Intro; Title Page; Copyright; Contents; List of Maps; 1. The Mighty Bismarck Goes to Sea; 2. The Shadowing of the Bismar
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English Pages 80 pages Year 2014
Table of contents :
Title Page
List of Maps
1. The Mighty Bismarck Goes to Sea
2. The Shadowing of the Bismarck
3. First Battle: The Bismarck Sinks the Hood
4. "Avenge the Hood!"
5. The Bismarck Is Lost
6. Where Is the Bismarck?
7. The Bismarck Is Found Again
8. The British Attack the Wrong Ship!
9. An Eleventh Hour Turn of Fortune
10. A Desperate Night on the Bismarck
11. Final Battle: The Sinking of the Bismarck
A Note on Sources.