Fruits follicles or capsules or samaras or hesperidia. Seeds 1 to many. photodynamic linear furanocoumarins; cholinergic agonist pilocarpine The Rutaceae is well known for the numerous taxa containing photodynamic linear 6,7-furanocoumarins, especially Citrus and Ruta (Pathak et al. 1962; Gibbs 1974). Its members are second only to those of the Apiaceae, or carrot family, as sources of furanocoumarins. These compounds, especially linear types such as 8methoxypsoralen (xanthotoxin), are activated by longwavelength UV light (320–400 nm) and undergo type I anaerobic reactions with DNA bases (Dodge and Knox 1986). The interaction between furanocoumarins and DNA in cells of the animal may follow from either contact between plants and skin (photodermatitis) or from ingestion and a subsequent primary photosensitization-type response. In either situation, sunlight as a source of UV light is required, and the skin lesions develop following initial exposure. Photoactivation results in tissue destruction from alterations in the lipid portion of cell membranes. A more extensive discussion of the role of furanocoumarins is given in the treatment of genera in the family Apiaceae that cause photosensitization (see Chapter 8). The effects of the furanocoumarins differ from the contact type of allergens found in the Anacardiaceae

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Rutaceae Juss.


(Chapter 6); there is no immunologic component to the response. Skin lesions may develop following initial exposure. Because of their content of furanocoumarins, the young foliage and fruit skins of various species of citrus such as lime, lemon, orange, and grapefruit are occasional causes of photodermatitis in humans (McCloud et al. 1992; Nigg et al. 1993). In addition, the Rutaceae family includes two South American shrubs, Pilocarpus alvaradoi and P. jaborandi, which are particularly noteworthy as sources of the wellknown cholinergic agonist pilocarpine.

RUTA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 60 species, Ruta is native to Macaronesia, the Mediterranean region, and southwestern Asia (Mabberley 2008). Its name is the classical Latin one for the common rue, a species prized for its supposed prophylactic properties. Its uses described in detail by Dioscorides and Pliny, and mentioned in the writings of Shakespeare and Milton, rue was thought to protect against poisoning by serpents and insects and to ward off evil spells (Tobyn et al. 2011). Brushes made of rue were commonly used to sprinkle holy water in Catholic masses, hence the common name herb of grace. In North America, 2 introduced species are of toxicologic interest: R. chalepensis L. R. graveolens L.

Figure 66.1.

Line drawing of Ruta graveolens.

Figure 66.2.

Distribution of Ruta chalepensis.

fringed rue, ruda rue, common rue, herb of grace

It should be noted that the common name “rue” is also used for species of Thalictrum in the Ranunculaceae and at various times for Peganum in the Nitrariaceae (Tobyn et al. 2011). perennial, malodorous herbs or subshrubs; leaves simple, alternate, pinnately divided; petals 4 or 5, yellow or greenish yellow; fruits capsules Plants herbs, often woody at bases; perennials; herbage glaucous, malodorous when crushed; bearing perfect flowers. Stems erect; 30–80 cm tall; profusely branched at bases. Leaves simple; alternate; blades 2- or 3-pinnately divided; lobes oblanceolate to obovate. Inflorescences terminal cymes; corymbose or paniculate; bracts present. Flowers perfect. Sepals 4 or 5. Petals 4 or 5; cymbiform; yellow or greenish yellow. Stamens 8 or 10. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 4 or 5; styles 1; locules 4 or 5. Fruits capsules; 4- or 5-lobed. Seeds numerou. (Figure 66.1). ornamentals; naturalized in some areas

Distribution and Habitat—Native to the Balkan Peninsula, R. graveolens is cultivated in old-fashioned gardens and is occasionally found as an escape along roadsides and in waste areas (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Native to southern Europe and northern Africa, R. chalepensis is naturalized in disturbed sites, principally in Texas and California (USDA, NRCS 2012) (Figure 66.2).

long used as emmenagogues and abortifacients; reproductive effects in livestock unknown


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems—Species of Ruta have a long history of use as emmenagogues and abortifacients in many parts of the world from ancient Persian traditional medicine to the Americas, including communities of Spanish populations of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico (Conway and Slocumb 1979; Pronczuk de Garbino and Laborde 1984; Kong et al. 1989; Madari and Jacobs 2004; Rodrigues et al. 2011; Verissimo et al. 2011). Leaves are used either alone or in combination with those of other plants. In some societies, leaves are prepared as an infusion to be taken orally to induce menses or abortion, or eaten as a daily salad for contraceptive purposes (possibly implantation interference) Maurya et al. 2004). In the southwestern United States, 4 oz of leaves steeped for 15 minutes is taken orally, but there is considerable concern for possible development of systemic intoxication from this or slightly higher dosage (Conway and Slocumb 1979). This concern is substantiated by a report on herbal product use for abortion in Uruguay (1986–1999). Organ failure and 2 deaths were associated with use of Ruta alone and 2 with Ruta in combination with other plants (Ciganda and Laborde 2003). Experimentally, extracts of R. graveolens inhibit pregnancy in 50–60% of rats and decrease spermatogenesis in male rats (Prakash et al. 1985; Bazrafkan et al. 2010). The possibility of species of Ruta causing reproductive effects in livestock is not known at present. However, continued ingestion of leaves by goats may cause serious intoxication effects. Experimentally, 1 mg/kg b.w./day of ground leaves of Ruta graveolens caused loss of appetite and condition and eventually collapse or death (El-Agraa et al. 2002). Dosage of 5 mg/kg b.w./day resulted in tremor, ataxia, and death in 1–7 days.


These same species of Ruta have also been known from ancient times for causing primary photodermatitis in humans following contact with leaves or stems. The response is quite variable among individuals, and even with significant contact there may be little or no reaction by some persons. An interesting incident involves a family of 4 adults and 7 young children attending a storytelling and crafts workshop who were directed to crush and rub crushed R. graveolens on their skin to ward off mosquitoes (Eickhorst et al. 2007). Later they were exposed to the midday sun and sunscreen was applied to the children. The following day, a skin reaction became apparent with development of linear purple-red patches followed by tense bullae and localized pain. Those individuals who had limited exposure to the sun exhibited a less severe

response. Eruption of blisters continued for 10–12 days, the blisters persisting for days to weeks. There was residual hyper- and hypopigmentation for months and increased sensitivity of skin to UV light for years.

array of furanocoumarins

Disease Genesis—Ruta species are well known as sources of coumarins and furanocoumarins similar to those of the Apiaceae and include bergapten, chalepin, chalepensin, imperitorin, xanthotoxin, psoralen, and their derivatives (Steck et al. 1971; Gibbs 1974; Ulubelen et al. 1986,1994; Srivastava and Srivastava 1994; Ulubelen and Ozturk 2006). Among these are 4-hydroxycoumarin, the precursor to the well-known toxic dicoumarol of Melilotus in the Fabaceae (Aliotta et al. 1994; Oliva et al. 1999,2003). Also present are an array of quinoline and other alkaloids and essential oil components (Kong et al. 1984; Ulubelen et al. 1986; Ulubelen and Ozturk 2006). The main component of the essential oil is methyl n-nonyl ketone, which gives the oil its characteristic odor Gunaydin and Savci 2005) (Figure 66.3). The causes of the reproductive effects appear to be furanocoumarins, of which chalepensin seems to be the primary culprit (Kong et al. 1989). The alkaloids present do not appear to affect fertility and the involvement of essential oil components is not clear (Kong et al. 1989; Ulubelen et al. 1994). Chalepensin is mainly active in early pregnancy, especially prior to implantation. At high dosage in rats there is a risk of overt toxic effects and even death. In some studies in mice, R. graveolens extracts which lack direct estrogenic activity caused fetal death but not specific effects on implantation or fetal reabsorption (de Freitas et al. 2005). Chalepensin may also have calcium blocking effects (Kong et al. 1989). Bergapten, which is not as prominent as an active component in Ruta, decreased birth rates in rats, decreasing 17β-estradiol probably as a result of its increased hydroxylation/metabolism, and seems to decrease ovarian follicular function and ovulation (Diawara et al. 1999; Diawara and Kulkosky 2003).

Figure 66.3.

Chemical structure of imperitorin.

Rutaceae Juss.

As a side effect, furanocoumarins caused cystic follicles and some renal problems in 70% of rats (Ulubelen et al. 1994). Coumarins such as 4-hydroxycoumarin may play a role as antimitotic agents (Podbielkowska et al. 1994; Kupidlowska 2001; Madari and Jacobs 2004). There is reason to believe that humans are more sensitive to the reproductive effects of psoralens than are laboratory rodents. Other studies attempting to confirm the use of Ruta as a male contraceptive show that aqueous extracts have reversible immobilizing effects on human sperm (Harat et al. 2008). The furanocoumarins, the majority of which are found on the surface and in oil ducts of leaves, render plants potent contact photosensitizers, especially green leaves (Zobel and Brown 1990, 1991; Zobel 1991). Dried leaves are much less likely to cause detrimental effects. Household pets, but not livestock, appear to be at some risk from the photodermatitis. In some cultures, Ruta chalapensis is used as a medicinal cardioprotective herb, but rarely it may cause decreased heart rate and blood pressure, as well as renal failure and coagulation problems (Seak and Lin 2007). Poisoning is reported to be due to the essential oils, especially methyl n-nonyl ketone, which may cause nausea, vomiting, salivation, gastroenteritis, and possibly collapse but rarely death.

reddened, blistered skin


odor when the foliage is crushed or bruised (Quattrocchi 2000). Two species occur in North America: T. montana Torr. & Frém. T. texana (A.Gray) Torr.

turpentine broom blisterweed, Texas desert rue, ruda del monte, Dutchman’s-breeches

Although the common name Dutchman’s-breeches is sometimes used for T. texana, it is more commonly applied to Dicentra cucullaria, in the Fumariaceae (see Chapter 37). herbs, subshrubs, shrubs; leaves simple, alternate, with blisterlike glands; petals 4, blue, purple, or yellow; fruits leathery capsules

Plants shrubs or subshrubs or herbs; perennials; bearing perfect flowers. Stems erect; 10–60 cm tall. Leaves simple; alternate; quickly deciduous or persistent; with conspicuous blisterlike glands; blades linear to filiform or spathulate, somewhat fleshy, margins entire. Inflorescences racemose cymes or clusters; bracts absent. Flowers perfect; urceolate or cylindric or campanulate. Sepals 4. Petals 4; blue or purple or yellow. Stamens 8; in 2 whorls. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 2; styles 1, filiform; ovaries deeply 2-lobed, stipitate; locules 2. Fruits capsules; leathery; 2-lobed; dehiscent at lobe apices. Seeds 8 or 9 per lobe; smooth or rugose or tuberculate (Figures 66.4 and 66.5). southwest; dry rocky slopes

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Within 48 hours after initial and subsequent exposures in humans, there is painful reddening and blistering of the skin. This may last for several days, and in severe cases residual hyperpigmentation may develop at the site and persist for several months (Mitchell and Rook 1977). Consumption of large quantities of leaves by livestock may result in tremor, ataxia, and death. Treatment for the dermatitis typically consists of supportive and symptomatic care including the use of antihistamines and topical or oral corticosteroids. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required (Eickhorst et al. 2007).

Distribution and Habitat—Both species of Thamnosma are native to dry, rocky slopes in the southwestern part of the continent (USDA, NRCS 2012). Thamnosma

THAMNOSMA TORR. & FRÉM. Taxonomy and Morphology—Exhibiting a rather unusual distribution that includes the southwestern portion of North America, the Arabian Peninsula, and South Africa, Thamnosma, commonly known as desert rue, comprises 11 species (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek roots thamnos and osme, meaning “shrub” and “odor,” respectively, which reflect the strong

Figure 66.4. Photo of plant of Thamnosma texana. Courtesy of Katie Hansen, Image Archive of Central Texas Plants.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 66.7.

Figure 66.5. Photo of flowers of Thamnosma texana. Courtesy of Katie Hansen, Image Archive of Central Texas Plants.

Distribution of Thamnosma texana.

from either contact with or consumption of plants. A dosage of 1% b.w./day resulted in disease within 1 or 2 days, whereas lower dosages produced less severe signs after 3 or 4 days. Toxicity, as shown for T. texana, is apparently little reduced by drying of plants, and in spite of the blistering effect they are somewhat palatable (Oertli et al. 1983). Photosensitization is due to a series of linear furanocoumarins similar to those of Apiaceae. The toxicants of T. texana include bergapten, heraclenin, imperatorin, oxypeucedanin, psoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen, isopimpinellin, and alloimperatorin methyl ether (Oertli et al. 1984). Thamnosma montana contains the latter two plus several other 8-methoxypsoralen derivatives and a novel coumarin epoxide, thamnosmin (Bennett and Bonner 1953; Dreyer 1953; Kutney et al. 1972; Chang et al. 1976) (Figures 66.8–66.10). erythema, edema; muzzle, ears, udder, teats; blisters; cloudy corneas

Figure 66.6.

Distribution of Thamnosma montana.

montana is distributed from southeastern California to New Mexico and south into northern Mexico. More eastern, T. texana occurs from Texas to Arizona and northern Mexico (Figures 66.6 and 66.7). photodermatitis, photosensitization, contact or consumption; furanocoumarins

Disease Problems and Genesis—As the colloquial name blisterweed implies, a severe primary photosensitization causing blistering and epithelial sloughing results

Clinical Signs—As with other furanocoumarin photosensitizers, signs in sheep include erythema and edema of the skin of the muzzle, ears, udder, teats, and vulva, and subsequently, an exudative dermatitis. In other animal species, skin involvement will include the less pigmented areas. In some cases, lesions may be limited to areas of direct contact with plants; in others, they may be more widely distributed in less protected and minimally pigmented skin areas. Blisters may form in the skin, with exudation and subsequent ulceration. Involvement of the eyes may also be seen, with increased sensitivity to light, cloudy corneas, and reddening of the edges of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Rutaceae Juss.


foliage. Of the 7 native species in North America, the following are representative: Z. americanum Mill. Z. clava-herculis L.

Z. fagara (L.) Sarg.

Figure 66.8.

Chemical structure of heraclenin.

Z. flavum Vahl

toothache tree, northern prickly ash, common prickly ash Hercules’-club, southern prickly ash, sting tongue, chew bark, pepperwood, toothache tree, sea ash, wait-a-bit lime prickly ash, wild lime, colima, una de gato, correosa yellowheart, West Indian satinwood, yellowwood, yellowheart prickly ash

aromatic shrubs or trees; leaves pinnately compound, alternate, glandular punctate; flowers in small paniculate cymes; petals 4 or 5 or absent, yellow-green

Figure 66.9.

Chemical structure of isopimpinellin.

Figure 66.10.

Chemical structure of thamnosmin.

skin lesions; prevent access to plants

Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous or evergreen; aromatic; foliage armed with paired prickles; dioecious or polygamodioecious. Stems 1–17 m tall; erect or sometimes spreading; trunks sometimes armed with curved prickles. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; alternate; conspicuously glandular punctate; leaflets 5–19, sessile or subsessile, margins entire or dentate or serrate or crenate. Inflorescences small paniculate cymes; terminal or axillary. Flowers small; perfect or imperfect. Sepals 3–5 or absent; free or fused. Petals 4 or 5 or absent; yellow-green. Stamens 3–5. Pistils 2–5; simple; styles coherent. Fruits follicles; dry or somewhat fleshy. Seeds 1 or 2 (Figures 66.11–66.13). moist woods, thickets

Pathology and Treatment—The disease is self-limiting, and treatment is not generally required. Prevention of animal access to plants is sufficient to allow recovery. However, recovery in severe cases may require several weeks. In the meantime, nursing offspring may require supplemental feeding.

ZANTHOXYLUM L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 200 species, Zanthoxylum, commonly known as prickly ash, is native to the warmer regions of both the Old and New World (Mabberley 2008). Sometimes incorrectly spelled Xanthoxylum, its name is derived from the Greek roots xanthos and xylon, meaning “yellow” and “wood” alluding to the yellow dye obtained from the roots of some species (Quattrocchi 2000). Economically, the genus is somewhat important as a source of timber, spices, medicines (Mabberley 2008). Some species are grown as border or specimen plants for their attractive, aromatic

Figure 66.11. Photo of tree of Zanthoxylum americanum. Courtesy of Bruce W. Hoagland.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 66.14.

Figure 66.12. Photo of trunk of Zanthoxylum americanum. Courtesy of Bruce W. Hoagland.

Distribution of Zanthoxylum americanum.

Distribution and Habitat—Occurring in moist woods and thickets, Z. americanum and Z. clava-herculis are distributed throughout much of the eastern half of North America. As their common names indicate, the former is more northern and the latter more southern. Zanthoxylum fagara and Z. flavum are found in coastal hammocks of the Florida Keys. Zanthoxylum fagara also occurs along the Gulf Coast to Texas and Mexico. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( (Figure 66.14).

medicinal use of bark, roots, and seeds for relief of tooth pain and other ailments

Disease Problems—As the common names suggest,

Figure 66.13.

Line drawing of Zanthoxylum americanum.

there has been considerable interest in use of various species of Zanthoxylum for medicinal purposes, mainly as a toothache relief due to the paralyzing sensation of the mouth when bark is chewed (Jacobson 1948). Millspaugh (1974) used bark of Z. americanum to treat himself for tooth pain and confirmed its effectiveness, but he also indicated that it was very irritating, suggesting the name pepperwood. He also cited use of bark for relief of colic and rheumatism (Millspaugh 1974). Berries are said to provide an effective remedy for typhoidtype diseases. Use of bark of Z. clava-herculis was also apparently well known to Native American tribes of eastern North America, with infusions, decoctions, and poultices of the bark and roots prepared to treat a variety of ailments (Fielder 1975; Moerman 1998). A species of prickly ash is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a local anesthetic (G. Helman, pers. comm., 1999). Highly

Rutaceae Juss.

regarded and commonly used by people in Sichuan Province, seeds cause a definite numbing sensation in the mouth. photodermatitis not a problem; bark produced neurologic effects; leaves possibly toxic In contrast to other members of the family, contact photodermatitis has not been a problem with Zanthoxylum. Although the irritant effects of bark suggest the possibility of the occurrence of adverse effects, there have been few reports of intoxications in livestock. Hansen (1930) suggested that leaves of Z. americanum were the likely cause of death of sheep in Indiana. Illness and death is reported for goats consuming leaves and bark of Z. clava-herculis (Dollahite 1978). An illness in beef cattle in Georgia was ascribed to their consumption of bark from the same species (Bowen et al. 1996). In a herd of 30 animals, 15 became ill and 8 died. The signs were mainly neurologic in nature, including apparent blindness, trembling, ataxia, and inability to drink and swallow. There were no distinctive lesions in animals that died. Root bark extracts of the African species Z. chalybeum, which is used in traditional medicine, produce adverse effects only with exceptionally high dosage (4000 mg/kg b.w.) for 4 weeks (Engeu et al. 2008). toxin unknown, possibly neuromuscular or ganglionic blocker

Disease Genesis—The specific toxin in the bark or foliage is not known. Bowen and coworkers (1996) subjected organic bark extracts to various in vitro and in vivo tests and concluded that the toxin may be a neuromuscular and ganglionic blocker, perhaps similar in action to quaternary ammonium compounds. Some aspects of the inhibition of in vitro contractile responses were overcome by increased calcium in the bathing solution or by addition of neostigmine.

Difficulties in administration due to lack of aqueous solubility and precipitation in the peritoneal cavity have decreased interest in its use as an antitumor agent. The capacity of the alkaloid to inhibit guinea pig brain Na+,K+ATPase is of interest and may be associated with its clinical effects (Cohen et al. 1978). The apparent low activity may have been biased by the difficulties in solubilizing the drug. Inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity suggests the possibility of cardiovascular effects similar to those of sanguinarine found in Argemone in the Papaveraceae, or poppy family (see Chapter 53). However, the cardiovascular effects of nitidine as tested by i.v. administration in dogs appear to be minor (Hamlin et al. 1976). Following its recognition as a component of African herbal remedies (Gakunju et al. 1995), nitidine has now been recognized as a potential antimalarial compound with activity via formation of complexes with haem, thereby altering hemoglobin metabolism in the mosquito (Bouquet et al. 2012) (Figure 66.15). While alkaloid profiles are similar between the two species, coumarins are abundant in the bark of Z. americana and other bioactive compounds have been isolated from the bark of Z. clava-herculis: herculin, an isobutylamide of a 12-C unsaturated acid with insecticidal activity similar to that of pyrethrin (Jacobson 1948); and the fish toxins asarinin and sesamin (Rao and Davies 1986). Herculin, placed on the tongue, caused a burning sensation and then numbing of the tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth, consistent with use of the bark as a toothache remedy (Jacobson 1948). However, toxicity of this compound is low; rats fed 500 mg/kg b.w. experienced only an increase in salivation (Figure 66.16). Bioactive pyranocoumarins have been isolated from Z. americanum and evaluated as antineoplastic agents (Ju et al. 2001). blindness, high-stepping gait, inability to swallow and drink, recumbency; most recover; no lesions

alkaloids present; nitidine, inhibitor of brain Na+,K+ATPase, possible cardiotoxin Species of Zanthoxylum also contain several alkaloids, including a number of benzophenanthridine types, of which nitidine is common to many (Fish et al. 1975; Phillips and Castle 1981; Hu et al. 2007). Nitidine has a wide variety of biological effects. It has been studied for its antitumor activity, which is presumably due to inhibition of human topoisomerase I and II (Gatto et al. 1996).


Figure 66.15.

Chemical structure of nitidine.

Figure 66.16.

Chemical structure of herculin.


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs and Pathology—The disease begins as a neurologic problem with apparent blindness, a highstepping gait, inability to drink and swallow, and eventually recumbency with struggling. Some animals may die in the next few days, but most will recover over the following weeks. Distinctive gross or microscopic lesions have not been observed. general nursing care, possibly neostigmine or calcium

Treatment—Treatment is supportive nursing care. The possibility that this is a disease related to neuromuscular blockade suggests the use of calcium preparations, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as neostigmine, or perhaps even low dosage of neuromuscular/ganglionic agonists (Bowen et al. 1996).

REFERENCES Aliotta G, Cafiero G, Defeo V, Sacchi R. Potential allelochemicals from Ruta graveolens L. and their action on radish seeds. J Chem Ecol 20;2761–2775, 1994. Bazrafkan M, Panahi M, Saki G, Ahangarpour A, Zaeimzadeh N. Effect of aqueous extract of Ruta graveolens on spermatogenesis of adult rats. Int J Pharmacol 6;926–929, 2010. Bennett EL, Bonner J. Isolation of plant growth inhibitors from Thamnosma montana. Am J Bot 40;29–33, 1953. Bouquet J, Rivaud M, Chevalley S, Deharo E, Jullian V, Valentin A. Biological activities of nitidine, a potential antimalarial lead compound. Malaria Journal 11;67–75, 2012. Bowen JM, Cole RJ, Bedell D, Schabdach D. Neuromuscular effects of toxins from southern prickly ash (Zanthoxylum clava-herculis) bark. Am J Vet Res 57;1239–1244, 1996. Brummitt RK. Rutaceae: rue & citrus family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 287– 288, 2007. Chang PTO, Cordell GA, Aynilian GH, Fong HHS, Farnsworth NR. Alkaloids and coumarins of Thamnosma montana. Lloydia 39;134–140, 1976. Ciganda C, Laborde A. Herbal infusions used to induce abortion. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 41;235–239, 2003. Cohen HG, Seifen EE, Straub KD, Tiefenbach CX, Stermitz FR. Structural specificity of the NaK-ATPase inhibition by sanguinarine, an isoquinoline benzophenanthridine alkaloid. Biochem Pharmacol 27;2555–2558, 1978. Conway GA, Slocumb JC. Plants used as abortifacients and emmenagogues by Spanish New Mexicans. J Ethnopharmacol 1;241–261, 1979. de Freitas TG, Augusto PM, Montanari T. Effect of Ruta graveolens L. on pregnant mice. Contraception 71;74–77, 2005. Diawara MM, Kulkosky PJ. Reproductive toxicity of the psoralens. Pediatr Pathol Mol Med 22;247–258, 2003. Diawara MM, Chavez KJ, Hoyer PB, Williams DE, Dorsch J, Kulkosky P, Franklin MR. A novel group of ovarian toxicants: the psoralens. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 13;195–203, 1999.

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Chapter Sixty-Seven

Sapindaceae Juss.

Soapberry or Maple Family Acer Aesculus Blighia Sapindus

Commonly known as the soapberry or maple or horse chestnut family, the Sapindaceae comprises 131–147 genera and 1450–2215 species (Brummitt 2007; Judd et al. 2008; Mabberley 2008). Distributed worldwide except for the extreme north and south, the family occurs in a variety of vegetation types; greatest diversity is in the tropics and southern hemisphere (Brummitt 2007). The circumscription of the Sapindaceae has been expanded to include the well-known families Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae. Taxonomists have long agreed that these three families were closely related, but have differed in their opinions as to whether they should be kept separate or combined. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses based on DNA sequences, Judd and coworkers (1994) and Bremer and coworkers (2009) have merged the three. In addition, despite their conspicuous differences in leaf arrangement and fruit type, examination of their genera on a worldwide basis reveals morphological features that unite them (Brummitt 2007). At present, the Aceraceae and Hippocastanaceae are classified as the subfamilies Aceroideae and Hippocastanoideae (Brummitt 2007). The Sapindaceae is economically important for timber, ornamentals, and edible fruits. The genus Acer (maple) is prized for its wood—used in furniture, paneling, veneer, and flooring—and its ornamentals. Other ornamental genera include Aesculus (horse chestnut), Koelreuteria (golden-rain tree), Melicocca (Spanish lime), Ungnadia (Mexican buckeye), and Xanthoceras (xanthoceras). Litchi chinensis (lychee) and Blighia sapida (akee) are prized for the soft, fleshy, edible arils surrounding their seeds.

In North America, 20 genera and 78 species or hybrids, both native and introduced, are present. Four quite different intoxication problems are associated with 4 genera.

trees or shrubs; leaves simple or palmately or pinnately compound; flowers perfect or imperfect; fruits capsules or berries or schizocarps of 2 samaras

Plants trees or shrubs; perennials; dioecious or polygamodioecious or andromonoecious. Leaves simple or palmately or pinnately compound; alternate or opposite; stipules absent or present. Inflorescences compound cymes or corymbs or panicles or racemes; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect or imperfect, similar; perianths in 1- or 2-series. Sepals 4 or 5 or 6; all alike or of 2 forms; free or fused. Corollas radially or bilaterally symmetrical. Petals 4 or 5, or rarely 3 or 6; free or fused; clawed or not clawed. Stamens 4–12. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 2–6, typically 3; stigmas 1–3; styles 1 or 2 or absent; ovaries superior; locules 2 or 3; placentation axile. Fruits schizocarps of 2 samaras, berries or capsules. Seeds 1–3; arils present or absent.

ACER L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Acer is represented in North America by 13 native species. Numerous species from Eurasia have been introduced as ornamentals. The native species occupy a variety of upland and bottomland habitats primarily in the eastern half of the continent. Most commonly encountered are A. saccharum (sugar maple), a dominant of the northeastern deciduous forests; A. saccharinum (silver maple); and A. negundo (boxelder), which is found across the continent. Only one species of the genus in North America has confirmed toxicity potential:

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Sapindaceae Juss. A. rubrum L.


red maple, scarlet maple, swamp maple, water maple, soft maple, Carolina maple

trees; leaves palmately lobed, bicolor, petioles red; bright red flowers appear before leaves; samaras bright red

Plants medium-sized trees; bark gray, smooth; polygamodioecious or dioecious. Branches glabrous; red when young. Leaves simple; palmately 3- to 6-lobed; upper surfaces dark green; lower surfaces pale green to whitegreen; margins coarsely serrate or crenate; bases truncate to subcordate; petioles red. Flowers appearing before the leaves; clustered on pendulous peduncles; bright red; perianths in 1-series or 2-series; radially symmetrical. Sepals 5 or rarely 4 or 6; fused or free. Petals 5 or rarely 4 or 6 or 0; free; red. Stamens 4–12. Nectaries present; may form disk. Pistils 1; compound; carpels 2; stigmas 2; styles 2; ovaries superior; placentation axile; ovules 2 per locule. Fruits schizocarps of 2 samaras; bright red; angle of wing divergence acute. Seeds 2 (Figures 67.1 and 67.2).

Figure 67.2.

Photo of leaves of Acer rubrum.

Figure 67.3.

Distribution of Acer rubrum.

eastern deciduous forests; ornamental

Distribution and Habitat—Exhibiting the greatest north–south distributional range of all tree species along the East Coast, A. rubrum occurs throughout the eastern half of North America. It is typically found in alluvial woods, along waterways, or on moist shady slopes (Figure 67.3).

mainly horses; 1–2 days after eating wilted leaves; abrupt onset of hemolysis, methemoglobinemia, and Heinz body formation

Figure 67.1.

Line drawing of Acer rubrum.

Disease Problems—Acute lysis of red blood cells following consumption of A. rubrum leaves has been confirmed in horses (including miniatures and ponies), zebras, and alpacas, but there is little reason to suspect that this disease is limited only to these animal species, and it may not be limited to a single species of Acer (Weber and Miller 1997; Boyer et al. 2002; Vin et al. 2002; DeWitt et al. 2004). With scattered occurrences in the spring, summer, and fall throughout the range of A. rubrum, the disease follows consumption of wilted or partly dried leaves from fallen or pruned branches and probably bark as well (Tennant et al. 1981; McConnico and Browne


Toxic Plants of North America

1992). Enough leaves may be consumed in 1 day to produce intoxication similar to but typically more acute and severe than that produced by species of Allium. Fresh leaves are apparently of little risk (Tennant et al. 1981; Divers et al. 1982; George et al. 1982). Although it has been suggested that leaves are more toxic in the fall (George et al. 1982), severe intoxications have been reported as early as late March (Alward et al. 2006). The case fatality rate often exceeds 50% and may be as high as 65%. Ingestion of 0.5–0.8% b.w. of dried but green leaves may cause intoxication. Typically horses will eat the leaves from a fallen limb for a day or two, with signs of intoxication appearing a day later. The leaves remain toxic for several weeks or more (Tennant et al. 1981; George et al. 1982). Experimentally, George et al. (1982) were unable to cause disease with fresh leaves. However, partly dried leaves (up to 50% fresh weight), stored at room temperature and fed to horses at 1.5–3 g/kg b.w., produced the typical hemolytic disease up to 4 weeks after drying. Leaves collected after September 15 produced a more acute disease, with horses dying within 18 hours after ingestion. An apparently unrelated disease problem has been reported in ducklings that ate seedlings of an unidentified European species of maple (Ludwig and Ludwig 1975). More than 300 of 3900 ducklings died suddenly. The disease was reproduced experimentally by feeding seedlings to ducklings, with signs such as ataxia, weakness of the legs, and paralysis observed. Pathologic changes were limited to congestion of the liver and spleen and pale cardiac musculature. In humans, a man experienced transient abdominal discomfort and persistent nausea after smoking dried leaves of A. saccharum over a 3-week period. Upon cessation of smoking the leaves, all signs disappeared (Milner et al. 1981).

toxin exerts oxidizing action on RBCs, intra- and extravascular hemolysis; cause unknown but possibly polyphenolic or nitrogenous compounds

Disease Genesis—Little is known of the identity of the specific toxicants and, although A. rubrum is unusual among the maples in its pattern of galloyl constituents (tannins) and the type of ester binding in its leaves, the toxin may not be specific for this species (Bate-Smith 1978). These hydrolyzable tannins have numerous potentially reactive hydroxyl groups that conceivably could be involved in the formation of reactants similar to the highly condensed quinones that play a role in

photosensitization due to consumption of Hypericum. Although the toxicants and their mechanism of action are unknown, there appears to be formation of highly reactive oxidants in sufficient quantities to overwhelm the glutathione-reducing system in RBCs. As with the oxidant effects of species of Allium and Brassica, the result is increased RBC fragility, precipitation of hemoglobin, and formation of Heinz bodies in RBCs. However, in the situation with Acer, the formation of methemoglobinemia is much more prominent, affecting as much as 50% of the circulating hemoglobin. In this instance there may be a direct link between methemoglobin (MHb) formation and the appearance of Heinz bodies, in contrast to the situation with Allium and Brassica. There are a variety of types of MHb-forming agents, typically phenyl rings with quinones, phenolics, amines, or nitro moieties, some of which require bioactivation in the body (Kiese 1974; Smith 1993). Thiols such as cysteine and cysteamine are of only low potency. This would suggest that the causes of hemolysis in Acer are more likely to be nitrogenous compounds or polyphenolics, as indicated previously. It is possible that 2 or more toxicants may be acting in concert to produce the hemolysis and methemoglobinemia (Boyer et al. 2002). Species such as A. saccharum and A. saccharinum may also pose a risk, albeit a lesser one (Boyer et al. 2002). Regardless of the cause, there is progressive intravascular and extravascular hemolysis due to RBC membrane perturbation and osmotic lysis, and removal by mononuclear phagocytic cells. The presence of severe hemolysis probably worsens the methemoglobinemia, because these conditions inhibit MHb reductase activity in red blood cells (Smith 1993). Death occurs because of the severe lack of oxygen delivery to vital cells due to anemia and to the oxidation of hemoglobin to MHb, which is incapable of oxygen transport. Renal effects due to hemoglobinuric nephrosis and shock-related tissue perfusion deficits may be serious complicating factors. The cause of the duckling deaths following ingestion of the European maple seedlings is also unknown. Several glycine and alanine derivatives were suggested to be the toxins (Ludwig and Ludwig 1975). Maples, including A. rubrum, also contain the indole alkaloid gramine (Pachter 1959; Pachter et al. 1959). This alkaloid, however, produces antiepinephrine effects on blood pressure and smooth muscle in cats, and convulsant actions at high dosage parenterally in mice, rather than hematologic changes (Powell and Chen 1945).

abrupt onset; depression, lethargy, anorexia, dark brown urine, severe anemia, Heinz bodies, methemoglobinemia

Sapindaceae Juss.

Clinical Signs—Rarely does peracute disease occur. When it does, there are few signs other than severe depression and cyanosis, terminating in death within 18 hours (George et al. 1982). More typically, the onset of signs is progressive over several days. Early signs—lethargy, anorexia, and dark red to brown urine—will be seen 1 or 2 days after ingestion of the leaves. The following day may bring increased severity, with weakness, increased heart and respiratory rates, and cyanosis (Divers et al. 1982; Long and Payne 1984; Crowell 1988). At this time, hematologic changes will be marked: anemia, numerous Heinz bodies in RBCs, and MHb levels of up to 50% (Tennant et al. 1981; Tvedten 1988; Alward et al. 2006). The anemia may develop quickly or be progressive, reaching a hematocrit of 8–10% and hemoglobin concentration of 5 g/dL within 1 day or up to 7 days after ingestion. Heinz bodies may be apparent for several weeks. Because of the progressive nature of the anemia, death may be delayed until a week after ingestion of the leaves, when the anemia becomes most severe. During this time, there will be moderate elevation of various serum enzymes, including LDH, CK, SDH, and AST. There may also be elevated serum bilirubin and creatinine, and a marked decrease in the concentration of reduced glutathione in erythrocytes (Tennant et al. 1981; George et al. 1982). In some cases, oliguria and icterus may be the primary presenting signs, accompanied by severe anemia and indications of renal failure (Plumlee 1991) Accompanying signs may include colic and laminitis and possibly abortion (Stair et al. 1993; Alward et al. 2006).

gross pathology, spleen enlarged, kidneys swollen, dark colored; microscopic, kidney tubular necrosis, Hb casts


Treatment—The most important aspect is restoration of adequate oxygen delivery to the tissues of the body. Crystalloid fluids and whole blood transfusions are the mainstays of treatment, but because of the continued presence of oxidants in the circulation, hemolysis may attenuate their beneficial effects, thus requiring their repeated administration. Early in the course of the disease, before a transfusion can be accomplished, oxyglobin, a bovine hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier, may be of benefit (Vin et al. 2002; DeWitt et al. 2004; Alward et al. 2006). Supportive care is also very important, as well as avoidance of stresses that would complicate the existing problems of oxygen delivery. Early in the course of the disease, activated charcoal or mineral oil given orally may be of some benefit. Treatment to reduce MHb to functional hemoglobin is not readily accomplished, because the horse responds poorly to the reducing effects of methylene blue on the NADH reductase pathway (Kiese 1974). As an alternative, although slow in effect and of questionable efficacy, ascorbic acid, 30 mg/kg b.w. i.v., may be given every 12 hours (Witonsky et al. 2001). McConnico and Browne (1992) reported some success with the use of 125 mg/kg ascorbic acid orally, 50 mg/kg s.c., and 30 mg/kg i.v. every 12 hours in concert with blood transfusion, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and fluids. Corticosteroids and NSAIDs have been used, but because of the complexity of the treatments it is difficult to ascertain their relative effectiveness. In some reports a positive outcome followed use of corticosteroids (Mcconnico and Browne 1992; Semrad 1993); however, a more recent review indicated an increased likelihood of mortality with their use (Alward et al. 2006). Other treatments which have been employed include diuretics, antibiotics, and DMSO (Alward et al. 2006).

AESCULUS L. Pathology—Grossly, the spleen may be enlarged and congested with blood, and the kidneys swollen and dark reddish black. Microscopically, the most prominent change is tubular nephrosis, with hemoglobin casts and epithelial cellular debris in dilated tubules. There may also be moderate centrilobular hepatic degeneration and necrosis, and foci of erythrophagocytosis in splenic macrophages and hepatic Kupffer cells (Divers et al. 1982; Long and Payne 1984).

fluids, whole blood; possibly activated charcoal, ascorbic acid, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Taxonomy and Morphology—Distributed primarily in the northern hemisphere of both the Old World and the New World, Aesculus comprises 13 species (Hardin 1957; Mabberley 2008). Hybridization among them is extensive, and identification of individual plants can be difficult. Numerous hybrids have been formally named. A few species provide timber or wood for crates and charcoal, but the genus is most prized for its showy ornamentals. Best known is the Old World A. hippocastanum (horse chestnut). Grown for its massive stature, large leaves, and striking inflorescences, this species has large, shiny, brown seeds that are the “conkers” played with by European children. The pale brown seed scar resembles the half-open eye of a deer—hence the common name buckeye for most of the American species.


Toxic Plants of North America

Introduced ornamentals occasionally encountered are A. indica and A. turbinata, the Indian and Japanese horse chestnuts, respectively. Representative of the genus are the following: A. californica (Spach) Nutt. A. flava Aiton (=A. octandra Marsh) A. glabra Willd.

(=A. arguta Buckley) A. hippocastanum L. A. pavia L. A. sylvatica Bartram

California buckeye sweet buckeye, yellow buckeye western buckeye, white buckeye, Ohio buckeye, Texas buckeye, fetid buckeye European horse chestnut, horse chestnut red buckeye painted buckeye, Georgia buckeye

Figure 67.4.

Line drawing of Aesculus hippocastanum.

Figure 67.5. glabra.

Photo of leaves and inflorescences of Aesculus

Figure 67.6.

Photo of leaves and flowers of Aesculus glabra.

deciduous shrubs or trees; leaves palmately compound with 5–11 leaflets, opposite; flowers in panicles; petals 4 or 5, free, clawed, white, greenish yellow, or red; fruits capsules; seeds 1–3, dark brown or light orange

Plants trees or shrubs; deciduous; andromonoecious. Stems 2–30 m tall; bark gray or dark brown, smooth or rough, scaly; terminal buds large, glutinous, ovoid; lateral buds conspicuous, mixed vegetative and floral, ovoid, solitary; bud scales conspicuous, 7 or more; lenticels large, pale brown to orange. Leaves palmately compound; opposite; leaflets 5–11; blades elliptic to obovate; venation pinnate; surfaces rugose, glabrous or tomentose or lanate; apices acute to acuminate; margins irregularly serrate; bases cuneate; stipules absent. Inflorescences panicles. Flowers produced simultaneously with or after leaves; perfect or imperfect, perfect and staminate similar; perianths in 2-series. Calyces bilaterally symmetrical; campanulate. Sepals 5; fused; gibbous or oblique. Corollas bilaterally symmetrical. Petals 4 or 5; unequal; free; clawed; white or greenish yellow or red. Stamens 5–8; free; filaments long, slender, unequal in length, curved upward. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3; stigmas 1; styles 1; ovaries superior; locules 3; placentation axile; ovules 2 per locule. Fruits capsules; loculicidal. Seeds 1–3; dark brown or light orange-brown (Figures 67.4–67.6).

variety of habitats and vegetation types; ornamentals

Distribution and Habitat—The buckeyes are found in a variety of soils and habitats—in rocky and sandy soils, woods, and thickets and along fencerows and streams. Aesculus flava occurs in the rich moist woods of the

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Appalachian Mountains and Ohio River valley. Aesculus glabra is the most common species, occupying moist but well-drained soils of woods and thickets of the central United States. Aesculus pavia is an uncommon species of moist woods mainly of the southeastern United States. Aesculus sylvatica is an Appalachian species. Native to Greece, the Balkan Peninsula, and the Caucasus Mountains of northeastern Turkey, A. hippocastanum has long been cultivated as a garden and park tree in Europe and North America (Hardin 1957). The buckeyes may also be cultivated as ornamentals although they are not as widely used for this purpose as A. hippocastanum. Distribution maps of individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (


variety of animal species, especially in ruminants. In the latter, marked signs of neurointoxication occur, ranging from ataxia to seizures and rarely death (Cary 1922; Reynard and Norton 1942; Kornheiser 1983; Magnusson et al. 1983; Casteel et al. 1992). In chickens, the effects range from depression of growth to generalized depression and weakness (Creek and Vasaitis 1963; Williams and Olsen 1984). Similarly, weakness and depression are prominent in pigs and horses (Cary 1922). The pulverized seeds were reportedly used to immobilize fish, and this has subsequently been experimentally confirmed (Pammel 1911; Cary 1922).

principal toxicants a mixture of triterpenoid saponins of genins; variously esterified seeds and foliage neurotoxic; mainly transient ataxia

Disease Problems—In Europe where trees of A. hippocastanum are common, the seeds are well known as a cause of intoxication. Primarily a problem in children, ingestion of the seeds may cause mild to moderate neurologic signs. The relative toxicity of some of the species has been confirmed experimentally in chicks and hamsters: A. hippocastanum > A. flava > A. glabra > A. pavia (Williams and Olsen 1984). Although a lethal dose for some species is about 1% b.w. given for a day or more in calves, in most animals the onset of signs decreases intake, so that the disease is typically self-limiting. Serious intoxications, including occasional deaths, are most likely to be caused by A. hippocastanum because both its leaves and seeds are lethal (Reynard and Norton 1942; Williams and Olsen 1984). In an example case, a 14 month-old 10 kg dog ate 8 or more horse chestnuts, vomited, collapsed, became dehydrated, underwent a laparotomy, and recovered, but relapsed and died (Campbell and Chapman 2000). Few other cases are reported for dogs and rarely children may be intoxicated (Campbell 2008). Experimentally, seeds of A. flava at 0.5% b.w. caused serious but not lethal neurotoxic effects in calves, whereas 1% b.w. was lethal (Magnusson et al. 1983). Aesculus glabra appears to be less toxic, but it is nevertheless capable of causing distinct neurotoxic effects that are unlikely to be fatal except through misadventure (Casteel et al. 1992). In contrast, Cary (1922), using the leaves, roots, or seeds from A. pavia, found it difficult to give sufficient material to cause toxic manifestations in pigs, cattle, or horses. Intoxications may be seen in the fall when fruits are consumed or in the spring following ingestion of leaves and buds. Consumption of mature leaves at other times is much less of a problem. Intoxication may be seen in a

Disease Genesis—Several compounds of interest are found in Aesculus, including various unsaturated sterols (sitosterol, stigmasterol), triterpenoid alcohols (taraxerol), and alkaloids (dicaffeoylspermidine, di-4-coumaroylspermidine) (Macbeth 1931; Mukherjee et al. 1983; Stankovic et al. 1984, 1985; Southon and Buckingham 1989). There is also a coumarin derivative (esculin or aesculin) and its glycoside (esculetin). However, the toxic effects appear to be due to a mixture of 30 or more pentacyclic oleanane triterpenoids called saponins when complexed as glycosides with glucose and glucuronic acid. Found in both seeds and leaves, these saponins are acylated mono-, bi-, and tridesmosidic glycosides of several genins, including escigenin, barringtogenol C, hippocaesculin, and protoescigenin (Hoppe et al. 1968; Wulff and Tschesche 1969; Wagner et al. 1970; Aurada et al. 1984; Konoshima and Lee 1986; Singh et al. 1986, 1987; Sati and Rana 1987; Schrutka-Rechtenstamm et al. 1988; Profumo et al. 1991). The complexity of the array of saponins present is increased even more because the genins may also be esterified with tiglic acid, angelic acid, α-methylbutyric acid, or isobutyric acid. The nomenclature of these compounds can be quite confusing because of the similarity in names applied to the numerous glycosides and their respective free aglycones or genins, for example, escin, aescin, aesculin, and aesculuside. This is due, in some measure, to the similarity in names applied to the glycosides and to the respective free aglycones or genins (Figure 67.7). The best known and best studied escin is a mixture of saponins sometimes referred to as α-escin and the natural form β-escin. It may compose up to 13% d.w. of the seeds of A. hippocastanum. Depending upon the species, it is composed mainly of diesters as well as other aglycones, including barringtogenol C (=escinidin) and its diangeloyl


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more hours following oral administration of extracts of β-escin (Kunz et al. 1991). There is an apparent increased sensitivity for ruminants to the toxic effects of the saponins. This may be due to the reducing environment of the rumen, which increases the likelihood of hydrolysis of the parent glycoside to allow for absorption of the free aglycone—presumably the neurotoxin, although not confirmed experimentally (Casteel et al. 1992).

Figure 67.7.

Chemical structure of β-escin.

diester derivative. Also present are escigenin and isoescigenin, which are derivatives of barringenol R1 angeloyl diester (Connolly and Hill 1991).

neurotoxic in low dosage; hemolytic in high dosage; medicinal properties

When administered parenterally, these saponins are neurotoxic in low dosage and hemolytic in high dosage (Vogel et al. 1970; Wagner et al. 1970). The escins also have hypoglycemic activity (Yoshikawa et al. 1996). Some of the escin fractions, especially β-escin, have beneficial effects on the heart, kidneys, and other tissues and are used medicinally (Panigati 1992). Studies in mice with induced ileus show increased gastrointestinal transit/ motility with escin and this has been confirmed in humans with postoperative ileus (Matsuda et al. 1999; Xie et al. 2009). Available in many countries under various trade names by numerous manufacturers, escin is used to control inflammation, edema, and cellulitis, especially in peripheral vascular disease secondary to restoration of the plasma-lymph barrier (Vogel et al. 1970; Rothkopf and Vogel 1976; Annoni et al. 1979; Matsuda et al. 1997). It is also used as an antineoplastic cytotoxin (Konoshima and Lee 1986). It seems to have beneficial effects in decreasing capillary fragility and is sometimes referred to as capillaro-protective. Perhaps the most effective of the extensive array of uses of these seed extracts is for treatment of chronic venous insufficiency or varicose veins as reviewed by Tiffany et al. (2002). Fortunately, the medicinal fractions are only rarely hepatotoxic (Takegoshi et al. 1986). Both escin and barringtogenol C have been used as fish poisons. Escin has been the subject of numerous studies because of interest in its medicinal uses. As with other saponins, it is poorly absorbed when given orally but causes irritation of the intestinal mucosa. In rats, much of what is absorbed is extensively biotransformed (Lang and Mennicke 1972). Plasma concentrations may persist for 24 or

sawhorse stance, ataxia, stagger, hyperesthesia, muscle spasms, trembling; typically lasting 24 hours

Clinical Signs—The disease usually begins with the animal exhibiting a sawhorse stance and a reluctance to stand or move. When the animal is required to do so, there is marked ataxia with an uneasy staggering gait, accompanied by hypermetria or an exaggerated motion and hyperesthesia. Seizures with muscle spasms, postural abnormalities, extensor rigidity, and collapse may be precipitated. Severe depression, colic, mydriasis, and trembling may also be seen. The disease is seldom fatal but may result in transient incapacitation, especially in the spring, when young foliage may be abundant and palatable. The signs are typically self-limiting, lasting perhaps 12–48 hours, but because of their nature they may nonetheless be quite alarming to the animal’s owner. Clinical chemistry parameters are usually not remarkable except for elevated blood glucose as seen in calves experimentally (less than 150 g/dL) (Magnusson et al. 1983). In children, horse chestnut poisoning may cause vomiting, diarrhea, headache, stupor, and coma, but these effects are unlikely with medicinal use of escin or seed extracts. Similarly, in dogs, mild gastrointestinal upset due to irritation are the main effects, most likely with retching, vomiting, salivation, anorexia, and abdominal tenderness (Campbell 2008).

no lesions, treatment rarely needed

Pathology and Treatment—There are no specific pathologic lesions, and necropsy is seldom performed because the disease is rarely fatal. Treatment is required only in exceptionally severe cases, and prevention of continued access to the toxic forage will be followed by recovery within several days. In children and dogs, emetics may be of value early before signs develop; otherwise, supportive care ensuring hydration and respiratory function is appropriate.

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BLIGHIA KOENIG Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to West Africa, Blighia, commonly known as akee or ackee, comprises 3 species (Mabberley 2008). Its name honors Captain William Bligh, famous commander of HMS Bounty (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). One species causes toxicologic problems: B. sapida Koenig (=Cupania sapida Voigt.)

ackee, akee, akee apple

trees; leaves 1-pinnately compound with 6–10 leaflets; flowers small, fragrant; petals 5, greenish white; fruits ovoid, 3-lobed capsules; seeds 3, shiny black, with fleshy, creamy white arils

Plants trees; up to 15 m tall; branches stiff; crowns typically asymmetrical. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; leaflets 6–10, subsessile, blades elliptic or ovate or obovate, margins entire. Inflorescences racemose; axillary; pendulous. Flowers small; fragrant. Sepals 5; fused; imbricate or valvate. Corollas radially symmetrical. Petals 5; greenish white. Stamens 8 or 10. Pistils with 3-lobed stigmas; ovules 1 per locule. Fruits capsules; ovoid; 3-lobed; pericarps coriaceous; stramineous-yellow to magenta-red at maturity. Seeds 3; large; shiny black; arils fleshy, creamy white (Figures 67.8 and 67.9).

Distribution and Habitat—Native to tropical West Africa, B. sapida is believed to have been introduced via a slave ship before 1778, the earliest account of its presence in Jamaica (Rashford 2001). Captain Bligh is credited with taking plants to the Royal Botanic Garden at

Figure 67.8. Photo of leaves and fruits of Blighia sapida. Photo by P. Acevedo, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

Figure 67.9. Photo of fruit and seeds of Blighia sapida. Photo by P. Acevedo, courtesy of Smithsonian Institution.

Kew in 1793 after delivering breadfruit plants from Tahiti to Jamaica and St. Vincent (Rashford 2001). It has naturalized throughout the Caribbean, Central America, and in southern Florida (Cohen and Paull 2008). Plants also are encountered in southern California and parts of Mexico.

humans, vomiting sickness, unripe fruit, fresh or canned

Disease Problems—The country’s national fruit, ackee, is a staple Jamaican food. When boiled, drained, simmered in oil, and mixed with salted dried fish, vegetables, and hot peppers, it becomes Jamaica’s unofficial national dish ackee and saltfish (Rashford 2001). The fleshy aril of the seed is the part of the fruit that is eaten when ripe, either fresh or preserved (Morton 1982). Ackees are also canned to be exported and to be served in restaurants. Frozen ackees are also exported but in lesser amounts than canned ones (Cohen and Paull 2008). When they are cooked, the water should be discarded to avoid the adverse effects—abrupt onset of vomiting and a precipitous decline in blood sugar (McTague and Forney 1994). The danger lies in ingestion of spoiled or unripe fruits, those not opening on the tree (Jordan and Burrows 1937). Blohm (1962) reported that the fruit is said to be safe to eat if it is open, the aril is firm, and the outer portion is bright red. Because of the fanciful resemblance of the opened, mature fruits to smiling faces, Jamaicans traditionally use the saying “Those that do not smile will kill me” to distinguish between fruits that are edible and those that are poisonous (Rashford 2001). To be certain, the flesh should be boiled and the water discarded. Akee fruit poisoning is essentially a problem restricted to


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humans and has been extensively reviewed by Joskow and coworkers (2006) and by Barceloux (2009). The toxic effects of B. sapida have been shown to be the same as those of a disease long known as the vomiting sickness of Jamaica and now referred to as ackee poisoning (Jordan and Burrows 1937). It was noted as a serious problem in the late 1800s, mainly in children. It is particularly a problem in young children of lower socioeconomic groups, probably in part because of the role of malnutrition in increasing susceptibility (Blake et al. 2004). The incidence increases during the winter when other foods are scarce and the ackee fruit is not yet ripe (Bressler 1976). Thus the scarcity of food predisposes to the increased consumption of the plentiful unripe fruits. Literally hundreds and perhaps thousands of deaths are attributed to this cause over the years, although this is difficult to substantiate. Prior to 1952, the case fatality rate was 80% (Bressler 1976). Although the importance of the disease has waned since the 1930s, episodes still occur; 28 cases, including 6 deaths, were reported from January 1989 to July 1991 in Jamaica (Figeroa et al. 1992). In the same report, vomiting occurred in 77% of the cases as the major and most common sign, with coma and seizures in about 25%. There seems to be a less consistent problem in areas where the tree grows other than Jamaica, perhaps because the fruit is not eaten as much in these other areas. However, occasional serious outbreaks occur in other areas. In Haiti, serious problems continue to occur; over 100 cases with some deaths were reported in 2000 (Joskow et al. 2006). Again the problem is most likely with food shortages. In an example case, 12 and 24 uncooked raw fruits, respectively, were ingested by 2 adults, causing vomiting, drowsiness, and leading to hypoglycemia and coma (Golden et al. 1984). Respiratory depression required endotracheal intubation but recovery was complete in 1 week. Problems associated with the toxic nature of the fruit are not restricted to the Caribbean. Consumption of the unripe fruit has been associated with lethal outbreaks of preschool children in West Africa, where it is used as a fishing poison (Meda et al. 1999; Quere et al. 1999; Barennes et al. 2004; Neuwinger 2004). In the United States, ackee poisoning is rare, but not unknown; several nonfatal cases have been reported in Ohio, Connecticut, and New York (Morton 1982; Schecter and Wiener 2009). In 1972, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the import of canned ackee because of safety concerns about the presence of hypoglycins, the toxicants (Cohen and Paull 2008). This ban was lifted in 2000 and importation of canned ackee resumed, albeit canners must meet FDA standards for the amount of hypoglycine present. As suggested previously, liver injury is a possible sequela to long-term, low-level toxin ingestion (Tanaka et al.

1972). This is shown by a report of liver disease following chronic ingestion (months) of canned ackee fruit (Larson et al. 1994). There was marked abdominal pain, diarrhea, pruritis, and jaundice. The case was not fatal, but biopsy revealed zonal liver cell necrosis and bile stasis. The toxins of B. sapida are also suspected as a cause of fatal encephalopathy in children 2–6 years of age (Meda et al. 1999). toxic amino acids; hypoglycins, mainly in unripe seeds and arils

Disease Genesis—The toxins are amino acids, that is, hypoglycins A and B, 2-methylenecyclopropane-alanine and its γ-glutamyl derivative, respectively, which are most abundant in the seeds of unripe fruit (Hassal and Reyle 1955; Tanaka et al. 1976). The level of the toxins is 2–4 times greater in the seeds of unripe fruit. Chase and coworkers (1990) examined the toxin levels in fruit grown in Florida and found that concentrations were 939, 711, and 41.6 mg/100 g in the seeds, aril, and husk, respectively, of unripe fruit, and 269, 13 mg/dL). The resulting dystrophic calcification is especially noticeable in the horse, as manifested by bony prominences, tense abdominal muscles, stiffness with a short choppy walk, reluctance to move, and eventually recumbency. There may be pain on palpation of tendons and ligaments. The syndrome may be slowly progressive over several years or develop more rapidly to become severe within a few months. Large amounts of plant material may cause a more acute disease with signs related to irritation of the digestive tract or cardiac dysfunction, presumably due to excess calcium.

hepatotoxicosis: depression, ataxia, seizures, collapse, elevated serum hepatic enzymes

Figure 69.13. Chemical structure of 1,25-dihyd roxycholecalciferol.

Signs produced by species of Cestrum causing hepatic necrosis include depression, ataxia, sometimes aggression, tremors, seizures, and collapse/coma. In this case, serum chemistry changes indicative of hepatic damage—marked increases in AST, LDH, GGT activity, or prothrombin

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time—will be noteworthy. In light of the toxicant type (carboxyatractyloside like), blood glucose levels may also be expected to be low. This is typically an acute, rapidly developing, highly lethal disease.

calcification of tendons, ligaments, arteries, bony changes

Pathology—The chronic wasting disease associated with dystrophic calcification is characterized by calcification of elastic tissues, including tendons, ligaments, and arteries. There are bony changes as well, including primary osteonecrosis and secondary osteopetrosis.


(Robert Bye, unpublished data). All are of toxicologic interest: D. discolor Bernh. D. ferox L. D. inoxia Mill. (= D. meteloides DC. ex Dunal) (= D. metel auct. non L.) (= D. fastuosa L.) D. quercifolia Kunth D. stramonium L. D. wrightii Regel

desert thorn apple large-flowered thorn apple, sacred datura, Indian apple

black datura, devil’s trumpet, Hindu datura, horn-of-plenty, downy thorn apple, hairy thorn apple oak-leaf thorn apple jimsonweed, Jamestown weed, thorn apple sacred datura, Indian apple, tolguacha

hepatotoxicosis: liver nutmeg color, gallbladder wall thick, peritoneal fluid; hepatic necrosis, moderate renal tubular necrosis

branching herbs or subshrubs; flowers large, showy, fragrant, erect; corollas tubular to funnelform, white, yellow, or violet to purple; fruits prickly capsules

Grossly, in the hepatotoxicosis caused by C. parqui in sheep, the liver has a nutmeg color or reticular pattern, and the gallbladder wall is thick and edematous. There may also be excess serofibrinous peritoneal fluid and small splotchy hemorrhages in various tissues, including the heart. Microscopically, there will be centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis and moderate renal tubular necrosis.

Plants herbs or subshrubs; annuals or perennials; herbage typically malodorous, glabrous or pubescent. Stems erect; 50–150 cm tall; branching profuse, candelabriform. Leaves short petiolate; blades ovate to elliptic or rhomboidal or triangular; margins entire to coarsely toothed or lobed, plane or undulate. Inflorescences extraaxillary; flowers solitary in branch forks. Flowers large; showy; fragrant; short-lived; erect. Calyces tubular or angled; 5-toothed; circumscissile, distal halves deciduous, proximal halves persistent and enlarging in fruit. Corollas radially symmetrical; 5- or 10-lobed; white or yellow or violet to purple; tubular to funnelform. Petal Lobes long or short; acute to acuminate. Stamens 5; equal or unequal; included within corollas or exserted. Fruits capsules; globose to ovoid or ellipsoid; prickles present; locules 4. Seeds flat; black or brown or tan (Figures 69.15–69.17).

calcification: relief of discomfort; hepatotoxicity: general nursing care, good diet

Treatment—When dystrophic calcification is present, calcitonin concentrations are usually already elevated, and treatment is mainly directed toward relief of the discomfort. Disease associated with hepatocellular necrosis is best treated with good nursing care and a high-quality diet.

DATURA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Commonly known as thorn apple, Datura comprises 8–25 species native to the tropics and subtropics. Its name is apparently derived from an East Indian or Arabic vernacular name (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Woody species with pendulous flowers formerly included in the genus are now segregated in their own genus, Brugmansia, which is also treated in this chapter. In North America, 6 species are present

ornamentals; weeds of disturbed sites

Distribution and Habitat—Native to both the Old World and the New World, species of Datura are now widely naturalized, and the geographic origins of some are debated by taxonomists. Illustrative of this is the uncertainty whether D. stramonium, which is widespread throughout the world in disturbed sites, is native to Asia or tropical America. Flowering for long periods in the summer and fall, some species are cultivated as ornamentals, whereas others are weeds of waste areas, feedlots, croplands, and roadsides. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 69.17.

Figure 69.15. Line drawing of plant, capsule, and seeds of Datura stramonium.

Figure 69.16.

Photo of Datura stramonium.

neurotoxic; mainly humans, seeds considered hallucinogenic; used for relief of respiratory distress

Disease Problems—Species of Datura are of considerably more importance as risks for humans rather than for livestock or other animals. Plants of this genus, especially their seeds, have been used for visionary purposes by many societies for centuries (Baskin 1967). The common

Photo of Datura wrightii.

names Jamestown weed and its derivative, jimsonweed, date to an incident in Virginia in 1676, when soldiers sent to Jamestown by the governor to quell an insurrection promoted by Captain Nathaniel Bacon accidentally consumed Datura leaves in a salad and became intoxicated. They were incapacitated for 11 days and then recovered. Other episodes involving large numbers of individuals have since been reported, with each intoxication resulting in bizarre behavior and incapacitation of up to several days duration (Hughes and Clark 1939). Occasional mass poisonings continue to be a problem in some areas of the world due primarily to contamination of grain (Onen et al. 2002; Perharic 2005; Fretz et al. 2007). In a case series in Greece, 7 individuals purchasing vegetables from the same food market became intoxicated with D. innoxia, which had been inadvertently collected with Amaranthus blitum for use as a cooked salad vegetable (Papoutsis et al. 2010). All patients were hospitalized and recovered but in some instances required extensive treatment, including physostigmine. This is similar to cases reported from Taiwan, involving 14 people ingesting wild D. suaveolans for food (Chang et al. 1999). The seeds in small quantities are thought to be hallucinogenic and are used ritualistically (especially D. inoxia) by American Indians and others. Their use for this purpose is not without danger, because in large amounts, severe derangement of the parasympathetic nervous system may occur and present serious problems. Smoke from burning leaves and seeds has been used therapeutically to alleviate respiratory distress. The potential for serious problems arises when inhalant asthma powders are taken orally,

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because of the lack of control over the dose. Commercially available thorn apple tea preparations are also a potential problem (Coremans et al. 1994). Numerous poisonings have been reported, especially in children and adolescents (Jennings 1935; Mitchell and Mitchell 1955). Hallucinatory episodes are reported in many cases, some individuals exhibiting bizarre (wandering naked) and/or aggressive and violent behavior (Dean 1963; Gowdy 1972; Klein-Schwartz and Oderda 1984). Cases involving Datura were reported to be the sixth most common plant problem by U.S. poison control centers from 1992 to 1999; the top problem in hospital admissions in the Czech Republic in 1996–2001; and a serious problem in 1966– 1994 as reported by the Swiss Toxicology Information Center (Jaspersen-Schib et al. 1996; Mrvos et al. 2001; Vichova and Jahodar 2003). In addition, unilateral unresponsive mydriasis (anisocoria) may occur in humans (gardener’s eye or pupil or cornpickers eye) and dogs upon topical (skin or conjunctive) contact with the plants (Savitt et al. 1986; Hansen and Clerc 2002; Raman and Jacob 2005). Aspects of Datura poisoning in humans from the Emergency Control Center perspective have been reviewed by Krenzelok (2010). Throughout North America, seeds, roots, and extracts of Datura continue to be misused, especially by adolescents, in a variety of creative ways, for example, included in teas, or simply smoked, or the seeds chewed (Shervette et al. 1970; Mahler 1975; Klein-Schwartz and Oderda 1984; Guharoy and Barajas 1991; Hanna et al. 1992; Rodgers and Von Kanel 1993; Perrotta et al. 1995; Dewitt et al. 1997; Forrester 2006; Spina and Taddei 2007). In one instance, a group of 5 boys were intoxicated by a home brew of D. suaveolens leaves mixed with a cola beverage (Francis and Clarke 1999). Although most intoxications are resolved without serious long-term consequences, occasionally there are more serious outcomes, even death (Perrotta et al. 1995). Only rarely are fatalities reported in the United States (Litovitz et al. 2001). Toxicity in humans accrues from small amounts of plant material, possibly about 0.1% b.w. Misuse involving animals is rare, but a pair of leaves rolled and placed in the rectum is reported to perk up an otherwise poorly appearing horse (Muller 1998).

generally little problem in livestock, unpalatable; small amounts cause reduced motility of gut and decreased appetite

The poor value of D. stramonium as feed for livestock is reflected in the reference to the “lowly jimsonweed” in Gene Autry’s theme song, “Back in the Saddle Again.” Disease in livestock from consumption of fresh plants


seems rather limited in importance because it is generally unpalatable, and development of early signs diminishes the animals’ appetite. Plants should be considered most toxic when mature, and they remain so after drying. This is important because, although fresh plants are quite unpalatable, dried material in hay may be eaten inadvertently. This is particularly true for ruminants. Up to 1% b.w./day of leaves or fruits fed to sheep or goats produced clinical signs after 2 or more days, but it was not lethal unless fed for several weeks or longer (El Dirdiri et al. 1981). Such a situation of prolonged daily ingestion is unlikely because of the plant’s effects on appetite. This is illustrated by an episode in which linseed meal contaminated with seeds of D. stramonium caused only decreased appetite and weight loss (Janssens and Wilde 1989). However, the species is capable of causing serious problems in some circumstances, as is indicated by the death of calves and a dog (Case 1956; Tostes 2002). When dried whole plants were administered to sows at 0.12% b.w./ day, severe signs developed within a few days, and 1 sow died after 4 days (Keeler 1981). In rare instances, mass intoxications may occur; for example, in Czechoslovakia, of 510 cows at risk from eating D. stramonium, 44 died and 22 more had to be destroyed (Ofukany et al. 1983). Intoxications also occur in wildlife, as is documented by a case in which D. inoxia, introduced into South Africa, was suspected to be the cause of disease in springbok (Lindeque and Scheepers 1992). Congenital arthrogryposis in pigs has been reported to be caused by D. stramonium (Leipold et al. 1973). However, this has not been confirmed experimentally, even when plant material has been given for prolonged periods ranging from 28 to 90 days of gestation at a dosage sufficient to produce prominent signs of intoxication in the dams and death in 1 sow (Keeler 1981).

anticholinergic scopolamine




Disease Genesis—Most of the toxic effects of species of Datura are attributable to an extensive series of potent anticholinergic tropane alkaloids such as l-hyoscyamine and scopolamine (l-hyoscine), an epoxy derivative of hyoscyamine. Atropine is a mixture of d- and lhyoscyamine, the racemization occurring as an artifact of extraction. The toxicity problems are similar to those of the well-known deadly nightshade of European origin, Atropa belladonna, which contains mainly hyoscyamine (0.3–0.4%) and little scopolamine (Oshima et al. 1989). In D. inoxia (reported as D. metel), alkaloid concentrations increase with plant maturity, up to 1.5% at fruiting (Afsharypuor et al. 1995). Typically, scopolamine is


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present in leaves and flowers at levels of 0.2–0.27%, whereas hyoscyamine is at 0.06–0.13% (Oshima et al. 1989; Afsharypuor et al. 1995). Concentrations of tropane alkaloids in D. stramonium seeds range from 0.2 to 0.6%, with a ratio of hyoscyamine to scopolamine of 4:1 to 5:1 (Worthington et al. 1981; Nelson et al. 1982; Dugan et al. 1989; Friedman and Levine 1989). Hyoscyamine also predominates in seeds of D. inoxia (0.14% hyoscyamine and 0.02% scopolamine), but the reverse is true for leaves, albeit with lower concentrations ( small stems > leaves > calyces > small immature fruits. Very little tomatine was found in mature red fruits. Concentrations in the fruits are low to nil initially, rise to a peak during the next week or two, and then decline to quite low levels in fully mature tomatoes, whether red, yellow, or orange (Eltayeb and Roddick 1984; Bacigalupo et al. 2000) (Figure 69.36). Tomatine shares many features with solanine and chaconine, including weak to moderate cardiotoxicity and cholinesterase inhibition (Roddick 1989). However, it is even more poorly absorbed orally than these related glycoalkaloids and is seldom a hazard. Extrapolation from mice suggests a toxic dosage, even with concentrations of 5% in leaves, to be about 1 kg leaves/100 kg b.w. Thus, the hazard in most situations is low. The potential for teratogenicity is difficult to assess because tomatine has not produced terata in laboratory animals, but it is strongly embryotoxic and teratogenic when tested in frog embryos (Xenopus) (Keeler et al. 1991b; Friedman et al. 1992). Mainly lethal malformations were produced. When tomatidine (from α-tomatine) was fed to pregnant mice for 14 days, only a minor increase in liver weight was noted and with no effects on the fetus, in contrast to the effects of solanidine (Friedman et al. 2003a).

Figure 69.35. genin).

Figure 69.36.

Chemical structure of solanine (solanidine Chemical structure of tomatine.

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of special interest in potatoes are solanidines αchaconine and α-solanine; highest levels in fruits and sprouts, appreciable amounts in foliage at time of flowering Most interest has focused on the more toxic solanidines, α-chaconine and α-solanine, because they are present in potatoes. Chaconine is generally considered the more toxic of the two, and based upon a trout embryo toxicity assay procedure, chaconine is about 4.5 times more toxic than either solanine or solanidine (Crawford and Kocan 1993). However, an important consideration here is the possibility of synergism between chaconine and solanine, which may result in greater toxicity (Kozukue et al. 2008). The synergism will vary with the respective concentrations and the particular effect, such as tested with frog embryos or snail feeding (Rayburn et al. 1995; Smith et al. 2001). In addition to being toxic, chaconine and solanine, which are not particularly heat labile, are thought to impart a bitterness to potatoes when the concentrations exceed 11 mg% (Sinden 1987). Chaconine and solanine have been negative in the Ames test for mutagenicity and negative in the micronucleus test for clastogenicity (Slanina 1990; Friedman and Henika 1992). Interestingly there are some studies which suggest that the GAs increase the risk of some cancers, whereas other reports indicate the opposite (Korpan et al. 2004) (Figures 69.37 and 69.38). Typical concentrations of total GAs (more than 50% chaconine) in potato tubers are in the range of 5– 17 mg/100 g and severalfold higher in peels (Jadhav et al. 1981; Kozukue et al. 2008; Kirui et al. 2009). Concentrations in plants range from highest to lowest as follows: flowers > sprouts > peels and eyes > shoot tips > tuber flesh. Solanidine is typically 2 times higher in fruits than in foliage, in the range of 0.4–3% d.w. or, in another study, 2.4 g/kg dried vines (Vieira and Freire de Carvalho 1993; Nikolic and Stankovic 2003). GA synthesis is highly heritable, but concentrations can also be increased

Figure 69.37.

Chemical structure of chaconine.

Figure 69.38.

Chemical structure of solacongestidine.

by trauma and stress such as cuts, bruises, high temperature, and greening due to exposure to light (Sinden 1987). Although GAs increase with greening by 3- to 7-fold, there does not seem to be a direct link between chlorophyll and alkaloid accumulation (Edwards et al. 1998; Grunenfelder et al. 2006). Greening does not increase GAs in the flesh of the tuber to greater than 20 mg/100 g. Concentrations of GAs may be as high as 400 mg/100 g in sprouts and up to 100 mg/100 g in peels and leaves, but generally decrease with plant maturity, especially in the foliage. Concentrations in foliage are high at the time of flowering and fruiting and decline thereafter (Dijkstra and Reestman 1943). Friedman and Dao (1992) found that plants with tuber concentrations of 14.7 mg/100 g chaconine/solanine had much higher levels in the foliage— 145.1 mg/100 g. Similar findings are reported by Phillips and coworkers (1996), with chaconine levels several times higher than those of solanine. GA concentrations in tubers are dependent upon environmental influences; molybdenum applications during growth may reduce the levels by 50% (Mondy and Munshi 1993). In most species the GA toxins in the fruits are metabolized to nitrogen-free neutral saponins and decline with maturation while steroidal sapogenins increase (Willuhn 1967; Hostettmann and Marston 1995). Thus, immature berries are typically higher in glycoalkaloids and are more toxic than when ripe (Steyn 1934; Watt and BreyerBrandwijk 1962). An exception is the ripe berries of S. carolinense, which contain high concentrations of GAs at maturity (Cipolini et al. 2002). These workers hypothesize that the yellow-, mammal-, and winter-dispersed fruits may have high GA levels, whereas the small red or black, bird-dispersed fruits have low GAs. This is observed in S. pseudocapsicum, where solasodine reaches a maximum in fully ripe yellow berries and then declines markedly in overripe red berries (Mangla and Kamal 1989), whereas the black fruited species such as S. nigrum, S. americanum, and S. ptychanthum have low levels of solasodine even in unripe berries and nil in ripe berries


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and leaves (Carle 1981; Cipollini and Levey 1997; Cipollini et al. 2004). However, even ripe berries of any species may sometimes contain substantial concentrations of GAs, although in general environmental conditions do not markedly affect fruit chemistry (Eldridge and Hockridge 1983; Cipollini et al. 2004). Humans appear to be the most susceptible species; GA concentrations in excess of 20 mg/100 g (200 ppm) are considered toxic and, when in excess of 40 mg/100 g, are associated with illness (Sinden 1987). When expressed as dosage, the threshold has been estimated at about 1 mg/ kg, or in the range of 2–5 mg/kg b.w. of potato glycoalkaloid (Morris and Lee 1984; Hopkins 1995). This is in contrast to the 225 mg/kg toxic dose in sheep reported for solanine (Jadhav et al. 1981). Similarly, oral dosage of 5–50 mg/kg b.w. with a 3:1 ratio of chaconine to solanine for 3 days was without adverse effects (Phillips et al. 1996). Intoxication, which is associated mainly with a saponin-like effect on the digestive system and disruption of cellular membranes due to cholesterol binding, may be caused by consumption of immature foliage or berries from many of the Solanum species or under very unusual circumstances from parts of the potato tuber. The GAs are poorly absorbed from the digestive tract and are much more toxic when given by injection (Nishie et al. 1971). The kinetics of GA disposition have been studied in humans, based upon oral ingestion of mashed potatoes containing GA concentrations equivalent to 1 mg/kg b.w., with a ratio of 4:6 α-solanine to α-chaconine (Hellenas et al. 1992). The half-lives in serum were 10 and 20 hours, respectively, for solanine and chaconine, based upon the median values for 7 adult males. In another study with purified GAs in solution or in mashed potatoes, serum lives were 44 hours for chaconine and 21 hours for solanine, with peak levels of about 10 μg/L at about 6 hours (Mensinga et al. 2005). Thus there is the possibility of cumulative effects with daily consumption of potatoes.

other toxic effects; cardiac, neurologic, hepatic, inhibition of ACh

The GAs of Solanum produce a variety of effects in addition to those on the digestive system, including cardenolide-like effects on cardiac activity and rhythm; retinal hemorrhage; and liver damage and neurotoxicosis (Nishie et al. 1971; Dalvi 1985; Baker et al. 1991; Caldwell et al. 1991). Slight to moderate inhibition of human plasma acetylcholinesterase activity is apparent with the crude GAs, in some instances about 20 times less than inhibition with neostigmine (Orgell 1963). The purified GAs are more potent than aglycones, but even the

most potent is 15- to 30-fold less potent than typical organophosphate or carbamate insecticides (Bushway et al. 1987). Chaconine and solanine, which are of similar potency, are between 10 and 100 times less potent than physostigmine, and tomatine is even slightly less toxic (Roddick 1989). Although atropine is apparently somewhat protective (Patil et al. 1972), acetylcholinesterase inhibition, which may contribute to signs such as salivation, is not typically a major factor in toxicity (Bushway et al. 1987). However, in a case involving an individual swallowing about 50 fruits of S. dulcamara, there were signs suggestive of marked anticholinergic activity, and the patient was responsive to treatment with physostigmine (Ceha et al. 1997). However, high, near lethal dosage of GAs did not affect plasma or brain acetylchoinesterase and butyryl cholinesterase in Syrian Golden hamsters (Langkilde et al. 2008). Even though leaves contain much higher (10 times) concentrations of solanidine than tubers, they have been safely fed to laboratory animals and used for feeding cattle and sheep (Lawson et al. 1992; Phillips et al. 1996; Nikolic and Stankovic 2003). This result may be due in part to hydrolysis of the GA in the rumen to the less toxic aglycone and thence to dihydro analogs (King and McQueen 1981). Although some difficulties are encountered in making silage from potato foliage, the resulting product has been safely fed for several weeks to months to sheep and cattle (Dijkstra and Reestman 1943; Dijkstra 1945; Watson and Nash 1960; Nicholson et al. 1978). Other investigators have not been as confident about the protection afforded by the ensiling process (Weller and Phipps 1980).

possible teratogenic effects such as neural tube defects, difficult to confirm experimentally

The hazard of the occurrence of terata in animals exposed to various GAs remains in question. Because of the early linking of spina bifida in infants to potato consumption in Ireland by Renwick (1972), considerable interest in understanding the relationship has developed. Subsequent studies with high dosage of both sprouts and purified GAs in rats showed no adverse effects, but in hamsters there was a low but significant increase in neural-tube malformations (Ruddick et al. 1974; Renwick et al. 1984). Sprouts were the most potent, but effects were also seen with α-chaconine and, to a lesser extent, with α-solanine. Using hamsters, Keeler and coworkers (1990) were able to produce deformities in 10–20% of the litters when dams were fed various species of Solanum containing glycosides of solasodine or solanidine. However, they were unable to cause deformities with the

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solasodine glycosides, even at dosages lethal to 50% of the treated dams. α-Chaconine and, to a lesser extent, α-solanine and solasonine have also been shown to be teratogenic, using the frog embryo assay (FETAX) (Friedman et al. 1992). Although it has been possible to reproduce the reproductive effects only in a select few species (Keeler et al. 1991b), there seems to be justification to continue to suspect GAs as teratogens, albeit probably at high dosages. The presence of additional toxicants, such as the calystegins discussed below, amplifies the potential risks. Configurational requirements relative to unhindered nitrogen electron pair accessibility for involvement in active site binding in the embryo have been proposed but not confirmed (Brown and Keeler 1978; Keeler et al. 1991b). Chaconine and solanine, the principal glycoalkaloids of potatoes, in typical form do not meet the proposed configurational requirements, but there is evidence to incriminate them as teratogens in some laboratory animal species when given in high dosage, as in sprouts (Gaffield et al. 1992). Furthermore, in the frog embryo (Xenopus) test, these and other GAs are clearly teratogenic without respect to orientation of unshared nitrogen electrons (Friedman et al. 1991, 1992). The presence of unsaturation at C-5/C-6 appears to be the most important determinant of teratogenicity in hamsters, more than the molecular configuration at C-22 (Gaffield and Keeler 1993, 1994). However, the embryo effects are enhanced by the presence of sugars and their structure and order or arrangement, and a basic nitrogen in ring F is required. Solasodine glycoside, a spirosolane that meets proposed configurational requirements, also causes terata in laboratory animals, as shown by results with S. elaeagnifolium and S. dulcamara (Keeler et al. 1991a). The incidence of neural tube defects in hamsters with S. dimidiatum is quite low; with a high dosage of ripe fruit at 1.52 mg/g b.w. of the dam, defects occurred in only 3 fetuses from 1 litter of 12 litters evaluated (Casteel et al. 1989). Thus, it appears that many of the Solanum species may be suspected to be teratogens under certain circumstances.

tropane alkaloids, calystegins present in potatoes, many plant parts of other species of Solanum

Other compounds of interest in species of Solanum include traces of the benzodiazepines diazepam, lorazepam, and delorazepam, which have been isolated from potatoes and presumably synthesized in the plant (Wildmann et al. 1988). However, the concentrations of these compounds are too low to be of significance. Glycosides of 1,25-dihydrocholecalciferol present in South American species of Solanum such as S. glaucophyllum are not

Figure 69.39.


Chemical structure of calystegins.

present in North American species (Skliar et al. 1992). In North America, only Cestrum diurnum (covered in this chapter) is known as a risk for the bony changes of enzootic calcinosis. Of greater interest are the calystegins that have been isolated from the tubers of potatoes and the roots, leaves, and fruits of several other species (Tepfer et al. 1988). The calystegins are a series of novel bicyclic, tropane-type alkaloids that appear to serve as carbon and nitrogen sources for certain soil bacteria and may play an additional biological role as allelochemicals secreted by roots (Molyneux et al. 1993; Goldmann et al. 1996) (Figure 69.39). calystegins: potent enzyme inhibitors causing neurologic problems; crazy cow syndrome Depending upon the specific tissue and animal species, calystegin A3, B1, and B2 are effective inhibitors of βglucosidase and β-galactosidase (Asano et al. 1995; Watson et al. 2000). All are potent inhibitors, comparable in potency with swainsonine inhibition of α-mannosidase activity, and thus have effects analogous to those of the indolizidine alkaloid swainsonine in species of Astragalus in the Fabaceae (see Chapter 35) (Molyneux et al. 1993). The other calystegins are of lesser potency. However, in contrast to the above results, in another experimental model using human lymphocytes, calystegins failed to inhibit lysosomal β-glucosidase (Ikeda et al. 2003). The neurologic disease associated specifically with S. dimidiatum is a cerebellar degenerative disease that has


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many similarities to locoism caused by ingestion of species of Astragalus. Although S. dimidiatum also contains solanine and chaconine (Casteel et al. 1989), the neurologic disease known as crazy cow syndrome appears to be a gangliosidosis, a glycolipid storage lysosomal disease possibly involving a problem with axonal transport (Verdes et al. 2006, 2007). The inhibition of biodegradation of complex sugars and accumulation in lysosomes leads to extensive cerebellar lesions, including Purkinje cell degeneration. Because of the similarity with the effects of swainsonine, the calystegins are especially attractive as a cause. The effects appear to be related to specific metabolic pathways of the cerebellum because lesions are not found in other tissues as with swainsonine in the locoweeds. Athough these toxins have not been specifically confirmed as a cause of the cerebellar disease, they remain prime candidates because of their in vitro effects and preliminary findings in laboratory animals (Nash et al. 1993; Molyneux et al. 1994; Watson et al. 2000; Ikeda et al. 2003; Stegelmeier et al. 2008). It is of interest to note that calystegin B2 but not A3 is inactivated by sheep ruminal fluid (Watson et al. 2000). Calystegin B2 is also present in S. kwebense, causing a similar neurologic disease. Other species of Solanum that contain calystegin B2 include the leaves of S. dulcamara, S. melongena, and S. tuberosum (Nash et al. 1993; Drager 2004). This is particularly of concern with potatoes because concentrations of 0.01% in the peel and 0.001% in the tuber of calystegins, mainly A3 and B2 in a 1:2 ratio, have been identified in a commercial cultivar and many varieties may be expected to contain these compounds even when cooked (Nash et al. 1993; Watson et al. 2000). With cold storage, concentrations of B2 decline and A3 increase (Watson et al. 2000). Concentrations of calystegins A3 and B2 in 8 typical potato cultivars ranged from 218 to 2581 mg/kg in dry peels and from 5 to 316 in the tuber flesh (Friedman et al. 2003b). Although typically the relative proportions of calystegins in various plant parts is sprouts (100) > peels (8) > flesh (1) (Griffiths et al. 2008). In addition to their metabolic effects, calystegins given in water to canaries caused diarrhea. Other species that contain calystegins include Atropa belladonna, Datura wrightii, Hyoscyamus niger, and Physalis alkekengi in this family; and Convolvulus arvensis, various species of Ipomoea, and Calystegia sepium in the Convolvulaceae (see Chapter 24) (Tepfer et al. 1988; Nash et al. 1993; Asano et al. 1995; Drager et al. 1995).

humans: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pupillary dilation, depression, weakness, drowsiness, alterations in vision

Clinical Signs—Substantial dosage of toxic species, including potatoes in most animal species as well as humans, causes severe irritation of the digestive tract following a latent period of several to 24 hours. Typically this is manifested as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. These signs may be accompanied by depression, drowsiness, weakness, depressed respiration, pupillary dilation, and alterations in vision. There may also be cardiac arrhythmias and other accompanying abnormalities. A peculiar skin problem referred to as potato eruption presents as red papules and pustular crusting on the lower abdomen and inner thigh, lasting for several days or more in animals and humans (Lee 2006a). In humans there may also be facial edema. cattle: depression, loss of appetite, drowsiness, ataxia, weakness, labored respiration

calves: edema, ventral swelling, abdominal fluid accumulation In cattle, ingestion of the foliage and/or berries of Solanum may cause a response similar to that of milk fever. It may begin suddenly or follow several days of depression and inappetence. Signs include drowsiness, incoordination, trembling weakness, grinding the teeth, rapid/labored respiration, and constipation early but evolving to a fetid diarrhea in some cases. In calves, edema, local ventral subcutaneous swelling, emaciation, and abdominal fluid accumulation may be prominent with ingestion of S. carolinense fruits (Bassett and Munro 1986). Pigs display similar signs and also vomiting, whereas in goats there may be vomiting/regurgitation, respiratory difficulties, and neurologic signs. Pupillary dilation is common to all animal species, but it is not as consistent as with the tropane alkaloids of Datura. In horses, colic may result from eating large amounts of either foliage or fruits. In the rare severe case, there may also be muscular twitching, collapse, nystagmus, epileptiform seizures, and death within a few days. neurologic, “crazy cow” following an appropriate stimulus; tremors, ataxia, collapse, nystagmus, struggle to stand; able to rise after brief rest; test for by raising head for 1 minute and suddenly releasing, animal may collapse The neurologic signs associated with S. dimidiatum occur following some type of stimulus, such as exercise, loading, or fright. There quickly follows a loss of balance, collapse, nystagmus, and struggling to stand. After a brief

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rest, the animal will again be able to stand. In less severely affected animals there may be only ataxia, head tilt, and tremors of the shoulders and flanks. Some animals may have hypermetria or dysmetria and appear as if stargazing. Epileptiform seizures may also occur. A diagnostic test may be used that is known as the head raising test (HRT), which involves forcibly holding the animal’s head up for 1 minute and then suddenly releasing it. If the animal is affected by S. dimidiatum, there will be development of signs such as loss of balance and falling. Animals seldom die of this disease; more likely, they are victims of misadventure such as drowning.

digestive disturbance: fluid in body cavities, reddened mucosa of stomach and intestines, rumen flaccid, distended with nightshade berries

Pathology—In cases with obvious digestive tract involvement, reddening and necrosis of the mucosa of the stomach and intestines are to be expected. Grossly, in livestock, fluid accumulates in the various body cavities, especially the abdomen. The rumen may also be flaccid and distended with partially digested nightshade berries. In swine, fluid accumulation around the kidney is described, a type of perirenal edema, but it is not certain whether this is due to S. nigrum as well as Atropa belladonna (Hofferd 1937; Quin 1938; Breed 1945). Diagnosis is aided by placing a drop of the urine in the eye of a cat; prompt pupillary dilation in the treated eye represents a positive test (Smith et al. 1956). neurologic: microscopic, Purkinje cell loss

Although the neurological incapacitation due to S. dimidiatum is not typically lethal, there are distinctive pathologic changes. Grossly, there may be congestion of the intestinal mucosa and ulceration of the mucosa of the abomasum and jejunum. Microscopically, the lesions are confined to the cerebellum and include swelling, chromatolysis, vacuolation and loss of Purkinje cells, formation of axonal spheroids, microcavitation in the cerebellar granular layer, and wallerian-type degeneration of the cerebellar white matter.

alleviation of signs, possibly atropine

Treatment—If presenting signs such as salivation are suggestive of cholinergic activity, then atropine may be at least partially protective (Patil et al. 1972). Otherwise,


treatment is directed toward alleviation of the signs of intoxication and in some instances may even include the use of cholinergic drugs such as physostigmine (Ceha et al. 1997).

GENERA WITH SPECIES OF QUESTIONABLE TOXICITY OR SIGNIFICANCE Nicandra Adans. Native to Peru and Chile, Nicandra consists of the single species N. physalodes (L.) Gaertn., commonly known as apple of Peru or shoofly plant. The second common name reflects its purported value in repelling flies. Long cultivated as a garden plant, especially in the South, the species has escaped and naturalized in fields and waste places in the southeastern quarter of the continent and sporadically elsewhere. Closely related to Physalis, or groundcherry, it is a glabrous annual with a stout, succulent, hollow, 5-ribbed, branching stem 20–100 cm tall. The leaves are broadly lanceolate with lacerate-dentate margins. Borne singly in the leaf axils, the blue, broadly campanulate flowers have essentially separate, sagittate sepals that enlarge and surround the berry. glycoalkaloids, but low if any risk Nicandra physalodes is sometimes considered to be of some hazard because of the presence of glycoalkaloids, but there is little or no reason at present to consider it a risk (Pammel 1911; Perkins and Payne 1981). In a reported case, 2 sheep grazing plants developed severe bloat, and although treated, both died (Cohen 1970). The possibility of bloat secondary to tropane alkaloid effects cannot be excluded.

Physalis L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to both the Old World and the New World and comprising about 90 species (Hunziker 2001), Physalis, commonly known as groundcherry or Chinese lantern, is readily recognized by its greatly inflated calyces that enclose the edible berries. Derived from the Greek physa for “bladder,” its name reflects this trait (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Twentyeight are present in North America but are most common in the southern regions (Janet R. Sullivan, unpublished data). Plants are annual or perennial, glabrous or pubescent herbs with stems up to 10–100 cm tall that bear alternate or seemingly opposite leaves with entire to pinnately lobed margins. Solitary in the leaf axils, the flowers are white, blue to purple, yellow, or greenish yellow with


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5-toothed calyces that enlarge, become papery, and completely enclose the spherical, greenish or yellow fruits. The rotate to campanulate corollas are 5-lobed or toothed, and stamen number is 5. glycoalkaloids but toxicity not confirmed experimentally Although the fruits of some species of this genus are widely used as foods—for example, P. philadelphica Lam. (tomatillo) and P. peruviana L. (cape gooseberry)—the genus has been of some interest toxicologically (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962), but there is little evidence of toxicity. Two cases involving P. angulata L. (cutleaf groundcherry) in hay or forage are described. In dairy cattle there were signs of a transient mastitis, and 11 sheep in a flock of 100 died and, upon necropsy, exhibited liver disease and hemorrhagic lung lesions (Fuller and McClintock 1986). However, toxicity of the plants has not been experimentally confirmed. There is little reason to consider them toxic other than that they may contain solanine-type glycoalkaloids, pyrrolidine, and pyrrolic alkaloids (Pomilio et al. 2008). Calystegins, including B2, have been isolated from P. alkekengi L. (Asano et al. 1995).

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Chapter Seventy

Taxaceae A.Gray

Yew Family Taxus Distributed primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, the Taxaceae, or yew family, comprises 4 or 5 genera and about 20 species (Page 1990). In North America, 2 genera—Taxus and Torreya—and 7 species, both native and introduced, are present (Hils 1993). Both genera are widely cultivated as ornamental shrubs. The hard but easily worked wood of Taxus is used for cabinets, novelty toys, and archery bows, and the Asian species of Torreya yield edible seeds and cooking oil. Only Taxus is of toxicologic significance.

(Hils 1993). Because of their similarity, some taxonomists have even treated them all as subspecies of a single species. Distributed both in North America and Eurasia and extending southward discontinuously to Mexico and Java, Taxus has the greatest geographic range of any genus in the family (Page 1990). In North America, the genus is represented by 3 native species, several introduced ornamentals, hybrids, and numerous cultivars. The following are representative of the native and commonly encountered introduced taxa: Native Species T. brevifolia Nutt. T. canadensis Marshall T. floridana Nutt. ex Chapm.

evergreen trees or shrubs, producing pollen and seed cones; leaves needlelike, simple, alternate, sometimes appearing 2-ranked; seeds enclosed by arils Plants trees or shrubs; evergreen; resinous or not resinous; aromatic or not aromatic; producing pollen cones and seed cones; dioecious or monoecious. Stems with lateral branches well developed. Bark scaly or fissured. Leaves needlelike; persistent for several years; simple; alternate; spirally arranged but often twisted and appearing 2-ranked; linear to linear lanceolate; decurrent. Pollen Cones produced annually; axillary; solitary or clustered; globose to ovoid; microsporophylls peltate; microsporangia 2–16 per microsporophyll. Seed Cones reduced to 1 or 2 ovules arising from inconspicuous decussate bracts; produced annually; maturing in 1–2 years; axillary. Seeds 1; nutlike; erect; partially or wholly enclosed by fleshy or leathery, green or red-orange to scarlet-red aril.

TAXUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Its name an ancient Latin one for “yew,” Taxus comprises 6–10 morphologically quite similar but geographically separated species

western yew, Pacific yew Canada yew, ground hemlock, American yew Florida yew

Introduced Ornamental Species T. T. T. T.

baccata L. chinensis (Pilg.) Rehder cuspidata Siebold & Zucc. × media Rehder (T. baccata × T. cuspidata)

English yew Chinese yew Japanese yew Hicks yew

Because the morphological features of Taxus are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. Torreya, the other genus of the family in North America, is distinguished from Taxus by its stiff, spinetipped leaves, which have resin canals, and leathery, resinous arils, which are green or green with purple streaks and completely enclose the seeds. It has not been implicated in toxicologic problems (Figure 70.1). ornamentals; forests and woodlands of Northeast and Northwest

Distribution and Habitat—Yews are often planted near fences or buildings that provide some shelter and shade. They are widely planted over North America except perhaps for the desert Southwest. In more northerly areas

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 70.1.

Photo of Taxus cuspidata.

they are commonly used as hedges or screens. Taxus cuspidata is more winter hardy and is more common in the north, whereas T. baccata and T. × media are typically encountered in the south. Taxus brevifolia grows up to about 20 m tall and is typically found as an understory tree of forests in the Northwest from British Columbia to Montana and California. Taxus canadensis is a straggly shrub of woodlands. It is very cold hardy and ranges from the Ohio River valley to the far north of eastern Canada. Taxus floridana is a small tree of localized distribution along the Apalachicola River in Florida. Distribution maps of the native and naturalized introduced species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database ( and the Flora of North America (

considered a magical, mystical plant; toxic to most animal species, especially horses

Disease Problems—Long treasured for making bows, arrows, and other weapons, the yew is perhaps more associated with superstition than any other tree. It was well known as a magical, sacred, and toxic plant in antiquity. The Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used it as a symbol of mourning; its wood was used in funeral pyres. The Celts and Germanic peoples were well aware of its poisonous properties. In Europe, beginning with the Druids, it was used in sacred rites and thereafter was traditionally planted in cemeteries and churchyards, practices that further linked it with the morbid and mystical. Even its shade was considered dangerous to anyone

sleeping underneath it (Voliotis 1986). It has been the subject of graphic lines of poetry (Nicholson 1992). Having a notorious reputation in Europe for causing sudden death in cattle and horses (Masheter 1937; Persson et al. 1988), yew is reputed to be the most dangerous shrub in England and is probably among the most hazardous for livestock in North America as well. Many intoxications have occurred following the disposal of shrubbery trimmings in pastures where they were subsequently eaten by livestock. In some instances, horses in apparent good health were seen to suddenly collapse. In other situations, a horse ridden the evening before was found dead the following morning and goats were found dead 3 hours after being observed in apparent good health (Coenen and Bahrs 1994; Cope et al. 2004). In another example case, 18 cows and calves escaped through a fence into a house yard and stripped the leaves from several large shrubs of T. cuspidata as high as they could reach. One cow and 2 calves died the same morning; subsequently, 1 cow died each of the next 3 mornings, for a total of 6 deaths. There were no premonitory signs and no pathologic abnormalities, only large amounts of the leaves in the ruminal ingesta. The poisoning occurred in February, and the cattle were apparently attracted to the evergreen foliage, which they ate avidly. Most animal species are susceptible, with horses the most and birds the least likely to be affected (Wilson et al. 2001). The range of animals for which intoxications have been reported include captive species such as tortoises, kangaroos, wallabies, langurs, emus, pheasants, bears, llamas, chinchillas, and orangutans, as well as dogs, horses, cattle, sheep, and goats (Barker et al. 1963; Fowler 1981; Fiedler and Perron 1994; Taksdal 1994; Bacciarini et al. 1999; Wiechert et al. 2001; Wilson et al. 2001; Weaver and Brown 2004; Lacasse et al. 2007). In general, monogastric species are most susceptible, ruminants intermediate, and birds the least. both fresh and dried leaves toxic; seeds toxic, but not arils

lethal amounts: livestock, 0.4–0.7 g/kg b.w.; humans 50–100 g Approximately 0.1–0.4% b.w. of leaves of T. cuspidata were estimated to be lethal in a mature horse and several times that amount in adult cattle (Lowe et al. 1970; Beal 1975; Alden et al. 1977). Even less of T. baccata, perhaps half of the above amounts, may be lethal (Humphries 1988). However, Panter and coworkers (1993) estimated the toxic dose of T. baccata for cattle to be even lower at 0.36–0.7 g fresh plant/kg b.w.

Taxaceae A.Gray

In adult humans, doses of 50–100 g of yew needles are considered lethal (Frohne and Pribilla 1965). Fresh plant material is sometimes considered to be of low palatability because of the volatile irritant oil present, but animals frequently eat leaves readily, especially in winter, a time when the evergreen foliage is presumably more attractive to livestock (Edwards 1949; Kerr and Edwards 1981; Karns 1983). Dried or stored leaves remain toxic for at least several months and represent a serious hazard when discarded where they can be eaten by livestock (Alden et al. 1977; Thomson and Barker 1978; Veatch et al. 1988). Misidentification of plants may be a problem; in at least one instance, discarded yew plants were mistakenly thought to be juniper shrubs (Rae and Binnington 1996). Because of the small amounts of plant material required for intoxication, dogs, cats, and other house pets may be at risk by chewing the branches (Evans and Cook 1991). Clay (1977) reported a case in which shreds of the bark of T. cuspidata were found in the stomach and considered to be the cause of death of a 1-year-old dog. Experimentally, 0.5 g of the seed cones (reported as fruits) and spring or fall growth of leaves of T. × media caused retching, vomiting, and labored respiration in 4 budgerigars (Shropshire et al. 1992). Death occurred in 1 of 2 budgerigars given the fall growth leaves. The foliage but not the seed cones (fruits) were fatal in canaries (Arai et al. 1992). With respect to intoxications in birds, the toxic dosage and likelihood of sufficient amounts ingested must be kept in mind. In one report where several animals died from Taxus clippings, similarly exposed parrots and macaws failed to show adverse effects (Wilson et al. 2001). Reproductive effects, mainly increased fetal resorptions, have also been noted experimentally in rats given small dosage of T. baccata leaf extracts (Garg 1972). There have been a number of human intoxications, mainly suicide attempts (Frohne and Pribilla 1965; von Dach and Streuli 1988; Sinn and Porterfield 1991; Van Ingen et al. 1992; Musshoff et al. 1993). In most cases, the victims are found dead and the diagnosis is based on discovery of leaf fragments in their digestive tracts. Unfortunately, information on toxicity of Taxus and its use for suicidal purposes is widely disseminated and included in websites on the internet. Wehner and Gawatz (2003) described the death of a 14-year-old boy who obtained such information and followed the instructions. In another instance, a 16-year-old girl with a history of suicide attempts ingested a handful of yew leaves, and between 3 and 7 hours later developed nausea, abdominal pain, a short run of ventricular tachycardia, and later, one of ventricular fibrillation (von der Werth and Murphy 1994). She recovered only to make further attempts later. An estimated 150 yew leaves were fatal in another case of intentional ingestion by a psychotic patient (Yersin et al.


1987). In an unusual case involving a 3-year-old boy, death occurred about 4 hours after ingestion of yew seed cones (Thompson 1868). In contrast to several other boys who ate the cones but were unaffected, the deceased apparently failed to spit out the toxic seeds. Rarely are clinical signs observed and electrocardiographic (ECG) evaluations carried out. However, the most distinctive ECG change is a marked distortion and widening of the QRS complex (Yersin et al. 1987; von Dach and Streuli 1988; Van Ingen et al. 1992). The patient may present with ventricular tachycardia and/or fibrillation and the cardiac problems typically are not responsive to traditional therapy with atropine, lidocaine, procainamide, or magnesium sulfate, and may require CPR and pacemaker use (Yersin et al. 1987; Nora et al. 1993; Willaert et al. 2002) In spite of the potency of the toxins in Taxus, the great majority of incidental ingestions by humans involve insufficient plant material to cause clinical signs. Krenzelok and coworkers (1998) assessed data from U.S. poison control centers for the years 1985–1994 and found only 30 moderate and 4 major but nonlethal intoxications from among more than 7000 cases. Gastrointestinal problems were the main clinical signs reported. In general, the most serious intoxications in humans, although relatively rare, are the result of intentional ingestion by adults and inquisitive eating of the plants by children. Taking this into consideration with the serious risk in animals, places where species of Taxus should not be planted include zoos, livestock grounds, psychiatric hospital grounds, and children’s play areas/grounds. toxicity due to taxines

Disease Genesis—Taxus contains a wide variety of potentially biologically active constituents, including taxanes and their derivatives, cyanogenic glycosides, terpenoids, lignins, flavonoids, molting hormones, ephedrine, and a volatile irritant oil (Khan and Parveen 1987; Appendino 1995). Of these, only the taxane derivatives are of concern toxicologically. Cyanide is not consistently present and does not seem to play a prominent role in intoxications. The cyanogenic glycosides are present in the seed coats but not in the aril (fruit pulp) or seeds themselves (Barnea et al. 1993). The most important of the extensive series of taxane derivatives are the taxines and Taxol® (Bristol-Myers Squibb, New York), the latter also known as paclitaxel; both are nitrogenous ester alkaloids, sometimes called pseudoalkaloids. Concentrations of the taxols are quite low and, while toxic themselves, intoxications from plants are due mainly if not solely to the cardiotoxic taxines. Originally, the structures of taxine I and II were hypothesized from the structures of more stable cinnaminic acid derivatives (Lythgoe 1968).


Toxic Plants of North America

Eventually, 2 of the 11 or more taxines were specifically identified, their structures were determined, and they were named taxines A and B (Graf 1956; Graf et al. 1986; Ettouati et al. 1991; Appendino et al. 1993). Taxine B appears to be the equivalent of the hypothesized taxine I (Graf et al. 1986). Taxines occur in differing proportions in the various species of the genus, with taxine B and its structural isomer isotaxine B (acetyl group on C-9 rather than C-10) reported as the predominant forms in T. baccata but not necessarily in T. cuspidata (Lythgoe 1968; Appling 1984; Graf et al. 1986; Jenniskens et al. 1996; Adeline et al. 1997; Kite et al. 2000) (Figures 70.2–70.4). taxine effects mainly on heart; interfere with cardiac conduction; heart block

Figure 70.2.

Chemical structure of taxine B.

Figure 70.3.

Chemical structure of taxol.

Taxine B appears to be much more toxic than taxine A (Bauereis and Steiert 1959). Little is known of other closely related taxines that have been identified in T. baccata (Appendino et al. 1993; Kite et al. 2000). Many of the other taxane derivatives are nonnitrogenous (Khan and Parveen 1987). In vitro studies indicate that taxine B and its cinnamate derivative cause decreased cardiac contractility, maximal rate of depolarization, and coronary blood flow (Alloatti et al. 1996). In vivo, taxines markedly slow atrial and especially ventricular rates, the ventricles eventually stopping in diastole at death (Bryan-Brown 1932; Tekol 1985). Thus, the effects seem to be mainly AV conduction interference possibly via inhibition of sodium and calcium currents in cardiac cells and/or possible potassium channel effects (Smythies et al. 1975; Tekol and Kameyama 1987). This seems to be borne out by the marked slowing of the heart and distinctive widening of the QRS complexes (Frohne and Pribilla 1965; Schulte 1975; von Dach and Streuli 1988; Nora et al. 1993). In addition, in vitro studies indicate that taxine has selective negative inotropic and chronotropic Ca2+ channel inhibitory actions on the heart similar to but less potent than those of verapamil (Tekol and Gogusten 1999). Although taxines are present in all species of Taxus, they are quite low in T. canadensis and probably of little hazard. In addition, both total concentration and relative proportions of the taxines may vary considerably in other species, especially in T. cuspidata (Appling 1984). All parts of the plant are toxic except the fleshy aril of the fruit. Taxine is quite toxic, the lethal dose ranging from 4 to 20 mg/kg in various laboratory animals (BryanBrown 1932; Tekol 1991). Unfortunately there has been a confusing proliferation of nomenclature for these complex three-dimensional caged structures. In addition to the names taxine and taxol, names such as taxicin, taxacin, taxagifine, taxinin, taxusin, taxanine, taxicatin, taxinol, and taxininol have been applied to various isolations (Miller 1980; Khan and Parveen 1987). Some of these compounds may be extraction artifacts. Taxicins are the nonesterified cage structures of taxines, and taxinines and taxinols (or taxininol) are breakdown products of taxines. Other active and inactive taxane derivatives have been isolated (some in cell culture) in the search for antineoplastic compounds akin to taxol (Yoshizaki et al. 1988; Beutler et al. 1991; Ma et al. 1994).

taxol effects, mitosis inhibition, antineoplastic, toxic via long-term action on axonal structure

Figure 70.4.

Chemical structure of taxiphyllin.

The taxols and their precursor baccatins are of great medical interest because of their antineoplastic effects.

Taxaceae A.Gray

These compounds inhibit mitosis by promoting microtubular assembly and stabilizing the polymerized microtubules (Schiff et al. 1979; Schiff and Horwitz 1980). Thus, the microtubules cannot deconstruct or dissociate into tubulin subunits. As might be expected, this is a beneficial effect when attempting to control neoplasms, but at high dosage these compounds are neurotoxic because they interfere with microtubular axonal transport, resulting in a type of “dying-back disorder” (Anthony and Graham 1991). Their overall effect is similar to, but the mechanism is opposite, that of the other mitotic inhibitors such as colchicine, podophyllin, vinblastine, and vincristine. Because of its uniqueness, the mechanism is exploited in studies of microtubules (Vallee 1986). Cells of a broad range of organisms from mammals to fungi are affected (Young et al. 1992). The use of taxol in the treatment of ovarian, breast, brain, and other neoplasms requires prolonged administration of substantial doses which sometimes leads to cumulative adverse effects such as motor and sensory polyneuropathy and cardiac arrhythmias (Rowinsky et al. 1991,1993; Marupudi et al. 2007). The cardiac effects— bradycardia, tachycardia, AV and bundle branch block— are apparently due to tubulin polymerization, leading to cytoskeleton alterations and sodium channel malfunction (Casini et al. 2010). These effects may require longer-term exposure than the immediate direct channel actions of taxine. If so, there is little likelihood of additive effects between the two toxins. Taxol has been extracted primarily from the bark of T. brevifolia, but it and its baccatin precursor are also found in most of the other species of Taxus as well (Khan and Parveen 1987; Witherup et al. 1990). Concentrations are quite low even in bark, ranging from 0.015 to 0.076% d.w. (Vidensek et al. 1990; Kelsey and Vance 1992). Of interest are the slightly lower concentrations (0.001– 0.01%) in leaves of species such as T. × media, T. canadensis, and T. cuspidata (Witherup et al. 1990). Of special interest is the role of endophytic fungi (Taxomyces andreanae) associated with T. brevifolia as a source of taxol and other taxanes (Stierle et al. 1994,1995). Numerous other endophytic fungi and host plants such as Cupressus (cypress), Torreya, Podocarpus, Terminalia (tropical almond), and Wollemia (the ancient wollemi pine) have also been identified as sources of the taxanes (Zhou et al. 2010). In addition, these same constituents have been isolated from nut and leaf extracts of other plant species such as Corylus avellana, the common filbert in the Betulaceae or birch family (Miele et al. 2008; Ottaggio et al. 2008). It is not clear at present if these sources represent risks of intoxication from taxanes such as the taxines or if they are simply additional sources of medicinal taxol. It is of interest that although the genus appears to be highly toxic to many animal species, including livestock


and poultry (Cooper and Johnson 1984), wild ruminants, such as moose and deer, browse extensively on some species of Taxus without apparent ill effects (Risenhoover and Maass 1987; Conover 1989). In the case of moose, the species browsed is T. canadensis, which, as pointed out above, is of little hazard to any animal. White-tailed deer, however, during the winter, often avidly browse the new shoots of other species, especially the cultivated ones, typically without adverse effects. This may reflect the generally lower concentrations of the various alkaloids in newer leaves than in older leaves and possibly the development of tolerance as well (Bryan-Brown 1932; Appling 1984; Kelsey and Vance 1992). Ruminal degradation of taxines in white-tailed deer imparts obvious advantages to this species against the toxic effects of Taxus baccata (Weaver and Brown 2004). Alkaloids of Taxus are biotransformed in the liver and, at least in the case of taxol, are excreted in bile as the parent compound or one of numerous metabolites (Monsarrat et al. 1990). These alkaloids also apparently increase some hepatic biotransformation pathways, given that mixed-function oxidase activity is increased in rats fed T. cuspidata (Appling 1984). That they may also influence the biotransformation of xenobiotics is shown by the increase in toxicity of pyrethroid insecticides for weevils feeding on T. × media when compared with those feeding on other plants (Shanks and Chamberlain 1988). In addition, rats fed Taxus for several days sleep longer than otherwise when pentobarbital is administered (Appling 1984). Taxus therefore seems to have possible inhibitory effects on hepatic biotransformation.

few signs; horses may tremble, then quickly collapse and die; cattle if closely observed may show vague signs but are most commonly found dead

Clinical Signs—In most cases, few premonitory signs are noted prior to sudden death of the animal. Even when the animal is closely observed, signs may exist only for several minutes. Horses typically collapse and die in a matter of minutes, preceded only by a few minutes of trembling and quivering. Often they appear to drop suddenly as if they had been shot. Signs likely to be seen in cattle include depression, weakness, nervousness, tremors, ataxia, hypothermia, bradycardia, jugular distension and pulsation, and dyspnea with an expiratory grunt. The stress of forced movement or restraint may precipitate sudden collapse and death (Masheter 1937; Knowles 1949; Alden et al. 1977). The lethal dose is so small that the animal is able to readily consume an amount much greater than that needed to cause death. Death may occur a few minutes after eating the plant or up to several days later


Toxic Plants of North America

(Knowles 1949; Alden et al. 1977; Karns 1983; Ogden 1988). The presence of clinical signs, however, is not always an indicator of impending death, because in a few cases, prominent signs were seen without subsequent development of more severe signs or death (Masheter 1937; Knowles 1949; Casteel and Cook 1985). In dogs, signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, profuse salivation, hypothermia, decreased heart rate, seizures, and coma may appear in 2–6 hours (Campbell and Chapman 2000). In contrast to the preponderance of cases in which signs of cardiotoxicity were reported, signs suggestive of central nervous system involvement, including aggressiveness, were noted in a case in which a dog was thought to have chewed the leaves of T. cuspidata (Evans and Cook 1991). humans experience dizziness, weakness, slow heart rate, collapse Signs in humans include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dyspnea, dizziness, unconsciousness, marked pupillary dilation, reddening of the lips, slow heart rate, and various arrhythmias leading to circulatory problems that result in weakness, especially of the legs (Frohne and Pribilla 1965; von Dach and Streuli 1988; Sinn and Porterfield 1991). Due to the rapid development of signs and lethal effects, laboratory analyses may not be carried out in time to confirm a diagnosis and/or direct treatment. no lesions; leaf fragments in rumen; analysis of stomach contents for taxine or other compounds

Pathology—There are few lesions other than nonspecific organ congestion, including moderate pulmonary congestion and edema, and perhaps a few scattered ecchymotic hemorrhages which are changes typical of circulatory disturbances. In one report, histologic changes of acute mild multifocal necrosis of papillary muscles and ventricles were described for a horse found dead in its stall without signs of illness (Tiwary et al. 2005). In animals in which death is delayed for 1 or more days, reddening and edema of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine may be present. Perhaps the most useful diagnostic techniques are examination of the stomach and/or intestinal contents for leaf fragments and/or extraction and analysis of stomach contents, urine, or other tissues for the taxols and various other components, including taxine B and isotaxine B by thin-layer chromatography or LC–MS/MS methodology (Frommherz et al. 2006; Beyer et al. 2009; Grobosch et al. 2012). A rapid PCR assay of gastric contents, requiring about as little as 1.5 hours, has been suggested as a possible approach to confirmation of a diagnosis when

some of the plant is available (Gausterer et al. 2012). While analytical approaches are appropriate in both humans and animals, realistically, in most instances where the leaves are present in the ingesta or connected in some way to the individual, the effort to specifically identify the toxin may not be justified, especially in livestock, because the results may be too late to direct treatment. Alternatively, HPLC/DAD and GC–MS methods are available for analysis of 3,5-dimethoxyphenol, the aglycone of taxicatine, which has been suggested as a marker in stomach contents or blood as a preliminary indicator of yew ingestion (Musshoff et al. 1993; Pietsch et al. 2007; Froldi et al. 2010). However, as pointed out by Musshoff and Madea (2008), this approach needs to be used carefully and not given undue credibility as this is not a toxic component of the plant and there are other plant sources for this marker. Nevertheless, this approach may be useful in some instances. The leaf fragments may not be identifiable in the finely chewed ingesta of the horse, and extraction and analysis may be required (Rook 1994).

humans: lidocaine or external cardiac pacing; other animals: atropine, activated charcoal

Treatment—In humans, because of the rapid development of signs and the lethal effects, laboratory analyses may not be carried out in time to confirm a diagnosis. Thus, either the clinical signs or the presence of leaf fragments in vomitus or suspicious materials around the person in cases of possible suicide attempts may lead to treatment approaches. In general, although atropine and lidocaine have been reported to have value in some instances (Feldman et al. 1987; von Dach and Streuli 1988), these traditional approaches, including procainamide, have not proven to be consistently effective. External cardiac pacing may be the most reasonable approach (Cummins et al. 1990). Extracorporeal life support may also represent an effective approach in the event of persistent or recurrent ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation not controlled by cardioversion via defibrillation (Tsai et al. 2007; Soumagne et al. 2011). Even though taxines are quite different structurally from the cardiac glycosides, digoxin-specific Fab antibody fragments have also been tried but without clear evidence of efficacy (Cummins et al. 1990). Activated charcoal with sorbitol can be used, but again results have been questionable. Intravenous hypertonic sodium bicarbonate as tested in swine appears to be ineffective in reversing the cardiac effects of taxine (Ruha et al. 2002). In other animals, although no antidote is recognized, cardiac conduction enhancers such as atropine appear to

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have value in cases in which ingestion is observed but signs have not yet occurred (Hare 1998; Cope 2005). Because the lethal effects appear to be related to ventricular rate and rhythm abnormalities, lidocaine may be considered but may not be practical because it requires continuous monitoring and repeated i.v. administration. In livestock, the amount of Taxus ingested may be quite large, and once signs occur, it is generally too late for therapy, although activated charcoal or rumenotomy may be of value in some cases. Magnesium sulfate infusion has been suggested to attenuate the toxic effects in animals showing moderate signs or those exposed but without signs (Lee et al. 2003). Occasionally, digestive tract irritation may occur in cattle because of the volatile oil, in which case treatment is symptomatic.

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Taxaceae A.Gray Schiff PB, Horwitz SB. Taxol stabilizes microtubules in mouse fibroblast cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 77;1561–1565, 1980. Schiff PB, Fant J, Horwitz SB. Promotion of microtubule assembly in vitro by taxol. Nature 277;665–667, 1979. Schulte T. Lethal intoxication with leaves of the yew tree (Taxus baccata). Arch Toxicol 34;153–158, 1975. Shanks CH Jr., Chamberlain JD. Effect of Taxus foliage and extract on the toxicity of some pyrethroid insecticides to adult black vine weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). J Econ Entomol 81;98–101, 1988. Shropshire CM, Stauber E, Arai M. Evaluation of selected plants for acute toxicosis in budgerigars. J Am Vet Med Assoc 200;936–939, 1992. Sinn LE, Porterfield JF. Fatal taxine poisoning from yew leaf ingestion. J Forensic Sci 36;599–601, 1991. Smythies JR, Benington F, Morin RD, Al-Zahid G, Schoepple G. The action of the alkaloids from yew (Taxus baccata) on the action potential in the Xenopus medullated axon. Experientia 31;337–338, 1975. Soumagne N, Chauvet S, Chatellier D, Robert R, Charriere J-M, Menu P. Treatment of yew leaf intoxication with extracorporeal circulation. American J Emergency Medicine 29;354e5– 354e6, 2011. Stierle A, Stierle D, Strobel G, Bignami G, Grothaus P. Endophytic fungi of Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) as a source of taxol, taxanes, and other pharmacophores. In Bioregulators for Crop Protection and Pest Control ed PA Hedin. ACS Symp Ser 557;64–77, 1994. Stierle A, Strobel G, Stierle D, Grothaus P, Bignami G. The search for a taxol-producing microorganism among the endophytic fungi of the Pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia. J Nat Prod 58;1315–1324, 1995. Taksdal T. Diagnoses from the Norwegian State Veterinary Laboratory. Nor Vet 106;305–306, 1994. Tekol Y. Negative chronotropic and atrioventricular blocking effects of taxine on isolated frog heart and its acute toxicity in mice. Planta Med 51;357–360, 1985. Tekol Y. Acute toxicity of taxine in mice and rats. Vet Hum Toxicol 33;337–338, 1991. Tekol Y, Gogusten B. Comparative determination of the cardioselectivity of taxine and verapamil in the isolated aorta, atrium, and jejunum preparations of rabbits. Arzneimittelforschung 49;673–678, 1999. Tekol Y, Kameyama M. Electrophysiological studies of the mechanism of action of the yew toxin taxine on the heart. Arzneimittelforschung 37;428–431, 1987. Thompson J. Poisoning by yew-berries [letter]. Lancet 2;530, 1868. Thomson GW, Barker IK. Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) poisoning in cattle. Can Vet J 19;320–321, 1978. Tiwary AK, Puschner B, Kinde H, Tor ER. Diagnosis of Taxus (yew) poisoning in a horse. J Vet Diagn Invest 17;252–255, 2005. Tsai FC, Wang YC, Huang YK, Teng CN, Wu MY, Chang YS, Chu JJ, Lin PJ. Extracorporeal life support to terminate refrac-


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Chapter Seventy-One

Thymelaeaceae Juss.

Mezereum or Daphne Family Daphne Dirca Pimelea Cosmopolitan in distribution but exhibiting greatest diversity in Australia, tropical Africa, and the Mediterranean region, the Thymelaeaceae, commonly known as the mezereum or daphne family, comprises 45 genera and about 800 species divided into 4 distinctive subfamilies (Heywood 2007). The family is of little economic importance, although some shrubby species are popular ornamentals and some tree species are used for timber or their bark used for fiber in rope and paper making (Heywood 2007). Extracts from some genera have been used as arrow poisons or to stun fish (Herber 2003). In North America, 5 genera and some 10 native and introduced species are present. Toxicologic problems are associated with 3 genera. shrubs or trees; leaves simple, alternate or opposite, flowers 4- or 5-merous; petals absent Plants shrubs or trees or rarely herbs; evergreen or deciduous; bearing perfect flowers or dioecious or polygamous. Leaves simple; alternate or opposite; venation pinnate; margins entire; stipules absent. Inflorescences capitate clusters or umbels; terminal or axillary or extraaxillary; bracts present or absent. Flowers perfect or imperfect; perianths in 1-series. Calyces radially or slightly bilaterally symmetrical. Sepals 4 or 5; small; petaloid. Petals absent. Stamens 8 or 10; borne at summit of hypanthium. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1 or absent; ovaries superior; locules 1 or rarely 2; placentation apical. Hypanthia campanulate or tubular or urceolate; petaloid; colored. Fruits drupes or loculicidal capsules or achenes. Seeds 1.

DAPHNE L. Taxonomy and Morphology—An Old World genus comprising about 95 species and numerous cultivars, Daphne is grown extensively throughout the world for its fragrant and showy flowers (Brickell and Mathew 1976; Herber 2003). Its name is an ancient Greek one once used for the unrelated sweet bay (Laurus nobilis) (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Of toxicologic interest are the following species: D. cneorum L. D. genkwa Siebold & Zucc. D. laureola L. D. mezereum L.

D. odora Thunb.

erect shrubs; leaves glossy green, tough; sepals 4, spreading, white, purple, yellow, orange, or greenish white; fruits leathery or fleshy drupes, red, orange, yellow, or black

Plants shrubs; evergreen or deciduous. Stems erect; to 1 m tall; branches flexible, tough. Leaves alternate or opposite; short petiolate or sessile; glossy green; tough; blades ovate to oblong or elliptic to oblanceolate; surfaces glabrous or densely indumented. Inflorescences capitate clusters; terminal or axillary. Flowers perfect. Sepals 4; spreading; white or pink or purple or yellow or orange or greenish white. Stamens in 2 whorls. Pistils with styles short or absent. Hypanthia tubular; not constricted above ovary; colors same as sepals. Fruits drupes; globose to ovoid; leathery or fleshy; red or orange or yellow or black (Figure 71.1).

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


garland daphne genkwa wood laurel, spurge laurel, copse laurel mezereum, spurge laurel, spurge olive, flax olive, dwarf bay, dwarf laurel, February daphne, wild pepper winter daphne

Thymelaeaceae Juss.


typically restricted to the gastrointestinal tract, but if hematuria occurs, there may be cause for greater concern. While it is clear that plant parts are toxic as shown by the use of crushed roots to kill fish (Carosielli et al. 1991), the bitter, acrid sap, typically limits ingestion to only a few drupes or leaves, insufficient to cause problems even in a small child. In most instances, livestock also eat little of the foliage or drupes; however, severe intoxications can occur as illustrated by 100% mortality in a herd of cattle ingesting D. mezereum (Pernthaner and Langer 1993). In this case, there were obvious signs of gastrointestinal irritation as well as neurologic problems leading to seizures and death. Contact with the foliage can produce a severe contact and photodermatitis (Mitchell and Rook 1979; Rapisarda et al. 1998).

Figure 71.1.

Line drawing of Daphne mezereum.


Distribution and Habitat—Daphne exhibits greatest diversity in Europe, northern Africa, and temperate and subtropical Asia (Herber 2003). Of the several species cultivated in North America, only D. mezereum and D. laureola have escaped and naturalized in the forests of the northeastern and northwestern corners of the continent. Distribution maps of the 2 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// digestive disturbance; dermatitis; neurologic effects in children

Disease Problems—Daphne has long been a problem in Europe, for livestock and humans, especially children. The bitter berries and other plant parts are very irritating, and ingestion of only several drupes is thought to present a problem, mainly of the digestive tract (Pammel 1911; Kingsbury 1964). Cases are described in children, in whom seizures, tremors, and death have occurred in addition to the typical digestive tract problems produced (Noller 1955; Kingsbury 1964; Cooper and Johnson 1984). Although ingestion of drupes by children purportedly causes a mortality rate of 30% in Europe (Habermehl 1992), other reports from Europe and experiences in North America indicate that severe intoxications are rare (Lamminpaa and Kinos 1996; Vichova and Jahodar 2003; Spiller and Willias 2008). In many instances, ingestions of small amounts of plant material did not result in any obvious signs or those requiring treatment. Signs are

numerous irritant daphnane and tigliane diterpenes

Disease Genesis—Foliage prunings, bark, and berries of D. mezereum, D. odora, and most other species contain tricyclic daphnane and tigliane diterpenes, daphnetoxin (and its ester mezerein), odoracin, thymelein, gnidizin, and mezerenol, which are intensely irritating (Stout et al. 1970; Evans and Soper 1978; Tyler and Howden 1985; Connolly and Hill 1991; Deiana et al. 2003) (Figure 71.2). In addition, in vitro testing indicates that daphnetoxin has hepatotoxic potential by virtue of effects on mitochondrial membranes (Peixoto et al. 2004; Diogo et al. 2009). The irritant properties are retained even upon drying. There are also coumarin glycosides present that may contribute to the general unpalatability and possibly to toxicity (Kingsbury 1964). It is doubtful that intoxications in humans will be of such severity as to be lethal. blistering of lips, mouth, and tongue; thirst, colic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

Figure 71.2.

Chemical structure of daphnetoxin.


Toxic Plants of North America

Clinical Signs—Wherever contact occurs, such as with the mucous membranes of the mouth or eyes or the lower digestive tract, intense reddening and edema occur. There may be blistering of the lips, mouth, and tongue, as well as thirst, colic, nausea, and vomiting, and perhaps diarrhea, if sufficient plant material is ingested and swallowed. Hematuria has been reported in a few instances.

reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Pathology and Treatment—Changes are reflective of the severe irritating effects of the diterpenes, that is, marked reddening and inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa. There may be free blood in the lumina as well. Treatment involves control of the vomiting and diarrhea, oral administration of activated charcoal, and fluid and electrolyte therapy as needed.

DIRCA L. Taxonomy


Morphology—Native to North

America and comprising 4 species, Dirca is commonly known as leatherwood because of its tough, flexible bark (Schrader and Graves 2004; Floden et al. 2009). Its name comes from dirke or dirce, which was the name of a spring at Thebes and of mythological significance (Quattrocchi 2000). The four species are the following: D. D. D. D.

decipiens A.Floden mexicana occidentalis A.Gray palustris L.

plains leatherwood Mexican leatherwood western leatherwood leatherwood, moosewood, American mezereon, wicopy, rope bark, swampwood, thong bark

Both D. palustris and D. occidentalis are of known toxicologic significance, whereas the recently described D. decipiens and D. mexicana have yet to be implicated in problems but are likely equally toxic.

deciduous shrubs, branches yellow tinged; leaves alternate, green and blue tinged; flowers clustered, appearing before leaves; sepals 4, minute, pale yellow; fruits ovoid drupes, pale green, yellowish or reddish tinged

Plants shrubs; deciduous. Stems erect; 100–200 cm tall; profusely branched; branches tough, flexible, yellow tinged; lateral buds small, enclosed by petiole bases; nodes

Figure 71.3. Liber.

Illustration of Dirca palustris. Courtesy of Cas

swollen, socket jointed by circular scars at the start of annual growth. Leaves alternate; short petiolate; green and blue tinged; blades elliptic oblong to obovate or ovate; apices acute; bases cuneate. Inflorescences capitate clusters; terminal or axillary; appearing before leaves. Flowers 2–4 per cluster; sessile or subsessile; perfect. Sepals 4; minute; pale yellow. Stamens filiform; exserted beyond hypanthia. Pistils with styles exserted, filiform. Hypanthia funnelform; pale yellow. Fruits drupes; ovoid; pale green with yellowish or reddish tinge (Figure 71.3).

Distribution and Habitat—Exhibiting the greatest distributional range of the 3 species, D. palustris is found in rich, moist forests in the eastern half of the continent. Dirca occidentalis occurs in partial shade on moist slopes in the hills around San Francisco Bay in California. As its specific epithet implies, D. mexicana is known from one isolated population in northeastern Mexico (Schrader and Graves 2004), whereas D. decipiens occurs in eastern Kansas and northwestern Arkansas (Floden et al. 2009) (Figure 71.4).

severe irritation of the mouth and lower digestive tract; fruits, neurologic effects; irritant diterpenoids

Disease Problems and Genesis—Plants of Dirca have the potential to cause severe irritation of the digestive tract and urinary bladder very similar to the

Thymelaeaceae Juss.

Figure 71.5. Figure 71.4.


Photo of Pimelea prostrata.

Distribution of Dirca palustris.

effects produced by Daphne. Consumption of the fruit is associated with dizziness, stupor, and loss of sensory perception (Millspaugh 1974). Bark when chewed may cause excess salivation, paresis of the tongue, and severe irritation of the mucous membrane surfaces of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Although not as well known as a toxic genus as other members of the family are, Dirca contains irritant daphnane ester diterpenoids such as dircin, linimacrin B, and Pimelea factor P2 (Badawi et al. 1983; Tyler and Howden 1985). It thus presents a similar but probably smaller risk than Daphne, producing similar clinical and pathological signs and requiring the same treatment. Novel tricyclic phenolic glycosides of unknown toxicologic significance are also present (Ramsewak et al. 1999).




Plants compact shrubs; evergreen; polygamous or dioecious. Stems erect or prostrate and mat forming; 1–8 m tall. Leaves opposite or rarely alternate; typically decussate; short petiolate or sessile; blades ovate to oblong. Inflorescences capitate clusters; terminal; bracts present, green or colored. Flowers perfect or imperfect. Sepals 4; white or pink or red or yellow. Stamens 2. Pistils with stigmas papillose or indumented; styles long. Hypanthia tubular; not constricted above ovary; colors same as sepals. Fruits drupes; ovoid; green or red or black (Figure 71.5).

Distribution and Habitat—In North America, several species of the genus are occasionally cultivated as outdoor ornamentals in the Southwest, where mild winters and hot dry summers are the norm. These plants are uncommon. digestive disturbance, all plant parts; dried trimmings are a special risk

Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to Australia, New Zealand, and Timor, Pimelea, commonly known as rice flower, comprises 110 species (Mabberley 2008). Its name is derived from the Greek root pimele, meaning “fat” and alluding to the fleshy seeds (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Representative of the genus are the following species: P. ferruginea Labill. P. ligustrina Labill. P. prostrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Willd.

pimelea bunjong, banjine prostrate pimelea, creeping pimelea

compact, evergreen shrubs; leaves opposite; flowers in capitate clusters; sepals 4, white, pink, red, or yellow; fruits ovoid drupes, green, red, or black

Disease Problems and Genesis—Acute intoxication due to species of Pimelea is manifested by marked disturbance of the digestive tract (Seawright 1989). This may result from ingestion of fresh green foliage or more likely from more palatable, dried trimmings of foliage discarded into a pasture where they can be eaten by livestock. Probably all species of the genus are capable of causing the problem. irritating daphnane and tigliane diterpenoids Most species of Pimelea contain diterpenoids of the daphnane and tigliane types such as prostratin, gnidilatin, and linimacrin (Tyler and Howden 1985; Connolly and


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 71.6.

Chemical structure of prostratin.

Hill 1991; Chow et al. 2010; Hayes et al. 2010). All animal species are susceptible (Figure 71.6). In Australia, a chronic cardiopulmonary disease known as St. George disease is caused by Pimelea (Pegg et al. 1994). It is not a risk in North America, because the species causing it are not grown here as ornamentals. Intoxication also requires sustained ingestion of plant material for days or weeks, amounts unlikely to be available even of species cultivated in North America. Concentrations of simplexin, the cause of St. George disease, vary considerably among the several toxic species in Australia (Chow et al. 2010) and may not be present at toxic levels or at all in plant species typically cultivated in North America. When present, the highest concentrations are typically found in flowers and seeds with minor levels of huratoxin (Fletcher et al. 2011).

vomiting, diarrhea; reddened gut mucosa; administer activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Pimelea produces signs similar to those associated with other members of the family. They include severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea. This is likely to result in fluid loss and dehydration. The pathologic changes reflect the severe irritant effects of the diterpenes—marked reddening of the mucosa of the stomach and intestinal mucosa. There may be free blood in the lumina as well. In addition to control of the vomiting and diarrhea, activated charcoal and fluid and electrolyte therapy may be needed.

REFERENCES Badawi MM, Handa SS, Kinghorn AD, Cordell GA, Farnsworth NR. Plant anticancer agents. 27. Antileukemic and cytotoxic constituents of Dirca occidentalis (Thymelaeaceae). J Pharm Sci 72;1285–1287, 1983. Brickell CD, Mathew B. Daphne: The Genus in the Wild and in Cultivation. Alpine Garden Society, Woking, Surrey, UK, 1976. Carosielli LA, Iaffaldano D, Troncone A, Palermo D. Poisoning in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and carp (Cyprinus carpio)

by Daphne gnidium L. Obiettivi Documenti Veterinari 12;39– 44, 1991. Chow S, Fletcher MT, Mckenzie RA. Analysis of daphnane orthoesters in poisonous Australian Pimelia species by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Agric Food Chem 58;7482–7487, 2010. Connolly JD, Hill RA. Dictionary of Terpenoids. Vol. 2, Di- and Higher Terpenoids. Chapman & Hall, London, 1991. Cooper MR, Johnson AW. Poisonous Plants in Britain and Their Effects on Animals and Man. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1984. Deiana M, Rosa A, Casu V, Cottiglia L, Bonsignora L, Dessi MA. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of extracts from Daphne gnidium L. J Am Oil Chem Soc 80;65– 70, 2003. Diogo CV, Felix L, Vilela S, Burgeiro A, Barbosa IA, Carvalho MJM, Oliveira PJ, Peixoto FP. Mitochondrial toxicity of the phytochemicals daphnetoxin and daphnoretin—relevance for possible anti-cancer application. Toxicol In Vitro 23;772–779, 2009. Evans FJ, Soper CJ. The tigliane, daphnane, and ingenane diterpenes, their chemistry, distribution, and biological activities: a review. Lloydia 41;193–216, 1978. Fletcher MT, Chow KYS, Silcock RG, Milson JA. LC/MS/MS analysis of the daphnane orthoester simplexin in poisonous Pimelea species of Australian rangelands. In Poisoning by Plants, Mycotoxins and Related Toxins. Riet-Correa F, Pfister J, Schild AL, Wierenga T, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 550–556, 2011. Floden AJ, Mayfield MH, Ferguson CJ. A new narrowly endemic species of Dirca (Thymelaeaceae) from Kansas and Arkansas, with a phylogenetic overview and taxonomic synopsis of the genus. J Bot Res Inst Tex 3;485–499, 2009. Habermehl GG. Poisonous plants of Europe. In Poisonous Plants: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium. James LF, Keeler RF, Bailey EM Jr., Cheeke PR, Hegarty MP eds. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA, pp. 74–83, 1992. Hayes PY, Chow S, Somerville MJ, Fletcher MT, De Voss JJ. Daphnane- and tigliane-type diterpenoid esters and orthoesters from Pimelia elongata. J Nat Prod 73;1907–1913, 2010. Herber BE. Thymelaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. V: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Malvales. Capparales and Non-Betalin Caryophyllales. Kubitzki K, Bayer C, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 373–396, 2003. Heywood VH. Thymelaceae daphne family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 320– 321, 2007. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Kingsbury JM. Poisonous Plants of the United States and Canada. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1964. Lamminpaa A, Kinos M. Plant poisonings in children. Hum Exp Toxicol 15;245–249, 1996. Mabberley DJ. Mabberley’s Plant Book, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Millspaugh CF. American Medicinal Plants. Dover, New York, 1974 (reprint from 1892).

Thymelaeaceae Juss. Mitchell J, Rook A. Botanical Dermatology: Plants and Plant Products Injurious to the Skin. Greengrass, Vancouver, BC, 1979. Noller HG. Mezereon poisoning in a child; a contribution towards recognition of Daphne poisoning. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 103;327–330, 1955. Pammel LH. A Manual of Poisonous Plants. Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1911. Pegg GG, Oberoi G, Aspden WJ, D’Occhio MJ. Pimelia poisoning of cattle. In Vaccines in Agriculture: Immunological Applications to Animal Health and Production. Wood PR, Willadsen P, Vercoe JE, Hoskinson RM, Demeyer D, eds. CSIRO, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, pp. 155–159, 1994. Peixoto F, Carvalho MJM, Almeida J, Matos PAC. Daphnetoxin interacts with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and induces membrane permeability transition in rat liver. Planta Med 70;1064–1068, 2004. Pernthaner A, Langer T. Poisoning with Daphne mezereum in cattle. Wien Tierarztl Monatsschr 80;138–142, 1993. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Ramsewak RS, Nair MG, DeWitt DL, Mattson WG, Zasada J. Phenolic glycosides from Dirca palustris. J Nat Prod 62;1558– 1561, 1999.


Rapisarda A, Germano MP, Iauk L, La Rosa M, Sanogo R, Ragusa S. Daphne gnidium L. bark and leaf extracts: skin damage by topical application. Phytother Res 12;49–51, 1998. Schrader JA, Graves WR. Systematics of Dirca (Thymelaeaceae) based on its sequences and ISSR polymorphisms. Sida 21;511– 524, 2004. Seawright AA. Animal Health in Australia. Vol. 2, 2nd ed., Chemical and Plant Poisons. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Australia, 1989. Spiller HA, Willias D. Daphne caucasica ingestion in a child. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 46;912, 2008. Stout GH, Balkenhol WG, Poling M, Hickernell GL. The isolation and structure of daphnetoxin, the poisonous principle of Daphne species. J Am Chem Soc 92;1070–1071, 1970. Tyler MI, Howden MEH. Antitumor and irritant diterpenoid esters of Thymelaeaceae species. In Plant Toxicology, Proceedings of the Australian-USA Poisonous Plants Symposium. Seawright AA, Hegarty MP, James LF, Keeler RF, eds. Animal Research Institute, Yeerongpilly, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 367– 374, 1985. Vichova P, Jahodar L. Plant poisonings in children in the Czech Republic, 1996–2001. Hum Exp Toxicol 22;467–472, 2003.

Chapter Seventy-Two

Urticaceae Juss.

Nettle Family Laportea Urtica Widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, the Urticaceae, or nettle family, comprises approximately 45 genera and 1000–1500 species in 5 tribes (Friss 1993; Wilmot-Dear and Brummitt 2007). It is closely related to the Cannabaceae (hemp family), Moraceae (mulberry family), and Cecropiaceae (pumpwood family), and the four have been united in various combinations (see Zomlefer 1994 for a review). Phylogenetic analyses, however, support their recognition as different families (Bremer et al. 2009). The family is of little economic importance. Fiber used in textile and paper production is obtained from some species, others are potherbs in the tropics, some provide forage, and a few are cultivated as indoor ornamentals (Pollard and Briggs 1984; Friss 1993; Wilmot-Dear and Brummitt 2007). Its most notable significance is that some of its genera cause contact irritant dermatitis. In North America, this dermatitis is associated with 2 genera, Urtica and Laportea. herbs or shrubs, some with stinging hairs; leaves simple; flowers small, imperfect, staminate, pistillate, different; petals absent Plants herbs or shrubs; annuals or perennials; armed or not armed with stinging hairs; monoecious or dioecious or rarely polygamomonoecious. Leaves simple; alternate or opposite; venation pinnate or pinnipalmate; surfaces glabrous or pubescent; apices acuminate to obtuse; margins serrate or dentate or entire; bases cuneate or cordate or rounded; stipules present or absent. Inflorescences simple cymes or panicles or glomerules; axillary or rarely terminal; bracts present, minute. Flowers small;

imperfect; staminate and pistillate different; perianths in 1-series or absent; radially symmetrical. Staminate Flowers with sepals 3–5, free or fused, green; petals absent; stamens 3–5. Pistillate Flowers with sepals 2–5 or 0, fused, green; pistils 1, compound, carpels 2, appearing to be 1; stigmas 1, capitate or linear; styles 1 or 0; ovaries superior; locules 1; placentation basal. Fruits achenes; sometimes enclosed in persistent calyces. Seeds 1. contact irritant dermatitis; hollow, easily fractured hairs penetrate skin and inject contents

DISEASE PROBLEMS The presence of stinging hairs is an attribute characteristic of many genera of the family, including Urtica and Laportea. These hairs, sometimes termed emergences, are derived from epidermal and subepidermal cells (Thurston 1974). Solitary and very conspicuous or scattered among other surface hairs, each consists of a slender, siliceous, hollow shaft arising from a multicellular, bulbous, sheathing supporting pedestal, which may be up to one-third the length of the hair. The length of the hair and its base may exceed 1 mm. The slightly swollen tip of the hair is easily fractured and typically shears off upon contact. The resulting sharp-pointed, hypodermic-like shaft penetrates the skin, thus allowing extrusion of the cell’s chemical contents into the skin and producing a contact irritant dermatitis (Thurston and Lersten 1969; Thurston 1974) (Figures 72.1 and 72.2). mainly in humans, horses, and dogs Most animals appear to be susceptible to the toxins present in the hairs of Urtica and Laportea, although some such as cattle rarely show any response. Cattle, sheep, and rabbits may even consume the plants as forage (Pollard and Briggs 1984). The same skin response is

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Urticaceae Juss.

Figure 72.1.

Line drawing of a stinging hair.

Figure 72.2.

Photo of a stinging hair of Urtica dioica.

produced by other species and genera of the Utricaceae throughout the world (Maitai et al. 1981; Clark 1993). Perhaps most common in humans and horses, the typical response following injection of the contents of the hairs involves almost immediate onset of pruritis, erythema, and sometimes urticarial wheals at the site of contact. Within minutes of contact with hairs, there is vascular and lymphatic dilation with dermal edema associated with the burning stinging sensation (Oliver et al. 1991). The edema subsides over the next few hours, whereas the vascular dilation persists for a few more hours as mast cell numbers in the dermis increase. Paresthesia may last 12 hours or longer. However, in horses, more serious neurologic problems have been described involving an initial urticarial response followed by a transient muscular weakness, ataxia, distress, and collapse in instances where animals were noted to have rolled or fallen in nettle patches (Bathe 1994; Conwell and Findlay


2008; Leaman 2008). In all reports, additional anecdotal information suggests that these are not isolated, infrequent occurrences. In all cases, recovery occurred within hours with or without treatment. A somewhat similar serious problem of contact dermatitis has also been reported to occur in dogs, particularly the hunting breeds (Davis and Clark 1958; Peterson 1968; Louisiana Animal Health Notes 1982; Edwards and Remer 1983). Late winter and early spring are problem times in southeastern states, when dogs are used in field trials and for hunting in open woods and bottomlands. In some of these areas, the disease has been referred to as bull nettle syndrome (Davis and Clark 1958). As dogs move through areas with high Urtica chamaedryoides density, there is repeated contact with the plants. Contact probably occurs over the animal’s entire body as well as around the mouth and tongue; there is possible aspiration as well. These reports coincide with the reported emergence of this especially potent species of nettle as a noxious weed in these same areas of the southeastern United States (Coile 1999). Contact with an occasional plant is not expected to produce severe signs. With respect to the neurologic problems in horses and dogs, U. ferox, a particularly potent nettle in New Zealand, has been associated with severe episodes of neurointoxication in both humans and animals (Clark 1993; Hammond-Tooke et al. 2007). In one instance, a man fell in a patch of the nettle and within a short time developed localized effects extending to body-wide rash, pruritis, and numbness around the mouth (Hammond-Tooke et al. 2007). This progressed over the next few days to weakness and ataxia described as an acute symmetrical mainly motor polyneuropathy with some sensory involvement as well. Recovery took several weeks. Two companions had similar but less severe signs. Again anecdotal reports suggest that these are not uncommon isolated incidents. Experimentally, the association between the stinging hairs of U. ferox and this polyneuropathy was confirmed by studies in rats where the contents of the hairs were injected into the epineurium of the sciatic nerve on one side of the body (Kanzaki et al. 2010). The result was again a reversible axonopathy involving mainly a decrease in myelinated fibers similar to the human case. These observations are also similar to those of an earlier report in New Zealand of a hunter falling into a stand of U. ferox and developing the same early signs followed shortly thereafter by severe distress, weakness, sweating, salivation, shaking hypothermia, and then signs of a peripheral motor neuropathy lasting several days (Clark 1993). Urtica ferox has apparently been a long recognized problem in both humans and animals. These reports of systemic effects including apparent peripheral neuropathies following exceptional intensive exposure to nettles in humans and horses gives greater credence to the


Toxic Plants of North America

reported problems in hunting dogs, an association which has been questioned (Edom 2002). Despite their obvious adverse effects, species of Urtica have long been used for medicinal/beneficial purposes, and in some instances, these effects have been confirmed in controlled studies. Various plant parts such as the roots have been used for benign prostatic hyperplasia (Chrubasik et al. 2007b); leaves for arthritis and urinary problems (Chrubasik et al. 2007a); and the stinging hairs themselves directly applied for relief of musculoskeletal pain (Randall et al. 2000; Alford 2008). It must be emphasized that stinging hairs and contact irritant dermatitis are not unique to the Urticaceae. Genera in other families, most notably in North America Cnidoscolus (bull nettle) and Tragia (noseburn) in the Euphorbiaceae or spurge family (see Chapter 34), have similar hairs and cause contact dermatitis. specific toxicant(s) as yet unknown; various compounds proposed; hair contents appear to have histamine-like activity

described in humans such as the acute motor axonal neuropathy type of Guillain–Barré syndrome as well as with thiamine deficiency or hyperpotassemia (Ho et al. 1997; Lu et al. 2000; Ishibashi et al. 2003; Dua and Banerjee 2010; Panichpisal et al. 2010). This is not unexpected because there are many causes of peripheral neuropathies, very few of which are associated with plant-type toxins (Grantz and Huan 2010). However, while there are differences between the responses to Urtica and these other causes, a common feature is the reversibility of the acute neuropathy. A role for an immunologic response for the peripheral neuropathy cannot be ruled out at this time. Interestingly, in an Australian species of Laportea, an unknown toxin has been isolated that has a molecular weight greater than 1000; is not heat labile, dialyzable, and susceptible to proteolytic enzymes, or precipitated by trichloroacetic acid; and suffers no appreciable loss of activity with drying or preservation for many years (MacFarlane 1963; Oelrichs and Robertson 1970). skin contact site: erythema, swelling, pain, pruritis; lasts for a few minutes or rarely a few hours

DISEASE GENESIS At various times, the contents of the stinging hairs of the Urticaceae have been reported to be formic acid, enzymes, tartaric acid, glycosides, alkaloids, histamine, acetylcholine, and 5-OH-tryptamine (serotonin). Although there may still be questions as to the exact nature of the toxicants and whether histaminic, acetylcholinergic, and serotoninergic compounds are involved in all aspects of the response (Emmelin and Feldberg 1947, 1949; Collier and Chesher 1956), evidence has emerged to indicate that there may be at least two distinct aspects of the disease problem. Clearly, there appears to be dissociation between the immediate dermal reaction and the more persistent paresthesia with the numbness or tingling sensations around the mouth and other areas (Kulze and Greaves 1988). There appears to be a role for oxalic and tartaric acids (but not necessarily formic acid) as mediators of the early pain, erythema, and pruritic response (Fu et al. 2006). The longer-term or delayed responses such as the paresthesia and peripheral neuropathy could well be associated with other mediators such as histamine directly or its release from mast cells (Kulze and Greaves 1988; Oliver et al. 1991; Taskila et al. 2000). Whereas there are clearly high concentrations of histamine, the presence of significant levels of serotonin in these plants is questionable (Fu et al. 2006). Some aspects of the overall clinical syndrome are consistent with the toxic effects produced by histamine and acetylcholine (Davis and Clark 1958), but the neurologic effects remain in question as to causation. The reversible polyneuropathy has some similarity to conditions

CLINICAL SIGNS Contact with the stinging hairs of Urtica and Laportea characteristically, and especially in humans, produces erythema, swelling, a burning sensation, pain, and pruritis at the contact site. These signs persist for minutes to hours. There may also be paresthesia with tingling sensation at the site of contact and other areas of the body such as around the mouth and the distal extremities. In animals, there may be systemic signs with massive or repeated contact. Signs may occur in any animal, although they are rarely seen in cattle. Horses occasionally react markedly with urticarial wheals at contact sites on their limbs and abdomen and rarely with a transient muscular weakness and ataxia. The wheals may appear similar to fly bites, but they are more restricted in location on the body. Signs are readily observed in dogs. massive exposure in dogs: salivation, licking of paws, scratching of body, retching, vomiting, labored respiration, muscle fasciculation, depression; lasts a few hours, day, or more; rarely fatal Within minutes or up to an hour after exposure to the plants, dogs begin salivating profusely, licking their paws, and scratching at their nose, face, and other body areas. Retching and vomiting may also occur. In more severe cases, the signs include rapid and/or labored respiration, persistent vomiting, hemorrhage from the nostrils, muscle

Urticaceae Juss.


fasciculations, and ataxia that may progress to partial paresis of the pelvic limbs. The signs subside in most cases within an hour or in more serious cases last up to several days. Depression may be quite noticeable during this period. The disease is usually self-limiting but rarely may be lethal.

TREATMENT If administered early, atropine and antihistamines may be of value. Otherwise, treatment is symptomatic and supportive.

Figure 72.3.

Line drawing of Laportea canadensis.

Figure 72.4.

Distribution of Laportea canadensis.

LAPORTEA GAUDICH. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising approximately 20 species in eastern North America and eastern Asia, Laportea is commonly known as wood nettle (Friss 1993). Its name honors F.L. de Laporte, a French entomologist and plant collector in Florida and South America in the mid-1800s (Quattrocchi 2000). In North America, 1 native species of toxicologic significance and 1 introduced species are present (Boufford 1997): L. aestuans (L.) Chew L. canadensis (L.) Wedd.

West Indian wood nettle Canada wood nettle

erect, perennial herbs; monoecious; leaves alternate, long petioles; flowers axillary

Plants herbs; perennials; from fibrous roots or rhizomes; armed with stinging hairs; monoecious. Stems erect; 50–100 cm tall; stinging hairs dense or sparse. Leaves alternate; long petiolate; blades elliptic to broadly ovate; midribs occasionally bearing stinging hairs; apices acuminate; margins coarsely serrate; bases subcordate or rounded; stipules lanceolate, chartaceous, brownish, deciduous. Inflorescences axillary cymes or glomerules; staminate in lower axils, pistillate in upper axils, open, spreading. Staminate Flowers with sepals 5, free; stamens 5. Pistillate Flowers with sepals typically 4 or 3 or 2, outer pair smaller than inner; styles elongate, persistent. Achenes flat; D-shaped; longer than persistent pair of sepals; tawny to dark brown, occasionally mottled (Figure 72.3).

Distribution and Habitat—Typically encountered along streams or in seeps in rich moist soils of deciduous forests, L. canadensis is distributed throughout the eastern half of the continent. Introduced L. aestuans occurs in waste areas and cultivated fields in Florida (Boufford 1997), and

plants have been reported to occur in California (USDA, NRCS 2012) (Figure 72.4).

URTICA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Generally thought of as one of the most troublesome genera because of its stinging hairs, Urtica, commonly known as nettle, comprises about 45 species distributed nearly worldwide, but principally in temperate regions (Boufford 1997). Used by Pliny, the Roman natural historian, its name is derived from the Latin root uro, which means “to burn” and reflects the painful effects of the stinging hairs (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The density of these hairs may vary considerably, and hairs may be almost lacking in some populations (Pollard and Briggs 1982). Other features are likewise quite variable, and numerous species have been described. Systematic work by Woodland (1982) indicated that 4 species are present in North America:


Toxic Plants of North America

U. chamaedryoides Pursh U. dioica L. U. gracilenta Greene U. urens L.

heartleaf nettle, weak nettle, ortiguilla, fireweed American stinging nettle, tall nettle, slim nettle, hoary nettle mountain nettle dwarf nettle, dog nettle, burning nettle

erect, annual or perennial herbs; monoecious or dioecious; leaves opposite, flowers axillary

Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; armed with stinging hairs; monoecious or dioecious. Stems erect; 50– 200 cm tall; branched or unbranched; terete or angled; stinging hairs dense or sparse; other hairs of various types. Leaves opposite; long or short petiolate; blades lanceolate to ovate or cordate; venation pinnipalmate; stinging hairs dense or sparse; other hairs of various types; apices acuminate; margins serrate or dentate; bases cuneate to cordate; stipules present. Inflorescences axillary panicles or glomerules. Staminate Flowers with sepals 4, fused, hispid; stamens 4, anthers explosively dehiscent. Pistillate Flowers with sepals 4, fused, outer 2 smaller; styles absent. Achenes ovate to deltoid; lenticular; enclosed by 2 inner sepal lobes (Figures 72.5 and 72.6).

Distribution and Habitat—As Woodland (1982) and Boufford (1997) observed, species of Urtica occur across the continent and thrive in disturbed and nitrogen-rich soils of bottomlands, moist open woods, stream banks, and waste areas. Comprising three subspecies, of which

Figure 72.5.

Photograph of Urtica dioica.

Figure 72.6.

Photograph of Urtica chamaedryoides.

two are native and one naturalized from Europe, perennial U. dioica exhibits the greatest range from Alaska to the Atlantic Coast. Native to Europe, annual U. urens also occurs from coast to coast, but its populations are scattered and less commonly encountered than those of U. dioica. Urtica chamaedryoides is distributed primarily in the southeastern quarter of the continent. Exhibiting the most restricted distribution, U. gracilenta is found in the Southwest. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http://www. and the Flora of North America (http://

REFERENCES Alford L. Urtication for musculoskeletal pain? Pain Med 9;963– 965, 2008. Bathe AP. An unusual manifestation of nettle rash in 3 horses. Vet Rec 134;11–12, 1994. Boufford DE. Urticaceae Jussieu: nettle family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 3, Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 400– 413, 1997. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Wagner H, Chrubasik SA. A comprehensive review on nettle effect and efficacy profiles, part I: herba urticae. Phytomedicine 14;423–435, 2007a. Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Wagner H, Chrubasik SA. A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles, part II: urticae radix. Phytomedicine 14;568–579, 2007b. Clark FP. Tree nettle (Urtica ferox) poisoning. N Z Med J 106;234, 1993.

Urticaceae Juss. Coile NC. Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh: A Stinging Nettle, or Fireweed and Some Related Species. Botany Circular No. 34, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 1999. Collier HOJ, Chesher GB. Identification of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the sting of the nettle (Urtica dioica). Br J Pharmacol 11;186–189, 1956. Conwell R, Findlay C. Nettle reaction in a horse. Vet Rec 162;256, 2008. Davis DE, Clark CH. Questions and answers: “bull nettle syndrome” in hunting dogs. Mod Vet Pract 39;50–52, 1958. Dua K, Banerjee A. Guillain-Barre syndrome: a review. Br J Hosp Med 71;495–498, 2010. Edom G. The uncertainty of the toxic effect of stings from the Urtica nettle on hunting dogs. Vet Hum Toxicol 44;42–44, 2002. Edwards WC, Remer JC. Nettle poisoning in dogs. Vet Med Small Anim Clin 78;347–350, 1983. Emmelin N, Feldberg W. The mechanism of the sting of the common nettle (Urtica urens). J Physiol 106;440–455, 1947. Emmelin N, Feldberg W. Distribution of acetylcholine and histamine in nettle plants. New Phytol 48;143–148, 1949. Friss I. Urticaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. II: Flowering Plants: Dicotyledons Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families. Kubitzki K, Rohwer JG, Bittrich V, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 612–630, 1993. Fu HY, Chen SJ, Chen RF, Ding WH, Kuo-Huang LL, Huang RN. Identification of oxalic acid and tartaric acid as major persistent pain-inducing toxins in the stinging hairs of the nettle, Urtica thunbergiana. Ann Bot (Lond) 98;57–65, 2006. Grantz M, Huan MC. Unusual peripheral neuropathies. Part I: extrinsic causes. Semin Neurol 30;387–395, 2010. Hammond-Tooke GD, Taylor P, Punchihewa S, Beasley M. Urtica ferox neuropathy. Muscle Nerve 35;804–807, 2007. Ho TW, Hsieh ST, Nachamkin I, Willison HJ, Sheikh K, Kiehlbauch J, Flanigan K, McArthur JC, Cornblath DR, McKhann GM, Griffin JW. Motor nerve terminal degeneration provides a potential mechanism for rapid recovery in acute motor axonal neuropathy after Campylobacter infection. Neurology 48;717–724, 1997. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Ishibashi S, Yokota T, Shiojiri T, Matunaga T, Tanaka H, Nishina K, Hirota H, Inaba A, Yamada M, Kanda T, Mizusawa H. Reversible acute axonal polyneuropathy associated with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome: impaired physiological nerve conduction due to thiamine deficiency? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 74;674–676, 2003. Kanzaki M, Tsuchihara T, McMorran D, Taylor P, HammondTooke GD. A rat model of Urtica ferox neuropathy. NeuroToxicology 31;709–714, 2010. Kulze A, Greaves M. Contact urticaria caused by stinging nettles. Br J Dermatol 119;269–270, 1988. Leaman TR. Nettle reaction in a foal. Vet Rec 162;164, 2008.


Louisiana Animal Health Notes. Stinging nettle (Urtica sp.) and dogs. Vet Hum Toxicol 24;247, 1982. Lu JL, Sheikh KA, Wu HS, Zhang J, Jiang ZF, Cornblath DR, McKhann GM, Asbury AK, Griffin JW, Ho TW. Physiologicpathologic correlation in Guillain-Barre syndrome in children. Neurology 54;33–39, 2000. MacFarlane WV. The stinging properties of Laportea. Econ Bot 17;303–311, 1963. Maitai CK, Talalaj S, Talalaj D, Njoroge D. Smooth muscle stimulating substances in the stinging nettle tree Obetia pinnatifida. Toxicon 19;186–188, 1981. Oelrichs PB, Robertson PA. Purification of pain-producing substances from Dendrocnide (Laportea) moroides. Toxicon 8;89–90, 1970. Oliver F, Amon EU, Breathnach A, Francis DM, Sarathchandra P, Black AK, Greaves MW. Contact urticaria due to the common stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)––histological, ultrastructural and pharmacological studies. Clin Exp Dermatol 16;1–7, 1991. Panichpisal K, Gandhi S, Nugent K, Anziska Y. Acute quadriplegia from hyperkalemia: a case report and literature review. Neurologist 16;390–393, 2010. Peterson DR. Nettle poisoning in the dog. Okla Vet 20;4–6, 1968. Pollard AJ, Briggs D. Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. 1. The nature of intraspecific variation in U. dioica. New Phytol 92;453–470, 1982. Pollard AJ, Briggs D. Genecological studies of Urtica dioica L. 3. Stinging hairs and plant-herbivore interactions. New Phytol 97;507–522, 1984. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Randall C, Randall H, Dobbs F, Hutton C, Sanders H. Randomized controlled trial of nettle sting for treatment of base-ofthumb pain. J R Soc Med 93;305–309, 2000. Taskila K, Saarinen JV, Harvima IT, Harvima RJ. Histamine and LTC4 in stinging nettle-induced urticaria. Allergy 55;679–680, 2000. Thurston EL. Morphology, fine structure, and ontogeny of the stinging emergence of Urtica dioica. Am J Bot 61;809–817, 1974. Thurston EL, Lersten NR. The morphology and toxicology of plant stinging hairs. Bot Rev 35;393–412, 1969. USDA, NRCS. The PLANTS Database. National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, http://plants.usda. gov, April 21, 2012. Wilmot-Dear MC, Brummitt RK. Urticaceae: nettle and ramie fiber family. In Flowering Plant Families of the World. Heywood VH, Brummitt RK, Culham A, Seberg O, eds. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK, pp. 327–328, 2007. Woodland DW. Biosystematics of the perennial North American taxa of Urtica. 2. Taxonomy. Syst Bot 7;282–290, 1982. Zomlefer WB. Guide to Flowering Plant Families. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 1994.

Chapter Seventy-Three

Verbenaceae J.St.-Hil.

Verbena or Vervain Family Aloysia Duranta Lantana Primarily a New World family of herbs, shrubs, lianas, and trees, the Verbenaceae, commonly known as the verbena or vervain family, comprises 34 genera and approximately 1200 species (Atkins 2004; Brummitt 2007). Greatest diversity is in the tropics with some taxa pantropical. On the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses, the family’s circumscription has been significantly reduced with the transfer of many genera, including the popular ornamentals Vitex (chaste tree), Callicarpa (beautyberry), and Clerodendrum (glory bower) (Cantino 1992; Wagstaff and Olmstead 1997). Economically, the Verbenaceae is of some importance (Atkins 2004; Brummitt 2007; Judd et al. 2008). It is noted for its many ornamental herbs, especially Verbena and Glandularia, and its ornamental shrubs including Lantana, Aloysia, and Durantia. Its species are also the source of valuable essential oils, timber, forage, and ground covers. Several species were used medicinally by American Indians and settlers and today are constituents of some herbals (Moerman 1998). Toxicologic problems are associated with 3 genera. herbs or shrubs, often aromatic; leaves typically opposite; racemes, spikes or heads; flowers typically 5-merous; petals fused; fruits nutlets or multiseeded drupes Plants herbs or shrubs or trees; annuals or perennials; often strongly aromatic. Stems 4-sided or terete. Leaves simple; usually opposite, or rarely alternate or whorled; stipules absent. Inflorescences racemes, spikes, or heads; terminal or axillary; often bracteates. Flowers perfect;

perianths in 2-series. Sepals 5 or 4 or rarely 2; fused; radially or bilaterally symmetrical. Corollas bilaterally or rarely radially symmetrical; salverform or funnelform or bilabiate. Petals 5; fused; of various colors. Stamens 4, or rarely 5 or 2; didynamous; epipetalous. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2; stigmas 1, 2-lobed; styles 1, apical; ovaries superior; terete or lobed, locules 4. Fruits 4 nutlets or drupes with 2 or 4 stones (pits). Seeds 1 per nutlet or stone. Although the Verbenaceae is unquestionably closely related and morphologically similar to the Lamiaceae, its members can be distinguished by their undivided ovary, single apical style, and nonverticillate inflorescences.

ALOYSIA PALAU Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the Americas, Aloysia, commonly known as bee-brush, comprises approximately 30 species of sweet aromatic shrubs (Atkins 2004). Its name honors Maria Luisa, wife of King Charles IV of Spain (Quattrocchi 2000). Grown primarily for its attractive, strongly aromatic foliage, which is dried and used in cooking, teas, potpourri, and sachets, A. triphylla, or lemon verbena, is the best known member of the genus. Four species, 3 native and 1 introduced, are present in North America (USDA, NRCS 2012); toxicologic problems are associated with just 1: A gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Tronc. (= Lippia lycioides [Cham.] Steud.) (= Lippia ligustrina of auth.)

deciduous shrubs, strongly aromatic; leaves simple; flowers in spikes or racemes, vanilla odor, weakly 2-lipped; petals white to pale yellow; fruits 2 nutlets

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


white brush, white bush, bee-bush, cedron, palo amarillo, angel

Verbenaceae J.St.-Hil.


Plants shrubs; deciduous; herbage strongly aromatic. Stems erect; 1–3 m tall; much branched; branches stiff, gray, grayish pubescent; spinescent; wood yellow. Leaves simple; opposite or in fascicles; blades lanceolate to oblong or elliptic or obovate; lower surfaces densely pubescent or resinous punctate; margins entire. Inflorescences dense spikes or racemes; borne well above leaves; bractlets deciduous. Flowers with strong vanilla odor; perfect. Sepals 4; tubular campanulate. Corollas bilaterally symmetrical; salverform, 2-lipped. Petals 5; white or tinged with violet; throats villous. Stamens 4; didynamous. Pistils lobed; locules 2. Fruits nutlets; 2; thin walled. Seeds 1 per nutlet (Figures 73.1 and 73.2).

Distribution and Habitat—Aloysia gratissima is found in a variety of sandy or rocky sites in open grasslands, creek beds, washes, woods, and thickets in Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico (Figure 73.3).

Figure 73.3.

Distribution of Aloysia gratissima.

horses; rickets-like disease; toxin unknown

Disease Problems and Genesis—Aloysia gratissima appears to be the cause of a rickets-like disease in horses (Mathews 1942). Experimentally, horses pastured exclusively on the species lost weight, became ataxic after 1 month, and in a few more weeks were unable to stand and then died. During this time, the animals exhibited conspicuous weakness and a propensity to sweat. A toxin has not been identified. An apparent antimetabolite of some type is present, however, as demonstrated experimentally in rats (Mathews 1942). In addition, an African species, Lippia rehmannii, contains toxic triterpenes very similar in structure and activity to the lantadenes of Lantana (Barton and de Mayo 1954a,b). Figure 73.1.

Line drawing of Aloysia gratissima.

loss of stamina, sweating, ataxia

Clinical Signs—Initially, there is a loss of stamina and a tendency to sweat excessively, as well as a tendency for the animal to fall when turned while running. Later, there is difficulty walking and ataxia due to the loss of tone of the leg muscles, followed by terminal prostration and apparent paralysis.

no lesions; nursing care

Pathology and Treatment—There may be some edema Figure 73.2.

Photo of Aloysia gratissima.

of the meninges and congestion of the liver and kidneys, but overall there is a lack of distinctive lesions either


Toxic Plants of North America

grossly or microscopically. No specific treatment is known, except for good nursing care and provision of high-quality feeds.

DURANTA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Named in honor of Castor Durantes, a sixteenth-century botanist and physician in Rome, Duranta, commonly known as golden dewdrop, comprises about 20 species and occurs throughout the Americas from Mexico to Argentina (Quattrocchi 2000; Atkins 2004; Mabberley 2008). The single species in North America is of toxicologic interest: D. erecta L.

golden dewdrop, yellow hat tree, pigeonberry, angel’s whisper, duranta, adonis morado, espina de palma, cuenta de oro, garbancillo, coralillo, sky flower, Geisha girl, Sheena’s gold

(= D. plumieri Jacq.) (= D. repens L.)

Figure 73.4.

evergreen shrubs or trees; leaves opposite; racemes terminal or axillary; flowers salverform; petals 5, white, blue, lavender, or purple; yellow drupes berrylike with 8 stones

Line drawing of Duranta erecta.

possible digestive problems




Disease Problems—Intoxication problems caused by D. Plants shrubs or small trees; evergreen; armed or not armed with thorns. Stems erect; up to 6 m tall; branches drooping or trailing. Leaves simple; opposite; blades obovate to ovate elliptic; apices acuminate or obtuse; margins entire or serrate; bases cuneate. Inflorescences racemes; loosely flowered; terminal or axillary; erect or recurved; bractlets caducous. Flowers perfect. Sepals 5; tubular; angled; persistent; yellowish and enlarged in fruit. Corollas salverform. Petals 5; white or blue to lavender or purple. Stamens 4; didynamous. Pistils globose. Fruits drupes; berrylike; yellow; enclosed by inflated beaked calyx; with 8 stones. Seeds 1 per stone (Figure 73.4).

Distribution and Habitat—Taxonomists and geographers differ in their opinions as to the origin and distribution of Duranta erecta. The species is either native to the West Indies and naturalized elsewhere, or native to Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and possibly Florida (Little et al. 1974; Wunderlin and Hansen 2003). Cultivated widely in the southern part of North America, it has escaped and naturalized in the Rio Grande Valley and plains of Texas, in Louisiana, Arizona, and California (USDA, NRCS 2012).

erecta have been reported mainly from Australia where it is planted as an ornamental. Both digestive tract and neurologic effects have been reported (DerMarderosian and Liberti 1988). Reports are scattered and include dogs, cats, birds (parrots and finches), cow, kangaroo, and one rare instance in a child (Scanlan et al. 2006). Fruits appear to be the primary risk because they are readily eaten, although leaves may also present a problem. The main effects are diarrhea (+blood) and hyperesthesia with tetanic seizures. Studies in rats with chloroform extracts of stems given daily for 7 days resulted in mild degenerative changes in the liver, kidneys, and heart (Nikkon et al. 2008).

toxicant unknown; array of compounds present

Disease Genesis—The toxicants are not known, but the species contains a host of saponins, flavonoids, and other compounds including lamiide and naringenin, and the monoterpenoid durantosides I, II, and III, as well as the iridoid glucoside duranterectosides A, B, C, and D (Connolly and Hill 1991; Takeda et al. 1995; Abou-Setta et al.

Verbenaceae J.St.-Hil.


NRCS 2012), only 2 species are of toxicologic significance: L. camara L. L. montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. (= L. sellowiana Link & Otto)

Figure 73.5.

lantana, red sage, yellow sage creeping lantana, weeping lantana, trailing lantana, trailing shrub verbena

Chemical structure of durantoside I.

2007; Ahmed et al. 2009). Similar to lamiide found in species of Lamium, these compounds may be of some toxicologic importance. Some of the flavonoids have thrombin and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity (Anis et al. 2001,2002; Iqbal et al. 2004). Two triterpenes (β-amarin) have been isolated, but based on studies with rats, these do not seem to be the cause of adverse effects on the heart, liver, or kidneys (Nikkon et al. 2008) (Figure 73.5). vomiting, diarrhea, edema of the face, somnolence, seizures; no lesions; supportive treatment

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—Initially, there is evidence of digestive tract irritation such as vomiting and diarrhea, stringy salivation, collapse, and drowsiness. This will be followed quickly by hyperesthesia and tetanic seizures (Scanlan et al. 2006). Feces may contain numerous whole or fragmented fruits. The disease is unlikely to be lethal, and no specific lesions are associated with it. Treatment is directed toward the relief of the specific signs, in particular, control of the seizures using diazepam, pentobarbital, or general anesthesia. Fluids, electrolytes, and activated charcoal may also be needed.

perennial herbs or shrubs, malodorous, stems 4-sided; leaves simple, opposite or whorled; flowers in dense spikes or heads; petals 4 or 5, white, red, yellow, orange, blue, or purple; drupes glossy black Plants herbs or shrubs; perennials; foliage typically malodorous when crushed. Stems erect or trailing and mat forming; up to 2 m tall or 1 m long; 4-sided; armed or not armed with prickles. Leaves simple; opposite or whorled; blades typically rugose; margins toothed. Inflorescences dense spikes or heads; typically flat-topped or hemispheric; terminal or axillary; peduncles often long; bractlets present. Flowers perfect. Sepals 4 or 5; small. Corollas bilaterally symmetrical; salverform. Petals 4 or 5; white or red or yellow or orange or blue or purple or of intermediate colors. Stamens 4; didynamous. Pistils with 2 locules. Fruits fleshy drupes with 2 stones; globose; glossy black. Seeds 1 per stone (Figures 73.6 and 73.7). The flowers of Lantana resemble those of Verbena but differ by having very short calyces and drupes rather than long calyces and nutlets.

LANTANA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the tropics and subtropics of both the Old World and the New World, Lantana, commonly known as lantana or shrub verbena, comprises approximately 150 species and more than 75 named varieties and cultivars (Atkins 2004). Widely grown for the showy, dense clusters of flowers that are produced from spring to fall, it is used in window boxes and hanging baskets and as ground cover or a border plant. The numerous cultivars and hybrids exhibit a wide range of colors. Most striking are the changes in petal color as the flowers mature—yellow to red, white to pink, yellow to pink, and red to different shades. In the tropics, some species are widespread weeds. Of the 8 native and introduced species in North America (USDA,

Figure 73.6.

Line drawing of Lantana camara.


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 73.7.

Photo of Lantana camara.

ornamentals; naturalized weeds in the South

Distribution and Habitat—Presumably native to Central America, L. camara is now widely distributed throughout the tropics of the world. Characterized as one of the worst invasive weeds in the world (Brummitt 2007), it occurs along roadsides, waste areas, rights-of-way, and in other disturbed sites across the southern United States and in Mexico (USDA, NRCS 2012). Not winter hardy, it is restricted to the South. Farther north, it is commonly grown as a tub plant on patios and then taken indoors during the colder months. Rapid growing, it is also used in temporary ornamental plantings established from hothouse cuttings in the spring. Introduced from South America, L. montevidensis has also escaped cultivation and naturalized in disturbed sites in the extreme southeastern states, Louisiana, Texas, and California (USDA, NRCS 2012; Wilken 2012). leaves and immature fruits: digestive tract irritation, liver disease, photosensitization

Disease Problems—Throughout most of its current distribution in the world, Lantana has been reported to cause intoxications in a variety of animals ranging from ostriches and kangaroos to buffalo, and livestock, as well as humans (Cooper 2007; Sharma et al. 2007). It produces severe digestive tract irritation and liver disease with accompanying photosensitization (Sanders 1946; de Aluja 1970; Sperry et al. 1977). Morton (1994) recounted numerous cases of intoxication in dogs and horses that ate the leaves and in children who consumed the green fruits. variation in toxicity among cultivars red- or yellow-flowered types high risk

There are numerous cultivars and hybrids, and toxicity seems to vary considerably among them. Several studies have been conducted on cultivars in Australia, and the common pink-flowered type has been consistently low in lantadene A and B and low in toxicity (Seawright 1965a; Hart et al. 1976a,b). The red-flowered types had high levels of lantadene A and B. Other cultivars such as orange-flowered types were intermediate in toxicity. The potency of red-flowered cultivars and the relationship to lantadene levels has been confirmed in other studies in New Zealand and India (Black and Carter 1985; Sharma et al. 1991,2007; Thirunavukkarasu et al. 2001). Unfortunately, it is difficult to correlate the Australian varieties with those present in North America. In general, based on the foregoing, the types with red flowers or yellow flowers changing to red should be regarded as the most toxic. The types with white-to-pink or yellow-to-pink flowers are probably of low risk, although caution is warranted in relying unduly on flower color as a reliable indicator of toxicity. This is shown by studies in Brazil, which indicate a marked variation in toxicity of plants from different locations irrespective of flower color (Brito et al. 2004). Collections from some areas failed to cause toxic effects in cattle and sheep at even high dosage. The lower toxicity for a pink-flowered species (L. velutina) and a white-flowered species (L. achyranthifolia) has been substantiated in Mexico (de Aluja and Skewes 1971). mainly ruminants affected but all species at risk Intoxication seems to be a problem mainly in ruminants, but most animal species, including common laboratory species, dogs, horses, wildlife, and nonruminant zoo animals, are also at risk as reviewed by Sharma and coworkers (2007). Goats, which are browsers often thought to be more tolerant of noxious weeds, are quite susceptible to lantana. Obwolo and coworkers (1991) described a case in goats in Zimbabwe that is very typical except for the lack of photosensitization and presence of marked renal tubular degeneration. Similar findings are reported for Boer goats in South Africa (Ide and Tutt 1998). fresh or dried leaves and immature fruits toxic; mature fruits no problem Leaves, fresh or dried in hay, are toxic, and dosage of 5–10 g of dried leaves/kg b.w. produces severe and often fatal intoxication in sheep and cattle. Toxicity varies with duration of dosage; 2.5 g/kg b.w. may be quite harmful when given for a week or more (Tokarnia et al. 1999). In the high-risk areas of Brazil, toxicity in cattle ranges from

Verbenaceae J.St.-Hil.

30 to 50 g of fresh leaves/kg b.w. of single or daily dosage over 5 days (Tokarnia et al. 1984). Sanders (1946) reported that in Florida, 454 g of dried leaves was sufficient to intoxicate a 182-kg calf. An adult sheep may be intoxicated by eating approximately 0.5 kg of the plant in 1 or 2 days (Gopinath and Ford 1969). Ripe fruits and seeds, however, are not toxic and apparently are relished by sheep and goats (Lall et al. 1983b; Sharma 1988). The fruits have been fed in substantial amounts for several months to sheep with no apparent adverse effects as measured by hematologic parameters or serum bilirubin and hepatic enzymes (Lall et al. 1983a,b). Ripe fruits are also consumed by humans, especially children, without apparent adverse effects (Standley 1920–1926; Sharma 1994). In contrast to ripe fruits, green ones have caused disease in children (Wolfson and Solomons 1964; Morton 1994). The effects of green fruits seem to be of a different nature from those of leaves, given that there is no apparent liver damage (Sharma 1988). Intoxication can be acute but is more often subacute after consumption of the plant for 1 or 2 days. Experimentally, rate of ingestion determines the speed of onset of signs and doses may be low enough that the only sign is a transient loss of appetite (Gopinath and Ford 1969). Skin sloughing is secondary to liver disease and is presumably due to phylloerythrin, which has been shown to be present in the peripheral circulation. In addition, serum bilirubin and serum hepatic enzymes (SDH, AST) are elevated (Gopinath and Ford 1969). Clearance of BSP is markedly reduced. There are also concerns about lowlevel ingestion causing reproductive effects. Studies with male rats given leaf extracts for several months at dosages producing no outward evidence of intoxication and only mild liver lesions indicated adverse effects on sperm production and morphology (de Mello et al. 2003). Further studies indicated that while there were no problems with female fertility at similar dosages, there was retardation of fetal skeletal developmental and possibly embryo lethality (Mello et al. 2005). There has been a suggestion of breed differences in susceptibility to intoxication, with exotic breeds derived from Bos indicus less likely to develop problems. However, this has not been shown to be true except for a general increase in resistance to environmental stresses for these types of breeds (Frisch et al. 1984). Although an uncommon cause of intoxication, Lantana is clearly a risk, because it has been responsible for significant losses in areas where it grows wild, for example, parts of Mexico (de Aluja 1970). Mortality is high in severe cases, but with more moderate intoxications, the response to treatment may be more favorable (Hari et al. 1973). triterpenes, lantadenes; irritation of the digestive tract


Disease Genesis—Lantana contains a number of biologically active triterpenes, including some of novel structure (Barre et al. 1997). The poisonous principles are hepatotoxic pentacyclic triterpenoid lantadenes, the most toxic and abundant of which are lantadene A and its reduced form. Originally termed lantanin and shown to cause photosensitization, it was later renamed lantadene (Louw 1943,1948). The isolation and toxicity of these compounds have subsequently been reconfirmed (Seawright and Hrdlicka 1977). As determined in vitro in rat liver, reduced lantadene is more toxic than the parent compound acting at the mitochondrial level depleting ATP (Garcia et al. 2011). Lantadenes are very similar in structure and activity to the toxic triterpenes from Lippia rehmannii (Barton and de Mayo 1954a,b). Other lantadenes of more limited importance include B and reduced B. Leaves are the source of the toxins. Flowers, fruits (either green or mature black), and shoots lack lantadene A, and they do not cause hepatic or bilirubin changes in guinea pigs or rabbits (Sharma et al. 1980; Al-Saad and Al-Khafaji 2003a). However, shoots cause hair loss unrelated to liver changes. Unripe or green fruits may have other toxins in them to account for the reported effects in children in which liver injury is absent (Figures 73.8 and 73.9). We are indebted to workers in Australia who in an extensive series of studies provided detailed descriptions of the pathology and pathophysiology of Lantana intoxi-

Figure 73.8.

Chemical structure of lantadene A.

Figure 73.9.

Chemical structure of lantadene B.


Toxic Plants of North America

cation in sheep and cattle (Seawright 1964,1965a,b; Seawright and Allen 1972; Pass 1986).

excreted metabolites cause obstructive cholangitis, retention of bilirubin and phylloerythrin

The primary problem caused by the genus seems to be obstructive cholangitis, as indicated by elevation of conjugated bilirubin and supported by ultrastructural studies (Pass et al. 1978a; Sharma et al. 1988). Lantadenes are slowly absorbed, mainly from the small intestine and secondarily from the stomach, including the rumen (Pass et al. 1981; McSweeney and Pass 1983). Absorption is not only slow but also incomplete, as is shown by the 20- to 30-fold difference between oral and i.v. toxicity (Pass and Stewart 1992). The initial signs of intoxication are the result of absorption of a small amount of toxin. It is the prolonged, continuous, low-level absorption from the digestive tract that provides a continuing source of toxins to cause a pronounced insult to liver tissues (Pass 1986). The lantadenes (including reduced forms) are then biotransformed in the liver and excreted in bile; in the liver, they damage bile canalicular membranes and microvilli, causing decreased ATPase activity, as well as closure and blockage or backup of bile flow (Pass et al. 1978b, 1985a; Pass and Goosem 1983). There is hepatocyte damage, but the ability to conjugate bilirubin is at least partially retained (Pass et al. 1978b). This eventually results in retention of conjugated bilirubin and phylloerythrin and elevation of these constituents in blood (Agarwala et al. 1962; Gopinath and Ford 1969). As has been shown in guinea pigs, some biotransformation of the lantadenes in the lower intestinal tract may occur because of the large amount of these compounds that remains unabsorbed (Sharma et al. 2000). Because of the continued insult to the liver, lantadenes have cumulative effects. Tokarnia and coworkers (1999) have shown in cattle that although severe intoxication and death were caused by single doses of 20 and 40 g/kg b.w., respectively, a similar outcome could be produced by the same total dosage in divided doses given daily over 4–5 days (5 and 10 g/kg b.w.). The lantadenes are also quite irritating to the mucosa of the digestive tract, and depending on the situation, either constipation or dark brown to black diarrhea may be seen (Fourie et al. 1987). Death is apparently due to a combination of liver and kidney injury, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and metabolic acidosis (Pass et al. 1985b). The toxins do not directly alter intestinal motility, but absorption from the digestive tract and worsening of the disease are facilitated by ruminal stasis secondary to liver disease (Pass et al. 1985b; Pass 1986,1992). Although not affecting motility,

the toxins do markedly reduce ruminal microflora activity and cause an increase in rumen pH and ammonia nitrogen (Mandial and Randhawa 1998). Biliary effects are exemplified by the paralytic effect of lantadenes on the gallbladder, causing its dilation (Pass and Heath 1977). In some instances and in individual animals, hepatocellular necrosis may predominate over the biliary and other effects on the liver. Interestingly, in vitro studies indicate that bacterial degradation of lantadene A can be accomplished by a strain of Alcaligenes odorans (Singh et al. 2000). This has been further substantiated by studies in which guinea pigs given the fermentation broth extract of Alcaligenes faecalis plus lantadene A did not develop liver lesions in contrast to those given only the toxin (Singh et al. 2001). This suggests the possibility of rumen inoculation for the prevention of disease. While the intoxication risk of L. camara is well established, there is also considerable interest in the natural products potential of the plant. There are numerous possible biomedical applications associated with the triterpenoids and other constituents such as citral, an essential oil characteristic of the family. The potential derives from the apparent anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory activities of plant extracts (Sharma et al. 2007).

acute disease: depression, loss of appetite, ruminal atony, constipation, icterus, photosensitization, later diarrhea

Clinical Signs—With acute intoxication in animals, signs appear several hours after plant ingestion and begin with depression, loss of appetite, marked decrease in ruminal motility, and severe constipation. By the second or third day, icterus and, in some cases, skin changes of hepatogenous photosensitization are apparent, leading to eventual severe sloughing of the epithelium and mucous membranes in the animal’s light-colored skin areas. As the dose increases, the likelihood of diarrhea as an early sign increases. There is marked elevation of serum bilirubin, especially the conjugated form. Serum enzymes such as ALT, GGT, and alkaline phosphatase may be elevated at some stages of disease but are not always consistently so. In some instances, there may be myocardial effects with cardiac conduction abnormalities (Thirunavukkarasu et al. 2000). Death, which may occur in several days to a few weeks, is usually due to a combination of hepatic disease and renal failure. In ostriches, there was conjunctivitis, and the skin surrounding the eyes and beaks were reddened with a yellow exudate down the beaks (Cooper 2007).

Verbenaceae J.St.-Hil.

chronic disease: mainly photosensitization humans, mainly children, green fruits, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea

The chronic disease in most animals develops over several weeks and is manifested mainly as photosensitization. There is cracking and desquamation of the skin, causing it to peel off in shreds. This is accompanied by itching, inflammation of the sclera, clouding of the cornea, and increased sensitivity of the eyes to bright light. In humans, Lantana represents a limited risk because serious intoxication accrues only from ingestion of leaves such as via herbal products. However, ingestion of the green, unripe fruits by children may produce in a few hours weakness, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, labored respiration, and mydriasis. In most cases, the signs will be mild to moderate, and recovery will be uncomplicated. The leaves are rough and may have an irritant effect on the skin, and the plants have an overpowering unpleasant odor when individuals are in close association with them.

gross: liver swollen, bile stained, gallbladder enlarged, kidneys swollen, perirenal edema

microscopic: liver centrilobular necrosis, portal fibrosis, bile duct hyperplasia; edema of the gallbladder wall; renal tubular necrosis

Pathology—Grossly, the effects of lantadene as a cholestatic are prominent. The liver is swollen and often orange-colored because of bile staining. The gallbladder is typically much enlarged. The kidneys will also be swollen, and there may be perirenal edema. The gross lesions in ostriches are similar and also include swollen greenish colored kidneys. Microscopically, there is periportal degeneration, portal fibrosis, bile duct hyperplasia, and sometimes mild to moderate centrilobular necrosis. Enlarged hepatocytes and those with enlarged or multiple nuclei may be apparent in cattle (Seawright and Allen 1972). Occasionally, slender crystals may be found in the gallbladder (Thirunavukkarasu et al. 2006). There is edema of the wall of the gallbladder and tubular necrosis with casts in the kidneys. In a few animals, myocardial degeneration and fibrosis and pulmonary congestion and edema may be evident. Because of the irritating nature of Lantana, reddening and edema of the mucosa of the digestive tract may be severe in acute cases following large doses. The lesions in the small intestines may be suggestive of salmonellosis.


administer oral activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes; general supportive care

Treatment—Control of absorption of the toxins from the digestive tract is very helpful. This may be accomplished using activated charcoal or bentonite (McSweeney et al. 1985; McLennan and Amos 1989; McKenzie 1991). Studies in rabbits have confirmed both the therapeutic and preventive value of activated charcoal (Al-Saad and Al-Khafaji 2003b). Supportive care with fluids, glucose, and electrolytes given i.v. is indicated. Sodium thiosulfate, 0.5 g/kg b.w. i.v., has also been suggested as an antidote (Forman and Kidder 1997). Protective immunization has been suggested, but vaccination of cattle i.m. or sheep intradermally using lantadene A or B or derivatives thereof conjugated with bovine serum albumin or hemocyanin, provided only limited protection (Stewart et al. 1988; Pass and Stewart 1992). However, the results were thought nonetheless to be promising. Skin involvement will require symptomatic care of the affected areas and providing shade. Maintenance of an animal with severe hepatic and renal disease is difficult in livestock and generally unrewarding, so evaluation using serum hepatic enzymes, blood urea nitrogen, and/or creatinine is advisable. humans: gastric lavage; supportive care as above

In humans, treatment is mainly conservative and may include gastric lavage and general supportive care as above. Rarely will systemic signs be present that require attention. Various methods are available for elimination of Lantana infestations of pastures and rangeland and include both herbicides and biological control (Sharma 1988). The plant is quite susceptible to herbicides such as 2,4-D.

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Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Seventy-Four

Viscaceae Batsch

Mistletoe or Christmas Mistletoe Family Phoradendron

Comprising 7 genera and about 520 species of semiparasites on tree branches, the Viscaceae, commonly known as the mistletoe or Christmas mistletoe family, is cosmopolitan in distribution but with greatest abundance in the tropics (Nickrent et al. 2010b). Although formerly combined with the Loranthaceae, or showy mistletoe family, and treated as a subfamily, the Viscaceae is now recognized as different on the basis of morphological, embryological, cytological, paleobotanical, and molecular phylogenetic studies despite the similar semiparasitic habit of the two taxa (Nickrent et al. 2010b). Taxonomists, however, disagree whether it should be treated as a distinct family (Polhill 2007; Nickrent et al. 2010b) or submerged in the Santalaceae or sandalwood family (Bremer et al. 2009). Nickrent (in press) will recognize the taxon as a distinct family in his forthcoming treatment in Volume 12 of the Flora of North America and we employ his classification here. Chlorophyllous and photosynthesizing, members of the Viscaceae occur on a variety of tree hosts that provide water and inorganic nutrients taken up by haustoria, which penetrate the host’s vascular system. Dispersal from one tree to another is facilitated by the mucilaginous seeds, which adhere to birds eating the fruits and subsequently are scraped off on another tree. The family is of some economic importance. Species of the genus Arceuthobium, commonly known as dwarf mistletoes, are destructive branch parasites of native conifers, causing them to form “witches’ brooms” and often to die. Although also semiparasitic, species of Phoradendron are less destructive and are the source of decorative mistletoe at Christmas time. In Europe, the Old World genus Viscum is used instead. Mistletoe was a plant so

revered by the druids that it was said to be harvested only with a golden knife or sickle and prevented from touching the ground in order for it to be used in their various ceremonies, including celebration of the winter solstice. It was also widely used in Europe as a phytoadaptogen (herb to increase the body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety, fatigue, i.e., a cure for almost any problem) (Green 1997). The common name “mistletoe” is reputed to be derived from the Anglo-Saxon words mistel (dung or specifically that from the missel thrush) or mistl (different) and tan (twig). In North America, 3 genera and 34 species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Toxicologic problems are associated with 1 genus.

arboreal, evergreen, semiparasitic semishrubs, roots penetrating branches of woody hosts; leaves simple, opposite, well developed, or scalelike; flowers imperfect; fruits berries

Plants arboreal semishrubs; evergreen; semiparasitic; monoecious or dioecious. Root Systems haustorial; penetrating branches of woody hosts. Stems dichotomously branched; nodes jointed; chlorophyllous; brittle. Leaves well developed or scalelike; simple; opposite; decussate; stipules absent. Inflorescences spicate cymes; axillary. Flowers imperfect, staminate and pistillate similar; perianths in 1-series; radially symmetrical. Perianth Parts 3, or rarely 2 or 4; free or fused; scalelike; yellowish green. Stamens 3 or rarely 2 or 4; borne at bases of perianth parts; anthers dehiscing transversely; filaments absent; androecial rudiments absent in pistillate flowers. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 3 or 4; stigmas 1, capitate; styles 1; ovaries inferior; locules 1; ovules not differentiated from placentae; gynoecial rudiments present in staminate flowers. Fruits berries; shining; mesocarp mucilaginous; explosive in 1 genus. Seeds 1.

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

PHORADENDRON NUTT. Taxonomy and Morphology—A New World genus most abundant in the tropics, Phoradendron comprises 234 species (Kuijt 2003; Nickrent et al. 2010b). Aptly named because of its semiparasitic habit, its Greek roots phoros and dendron mean “to bear” and “tree” or perhaps “tree thief” (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Species relationships and the names to be applied have been the subject of considerable taxonomic debate (Wiens 1964; Kuijt 2003). The treatment of Kuijt (2003) and Nickrent (in press) is followed here. Of toxicologic interest are the following: P. bolleanum (Seem.) Eichler (=P. hawksworthii Wiens) P. californicum Nutt.

P. juniperinum A.Gray P. leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal & M.C.Johnst. (=P. serotinum [Raf.] M.C.Johnst.) (=P. flavescens Nutt. ex Engelm.) (=P. macrophyllum [Engelm.] Cockerell) (=P. tomentosum [DC.] Engelm. ex A.Gray) (=P. villosum [Nutt.] Nutt.) P. rubrum (L.) Griseb.

dense mistletoe, rough mistletoe, Bollean mistletoe

Figure 74.1.

Line drawing of Phoradendron leucarpum.

Figure 74.2.

Photo of Phoradendron sp.

mesquite mistletoe, acacia mistletoe, desert mistletoe, legume mistletoe juniper mistletoe, cedar mistletoe, scaly juniper mistletoe eastern mistletoe, Christmas mistletoe

bigleaf mistletoe American mistletoe, hairy mistletoe, injerto Pacific mistletoe, oak mistletoe mahogany mistletoe, West Indian mistletoe

The correct name for the mistletoes of the eastern half of the North American continent is perhaps the most confusing issue in the taxonomy of the genus. Initially, plants of the Southeast were called P. flavescens. It was determined to be an illegitimate name, and the name P. serotinum was used instead (Johnston 1957). Some taxonomists, however, merge P. serotinum with the more western P. tomentosum (which was also called P. flavescens in some publications) and use the latter binomial. Others continue to recognize 2 species, as is done here. A further complication is that an earlier name, P. leucarpum, exists and now must be used in place of the familiar name P. serotinum (Reveal and Johnston 1989). However, a proposal to conserve P. serotinum over P. leucarpum has been submitted (Nickrent et al. 2010a). If this proposal is accepted, eastern mistletoe will be known as P. serotinum (Raf.) M.C. Johnst. and comprise 3 subspecies—subsp. serotinum, subsp. macrophyllum, and subsp. tomenostum—in volume 12 of the Flora of North America (Nickrent, in press).

Because the morphological features of Phoradendron are essentially the same as those of the family, they are not repeated here. The genus is distinguished from Arceuthobium (dwarf mistletoe) and Viscum (European mistletoe) by differences in the appearance of the stems and leaves, number of perianth parts, and appearance of the berries (Figures 74.1–74.3).

across the southern half of the continent; variety of host species

Distribution and Habitat—Species of Phoradendron occur across North America. Some, such as P. leucarpum, P. juniperinum, and P. tomentosum, are widely distributed, whereas others are more restricted. Greatest abundance is in the southern half of the continent, and many are restricted to Mexico. Distribution maps of the individual species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (

Viscaceae Batsch


of toxicity and clinical signs produced are the same among the different species in North America. Members of western Native American tribes frequently used berries of various species of mistletoe for food or drink (Ebeling 1986). It is of interest, however, that they were very selective about the host plant from which the mistletoe was collected, because the host was considered to be a guide as to whether the mistletoe was toxic (Chesnut 1902). The role of the host plant in influencing both medicinal value and toxicity potential has subsequently been shown for many parasitic plants, including the European Viscum (Atsatt 1977; Fukunaga et al. 1989; Bloor and Molloy 1991) and in the African species of Loranthus (showy mistletoes in the Loranthaceae) (Obatomi et al. 1994; Osadebe and Ukwueze 2004; Osadebe and Omeje 2009). Figure 74.3.

Line drawing of Phoradendron juniperinum.

few cases reported in animals Tree species serving as hosts vary among species of Phoradendron (Wiens 1964). For example, P. juniperinum parasitizes Juniperus exclusively, and P. californicum is found on leguminous shrubs of the Sonoran deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico. In contrast, P. tomentosum is parasitic on many deciduous trees, including oaks, willows, and poplars. Likewise, P. leucarpum parasitizes a variety of woody plants of the eastern deciduous forest.

historical medicinal uses; unknown toxicity; weak pressor action on uterus

Disease Problems—Mistletoes are somewhat of a toxicological enigma. Mystical qualities have been ascribed to the European Viscum album since the time of its use in religious rites of the druids (Crawford 1911). It was also used widely for an assortment of medicinal purposes but at the same time was occasionally rumored to be toxic. The latter quality seemed of little importance, given that it had been fed to livestock and dogs without problem and had even been used as a tobacco substitute. Some of the lore attached to the Old World species of Viscum was eventually extrapolated to the New World species of Phoradendron. Although an extract of P. leucarpum (reported as P. serotinum) was apparently of some popularity in the early 1900s for its oxytocic activity, anecdotal implications of toxicity from the plant soon surfaced. Claims of toxicity with vomiting, purgation, collapse, and a pounding pulse were occasionally presented, and medicinal use of the plant eventually declined (Crawford 1911). There remains considerable uncertainty as to the actual toxicity potential of Phoradendron and whether the type

Although species of Phoradendron are often listed as toxic, few cases in animals have been reported. In reality, the species form part of the typical diet of deer, elk, and several small mammals (Atsatt 1977). In a California case, 13 cows eating P. villosum (growing on oaks) over a 3-month period died, each within 12 hours after becoming ill (Fuller and McClintock 1986). However, the pathology was not reported, and the possibility of oak toxicity or other causes cannot be excluded. Surprisingly little information is available on the toxicity of whole plants given orally, because most studies involve extracts or isolated compounds given parenterally. In a series of 25 possible intoxications in dogs, signs were limited to depression and vomiting and in only a few instances (Volmer 2002). Experimentally, foliage and berries of P. leucarpum (reported as P. serotinum) fed to pigs failed to produce disease (Cary et al. 1924). A tea made from P. latifolium, a tropical species, given daily for 30 days caused hepatic and renal degeneration in rats (Queiroz-Neto et al. 1985). An extract of P. tomentosum given orally resulted in marginal effects on pulse rate and uterine activity (Hanzlik and French 1924), whereas in another study in rats with the same plant species, an extract given orally daily for 2 months did not cause any observable or histologic abnormalities (Calzado-Flores et al. 2002). In studies carried out by the authors, 3% b.w. of the foliage of P. tomentosum given orally to a sheep did not cause any apparent adverse effects. There seems to be little reason for undue concern regarding serious disease potential to livestock of species of Phoradendron.

numerous cases in humans; digestive disturbance


Toxic Plants of North America

Although there are few reports of intoxications in animals, numerous ingestions in humans have been reported, but again few with obvious signs of intoxications. A woman in South Carolina is reported to have brewed and drunk an unknown amount of mistletoe tea made presumably with locally available P. leucarpum (Moore 1963). Within 1–2 hours, she became abruptly ill, with severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. She was eventually hospitalized with cardiovascular collapse and profound hypotension and died 8–10 hours after becoming ill. In contrast, Hall and coworkers (1986) examined 14 cases of ingestion of mistletoe, 11 of berries and 3 of leaves. There were no adverse effects noted for any of the ingestions. They also reviewed 318 cases reported to poison control centers from 1978 to 1984 and found that few resulted in the development of signs of intoxication. There were, however, 2 fatalities, possibly due to tea brewed from the berries or other plant parts. These investigators concluded that ingestion of 1–3 berries or leaves was unlikely to cause serious intoxication. Similar findings have been reported by others. Krenzelok and coworkers (1997) reviewed 1754 mistletoe exposures reported to poison information centers over an 8-year period (1985–1992). There were no adverse signs in more than 99% of the exposures, no fatalities, and only 2 cases represented serious problems. Spiller and coworkers (1996) reviewed 92 cases of mistletoe exposure (some data may overlap with those of Krenzelok) from 4 poison control centers in individuals ranging in age from 4 months to 42 years. Of these, 11 developed signs of illness; 6, digestive tract problems; 2, drowsiness; 1 (infant), seizures; 1, eye problems; and 1, ataxia. The researchers concluded that ingestion of even up to 20 berries or 5 leaves would rarely cause serious problems.

variety of compounds present: glycoprotein lectins, proteins, alkaloids, amines

Disease Genesis—A number of compounds of potential toxicologic importance have been isolated from various Old and New World species of mistletoe, including protein lectins (thionens), small basic proteins, alkaloids, flavonoids, choline, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), tyramine and other amines, and high concentrations of potassium. The compounds present in the European and New World genera are quite similar. Glycoprotein lectins composed of chains with molecular weights of 31,000 and 38,000 have been isolated from P. californicum. These lectins inactivate 60S ribosomal subunits and inhibit protein synthesis in a manner similar to the action of ricin and abrin but with much lower

potency (Thunberg and Samuelsson 1982; Thunberg 1983; Endo et al. 1989; Tonevitsky et al. 1991). Similar to viscumin from Viscum album, the lectins from P. californicum are, however, much less active, requiring 100 times greater dose to produce intoxication (Luther et al. 1980; Stirpe et al. 1980,1982; Olsnes et al. 1982). Viscumin (=lectin I) also inhibits protein synthesis in whole cells in a manner similar to that of ricin; the facilitator chain of viscumin interacts with different surface receptors (Olsnes et al. 1982; Stirpe et al. 1982). Studies on these toxic lectins and the smaller viscotoxins from V. album have led to speculation that these compounds exist as glycoconjugates with alkaloids (Khwaja et al. 1986). If true for Phoradendron proteins, this characteristic may play a role in enhancing the likelihood of intoxication by ingestion. Otherwise, it is doubtful that either type of protein would be an important factor in disease, because the conditions of the digestive system would lead to their destruction. In addition, antiserum to viscumin does not prevent circulatory collapse (Olsnes et al. 1982). Small basic proteins—called viscotoxins A2, A3, and B—and phoratoxins have been isolated from V. album and P. tomentosum, respectively (Samuelsson 1973). These proteins, composed of 46 amino acids with 3 disulfide bridges and an N-terminal lysine, have negative inotropic effects on the heart, causing hypotension and decreased cardiac rate and force of contraction (Rosell and Samuelsson 1966). Like the larger lectins, phoratoxins are less potent than viscotoxins (Samuelsson and Ekblad 1967; Mellstrand and Samuelsson 1973). Similar protein toxins, such as ligatoxin A from P. liga, have been shown to occur in other tropical species of Phoradendron (Samuelsson et al. 1981; Thunberg and Samuelsson 1982). Interestingly, phoratoxin B has a depolarizing action on frog skeletal muscle, possibly due to a detergent-like action on the membrane phospholipid layer (Sauviat 1990). Other compounds contributing to the hypotensive effects reported especially for tropical phoradendrons include γ-aminobutyric acid and flavones (Durand et al. 1962; Queiroz-Neto et al. 1986; Fukunaga et al. 1989). Phoradendron rubrum is reported to contain a hypotensive alkaloid called rubrine C (West and Feng 1967). Some of the early studies on P. tomentosum extracts indicated that instead of being hypotensive, they were vasoconstrictive and increased uterine smooth muscle activity (Hanzlik and French 1924). These effects were ascribed to tyramine and other phenethylamine-type agents (p-OH-phenethylamine), compounds that have subsequently been found in many species of Phoradendron (Crawford and Watanabe 1914,1916; Graziano et al. 1967; Smith 1977; QueirozNeto et al. 1986). This finding also prompted concerns about toxicity. However, all of the above toxicants are effective when given parenterally but not necessarily when given orally.

Viscaceae Batsch

possible adverse effects of herbal preparations, hypotension or hypertension

The pharmacologic effects of the various North American species have not been thoroughly studied, although P. juniperinum and P. leucarpum are reported to be hypertensive and P. villosum hypotensive (Crawford 1911; Hanzlik and French 1924). In some instances, there appear to be disparate actions on the smooth muscle of various tissues; there may be relaxation of the vascular smooth muscle and hypotension together with stimulation in other tissues such as the uterus (Hanzlik and French 1924; Queiroz-Neto and Melito 1990). Detailed studies on the South American mistletoe P. latifolium revealed that there is initial hypertension of short duration followed by a more sustained hypotension. It was concluded that the hypotension was associated with amino compounds and was not due to effects on muscarinic or adrenergic receptors (Cortez et al. 1988; Queiroz-Neto et al. 1988). The potential for hypotensive effects associated with teas made from species of Phoradendron is of most concern. Problems are not likely from the ingestion of fresh berries or foliage directly. It is of interest that aqueous extracts of P. tomentosum are used to lower blood glucose in diabetic people of northern Mexico (Calzado-Flores et al. 2002). In Nigeria, the same is done using species of Loranthus (showy mistletoe) in the Loranthaceae (Obatomi et al. 1994). Another protein in Phoradendron is viscin, the mucilaginous seed covering, which is important in the dispersal of the seeds by birds and allows seeds to become attached to host plants in new sites. Viscin is composed of proteins and neutral sugars (Gedalovich et al. 1988; GedalovichShedletzky et al. 1989). The proteins are of unknown toxicologic significance.

vomiting, possibly weakness due to hypotension; administer fluids, electrolytes

Clinical Signs, Pathology, and Treatment—The most likely signs of Phoradendron intoxication in humans are nausea, vomiting, and perhaps some diarrhea, although nonlethal systemic effects, especially hypotension, are possible. Similar and perhaps milder signs may be expected in dogs. With respect to treatment, the principal concern is correction of fluid and electrolyte deficits that may develop. In rare instances, use of sympathomimetics to control hypotension may be indicated.


REFERENCES Atsatt PR. The insect herbivore as a predictive model in parasitic seed plant biology [letter]. Am Nat 3;579–586, 1977. Bloor SJ, Molloy BPJ. Cytotoxic norditerpene lactones from Ileostylus micranthus. J Nat Prod 54;1326–1330, 1991. Bremer B, Bremer K, Chase MW, Fay MF, Reveal JL, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Stevens PF, Anderberg AA, Moore MJ. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Bot J Linn Soc 161;105–121, 2009. Calzado-Flores C, Hurtado-Ramirez MB, Flores-Villanueva Z, Verde-Star MJ, Segura-Luna JJ, Lozano-Garza G, AguilarCuestas G. Preliminary chronic toxicological study of aqueous extract of Phoradendron tomentosum. Proc West Pharmacol Soc 45;162–163, 2002. Cary CA, Miller ER, Johnstone GR. Poisonous Plants of Alabama. Ala Polytech Inst Ext Serv Circ 71, p. 10, 1924. Chesnut VK. Plants used by the Indians of Mendocino County, California. Contrib U S Natl Herb 7;295–408, 1902. Cortez DAG, Queiroz-Neto A, Hubner DV, Melito I. Contribution to the phytochemical study of Phoradendron latifolium (SW) Griseb. (erva-de-passarinho). Acta Amazonica 18(Suppl.); 433–438, 1988. Crawford AC. The pressor action of an American mistletoe. J Am Med Assoc 57;865–868, 1911. Crawford AC, Watanabe WK. Parahydroxyphenylethylamine, a pressor compound in American mistletoe. J Biol Chem 19; 303–304, 1914. Crawford AC, Watanabe WK. The occurrence of phydroxyphenethylamine in various mistletoes. J Biol Chem 24;169–172, 1916. Durand E, Ellington EV, Feng PC, Haynes LJ, Magnus KE, Philip N. Simple hypotensive and hypertensive principles from some West Indian medicinal plants. J Pharm Pharmacol 14;562– 566, 1962. Ebeling W. Handbook of Indian Foods and Fibers of Arid America. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1986. Endo Y, Oka T, Tsurugi K, Franz H. The mechanism of action of the cytotoxic lectin from Phoradendron californicum: the RNA N-glycosidase activity of the protein. FEBS Lett 248; 115–118, 1989. Fukunaga T, Nishiya K, Kajikawa I, Takeya K, Itokawa H. Studies on the constituents of Japanese mistletoes from different host trees, and their antimicrobial and hypotensive properties. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 37;1543–1546, 1989. Fuller TC, McClintock E. Poisonous Plants of California. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1986. Gedalovich E, Kuijt J, Carpita NC. Chemical composition of viscin, an adhesive involved in dispersal of the parasite Phoradendron californicum (Viscaceae). Physiol Mol Plant Pathol 32;61–76, 1988. Gedalovich-Shedletzky E, Delmer DP, Kuijt J. Chemical composition of viscin mucilage from three mistletoe species—a comparison. Ann Bot (Lond) 64;249–252, 1989. Graziano MN, Widmer GA, Coussio JD. Isolation of tyramine from five species of Loranthaceae. Lloydia 30;242–244, 1967.


Toxic Plants of North America

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Chapter Seventy-Five

Zamiaceae Horan.

Sago-Palm Family Ceratozamia Dioön Zamia Comprising 8 or 9 genera and about 100 species in the tropics and subtropics of both the Old World and the New World, the Zamiaceae, commonly known as the sago-palm family, is the largest family of cycads (Johnson and Wilson 1990; Landry 1993). Its taxa were originally classified in the broadly circumscribed Cycadaceae but were segregated because of differences in the mode of leaflet development, appearance of seed cones, and other attributes (Johnson 1959; Stevenson 1992). Like the Cycadaceae, the Zamiaceae has a fossil history extending to the Paleozoic, and its members dominated the world’s vegetation in the Jurassic and early Cretaceous periods, a time known as the Age of the Cycads, or the Age of the Dinosaurs (Norstog and Nicholls 1997; Whitelock 2002). In North America, the family is represented by 1 genus with 1 native species; however, introduced species of other genera, especially Ceratozamia and Dioön, are present as ornamentals (Landry 1993; Judd et al. 2008). primitive seed-bearing plants with motile sperm As the common name of the family implies, these cycads are superficially similar to palms in the family Arecaceae, and they are often mistaken for them. However, they have few features in common. The leaves of several genera are used in funerals and as decoration in places of worship in both Central America and Australasia (Jones 1993). Among the most primitive of the seed-bearing plants, species of the family have motile sperm that move to fertilize the ovule in a manner analogous to fertilization in animals.

treelike or herbs, perennial, evergreen, pollen and seed cones; foliage leaves large, pinnately compound, clustered at stem apices; cones erect, terminal or axillary; seeds large, drupe-like Plants treelike or herbs; perennials; evergreen; caulescent or acaulescent; producing sporangia borne in pollen and seed cones; dioecious. Stems subterranean or aerial; erect; columnar; 2–10 m tall; not branched or rarely so; bases of old leaves present or absent. Leaves of 2 forms, foliage and scale (cataphylls) different; foliage leaves large, 1-pinnately compound, spirally clustered at stem apices, petiolate, blades oblong, leaflets straight or rarely circinate in bud, coriaceous to papery, bases articulated or not articulated; petiole bases sheathing, persistent or deciduous; cataphylls alternating with foliage leaves. Pollen Cones terminal or axillary; erect; cylindrical to elliptic; microsporophylls numerous, spirally arranged or in vertical rows; microsporangia numerous; pollen with motile sperm. Seed Cones terminal or axillary; erect; megasporophylls numerous, consisting of basal linear stalk and expanded apical lobe; ovules 2 or 3 per megasporophyll, attached to stalk. Seeds large; drupe-like; globose to subcylindrical; variously angled; seed coat differentiated into indurate inner and fleshy outer layers (Figures 75.1 and 75.2). seeds, leaves, pulp; mainly hepatotoxic, less often neurotoxic

DISEASE PROBLEMS It appears that all genera of the Zamiaceae cause essentially the same toxicologic problems, which are also similar to those produced by Cycas in the Cycadaceae (see Chapter 29). In the early history exploration and colonization of Australia, gastrointestinal effects were noted in Europeans

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 75.1.

Photo of plants of Zamia integrifolia.

Macrozamia (Senior et al. 1985; Botha et al. 1991; Mills et al. 1996). Dogs that chewed the stems developed marked effects within 1 hour and exhibited evidence of liver involvement. They recovered with only conservative treatment. In another incident, dogs that were fed roasted seeds of Macrozamia developed severe digestive disturbance followed by intractable abdominal pain 3 days later. The pain was accompanied by anemia, a clotting disorder, and elevation of serum hepatic enzymes (Mills et al. 1996). In cases reported to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, the typical signs associated with cycads were vomiting (±blood), depression, loss of appetite, diarrhea (±blood), and followed in some individuals by evidence of liver failure (Youssef 2008). In some instances, both hepatotoxic and neurotoxic effects appear in the same group of animals. Cattle in Puerto Rico that ate the leaves and nuts of Z. portoricensis Urb. (reported as Z. puertoriquensis) developed severe liver cell necrosis and brain and spinal lesions (Reams et al. 1993). The type of disease manifested may be a function of the plant part eaten, although this has not been confirmed experimentally. 2 Types of Toxicants glycosides of MAM l-BMAA

DISEASE GENESIS Genera of the Zamiaceae contain two different types of toxins—glycosides of methylazoxymethanol (MAM) and the neurotoxic amino acid β-N-methylamino-l-alanine (l-BMAA).

Figure 75.2. integrifolia.

Photo of the seed cone and leaves of Zamia

following consumption of the seeds. Marchant (1994) recounted the experience of Dutch sailors exploring the southwestern coast and as their leader describes it, “he and 5 of his men ate the seeds (Macrozamia reidlei) and after an interval of about 3 hours began to vomit so violently that there was hardly any difference between us and death.” Ingestion of the seeds, leaves, or pulp typically produces hepatotoxic effects and occasionally neurologic disease in livestock (Hall and McGavin 1968; Gabbedy et al. 1975; Hooper 1978). In Australia, the disease is sometimes called zamia staggers (Seawright 1989). There have also been several cases of hepatotoxicity in dogs that consumed the leaves, stems, or seeds of Dioön, Zamia, or

glycosides cycasin and macrozamin hydrolyzed to MAM, which alkylates RNA and DNA of the liver and may be neurotoxic The principal glycosides of MAM present are the βglucoside known as cycasin and the β-primeveroside known as macrozamin. Several minor glycosides, neocycasins, are also present (Yagi and Tadera 1987). The glycosides are subject to hydrolysis by β-glycosidases in the plant or more importantly by bacterial enzymes in the digestive tract of the animal to yield the aglycone and sugars (Spatz et al. 1967). The aglycone MAM is the toxic portion, alkylating DNA and RNA and causing hepatotoxicosis (Laqueur and Spatz 1968). MAM is also carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic, and teratogenic; whether it causes significant problems in animals via these actions is unknown (Smith 1966; Spatz et al. 1967; Tustin 1983). The teratogenic potential may be of particular concern

Zamiaceae Horan.

Figure 75.6. Figure 75.3.

Figure 75.4.

Chemical structure of cycasin.

Chemical structure of macrozamin.


Chemical structure of BMAA.

BMAA as a toxicant in the Zamiaceae is questionable because the concentrations in plants of the various genera are quite low especially in comparison with those in Cycas (Charlton et al. 1992). Additional information about the roles of MAM and BMAA in the neurotoxic effects of cycad toxicity is presented in the treatment of the Cycadaceae (see Chapter 29) (Figure 75.6). dogs eating seeds: persistent vomiting, anorexia, constipation, icterus, increased serum hepatic enzymes and bilirubin

CLINICAL SIGNS Figure 75.5. (MAM).

Chemical structure of methylazoxymethanol

(Keeler 1972). The glycosides are found in all parts of the plants. The highest concentrations of macrozamin are present in the seeds (Yagi and Tadera 1987) (Figures 75.3–75.5). l-BMAA may produce neurologic effects as a weak excitotoxin Present in the seeds, β-N-methylamino-l-alanine (lBMAA) is the second type of toxicant present in members of the Zamiaceae. It is an unusual neurotoxic amino acid similar in structure and action to the neurolathyrogens except that the glutamate receptor of major concern is the N-methyl-d-aspartate, or NMDA, type (Ross et al. 1987). l-BMAA, which acts as a weak excitotoxin in some circumstances, also affects the kainate and quisqualate types of glutamate receptors (Weiss et al. 1989). It has been suggested that BMAA itself may not be the culpable toxin but rather that, in the presence of bicarbonate, the αcarbamate form of the l-α-amino acid forms a more specific structural analog of NMDA and interactant at the receptor (Nunn et al. 1991). l-BMAA is subject to active uptake transport across the blood–brain barrier via the neutral amino acid carrier (Smith et al. 1992). Although BMAA is less potent than the neurolathyrogen l-BOAA, it is nevertheless an excitatory neurotoxicant; however, it takes hours rather than minutes to produce the presumably indirect actions (Nunn et al. 1987). The role of

Because taxa of the Zamiaceae are so limited in distribution and abundance in North America, intoxications are most likely to involve pets that eat the seeds. In dogs, the initial sign is vomiting, which may begin within minutes of ingestion and may persist, with periodic episodes, for hours. There may also be increased salivation and increased water consumption. During the next few days, anorexia, constipation, and icterus will be observed in conjunction with a marked decrease in blood platelets and an increase in serum bilirubin (especially conjugated), hepatic enzymes, urea nitrogen, and creatinine. At this point, the prognosis is guarded because the liver involvement may be life threatening. similar hepatic disease changes in sheep; neurologic effects in cattle, stumbling, staggering, ataxia A similar disease occurs in sheep but may, on occasion, be subacute to almost chronic. Emaciation, pale to icteric mucous membranes, and other evidence of liver disease are observed. The animals will be lethargic, but there is seldom diarrhea. In cattle, the neurologic disease occurs after the consumption of the leaves for several weeks or more. The signs are those related to a proprioceptive deficit and progressive weakness in the pelvic limbs, as indicated by stumbling, staggering, ataxia, and sometimes goose-stepping. hepatic form: gross pathology, enlarged, nutmeg liver; microscopic, hepatic necrosis, fibrosis, bile duct proliferation


Toxic Plants of North America

PATHOLOGY In dogs, sheep, and cattle displaying both liver and brain involvement, the characteristic gross change is an enlarged, congested, nutmeg liver. Microscopically, there is hepatic necrosis, which may be focal centrilobular or midzonal. In more chronic cases fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, bile stasis, and moderately enlarged hepatocytes may be noted. Additionally, there may be scattered ecchymotic hemorrhages, visceral edema, and mild tubular nephrosis.

neurologic form, microscopic, spinal axonal and myelin degeneration

There are no distinctive gross changes in cattle in instances in which the disease is exclusively neurologic, but there are numerous microscopic lesions. Bilaterally symmetrical degeneration in the ventral, lateral, and dorsal columns is present through the length of the cord but is especially evident in the cervical portion (Reams et al. 1993). Axonal and myelin degeneration is particularly noticeable in the gracile fascicle and the dorsal spinocerebellar tracts.

general nursing care

10–20; arching; 1–3 m long; leaflets 14–150, articulated, dark green, glossy, blades lanceolate to linear, apices acute; petioles with prickles. Pollen Cones cylindrical to elliptic; 20–60 cm long; microsporophylls numerous, each with a pair of recurved horns. Seed Cones cylindrical; 30–40 cm long; megasporophylls 200 or more, each with a pair of recurved horns. Seeds yellow white.

Distribution and Habitat—Ceratozamia is indigenous to central Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize (Johnson and Wilson 1990). Plants are typically found in cloud or mist forests in the mountains. Ceratozamia mexicana occurs primarily in the state of Veracruz, in eastern Mexico. It is cultivated as an ornamental in other warm areas or as a tub plant. Unfortunately, populations have been damaged by poachers who collect plants to sell. All species of the genus are listed in the species database of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) (Jones 1993).

DIOÖN LINDL. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising 10 New World species, Dioön is distinguished from other genera of the family by its nonarticulated leaflets and stalked ovules (Johnson and Wilson 1990). Its name is derived from the Greek roots di and oon, for “two” and “egg,” reflecting the paired seeds borne on each megasporophyll (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). Two species are occasionally encountered as ornamentals in North America:

TREATMENT Emetics may be useful if administered immediately after ingestion, but if treatment is delayed, activated charcoal may reduce the absorption of the toxicants. Supportive care as for hepatic disease in general is indicated. There are no specific treatments for either the hepatic or the neurologic syndromes.

CERATOZAMIA BRONG. Taxonomy and Morphology—A New World genus comprising 11–12 species, Ceratozamia is morphologically quite similar to larger members of the genus Zamia (Norstog and Nicholls 1997). Its name reflects this relationship and the presence of paired hornlike projections on the sporophylls (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The Greek root ceras means “horn.” In North America, only 1 introduced species is of toxicologic interest: C. mexicana Brongn.

horned zamia, horned cycad

Plants herbs. Stems partially subterranean; erect; columnar; 10–50 cm tall; bases of old leaves absent. Leaves

D. edule Lindl. D. spinulosum Dyer

chamal, coyolillo, jango, palma de la virgen, virgin’s palm giant dioon, gum palm

Plants treelike or herbs. Stems partially subterranean or aerial; erect; columnar; 3–6 m tall; bases of old leaves present or absent. Leaves 15–20; arching or straight; 1–3 m long; leaflets 120–240, not articulated, light to dark green, glossy, blades linear to lanceolate, apices acute, margins entire or spinulose, bases decurrent; petioles with or without prickles. Pollen Cones cylindrical; 20–55 cm long; microsporophylls numerous, leaflike, peltate. Seed Cones ovoid; 20–90 cm long; woolly; megasporophylls numerous, leaflike, peltate; ovules paired, short stalked. Seeds whitish or yellowish white.

Distribution and Habitat—With the exception of 1 species in Honduras, Dioön is strictly a Mexican genus with the 9 species widely separated in undisturbed mountain habitats (Whitelock 2002). Plants typically grow in poor, rocky soils of steep slopes and ravines from sea level to about 2500-m elevation (Jones 1993; Norstog and

Zamiaceae Horan.

Nicholls 1997). They are rarely cultivated as ornamentals in other warm areas or as tub plants elsewhere, including North America.

ZAMIA L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Native to the tropics and subtropics of the New World, Zamia comprises 30–40 species and is ecologically and morphologically the most diverse genus of the cycads (Norstog and Nicholls 1997; Whitelock 2002). Its taxonomy is yet to be resolved, with taxonomists expressing numerous opinions about species relationships. There is also disagreement about whether its name is derived from the Greek azano, meaning “to dry up” or from the Latin zamia meaning “loss or damage” (Quattrocchi 2000; Whitelock 2002). In perhaps the earliest description, the Roman natural historian Pliny described the withered appearance of the pollen cones. In North America, a single species occurs naturally in Florida and Georgia (Landry 1993): Z. integrifolia L.f.

coontie, Seminole bread, guayiga, Florida arrowroot, comptie

(=Z. floridana A.DC.)

Plants herbs. Stems subterranean or only apices exposed; bases of old leaves present or absent. Leaves 4–10; straight; erect or ascending; 0.2–1.5 m long; leaflets 20– 80; articulated, dark green, glossy, blades linear, stiff; margins entire or serrulate or denticulate distally, often revolute; petioles without prickles. Pollen Cones narrowly cylindrical; 5–16 cm long; red to reddish brown; indumented; sporophylls numerous, hexagonal. Seed Cones cylindrical ellipsoidal; 5–15 cm long; red to reddish brown; indumented; megasporophylls numerous, hexagonal; ovules sessile. Seeds orange or orange red.

Distribution and Habitat—A widely distributed species, Z. integrifolia occurs from southeastern Georgia and Florida to the Bahamas, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. Plants occupy a variety of habitats, including grasslands, dunes, and woodlands. Habitat destruction is a threat (Landry 1993). Plants of the species are grown as tub plants.

REFERENCES Botha CJ, Naude TW, Swan GE, Ashton MM, Van Der Wateren JF. Suspected cycad (Cycas revoluta) intoxication in dogs. J S Afr Vet Assoc 62;189–190, 1991. Charlton TS, Marini AM, Markey SP, Norstog K, Duncan MW. Quantification of the neurotoxin 2-amino-3-(methylamino)propanoic acid (BMAA) in Cycadales. Phytochemistry 31;3429–3432, 1992. Gabbedy BJ, Meyer EP, Dickson J. Zamia palm (Macrozamia reidlei) poisoning of sheep. Aust Vet J 51;303–305, 1975.


Hall WTK, McGavin MD. Clinical and neuropathological changes in cattle eating the leaves of Macrozamia lucida or Bowenia serrulata (family Zamiaceae). Pathol Vet 5;26–34, 1968. Hooper PT. Cycad poisoning in Australia—etiology and pathology. In Effects of Poisonous Plants on Livestock. Keeler RF, Van Kampen KR, James LF, eds. Academic Press, New York, pp. 337–347, 1978. Huxley A, Griffiths M. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan, London, 1992. Johnson LAS. The families of cycads and Zamiaceae of Australia. Proc Linn Soc N S W 84;64–117, 1959. Johnson LAS, Wilson KL. Zamiaceae. In The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Vol. I: Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Kramer KU, Green PS, eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 371–377, 1990. Jones DL. Cycads of the World. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1993. Judd WS, Campbell CS, Kellogg EA, Stevens PF, Donoghue MJ. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 3rd ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 2008. Keeler RF. Known and suspected teratogenic hazards in range plants. Clin Toxicol 5;529–565, 1972. Landry GP. Zamiaceae horianow: sago-palm family. In Flora of North America North of Mexico, Vol. 2, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, ed. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 347–349, 1993. Laqueur GL, Spatz M. Toxicology of cycasin. Cancer Res 28;2262–2267, 1968. Marchant NG. History of plant poisoning in Western Australia. In Plant-Associated Toxins, Agricultural, Phytological & Ecological Aspects. Colegate SM, Dorling PR, eds. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 7–12, 1994. Mills JN, Lawley MJ, Thomas J. Macrozamia toxicosis in a dog. Aust Vet J 73;69–72, 1996. Norstog KJ, Nicholls TJ. The Biology of the Cycads. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1997. Nunn PB, Seelig M, Zagoren JC, Spencer PS. Stereospecific acute neuronotoxicity of “uncommon” plant amino acids linked to human motor-system diseases. Brain Res 410;375– 379, 1987. Nunn PB, Davis AJ, O’Brien P. Carbamate formation and the neurotoxicity of l-α-amino acids. Science 251;1619, 1991. Quattrocchi U. CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2000. Reams RY, Janovitz EB, Robinson FR, Sullivan JM, Casanova CR, Mas E. Cycad (Zamia puertoriquensis) toxicosis in a group of dairy heifers in Puerto Rico. J Vet Diagn Invest 5;488–494, 1993. Ross SM, Seelig M, Spencer PS. Specific antagonism of excitotoxic action of “uncommon” amino acids assayed in organotypic mouse cultures. Brain Res 425;120–127, 1987. Seawright AA. Animal Health in Australia. Vol. 2, 2nd ed., Chemical and Plant Poisons. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, Australia, pp. 46–48, 1989. Senior DF, Sundlof SF, Buergelt CD, Hines SA, O’Neil-Foil CS, Meyer DJ. Cycad poisoning in the dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 21;103–109, 1985.


Toxic Plants of North America

Smith DWE. Mutagenicity of cycasin aglycone (methylazoxymethanol), a naturally occurring carcinogen. Science 152; 1273–1274, 1966. Smith QR, Nagura H, Takada Y, Duncan MW. Facilitated transport of the neurotoxin, β-N-methylamino-l-alanine, across the blood-brain barrier. J Neurochem 58;1330–1337, 1992. Spatz M, Smith DWE, McDaniel EG, Laqueur GL. Role of intestinal microorganisms in determining cycasin toxicity. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 124;691–697, 1967. Stevenson D. A formal classification of the extant cycads. Brittonia 44;220–223, 1992. Tustin RC. Notes on the toxicity and carcinogenicity of some South African cycad species with special reference to

that of Encephalartos lanatus. J S Afr Vet Assoc 54;33–42, 1983. Weiss JH, Koh J-Y, Choi DW. Neurotoxicity of β-N-methylaminol-alanine ((BMAA) andβ-N-oxalylamino-l-alanine (BOAA) on cultured cortical neurons. Brain Res 497;64–71, 1989. Whitelock LM. The Cycads. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 2002. Yagi F, Tadera K. Azoxyglycoside contents in seeds of several cycad species and various parts of Japanese cycad. Agric Biol Chem 51;1721–1719, 1987. Youssef H. Cycad toxicosis in dogs. Vet Med 103;242–244, 2008.

Chapter Seventy-Six

Zygophyllaceae R.Br.

Caltrop or Creosote Bush Family Kallstroemia Larrea Tribulus Commonly known as the caltrop or creosote bush family, the Zygophyllaceae comprises 22–24 genera and 230–275 species and is distributed primarily in the tropics and subtropics of both the Old and New World (Brummitt 2007; Sheahan 2007). Species are typically encountered in dry and/or saline sites. Larrea, or creosote bush, for example, dominates considerable portions of the warm deserts of both North and South America. Economically, the family is a source of timber, medicinal resins, some edible fruits (desert date), essential oils used in perfumes, and amendments to preserve food and rubber (Brummitt 2007). The troublesome weed Tribulus, or puncture vine, is notorious for its small, hard, spiny fruits. On the basis of morphological, anatomical, and molecular phylogenetic analyses (Gadek et al. 1996; Sheahan and Chase 1996), the circumscription of the Zygophyllaceae has been narrowed by segregation of the notoriously toxic Peganum and 3 other genera into the family Nitrariaceae (Chapter 50). In North America, 6 genera and 16 species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Species of 3 genera have been associated with intoxication problems. herbs, shrubs, or subshrubs; leaves 1-pinnately compound, with stipules; flowers axillary; fruits capsular schizocarps Plants herbs or shrubs or subshrubs; annuals or perennials. Leaves 1-pinnately compound; opposite or alternate; often fleshy or coriaceous; terminal leaflet absent; stipules present. Inflorescences solitary or paired flowers or cymes; axillary. Flowers perfect; perianths in 2-series. Sepals 4 or 5; free; persistent or caducous. Corollas

radially symmetrical; imbricate. Petals 4 or 5; free; yellow or orange or white. Stamens 10–15; in 2 or 3 whorls, of 2 different lengths, outer epipetalous. Pistils 1; compound, carpels 2–5; stigmas 1–5; styles 1; persistent; ovaries superior, lobes 2–5 or 10–12; locules 2–5 or 10; placentation axile. Fruits capsular schizocarps; rugose to tuberculate or with spines. Seeds 1 per mericarp.

KALLSTROEMIA SCOP. Taxonomy and Morphology—The largest and taxonomically most troublesome genus of the family, Kallstroemia (caltrop), comprises 17 species native to the Americas (Porter 1969; Mabberley 2008). It is represented in North America by 7 species: K. californica (S.Watson) Vail K. K. K. K. K. K.

grandiflora Torr. ex A.Gray hirsutissima Vail maxima (L.) Hook. & Arnold parviflora J.B.S.Norton perennans B.L.Turner pubescens (G.Don) Dandy

California caltrop, golondrina orange caltrop, desert poppy hairy caltrop, carpetweed big caltrop warty caltrop perennial caltrop Caribbean caltrop

herbs or subshrubs, stems prostrate, diffusely branched; leaves opposite, 1 of each pair smaller or absent; flowers solitary; sepals 5; petals 5, white to bright orange; schizocarps long beaked Plants herbs or subshrubs; annuals or perennials; from taproots. Stems prostrate or decumbent; to 100 cm long or 10–20 cm high; diffusely branched. Leaves opposite, with 1 of each pair typically smaller than other or absent; leaflets 2–10 pairs; blades elliptic to oblong or obovate; bases asymmetrical. Inflorescences solitary flowers; pedicels 0.2–10 cm long. Sepals 5; persistent or deciduous; hirsute or strigose. Petals 5; elliptic to obovate; white to bright orange. Stamens 10–12; in 2 whorls. Pistils with

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



Toxic Plants of North America

stigmas capitate; ovaries 10- to 12-lobed. Schizocarps ovoid or conical or pyramidal; long beaked; 10- to 12lobed; glabrous or indumented; mericarps wedge shaped, tuberculate (Figures 76.1 and 76.2). deserts, grasslands, open disturbed sites

Distribution and Habitat—Populations of Kallstroemia are most commonly encountered in the deserts and grasslands of Mexico and the adjacent southwestern part of the United States. Kallstroemia maxima occurs along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of Florida. The most widely distributed species, K. parviflora, ranges from central Mexico northward to Illinois. Plants are typically Figure 76.3.

Distribution of Kallstroemia parviflora.

encountered in open, disturbed habitats, both natural and anthropogenic. Early-day ecologists used species of the genus as indicators of overgrazing in the arid grasslands of the Southwest, and agronomists noted how quickly K. parviflora became a troublesome weed in southern Kansas soon after the conversion of the grasslands into cultivated fields. Distribution maps of the other species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// (Figure 76.3).

neurotoxic: late summer: when eaten in large amounts by sheep, goats, or cattle

Disease Problems—Causing neurologic problems in Figure 76.1.

Line drawing of Kallstroemia hirsutissima.

cattle, sheep, and goats, Kallstroemia is of concern mainly in late summer when formerly cultivated areas are used for grazing and animals gain access to large populations of plants that have established themselves in the fallow soils. Because toxicity varies considerably from year to year, location to location, and growth stage to growth stage, disease problems are typically erratic in appearance, only being of serious concern every few years. Animals must eat plants as a major portion of their diet (about 90%) for 1 or more weeks before clinical signs become apparent (Mathews 1944; Dollahite 1975).

toxin unknown, possibly indole alkaloids

Disease Genesis—The cause of the disease is yet Figure 76.2. Photo of Kallstroemia parviflora. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

unknown. However, the similarity in neurologic signs produced by Kallstroemia to those produced by other

Zygophyllaceae R.Br.


members of the family has led to speculation that the toxicants are indole alkaloids such as harman and harmaline (Bourke et al. 1990).

the editors of the PLANTS Database (USDA, NRCS 2012) and Duncan Porter (in press) in his forthcoming treatment of the genus in the Flora of North America.

knuckling over of fetlocks of pelvic limbs, stand or walk on carpal joints, weakness, ataxia

evergreen, perennial shrubs, resinous aromatic; leaves opposite, leaflets 2, leathery, shiny varnished appearance; flowers solitary; sepals 5; petals 5, short clawed, bright yellow; schizocarps silvery white to red, densely woolly

Clinical Signs—Typically, there is knuckling over of the fetlocks of the pelvic limbs in cattle, sheep, and goats. In some cases, this effect may persist for months, even though plants are no longer being eaten. Some animals, especially sheep and goats, may stand and walk on their carpal joints. Additional signs include weakness, pelvic limb ataxia, and flexure of the hocks. In more severe cases, animals are unable to stand but may continue to eat and drink. If they continue to eat the plants, the disease ends in seizures and death.

no lesions; provide supportive nursing care

Pathology and Treatment—Kallstroemia does not cause distinctive lesions, only congestion and scattered small splotchy hemorrhages. Prevention of continued access to plants, and supportive nursing care is the only treatment approach available to animals that are exhibiting toxicity caused by Kallstroemia.

LARREA CAV. Taxonomy and Morphology—Larrea is a New World genus with 5 species in South America and 1 in North America (Sheahan 2007). Its name honors Don Anthony Hernandez de Larrea, an eighteenth-century Spaniard who was dean of Saragossa and a patron of science (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). The North American species is the following: L. tridentata (DC.) Coville

Plants shrubs; perennials; evergreen; from a large crown or short rhizomes; herbage resinous aromatic. Stems numerous; spreading; 1–3 m tall; radiating from base; flexuous; jointed; bark gray; nodes conspicuous, swollen, darkened. Leaves opposite; subsessile to short petiolate; leaflets 2; leathery; glossy dark green or more often yellowish green; blades ovate to oblong or obovate; surfaces with resinous coating giving them a shiny varnished appearance; apices acute; bases fused. Inflorescences solitary flowers; borne on pedicels that arise from ends of short lateral branches. Sepals 5; unequal; deciduous. Petals 5; obovate; concave; short clawed; bright yellow. Stamens 10; filaments winged. Pistils with ovaries 1- to 5-lobed. Schizocarps globose; 5-lobed; silvery white to red; densely woolly (Figures 76.4 and 76.5).


Distribution and Habitat—Larrea tridentata is the most common and widely distributed shrub of the North American deserts, with plants occurring from sea level to about 1300-m elevation in the foothills of the western mountain ranges (Vankat 1992). It is especially common

creosote bush, gobernadora, hediondilla

(=L. divaricata Cav. ssp. tridentata (DC.) Felger & C.H.Lowe)

Taxonomists differ in their interpretations of the relationship between the South and North American populations of creosote bush. Brummitt (2007) and Sheahan (2007) treated them as different species and used L. tridentata for the North American plants and L. divaricata for the South American taxon, whereas Mabberley (2008) treated them as a single species present on both continents and used L. divaricata. We here recognize 2 species as do

Figure 76.4. desert.

Photo of the plants of Larrea tridentata in the


Toxic Plants of North America

Disease Problems—Because of the widespread distribu-

Figure 76.5. tridentata.

Photo of the flowers and branches of Larrea

Figure 76.6.

Distribution of Larrea tridentata.

in the lower Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts, sometimes forming extensive, pure stands. Plants occur in hot, dry sites in a variety of soil types. Flowering may occur throughout the year but is generally most abundant from February through April (Figure 76.6). mild liver disease when used as tea or herbal supplement; livestock, toxicity unknown, not normally eaten

tion of L. tridentata in the arid regions of North America, many attempts have been made to use it for food and medicinal purposes (Timmermann 1977). Various tribes of Native Americans throughout the Southwest made infusions, decoctions, and poultices of the foliage, bark, and roots to treat a wide variety of ailments (Moerman 1998). In Mexico, it is used as a contraceptive, for the treatment of gallstones, and possibly has uterorelaxant activity (Obermeyer et al. 1995; Arteaga et al. 2005a,b). It is said to be one of the best herbal antimicrobials, useful against bacteria, parasites, and viruses (Smith et al. 1994). The leaves are commonly used as herbal supplements and for making chaparral tea (Brent 1999). However, in a few instances, these last uses have resulted in the development of acute toxic hepatitis in persons consuming the species, usually for a month or more (Katz and Saibil 1990; CDC Report 1992; Alderman et al. 1994; Batchelor et al. 1995). In at least one instance, cystic renal disease has been reported in an individual ingesting large amounts of chaparral tea daily for 3 months (Smith et al. 1994). The hepatitis, accompanied by marked elevations of serum hepatic enzymes (AST, ALT, GGT), resolved favorably in most patients several weeks or months after the use of the tea or herbal product was discontinued. However, in a few instances, the toxicosis was severe, resulting in persistent fibrosis and/or liver failure and requiring transplantation (Smith and Desmond 1993; Gordon et al. 1995; Sheikh et al. 1997; Kauma et al. 2004). The toxicity potential for livestock is not clear. Rangelands dominated by Larrea are extensively used for grazing livestock in the desert southwest, but this unpalatable shrub is seldom eaten except when it is the only green forage available on a range. When fed the apparently nutritious leaves, treated with sodium hydroxide to improve palatability, cattle performed well, without any apparent problems (Timmermann 1977). However, it is also suspected of causing losses in cattle (Fuller and McClintock 1986). The death of 6 of 10 calves was associated with the presence of large amounts of the leaves and fruits of L. divaricata in the stomach. Deaths are also suspected in sheep grazing rangelands, but the plant is seldom incriminated specifically as the cause of these losses because of the isolation of some of these ranges (Arteaga et al. 2005a).

toxin unknown, possibly NDGA; flavones and saponins also present

Disease Genesis—Foliage of L. tridentata contains numerous polyphenolic types of compounds such as flavones and their glycosides that are present in the resinous

Zygophyllaceae R.Br.

Figure 76.7. (NDGA).

Chemical structure of nordihydroguaiaretic acid

exudate (Mabry et al. 1977). There is also a high content (5–15% d.w.) of the lignan nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), which has been used as an antioxidant in foods. It was approved for this purpose in the United States from 1943 to 1970 (Arteaga et al. 2005a), but is now only used as an antioxidant in nonfood manufactured products. A recognized lipoxygenase inhibitor, NDGA extracted from Larrea is commonly used experimentally as an inhibitor of the cyclooxygenase–lipoxygenase pathway (Tappel and Marr 1954; Hamberg 1976; Thomson 1984). It is converted to a quinone metabolite in the intestine and glucuronidated (Lambert et al. 2002) (Figure 76.7). Studies in mice indicate that NDGA seems to be the specific component of the resinous exudates responsible for detrimental effects (Rios et al. 2008). In long-term feeding studies evaluating the antioxidant use of NDGA, only minor toxic effects such as cystic enlargement of the paracecal lymph nodes have been consistently observed (Lehman et al. 1951). The oral LD50 ranges from 830 mg/ kg b.w. for guinea pigs up to 4–5 g/kg in mice and rats. Grice et al. (1968) fed rats up to 1% NDGA in their diet for 74 weeks and produced only mild renal tubular vacuolation and cystic lymphoid changes. A level of 2% caused the same lesions in shorter time. They also found little NDGA in the tissues, most having been converted to the O-quinone metabolite in the ileum and cecum prior to absorption. Only the quinone was found in rat tissues. Thus, the role of NDGA in acute toxicosis is not clear, but high concentrations of reactive quinones are plausible causes of either hepatic or renal lesions (Goodman et al. 1970). In vitro cell culture studies indicate that NDGA induces oxidative cellular injury in hepatocytes and astroglia associated with glutathione depletion (Sahu et al. 2006; Im and Han 2007). In other studies with 2% NDGA fed to rats, partial nephron obstruction preceded renal cyst development, and environmental factors were also involved (Evan and Gardner 1979; Gardner et al. 1986). Interestingly, some studies indicate that NDGA is protective against other types of renal disease (Yam-Canul et al. 2008), and in support of the traditional uses of Larrea, it has positive effects on the prevention of the development of cholesterol gallstones in hamsters (Arteaga et al. 2005b), further indicating the considerable diversity in the outlook on possible actions of NDGA in the diet.


NDGA has weak estrogenic activity (Fujimoto et al. 2004). Lambert and coworkers (2004) and Lu and coworkers (2010) have reviewed the extensive potential medicinal benefits of NDGA—both the positive anticancer, antimicrobial, reproductive, and hypoglycemic actions and the negative hepatotoxic effects. It may all be a matter of dosage, low dietary levels allowing the antioxidant effects to predominate whereas higher dosage may on occasion lead to adverse effects. With respect to livestock, in vitro studies also indicate that NDGA is a photoactive compound capable of causing photosensitization (Downum and Rodriguez 1986; Downum et al. 1989). The structural similarity of the Larrea lignan NDGA, and its metabolites, to diethylstilbesterol suggests the possibility of hepatotoxic effects similar to those caused by estrogens (Obermeyer et al. 1995). Foliage of L. tridentata also contains numerous polyphenolic types of compounds such as flavones and their glycosides and appreciable concentrations of saponins (10–15% d.w.) such as larreagenin A and larreic acid (Mabry et al. 1977). A role for polyphenolics as contributing factors cannot be dismissed inasmuch as their levels are quite high, in the range of 16–20% d.w. or more of the foliage (Gisvold and Thaker 1974). Although no evidence indicates a role for saponins in this disease, these types of compounds are recognized as important factors in the development of liver disease, as is discussed in the treatment of Tribulus (in this chapter).

humans: loss of appetite, icterus, abdominal pain, dark-colored urine, elevated hepatic enzymes in blood

Clinical Signs—In humans, the signs, typical of hepatic involvement, include nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, pruritis, icterus, abdominal pain, dark-colored urine, and an enlarged liver. Changes in serum chemistry include elevated bilirubin and markedly elevated hepatic enzymes such as AST, LDH, ALT, and GGT. Alkaline phosphatase increases only slightly. Because the disease has not been clearly identified in animals, the signs, pathology, and treatment are at present unknown. If, however, the disease affects the liver, as is the case in humans, then signs of and treatment directed toward liver insufficiency or failure may be expected. Skin lesions typical of photosensitization may appear under some conditions.

mild to moderate hepatic necrosis; treatment not usually needed; stop the use of herbal supplement


Toxic Plants of North America

Pathology and Treatment—Microscopically, the hepatic lesions associated with Larrea intoxication include cholestasis and mild to moderate periportal necrosis, often without a pronounced inflammatory reaction. The lesions and signs in most instances are not particularly severe, and specific treatment is not required. They appear to regress readily within a few weeks upon discontinuance of the herbal supplement or tea. Less commonly the necrosis may be severe and require treatment for liver failure.

TRIBULUS L. Taxonomy and Morphology—Comprising about 25

Figure 76.8. Photo of the entire plant and fruits of Tribulus terrestris. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

species, Tribulus is a genus of the Old World deserts (Sheahan 2007). Its name is derived from the Greek root tribolos, meaning “three-pointed,” which alludes to the three spines of the fruits (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). In North America, 2 introduced species are present: T. cistoides L. T. terrestris L.

Jamaican feverplant puncture vine, caltrop, burnut, goathead, bullhead, tacks, Mexican sandbur

herbs, diffusely branched; leaves opposite, 1 of each pair smaller or absent; flowers solitary; petals 5, yellow, orange, or white; schizocarps 5-angled, each side with 2–4 stout horns or spines Plants herbs; annuals or perennials; from taproots or woody rootstocks. Stems prostrate to ascending; up to 100 cm long; diffusely branched; sericeous and hirsute. Leaves opposite; 1 of each pair typically smaller than the other or rarely absent; leaflets 3–9 pairs; blades elliptic to oblong; bases asymmetrical. Inflorescences solitary flowers; borne in axils of smaller leaves; pedicels present. Sepals 5; caducous. Petals 5; obovate; yellow or orange or rarely white. Stamens 10; in 2 whorls. Pistils with stigmas 5; ovaries 5-lobed, hirsute pilose. Schizocarps subglobose; short beaked; 5-angled; each side bearing 2–4 stout horns or spines; tubercules and small spines often present (Figures 76.8 and 76.9).

Distribution and Habitat—Both species are native to the Old World and are widely distributed as weeds in disturbed soils throughout the southern half of the continent, with T. terrestris designated a noxious plant (USDA, NRCS 2012). As the common names imply, the stout spines of the fruits readily penetrate the skin and tires, causing painful injury and flat tires. The seeds are longlived and once plants are established in an area, they are difficult to eradicate. Distribution maps of the 2 species

Figure 76.9. Photo of the flowers and leaves of Tribulus terrestris. Courtesy of Patricia Folley.

can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// hepatogenous photosensitization; crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy

Disease Problems—After being suspected as a toxic plant for many years, T. terrestris was finally definitely incriminated as producing photosensitization due to a class of toxicants associated with an inability of the liver to

Zygophyllaceae R.Br.

clear the blood of phylloerythrin (Rimington and Quin 1934; Blum 1941). Phylloerythrin, derived from the breakdown of chlorophyll in the digestive tract, has been identified as a photodynamic compound. Eventually, in what is now considered a classical treatise, this type was termed hepatogenous photosensitization (Clare 1955). Considerable effort was expended in an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of Tribulus’s effects on the liver (Brown 1968). Eventually, the possible roles of various cofactors, such as fungal toxins, became apparent (Kellerman et al. 1980). It had long been recognized that the liver lesions included crystalloid structures in bile ducts and other sites, and it is now apparent that disease caused by T. terrestris is essentially the same as the crystal-associated or crystalloid cholangiohepatopathy (Button et al. 1987) caused by several other plants, including Agave lechuguilla, Nolina, and various species of Panicum. Photosensitization associated with crystalloid material in the liver and biliary microliths has also been observed in goats not eating known toxic plants but grazing green oats (Avena sativa) infected with the fungus Drechslera campanulata (Collett and Spickett 1989). Hepatogenous photosensitization had been recognized for many years in South Africa as a problem associated with T. terrestris and had been experimentally produced on several occasions, even using frozen plant material (Bath et al. 1978). It is also recognized as a problem in Australia, each case exhibiting the same prominent biliary crystalloid deposits and high case fatality rate (Bourke 1983; Glastonbury et al. 1984; Jacob and Peet 1987). The disease has been reproduced in both sheep and goats in Iran, after feeding for a prolonged period with the development of typical hepatic and renal lesions and crystals in bile ducts and renal tubules (Aslani et al. 2003,2004). Clinical signs typical of hepatogenous photosensitization were apparent only in sheep. It also appears to be an occasional problem in South and North America, having been implicated in several instances of sheep intoxication in New Mexico and Colorado (Hershey 1945; Durrell et al. 1950; McDonough et al. 1994; Tapia et al. 1994). In the last case, T. terrestris may have been the only forage available, and the disease was perhaps precipitated by driving the flocks hard during warm weather. It is important to note that T. terrestris is palatable and is readily eaten by sheep, in some instances in preference to grasses (Kellerman et al. 1980; McDonough et al. 1994).

neurotoxic in Australia; not confirmed in North America

Neurotoxic effects are also ascribed to T. terrestris in Australia; sheep grazing extensively on plants for months


during drought developed an irreversible, progressively asymmetrical weakness of the pelvic limbs (Bourke 1984,1987). They stood with legs apart and walked awkwardly. After a few weeks, the changes became obviously asymmetrical as the sheep walked or ran sideways. They are unable to effectively change direction, this possibly associated with asymmetrical GABAergic dysfunction (Bourke 2006). Eventually, weakness of the thoracic limbs developed and then permanent recumbency. Pathologic changes are limited to mild Wallerian degeneration in the spinal cord and scattered degenerate astrocytes in the brain and spinal cord (Bourke 2006). The astrocytes contain cytoplasmic pigment granules. The neurologic disease has not been recognized in North America. A transient reversible neurologic disease with ataxia has also been observed in Australia with ingestion of another species, T. micrococcus, not present in North America (Bourke and Macfarlane 1985). Other effects, including debilitation, anemia, and death, are reported to occur as a consequence of continuous feeding of large amounts of T. terrestris to sheep (Pachalag and Patil 1977). Field observations in Australia suggested possible decreased survival of lambs borne of ewes grazing Tribulus. However, experiments carried out on a limited number of sheep failed to confirm any obvious reproductive effects except for a decrease in fetal breathing movements while dams were feeding on plants during the last trimester of gestation (Walker et al. 1992). In the Middle East, the leaves and fruit of T. terestris are prepared as “bush teas” for use as a diuretic and against hypertension, and significant diuretic effects have been confirmed in rats (Al-Ali et al. 2003). The leaves and especially the fruits are used in traditional medicine in China and other countries for a variety of ailments (Yan et al. 1996; Su et al. 2009a,b).

photosensitization possibly due to blocking of bile ducts by calcium salts of sapogenic glucuronides

Disease Genesis—A variety of compounds have been isolated from T. terrestris among which are many saponins well known for their hemolytic effects. These saponins are composed of a genin (aglycon or sapogenin) portion linked to a sugar. In Tribulus, the genin is steroidal rather than triterpene as typically found in the other saponin-containing families and genera described in this book. The presence of spirostanol and furostanol steroidal saponins is characteristic of Tribulus, especially the fruits. The spirostanols differ from their precursor furostanols in having a closed terminal 5-member ring (away from the sugar-binding ring) and lacking a hydroxyl or methoxy side group at the site of ring closure. Some are


Toxic Plants of North America

Figure 76.10.

Chemical structure of diosgenin.

also sulfated. The nomenclature of these compounds is complicated by the various sugars that may be attached to different genins. Thus, the specific genin may be linked with glucose, galactose, a pentose, or multiples thereof— the resulting saponins (or genin + sugar) each with a specific name, this, in addition to the name of the individual genin. For example, different sugar linkages with diosgenin/yamogenin yield both the spirosaponins trillin, trillarin, dioscin, gracillin, and tribestin; and the furostanol saponins protodioscin, terrestrosin, prototribestin, and protogracillin among others (Figure 76.10). phylloerythrin accumulates because of the inability of the liver to remove it from the blood The chemistry of these compounds has been extensively reviewed by Kostova and Dinchev (2005). To further complicate the relationship of saponin to plant, there are considerable differences in the array of saponins and their concentrations among various geographical locations (Dinchev et al. 2008). Saponins have long been suspected as possible factors in the development of the liver lesions caused by Tribulus and other photosensitizing plants, and several have been identified, including those based on diosgenin (DeKock and Enslin 1958; Hsu et al. 1966; Kellerman et al. 1991; Miles et al. 1993). Tribulus typically contains a mixture of genins such as diosgenin, yamogenin, epismilagenin, tigogenin, neotigogenin, gitogenin, and neogitogenin (Miles et al. 1994a; Wu et al. 1996). The fruits are particularly rich sources of numerous steroidal saponins (Yan et al. 1996; Su et al. 2009a,b; Xu et al. 2010). Although gitogenin and neogitogenin are highest in concentration in some plants, diosgenin and yamogenin are the saponins of primary toxicologic interest. The disease has been reproduced using a crude saponin mixture extract from the genus (Kellerman et al. 1991; Miles et al. 1994b). As

with diseases caused by Narthecium and Panicum, the crystalloid biliary deposits produced by Tribulus have been identified as insoluble calcium salts of sapogenic glucuronides (Lancaster et al. 1991; Miles et al. 1991, 1992a,b, 1993, 1994b). In experimentally induced disease, calcium salts of the β-d-glucuronides of epismilagenin and episarsapogenin have been recovered from the bile of a sheep in a 6 : 1 mixture (Miles et al. 1994b). A proposed mechanism of intoxication is that saponins in the plant undergo hydrolysis in the digestive tract to form free sapogenins. Diosgenin and yamogenin are further reduced and epimerized to the more stable epismilagenin and episarsapogenin, also in the rumen (Miles et al. 1994a). The epimerized sapogenins are then glucuronidated in the liver, with subsequent precipitation as insoluble calcium salts at sites of high concentration such as bile or renal tubules (Miles et al. 1991,1994b). This results in occlusion of the bile ducts mechanically or via irritation of bile canalicular membranes (Coetzer et al. 1983). Only diosgenin and yamogenin are involved in the disease; other sapogenins in the crude plant extracts are not. However, it is not clear at present whether saponins alone are always responsible for the disease or whether in some instances additional toxicants are involved. In some studies, investigators have been unable to produce liver disease in lambs dosed daily intraruminally with 9 g of sarsapogenin or diosgenin (Flåøyen et al. 1993). However, either of these sapogenins were hepatotoxic when administered with a small amount of sporidesmin. In spite of this, the lesions in crystalloid-associated photosensitization are quite different from those induced by the mycotoxin sporidesmin (Coetzer et al. 1983). The association of toxicity solely with diosgenin and yamogenin is of considerable importance. As pointed out by Miles and coworkers (1994a), this could account for the lack of occurrence of disease in many areas where Tribulus is common. This diversity in occurrence has been noted in Australia and South Africa and seems to correlate with plants high in the lithogenic diosgenin and yamogenin in areas with disease and those with high levels of nonlithogenic tigogenin and neotigogenin in areas lacking disease (Miles et al. 1994a; Wilkins et al. 1994,1996). Although this variation has not been confirmed in North America, it may account in part for the relative lack of problems on this continent. The toxicant directly responsible for photosensitivity is the phytoporphyrin, phylloerythrin. It, along with other metabolites, is formed in the digestive tract during microbial degradation of chlorophyll and normally eliminated by the liver via the biliary system and in the urine (Ford and Gopinath 1974,1976). In the event of liver dysfunction due to either hepatocellular or biliary tract disease, phylloerythrin, sans the other metabolites, accumulates in the circulation in sufficient quantities (10 μg/dL in serum) to function as a photodynamic agent

Zygophyllaceae R.Br.

Figure 76.12.

Figure 76.11.

Chemical structure of phylloerythrin.

(Campbell et al. 2010). The toxicant appears to passively diffuse into cells to localize in the Golgi apparatus and mitochondria where light at wavelengths of 320–400 nm excites the porphyrin, resulting in the subsequent generation of highly reactive singlet oxygen from ground-state oxygen (Scheie et al. 2002; Tonnesen et al. 2010). In the absence of quenching agents (carotenoids in plants), singlet oxygen reacts at the site of its formation (in the capillaries of the skin penetrable by light) with amino acids, guanine, and lipids (Wondrak et al. 2006). The resulting lipid peroxidation is in large measure responsible for membrane disruption, cellular degradation, and tissue necrosis (Dodge and Knox 1986) (Figure 76.11). Phylloerythrin may not be alone in causing these effects as in some instances bilirubin levels more closely correlate with singlet oxygen generation (Tonnesen et al. 2010). For additional discussion of photosensitization, see Blaauboer and van Graft (1983), Johnson (1983), Rowe (1989), and Wondrak and coworkers (2006). Sunburn, which in some cases may appear similar, is caused by wavelengths of 290–320 nm, and its effects are seen soon after exposure. However, in both situations, the lesser pigmented areas are at greatest risk. neurotoxic, indole, β-carboline alkaloids; nigrostriatal disorder In Australia, T. terrestris has been shown to contain the β-carboline indole alkaloids harman and norharman, which are also found in Peganum (Bourke et al. 1992). However, the more toxic harmaline, responsible mainly for the toxic effects of Peganum, is not present in Tribulus (Allen and Holmstedt 1980) (Figure 76.12). Experimentally, these alkaloids and other closely related indoles have been shown to produce signs consistent with those of the naturally occurring neurologic disease (Bourke


Chemical structure of harman.

et al. 1990,1992). These alkaloids may accumulate in neurons and cause functional changes because of their ability to inhibit monoamine oxidase and possibly enhance either dopamine or serotonin activity (McGeer et al. 1978). The clinical signs in the presence of normal spinal reflex arcs have been interpreted as indicative of a primary nigrostriatal dopaminergic disorder. In affected animals, there was a moderate decrease in dopamine and 3,4dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in the striatum (Bourke 1987). It is hypothesized that there is malfunction of striatal presynaptic receptors, with slowly developing, progressive upper motor inhibition of the lower motor γ-neurons of pelvic limb extensor muscle spindles. Thus, there is a slowly developing limb weakness and a disease very similar to that caused by Kallstroemia and Peganum (see Chapter 50). Tribulus may also have hormonal effects as extracts administered orally to rats and rabbits for 8 weeks and i.v. to primates once, which resulted in marked elevations of blood testosterone and/or dihydrotestosterone (Gauthaman and Ganesan 2008).

photosensitization: depression, loss of appetite; skin lesions in less pigmented areas, reddened, swollen, cracked, necrotic

Clinical Signs—In the early stages of Tribulus-induced liver disease, depression, reduced appetite, and reddening and swelling of less pigmented areas of the skin are prominent. In sheep, the ears, lips, eyelids, and face around the nose are most affected. Icterus, or yellowing of the mucous membranes, is variable. The skin over the affected areas becomes covered with serous exudate and then cracked, culminating in necrosis and sloughing of large patches. There may be obvious loss of body weight and reddening of the sclera and cornea, resulting in temporary vision problems, including increased sensitivity to light. In sheep that have recovered, the ears may be absent, and occasionally, the eyes may be obliterated because of the severe swelling and sloughing of and around them. Phylloerythrin may be determined in sera using spectrophotometric methodology with an excitation peak at 418–425 mμ and emission peak at 643–650 mμ depending


Toxic Plants of North America

on the solvent system (Scheie et al. 2003; Campbell et al. 2010). Photosensitization has been associated with phylloerythrin concentrations greater than 0.3 up to 4.9 μmol/L in intoxications due to other plant genera. neurologic: gradual onset, weakness, pelvic limbs, ataxia, fetlocks of the pelvic limbs knuckle over, walk with great difficulty The neurologic disease is a slowly progressive, irreversible, weakness of the pelvic limbs. Initially, there is ataxia with an awkward walk, and then after a few weeks, the fetlock joints of the pelvic limbs begin to knuckle over and the hock joints are kept flexed. Gradually, the effects on the pelvic limbs become more severe, and affected animals begin to walk at almost a squat or with a dragging of the limbs while moving on a diagonal. The thoracic limbs may become so weak that the animal goes down in permanent recumbency. Reflex arcs are not diminished. photosensitization: gross pathology, tissues dark colored, liver yellowish brown, bile duct walls thickened; microscopic: hepatic necrosis, portal fibrosis, bile duct proliferation, crystals or clefts in bile ducts

Pathology—Grossly, with photosensitization, the tissues are often icteric, and the liver and kidneys somewhat swollen. The liver is yellowish brown, with edema and thickening of the bile duct walls. A chalky white sediment may be discernible in the bile. The kidneys are mottled brown. Microscopically, there is necrosis of some hepatocytes and moderate portal fibrosis and bile duct proliferation. The most noteworthy change is the presence of polarizing crystals or needle-shaped to lenticular clefts in and around the bile ducts, hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, and renal tubules. Crystalloid material will be present in the bile and may occlude the lumens of some ducts. Moderate peribiliary edema may be present around the affected bile ducts. The renal tubular crystals may be accompanied by tubular nephrosis. neurologic microscopic: segmental demyelination of the peripheral nerves In the case of neurologic disease caused by Tribulus, there are mild to moderate changes in the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. There may be mild segmental demyelination of larger peripheral nerves. Mild to moderate Wallerian degeneration is seen at all levels of the cord, especially in the lumbar white matter.

supportive nursing care

Treatment—In the case of photosensitization, treatment is limited to supportive care. Although it is often not feasible, animals may be protected from sunlight by moving them to shaded areas or indoors. Because the disease is associated with a metabolic product of chlorophyll, it seems appropriate to reduce the load of green plant material in the diet. There may be some cases where even a small reduction of phylloerythrin overload is of some benefit, but it may not always be efficacious, given that skin effects are reported to persist even when the animals are being fed only concentrate rations (Clare 1955).

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Chapter Seventy-Seven

Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance AIZOACEAE MARTINOV Commonly known as the fig marigold family, the Aizoaceae comprises 130–157 genera and about 2500 species, some of which are popular garden plants, for example, Mesembryanthemum (ice plant) and Lampranthus (Hartmann 1993; Vivrette et al. 2003). The family’s primary centers of diversity are South Africa and Australia, and it is known for its ornamentals and botanical curiosities (Lithops or stone plants). oxalate accumulation; primarily soluble sodium salts; highest levels when plants mature and dry

Disease caused by oxalates is of abrupt onset, with muscle twitching, recumbency, and coma. Terminally, there may be bloat. Serum chemistry changes include a decline in calcium and an increase in magnesium. Grossly, there is edema and congestion of the lungs, pale and swollen kidneys, increased fluid in the pericardial sac, hemorrhages on the surfaces of the heart, and reddening of the mucosa of the rumen. Microscopically, the renal tubules will be filled with proteinaceous casts and oxalate crystals, and the epithelium flattened and necrotic. Oxalate crystals may also be present in the walls of microvessels in the submucosa of the rumen. treat with parenteral calcium solutions

Members of the Aizoaceae are known for their propensity to accumulate oxalate salts; 4 genera in North America— Galenia, Mesembryanthemum, Tetragonia, Trianthema— have the potential to cause toxicity problems. They have not as yet been implicated, but some have caused disease elsewhere. The lack of problems in North America may be due in part to their limited availability to livestock. These 4 genera have been reported to contain significant and hazardous concentrations of oxalates, up to 10–12% soluble and 15% total (Mathams and Sutherland 1952; Williams 1979; Jacob and Peet 1989; Jacob et al. 1994). The pH of the cell sap of M. nodiflorum L. is about 6 (Jacob et al. 1994). This suggests the presence of soluble sodium oxalate salts such as those found in the taxa of the Chenopodiaceae (Oke 1969). Thus, as happens in cases of Halogeton intoxication, onset of disease may be rapid, and the animal may be less likely to respond to calcium therapy. The concentrations of oxalates increase with plant maturity, being highest when the plants become senescent and dry. Animals newly introduced into an area containing members of the Aizoaceae are at highest risk (Figure 77.1). abrupt onset, muscle twitching, collapse, coma; kidneys edematous; renal tubules dilated with casts and crystals, epithelium flattened

Prompt administration of parenteral calcium solutions will generally produce temporary relief of the signs of oxalate intoxication. Animals may become ambulatory within a few hours, but the treatment is not curative and relapses can be expected. Some animals may also eventually die of renal failure. It is of special interest that the South African genus Sceletium, not present in North America, contains alkaloids that are similar in structure to the phenanthridine alkaloids of the Liliaceae (Chapter 46) and produce neurologic effects. Sceletium or mesembrine alkaloids constitute a complex mixture that is the basis for “kougoed,” a fermented product used extensively for millennia by the Khoisan peoples of South Africa (Gericke and Viljoen 2008; Stafford et al. 2008). This product extracted mainly from S. tortuosum is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, which when chewed produces a feeling of relaxation and euphoria but is not hallucinogenic (Smith et al. 1996, 1998). The methods of preparation of the product apparently reduce the levels and possible adverse effects of oxalates in the plant. While the mesembrine alkaloids are present in several genera of limited distribution in North America, the levels appear to be too low for any adverse effects, with the possible exception of Aptenia cordifolia,

Toxic Plants of North America, Second Edition. George E. Burrows and Ronald J. Tyrl. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance

Figure 77.1.

Chemical structure of oxalic acid and its salts.

heart-leaf iceplant (Smith et al. 1998). The Sceletium alkaloids are of continuing research interest for their biological effects (Jin 2009).

Galenia L. Comprising about 27 species, Galenia is an African genus with greatest diversity in South Africa (Hartmann 1993). In North America, 2 species have been introduced: G. pubescens (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Druce and G. secunda (L.f.) Sond. (Vivrette 2003a). These prostrate or decumbent herbs form dense stands 3 m or more in diameter. Their leaves are simple, alternate, entire, and somewhat fleshy. Lacking petals, the flowers are white to pink or yellow. Introduced into California from South Africa as a ground cover and for control of roadside erosion, Galenia was also considered a candidate for use as a fire retardant on hillsides because it is an evergreen perennial, grows well in the winter in areas with mild climates, and is drought and salt tolerant (Kleinkopf et al. 1976). A good assimilator of soil nitrogen, it develops leaf protein levels of 15– 18%. Its use as a ground cover was discontinued after it was discovered to be a potential intoxication risk. also nitrate accumulation Although G. pubescens has many desirable traits as a ground cover, it may be toxic under some circumstances. Experimentally, sheep given 900–1100 g/day of plant material died 4–6 hours after dosing or on the next day (Williams 1979). A related species in South Africa, G. africana L., when eaten by sheep for several weeks in times of drought, is associated with eventual cardiac failure (van der Lugt et al. 1988). Experimentally, plants of G. pubescens grown in the field contained 2.55%


KNO3, whereas those grown in nutrient solution had 6%, in addition to significant amounts of oxalates (Williams 1979). Oxalate concentrations were high in leaves and low in stems; in contrast, nitrate levels were the reverse. Toxicity seems to be ascribable to both compounds because both methemoglobinemia and oxalate crystalluria were apparent in sheep dosed with the plant (Williams 1979). In chicks fed the plant, MHb levels in the blood were as much as 37% of the total hemoglobin, and serum calcium was down to 5.1 mg/dL. Organic nitrotoxins or cyanogenic compounds were not detected. There is rapid onset of distress and weakness, with death occurring in a few hours. Blood may be dark, MHb levels will be elevated markedly, serum calcium will be low, and magnesium may be elevated. Grossly, the tissues are dark colored, and there is excess fluid in the body cavities. Microscopically, there may be pulmonary congestion and edema, as well as renal lesions typical of oxalate intoxication. Prompt administration of parenteral calcium solutions will produce temporary relief of the signs of oxalate intoxication. Nitrate intoxication should be treated with methylene blue, 2–4 mg/kg b.w. i.v.

Mesembryanthemum L. Originally circumscribed to encompass some 2000 species, Mesembryanthemum has been divided into a number of smaller genera on the basis of taxonomic studies and now comprises 25, 30, 74, or 101 species depending on the taxonomic interpretation (Hartmann 1993; Vivrette 2003b; Culham 2007g; Mabberley 2008). Native to western and southern Africa, numerous species have been transported throughout the world as ornamentals, the most familiar being the ice plant. In North America, 2 species, M. crystallinum L. (crystalline ice plant, sea fig, or molina) and M. nodiflorum L. (slender-leafed ice plant), have escaped from cultivation and naturalized along the southwestern and northeastern coast (Vivrette 2003b). Annuals or biennials, plants of Mesembryanthemum have prostrate to ascending stems, and their alternate or opposite leaves are flat or terete, turning reddish as they mature or when stressed. The small, white flowers have numerous free linear petals. As do other members of the Aizoaceae, plants of Mesembryanthemum accumulate oxalates. They have caused acute intoxication of sheep in Australia (Jacob and Peet 1989).

Tetragonia L. Comprising approximately 60 species distributed primarily in the Southern Hemisphere, Tetragonia is represented in North America by a single introduced species: T. tetragonioides (Pall.) Kuntze (= T. expansa Murr), commonly


Toxic Plants of North America

known as New Zealand spinach (Vivrette 2003c). It is eaten as a vegetable. This annual has spreading, prostrate stems that bear foliage with small crystalline papillae. The alternate leaves have winged petioles. The small flowers lack petals. Cultivated as a perennial in warmer regions or as an annual elsewhere, T. tetragonioides has escaped and naturalized in areas with mild winters. Like other members of the family, T. tetragonioides is an oxalate accumulator, and intoxication problems have been reported in Australia (Mathams and Sutherland 1952). In North America, no cases of poisoning have been reported, perhaps because of its very low palatability. Levels of oxalates are highest in the early stages of growth, decreasing as plants mature. Sheep can be induced to eat only older growth.

Trianthema L. Comprising approximately 20 species distributed primarily in the tropics and subtropics, and especially Australia, Trianthema is represented in North America by a single native species: T. portulacastrum L. (horse purslane or verdolaga blanca) (Ferren 2003). Like other members of the family, this annual has prostrate or decumbent stems. The opposite leaves are in unequal pairs, with their petioles sheathing the stems. The pink to rose-purple, inconspicuous flowers are sessile in the leaf axils. Trianthema portulacastrum is a widespread tropical weed distributed both in the Old and New World. In North America, it occurs in sandy sites across the southern edge of the continent from coast to coast. nitrate accumulation also possible As do other members of the family, species of Trianthema accumulate oxalates. Leaves of T. portulacastrum contain hazardous concentrations of oxalic acid (Bharadwaj and Chandra 1987). In India, the species (reported as T. monogyna L.) was found to contain up to 9.2% total oxalates and 2530 ppm NO3-N in the stems and caused renal failure when fed to goats for a week or more (Gupta et al. 1983).

ARECACEAE SCHULTZ SCH. Commonly known as the palm family, the Arecaceae comprises about 190 genera and 2000 species of tall, slender trees or stout shrubs with unbranched stems bearing evergreen leaves crowded in terminal clusters. Nearly all are restricted to tropical or warm-tropical regions (Dransfield and Uhl 1998). An alternative family name used primarily by European taxonomists is Palmae. Of considerable economic importance, the family includes the coconut, date,

sugar, and betel-nut palms, as well as those commonly planted as ornamentals, such as royal, fishtail, and queen palms (Seberg 2007a). In North America, approximately 19 genera and 29 species are present (Zona 2000). One genus has the potential to cause toxicologic problems.

Caryota L. Native to tropical Asia and Australia, Caryota (fishtail palm) comprises 12 species, of which 3—C. mitis Lour. (tufted or clustered fishtail palm), C. ochlandra Hance (Canton fishtail palm), and C. urens L. (wine or sago palm)—are frequently cultivated for their feathery foliage (Dransfield and Uhl 1998). Their solitary or clustered stems are partially covered by persistent, fibrous sheaths of previously present leaves, which are typically 2-pinnately compound with obdeltoid to triangular, irregularly toothed leaflets that give the genus its characteristic appearance, as indicated by its vernacular name. Very frost sensitive, these ornamentals are planted as specimen plantings in Mexico, southern Florida, and California or as tub plants elsewhere. Both C. mitis and C. urens have naturalized in Florida (Zona 2000). fruits; contact irritation; calcium oxalate raphides; burning sensation in the lips and tongue; itching of the skin The mature fruits of Caryota cause contact irritation because of the presence of calcium oxalate raphides made up of monohydrate crystals approximately 250–400 μm long and 6–9 μm in diameter (Allen 1943; Snyder et al. 1979). In contrast to the raphides of the Araceae (arum family), electron microscopy reveals no evidence of barbs or grooves on these crystals. The irritant effects appear to be due solely to mechanical action, given that washing the crystals or treating them with enzyme inhibitors failed to change the irritant response, whereas mechanical disruption of the crystals prevented the response (Snyder et al. 1979). Depending on the site of contact, there is an intense burning sensation of the mouth, lips, and tongue or itching of the skin with redness and swelling of a few hours’ duration. Problems can be avoided or reduced by washing the fruits vigorously to remove the crystals.

BALSAMINACEAE A.RICH. Native to both the Old and New World, Balsaminaceae (balsam or touch-me-not family) comprises 2 genera and about 1000 species of subsucculent annual or perennial herbs or rarely subshrubs bearing conspicuously bilaterally symmetrical flowers (Culham 2007a). Typically, 1 of the 3

Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance

sepals is petaloid and long spurred. Of minor economic importance, plants of the family are cultivated as garden ornamentals or houseplants. In North America, only 1 genus that may cause toxicologic problems is present.

Impatiens L. The largest genus of the family, with 900–1000 species, Impatiens is commonly known as touch-me-not because of the explosive dehiscence of its capsules Culham 2007a; Mabberley 2008). In North America, 10 native and introduced species are present, including I. balsamina L. (garden balsam, or lady’s slipper), I. capensis Meerb. (jewelweed, or orange touch-me-not), and I. pallida Nutt. (pale or yellow touch-me-not) (USDA, NRCS 2012). Plants of these species are annual herbs with a mucilaginous sap, hollow internodes, and swollen nodes. The stems bear simple, alternate or rarely opposite leaves and axillary, scorpioid cymes of 1–4 chasmogamous or cleistogamous flowers with perianths in 2-series. Bilaterally symmetrical, the calyces consist of 3 sepals of 2 forms. The lateral 2 are small, whereas the middle or lower is petaloid, large, recurved, free, spurred, and yellow or orange or white, often with red or reddish brown markings. The corollas are likewise bilaterally symmetrical, with 5 petals appearing to be 3 because of fusion, and of 2 forms, 1 free and 4 fused in 2 pairs, each pair resembling a single bilobed petal. Moist soils of woods or meadows, often adjacent to water, are typical habitats.

may cause irritation of the digestive tract; naphthoquinone present

Although crushed leaves and stems of several species of Impatiens are reputed to help prevent a reaction to poison ivy and to promote healing of minor burns, they, and the flowers, contain the naphthoquinone lawsone (naphthalenic acid), the yellow pigment of the dye henna. It is chemically very similar to jugalone and may cause mild to moderate irritation of the digestive tract (Thomson 1971) (Figure 77.2).

Figure 77.2.

Chemical structure of lawsone.


BEGONIACEAE C.AGARDH Comprising 2 genera and about 1400 species, the Begoniaceae, or begonia family, is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of both the Old and New World primarily in moist understory habitats of forests (Brummitt 2007b; Mabberley 2008). Although shrubs and lianas occur, plants of the family are typically semisucculent, monoecious herbs with alternate, stipulate, asymmetrical leaves that bear imperfect flowers with radial or bilateral uniseriate petaloid perianths and 4 stamens. Monotypic Hillebrandia is believed to be a palaeoendemic genus in Hawaii (Clement et al. 2004). In contrast, the widely cultivated Begonia, prized as an ornamental with an estimated 10,000 cultivars, comprises about 1400 species (Brummitt 2007b). A few toxicologic problems have been reported for the genus; the most common being oral irritation and less often throat irritation and vomiting (Mrvos et al. 2001).

BIGNONIACEAE JUSS. Widespread, but with greatest diversity in tropical America, the Bignoniaceae, the trumpet creeper or catalpa family, comprises 104 genera and about 860 species of trees and woody vines distributed primarily in the tropics and subtropics, especially the Neotropics (Fischer et al. 2004). Its members characteristically produce large, showy flowers, and several of its species are prized as ornamentals. Familiar street trees in tropical cities are African tulip tree, jacaranda, calabash, and empress tree. In temperate cities, both catalpa and trumpet creeper are often encountered (Brummitt 2007c). In North America, 13 genera and 16 species, both native and introduced (mostly Florida), are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Plants of 3 genera are of questionable toxicity.

Bignonia L. Although originally circumscribed to include numerous species, Bignonia, commonly known as cross vine or quarter vine, is now considered to have only 1 species, B. capreolata L. (= Anisostichus capreolatus [L.] Bureau) (Fischer et al. 2004). The other taxa formerly in this genus are placed in other genera. It is an evergreen, perennial woody climber with stems up to 20 m long, bearing opposite, pinnately compound leaves with 1 pair of leaflets and a 3-branched tendril with adhesive disks at the branch ends. Borne in axillary cymes, the large, campanulate to funnelform flowers are deep orange to reddish. As is characteristic of the family, the slender capsules are elongate. Native to moist woods of the southeastern quarter of North America, B. capreolata was long thought to be toxic, but there are no authenticated cases or reports (Pammel 1911).


Toxic Plants of North America

Campsis Lour. Comprising 2 species native to eastern North America and eastern Asia, Campsis is commonly known as trumpet creeper, trumpet vine, cow-itch vine, and trumpet honeysuckle, and is widely grown for its dense, dark green foliage and showy flowers (Fischer et al. 2004). Native to moist woods in the eastern half of the continent is C. radicans Lour., which may be an aggressive weed in fencerows and along roadsides. It is cultivated elsewhere around the world. Synonyms appearing in the older literature are Tecoma radicans (L.) Juss. and Bignonia radicans L. Plants of the species are woody vines that climb either by trailing or by aerial rootlets along the stems. The opposite, pinnately compound leaves, with 5–13, lanceolate to ovate leaflets, are serrate and acuminate. Large, orange red, and showy, the flowers are borne in clusters at the ends of the branches from midsummer until fall. The long, spindleshaped capsules bear numerous winged seeds. risk unknown, possible dermatitis As with Bignonia and other members of the family, there are suspicions of Campsis toxicity but a lack of actual reports (Pammel 1911). It is doubtful that toxicity is an important feature for this species, because it is cultivated as an ornamental throughout the world and there are no reports of problems other than a minor problem of dermatitis in some individuals who come in contact with the leaves and flowers (O’Leary 1964; Morton 1982).

toxic, with purgative and possibly abortifacient actions (Blohm 1962). There are few reports of serious problems.

BUXACEAE DUMORT. Widely distributed in both temperate and tropical regions of the Old and New World, the Buxaceae, or boxwood family, comprises 4 or 5 genera and about 130 species of evergreen shrubs or trees (Heywood 2007a). Several taxa are cultivated as ornamentals, and the hard, fine-grained wood of some species is valuable and used for drafting tools, musical instruments, pipes, inlay, and furniture. In North America, 2 genera and 3 species are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). Members of 1 genus have been associated with intoxication problems.

Buxus L. Prized as hedging and as specimen plantings for its dense growth and attractive foliage, Buxus, commonly known as boxwood or box, comprises about 30 species and numerous cultivars (Mabberley 2008). Buxus sempervirens L. (English or common boxwood) was one of the first plants brought to the American colonies. Other commonly encountered species are B. harlandii Hance (Korean boxwood) and B. microphylla Siebold & Zucc. (Japanese boxwood). Plants of the genus are profusely branched evergreen shrubs or trees bearing opposite, short-petiolate or sessile, coriaceous, simple leaves. The tiny, apetalous, imperfect flowers are borne in axillary or terminal, racemose to capitate clusters. Globose to ovoid, the 3-horned, coriaceous capsules contain glossy black seeds.

Crescentia L. Its name honoring the thirteenth-century Italian agricultural writer Pietro de Crescenzi, Crescentia comprises 6 species native to tropical America, especially the West Indies, of which C. cujete L. (calabash tree, cujete, or camasa) yields the calabash, which is used as a water gourd (Quattrocchi 2000; Fischer et al. 2004). Plants of the species are trees 6–12 m tall, with large, horizontally spreading branches bearing clusters of simple, oblanceolate leaves. The solitary, pendulous, yellowish purple flowers are tubular and produce a nearly globose, smooth, many-seeded berry, 45–55 cm in diameter and with a hard rind. fruit pulp; possible digestive and abortifacient effects The fruits have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes and are considered to be edible (Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Under some circumstances and for some animals, their pulp is considered to be slightly

digestive disturbance; irritant steroid alkaloids

Boxwood has long been employed for a variety of medicinal uses (Cordell 1981). Ingestion of large amounts of its foliage or bark is an uncommon cause of serious digestive tract disease in livestock but is suspected of causing death in some instances (Harshberger 1920; West and Emmel 1952; van Soest et al. 1965; Camy et al. 1986). Livestock affected include cattle, horses, and pigs. The foliage contains numerous alkaloids, as well as glycosides and flavonoids (Atta-Ur-Rahman et al. 1989, 1991). A dozen or more steroid or triterpenoid alkaloids, many with amino functions, have been isolated from B. microphylla, and two dozen from B. sempervirens (Cerny and Sorm 1967; Tomko and Voticky 1973; Devkota et al. 2008). Examples include buxidine, cyclobuxines, cyclobuxamines, and cyclobuxidines. Numerous biological effects have been ascribed to the various species but perhaps the most significant is inhibition of acetyl and

Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance

Figure 77.3.

Chemical structure of cyclobuxamine A.

butylcholinesterase, the significance of which is not clear (Devkota et al. 2008) (Figure 77.3). diarrhea, colic, excess salivation, reddened gut mucosa; treat with activated charcoal, fluids, electrolytes Within a few hours of ingestion, the bitter alkaloids cause profuse diarrhea with tenesmus, severe colic, excess salivation, dehydration, and apparent thirst. There may also be systemic signs such as tremors, seizures, and respiratory difficulty. In the rare fatality, there will be severe inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach and small intestine. Treatment involves rehydration with fluids and electrolytes, and this can be augmented with activated charcoal to absorb any toxins remaining in the digestive tract.

CACTACEAE JUSS. Essentially a New World family of 100–130 genera and 1400–2000 species, the Cactaceae, or cactus family, is an economically important family because of the horticultural value of its many species (Barthlott and Hunt 1993; Parfitt and Gibson 2003; Culham 2007b). Plants of the family are characterized as succulent perennials ranging from small herbs to relatively large trees with their leaves generally reduced or absent or modified into spines. Of the 34 genera and 189 species in North America (Parfitt and Gibson 2003), intoxication problems have been reported for only 1 genus.

Opuntia Mill. Known as prickly pear or cactus apple, Opuntia can be found across the continent except for the extreme North and Northeast, but as expected are most common and abundant in deserts of the West and Southwest (Pinkava 2003). Distributions maps of the 34 species present can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Flora of North America (


As described by Pinkava (2003), Opuntia is readily recognized by its jointed stems with their flattened joints (pads) and its aeroles bearing both spines and glochids. The showy, solitary, sessile, perfect flowers have numerous, spirally arranged tepals and stamens, and give rise to berries which may be juicy or dry and leathery. The inner tepals may be yellow to orange, pink, red, or magenta. The pads and fruits have long been a food source for humans and wildlife in many parts of the world and are eaten by cattle in south Texas as part of the normal diet, mainly in winter when other forages are limited (Everitt et al. 1981). Species of Opuntia have been used as livestock feed, especially in the desert regions, and considerable work has been conducted to confirm their nutritional value in sheep, goats, and cattle, including lactating cattle (Shoop et al. 1977; Hanselka and Paschal 1990; Sirohi et al. 1997; McMillan et al. 2002; da Silva et al. 2007; Vilela et al. 2010). The presence of the spines has been a drawback, and either spineless varieties are used as feed or the spines are removed via burning with torches to allow animals to feed on plants directly, or mechanically removed following harvesting of the entire plants (Dollahite 1978; Mueller and Forwood 1994; Mueller et al. 1994). The pads are palatable and nutritious and can be fed as is or mixed with a ration. However, protein and phosphorus supplementation is needed to offset low levels in the plants. severe stomatitis; possible phytobezoar formation Ingestion of the spiny plants in the field by livestock may result in severe stomatitis with consequent reduction in feed intake and/or with development of phosphorus deficiency when there is undue reliance on the plants to sustain animals for prolonged periods (Dollahite 1978). Although unusual, there is also the possible development of gastrointestinal impaction due to formation of phytobezoars from seeds of the fruits (Afonso et al. 2008). In a number of such instances in cattle, the main clinical signs were decreased appetite, colic, ruminal and intestinal hypomotility, dehydration, and increased heart rate. Similar fecal impaction with rectal phytobezoar formation from prickly pear fruit seeds has also been reported in humans in Israel (Eitan et al. 2006). Methanolic extracts of a Middle Eastern Opuntia species or its glycoside, opuntioside I, given to rats produced a marked reduction in arterial blood pressure but no other adverse effects except hepatic degeneration with quite high dosage (Saleem et al. 2005).

CAPPARACEAE See the treatment of Cleomaceae, in this chapter.


Toxic Plants of North America

CISTACEAE JUSS. Occurring primarily in temperate and warm-temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere with centers of diversity in the Mediterranean and eastern North America, the Cistaceae, or rockrose family, comprises 8 genera and about 180 species of herbs and shrubs, several of which have been widely cultivated for their showy flowers (Arrington and Kubitzki 2003; Heywood 2007b). Intoxication problems have been reported for the genera Cistus and Halimium in other areas of the world, mainly the Mediterranean regions and South America.

Cistus L. Native to northern Africa and Eurasia and comprising approximately 17 species, Cistus, commonly known as rockrose, is represented by several introduced species including 4 that have naturalized in California (Arrington and Kubitzki 2003; USDA, NRCS 2012). Compact, often aromatic, evergreen or semi-evergreen shrubs or shrublets with opposite simple leaves and showy flowers borne solitary or in cymes, they are quite popular as ornamentals for their foliage and/or their long flowering times (Huxley and Griffiths 1992).

urinary and nervous systems affected; low risk in North America

et al. 2004). These signs are similar to those produced by the related Halimium described below. There were also lipofuscin-like yellowish-brown granular pigments in the large neurons of the medulla and gray matter of the spinal cord but no apparent degeneration. Animals eventually recover. Interestingly in another report, allergic contact dermatitis has been reported in 2 individuals following repeated exposure to C. creticus and C. ladanifer (English and Cronin 1988; Garcia-Gonzalez et al. 2001). The toxins have not been identified, but tannins are well represented in Cistus (Gibbs 1974; Yeruham and Schlosberg 2004). Reports of problems in North America have not appeared, and the lack of animal access to plants of the genus renders the risk low.

Halimium (Dunal) Spach Also a genus of Eurasia and northern Africa, Halimium, commonly known as sun rose, frost rose, or rush rose, comprises about 9 species and is represented in North America by several introduced ornamentals grown primarily in the warmer regions of North America such as California, Texas, and other Gulf Coast states. A single species, H. lasianthum (Lam.) Spach, commonly known as Lisbon false sun rose, has naturalized in California (USDA, NRCS 2012). Plants of the genus are similar in appearance to those of Cistus but have their flowers borne in racemes or umbellate cymes (Huxley and Griffiths 1992). neurologic disease; not reported in North America

Cistus ladanifer L., crimson-spot rockrose or gum cistus, and C. salvifolius, sageleaf rockrose or salvia cistus, have been associated with disease problems in livestock in the Mediterranean region. The clinical signs are mainly associated with the urinary and nervous systems. Experimentally in mice, dyspnea, prostration, and convulsive seizures have been associated with administration of extracts of several species (Capo Marti and de Vincente Ruiz 1984; Capo Marti et al. 1987; de Lucas Burneo et al. 1987; de Vincente Ruiz et al. 1989). In one study, a piperidine/ hydantoin derivative appeared to be preventive of the neurologic signs (de Lucas Burneo et al. 1987). In cattle, anorexia, depression, and wasting developed in animals consuming large amounts of C. salvifolius. The signs were accompanied by severe cystitis, pyelonephritis, and a thickened and edematous urinary bladder (Yeruham et al. 2002; Lima et al. 2003). In one instance, there was also photophobia with bilateral keratitis and corneal opacity. Recovery was quite slow with a 40%+ case fatality rate. In sheep, a disease suspected to be caused by consumption of Cistus for several weeks appeared to be mainly neurologic with episodes of tremor lasting 2–3 minutes followed by hypersensitivity resulting in seizures (Ligios

Although disease problems caused by Halimium have not been reported in North America, a neurologic disease in sheep over 3 years of age grazing H. brasiliense during the late summer and early fall on a number of farms in Brazil and Uruguay has been described (Riet-Correa et al. 2009). The disease, characterized by transient seizures stimulated by disturbing the animals, is associated with long-term grazing or experimentally feeding for 30–100+ days. Although there were distinct pathologic changes of a toxic axonopathy and the presence of a ceroid pigment, most sheep recovered when removed from the pastures.

CLEOMACEAE BERCHT. & J.PRESL. Phylogenetically closely related to the Brassicaceae and Capparaceae, the Cleomaceae or spiderflower family, is distributed primarily in the tropics and warm-temperate regions, with greatest diversity in the Americas (Seberg 2007b). It comprises 11–17 genera and 150–700 species of herbs, and shrubs of which 12 genera and 34 species occur in North America (Seberg 2007b; Tucker and Vanderpool 2010). The family was traditionally treated as a

Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance

subfamily of the Capparaceae, or caper family (Cronquist 1981; Kers 2003); however, molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that although the two taxa are in the same evolutionary clade and sister to each other, each is monophyletic and can be recognized as distinct families (Hall et al. 2002). Bremer and coworkers (2009) submerged both the Cleomaceae and Capparaceae in the Brassicaceae, or mustard family, a classification that has been rejected by Seberg (2007b), Tucker (2010a), Tucker and Vanderpool (2010), and Al-Shehbaz (2010). Of minor economic significance, the Cleomaceae contains a few species that are grown as ornamentals. Gynandropsis gynandra (reported as Cleome gynandra), an Asian species, is cultivated as a leafy potherb because of its high mineral and vitamin content (Seberg 2007b), and seeds of Arivela viscosa (reported as Cleome viscosa) are eaten in India because of the high oil content and used medicinally to treat a variety of ailments (Manandhar 2002; Mali 2010). The members of 2 genera, previously positioned in the Capparaceae, pose potential toxicity problems.

Cleome L. The genus Cleome has long been circumscribed to include about 250 species in the tropical and warm-temperate regions of both the Old and New World (Kers 2003; Seberg 2007b). However, in the present treatment of the genus in the Flora of North America (FNA) by Tucker and Vanderpool (2010) and Tucker (2010b), Cleome is considered to be strictly an Old World genus with its center of diversity in southwest Asia and thus represented in North America by only 2 introduced species. North America species formerly included in the genus are now placed in the genera Arivela, Cleoserrata, Gynandropsis, Hemiscola, Peritoma, and Tarenaya. possible nitrate, selenium accumulation Species of the broadly circumscribed Cleome are commonly listed among plants that accumulate nitrate and selenium (Tucker et al. 1961; Kingsbury 1964), but it is doubtful that actual problems are caused by the presence of either of these in the genus or its segregates. Cleome serrulata was an important food plant for western tribes of Native Americans. Its seeds were used to make a meal, and the foliage was used as a potherb but required several changes of the cooking water to eliminate the plant’s unpleasant odor (Harrington 1967). The species was so highly regarded that it was immortalized in a song by the Hopi and the Tewa (Ebeling 1986). Both P. lutea and P. serrulata were utilized as sources of dyes. Cleome viscosa (now Arivela viscosa), an introduced species occurring at scattered locations in the southeastern


United States, has been shown to have a wide variety of beneficial/medicinal effects (Mali 2010).

Wislizenia Engelm. Comprising 3 species occurring in the southwestern corner of the continent, Wislizenia, commonly known as jackass clover, occurs in desert washes, alkaline flats, and fields and along roadsides (Tucker 2010c). Rather foulsmelling, plants of this genus are glabrous to puberulent annual herbs or perennials subshrubs or shrubs with profusely branched stems to 2.4 m tall. The alternate compound leaves, resembling those of clover, typically have 3 leaflets. The small, yellow flowers are borne in dense, terminal racemes. The exserted stamens are also yellow. Borne on geniculate pedicels, the schizocarps are conspicuously 2-lobed. potherb; risk unknown Exhibiting the greatest distributional range of the three species, Wislizenia refracta Engelm. was used as a potherb in a manner similar to Cleome, and a meal was made from the ground seed (Ebeling 1986). It is also valued as a source of good honey. However, the foliage is thought to be lethal at less than 1% of body weight, but plants are quite unpalatable (Kingsbury 1964; Fuller and McClintock 1986). Actual case reports are lacking.

COMMELINACEAE R.BR. Widespread in tropical and warm-temperate regions of the world, the Commelinaceae, or spiderwort family, comprises 40 genera and about 630 species, some of which are cultivated as garden ornamentals or houseplants, such as wandering Jew, boat-lily, spiderwort, and dayflower (Fadden 2000; Seberg 2007c). Others are somewhat weedy and thrive in disturbed sites. Taxa of the family are typically semisucculent, mucilaginous perennials or annuals that are acaulescent or caulescent, with jointed stems and alternate, simple leaves that are somewhat dilated at their bases into inflated sheaths. Borne in terminal or axillary cymes and subtended by a spathe, their showy, ephemeral, radially or bilaterally symmetrical flowers are 3-merous, with differentiated sepals and petals. The superior ovary gives rise to a capsule. Some members of the family are used medicinally or eaten. For example, stem and leaf extracts of African and Asian species are used as a laxative or as a treatment for the inflammation of the eyes (Seberg 2007c); Native Americans also made extensive medicinal use of the family to treat a variety of ailments in addition to eating the rhizomes and young shoots (Moerman 1998). In North


Toxic Plants of North America

America, approximately 13 genera and 58 species, native and introduced, are present. Two species of 1 genus may cause problems.

Tradescantia L. Honoring John Tradescant, a seventeenth-century English naturalist and gardener, Tradescantia (spiderwort) comprises 70 New World species of which 30 occur in North America (Fadden 2000). It differs from other members of the family by having umbellate cymes subtended by paired foliaceous bracts, radially symmetrical flowers, and 6 fertile stamens with villous filaments. Flower color varies from white to pink or blue or purple. With some brought into cultivation as garden ornamentals, species of the genus naturally occur in the eastern half of the continent in prairie and forest habitats. A few are weedy and are present in highway and railroad rights-of-way. The 2 species implicated in problems are T. pallida (Rose) D.R.Hunt (purple queen or purple heart), which is native to eastern Mexico, and T. spathacea Sw. (boat-lily, oysterplant, or Moses-in-his-cradle), native to Central America. The latter has been called Rhoeo spathacea (Sw.) Stearn and R. discolor (L’Her.) Hance ex Walp. by some taxonomists (Fadden 2000).

contact irritation; stinging or burning of the skin, eyes, or mouth; toxin unknown

Sap from foliage of these taxa has been used medicinally for astringent effects, for example, to promote clotting of the blood, but it may also cause contact irritation consisting of a stinging or burning sensation of the skin, eyes, and mouth (Morton 1982). The skin becomes reddened temporarily, and there may be some transient respiratory difficulty. The sclera of the eye may become inflamed and if plant material is eaten, the mouth, lips, and tongue may be reddened and swollen. There will also be excess salivation. The toxicant is unknown.

CORNACEAE DUMORT. Distributed primarily in north temperate regions, the Cornaceae, or dogwood family, comprises 7 genera and about 110 species of evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs (Kubitzki 2004; Brummitt 2007d). Only a few species are perennial herbs from woody rhizomes. In addition to its woody habit, the family is characterized by small, 4- or 5-merous flowers that are subtended by large, showy bracts in some taxa. The 2-carpellate pistils have inferior ovaries and give rise to drupes. Possible toxicologic problems have been associated with 1 genus.

Cornus L. The best known genus of the family and prized for both the showy bracts of many of its species in the spring and the brilliant color of its autumn foliage, Cornus, known as dogwood or cornel, comprises about 60 species occurring primarily in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (Kubitzki 2004). In North America, approximately 30 species, numerous named hybrids, and many cultivars are present (USDA, NRCS 2012). The genus has been divided by some taxonomists into 3–6 smaller genera—for example, Swida, Cynoxylon, and Chamaepericlymenum—on the basis of differences in habit, phyllotaxy, and involucre. Representative of the genus are C. florida L. (flowering dogwood, cornel, dog tree, or bitter redberry), C. rugosa Lam. (round-leaved dogwood, alder dogwood, green osier, or swamp sassafras), and C. sericea L. (swamp dogwood, silky cornel, blueberry cornel, or female dogwood). Plants of the genus are deciduous or rarely evergreen trees, shrubs, or rarely herbs, with opposite, entire leaves, except for 1 species in which they are alternate. Borne in terminal glomerules or umbellate to paniculate cymes, the small flowers are 4-merous and produce large or small drupes of various colors. Perhaps the most distinctive feature is the presence in many species of an involucre of large, spreading, petaloid bracts, often mistaken for petals. Their appearance in woods of the eastern half of the continent is traditionally taken as a harbinger of spring. Fruits of 1 species of Cornus are made into preserves and an alcoholic beverage, and wood of others was used at one time for weaving shuttles and bobbins, because its tight grain did not snag the textile fibers.

bark: irritation of the digestive tract; toxicant unknown

Species of Cornus are generally not considered to be toxic, but the bark has effects on the heart and, when chewed and swallowed, may cause signs indicative of irritation of the digestive tract (Millspaugh 1974). Signs include nausea, headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sweating, and sedation. It is not known whether all species of the genus cause these effects, but they are consistent among C. florida, C. rugosa, and C. sericea. Probably all taxa should be suspected.

CORYNOCARPACEAE ENGL. Commonly known as the New Zealand laurel or karaka family, the Corynocarpaceae consists of a single genus, Corynocarpus, with 5 species of trees and shrubs native to New Zealand, Australia, and Polynesia (Brummitt 2007e).

Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance

Corynocarpus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. The genus is represented in North America by a single species, C. laevigatus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (karaka nut). Not winter hardy, it is grown as an ornamental only in the more moderate climates of California and Mexico and along the Gulf Coast. Attaining heights of 16 m, trees of this species have spreading crowns of stout branches that bear simple, alternate, evergreen, glossy leaves with obovateoblong blades and entire margins. The small, perfect, 5merous flowers are borne in terminal panicles and produce orange, ovoid drupes.

seeds; seizures, nausea, vomiting; rarely neurotoxic effects

Flesh of the drupes of C. laevigatus is edible, but the bitter seeds have the reputation of causing violent convulsive seizures in humans and paralysis of the pelvic limbs of animals (Bell 1974). Both seeds and fruits were eaten by the Maoris, but only after extensive preparation involving heating and washing.

heat-labile nitro-compound, karakin (Figure 77.4)

The effects are attributable to karakin, a nitropropanoyl glucopyranose that is identical to endecaphyllin B from Indigofera spicata in the Fabaceae (Carter and McChesney 1949; Finnegan and Stephani 1970; Bell 1974). Other glucopyranoyls present include corollin, coronarian, cibarian, and corynocarpin (Moyer et al. 1979). Convulsive seizures can be reproduced with either aqueous extracts of the seeds, karakin, or nitropropionic acid (3-NPA) (Bell 1974). The nectar is reported to be toxic to bees (McBarron 1976; Fuller and McClintock 1986). In the rare instance of intoxication, there will be nausea and vomiting and rarely spasms and paralysis. There are no distinctive pathological changes. Sedation to control the seizures is the primary treatment.

Figure 77.4.

Chemical structure of karakin.


CYPERACEAE JUSS. Morphologically very similar to the Poaceae, or grass family, and often mistaken for it, the Cyperaceae, or sedge family, comprises about 100 genera and 5000 species, of which 27 genera and 843 species occur in North America (Ball et al. 2002). Approximately two-thirds of the species belong to 6 genera. Cosmopolitan in distribution, the family is most abundant in subarctic and temperate regions; its taxa are characteristically encountered in wet or damp habitats (Cheek and Seberg 2007). In contrast to the grass family, the Cyperaceae is of minor economic importance. Stems and leaves of some taxa provide mediocre forage for cattle or are used for basketry and matting. Papyrus is derived from the stems of Cyperus. Other taxa are used as pot and water-garden ornamentals, and a few are used medicinally or eaten. Members of the family are perennial or annual, grasslike herbs with solid, typically 3-sided stems bearing 3-ranked leaves that have fused sheath margins. Wind pollinated and inconspicuous, the flowers are borne in spikes, and each is subtended by a scarious bract. A stem may bear 1 spike or many spikes clustered together. The fruit is an achene. Intoxication problems have been associated with the genus Schoenoplectus, while the genera Carex, Cyperus, and Schoenus pose potential risks.

Carex L. The largest genus in the family with about 2000 species and 480 in North America, Carex, commonly known as sedge or carex, is one of the largest genera of vascular plants (Ball and Reznicek 2002). Exhibiting the characteristic features of the family, it and 2 closely related genera differ from all other members of the family by having strictly imperfect flowers and pistillate flowers and pistils enclosed in perigynia. ergot causing endophytic fungi present in some species; possible cyanogensis in Europe Although species of Carex have not been incriminated in disease problems in North America, Claviceps grohii, closely related to the infamous C. purpurea, the cause of ergotism, has been discovered to be present in Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir., brownish sedge; Carex canescens L., silvery sedge; and Carex echinata Murray (reported as C. phyllomanica W.Boott.) star sedge, in Canada and the northern United States (Pazoutova et al. 2008). Species of Carex have also been suspected as a cause of cyanide intoxication in cattle in Europe (Rosca and Pavel 1969). However, there have been no reports


Toxic Plants of North America

linking Carex to cases of ergotism or cyanogensis in North America.

Cyperus L. Commonly known as flatsedge or umbrella-sedge, Cyperus is a pantropical and temperate genus of approximately 600 species, of which 96 native and introduced species are present in North America (Tucker et al. 2002). As its common name implies, its most distinctive feature is its laterally compressed (flat) spikelets. Also diagnostic are the strongly 3-sided culms (stems) bearing 3-ranked leaves, which are especially noticeable just below the inflorescence. ergot causing endophytic fungi present in 1 species In South Africa, C. esculentus, yellow nut sedge, a weedy introduction which now occurs across much of North America, has been associated with the fungal endophyte Claviceps cyperi, which has been identified as the cause of a type of ergotism known as summer slump in cows on several dairy farms (Naude et al. 2005). Aspects of this disease are presented in the treatment of Schedonorus in the Poaceae (Chapter 58). The disease in South Africa was characterized by hyperthermia and a 30% or more drop in milk production accompanied by a significant decline in serum prolactin. In one instance, considerable quantities of sedge were subsequently found in maize silage and in another outbreak, sedge was a contaminant in teff hay. Claviceps cyperi produced mainly the ergot alkaloid ergocryptine. This endophytic fungus is a distinct species and part of a group of closely related ergot fungi within a monophyletic clade in the genus, which is best represented by C. purpurea of classical ergotism and C. grohii (Pazoutova et al. 2008). The ergot was observed as a black sooty layer in the inflorescences and to form purplish-black sclerotia in place of the caryopses (van der Linde and Wehner 2007). There have been no reports of Cyperus being involved in cases of ergotism in North America.

Schoenoplectus (Rchb.) Palla Commonly known as naked stemmed bulrushes, species of Schoenoplectus are typically encountered in marshes, bogs, or waterways and often form dense stands (Galen Smith 2002). Comprising about 77 species, the genus is distributed worldwide (Galen Smith 2002) and was long treated as a subgenus of Scirpus in American floristic treatments. Systematic studies employing a variety of data sources have led to a dismemberment of Scirpus with as

many as 50 genera being recognized (Goetghebeur 1998) and recognition of Schoenoplectus once again. As its common name suggests, species of the genus have erect, 3-sided or cylindrical culms (stems) that bear basal or cauline, linear leaves, which are sometimes vestigial and scalelike. Solitary or borne in paniculate or capitate clusters, the spikes are turbinate with spiraled bracts. Each flower has 6 rough bristles (perianth parts), 3 stamens, and a 3-branched style. The smooth achenes are trigonous or lenticular. In North America, approximately 30 native and introduced species are present (Galen Smith 2002; USDA, NRCS 2012). Some are used as ornamentals, and others provide habitat for aquatic wildlife. 1 species suspected cause of ARDS in cattle Only 1 species has been implicated in a toxicologic problem. Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volkart ex Schinz & R.Keller, commonly known as chairmakers bulrush, Olney’s three-square bulrush, or swordgrass— reported as Scirpus americanus—is suspected to be a cause of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in cattle following their transfer from a poor pasture to one with good growth in which the species was abundant (Beath et al. 1953). In this situation, the cattle appeared to have eaten the plants readily, in contrast to animals’ typical reluctance to eat them. The disease appears to be the same as that caused by members of the Poaceae (see Chapter 58), presumably a result of the sudden increase in levels of ruminal tryptophan, predisposing the formation of excess 3-methylindole. The original descriptions of the disease were prompted mainly by the continuing problems occurring in cattle when they were first allowed to graze rape or kale in the fall of the year (Schofield 1948). labored respiration, expiratory grunt; severe pulmonary emphysema, edema In the rare instance of intoxication, signs occur 7–10 days after animals begin to graze Schoenoplectus. The animals will be in great distress, with labored, openmouth breathing with head extended and a noticeable expiratory grunt. The heart and respiratory rates are increased, and there may be either constipation or fetid diarrhea. At necropsy, the lungs will be uncollapsed, wet, heavy, and rubbery, with pockets of air in the interlobular septa. The tissue will be dark red and firm, with numerous irregular sections divided by interlobular emphysema. Edema and congestion throughout the lungs and frothy exudate in the trachea and bronchi can also be

Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance

anticipated. The liver may be pale, friable, and mottled; the gallbladder distended with bile; and the kidneys pale. Microscopically, there is rupture, collapse, and filling of alveoli with serous exudate, and edema and air in the interlobular connective tissue. There may be extensive areas of hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis around the central veins of the liver, presumably due to hypoxia. It is very important to minimize stress during the period of severe respiratory distress. Numerous drugs have been used, including corticosteroids, antihistamines, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, atropine, diuretics, and antibiotics, but therapy appears to be of limited value. Often, handling the animal for treatment causes stress and death due to acute respiratory embarrassment.

Schoenus L. Comprising about 80 species primarily in Australasia, Schoenus, commonly known as blackhead sedge, beaksedge, or bogrush, is represented in North America by 1 native species, S. nigricans L. (Tucker 2002). As its common names suggest, Schoenus has black or dark purple spikelets borne in terminal clusters at the ends of hollow, naked culms (stems) with short blackish leaves at their bases, and has a superficial resemblance to the rush genus Juncus. pulmonary edema in Australia Although not associated with disease in North America, 2 species in Australia (S. asperocarpus F.Muell. and S. rigens S.T. Blake) have been incriminated as a cause of sudden death in sheep. The intoxications were due to galegine, which causes a fatal pulmonary edema (Colegate et al. 1994; Dorling et al. 2004). See the treatment of Galega in the Fabaceae (Chapter 35).

DATISCACEAE DUMORT. A small family of 3 genera and 4 species, the Datiscaceae is of little economic value. It is generally considered related to Begoniaceae in the order Cucurbitales (Brummitt 2007f; Haston et al. 2009). Two monotypic genera are arborescent and occur in India and Southeast Asia. The third genus is herbaceous and occurs in southwestern North America and southern Asia. It has been implicated in toxicologic problems.

Datisca L. Datisca comprises only 2 species. Native to southern Asia, D. cannabina L., commonly known as akalbir, is a source of yellow dye and cultivated as an ornmanental for its


foliage. In North America, D. glomerata (C.Presl) Baill., or durango root, occurs in dry stream beds and washes in the foothills and mountains (up to 2000 m) of California, western Nevada, and Baja California (Boyd and Stone 2012). Plants of this species are dioecious or polygamous, perennial herbs 100–200 cm tall. Their 1-pinnately compound leaves are alternate above and appearing opposite or whorled below. Borne in axillary clusters, the flowers are imperfect or perfect, with the radially symmetrical perianths in 1-series of 3–8 sepals. Petals are absent; there are 8–12 stamens opposite the sepals; and the single, compound pistil has 3 styles and stigmas. Enclosing numerous, small, ellipsoidal, light brown seeds, the capsules are ovoid and 3-angled. ruminants: digestive disturbance, transient diarrhea, sometimes more severe with extreme weakness; may be fatal

Essentially limited to California as a cause of disease, D. glomerata is an occasional cause of digestive tract problems in cattle and possibly sheep and other ruminants (Wagnon and Hart 1945; Fuller and McClintock 1986; Galey et al. 1990). Like so many other taxa causing intoxications, it seems to be a problem only when all other forage has been depleted. Fuller and McClintock (1986) described a number of cases in which small numbers of cattle died in such circumstances. Association of the species with disease was confirmed experimentally by administration of dry leaves and capsules to cattle (Wagnon and Hart 1945). Sheep were very reluctant to eat the plants and appear to be at less risk. In most instances, only a small amount of plant material is eaten, and the response is likely to be transient diarrhea of only a day’s duration. However, Datisca may cause a more severe systemic response not entirely due to the apparent digestive tract effects, as shown by animals that die quickly and quietly after displaying extreme lethargy and weakness (Galey et al. 1990). terpenoids, datiscosides, glycosides of cucurbitacins; severe irritation

Datisca glomerata contains a series of terpenoids. Datiscosides A–H are glycosides of cucurbitacin D except for B and H, which are glycosides of cucurbitacin F. The latter differs in having a hydroxy rather than an oxy group at C-3 (Connolly and Hill 1991). Plants also contain a nonglycosidic triterpenoid, datiscacin. These compounds, similar to those of the closely related Cucurbitaceae, appear to be likely causes of the digestive


Toxic Plants of North America

plants of the genus are acaulescent, with a rosette of basal leaves, the blades of which bear long, gland-tipped hairs. Insects become entrapped in the sticky mucilage of these hairs and are digested by proteolytic enzymes and ribonucleases secreted by the plant. With white, pink, or purple petals, the typically 5-merous, radially symmetrical flowers are borne in cymes at the ends of elongate scapes. Commonly encountered in swamps, bogs, and wet sites, species of the genus occur across the continent. Figure 77.5.

Chemical structure of datiscosides.

problems and perhaps lethal effects, because they are known to cause other plant-associated intoxications (Figure 77.5). Following ingestion of D. glomerata, there is abrupt onset of lethargy, diarrhea, and subsequent dehydration. This leads to recumbency and death within a few hours in severe cases. The weakness may be severe enough that animals are unable to raise their heads off the ground, even when lying down. There are few significant lesions other than the severe irritant effects and reddening of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine. Leaves of D. glomerata are likely to be identifiable in the rumen. Supportive care, including fluids and electrolytes, will in most instances be adequate.

DROSERACEAE SALISB. Capturing insects by means of glandular hairs or hinged leaf blades, members of the Droseraceae, or sundew family, are perennial or annual herbs or subshrubs, distributed in temperate and tropical regions throughout the world. Ecologically quite diverse and occupying habitats ranging from aquatic to seasonally dry and from sea level to high altitude, the family comprises 3 genera and 150– 180 species (Culham 2007c). Perhaps most famous is the familiar botanical curiosity Dionaea muscipula Ellis, commonly known as the Venus flytrap, native to the southeastern United States. Many species of the family are used extensively in herbal medicines for their antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties (Krenn et al. 2004; Culham 2007c). One genus has been reported to be toxic.

Drosera L. Encompassing almost all of the species in the family, Drosera, commonly known as sundew, is distributed in both the Old and New World. Fifteen species and named hybrids are present in North America (USDA, NRCS 2012). Representative is circumboreal D. rotundifolia L., generally called round-leaved sundew, red rot, moorgrass, or youth root. Typically encountered in moist or wet soils,

irritant quinines; possible digestive disturbance There seems to be little doubt that D. rotundifolia is toxic, but few if any actual problems have been associated with it. It is reported to cause irritation of the digestive tract in sheep, and a tincture made from foliage and flowers causes respiratory tract changes, including increased secretions (Millspaugh 1974). An herbal diuretic is prepared from the entire plant (Olin 1989). These effects may be due to plumbagin (2-methyljugalone) or its isomer 7-methyljugalone, the simple quinone found in species of Plumbago and Juglans (Chapter 42) (Pammel 1911; Thomson 1971). This cytotoxic quinone is an irritant and vesicant on the skin and digestive tract (Inbaraj and Chignell 2004). With cytotoxic effects, intracellular levels of glutathione are depleted. Some Australian species of the genus are cyanogenic (Everist 1981).

DRYOPTERIDACEAE HERTER Comprising 40–45 genera and about 1700 species, of which approximately 70% are in 4 genera, the Dryopteridaceae, commonly known as the wood fern family, includes some of the most commonly encountered and widely distributed fern genera in North America (Smith et al. 2006). With recognition of 3 segregate families, the circumscription of the family has been narrowed since Smith’s (1993) treatment for the Flora of North America. In terms of plants of toxicologic significance, the most notable change is placement of Onoclea (sensitive fern) and Matteuccia (ostrich fern) in the family Onocleaceae (described below). As presently circumscribed (Smith et al. 2006), the Dryopteridaceae includes rhizomatous, perennial herbs that produce sporangia in sori on abaxial surfaces of fronds. The fronds are generally all alike. They exhibit circinate vernation and are simple, 1-pinnately, or 2pinnately compound. Borne on the veins, the round sori are separate or contiguous; are orbicular, oblong, or Ushaped; and have their indusia attached beneath them, at their centers, or at 1 side. Although disease problems due to ingestion of ferns are generally associated with Pteridium (bracken fern) in the

Families with Species of Questionable Toxicity or Significance

Dennstaedtiaceae (see Chapter 30), the potential to cause problems is not exclusive to that family or genus. A feature common to many fern species is their capacity to cause thiaminase-induced neurointoxication (Chick et al. 1989). However, an appreciable amount of plant material must be consumed for a sustained period, thus limiting the likelihood of disease. In any cases of neurologic disease in horses where ferns are present, the possibility of thiaminase activity should be considered. In the Dryopteridaceae, toxicologic problems are linked to 1 genus.

Dryopteris Adans. Commonly known as shield fern, male fern, and wood fern, Dryopteris comprises about 250 New World and Old World species, of which 14 occur in North America (Montgomery and Wagner 1993). Numerous hybrids are also present and species identification can be difficult. Widespread, commonly encountered representatives are D. filix-mas (L.) Schott (male fern), D. fragrans (L.) Schott (fragrant wood fern), and D. marginalis (L.) A.Gray (marginal wood fern). In addition to the morphological features of the family, the genus exhibits thick, erect or short creeping rhizomes from which clusters of usually evergreen, semileathery fronds typically arise. The blades are deltoid ovate to lanceolate, are simple (pinnatifid) to 3-pinnately compound, and bear sori, with orbicular to reniform indusia, in 1 row between margins and midribs. Habitats occupied by species of Dryopteris include moist or swampy woods, thickets, stream banks, shaded cliffs, and talus slopes. Distribution maps of the 14 species can be accessed online via the PLANTS Database (http:// and the Flora of North America ( D. filix-mas: buds of rhizomes; digestive disturbance; neurologic effects, blindness Only D. filix-mas is definitely known to be toxic, and reports are mainly from Europe, where episodes can occur in the spring, fall, or winter when other forage is limited. Acute intoxication follows ingestion of the apical buds of the rhizomes and is associated with severe digestive disturbance and blindness, which may be permanent in some animals (Edgar and Thin 1968). In one case in the United Kingdom, 3 of 40 yearling Simmental cattle developed abrupt onset of ataxia, depression, and bilateral blindness (Mitchell and Wain 1983). The pupils were dilated and unresponsive. One animal subsequently recovered its sight, whereas the others were permanently blind. In another incident, 8 of 61 animals initially affected remained blind (Rosen et al. 1970). Interestingly, affected


blind animals are often found standing or lying in water (Macleod et al. 1978). Although experimental evidence is lacking, both D. fragrans and D. marginalis have been considered to be of some risk (Pammel 1911). Experiments in India with calves indicate that D. juxtaposita Christ produces adverse effects similar to those caused by Pteridium aquilinum described in Chapter 30 (Bhure et al. 2006). An extract from the frond bases and apical buds of D. filix-mas has long been used as a taeniacide to combat tapeworms in dogs. Toxicity from the extract is consistent with that seen in clinical cases in cattle, with digestive disturbance and neurologic problems, including blindness that is rarely permanent (Grant 1962). phloroglucinols, irritants; cause of blindness unknown Toxicity and anthelmintic activity appear to be due primarily to phloroglucinol derivatives or a mixture of acylphloroglucinols, which is referred to as crude filicin (Widen et al. 1980; Richter et al. 1987; Murakami and Tanaka 1988). Also present in other members of the family, they include albaspidins, aspidins, and filixic acids. These compounds, which fluoresce, are localized in intracellular spaces of rhizomes and leaf bases (Franchi and Ferri 1988). Crude filicin is toxic, and several ounces of concentrated extract caused death of a 300-kg cow (Harvey et al. 1944). The cause of the blindness is unknown, but the disease seems to be quite different in origin from that caused by Pteridium, because hematologic parameters are within normal limits and the disease is not responsive to vitamin administration. depression; dry/dark feces; seizures; blindness; changes in optic disk With respect to clinical signs, there is acute depression, decreased rumination, dry/dark feces, painful-appearing seizures, and rapid/weak pulse. There is little effect on appetite. Blindness, of varying duration, is a very prominent feature. Ocular examination in cases of acute disease reveals papilledema with solitary to multiple focal hemorrhages on or around the optic disk and on the retina (Rosen et al. 1970). In more chronic cases, the optic disk is shrunken and light gray, the vessels of the disk and retina are thin, and the tapetal reflex is coarse and fragmented. gross pathology, reddened gut mucosa microscopic, cerebral edema, optic nerve edema, atrophy


Toxic Plants of North America

Gross pathologic changes are limited to reddening of the mucosa of the abomasum and small intestine. Microscopically, there is mild focal edema of the gray matter of the cerebrum and cerebellum and some intramyelinic and periaxonal edema. Blindness is associated with acute bilateral retrobulbar optic neuropathy with edema and atrophy of the optic nerve and degeneration of axons and myelin. There is no specific treatment other than supportive general nursing care.

EPHEDRACEAE DUMORT. Classified in the division Gnetophyta and morphologically quite different from other gymnosperms, the Ephedraceae, commonly known as the Mormon tea or joint-fir family, comprises a single genus, Ephedra, with about 35–60 species in arid regions of Eurasia and the Americas (Kubitzki 1990; Stevenson 1993).

Ephedra L. The genus Ephedra is represented in North America by 12 species (Cutler 1939; Stevenson 1993). Representative and known to cause adverse effects on the digestive system is E. viridis Coville. Superficially resembling Equisetum (horsetail), it and other species of the genus are dioecious shrubs or vines that produce pollen and seed cones. Their stems are jointed and bear whorled, fascicled, or opposite, terete, photosynthetic branches. Scalelike and typically caducous, the leaves are opposite with basal sheaths. Pollen cones are elliptic, with 5–8 pairs of opposite microsporophylls. Seed cones are also elliptic, maturing in 1 year and bearing 4–6 pairs of opposite ovuliferous scales. There are 1 or 2 seeds per cone, and they are conspicuously exserted, 3- or 4-angled, dark brown, smooth, and wingless. Species of the genus inhabit arid or alkaline sites, dry riverbeds, and other habitats in the desert and mountainous areas of the southwestern United States and Mexico. used medicinally and for food and drink; sap causes skin irritation Species of Ephedra, especially those of the Old World, have been used medicinally for centuries, as an antipyretic, antisyphilitic, circulatory stimulant, antihistamine, and cough suppressant (Stevenson 1993). In North America, E. nevadensis S.Watson and E. viridis were popular among western tribes of Native Americans as a source of tea—hence the common names Indian tea, Mexican tea, and Mormon tea. However, E. viridis was reputed to make the best tea, and although it was commonly used, its extensive use was thought to be

detrimental to health (Ebeling 1986). Seeds were used to make flour for bread and cakes. Sap from these plants is also a cause of contact irritation of the skin (Mitchell and Rook 1